34 BAC. flA.C0N, Francis, Viscount St. Albans — continued. Lord Bacon and A. Comte ; a parallel between ... by A. E. Finch. 8vo. 1872 Lord Bacon : a vindication of his character and philoSophy from prevailing prejudices . . . by A. E. Finch. Svo. 1885 Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene, a study : by E. J. Castle. 8vo. 1897 Sir Francis Bacon's cipher story, discovered and deciphered by 0. W. Owen. Books i. and ii. Svo. 1894 The hidden lives of Shakespeare and Bacon and their business connection ... by W. G. Thorpe. Svo. 1897 Bacon vs. Shakspere, brief for plaintiff : by E. Eeed. Svo. 1899 Shakespeare studies in Baconian light : by E. M. Theobald. 8vo. 1901 The songe for entertainment of the Lord Chancellor [Bacon] at Grais Ine on Ca.ndlemas day [1617J. MS. See Makston, John, The Maske of Mountebanks. Bacon, George W. New large scale ordnance atlas of the British Isles ; with plans of towns . . . 4to. [1889] New large scale atlas of London and suburbs ; reduced from the ordnance, with supplementary maps . . . 4to. 1901 Bacon, John. Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum ; with an appen- dix containing directions and precedents relating to presentations, institutions, inductions, dispensations . . , [New edition of Ecton's Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum.] 4to. 1786 Bacon, Matthew. A new Abridgment of the Law : by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 5 vols. fol. 1736-66 — Seventh edition, with additions . . . bv Sir H. Gwillim and C. E. Dodd. ' 8 vols. 8vo. 1832 Treatise on Leases and Terms for years. Svo. 1798 Bacon, Nathaniel. An historical and political discourse of the uniformity of the govern- ment of England, the first part from the first times till the reign of Edward III. 4to. 1647 An historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England, from the first times to the end of the reign of Queen Eliza- beth; witha vindication of the antient way of Parliaments in England: collected from some manuscript notes of John Selden. Fourth Edition, by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. fol. 1739 See also Spiba, Francis. BAG— BAI. 35 Bacon, Roger. Opera. [^Britain, No. 16.] The famous historic of Fryer Bacon . . . [Thorns' Early English prose romances, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1858 Bacon and Holt Scholarships. Examination papers, 1874-1905. 2 vols. fol. [1874-1905] Bagehot, Walter. The English Constitution. New edition, with an additional chapter. 8vo. 1872 — Seventh edition. 8vo. 1894 Physics and Politics : or, thoughts on the application of the prin- ciples of " natural selection " and " inheritance " to political society. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1887 Bagenal, Philip H. Crime in Ireland. The winter assizes in Ulster, Munster, Leinster, and Connaught ; with an appendix. 8vo. Dublin, 1880 Bagshaw v. Spencer. Case of Bagshaw and Spencer in Chancery, 22 Geo. 2. [CollectoMea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Bagshawe, H. R. Legal Education, its past and future: a letter to Sir Richard Bethell. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 3.] 8vo. 1858 Bahamas, The. The statute law of the Bahamas ; comprising all acts of the G-eneral Assembly of the Bahama Islands in force [from 1784] to 38 Vict, c. 36 [1875], inclusive : collected and arranged ... by Sir Q-. C. Anderson . . . 8vo. 1877 The statute law of the Bahamas ; comprising all acts of the General Assembly oE the Bahama Islands in force [from 1795] to 62 Vict. c. 33 [1899] inclusive : collected and arranged ... by Sir 0. D. Malcolm . . . 8vo. 1901 Laws of the Bahamas passed in the sessions of the Legislature . . . 1875-1905. 6 vols. 8vo. Nassau, 1876-1905 Bail Court Reports. Bail court reports : by T. W. Saunders and H. T. Cole ; containing the cases determined from Hilary term, 1846, to Michaelmas term, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847-49 — By J. J. Lowndes and P, B, Maxwell ; Hilary term, 1852, to Hilary term, 1854. 8yo. 1852-54 o 2 RKELEY iRARY /ERSITY or LIfORNIA ®lye gibtavu* ©rtm'* ^nn. ^a«t«tr of tlje gibraru. CATALOGUE OF GRAY'S INN LIBRARY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arGhive.org/details/catalogueofbooloOOgrayrich CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE LI BR ARY OF THE §^0n0ttmlik ^Muii d ^m|jsi §m: WITH AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS. COMPILED, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF JAMES MULLIGAN, K.C.. MASTER OF THE LIBRARY, BY M. D. SEVERN, LIBRARIAN. lonftott : Printed by WITHERBY & CO., 326, High Holbobn, W.C. 1906. lOAN STACK n^asters of tbe Bencb u)l)o bave rilled tbe Office of rnaster of tfce Clbrarp. 1847. THOMAS JAMES. 1852. WILLIAM JOHN BEODEEIP. 1859. JOHN GODFEEY TEED. 1863. JAMES BARSTOW. 1867. WILLIAM MAWDESLEY BEST. 1869. JOHN ARCHIBALD RUSSELL. 1899. WILLIAM BOWEN ROWLANDS. 1903. JAMES MULLIGAN. PREFACE The earliest mention of tlie Library of tlie Honourable Society of Gray's Inn which has been found is contained in the will of Robert Chaloner, dated in the year 1555. Robert Chaloner, who had been a Reader of the Society, made a bequest in the words following : — " I will that all my bookes of lawe, as well those whiche ar at Yorke as at my house, also all those whiche be at London, y£ theie can be conveied, hadde, or carved by any meanes to Grauisin, to my cosin, Robert Nowell, and then xls. in moneye to be dely vered unto the said Robert Nowell, to th' entent that he male by cheines therwith and fasten so manye of them in the Librarye at Grauisin as he shall thinke convenyente and all the residue whiche are not necessarye for the said Librarye my said cosin Nowell to take or gyve at his pleasure." (See Douthwaite's " Gray's Inn, its History and Associations," p. 175.) Many books in the Library have attached to their covers the iron rings by which they were secured, but the chains purchased by Robert Nowell with the money bequeathed to him to "by cheines" have not been preserved. There were so few law books published in England at the date of Chaloner's will that it was not thought necessary to have a Librarian either at Gray's Inn or at other Inns of Court. Recourse was had to the use of chains by all the Inns (" Lincoln's Inn Black Books," vol. IL, pp. 75, 301, 397; "Inner Temple Records," vol. IL, pp. xxxiii, 45; "Middle Temple Records," vol. III., p. 1417), a clumsy expedient which did not answer anywhere. When the Inner Temple Library was repaired in 1553, it was found necessary to close up a door into a chamber "for the safeguard" of the books that should be there brought and laid for the maintenance and learning of the laws of the realm ( " Inner Temple Records," vol. L, p. 169). 351 VI. PREFACE. As to the Middle Temple, Dugdale says X" Origines Juridiciales," 2nd ed., p. 197) : — " They [the members of the Middle Temple] now have no Library, so that they cannot attaine to the knowledge of divers learnings, but to their great charges, by the buying of such bookes, as they lust to study. They had a simple Library, in which were not many bookes besides the Law ; and that Library, by meanes that it stood allwayes open, and that the learners had not each of them a Key unto it, it was at the last robbed and spoiled of all the bookes in it." The Library in Gray's Inn was exposed to the like risks. But this backward state did not last long. Bacon, during the fifty years (1576-1626) of his member- ship of Gray's Inn, and Hale, during his membership (1628-1676) of Lincoln's Inn, did much to advance the law libraries. This may be inferred from the Harleian MS., No. 5900 (circa 1707), from which the following extracts are taken : — " An acco** of y® several Libraries Publick & Private in & about London for y« satisfaction of y® Curious, whether Natives or Foreigners. ****** I thought fit to inform y« World y* in London & West- minster are not only abundance of rare Printed books & MSS. but Antiquities, as Statues, Medals, Paintings & many other Curiosities both in Art & Nature w°^ may vie w^ any City in Europe Eome excepted. ***** [There follows a description of libraries in : — 1. The Tower. 2. The Great Cloyster of the Abbey of Westminster, 3. The Palace of St. James, 4. The Church of St. Martin' s-in-the-Fields, 5. Lambeth Palace. J Grays Inn hath a Library of y^ use of y® Society & Students of y* House mostly consisting of Books relating to ye Law & History first founded by y^ L^ Verulam. Lincolns Inn hath a good Library of y« Law, much augmented by y« addition of y® L30 2 ABE— ACT. ^^ Aberdeen University. Officers of the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, 1593-1860. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1897 Calendar for the year 1904-05. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1904 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Abingdon, James, Earl of. Correspondence relating to the Monmouth Insurrection, 1683-85. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, Earl of. Letter to the Earl of Abingdon ... in which his Lordship's candid and liberal treatment of the now Earl of Mansfield is fully vindicated: [by Dr. Lind.] [Tracts, vol. 1, 'No. S.] 8vo. 1778 Abinger, James Scarlett, Lord. Memoir of. See Scarlett, Peter Campbell. Abraham May E., and Davies Arthur Llewellyn. The law relating to Factories and Workshops (including laundries and docks) . . . 8vo. 1896 Accountants and Auditors. The Incorporated Accountants' Tear book, 1905-06 . . . 8vo. 1905 See also Chartered Accountants. AcHERLET, Roger. The Britannic Constitution : or, the fundamental form of govern- ment in Britain ; demonstrating the original contract entered into by King and People according to the primary institutions thereof in this nation. Wherein is proved that the placing on the throne King William III. was the natural fruit and effect of the original constitution, and that the succession to this Crown, establish'd in the present Protestant heirs, is de jure, and justify'' by the fundamental laws of Grreat Britain , . . fol. 1727 Achilles, A. Biirgerliches Gresetzbuch nebst Einfiihrungsgesetz. See Codes, Germany. AcLAND Arthur H. Dyke, and Ransome Cyril. A handbook in outline of the political history of England to 1894, chronologically arranged. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1894 Actions. The law of actions ; being an exact brief and methodical collection of all adjudg'd cases out of all the reports of the law to this day, and likewise from Roll's Abridgment . . . 8vo. 1710 Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Baron. Bibliography of the historical works of. See Royal Historical Society. See also Cambridge Modern History. ACT— ADD. 3 Acton, Thomas Harman. Reports of cases argued and determined before the Lords Commis- sioners of Appeals m Prize Causes, also on appeal to the King in Council, from June, 1809, to July, 1811 ; with an appendix containing Orders in Council. 2 vols. 8vo. 1811 Acts of Parliament. See Statutes. Adam, Alexander. Eoman Antiquities ; or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. Ninth edition. 8vo. 1822 Adam de Maeibco. Epistolse. [Britain, No. 4.] Adams, Henry. The Anglo-Saxon courts of law. See Anglo-Saxon Law. Adams, John. Londinum . . . the renowned City of London surveyed and illus- trated in a Latin poem : translated by W. P., of Gray's Inn. 4to. [1670] — See also Haeleian Miscellany, vol. 10. Index Villaris : or, an exact register, alphabetically digested, of all cities, market towns, parishes ... of each county ; the bishoprics, deaneries, rectories, in England and Wales, and their respective valuations in the King's books. fol. 1700 Adams, John. Treatise on the principles and practice of the action of Ejectment, and the resulting action for mesne profits. Third edition. 8vo. 1830 See also Beadbt, James ; Law of Distresses. Adams, Ralph. Report of the case of Adams v. MalJcin ; being an issue out of Chan- cery, to try if a London attorney-at-law was liable to the bankrupt laws as a money-scrivener : with an appendix relative to scriveners, by P. Hurd. 8vo. 1814 Adams, Thatcher M. A letter addressed to A. H. Brown, Esq., M.P., on the settlement of land, and system of land transfer in the United States. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 10.] Bvo. 1872 Adamus, Franciscus Antonius. Substitutionum summa aurea . . . 4to. Neapoli, 1637 Addams, Jesse. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doetors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates, from Hilary term, 1822, to Trinity term, 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. 1823-27 b2 4 ADD— ^LF. ^ Addington, Sir William. Abridgment of Penal Statutes . . . Second edition. 4to. [1779] ADDISON, Charles Greenstreet, The Knights Templars. Second edition. 8vo. 1842 A treatise on the law of Torts, or wrongs and their remedies. Seventh edition, by H. Smith and A. P. P. Keep. 8vo. 1893 A treatise on the law of Contracts. Tenth edition, edited by A. P. P. Keep and W. E. Gordon. 8vo. 1903 Addison, Joseph. Works : a new edition, with notes by Eichard Hurd, Lord Bishop of Worcester. 6 vols. 8vo. 1811 Adelung, Johann Christoph. Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit dem Vater TJnser als Sprachprobe in beynahe fiinf hundert Sprachen und Mundarten. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Berlin, 1806-17 Adolphtjs, John. The history of England, from the accession to the decease of King George the Third. 7 vols. 8vo. 1840-45 Adolphus, John Leycester. Reports of King's Bench cases. See Barnewall, Eichard Vaughan. See also Queen's Bench Reports. Adolphus John Leycester, and Ellis Thomas Flower. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Easter term, 1834, to Michaelmas term, 1837 ; and in the Court of Queen's Bench, from Trinity term, 1837, to Michaelmas vacation, 1841. 12 vols. 8vo. 1835-42 Adventurer, The. See Essayists, British. Advocates, College op. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Advocates, Faculty of. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. ^Elfric, Archbishop of York. Sermones Catholici. [jiElfric Society, No. 1.] iELFRic Society's Publications. 1. The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. The first part con- taining the Sermones Catholici, or liomilies of ^Ifric, in the original Anglo-Saxon ; with an English version by B. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844-46 2. The poetry of the Codex Vercellensis ; with an English transla- tion by J. M. Kemble. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 1843-56 3. The dialogue of Salomon and Satumus ; with an historical introduction by J. M. Kemble, 8vo. 1848 JELl—AG-R. 6 ^LiANUS, Claudius. Varia historia, ad MStos codices nunc primum recognita et castigata, cum versione Justi Vulteji, sed innumeris in locis ad Grsecum auctoris contextum amendata, et perpetuo commentario Jacobi Perizonii. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugduni, 1701 ^SCHYLUS. Tragcedise septem, cum versione Latina. 2 vols. 8vo. Qlasguse, 1806 Tragoediae. Ad optimorum librorum fidem recensuit, integram lectionis varietatem notasque adjecit Aug. Wellauer. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Cantahrigise, 1827 MaoF. A manual of ^sopic fable literature . . . by G . C. Keidel. 8vo. Baltimore, 1897 See also Phjedeus. -^THELWEAED. Chronicon iEthelweardi. [Record Commission, No. 24] Afeica. See South Afeica. Aaos, William Hanbury. Agricultural Holdings Acts, 1883 and 1900. See Lely, John Mounteney. Agnellus, Thomas, Archdeacon of Wells. De morte et sepultura Henrici regis Anglise junioris. [Britain No. 66.] Agnew, William Fischer. Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 8vo. 1876 Tagore Law Lectures, 1881 : the law of Trusts in British India ; with an appendix . . . 8vo. Calcutta, 1882 Agnew WilHam Fischer, and Hendeeson Gilbert S. The Code of Criminal Procedure, being Act v. of 1898, together with rulings, circular orders, notifications ... of all the high courts in India ; and notifications and orders of the Government of India and the local Governments. Fourth edition by G. S. Henderson. 8vo. Calcutta, 1898 Ageicultuee. Reports and minutes of evidence taken before her Majesty's Com- missioners on Agriculture. 3 vols. fol. 1881-82 Digest and appendix to evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Agriculture ; together with reports of the Assistant Com- missioners. 2 vols in 1. fol. 1881-82 Reports of the Assistant Commissioners ; together with reports on the agricultural departments of foreign countries. 7 vols, in 1. fol. 1880-82 Report of proceedings of the Board of Agriculture for the year 1902. 8vo. 1903 6 AGU— ALA. Aghjessbau, Henri Fran9ois d'. See D'Aguessbau. Ahrens, Heinrich. Principles of juristic methodology. Outline of an academic course of juristic study : translated from the German by W. Hastie. [In Hastie's Jurisprudence, pp. 220-228.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 AiLRED, Abbot of Bievaulx. Historia. See Twtsden, Sir Eoger, Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Eelatio de Standardo. [Britain, No. 82.] AiNswoBTH, Eobert. Thesaurus linguae Latinae compendiarius : or, a compendious dic- tionary of the Latin tongue . . . Fourth edition. 2 vols. fol. 1752 AiRD, David Mitchell. The civil laws of France to the present time; supplemented by notes illustrative of the analogy between the rules of the Codo Napoleon and the leading principles of the Roman law. 8vo. 1875 AiET, Osmund. Essex papers, 1672-79. [Camden Society, new series, No. 47.] Lauderdale papers, 1639-73. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 34, 36, 38.] Letters addressed to the Earl of Lauderdale, 1660-69. [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] Akerman, John Yonge. Secret Services of Charles II. and James II. [Camden Society, No. 52.] Alabama Claims. Treaty between her Majestv and the United States of America, signed at Washington, May 8th, 1871. fol. 1871 Case presented on the part of the Government of her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration, constituted under Article i. of the treaty concluded at Washington on the 8th May, 1871, between her Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. fol, [1872] Appendix to the case presented on the part of the Government of her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. 7 vols. fol. [1872] Vol. 1.— Correspondence respecting tlie "Florida," "Alabama," " Q-eorgia," and " Shenandoah." 2.— Correspondence respecting the " Sumter," " Nashville," " Ber- muda," " Hector," " Alexandra," and other vessels. 3. — Correspondence respecting the commencement of the civil war in the United States; declarations of neutrality of British and foreign governments ; neutrality laws of &reat Britain and the United States. ALA. 7 Alabama Claims — continued. 4. — General correspondence on the " Alabama " claims presented to Parliament. 5. — Papers relating to the "Florida," "Alabama," "Shenandoah," " Chickamauga," '•'Tallahassee," and " Eetribution " ; corres- pondence of the goTernment of the United States, and opinions of United States' Attorneys-Q-eneral, relative to the preservation of neutrality. 6. — Correspondence respecting the reception of Confederate Cruisers in ports of other countries ; papers relating to the supply of arms to the United States from Great Britain, during the civil war. 7. — Reports of Committees appointed by the Board of Trade and Ad- miralty to examine the lists of claims contained in vol. Tli. of the Appendix to the case of the United States. The case of the United States to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration ... at Geneva. 8vo. 1872 Counter-case presented on the part of the Government of her Britannic Majesty. fol. [1872] Alphabetical list of the documents and correspondence submitted, with the cases and counter- cases of the United States and of Great Britain, to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. fol. 1872 The counter-case of the United States, presented to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva under the provisions of the treaty of Washington; with an appendix containing additional documents, correspondence, and evidence. fol. Paris, 1872 Documents accompanying the counter-case of the United States, and Cuban correspondence 1866-71. fol. Paris, [1872] Argument or summary, showing the points and referring to the evidence relied upon by the Government of her Britannic Majesty, in answer to the claims of the United States, presented to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. '' fol, [1872] The indirect claims of the United States under the treaty of Washington of May 8th, 1871, as submitted to the Tribunal of Arbi- tration at Geneva, by W. B. Lawrence. 8vo. Providence, 1872 Proceedings of the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. 2 vols. fol. 1873 Part 1. — Protocols, correspondence . . . 2. — The Award, and the reasons of Sir Alexander Cockbum for dis - senting from the award. Alabaster, Ernest. Notes and commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law and cognate topics ; with special relation to ruling cases : together with a brief excursus on the law of property chiefly founded on the writings of the late Sir C. Alabaster. 8vo. 1899 Alan of Tewkesbury. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britain, No. 67.1 Aland, Georg. David. De statu hominum apud veteres Germanos. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Lipsias, 1745 8 ALB— ALE. Albany, Charlotte Stuart, Duchess of. Will, 1789. [Scottish History Society, No 44..] Albebigijs a Bosate. See Eosate. Albert Abbiteation. Albert Arbitration: Lord Cairns's decisions; reported by F. S. Eeilly. Parts 1-3. 8vo. 1872-75 Alcocz, John C. Registry cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the twelve Judges in Ireland, from November, 1832, to June, 1837. 8vo. Buhlin, 1837 Reports of King's Bench cases, Ireland. See Cooke, J. E. Alcock John C, and Napier Joseph. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, from Trinity term, 1831 to Trinity vacation, 1833. 8vo. Dvhlin, 1834 Alderson, Edward Hall. Reports of King's Bench cases. See Barnewall, Richard Vaughan. [Aleman, Mateo.] Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, nouvellement traduite par Le Sage. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783 Alembert, Jean le Rond d'. Dictionnaire encyclopedique. See Encyclopedias. Alexander the Great. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. See Curtius, Quintus. Alexander VII., Pope. Alexander VII., and the College of Cardinals. [Camden Society, No. 92.] Alexandra Case. The Attorney- General v. Sillem and others, claiming the vessel " Alexandra," seized under the Foreign Enlistment Act (59 Geo. III., cap. 69). Report of the trial before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron and a special jury ; with an appendix. 8vo. 1863 Report of the arguments on the application of the Attorney-Greneral, for leave to move for a new trial . . . together with the judgment of the Court ; and also an appendix containing various documents referred to. 8vo. 1864 ALE— ALL. 9 Alexandra Case — continued. Report of the argument on the preliminary objection to the juris- diction of the Exchequer Chamber, on appeal under the new rides of the Court of Exchequer, . . . together with the judgment of the Court; and an appendix containing the rules and statutes referred to, and an abstract of the case on appeal to the Exchequer Chamber. 8vo. 1864 Report of the arguments on the case, on appeal against the decision of the Court of Exchequer Chamber on the preliminary objection to the jurisdiction of that Court, under the new rules of the Court of Exchequer, applying the Common Law Procedure acts to the revenue side of the Exchequer ; together with the judgment of the House of Lords Svo. 1864 On appeal in the House of Lords from the Exchequer Chamber : joint case on appeal, and appendix thereto. 4to. [1864] Alexandri, J. H. De jure allodiali principum imperii. [German University Tracts. vol. 2.] 4to. 1697 Aleyn, John. Reports of select cases in B. R., 22, 23, & 24 Car. I. fol. 1688 Alpoed, Michael. Fides regia Britannica, sive annales ecclesise Britannicse . . . 4 vols. fol. Leodii, 1663 Alfred, pseud. See Ktdd, Samuel. Alfred the Great. The whole works of King Alfred the Great ; with preliminary essays illustrative of the history, arts, and manners of the ninth century. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858 Asserius de rebus gestis ^Ifredi. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Ali, Syed Ameer. Tagore Law Lectures, 1884: the law relating to gifts, trusts, and testamentary dispositions among the Mahommedans (according to Hanafi, Maliki, Shafei, and Shiah schools) : compiled from authorities in the original Arabic, with notes . . . and an introduction on the growth and development of Mahommedan jurisprudence. Svo. Calcutta, 1885 The Spirit of Islam, or the life and teachings of Mohammed. Second edition. 8vo. 1896 Alison, Sir Archibald, History of Europe, from the commencement of the French Revolu- tion, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons, in 1815. Seventh edition. 20 vols. 8vo. 1847-48 Allahabad Law Repobts. See Indian Law Reports. :) 10 ALL. Allahabad IJNiTEESiTy. Calendar for the year, 1904-05. 8vo. Allahabad, 1904 Allan, Charles E. The law relating to Goodwill. 8vo. 1889 The law of Compensation. See Browne, John Hutton Balfour. Allcard v. Skinner. Speech for the Defendant, in the case of Allcard v. Skinner. See Clarke, Sir Edward. Allegiance. The mirrour of allegiance : or, a looking-glasse for the English, wherein they may reade their duty towards Grod and their King, and how to carry themselves in the taking or refusing of Oaths and Covenants. 4to. 1647 [Bound with Digges's Unlawfulness of subjects taking up armes against their Soveraigne.'] Allen, Charles. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1861-67. [Massachusetts Reports, vols. 83-96.] 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1861-69 Allen Greorge Baugh, and Allen "Wilfred B. Forms of indorsements of writs of summons, pleadings, and other proceedings in the Queen's Bench Division prior to trial, pursuant to the rules of the Supreme Court, 1883 ; with supplement of rules and forms of pleadings applicable to the other Divisions. 8vo. 1883 Allen, John. The trial of an action of trespass . . . between John Allen, plaintiff, and Frederick Waller and John Shaw, Overseers of the Poor of St. Dunstan's-in-the West, defendants, respecting the liability of the Hon. Society of Clifford's Inn to payment of rates for the relief of the Poor; to which are prefixed observations on the liability of places usually termed extra-parochial, including the Inns of Court and Chancery, to payment of poor rates : by J. Hickin. Svo. 1822 Allen, John. Inquiry into the rise and growth of the Royal Prerogative in England : a new edition, with the author's latest corrections, to which is added the life and character of King Eadwig : [edited by B. Thorpe.] 8vo. 1849 Allen, John. Trial of John Allen for high treason. See O'Coigly, James. Allen, T. See New Sessions Cases. Allen, Wilfred Baugh. The Criminal Evidence Act, 1898 . . . and a short history of the Act : by Sir H. B. Poland. Svo. 1898 ALL-AMB. 11 Allen, William, pseud. See Titus, Silas. Allibone, S. Austin. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the nineteenth century. 3 vols. 8vo. 1859-72 — Supplement, by J. F. Kirk. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1891 Almack, Richard. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, 1642-46. {_Camden Society, No. 61.] Almon, John. Debates and proceedings of the House of Commons, 1743-46. 2 vols. 8vo. 1766 A new and impartial collection of letters, from the public papers . . . September, 1765, to May, 1767. 2 vols. 8vo. 1767 Another letter to Mr. Almon in matter of libel. [Tracts, vol. 5, No. 5.] 1770 Memoirs and Correspondence of John Wilkes. See Wilkes, John. Alpe, Edmund Nicholas. The law of Stamp Duties on deeds and other instruments : revised and amplified by A. B. Cane. Tenth edition. Svo. 1905 Alsop, James Richard. Is Mr. Osborne Morgan's bill based on any grievance ? . . . [Burial Bill Tracts, No. 5.] Svo. [1875] Alstedius, Johann Heinrich. De manducatione spiritiiali, transsubstantiatione, sacrificio missae dissertatio. Accessit Joh. Prideauxii de ecclesiae visibilitate, et Benedicti Turretini de natura ecclesiae disputatio. [Bound with Chamier's Panstratiss Gatholicse, vol. 4.] fol. Genevas, 1630 Althaus, Dr. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous ; National Portraits. Amatis, Marcus Antonius de. Decisiones. See Caeocius, Vincentius. Ambler, Charles. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, with some few in other courts, 1737-83. fol. 1790 Ambeose William, and Feeguson William Bates. The Land Transfer Acts, 1875 and 1897, and Land Transfer rules and forms, 1898 ... Svo. 1898 12 AME. America. An abridgment of the laws in force and use in her Majesty's plantations ; viz., of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New England, New York, Carolina. . . . 8vo. 1704 The laws of the British plantations in America, relating to the Church and the clergy, religion and learning: collected ... by N. Trott. fol. London, 1721 Tracts on the subject of taxing the American colonies and regulating their trade. 2 vols. 8vo. 1766-66 The charters of the provinces of North America: viz., Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay, and Georgia: to which is prefixed, a narrative of the pro- ceedings of the North American Colonies, in consequence of the late stamp act. 4to. 1766 Observations on several acts of Parliament passed in the fourth, sixth, and seventh years of his present Majesty's reign. Published by the merchants of Boston. [Tracts, .vol. 5, No. 4] 8vo. 1770 The American Gazette; being a collection of all the authentic addresses, memorials, petitions, and other papers which have been published . . . [from] 1768 to the present time . . . the whole calculated to exhibit an impartial review of the . . . disputes between Great Britain and her colonies. 8vo. 1770 Extracts from the notes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5th. . . . [Tracts, vol. 3, No. 3.] 8vo. 1774 The address of the people of Great Britain to the inhabitants of America. [Tracts, vol. 1, No. 1.] 8vo. 1776 Reports from the Consuls of the United States. Nos. 110 and 111 — November and December, 1889. Mortgages in foreign countries. 8vo. Washington, 1890 See also United States. American Bar Association. Reports of the annual meetings, 1879-1904. 25 vols. [vols. 1 and 19 wanting.'] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879-1904. American Reports, The. The American Reports ; containing all decisions of general interest decided in the Courts of last resort of the several States, 1868-87 ; with notes and references, by I. G. Thompson and I. Browne. 60 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1871-88 — Digest and table of cases, by I. G. Thompson and I. Browne. 3vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1879-88 The American State Reports, containing the cases of general value and authority, subsequent to those contained in "The American Decisions " and " The American Reports," decided in the Courts of last resort of the several States ; selected by A . C. Freeman and the associate editors of " The American Decisions." Vols. 1 to 103. [In progress.] 8vo. San Francisco, 1888-1905 — Digest, vols. 1 to 78> and table of cases, vols. 1 to 72. 5 vols. Svo. San Francisco, 1892-1901 AME— AMU. 13 American Reports, Tlie — continued. Table of cases alphabetically arranged as to the several States in " The American Decisions," " American Reports," and *' American State Reports." [1760-1905.] . . . by W. S. Torbert. 8vo. San Francisco, 1905 See also United States Supreme Court Reports. Amert, L. S. The 'Times' History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. Vols. 1 to 3. 8vo. 1900-05 Ames, Joseph. Typographical antiquities : or, the history of printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland . . . augmented by W. Herbert . . . and now greatly enlarged, with notes . . . by T. F. Dibdin. Vols. 1 to 4. [AH published.] 4to. 1810-19 Ames, Samuel. Law of private Corporations. See Angell, Joseph K. Amos, Andrew. See Fortescue, Sir John; De Laudibus Legum Angliae : Phillipps, Samuel March ; Law of Evidence. Amos Andrew, and Ferard J. Treatise on the law of Fixtures, and other property partaking both of a real and personal nature. 8vo. 1827 — Third edition, revised and adapted to the present state of the law, by C. A. Ferard and W. H. Roberts. 8vo. 1883 Amos, Sheldon. A systematic view of the Science of Jurisprudence. 8vo. 1872 The Science of Law. 12mo. 1874 A comparative survey of laws in force for the prohibition, regu- lation, and licensing of Vice, in England and other countries : with an appendix, giving the text of laws and police regulations as they now exist in England . . . 8vo. 1877 Fifty years of the English Constitution, 1830-80. 8vo. 1880 The history and principles of the Civil law of Rome : an aid to the study of scientific and comparative jurisprudence. 8vo. 1883 See also Manning, William Oke ; Commentaries on the Law of Nations. Amundesham, John. Annales Monasterii S. Albani. [Britain, No. 28.] 14 AMY— AND. Amyot, Thomas. Speeches in Parliament of the Et. Hon. William Windham, to which is prefixed some account of his life. 3 vols. 8vo. 1812 Amyott, William Henry, See Dwaeeis, Sir Fortunatus; Treatise on Statutes. Anchaeano, Petrus. Eepertorium aureum comentariorum super quinque libris decre- talium ac quarudam Eepetitionum ... 3 vols. fol. Lugduni, 1511-19 Qusestiones aurese ac selectissimse omnium prsestantissimorum nee non excellentissimorum, tam veterum quam recentium, tum Pontifieii turn Csesarei, juris doctorum . . . G-uilielmi Onciaci Academicae quaestiones accessit. [Bound with Farinacius's Decisiones Botas Bomanse.^ fol. Francoforti ad Moenum, 1581 Anckelmann, Joannes Julius. De expectativis in feuda imperii. [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsise, 1719 Anceen Eiwle, The Ancren Eiwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life. [Camden Society, No. 57.] Andeeson, Adam. An historical and chronological deduction of the origin of Commerce, from the earliest accounts ; containing an history of the great com- mercial interests of the British Empire : to which is prefixed an introduction, exhibiting a view of the ancient and modern state of Europe; of the importance of our colonies ; and of the commerce, shipping, manufactures, and fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland, and their influence on the landed interest; with an appendix, containing the modern politico-commercial geography of the several countries of Europe. 4 vols. 4to. 1787-89 Andeeson, Christopher. Historical sketches of the ancient native Irish and their descendants; illustrative of their past and present state with regard to literature, education, and oral instruction. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828 Andeeson, Edmund. Les Eeports des mults principals cases, argues et adjuges en le temps del jadis roign Elizabeth, cibien en le Common-Bank, comme devant touts les Juges de cest Eoialme [1534 to 1604]. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1664-65 Andeeson, Easmus B. See Hoen, Erederik Winkel ; Literature of the Scandinavian North. Andeeson, T. Kerr. A treatise on the law of Execution . . . including the powers, duties, and liabilities of the Sheriff, the High Bailiff, the Bishop, and other executive officers. 8vo. 1889 AND. 16 Anderson, Walter. History of France during the reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. ; to which is prefixed, a review of the general history of the Monarchy from its origin to that period. 2 vols. 4to. 1769 Anderson, Yarborough. See Leigh, Chandos ; Guide to Election Law. Andr^, Bernard, of Toulouse. Historia Regis Henrici Septimi. ^Britain, No. 10.] Andrew, William Raeburn St. Clair. Married Women's Property Act. See Contbeare, C. A. Vansittart. Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester. Tortura Torti: sive, ad Matthsei Torti [i.e. Card. Bellarmini] librum responsio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam Jacobi Magnae Britannise . . . Regis, pro juramento fidelitatis. 4to. 1609 Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini, quam nuper edidit contra Prsefationem monitoriam . . . Jacobi . . . Magnse Britannise . . . Regis . . . 4to. 1610 The devotions of Bishop Andrewes (G-rsece et Latine) : edited by H. Veale. 8vo. 1898 Life of. See Ottlet, Robert L. Andrews, C. C. See United States ; Ofiicial Opinions of the Attorneys-General. Andrews, George. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, 11 & 12 Geo. II. fol. 1754 — Second edition, with notes and references to Michaelmas term 31 Geo. III. ; and an appendix containing some additional cases, not before published : by G. W. Vernon. 8vo. 1792 Andrews, James Pettit. History of Great Britain, connected with the chronology of Europe ; with notes containing anecdotes of the times, lives of the learned, and specimens of their works, from Caesar's invasion ... to accession of Edward VI. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. 1794-95 Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain, from the death of Henry VIII. to the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the crown of England. . 2 vols. 8vo. 1796 Andrews Robert William, and Stonet Arbuthnot B. The Supreme Court of Judicature acts, and the Appellate Juris- diction act, 1876 . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1885 16 ANG— ANN. An01!ll, James Burrill. Michigan University, commemorative oration. See Michigan University. Angell, Joseph K. A treatise on the right of property in Tide Waters, and in the soil and shores thereof . . . 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1826 A treatise on the law of Carriers of goods and passengers, by land and by water. Fourth edition, by J. Lathrop. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1868 Treatise on the law of Watercourses ; with an appendix, containing statutes of flowing, and forms of declarations. Seventh edition, by J. C. Perkins. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1877 Angell Joseph K., and Ames Samuel. Treatise on the law of private Corporations aggregate. Tenth edition, by J. Lathrop. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1875 Anglo-Saxon Cheonicle. [Britain, No. 23 ; Record Commission, No. 24.] See also Saxon Chronicle. Anglo-Saxon Law. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1876 Anglo-Saxon Courts of Law : by H. Adams. Anglo-Saxon Land Law : by H. C. Lodge. Anglo-Saxon Family Law : by E. Young. Anglo-Saxon Legal Procedure : by J. L. Laughlin. Anguilla. Census of Anguilla. See St. Christopher and Nevis. Annandale, Charles. See Ogilvie, John; Imperial dictionary: Students' English dictionary. Annb Boletn. Life of. See Feiedmann, Paul. Annesley, Alexander. A compendium of the law of Marine Insurances, bottomry, in- surance on lives, and of insurance against fire. 8vo. 1808 Annesley, James. The trial in Ejectment (at large) between Campbell Craig, lessee of James Annesley, plaintiff, and Eichard Earl of Anglesey, defendant, before the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, November 11th to 25th, 1743. fol. 1744 Annual County Courts Practice. See County Courts. ANN— ANT. 17 Annual Practice. The Annual Practice, 1906: being a collection of the statutes, orders and rules relating to the general practice, procedure, and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, by T. Snow, C. Burney and F. A. Stringer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1905 Annual Eegister. The Annual Register, 1758-1862. 104 vols, in 105. 8vo. 1778-1863 — New series, 1863-1904. 42 vols. 8vo. 1864-1905 — General index, 1758-1819. 8vo. 1826 Annual Register (Rivington's), 1791-1812. 22 vols. 8vo. 1792-1813 Annual Register (The New), 1780-1825. 36 vols. 8vo. 1781 -1826 Annuities. Opinions on the grant of a perpetual post obit annuity, [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Anson, Sir William R. The Law and Custom of the Constitution. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, third edition ; vol. 2, second edition]. 8vo. Oxford, 1896-97 Principles of the English law of Contract and of agency in its relation to contract. Ninth edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1899 — Tenth edition. 8vo. Orford, 1903 Anstey, Henry. Munimenta Academica. [Britain, No. 50.J Epistolse AcademicsB Oxen. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 35, 36.] Anstey, Thomas Chisholm. On Blackstone's theory of the omnipotence of Parliament. [Juri- dical Society, vol. 3.] On Judicial Oaths as administered to heathen witnesses. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On the competence of Colonial Legislatures, to enact laws in dero- gation of common liability or common right. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Anstbuthee, Alexander. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter term, 32 Geo. III., to Trinity term, 37 Geo. III. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1817 Anthoine de Saint- Joseph. Concordance entre les codes de commerce etrangers, et le code de commerce fran^ais . . . 4to. Paris, 1844 18 ANT— APP. Antigua. The laws of Antigua; consisting of the acts of the Leeward Islands in force in Antigua, and the acts of Antigua from 20 Car. II., 1668, to 28 Vict., 1864 . . . 8vo. 1865 The laws of Antigua, 1866-91, 1893-1904. 6 vols. fol. [Antigua, 1865-1905] Anti- Jacobin Review. The anti- Jacobin Review and Magazine . . . from July, 1798, to December, 1821. 61 vols. 8vo. 1798-1821 ANTrQTTARiA.N AND TopoGEAPHicAL CABINET. See Storke James, and GrREG John. Antiquaries, Society of. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Antoine, Charles. Traite de Droit Penal International. See Fioee, Pasquale. Antoninus, Augustus. Iter Britanniarum, commentariis illustratum Thomee Gale: opus posthumura revisit, auxit, edidit R. Q. [Roger OaW], Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britannise chorographia . . . 4to. 1709 Antrobus, Frederick Ignatius. See Pastor, Ludwig; History of the Popes. Apollonius Pergjeus. De sectione Rationis libri duo : accedunt ejusdem de sectione Spatii libri duo restituti . . . Opera et studio E, Halley. 8vo. Oxonii, 1706 Appeals. An Abridgment, common placed, of cases in the House of Lords upon appeals and writs of errors [1701-28]. MS. fol. n.d. Appeals, between the years 1660 and 1742, with "Writs of Error, between the years 1660 and 1743 . . . when brought in and adjudged, as also the most material proceedings thereupon. MS. fol. n.d. Cases heard on appeal in the House of Lords, 1723-1848. 96 vols. fol. N.D. — 1771-84. fol. N.D. Chronological account of all the appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, from the 5th December, 1660, to the year 1741, the times when brought in and determined, and the material proceedings thereon. MS. fol. n.d. Table to the most remarkable points in the printed cases upon Appeals to the House of Lords, since the year 1701 to the year 1728, upon which the decrees and judgments were affirmed, varied, or reversed ; together with another alphabetical table of the names of the cases, reterring to the day or year. 2 vols. MS. fol. n.d. Prints of cases heard on Appeal. 1834-49. 16 vols. fol. n.d. — Index. MS. fol. n.d I APP— ARC. 19 Applegarth, Robert. Essay concerning Tithes, as appertaining to the clergy of the Church o£ England; recommended to the consideration of the people called Quakers. 8?o. 1791 Apulkius, Lucius. Opera omnia, ex editione Oudendorpiana, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editio- num et codicum, et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensita. 7 vols. 8vo. 1826 Aquinas, Thomas. Summa theologica . . . fol. Parisiis, 1632 [Aebuthnot, John.] Tables of ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures, explained and exemplified in several dissertations. 4to. 1727 AKCH.a:oLoaiA. Archseologia; or, miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity : published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, vols. 1-59. [In, progress.] 4to. 1779-1904 An index to the Archseologia . . . vols. 1-60 inclusive : published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. 4to. 1889 Archbold, John Frederick. Peel's acts, Lord Lansdowne's act, and the recent acts relating to poaching, smuggling, personating ; with the forms of indictments and the evidence necessary to support them. Second edition. 2 vols, in 1. l2mo. 1830 The practice of the Crown ofl&ce of the Court of Queen's Bench. 12mo. 1844 The law and practice in Bankruptcy. Eleventh edition, by J. Flather. 12mo. 1856 Chitty's Archbold's Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench in per- sonal actions and ejectment, including the Common Pleas and Ex- chequer. Twelfth edition, by S. Prentice. 2 vols. 12mo. 1866 — Thirteenth edition, by S. Prentice. 2 vols. 12mo. 1879 — Fourteenth edition, by T. W. Chitty and J. St. L. Leslie. 2 vols. 8vo. 1885 Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer ; with the practice of country attorneys in criminal cases : comprising the whole of the law re- specting indictable and summary offences, commitments . . . Seventh edition : by J. Paterson, 2 vols. 12mo. 1875 The practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and its civil, adminis- trative, and appellate jurisdiction; to which is added a short treatise on its criminal jurisdiction . . . Fourth edition, by F. Mead and H. H. S. Croft. 8vo. 1886 — Fifth edition, by Sir Gt. S. Baker. 8vo. 1898 c2 20 ARC— AEG. Archbold, John Frederick — continued. Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases ; with the statutes, • precedents of indictments, and the evidence necessary to support them, by Sir J. Jervis. Twentieth edition, including the practice in criminal proceedings by indictment, by W. Bruce. l2mo. 1886 — Twenty-first edition, by W. Bruce. 12mo. 1893 — Twenty-third edition, by W. F. Craies and Q-. Stephenson. 8vo. 1905 Archbold's County Court Practice, including the jurisdiction in admiralty and bankruptcy, containing the County Courts Act, 1888. Tenth edition ... by C. A. White. Svo. 1889 The Lunacy Acts, 1890 and 1891 ; the Lancashire county (lunatic asylums and other powers) act, 1891 . . . also the statutes relating to criminal lunatics, the lunacy (vacating of seats) act, 1886, and the idiots act, 1886. Fourth edition, by S. GT, Lushington. 8vo. 1895 The Poor Law : comprising the law relating to the poor law authorities ; the relief of the poor, including the relief of pauper lunatics ; the settlement and removal of the poor ; and the poor rate. Fifteenth edition : by J. B. Little. 8vo. 1898 See also Shaw, Joseph ; Parish Law. Archibald, E. M. Digest of the laws of Newfoundland; comprehending the Judicature act and Royal Charter, and the various acts of the local legislature in amendment of the same, with notes. 8vo. St. John's, 1847 Archibald, William Frederick Alphonse. Forms of Summonses and orders for use at Judges' Chambers and in the District Registries. 12mo. 1879 See also Broom, Herbert. Commentaries on the Common Law. Archibald William Frederick Alphonse, and Vizard P. E. Practice at Judges' Chambers and in the District Registries in the Queen's Bench Division, High Court of Justice; with forms of summonses and orders. Second edition. 8vo. 1886 Architects' Law Reports. The Architects' Law Reports (illustrated) : a series of revised reports of cases decided in the superior courts, of importance to architects, surveyors, and others . . . compiled by A. Crow and A. F. Jenkin. vol. 1, 1904. 4to. 1905 Arden, Joseph. See Htperidbs. Arden Scholarship. Examination papers, 1885-1905. fol. [1885-1905] Arqles, Napoleon. A treatise upon French mercantile law, and the practice of the Courts ; with a new translation of the entire Code of Commerce, and special mercantile laws in force in France at the present time. 8vo. 1882 Table of the Foreign mercantile laws. See Lyon-Caen, Charles. r AEI— AEN. . 21 Abistenetus, Lettres galantes, traduites du Grec. See Le Sage, Alain Eene. Aeistophanes. Aristophanis comoediae ex optimis exemplaribus emendatae; cum versione Latina, variis lectionibus, notis, et emendationibus, Acce- dunt deperditarum comcediarum fragmenta, et index ... a Eich. Franc. Phil. Brunck. 3 vols. 8vo. 1823 Aristotle. Opera. Ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri ; accedunt indices Sylburgiani. 11 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1837 Aristotelis de rhetorica libri tres, cum versione Latina . . . Svo. Oxonii, 1820 Art of rhetoric ; translated and abridged by T. Hobbes of Malmesbury. Svo. 1840 Treatise on rhetoric : a new and literal translation, with notes and an analysis : by a graduate in honours. 12mo. Oxford, 1848 Aristotle, by G. Grote : edited by A. Bain and G. C. Eobertson. Third edition. 8vo. 1883 Armsteong Eichard, Macartney John, and Ogle John Craven. Eeports of cases civil and criminal, argued and determined at Nisi Prius, and the commission in Dublin respectively, from Michaelmas term, 1840, to Trinity term, 1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 Armstrong, Walter. See Bryan, Michael; Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Army. Law Military : a methodical collection of all the laws and statutes relating to the armies and soldiery of Great Britain. 12mo. 1719 Manual of Military Law. 8vo. 1887 — Another edition. 8vo. 1899 The Queen's Eegulations and Orders for the Army. 2 parts. 8vo. 1889 Hart's annual Army List . . . 1903. 8vo. 1903 Arnald, Eichard. Commentary on the Old and New Testament. See Patrick, Symon. Arnold, Georg. Bemhard. Clericus exul successionis in feuda. ^German University Tracts, vol. 2.j 4to. Halae Venedorum, 1721 Arnold, Eichard. The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle ; containing, among divers other matters, the original of the celebrated poem of The Nut-hrown Maid: reprinted from the first edition, with the additions included in the second. 4to. 1811 22 ARN— AEP. Abnold, Thomas. Henry of Huntingdon's History of the English. [Britain, No. 74.] Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. [Britain, No. 96.] Symeonis Monachi Opera. [Britain, No. 75.] Arnold, Thomas James. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, from Hilary term, 1838, to Trinity term, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 The law relating to Municipal Corporations in England and Wales. Fourth edition, by W. W. Mackenzie and Sir S. G. Johnson. 8vo. 1894 Cases of controverted Elections. See Bareon, Arthur. See also Phillipps, Samuel March ; Law of Evidence. Arnold Thomas James, and Hodges William. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, Michaelmas terra, 1840, to Easter term, 1841. 8vo. [1841] Arnold, Thomas Kercherer. English- Latin lexicon. See Riddle, Joseph Esmond. Arnold, W. Maritime Code of the German Empire, See Codes, Germany. Arnono, Joannes de. Tractatus cautelarum. See Tractatus cautelartjm. Arnot, Hugo. A collection and abridgment of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1636 to 1784 ; with historical and critical remarks. 4to. Edinburgh, 1785. Arnottld, Sir Joseph. Verses addressed to Lord Denman, on his retirement, by the Home Circuit mess, April 2nd, 1850. 8vo. [1850] Treatise on the law of Marine Insurance and Average ; with refer- ence to the American cases and the later continental authorities. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1857 — Sixth Edition, by D. Maclachlan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887 — Seventh edition, by E. L. de Hart and R. I. Simey. 2 vols. 8vo. 1901 Memoir of Thomas, first Lord Denman. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 Arpe, Petrus Fridericus^ Themis Cimbrica, sive de Cimbrorum et vicinarum gentium anti- quissimis institutis commentarius. 4to. Hamburgi, 1737 ARK— ASH. 23 Aebianus, Flavius. Voyage round the Euxine Sea ; translated [by W. Vincent, Dean of Westminster], and accompanied with a geographical dissertation and maps . . . 4to. Oxford, 1805 Commentarii de Epicteti disputationibus. See Epictbtus. Arrowsmith, John. The London atlas of universal geography ... fol. 1842 Abs Clebicalis. See Gardiner, R. Art, L' de verifier les dates. See Clement, Franfois. Arthur, King. Arthurian Romances. See Odgebs, William Blake. Aeticlbs of Religion. Articles agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both pro- vinces, and the whole clergie, in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562. The faith, doctrine, and religion in the realme of England, expressed in thirty-nine articles agreed upon by the Bishopsand clergie io the yeeres 1562 and 1604 : bv Thomas Rogers. Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall ; treated upon by the Bishop of London, president of the convocation for the province of Canterbury, and the rest of the Bishops and clergy of the sayd province, and agreed upon with the King's Majesties license in their synod begun at London a.d. 1603. 4to. 1633 Abts and Sciences. Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts lib^raux, et les arts m^chanique, avec leur explication. 11 vols. fol. Paris, 1762-72 Ashboxjene, Edward Gibson, Lord. Speech of the Right Hon. E. Gibson, M.P., on the second reading of the Land law (Ireland) Bill, delivered April 25th, 1881. [Publications of the Irish Land Committee.^ 8vo. [1881] Pitt : some chapters of his life and times. 8vo. 1898 — Second edition. 8vo. 1898 AsHBiTENEB, Walter. A concise treatise on Mortgages, Pledges and Liens. 8vo. 1897 Principles of Equity. 8vo. 1902 ASHBUBNHAM, John. A narrative by John Ashburnham, of his attendance on King Charles the First from Oxford to the Scotch army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight, to which is prefixed, a vindication of his character and conduct from the misrepresentations of Lord Clarendon by his lineal descendant and present representative [George Earl of Ashburnham]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 24 ASH— ASP. AsHBY V. White. Ashhy and White ; or, the great question, whether an action lies at Common Law for an elector, who is deny'd his vote for members of Parliament debated and resolved. 8vo. 1705 The judgments delivered by the Lord Chief Justice Holt in the case of Ashhy v. White and others, and in the case of John Paty and others; printed from original MSS. with an introduction. 8vo. 1837 Ashe, Thomas. Promptuarie, ou repertory generall de les Annales, et plusors auters livres del common ley d'Engleterre. 2 vols. fol. 1614 Un general table a touts les several livres de les reports de le darreine tresreverend Judge Sir E. Coke. 4to. 1618 [Ashe, Thomas.] The law of Obligations and Conditions, by T. A., of Gray's Inn. 8vo. 1693 Ashley, Evelyn. The life and correspondence of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879 ASHMOLE MSS. Catalogue of the Ashmole MSS. bequeathed unto the University of Oxford. See Catalogues, Library ; Bodleian Library. AsHTON, J. Hubley. See United States ; Official Opinions of the A ttor ney S' General . AsHwoETH, Philip A. See Gneist Dr. Eudolf ; History of the English Constitution : Taswell-Langmead, Thomas Pitt; English Constitutional History. AsiNiTTs, Joannes Baptista. De executionibus et processibus executivis tractatus . . . Accessit tractatus Flamminei Chartarii de executione sententise contumacialis capto Bannito. [Bound with Schardius's Lexicon juridicum.'] fol. Francofurti, 1602 Aspinall, Butler. See Abbott, Charles ; Merchant Ships and Seamen. Aspinall, James Perronet. Eeports of cases relating to maritime law ; containing all the decisions of the Courts of law and equity in the United Kingdom, and selections from the more important decisions in the Colonies and the United States. New series. 9 vola. [In progress.'] 1873-1905 See also Abbott, Charles; Merchant Ships and Beainen -. Pritchard, W, Tarn ; Digest of Admiralty and Maritime Ig-^f , ASP— ATC. 25 AsPLAND, Lindsey Middleton. The law of Blasphemy ; being a candid examination of the views of Mr. Justice Stephen: with an appendix containing an essay on religious offences indictable at common law, by the late E. Taylor ; and the speech of Lord Mansfield in the House of Lords, in 1767, in the case of the Chamherlain of London v. Evans. 8vo. 1884 ASSER. De ^If redi rebus gestis. See Camden, William ; Anglica. IBecord Commission, No. 24.] Assessed Taxes. [Printed cases relating to Assessed Taxes decided bv her Majesty's Judges. Nos. 1—2867.] 4 vols. fol. [1823-72] Assize. The office of the Clerk of Assize, together with the office of the Clerk of the Peace. 12mo. 1676 Le livre des Assises et Pleas del' Corone, moves et dependants devant les Justices, sibien en lour circuits come aylours, en temps du roy Edward le Tiers. [Year Books, vol. 5.] fol. 1679 Asso T Del Rio, Ignacio Jordan de, and Manuel t Rodriguez, Miguel de. Institutes of the civil law of Spain : translated . . . with notes, an appendix, and index, by L. P. C. Johnston. 8vo. London, 1825 Aston, James Jones. Fusion practicable : or, a letter to the Lord Chancellor, on the further assimilation of the jurisdiction of the superior courts of law and equity. [Tracts, vol. 19, No. 1.] 8vo. [1863] [ASTON, R.] Placita Latine Rediviva ; a book of entries ; containing perfect and approved precedents of counts, declarations, barrs ... as well in actions real, as personal. Third edition. 4to. 1673 Aston, Theodore. The new Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks act, 1883. 8vo. 1884 AsTRT, Sir James. A general charge to all Grand Juries, and other juries ; with advice to those of life and death. Nisi Prius .... to which is prefixed a discourse of the antiquity, power, and duties of juries. Second edition. 8vo. 1725 Atcheson, Robert Shank. Report of the case of the Borough of Petersfield . . . 8vo. 1831 Atchison, Charles C. See Bourdin, Mark A. ; Exposition of the Land Tax. 26 ATH— ATK. Athanasian Creed. Authorised report of the meetings in defence of the Athanasian Creed, which were held in St. James's Hall and in the Hanover Square Eooms, on January 31, 1873; with an explanatory preface. 8vo. 1873 AlHENiEtrM. The Athenaeum : journal of literature, science, the fine arts, music, and the drama, 1882-1905. 48 vols. 4to. 1882-1905 Athen^ttm Club. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Atheelet, Edmond Gibson. See Sheppaed, William ; Touchstone of Common Assurances. ATHEETOjf, John, Bishop of Waterford. The Case of. See Beenaed, Nicholas. Atkikson, Christopher, The whole proceedings in the Court of King's Bench on a motion for arrest of judgment, in the cause of the King against C. Atkinson, Esq., for perjury, in Easter, Trinity and Michaelmas Terms, 1784. 8vo. 1785 Atkinson, Charles Milner. The Magistrate's annual practice for 1900 . . . 8vo. 1900 See also Shieley, Walter Shirley ; Criminal Law. Atkinson, Ernest G-eorge. State papers relating to Ireland. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 23.] Atkinson, George. Treatise on the offices of High-SherifE, Under- Sheriff, and Bailiff . . . Sixth edition : by E. E. Melsheimer. 8vo. 1878 Atkinson, J. Precedents of pleadings and writs. MS. 5 vols. fol. n.d. Atkinson, John C. Chartulary of Eievaulx Abbey. [Surtees Society, No. 83.] The Whitby Chartulary. [Surtees Society, Nos. 69, 72.] See also Yoekshiee. The North Eiding Eecord. Society. Atkinson, Solomon. Sir E, B. Sugden's Acts ; to which are added, the new act relating to executors ; so much of the " act for the better administration of justice " as relates to ejectments, and the entailed estates bill, with notes. 8vo. 1830 Essay on Marketable Titles. 8to. 1833 I ATK— ATT. 27 Atkinson, W. H. B. A sketch of the Land Transfer Act, 1875, and the Land Transfer Bill, 1887. 8vo. 1888 Atkyns, John Tracy. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, 1736-54. 3 vols. fol. 1765-68 — Third edition ; by F. W. Sanders. 3 vols. 8vo. 1794 Atkyns, Sir Robert. Parliamentary and Political Tracts. Second edition. 8vo. 1741 The power, jurisdiction and privilege of Parliament, and the antiquity of the House of Commons asserted ; occasioned by an information in the King's Bench by the Attorney-General, against the Speaker of the House of Commons [36 Car. II.]. Argument in the case concerning election of members to Parliament, between Sir S. Bamardiston, plaintiff, aud Sir W. Soame, Sheriff of Suffolk, defendant [26 Car. II.]. An enquiry into the power of dispensing with Penal Statutes ; together with some animadversions upon a book writ by Sir E. Herbert, intituled, A short account of the authorities in law, upon which judgment was given in Sir E. Hales's case. A discourse concerning the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the realm of England. A defence of the late Lord Russell's innocency, by way of answer and confutation of a libellous pamphlet, intituled, An antidote against Poison ; with two letters of the author of this book upon the subject of his Lordship's tryal. The Lord Russell's innocency further defended, by way of reply to an answer, intituled. The magistracy and government of England vindicated. The Lord Chief Baron Atkins's speech to Sir W. Ashuret, Lord Mayor elect of the City of London. Atlay, James Beresford. The trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough. 8vo. 1897 Famous Trials of the Century. 8vo. 1899 See also Hall, William Edward ; International Law : Whbaton, Henry ; International Law. Attenbobough, Charles L. Law. See Haeeis, Seymour F. ; Criminal Atthill, William. . Church of Middleham. Attoeney. [Camden Society, No. 38.] The practick part of the law, showing the office of an Attorney, and a guide for Solicitors in all the Courts of Westminster. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1 724 28 ATW— AUS. [A.TWOOD, William.] Jani Anglorum facies nova : or, several monuments of antiquity touching the Great Councils of the Kingdom . . . 8vo. 1680 Animadversions upon a book, called, Jani Anglorum facies nova. See Brady, Robert. Atwood v. Eyre. Case of Atwood v. Eyre, in Chancery, on quashing a significavit. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1 .1 8vo. 1791 AuBER, Peter. An analysis of the constitution of the East-India Company, and of the laws passed by Parliament for the government of their affairs at home and abroad : to which is prefixed, a brief history of the Company, and of the rise and progress of the British power in India. 8vo. 1826 AuBERTiN, J. J. See Camoens, Luis de ; The Lusiads of Camoens. Afbry C, and Rau C. Cours de droit civil Fran^ais, d'apres la methode de Zacharia3. Quatrieme edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1869-78 AuGUSTiNUs, Antonius, Archhishoj) of Tarragona. De nominibus propriis tou IlavStKTou Florentini. fol. Tarracone, 1579 Canones poenitentiales . . . 4to. Venetiis, 1584 De legibus et senatusconsultis liber, cum notis Fulvii Ursini . . . [et] de emendatione Gratiani dialogorum libri duo. Ad hsec, Andrse Schotti oratio in funere Ant. Augustini . . . 4to. Lugduni, 1592. Parieiis, 1607 AuGUSTiNUS, Aurelius, Bisho2) of Hippo. C. Aurelii Augustini . . . omnium operum, tomus primus [ — quartus et Septimus — decimus] ... 8 vols, in 12. 8vo. Lugduni, 1561-63 Homiliae de tempore . . . 8vo. Lugduni, 1561 De civitate Dei, libri xxii, . . . 8vo. 1596 Saint Augustine of the city of God ; with the learned comments of Jo. Lodovicus Vives . . . Second edition . . . fol. 1620 AuNGiER, George James. French Chronicle of London. [Camden Society, No. 28.] AusoNius, Decius Magnus. Opera omnia, ex editione Bipontina, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectionibus, notis variorum recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 AUS— AXO. 29 Austen-Cartmell, James. The Finance acts, 1894 and 1896 ... so far as they relate to the estate duty and other death duties in England. Second edition. 8vo. 1896 — Third edition. 8vo. 1901 Austin, Alfred. Cases of Controverted Elections. See Barron, Arthur. Austin, Evans. The law lelating to Factories and Workshops, including laundries, docks, bakehouses . . . being the factory and workshops acts, 1878-95 . . . 8vo. 1895 The Light Eailways Act, 1896, together with the modified rules of the Board of Trade, 1898, the light railways (costs) rules, 1898, made under the act ; the lands clauses consolidation act, 1845 ; the arbitration act, 1 889 . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1899 Locus Standi Reports. See Saunders, Reginald Cautley. Austin, John. Lectures on Jurisprudence ; or, the philosophy of positive law. Fourth edition, by R. Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 Lectures on Jurisprudence ; or, the philosophy of positive law : abridged for the use of students, by R. Campbell. 8vo. 1875 Practical Jurisprudence, a comment on Austin : by E. C. Clark. 8vo. Cambridge, 1883 An analysis of Austin's lectures on Jurisprudence ; or, the philosophy of positive law, by G. Campbell. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1894 Australia. A concise history of Australian settlement and progress, together with full reports of the Centennial celebrations in 1888 : reprinted from the Sydney Morning Herald. 4to. Sydney, 1888 OflBcial Records of the proceedings and debates of the National Australasian Convention, 1891-98. 7 vols, fol. and 8vo. Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, 1891-98 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Bill : reprint of the debates in Parliament, the ofl&cial correspondence with the Aus- tralian delegates . . . 8vo. 1900 The Acts of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia passed in the session of 1901-2—1904. 3 vols. 8vo. 1903-05 See also Queensland ; New South Wales ; South Australia ; Tasmania; Victoria; Western Australia. Avebury, Lord. See Lubbock, Sir John. AvERANius, Josephus. Interpretationum juris libri duo . . . 8vo. Amstelodami, 1723 Axon, William E. A. See Fuller, T. Sermons. 30 AYC-AZU Ayckbourn, Hubert. Practice of the High Court of Chancery, as altered by recent statutes, and by the consolidated and other general orders of the court. Ninth edition, 8vo. 1870 Atees, Edward T. Q-uide to the law and practice of Petty Sessions ; with the summary jurisdiction act, 1879. 8vo. 1884 Aylies — , et Claie — . Annales de 1' eloquence judiciaire en France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826-27 Ayliffe, John. A new Pandect of Roman civil law, as anciently established in that empire, and now received and practised inmost European nations . . , with a preliminary discourse touching the rise and progress of the civil law . . . fol. 1734 Parergon juris canonici Anglicani : or, a commentary, by way of supplement, to the canons and constitutions of the Church of England . . Second edition. fol. 1734 Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, Calendars of the ancient charters, and of the Welch and Scottish rolls, now remaining in the Tower of London ; with an introduction, giving some account of the state of the public records from the conquest to the present time. 4to, 1774 Aymus, Baptista. De alluvionibus tractatus fertilissimus . . . fol. LipsiaB, 1601 Ayeton, Edward Nugent. Suggestions for an act to give an indefeasible title in land, addressed to the Legislature. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 1.] 8vo. 1857 Ayeton, Scrope. Reports of Bankruptcy cases. See Montagu, Basil. Ayscough, Samuel. Calendarium rotulorum patentium in Turn Londinensi. [Becord Commission, No. 6.] Azo. Select passages from. [Selden Society, No. 8.] AzuNi, Domenico Alberto. Origine et progrfes du droit et de la Legislation maritime, avec des observations sur le consulat de la mer. 8vo. Paris, 1810 BAB— BAC. ai Babington, Churchill. Higden's Polychronicon. [Britain, No. 41.] Pecock's Eepressor. [Britain, No. 19.] See also Htperides. Bachovius, Eeinhardus. NotsB et animadversiones ad disputationes Hieronymi Treutleri . . . 3 vols. 4to. Heidelhergse, 1617-19 Commentarii in prim am partem Pandectarum . . . adjectis ubique castigationibus in Eationalia Antonii Fabri. 4to. Spirss Nemeium, 1630 Tractatus de actionibus. 4to. Francofurti, 1657 Commentarii in quatuor Institutionum juris Divi Justiniani libros theorici et practi'ci . . . Editio novissima. 4to. Francofurti, 1661 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. Opera omnia . . . [edited by John Blackbourne.] 4 vols. fol. 1730 — Another copy [different title page and extra portraif]. Works ... to which is prefixed a life of the author, by D. Mallet. 3 vols. fol. 1753 Works ... A new edition [with a life of Bacon] by Basil Montagu, 16 vols, in 17. [Large paper.] 8vo. 1825-34 Works . . . collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. 7 vols. 8vo. 1857-59 Vol. 1 — 3. Philosopliical works. 4 — 5. Translations of philosophical works. 6 — 7. Literary and professional works. The letters and the life of Francis Bacon ; including all his occasional works newly collected . . . with a commentary, biographical and historical, by J. Spedding. 7 vols. 8vo. 1861-74 Certaine considerations touching the better pacification and edifica- tion of the Church of England. [ Bound with Bacon's Elements of the, common law ^ !&%().'] 4to. Printed for Henry Tomes. [1604?] Sir Francis Bacon, his apologie in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex . . . [Bound with Bacon's Be sapientia veterum liber.'] l2mo. 1605 The two bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and humane. . 4to. 1605 — Ad other edition. 4to. Oxford, 1633 — Another edition, interpreted by Gilbert Wats. fol. Oxford, 1640 Charge touching duells, vpon an information in the Star-Chamber against Priest and Wright ; with the decree of the Star-Chamber in the same cause. 4to. 1614 — Another copy. [Bound with Bacon's Proficience and advancement of learning, 1633.] 4to. 1614 Instauratio magna [i.e. Novum Organum et Parasceve ad historiam naturalem et experimentalem]. fol. 1620 32 BAG. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans — continued. Bacon's Novum Organum : edited, with introduction, notes ... by T. Fowler. 8vo. Oxford, 1878 The historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh, fol. 1622 — Another edition. [Bound with Bacon's Instauratio Magna.] fol. 1629 See also Keknett, White. (History of England, vol. 1.) Historia naturalis et experimentalis ad condendam philosophiam ; sive, phoenomena universi, quae est Instaurationis Magnae pars tertia. [Historia Ventorum.] 8vo. 1622 Historia naturalis et experimentalis deVentis. 12mo. Lugd. Bat., 1648 Historia vitae et mortis quae est Instavrationis magnse pars tertia. 8vo. 1623 Essayes or counsels, civill and morall . . . Newly enlarged. 4to. 1625 — Another edition; [with] Of the colours of good and evill, a fragment. [Bound with Bacon's Proficience and advancement of learning, 1633.] 4to. 1632 — Another edition . . . with table of the colours or appearances of good and evill . . . Newly enlarged. 8vo. 1639 — Another edition . . . whereunto is added the wisdom of the ancients. 8vo. 1673 — Another edition : with annotations by R. Whately, Archbishop of Dublin. 8vo. 1882 Apophthegmes, new and old . . . [Bound with Bacon's Be sapientia veterum liber. ~\ 12mo. 1626 An advertisement touching an Holy Warre . . . [Bound with Bacon's Elements of the Commoti Law, 1630.] 4to. 1629 An offer to our late soueraigne King James, of a digest to be made of the lawes of England. [Bound with Bacon's Elements of the Common Law, 1630.] 4to. 1629 Considerations touching a warre with Spaine. [Bound with Bacon's Elements of the Common Law, 1630.] 4to. 1629 — See also Harleian Miscellany. Vol. 5. The history of the reigne of King Henry the Eighth. [Bound with Bacon's Elements of the Common Law, 1630.] 4to. 1629 A collection of some principall rvles and maxiraes of the Common Lawes of England . . . 4to. 1630 The elements of the Common Lawes of England, branched into a double tract: the one, contayning a collection of some principall rules and maximes of the common law . . . the other, the use of the common law for preser nation of our persons, goods, and good names , . . 4to. 1630 — Another edition. 4to. 1636 Sylva Sylvarum : or, a naturall historie [and New Atlantis] . . . published, after the author's death, by W. Kawley. [Bound with Bacon's Instauratio magna.] Third edition. fol. 1631 De sapientia veterum liber. Editio quarta. 12mo. 1634 BAG. 33 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans — continued. Cases of treason. 4to. 1641 — Another edition. [Bound with Holbourne, Sir Robert. Readings.] 8vo. 1681 See also Harleian Miscellany, vol. 5. Ordinances ; for the better and more regular administration of justice in the Chancery . . . 4to. 1642 The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon . . . upon the Statute of Uses ; being his double reading to the Honourable Society of Grayes Inne. 4to. 1642 — A new edition, with notes ... by W. H, Rowe. 8vo. 1804 The mirrour of state and eloquence : represented in the incomparable letters of the famous S' Francis Bacon . . . concerning the better and more sure establishment of [England, Scotland and Ireland] in the affaires of peace and warre . . . 4to. 1656 Letters written during the reign of King James the First : now collected and illustrated by an historical introduction by R. Stephens . . . 4to. 1702 Letters, speeches, charges, advices . . . now first published by T. Birch. 8vo. 1763 Argument on the writ De rege inconsulto, in the case of the grant of the office of Supersedeas in the Common Pleas, 13 James I. {Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1,] 8vo. 1791 A conference of pleasure, composed for some festive occasion about the year 1592 : edited ... by J. Spedding. 8vo. 1870 The Promus of formularies and elegancies . . . illustrated and elucidated by passages from Shakespeare, by Mrs. H. Pott. 8vo. 1883 Promus of formularies and elegancies ; being a literal reprint of part of the Harleian MS. 7017 .... copied from and collated with the original, by F. B. Bickley . . . 8vo. 1898 The life of Francis Bacon by Mr. Mallet ; with an appendix containing several pieces not printed in the last edition of his works. fol. 1760 The life of Francis, Lord Bacon ... by J. Sortain. 8vo. 1851 Personal history of Lord Bacon ... by W. H. Dixon. 8vo. 1861 The story of Lord Bacon's life : by W. H. Dixon. 8vo. 1862 Bacon and Essex : a sketch of Bacon's earlier life : by E. A. Abbott. 8vo. 1877 Evenings with a reviewer, or Macaulay and Bacon : by J. Spedding. 2 vols. Svo. 1881 Bacon : by T. Fowler. Svo. 1881 Bacon : by R. W. Church. 8vo. 1884 Francis Bacon : an account of his life and works, by E. A. Abbott. Svo. 1885 Francis Bacon, his life and philosophy : by J. Nichol. 2 vols. 8vQ, 1888-89 P 34 BAC. Ha-COn, Francis, Viscount St. Albans — continued. Lord Bacon and A. Comte ; a parallel between . . . by A. E. Finch. 8vo. 1872 Lord Bacon : a vindication of his character and philosophy from prevailing prejudices . . . by A. E. Finch. Svo. 1885 Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene, a study : by E. J, Castle. 8vo. 1897 Sir Francis Bacon's cipher story, discovered and deciphered by 0. W. Owen. Books i. and ii. Svo. 1894 The hidden lives of Shakespeare and Bacon and their business connection . . . by W. G. Thorpe. Svo. 1897 Bacon vs. Shakspere, brief for plaintiff : by E. Eeed. Svo. 1899 Shakespeare studies in Baconian light : by E. M. Theobald. Svo. 1901 The songe for entertainment of the Lord Chancellor [Bacon] at Grais Ine on Candlemas day [1617J. MS. See Marston, John, The Maske of Mountebanks. Bacon, George W. New large scale ordnance atlas of the British Isles ; with plans of towns . . . 4to. [1S89] New large scale atlas of London and suburbs ; reduced from the ordnance, with supplementary maps . . . 4to. 1901 Bacon, John. Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum ; with an appen- dix containing directions and precedents relating to presentations, institutions, inductions, dispensations . . . [New edition of Ecton's Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum.] 4to. 1786 Bacon, Matthew. A new Abridgment of the Law : by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 5 vols. fol. 1736-66 — Seventh edition, with additions . . . bv Sir H. Gwillim and C. E. Dodd. " 8 vols. Svo. 1832 Treatise on Leases and Terms for years. Svo. 1798 Bacon, Nathaniel. An historical and political discourse of the uniformity of the govern- ment of England, the first part from the first times till the reign of Edward III. 4to. 1647 An historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England, from the first times to the end of the reign of Queen Eliza- beth ; with a vindication of the antient way of Parliaments in England : collectedfromsomemanuscriptnotesof JohnSelden. Fourth Edition, by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. fol. 1739 See also Spiea, Francis. BAG— BAI. 36 Bacon, Roger. Opera. [^Britain, No. 15.] The famous historic of Fryer Bacon . . . [Thorns' Early English prose romances, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1858 Bacon and Holt Scholarships. Examination papers, 1874-1905. 2 vols. fol. [1874-1905] Bagehot, Walter. The English Constitution. New edition, with an additional chapter. 8vo. 1872 — Seventh edition. 8vo. 1894 Physics and Politics : or, thoughts on the application of the prin- ciples of " natural selection " and " inheritance " to political society. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1887 Bagenal, Philip H. Crime in Ireland. The winter assizes in Ulster, Munster, Leinster, and Connaught ; with an appendix. 8vo. Dublin, 1880 Bagshaw v. Spencee. Case of Bagshaw and Spencer in Chancery, 22 Geo. 2. [Collectcmea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Bagshawe, H. R. Legal Education, its past and future: a letter to Sir Richard Bethell. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 3.] 8vo. 1858 Bahamas, The. The statute law of the Bahamas ; comprising all acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands in force [from 1784] to 38 Vict, c. 36 [1875], inclusive : collected and arranged ... by Sir Q. C. Anderson . . . 8vo. 1877 The statute law of the Bahamas ; comprising all acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands in force [from 1795] to 62 Vict, c. 33 [1899] inclusive : collected and arranged ... by Sir O. D. Malcolm ... 8vo. 1901 Laws of the Bahamas passed in the sessions of the Legislature . . . 1875-1905. 6 vols. 8vo. Nassau, 1876-1905 Bail Couet Reports. Bail court reports : by T. W. Saunders and H. T. Cole ; containing the cases determined from Hilary term, 1846, to Michaelmas term, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847-49 — By J. J. Lowndes and P. B, Maxwell ; Hilary term, 1852, to Hilary term. 1854. Byo. 1852-54 d2 36 BAI. Baildon, William Paley. Select Cases in Chancery, 1364-1471. [Selden Society, No. 10.] Select Civil Pleas. {_Selden Society, No. 3.] The Court Baron. [Selden Society, No. 4.] Bailey, Abraham. The Spightful Sister. 4to. 1667 Bailet, James. See Facciolati, Jacopo ; Lexicon Latinitatis. Bailey, James Blake. Catalogue of the collection of Hunterian relics exhibited at the Eoyal College of Surgeons of England, July 5th, 1893. 8vo. 1893 Bailey, John Eglington. See Fuller, T. ; Sermons. Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1735 — With additions, by J. N. Scott. [Imperfect.'] fol. 1755 Baillie, Neil B. E. Digest of Moohummudan law, on the subjects to which it is usually applied by British Courts of Justice in India ; compiled and translated from authorities in the original Arabic. Part second, containing the doctrines of the ImameeaCodeof Jurisprudence on the most important of the same subjects. Second edition. 8vo. 1887 Baily, Laurence E. General Average, and the losses and expenses resulting from general average acts . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1856 Perils of the Sea and their effects on policies of insurance . . . 8vo. 1860 Bain, Alexander. See Gbote, George ; Aristotle. Bain, Joseph. Border Papers. [Scotland, No. 9.] Calendar of documents relating to Scotland. [Scotland, No. 7.] Hamilton papers. [Scotland, No. 9.] State papers, Scotland. [Scotland, No. 11.] Bainbbidge, Christopher, Archbishop of York. Liber Pontificalis. [Surtees Society, No. 61.] Bainbbidge, William. The law of Mines and Minerals, with an appendix of mining prece- dents . . and a glossary of mining terms. Fifth edition, by A. Brown, 8vo. 1900 BAK— BAL. 37 Baeeb, Charles Couyers Massy. The laws relating to young Children. 8vo. 1885 Baker, Sir George Sherston. The laws relating to Quarantine, of her Majesty's dominions at home and abroad, and of the principal Foreign States, including the sections of the "Public Health Act," 1875, which bear upon measures of prevention. 8vo. 1879 The office of Vice-Admiral of the Coast ; being some account of that ancient office. 4to. Privately Printed. 1884 See also Aechbold, John Frederick; Quarter Sessions practice: Halleck, Henry Wager ; International Law. Baker, Sir Richard, A Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Eomans' government unto the death of King James ; with a continuation to the year 1660 : by E. Phillips : whereto is added a second continuation to King George I., by an impartial hand. fol. 1733 Baker, Thomas. The law of Highways ; including bridges and locomotives. 8vo. 1880 Law relating to Burials, being the burial acts and all the statutes affecting the subject, as amended by the Local Government Act, 1894 . . . Sixth edition, by E. L. Thomas. 8vo. 1898 Baldovius, Christianus Joachimus. De culpa lata ministri status. [^German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Bostochi, 1709 Baldus Peeusinus. Tractatus de statutis. See Eosate, Albericus a. Baldwin, Edward Thomas. A treatise upon the law of Bankruptcy and Bills of Sale . . . Eighth edition. 8vo. 1900 Bale, John, Bishop of Ossory. Kynge Johan: a play. \_Camden Society, No. 2.] Balfour, Arthur James. The Foundations of Belief, being notes introductory to the study of theology. Second edition. 8vo. 1895 Balfour, George William. See Casper Johann, Ludwig ; Forensic Medicine. Balfour, Graham. The educational systems of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Oxford, 1898 38 BAL— BAN. Ball Thomas, and Beatty Francis. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Manners, 1807-14. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1813-24 Ball, William. Index to Statutes of Ireland. See Statutes op Ireland. Ball, William Edmund. Leading cases on the law of Torts ; with notes. 8vo. 1884 Ballantine, William. Treatise on the statute of Limitations. (21 Jac. I. c. 16.) 8vo. 1810 See also Boote, E, ; Suit at Law. Ballantine, William, Serjeant. Some experiences of a Barrister's life. 2 vols. Svo. 1882 Ballard, J. J. Principes de m^decine legale ou judiciare. See Metzger, J. D. Balloons. The air balloon. [Title page wanting. Tracts, vol. 8, No. 4,] [1784] Ballow, Henry. See Fonblanque, John ; Treatise of Equity. Bampton Lectures. See Hessby, James Augustus. Bancroft, G-eorge. History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the Continent. Revised edition. 6 vols. 8vo. 1876 Bandinel, Bulkeley. See Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of; History of the rebellion. Bandinel, James. Some account of the trade in Slaves from Africa, as connected with Europe and America, from the introduction of the trade into modern Europe, down to the present time ; especially with reference to the efforts made by the British Government for its extinction. Svo. 1842 Banbrjbe, Gooroodas. Tagore Law Lectures, 1878: the Hindu Law of Marriage and Stridhan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1879 Bankers' Case, The. See Sombrs, John, Lord. Bankruptcy. Reports [1-8] of the Board of Trade under section 131 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883. fol. 1884-91 BAN— BAR. 39 Bankruptcy and Insolvenct Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined before the Court of Appeal in Bankruptcy, the Court of Bankruptcy, and the Courtf or the relief of insolvent debtors ; with reports of cases carried by appeal from the Court of Appeal in Bankruptcy to the House of Lords, from Easter term, 1853, to Michaelmas term, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. 1855 Banks, George. A treatise on the law of Support for land, buildings, and public works. ' 8vo. 1894 Banks, John. The island queens ; or, the death of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 4to. 1684 The unhappy favourite ; or, the Earl of Essex. 4to. 1693 Cyrus the Great ; or, the tragedy of love. 4to. 1696 Banes, Joseph. See Hawkesworth, John ; Voyages. Banks, Percival "Weldon. Remarks and suggestions concerning the trial of controverted elections. [Traces, vol. 9, No. 11.] Svo. 1838 Banks, Thomas Charles. The dormant and extinct Baronage of England ; or, an historical and genealogical account of the lives, public employments, and most memorable actions of the English nobility, fn.m the Norman Con- quest to the year 1809. 3 vols. 4to. 1807-09 [Supplementary volume.] Genealogical and heraldic gleanings illustrative of the history and descent of English nobility ; with corrections and appendices and an index to the three former volumes. 4to. 1837 Bankton, Lord. See MacDowall, Andrew. Banning, Henry Thomas. A concise treatise on the law of Marriage Settlements. 8vo. 1884 A concise treatise on the statute law of the Limitation of Actions, with an appendix of statutes, references to English and American cases, and to the French Code. Second edition. 8vo. 1892 Bannister, Saxe. See Bridoman, Sir Orlando ; Reports. Baptism. On the repeal of the xxixth canon of 1603. The opinions of Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, Mr. A. J. Stephens, and Mr, Richard Jebb on behalf of the Lord Archbishop of Armagh, [Tracts, vol. 26, No, 1.] ' 1861 Bar Committee. See Bar, General Council. 40 BAR. Bar, General Council. Annual Statements of the Bar Committee and General Council of the Bar, 1884 to 1904-05. fol. 1885-1905 Bar, L. Das Internationale Privat — und Strafrecht. 8vo. Hannover, 1862 — Translated, with notes by G. R. Gillespie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883 Barbados. Laws of Barbados [1646-1854.] 8vo. 1855 Laws of Barbados [1666-1874.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1875 Laws of Barbados for sessions 1874-5 — 1892-3. 16 vols. Svo. Barbados, 1875-93 Laws of Barbados [1667-1905] by authority. 7 vols. Svo. Barbados, 1893-[1905] Plantation Laws. See America. Barber, C. Gilbert. See Summerhats, William Frank ; Bill of Costs. Barber, William. See Dart, Joseph Henry ; Vendors and Purchasers. Barbertac, Jean. See Grotius, Hugo ; Rights of War and Peace : Pufendorpp, Samuel ; Law of Nature and Nations. Barbosa, Augustinus. Tractatvs varii : quorum i. De axiomatibus juris usuf requentioribus. II. De appellativa verborum utriusque juris significatione. iii. De locis communibus argumentorum juris, iv. De clausulis usufre- quentioribus. v. De dictionibus usufrequentioribus . . . fol. Lugduni, 1660 Babbosa, Petrus. Tractatus absolutissimi de matrimonio [et pluribus aliis materiebus] commentando in Tit. ff. Soluto matrimon. quemadmod. dos pet. incidentibus, tomi duo. 2 vols in 1. fol. Francqfurti, 1625 Commentarii ad interpretationem tituli Pandectarum De judiciis. fol. Francofurti, 1729 Barbour, John. The Bruce : or the history of Robert I., King of Scotland, written in Scottish verse. The first genuine edition, published from a MS. dated 1489 ; with notes and a glossarv by J. Pinkerton. 3 vols. Svo. 1790 Barclay, John. Argenis. Editio novissima. 12mo. Venetiis, 1637 Barclay, Thomas. The law of France relating to industrial property, patents, trade marks, merchandise marks, trade names, models, patterns, designs, wrappers, prospectuses . . . and Colonial, Algerian and Tunisian regu- lations ; with a commentary on the industrial property convention, 1883, and the provisions concerning British inventions and designs at French exhibitions. Svo. 1889 BAR. 41 Baretti, Giuseppe. A new Dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti : compiled by J. Davenport and (1. Comelati. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868 Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. See Neuman, H. BARaRAVE, Canon John. Alexander VII. and the College of Cardinals. [_Oamden Society, No. 92.] Barham, Charles Nicolas. The student's text-book of Roman Law. 8vo. 1903 Barham, Richard Harris. The Ingoldsby Legends, or, mirth and marvel : by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. ; with illustrations. 8vo. 1874 Barklt, Sir Henry. On an alleged instance of the fallibility of Domesday in regard to "Ancient Demesne." See Domesday Commemoration. Barlow, William. Index to Irish Equity cases. See Gamble, Richard Wilson. Barmbt, James. Churchwardens' Accounts of Pittington and other parishes in the Diocese of Durham, 1580-1700. [Surtees Society, No. 84.] Memorials of St. Giles's, Durham. [Surtees Society, No. 95.] Barnab.^: Itinerarium. See Braithwaite, Richard. Barnard, George G. Proceedings in the Court of Impeachment, in the matter of the impeachment of George G. Barnard, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1874 Barnardiston, Thomas. Reports of cases determined in the High Court of Chancery, from April 25th, 1740, to May 9th, 1741. fol. 1742 Reports of cases determined in the Court of King's Bench, with some other cases, from Trinity term, 12 Geo. I., to Trmity term, 7 Geo. II. 2 vols. fol. 1744 Barnes, Ambrose. Memoirs. [Surtees Society, No. 50.] Barnes, Henry. Notes of cases in points of practice, taken in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, from Michaelmas term, 1732, to Hilary term, 1756. Second edition, with a continuation of cases to the end of the reign of King George II. 4to. 1772 42 BAE. Barnes, Joshua. The history of King Edward III. . . together with that of his son Edward, Prince of Wales, surnamed the Black Prince. fol. Cambridge, 1688 Babnes, Eichard, Bishop of Durham. Injunctions and other ecclesiastical proceedings, 1576-87. [Sitrtees Society, No. 22.] Baeneveld, John of. Life of. See Motley, John Lothrop. Babnewall Eichard Vaughan, and Adolphus John Leycester. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench from Trinity term, 1830, to Hilary term, 1834. 5 vols. 8vo. 1831-35 Babnewall Eichard Vaughan, and Aldebson Edward Hall. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1817, to Trinity term, 1822. 5 vols. 8vo. 1818-22 Babnewall Eichard Vaughan, and Cbesswell Sir Oresswell. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1822, to Easter term, 1830. 10 vols. 8vo. 1823-32 Babnham, James Calthrop. A series of questions on the most important points connected with a Legal Education, principally designed for the use of students . . . 8vo. 1836 Ba&on and Feme. A treatise of law and equity concerning Husbands and Wives. Third edition. 8vo. 1738 Baronies by Tenure. Speech of Lord St. Leonards, in the House of Lords, on the 26th February, 1861, on the claim to the Barony of Berkeley. 8vo. 1861 A review of the Fitzwalter decision of 1669 as relied upon in the Berkeley decision of 1861. [Privately printed-l 8vo. 1861 Baeonius, Cardinal Caesar. Annales ecclesiastici . . . Editio novissima. 12 vols, in 6. fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1609 — See also Casaubon, Isaac ; Montagu, Eichard. Babb^eb Albert, and Leland Charles G. A dictionary of Slang, Jargon, and Cant, embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon, and other irregular phraseology, 2 vols. 4to. 1889-90 BAK. 43 Bakbett, Bryant. Code Napoleon. See Codes, France. Babrett-Lennaed, Thomas. The Married Women's Property Act (45 A 46 Vict. c. 75) . . . 8vo. 1882 The position in law of Women ; a concise and comprehensive treatise on the position of women at common law, as modified by the doctrines of equity and by recent legislation . . . 8vo. 1883 Baejbington, Daines. Observations on the Statutes, chiefly the more ancient, from Magna Gharta to 21 James I. c. 27, with an appendix ; being a proposal for new modelling the statutes. 4to. 1776 Miscellanies. 4to. 1781 Barrister, The. See Ruggles, Thomas. Barron Arthur, and Arnold Thomas James. Reports of cases of controverted Elections before Committees of the House of Commons, in the fourteenth Parliament of the United Kingdom, and of cases upon Appeal from the decisions of Revising Barristers in the Court of Common Pleas from Michaelmas Term, 1843, to Easter Term, 1846. 8vo. 1846 Barron Arthur, and Austin Alfred. Reports of cases of Controverted Elections [1842] . . . Svo. 1844 Barron, Douglas Gordon. Court book of the Barony of TJrie, 1604-1747. [Scottish History Society, No. 12.] Barrow, John Henry. The Mirror of Parliament, 1828-37. 36 vols. fol. 1828-37 — Second Series. 24 vols. 8vo. 1838-41 Barrows, Harold Murdock. The Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1894. See Lewis, Gerald Champion. Baery, Michael Joseph. Ireland, as she was, as she is, and as she shall be. [Repeal Prize Essay.] Svo. Dublin, 1845 Barry, William Whittaker. Treatise on the statutory jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, with an appendix of precedents. 8vo. 1861 44. BAR— BAS. Baetenstein, Johann Chris tophor. De Bello imperatori Carolo V. k Mauritio illato. turbisque inde in Imperio exortis. [Qerman University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Argent, 1709 Barter, W. G. T, Poems ; original and translated, including the first Iliad of Homer. 12mo. 1850 Ancient and modern Poetry : a lecture . . . 8vo. 1855 Adventures of a summer-eve : a poem in six books. 12mo. 1856 Life, law, and literature : essays on various subjects. 12mo. 1868 The Iliad of Homer, translated. See Homer. Bartholomew, John. Gazetteer of the British Isles, statistical and topographical ; with appendices, and special maps and plans. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 Bartmann, Ignatius Josephus. De feudis ecclesiasticis. . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Argent., 1711. Bartolus. In primam et secundam Codicis partem commentaria . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1677 In primam et secundam Digesti Novi partem commentaria . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1577 In primam et secundam Digesti Vet. partem commentaria . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1577 In primam et secundum Infortiati partem commentaria . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1577 Super Authenticis et Instit. Commentaria, Consilia, quaestiones, ettractatus . . . Eepertoriumlocupletissimumin omnesBartolia Saxo Ferrato lecturas . . . 3vols.ini. fol. Augustas Taurinorum, 1^)77 Commentaria in Codicem, Lib. i, tit. 1, de summa Trinitate. See Savigny, Friedrich Carl von ; Private International law. Barton, Charles. An historical treatise of a Suit in Equity . . . 8vo. 1796 Elements of Conveyancing. . . 6 vols. 8vo. 1802-05 See also Powell, John Joseph ; Precedents in Conveyancing. Barttelot, Edmund Musgrave. The life of Edmund Musgrave Barttelot . . . being an account of his services for the relief of Kandahar, of Gordon, and of Emin, from his letters and diary : by W. G. Barttelot. 8vo. 1890 Basilius Magnus, Bishop of Csesarea. ' Omnia . . . quae ad nos extant opera . . . fol. Basilese, 1552 Epistola de vita in solitudine agenda. See BuD^trs, Gulielmus. BAS— BAT. 4& Basius, Joannes. Paradoxarum disputationum juris civilis, libri iiii. . . . [Bound "with Cujacius's Bao-iXiKwv liber lx.] fol. Basiless [1575] Basset, Thomas. Catalogue of the common and statute law-books of this realm . . . Third edition. 12mo. 1694 Bassett, H. H. See Fenn, Charles ; Feun on the Funds. Bate, John Pawley. International law, private and public. See Law Kefoem. Bateman, John. The great landowners of Great Britain and Ireland ; a list of all owners of three thousand acres and upwards, worth 3,000L a year ; also one thousand three hundred owners of two thousand acres and upwards, in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, their acreage and income from land, culled from the modern Domesday Book . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1883 Bateman, Joseph. The general Highway Acts, 5 & 6 Will. IV., c. 50, and 25 & 26 Vict, c. 61 ; with notes, forms, statutes and parts of statutes referred to in the general acts, or bearing upon the law of highways. Second edition by W. N. Welsby. 12mo. 1863 Law of Auctions ; with forms, precedents and statutes. Seventh edition, by P. F. Evans. 8vo. 1895 Bateman, Thomas. Treatise on Agistment Tithe ; with appendix . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1778-79 Bateson, Mary. Borough Customs. [Selden Society, No. 18.] Duke of Newcastle's letters on changes in the Ministry, 1765-67. [Camden Society, new series, No. 59.] Letters from the Bishops to the Privy Council, 1564. [Oamden Society, new series, No. 53.] Scottish King's household. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Bathe, Henry de. See Egmnest Marsh. Batten, Edmund. A practical treatise on the law relating to the Specific Performance of Contracts. 8vo. 1849 Batten, E. C. The register of Richard Fox wliile Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1492-94 ; with a life of Bishop Fox. 8vo, 1889 46 BAT— BAY. Battt, Espine. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, from Michaehnas term, 1826, to Michaelmas term, 1826. 8vo. Dublin, 1828 8ee also Smith, Thomas Berry Cusack. Baudis, Gottfrid I(eonard. Analysis Monogrammatum Imperatorum ac Regum Germanicorum a Carolo III. usque ad excessum Conradi III. [ German University Tracts, vol, 18.] 4to. Lipsise, 1737 Prseparatio ad analysin Monogrammatum Imperatorum et Regum Germ. [German University Tracts, vol. 18.] 4to. Lipsias, 1737 Batjeb, Adam Caspar. De prorogatione investiturae . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Halae Vendorum, 1739 Bauee, Anton. Entwurf eines Straf gesetzbuches f iir das Konigreich Hannover ; mit Anmerkungen. 2 vols. Svo. Gottingen, 1826-28 Strafrechtsfalle. See Codes, Germany. Baussius, Gottlieb Sigismundus. De potestate imperatoris alienandi bona imperii. [ German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Jenrn, 1695 Baxtee, J. Sinclair. See Strahan, J. Andrew ; Law of Property. Baxter, Wynne E. The Judicature Acts and "Rules 1873-83, and other statutes and orders relating to the practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1883 Batle, Peter. Dictionary, historical and critical. Second edition, to which is prefixed the life of the author, by P. Desmaizeaux. 5 vols. fol. 1734-38 Bayley, John. Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem, sive Escaetarum. [Record Commission, No. 4.] Calendars of the proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Q. Elizabeth, [Record Commission, No. 7.] Bayley, Sir John. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England . . . with notes. 8vo. 1816 Summary of the law of Bills of Exchange, cash bills and promissory notes. Sixth edition, by G. M. Dowdeswell. . 8vo. 1849 See also Raymond, Lord. Reports. BAY— BEA. 47 Batlis, Thomas Henrj. The Temple Church and Chapel of St. Ann . . , 8vo. 1893 Introductory address to the office of Reader or Lector, and lecture on Treasure Trove, delivered in the Inner Temple Hall, Michaelmas term, 1898 ; to which is appended the report of a Moot held in the same term. Published by order of the Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple. 8vo. 1901 Batne, Peter. English Puritanism. See Gould, Geo. Bazalqbtte Charles Norman, and Humphreys George. The law relating to County Councils ; being the Local Government Act, 1888, County Electors Aict, 1888, the incorporated clauses of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882, and a compendious introduction and notes ; with analysis of statutes . . . 8vo. 1888 Beach, Charles Fisk. Company Law: commentaries on the law of private corporations, whether with or without capital stock, also of joint stock com- panies ... 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1891 Bbal, Edward. The law of Bailments, embracing deposits, mandates, loans for use, pledges, hire, innkeepers and carriers ; with notes to Canadian cases : by A. C. F. Boulton. 8vo. 1900 Beal, Edward W. The practice of the Court of general Assessment Sessions, under the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869 . . . Svo. 1883 Beale, William Phipson. Essay on the legal and historical aspects of the question as to the preservation of Commons in the neighbourhood of the Metropolis. See Commons. Beames, John. The elements of Pleas in Equity, with precedents of such pleas. Svo. 1818 Summary of the doctrine of the Courts of Equity, with respect to costs, deduced from the leading cases. Svo. 1822 A brief view of the writ JVe exeat Regno, as an equitable process ; with the rules of practice relating to it. Second edition. Svo. 1824 A sketch of the doctrine relative to Commitments in Bankruptcy. Svo. 1827 Reports of Chancery cases. See Vesey, Francis, jun. See also Glanville, Ranulph de ; Tractatus de legibus Anglise. 48 BEA— BEB. Beamont, W. J. The Prayer Book interleaved. See Liturgies. Beatson, Eobert. A political index to the histories of G-reat Britain and Ireland ; or, a complete register of the hereditary honours, public offices, and persons in office, from the earliest periods to the present time. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1806 Beatson's Political index modernised. See Haydn, Joseph, Book of Dignities. Bkatty, Francis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Hart; with a few m the time of Lord Chancellor Manners [1813-30]. See also Ball, Thomas. Svo. Dublin, 1847 Beauchamp, J. J. The Jurisprudence of the Privy Council ; containing a digest of all the decisions of the Privy Council, a sketch of its history, notes on the constitution of the Judicial Committee, a summary of its pro- cedure . . . Svo. Montreal, 1891 Bbaufoy, Henry Benjamin Hanbury. London Tradesmen's Tokens. See Burn, Jacob Henry. Beaumont, Francis. Prefatory letter to Speght's edition of Chaucer. See Chaucer, Geoffrey. [Beaumont Francis, and Fletcher John.] The Island Princess : or, the generous Portugal. 4to. 1669 Beaumont, George. An inquiry into the origin of copyhold tenure. [Tracts, vol. 18, No. 2.] 1835 Beaumont, Lord. Letter to Lord Zetland. See Cooper, Charles Purton. Beavan, Charles. Eeports of cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Eolls Court, 1838-66 [with table of cases and general index]. 36 vols. 8vo. 1840-69 Ordines Cancellarise, being a selection of general orders of the High Court of Chancery, from 1814-42. 12mo. 1842 Bebb, John. Report of the case of the King against Bebb and Others, assignees of Castell and Powell, bankrupts, on an extent ; with explanatory notes, and an appendix of cases and records in extents, by T. B. Hughes. 8vo. 1811 BEC— BEE. 49 [Beccaria, Bonesana Caesar, Marquis.] An essay on crimes and punishments, translated from the Italian ; with a commentary, attributed to M. de Voltaire, translated from the French. [Tracts, vol. 6, No. 1.] Second edition. 8vo. 1769 Becius, Franciscus. Consilia D. Jasonis Mayni. See Jason de Matno. Beck, Johann Ludwig Wilhelm. Corpus juris civilis. 2 vols, in 8. 4to. Lipsiae, 1825-36 Beck Theodoric Romney, and Beck Johfi B. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1842 Bbcket, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. A life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic. [Britain, No. 65.] Materials for the history of Thomas Becket. [Britain, No. 67.] Beckington, Thomas. See Bekynton. Bbcqubr, Joannes Christianus de. . . . De jure episcopali principum Evangelicorum. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgicae, 1719 Bbddoes, William Francis. Treatise on the law of Mortgage. 8vo. 1893 Bedb, The Venerable. Ecclesiasticae historiae gentis Anglorum libri v. fol. Argent., 1500 Chrouicon, sive de sex hujus saeculi aetatibus ; Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Bedell, William, Bishop of Kilmore. A true relation of the life and death of William Bedell, Lord Bishop of Kilmore. [Camden Society, new series. No. 4.] Bedford, Hilkiah. See Harbin, George. Bedingfield, Thomas. See Machiavelli, Nicolo ; Florentine Historic. Beeslt, Edward Spencer. Life of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. 1892 England and the Sea. See International Policy. 50 BEH— BEL. Bbhring Sea Arbitration. Opinions of Mr. Justice Harlan and Senator Morgan at the Conference in Paris of the Behring Sea Tribunal of Arbitration, constituted by the treaty of February 29th, 1892, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. 8vo. Washington, 1893 Bektnton, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells. OflScial correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, secretary to Henry VI. [Britain, No. 56; Camden Society, No. 86.] Bell, Andrew Beatson. See Shaw, Patrick; Digest of cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. Bell, George Joseph. Principles of the law of Scotland. Third edition. 8vo. Edinhurgh, 1833 — Ninth edition, by W. Guthrie. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinhurgh, 1889 Commentaries on the law of Scotland, and on the principles of mercantile jurisprudence. Seventh edition ... by J. M'Laren. 4to. Edinhurgh, 1870 Bell, Henry Nugent. The Huntingdon Peerage; comprising a detailed account of the evidence and proceedings connected with the restoration of the earldom ... 4to. 1820 Bell, John. Travels from St. Petersburg in Eussia, to various parts of Asia ; illustrated with maps. 2 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788 Bell, John. Thoughts on the proposed alteration in the Court of Chancery. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 1.] 8vo. 1830 Bell, Robert. Rerum Hispanicarum scriptores aliquot . . . nunc accuratius emen- datiusque recusi & in duos tomos digesti. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Francofurti, 1679 Bell, Robert. Fairfax correspondence. See Fairfax, Thomas, Lord. Bell, Robert Fitzroy. Memorials of John Murray of Broughton, 1740-47. [Scottish History Society, No. 27.] Bell, Sydney Smith. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on appeal frojn the Courts of Scotland, 1842-50. 7 vols. 8vo. 1843-52 The law of Property as arising from the relation of Husband and Wife, 8vo. 1849 BEL. 61 Bbll, Thomas. Crown Cases Eeserved, with a selection of cases and notes of cases relating to indictable offences, argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench and the Courts of Error, from Michaelmas term, 1858, to Michaelmas term, 1860. Svo. 1861 See also Deaesley, Henry Richard. Bell, William. A dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland ; with short explana- tions of the most ordinary English law terms. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838 — Seventh edition, by Gr. Watson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1890 Bell Sir William James, Sceivenee Harry Stanley, and Lloyd Charles Frederick. The Sale of Food and Drugs acts, 1875 to 1899 . . . Fourth edition. Svo. 1903 Bellaemino, Cardinal Roberto. Tortura Torti ; Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini. See Andeewes, Lancelot. Bbllees, Fettiplace. Of the ends of Society. 4to. 1769 Bellewe, Richard. Les ans du Roy Richard le Second, collect' ensembl' hors les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert, et Brooke. [Reprinted from the original edition of 1586.] 8vo. 1869 Belli^vee, Brothers de. Diplomatic correspondence, 1646-48. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 29, 30.] Bellings, Richard. Narrative of affairs of Ireland, 1641-49. See Q-ilbeet, John T. Bellot, Hugh H. L. The Inner and Middle Temple : legal, literary and historic associations. 8vo. 1902 Bbllus, PetrinuB. De re militari et bello tractatus . . . 4to. Venetiis, 1563 Belsham, William, Essays, philosophical and moral, historical and literary. A new edition. 4to. 1799 History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the conclu- sion of the treaty of Amiens, 1802 ... 12 vols, Svo. 1805-06 E 2 52 BEL— BEN. Belt, Robert. Supplement to Vesey's Reports. See Vesbt, Francis. Bbltz, G. F. A review of the Chandos Peerage case, adjudicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir Samuel Edgerton Brydges, to designate himself per legem terrse Baron Chandos of Sudeley. 8?o. 1834 Bendloe, Gulielme. See Bbnlob. Benecke, "William. A treatise on the principles of indemnity in Marine Insurance, bottomry, and respondentia, and on their practical application in effecting those contracts, and in the adjustment of all claims arising out of them. 8vo. 1824 Benedict of Peterborough. Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. [Brxtain, No. 49.] Benedictus, Johannes. See Lucianus, Opera. Bengal. An analysis of the laws and regulations enacted by the Governor General in Council, at Fort William, in Bengal, for the civil government of . . . that Presidency. Vol. 1 ... by J. H. Harrington. Revised edition. fol. 1821 Regulations of the Bengal Government, respecting Zemindary and La-Khiraj property . . . with an index and glossary, and an explanatory introduction, by R. Clarke. fol. 1840 Bengal Law Reports. The Bengal Law Reports of decisions of the High Court at Fort William [civil and criminal] in its original and appellate juris- dictions ; Privy Council decisions on Indian appeals. 13 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1868-74 Benham, William. Life of Archbishop Tait. See Davidson, Randall Thomas. Benjamin, Judah Philip. Treatise on the law of Sale of Personal Property ; with references to the American decisions and to the French code and Civil Law. Third edition by A. B. Pearson- Gee and H. F. Boyd. 8vo. 1884 — Fourth edition, by A. B. Pearson-Gee and H. F. Boyd. "Svo. 1888 BEN. 68 Benloe, Gulielme. Reports des divers resolutions et judgments donne par les reve- rendes Judges de la ley ; en le temps de roys et roignes Henry VIII., Edward VI., Philip et Mary, et Elizabeth ; avecque autres select cases adjudges en le temps de roys Jaqueset Charles lepremier. fol. 1661 Benloe Gulielme, and Dalison Gulielme. Reports des divers pleadings et cases en le Court del Comon-Bank, en le several roignes des roys Henry VII., Henry VIII., Edward VI., et le roignes Mary et Elizabeth ; [et] Reports des divers special cases adjudge en le Court Comon-Bank, en les reignes de les Princes Henry VIII., Edward VI., et les reignes Mary et Elizabeth: colligees par G. Dalison. fol. 1689 Bennett, Edmund H. See PoMEKOT, John Norton; Constitutional Law of the United Staples : Stoey, Joseph ; Law of Bailments. Bennett Edmund H., and Heard Franklin Piske. A selection of leading cases in Criminal Law, with notes. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1869 Bennett, Robert A. See Sutton, Henry ; Tramway Acts. Bennett, W. H. On the Hindu and Mohamedan laws as administered in India, and in connection with English law. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Bennett, William James Early, A plea for toleration in the Church of England, in a letter to the Rev. E. B. Pusey. [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 1.] 8vo. 1867 State interference in matters spiritual . . . [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 2.] 8vo. 1869 Argument in the case of the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett. See Stephens, Archibald John. Benson, Christopher. A letter to the Bishop of Lincoln on the proceedings of the Ecclesias- tical Commissioners. [Tracts, vol. 12, No. 4.] 8vo. 1837 Bentham, Jeremy. Works of ; published under the superintendence of his executor, J. Bowring. 11 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843 Indications respecting Lord Eldon ; including history of the pending judges' salary-raising measure-. [Trads, vol. 12, No. 2.] 8vo, 1825 Rationale of Reward. 8vo. 1825 Treatise on Judicial Evidence extracted from [his] manuscripts, by E. Dumont : translated into English. 4to. 1826 Rationale of Judicial Evidence, specially applied to English practice : edited from his manuscripts by J. S. Mill. 5 vols. 8vo. 1827 54 BEN— BER. Bkntham, Jeremy — continued. De I'Organisation judiciaire et de la Codification; extraits de divers outrages de Jeremie Bentham, par E. Dumont. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Rationale of Punishment. 8vo. 1830 Analysis of Jeremy Bentham's Theory of legislation : by Or. W. H. Fletcher. 8vo. 1864 Introduction to the principles of Morals and Legislation. 8vo. Oxford, 1879 Theory of Legislation ; translated from the French of E. Dumont : by R. Hildreth. Sixth edition. Svo. 1890 A fragment on Government : edited with an introduction, by F. C. Montague. Svo. Oxford, 1891 Principles of International law (now first published from the original manuscripts). Svo. n.d. Bbntinck, Gr. Cavendish, State papers, Venetian. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 33.] Bbntlet, a. J. See Ujtited States ; Official Opinions of the Attorneys - G-eneral . Bentley, Samuel. See Excerpta Histoeica. Bbntlet, Thomas. Register of remarkable events relating to the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn [1446-1584]. /See Q-riffith, Edward. Bbbault, Josias. La coustume reformee du pays et duche de Normandie, anciens ressorts et enclaves d'iceluy ; avec les commentaires, annotations, et arrests dounez sur I'interpretation d'iceUe. Sixiesme edition. fol. Bouen, 1660 Bebbbbius, Johannes. Viatorium utriusque juris. Svo. n.d. Bbbgenboth, Gustav Adolph. State papers, Spanish, [Calendar of State Papers, No. 31.] Bbbqbb, Theodorus. De successione in feudum apertum expectantia promissum . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Marhurgi Cattorum, 1736 Bebgholt, Andreas Michael. De jure majestatis ecclesiastico. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Gryphiswaldia, 1704 BEE. 55 Beboson, Jules. See Hefftbb, Auguste Q-uillame ; Droit International. Berkeley Peebaoe. See Pbebaoe Olaists. Bebklet, Sir John. Memoirs of. See Maseees, Francis ; Select tracts. Bebmxtda Islands. Acts of the legislature of the Islands of Bermuda, 1690 to 1883 : compiled ... by R. Gray. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884 Bermuda Acts, 1884-1904. 5 vols. 8vo. [1884-1904] Bbbnabd, Francis. Catalogue of his Library sold by auction, 1698. See Catalooues, Miscellaneous. Bebnabd, Montague. A historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War. Svo. 1870 Bebnabd, Nicholas, Preacher of Chray^a Inn. The judgement o£ the late Arch-bishop [Usher] of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland . . . with a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion . . . 8vo. 1657 The case of John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford . . to which is added the sermon preached at his funeral . . . 1640 . . . Svo. 1710 Bebnabd William Cecil, and Mobqan-Bbown Hubert. The Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890 . . . 8vo. 1891 Bebnabd, William Leigh. Annuities to Curates, as ordered and declared by the Commis- sioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland, under the 15th section of thelrishChurch Act: compiled by W.L. Bernard, fol. I)ublin,1871 Decisions under " The Irish Church act, 1869 " with directions for procedure under " The Irish Church act, 1869, Amendment act, 1872," [with annuities of Incumbents, declared under 14th section,] and " The Glebe Loan (Ireland) acts of 1870 and 1871." Third edition. Svo. Dublin, 1873 Irish ecclesiastical property statutes and leading cases : the Irish Church acts, 1869 and 1872, and various statutes connected there- with . . . together with reports of leading cases decided under the Irish Church acts, and the general rules and forms of procedure of the Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland . . . Svo. Dublin, 1876 Beenaedus, Abbot of Clairvaux. Sancti Bernardi . . . opera omnia . . . fol. Parisiis, 1632 56 BER -BES. Bernegoee, Johann Christian. De ecclesiis filiabus. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Oiessa Hassorum, 1705 Bernhold, Antonius Sigfrid de. De personis feudi capacibus. . . . [German University Traces, vols. 2, 3.] 4to. Argent., 1719 Berbiat- Saint- Peix, [Jacques.]. Cours de procedure civile . . . Sixieme Edition, torn. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Beret, Jacques le Bouvier. Le recouvrement de Normandie. [ Britain, No. 32.] Beeteam, Anton. Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900. See Paesons, Albert. Beetbakd, Edmonde. Code d'instruction criminelle autrichien. See Codes, Austria, Beeteandus, Joannes. De jurisperitis libri duo. See Eutilius, Bernardinus. Beewick, Thomas. A contribution to an English translation of Voet's commentary on the Pandects, comprising all the titles on Purchase and Sale — Letting and Hiring — Mortgages — Evictions — Warranty — and allied subjects; being Lib. xviii., xix., xx., xxr., and tit. 7 of Lib. xiii. New and revised edition. 8vo. 1902 Besant, Sir Walter. London. New edition. Svo. 1894 Westminster. New edition. Svo. 1897 South London. Svo. 1899 East London. Svo. 1901 London in the eighteenth century. 4to. 1902 London in the time of the Stuarts. 4to. 1903 Besoldus, Christophorus. De natura populorum . . . et insimul etiam, de linguarum ortu atque immutatione, philologicus discursus. Editio secunda. 4to. Tuhingse, 1632 Best, Henry. Farming and account books, 1641. [Surtees Society, No. 33.] BES— BET. 57 Best, Samuel. Parochial sermons on subjects engaging the attention of the day. 12mo. 1836 Pietas douiestica. 1. Family prayers. 2. Discourses on the services appointed bytheLiturgyfor Sundays and Holy Days. l2mo. 1843 Manual of parochial institutions . . . 12mo. 1848 On catechising. 8vo. 1849 Best, William Mawdesley. An exposition of the practice relative to the Right to Begin and Right to Reply, in trials by jury and in appeals at Quarter Sessions. 8vo. 1837 Treatise on Presumptions of Law and Fact, with the theory and rules of presumptive or circumstantial proof in criminal cases. 8vo. 1844 Treatise on the Principles of Evidence, and practice as to proofs in courts of Common Law ; with elementary rules for conducting the examination and cross-examination of witnesses. 8vo. 1849 — Fourth edition. 8vo. 1866 — Fifth edition. 8vo. 1870 — Sixth edition, by J. A . Russell. 8vo. 1875 — Eighth edition, by J. M. Lely ; with notes to American and Canadian cases, by C. F. Chamberlayne. 8vo. 1893 — Ninth edition, by J. M. Lely. 8vo. 1902 Grundzijge des englischen Beweisrechts, bearbeitet und mit Anmer- kungen und Beilagen iiber den englischen Prozess herausgegebenvon Dr. Heinrich Marquardsen : rait einer Einletung iiber die Bedeutung der englischen Beweislehre von Mittermaier. 8vo. Heidelberg, 185 L On the policy of the rule of English law which exacts unanimity in the verdicts of Juries. ^Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Codification of the laws of England. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] The common law of England, with an examination of some false principles of Law Reform. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Trial by Jury. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Quintilian's Institutes, book 5, chap. 7. translated. See Quintilian. Best William Mawdesley, and Smith George James Philip. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on appeal from the Court of Queen's Bench, from Easter term, 1861, to Michaelmas term and vacation, 1869. 10 vols. 8vo. 1862-71 • Betham, Sir William. Observations on the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons on the Record Commission in 1836, and the report, so far as it refers to the Irish records. [Record Commission, Tracts.] 68 BET— BHA. Bbthbll, Sir Eichard, See Westbury, Lord. Bbthtine, Maximilien de, Due de Sully. M^moires. . . Nouvelle Edition. 8 vols. 12mo. 1752 BEuaNOT, Arthur [Auguste], Comte. Essai sur les institutions de Saint Louis. 8vo. Paris, 1821 Les Olim. See Olim. Bbvan, Charles Dacres. See Statutes. Bbven, Thomas. Principles of the law of Negligence. 8vo. 1889 — Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 The law of Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation. 8vo. 1898 Bever, Thomas. The history of the legal polity of the Roman state ; and of the rise, progress, and extent of the Roman laws, 4to. 1781 BsvEREaE, William. Institutionum chronologicarum libri duo, una cum totidem arith- metices chronologicse libellus. 4to. 1706 Bbwes, Wyndham Anstis. The law of Waste ; a treatise on the rights and liabilities which arise from the relationship of limited owners and the otvners of the inheritance with reference to the tenements. 8vo. 1894 Beyer, Georg. Delineatio juris divini, naturalis et positivi, universalis . . . Editio altera . . . accedit vita auctoris . . . 4to. Li^psias, 1726 Beza, Theodore. Tractatio de polygamia . . . de repudiis et divortiis . . . 8vo. Geneose, 1687 Bhascara Acharya. Lilawati: or, a treatise on arithmetic and geometry: translated from the original Sanscrit, by J. Taylor. 4to. Bombay, 1816 Bhattachabyya, Krisna Kamal. Tagore law lectures, 1884-85 : the law relating to the Joint Hindu Family. 8vo. Calcutta, 1886 BIB. 69 Bible, The Holy. Commentaries . Des Erasmi Eoterodami in Novum Testamentum, ab eodem denuo recognitum, annotationes, ingenti nuper accessione per autorem locupletatse. fol. Basileas, 1619 A critical commentary on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha ; by [Symon] Patrick, [Eichard] Arnald, [Daniel] Whitby, and [Moses] Lowman. A new edition, corrected by J. E. Pitman. 6 vols. 4to. 1822 Cheek New Testament. Novum Testamentum, Graece et Latine, studio et industria Des. Erasmi Eoterodami . . . 8vo. Lipsise, 1666 Novum Testamentum Grrgecum, e codice MS. Alexandrine, qui Londiniin BibliothecaMuseiBritannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godofredo Woide. fol. 1786 'H KaLvrj /^uxQ-qK-q. Novum Testamentum. Juxta exemplar Mil- lianum. 8vo. Oxonii, 1813 — Novum Testamentum ; cum scholiis theologicis et philologicis : [edited by E. Valpy.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1816 — The Greek Testament : with the readings adopted by the revisers of the authorised version. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 Otium Norvicense pars tertia : notes on select passages of the Greek Testament, chiefly with reference to recent English versions, by F. Field. 4to. Oxford, 1881 Hebrew Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica, ad optimorum codicum et editionum fidem recensita et expressa . . . M. Christiano Eeineccio. Editio tertia. 8vo. Lipsise, 1766 Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis lectionibus : edidit B. Kennicott. 2 vols. fol. Oxonii, 1776-80 Polyglots. Biblia Sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales (Hebrai- cum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Grsecum), versionumque antiquarum (Samaritanse, Greece lxxii. inter- pretum, Chald., Arab., iEthiop., Pers., Vulg. Lat.), quicquid comparari poterat ; cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, annotationibus : . . . edidit B. Walton. 6 vols. fol. 1667 Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samari- tanum, iEthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim ; et Persicum, separatim . . . : authore E. Castello. [Intended as a companion to Bishop Walton's Biblia Sacra polyglotta.] 2 vols. fol. 1669 The improved polyglott Bible. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : with upwards of fifty thousand verified references to parallel and illustrative passages ; also a brief historical connection between the Old and New Testaments. [The English version.] 12mo. 1844 60 BIB— BIG. Bible, The Holy — continued. Versions : Greek, Latin, English, etc. The Holy Bible, containing the bookes of the Old and New Testament ; illustrated with chorographical sculptures : by J. Ogilby : with the Book of Common Prayer. fol. Cambridge, 1660 A new and literal translation of all the books of the Old and New Testament ; with notes, critical and explanatory, by A. Purver. 2 vols. fol. 1764 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: translated out of the original tongues. 8vo. 1847 The accented Bible ... all proper names accented : edited by A. Taylor. 12mo. [1875] The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues : being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised : printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Svo. Cambridge, 1885 Vetus Testamentum, secundum lxx. et ex autoritate Sixti V. Pont. Max. editum : cum scholiis Romanae editionis in singula capita distributis. 3 vols. fol. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1628 Novum Testamentum, Greece et Latine, studio et industria Des. Erasmi Eoterodami . . . Svo. Lipsise, 1565 II Nuovo Testamento del Signer Nostro Jesu Christo : tradotto da G. Diodati. 12mo. 1608 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, translated out of the Greek : being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised a.d. 1881 : printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Svo. Oxford, 1881 Llyvyr lob Cyvieithad Dr. Morgan. [Welsh Classics for the People] : edited by J. G. Evans, [Reprinted from the original edition of 1588.] Svo. Oxford, 1888 Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. [Surtees Society, Nos. 28, 39, 43, 48.] Moral diflSculties connected with the Bible ( Boyle lectures, 1871-73), by J. A. Hessey. 4 vols. 12mo. and Svo, 1871-73 Ta 'A^ttu/Aara tov UevTaTevxov. The Pentateuch proved to be true : by J. R. Carr. [Tracts, vol. 15, No. 2,] Svo. 1863 Analytical concordance to the Bible, See Young, R. Dictionary of the Bible. See Smith, Sir William. BicKLBT, F. B. See Bacon, Francis ; Promus of formularies and elegancies. 3ID— BIN. 61 BiDDLE, John. A table of references to unrepealed Public GTeueral Acts: arranged in the alphabetical order of their short or popular titles. Second edition, enlarged and corrected to the end of the session 32 & 33 Vict. (1869) ; including references to all the acts in Chitty's collection of statutes, with supplement to 1870. Svo. 1869-70 See also Cox, Edward William ; Forms : Daniell, Edmund Robert; Chancery Practice. BiBNEE, Christian G-ottlob. Heineccii elementa juris civilis. See Hbineccius, Johann Gottlieb. BiGELOw, Meville Madison. Leading Cases on the law of Torts, determined by the courts of America and England. * Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1875 Placita Anglo-Normannica : law cases from William I. to Richard I., preserved in historical records. Svo. 1879 History. of procedure in England from the Norman Conquest: the Norman period. Svo. 1880 Treatise on the law of Estoppel and its application in practice. Fourth edition. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1886 A treatise on the law of Fraud on its civil side. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1888 Elements of the law of Torts. Svo. Cambridge, 1889 See also Story, .Joseph ; Conflict of Laws. [BlGGAB, E. B.]. A memorial volume and general reference book of Canada, . . . with statistics, maps and illustrations. Svo. Montreal, 1889 BiLLiET, Clement. Lois Civiles de Malte. See Codes, Malta. BiLLINGHURST, GcOrgC. Arcana clericalia : or, the mysteries of clerkship explained . . . Svo. 1705 BiLTON, Samuel Francis. Chart of practice of the Court of Chancery. Svo. 1850 Bingham, Peregrine. The law and practice of Judgments and Executions, including extents at the suit of the Crown. Svo. 1815 The law of Infancy and Coverture. Svo. 1816 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Trinity term, 1822, to Easter term, 1834. 10 vols. Svo. 1824-34 New cases in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Trinity term, 1834, to Michaelmas term, 1840. 6 vols. 8vo. 1835-41 Reports of Common Pleas cases. See Broderip, William John. 62 BIN— BIR. BiNixTS, SeverinuB. Concilia generalia et provincilia Grrseca et Latina, quae reperiri potuenint omnia. Item epistolse decretales, et Eomanorum Pontifi- cum vitse ... 9 vols, in 10. fol. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1636 BiNNS, Jolin, Trial of John Binns for high treason. See O'Coigly, James. BlOGRAPHIA BrITANNICA. Biographia Britannica : or, the lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages down to the present times. 6 vols, in 7. fol. 1747-66 BiooEAPHicAL Dictionary. The Biographical Dictionary of the Soeiety for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge. (A — Aristophanes.) 3 vols, in 5 parts. 8vo. 1842-43 Birch, John. Military Memoir of Colonel John Birch, Governor of Hereford in the Civil War. [Camden Society, new series. No. 7.] Birch, Thomas. Memoirs of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581 till her death . . . from the original papers of Anthony Bacon, and other manuscripts. 2 vols. 4to. 1754 History of the Royal Society of London, for improving of natural knowledge, from its first rise. 4 vols. 4to. 1766-57 Lives and characters of illustrious persons of Great Britain ; with heads, engraven by Houbraken and Vertue. New edition, fol. 1813 See also Bacon, Francis ; Letters : Boyle, Robert ; Works : Milton, John ; Works. Birch, Walter de Gray. The historical charters and constitutional documents of the City of London ; with an introduction and notes by an Antiquary. Svo. 1884. Domesday Book ; a popular account of the Exchequer manuscript so called, with notices of the principal points of general interest which it contains. Svo. 1887 The materials for the re-editing of the Domesday Book, and sugges- tions for the formation of a Domesday Book Society. See Domesday Commemoration. See also Kemble, John Mitchell ; The Saxons in England. Bird, James Barry. The laws concerning travelling. 12mo 1718 Original precedents of Settlements, drawn by the most distinguished conveyancers of the present day . . . 8vo. 1800 The laws respecting landlords, tenants, and lodgers . . . wills, testaments, and codicils . . . masters and servants . . . parish matters . . . 8vo. 1802-04 BIR— BLA. 63 BiBD, Samuel Robert Scargill. A guide to the principal classes of documents preserved in th6 Public Record Office. 8vo. 1891 Custumals of Battle Abbey, 1283-1312. [Camden Society, new series, No. 41.] BlEMINOHAM. Catalogue of the Corporation Library. 8ee Catalogues, Library. BiBNBAXJM, Johann Michael Franz. iS^ee Themis. Themis : ou bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. BiEON Henry Chartres, and Chalmkes Kenneth Edlmann. The law and practice of Extradition. Svo. 1903 BiEEELL, Augustine. The duties and liabilities of Trustees : six lectures delivered in the Inner Temple, 1896, at the request of the Council of Legal Education. 8vo. 1896 Four lectures on the law of Employers' Liability at home and abroad. 8vo. 1897 Sir Frank Lockwood : a biographical sketch, 8vo. 1898 Seven lectures on the law and history of Copyright in books. Svo. 1899 Changes in Equity, Procedure, and Principles. See Law Refoem. Bishop, Joel Prentiss. Commentaries on the law of Marriage and Divorce, with the evi- dence, practice, pleading and forms; also of separations without divorce, and of the evidence of marriage in all issues. Fifth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Bostcm, U.S.A., 1873 BisMAECK, Prince ; Life of. See Lowe, Charles. BissET, Andrew. A practical treatise on the law of Estates for Life. Svo. 1842 BiTTLESTON, Adam. See Magisteates' Cases. BiTTON, Thomas de. Bishop of Exeter. Account of the Executors of Thomas de Bitton, 1310. [Camden Society, new series, No. 10] Black, Adam and Charles. Black's general atlas of the world. New and revised edition . , . accompanied by introductory letterpress and index. fol. Edinburgh, 1873 Black, J. S. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1861-62. 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1862-63 64 BLA. Black, William. A handbook of the Parochial Ecclesiastical Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1888 Black, William Henry. Antient Biblical chronograms : or, a discovery of the chronological use of the majuscular letters occurring in the text of the Hebrew Scriptures ; being a paper read before the Chronological Institute of • London, October 4th, 1864. [Trads, vol. 24, No. 5.] Svo. 1864 Catalogue of the Ashmolean MSS. See Catalogues, Library. Blackbouene, John. Francisci Baconi, opera omnia, hactenus edita ; non ulla etiam ex MSS. codicibus deprompta. 4vol8. fol. 1730 Blackburn, Colin, Lord. Treatise on the effect of the Contract of Sale on the legal rights of property and possession in goods, wares, and merchandise. Svo. 1845 — Second edition ; by J. C. Graham. Svo. . 1885 Eeports of Queen's Bench and Exchequer cases. See Ellis, Thomas Flower. [Blackbukne, Francis.] The Confessional : or, a full and free inquiry into the right, utility, edification, and success of establishing systematical confessions of faith and doctrine in Protestant churches. Second edition. Svo. 1767 Blackbeby, Samuel. The Justice of Peace his companion : or, a summary of all the Acts of Parliament . . . alphabetically digested : by N. Blackerby. 12mo. 1723 — The second part, being a collection of cases. Svo. 1724 Blackham, John. The Practice of the Court of Chancery in Ireland, under the Court of Chancery Ireland Regulation Act ; with an appendix of forms adapted to the present practice. Svo. Dublin, 1859 Blackham John, Dundas William J., and Osboene Robert W. Reports of Practice and Nisi Prius cases (including registry and civil bill appeals), decided in the superior courts of law, in Ireland, and in the after sittings, from Easter term, 1846, to Trinity term, 1848. Svo. Dublin, 1849 Blackie, W. Gr. The imperial gazetteer ; a general dictionary of geography, physical, political, statistical, and descriptive : with a supplement, bringing the geographical information down to the latest dates. 2 vols. 4to. XS55.68 BLA. 65 Blackstone, Henry. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer chamber from Easter term, 1788, to Hilary term, 1796. Second edition. 2 vols. fol. 1793-96 — Fifth edition, by F. W. Meymoit. 8vo. 1837 Blackstone, Sir William. ♦ An analysis of the laws of England. Third edition, with an intro- ductory discourse on the study of the law. 8vo. Oxford, 1758 A treatise on the law of Descents in fee-simple. 8vo. Oxford, 1759 The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic instruments ; with an introductory discourse containing the history of the charters. 4to. Oxford, 1759 Law Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. 1762 Vol. 1. Essay on Collateral Sanguinity ; Considerations on Copyholders j The law of Descents. 2. The Great Charter . . . Tracts, chiefly relating to the antiquities and laws of England. Third edition. 4to. Oxford, 1771 1. Analysis of the laws of England. 2. Essay on Collateral Consanguinity. 3. Considerations on Copyholders. 4. Observations on the Oxford Press. 5. Introduction to the great Charter . . , 6. Magna Carta, Carta de Foresta . . . Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1765-69 — Fifteenth edition, by E. Christian. 4 vols. 8vo. 1809 — Eighteenth edition, by J. Williams. 4 vols. 8vo. 1821-22 The Commentaries on the Laws of England of Sir William Black- stone, adapted to the present state of the law, by E. M. Kerr. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1876 Blackstone's Commentaries systematically abridged, and adapted to the existing state of the law and constitution . . . by S. Warren. Second edition. 8vo. 1856 — See. also Broom Herbert, and Hadley, Edward A. : Stephen, Henry John. Reports of cases determined in the several Courts of Westminster hall, from 1746 to 1779; with a preface, containing memoirs of his life. 2 vols. fol. 1781 Biographical history of Sir William Blackstone, and catalogue of his works, with a nomenclature of Westminster hall : by a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. 1782 The principles of the law of Real and Personal Property, being the second book of the Commentaries, incorporating the alterations down to the year 1844, by J. Stewart. Third edition. 8vo. 1844 The comic Blackstone, by G. A. a Beckett, revised and extended by A. W. a Beckett . . . 8vo. 1887 Blackstone's Elements of Law etc., with analytical charts, tables, and legal definitions. ... by U. Blickensderfer. 8vo. 1889 Argument in the case of Perrin and another against Blake. See Hargbavb, Francis : Law Tracts. 66 BLA— BLI, Bladen, Thomas. See Clerke, Francis ; Praxis in Curiis Eccle- siasticis. Blagg, John Ward. The law as to Public Meeting. 8vo. 1888 Blaikie, Walter Biggar. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, July, 1745, to Sep- tember, 1746. [Scottish History Society, No. 23.] Blair, John. The chronology and history of the World, from the Creation to the year 1753 ; illustrated in lvi. tables. . . fol. 1754 Fourteen maps of ancient and modern Geography, for the illustra- tion of the tables of chronology and history ; to which is prefixed a dissertation on the rise and progress of Geography. fol. 1768 Chronological and historical tables, from the Creation to the present time ; with additions and corrections from the most authentic writers including the computation of St. Paul, as connecting the period from the Exode to the Temple. New edition : revised by Sir H.Ellis. 8vo. "1844 Blakiston, Herbert E. D. Some Durham College Eolls. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] . Blakc, Louis. Eemarks on his Letters on England. See Land Laws. Blancus, Marcus Antonius. Cautelae criminales pro defendendis reis. See Tractatus caute- LARUM. Blandemor, Thomas. See Keppel, Admiral ; Trial of. Blaneford, Henry de. Chronica et annales. [Britain, No. 28.] Blanshard, William. Treatise on the Statutes of Limitation. 8vo. 1826 Blatchford, Samuel. Eeports of Cases in Prize, argued and determined in the circuit and district courts of the United States, for the southern district of New York, 1861-65. 8vo. Washington, 1866 Blegbwryd, Archdeacon of Llandaff. Annales Cambrise. [Britain, No. 20.] Blickensderper, Ulric. Blackstone's Elements of Law, etc., with analytical charts, tables, fbnd legal definitions ... 8vo. 1889 BLI— BLO. 67 Bligh, Eichard. Eeports of cases beard in the House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error, 1819-21. 4 vols. 8vo. 1823-27 New Eeports of cases heard in the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, 1827-37. 11 vols. 8vo.. 1829-37 Eeports of Bankruptcy cases. See Montagu, Basil. Bliss, Henry. Practice at Nisi Prius ; lectures delivered in the hall of the Honour- able Society of the Inner Temple, in Trinity and Michaelmas terms, 1863. 8vo. 1864 Bliss, W. H. Papal Eegisters. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 34.] Block, Eobert J. Table of the Judges of England during the fifty years of the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1837-87. 8vo. 1887 Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. Eomance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. [ Camden Society, No. 72.] Blonde Au, [Jean Baptiste Antoine Hyacinthe]. Chrestomathie -. ou, choix de textes pour un cours elementaire du droit prive des Eomains . . . 8vo. Paris, 1830 Introduction a I'etude du droit. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Institutes de I'Empereur Justinien, traduites en Fran^ais, avec le texte en regard ; suivies d'un choix de textes juridiques, relatifs a I'histoire externe du droit Eomain, et au droit prive ante-Justinien. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Themis : ou bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. Blondel, Eobert. De reductione Normanniae. [Britain, No. 32.] Blount, Thomas. Fragmenta antiquitatis ; antient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs of some mannors, made publick for the diversion of some and instruction of others. 8vo. 1679 — A new edition, re-arranged, corrected, and enlarged : by W. C. Hazlitt. 8vo. 1874 Glossographia : or, a dictionary, interpreting the hard words of whatsoever language now used in our refined English tongue . . . also terms of divinity, law . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1691 A Law dictionary . . . Third edition, to which are added ... an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, viUages, and rivers of Great Britain : bv W. Nelson. fol. 1717 f2 68 BLO— BOC. Blount, William. A letter to the Protestants of England, on the unjust surcharge to which their estates are made liable by the law intending to relieve Eoman Catholics of the double land-tax. [Tracts, vol. 23, No. 1.] 8vo. 1826 Bloxam, John Rouse. Magdalen College and King James II. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 6.] Blunt, John Henry. The book of Church Law, being an exposition of the legal rights and duties of the parochial clergy and the laity of the Church of England : revised by W. G. F. Phillimore. 8vo. 1873 The Reformation of the Church of England ; its history, principles, and results. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878-82 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar. Le droit International codifie, traduit de I'Allemand par C. Lardy. Troisieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1881 The theory of the State ; authorised English translation from the sixth G-erman edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1885 Blyth, E. E. An analysis of the thirteenth edition of Snell s Principles of Equity, with notes thereon. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1902 Blyth, William. Registration of Title. See Steahan, James Andrew ; Introduc- tion to Conveyancing. Board of Agriculture. See Agriculture. BoASE, Charles William. Register of the University of Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 1.] Registrum CoUegii Exoniensis. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 27.] BoASE, Frederic. Catalogue of the Library of the Law Society. See Catalogues, Library. BoccACio, Griovanni. Decamerone . . . 4to. Londra, 1762 BocEELMANN, Johauil Fricdrich. Commentariorum in Digesta Justiniani Imp., libri. xix. 4to. Lugd. Batav., 1678 Tractatus postumus de differentiis juris civilis, canonici et hodierni. Cornelius van Eck edidit, recensuit et prsefatione auxit ; Everardus Otto in usum auditorum, notis illustravit ; et Joach. Hasssei diff. juris civ, §t can. adjecit, 8vo. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1737 BOC— BOE. 69 BocQTJET, Edward. See Junius. Bode, Justus Vollrathus L. B. de. Vindicise imperiales pro Parmse et Placeutiae ducatibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1736 BoDiNGTON, Oliver E. See Kellt, Edmond ; French law of Marriage. Bodkin, Archibald Henry. The Criminal Law Amendment Act. See Mead, Frederick. See also Wise, Edward ; Law of Riots. Bodleian Facsimile Sebies. Issued, with introductory notes, hy Edward W. B. Nicholson, Bodley's Librarian. 1. Ars moriendi, that is to saye the craft for to deye for the helthe of mannes sowle. Photo-lithograph of the unique and perfect copy printed about 1491, by William Caxton or Wynken de Worde, pre- served in the Bodleian Library. 8vo. Oxford^ 1891 2. Ordine della solennissima processione fatta dal sommo Pontifice nell' alma citta di Eoma, per la felicissima noua della destruttione della setta Vgonotana. Photo-lithograph of this most rare pamphlet, printed at Eome in 1572, from the copy in the Bodleian Library. 4to. Oxford, 1891 3. Epistola de insulis nouiter repertis. Photo-lithograph of an edition printed in Paris, about 1493, of the Latin translation of Columbus's Letter to Sanxis ; from Archbishop Laud's copy pre- served in the Bodleian Library. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 4. Caxton's Advertisement. Photo-lithograph of the copy pre- served in the Bodleian Library, being one of the only two copies known. 8vo. 1892 Bodleian Libbaet. Calendar of charters and rolls preserved in the Bodleian Library : edited by W. H. Turner under the direction of H. O. Coxe. 8vo. Oxford, 1878 A report from the Librarian, 1882-87 : published by permission of the Curators. 4to. Oxford, 1888 Catalogue of the Ashmole MSS. See Catalogues, Library. BoECLBRus, Johannes Henricus. Dissertatio de politicis Lipsianis. See Lipsius, Justus. BoEHMEE, Georg Ludolph. De setate vetustse collectionis consuetudinum feudalium. [Germa/n University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Goitingce, n.d. 70 BOE— BOH. BoBHMEE, Johann Samuel Friedrich. Meditationes in constitutionem criminalem Carolinam : accessit vetus ordinatio criminalis Bambergensis, Brandenburgica, Hassiaca. 4to. Halse Magdehurgicss, 1770 BoEHMER, Justus Henning. Doctrina de actioaibus ad praxin hodiernam accommodata, in usum lectionum academicarum, tertia vice auctior edita notisque illustrata . . . [Bound with the same author's Gebrauch der Acten.~\ 8vo. Bonnse, 1726 Introductio in jus publicum universale . . . Editio secunda. 8vo. Halse Magdeburgicas, 1726 FL Justiniani Imperatoris Institutionum libri quatuor, recensuit et codice MSto optimae notae, emendavit, adnotationibus illustravit ; atque Theophili Paraphrasin subjunxit. Secunda editio. 4to. Halse Magdehurgicse, 1728 Succincta manuductio ad methodum disputandi et conscribendi disputationes juridicas . . . Svo. Halse Saxonum, 1730 Einleitung zum geschickten Gebrauch der Acten ... . Zweyte edition. Svo. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1732 Introductio in jus Digestorum . . . Accesserunt tituli de verborum significatione et regulis juris, ad seriemmateriarumordinealphabetico congesti. Sexta editio. 2 vols. Svo. Halse Magdehurgicse, 1741 BoETHius, Aniens Manlius Torquatus Severinus. De consolatione philosophise libri quinque, ex editione Vulpiana, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensiti. Svo. 1823 BoETHius, Hector. Scotorum historise a prima gentis origine, cum aliorum et rerum et gentium illustratione non vulgari ; praemissa epistola, nuncupatoria, tabellisque amplissimis . . . fol. {^Pari8,~] per Jodocum Badium Asceneium, 1526 Chronicles of Scotland. [Britain, No. 6.] BOETTICHEB, J. G. Statistical tables, exhibiting a view of all the states of Europe . . . translated from the German ; with a supplementary table, containing the changes since the publication of the original work, by William Playfair. [Bound with Germany, Geographical description of.] 4to. 1800. Bohemia. Evidentia causae Bohemicse; qua Ferdinandi II. Caesaris legitima abdicatio, et Frederici Palatini justa electio, breviter et succincte demonstrata. 4to. 1626 BoHL, Joan. Code de Commerce Eoumain. See Codes, Bovmania. BOH— BON. 71 BoHN, Henry G-eorge. See Lowndes, William Thomas ; Bibliographer's Manual. BoHUN, William. Cursus Cancellarise : or, the course of proceedings in the High Court of Chancery . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1723 Privilegia Londini : or, the rights, liberties, privileges, laws, and customs of the city of London. Third edition. 8vo, 1723 A collection of debates, reports, orders and resolutions of the House of Commons, touching the right of electing members to serve in Parliament. fol. n.d. See also Covert, Nicholas ; Scrivener's Guide. BoiARDO, Matteo Maria, Comte di Scandiano. Roland I'Amoureux, traduit par Le Sage. See Le Sage, Alain Eene. BoiSGELiN DE Kerdu, Pierre Marie Louis de. Ancient and Modern Malta : containing an account of the Islands of Malta and Goza, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jeru- salem ; also a narrative of the events which attended the capture of those islands by the French, and their conquest by the English . . . 2 vols. 4to. 1805 BoLDEN Book. Bolden Buke : a survey of the possessions of the See of Durham, in the year 1183. [Surtees Society, No. 25.] See also Domesday Book. BoLiNGBBOKE, Henry St. John, Lord. Works of : published by D. Mallet. 5 vols. 4to. 1754 Bolton, Sir Richard. A Justice of Peace for Ireland. fol. Dvhlin, 1638 Bombay. Regulations passed by the Q-overnor in Council of Bombay, from the year 1799 to 1816 inclusive; also police regulations . . . from . . . the year 1812 to 1816 inclusive. fol. 1822 Bombay Law Reports. See Indian Law Reports. Bombay University. Calendar for the year 1905-06. 8vo. Bombay, 1905 BoMPAs, Harold B. See Shblfobd, Leonard ; Real Property Statutes : Tudor, Owen Davies ; Leading Cases. Bond, Edward Augustus. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa. [Britain, No. 43.] 72 BON— BOO. Bond, J. A compleat guide for Justices of the Peace. Third edition, by J. W. 8vo. 1707 Bond, John J, Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era ; with regnal years of English sovereigns from the Norman con- quest to the present time, a.d. 1066 to 1874. Fourth edition. Svo. 1889 . Bonham-Cakter, Alfred. See Mat, Sir Thomas Erskine; Law, privileges, proceedings and usage of Parliament. BoNiPACius VIII., Pope. Sextus decretalium liber, ^gidii Pcrrini opera suae genuinse inte- gritati restitutus . . . fol. Parisiis, 1561 See also Corpus Juris Canonici. BoNNEMAiNs, Edouard de. Loi Roumaine sur la faillite. See Codes ; Boumania. Bonnier, Edouard. Traite, theorique et pratique, des preuves en droit civil et en droit criminel. Troisieme e'dition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862 Bonus, Ernest Melvill. See Key Thomas, and Elphinstone Sir Howard Warburton ; Precedents in Conveyancing. Book-prices Current. Book-prices current : a record of the prices at which books have been sold at auction, 1903-05. 3 vols. 8vo. 1903-05 BooME, John Henry. See Pope, Henry Montagu Eandall ; Law and Practice of Lunacy. Boosis, James £. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Colonial Institute. See Catalogues, Library. Boote, R. An historical treatise of an Action or Suit at Law, and of the pro- ceedings used in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the original process to judgment. Fifth edition : by W. Ballantine. Svo. 1814 Booth, Charles. Life and labour of the people in London. Third series, religious influences. 8 vols. Svo. 1902 Booth, George. The nature and practice of Real Actions in their writs and process, both original and judicial. fol. 1701 BOO— BOB. 73 Booth, J. Case on the operation of the Statute of Uses ; with the opinions of Mr. Booth and other learned counsel thereon. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] , 8vo. 1791 Booth, James. Extracts from the Halmote Court or Manor Rolls of the Prior and Convent of Durham, 1296-1384. [Surtees Society, No. 82.] BooTHBT, Benjamin. Synopsis of the law relating to Indictable Offences . . . 12mo. 1842 — Second edition, by L. Temple. Svo. 1854 BoRCHOLTEN, Johauu. Commentaria in titulum xxxiiii. libri iiii. Codicis qui inscribitur Deusuris; [et] in titulum xiiii. libri ii.Pandectarum qui inscribitur De pactis. 4to. Helmstadii, 1583 Commentaria in Institutionum juris civilis libros iv. . . . 4to. Lovanii, 1646 BoRGEAUD, Charles. Histoire de I'llniversite de Geneve. L' Academic de Calvin, 1559-1798. fol. Geneve, 1900 BoRLASE, William. Observations on the antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall . . . and a vocabulary of the Cornu-British language. fol. Osnford, 1754 Natural history of Cornwall. fol. Oirford, 1758 Born, Jacob. De jurisdictione per investituram feudalem concessa. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.^ 4to. Tuhingx, 1706 BoROuaH, Sir John. Notes on the treaty at Ripon, 1640. [Camden Society, No. 100.] The soveraignty of the British seas. See Malynes, Gerard. BoRRADAiLE, Harry. Borradaile's Gujarat Caste Rules ; published from the original answers of the Castes with the sanction of her Imperial Majesty's High Court of Judicature of Bombay, by Sir M. Nathoobhoy under the superintendence of Rav Bahadur N. Moroji and G. V. Saraiya. 2 vols. Svo. Bombay, 1884-87 See also Hindu Law Books. BoRRELLus, Camillus. De magistratuum edictis tractatus . . . 4to. Francoftirti ad Mcenum, 1621 Controversiae forenses. See Cornazzanus, Barnabas. 74 BOR-BOT. BoBT, Pieter. Alle de Wercken . . . begrepen in seven Tractaten . . . 2 vols. fol. Leiden, 1731 Nagelate Werken vervattende allerhande Observatien, Advysen in zaken van Consideratie, Algemeene Gronden en Eegulen van Rechten, Generale Politique Maximen . . . fol. Utrecht, 1745 BosANQUET, Frederick Albert. Statutes of Limitations. See Darby, J. George N. BosANQUET John Bernard, and Puller Christopher. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer chamber, and in the House of Lords, from Easter term, 1796, to Hilary term, 1804. 3 vols. fol. 1800-04 New Reports of cases in the Court of Common Pleas, and other Courts, from Easter term, 1804, to Trinity term, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806-08 BosANQUET, W. Cecil. See Quain, Sir Richard ; Dictionary of Medicine. BoscAWEN, William. Treatise on convictions on Penal Statutes. 8vo. 1792 BosE, Johannes Carolus. De renovatione investiturse feudalis. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Lipsiae, 1679 BoswELL, James. Account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that Island ; and memoirs of Pascal Paoli. Svo. Glasgow, 1768 The life of Samuel J ohnson ; together with a journal of a tour to the Hebrides ; a reprint of the first edition, to wbich are added Mr. Boswell's corrections and additions . . . edited, with new notes, by P. Fitzgerald, 3 vols. Svo. 1874 BoTFiELD, Beriah. Journal of a tour through the Highlands of Scotland during the summer of 1829. [Anon.] 12mo. Norton Hall, 1830 Notes on the Cathedral libraries of England. 8vo. 1840 Preface to the catalogues of the library of Durham Cathedral. [Surtees Society, No. 7.] BoTT, Edmund. Laws relating to the Poor. Fourth edition, by F. Const. 3 vols. Svo. 1809 BoTTEREAU, Reuatus. Hadrianus, legislator. See Hoffmann, Christian Gottfried. BOT— BOU. 76 BoTTiGRE, Johann Gottfried. De Dubiis regni Germanici finibus modemis. [Oerman University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Francofurti, 1737 Boucher d' Aegis, Antoine Gaspard. Histoire de I'ordre des Avocats. See Camus, Armand Gaston. BouHiEK, [Jean]. CEuvres de jurisprudence: recueillies at mises en ordre, avec des notes et additions, par J. de Bevy. 2 vols. fol. Dijon, 1787-88 BOULET, J. B. E. Dictionnaire des termes de droit. See CoLiiUiRE, R. S. BouLLENOis, Louis. Dissertations sur des questions qui naissent de la contrariete des loix et des coutumes. 4to. Paris, 1732 Traite de la personnalite et de la realite des loix, coutumes ou statuts . . . auquel on a ajoutel'ouvrage latin deRodenburgh, intitule, De jure quod oritur e statutorum diversitate. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1766 BouLT, Henry. A supplement to the abridgment of all the Statutes of King William and Queen Mary, and of King William III. and Queen Anne, from the 24th Oct., 1704, to the 1st of April, 1708. 8vo. 1708 BouLTON, Alexander Claude Forster. See Beal, Edward ; The law of Bailments. Boulton, Matthew. Life of. See Smiles, Samuel. Boulton, William B. The amusements of old London ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1901 Boundary Commission. Report of the Boundary Commissioners for England and Wales, 1885. Part i. Counties. Part ii. Boroughs. 2 vols. fol. 1885 — Ireland. fol. DuUiv, 1885 — Scotland. fol. 1885 BouRCHiER, Jane, Lady. Memoir of the life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington; with selections from his public and private correspondence. 2 vols. Svo. 1873 Bourchier-Chilcott, Thomas. The law relating to the administration of Charities under the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853-94, and Local Government Act, 1894. Svo. 1898 76 BOU— BOW. BoTTRDiN, Mark A. Exposition of the Land Tax, including the latest judicial decisions, and the changes in the law effected by the Taxes Management Act, . . . Fourthedition, by F.Humphreys and C. C. Atchison. 8vo. 1894 BouRiNOT, John George. Parliamentary Procedure and Practice, with a review of the origin, growth, and operation of parliamentary institutions in the Dominion of Canada ; and an appendix . . . Second edition. Svo. [1891] BouRKE, Richard. Reports of Queen's Bench cases, Ireland. See Jebb, Robert. BouRKE, Sir Richard. Correspondence of Edmund Burke, 1744-97. See Burke, Edmund. Bourne, H. R. Fox. English Newspapers : chapters on the historv of journalism. 2 vols. Svo. 1887 Boutell, Charles. English Heraldry. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1906 BouTiRON, Adolphe. Le Droit Public International Maritime. See Testa, Carlos. BouTMY, iimile. The English Constitution : translated by Isabel M. Eaden, with an introduction by Sir F. Pollock. 8vo. 1891 Studies in Constitutional Law — France — England — United States ; translated from the second French edition by E. M. Dicey, with an introduction by A. V. Dicey. Svo. 1891 BouviER, John. Law Dictionary. New edition by F. Rawle. 2 vols. Svo. 1897 BowEN, Charles, Lord. A biographical sketch. See Cunningham, Sir Henry Stewart. BowKN, Ivor. A critique on the proper names of the Town and County of Breck- nock — whether Brecon, Brecknock, Breckenoc, or Breknoke. [Re- printed from the Transactions of the National Eisteddfod of 1899.] Svo. Cardiff, 1891 BowEN Ivor, and Warlet William J. The Building Societies Act, 1884 . . . also the building societies acts, 1874, 1875, 1879, 1884. 12mo. 1894 BowEN-RowLANDS, Emcst Brown. Criminal proceedings on indictment and information (in England and Wales). Svo. 1904 BOW— BOY. 11 Bower, Archibald. History of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time. 1 vols. 4to. 1748-66 BowBB G. Spencer, and Webb Walter. The law relating to Electric Lighting. Second edition, being the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888 . . . 8vo. 1889 BowES, Eobert. Correspondence of Robert Bowes, Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the Court of Scotland, [1577-83.] [Surtees Society, No. 14.] Bowes, Robert. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous, Cambridge. BowEiNG, John. See Bentham, Jeremy, Works. BowsTEAD, William. A digest of the law of Agency. Second edition. 8vo. 1898 The law relating to Factories and Workshops as amended and consolidated by the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901 . . . 8\ro. 1901 BowTER, Sir George. Dissertation on the statutes of the cities of Italy, and a translation of the pleading of Prospero Farinacio in defence of Beatrice Cenci and her relatives"; with notes. Svo. 1838 Commentaries on the Constitutional law of England. Second edition. Svo. 1846 Commentaries on the modern Civil law. Svo. 1848 Readings delivered before the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, in the year 1850. ' Svo. 1851 Commentaries on universal Public law. Svo. 1854 Introduction to the study and use of the Civil law, and to Com- mentaries on the modem Civil law. Svo. 1874 Reform of the law of Real Property. [^Juridical Society, vol. 3.] BoTD, Hugh Fenwick. See Benjamin, Judah Philip; Law of Sale of Personal Property. BoTD, William K. State papers, Scotland. \^Scotland, No. 11.] BoTER, Abel. The history of the life and reign of Queen Anne . . . \ fol. 1722 Le Dictionnaire royal : Fran9ois-Anglois et Anglois-Fran^ois. 4to. 1764 78 BOY— BRA. BoTLE Sir Edward, and Humphkeys-Davies G. The principles of Rating ... as they affect the assessment of rail- ways, docks, tramways, gas and water works, coal and other mines, electric lighting works, manufactories, and other hereditaments, with a digest of all the important cases, including several decisions not previously reported. Second edition. 8vo. 1895 Boyle Sir Edward, and Waghobn Thomas. The law relating to Traffic on Railways and Canals. 3 vols. 8vo. 1901 The law and practice of Compensation : being a collection of the general statutes relating to the compulsory acquisition of land by companies and public authorities, with notes, forms, and a digest of all the leading cases. 8vo. 1903 BoTLE, Robert. Works, to which is prefixed the life of the author, by T. Birch. A new edition. 6 vols. 4to. 1772 Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery. A collection of the State Letters of the Right Hon. Roger Boyle, the first Earl of Orrery, from the Restoration to 1668 . . . fol. 1742 Boyle Lectures. The Boyle Lectures, 1747-49. See Stebbing, Henry. The Boyle Lectures, 1871-73. See Hessey, James Augustus. BozoN, Nicole. Les contes moralises de Nicole Bozon, Frere Mineur, publics .... d'apres les manuscrits de Londres [Gray's Inn, MS. No. 12] et de Cheltenham : par Lncy Toulmin Smith et Paul Meyer. [Societedes Anciens Textes Franr^ais.] 8vo. Paris, 1889 Brabeook, Edward William. The law of Friendly Societies and industrial and provident societies . . . Thirteenth edition. 12mo. 1897 See also Watt, J. Y. ; Law of Savings Banks. Br ACTON, Henricus de. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, libri quinque, in varios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum codicum colla- tionem, ingenti cura, nunc primum typis vulgati . . . fol. 1569 — Edited by Sir T. Twiss [Britain, No. 70.] Bracton's Note Book : a collection of cases decided in the King's Courts during the reign of Henry the Third, annotated by a lawyer of that time, seemingly by Henry of Bratton : edited by F. W. Maitland. ' 3 vols. 8vo, 1887 Select passages from. [Selden Society, No. 8.] BBA. 79 Bbadby, James. Treatise on the law of Distresses. Second edition, with additions by J. Adams. 8vo. 1828 Beadley, Francis Ernest. A handbook to the Companies Act, 1900. Third edition. 8vo. 1901 Bradley, Henry. See New English Dictionaby. Bbadshaw, Henry. Address at the opening of the fifth annual meeting of the Library Association. 8vo. Camhridge, 1882 Collected papers of Henry Bradshaw, comprising 1. " Memoranda" ; 2. " Communications " read before the Cambridge Antiquarian Society; together with an article contributed to the " Bibliographer," and two papers not previously published . . . 8vo. Cambridge, 1889 Notes on Dome's Day-book. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] See also Cambridge Univbesity. Statutes. Beady, Eobert. A full and clear answer to a book [entitled, The antient right of the commons of England asserted], written by William Petyt, 1680 . . . with a true historical account of the famous Colloquium or Parlia- ment, 49 Hen. III., and a glossary, expounding some few words used frequently in our antient records ; together with some animad- versions upon a book [by William Atwood], called, Jani Anglorum fades nova. 8vo. 1681 A complete history of England, from the first entrance of the Eomans to the end of the reign of Henry III. fol. 1685 — Continuation, containing the lives and reigns of Edward I., II., and III., and Eichard II ... . fol. 1700 An historical treatise of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs ; shewing their original, and whence and from whom they received their liber- ties, privileges and immunities ; what they were, and what made and constituted a free burgh, and free burgesses ; as also shewing when they first sent their representatives to Parliament ... A new edition. 8vo. 1777 Braintree Church Eate Case. Braintree church rate case. Veley and Joslin v. Burder ; Gaudern V. Silhy: by G. W. Johnson. 8vo. 1837-43 Beaithwaite, Eichard. See Brathwaite. Beaithwaite, Thomas W. A manual of times of Procedure in Chancery, embracing chiefly the provisions of the general rules and orders of the court. 8vo. 1864 The " Six Clerks in Chancery " : their successors in ofiice, and the " Houses" they lived in : a reminiscence. 8vo. 1879 Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature : a manual for the use of commissioners to administer oaths . . . Fourth edition. 12mo. 1881 80 BKA. Beakblond, Jocelin de. Chronica. [Camden Society, No. 13.] Beampton, Sir Henry Hawkins, Baron. Eeminiscences. See Haeeis, Richard. Beamston, Sir John. Autobiography. [Camden Society, No. 32.] Beamwell, George. An analytical table of the Private Statutes, passed between the 1st Geo. II. A.D. 1727, and 4th and 5th Will. IV. a.d. 1834, both inclu- sive; arranged chronologically, alphabetically, and according to the subject matter. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1818-35 Beamwell, George William Wilshere, Baron. Life of. See Faibfield, Charles. Beand, . Eeport of Brand's Lunacy case : by C. Dunne. 8vo. 1831 Beand, John. History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of New- castle-upon-Tyne ; including an account of the coal trade of that place. 2 vols. 4to. 1789 Observations on popular antiquities ; chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar customs, ceremonies, and superstitions ; arranged and revised, with additions, by Sir H. Ellis. 2 vols. 4to. 1813 Beande William Thomas, and Cox George W. A dictionary of science, literature, and art; comprising the definitions and derivations of the scientific terms in general use, together with the history and descriptions of the scientific principles of nearly every branch of human knowledge. New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1866-72 Beandon, Woodthorpe. Treatise upon the customary law of Foreign Attachment, and the practice of the Mayor's Court of the city of London therein ; with forms of procedure. Svo. 1861 Notes of practice of the Mayor's Court of the city of London in ordinary actions : with the Mayor's Court procedure acts, and the sections of the several acts of Parliament applied by the Queen in Council to that Court. Svo. 1864 The Lord Mayor's Court of the city of London, and the customary law of Foreign Attachment ; with observations on the case of Cox v. The Mayor of London. Svo. 1876 Beathwaite, Richard. Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to the north of England ; in Latin and English verse ... To which is added, Bessy Bell. 12mo. 1716 BRA -BRE. 81 Beaun, David. De jurium regnandi fuudamentalium, in regno Poloniae, ratione et praxi moderna . . . commentatio brevis et selecta . . . 4to. Colonise, 1722 Bbaun, Matthias Nicolaus. De Romani Imperatoris majestate, praecipue reali et personali. [German University Tracts, \o\.l\.'] . 4to. Jense,V?Q& Beavard-Veybieees, Paul. Manuel de Droit Commercial . . . Troisi^me edition. 8vo. Pam,1846 Beay, Edward. The principles and practice of Discovery with an appendix of forms, including suggested forms for stating objections to discovery. 8vo. 1886 Beat, William See Evelyn, John ; Memoirs. Bbaybrooee, Lord. Autobiography of Sir John Bramston. [Camden Society, No, 32.] Beayley, Edward Wedlake. Londiniana : or, reminiscences of the British Metropolis . . . 4 vols. 12mo. 1829 A topographical history of Surrey : revised and edited by E. Walford. 4 vols. 4to. 1848 Brazil. (Minist^re des relations exterieures.) Correspondance ^changee avec la legation de Portugal et la legation du Bresil au sujet de la remise des rebelles refugies a bord des corvettes portugaises. 8vo. Bio de Janeiro, 1894 Beeaed-Neuville, — . See Pothiee, Robert Joseph ; Pandectes de Justinien . Beeen, Henry H. St. Lucia : historical, statistical, and descriptive. 8vo. 1844 Beenkmann, Heinrich. De Eurematicis diatriba. See C-epolla, BartholomsBUs. De legum inscriptionibus. See Wielino, Abraham. Bebnt, Nathanael. See Saepi, P. ; Councel of Trent, Bees, Onorato. Malta antica illustrata. 4to. Roma, 1816 o 82 BKE— BRI. Brett, Thomas. The Bankruptcy act, 1883 ; with notes and an introductory chapter, and an appendix containing the official order, circulars, and forms. 8vo. 1883 Commentaries on the Laws of England. Second edition. 2 vols. 8yo. 1891 Leading cases in Modem Equity. Third edition, by J. D. Eogers and J. M. Dixon. 8vo. 1896 — Fourth edition, by J. D. Eogers. 8vo. 1902 Conveyancing Acts. See Clerkb, Aubrey St. John. Bbetus, Carolus. Ordo perantiquus judiciorum. See Hoffmann, Christian Q-ottfried. Beevia. Registrum omnium brevium tam originalium, quam judicialium ; correctum et emendatum ad vetus exemplar manuscriptum. fol. 1695 — Editio quarta ; cui subjicitur appendix diversa. fol. 1687 Beewee, Mrs. See Von Sttjdnitz, Arthur ; Gold. Beewbe, John Sberren. The reign of Henry VIII., from his accession to the death of Wolsey, reviewed and illustrated from original documents: edited by J. Gairdner. [A reprint of the prefaces to " Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII.," in the Calendar of State Papers series.] 2 vols. 1884 The endowments and establishment of the Church of England, Second edition, edited by Sir L. T. Dibdin. 8vo. 3885 Calendar of the Carew manuscripts, [Calendar of State Papers, No. 26.] Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. [Britain, No. 21.] Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, Henry VIII. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 9.] Monumenta Franciscana. [Britain, No. 4.] Register of Malmesbury Abbey. [Britain, No. 72.] Roger Bacon's Opera inedita. [Britain, No. 15.] See also Hume, David ; The Students' Hume. Beewee, Thomas. Memoir of the life and times of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI., and founder of the City of London School : with an appendix of documents, and particulars of benefactions to the school. 8vo. 1856 Beiand J., and Chattd^ Ernest. Manuel complet de medicine legale . . . coutenant un traite ^16mentaire de chimie legale . . . par H. G. de Claubry. Cinquieme Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1852 BRI. 88 Brice, Seward. The law relating to Public Worship ; with especial regard to matters of Ritual and Ornamentation, and to the means for securing the due observance thereof; and containing the Public Worship Regulation act, 1874, the Church Discipline act, the Statutes of Uniformity, the injunctions and advertisements, the articles and canons, with notes and references. 8vo. 1875 The law of Corporations and Companies ; a treatise on the doctrine of Ultra Vires, being an investigation of the principles which limit the capacities, powers, and liabilities of corporations, and more especially of joint stock companies. Third edition. 8vo. 1893 The law specially relating to Tramways and Light Railways : and containing the Tramways Act, 1870 . . . and the Light Railways Act, 1896 . . . 8vo. 1898 — Second edition, by the author and B. J. Leverson. 8vo. 1902 Brickdale, Charles Fortescue. The practice of the Land Registry under the transfer of land act, 1862, with such portions of the rules as are now in force; and general instructions, notes, forms and precedents. 8vo. 1891 Brickdale Charles Fortescue, and Sheldon William Robert. The Land Transfer Acts, 1875 and 1897 . . . also the land registry rules, forms and fee order, orders in Council for compulsory registration, together vnth forms of precedents and model registers. Second edition. 8vo. 1905 Brickdale, Matthew I. Fortescue. The Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act (19 & 20 Vict. c. 120) . . . and a supplement containing the amending act, 21 & 22 Vict., c. 77, and the cases and decisions down to the end of the Easter term, 1861. 12mo. 1861 Bridges, John Henry. England and China. See International Policy, Bridgman, Sir John. Reports, 1613-21. fol. 1659 Bridgman, Sir Orlando. Convevances; being select precedents of deeds and instruments, concerning the most considerable estates in England, Fifth edition. 2 vols, in 1, fol. 1725 Reports of judgments delivered by Sir Orlando Bridgman, when Chief Justice of the Common Fleas, from Michaelmas, 1660, to Trinity, 1667 : edited from the Hargrave manuscripts by S. Bannister. 8vo. 1823 g2 84 BBI. Bridgman, Richard Whalley. A short view of Legal Bibliography ; containing some critical obser- vations on the authority of the reporters and other law writers . . . to which is added a plan for classifying a public or private library. 8vo. 1807 An analytical digest of the reported cases in the Courts of Equity, and the High Court of Parliament, from the earliest authentic period to the present time ; to which are added the decisions of the Courts of Equity and Parliament in Ireland. Third edition : by R. 0. Bridgman. 3 vols. Svo. 1822 See also Buller, Sir Francis ; Law of Nisi Prius : Duke, George ; Law of Charitable Uses. Bbioel, Immanuel. De rebus Seculi xi. per seriem Imperatorum Germanicorum ordi- nandis. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Tubingse, 1760 Beiqht, James Franck. A history of England. 5 vols. Svo. 1884-1904 Period i.— Mediseval Monarchy : 449-1485. II.— Personal Monarchy : 1485-1688. III.— Constitutional Monarchy: 168S-1837. IV. — Growth of Democracy : 1837-80. T. — Imperial Reaction : 1880-1901. Bright, John Edward. Treatise on the law of Husband and Wife, as respects property ; partly founded upon Roper's treatise, and comprising Jacob's notes and additions thereto. 2 vols. 8vo. 1849 Bright, Mynors. See Pepys, Samuel ; Diary. Brinton, Wilfred. See Wolstenholmb, Edward Parker ; Con- veyancing and Settled Land Acts. Beisson, Barnabe. De ritu nuptiarum liber singularis : ejusdem De jure connubiorum liber alter. 4to. Farisiis, 1664 De formulis et sollemnibus populi Romani verbis, libri viii. fol. Parisiis, 1583 De verborum quae ad jus civile pertinent significatione . . . cura Jo. Gottliebii Heinecii, cum praefatione Justi Henningii Boehmeri. fol. Halas Maydehurgicse, 1743 Bristol. The Maire of Bristowe is kalendar. [Camden Society, new series, No. 5.] Bristol, Earl of. Defence of his negotiations in Spain. [Camden Society, No. 104.] BRI. 86 Beistowe, Leonard Syer. A treatise on the Mortmain and Charitable CJses Act, 1891. 8vo. 1891 See also MacSwinney, Robert Forster ; Law of Mines : Tddoe, Owren Davies; Law of Charities and Mortmain. Beistowe, S. B. Decisions of Election Committees. See Wolpeestan, F. S. P. Beitain. Rerum Britannicarum Medii ^Evi scriptores ; or, chronicles and •memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. 1 The chronicle of England, bj John Capgrave : edited by F. C. Hingeston. 8vo. 1858 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon : edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858 3. Lives of Edward the Confessor, i. La estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. ii. Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confes- soris. III. Vita ^duuardi Regis qui apud Westmonas- terium requiescit : edited by H. R. Luard. 8vo. 1858 4. Monumenta Franciscana. Vol. 1. — i. Thomas de Eccleston de adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. ii. Adae de Marisco epistola). iii. Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londoniae: edited by J. S. Brewer. Vol. 2. — [De adventu Minorum ; re-edited, with additions. Chronicle of the Grey Friars. The ancient English version of the Rule of St. Francis. Abbreviatio statutorum, 1451] : edited by R. Howlett. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858-82 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico ; ascribed to Thomas Netter of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth : edited by W. W. Shirley. 8vo. 1868 6. The buik of the croniclis of Scotland ; or, a metrical version of the history of Hector Boece, by W. Stewart : edited by W. B. Turnbull. 3 vols. 8vo. 1858 7. Johannis Capgrave liber de illustribus Henricis : edited by F. C. Hingeston. Svo. 1868 8. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by Thomas of Elmham, formerly monk and treasurer of that foundation : edited by C. Hardwick. Svo. 1858 9. Eulogium (historiarum sive temporis) ; Chronicon ab orbe condito, usque ad Annum Domini 1366, a monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Accedunt continuationes duae, quarum una ad Annum 1413, altera ad Annum 1490, per- ducta est : edited by F. S. Haydon. 3 vols. Svo. 1868-63 86 BRl. Britain — continued. 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh. Historia Regis Henrici Septimi, a Bernardo Andrea Tholosate conscripta; necnon alia quaedam ad eundem Regem spectantia : edited by J. Gairdner. 8vo. 1858 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England. 1. Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. 2. Versus rhythmici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. 3. Elmhami liber metricus de Henrico Quinto : edited by C. A. Cole. Svo. 1858 12. Munimenta Gildhallse Londoniensis ; Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhallae asservati : edited by H. T. Riley. 3 vols, in 4, Svo. 1859-62 Vol. 1. Liber Albus, compiled [bv John Carpenter, Common Clerk,] A.D. 1419. 2. (In two parts.) Liber Custumarum; with extracts from the Cottonian MS. Claudius, D. II. 3. Translation of the Anglo-Norman passages in Liber Albus glossaries, appendices, and index. 18. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes : edited by Sir H. Ellis. Svo. 1859 14. Political poems and songs relating to English history, com- posed during the period from the accession of Edw. III. to that of Ric. III. : edited by T. Wright. 2 vols. Svo. 1859-61 15. Fr. Rogeri Bacon [opera inedita]. 1. Opus tertium. 2. Opus minus. 3. Compendium philosophise : edited by J. S. Brewer. Svo. 1859 16. Bartholomsei de Cotton, monachi Norwicensis, historia Anglicana (a.d. 449 — 1298); necnon ejusdem Liber deArchi- episcopis et Episcopis Anglise: edited by H. R. Luard. Svo. 1859 17. Brut y Tywysogion : or, the Chronicle of the Princes ; [ascribed to Caradoc of Llancarvan] : edited by J. W. ab Ithel. Svo. 1860 18. Royal and historical letters during the reign of Henry the Fourth. . . A.D. 1399—1404 : edited by P. C. Hingeston. Svo. 1860 19. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy, by Reginald Pecock, Bishop of Chichester: edited by C. Babington. 2 vols. Svo. 1860 20. Annales Cambrise. [Probably written by Blegewryd, Arch- deacon of Llandaff] : edited by J. W. ab Ithel. Svo. 1860 21. Giraldi Cambrensis opera : vols. 1-4, edited by J. S. Brewer ; vols. 5-7, edited J. F. Dimock ; vol. 8, edited by G. F. Warner. 8 vols. Svo. 1861-91 22. Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France, d uring the reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England : edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vols, in 3, Svo. 1861-64 BBI. 87 Britain — continuf.d. 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the peveral original authorities : edited, with a translation, by B. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1861 24. Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Eichard III. and Henry VII. : edited by J. Gairdner. 2 vols. Svo. 1861-63 25. Eoberti Grosseteste, Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis, epistolae : edited by H. E. Luard. Svo. 1861 26. Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VIT. : by Sir T. D. Hardy. 3 vols, in 4. 1862-71 27. Eoyal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III. . . . selected and edited by W. W. Shirley. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862-66 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani : edited by H. T. Eiley. 12 vols. 8vo. 1863-76 ThomsB Walsingham . . . historia Anglicana. 1272-1422. 2 vols. Willelmi Eishanger . . . chronica et annales . . . 1259-1307. Joliannis de Trokelowe et Henriei de Blaneforde . . . chronica et annales. . . 1259-96; 1307-24; 1392-1406. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo ejusdem ecclesise prsecentore, compilata. 793- 1411. 3 vols. Annales Monasterii S. Albani, a Johanne Amundesham, monacho, ut videtur, conscripti (1421-40). Quibus prsefigitur Chronicon renim gestarum in Monasterio S. Albani (a.d. 1422-31), a quodam auctore ignoto compilatum. 2 vols. Registrum Abbatise Johannis Whethamstede, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum susceptse ; Roberto Blakeney, capellano, quondam adscriptum. 2 vols. Ypodigma Neustriae, a Thoma Walsingham, quondam monacho Monasterii S. Albani, conscriptum. 29. Chronicon Abbatise de Evesham, ad annum 1418 : edited by W. D. Macray. 8vo. 1863 30. Eicardi de Cirencestria speculum historiale de gestis Eegum Anglise, 447-1066: from the copy in the Public Library, Cambridge : edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vols. 8vo. 1863-69 31. Tear-books, 20-21 Edward I.— 19 Edward III. : edited and translated by A. J. Horwood and L. 0. Pike. 17 vols. 8vo. 1863-1905 32. Narratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449-50. [1.] Eobertus Blondelli de reductione Norman- nise. [2.] Le recouvrement de Normendie, par Berry, Herault du Eoy. [3.] Conferences between the Ambassadors of France and' England : edited, from MSS. in the Imperial Library at Paris, by J. Stevenson. Svo. 1863 33. Historia et cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae : edited by W. H. Hart. 3 vols. Svo . 1863-67 88 BBI. Britain — continued. 34. Alexandri Neckaiu de naturis rerum libri duo; with the poem of the same author, De laubibus divinse sapientise: edited by T. Wright. 8vo. 1863 35. Leechdoms. wortcunning, and starcraft of early Englaod; being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman Conquest : collected and edited by [T.] 0. Cockayne. 3 vols. 1864-66 36. Annales Monastici : edited by H. E. Luard. 5 vols. 8vo. 1864-69 Vol. 1. Annales de Margan. A.D. 10Rf5.1232. Theokesberia. 106fi-1263. Burton. 1004rl263. 2. Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 519-1277. „ deWaverleia. 1-1291. 3. Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia. 1-1297. „ Monasterii de Bermundesia, 1042-1432. 4. Annales Monasterii de Osenia. 1016-1347. Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon ! homse Wykes. 1066-1289. Annales Prioratus de Wigornia. 1-1377. 5. Index and glossary. 37. Mawna vita S. Husronis, Episcopi Lincolniensis. From MSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris : edited by J. F. Dimock. 8vo. 1864 38. Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Eichard I. : edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864-65 Vol. 1. Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Eegis Eicardi ; auctore, ut videtur, Eicardo, Canonico Sanctse Trinitatis Londoniensis : from a MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. 2. Epistolee Cantuarienses : the letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, from A.D. 1187 to A.D. 1199 : from a MS. in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. 39. Eecueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan de Waurin, Seigneur du Forestel : edited by Sir W. Hardy and E. L. C. P. Hardy. 5 vols. 8vo. 1864-91 40. A collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Wavrin, Lord of Forestel: translated by SirW. Hardy and E. L.C. P. Hardy. 3 vols. 8vo. 1864-91 41 . Polychronicon Eanulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis ; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an un- known writer of the 15th century : edited by C. Babington and J. E. Lumby. 9 vols. 8vo. 1865-86 42. Le livere de reis de Britannia e le livere de reis de Engletere ; raseribed to Peter of Ickham] : edited by J. Glover. 8vo. 1865. BEI. 89 Britain — continued. 43. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, Abbate ; accedifc continnatio ad annum 1406, a monacho quodam ipsius domus : edited, from the autographs of the authors, by E. A. Bond. 3 vols. 8vo. 1866-68 44. Matthsei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, historia Anglo- rum; sive, ut vulgo dicitur, historia minor. Item ejusdem Abbreviatio chronicorum Anglise : edited by Sir F. Madden. 3 vols. 8vo. 1866-69. 45. Liber Monasterii de Hyda ; comprising a chronicle of the affairs of England, from the settlement of the Saxons to the reign of King Cnut ; and a chartulary of the Abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire, a.d. 445-1023 : edited by E. Edwards. 8vo. 1866 46. Chronicum Scotomm : a chronicle of Irish affairs, from the earliest times to a.d. 1135 : with a supplement, containing the events from 1141 to 1150 : edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hennessy. Svo. 1866 47. The chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of King Edward I. : edited by T. Wright. 2 vols. Svo. 1866-68 48. The war of the G-aedhil with the Gaill : or, the invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen : the original Irish text, edited, with translation and introduction, by J.H.Todd. Svo. 1867 49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, Benedicti Abbatis ; the chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. (a.d. 1169-92), known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough : edited, from the Cotton MSS., by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Svo. 1867 50. Munimenta academica : or, documents illustrative of acade- mical life and studies at Oxford : by H. Anstey. 2 vols. Svo. 1868 51. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene : edited by W. Stubbs. 4 vols. Svo. 1868-71 52. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis monachi, de gestis Pontificum An- glorum libri quinque : edited from the autograph MS., by N. E. S. A. Hamilton. Svo. 1870 53. Historic and municipal documents of Ireland . . . a.d. 1172- 1320, from the archives of the city of Dublin : edited by J. T. Gilbert. Svo. 1870 54. The annals of Loch Ce : a chronicle of Irish affairs, from a.d. 1014 to A.D. 1590 : edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hennessy. 2 vols. Svo. 1871 56. Monumenta juridica: the Black Book of the Admiralty, with an appendix : edited by Sir Travers Twiss. 4 vols. Svo. 1871-76 90 BEI. Britain — continued. 56. Memorials of the reign of King Henry VI. ; oflBcial corre- spondence of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to Henry VI. and Bishop of Bath and Wells: edited, from a MS. in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, with an appendix of illustrative documents, by Gr. Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 57. Matthsei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, chronica maiora : edited by H. E. Luard. 7 vols. 8vo. 1872-83 58. Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventria : the historical col- lections of Walter of Coventry : edited, from the MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872-73 59. The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century now first collected and e^ted by T. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 60. Materials for a history of the reign of Henry VII. ; from original documents preserved in the Public Record Ofiice : edited by W. Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873-77 61. Historical papers and letters from the northern registers: edited by J. Eaine. 8vo. 1873 62. Eegistrum Palatinum Dunelmense : the Eegister of Eichard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham, 1311-16 : Edited by Sir T. D. Hardy. 4 vols. 8vo. 1873-78 63. Memorials of Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury : edited, from various manuscripts, by W. Stubbs. 8vo. 1874 64. Chronicon Anglise, ab anno Domini 1328 usque ad annum 1388, auetore monacho quodam Sancti Albani: edited by SirE. M. Thompson. 8vo. 1874 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups ; a life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic ; with English translation, notes and glossary : edited by B. Magniisson. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875-83 66. Eadulphi de Coggeshall chronicon Anglicanum ; De Expug- natione Terrse Sanctae libelius ; Thomas Agnellus de morte et sepultura Henrici Eegis Angliae junioris ; Gesta Fulconis filii Warini ; Excerpta ex otiis im perialibus Gervasii Tileburiensis : ex codicibus manuscriptis edidit J. Stevenson. 8vo. 1875 67. Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (canonized by Pope Alexander III., a.d. 1173) : edited by J. C. Eobertson and J. B. Sheppard. 7 vols. 8vo. 1875-85 Vol. 1. William of Canterbury. 2. Benedict of Peterborough, John of Salisbury, Alan of Tewkes- bury, Edward Grim. 3. William Fitzstephen, Herbert of Bosham, 4. Anonymous lives, Quadrilogus. 5. Epistles, I.— ccxxvr. 6. Epistles, ccxxvii. — dxxx. 7. Epistles, Dxxxi.— Dcccviii, BRI. 91 Beitain — continued. 68. Radulphi de Diceto, Decani Lundoniensis, opera historica : the historical works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London : edited, from the original manuscripts, by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876 69. A roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, for a portion of the sixteenth year of the reign of Richard the Second, a.d. 1392-93 ; with an appendix : edited by J. Graves. 8vo. 1877 70. Henrici de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Anglise, libri quinque in varies tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem tjpis vulgati: edited by Sir Travers Twiss. 6 vols. 8vo. 1878-83 71 . The historians of the Church of York and its archbishops : edited by J. Raine. 3 vols. 8vo. 1879 72. Registrum Malmesburiense : the Register of Malmesbury Abbey, preserved in the Public Record OflBce: edited by J. S. Brewer and C. T. Martin. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879-80 73. The historical works of Gervase of Canterbury : edited, from the manuscripts, by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879-80 Vol. 1. The Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. 2. The minor works ; comprising the Gesta Eegum with its con- tinuation, the Actus Pontificum, and the Mappa Mundi. 74. Henrici, Archidiaconi Huntendunensis, historia Anglorum ; the history of the English, by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, from a.d. 55 to a.d. 1154, in eight books : edited by T. Arnold. Svo. 1879 75. Symeonis monachi opera omnia; Historia Ecclesiae Dun- helmensis, eadem historia deducta, incerto auctore, usque ad A.D. MCXLiv. ; sequuntur varii tractatus, in quibus de Sancto Cuthberto et Dunelmo agitur ; Epistola Symeonis de Archiepiscopis Eboraci ; Carmen ^Selwulfi ; Vita S. Bar- tholomsei ; Vita S. Oswaldi Regis et Martyris ; Historia Regum, eadem historia ad quintum et vicesimum annum continuata, per Joannem Hagulstadensem ; accedunt varia : edidit T. Arnold. 2 vols. Svo. 1882-85 76. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. Annales Londonienses and Annales Paulini ; Commendatio lamentabilis in transitu magni regis Edwardi ; Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan auctore Canonico Bridlingtoniensi ; Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis vita Edwardi II. ; Vita et mors Edwardi II. conscripta a Thoma de la Moore : edited, from manuscripts, by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Svo. 1882-83 77. Registrum epistolarum Fratris Johannis Peckham, Archi- episcopi Cantuariensis : edited by C. T. Martin. 3 vols. Svo. 1882-85 92 BRI. Britain — continued. 78. Vetis Registrutn Sarisberiense alias dictum Registrum S. Osmund i Episcopi ; the Register of S. Osmund : edited by W. H. Rich Jones. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883-84 79. Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia : edited by W. H. Hart and P. A. Lyons. 3 vols. 8vo. 1884-93 80. Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin ; with the register of its bouse at Dunbrody, and annals of Ireland: edited by J. T. Gilbert. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884 81. Eadmeri historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis ejus: edited from manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by M. Rule. 8vo. 1884 82. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. Containing the first four books of the Historia rerum Angli- carum of William of Newburgh; the fifth book of the "Historia rerum Anglicarum . . ." ; a continuation of William of Newburgh's History, to a.d. 1298; the "Draco Nor- mannicus " of Etienne de Rouen ; the " G-esta Stephani regis Anglorum ; " the chronicle of Richard, Prior of Hex- ham ; the " Relatio de standardo " of St. Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx ; the metrical chronicle of Jordan Fantosme ; the chronicle of Richard of Devizes ; the chronicle of Robert of Torigni, Abbot of the monastery of St. Michael-in-peril-of- the-Sea : edited, from manuscripts, by R. Howlett. 4 vols. 8vo. 1884-89 83. Chronicon Abbatae Raraeseiensis, a ssec. x. usque ad an. circiter 1200 ; in quatuor partibus. Partes 1, 2, 3, iterum post Th. Gale, ex chartulario in archivis regni servato ; pars 4, nunc primum ex aliis codicibus: edit cura W. D. Macray. 8vo. 1886 84. The flowers of history, by Roger de Wendover, from the year of our Lord 1154, and the first year of Henry the Second : edited, from the original manuscripts, by H. G. Hewlett. 3 vols. 8vo. '1886-89 85. Literse Cantuarienses : the letter books of Christ Church, Canterbury : edited by J. B. Sheppard. 3 vols. 8vo. 1887-89 86. The metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester : edited by W. A. Wright. 2 parts. 8vo. 1887 87. The stoiy of England, by Robert Manning of Brunne, a.d. 1338 : edited from MSS. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by F. J. Fumivall. 2 parts. 8vo. 1887 88. Icelandic Sagas, and other historical documents relating to the settlements and descents of the Northmen on the British Isles: edited by G. Vigfusson ; translated by Sir G. W. Dasent. 4 vols. 8vo. 1887-94 BEI. 93 Britain — continued. 89. The tripartite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that Saint : edited, with translations and indexes, by W. Stokes. 2 vols. 8vo. * 1887 90. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque ; historise novelise libri tres : edited from manuscripts by W. btubbs. 2 vols. 1887-89 91. Lestorie des Engles solum la translacion Maistre Geffrei Gaimar : edited by Sir T. D. Hardy and C. T. Martin. 2 vols. 8vo. 1888-89 92. Chronicon Henrici Knighton, vel Cnitthon, Monachi Leyces- trensis : edited by J. R. Lumby. 2 vols. 8vo. 1889-95 93. Adse Murimuth coutinuatio chronicarum ; Eobertus de Avesbury de gestis mirabilibus Regis Edwardi tertii : edited by Sir E. M. Thompson. 8vo. 1889 94. Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin : edited by J. T. Gilbert. Bvo. 1889 95. Flores Historiarum : edited by H. R. Luard. 3 vols. 8vo. 1890 96. Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey : edited by T. Arnold. 3 vols. 8vo. 1890-96 97. Charters and documents illustrating the history of the Cathedral, City and Diocese of Salisbury, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : selected from the capitular and diocesan registers by the late W. R. Jones, and edited by W. D. Macray. 8vo. 1891 98. Records of the Parliament holden. at Westminster on the 28th day of February, in the 33rd year of the reign of King Edward 1. : edited by F. W. Maitland. 8vo. 1893 99. The Red Book of the Exchequer : edited by H. Hall. 3 vols. 8vo. 1896 British Bechuanaland. Proclamations and the more important of the notices, 1885 to 1890. 2 vols. 8vo. Vryhurg, 1890-91 British Catalogue, The. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. British Central Africa Protectorate. King's regulations, orders in Council, and ordinances, 1894-1904 5 vols. fol. Zomba, 1902-05 British Columbia. The consolidated statutes of British Columbia . . . 8vo. Victoria, 1877 The statutes of British Columbia up to and including the year 1888 : classified and consolidated by authority. Vol. 1, Consolidated acts, 1868. 8vo. Victoria, n.d. The revised statutes of British Columbia, 1897 . . . 2 vols. 8vo. Victoria, 1897 Statutes of the Province of British Columbia . . . 1879 to 1905. 27 vols. 8vo. Victoria, [1879]-1905 94 BRI— BRO, British Essayists. See Essayists, British. British Honduras. Laws of British Honduras in force on 31st December, 1881. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. 1882 Consolidated Laws of the colony of British Honduras. 8vo. 1887 A collection of the ordinances passed by the Legislative Council of British Honduras 1884, 1886 to 1904. 3 vols. fol. Belize, [1884-1904] British Guiana. Ordinances of, 1831 to 1852 and 1867 to 1873. [No title-pages.] 4 vols. fol. {Georgetown, 1831-73] The Laws of British Guiana [1774 to 1896] : a new and revised edition prepared under the authority of the Statute Laws (revised edition) Ordinance, 1894. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1895 Ordinances for the years 1886 to 1889, 1898, 1900 to 1903. 9 vols. 8vo. [Georgetown, 1886]-1904 Rules of Court, 1900. fol. [1900] British Museum. Catalogues of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. British National Society. Report of the operations of the British National Society for aid to the sick and wounded in war, during the Franco-German War, 1870-71. fol. 1871 British New Guinea. Rules and Ordinances of British New Guinea. Svo. Brisbane, 1898 Ordinances, 1899-1904. fol. 1899-1904 Britton. Britton : with an English epistle to the reader. 12mo. R. Redman. [1540 ?] — The second edition, faithfully corrected according to divers ancient manuscripts of the same booke : by E. Wingate. 8vo. 1640 — Containing the antient pleas of the Crown; translated, and illus- trated, with references, notes, and antient records : by R. Kelham. Svo. 1762 The IVench text carefully revised; with an English translation, introduction and notes : by F. M. Nichols. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1865 Broderip, William John. Zoological recreations. New edition, with additions. Svo. 1849 Leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. Svo. 1852 See also Callis, Robert ; Reading on the Statute of Sewers. BRO. 95 Broderip William John, and Bingham Peregrine. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Easter term, 1819, to Easter term, 1822. 3 vols. 8yo. 1820-22 Brodhurst, B. E. Spencer. The law and practice of the Stock Exchange, with appendices . . . 8vo. 1897 Brodib, George. A history of the British Empire, from the accession of Charles I. to the Restoration ; with an introduction, tracing the progress of society and of the constitution, from the feudal times to the opening of the history ; and including a particular examination of Mr. Hume's statements relative to the character of the English government. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822 Brodie, R. H. Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, Henry VIII. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 9.] Brodriok, George Charles. English Land and English Landlords ; an enquiry into the origin and character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform. 8vo. 1881 Memorials of Merton College. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 4.] Brodrick George C, and Fremantle William H. A collection of the judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, in ecclesiastical cases relating to doctrine and discipline, with a preface by the Bishop of London, and an historical introduction, 8vo. 1866 Broembsen, Otto Henricus de. De studiis nimise libertatis circa Status imperii ruinam I. E. G. procurantibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to, Gottingge, 1738 Brograve, Sir John. Reading upon the Statute of 27 Hen. VIII., c. 10, concerning Jointures. See Dyer, Sir James. Brompton, John, Abbot of Jorvaux. Chronicon. See Twysden, Sir Roger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Bronchorst, Everardus. EvavTtocjbavwv centurise sex, et conciliationes eorundem. Accedit ejusdem tractatus de privilegiis studiosorum, tum professonim et doctorum. Editio nova . . . cui accedit Petri Cunaei oratiofunebris de vita et morte auctoris. 8vo. Trajecti ad Bhennm, 1695 Brooke, Edward. Bibliotheca legum Angliae. See Worrall, John. 96 BRO. Bbooke, John. Reports of King's Bench and Exchequer cases, Ireland. See Hudson, William Elliot. Beooke, Richard. Treatise on the office and practice of a Notary of England ; with a full collection of precedents. Sixth edition, by J. Cranstoun. 8vo. 1901 Brooke, Sir Robert. La graunde abridgement ... [2 parts in 1 vol.] fol. In sedihus Micardi Tottele, 1573 Ascun novell cases de les ans et temps le Roy H. VIII., Edw. VI., et la Roygne Mary, escrie ex La graund abridgement compose per Sir R. Brooke. 8vo. 1678 New Cases in time of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary, collected out of Brooke's Abridgment and chronologically arranged ; together with March's translation of Brooke's New Cases : reprinted from the edition of 1578. 8vo. 1873 Reading upon the Statute of Limitations, 32 H. VIII. c. 2. 12mo. 1647 Bbooke, Stopford A. English literature from the beginning to the Norman Conquest, 8vo. 1899 Bbooke, William G. Six judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical cases, 1850-72. 8vo. 1872 Brooklyn Library. See Catalogues, Library. Brooks, George Henry. Disputed Ritual ornaments and usages ; a case submitted on behalf of the English Church Union ; with the opinions thereon . . . [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 3.] 8vo. 1866 Law and Practice of the Court of Probate. See Dodd, Philip William. Brooks, William James. See County Courts ; Annual Practice : Lloyd, Eyre ; Law of Compensation. Broom, Herbert. An introductory lecture on the study of the law, delivered in the Inner Temple hall, November, 1853. [Tracts, vol. 20, No. 2.] 8vo. 1853 The Philosophy of Common Law ; a primer of legal principles, illustrated by a variety of interesting cases. Third edition, by J. C. H. Flood. 8vo. 1883 Constitutional Law viewed in relation to Common Law, and ex- emplified by cases. Second edition, by G. L. Denman. 8vo. 1885 BRO. 97 Broom, Herbert — continued. Commentaries on the Common Law. Eighth edition, by W. F. A. Archibald and H. W. Greene. 8vo. 1888 — Ninth edition, by W. F. A. Archibald and H. A. Colefax. 8vo. 1895 A selection of Legal Maxims, classified and illustrated. Seventh edition, by H. F. Manisty and H. Chitty. 8vo. 1900 Broom Herbert, and Hadley Edward A. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 8vo. 1869 Broome, Samuel. Culture of the Chrysanthemum, as practised in the Temple gardens . . . 8vo. 1857 Brotier, Gabriel. Supplementa Annalium C. C. Taeiti; appendix ad lib. v. histori- arum; anecdota . . . fragmentum lib. xci T. Livii supplemento et annotationibus illustratum ; appendix chronologica ; C. C. Taeiti Politica; et inscriptio tabulae Trajanse. [Taeiti Opera, vols. 9 and 10.] " 8vo. 1821 Brouoham, Henry, Lord. Lives of Philosophers of the time of George III. Third edition. 8yo. 1855 Lives of Men of Letters of the time of George III. Third edition. 8vo. 1856 Natural Theology . . . 8vo. 1856 Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses. 8vo. 1856 Historical and Political Dissertations. 8vo. 1857 Speeches on Social and Political Subjects ; with historical intro- duction. 2 vols. 8vo. 1857 Historical sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. 3 vols. 8vo. 1858-61 The British Constitution : its history, structure, and working. Third edition. 8vo. 1862 Life and times, written by himself. 3 vols. 8vo. 1871 See also Campbell, John, Lord. Broughton, Lewis Price Delves. The Code of Civil Procedure [Indian] ; being Act viii. of 1869, and the acts amending and extending it. Fourth edition, by C. J. Wilkinson. 8vo. Calcutta, 1871 Brown, Archibald. An epitome and analysis of Savigny's treatise on Obligations in Roman law. 8vo. 1872 I 98 BRO. Brown, Archibald — continned. The law of Fixtures, in the principal relation of Landlord and Tenant . . . showing also the precise effects of the various modern statutes upon the subject, and incorporating the principal American decisions. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1881 The law and practice of Enfranchisements and Commutations as well by the common law as under the copyhold act, 1894, and other acts. . . Second edition. Svo. 1895 See also Bainbridge, William ; Law of Mines : Gtripfith, John Richard ; Married Women's Property Acts : Scriven, John ; Law of Copyholds : Snell, Edmund Henry Turner; Principles of Equity. Brown, Edward Balcombe. Code of Civil Procedure in the Supreme Court of New Zealand. See Codes, New Zealand. Brown, Horatio F. State papers, Venetian. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 33.] Brown, James Baldwin. An historical account of the laws enacted against the Catholics, both in England and Ireland ; to which is added, a short account of the laws for the punishment of heresy in general . . . 8vo. 1813 Brown, James D. Biographical dictionary of Musicians ; with a bibliography of English writings on music. ' 8vo. 1886 Brown, Joseph. The evils of the unlimited liability for accidents of masters and railway companies, especially since Lord Campbell's Act. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 3.] 8vo. 1870 Brown, Josiah. Reports of cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error, determined in^ the High Court of Parliament, from the year 1701 to 1779. 7 vols. fol. 1779-83] — Supplement: by R. Colles. Svo. Dublin, 1789 — Second edition, with notes and many additional cases, broughtj down to the year 1800, by T. E. Tomlins. 8 vols. 8vo. 18031 A new abridgment of cases in Equity, and of such cases at law, asj relate to equitable subjects, from 1735 to the present time. Vol. 1.1 4to. 1793! [This volume, containing the articles from Abatement to Award, was the! only volxune published.] BEO 99 Brown, Mungo Ponton. Supplement to the Dictionary of the decisions of the Court of Session. 6 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1826 Q-eneral Synopsis of the decisions of the Court of Session, from its institution, until November, 1827. 4vols.4to. Edinburgh, 1829 Beown, M. Walton. See Navigation, Inland. Brown, P. Hume. Eegister of the Privy Council of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 5.] Brown, Eawdon. State papers Venetian. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 83.] Brown, Thomas. Works ; serious and comical, in prose and verse. Fourth edition. 6 vols. 12mo. 1715-21 Beown, Sir Thomas. See Browne. Brown, William. Formulae bene Placitandi ; a book of Entries. 2 vols. fol. 1671 Advice to Justices of the Peace. 12mo. 1696 Privilegia Parliamentaria senatus consensu sublata ; being remarks upon the acts of Parliament, 12 & 13 W. III., ani 2 & 3 Annae Reginse, for preventing any inconveniences that may happen by privilege of Parhament ... 8vo. 1704 Clerk's Tutor in Chancery. Third edition. 8vo. 1705 Praxis almse curise Cancellariae . . . Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1714 — Third part. 8vo. 1702 Treatise of Fines upon writs of covenant, and recoveries upon writs of entry in the post. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, sixth edition; vol. 2 (containing a collection of precedents), second edition.] 870. 1719-25 The practice in the Court of Exchequer at Westminster. Second edition. 8vo. 1725 Precedents of copies of Court Rolls, 1685. See Sheppard, William ; Court Keeper's guide. Brown, William. Reports of cases argued and determined in tho High Court of Chancery, from 18 Geo. III.. 1778, to 34 Geo. IIL, 1794 . . . [Vol. 1, second edition.] 4 vols. fol. 1789-94 — Third edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1801 H 2 100 BRO. Beown, William. A practical treatise on the Succession Duty act, 16 & 17 Vict. c. 51. with the decisions thereon in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 12mo. 1864 Agency, and Trusts for payment of debts under private arrangement. 12mo. 1868 The law of Limitation as to Real Property, including that of the Crown and the Duke of Cornwall ; with appendix of statutes. 8vo. 1869 Brown, William. Archbishop Giffard's Register, 1266-79. [Surtees Society, No. 109.] Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne. [Surtees Society, Nos. 86, 89.] Brown v. Annandale & Son. See Shearman, Charles. Browne, Albert G. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1857-72. [Massachusetts Reports, vols. 97 -110.] 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1868-74 Browne, Arthur. A compendious view of the Civil Law, and of the law of the Admi- ralty; being the substance of a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1802 Browne, G. Lathom. Narratives of State Trials in the nineteenth century. First period. Prom the Union with Ireland to the death of George IV., 1801-30. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882 Browne G. Lathom, and Stewart C. G. Trials for murder by poisoning . . . including the trials of Tawell, W. Palmer, Dove, Madeline Smith, Dr. Pritchard, Smethurst, and Dr. Lamson ; with chemical introduction and notes on the poisons used. 8vo. 1883 Browne, George. Treatise on the principles and practice of the Court of Probate in contentious and non-contentious business . . . by L. D. Powles ; including practical directions to Solicitors for proceeding in Registry : by T. W. H. Oakley. 8vo. 1881 — Supplement, by L. D. Powles. 8vo. 1884 — Third edition, by L. D. Powles and T. W. H. Oakley. 8vo. 1892 Browne George, and Powles Louis Distin. Law and Practice in Divorce and Matrimonial causes. Sixth edition, by L. D. Powles. 8vo. 1897 — Seventh edition, by L. D. Powles. 8vo. 1905 Browne, Irving. See American Reports : Ruling Cases. BRO. 101 Browne, John Hutton Balfour. Treatise on the law of Carriers of goods and passengers by land and water, with references to the most recent American decisions. 8vo. 1873 The law of Usages and Customs: a practical law tract. Svo. 1875 The practice before the Railway Commissioners ; with a chapter on the law of undue preference . . . 8vo. 1876 The principles of the law of Rating of Hereditaments in the occu- pation of Companies. Second edition, by J. H. Balfour Browne and D. N. M'Naughton. Svo. 1886 See also Railway and Canal Traffic Cases. Browne John Hutton Balfour, and A llan Charles Edward. The law of Compensation ; being a collection of all the public general acts relating to compulsory purchase of and interference land . . . Second edition. . 8vo. 1903 Browne John Hutton Balfour, and Theobald Henry Studdy. The law of Railway Companies . . . Third edition, by J. H. Balfour Browne and F. Balfour Browne. 8vo. 1899 Browne, Sir Thomas. Works containing : — i. .fcinquiries into vulgar and common errors ; II. Religio Medici; iii. Hydriotaphia, or Urn Burial; iv. Certain miscellany tracts. fol. 1686 Browne, Thomas Lloyd Murray. See Frend, Henry Tyrwhitt and Ware, Titus Hibbert ; Transfer of Land to Railway Companies. Browning, Oscar. Political memoranda of Francis, fifth Duke of Leeds, 1774-96 [Camdeti, Society, new series, No. 36.] Browning, William Ernst. See Martin v. Mackonochie. Browning William Ernst, and Lushington Vernon. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on appeal to the Privy Council, 1863-65. Svo. 1868 Brownlow, Richard. Declarations and Pleadings in English : being the most authentique forme of proceeding in Courts of law in actions reall, personal and mixt. 2 vols. 4to. 1652-54 Writs Judiciall ; showing the formes, nature, and entries of all manner of executions, in reall, personall, and mixt actions, as they are now used in the Court of Common Pleas. 4to. 1653 Brevia Judicialia : or, an exact collection of approved forms of all sorts of Judiciall Writs in the Common Bench. fol. 1662 Brownlow Latine Redivivus: a book of Entries of declarations, informations, and other parts of pleadings . . . contained in the declarations and pleadings of Richard Brownlow, unskilfully turned into English, and printed in the years 1663 and 1664, now published in Latin, their original language. fol. 1693 102 BEO— BRU. Beownlow Richard, and Goldesbobough John. Reports of diverse choice cases in Law [Common Pleas], 1689- 1624. In two parts, part 1, second edition ; part 2, first edition. 4to. 1652-54 Beucb, Sir Gainsford. Admiralty practice. See Williams, Robert Griffith. See also Maude, Frederick Philip and Pollock, Charles Edward Merchant Shipping. Bruce, John. Historical and biographical atlas ; or, charts of sacred and profane history and biography, from the creation of the World to t fie birth of Christ. fol. 1828 Bruce, John. Accounts relating to Mary, Queen of Scots. [Camden Society, No. 93.] ■ Arrival of Edward IV. in England. [Camden Society, No. 1.] Biographical fragment on William Prynne. [Camden Society, new series, No. 18.] Charles I.'s letters to Henrietta Maria, 1646. [Camden Society, No. 63.] . Correspondence of James VI. of Scotland with' Sir Robert Cecil. [Camden Society, No. 78.] Earl of Manchester's quarrel with Cromwell. [Camden Society, new series, No. 12.] Hayward's dnnals of the first four years of the reign of Elizabeth [Camden Society, No. 7.] Inquiry into the genuineness of a letter, signed " Mary Magdaline Davers." [Camden Society, No. 87.] John Manningham's diary, 1602-03. [Camden Society, No. 99.] Letters of Elizabeth and James VI. of Scotland. [Camden Society, No. 46.] Leycester correspondence, 1585-86. [Camden Society, No. 27.] Liber Famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke. [Camden Society, No. 70.] Sir John Borough's notes of the treaty at Ripon, 1640. [Camden Society, No. 100.] Sir Kenehn Digby's voyage, 1628. [Camden Society, No. 96.] State papers, domestic, Charles I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 3.] Vemey papers. [Camden Society, Nos. 31, 56.] Wills from Doctors' Commons, 1495-1695. [Camden Society, No. 83.] Bruce, Robert. The Bruce : or, the history of Robert I. King of Scotland. See Barbour, John. BRU— BEY. 103 Bruce, William. See Auchbold, John Frederick ; Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases. Brummerus, Fridericus. Commentarius ad legem Cinciam. 4to. Lutetias Paristorum, 1668 Brunker, Thomas. Digest of all the reported cases decide CuETis, George Ticknor. An inquiry into the Albany and Susquehana Railroad litigations of 1869, and Mr. D. D. Field's connection therewith. 8vo. New Yorlc, 1871 CuRi las, Franciscus, jun. In Codicem . . . fol. Lugduni, 1552 In Digestum Vetus . . . [Bound with above.] fol. Lugdtmi, 1562 CuETius, Quintus. T)e rebus gestis Alexandri Magni, libri superstites, ex editione Frid. .Scbmieder; cum supplementis, notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectioiiibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensiti. 3 vols. 8vo. 1825 Vol. 12. Peters, 10—12. 13. Peters, 13, 14. 14. Peters, 15, 16 ; Howard, 1. 15 Howard, 2, 3. 16. Howard, 4—6. 17. Howard, 7, 8. 18. Howard, 9— 11. 19. Howard, 12, 13. 20. Howard, 14, 15. 21. Howard, 16, 17. 22. Digest. CUR— CYN. 215 CuEwooD, John. See Hawkins, William; Pleas of the Crown. CusHiNa, Luther S. Rpports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1848-5i. [Massachusetts Beport^, vols. 65 66.] 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.:^.A., 1850-63 See also Pothieb, Robert Joseph ; Contract o£ Sale. Gushing, William. Initials and pseudonyms : a dictionary of literary disguises. Hvo. 1 886 — Second series. 8vo. 1888 CussT, Ferdinand de. Phases et causes cel^bres du droit maritime des nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 CoTLEB, Edward. A Manual of Musical Copyright law, for the use of music- publishers and artists, and of the legal profession. 8vo. 1905 Cdtleb Edward, Smith Thomas Eustace, and Weathebly Frederic E. The law of Musical and Dramatic Copyright. 8vo. 1890 CuTLEB, John. The international law of Navigable Rivers. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 18, No. 7.J 1865 See also Patent Cases : Powell, Edmund ; Law of Evidence. CuTLEB John, and Gtbiffin Edmund Fuller. An analysis of the Indian Penal Code (Act xlv. of 1860) ; with notes. 8vo. 1869 CuTTEE, Charles A. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. [Report on public libraries in the United States, part 2.] 8vo. Washington, 1876 CuzoN, — . Les Codes annotes de Sirey. See Codes, France. CTCLOP.a;DIA. See ENCYCL0P.aEDIA8. Cynus de PrSTOBIO. In Codicem, et aliquot titulos primi Pandectarum tomi, id est, I )ige8ti veteris, doctissima commentaria . . . fol. Francoforti ad Masnum, 1578 216 CYP— DAL. Ctpeus. Laws and ordinances, 1878-86, 1888-1905. 5 vols. fol. and 8vo. [1878-1905.] The Cyprus Law Eeports : cases determined by the Supreme Court of Cyprus on appeal from the Daavi Courts and District Courts from 1883-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Nicosia, 1893-97 A handbook of Cyprus : compiled by Sir J. T. Hutchinson and C. D. Cobham. 8vo. 1904 Ctrillus, Bishop of Jerusalem. Opera quae reperiuntur. Ex variis bibliothecis, prsecipue Vaticana, Grsece nunc primiim in lucem edita, cum Latina interpret. Joan. Grodecii . . . fol. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1631 Dafforne, Eichard. The merchant's mirrour. See Malynes, Gerard ; Lex mercatoria. D'Aguesseau, Henri Frangois. (Euvres ... 13 vols. 4to. Paris, 1759-89 (Euvres completes. Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'un discours preliminaire par M. Pardessus. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Lettres inedites : publiees par D. B. Rives. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823 L'independance de I'avocat et I'amour de son etat : deux discours. See Camus, Armand Gaston. Memoir of his life. See Butler, Charles. Daily News. The " Daily News " Jubilee ; a political and social retrospect of fifty years of the Queen's reign : by Justin McCarthy and Sir J. B. Robinson. Svo. 1896 Dale, Cecil Clare Marston. See Daniell, Edmund Robert; Chancery Practice : Lewin, Thomas ; Law of Trusts : Sbton, Sir Henry Wilmot ; Judgments and Orders. Dale Charles William Mitcalfe, and Lehmann Rudolf Chambers. Digest of cases overruled, not followed, disapproved, approved, distinguished, commented on, and specially considered in the English Courts, from the year 1756 to 1886 inclusive . . . with extracts from the judgments delivered thereon and a complete index of the cases, in which are included all cases reversed from the year 1856, by C. W. M. Dale, and R. C. Lehmann, assisted by C. H. L. Neish, and H. H. Child. 8vo. 1887 Dalisoit, Gulielme. Reports. See Benloe, Gulielme. DAL— DAN. 217 Dallas, A. J. Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania [1754-1806]. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806-07 United States Supreme Court Reports. See Curtis, Benjamin R. Dalbymple, Sir Hew. Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1698 to 1718. fol. Edinburgh, 1758 Daletmple, Sir James, Viscount Stair. See Staib. Dalbymple, Sir John. Essay towards a general history of Feudal Property in G-reat Britain. Fourth edition. l2mo. 1759 Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II. untill the sea-battle off La Hogue. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. 1771 Dalbymple v. Dalbymple. Eeport of the Judgment delivered in the Consistorial Court of London, 16th July, 1811, by the Rt. Hon, Sir W. Scott in the cause of Dalrymple v. Balrymple, by John Dodson. 8vo. 1811 D'Alton, John. • History of the County of Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1838 Dalton, Michael. Officium Vicecomitum : the office and authority of Sheriffs. fol. 1682 The Country Justice. fol. 1705 Damhoudebius, Jodocus. Opera omnia, cum notis perpetuis Nicolai Thuldaeni. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Antverpise, 1646 Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of. An account of the Earl of Danby's arguments at the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, upon his Lordship's motion for bail, 1682 ; together with the Judge's answers and the Earl's replyes. ISecond edition. fol. 1682 Danfobth, Henry G. A Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports from the organization of the Court to October, 1885, and comprising Dallas, Cranch, Wheaton, Peters, Howard, Black, Wallace, and United States Reports (Otto and Davis) to volume 115. 8vo. New YorJc. n.d. Daniel, Edward Morton. Treatise upon the new law of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, being the patents, designs, and trade marks act, 1883 : with the rules and forms . . . 8vo. 1884 218 BAN. Daniel, Gabriel. Abrege de I'histoire de France, depuis retablissement de la Monar- chie fraii9oise dans les Glaules. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1726-27 Daniel, Samuel. The collection of the history of Enorland. Fourth edition, whereunto is annexed a continuation of the history unto the raigne of Henry VII., by J. Trussell. fol. 1641-50 Daniel, W. T. S. A letter to Sir Round ell« Palmer on the present system of Law Reporting. [Tracts, vol. 22, No. 1.] 8vo. 1863 Law Reporting ; a letter to Sir Roundell Palmer. [Tracts, vol. 22, No. 2.] 8vo. 1864 The history and origin of the Law Reports, and the condition of the reports on the 31st December, 1883. 8vo. 1884 On Change as an inherent necessity in every system of Municipal law, and on the means which exist in this country for influencing and regulating such change. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] On Advocacy as connected with the administration of justice. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Daniell, Edmund Robert. Reports of cases argued and determined on the Equity side of the Court of Exchequer, 1817-20. 8vo. 1824 Forms and Precedents of pleadings and proceedings in the High Court of Chancery, by L. Field and E. C. Dunn. Second edition, with references to the fifth edition of Daniell's Chancery Practice, by J. Biddle. 8vo. 1871 — Third edition, by W. H. Upjohn. 8vo. 1879 — Fourth edition, bj C. Burney. 8vo. 1885 — Fifth edition, by C. Burney. 8vo. 1901 The practice of the High Court of Chancery . . . Fifth edition, with references to a companion volume of forms and precedents, by L. Field and E. C. Dunn, with the assistance of J. Biddle. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871 — Sixth edition, with alterations and additions and references to a companion volume of Forms, by L. Field, E. C. Dunn, and T. Ribton, assisted by W. H. Upjohn. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. 1882-84 — Seventh edition, by C. C. M. Dale. C. W. Greenwood, S. E. Williams and F. A. Stringer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1901 Cases of controverted Elections. See Cokbett, Uvedale. Daniell, F. H. Blackbume. State papers, domestic, Charles II. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 13.] DAN— DAE. 219 Danson F. M., and Lloyd J. H. Mercantile cases ; reports of cases relating to commerce, manu- factures . . . determined in the Courts of Common Law, at Nisi Prius, and in Banc, in 1828-29. 8vo. 1830 D'Anvees, Knightley. A general Abridgment of the Common Law, [to title Extinguish- ment]. 3 vols. fol. 1705-37 Daebt J. George N., and Bosanquet Frederick Albert. Practical treatise on the Statutes of Limitations in England and Ireland. 8vo. 1867 — Second edition, revised and enlarged by F. A. Bosanquet and J. R. V. Marchant. 8vo 1893 — Supplement to second edition by F. A. Bosanquet and J. E. V. Marchant. * 8vo. 1899 Daees Pheygius. De bello Trojano. See Dictts Cebtensis. Daeeste, C. Histoire de France, depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxierae edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1874-79 Daeley, John Khelat. See Davidson, Charles; Precedents and forms in Conveyancing. Daeling, Sir Charles John. Scintillse Juris, by "**"S "*N *'****Q. 12mo. 1877 Scintillae Juris ; Fifth edition. Meditations in a tea-room ; Third edition. 8vo. 1903 Daelington, Hayward Radcliffe. The Railway Rates and the carriage of merchandise by railway ; including the provisional orders of the Boai'd of Trade, as sanc- tioned by Parliament, containing the classification of traffic and schedule of maximum i-ates and charges applicable to the railways of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 1893 DAeeas, Jean. Melusine. [Early English Text Society, extra Series, No. 68.] Daet, Joseph Henry. A treatise on the law and practice relating to Vendors and Pur- chasers of real estate. Sixth edition, by W. Barber, R. B. Haldane, and W. R. Sheldon. 2 vols. 8vo. 1888 Dae WIN, Charles. The Descent of Man, and selection in relation to sex. Second edition, revised and augmented. 8vo. 1899 The Origin of Species by means of natural selection or the preserva- tion of favoured races in the struggle for life. 8vo. 1900 220 DAE— DAV. Baewin, Francis. The life and letters of Charles Darwin; including an autobiographical chapter. 3 vols. 8vo. 1887 Dasent, Sir G. W. Icelandic Sagas. [Britain, No. 88.] Dasent, John Roche. Acts of the Privy Council, 1542-1600. [Record Commission, No. 31.] Dathe, Joannes Hieronymus. De jure ordinum imperii territoriali circa opera subditorum. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Vitemhergae, 1724 D'AuTEEOCHE, Jean Chappe. See Chappe d'Auteeoche. D'AvENANT, Charles. On colonies and plantations. See Child, Sir Josiah. Davenpoet, John. See Baeetti, Giuseppe ; Italian and English dictionary. Davey, Lord. Treatise on Costs in Chancery. See Moegan, George Osborne. David, Alexander J. The London Building Act, 1894, with the bye laws and regulations of the London County Council . . . 8vo. 1894 Davidson, Charles. Precedents and Forms of Conveyancing, by C. Davidson, T. C. Wright, J. Waley, T. Key, M. G. Davidson, and J. K. Darley. 5 vols, in 8. Vol. 1, 5th edition; vol. 2, 4th edition ; and toIs. 3 to 5, 3rd edition. Svo. 1876-85 See also Maetin, Thomas ; Conveyancing. Davidson, Madgwiek George. Coiicise Precedents in Conveyancing with practical notes, and with observations on some acts relating to real and personal property, and on compulsory registration. Eighteenth edition, by M. G. Davidson and S. Wadsworth. Svo. 1904 Davidson Randall Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, and Benham William. Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury. Third edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1891 DAV. 221 Davies, Arthur Llewellyn. Law relating to Factories and Workshops. See Abeaham, May E. Davies, Edward. Celtic researches on the origin, traditions, and language of the Ancient Britons ; with some introductory sketches on primitive society. 8vo. 1804 The mythology and rites of the British Druids, ascertained by national documents and compared with the general traditions and customs of heathenism, as illustrated by the most eminent antiquaries of our age ; with an appendix, containing ancient poems and extracts, with some remarks on ancient British coins. 8vo. 1809 [Davies, Sir John.] A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued . . . untill the beginning of his Majesties happie raigne. 4to. 1612 Le primer Report des cases et matters en ley resolves et adjudges en le Courts del Eoi en Ireland [1604-12]. fol. 1628 — Translated. 8vo. Dublin, 1762 Davies, John. Collection of the most important cases respecting Patents of Inventions, and the rights of patentees, which have been deter- mined in the Courts of law since the statute for restraining monopolies ; to which are added, some observations resulting from the decisions on the several cases. 8vo. 1816 Davies, John. See Oleaeius, Adam ; Voyages. Davies, John Silvester. English chronicle, from 1377 to 1461. {^Camden Society, No. 64.] Davies, Eobert. Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665-66. [^Surtees Society, No. 36.] Life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York. [Oamden Society, No. 85.] Davies, Rowland, Dean of Boss. Journal, March, 1688-89, to September, 1690. {Camden Society, No. 68.] Davies, Thomas. The laws relating to Bankrupts. fol. 1744 Davila, Henrico Caterino. The history of the Civil Wars of France: a new translation from the Italian, by E. Farneworth. 2 vols. 4to. 1758 222 DAY— DAW. Davis, Charles Henry. The English Church Canons of 1604; with historical introduction and notes, critical and explanatory, showing the modifications of each canon by subsequent acts of Parliament, and appendices on the new canons of 1865 . . . 8vo, 1869 Davis, Henry F. A. The law and practice of Friendly Societies and Trade Unions, under "the friendly societies act, 1875," "the trade unions act, 1871," and "the conspiracy and protection of property act, 1875 "; with official regulations and rules and forms. 8vo. 1876 The law and practice of Building and Land Societies, including the law of co-operative building societies. Fourth edition . . . bv J. E. Walker. 8vo. 1896 Davis, J. C. Bancroft. Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1882- 1901. [United States Reports, Supreme Court, vols. 108-186.] 79 vols. 8vo. iVew? York and Albany, 1884-1902 Davis, James Edward. The jurisdiction and practice in the County Courts, in equity, in admiralty, probate and administration cases, and in bankruptcy. 8vo. 1872 The practice and evidence in actions in County Courts. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1874 The Labour laws. 8vo. 1875 Annals of Windsor. See Tig he, E. E. See also Stamp, George ; Index to the Statutes. Davis, Sir John Francis. The Chinese -. a general description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. 2 vols. 12mo. 1836 Davis, Thomas. See Cueban, John Philpot ; Speeches. Davison, Henry. Eeports of King's and Queen's Bench cases. See Gale, Charles James ; Perbt, Thomas Erskine ; Willmoee, Graham. Davison Henry, and Merivale Herman. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon writs of error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Trinity term, 1843, to Easter term, 1844. 8vo. 1844 Davys, Sir John. See Davies. Dawson, George. Origo Legum : or, a treatise of the origin of laws, and their obliging power, as also of their great variety; and why some laws are immu- table and some not, but may suffer change, or cease to be, or be suspended or abrogated. fol. 1694 DAW— DBA. 223 Dawson, J. Hooper. A practical treitise on the law relative to attornies, solicitors, and their agents. [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 2.] SuggestioQS as to the course of study to be adopted, and selection of books, by parties designed for such branches of the legal profession, [iaw Journal Tracts, vol. 2.] Day, John. Trial by Ejectment between John Day, of Bedford, plaintiff, and Thomas Day, of Spaldwick, defendant, for the recovery of an estate in the county of Huntingdon . . . July 31, 1797. 8vo. 1820 Day, John C. The Common Law Procedure Acts . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1872 Day, Samuel Henry. Election Cases in 1892 and 1893 ; being a collection of the points of law and practice arising out of the Parliamentary Election Petitions in those ^ears, together with reports of the judgments. 8vo. 1894 See also E.ogeks, Francis Newman ; Elections. [Dayeell, Sir Marmaduke.] Charge at the general Quarter Sessions of the Peace held for the county of Cambridge at the Castle of Cambridge, 168| : by Sir M. D. of Gray's-Inn. 4to. 1689 Deacon, Edward E. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy ; argued and determined in the Court of Review, and on appeal before the Lord Chancellor, from 1835 to 1840 ; with a digest of the cases relating to bankruptcy in all the contemporaneous reports. 4 vols. 8vo. 1837-41 The law and practice of Bankruptcy. Third edition, by A. G. Langley. 2 vols. 12mo. 1864 Reports of Bankruptcy cases. See Montagu, Basil. Deacon Edward E., and Chitty Edward. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, argued and determined in the Coiirt of Review, and on appeal before the Lord Chancellor, 1832-35. 4 vols. 8vo. 1833-37 Deane, Henry C. Principles of Conveyancing. Second edition, 8vo. 1883 Deane, James Parker. Reports of cases decided in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, in continuation of Dr. Robertson's Reports, 1855-57. 8vo. 1858 224 DEA— DEE. Deans, Richard Storry. The law of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, and the rights, duties and liabilities of infants. 8vo. 1896 The student's Legal History. 8vo. 1896 Deaesly, Henry Richard. Crown Cases Reserved ; with a selection of cases leading to indictable offences, argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench and the Courts of Error, from 13th November, 1852, to 26th April, 1856. 8vo. 1856 Dearsly Henry Richard, and Bell, Thomas. Crown Cases Reserved [in continuation of the above], from 3rd May, 1856, to 1st May, 1858. 8vo. 1858 Debrett, John. House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1905. 8vo. 1905 Debt, Imprisonment for. Report from the select Committee on Imprisonment for Debt; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. fol. 1873 Decisions of the English Judges during the Usurpation, 1655, to his Majesty's Restoration, in 1661 [in the Court of Session]. fol. Edinburgh, 1762 Decker, C. W. See Van Leeuwen, Simon ; Commentaries on Roman Dutch Law. Decker, Thomas. The Gull's Horn Book. Imprinted at London for B. S., 1609. Re- printed, with notes of illustration, by J. N. [John Nott.] 4to. Bristol, 1812 Deckherrus, Wilhelmus. De jure aperturae. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Argent., 1670 De Colyar, Henry Anselm. A treatise on the law of Guarantees and of Principal and Surety. Third edition. 8vo. 1897 Decretales. See Bonifacius ; Corpus Juris Canonici. Dee, John. The private Diary of Dr. John Dee [1554-1600]. [Camden Society, No. 19.] DEE— DEG. 225 Deeds, Register of. Report from select committee on a general Register of all Deeds and instruments affecting real property in England and Wales ; with the minutes of evidence and appendix. fol. 1832 Registration of Deeds and Assurances in Ireland Commission : first and second reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the law relating to the registration of deeds and assurances in Ireland, with appendix. 2 vols. fol. Dublin, 1879-81 Parliamentary Report, Middlesex. See Land Tkansfer. De Gex, John Peter. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, decided in the Court of Review, by the Vice-Chancellor Sir J. L. K. Bruce, and the Lord Chancellors Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cottenham [1844-48]. Svo. 1852 See also Montagu, Basil. De Gex John Peter, Fisher F., and Jones H. Cadman. Reports of cases heard and determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, 1859-62. 4 vols. 8vo. 1861-70 De Gex John Peter, and Jones H. Cadman. Reports of cases heard and determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, 1857-69. 4 vols. 8vo. 1858-61 De Gex John Peter, Jones H. Cadman, and Smith R. Horton. Reports of cases heard and determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, 1862-65. 4 vols. Svo. 1865-73 Vol. 4, contains Table of Cases reported in De Gex, Macnaghten, and 9 Gordon ; De Gex and Jones ; De Gex, Fisher, and Jones ; and De Gex, Jones, and Smith. De Gex John Peter, Macnaghten S., and Gordon A. Reports of cases heard and determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, 1851-57. 8 vols. 8vo. 1853-64 Db Gex John Peter, and Smale John. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery by the Right Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice- Chancellor, and Vice-Chancellor Sir James Parker, from Michaelmas term, 1846, to the end of Trinity vacation, 1852. 5 vols. 8vo. 1849-53 De Gex John Peter, and Smith Richard Horton. Arrangements between Debtors and Creditors under the Bankruptcy Act, 1861 . . . [with two supplements.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1867-69 Deggb, Sir Simon. The Parson's Counsellor; with the law of Tithes or Tithing. Seventh edition, by C. Ellis. Svo. 1820 226 DEG— DEL. De Geuchy, William Laurence. L'ancienne coutume de Normandie. Eeimpression editee avec de legeres annotations. 8vo. Jersey, 1881 Dbinologt. Deinology, or the union of reason and elegance, being instructions to a young Barrister ; with a postscript suggesting some considera- tions on the viva voce examination of witnesses at the English Bar, by Hortensius. Svo. 1789 Delafons, John. A treatise on naval Courts Martial. Svo. 1805 De la Geasseeie, Raoul. Code Civil allemand. See Codes, Germany. Code Civil du Canton des Grisons. See Codes, Switzerland. Code de Commerce hongrois. See Codes, Hungary. Les Codes suedois. See Codes, Sweden. Delamakre — , et Le Poitvin — . Traitd du contrat de commission. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1840-47 Delane, William Frederick Augustus. A collection of decisions in the Courts for revising the lists of Electors. 12mo. 1834 Delano, Charles G. See Dunning, John, Lord Ashburton ; Eeports of Cases. De la Peyme, Abraham. Diary [1680—1703-04]. [Surtees Society, No. 54.] * De la Peyme, Carolus. Ars Coenandi, novem canticis depicta. Editio secunda. 4to. 1868 De la Roche, Michael. New memoirs of Literature, containing an account of new books, printed both at home and abroad ; with dissertations upon several subjects ... 6 vols. Svo. 1725-31 Delisle, G. Traite de I'interpretation juridique . . . Examen critique de la juris- prudence moderne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1849 Delisle, Guillaume. Mappemonde . . . augmentee des nouvelles decouvertes par Philippe Buache. fol. Paris, 1755 De Lolme, John Louis. The Constitution of England. Svo. 1777 DEL— DEN. 227 Dblonet, Thomas. Thomas of Eeading : or, the sixe worthie yeomen of the West, 1632 [Thoms' Early English prose romances, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1858 Demanoeat, Charles. Cours elementaire de droit Romain. Second edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1866 Demantb, [Antoine Marie]. Themis, ou bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. Demosthenes. Orations pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon : translated by T, Leland. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1814 Dendt, F. W. Newcastle Hostmen's Company. [Surtees Society, No. 105.] Newcastle Merchant Adventurers. [Surtees Society, Nos. 93, 101.] Denisart, [Jean Baptiste]. Collection de decisions nouvelles et de notions relatives a la juris- prudence : mise dans un nouvel ordre, corrigee et augmentee, par MM. Camus et Bayard. [Abandon — Hypotheque. No more published.] 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1783-90 Denison Charles Marsh, and Scott Charles Henderson. The practice and procedure of the House of Lords, in English, Scotch, and Irish appeal cases under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876 ; with the standing orders, forms, bills of costs, directions to agents. 8vo. 1879 Denison, Stephen Charles. Crown Cases Reserved, from the year 1844 to 1851 ; continued from Trinity term, 1851, to Trinity term, 1852 : by R. R. Pearce. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850-52 Denman, G-eorge. Is the government of the United States of America entitled under the Ashburton treaty to claim the extradition of the fugitive Anderson ? [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Denman, G-eorge L. See Bkoom, Herbert ; Constitutional Law. Denman, Thomas, Lord. Addresses presented to Lord Denman and his Lord^^ " with the proceedings on his first accession to o order of the Corporation of the City of London. Memoir of. See Aenould, Sir Joseph. Verses addressed to Lord Denman on his retiremen Circuit Mess, April 2, 1850. See Arnould, Sir Jose 228 DEN— DET. Dennis, John. Rinaldo and Armida. 4to. 1699 Denshall, — . Le Reading sur I'estatute de Finibus fait anno 4 Henry VII. 4to. 1662 Dbnton, William. England in the fifteenth century. 8vo. 1888 De Pistoye A., et Duveedt Ch. Traite des Prises Maritime s ; dans lequel on a refondu en partie le traite de Valin, en I'appropriant a la legislation nouvelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859 Deebt, Edward Geoffrey, Earl of. The Iliad of Homer, rendered into English verse. See Homer. Derby, Edward Henry, Earl of. Speeches and addresses of Edward Henry, xvth Earl of Derby, selected and edited by Sir T. H. Sanderson and E. S. Roscoe, with a prefatory memoir by W. E. H. Lecky. 2 vols. 8vo. 1894 Dering, Heneage, Dean of Bipon. Autobiographical memoranda. [Surtees Society, No. 65.] Desjardins, Arthur. Traits de Droit Commercial Maritime. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-90 Dbsormeattx, Joseph Louis Ripault. Histoire de la maison de Montmorenci. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris^ 1764 De Sottza, Louis. The truth about the Bar and about the Solicitors ; being an appeal from the factious in both professions to the discreet in each and to all serious men. 8vo. 1882 A fragment on Titles ; together with some remarks upon the precedency of the Bar and a few observations concerning Serjeanty : to which is added a letter ... on the policy of the late Con- veyancing Acts. 8vo. 1882 Dbspard, Edward Marcus. Trial of Edward Marcus Despard, for high treason, at the Sessions House, Newington, 7th Feb., 1803 . . . [Bound with Cockburn, James, Trial of.] Svo. 1803 Dethice, Sir Henry. Visitation of Middlesex. See Rylby, William. DEV— DIB. 229 Db Villiebs, Melius de. See Villiers. Dbvises. Case on devise of real and personal estate ; -with Mr. Peere Williams's opinion. [Collectanea Jtiridica, vol. 1.1 8vo. 1791 Opinions on a devise of a real and personal estate. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Devon, Frederick. See Pell EiBcokds. Dew, Edward L'Estrange. Cases of controverted elections. See Poweb, David : Wolfebstan , F. S. P. Dewae, Daniel. Observations on tlie character, custom and superstitions of the Irish ; and on some of the causes which have retarded the moral and political improvement of Ireland. 8vo. 1812 Dewes, Alfred. The injustice of the English law as it bears on the relationship of husband and wife : an essay read in the Law School at Cambridge in November, 1867. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 5.] 8vo. [1868] D'EwEs, Sir Simonds. Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, both of the House of Lords and House of Commons, revised and published by P. Bowes. fol. 1682 De Wet, Christian Eudolph. Three years war (October, 1899— June, 1902). Svo. 1902 DiAs, Felix R. The Digest, liber quadragesimus septimus, tit. ii.,De Furtis : literally translated, with notes, marginal analysis, appendix, index, and short sketches of the jurists. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884 Digest, DePactis et Transactionibus (ii., 14, 15) : literally translated, with a full analysis of the two titles, and notes from Cujacius, Gothofred, Pothier, and other commentators ; with short sketches of the jurists quoted. Svo. 1886 DiBB, John Edward. A practical guide to the Eegistration of Deeds and Wills in the West Riding of Yorkshire . . . 8vo. 1846 Registries of Deeds: suggestions for the improvement of the Yorkshire offices, and the extension of the system to the other counties ; with the draft of a bill embodying those suggestions. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 1.] Svo. 1851 DiBDiN, Sir Lewis Tonna. See Brewer, John Sherren ; Establish- ment of the Church of England : Hanson, Alfred ; Estate, Probate, Legacy and Succession duties. 280 DIB— Die. DiBDiN, Thomas Frognall. The Library Companion ; or, the young man's guide and the old man's comfort in the choice of a library. Second edition. 8vo. 1825 Bibliomania; or book- madness : a bibliographical romance. . . New edition. 8vo. 1876 See also Ames, Joseph ; Typographical antiquities : Rastell, John ; Pastime of People. " DiCETO, Ralph de, Dean of St. PauVs. Historical Works [Britain, No. 68]. See also Twtsden, Sir Roger ; Hist. Ang. Scriptores. DicET, Albert Venn. Treatise on the rules for the selection of the Parties to an Action. 8vo. 1870 The law of Domicil as a branch of the law of England, stated in the form of rules. 8vo. 1879 England's case against Home Rule. 8vo. 1886 The Privy Council ; the Arnold prize essay, 1860. 8vo. 1887 A digest of the law of England with reference to the Conflict of Laws ; with notes of American cases by J. B. Moore. 8vo. 1896 Introduction to the study of the law of the Constitution. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1902 Lectures on the rela.tiGn between law and public opinion in England during the nineteenth century. 8vo. 1906. DiCET, E. M. See Botjtmt, fimile; Studies in Constitutional Law. Dicey, Edward. The story of the Khedivate. 8vo. 1902 See also Welch, Charles ; London at opening of the twentieth century. Dickens, John. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1559 to 1798 ; revised by J. Wyatt. 2 vols. 8vo. 1803 Dickinson, Sir John Nodes. Practical proposals for a thorough reform of our Judical System, and an entire reconstruction of the whole law. . . 8vo. 1867-71 Dickinson, Reginald. Summary of the constitution and procedure of Foreign Parliaments. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 Dickinson, Samuel. See Lindlet, Nathaniel, Lord; Law of Partnership. Die— DIG. 231 Dickinson, William. A practical exposition of the law relative to the office and duties of a Justice of the Peace, chiefly out of Sessions. Second edition. 3 vols, 8vo. 1822 Guide to the Quarter Sessions, and other sessions of the peace. Fifth edition, by T. N. Talfourd. Bvo. 1841 DiCKSEE, Bernard. The London Building Act, 1894 . . . 8vo. 1894 — Second edition. 8vo. 1906 Dickson, Arthur. See Elphinstone, Sir Howard Warburton ; Intro- duction to Conveyancing : Goodeve, Louis Arthur ; Law of Eeal Property. Dickson, Thomas. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 4.] Dickson, William Kirk, Eegister of the Great Seal of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 8.] The Jacobite attempt of 1719. [Scottish History Society, No. 19.] Dickson, William P. The Glasgow University Library; notes "on its history, arrangements, and aims [with] notice of the Euing collection of Bibles : by J. Lymburn. 8vo. Glasgow, 1888 See also Mommsen, Theodore ; History of Eome. DiCTIONABT OF NATIONAL BlOGBAPHY. Dictionary of National Biography : edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols. 8vo. 1885-1900 — Supplement, index, epitome, and errata : edited by Sidney Lee. 6 vols. 8vo. 1901-04 DiCTTS Crbtensis et Dares Phkygius. De bello Trojano, ex editione Samuelis Artopcei, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectionibus, notis /ariuium, recensu editionum et codicum, et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensiti. Accedunt Josephi Iscani De bello Trojano libri sex. bvo. 1826 DiDEBOT, Denis. Dictionnaire encyclopedique. See ENCTCLOPiEDiAS. DiOBT, Sir Kenelm. Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean, 1628. [Camden Society, No. 96.] 232 DIG— DIN. DiGBT, Kenelm Edward. An introduction to the history of the law of Eeal Property ; with original authorities. Third edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1884 — Fifth edition, assisted by W. M. Harrison. 8vo. Oxford, 1897 DiGGES, Sir Dudley. The unlawfulnesse of subjects taking up armes against their Soveraigne . . . 4to. 1647 The compleat Ambassador : or, two treaties of the intended marriage of Queen Elizabeth, comprised in letters of negotiation of Sir Francis Walsingham, with the answers of Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, Sir Thomas Smith, and others. fol. 1655 DiLKE, Sir Charles Wentworth. Greater Britain : a record of travel in English-speaking countries . . . Svo. 1894 DiLKE, Thomas. The Lover's Luck. 4to. 1696 The Pretenders ; or. The Town Unmaskt. 4to. 1698 Dill, Edward Marcus. The mystery solved ; or, Ireland's miseries : the grand cause and cure. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1852 Dill, T. E. Colquhoun. Local Government Acts. See Macmorran, Alexander. Dillon, Sir John. The case of the children of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex elucidated : a juridical exercitation. 4to. 1832 Dillon, John F. The laws and jurisprudence of England and America: being a series of lectures delivered before Yale University. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1894 DiMocK, James F. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. [Britain, No. 21.] Magna vita S. Hugonis, Episcopi Lincolniensis. [Britain, No. 37.] DiNEEN, Patrick S. An Irish-English dictionary ; being a thesaurus of the words, phrases and idioms of the modern Irish language, with explanations in English. 8vo. Dublin, 1904 DiNGLET, Thomas. History from marble (circa 1663). [Camden Society, Nos. 94, 97.] DIO— DIX. 283 DiODATi, Giovanni. II Nuovo Testamento. See Bible : Versions. DiODOEUS SlCTTLUS. AtoSoipov roO StJtsXiwTot; Bt/3\to^^>tijf 'lo'TapIxij? j8//3Xot ifevTenaLSeKOC, ex r&v Tec-crnpaKOVTOC. Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae historicse libri quindecim de quadraginta . . . [Grreek text, with notes by Henricus Stephanus.] fol. 1559 Directory of Directors. The Directory of Directors for 1905 ... by T. Skinner. 8vo. 1906 Disney Henry W., and Gundry Harold. The Criminal law; a sketch of its principles and practice. 8vo. 1895 DiSPUTATIONES JTJRIDICE. Volumen i et ii disputationum juridicarum selectionim ... in celeberrima Basil. Acad, publico propositarum . . . 2vols.ini. 4to. Basileee. 1616-18 Disraeli, Benjamin. Case of The Queen v. D^Israeli. See Stammers, Joseph. Dissenters' Chapels Bill. Parliamentary Debates on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, 7 and 8 Vict. c. 45, 1844. 8vo. 1844 Dix, Edward Spencer. Abridged notes of cases ; Circuit Reports, Ireland : ^ee Crawford, George. Dixon, G. Y. See Irish Reports ; Digest of cases. Dixon, Henry Hall. Law of the Farm, including the cases and statutes relating to the subject and the agricultural customs of England and Wales, together with the small holdings act, 1892. Fifth edition, by A. J . Spencer. Svo. 1892 Dixon, John Marsh. See Brett, Thomas ; Leading Equity Cases. Dixon, Joseph. See Lush, Sir Robert ; Practice. Dixox, Richard Watson. History of the Church of England, from the abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction. 6 vols. 8vo. 1878-1902 Dixon, Robert. A practical treatise on the law relative to Title-Deeds and other documents. 2 vols. Svo. 1826 234 DIX— DOD. Dixon, Thomas. See Feebman, Eichard ; Reports. Dixon, William Hepworth. Personal history of Lord Bacon . . . 8vo. 1861 The story of Lord Bacon's life. 8vo. 1862 Dixon, William John. Probate and Administration law and practice in common form and contentious business. Second edition. 8vo. 1885 Law and practice in Divorce and other matrimonial causes. Third edition. 8vo. 1900 DoBLE, Charles Edward. Correspondence of Henry Earl of Clarendon and James Earl of Abingdon, chiefly relating to the Monmouth Insurrection, 1683-85. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 2, 7, 13.] Doctor and Student. See Saint-German, Christopher. DOCTRINA PlACITANDI. Doctrina Placitandi : ou I'art et science de bon Pleading. /See Euer, Sampson. Dodd, Charles Edward. See Bacon, Matthew ; Abridgement. DoDD, Cyril. See Bullen, Edward; Law of Distress: Bullen, Edward, and Leake Stephen Martin ; Precedents of Pleadings. Dodd, John Theodore. Burial and other Church fees, and the burial act, 1880 : with notes. 8vo. 1881 Law and Practice appertaining to Originating Summons. See Marcy, G-eorge Nichols. iS'ee also Shaw, Joseph ; Parish Law. Dodd Philip William, and Brooks Greorge Henry. The law and practice of the Court of Probate, contentious and com- mon form ; with the rules, statutes, and forms. 8vo. 1865 DoDDS, James. William Cunningham's Diary, 1673-80. [Scottish History Society, No. 2.] DoDERiDGB, Sir John. The English lawyer ; describing a method for the managing of the lawes of the land, and expressing the best qualities requisite in the student, practizer, judges, and fathers of the same. 4to. 1631 Historical account of the ancient and modern state of the principality of Wales, dutchy of Cornwall, and earldom of Chester. Second edi- tion. 8vo. 1714 DOD— DOM. 236 DoDiNGTON, George Bubb. Diary, from March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761 ; with an appen- dix containing some curious and interesting papers. A new edition, by H. P. Wyndham. 8vo. Salisbury, 1784 DoDsoN, John. Report of the judgment delivered in the Consistorial Court of London, 16th July, 1811, by the Eight Hon. Sir W. Scott, in the cause of Dalrymple v. Dahymple. 8vo. 1811 Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Ad- miralty, from Trinity term, 1811, to March-19, 1822 ; containing the judgments of the Eight Hon. Sir W. Scott. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815-28 — Digest [to 1818] by J. Greene. 8vo. 1818 DoDWELL, Henry. Apology for the philosophical writings of Cicero. See Cicero, Marcus TuUius. DoaoETT, Thomas. The Country Wake. 4to. 1696 DoLEMAN, R., pseud. See Paesons, Eobert. DoMAT, Jean. The Civil law in its natural order ; together with the Publick law : translated into English by W. Strahan . . . with additional re- marks on some material differences between the civil law and the law of England. 2 vols. fol. 1722 Les loix Civiles dans leur ordre naturel ; le droit public, et legum delectus. Nouvelle edition ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Paris, 1777 Domesday Book. Domesday-Book, seu liber censualis Willelmi primi regis Anglise, inter archives regni in domo capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus . . . 2 vols. fol. 1783 — Additamenta ex codic. antiquiss. : Exon' Domesday ; Inquisitio Eliensis ; Liber Winton' ; Boldon Book ; [with an introduction by Sir H. Ellis.] fol. 1816 — Indices : accessit dissertatio generalis de ratione hujusce libri : [by Sir H. Ellis.] fol. 1816 Domesday Book, or the great survey of England, of William the Conqueror, a.d. mlxxxvi : fac-simile of the part relating to Middlesex. - 4to. Southampton, 1861 Facsimile of the original Domesday Book : with translation by [G. H. de S. N.] Plantagenet- Harrison. [Middlesex portion.] 4to. 1876 Domesday Book illustrated : by E. Kelham. 8vo. 1788 286 DOM. DoMKSDAT Book — continued. A general introduction to Domesday Book : by Sir H. Ellis. 1833 Domesday Book ; a popular account of the Exchequer manuscript so called . . . by W. de G. Birch. 8vo. 1887 Domesday Book and beyond ; three essays in the early history of England : by F. W. Maitland. 8vo. Cambridge, 1897 See also Lincolnshiee Survey. DOMESDAT GOMMEMOEATION. Domesday Studies ; being the papers read at the meetings of the Domesday Commemoration, 1886, with a bibliography of Domesday book and accounts of the MSS. and printed books exhibited at the Public Eecord OflBce and at the British Museum : edited by P. E. Dove ; with a preface by H. Clarke. 2 vols. 4to. 1888-91 Vol. 1. On the study of Domesday Book, by S. Moore. On the Turkish survey of Hungary, and its relation to Domesday Book ; a study in comparative history, by H. Clarke. Domesday survivals, by I, Taylor. Wapentakes and Hundreds, by I. Taylor. Danegeld and the Finance of Domesday, by J. H. Bound. The Ploughland and the Plough, by I. Taylor. Notes on Domesday Measures of Land, by J. H. Round. A new view of the Geldable Unit of Assessment of Domesday ; embracing the divisions of the libra or pound of silver, and the weights and measures of uncoined metal, flour, cloth ... as made by the Angli, Mercians, Danes, Normans, and Celts, and their connection with the true understanding of the words 'Hida,' ' Carucata,' ' Virgata,' ' Villanus,' ' Anglicus Numerus' ... by O. C. Pell. 2. Note on the order of Domesday Book, by H. Clarke. The Church in Domesday ; with especial reference to Episcopal Endow- ments, by J. Parker. Parish Churches omitted in the Survey. The Presbyter, by H. J. Reid. The scope of local elucidation of the Domesday Survey, by E. F. Sawyer. The Domesday Survey of Surrey, by H. E. Maiden. On an alleged instance of the fallibility of Domesday in regard to ' Ancient Demesne,' by Sir H. Barkly. The materials for the re-editing of the Domesday Book, and suggestions for the formation of a Domesday Book Society, by W. de G-. Birch. The official custody of Domeeday Book, by H. Hall. An early reference t) Domesday, by J. H. Round. Summary of ' a new view of the geldable unit of assessment of Domesday, by O.' C. Pell. Domesday Commemoration, 1886, notes on tbe manuscripts and printed books exhibited at the Public Record Office and the British Museum. Domesday Bibliogi'aphy, edited by H. B. Wheatley. Dominica, Island of. Acts of the Legislative Assembly, 1867-74, 1888-89. fol. 1867-89 DoMiNiCT, Marc Antoine. De prserogativa Allodiorum in provinciis, quse jure scripto reguntur, Narbonensi et Aquitanica historica disquisitio ... 4to. Parisiis, 1645 DON— DOU. 237 Don, Greorge. A general system of Gardening and Botany, founded upon Miller's G-ardener's dictionary, and arranged according to the natural system. 4 vols. 4to. 1831-37 Donald, Alexander Karley, Melusine. [Early English Text Society, extra series, No. 68.] Poems of Alexander Scott. ^Early English Text Society, extra series. No. 85.] Donaldson, David. See Jamieson, John ; Dictionary of the Scottish language. DoNBLLus, Hugo. Commentarii de jure Civili. Editio sexta quam post obitum Joannis Christophori Koenig . . . continuavit D. Carolus Bucher. 16 vols. Svo. Norimbergse, 1822-34 DoppiNG, Anthony, Bishop ofMeath. Modus tenendi Parliamenta in Hibernia; published out of an antient record ; to which is added, the rules and customs of the House, gathered out of the journal books from the time of Edward VI. Svo. Dublin, 1772 DoRNBLiJTH, Adolphus Gottlieb, De majori Principum setate. [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Lijosise, 1736 DoRNE, John. Daybook and ledger, 1620. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 6, 16.] DoRNMETER, Audrcas Julius. De Claudii Drusi expeditionibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Halae Magdehurgicm, 1711 DoRNSPBROER, Johauucs Andreas. Syntagma juris de probationibus, exceptionibus, sententiis et executionibus . . . cum praefatione Danielis Clasenii. 4to. Lipsiae, 1676 Doss, Lai Mohun. Tagore Law Lectures, 1889 : the law of Eiparian Eights, alluvion and fishery ; with introductory lectures on the rights of littoral states over the open sea, territorial waters, bays . . . and the rights of the Crown and the littoral proprietors respectively over the foreshore of the sea. 8vo. Calcutta, 1891 Douce, Francis. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum. [Record Commission, No. 10.] 238 DOU. Douglas, Cecil George. Summary Jurisdiction Procedure, being the summary jurisdiction acts, 1848-99, regulating the duties of Justices of the Peace with respect to summary convictions and orders . . . Eighth edition. Svo. 1899 See also Oke, G-eorge C. ; Magisterial Formulist. [Douglas, D.] The biographical history of Sir William Blackstone . . . and a cata- logue of all his works ; with a nomenclature of Westminster Hall, containing a chronology of all the Lords Chancellors, Keepers and Commissioners of the Great Seal, Masters of the Eolls, Judges, Attornies. and Solicitors-general, Serjeants, King's Counsel, and Recorders of the City of London, commencing from Michaelmas term, 1746, aad ending at Michaelmas term, 1779 : by a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. 1782 Douglas, Sylvester, Lord Glenhervie. History of the cases of Controverted Elections tried and determined during the years 15 & 16 Geo. III. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1802 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, 19-25 Geo. III. Fourth edition, by Mr. Serjeant Frere and H. Roscoe. 4 vols. Svo. 1813-31 Douglas Cause. The speeches, arguments, and determinations of the Right Hon. the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon that important cause wherein the Duke of Hamilton and others were plaintiffs, and Archibald Douglas of Douglas defendant . . . Svo. 1767 Considerations on the Douglas Cause, in a letter from a gentleman in Scotland to his friend in London. The essence of the Douglas Cause : to which is subjoined some observations on a pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on the Douglas Cause. Letters of the right Hon. Lady Jane Douglas ; with several other important pieces of private correspondence. Svo. 1767 The case of Archibald Douglas, Esq., and his guardians, appellants, against the Duke of Hamilton, and others, respondents; to be heard at the bar of the House of Lords, 16th Jan. 1769. 4to. 1769 Case of the respondents, the Duke of Hamilton, &c. fol. [1769] Arguments of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in the Douglas cause, in the House of Lords, Feb. 27, 1769. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 1792 DouTHWAiTE, William Ralph. Gray's Inn : notes illustrative of its history and antiquities. Svo. 1876 Gray's Inn; its history and associations, compiled from original and unpublished documents. Svo. 1886 — Extra-illustrated copy. Svo. 1886 '-> DOU— DOW. 239 DouTHWAiTE, William Ralph — continued. Humfrey Wanley and his Diary (Lansdowne MSS. Nos. 677, 771, 772) : a paper read before the Library A.ssociation. 4to. 1888 Catalogues of the Library of Gray's Inn. See Catalogues, Library. DouTEE, Joseph. Constitution of Canada. The British North America act, 1867 ; its interpretation, gathered from the decisions of courts, the dicta of judges, and the opinions of statesmen and others ; to which is added the Quebec resolutions of 1864 and the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Montreal, 1880 Dove, P. Edward. Opinion as to public rights in navigable rivers, on a case submitted on behalf of the corporation of Nottingham. 8vo. 1887 See also Domesday Commemoration. Dow, P. Reports of cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, 1813-18. 6 vols. 8vo. 1814-19 Dow P., and Clark Charles. Reports of cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords from 1827-32. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830-82 — Index. See Clark, Charles. Dowden, John, Bishop of Edinburgh. Chartulary of the Abbey of Lindores, 1195-1479. [Scottish History Society, No. 42.] Lauderdale Correspondence, 1660-77. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] DowDESwELL, Georgc Morley. See Bayley, Sir John ; Law of Bills of Exchange : Starkie, Thomas ; Law of Evidence. Dowell, Stephen. A history of Taxation and Taxes in England, from the earliest times to the year 1885. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1888 The Acts relating to the Tax on Inhabited Dwelling- Houses, with references to the decisions on the subject. 8vo. 1893 The Acts relating to the Income Tax. Fifth Edition, by J. E. Piper. 8vo. 1902 240 DOW— DOY. Bowling, Alfred S. Reports of cases argued and determined in the King's and Queen's Bench Practice Courts, with the points of pleading and practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Michaelmas term, 1830, to Michaelmas term, 1841. 9 vols. 8vo. 1833-42 — New Series, from Trinity term, 1841, to Easter term, 1843, by A. S. and V. Dowling. 2 vols. 8vo. 1843-44 DowLiNG Alfred S., and Lowndes John James. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court, with the points of pleading and practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Easter term, 1843, to Michaelmas term, 1849. 7 vols. 8vo. 1845-51 Dowling James, and Ryland Archer. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary term, 1822, to Trinity term, 1827. 9 vols. 8vo. 1822-31 Reports of cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Court of King's Bench, and on the Home Circuit, from the sittings after Hilary term, 1822, to the sittings after Hilary term, 1823. • 8vo. 1823 Reports of cases relating to the duty and ofl&ce of Magistrates, deter- mined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary term, 1822, to Trinity term, 1827. 4 vols. 8vo. 1823-31 Downing, William. Call of Serjeants, 1736. See Middle Temple. DowsoN, Ernest. Memoirs of Cardinal Dubois ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Great Boer War. 8vo. 1900 Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings. Reminiscences and opinions, 1813-86. 8vo. 1886 [Doyle, James Warren.] Letters on the state of Ireland, addressed by J. K. L. to a friend in England. 8vo. Dublin, 1825 D'Oyly, George. The life of William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, compiled principally from original and scarce documents : with an appendix, containing Fur Prsedestinatus, Modern Policies and three Sermons by Archbishop Sancroft, also a life of Henry Wharton ; and two letters of Dr. Sanderson, now first published from the Archiepiscopal library at Lambeth Palace. 2 vols. 8vo. 1821 DRA— DEO. 241 Deaoe, Geoffrey. The Criminal Code of the German Empire. See Codes, Germany. Drake, Sir Francis. Sir Francis Drake's memorable service done against the Spaniards in 1587. [Camden Society, No. 87.] Deake, Francis. Eboracum : or, the history and antiquities of the City of York, from its original to the present times ; with the history of the Cathedral Church, and the lives of the Archbishops of that see . . . fol. 1736 Drake, Nathan. Account of the siege of Pontefract castle, 1644-45. [Surtees Society, No. 87.] DitATTON, Michael. Polyolbion : a chorographicall description of all the tracts, rivers, mountains, foi'ests, and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britain, with intermixture of the most remarkable stories, antiquities, wonders ... of the same ; divided into two bookes. fol. 1622 Notes upon Drayton's Polyolbion. See Selden, John; "Works, vol. 3. Drewbt, Charles Stewart. The law and practice of Injunctions ; with a supplement containing the cases decided since 1841. 8vo. 1849 Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, 1852-59, by Sir R. T. Kindersley, Vice -Chancellor. 4 vols. 8vo. 1853-60 Dbewey Charles Stewart, and Smale J. Jackson. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, from 1859 to 1865, by Sir R. T. Kindersley, Vice-Chancellor. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862-67 Drinkwater, W. L. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, Michaelmas tei-m, 1840, to Easter term, 1841. 8vo. 1841 Drone, Eaton S. Treatise on the law of Property in intellectual productions in Great Britain and the United States ; embracing Copyright in works of literature and art, and Play right in dramatic and musical composi- tions. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1879 Droop, H. R. Oa arrangements between a Debtor and his Creditors. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On certain beneficial effects of the rule of Tacking as applied in England to incumbrances upon real estate. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] 242 DEO— DUA. Dboop, H. R. — continued. On the political and social effects of different methods of electing Representatives. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On the property rights of Married Women. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On the relations between an invading Army and the inhabita,nts, and the conditions under which irregular troops are entitled to the same treatment as regular soldiers. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Dkumel, Johannes Henricus. Imperatores Rom.-Germanici ante Imp. Carolum M. [German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Altorfii, 1729 Dbummond, Henry. Life of. See Smith, George Adam. Drukt, William B. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, 1843-44. 8vo. Dublin, 1851 Select cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Napier, in 1858-59. 8vo. Dublin, 1860 Dbuey William B., and Walsh F. W. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunkett, 1837-40. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1839-42 Dburt William B., and Wabren Robert R. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, 1841-43. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1843-46 Deyden, John. Miscellaneous Works ; containing all his original poems, tales, and translations ; now first collected and published, with notes, also an account of his life and writings, by S. Derrick. 4 vols. 8vo. 1760 The Feign'd Innocence; or, Sir Martin Marr-all [Title wanting.] 4to. [1668] The Wild Gallant. 4to. 1669 Tyrannick Love ; or, the Royal Martyr. Third edition. 4to. 1677 Dbtden John, and Lee [Nathaniel]. The Duke of Guise. 4to. 1683 DuABENUs, Franciscus. De sacris ecclesise ministeriis ac beneficiis libri viii . . . accedunt Concordata nationis Germanicse cum notis Jo. Schilteri. [Bound with Hahn's Differentim juris civilis et canonici.'\ Svo. Argentorati, 1688 DUB— DUG. 243 Dublin University. The Dublin University Calendar, for the years 1887—1905-06. 20 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1887-1905 Dubois, Guillaume, Cardinal. Memoirs. See Dowson, Ernest. Du Cane, Sir Edmund F. The punishment and prevention of Crime. 8vo. 1885 Du Cangb, Charles du Fresne. Glossarium ad script ores mediae et infimae Latinitatis. Editio nova ... 6 vols. fol. Parisiis, 1733-36 Glossarium novum, seu supplement am ad auctiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionem ; collegit et digessit D. P. Carpentier. 4 vols. fol. Parisiis, 1766 Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis . . . Editio nova a Leopold Favre. 10 vols. 4to. 1883-87 DucABEL, Andrew Coltee. A repertory of the endowments of Vicarages, in the diocese of Canterbury. 4to. 1763 Anglo-Norman antiquities, considered, in a tour through part of Normandy. fol. 1767 Memoirs of the Hutton family, [Surtees Society, "No. 17.] Du Cauregy [de la Croix], [Adolphe Marie.] Themis ; ou, bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. Duchesne, Andre. Histoire d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, et d'Irlande. Troisiesme edition, reveue et augmentee jusques a present. fol. Paris, 1641 Excerpta ex " Historiae Normannorum scriptores antiqui." See Maseees, Francis. Duckett, Sir George. Original letters of the Duke of Monmouth. [Camden Society, new series. No. 31.] Penal laws and Test act : questions touching their repeal pro- pounded, in 1687-88 by James II. See Penal Laws. Duckworth, Lawrence. The law affecting the Turf, Betting- and Gaming-Houses, and the Stock Exchange. 8vo. 1899 An epitome of the law affecting Marine Insurance. 8vo. 1901 A precis of the EngKsh law affecting Landlord and Tenant. Svo. 1904 An epitome of the law affecting Charter-parties and Bills of Lading. Second edition. 8vo. 1904 The law affecting general and particular Average. Second edition. Svo. 1905 B 2 244 DUG— DUG. DucTOK HiSTOBiCTTs. Set Heakne, Thomas. Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester. Correspondence, 1585 and 1586. \Camden Society, No. 27.] DuER, John. The law and practice of Marine Insurance ; deduced from a critical examination of the adjudged cases, the nature and analogies of the subject, and the general usage of commercial nations. 2 vols. 8vo. New YorTc, 1846-46 Duff, E. Gr. Account book of James Wilding, 1682-88. [^Oxford Historical Society, No. 6.] Duff, Sir M. E. Grant. Sir Henry Maine, a brief memoir of his life : with some of his Indian speeches and minutes, selected and edited by W. Stokes. 8vo. 1892 DuFFERiN, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Lord. Lord Dufferin on the three F's. [Publications of the Irish Land Committee, No. 6.J 8vo. Bnhlin, 1881 Du Fbksne, Charles. See Du Cange, Charles du Eresne. DuGDALE; Sir William. Monastieon Anglicanum ; sive, Pandectse Ccenobiorum Benedictin- orum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum, a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem . , . per Rogerum Dodsworth [et] Gulielmum Dugdale. 3 vols. fol. 1655-73 — A new edition, enriched with a large accession of materials now first printed from leiger books, chartularies, rolls, and other docu- ments. . . the history of each religious foundation in English being prefixed to its respective series of Latin Charters ; by J. Caley, Sir H. ElHs, and B. Bandinel. 6 vols, in 8. fol. 1817-30 The Antiquities of Warwickshire, illustrated from records, leiger- books, manuscripts, charters, evidences, tombes, and armes. fol. 1656 Origines Juridiciales : also a chronologic of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal. Second edition [with manuscript notes, and additions] to the year 1680, or historical memorials of the English laws . . . law-writers, law books, grants and settle- ments of estates, degree of Serjeant, Inns of Court and Chancery. fol. 1671 — Third edition. fol. 1680 Chronica Juridicialia : or, an abridgment and continuation of Dug- dale's Origines Juridiciales ; containing a calendar of the years of our Lord God, and of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to the year 1739 : with chronological tables of all the Lord Chancellors, Judges . . . and Serjeants at law. Third edition. 8vo. 1739 DUG— DUM. 246 DtrGDALE, Sir William — continued. Historical memorials of the Englisli laws . . . extracted from Sir William Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, in two parts : [by T. Cunningham.] 8vo. 1790 The Baronage of England ; or, an historical account of the lives and actions of our English Nobility in the Saxons' time, to the Norman Conquest ; and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's reign . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. 1675-76 A short view of the late troubles in England ... to which is added, a perfect narrative of the treaty at Uxbridge in 1644. fol. Oxford, 1681 Perfect copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this realm, from the 49th of K. Henry III. until these present times. fol. 1685 The history of St. Paul's Cathedral, in London, from its foundation ; with a continuation and additions, including the republication of Sir W. Dugdale's Life from his own manuscript, by Sir H. EUig. fol. 1818 Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665-66. [Surtees Society, No. 36.] Notes of the Warwickshire Inquisitions, 1517, 1518 and 1549. See EoYAL Historical Society ; Domesday of inclosures, vol. 2. Du Halde, Jean Baptiste. Description of the empire of China and Chinese Tartary, together with the kingdoms of Korea and Tibet; with notes by the translator. 2 vols. fol. 1738-41 DuHiGG, Bartholomew Thomas. History of the King's Inns : or an account of the legal body in Ireland, from its connexion with England. 8vo. Dublin, 1806 Duke, George. The law of Charitable Uses, with many cases both antient and modern; whereunto is now added, the learned Reading of Sir Francis Moore, upon the statute of 43 Eliz. concerning charitable uses, with the manner of proceedings in Chancery . . . fol. 1676 — Another edition, by R. W. Bridgman. 8vo. 1805 Duke, George. A brief memoir of Sir Clement Wearg, Solicitor General to King George I. 12mo. 1843 The life of Major- General Worge, Colonel of the 86th Regiment of Foot, and Governor of Senegal, in Africa ; with an account of the settlements of Senegal and Goree. 8vo. 1844 DuMONT, Etienne. See Bentham, Jeremy ; Judicial Evidence. 246 DUM— DCTN. DuMONT, Jean. Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens ; contenant un recueil des traitez d'alliance, de paix, de treve, de neutralite, de commerce . . . et autres contrats, qui ont ete f aits en Europe, depuis le regne de I'Empereur Charlemagne jusques a present; avec les capitulations imperiales et royales. . . 8 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1726-31 — Supplement. 9 vols. Amsterdam, 1724-39 Vol. 1. — Histoire des anciens traitez. 2, 3. — Continue jusqu'a present. 4, 5. — Le Ceremonial diplomatique des cours de I'Europe. [6 — 9.]— Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster et d'Osnabrug. Dtjmoulin, Charles. Conclusiones de statutis et consuetudinibus localibus. See Savigny, Friedrich Carl von ; Private International Law. DuMSDAT, William H. Hadden's handbook on the Local Government Acts, 1894-97 . . . Fourth edition. 8vo, 1899 Local Government and Legislation, 1899-1905. 7 vols. 8vo. 1899-1905 Hadden's Overseers' handbook . . . 8vo. 1900 DuMSDAT William H., and Motheksole Hartley Brinkley Newton. The law of Education, comprising the Education Acts, 1870 to 1903, and other enactments and orders relating to the powers and duties of local education authorities, together with a comprehensive introduction and explanatory notes. 8vo. 1904 Duncan, George William. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. See Mansfield, John William. See also Kay, Joseph ; The law relating to Shipmasters and Seamen. Duncan, James A. The annual review of Mercantile cases for the years 1885-86, being a digest of the decisions of the English, Scotch, and Irish courts on matters relating to commerce. 2 vols. 8vo. 1886-87 Duncan, John M. Treatise on the Parochial Ecclesiastical law of Scotland. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869 ■DuNCOMB, Giles. Trials per Pais : or, the law of England concerning juries by Nisi Prius, with a compleat treatise of the law of evidence . . . Eighth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1766 DUN -DUE. 247 DuNCUMB, John. Collections towards the history and antiquities of the county of Hereford. 2 vols. 4to. Hereford, 1804-12 DuNDAS, William J. Reports of Nisi Prius cases, Ireland. See Blackham, John. DuNDONALD, Thomas Cochrane, Earl. Reviews of the " Autobiography of a Seaman " : reprinted from the " Law Magazine and Review." 8vo. 1877 The trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough, by J. B. Atlay. 8vo. 1897 DuNLOP, Alexander. See Court of Session Cases ; First and Second Series. Dunn, Edward Clennell. The practice under the Court of Chancery (Funds) Act, 1872. See Field, Leonard. See also Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice. Dunn, Elizabeth. Case of Elizabeth Dunn on a trial for forgery. [Collectanea Juri- dica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Dunne, Charles. Report of Brand's Lunacy case. Svo. 1831 Dunning, John, Lord Ashhurton. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1753-54] ; with notes of reference to English and American cases, by C. G. Delano of the Massachusetts Bar, Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1885 DupEERAY, Michel. Traite des dispenses de mariage, de leur validitc ou invalidite, et de I'etat des personnes . . . 12mo. Paris, 1759 DupiN, Andre Marie Jacques. Manuel des etudians en Droit et des jeunes avocats; recueil d'opuscules de Jurisprudence. 12mo. Paris, 1836 Manuel du Droit Public Ecclesiastique fran9ais . . . 12mo. Paris, 1845 Constitution de la Republique fran5aise ; accompagnee de notes sommaires explicatives du texte . . . Deuxieme Edition. l2mo. Paris, 1849 DuEANTEs, Johannes Dilectus. De arte testandi et cautelis ultimarum voluntatum. See Tractatus Cautelarum. 248 DUE— DYC. Due ANTON, [Alexandre]. Cours de droit franfais, suivant le Code Civil. Quatri^me edition ... 22 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 DiJBFELD, Johann Christian. De arbitro feudali. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. .Raise Magdeburgiensis, 1694 DuRFET, Thomas. Sir Barnaby Whigg : or, No Wit like a Woman's. 4to. 1681 Durham University. Calendar for the year 1905-06. Svo. Durham, 1905 DuRiE, William. Lee Endowment prize essay on the law relating to Tidal and Inland Waters. Svo. Kendal, 1900 DuRNFORD, Charles. See Term Eeports : Willes, Sir John ; Reports. Dure, Ehrenfried. De terra Advocatorum, sive Vogtland. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. 1675 DUVERDT, Ch. Traite des Prises Maritimes. See De Pistote, A. DuvERGiER, Jean Baptiste Marie. Collection complete des Lois, Decrets, Ordonnances, Eeglemens, et avis du Conseil-d'Etat (de 1788 a 1836 inclusivement, par ordre chronologique), publi^e sur les editions oflBcielles, continuee depuis 1836 a 1852 ... 52 vols, in 36. 8vo. Paris, 1834-63 Toullier's Droit Civil fran^ais. See Toullier, Charles Bonaventure Marie. DwARRis, Sir Eortunatus. A general treatise on Statutes : their rules of construction, and the proper boundaries of legislation and of judicial interpretation ; in- cluding a summary of the practice of Parliament, and the ancient and modern method of proceeding, in passing Bills of every kind. Second edition, by W. H. Amyot. 8vo. 1848 DwELLINa-HoUSES. Reports by her Majesty's representatives abroad, on the system of Tenure of Dwelling- Houses in the countries in which they reside. fol. 1884 Dyoe, Alexander. Kemp's Nine dales wonder. [Camden Society, No. 11.] Shakespeare's Works. See Shakespeare, William. DYE— EAR. 249 Dyer, George. History of the IJniversity and Colleges of Cambridge ; including notices relating to the founders and eminent men. 2 vols, 8vo. 1814 Dyee, Sir James. Novel cases, ove divers resolutions et judgments. fol. 1621 Three learned Eeadings made upon three very usefull statutes. 1. By Sir James Dyer^ upon 32 Henry VIII. c. 1, of Wills, and 34 & 35 Henry VIII. c. 5, for the explanation of that statute. 2. By Sir John Brograve, upon 27 Henry VIII. c. 10, concerning Jointures. 3, By Thomas Kisden, upon 8 Henry VI. c, 9, of Forcible Entry. 4to. 1648 Reports of cases in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Qiieen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth ; translated, with additional references and index, by J. Vaillant. 3 vols. 8vo. 1794 Eaden, Isabel M. See Boutmt, fimile ; The English Constitution, Eadmer. Historise novorum sive sui saeculi libri vi. ab anno nempe salutis 1066 ad annum 1122 ... in lucem ex bibliotheca Cottoniania emisit Joannes Seldenus, et notas porro adjecit, et spicilegium. fol. 1623 Historia novorum in Anglia. [Britain, No. 81.] Eadwig. An inquiry into the life and character of King Eadwig. See Allen, John. Eagle Francis King, and Younge E. A collection of the Reports of cases, the statutes and ecclesiastical laws, relating to Tithes, from the reign of K. John to the 6th Geo. IV. 4 vols. 8vo, 1826 Eagle, William. Treatise on the law of Tithes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 Eames, J. Bromley. See Odgers, W. Blake ; Libel and Slander. Earle, Alfred, Bishop of Marlborough. A sermon preached at the re-opening of Gray's Inn Chapel on Sunday, January 28th, 1894. [Printed by request of the Masters of the Bench.] 8vo. 1894 260 EAE— ECC. Early English Text Society. Extra Series. 68. Melusine. Compiled (1382-94) hy Jean D' Arras, Englisht about 1500 : edited ... by A. K. Donald ; part i., text, notes and glossary. 8vo. 1895 85. The poems of Alexander Scott : edited by A. K. Donald. 8vo. 1902 Eaenshaw, William. A digest of the laws (from 12 Charles II., to 58 Greo. III., inclusive) relating to shipping, navigation, commerce, and revenue, in the British Colonies in America and the West Indies ; including the laws abolishing the Slave Trade. 8vo. 1818 East, Edward Hyde. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 41 Geo. III., to Michaelmas term 53 Geo. III. [1800-12.] 16 vols. 8vo. 1800-14 Treatise of the pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. 8vo. 1803 See also Teem Repoets. East Africa Peotectorate. Ordinances and regulations [1876-97]. 4to. Bombay, 1897 Ordinances and regulations, 1876-1906. 7 vols. 4to and fol. Mombasa, 1899-1905 Orders in Council, King's (Queen's) regulations, ordinances, rules, proclamations, and other official orders in force in the East Africa Protectorate on the 1st of January, 1903. fol. [1903] East India Company. See India. Easton, James Marshall. See Copinger, Walter Arthur; Law of Copyright. Eata, Bishop of Hexham. Life. [Surtees Society, No. 8.] Ebchester, William, Prior of Durham. Obituary Roll. \Surtees Society, No. 31.] Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Repoets. See Spinks, Thomas. Ecclesiastical Commission. Orders in Council ratifying schemes of the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners for England, 1842-62. 15 vols. 8vo. 1843-63 — Index, vols. 1-9. 8vo. 1855 Ecclesiastical Couets Commission. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitu- tion and working of the Ecclesiastical Courts ; with minutes of pro- ceedings, evidence, returns, abstracts, historical and other appendices ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. 1883 EC H— EDI. 261 EcHARD, Laurence, History of England, from the first entrance of Julius Csesar and the Romans to the conclusion of the reign of King James II. Third edition. fol. 1720 EcKHABDUS, Tobias. Henrici Leonis auctoritas circa sacra in constituendis atque con- firmaudis episcopis. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to, Guelpherhyti, 1732 EcKSTAEDT, Ludovicus Sigfridus ab. De feudis ligiis . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Lipsise, 1736 EcTON, John. Liber Valorum et Decimarum ; being an account of such eccle- siastical benefices in England and Wales as now stand charged with, or lately were discharged from, the payment of first fruits and tenths. Second edition. 8vo. 1723 Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum. See Bacon, John ; Liber Regis, Eddis, Arthur Clement. The rule of Ex parte Waring. 8vo. 1876 Eddis, Arthur Shelly. Principles of the administration of Assets in payment of debts, 8vo. 1880 Eden, Sir Frederic Morton. State of the Poor : or, a history of the labouring classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period . . . together with parochial reports relative to the administration of workhouses of industry, the state of friendly societies, and other public institutions in several agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing districts : with appendix. 3 vols. 4to. 1797 Eden, Robert Henley. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, 1757-66; collected and arranged from the manuscripts of Lord Chancellor Northington ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 A practical treatise on the Bankrupt Law. 8vo. 1825 [Eden, William, Lord Auckland']. Principles of Penal law. Third edition. 8vo. 1776 Edinburgh Review. The Edinburgh Review, or critical journal. 202 vols. [In progress.] Svo. 1802-1905 — General index (Vols. 1-170). 6 vols. 1802-91 Reply to the misrepresentations of the 'Edinburgh Review," October, 1863 : by J. G, Phillimore. [Tracts, vol. 24, No. 4.] • 8vo. 1864 262 EDI— EDW. Edinburgh University. The Edinburgh University Calendar, 1905-06. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905 Edmondson, Joseph. Baronagium Genealogicum : or the pedigrees of the English Peers, deduced from the earliest times, originally compiled by Sir William Segar, and continued to the present time by J. Edmondson. 6 vols. fol. 1764-84 A complete body of Heraldry : containing an historical enquiry into the origin of armouries, and the rise and progress of heraldry con- sidered as a science ; with Glover's Ordinary of Arms, augumented and improved ; an alphabet of arms . . . and a glossary explaining all the technical terms used in Heraldry ... 2 vols. fol. 1780 Edmunds, Lewis. The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Acts, 1883 to 1888, consoli- dated with an index. 8vo. 1889 The law of Copyright in Designs, together with the practice relating to proceedings in the Courts and in the Patent Office . . . assisted by T. M. Stevens and M. W. Slade. 8vo. 1895 The law and practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. Second edition, by T. M. Stevens. 8vo. 1897 Education. Reports and tables relating to the existing Educational establish- ments in England and Wales . . . published by the Registrar- General on the occasion of the Census taken in 1851. 8vo. 1854 Return of religious teaching in board schools. fol, 1895 Edward the Confessor. Lives of Edward the Confessor : edited by H. R. Luard. [Britain, No. a] Edward I. Chronicles and State papers of the reign of Edward I. [Britain, No. 76 : Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 5.] Life of. See Tout, T. F. Edward II. Chronicles and State papers of the reign of Edward If. [Britain, No. 76 : Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 5.] Edward III. State papers of the reign of Edward III. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 5.] Edward IV. History of his arrival in England. [Caraden Society, No. 1.] State papers of the reign of Edward IV. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 4.] Wardrobe accounts. See Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. Warkworth's Chronicle of the first thirteen years of his reign. [Camden Society, No, 10.] EDW. 263 Edward V. Grants . . . from the Crown during the reign ot Edward V. \_Camden Society, No. 60.] Edward VI. State Papers of the reign of Edward VI. [Calendar of 8tate Papers, Nos. 10, 23, 28, 33.] Edwards, Bryan. The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1801 Edwards, Charles Johnston. The law of Execution upon judgments and orders of the Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. 1888 Edwards, Edward. Memoirs of Libraries ; including a handbook of library economy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1859 Libraries and founders of libraries. 8vo. 1865 Lives of the founders of the British Museum ; with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870. 8vo. 1870 Liber Monasterii de Hyda. [Britain, No. 45.] Edwards John William, and Hamilton William Frederick. The law of Husband and Wife ; with separate chapters upon marriage settlements and the married women's property act, 1882. 8vo. 1883 Edwards, M. Betham-. See Youxg, Arthur ; Travels in France. Edwards, Thomas. The Canons of Criticism, and glossary ; being a supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakespear, collected from the notes in that work. Seventh edition, [to which is added] an account of the trial of the letter T, alias Y. 8vo. 1766 Edwards, Thomas. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, commencing with the judgments of the Eight Hon. Sir W. Scott," Easter term, 1808. 8vo. 1812 — Digest, by J. Greene. 8vo. 1818 Edwards, William Douglas. A compendium of the law of Property in Land and of Convey- ancing relating to such property. Second edition. Svo. 1891 — Fourth edition. Svo. 1904 254 EGB— ELD. Egbert, Archbishop of YorJc. The Pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York, a.d. 732-766. [Surtees Society, No. 27.] Egeeton, Sir Philip de Malpas Grey. Letter from George Fleetwood to his father, describing the battle of Liitzen, and death of Gustavus Adolphus. [Camden Society, No. 39.] Life of Lord Grey of Wilton. [Camden Society, No. 40.] Egerton Papers. A collection of public and private documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James L [Camden Society, No. 12.] Egypt. Codes egyptiens. See Codes, Egypt. Ehrenberg, Gothofredus Franciscus. De locatione-conductione quae fit a Principe. [German University Tracts, vol. 11. J 4to. Lipsise, 1728 Eiffe, L. S. The Judicature Acts (Ireland), 1877 and 1878 . . . assisted by A. Houston and J. O. Wylie. Svo. BuUln, 1881 EiKQN BA2IAIKH See Charles L EiLHARDT, Trangott Leberecht. De Uteris feudi reversalibus a simultanee investitis, exhibitis . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsise, 1736 EiRENARCHA. See Lambard, William. Elci, Count Angelo d'. The present state of the Court of Eome ; or, the lives of the present Pope Clement XI. and of the present college of Cardinals : translated into English from the Italian manuscript. 8vo. 1 706 Elderfield, Christopher. The civil right of Tythes . . . 4to. 1650 A defence of the right to Tithes on principles of Equity, with obser- vations on a commutation. Svo. 1794 Eldon, John Scott, Lord. The Eldon law scholarship founded at Oxford, and list of subscribers. [Printed on vellum.'] 4to. 1830 The Eldon law scholarship . . . rules and by-laws, April, 1861. 4to. 1861 Public and private life. See Twiss, Horace. ELE-ELI. 255 Election Law. The law of Elections ; being an abstract of all the statutes in force relating to the election of members to serve in the House of Commons. Fourth edition. 12mo. 1722 A fair trial of the important question : or, tlie rights of election asserted . . . [Tracts, vol. 2, No. 3.] 8vo. 1769 Laws concerning the Election of members of Parliament, with the determinations of the House of Commons thereon. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1780 Elgood, Edgar J. A compendium of the law relating to Executors and Administrators ; Law and practice relating to the Administration of the estates of deceased persons. See Walker, W. G-regory. See also Simpson, Archibald H. ; Law relating to Infants. Elgood, J. C. Eeadings in Horace. 8vo. 1895 Elizabeth, Queen. The secret history of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex : by a person of quality. Two parts. 12mo. 1695 A justification of Queen Elizabeth in relation to the affair of Mary, Queen of 8cots. iCamden Society, No. 93.] Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir John Hay ward. [Camden Society, No. 7.] Contemporary notes of occurrences, written by John Stowe, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Oamden Society, new series, No. 28.] Household account, 1551-52. [Camden Society, No. 55 ] Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland, 1582- 1602. [Camden Society, No. 46.] State Papers of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 10, 18, 21, 23, 29, 32, 33.] The authentic speech of Queen Elizabeth to her army encamped at Tilbury, under the command of the Earl of Leicester in the year 1588, when these Kingdoms were threatened with an invasion from Spain. [Rapin's History of England, vol. 2.] Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. See D'EwES, Sir Simonds. Life of. See Beesley, Edward Spencer : Creighton, Mandell. Memoirs of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. See Birch, Thomas. Treaties of the intended marriage of Queen Elizabeth. See Digges, Sir Dudley ; Compleat Ambassador. Elizabeth of York. Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York . . . with a memoir. See Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. 256 ELL. Ellacombe, H. T. Executors' accounts of Richard, Bishop of London, 1303, and Thomas, Bishop of Exeter, 1310. [Camden Society, new series. No. 10.] Ellesmebe, Thomas Egerton, Lord. Speech in the Exchequer Chamber, touching the Post-Nati. 4to. 1609 Certaine observations concerning the office of the Lord Chancellor. 12mo. 1651 Elliott, George Percy. Dr. Edward Lake's Diary, 1677-78. [Oamden Society, No. 39.] William Taswell's autobiography, 1681-82. \_Camden Society, No. 55.] Elliott, Martin. Outlines of Roman and Constitutional law, together with Consti- tutional and Legal history. 8vo. 1897 Outlines of Common Law . . . 8vo. 1898 Ellis, Arthur Lee. The Trustee Acts, including a guide for trustees to investments. Sixth edition, by L. W. Byrne. 8vo. 1903 Ellis, Arthur M. A guide to the House Tax Acts . . . 12mo. 1885 A guide to the Income Tax Acts . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1893 Ellis, Charles. Treatise on the pleadings in suits for Tithes in Equity ; and the law of evidence, issues, and costs relating to them. 8vo. 1821 See also Degge, Sir Simon : Parson's Counsellor. Ellis, Charles Edward. Railway and Canal rates and traffic. See Butterwobth, A. Kaye. See also Leigh, Chandos ; Election Law. Ellis, Charles Gregson. Reports of Queen's Bench Actions. See Cababe, Michael. Ellis, Charles Thomas. Practical remarks, and precedents of proceedings in Parliament on Private Bills . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1810 Ellis, G. B. The Merchandise Marks Act . . . 8vo. 1898 ELL. 257 Ellis, George Agar. See Ellis, John ; Ellis Correspondence. Ellis, Sir Henry. Original letters illustrative of English History ; including numerous royal letters, from autographs in the British Museum, and other collections; with notes and illustrations [1074-1795]. 3 series in 11 vols. 8vo. 1824-46 A general introduction to Domesday Book ; accompanied by indexes of the tenants in chief, and under tenants at the time of the Survey ... 2 vols. Bvo. 1833 Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum. [Uecord Commission, No. 10.] Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. [Britain, No. 13.] Letters of eminent literary men. [Camden Society, No. 23.] Norden's Speculi Britannise pars. [Camden Society, No. 9.] Obituary of Richard Smyth. [Camden Society, No. 44.] Polydore Vergil's English history. [Camden Society, Nos. 29, 36.] Pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde, 1506. [Camden Society, No. 51.] Register and chronicle of Aberconway Abbey. [Camden Society, No. 39.] The Record of Caernarvon. [Record Commission, No. 33.] Visitation of the county of Huntingdon, under the authority of William Camden, 1613. [Camden Society, No. 43.] See also Blair, John ; Chronological and historical tables : Brand, John ; Popular antiquities : Doomsday Book : Dugdale, Sir William ; History of St. Paul's Cathedral : Fabyan, Robert ; Chronicles. Ellis, John. The Ellis Correspondence : letters written during the years 1686, 1687, 1688, and addressed to John Ellis ; comprising many parti- culars of the Revolution, and anecdotes illustrative of the history and manners of those times : edited from the originals, with notes and a preface, by G. A. Ellis. 2 vols. Bvo. 1829 Ellis, Robert Leslie. Works of Francis Bacon. See Bacon, Francis. Ellis, Thomas Flower. Reports of King's (Queen's) Bench cases. See Adolphus, John Leycester. See also Queen's Bench Reports. Ellis Thomas Flower, and Blackburn Colin. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on Error from the Court of Queen's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1852, to Hilary term, 1858. 8 vols. 8vo. 1853-59 258 ELL— ELP. Ellis Thomas Flower, Blackburn Colin, and Ellis Francis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on Error from the Court of Queen's Bench, containing the cases determined in Easter term and Trinity term and vacation, 1858. Svo. 1860 Ellis Thomas Flower, and Ellis Francis. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on Error from the Court of Queen's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1858, to Hilary term and vacation, 1861. 3 vols. Svo. 1863-67 Ellys, Anthony, Bishop of St. David's. The spiritual and temporal Liberty of Subjects in England . . . 4to. 1765 Elmer, Joseph. The practice in Lunacy . . . with notes of cases and recent decisions . . . adapted to the provisions of the Lunacy Act, 1890, together with a supplement adapted to the provisions of the Lunacy Act, 1891, and the rules in Lunacy, 1892. Seventh edition. 1892 Elmes, John James. See Ingram, Thomas Dunbar ; Compensation to land and house owners. Elmham, Thomas de. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. [Britain, No. 8.] Elphinstone, Sir Howard Warburton. A practical introduction to Conveyancing. Fourth edition, by the author and J. W. Clark. 8vo. 1894 — Fifth edition, by Sir H. W. Elphinstone, W. Clark and A. Dickson. 8vo. 1900 On settlements of Personal Estate. [Juridical Society, vol. 4.] On the borrowing powers of Railway Companies. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On the interpretation of Formal Documents. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Precedents in Conveyancing. See Key, Thomas. See alto Goodeve, Louis Arthur ; Law of Real Property. Elphinstone Sir Howard Warburton, Norton Robert F., and Clark James William. Rules for the interpretation of Deeds; with a glossary. 8vo. 1885 ELS— EME. 259 Elsing or Elsynge, Henry. The ancient method and manner of holding Parliaments in England. Third edition. 12mo. 1675 Debates in the House of Lords, 1624 and 1626. [Camden Society, new series, No. 24.] Notes of the debates in the House of Lords, 1621, 1624 and 1626. [Camden Society, No. 103, new series, No. 24.] Elton, Charles Isaac. Origins of English History. 8vo. 1882 See also Eobinson, Thomas ; Gavelkind. Elton Charles Isaac, and Mackay Herbert J. H. Treatise on the law of Copyholds and customary tenures of land : with an appendix containing the copyhold acts of 1852, 1858, 1887 ; the principal forms used by the Board of Agriculture, precedents of assurances and forms. Second edition. 8yo. 1893 Elyot, Sir Thomas. The boke named the Governour, devised by Sir Thomas Elyot : edited, from the first edition of 1531, by H. H. S. Croft. 2 vols. 4to. 1880 Emden, Alfred. A Digest of all reported cases not contained in the Law Reports . . . together with a full selection of all decisions of importance from the Irish and Scotch reports, and reference to the American reports of standing; and also a table of cases followed, overruled, or specially considered, and a complete index to everv reported case for the years 1881-82. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882-83 The law relating to Building, with precedents of building leases and contracts . . . Third edition, assisted by H. Johnston. 8vo. 1895 The practice and forms in Winding-up Companies and reconstruction. Fifth edition, with chapters on reduction of capital, alterations of the memorandum of association, and debenture holders' remedies; by D. S. Smith, assisted by H. Johnston. 8vo. 1896 — Sixth edition, by H. Johnston. 8vo. 1902 Emden Alfred, and Thompson Herbert. The complete Annual Digest of every reported case in all the Courts for the years 1883-93. 11 vols. 8vo. 1884-94 A complete collection of Practice Statutes, orders, and rules ... as are now iii force and relate to the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court from 1275 to 1886. Second edition. Svo. 1886 Emerigon, Balthazar Marie. A treatise on Insurances ; translated from the French, with an introduction and notes, by S, Meredith. Svo. 1850 s2 260 EML— ENC. Emlyn, Sollom. See Hale, Sir Matthew; Historia Placitorum Coronse. Emmaunel College, Cambridge. See Cambeidgk University. Emmet, Lewis E. Notes on perusing Titles . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1903 Employers' Liability. Reports from the select committee on Employers' Liability for Injuries to their Servants ; together with the proceedings of the committee, and minutes of evidence. fol. 1876-77 Report, from the select committee on the Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment Bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. fol. 1886 Enchiridion Clericale. See Clerk. Encyclopaedias. Cyclopaedia : or an universal dictionary of arts and sciences. 2 vols. fol. 1728 — Supplement. 2 vol^ fol. 1728 Encyclopedic: ou, dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts, et des metiers, par une societe de gens de lettres ; mis en ordre et publie par M. Diderot, et quant a la partie mathematique, par M. D'Alembert. Nouvelle edition, [avec] recueil de planches. 39 vols. 4to. Genive, 1777-79 — Table analytique et raisonnee des matieres contenues dans les 39 volumes . . . du dictionnaire des sciences, des arts, et des metiers. 6 vols. 4to. Lyon, 1780-81 Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and elements of Archaeology, classical and mediieval : by T, D. Fosbroke. New edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1843 Encyclopaedia Metropolitana : or, universal dictionary of knowledge, on an original plan . . . edited by E. Smedley, Hugh ,J. Rose, and Henry J. Rose. 29 vols. 4to. 1845 Vols. 1 — 2. Pure sciences. 3 — 8. Mixed sciences. 9 — 13. History and biography. 14 — 25. Miscellaneous and lexicographical. Index. 1 vol. Plates. 3 vols. English Cyclopaedia -. a new dictionary of universal knowledge, con- ducted by C. Knight : with supplements. 26 vols. 4to. 1854-73 Arts and Sciences. 9 vols. Geography. 5 vols. Biography. 7 „ Natural History. 5 „ Encyclopaedia of Chronology, historical and biographical : by B. B. "Woodward and W. L. R. Gates. Svo. 1872 ENC— ENG. 261 Encyclopedias — continued. Encyclopaedia Americana: a supplementary dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 4 vols. 4to. 1883-89 Encyclopaedia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. Ninth edition, with supplementary volumes, maps and indices. 36 vols. 4to. Edinhtirgh, 1885-1903 Encyclopaedia of the laws of England ; being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities ; edited by A. Wood Renton. 13 vols. 8to. 1896-1903 Encyclopaedia of the law of Scotland ; edited by J. Chisholm. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1896-1904 Enderbie, Percy. Cambria Trivimphans : or, Brittain in its perfect lustre, shewing the origen and antiquity of that illustrious nation ; the succession of their Kings and Princes, from the first to King Charles of happy memory ; the description of the country, the history of the antient and moderne estate ; the manner of the investure of the Princes ; with the coats of arms of the nobility. fol. 1661 Endowed Schools, Ireland, Commission. See Ireland. Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca Juridica . . . 8vo. Leipxig, 1840 England. A genealogical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England from the reign of William the Conqueror to that of William the Fourth. 8V0. N.D. Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of England, from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne : photozincographed by Sir H. James, with translations and notes. 4 vols. fol. Southampton, 1865-68 Index to the parishes, townships, hamlets, and places contained within the districts of the several County Courts in England and Wales. Fourth edition. fol. 1888 A true account of England about the year 1600 : translated from the Italian. [Camden Society, No. 37.] An English Chronicle, from 1377,to 1461. [Camden Society, No. 64.] Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. [Becord Commission, . No. 2.] Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty years war. [Camden Society, Nos. 90, 98.] Political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. [Camden Society, No. 6.] Englefield, Sir Henry Charles. A walk through Southampton, including a survey of its antiquities. A new edition, with notes by J. Bullar. 4to. 1841 262 ENG— EQIT. English Catalogue. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. English Cyclopaedia. See ENCTCLOP^aiDiAs. English Histoeical Review. The English Historical Eeview, 1886-96. Vols. 1-11. 8vo. 1886-96 English Judges. The decisions of the English Judges [in the Court of Session'] during the Usurpation, 1655, to His Majesty's Restoration, in 1661. fol. Edinburgh, 1762 Ennis George, and Ennis George Francis Macdaniel. The Registration of Transfers of transferable stocks, shares, and securities ; with a chapter on the forged transfer acts and an appendix of forms. 8vo. 1893 Epictetus. Enchiridion una cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Accessere Arriani commentariorum de Epicteti disputationibus lib. iv. Omnia Hieron, Wolfio interprete, cum ejusdem annotationibus. [Gr. et Lat.] Item Porphyrii de abstinentia ab aniraalibus necandis libri quatuor . . . liber de vita Pythagoras . . . de antro Nympharum . . . Lucas Hol- stenius latine vertit . . . 8vo. Gantahrigise, 1655 Epping Forest. Epping Forest : Claims to common of pasture in the Forest, 1630, 1653, 1670, Index to some entries on forest rolls relating to Lords of manors, 1630-70. Waltham Forest: Comparative table of entries at the regard and swainmote of 12th September, 1670. Licenses and permissions by Forest authorities, recorded before 1713. Presentments and regulations at Forest Courts respecting assarts, purprestures, and unauthorized inclosures, recorded before 1713. Presentments and entries at Forest Courts, relating to common of pasture. Part i., before 1713. Presentments and regulations at Forest Courts, respecting woods and trees, and miscellaneous presentments and regulations recorded before 1713. [Bound in one volume.] fol. n.d. The Rolls of the Court of Attachments of the Royal Forest of Waltham, in the countv of Essex, from the 3 1st October, 1713, to 6th December, 1848. ' 4 vols, in 2. fol. 1873 Equitable Recoveries. Case on the validity of Equitable Recoveries ; with the opinions of several eminent counsel thereon. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Equity Cases Abridged. A general Abridgment of cases in Equity ... 2 vols. [Vol. 1, fifth edition; vol. 2, second edition.] fol. 1769-93 EQU— ERS. 263 Equity Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery, together with reports of cases carried by appeal from that Court to the House of Lords ; also reports of cases carried by appeal from the Colonial Courts of Equity to the Privy Council, from Easter term, 1853, to Michaelmas term, 1855. 8 vols, in 4. Svo. 1854-55 Erasmus, Desiderius. In Novum Testamentum . . . annotationes, ingenti nuper accessione per auctorem locupletatae. fol, Basilx, 1519 Novum Testamentum, Greece et Latine. Svo. Lipsiee, 1565 Life of. See Froude, James Anthony. See also Sbebohm, Frederic ; The Oxford Reformers. Erastus, Thomas. Explicatio gravissimae quaestionis, utrum excommunicatio, quatenus religionem intelligentes et amplexantes,a sacramentorum usu, propter admissum facinus arcet ; mandato nitatur Divino, an excogitata sit ab hominibus . . . adjectae sunt clarissiraorum aliquot theologorum epistolaa . . . 4to. Pesclavii, 1589 Eratosthenes Cyren.iEUS. Continuation of Sanchoniatho's Phoenician history. See Cumber- land, Richard. Erfurdt, Carl Grottlieb August. Annotationes integrae in Sophoclis Tragoedias ; (Edipum Tyrannum, Antigonam, Trachinias, Ajacem, Philoctetam, Electram : in quibus continentur Hermanni, Wakefieldii, Reiskii, Musgravii, Camerarii, aliorumque animadversiones. Svo. 1824 Erle, Sir William. The law relating to Trade Unions. Svo. 1869 Errinoton, Francis Henry Launcelot. See Hanson, Alfred ; Estate, Probate, Legacy and Succession duties. Errors. The law of Errors and Writs of Errors. Svo. 1703 Erskine, John. Journal, 1683-87. [Scottish History Society, No. 14.] Erskine, John. The principles of the law of Scotland, in the order of Sir G. Mackenzie's Institutions of that law. Second edition. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Edinburgh, 1757 — Seventeenth edition ; containing extracts from the lectures of G-. Moir : [by N. Macpherson.] Svo. Edinburgh. 1886 264 ERS— ESP. Ebskine, John — continued. Institute of the law of Scotland, in four books, in the order of Sir George Mackenzie's Institutions of that law. Second edition [by A. F. Tytler]. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Edinburgh, 1786 — A new edition, by A . Macallan. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838 Ebskine, Robert. Letters and documents, 1677-1720. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] EnsKiNE, Stuart. The Earl of Mar's legacies to Scotland and to his son, Lord Erskine, 1722-27. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] Erskijte, Thomas, Lord. Observations on the prevailing abuses in the British Army, arising from the corruption of civil government. [Anon.] 8vo. 1775 Speeches when at the Bar, on subjects connected with the liberty of the press, and against constructive treasons : collected by J. Eidgway . 4 vols. 8vo. 1810 Speeches, when at the Bar, on miscellaneous subjects. 8vo. 1812 EscoTT, Thomas Hay Sweet. England ; its people, polity, and pursuits. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879 EsPEN, Zeger Bernard van. Scripta omnia, quatuor tomis comprehensa. Editio novissima . . . 4 vols. fol. Lovanii, 1753 Vol. 1, 2. Jus ecclesiasticum universum. 3, 4. Commentarius in canones juris veterit ac novi, et in jus novissimum. Ebpinasse, Isaac. Digest of the law of Actions ... at Nisi Prius. Second edition. 8vo. 1793 Reports of cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, from Easter term, 1793, to Trinity term, 1807. 6 vols. 8vo. 1796-1811 Treatise on the law of Actions on Statutes, remedial as well as penal, in general ; and on the statutes respecting copyright, for offences against the law concerning the election of members to Parliament, against the hundred, and against sheriffs or their officers. 8vo. 1824 Ebpinasse, James. Treatise on the law of Bankrupts . . . 8vo. 1825 ESS— EUS. 266 Essayists, British: The British Essayists ; with prefaces, historical and biographical, by A. Chalmers. 38 vols. 12mo. 1823 Adventurer. Vols 19-21. Observer. Vols. 32-34. Connoisseur. 25, 26. Kambler. 16-18. Guardian. 13-15. Spectator. 5-12. Idler. 27. Tatler. 1-4. Looker-on. 35-37. World. 22-24. Lounger. 30, 31. Index. 38. Mirror. 28, 29. Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of. The secret history of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex ; by a person of quality. Two parts. 12mo. 1695 Apologie in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. See Bacon, Francis. Essex Papers. Essex papers, 1672-79. [Camden Society, new series, No. 47.] Ethelwerd. Chronicorum lib. iv. See Savile, Henry. Etheridge, W. Gray. See Feilden, H. St. Clair ; Constitutional history of England. Etienne de Eouex. Draco Normannicus. [Britain, No. 82.] [EuER, Sampson.] DoctrinaPlacitandi, on I'artet science debon Pleading . . . 4to. 1677 A system of Pleading; including a translation of the Doctrina Placitandi : or, the art and science of Pleading, originally written by Samson Euer and now first translated, from the obsolete Norman French . . . by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 4to. 1771 Euripides. EuptTTtSou rpaytvBiai : Euripidis tragoedise ... ex nova recognitione Aug. Matthise. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Oxonii, 1821 European Assurance Company. European Assurance Arbitration : Lord Westbury's decisions, re- ported by F. S. Reilly. Part 1. 8vo. 1873 Award of the arbitrator, and appendix. fol. 1879 Edsebius, Pamphilus, Bishop of Csesarea. Socratis Scholastici, Hermiae Sozomeni, Theodoriti et Evagrii, item Philostorgii et Theodori Lectoris quae extant Historise Ecclesiasticae, G-raece et Latine . . . Henricus Valesius Graecum textum emendavit, Latine vertit, et annotationibus illustravit. Gulielmus Reading novas elucidationes . . . adjecit. 3 vols. fol. Cantabrigise, 172,0 See also Cumberland, Richard. 266 EFT— EVE. EuTROPius, Flavius. Breviariura historise Eomanse ; ex editione Henrici Verheyk, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectioiiibus, notis variorum, recensu codicum et editionum, et indice locupletiasimo accurate recensitum. 8vo. 1824 EVAGRIUS SCHOLASTICUS. Historia Ecclesiastica. See Eusebius. Evans, Frank. See Palmer, Francis Beaufort ; Winding-up Forms and Practice ; Company Precedents. Evans, Gilmore. See Looke, John ; Game Laws. Evans, J. GTwenogvryn. Llyvyr lob Cyvieithad Dr. Morgan, 1588. [Welsh Classics for the People.l See Bible, The Holy. Evans, Margaret. Letters of Richard Radcliffe and John James, 1756-83. [Oa-ford Historical Society, No. 9.] Evans, Patrick F. See Bateman, Joseph ; Law of Auctions. Evans, Thomas. See Peck, Francis ; Desiderata Curiosa. Evans, William. Treatise upon the law of Principal and Agent in contract and tort. Second edition. 8vo. 1888 The law relating to the remuneration of Commission Agents. Second edition, by W. De B. Herbert. 8vo. 1900 Evans, Sir William David. A general view of the Decisions of Lord Mansfield, in civil causes. 2 vols. 4to. 1803 A collection of Statutes connected with the general administration of the law, arranged according to the order of subjects; with notes. 8 vols. 8vo. 1817 See also Pothieb, Eobert Joseph ; Law of Obligations -. Salkeld, William. Evelyn, John. Memoirs ; comprising his Diary, from 1641 to 1705-06, and a selection of his familiar letters ; to which is subjoined the private correspondence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas, also between Sir Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne : edited, from the original manuscripts, by W. Bray. 5 vols. 8vo. 1827 EVE— EYE. 265' Everest, Lancelot Fielding. The defence of Insanity in criminal cases : an essay. 8vo. 1887 EvEEBST Lancelot Fielding, and Stbode Edmund. The Law of Estoppel. 8vo. 1884 EvERSLEY, William Finder. The law of the Domestic Relations : including husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, infants, and master and servant. Second edition. Svo. 1896 EwALD, Alex. Charles Our Public Records, a brief handbook to the national archives. Svo. 1873 The life of Sir Joseph Napier, ex-Lord Chancellor of Ireland, from his private correspondence. Svo. 1887 EwART, John S. An exposition of the principles of Estoppel by Misrepresentation. 8vo. 1900 EXCEEPTA HiSTORICA. Excerpta historica ; or, illustrations of English history : edited by S. Bentley. 8vo. 1831 Exchequer Repoets. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Trinity term, 1847, to Hilary vaca- tion, 1856 : bv W. N. Welsby, E. T. Hurlstone and J. Gordon. 11 vols. 8vo. 1849-56 Executors. An examination of the authorities on the question,whether Executors having a power to sell can make a good conveyance of the legal estate in the land without the concurrence of the heir-at-law ? [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1.] Of the several remedies of Executors for the recovery of rent . . . by a member of the Inner Temple. [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1,] Executory Limitations. An inquiry into the soundness of certain important points relative to Executory Limitations lately impeached : by a licentiate. [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1.] Exhibitions, Catalogues of. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Eyee, Adam. Diary [1646-49]. [Surlees Society, No. 65.] ^6S EYE— FAC. Etee, Edward John. Report of the case of The Queen v. Edward John Eyre on bis prosecution . . . for high crimes and misdemeanours alleged to have been committed by him in his office as Governor of Jamaica . . . [edited bj W. F. Finlason.] 8vo. 1868 Fabaeitjs, Carolus Augustus. De jure Landsassiatus in Thuringia. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Jena.',, 1722 Faber, Abrahamus Godefridus. Familia Augusta Lucemburgensis. [Germa^i University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Altorfii, 1722 Fabeb, Antonius. Codex Fabrianus definitionum forensium et rerum in sacro Sabaudise senatu tractatarum ... fol. Lugduni^ 1606 Faber, Jacobus. Hermathena Altorphina, hoc est tractatus de alimentis juridicus . . . 4to. Noribergss, 1628 Faber, Petrus. Semestrium libri tres. Editio postrema. 3 vols, in 1. 4to. Genevas, 1660 Fabtan, Eobert. The new Chronicles of England and France : reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1516 : to which are added, a biographical and literary preface, and an index, by Sir H. Ellis. 4to. 1811 Facciolati, Jacopo. Lexicon Latinitatis opera et studio ^gidii Forcellini . . . edidit J. Bailey. 2 vols. 4to. 1828 Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, secundum tertiam editionem; cujus curam gessit Jos. Furlanetto, correctum et auctum labore variorum. Editio in Germania prima. 4 vols, in 2. fol. Lipsise, 1831-35 Facio, Bartolomeo. Kerum gestarum Alphonsi Primi, Regis Neapolitani, libri x ; et Joannis Joviani Pontani de Ferdinando Primo, Eege Neapolitano, Alph. f. libri vi. [Bound with Guicciardini's Historiarum sui temporis libri viginti.] fol. [Basilese, 1566?] Faculty Collection. Decisions of the Court of Session, from February, 1752, to November, 1825, collected by [various] advocates bv appointment of the Faculty of Advocates. ' 21 vok. fol. Edinburgh, 177 2-1S28 FAI— FAL. 269 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord. The Fairfax Correspondence ; memoirs of the reign of Charles the First : edited by G. W. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 Memorials of the Civil War ; comprising the correspondence of the Fairfax family with the most distinguished personages engaged in that memorable contest : now first published from the original manuscripts : edited by E. Bell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1849 Memorials of Lord Fairfax. See Maseres, Francis ; Select tracts. Fairfield, Charles. Some account of Greorge William Wilshere, Baron Bramwell of Hever, and his opinions. 8vo. 1898 Falck, Nikolas. The scientific study of Jurisprudence ; its preliminaries, special subjects, means and appliances : an outline of Juristic study : translated from the Geiinan, bv W. Hastie. [In Hastie's Juris- prudence, pp. 159-219.] ' . Svo. 1887 Falconer, Thomas. /S'ee Strabo ; Rerum geographicarum,librixvii. Falconer, Thomas. The history, opinions, and present legal position of the English Presbyterians . . . [Tracts, \o\. 12, No. I.] Svo. 1834 Falconer, Thomas. On Surnames and the rules of law affecting their change ; with comments on the correspondence of the Lord-Lieutenant of Monmouthshire and certain officials respecting a change of surname. Second edition. Svo. 1862 List of County Court Judges [1847-64] : [with a] note on the abolition of certain franchise gaols. Svo. 1865 On County Courts, local Courts of Eecord, and on the changes proposed to be made in such Courts in the second report of the Judicature Commissioners. Svo. 1873 Falconer Thomas, and Fitzherbert Edward H. Cases of controverted Elections . . . Svo, 1839 Falconer, William. An universal dictionary of the Marine ; or, a copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases employed in the construction and equipment of a ship ... A new edition. 4to. 1780 Falkland Islands. Laws and ordinances of the Falkland Islands, from the settlement of the colony [1843] to the year 1884. fol. 1885 Laws and ordinances, 1880-1904. [Imperfect.] fol. 1884-1904 270 FAN— FA W. Fanning, Thomas. Court of Criminal Appeal ; Queen v. Thomas Fanning : report of the argument and judgment on the case reserved from the Dublin City Commission, Oct., 1865. 8vo. Dublin, 1866 Fanshawe, E. L. See Wright Sir Robert Samuel, and Hobhottse Henry : Local G-overnment. Fanton, M. a. Tables of Roman law ; translated and edited by C. W. Law. 4to. 1869 Fantosme, Jordan. Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174. [Britain, No. 82: Surtees Society, No. 11.] Fabinacius, Prosper. Tractatus de testibus ... fol. Francofurti, 1598 Decisionum Rotse Romanse centurise novem . . . fol.. Francofurti, 1641 Farneworth, Ellis. See Davila, Henrico Caterino ; Civil wars of France : Machiavelli, Nicolo ; Works. Farren, G-eorge. Key to the Statutes affected by the enactments of the reigns of George IV. and William IV. 12mo. 1837 Farwell, Sir George. A concise treatise on Powers. 8vo. 1874 — Second edition . . . assisted by W. R. Sheldon. 8vo. 1893 Fasciculi Zizanioeum. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. [Britain, No. 5.] Faustus, Dr. Johann. The history of the damnable life and deserved death of Doctor John Faustus . . . The second report of Dr. John Faustus . . . 1594. [Thome's Early English prose romances, vol. 3.] 8vo. 1858 Fautrel, — . See Mahon, P. A. 0. ; Medecine legale. Favre, Leopold, ^ee Du Cange, Charles du Fresne. Fawcbtt, Henry. Comments on the speech of Professor Fawcett at Brighton, January 27, 1868. See Hayes, William. Discussion on recent writings of Professor Fawcett on the Land Laws of England. See Land Laws. FAW— FEN. 271 Fawcett, John Henry. Treatise on the Court of Referees in Parliament ; containing chapters on the practice and jurisdiction of the Court . . . together with a chapter on engineei'ing and estimates, and a digest of the reports made by the referees to Parliament, by K. D. M. Littler. 8vo. 1866 Fearne, Charles. Posthumous Works ; consisting of a reading on the statute of inrolments, arguments in the case of General Stanwix, and a collection of cases and opinions ; selected, from the author's manuscripts, by T. M. Shadwell. 8vo. 1797 Essay on the learning of Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises. Third edition. 8vo. 1776 — Tenth edition; containing the notes, cases, and other matter added to the former editions, by C. Butler, with an original view of executory interests in real and personal property ... by Josiah W. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844 An analysis, arranged to serve also as a compendious digested index of Mr. Fearne's essay on Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises : by R. H. Coote. 8vo. 1814 Fee Simple. Opinions on an Estate in Fee Simple defeasible on leaving no issue. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2. J 8yo. 1792 Feilden, H. St. Clair. A short Constitutional history of England. Third edition, bv W. G. Etheridge. 8vo. Oxford, 1895 Fell, John, Bishop of Oxford. Interest of England stated. See Maseees, Francis ; Select Tracts. Fell, Walter William. Treatise on the law of Mercantile Guaranties, and of principal and surety in general. Second edition . . . 8vo. 1820 Fellowes, William Dorset. Historical sketches of Charles I., Cromwell, Charles II., and the principal personages of that period ; including the King's trial and execution ; to which is annexed, an account of the sums exacted by the Commonwealth from the Royalists, and the names of all those who compounded for their estates ; with other scarce documents. 4to. 1828 Fenian Conspiracy. Reports of proceedings at the Special Commissions (1867) for the county and city of Cork, and the county and city of Limerick, in cases of high treason and treason-felony ; and of trials for treason-felony, at the summer assizes of the same year, for the counties of Clare and Kerry. ' 8vo. Dublin, 1871 See also Burke, Thomas F. ; Halpin, William G. ; Kelly, Robert ; LuBY, Thomas Clarke ; Sullivan, Alexander M. ; Warrex, John. 272 FEN— FEE. Fenn, Charles. Fenu on the Funds : being a handbook o£ public debts . . . Sixteenth edition, by S. F. Van Oss and H. H. Bassett. 8vo. 1898 Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. See Stanford Dictionary. Fenton, Roger, Preacher of Gray's Inn. A treatise of Usurie . . . 4to. 1611 Ferard, J. Law of Fixtures. See Amos, Andrew. Ferguson, Adam. An essay on the history of Civil Society. 4to. Edinburgh, 1767 Ferguson, James. Scots Brigade in Holland, 1572-1782. [^Scottish History Society, Nos. 32, 35, 38.] Ferguson, William Bates. The Land Transfer Acts, 1875 and 1897. See Ambrose, William. Ferguson, William Dwyer. The Common Law Procedure Amendment Acts (Ireland). Second edition. 12mo. Dublin, 1857 Fermoy Peerage. See Peerage Claims. Ferrall, Simon Ansley. See O'Ferrall. Ferratius, Thomas. Cautelse juris utriusque doctoris eminentissimi. See Tractatus Cautelarum. Ferrero, William. The Female Offender. See Lombroso, Caesar. Ferrers, Lawrence, Earl. Trial of Lawrence, Earl Ferrers, for the murder of John Johnson, before the House of Peers in Westminster Hall, in full Parlia- ment . . . April, 1760. fol. 1760 Ferri, Enrico. Criminal Sociology. 8vo. 1895 Ferrier, Richard. Journal while travelling in France, 1687. [^Camden Society, new series. No. 53.] FER— FIE. 273 Ferriere, Claude Joseph de. Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique ; contenant 1' explication des termes de droit, d'ordonnances, de coutumes, et de pratique . . , Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 4to. Toulouse, 1779 Commentaire sur la coutume de la prevote et vicomte de Paris ; avee les notes de M. Sauvan d'Armond. Nouvelle edition . . . 2 vols. 12 mo. Paris, 1788 Dictionnaire des tennes de droit et de pratique: ou, Ferriere raoderne. See Colluire, R. S. Festus Sextus Pompeius, et Flaccus Marcus Verrius. De Verborum Significatione lib. xx, notis et emendationibus illus- travit Andreas Dacerius . . . 4to. Lnitetise Parisiomm, 1692 — Ex editione A. Daeerii ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delpliini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensiti. 3 vols. 8vo. 1826 Feuerbach, Paul Johann Anselm. Betrachtungen iiber das Geschwomen-Gericht. 8vo. Landshut, 1813 Ffoulkes, Edmund S. The Church's creed or the Crown's creed; a letter to the most Rev. Archbishop Manning. [Tracts, vol. 37, No. 1.] 8vo. 1868 The Roman Index and its late proceedings ; a second letter to the most Rev. Archbishop Manning. [Tracts, vol. 37, No. 2.] 8vo. 1869 FiCHARDUs, Raimundus Pius. Cautelarum centuria i. See Tractatus Cautelarum. FiDDES, Richard. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. fol. 1724 FiDELL, Thomas. A perfect guide for a studious young lawyer ; being presidents for Conveyances, and other businesse of the like kinde . . . 4to. 1654 Field, Charles Dickinson. The law of Evidence in British India. Fifth edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894 Field, David Dudley. Outlines of an international Code. Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1876 An answer to Mr, Carter's pamphlet on the proposed codification of the Common Law of the State of New York. See Carter, James C. Field, Edwin W. Observations of a Solicitor on defects in the offices, practice, and system of costs of the Equity Courts. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 5.] 8vo. 1840 274 FIE -PIN. Field, Frederick. Otium Norvicense pars tertia : notes on select passages of the Greek Testament, chiefly with reference to recent English versions. 4to. Oxford, 1881 Field, Leonard. Inner Temple pictures of Judge Littleton and Sir Edward Coke. See Indeewick, Frederick Andrew. See also Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice. Field Leonard, and Dunn Edward Clennell. The practice of the High Court of Chancery, under the Court of Chancery (Funds) Act, 1872 ; with appendices containing the act, and the rules and orders thereunder, and a collection of forms. Svo. 1873 Fiji. Ordinances of Fiji, 1881, 1888-1903. 17 vols. fol. Levuha and Suva, 1881-1904 Regulations of the Native Regulation Board, 1877-82. Svo. 1883 The Fiji Law Reports ; cases determined by the Supreme Court of Fiji [1875-97] : by J. S. Fdal. Svo. Suva, 1903 FiLANGiERi, Gaetano. The Science of Legislation, from the Italian. 2vols^inl. Svo. 1806 Finch, Arthur Elley. On the Inductive Philosophy, including a parallel between Lord Bacon and A. Comte as philosophers : a discourse delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, November, 1871 ; with notes and authorities. Svo. 1872 On the Pursuit of Truth, as exemplified in the principles of evidence, theological, scientific, and judicial : a discourse delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, March 2, 1873. Svo. 1873 Lord Bacon : a vindication of his character and philosophy from prevailing prejudices ... a lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, 26 January, 1885. Svo. 1885 Finch, Gerard Brown. A selection of cases on the English law of Contract. Second edition, edited by R. T. Wright and W. W. Buckland. Svo. Cambridge, 1896 Finch, Sir Heneage. Reports of cases decreed in the High Court of Chancery [1673-80]. fol. 1725 FIN. 275 Finch, Sir Henrv. tJofxoTexvi-o- ; c'est a scavoir, un description del Common Leys d'Angieterre solonque les rules de I'art. fol. 1613 Description of the Common Laws of England, according to the rules of art, compared with the prerogatives of the King -. translated from the French. 8vo. 1759 Law, or, a discourse thereof in four books; with notes and references by D. Pickering. 8vo. 1759 FiNLAisoN, John. A sketch of the law relating to public rights over Wastes and Common Lands ; with some observations on the Wimbledon Common question. 8vo. 1867 Finland. The reply of the Finnish Estates adopted at the extraordinary Diet in 1899 to the proposals of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II., GTrand Duke of Finland, for a new military service law in Finland. 8vo. 1900 FiNLASON, William Francis. Commentaries upon Martial Law, with special reference to its regu- lation and restraint ; with an introduction, containing comments upon the charge of the Lord Chief Justice. Svo. 1867 A review of the authorities as to the repression of Kiot or Rebellion, with special refei-ence to criminal or civil liability. Svo. 1868 The history of the law of Tenures of Land in England and Ireland ; with particular reference to inheritable tenancy, leasehold tenure, tenancy at will, and tenant right. 8vo. 1870 Report of the case of The Queen v. Edward John Eyre. See Eyre, Edward John. Report of the case of The Queen v. Gurney and others. See Q-uenby, Henry Edmund. Report of the case of Twycross v. Gi'ant. See Twycross, — . Reports of Nisi Prius. See Foster, Thomas Campbell. See also Reeves, John ; History of English Law. Finlay, John. Treatise on the law of Renewals, in respect to leases for lives reneiv- able for ever, in Ireland, with the cases and -decisions thereon : in- cluding a report of the case of Fitzsimon v. Burton ; also the cases in respect to the renewals of ecclesiastical leases, in Ireland, with tables for the calculation of fines. Svo. Dublin, 1829 Finlay, Sir Robert Bannatyne. International Arbitration : Rectorial address before the University of Edinburgh. Svo. Edinhurgli, 1904 t2 276 FIN— FIS. FiNNELLY, William. The law and practice of Elections in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of the trial of controverted elections. 12mo. 1830 The Acts, 2 William IV. c. 45, to amend the representation of the people, and 2 William IV. c. 64, to settle and describe the divisions of counties, and boundaries of cities and boroughs, in England and Wales. 12mo. 1832 Eeports of cases in the House of Lords. See Clark, Charles. See also House of Lords Cases. FiORB, Pasquale. Droit International Prive : ou, principes pour resoudre les conflits entre les legislations diverses en matiere de droit civil et commercial : traduit de I'italien, annote et suivi d'un appendice de I'auteur . . . par P. Pradier-Fodere. 8vo. Paris, 1875 Traite de Droit Penal International et de I'Extradition : traduit, annote et mis au courant du droit fran9ais . . . par C. Antoine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1880 Firth, C. H. A Scottish journie, 1641. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Duke of Hamilton's expedition to England, 1648. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Papers relating to Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. [ Camden Society, new series. No. 53.] Scotland and the Commonwealth, 1661-53. [Scottish History ■ Society, No. 18.] Scotland and the Protectorate, 1654-59. [Scottish History Society, No. 31.] The Clarke Papers, 1647-60. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 49, 54, 61, 62.] The narratiye of General Venables, relating to the expedition to the West Indies and the conquest of Jamaica, 1654-55. [Camden Society, new series, No. 60.] Firth Joseph Firth Bottomley, and Simpson Edgar E. London Government under the Local Government Act, 1888. 8vo. 1888 Fischer, Anton. De juribus vicariorum Sacri Romani Imperii in aurea Bulla ex- pressis. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Vitembergae, 1717 Fisher, F. Reports of Chancery Appeals. See De Gex, John Peter. Fisher, Richard Barnard. A practical treatise on Copyhold Tenure ; with the methods of holding courts-leet, courts-baron, and other courts. 8vo. 1794 — Second edition. 8vo. 1803 FIS— FIT. 277 Fisher, Robert Alexander. Digest of the reported decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Bankruptcy, Probate, Admiralty and Divorce: together with a selection from those of the Court of Chancery and Irish Courts, from 1756 to 1883 inclusive; by J. Mews, assisted by C. M. Chap- man, H. H. W. Sparham, and A. H. Todd. 7 vols. 8vo. 1884 — Supplements. See Mews, John. Fisher, William Eichard. The law of Mortgage and other securities upon property. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1884 — Fifth edition, by A. Underhill. 8vo. 1897 The Forest of Essex : its history, laws, administration and ancient customs, and wild deer which lived in it. 4to. 1887 Fitzgerald, John Vesey Vesey. The law affecting the Pollution of Rivers and water generally. 8vo. 1902 Law of Life Assurance. See Bunyon, Charles John. Fitzgerald, Percy. London City Suburbs as they are to-day : illustrated by W. Luker. 4to. 1893 See also Boswell, James ; Life of Samuel Johnson. FiTz-GriBBONs, John. Reports of several cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, with some special cases in the Court of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer [1727-32]. fol. 1732 FiTZHARRis, Edward. The arraignment and plea of Edward Fitzharris; with all the argu- ments in law and proceedings of the Court of King's Bench, in Easter term, 1681. fol. 1681 Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony. La Graunde Abridgement . . . 2 vols. fol. In sedihus Bicardi Tottell, 1565 La table, coteynant en sommarie les choses notables en La Graunde Abridgement . . . fol. In sedihus Bichardi Tottell, 1565 Natura Brevium, in French. 12mo. In sedihus Bichardi Tottell, 1566 The new Natura Brevium. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1718 — Eighth edition, by an able hand ; to which is added, a commen- tary by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. 4to. 1755 L'office et auctority de Justices de Peace, inlarge per Richard Crompton ; a que est annex, l'office de viconts, bailifes, escheators constables, coroners . . . 4to. 1606 278 FIT— PLE. FiTZHEBBERT, Edward H. Cases of controverted Elections. See Falconer, Thomas. FiTZROY, Henry, DuTce of Richmond. Inventories of his wardrobes. ^Camden Society, No. 61.] Fit/Stephen, William. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britain, 'No. 67.'] FiTZWALTER PEERAGE ClAIM See BaROKIES BY TeNTJBE. FiTz Warin, Fulk. Gesta Fulconis filii Warini. [Britain, No. 66.~\ Flaccus, Marcus Verrius. De Verborum Significatione. See Festus, Sextvis Pompeius. Flaherty, W. E. The Annals of England : an epitome of English history, from con- temporary writers, the rolls of Parliament, and other public records. 8vo. 1876 Flanagan Stephen Woulfe, and Kelly Charles. Reports of cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Eolls Court, in Ireland, during the time of the Right Hon. Sir Michael O'Loghlen, Master of the Roils, 1840-42. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 Flather, John. See Archbold, John Frederick ; Law of Bank- ruptcy. Flaxman, Arthur John. The law concerning the Registration of Births and Deaths in Eng- land and Wales, and at sea ; being the whole statute law on the subject, with notes . . . 8vo. 1875 Fleetwood, G-eorge. Letter to his Father, describing the battle of Liitzen and the death of Grustavus Adolphus. [Camden Society, No. 39.] Fleetwood, Henry. See Conveyancing ; The perfect Conveyancer. Fleetwood, William. Annalium tam Regum Edwardi V., Richardi III., Hen. VII., quam Hen. VIII., titulorum ordine alphabetico multo jam melius quam antea digestorum elenchus. fol. 1679 Fleischer, Heinrich. De servitutibus realibus feudo acquirendis, imponendis, et re- mittendis, [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] ito. Lipsise, 1726 FLE. 27& Fleischmann, Georg Wilhelm. De tumultibus rusticanis seculo xvi motis. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Argent., 1712 Fleming, David Hay. Register of the Kirk Session of St. Andrews. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 4, 7.] Fleming, William. Vocabulary of Philosophy. See Calderwood, Henry. Fleming Family. The Flemings in Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, 'No. 44.] Fleta. Fleta ; sen commentarius juris Anglicani . . . accedit tractatulus vetus de agendi excipiendique formulis G-allicauus, Fetassavoir dictus; subjungitur etiam Joannis Seldeni ad Fletam dissertatio historica. 4to. 1647 Fletcher, Banister. Light and Air . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1895 The London Building Act, 1894, and the Amendment Act, 1898 . . . Third edition . . . by B. F. Fletcher and H. P. Fletcher. 8vo. 1901 Fletcher, C. E. L. All Souls College v. Lady Jane Stafford, 1587 [Oxford Historical Society, No. 5.] Oxford Historical Society's collectanea. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 5.] Fletcher, G. W. H. Analysis of Jeremy Bentham's Theory of Legislation. 12mo. 1864 Fletcher, John. Valentinian, as 'tis alter'd by the late Earl of Rochester ; together with a preface concerning the author and his writings, by one of his friends. 4to. 1685 Rollo, Duke of Normandy : or, the bloody brother. 4to. 1686 The Island Princess. See Beaumont, Francis. Fletcher, Reginald James, Preacher of Gray's Inn. The old law and the new age : [sermons]. 8vo. 1893 The Pension Book of Gray's Inn, (records of the Honourable Society, 1559-1669). Printed hy order of the Masters of the Bench. 4to. 1901 The Reformation and the Inns of Court : a paper read before the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, December 10th, 1902. 4to. 1903 An inaugural sermon preached in Gray's Inn Chapel on November 20th, 1904. Printed by order of the Masters of the Bench for private circulation. 8vo. 1904 280 i'LE— FOli. !Fletchee, William I. Index to Periodical Literature. See Poole, William Frederick. Fletewood, William. See Fleetwood. Fliesbach, Johann Theodoretus. Jus Publicum Romano- Germanicum moderiium. [German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Lipsise, 1689 Flood, John C. H. Treatise on the law concerning Libel and Slander. 8vo. 1880 See also Broom, Herbert ; Philosophy of Common Law. Florence oe Worcester. Chronicon at appendix. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Florio, John. See Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de ; Essays. Florus Ann^us, Lucius. Epitome rerum Eomanarum, ex recensione Jo. Georgii Grrsevii, cum ejusdem annotationibus longe auctioribus. Accessere notae integrse CI. Salmasii, Jo. Freinshemii, et variorum. Necnon numismata et antiqua monumenta ... in fine additus est L. Ampelius ex Bibliotheca CI. Salmasii. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Amstelasdami, 1702 — Ex editione J. Fr. Fischeri, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu codicum et editionum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Flugel, Felix. A universal English-German and German-English dictionary. Fourth, entirely remodelled, edition of Dr. J. G. Fliigel's complete dictionary of the English and German languages. 2 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. 1891 FoA, Edgar. The relationship of Landlord and Tenant. Third edition. 8vo. 1901 FcELix [Jean Jacques Gaspard]. Commentaire sur la loi du 17 Avril 1832, relative a la Contrainte par Corps ; precede de considerations sur la contrainte par corps sous les rapports de la morale, de la religion, du droit naturel et du droit civil, et dans I'interet de I'humanite en general, par M. Crivelli. 8vo. Paris, 1832 FoERSTERus, Johauu Georg. Res prsecipuae tempore Ferdinandi II. Imp. per Europam gestae. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Gissse Hassorum, 1713 FoLKARD, Henry Coleman. The law of Slander and Libel (founded upon the treatise of the late Thomas Starkie), including the procedure, pleading, and evidence civil and criminal, with forms and precedents ; also malicious prosecutions, contempts of Court. Sixth edition. 1897 J^OL— FOR. 28i FoLBtESTONE RiTUAL Case. See RiDSDALE, Cliarles Joseph. FONBLANQUE, John. A treatise of Equity [by Henry Ballow] with the addition of mar- ginal references and notes. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1805 — Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1812 [Vol. 2 contains Maxims of Equity: to which is added, the case of the Earl of Coventry, concerning the defective execution of Powers, by R. Francis.] N.D, FoNBLANQUE, John William Martin. Reports of cases in the several Courts of the Commissioners in Bankruptcy , under the bankrupt law consolidation act. 8vo. 1849-52 Fontaines, Pierre de. Le conseil de Pierre de Fontaines : ou, traite de I'ancienne jurispru- dence frangaise. Nouvelle edition, publiee . . . par A. J. Marnier. 8vo. Paris, 1846 FoNTHiLL Abbey. Catalogue of the Library of Fonthill Abbey, sold by auction, 1823. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. FooTE. James Alderson. Foreign and Domestic Law ; a concise treatise on Private Interna- tional Jurisprudence, based on the decisions in the English Courts. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 Forbes, James. Report of the trial of James Forbes [and others] for a conspiracy to create a riot, and to insult and assault his Excellency the Lord Lieu- tenant in the Theatre Royal, and also for a riot : by R. W. Greene. 8vo. Dublin, 1823 Forbes, Patrick. A full view of the public transactions in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; transmitted down to us in a series of letters and other papers of state . . . published from the original manuscripts in the Paper Office, Cottonian Library, and other depositories. Vol. 1. fol. 1740 Forbes, Robert. The Lyon in mourning. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 20, 21, 22.] Forbes, Urquhart A. Law relating to Waters. See Coulson, Henry John Wastell. Statutory law relating to the management and rating of Collieries. See Hamilton, H. B. Hans. Forbes, William. Institutes of the law of Scotland. 2 vols. Svo. 1722-30 I 282 von. FoucELLiNi, iEgidius. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, secundum tertiam editionem; cujus curam gessit Jos. Furlanetto, correctum et auctum laborevai-iorum. Editio in G-ermania prima. 4 vols, in 2. fol. Lipsise, 1831-35 See also Facciolati, Joseph. Foreign Office. Foreign Office List, 1905 . . . 8vo. 1905 Forester, Thomas. See Ordericus Vitalis ; Ecclesiastical History. FoRMULARE Anglicanum. See Madox, Thomas. Forrest, Robert. Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of Exchequer, from Michaelmas term to Trinity term, 41 Geo. III., 1800-01. 8vo. 1802 Forrester, Alexander. See Cases temp. Talbot. FoRSTER, John. Lives of eminent British Statesmen. 7 vols. 8vo. 1831-39 Oliver Cromwell, Daniel de Foe, Sir Richard Steele, Charles Churchill, Samuel Foote : biographical essays. Third edition. 8vo. 1860 FoRSTER, R. W. Elliot. The Copyhold and customary tenure, commutation, enfranchisement, and improvement act. 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35 . . . 12mo. 1841 FoRSTER, Thomas. The Layman's Lawyer, reviewed and enlarged ; being a second part of The practice of the law relating to the punishment of offences committed against the publique peace . . . also a discourse of pardons. 12mo. 1656 FoRSTER, Valentin Wilhelm. Tractatus insignis de Dominio . . . 4to. Wittebergpe, 1658 FoRSi'TH, William. A treatise on the law relating to Composition with Creditors ; with an appendix containing precedents of pleadings and deeds. Second "edition. 8vo. 1844 History of trial by Jury. 8vo. 1852 Cases and opinions on Constitutional Law and various points of English jurisprudence ; collected and digested from official documents, and other sources, with notes. 8vo. 1869 History of ancient manuscripts . . . 8vo. 1872 Hortensius: an historical essay on the office and duties of an Advocate. Third edition. 8vo. 1879 FOR— FOS. 283 Fort, Hugh. Index of Cases Judicially noticed. See Talbot, George John. FORTESCUE, G. K. Subject Index of modern works added to the library of the British Museum. See Catalogues, Library. FoRTESCTjE, Hugh, Earl. Memoir of Lord King. See King, Peter, Lord. FoRTESCUE, John, Lord. Reports of Select Cases in all the Courts of Westminster Hall [1695-1738] ; also the opinion of all the judges of England relating to the grandest prerogative of the Eoyal family, and some observations relating to the pi'ei'ogative of a Queen Consort. fol. 1748 PoRTESOuE, Sir John. The works of Sir John Fortescue . . . now first collected and ar- ranged by Thomas (Fortescue), Lord Clermont. 2 vols. 4to. 1869 Vol. 1. Life and works. 2. Family history. A learned commendation of the Politique Lawes of England . . . translated into English by R. Mulcaste;-. 12mo. 1599 De Laudibus Legum Anglise [in Latin, with English translation by R. Mulcaster]. Hereto are added, the two Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham, commonly called Hengham Magna and Hengham Parva ; with notes, both on Fortescue and Hengham, by J. Selden. 12mo. 1616-60 — The translation into English, published a.d. mdcclxxv, and the original Latin text; with notes, by A. Amos. Svo. Cambridge, 1825 Fortescutus lUustratus : or a commentaiy on De Laudibus Legum AnglisD, by E. Waterhouse. fol. 1663 The Governance of England : otherwise called, the difference be- tween an absolute and a limited Monarchy, A revised text ; edited, with introduction, notes and appendices, by C. Plummer. Svo. Oxford, 1885 FoRTEscuK, John William. State papers, colonial sei'ies. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 27.] Fortescue Papers. The Fortescue Papers, 1607-44. [Camden Society, new series, No. 1.] Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley. British Monachism : or, manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England. Third edition. Svo. 1843 Encyclopedia of Antiquities and elements of Archaeology, classical and mediaeval. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1843 284 FOS. Foss, Edward. The Grandeur of the Law, or, the legal Peers of England ; with sketches of their professional career. 12mo. 1843 The Judges of England; with sketches of their lives, and miscel- laneous notices connected with the Courts at Westminster, from the time of the Conquest. 9 vols. 8vo. 1848-64 Tabulae Curiales ; or, tables of the Superior Courts of Westminster Hall, showing the Judges who sat in them, from 1066 to 1864 ; with the Attorney- and Solicitor-generals of each reign, from the institu- tion of those offices ; to which is prefixed, an alphabetical list of all the Judges during the same period . . . 8vo. 1865 Foster, Arthur la Trobe. Law of Distress. See Oldham, Arthur. FosTEB, John. An essay on the different nature of Accent and Quantity, with their use and application in the English, Latin, and Greek languages ; containing an account and explanation of the ancient tones, and a defence of the present system of Greek accentual marks against the objections of Isaac Vossius, Herminius Sarpedonius, Dr. G. [Henry Galby], and others. 8vo. 1762 Foster, Joseph. Members of Parliament, Scotland, including the minor Barons, the Commissioners for the shires, and the Commissioners for the burghs, 1367-1882, on the basis of the Parliamentary return, 1880 ; with genealogical and biographical notices. Privately printed. 8vo. 1882 The Peerage of the British empire for 1883 ; with the orders of Knighthood. Fourth edition. 8vo. •1883 The Royal Lineage of our noble and gentle families ; together with their paternal ancestry. 5 vols. 4to. 1883-87 Men at the Bar : a biographical hand-list of the members of the various Inns of Court, including her Majesty's Judges . . . 8vo. 1885 Pedigrees recorded at the visitations of the County Palatine of Durham made in 1575, 1615, 1666: illustrated with upwards of 150 Coats of Arms. 8vo. 1887 Alumni Oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1886 ; their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees, being the Matriculation Register of the University, alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated. 8 vols. 8vo. 1888-92 Register of admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521-1889, together with the register of marriages in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1695-1754. Privately printed. 8vo. 1889 Admissions to Gray's Inn, annotated. A — Claxton. [No more published.] [No title.] 8vo. n.d FOS— FOU. 285 Foster, Joseph — continued. Index Ecclesiasticus ; or alphabetical lists of all Ecclesiastical Digni- taries in England and Wales since the Reformation . . . 8vo. 1890 Oxford Men and their Colleges : illustrated with portraits and views. 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1893 Register of mai'riages in G-ray's Inn Chapel, 1695-1764. [No title.] Privately printed. 8vo. n.d. See also Rylet, William ; Visitation of Middlesex. Foster, Sir Michael. A report of some proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and G-aol Delivery, for the trial of the rebels in the year 1746, in the county of Surry ; and of other crown cases : to which are added, discourses upon a few branches of the Crown Law. fol. Oxford, 1762 Foster, Thomas Campbell. Treatise on the Writ of Scire Facias ; with an a])pendix of references to forms. 8vo. 1851 Foster Thomas Campbell, and Finlason William Francis. Reports of cases decided at Nisi Prius and at the Crown Side on Circuit, with select decisions at chambers, from Hilarv vacation, 1856, to Hilary vacation, 1867. 4 vols. 8vo'. 1860-67 Fotheringham, J. Gr, The diplomatic correspondence of Jean de Montereul, and the brothers de Bellievre, 1645-48. \_Scottish History Society, Nos. 29, 30.] FoucH^, Joseph. Authentic Memoirs of the public life of M. Fouch^, Duke of Otranto. . . . Second edition. Svo. 1818 FoucHER, Victor. Code de Commerce allemand, traduit. See Codes, Germany. Code Civil de I'empire de Russie. See Codes, Russia. FouLis, Sir John. Account-baok, 1671-1707. [Scottish History Society, No. 16.] FouLKES, William Decimus Inglett. Smith's Action at Law, [and an] elementary view of the proceedings in an action in the Supreme Court ; with a chapter on matters and arbitrations. Third edition. l2mo. 1884 Judicature Acts ; Licensing Acts ; Parliamentary Election Acts. See Lely, John Mountney. 286 FOU- FOX. FouNTAiNHALL, Sir Jolin Lauder, Lord. The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from June 6th, 1678, to July 30th, 1712; containing also the traDsactions of the Privy Council, of the Criminal Court, and Court of Exchequer. 2 vols. fol. Edinburgh, 1759-61 Journals, 1665-76. [Scottish History Society, No. 36.] FowKE, Villiers de Saussure. The Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890 ; the Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870 to 1872 ; the Stannaries Acts, 1869 and 1887 ; the Forged Transfers Acts, 1891 and 1892 ; and other statutes . . . 8vo. 1893 See also Pope, Henry Montagu Eandall ; Law and Practice of Lunacy. Fowler, David Burton. The pi'actice of the Court of Exchequer, upon proceedings in Equity. 2 vols. 8vo. 1795 Fowler, Joseph Thomas. Acts of Chapter of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon. [Surtees Society, No. 64.] Durham Abbey Account Rolls. [Surtees Society, Nos. 99, 100, 103.] Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon. \_Surtees Society, Nos. 74, 78, 81.] Metrical life of St. Cuthbert. [Surtees Society, No. 87.] Rites of Durham. [S%irtee8 Society, No. 107.] The Newminster Chartulary. [Surtees Society, No. <6Q.^^ Fowler, Robert Ludlow. Codification in the State of New York. See Carter, James C. Fowler, Thomas. Bacon. 8vo. 1881 History of Corpus Christi College. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 25.] See also Bacon, Francis ; Novum Organum. Fox, Charles James. History of the early part of the reign of James II., with an introductory chapter ; to which is added an appendix. 4to. 1808 — See also Rose, George : Heywood, Samuel : Trevelyan, Sir George Otto. Pox Michael Charles, and Smith Thomas Berry Cusack. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench and Court of Error, in Ireland, 1822-25. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1825 FOX— FRA. 287 Fox, Richard, Bishop of Bath and Wells. The register of Eichard Fox, while Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1492-94 : edited by E. C. Batten, with a life of Bishop Fox. 8vo. 1889 FOXCEOFT, H. C. Certain Papers of Robert Burnet, Gilbert Burnet and Robert Leighton. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles. Armorial Families ; a complete peerage, baronetage, and knightage, and a directory of some gentlemen of coat-armour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne by legal authority. 4to. Edinburgh, 1895 FoxE, John.* Acts and Monuments of matters, most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church ; with an universall historic of the same . . . The seventh time newly imprinted ... 3 vols. fol. 1631-32 Narratives of the days of the Reformation. [Camden Society, No. 77.] FnANOE. Correspondence respecting the Newfoundland fisheries, 1884-90. fol. 1890 France, Bar of. Tableau des Avocats a la Cour D'Appel de Paris, 1903. 8vo. Paris, 1903 Catalogue des livres i mprimes de la Bibliotheque. See Catalogues, Library, Bibliotheque des Avocats. Francillon, James. Judgments in causes, reserved for consideration, in the County Courts of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 1850-57 Lectures, elementary and familiar, on English law. 2 vols. 8\ro. 1860-61 Francis, Richard. Maxims of Equity ... to which is added, the case of the Earl oE Coventry, concerning the defective execution of powers, fol. 1728 — See also Fonblanque, John ; Equity. Francis-Williams B., and Pitt-Lewis G. The Coal Mines Regulation acts, 1887-96 . . . 8vo. 1896 Francis of Assisi. Historia vitse. See Sedulius, Henricus. Franciscana Monumenta. Franciscana Monumenta. [Britain, No. 4.] \ 288 FKA. Francisco de Jesus, Fray. El hecho de los tratados del matrimonio pretendido per el Principe de Gales con la Infanta Maria . . . [Camden Society, No. 101.] Feancke, Henricli G-ottlieb. Tx-iscamerarius S. R. I. e diplomatibus restitutus. [German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Lipsae, 1736 Francklin, Thomas. M. Tullius Cicero, Of the Nature of the Gods ; to which is added an enquiry into the astronomy and anatomy of the antients. See Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Franco-Gkrman War. Report of the operations of the British National Society for aid to the sick and wounded in war, during the Franco-German War, 1870-71. fol. 1871 Franklin, Alfred. Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms, at pseudonymes latins de I'histoire litteraire du moyen age [1100 a 1530]. 8vo. Paris, 1875 Franklin, Benjamin. Life of. See Choatb, Joseph Hodges. Franqueville, Amable Charles Franquet, Comte de. Le Barreau anglais . . . 8vo. Paris, 1889 Les Avoues en Angleterre . . . 8vo. Paris, 1890 Le systeme judiciaire de la Grande Bretagne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1893 Fraser, Hugh. Principles and Practice of the law of Libel and Slander : with suggestions on the conduct of a civil action, forms and precedents . .' . Second edition. 8vo. 1897 — Third edition. 8vo. 1901 A compendium of the law of Torts .. . Fourth edition . 8vo. 1898 — Fifth edition. 8vo. 1902 Fraser, Hugh J. E. Digest of Cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Johnston, Henry. See also Court of Sessions Cases, Fifth series. Eraser Hugh J. E., Macparlane George L., Sym John David, and Mackenzie A. O. M. An analytical digest of cases decided in. the Supreme Courts of Scotland, and on appeal by the House of Lords, from July 20, 1885, to July 20, 1895 : compiled from the Sessions Cases. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1897 FEA— PRE. 289 Fraseb, James. Chronicles of the Frasers, 916-1674. [Scottish History Society, No. 47.] Frasee, John Farquhar. See Coke, Sir Edward ; Eeports. Feaseb, Simon. Reports of the proceedings, before Select Committees of the House of Commons, in cases of controverted Elections . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1793 Fraunce, Abraham. The Lawiers Logike ; exemphfying the praecepts of Logike by the practise of the Common Lawe. 4to. 1588 Freeman, A. C. See American Reports, The. Freeman, Edward A. History of the Norman Conquest of England ; its causes and its results. 6 vols. [vols. 1 and 2, second edition]. 8vo. Oxford, 1869-79 The growth of the English Constitution, from the earliest times. 8vo. 1873 The historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881 The reign of William Rufus, and the accession of Henry the First. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1882 Methods of Historical Study ; eight lectures read in the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas term, 1884 ; with the inaugural lecture on the office of the Historical Professor. Svo. 1886 The chief periods of European History; six lectures read in the University of Oxford, in Trinity term, 1885 ; with an essay on Greek cities under Roman rule. 8vo. 1886 Four Oxford Lectures, 1887 ; Fifty years of European History : Teutonic Conquest in Gaul and Britain. Svo. 1888 William the Conqueror. Svo. 1890 Freeman, John Robert. The law relating to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, the estates committee, and the church estates commissioners. Svo. 1887 [Freeman, Kennett.] Repertorium Juridicum ; an index to all the cases in the year-books, entries, reports, and abridgments in Law and Equity, beginning with Edward I. and continued down to this time . . . fol. 1742 — New edition, by Sir T. E. Tomlins. Part 1. fol. 1786-87 Freeman, Richard. Reports of cases in Law and Equity, from 1670 to 1706 ; revised by T. Dixon. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1742 290 FRE— FEI. Febeth, Evelyn. See Trevor, Charles Cecil ; Taxes on Succession. Fregier, J. C. Paraphrase grecque des Instituts de Justinian . . . traduite en fran9ais . . . See Theophilus Antecessor. Freher, Marquard. Germanicarum rerum Scriptores aliquot insignes, hactenusincoguiti. 3 vols, in 1. fol. Francofurti et Hanovias, 1600-11 Freiesleben. Christoph Heinrich. See Corpus Juris Canonici ACADEMICUM : CoRPUS JURIS CiVILIS. Fremantle, William H. Ecclesiastical judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. See Broderick, George C. French, A. D. Weld. Notes on the surnames of Francus, Franceis, French ... in Scotland ; with an account of the Frenches of Thornydykes. Privately printed. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 189S County Records of the surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, in England 1100-1350. Privately printed. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1896 Frbnd Henry Tyrwhitt, and Ware Titus Hibbert. Precedents of instruments relating to the Transfer of Land to Rail- way Companies. Second edition, with a treatise upon the lands clauses consolidation acts, by D. Sturges and T. LI. M. M. Browne. 8vo. 1896 Frbeb, Sir Bartle. Life of. See Martineau, John. Frere, William. See Douglas, Sylvester ; Reports of King's Bench cases. Fretwbll, James. A family history. [Surtees Society, No. 65.] Friedlander, Alexander. System of Jurisprudence as a scientific organism : translated from the German, by W. Hastie. [In Hastie's Jurisprudence, pp. 137- 157.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 Feibdmann, Paul. Anne Boleyn : a chapter of English history, 1527-36. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884 Frieze, Henry Simmons, The relations of the State University to religion. See Michigan University. FEI— FRO. 291 Frik, Johannes. Jura Statuum Protestantium circa Monasteria Catholicorum. [ Oer- man University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. ffalae Magdehurgicm, 1726 Fritsch, Thomas. De jure imperii in magnum Ducatum Etruriae. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Lipsiie, 1721 Fritschius, Ahasuerus. Corpus Juris Venatoria-forestalis Eomano-Germanici, tripartitum. 1. Diversorura auctorum inaugurates tractatus, jus venatorio- forestale concementes. 2. Consilia, decisiones, qusestiones, obser- vationes . . . de eadem materia. 3. Imperatoris, regum, electorum, principum ac statuum imperii, publicatas ordinationes venatorio- forestales. multaque alia edicta et mandata . . . cum prsefatione S. Strykii. fol. Lipsise, 1702 Fritz, Johann Adam. Mackeldey's Lehrbuch des Romischen Eechts. See Maceeldet, Ferdinand. Froelich, Samuel Gottlieb. Deritu testandi ex statuto Grorlicensi. [German University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsise, 1746 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries ; translated from the original French, by John Bourchier, Lord Bemers ; to which are added, a memoir of the translator and index: reprinted from Pynson's editions of 1523 and 1625 : [edited by E. V. Utterson,] 2 vols. 4to. 1812 Fro LAND, Louis. Memoires concernans le Comte-Pairie d'Eu et ses usages pretendus locaux ; avec les arrests du Parlement de Paris qui les ont condamnes. Memoires concernans la prohibition d'evoquer les decrets d'immeubles situez en Normandie avec les chartres, ordonnances . . . et arrests du Parlement . . . et diverses questions qui en dependent, et les arrests qui les ont decidees. 4to. Paris, 1722 Memoires concernans I'observation du Senatus-Consulte Velleien dans le Duche de Normandie, et diverses questions mixtes qui en dependent ; avec les arrests qui les ont decidees. 4to. Paris, 1722 Memoires concernans la nature et la qualite des Statuts ; diverses questions mixtes de droit et de coutume ; et la pluspart des arrests qui les ont decidees. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1729 Fromacjegt, Henri. Code Maritime britannique. See Codes, England. u2 292 FEO—FUL. Frost, Alfred J. Catalogue of tlie Library of tlie Society of Telegraph Engineers. See Catalogues, Library. Frost, Jobn. Trial of John Frost for high treason, under a Special Commission held at Monmouth, in December, 1839, and January, 1840 : taken in short-hand by Joseph and Thomas Grurney. 8vo. 1840 Feost, Robert. A treatise on the law and practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions . . . Second edition. 8yo. 1898 Froitdb, James Anthony. History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 8vo. 1872 Short studies on great subjects. New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1885 Life and letters of Erasmus : lectures delivered at Oxford, 1893-94. 8vo. 1894 English Seamen in the sixteenth Century ; lectures delivered at Oxford, Easter terms, 1893-94. New edition. 8vo. 1896 Lectures on the Council of Trent, delivered at Oxford, 1892-93. 8vo. 1896 Mr. Froude and Carlyle : by D. Wilson. 8vo. 1898 See also Carlyle, Thomas ; Eeminiscences. Fry, Sir Edward. A treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts. 8vo. 1858 — Fourth edition, by W. D. Eawlins. Svo. 1903 FuLBECKE, William. The Pandectes of the law of Nations ; contayning severall discourses of the questions, points, and matters of law, wherein the nations of the world doe consent and accord . . . [with] A parallele or con- ference of the civil law, the canon law, and the common law of this realme of England . . . 4to. 1602-18 Direction or preparative to the study of the Law . . . revised and republished by T. H. Stirling. Svo, 1808 Fuller, Frank Baden, The law relating to Friendly Societies; comprising the Friendly Societies Act, 1896, and the Collecting Societies and Industrial Assurance Companies Act, 1896 .. . Second edition. Svo. 1898 FUL— GAB. 293 FuLLEE, Thomas. Empliemeris Parlianientaria : or, a faithf ull register of the trans- actions in Parliament, in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles ; containing the several! speeches, cases and arguments of law transacted between his Majesty and both Houses. fol. 1654 The Church-History of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ untill the year 1648. The history of the University of Cambridge, since the Conquest. The history of Waltham-Abby, in Essex, founded by King Harold. fol. 1655 The history of the Worthies of England . . . fol. 1662 — A new edition, with notes, by J. Nichols. 2 vols. 4to. 1811 The collected Sermons of Thomas Fuller, D.D., 1631-59 : edited by the late J. E. Bailey ; completed by W. E. A. Axon. 2 vols. Svo. 1891 Fulton, Sir Forrest. Manual of Constitutional History, founded on the works of Hallam, Creasy, May, and Broom ; containing the fundamental principles and the leading cases in constitutional law. . 8vo. 1875 FcRNEAux, Henry. Poems relating to the riot between Town and Gown on St. Scholastica's Day (Feb. 10, 135|). [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Tryvytlam de Laude Universitatis Oxoniae. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] FuKNivALL, Frederick D. Chronicles of Robert of Brunne. [Britain, No. 87.] FuRSTENEEius, CsBsarinus. pseud. See Leibnitz, Gotf ried Wilhelm. Ftnn, Eobert. British Consuls abroad : their origin, rank and privileges, duties, jurisdiction and emoluments ; including the laws, orders in council, and instructions by which tliey are governed, as well as those relating to Ship-Owners and Merchants in their connection with Consuls. Third edition, containing the act for facilitating marriages abroad. 12ino. 1851 G., F. W. See Guidickinb, F. W. Gabbett, Joseph. A digested abridgment and comparative view of the Statute law of England and Ireland, to the year 1811 ; with supplement to 1817. 3 vols, in 4. Svo. Dublin, 1812-18 294 GAE— GAI. Gaeetnbr, Carl Wilhelm. De possessione territorium S. E. I. G. iminediatorum. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Lipsise, 1726 Gaill, Andreas. Practicarum observationum, tani ad processum judiciarium, prsesertim imperialis camerse, quam causarum decisiones pertinen- tium, libri duo. De pace publica, et proscriptis sive Bannitis imperii, libri ii. De pignorationibus . . . Editio postrema. 4to. Colonise Agrippinae, 1645 Gaimab, Geoffrey. Estoire des Engles. [Britain, No. 91 : Record Commission, No. 24.] Gaibdker, James. The houses of Lancaster and York ; with the conquest and loss of France. [Epochs of Modern History.'} Eighth edition, 8vo. 1891 Henry the Seventh. 8vo. 1892 Collections of a London citizen in the 15th century. [Camden Society, new series. No. 17.] Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 9.] Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of llichard III. and Henry VII. [Britain, No. 24.] Memorials of Henry VII. [Britain, No. 10.] "The Spousells" of the Princess Mary, 1508. [Camden Society, new series. No. 63.] Three fifteenth -century chronicles, with historical memoranda by John Stowe. [Camden Society, new series. No. 28.] Brewer's Eeign of Henry VIII. See Beewee, James Sherren. See also Paston Letters. Gaius. Institutionum Commentarii quatuor . . . Carolus Lachmannus, ad schedas Goeschenii, Hollwegii, Blumii, recognovit. Goeschiniana editio tertia. 8vo. Berolini, 1842 The Commentaries of Gains on the Eoman Law ; with an English translation and annotations by F. Tomkins and W. G. Lemon. 8vo. 1869 The Commentaries of Gains, and Eules of Ulpian ; translated, with notes, by J. T. Abdy and B. Walker, New edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1874 Syntagma Institutionum novum. Gai Institutiones Juris Civilis Eom. . . . appositis Justiniani Institutionibus, iis quidem ex recensione Pauli Krueger fere repititis, ad locos deperditos lumina adjecit ex epitome Gaiana, Ulpiani fragmentis aliisque B. J. Polenaar. 8vo. Lugduni Batavoriim, 1876 Institutionum et regularum juris Eomani syntagma exhibens Gai et Justiniani institutionum synopsin . . . edidit et brevi annotatione instruxit Eudolphus Gneist. 8vo. Lipsix, 1880 GAI— GAL. 295 GrAius — continued. The lustitutes of G-aius and Justinian, the twelve tables, and the cxviiith and cxxviith novels with introduction and translation : by T. L. Hears. " 8vo. 1882 A systematic and historical exposition of the Roman Law, in the form of a code, by W. A. Hunter ; embodying the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian translated into English by J. A. Cross. Second edition. Bvo. 1885 The elements of Roman Law summarized ; a concise digest of the matter contained in the Institutes of Gains and Justinian, by S.P.Harris. Second edition. 8vo. 1889 Gai Institutiones or Institutes of Roman Law by Gaius, with a translation and commentary by E. Poste. Third edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1890 — Fourth edition, revised and enlarged by E. A. Whittuck, with an historical introduction by A. H. J. Greenidge. 8vo, Oxford, 1904 Institutiones. See Pbllat, Charles Augusta ; Manuale Juris Synopticum. Text of the Institutes of Gaius. See Cumin, Patrick ; Manual of Civil Law. Gale, Charles James. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Hilary term, 1835, to Michaelmas term, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836-38 Treatise on the law of Easements. Third edition, by W. H. Willes. 8vo. 1862 — Seventh edition, by G. Cave. Bvo. 1899 See Ratmond, Lord ; Reports. Gale Charles James, and Davison Henry. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Easter term, 1841, to Easter term, 1843. 3 vols. Bvo. 1842-43 Gale, Roger. Correspondence. [Surtees Society, Nos. 73, 76, 80.] Gale, Samuel. Correspondence. [Surtees Society, Nos. 73, 76, 80.] Gale, Thomas, See Antoninus, Augustus ; Iter Britanniarum. Galfeid of Coldingham. HistorisB Dunelmensis (1162-1214). [Surtees Society, No. 9.] 296 GA.L-GA1^. Galfbidus Grammaticus. Promptorium Parvulorum (Lexicon Anglo-Latinum), a.d. circa 1440. [Camden Society, No. 25.] Galileo. See Hoeton-Smith, Lionel. Gallison, John. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States. First circuit, 1812-15. Second edition . . . 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1845 Galtanus, M. Aurelius. De usufructu dissertationes varise . . . fol. Patavii, 1650 Gamache, Cyprien de. Memoirs of the mission in England of the Capuchin friars in the service of Queen Henrietta Maria. See Williams, Eobert Folkestone. Game ETTA, Leon. Discours et Plaidoyers Politiques, publies par I. Reinach. Vols. 1-9. 8vo. Pans, 1881-84 Gambia. Laws and ordinances of the British settlements in the Gambia and their dependencies. 4to. 1868 Ordinances of the settlement on the River Gambia, 1818 to 1885 . . . compiled by A. Montague and F. Smith. 3 vols. fol. 1882-87 Ordinances of the colony of the Gambia, in force 31st July, 1900 . . . prepared ... by A. D. Russell. 2 vols. fol. 1900 Ordinances 1892-93, 1895-1901, 1903-05. fol. [1892-1905] Rules of the court of civil and criminal justice of the settlement on the River Gambia. fol. [1877] Gamble Richard Wilson, and Baelow William. An index to all the reported cases in the several Courts of Equity in Ireland, 1838-67 ; with a complete table of cases. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1868 Games, Johannes Daniel. De jure primogeniturse et apanagii. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Argent., 1712 Gaming. Reflections on Gaming, annuities, and usurious contracts. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 4, No. 2.] 8vo. 1777 Gandolfi, J. B. Code Civil d'ltalie, traduit. See Codes, Italy. GAN-GAK. 297 [Gandt, Henry.] Remarks on Mr. Higden's Utopian Constitution : or, an answer to his unanswerable book : by an Englishman. Third edition. [Bound with Higden's View of the English Constitution.] 8vo. n.d. Ga-edineb, Bertha Meriton. A secret negotiation with Charles the First, 1648-44. [Camden Society, new series. No. 31.] [Gaediner, E.] Ars Clericalis : the art of conveyancing explained. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1698 Instructor Clericalis : being a collection of precedents of declarations in the King's Bench and Common Pleas ... 7 vols. 8vo. 1717-24 Yol. 1. contains abbreviations and contractions of words. Gaedinee, Robert Barlow. The registers of Wadham College, Oxford, 1613-1871 ; with bio- graphical notes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1889-95 Gaedinee, Samuel Rawson. History of England, from the accession of James I. to the outbreak of the civil war, 1603-42. 10 vols. 8vo. 1883-84 History of the great civil war, 1642-49. 3 vols. 8vo. 1886-91 Constitutional documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1628-60. 8vo. Oxford, 1889 A student's history of England from the earliest times to 1885. 3 vols. 8vo. 1890-91 History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-60. 3 vols. 8vo. 1894-1901 Oliver Cromwell. 4to. 1899 Cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission. [Camden Society, new series. No. 39.] Commons' debates, 1626. [Camden Society, new series. No. 6.] Documents illustrating the impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham in 1626. [Camden Society, new series, No. 45.] Documents relating to WilUam Prynne, 1634 and 1637. [Camden Society, new series. No. 18,] Earl of Bristol's defence of his negociations in Spain. [Camden Society, No. 104.] Elsing's Notes of the debates in the House of Lords, 1621, 1624, and 1626. [Camden Society, No. 103 ; new series. No. 24.] Four letters of Lord Wentworth, afterwards Earl of Strafford. [Camden Society, new series. No. 31.] Letter of the Council to Sir Thomas Lake, [and] Documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh's last voyage. [Camden Society, No. 87.] 298 GAR— GAS. Gaediner, Samuel Eawson — continued. Letters and papers illustrating the relations between Charles II. and Scotland in 1650. [Scottish History Society, No. 17.] Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty. [Camden Society, No. 101.] Parliamentary debates in 1610. [Camden Society, No. 81.] Prince Rupert at Lisbon. [Camden Society, third series, No. 4.] Relations between England and Germany, 1618-20. [Camden Society, Nos. 90, 98.] Sir George Croke's judgment in the case of ship money. [Camden Society, new series, No. 14.] Sir Robert Heath's speech against Alexander Leighton in the Star Chamber, 1630. [Camden Society, neio series, No. 14.] Sir Thomas Roe's mission to Gustavus Adolphus, 1629-30. [Camden Society, new series, No. 14.] The Portescue papers, 1607-44. [Camden Society, new series, No. 1.] The Hamilton papers, 1638-50. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 27, 63.] Bibliography of the historical works of. See Rotal Historical Society. Gardiner Samuel Rawson, and Mullinger James Bass. Introduction to the study of English history. 8vo. 1881 Gardner, Samuel. Law and Customs of the Stock Exchange. See Melshbimer, Rudolph E. Gardner Peerage. See Peerage Claims. Garrett, Edmund W. The law of Nuisances. Second edition. 8vo. 1897 Garry, Rupert. Elocution, Voice and Gesture ; illustrated by pieces, annotated with inSections, emphasis, pauses and gesture. 8vo. 1888 Gaezoni, Hieronymus. De laudo meri juris opusculum . . . 8vo. Bononise, 1581 Gasquet, Francis Aidan. Henry VIII. and the English monasteries. 8vo. 1899 The eve of the Reformation; studies in the religious life and thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII. 8vo. 1900 English monastic life. 8vo. 1904 Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia. ^Camden Society, third series. No. 6.] GAS— GEL. 299 Gast, John. History of Greece, from the accession of Alexander of Macedon, till its final subjection to the Eoman power. 4to. 1782 Gatheeee, James. See Ceaig, Sir Thomas ; Eight of Succession to the Kingdom of England. Gatzeet, Christianus Hartmannus Samuel. Commentatio Juris exotici historico-litteraria de Jure Commun Anglise. 4to. Gottmgse, [1765 Gatjdeen v. Silby. See Beaintreb Chuech Eate case. Gaudry, Joachim Antione Joseph. Histoire du Barreau de Paris depuis son origine jusqu'a 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864 Gaultier de Claubey, Henri Francois. Traite de chimie legale. See Beiand, J. Gayangos, Pascual de. State Papers, Spanish. '^Calendar of State pavers, No. 31.] Gayot de Pitaval, Fran9ois. See Causes Celebees. Geaee, Edward Ai-undel. The investment of Trust Funds, incorporating The Trustee Act 1888. Second edition. 8vo. 1889 Company Law. See Mackenzie, Montague Muir. Geaey, Nevill. The Law of Marriage and Family Eelations. 8vo. 1892 Gebhaedus, Johannes Ludovicus Lev. Facta Serenissimorum Ducum Brunsvicensium heroica. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Jena, 1720 Gbffcken, F. Heinrich. See Hefftee, August Wilhelm ; Droit International. Gbldabt, T. C. See Maddock, Henry ; Eeports. Gellixts, Aulus. Noctes Atticse; cum notis et emendationibus Joannis Frederici Gronovii. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1687 — Ex editione Jacobi Gronovii; cum notis et interpretation e in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitae. 3 vols. 8vo. 1824 300 GEM— GEO. Geminianus, Dominicus. Consilia . . . [Bound with Butrius's Consilia.] fol. [Lugdtmi,'] 1541 Genealogist. The Genealogist : a quarterly magazine of ,<>enealogical, antiquarian, topographical, and heraldic research. New series. Vols. 1-16. 8vo. 1884-99 Genealoot. A genealogical chart of the Kings and Queens of England, from the reign of William the Conqueror to that of William the Fourth. 8vo. N.D. Geneva Arbitration. See Alabama Claims. Gentilis, Albericus. Hispanicae advocationis libri duo [in quo tractatu diversse qujestiones maritimse perlustrantur et deciduntur]. 4to. Hanovix, 1613 De jure Belli, libri tres : edidit T. E. Holland. 4to. Oxonii, 1877 Gentleman's Assistant. The gentleman's assistant, tradesman's lawyer, and countryman's friend . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1720 Gentleman's Magazine. The Gentleman's Magazine, from the commencement, January, 1731, to December, 1807. 77 vols, in 102. 8vo. 1731-1807 — New series. January, 1808 — December, 1833. 26 vols, in 52. 8vo. 1808-33 January, 1834 — June, 1856 \vol. 1 o/1841 wanting']. 45 vols. 8vo. 1834-56 July, 1856— June, 1865. 18 vols. 8vo. 1856-65 — A general index to the first fifty- six volumes, 1 731-86 : compiled by S. Ayscough. 2 vols. Svo. 1789 — Index to the obituary and biographical notices, 1731-80. 8vo. 1891 Gentlemen Practisers. Records of the Society of. See Law Society. Geoffrey of Monmouth. The British history; translated into English . . . with a large preface concerning the authority of the history, by A. Thompson. Svo. 1718 — A new edition, revised and corrected by J. A. Giles. Svo. 1842 George I. Treasury papers of the reign of George I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 18.] GEO-GES. 301 George III. Some particulars of the royal indisposition [of George III.], 1788-89, and of its effects upon illustrious personages and opposite parties interested by it. [Tracts, vol. 11, No. 4.] 8vo. 1804 Home Office papers of the reign of George III. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 17.] George a Green. The history of George a Green, Pindar of the town of Wakefield ... 1706. [Thom.u' Early English prose romances, vol. 2.'\ Svo. 1858 Geoegisch, Petrus. De origine formse Imperii Rom.-Germ. prsesentis. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Halx Magdeburgicas, 1735 See also Corptjs Jubis Germanici. Gerard, John. The old riddle and the newest answer. ^ Svo. 1904 Gerardin, C. See Savignt, Friedrich Carl von ; Le droit de Obligations, German University Tracts. These tracts are catalogued under the names of their respective authors. Germany. A geographical, historical, and political description of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia ; with a gazeteer of reference to the principal places in those countries : compiled and translated from the German. To which are added, statistical tables . . . translated from the German of J. G. Boetticher ;' with a siipplementary table by W. Playfair. 4to. 1800 Gernhard, Johannes Christophorus. Serenissimae Domus Saxonicae hodie imperantis Capita. [German University Tracts, vol. 15,] 4to. Lipsise, 1691 Gervase op Canterbury. Historical works. [Britain, No. 73.] Opera. See Twysden, Sir Roger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Gervase op Tilbury, Eicerpta.ex Otiis imperialibus. [Britain, No. 66.] Antiquus dialogus de Scaccario. See Madox, Thomas. Gesta Geayorum. See Gray's Inn. Gesvees, Joachim Bernard Potier, Marquis de. Recueil general des pieces contenues au procez de Monsieur le Marquis de Gesvres et de Mademoiselle de Mascranni, son epouse. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Rotterdam, 1714 302 GHO— GIE. Ghose, Raehbehary. Tagore Law Lectures, 1876-76 : the law of Mortgage in India, 8vo. Calcutta, 1877 GiANNONE, Pietro. The civil history of the Kingdom of Naples : translated into English byJ. Ogilvie. 2 vols. fol. 1729-31 (xiBBON, Edward. Miscellaneous works, with memoirs of his life and writings, com- posed by himself ; illustrated from his letters, with occasional notes and narrative by John, Lord Sheffield. 3 vols. 4to. 1795-1815 The History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 6 vols. 4to. 1776-88 — With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. A new edition, with additional notes, by W. Smith. 8 vols. 8vo. 1872 — Edited, with introduction, notes, appendices and index, by J. B. Bury. 7 vols. 8vo. 1896-1900 Private letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-94) : with an introduction by the Earl of Sheffield : edited by Rowland E. Prothero. 2 vols. 8vo. 1896 The autobiographies of Edward Gibbon, printed verbatim from hitherto unpublished MSS., with an introduction by the Earl of Sheffield : edited by J. Murray. Second edition. 8vo. 1897 Gibbons Henry Frederick, and Harvey William Charles. Treatise on the Equitable Jurisdiction conferred upon the county courts by statute 28 and 29 Vict. cap. 99. 8vo. 1865 GiBBALTAR. The Consolidated Law of Gibraltar ; compiled under the authority of the Government, by R. F. Sheriff. 8vo. 1890 Proclamations and ordinances, 1891-1905. [Incomplete. 1 fol. and 4to. [1891-05] Gibson, Edmund. Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani : or, the statutes . . . and articles of the Church of England . . . with a commentary, historical and juridical ... 2 vols. fol. 1713 — Second edition, revised and improved, with large additions, by the author. 2 vols. fol. Oxford, 1761 Gibson, Edward. See Ashboxtrne, Edward Gibson, Lord. GiEDDA, Nicolaus Petrseus. De jure Principis Evangelici circa solennia sepulturae. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgiese, 1740 aiF— GIL. 303 GriFFAED, Harry Stanley. Summary and tutelary jurisdiction of magistrates under 11 & 12 Vict. c. 43, and 42 & 48 "Vict. c. 49 ; with the law of Appeal from the decisions of Justices, and of Arrest. Second edition. 8vo. 1880 GiFFARD, J. W. de Longueville. Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, by the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart, 1858-66. 5 vols. 8vo. 1860-71 [Vol. 5 contains digest of cases in Smale and Q-iffard, and Giffard. ] Reports of Chancery cases. See Smalb, John. GiFFARD, Walter, Archbishop of York. Register, 1266-79. [Surtees Society, No. 109.] GiFFEN, Hubert van. Autinomiarum juris civilis, sive disputationum libri quatuor. Anti- nomise juris feudalis, sive disputationes xi . . . accessit tractatus juris feudalis. [Bound with Roberus' Exercitationes.^ 4to. Francofnrti, 1605-06 GiFFOED, C. E. Manual of Naval law and Court Martial procedure. See Stephens, John Edward Robert. Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey, Chief Baron. Reports of cases in Equity, argued and decreed in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer : to which are added some select cases in Equity heard and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland [1705-26]. Treatise of Tenures . . . Second edition. Law and practice of Ejectments. Second edition. Law of Evidence. — Sixth edition, with notes, by J. Sedgwick. History and practice of the High Court of Chancery. [Forum Romanum, Lex Prastoria.] Bvo, 1758 Treatise on the Court of Exchequer ; in which the revenues of the crown, the manner of receiving and accounting for the several branches of them . . . and many other curious and useful particu- lars are shown. 8vo. 1758 Treatise on Rents. Svo. 1758 Cases in Law and Equity, argued, debated and adjudged in the King's Bench and Chancery, in the 12th and 13th years of Queen Anne, during the time of Lord Chief Justice Parker; with two treatises, the one on the action of debt, the other on the consti- tution of England. Svo. 1760 History and practice of Civil Actions, particularly in the Court of Common Pleas. Second edition. Svo. 1761 fol. 1734 Svo. 1738 Svo. 1741 Svo. 1756 Svo. 1801 304 GIL. Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey, Chief Baron — continued. Law of Executions : to which are added, the history and practice of the Court of King's Bench, and some cases touching wills of lands and goods. 8vo. 1763 Law of Devises, last Wills, and Revocations : to which is added, a select number of wills drawn by men eminent in the profession. Third edition. 8vo. 1773 Law and practice of Distresses and Eeplevin. Third edition, with additions, by W. Hunt. 8vo. 1794 Law of Uses and Trusts. Third edition . . . by E. B. Sugden. 8vo. 1811 Gilbert, John T. History of the city of Dublin. 3 vols. 8vo. Bvhlin, 1859 A contemporary history of affairs in Ireland, from 1641 to 1652 . . . with an appendix of original letters and documents. [^Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society.'} 3 vols, in 6 parts. 4to. Dublin, 1879-80 History of the Irish Confederation and the war in Ireland, 1641-49 ; containing a narrative of affairs of Ireland . . . by R. Bellings . . . 7 vols. 4to. Buhlin, 1882-91 A Jacobite narrative of the War in Ireland, 1688-91 ; with con- temporary letters and papers, now for the first time published. 4to. Dublin, 1892 Documents relating to Ireland, 1795-1804; official account of seeret service money, governmental correspondence and papers, notice of French soldiery at Killala, statements by United Irishmen, letters on legislative union with Great Britain. 4to. Dublin, 1893 Narratives of the detention, liberation and marriage of Maria Clementina Stuart, styled Queen of Great Britain and Ireland: with contemporary letters and papers now for the first time published. . 4to. Dublin, 1894 " Crede Mihi " : the most ancient register book of the Archbishops of Dublin before the Reformation, now for the first time printed from the original manuscript. 4to. Dublin, 1897 Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin. [Britain, No. 80.] Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, 1172-1320. [Britain, No. 63.] Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin. [Britain, No. 94.] National Manuscripts of Ireland. See Irish Record Publications. Gilbert, P. Les Codes annotes de Sirey. See Codes, France. GiLDAS. The works of Gildas and Nennius : translated from the Latin . . . by J. A. Giles. 8vo. 1841 De excidio Britanniae historia, et Epistola. [Record Commi$8ion, No. 24.] GTL-GLA. 305 Giles, Charles Tjrrell. See CuNNrNOHA^M, Jolm ; Law of Elections. Giles, John Allen. See Geoffrey of Monmouth : Gildas : NeNNIUS : ElCHARD OF DeVIZES. Gill, Eockingham. Mayor's Court Practice. See Eailton, Ernest Henry, Gillespie, David. Digest of cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Henderson, Alexander Edward. Gillespie, G. E. See Bab, L. ; Das Internationale Privat- und Strafrecht. Gindelt, Anton. History of the Thirty Tears War : translated by A. Ten Brook . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1885 GiPHANius, Hubertus. See Giffen, Hubert van. G1RA.LDUS Cambrensis. Works. [Britain, No. 21.] Topographia Hiberniae; Hibemia Expugnata; Itinerarii Cambriaa; et Cambrise descriptio. See Camden, William ; Anglica. GiRATJD, Charles. See Eevue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence. Girdlestone, James. The Bishop's veto : a correspondence between the Bishop of Oxford (J. F. Mackarness) and James Girdlestone. 8vo. 1884 Gladstone, William Ewart. Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-78. 12mo. 1879 Mr. Gladstone and the three F.'s ; Mr. Gladstone's Commissioners and Mr. Gladstone ; Mr. Gladstone's Bill. [Publications of the Irish Land Committee, Nos. 7, 9, 10.] 8v(). Dublin, 1881 Life of. See Morlet, John. Glanville, Sir John. Reports of certain cases (controverted elections) determined and adjudged by the Commons in Parliament, in the 21st and 22nd years of King James I. : to which is prefixed, an historical account of the ancient right of determining cases upon controverted elections. 8vo. 1775 Voyage to Cadiz in 1625. [Camden Society, new series, No. 32.] Glanville, Eanulphe de. Tractatus de ^gibus et consuetudinibus Eegni Angliae, tempore Eegis Henrici Secundi compositus . . . l2mo. 1673 — Translated, with notes, by J. Beames. Svo. 1812 y 306 GLA— GLE. Glasgow Universitt. Calendar for the year, 1906-06. 8vo. Glasgow, 1905 Glasson, Ernest. Histoire du droit et des institutions politiques, civiles, et judiciaires de I'Angleterre compares au droit et aux institutions de la France, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882-83 Glegg, a. T. Digest of cases decided under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900. See Robertson, Max A. Glen, Alexander. The law relating to County Government under the Local Government Act, 1888, and other statutes affecting county councils : together with notes on the registration of electors acts, ballot act, municipal corporations acts, and contagious diseases (animals) acts, by W. E. Gordon. 8vo. 1890 See also Penfold, C. ; Eating. Glen, William Cunningham. The Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Manual ; being a practical guide to the Registration of Parliamentary and Municipal Voters, and the courts of the Revising Barristers. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1885 Law relating to Highways, highway authorities, bridges, railways crossing highways, locomotives on highways, and tramways. Second edition, by A. Glen. 8vo. 1897 The general orders of the Poor Law Commissioners, the Poor Law Board, and the Local Government Board relating to the Poor Law . . . Eleventh edition, by R. C. Glen. 8vo. 1898 The law relating to Public Health and Local Government, being the public health act, 1875, and other statutes affecting district councils. Twelfth edition, by A. Glen, includmg the Local Government Act, 1894, and the statutes and orders relating to the election of district councils, by A. F. Jenkin. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 Se also Litmley, William Golden ; Parochial Assessments. Glen William Cunningham, and Glen Alexander. The law relating to Public Health, Local Government, and urban and rural sanitary authorities ; including the Public Health Act, 1875 . . . Tenth edition. 8vo. 1888 Glen William Cunningham, and Glen Reginald Cunningham. Metropolitan Building Acts, 1855 to 1882 ; with appendices, containing the building clauses of the metropolis local management acts and of the city of London sewers acts : also bye-laws . . . and other official documents of the Metropolitan Board of Works ; with notes. 8vo. 1883 G-LE— GOD. 307 Q-LENBERViB, Lord. See Doxtglas, Sylvester. Glisson William, and Gulston Anthony. The Common Law epitomized; with directions how to prosecute and defend personal actions . . Second edition. 8vo. 1679 Gloveb, John. Le livere de reis de Brittanie. [^Britain, No. 42.] Glover, Robert. Ordinary of Arms. See Edmondson, Joseph; Complete body of Heraldry. Glyn Lewis E., and Jackson Frank S. The jurisdiction and practice of the Mayor's Court, together with appendices of forms, rules and statutes, specially relating to the court. Second edition. 8vo. 1896 Glyn Thomas C, and Jameson Robert S. Cases in Bankruptcy, from Michaelmas term, 1821, to Easter term, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824-28 Gneist, Rudolf. Institutionum et Eegulai'um Juris Romani Syntagma; exhibens Gai et Justiniani Institutionum synopsin, Ulpiani librum singularem Regularum, Pauli Sententiarum libros quinque, tabulas systema institutionum juris Romani illustrantes, prsemissis duodecim tabularum fragmentis, edidit et brevi annotatione instruxit. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1880 Englische Verfassungsgeschichte. Svo. Berlin, 1882 The student's history of the English Parliament, in its transforma- tions through a thousand years . . . New English edition, rewritten byA.H. Keane. Svo. 1887 The history of the English Constitution ; translated by Philip A. Ash worth. Second edition, revised and enlarged ; [additional chapters on the Parliaments of the nineteenth century down to the Third Reform Bill (1884-85)]. 2 vols. Svo. 1889 GoDBOLT, John. Reports of certain cases in the severall Courts of Record at West- minster, in the raignes of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles [1575-1638]. 4to. 1653 GoDDARD, Austin Parke. See Guiccardini, Francesco ; History of Italy. GoDDARD, John Leyboum. A treatise on the law of Easements. Sixth edition, Svo. 1904 v2 308 GOD. GoDEFEOi, Henry. The law relating to Trusts and Trustees. Second edition. 8vo. 1891 Compensation for Railway accidents. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] GrODFEET, J. Perry. The Bar, Solicitors, and the Public ; restrictions by the Inns of Court as voluntary institutions considered . . . 8vo. 1880 GODKIN, J. The rights o£ Ireland. iBepeal Prize Essay. 1 8vo. Dublin, 1845 GoDKiN, Lawrence. Legal Medicine. See Hamilton, Allan McLane, GoDOiiPHiN, John. A view of the Admiral Jurisdiction . . . whereunto is added, by way of appendix, an extract of the ancient laws of Oleron. 8vo. 1661 Eeportorium Canonicum : or, an abridgment of the Ecclesiastical laws of this realm. Second edition. 4to. 1680 The Orphan's Legacy : or, a testamentary abridgment in three parts. 1. Of last wills and testaments. 2. Executors and administrators. 3. Legacies and devises . . . Third edition. 4to. 1685 — Fourth edition. 4to. 1701 Godson, Eichard. A practical treatise on the law of Patents for Inventions, and of Copyright, with an introductory book on Monopolies; illustrated with notes of the principal cases. 8vo. 1823 Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Hereford. Catalogue of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island, together with a briefe history of their lives and memorable actions ; whereunto is prefixed, a discourse concerning the first conversion of our Britaine unto Christian rehgion. 4to. 1615 Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII., Edwardo VI., et Maria regnau- tibus, annales . . . fol. 1616 Godwin, Thomas. Synopsis antiquitattun Hebraicarum ad explicationem utriusque Testamenti valde necessaria . . . 4to. Oxonise, 1616 Godwin, William. An enquiry concerning Political Justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness. 2 vols. 4to. 1793 History of the Commonwealth of England, from its commencemeu to the Restoration of Charles the Second. 4 vols. 8vo. 1824-28 Q-OE— GOL. 309 GoETScH, Justinus, De prima pace religiosa Norimbergensi. [ Gerrnan University Trade, vol. 14.] 4to. Altorfii, 1732 GoGUET, Antoine Yves. The origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their progress among the most ancient nations ; translated from the French [by E. Henry, D. Dunn, and A. Spearman]. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761 GoiEAND, Leopold. A treatise upon French Commercial Law and the practice of all the courts . . , including the entire Code of Commerce, with a dictionary of French judicial terms. Second edition. 8vo. 1898 Gold Coast and Lagos. Ordinances of the Settlements on the Gold Coast, and of the Gold Coast Colony, in force April 7th, 1887 . . . compiled by Sir W. B. Griffith. 8vo. 1887 Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony in force June, 1898 . . , bv Sir W. B. Griffith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1898 Ordinances of the Gold Coast Colony and the rules and orders thereunder in force 31st March, 1903 ... by Sir W. B. Griffith. 2vols. 8vo. 1903 Analytical index to the ordinances regulating the civil and criminal procedure of the Gold Coast Colony and of the Colony of Lagos, by S. Smith. Svo. 1888 Ordinances, and orders and rules thereunder in force in the Colony of Lagos on Dec. 31st, 1893 . . . compiled ... by G. Stallard and E. H. Eichards. 8vo. 1894 Ordinances, and orders and rules thereunder, in force in the Colony of Lagos on April 30th, 1901 ■. with an appendix containing the letters patent constituting the Colony, and the instructions accom- panying them; various acts of Parliament; orders of the Queen in Council; treaties, and proclamations: compiled ... by E. A. Speed. 2 vols. Svo. 1902 Ordinances of the Colony of Lagos, 1900-04. 2 vols. 8vo. 1900-04 A table of offences in their relation to the jurisdiction of the district commissioners of the Colony of Lagos, by E. H. Eichards, Svo. 1889 Table of principal events in Yoruba history . . . by J. A. 0. Pavne. Svo. [1893] GoLDAST, Melchior. Monarchise S. Eomani imperii, sive tractatuum de jurisdictione imperiali seu regia, et pontificia seu sacerdotali . . . Tomus secundus . . . accesserunt opera omnia, de potestate ecclesiastica et politiea, Guilhelmi Ockam. fol. Francofordise, 1614 GoLDESBORoxjGH, John. Reports of Common Pleas cases. See Beownlow, Eichard. 310 GOL— GOO. GoLDSCHMiDT, W. 0. See Seton, Sir Henry Wilmot; Forms of Judgments and Orders. Goldsmith, Francis. Translation of Chrysostome's sermon. See St. Chrtsostom. Goldsmith, George. The English Bar : or, guide to the Inns of Court ; comprising an historical outline of all the Inns of Court . . . 12mo. 1843 The doctrine and practice of Equity : or, a concise outline of pro- ceedings in the High Court of Chancery ; designed principally for the use of students. Sixth edition. 12mo. 1871 GoLL, Jacob Friedrich. De Principe hserede ex testamento civium. [^German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Halae Magdehurgicse, 1721 GoLLANcz, Israel, See Pabbt, Edward Abbott. Gomez, Luis, Bishop ofSarno. Decisiones rotse Romanse. See Coccinus, Joannes Baptista. Gomez de Castbo, Alvarez. De rebus gestis a Francisco Ximenio Cisnerio, Archiepiscopo Toletano, libri octo qui sunt rerum Hispanicai'um tomus iii. [Bound with Bell's Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores.'] Francofurti, 1581 Gomez de la Serna, Pedro. Codigo de Comercio Espanol. See Codes, Spain. GooDEVB, Joseph. The law of Evidence, as administered in England and applied to India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1862 GooDEVE, Louis Arthur. Railway passengers and railway companies : their duties, rights, and liabilities. Second edition. 8vo. 1885 The modern law of Real Property . . . Third edition, by Sir H. W. Elphinstone and J. W. Clark. 8vo. 1891 — Fourth edition, by Sir H. W. Elphinstone, J. W. Clark and A. Dickson. 8vo. 1897 Modern law of personal property. Fourth edition, by J. H. Williams and W. M. Crowdy. 8vo. 1904 GooDiNGE, Thomas. The law against Bankrupts . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1726 aOO— GOR. 311 CrooDRicH, Lionel. See Wooleych, Edmund Humphrey ; Metropolis Ijocal Management Acts. Goodwin, Henry K. The official report of the trial of Henry K. Goodwin for the murder of Albert D. Swan, in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts . . . 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1887 Goodwin, John. Innocencies Triumph : or, an answer to the back-part of a discourse published by William Prynne, intituled A full reply . . . [Tracts, vol. 13, Nos. 4, 8.] 4to. 1644 GooLD, Francis. Reports of Chancery cases, Ireland. See Lloyd, Bartholomew Clifford. Gordon, Alexander. Reports of Chancery appeals. See De Gex, John P. Reports of Chancery cases. See Macnaghtbn, Steuart. Gordon, J. See Exchequer Reports. Gordon, James. History of the Rebellion in Ireland, in the year 1798 . . . containing an impartial account of the proceedings of the Irish revolutionists, from the year 1782 till the suppression of the Rebellion . . . 8vo. 1801 Gordon, James. The Towneley mysteries. [Surtees Society, No. 3.] Gordon, John William. Monopolies by Patents, and the statutable remedies available to the public. 8vo. 1897 Gordon, Thomas P. Digest of the laws of the United States ; including an abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the constitutional and statutory law, with notes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827 Gordon, William Edward. Treatise on the law of Costs in an action in the Queen's Bench Division, and in the Court of Appeal, under the judicature acts and rules of the Supreme Court. 8vo. 1884 See also Addison, Charles Greenstreet ; Law of Contracts : Glen, Alexander ; Law relating to County Government. 312 GOR— GOU. GoKE, Charles. See Eomanes, George John ; Thoughts on Eeligion. Gore-Beowne, Frank. Concise precedents under the Companies Acts, assisted by A. B. Cane. Third edition. 8vo. 1903 GoEHAM, George Cornelius. The case of the Rev. G. C. Gorham against the Bishop of Exeter : by E. F. Moore. 8vo. 1862 GoEST, Sir John Eldon. An Election manual ; containing the Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Practices) Act, 1883. 8vo. 1883 GossE, Edmund. A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780). 8vo. 1902 GosTwicK, Joseph. Catalogue of books in the Library of University College, London. See Catalogues, Library. GoTHOFBEDUs, Dionysius. See Corpus Juris Civilis. Gottfried, Jacob, Opera juridica minora, sive libelli, tractatus, orationes et opuscula rariora et prsestantiora . . . cum prsefatione Christiani Henrici Trotz. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1733 Pontes quatuor juris civilis in unum collecti . , . [et] Novus in titulum Pandectarum de diversis regulis juris antiqui conimen- tarius . . . 4to. Genevae, 1652-63 Manuale juris , . . Undecima editio. 12mo. Genevse, 1726 See also Corpus Juris Civilis : Theodosius II. ; Codex Theo- dosianus. GouDiB, Gilbert. Diary of the Rev. John Mill, 1740-1803. [Scottish History Society, No. 6.] GouDSMiT, Joel Emmanuel. The Pandects : a treatise on the Roman law and upon its connection with modern legislation : translated from the Dutch, by R. De Tracy Gould. ^ 8vo. 1873 GouDT, Henry. See Muiehead, James ; Historical introduction to the private law of Rome. GouGH, Richard. See Camden, William ; Britannia. GOTJ-GRA. 313 GrOUJET — , et Merger — ■. Dictionnaire de droit Commercial. 4 vols. 8v^o. Paris, 1845-46 Gould, George. Documents relating to the settlement of the Church of England by the Act of Uniformity of 1662 : with an introduction on English Puritanism, its character and history, by P. Bayne. 8vo. 1862 Gould, George. Corrigenda and explanations of the text of Shakspere. 8vo. 1881 GoTTLD, John M. See Kent, James ; Commentaries on American Law. Gould, U. de Tracy. See Goudsmit, Joel' Emmanuel ; The Pandects. GOULDSBOEOUGH, Johu. Reports in all the Courts at Westminster, in the latter yeares of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 4to. 1653 GovER, William Henry. Hints as to advising on Title . . . with an outline of the law relating to title to land, and tables of stamp duties since 1815. Third edition. 8vo. 1896 Government. A paralell of Governments : or, a politicall discourse upon seven positions, lending to the peace of England and preservation of the citie of London [Bound with Digges's Uulawfulness of subjects taking up armes against their Soveraigne.] ' 4to. 1647 GovERNOuB, The. The Boke named the Govemour. See Eltot, Sir Thomas. Gow, Niel. Reports of cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas and on the Oxford Circuit, from Michaelmas term, 1818, to Easter term, 1820. Svo. 1828 Gkadt, Standish Grove. A condensed commentary on the Registration of Voters Act, 6 Vict, c. 18. 12mo. 1843 Treatise on the Hindoo law of Inheritance; comprising the doctrines of the various schools, with the decisions of the High Courts of the several Presidencies of India, and the judgments of the Privy Council on Appeal. 8vo. 1868 Manual of the Mahomraedan law of Inheritance and Contract ; comprising the doctrines of the Soonee and Sheea schools, and based upon the text of Sir W. H. Macnaghten's principles and precedents; together with the decisions of the Privy Council, and High Courts of the Presidencies in India. Svo. 1869 314 (5^RA. G-KADT, Standish Grove — continued. Indian Codes. 8vo. 1871 Manual of Hindu law. 8vo. 1871 The law of Fixtures ... to whicli is added the law of Dilapidations, ecclesiastical and lay. Third edition. 12nio. 1876 See also Hedata : Jones, Sir William ; Institutes of Hindu Law. Gbadt Standish Grove, and Scotland Colley Harman. The law and practice in proceedings on the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench . . . and an appendix of forms. 12mo. 1844! Ge^me, George, Bishop of OrJcney. Letters and correspondence, 1602-38. [Scottish History Society, 'No. 44.] Gbaf, Andreas Christopher. De iteratis Imperatorum coronationibus Germanicis. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Vitembergae, 1727 Geafton, Kichard. Grafton's chronicle, or history of England : to which is added, his table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London, from the year 1189 to 1568 inclusive. 2 vols. 4to. 1809 Geaham, John Cameron. See Blackburn, Colin, Lord; Contract of Sale. Grain, William. The Ley hipotecaria of Spain : or, law on the inscription of titles to immoveable property . . . translated and edited. 8vo. 1867 The testamentary and succession laws of the Republic of Chili : translated and edited. 8vo. 1880 Geanger, James. A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to the Eevolution. 2 vols. 4to. 1769 Geangee, Thomas Colpitts. Eeports of Common Pleas cases. See Manning, James. Reports of Exchequer cases. See Ttrwhitt, Robert Philip. See also Common Bench Repokts. Geant, Anne. Letters concerning Highland affairs in the eighteenth Century. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] [Geant, C. W.] A plain exposition of the burials question : by a layman. [Burial Bill Tracts, No. 6.] 8vo. [1876] GEA. 315 G-RANT, Harding. Practice in the High Court of Chancerj. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1845 [Q-RANT, James,] The Bench and the Bar. 2 vols. Svo. 1837 — Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1838 Gbant, James. Treatise on the law of Corporations in general, as well aggregate as sole, including Municipal Corporations. 8vo. 1850 A treatise on the law relating to Bankers and Banking companies . . . Fifth edition by C. C. M. Plumptre and J. K. Mackay. 8vo. 1897 Granville, Denis, Bean of Durham. Remains of Dean Granville. [Surteea Society, Nos. 37, 47.] Grabserib, Eaoul de la. Code Civil allemand. See Codes, Germany. Code Civil du Canton des Grisons. See Codes, Switzerland. Code de Commerce hongroise. See Codes, Hungary. Les Codes suedois. See Codes, Sweden. Gratianus de Clusio. Decretum emendatum et notationibus illustratum, una cum glossis, Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. jussu editum. See Corpus Juris Canonici. Grattan, Henry. The substance of the speech of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, upon his motion, " that the petition of the Catholics of Ireland be referred to a committee, to consider the state of the laws imposing civil disabilities on his Majesty's subjects professing the Roman Catholic rehgion." Svo. 1812 Memoirs of the life and times of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan. 2 vols. 1839 Speeches, to which is added, his letter on the Union: with a commentary on his career and character, by D. 0. Madden. Second edition. Svo. Dublin, 1867 Graves, James. King's Council in Ireland, 16 Ric. II. [Britain, No. 69.] Graves, Robert Edmimd. See Bryan, Michael j Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Gravesend, Richard de, Bishop of London. Account of the executors of Richard de Gravesend, 1303. [Camden Society, new series, No. 10.] 816 GEA. G-BAviNA, Griovanni Vincenzo. Opera, seu originum juris civilis libri tres . . . recensuit et adno- tationibus auxit Gotefridus Mascovius. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Venetiis, 1758 Gbat, George G. The right to Lateral Support from land and buildings. 8vo. 1886 Geat, Horace. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1854-60. [Massachusetts Reports, vols. 67- 82.] 16 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1863-71 Gray, John. Treatise on the law of Costs, in actions and other proceedings, in the Courts of Common Law at Westminster. 8vo. 1853 Country Attorney's Practice, in conducting actions in the Superior Courts of Law, and proceedings in the Crown Office; also the practice with respect to the acknowledgment of deeds by Married Women, and filing bills of sale imder the 17 & 18 Vict. c. 36. . . Ninth edition, by W. Paterson. 12mo. 1869 Geay, John Chipman. The rule against Perpetuities. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1906 Gray, John M. Memoirs of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, 1676-1755. [Scottish History Society, No. 13.] Gray, Walter, Archbishop of York. The register or rolls of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, [1215-55.] [Surtees Society, No. 56.] Gray's Inn. The Maske of Mountebankes [performed at Gray's Inn ; to which is appended,] The songe for entertainement of the Lord Chancellor * [Bacon] at Grais Ine, on Candlemas day [1617], and of other Lords: [by J. Marston.] MS. 4to. [1617] Gesta Grayorum : or the history of the High and Mighty Prince Henry Prince of Purpoole, Arch-Duke of Stapulia and Bernardia, Duke of High and Nether Holboi-n, Marquis of St. Giles and Tottenham, Count Palatine of Bloomsbury and Clerkenwell, Great Lord of the Cantons of Islington, Kentish-Town, Paddington and Knightsbridge, Knight of the most Heroical Order of the Helmet, and Sovereign of the same, who reigned and died a.d. 1594. Together with a masque, as it was presented for the entertainment of Q. Elizabeth. 4to. Printed for W. Canning at his shop in the Temple Cloysters, 1688 The Gray's Inn Journal : [by A. Murphy.] 2 vols. 12mo. 1766 The three students of Gray's Inn : by W. Hughes. 3 vols. 8vo. 1846 GEA. 317 Gray's Inn — continued. The texts and subjects of the morning sermons at the Chapel of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, 1850-79 : by Archdeacon J. A. Hessey. MS. 4to. [1850-79] Gray's Inn Moot Society : questions argued, 1875-1905 ; with Reports read at the annual meetings of the Society. 6 vols. 4to. [1875-1905] Gray's Inn : notes illustratiye of its history and antiquities : by W. R. Douthwaite. 8vo. 1876 Gray's Inn; its history and associations, compiled from original and unpublished documents : by W. R. Douthwaite. 8vo. 1886 — Extra-illustrated copy. 8vo. 1886 The Inn of Court and its Chapel : a farewell sermon preached in Gray's Inn Chapel, July 27, 1879 [with list of Preachers to the Society, a.d. 1574-1879], by Archdeacon J. A. Hessey. Published by desire of the Benchers. Svo. 1879 Chronicles of an old Inn ; or, a few words about Gray's Inn : by Andree Hope [jpseud. of Mrs. Harvey]. 8vo. 1887 The farewell address of Sir Christopher Yelverton to the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, on becoming Queen's Sergeant and leaving the Society, in 1589. Printed by permission from a MS. in the possession of Lord Calthorpe. 8vo. 1882 The Maske of Flowers . . . edited and arranged [with a preface] by Arthur William a Beckett, Master of the Revels of Gray's Inn, 1887. [Printed on the occasion of the reproduction of the " Maske," in honour of the Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, July 7th, 1887 ; with a list of the dramatis personas. The music and a copy of the programme, together with photographs of various groups of the Performers in the Maske, and Press notices of the performance, are inserted.] Printed for the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. fol. 1887 Register of admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521-1889, together with the register of marriages in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1695-1754. Privately ■ printed. Svo. 1889 A sermon preached at the re-opening of Gray's Inn Chapel on Sunday, January 28, 1894, by the Bishop of Marlborough. Svo. 1894 The Hermits of Gray's Inn : by G. B. Burgin. 8vo. 1899 The Pension book of Gray's Inn (records of the Honourable Society) 1569-1669 -. edited by R. J. Fletcher. Printed by order of the Masters of the Bench. 4to. 1901 Grand Day, June 12th, 1902, and Service of Coronation Music, June 29th, 1902. [Illustrated Booklets.'] 2 vols. 4to. 19(j2 Lee Prize Essays, 1865-1904, with list of subjects. MS. 41 vols, in 27. 8vo and fol. 1865-1904 Bacon and Holt scholarships : examination papers, 1874-1905. 2 vols. fol. [1874-1905] Arden scholarship: examination papers, 1885-1906. fol. [1885-1906] 318 GEA— GEE. Geat's Inn — continued. Admissions to Gray's Inn, annotated. A — Claxton. [No more published.] Compiled by Joseph Foster, [f^o title.'] 8vo. n.d. Copy of a manuscript in the British Museum : Harleian Collection, No. 1912. fol. N.D. Contents. Transcripts of certain Inquisitions relating to Gray's Inn. Arms of the Society of G-ray's Inn, Admittances to the Society of Gray's Inn, from A.D. 1521 to 1677. List of members of the Nobility, spiritual and temporal, admitted to the Society. List of Knights so admitted. Assistants in attendance upon the Reader, during vacation. List of Readers of Gray's Inn, vrith their coats of arms. General collection of the Calls of Ancients, from A.D. 1514 to 1676. Barristers admitted, from A.D. 1575 to 1677. Officers and servants of the Society of Gray's Inn, Catalogue of Readers of the seyeral Inns of Court, with the Arms of the Inns. Orders made by the Society of Gray's Inn on sundry occasions. Account of the plate in use about the Chapel and Hall, List of Benchers and Treasurers of Gray's Inn. General survey of all the rents belonging to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn. Fines paid for Chambers in Gray's Inn, from A.D. 1647 to 1677. Eegister of Marriages in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1695-1754: com- piled by J. Foster. [No title.] 8vo, n,d. Certain select Moot-cases, intituled, Les cases de Grey's-Inn, which have been formerly mooted by that Society. See Williams, Thomas ; The excellency and prseheminence of the laws of England. Catalogues of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Gbaystanes, Eobert de. Historise. [Surtees Society^ No. 9,] Great Britain, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. See Britain. Greaves, Charles Sprengel. The Criminal law Consolidation and Amendment Acts, 24 & 25 Vict. , , , Second edition. 8vo. 1862 Gebkn, Alice Stopford. Henry the Second. 8vo. 1892 Town life in the fifteenth century, 2 vols, 8vo. 1894 Green, C. J, Trials for high treason in Scotland under a Special Commission, held at Stirling, Glasgow, Dumbarton, Paisley and Ayr, in the year 1820, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825 Green, Edward. The spirit of the Bankrupt Laws ; wherein are principally considered the power and authority of the commissioners . . . Second edition. 12mo. 1769 I GEE. 319 Green, John Eichard. History of the English People. 4 vols. 8vo. 1877-80 Vol. 1. Early England. Foreign Kings. The Charter. The Parlianaent. 2. The Monarchy, 1461-1540. The Reformation, 1540-1603. 3. Puritan England, 1603-1660, The Revolution, 1660-1683. 4. The Revolution, 1683-1760. Modern England, 1760-1815. The Making of England. 8vo. 1881 The Conquest of England. 8vo. 1883 Short History of the English People. New edition. 8vo. 1888 Studies in Oxford History. lOxford Historical Society, No. 41.] Gbekn, Mary Anne Everett. Diary of John Eous, 1626-42. [Camden Society, No. 66.'] Life of William Whittingham, Dean of Durham. [Camden Society, No. 104.] Proceedings of the Committee for advance of money, 1642-56. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 16.] Proceedings of the Committee for compounding, 1643-60. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 16.] State papers, domestic, Edward VI. — James I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 10.] State papers, domestic, Commonwealth. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 12.] State papers, domestic, Charles II. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 13.] Gbeen, William. See Irish Eepobts ; Digest of Cases. Greene, Herbert W. See Broom, Herbert ; Commentaries on the Common Law. Greene, Joshua. A Digested Index of the cases determined in the High Court of Admiralty, before the Eight Hon. Sir William Scott, contained in the several reports of Eobinson, Edwards, and Dodson. 8vo. 1818 Greene, Eichard Wilson. Eeport of the trial of James Forbes and others. See Forbes, James. Eeport of the case of Waller O'Grady. See O'Gbady, Waller. Greene, Thomas Whitcombe. Outlines of Eoman law ; consisting chiefly of an analysis and summary of the Institutes. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1884 Greenidge, a. H. J. The Legal procedure of Cicero's time. 8vo. Oxford, 1901 820 GEE. Gbeenleaf, Simon. A collection of cases overruled, denied, doubted, or limited in their application, taken from American and English reports. Second edition. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1838 Treatise on the law of Evidence. 3 vols. [Vol. 1, eleventh ed. ; vol. 2, ninth ed. ; vol. 3, seventh ed.] 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1863-64 Grebnottgh, Charles P. See Story, Joseph ; Law of Agency. Geeenstkeet, James. The Lincolnshire survey, temp. Henry I. fol. 1884 Greenwell, Dora. Memoir of Lacordaire. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867 Greenwell, William. Bishop Hatfield's Survey. [Surtees Society^ No. 32.] Boldon Buke : a Survey of the possessions of the See of Durham in 1183, ISurtees Society, No. 25.] Egbert's Pontifical. [Surtees Society, No. 27.] Eeodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis. [Surtees Society, No. 58.] Wills and Inventories from the Kegistry at Durham. [Surtees Society, Nos. 2, 38.] Greenwood, Charles William. See Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice. Greenwood, G. W. Manual of the practice of Conveyancing, showing the present prac- tice relating to the daily routine of conveyancing in Solicitors' offices, to which are added concise forms and precedents in conveyancing. Eighth edition, edited by H. Greenwood. 8vo. 1891 Greenwood, Harry. Real Property Statutes ; comprising those passed during the years 1874-84 inclusive, consolidated with the earlier statutes thereby amended. Second edition, by the author, assisted by L. Knowles. 8vo. 1884 Greenwood Henry Charles, and Martin Temple Chevallier. A Magisterial and Police Guide : being the law relating to the procedure, jurisdiction, and duties of magistrates and police authorities . . . Third edition, by T. C. Martin. 8vo. 1890 Greenwood, Thomas. The first book of the history of the Germans : Barbaric period. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 4to. 1836 Position and prospects of the Protestant churches of Great Britain and Ireland, with reference to the proposed establishment of a Roman Catholic Hierarchy in this country. 8vo. 1851 Cathedra Petri : a political history of the great Latin Patriarchate. Books I. — XIV., from the first century [to the dawn of the Reformation]. 6 vols. 8vo. 1856-72 GEE. 321 Greenwood, William. The authority, jurisdiction, and method of keeping County Courts, Courts Leet, and Courts Baron ; explaining the judicial and ministerial authority of sheriffs, also the office and duty of a coroner. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1722 Geeog, W. p. See Cooke, William ; The Bankrupt laws. Grbgoeius I., surnamed Magnus, Pope. Opera ... 6 vols, in 2. fol. Parisiis, 1619 Gbeoobius IX., Pope, Decretales. See Corpus Juris Cawonici. Greoorius Petrus. Tractatus de beneficiis ecclesiasticis . . . 8vo. Colonise Agrippinse, 1607 [Gregory, Arthur.] Gregorie's Moot book; being a survey of the general titles of Common Law, with the cases thereof : much inlarged, by W. Hughes.. 4to. 1663 Gregory, John. See Ridley, Sir Thomas ; View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Law. Gregory, William, Lord Mayor of London. Chronicle of London, 1189-1469. [Camden Society, new series, No. 17.] [Gregson, J. H.] An impartial survey of the Land Question, with especial reference to proposed legislation. 8vo. 1880 Gee 10, James William. Copyhold enfranchisement ; Law of Trusts and Trustees ; See EuDALL, Arthur Reginald. Greig, John. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet. See Stoeee, James. Grenada. The laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, from 1766 to 1852 . . . edited by W. Snagg. 8vo. Grenada, 1852 The laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, from 1766 to 1875 : compiled by Commissioners appointed by his Excellency Sandford Freeling under an act of the Legislature. 8vo. 1875 The laws of Grenada [1810-97]. fol. 1897 Ordinances of Grenada, 1878 to 1894, 1896 to 1905. 27 vols. fol. and 8vo, [1878-1906] 322 GEE~(1EI. G-KESHAM, Sir Thomas. Life of. See Burgon, John William. Gbesley, Richard Newcombe. Treatise on the law of Evidence in the Courts of Equity. 8vo. 1836 [Greville, C. C] Past and present policy of England towards Ireland. Second edition. 8vo. 1845 Geeville, Charles C. F. The Greville Memoirs ; a journal of the reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. : edited by H. Eeeve. Fifth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1875 — Second part : a journal of tlie reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. 1885 — Third part, from 1852 to 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887 Gbet, Anchitell. Debates of the House of Commons, from the year 1667 to 1694. 10 vols. 8vo. 1763 Grey, Henry. The Classics for the million ; being an epitome in English of the works of the principal Greek and Latin authors. 8vo. 1898 Grey, Lady Jane. Chronicle of Queen Jane [Lady Jane Grey] and two years of Queen Mary. [Camden Society, No. 48.] Grey Friars. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, to the year 1556. [Camden Society, No. 53.] Grey of Wilton, William, Lord. A commentary of the services and charges of William, Lord Grey of Wilton. [Camden Society, 'No. 40.] Gribner, Michael Heinrich. Principiorum j urisprudentise naturalis libri iv. . . Editio altera. 12mo. Vitemhergse, 1727 Principia processus judiciarii . . . accedit Dissertatio epistolica de Litium Ambagibus recidendis. Editio quinta. 12rao. Jenx, 1733 GbiSve, James. See Krasheninicofp, Stephen ; History of Kamt- schatka. Griffin, Edmund Fuller. See Cutler, John ; Analysis of the Indian Penal Code. GRI. 323 Gbiffin, Ealph. Abstract of reported cases relating to Letters Patent for inventions (between the years 1884-86 inclusive) together with some un- reported cases, and cases decided bj the law officers and the comptroller-general. 8vo. 1887 Patent cases decided by the comptroller- general and law officers of the Crown in 1887, with a few decided 1885-86 ; together with some unreported cases in the courts of law. 8vo. 1888 Griffith, Edward. Cases of supposed exemption from Poor Rates, claimed on the ground of extra parochiality [Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn, Thavie's Inn, and Clifford's Inn], with a preliminary sketch of the ancient history of the ^parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, and an appendix containing Bentley's Register of remarkable events relating to the parish [1446-1584], and translated extracts of Records relating to Gray's Inn. 8vo. 1831 Griffith, Gualter C. A digest of the Stamp Duties . . . with notes. Tenth edition. 8vo. 1890 Griffith, John Richard. The Married Women's Property Acts, 1870, 1874, 1882, and 1884, with notes. Sixth edition, by A. Brown. 8yo. 1891 Griffith, Michael. See Alfoed. Griffith, Sir Richard. Notes upon the Government Valuation of land in Ireland, commonly known as " Griffith's Valuation." [Publications of the Irish Land Committee, No. 1.] 8vo. Dublin, 1880 Griffith, Walter Hussey. See Lfsh, Montague ; Law of Husband and Wife. Griffith, William. The Code of Civil Procedure, Act xiv. of 1882, as modified by the Governor-General of India in Council, up to 1st July, 1888, with commentaries and appendices. 8vo. 1889 The Indian evidence acts, i. and xviii. of 1872 . . . 8vo. 1890 International law : history,principles, rules, and treatises. 8vo. n.d. Griffith William Downes, and Holmes Charles Arbuthnot. The law and practice in Bankruptcy . . . partly founded on the eleventh edition of Mr. Archbold's Treatise. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867 — Supplement ; containing the Bankruptcy Amendment Act, 1868, and the Liquidation Act, 1868. 8vo. 1869 w2 324 GRI— GEO. Griffith William Downes, and Loveland Eichard Loveland. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873, 1875, and 1877 ; the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876 ; and the rules, orders, and costs thereunder. Second edition, embodying all the reported cases to Michaelmas sittings, 1877. 8to. 1877 Griffiths William Eussell, and Pember Francis W. The London Building Act, 1894, with appendices containing statutes, other than the building act, still in force and affecting building operations . . . 8vo. 1895 Grigsbt, William Ebenezer. See Story, Joseph ; Equity Juris- prudence. G^iM, Edward. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britain, No. 67.^ Grimeston, Edward. A generall historic of the Netherlands . . . continued, from the yeare 1608 till the yeare 1627, by W. Crosse. The second im- pression, fol. 1627 Grimston, Sir Harbottle. See Croke, Sir George ; Eeports. Gri4u ALAND. Statute law of the territory of Griqualand West ; comprising the proclamations and government notices . . . still wholly, or in part, in force. 2 vols. 8vo. Gape Town, 1875-77 Groctn, William. Catalogue of Grocyn's books, with memoir. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] Groenewegen, Simon van. Tractatus de legibus abrogatis et inusitatis in Hollandia vicinisque regionibus. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1669 See also Grotius, Hugo ; Inleiding tot de HoUandsche Eechts- Geleerdheid. Groin, Johannes de. De officio Principis Evangelici circa augenda salaria et honores ministrorum ecclesise. [German JJnivtrsity Tracts, vol, 6.] Halns Magdeburgicas, 1707 Grosart, Alexander B. Glanville's Voyage to Cadiz in 1625. [Camden Society, neiv series. No. 82.] See also Nowell, Robert ; Towneley Hall MSS, : Sibbbs, Richard ; Works. GEO. 325 Grose, Francis. The Antiquities of England and Wales. 2 vols. fol. 1773-74 Geose, Eobert. Royalty and Loyalty . . . [Bound with Digges's Unlawfulness of svhjects taking up armes against their Soveraigne.^ 4to. 1647 Geoslet, Pierre Jean. New observations on Italy and its inhabitants : translated into English by T. Nugent. 2 vols. 8vo. 1769 A tour to London : or, new observations on England and its inhabitants : translated from the French, by T. Nugent. 2 vols. 8vo. 1772 Gross, Charles. The sources and literature of English History from the earliest times to about 1485. 8vo. 1900 Select cases from the Coroners' Rolls, with an account of the office of Coroner. [^Selden Society^ No. 9.] Gross i. Teockatj, Christophor Adam. Apologia pro Friderico Primo imperatore potentissimo, quern a Romano Pontifice pedibus conculcaium esse nonnuUi scribunt. IGerman University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. 1722 Geosseteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln. Epistolse. [Britain, No. 25.] Geote, George. History of Greece, from the earliest period, to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. Fourth edition. 10 vols. 8vo. 1872 Aristotle : edited by A. Bain and G. C. Robertson. Third edition . 8vo. 1883 Geoten, Dieterich de. De judice in causis Principum Protestantium matrimoniaiibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Halse Magdehurgicse, 1715 Geotius, Gulielmus. Isagoge ad praxiri fori Batavici, illustrata paraphrasi ac supple- mento, auctore Abrahamo de Pape. 4to. Lugduni Batav., 1694 Vitse Jurisconsultorum. See Rtjtilius, Bernardinus. Geotius, Hugo. De Jure Belli ac Pacis libri tres ; in quibus jus naturae et gentium, item juris publici prsecipua explicantur. Editio secunda. fol. Amstelsedami, 1631 — Cum annotatis auctoris,ejusdemque Dissert atione de Mari Li bero ; ac Libello singulari de JEquitate, Indulgeutia, et Facilitate ; necnon J. F. Gronovii notis in totum opus de Jure Belli ac Pacis : notulas denique addidit J. Barbeyrac. 8vo. Amstelsedami, 1720 326 GEO— GUD. Gbotius, Hugo — continued. De Jure Belli ac Pacis libri tres; accompanied by an abridged translation by W. Whewell, with the notes of the author, Barbeyrac, and others. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853 The rights of War and Peace ; translated from the Latin : to which are added the notes of J. Barbeyrac. fol. 1738 Florum Sparsio ad Jus Justinianeum. 12mo. Amstelaedami, 1643 Annales et historise de rebus Belgicis. fol. Amstelaedami, 1657 Inleidingtot de Hollandsche Eechts-Geleerdheid; mitsgaders eenige byvoegsels en aanmerkingen door Simon van Groenewegen van der Made. 4to. Middelburg, 1767 Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence ; now first rendered into English by C. Herbert. 8vo. 1845 See also Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb ; Prselectiones Academicse. Ground, William David. An examination of the structural principles of Mr. Herbert Spencer's philosophy; intended as a proof that Theism is the only theory of the universe that can satisfy reason. 8vo. Oxford, 1883 Grove, Henry. Alienated Tithes in appropriated and impropriated parishes, com- muted or merged under local statutes and the tithes acts : together with all crown grants of tithes from Henry VIII. to William III. : compiled from official sources . . . 8vo. 1896 Grubee, Johann Daniel. Germania Princeps post Carolingica sub Conrado I. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Halse Magdeh., 1710 Gruchy, William Lawrence de. L'ancienne coutume de Normandie; reimpression editee, avec de legeres annotations. 8vo. St. Heliers, 1881 Gruebbe, Charles Stephen. Catechism of the Ornaments Rubric, what the Eubric really is, what the Judicial Committee have made it . . . 8vo. 1877 Grubber, Erwin. The Roman law of Damage to Property ; being a commentary on the title of the Digest Ad legem Aquiliam (ix. 2), with an introduction to the study of the Corpus Juris Civilis. 8vo. Oxford, 1886 Guardian, The. See Essayists, British. GuDELiN, Petrus. De jure Feudorum et pacis commentarii, ad mores Belgii ac Francise conscripti : quibus in hac iterata editione accessere Henrici Zoesii Prselectiones feudales . . . 4to. Lovanii, 1641 Commentariorum de Jure Novissimo libri sex . . . Editio altera. fol. Antverpiae, 1644 GUI— aUL. 327 Guiana, British. See British Guiana. GUIBERT, J. In the Beginning. (Les Origines) : translated from the French by G. S. Whitmarsh. 8vo. 1900 GuiccABDiNi, Francesco. Historiarum sui temporis libri viginti, ex Italico in Latinum ser- monem conversi . . . Caelio Secundo Curione interprete. fol. Basilese, 1566 The history of Italy, from the year 1490 to 1532 ; translated into English by the Chevalier Austin Parke Goddard. 10 vols. 8vo. 1753-56 [GuiDICKINS, F. W.] An answer to Mr. Horace Walpole's late vrork, entitled, Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Eichard the Third : or an attempt to confute him from his own arguments, [Tracts, vol. 28, No. 2.] 4to. 1768 GuiDO, Bishop of Amiens. De bello Hastingensi carmen. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Guildford, Francis North, Baron. Life of. See North, Roger. Guildhall. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. GuiLLiM, John. A display of Heraldrie . . . Second edition. fol. 1632 GuiRY, Michael G. The Bills of Sale Acta, 1878 and 1882 ; with notes showing the alteration in the law as affected by the act of 1882. 8vo. 1882 GuizoT, Francois Pierre Guillaume. Histoire gencrale de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de I'Empire Romain juaqu'a la Revolution fran9aise. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840 The history of Civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution : translated by W. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. 1890 Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre, depuis I'avenement de Charles 1^^ jusqu'a sa mort. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1841 Gull's Hoenbook. See Decker, Thomas. GuLSTON, Anthony. Common Law epitomized. See Glisson, W. 328 GtTM— GTTT. Gtjmprecht, Johann Albert. De incremento praedii feudalis. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Jense, 1692 (JuNDLiNG, Nicolaus Hieronymus. JuB naturae ac gentium . . . Editio ii. 12mo. Halm Magdehurgicse, 1728 GuNDEY, Harold. The Criminal law. See Disnet, Henry W. GuNN, Clement B. Stitchill Baron Court records, 1656-1807. [Scottuh History Society, No. 50.] Gunning, Frederic. Treatise on the law of Tolls . . . and of remedies and evidence in actions for tolls. 8vo. 1833 Gunpowder Plot, The. Narrative of. See Jaedine, David ; Criminal Trials. GuEDON, Thornhaugh. History of the High Court of Parliament ; its antiquity, prehemi- nence, and authority ; and the history of Court Baron and Court Leet . . . together the rights of lords of manors in common pastures, and the growth of the privileges the tenants now enjoy there. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1731 GuENEY, Henry Edmund. Report of the case of The Queen v. Gurney and others . . . with an introduction, containing a history of the case . . . by W. F. Finlason. Svo. 1870 GusTAVUs Adolphus, King of Sweden. Life of. See Haetb, Walter. GuTCH, John. Collectanea Curiosa : or, miscellaneous tracts relating to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a variety of other subjects : chiefly collected from the manuscripts of Archbishop Bancroft, given to the Bodleian Library by the late Bishop Tanner. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1781 GuTHEBius, Jacobus. De jure manium, seu de ritu, more, et legibus prisci funeris, libri III. 4to. Parisiis, 16l5 Choartius Major, vel de orbitate toieranda : ad Annam Robertum prsefatio. [Bound with ahove.^ 4to. n.d. GUT— HAD. 329 GuTHniE, Malcolm. On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution, as an exhaustiye statement of the changes of the universe ; followed by a resume of the most important criticisms of Spencer's " First Principles." 8vo. 1879 On Mr. Spencer's Unification of Knowledge. Svo. 1882 On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics. 8vo. 1884 GuTHEiE, William. Quinctilian's Institutes of Eloquence, translated. See Quintilianus, M. Fabius. Translations of Cicero's Morals ; Epistles to Atticus ; De oratore ; Offices ; and Orations. See Cicebo, Marcus TuUius. Guthrie, William. Savigny on the conflict of laws, translated. See Savignt, Friedrich Carl von. See also Bell, George Joseph ; Principles of the Law of Scotland. GuYLFORDE, Sir Richard. Pylgrymage to the Holy Land, 1506. [Camden Society, No. 51.] Gtjyot, Joseph Nicholas. See Repertoire Univeesel et RAisoNNfe DE Jurisprudence. GwiLLiM, Sir Henry. A collection of acts and records of Parliament, with reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of law and equity, respecting Tithes. 4 vols. Svo. 1801 See also Bacon, Matthew ; Abridgment. Habihgton, Thomas. The life and reign of King Edward IV. See Kennett, White ; History of England, vol. 1. Hadden's handbook on the Local Government Acts; Hadden's Overseers' handbook. See Dumsdat, William H. Haddock Cobrespondence. Correspondence of the family of Haddock, 1657-1719. [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] Hadlbt, Edward A. Commentaries on the laws of England. See Beoom, Herbert. 330 HAD— HAL. Hadlet, James. Introduction to Roman law, in twelve academical lectures. 8vo. New York, 1876 Hagga-RD, John. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Consistory Court of London, 1752-1821. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Eeports of cases in the High Court of Admiralty, 1822-38. 3 vols. 8vo. 1825-40 Reports of cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates, 1827-33. 4 vols. 8vo. 1829-34 Hague Convention. United States vs, Mexico. Eeport of Jackson H. Ralston . . . in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias heard before a tribunal of the permanent court of arbitration under the Hague Convention of 1899, sitting at the Hague, September 15, 1902, to October 14, 1902, with pleadings, appendix, exhibits, briefs, and record of the entire proceedings. 8vo. Washington, 1902 Hahn, Heinrich. Differentiae juris civilis et canonici . . . Denuo editse, recognitae, et illustratae a Jo. Schiltero. [Continuation of Schilter's Institutiones juris canonici.'] 8vo. [Argent., 1688] De usu chronologise in jure. See Wieling, Abraham. Hake, A. Egmont. See Thobnton, James Howard; Memories of seven campaigns. Hake, Johann Ernest. Jura finium. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Jenae, 1677 Hakewil, William. The Libertie of the Subject against the pretended power of Imposi- tions, maintained by an argument in Parliament, anno 7 Jacobi Regis. 4to. 1641 The manner how Statutes are enacted in Parliament by passing of Bills ; together with a catalogue of the Speakers' names. 12mo. 1641 Modus tenendi Parliamentum : or, the old manner of holding Par- liaments in England; with certain municipal rights and customes of this commonwealth of England, together with the privileges of Parliament, and the manner how laws are there enacted by passing of bills. I2mo. 1659-60 — Another edition. 12mo. 1671 Halcomb, John. Report of the trial of Bowe v. Grenfell [and others]. See Rowb, — . HAL. 331 Halcombe, John Joseph. Church Reading; containing the morning, evening, and communion services of the Church of England, pointed and accented according . to the method advised by T. Sheridan . . . 8vo. 1858 Haldane, Eichard Burdon. 8ee Dart, Joseph Henry ; Vendors and Purchasers. Hale, Sir Matthew. The primitive origination of Mankind. fol. 1677 Pleas of the Crown : or, a brief but full account of whatsoever can be found relating to that subject. 8vo. 1678 Historia Placitorum Coronse: the history of the pleas of the Crown : now first published from his Lordship's original manuscript, and the several references to the records examined by the originals, with notes by S. Emlyn. 2 vols. fol. 1736 — Anew edition, with additional notes and references; together with an abridgment of the statutes concerning felonies, which have been enacted since the first publication of this work: by Gr. Wilson. 2 vols. 8vo. 1778 De successionibus apud Anglos : or, a treatise of Hereditary Descents . . . 8vo. 1699 The original institution, power, and jurisdiction of Parliaments. 8vo. ] 707 Jurisdiction of the Lords' House ; or, Parliament considered according to antient records : with an introductory preface, by Francis Hargrave ; including a narrative of the same Jurisdiction, from the accession of James I. 4to. 1 796 The history of the Common Law of England. Second edition. 8vo. 1716 — Sixth edition, with additional notes and references and some account of the life of the author, by C. Eunnington. 8vo. 1820 Preface to Eolle's Abridgment. '[Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] Considerations touching the Amendment of Lawes. See Hakqrave Francis ; Law Tracts. De jure Maris. See Hall, Eobert Gream ; Eights of the Crown in the Sea shores : Hakgkave, Francis ; Law Tracts : Moore, Stuart A. ; History of the Foreshore. Discourse concerning the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. See Hargrave, Francis ; Law Tracts. Opinion in some select cases. See Williams, Thomas. See also Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony ; New Natura Brevium. Hale, William Hale. Domesday of St. Paul's of 1222. [Camden Society, 'So. 69.] Executors' accounts of Eichard, Bishop of London, 1303, and Thomas, Bishop of Exeter, 1310. [Camden Society, new series, No. 10.] Register of Worcester Priory. [Camden Society, No. 9].] 332 HAL. Halfpenny, F. W. Catalogue of books on foreign' law. See Cxtalogites, Library ; Lincoln's Inn. Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey. ' A code of Gentoo laws : or, ordinations of the Pundits : from a Persian translation, made from the original written in the Shanscrit language. 4to. 1776 Halifax, GTeorge, Marquess of. Letters to his brother Henry Savile, envoy at Paris, and vice- chamberlain to Charles II. and James II. [Camden Society, No. 71.] Halifax, Hamuel, Bishop of Gloucester. See Butler, Joseph; Works. Halkeeston, Peter. A translation and explanation of the principal technical terms and phrases used in Mr. Erskine's Institute of the law of Scotland. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829 Digest of the law of Scotland relating to Marriage. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1831 Halkett, Lady Anne. The autobiography of Lady Halkett. [Camden Society, new series, No. 13.] Halkett, Samuel. Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. See Catalogxies, Library. Halkett Samuel, and Laing John, A dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain ; including the works of foreigners written in or trans- lated into the English language. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882-88 Hall, Arthur Gwynne Jeffreys. The law and practice in Divorce and matrimonial causes, together with a chronological digest from 1730 to 1906, embodying an index to the marriage and divorce acts. 8vo. 1905 Hall, Benjamin F. See United States; Official opinions of the Attorneys - General. Hall, Charles Kennerley. Quibus modis pignus, vel hypotheca solvitur. 8vo. Paris, 1863 Hall, Edward. Chronicle of England, Hen. IV. to Hen. VIII. [Title page wanting.] Ito. [1548] Chronicle, containing the History of England, during the reign of Henry IV., and the succeeding monarchs, to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. 4to. 1809 HAL. 333 Hall Frederick James, and Twblls Philip. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham and the Lords Commissioners, 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850-51 Hall, Hubert. A history of the Custom-Revenue in England, from the earliest times to the year 1827; compiled exclusively from original authorities. 2 vols. 8vo. 1885 Society in the Elizabethan Age. 8vo. 1886 Court Life under the Plantagenets (reign of Henry the Second) . . . 8vo. 1890 The antiquities and curiosities of the Exchequer. 8vo. 1891 Eed Book of the Exchequer. [Britain, No. 99.] The official custody of Domesday Book. See Domesdat Commemo- EATION. Hall, John. The grounds and reasons of Monarchy, consider'd and exemplify'd in the Scottish line ; out of their own best authors and records. [Bound with Harrington's Oceana.] fol. 1651 ? Hall, John. Court Martial on Lieutenant John Hall. See Powell, Eichard. Hall, John Edward. Treatise on the law relating to Profits a Prendre and Rights of Common. 8vo. 1871 Hall, Peter. Reliquia3 Liturgicae. See Lituegies. Hall, Roljert. An inaugural lecture on Common Law, delivered in the hall of the Inner Temple, 13th of January, 1848. [Tracts, vol. 20, No. 1.] 8vo. 1848 Hall, Robert Gream. Essay on the rights of the Crown and the privileges of the subject in the Sea Shores of the Realm. Second edition, with references to the later authorities in England, Ireland, Scotland, and the United States, by R. Loveland Loveland : with an appendix, containing — (1) Lord Chief Justice Hale's " De Jure Maris." (2) The case of Bickens v. Shaw. (3) Mr. Serjt. Merewether's Speech. (4) Forms in use by the Board of Trade. 8vo. 1875 — Third edition, with notes and an appendix relating to Fisheries, by S. A. Moore. 8vo. 1888 334 HAL. Hall, William Clarke. The law relating to Children : a short treatise on the personal status of children, including the complete text of " The Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1904 "... with notes and forms. Second edition by the author and C. W. Lilley. 8vo. 1905 Hall, William Edward. The rights and duties of Neutrals. Svo. 1874 A treatise on the foreign powers and jurisdiction of the British Crown. 8vo. Oxford, 1894 A treatise on International Law. Fifth edition, by J. B. Atlay. 8vo. Oxford, 1904 Hallam, Henry. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1854 The Constitutional History of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. Seventh edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1854 — New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1881 — Adapted to the use of students, by Sir W. Smith. New edition. 8vo. 1888 View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. Eleventh edition, including supplemental notes. 3 vols. 8vo. 1856 Halleck, Henry Wager. International Law, or rules regulating the intercourse of States in peace and war. Third edition, by Sir G. S. Baker. 2 vols. 8vo. 1893 Hallen, a. W. Cornelius. Account book of Sir John Foulis, of Ravelston, 1671-1707. [Scot- tish History Society, No. 16.] Hallett, Frederic G. Catalogue of portraits and busts in the Royal College of Surgeons of England, with short biographical notices. 8vo. 1892 Hallet. Edmund. See Apollonius PebgjEtjs. Hallilay, Richard. A digest of the questions asked at the Final Pass Examination of articled clerks on all the subjects, from the commencement of the examinations to the present time, with answers. Sixteenth edition. Svo. 1895 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the fourteenth century. Tenth edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1887 Diary of Dr. John Dee, August 1554 — January, 1601. [Camden Society, No. 19.] HAL— HAM. 336 Halliwbll-Phillipps, James Orchard — continued. Rishanger's Chronicle of the Barons' wars. [Camden Society, No. 15.] Thornton romances. [Camden Society, No, 30.] Warkworth's Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of Edward IV. [Camden Society, No. 10.] Hallmachsio, Io. Mich. Satura positionum historicarum Imperatoris Lotharii II. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] Halpin, William G. Trial of William G. Halpin, for treason-felony, at the county of Dublin Commission Court, November, 1867. 8vo. Dublin, 1868 Halyburton, Andrew. Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, conservator of the privileges of the Scotch nation in the Netherlands, 1492-1503. [Scotland, No. 2.] Ham. Rules of Customes pertaining unto Ham [county of Surrey]. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] Hamel, Felix John. The laws of the Customs . . . with a commentary. 8vo. 1854 Hamerton, J. See New Sessions Cases. Hamilton Allan McLane, and Godkin Lawrence. A system of Legal Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 Hamilton, Charles. See Hedaya. Hamilton, Gawayne Baldwin. A concise treatise on the law of Covenants. Second edition. 8vo. 1904 Company Law. See Mackenzie, Montague Muir. Hamilton, H. English and French Dictionary. See Smith, L. Hamilton, Hans Claude. State papers relating to Ireland. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 23.] Hamilton Henry Best Hans, and Forbes Urquhart A. Digest of the statutory law relating to the management and rating of Collieries for the use of colliery owners, viewers and inspectors. 8vo. 1902 336 HAM. Hamilton, James, Duke of. Expedition to England, 1648. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.1 Hamilton, N. E. S. A, Willelmi Malmesbiriensis monachi de gestis Pontificum Anglorum, libri quinque. [Britain, No. 52.] Hamilton, Sidney Graves. Dr. Newton and Hertford College. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Hamilton, William Douglas. Papers relating to Milton. [Camden Society, No. 75.] State papers, domestic, Charles I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 11.] Wriothesley's Chronicle, 1486-1559. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 11, 20.] Hamilton, William Frederick. Law of Husband and Wife. See Edwards, John. Hamilton Papees. Selections from original letters in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton, 1638-50. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 27, 53.] The Hamilton Papers. [Scotland, No. 9.] Hammereb, Johann Friedrich. Kx historia Henrici Sancti Imp. Rom. Germanici selecta qusedam. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Argent., 1712 Hammigk, James T. The Marriage law of England : a practical treatise on the legal incidents connected with the constitution of the matrimonial contract; with an appendix of statutes, summary of colonial marriage laws . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1887 Hammond, Anthony. The Criminal Code, printed by direction of the Eight Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Secretary of State for the Home Department, as (amongst other purposes) the basis of the consolidation and amend- ment of the criminal law. 7 vols, in 8. fol. 1825-29 See also Comyns, Sir John ; Digest. Hampden, John. The argument of Sir Richard Hutton and Sir George Croke, together with the certificate of Sir John Denbam, upon a Scire /acms brought by the King in the Court of Exchequer against John Hampden . . . touching ship-money. 4to. 1641 HAM— HAN. 387 Hampden, John — continued. Tryal of John Hambden, in the great case of Ship-Money between Charles I. and that gentleman ... to which is added, the tryal of Thomas Harrison, clerk, for words spoken against Mr. Justice Hutton. fol. 1719 Hampden, E^nn Dickson, Bishop of Hereford. A report of the case of the Eight Eev. E, D. Hampden, Lord Bishop Elect of Hereford, in Hereford Cathedral, the Ecclesiastical Courts, and the Queen's Bench : by E. Jebb. 8vo. 1849 Hanburt, Lionel. Long Judicial Error in the law of Patents for Inventions : the erroneous construction put by the Courts on the statute of mono- polies, and its consequences. 8vo. 1868 Hancock, W. Neilson. Ancient laws of Ireland. See Ieish Eecord Publications. Hand, Samuel. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1869-71. [New YorJc Court of Appeals Reports, 40-45.] 6 vols. 8vo. New YorJc, 1869-72 Handcock, Grustavus Frederick. Documents relating to Ireland, 1171-1307. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 22.] Handford, Percy. Model Byelaws. See Mackenzie, William. Hands, William. Treatise on Fines and Eecoveries, in the Court of Common Pleas ; with an appendix. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1825 Hanmer, Job Walden. See Kenton, Lord ; Notes of King's Bench cases. Hanmer, Meredith. The chronicle of Ireland, 1571. [Ancient Irish Histories, vol. 2.] See Marlebprrough, Henry. Hannen, James C. See Pritchabd, W. Tarn ; Digest of Admiralty and Maritime law. Hannibal. Dissertation on the passage of Hannibal over the Alps : by H. L. Wickham and J. A. Cramer. Second edition. Svo. 1828 338 HAN, Hanotaux, M. G. Madame de Motteville's memoir of Henrietta Maria. [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] Hansard. The Parliamentary history of England, from the earliest period [1066] to the year 1803 : [continued under the title of " Parlia- mentary Debates," compiled by W. Cobbett.] 36 vols. 8vo. 1806-20 Cobbett's [afterwards Hansard's] Parliamentary debates, 1803-20. 41 vols. Svo. 1804-20 — New [the second] series, 1820-30. 25 vols. 8vo. 1820-30 — Third series, 1830-91. 356 vols. Svo. 1831-91 — Fourth series, 1892-1905. 151 vols. [In progress.'] 8vo. 1892-1905 — G-eneral index to the first and second series . . . 1803-30 : edited, by Sir J. Philippart. 8vo. 1834 — General indexes, Sessions 1865-88. 5 vols. Svo. 1865-87 [General indexes since 1888 are in the last volume of each Session.] Hahsard, John. A book of Entries of declarations and other pleadings in the most usual actions in the Court of King's Bench : to which are added, appeals of murder and mayheme. fol. 1685 Hansell, Edward William. See Williams, Sir Eoland L. B. Vaughan ; Bankruptcy Practice. Hanssn, Simon Friedrich. De jure Nobilitatis Lutheranse ad immediata Germanise Capitula et canonicatus. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Lipsiiv,l709 Hanson, Alfred. The Eevenue Acts of 1880 and 1881 (43 Vict. cap. 14, and 44 Vict. cap. 12), so far as they relate to the new death duties imposed in respect of personal estate . . . Svo. 1883 The acts relating to Estate, Legacy, Succession, and Probate duties. Fifth edition, by Sir L. T. Dibdin and F. H. L. Erringion. Svo. 1904 Hanway, Jonas. An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian Sea, with the author's journal of travels from England through Eussia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany, and Holland : to which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present century ; with the particular history of the great usurper Nadir Kouli, from his birth, in 1687, till his death, in 1747. Third edition. 2 vols. 4to. 1762 Defects of Police the cause of Immorality ; with various proposals for preventing hanging and transportation, likewise for the estab- lishment of several plans of police . . . observations on the Eev. Mr. Hetherington's charity, and tl^e most probable means of relieving the blind, 4to. 1775 HAP— HAE. 339 Happe, Gottlob Christian. De particulari territorio subinfeudato. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1736 [Harbin, George.] The hereditary right of the Crowu of England asserted ; the history of the succession since the conquest clear' d ; aiid the true English constitution vindicated from the misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's View and defence ... by a Grentleman. fol. 1713 [Pamphlets in answer to the above.] 1 vol. 8vo. 1714 1. Parliamentary right maintain'd : or, the Hanover succession justify'd. 2. The present constitution, and the Protestant succession vindicated . . . [by Mr. Will.] 3. The British liberty asserted ... by a Q-entleman. Haecarse, Lord. Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1681 to 1691. fol. Edinburgh, 1757 Harcourt, L. p. Vernon. See Welch, Charles ; London at opening of the twentieth century. Harcotjrt, Sir William Vernon. Letters, by Historicus, on some questions of International law : reprinted from " The Times," with additions. 8vo. 1863 A plan for the amendment of the law . . . [Tracts, vol. 19, No. 4.] 8vo. 1871 Hardcastle, Henry. The law and practice of Election Petitions . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1880 A treatise on the construction and effect of Statute Law . . . Third edition, by W. P. Craies. 8vo. 1901 Reports of Election cases. See O'Malley, Edward Loughlin. See also Bush by, Henry Jeffreys ; Election Law. Hardcastle, Mary Scarlett. Life of John, Lord Campbell ; consisting of a selection from his autobiography, diary, and letters. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881 Hardiman, James. Inquisitionum in officio rotulorum Cancellariae Hibernige asserva- tarum, repertorium. [Record Commission, No. 19.] Hardingham, George Gatton. The Republic of Cicero, translated. See Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Hardottin, Henri. Essai sur I'abolition de la Contrainte par Corps. 8vo. Paris, 1874 Harbres, Sir Thomas. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, in the years 1655-69. fol. 1693 x2 340 HAE. Hard WICK, Charles. Thomas of Elmham's Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. [Britain, No. 8.] Haedwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of. A discourse of the judicial authority belonging to the office of the Master of the EoUs in the High Court of Chancery. Second edition . . . with a preface, occasioned by a book, entitled, The Legal Judicature in Chancery stated, [by S. Burroughs]. 8vo. 1728 Cases temp. Hardwicke. Cases argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, 7th — 10th years of King George 11. : to which are added, some determinations of Lord Chief Justice Lee and two equity cases by Lord Hardwicke. fol. 1770 — Second edition, with notes, by T. Lee. 8vo. 1815' Miscellaneous State Papers, 1501-1726. 2 vols. 4to. 1778 Select cases determined in Chancery, by Lord Hardwicke, on the statute of mortmain. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 See also Ridgeway, William : West, Martin John. Haedt, Edward L. C. P. Chroniques de Jehan de Waurin. [Britain, Nos. 39, 40.] Hardy, Sir Thomas DufEus. A catalogue of Lords Chancellors, Keepers of the G-reat Seal, Masters of the Rolls, and principal officers of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. 1843 Memoirs of the Right Honourable Henry, Lord Langdale. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852 Catalogue of materials relating to British history, up to 1327. [Britain, No. 26.] Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London. [Record Commission, No. 11.] Gaimar Lestorie des Engles. [Britain, No. 91.] Modus tenendi Parliamentum. [Record Commission, No. 23.] Monumenta historica Britannica. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. [Britain, No. 62.] Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. [Record Commis- sion, No. 34.] Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Prsestitis, regnante Johanne. [Record Commission, No. 37.] Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, temp. Johannis. [Record Commission, No. 41.j Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londuionsi asservati, 1204- 27. [Record Commission, No. 38.] HAE. 341 Hardy, Sir Thomas Duff us — continued. Eotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, 1201-16. [Record Commission, No. 39.] Rotuli Normannise regn. Johanne et Henrico V. [Record Commis- sion, No. 40.] Syllabus of Kymer's Fcedera. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 2.] Hardy, Sir William. The Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster, translated . . . 8vo. 1845 Chroniques de Jehan de Waurin. [Britain, Nos. 39, 40.] Hardy, William John. State papers, domestic, William and Mary. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 14.] Hardy William John, and Page W. A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London and Middlesex, Richard I. to 11 & 12 Elizabeth. 2 vols. Bvo. 1892-93 Hardyng, John. Chronicle, containing an account of public transactions, from the earliest period of English history to the beginning of the reign of King Edward IV. ; with the continuation by Richard G-rafton, to the thirty-fourth year of King Henry VIII. : to which are added a bio- graphical and literary preface, and an index, by Sir H. Ellis. 4to. 1812 Hare, J. I. Clark. The Law of Contracts. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1887 American Constitutional Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1889 Hare, Thomas. Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before Sir J. Wigram, Sir G. J. Turner, and Sir W. Page Wood, (Vice- Chancellors) 1841-53 ; with historical preface, and a table of cases, and general index to the series. 11 vols. 8vo. 1843-58 Treatise on the Discovery of Evidence in the High Court of Justice . . . adapted to the Supreme Court of Judicature acts and rules, 1873 and 1875. Second edition, by S. Hare. 8vo. 1876 Hargrave, Francis. Collection of Tracts relative to the law of England, from manu- scripts, now first edited. 8vo. 1787 A treatise in three parts : 1. De Jure Maris et Brachiorum ejuBdem. 2. De Portibus Maris. 3. Concernins; the Custom of Goods imported and exported : from a MS. of Lord Chief Justice Hale. Considerations touching the amendment ov alterations of laws : by Lord Chief Justice Hale. Treatise of the Maisters of Chauncerie. Two pieces touching Suits in Chancery by subpoena. 342 HAE. Hargbavb, Francis — continued. Law Tracts — continued. A discourse concerning the Courts of King's Bench und Common Pleas : by Lord Chief Justice Hale. A discourse against the Jurisdiction of the King's Bench orer Wales by process of Latitat. The Abuses and Kemedies of Chauncerie : by G. Norburie. Concerning the effects of sentences of the Courts Ecclesiastical in cases of Marriage, when pleaded or offered in Evidence in tlie Courts Tem- poral : by the Editor. An argument in the Exchequer-Chamber on giving judgment in the case of Ferrin and Another v. Blake : by the Hon. Mr. Justice Blackstone. An argument by the editor on the Appeal from Chancery in the case of Messrs. Wicker and Sir Thomas and Lady Broughton against John Mitford, Esq., delivered at the Bar of the House of Lords, in June, 1732. Observations in the rule in Shelley's case ... by the editor. Collectanea Juridica. 2 vols. 8vo. 1791-92 Juridical Arguments and collections. 2 vols. 4to. 1797-99 Jurisconsult Exercitations. 3 vols. 4to. 1811-13 See also Coke, Sir Edward ; Institutes : Hale, Sir Matthew ; Juris- diction of the House of Lords. Hakgrave, John. See Jacob, Giles ; Law Grammar. Harinoton, Sir John. Nugse Antiques ; being a miscellaneous collection of original papers, in prose and verse, written in the reigns of Henry VIII , Mary, Elizabeth, James I. ... by Sir John Harington and others who lived in those times : selected from authentic remains by Henvy Harington. A new edition. 3 vols. 12mo. 1792 Harington, John Herbert. Analysis of the laws of Bengal. See Bengal. Harlan, Mr. Justice. See Behring Sea Arbitration. Harle, William Lockey. An argument on the inutility of the distinction between Barrister and Attorney ; addressed to the Lord Chancellor. [^Tracts, vol. 16, No. 2.] 8vo. 1851 Harleian Library. Catalogue of early English Miscellanies formerly in the Harleian Library. [^Camden Society, No. 87.] Harleian Manuscripts. Catalogue of the Harleian collection of MSS. in the British Museum. [^Record Commission, No. 9.] See also Catalogues, Library. HAR. 343 Hableian Miscellany. A collection of pamphlets and tracts, selected from the library of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford ; interspersed with historical, political, and critical annotations, by W. Oldys, and some additional notes, with two supplemental volumes, by T. Park : [with a classed catalogue of the treatises and index of subjects.] 10 vols. 8vo. 1808-13 Harley, Lady Brilliana. Letters of Lady Harley during the Civil War. [Camden Society No. 58.] Harnack, Adolph. History of Dogma : translated from the third German edition . . . 7 vols. 8vo. 1896-99 Harold, John. See Quain, Sir Richard ; Dictionary of Medicine. Harper, R. J. Ducatus LancastriaB. [Record Commission, No. 15.] Harpsfield, Nicholas, Archdeacon of Canterbury. Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica . . . adjecta brevi narratioue de divortio Henrici VIII. . . scripta ab Edmundo Campiano. . . fol. Duaci, 1622 Pretended divorce of Henry VIII. and Catharine. [Camden Society, neio series, No. 21.] Harrington, James. Oceana and other works ; collected, methodized, and review'd, with an account of his life prefix'd, by J. Toland: to which is added an appendix, containing all the political tracts wrote by this author, omitted in Mr. Toland' s edition. fol. 1737 Harris, Alexander. The (Economy of the Fleete. [Camden Society, new series. No. 25.] Harris, George. The four books of Justinian's Institutes, tran^ated into English ; with notes. Second edition. 4to. 1761 Harris, George. Civilization considered as a science ; in relation to its essence, its elements, and its end. Svo. 1861 The theory of the Arts : or, Ai*t in relation to nature, civilization, and man ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1869 A philosophical treatise on the nature and constitution of Man. 2 vols. Svo. 1876 344 HAR. Hakeis, James. Works : vvitli an account of his life and character, by his son, the Earl of Malmesbury. 2 vols. 4to. 1801 Hermes : or, a philosophical mquiry concerning universal G-rammar, Third edition. 8vo. 1771 Philosophical arrangements. 8vo. 1775 Philological inquiries, in three parts. 2 vols. 8vo. 1781 Haebis, John. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca : or, a complete collec- tion of voyages and travels. 2 vols. fol. 1705 Lexicon Technicum : or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, third edition, vol. 2, second edition.] fol. 1716-23 Haeeis, Joseph. Love's a lottery, and a w^ornan the prize ; with a new Masque, call'd Love and riches reconcil'd. 4to. 1699 Haeeis, Richard. Hints on Advocacy . . . Third edition. 12mo. 1880 The reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins, Baron Brampton. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904 Haeeis, Seymour F. The elements of Roman law summarized ; a concise digest of the matter contained in the Institutes of Gains and Justinian ; with references, chronological and analytical tables, lists of laws . . . 8vo. 1875 — Second edition. 8vo. 1889 Principles of the Criminal Law . . . Ninth edition, by C. L. Attenborough. 8vo. 1901 — Tenth edition by C. L. Attenborough. 8vo. 1904 Haeeis, William. An historical and critical account of the life and writings of James the First, King of, Great Britain. 8vo. 1753 An historical and critical account of the life and writings of Charles I. 8vo. 1758 An historical and critical account of the life of Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. 1762 An historical and critical account of the life of Charles the Second. 2 vols. 8vo. 1766 Haeeison, Benjamin. An historical inquiry into the true interpretation of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer, respecting the Sermon and the Communion Service. 8vo. 1845 HAB. UB Harbison, Frederic. Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. 1890 Chatham. 8vo. 1905 England and France. See International Policy. Harrison, G. H. de S. N. Plantagenet. Domesday Book (Middlesex portion), translated. See Domesday Book. Harrison, George L, Legislation on Insanity : a collection of all the Lunacy Laws of the states and territories of the United States, to the year 1883 inclusive; also the laws of England ou Insanity, legislation in Canada on private houses, and important portions of the lunacy laws of Germany, France, etc. Privately printed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884 Harrison, Joseph. Accomplished practiser in the High Court of Chancery. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1757 The practice of the High Court of Chancery : newly arranged, with the addition of the modem cases, by J. Newland. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1808 Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. 8vo. 1761 Practice of the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. 1761 Harrison, Octavian B. C. The Practice of the Sheriff's Court of the City of London, with forms . . . 8vo. 1860 Harrison Octavian B. C, and Eutherfurd Henry. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on appeal from the Court of Common Pleas, from Michaelmas term, 1865, to Trinity vacation, 1866. 8vo. 1868 Harrison, Robert. Catalogue of the London Library. See Catalogues, Library. Harrison S. B., and Wollaston F. L. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, and in the Bail Court, from Hilary term, 1835, to Michael- mas term, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836-37 Harrison, Thomas. Tryal of Thomas Harrison, clerk, for words spoken against Mr. Justice Hutton. See Hampden, John. Harrison, W. H. See Seton, Sir Henry Wilmot ; Judgments and Orders. 346 HAR. Harrison, William Montagu, See Diobt, Kenelm Digby ; History of the law of Real Property. Hart, Edward Louis de. See Abnould, Sir J. ; Marine Insurance : Smith, John William ; Mercantile law. Hart, H. G. See Army List. Hart, Henry Chichester. See Palestine Exploration. Hart, Horace. Charles Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University Press. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Hart, William Henry. Cartularium Monasterii de Ramseia. {Britain, No. 79.] Historia et cartularium Sancti Petri Grloucestrise. [Britain, No. 33.] Harte, Walter. History of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, simamed the Great. 2 vols. 4to. 1759 Habtman, Christian. Constitutio juris feudalis, qua vasallus prohibetur de bonis feudali- bus in testamento disponere. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Argentorati, 1672 Haetmann Hartmann, and WuRMSEit Bernhard. Practicarum observationum . . . libri ii. fol. Basilese, 1570 Hartwell House. Catalogue of the Law Library. See Catalo&tjes, Library. Hartzmatjn, Daniel Benjamin. De jure principum Protestantium circa solennia matrimonii ecclesiastica. [Gei'man University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Halx Magdeburgicss, 1734 Harvey, Daniel Whittle. Report of the proceedings, on the investigation before the Benchers of the Inner Temple, upon the application of D. W. Harvey to be called to the bar. 8vo. Chelmsford, 1834 Harvey, Gabriel. Letter-book, 1573-80. [Camden Society, new series, No. 33.] [Harvby, Mrs.] Chronicles of an Old Inn : or, a few words about Gray's Inn : by Andree Hope [mseud.']. 8vo. 1887 HAR— HATJ. 347 Haevet, William Charles. County Courts equitable jurisdiction. See GtIbbon, Henry Frederick. Harvet, William J. Genealogy of the family of Harvey . . . compiled from origina sources, with notes. Printed for private distribution only. 4to. 1889 Habwood, R. Gr. Charitable Trusts Acts. See Cooke, Hugh. Hass^us, Joachimus. Differentiae juris civilis et canonici. See Bockelmann, Johann Friedrich. Hassall, Arthur. See Stubbs, William; Introduction to Rolls series. Hastie, W. Outlines of the science of Jurisprudence ; an introduction to the systematic study of law: translated and edited from the juristic encyclopaedias of Puchta, Friedliinder, Falck, and Ahrens. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 See also Kant, Immanuel ; Philosophy of Law. Hatfield, Thomas de. Bishop of Durham. Bishop Hatfield's Survey : a record of the possessions of the See of Durham. [Surtees Society, No. 32.] Hatsell, John. Collection of cases of Privilege of Parliament, from the earliest records to the year 1628. 4to. 1776 Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons. 4 vols. [Vol. 1, second edition.] 4to. 1781-96 — New edition, with additions. 4 vols, in 2. 4to. 1818 Hatton, Charles Maitland, Lord. Letters written to James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1660-77. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Hatton, Edward, A new view of London : or, an ample account of that city . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1708 Hatton Coeeespondence. Correspondence of the family of Hatton, 1601-1704. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 22, 23.] Haubold, Christian Gottlieb. Opuscula academica : ad exenipla a defuncto recoguita partim emendavit, partim auxit, orationesque selectas nonduni editas adjecit Car. Frid. Christian Wenck. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsise, 1825-29 348 HAU— HAW. Haughton, Graves Cliamiiey. See Jones, Sir William ; Institutes of Hindu Law. Haugwitz, Augustus Adolpbus ab. De Lusatia. [^German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Budissime, 1689 Haus, Jacques Joseph. Observations sur le projet de revisiou du Code Penal presente aux Cbambres Beiges ; suivies d'un nouveau projet. 3 vols. 8vo. Gand, 1835-36 Hautefeuille, Laui'ent Basile. Histoire des origines,des progres,et des variations du Droit Maritime International. 8vo. Paris, 1868 Havemann, Michael. Gamologia synoptica, istud est tractatus de jure connubiorum. 4to. Francofurti, 1672 Haveefield, F. J. Extracts from the " Gentleman's Magazine " relating to Oxford, 1731-1800. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] Hawke, J. A. The Insane and the Law. See Pitt-Lewis, George. Hawke, Michael. The grounds of the lawes of England. 8vo. 1657 Hawkeswoeth, John. An account of the Voyages for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallace, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook . . . drawn up from the jounials which were kept by the several commanders, and froih the papers of Joseph Banks. 3 vols. 4to. 1773 See also Swift, Jonathan ; Letters, Works. Hawkins, Francis Vaughan. Treatise on the construction of Wills. 8vo. 1863 Digests and Codes, with reference to Law Reform. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Legal interpretation, with especial reference to Wills. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Hawkins, Sir Henry, Baron Brampton. Eeminiscences. See Haeeis, Richard. Hawkins, John Sidney. Ignoramus : Comcedia scriptore Georgio Ruggle, nunc denuo in lucem edita cum notis historicis et criticis ; quibus insuper prae- ponitur vita auctoris, et subjicitur glossarium. 8vo. 1787 HAW— HAY 349 Hawkins, William. Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown. fol. 1716 — Eighth edition, by J. Curwood. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 Abridgment of the First Part of Lord Coke's Institutes. Sixth edition. 12mo. 1742 Hawksfobd, Cyril V. The law of G-ambling. See CoLDRiDaE, Ward. Hat, Andrew. Diary, 1659-60. [Scottish History Society, No. 39.] Hay, Edward. History of the Insurrection of the county of Wexford, 1798; including an account of transactions preceding that event. 8vo. Dublin, 1803 Hatden, John J. Foam- Bells ; rhythmical trifles. Printed for private circulation. 8vo. Dublin, 1889 Chequy Sonnets, original and translated. Printed for private circu- lation. 8vo. Halifax, 1898 Haydn, Joseph. Universal index of Biography, from the Creation to the present time : edited by J. B. Payne. Svo. 1870 The Book of Dignities . . . founded on Beatson's political index (1806), continued to the present time, with additional lists, and an index, by H. Ockerby. Svo. 1890 Dictionary of Dates . . . Twenty-third edition. 8vo. 1904 Haydon, Frank Scott. Eulogium Historiarum (usq. a.d. 1413). [Britain, No. 9.] Hayes, Edmund. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, 1830-32. 8vo. Dublin, 1837 Hayes Edmund, and Jones Thomas. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, 1832-34. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 Hayes, William. An inquiry into the effect of Limitations to Heirs of the body in Devises; with remarks on the doctrine of Equity concerning doubtful titles, and titles acquired by the destruction of contingent remainders. Svo, 1824 360 HAT. Hates, William — continued. Principles for expounding dispositions of Real Estate to ancestor and heirs in tail, parent and issue, and solvinsj the question, " Whether the first taker is tenant for life or in tail?" with an ele- mentary essay, and dissertations on several of Mr. Fearne's doctrines ; and analytical tables of cases, precedents, and notes. 8vo. 1829 A popular view of the law of Real Property, with an application of its principles to the important measure of a general register ; showing what changes in the system a register is calculated to produce. Svo. 1831 An elementary view of the Common Law, Uses, Devises, and Trusts, with reference to the creation and Conveyance of Estates. Svo. 1840 Introduction to Conveyancing, and the new statutes concerning Eeal Property ; with precedents and notes. Fifth edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1840 " Fi'ee trade in land." Comments on the speech of Professor Fawcett, at Brighton, on the 27th January, 1868, as respects some passages in reply to the letters of " A Hertfordshire Incumbent," and others, in the Times. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 4.] Svo. 186S Hayes' Concise Conveyancer : with precedents adapted to the new conveyancing act. Fourth edition, by W. B. Coltman. Svo. 1882 Hates William, and Jarman Thomas. Concise forms of Wills. Twelfth edition, bv J. B. Matthews. Svo. 1905 Hatmen, Thomas. Digesta juris Saxonici, oder VoUstandiger Auszug der Ssichsischen Rechte . . . Svo. Leipzig, 1734 Hatnemann, Christian Ehrenreich. De Laudemio . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsise, 1734 Hatnes, Freeman Oliver. Outlines of Equity ; being a series of elementary lectures on Equity Jurisdiction, with supplementary lectures on certain doctrines of equity, and observations on the defence of purchase for valuable consideration without notice. Fifth edition. Svo. 1880 Hatnes, John F. The practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, and on appeal therefrom. Svo. 1879 Hatward, Abraham. Report of the proceedings before the Judges, as visitors of the Inns of Court, on the appeal of A. Hay ward. Svo. 1848 Hatward, Sir John. Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Camden Society, No. 7.] HAZ— HEA. 361 Hazlitt, William. The Eegistration of Deeds in England : its past progress and present position ; with an analysis of Lord Campbell's Bill for the registra- tion of assurances . . . [_Tracts, vol. 18, No. 4.] 8vo. 1851 Hazlitt William, and Eoche Henry Philip. The Bankruptcy Act, 1861 . . . 12mo. 1861 Hazlitt, William Carew. Catalogue of early English Miscellanies, formerly in the Harleian Library. [Camden Society, No. 87.] See also Blount, Thomas ; Tenures of Land : Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de ; Essays : Warton, Thomas ; History of English Poetry. Healet C. E. H. Chadwyck, Wheeler Percy F., and Burnet Charles. A treatise on the law and practice relating to Joint Stock Companies under the Acts of 1862-90, with forms and precedents. Third edition. 8vo. 1894 Heard, Franklin Fiske. Leading cases in Criminal Law. See Bennett, Edmund H. See also Star Chamber Cases : Wallace, John William ; The Eeporters. Hearn, William Edward. The Aryan Household, its structure and its development; an introduction to comparative jurisprudence. 8vo. 1879 The Government of England : its structure and its development. Second edition. 8vo. 1887 Hearne, Thomas. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. 1810 Vols. 1, 2. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle. 3, 4. Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. Ductor historicus : or, a short system of universal history . . . 2 vols. [Vol. ] , third edition : vol. 2, fourth edition.] 8vo. 1714-23 A collection of curious discourses, written by eminent antiquaries, upon several heads in our English Antiquities . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1771 Eemarks and Collections, 1705-19. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 2, 7, 13, 34, 42, 43.] Liber Niger Scaccarii. See William of Worcester. [Heath, Benjamin.] A revisal of Shakespear's text ; wherein the alterations introduced into it by the more modern editors and critics, are particularly con- sidered, 8vo. 1765 3&2 HEA— HEI. Heath, Douglas Denon. Works of Francis Bacon. See Bacon, Francis. Heath, Sir Robert. Maxims and rules of Pleading in actions, real, personal and mixt, popular and penal. 8vo. 1694 Speech in the case of Alexander Leighton, in the Star Chamber, 1630. [Camden Society ^neiv series, JN'o. 14.] Hebek, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta. See Taylor, Jeremy ; Works. Hechtitjs, G-odefridus. Res memorabiles perantiquae Saxonum urbis lutreboei. [German University Tracts, vol. 18.] • 4to, Wittemhergse, 1707 De Coenobiis Germanise rerum gestarum tabulariis. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Wittemhergse, 1715 De duobus iisqne novis ejus Britannicis leonum insignibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Wittemhergse, 1715 De Henrici Guelii, Boioarise et Saxonise Ducis, insignibus gentilitiis unde leonis elogium tulit. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Wittemhergse, 1715 Hedaya. The Hedaj'a or G-uide ; a commentary on the Mussulman laws : translated, by order of the Governor-General aud Council of Bengal by C. Hamilton. Second edition . . . by S. G. Grady. Bvo. 1870 Hepfter, August Wilhelm. Le Droit International de I'Europe, tradait par J. Bergson. Troisieme edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1873 — Quatrieme edition francaise, augmentce et annotee par F. H. Geffcken. ' 8vo. Berlin, 1883 Heiden, Rudolph. De superioritate Principum Imperii. [German University Tracts. vol. 9.] 4to. Jense, 1657 Heilbbonner, Friedrich. De superioritate territoriali civitatum imperialium. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Jense, 1709 Heineccius, Johann G-ottlieb. Opusculorum variorum sylloge ... 2 vols. 12mo. Venetiis, 1748 Prselectiones academicae in Sam. Pufendorfii de officio hominis et civis libros ii. Prselectiones in Hugonis Grotii de jure belli et pads libros III. [Bound in one volume.'] 12mo. Venetiis, 1769-71 Ad legem Jutiam et Papiam Poppseam commentarius. 12mo. Venetiis, 1770 HEI— HEM. 363 Hbinecctus, Johann Gottlieb — continued. Elementa juris Germanici, turn veteris turn hodierni . . . 2 vols. 12mo. Venetiis, 1770 Elementa philoeophiae rationalis et moralis, praemissa est historia philosophica. Fundamenta stili cultioris. [Bound in one volume.} 12mo. Venetiis, 1781-92 Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Pandectarum . . . 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1791 Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Institutionum . . . 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Venetiis, 1815 — Emendata, correcta/suppleta a Christ. Gottlob Bienero. 8vo. Edinhurgi, 1822 Eecitationes in Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Institu- tionum : accedunt Jo. Christ. Gottl. Heineccii commentarius de vita, fatis ac scriptis B. parentis ; Christiani Thomasii delineatio historisB juris, nee non B. Gottelf. Struvii Bibliotheea juris selectis- sima, cum notis Hen. Contelmanni ... 2 vols, in 1. Venetiis, 1815 Eesponsa juris super feudis Langharum Pot. Sardin. Regi cessis, et super tabulis supremis TJsimbardianis. Elementa juris naturae et gentium. [Bound in one volume.} 12mo. Venetiis, 1792-1802 Antiquitatum Eomanorum jurisprudentiam illustrantium syntagma secundum ordinem Institutionum Justiniani digestum . . . Editio quinta. 8vo. Leovardim et Franequerss, 1777 — Another edition. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1797 Brissonius de verborum significatione. See Brisson, Barnabe. Hblbronneb, Horace. Le Barreau d'Angleterre : discours prononce a la Conference Paillet [du Barreau de Paris]. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 5.] 8vo. Paris, 1868 H^LiE, Faustin. Codes fran9ais et lois usuelles ; Les Codes annotes de Sirey. See Codes, France. See also Eevtje de Legislation et de Jubisprudence, Hkltooland. Ordinances, 1888-89. fol. [1888-89] Hblldorff, Georg Friederich von. De jure expectativse. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Argentorati, 1666 Heltas. The Knight of the Swanne : here beginneth the history of the noble Helyas, Knight of the Swanne . . . [Thoms's Early English prose romances, vol. 3.] 8vo. 1858 Hemming, George W. Eeports of Chancery cases. See Johnson, Henry Eobert Vaughan. 384 HEM— HEN. Hemming George W., and Miller Alexander Edward. Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before Sir William Page Wood, Vice -Chancellor, 1862 to 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864-66 Hemming, Harry Baird. See Sebastian, Lewis Boyd ; Law of Trade Marks. Hi;NAFLT, Charles Jean Fran9ois. Nouvel abrege chronologique de I'histoire de France ; contenant les evenemens de notre histoire, depuis Clovis jusqu'a [la mort de] Louis XIV. Sixi^me edition. 2 vols. 12ino. Paris, 1761 Hendbn, Sir Edward. See Conveyancing ; The perfect conveyancer. Henderson Alexander Edward, Gillespie David, and Johnston Henry. Analytical Digest of cases decided in the supreme courts of Scotland and, on appeal, by the House of Lords, from July 20, 1867, to July 20, 1877, compiled from the Session cases, with references to the Scottish Jurist and Justiciary Reports. Svo. Edinburgh, 1878 Henderson, Ernest F. Select historical documents of the Middle Ages. 8vo. 1896 Henderson, Gilbert S. Tagore Law Lectures, 1887 : law relating to Testamentary Devise as administered in India ; or the law relating to Wills in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1889 Indian Code of Criminal Procedure. See Agnew, William Fischer. Henderson, William George. The York manual. [Surtees Society, No. 63.] The York missal. [Surtees Society, Nos. 59, 60.] The York pontifical. [Surtees Society, No. 61.] Hendlet, [William]. Tryal and conviction of the Rev. Mr. Hendley, for preaching a charity- sermon at Chisselhurst . . . Svo. 1719 Hbnprey, Henry William. A guide to the study of English Coins from the Conquest to the present time : edited iby C. F. Keary. Svo. 1891 Hengham, Sir Ralph de. Hengham Magna and Hengham Parva, /See Fortbscue, Sir Johnj De Laudibus Legum Angliee, HEN. 355 Hbxnbqttin, J. F. G. Dictionnaire de Maxitnes : ou, choix de maximes, pensees, sentenoes, reflexions et definitions. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Hbnnessy, William M. Annals of Loch Ce (1041-1590). [Britain, No. 51.] Chronicum Scotorum (usq. a.d. 1150). [Britain, No. 46.] Henningius, Gottlobius Erdmannus. De rebus gestis Germanorum. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Lipsise, 1693 Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of Charles I. Letters to Charles I. [Camden Society, No. 63.] Madame de Motteville's memoir of Henrietta Maria. [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] Memoirs of the mission in England of the Capuchin friars in the service of Queen Henrietta Maria. See Williams, Robert Folkestone. Henkt II. Chronicle of the reign of Henry II. [ Britain, Nos. 49, 82.] Pipe Rolls, second — eleventh years of the reign of Henry II. [Fipe Boll Society : Record Commission, No. 28.] Life of Henry II. See Green, Alice Stopford : Ltttleton, George, Lord. Henry III. Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III. [Britain, No. 27.] State papers of the reign of Henry III. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 22, 33, 34, 35, 86.] Henry IV. Expeditions to Prussia and Holy Land. [Camden Society, new series. No. 52.] Royal and historical letters during the reign of Henry IV. [Britain, No. 18.J State papers of the reign of Henry IV. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 8, 33, 34.] Henry V. Memorials of Henry V. of England. [Britain, No. 11.] State papers of the reign of Henry V. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 8, 33.] Henry VI. Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France, during the reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. [Britain, No. 22.] Memorials of the reign of Henry VI. [Britain, No. 56.] State papers of the reign of Henry VI. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 4, 33.] Y 2 356 HEN. Henry VII. Letters and papers illustrative of the reign of Henry VII. [Britain, No. 24.] Materials for a history of the reign of Henry VII. [Britain, No. 60.] Memorials of the reign of Henry VII. [Britain, No. 10.] Papal Bull on marriage with Elizabeth of York. [Camden Society, No. 39.] State papers of the reign of Henry VII. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 7, 31, 33.] History of the reign of Henry VII. See Bacon, Francis. Life of. See Gairdner, James. Henry VIII. State papers of the reign of Henry VIII. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 9, 21, 23, 33 : Becord Commission, No. 49.] The pretended Divorce between Henry VIII. and Catharine of Aragon. [Camden Society, new series, No. 21.] Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries. See Gasqitet, F. A. Privy purse expenses of King Henry the Eighth, 1629-32. See Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. History of the reign of Henry VIII. See Bacon, Francis, Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon. History of the English, from e.g. 55 to a.d. 1154. [Britain, No. 74 : Becord Commission, No. 24.] See also Savile, Henry ; Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. Henry, Jabez. The Judgment of the Court of Demerara, in the case of Odwin v. Forbes ... to which is prefixed a treatise on the difference between Personal and Eeal Statutes, and its effect on Foreign judgments and contracts, marriages and wills ; with an appendix on the present law of France respecting foreigners. 8vo. 1823 Henry, Eobert. History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar [to the death of Henry VIII.]. Sixth edition. 12 vols. 8vo. 1823 — Continuation, from the death of Henry VIII. to the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the crown of England, by J. P. Andrews. 2vols. 8vo. 1796 Henry Benedict Maria Clement, Cardinal York. Diario per I'auno mdcclxxxviii di Enrico Benedetto, Cardinale Duca di Yorck , . . ora prima stampato da un manuscritto nella biblioteca di Orazio, Conte di Orford. 4to. 1876 Henry of Lancaster. Account of the expenses of Henry of Lancaster, 1292-93. [Camden Society, No. 56.] HEN— HER. 357 Henson, H. H. Letters relating to Oxford in the 14th century. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 5.] Herbert, Charles. See Gtrotius, Hugo ; Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence. Herbert, Thomas Arnold. The history of the law of Prescription in England. 8vo. 1891 Herbert, William. Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery . . . with a concise history of the English law. 4to. 1804 — Another edition. 8vo. 1804 History of the twelve great Livery Companies of London . . . with an historical essay, and accounts of each company, including notices and illustrations of metropolitan trade and commerce, as originally concentrated in those societies, and of the language, manners, and expenses of ancient times ; with attested copies and translations of the companies' charters. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836-37 Herbert, William de Bracy. See Evans, William ; the law relating to the Remuneration of Commission Agents. Herbert of Bosham. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britain., No. 67.] Herbert of Cherbttrt, Edward, Lord. Life . . . written by himself, and continued to his death [by Sir Walter Scott] ; with letters written during his residence at the French court : [edited by Horace Walpole,] 8vo. 1826 Hbrbst, Hildebrand Heinrich. De regia ac Csesarea Chuonradi II. electione ac coronatione. [German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Helmstadii, 1719 Hbeing, Johann Samuel. De servitiis feudalibus vasallorum Pomeraniae orientalis. [ German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Franco/., 1706 Hermes. See Harris, James. Heene, John. The Pleader ; containing perfect presidents and formes of declara- tions in all kinds of actions, reall, personall, and mixt. fol. 1667 The law of Conveyances . . . with an exposition of divers obscure words and terms of law used in ancient records . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1668 The law of Charitable Uses ; wherein the statute of 43 Eliz. c. 4, is set forth and explained. Second edition. 12mo. 1663 368 HER— HES. Heron, D. Caulfield. Introduction to the history of Jurisprudence. 8to. 1860 Hereera y Tordesillas, Antonio de. > The general history of the vast continent and islands of America, commonly call'l^ the West-Indies, from the first discovery thereof . . . translated into English, by John Stevens. Second edition. 6 vols. 8vo. 1740 Hereero, Sabino. El Codigo Civil Espanol. See Codes, Spain. Herrtage, Sidney J. H. Catholicon Anglicum : an English-Latin Word book, dated 1483. l^Camden Society, new series, No. 30.] Herschell, Farrer, Lord. Eights and Duties of an Advocate : being an address delivered to the Glasgow Juridical Society ... on the 17th December, 1889. 8vo. Glasgow, 1890 Hertius, Johannes Nicolaus. De fide diplomatum Germanise Imperatorum et Eegum. {^German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. 1736 Hertius, Ludovicus Ernestus. De subjectione territoriali. [Oerman University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Gissas-Hassorum, 1698 Hertslet, Edward. The Map of Europe by treaty, showing the various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the general peace of 1814, with maps and notes. 3 vols. Svo. 1875 Heetzoger, Martinus. Eegalia. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Francofurti,1698 Hervet, Lord Francis. The Burials question . . . [Burial Bill Tracts, No. 4.] Svo. [1876] Hesset, James Augustus, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Sermons. 1 vol. 8vo. 1860-79 G-od's Guardianship of the Church, of England against Rome : a Sermon preached in the Chapel at Gray's-Inn.Kovember 10th, 1850. Published by request of the Benchers. The restoration of Holy places: a Sermon preached May 4, 1862, in the Chapel of the Hon. Society of Gray's-Iiin. Published by desire of the Benchers. The artist a great and moral teacher : a Sermon delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, October 12, 1873, on the occasion of the funeral of Sir Edwin Landseer. Printed by request. The Inn of Court and its Chapel : a farewell Sermon in the Chapel of Q-ray's Inn, July 27, 1879 [with list of Preachers to the Society A.D. 1574-1879], Publishtd by desire of the Benchers. HES— HEY. 369 Hesset, James Augustus, Preacher of Gray's Inn — continued. The texts and subjects of the morning sermons at the Chapel of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, 1850-1879. MS. 4to. [1850-79] Bampton Lectures. Sunday : its origin, history, and present obliga- tion, considered in eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1860. 8vo. 1860 Moral difficulties connected with the Bible ; being eight lectures on the foundation of the Hon. Robert Boyle, preached in her Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall, 1871. 8vo. 1871 Boyle Lectures. Moral difficulties connected with the Bible ; being the Bojle lectures for 1871, 1872, 1873, preached in her Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall. 3 vols. 12mo. 1871-73 The cheering prospects of the Church : a charge delivered to the Clergy, Churchwardens and Sidesmen of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, at his eighth visitation, held at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, May 18th, 1886. 8vo. 1886 [HETHEKINaTON, E.] Index to the Periodical Literature of the World, covering the years 1892-95. 4 vols. 4to. 1893-96 Hbtlet, Sir Thomas. Reports of cases taken in the third — seventh years of King Charles I., as they were argued by most of the King's Sergeants at the Common Pleas barre. fol. 1657 Heulbin, Johann Albert. De filiis electorum. {German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Jense, 1711 Heumann, H. G. Handlexicon zu den Quellen des Eomischen rechts. Sechste auflage. 8vo. Jena, 1884 Hewitt, Edgar Percy. See Kebb, William Williamson ; Law of Injunctions. Hewitt, Thomas. A treatise on the law relating to Corporation Duty, or the duty on the income of the property of bodies corporate and unincorporate ; an examination of the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1885, with especial reference to claims for exemption . . . 8vo. 1892 Hewlett, Henry G. The Flowers of History, by Roger de Wendover. [Britain, No. 84.] Hetdeneeich, Gottlob Heinrich. De Auatregis Conventionalibus serenissimse domus Saxonise. [ Ger- man University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Jenae, 1720 360 HEY— Hia Heyltn, Peter. The historic of . . . St. George of Cappadocia . . . The institution of the , . . order of S. George, named the Garter, and a catalogue of all the Knights thereof . . . Second edition. 4to. 1633 Hetthusen, F. M. van. See Van Heythusen. Hetwood, George Washington. The jurisdiction and practice of the County Courts, exclusive of Admiralty and Bankruptcy. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1886 Hetwood, Samuel. A digest of the law respecting County Elections . . . 8vo. 1790 A digest of the law respecting Borough Elections . . . 8vo. 1797 Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of the early part of the reign of James the Second. 4to. 1811 Dissertation upon the distinctions in society, and ranks of the people, under the Anglo-Saxon Governments. 8vo. 1818 HiCKBS, George. Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesaurus Grammatico-Criticus et ArchsBologicus. 3 vols. fol. Oxoniae, 1703-05 HiCKiN, John. The trial . . . between John Allen, plaintiff, and Frederick Waller and John Shaw, defendants. See Allen, John. HiEBONTTtfus, Eusebius, Sanctus. Opera omnia quae extant. Editio novissima . . . 9 vols, in 3. fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1616 Higden, Ealph. Polycronycon. [Imprented in Southwerke by my Peter Treveris at y^ expences of John Eeynes boke seller at the synge of saynt George in Poules chyrchyarde. The yere of our lorde god M.CCCCC. and xxvii. the xvi. daye of Maye. Title-page and colophon wanting.] fol. London, 1527 — Eanulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis ; together with the English translations of John Trevisa, and of an unknown writer of the 15th Century. [Britain, No. 41.] Higden, William. The constitution, laws, and government of England, vindicated in a letter to the Rev. William Higden on account of his View of the English constitution ... by a natural born subject. 8vo. 1709 A view of the English constitution with respect to the sovereign authority of the Prince and the allegiance of the subject ... to which is added a defence, by way of reply to the several answers that have been made to it. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1716 See also Gandy, Henry : Habbin, George. HIG—HIL. 361 HiGGiNs, A. Pearce. The Hague Conference and otlier international conferences con- cerning the laws and usages of war : texts of conventions, with notes. 8vo. 1904 HiGQiNS, Clement. Treatise on the law relating to the pollution and obstruction of Watercourses ; together with a brief summary of the various sources of rivers pollution. 8vo. 1877 HiGGiNS Clement, and Jones Gr. Edwardes. Digest of the law and practice of Letters Patent for Inventions, including the statutes and all cases decided from the passing of the statute of monopolies to October, 1890. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 HiGGiNS, Joseph Napier. On the principles which ought to regulate the interference of the State with property held by public bodies or for public purposes. [Juridical Society, vol, 1.] HiGHMORE, Anthony. A succinct view'of the history of Mortmain, and the Statutes relative to Charitable TTses. 8vo. 1787 Treatise on the law of Idiocy and Lunacy ; with an appendix con- taining the practice of the Court of Chancery on this subject. 8vo. 1807 HiGHMORE, Nathaniel Joseph. Summary proceedings in Inland Eevenue cases in England and Wales. Second edition. 8vo. 1887 The Excise laws ; a practical arrangement of the laws relative to the excise and to the stamp duties on cards and medicines, together with acts relating to licences granted by Justices . . . Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 The Stamp Laws, being the Stamp Act of 1891 : with acts amending and extending the same, including the Fmance Act, 1902, together with other acts imposing or relating to stamp duties on instruments, or granting exemptions from stamp duties, and notes of the decided cases ; also an introduction and an appendix con- taining tables showing the comparison with the antecedent law. Second edition. 8vo. 1902 Hill, Gerard Eobert. Appeals from Justices. See Scholefield, Joshua. Hill, James. Trial (at large) of James Hill, otherwise James Hind, otherwise James Actzen, for . . . setting fire to the Eope-House in His Majesty's Dockyard at Portsmouth, March, 1777 . . . [Bound with Ferrers, Earl, Trial of.] fol. 1777 HIL— HIS. Hill, James. Treatise on the law relating to Trustees ; their powers, duties, privileges, and liabilities. 8vo. 1845 HiNCHLiFPE, Henry John. Some rules of practice for the Vice- Admiralty Court of Jamaica : to which are added, a digest and notes. 8vo. 1813 HiNDE, Hodgson. Symeonis Dunelmensis opera. [^Surtees Society, No. 51.] HiNDE, Eobert. Modern practice of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. 1786 HiNDMAECH, William Matthewson. Treatise on the law relating to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions, and the practice of obtaining letters -patent for inventions. 8vo. 1846 Observations on the defects of the Patent Laws of this country ; with suggestions for the reform of them. [Tracts, vol. 21, No. 1.] 8vo. 1851 Hindu Law Books. The Vyavahara Mayukha, translated by Borrodaile ; the Daya Bhaga of Jiraiita Vahama and the Law of Inheritance, from the Mitakshara, translated by Colebrooke ; the Dattaka Mimansa and the Dattaka Chandrika, translated by Sutherland : edited, with notes and an index, by Whitley Stokes. Bvo. Madras, 1865 HiNGESTON, Francis Charles. Capgrave's Chronicle of England (to the year 1417). [Britain, No. 1.] Capgrave's Liber de lUustribus Henricis. [Britain, No. 7.] Eoyal and historical letters during the reign of Henry IV. [Britain, No. 18.] HiEST, Henry Edward. See Chitty, Edward ; Equity Index. HiSTOEICAL MaNUSCEIPTS COMMISSION. Eeports (first-sixteenth) of the Commissioners on Historical Manuscripts ; with appendices and indices. 9 vols. fol. 98 vols. 8vo. [In progress.] 1870-1904 HiSTOEICAL EeGHSTEE. The Historical Eegister, containing an impartial relation of all transactions, both civil and military, foreign and domestick ; with a chronological diary of the most remarkable events and publick occurrences, 1714-38 : with the characters and pareutage of persons of eminent rank who departed this life during that time. 25 vols. 8vo. 1716-38 HiSTOEicus, pseud. See Haecouet, Sir William Vernon. HIS— HOB 363 History, Universal. An universal history, from the earliest account of time . . . 7 vols, in 9. [Vol. 1, second edition.] fol. 1737-60 The modem part of the universal history ... 16 vols. fol. 1759-65 Hjaltalin, Ion A. Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. See Cataloghjes, Library. Hobart, Sir Henry. Eeports (K.B.), 1603-26. fol. 1658 HoBBATNE, William, From the Eeports on Hobbayne's Charity. See Sharpb, Montagu. HoBBES, Thomas. English Works : now first collected and edited by Sir W. Molesworth. 11 vols. 8vo. 1839-45 Leviathan : or, the matter, form, and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civile. fol. 1661 Aristotle's Art of rhetoric, translated. See Aristotle. Behemoth : the history of the causes of the Civil Wars of England See Maseres, Francis ; Select tracts. HoBHOUSE, Arthur, Lord. On the Forfeiture of Property by married women . . . [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 4] 8vo. 1870 HoBHOusE, Henry. Local G-ovemment. See Wright, Sir Robert Samuel. HoBSON, John. Journal, 1725-26—1734-35. [Surtees Society, No. 66.] HoBT, Sir Thomas. Travels and life of Sir Thomas Hoby, 1547-64. [Camden Society, third series, No. 4.] HocKER, William. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. See Catalogues, Library. Hocking, Henry Hicks. Essay on the Preservation of Commons; dealing with the legal and historical aspects of the question. See Commoks. Hodges, John George. Report of the proceedings under the Treason Felony act, 11 Vict, c. 12, at the Commission Court, Green Street, Dublin, August and October, 1848. 8vo. Dublin, 1848 364 HOD— HOG. Hodges, Sir William. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, from Hilary term, 1835, to Michaelmas term, 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. 1836-39 A treatise on the law of Eailway Companies, and Railway Invest- ments. Seventh edition by J. M. Lely. 2 vols. 8vo. 1888-89 Eeports of Queen's Bench cases. See Arnold, Thomas James: WiLLMOBE, Graham. HoEPEB, Dr. Nouvelle Biographie Universelle. 46 vols, in 23. 8vo. Paris, 1852-77 HoESCHBLiTis, D. See Photius ; Myriobiblon. HoET, John Cashel. See Plunket, William Conyngham, Lord; Speeches. HoPFBAUEB, Johann Christoph. Medecine legale relative aux aliends et aux sourds-muets . . . traduit de I'allemand . . . par A.-M. Chambeyron, avec des notes par MM. Esquirol et Itard. 8vo. Paris, 1827 Hoffmann, Christian Gottfried. Specimen conjecturarum politicarum de origine et natura legum Germanicarum . . . 4to. Lipsias, 1715 Historia juris Eomano-Justinianei ; volumini primo, prsemittitur Christian! Thomasii delineatio historiae juris civilis, accessitque Franc. Hottomani Antitribonianus ; volumini secundo, item acces- serunt Caroli Breti Ordo perantiquus judiciomm, Renatique Bot- tereau Hadrianus legislator. 2 vols. 4to. Lijpsiae^ 171S-27 Hoffmann, Johann Jacob. Lexicon universale, historiam sacram et profanam omnis aevi, omniumque gentium, chronologiam, geographiam genealogiam, mythologiam omnemque antiquitatem . . . explanans. 4 vols. fol. Lugduni, 1698 Hoffmann, Johann Wilhelm. Meletematum academicorum ad Pandectas semestria duo . . . 4to. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1735 Disputationes ex Historia Germanica. \_German University Tracts, Tol. 14.] 4to. 1739 Hog, Sir Eoger. See Haecabse, Lord. HoGAN, William. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Rolls Courts in Ireland, during the time of the Right Hon. Sir W. MacMahon, Master of the Rolls, [1816-34.] 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1828-38 HOH— HOL. 365 HoHMANN, Theodor August. De incorporatione allodii in feudum regale . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsiee, 1728 HoLBOURNE, Sir Robert. Readings upon the Statute of 25 Edw. III. cap. 2, being the Statute of Treasons : to which is added, cases of prerogative, treason, misprision of treason, felony, written by the Right Hon. Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam. 12ino. 1681 HoLBEOOKB, Frederick. Rymer's Foedera. [Record Commission, No. 47.] HoLDEREiEDEE, Johauucs Lorenz. De successione legitunatorum per nuptias exsule in feudis . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsife, 1734 HoLDSWOKTH William Searle, and Vickers Charles William. The law of Succession, testamentary and intestate. 8vo. Oxford, 1899 HoLiNSHED, Ralph. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. [Title wanting and two pages defective in each volume.^ 2 vols. fol. 1587 — [Reprint.] 6 vols. 4to. 1807-08 Holland, Philemon. See Camden, William ; Britannia. Holland, Spencer L. A summary of the Ecclesiastical Courts Commission's Report : and of Dr. Stubbs' historical reports ; together with a review of the evidence before the commission. , 8vo. 1884 Holland, Thomas Erskine. The Institutes of Justinian, edited as a recension of the Institutes of Gains. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 The European Concert in the Eastern Question; a collection of treaties and other public acts, with introductions and notes. 8vo. Oxford, 1885 A manual of Naval Prize law. 8vo. 1888 The elements of Jurisprudence. Eighth edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1896 — Ninth edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1900 The University of Oxford in the twelfth century. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] See also Q-bntilis, Albericus ; De jure Belli, 366 HOL. Holland Thomas Erskine, and Shadwell Charles Lancelot. Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 HoLLES, Denzil, Lord. See Hollis. HoLLiDAT, John. The life of William, late Earl of Mansfield. 4to. 1797 HOLLINGSHEAD, John. Illustrated catalogue of the industrial department of the Inter- national Exhibition, London, 1862. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862 Hollis, Denzil, Lord. The grand question concerning the Judicature of the House of Peersi stated and argued. 12mo. 1669 The case stated of the Jurisdiction of the House of Lords in the point of Impositions. 12mo. 1676 Memoirs of Lord Holies. See Maseees, Francis ; Select tracts. See also Hunt, T. ; Eights of the Bishops. HoLMAN, Herbert. A handy book for Shipowners and Masters. Third edition, 8vo. 1892 Holmes, Charles Arbuthnot. Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. See GtRIFfith, William Downes. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, jun. The Common Law. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1881 Holmes, Eichard E. Queen Victoria. fol. 1897 HoLKOYD, Edward. Observations upon the case of Abraham Thornton, who was tried at Warwick, August 8th, 1817, for the murder of Mary Ashford; shewing the danger of pressing presumptive evidence too far; together with the only true and authentic account, yet published, of the evidence given at the trial . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1819 HoLSTENius, Lucas. Porphyrii Opera. See Epictetus. Holt, Francis Ludlow. The law of Libel ; containing a general history of this law in the Ancient Codes, and of its introduction and successive alterations in the law of England. Second edition. 8vo. 1816 Eeports of cases ruled and determined at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas, and on the Northern Circuit, from Trinity term, 1815, to Michaelmas terra, 1817: to which are added, notes upon the most important subjects of commercial and general law. 8vo. 1818 HOL— HOM. 367 Holt, Sir John. A report of all the cases detei'miiied by Sir John Holt, from 1688 to 1710, taken from an original manuscript of T. Farresley ; also several cases in Chancery and the Exchequer Chamber, fol. 1738 The judgments delivered by the Lord Chief Justice Holt, in the case of Ashby v. White and others, and J. Paty and others ; printed from original manuscripts, with an introduction. 8vo. 1837 HoLTHOUSE, Henry James. A new Law dictionary : to which is added, an outline of an action at law, and of a suit in Equity. 8vo. 1839 HoLTiCH, Christian Wilhelm. De Praerogativis Principum Sacri Eomani Imperii. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Bostochi, 1698 HOLTIXJS, — . Themis, ou bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. HoLTz, Johann Christian. Problema Juris Publici de vetustatis auxilio reipublicae, quo ad im- munitates a collectis non opponendo, consensu magnifici Ictorum, ordinis, in auditorio Ictorum proponet. [German University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsixj 1726 Holt Communion, The. The form and manner of consecrating and administering the Holy Communion, according to the Liturgy of King Edward VI. [Re- printed from the Folio of 1549.] Svo. 1818 HoLTOKE, Francis. Rider's Dictionarie, corrected and augmented . . . whereunto is joyned, a dictionarie etymologicall. 4to. 1633 HoLzscHUHERUs, Sigismuudus Jacobus. De statuum imperii potestate legislatoria, contra jus commune. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Halae Magdehurgicse, 1703 Home, Henry. See Kamks, Lord. HOMEE. Odjssea, Greece et Latine : edidit, annotationesque ex notis non- nullis manuscriptis a .Samuele Clarke deiuncto relictis, partim coUectas, adjecit Samuel Clarke. . . Editio tertia. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasguse, 1799 llias, Graece et Latine : annotationes in usum Serenissimi Prmcipis Gul. Augusti, Duois de Cumberland, Eegio jussu scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke. Editio tertia decima. 2 vols. 8vo. 1802 The Iliad of Homer (translated) ; with notes : by W. G. T. Barter. 8vo. 1854 The Iliad of Homer, rendered into English blank verse by Edward, Earl of Derby. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864 The Iliad of Homer, translated by J. G. Cordery. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871 368 HOM— HOP. HOMPELD, PetruB. De libertate Orientalis Frisise, circa Vicarium Imperii Eoinano> Germanici regimen. l^German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Hal^ Magdeh., 1740-46 HoMMEL, Karl Ferdinand. Palingenesia librorum juris veterum . . . 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsix, 1767-68 Hong Kong. The ordinances of Hong Kong, 1844-82, 1884. 3 vols. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1866-84 The ordinances of the legislative council of the colony of Hong Kong : concise edition from the year 1844 to the end of 1890 : compiled ... by A. J. Leach. 2 vols. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1891-92 The ordinances of Hong Kong : a new and revised edition . . . by Sir John W. Carrington, 1844-1901. 3 vols. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1902-04 The ordinances of Hong Kong for 1900-04. 5 vols. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1900-04 Hooch, Nicolaus vander. See Vander Hooch. Hood Henry J., and Challis Henry W. Conveyancing, Settled Land and Trustee Acts, and other recent acts affecting conveyancing, with commentaries. Sixth edition, by P. F. Wheeler, assisted by J. I. Stirling. 8vo. 1901 Hood, Robin. See Robin Hood. HooKE, Nathaniel. The secret history of Colonel Hooke's negotiations in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender, in 1707 . . . 8vo. 1760 The Roman History, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth : illustrated with new maps. 6 vols. 8vo. 1825 HooKE, Robert. Microgrophia : or, some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses: with observations and inquiries thereupon. fol, 1665 Posthumous Works ; containing his Cutlerian lectures, and other discourses read at the meetings of the Royal Society ... to these discourses is preiixt the author's life . . . published by R. Waller. fol. 1705 HooKEB, Richard. Works ; with an account of his life and death, by I. Walton : arranged by J. Keble. Sixth edition. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1874 Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie . . . also, certayne divine tractates and other godly sermons. fol. 1622 [Hope, Alexander James Beresford.] Letters on Church matters : by D. C. L. : reprinted from the " Morning Chronicle." 2 vols. Svo. 1851 HOP— HOE. 369 Hope, Andr^e. pseud. See Habvey, Mrs. Hope, Sir Thomas. Letters, 1627-46. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] HoPFFGAETEN, Friedrich Abraham de. De bello solenni imperii, [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to.'' Lipsise, 1721 De jure vectigalium in sacro imperio Romano. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Lipsise, 1742 Hopkins, Manley. Handbook of Average : to which is added, a chapter on Arbitration. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1884 HoppE, Joachim. Examen Institutionum Imperialium . . . Editio nova. 12mo. Francofurti, 1726 Hopper, Clarence. Leng's Sir Francis Drake's memorable service done against the Spaniards in 1587. [Oamden Society, 'No. 87.] London chronicle, 1500-45; Lydgate's Childe of Bristowe. [Camden Society, No. 73.] HopwooD, Charles Henry. Martial law : what, if any, is allowed by the law of England ? and what is the responsibility of those who execute it? [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] On the law relating to Confessions in criminal cases. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] The present system of Special Pleading in civil actions, an obstacle to law reform. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] See also Middle Temple ; Calendar of Records, HoKATius Placcus, Quintus. I Opera omnia, ex editione J. C. Zeunii ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 4 vols. 8vo. 1825 Readings in Horace ; by J. C. Elgood. Svo. 1895 OEN, Caspar Heinrich. I Juris publici Romano-Germanici, ejusque prudentiae, liber unus . . . 8vo. Berolini, 1707 l^raelectiones publicse de interpretatione juridica, cum annotationibus et nova praefatione editse a Jo. Christiano Hedlero. 12mo. Vitehergse, 1733 Jurisprudentia feudalis Longobardo-Teutonica . . . I 4to. Wittehergse, 1741 I 370 HOE. Horn, Frederik Winkel. History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North, from the most ancient times to the present : revised by the author, and translated by E. B. Anderson; with a bibliography of the most important books in the English language relating to the Scandinavian countries, by T. Solberg. 8vo. Chicago, 1884 Horn Henry, and Htjrlstone Edwin Tyrrell. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Hilary term, 1838, to Easter term, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 HoRNE, Andrew. The booke called the Mirrour of Justices ; with the book called the Diversity of Courts and their Jurisdictions ; both translated out of the old French into the English tongue, by W. Hughes. 12mo. 1646 — See also Selden Society, No. 7. HoRNE, Thomas Hartwell. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. [Beeord Commission, No. 9.] Diplomacy. See Polson, Archer ; Law of Nations. Horner, Leonard. See Cousin, Victor ; State of Education in Holland. Horner, Thomas Strangeways. Eeport of the case of Horner against Liddiard, upon the question of what consent is necessary to the marriage of illegitimate minors, de- termined in the Consistorial Court of London, by Sir William Scott ; with an introductory essay, by Sir Alexander Croke. 8vo. 1800 HoRSLEY, Samuel. See Newton, Sir Isaac ; Opera omnia. HoRSMAN, Grilbert. Precedents in Conveyancing. 3 vols. fol. 1744 HoRTENSius. See Deinology : Forsyth, William. HoRTON, Thomas, Preacher of Graifs Inn. One hundred select sermons upon several texts ; fifty upon the Old Testament, and fifty on the New. fol. 1679 Horton-Smith, Lionel. Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata ; an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere. 8vo. Cambridge, 1896 Two papers on the Oscan word Anasaket. 8vo. 1897 Galileo [Latin verses'}. 8vo. Pac^oi;a, 1899 The establishment and extension of the law of Thurneysen and Havet . 8vo. Cambridge, 1899 HOE— HOIT. • 371 Horton-Smith, Richard. The theory of conditional sentences in G-reek and Latin, for the use of students. 8vo. 1894 Arrangements between Debtors and Creditors. See De Gex, John Peter. HoEwooD, Alfred J. Common-place book of John Milton. ^Camden Society, new series, Nos. 16, 16*.] Year Books. [Britain, No. 31.] Catalogue of the ancient MSS. in Gray's Inn Library. See Cata- logues, Library. HosACK, John. The rise and growth of the law of Nations, as established by general usage and by treaties, from the earliest time to the treaty of Utrecht. 8vo. 1882 HosKYNS, Leigh. See Voet, Jan ; Commentarius ad Pandectas. Hospitallers, Knights. The Knights Hospitallers in England, 1338. [Gamden Society, No. 66.] HoTMAN, Francois. Antitribonianus, See Hoffmann, Christian Gottfried; Historia juris Eomano-Justinianei. HoTTiNGER, Johann Heinrich. JurisHebrseorum leges ccLXi.juxtaNo/iio^eCT/asMosaicaeordinem . . , 4to. Tiguri, 1655 HouARD, David. Anciennes loix des Frangois, conservees dans les coutumes Angloises recueillies par Littleton ; avec des observations historiques et critiques . . . Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 4to. Bouen, 1779 OUBRAKEN Amold, and Vbrtuk George. Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain ; with their lives and characters by T. Birch. A new edition. fol. 1813 OUGH, E. Bankruptcy Act, 1883. See Chalmers, Mackenzie Dalzell. OUGH, John, Bishop of Worcester. Table-talk and papers, 1703-43. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] [ousE OF Commons. Debates ; Journals. See Parliament. See also Parliamentary Reports. z2 372 HOU— HOW. House of Lords. Appeal Cases. ^S^ee Appeals. Debates ; Journals. See Pabliament. House op Loeds Cases. House of Lords cases on appeals and writs of error, claims of peerage and divorces, 1847-66 ; by C. Clark and W. Finnelly. 11 vols. 8vo. 1849-66 — Digested index by C. Clark. Houston, A. See Eiffe, L. S. ; Judicature Acts, Ireland. Houston, John. Treatise on the law of Stoppage in Transitu, and incidentally of retention and delivery. 8vo. 1866 Houston, William. Documents illustrative of the Canadian Constitution. 8vo. Toronto, 1891 HovEDEN, Roger. Chronica (732-1201). [Britain, No. 61.] Annalium pars prior et posterior. See Savile, Henry ; Rerum Anglicarum Scrip tores. Hovenden, John Eyton. Supplement to Vesey's Reports. See Vesey, Francis, jun. Howard, Benjamin C. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1855-60. Vols. 18-24. 8vo. Boston and Washirigton, 1858-61 — Vols. 1-17. See Curtis, Benjamin R. Howard, John Henry. The laws of the British Colonies in the West Indies and other parts of America, concerning real and personal pi'operty, and manumission of slaves ; with a view of the constitution of each Colony. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827 Howard, Lord William, of Naworth Castle. Household books. [Surtees Society, No. 68.] Howden, Charles R. A. Papers relative to the preservation of the Honours of Scotland in Dunottar Castle, 1651-52. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] Howel, Dda, The Good. Leges Wallicse, ecclesiasticae et civiles . . . edited by W. Wottou. ^ . fol. 1730 HOW—HUB. 373 Howell, George. Trade Union law and cases. See Cohen, Herman. Howell, James. EpistolsB Ho-Elianae : familiar letters, domestick and foreign, [1617-54]. Tenth edition. 8vo. 1737 Howell, T. B. See State Tbials. Howell, T. J. See State Trials. Howes, Edmund. See Stow, John ; Annales. Howes, John. Joha Howes' MS., 1582, being " a brief note of the order and manner of the proceedings in the first erection of" the three royal hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apostle : repro- duced and printed at the charges of S. Vaughan Morgan, a governor of Christ's Hospital; with introduction and notes by W. Lempriere. 4to. 1904 Howlett, Eichard. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Eichard I. [Britain, No. 82.] Monumenta Franciscana, [Britain, No. 4.] HozuMi, Nobushige. Ancestor- worship and Japanese law. 8vo. Tokio, 1901 HuBBACK, John. A treatise on the evidence of Succession to real and personal property, and peerages. 8vo. 1844 HuBEB, Ulric. Opera minora et rariora juris publici et privati : edidit suisque animadversionibus illustravit Abrahamus Wieling. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1746 Digressiones Justinianeas , . . quibus varia et in primis humaniora juris continentur : insertus est De jure in re et ad rem tractatus . . . Editio tertia. 4to. Franequerse, 1696 Eunomia Eomana, sive censura censurse Juris Justiniansei ... 4to. Franequerge, 1700 Positiones juris, secundum Institutiones et Pandectas, ad primordia disciplinse usumque seculi adtemperatae. Editio sexta . . . 8vo. Amsteleedami, 1728 Praelectionum juris civilis tomi iii. secundum Institutiones et Digesta Justiniani : accedunt Christiani Thomasii additiones . . . et Liideri Menckenii remissiones ad jus Saxonicum. Editio quarta 3 vols. 4to. Francofurti, 1749 De conflictu legum in diversis imperiis. See Saviont, Friedrich Carl von ; Private International Law. 374 HUB— HUG. HiTBEB, Zacharias. Dissertationes juridicse et philologicae . . . 4to. Franequerse, 1702 De casibus enucleatis qusestionum forensium ex jure Romano ac hodiemo, liber singularis . . . 4to. Franequerse, 1712 Observationes rerum forensium ac notabilium in suprema Frisiorum curia judicatarum. 2 vols. 4to. Leovardiae et Franequerse, 1722-27 Hudson, Alfred A. The law of Building, Engineering, and Ship Building contracts . . . Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 Hudson, Corrie. A practical guide to the payment of Legacy and Succession Duties, as well as probate, administration, account, and estate duties. Eighth edition, . . . revised ... by A. T. Layton. 8vo. 1890 Hudson, William. A treatise on the Court of Star Chamber. [Collectanea Juridica, vol.2.] 8vo. 1792 Hudson, William. Leet jurisdiction in the City of Norwich during the xiiith and xivth centuries. [Selden Society, No. 5.] Hudson William Elliot, and Brooke John. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, from Hilary term, 1827, to Easter term, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1829-46 Hughes, Edward. See Van Hetthuysen, F. M. ; Equity Draftsman. Hughes, Griifith. Natural history of the island of Barbadoes. [Title wanting.] fol. 1750 Hughes, Samuel. Digested index to the Common Law Reports. See Coventry, Thomas. Hughes, T. B. Report of the case of The King against Bebh and others. See Bebb, John. Hughes, William. Commentaries upon original writs. 4to. 1655 The Grand Abridgment of the law continued ; or, a collection of the principal cases and points of the Common Law of England contained in all the reports extant, from the first of Elizabeth to this present time, by way of common-place. 3 vols. 4to. 1660-62 Hughes's Quseries, or choice cases for moots . . . 12mo. 1675 See also Gregory, Arthur; Gregorie's Moot Book: Hobne, Andrew ; Mirrour of Justices. HUG— HUL. 375 Hughes. William. Practical directions for taking instructions for and drawing Wills ; with an appendix of precedents. 12mo. 1833 The three students of Gray's Inn. 3 vols. 8\ro. 1846 The practice of Sales of Eeal Property . . . Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. 1849-50 Concise precedents in modern Conveyancing ; with notes. Second edition. Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. 1855-56 Hughes, William. A new parliamentary and county Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland ; containing 72 maps : edited by A. H. Keane. fol. [1886] A popular Atlas of comparative geography ; a chronological series of maps of Europe and other lands, at successive periods, from the fifth to the later half of the nineteenth century . . . [Philips' His- torical AtlasJ] fol. N.u. Hughes, William. See Welch, Charles j London at opening of the twentieth century. Hugo, Celsus. Tractatus clausularum. See Cambanis, Vitalis de ; Tractatus Clausularum. Hugo, Ludolphus. De Statu regionum Germanise . . . \^German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Lipsiie, 1736 Hugo, Saint, Bishop of Lincoln. Magna Vita. [Britain, No. 37.] HursH, Robert. Memoirs, private and political, of Daniel O'Connell, from the year 1776 to the close of the proceedings in Parliament for the repeal of the Union : compiled fpm official documents. 8vo. 1836 HuLLOCK, Sir John. The law of Costs in civil actions and criminal proceedings. 8vo. 1796. [HuLME, John Walter. See Chittt, Joseph; Treatise on the Stamp Laws. [.HiJLSE, Heinrich. Jura Guilielmi Tertii, Restauratoris et Magni, in regna Anglise, Scotige, Hiberniee, etc., ex fonte naturali et divino asserta . . . 4to. Lugdtmi Batavorum, 1697 876 HTJM. Hume, David. History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry VII. 2 vols. 4to. 1762 History of England under the House of Tudor. 2 vols. 4to. 1759 History of Great Britain under the House of Stuart. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. 1759 The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. A new edition, with the author's last correc- tions and improvements ; to which is prefixed, a short account of his life, written by himself. 8 vols. 8vo. 1812 The history of England, from the Revolution to the death of George II. (designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's history) ; by Tobias George Smollett. 5 vols. 8vo. 1812 The Students' Hume : a history of England . . . revised and corrected by J. S. Brewer. Thirty-first edition. 8vo. 1892 Htjmb, Martin A . Sharp. Chronicle of King Henry VIII. of England ; being a contemporary record of some of the principal events of the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. ; written in Spanish by an unknown hand, translated, with notes and introduction. 8vo. 1889 The great Lord Burghley : a study in Elizabethan statecraft. 8vo. 1898 State papers, Spanish. {^Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 31, 32.] Hfme-Williams William Ellis, and Macklin A. Romer. The taking of Evidence on Commission, including therein special examinations, letters of request, mandamus, and examinations before an examiner of the Court. Second edition. 8vo. 1908 HuMPHEEYs, Frederick. See Boukdin, Mark A. ; Exposition of the Land Tax. HuMPHEETS, George. The law relating to County Councils. See Bazalgette, C. N HuMPHEETS, James, Observations on the actual state of the English laws of Real Pro- perty ; with the outlines of a code. Svo. 1826 See also Park, John James. Htimpheeys-Davies, G. The principles of Rating. See Botle, Sir Edward. HUMPHEY, Hugh M. Sales of Land. See Cleeke, Aubrey St, John. HUM— HUN. 87^ Humphry, Joseph Thomas. Eegistration of Assurances bill : its peculiar system and practical consequences considered. [Tracts, vol. 18, No. 5.] 8vo. 1853 Hunt, Arthur Joseph. The law relating to Fraudulent Conveyances, under the statutes of Elizabeth and the bankrupt acts ; with remarks on the law relating to bills of sale. 8vo. 1872 — Second edition, by W. 0. Prance. 8vo. 1897 The law of Boundaries and Fences . . . Fifth edition, by H. Stephen. 8vo. 1904 Hunt, John. London Local Government : the law relating to the London County Council, the vestries and district boards elected under the metropolis management acts, and other local authorities. 2 vols. 8vo. 1897 [Hunt, T.] The rights of the Bishops to judge in Capital cases in Parliament, cleared. 8vo. 1680 Hunt, William. A collection of cases on the Annuity Act ; with an epitome of the practice relative to the enrolment of memorials. 8vo. 1794 See also Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey ; Distresses and Eeplevin. Hunter, Joseph. Bishop Cartwright's diary, 1686-87. [Camden Society, No. 22.] Ecclesiastical documents. [Camden Society, No. 8.] Fines, sive Pedes Finium, 1195-1214. [Becord Commission, No. 17.] General introduction to Valor Ecclesiasticus. [Record Commission, No. 53.] Preface to the Towneley mysteries. [Surtees Society, No. 3.] Eotuli selecti ad res Anglicas et Hibemicas spectantes. [Becord Commission, No. 43.] The Pipe rolls (1131; 1155-58; 1189-90). [Becord Commission, Nos. 22, 28.] Catalogue of the MSS. in Lincoln's Inn Library. See Catalogues, Library. See also Thorbsbt, Ealph ; Diary. [uNTER, Sir Eobert. The preservation of Open Spaces and of Footpaths and other rights of way . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1902 Essay on the Preservation of Commons in the neighbourhood of the Metropolis and large towns. See Commons. 378 HUN— HUE. Hunter, Sylvester Joseph. The act to amend the law of Property and to relieve Trustees (22 & 23 Vict. c. 35) ; with introduction and notes. 12mo. 1859 An elementary view of the proceedings in a Suit in Equity ; with an appendix of forms. Sixth edition, by G. W. Lawrance. 12mo. 1873 Hunter, William Alexander. A systematic and historical exposition of the Eoman law, in the order of a code ; embodying the Institutes of Gains and the Institutes of Justinian, translated into English by J. A. Cross. Second edition. 8vo. 1885 — Third edition. 8vo. 1897 Introduction to Eoman Law. Fourth edition. Svo. 1887 — Fifth edition. Svo. 1897 The Eailway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888. Part 1, an exposition of section twenty -four of the act, a full account of the existing law with respect to maximum rates and terminal charges and the new classification of goods and revised schedules of rates . . . Svo. 1889 Hunter, Sir William Wilson. The Imperial Gazeteer of India. 9 vols. Svo. 1881 Huntingdon. Camden's visitation of the county of Huntingdon, 1613. [Camden Society, No. 43.] Huntingdon, Major Eobert, Eeasons inducing him to lay down his Commission. See Maseres, Francis ; Select tracts. Huntingdon Peerage. See Bell, H. N. Hurd, Philip. Eeport of the case of Adams v. Malkin. See Adams, Ealph. [Hurd, Eichard], Bishop of Worcester. Moral and political dialogues . . . [Anon.'] Svo. 1759 A sermon preached before the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church of Westminster, on Friday, December 13, 1776, being the day appointed by authority for a General Fast on account of the American Eebellion. 4to. 1777 See also Addison, Joseph ; Works. HuRLSTONE, Edwin Tyrrell. Eeports of Exchequer cases. See Exchequer Eeports : Horn, Henry : Mubphy, Francis Stack. HUE— HUT, 379 HiTBLSTONE Edwin Tyrrell, and Coltman Francis Joseph. Eeports of cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter term, 25 Vict., to Michaelmas term, 30 Vict., 1862-67. 4 vols. 8vo. 1863-68 Htjrlstone Edwin Tyrrell, and Noeman J. P. Reports of cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter term, 19 Vict., to Hilary vacation, 25 Vict., 1856-62. 7 vols. 8vo. 1867-62 HuRLSTONE Edwin Tyrrell, and Walmslet T. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Michaelmas term, 1840, to Easter term, 1841. 8vo. 1841 HxjKST, Herbert. Oxford Topography. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 39.] Hurst Joseph, and Cecil Robert, Lord. The principles of Commercial Law ; with an appendix of statutes, annotated by means of references to the text. 8vo. 1891 Husband, Edward. An exact collection of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, Proclamations . . . and other remarkable passages betweene the King and his Parliament, from December, 1641, untill March the 21st, 1643 . . . 4to. 1643 A collection of all the publicke Orders, Ordinances, and Declarations of both Houses of Parliament, from, the 9tli of March, 1642, untill December, 1646 : together with several of his Majesties proclamations, and other papers printed at Oxford. fol. 1646 HuTCHESON, Archibald. A collection of treatises relating to the National Debts and Funds, and to the South-Sea stock and scheme. fol. 1720-21 Hutchinson, John. Herefordshire Biographies ; being a record of such natives of the county as have attained to more than local celebrity in literature, art, science, politics, and the like, with notices of their lives and bibliographical references ; together with an appendix containing notices of some other celebrities, intimately connected with the county, but not natives o£ it. 4to. Hereford, 1 890 See also Middle Temple ; Notable Middle Templars ; Records. [UTCHINSON, Thomas. History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay from the first settle- ment thereof, in 1628, untill its incorporation with the colony of Pli mouth, province of Main, by the charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691. Second edition. 8vo. 1765 380 HTTT— HYP. HxTTTEN, Leonard. Antiquities of Oxford. [^Oxford Historical Society, No. 39.] Htjtton, Arthur Wollaston. The Vaccination question . . . 8vo. 1895 HiTTTON, Charles. A mathematical and philosophical Dictionary . . . 2 voIb. 4to. 1795-96 HuTTON, Henry Dix. England and the uncivilised communities. See International Policy. HuTTON, Matthew, Archbishop of YorJc. The Correspondence of Archbishop Hutton, (1565-1644). [Surtaes Society, No. 17.] HcTTTON, Sir Richard. The argument of Sir Eichard Hutton and Sir G-eorge Croke, together with the certificate of Sir John Denham upon a scire facias brought by the King in the Court of Exchequer against John Hampden . . . touching ship-money. 4to. 1641 Reports [C. P.] ; containing many choice cases, judgments, and resolutions in points of law, in the raignes of King James and King Charles [1612-38] ; translated into English. fol. 1656 Hutton, Richard H. Life of Cardinal Newman. Second edition. 8vo. 1891 Hutton, William. Courts of Requests : their nature, utility, and powers described . . . 8vo. Birmingham, 1806 Hutton, William Hoi den. Life of William Laud. Second edition. 8vo. 1896 Huxley, Leonard. Life and. letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 2 vols. 8vo. 1900 Hyperides. 'TittpiSou Ao'yoi B. The orations of Hyperides for Lycophron and for Euxenippus ; now first printed in facsimile, with a short account of the discovery of the original manuscript at Western Thebes, in Upper Egypt, in 1847, by Joseph Arden : the text edited, with notes and illustrations, by C. Babington. fol. Cambridge, 1853 IBB— IMP. 381 Ibbotson, H. Walter. The Statute Index. Third edition. 12mo. 1871 Iddesleigh, Stafford Northcote, Earl of. Life of. See Lang, Andrew. Idlee, The. See Essayists, British. Idsinga, S. H. van. Variorum juris civrilis liber singularis . . . 8vo. Harlingse, 1738 Ignoramus. See Callis, Robert: Hawkins, John Sidney: RuGGLE, George. Ilbeet, Sir Courtenay. Legislative methods and forms. Svo. Oxford, 1901 See also Jenkyns, Sir Henry ; British Rule and Jurisdiction. Illingwokth, William. An inquiry into the laws, antient and modern, respecting Forestalling, Regrating, and Ingrossing ; with adjudged cases. Svo. 1800 Placita de Qiio Warranto, 1272-1377 ; Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum abbreviatio, 1189-1327. [Record Commission, Nos. 29, 30.] Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. [Becord Com- mission, No. 36,] Testa de Nevill. [Becord Commission, No. 52.] Imhoff, Perdinandus Lazarus Mauritius de. Specimen collationis juris Moscovitici et communis. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Helmstadii, 1711 Impartial Lawyer. H|.The Impartial Lawyer. 8vo. 1709 Imperial Dictionary. The Imperial Dictionary of the English language ... by J. Ogilvie. New edition, edited by C. Annandale. 4 vols. 8vo. 1882-83 Impby, John. The office of Sheriff. . . Second edition, to which is added the office and duty of Coroner. Svo. 1800 The new Instructor Clericalis; stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of King's Bench. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1807 The new Instructor Clericalis ; stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas. Fifth edition. Svo. 1812 382 INC— IND. Income Tax. An attempt to shew the justice and expediency of substituting an Income or Property tax, for the present taxes or a part of them . . . 8vo. 1833 Incorporated Law Society. See Law Society. Indermatjr, John. The student's guide to Trusts and Partnership. 8vo. 1885 An epitome of leading Conveyancing and Equity cases, with some short notes thereon . . . Seventh edition. 8vo. 1891 — Eighth edition. 8vo. 1897 The student's guide to the principles of the Common law. Third edition. 8vo. 1893 — Fourth edition. 8vo. 1897 — Fifth edition, by C. Thwaites. 8vo. 1904 Principles of the Common law. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1898 — Ninth edition. 8vo. 1901 A manual of the practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature in the Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1897 — Eighth edition. 8vo. 1901 The student's guide to Prideaux's Conveyancing . . . Fourth edition, (founded on the seventeenth edition of Prideaux.) 8vo. 1899 Principles and practice in matters of, and appertaining to. Convey- ancing. 8vo. 1900 — Second edition, by C. Thwaites. 8vo. 1904 A manual of the principles of Equity. . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1902 Indermatjr John, and Thwaites Charles. The student's guide to Specific Perfoimance and Mortgages. 8vo. 1886 The student's guide to the law of Eeal and Personal Property. Third edition. 8vo. 1893 — Fourth edition. Svo. 1897 — I'ifth edition, by C. Thwaites. 8vo. 1904 The student's guide to Constitutional law and Legal history. Svo. 1894 — Fourth edition. 8vo. 1905 The student's guide to the principles of Equity. 8vo. 1894 — Second edition. 8vo. 1899 The students' guide to Procedure in the King's Bench Division of the High Court, and to the law of Evidence. Third edition, by C. Thwaites. Svo. 1902 See also Law Stddents' Journal. IND— ING. 383 Inderwick, Frederick Andrew. The Interregnum (a.d. 1648-60) ; studies of the Commonwealth, legislative, social, and legal. 8vo. 1891 The King's Peace, a historical sketch of the English Law Courts. 8vo. 1895 Calendar of the Inner Temple Eecords. See Inner Temple. Inderwick Frederick Andrew, and Field Leonard. Eeport on the Inner Temple pictures of Judge Littleton and Sir Edward Coke. 4to. 1894 India. G-eneral remarks on the system of government in India . . . [Tracts, vol. 1, No. 2.] 8vo. 1773 The law relating to India and the East India Company; with notes and an appendix. Fifth edition. 4to. 1865 Rules of the High Court of Judicature for the North- Western Provinces of the 18th January, 1898, with appendix. 8vo. Allahabad, 1898 Indian Law Eepgrts. Analytical digest of all the reported cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in the Courts of the Hon. East India Company, and, on appeal from India, by Her Majesty in Council ; with introduction and notes : by W. H. Morley. 2 vols. 8vo. 1849-50 — New series, vol. 1, to end of 1850. 8vo. 1852 Digest of Indian Law Reports, 1862-76 : by D. Sutherland. 8vo. 1877 Allahabad Series. 27 vols. 8vo. Alhihabad, [1876]-1905 Bombay Series. 29 vols. 8vo. Bombay, [1875]-1905 .Calcutta Series. [Vol. 13 wanting.'] 32 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1876-1905 I Madras Series. 28 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1876-1905 See also Bengal Law Reports. IFANTS. The Infants' Lawyer ; or, the law (ancient and modern) relating to infants. Second edition. 8vo. 1712 GHAM, John H. The law of Animals ; a treatise on property in animals wild and domestic, and the responsibilities arising therefrom. I8vo. Philadelphia, 1900 glebt, Sir Charles. See Clift, Henry ; New book of Declarations. glis, Henry D. Ireland in 1834 : a journey throughout Ireland, during the spring, summer, and autumn of 1834. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835 384 ING— INN. Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud. See Baeham, Eichard Harris. Ingpen, Arthur Robert. See Williams, Sir Edward Vaughan ; Executors and Administrators. Ingeam, J. The Saxon Chronicle, translated. See Saxon Cheonicle. Ingeam, Thomas Dunbar. Compensation to land and house owners : being a treatise on the law of Compensation for interests in lands payable by railway and other public companies . . . Second edition, by J. J. Elmes. l2mo. 1869 Ingulph, Abbot of Oroyland. Historia Monasterii Croylandensis. See Savile, Henry ; Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. Inheeitance. Opinions on terms in gross, and attendant on the inheritance. [ Col- lectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Innbe Temple. Report of the proceedings, on the investigation before the Benchers of the Inner Temple, upon the application of D. W. Harvey to be called to the bar. 8vo. Chelmsford, 1834 Report of the proceedings before the Judges, as visitors of the Inns of Court, on the appeal of A. Hayward. 8vo. 1848 Students admitted to the Inner Temple, 1547-1660. [Privately printed.] 8vo. 1877 Masters of the Bench of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, 1450-1883 ; and Masters of the Temple, 1450-1883. [Not published.] 8vo. 1883 — Supplement, 1883-1900; to which is appended a list of the Treasurers, 1505-1901. [Not published.] 8vo. 1901 Report on the pictures of Judge Littleton and Sir Edward Coke : by F. A. Inderwick and L. Field. 4to. 1894 A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records : edited by F. A. Inderwick. 3 vols. 4to. 1896-98 The Inner and Middle Temple : legal, literary, and historic associations: by H. H. L. Bellot. 8vo. 1902 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Temple Church. See Temple, The. Innes, Cosmo. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. [Record Commission, No. 1.] Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, 1492-1503. [Scotland, No. 2.] IJSN— INT. 385 Innes, James. Idea Juris Scotici ; or, a summary of the laws of Scotland. 4to. 1733 Innes, L, C. A digest of the law of Easements. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1903 Innes, T. R. See Voet, Jan. ; Commentarius ad Pandectas. Innocent, VIII. , Pope. Bull on the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of York. [Camden Society, No. 39.] Inns of Court. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the arrange- ments of the Inns of Court, and Inns of Chancery, for promoting the study of the law and jurisprudence ; together with appendices. fol. 1855 The Inns of Court Calendar, 1877-78. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877-78 Institutiones Juris Privati. Institutiones juris principum privati breviter strictimque concinnatse atque G-ermaniae potissimum applicatae. 4to. Francofurti, 1747 Instructor Clericalis. See Gardiner, R. : Impby, John. International Law Association. Reports of the first, second, fourth — twenty-second Conferences, 1873-1905. 15 vols. 8vo. 1880-1906 International Marine Conference. Protocols of proceedings and reports of Committees of the Inter- national Marine Conference held in Washington D.C., United States of America, October 16 to December 31, 1889. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1890 International Policy. International Policy : Essays on the foreign relations of England. Second edition. 8vo. 1884 I 1. The West : by E. Congreve. 2. England and France : by F. Harrison. 3. England and the Sea : by E. S. Beeslj. 4. England and India : by E. H. Pember. 5. England and China : by J. H. Bridges. 6. England and the unclTilised communities : by H. D. Hutton. Internationalism . Internationalism, by A. de Marcoartu ; and prize essays on inter- national lavr, by A. P. Sprague and P. Lacombe. 8vo. 1876 Intrationum Liber. See Libbb Ihtbationum. A A I 386 INV-IRE. Inveeaeity, Jolin Duncan. See Lyon, I. B. ; Medical Jurisprudence for India. Ieeland. Debates [in the House of Commons of Ireland] in the years 1763 and 1764, taken by a military officer [Sir J. Caldwell]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1766 Protests of the Lords of Ireland, from 1634 to 1771. 8vo. Dublin, 1772 Journals of the House of Lords in Ireland, 1634-1800. 8 vols. fol. Dublin, 1779-1800 Journals of the House of Commons in Ireland, from 18tli of May, 1613, to 2nd of August, 1800. 19 vols, in 21. fol. Dublin, 1796-1800 — General Index. 2 vols. fol. Dublin, 1802 Parliamentary Eegister ; or, history of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons of Ireland, in the year 1781-82. 8vo. Dubliii, 1782 History of Ireland, from the earliest authentic accounts ; by the editors of the modern universal history. 8vo. Dublin, 1784 Penal Laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1812 Repeal Prize Essays : essays on the Repeal of the Union, to which the Association prizes were awarded . . . 8vo. Dublin, 1845 Ireland as slie was, as she is, and as she shall be : by M. J. Barry. Reasons for a repeal of the legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland : by Alderman Staunton. The rights of Ireland : by J. Godkin. Supplemental Repeal Essay. A proposal for the restoration of the Irish Parliament : by G. Ramsay. Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on the revenues and condition of the Established Church (Ireland), fol. Dublin, 1868 Rules of Court made for carrying into effect the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1877, 40 & 41 Vic, cap. 57. Svo. Dublin, 1877 Census of Ireland, 1871. Alphabetical index to the townlands and towns of Ireland . . . the areas of the townlands, the county, barony, parish, poor law union, and poor law electoral division in which they are situated . . . with supplement containing the revisions which have taken place up to April, 1881 . , . fol. Dublin, 1877-82 Registration of Deeds and Assurance in Ireland : first and second reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the law . . . with appendix. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1879-81 Irish Church Temporalities Commission: report of the Com- missioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland for the period 1869-80. fol. Dublin, 1880 Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners of inquiry into the working of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, and the acts amending the same. 4 vols, in 2, fol. Dublin, 1880 IKE. 387 Ireland — continued. Land question, Ireland. Irish Land Committee's publications. 8vo. Dublin, 1880-82 1. Notes upon the Government valuation of Land in Ireland, commonly known as " Grriffitli's valuation." Second edition. 2. The Anarchy in Ireland. 3. Facts and figures. 4. French opinion on the Irish crisis [by Gustave de Molinari]. 5. Arrested progress. 6. Lord Duiferin on the tliree F's. 7. Mr. Gladstone and the three F's. 8. Mr. Bonamy Price on the three F's. 9. Mr. Gladstone's Commissioners and Mr. Gladstone. 10. Mr. Gladstone's Bill. Second edition. 11. Foregone conclusions : the Besshorough Commission. 12. The Richmond Commission : notes on Lord Carlingford's report. 13. More facts and figures : evictions. 14. The working of the Land Law Act. 15. An Irish tenant's privileges under the present law. 16. Confiscation or contract ? 17. Extracts from parliamentary speeches on the Irish land question. 18. Speech of the Eight Hon. E. Gibson, M.P., on the second reading of the Land Law (Ireland) Bill, delivered April 25th, 1881. Endowed Schools, Ireland, Commission: report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the endowments, funds and actual con- dition of all schools endowed for the purpose of education in Ireland ; acconipanied by minutes of evidence, documents, and tables of schools and endowments. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. Buhlin, 1881 First — fourth reports from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Land Law (Ireland) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices, fol. 1882-83 Eepresentative Church Body : report of proceedings laid before the G-eneral Synod of the Church of Ireland . . . 8vo. Dublin, 1883 Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882 : return of payments made to landlords by the Irish Land Commission, and also a return of rent-charges cancelled. fol. Dublin, 1884 3port of the Royal Commission on the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, and the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885 ; [with minutes pf evidence and appendices]. fol. 1887 teport of the Special Commission, 1888. fol. 1890 inal report by Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire ito the financial relations between Great Britain and Ireland. fol. 1896 Jontests in Ireland, in 1641 and 1690. [Camden Society, No. 14.] Inquisitionum in OflBcio liotulorum Cancellarise Hibernise asserva- tarum, repertorium. [Record Commission, No. 19.] Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernise, ab ann. 1152 usque ad 1827 ; |Or, the establishments of Ireland, from the 19th of K. Stephen to nbhe 7th of Geo. IV. [Record Commission, No. 21.] teports 1st to 5th, from the Commissioners, respecting the Public lecords of Ireland. [Record Commission, Ireland.] ▲ a2 388 IRE— IRI. Ireland — continued. Rotuli select! ad res Anglicas et Hiberuicas spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitular! Westmonasteriensi, deprompti : cura Joseph! Hunter. [Record Commission, No. 43.] Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellarise Hibernise, Calen- darium. [Record Commission, 'No. 45.] State Papers relating to Ireland. [Calendar of State Papers, Kos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 30.] Ancient Laws of Ireland. See Irish Recobd Publications. National Manuscripts of Ireland. See Ikish Eecokd Publications. Statutes. See Statutes op Ireland. Ireland, Samuel. Picturesque views, with an historical account of the luns of Court . . . 8vo. 1800 Irish Arch^ological and Celtic Society. A contemporary history of affairs in Ireland, from 1641 to 1652 . . . with an appendix of original letters and documents : edited by J. T. Gilbert. 3 vols, in 6 parts. 8vo. Dublin, 1879-80 Irish Chancery Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, Court of Appeal in Chancery, Rolls Court, the Landed Estates Court, and Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Ireland, 1850-66. 17 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1852-67 Irish Circuit Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined on six Circuits in Ireland ; taken during the assizes in the years 1841-43. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 See also Crawford George, and Dix Edward Spencer. Irish Common Law Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Exchequer Chamber, and Court of Criminal Appeal, 1849-66. 17 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1852-67 Irish Equity Reports. Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and the Equity Exchequer, 1838-50. 13 vols. 8vo. Dtiblin, 1839-52 Irish Jurist. Reports of cases decided in the several Courts of Equity and Common Law, 1849-66. 18 vols. 8vo. Diillin, 1849-66 Irish Law Reports. Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, 1838-50. 13 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1839-52 IRI. 389 Irish Law Times. The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal, to which are added the Irish law times reports, 1867-1905. 39 vols. [In progress.'] 8vo. Duhlin, 1868-1905 Digest of Cases decided by the Suj^erior and other Courts in Ireland, 1867-1903 : compiled by W. C. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-1905 Irish Eecord Publications. Ancient laws of Ireland : [edited by W. N. Hancock, T. O'Mahony, and A. G. Eichey.] Vols. 1 to 4. 8vo. Dublin, 1865-79 Vol. 1. Introduction to Senchus Mor, and . . . [the] law of distress. 2. Senchus Mor : pt. 2. Law of distress (completed) ; laws of hostage-sureties, fosterage, saer-stock tenure, daer-stock tenure, and of social connexions. 3. Senchus Mot- (conclusion) ; being the . . . customary law, and the book of Arcill. 4. " Of taking lawful possession," and certain other selected Brehon law tracts. Facsimiles of national Manuscripts of Ireland ; selected and edited by J. T. Gilbert and photozincographed by Sir H. James. 4 parts in 5 vols. fol. Duhlin, 1874-84 Account of facsimiles of national Manuscripts of Ireland, from the earliest extant specimens to a.d. 1719 ; selected and edited by J. T. Gilbert ... 8vo. 1884 Irish Reports. The Irish Eeports; containing reports of cases argued and determined in the superior courts in Ireland. Common Law Series, 1867-78. 11 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1868-78 — Equity Series, 1867-78. 11 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1868-78 The Law Eeports (Ireland), containing reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, and the Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland, 1878-93. 32 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1879-93 The Irish Eeports, containing the reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, the B Court of Bankruptcy, in Ireland, and the Irish Land Commission. 1894-1905. 24 vols. • [In progress.] 8vo. Dublin, 1894-1905 Digest of cases, 1867-1903 : compiled by E. D. Murray, G. Y. Dixon and W. C. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899-1905 Eegistry Appeals in the Court of Exchequer Chamber, and Appeals in the Court for Land Cases Eeserved, 1868-76. 8vo. Dublin, 1886 Judgments of the Superior Courts in Ireland in cases under the I Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, 1887, and others. 8vo. Dublin, 1903 ISH Term Eeports. Eeports of cases determined ia the King's Courts, Dublin, from Easter term, 34 Geo. III., to Hilary term, 35 Geo. III. : by W. Ridgeway, W. Lapp and J, Schoales. 8vo. Dublin, 1796 I 390 IRO— JAC. Ibonmongers' Hall. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Irving, David. An introduction to the study of the Civil Law. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1837 Irving, H. B. The life of Judge Jeffreys. 8vo. 1898 Irving, Joseph. Annals of Our Time ; a diurnal of events, social and political, home and foreign, from the accession of Queen Victoria, June 20, 1837, to 1891. 4 vols. 8vo. 1880-92 Isaacs, Lewis H. Report on the application of the Artizan's Dwellings (Mr. Secretary Cross's) Bill to the courts and alleys of Gray's Inn Lane . , . 8vo. 1875 ISCANUS. De hello Trojano. See Dictts Cretensis. Iselin, J. F. See Williams, T. Cyprian ; Vendor and Purchaser. Ithel, John Williams ab. Annales Cambrise (447-1288). [Britain, "No. 20.] Brut y Tywysogion (680-1282). [Britain, No. 17.] Ivory, William. Catalogue of the Signet Library. See Catalogues, Library. Iyengar, S. Biligiri. Rules of the High Court of Madras on its original side . . . with the Statutes and Charters of the Supreme and High Court . . . 8vo. Madras, 1887 J., P. A Scottish journie, 1641. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Jackson, Charles. Abraham De la Fryme's diary [1680 — 1703-04]. [Surtees Society, No. 54.] Autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton. [Surtees Society, No. 62.] Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies, [Surtees Society, No. 65.] Jackson, Fi-ank S. Mayor's Court practice. See Glyn, Lewis E, JAC. 891 Jackson, Morton Strode. The Corporation Duty ; its history, law, and practice ; with sugges- tions for an amendment and extension of the act imposing the same. 8vo. 1892 Jackson, T. W, Dr. Wallis' letter against Mr, Maidwell, 1700. [Oxford Historical Socip.ty, No. 5.] Jacob, Edward. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1821-22. 8vo. 1828 See also Roper, R. S. Donnison ; Law of Husband and Wife. Jacob Edward, and Walker John. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1819-21. 2 vols. 8vo. 1821-23 Jacob, Giles. A review of the Statutes, both ancient and modern, especially con- cerning the practick part of the Law . . . 8vo. 1713 The Clerks' Remembrancer ; containing all sorts of small and useful precedents; with proper directions in conveyancing . . . 8vo. 1714 The Compleat Court-Keeper . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1715 The Grand Precedent; or, the Conveyancer's guide and assistant. Svo. 1716 Catalogue of all the Writs and Processes that issue out of the Courts at Westminster . . . Svo. 1717 Lex Constitutionis : or, the Gentleman's Law ; being a compleat treatise of all the laws and statutes relating to the King and the prerogative of the crown . . . also an introduction to the Common Law of England, with respect to tenures of land, descents ... to which are added, the manner of passing Bills in both Houses of Parliament . . . Svo. 1719 The laws of Appeals and Murder. Svo. 1719 The Modern Justice ; containing the business of a Justice of the Peace in all its parts ; to which are added, a concise account of the constitution and government of a considerable workhouse, for em- ploying of the poor within the city of Bristol. Third edition. ^ ^ ^ ^ Svo. 1720 The Game laws . . . Sixth edition. 12mo. 1722 The Common Law common-plac'd : containing the substance and effect of the Common Law Cases, collected from Abridgments and Reports . . . Second edition. fol. 1733 A new Law Dictionary . . . Fourth edition. fol. 1739 The Statute-Law common-plac'd; or, a general table to the Statutes, containing the purport and effect of all the Acts of Parliament in force from Magna Chartato the twenty-first year of King George II. Fifth edition. Svo. 1748 A Law grammar . . . Eighth edition, by J. Hargrave. 8to. 1840 392 JAC— JAM. Jacob, William. Tracts relating to the Corn Trade and Corn Laws ; including the second report ordered to be printed by the two Houses of Parliament. 8vo. 1828 Jacobs, Herbert. See Stevens, Thomas Moffitt; Elements of Mercantile law. Jaeoer, Gustav. Essavs on Health-Culture; translated and edited by L. E. S. Tomalin. Svo. 1887 Jagoe, John. The practice of County Courts. Fourth edition. Svo. 1848 Jamaica. Acts of Assembly passed in the island of Jamaica ; from the year 1681 to the year 1769, inclusive. [With MS. additions.] 2 vols. fol. St. Jago de la Vega, 1756-71 The statutes and laws of the island of Jamaica : revised edition by C. E. Curran . . . 1681-1888. 12 vols. 4to. Jamaica, 1889-90 Continuation supplement to the digest of the laws of Jamaica, 31 and 32 Victoria, 1868, by J. Minot . . . with chronological table of acts, and index, by W. E. Lee. Svo. Jamaica, 1869 The laws of Jamaica, passed in the years 1853 to 1856, 1867, and 1869 to 1904. 35 vols. 4to. Jamaica, 1854-1905 An Index to the acts and laws of Jamaica up to No. 1 of 1892 : compiled by W. B. Griffith. 4to. Jamaica, 1892 Drafts of a Criminal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure, for the Island of Jamaica, with an explanatory memorandum by E. S. Wright ; to which is added, a memorandum of preliminary con- siderations by Sir H. Taylor, and correspondence on the subject. f r»l 1877 Plantation Laws. See America. James I. or England, and VI. of Scotland. Workes : published by James [Mountague], Bishop of Winton. fol. 1616 A Declaration of His Maiesties Eoyall pleasure, in what sort He thinketh fit to enlarge, or reserve Himself in matter of Bountie. [Facsimile of the original edition of 1610.] 8vo. 1897 Correspondence with Sir Eobert Cecil. [Camden Society, No. 78.] Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James, 1582-1602. [Camden Society, No. 46.] State papers of the reign of James I. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 10, 18, 24, 33.] The Library of James VL, 1573-83. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Court and times of James I. See Williams, Eobert Folkestone. Historical and critical account of the life and writings of James I. See Habbis, William, JAM— JAE. 393 James II. Moneys received and paid for secret services of James II. {^Camden Society, No. 52.] History of the early part of the reign of James the Second. See Fox, Charles James. James, Sir Henry. Facsimiles of national manuscripts. See National Manuscripts. James, James Henry. Herefordia : a poem. 4to. 1861 James, John. Letters, 1755-83. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 9.] Jameson, Leander Starr. Trial at Bar: Begina v. Jameson and others. 2 vols. fol. 1896 Jameson, Eobert S. Cases in Bankruptcy. See Gltn, Thomas C. Jamieson, John. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language ... to which is prefixed, a dissertation on the origin of the Scottish language. New edition, by J. Longmuir and D. Donaldson. 4 vols. 4to. Paisley, 1879-82 — Supplement, with memoir and introduction, by D. Donaldson. 4to. Paisley, 1887 Jamieson, Thomas Hill. Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. See Catalogues, Library. fB, Queen. See Geet, Lady Jane. ^^^NSSON, Jan. ^^H Novus Atlas, sive theatrum orbis terrarum : in quo Magna Britannia, ^^H seu Anglige et Scotiaa nee non Hiberniae Eegna, exhibentur. I^H fol. Amstelodami, 1659 Japan. General outlines of Education in Japan ; specially prepared for the International Health Exhibition, London, 1884: compiled and translated by the Bureau of general business of the department of Education. 8vo. 1884 Jaedine, David. I Criminal Trials, supplying copious illustrations of the important periods of English history during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. ; to which is added a narrative of the Gunpowder Plot, with historical prefaces and notes. 2 vols. ]2mo. 1847 394 JAR-JEB. Jaeman, Thomas. Treatise on Wills. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844 — Fifth edition, by L. G. G. Bobbins. 2 vols. 8vo. 1893 Concise Forms of Wills. See Hates, William. System of Conveyancing. See Btthewood, W. M. See also Powell, John Joseph ; Essay on Devises. jAENiGAiir, Milton P. Law of Telegraphs. See Scott, William L. Jaevis, Stephen Eyre. A history of Ely Place, of its ancient sanctuary, and of St. Ethel- dreda, its titular Saint. Third edition, 8vo. 1903 Jason de Mayno. Jasonis Mayni Coraraentaria. 9 vols, in 4. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1576-77 Vol. 1. In primam partem Codicis. 2. In secundam partem Codicis. 3. In primam partem Digesti noTi. 4. In secundam partem Digesti novi. 5. In pi'imam partem Digesti veteris. 6. In secundam partem Digesti veteris. 7. In primam partem Infortiati, 8. In secundam partem Infortiati. 9. Eepertorium. Consiliorum sive responsorum volumen primum — quartum ; cum luculentissimis additionibus D. Francisci Becii . . . 4 vols, in 1, fol. Venetiis, 1581 Jault, a. F. See Menage, Gilles ; Dictionnaire de la langue fran9oise. Jatsius, Johannes Fridericus. De praecedentia. [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Durlaco -Baden SIS, 1715 Jeaffeeson, John Cordy.. A book about Law J ers. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867 Jebb, Eichard. See Hampden, R. D. ; Report of Case of. Jebb, Robert. Cases, chiefly relating to the Criminal and Presentment law, re- served for consideration, and decided by the twelve Judges of Ireland, from May, 1822, to November, 1840. 8vo. Dublin, 1841 Jebb Robert, and Boueke Richard. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Coui't of Queen's Bench in Ireland, 1841-42. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 JEB— JEN. 396 Jebb Robert, and Symes Arthur E. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1838-41. 2 vols. 8vo. Duhlin, 1840-42 Jeffebts, Charles. See Chitty, Joseph, jun. ; Precedents in Pleading. Jeffebys, Thomas. The American Atlas : or, a geographical description of the whole continent of America . . . fol. 1775 See also Muller, S. ; Voyages. Jeffrey of Monmouth. See Geoffrey of Monmouth. Jeffreys, Sir G-eorge, Baron. Argument concerning the great case of Monopolies between the East India Company, plaintiff, and Thomas Sandys, defendant, wherein their patent for trading to the East Indies, exclusive of all others, is adjudged good. fol. 1689 Speech on occasion of creating Sir Edward Herbert Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 23rd October, 1685. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Life of. See Irving, H. B. : Watt, Francis ; Terrors of the Law, Memoirs. See Woolbych, Humphry W. [Jekyll, Joseph.] Facts and observations relating to the Temple Church, and the monuments contained in it [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 3.] 4to. 1811 Jemmett, Charles Fuhr. See Phillimore, Sir Robert; Ecclesiastical law : Williams Robert Griffith, and Bruce Sir Gainsford ; Admiralty practice. Jencken, Henry D. Compendium of the laws on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques, and other commercial negotiable instruments of England, Germany, and France ; with a translation of the German Code and references to the Italian and Spanish Codes. 8vo. 1880 The laws of Negotiable Securities ; a condensed manual . . . 8vo. 1880 Modern Roman Law. See Tomkins, Frederick James. [Jenichen, Gottlob Augustus. De feudo inofficiose qusesito. [Oerman University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Lipsise, 1728 Observationes selectae ad Augustini de Leyser aeternum Medita- tionum ad Pandectas opus : accedit Gregorii Maiansii de legatis incertis disputatio. [Bound with Leyser' s Meditationes ad Pandectas, vol. 11.] 4to. Lifsias, 1748 396 JEN— JEP. Jenison, Eobert. A narrative of the depositions of Robert Jenison . . . proving that William Ireland, lately executed for high treason, was in London the 19th of August, 1678 . . . collected by C. Chetwind. fol. 1679 Jenkin, Austin Pleeming. The Local Government Act, 1894. See GtLen, William Cunningham ; Law of Public Health. See also Architects' Law Reports : Locax GtOvernment Reports : Pbnfold, C. ; Rating. Jenkins, David. The works of the eminent and learned Judge Jenkins, upon divers statutes concerning the King's prerogative and the liberty of the subject ; now reprinted from the original authentick copy, written and published by himself, when prisoner in Newgate. 12mo. [1648] — [Another edition.] 12mo. 1681 Renim Judicatarum centurise octo. [1220-1623.] fol. 1661 Eight centuries of Reports ; or eight hundred cases solemnly ad- judged in the Exchequer Chamber, or upon Writs of Error ; publish'd originally in French and Latin, now translated, with the addition of many references, by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. Second edition. fol. 1 734 "Jenkins, Sir Leoline. Life of. See Wynne, William. Jenks, Edward. The future of British Law : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Melbourne. 8vo. Melbourne, 1889 Law and Politics in the Middle Ages, with a synoptic table of sources. 8vo. 1898 Modern Land Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1899 See also Stephen, Henry John ; Commentaries on the laws of England. Jenktns, Sir Henry. British rule and jurisdiction beyond the Seas ; with a preface by Sir C. Ilbert. 8vo. 1902 Law of Trade Marks. See Litdlow, Henry. Jenneh, Henry A. See Coote, Henry Charles ; Common form practice. Jennings, Louis J. See Croker, John Wilson ; The Croker papers. Jbpson, Arthur. The Lands Clauses Acts, with decisions, forms and tables of costs. Second edition, by J. M. Lightwood. 8yo. 1900 JER— JES. 397 Jekdan, William. Correspondence of James, Earl of Perth (1688-96). ^Camden Society, No. 33.] Rutland papers (temp. Henry VII. and Henry VIII.). [Camden Society, No. 21.] Jeeemie, Peter. An essay on the laws of Real Property in Guernsey, and commentary on the present laws of inheritance and wills ; with an appendix, containing the original petition for the reform of these laws . . . 8vo. Guernsey, 1841 J EBEMr, George. /See Mitford, John ; Equity Pleading. Jeremy, Walter David. The Presbyterian fund and Dr. Daniel "Williams's Trust ; with biographical notices of the trustees, and some account of their academies, scholarships, and schools. 8vo. 1885 Jersey. The laws, customs and privileges, and their administration, in the island of Jersey^ with notices of Guernsey . . . by A. J. le Cras. 8vo. 1839 Lois et reglements passes par les etats de Jersey . . . 1771 a 1899. 6 vols. 8vo. Jersey, 1878-99 Ordres du conseil et pieces analogues enregistres a Jersey, 1536 a 1834. 5 vols. 8vo. Jersey, 1897-1901 Jervis, Sir John. The Coroners Acts, 1887 and 1892, with forms and precedents, ""ixth edition, by R. E. Melsheimer. 8vo. 1898 Reports of Exchequer cases. See Crompton, Charles : Yonge, Richard. See also Aechbold, John Frederick ; Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases. K 1^ SSE, George R. vidence given before the Royal Commission on Vivisection. 8vo. 1875 ssopp, Augustus. arris's (Economy of the Fleete. \_Camden Society, new series, 0. 25.] isitations of the Diocese of Norwich, 1492-1532. [^Camden Society, ew series, No. 43.] Jesuits. lA glimpse of the Great Secret Society. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1880 398 JES— JOH. Jesus Christ. On the Divinity of Jesus Christ. See Stoddaet, W. Wellwood. Life of. See Scott, Thomas. See also Meeedith, Evan Powell ; The Prophet of Nazareth. Jeudwine, John Wynne. The Time Tables for the High Court of Justice and for the County Court, revised and corrected up to May, 1884. Second edition. 8vo. 1884 Jevons, W. Stanley. Pure Logic : or the logic of quality apart from quantity ; with remarks on Boole's system, and on the relation of logic and mathematics. 8vo. 1864 JicKLiNG, Henry. Practical treatise on the analogy between Legal and Equitable Estates, and modes of alienation. 8vo. 1829 Job. Llyvyr lob Cyvieithad Dr. Morgan. [Welsh Classics for the People] : edited by J. G. Evans. [Beprinted from the original edition of 1588.] 8vo. Oxford, 1888 JOCELIN OF BrAKLOND. Chronica, 1173 to 1202. [Camden Society, No. 13.] JoECHBR, Christ. Gottlieb. De feudis Langharum. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. 1737 JoECHER, Georg. Wilhelm. De jure circa rem monetariam in terris circuli SaxonisB Superioris. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Livsise, 1723 John, King of England. Itinerary. [Record Commission, No. 11.] John XXII., Fope. Extravagantes Joannis XXII. sedulo recognitse et ab Jacobo Poutauo Brugensi explicatiores redditi© . . . [Bound with the Sextus decre- talium liber of Boniface VIII.] fol. Lutetiad Parisiorum, 1561 See also Corpus Juris Canonici. John op Barneveld. Life of. See Motley, John Lothrop. JOH. 399 John of Bkabant. Account of the expenses of John of Brabant, 1292-93. [Oamden Society, No. 55.] John op Hexham. Symeonis Historia Regum continuata. [Britain, No. 75.] See also Twysden, Sir Roger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. John of Oxnead. Chronica (449-1292). [5n7am, No. 13.] John of Salisbury. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britain, No. 67.] Johnes, Thomas. See Joinville, Jean de ; Memoirs. Johsson, C. Papal Registers. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 34.] Johnson, Cuthbert William. Essay on the uses of Salt for agricultural purposes, and in horticul- ture. Third edition. 8vo. 1830 The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Checks . . . 8vo. 1837 The Life of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of England in the reign of James I. ; with memoirs of his contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837 The Farmers' Encyclopaedia. 8vo. 1842 [Johnson Cuthbert William, and Johnson George William.] The British Constitution ; its origin and history, by two members of Gray's Inn. 12mo. 1835 Johnson, George William. History of English Gardening . . . 8vo. 1829 Memoirs of John Selden, and notices of the political contests during his time. 8vo. 1835 See also Brainteee Church Rate Case : Fairfax, Thomas, Lord ; Fairfax Correspondence. Johnson, Henry Robert Vaughan. Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before Sir W. Page Wood, Vice- Chancellor, 1858-60. 8vo. 1860 See also Kay, Edward E. FoHNsoN Henry Robert Vaughan, and Hemming George W. Reports of cases adjudged in the High 'Court of Chancery, before Sir W. Page Wood, Vice-Chancellor, 1869-62. , 2 vols. 8vo. 1861-63 400 JOH. » Johnson, Horace Maxwell. Bills of Costs in the High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, in the House of FiOrds and the Privy Council ; with the scales of costs and tables of fees in use in the Houses of Lords and Commons, relative to private bills; election petitions, parliamentary and municipal . . . 8vo. 1897 Johnson, James. A view of the jurisprudence of the Isle of Man, with the history of its ancient constitution, legislative government, and extraordinary privileges ; together with the practice of the Courts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811 Johnson James, and Johnson J. Henry. The Patentee's Manual ; a treatise on the law and practice of patents for inventions, with an appendix of statutes, rules, and Foreign and Colonial patent laws. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1890 Johnson, John. Collection of all the Ecclesiastical laws, canons, answers, or rescripts ; with other memorials concerning the government, discipline and worship of the Church of England, from its first foundation to the Conquest, and of all the canons and constitutions ecclesiastical made since the Conquest and before the Reformation . . . now first translated into English, with notes and glosses from Lyndwood and Athene. 2 vols. 8vo. 1720 The Clergyman's Vade Mecum ; or, an account of the ancient and present Church of England. Sixth edition. 12mo. 1731 — Part 2., containing the Canonical Codes. Fourth edition. 12mo. 1731 Johnson, John. Typographia ; or, the Printer's instructor, including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the sixteenth century. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 Johnson, Eichard. The most pleasant history of Tom a Lincolne, that renowned soldier . . . 1635. [Thoms'B Early English prose romances, yol. 2.] 8vo. 1858 Johnson, Robert. Trial at Bar of the Hon. Justice Johnson, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas in Ireland, for a libel . . . 8vo. 1806 Johnson Samuel. Works [with some memorials of his life]. fol. 1710 A history and defence of Magna Charta ; with an introductory discourse, containing a short account of the rise and progress of national freedom ; also, the liberties which are confirmed by the Bill of Eights : to which is added, an essay on Parliaments . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1772 JOH. 401 Johnson, Samuel. A dictionary of the English language : to which are prefixed, a history of the language and an English grammar. 2 vols. fol. 1755 — Second edition : with numerous corrections, and the addition of several thousand words, bj H. J. Todd. 3 vols. 4to. 1827 A journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. " 8vo. 1775 Answer to a pamphlet, entitled. Taxation no tyranny ; addressed to the author [Dr. Johnson], and to persons in power. [Tracts, vol. 3, No. 4.] 8vo. 1775 The lives of the most eminent English Poets ; with critical observa- tions on their works. 4 vols. 8vo. 1781 Life of. See Boswell, James. Shakespeare's works. See Shakespeabb, William. Johnson, Sir Samuel George. See Abnold, Thomas James ; Muni- cipal Corporations. Johnson, William. Reports of cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York, 1799-1803 ; together with cases determined in the Court for the Correction of Errors during that period. Second edition, with additional cases. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1846-49 — 1806-23. 20 vols. 8vo. New York, 1860-67 Eeports of cases in the Court of Chancery of New York, 1814-23. Second edition, revised and corrected. 7 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836-37 Johnson, William Forbes. Essay on the Science of Law. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1874-79 Johnston, Alexander Keith. The royal Atlas of modem geography. New edition by T. B. Johnston. fol. 1889 Johnston, Henry, » Digest of cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Hender- son, Alexander Edward. hnston, Henry. See Emden, Alfred ; Law relating to Building ; Wmding up. Johnston Henry, Macon ochie C. C, and Fbaser Hugh J, E. I An analytical Digest of cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland and on appeal by the House of Lords, from July 20, 1877, to July 20, 1885 : compiled from the Sessions cases. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886 •HNSTON, James Arranloe. See Rawlinbon, Sir Christopher ; Municipal Corporations Acts. 4^ JOH— JOK. Johnston, Lewis F. C. Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain, by Ignacio Jordan de Asso y del Eio and D. Miguel de Manuel y Kodriguez : translated from the Spanish. 8vo. 1825 Johnston, Eobert. Historia rerum Britannicarum ut et multarum Galliearum, Belgi- carum, et Germanicarum, tarn politicarum, quam ecclesiasticarum, ab anno 1572, ad annum 1628. fol. Amst. 1655 Johnston W., and Johnston A. K. The cosmographic Atlas of political, historical, classical, physical, and scriptural geography and astronomy ; with . . , descriptive letterpress. Second edition. fol. 1886 Johnstone, Sir Archibald, Lord Wariston. Fragment of diary, 1639. [ScofMsh History Society, No. 26.] Johnstone, John. See Pabb, Samuel ; Works. JoiNViLLE, Jean de. Memoirs of John Lord de Joinville, written by himself ; containing a history of part of the life of Louis IX., King of France, surnamed Saint Louis, including an account of that King's expedition to Egypt in the year 1248 ; to which are added, the notes and dissertations of M. Du Cange on the above ; together with the dissertations of M. le Baron de la Bastie on the life of St. Louis . . . translated by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. 4to. Hafod Press, 1807 Jolly, Julius. Tagore Law Lectures, 1883 : outlines of an history of the Hindu law of partition, inheritance, and adoption; as contained in the original Sanskrit treatises. 8vo. Calcutta, 1885 Jolly, W. Arnold. See Seaborne, H. ; Vendors and Purchasers. Jones, Algernon. See Peitchabd, W. Tarn ; Digest of Admiralty and Maritime law. Jones, Edward. Index to records, called the Originalia and Memoranda, on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's side of the exchequer. . . . 2 vols. fol. 1793-96 Jones, Edwyn. The law of Salvage, as administered in the High Court of Admiralty and the County Courts ; with the principal authorities, English and American, brought down to the present time, and an appendix, containing statutes, forms, table of fees . . . 8vo. 1870 County Court Acts. See Shobtt, John. JON. 408 Jones, G-eorge Frederick. A treatise on the law concerning the liabilities and rights of Com- mon Carriers. 8vo. 1827 Jones, G-eorge Morgan Edwardes. Law and practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. See Hiooinb, Clement. Jones, H. Cadmau. Reports of Chancery Appeals. See Db Gex, John Peter. Jones, Inigo. The most notable antiquity of G-reat Britain, vulgarly called Stone- Heng, on Salisbury ;?lain, restored by Inigo Jones : to which are added, The Chorea Gigantum, or Stone-Heng restored to the iJanes^ II by Doctor Charleton ; and Mr. Webb's Vindication of Stone-Heng '■ restored, in answer to Dr. Charleton's reflections. fol. 1725 jToNEs, John.] Free and candid Disquisitions relating to the Church of England, [and the means of advancing religion therein. Second edition, i ^ Svo. 1750 ONES, John, The history and antiquities of Harewood, in the County of York ; I^B with topographical notices of its parish and neighbourhood, a* Svo. 1859 Jones, Leonard A. U^ An index to Legal Periodical Literature. IV 2 vols. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1888-99 Jones, Robert. » History of the French Bar, ancient and modern ; comprising a notice of the French courts . . . and of the system of legal education in France. Svo. 1855 I oONEs, Sir Thomas. Reports of several special cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas at Westminster, in the reign of Charles 11. [1667-84] Second edition, in French and English. fol. 1729 Jones, Thomas. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, 1834-38, 2 vols. ijvo. Dublin, 1838-47 See also Hates, Edmund, Jones Thomas, and Caret Henry. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, 1838-39. Svo. 1839 B B 2 404 . JON— JOU. Jones Thomas, and La Touche Edmond Digges. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, 1844-46. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1846-49 Jones, Thomas Wharton. The life of Bishop Bedell. [Camden Society, new series, No. 4.] Jones, Sir William. Les Reports de divers special cases, cy bien in le Court de Banck le Roy, come le Common-Banck in Angleterre, cy bien en le darreign temps de Roy Jaques, come en I'anns de Roy Charles I. [1620-40.] fol. 1675 Jones, William. An essay on the law of Bailments. Fourth edition, with notes on the law relating to carriers, innkeepers, warehousemen, and other bailees : and an essay on the law of coach proprietors and carriers, by W. Theobald. 8vo. 1833 Institutes of Hindu Law ; or the ordinances of Menu, according to the gloss of CuUuca ; comprising the Indian system of duties, religious and civil : verbally translated from the original, with a preface, bv Sir W. Jones ; and collated with the Sanscrit text by G. C. Haughton. Third edition . . . by S. G. Grady. Svo. 1869 Jones, William Frank. See Chitty, Edward ; Equity Index. Jones, William Hanbury. The law of Uses. Svo. 1862 Jones, William Henry Rich. Register of S. Osmimd. [Britain, No. 78.] Salisbury charters and documents. [Britain, No. 97.] Jones, William Hugh. A practical guide to the Liquor Licensing Acts. Svo. 1898 JosEPHTJS, Flavins. Opera quae exstant . . . Grsecolatina editio . . . fol. Genevas, 1635 JotrppROY, Theodore. Cours de Droit Naturel, profess^ a la Faculte des Lettres de Paris. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1858 JoTJEDAN, [Athanase Jean Leger.] Themis, ou bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. JOU— JUD. 405 FOUBNALS. Journals of the House of Commons, 1547-1905. 160 vols, in 162. fol. v.y. — General Index (Alphabetical), 1547-1900. 12 vols. fol. 1778-1905 — Indexes (Chronological), Vols. 1 to 28, 1547-1761. 2 vols. fol. N.r>. Journals of the House of Commons, Ireland, 1613-1800. 19 vols, in 21. fol. Dublin, 1796-1800 — Index, 1613-1800. 2 vols. fol. 1802 Journals of the House of Lords, 1509-1904. 136 vols, in 137. fol. v.y. — General Index, from 1 Hen. VIII. to 56 & 57 Vict,, 1509-1893-94. 5 vols. fol. 1817-1900 — Calendar, 1509-1826. 2 vols. fol. n.d. Journals of the House of Lords, Ireland, 1634-1800. 8 vols. fol. Buhlin, 1779-1800 Journals of Parliaments, temp. Elizabeth: bj Sir Simonds D'Ewes. fol. 1682 FoTCB, James Wayland. England's Sacred Synods ; a constitutional history of the convoca- tions of the clergy, from the earliest records of Christianity in Britain to the date of the promulgation of the present Book of Common Prayer ; including a list of all councils, ecclesiastical as well as civil, held in England, in which the clergy have been concerned. 8vo. 1855 )TCE, William. The law and practice of Injunctions in Equity and at Common Law. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 The doctrines and principles of the law of Injunctions. 8vo. 1877 See Savigny, Friedrich Carl von ; Le droit des lozoN, Paul. Obligations. FXTDGMENTS. Judgements as they were upon solemne arguments given, in the Upper- Bench and Common Pleas, upon the most diflBcuIt points in all manner of actions. Svo. 1665 A second book of Judgements, in real, personal, and raixt actions, and upon the statute ; all or most of them affirmed upon Writs of Error ... by G. Townesend. 4to. 1674 ruDicATURE Acts (Legal Offices) CoMMirxEE. Keport, and minutes of evidence. fol. 1878 tUDICATTTRE COMMISSION. Reports (first — second) of the Commissioners: answers to questions issued by the Commissioners as to county courts, local courts, and quarter sessions ; minutes of evidence taken before the Commis- sioners, as to county courts and local courts. fol. 1869-72 406 JUD— JUR. Judicature Commission — continued. Third Report ; and appendix, containing the answers to the questions issued by the Commissioners and the minutes of evidence relating to tribunals of commerce. fol. 1874 Judicial Statistics. Judicial Statistics (England and Wales), 1880-86, 1899-1903. 10 vols fol. 1881-1904 Reports on the Judicial Statistics of Scotland, 1881-86. 6vols.ini. fol. 1882-87 JuLiANUS, Flavins Claudius, Emperor. Opera . . . [Interprete Dionysio Petavio. Gr. et Lat.] 4to. Parisiis, 1630 JuLiANus, Salvius. The fragments of the perpetual Edict of Salvius Julianus : collected, arranged, and annotated, by B. Walker. 8vo. Cambridge, 1877 Junius. Junius, including letters by the same writer, under other signa- tures : to which are added, his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to INIr. H. S. Wood fall: with a preliminary essay, notes, fac-similes ... 3 vols. 8vo. 1812 Letters : illustrated [with portraits of the Earl of Chatham, Sir William Draper, the Duke of G-rafton, the Marquis of Rockingham, Mr. Justice Blackstone, G-eorge III., Lord North, the Earl of Bute, John Home Tooke, John Wilkes, Lord Mansfield, and Lord Camden] by E. Bocquet. 4to. 1813 The Handwriting of Junius professionally investigated, by C. Chabot ; with preface and collateral evidence by E. Twisleton. 4to. 1871 Junius, Franciscus. Etymologicum Anglicanum: ex autographo descripsit, et acces- sionibus permultis auctum, edidit Edwardus Lye : prsemittuntur vita auctoris et grammatica Anglo-Sax onica. fol. Oxonise, 1743 Juridical Review. The Juridical Review : a journal of political and legal science, 1889-1905. 17 vols. [I/i ^rogrress.] 8vo. ^(^m&wpfe, 1889-1905 Juridical Society. Papers read before the Juridical Society, 1855-74. 4 vols. 8vo. 1858-74 Vol. 1. Inaugural address : by Sir R. Bethell. On the policy of the rule of English law which exacts unanimity in the verdicts of juries •, by W. M. Best. The conception of Sovereignty, and its importance in international law : by Sir H. S. Maine. On the origin of the present mode of Family Settlements of landed property : by Joshua Williams. JUE. 407 Juridical Society — continued. Papers read before the Juridical Society, 1855-74, continued. Vol. 1 — continued. On the policy of maintaining the limits, at present imposed by law, on the Criminal Eesponsibility of madmen : by Sir J. F. Stephen. On change as an inherent necessity in every system of Municipal law ; and on the means which exist in this country for influencing and regulating such change : by W. T. S. Daniel. Law as reflecting and as moulding the Opinions and Habits of the people : by T. Chambers. On the Union of the Mark System with associated labour in the manage- ment of criminals : by Joshua Williams. Peerages for life : by W. D. Lewis. On the relation between Public and Private International law : by J. Westlake. The classification and definition of Crime : by Sir J. F. Stephen. Codification of the laws of England : by W. M. Best. On the principles which ought to regulate the interference of the State with Property held by public bodies or for public purposes : by J. N . Higgins. The principles of legislation involved in the Statute of Frauds, as it affects the law of contracts : by S. M. Leake. On Advocacy as connected with the Administration of Justice : by W. T. S. Daniel. On the moral Distinction between law and equity: by F. D. Maurice. The rise and progress of the Roman civil law before Justinian, historically considered : by P. M. Colquhoun. The origin and use of Legal Fictions : by W. D. Lewis. On ancient Legal Education in the Inns of Court : by P. A. Smith. The Common law of England : with an examination of some false principles of law reform : by W. M. Best. Judicial Oaths : by F. S. Eeilly. The practice of interrogating persons accused of crime : by Sir J. F. Stephen. The progress of the Roman civil law from Justinian to the fall of the Empire of the East, historically considered : by P. M. Colquhoun. Traces of the Roman civil law in the Barbaric codes : by P. M. Colquhoun. On some points in the theory of the law of Property : by S. M. Leake. Some popular Errors concerning law : by W. D. Lewis. The legal Doctrine of Responsibility in cases of Insanity, connected with alleged criminal acts : by Forbes Winslow. 2. On the Hindu and Mohamedan laws, as administered in India and in connection with English law : by W. H. Bennett. On the principles which govern the Criminal and Civil responsibilities of Corporations : by Lord Lindley. On the mercantile notion of " The Firm," and the need of its legal recognition : by J. M. Ludlow, The point of law involved in the case of Seff, v. Bernard : by Sir J. F. Stephen. On Marine jurisdiction in time of peace : by H. P. Roche. 408 JUR. Jttridical Society — continued. Papers read before the Juridical Society, 1855-74, continued. Vol. 2 — continued. On the present state of International Jurisprudence, part 1 : by Professor Katchenovsky. A biographical notice of the late Professor Wurm : by Professor KatchenoTsky. On the institution of the Grand Jury : by T. Chambers. Address of Sir Richard Bethell, on vacating the office of President of the Juridical Society. Stock registers, share registers, and land registers : by J. M. Ludlow. Trial by Jury : speech of W. M. Best. Corrupt practices at Elections : by T. Phinn. Schools of legislation : by C. T. Swanston, jun. Trial by Jury and evidence of experts : by Sir J. P. Stephen. Liberty of opinion in relation to Blasphemous Libels : by W. D. Lewis. Common law courts and Equitable Jurisdiction : by W. Marshall. Legal interpretation, with especial reference to Wills : by P. V. Hawkins. Is a Judicial tribunal, either of the last resort or otherwise, bound by the principles laid down by itself on previous occasions ? by W. Marshall. On the rules which ought to govern the admission of Extrinsic Evidence in the interpretation of Wills : by F. M. Nichols. The Taxation of Suitors : by S. M. Leake. Historical review of the feodal system : by P. M. Colquhoun. On some errors in Legislation, illustrated by the statutes relating to Joint Stock companies : by Lord Lindley. Is the government of the United States of America entitled, under the Ashburton treaty, to claim the extradition of the fugitive Anderson ? by Or. Denman. On Promotion at the English bar; its effect on the barrister, the Crown, and the suitor : by E. Webster. Codification : by W. Marshall. Is the capture of the Southern Commissioners from on board the mail steamer "Trent" defensible by the law of nations? by C. Clark. Simplification of Title to Land preferable to the introduction of novel modes of assurance, with an outline of a plan : by E. P Wolstenholme. On the present state of International Jurisprudence, part 2 : by Professor Katchenovsky. The expediency of digesting the precedents of the Common law and regulating the publication of reports : by Q-. Sweet. On the true remedies for the evils which affect the Transfer of Land : by Joshua Williams. The principles and rules of Neutrality; the Foreign Enlistment Act ; the Alabama : by W. W. Kerr. The provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Act relating to ships : by F. S. Reilly. On Commercial Blockades : by J. Westlake. Copyright in the Fine Arts : by W. Marshall. JUR. 409 FuBiDicAL Society — continued. Papers read before the Juridical Society, 1866-74, continued. Vol. 2 — continued. The Circuit system : its influence on the administration of justice and the interests of the bar : by F. Lawrence. On Legal Reporting : by J. Westlake. 3. On the extent of Civil remedies for military offences, contracts, and wrongs : by F. Worsley. Principles that ought mutually to govern the conduct of Neutrals and Belligerents : by C. Clark. On the true nature and functions of the rules which regulate the relations between Belligerents and Neutral States : by C. C. Massey Case of Tiernan and others demanded of Great Britain, by the United States Government to be surrendered as pirates, under the Extradition Treaty of Washington : by Vernon Lushington. On certain beneficial effects of the rule of Tacking, as applied in England to incumbrances upon real estate : by H. E. Droop. Ought any person to be excluded from giving Evidence on the ground of religious unbelief ? by F. D. Maurice. Digests and Codes with reference to Law Reform : by F. V. Hawkins. On the law relating to Confessions in criminal cases : by C. H. Hopwood. On the Borrowing Powers of Railway Companies : by Sir H. W. Elphin- stone. On the equitable doctrine as to Mistake : by W. W. Kerr. On arrangements between a Debtor and his Creditors, and the conditions under which the decision of a majority of creditors may properly be made binding on all : by H. R. Droop. On the means of checking Bribery and Corruption in the election of members of the House of Commons : by F. D. Maurice. Martial law : what, if any, is allowed by the law of England ? and what is the responsibility of those who execute it ? by C. H. Hop- wood. On the Interpretation of formal documents : by Sir H. W. Elphinstone. Defects and suggested changes in the Appellate system: by W. Stebbing. On Blackstone's theory of the Omnipotence of Parliament : by T. C. Anstey. On the judicial constitution of the Court of Chancery, and its methods of procedure in court and in chambers : by A. G. Marten. The present system of Special Pleading in civil actions, an obstacle to law reform : by C. H. Hopwood. On judicial Oaths as administered to heathen witnesses : by T. C. Anstey. On the competence of Colonial Legislatures to enact laws in derogation of common liability or common right : by T. C. Anstey. Defects and suggested reforms in the procedure of the Court of Session, and other courts in Scotland, with reference to the Commission now sitting : by W. Neish. On the political and social effects of different methods of electing Representatives : by H. R. Droop. The responsibility of Candidates at Parliamentary Elections for the unauthorised acts of their agents : by C. C. Massey. 410 JUR— JUS. Juridical Society — continued. Papers read before the Juridical Society, 1855-74, continued. Vol. 3 — continued. Eefonn of the law of Real property : by Sir Gr. Bowyer. Anticipations under the Commonwealth, of changes in the law : by R. Robinson. The capture of Private property at sea : by H. H Shephard. On the property rights of Married Women : by H. R. Droop. The proper object and constitution of a Legal University or Council of Legal Education : by Sir Or. Young. On the law of Forfeiture for treason and felony : by P. V. Smith. Compensation for Railway accidents : by H. Godefroi. On the relations between an invading Army and the inhabitants, and the conditions under wliich irregular troops are entitled to the same treatment as regular soldiers : by H. R. Droop. 4. On settlements of Personal Estate : by Sir H. W. Elphinstone. On the Winding-up of Life Insurance companies : by D. Pitcairn. On the efPect of the contemplated fusion of law and equity on the English law of contract : by P. V. Smith. The liability of the past members of a Limited Company in liquidation ■ b% Sir H. B. Buckley. Impediments to the Transfer of Land : by G-. Sweet. Jurist. The Jurist ; containing reports of cases decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law, and in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts ; with digests of all the reports published : original articles on legal subjects . . . 1837-54. 18 vols, in 31. 8vo. 1838-55 — New series, 1855-66. 12 vols, in 24. 8vo. 1856-67 Jus Canonicum. See Corpus Juris Canonici. Jus Civile. See Corpus Juris Civilis. Justice of Peace. The boke of Justices of Peas [and other tracts]. 12mo. Bohert Redman, 1538 The bote of Justices of Peas . . . n.d. Parvus libellus . . . [Carta feodi.] 1533. Modus tenendi Curiam Baronis [cum novis additionibus.] 1533. Diversite de courtz et lour jurisdictions. 15:^3. Returna brevium [et Modus tenendi unum Hundredum.] N.D. Ordinaunce . . . to be observed in the Kynges Eschequier. N.D. The contentes of this booke : first, the booke for a justice of peace ; the booke that teacheth to keepe a Court Baron or a Leet; the booke teaching to keepe a Courte Hundred ; the booke called Charta feodi . . . and the booke of the ordinance to be observed by the officers of the Kings Escheker for fees taking. 8vo. Bicharde Tottyl, 1674 JUS. 411 Justice of the Peace. The Justice of the Peace. Vols. 1-69. [In progress ] 4to. 1837-1905 — Digest, 1893-1902. 2 vols. 4to. 1898-1904 •USTINIANUS. The Institutes : text, commentaries, and translations. lartoli a Saxoferrato super Authenticis et Instit. commentaria . . . 3 vols, in 1. fol. August 86 Taurinorum, 1577 Matthsei Wesenbecii Commentarius ia Institutionum seu elementorum juris D. Justiniani .... libros iiii. 8vo. Colonise Agrippinae, 1593 Hermauni Vulteii in Institutiones Juris Civilis a Justiniano com- positas commentarius . . . Editio secunda. 4to. Marpurgi, 1600 Joachimi Mynsingeri Apotelesma ; hoc est, corpus perfectum scholio- rum ad Institutiones Justinianeas pertinentium ex quarta reeogni- tione Arnoldi de Reyger. fol. Helmestadii, 1609 Joan. Sfhneidewini in quatuor Institutionum Imperialium D. Jus- tiniani libros commentarii . . . fol. Argentorati, 1626 Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri iv . . . studio Joannis Crispini et Julii Pacii. 12mo. Amstelsedami, 1642 Hugonis Grotii Florum Sparsio ad jus Justinianeum. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1643 Joannis Borcholten Commentaria in Institutionum juris civilis libros IV. . . 4to. Lovanii, 1646 Antoni Perezi Institutiones Imperiales erotematibus distinctse . . . J^_ Editio septima. 12mo. Amsterodami, 1652 ^m Theophili Antecessoris Institutionum libri iv [Grsece et Latine]. Carolus Annibal Fabrotus recensuit, et scholiis Greecis auxit ; idemque Jacobi Curtii Latinam interpretationem emendavit et notas adjecit. Editio secunda. 4to. Parisiis, 1657 Exercitationes xviii ad iv libros, Institutionum Imperialium a Wilhelmo Ludwel . . . adjecta est disputatio inauguralis de quinquaginta Justiniani decisionibus. 4to. Altdorffi, Noricorum, 1658 Reinhardi Bachovii Commentaria in quatuor Institutionum juris Justiniani libros theorici et practici . . . Editio novissima. 4to. Francofurti, 1661 Johannis Strauchii Aduniversum jus Justinianeum privatum disser- tationes. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Jenae, 1666-75 Pauli Voet ... in quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium commentarius. 2 vols. 4to. Gorichemi, 1668 Ulrici Huberi Digressiones Justinianese . . . Editio tertia. 4to. Franequerse, 1696 Luderi Menckenii, Tractatio synoptica Institutionum juris Justin- ianearum theoretico-practica ... fol. Lipsise, 1698 Ulrici Huberi . . . Eunomia Romana, sive censura censurae Juris Justiniansei ; contiuens examen prsecipuorum juris locorum, secun- dum Pandectas et Institutiones. 4to. Franequerse, 1700 412 JUS. JusTiNiANUS — continued. The Institutes — continued. Arnoldi Vinnii in quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium com- mentarius academicus et forensis. Editio postrema . . . 4to. Amstelaedami, 1703 C. G. HofEmanni historia juris Eomano-Justinianei . . . 2 vols. 4to. Lipsise, 1718-26 Joachimi Hoppii exainen Institutionum Imperialium . . . Editio nova. 12mo. Francofurti, 1726 Fl. Justiniani Imperatoris Institutionum libri quatuor, J. H. Boehmeri, recensuit et codice MStos. optimse notse, emendavit, adnotationibus illustravit ; atque Theophili Paraphrasin subjunxit. Secunda editio. 4to. Raise Magdeburgicse, 1728 Ulrici Huberi . . . Positiones juris, secundum lustitutiones et Pandectas . . . Editio sexta. 8vo. Amstelssdami, 1728 Everardi Ottonis ad PL Justiniani Institutionum sive Elementovum libros IV . . . notse criticse et commentarius . . . 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1734 Emundi Merillii in quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium commentarii . . . opera et studio Claudii Mongin, cum praefatione C. H. Trotz. 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1739 Alexandri Arnoldi Pagenstecheri . . . aphorismi juris ad Institutiones Justinianeas. Editio sexta . . . 8vo. Harderovici, 1748- Jo. Gottlieb Heineccii Antiquitatum Romanarum jurisprudentiam illustrantiutn syntagma secundum ordinem Institutionum Justiniani digestum. Editio quinta. 8vo. Leovardiae et Franequerae, 1777 — Another edition. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1797 Jo. Gott. Heineccii Recitationes in elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Institutionum ... 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1815 Jo. Gottlieb Heineccii Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Institutionum ... 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1815 — Edidit Christ. Gottlob Biener. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1822 Manuale juris synopticum, in quo continentur Justiniani Institu- tiones, cum Gaii Institutionibus ; necnon Ulpiani fragmenta, Pauli sententise, Vaticana fragmenta, et aliae plurimse veterum jurisconsul- torum reliquiae: concinnavit et recognovit C. A. Pellat. Editio quinta. 8vo. Paris, 1870 Syntagma Institutionum novum. Gaii Institutiones juris civilis Eom., secundum Guilelmi Studemund Cod. Ver. collationem", edid. emend, notisque illustravit, appositis Justiniani Institutionibus, iis quidem ex recensione Pauli Krueger fere repetitis, ad locos deperditos lumina adiecit ex epitome Gaiana, Ulpiani fragmentis aliisque B. J. Polenaar. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1876 Institutionum et regularum juris Eomani syntagma exhibens Gai et Justiniani Institutionum synopsin . . . edidit et brevi annotatione instruxit Eudolphus Gneist. 8vo. Lipsise, 1880 JUS. 413 FusTiNiANus — continued. The Institutes — continued. J). Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor : the four books of Jus- tinian's Institutions, translated into English, with notes, by G. Harris. Second edition. 4to. 1761 The Institutes of Justinian ; with English introduction, translation, and notes, by T. C. Sandars. 8vo. 1853 — Eighth edition. 8vo. 1888 A manual of Civil law : containing a translation of, and commentary on, the fragments of the xii tables and the Institutes of Justinian ; the text of the Institutes of Grains and Justinian arranged in parallel columns. . . by P. Cumin. Second edition 8yo. 1865 The Institutes of Justinian and B. Walker. translated, with notes, by J. T. Abdy 8vo. Cambridge, 1876 Analysis of M. Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian, by T. L. Mears. 8vo. 1876 The Institutes of Justinian : edited, as a recension of the Institutes of Gains, by T. E. Holland. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 The Institutes of Gains and Justinian, the twelve tables, and the cxviiith and oxxviith novels : with introduction and translations, by T. L. Mears. 8vo. 1882 Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor ; with introduc- tions, commentary, excursus and translation, by J. B. Moyle. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1889-90 — Fourth edition, [vol. 2, third edition.] 2 vols. 8vo The Institutes of Justinian Williams. Second edition. Oxford, 1896-1903 illustrated by English law, by .1. 8vo. 1893 Paraphrase [du premier livre] des Institutions de I'Empereur Justinian, contenant une claire explication du texte latin; par [P.] Pelisson. 12mo. Paris, 1664 Institutes de I'Empereur Justinien, traduites en fran9ais avec le texte en regard; suivies d'un choix de textes juridiques, relatifs a I'histoire du droit romain et au droit priv6 ante Justinien : recueil publie par [J. B. A. H.] Blondeau. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Paraphrase grecqne des Instituts de Justinien, par le Professeur Theophile, traduite en fran^ais . . . par J. C. Fregier. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Explication historique des Instituts de I'Empereur Justinien . . . precedee de I'histoire de la legislation romaine . . . et d'une generalisation du droit romain, par [J. L. E.] Ortolan. Septieme edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863 See also Cobpus Jubis Civilis. 414 JUS. JusTiNiANUs — continued. The Digest or Pandects : text, commentaries, and translations. Digestorum seu Pandectarum libri quinquaginta ex Florentinis pandectis repraesentati. 2 vols. fol. Florentine, 1553 Pandectarum juris civilis. 3 vols. fol. Augustas Taurinorum, 1576 Pandectes de Justinien [avec le texte latin], mises dans un nouvel ordre ; avec les lois du Code, et les novelles qui confirment, expli- quent, ou abrogent le droit des Pandectes, par R. J. Pothier : traduites par M. de Breard-Neuville. 24 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-23 The Digest of Justinian : translated by C. H. Monro. Vol. 1. 8vo. Cambridge, 1904 Franciscus Curtius junior in Digestum Vetus . . . fol. Lugduni, 1552 Eaphaelis Cumani Commentationes in eius Pandectar. partem secun- dam (quam Infortiatum vulgus vocitat). In secundam Digesti Novi commentaria . . . fol. Lugduni, 1654 Annotationes priores et posteriores Gulielmi Budaei in Pandectas . . . fol. Lutetise, 1556 Bartoli a Saxoferrato In primam et secundam Digesti Vet. partem commentaria ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1577 Bartoli a Saxoferrato In primam et secundam Digesti Novi partem commentaria ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augusts Taurinorum, 1577 Pauli Castrensis In primam, et secundam Digesti Veteris partem commentaria. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Lugduni, 1583 In tit. Dig. de verborum et rerum significatione commentaria amplissima . . . auctore Petro Rebuff o. Ex tertia editione. fol. Lugduni, 1614 Reinhardi Bachovii . . . Commentarii in primam partem Pandec- tarum . . . adjectis ubique castigationibus in Rationalia Antonii Fabri. 4to. Spiras Nemetum, 1630 De criminibus ad lib. xlvii et xlviii Dig. commentarius Antonii Matthaei . . . 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1644 Jacobi Gothofredi novus in titulum Pandectarum de diversis regulis juris antiqui commentarius . . . [Bound witb Gottfried's Pontes quatuor juris civilis^. 4to. Genevse, 1652 Cypriani Regneri ab Oosterga Censura Belgica ; seu novae notae et animadversiones quibus omnes et singulae leges, quae in prioribus XXV libris Pandect, continentur . . . confirmantur . . . 4to. Ultrajecti, 1661 Mattbaei Wesenbecii Commentarii in Pandectas juris civilis et Codicem .lustinianeum . . . cum notis et observationibus Reinhardi Bachovii Echtii . . . 4to. Amstelodami, 1665 Julii Pacii Isagogicorum in Institutiones Imperiales, libri iv ; in Digesta seu Pandectas, libri l ; in Codicem, libri xii ; in Decretales, libri V. Editio nova. 8vo. Basilese, 1666 Harmonia Struvio-Schnobeliana civilis; sive Joachimi Schnobelii dissertationes aduniversum jus Pandectarum . . . et commentatione theoretico-practica atque indice locupletissimo auctas . . . Adrianus Beier. 4to. Jense, 1669 JUS. 415 JrrsTiNiANUS — continued. The Digest — continued. Johannis Bockelmanni Commentariorum in Digesta Justiniani Imp. libri XIX. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1678 Henr. Zoesii Commentarius ad Digestorum seu Pandectarum juris civilis libros l . . . Editio quarta. . fol. Lovanii, 1688 Liideri Menckenii Tractatio synoptica Pandectarum theoretico-prac- tica . . . fol. Lipsise, 1697 Johannis Brunnemanni Commentarius in quinquaginta libros Pan- dectarum . . . accessit ex ejusdem autoris commentario ad Codicem I. . . Editio quinta. fol. Wittebergas, 1701 W. A. Lauterbachs Collegii theoretico-practici a libro primo Pan- dectarum usque ad [finem], pars prima [ — tertia]. Studio filii Ulrici Thomae Lauterbachs. Editio nova. 3 vols. 4to. Tuhingse, 1723-26 Jo. Balthas. Wernheri Manuale Pandectarum . . . 12mo. Vitembergse, 1727 Jurisprudentia restituta, sive index chronologicus in totum juris Justiniansei corpus . . . accesserunt opuscula iv : i. Usus Pandec- tarum per Jac. Labittum ... ii. Henrici Hahnii oratio de usu chronologise in jure. m. Henrici Brencmanni dissertatio de legum inscriptionibus. iv. Bern. Henrici Reinoldi oratio de inscriptionibus legum Dig. et Cod. In usum Auditorum animadversiones passim adjecit Abraham Wieling. 2 vols. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1727 P. Barbosse Commentarii ad interpretationem tituli Pandectarum de judiciis. fol. Francofurti, 1729 Johanuis Voet Compendium juris juxta seriem Pandectarum . . . Editio sexta. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1731 Augustiiii Leyseri Meditationes ad Pandectas, quibus prsecipua juris capita ex antiquitate explicantur, cum juribus recentioribus con- feruntur, atque variis celebrium coUegiorum responsis et rebus judicatis illustrantur . . . Editio secunda. 11 vols, in 8. 4to. Lipsix, 1733-62 J. Guil. Hoffmanni Meletematum academicorum ad Pandectas semestria duo . . . 4to. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1735 Antonii Schultingii Enarratio partis primse Digestorum seu Pandec- tarum Justiniani . . . Editio altera. 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738 Guilielmi Marani Opera omnia, seu paratitla Digestorum et varii tractatus juris civilis . , . cum auctoris vita Bernardo Medonio scriptore . . . fol. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1741 Justi Henningii Boehmeri Introductio in jus Digestorum . . . Sexta editio. 2 vols. 8vo. Halse Magdeburgicas, 1741 J. F. Ludovici Doctrina Pandectarum . . . accessit historia Pan- dectarum, nee non Jo. Jac. Wissenbachii emblemata Triboniani. Editio VIII. 12mo. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1743 416 JUS. JusTiNiANUS —continued. The Digest — continued. Joannis Ortwini Westenbergii Principia juris secundum ordinem Digestorum seu Pandectarum . . . Editio tertia. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1745 Jo. Gottlieb Heineccii elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem Pandectarum ... 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. Venetiis, 1791 Johannis Voet commentariorum ad Pandectas libri quinqua- ginta ... 7 vols, in 1. 4to. Venetiis, 1827-28 Johannis Voet commentarius ad Pandectas. Editio nova . . . cura et studio A. Maurice. 4 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1829 Chrestomathie ; ou choix de textes pour un cours elementaire du droit prive des Romains . . . par J. B. A. H. Blondeau. 8vo. Paris, 1830 The Pandects ; a treatise on the Eoman law, and upon its connec- tion with modern legislation, by J. E. Goudsmit ; translated from the Dutch, by E. de Tracy Gould. 8vo. 1873 Voet : Commentarii ad Pandectas, translated into English. 5 vols. 8vo. 1876-96 Vol. 1. The contract of Sale (book xviii) : by Sir E. K. Wilson. 2. Servitudes (book viii) : by L. Hoskyns. 3. Of the direct and indirect actions of Mandate (book xvii, tit. 1) ; The action of Partnership (book xvil, tit. 2) : by T. E. Innes. 4. The contract of Letting and Hiring (book xix, tit. 2) : by W. Solomon. 6. On Marriage Laws (book xxiii, tit. 2) : by W. Stoney. Selected titles from the Digest ; translated and annotated by B. Walker. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-81 Vol. 1. Mandati vel contra : Digest xvii. 1. 2. De adquirendo rerum dominio et De adquirenda vel amittenda possessione : Digest xli. 1, 2. 3. De condictionibus, Digest XII. 1, 4-7 ; Xlll. 1-3. Selected titles from the Digest of Justinian ; by T. E. Holland and C. L. Shad well. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 An introduction to the study of Justinian's Digest ; containing an account of its composition and of the jurists used or referred to therein, together with a full commentary on one title (De Usuf ructu") : by H. J. Eoby. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884 The Digest, liber quadragesimus septimus, tit. ii., De Purtis: liter- ally translated . . . by F. E. Dias. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884 Digest, De pactis et transactionibus (ii. 14, 15) : literally translated ... by P. E. Dias. 8vo. 1886. The Eoman law of damage to property; being a commentary on tl title of the Digest Ad legem Aquiliam (ix. 2) ... by E. Grueberj 8vo. Oxford, 188 JUS. 417 JusTiNiANUs — continued. The Digest — continued. Digest xix. 2. Locati conduct!; translated, with notes, by G. H. Monro. 8vo. Cambridge.^ 18yi Digest xLvii. 2. De Purtis ; translated, with notes, bv C H. Monro. ■8vo. Cambridge, 1893 Digest IX. 2. Lex Aquilia ; translated, with notes, bj C. H. Monro. 8vo. Cambridge, 1898 Voet : Commentary on the Pandects ; translation of book xlvii., tit. 10, Roman and Roman-Dutch law of Injuries, by Melius de Villiers. 8vb. 1899 Digest xiii. 1. De adquirendo rerum dominio; edited with translation and notes by C. H. Monro. 8vo. Cambridge, 1900 Digest XVII. 2. Pro Socio ; edited with translation and notes by C. H. Monro. 8vo. Cambridge, 1902 Voet : Commentary on the Pandects, comprising all the titles on Purchase and Sale — Letting and Hiring — Mortgages — Evictions — Warranty— and allied subjects; being lib. xviii, xix, xx, xxi, and tit. 7, of lib. XIII, by T. Berwick. New and revised edition. 8vo. 1902 The Code : text and commentaries. Franciscus Curtius junior in Codicem . . . fol. Lugduni, 1552 Prselectionum . . . Joannis Sichardi in libros Codicis Justiniani tomus primus [et secundus] ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Basilese, 1566 Codicis Justiniani ... P. P. Augusti ex repetita prselectione libri novem priores ex codice Theodosiano et aliis vetustissimis exemplaribus, quoad fieri potuit, repraesentati : commentariis Accursii, scholiis . . . fol. Augustas Taurinorum, 1576 Bartoli a Saxoferrato in primam et secundam Codicis partem com- ~ lentaria. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1577 )yni Pisloriensis in Codicem, et aliquot tilulos primi Pandectorum )mi, id est, Digesti Veteris, doctissima commentaria . . . fol. Francoforti ad Moenum, 1578 Toannis Borcholten . . . commentaria in titulum xxxiii libri iiii. 3odicis qui inscribitur De usuris; [et] in titulum xiiir libri ii. ?andectarum qui inscribitur De pactis. 4to. Helmstadii, 1583 Jartholomsei a Salyceto opera. 5 pts. in 3 vols. fol. Venetii8,1586 Vol. 1. In secundam ff. veteris partem commentaria. In primum et secundum Codicis libros commentaria. 2. In III, nil, V, et vi Codicis libros commentaria. 3. In vir, viii, et ix Codicis libros commentaria. Repertorium. *auli Castrensis in primam et secundam Codicis partem commen- iria. 2 vols in 1. fol; Venetiis, 1593 'Matthsei Wesenbecii commentaria ac prselectiones in tertium lib rum Codicis . . . 4to. Witebergas, 1609 ""r. Raguelli . . . commentarius ad constitutiones et decisiones FuBtiniani quae xii libris Codicis continentur ; et ad priores titulos 'ibri vui, Cod. , , , 4to. Parisiis, 1610 c c 418 JUS— JUV. JusTiNiANUS — continued. The Code — continued. Jus Justinianum : lioc est Justiniani et aliorum quorundam Impp. Augg. novellarum mixtarum expositio methodica. Auctore Cunrado Rittershusio. Editio secunda. 4to. Argentorati, 1629 Antoni Perezi praelectiones in duodecim libros Codicis Justiniani Imp. Editio tertia . . . fol. Amstelodami, 1653 Arnoldi Corvini jurisprudentiae Romanse suramarium ; seu Codicis Justinianei methodica enarratio. 4to. Amstelodami, 1655 Expositio omnium authenticarum Codici Imp. Justiniani insertarum . . . cura Christophori Philippi Richter. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Jenge, 1661 Petri et Francisci Pithoei observationes ad Codicem et Novellas Jus- tiniani Imperatoris per Julianum translatas. fol. Parisiis, 1689 Johannis Brunnemanni commentarius in Codicem Justinianeum . . . fol. Lipsix, 1708 See also Coeptjs Juris Civilis. Jtjstinus. Historise Philippicae, ex editione Abraliami G-ronovii ; cum notis et interpretation e in usum Delphini; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitse. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 JusTiNUS Marttb. Apologise dusB, et dialogus cum Tryphone Judseo [Gr. et Lat,] cum notis et emendationibus S. Thirlbii. fol. 1722 JirsTus, Carolus Augustus. De private in Principem Imperii usurariae pravitatis reo. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Lipsise, 1725 JijvENALis, Decius Junius. Opera omnia, ex editione Rupertiana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, excursibus Rupertianis, notis variorum et veteris scholiastae, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 3 vols. 8vo. 1820 JuvENALis Decius Junius, et Pebsius Aulus Flaccus. Satyrse ; cum veteris scholiastae et variorum commentariis, accurante Cornelio Schrevelio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1671 Satirse expurgatae ; in usum scholarum : adduntur Juvenali annota- tiunculae Lud. Pratei et Jos. Juventii. Subjicitur Persio, interpreta- tionis loco, versio Brewsteri. Editio nova. 8vo. 1821 A new and literal translation of Juvenal and Persius ; vnth copious explanatory notes ... a new edition by M. Madan. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, Oxford, 1813 KAM— KAU. 419 Kambs, Henry Home, Lord. Remarkable Decisions of the Court of Session, 1716 to 1728. fol. Edinburgh, 1728 Historical Law Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1758 Vol. 1. Criminal Law. Promises and Covenants. Property. Securities upon Land for payment of debt. Privileges which an Heir-apparent in a feudal holding has, to continue the possession of his Ancestor. Eegalities, and of the privilege of re-pledging. Courts. 2. Brieves. Process in Absence. Execution against IVToveables and Land for payment of debt. Personal Execution for payment of debt. Execution for obtaining payment after the death of the debtor. Limited and universal Eepresentation of Heirs. Old and new Extent. Principles of Equity. fol. Edinburgh, 1760 Elements of Criticism. 3 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1762 Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities. Third edition. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1763 1. Introduction of the Feudal Law into Scotland. 2. Constitution of Parliament. 3. Honour ; Dignity. 4. Succession or Descent; with an appendix upon hereditary and inde- feasible right. Memoirs. See Tytler, Alexander Eraser. Kane, Robert. The industrial resources of Ireland. Second edition. Svo. Dublin, 1845 Kant, Immanuel. The Philosophy of Law : an exposition of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence as the science of right : translated from the German, by W. Hastie. Svo. Edinburgh, 1887 Katchenovsky, Professor. A biographical notice of the late Professor Wurm. [^Juridical Society, vol. 2.] On the present state of International Jurisprudence. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Kathaeine op Aeagon. Inventory of the wardrobe stuff of Katharine of Arragon,atBaynard's Castle. [Camden Society, No. 61.] Kaxjpmann, Georg Balthasar. De unione electorali. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Jense, 170? c c 2 420 KA.Y— KEC. Kay, Sir Edward E. Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before Sir W. Page Wood, Vice-Chancellor, 1853-54. 8vo. 1854 Kay Sir Edward E., and Johnson Henry Robert Vaughan. Rpports of Cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before Sir W.Page Wood, Vice-chancellor, 1855-58. 4vols.8vo. 1855-59 Kay, Joseph, The law relating to Shipmasters and Seamen, their appointment, duties, powers, rights, and liabilities. Second edition, by J. W. Mansfield and G. W. Duncan. Svo. 1894 — Supplement, the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 . . . by J. W. Mansfield and G. W. Duncan. 8vo. 1895 Eayses, Johann Fried rich. De jure Principis Evangelici circa divortia. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Halae Magdeh., 1715 « Keane, a. H. See Gneist, Rudolf; Student's History of the English Parliament. Keane, David. See Selwyn, William ; Law of Nisi Prius. Keaey, C. F- See Henfeey, Henry William ; English Coins. Keating, Jeoffry. The general History of Ireland ; translated from the original Irish language, by Dermo'd O'Connor. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1841 Keatinge, Thomas. A short treatise on Family Settlements and Devises ; principally designed to show in what manner, and to what extent of duration, property may be preserved within families. 8vo. 1810 Keble, John. Life of. See Lock, Walter. See also Hooker, Richard ; Works. Keble, Joseph. An exposition of divers Statutes, from 2 Hen. II. to 7 Edw. VI. 20 vols. fol. N.D. Reports in the Court of King's Bench, from the twelfth to the thirtieth year of King Charles II. [1661-79.] 3 vols, fol 1685 Keckeebaet, Godofredus. De Qaarta Monarchia. [^German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Francofvrti, 1684 KEE— KEL. 42i Keen, Benjamin. Reports of cases in Chancery, ars^ued and determined in the Rolls Court, during the time of Lord Langdale, 1836-39. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837-39 See also Mtlne, James William. Keenan, Michael. Report of the trial of Michael Keenan, for administering an un- lawful oath. 8vo. Dublin, 1822 Keep, A. P. Perceval. See Addison, Charles Greenstreet ; Law of Contracts ; Law of Torts : Roscoe, Henry ; Digest of the law of Evidence in Criminal cases : Russell, Sir William Oldnall ; Crimes and Misdemeanours. Keidel, Greorge C. Romance and other studies : a manual of ^sopic fable literature . . . 8vo. Baltimore, 1896 Keilwet, Robert. Relationes quorundam casuum selectorum ex libris Rob. Keilwey, temp. Henrici VII. et Henrici VIII. ; necnon relationes nonnullorum l^^asuum per Gulielmum Dalison et Gulielmum Bendloes. 4to. 1633 l^fleports d'ascuns cases aux temps Henry VII. et Henry VIII., qui ne sont comprises deins les livres des terms et ans de mesmes les Roys ; seliges hors des papieres de Robert Keilwey, par Jean Croke ; ovesque les Reports d'ascuns cases, prises per Guilleaume Dallison & per Guilleaume Bendloe. La tierce edition, fol. 1688 Kekewich, George. A digested Index to the earlier Chancery Reports. 8vo. 1804 Kelham, Robert. A dictionary of the Norman or old French language ; collected from such acts of Parliament, Parliament rolls, journals, acts of state, records, law books, antient historians, and manuscripts, as relate to this nation ... to which are added, the laws of William the Conqueror ; with notes and references. 8vo. 1779 Domesday book illustrated : containing an account of that antient record ; as also of the tenants in capite or feerjanty therein men- tioned; and a translation of the difficult passages, with occasional notes ; an explanation of the terms, abbreviations, and names of foreign abbies ; and an alphabetical table of the tenants in capite or serjcinty in the several counties contained in that survey. 8vo. 1788 See also Britton. Kelke, William Henry Hastings. An epitome of leading cases in Equity : founded on White and Tudor's selection. 8vo. 1901 An epitome of Personal Property law. Svo. 1901 422 KEL. Kelkb, William Henry Hastings — continued. An epitome of Eoman law. 8vo. 1901 An epitome of rules for Interpretation of Deeds . . . 8vo. 1901 An epitome of Real Property law, for the use of students. Third edition. 8vo. 1903 Kellawe, Richard de, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham. Register of, 1311-16. [Britain, No. 62.] Kellnee, Johann Otto. De successione in Germanise territoria. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Lipsias, 17o7 Kelly, Charles. Reports of Chancery Cases, Ireland. See Flanagan, Stephen Woulfe. Kelly, Edmond. The French law of Marriage, marriage contracts and divorce, and the conflict of laws arising therefrom ; being a second edition of " Kelly's French law of marriage," by 0. E. Bodington. Svo. 1895 Kelly, James Birch. Summary of the history and law of Usury . . . Svo. 1835 Kelly, Robert. Report of the trial of Robert Kelly, for the murder of Head- Constable Talbot, at the city of Dublin Commission court, October, 1871. 8vo. Dublin, 187B Kelyng, Sir John. A report of divers cases in Pleas of the Crown, adjudged and determined in the reign of King Charles II. ; with directions for Justices of the Peace and others : to which is added, the reports of three modern cases, viz., Armstrong v. Lisle, The King v. Plumer, The Queen v. Mawgridge. fol. 1708 — Third edition, containing several additional cases ; together with a treatise upon the law and proceedings in cases of High Treason . . . edited by R. L. Loveland. 8vo. 1873 Kelynge, William. A report of cases in Chancery and the King's Bench, 4th — 8th years of King G-eo. II., during which time Lord King \?as ChancellorJ and Lord Raymond and Lord Hardwicke Chief Justices off England : to which are now added, about seventy additional cases,! fol. 17f KEM— KEN. 428 Kemblb, John Mitchell. Codex diplomaticus sevi Saxonici. 6 vols. 8vo. 1839-48 The Saxons in England ; a history of the English Commonwealth till the period of the Norman Conquest : new edition, revised by W. de G. Birch. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876 Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus. \_JElfric Society, No. 3.] Knights Hospitallers in England, 1338; historical introduction. [^Camden Society, No. 65.] Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis. [^^Ifric Society, No. 2.] Twysden's Considerations upon the Government of England. [Camden Society, No. 45.] ' [Kemp, Daniel William. Pococke's Tours in Scotland, 1747-60. [^Scottish History Society, No. 1.] lEmp, Thomas R. See Chittt, Edward ; Commercial and general Lawyer. [emp, William. Nine dales wonder. [Camden Society, No. 11.] [empb, Alfred John. See Loseley Manuscripts. [emplay, James. Proposed plan for dealing with the Statute Law (Public and Greneral), in a letter to the Lord Chancellor. [Tracts, vol. 23, No. 6.] 8vo. 1855 iKENEALY, Edward Vaughan. Prayers and meditations. A new Pantomime. Poems and translations. Edward Wortley Montagu [Kennedy, Gilbert George. [Kennedy, Vans. 8vo. 1861 8vo. 1863 Bvo. 1864 : an autobiography. [Anon.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1869 See RoscoE, Henry ; Criminal Evidence. Practical remarks on the proceedings of general Courts Martial. 12mo. 1825 [Kennedy, William R. A treatise on the law of Civil Salvage. 8vo. 1891 Kennett, White, Bishop of Peterborough. Parochial Antiquities attempted, in the history of Ambrosden and IBurcester, and other adjacent parts in the counties of Oxford and Bucks [with a glossary to explain the original, the acceptation, and obsoleteness of words and phrases]. 4to. Oxford, 1696 424 KEN. Kennett, White, Bishop of Peterborough — continued. The case of Impropriations, and of the augmentation of Vicarages and other insuflBcient cures . . . with an appendix of records and memorials relating to that subject, 8vo. 1704 A complete History of England, with the lives of all the kings and queens thereof, from the earliest acc)unt of time to the death of King William III. . . . [edited, and the third volume written, by White Kennett.] Second edition. 3 vols. fol. 1719 — See also Noeth, Eoger. Register and Chronicle, ecclesiastical and civil ; containing matters of fact delivered in the words of the most authentick books, papers and records : with notes, digested in exact order of time, and references towards discovering and connecting the true history of England, from the restauration of King Charles II. Vol. 1. [All puUished.l fol. 1728 Kennicott, Benjamin. Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, See Bible : Hebrew Old Testament. Kenny, Courtney Stanhope. The history of the law of England, as to the effects of Marriage on Property and on the wife's legal capacity, (being an essay which obtained the Yorke prize of the University of Cambridge). Svo. 1879 A selection of cases illustrative of English Criminal Law. Svo. C imbridge, 1901 Outlines of Criminal law, based on lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1902 A selection of cases illustrative of the English law of Tort. 8vo. Cambridge, 1904 Kent. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, 1642-46. [Camden Society, No. 61.] Proceedings, principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the Parliaments called in 1640 . . . [Camden Society, No. 80.] Kent, James. Commentary on International Law : edited by J. T. Abdy. Second edition. 12mo. 1878 Commentaries on American Law. Fourteenth edition, by J. M. Gould. 4 vols. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1896 Kenton, Lloyd, Lord. Notes of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, and of some determined in the other High Courts . . . [1753-54] published from the original manuscripts, with notes and references, by J. W. Hanmer. 2 vols. Svo. 1819-25 KEP— KEK. 425 Keppel, Augustus. Trial of the Hon. Augustus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue Squadron at a Couri Martial held at Portsmouth, January 8, 1779 . . . taken down in court by T. Blandemor. Second edition. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1779 Kee, Walter C. A. Digest of the law relating to the Sale of Goods ; with occasional reference to foreign decisions. 8vo. 1888 Ker Walter C. A., and Pearson-Gtee Arthur B. A commentary on the Sale of G-oods Act, 1898, with illustrative cases and frequent citations from the text of Mr. Benjamin's treatise. 8vo. 1894 Kerly, Duncan M. An historical sketch of the equitable jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, being the Torke Prize Essay of the University of ■Cambridge for 1889. 8vo. Cambridge, 1890 The law of Trade-Marks, Trade-Name, and Merchandise Marks . . . Second edition, by the author and F. Gr. Underhay. 8vo. 1901 Kbrnan, Francis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1854-56. [New York Court of Appeals eports, 11-14.] ' 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1855-63 W Kerr, Eobert Malcolm. I An action at law ; being an outline of the jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Common Law, with an elementary view of the pro- ceedings in actions therein. Third edition, by B. Smith. 12mo. 1861 See also Blackstone, Sir William ; Commentaries. Kerr, William Williamson. IK Treatise on the law of Fraud and Mistake. 8vo. 1868 ■ — Second edition. 8vo. 1883 J— Third edition, by S. E. Williams. 8vo. 1902 A treatise on the law and practice of Injunctions. Third edition. 8vo. 1888 — Fourth edition, by E. P. Hewitt, assisted by S. E. Williams and J. M. Paterson. 8vo. 1903 The law and practice of Receivers appointed by the High Court of Justice or out of Court. Fifth edition, by W. D. Rawlins. 8vo. 1905 On the equitable doctrine as to Mistake. [Juridical Society, vol. 3,] i The principles and rules of Neutrality ; the Foreign Enlistment I^B Act ; the Alabama. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] 426 KET— KIN. Ketlby, Joseph. Liturgies of Edward VI. See Litubgies. Key, T. Hewitt. The representatives of the Greek preposition 'ana. [Tracts, vol. 24, No. 2.] 8vo. [1854] Key, Thomas. Land Transfer and Eegistration. See Urlin, Eichard Denny. See also Davidson, Charles; Precedents and forms in Convey- ancing. Key Thomas, and Elphinstone Sir Howard Warburton. Compendium of Precedents in Conveyancing. Eighth edition by Sir H. W. Elphinstone, E. T. Maw and E. M. Bonus. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904 Keyes, Emerson W. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1863-68. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1867-69 Khan, Sultan Mohammad. The constitution and laws of Afghanistan. 8vo. 1900 KiEPERT, Henry. Atlas antiquus : twelve maps of the ancient world . . . Eighth edition. fol. Berlin, 1885 KiLBUEN, Burleigh Dunbar. Admiralty jurisdiction and practice in County Courts. See Eaikks, Francis William. ince KiLBUBN, Richard. Choice precedents upon all Acts of Parliament relating to the o and duty of a Justice of Peace. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1716 King, Edward. An essay on the English Constitution and G-overnment. [Tracts, vol. 7, No. 3.] 8vo. 1767 King, James. See Cook, James ; Voyage to Pacific Ocean. Kino, James. A letter to the Eight Hon. Lord Cranworth, Lord Chancellor of - England, on the practical injustice and impolicy of the proceedinsfs under the Irish Encumbered Estates' Acts. [Tracts, vols 17, No. 9.] 8vo. Corh, 1856 KIN— KIR. 427 King, Peter, Lord. A selection from the speeches and writings of the late Lord King ; with a short introductory memoir by Earl Fortescue. 8vo. 1844 King, W. Tindal. See Judgments and Orders. Sbton, Sir Henry Wilmot ; Forms of King, Walker, Bishop of Rochester, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Two sermons, preached at Gray's Inn Chapel, on Friday, April 19, 1793, being the day appointed by authority for a public fast ; and on Sunday, April 28. 4to. 1793 Kino, William. Original Works : now first collected, with historical notes and memoirs of the author. 3 vols. Bvo. 1776 [inq's College, London. Calendar for the year 1905-06. Bvo. 1905 [inqston, Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of. Case of the Duchess of Kingston's will, made in Prance ; with the opinion of Monsieur Target thereon. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] Bvo. 1791 lIbchbbrger, Johann Friedrich. De jure circa Sacra CoUegiali et Majestatico. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1736 LiBCHNER, F. J. L'Extradition : recueil renfermant, in extenso, tons les Traites conclus jusqu'au l^"* Janvier, 1883, entre les nations civilisees, et donnant la solution precise des difficultes qui peuveut surgir dans leur application ; avec une preface de Oeorges Lachaud : publie sous les auspices de [Sir] C. E. Howard Vincent. Bvo. 1883 [iRCHNER, Hermann. Respublica . . . 4to. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1608 LiRK, John Foster. See Allibone, S. Austin ; Dictionary of English Literature. [iBK, R. E. G. Accounts of the Obedientars of Abingdon Abbey. [Camden Society, new series, No. 51.] [iRKBT, John de. The Survey of the County of York, taken by John de Kirkby. temp. Edward I. [Surfees Society, No. 49.] 428 KIR— KNA. KiRKPATRiCK, Henry Clare. Eeport of the action against Cardinal Cullen, for libel. See Cullen, Paul. KiRKPATRICK, John, Scottish nation in the University of Orleans, 1336-1538. [^Scottish History Society, No. 44.] See also Mackenzie, Thomas, Lord ; Studies in Roman Law. KiRWAX, A. V. Reports of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer cases. See Carrington, P. A. KisBEY, William Henry. The law and practice relating to Bankruptcy in Ireland . . . the bills of sale acts, 1879 and 1883 ; the deeds of arrangement acts, 1887 and 1890 ; the preferential payments in bankruptcy act, 1889 . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. DuhUn, 1900 KiTCHiN, John. Jurisdictions ; or, the lawful authority of Courts Leet, Courts Baron, Court of Marshalseyes, Court of Pypowder, and antient demesne . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1663 Klein, Johann Christophor. De turbis in Imp. Rom.-G-er, ex electione Ludovici Bav. et Frederici Austr. ortis. [German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Argentorati, 1717 Klinglin, Christophor de. De expectativa. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Argentorati, 1708 Klopman, L. Baron de. Jus ducem eligendi . . . 8vo. 1758 Klijber, Jean- Louis. ' Droit des gens modernes de 1' Europe ; avec un supplement, contenant une bibliotheque choisie du droit des gens. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1831 Knapp, Jerome William. Reports of cases argued and determined before the Committees of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, appointed to hear appeals and petitions, 1829-36. 3 vols. 8vo. 1831-36 Cases of controverted Elections. See Perry, Henry James. Knapp Jerome William, and Omblbr Edward. Cases of controverted Elections . . . 8vo. 18* KNE— KOE. 429 Knell, Paul. Israel and England paralelled, in a sermon preached before the Honorable Society of Grayes-Inne, upon Sunday in the afternoon, Aprill 16, 1648. 4to. London, 1648 Knight, Charles. English Cyclopaedia. See ENCYCLOP.aEDiAS. Knight, Eicbard Payne. Vindication of Cleaver's edition of tbe Decretum Lacedsemoniorum contra Timotheum. See Burgess, Thomas. Knight and Co. See Local Government Keports. Knighton, Henry, Canon of Leicester. Chronica. See Twysdbn, Sir Eoger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Knighton, Joseph. Chronicon, [Britain, No. 92.] Knights Hospitallers. The Knights Hospitallers in England, 1338. [Camden Society, No. 65.] Knill, John. I Notice of John Knill of Gray's Inn, 1733-1811 ; by J. J. Rogers, ■r 8vo. Eelston, 1871 ^■Typewritten copy of the John Knill Bequest, together with a sketch of his life. fol. [1901] Knowler, William. See Steaffoed, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of; Letters and dispatches. OWLES, Atherton, 'ext-book of Anglican service-music : tracing its development from Thomas Tallis to Samuel Sebastian Wesley. 8vo. 1895 Knowles, George Parker. A genealogical and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn, chiefs of the name ... to which are added, the pedigrees of seven other considerable families that, through heiresses, became incorporated with the House of Coulthart : derived from family muniments, [i'rinted for private circulation, only.} 8vo. 1855 Knowles, Lees. See Greenwood, Harry ; Real Property Statutes. Koehlee, Heinrich. Exercitationes juris naturalis . . . Editio secunda. 4to. Jenas, 1732 Juris socialis et gentium ad jus naturale revocati, specimina vii. 4to. Jense, 1736 430 KOE— KUL. KoENiG, Johann Friedrich. De differentia potestatis legislatorise Imperatorum medii sen in Qter. ac Italia. [GermanUniversity Tracts, rol. 16.1 ^to. Argentorati, 1729 KoLAu, Christian. De petitione renovationis investiturse. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Erfurti, 1677 KoLBE, Paul. De primo foro subfeudorum imperialium . [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Raise Venedorum, 1740 KoNSTAM, Edwin Max. Eeports of Eating Appeals, 1894-1904. See Rtdb, Walter Ci'anley. KoBAN. See Mohammed. KoTZE, J. G. See Van Leettwen, Simon ; Commentaries on Roman. Dutch Law. Krasheninicoff, Stephen. History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent : translated from the Russian language into English by J. Grieve. 4to. Gloucester, 1764 Keause, Johann Gottlieb. De advocatiis Publicis Superioris Lusatise. [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Lipsise, 1727 Kbegel, Johann Benjamin. Compendia Principis ex jure Romano, ad habitum territoriorum Germanicorum relata. [German University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsise, 1725 Keetschmar, Johann Martin. Dissertatio inauguralis de falsa moneta. [German University Tracts, vol.3.] 4to. Jen9B,17S7 Keuegee, Paul. See Coepus Juris Civilis. KiJCHLER, Christian Friedrich. De nota characteristica Statuum Imperii. [German University t Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Helmstadii, 1717 KcLPis, Johann Georg. De unitate reipublicse in Sacro Romano Imperio. [German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Argentorati, 1676 KYD— LAC. 431 Kyd, Stewart. Treatise on the law of Corporations. 2 vols. 8vo. 1793-94 Treatise on the law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Third edition. Svo. 1795 Treatise on the law of Awards. Second edition. 8vo. 1799 An arrangement, under distinct titles, of all the provisions of the several acts of Parliament relating to the Assessed Taxes ; together with the land tax and all the land tax redemption acts. 8vo. 1801 Kydd, Samuel. The history of the Factory movement, from the year 1802 to the enactment of the ten hours bill in 1847 : by Alfred [pseud.']. 2 vols 8vo. 1857 I Land ; in relation to some proposed changes to population, rent, and collective ownership. 8vo. 1885 A sketch of the growth of Public Opinion ; its influence on the con- stitution and government. 8vo. 1888 Memoir of Samuel Kydd . . . Printed for private circulation. 8vo. Croydon, 1893 Ktepoth, Charles. Computus Manualis ad usum Oxoniensium. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 45.] m TTELER, Alice. Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery, in 1324. [Camden Society, No. 24.] JITTB, Jacques. [TJsus Pandectarum. See Wiblino, Abraham. LAB0ULA.yE, Edouard. See Revue de Legislation et de Jueispeu- DENOE. Lachaud, Georges. See Kirchnbe, F. J. ; L' Extradition. Lachmann, Karl. Gaii Institutionum commentarii quattuor, ex membranis delecticiis Veronensis Bibliothecse Capitularis eruit lo, Frid. Lud. Goeschen : accedit veteris jurisconsulti de Jure Fisci fragmentum. Carolus Lachmannus ad schedas Goeschenii, Hollwegii, Blumii recognovit. Goescheniana Editio tertia. 8vo. Berolini, 1842 LicoMBE, Paul. Memoire sur I'etablissement d'un tribunal International et la redac- tion d'un Code International, No. xiii. See Internationalism. 432 LAC— LAM. Lacordaiee, Jean Baptiste Henri Dominique. Memoir of. See G-reenwell, Dora. Lagos. See Gold Coast. Laing, David- Catalogue of the Signet Library. See Catalogitbs, Library. Laing, John. Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature. See Halkett, Samuel. Laisne, Gabriel. Sur les perforations de I'estomac. See M^decine Legale. Lake, Benjamin Greene. See Trevor, Arthur H. ; The Solicitors Act, 1888. Lake, Sir Edward. Account of his interviews with Charles I. [Camden Society, No. 73.] Diary, 1677-78. [Camden Society, No. 39.] Lalaure, Claude Nicolas. Traite des servitudes resiles . . . Nouvelle edition, revue et annotee par M. Pailliet ... 8vo. Paris, 1827 La Mantia, Vito. Storia della legislazione civile de criminale di Sicilia . . . 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Palermo, 1866-74 Lambard, William. Archaionomia ; sive de priscis Anglorum legibus libri, sermone Anglico, vetustate antiquissimo, aliquot abbinc seculis conscripti, atq. nunc demum, magno jurisperitorum, et amantium antiquitatis omnium comraodo, e tenebris in lucem vocati, Gulielmo Lambardo interprete. [Anglo-Saxon and Latin.] 4to. 1568 — Accessere in hac editione Leges Henrici primi, nunc primum editi, ex MS. in Fisco Regis habiti, cum glossario . . . fol. Cantabrigise, 1644 A perambulation of Kent ; conteining the description, hystorie and customes of that sbyre : first published in the yeere 1576, and now increased and altered after the author's owne last copie. 4to. 1596 Eireoarcha; or, of the office of the Justices of the Peace, in foure bookes. 8vo. 1610 — Another edition. 8vo. 16191 The duties of Constables, Borsholders, Tythingmen, and such other j low and lay ministers of the peace; whereunto be adjoyned the severall offices of church miuisters, churchwardens . . . 8vo. 1619 Archion; or, a commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England. 12mo. 1635 LAM— LAN. 433 Lambert, William. The Canons of the first four general councils of the Church, and those of the early local Greek synods . . . [Codex Canonum Ecclesise Universse.] 8vo. [1868] Lambeth Palace Library. Early printed books. See Cataloques, Library. Lamond, William. See Shaw, Patrick; Digest of cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. Lampard, Frederick J. Our London Poor Law Schools, See Monnington, Walter. Lancashire Lay Subsidies. An examination of the Lay Subsidy rolls remaining in the Public Record Office, London, from Henry III. to Charles II. Vol. 1, Henrv III. to Edward I. (1216-1307) : edited [for the Record Society] by J. A. C. Vincent. 8vo. 1893 Lancaster. Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster : translated and edited by Sir W. Hardy. 8vo. 1845 Calendars to the Inquisitions Post Mortem, Pleadings, Surveys . . . in the office of the Duchy of Lancaster. [Record Commission, No. 15.] Lancelottus, Joannes Paulus. » Institutiones Juris Canonici. 8vo. Colonic, 1609 See also Corpus Juris Canonici Academicum. Land Laws. Remarks, with reference to the Land-laws of England, on some passages in Mr. John Stuart Mill's "Principles of Political Economy," and M. Louis Blanc's " Letters on England." [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 3.] 8vo. 1867 The Land laws of England discussed, with reference chiefly to some recent writings of Professor Fawcett and others : by two barristers. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 2.] 8vo. [1867] Land Registry. General instructions as to registration and transfer of land under the Land Transfer Act, 1875, with the act, rules and orders. 8vo. 1893 Land Tax. Index of livings and charitable institutions exonerated from Land Tax under Acts of Parliament between 1806 and 1822 . . . fol. 1898 D D 434 LAN. Land Tenure. Eeports, from her Majesty's representatives, respecting the Tenure of Land in the several countries of Europe. 3 parts in 2. fol. 1869-70 Land Tbansfer. Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the operation of the Land Transfer Act, and into the present condition of the Registry of Deeds for the county of Middlesex, with minutes of evidence and appendix. fol. 1870 Report from the select committee on Land Titles and Transfer; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. fol. 1879 Land Transfer : published by order of the Bar Committee. 8vo. 1886 Land Transfer rules and fee order, 1903. 8vo. [1904J Landais, Napoleon. Dictionnaire general et grammatical des dictionnaires fran^ais. Onzieme Edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1851 Landlords. The Landlord's law : or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Sixth edition. 12mo. 1720 Lane, Richard. Reports in the Court of Exchequer, from the 3rd to the 9th year of theraignof King James [1605-12]. fol. 1657 Lane, Thomas. The student's guide through Lincoln's Inn . . . Second edition. 12mo. 1805 Lang, Andrew. Life, letters, and diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, first Earl of Iddesleigh. 2 vols. 8vo. 1890 Apology for William Maitland of Lethington, 1610. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Langdale, Henry Bickersteth, Lord. Memoirs of. See Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus. Langdell, C. C. A selection of cases on the law of Contracts ; with references an citations. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1871 A selection of cases on Sales of Personal Property ; with references 3,nd citations. Vol. 1. 8vo. Boston, U,S.A., 1871 I LAN— LAR. 435 Lange, Frederick Albert. History of Materialism and criticism of its present importance : authorised translation by E. C. Thomas. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1877 Lange, Johannes Grodofredus. De advocatis et advocatiis Germanicis. [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Lipsise, 1725 ■^■)e jure separandi allodium a feudo. [German University Tracts, ■^^ol. 2.] 4to. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1727 Langley, Albert Gordon. See Deacon, Edward E. ; Law of Bank- ruptcy. Langmeat), Thomas Pitt. See Taswell-Langmead. Langtoft, Peter. Chronicle (as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne) from the death of Cadwalader to the end of K. Edward the First's reign : transcrib'd and now first publish'd, from a MS. in the Inner- Temple Library, by T. Hearne . . . Oxford, 1725. [Reprint.'] »2 vols. Svo. 1810 e chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse . . . edited by Wright. [Britain, No. 47.] La Notje, Fran9ois de. Memoires. See Buchon, J. A. C. Lansdowne Manusceipts. Catalogue of the Lansdowne manuscripts in the British Museum. [Becord Commission, No. 10.] Lapide, Hippolithus a. pseud. See Chemnitz, Bogislaus Philippe de. Lapide, Pacificus a. Dominus de Monzambano illustratusetrestrictus. /See Ptjpbndorf Samuel. Lapp, Josephus Clemens. De Electoribus Ecclesiasticis in universum. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Argentorati, 1710 Lapp, William. See Irish Teem Reports. Larcier, Ferdinand. See Picaed, Edmond ; Bibliographie generate du droit beige. Lardy, C. See Bluntschli, J. G. ; Le droit International, codifie. Larking, Lambert B. i^Knights Hospitallers in England, 1338. [Oamden Society, No. 65.] 'roceedings in Kent, 1640. [Camden Society, No, 80.] D D 2 436 LAS— LAU. Lascelles, Eowley. Establishments of Ireland, 19 K. Stephen to 7 Geo, IV., during a period of 675 years. [Record Commission, No. 21.] Latch, Jean. Plusieurs tres-bons cases, come ils estoyent adjudgees es trois premiers ans du raign du Eoy Charles I., en la Court de Bank le Roy . . . publiees per E. Walpoole, de Gray's Inne. fol. 1GG2 Latham, Francis Law. See Shelpokd, Leonard ; Law of Joint Stock Companies. Latheop, John. iS'ee Angell, Joseph K. ; Law of Carriers ; Law of Private Corporations. La Touche, Edmond Digges. Eeports of Chancery cases, Ireland. See Jonbs, Thomas. Latter v. Goolden. Public documents ; refusal to produce by head of department. Notes of proceedings in Queen's Bench Division, 16th July, 1894, and in the Court of Appeal, 10th November, 1894. 8vo. [1894J Lattet, Robert Thomas. A handy book on the practice and procedure before the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. 8vo. 1869 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, June 14, 1637, at the ' censure of John Bastwick, Henry Burton, and William Prinn, con- cerning pretended innovations in the church. [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 6.] 8vo. 1637 A breviate of the life of. See Prtnne, William. Canterburies doom : or, the first part of a compleat history of the commitment, charge, tryall, condemnation, execution of William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. See Prynne, William. Hidden workes of darkness brought to publike light : or, a necessary introduction to the history of the Archbishop Canterburie's trial!. See Prynne, William. Life of. See Hutton, William Holden. Lauder, Sir John. . See Fountainhall, Lord. Lauderdale, John Maitland, Earl of. Letters addressed to the Earl of Lauderdale, 1660-69. [Camde Society, new series. No. 31.] Letters written to James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrei 1660-77. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.J LAU— LAW. 437 Lauderdale Papers. The Lauderdale papers, 1639-73. [Camden Society, new serie$, Nos. 34, 36, 38.] ■1. I IjA Id I UGHLiN, J. Laurence. The Anglo-Saxon legal procedure. See Anglo-Saxon Law. .TTGHTON, John Knox. Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Henry Reeve. 2 vols. 8vo. 1898 Memoirs relatmg to the Lord Torrington. [Camden Society, new series, No. 46. J ■I lAURENCE OF DURHAM. Dialogi. [Surtees Society, No. 70.] AURENS, Matthias Daniel. _^I>e jure papali principum Evangelicorum. [German University mmTracts, vol. 6.] 4to. ITalx Magdeb., 1738 ■■lUTERBACH, Wolfgang Adam. ~ Collegii theoretico-practici a libro primo Pandectarum usque ad [finem], pars prima [—tertia]. Studio filii Ulrici Thomse Lauter- bachs. Editio nova. 3 vols. 4to. Tuhingse, 1723-26 Dissertationes Academicse, de selectis nobilissimisque juris privati, tarn communis quam statutarii, argumentis primum seorsim con- scriptae, ac postea ab ipso autore, paucis aliis interjectis . . . . 6 vols. 8vo. Tubings, 1728-29 LAVELEYE, Emile de. De la Propriete et de ses formes primitives. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1877 — Translated by G. R. L. Marriott ; with an introduction by T. E. ChfEe Leslie. 8vo. 1878 Law. The impartial Lawyer . . . 8vo. 1709 The Lawyer's library : a new book of instruments, consisting of precedents fitted for the use of attorneys . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1709 The G-entleman's Assistant, tradesman's lawyer, and countryman's friend . . , Third edition. 8vo. 1720 Law Quibbles : or, a treatise of the evasions, tricks, turns, and quibbles commonly used in the profession of the law ; with an essay on the amendment and reduction of the laws of England. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1736 The Law and Lawyers laid open, in twelve visions : to which is added. Plain truth, in three dialogues between Truman, Skinall, Dryboots, rthree attorneys, and Season, a Bencher. 12mo. 1737 438 LAW. Law — continued . The Grounds and Eudiments of Law and Equity, alphabetically digested ... by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. Second edition. fol. 1751 Strictures on the lives and characters of the most eminent Lawyers of the present day ; including those of the Lord Chancellor and the twelve Judges. 8vo. 1790 Law and Lawyers : or, sketches and illustrations of legal history and biography. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 Law, The. The Law : a monthly magazine of legal matters, for the profession and the public. Vol. 1, from November, 1874, to April, 1875. 8vo. 1874-75 Law, C. W. See Fanton, M. A, ; Tables of Roman Law. Law, Henry D. G. Antiquity of the Christian religion among the Scots, 1594. [Scottish History Society, No. 44,] Law, T. Pakenham. Trials of A. M. Sullivan and R. Pigott. See Sullivan, Alexander M. Law, Thomas Graves. Documents illustrating Catholic Policy, 1596-98. [Scottish His- tory Society, No. 15.] The Archpriest controversy, 1597-1602. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 56, 68.] Catalogue of the Signet Library. See Catalogues, Library. Law Journal. The Law Journal -. a weekly publication of notes of cases and legal news, 1866-1905. Vols. 1-40. [In progress.] fol.and4to. 1866-1905 Law Jouenal Reports. The Law Journal Reports ; comprising reports of cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber, and cases connected with the duties and office of magistrates, 1822-31. 9 vols. 4to. 1823-31 — New series ; comprising reports of cases in the House of Lords, and in the Courts of Chancery and Bankruptcy, Queen's Bench and the Bail Court, Common Pleas, Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber . . . 1831-1906. 74 vols, in 190. [In progress.] 4to. 1832-1905 i Analytical Digest of the cases published in the Law Journal and! other contemporarv reports . . . from 1822 to 1900. 16 vols. 8vo. 1831-1901] LAW. 489 Lw Journal Tkacts. A collection of law tracts published in the Law Journal, in the years 1825 and 1826, 1828 and 1829. 2 vols. 4to. 1830 Vol. 1. On the claim of Executors to the residue of their testator's personal estate : by J. B. Parry. Observations on the Title to Lands derived through inclosure acts : by T. Coventry. An inquiry into the soundness of certain important points relative to Executory Limitations lately impeached. On the Mortgage of Tolls under turnpike road acts. An examination of the authorities on the question, whether Executors having a power to sell can make a good conveyance of the legal estate in the land without the concurrence of the heir-at-law ? Of the several remedies of Executors for the recovery of rent. Analysis of the first and best edition of Preston on Estates. Collection of cases on the question, whether Trustees take the legal estate or not ? 2. Practical treatise on the law relative to Attorneys, Solicitors, and their agents : by J. H. Dawson. Suggestions as to the course of study to be adopted, and selection of books, by parties designed for such branches of the legal profession : by J. H. Dawson. lAw List. The Law List, 1782-1906. [The volumes for 1783, '84, '86, '88, '89, '91, '92, '98, 1801, '06, '10, '11, '19, '32 and '38, are wanting.-] 110 vols. 8vo. 1782-1906 Irish Law List. See Thom, Alexander ; Directory. The Scottish Law List, 1886-1906. 22 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885-1906 Law Magazine and Law Review. The Law Magazine or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, June, 1828, to February, 1856. 55 vols. 8vo. 1830-56 Vols. 12, 31 and 43 contain general indexes. The Law Review and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence, November, 1844, to February, 1856. 23 vols. 8vo. 1845-56 The Law Magazine and Law Review, or Quarterly Journal of Juris- prudence, May, 1856, to November, 1871. 32 vols. 8vo. 1856-75 Law Magazine and Review : new [third] series, 1872 to 1875. 4 vols. 8vo. 1872-75 — Fourth series, 1875 to 1898, 23 vols. Svo. 1876-98 — Fifth series, 1898 to 1905. 7 vols. [In progress.] Svo. 1899-1901 Nl i^w Quarterly Review. The Law Quarterly Review, 1885-1905. 121 vols. [In progress.] Svo. 1SS5-1905 440 LAW. I Law Reform. A century of Law Eeform : twelve lectures on the changes in the law of England during the nineteenth century, delivered at the request of the Council of Legal Education . . . Michaelmas Term, 1900, and Hilary Term, 1901. 8vo. 1901 Changes in the Common law and in the law of persons, in the legal profession and in legal education : by W. Blake Odgers. Changes in Criminal law and Procedure since 1800: by Sir H. B. Poland. International law, private and public : by J. P. Bate. Changes in the Constitution : by A. T. Carter. Changes in Domestic Legislation : by W. Blake Odgers. Changes in Equity, Procedure and principles : by A. Birrell. Changes in Procedure and in the law of Evidence : by W. Blake Odgers. Changes in the law of England affecting labour : by A. H. Euegg. Changes in the law of Eeal Property : by A. Underbill. Changes in the law affecting the rights, status and liabilities of Married Women : by M. Lush. History of joint stock and limited liability Companies : by T. B. Napier. Law Reporting. Report of the Committee on Law Reporting to the Association of the Bar of the city of New York. iTrads, vol. 22, No. 6.] 8vo. New Yorh, 1873 Law Reports, Ireland. See Irish Reports. Law Reports, The. The Law Reports [English]. 322 vols. 8vo. 1865-1905 Admiralty and Ecclesiastical (L. R. A. & E.), 1865-75. 4 vols. Appeal Cases. Chancery (L. R. Ch. App.), 1865-75. 10 vols. House of Lords, English and Irish (L. R. H. L.), 1866-75. 7 vols. — English. Irish, Scotch, and Privy Council (App. Cas.), 1875-1905. 30 vols. — Scotch and Divorce (L. R. Sc. App.), 1866-75. 2 vols. Indian (L. R. Ind. App.), 1872-1905. 33 vols. Privy Council (L. R. P. C), 1865-75. 6 vols. Chancery Division (Ch. D.), 1875-1905. 79 vols. Common Pleas (L. R. C. P.), 1865-75. 10 vols. Common Pleas Division (C. P. D.), 1875-80. 5 vols. Crown Cases Reserved (L. R. C. C. R.), 1865-75. 2 vols. Equity (L. R. Eq.), 1865-75. 20 vols. Exchequer (L. R. Ex.), 1865-75. 10 vols. LAW. 441 Law Reports, The — continued. The Law Reports [English] — continued. Exchequer Division (Ex. D.), 1875-80. 5 vols. Probate Division (P. D.), 1875-1905. 30 vols. Probate & Divorce (L. R. P. & D.), 1865-75. 3 vols. Queen's Bencli (L. R. Q. B.), 1865-75. 10 vols. Queen's Bench Division, 1875-1900.) -- , ) 55 vols. King's Bencli Division, 1900-05. ) Digest of cases from the commencement of Michaelmas term, 1865, to 1905. 9 vols. Svo. 1892-1906 Law Review. The Law Review and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign jurisprudence, from November, 1844, to February, 1856. 23 vols. Svo. 1845-56 [Law Societies.] Cases of supposed exemption from Poor Rates, claimed on the ground of extra-parochiality [Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn, Thavie'sinn and Clifford's Inn] : by E. Griffith. 8vo. 1831 Lw SociETr, The. Report of the Committee of the Incorporated Law Society, appointed to consider the report of the Lord Chancellor's Legal Procedure Committee. 8vo. 1882 The Records of the Society of Gentlemen Practisers in the Courts of law and equity called the Law Society : compiled from manuscripts in the possession of the Incorporated Law Society . . . Svo. 1897 South African war: official report of the banquet given on the 18th December, 1902, by the Incorporated Law Society to the survivors of the solicitors and articled clerks who served in the South African campaign 1899 to 1902 ; with a record of the services of the officers and men engaged, 4to. [1903] Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. jaw Students' Journal. The Law Students' Journal, 1892-1905: edited by J. Indermaur and C. Thwaites. Vols. 14-27. [In progress.] 1892-1905 Lw Times. The Law Times . . . 1843-1905. 119 vols. [In progress.] fol. 1843-1905 V.W Times Reports. The Law Times reports, 1859-1905. 92 vols. [In progress.] Svo, 1859-1905 442 LAW. Lawes, Edward. An elementary treatise on Pleading in civil actions. 8vo. 1806 i Practical treatise on Pleading in assumpsit. 8vo. 1810 Practical treatise on Charter-parties of affreightment, bills of lading, and stoppage in transitu; with an appendix of precedents. 8vo. 1813 Suggestions for some alterations of the law, on the subjects of ' Practice, Pleading, and Evidence; and for some amendments of the statutes of frauds and limitations. 8vo. 1827 Lawless, John. .^M A compendium of the history of Ireland, from the earliest period to H the reign of George I. Second edition. 8vo. Belfast, 1816 ^ Lawlby, W. S. The York Breviary. [Surtees Society, Nos. 71, 75.] Lawrance, George Woodford, Precedents of Deeds of Arrangement between Debtors and their Creditors ; including forms of resolutions for compositions and schemes of arrangement under the bankruptcy acts, 1883 and 1890 . . . also the deeds of arrangement acts, 1887 and 1890, with notes. Fourth edition, by H. A. Smith. 8vo. 1892 — Fifth edition, by A. Lawrence. 8vo. 1900 See also Hunter, Sylvester Joseph ; Suit in Equity. Lawrence, Arthur. See Lawrance, George Woodford ; Precedents of Deeds of Arrangement. Lawrence, Frederick. The Circuit system ; its influence on the administration of justice, and the interests of the Bar. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Lawrence, Nathaniel Tertius. Facts and suggestions as to the law of Eeal Property : the President's address at the annual provincial meeting of the Incorporated Law Society, at Cambridge. [Title page wanting.] [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 10.] 8vo. 1879 Lawrence, Philip Henry. See Wimbledon, Manor of. Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. Essays on some disputed questions in International law. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884 A handbook on Public International law. Second edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886 The principles of International law. 8vo. 1896 Lawrence, Walter Frank ; See Nicholas, Vale ; Formation of Companies. LAW— LEA. 443 Lawrence, William Beach. The indirect claims of the United States, under the Treaty of Washington, of May 8, 1871, as submitted to the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. 8vo. Providence, 1872 Notice sur la Vie et les (Euvres de W. B. Lawrence. Svo. Gcmd, 1876 See also Whbaton, Henry ; Liternational Law. Lawson, James Anthony. Hymni usitati Latine redditi ; with other verses. 12mo. 1883 Reports of Chancery Cases, Ireland. See Connob, Henry. Lawson, William Norton. The law and practice under the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Acts, 1883 to 1888 . . . Third edition, by the author, assisted by C. Sharp and M. D. Warmington. ' 8vo. 1898 Lawyeks, Congress of. Official report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held at St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., September 28, 29, and 30, 1904 . . . 8vo. St. Louis, 1905 Lateitius, Joannes Jacobus. De articulis Suobacensibus Augustanse confessionis fundamento. {^German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Wittembergse, 1719 Latton, Alfred T. See Hudson, Corrie ; Legacy, Succession, Pro- bate, and Administration Duties. Leach, Arthur Francis. Digest of the law relating to Probate Duty. Svo. 1878 Beverley Chapter Act book. [Surtees Society, No. 98.] Beverley town documents. [Selden Society, No. 14.] Visitations and Memorials of Southwell Minster. [Camden Society, new series, No. 48.] Wykeham's books at New College. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Leach, George Pemberton. The Tithe Acts and the rules under the tithe act, 1891, together with the extraordinary tithe redemption act, 1886; the London (City) tithes act, 1879 . . . also explanatory notes and references and an introduction containing a short treatise on the recovery of tithe rent charge. Fifth edition. Svo. 1891 Lbach, JR. H. See Seton, Sir Henry Wilmot ; Judgments and Orders. 444 Leach, Thomas. Cases in Crown law LEA— LEG. from 1730 to 1815. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 Modern Eepouts : Shower, See also Croke, Sir George ; Reports Sir Bartholomew ; Reports. Leadam, I. S. Select cases in the Court of Requests, 1497-1569. [jSelden Society, No. 12.] • Select Star Chamber cases, 1477-1509. [Selden Society, No. 16.] Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-18. See Royal Historical Society. [Leahy, David.] A review of the principal facts connected with the rise, progress, conclusion, and character of the recent state prosecutions in Ireland : by a barrister. 8vo. 1845 Leake, Stephen Martin. An elementary digest of the law of Property in Land. 8vo. 1874 A digest of the law of Uses and Profits of Land. 8vo. 1888 Principles of the law of Contracts. Fifth edition, by A. E. Randall. 8vo. 1906 The principles of legislation involved in the Statute of Frauds, as it affects the law of Contracts. ^Juridical Society, vol. 1.] On some points in the theory of the law of Property. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Taxation of Suitors. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Precedents of Pleadings. See Bullen, Edward. Leary, Jeremiah. Trial of Jeremiah Leary, for high treason. See O'Coigly, James. Leathes, Stanley. See Cambridge Modern History. Le Bret, Charles. Ordo perantiquus judiciorum. See Hoffmann, Christian Gottfried ; Historia juris Romano-Justinianei. Le Caron dit Charondas, Louis. Resolutions de plusieurs notables, celebres, et illustres questions de droict, tant Romain que Fran9ois, coustumes, et practique ; jugces par arrests des Cours de Parlement de France. 4to. Paris, 1613 Lecieux, a. Sur I'infanticide. See M^DECiNE Legale. LEC— LEE. 445. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the eighteenth century. 8 vols. [Vols. 1 and 2, second edition.] 8vo. 1879-90 Democracy and Liberty. 2 vols. 8vo. 1896 History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. Twelfth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1897 The Map of Life : conduct and character. 8vo. 1899 Memoir of the Earl of Derby. See Derby, Edward Henry, Earl of; Speeches and addresses. [Le Clekc, Jean.] Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster et d'Osnabrug ; ou recueil general des preliminaires,instructions,lettres, memoires . . . concernant ces negociations, depuis leur commencement en 1642 jusqu'fi leur conclusion en 1648 . . . [Vols. 6-9 of Supplement to Dumont's Corp. Univ. Diplom.] 4 vols. La Eaye, 1725-26 Le Courayer, Pierre Fran9ois. See Sarpi, P. ; Concile de Trente. Le Cras, Abraham Jones. The laws, customs, and privileges of the Island of Jersey. See Jersey. Ledlie, James Crawford. See Sohm, Rudolph ; Institutes of Roman Law. Ledrede, Richard de, Bisliop of Ossory. Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler. [Camden Society, No. 24.] Lee, temp. Hardwicke. See Lee, Thomas. Lee, Alfred T., Preacher of Gray's Inn. The new Burials Act : what it does and what it does not do ; containing a short summary of the provisions of the act, and the text of the act itself. Ninth edition. [Tracts, vol. 26, No. 6.] 8vo. 1880 Lee Alfred T., and O'Neill, Lord. Tracts on the Church in Ireland. 1 vol. 8vo. 1866-68 1. The Irish Church Establishment ; the statements of Sir John Gray, in his speech in the House of Commons on April 10, 1866. 2. Facts respecting the present state of the Churcli in Ireland. 1868. 3. The Cliurch in Ireland, the difficulties of her present position considered, by the Eev. Lord O'Neill. 1868. 4. The duty of Churchmen in England and Ireland at this crisis tovrards Her. 1868. jEE, Frederick George. A glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical terms. Svo. 1877 446 LEE. Lee, Sir George. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and in the High Court of Delegates ; containing the judgments of Sir Gr. Lee, 1752-58 : to which are added, in an appendix, several cases determined between 1724 and 1733 : by J. Phillimore. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833 Lee, Guy Carleton. Historical Jurisprudence : an introduction to the systematic study of the development of law. 8vo. New York, 1900 Lee, John. Address on the presentation of the medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to F. W. A. Argelander . . . Februarv 13th, 1863. [Tracts. vol. 24, No. 3.] ' 8vo. [1863] Lee, Nathaniel. The Duke of Guise. See Dbyden, John. [Lee, Patrick Brady.] The Law Student's Guide ; containing an historical treatise on each of the Inns of Court, with their rules and customs respecting admission, keeping terms, call to the bar . . . 8vo. 1827 Lee, Richard. Treatise of Captures in War. Second edition. Svo. 1803 Lee, Sidney. See Dictionaby of National Biogbaphy. Lee, Thomas. Cases femp. Hardwicke. Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, 7th-10th years of Xing George II., during the time of Lord Chief Justice Hardwicke : to which are added, some determinations of Lord Chief Justice Lee and two Equity eases by Lord Hardwicke. fol. 1770 — Second edition, with notes and references . . . by T. Lee. 8vo. 1815 Precedents of Declarations in Assumpsit, adapted to cases occurring on promissory notes ; on bills of exchange, inland and foreign ; and also on Bankers' checks ; with notes. 8vo. 1812 Lee Pbize Essays. See Gray's Inn. Leeds, Francis, Fifth Duke of. Political memoranda, 1774-96. [Camden Society, new series, No. 35.] LEE— LEG. 447 Leeming Henry, and Cross Eichard Assheton. The General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace ; their jurisdiction and practice in other than criminal matters. Second edition, by H. Lloyd and H. F. Thurlow. 12mo. 1876 Leeuwen, Simon van. See Van Leeuwen. Leeward Islands, Laws of the Leeward Islands, 1872-74, 1877-1904. 6 vols. fol. [Leeward Islands, 1872-1904] Blue Book, 1899. fol. Antigua, [1900] See also Antigua, Lefevre, George Shaw-, English Commons and Forests : the story of the battle during the last thirty years for public rights over the commons and forests of England and Wales. 8vo, 1894 See also Commons. Lefroy, Augustus Henry Fraser. The law of Legislative Power in Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1897-98 Lefrot, Thomas. Eeports of Chancery cases. See Schoales, John. Legal Business. Legal Business Committee : copy of the first, second, and third Eeports made by a departmental committee, appointed in 1875 to inquire into the system upon which the legal business of the government is conducted ; with minutes of evidence and appendices. fol. 1877 jEGAL Education. Eeport from the select committee on Legal Education ; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. fol. 1846 Examination papers, 1872-1905. 24 vols. fol. 1872-1905 Eesults of Examinations, 1877-1905. 3 vols. fol. 1877-1905 Council of Legal Education, Calendar, 1901—1905-06. 5 vols. 8vo. 1901-05 The proposed School of Law, 1903-04. fol. [1904] 1. Letter from James Mulligan, Esquire, K.C., to the Treasurer and Masters of the Bench of Gray's Inn, 1904. 2. Petition of Sir Bichard Baggallay, Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn, against the " General School of Law Bill, 1875." 3. Eeport of a Committee of the Four Inns of Court on a draft Bill to constitute a Council of the Four Inns of Court, 1876. 4. Report of a Deputation to the Lord Chancellor, 1876. JEGAL Procedure. Eeport of the Committee of the Incorporated Law Society, appointed to consider the report of the Lord Chancellor's Legal Procedure Committee . . . 8yo. 1882 450 LEO— LES. [Leonard, David.] Massachusettensis : or a series of letters, containing a faithful state of many important and striking facts which laid the foundation of the present troubles in the province of Massachusetts-Bay . . . Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 3, No. 2.] 8vo. Boston, U.8.A'., 1776 Leonaed, William. Eeports and cases of Law, argued and adjudged in the Courts of Law, at Westminster, 18-33 Elizabeth. 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1658-63 — Second edition, 1640-1616. 4 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1686-87 Leonhaed, Eudolf . Listitutionen des Eomischen Rechts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1894 Lepblletiee, Femand. Code Civil portugais. See Codes, Poriugal. Le Poitvin, — . Traite du contrat de commission. See Delamaere, — . Le Qubsne, Charles. Ireland and the Channel Islands : or, a remedy for Ireland. 8vo. 1848 Lb Eoux de Lincy, [Adrien Jean Victor]. Philippe de Eeimes' Eomance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. [Camden Society, "^o. 72.] Le Eot, Loys. Of the interchangeable course or variety of Things in the whole World ; and the concurrence of armes and learning thorough the first and famousest nations, from the beginning of civility and memory of man to this present. Moreover, whether it be true or no, that there can be nothing sayd which hath not bin said heretofore ; and that we ought by our owne inventions to augment the doctrine of the auncients, not contenting ourselves with translations, expositions, corrections, and abridgments of their writings : written in French, translated into English by E. A[shley]. fol. Printed hy Charles Yetsweirt, 1694 Le Sage, Alain Eene. Histoire d'Estevanille Gonzalez . . . tiree de I'espagnol. 8vo, Amsterdam, 1783 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 2 vols. 8vo. Am8terdam,.128S Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache [par Mateo Aleman], nouvelle- ment traduite . . . [avecles] Lettres galantes d' Aristenete, traduites du grec. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783 Le Bachelier de Salamanque . . , 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783 J LES— LEV. 461 Le Sage, Alain Eene — continued. Le Diable Boiteux, augments d'Une journee des parques et des bequilles du diable boiteux [avec la vie de I'auteur.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783 Les aventures de M. Eobert Chevalier, dit de Beauchene . . . Svo. Amsterdam, 1783 Nouvelle traduction de Eoland I'Amoureux, de Matheo Maria Bojardo, Comte de Scandiano. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783 Theatre de la foire, ou I'opera comique. [^■^ 4 vols. Svo. Amsterdam, 1783 I^Rheatre fran9ais ; contenant Crispin, Turcaret ... La Tontinp, Le Point d'honneur. Svo. Amsterdam, 1783 Lesley, John. De origine, moribus, et rebus gestis Scotorum libri decern . . . accessit nova et accurata regionum et insularum Scotise, cum vera ejusdem tabula topographica descriptio. 4to. Romse, in asdibus populi Bomani, 1578 Leslie, John St. L. See Aechbold, John Frederick; Chitty's Archbold's Practice. Leslie, T. E. ClifEe. See Laveleye, Emile de ; Primitive Property. Lev6, a. Code Civil espagnol. See Codes, Spain. Leverson, B. J. See Brice, Seward ; Tramways and Light Eailways. Levi, Leone. International Commercial Law . . . Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1863 Introductory lecture to a course on International Maritime law, de- livered ... in the Hall of Lincoln's Inn, January 11, 18, and 25, and February 1, 1865. [Tracts, vol. 20, No. 5.] 8vo. 1865 History of British Commerce, and of economic progress of the British nation, 1763-1870. Svo. 1872 Levins, Peter. Manipulus Vocabulorum : a dictionary of English and Latin words, arranged in the alphabetical order of their last syllables, 1570. [Camden Society, No. 95.] Levinz, Sir Creswell. Collection of Entries referring to the cases in his Eeports. fol. 1702 Reports of cases heard and determined in the Court of King's Bench, during the time that Sir Robert Forster, Sir Eobert Hyde, and Sir John Kelyng were Chief Justices there ; as also, of certain cases in other courts at Westminster during that time [1660-96] : translated into English by Mr. Serjeant Salkeld. Second edition. " ^ 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. 1723 £ £ ^ 452 LEW. Lewin, Frederick Albert, The Law of Apportionment. 12mo. 1869 Lewin, Sir Gregory A. A report of cases detennined on the Crown side on the Northern Circuit, from the summer circuit of 1822 to the summer circuit of 1838; with a few cases of earlier date. 2vols.ini. 12mo. 1834-39 Lewin", Thomas. A practical treatise on the law of Trusts. Eleventh edition, by C. C. M. Dale. Svo. 1904 Lewis, A. H. A critical history of Sunday Legislation, from 321 to 1888. Svo. New York, 1888 Lewis Charlton T., and Short Charles. A Latin dictionary ; founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part re- written. 4to. Oxford, 1886 Lewis, Edward Dillon. A paper on the Codification of the Criminal Law of England . . . Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 8.] Svo. 1878 Lewis, G-eorge Pitt-. See Pitt-Lewis, George. Lewis Gerald Champion, and Baerows Harold Murdock. The Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1894 . . . Svo. 1894 Lewis, Hubert. Principles of Conveyancing, explained and illustrated by concise precedents ; with an appendix on the effect of the transfer of land act in modifying and shortening conveyances. Svo. 1863 Principles of Equity Drafting. Svo. 1865 The Ancient Laws of Wales, viewed especially in regard to the light they throw upon the origin of some English institutions : edited by J.E.Lloyd. Svo. 1889 Lewis, Percival. Historical inquiries concerning Forests and Forest laws ; with topo- graphical remarks upon the ancient and modern state of the New Forest, in the county of Southampton. 4to. 1811 Lewis, Samuel. View of the Eepresentative history of England; with engraved plans, showing the electoral divisions of the several counties, and the former and present boundaries of the cities and boroughs. 4to. 183i LEW— LEY. 453 Lewis, Samuel — continued. A topographical dictionary of England. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 4to. Wales. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. 1840 1840 Atlas : England and Wales. fol. N.D. topographical dictionary of Scotland. 2 vols.-4to. 1848 Supplementary volume : map of Scotland. 4to. 1846 topographical dictionary of Ireland. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Atlas. fol. 1847 1846 iwis, Thomas Taylor. Letters of Lady Brilliana Harley. [Camden Society, No. 68.] Lewis, William David. Practical treatise on the law of Perpetuity, or remoteness in limita- tion of estates ; as applicable to the various modes of settlement of property, real and personal, and in its bearing on the different modifications of ownership in such property. 8vo. 1843 — Supplement ; comprising all the authorities bearing upon the subject of the original work, since its publication. 8vo. 1849 Inaugural address on the study of the English laAVS of Eeal Pro- perty ; delivered in the Hall of Gray's Inn, on the 4th of November, 1847. 8vo. 1848 Liberty of opinion in relation to blasphemous libels. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Origin and use of legal fictions. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Peerages for life. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Some popular errors concerning law. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Lexicons. Afi^Dcov 'EXAy/vo-Pw/xaixov ; hoc est, Dictionarium Graeco-Latinum. fol. Basilese, 1584 Lexicon Juridicum ; hoc est juris civilis et canonici in schola atque foro usitatarum vocum penus . . . 8vo. 1594 Ley, Sir James. Reports of divers resolutions in law, arising upon cases in the Court of Wards and other Courts at Westminster, in the reigns of King James and King Charles ; to which is added A treatise concerning wards and liveries. fol. 1669 liEYSBR, Augustin. Meditationes ad Pandectas, quibus praecipua juris capita ex antiqui- tate explicantur, cum juribus recentioribus conferuntur, atque variis celebrium collegiorum responsis et rebus judicatis illus- trantur . . . Editio secunda. 11 vols, in 8. 4to. Lipsise, 1733-62 454 LIB. Libel. Eeport from the select committee on the law of Lihel ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. fol. 1879 Liber Albus. Liber Albus. [Britain, No. 12.] Liber Intra.tionum. Intrationum liber, omnibus legum Anglie studiosis apprime neces- sarius, in se complectens diversas formas placitoru, tarn realium, personalium q mixtorum, necnon multorum brevium tarn execu- tionum, nunc tandem majori cura q ante hac revisus ac emendatus fol. H. Smyths, 1546 Liber Placitandi. See Pleading. Liberalism. The Liberalism of the period, and a programme of a true Conserva- tive policy : by a member of the English Bar. [Tracts, vol. 14, No. 5.] 8vo. 1872 Liberate Eolls. Liberate Eolls. [Record Commission, No. 37.] Librarians, Conference of. Transactions and proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877 ; [including descriptions of Metropolitan Libraries, and of the exhibition of library appliances, catalogues^ and designs:] edited by the Secretaries, E. B. Nicholson and H. E. Tedder. fol. 1878 Transactions and proceedings of the Second International Library Conference held in London, July 13-16, 1897: edited by J. D. Brown, E. Garnett, J. T. W. MacAlister, H. E. Tedder, fol. 1898 Library Association. Transactions and proceedings of the first — eighth annual meetings. 8 vols, in 7. fol. 1879-90 Monthly Notes of the Library Association. 4 vols. 8vo. 1880-83 Address at the opening of the fifth annual meeting, [held at] Cambridge, September 5, with an appendix: by H. Bradshaw, President. 8vo. Cambridge, 1882 The appendix contains:— i. Some account of the organization of the Cambridge University Library ; II. Note on local libraries considered as museums of local authorship and printing ; III. A word on size-notation as distinguished from form-notation. The Library Chronicle : a journal of librarianship and bibliography : edited by E. C. Thomas. 5 vols. 8vo. 1884-88 The Library : a magazine of bibliography and literature : edited by J. Y. W. Macalister. 10 vols. 8vo. 1889-98 The Library Association Eecord : a monthly magazine of librarian- ship and bibliography. 7 vols. [In progress.] 8vo. 1899-1905 Yearbooks, 1899-1905. 7 vols. 8vo. 1899-1905 Lie— LIL. 456 Licensing Commission. Final report of Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to enquire into the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors. fol. 1899 LiDDELL, Henry Greorge. I History of Rome from the earliest times to the establishment of ... The student's Rome . . . with chapters on the history of literature and art. New edition. 8vo. 1874 LiDDELL Henry George, and Scott Robert. L A G-reek- English lexicon. Seventh edition. 4to. Oxford, 1883 LiDDELL, Robert. 11 A sermon preached on the second Sunday of Epiphany, January 14, 1866, at S. Paul's, Knightsbridge. \_Tract8, vol. 36, No. 7.] 8vo. 1866 ^' IG lEBEBMANN, F. fOn the Instituta Cnuti aliorumque Regum Anglorum. 8vo. 1893 iiGHTWooD, John Mason. I The nature of Positive Law. Svo. 1883 I A treatise on Possession of Land, with a chapter on the real property limitation acts, 1833 and 1874. 8vo. 1894 •.See also Jepson, Arthur ; Lands Clauses Acts. ILLEY, Cecil W. See Hall, W. Clarke ; Law relating to children. Lilly, John. Reports and pleadings of cases in Assize, for oflSces. fol. 1719 I The Practical Conveyancer. fol. 1719 [The Practical Register : or, a general abridgment of the law. [ 2 vols. fol. 1719 piodem Entries. fol. 1723 ILLY, William. Observations on the life and death of King Charles I. See Maseres, Francis; Select tracts. Lilly William Samuel, and Wallis John E. P. Manual of the law specially affecting Catholics. 8vo. 1893 466 LIN. LiNACEB, Thomas. Catalogue of Grocyn's books. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] LiNCK, Jacob Gottlib. Analecta historica de origins Electorum. [ German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Altdorfi, 1712 LiNCK, Jeremias Eberhardus. De statu Nobilitatis immediatse S. E. I. [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Argent, 1707 LiNCK, Tobias Fridericus. De comitiis electoralibus. [German University Tracts, vol, 13.] 4to. Kiloni, 1671 Lincoln's Inn. The students' guide through Lincoln's Inn, containing an account of that Honourable Society . . . Second ed. 12mo. 1805 Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modern buildings, with an account of the Library, by W. H. Spilsbury, 8vo. 1850 — Second edition. 8vo. 1873 Eecords of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn : Admissions, 1420-1893, and Chapel Registers. 2 vols. 8vo. 1896 — Black books, 1422-1845. 4 vols. 8vo. 1897-1902 Catalogue of the Library, See Catalogues, Library, [LiND, Dr.] Letter to the Earl of Abingdon ... in which his Lordship's candid and liberal treatment of the now Earl of Mansfield is fully vindicated. [Tracts, vol. 1, No. 3.] 8vo. 1778 [LiND, John,] Letters concerning the present state of Poland [1772-73] . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1773 Linden, Joannes van der. See Van der Linden. LiNDENBEUCK, Friedrich. Codex legum antiquarum : in quo continentur leges Wisigothorum; edictum Theodorici Regis ; lex Burgundionum ; lex Salica ; lex Alamannorum ; lex Baivvariorum ; decretum Tassilonis Ducis ; lex Ripuariorum; lexSaxonum; Angliorum et Werinorum ; Frisionum; Longobardorum ; constitutiones Siculse sive Neapolitanse ; capitulare Karoli Magni et Hludowici Impp, ; quibus accedunt formulae solennes priscse publicorum privatorumque negotiorum : nunc primum editae, et glossarium, sive interpretatio rerum, vocumque difficilium et obscuriorum ex Bibliotheca Frid. Lindenbrogi, fol. Franeofurti, 1613 LiNDHOLTz, Otto Nicolaus. De capitulatione regni Germanici. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Kiloni, 1676 LIN— LIT. 457 Introduction to the study of Jurisprudence, being a translation of the general part of Thibaut's System des Pandekten Eechts ; with notes and illustrations. 8vo. 1855 Treatise on the law of Partnership including its application to Companies. Fourth edition, assisted by S. Dickinson. 12 vols. 8vo. 1878 — Sixth edition, by W. B. Lindley : with an appendix on the law of Scotland, by J. C. Lorimer. 8vo. 1893 — Seventh edition by W. B. Lindley and T. J. C. Tomlin, with an appendix on the law of Scotland, by J. C. Lorimer. Svo. 1905 A treatise on the law of Companies, considered as a branch of the law of Partnership. Sixth edition by W. B. Lindley. 2 vols. Svo. 1902 On some errors in legislation, illustrated by the statutes relating to Joint Stock Companies. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] On the principles which govern the Criminal and Civil responsibility of corporations. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] MNDSAY, Alexander William, Lord. See Peerage Claims, Montrose. I ^■(INDSELL, Williain Harry Barber. ^m Law of Torts. See Clerk, John Frederic. I NGARD, John. History of England, from the first invasion by the Romans to 1688. Third edition. 14 vols. [Vols. 13, 14, second edition.] Svo. 1825-31 A vindication of certain passages in the fourth and fifth volumes of the History of England. Svo. 1826 LippiscH, Johann Georg. Specimen scientiae interpretandi, ad antiquitates Germanicas adcom- modatse. [German University Tracts, vol. 18.] 4to. Lipsiae, 1742 I Li psius, Justus. Politicorum sive civilisdoctrinae librisex . . . prsemissa dissertatione Joh. Heinr. Boecleri de politicis Lipsianis. 12mo. Francofurti, 1674 iset, Abraham. I The Accountant's closet. See Malynes, Gerard. TBRATURE. Repertoire de la Litterature ancienne et moderne. 30 vols. Svo. Paris, 1824-25 — Supplement et Table. Svo. Paris, 1827 458 LIT; Little, Andrew G. The Grey Friars in Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No, 20.] Little, James Brooke. The law of Burial : including all the burial acts as modified or affected by the local government (England and Wales) act, 1894 ; all the church building, new parish and poor law acts relating to the subject; the cremation act, 1902, and the official regulations of the Home Office and Local Government Board, with notes and cases. Third edition. 8vo. 1902 See also Aechbold, John Frederick ; The Poor Law. Littlei>alb, Eichard Frederick. The north- side of the Altar; a liturgical essay. [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 4.] Second edition. 8vo. 1865 Littledale, William F. The Society of King's Inns, Dublin : its origin and progress, and the present results of its assumed control over the legal profession in Ireland ; with some suggestions for its future govenament. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 4.] Svo. Dublin, 1859 Littler, E. D. M. See Fawcbtt, John Henry ; Court of Elferees in Parliament. Littleton, Adam. Latin Dictioaaiy in four parts : 1. English-Latin. 2. Latin- classical, 3. Latin-proper. 4. Latin-barbarous. Sixth edition. 4to. 1735 Littleton, Edward, Lord. Les reports en le Courts del Common Banck et Exchequer, en le 2-7 ans del reign de Eoy Charles le I. fol. 1683 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Les Tenures de Monsieur Littleton. 4to. 1588 A commentary on the Tenures of Littleton ; written prior to the publication of Coke upon Littleton : edited, from a copy in the Harleian collection of Manuscripts, by H. Cary. Svo. 1829 Littleton's tenures in English : edited by E. Wambaugh. Svo. Washington, 1903 Inner Temple picture. See Indeewick Frederick Andrew, and Field Leonard. LiTTRE, Maximilien Paul Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue fran^aise, avec supplement. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1877] LIT. 469 JITTTJBQIES. The book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, -according to the use of the Church of England ; and the Sunday lessons from the Old Testament : with notes on the epistles, gospels, psalms, and lessons^ by Sir J. Bayley. 8vo. 1816 The two books of Common Prayer, set forth by authority of Parliament in the reign of King Edward the Sixth : compared with each other, and edited, by E. Cardwell. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1841 — Third edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1852 The two liturgies, a.d> 1549 and a.d. 1552 : with other documents set forth by authority in the reign of King Edward VI., viz., tlie order of Communion, 1548 ; the Primer, 1553 : the Catechism and Articles, 1553 ; Catechismus brevis, 1653 : edited, for the Parker Society, by J. Ketley. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844 Eeliquiae Liturgicse : documents, connected with the Liturgy of the Church of England ; exhibiting the substitutes that have been successively proposed for it at home, and the alterations that have been made in the adaptation of it to other Churches : edited by P. Hall. 5 vols. 8vo. Bath, 1847 1. The Middleburgh Prayer-Book. 3. The Parliamentary Directory. 2. The Scottish Prayer-Book. 4. The Savoy Liturgy. 5. The American Prayer-Book. The book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacra- ments ; and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. 8vo. New York, 1855 The revised liturgy of 1689 : being the book of Common Prayer, interleaved with the alterations prepared for convocation by the royal commissioners, in the first year of the reign of William and Mary : edited, from the copy printed by order of the House of Commons, by J. Taylor. 8vo. 1855 Facsimile of the black-letter prayer-book of 1636 : showing the manuscript alterations made in 1661, and authorized by the Act of Uniformity, 13 & 14 Car. II., 1662 : photozincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, Sir H. James, Director- General ; published for the Royal Commission on Ritual . ". . [edited by A. P. Stanley, Dean of Westminster.] fol. 1870 The Prayer Book interleaved with historical illustrations and explanatory notes arranged parallel to the text, by W. M. Campion and W. J. Beamont. 8vo. Cambridge, 1876 The lesser hours of the.Sarum Breviary :- translated and arranged according to the Kalendar of the Church of England. 8vo. 1889 Troubles connected with the Prayer Book of 1549. [Camden Society, new series, No. 37.] 460 LIV— LLO. LivEEY Companies. City of London Livery Companies Commission: reports and appendices. • 5 vols. fol. 1884 Livingstone, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast ; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. 8vo. 1857 Livingstone, Matthew. A guide to the Public Records of Scotland deposited in H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905 Livius Patavinus, Titus. Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt onines, ex recensione Am. Drakenborchii : accedunt notse integrse ex editionibus J. B. L. Crevierii. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1814 Historiarum libri qui supersunt, ex editione G. A. Ruperti ; cum supplementis, notis, et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lec- tionibus, notis, variorum, recensu editionumetcodicum,indice locuple- tissimo, et glossario Liviano accurate recensiti. 28 vols. 8vo. 1828 Lloyd Bartholomew Clifford, and Goold Francis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chan- cery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, from Hilary term, 1835, to Easter term, 1835. 8vo. 1836 A selection of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunk ett, principally in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836. 8vo. DuUin, 1839 Lloyd, Charles Frederick. Sale of Food and Drugs Act. See Bell, Sir William James. See also Redgbave, Alexander ; Factory and Truck Acts. Lloyd, Clement Elphinstone. The County Courts Act, 1888, with explanatory notes and cases and appendices, annotated with cross-references to the principal act. Svo. 1888 See also Oliphant, George Henry Hewitt ; Law of Horses. Lloyd, Eyre. The Succession laws of Christian countries, with special reference to the law of Primogeniture as it exists in England. 8vo. 1877 The law of Compensation under the lands clauses acts , . . Sixth edition, by W. J. Brooks. Svo. 1896 LLO— LOG. 461 Llotd, Horatio. See Leeminq Henry, and Cross Eichard Assheton ; Practice of the Quarter Sessions. Lloyd, J. E. See Lewis, Hubert ; The Ancient Laws of Wales. Llotd, J. H. Reports of Mercantile cases. See Danson, F. M. See also Paley, William ; Law of Principal and Agent. [ Llotd J. H., and Wblsby W. N. Reports of Mercantile cases, 1829-30. Llotd, Morgan. Treatise on the law of Prohibition . , 8vo. 1829-30 12rao. 1849 Llotd, William, Bishop of Worcester. Sermon preached at the funeral of the Rev. Dr. John Wilkins. See Wilkins, John. Lloyd's Register. Annals of Lloyd's Register ; being a sketch of the origin, constitu- tion, and progress of Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. Svo. 1884 Loans to Foreign States. Report from the select committee on Loans to Foreign States ; with the proceedings of the committee. fol. 1875 Local Acts. See Statutes. Local Government Reports. Knight's Local Government reports, with local government statutes, orders : edited by W. A. Casson and A. F. Jenkin. 3 vols, in 6. Svo. 1903-05 LoccENius, Johannes. Suecise Regni leges civiles. See Sweden. Lock:, Walter. Life of John Keble. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1895 Locke, John. Works. Fifth edition : to which is added, the life of the author and a collection of several of his pieces . . . published by Peter Desmaizeaux ... 3 vols. fol. 1751 Philosophical Works ; with a preliminary discourse and notes, by J. A. St. John. Svo. 1843 462 LOC— LOI. Locke, John. Treatise on the Grame laws of England and Wales. Fifth edition (in which are introduced the game laws of Scotland and Ireland), by G. Evans. 12mo. 1866 LocKHART, Edgar H. A legal and historical essay on the Preservation of Commons near London and large Towns. See Commons. LocKHAET, George. The Lockhart Papers : containing memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland, from 1702 to 1715, by George Lockhart ; his secret correspondence with the son of King James II., from 1718 to 1728, and his other political writings ; also journals and memoirs of the Young Pretender's expedition in 1745, by Highland oflBcers in his army : published from original manuscripts in the possession of Anthony Aufrere. 2 vols. 4to. 1817 LocKwooD, Sir Frank. The law and lawyers of " Pickwick " : a lecture. 12mo. [1894] Life of. See Bireell, Augustine. Lodge, Edmund. Life of Sir Julius Caesar ; with memoirs of his family descendants : to which is added, Numerus Infaustus, an historical work, by Charles Caesar. 4to. 1827 Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. ; with notes and observations. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1838 Lodge, H. Cabot. The Anglo-Saxon Land Law. See Anglo-Saxon Law. Lopft, Capel. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, 1763-74; with some select cases in the Court of Chancery, and of the Common Pleas, within the same period : to which is added, the case of general warrants and a collection of maxims. fol. 1776 LoFTiE, William John. History of London ; with maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883 — Supplement. 8vo. 1884 . London [Historic Towns]. 8vo. 1887 London City ; its history, streets, traffic, buildings, people ; illus- trated by W. Luker. 4to. 1891 LoiSEL, Antoine. Institutions Coutumieres; avec les notes d'Eus^be de Lauriere. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Lupin et M. £douard Laboulaye. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1846 Dialogue des Avocats. See Camus, Armand Gaston. 1 LOL— LON. 468 LoLME, John Louis de. See De Lolme. LoMAS, Sophia Crawford. State Papers, domestic, Charles I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 11.] LoMBROso Caesar, and Fereeeo William. The Female Offender. 8vo. 1895 London. The Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King Charles II. to the City of London : wherein are recited verbatim, all the Charters to the said City, granted by his Majesty's royal predecessors : taken out of the records, and exactly translated into English, by S. G. Svo. [1680] The pleadings and arguments and other proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, upon the Quo Warranto touching the Charter of the City of London; with the judgment entered thereupon, fol. 1690 New remarks of London . . . collected by the Company of Parish- Clerks. 12mo. 1732 Report of the City Day-Census, 1881, by the local and taxation committee of the Corporation of London. Second edition. Svo. 1881 [London's Roll of Fame : being complimentary notes and addresses Ifrom the city of London on presentation of the honorary freedom of that city . . . 1757-1884: with a critical and historical introduction f[by B. Scott, Chamberlain of London.] 4to. 1884 [Royal Commission, 1893, [on the] City of London: statement as [to the origin, position, powers, duties, and finance of the Corporation r of London. fol. 1893 IChronicle of the Grey Friars of London, 1189-1556. iCamden ^Society, No. 53.] De antiquis Legibus Liber : Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum I Londiniorum, 1178-1274. [Camden Society, No. 34,] French Chronicle of London, 44 Hen. in.-17 Edw. III., 1259-1343. [[Camden/ Society, No. 28.] l-regory's Chronicle of London, Rich. I. to Edw. IV. [Camden ^Society, new series, No. 17.] Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the 15th Century. [Camden Society, new series. No. 17.] London Catalogue, The. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous, English Catalogue. London Chamber of Commerce. Report from the special committee on Secret Commissions .- . . • _^ fol. 1899 462 LOC— LOI. Locke, John. Treatise on the Game laws of England and Wales. Fifth edition (in which are introduced the game laws of Scotland and Ireland), by a. Evans. 12mo. 1866 LocKHAET, Edgar H. A legal and historical essay on the Preservation of Commons near London and large Towns. See Commoxs. LocKHART, George. The Lockhart Papers : containing memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland, from 1702 to 1715, by George Lockbart; his secret correspondence with the son of King James II., from 1718 to 1728, and his other political writings ; also journals and memoirs of the Young Pretender's expedition in 1745, by Highland officers in his army : published from original manuscripts in the possession of Anthony Aufrere. 2 vols. 4to. 1817 LocKwooD, Sir Frank. The law and lawyers of " Pickwick" : a lecture. 12mo. [1894] Life of. See Bikrell, Augustine. Lodge, Edmund. Life of Sir Julius Csesar ; with memoirs of his family descendants : to which is added, Numerus Infaustus, an historical work, by Charles Csesar. 4to. 1827 Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. ; with notes and observations. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1838 Lodge, H. Cabot. The Anglo-Saxon Land Law. See Anglo-Saxon Law. LoFFT, Capel. Eeports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, 1763-74; with some select cases in the Court of Chancery, and of the Common Pleas, within the same period : to which is added, the case of general warrants and a collection of maxims. fol. 1776 Loftie, William John. History of London ; with maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883 — Supplement. 8vo. 1884 . London [Historic Toitms]. 8vo. 1887 London City ; its history, streets, traffic, buildings, people ; illus- trated by W. Luker. 4to. 1891 LoiSEL, Antoine. Institutions Coutumieres; avec les notes d'Eusebe de Lauriere. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Dupin et M. fidouard Laboulaye. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1846 Dialogue des Avocats. See Camus, Armand Gaston. 1 LOL— LON. 468 LoLME, John Louis de. See De Lolme. LoMAS, Sophia Crawford. State Papers, domestic, Charles I. [Galendar of State Papers, No. 11.] LoMBEOso Caesar, and Ferkeeo William. The Female Offender. 8vo. 1895 London. The Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King Charles II. to the City of London : wherein are recited verbatim, all the Charters to the said City, granted by his Majesty's royal predecessors : taken out of the records, and exactly translated into English, by S. G-. Svo. [1680] The pleadings and arguments and other proceedings in the Court of [King's Bench, upon the Quo Warranto touching the Charter of the City of London; with the judgment entered thereupon, fol. 1690 New remarks of London . . . collected by the Company of Parish- Clerks. 12mo. 1732 Report of the City Day-Census, 1881, by the local and taxation committee of the Corporation of London. Second edition. 8vo. 1881 [London's Roll of Fame : being complimentary notes and addresses [from the city of London on presentation of the honorary freedom of [that city . . . 1757-1884: with a critical and historical introduction '[by B. Scott, Chamberlain of London.] 4to. 1884 i Royal Commission, 1893, [on the] City of London: statement as [to the origin, position, powers, duties, and finance of the Corporation ■ of London. fol. 1893 Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, 1189-1556. [Camden Society, No. 53.] De antiquis Legibus Liber : Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londiniorum, 1178-1274. [Camden Society, No. 34.] ^French Chronicle of London, 44 Hen. III.-17 Edw. III., 1259-1313. \\_Camden Hociety, No. 28.] ^Gregory's Chronicle of London, Rich. I. to Edw. IV. [Camden \Society, new series, No. 17.] Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the 15th Century. \\^Camden Society, new series. No. 17.] )ND0N Catalogue, The. See Catalogttes, Miscellaneous, English [Catalogue. >ND0N Chamber of Commeeoe. sport from the special committee on Secret Commissions .- . . : fol. 1899 464 LON. London Corpoeation. Catalogue of the G-uildhall Library. See Catalogues, Library, Guildhall. See also Catalogues, Miscellaneous. London G-azette. Index to the Orders in Council, proclamations, royal commissions of inquiry, orders, and notices of government departments, and all other matter published in the London Gazette, from January 1, 1830, to December 31, 1883, except advertisements, appointments, and other notices of a purely personal or temporary nature; together with references to statutes and parliamentary papers connected therewith : compiled by A. Pulling. 8vo. 1885 The London Gazette for the years 1898-1905. 28vols. fol. [In progress.] 1898-1905 London Library Catalogue. See Catalogues, Library. London Magazine. The London Magazine ; or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. 56 vols. 8vo. 1732-85 London Museum. The London Museum of politics, miscellanies, and literature. 2 vols. 8vo. 1770-72 London University. Handbook to the intermediate and final LL.B. of London Uni- versity (pass and honours) including a summary of " Austin's Jurisprudence " and the examination papers : by a B.A., LL.B. (Lond.). Second edition. 8vo. 1889 London University Gazette : published by authority, 1901-02— 1904-05. Vols. 1-4. [In progress.] fol. 1902-05 Calendar for the year 1905-06. 3 vols. 8vo. 1905 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. London and Middlesex ARCH.a:oLOGicAL Society. Transactions. Vols. 1-6 ; and vol. 7, part 1. 8vo. 1860-88 Long, Charles Edward. Diary of Richard Symonds. [Camden Society, No. 74.] Long, George. Reflections on certain parts of the law of England : with suggestions for the improvement of the same. 8vo. 1827 An essay on the Moral Nature of Man. 8vo. 1841 The Conduct of Life : a series of essays. 8vo. 1845 An inquiry concerning Religion. 8vo. 1855 I LON—LOR. 465 1)110, "William. The case of Long v. Bishop of Cape Town ; embracing the opinions of the Judges of the Colonial Court, hitherto unpublished, together with the decision of the Privy Council and observations by the editor. 8vo. 1866 LoNGFiELD Robert, and Townsend John FitzHenry. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Hilary term, 1841, to Trinity term, 1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 LoNGiNUS, Dionysius. De sublimitate ; GrsDce et Latine : denuo recensuit . . . B. Weiske. Editio nova. 8vo. 1820 Longmans' Gazetteer of the World. See Chisholm, George G. LoNGMtriR, John. See Jamies^n, John ; Dictionary of the Scottish language. LoNGSTAFPE, W. Hylton Dyer. Acts of the High Commission Court within the Diocese of Durham, [1626-39.] [Surtees Society, No. 34.] Extracts from the Halmote Court or Manor Rolls of the Prior and Convent of Durham, 1296-1384. [Surtees Society, No. 82.] I Life of Ambrose Barnes. [^Surtees Society, No. 50.] [ Nathan Drake's account of the siege of Pontefract Castle, [1644-45.] [^Surtets Society, No. 37.] Tonge's Visitation of the northern counties in 1530. \_Surtee8 Society, No. 41.] )NiCERUS, Philippus. [Chronicorum Turcicorum, in quibus Turcorum origo, principes 'imperatores, bella, praelia . . . exponuntur. 3 vols, in 1. fol. Francoforti, 1578 )ker-on, The. See Essayists, British. ■■ Lords, House of. See House of Lords. LoRENz, Charles Ambrose. See Van der Keessel, Dionysius Godefridus ; Select Theses on the Laws of Holland and Zeeland. LoRiMER, J. Campbell. See Lindlet, Lord ; Law of Partnership. LoRiMER, James. Constitutionalism of the future : or, Parliament the mirror of the nation. Second edition. 8vo. 1867 The Institutes of law : a treatise of the principles of jurisprudence as determined by nature. Second edition . . . 8vo. 1880 F P 466 LOR— LOV. LoBiMEE, James — continued. The Institutes of the law of Nations: a treatise of the jural relations of separate political communities. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883-84 Studies National and International, being occasional lectures de- livered in the University of Edinburgh, 1864-89 . . . 8vo. Edinhurgh, 1890 LosELET Manuscripts. Manuscripts and other rare documents, illustrative of some of the more minute particulars of English history, biography, and manners, from the reign of Henry VIII. to that of James I., preserved in the muniment room of James More Molyneux, at Loseley House in Surrey, now first edited with notes by A. J. Kempe. Svo. 1836 Loudon, John Claudius. Encyclopaedia of Plants. New edition ; edited by Mrs. Loudon, assisted by G. Don and D. Wooster. Svo. 1855 Loughborough, Alexander Wedderburn, Lord. Argument in C. P. on fines payable on admission to copyhold es- tates. [Collectanea Juridica,\o\. 2.} 8vo. 1792 Louis XIV. Ordonnances de Louis XIV. pour les matieres criminelles, Aout " 1670 ; [et] sur le commerce des negocians et marchands. Mars 1673. l2mo. Paris, 1687-1707 — May 1680, reglement sur le fait des Gabelles ; Juin 1680, sur le fait des entrees, aydes, et autres droits y joints ; Juillet 1681, portant reglement sur plusieurs droits de ses fermes, et sur tons en general; Fevrier 1687, portant reglement sur le fait des cinq grosses fermes. 12mo. Paris, 1735-36 'Lounger, The. See Essayists, British. LovAT, Simon, Lord. Proceedings in the House of Peers, upon the impeachment exhibited . . . against Simon, Lord Lovat, for high treason, 9th — 19th March, 1746-47 ... fol. 1747 LovELAND, Richard Loveland. See Griffith, William Downes ; Judicature Acts : Hall, Robert Gream ; Rights of the Crown in the sea shore : Keltng, Sir John ; Reports of Crown cases. LovELAss, Peter. The law's disposal of a person's estate who dies without Will or Testament ... to which is added. The disposal of a person's estate by Will and Testament . . . Third edition. Svo. 1786 I LOV— LOW. 467 JOVETT, E. Philosophical essays. 8vo. Worcester, 1766 [Low, Sampson. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous, English Catalogue. jow Sidney J., and Pulling F. S. Dictionary of English History. Second edition. 8vo. 1885 jOwe, Charles. Prince Bismarck ; an historical biography. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887 jowman, Moses. Commentary on the Old and New Testament. See Patrick, Symon. jowNDES, John James. An historical sketch of the law of Copyright; with remarks on Serjeant Talfourd's Bill, and an appendix of the copyright laws of foreign countries. Second edition. 8vo. 1842 A few brief remarks on Lord Denman's Bill for improving the law of evidence. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 12.] 8vo. 1843 Eeports of Queen's Bench cases. See Dowling, Alfred S. jOwndes John James, and Maxwell Peter Benson. Bail Court Cases, 1852-54. 8vo. 1852-54 jowNDEs John James, Maxwell Peter Benson, and Pollock Charles Edward. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court, with points of practice and pleading decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Hilary term, 1850, to Michaelmas term, 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. 1851-52 lowNDES, Eichard. Treatise on the law of Marine Insurance. 8vo. 1881 Insurable Interest and Valuations. 8vo. 1884 The law of general Average, English and foreign. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1888 )WNDEs, William. Treatise on the law of Legacies. 8vo. 1824 IOWNDES, William Thomas. The bibliographer's manual of English literature; containing an |acco\int of rare, curious,' and useful books, published in, or relating 'to. Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing . . . New edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, with an appendix ^relating to the books of literary and scientific societies, by p. G-. Bohn. 6 vols, in 5. 8vo. 1865 I fp2 468 LOW— LUC. LowTH, William. Commentary on the Old and New Testament, See Patrick, Symon. LoYSEAu, Charles. (Euvres ; contenant les cinq livres du droit des oflSces, les traitez des seigneuries . . . Nouvelle edition. fol. Paris, 1678 LoYSEL, Antoine, See Loisel. LuAED, Henry Eichards. Annales Monastici. [Britain, No. 36.] Bartholomew de Cotton's Historia Anglicana. [449-1298.] [Britain, No. 16.] Flores Historiarum. [Britain, No. 95.] Lives of Edward the Confessor. [Britain, No. 3.] Matthaei Parisiensis Chronica majora. [Britain, No. 57.] Eoberti Grosseteste Epistolae. [1210-53.] [Britain, No. 25.] Lubbock, Sir John, Lord Avehury. Pre-historic times as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1900 LuBY, Thomas Clarke. Report of the proceedings at the first sitting of the Special Commis- sion for the county of the city of Dublin ... for the trial of T. C. Luby and others, for treason-felony, " the Fenian conspiracy," commencing Nov. 27, 1865. 8vo. Dublin, 1866 LircANUs, Marcus Annseus. De bello civili; cum Hug. G-rotii, Farnabii, notis integris, et variorum selectissimis : accurante Corn. Schrevelio. 8vo. 1818 * The Pharsalia of Lucan : translated into blank verse by Sir E. Ridley. 8vo. 1896 Lucas, L. A. Twenty epigrams. 8vo. [1902] Lucas, Samuel. Dacoitee in excelsis : or, the spoliation of Oude by the East India Company. 8vo. 1857 LUCIANUS. Opera omnia . , . adjectse sunt Bourdelotii, Theodori Marcilii, Gilberti Cognati notse. [Greek and Latin.] fol. Lutetise Parisorum, 1615 — Johannes Benedictus emendavit. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 vols. 8vo. Salmurii, 1619 I LUC— LUD. 469 jrcBETius Caeus, Titus. De rerum natura, libri sex, ex editione Gilbert! Wakefieldi ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensiti. 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 JDERS, Alexander, Eeports of the proceedings, in Committees of the House of Com- mons, upon controverted Elections. 3 vols. Svo. 1785-90 Considerations on the law of High Treason, in the article of levying war. [Trads, vol. 7, No. 2.] Svo. 1808 An essay on the use of the French language in our ancient laws and acts of State. [^Tracts, vol. 7, No. 1.] 8vo. n.d. JDLOW. [Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow, 1540-98. [Camden \ Society, 1^0.102.] ITJDLOw, Edmund. Memoirs . . . with a collection of original papers ; to which is now added, the case of King Charles the First. fol. 1751 Three tracts published at Amsterdam, in the years 1691 and 1692, under the name of Letters of General Ludlow to Sir Edmund Seymour and other persons, comparing the oppressive government of King Charles I., in the first four years of his reign, with that of the four years of King James II., and vindicating the conduct of the Parliament that began in November, 1640 : [with preface by F. i Maseres.] 4to. 1812 Ltjdlow Henry, and Jbnktns Henry. f Treatise on the law of Trade-Marks and Trade-Names ; including foreign laws applicable to British trade-marks. 8vo. 1873 j: DLOw, John Malcolm. On the mercantile notion of " The Firm," and the need of its legal recognition. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Stock registers, share registers, and land registers. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Ludovicus, Jacobus Fridericus. De oflBcio Directorum et Ducum Circularium in executione senten- tiarum. [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Raise, 1697 Usus practicus distinctionum juridicarum . . . Editio v. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1735 Doctrina Pandectarum . . . accessit historia Pandectarum, nee non , Jo. Jac. Wissenbachii Emblemata Triboniani. Editio viii. 12mo. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1743 470 LUD— LUP. LuDWELL, Wilhelm. Exercitationes xviii. ad iv. libros Institutionum imperialium . . . adjecta est Disputatio inauguralis de quinquaginta Justiniani deci- sionibus. 4to. Altdorffi, Noricorum, 1658 LuDwiG, Godofredus Thomas. De feudo censaali . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Lipsim, 1724 Lttker, W. See Fitzgerald, Percy ; London City Suburbs : Loftie, William John ; London City. LuKis, William CoUings. Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D., and the anti- quarian and other correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger and Samuel Gale. [^Surtees Society, No. 73.] Ltimbt, Joseph Rawson. Chronicon Henrici Knighton. [Britain, No. 92.] Higden's Polychronicon. [Britain, No. 41.] Ltjmlet, William Golden. Essay on By-Laws ; with an appendix containing model by-laws issued by the Board of Trade, the Education Department, and the Local Government Board. 8vo. 1877 The law of Parochial Assessments ; explained in a commentary on the statute 6 & 7 Will. IV. cap. 96 . . . Seventh edition, by W. C. Glen. 8vo. 1882 LuMLEY William Golden, and Lumlet Edmund. The Public Health Acts . . . Fifth edition by A. Macmorran and S. G. Lushington. 2 vols. 8vo. 1896 — Sixth edition, by A. Macmorran and S. G. Lushington. 2 vols. 8vo. 1902 Lunacy Law. Report from the select committee ; with the proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix ; [with] reports from Her Majesty's representatives at European Courts and in the United States, on the working of the Lunacy Laws in the countries in which they reside. fol. 1877-85 LuPTON, Frederick. The law relating to Dogs. 8vo. 1888 LuPTON, Joseph Hirst, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Wakeiield Worthies ; or biographical sketches of men of note connected by birth, or otherwise, with the town of Wakefield in Yorkshire. 8vo. 1864 LFP— LUS. 471 jFpton, Joseph Hirst, Preacher of Gray's Inn — continued. A life of John Colet, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's and founder of St. Paul's School ; with an appendix of some of his English writings. 8vo. 1887 The influence of Dean Colet upon the Eeformation of the English Church. 8vo. 1893 ! Two sermons preached in the Chapel of Gray's Inn, on January 20th, and November 3rd, 1895. [Printed for private circulation.'] 8vo. 1895 Sermon preached in the Chapel of Gray's Inn, on Sunday, June 20th, 1897, at the Thanksgiving Service upon the completion of sixty years of Her Majesty's happy reign. Printed hy request. 8vo. 1897 Sermon preached in the Chapel of Gray's Inn, on Sunday, Novem- ber 28th, 1897, after the funeral of the late Mr. Charles John Shoppee. [Bound with the above.'] 8vo. 1898 (Archbishop Wake and the Project of Union (1717-20) between the Gallican and Anglican Churches. 8vo. 1896 The Mount of Olives : a poem which obtained the Seatonian prize in the University of Cambridge, 1897. Svo. 1898 See also More, Sir Thomas ; The Utopia. JSH, Charles Montague. The law of Husband and Wife, within the jurisdiction of the Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions. 8vo. 1884 I — Second edition, by the author and W. H. Griffith. Svo. 1896 [Married Women's rights and liabilities in relation to contracts, Itorts, and trusts. 8vo. 1887 fChanges in the law affecting the rights, status, and liabilities of ^Married Women. See Law Reform. T8H, Sir Robert. The act for the abolition of Arrest on mesne process ... 1 & 2 Vict. c. 110. 12mo. 1838 Practice of the Superior Courts of law at Westminster, in actions and proceedings over which they have a common jurisdiction ; with introductory treatises respecting parties to actions, attornies, and ; town agents . . . Svo. 1840 — Third edition, by J. Dixon. 2 vols. Svo. 1866 See also Saunders, John Simcoe ; Pleading and Evidence. rsHiNOTON, Guy. ► The law of Affiliation and Bastardy, comprising the bastardy laws amendment act, 1872, together with other enactments relating [thereto . . . Second edition. Svo. 1904 472 LIJS— LYA. LusHiNGTON, Sydney George. The Lunacy Acts Amendment Act, 1889 . . . 8vo. 1889 Poor Law Q-eneral Orders ; The London Government Act, 1899. See Macmoeran, Alexander. See also Archbold, John Frederick ; Lunacy : Lumley, William Golden and Edmund ; Public Health Acts : Mackenzie, M. Muir ; Parliamentary and Local Government Eegistration Manual. LrrsHiNOTON Sydney George, and Lushington Guy. The Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act, 1895 ... as extended by the licensing act, 1902 . . . Second edition. Svo. 1904 Lushington, Vernon. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on appeal to the Privy Council, 1859-62. Svo. 1864 Case of Tiernan and others, demanded of Great Britain by the United States Government, to be surrendered as pirates, under the extradition treaty of Washington. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Reports of Admiralty cases. See Browning, Ernst. LuTTEELL, Narcissus. A brief historical relation of state affairs, from September, 1678, to April, 1714. 6 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1867 LuTWYCHE, Alfred J. P. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, on appeal from the decisions of the Revising Barristers, from Michaelmas term, 1843, to Michaelmas term, 1853. 2 vols. Svo. 1847-54 LuTWYCHE, Sir Edward. Un livre des Entries ; contenant auxi un report des resolutions del Court sur diverse exceptions prises as pleadings, et sur auters matters en ley, surdant (pur la plupart) en le Court de Commoa- Bank, enter le 34 an del roy Charles le Second et le 2 an de la roigne Anne. 2 vols. fol. 1704 Reports and Entries ; the several cases therein truly stated upon the respective pleadings and entries, in English, by W. Nelson. fol. 1718 [Lyall, William Hearle.] St. Dionis Backchurch, in the city of London: correspondence and proceedings, under the Union of Benefices act, resulting in the Order of Council for the removal of the parish church and the sale of the site : edited by the late rector. [Tracts, vol. 26, No. 5.] Svo. 1878 I LYB— LYO. 478 rBBEGHTS, Arent. * Eedenerend vertoog over 't Notaris Ampt . . . 2 vols. 4to. Amst. 1780 Eedenerende practycq over 't oeffenen van 't Notaris Ampt . . . Fourth edition. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Amst. 1783 LrDGATE, John. The Childe of Bristowe : a poem. [Oamden Society, No. 73.] Verses on the Kings of England, William I. to Henry VI. [Camden Society, new aeries. No. 17.] Lye, Edward. See Junius, Franciscus; Etymologicum Anglicanum. Lymburn, James. Notice of the Euing collection of Bibles in the University Library, Glasgow. See Dickson, William P. Lynch, Arthur Alfred. I The case of Rex v. Lynch for High Treason. fol. 1903 iDEWODE, William. Provinciale, seu costitutiones Anglie ; cu summariis atque justis annotationibus . . . fol. Paris, 1505 ^Legatine, seu constitutiones legitime [Othonis et Othoboni] ; cu gummariis atque justis annotationibus . . . [Bound with the ahoveJ] fol. Paris, 1505-06 mnuEST, John Singleton Copley, Lord. [Life. See Campbell, John, Lord : Martin, Sir Theodore. IE, James. See Wallis, John ; Reports of Chancery cases, reland. roN, Andrew. *The law of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1873 jTON Greorge Edward, and Redman Joseph Haworth. Law of Bills of Sale, with an appendix of precedents and statutes. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1896 Lyon, I. B. A text book of Medical Jurisprudence for India ; revised, as to the legal matter, by J. D. Inverarity. 8vo, 1889 JjYon-Caen, Charles. Table of the Foreign Mercantile laws and codes in force in the principal States of Europe and America . . . translated by N. Argles. 8vo. 1876 Code d'instruction criminelle autrichien. See Codes, Austria. 474 LYO— MAC. Lyons, Ponsonby A. Cartularium Monasterii de Ramseia. [Britain, No. 79.] Ltttleton, George, Lord. Works; formerly printed separately and now first collected together, with some other pieces never before printed : published by Gr. E. Ayscough. Second edition. 4to. 1775 Dialogues of the Dead. 8vo. 1760 History of the life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived : to which is prefixed, a history of the revolutions of England from the death of Edward the Confessor to the birth of Henry the Second. 4 vols. 4to. 1767-71 Notes to the second and third books of the History of the life of King Henry the Second ; with an appendix to each. 4to. 1767 Mabillon, Jean. De re diplomatica libri vi. . . . accedunt Commentarius de antiquis Regum Francorum Palatiis ; veterum scripturarum varia specimina, tabulis Lx comprehensa ; nova ducentorum, et amplius, monumen- torum coUectio, cum supplemento. Editio secunda. fol. Lutecise Parisiorum, 1704-09 Mabiee, J. L. Dictionnaire de Maximes ; ou, choix de maximes, pensees, sentences, reflexions et definitions. 8vo. Paris, 1830 Mablt [Gabriel Bonnet de], L'Ahhe. Observations sur les Romains. 2 vols. 12mo. Geneve, 1751 Le droit public de I'Europe, fonde sur les traites ; avec des remar- ques historiques, politiques, et critiques par J. Rousset. Nouvelle edition ... 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam et Leipzig, 1761 Observations sur I'histoire de la Grece. l2mo. Geneve, 1766 Macallan, Alexander. See Erskine, John ; Institute of the law of Scotland. McAlpine, William Henry. Catalogue of the Hartwell House Law Library. See Catalogues, Library. McAethue, Charles. The Contract of Marine Insurance. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 McArthub, John. Principles and practice of naval and military Courts Martial ; with an appendix illustrative of the subject. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806 I I MAC. 475 Macarthue, John. Imb Eeports of Bankruptcy cases. See Montagu, Basil. Macartney, John. Eeports of Nisi Prius cases, Ireland. See Aemsteong, Eichard. Macaskib, Stuart Cunningham. Corrupt Practices at Elections : Parliamentary and Municipal Elections. See Mattinson, Miles Walker. Macaulat, Catharine. The History of England, from the accession of James I. to that of the Brunswick line. 5 vols. 4to. 1763-71 Observations on a pamphlet, entitled. Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents. Third edition. [Tracts, vol. 4, No. 5.] 8vo. 1770 Macattlat, James. See Chittt, Edward ; Equity Index. Macaulat, Thomas Babington, Lord. Works . . . edited by his sister. Lady Trevelyan. 8 vols. Bvo. 1879 » Speeches, parliamentary and miscellaneous. 2 vols. 8vo. 1853 Evenings with a reviewer, or Macaulay and Bacon : by J. Spedding. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881 Life and letters. See Trevelyan, Sir G-eorge Otto. Lord Macaulay, essayist and historian. See Canning, Albert S. G. I McBaenet, a. C. See Oke, G-eorge C. ; Fishery Laws. [cCarthy, Justin. A history of our own times from the accession of Queen Victoria to the Diamond Jubilee. 5 vols. [Vols. 1 and 2, tenth edition.] Svo. 1879-97 [A history of the Four Georges and of William IV. 4 vols. Svo. 1884-1901 See also Daily News. M'Oleland, Thomas. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, at law, in equity, and in error, 1824. Svo. 1825 M'Cleland Thomas, and Younge Edward. Eeports of cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1824-25. Svo. 1827 4^76 MAC. Macclesfield, Thomas, Earl of. Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, in the House of Peers, for high crimes and misdemeanours . . . 6th — 27th May, 1726. fol. 1725 McCltjbe, M. L. See Maspebo, Q. ; Dawn of Civilization. McCuLLOCH, John Ramsay. A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical, of the various countries, places, and principal natural objects in the world ; illus- trated with maps. A new edition, revised ; with a supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. 1854 A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of Commerce and commercial navigation. A new edition ; with supplement. Svo. 1859-60 See also Smith, Adam ; Wealth of Nations. McCuNN, John H. Proceedings in the Senate, on the investigation of the charges pre- ferred against John H. McCunn, a Justice of the Superior Court of the city of New York . . . Svo. Albany, N.Y., 1874 McDeemott, E. E. Railways. 8vo. 1904 MacDermott, Philip. The Annals of Ireland, annotated. See Connellan, Owen. Macdiarmid, John. Lives of British Statesmen. New edition. Svo. 1838 Macdonbll, Sir John. The law of Master and Servant : part i. Common Law ; part ii. Statute Law. Svo. 1883 See also State Trials. Macdonnell, John Cotter. The life -and correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York. 2 vols. Svo. 1896 Macdowall, Andrew, Lord Banhton. An Institute of the laws of Scotland in civil rights ; with observa- tions upon the agreement or diversity between them and the laws of England. 3 vols. fol. Edinburgh, 1761-53 Macer, Alfred Thomas. Betterment. 12mo. 1894 Macpaelane, George L. Digest of Cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Feasek, Hugh J. E. MAC. 477 Macfaelanb, Walter. G-enealogical collections concerning families in Scotland, 1750-51. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 33, 34.] Macfie, Eobert Andrew. The Patent Question under Free Trade : a solution of difficulties by abolishing or shortening the inventors' monopoly, and instituting national recompenses : a paper submitted to the Congress of the Association for the promotion of Social Science, at Edinburgh, October, 1863 . . . Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 21, No. 3.] 8vo. [1863] Macgilliveat, Evan James. A treatise upon the law of Copyright in the United Kingdom and the dominions of the Crown, and in the United States of America : containing a full appendix of all acts of Parliament, interoational conventions, orders in council, treasury minute and acts of congress now in force. 8vo. 1902 ^ACHIAVELLI, Nicolo. Works ; translated, from the originals, with notes ... by E. ~^arne worth. 2 vols. 4to. 1762 'he Florentine Historic ; translated into English by T. B., Esq. T. Bedingfield.] fol. 1595 I Machtn, Henry. Diary, 1550-63. [Cwmden Society, No. 42.] Mackaenbss, Frederic Coleridge. See Peideaux, Charles Greville ; Duties of Churchwardens. Mackat, ^neas James G-eorge. Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, first Viscount Stair . . . a study in the history of Scotland and Scotch law during the seventeenth century. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873 Exchequer Eolls of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 6.] Life of John Major. [Scottish History Society, No. 10.] Mackay, Charles. Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, with an introductory chapter on the poetry, humour, and literary history of the Scottish language ; and an appendix of Scottish proverbs. 8vo. 1888 Mackay, Herbert J. H. Law of Copyholds. See Elton, Charles Isaac. See also Robinson, Thomas ; Gavelkind. 478 MAC Mackat, Josiah Kipping. See G-rant, James ; Law of Bankers. Mackat, William. Chronicles of the Frasers, 916-1674. [Scottish History Society, No. 47.] Eecords of the Presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall, 1643-88. \_ScottisJi History Society, No. 24.] M'Kechnie, William Sharp. The State and the Individual ; an introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896 Mackeldet, Ferdinand. Systema juris Eomani hodie usitati, post CI. Eosshirtii curas no- vissimas ; nunc primum Latine interpretatus est Ernestus Eduardus Hindenburg. 8vo. Lipsise, 1847 Lehrbuch des Romischen Eechts. Dreizehnte vielfach veranderte . . . Original-Ausgabe, besorgt durch Johann Adam Fritz. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Wien, 1851-52 MacKenna, Theobald. The Civil Code, book 1, of persons : translated from the French. See Codes, France. Mackenzie, A. 0. M. Digest of Cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Fkaser, Hugh J. E. Mackenzie, Frederick. Architectural Antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster, the late House of Commons. fol. 1844 Mackenzie, Sir George, Lord Advocate. Works . . . with life, 2 vols. fol. Edinhurgh, 1716-22 Pleadings in some remarkable cases before the supreme courts of Scotland, since the year 1661 ; to which the decisions are subjoyn'd. 4to. Edinburgh, 1673 Life of. See Watt, Francis; Terrors of the Law. Mackenzie, Montague Muir. See Wilson, Arthur ; Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Mackenzie Montague Muir, Geare Edward Arundel, and Hamilton Gawayne Baldwin. Company Law : an abridgment of the law contained in the statutes and decisions, alphabetically arranged. 8vo, 1893 Mackenzie Montague Muir, and Lushington Sydney George. The Parliamentary and Local Government registration manual . Second edition. Svo. 1897 MAC. 479 Mackenzie, Thomas, Lord. Studies in Roman Law, with comparative views of the laws of France, England and Scotland. Seventh edition : edited by J. Kirkpatrick. 8vo. 1898 Mackenzie, William W. Law of Highways. See Pratt, John Tidd. See also Arnold, Thomas James; Municipal Corporations: Paterson, James ; Licensing Acts. Mackenzie William W., and Handfoed Percy. Model Byelaws, rules and regulations under the Public Health and other Acts, with alternative and additional clauses. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 Mackenzie William W., and Woodcock H. Drysdale. Digest of Licensing cases, containing an abstract of the cases decided under the Licensing and Revenue Acts, relating to intoxi- cating liquors. 8vo. 1899 McKeon, Martin. Trial of. See O'Connoe, Roger. Mackeson, William Wyllys. See Coote, Richard Holmes ; Law of Mortgage. MACKINNON, Frank Douglas. See Scrutton, Thomas Edward ; Charterparties and Bills of Lading. MACKINNON, William Alexander. History of Civilization and Public Opinion. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1849 Mackintosh, Sir James. Vindicise Grallicse : defence of the French revolution, and its English admirers, against the accusations of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, including some strictures on the late production of Mons. de Calonne. Svo. 1791 History of the Revolution in England, in 1688 ; comprising a view of the reign of James II. from his accession to the enterprise of the Prince of Orange, and completed to the settlement of the Crown by the editor : to which is prefixed, a notice of the life, writings, and speeches of Sir J. Mackintosh. 4to. 1834 See also Vattbl, Emmerich de ; Le Droit des Gens. Mackintosh, James. The Roman law of Sale, with modern illustrations. Digest xviii. 1. and XIX. 1., translated with notes and references to cases and the sale of goods bill. Svo. Edinburgh, 1892 i 480 MAC. Macklin, a. Eomer. Evidence on Commission, See Hume-Williams, William Ellis Maclachlan, David. Treatise on the law of Merchant Shipping. 8vo, 1862 — Fourth edition. 8vo. 1892 See also Aenotjld, Sir Joseph ; Marine Insurance : Chitty, Joseph ; Bills of Exchange. Maclaine, Archibald. A supplement to the quarto edition of Dr. Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History . . . [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 4.] 8vo. 1768 M'Laren, John. See Bell, Q-eorge Joseph ; Commentaries on the Law of Scotland. Maclauein, John, Lord Dreghorn. Arguments and decisions in remarkable cases, before the High Court of Justiciary and the Supreme Courts, in Scotland. [1670- 1773.] 4to. Edinburgh, 1774 Maclean, Charles Hope. Eeports of House of Lords cases, Scotland. See Shaw, Patrick. Maclean Charles Hope, and Egbinson G-eorge. Cases decided by the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, 1839. 8vo. 1840 Maclean, John. Letters from Sir Eobert Cecil to Sir George Carew, 1600-02. [Camden Society, No. 88.] Letters of George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas Eoe, 1615-17. [Camden Society, No. 76.'\ Macleane, Douglas. History of Pembroke College, Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 33.] McLennan, John Ferguson. The Patriarchal theory based on the papers of the late J. F. McLennan : edited and completed by D. McLennan. 8vo. 1885 Studies in Ancient History ; comprising a reprint of primitive marriage, an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies. A new edition. 8vo. 1886 M'Leod, Addison. || A widow in Lincoln's Inn ... • 8vo. 1897 i MAC. 481 Macleod, Walter. Journal of the Hon. John Erskine of Camock, 1683-87. [Scottish History Society, No. 14.] List of persons concerned in the RebelHon [1745.] [Scottish History Society, No. 8.] Macmoeean, Alexander. The Public Health Acts, 1888-90, including the housing of the working classes act, 1890 . . . and a digest of cases decided since 1887 . . . 8vo. 1891 The Public Health (London) Act, 1891 . . . 8vo. 1891 See also Lumley William Golden and Edmund ; Public Health Acts. Macmoeean Alexander, and Dill T. R. Colquhoun. The Local Government Act, 1888 . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1898 The Local Government Act, 1894 . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1896 Macmoeean Alexander, and Lushington Sydney George. Orders issued by the Local Government Board and their prede- cessors, under the Acts relating to the Relief of the Poor, the Elementary Education Act, 1876, and the Vaccination Acts, 1867 to 1898, and the Local Government Act, 1894 . . . Second edition by A. Macmorran and E. J. Naldrett. 2 vols. 8vo. 1906 Macmoeean Alexander, Lushington Sydney George, and Naldeett Edward James. The London Government Act, 1899, and the various statutes incorporated with it, or specially referred to therein. 8vo. 1899 Macmoeean Alexander, and Willis W. Addington. The law relating to Sewers and Drains. 8vo. 1904 Macnaghten, Charles. See Palmee, Francis Beaufort; Company Precedents. Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin. Law and practice in relation to Companies. See Rawlins, William Donaldson. Macnaghten, Steuart. Reports of Chancery Appeals. See De Gex, John Peter. Maqnaghten Steuart, and Goedon Alexander. Reports of cases in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, the Lords Commissioners, and Lord Chancellor Truro, 1849-51. 3 vols. Svo. 1850-52 G G 482 MAC. M'Naghten, W. H. Annotations on the Mutiny Act, 4 Geo. IV. c. 81 ; with some obser- vations on the practice of Courts Martial, both in his Majesty's and the East India Company's Service. 8vo. 1828 Macnaghten, W. H. Principles and Precedents of Hindu Law ; being a compilation of primary rules relative to the doctrine of inheritance, contracts, and miscellaneous subjects . . . Second edition. 8vo. Madras, 1865 Macnallt, Leonard. The rules of Evidence on Pleas of the Crown; illustrated from printed and manuscript trials and cases. 2 vols. Svo. 1802 Macnamaea, Walter Henry. A digest of the law of Carriers of goods and passengers by land and internal navigation. Svo. 1888 See also Paley, William ; Summary Convictions : Eailway and Canal Traffic Cases : Steer, John ; Parish Law : Stone, John ; Justice of Peace : Woolrych, Humphrey William ; Metropolitan Building Acts. M'Naughton, D. Norman. See Browne, John Hutton Balfour ; Eating of Hereditaments. McNeill, George Powell. Exchequer EoUs of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 6.] Macnevin, Thomas. Speeches of the Rt. Hon. Richard Lalor Shell, with memoir. Second edition. 8vo. Buhlin, 1867 Maconochie, Charles Cornelius. Digest of Cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Johnston, Henry. Macphail, J. R. N. Letters of Mrs. Grant of Laggan concerning Highland affairs in the eighteenth century. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] Macpherson, Sir ^Eneas. The Loyall Dissuasive. [Scottish History Society, No. 41.] Macpherson, Arthur George. See Morgan, Sir Walter; IndiaaJ Penal Code. Macpherson, David. Rotuli Scotise [1272-1547.] [Eecord Commission, No. 42.] MAC. 483 Macpherso?t, James. History of Great Britain, from the Eestoration to the accession of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 4to. 1775 Original papers ; containing the secret history of Great Britain, from the Eestoration to the accession of the House of Hanover : to which are prefixed, extracts from the life of James II., as written by himself. 2 vols. 4to. 1775 Eights of Great Britain, asserted against the claims of America ; being an answer to the declaration of the General Congress. Eighth edition : to which is now added, a refutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt. [Tracts, vol. 3, No. 1.] 8vo. 1776 Macpherson, Norman. See Court of Sessions Cases, Third series : Erskine, John ; Principles of the law of Scotland. Macpherson, "William. The new procedure of the Civil Courts of British India ; being the fifth edition of the " Procedure of the Civil Courts." 8vo. 1871 . The practice of the Judicial committee of the Privy Council. Second adition. 8vo. 1873 Macqueen, John Eraser. f Treatise on the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Council ; together with the practice on parliamentary divorce. 8vo. 1842 Eeports of Scotch Appeals and Writs of Error, together with peerage, divorce, and practice cases, in the House of Lords, 1851-65. f 4 vols. 8vo. 1855-66 Discussion and judgment of the Lords, on the Life Peerage question. 8vo. 1857 Practical treatise on the law of Marriage, Divorce, and Legitimacy, as administered in the Divorce Coiirt and in the House of Lords. Second edition. 8vo. 1860 The rights and liabilities of Husband and Wife, by J. C. Eussell and E. B. Eussell. Macqueen, Eobert, Lord Braxfield. 1^^ Life of. See Watt, Francis ; Terrors of the Law. Macrae, David Cato. I The practice of Insolvency, under the Protection Acts, in the Insol- vent Court and in the County Courts. Second edition. 12mo. 1857 Macrat, William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian Library, with a notice of the earlier Library of the University. Second edition, enlarged and continued from 1868 to 1880. 8vo. Oxford, 1890 Chronicon Abbatise de Evesham (1213-1418). [Britain, No. 29.] Chronicon Abbatise Eameseiensis (924-1200). [Britain, No. 83.] Salisbury charters and documents. [Britain, No, 97.] aa2 I Third edition, 8vo. 1885 484 MAO— MA.D. Macrat, "William Dunn — continued. Table-talk and papers of Bishop Hough, 1703-43. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] Index to the catalogue of the Ashmolean MSS. in the Bodleian Library. See Catalogues, Library. Maceoey, Edmund. Reports of cases relating to Letters-patent for Inventions, decided in the Courts of Law and Equity, and before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, 1841-53. 8vo. n.d. MacSwinnet, Robert Forster. The law of Mines, Quarries and Minerals. Second edition, assisted by L. S. Bristowe. 8vo. 1897 Madan, Falconer. Day-book and Ledger of John Dome, 1520. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 5, 16.] The Early Oxford Press, 1468-1640. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 29.] Madan, Martin. Thoughts on Executive Justice, with respect to our criminal laws . . . with an appendix occasioned by a Charge given to the Grand Jury for the County of Surrey . . . 12mo. 1785 Madden, Daniel Owen. Commentary on Henry Grattan. See Grattan, Henry ; Speeches. Madden, Dodgson Hamilton. The diary of Master William Silence ; a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport. 8vo. 1897 Madden, Sir Frederick. Privy purse expenses of the Princess Mary, daughter of King Henry VIII. ; with a memoir of the Princess, and notes. 8vo. 1831 A relation of abuses committed against the Common-wealth, 1629. [Camden Society, No. 61.] Matthsei Parisiensis Historia Anglorum (1067-1253). [Britain, No. 44.] Maddock, Henry. An account of the life and writings of Lord Chancellor Somers ; including remarks on the public affairs in which he was engaged, and the Bill of Rights, with a comment. 4to. 1812 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of the Vice-Chancellor of England during the time of Sir T. Plumer and Sir J. Leach [1815-21.] 6 vols. [Vol. 6, by H. Maddock and T. C. Geldart.] Svo. 1817-29 Treatise on the principles and practice of the High Court of Chancery. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1820 I I I MAD— MAG. 485 Madox, Thomas. Formulare Anglicanum: or, a collection of ancient charters and instruments of divers kinds, taken from the originals, placed under several heads, and deduced (in a series according to the order of time) from the Norman Conquest to the end of the reign of King Henry VIII. fol. 1702 The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, from the Norman Conquest to the end of the reign of Edward 11. ; with a copy of the ancient dialogue concerning the Exchequer, ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis ; and a dissertation concerning the most ancient Great EoU of the Exchequer, commonly styled the Eoll of Quinto Eegis Stephani. fol. 1711 — Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. 1769 Firma Burgi : or, an historical essay concerning the cities, towns, and buroughs of England. fol. 1726 Baronia Anglica : an history of Land-Honors and Baronies, and of tenure m capi^e, verified by records. fol. 1741 Madbas Law Repobts. See Indian Law Kepoets. Madeas Univeesity. Calendar for the Tear, 1905-06. 8vo. Madras, 1905 M.a;sTEBTius, Jacobus. De justitia Romanarum legum libri duo . . . accedunt Disserta- tiones duse. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1676 Maoee, William Connor, Archbishop of York, Life and correspondence. See Macdonnell, John Cotter. Maoen, Ludovicus, De vasallo ad impensas in funus decessoris faciendas in subsidium obligate . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Vitemhergse, 1737 Magens, Nicolas. An essay on Insurances ; explaining the nature of the various kinds of insurance practised by the different commercial states of Europe. 2 vols. 4to. 1766 Magisteates' Cases. Reports of new Magistrates' cases argued and determined in all the courts of common law at Westminster, from Easter term, 1844, to Michaelmas term, 1850, by A. Bittleston, E. Wise and P. Pamell. 4 vols, in 3. Svo. 1846-51 LGNIN, A. Traite des minorites, tutelles, et curatelles de la puissance pater- nelle . . . Nouvelle Edition ... 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Bruxelles, 1835-36 486 MAG— MAI. Magnusson, Eiri'kr, Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. [Britain, No. 65.] Mageath, John Richard. The Flemings in Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 44.] Mahaffy, Eobert Pentland. State papers relating to Ireland, 1625-60. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 25.] Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812. Fourth edition. 2 vols. Svo. [1894] The influence of sea power upon History, 1660-1783. Sixth edition. 8vo. [1894] The interest of America in sea power, present and future. Svo. 1897 The life of Nelson: the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. 1897 Mahomed, Yusoof . Tagore Law Lectures, 1891-92 : Mahomedan law relating to marriage, dower, divorce, legitimacy and guardianship of minors, according to the Soonnees. 3 vols, in 2. Svo. Calcutta, 1895-98 Mahon, Paul Augustin Olivier. Medecine legale et police medicale . . . avec quelques notes de M. Fautrel. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1807 Mahon, Philip Henry, Lord. See Stanhope, Philip Henry, Earl. Mahudel, Nicolas. Dissertation historique sur les monnoyes antiques d'Espagne. [Bound in vol. 6 of Mariana's Histoire generale d' Espagne.] 4to. Paris, 1725 Mai, [Angelo], Cardinal. The Republic of Cicero. See Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Maiansius, Gregorius. De legatis incertis disputatio. See Jenichen, Gottlob Augustus. Maidlow, John M. Essay on the law of Commons and open spaces, and the rights of the public therein. See Commons. Maidwell, John. The Loving Enemies. 4to. 1680 Mailheb de Chassat, Antoine. Traite de I'interpretation des lois. Nouvelle edition . . . Svo. Paris, 1845 MAI. 487 Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. Ancient law : its connection with the early history of Society, and its relation to modem ideas. 8vo. 1861 — Sixth edition. 8vo. 1876 — Another edition, with introduction and notes by Sir F. Pollock. 8vo. 1906 Lectures on the early history of Institutions. 8vo. 1875 — Seventh edition. 8vo. 1897 Village- Communities in the East and West : six lectures delivered at Oxford. Third edition, to which are added other lectures, addresses, and essays. 8vo. 1876 Dissertations on early law and custom : chiefly selected from lectures delivered at Oxford. 8vo. 1883 Popular Government ; four essays. 8vo. 1885 Crovernment of India, legislative department. Minutes by Sir H. S. Maine, 1862-69 ; with a note on Indian codification, dated 17th July, 1879. 8vo. Calcutta, 1890 International law: The Whewell Lectures; a series of • lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge, 1887. 8vro. 1890 The conception of Sovereignty, and its importance in International law. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] [emoir of. See Duff, Sir M. E. Grant. Maitland, Frederic William. Pleas of the Crown for the county of Gloucester, before the Abbot of Eeading and his fellows. Justices itinerant, in the fifth year of the reign of King Henry the Third, and the year of grace 1221. 8vo. 1884 Domesday book and beyond : three essays in the early history of England, 8vo. Cambridge, 1897 English law and the Eenaissance. 8vo. Cambridge, 1901 Mirror of Justices. [Selden Society, No. 7.] Rolls of the King's Court in the reign of Eichard I. [Pipe Eoll Society, No. 14.] Select passages from the works of Bracton and Azo. [Selden Society, No. 8.] Select pleas in Manorial and other Seignorial Courts. [Selden Society, No. 2.] Select pleas of the Crown, 1200-25. [Selden Society, No. 1.] The Court Baron. [Selden Society, No. 4.] Year books of Edward IL [Selden Society, Nos. 17, 19, 20.] The History of English Law. See Pollock, Sir Frederick. See also Bracton, Henricus de ; Bracton' s note book. 488 MAI— MAL. Maitland, Samuel RofEey. A list of some of the early printed books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. 8vo. 1843 The Dark A ges : a series of essays intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries. Fifth edition. Svo. 1890 Maitland, William. Apology, 1610. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Maitland, William. History of Edinburgh, from its foundation to the present time. fol. Edinburgh, 1753 History and Survey of London, from its foundation to the present time. Third edition. 2 vols. fol. 1760 Majoe, John. History of Greater Britain, 1521. [Scottish History Society, No. 10.] Makower, H. Das allgemeine Deutsche Handelsgesetzbuch . . . mit kommentar. Vierte auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1871 Malcolm, John G-eorge. See Starkie, Thomas ; Law of Evidence. Malden, Henry Elliot. The Cely Papers, 1475-88. [Camden Society, third series. No. 1.] The Domesday Survey of Surrey. See Domesday Commemoration. Male, Arthur. Treatise on the law and practice of Elections. Second edition. 8vo. 1820 Malkin, Benjamin Heath. Eeports of Nisi Prius cases. See Moody, William. Mallet [David]. The life of Francis Bacon ; with an appendix, containing several pieces not printed in the last edition of his works. fol. 1760 See also Bacon, Francis ; Works. Mallory, John. Modern Entries, being a select collection of Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer ... 2 vols. fol. 1734-35 Quare Impedit ; in two parts. Part i., containing an abridgment of the law concerning the patronages of churches. Part ii., containing precedents of pleadings. [Forming the third volume of Modern Entries.^ fol. 1737 MAL— MAN. 489 Malone, Edmond. Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, containing his discourses and -^ to which is prefixed an account of his life and writings. ideas Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1801 Malta. Ordinance . , . intituled, to amend and consolidate the laws con- cerning the rights relative to things, and the different modes of acquiring and transmitting such rights. fol. Malta, 1870 Ordinances, 1897 to 1905. fol. Malta, 1897-1905 Malynes, Gerard. Consuetudo, vel lex Mercatoria : or, the ancient' law-merchant . . . whereunto are annexed ... 1, Collection of sea laws ; 2, Advice concerning bills of exchange, by John Marius ; 3, The merchants' mirror ... by E. Dafforne; 4, An introduction to merchants' accompts, by John Collins ; 5, The accountants' closet ... by Abraham Liset. Third edition, wherein are inserted . . . The jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England asserted, by Richard Zouch ; Ancient sea laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse Towns, still in force, rendered into English by G-. Miege ; Sovereignty of the British seas ... by Sir John Burroughs. fol. 1686 Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of. Letter from the Earl of Manchester to the House of Lords, on the conduct of Oliver Cromwell. \_Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] The quarrel between the Earl of Manchester and Oliver Cromwell : an episode of the English Civil "War. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 12, 31.] Manchester Foreign Library, Catalogue. See Catalogues, Library. Manchester Incorporated Law Society. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Manchester Rectory Division Bill. Report of the evidence given before the committee of the House of Commons ; together with a full report of the speeches of counsel, session of 1850. 8vo. Manchester, 1850 Mandelslo, John Albert de. Travels. See Olearius, Adam. Manders, Richard. See Irish Reports ; Digest of cases. ■ Mai ^B Manbosius, Quintilianus. ^H Praxis et theoria commissionum a Beatiss. Papa ad causas ^B decidendas . . . 4to. Romse, 1581 490 MAN. Manihus, Marcus. Astronomicon, ex editione Bentleiana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitum. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 Manipulus Vocabttloeum. Manipulus Vocabulorum : a dictionary of English and Latin v(rords, arranged in the alphabetical order of their last syllables, by Peter Levins, first printed, 1570. [Camden Society, No. 95.] Manisty, Herbert Francis. See Bkoom, Herbert ; Legal Maxims. Manitoba. The consolidated statutes of Manitoba. [Title-page wanting.'] 8vo. 1880 Statutes of Manitoba . . . 1881,1905. 8vo. Winnipeg, \?>'&].-l20h The Manitoba school case, 1894 : edited for the Canadian Govern- ment by the Appellants' Solicitors in London. 8vo. 1895 Man LEY, Thomas. The Clerk's guide . . . 8vo. 1672 Mann, J. Dixon. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Third edition. 8vo. 1902 Manning, Henry Edward, Archbishop of Westminster. Life of. See Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. Manning, James. Digest of the Nisi Prius reports, with notes and references . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1820 The practice of the court of Exchequer — Revenue Branch. Second edition ; with an appendix, containing an inquiry into the tenure of the conventionary estates, in the assessionable manors, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall. 8vo. 1827 Serviens ad Legem : a report of proceedings before the Judicial committee of the Privy Council, and in the Court of Common Pleas, in relation to a warrant for the suppression of the antient privileges of the Serieants at Law ; with explanatory documents and notes. 8vo. 1840 Thoughts upon subjects connected with Parliamentary reform. [Tracts, vol. 14, No. 1.] 8vo. 1866 See also Common Bench Eepoets. Manning James, and Granger T. C. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, from Easter term, 1840, to Michaelmas term, 1845. 7 vols. 8vo. 1841-46 MAN. 491 Manning James, and Ryland Archer. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 8 Geo. IV., to Easter term, 11 Geo. IV. 1827-30. 5 vols. 8vo. 1828-37 Reports of cases, relating to the duty and office of Magistrates, determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1827, to Easter term, 1830. 3 vols. 8vo. 1829-32 Manning, William M. Reports of King's Bench cases ; Reports of Magistrate's cases. See Nevile, Sandford. Manning, William Oke. Commentaries on the law of Nations. 8vo. 1889 — New edition . . . by S. Amos. Svo. 1875 Manningham, John. Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at- Law, 1602-03. [Gamden Society, No. 99.] Mansfield, John William. See Kay, Joseph ; The law relating to Shipmasters and Seamen. Mansfield John William, and Duncan George William. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 ; with the rules of court made thereunder, being a supplement to Kay's law relating to ship- masters and seamen, to which are added the (proposed) regulations for preventing collisions at sea ; with notes. Svo. 1895 Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of. Decisions. See Evans, Sir William David, Letter to the Earl of Abingdon on his treatment of Earl Mansfield. See Abingdon, Wilioughby Bertie, Earl of. Life of. See Holliday, John. Manson, Edward. The law of Trading and other Companies formed or registered under the Companies Act, 1862. Second edition. 8vo. 1893 Reports of cases in Bankruptcy and Companies' Winding-Up, 1894-1905. [Continuation of Morrell's Bankruptcy reports.'] 12 vols. Svo. 1894-1906 Index to all the Bankruptcy and Bills of Sale cases reported in Morrell's Bankruptcy reports and Manson's Bankruptcy and Company cases, 1884-1901 : by W. I. Cook. Svo. 1902 See also Ruling Cases. Manstein, Christoph Hermann, Baron von. Memoirs of Russia, historical, political, and military, from the year 1727 to 1744 : translated from the original manuscript. 4to. 1770 492 MAN— MAR. Mantica, Franciscus, Cardinal. Tractatus de Conjecturis ultimarum voluntatum . . . fol. Venetiis, 1605 Vaticanse lucubrationes de tacitis et ambiguis conventionibus . . . 2 vols. fol. Colonise Alldbrogum, 1616 Manuel y Rodeiguez, Miguel de. Institutes of the Civil law of Spain. See Asso t del Rio, Ignacio Jordan de. Manttsceipts, Histoeical. See Historical Manijsceipts Com- mission. Manttscripts, National. See National Manuscripts. Manwood, John. A treatise of the laws of the Forest . . . Third edition. 4to. 1666 Mapes, Walter. DeNugis Curialium. {^Camden Society, No. 60.] Latin Poems. [Camden Society, No. 16.] Mae, John Erskine, Earl of. Legacies to Scotland and to his son, 1722-27. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] Maeanus, Gruilielmus. Opera omnia; seu paratitla Digestorum et varii tractatus juris civilis, cum auctoris vita Bernardo Medonio scriptore . . . fol. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1741 Maeble, Manton. See Mercee, Alexander Gardiner ; Notes of an outlook on Life. Maech, John. Amicus Reipublicse : the Commonwealths Friend, or an exact and speedie course to justice and right, and for preventing and determining of tedious law-suits. 12mo. 1661 Reports: or, new cases taken in the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th years of King Charles I., 1639-42. Second edition. 4to. 1675 See also Brooke, Sir Robert ; New cases. Marchant, James Robert Vemam. Barrister-at-Law : an essay on the legal position of Counsel in England. 8vo. 1905 See also Cragg, Anthony Richard; Hints to Young Valuers '| Daebt J. George N., and Bosanquet Frederick Albert ; Statute* of Limitations. Maechant James Robert Vernam, and Watkins Watkin. Wild Birds Protection Acts, 1880-96. 8vo. 1897 MAR. 493 [archmont Papers. A selection from the papers of the Earls of Marchmont in the possession of the Right Hon. Sir George Henry Rose, illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. 3 vols. 8vo. 1831 [aeckaet, Johann Wilhelm. De sufEragio et archioflficio Reginae Bohemiae Electorali. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1741 lECOAETu, Arturo de. Internationalism. See Internationalism. Maecy, Greorge Nichols. An epitome of Conveyancing Statutes, extending from 18 Edward I. to the end of 55 & 56 Victorise. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1893 Forms of Originating Summons and proceedings connected therewith adapted to the new rules, assisted by G. M. Prior. 8vo. 1895 [arct George Nichols, and Dodd J. Theodore. The law and practice appertaining to Originating Summons, with forms. 8vo. 1889 [arct, Henri. Code de procedure penale d'ltalie. See Codes, Italy. [aegaeet of Anjou, Queen of England. Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou. [Camden Society, No. 86.] Faegeeison, S. Memorandum Book of Sir Walter Calverley, Bart. [1663-1748.] [Surtees Society, No. 77.'] [aeiana, Juan de. The general history of Spain, from the first peopling of it by Tubal till the death of King Ferdinand : with a continuation to the death of King Philip III., to which are added two supplements : i. By F, F. Carmargo y Salcedo ; ii. By F. Basil Yaren de Soto, bringing it down to the present reign : translated from the Spanish, by J. Stevens. fol. 1699 Histoire generale d'Espagne : traduite en Fran9ais, avec des notes et des cartes, par J. N. Charenton. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1725 iMaeindin, G. E. See Smith, Sir William ; Classical Dictionary. [Maeius, John. Advice concerning Bills of Exchange. Third edition. 12mo. 1674 See also Malynes, Gerard ; Lex Mercatoria. 494 MAR. Market, Sir William. Elements of Law considered with reference to principles of general Jurisprudence. Fourth edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1889 The Indian Evidence Act, with notes. 8vo. 1897 Makket Eights and Tolls. Reports of the Eoyal Commission on Market Eights and Tolls. fol. 1888-91 Mablboeottgh, John Churchill, T)uke of. Life of. See Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, Viscount. Maelebuerough, Henry. The chronicle of Ireland . . . continued from the collection of Doctor Meredith Hanmer, in the yeare 1571. [^Ancient Irish Histories, vol. 2.] 8vo. Dublin, 1809 Maeniee, Ange Ignace. Le conseil de Pierre Fontaines. See Fontaines, Pierre de. Maequaedsen, Heinrich. W. M. Best's Grundziige des Englischen Beweisrechts. See Best, William Mawdesley. Maeeack Eichard, and Mathieson Frederic C. The Statutory Trust Investment Guide ; [with] particulars as to investments eligible, compiled and arranged by F. C. Mathieson and Sons. 12mo. 1891 — Second edition. 8vo. 1896 Maeeied Women's Peopeett. Of the interest of the Husband in the real and personal estates, and chattels, real and personal, of the Wife. [^Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Maeeiott, G. R. L. See Laveleye, Emile de ; Primitive Property. Maeeiott, Sir James. Argument in giving judgment, in the Court of Admiralty, in the case of the ship Columbus. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of Sir G. Hav and of Sir J. Marriott, Michaelmas term, 1776, to Hilary term, 1779. 8vo. 1801 Maesden, Eeginald Godfrey. The Eule against Perpetuities : a treatise on remoteness in limita- tions, with a chapter on accumulation and the Thellusson Act. 8vo. 1883 I MAR. 49,') Eaesden, Reginald Godfrey — continued. A treatise on the law of Collisions at sea, with an appendix containing extracts from the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, and local rules for navigation for the Thames, Mersey, and elsewhere. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1904 Select pleas in the Court of Admiralty, 1390-1602. [Selden Society, Nos. 6, 11.] See also Bueeell, Sir William ; Admiralty Cases. [aeshall, Charles. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, from Michaelmas term, 1813, to Michaelmas term, 1816. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815-17 LAESHALL, Samuel. Treatise of the law of Marine Insurance, Bottomry, and Respon- dentia. Fourth edition, by W. Shee. 8vo. 1861 [aeshall, T. H. A letter to Lord Brougham, on County Courts, writs of prohibition, and certiorari. [Tracts, vol. 23, No. 3.] 8vo. 1855 LESHALL, Walker. Codification. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Common Law Courts and Equitable Jurisdiction. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Copyright in the Fine Arts. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Is a Judicial Tribunal, either of the last resort or otherwise, bound by the principles laid down by itself on previous occasions ? [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] See also Peteesdoefp, Charles ; Abridgment of the Common and Statute Law. tSHMAN, J. R. Reports of Nisi Prius cases. See Caeeington, F. A. f[MABSTON, John.] The Maske of Mountebankes [performed at Gray's Inn ; to which is appended,] The songe for entertainement of the Lord Chancellor [Bacon] at Grais Ine, on Candlemas day [1617], and of other Lords. MS. 4to. [1617] lETEN, Alfred G. On the judicial constitution of the Court of Chancery, and its methods of procedure in Court and in Chambers. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] [artens, Georg Friedrich von. Compendium of the Law of Nations ; translated by W. Cobbett. 8vo. 1802 496 MAR. Maetialis, Marcus Valerius. Epigrammata ; cum notis Farnabii et variorum . . . accurante Cor- nelio Schreveli. 8vo. Lugd. Batavorum, 1670 — Ex editione Bipontina ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822-23 Maetin, Adam. Index to various repertories, books of orders and decrees, and other records preserved in the Court of Exchequer . . . 8vo. 1819 Maetin, Charles Trice. The Record Interpreter ; a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records. 8vo. 1892 Gaimar Lestorie des Engles. [Britain, No. 91.] Register of Malmesbury Abbey. [Britain, No. 72.] Registrura epistolarum Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Cantua- riensis. [Britain, No. 77. Sir Erancis Walsingham's journal, 1570-83. [Camden Society, No. 104.] Catalogue of the archives in the Muniment rooms of All Souls' Col- lege, Oxford. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. See also Middle Temple; Records: Weight, Andrew; Court hand restored. Maetin, Henri. Histoire de Prance, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. Quatrieme edition. 17 vols. 8vo. Paris, [1854] M[aetin], J[osiah]. A defence of some other principles held by the people called Quakers, in which they differ from other religious denominations. [Bound with Pearson's Great case of Tithes.^ 8vo. [1730] Maetin, Robert Montgomery. Statistics of the Colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Australasia, Africa, and Europe. 8vo. 1839 Ireland before and after the Union with Great Britain. Third edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1848 Maetin, Temple Chevallier. Magisterial and Police guide. See Geeenwood, Henry Charles. Maetin Temple Chevallier, and Maetin George Temple. The law of Maintenance and Desertion and orders in bastardy, and the procedure before Justices therein,, together with the statutes relating to the custody and protection of children. Second edition. 8vo. 1896 I MAR, 497 Martin, Sir Theodore. A life of Lord Lyndhurst ; from letters and papers in possession of his family. 8vo. 1883 Martin, Thomas. Martin's practice of Conveyancing : by C. Davidson. 5 vols. 8vo. 1844 Martin, William. Historie and lives of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to the end of the reigne of King Henry VIII. : where- unto is now added, the Historie of King Edward VI., Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth ; with the successions of the Dukes and Earles of this Kingdome. fol. 1638 Martin v. Mackonochie. Judgment, delivered by Lord Cairns, in the case of Martin v. Mackonochie edited by W. Ernst Browning. 8vo. 1869 [artineatt, Harriet. Letters from Ireland : reprinted from the Daily News. 8vo. 1852 [artineatt, John. Life and correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 [artyn, John. Dissertations and critical remarks upon the .^neids of Virgil; containing a full vindication of the poet from the charge of an anachronism with regard to the foundation of Carthage . . . 12mo. 1770 [art, Princess. "The Spousells" of the Princess Mary, 1508. \_Camden Society, new series, No. 53.] lY, Queen of Scots. Accounts and papers relating to Mary, Queen of Scots. [Camden Society, No. 93.] Letter to the Duke of G-uise, 1562. [Scottish History Society, ^0.43.] Papal negotiations, 1561-67. [Scottish History Society, No. 37.] History of. See Natj, Claude. Life of. See Sanderson, William. iRY I., Queen of England. History of. See Stone, J. M. Privy purse expenses of the Princess Mary. See Madden, Frederick. ^RY II., Queen of England. Sermon on the death of Queen Mary. See Wake, William. H H m MAR— ]\tAS. Maryland. Acts of Assembly passed in the province of Maryland, from 1692 to li715. [Bound with Massachusetts Bay, Acts and Laws.'] fol. 1723 Plantation Laws. See America. Masgardus, Alderanus. Conclusiones ad generalem quorumcunque statutorum interpreta- tionem accomodatse . . . 4to. Francofurti, 1609 Mascardus, Josephus. Conclusiones omnium probationum quae in utroque foro quotidie versantur ... 3 vols. fol. Augustse Taurinorum, 1615-19 — Another edition. 4 vols, in 2. fol. Francofurti, 1661 Mascou, Johann Jacob. Principia juris pubHci imperii Romano-Germanici . . . Editio quarta. 8vo. Lipsise, 1750 De jure feudorum in imperio Eomano-Germanico liber. 8vo. Lipsise, 1753 Mascovius, C. See Pufendorf, Samuel ; De Jure Naturae et Gentium. Maseres, Francis. Scriptores Logarithmici : or, a collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of logarithms . . . 6 vols. 4to. 1791-1807 ' HistorisB Anglicanse circa tempus Conquestus Anglise a Gulielmo Notho, Normannorum Duce, selecta monumenta excerpta ex . . . Andrea Duchesne ; cum notis plurimis Anglico sermone conscriptis. 4to. 1807 Select tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England, in the reign of Charles I., by writers who lived in the times of those wars . . . 8vo. 1815 See also Ludlow, Edmund ; Tracts. Maske of Flowers, The. See Gray's Inn. Mason, Eobert. See Conveyancing ; The Perfect Conveyancer. Mason, Thomas. Public and private libraries of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1885 Catalogue of books and documents belonging to the royal parish of St, Martin-in-the-fields. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Catalogue of Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. See Catalogues, Library. Mason, William P. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States. First Circuit, 1816-30. 5 vols. 8vo. Bodm, U.SA., 1824-36 MAS— MAT. 499 LSPEEO, G. The Dawn of Civilization ; Egypt and Chaldea : edited by A. H. Sayce, translated by M. L. McClure. Fourth edition . . . 8vo. 1901 [assachusettensis. 8ee Lbonaed, David. LSSACHUSETTS BaY. Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court, or Assembly, of the province of tbe Massachusetts Bay, in New England . . . from 1692 to 1719: to which is prefix'd, the charter granted . . . 1691. fol. 1724 Massachtisetts Eepoets. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1804-22 : by E. Williams and D. A. Tyng. Vols. 1-17. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1833-44 Vols. 18-41 see Pickering, O. 42-54 Metcalf, T. 55-66 Gushing, L. S. Vols. 67-82 see Gray, H. 83-96 Allen, C, 97-110 Browne, A. Gt. • ^ssey, C. C. On the true nature and functions of the rules which regulate the relations between Belligerents and Neutral States. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] The responsibility of candidates at Parliamentary Elections for the . unauthorized acts of their agents. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Massey, William. A history of England during the reign of George the third. Second edition. 4 vols. Svo. 1865 Masson, David. Earl o£ Manchester's quarrel with Cromwell. [Camden Society, new series, No. 12.] Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. [^Scotland, No. 5.] See also Milton, John ; Poetical Works. Masteeton Papees. The Masterton papers, 1660-1719. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Mathew, John Mee. Manual of the law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. 1841 ^Mathieson, Frederic C. See Maeback, Eichard ; Statutory Trust Investment Guide. hh2 500 MAT. Matth^us, Anton. De criminibus ad lib xlvii et xlviii Dig. commentarius . . . 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1644 Paroemise Belgarum . , . opus postbumum. 8vo. TTltrajecti, 1667 Observationes rerum judicatarum et traetatus singulares de com- mtinione bonorum, de officio judicis, de potestate mariti in uxorem, de familia erciscunda. 12mo. Lugd. Batavor., 1676 De probationibus liber. 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1678 De auctionibus, libri duo . . . 4to. Antverpise, 1680 De jure gladii traetatus . . . 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1689 Matth^tjs, Augustus Grottfridus. Sigismundus Eom. Imp. IGerman University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Lipsise, 1723 Matthew Paeis. 8ee Paris, Matthew. Matthews, John. Abstract of the [Building Act] ... 14 Geo. III. . . . Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 11, No. 1.] 8vo. 1776 Matthews, Joseph Bridges. The law relating to Covenants in Eestraint of Trade. 8vo. 1893 See also Hates William, and Jabman Thomas ; Concise forms of Wills : Pbitchard, Thomas SirreU ; Quarter Sessions practice. Matthews Joseph Bridges, and Mafnd Arthur Arrowsmith. The law relating to Children and Young Persons. 8vo. 1895 Matthews, Eichard. A digest of the law relating to Offences punishable by indictment, and by information in the Crown office, alphabetically arranged ; with a collection of precedents. 12mo. 1833 Matthiassen, Franciscus Henricus. De immedietate civium Imperii Eomano-Grermanici. [Oerman University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Jense, 1735 Mattinson, Miles Walker. Precedents of Pleading. See Cunningham, John. Mattinson Miles Walker, and Macaszie Stuart Cunningham. Handbook of the law relating to the management of Parliamentary and Municipal Elections. 8vo. 1884 The law relating to Corrupt and Illegal Practices at Parliamentary, Municipal, and other Elections, and the practice of election petitions. Third edition. 8vo. 1892 I I MAT— MACJ. 501 Matt, M. See Chestbrpield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of; Works. Maude, Frederic Philip. See Smith, John William ; Landlord and Tenant, Maude Frederic Philip, and Pollock Charles Edward. A compendium of the law of Merchant Shipping ; with an appendix, containing all the statutes and forms of practical utility. Fourth edition, by the Hon. Baron Pollock and G-. Bruce. 8vo. 1881 Maudsley, Henry, The Pathology of Mind ; being the third edition of the second part of the " Physiology and pathology of mind," recast, enlarged, and re-written. ' 8vo. 1879 Responsibility in Mental disease. Fourth edition, 8vo. 1885 Maule G-eorge, and Selwyn William. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary term, 1813, to Trinity term, 181 7. 6 vols, 8vo. 1814-29 Maule, John Blossett. See Burn, Richard ; Justice of the Peace, Maund, Arthur Arrowsmith. Law relating to Children, See Matthews, Joseph Bridges. Maurice, A. See Voet, Jan ; Commentarius ad Pandectas, Maurice, Frederick Denison, King's College and Mr. Maurice. No, 1, The facts : by a Bar- rister of Lincoln's Inn. [Tracts, vol. 24, '^o. 1.] 8vo. 1854 Life of, chiefly told in his own letters; edited by his son F, Maurice, Third edition, 2 vols. 8vo, 1884 I^_ On the means of checking Bribery and Corruption in the election of ^B members of the House of Commons, [Juridical Society, vol, 3.] On the moral distinction between Law and Equity, [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] I Ought any person to be excluded from giving evidence on the ground of Religious Unbelief ? [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Mau] Co: cor Co: Ma I Mauritius. Collection of the laws of Mauritius and its dependencies . . . compiled, with notes, by J. Rouillard. [French and English.] 9 vols. 8vo. Mauritius, 1866-68 Collection of proclamations and government notices published at Mauritius, during the years 1866 to 1878. 5 vols. 8vo. Mauritius, 1867-79 502 MATJ— MAY. Mauritius — continued. Index to the laws of Mauritius, in force on 1st August, 1879 ; consist- ing of Imperial statutes . . . codes, ordinances, proclamations, and government notices : by W. G-reene. Fifth edition. 8vo. Mauritius, 1879 Collection of the government notices published at Mauritius 1882-83. 2 vols. 8vo. Mauritius, 1883-84 The laws of Mauritius revised by F. T. Piggott, L. A. Thibaud and F. A. Herchenroder ... 3 vols. 8vo. Mauritius, 1896-97 A collection of the ordinances enacted . . . 1866-78, 1882-83, 1886-1904. 24 vols. 8vo. Mauritius, [1867-1905] Maukocenus, Andreas. Historia Veneta, 1621-1615. fol. Venetiis, 1623 Maw, Frederick Trentham. Devolution of Real Estate on death, and the Administration of Assets. See Robbins, Leopold G-eorge Gordon. See also Key Thomas, and Elphinstone Sir Howard Warburton ; Precedents in Conveyancing, Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. William Henry Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1893 The life of Wellington : the restoration of the martial power of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 Maxwell, Sir Peter Benson. On the Interpretation of Statutes. Fourth edition, by J. A. Theobald. 8vo. 1905 Bail Court cases ; Queen's Bench cases. See Lowndes, John James. Mat, Henry W. Treatise on the Statutes of Elizabeth against Fraudulent Convey- ances, the bills of sale acts, 1878 and 1882, and the law of voluntary dispositions of property ; with an appendix, containing the above acts and some unpublished cases (1700-33) from the Coxe and Melmoth MS. reports. Second edition, by S. W. Worthington. 8vo. 1887 See also Seton, Sir Henry Wilmot ; Judgments and Orders. Mat, Thomas. History of the Parliament in England, which began November 3rd, 1640 ; with a short and necessary view of some precedent years. 1647. IBeprint.l 4to. 1812 Breviary of the history of the Parliament of England. See Masekes, Francis; Select tracts. I MAY. 508 Mat, Sir Thomas Erskine. The Constitutional History of England, since the accession of GTeorge the Third, 1760-1860. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1863 A treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings and usage of Parlia- ment. Tenth edition. Books 1 and 2, edited by Sir E. F. D. Palgrave ; book 3, edited by A. Bonham-Carter. Svo. 1893 Matek, Sylvain. A code of the law of Eating and procedure on appeal, with an appendix containing all the statutes (including the agricultural rates act, 1896) . . . Svo. 1897 A code of the law of Compensation under the Lands Clauses Acts and other statutes relating to the compulsory purchase or injurious affecting of land together with an appendix . . . 8vo. 1903 The French Code of Commerce as revised to the end of 1886. See Codes, France. Mayne, John D. Treatise on the law of Damages . . . Svo. 1856 — Seventh edition by J. D. Mayne and L. Smith. Svo. 1903 Commentaries on the Indian Penal Code. (Act xlv. of 1860.) Thir- teenth edition. Svo. Madras, 1886 Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage. Fourth edition. Svo. 1888 The Criminal law of India. Svo. Madras, 1896 Maynooth Commission. Eeport of her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the management and government of the College of Maynooth. Part 1, report and appendix ; part 2, minutes of evidence and answers to paper K . . . fol. Dvhlin, 1865 Maynus, Jason. See Jason de Mayno. Mayor, John E. B. Eicardi de Cirencestria Speculum historiale de gestis regum Anglise, 447-1066. {Britain, No. 30.] Mayor John E. B., and Scott Eobert Forsyth. Admissions to the College of St. John the Evangelist in the Univer- sity of Cambridge, Jan. 16|-§— Nov. 1767. 3 pts. in 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1882-1903 Mayor's Court. Eules, with scales of fees and costs dated 7th May, 1890. Svo. [1890] — 27th May, 1892. Svo. [1892] 604 MEA— MEE. Mead, Frederick. See Aechbold, John Frederick ; Quarter Sessions Practice. Mead Frederick, and Bodkin Archibald Henry, The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1885 . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1890 Meaks, Thomas Lambert. Analysis of Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian ; including the history and generalization of Roman law. 8vo. 1876 The Institutes of G-aius and Justinian, the twelve tables, and the oxviiith and cxxviith novels ; with introduction and translation. 8vo. 1882 See also Eoscoe, Edward Stanley ; Admiralty practice. Medecine Legale. Medecine legale : ou, considerations sur I'infanticide . . . I'ouverture des cadavres . . . les perforations de I'estomac, et sur I'ecchymose . . . par MM. Lecieux, Renard, Laisne, et Rieux. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Medical and Chirfegical Society. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Medical Dieectoet. The Medical Directory for 1906. 8vo. 1906 Medley, Dudley Julius. A student's manual of English Constitutional History. 8vo. Oxford, 1894 — Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1898 Medonius, Bemardus. Guilielmi Marani vita. See MaeanUS, Gruilielmus. Meekins, T. C. Mossom. Report to the Attorney-General for Ireland (the Rt. Hon. Joseph Napier), on compensation to the tenant for improvements. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 8.] 8vo. 1852 Meenen, Maurice van. Le Barreau anglais: discours prononce a la seance solennelle de rentree de la Conference du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, le 29 Octobre, 1873. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 8.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1873 Meeson, R. Reports of Exchequer Cases. See Ceompton, Charles. MEE— MEL. 505 Meeson E., and Welsbt W. N. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Hilary term, 6 Will. IV., to Easter term, 10 Vict., 1836-47. 16 vols. 8vo. 1837-49 — General Index, with a table of all the cases, by E. Wise. Svo. 1849 Meggison, Holker. Treatise of the Administration of Assets in equity. 8vo. 1832 Meier, Moritz Hermann Eduard. Historise juris Attici de bonis damnatorum et fiscalium debitorum, libri duo. Svo. Berolini, 1819 Meindebs, Johann Heinrich. De requisitis Statuum Imperii Eom.-G-ermanici. versity Tracts, vol, 13.] {^German Zfni- 4to. Jense, 1677 Meisner, Christian. Jura vicariorum S. Rom. Imperii in aurea bulla non expressa- [^German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Vitembergse, 1717 Meissner, Albert Ludwig. Catalogue of books in the Library of Queen's College, Belfast. See CATALOtttTES, Library. Melbourne University. Proceedings on laying the memorial stone of the Wilson Hall of the University of Melbourne, by the Honourable Sir Samuel Wilson, October, 1879. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879 Mella, Carolus Augustinus. Disputationes de usucapionibus et praescriptionibus . . . Editio seeunda. 4to. Augustse Taurinorum, 1639 Mellor, Francis Hamilton. Practice on the Crown Side of the Queen's Bench Division. See Short, Frederick Hugh. Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life, considered : to which are added some morning and evening prayers. A new edition, with a memoir of the author prefixed, and four appendices by C. P. Cooper. 1. Miscellaneous notes. 2. Eemarkable persons buried in the cloister under Lincoln's Inn Chapel. 3. Short notices of prelates and eminent divines who have been Preachers to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. 4. Sermons preached at the Warburtonian lecture, in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, which have been printed : [also, Antiquarian notices relating to Lincoln's Inn.] 8vo. 1849 Cicero's Letters to several of his friends, translated. See Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 506 MEL— MEN. Melonius, Johannes. Thesaurus juris feudalis, civilis, et criminalis novus . . . [Bound ■with.'ReiSenstneYsTractatusderegulis juris.'] fol, Nurnherg, 1702 Melsheimek, Eudolph E. See Atkinson, George ; Sheriff Law : Jervis, Sir John ; OflBce and duties of Coroners. Melsheimer Eudolph E., and Gardner Samuel. The law and customs of the Stock Exchange . . . Third edition, 8vo. 1891 Men and Women op the Time. Men of the time : a dictionary of contemporaries, containing bio- graphical notices of eminent characters of both sexes. Eleventh edition, revised and brought down to the present time, by T. Cooper. 8vo. 1884 — Thirteenth edition, by G. W. Moon. 8vo. 1891 — Fourteenth edition, by V. G. Plarr. 8vo. 1895 — Fifteenth edition, by V. G. Plarr. 8vo. 1899 Menage, Gilles. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue f ran^oise ; avee les origines fran9oises de M. de Caseneuve et les additiones du R. P. Jacob . . . Nouvelle edition, augmentee par A. F. Jault. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1750 Mence, Eichard. The law of Libel. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1824 Mencke, Liider. Tractatio synoptica Pandectarum theoretico-practica . . . fol. Lipsise, 1697 Tractatio synoptica Institutionum juris Justinianearum theoretico- practica . . . fol. Lipsise, 1698 Additiones ad Georgii Adami Struvii Jurisprudentiam Eomano- Germanicam , . . l2mo. Jense, 1726 Eemissiones ad Jus Saxonicum. See Huber, Ulric. Mendham, Joseph. Catalogue of the Mendham collection. See Catalogues, Library, Law Society. Mendoza, Fernando de. Concilium Illiberritanum. fol. Lugduni, 1665 Menochius, Jacobus. De prsBsumptionibus, conjecturis, siguis et indiciis, commentaria . . . fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1595 — Another edition. fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1606 MEN— MEE. 607 Mentet de Salmonet. See Montbith, Eobert. Mercator, Grerard. Atlas, sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. Editio quarta. fol. Amsterodami, 1613 Historia mundi : or, Mercator's Atlas lately rectified in divers places by Judocus Hondy ; Englished by W. S. [Wye Saltonstall.] fol. 1635 Merger, Alexander Gardiner. Notes of an outlook on Life, being selections from private MSS. : [edited by M. Marble.] 8vo. 1899 Merchant Taylors. See Clode, Charles Mathew : Egbinson, Charles J. Meredith, Evan Powell, The Prophet of Nazareth : or, a critical enquiry into the prophetical, intellectual, and moral character of Jesus Christ, as exemplified in his predictions, his precepts, his actions, his discourses, and his social intercourse. 8vo. 1864 Meredith, Samuel. See Emerigon, Balthazard Marie ; Insurances. Merenda, Antonius. Controversiarum juris libri xxiv . . . Editio novissima . . . opus recognovit Joannes Michael van Langendonck. 4 vols, in 5. fol. Bruxellis, 1745-46 Mbeewbther, Henry Alworth. Eeport of the case of the Borough of West Looe, in the county of Cornwall, tried before a committee of the House of Commons, April 18th, 1822 ; with a preface, notes, and cases illustrative of the general history of boroughs, and of the law relating to them. 8vo. 1823 Speech in the Court of Chancery, December, 1849, upon the claim of the commissioners of Woods and Forests to the sea-shore, and the soil and bed of tidal harbours and navigable rivers ; the nature and extent of the claim, and its effect upon such property. 8vo. 1850 Mbeewbther Henry Alworth, and Stephens Archibald John. History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom, from the earliest to the present time ; with an examina- tion of records, charters, and other documents illustrative of their constitution and powers. 3 vols. 8vo. 1835 Merger, — . Dictionnaire de droit Commercial. See Goujet, — . Merille, Edmond. In quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium commentarii . . . opera et studio Claudii Mongin, cum prsefatione C H. Trotz. 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1739 508 MER— MEW. Mbeiton, George. The touchstone of "Wills, Testaments, and Administrations. . Second edition. 12mo. 1671 A guide to Surveyors of the Highways. 12mo. 1694 Meeivale, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. New edition. 8 vols. 8vo. 1881-82 Me RIVAL E, Herman. Reports of Queen's Bench cases. See Davison, Henry. Meeivale, John Herman. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from Michaelmas term, 1815, to the end of the sittings after Michaelmas term, 1817. 3 vols. 8vo. 1817-19 Meeula, Paulus. Opera varia posthuma de sacrificiis, sacerdotibus, legibus, comitiis . . . Romanorum . . . 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1684 Manier van procederen in de provintien van HoUandt, Zeelandt en West-Vrieslandt, belangende civile zaaken, vermeerdert door Gerard de Haas ; mitsgaders nu op nieuw overgezien, verbetert, en con- siderabel vermeerdert door Didericus Lulius en Joannes van der Linden. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Leiden, 1781-83 Metastasio, Pietro Bonaventura. Poesie. 9 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1755 Metcalp, Theron. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1840-47. [Massachusetts Reports, vols. 42-54.] 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1843-60 Meteopolitak Deainage. Return to an order of the House of Commons, for copies of a letter, dated 31 December, 1856, addressed by the First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Works to Captain D. Galton, J. Simpson, and T. E. Blackwell, directing them to consider the plans for the main drainage of the Metropolis ; and of the Report, presented to the Eirst Com- missioner, in accordance with the directions contained in that letter, with appendix. fol. 1857 Metzgee, Dr. Johann Daniel. Principes de medecine legale ou judiciare : traduits de I'allemand, et augmentes de notes, par le Dr. J. J. Ballard. 8vo. Paris, 1813 Meulenaere, 0. de. Code Civil allemand, traduit et annote. See Codes, Germany. Mew, George. Reports of Criminal cases. See Temple, Leofric. MEW— MID. 509 Mews, John. A digest of all the reported decisions of the Superior Courts from 1884 to 1888 inclusive, together with a selection from those of the Irish Courts. 8vo. 1889 The annual digest of all the reported decisions of the Superior Courts, including a selection from the Scottish axid Irish, 1889-1905: [from 1898 onwards forming a continuation to the Digest of English Case Law.] 17 vols. 8vo. 1890-1906 The digest of English case law, containing the reported decisions of the Superior Courts, and a selection from those of the Irish Courts to the end of 1897. 16 vols. 8vo. 1898 See also Fishee, Eobert Alexander ; Common law digest : Reports, The. Meter, Paul. See Bozon, Nicole ; Les contes moralises. Meynott, Frederic William. See Blackstonb, Henry ; Common Pleas and Exchequer reports. Michael, Michael John. Locus Standi reports. See Rickaeds, Arthur George. Michael Michael John, and Will John Shiress. Law relating to Gas and Water. Fifth edition, by J. S. Will. 8vo. 1901 Michel, Francisque. Fantosme's Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots, 1173-74. [Surtees Society, No. 11.] Michigan State Library. Catalogue. See Catalogues, Library. Michigan IJniversity. The relations of the State University to religion, an address delivered before the graduating classes, June 26, 1887, at the semi-centennial of the University, by H. S. Frieze. Commemorative Oration delivered on June 30, 1887, by J. B. Angell. [Bound together.'] 8vo. Michigan, 1888 MiCEOGRAPHiA. See HooKE, Robert. Middle Temple. Observations on the constitution, customs and usage of the Honour- able Society of the Middle Temple, originally written in the year 1733 for the use of Charles Worsley, Esq., then Treasurer, and since revised, amended and large additions made thereto, by the author : to which is added (1) The author's remarks on the declaration of the Vacation Parliament, 1731 ; (2) A short account of the proceedings at the Publick Call of Serjeants, Easter Term, 1736. By Wm. Downing, Steward of the said Society, 1739. Printed by and for the Society of the Middle Temple. 4to. 1896 510 MID— MIG. Middle Temple — continued. History of the Temple: with special reference to the Middle Temple, by G. Pitt-Lewis. 8vo. 1898 The Inner and Middle Temple : legal, literary, and historic associations, by H. H. L. Bellot. 8vo. 1902 A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with biographical notices, by J. Hutchinson. 8vo. 1902 A calendar of the Middle Temple records : edited by C. H. Hop- wood. 8vo. 1903 Middle Temple Eecords, edited by C. H. Hopwood : Minutes of Parliament of the Middle Temple, translated and edited by C. T. Martin ; with an inquiry into the origin and early history of the Inn by J. Hutchinson. 4 vols. 8vo. 1904-06 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Temple Church. See Temple, The. MiDDLEHAM. Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate Church of Middleham [1478-1786.] [Camden Society, No. 38.] Middlesex County Recoed Society. Middlesex County Eecords. 4 vols. 8vo. 1886-92 MiDDLETON, Conyers. The history of the life of Marcus TuUius Cicero. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1742 MiDDLETON, James W. Statutes relating to Settled Estates ; including the settled estates act, 1877, settled estates act orders, 1878, settled land act, 1882, improvement of land act, 1864, and the limited owners' residences acts, 1870 and 1871: with introduction, notes and forms. Third edition. 12mo. 1882 The law and practice of Compensation. See Woolp, Sidney. MiEGE, Guy. Ancient sea-laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-Towus. See Malynes, Gerard. MlGNAN, Eobert. Travels in Chaldsea ; including a journey from Bussorah to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babjlon, performed on foot in 1827 . . . 8vo. 1829 A winter journey through Russia, the Caucasian Alps, and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1839 MiGNET, Fran9ois Auguste Marie. Histoire de la Revolution fran9aise, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1814 . . . Oiizieme edition. 8vo. Bmxelles, 1838 MIL. 511 [ill, John. Diary, 1740-1803. [Scottish History Society, No. 5.] Mill, John Stuart. Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to social j)hilosophy. Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1865 A system of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive ; being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. Eighth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 Autobiography. 8vo. 1873 Nature ; the Utility of Eeligion ; and Theism. Third edition. 8vo. 1885 Remarks on Mill's principles of Political Economy. See Land Laws. See also Bentham, Jeremy ; Rationale of Judicial Evidence. [iLL^.us, Joannes. Praxis eruditissima et absolutissima criminis persequendi ... 8vo. Lugduni, 1550 [Millar, A. H. Diary of Patrick, first Earl of Strathmore, 1684-89. [Scottish History Society, No. 9.] Rose's Accompt of expenses in Edinburgh, 1715. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] The compt buik of David Wedderburne, merchant of Dundee, 1587-1630, together with the shipping lists of Dundee, 1680-1618. [Scottish History Society, No. 28.] [iLLAR Frederick Charles James, and Collier J. R. Treatise on Bills of Sale. Fourth edition, by F. C. J. Millar. 12mo. 1877 [iLLAR, John. An historical view of the English Government, from the settlement of the Saxons in Britain to the Revolution in 1688 : to which are subjoined, some dissertations connected with the history of the government, from the Revolution to the present time. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1818 [iLLAR, John H. A handbook of Prescription according to the law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893 [iLLEB, Alexander Edward. Reports of Chancery cases. See Hemming, George "W. Miller, Frederick. Saint Pancras, past and present ; being historical, traditional, and general notes of the parish . . . 8vo. 1874 512 MIL. Miller, Horace E. Parish and District Councils ; a treatise on the Local Government Act, 1894. 8vo. 1894 MiLLEE, John. An inquiry into the present state of the Statute and Criminal law of England. 8vo. 1822 An inquiry into the present state of the Civil law of England. 8vo. 1825 Miller, Samuel. The laws relating to the Land Tax . . . 8vo. 1849 Miller, William Galbraith. Lectures on the Philosophy of law, designed mainly as an intro- duction to the study of International law. 8vo. 1884 Miller, William Eowley. The practice of the Court of Probate and of the Quarter Sessions, in Ireland, respecting testamentary and intestate business . . . 12mo. Dublin, 1863 Mills, Leonard H. A study of the five Zarathushtrian (Zoroastrian) Gathas . . . 2 vols. Leipsic, 1892-94 MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo. 1868 Milne, Joshua. Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships, on the construction of tables of mortality, and on the probabilities and expectations of life : wherein the laws of mortality that prevail in different parts of Europe are determined, and the comparative mortalities of different diseases and of the two sexes are shown. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 Milner, Alfred, Viscount. England in Egypt. New edition. 8vo. 1894 Milner, John. The history, civil and ecclesiastical, and survey of the Antiquities of Winchester. 2 vols. 4to. Winchester, 1798 An inquiry into certain vulgar opinions concerning the Catholic inhabitants and the antiquities of Ireland. 8vo. 1808 Milton, John. Historical, political, and miscellaneous works; with an account of the life and writings of the author, by T. Birch. 2 vols. fol. 1738 Poetical works : edited, with introductions, notes, and an essay on Milton's English, by D. Masson. 3 vols. 8vo. 1874 I MIL— MIE. 613 [iLTON, John — continued. A common-place book of John Milton. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 16, 16*.] Original papers illustrative of his life and writings. [^Camden Society, No. 75.] New memoirs of his life and poetical works. See Peck, Francis. Reflections on the Civil War. See Masebes, Francis ; Select tracts tiLWAKD, C. R. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Prerogative in Ireland, and in the Consistory Court of Dublin, during the time of the Right Hon. J. RadclifEe, 1819-43. 8vo. Duhlin, 1847 MiiiWARD, Victor Graham. See Peitchakd, Thomas Sirrell; Quarter Sessions practice. [iNCHiN, William. Ducatus Lancastriae. [Record Commission^ No. 15.] [iNOT, Laurence. Poems written anno mccclii. ; with introductory dissertations on the Scotish wars of Edward III., on his claim to the throne of France, and notes and glossary, by J. Ritson. 8vo. 1825 [iNSHEU, John. The guide into the Tongues ; with their agreement and consent, one with another, as also their etymologies in these nine languages : viz., English, Low Dutch, High Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Latine, Greeke, Hebrew. Second edition. fol. 1626 Minton-Senhousb, Robert Metcalfe. I Workmen's Compensation cases : being reports of cases decided under the workmen's compensation act, principally taken from the Times Law Reports. 7 vols. 8vo. 1899-1905 Accidents to Workmen : being a treatise on the employers' liability act, Lord Campbell's acts, the workmen's compensation acts and matters relating thereto. Second edition. 8vo. 1902 MiEEHOusE, John. Treatise on the law of Tithes. Second edition. 8vo. 1822 MiRKOB. The Mirrour of Allegiance : or, a looking-glasse for the English, wherein they may reade their duty towards God and their King, and how to carry themselves in the taking or refusing of Oathes and Covenants. [Bound with Digges's Unlawfulness of subjects taJeing up armes against their Soveraigne.'] 4to. 1647 1 1 514 MIE— MIT. Mirror — continued. The Mirror: a periodical paper published at Edinburgh, in the years 1779 and 1780. Ninth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1792-93 The Mirrour of Justices. See Hornb, Andrew. The Mirror of Parliament. See Parliament. The Mirror. See Essayists, British. Mitchell, Alexander F. Records of the commissions of the G-eneral Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, 1646-49. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 11, 25.] MiTCHESON, Richard Edmund. Charitable Trusts : the jurisdiction of the Charity Commission, being the acts conferring such jurisdiction, 1853-83 ; with intro- ductory essays and notes on the sections. 8vo. 1887 MiTFORD, John, Lord Bedesdale. Treatise on the Pleadings in suits, in the Court of Chancery, by English bill. Second edition. 8vo. 1787 — Fourth edition, by G. Jeremy. 8vo. 1827 — Fifth edition, with additional notes, by J. W. Smith. 8vo. 1847 MiTFORD, William. The history of Greece. New edition. 10 vols. 8vo. 1835-36 MiTHSCKT, Johann Georg Joseph. De inepta ratione decidendi controversias juris publici ex legibus Romanis et jure canonico. [German University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsiae, 1738 MiTRA, Ram Charan. Tagore Law Lectures, 1895-96 : the law of joint Property and Partition in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1897 MiTRA, Sarada Charan. Tagore Law Lectures, 1895 : the Land-law of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1898 MiTRA, Trailokyanath. Tagore Law Lectures, 1879 : the law relating to the Hindu widow. 8vo. Calcutta, 1881 MiTRA, Upendra Nath. Tagore Law Lectures, 1882 : the law of Limitation and Prescrip- tion (in British India), including Easements. 8vo. Calcutta, 1885 MiTTBBMAiBE, Carl Joseph Anton. Traite de la preuve en matifere criminelle . . . traduit par C.-A. Alexandre. 8vo. Fans, 1848 Tiber die Bedeutung der englischen Beweislehre. See Best, William Mawdesley. MIT -MOL. 615 MiTTBRNACHT, Jobann Carl. De Primariis Precibus imperialibus sine Pontificis indultu validis. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Lipsise, 1707 Modern Reports. I Modem Reports : or, select cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, from the Restora- tion of Charles II. to the 28 th year of Greorge II. Second and third edition. 12 parts in 11 vols. fol. 1719-69 — Fifth edition, with marginal references and notes, by T. Leach. 12 vols. 8vo. 1793-96 MOBESTINUS. Modestini et Pomponii in colloquiis familiaribus de statu Cameralis Judicii in Imperio Supremi meditationes acroamaticae. 4to. 1735 CoGG, E. See Paterson, D. ; Roads. [OHAMMED. The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed ; translated »from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes ... by Q-. Sale. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1836 Life of. See Ali, Syed Ameer. MoiLE, Nicholas Twining. State Trials : specimen of a new edition. Svo. 1838 MoivRE, Abraham de. The doctrine of Chances : or, a method of calculating the proba- bilities of events in play. Third edition. 4to. 1756 1 iU.< MoLEswoETH, Sir William. See Hobbes, Thomas ; Works. OLESWORTH, William Nassau. The history of England, 1830-74. 3 vols. 8vo. 1876 i MoLiERE, Jean Baptiste Pocquelin de. The cheats of Scapin ; translated by T. Otway. [Bound with Otway's Titus and Berenice.'] 4to. 1677 OLINA, Luis, De Justitia et jure. 3 vols, in 1. fol. Moguntise, 1602-03 MoLiN.a:us, Carolus. See Savignt, Frederich Carl von; Private International law. [MoLiNARi, Gustave de] French opinion on the Irish crisis. [Publication of the Irish Land Committee, No. 4.] Svo. Dublin. [1880] ii2 516 MOL— MON. MoLiNEux, Gisborne. Memoir of the Molineux Family. [For private circulation only.'\ 4to. 1882 MoLLOY, Charles. De jure Maritime et Navali : or a treatise of affairs maritime, and of commerce. Ninth edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1769 MoLLOY, Philip. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Hart [1827-29.] 3 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1832-33 MoMMSEN, Theodor. The history of Rome ; translated, with the author's sanction and additions, by W. P. Dickson. New edition. 4 vols, in 6. 8vo. 1871-72 The Provinces of the Eoman Empire, from Csesar to Diocletian ; translated by W. P. Dickson. 2 vols. Svo. 1886 See also Cobpus Jtjeis Civilis. Monasteries. Letters relating to the suppression of Monasteries (1528-56.) [^Camden Society, No. 26.] Rules and duties of Monastic life. [Camden Society, No. 57.] MoNCKEiFP, Frederick. A treatise on the law relating to Fraud and Misrepresentation. Svo. 1891 MONCKIEPF, W. Gr. Scott-. Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo, 1654-1709. [Scottish History Society, No. 6.] MoNGiN, Claude. Commentarii Merillii in libros Inst. Imp. See Meeille, Edmond. Monmouth, James, DuJce of. Original letters of the Duke of Monmouth, [1685.] [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] MoNNiNGTON Walter, and Lampard Frederick J. Our London poor law schools . . . Svo. 1898J Monro, Cecil. Letters of Margaret of Anjou, 1445-60. [Camden Society, No. 86. I MON. 617 [oNEO, Charles Henry. Digest XIX. 2, Locati conducti : translated, with notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1891 Digest XLVii. 2, De Furtis : translated, with notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1893 Digest IX. 2, Lex Aquilia : translated, with notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1898 Digest XLi. 1, De adquirendo rerum dominio : edited, with transla- tion and notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1900 Digest XVII. 2, Pro Socio : edited, with translation and notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1902 Digest of Justinian, See Justinianus. ONSON, Sir William. Megalopsychy ; being a particular and exact account of the last XVII. years of Q. Elizabeth's reign, both military and civil ; the first written by Sir William Monson, the second written by Heywood Townsend ; wherein is a true and faithful relation of all the expedi- tions . . . both of the English and Spanish Wars, from the year 1585 to the Queen's death ; with an account of the speeches and debates in the said time : to which is added, Dr. Parry's tryal in the year 1584. . fol. 1680-82 ONSTiEE, Artur du. Neustria Pia : sen de omnibus et singulis abbatiis et prioratibus totius Normaniae. fol. Bothomagi, 1663 ONSTEELET, Euguerraud de. Chronicles ; containing an account of the Civil Wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy . . . beginning at the year 1400, where that of Sir John Froissart finishes, and ending at the year 1467 ; and continued by others to the year 1516 : translated by T. Johnes. 5 vols. 4to. Hafod Press, 1809 MoNTAcuTius, Richardus. See Montagu, Richard. Montagu, Basil. A summary of the law of Set-ofE . . . 8vo. 1801 Digest of the Bankrupt laws. 8vo. 1803 Digest of the law of Partnership ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 A summary of the law of Lien. 8vo. 1821 Summary of the law of Composition with Creditors. 8vo. 1823 A digest of Pleading in Equity. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor Sir Lancelot Shad- well, and the Court of Review [1829-32.] 8vo. 1832 518 MON. Montagu, Basil — continued. A letter to Lord Cottenham on the separation of the judicial and political tunctions of the Lord Chancellor. [Tracts, vol. 12, Xo. 6.] 8vo. 1836 Letter upon the Report of the recent Record Committee. \_Becord Commission, Tracts.] Works of Francis Bacon. See Bacon, Francis. MoNTAGTj Basil, and Atrton Scrope. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Court of Review, and Subdivision Court [1833-38.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1834-39 Montagu Basil, and Bligh Richard. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellor Brougfham, the Vice-Chancellor Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review, 1832-33. 8vo. 1835 Montagu Basil, and Chitty Edward. Reports of cases in Bankruptcv, decided by the Lord Chancellor Cottenham and the Court of Review, 1838-40. 8vo. 1840 Montagu Basil, Deacon Edward E., and De Gex John Peter. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, argued and determined in the Court of Review, and, on Appeal, before the Lord Chancellor, 1840-44, 3 vols. 8vo. 1842-45 Montagu Basil, and Macaethub John. Reports of cases in Bankruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, 1826-30. 8vo. 1830 Montagu, Edward Wortley. Reflections on the rise and fall of the Ancient Republicks ; adapted to the present state of Great Britain. Third edition. 8vo. 1769 Autobiography. See Kenealy, Edward Vaughan. [Montagu, Elizabeth.] An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Grreek and French dramatic poets ; with some remarks on the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. 8vo. 1769 Montagu, IJichard, Bishop of Chichester. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum, fol. 1622 Apparatus ad Origines ecclesiasticas. fol. Oxonise, 1635 Montague, Francis Charles. The elements of English Constitutional History from the earliest times to the present day. 8vo. 1894 See also Bentham, Jeremy ; A fragment on Government. A MON. 519 I Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Essais. fol. Paris, 1635 — Translated by J. Florio. Third edition. fol. 1632 — Translated by C. Cotton ; with some account of the life of Montaigne, notes, and a translation of all the letters known to be extant : edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. 1877 Journal du voyage en Italie, par la Suisse et rAUemagne, en 1580 et 1581 ; avec des notes par M. de Querlon. 3 vols, in 2. 12mo. Borne, 1774 [MoNTANUs, Paulus. Tractatus novus de jure tutelarum et curationum . . . 4to. Hagse-Gomitis, 1656 MoNTEiTH, Eobert, of Salmonet. Histoire des troubles de la Grand Bretagne, 1633-46. fol. Paris, 1661 [MoNTERETTL, Jean de. Diplomatic correspondence, 1645-48. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 29,30.] ^ ' !f !f> Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de. The Spirit of Laws : translated from the French. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1768 fifoNTFAucoN, Bernard de. Antiqmty explained and represented in Sculptures ; translated into English by D. Humphreys. 5 vols. fol. 1721-22 — Supplement. 5 vols, in 2. fol. 1725 [oNTFORT, Simon de, Earl of Leicester. The miracles of Simon de Montfort (1625.) [Camden Society, No. 15.] [ontgomert, Eobert Mortimer. The Licensing laws so far as they relate to the sale of intoxicating liquors. 8vo. 1895 Monthly Magazine. The Monthly Magazine, or British Eegister, 1796-1824. Vols. 1-56. [Vols. 49 and 50 wanting.] 8vo. 1796-1824 ONTHLY EevIEW. I The Monthly Eeview, 1749-89. 81 vols. 8vo. 1749-89 — General Index. 3 vols. 8vo. 1786-96 New Series, 1790-1825. 107 vols. 8vo. 1790-1825 — General Index, to the end of the eighty-first volume. 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 Monteose, Dukedom of. See Peerage Claims. I 520 MON— MOO. MONTSERRAT. Ordinances, 1896, 1898-1906. fol. Montserrat, 1896-1905 MONUMENTA HlSTORICA BrITANNICA. Monumenta historica Britannica. [Record Commission, No. 24.] MoNZAMBANO, Seveiinus de. pseud. See Pupendorf, Samuel. Moody, William. Crown cases reserved for consideration, 1824-44. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837-44 Reports of Nisi Prius cases. See Ryan, Edward. Moody William, and Malkin Benjamin Heath. Reports of cases determined at Nisi Prius in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Western and Oxford Circuits, from Michaelmas term, 1826, to Michaelmas term, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. 1831-32 Moody William, and Robinson Frederic. Reports of cases determined at Nisi Prius in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, and on the Northern and Western Circuits, from Michaelmas term, 1830. to the sittings after Hilary term, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837-44 Moon, G. Washington. See Men and Women of the Time. Moore, Edmund F. Reports of cases heard and determined by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of the Privy Council, 1836-62. 15 vols. 8vo. n.d. — New series, 1862-69. 5 vols. 8vo. n.d. Reports of cases heard and determined hy the Judicial Committee and the Lords of the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme and Sudder Dewanny Courts in the East Indies, 1836-72. 14 vols. 8vo. N.D. The case of The Bev. G. C. Gorham against The Bishop of Exeter. See GrORHAM, George Cornelius. The case of Westerton against Liddell and Horn and others. See Westerton, Charles. Moore, Sir Francis. Cases collect and report . . . fol. 1663 Cases [temp. Hen. VIIL, Eliz,, et Jac. I.] ; publie par SirO. Palmer. Second edition. fol. 1675 Reading on Statute of Uses. See Duke, George ; Charitable uses. MooRE, Hubert Stuart. See Abbott, Charles ; Merchant Ships and Seamen : Underbill, Arthur ; Law of Torts. MOO. 521 MooEE, Hugh. A dictionary of Quotations from various authors, in ancient and modern languages ; with English translations, and illustrated by re- marks and explanations. 8vo. 1831 Moore, John, Bishop of Bangor. A sermon preached before the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church of Westminster, on Thursday, January 30, 1777, being the day ap- pointed to be observed as the day of the martyrdom of Xmg Charles I. 4to. 1777 Moore, John Bassett. A treatise on Extradition and Interstate Rendition ; with appendices containing the treaties and statutes relating to extradition, the treaties relating to the desertion of seamen, and the statutes, rules of practice, and forms in force in the several states and territories relating to interstate rendition. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1891 See also Dicet, Albert Venn ; Conflict of Laws. i MooRE, John Bayly. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Hilary term, 1817, to Trinity term, 1827. 12 vols. 8vo. 1818-31 MooEE John Bayly, and Payne Joseph. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Michaeknas term, 1827, to Trinity term, 1831. 5 vols. 8vo. 1828-32 MooEE John Bayly, and Scott John. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords, from Michaelmas term, 1831, to Trinity term, 1834. 4 vols. 8vo. 1833-34 f MooRE, Stuart Archibald. A history of the Foreshore and the law relating thereto ; with a hitherto unpublished treatise by Lord Hale, Lord Hale's " De Jure Maris," and Hall's Essay on the Eights of the Crown in the sea- shore. Third edition, with notes and an appendix relating to Fisheries. 8vo. 1888 Letters and papers of John Shillingford, Mayor of Exeter, 1447-48. [Camden Society, new series, No. 2.] On the study of Domesday Book. See Domesday Commemoration. tooRE Stuart Archibald, and Moore Hubert Stuart, The history and law of Fisheries. Svo. 190 522 MOO— MOE. MooEE, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinslev Sheridan. Fourth edition. 2 vols. "Svo. 1826 See also Sheridan, Richard Brinsley ; Works. Mob, Georg. Tractatus de Divortiis, in quo plerseque quaestiones circa materiam divortiorum incidentes deciduntur. 4to. Frihurgi Brisgoias, 1598 Mo BANT, Philip. History and Antiquities of the county of Essex. 2 vols. fol. 1768 MoBE, Sir Thomas. The workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght, some tyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. fol. 1557 The Utopia of Sir Thomas More in Latin, from the edition of March, 1518, and in English from the first edition of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551, with additional translations, introduction, and notes by J. H. Lupton . . . 8vo. Oxford, 1895 The life of Sir Thomas More : by his great-grandson, Thomas More. 8vo. 1726 Memoirs of Sir Thomas More ; with a new translation of his Utopia, his History of King Richard III., and his Latin Poems. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. 1808 Vita et mors Edwardi 11. {^Britain, No. 76.1 See also Camden, William ; Anglica : Seebohm, Frederic ; The Oxford Reformers. Mobehgtjse, H. J. Diary of Adam Eyre, 1646-49. [Surtees Society, No. 65.] Morgan, George Osborne. The Burials question : a speech delivered in the House of Commons, March 3, 1876; with explanatory notes. [Burials Bill Tracts, No 2.] Svo. 1876 The Statutes, Rules of Court, and general Orders relating to the practice and jurisdiction of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, and the Court of Appeal. Sixth edition, by G. O. Morgan and E. A. Wurtzburg. Svo. 1885 Morgan George Osborne, and Davey Lord. Treatise on Costs in Chancery ; with an appendix containing forms and precedents of bills of costs. Svo. 1865 Morgan George Osborne, and Wurtzburg Edward Albert. Treatise on the law of Costs in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice . . . with an appendix containing forms and precedents of bills of costs. 8vo. 1882 i MOR. 523 MoKOAN, Joseph. A complete historv of Algiers : to wbich is prefixed, an epitome of the general history of Barbary, from the earliest times. 4to. 1731 See also Vertot, Rene Aubert, Sieur de ; History of the Revolu- tions in Spain. [organ, Lewis H. Ancient Society ; or researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civilization. 8vo. 1877 Morgan, Senator. See Behring Sea Arbitration. Morgan, Septimus Vaughan. See Howes, John ; John Howes' MS, Morgan Sir Walter, and Macpherson Arthur George. The Indian Penal Code (Act xlv. of 1860) ; with notes. 8vo. Calcutta, 1863 * Morgan, William. The Book of Job [translated into Welsh.] See Bible, The Holy. Morgan-Brown, Hubert. The Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. See Bernard, William Cecil. MoRiOE, George Thomas. English and Roman-Dutch law : being a statement of the differences between the law of England and Roman-Dutch law as prevailing in South Africa and some other of the Biitish Colonies. 8vo. 1903 MoRiNG, Alexander. See Parry, Edward Abbott. MoRisoN, William Maxwell. The Decisions of the Court of Session, from its institution until the separation of the Court into two divisions, in the year 1808, digested under proper heads in the form of a dictionary ; with additions, in notes, and with a synopsis. 42 vols, in 21. 4to. Edinburgh, 1811 — Index, by W. Tait. 4to. Edinburgh, 1823 MoRLEY, George. See Watkins, Charles ; Principles of Conveyancing. MoRLEY, Henry. See Stow, John ; Survey of London. MoRLEY, John. Sir Robert Walpole. 8vo. 1890 Life of Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. 1900 The life of WiUiam Ewart Gladstone. 3 vols. 8vo. 1903 524 MOR— MOS. MoELET, William H. An analytical digest of all the reported cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in the Courts of the Hon. East India Company, and. on appeal from India, by her Majesty in Council; with an introduction and notes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1849-50 — New series. Vol. 1, containing the cases to the end of the year 1850. Svo. 1S52 MoRifAT, Philippe de. Mysterium iniquitatis, sen historia Papatus . . . fol. Salmurii, 1611 MoROJi, Eav Bahadur Nana. See Boeradailb, Harry ; Gujarat Caste Eules. MoBEELL, Charles Francis. Eeports of cases under the Bankruptcy Act, 1883. 10 vols. Svo. 1885-94 Continuation and Index. See Manson, Edward. MoEEis, Eobert. Patents Conveyancing : being a collection of Precedents in Convey- ancing in relation to letters patent for inventions . . . Svo. 1887 MOETGAGES. Opinions of three eminent modern Counsel upon the statute of 4 and 5 Wilham and Mary, cap. 16, which respects frauds by clandestine mortgages. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] Svo. 1792 Eeports from the consuls of the United States : Mortgages in foreign countries. Svo. Washington, 1890 MoETiMEE, Thomas. History of England, from the earliest accounts of Britain to the ratification of the peace of Versailles, 1763. 3 vols. fol. 1765-66 Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. 2 vols. fol. 1766-67 MoETON, James. The Ancren Riwle : a treatise on Monastic life. [Camden Society, No. 67.] MoETON, William Kinniburgh. Manual of the law of Scotland . . . Svo. Edinburgh, 1896 MosELBY, Joseph. What is Contraband of War and what is not ; comprising all the American and English authorities on the subject. Svo. 1861 MosELY, William. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor King, 1726-30. fol. Dublin, 1744 — Another edition. Svo. Dublin, 1 793 MOS— MOU. 525 MosEE, Johann Jacob. Bibliotheca juris public! S. R. German, imperii . . . 3 vols, in 1. 8vo. Stuttgardt, 1729-34 MosHEiM, Johann Lorenz. Summary of Mosheim's Ecclesiastical history : to which is added, a continuation of the particular history of the Church, from the middle of the eighteenth century to the year 1819, by C. T. Collins. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Supplement to the quarto edition of Dr. Mosheim's Ecclesiastical history: by A. Maclaine. [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 4.] 4to. 1768 MosLEY, Sir Oswald. Family Memoirs. [Printed for private circulation.'] 4to. 1849 Moss, Robert, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Sermons and discourses on practical subjects [preached in Gray's Inn Chapel] ; with a preface, giving some account of the author, by a learned hand [Zachary Grey.] 8 vols. 8vo. 1732-38 Mossop, Leonard. The law of Factories and Workshops. See Euegg, Alfred Henry. MoTHERSOLE, Hartley Brinkley Newton. Law of Education. See Ddmsdat, William H. Motley, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands, from the death of William the Silent to the Sjnod of Dort; with a full view of the English-Dutch struggle against Spain, and of the origin and destruction of the Spanish Armada. 4 vols. 8vo. 1860-67 The rise of the Dutch Republic : a history. New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1869-75 Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland : with a view of the primary causes and movements of the Thirty Years War. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875 MoTTETJx, Peter Anthony. Beauty in Distress ; with a discourse on the lawfulness and unlaw- fulness of Plays, lately written in French by Father Cassaro. 4to. 1698 Motteville, Madame de. . Memoir on the life of Henrietta Maria. [ Camden Society , new series, ' No. 81.]: MouLE, H. C. G. Life of Charles Simeon. 8vo. 1892 626 MOU— MUL. MouLE, Thomas. The English Counties delineated: or, a topographical description of England ; illustrated by a map of London and a complete series of county maps. 2 vols. 4to. 1837 MoiTNTFORT, William. The SuccessfuU Straingers. 4to. 1690 King Edward the Third; with The fall of Mortimer, Earl of March. 4to. 1691 Mow AT, John Lancaster Gough. See Oxford ; Anecdota Oxoniensia, MoYLE, John Baron. Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor ; with introduc- tions, commentary, excursus, and translation. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1889-90 — Fourth edition. [Vol, 2, third edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1896-1903 The Contract of Sale in the Civil law, with reference to the laws of England, Scotland, and France. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 MoTLE, Eobert. An exact book of Entries of the most select Judiciall Writs used in the Common law : translated, from the original manuscript, by J. H. 4to. 1658 Mtjcci, Giov. Domenigo. Nuova grammatica Italiana, formata sui principii di grammatica generate ... 8vo. Napoli, 1832 Muck, Peter Heinrich. De injusta oppositione jurium majestaticorum superioritatis terri- • torialis . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Halse, 1696 MuiE, John. Catalogue of the books in the library of the Faculty of Pro- curators, Glasgow. See Catalogues, Library. MuiBHEAD, James. Historical introduction to the Private law of Eome. Second edition, revised and edited by H. Goudy. 8vo. 1899 MUKHOPADHYAY, Asutosh. Tagore Law Lectures, 1898 : the law of Perpetuities in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1902 * MuLCASTEK, Robert. See Fortescue, Sir John ; De Laudibus Legum Anglise. MUL-MUN. 527 [xTLHEiM, Friedricli Willielm de. De charactere Statuum Imperii. [German University TraH8,\Ql. 9.] 4to. Francofurti, 1709 [iTLLA, Dinshah Fardunji. See Pollock, Sir Frederick; Indian Contract Act. [uLLEB, Carl Christian. An hypotheca tacita in feudo debito feudali contrahatur ? . . , [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsise, 1736 [iJLLEB, Daniel Leonhard. De potestate Statuum Imperii circa dignitates. [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Francofurti, 1698 [uLLEE, Johann Sebastian. Witikindus Magnus Saxo. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Argentorati, 1671 {MiJLLER, Peter. De conventibus circulorum in S. E. I. [German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Halas Magdeburgicse, 1734 [uLLEB, Samuel. Voyages from Asia to America, for completing the discoveries of the N.W. coast of America : to which is prefixed, a summary of the voyages made . . . m search of a N.B. passage : translated from the High Dutch ... by T. JefEerys. Second edition. 4to. 1764 [uLLiNGEB, James Bass. The University of Cambridge from the earliest times to the accession of Charles I. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1873-84 Introduction to English History. See Gaedinee, Samuel Eawson. [ULLINS, J. D. Catalogue of the Birmingham Free Libraries. See Catalogues, Library. LuNCHHAusEN, Gerlachus Adolphus de. De vicariatu Italico. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Halae Magdebtirgicas, 1712 ptfuNDAT, Anthony. See Stow, John ; Survey of Loudon. [MiTNiciPAL CoBPOEATiONS. See CoEPOBATiONS, Municipal. [Municipal Yeae Book. The Municipal Year Book of the United Kiugdom for 1906 : edited by R. Donald. Bvo. 1906 528 MUN— MUE. MuNOz DE Escobar, Francisco. De ratiociniis administratorutn, et computationibus variis aliis, tractatus. 4to. Norihergse, 1664 MiTNBO, James Ernest Crawford. The Constitution of Canada. 8vo. 1889 Murdoch, Alexander D. The Grameid. [Scottish History Society, No. 3.] The Loyall Dissuasive. [Scottish History Society, No. 41.] Murdoch, James. Manual of the law of Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Liquidation . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886 Mure, Reginald James. See Phillimobb, Sir Eobert ; International law. Murimuth, Adam. Chronicle. [Britain, No. 93.] Murphy, Arthur. The Gray's Inn Journal. 2 vols. 12mo. 1756 Murphy Francis Stack, and Hurlstone Edwin Tyrrell. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Hilary term, 1836, to Michaelmas term, 1837. 8vo. 1838 Murray, Arthur Tumour. See Bythewood W. M., and Jarman T. ; Precedents of Conveyancing, supplement to fourth edition. Murray, H. Montague. See Quain, Sir Richard; Dictionary of Medicine. Murray, J. W. Brady. See Cherry, Richard R. ; Irish Land law and Land Purchase Acts. Murray, James A. H. See New English Dictionary. Murray, John. Memorials, 1740-47. [Scottish History Society, No. 27.] Murray, John. See Gibbon, Edward ; Autobiographies. Murray, Joseph. Reports of cases tried in the Jury Court at Edinburgh, and on the Circuit, from the institution of the Court, in 1815, to July, 1830. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818-38 MUR— MTN. 529 MuEEAT, R. D. See Irish Reports ; Digest of Cases. MuRBAT, Sir Thomas. , Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James I. and his royal W successors, Kings of Scotland : collected by Sir Thomas Murray. fol. Edinburgh, 1681 Mttsgrave, Sir Richard. Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English ; also a particular detail of that which broke out the 23rd of May, 1798, with the history of the conspiracy which preceded it. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Duhlin, 1802 Strictures upon An historical review of the state of Ireland, by Francis Plowden : or, a justification of the English governments in that country, from the reign of Henry II. to the Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 1804 Myler, Nicolaus. De principibus et statibus imperii Romano-Germanici succincta tractatio. 12mo. Tubingse, 1684 Mtlne, James William. Reports of Chancery Cases. See Russell, James. Mylne James William, and Cbaio Richard Davis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, with a few in the time of the Lords Commissioners and of Sir C. C. Pepys, Master of the Rolls, 1835-41. 5 vols. 8vo. 1837-48 [ylne James William, and Keen Benjamin. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Brougham and Sir John Leach, Master of the Rolls, 1832-35. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834-37 Iylne, Robert Scott. 'The Master Masons to the Crown of Scotland and their works. fol. Edinbv/rgh, 1893 [ynott, a. ; Catalogue of the Oxford and Cambridge Club Library. See Cata- LoatJEs, Library. jtTNSHTTL, Geffray. Essayes and characters of a prison and prisoners : written by Q-. M. of Grayes Inne. 1618. Beprint. 8vo. Edini>urgh, 1S21 K K 530 MYN— NAR. Mynsinger, Joachim. Eesponsorum juris, sive consiliorum centuria prima et secunda. [Bound with Consilia.'] fol. Francofurti, 1601-13 Apotelesma ; hoc est, corpus perfectum scholiorum ad Institutiones Justinianeas pertilletitium, ex quarta recognitione Amoldi de Eeyger. fol. Helmasstadii, 1609 Mybiobiblon. See Photius. Naldeett, lEdward James. The London Grovernmeut Act, 1899. See Macmorean, Alexander. See also Macmoeean Alexander, and Lushinoton Sydney George ; Poor law orders. Nalson, John. An impartial collection of the great affairs of State, from the beginning of the Scotch Eebellion, in the year 1639, to the murther of King Charles I. 2 vols. fol. 1682-83 Nansen, Fridtjof. " Farthest North "... 2 vols. 8vo. 1897 Napiee, Sir Joseph. Clerical Subscription Commission : answer to the speech of the Dean of St. Paul's against subscription to the articles of Religion. [Tracts, vol. 15, No. 3.] 8vo. 1865 The lectures, essays, and letters of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Napier, late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, with an introduction by his daughter. 8vo. 1888 Life of. See Ewald, Alexander Charles. H Reports of King's Bench and Exchequer cases, Ireland. See Alcock, John C. Napier, T. B. History of Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies. See Law Reform. Napoleon I. Life of. See Rose, John Holland : Rosebert, Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of. The Code Napoleon. See Codes, France, Napoleon III. History of Julius Caesar. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862 Nares, Edward. Memoirs of the life and administration of the Right Hon. WilHaij Cecil, Lofd Burghley, Secretary of State in the reign of Kii Edward VI., and Lord High Treasurer of England in the reign Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. 4to. 1828-J NAK— NAT. 631 Tabes, John. A summary of the law on Penal Convictions. 8vo. 1814 tAEBS, Eobert, Catalogue of the Harleian MSS, in the British Museum. {^Record Commission, No. 9.] Tash, Thomas Arthur. The life of Eichard Lord Westbury, formerly Lord High Chancellor, with selections from his correspondence. 2 vols. Bvo. 1888 ASMiTH, David. Institutes of English Public law ; embracing an outline of general jurisprudence, the development of the British constitution, public international law, and the public municipal law of England. 8vo. 1873 Institutes of English Private law ; embracing an outline of the substantive branch of the law of persons and things : in two books ; book 1. Persons ; book 2 Things. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875 Institutes of English Adjective law (Procedure in Court) ; em- bracing an outline of the law of evidence and measure of damages. 8vo. 1879 Outline of Roman History from Eomulus to Justinian (including translations of the Twelve Tables, the Institutes of Gains, and the Institutes of .lustinian), with special reference to the growth, development and decay of jurisprudence. 8vo. 1890 i^L See also Ortolan, Joseph Louis Elzear ; History of Eoman law. Nassau la Lege, Jr. L. Th. Grave van. Algemeen Beredeneerd Eegister op alle de voomaamste Eechts- geleerde Advysen, Consultatien, Advertissementen, Decisien, Obser- vatien en Sententien. 4to. Utrecht, 1778 I ATAL. Statutes of Natal, 1845 to 1899: compiled and edited by R. L. Hitchins, assisted and revised on behalf of the colonial government by G. W. Sweeney. 3 vols. 8vo. Pietermaritzburg, 1900-02 Laws of Natal, 1856-61, 1868-77, 1879-1905. 10 vols. fol. and 8vo. Pietermaritzburg, [1856-1905] Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Council ; Second Session, seventh Council. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1875 Census of the Colony of Natal, April, 1904. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1905 ATHOOBHOY, Sir Munguldass. See Bobbadazle, Harry; Gujarat Caste Eules. K k2 532 NAT— NAV. National Manuscripts. Fac-similes of National Manuscripts [of England], from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne . . . photozincographed, by command of her Majesty Qaeen Victoria, by Major-General Sir Henry James, with translations and notes : published by authority of the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury. 4 vols. fol. Southampton, 1865-68 — Ireland. 4 parts in 5 vols. fol. Dublin, 1874-84 — Scotland. 3 vols, fol, Southampton, 1867-71 National Portraits Catalogue. See Cataloguks, Miscellaneous. Natura Brevium. See Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony. Natzmer, Carl Friedrich de. De observantia gentium circa prseliminaria Pacis. \_German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Francofurti, 1736 Nau, Claude. The history of Mary Stewart, from the murder of Riccio until her flight into England ; now first printed from the original manuscripts, with illustrative papers from the secret archives of the Vatican and other collections in Rome : edited, with historical preface, by J. Stevenson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883 Nautical Almanac. Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1834-79. [Vols. for 1846 and 1849 wanting.'] 44 vols. 8vo. 1833-75 Navendorfp, Friedrich Gottlob de. De separatione feudi et allodii petenda et perficienda . . . [German University Tracts, vol. l.J 4to. Lipsise, 1733 Navigation, Inland. [Tracts on Inland Navigation.] 1 vol. 8vo. 1766 A view of the advantages of Inland NaTigations ; with a plan of a navigable canal intended for a communication between . . . Liverpool and Hull. Second edition. The history of Inland Navigations ; particularly those of the Duke of Bridgwater, in Lancashire and Cheshire . . . The advantages of Inland Navigation : or, some observations to show that an inland navigation may be easily effected between Bristol, Liver- pool, and Hull : by E. Whitworth. Report oi the proceedings of the conference of the Federated Insti- tution of Mining Engineers, on Inland Navigation ; Birmingham, February 12th, 1895 ; with map of English Canals : edited by M. W. Brown. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1895 Navy. The Queen's regulations and Admiralty instructions for the government of her Majesty's naval service. fol. 1879 NBA— NEL. 538 [eale, Edward Vansittart. Feasts and Fasts : an essay on the rise, progress, and present state of the laws relating to Sundays, and other holidays and days of fasting ; with notices of the origin of those days, and of the sittings and vacations of the Courts. 8vo. 1845 lEAECHUS. Voyage of Nearchus Vincent. translated, from the Greek, by W. 4to. Oxford, 1809 Teckham, Alexander, Ahhot of Cirencester. De naturis rerum libri duo ; with the poem of the same author, De laudibus divinse sapientise. [^Britain, No. 34.] Neish, William. Defects and suggested reforms in the procedure of the Court of Session and other Courts in Scotland. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] SLSON, Horace. Selected cases, statutes and orders illustrative of the principles of I Private International law as administered in England; with a commentary. 8vo. 1889 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Life of. See Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Nelsox, James Henry. A prospectus of the scientific study of the Hindu law. 8vo. 1881 BLSON, Reginald Arbouin. IThe law of Injunctions in British India ; a treatise on the modem [law of injunctions both temporary and perpetual. 8vo. Madras, 1900 !The Indian Penal Code, Act xlv of 1860 (with all amendments to [date), and notes, analyses and commentaries thereon. Third fedition. '8vo. 1901 BLSON, William. [Reports of Special cases argued and decreed in the Court of [Chancery, in the reigns of King Charles I., King Charles II., and ^*[ing William III. ' 8vo. 1717 jex Testamentaria : or, a compendious system of aU the laws of England, as well before the Statute of Hen. VIII. as since, concerning ist wills and testaments . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1724 le ofBice and authority of a Justice of Peace . . . Eighth edition. 8vo. 1724 Ln Abridgment of the Citoimon law . . . 3 vols. fol. 1725-26 534 NEL— NEU. Nelson, William — continued. Lex Maneriorum : or, the law and customs of England relating to Manors and Lords of Manors . . , fol. 1726 See also Blount, Thomas; Law Dictionary: Caee, Henry; English Liberties : Lftwyche, Sir Edward ; Eeports and Entries. Nelson and Brand. Charge to the grand jury in the case of The Queen against Nelson and Brand. See Cockbuen, Sir Alexander. Nennius. History of the Britons : translated from the Latin ... by J. A. Giles. 8vo. 1841 See also Eecoed Commission, No. 24. Neostadius, Cornelius. Utriusque Hollandise, Zelandise et Westfrisise, curiae decisiones, a C. Neostadio coUectse : accesserunt ejusdem tractatus de feudis, et alter de pactis ante-nuptialibus. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1644 — Another edition. 4to. Hagse Comitis, 1667 Nepos, Cornelius. Vitae excellentium Imperatorum ; cum animadversionibus Joh. Andrese Bosii : varias lectiones, notas et prsefationem addidit Joh. Erider. Eischerus. 8vo. Lipsise, 1806 — Ex editione J. F. Fischeri ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini ; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu codicum et edi- tionum, et iadice locupletissimo accurate recensitse. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Nest, G. Willett van. See Van Nest. Nettee, Thomas. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. [Britain, No. 6.] Neubauee, AdoK. Notes on the Jews in Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] Neubatjee, Lorenz Wilhelm. De conventibus Circularibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Helmstadii, 1746 Neuman, Berman Paul. See Watson, William Webster; Com- pendium of Equity. Neuman Henry, and Baretti Griuseppe. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Eleventh edition, enlarged by M. Seoane. 2 vols. 8vo. [1857] NEU—NEW. 686 [Neumann, J. F. G-. de.] ^k Bibliotheca juris imperantium quadripartita, sive commentatio de H scriptoribus jurium quibus sumwi imperantes utuntur . . . ^B 4to. Norihergae, 1727 ■lEviLE Sandford, and Manning William M. H Eeports of cases determined in the Court of King's Bench [1832- ■ 36.] 6 vols. 8vo. 1834-39 ^ Eeports of cases relating to the duty and office of Magistrates, determined in the Court of King's Bench and other Courts. 1832- 36. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834-38 EviLE Sandford, and Peeey Thomas Erskine. Eeports of cases relating to the Office of Magistrates, determined in the Court of King's Bench, 1836-37. 8vo. 1837 Eeports of cases determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, 11836-38. 3 vols. 8vo. 1837-38 EviLLE, Ealph. See Palet, William ; Summary convictionB : Eail- WAT AND Canal Traffic Cases. Ew Book of Instruments. See Law. i!w Brunswick. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick, passed in 1854, 1856-61, 1881-1905. 23 vols. 8vo. Fredericton, 1854-1905 Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick, 1887-1906. 19 vols. 8vo. Fredericton, 1887-1905 New England. Plantation Laws. See America. Tbw English Dictionary. A new English dictionary on historical principles ; founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society : edited by J. A. H. Murray and H. Bradley. Vols. 1-5. [In progress.'] 4to. Oxford, 1888-1901 Tew Magistrates Cases. See Magistrates' Cases. Jew Practice Cases. New Practice cases ; together with cases in evidence, stamps, and the law of Attorneys and Solicitors, from Easter term, 1844, to Michaelmas term, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847-48 New Eeports. New Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Easter term, 1804, to Trinity term, 1807 ; by J. B. Bosanquet and Christopher Puller, 2vols, 8vo. 1806-08 I 536 NEW. New Eeports, The. The New Reports ; containing cases decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law, November, 1862, to August, 1865. 6 vols. 8vo. 1863-65 New Sessions Cases. New Sessions cases ; containing reports of cases relating to the duties and liabilities of magistrates, determined in the Superior Courts at Westminster, 1844-51, by J. M. Carrow, J. Hamerton, T. Allen and C. Otter. 4 vols. 8vo. 1845-51 New South Wales. The public general statutes of New South Wales, (1824-62.) 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1861-62 The private acts of New South Wales. (1832-62.) fol. Sydney, 1863 The statutes of New South Wales (public and private), 1862-66, 1869-1904. 38 vols. fol. and 4to. Sydney, 1867-1905 New Yoek. Acts of Assembly, passed in the province of New York, from 1691 to 1718. [Bound with Massachussetts Bay, J.c^saw(£ Daws.] fol, 1719 Laws of the Colony of New York, passed in the years 1 774 and 1775 , , . republished under the direction of F. Cook, Secretary of State . . . 8vo. Albany, 1888 Plantation laws. See America. New Yoek Association of the Bar, Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogtjbs, Library, New York Court of Appeals Reports. New York Court of Appeals Reports, Vols. 1-52, 8vo. New York and Albany, 1859-73 Vols. 1-4 see Comstock, 0-, F. 5-10 Selden, H. R. 11-14 Kernan, F, 15-27 Smith, E. P. Yols, 28-39 see Tiffany, J, 40-45 Hand, S, 46-52 Sickels, H. E. New York Law Institute, Catalogue of the Library, See Catalogues, Library, New York State Library, Catalogue, See Catalogues, Library, New York Teem Reports, 1803-05, See Caines, George. New Zealand. The ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, and of the Legislative Council of the province of New Munster, 1841-53. fol. Wellington, 1871 NEW. 537 New Zealand — continued. The statutes of the G-eneral Assembly of New Zealand, passed during the first and second parliaments, 1854-60. fol. Wellington, 1871 The practical statutes of New Zealand ; with notes and index : edited by G-. B. Barton. 2 vols. 4to. Bunedin, 1876-77 Local and Personal acts, 41 & 42 Vict. 2 vols. fol. Wellington, 1877-78 Statutes of New Zealand, passed in the years 1863-64, 1876-1905. 32 vols. fol. and 4to. Wellington, 1863-1905 Newbery, Edward. The [Indian] Code of Criminal Procedure ; being Act x. of 1872, with explanatory notes and the rulings of the Courts : to which are appended, the laws relating to police, prisoners, and extradition. Second edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873 See also Cunningham, Sir Henry Stewart. j Newbolt, Frank. The Sale of Goods Act, 1893 . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1897 Newcastle, Thomas Pelham Holies, DuJce of. Letter to Monsieur Michell, in answer to the Prussian Memorial respecting the capture of vessels and property, belonging to neutral powers, in time of war, 1752. \_Gollectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Letters to John White on changes in the Ministry, 1765-67. [^Camden Society, new series. No. 59.] Newfoundland. The Consolidated statutes of Newfoundland ; as passed by the Legislature [1872] .... 8vo. St. John's, N.F., 1874 Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland, 1871, 1873-1905. 35 vols. 8vo. St. John's, N.F., 1871-1905 France : correspondence respecting the Newfoundland fisheries, 1884-90. fol. 1890 Newland, John. Treatise on Contracts within the jurisdiction of the Courts of Equity. 8vo. 1806 The Practice of the High Court of Chancery : to which is added, a I collection of the forms of pleadings and of proceedings in that Court. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 See aZso Harrison, Joseph ; Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Newman, John Henry, Cardinal. Life of. See Hutton, Richard H. 538 NEW— NIC. Newnam, William. The Complete Conveyancer. 3 vols, in 6. 8vo. Buhlin, 1786 Newson, Harry. Digest of the law of Shipping and of Marine Insurance. Second edition. 8vo. 1883 The law of Salvage, Towage, and Pilotage. 8vo. 1886 Newton, Sir Isaac. Opera quse extant omnia ; commentariis illustrabat S. Horsley. 5vols. fol. 1779-85 The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended : to which is prefix'd a short chronicle, from the first memory of things in Europe to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. 4to. 1728 Newton, Eichard. Dr. Newton and Hertford College. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] NicEPHOEUs Callistiis. Ecclesiasticse historise, libri xviii . . . adjecta est Latina interpretatio Joannis Langi. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 vols. fol. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1630 NiOHOL, John. Francis Bacon, his life and philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1888-89 Nicholas IV., Pope. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglise et Wallise, circa a.d. 1291. [Record Gorrmiission, No. 61.] Nicholas, Sir Edward. Correspondence, 1641-56. [Camden, Society, new series, Nos. 40, 50, 57.] Nicholas, Thomas. The pedigree of the English people . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1878 Nichols, Francis Morgan. An inquiry into the history of Feudal and Obligatory Knighthood in England. 4to. 1863 On the rules which ought to govern the admission of extrinsic evidence in the interpretation of wills, [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] See also Bkitton. Nichols, John. See Fuller, Thomas j Worthies of England, 1 NIC. 539 [Nichols, John Gough. Autobiography of Anne, Lady Halkett. [Camden Society, new series, No. 13.] Catalogues of the Works of the Camden Society. See Camden Society. Chronicle of Calais, temp. Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII. [1485-1540.] [Camden Society, No. 35.] Chronicle of the Lincolnshire rebellion, 1470. Coningsby's journal of the siege of Rouen, 1591. [Camden Society, No. 39.] Chronicle of Queen Jane [Lady .Jane Grey] and Queen Mary 1653-54. [Camden Society, No. 48.] Crown grants of Edward V. [Camden Society, No. 60.] Diary of Henry Machyn, 1550-63. [Camden Society, No 42.] Dingley's History from marble (circa 1653.) [Camden Society, Nos. 94, 97.] Discovery of the Jesuits' College at Clerkenwell, 1627-28. [Camden Society, Nos. 55, 73.] Grey Friars' chronicle of London, 1189-1556. [Camden Society, No."53.] Inventories of the wardrobes of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, and Katharine, Princess Dowager. [Camden Society, No. 61.] Letters of Pope to Atterbury, when in the Tower of London, 1722-23. [Camden Society, No. 73.] Narratives of the Reformation [1532-79.] [Camden Society, No. 77.] Sermons preached by the Boy Bishop, [Camden Society, new series. No. 14.] Wills from Doctors' Commons, 1495-1695. [Camden Society, No. 83.] Nichols, Thomas. Catalogue of the London University Library. See Catalogues, Library. Nicholson, A. Apostolical succession in the Church of Sweden. 8vo. 1880 Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron. The Bodleian Library in 1882-87 : a report from the Librarian : published by permission of the Curators. 4to. Oxford, 1888 See also Bodleian Facsimile Series : Libeabians, Confekence of. Nicholson, John. Catalogue of the Mendham collection. See Catalogues, Library, Law Society. Supplement to the catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library, 1859-90- See Catalogues, Library. 540 NIC. NicoL, Henry. See Pollock, Sir Charles Edward ; Practice of the County Courts. NicoL, Thomas. Sketch of recent explorations in Bible lands. See Young, R. ; Concordance to the Bible. Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. History of the battle of Agincourt and of the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France : to which is added, the roll of the Men at Arms in the English Army. 8vo. 1827 Privy purse expenses of King Henry VIII., from November, 1529, to 1532 ; with introductory remarks and illustrative notes. 8vo. 1827 Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York : wardrobe accounts of Edward the Fourth ; with a memoir of Elizabeth of York, and notes : [together with] The Wardrobe accounts of King Edward the Fourth from the 18 oh April to the 29th September, 1480. 8vo. 1830 Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386- 1542. [^Record Commission, No. 31.] Nicolas, Vale. The law and practice relating to the formation of Companies (limited by shares), under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1900, with an appendix of forms and precedents. Second edition, assisted by "W. F. Lawrence. 8vo. 1904 NicoLSON Joseph, and Burn Eichard. History and antiquities of the counties of Westmorland and Cum- berland. 2 vols. 4to. 1777 NicoLSON, William, Bishop of Carlisle. Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws ; containing several original articles and treaties, made and agreed upon by the Commissioners of the respective Kings of England and Scotland, for the better preservation of peace and commerce upon the marches of both Kingdoms, from Henry III. to the Union of the two Crowns in King James I. . . . 8vo. 1705 — Another edition. 8vo. 1747 The English, Scotch and Irish historical Libraries ; giving a short view and character of most of our Historians, either in print or manuscript ; with an account of our records, law books, coins, and other matters serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. Third edition, to which is added, a letter to the Eev. White Kennett in defence of the English historical library . . . fol. 1736 NIE— NOE. 541 NiEBUHR, Barthold Georg. Lebensnachrichten . . . aus Briefen desselben und aus Erinnerungen einiger seiner nachsten Ereunde. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Hamburg, 1838-39 NiES, Detmar Eberhard, Contra appellationes. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Jenas, 1741 Nigeria. See Northern Nigeria : SouTHERisr Nigeria. NiMMO, James. Narrative, 1654-1709. [Scottish History Society, No. 6.] INiSBET, John. Burma under British rule — and before. 2 vols. 8vo. 1901 NiTZSHitrs, Fridericus. Commentarius in capitulation em Augustissimi Imperatoris Josephi. Cum praefatione J. N. Hertii . . . et supplemento . . . Augusti Hoffmanni . . . 4to. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1711 Noble, Mark. An Historical G-enealogy of the Eoyal House of Stuarts, from the reign of King Robert II. to that of King James VI. ; taken from the most authentic authors, both Scotch and English. 4to. 1795 [Nolan, Michael. A treatise of the laws for the relief and settlement of the Poor. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1825 See also Strange, Sir John ; Reports. [NooDT, Gerard. Opera omnia ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1724 — Accessit Joannis Barbeyracii historica vitse auctoris narratio. Editio novissima. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1760 De jure siunmi imperii et lege regia. [^German University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1705 De religione ab imperio jure gentium libera. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Ltigd. Bat., 1708 De jure occidendi et exponendi liberos apud veteres Romanes. [Bound with Huber's Observationes Berum.'] 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1723 j^NoRBTJRiE, George. Abuses and remedies of Chancery. See Hargbave, Francis ; Law Tracts. 542 NOR. NoEDEN, John. Speeuli Britannise pars : a description of the county of Essex. ^Camden Society, No. 9.] NOKMAN, A. "W. Death Duty Tables, comprising in an expanded form tables i. ii. III. appended to the succession duty act, 1853 (16 & 17 Vict., c. 51) for valuing successions and annuities ; also discount, interest, rate per cent. ; and other tables . . . 8vo. 1896 A digest of the Death Duties . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1899 Norman, J. P. Reports of Exchequer cases. See Hurlstonb, Edwin Tyrrell. Norman, Philip. Ancient halls of the City Guilds. See Wat, Thomas R. Normandy. Le grand coustumier du pays et duche de Normendie. fol. Botien, 1539 North, Francis, Lord Guildford. Argument in the case between Sir William Soames, Sheriff of Suffolk and Sir Sam. Barnardiston, Bart., adjudged in the Court of Exchequer Chamber upon a writ of error ... fol. 1689 Life of. See North, Roger. North, Roger. Examen ; or, an enquiry into the credit and veracity of a pretended complete history [Dr. White Kennett's], showing the perverse and wicked design of it, and the many falsities and abuses of truth con- tained in it ; together with some memoirs occasionally inserted ; all tending to vindicate the honour of the late King Charles II. from the intended aspersions of that foul pen. 4to. 1 740 Life of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron of Gruildford . . . wherein are inserted the characters of Sir Matthew Hale, Sir George Jeffries, Sir Leoline Jenkyns, Sidney Godolphin . . . 4to. 1742 Life of the Hon. Sir Dudley North, and of the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. 4to. 1744 Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guildford . . . the Hon. Sir Dudley North, and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. A new edition ; with notes and illustrations, historical and bio- graphical. 3 vols. 8vo. 1826 North Briton, The. See Wilkes, John. North Riding Record Society. See Yorkshire. NOR— NOT. 543 Noeth-West Tereitories. The revised ordinances of the North-West Territories ... to 1888. 8vo. Begina, 1888 The consolidated ordinances of the North- West Territories, 1898 ... in force March 15, 1899. 8vo. Begina, 1899 Ordinances of the North- West Territories . . . 1890, 1891-92, 1898-1901. 6 vols. 8vo. Begina, 1890-1901 Journals of the Legislative Assembly, 1899, 1901. 2 vols. 8vo. Begina, 1899-1901 NoRTHCOTE, Sir Stafford. See Iddesleigh, Earl of. Northern Nigeria. Orders in Council and proclamations, and rules, regulations, government notices and orders thereunder, in force in the Pro- tectorate of Northern Nigeria on the 1st day of October, 1904 . . . by H. C. Oollan. 8vo. 1906 NoRTHiNGTON, Robert Henley, Lord. Decree in the case of Norton v. Beilly. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Norton, Frederick Charles. ' A short history of the military and naval services of the Inns of Court and the members of the Bench and Bar, from the time of the Battle of Hastings. 8vo. 1886 Norton, George. Commentaries on the history, constitution, and chartered franchises of the City of London. 8vo. 1829 Norton, Robert F. A treatise on Deeds, assisted by R. H. Dun and D. L. F. Eoe : founded upon, and in lieu of a second edition of Rules for the Interpretation of Deeds, by Sir H. W. Warburton, the author and J. W. Clark. 8vo. 1906 Norton-Kyshe, James William. The law and privileges relating to the Attorney-General and Solicitor- General of England, with a history from the earliest periods, and a series of King's Attorneys, and Attorneys and Solicitors- General from the reign of Heniy III. to the 60th of Queen Victoria. 8vo. 1897 The history of the laws and courts of Hongkong, tracing consular jurisdiction in China and Japan and induding parliamentary debates, and the rise, progress and successive changes in the various public institutions of the colony from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. 1898 Norwood, J. D. See Robinson, Thomas ; Gavelkind. Notes and Queries. Notes and Queries : a medium of intercommunication for literarv men . . . 1885-1906. 42 vols, [in progress.'] 4to. 1885-1905 544 NOT— NOY. Notes of Cases. Notes of cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts ; Easter term, 1841, to Easter term, 1850 : edited by T. Thornton. 7 vols. 8vo. 1843-50 NotrGuiBR, Louis. Des lettres de change et des effets de commerce. Quatrieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875 Nova Scotia. Revised statutes of Nova Scotia. Fourth series : prepared by A. J. White, H. C. D. Twining, [and] J. W. Johnston . . . 8vo. Halifax, N.8., 1873 The revised statutes of Nova Scotia. Fifth Series : prepared by O. S. Weeks, J. W. Johnston, J. W. Longley and B. Eussell. 8vo. Halifax, N.S., 1884 Statutes of Nova Scotia 1878 to 1899, 1905. 23 vols. 8vo. Halifax, N.S., 1878-1905 NowBLL, Alexander, Dean of 8t. PauVs. Life of. See Chukton, Ealpli. NowELL, Eobert. The Towneley Hall MSS. ; the spending of the money of Eobert Nowell, of Eeade Hall, Lancashire; brother of Dean Alexander Nowell, 1568-80 : edited from the original MSS. . . . with intro- duction, notes, and illustrations, by A. B. Grosart. [Printed for private circulation. ~} 4to. [Manchester,^ 1877 Noxious Vapours. Minutes of evidence taken before the Eoyal Commission on Noxious Vapours ; with an appendix. fol. 1878 NoY, William. Eeports and cases taken in the time of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles. Second edition. fol. 1669 The principal grounds and maxims, with an analysis, and a dialogue and treatise of the Laws of England ... in which is included a treatise of estates, ascribed to Sir John Doderidge, and observations on a deed of feoffment. Ninth edition, with a sketch of the author's life, by W. M. Bythewood. 12mo. 1821 See also CoNVETANCixa ; The Perfect Conveyancer. Notes, S. B. Catalogue of the Brooklyn Library. See Catalogues, Library. Notes, Thomas Herbert. Hymns of modem Man. 12mo. 1872 Notes, William Curtis. An address delivered before the graduating class of the law depart- ment of Hamilton College, 1856. [Tracts, vol. 20, No. 3.] 8vo. New York, 1858 NUC— OBS. 645 Nucius, Nicander. Second book of his travels. [Gamden Society, No. 17,] Nugent, Thomas. See Buelamaqui, Jean Jacques; Principles of Natural and Politic law : Gtroslet, Pierre Jean ; New observa- tions on Italy ; Tour to London. 0„ W. A Compendium of the laws. 1. Concerning local settlements. 2. The laws for the preservation of the game. 3. The laws against highwaymen and housebreakers. 12mo. 1713 Oaklet, T. W. H. Divorce Practice. Fourth edition, by W. M. P. Waterton. 8vo. 1905 Law relating to Probate and Administration. See Powles, Louis Diston. See also Beowne, G-eorge ; Probate Practice. Iaths. The book o£ Oaths, and the several! forms thereof . . . 12mo. 1689 — Another edition. Svo. 1715 SEELANDEE, Johauu Nicolaus. De Christiano Marchione Brandenburgico serenissimo. {^German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Lipsise, 1694 JEECHT, Greorg. Tractatus de jurisdictione et imperio. See Sixtinus, Regnerus. Jbeecht, Johann Jacob. De jure Publico Imp. Eom.-Germanici. [Germin University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Tuhingse, 1715 ^'Beiek, E. Barry. The life of Charles Stewart Pamell, 1846-91. 2 vols. Svo. 1898 The life of Lord Russell of Killowen. Svo. 1901 )beist, Johann Baptista. Breviculumtheoretico-practicum processus Cameras Imperialis, secun- dum ordinem titulorum breviculi praxis imperialis aulicse . . . 12mo. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1738 )b8eevee. The. See Essayists, British. L L 54.6 OCK— ODG. OcKAM, William, De potestate ecclesiastica et politica. See Q-oldast, Melchior. OcKERBT, Horace. See Haydn, Joseph ; Book of Dignities. O'Oleey, Oonary. Annals of Ireland. See Connellan, Owen. O'Clery, Cucogry or Peregrine. Annals of Ireland. See Connellan, Owen. O'Clery, Michael. • Annals of Ireland. See Connellan, Owen. O'CoiGLY, James. Trial of James O'Coigly, otherwise called James Quigley, otherwise called James John Fivey, Arthur O'Connor, John Binus, John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary, for high treason ; under a Special Commission, at Maidstone, in Kent, in May, 1798: taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney. 8vo. 1798 O'CoNNELL, Daniel. Select Speeches : edited, with historical notices ... by his son, J. O'Connell. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1867 Life of. See Huish, Robert. O'OoNNQji, Arthur, Trial of Arthur O'Connor for high treason. See Q'Coiqvs, James. O'Connor, Charles. Chronicles of Eri ; being the history of the Graal Sciox, Iber, or the Irish people : translated from the original manuscripts in the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 O'Connor, Roger. Report of the trial of Roger O'Connor ^.nd Martin M'Keon, at the Trim Summer Assizes, 1817 . . . 8vo. Dublin, 1817 Odgers, William Blake. King Arthur and the Arthurian Romances : a paper read before the Bath Literary and Philosophical Association, December, 1871. 8vo. 1872 An outline of the law of Libel . . . 8vo. 1897 The principles of Pleading, Practice and Procedure in civil actions in the High Court of Justice. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1900 — Fifth edition. 8vo. 1903 A digest of the law of Libel and Slander, with the evidence, proce- dure, p;i'actice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases. Fourth edition, by the author and J. B. Eames. 8vo. 1905 Changes in the Common Law ; Domestic Legislation ; Procedure and Evidence. See Law Rbfobm. I I ODO— Oai. 547 >'DowD, James. The Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 1862 (25 & 26 Vict, c. 63) ; with an iatroductory analysis . . . 12mo. 1863 KDuiGENAK, Peregrine. Annals of Ireland. See Connellan, Owen. )brtel, Friedrich Benedict. De ratione interpreta,ndi leges imperii Rom]-Grermaniei publicas. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Lipsise, 1720 ►bsinger, Franz, De conciliis habendis. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Argentorati, 1710 I'Fberall, Simon Ansley. A ramble of six thousand miles through the United States of America. Svo. 1832 " England and the English " examined. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 8.] Svo. 1835 Exposition of the law of Parliament as it relates to the power and privileges of the Commons' House : to which are added the pro- ceedings on the principal questions of privilege which have arisen in Parliament, and those cases involving the jurisdiction of the House which were argued and determined in the Courts of Westminster Hall. 8vo. 1837 The question of privilege raised by the decision in the case of Stockdale v, Hansard . . . [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 9.] 8vo. 1837 On the Duel. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 10.] 8vo. 1838 Ofpicina Bebvium. Officina Brevium : select and approved Forms of Judicial Writs, and other process, with their retorns and entries in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster ; as also special pleadings to writs ^ of Scire facias. fol. 1679 t Officium Clerici Pacis, See Clerk. O'Flanagan, J. Roderick. The lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland, from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870 >GiLBY, John. The Holy Bible . . . illustrated with chorographical scnlptujies. See Bibles ; Versions. Jgilvie, James, See G-iannone, Pietro ; Civil history of Naples. L L 2 548 OGI— OKI. Ogilvie, John. The Imperial dictionary of the English language . . . New edition, by C. Annandale. 4 vols. 8vo. 1882- 83 The student's English dictionary . . . New edition, by C. Annandale. 8vo. 1897 Ogle, John Craven. Eeports of Nisi Prius cases, Ireland. See Abmstrong, Eichard. Ogle, Octavius. The Oxford market. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 16.] O'Gbady, Waller. Keport of the proceedings upon an information in the nature of a Quo-Warranto, at the suit of the King against Waller O'Grady, respecting the right of appointment to the office of Clerk of the Plea.s in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1816 Export of the arguments and judgments in the Court of Exchequer chamber in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1818 Oheimb, Johann Leonard. De jure sufEragii E. Bohemise. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Halse Venedorum, 1709 OzE, Q-eorge C. The laws of Turnpike Eoads ; comprising the whole of the general acts (including also the acts as to South Wales turnpike roads) . . . Second edition. 12 mo. 1861 Magisterial Synopsis, a practical guide for magistrates, their clerks, solicitors and constables ; comprising summary convictions and indictable offences, with their penalties, punishments and procedure . . . Fourteenth edition ; by H. L. Stephen. 2 vols. 8vo. 1893 G-ame laws . . . Fourth edition ; by J. W. W. Bund. 8vo. 1897 Magisterial Eormulist, being a collection of forms and precedents for practical use in all cases out of quarter sessions and in parochial matters, by magistrates, their clerks, solicitors and constables. Eighth edition, by C. Gr. Douglas. Svo. 1901 A handy book of the Fishery laws. Third edition . . . byJ. W. W- Bund and A. C. McBarnet. Svo. 1903 O'Keeffe, Eobert. Action for libel against Cardinal CuUen. See Cxjllen, Paul, Cardinal. O'Kinealt, J. The [Indian] Code of Civil Procedure ; being act xiv. of 1882, as amended by acts vi., vii., and x. of 1888 ; act viii. of 1890 ; and act VI. of 1892. Fourth edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1893 OLD— OLI. 649 )ldfield, Thomas Hinton Burley. History of the original constitution of Parliaments, from the time of the Rritons to the present day ... to which is added The present state of the representation. 8vo. 1797 The representative history of Grreat Britain and Ireland ; being a history of the House of Commons, and of the counties, cities, and boroughs of the United Kingdom, from the earliest period. 6 vols. 8vo. 1816 jDHAM Arthur, and Foster Arthur la Trobe. The law of Distress, with an appendix of forms . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1889 jDMixoN, John. The history of England during the reigns of the royal house of Stuart. fol. 1730 The history of England during the reigns of King William and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, King G-eorge I. ; being the sequel of The reigns of the Stuarts . . . fol. 1735 The history of England during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth ; including the history of the Reformation of the Churches of England and Scotland, fol. 1739 JDYS, William. See Haelbian Miscellany. JEABius, Adam. Vermehrte neue Beschreibung der Muscowitischen und Persischen Eeise, so durch Gelegenheit einer Holsteinischen Gesandschafft, an den Kussischen Zaar und Konig in Persien geschehen . . . fol. Schlesswig, 1656 Voyages and travels of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, begun in 1633 and finish'd in 1639 . . . whereto are added. The travels of John Albert de Mandelslo . . . from Persia into the East Indies . . . rendred into English by John Davies of Kidwelly, fol. 1662 ^LENSCHLAGEB, Johann Daniel. Origines juris publici Imperii Eomano-Germanici. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsise, 1732 Olim, Les. Les Olim : ou, registres des arrets rendus par la Cour du Eoi sous les regnes de Saint Louis, de Philippe le Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, de Louis le Hutin, et de Philippe le Long : publics par le Comte Beugnot. 3 vo.s. in 4. 4to. Paris, 1839-48 iiiPHANT, George Henry Hewitt. The law of Horses, including the law of innkeepers, veterinary surgeons, and of hunting, racing, wagers and gaming. Fifth edition by C. E. Lloyd. 8vo. 1896 m OLM— OPI. Olmstead, DwigM H. Laud Transfer Eeform, with an explanation of the T*^ew York block-indexing act : a paper read before the American Bar Associa- tion, August, 1890. 8vo. Philadelphia, \S90 Eeforms in Land Transfer with suggestions for an impi-oved system. 8vo. I^ew Yorh, 1902 O'Mahony, Thaddeus. Ancient laws of Ireland, See Irish Eecord Publications. O' Mallet Edward Loughlin, and Hardcastle Henry. Reports of the decisions of the J udges for the trial of Election Peti- tions, in England and Ireland, pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868. 4 vols. {In progress.'] 8vo. 1870-93 Ombler, Edward. Cases of Controverted Elections. See Knapp, Jerome William. Onciacus, Guilielmus. Qusestiones academicse . . . See Ancharano, Petrus Joannes. O'Neill, William Chichester, Lord. The Church in Ireland. See Lee, A. T. Onions, T. A. Catalogue of the Library of the Institute of Chartered Account- ants. See Catalogues, Library. Ontario. The revised statutes of Ontario [1877] . . . 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1877 The revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, being a consolidation of the revised statutes of Ontario, 1877, with the subsequent public general acts of the Legislature of Ontario. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1887 Statutes of the province of Ontario, 1878-1905. 28 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1878-1905 Opiniones Communes. Communes sententise sive opiniones jurisconsultorum e juris Csesarei et Pontificii fontibus haustse, ac sum mo studio et fide explicatae . . . fol. Lugduni, 1566 Communium opinionum syntagma. 4 vols, in 2. fol. Lugduni, 1581 Thesaurus communium opinionum et conclusionum, sive receptarum sententiarum excellentium utriusque jurisconsultorum, super causis tam criminalibus quam civilibus . . . 2 vols, in 1. fol. Francofortif 1584 OPI-OEB. 551 ^m Opinions of the Attoeneys-G-eneeal op the United States. ^M Official Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States ■ (1791-1880.) 16 vols. 8vo. Washington^ 1852-81 Optatus, Bishop of Milevi. Sancti Optati Milevitani Opera, cum observationibus et notis Gabrielis Albaspiasei . . . fol. Parisiis, 1631 I^P-Oeange Eiveb Colony. The Statute law of the Orange River Colony : translated by C. L. Botha ; revised by S. H. Barber and J. L, H. Findlay. 8vo. 1901 Ordinances, 1902-03. 2 vols. 8vo. Bloemfontein, [1902-03] )edeeici;s Vitalis. The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy : translated with notes, and the introduction of Guizot, by T. Forester. 4 vols. 8vo. 1853-56 fOBDEES IN ChANCEEY. A collection of such of the Orders heretofore used in Chancery ; with such alterations and additions thereunto as the Earle of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor, and Sir Harbottle Grimston, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit to ordaine and publish . . . 12mo. 1661 The consolidated general orders of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. 1860 Oefila, Matthieu Joseph Bona venture. Traite de medecine legale. Quatrieme edition . . . contenant en entier le traite des exhumations juridiques, par MM. Orfila et Lesueur. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1848 )&IEL College, Oxford. Catalogue of the Library in the 14th century. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 5.] [Oensby, George. Bishop Cosin's correspondence. [Surtees Society, Nos. 62, 65.] Household books of Lord William Howard of Naworth Castle. [Surtees Society, No. 68.] Remains of Denis Granville, Dean of Durham. [Surtees Society, Nos. 37, 47.] Oeosius, Paulus. Pauli Orosii Opus prestantissimum. 4to. [Printed hy Jehan Petit.] Paris, 1510 )ee, Robert Low. Free Church of Scotland appeals, 1903-04. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1904 552 ORE— OTH. Obebby, John, Earl of. * Letters of Pliny the younsfer ; with observations and an essay on his life. See Plinius, Caius Csecilius Secundus. Obbeby, Eoger Boyle, Earl of. A collection of the State letters of the Eight Hon. Eoger Boyle, the first Earl of Orrery, from the Eestoration to 1668 . . . fol. 1742 Obtolan, Joseph Louis Elzear. Explication historique des Instituts de I'Empereur Justinien, pre- cedee de L'histoire de la legislation romaine et d'une generalisation du droit remain . . . Septieme edition, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863 The history of Eoman law, from the text of Ortolan's Histoire de la legislation romaine et generalisation du droit , . . translated by I. T. Pritchard and D. Nasmith. 8vo. 1871 Analysis of Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian, by T. L. Mears. 8vo. 1876 Obtolan, Theodore. Eegles Internationales et Diplomatie de la Mer. Quatrieme edition . . . suivie d'un appendice special, contenant, avec les actes du Congres de Paris de 1856, les principaux documents ofiiciels relatifs a la derniere guerre d'Orient et a la guerre actuelle d'Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864 [Obville, Jacques Philippe d'.] Critica vannus in inanes Joannis Cornelii Pavonis paleas . . . 8vo. Amstelseda/mi, 1737 OsBOBNE, Eobert W. Eeports of Nisi Prius cases, Ireland. 8ee Blackham, John. Osmund, Saint, Bishop of Salisbury. Eegister. [Britain, No. 78.] Oss, S. F. Van. See Fenn, 'Charles ; Fenn on the Funds, Oswald, James Francis. Contempt of Court, committal and attachment, and arrest upon civil process, in the Supreme Court of Judicature, with the practice and forms. • 8vo. 1892 — Second edition. 8vo. 1895 OswiN, King of Northumherla/nd. Life. [Surtees Society, No. 8.] Otho, Cardinal. Constitutiones legitime [Othonis et Othoboni,] See Lyndewodb William. OTT— OVE. 563 TTEE, C. See New Sessions Cases. CTLEY, Eobert L. Life of Lancelot Andrewes. 8vo. 1894 Otto, Carl Edward. See Corpus Jiteis Civilis. Otto, Everhard. De titulo Imperatoris Eussorum. [^German University Tracts,\ol.lS.~\ 4to. Halse Magdehurgicss, 1724 Thesaurus juris Romani, continens rariora meliorum in terp return lopuscula, in quibus jus Eoraanum emendatur, explicatur, illustratur 4 vols. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1725 Everardi Ottonis ad Justiniani Institutionum, sive elementorum libros IV. a Cujacio emendatos, notae criticae et commentarius. 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1734 PTO, William T. Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1875-82. [tlnited States Reports, Supreme Court, vols. 91-107.] 17 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1876-83 rwAY, Thomas. Titus and Berenice : a tragedy [by Nicholas Ropin] ; with a farce called The cheats of Scapin [by Jean Baptiste Pocquelin de Moliere]: [translated by Thomas Otway.] 4to. 1677 The history and fall of Caius Marius. 4to. 1680 Venice preserv'd : or, a plot discover'd. 4to. 1682 Oughton, Thomas. Ordo Judiciorum ; sive, methodus procedendi in negotiis et litibus in foro ecclesiastico-civili Britannico et Hibemico . . , 2vols. 4to. 1738 JLTON, Andrew Newton. Index to the Statutes at present in force in, or affecting, Ireland (from the year 1310 to 1836 inclusive. • 8vo. Dublin, \^ZQ jseley, Thomas John. Poems. 8vo. 1870 rERALL, William Henry. Catalogue of the Exhibition at the opening of the Guildhall Library. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. )vERALL William Henry, and Overall Henry Charles.] Analytical index to the series of records known as the Eiemembrancia, preserved among the archives of the City of London, 1579-1664. 8vo. 1878 rEEEND, GrURNEY, AND Co. Case of The Queen v. Gnrney and others. See Gueney, Henry Edmund. 554 OVE— OXE. OVEETOK, J. H. Life of John Wesley. 8vo. 1891 The Nonjurors, their lives, principles, and writings. 8vo. 1902 OviDius Naso, Publius. Opera omnia, ex editione Burmanniana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, notitia literaria, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 11 vols. 8vo. 1821 Owen, Aneurin. Ancient laws and institutes of Wales. [Record Commission, No. 3.] Owen, Douglas. Declaration of War ; a survey of the position of belligerents and neutrals, with relative considerations of shipping and marine insurance during war. 8vo. 1889 Digest of the law relating to Marine Insurance. See Chalmers, Mackenzie Dalzell. Owen, Edward Annesley. See Saint, John James Heath ; Eegistra- tion cases. Owen, Sir Hugh. The Education Acts, 1870-1902, and other acts relating to educa- tion . . . Twentieth edition. 8vo. 1903 Owen, Orville W. Sir Francis Bacon's cipher story, discovered and deciphered. Books I. and ii. 8vo. 1894 Owen, Thomas. Reports in the King's Pench and Common Pleas, in the time of Elizabeth and James I. [1556-1615.] fol. 1656 Owners op Land. Return [for] England and Wales (exclusive of the Metropolis), 1873 ... 2 vols. 4to. 1875 Tol. 1. Bedford— Norfolk. 2. Northampton — Eadnor, — Scotland, 1872-73 . . . 4to. Edinburgh, 1874 — Ireland . . . [Bound with above.] 4to. Dublin, 1876 The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland . . . culled from the modem Domesday Book ... by J. Bateman. Fourth edition. 8yo. 1883 Oxenedes, Johannes de. Chronica [871-1292.] [Britain, No. 13.] OXF. 555 JXFORD. Anecdota Oxoniensia : texts, documents, and extracts chiefly from manuscripts in the Bodleian and other Oxford libraries : mediaeval and modern series, vol. 1. Part 1, Sinonoma Bartholomei ; edited by J. L. a. Mowat. 4to. Oxford, 1882 )XFORD AND CaMBBIDGE ClUB. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogtjes, Library. )XFOED HiSTOEICAL SoCIETy's PUBLICATIONS. 1, 10, 11, 12, 14. Eegister of the University of Oxford, 1469- 1622 : edited by C. W. Boase and A. Clark. 2 vols, in 5. 8vo. Oxford, 1885-89 2, 7, 13, 34, 42, 43. "Remarks and collections of Thomas Heame, 1705-19 : edited by C. E. Doble and D. W. Eannie. 6 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1885-1902 3. The early history of Oxford, 727-1100, preceded by a sketch of the mythical origin of the City and University : by J. Parker. 8vo. Oxford, 1885 4. Memorials of Merton College, with biographical notices of the Wardens and Fellov^s : by Gr. C. Brodrick. 8vo. Oxford, 1885 6, 16, 32. Collectanea. First, second and third series : edited by C. R. L. Fletcher and M. Burrow^s. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1885-96 Ser. 1. Letters relating to Oxford in the 14th century : by H. H. Henson. Catalogue of the Library of Oriel College in the vear 1375 : by C. L. Shadwell. Day Book of John Dome, bookseller in Oxford, 1620: by F. Madan. All Souls College v. Lady Jane* Stafford, 1587 : by the editor. James Wilding's Account Book, 1682-88 : by E. G. Duff. Dr. Wallis' letter against Mr. Maidwell, 1700 : by T. W. Jackson. 2. The Oxford Market : by O. Ogle. The University of Oxford in the twelfth century : by T. E. Holland. The Friars Preachers v. the University : by H. Eashdall. Notes on the Jews in Oxford : by A. Neubauer. Lmacre's Catalogue of Grocyn's books, 1520, followed by a memoir of Grocjn : by ihe editor. Table-talk and papers of Bishop Hough, 1703-1743 : by W. D. Macray. Extracts from the " Gentleman's Magazine " relating to Oxford 1731-1800 : by F. J. Haverfield. ' Appendix. Corrections and additions to Collectanea, vol. 1 including an edition of two new leaves of the ledger of John Dome : by F, Madan. Notes on the former edition of Dome's day-book : by Henry Bradshaw. 566 OXF. Oxford Histobical Society's Publications — continued. Collectanea — continued. Ser. 3. Some Durham College Eolk : by H E. D. Blatiston. Parliamentary Petitions relnting to Oxford : by L. T. Smith. Poems relating to the riol between Town and Gown on St. Scholastica's Day (Feb. 10, 136|) and two following days : by H. Furneaiix Tryvytlam de Laude TJniversitatis Oxonise : by H. Furneaux, Wjkeham's books at New College : by A. F. Leach. Corresfiondneeof Henry, Earl of Clarendon, and .lames, Earl of Abingdon, chiefly relating to the Monmouth Insurrection 168:^-85 : by C. E Doble. Dr. Newton and Hertford College : by S. G. Hamilton. Charles Earl Stanhope and the Oxford Uniyersity Press : by H. Hart. 6. Magdalen College and King James II., 1686-88 : a series of documents collected and edited by J. R. Bloxam. 8vo. Oxford, 1886 7. Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne, vol. 2. See No. 2. 8. Elizabethan Oxford ; reprints of rare tracts : edited by C. Plummer. 8vo. Oxford, 1887 9. Letters of Eichard Radcliffe and John James of Queen's College, Oxford, 1755-83, with additions, notes, and appen- .dices: edited by M. Evans. 8vo. Oxford, 1888 10, 11, 12. Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2, parts i-iii. See No. 1. 13. Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne, vol. 3, See No. 2. 14. Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2, Part iv. See No. 1. 15. 17, 37. " Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford," composed in 1661-66, by Anthony Wood : edited by A. Clark. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1889-99 16. Collectanea, second series. See No. 6. 17. Wood's " Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford," vol. 2. See No. 15. 18. Oxford City documents, financial and judicial, 1268-1665 : selected and edited by J . E. T, Rogers. 8vo. Oxford, 1 891 19. 21, 26, 30, 40. The life and times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford, 1632-95, described by himself : collected from his diaries and other papers by A. Clark. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1891-1900 20. The Grey Friars in Oxford. Part 1, A history of the convent. Part 2, Biographical notices ot the Friars ; together with appendices of original documents : by A. G. Little. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 21. Life and times of Anthony Wood, vol. 2. See No. 19. 22. Reminiscences of Oxford by Oxford men, 1559-1850 : selected and edited by L. M. Quiller Couch. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 OXF. 667 Oxford Historical Society's Publications — continued. 23. Index to Wills proved and Administrations granted in the court of the Archdeacon of Berks, 1508 1652 : edited by W. P. W. Phillimore. 8vo. Oxford. 1893 24. Three Oxfordshire parishes ; a history of Kidlington, Yarnton and Begbroke : by M. H. A. Stapleton. 8vo. Oxford, 1893 25. The history of Corpus Christi College, with lists of its members : by T. Fowler. 8vo. Oxford, 1893 26. Life and times of Anthony Wood, vol. 3. See No. 19. 27. Registrum Collegii Exoniensis ; register of the Rectors, Fellows and other members on the foundation of Exeter College, Oxford ; with a history of the College and illus- trative documents : by C. W. Boase. 8vo. Oxford, 1894 28. 31. The Cartulary of the Monastery of St. Frideswide at Oxford : edited from the Christ Church and Corpus MSS. and other sources by S. R. Wigram. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1895-96 29. The Early Oxford Press ; a bibliography of printing and publishing at Oxford, ' 1468 '-1640 ; with notes, appen- dixes and illustrations : by F. Madan. 8vo. Oxford, 1895 30. Life and times of Anthony Wood, vol. 4. See No. 19. 31. Cartulary of the Monastery of St. Frideswide, at Oxford, vol. 2. See No. 28. 32. Collectanea, third series. See No. 5. 33. 34. 36, 37. 38 A history of Pembroke College, Oxford, anciently Broadgates Hall ; in which are incorporated short historical notices of the more eminent members of this house : by D. Macleane. 8vo. Oxford, 1897 Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearae, vol. 4. See No. 2. 36. Epistolae Academicae Oxon. (Registrum F) ; a collec- tion of letters and other miscellaneous documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford in the fifteenth century : edited by H. Anstey. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1898 Wood's " Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford," vol. 3. See No. 15. Portfolio containing Agas's map (1578-88) and other old plans of Oxford. Oxford, 1899 Oxford TopograjAy ; an essay, forming a companion volume to the portfolio containing Agas's map (1578-88) and other old plans of Oxford, and incorporating Leonard Hutten's dissertation on the antiquities of Oxford (written about 1625-30) : by H. Hurst. 8vo. Oxford, 1899 Life and times of Anthony Wood, vol. 5. See No. 19. 41. Studies in Oxford History, chiefly in the eighteenth century ; a series of papers by J. R. Green and G. Roberson : edited by C. L. Stainer. 8vo. Oxf(yrd, 1901 39, 40 558 OXF- PAC. Oxford Historical Society's Publications — continued. 42, 43. Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne, vols. 5, 6. See No. 2. 44. The Flemings in Oxford ; being documents selected from the Eydal papers in illustration of the lives and ways of Oxford men, 1650-1700, vol. 1 : edited by J. E. Magrath. 8vo. Oxford, 1904 45. The ancient Kalendar of the University of Oxford from documents of the fourteenth to the seventeenth century, together with Computis manualis ad usum Oxoniensium from C. Kyrfoth's edition, Oxon., 1519-20: edited by C. Wordsworth. 8vo. Oxford, 1904 46. Oxford silver pennies, from 925-1272 : described bv 0. L. Stainer. 8vo. Oxford, 1904 OxFOED Eefoembes, The. See Seebohm, Frederic. OXFOED UnIVEESITY. Parecbolse sive excerpta e corpore statutorum Universitatis Ox- oniensis . . . 12mo. Oxonii, 1842 Statutes made for the University of Oxford, and for the Colleges and Halls therein, by the University of Oxford Commissioners acting in pursuance of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1877 : approved by the Queen in Council. 8vo. Oxford, 1882 The Historical Eegister of the University of Oxford ; being a supple- ment to the Oxford University Calendar, with an alphabetical record of University honours and distinctions, completed to the end of Trinity term", 1888. 8vo. Oxford, 1888 The Oxford University Calendar for the years 1890-1906. 17 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1890-1905 Oxley, J. Stewart. Light Eailways procedure, reports and precedents. 8vo. 1901 P., J. Independency accused by nine severall arguments, written by a goodly minister to a member of Mr. J. Goodwin's congregation, and acquitted by severall replyes ... by a member of the same Church. [Title-page wanting.^ {Tracts, vol. 13, No. 5,] 4to. 1645 P., S. See Paekke, Samuel. Paoius, Julius. Isagogiconim in Institutiones Imperiales, libri iv ; in Digesta seu Pandectas, libri l. ; in Codicem, libri xii ; in Decretales, libri v. Editio nova. 8vo. Basilese, 1666 See aUo Cbispinds, Joannes ; Justiniani lustitutionum. PAC— PAL. 559 V ^^fche Fortescue papers, 1607-1744. [Gamden Society, new aeries, HpTo. 1.] Page, Frederick. The principle of the English Poor Laws : to which are added, observations on the state of the indigent poor in . Ireland. Third edition. 8vo. 1830 Page, John. Poem on the siege of Eouen. [Camden Society, new series, No. 17.] Page, William. Chartulary of Brinkburn Priory. [Surtees Society, No. 90.] Inventories of Church goods for the counties of York, Durham and Northumberland. \_Surtees Society, No. 97.] Northumberland Assize Rolls. [Surtees Society, No. 88.] lYorkshire Chantry Surveys. [Surtees Society, Nos. 91, 92.] 'Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London and Middlesex. See Hakdy, William John. I.GENSTECHEE, Alexander Arnold. TAphorismi juris ad Institutiones Justinianeas. Editio sexta, sub- jiciuntur et accessiones Irnerianse. 8vo. Harderovici, 1748 ^GBT, Stephen. i Memoirs and letters of Sir James Paget. 8vo. 1901 Palestine Exploeation. The survey of Eastern Palestine ; memoirs of the topography, orthography, hydrography, archaeology . . . Vol. 1. The 'Ad wan Country, by C. E. Conder. 4to. 1889 3ome account of the Fauna and Flora of Sinai, Petra, and Wady 'Arabath, by H. C. Hart. 4to. 1891 Archaeological researches in Palestine during the years 1873-74, by Charles Clermont-G-anneau, translated by A. Stewart. 2 vols. 4to. 1896-99 Palet, William, Archdeacon of Carlisle. Works of ; with notes and illustrations, by J. Paxton. 5 vols. 8vo. 1845 Tol. 1 . Evidences of Christianity. 2. Moral and political Philosophy. 3. Horae Paulinse : Prayers for the Sick. 4. Natural Theology. 5. Sermons. A view of the Evidences of Christianity : edited by E. Whately. 8vo. 1859 Moral Philosophy : with annotations by E. Whately. 8vo. 1859 560 PAL. Palet, William. Treatise on the law of Principal and Agent, chiefly with reference to mercantile transactions. Third edition, by J. H. Lloyd. 8vo. 1833 Law and practice of Summary Convictions under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, 1848-99 . . . Eighth edition, by W. H. Macnamara and R. Neville. 8vo. 1904 Palgeave, Sir Francis, Antient Calendars and inventories of the Treasury of the Exchequer. [^Record Commission, No. 20.] Documents illustrating the history of Scotland. ^Becord Commission, No. 13.] Essay upon the original authority of the King's Council. [Record Commission, No. 26.] Parliamentary writs, and writs of military summons. [Record Com- mission, No. 27.] Eotuli Curiae Eegis. [Record Commission, No. 35.] Palgrave, Sir Reginald Francis Douce. Oliver Cromwell the Protector : an appreciation based on contempo- rary evidence. 8vo. 1890 See also Mat, Sir Thomas Erskine ; Law, privileges, proceedings and usage of Parliament. Palmes, Francis Beaufort. The Companies Act, 1900 . . . together with addenda to " Company Precedents." 8vo. 1900 Company Precedents for use in relation to Companies, subject to the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1900. Ninth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1903-06 Part 1. Company forms : assisted by C. Macnaghten and F. Evans. 2. Winding-up forms and practice, assisted by F. Evans. 3. Debentures and debenture stock. Company law . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1905 Palmee Francis Beaufort, and Evans Frank. Winding-up Forms and Practice : a collection of Forms and Pre- cedents . . . under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890, and the rules thereunder. Second edition. 8vo. 1893 Palmer, Sir Gefrey. Reports [K. B. 1619-29.] fol. 1678 See also Mooee, Sir Francis ; Cases. Palmee, John. The practice in the House of Lords, on appeals, writs of error, and claims of peerage, with a compendious account of dignities : to which is prefixed, an introductory historical essay on the appellate jurisdiction. 8vo. 1830 PAL— PAP. 561 ^ALMEE, Roundel!. See Selboene, Roundell Palmer, Earl of. LLMEB, Samuel. Index to the Times Newspaper, 1850-1905. 56 vols. [In progress.] 4to. 1868-1905 Ia-LMeeston, Henry John Temple, Viscount. Life and correspondence. See Ashley, Evelyn. LMPHLETEEK. The Pamphleteer : respectfully dedicated to both Houses of Parlia- ment. 29 vols. 8vo. 1813-28 [Vol. 29 contains a general classed catalogue of the Pamphlets.] ^Anabokkb, T. B. Niti-Nighanduva. See Le Mestteibr, C. J. R. ^ANCiROLi, Guido. Thesaurus variarum lectionum utriusque juris in iii libros distinctus. 4to. Lugduni, 1617 Notitia dignitatum utriusque imperii, orientis scilicet et occidentis, ultra Arcadii Honoriique tempora, et in eam commentarium ; ejusdemque de magistratibus, municipalibus, rebusque bellicis libellus. Editio postrema. fol. Genevse, 1623 Rerum memorabilium sive deperditarum, ac recens inventarum et veteribus incognitarum, pars prior et posterior, coramentariis illustrata et locis prope innumeris postremum aucta, ab Henrico Salmuth. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Francofurti, 1629-31 De Claris legum interpretibus libri quatuor . . . cura Christiani Godofr. Hoffmanni. 4to. Lipsias, 1721 lnegyeici Veteees. Panegyrici Veteres, interpretatione et notis illustravit Jacobus de la Baune ... ad usum Delphini. 8vo. Parisiis, 1676 — Ex editionibus Chr. G. Schwarzii et Amtzeniorum ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indicibus locupletissimis t accurate recensiti. 4 vols. 8vo. 1828 LNJAB UnIVEESITY. [The Panjab University Calendar, for the year 1905-06. 8vo. Lahore, 1905 lOLi, Pasquale. (Memoirs. See Boswell, James ; Account of Corsica. LPE, Abraham de. ^Guilielmi Grotii Isagoge ad praxin fori Batavici, illustrata para- )hra8i ac supplement©, See Geotius, Guilielmus, 562 PAP— PAE. Pape, Heinrich Wilhelm. De Septemviris seu Electoribus Gennanomm regni. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Helmestadi, 1644 Pardessus, Jean Marie. Traite du Contrat et des Lettres de Change, des billets a ordre et autre s effets de commerce, suivant les principes des nouveaux codes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809 Clemens de jurisprudence Commerciale. Svo. Paris, 1811 Collection de lois Maritimes, anterieures au xviii® siecle. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1828-45 Essai historique sur I'organisation judiciaire et 1' administration de la justice, depuis Hugues Capet jusqu'a Louis XII. 8vo. Paris, 1851 Cours de droit Commercial. Sixieme edition, publiee par Eugene de Eoziere. 4 vols. Svo. Paris^ 1856-57 Discours pr61iminaire aux (Euvres de D'Aguesseau. 8ee D'Agues- SBATJ, Henri Fran9ois. Pauis, Matthew. Historia major ; accesserunt, duorum Offarum Merciorum regum, et viginti trium abbatum S. Albani vitse : editore W. Wats. fol. 1639-40 Chronica majora. [Britain, No. 57.] Historia minor. [Britain, No. 44.] Parish Clerks' Company. New remarks of London . . . collected by the company of Parish- Clerks. 12mo. 1732 Park, James Allan. A system of the law of Marine Insurances ; with three chapters on bottomry, on insurances on lives, and on insurances against fire. Svo. 1787 — Seventh edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1817 Park, John James. Treatise on the law of Dower, particularly with a view to the practice of conveyancing. Svo. 1819 A contre-projet to the Humphreysian code, and to the projects of redaction of Messrs. Hammond, TJniacke, and Twiss. Svo. 1828 Park, Thomas. See Harleian Miscellany. Parken, William Palmer. See Bythewood, W. M. ; Conveyancing. Parker, Charles Stuart. Sir Robert Peel, from his private papers : with a chapter on his life and character by his grandson, G. Peel, 3 vols. Svo. 1891-99 I'Ibke PAE. 563 iKER, Frank Eowlej. An analytical index and digest of the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts and Eules ; with tables showing the sources from which the new rules are derived, the mode in which the repealed statutes and rules are dealt with, and the new provisions in the new rules. Second edition. 8vo. 1883 The Election of Gruardians and District Councillors under the local government act, 1894 ... 8vo. 1894 Parker, Henry.] The case of shipmony briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of law, policy, and conscience . . . [^Tracts, yo\. 13, No. 9.] 4to. 1640 Parker, Henry Walter. The rise, progress, and present state of Van Diemen's Land, with advice to emigrants ; also a chapter on convicts, showing the efficiency of transportation as a secondary punishment. Svo. 1833 Parker, Henry William. Letters to the Eight Hon. Sir James Graham, on the subject of recent proceedings connected with the Andover Union. 8vo. 1845 Parker, James. Early history of Oxford, 727-1100. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 3.] The Church in Domesday, with especial reference to Episcopal En- dowments. See Domesday Commemoration. Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury. De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesise, et nominatim de privilegiis ecclesise Cantuariensis, atque de archie piscopis ejusdem Ixx, historia . . . fol. Hanovise, 1605 Parker, Eobert. De politeia ecclesiastica Christi et hierarchica opposita, libri tres . . . 4to. 1621 Parker, Samuel. Cicero's De finibus, translated. See Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Parker, Sir Thomas. Eeports of cases concerning the Eevenue, argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter term, 1743, to Hilary term, 1767 ; with an appendix, containing cases upon the same subject in former reigns. fol. 1776 Parkes, Joseph. A history of the Court of Chancery ; with remarks on the recent commission, report and evidence . . . Svo. 1828 The statutes and orders of the Court of Chancery, and the statute law of real property of the state of New York, recently revised and amended ; with a brief account of the equity jurisdiction, and law of real property and registration, in the United States, North America. 8vo. 1830 M M 2 564 PAE. Parkhtjrst, John. An Hebrew and English lexicon, without points ; in which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the Old Testament are explained in their leading and derived senses ; to which is prefixed, an Hebrew and a Chaldee grammar without points. Second edition. 4to. 1778 Pabkinson, Sydney. Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas. fol. 1773 Pakktn, Ernest Albert. The law of Master and Servant, with a chapter on Apprenticeship. 8vo. 1897 Pakliament. Acts of Parliament. See Statutes. The Parliamentary history of England, from the earliest period [1066] to the year 1803 : [continued under the title of " Parlia- mentary Debates," compiled by W. Cobbett.] 36 vols. 8vo. 1806-20 Cobbett's [afterwards Hansard's] Parliamentary debates, 1803-20. 41 vols. 8vo. 1804-20 — New [the Second] series, 1820-30. 25 vols. 8vo. 1820-30 — Third series, 1830-91. 356 vols. 8vo. 1831-91 ' — Fourth series, 1892-1905. 151 vols. [In progress.'] 8vo. 1892-1905 — General index to the first and second series . . . 1803-30 : edited by Sir J. Philippart. 8vo. 1834 — General indexes, 1865-88. 5 vols. Svo. 1865-88 [General indexes since 1888 are in the last volume of each session.] The Parliamentary or Constitutional history of England, from the earliest times [1106] to the Restoration of King Charles II. . . . with a general index. Second edition. 24 vols. 8vo. 1761-63 Parliamentary debates in 1610. [^Camden Society, No. 81.] Notes on the Debates in the House of Lords, officially taken by Henry Elsing, 1621, 1624 and 1626. [Oamden Society, No. 103, and new series, No. 24.] Commons' debates, 1625. [Camden Society, new series. No. 6.] Ephemeris Parliamentaria : or, a faithfuU register of the transac- tions in Parliament, in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles ; containing the severall speeches, cases, and arguments of law transacted between his Majesty and both Houses : by T. Puller. fol. 1654 An exact collection of the most considerable debates in the Honour- able House of Commons, 1680-81. Svo. 1681 PAR. 565 Parliament — continued. History and proceedings of the House of Lords, from the Restora- tion, 1660, to the end of the first session of the third Parhament of ing George II. ; containing the naost remarkable motions, eeches, debates, orders, and resolutions ; with all the protests in every session ; and the numbers pro and con. upon each division : [pubHshed by E. Timberland.] 8 vols. 8vo. 1742-43 History and proceedings of the House of Commons, from the l^dtestoration to the year 1743 : [published by R. Chandler.] !■ 14 vols. 8vo. 1742-44 ^i)ebates of the House of Commons, from the year 1667 to the year 1694: collected by A. Grey . . . 10 vols. 8 vo. 1763 Debates and proceedings of the House of Commons, 1743-46 : [published by J. Almon.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1766 Debates and proceedings of the British House of Commons, 1746 to 1760. 3 vols. 8vo. 1770 I 'he Mirror of Parliament, 1828-37 : edited by J. H. Barrow. 36 vols. fol. 1828-37 - Second series, 1837-41 : edited bv J. H. Barrow. '24 vols. 8vo. 1838-41 *arliamentorum Rotuli, ut et Petitiones et Placita in Parliamento ; amp. Edw. 1.-19 Hen. VII., 1278-1503. 6 vols. fol. n.d - Index to the Rolls of Parliament, from 6 Edw. I. to 19 Hen. VII. 1278-1503) : prepared and edited by J. Strachey, J. Pridden, and E. Upham. fol. 1832 -^Journals of the House of Commons, 1547-1905. n 160 vols, in 162. fol. v. y. IB- General Index (Alphabetical), 1547-1900. 12 vols. fol. 1778-1905 ^B- Indexes (Chronological), 1547-1761. 2 vols, in 1. fol. n.d. Journals of the House of Commons, Ireland, 1613-1800. »19 vols, in 21. fol. Dublin, 1796-1800 Index, 1613-1800. 2 vols. fol. 1802 umals of the House of Lords, 1509-1904. 136 vols, in 137. fol. v. y. General Index, 1509—1893-99. 10 vols. fol. 1817-1900 — Calendar, 1509-1826. 2 vols. fol. n.d. Journals of the House of Lords, Ireland, 1634-1800. 8 vols. fol. Dublin, 1779-1800 Journals of Parliaments, temp. Elizabeth : by Sir Simonds d'Ewes . . . fol. 1682 A collection of all the publicke Orders, Ordinances and Declarations of both Houses of Parliament, from the 9th of March, 1642, untill December, 1646 : together with several of His Majesties proclama- tions, and other papers printed at Oxford, printed by E. Husband. B 8vo. 1646 HJL complete collection of the Lords' Protests, from the first upon record, in the reign of Henry III., to the present time ... to which 18 added [in vol. 2], an historical essay on the legislative power of England : by G. St. Amand. 2 vols. 8vo. 1767 566 PAE. I Parliament — continued. A complete collection of the Protests of the Lords, 1624-1874; witli historical introductions : edited, from the journals of the Lords, by J. E. T. Rogers. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1875 Return of the names and titles of all members of Parliament of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with the name of the constituency represented, and date of return of each, with indices. 4 vols. fol. 1878-91 The Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons . . . Session 1906 8vo. 1905 Sessional Papers, printed by order of the House of Commons, and papers presented by command (1801-02) ; containing public bills, reports of committees, accounts and papers . . . 4 vols. fol. N.D.' Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. [Record Commission, No. 23.] Record of Parliament, 28th February, 1305. [Britain, No. 98,] Parliamentaby Commissions and Committees, Reports of. Agriculture. 5 vols. fol. 1880-82 Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882. fol. Dublin, 1884 Boundaries. 2 vols. fol. 1885 — Ireland. fol. Dublin, 1885 — Scotland. fol. 1885 . Chancery. fol. 1826 Charities. 26 vols. fol. 1819-32 Church Temporalities (Ireland.) fol. 1880 Common Law, 1829-33. 5 vols. fol. 1829-34 — 1851-53. fol. 1851-53 Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890 (Amendment.) fol. 1895 Copyright. 2 vols. fol. 1878 Corporations, Municipal. 8 vols. fol. 1835-37 County Courts Jurisdiction (No. 2) Bill. fol. 1878 County Rates. fol. 1836 Criminal Code. 8 vols. fol. 1825-29 Criminal Code Bill. fol. 1879 Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill. fol. 1878-79 Criminal Law (first — eighth Reports.) 2 vols. fol. 1834-46 — Revising and consolidating the Criminal Law (first — fourth Reports.) fol. 1845-48^ — State of the Criminal Law in the Channel Islands (G-uernsey^ Jersey.) 2 vols. fol. 1847-48 Crofters. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18S Debt, Imprisonment for. fol. 1873 PAR. 567 'ABLIAMENTAEY continued. Commissions and Committees, Reports of- 2 vols, in 1. fol Deeds, General Register of. — Registration of (Ireland.) 2 vols. fol. Dwelling Houses in Foreign Countries, Tenure of. Ecclesiastical Courts. Education (Religious teaching in board schools.) Employers' Liability, 1876-77. — 1886. Endowed Schools (Ireland.) Epping Forest. Established Church (Ireland.) Financial relations between Great Britain and Ireland Foreign Loans. Historical Manuscripts. 9 vols. fol. 98 vols. 8vo Imprisonment for Debt. Inns of Court and Inns of Chancery. Irish Church Temporalities, 1869-80. fol, Irish Land. 4 vols, in 2. fol. Jamaica, Drafts of a Criminal Code. Judicature. Judicature Acts (Legal ofl&ces Committee.) Judicial Statistics (England and Wales.) 11 vols. fol. — (Scotland). Land. Land Acts (Ireland.) Land Law (Ireland.) Land Tax : livings and charitable institutions exonerated from. fol. 1898 Land Titles and Transfer. Land Transfer Act. Owners of Land. Tenure of Land in Foreign Countries. Legal Business (Government.) Legal Education. Libel, Law of. Licensing. Livery Companies (City of London.) Loans to Foreign States. Lunacy Law. — Foreign Countries. [Bound with above.'] fol. 1832 Dublin, 1879-81 fol. 1884 fol. 1883 fol. 1895 fol. 1876-77 fol. 1886 Dublin, 1881 3 vols. fol. 1873 fol. Dublin, 1868 fol. 1896 fol. 1875 1870-1904 fol. 1873 fol. 1855 Dublin, 1880 Dublin, 1880 fol. 1877 2 vols. fol. 1869-74 fol. 1878 1880-86, 1899-1904 fol. 1881-86 fol. 1887 fol. 1882-83 fol. 1879 fol. 1870 3 vols. fol. 1874-76 2 vols. fol. 1869-70 fol. 1877 fol. fol. fol. 5 vols. fol. fol. fol. fol. 1846 1879 1899 1884 1875 1877 1885 668 PAE. Parliamentary Commissions and Committees, Reports of — continued. Market Eights and Tolls. fol. 1888-91 Maynooth. fol. Dublin, 1855 Metropolitan Drainage. fol. 1857 Municipal Corporations. 8 vols. fol. 1835-37 Newfoundland Fisheries, Correspondence with France, fol, 1890 Noxious Vapours. fol. 1878 Owners of Land. See Land. Parhament, Members of, 1213-1874. 4 vols. fol. 1878-91 Peers of the Eealm, Dignity of. 5 vols. fol. 1820-29 Poor Law (first— fifth Eeports.) 6 vols. 8vo. 1885-39 Poor Eate Valuation. fol. 1882 Prisons. fol. 1815 Eeal Property. 2 vols. fol. 1829-33 Eegistration of Title. fol. 1857 — (British Colonies.) fol. 1881 Eeports from Committees of the House of Commons, which have been printed by order of the House and are not inserted in the Journals, 1715-1803, and general index. 16 vols. fol. v. t. Eitual. fol. 1868 Schools Inquiry. * 2 vols. 8vo. 1868 South Africa, War in. 4 vols. fol. 1903 — Sentences passed under Martial Law. fol. 1902 Special Commission, (Ireland.) fol. 1890 Town Holdings. fol. and 8vo, 1888-91 Trade and Industry, Depression of. 2 vols. fol. 1886 West India Colonies. fol. 1842 Parliament-House Book, The Parliament-House Book, 1893-94, 8vo. Edinburgh, n,d. Parnell, Charles Stewart. Life of. See O'Brien, E. Barry. Parnell, Paul. See Magistrates' Cases, Parr, Samuel. Works ; with memoirs of his life and writings, and a selection from his correspondence, by J. Johnstone, 8 vols. 8vo. 1828 A discourse on the late Fast : by Phileleutherus Norfolciensis [pseud.] 4to. 1781 PAK— PAS. 609 Paery, Edward Abbott. A report of the facts of the copyright action brought by Edward Abbott Parry, plaintiff, against Alexander Moring and Israel Gollancz, defendants ; heard before Mr. Justice Farwell on'April 3rd 1903 ; with a correspondence in " The Times " between Dr. Furnivall and the plaintiff. 8vo. 1903 Paery, J. Billingsley. On the claim of executors to the residue of their testator's personal estate. \_Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1.] Parry, William. A true and plain declaration of the horrible treasons practised by William Parry against the Queen's Majesty, and of his conviction and execution, the 2nd of March, 1584. See Monson, Sir William. Parsons, Albert. Liability of Railway Companies for negligence towards passengers. 8vo. 1893 LRSON8 Albert, and Bertram Anton. The Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900. Second edition. 8vo. 1902 Larsons, Robert.] An answere to the fifth part of Reportes, lately set forth by Sir E. I Cooke, concerning the ancient and modeme municipall lawes of England which do apperteyne to spirituall power and jurisdiction : by a Catholick Devyne. 4to. 1606 A conference about the next succession to the Crown of England : published by R. Doleman [pseud.] Svo, 1681 {^ARSONS, Theophilus. Treatise on the law of Marine Insurance and General Average. 2 vols. 8to. Boston, U.S.A., 1868 fABTON, John. Some account of the hospital and parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. 4to. 1822 pASQUiER, Estienne. (Euvres . . . contenant ses Recherches de la France ; son plaidoye pour M. le Due de Lorraine; ses lettres; ses oeuvres meslees; et les lettres de Nicolas Pasquier. 2 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1723 BTON Letters, The Paston letters, 1422-1509. A new edition, containing upwards of four hundred letters . . . hitherto unpublished : edited by J. Gairdner. 3 vols. 12mo. 1872-75 570 PAS— PAT. Pastor, Ludwig. The history of the Popes, from the close of the Middle Ages ; drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican and other original sources : edited by P. I. Antrobus. Second edition. ^ ..^^^ 6 vols. 8vo. 1898-1900 Patent Cases. Eeports of Patent cases, decided by Courts of law in the United Kingdom : edited by J. Cutler, under the authority of the Board of Trade. 22 vols. [In progress.'] 8vo. 1884-1905 ~ Digest, vols. 1-16. 2 vols. Svo. 1895-1900 Patent Office. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Patebculus, Cains Velleius. Historia Eoraana, ex editione J. C. H. Krausii ; cum notis et inter- pretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum, et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensita. 8vo. 1822 Paterson, Daniel. Paterson's Roads ; being an entirely original and accurate descrip- tion of all the direct and principal cross roads in England and Wales, with part of the roads of Scotland. Eighteenth edition, by E.Mogg. 8vo. [1829?] Paterson, James. Compendium of English and Scotch law, stating their differences ; with a dictionary of parallel terms and phrases. Svo. Edinburgh, 1860 Treatise on the Fishery laws of the United Kingdom ; including the laws of angling. 8vo. 1863 Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject, and the laws of England relating to the security of the person. 2 vols. Svo. 1877 Eeports of Scotch Appeals in the House of Lords, 1851 to 1873 ; with tables of all the cases cited ... 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1879 The Liberty oE the Press, speech, and public worship ; being com- mentaries on the liberty of the subiect, and the laws of England. 8vo. 1880 The Licensing Acts, being the licensing acts, 1828 to 1904 . . . Seventeenth edition, by W. W. MacKenzie. 8vo. 1906 See also Abghbold, John Frederick ; Justice of the Peace. Paterson, John Melvin. See Kerr, William Williamson ; Law of Injunctions. Paterson, William. See G-bat, John ; Country Attorney's Practice.^ PAT— PAU. 571 Paton, Henry. Papers about the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] The Lyon in mourning. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 20, 21, 22.] Paton, James. British History and Papal claims from the Norman Conquest to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. 1893 Paton, Thomas S. Reports of cases decided in the House of Lords, upon Appeal from Scotland, from 1726 to 1822 ; with supplement and general index. [Continuation of Craigie and Stewart.] 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849-56 Paton, Victor A. Noel. Masterton Papers. 1660-1719. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Patrick, Saint. See St. Patrick. Patrick, Symon, Bishop of Ely. Works ; including his autobiography : edited by A. Taylor. 9 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1858 A critical Commentary on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha : by [Symon] Patrick, [William] Lowth, [Richard] Arnald, [Daniel] Whitby, and [Moses] Lowman. A new edition, corrected by J. R. Pitman. 6 vols. 4to. 1822 Paul, George Morison. Fragment of the diary of Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord Wariston, 1639. [Scottish History Society, No. 26.] Paul, Sir James Balfour. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 4.] Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 8.] Paul, John. The Parish Officer's complete guide. Third edition. 8vo. 1776 Paul, Robert. Diary of John Turnbull, 1657-1704; Letters of Sir Thomas Hope, 1627-46. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Letters and documents relating to Robert Erskine. 1677-1720. [^Scottish History Society, No. 44.] 572 PATJ-PEA. Paulus, Julius. Selection from Paul's Receptee sententise. See Cumin, Patrick ; Manual of Civil law. Sententise. /See Pell at, Charles Auguste; Manuale Juris Synopticuni. Pauw, Jean Corneille de. Critica vannus in inane^ Joannis Cornelii Pavonis palseas. See Orville, Jacques Philippe d'. Paxton, James. See Paley, William ; Works. Payne, J. Bertrand. See Haydn, Joseph ; Universal Index of Biography. Payne, John Augustus Otonba. Table of principal events in Yoruba History . . . compiled prin- cipally for use in the courts within the British Colony of Lagos, West Africa. 8vo. Lagos, 1898 Payne, Joseph. Reports of Common Pleas and Exchequer cases. See Moore, John Bayly. Reports of Nisi Prius cases. See Carbington, F. A. Payne, S. Account of the life, character, and writings of Bishop Cumberland. See Cumberland, Richard. Peace, Maskell W. The Coal Mines Regulation, Act, 1887 . . . also a digest of the law relating to Truck. 8vo. 1888 Peachey, James Pearce. A treatise on the law of Marriage and other Family Settlements ; with precedents and notes. 8vo. 1860 Peacock, Frederick. Tagore Law Lectures, 1899 : the law relating to Easements in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904 Peacock, W. See RsDaBAVE, Alexander ; Factory and Truck Acts. Peake, Thomas. A compendium of the law of Evidence. Third edition. 8vo. 1808 Cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Court of King's Bench, 1790- 95. Third edition. 8vo. 1820 Additional cases, before Lord Kenyon and other eminent judges, taken at different times between the years 1795 and 1812 ; with notes by T. Peake, jun. [Bound with the above.] 8vo. 1829 PEA. 673 Pearce, Robert Rouiere. A guide to the Inns of Court and Chancery ; with notices of their ancient discipline, rules, orders, and customs . . . 8vo. 1855 See also Denison, Stephen Charles ; Crown cases reserved. Pearce, Thomas. The laws and customs of the Stannaries in the counties of Cornwall and Devon. fol. 1725 Peaece-Edgctjmbe, Edward Robert. The Bills of Sale Acts, 1878 and 1882 ; with notes, forms, and a short account of certain rights affecting bills of sale . . . 8vo. 1882 Agricultural Holdings Act. See Lelt, John Mounteney. Peaeson, Anthony. The great case of Tithes truly stated, clearly open'd, and fully resolved ... to which is added, a, defence of some other principles held by the people call'd Quakers ... by J[osiah] M[artin.] 8vo. 1730 Pearson, Charles. The substance of an address delivered December, 1843 ; containing a brief history of the Corporation of London as the asylum of English freedom in past ages, with a statement of its public services in more modem times . . . 8vo. 1844 Pearson, Charles H. A short answer to Mr. Freeman's strictures, in the " Fortnightly Review," on the " History of tingland during the Early and Middle Ages." [Tracts, vol. 24, No. 6.] 8vo. 1868 National life and character, a forecast. 8vo. 1893 Pearson, Henry. See Chitty, Joseph, jun.; Precedents in Pleading. Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester. An exposition of the Creed. Seventh edition . . . fol. 1701 Pearson, Tindal Arthur. Tagore Law Lectures, 1889-90 : the law of Agency in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1890 Pearson-Gee, Arthur Beilby. Sale of Goods Act, 1893. See Ker, Walter C. A. See also Benjamin, Judah Philip ; Law of Sale of Personal Property. Pease Joseph Gerald, and Chitty Herbert. A treatise on the law of Markets and Fairs with the principal statutes relating thereto. 8vo. 1899 574 PEC— PEE. Peck, Francis. Desiderata Curiosa : or, a collection of divers scarce and curious pieces relating chiefly to matters of English history. 2 vols, in 1. fol. 1732-35 — A new edition, with some memoirs of the life and writings of Mr. Peck, by T. Evans. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. 1779 Memoirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell ; as delivered in three panegyrics of him written in Latin . . . 4to. 1740 New memoirs of the life and poetical works of John Milton ; with an examination of Milton's style . . . 4to. 1740 Peckham, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Registrum epistolarum. [Britain, No. 77.] Peckiits, Petrus. Opera omnia ... fol. Antverpise, 1666 Peckwell, Robert Henry. Reports of cases of Controverted Elections in the second Parliament of the United Kingdom. 2 vols. 1804-06 Pecock, Reginald, Bishop of Chichester. The repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy. [Britain, No. 19.] Peel, Sir Robert. Life of. See Parker, Charles Stuart : Thursfield, J. R. Peel, Sydney. A concise treatise on the practice and procedure in Chancery actions, under the rules of the Supreme Court, 1883. Third edition. 8vo 1883 Peerage Claims. Berkeley. — Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee for privileges to whom were referred the petition of Sir Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinge Berkeley . . . praying that it may be declared that he is entitled to the dignity of Baron of Berkeley . . . together with the report of the Attorney- Greneral thereon, with the judgments. fol. 1861 Fermoy. — Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee for privileges to whom the petition of Edmund Burke, Baron Fermoy . . . claiming a right to vote at the elections of representative Peers for Ireland was referred. fol. 1856-57 Gardner. — Report of the proceedings of the House on the claim to the Barony of Gardner ; with an appendix, containing a collection of cases illustrative of the law of Legitimacy, by Denis Le Marchant. 8vo. 1828 PEE— PEL. 576 Peerage Claims — continued. Montrose. — Report of the speeches of counsel, and of the Lord Chancellor and Lord St. Leonards in moving the resolution upon the claim of James Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to the original Duke- dom of Montrose (created in 1488) as referred to the House of Lords for their advice and opinion thereupon ; preceded by an address to Her Majesty in humble remonstrance against the opinion . . . fol- lowed by an appendix containing the leading documents and the oral evidence, by Lord Lindsay. fol. 1855 Wiltes. — Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee for Privi- leges to whom was referred the petition of Simon Thomas Scrope, of Danby upon Yore in the county of York, Esquire, to Her Majesty, praying ... a writ of summons to Parliament to be directed to him as Earl of Wiltes . . . fol. 1862-69 See also Baronies by Tenure. Pbere Williams, William. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench. 8 vols. fol. 1740-49 — Fifth edition, by S. C. Cox. 3 vols. 8vo. 1793 Opinion on devise of real and personal estate. [Gollectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1791 SEBS, Dignity of. Report of the Lords Committees of Privileges appointed to examine precedents of Peers advanced to higher dignity entering their proxies according to their former titles. fol. 1817 Reports [First — Fifth] from the Lords' Committees, touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm ... 5 vols. fol. 1820-29 IGGE, Samuel. Anecdotes of the English language ; chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs. Second edition, to which is added a supplement to the provincial glossary of Francis Grose. 8vo. 1814 : Anonymiana : or, ten centuries of observations on various authors i and subjects. Second edition. 8vo. 1818 Bguera, Ludovicus a. fDecisiones aureae ... ex variis S. Regii Consilii Cathalonise conclu- sionibus . . . collectae. 4to. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1609 SLissoN, Paul. Paraphrase [du premier livre] des Institutions de I'Empereur Jus- tinian, contenant une claire explication du texte latin. 12mo. Paris, 1564 576 PEL— PEN. Pell, Oliver Claude. Summary of ' a new view of the geldable unit of assessment of Domesday.' See Domesday Commemoration. Pell Eecokds. Issues of the Exchequer ; being payments made out of His Majesty's Revenue, during the reign of James I., extracted from the original records belonging to the ancient Pell Office, by F. Devon. 8vo. 1837 Pellat, Charles Auguste. Textes sur la dot, traduits et commentes. Seconde Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1853 Manuale juris Synopticum: in quo continentur Justiniani Institu- tiones, cum Gaii Institutionibus e regione oppositis perpetuo collatse. Necnon IJlpiani Fragmenta, Pauli Sententiae, Vaticana Fragmenta, et alise plurimae veterum jurisconsultorum reliquiae : concinnavit et recognovit C. A. Pellat. Editio quinta. 8vo. Parisiis, 1870 Themis : ou, bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Th6mis. Pembeb, Edward Henry. England and India. See Intebnational Policy. Pembee, Francis W. The London Building Act, 1894. See Griffiths, William Russell. Pemberton, Loftus Leigh. The practice in Equity by way of Revivor and Supplement ; with forms of orders and appendix of bills. 8vo. 1867 Judgments, Orders, and Practice of the Supreme Court, chiefly in respect to actions assigned to the Chancery Division. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1889 Penal Laws. View of the Penal laws concerning trade and trafick. 12mo. 1697 Summary of Penal laws. Second edition. 8vo. 1716 A statement of the Penal laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland ; with commentaries. In two parts. 8vo. Dublin, 1812 Penal laws and Test act : questions touching their repeal, pro- pounded in 1687-88, by James II. to the Deputy Lieutenants and Magistrates of the counties of Beds, Berks, Bristol, Bucks, Cambridge, Cornwall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Herts, Huntingdon, I. of Ely, Kent, Lancashire, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Northampton, Norfolk, Notts, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, East and North Ridings of York ; from the original returns in the Bodleian Library : edited, with notes and observations by Sir G. Duckett. 8vo. 1883 I PEN— PEE. 577 Penalties, Book of. See Wade, John. Penfold, C. The principles of Valuation for purposes of Rating. Eighth edition, by A. Glen and A. F. Jenkin. 8vo. 1893 Pennant, Thomas. Some account of London, Westminster, and Southwark ; illustrated with numerous views . . . historical prints, and portraits . . . 2 vols. 4t0. N.D. A tour in Scotland, 1769. Second edition. 8vo. 1772 The literary life of the late Thomas Pennant, Esq., by himself. 4to. 1793 Pennepathee, Frederick William. The Code of Civil Procedure in the Supreme Court of New Zealand. See Codes, New Zealand. Penny Postage. Account of the celebration of the Jubilee of uniform inland Penny Postage at the Venetian Chamber, Holborn Restaurant, at the Gruildhall, at the Museum of Science and Art, South Kensington, and at various towns and villages throughout the United Kingdom : 1840-90 : printed for the Jubilee Celebration Committee. 8vo. 1891 Pepts, Samuel. Diary transcribed from the shorthand manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, by M. Bright . . . with Lord Braybrooke's notes : edited, with index and supplement by H. B. Wheatley. 10 vols. 8vo. 1893-99 Peeeiea, James Cecil Walter. Institutes of the laws of Ceylon, founded on, and following the arrangement of the late Mr. Justice Thomson's work beariog the same title. 2 vols. 8vo. Colombo, 1901-04 Peeeea, Joseph Martinus. A collection of select Decisions of the Supreme Court on points of Kandyau law . . . 8vo. Colombo, 1892 Pebeyea y Castro, Francisco Caldas. See Caldas Peeeyea. Peeez, Antonio. Institutiones Imperiales erotematibus distinctae . . . Editio septima. 12mo. Amsterodami, 1652 Praelectiones in duodecim libros codicis Justiniani Imp. Editio tertia. . . fol. Amstelodami, 1653 N N 678 PER. Peekins, John. [Profitable Book, in Norman- French ; with manuscript notas. Title- page and one folio wanting.] 12mo. [1528?] Treatise of the laws of England on the various branches of con- veyancing [being the fourteenth edition of Perkins' Profitable Book.'] 12mo, 1757 Peekins, Jonathan Cogswell. See Abbott, Charles, Lord Tenterden; Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen : Angell, Joseph K. ; Law of Watercourses : Stoey, William Wetmore ; Sales of Personal Property. Peeein v. Blake. Case of Perrin and BlaJce in the King's Bench ; with the arguments of the judges therein. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Ai'gument on giving judgment in the case of Perrin v. Blake : by the Hon. Mr, Justice Blackstone. See Haegeave, Francis ; Law Tracts. Peeeinus, iEgidius. Sextus decretalium liber. fol. Parisiis, 1561 Peeeot, Sir John. The Government of Ireland under Sir John Perrot. [Bound with Da vies' Causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued.] 4to. 1626 Peeet, Charles. A view of the Levant ; particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece . . . fol. 1743 Peeet, G. G. A history of the English Church . . . 1509-1717. Fifth edition. * 8vo. 1888 Peeet Henry James, and Knapp Jerome William. Cases of Controverted Elections . . . 8vo. 1833 Peeet, Jairus W. See Stoet, Joseph ; Equity Jurisprudence. Peeet, Sir Thomas Erskine. Eeports of King's Bench cases ; Reports of Magistrates' cases. See Nevile, Sandford. See also Savignt, Friedrich Carl von ; Possession. Peeet Sir Thomas Erskine, and Davison Henry. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon writs of error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Michaelmas term, 1838, to Hilary term, 1841. 4 vols. 8vo. 1839-42 PER— PET. 579 Peksius Flaccus, Aulus. Opera omnia, ex editione G. L. Koenig ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum et veteris scholiastse, recensu editionum et codieum, et indicibus locuple- tissimis accurate recensita. [Bound with Juvenalis' Opera omnia, vol. 3.] 8vo. 1820 Satirae. See Jttvenalis, Decius Junius. Perth, James, Earl of Correspondence [1688-96.] [^Gamden Society, No. 33.] Pektsch, Johann Georg. Elementa juris canonici et protestantium ecclesiastici . . . Editio altera. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Jense, 1735 Perwich, William. I The despatches of William Perwich, 1669-77, [^Gamden Society, third series. No. 5.] : E TEE OF BlOIS. Opera omnia . . . Editio nova . . . fol. Parisiis, 1667 BTER OF ICKHAM. Le livere de reis de Brittanie e le livere de reis de Engletere. [Britain, No. 42.] i ETERBOEOUGH. Chronicon Petroburgense [1122-1295.] [Camden Society, No. 47.] TERLOo Massacre, The. See Bedford, Thomas. Peters, Richard. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, Third Circuit, 1803-18. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819 \ United States Supreme Court Reports. See Curtis, Benjamin R. BTEESDORFP, Charles. 'A concise practical abridgment of the Common and Statute law, as i at present administered in the Common law, Probate, Divorce, and 'Admiralty Courts. . . Second edition, by C. Petersdorff, assisted by C. W. Wood and W. Marshall. 6 vols. 8vo. 1861-64 I — Supplement ; comprising the decisions, statutes, and rules of [court from Hilary term, 1863, to Hilary term, 1870. 8vo. 1870 A practical compendium of the law of Master and Servant in [general, and especially of Employers and Workmen, under the Acts .of 1875; with suggestions for its improvement . . . 8vo. 1876 nn2 580 PET. Petebsfield. Report of tlie case of the Borough of Petersfield, in the County of Southampton ; tried and determined by two select committees of the House of Commons in 1820 and 1821, by R. S. Atcheson. Svo. 1831 Petersham, Surrey. Rules of customes pertaining unto Petersham. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] Petheram, V/illiam Comer. The law and practice relating to Discovery by Interrogatories, under the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854 ; with an appendix of precedents. 12mo. 1864 Peto, Sir Samuel Morton. Taxation : its levy and expenditure, past and future ; being an enquiry into our financial policy, 8vo. 1 863 Peteie, Henry. Monumento historica Britannica. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Petrib, Samuel. Report of the Cricklade case, comprehending the whole of the proceedings in the Courts of Law, before the Select Committee of the Commons, and in both Houses of Parliament. 8vo. 1785 Pettingal, John. An enquiry into the use and practice of juries among the Greeks and Romans ... [Tracts, vol. 29, No. 1.] Petttts, Sir John. Fodinse Regales : or the history, laws and places of the chief mines and mineral works in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland ; as also of the mint and mony. fol. 1670 The Constitution of Parliaments in England, deduced from the time of King Edw. II. 8vo. 1680 Fleta Minor : the laws of art and nature in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining, and inlarging the bodies of confin'd metals. In two parts ; part 1, Assays of Lazarus Erckern ; part 2, Essays on Metallic Words, as a dictionary . . . fol. 1683 Petty, Sir William. Political Survey of Ireland. Second edition, by a Fellow of the Royal Society. 8vo. 1719 Petyt, George. Lex Parliamentaria : or, a treatise of the law and custom of the Parliaments of England ; with an appendix of a case in Parliament, between Sir Francis Goodwyn and Sir John Fortescue, for the Knight's place for the county of Bucks, 1 Jac. I. Svo. 1690 PET— PHI. 581 Petyt, Sir William. Miscellanea Parliamentaria : containing presidents of freedom from arrests ; of censures upon such as have wrote books to the dishoaour of the Lords or Commons, or to alter the constitution of the government ; upon members for misdemeanour ; upon persons not members, for contempts and misdemeanours ; for misdemeanours in Elections . . . 12mo. 1680 The antient right of the Commons of England, asserted : or, a dis- course proving, by records and the best historians, that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament, 8vo. 1680 — See also Brady, Eobert. Jus Parliamentarium : or, the ancient power, jurisdiction, rights, and liberties of the most High Court of Parliament, revived and asserted. fol. 1739 Pfefpinger, Johann Friedrich. Corpus juris publici Vitriarii. See Viteiakius, Philippus Rein- hardus. Ph^deus. abulse .iSIsopiae, ex editione J. G. S. Schwabii ; cum notis et inter- iretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu codieum et editionum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitse. 8vo. 1822 Phaee, Thomas. A boke of Presidentes, exactlye written in maner of a register ; newelye corrected, wjth addicions of dyvers necessary presidents, mete for al sucbe as desire to learn the fourme and maner howe to make all maner of evidences and instruments, as in the table of this booke more plainlye appeareth. 12mo. Richard Tottyl, 1561 — Another edition. 8vo. Richardi Totelli, 1584 Pheae, J. B. A treatise on Rights of Water ; including public and private rights to the sea and seashore. Svo. 1859 Phelan, William. History of the policy of the Church of Rome in Ireland, from the introduction of the English Dynasty to the Great Rebellion : with a biographical memoir by J. Jebb, and introductory remarks by * Lord. Third edition. 8vo. 1854 Phileleutheeus Noefolciensis. pseud. See Paee, Samuel. Philip II., King of Spain. History of [his] reign. See Watson, Robert. 582 PHI. Philip, George. Philip's historical atlas. /See Hughes, William. Philip, James. The Grameid. [Scottish History Society, No. 3.] Philipot, John. See Camden, William ; Eemaines. Philippaet, Sir John. See Hansard. Philippe de Reimes. Romance of Blonde of Oxford. [_Camden Society, No. 72.] Philipps, H. A treatise enumerating the most illustrious families of England, ■who have been raised to honour and wealth by the profession of the law ; together with the names of all the Lord Chief Justices of each Court, and Barons of the Exchequer, from their first institution. 12mo. 1685-86 Philips, William. The Revengeful Queen. 4to. 1698 Phillimoee, George Grenville. See Williams Robert Griffith, and Beuce Sir Gainstord ; Admiralty practice. Phillimoke, John George. Introduction to the study and history of the Roman law. 8vo. 1848 The history and principles of the law of Evidence, as illustrating our social progress. 8vo. 1850 Principles and maxims of Jurisprudence. 8vo. 1856 Reply to the misrepresentations of the " Edinburgh Review," October, 1863. {Tracts, vol. 24, No. 4.] 8vo. 1864 Phillimobe, Joseph. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates, from Hilary term, 1809, to Michaelmas term, 1821. 3 vols. 8vo. 1818-27 See also Lee, Sir George ; Reports of Arches cases. Phillimobe, Sir Robert. The Ecclesiastical law of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 — Second edition, by Sir W. G. F. Phillimore, assisted by C. F. Jemmett. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 Commentaries upon International law, Private International law or Comity. Third edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1875-89 See also Buen, Richard; Ecclesiastical law. I PHI. 583 ^HiLLiMORE Sir Robert, and Stephen Archibald John. Are choral serrices in parish Churches lawful ? Opinions. 8vo. 1868 *HILLIMOBE, W. P. W. Index to Berkshire Wills, 1508-1652. No. 23.] *HiLLiPPS, Charles Spencer March. Jurisprudence. [Oxford Historical Society, Svo. 1863 iiLLipp^, Samuel March. State Trials : or, a collection of the most interesting trials, prior to the Revolution of 1688, reviewed and illustrated. 2 vols, 8vo. 1826 Treatise on the law of Evidence. Eighth edition, by the author and A. Amos. 2 vols. Svo. 1838 — Tenth edition, by the author and T. J. Arnold. 2 vols. Svo. 1852 'HiLiiippXTS, Georgius Jacobus. De feudo alienabili . . . [Germcm University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Halm, 1709 *HiLLiPS, Arthur. Tagore Law Lectures, 1874-75 : the law relating to the Land Tenures of Lower Bengal. Svo. Calcutta, 1876 *HiLLiPS, Charles. Speeches delivered at the Bar, and on various public occasions in Ireland and England. Second edition. Svo. 1822 Recollections of Curran and some of his contemporaries. Second edition. Svo. 1859 *HiLLiPS, Charles Palmer. The law concerning Lunatics, Idiots, and persons of unsound mind. Svo. 1858 The law of Copyright in works of literature and art, and in the application of designs . . . Svo. 1863 *HILLIPS, H. A. D. Comparative Criminal Jurisprudence. 2 vols. Svo. Calcutta, 1889 Vol. 1. Penal Law : the Indian Penal Code, Act XLV of 1860, as amended by Acts XIV and xxvii of 1870, viii of 1882, and x of 1886. 2. Criminal Procedure : the Indian Code of Criminal Procedure, Act X of 1882, as amended by Acts III of 1884, x of 1886, and V of 1887. *HiLLiPS, Lawrence B. Dictionary of Biographical Reference; together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Europe and America. Svo. 1871 584 PHI— PIC. Phillips, Stephen. See Westcott, Brooke Poss ; Thoughts on Eevelation and Life. Phillips, Thomas. History of the life of Reginald Pole. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Oxford, 1764 Phillips, Thomas Jodrell. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cottenham, 1841-49. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847-49 Reports of Chancery cases. See Craig, R. D. Phillips, Willard. Treatise on the law of Insurance. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1867 Phillpotts, Ralegh Buller. See White Frederick Thomas, and Tttdor Owen Davies ; Leading cases in Equity. Phillpotts, W. F. See White Frederick Thomas, and Tudoe Owen Davies ; Leading cases in Equity. Philosophical Transactions. See Royal Society. Philostorgius. Historia Ecclesiastica. See Eusebius. Phinn, Thomas. Corrupt practices at Elections. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Phipson, Sidney L. The law of Evidence. Third edition. 8vo. 1902 Phocion. Entretiens de Phocion sur le raport de la morale avec la politique; traduits du CTree de Nicocles, avec des remarques. 8vo. La Haye, 1764 Photius. Myriobiblon, sive bibliotheca librorum quos legit et eensuit ; Graece edidit David Hoeschelius . . . Latine reddidit Andreas Schottus. fol. Bothomagi, 1663 PicARD Edmond, et Larcier Ferdinand. Bibliographie generale et raisonnee du droit beige, releve de toutes les publications juridiques parues depuis la separation de la Belgique et de la France (1814) jusqu'au 1" Octobre 1889. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882-90 PIC— PIG. 585 *icART, Bernard. Ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations of the known world ; together with historical annotations and several very- curious discourses ; translated into English. 6 vols. fol. 1733-37 Dickering, Danby. thereof. See Finch, Sir Henry; Law, or, a discourse *ICKEEING, Octavius. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1822-40. [^Massachusetts Reports, vols. 18-41.] 24 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1826-42 *ICKWICK. The law and lawyers of " Pickwick." See Lockwood, Sir Frank. *icTON, Thomas. Evidence taken at Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, in the case of Luisa Calderon . . . with a letter addressed to Sir Samuel Hood. 8vo. 1806 *icTs AND Scots. Chronicles of the Picts and Scots. [Scotland, No. 1.] lETSCH, Daniel Grottlieb. De meritis Domus Brandenburgicse in imperium. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Altorfii, 1721 *iaGOTT, Francis Taylor. The law and practice of the Courts of the United Kingdom, relating to Foreign Judgments and Parties out of the Jurisdiction : to which are added, chapters on the laws of the Britith Colonies, European and Asiatic nations, and the States and Republics of America. Second edition. 8vo. 1884 Exterritoriality ; the law relating to Consular Jurisdiction and to residence in Oriental countries. 8vo. 1892 Service out of the Jurisdiction. 8vo. 1892 The Imperial Statutes applicable to the Colonies . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1902-04 'looTT, Nathaniel. Treatise of Common Recoveries, their nature and use : to which is added, the case of Page and Hayward, and also a case between the late Earl of Derby and the co-heirs of his elder brother. Second edition, by a Serjeant at Law [G. Wilson.] 4to. 1770 *iaoTT, Richard. Trial of R. Pigott for seditious libels on the government, at the county of Dublin Commission, Feb. 1868 . . . edited by T. P. Law. 8vo. Dublin, 1868 586 PIK— PIP. Pike, Luke Owen. Constitutional history of the House of Lords from original sources. 8vo. 1894 Year books. [Britain, No. 31.] Pike, W. T. London at the opening of the twentieth century, by C. Welch . . . contemporary biographies by W. T. Pike. 4to. 1905 PiM, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan. The Gate of the Pacific. 8vo. 1863 An essay on Feudal Tenures. 8vo. 1871 Gems from Greenwich Hospital, 4to. 1881 PiM Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan, and Seeman Berthold. Dotting's on the roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. 8vo. 1869 PiNDEK, Francis F. See Stephen, Henry John ; Principles of Pleading. PiNKERTON, John. See Babbour, John ; The Bruce. Pinks, William J. History of Clerkenwell ; with additions by the editor, E. J. Wood. Second edition. 8vo. 1881 Pious Fund Case, See Hague Contention. Pipe Eoll Society's Publications. 1, 2, 4-9, 11-13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22. The Great Eoll of the Pipe for the fifth [to the twenty-first] year of the reign of King Henry the Second, 1158-75. 17 vols. 8vo, 1884-97 3. Introduction to the study of the Pipe Rolls. 8vo. 1884 10. Ancient Charters, royal and private, prior to 1200. Part 1, edited and annotated by J. H. Eound. . 8vo. 1888 14. Three Eolls of the King's Court in the reign of King Richard the First, 1194-95 : with an introduction and notes by P. W. Maitland. 8vo. 1901 17, 20, 23. Feet of Fines of the reign of Henry II. [to] the ninth year of the reign of King Eichard I. ; 1182-98. 3 vols. 8vo. 1894-98 24. Feet of Fines of the tenth year of the reign of King Eichard I., 1198-99 ; also a Eoll of the King's Court in the reign of King Eichard I. 8vo. 1900 I I PIP—PIT. 587 Pipe Rolls. The G-reat Rolls of the Pipe for the thirtj-first year of Henry I., second — fourth years of Henry II., first year of Richard I., and the third year of King John. [Record Commission, Nos. 22, 28, 46.] Piper, John Edward. See Dowell, Stephen ; Income Tax Acts. Piper, Thomas W. The official report of the trial of Thomas W. Piper for the murder of Mabel H. Young, in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1887 PiRT, A. Theophile. Le Saint Edit, etude de litterature chinoise. 4to. Shanghai, 1879 PiSTORius, Joannes. Rerum Grermanicarum veteres iam primum publicati scriptores. 3 vols. fol. 1607-13 PiTAVAL, Gayot de. Causes celfebres et interessantes . . . 22 vols. 12mo. Faris et La Haye, 1734-45 PiTCAiRN, David. On the winding-up of Life Insurance Companies. [Juridical Society, vol. 4.] See also Shelford, Leonard ; Law of Joint Stock Companies. PiTCAiRN, Robert. Memorial to the Record Commission. [Becord Commission, Scot- land.^ PiTHOTT, Pierre et rran9ois. Observationes ad Codicem et Novellas Justiniani Imperatoris per Julianum translatas. fol. Parisiis, 1689 Pitman, John Rogers. Commentary on the Old and New Testament. See Patrick, Symon. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. Life of. See Harrison, Frederic. Pitt, William. Life of. See Ashbourne, Edward Gibson, Lord; Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl. 588 PIT— PLA. Pitt-Lewir, G-eorge. Complete practice of the County Courts; including that in Admiralty and Bankruptcy . . . Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1890 A manual of the practice as to Winding-Up in the High Court and in the County Court ; being the companies (winding-up) act, 1890, and the winding-up of companies and associations (part iv of the companies act, 1862) . . . 8vo. 1891 The history of the Temple ; with special reference to the Middle Temple . . . 8vo. 1898 The Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887-96. See Williams, B. Francis. Pitt- Lewis George, Smith E. Percy, and Hawke J. A. The Insane and the law ; a plain guide ... as to (1) the detention and treatment ; (2) maintenance ; (3) civil and criminal responsi- bility ; and (4) capacity either (a) to give evidence, or (b) to make a will, of persons mentally afflicted . . . Svo. 1895 PixLEY, F. W. See Welch, Charles ; London at opening of the twentieth century. Plant A, Joseph. Catalogue of the Cottonian MSS. in British Museum. [^Record Commission, No. 8.] Plantation Laws. See America. Plabr, Victor Gr. See Men and Women of the Time. Platina, Bartolomeo Sacchi. Historia de vitis Pontificum Romanorum . . . cui accessit supple- mentum per Onuphrium usque ad Pium V. et deinde per Antonium Cicarellam. 4to. Colonise Agrippinse, 1626 Platt, Bernard Archibald. Commercial Code for the German Empire. See Codes, Germany. Platt, Thomas. Treatise on the law of Covenants. 8vo. 1829 Treatise on the law of, Leases. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847 Plautus, Marcus Accius. Comcedise, ex editione J. F. Gronovii ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Pelphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitse. 4 vols. 8vo. 1829 PLA— PLO. 689 *LATFAiR, William. See Boetticher, J. Gt. ; Statistical tables. f^pLATFORD, — . Rotulorum originalium in Curia Scaccarii abbreviatio, temp. Hen. III. — Edw. III. [^Record Commission, No. 44.] 'laz, Greorg Christophor. De jure reluendi per generalem consensum simultanee investiti in alienationem feudi extincto . . . {^German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Lipsise, 1725 Pleadings. Liber Placitandi : a book of special Pleadings ; containing prece- dents of pleas in abatement, declarations . . . fol. 1674 Placita Generalia et Specialia ; in an exact collection of the most useful and necessary presidents of declarations, plaints, demurrers, pleas in barr . . . 8vo. 1674 Regula Placitandi : a collection of special rules for pleading in actions real, personal, and mixt . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1694 The English Pleader ; being precedents of declarations on actions in the King's Bench and Common Pleas : by a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. 1734 Plessen, Christian Siegfrid de. De foederibus commerciorum. [^Germom University Tracts, vol. 10.] 4to. Lipsise, 1735 Plinitjs, Caius Csecilius Secundus. Letters of Pliny the younger ; with observations, and an essay on his life, by John, Earl of Orrery. 2 vols. 4to. 1751 fPLiNitrs, Caius Secundus. The historic of the World, commonly called The naturall historic . . . translated into English by P. Holland. 2 vols, in 1. fol. 1601 Naturalis historise libri xxxvii., ex editione Gabrielis Brotier ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensiti. 13 vols. 8vo. 1826 |Plot, Robert. The natural history of Staffordshire. fol. Oxford, 1686 The natural history of Oxford-shire ; being an essay towards the natural history of England. Second edition. fol. Oxford, 1705 Plotus, Joannes Baptista. Tractatus de in litem jurando . . . 12mo. Colonise Agrippinse, 1583 590 PLO— POC. Plowden, Edmund. Les Comentaries ou les Reportes de dyuers cases esteantes matters en ley, & de les argumentes sur yceux, en les temps des raygnes le Eoye Edwarde le size, le Roigne Mary, le Roy et Roigne Phillipp & Mary, & le Roigne Elizabeth. ' 2 parts in 1 vol, fol. 1571-94 — Another edition. . fol. 1684 — Translated into English ; to which are added, the Quaeries of Mr. Plowden. fol. 1779 Les Quaeres del Monsieur Plowden. 12mo. n.d. Plowden, Francis. Church and State ; being an enquiry into the origin, nature, and extent of ecclesiastical and civil authority, with reference to the British Constitution. 4to. 1795 Treatise upon the law of Annuities. 8vo. 1797 An historical review of the state of Ireland, from the invasion of that country, under Henry II., to its Union with G-reat Britain, in 1801. 2 vols, in 3. 4to. 1803 Strictures upon [the above work.] See Musgkave, Sir Richard. The principles and law of Tithing. 8vo. 1806 Plummer, Charles. Elizabethan Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 8.] See also Fortescue, Sir John ; The G-overnance of England. Plttmpton Correspondence. Letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV., Richard III., Henrv VII., and Henry VIII. [Camden Society, No. 4.] Plumptre, Claude C. M. A summary of the principles of the law of Simple Contracts. 8vo. 1879 See also GtRANt, James ; Law of Bankers. Plunket, William Conyngham, Lord. Speeches at the Bar and in the Senate : edited with a memoir and historical notices, by J. C. Hoey. Svo. Dublin, 1867 PococK, Nicholas. Harpsfield on the pretended divorce of Henry VIII. and Catharine. [Camden Society, new series, No. 21.] Troubles connected with the Prayer Book of 1549. [Camden Society, new series. No. 37.] I POC— POL. 591 PococK, William Archbutt. The principles of the law of Costs, under the Judicature Acts. 8vo. 1881 PococKE, ^ichsbtd. Bishop of Meath. Tours in Scotland, 1747, 1750, 1760 . . . edited, with a bio- graphical sketch of the author, by D. W. Kemp. [Scottish History Society, No. 1.] Travels through England during 1750, 1751 and later years. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 42, 44.] PoDEwiLS, Otto Christophor de. Jus publicum quod in Sac. Rom. Imp. interregni magni temporibus obtinuit. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Francofurti, 1736 PoiNSOT, Louis. Elemens de statique. Sixieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834 Poland, Sir Harry Bodkin. Mr. Canning's rhyming "despatch" to Sir Charles Bagot. [Tracts, vol. 38, No. 1.] 8vo. 1905 Changes in Criminal law and procedure since 1800. See Law Reform. See also Allen, Wilfred Baugh ; Criminal Evidence Act, 1898. Pole, Reginald, Cardinal. Life. See Phillips, Thomas. Polenaar, B. J. Syntagma Institutionum novum. G-ai Institutiones Juris Civilis Rom, appositis Justiniani Institutionibus . . . 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1876 PoLEY, Arthur P. A treatise upon the law affecting Solicitors of the Supreme Court ; with appendices containing the Solicitors Acts, 1843-95 . . . also the statutes regulating the admission of colonial attorneys and solicitors in England. 8vo. 1897 Politics. tThe Liberalism of the period, and a programme of a true Conserva- tive policv : by a member of the English Bar. 8vo. 1872 *OLLEN, John Hungerford. Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the Duke of Guise, 1562. [Scottish History Society, No. 43.] Papal negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots, 1561-67. [Scottish History Society, No. 37.] 692 POL. PoLLEXFEN, Sir Hetiry. Arguments and Reports in some special cases, by him argued, during the time of his practice at the barr ; together with divers decrees in the High Court of Chancery, upon limitations of trusts of terms for years. f ol. 1 702 Pollock, Sir Charles Edward. Treatise on the powers of the Courts of Common law to compel the production of Documents for Inspection ; with an appendix con- taining the act to amend the law of evidence, 14 & 15 Vict. c. 99, and notes thereto. 12mo. 1851 Practice of the County Courts. Eighth edition, by H. Nicol and A. Wilson. 8vo. 1876 Law of Merchant Shipping. See Maude, Frederick Philip. Eeports of Queen's Bench cases. See Lowndes, John James. Pollock, Edward. See Russell, Francis ; Power and duty of an Arbitrator: Pollock, Sir Frederick. Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics. 8vo. 1882 The Land laws. Second edition. Svo. 1887 A digest of the law of Partnership . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1888 — Seventh edition. Svo. 1900 Oxford Lectures and other discourses. Svo. 1890 Tagore Law Lectures, 1894 : the law of Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Mistake in British India. Svo. Calcutta, 1894 A first book of Jurisprudence for students of the Common law. Svo. 1896 The law of Torts : a treatise on the principles of obligations arising from civil wrongs in the common law. Sixth edition. Svo. 1901 — Seventh edition. Svo. 1904 Principles of Contract, a treatise on the general principles con- cerning the validity of agreements in the law of England. Seventh edition. Svo. 1902 The expansion of the Common law. Svo. 1904 The Indian Contract Act, with a commentary, critical and explan- atory : assisted by D. F. Mulla. Svo, 1905 See also Maine, Sir Henry Sumner ; Ancient law. Pollock Sir Frederick, and Maitland Frederic William. The history of English law before the time of Edward I. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. 189S Pollock Sir Frederick, and Weight Sir Robert Samuel. An essay on Possession in the Common law. Svo. Oxford, 1888 POL— POO. 593 Pollock, Harold Warren. See Russell, Francis ; Power and duty of an Arbitrator. PoLsoN, Archer. Principles of the law of Nations, with notes and essays on the law of Blockade and on Contraband of War ; to which is added. Diplomacy, by T. H. Home. 8vo. 1848 POLYCEONYCON. Polycronycon. [Britain, No. 41.] See also Higden, Ralph. PoMEKOY, John Norton. An introduction to the Constitutional law of the United States. Ninth edition, by E. H. Bennett. Svo. 1886 t Lectures on International law in time of peace : edited by T. S. Woolsey. Svo. 1886 PoMPEius Festus. See Festus, Sextus Pompeius. ^ONiCKAU, Johann Georg von. De transmutatione feudi in allodium. [German University Tracts, [vol. 4.] 4to. Lipsias, 1693 )NT, Paul. ' Codes franfais et lois usuelles. See Codes, France. PoNTANO, G-iovanni Gioviano. De Ferdinando Primo, Rege Neapolitano, libri vi. See Facio, Bartolomeo. )OLB, William Frederick. [Index to periodical literature. Third edition to January, 1882, [assisted by W. I. Fletcher. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1882 First supplement, 1882-87, by the author and W. I. Fletcher. Svo. 1888 f— Second supplement, 1887-92, by W. I. Fletcher. Svo. 1893 >0B. I Considerations on several proposals, lately made, for the better [maintenance of the poor. [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 2.] 4to. 1751 'Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act passed 43 Geo. III., intituled, " An act for procuring returns relative to the expense and maintenance of the Poor in England." fol. 1804 i The Parish and the Union . . . Svo. 1837 o o 694 POO— POP. PooE Law Commission. Extracts from the information received by his Majesty's Commis- sioners, as to the administration and operation of the Poor laws. 8vo. 1833 Annual Reports (first — fifth) of the Poor law Commissioners for England and Wales. 6 vols. 8vo. 1835-39 PooB Rate Valuation. Return to an order of the House of Commons, for return of the valuation to the Poor Rates of each parish in England, for the parochial year 1881-82. fol. 1882 Pope, Alexander. Letters to Bishop Atterbury when in the Tower of London, 1722-23. [Camden Society, No. 73.] Pope, Henry Montagu Randall. The Bills of Sale Act, 1878 : with notes . . . 8vo. 1878 A treatise on the law and practice of Lunacy . . . Second edition, by J. H. Boome and V. de S. Fowke. Svo. 1890 PoPHAM, Sir John. Reports and cases, written in French, and now translated into English : to which are added, some remarkable cases reported by others since his death. fol. 1656 PoPMA, Ausonius. De ordine et usu Judiciorum, libri tres. 4to. Leovardiae, 1617 Popopp, Constantine. See Tolstoi, Leon, Count. Population Retuens. Population Returns. Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act passed 4 G-eo. III., intituled, "An act for taking an account of the Population of Great Britain, and the increase or diminution thereof." 2 vols. fol. 1801-02 — 61 Geo. III., 1811. fol. 1812 — 1 Geo. IV., 1821. fol. 1822 — 11 Geo. IV., 1831. 3 vols. fol. 1833 Comparative account of the Population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831 ; with the annual value of real property in the year 1815 ; also a statement of progress in the inquiry regarding the occupations of families and persons, and the duration of life, as required by the population act of 1830. fol. 1831 Census, 1851. England and Wales. (Religious Worship and Education.) 2 vols. Svo. 1853-54 POP— POS. 696 Population Eeturks — continued. Census, 1871. Ireland. fol. 1877 Census, 1881. England and Wales. 4 vols. fol. 1883 — Ireland. 5 vols. fol. 1881-82 — Isles in the British Seas. fol. 1883 — Scotland. 2 vols. fol. 1882-83 — Eeport of the City day-census, 1881, by the local government and taxation committee of the Corporation of London. Second edition. Svo. 1881 Census, 1891, England and Wales. 6 vols. fol. 1891-93 Census, 1901. Preliminary Keport. fol. 1901 — England and Wales. 4 vols. fol. 1902-03 — Ireland. 5 vols. fol. 1901-02 I— Islands in the British Seas. fol. 1903 — Scotland. 3 vols. fol. 1902-03 Census of the Colony of Natal, April, 1904. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1905 ►EPHTBITTS. >I De abstinentia ab animalibus necandis libri quatuor . . . See I.Epictetus. ETER, Cr. W. See CATALoauBS, Library, Britiah Muaevm. PoBTEE, James Biggs. I The laws of Insurance : fire, life, accident, and guarantee embodying cases in the English, Scotch, Irish, American, and Canadian Courts. Fourth edition, assisted by W. F. Craies. Svo. 1904 lETEE, Noah. See Webster, Noah ; Dictionary of the English language. 1ST, Hermann. De divinis Imperatorum titulis eorumque origine. [German Uni- versity Tracts, vol. 18.] 4to. Erfordise, 1716 PosTE, Edward. .Gaii Institutionum juris civilis commentarii quatuor: or, elements I of Roman law by Gains ; with a translation and commentary. Third I edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1890 — Fourth edition, revised and enlarged by E. A. Whittuck, with an [ historical introduction by A. H. J. Greenidge. 8vo. Oxford, 1904 )8TLETHWAYT, Malachy. The universal dictionary of Trade and Commerce : translated from ithe French of Mons. Savary, with additions . , . Second edition. 2 vols. fol. 1767 oo2 596 POT— POU. PoTHiEE, Eobert Joseph. (Euvres posthumes. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1777-1809 (Euvres : annotees, et mises en correlation avec le Code Civil et la legislation actuelle, par J. J. Bugnet. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-48 Coutumes des duche, bailliage et prevot^ d'Orleans, et ressort d'iceux ; avec nne introduction . . . et notes. Nouvelle edition. 4to. Paris, 1780 Trait^s sur differentes matieres de droit Civil, appliquees a I'usage du barreau etde jurisprudence fran9oise. Seconde edition. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1781 Treatise on the law of Obligations or Contracts : translated from the French, with an introduction, appendix, and notes illustrative of the English law on the subject, bj W". D. Evans. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806 Pandectes de Justinien [avec le texte Latin] mises dans un nouvel ordre ; avec les lois du Code, et les Novelles qui confirment, expli- quent, ou abrogent le droit des Pandectes : traduites par M. de Breard-Neuville. 24 vols. Svo. Paris, 1818-23 Treatise on the Contract of Sale : translated from the French, bv L. S. Cushing. 8vo. 1840 Treatise on the Contract of Partnership ; with the Civil Code and Code of Commerce relating to that subject : translated from the French, with notes referring to the decisions of the English courts, by 0. D. Tudor. Svo. 1854 See also Van der Linden, Joannes ; Verhandeling van het Wissel- . Eecht. Pott, Mrs. Henry. Bacon's Promus, illustrated by passages from Shakespeare. See Bacon, Francis. POTTHAST, Dr. Aug. Katalog der Bibliothek des Deutschen Eeichstages. See Cata- logues, Library. Potts, Thomas. A compendious law dictionary . , . New edition. Svo. 1813 Potts, Thomas Kadford. Principles of the law of Succession to deceased persons. Svo. 1888 PouLLAiN DU Parc, Augustiu Marie. Principes du droit fran9ois, suivant les maximes de Bretagne. 12 vols. [vol. 6 wanting.'\ 12mo. Bennes, 1767-71 PouQUEViLLE, Fran9ois Charles Hugues Laurent. Voyage de la Orece ; avec cartes, vues, et figures. Deuxieme edition. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1826-27 POW. 597 ^OWBLL, Arthur. The law specially affecting Printers . . . Second edition, including the law of libel amendment act. 8vo. 1889 Powell, B. H. Baden-. A short account of the Land Revenue and its administration in British India ; with a sketch of the Land Tenures. Svo. Oxford, 1 894 Powell, Edgar. » Travels and life of Sir Thomas Hoby, 1547-64. [Camden Society, third series, No. 4.] Powell, Edmund. A treatise on the law of Inland Carriers. Second edition, Svo. 1861 Principles and practice of the law of Evidence. Eighth edition by J. Cutler and C. F. Cagney. Svo. 1904 [Powell, George.] The Imposture Defeated : or, a Trick to Cheat the Devil. 4to. 1698 Powell, John Joseph. Essay on the learning respecting the Creation and Execution of Powers, and also respecting the nature and effect of leasing powers ; jn which the doctrine of the judgment delivered by the Court of ang's Bench, in the case of Pugh and the Duke of Leeds, and the mncipal authorities for and against it, are considered. 8vo. 1787 Jlssay upon the learning of Devises. 8vo. 1788 Third edition, with notes, an appendix of precedents, and a reatise on the construction of devises, by T. Jarman. 2 vols. Svo. 1827 Jissay upon the law of Contracts and Agreements. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1790 satise upon the law of Mortgages. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1791 Sixth edition, with notes, by T. Coventry. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 [ortgage Precedents [being vol. 3 of the Treatise upon the law of lortgages] : by T, Coventry. 8vo. 1826 )riginal precedents in Conveyancing ; with notes by C. Barton. 6 vols. 8vo. 1802 'See also Swinburne, Henry; Law of Wills and Testaments: Wood, Edward; Conveyancing. Powell, Maurice. See Rogees, Francis Newman ; Elections : Roscoe, Henry ; Digest of the law of Evidence at Nisi Prius. Powell, Richard. Proceedings of a Court Martial, 24th and 27th of March, 1792, for the trial of Captain Richard Powell, Lieutenant Christopher Seton, and Lieutenant John Hall, on several charges preferred against them respectively by William Cobbett . . 8vo. 1809 698 POW— PEA. Powell, Robert. Treatise of the antiquity, authority, uses, and jurisdiction of the ancient Courts of Leet : or, view of franck-pledge . . . 4to. 1642 Powell, Thomas. The Attorney's Academy : or, the manner and forme of proceeding practically, upon any suite, plaint, or action whatsoever . . . 4io. 1623 Direction for search of Eecords remaining in the Chancerie, Tower, and Exchequer . . . [Bound with the above.'] 4to. 1622 The Repertorie of Eecords remaining in the four Treasuries on the Receipt side at Westminster, and the two Remembrancers of the Exchequer; with a breife introductive index of the records of the Chancery and Tower : as also, a most exact calender of the records in the Tower. 4to. 1631 Power David, Eodwell Hunter, and Dew Edward L'Estrange. Eeports of the decisions of Committees of the House of Commons in the trial of Controverted Elections ... 2 vols. 12mo. 1853-57 PowLES, Louis Diston. Supplement to Browne on Probate, and Browne on Divorce ; being a digest of the decisions, together with the changes of practice in, and acts affecting, probate and divorce matters [1881-84] : to which is added, the legitimacy declaration act and decisions thereon. Svo. 1884 Divorce Practice. See Browne, George. PowLES Louis Diston, and Oakley T. W. H. The law and practice relating to Probate and Administration (being a third edition of " Browne on Probate.") 8vo. 1892 Pownall, Thomas. The administration of the Colonies. Third edition. Svo. 1766 Practical Registers. The Practical Eegister in Chancery : or, a compleat collection of the standing orders and rules of practice in Chancery . . . 8vo. 1714 — With the addition of the modern cases, by J. Wyatt. Svo. 1800 The Practical Eegister of the Common Pleas; containing select cases or determinations in points of practice of that Court, in the reigns of Queen Anne, King George I., and King George II. Svo. 1743 Practice. The practice of the High Court of Chancery ; with the nature of the several offices belonging to that court, and the reports of many cases wherein relief hath been there had, and where denyed. 12mo. 1672 Praxis Utriusque Banci. The antient and modern practice of the two Superior Courts at Westminster ... to which is added. The practice of the Sheriffs' Court, London . . . 12mo. 1673-74 PEA— PEE. 599 pPitACTicE Cases, New. See New Peactice Cases. *badiee-Podee6, p. See Fioee, Pasquale ; Droit International Prive. ^EANCE, William Connell. See Hunt, Arthur Joseph ; Law of Fraudulent Conveyances. *EATT, Frederic Thomas. See Stoey, Joseph ; Prize Courts Practice. fiiATT, John Tidd. See Pye, Henry James ; Justice of the Peace. ^EATT John Tidd, and Mackenzie William W. Law of Highways, main roads and bridges . . . Fifteenth edition, by W. Mackenzie. 8vo. 1906 ^BATT, William Tidd. Pratt's Income Tax, being a full analysis of the provisions of the lucome Tax Acts . . . Sixth edition, by J. H. Eedman. 8vo. 1898 ?eaxis Alm.s) CuEi.aE CANCELLAEiiE. See Beown, William. ?EAXis Impeeialis Aulic^. Breviculum praxis imperialis aulicse ; ex aurea bulla . . . capitula- tione Imperatoris Josephi, concordatis Grermaniee et decretis com- munibus collectum. 12mo. Francofurti ad Moen., 1709 Peaxis Uteiusque Banci. See Peactice. Peayee-Book. See LiTUEaiBS. Peecedents in Chancery. Precedents in Chancery ; being a collection of cases argued and adjudgsdintheHighCourtof Chancery, 1689-1722. fol. 1733 Peendeeqast, Harris. See Stewaet, James ; Practice of Convey- ancing. Peendeegast, John P. State papers relating to Ireland, James I. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 24.] Peentice, Samuel. Proceedings in an Action in the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Divisions of the High Court of Justice. Second edition. 8vo. 1880 Procedure and Evidence relating to Indictable Offences, and certain rules and maxims of the criminal law. 8vo. 1882 See also Aechbold, John Frederick ; Chitty's Archbold : Eussbll, Sir William Oldnall ; Crimes. 600 PRE— PEL Peescott> William Hickling. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, of Spain. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1842 Pebston, Richard. Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. 1797 1. On the definition and nature of Cross Remainders. 2. Fines and Recoveries by Tenant in Tail. 3. Difference between Merger, iiemitter, and Extinguishment. 4. Estates executed, executory, vested and contingent. 5. 'Contingencies with a double aspect. 6. The succession by a Parent to a Child. 7. The language of Powers. Treatise on Conveyancing . . . with an appendix of precedents. 3 vols. [Vols. 1 and 3, third edition ; vol. 2, second edition.] 8vo. 1817-21 An elementary treatise on Estates . . . with preliminary observations on the quality of estates. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820-27 An essay, in a course of lectures, on Abstracts of Title . . . Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1823-24 An analysis of the first and best edition of Preston on Estates ; by way of question and answer. [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1.] See also Sheppard, William ; Touchstone of Common Assurances. Preston, Thomas. Privy Council Appeals : a manual showing the practice and procedure in Colonial and Indian Appeals before the Lords of the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. 8vo. 1900 Pebston, William Scott. A practical treatise on the law of Legacies. 8vo. 1824 Peetender, The Young. See Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimie [Stuaet.] Price, Bonamy. Mr. Bonamy Price on the three F's. [Publications of the Irish Land Committee, No. 8.] 8vo. Dublin, 1881 Price, F. G. Hilton. The Marygold by Temple Bar: being a history of the site now occupied by No. 1, Fleet Street, the banking house of Messrs. Child &Co. 4to. 1902 Price, George. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, and in the Exchequer Chamber, 1815-24. 13 vols. 8vo. 1816-28 Treatise on the law of the Exchequer . . . 8vo. 1830 PRI. 601 Price, John. The mystery and method of his Majesty's [Charles II.] Restauration. See Maseees, Francis; Select tracts. Price, John Edward. A descriptive account of the Guildhall of the City of London, its history and associations . . . fol. 1886 Peice, Richard. Observations on Reversionary Payments, or schemes for providing annuities: to which are added, four essays on different subjects in the doctrine of life annuities and political arithmetick : also an appendix and supplement, and a complete set of tables. Third edition. 8vo. 1773 The honor of Parliament and the justice of the Nation vindicated, in a reply to Dr. Price's Observatioxis on the nature of civil liberty. [Tracts, vol. 1, No. 5.] 8vo. 1776 PfiiCHA-BD, Iltudus Thomas. The administration of India, from 1859 to 1868 ; the first ten years of administration under the Crown. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869 The balance of power and the Eastern Question : or, some popular fallacies exposed. ^Tracts, vol. 14, No. 3.] 8vo. 1870 The inaugural lecture of the London Association in aid of social progress in India, delivered at the Society of Arts, June 8th, 1871. [Tracts, vol. 24, No. 7.] 8vo. [1871] See also Ortolan, Joseph Louis Elzear ; History of Roman law. Pridden, John. Index to the Rolls of Parliament. See Parliament. I RiDEAUX, Charles Greville. Practical guide to the duties of Churchwardens . . . Sixteenth edition, by F. C. Mackamess. 12mo. 1895 Prideaux, Frederick. The law of Judgments and Crown Debts, as they affect Real Pro- perty. Fourth edition ; with an additional appendix containing the 18th Vict. c. 15, with notes and the recent decisions. 12mo. 1856 Precedents in Conveyancing ; with dissertations on its law and practice. Second edition. 8vo. 1856 — Eighteenth edition, by J. Whitcombe and B. L. Cherry. 2 vols. 8ro. 1900 — Student's guide. See Indermatjr, John. ^EiDEATJX, Humphrey, Dean of Norwich. Letters to John Ellis, 1674-1722. [Camden Society, new series, No. 15.] 602 PEL Prideaux, John, Bishop of Worcester. De Ecclesise Visibilitate. See Alstedius, Johann Heinrich. Pbidmore, Thomas W. I f Guide to the preparation of Bills of Costs . . . and precedents of bills of costs in all the divisions of the High Court of Justice . . . Seventh edition. 8vo. 1884 Priestley, Jonathan. Memoirs concerning the family of the Priestleys. [Surtees Society, No. 77.] Prince, John. Danmonii Orientales Illustres : or, the worthies of Devon ... A new edition, with notes. 4to. 1810 Prince Edward Island. The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from . . . 1773 to . . . 1862. 2 vols. Svo. Charlattetown, 1862 The private and local acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from . . . 1773 to . , . 1862. Svo. Charlottetown, 1862 The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 1879, 1881, 1883-84, 1886-88, 1890-92. 10 vols. Svo. Charlottetown, 1879-92 Princes of Wales. A treatise concerning the dignities, titles . . . and yearly revenues which have been granted by the several Kings of England . . . for the honour and maintenance of the Princes, their eldest sons . . . 4to. 1737 Prindle, Horace G. Proceedings in the Senate on the investigation of the charges preferred against Horace G. Prindle, Cotmty Judge and Surrogate of Chenango County ... 2 vols. Svo. Albany, N.Y., 1874 Prinsep, Sir Henry Thoby. The [Indian] Code of Criminal Procedure : being Act v of 1898, with a commentary and notes, and references to judgments and orders relating thereto. Thirteenth edition. Svo. 1901 Prinz, Johann Friedrich. De jure avocandi cives et incolas ex territorio alieno. [German University Tracts, vol, 12.] 4to. Lijpsiae, 1695 Prior, Gilbert Marshall. See Marcy, George Nicholls ; Originating Summons. PRl— PRO. 603 Prior, Sir James. Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke; with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents compared with those of his great contemporaries. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 Prior, John V. Treatise on the Construction of Limitations in which the words "Issue" and "Child" occur, and on the statute 1 Vict. c. 26, s. 29. 8vo. 1839 Prisoners of War. Proceedings of the Committee appointed to manage the contributions begun at London, December 18, 1759, for cloathing French prisoners of war. fol. 1760 I Prisons. Report from the Committee on the King's Bench, Fleet, and Marshalsea Prisons. fol. 1815 EiTCHARD Robert A., and Pritchard W. Tarn. Digest of the law and practice of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, and appeals from that Court ; with statutes, rules, precedents, and bills of costs. Third edition ; with an introductory treatise on the law of divorce and the matrimonial law, and a treatise on the practice of the Court, by J. Gr. Witt and W. T. Pritchard. 8vo. 1874 Pritchard, Thomas Sirrell. The jurisdiction, practice, and procedure of the Quarter Sessions in judicial matters, criminal, civil, and appellate. 8vo. 1875 — Second edition by J. B. Matthews and V. Gr. Milward. 8vo. 1904 iiTCHARD, W. Tarn. Digest of Admiralty and Maritime law. Third edition by W. T. Pritchard and J. C. Hannen, including cases on average, carriage of goods, and marine insurance, by J. P. Aspinall, G. Smith, and W. B. Pritchard, with notes of cases on French and other foreign law, by A. Jones and other foreign jurists. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887 iivY Council. Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386-lbOO. [Record Commission, No. 31.] tOBTN, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure in various countries : a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. New edition. 8vo. 1881 604 PEO— PRU. Pbobyn, Leslie. Statutory form of a Bill of Sale with forms of, and rules for drawing same : also a digest of all the reported cases. 8vo. 1888 Peoceduee, Legal. Report of the Committee of the Incorporated Law Society appointed to consider the report of the Lord Chancellor's Legal Procedure Committee . . . 8vo. 1882 Pkocubatoes, Faculty op. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Peomptoeium Paevuloeum. Promptorium Parvulorum : an English and Latin dictionary of words in use during the 15th century. [Camden Society, Nos. 25, 54, 89.] Peopeetius, Sextus Aurelius. Sex. Aurelius Propertius Umber ; et in eum Joannis Passeratii Prselectiones soleanes, sive Commentarii Jani Broukhusii notae selectae, Joannis Antonii Vulpii animadversiones perpetuse, atque indices ... 1 vol. in 2. 4to. Patavii, 1755 Opera omnia, ex editione Ch. Th. Kuinoelis ; cum notis et interpre- tatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editonum et codicum,et indicibus locupletissimis accurate recensita. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Peotests, Loeds'. See Paeliament. Peotheeo, Gr. W. Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 8vo. 1894 See also Cambeidge Modeen Histoet. Peotheeo, Rowland E. The life and correspondence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1894 /S^ee aZso Gibbon, Edward; Letters (1763-94.) Peudentius (Aurelius). Opera omnia, ex editione Parmensi ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita, 3 vols. 8vo. 1824 Peudhomme, Henri. Code Civil chilien : Code de Commerce chilien. See Codes, Chili. Code Civil italien : Code Marine Marchande italien. See Codes, Italy. Code de Commerce argentin. See Codes, Argentine Bepublic. Code de Commerce espagnol. See Codes, Spain. Code de Commerce mexican. See Codes, Mexico. PRU— PEY. 606 Pbujean, John. A treatise upon the laws of England, now in force, for the recovery of debt . . . [Tracts, vol. 10, No!^ 3.] 8vo. 1791 Prtme, Abraham de la. See De la Pryme. , Prynne, William. Histrio-Mastix: the players scourge or actors tragsedie . . . 4to. 1633 A soveraign antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our un- naturall and destructive civill warres and dissentions . . . The second impression. [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 11.] 8vo. 1642 The treachery and disloyalty of Papists to their Soveraignes, in doctrine and practise ; together with the Soveraigne power of Parliaments and Kingdomes . . . Second edition. 4to. 1643 A breviate of the life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury . . . fol. i644 Independency examined, immasked, refuted, by twelve new par- I ticular interrogatories. [Tracts, vol, 13, No. 13.] 4to. 1644 I — See also Burton, Henry : P., J. ; Independency accused and acquitted. Twelve considerable serious questions touching Church Grovern- ment . . . [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 12.] 4to. 1644 — See also Burton, Henry. Hidden works of darkenes brought to publike light : or, a necessary introduction to The history of the Archbishop of Canter burie's triall . . . [Bound with Prynne's Breviate of the life of Laud.'] fol. 1645 Canterburies doome : or, the first part of a compleat history of the commitment, charge, tryall, condemnation, execution of William Laud, late Arch- Bishop of Canterbury . . . [Bound with Prynne's Breviate of the life of Laud.'] fol. 1646 I A plea for the Lords : or, a short, yet full and necessary, vindication " of the judiciary and legislative power of the House of Peers . . . against the late seditious anti-Parliamentary printed petitions, libels, and pamphlets of Anabaptists, levellers, agitators, Lilburne, Overton, and their dangerous confederates . . . 4to. 1648 The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons . . . Dec. 4th, 1648, touching the King's answer to the propositions of both houses upon the whole treaty . . . Third edition. [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 1.] 8vo. 1649 A true and perfect narrative of what was done, spoken by and between Mr. Prynne, the old and newly forcibly late secluded members, the Army officers, and those now sitting, on the 7th and 9th of May . . . [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 10.] 8vo. 1659 Loyalty banished : or, England in mourning : being a perfect narrative of proceedings between divers members of Parliament and M. Wil. Prynne, neer the Lobby at Westminster . . . [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 7.] 8vo. 1659 606 PRY— PUF. Petnne, William — continued. The first part of a brief register, kalendar, and survey of the several kinds and forms of all Parliamentary writs. 4to. 1659 — The second part [relating to the House of Commons.] 4to. 1660 — [The third part.] Brevia Parliamentaria rediviva, in xin sections ; containing several catalogues of the numbers, dates of all bundles of original writs of summons and elections newly found, or extant in the Tower of London, during the reigns of King Edward I.— King Edward IV. 4to. 1662 — The fourth part. 4to. 1664 [Eecords.] The first tome of an exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Eoman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, (and) English Kings' supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction in (and) over all spiritual or religious affairs . . . within their realms of England, Scotland, Ireland, and other dominions, from the original planting of Christian religion to the death of King Richard I., 1199. fol. 1666 — The second tome . . . from the first year of the reign of King John, 1199, to the death of King Henry III., in the year 1273. fol. 1665 — The third tome . . . more particularly of King John (and) Henry III., but principally of King Edward I. fol. 1668 Brief animadversions on, amendments of, and additional explana- tory records to, the fourth part of the Institutes of the lawes of England, concerning the jurisdiction of courts, compiled by Sir E. Cooke. fol. 1669 Documents relating to the proceedings against Prynne, in 1634 and 1637. [Camden Socieiy, new series, No. 18.] Cotton's Records in the Tower. See Cotton, Sir Robert. PtrcHTA, Greorg Eriedrich. Outlines of Jurisprudence as the science of right : a juristic Encyclo- paedia : translated from the German, by W. Hastie. [In Hastie's Jurisprudence, pp. 1-135.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 Pud SB y, Hugh, Bishop of Durham. Boldon Buke : a survey of the possessions of the See of Durham in 1183. [Surtees Society, No. 25.] PuFENDOEF, Samuel. Dominus de Monzambano [pseud.] illustratus et restrictus : sive Severiui de Monzambano de statu Imperii Germanici liber unus. Diseursibus juridico-politicis explicatus et restrictus; opera et studio Pacifici a Lapide [cum Samuelis PufendorflBi Disquisitione de republica irregulari.] 12mo. [1682] De officio hominis et civis, secundum legem naturalem libri duo . . . accedunt CI. Titii ad eosdem libros observationes. 4to. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1740 PUF— PUL. 607 TENDOBF, Samuel — continued. De Jure Naturae et. Grenti lira, libri ofito; cum oommentariis Jo. N. Hertii atque J. Barbeyraci : accedit Eris Scandica, recensuit et animadversionibus illustravit, G- Mascovius. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Franr.ofurti et Lipsim, 1744 The law of Nature and Nations, translated into Englisli by B. Kennett : to which ia prefixed, M. Barbeyrac's prefatory discourse and notes . . . done into English by Mr. Carew. Fifth edition. fol. 1749 See also Heinecciits, Johann GTottlieb ; Praelectiones academicse. Puller, Christopher. Reports of Common Pleas and Exchequer cases. See Bosanqtjbt, John Bernard. Pulling, Alexander. The laws, customs, usages, and regulations of the City and Port of London; with notes of all the charters, ordinances, statutes, and cases. Second edition ; with a summary of the Commissioner's report on the Corporation of London and the municipal government of the Metropolis, 1854, showing in what particulars the laws and customs of the city are proposed to be altered. 8vo. 1844-54 Summary of the law and practice relating to Attorneys, general and special . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1862 Our Law-reporting system : cannot its evils be prevented ? [Tracts, vol. 22, No. 3.] 8vo. 1863 The Order of the Coif. 8vo. 1884 Pulling, Alexander. Index to the London G-azette. See London Gazette. See also Statutes. Pulling, F. S. Dictionary of English History. See Low, S. J. Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath. Considerations on the present state of Public Affairs, and the means of raising the necessary supplies. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 5, No. 1.] 8vo. 1779 Pulton, Ferdinando. A Kalendar or Table, comprehending the effect of all the Statutes that have been made, from Magna Charta, 9 Hen. III., till the end of the session of Parliament holden 3 E. Jac. : whereunto is annexed, an abridgment of all the statutes whereof the whole or any part is generall, in force, and use . . . fol. 1606 De pace Regis et Regni : a treatise declaring which be the great and generall offences of the realrae, and the chief impediments of the peace of the King and the Kingdome . . . fol. 1609 608 ^ PUR— QUE. PuECELL, Edmund Sheridan. Life of Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster. 2 vols. 8vo. 1895 Ptjever, Anthony. Translation of the Old and New Testament. See Bible, Versions. Putnam, George Haven. The question of Copyright ; a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world. 8vo. 1891 Putter, Johann Stephan. Institutiones juris publici Grermanici. Editio ii. 8vo. Goettingas, 1776 Ptcbopt, J. W. The Oxford University Commission : a letter addressed to Sir Robert Harry Inglis, being a short inquiry into the nature of the protection afforded by legislative incorporation in relation to the University and Colleges of Oxford. [Tracts, vol. 23, No. 6.] 8vo. Oxford, 1851 Pye, Henry James. Summary of the duties of a Justice of the Peace out of sessions ; with some preliminary observations. Fourth edition, with additions, -by J. T. Pratt. 8vo. 1827 QuA.iN, Sir Richard. Dictionary of Medicine, by various writers . . . Third edition . . . edited by H. M. Murray, J. Harold, and W. C. Bosanquet. 8vo. 1902 Quarterly Review. The Quarterly Review [from the commencement], 1809-1905. [Vol. 1, 5th ed. ; vol. 2, 4th ed. ; vol. 3, 2nd ed.] 202 vols. [In progress.] 8vo. 1818-1905 [Vols. 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 121, 140, 160 and 181 are index volumes.] Quebec. Statutes of the province of Quebec, 1879, 1881-1905. 26 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1879-1905 Queen's Bench Reports. Queen's Bench Reports : by J. L. Adolphus and F. F. Ellis. New series, containing the cases determined from Hilary term, 1841, to Trinity term, 1852 ; with general table of cases. 18 vols. 8vo. 1843-56 QUE— RAD. 609 Qttebn's College, Belfast. Calendar for the year, 1905-06. 8vo. Belfast, 1905 Queen's College, Gtalway. Calendar for the year 1905-06. 8vo. Dublin, 1906 Queensland. Statutes in force in the colony of Queensland, to the present time . . . edited by R. Pring. 3 vols. 8vo. Brisbane, 1862-64 Statutes in force in the colony of Queensland : edited by F. A. Copper. 4 vols. 4to. Brisbane, 1881 The Queensland statutes : edited by A. Pain and J. L. Woolcock. 6 vols. 8vo. Brisbane, 1889 Acts of the Parliament of Queensland, 1883-1905. 23 vols. 4to and 8vo. Brisbane, 1883-1905 A digest of the statutory criminal law in force in Queensland on the first day of January, 1896 . . . prepared by Sir S. W. Griffith. fol. Brisbane, 1896 QuiNTiLiANus, Marcus Fabius. De Institutione Oratoria, libri duodecim ; ad codicum veterum fidem recensuit, et annotatione explanavit, Georg. Ludovicus Spalding. 6 vols. 8vo. Lipsise, 1798-1834 Vols. 1-4. Institutiones oratorise. 5. Supplementa annotationis et indicem continens ; curavit Car. Timoth. Zumptius. 6. Lexicon et indices continens ; curavit Eduardus Bonnellus. Quinctilian's Institutes of Eloquence : or, the art of speaking in public : translated into English . . . with notes, critical and explana- tory, by W. Guthrie. 2 vols. 8vo. 1805 Institutes of Oratory, Book 5, Chap. 7, concerning witnesses ; con- taining his rules for their judicious examination and cross-examina- tion: translated, with notes . . . by W. M. Best. [Tracts, vol. 12, No. 3.] 8vo. 1839 Quo Warranto. Placita de Quo Warranto, temp. Edw. 1. — Edw. III. [Record Commission, No. 29.] Quo Warranto touching the Charter of the City of London. See London. LCHEL, Samuel. ^Institutionum jurisprudentise libri quatuor . . . 4to. Kilise, 1681 LDCLiPFE, Sir George. See Stafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of ; "Letters. p p 610 EAD— RAI. Eadcliffe, Eichard. Letters, 1755-83. \Oxford, Historical Society, No. 9.] Eadelant, Wilhelm van. Decisiones posthumae curiae provincialis Trajectinse. 4to. Trajecti, 1637 Eagueau, Francois. Commentarius ad constitutiones et decisiones Justiniani quae xii. libris Codicis continentur ; et ad priores titulos libri viii. Cod. . . . 4to. Farisiis, 1610 Glossaire du droit fran^ois ; contenant I'explication des mots diflSciles qui se trouvent dans les ordonnances de nos roys, dans les coustumes du Eoyaume, dans les anciens arrests et les anciens titres . . . revil . . . par Eusebe de Lauri^re. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1704 Eaikes, Francis William. " De concursu navium." Dissertatio pro gradu Doctoris in Legibus. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 13.] 8vo. 1881 " Both to Blame " ; a paper on the conflict of law where two vessels are held jointly in fault for a collision . . . 8vo. 1895 Maritime Codes of Holland and Belgium. See Codes, Holland, Belgium. Maritime Code of Italy. See Codes, Italy. Maritime Codes of Spain and Portugal. See Codes, Portugal, Spain. Eaikes Francis William, and Kilburn Burleigh Dunbar. A treatise on the Admiralty jurisdiction and practice in County Courts. 8vo. 1896 Eaikes, Henry St. John. See Saunders Thomas William, and Saundebs William Edgar ; Precedents of Indictments. Eailton Ernest Henry, and Gill Eockingham. The practice and pleading in the Mayor's Court, London, with forms and precedents. 8vo. 1888 Eailway and Canal Cases. Cases relating to Eailways and Canals, argued and adjudged in the Courts of law and equity, 1835-54. 7 vols. 8vo, 1840-56 Eeports of cases decided by the Eailway and Canal Commissioners, 1855-1902: by E. Neville, W. H. Macnamara, and J H.Balfour Browne. 11 vols. [In progress.'] 8vo. 1874-1903 See also Neville, Ralph. RAI. 611 Raine, James. Depositions, and other ecclesiastical proceedings, from the Courts of Durham, 1311-1591. [Surtees Society, No. 21.] Ecclesiastical proceedings of Bishop Barnes, 1575-87. \_Surtee8 Society, No. 22.] Historise Dunelmensis scriptores tres. [Surtees Society, No. 9.] Miscellanea biographica. [Surtees Society, No. 8.] Reginald of Durham's Libellus de admirandis Beati Cuthberti vir- tutibus. [Stirtees Society, No. 1.] Rites of Durham. [Surtees Society, No. 15.] Sanctuarium Dunelmense, 1464-1524. [Surtees Society, No. 5.] Taylor's memoir of Robert Surtees. [Surtees Society, No. 24.] The Durham Household Book, 1530-34. [Surtees Society, No. 18.] The Hutton Correspondence, 1565-1644. [Surtees Society, No. 17.] The Priory of Coldingham. [Surtees Society, No. 12.] The Priory of Finchale. [Surtees Society, No. 6.] Wills from the Registry at York. [Surtees Society, No. 4.] Raine, James, jun. A brief memoir of Mr. Justice Rokeby. [Surtees Society, No. 37.] Archbishop Gray's register [1225-55.] [Surtees Society, No. 56.] Benedictine houses of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth. [Surtees Society, No. 29.] Depositions from York Castle [1640-90.] [Surtees Society, No. 40.] Dialogi Laurentii Dunelmensis. [^urtees Society, No. 70.] ^^^Inglish miscellanies. [Siirtees Society, No. 85.] ^^^pistorians of the Church of York and its archbishops. [Britain, No. 71.] Historical papers and letters from the northern registers. [Britain, No. 61.] Obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, Priors of Durham. [Surtees Society, No. 31.] 'edes Finium Ebor. regnante Johanne. [Surtees Society, No. 94.] The fabric rolls of York Minster [1360-1649.] [Surtees Society, ^No. 35.] 'he Priory of Hexham. [Surtees Society, Nos. 44, 46.] ills and inventories in the Archdeaconry of Richmond [1442- ,679.] [Surtees Society, No. 26.] ills from the Registry at York. [Surtees Society, Nos. 30, 45, ,79.] p p2 612 RAI— RAM. Eait, Robert S. Muster-roll of the French garrisons at Dunbar, 1553. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Raithby, John. Index to the Statutes at Large from Magna Carta to the forty-ninth year of Geo. III. inclusive. 3 vols. 8vo. 1814 See also Vebnon, Thomas ; Reports of Chancery cases. Raleigh, Thomas. An outline of the law of Property. 8vo. Oxford, 1890 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Historie of the World in five bookes. fol. 1614 Prerogative of Parliaments in England . . . 4to. Middleburgas, 1628 Documents relating to his last voyage (1617-18.) [Camden Society, No. 87.] Life of. See Stebbing, William. Ralph, James. History of England during the reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I. ; "with an introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers, Charles and James. [This history was never completed and ends with the death of William III.] Vols. 1 and 2. fol. 1744-46 Ralph de Diceto. See Diceto. Ralph of Coggeshall. Chronicon Anglicanum. [Britain, No. 66.'\ Ralston, Jackson H. Report of the Pious Fund case. See Hague Convention. Ram, James. The science of Legal Judgment . . . 8vo. 1834 Treatise of Assets, Debts, and Incumbrances. Second edition. 8vo. 1837 A treatise on Facts as subjects of inquiry by a jury. 8vo. 1861 Rambler, The. See Essayists, British. [Ramsay, Allan.] Thoughts on the origin and nature of Grovernment, occasioned by the late disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies: written in the year 1766. [Tracts, vol. 3, No. 5.] 8vo. 1769 EAM— RAP. 613 L ^H A proposal for the restoration of the Irish Parliament. \_Bepeal ^B Prize Essay.] 8vo. Dublin, 1845 Ramsay, Sir James H. Cases and Reports : remarks upon the proposed alterations in the system of law-reporting . . . [Tracts, vol. 22, No. 5.] 8vo. 1864 Lancaster and York : a century of English history. (1399-1485.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 The Foundations of England, or twelve centuries of British History. (B.C. 55-A.D. 1154.) 2 vols. 8vo. 1898 The Angevin Empire, or the three reigns of Henry II., Richard I. mdJohn. (1154-1216.) 8vo. 1903 Samsay, William. Manual of Roman Antiquities. Tenth edition. 8vo. 1876 iNDALL, A. E. See Leake, Stephen Martin ; Law of Contracts. INDELL, Henry. [An essay on the law of Perpetuity, and on trusts of accumulation ; ( with an introduction containing the history of alienation. 8vo. 1822 Ranke, Leopold von. History of England, principally in the seventeenth century. 6 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1875 Rankine, John. The law of Land-Ownership in Scotland : a treatise on the rights and burdens incident to the ownership of lands and other heritages in Scotland. Second edition. 8vo. 1884 Rannie, D. W. Remarks and collections of Thomas Heame. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 34, 42.] Ransome, Cyril. An advanced history of England from the earliest times to the present day, with maps and plans. Third edition, Svo. 1897 Handbook of political history of England. See Acland, Arthur Rapin de Thoyras, Paul. History of England, in 1688 : translated into English, with notes, by N. Tindal. Second edition. 2 vols. fol. 1732-33 — Continuation, from the Revolution to the accession of King George II., by N. Tindal. Third edition. 2 vols. fol. 1768 614 R AS— RAW. Rashdall, Hastings. The Friars Preachers v. Oxford University, 1311-13. [^Oxjord Historical Society, No. 16.] Rastell, John. The Pastime of People : or, the chronicles of divers realms, and most especially of the realm of England ; briefly compiled, and imprinted in Cheapside, by John Rastell, 1529 : now first reprinted and systematically arranged; [edited by T. F. Dibdin.] 4to. 1811 Rastell, William. The Statutes at Large ; conteyning all such acts which at any time heretofore have beeue extant in print, from Magna Charta [to 7 James I.] 2 vols. fol. 1618 Collection of Entries. fol. 1670 Les termes de la ley. \_Anon.'] 8vo. 1721 Rateke, Philipp Heinrich. De collectis et contributionibus imperii ac provinciarura. \_German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Gryphiswaldi&s, 1681 Rates. Report of the Commissioners for inquiring into County Rates, and other matters connected therewith. fol. 1836 Rattigan, Sir William Henry. De Jure Personarum ; or, a treatise on the Roman law of persons, 8vo. 1873 Jural Relations : or, the Roman law of Persons as subjects of jural relations ; being a translation of the second book of Savigny's System of modern Roman law. 8vo. 1884 The Science of Jurisprudence, chiefly intended for Indian students. Second edition. 8vo. 1892 Private International law. 8vo. 1895 Rau, C. Cours de droit Civil fran9ai8. See Aubbt, C. Ratjnbb, Johann Christian von. De jure dispensandi. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Halse Magdehurgicse, 1722 Rawdon, Marmaduke. Life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York. [Gamden\Society, No. 85.] Rawle, Francis. Car trust securities : a paper read at the eighth annual meeting of the American Bar Association at New York, August, 1885. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885 See also Bouvibb, John ; Law Dictionary. RAW-RAY. 615 Iawle, William Henry. A practical treatise on the law of Covenants for Title. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1873 iwLEY, William. Bacon's Sylva sylvarum, and New Atlantis. See Bacon, Francis. Iawlins, William Donaldson. The specific performance of Contracts . . . 8vo. 1899 See also Fry, Sir Edward; Specific performance: Keur, William Williamson ; Receivers. Rawlins William Donaldson, and Macnaghten Malcolm Martin. Law and practice in relation to Companies under the Companies Clauses Acts, 1845 to 1899, and under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1900 . . . 8vo. 1901 [Rawlinson, Sir Christopher. The Municipal Corporations Acts, and other enactments relating to the powers and duties of Municipal Corporations thereunder, with notes and references to the cases thereon. Ninth edition, by ... J. F. P. Rawlinson and J. A. Johnston. 8vo. 1903 tAY, Isaac. Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity ; with an intro- ductory essay by D. Spillan. Svo. 1839 Iay, John. A collection of English Proverbs ; also the most celebrated proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other languages . . . Fourth edition. Svo. 1768 Raymond, Robert, Lord. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the reigns of King William, Queen Anne, King George I. and King George II. [Vol. 3, Entries or pleadings.] 3 vols. fol. 1743-65 — Fourth edition, with additional references, by J. Bayley. 3 vols. 8vo. 1790 — Fifth edition, by C. J. Gale. Vol. 1. Svo. 1832 Raymond, Sir Thomas. Reports of divers special cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, in the reign of King Charles II. fol. 1696 616 EAY— EEC. Ratneb, John. A digest of the law concerning Libels . . . b j a gentleman of the Inner Temple. [Tracts, vol. 28, No. 3.] 4to. 1765 Cases at large concerning Tithes ; containing all the resolutions of the respective Courts of Equity, particularly those of the Exchequer, together with all the appeals in the House of Lords, to and in Trinity term, 22 Geo. III. . . " 3 vols. 8vo. 1783 Eeading, William. See Eusebius. Keal Property Cases. Reports of cases in the law of Real Property and Conveyancing, argued and determined in all the Courts of law and equity, 1843-48. 2 vols. 8vo. 1846-48 Real Property Commission. Reports (First — Fourth) made to his Majesty by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the law of England respecting Real Property ; with appendices. 2 vols. fol. 1829-33 Rebuffits, Petrus. Praxis beneficiorum . . . 4to. Venetiis, 1563 In tit. Dig. de verborum et rerum significatione eommentaria amplissima. Ex tertia editione. fol. Lugduni, 1614 Rechenbebo, Carl Otto. Institutiones jurisprudentiae naturalis. 4to. Lipsias, 1714! Epistola de jure S. R. Germanici imperii . . . 12mo. Lipsiae, 1720 Record Commission. Reports from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Public Records of the Kingdom . . . ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 4th July, 1800. fol. 1800 Report from the Commissioners appointed by his Majesty to execute the measures, recommended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons, respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom ; with an account of their proceedings, 1800-12. fol. 1812 Reports (1st — 2nd) from the Commissioners appointed by his Majesty to execute the measures, recommended by a Select Com- mittee of the House of Commons, respecting the Public Records, 1800-19 : [with appendices, containing engraved fac-similes inserted in the various works, with printed explanations.] 2 vols. fol. 1820 Description of the contents, objects and uses of the various works printed by authority of the Record Commission . . . [with explanations of the contractions used in records.] 8vo. 1831 UEO. 617 Eecoed Commission — continued. Papers and documents relative to the evidence of certain witnesses examined before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed " to inquire into the management and affairs of the Eecord Commission "... [edited by C. P. Cooper.] 8vo. 1837 [Tracts relating to the Eecord Commission.] 1 vol. 8vo. 1835-37 Papers relative to the project of building a General Record Office. 1835 Memoria da Commissao dos Arquivos da Gran-Bretanha . . . Lisboa, 1835 Observations, letters, imd opinions of the Commissioners, on the constitu- tion and duties of the Record Commission 1836 Letters from eminent historical writers relating to the publications of the Commissioners on the Public Records. 1836 Comparative account of works produced and moneys received by the Commissioners of the Public Records during two periods, of five years before and five years after the 12th March, 1831. 1837 General Report to the King in Council, from the Commissioners on the Public Records. 1837 Letter upon the . . . Report of the recent Record Committee : by Basil Montagu. , ' 1837 Observations upon the Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons . . . 1837 Leaves omitted out of the Record Report . . . 1837 Comparison between certain statements contained in the evidence given before the Select Committee upon the Record Commission, and various documents illustrative of the matters referred to in sucli evidence. 1837 Observations oi; the evidence taken before the Committee of the House of Commons, on the Record Commission in 1836 ... by Sir W. Betham. Dublin, 1837 Rules for the guidance of members of Parliament in the management of Select Committees and the preparation of Reports. [Criticisms on the Record Report.] 1837 General Eeport to the King in Council from the Hon. Board of Commissioners on the Public Eecords, appointed by His Majesty K. William IV. . . with an appendix and index. fol. 1837 Ireland. Eeports [1st — 5th] from the Commissioners respecting the Public Eecords of Ireland. fol. 1810-15 Scotland. Correspondence of C. P. Cooper . . . with T. Thompson, Deputy Clerk Eegister ; Memorial of E. Pitcairn, Writer to the Signet ; Eeports of the Deputy Clerk Eegister, from 1822 to 1831. 8vo, 1835 scoED Commission Publications. 1. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, from 1124 to 1707, with a general index ; to which is prefixed, a supplement to the acts : edited by T. Thomson and C. Innes. 12 vols, in 13. fol. 1814-75 2. Ancient laws and institutes of England . . . [edited by B. Thorpe.] fol. 1840 — Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 618 EEC. Record Commission Publicatjons — continued. 3. Ancient laws and institutes of Wales . . . [edited by A. Owen.] fol. 1841 4. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, sive Escaetarum, temp. Reg. Hen. III. [ad] Ric. III. ; cum appendice de quamplurimis aliis Inqviisitionibus, a regno Hen. III. usque Jac. I., nuper repertis : [edited by J. Caley and J. Bay ley.] 4 vols. fol. ' 1806-28 5. Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum, et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum [temp. Reg. Joan, ad Hen. VI.] : [edited by J. Caley.] fol. 1803 6. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi : [edited by S. Ayscough and J. Caley.] fol. 1802 7. Calendars of the proceedings in Chancery, in the reign of Q. Elizabeth : to which are prefixed, examples of earlier proceedings in that court, namely, from the reign of Rich. II. to that of Q. Elizabeth inclusive; from the originals in the Tower: [edited by J. Bayley.] 3 vols. fol. 1827-32 8. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum : [by J. Planta.] fol. 1802 9. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum ;^with indexes of persons, places, and matters : [commenced by H. Wanley and revised by R. Nares ; the index by T. H. Home.] 4 vols. fol. 1808-12 10. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum ; with indexes of persons, places, and matters : [by F. Douce and Sir H. Ellis.] 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1812-19 11. Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London ; to which is added, an Itinerary of King John, with prefatory observations : by Sir T. D. Hardy. 8yo. 1835 12. Documents illustrative of English history in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries : selected, from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, and edited by H. Cole. fol. 1844 13. Documents and records illustrating the history of Scotland, and the transactions between the crowns of Scotland and Ihigland, preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's Ex- chequer : collected and edited by Sir F. Palgrave. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1837 14. Domesday Book, seu liber censualis Willelmi primi regis Anglise, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Westmonas- terii asservatus ... 2 vols. fol. 1783 — Indices : accessit dissertatio generalis de ratione hujusce libri: [by Sir H. Ellis.] fol. 1816 — Additamenta ex codic. antiquiss, : Exon' Domesday ; In- quisitio Eliensis ; Liber Winton' ; Boldon Book : [with an introduction by Sir H. Ellis.] fol. 1816 I EEC. 619 Eecokd Commission Publications — continued. 15. Ducatus Lancastrise partes 4: [edited by R. J. Harper, J. Caley, and W. Minchin.] 3 vols. fol. 1823-34 Pars prima. Calendarixun Inquisitionum post mortem . . . temp. Regum Edw. I. ad Car. I. Partes secunda et tertia. Calendar to pleadings, depositions ... in the reigns of Hen. VII., Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., Q. Mary, and Philip and Mary ; and to the pleadings of the first thirteen years of the reign of Queen Elizaheth. Pars quarta. Calendar to the pleadings from the fourteenth year to the end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth. 16. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico III. Rege, 1216-72 : cura C. Roberts. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835-36 17. Fines, sive Pedes Finium ; sive Finales Concordiae in Curia Domini Regis, 7 Ric. I— 16 Joh., 1195-1214: edente J. Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835-44 18. Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retomatarum, quae in public] s Arehivis Scotise adhuc servantur, abbreviatio : [edited by T. Thomson.] 3 vols. fol. 1811-16 19. Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellariae Hiberniae asservatarum, repertorium : [edited by J. Hardiman.] 2 vols. fol. Dublin, 1826-29 Inquisitionum post mortem ; Inquisitionum ad quod damnum. See Nos. 4, 5, 20. Kalendars (Antient) and Inventories of the Treasury of his Majesty's Exchequer; together with other documents illus- trating the history of that repository : collected and edited by Sir F. Palgrave. 3 vols. 8vo. 1836 21. Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernise ab an. 1152 usque ad 1827 : or, the Establishments of Ireland, from the 19th of K. Stephen to the 7th of Geo. IV., during a period of 675 years ; being the report of liowley Lascelles . . . with preface by F. S. Thomas : [prepared under the direction of the Irish Recoi'd Commission.] 2 vols. fol. [1852] 22. Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel Magnum Rotulum Pipae, de anno tricesimo-primo regni Henrici I. (ut videtur) ; quem plurimi hactenus laudarunt, pro Rotulo quinti anni Stephani Regis : nunc primum edidit J. Hunter. 8vo. 1883 See also Nos. 28, 46. 23. Modus tenendi Parliamentum : an ancient treatise on the mode of holding the Parliament in England : edited by Sir T. D. Hardy. 8vo. 1846 24. Monumenta Historica Britannica : or, materials for the history of Britain, from the earliest period. Vol. 1, to the Norman Conquest : prepared, and illustrated with notes, by H. Petrie and J. Sharpe ; [completed, and the prefatory matter added, by Sir T. D. Hardy.] fol. 1848 Introductory remarks on the chronology of the medi«eval historians. Chronological abstract. 620 REG. Record Commission Publications — continued. 24. MonuTnenta Historica Britannica. — continued. Excerpta de Britannia : — ex Scriptoribus G-rsecis atque Latinis. Geographica. Historica. Miscellanea. • — ex Inscriptionibus. Indices. Remarks on the ancient British coins. Descriptive catalogue of the coins, with plates. Fae-simi^es of MSS. Map of Britannia Romana. Gildae Sapientis de Excidio Britannise historia, — Epistola. Eulogium Britannise, sive Historia Brifconum, auctore Nennio. Venerabilis Bedfie Chronicon; sive de sex hujus sseculi setatibus. — • Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. Chronologia brevissima ad Northanymbros spectans. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Asserius de rebus gestis ^Ifredi. Chronicon Aethelweardi. Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon. — Appendix : Nomina archiepiscoporum et episcoporum Anglise. — Genealogia Regum Anglorum. Simeonis Dunelmensis Historia de gestis Regum Anglorum. Henrici Huntendunensis Historia Anglorum. " L'Estorie des Engles, solum la translation Maistre Geffrei Gaimar." Annales Cambrise. Brut J Tywysogion : or, the chronicle of the princes of Wales. [Ascribed to Caradoc of Llancarvan.] De bello Hastingensi carmen. [Ascribed to Guido, Bishop of Amiens.] Indices. 25. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Seaccarii, temp. Regis EdwardillL: [edited by G. Vanderzee.] fol. 1807 26. Essay upon the original authority of the King's Council : by Sir F. Palgrave. 8vo. 1834 27. Parliamentary writs and writs of military summons ; together with the records and muniments relating to . . . Parliaments : collected and edited by Sir P. Palgrave ; with alphabetical digests and indexes. 2 vols, in 4. fol. 1827-34 28. Pipe Rolls ; the Great Rolls of the Pipe, for the second, third, and fourth years of the reign of K. Hen. II„ 1155-58 : edited by J. Hunter. 8vo. 1844 — The G reat Roll of the Pipe, for the first year of the reign of K. Rich. I., 1189-90 : edited by J. Hunter. Svo. 1844 See also Nos. 22, 46. 29. Placita de Quo Warranto, temp. Edw. I., II., et III., in Curia Receptee Scn,ccarii Westm. asservata : [edited by W. Illing- worth.] fol. 1818 30. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservato- rum abbreviatio. temp. Regum Ric. I., Johann., Hen. III., Edw. I., Edw. II. : [edited by W. Illingworth.] fol. 1811 EEC. 621 Record Commission Publications — continued. 31. Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council of England, from 10 Richard II., 1386, to 33 Henry VIII., 1542 : edited by Sir H. Nicolas. 7 vols. 8vo. 1834-37 — New series, 1542-1600 : edited by J. R. Dasent. 30 vols. 8vo. 1890-1905 32. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum, in archivis publicis asservatum, 1306-1424 : [edited by T. Thomson.] fol. 1814 33. Registrum vulgariter nuncupatum " The Record of Caer- narvon; " e codice MSto. Harleiano 696, descriptum : [edited by Sir H. Ellis.] fol. 1838 34. Rotuli Clfkrtarum in Turri Londinensi asservati ; accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pars 1, ab anno 1199 ad annum 1216. fol. 1837 35. Rotuli Curiae Regis ; Rolls and records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices, from 6 Rich. I. to 1 John [inclusive] : edited by Sir P. Palgrave. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835 36. Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I,, in Turr' Lond' et in Curia Receptee ScaccariiWestm. asservati : [edited by W. Illingworth.] 2 vols, fol, 1812-18 37. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis, regnante Johanne : cura T. D. Hardy. 8vo. 1844 38. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati ab anno 1204 ad annum 1227 : accurante T. D. Hardy. 2 vols. fol. 1833-44 39. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati : accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pars i., ab anno 1201 ad annum 1216. fol. 1835 40. Rotuli Normannise in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico quinto, Anglise regibus : accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, de annis 1200-05, necnon de anno 1417. 8vo. 1835 41. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, tempore Regis Johannis : accurante T. D. Hardy. 8vo. 1835 42. Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari W estmonasteriensi asservati, temp. Regum Angliae Edw. I. — Hen.VIII. : [edited by D. Macpherson.] 2 vols. fol. 1814-19 43. Rotuli selecti ad res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari West-Monasteriensi deprompti : cura J. Hunter. 8vo. 1834 44. Rotulorum originalium in Cura Scaccarii abbreviatio, temp. Regum Hen. III.— Edw. III. : [edited by Mr. Playford.] 2 vols. fol. 1805-10 45. Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellariae Hiberniae, Calendarium. Vol. 1, pars 1, Hen. II. — Hen. VII. : [edited by E. Tresham, and published by the Irish Record Commission.] fol. [Duhlin,] 1828 622 EEC. Recoed Commission Publications — continued. 46. Eotulus Cancellarii, vel Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipse, de tertio anno regui Regis Johannis. 8vo. 1883 47. Fcedera, conventiones, litterse, et cujuscunque generis acta publica . . . ab 1066 ad 1383 . . . cura et studio T. Rjmer et R. Sanderson, denuo aucta, et multis locis emendata, accurantibus A. Clarke, F. Holbrooke, et J. Caley. 4 vols, in 7 parts, fol. 1816-69 48. — Appendices (A. to E.) to Mr. C. P. Cooper's JReport on the edition of Rymer's Fcedera. 3 vols. 8vo. 1869 49. State papers during the reign of King Henry the Eighth : published under the authority of His Majesty'^ Commission. 11 vols. 4to. 1830-52 Vol. 1. Correspondence between the King and Cardinal Wolsey, 1518-30. Correspondence between the King and his Ministers, 1530-47. 2, 3. Correspondence between the governments of England and Ireland, 1515-46. Map of Ireland, 1567. Norden'e Map of Ireland. Map of Munster. 4, 5. Correspondence relative to Scotland and the Borders, 1513-4fi. 6-11. Foreign Correspondence, 1473-1547. 50. Statutes of the Realm [from Magna Carta to the end of the reign of Q. Anne.] 12 vols. fol. 1810-28 61. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglise et Wallise, auctoritate P. Nicholai IV. circa 1291 : [edited by J. Caley.] fol. 1802 52. Testa de Nevill : sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. 1. : [edited by J. Caley and W. Illingworth.] fol. 1807 53. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII., auctoritate regia institutus [1535 ; cum] appendiee et indicibus : [edited by J. Caley, with a general introduction by J. Hunter.] 6 vols. fol. 1810-34 Eecobds, Public. Public Reports (1st — 16th) of the Deputy Keeper of Records: [with appendices ] 3 vols. fol. 1840-55 Lists and indexes. No. 1. Index of ancient petitions of the Chancery and Exchequer preserved in the Public Record Office. fol. 1892 Recobd Publications, Irish. See Ireland. Record Publications, Scotch. See Scotland. Record Society. Tiancashire Lay Subsidies, being an examination of the Lay Subsidy rolls remaining in the Public Record Office, London, from Henry III. to Charles 11. Vol. 1., Henry III. to Edward I. (1216- 1307) : edited by J. A. C. Vincent. 8vo. 1893 EED— REE. 623 Reddie, James. Inquiries elementary and historical in the Science of law ; inquiries in International law. 8vo. 1840-42 Redding, Cyrus. A history and description of modern Wines. Second edition. 8vo. 1836 Redesdale, John, Lord. See Mitpord, John. Redpield, Isaac F. See Stoky, Joseph ; Equity Pleadings. Redford, Thomas. In the King's Bench. Between Thomas Redford, plaintiff, and Hugh Hornby Birley, Alexander Oliver [and others], defendants, for an assault on the 16lh of August, 1819, [The Peterloo Massacre] . . . trial of this cause at Lancaster, April 4-9, 1822 . . . 8vo. Manchester, [1822] Redgrave, Alexander. The Factory and Truck Acts. Tenth edition by H. S. Scrivener and C. F. Lloyd: statutory orders, special rules and forms revised by W. Peacock. 8vo. 1904 Redhouse, J. W. On the history, system, and varieties of Turkish Poetry. 8vo. 1879 Redington, Joseph. Home Office papers, G-eorge III. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 17.] Calendar of Treasury papers. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 18.] Redman, Joseph Haworth. The law of Landlord and Tenant including the practice of Eject- ment . . . Fifth edition. 8vo. 1901 A concise treatise on the law of Arbitration and Awards, with an appendix of precedents and statutes. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1903 Law of Bills of Sale. See Lyon, George Edward. See also Pratt, William Tidd ; Income Tax. Redmayne, Robert. Vita Henrici Quinti. [Britain, No. 11.] Reed, Edwin. Bacon vs. Shakespere, brief for plaintiff. 8vo. 1899 I 624 EEE— REG. Eeed, Herbert Parker. The Bills of Sale Acts, with an epitome of the law as affected by these acts. Ninth edition. 8vo. 1892 — Tenth edition. ■ Svo. 1895 — Eleventh edition. Svo. 1897 — Twelfth edition. Svo. 1903 Reed, William. Bibliotheca nova legum Anglise : or, a complete catalogue of law books . . . 12mo. 1809 Reeve, Henry. Memoirs of. See Laughton, John Knox. See also Gbeville, C. C. F. ; Greville Memoirs. Reeve, Sir Thomas. Lord Chief Justice Reeve's instructions to his nephew concerning the study of the law. [^Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] Svo. 1791 Reeves, John. History of the English law, from the time of the Saxons to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. Second edition. 6 vols. 8vo. 1787-1829 — A new edition ; with notes, and an introductory dissertation on the nature and use of legal history, the rise and progress of our laws, and the influence of the Roman law in the formation of our own, by W. F. Finlason. 3 vols. Svo. 1869 Repobm Club. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Regiam Majestatem. Regiam Majestatem Scotiae veteres leges et constitutiones ... by Sir John Skene. fol. Edinhurgi, 1609 The exposition of the termes and difl&cill wordes conteined in the foure bulks of Regiam Majestatem . . . 4to, 1641 Regicides. See Chables I. Reginald of Dueham. Libellus de vita S. Godrici. [Surtees Society, No. 20.] Reginaldus, Monachus Dunelmensis. Libellus de admirandis Beati Cuthberti virtutibus. [Surtees Society, No. 1.] Registrar-Geneeal. First annual report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and marriages in England. Svo. 1839 REG— BEI. 625 Registration op Title. Report of the Commissioners, appointed to consider the subject of the registration of title, with reference to the sale and transfer of land. fol. 1857 British Colonies. — " Return supplementary to those ordered to be printed on the 8th day of May, 1872, reporting on the working and progress of the system of ' conveyancing by registration of title ' in operation in the colonies of South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, New Zealand, British Columbia, and Fiji" [and supplementary return to the above.] fol. 1881 Registrum Omnium Brevium. See Brevia. Registry Cases, Ireland. See Welsh, Thomas. Regius. See Le Rot, Louis. Regner ab Oosterga, Cyprian. Censura Belgica : seu novae notse et animadversiones quibus omnes et singulse leges, quae in prioribus xxv libris Pandect, continentur . . . confirmantur . . . 4to. Ultrajecti, 1661 tEiCHEL, Oswald J. A complete manual of Canon law. 2 vols. Svo. 1896 tEiD, Alexander George. The diary of Andrew Hay of Craignethan, 1659-60. [Scottish History Society, No, 39.] Reid, Andrew. See Republic of Letters. m BID, Herbert J. Parish Churches omitted in the Survey ; The Presbyter. See Domesday Commemoration. Reipfenstuel, Anacletus. Tractatus de regulis juris . . . fol. Irigoldstadii, 17SS Reilly, Francis Savage. i Judicial Oaths. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] The provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Act relating to ships. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] See also European Assurance Company. Ieimes, Philippe de. The Romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. [Camden Society, No. 72.] 626 REI— EEP. Eeineccius, M. Christianus. Biblia Hebraica. See Bible, Hebrew Old Testament. Eeinhaedt, Christian Gottlob. De jure succedendi in Ducatus Julise et Montium feuda masculina . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsiie, 1739 Reinold, Bernard Heinrich. De inscriptionibus legum Dig. et Cod. See Wieling, Abraham. Remembrancia. Analytical index to the series of Records known as the " Remem- brancia," preserved among the archives of the City of London, 1579-1664 : prepared by the authority of the Corporation of London, under the superintendence of the Library Committee, by W. H. and H. C. Overall. 8vo. 1878 Renabd, — . Sur I'ouverture des cadavres. See M^dbcine Legale. Rendel, James Meadows. See Thring, Henry, Lord ; Law and practice of Joint Stock Companies. Rbnton, a. Wood. Monomanie sans Delire ; an examination of " the irresistible criminal impulse theory." 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886 The conditions of Appeal from the Colonies to the Privy Council, with an introductory essay. 8vo. 1888 The law of and practice in Lunacy, with the Lunacy Acts, 1890-91 (consolidated and annotated) : the rules of the lunacy commis- sioners, 1895 : the idiots act, 1886 : the vacating of seats act, 1886 : the rules in lunacy, 1892-93 (consolidated) : the Lancashire County (asylums and other powers) act, 1891 : the inebriate acts, 1879 and 1888 (consolidated and annotated) : the criminal lunatics acts, 1800 -84 : the rules in MacNaughton's case : and a collection of forms, precedents . . . 8vo. 1896 Encyclopaedia of the laws of England, being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities. 13 vols. 8vo. 1897-1903 Rentoul, Robert Reid. The causes and treatment of Abortion ; with an introduction by L. Tait. 8vo. 1889 REPERTOIRE UnIVERSEL ET RaISONNIE DE JURISPRUDENCE. Repertoire Universel et Raisonne de Jurisprudence. 64 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1776-83 — Supplement. " 17 vols. Svo. Paris, 1786 EEP— EEV. 627 Repertoriitm Juridicum. See Freeman, Kennett: Tomlins, Sir Thomas Edlyne. Replevins. A methodical treatise of Replevins . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1739 Reports, Parliamentary. See Parliamentary Commissions. Reports, The. The Reports; decisions of the House of Lords, Privy Council, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division, Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions, and Appeals therefrom : edited by J. Mews. 15 vols. 8vo. 1894-95 Reports in Chancery. See Chancery Reports. Reports op Patent Cases. See Patent Cases. Republic op Letters. The present state of the republick of letters, 1728-36. Vols. 1-18. 8V0. N.D. Rettie, Middleton. See Court op Sessions Cases, Fourth series. Rbuber, Justus. Veterum Scriptorum, qui Caesarum, et imperatorum Germanicorum . res per aliquot secula gestas, Uteris mandarunt, tomus unus. fol. Francofurti, 1584 De testibus nova traditio methodica. See Teactatus de testibus. TS Y GrAKCIA, Jose. LCodigo de Comercio Espanol. See Codes, Spain. lEuscHius, Erhardus. De usu et prsestantia Actorum Pacis Vestphalicae. [ German Univer- sity Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Helmsestadi, 1736 Reusner, Nicolaus. I^HDe jure testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum tractatus . . . ^^ 4to. Jenx, 1597 if: VUE DE LEGISLATION ET DE JURISPRUDENCE. )vue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence: publiee, par MM. Wolowski, Troplong, GTiraud, Laboulaye, Faustin-Helie, Ortolan . . . (Series i., ii., 1835-42 ; Series in., iv., 1842-45.) t24 vols. Svo. Paris, 1835-45 - (Nouvelle collection, 1846-48.) 9 vols, in 7. 8vo. Paris, 1846-48 q7 Vol. 1. Die Historie der Balance von Europa . . . 2. Die Historie aller zwischen den Nordi8chen Potentzen, Danemarck, Schweden, Russland, Polen, und Preussen, gesclilossenen Tractaten. Corpus juris public! S. R. Imperii Academicum . . . 8vo. Leipzig, 1745 ScHMiD, Johann Nicolaus. De juris pubiici servitutibus. {^German University Trade, vol. 12.] 4to. Argentorati, 1701 Schmidt, C. Frederick. Catalogue of the Manchester Foreign Library. See CATALoauES, Library. SCHNAKENBITRG, AudroaS. Joachimus Nestor Comitatus Rupinensis restaurator. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Jense, 1711 ScHNEiDEE, Johann Philipp. De jure S. R. I. Principum proprios titulos augendi. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Altdorfi Noricorum, 1702 SCHNEIDEWEIN, JohaUU. In quatuor Institutionum Imperialium D. Justiniani libros cotn- mentarii . . . fol. Argentorati, 1626 ScHNOBEL, Joachim. / Harmonia Struvio-Schnobeliana civilis, sive . . . dissertationes ad universum jus Pandectarum [cum commentario Adriani Beieri] . . . 4to, Jense, 1669 ScHOALES, John. See Ieish Teem Repoets. ScHOALES John, and Lefegy Thomas. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Redesdale, 1802-07. 2 vols. 8vo. BuUin, 1806-10 ScHOEPFPEE, Johann Joachim. Synopsis juris privati Romani et forensis . . . 4to. Batishonse, 1734 ScHOLEFiELD Joshua, and Hill Gerard Robert. Appeals from Justices, including appeals to sessions ; special cases from petty and quarter sessions ; mandamus, certiorari, habeas corpus, etc. ; and actions against justices, or their officers : with precedents of special cases and affidavits, forms of notices, etc. 8vo. 1902 sen. 665 ScHONBERG, Adam Friedricli a. De oneribus feudi. [6rermaw University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Lipsise, 1679 School of Law. See Legal Education. Schools Inquiry Commission. Eeport of the Commissioners and miscellaneous papers. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868 ScHORER, William. See Gtrotius, Hugo ; Inleiding tot de Hol- landsche Eechts-G-eleerdheid. ScHOTANUs, Bemhard. Eiamen juridicum . . . 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711 ScHOTT, Andreas. Laudatio funebris Ant. Augustini. See Augustinus, Antonius. See also Photius. ScHouLER, James. Treatise on the law of Bailments, including carriers, innkeepers and pledge. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, tf.S.A., 1887 A treatise on the law of Domestic Eelations ; embracing husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, infancy, and master and servant. Fourth edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1889 Schroder, Justus Herman. De aurese bullae mutatione. \^Qerman University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Halm Magdebtirgicae, 1700 Schroeer, Johann Friedrich. Origines Marchise Brandenburgicse. \_German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Vitembergse, 1722 Schroeter, Paul Christian. De testamentaria patris circa feudum dispositione. . . Editio secunda. ^German University Tracts, yo\.2.'\ 4to. Vitembergse, 17 B6 Schubart, Georg. Henricus IV. Imperator. [^German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Halae et Lipsise, 1727 ScHuiRPF, Hieronymus. Consiliorum seu responsorum juris . . . centuria secunda et tertia. 2 vols. fol. Francoforti, 1553 ScHiJLER, Johann Christian. Differentiae juris Communis et Saxonici in simultanea investitura. \_German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Hal8& Salicse, 1786 I 666 SCH— SCO. ScHULTiNG, Anton. Dissertationes de recusatione judicis, pro rescriptis Imperatorum Romanorum . . . accedit oratio de jurisprudentia Marci Tullii Ciceronis. 4to. Franequerse, 1708 Jurisprudentia vetus ante- Justinianea . . . 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1717 Enarratio partis primse Digestorum seu Pandectarum D. N. Jus- tiniani . . . Editio altera. 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738 Thesium controversarum juxta seriem Digestorum decades centum . . . accedit ejusdem Exercitatio ad Valerii Maximi lib. vii. c. 7, de testamentis rescissis : nee non . . . Joh. Jac. Vitriarii Oratio funebris in Schultingii obitum. 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738 SCHULZ, K. Katalog der Bibliothek des Eeichsgerichts. See Catalogues, Library. Schwartz, Johann Eriedrich. Via Eegia Lusatise Superioris. [Qerm/in University Tracts, vol. 18.] 4to. Witehergse, 1732 Scipio, Casparus Gruilielmus. Decisionum rotse Spirensis libri quatuor . . . [Bound with Rade- lant's Becisiones curiae provincialis Trajedinse.'] 4to. Ursellis, 1603 ScoBELL, Henry C. A collection of Acts and Ordinances of general use, made in the Parliament in Westminster, from 1640 to 1656. fol. 1658 Scot, John. The Eemembrance : a metrical account of the war in Elanders, 1701-12. [Scottish History Society, No. 38.] Scotland. The principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh the 16th day of October, 1690 ; collected and extracted from the records of the said Assembly by the Clerk thereof. fol. Edinburgh, 1691 Trials for high treason in Scotland under a Special Commission, held at Stirling, G-lasgow, Dumbarton, Paisley and Ayr, in the year 1820 : taken in short-hand by C. J. Green. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826 Digest of cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, and, on appeal, by the House of Lords, 1726 to 1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869-1901 The Parliament-House book, 1893-94. Svo. Edinburgh, [1893] The Free Church of Scotland appeals, 1903-04 ; edited by E. L. Orr. Svo. Edinburgh, 1904 SCO. 667 Scotland — continued. Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland : published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. 1. Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history : edited by W. F. Skene. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867 2. Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, Conservator of the privileges of the Scotch nation in the Netherlands, 1492-1503 ; together with the book of customs and valuation of merchandises in Scotland, 1612 : [edited by C. Innes.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867 3. Documents illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the death of King Alexander the Third to the accession of Robert Bruce, 1286-1306 ; selected and arranged by J. Stevenson. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870 4. Compota Thesauriorum Regum Scotorum. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, 1473-1638 : edited by T. Dickson and Sir J. B. Paul. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877-1905 5. The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, 1545-1625 : edited and abridged by J. H. Burton and D. Masson. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877-98 — Second series, 1625-37 : edited by D. Masson and P. H. Brown. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1899-1905 6. Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer rolls of Scotland: edited by J. Stuart, G-. Burnett, M. J. Gr. Mackay, and G. P. McNeill. 22 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878-1903 7. Calendar of documents relating to Scotland, 1108-1509 : edited by J. Bain. ' 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881-88 8. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotum. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1424-1659 : edited by Sir J. B. Paul, J. M. Thomson, J. H. Stevenson, and W. K. Dickson. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882-1904 See also Recokd Commission, No. 32. 9. The Hamilton Papers : letters and papers illustrating the political relations of England and Scotland in the xvith century : edited by J. Bain. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1890-92 10. The Border Papers : calendar of letters and papers relating to the affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland, 1560-1603 : edited by J. Bain. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1894-96 11. Calendar of the State papers relating to Scotland, and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603 : edited by J. Bain and W. K. Boyd. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1898-1905 12. Facsimiles of national manuscripts of Scotland, selected under the direction of the Right Hon. Sir William Gribson-Craig, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and photozincographed by 668 SCO. Scotland — continued. command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Sir Henry James, Director of the Ordnance Survey : published by authority of the Lords Commissioners of H. M. Treasury : with introduction by C. Innes. 3 vols. fol. Southampton and Edinburgh, 1870-72 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1124-1707. [Record Com- mission, No. 1.] Documents and records, illustrating the history of Scotland. {Record Commission, No. 13 : Scotland, No. 3.] Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarum, quae in publicis archivis Scotise adhuc servantur, abbreviatio. [Record Commission, No. 18.] Eegistrum Magni Sigilli Eegum Scotorum in archivis publicis asservatum, 1306-1424. [Record Commission, No. 32.] Scotland, Colley Harman. Crown Practice. See Gbady, Standish Grove. Scott, Alexander. Poems. [Early English Text Society, extra series, No. 86.] Scott, Charles Henderson. House of Lords Appeal practice. See Denison, Charles Marsh. Scott, Edward John Long. Gabriel Harvey's letter-book, 1573-80. [Camden Society, new series. No. 33.] Scott, George Gilbert. Design for the new Law Courts, fol. n.d. Scott, Harold Spencer. Journal of Sir Roger Wilbraham, 1593-1616. [Camden Society, third series. No. 4,] Scott, John. Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, 1834-40. 8 vols. 8vo. 1835-41 New Reports, from Easter term, 1840, to Michaelmas term, 1845. 8 vols. 8vo. 1841-45 The Inns of Court : their functions and privileges. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 6.] 8vo. 1869 Costs in the High Court of Justice and other Courts. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1880 See also Common Bench Repobts : Moobe, John Bayly. SCO. 669 Scott, John, The Republic as a form of government, or the evolution of democracy in America. 8vo. 1890 Scott, Joseph Nicol. See Bailey, N. ; Etymological English dictionary. Scott, Robert. G-reek-English lexicon. See Liddell, H. G. Scott, Robert Forsyth. Admissions to St. John's College, Cambridge. See Mayor, John E. B. Scott, Thomas. The English life of Jesus. Bvo. Bamsgate, 1872 Scott, W. R. New Mills cloth manufactory records, 1681-1703. [Scottish History Society, No. 46.] Scott, Sir Walter. See Somebs, Lord ; Tracts. Scott William L., and Jaenagin Milton P. Treatise upon the law of Telegraphs ; with an appendix containing the general statutory provisions of England, Canada, the United States, and the States of the Union, upon the subject of telegraphs. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1868 SCOTT-MONCRIEFP, W. G. Edinburgh Justiciary Court records, 1661-78. [Scottish History Society, Nos. 48, 49.] Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo, 1654-1709. [Scottish History Society, No. 6.] Scottish History Society's Publications. 1. Tours in Scotland, 1747, 1750, 1760, by Richard Pococke, Bishop of Meath . . . edited, with a biographical sketch of the author, by D. W. Kemp. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 2. The diary and general expenditure 'book of William Cun- ningham of Craigends . . . kept chiefly from 1673 to 1680 : edited from the original manuscript by J. Dodds. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887 670 SCO. Scottish History Society's Publications — continued. 3. The Grameid ; an heroic poem descriptive of the campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689, and other pieces ; by James Philip of Almerieclose, 1691 : edited, from the original manuscript with translation, introduction and notes, by A. T>. Murdoch. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1888 4. 7. Eegister of the Minister Elders and Deacons of the Christian congregation of St. Andrews, comprising the pro- ceedings of the Kirk Session, and of the Court of the superintendent of Fif e Pothrik and Strathearn, 1559-1600: transcribed and edited from the original manuscript with preface and notes by D. H. Fleming. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889-90 5. The Diary of the Eeverend John Mill, minister of the parishes of Dunrossness, Sandwick and Cunningsburgh in Shetland, 1740-1803 ; with selections from local records and original documents relating to the district : edited with introduction and notes by G. Goudie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889 6. Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo written for his own satis- faction to keep in some remembrance the Lord's way, dealing, and kindness towards him, 1654-1709 : edited from the original manuscript, with introduction and notes by W. G. Scott-MoncriefE. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889 7. Eegister of the Kirk Session of St. Andrews, vol. 2. See No. 4. 8. A list of persons concerned in the rebellion, transmitted to the Commissioners of Excise by the several super-visors in Scotland in obedience to a general letter of the 7th May, 1746, and a supplementary list, with evidences to prove the same : with a preface by the Earl of Eosebery and annotations by W. Macleod. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1890 9. The Book of Eecord ; a diary written by Patrick, first Earl of Strathmore, and other documents relating to Glamis Castle, 1684-89: edited from the original MSS. at Glamis, with introduction and notes, by A. H. Millar. Svo. Edinburgh, 1890 10. A history of Greater Britain as well England as Scotland, compiled from the ancient authorities by John Major . . . 1521 : translated from the original Latin, and edited by A. Constable ; to which is prefixed a life of the author, by M. J. G. Mackay. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1892 11. 25. The records of the Commissions of the General Assembhes of the Church of Scotland holden in Edinburgh in the years 1646-49 : edited from the original manuscript by A. F. Mitchell and J. Christie, with an introduction by the former. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1892-96 12. The Court Book of the Barony of Urie in Kincardineshire, 1604-1747 : edited from the original manuscript, with notes and introduction, by D, G. Barron. Svo. Edinburgh, 1892 SCO. 671 Scottish Histoet Society's Publications — continued. 13. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, Baronet, Baron of the Exchequer, extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676-1755 : edited from the manuscript in Penicuik House, with an introduction and notes, by J. M. Gray. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1892 14. Journal of the Hon. John Erskine of Carnock, 1683-87 : edited from the original manuscript, with introduction and notes, by W. Macleod. Svo. Edinburgh, 1893 15. 44. Miscellany of the Scottish History Society. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893 Vol. 1. The Library of James VI., 1573-83 : edited by G. F. Warner. Documents illustrating Catholic Policy, 1596-98 : edited by T. a. Law. Twenty-four letters of Sir Thomas Hope, Bart., 1627-46 : edited by R. Paul. Civil War papers, 1643-50 : edited by H. F. M, Simpson. Thirty-four letters written to James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, by the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, and Charles Maitland, Lord Hatton, 1660-77 : edited by J. Dowden. Diary of George TurnbuU, 1657-1704 : edited by E. Paul. The Masterton Papers, 1660-1719 : edited by V. A. N. Paton. Accompt of expenses in Edinburgh by Alexander Rose, of KilraTock, 1715 : edited by A. H. Millar. Papers about the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745 : edited by H. Paton. 2. The Scottish King's household and other fragments : edited by M. Bateson. The Scottish nation in the University of Orleans, 1336-1538 : edited by J. Kirkpatrick. Muster-roll of the French garrison at Dunbar, 1553 : edited by R. S. Rait. The antiquity of the Christian religion among the Scots, from the original Latin of G. Thomson, 1594: translated and edited by H. D. G. Law. The apology for William Maitland of Lethington, 1610 : edited by A. Lang. Some letters and correspondence of George Grseme, Bishop of Dunblane and of Orkney, 1602-38 : edited by L. G. Grseme. A Scottish Joumie, being an account in verse of a tour from Edinburgh to Glasgow in 16*1, by P. J. : edited by C. H. Firth. Narratives illustrating the Duke of Hamilton's expedition to England in 1648 : edited by C. H. Firth. Certain papers of Robert Burnet, afterwards Lord Crimond, Gilbert Burnet, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, and Robert Leighton, sometime Bishop of Glasgow : edited by H. C. Foxcroft. Letters and documents relating to Robert Erskine, 1677-1720: edited by R. Paul. The will of Charlotte Stuart, Duchess of Albany, 1789 : edited by A. F. Steuart. «72 SCO. Scottish History Society's Publications — continued. 16. The account book of Sir John Foulis, of Eavelston, 1671-1707 : edited from the original manuscript, with introduction and glossary, by A. W. C. Hallen. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1894 17. Letters and papers illustrating the relations between Charles the Second and Scotland in 1650 : edited, with notes and introduction, by S. E. Gardiner. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1894 18. Scotland and the Commonwealth ; letters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland, from August, 1651, to December, 1663 : edited, with introduction and notes, by C. H. Firth. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1895 19. The Jacobite attempt of 1719 ; letters of James Butler, second Duke of Ormonde, relating to Cardinal Alberoni's project for the invasion of Great Britain on behalf of the Stuarts, and to the landing of a Spanish expedition in Scotland : edited, with an introduction, notes, and an appendix of original documents, by W. K. Dickson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1896 20. 21, 22. The Lyon in Mourning, or a collection of speeches, letters, journals, etc. relative to the affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart : by Robert Forbes, A.M., Bishop of Eoss and Caithness, 1746-75 : edited from his manuscript, with a preface, by H. Paton. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1895-96 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 1745, to his departure in September, 1746; compiled from The Lyon in Mourning ; supplemented and corrected from other contemporary sources, by W. B. Blaikie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1897 24. Eecords of the Presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall, 1643-88: edited, with an introduction, from the original manuscript, by W. Mackay. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1896 25. General Assembly Commission records, vol. 2. See No. 11. 26. Wariston's Diary and other papers. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1896 Fragment of the diary of Sir ArcMbald Jolinston, Lord Wariston, May 21 — June 25, 1639 : edited from the original manuscript with introduction and notes by Q-. M. Paul. Papers relative to the preservation of the Honours of Scotland in Dunottar Castle, 1651-52 : edited, with introduction and notes, by C. E. A. Howden. The Earl of Mar's legacies to Scotland, and to his son. Lord Erskine, 1722-27 : edited, from the original MS. at Alloa House, with a biographical introduction and notes by S. Erskine. Letters written by Mrs. Grant of Laggan, concerning Highland affairs and persons connected with the Stuart cause in the eighteenth century ; edited by J. S>. N. Macphail. SCO. 673 Scottish History Society's Publications — continued. 27. Memorials of John Murray of Broughton, sometime secretary to Prince Charles Edward, 1740-47 : edited, with an intro- duction, notes, and an appendix of original documents, by E. F. Bell. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1898 28. The compt buik of David Wedderburne, merchant of Dundee, 1587-1630, together with the shipping lists of Dundee, 1580- 1618: edited from the original manuscripts, with introduction and notes, by A. H. Millar. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1898 29. 30. The diplomatic con*espondence of Jean de Montereul, and the brothers de Belli^vre, French ambassadors in England and Scotland, 1645-48 : edited, with an English translation, introduction and notes, by J. G-. Fotheringham. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1898-99 31, Scotland and the Protectorate ; letters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland from January 1654 to June 1659 : edited, with introduction and notes, by C. H. Firth. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1899 32, 36, 38. Papers illustrating the history of the Scots Brigade in the service of the United Netherlands, 1572-1782 : extracted by permission from the Government Archives at the Hague, and edited by J. Ferguson. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1899-1901 33, 34. Genealogical collection, concerning families in Scotland, made by Walter Macfarlane, 1750-51 : edited from the original manuscripts in the Advocate's Library, by J. T. Clark. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1900 35. Scots Brigade in Holland, vol. 2. 8ee No. 32. 36. Journals of Sir John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall, with his observations on public affairs and other memoranda, 1665-76 : edited, with introduction and notes, by D. Crawford, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1900 37. Papal negociations with Mary Queen of Scots during her reign in Scotland, 1661-67 : edited from the original docu- ments in the Vatican Archives and elsewhere, by J. H. Pollen. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1901 38. The Scots Brigade in Holland, vol. 3. See No. 32. 39. The diary of Andrew Hay of Craignethan, 1659-60 : edited, with introduction and notes, by A. G. Eeid. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1901 40. The Cromwellian Union ; papers relating to the negotiations for an incorporating union between England and Scotland, 1651-52, with an appendix of papers relating to the negotia- tions of 1670 : edited, with introduction and notes, by G. S. Terry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1902 T T 674 SCO— SCR. Scottish History Society's Publications — continued. 41. The Loyall Dissuasive and others papers concerning the affairs of Clan Chattan ; by Sir ^neas Macpherson, Knight of Invereshie, 1691-1705 ; edited, with notes and introduction from the originals at Cluny Castle, by A. D. Murdoch. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1902 42. Chartulary of the Abbey of Lindores, 1195-1479 : edited from the original manuscript at Caprington Castle, Kilmarnock, with translation and abstracts of the charters, illustrative notes and appendices by J. Dowden. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1903 43. A letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the Duke of Guise, January, 1562 ; reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript in the possession of the late John Scott, of Halkshill : edited, with translation, historical introduction and appendix of original documents by J. H. Pollen. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1904 44. Miscellany, vol. 2. See No. 15. 45. Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to his gardener, 1727-44 : edited, with introduction and notes by J. Colville. Svo. Edinburgh, 1904 46. The records of a Scottish cloth manufactory at New Mills, Haddingtonshire, 1681-1703 ; edited from the original manu- scripts, with introduction and notes by W. B. Scott. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905 47. Chronicles of the Frasers : the Wardlaw manuscript entitled " Polichronicon seu policratica temporum, or the true genealogy of the Erasers," 916-1674 ; by Master James Fraser, minister of the Parish of Wardlaw (now Kirkhill), Inverness : edited ... by W. Mackay. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905 48. 49. The records of the proceedings of the Justiciary Court, Edinburgh, 1661-68 : edited by W. G. Scott-Moncrieff. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905 50. Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1807 : transcribed by Gr. Gunn and edited by C. B. Gunn. Svo. Edinburgh, 1905 Scottish Law List. The Scottish Law List and legal directory, 1885-1906. 22 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1885-1906 Scottish Law Reporter. The Scottish Law Reporter, containing reports of cases decided in the Court of Session, Court of Justiciary, Court of Teinds, and House of Lords, 1865-1905. 42 vols. [In progress.] Svo. Edinburgh, 1866-190^ — - Digest, vols. 1-32. Svo. Edinburgh, 189g ScRATCHLEY, Arthur. Treatise on Life Assurance and Reversions; containing mathematical tables and instructions for the calculation of values of reversions . . . New edition. Svo. 1867 SCR— SEA. 676 ScEATCHLET, Arthur — continued. Practical treatise on Benefit Building Societies. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1868 Treatise on Savings Banks, their principles and practice. 8vo. 1868 SCRIVEN, J. B. Irish Report. See Veenon, Gr. W. ScRivEN, John. Treatise on Copyhold, customary freehold, and ancient demesne tenure ; with the jurisdiction of Courts Baron and Courts Leet . . . Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833-34 — Supplement, with additional precedents. Svo. 1842 — Seventh edition, by A. Brown. Svo. 1896 ScEivENEE, Harry Stanley. See Redgeave, Alexander; Factory Acts. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. See Bell, Sir William James. ScEOGOS, Sir William. Articles of Impeachment of High Treason and other great crimes and misdemeanors against Sir William Scroggs . . . fol. 1680 ScETJTTON, Thomas Edward. The influence of the Roman law on the law of England ; being the Yorke Prize Essay for the year 1884. 8vo. 1885 The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 . . . 8vo. 1895 The law of Copyright. Fourth edition. Svo. 1903 The contract of Affreightment as expressed in Charterparties and Bills of Lading. Fifth edition, by T. E. Scrutton and F. D. Mackinnon. Svo. 1904 Scully, Vincent. Reports of Chancery cases. See Satisse, Matthew Richard. Sea Laws. A general treatise of the Dominion of the Sea, and a complete body of the Sea laws ; together with several discourses about the jurisdiction and manner of proceeding in the Admiralty of England, both in criminal and civil matters, and an appendix containing several eminent Lawyers' Opinions in important marine cases . . . Third edition. 4to. [1705] Seaboene, H. A concise manual of the law relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Property. Fifth edition, by W. A. Jolly. Svo. 1901 T T 2 676 SEA— SEE. Seaele Richard, and Smith James Charles. Eeports of cases decided in the Court of Probate and in the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes [1859-60.] 8vo. 1860 Sebastian, Lewis Boyd. Digest of cases of Trade Mark, trade name, trade secret, good- will, decided in the Courts of the United Kingdom, India, the Colonies, and the United States of America. 8vo. 1879 The law of Trade Marks and their registration and matters con- nected therewith, including a chapter on goodwill . . • Fourth edition by the author and H. B. Hemming. 8vo. 1899 Sebottendoeff, Carl Heinrich. Dubia vexata circa Caroli Magni historiam. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Lipsise, 1706 Seceet Seevice Money. Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James 11. [Camden- Society, No. 52.] Seceet Society. A glimpse of the great Secret Society. See Jesuits. Sedgwick, James. See Gilbeet, Sir Jeffrey ; Law of Evidence. Sedgwick, Theodore. Treatise on the measure of Damages . . . Seventh edition, by A. G. Sedgwick and G. W. Van Nest. 2 vols. 8vo. New YorJc, 1880 Sedley, Sir Charles. Antony and Cleopatra. 4to. 1677 Sedulius, F. Henricus. Historia seraphica : vitae Bmi. P. Francisci Assisiatis, illustriumq. virorum et feminarum, qui ex tribus ejus ordinibus relati sunt inter sanctos. Item illustria martyria FF. Minorum provincise inferioris Germanise, ab hsereticis, Christianse religionis ergo, crudeliter inter- fectorum. fol. Antverpise, 1613 Seebohm, Frederic. The English Village community, examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry : an essay in economic history. Second edition. 8vo. 1883 Tribal custom in Anglo-Saxon law, being an essay supplemental to (1) " The English Village Community " ; (2) " The Tribal system in Wales." 8vo. 1902 The Oxford Eeformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More being a history of their fellow- work. Third edition. 8vo. 1887 SEE— SEL. 677 Sbeley, Sir John Eobert. The expansion of England ; two courses of lectures. 8vo. 1895 Seelet, L. B. See Walpole, Horace. Seeman, Berthold. Dottings on the roadside in Panama . . . See Pim, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan. Segar, Simon. Honores Anglicani : or, Titles of Honour the temporal nobility of the English nation . . . have had, or do now enjoy . . . Bvo, 1712 Segae, Sir William, Baronagium G-enealogicum : or, the pedigrees of the English Peers. See Edmondson", Joseph. Seiffart, Carl Andreas. De successione feudi. {^Grerman University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Magdeburg., 1694 Selboene, Roundell Palmer, Earl of. Memorials, family and personal, 1766-1895. 4 vols. 8vo. 1896-98 Selden, Henry R. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1851-54. {New York Oourt of Appeals Reports, 5-10.] 6 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1853-60 Selden, John. Opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita ; coUegit ac recensuit, vitam auctoris, praefationes, et indices adjecit, D. Wilkins. Svols. fol. 1726 Mare Clausum ; seu de dominio maris libri duo. 12mo. 1636 De jure naturali et gentium, juxta disciplinam Ebrseorum, libri septem. 4to. Argentorati, 1665 The reverse or back-face of the English Janus, to wit, all that is met with in story concerning the common and statute-law of English-Brittany . . . fol. 1682 Tracts, fol. 1683 1. Jani Anglorum Pacies altera : rendered into English, with notes, by Redman Westcot [Adam Littleton.] A 2. England's Epinomis. 3, Of the original of Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions of Testaments. 4. Of the disposition or administration of Intestates' goods. Memoirs, See Johnson, G-. W. See also Ea-dmee : Fleta : Fobtbscub, Sir John ; Da laudibus legum Anglisa. 678 SEL. Sbldbn Society's Publications. 1. Select pleas of the Crown : edited by F. W. Maitland. 4to. 1888 2. Select pleas in Manorial and other Seignorial Courts : edited by F. W. Maitland. 4to. 1889 3. Select civil pleas : edited by W. P. Baildon. 4to. 1890 4. The Court Baron ; being precedents for use in Seignorial and other local Courts, together with select pleas from the Bishop of Ely's Court of Littleport : edited by F. W. Maitland and W. P. Baildon. 4to. 1891 5. Leet jurisdiction in the City of Norwich during the xiiith and xivth centuries with a short notice of its later history and decline ; from rolls in the possession of the Corporation : edited by W. Hudson. 4to. 1892 6. 11. Select pleas in the Court of Admiralty : edited by E. C Marsden. 2 vols. 4to. 1894-97 Vol. 1. The Court of the Admiralty of the West (1390-1404) and the High Court of Admiralty (1527-1545.) 2. The High Court of Admiralty (1574-1602.) 7. The Mirror of Justices : edited by W. J. Whittaker, with an introduction by F. W. Maitland. 4to. 1896 8. Select passages from the works of Bracton and Azo : edited by F. W. Maitland. 4to. 1895 9. Select cases from the Coroners' Rolls, 1265-1413, with a brief account of the history of the oflBlce of Coroner: edited by C. Gross. 4to. 1896 10. Select cases in Chancery, 1364 to 1471 : edited by W. P. Baildon. 4to. 1896 11. Select pleas in the Court of Admiralty, vol. 2. See No. 6. 12. Select cases in the Court of Eequests, 1497-1569 : edited by I. S. Leadam. 4to. 1898 13. Select pleas of the Forest : edited by Gr. J. Turner. 4to. 1901 14. Beverley town documents : edited by A. F. Leach. 4to. 1900 15. Select pleas, starrs, and other records from the Eolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, 1220-84 : edited by J. M. Eigg. 4to. 1902 16. Select cases before the King's Council in the Star Chamber, commonly called the Court of Star Chamber, 1477-1509 : edited by I. S. Leadam. 4to. 1903 17. 19, 20. Year books of Edward II. : edited by F. W. Maitland. 3 vols. 4to. 1903-05 18. Borough Customs, vol. 1 : edited byM. Bateson. 4to. 1904 19. 20. Year books of Edward II., vols. 2, 8. See No. 17. SEL— SET. 679 Select Cases. Select cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, before the Lords Commissioners and Lord Chancellor King, from the year 1724 to 1733 . . . fol. 1740 See also Chancery Cases. Selwyn, William. Abridgment of the law of Nisi Prius, Thirteenth edition, by D. Keane and C. T. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869 Eeports of King's Bench cases. See Maule, George. Senior, Charles. Hand-book of Income Tax law and practice . . . 12mo. 1863 Seoane, Mateo. See Neuman H., and Baretti G. ; Spanish and English dictionary. Serjeants' Inn. Catalogue of Portraits. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Serrell, George. The equitable doctrine of Election. 8vo. 1891 Session, Court of. Eeports, 1st — 5th Series. See Court of Session Cases. Sessions Cases. Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, chiefly touching Settlements [1710-47.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1750 Sessions Cases, New. See New Sessions Cases. Seton, Christopher. Court Martial on Lieut. Christopher Seton. See Powell, Eichard. Seton, Sir Henry Wilmot. Forms of Judgments and Orders in the High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, having especial reference to the Chancery Division ; with practical notes. 8vo. 1830 — Third edition, by W. H. Harrison and E. H. Leach. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862 — Fourth edition, by E. H. Leach, F. G. A. Williams, and H. W. May. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. 1877-79 — Fifth edition, by C. C. M. Dale and W. Clowes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1891-93 — Sixth edition, by C. C. M. Dale, W. T. King, and W. 0. Gold- schmidt. 3 vols. 8vo. 1901 680 SET-SHA. Settle, Elkanah. Fatal Love : or, The Forc'd Inconstancy. 4to. 1680 Settlement Cases. Cases, and resolutions of cases, adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, concerning settlements and removals, from the first year of King G-eorge I. to 1732. Fourth edition, with additions and an appendix ; being a collection of the like eases, adjudged when Sir John Holt was Chief Justice. 8vo. 1742 Sbwel, William. Dictionary, English and Dutch, in two parts : to which is added, a grammar for both languages. Third edition. 4to. Amsterdam, 1735 Sewell, J. T. B. An outline of the French law as affecting British subjects. 8vo. 1897 Setbeeth, Johann Philipp. Paradoxa juris maxime publici. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Halse Venedorum, 1707 Seychelles Islands. Collection of regulations and ordinances during the years 1872- 1905. 5 vols. fol. and 8vo. [1898-1905] Seyffeetiz, G-ottlieb Adolph L. B. de. De regali imperialique Augustorum Germanise Augustarumque coronatione. [Germam, University Tracts, yo\. IS.'] 4to. Lipsise,l72d Seymour, Henry. Ecclesiastical courts, laws, and commission : a letter to the Editor of " The Times " (inserted February 5th, 1862) ; with a copy of the opinion of counsel upon the reform of the ecclesiastical courts . . . [Tracts, vol. 23, No. 9.] 8vo. 1862 Shadwell, Charles Lancelot, Catalogue of the Library of Oriel College in the year 1375. [Oirford Historical Society, No. 5.] Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. See Holland, Thomas Erskine. Shadwell, Thomas Mitchell. See Feaene, Charles ; Posthumous , Works. Shakespeare, Charles. St. Paul at Athens ; spiritual Christianity in relation to some aspects of modem thought : nine sermons preached in St. Stephen's church, Westbourne Park, with a preface by Canon Farrar. Svo. 1878 SHA. 681 Shakespeare, William. The first collected edition of the dramatic Works of William Shake- speare : a reproduction in exact fac-simile of the famous first folio, 1623, by photo-lithography ; executed from the copies in Bridgewater House and in the National Library, at the suggestion, and under the superintendence, of H. Staunton. fol. 1866 Works of William Shakespeare ; the text revised by A. Dyce. Second edition. 9 vols. 8vo. 1866-67 Plays of William Shakespeare, with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators : to which are added, notes by Sam, John- son. 8 vols. 8vo. 1765 Mr. William Shakespeare his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies : [edited by E. Capell.] 10 vols. 8vo. 1767-68 A revisal of Shakespear's text ; wherein the alterations introduced into it by the more modern editors and critics, are particularly con- sidered : [by B. Heath.] 8vo. 1765 The CanoDs of Criticism, and glossary ; being a supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakespear, collected from the notes in that work, by T, Edwards. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1765 An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets ; with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire : [by Elizabeth Montagu.] 8vo. 1769 Notes and various readings to Shakespeare : [to which is added, in vol. 3] The School of Shakespeare, or, authentic extracts from English books that were in print in that author's time . . . [by E. Capell.] 3 vols. 4to. 1779-80 Remarks, critical and illustrative, on the text and notes of the last [Gr. Steeven's] edition of Shakespeare : [by J. Ritson.] 8vo. 1783 The complete Concordance to Shakespeare ; being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet : by M. Cowden Clarke. New and revised edition. 8vo. 1875 The Shakespeare Key . . . forming a companion to " The complete concordance to .Shakespeare " : by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. 8vo. 1879 Corrigenda and explanations of the text of Shakspere : by Gt. Gould. 8vo. 1881 Thoughts on Shakespeare's historical plays : by A. S. G. Canning. 8vo. 1884 Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata : an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere : by L. Horton- Smith. 8vo. Cambridge, 1896 The diary of Master William Silence ; a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport, by D. H. Madden. 8vo. 1897 Bacon's Promus of formularies and elegancies . . . illustrated and elucidated by passages from Shakespeare : by Mrs. H. Pott. 8vo. 1883 682 SHA. Shakespeare, William — continued. Shakespeare studies in Baconian light : by R. M. Theobald. 8vo. 1891 Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene, a study : by E. J. Castle. 8vo. 1897 The hidden lives of Shakespeare and Bacon and their business connection ; with some revelations of Shakespeare's early struggles, 1587-92 : by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. 1897 Bacon vs. Shakspere, brief for plaintiff : by E. Eeed. 8vo. 1899 Sharp, Charles. See Lawson, William Norton; Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Acts. Sharp, Granville. A representation of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tole- rating Slavery, or of admitting the least claim of private property in the persons of men, in England . . . [Tracts, vol. 4, No, 3.] Svo. 1769 — Appendix. [Tmcfe, vol. 4, No. 4.] Svo. 1772 Remarks concerning the encroachments on the Eiver Thames near Durham Yard ... in two parts. 8vo. 1771 Sharpe, John. Monumenta historica Britannica. [Record Commission, No. 24.] Sharpe, Montagu. From the reports on Hobbayne's Charity and the vill by the New Brent Ford, in the ancient parish of Hanwell, Middlesex. Printed by order of the Trustees. Svo. 1901 Bregant-f orda and the Han-weal : a paper on the passage of the army of Julius Caesar across the Thames at Brentford, and other events in early days in and around the township. Svo. Brentford, 1904 Sharpe, Reginald R. Calendar of letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, circa 1350-70 . . . with an introduction. Svo. 1885 Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, 1258-1688; preserved among the Archives of the Cor- poration of the City of London, at the Guildhall: edited with introduction. 2 vols. Svo. 1889-90 London and the Kingdom; a history derived mainly from the archives at Guildhall in the custody of the Corporation of the City of London. 3 vols. Svo. 1894-95 Calender of letter-books preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall : letter-books A— G., circa 1275-1374. 7 vols. Svo. 1899-1905 1 SHA-SHE. 683 Shaw, Benjamin. Argument in the case of Bidsdale v. Clifton and others. [Folkestone Ritual case.] See Ridsdale, Charles James. See also Stephens, Archibald John ; Argument in the case of the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett. Shaw, John. Life of. [1608-72.] [Surtees Society, No. 65.] Shaw, Joseph. Shaw's Parish law, being a guide to parish officers ... by J. F. Archbold. Eighth edition, by J. T. Dodd. 8vo. 1895 Shaw, Patrick. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1821-24. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826-28 Digest of cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, from 1800 to 1867 ; and on Appeal from the House of Lords, from 1726 to 1867 . . . revised, consolidated, and continued to 1868, by A. B. Bell and W. Lamond. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869 Reports of House of Lords cases, Scotland. See Wilson, James. See also Court of Session Cases, First series. Shaw Patrick, and Maclean Charles Hope. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1835-38 ; with general index. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836-39 Shaw, William A. A history of the English Church during the Civil Wars and under the Commonwealth, 1640-60. 2 vols. 8vo. 1900 Treasury Books and papers. [Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 19, 20.] See also Royal Histobical Society. Shearman, Charles. Report of the case of Brown v. Annandale and Son (on Appeal from the Court of Session in Scotland), decided by the House of Lords, Feb. 25, 1842 ; with some observations upon the probable effect of the decision upon existing patents. \_Tracts, vol. 9, No. 13.] 8vo. [1842] Shearwood, Joseph A. A concise abridgment of the law of Personal Property, showing analytically its branches and the title by which it is held. Svo. 1882 A concise abridgment of the law of Real Property and an introduc- tion to conveyancing. Third edition. 8vo. 1885 Action at law : being a concise analysis of the practise of the Courts. Second edition. Svo. 1900 ¥ 684 SHE. Shebbeabe, John. An essay on the origin, progress, and establishment of National Society ... to which is added, an appendix on the [speech of] Mr. Burke, 22nd March, 1775. [Tracts, vol. 1, No. 6.] 8vo. 1776 Shee, William. See Abbott, Charles, Lord Tenterden ; Merchant Ships and Seamen : Ma.e,shall, Samuel ; Marine Insurance. Sheffield, John, Lord. 8ee Gibbon, Edward ; Works. Sheil, Richard Lalor. Speeches ; with memoir by T. Macnevin. Second edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1867 Sheldon, William Eobert. Land Transfer Acts, 1875 and 1897. See Brickdale, Charles Fortescue. See also Dart, Joseph Henry ; Vendors and Purchasers : Far well. Sir Q-eorge ; Treatise on Powers. Shelford, Leonard. Treatise of the law of Mortmain and Charitable Uses and Trusts ; with an appendix of statutes and forms. 8vo. 1836 Treatise on the law of Wills, as altered by the Statute 7 Will. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 26. 12mo. 1838 ♦ Treatise of the law of Marriage and Divorce . . . 8vo. 1841 Treatise of the law concerning Lunatics . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1847 The law relating to the Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties ; including all the statutes and the decisions on those subjects. 12mo. 1855 The law of Copyholds, in reference to the enfranchisement and commutation of manorial rights ; with the copyhold acts . . . and the forms and directions of the Copyhold Commissioners. 12mo. 1858 The law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency. Third edition. 12mo. 1862 The law of Highways in England and Wales ; comprising highways in districts under Boards of Health and of Local G-overnment, and as affected by railways ; with additional forms not contained ia the acts. Third edition. 12mo. 1862 Law of Joint Stock Companies. Second edition, by D. Pitcaim and F. L. Latham. 8vo. 1870 Real Property Statutes . . . Tenth edition, by T. H. Carson and H. B. Bompas. 8vo. 1902 See also Cbabb, Q-eorge ; Precedents in Conveyancing. SHE. 685 Shelley's Case. Analytical view of the Eule in Shelley's case. See Walters, William Clayton. Observations concerning the Eule in Shelley's case . . . See Hargrave, Francis ; Law Tracts. Shephard, Charles. The Colonial practice of St. Vincent, containing an abstract of the Court Acts and the Rules of the several Courts in the Island : also observations on the common assurances in general use in the West Indies. 8vo. 1822 Shephard, H. H. The capture of Private Property at Sea. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Sheppard, Joseph Brigstocke. Letter books of Christ Church, Canterbury. [Britain, No. 85.] Letters relating to the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury. [Camden Society, new series, No. 19.] Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, [Britain, No. 67.] Sheppard, William. The Touchstone of Common Assurances. 4to. 1648 — Seventh edition ... by R. Preston. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820-21 — Eighth edition, by E. Gr. Atherley. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 The Faithfull Councellor : or, the marrow of the law in English. 4to. 1651 An epitome of all the Common and Statute laws of this Nation, now in force . . . fol. 1656 The office of the Clerk of the Market. 12mo. 1665 The law of Common Assurances, touching deeds in general : viz., feoffments, gifts, grants, leases. fol. 1669 The Practical Councellor in the law touching fines, common recoveries, judgments, and the execution thereof. fol. 1671 Actions upon the case for Slander ; shewing the law of what words are actionable, and what not, and of a conspiracy and a libel. Second edition. 8vo. 1 674 Abridgment of the Common and Statute law of England. 4to. 1675 Actions upon the case for Deeds, viz., contracts, assumpsits, deceipts, nusances, trover and conversion, delivery of goods, and for other male-feasance or mis-feasance. Second edition. 8vo. 1675 The Court Keeper's guide for the keeping of Courts-Leet and Courts-Baron. The seventh edition, whereunto are added, prece- dents of copies of Court-Eolls, by W. Browne. 12mo. 1685 The President of Presidents : or, one general president of all Common Assurances by Deeds. Fifth edition, 8vo. 1723 686 SHE-SHI. Sheppabd v. Bennett. Substance of the argument in the case of Thomas Byard Sheppard against William James Early Bennett. See Stephens, Archibald John. Sheridan, Eichard Brinsley. Works: edited by T. Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. 1821 Memoirs. See Moore, Thomas. Sheriff. The Compleat Sheriff ; wherein is set forth his office and authority . . . likewise of under-sheriffs and their deputies ... to which is added, the office and duty of Coroners. 8vo. 1696 The Under-Sheriff ; containing the office and duty of high-sheriffs, under-sheriffs, and bailiffs ... by a G-entleman of the Inner Temple. 8vo. 1766 Sheriff, D. Suggestions on the land question of Ireland . . . [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 7.] 8vo. BuUin, 1869 Sheriffs' Court of London. The practice of the Sheriffs' Court of London. 12mo. 1657 Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London. The Option ; being an enquiry into the grounds of the claim made by the Archbishop on all Bishops, of the disposal of any preferment belonging to their respective Sees . . . [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Shillingford, John, Mayor of Exeter. Letters and papers of John Shillingford, Mayor of Exeter, 1447-48. [Camden Society, new series, No. 2.] Shipley, Orby. Ought we to obey the new Court created by the Public Worship Eegulation Act ? Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 15, No. 5.] 8vo. 1875 Shirley, Walter Shirley. A selection of leading cases in the Common law, with notes. 8vo. 1880 — Seventh edition by E. Watson. Svo. 1904 Sketch of the Criminal law ; assisted by C. M. Atkinson. 8vo. 1880 An elementary treatise on Magisterial law and on the practice of Magistrates' Courts. 8vo. 1881 A selection of leading cases in the Criminal law ; with notes. Svo. 1888 SHI— SHO. 687 Shieley, Walter Waddington. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. {^Britain, No. 5.] Letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III. ^Britain, No. 27.] Shoppee, Charles John. Addresses read at the opening meetings of the Surveyors' Institu- tion, sessions 1892-93. 8vo. [1893] Sermon preached after his funeral. See Lupton, Joseph Hirst. Short, Charles. Latin Dictionary. See Lewis, Charlton T. Short, Frederick Hugh. The Crown Office Eules and Forms, 1886, the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, and Rules of the Supreme Court, 1883, relating to the practice dn the Crown side of the Queen's Bench Division, including appeals from inferior Courts . . . 8vo. 1886 Short Frederick Hugh, and Mellor Francis Hamilton. The practice on the Crown side of the Queen's Bench Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice (founded on Corner's Crown Office Practice), including appeals from inferior courts, with appendices of rules and forms. 8vo. 1890 Shortt, John. The law relating to works of Literature and Art: embracing the law of copyright, the law relating to newspapers, the law relating to contracts between authors, publishers, and printers, and the law of libel ; with forms . . . Second edition. Svo. 1884 Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto), Mandamus, and Prohibition. 8vo. 1887 Shortt John, and Jones Edwyn. The County Courts acts, rules, and orders (common law and equity), and the jurisdiction and practice. Svo. 1868 Shower, Sir Bartholomew. Cases in Parliament resolved and adjudged, upon Petitions and Writs of Error. fol. 1698 Eeports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench during the reigns of Charles II., James II., and William III. [1678-94.] 2 vols. fol. 1708-20 — With notes and references by T. Leach. Third edition, by G. Butt : also an index to the principal matters contained in Sir B, Shower's Reports, with notes, by S. Hughes. Svo. 1836 688 SIB— SIE. SiBBES, Richard, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Works : to whicli is prefixed, a short memoir of the author's life. 3 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1809 — Edited, with memoir, by A. B. Grosart. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862-64 Divine meditations and holy contemplations. [Epistle to the Reader by E. Culverwell.] 12aio. 1638 Beames of divine light, breaking forth from severall places of holy Scripture, as they were learnedly opened, in xxi sermons . . . 4to. 1639 SiCHAED, Johann. Prselectionum ... in libros Codicis Justiniani, tomus primus et secundus ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. BasUese, 1565 Eesponsa juris, in quibus diversi casus criminales, matrimoniales, testamentarii, feudales, et ceterorum contractuum perspicue trac- tantur . , . fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1599 SicHEL, Walter S. The practice relating to Witnesses, in all matters and proceedings, civil and criminal . . . 8vo, 1887 SicHEL Walter S., and Chance William. The law relating to Interrogatories, production, inspection of docu- ments, and discovery . . . with an appendix of the acts, forms, and orders. 8vo. 1883 SiCKELS, H. E. Reports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1871-73. [New York Court of Appeals Beports, 46-52.] 8vo. New YorJc, 1872-73 SiDERFiN, Thomas. Reports des divers special cases argue et adjudge en le Court del Bank le Roy, et auxy en le Com. Bank, et I'Exchequer. [1657-70.] Seconde edition ... 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. 1714 SiEGEL, Johann G-ottlieb. Oratio solennis de jure feudal! . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Lipsise, 1735 SiEERA Leone. Ordinances of the colony of Sierra Leone, 1858-80, 1882-84, 1886-1904. 9 vols. fol. 1861-1904 Chronological and alphabetical index of the ordinances of Sierra Leone, by F. F. Pinket . . . revised up to Dec. 1899. fol. [1900] SIG— SIM. 689 Signet, Society op Weitees to the. History of the Society of Writers to her Majesty's Signet, with a list of the members of the Society from 1594 to 1890, and an abstract of the Minutes. [Printed for the Society.^ 4to. Edinburgh, 1890 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalog des, Library. SiGONiTJS, Carolus. De antiquo jure civium Eomanomm Hbri duo . . . 4to. Venetiis, 1560 SiLBEEEAD, Johaun G-ustav. De Mathilde abbatissa Quedlinburgensi aliquando Vicaria imperii. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Altorfii, 1736 SiLBEEEAD, Martin Jacob. De Imperatoris titulo. [German University Tracts, vol. 18.] 4to. Helmsestadi, 1728 SiLLEM, Charles Richard. See White Frederick Thomas, and TuDOE Owen Davies ; Leading cases in Equity. Sills, G-eorge. Treatise on Composition Deeds under the Bankruptcy Acts, 1861, 1868 ... 12mo. 1868 Simeon, Charles. Life of. See Moule, H. C. G. Simeon, John. Treatise on the law of Elections, in all its branches. Second edition. 8vo. 1795 Simeon of Dueham. De Dunelmensi ecclesia ; De gestis regum Anglorum. See TwTSDEN, Sir Koger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Historia de gestis regum Anglorum. [Record Commission, No. 24.] SiMET, Ealph IlifE. See Aenould, Sir J. ; Marine Insurance : Smith, John William ; Mercantife law. Simmons, Thomas Frederick. The constitution and practice of Courts Martial ; with a summary of the law of evidence as connected therewith, also some notice of the criminal law of England with reference to the trial of civil offences. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1875 Simons, Nicholas. Eeports of cases decided in the Court of the Vice-Chancellor of England, 1826-52. 17 vols. 8vo. 1829-54 — New series, 1850-52. 2 vols. 8vo. 1851-52 See also Statutes. u u ■ 690 SIM— SKA. • Simons Nicholas, and Stuabt John. Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir J. Leach, Vice-Chancellor, from 1822-27. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824-27 Simpson, Archibald H. Treatise on the law and practice relating to Infants. Second edition, by E. J. Elgood. 8vo. 1890 Simpson, Edgar E. London Government under the Local Government Act, 1888. See FiBTH, Joseph Firth Bottomley. Simpson, H. F. Morland. Civil War papers, 1643-50. [Scottish History Society^ No. 15.] Simpson, W. Span-ow. Gleanings from Old S. Paul's. 8vo. 1889 Documents illustrating the history of St. Paul's Cathedral. [Camden Society, new series. No. 26.] Visitations of Churches belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral, 1249- 1458. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 53, 55.] Sinker, Robert. Catalogue of the Fifteenth Century printed books in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. See Catalogues, Library. SiNTENis, Carl Friedrich Ferdinand. See Corpus Juris Civilis. Sircar, Shama Churun. Tagore Law Lectures, 1873 : the Muhammadan law ; being a digest of the law applicable especially to the Sunnis of India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873 Tagore Law Lectures, 1874 : the Muhammadan law ; being a digest of the Sunni Code in part, and o^the Imamiyah Code. 8vo. Calcutta, 1875 SiREY, [Jean Baptiste.] Les Codes annotes de Sirey. See Codes, France. SixTiNUS Regnerus, and Obrechtus Georgius. Tractatus duo : prior, de regalibus Regneri Sixtini ; posterior, De jurisdictione et imperio Georgii Obrechti . . . 4to. Mulhusii Tyrigetarum, 1602 Skaipe, Robert H. Guild of Corpus Christi, York. [Surtees Society, No. 57.] Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' fees, and the nomina villarum for Yorkshire. [Surtees Society, l^o. 49.] SKE— SMA. 691 Skeat, Walter W. An etymological dictionary of the English language. 4to. Oxford, 1882 Skelton, John. Essays in history and biography ; including the defence of Mary Stuart. 8vo. 1883 Skene, Sir John. Eegiam Majestatem . . . fol. Edinburgi, 1609 The exposition of the termes and difficill wordes conteined in the foure buiks of Eegiam Majestatem . . . 4to. 1641 Skene, William F. Chronicles of the Picts and Scots. [Scotlcmd, No. 1.] Skinner, Eobert. Eeports of cases adjudged in the King's Bench [1681-98.] fol. 1728 Skinner, Stephen. Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae. fol. 1671 Skinner, Thomas. See Directory of Directors : Stock Exchange Year Book. Slade, Marcus W. See Edmunds, Lewis; Law of Copyright in Designs. Slatin, Sir Eudolf Carl. Fire and Sword in the Sudan, a personal narrative of fighting and serving the Dervishes, 1879-95 : translated by F. E. Wingate. Third edition. 8vo. 1896 Sleigh, John. A history of the ancient parish of Leek, in Staffordshire : with a chapter on the geology of the neighbourhood, by T. Wardle. 8vo. Leek, 1862 Smalb, John. Eeports of Chancery cases. See De Gex, John Peter. Smale John, and Giffard J. W. de Longueville. Eeports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, by the Vice-chancellor Sir John Stuart, from Michaelmas term, 1852, to Trinity term, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. 1855-58 — Digest. See Gtipfard, J. W. de Longueville. uu2 692 SMA— SMI. Smallet, George W. London letters and some others. 2 vols. 8vo. 1890 Vol. 1. Personalities — Two Midlothian Campaigns. 2. Notes on Social Life — Notes on Parliament — Pageants — Miscellanies. Smeaton, John. An historical report on Eamsgate Harbour . . . Svo. 1791 A narrative of the building, and a description of the construction, of the Edystone Lighthouse ; to which is subjoined an appendix giving some account of the Lighthouse on Spurn Point, built upon a sand. Second edition. fol. 1793 Smedlet, Edward. See ENCTCLOPiEDiAs ; Encyclopaedia Metro- politana. Smethtjbst, James Mellor. Treatise on the Locus Standi of petitioners against Private Bills in Parliament. Third edition. 12mo. 1876 Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers, with an account of their principal works ; comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain. 3 vols. Svo. 1862 Lives of Boulton and Watt ; principally from the original Soho MSS., comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam engine. Second edition. 8vo. 1866 Smirke, Sydney. Account of the Temple Church. See Temple, The. [Smith, A.] The defences of England: nine letters by a journeyman shoe- maker . . . [Tracts, vol. 34, No. 2.] 8vo. 1862 Smith, A. Duncan. Trial of Madeleine Smith. 8vo. 1905 Smith, Adam. Works ; with an account of his life and writings, by D. Stewart. 5 vols. 8vo. 1811-12 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations ; with a life of the author, an introductory discourse, notes and supplemental dissertations, by J. E. McCulloch. New edition. 8vo. 1863 Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms, delivered in the University of Glasgow ; reported by a studeni in 1763, and edited with an introduction and notes by E. Cannan. 8vo. Oxford, 1896 SMI. 693 Smith, Bassett. See Keer, Robert Malcolm ; Action at law. Smith, Benjamin E. The Cyclopaedia of Names ; a pronouncing and etymological dic- tionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction . . . 4to. 1894 Smith, Bovill. The Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890 . . . 8vo. 1891 Smith, Charles Manley. A treatise on the law of Master and Servant, including therein masters and workmen in every description of trade and occupation. Sixth edition, by E. M. Smith, with notes on the Canadian law by A. C. F. Boulton. 8vo. 1906 Smith, Charles T. See Selwyn, William ; Law of Nisi Prius. Smith, D. Stewart. See Emden, Alfred ; Winding-up Companies. Smith, Erasmus Peshine. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1857-63. [New York Court of Appeals Reports, 15-27.] 13 vols. 8vo. New YorJe, 1864-65 Smith, F. Harrison. Manual of Naval law and Court Martial procedure. See Stephens, John Edward Robert. Smith, Frederick James. Quarter Sessions practice, a vade mecum of general practice in appellate and civil cases at Quarter Sessions. 8vo. 1882 Smith, Frederick John. See Tayloe, Alfred Swaine ; Medical Juris- prudence. Smith, George Adam. The life of Henry Drummond. Second edition. 8vo. 1899 Smith, George Bamett. History of the English Parliament, together with an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. 1892 Smith, George James Philip. Reports of Queen's Bench cases. See Best, William Mawdesley. Smith, Gordon. See Peitchaed, W. Tarn ; Digest of Admiralty and Maritime law. 694 sm. Smith, Henry. Laws concerning Public Health. See Smith, William Eobert. Smith, Henry Arthur. A practical exposition of the principles of Equity . , . Third edition. 8vo. 1902 See also Coote, Eichard Holmes ; Law of Mortgages : Lawbance, George Woodford ; Deeds of Arrangement. Smith, Henry Percy. Glossary of terms and phrases. 8vo. 1883 Smith, Horace. Treatise on the law of Negligence. Second edition. 8vo. 1884 See also Addison, Charles Greenstreet ; Law of Torts : Eoscoe, Henry ; Criminal Ev^idence: Eussell, Sir William Oldnall; Crimes and Misdemeanors. Smith, James Charles. Eeports of Probate and Divorce cases. See Seaele, Eichard. Smith, John Edward. A catalogue of Westminster Eecords, deposited at the Town Hall, Caxton Street, in the custody of the vestry of St. Margaret and St. John, with introductory essay, illustrations and extracts. 8vo. 1900 Smith, John Guthrie. The law of Damages : a treatise on the reparation of injuries, as administered in Scotland. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1889 Smith, John Prince. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, with some cases in the High Court of Chancery, from Michaelmas term, 1803, to Trinity term, 1806. 3 vols. 8vo. 1804-07 Smith, John Sidney, The practice of the Court of Chancery, including the Joint Stock Companies Acts . . . Seventh edition, by the author and A. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862 Smith, John Thomas. Antiquities of Westminster: the old Palace; St. Stephen's Chapel . . . ^ 4to. 1807 Ancient topography of London. 4to. 1815 Smith, John William. Compendium of Mercantile law. Third edition. 8vo. 1843 — Eleventh edition, by E. L. de Hart and E. I. Simey. 2 vols. 8vo. 1906 SMI. 696 Smith, John William — continued. The law of Landlord and Tenant ; being a course of lectures delivered at the Law Institution : with notes by F. P. Maude. 8vo. 1855 — Third edition, by V. T. Thompson. Svo. 1882 The law of Contracts. Eighth edition, by V. T. Thompson. Svo. 1885 A selection of Leading Cases on various branches of the law. Eleventh edition, by T. W. Chitty, J. H. Williams and H. Chitty. 2 vols. Svo. 1903 Action-at-Law. See Foulkes, William Decimus Inglett. Smith, Josiah W. Compendium of the law of Real and Personal Property. Sixth edition, by the author and J. Trustram. 2 vols. Svo. 1884 Manual of Common law . . . comprising the fundamental principles, with useful practical rules and decisions. Eleventh edition, by C. Spurling. Svo. 1S9S Manual of Equity Jurisprudence . . . Fifteenth edition, by S. E. Williams. Svo. 1900 See also Fearne, Charles ; Contingent Remainders : Mitfobd, John ; Chancery Pleadings. Smith L., and Hamilton H. The international English and French dictionary. A new edition. 4to. Paris, 1866 Smith, Lucy Toulmin. Henry IV.'s expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land. [Camden Society, new series. No. 52.] Parliamentary petitions relating to Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Ricart's Kalendar of the Mayor of Bristol. [Gamden Society, new series. No. 5.] See also Bozon, Nicole ; Les contes moralises. Smith, Lumley. See Mayne, John D. ; Law of Damages. Smith, Madeleine. Trial of Madeleine Smith : edited by A. D, Smith. Svo. 1905 Smith, PhiHp Anstie. On ancient legal Education in the Inns of Court. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Smith, Philip Vernon. On the effect of the contemplated fusion of law and equity on the English law of Contract. [Juridical Society, vol. 4.] On the law of Forfeiture for Treason and Felony. [Juridical Society, TOl. 8.] 696 SMI. Smith, E. H. Soden. National Portraits. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Smith, E. Percy. The Insane and tlie law. See Pitt-Lewis, G-eorge. Smith, Eeginald J. The Yorkshire Eegistries Acts, 1884 and 1885 ; with rules, forms, and notes. Eevised edition. 8vo. 1885 Smith, Eichard, Bishop of Chalcedon. Florum historise ecclesiasticse gentis Anglorum, libri septem ... his adjuncta est Epistola ejusdem ad Jacobum Eegem de mutuis officiis inter summos pontifices et M. Britanniae Eeges. f ol. Parisiis, 1654 Smith, Samuel. MyUfe-work. 8vo. 1902 Smith, Smalman. Analytical index to the ordinances regulating the civil and criminal procedure of the Gold Coast colony and of the colony of Lagos. 8vo. 1888 Smith, Sydney. "Works. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 Smith, Sir Thomas. The Commonwealth of England, and the manner and government thereof. 12mo. 1640 Smith, Thomas Berry Cusack. Eeports of King's Bench cases, Ireland. See Fox, Michael Charles. Smith Thomas Berry Cusack, and Batty Espine. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, from Michaelmas term, 1824, to Trinity term, 1825. 8vo. Buhlin, 1830 Smith, Thomas Eustace. Short practical Company forms, assisted by E. E. V. Williams. 8vo. 1896 A summarv of the law of Companies. Seventh edition. 8vo. 1901 Law of Musical and Dramatic Copyright. See Cutlek, Edward. Smith, Toulmin. The Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855 ; with an introduction, notes, and a table of qualifications for voters, vestrymen, and auditors. * 12mo. 1865 Practical proceedings for the removal of Nuisances to health and safety, and for the execution of drainage works . . . Third edition. ^ 12mo. 1861 SMI. 697 Smith, W. Eobertson. Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, 8vo. Cambridge, 1885 Smith, Sir William. Dictionary of the Bible ; comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history. 3 vols. 8vo. 1863 Dictionary of Greek and Eoman antiquities. Second edition. 8vo. 1870 A Latin-English dictionary . . . Tenth edition. 8vo. 1871 Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, by various writers. 3 vols. 8vo. 1872 A classical dictionary of Greek and Eoman biography, mythology, and geography, revised by G. E. Marindin . . . 8vo. 1894 See also Hall am, Henry ; Constitutional History of England. [Student's edition.] Smith, Sir William Cusack. Tracts on legal and other subjects. 8vo. 1811 1. A short inqiiiry as to the competency of Witnesses, with reference to their religious opinions. 2. An attempt to show that Witnesses, under cross-examination, ought not to be required to bear testimony to their own disgrace. 3. Observations on that part of the law of Evidence which relates to the proof of deeds. 4. Reasons for dissenting from a judgment of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland ; including some brief notices of the law, as applicable to actions for malicious prosecutions. Tracts upon the Union. 8vo. Dublin, 1831 1. Substance of a speech on the subject of a Legislative Union between this country and Great Britain ; delivered in the House of Commons, Jan. 24th, 1799. Seventh edition. 2. Eeview of a publication, entitled, The speech of the Et. Hon. J. Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland. Fourth edition. 3. Letter to Henry Grattan, Esq., M.P. Fourth edition. 4. Animadversions on the published speeches of Mr. Saurin and Mr. Bushe . . . Smith, William Henry. Life and Times. See Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Smith, William Eobert. The laws concerning Public Health ; including the various sanitary acts passed in the Session 1883, and the circulars issued by her Majesty's Privy Council and the Local Government Board, assisted by H. Smith. 8vo. 1883 698 SMO— SNO. Smollett, Tobias George. A complete History of England, deduced from the descent of Julius Caesar to the treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. 4 vols. 4to. 1757-58 The History of England, from the Eevolution to the death of George II. ; designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's History. A new edition. 5 vols. 8vo. 1812 Smyly, William Cecil. See County Courts ; Annual Practice. Smyth, George Lewis. Ireland, historical and statistical. 3 vols. 8vo. 1844-49 Smyth, Richard. Obituary kept by Richard Smyth, 1627-74. [Camden Society, No. 44.] Smyth, William Henry. The cycle of celestial objects, continued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859 ; with a notice of recent discoveries, including details from the Mdes Hartwellianse. 4to. 1860 Addenda to the j^des HartwelHanse. 4to. 1864 Sidereal Chromatics; being a re-print, with additions, from the " Bedford cycle of celestial objects " and its " Hartwell continua- tion," on the colours of multiple stars. 8vo. 1864 Smythe, Hamilton. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1839-40, 8vo. Dublin, 1840 The law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1842 Snell, Edmund Henry Turner. The principles of Equity. 8vo. 1868 — Thirteenth edition, by A. Brown. 8vo. 1901 — Fourteenth edition, by A. Brown. 8vo. 1905 — Analysis. See Blyth, E. E. Shelling, T. Views of silver, gold, and copper Coins of England ; and miscella- neous views of coins and of counters. 4to. 1762-69 Snbyd, Charlotte Augusta. Italian account of England, circ. 1500. [Camden Society, No. 37.] Snow, Thomas. See Annual Practice : White Frederick Thomas, and Tudor Owen Davies ; Leading cases in Equity. SOC— SOM. 699 Society of Comparative Legislation. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation. 2 vols. 8vo. 1897 — New series. 6 vols. Bvo. 1899-1905 SociNus, Marianus. Consiliorum pars prima [et secunda.] 2 parts in 1 vol, fol. Lugduni, 1650 Soceates Scholasticus. Historia Ecclesiastica. See Eusebius. Soefve, Lucien. Nouveau recueil de plusieurs questions notables, tant de droit que de coutumes, jugees par arrests d'audiances du Parlement de Paris, depuis 1640 jusques a present ... 2 vols, in 1. fol. Paris, 1682 SoHM, Eudolph. The Institutes : a text-book of the history and system of Boman Private law : translated by J. C. Ledlie, with an introduction by E. Grueber. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1901 SoLBERG, Thorvald. Bibliography of books, in English, relating to Scandinavian countries. See Horn, Frederik Winkel. Solicitors' Journal. The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter, 1857-1905. 49 vols. \_In progress.] 8vo. and 4to. 1857-1905 Solly, Edward. An index of hereditary English, Scotch, and Irish Titles of Honour. [Index Society.] 4to. 1880 Solomon, William. See Voet, Jan ; Comraentarius ad Pandectas. SoLOEZANO Pereira, Juau de. De Indiarum jure, sive de justa Indiarum Occidentalium inquisi- tione, acquisitione, et retentione . . . fol. Matriti, 1629 SOMALILAND PROTECTORATE. King's (Queen's) regulations, 1900-05. 3 vols. fol. 1900-05 SoMEREN, Joannes a. Tractatus de jure novercarum. Editio altera [et] Tractatus de reprsesentatione. 8vo. Trajecti ad Bhemim, 1668-76 700 SOM— SOU. SoMEKS, John, Lord. The Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations, concerning the rights, power, and prerogative of Kings, and the rights, privileges, and properties of the people. 8vo. 1710 Argument on giving judgment in the Bankers' Case, delivered in the Exchequer Chamber, June 23, 1696. 4to. 1733 A collection of scarce and valuable Tracts . . . chiefly such as relate to the history and constitution of these kingdoms . . . selected from [various libraries], particularly that of the late Lord Somers. Second edition, revised, augmented, and arranged by Sir W. Scott. 13 vols. 4to. 1809-15 Account of his life and writings. See Maddock, H. SoMNEE, William. Treatise of Gavelkind. Second edition ; to which is added the life of the author, by the Lord Bishop of Peterborough [White Kennett.] 4to. 1726 Sophocles. Sophoclis quae exstant omnia, cumveterum grammaticorum scholiis. Superstites tragoedias vii ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensuit, versione et notis illustravit, deperditarum fragmenta collegit Eich. Franc. Phil. Brunck ; accedunt Excerpta ex varietate lectionis, quam continet editio Caroli Gottl. Augusti Erfurdt, Demetrii Triclinii scholia metrica, et notse ineditse Caroli Burneii. 3 vols. Svo. 1819 Carol. Gottl. Aug. Erfurdtii annotationes integrse in Sophoclis tragoedias: CEdipum Tyrannum, Antigonam, Trachinias, Ajacem, Philoctetam, Electram ; in quibus continentur Hermanni, Wake- fieldii, Eeiskii, Musgravii, Camerarii, aliorumque animadversiones. Svo. 1824 Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata : an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere, by L. Horton- Smith. 8vo. Cambridge, 1896 SoETAiN, Joseph. Life of Francis, Lord Bacon. 8vo. 1851 SoTHEBY, Samuel Leigh. Principia typographica : the block books ; or, xylographic delinea- tions of Scripture history issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the 16th century, exemplified and considered in connection with the origin of printing ; to which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper marks of the period. 3vols. fol. 1858 Soto, Dominicus. Libri decern de justitia et jure . . . fol. Lugdtmi, 1569 SouLE, Charles C. The lawyer's reference manual of law books and citations. Svo. Boston, U.S.A., 1883 SOTJ— SPA. 701 South Africa, Wab in. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into sentences passed under martial law. fol. 1902 Official report of the banquet given on the 18th December, 1902, by the Incorporated Law Society to the survivors of the solicitors and articled clerks who served in the South African campaign, 1899-1902 ; with a record of the services of the officers and men so engaged. 4to. [1903] Report of His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the military preparations and other matters connected with the War in South Africa. 4 vols. fol. 1903 South Australia. Acts and ordinances of the province of South Australia, 1837-67. 7 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1868 Acts of the Parliament of South Australia, 1868-1904. 37 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1869-1904 Southern Nigeria. Proclamations, orders and rules, 1900-04. 4 vols. fol. and 8vo. 1902-05 Southern Rhodesia. The statute law of Southern Rhodesia; from the Charter [1889] to December, 1904. 7 vols. 8vo. Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1899-1905 Southerne, Thomas. Oroonoko. 4to. 1696 Sir Anthony Love : or, The Rambling Lady. 4to. 1698 SouTHET, Thomas. Chronological history of the West Indies. 3 vols. 8vo. 1827 SozoMEN, Hermias. Historia Ecclesiastica. See Eusebius. Spain. Letters, despatches, and State papers. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 31.] Spanheim, Ezekiel. Orbis Romanus, seu ad constitutionem Antonini Imperatoris . . . exercitationes du83. Editio secunda. 4to. 1703 Spanish Marriage Treaty. Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty. [Camden Society, No. 101.] 702 SPA— SPE. Spabham, Harry H. W. See Fishee, Robert Alexander ; Common law Digest. Spaeeow, Anthony. Collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical, with other public records of the Church of England, chiefly in the time of King Edward VI., Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles I. Second edition. 4to. 1671 Speaeman, Eudolph Herries. The common and statute law relating to Highways in England and North Wales . . . 8vo. 1881 Special and Selected Law Cases. Special and selected law cases . . . collected out of the Reports and Year Books of the common law of England. 4to. 1641 Spectatoe, The. See Essayists, British. Spedding, James. The letters and the life of Francis Bacon ; including all his occasional works . . . newly collected . . . with a commentary, biographical and historical. 7 vols. 8vo. 1861-74 Evenings with a Reviewer : or, Macaulay and Bacon . . . 2 vols. Svo. 1881 See also Bacon, Francis ; Works ; Conference of Pleasure. Speed, John. History of Great Britaine under the conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. Second edition. fol. 1627 The Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine ; presenting an exact geography of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the lies adjoyning. fol. 1627 Speght, Thomas. See Chaitcee, Geoffrey ; Works. Speidel, Johann Jacob. Sylloge qusestionum, consultationum, definitionum et decisionum juridicarum et politicarum . . . fol. Tuhingas, 1653 Spelman, Sir Henry. English Works, published in his lifetime ; together with his post- humous works relating to the laws and antiquities of England ; first published by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln [Edmund-Gibson], in the year 1695, together with the life of the author : now revised by his Lordship : to which are added two more treatises of Sir H. Spelman, never before printed : 1. Of the Admiral- Jurisdiction, and the Office thereof. 2. Of Antient Deeds and Charters. fol. 1723 SPE— SPI. 703 Spblman, Sir Henry — continued. Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, in re Ecclesiarum orbis Britannici ... 2 vols. fol. 1639-64 Villare Anglicum : or, a view of the townes of England. 4to. 1656 Glossarium Archaiologicum ; continens Latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta et novatse significationis vocabula . . . scholiis et com- mentariis illustrata. fol. 1664 Spence, George. [Three] Addresses to the public, and more especially to the members of the House of Commons, on the present unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery . . . [Tracts, vol. 9, JSTos. 2, 3, 4.] 8vo. 1839-40 The Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. 2 vols. 8vo. 1846-49 Spence, Thomas. A manual for English Bar-Students. 12mo. 1864 Spencer, Aubrey John. The Agricultural Holdings (England) Acts, 1883 to 1900 . . . together with the allotments and cottage gardens compensation for crops act, 1887. Second edition. 8vo. 1901 See also Dixon, Henry Hall ; Law of the Farm. Spencer, Edmund. A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise, betweene Eudoxus and Irenseus, 1596. [Ancient Irish Histories, vol. 1.] 8vo. Duhlin, 1809 Spencer, Herbert. Data of Ethics ; Formula of Evolution ; Unij&cation of Knowledge. See Guthrie, Malcolm. Structural principles of Philosophy. See Ground, William David. Spencer, John, Dean of Ely. De legibus Hebrseorum, ritualibus et earum rationibus, libri quatuor . . . editos MSS. cum testimoniis auctorum laudatis recensuit, et indices adjecit, L. Chappelow. 2 vols. fol. Gantabrigise, 1727 Spener, Jacob Karl. Primitise observationum historico-feudalium . . . 4to. Halse Saxonum, 1719 Spiegel, Jacob. Lexicon juris civilis. fol. Basilese, 1577 Spies, Johann Albert. Vindiciee electionis dubise Jodoci Imperatoris contra Sigismundum. [German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Altorfii Noric, 1726 704 SPI— SPE. Spilsbuet, William Holden. Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modem buildings ; with an account of the Library. 8vo. 1850 — Second edition. Svo. 1873 Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library. See Catalogtjes, Library. Spinks, Thomas. Reports of cases decided in the Admiralty Prize Court and the Court of Appeal. Svo. 1854-56 Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Eeports : being reports of cases heard before the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and the Consistory Court of London respectively ; the High Court of Admiralty and the Admiralty Prize Court ; together with such cases as have been carried by appeal from those Courts respectively to the Privy Council, from Easter term, 1853, to Michaelmas term, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. 1855 Spino a Caceres, Didacus. Speculum testamentorum , . . 4to. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1600 Spiea, Francis. A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, in the year 1548 : compiled by Nathaniel Bacon. Svo. Edinburgh, 1675 Spong, John. Report of the case of Spong and Others v. Spong, decided by the Lords, April 13, 1829 ... by W. Stevens. Svo. 1829 Spooneb, W. a. Life of Bishop Butler. Svo. 1901 Spoe, Cajus Rudolphus de. De natura vasallagii et subjectionis in territoriis S. R. Imperii. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Francofurti^ 1723 Spotiswoode, Sir Robert. Practicks of the laws of Scotland . . . with memoirs of his life and trial. fol- Edinburgh, 1706 Speague, a. p. The Codification of Public International law. See Intee- NATIONALISM. Speague, Peleg. Decisions in Admiralty and Maritime causes in the district Court of the United States for the district of Massachusetts, 1841-61. Svo. Philadelphia, 1861 SPR— STA. 705 Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. The history of the Royal Society of London for the improving of natural knowledge. Second edition. 4to. 1702 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Autobiography ; compiled from his diary, letters and records . . . 4 vols. 4to. 1897-1900 Spurling, Cuthbert. See Smith, Josiah W. ; Manual of Common law. Squaret, Tucker Fulton. Digest of the judgments in Board of Trade inquiries into Shipping Casualties, delivered by H. C. Rothery, the Wreck Commissioner, 1876-80 ; with a chapter on the procedure of the Court. Svo. 1882 Squire, Samuel. An enquiry into the foundation of the English Constitution : or, an historical essay upon the Anglo-Saxon Government both in G-ermany and England. 8vo. 1745 [Stage, Machell.] The British historical intelligencer: containing a catalogue of English, Scotish, Irish, and Welsh historians . . . 8vo. 1829 Staedel, Abraham. De jure succedendi mulierum in feudis. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] i4to. Argentorati, 1708 Stafford, Thomas. Pacatse Hibernise : or, a history of the wars in Ireland, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; taken from the original chronicles : first published in London, 1633. Reprint. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1810 Stainer, C. L. Oxford silver pennies, 925-1272. {^Oxford Historical Society, No. 46.] Studies in Oxford history. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 41.] ^^Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount. ^^■The Institutions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its originals ^Hand collated with the Civil and Feudal laws, and with the customs of BHbieighbouring nations . . . Third edition, fol. Edinburgh, 1759 Life of. See Mackay, iEneas James George. Stalman, Henry. Treatise on the law and doctrine of Election and Satisfaction, appli- cable to Real and Personal Property ; with an appendix illustrative ■k of the analogous doctrine in the law of Scotland. 8vo. 1827 I 706 STA. Stammers, Joseph. The case of the Queen v. B' Israeli ; with an argument in vindication of the practice of the bar. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 9, No. 6.] 8vo. 1839 Stamp, George. Index to the Statute law of England. Third edition, brought down to the close of the Session, 24 & 25 Vict. (1861), by J. E. Davis. 8vo. 1862 Standing Ohdees. The Standing orders of the Lords and Commons . . . session 1906. Svo. 1905 Stanford Dictionabt. The Stanford Dictionary of Anglicised words and phrases : edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by C. A. M. Eennell. 4to. Cambridge, 1892 Stangen, Carl Wilhelm de. De caussa et origine unionis seu foederis electoralis. \_German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1720 Stanhop, G-eorge. A sermon preached at Gray's-Inn Chappel Novemb. the 26th, 1691, being the day of Thanksgiving for the success of their Majesties Forces, and reducing of Ireland. [Published at the request of the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn.'] 4to. 1692 Stanhope, Charles, Earl. Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University Press. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.] Stanhope, George. See Chabron, Pierre ; Of Wisdom. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield. See Chesterfield. Stanhope, Philip Henry, Earl. History of England, comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the peace of Utrecht, 1701-18. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 History of England, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Ver- sailles, 1713-83. Fifth edition. 7vols.8vo. 1858 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Bean of Westminster. Black-letter prayer-book of 1636. See Liturgies. Life and correspondence. See Prothero, Eowland E. Stanley, Sir Henry Morton. In darkest Africa ; or the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria. 2 vols. 8vo. 1890 STA. 707 Stanley of Alderlet, Henry Edward, Lord. See Ward, Robert Plumer ; Maritime law. Stannaries. Procedure in the Court of the Vice-Warden of the Stannaries ; new orders, rules and forms, with an appendix of statutes : by authority. 12mo. 1876 Stapleton, a. Gr. A day with one of the Committees : also, Politeness an element of power ; letter from Mr. IJrquhart to Mr. Stapleton. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 12.] 8vo. 1875 Stapleton, M. H. A. Three Oxfordshire parishes. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 24] Stapleton, Thomas. Chronicon Petroburgense. [Camden Society, No. 47.] De antiquis legibus liber : chronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Lon- dinarium, ab 1178 ad 1274. [Oamden Society, No. 34.] Plumpton correspondence. [Camden Society, No. 4.] Star Chamber Cases. Star Chamber cases ; showing what cases properly belong to the cognizance of that Court ; reprinted from the edition of 1630 or 1641 : [with an introduction by F. F. Heard.] 4to. Boston, U.S.A., 1881 Starkie, Thomas. Eeports of cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King'^ Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Circuit, 1814-23. 3 vols. 8vo. 1817-23 Treatise on Criminal Pleading . . . Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Treatise of the law of Evidence, and digest of proofs in civil and criminal proceedings. 3 vols. 8vo. 1824 — Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1842 — Fourth edition, by C M. Dowdeswell and J. G-. Malcolm. 8vo. 1853 Treatise on the law of Slander and Libel, and incidentally of Mali- cious Prosecutions. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 Starling, Matthew Henry. Indian Criminal law, containing the Indian Penal code and other Indian acts relating to offences, and also acts of Parliament and orders in council relating to offences triable in India ; including Act X. of 1886, with forms of charges, and notes on evidence . . . and an appendix of acts relating to criminal matters. Fourth edition. 8vo. Bombay, 1886 vv2 708 STA. State Papees. State Papers of the reign of Henry VIII. [Record Commission, No. 49.] Sex also Calendar of State Papebs. State Tracts. State Tracts ; being a collection of treatises relating to the govern- ment, privately printed in the reign of King Charles II. fol. 1689 Collection of State Tracts, publish'*^ on occasion of the late revolution in 1688, and during the reign of King William III. : to which is pre- fix'd the history of the Dutch war in 1672, translated from the French copy printed at Paris in 1682. 3 vols. fol. 1705-07 State Trlals. A complete Collection of State Trials, from the earliest period to 1783 ; with notes and illustrations by T. B. Howell, and continued, from 1783 to 1820, by T. J. Howell; and a general index by D. Jardine. 34 vols. 8vo. 1811-28 Eeports of State Trials. New Series, 1820-58, published under the direction of the State Trials Committee : edited by Sir J. Macdonell. 8 vols. 8vo. 1888-98 Modem State Trials. See Townsend, William C. Narratives of State Trials in the 19th century. See Browne, G. Lathom. State Trials, prior to the Eevolution of 1688. See Phillipps, Samuel March. State Trials, Irish. Eeport of the proceedings under the Treason Felony Act, 11 Vic, cap. 12, at Dublin, August and October, 1848 ; by J. Gr. Hodges. 8vo. Dublin, 1848 Statesman's Year-Book. The Statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the civilised world, 1906. 8vo. 1906 Statham, Nicholas. Abridgment del ley. [Title-page wanting.^ fol. n.d Statius, Publius Papinius. Opera omnia, ex editione Bipontina ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 3 vols. 8vo. 1824 Statute Law. Eeadings upon the Statute law, alphabetically digested . . . by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 5 vols. 8vo. 1723-25 STA. 709 Statutes. The Statutes at Large ; conteyning all such acts which at any time heretofore have beene extant in print, from Magna Charta [to 7 James I.] : by W. Rastell. 2 vols. fol. 1618 Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 41 George III. ; with preface by Owen Ruffhead, and an appendix [in vol. ix.] consisting of obsolete and curious Acts. 18 vols. 4to. 1763-1800 Public General Statutes, 9 Oeo. I. to 5 Edw. VII. 226 vols. fol. and 8vo. 1722-1905 The Public General Statutes, 1866-1905 : published by the Council of Law Reporting. 43 vols, in 42. 8vo. 1866-1905 Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, from 1801, 41 Geo. III., to 1868-69, 32 & 33 Vict. : with notes and references by Sir T. E. Tomlins, J. Eaithby, N. Simons, C. D. Bevan, and G. K. Eickards. 29 vols. 4to. 1804-69 Statutes of the Realm. [Record Commission, N"o. 50.] Revised edition of the Statutes, to 31 & 32 Victoria, 1235 to 1867-68. By authority. 15 vols. 8vo. 1870-78 — Second edition, 1235 to 1886. 16 vols. 8vo. 1888-1900 Collection of Statutes connected with the general administration of the law : arranged according to the order of subjects, with notes, by Sir W. D. Evans. 8 vols. 8vo. 1817 The Statutes of practical utility, arranged in alphabetical and chronological order, with notes and indexes ; being the fifth edition of " Chitty's Statutes," by J. M. Lely. 14 vols. Svo. 1894-1902 Kalendar, or table, comprehending the effect of all the Statutes that have been made, from Magna Charta, 9 Hen. III., till the end of the session of Parliament holden 3 R. Jac. . . . by F. Pulton. fol. 1606 An exact abridgment of all the Statutes in force and use, from Magna Charta, 9 Hen. III., to 11 Geo. I. 6 vols. Svo. 1725 Private Acts ; Estates, Anne — George 11. : Enclosures, George I. II., and index. 7 vols. fol. n.d [Collection of Private Statutes.] 1764 to 1829. 136 vols. fol. v.t. A collection of the Local, Personal, and Private Acts declared public and to be judicially noticed, 38 Geo. III., 1797, to 5 Edw. VII., 1905. 423 vols. fol. 1797-1905 Collection of Private Statutes, printed by the King's Printer, the printed copies whereof may be given in evidence ; from 55 Geo. III. to 40 & 41 Vict. m vols. fol. 1815-77 [The Private Acts after tliis date are bound with the Local, Personal, and Priyate Acts.] Imperial Statutes applicable to the Colonies : by P. T. Piggott. 2 vols. Svo, 1902-04 710 STA. Statutes — continued. Index to the Statutes at Large, from Magna Carta to 49 Geo. III. inclusive, by J. Eaithby. 3 vols. 8vo. 1814 Index to the Statutes, public and private, passed in the several years from the Union with Ireland to the termination of the seventeenth Parliament of the United Kingdom, 41 G-eo. III. (1801) to 50 and 51 Vict. (1887) : compiled by order of the Select Com- mittee on the Library of the House of Lords. 2 parts in 4 vols. fol. 1860-90 Part 1. The public general acts; with, a chronological list of acts repealed. 2. The local and personal acts, local acts, and private acts, in classes. Index to the Statute law of England, by G. Stamp. Third edition, brought down to the close of the session 24 & 25 Vict. (1861), by J.E.Davis. 8vo. 1862 Table of references to unrepealed Public general Acts ... by J. Biddle. Second edition, corrected to the end of the session 32 & 33 Vict. (1869) ; including references to Chitty's collection of statutes. Svo. 1869 — Supplement, to 33 & 34 Vict. (1870.) Svo. 1870 The Statute Index, by H.W.Ibbotson. Third edition. 12mo. 1871 Index to the Statutes in force. Twelfth edition to the end of the session 55 and 56 Vict., (1892) ; [by A. Pulling.] Svo. 1893 Chronological table and index of the Statutes. Fifteenth edition, to the end of the session 62 and 63 Vict., (1899.) 2 vols. Svo. 1899 Index to the Private Acts, 1764-98. MS. fol. n.d. Analytical table of the Private Statutes, passed between 1st Geo. II,, 1727, and 4th & 5th Will. IV., 1834, both inclusive; arranged chronologically, alphabetically, and according to the subject matter, by G. Bramwell. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. 1813-35 Index to the Local and Personal and Private Acts, 1798-1839, by T. Vardon. Svo. 1840 Index to Local Acts, consisting of classified lists of the Local and Personal and Private Acts from 41 Geo. III. (1801) to 62-63 Vict. (1899) both inclusive. Svo. 1900 The method of proceedings, in order to obtain a Private Act of Parliament. [Tracts, vol, 11, No. 2.] Svo. 1767 Statutes of Ireland. Statutes at Large, passed in the Parliaments held in Ireland, from 3 Edw. II., 1310, to 40 Geo. III., 1800 : with index [in vol. viii.], by W. Ball, to 38 Geo. III. 20 vols. fol. BiiUin, 1765-1800 Index to the Acts passed in Ireland, 39 & 40 Geo. III. ; with an appendix containing a short index to such Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, passed in the 41st, 42nd, and 43rd years of the same reign, as appear to bind Ireland, by W. Ball. fol. 1804 STA— STE. 711 Statutes of Ireland — continued. Index to Acts in force, extending and relating to Ireland . . . from the Union, 41 Greo. III., 1801, to the end of the session 10 Geo, IV., 1829 ; by Sir T. E. Tomlins. 8vo. 1829 Index to the Statutes at present in force in, or affecting, Ireland, from the year 1310 to 1835, inclusive : by A. N. Oulton. 8vo. Dublin, 1836 Statutes of Scotland. Laws and Acts of Parliament made by James I., James II., James III., James IV., James V., Queen Mary, James VI., Charles I., and Charles II. : collected and extracted from the Publick Records, by Sir T. Murray. fol. Edinburgh, 1681 Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, from 1124 to 1707, with general index : to which is prefixed, a supplement to the Acts. 12 vols, in 13. fol. 1814-75 Statutory Rules and Orders. Statutory rules and orders other than those of a local, personal, or temporary character issued prior to 1890, and now in force. 8 vols. 8vo. 1896-97 — Issued in the years 1890 to 1904. 15 vols, in 17. 8vo. 1891-1905 — Index . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1900 Staundforde, Sir William. Les Plees del Coron : [with] An Exposition of the Kynges Praeroga- tive. 4to. 1583-90 — Another edition. 4to. 1607 Staunton, — . Reasons fol* a repeal of the legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. [Repeal Prize Essay. 1 8vo. Dublin, 1845 Staunton, Sir George Thomas. Ta Tsing Leu Lee : being the fundamental laws, and a selection from the supplementary Statutes of the Penal Code, of China ; translated from the Chinese . . . 4to. 1810 Staunton, Howard. Fac-simile of the first folio of Shakespeare. See Shakespeare, William. Stebbino, Henry, Preacher of Gray's Inn. A Fast Sermon, on occasion of the Rebellion in Scotland, in the year 1745 ; preached at Gray's Inn Chapel. 4to. 1745 Christianity justified upon the Scripture foundation ; being a sum- mary view of the controversy between Christians and Deists : preached in several sermons, for the lecture founded by R. Boyle, in the years 1747, 1748, 1749. 8vo. 1750 Sermons on practical Christianity. [Preached in Gray's Inn Chapel.] 2vols. Svo. 1759-60 k 712 STE. Stebbing, Henry, Preacher of Gray^s Inn — continued. A collection of Tracts, published between the years 1729 and 1769, in the defence and explanation of Christianity and its evidence : [edited by his son, Henry Stebbing.] 8vo. 1766 A brief account of Prayer, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; and other religious duties appertaining to the Christian worship . . . with a discourse on speech and the abuses of it, delivered on several Sundays at GTray's Inn Chapel : to which is now added, A sermon on the New Birth. Fourth edition. 12mo. 1771 Stebbing, William. Sir Walter Ealegh : a biography. 8vo. Oxford, 1891 Defects and suggested changes in the Appellate System. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Steele, Joshua. An essay towards establishing the Melody and Measure of Speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols. 4to. 1775 Steer, John. Parish law; being a digest of the law relating to the civil and ecclesiastical government of parishes, and the relief of the poor. Sixth edition, by W. H. Macnamara. 8vo. 1899 Stein, Bemhard von. De imperii recessibus. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Jense, 1691 Stein, Friedrich Christian Ludwig a. Ad Caroli IV. BuUam Auream Saxonicam dissertatio. [German University Tracts, vol. 14.] 4to. Lipsise, 1728 Stephanxjs, Henricus. Thesaurus Grsecae linguae. Editio nova, auctior et emendatior. 8 vols. fol. 1816-28 Stephanxjs, Matthias. Tractatus de jurisdictione, qualemque habeant omnes judices, tarn seculares quam ecclesiastici, in imperio flomano . . . Editio tertia. 4to. Francofurti, 1623 Stbphanus, Robertus. Thesaurus linguae Latinse . . . Editio nova. 4 vols. fol. ] 734-35 Stephen, Harry Lushington. See Oke, George C. ; Magisterial Synopsis. Stephen, Henry. See Bund, John William Willis ; Law of Com- pensation : Hunt, Arthur Joseph ; Boundaries and Fences. STE. 713 Stephen Henry, and Stephen Reginald Arthur. County Court acts, orders, and practice. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 Stephen, Henry John. Treatise on the principles of Pleading in Civil Actions : comprising a summary account of the whole proceedings in a suit at law. Seventh edition, by F. F. Pinder. Svo. 1866 New commentaries on the laws of England, (partly founded on "Blackstone.") Fourteenth edition, by E. Jenks. 4 vols. Svo. 1903 Stephen, Sir Herbert. The law relating to actions for Malicious Prosecution. Svo. 1888 Digest of the law of Criminal Procedure in indictable offences. See Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. Stephen, J. Bruce Caldwell. The law of Common Carriers. [Typewritten copy.] 4to. [1895] Stephen, James. Considerations on Imprisonment for Debt. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 6, No. 2.] Svo. 1771 Stephen, James. Bar etiquette (in reference to the rule requiring the intermediary agency of an attorney between counsel and cHent) ; with an analytical account of the alterations in practice proposed by the Common Law Commission. [Tracts, vol. 16, No. 1.] Svo. 1851 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. The Indian Evidence Act (i. of 1872) ; with an introduction on the principles of judicial evidence. Svo. 1872 History of the Criminal law of England. 3 vols. Svo. 1883 Digest of the Criminal law (Crimes and Punishments.) Fourth edition. Svo. 1887 — Sixth edition, by Sir H. Stephen and H. L. Stephen. Svo. 1904 A general view of the Criminal law in England. Second edition. 8vo. 1890 A digest of the law of Evidence. Fourth edition. Svo. 1893 — Sixth edition by Sir H. Stephen and H. L. Stephen. Svo. 1904 On the policy of maintaining the limits, at present imposed by law, on the Criminal Eesponsibility of Madmen. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] The classification and definition of Crime. [Juridical Society, vol. 1 .] The point of law involved in the case of Beg. v. Bernard, [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] 714 STE. Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames — continued. The practice of interrogating persons accused of Crime. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Trial by Jury and evidence of experts. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Argument in the case of Bidsdale v. Clifton and others. [Folke- stone Ritual case.J See Ridsdale, Charles James. Life of. See Stephen, Sir Leslie. Stephen Sir James Fitzjames, and Stephen Sir Herbert. Digest of the law of Criminal Procedure in indictable offences. 8vo. 1883 Stephen, James Kenneth. International law and International relations . . . 8vo. 1884 Stephen, Sir Leslie. The life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen . . . 8vo. 1895 See also Dictionaey of National Biogkapht. Stephen, Reginald Arthur. County Court Acts . . . See Stephen, Henry. Stephens, Archibald John. Treatise of the laws relating to the Clergy, 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 Letter to Baron Cran worth, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, on the constitution of the Ecclesiastical Courts. Letter to the Earl of Derby, upon a published speech delivered in the House of Lords, April, 1856, by the Bishop of Exeter, on the Church Discipline Bill. 8vo. 1853-56 The substance of the argument of Archibald John Stephens, in applying for a writ of mandamus, commanding the Bishop of London to inquire into the doctrines propounded by the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett . . . and the judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench: edited by B. Shaw. [Tracts, vol. 26, No. 3.] 8vo. 1869 The substance of the argument delivered before the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council, in the case of Thomas Byard Sheppard against WiZZiam James Early Bennett, Clerk: with an appendix, containing their Lordships' Judgment. 8vo. 1872 The Denbigh Beredos . . . The award of A. J. Stephens. 8vo. 1875 Argument in the case of Bidsdale v. Clifton and others. [Folkestone Ritual Case.] See Ridsdale, Charles James. History of the Boroughs and Municipal corporations of the United Kingdom. See Merewethek, Henry Alworth. Opinion on choral services in Churches. See Phillimoee, Sir Robert, I STE. 715 Stephens John Edward Robert, G-iffokd C. E.,and Smith F. Harrison. Manual of Naval law and Court Martial procedure, in which is embodied Thring's Criminal law of the Navy ; together with the Naval Discipline Act and an appendix of practical forms. 8vo. 1901 Stephens, Pembroke S. Referees' Practice and Locus Standi reports. See Clifford, Frederick, [Stephens, Robert.] Letters of S'^ Francis Bacon. See Bacon, Francis. Stephenson, G-uy. See Abchbold, John Frederick ; Pleading, Evi- dence and practice in Criminal cases. Stephenson, Richard Mosey. See Saundees Thomas William, and Saunders William Edgar ; Law of Affiliation. [Sterling, Sir Anthony Coningham.] Letters from the army in the Crimea, 1854-56 : by a staff-officer who was there. For private circulation only. 8vo. [1857] Stetten, Paul a. Conductor Carolinus. [^German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Argentorati, 1691 Steuaet, a. Francis. Will of Charlotte Stuart, Duchess of Albany, 1789. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] Steuart, Sir James. An inquiry into the principles of Political Economy . . . 2 vols. 4to. 1767 Stevens, Henry. Catalogue of the American books in the British Museum, See Catalogues, Library. Stevens, John. See Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de ; History of the West Indies : Mariana, Juan de ; History of Spain. Stevens, Robert. Essay on Average, and on other subjects connected with the contract of Marine Insurance. Second edition. 8vo. 1816 Stevens, Thomas Moffitt. The elements of Mercantile law. Third edition, by H. Jacobs. 8vo. 1900 See also Edmunds, Lewis ; Law of Copyright in Designs ; Law of Letters Patent for Inventions. 716 STE. Stevens, William. Eeport of the case of Spong v. Spong . . . See Spong, John. Stevenson, John Home. Eegister of the Great Seal of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 8.] Stevenson, Joseph. Anglo-Saxon and early English Psalter. [Surtees Society. Nos. 16, 19.] Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. [Britain, No. 2.] Documents illustrative of the history of Scotland, 1286-1306. [Scotland, No. 3.] Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church. [Surtees Society, No. 23.] Liber vitse Ecclesise Dunelmensis. [Surtees Society, No. 13.] Lindisfarne and Eushworth Q-ospels. [Surtees Society, Nos. 28, 39, 43, 48.] Narratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449- 50. [Britain, No. 32.] Eadulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum. [Britain, No. 66.] Eeginald of Durham's Libellus de vita S. Godrici. [Surtees Society, No. 20.] Eituale Ecclesise Dunelmensis. [Surtees Society, No. 10.] State papers, foreign, of the reign of Elizabeth. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 29.] The Bowes correspondence [1577-83.] [Surtees Society, No. 14.] Wars of the English in France, during the reign of Henry VI. [Britain, No. 22.] History of Mary Stewart. See Nau, Claude. Stewart, Aubrey. See Palestine Exploeation Stewart, C. G. Trials for murder by poison. See Browne, G. Lathom. Stewart, Charles Edward. Collection of trifles in verse. 4to. Sudbury, 1797 Stewart, Dugald. See Smith, Adam ; Works. Stewart, James. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Vice- Admiralty at Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, from the commencement of the War in 1803, to the end of the year 1813, in the time of A. Croke. 8vo. 1814 I STE— STO. 717 Stewart, James. The Principles of the law of Eeal and Personal Property ; being the Second Book of Blackstone's Commentaries, incorporating the alterations down to the year 1844. Third edition. 8vo. 1844 The practice of Conveyancing ; comprising every usual deed, analytically and synthetically arranged. Third edition, by J. Stewart and H. Prendergast. Vol. 1 in 2 parts. 8vo. 1846-47 See also Bythewood, W. M. ; Conveyancing. Stewart, William. Metrical version of the History of Hector Boece. [Britain, No. 6.] Stielek, Johann Caspar von. De clerico, per abusum officii pastoralis, leges imperii atque tranquillitatem publicam violante, ejusve coercitione. [German University Tracts, vol. 6.] 4to. Erfordiae, 1724 Stiebnhook, Johann 0. De jure Sueonum et Gothorum vetusto, libri duo . . . 4to. Holmise, 1672 Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester. Origines Britannicae : or, the antiquities of the British churches . . . fol. 1685 Stimson, Frederic J. American Statute law ; an analytical and compared digest of the constitutions and civil public statutes of all the States and Territories relating to persons and property in force January 1, 1886 : with supplement presenting the law as in force January 1, 1888. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1886-88 Stirling, James Irvine. See Hood Henry J., and Challis Henry W. ; Conveyancing, Settled Land, and Trustee Acts. Stirling, T. H. See Fxilbecke, William ; Study of the law. Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. Catalogue. See Catalogues, Library. Stock Exchange Year-Book. The Stock Exchange year-book, for 1906 . . . [compiled] by T. Skinner. 8vo. 1906 Stockman 8, Petrus. Opera omnia. 4to. Bruxellis, 1700 Stoddart, W. Wellwood. On the Divinity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. [Tracts, vol. 15, No. 1.] Svo. [1837] 718 STO. Stokes, Anthony. View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies, at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America. 8vo. 1783 Stokes, G-eorge T. Ireland and the Celtic Church : a history of Ireland, from St. Patrick to the English conquest in 1172. 8vo. 1886 Stokes, Whitley. Treatise on the Liens of Attornies, Solicitors, and other legal prac- titioners. 12mo. 1860 Precedents of Powers of Attorney. [Volume 8, part 1, of By the wood and Jarman's Precedents of Conveyancing, 3rd ed.] 8vo. 1861 Anglo-Indian Codes : with supplements. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1887-91 The tripartite life of Patrick ; with other documents relating to that Saint. [Britain, No. 89.] See also Duff, Sir M. E. Grant; Memoir of Sir Henry Maine: Hindu Law Books. Stone, J. P. M. Harris. Physiology of every-day life ; a lecture at a meeting of the Bath Literary and Philosophical Association, January 14th, 1881. 8vo. 1881 Stone, J. M. The history of Mary I., Queen of England, as found in the public records, despatches of ambassadors in original private letters, and other contemporary documents. 8vo. 1901 Keformation and Renaissance {circa 1377-1610.) 8vo. 1904 Stone, John. Practice for Justices of the Peace, Justices' Clerks and Solicitors, at petty and special sessions, in summary matters and indictable offences ; with a list of summary convictions . . . Ninth edition, by W. H. Macnamara. 8vo. 1882 Stone, Samuel. The Justices' Manual, being the yearly justices' practice for 1906. Thirty-eighth edition, by J. E. Roberts. 8vo. 1906 Stonet, Arbuthnot B. Judicature Acts. See Andrews, Robert William. Stoney, William. See Voet, Jan ; Commentarius ad Pandectas. STO. 719 Stopford, Edward A. Hand-book of Ecclesiastical law and duty, for the use of tlie Irish Clergy. 8vo. Dublin, 1861 Stoeee James, and Geeig John. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet ; containing a series of elegant views of the most interesting objects of curiosity in Great Britain, accompanied with letter-press descriptions. 10 vols. 12mo. 1807-11 Stoet, Joseph. Commentaries on the law of Agency, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence ; with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law. 8vo. 1839 — Ninth edition, by C. P. Greenough. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1882 Commentaries on the law of Bailments, with illustrations from the civil and foreign law. 8vo. 1839 — Eighth edition, by E. H. Bennett. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1870 Commentaries on the law of Partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1841 — Fifth edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1859 Commentaries on the law of Bills of Exchange as administered in England and America ; with illustrations from the commercial law of the nations of continental Europe. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1843 — Fourth edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1860 Commentaries on the law of Promissory Notes, and guaranties of notes and checks on Banks and Bankers, with occasional illustrations from the commercial law of the nations of continental Europe. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1845 — Sixth edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1868 Notes on the principles and practice of Prize Courts ; with a selection of documents and forms as used in the High Court of Admiralty in [England : edited by F. T. Pratt. 8vo. 1854 [Commentaries on Equity Pleadings, and the incidents thereof, [according to the practice of the courts of Equity of England and [America. Seventh edition, by I. F. Eedfield. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1865 LCommentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, as administered in England land America. Twelfth edition, by J. W. Perry. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1877 f— Second English edition, by W. E. Grigsby. 8vo. 1892 Commentaries on the Conflict of laws, foreign and domestic, in regard to contracts, rights, and remedies, and especially in regard to marriages, divorces, wiUs, successions, and judgments. Eighth edition, by M. M. Bigelow. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1883 Life and letters. See Stoey, William Wetmore. 720 STO— STR. Story, William Wetmore. Life and letters of Joseph Story, 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1851 Treatise on the law of Contracts not under Seal. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1851 Treatise on the law of Sales of Personal Property ; with illustrations from the foreign law. Third edition, by J. C. Perkins. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1862 Stow, John. The Survay of London; containing the originall, antiquitie, encrease, and more modeme estate of the sayd famous citie . . . written in the yeere 1598, corrected and enlarged [by A. Munday.] 4to. 1618 A Survey of the cities of London and Westminster . . . corrected, improved, and enlarged by J. Strype. 2 vols. fol. 1720 A Survay of London . . . edited by H. Morley. 8vo. 1890 Annales, or a generall chronicle of England ; continued . . . unto the end of this present yeere, 1631, by E. Howes. fol. 1631 Historical memoranda and contemporary notes of occurrences in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Camden Society, new series, No 28.] Stowe Hoxjse. [Priced] Catalogue of the Library sold by auction, 1849. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous. Stowell, T. The statutes and ordinances of the Isle of Man, now in force, alphabetically arranged. 8vo. Douglas, 1792 Strabo. Eerum geographicarum libri xvii. Greece et Latine, cum variorum, praecipue Casauboni, animadversionibus, juxta editionem Amsteloda- mensem. Codieum MSS. coUationem, annotationes et tabulas geo- graphicas adjecit T. Falconer ; subjiciuntur Chrestomathiae, Greece et Latine. 2 fols. fol. Oxonii, 1807 Steaccha, Benevenuto. De mercatura, cambiis, sponsionibus, creditoribus . . . decisiones et tractatus varii : ad quorum calcem nunc aecessere De assecura- tionibus, proxenetis atque proxeneticis, tractatus duo . . . fol. Amstelodami, 1669 Steachet, John. Index to the EoUs of Parliament. See Paeliament. Steaffoed, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Letters and dispatches, 1611-39; with an essay towards his life, by Sir G. Eadcliffe : edited, from the originals, by W. Knowler. 2 vols. fol. 1739 ^ i STR. 721 Straffokd, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of — continued. Four letters of Lord Wentworth, afterwards Earl of Strafford ; with a poem on his illness. {^Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] Papers relating to. [Camden Society, new series, No. 53.] Trial of. See Rushworth, John ; Historical Collections. Stbahan, James Andrew. A concise introduction to Conveyancing ; with a chapter on Registration of Title by W. Blyth. 8vo. 1900 A general view of the law of Property : assisted by J. S. Baxter. Third edition. * 8vo. 1901 Interpretation of Wills and Settlements. See Undeehill, Arthur. Stbahan, William. Domat's Civil law, translated ; with additional remarks. See DoMAT, Jean. Straits Settlements. The acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, from the 1st April, 1867, to the 1st June, 1886 . . . compiled ... by J. A. Harwood. 2 vols. 8vo. 1886 Indian acts passed . . . from the 22nd day of April, 1834 to the 31st day of March, 1867 . . . 8vo. Singapore, 1890 The acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements from the 1st April, 1867 to the 7th March, 1898: compiled . . . by C. Gr. GTarrard. 2 vols. 8vo. 1898 Ordinances enacted by the G-overnor of the Straits Settlements . . . during the years 1886-1904. 5 vols. 8vo. Singapore, 1887-1905 Straits Settlements law reports, 1893-1901. 6 vols, in 2. Svo. Singapore, 1902 Strange, Sir John. Reports of adjudged cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, from Trinity term, 2 Geo. I., to Trinity term, 21 Geo. II. : published by his son, J. Strange. 2 vols. fol. 1755 — Third edition, with notes and additional references, by M, Nolan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1795 tEANGE, Sir Thomas. Notes of cases in the Court of the Recorder and in the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Madras, from 1798 to 1816 : to which are added, copies of the statutes, charter, and of the rules of the Supreme Court. 3 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1816 Hindu law ; principally with reference to such portions of it as con- cern the administration of justice in the King's Courts in India. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 w w 722 STE. SxRANGFORD, Percj Smythe, Viscount. Princess Elizabeth's household account, 1551-52. [Camden Society, No. 55.] Stbathmore, Patrick Lyon, Earl of. Diary, 1684-89. [Scottish History Society, No. 9.] Steatmann, Francis Henry. Dictionary of the Old English language, compiled from writings of the XII., XIII., XIV. and xv, centuries. Third edition. 8vo, Krefeld, 1878 Stbauch, Johann. Ad universum jus Justinianeum privatum, dissertationes theorico- practicse undetriginta [et] Dissertationes x. super titulum Digestorum ultimum, de regulis juris antiqui . . . Amoenitatum juris canonici semestria duo. 4to. Jense, 1666-75 Dissertationes juris publici . . . 4to. Francofurti, 1680 Streetee, Edwin W. See Von Studnitz, Arthur ; Gold. Strickland, Paul. English Statute law revised ; being an analysis of the effect of the legislation of 1895 and 1896 upon earlier statutes relating to England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1896-97 Stringer, Francis A. Practice on the Summons for Directions, being a collection of the rules and forms as to directions and the various enactments and rules of Court affected thereby . . . 8vo. 1899 See also Annual Practice : Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice. Strode, Edmund. Law of Estoppel. See Everest, Lancelot Fielding. Strong, Albert Ambrose. Dramatic and Musical law, being a digest of the law relating to theatres and music halls, and containing chapters on theatrical con- tracts ; theatrical, music and dancing, and excise licences ; dramatic and musical copyright ; with an appendix containing the acts of Parliament relating thereto ; and the regulations of the London County Council and the Lord Chamberlain. Svo. 1898 Strother, James B. Copes, Chasubles, Tran substantiation, and the Eeal Presence. [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 5.] 8vo. n.d. STE. 723 Stroud, Frederick. The Judicial dictionary of words and phrases judicially interpreted, to which has been added statutory definitions. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1903 Strutt, Joseph. The Chronicle of England : or, a compleat history, civil, military and ecclesiastical, of the ancient Britons and Saxons, from the landing of Julius Caesar in Britain to the Norman Conquest ; with a compleat view of the manners, customs ... of those people. 2 vols. 4to. 1779 Struve, Burckhard Gotthelf. Juris publici prudentia . . . Editio ii. 8vo. Jense, 1730 Corpus juris publici imperii nostriRomano-G-ermanici . . . Editio tertia. 4to. Jense, 1738 Bibliotheca juris selectissima. See Hbineccitjs, Johann Gottlieb ; Recitationes in Elementa juris civilis. Steuve, Georg Adam. Syntagma jurisprudentise, secundum ordinem Pandectarum . . . cum additionibus Petri Miilleri. Editio secunda. 3 vols. 4to. Francofurti, 1718 Jurisprudentia Romano-Germanica forensis. Editio decima quinta. 8vo. Jense, 1734 Additiones ad jurisprudentiam Romano-Germanicam. SeeM-ENCKE, Lvider. Stryk, Samuel. Opera omnia ... 20 vols, in 10. fol. Frcmcofurti, TJlmse, et Halse Magdehurgicse, 1743-65 Tractatus de successione ab intestato. Editio quinta. 4to. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1719 Tractatus de actionibus forensibus investigandis et caute eligendis ; ut et de actionum prsescriptione, nee non de juribus et actionibus non cessibilibus. 4to. Wittehergse, 1725 De jure sensuum tractatus . . . Editio nova. 4to. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1726 Introductio ad praxin forensem caute instituendam cum collegio practico. 4to. Wittebergss, 1726 Praelectiones Viadrinae de cautelis contractuum necessariis . . . 4to. Wittenhergse, 1727 Examen juris feudalis . . . Editio nova. 12mo. Francofurti, 1731 Strype, John. Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion and its Refor- mation, under the reigns of King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary the First ; with the appendixes containing the original papers, records ... 7 vols. 8vo. 1816 w w 2 724 STE— STU. Steype, John — continued. Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's happy reign ; together with an appendix of original papers of state, records, and letters. A new edition. 4 vols, in 7. 8vo. Oxford, 1824 See also Stow, John ; Survey of London and Westminster. Stttabt, Charles Edward, The Young Pretender. See Charles Edwaed Louis Philip Casimie [Stuaet.] IStuart, Gilbert. An historical dissertation concerning the antiquity of the English Constitution. Second edition. 8vo. 1770 A view of Society in Europe, in its progress from rudeness to refine- ment : or, inquiries concerning the history of law, government and manners. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh,, 1792 Stuaet, John. Reports of Chancery cases. See Simons, Nicholas. Stuaet, John. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. [^Scotland, No. 6.] Stubbs, Thomas. Chronica Pontificum ecclesiae Eboraci. See Twtsden, Sir Roger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Stubbs, William, Bishop of Oxford. Select Charters, and other illustrations of English Constitutional history, from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1874 Seventeen lectures on the study of Mediaeval and Modern history and kindred subjects ; delivered at Oxford, under statutory obligation, in the years 1867-84. 8vo. Oxford, 1887 — Third edition, with two addresses given at Oxford and Reading. 8vo. Oxford, 1900 The Constitutional history of England, in its origin and develop- ment. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1887-91 The early Plantagenets. [Epochs of Modern history.] Seventh edition. 8vo. 1891 Historical introduction to the Rolls series : collected and edited by A. Hassall. 8vo. 1902 Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. [Britain, No. 51.] Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Richard I. [Britain, No. 38.] Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. [Britain, No. 7&.'] b STU— SUP. 725 Stubbs, William, Bishop of Oxford — continued. Gesta regis Henrici II. et Eicardi I. [1169-92.] [Britain, No. 49.] Historical collections of "Walter of Coventry, [Britain, No. 58.] Historical works of Gervase of Canterbury. [Britain, No. 73.] Historical works of Ralph de Diceto. [Britain, No. 68.] Memorials of St. Dunstan. [Britain, No. 63.] Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque ; historiae novellas libri tres. [Britain, No. 90.] Bibliography of the historical works of. See Eotal Histobical Society. Stubbs, William Cotter. See Irish Repoets : Irish Law Times. Stukelet, William. Stonehenge and Abury described. fol. 1740-43 Family memoirs and correspondence. [Surtees Society, No. 73.] Stubges, Decimus. See Fbend Henry Tyrwhitt, and Wabe Titus Hibbert ; Transfer of Land to Railway Companies. Stittpield, G. Herbert. The rules and uses of the Stock Exchange . . . Third edition, by the author and H. S. Cautley. 8vo. 1901 Sttjtfield G. Herbert, and Cautley Henry Strother. The law relating to Betting, Time-Bargains, and Gaming. Third edition. 8vo. 1892 Style, William. Narrationes modernse : or, modern reports begun in the now Upper Bench Court at Westminster, [1646-55.] fol. 1658 SuAEEZ, Francisco. Tractatus de legibus ac Deo legislators . . . fol. 1679 Suetonius Teanquillus, Caius. Opera omnia ; ex editione Baumgarten-Crusii, cum notis et inter- pretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, reeensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 3 vols. 8vo. 1826 SuPFiELD, Rudolph. Right of the soldier to Absolution. See Uequhaet, David. 8vo. 1806 8vo. 1851 8vo. 1862 Bvo. 1808 8vo. 1861 726 SUG-SUM. SuGDEN, Edward Burtenshaw, Lord St. Leonards. A practical treatise of the law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates. 8vo. 1805 — Second edition. — [Twelfth edition.] — Fourteenth edition. A practical treatise of Powers. — Eighth edition. Sir E. B. Sugden's Acts : to which are added the new Act relating to Executors, so much of the " Act for the better Administration of Justice " as relates to ejectments, and the entailed estates bill; with notes by S. Atkinson. 8vo. 1830 Treatise of the law of Property as administered by the House of Lords. 8vo. 1849 Essay on the new Statutes relating to limitations of time, estates tail, dower, descent, operation of deeds, merger of attendant terms, defective executions of powers of leasing, wills, trustees, and mort- gages. 8vo. 1852 — Second edition. 8vo. 1862 A handy-book on Property law ; in a sei'ies of letters. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1858 Baronies by Tenure ; speech of Lord St. Leonards, in the House of Lords, on the 26th February, 1861, on the claim to- the Barony of Berkeley. 8vo. 1861 See also Gilbeet, Sir Jeffrey ; Law of Uses and Trusts. SuGDEN, Henry. « An essay on the law of "Wills, as altered by the 1 Vict. c. 26. Bvo. 1837 Suits at Law. Observations on the great expence of prosecuting suits at law ; with a plan proposing a remedy. [Collectanea Jnridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Sullivan, Alexander M. Report of the trials of A. M. Sullivan and R. Pigott, for seditious libels on the Government, at the County of Dublin Commission, Feb. 1868 . . . edited by T. P. Law. 8vo. Dublin, 1868 Sullivan, Francis Stoughton. An historical treatise on the Feudal law, and the constitution and laws of England ; with a commentary on Magna Charta, and illustra- tions of many of the English Statutes ; in a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin. 4to. 1772 SuMMEEHATs William Frank, and Toogood Thornton. Precedents of Bills of Costs . . . Eighth edition by T. C. Summer- hays and C. G. Barber. Bvo. 1905 SUM— SUE. 727 Sumner, Charles. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States. First Circuit, 1829-39. 3 vols. [Vol. 3, second edition.] 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1836-51 SUNDBARG, GrUStav. Sweden, its people and its industry : historical and statistical handbook, published by order of the Grovernment : edited by G. SundbJirg. 8vo. Stockholm, 1904 Supreme Court Rules. Rules and Orders of the several Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Chancery and Exchequer. Third edition, continued to the year 1724. 8vo. 1724 Rules made under " The Supreme Court Ordinance, 1875," for regulating civil procedure ; bankruptcy rules, 1890 ; and admiralty rules, 1893. fol. 1901 SuRDUS, Joannes Petrus. Decisiones Sacri Mantuani Senatus . . . fol. Francofurti, 1610 SuRTEES, Robert. Memoir. [^Surtees Society, No. 24.] SuRTEEs Society's Publications. 1. Reginaldi, monachi Dunelmensis, Libellus de admirandis Beati Cuthberti virtutibus quae novellis patratae sunt tem- poribus : edited by J. Raine. 8vo. 1835 2. 38. Wills and Inventories . . . from the Registry at Durham : edited by W. Greenwell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835-60 3. The Towneley mysteries, [or, Wakefield plays : edited by J. G-ordon, the preface by J. Hunter.] 8vo. 1836 4. 30, 45, 53, 79, 106. Testamenta Eboracensia, or wills registered at York, illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c. of the Province of York, from the year 1300 downwards : [edited by J. Raine, J. Raine, jun., and J. W. Clay.] 6 vols. 8vo. 1836-1902 5. Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense : [edited by J. Raine ; the preface by T. Chevallier.] 8vo. 1837 6. The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls of the Priory of Finchale, in the county of Durham : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1837 7. Catalogues of the library of Durham Cathedral, at various periods, from the Conquest to the Dissolution ; including catalogues of the library of the Abbey of Hulne, and of the MSS. preserved in the library of Bishop Cosin, at Durham : [with a preface by B. Botfield.] 8vo. 1838 728 SUE. SuRTEES Society's Publications — continued. 8. Miscellanea biographica : Oswinus Rex Northumbriae, Cuth- burtus Episcopus Lindisfarnensis, Eata Episcopus Hau- gustaldensis : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1838 9. Historise Dunelmensis scriptores tres : Gaufridus de Colding- ham, Robertus de Graystaaes, et Willielmus de Chambre : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1839 10. Rituale Ecclesise Dunelmensis ; nunc primum typis mandatum ; [with an interlinear Saxon translation : edited by J. Steven- son.] 8vo. 1839 11. Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots, in 1173 and 1174, by Jordan Fantosme, spiritual Chancellor of the diocese of Winchester : now first published ; with a translation, introduction, notes and an appendix, by F. Michel. 8vo. 1840 12. The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law pro- ceedings of the Priory of Coldingham : [edited by J. iiaine.] 8vo. 1841 13. Liber vitae Ecclesise Dunelmensis; nee non obituaria duo ejusdem Ecclesise : [edited by J. Stevenson.] 8vo. 1841 14. The correspondence of Robert Bowes of Aske, the Ambas- sador of Q. Elizabeth in the Court of Scotland : [edited by J. Stevenson.] 8vo. 1842 15. A description or briefe declaration of all the ancient monu- ments, rites, and customes belonginge or beinge within the Monastical Church of Durham, before the Suppression ; written in 1593 : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1842 16. 19. Anglo-Saxon and early English Psalter ; now first printed from manuscripts in the British Museum : [edited by J. Stevenson.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1843-47 17. The correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York ; with a selection from the letters ... of Sir Timothy Hutton, his son, and Matthew Hutton, his grandson : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1843 18. The Durham household book : or, the accounts of the Bursar of the Monastery of Durham, from Pentecost, 1530, to Pentecost, 1534 : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1844 19. Anglo-Saxon Psalter, vol. 2. See No. 16. 20. Libellus de vita et miraculis S. Godrici, heremitse de Finchale ; auctore Reginaldo, monacho Dunelmensi ; adjicitur appendix miraculorum: [edited by J. Stevenson.] 8vo. 1847 21. Depositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the Courts of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1845 22. The injunctions and other ecclesiastical proceedings of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, from 1576 to 1587 : [edited by J. Raine.] 8vo. 1850 SUR. 729 SuBTEES Society's Publications — continued. 23. The Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church, with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon gloss ; derived chiefly from a mp.nuscript of the eleventh century, preserved in the library of the Dean and Chapter of Durham : [edited by J. Stevenson.] 8vo. 1851 24. A memoir of Robert Surtees ... by George Taylor. A new edition, with additions by J. Eaine. Svo. 1852 25. Boldon Buke : a survey of the possessions of the See of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year 1183 : with a translation, an appendix of original documents, and a glossary, by W. G-reenweil. 8vo. 1852 26. Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, extending over portions of the counties of York, Westmerland, Cumberland, and Lancaster : by J. Raine, jun. Svo. 1853 27. The Pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York, a.d. 732-766 : now first printed, from a manuscript of the tenth century in the Imperial Library, Paris ; [edited by W. Greenwell.] yvo. 1853 28. 39, 43, 48. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels : now first printed from the original manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library ; [edited by J. Stevenson and G. Waring.] 4 vols. Svo. 1854-65 29. The Inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses or cells of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, in the county of Durham : [edited by J. Raine.] Svo. 1854 30. Testamenta Eboracensia, vol. 2. See No. 4. 31. The obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, Priors of Durham ; with notices of similar records preserved at Durham, from the year 1233 downwards, letters of fra- ternity . . . [edited by J. Raine.] Svo. 1856 32. Bishop Hatfield's survey ; a record of the possessions of the See of Durham, made by order of Thomas de Hatfield, Bishop of Durham : with an appendix of original documents, and a glossary by W. Greenwell. Svo. 1857 33. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 ; being the farming and account books of Henry Best, of Elmswell, in the East Riding of the county of York -. [edited by C. B. Robinson.] Svo. 1857 34. The acts of the High Commission Court within the diocese of Durham: [edited by W. H. D. LongstafEe.] Svo. 1858 35. The fabric rolls of York Minster ; with an appendix of illus- trative documents : [edited by J. Raine, jun,] Svo. 1859 36. The visitation of the county of Yorke, begun in A° Dni MDCLXv., and finished A" Dni. mdclxvi. ; by William Dugdale, Norroy King of Armes : [edited by R. Davies.] Svo. 1859 730 SUE. SuRTEEs Society's Publications — continued. 37. Miscellanea : comprising 1. The works and letters of Dennis Granville, D.D., Dean of Durham : [edited by G. Ornsbj.] 2. Nathan Drake's account of the siege of Pontefract Castle : [edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe.] 3. A brief memoir of Mr. Justice Rokeby : [edited by J. Eaine.] 8vo. 1861 38. Durham Wills and Inventories, vol. 2. See No. 2. 39. Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, vol. 2. See No. 28. 40. Depositions from the Castle of York, relating to offences committed in the northern counties in the seventeenth century: [edited by J. Eaine.] 8vo. 1861 41. Heraldic visitation of the northern counties in 1530, by Thomas Tonge, Norroy King of Arms ; with an appendix of other heraldic documents relating to the North of England : edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe. 8vo. 1863 42. 67. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains : col- lected and edited by J. E. Walbran, 2 vols. Svo. 1863-78 43. Lindisfarne and Eushworth Gospels, vol. 3. See No 28. 44. 46. The Priory of Hexham. Vol. 1. Its chroniclers, endow- ments and annals ; vol. 2. Its title-deeds, black book . . . [edited by J. Eaine.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1864-65 45. Testamenta Eboracensia, vol. 3. See No. 4. 46. The Priory of Hexham, vol. 2. See No. 44. 47. The remains of Denis Granville, D.D., Dean and Archdeacon of Durham . . . being a further selection from his corre- spondence, diaries, and other papers : [edited by G. Ornsby.] 8vo. 1865 48. Lindisfarne and Eushworth Gospels, vol. 4. See No. 28. 49. The survey of the county of York, taken by John de Kirkby, commonly called Kirkby's Inquest ; also inquisitions of knights' fees, the nomina villarum for Yorkshire, and an appendix of illustrative documents : [edited by E. H. Skaife.] Svo. 1867 50. Memoirs of the life of Mr. Ambrose Barnes, late merchant and sometime alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne : [edited by W. H. D. LongstafEe.] ' Svo. 1867 51. Symeonis Dunelmensis opera et collectanea: [edited by H. Hinde.] Vol. 1. Svo. 1868 52. 55. The correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham ; together with other papers illustrative of his life and times: [edited by G. Ornsby.] 2 vols. Svo. 1869-72 53. Testamenta Eboracensia, vol, 4. See No. 4. 54. The diarv of Abraham De la Pryme, the Yorkshire antiquary : [edited by C. Jackson.] Svo. 18*70 55. Correspondence of John Cosin, vol. 2. See No. 52. SUR. 731 SuRTEES Society's Publications — continued. 56. The register, or rolls, of Walter G-ray, Lord Archbishop of York ; with appendices of illustrative documents : [edited by J. Eaine, jun.] 8vo. 1872 57. The register of the Gruild of Corpus Christi, in the city of York ; with an appendix of illustrative documents, containing some account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury, without Mickelgate-Bar, in the suburbs of the city -. [edited by R. H. Skaife.] 8vo. 1872 58. Teodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis : a survey of the estates of the Prior and Convent of Durham, compiled in the fifteenth century ; illustrated by the original grants and other evi- dences: [edited by W. Greenwell.] 8vo. 1872 59. 60. Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesise Eboracensis : [edited by W. G. Henderson.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1874 61. Liber Pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge, Archiepiscopi Eboracensis : [edited by W. G. Henderson.] 8vo. 1875 62. The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of East Newton, Co. York : [edited by C. Jackson.] 8vo. 1875 63. Manuale et processionale ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Ebora- censis : [edited by W. &. Henderson.] 8vo. 1875 64. Acts of Chapter of the Collegiate Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Eipon, 1452 to 1506 : [edited bv J. T. Fowler.] 8vo. 1875 65. 7^. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries : [edited by C. Jackson, H. J. Morehouse and S. Margerison.] 2 vols. Svo. 1877-83 Adam Eyre. John Hobson. John Shaw. Heneage Dering, Dean of Ripon. James Fretwell. Priestley Family. %Q. Chartularium Abbathise de Novo Monasterio, ordinis Cister- ciensis, fundatae anno mcxxxvii : [edited by J. T. Fowler.] Svo. 1878 Q7. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains, vol. 2. See No. 42. 68. Selections from the household books of the Lord William Howard of Naworth Castle ; with an .'ippendix, containing some of his papers and letters, and other documents illustra- tive of his life and times : [edited by G-. Ornsby.] Svo. 1878 69. 72. Cartularium Abbathise de Whiteby, ordinis S. Benedicti, fundatae anno mlxxviii : [edited by J. C. Atkinson.] 2 vols. Svo. 1879-81 70. Dialogi Laurentii Dunelmensis monachi ac prioris : [edited by J. Raine, jun.] Svo. 1880 71. 75. Breviarium ad usum insignis Ecclesie Eboracensis : [edited by S. W. Lawley.] 2 vols. Svo. 1882-83 72. Cartularium Abbathiae de Whiteby, vol. 2. See No. 69. 732 SUE. SuETEEs Society's Pitblications — continued. 73. 76, 80. The family memoirs of the Eev. William Stukeley,M.D., and the antiquarian and other correspondence of "William Stukeley, Koger and Samuel G-ale . . . [edited by W. C. Lukis.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1882-87 74. 78, 81. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Eipon : [edited by J. T. Fowler.] 3 vols. 8vo. 1882-83 75. Breviarium ad usum insignis Ecclesie Eboracensis, vol. 2. See No. 71. 76. Stukeley family memoirs, vol. 2. See No. 73. 77. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies, vol. 2. See No. 65. 78. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Eipon, vol. 2. See No. 74. 79. Testamenta Eboracensia, vol. 5. See No. 4. 80. Stukeley family memoirs, vol. 3. See No. 73. 81. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Eipon, vol. 3. See No. 74. 82. Halmota Prioratus Dunelmensis ; containing extracts from the Halmote Court or Manor Eolls of the Prior and Convent • of Durham, 1296-1384 : edited by W. H. D. LongstafPe and J. Booth. 8vo. 1889 83. Cartularium Abbathise de Eievalle ordinis cisterciensis fundatse anno Mcxxxii. : edited by J. C. Atkinson. 8vo. 1889 84. Churchwardens' Accounts of Pittington and other Parishes in the Diocese of Durham, from a.d. 1580 to 1700: edited by J. Barmby. 8vo. 1888 85. A volume of English Miscellanies illustrating the history and language of the Northern counties of England : [edited by J. Eaine, jun.] 8vo. 1890 86. 89. Cartularium Prioratus de G-yseburne, Ebor. Dioeceseos, Ordinis S. Augustini, fundati mcxix : [edited by W. Brown.] 2 vols. Svo. 1889-94 87. The life of St. Cuthbert in English verse, c. 1450. Erom the original MS. in the Library at Castle Howard : [edited by J. T. Fowler.] 8vo. 1891 88. Three early Assize Eolls for the county of Northumberland, saec. XIII. : [edited by W. Page.] 8vo. 1891 89. Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, vol. 2. See No. 86. 90. The Chartulary of Brinkburn Priory: [edited by W. Page.] Svo. 1893 91. 92. The Certificates of the Commissioners appointed to survey the Chantries, Guilds, Hospitals, etc., in the county of York : [edited by W. Page.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1894-95 93, 101. Extracts from the records of the Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne : [edited by F. W. Dendy.] 2 vols. Svo. 1895-99 SUE— SUS. 733 SuRTEEs Society's Publications — continued. 94= Pedes Finium Ebor. Regnante Johanne. A.r>. mcxcix — Mccxiv : [edited by the secretary.] 8vo. 1897 95, Memorials of St. G-iles's, Durham, being grassmen's accounts and other parish records, together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene : [edited by J. Barmby.] 8vo. 1896 96, 102. Register of the Freemen of the City of York, from the City records : [edited by F. Collins.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1897-1900 97, The inventories of Church goods for the counties of York, Durham and Northumberland : [edited by W. Page.] 8vo. 1897 98, 108. Memorials of Beverley Minster; the Chapter Act book of the Collegiate Church of S. John of Beverley, 1286-1347 : ■with illustrative documents and introduction by A. F. Leach. 2 vols. 8vo. 1898-1903 99, 100, 103. Extracts from the Account Rolls of the Abbey of Durham, from the original MS. : [edited by J. T. Fowler.] 3 vols. Svo. 1898-1901 101. Newcastle Merchant Adventurers, vol. 2. See No. 93. 102. Register of the Freemen of the City of York, vol. 2. See No. 96. 103. Durham Account Rolls, vol. 3. See No. 99. 104. 110. Wills and administrations from the Knaresborough Court Rolls : [edited by F. Collins.] 2 vols. 8vo. 1902-05 105. Extracts from the Records of the Company of Hostmen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne: [edited by F.W.Dendy.] Svo. 1901 106. Testamenta Eboracensia, vol. 6. See No. 4. 107. Rites of Durham, being a description or brief declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites and customs belonging to or being within the Monastical Church of Durham before the suppression ; written 1593 : [edited by J. T. Fowler.] Svo. 1903 108. Memorials of Beverley Minster, vol. 2. See No. 98. 109. The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, 1266-79 : edited by W. Brown. Svo. 1904 110. Knaresborough Wills, vol. 2. See No. 104. 111. Records of the Committees for compounding, etc., with delinquent Royalists in Durham and Northumberland during the Civil War, 1642-60 : edited by R. Welford. Svo. 1905 Sussex, H.R.H. Augustus Frederick, Buke of. Speech in the House of Lords on the Catholic question, April 21, 1812 ; with proofs and illustrations. [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 1.] 4to. 1812 The case of the children of the Duke of Sussex. See Dillon, Sir John. 734 SUT— SWE. Sutherland, David. Digest of Indian law reports : a compendium of the rulings of the High Court of Calcutta, from 1862, and of the Privy Council, from 1831 to 1876. 8vo. 1877 Sutherland, J. C. C. See Hindu Law Books. Sutton, Henry. The Tramways Acts of the United Kingdom, with notes on the law and practice, an introduction, including the proceedings before the Committees, decisions of the Referees witli respect to Locus Standi, and a summary of the principles of tramway rating . . . Second edition, assisted by R. A. Bennett. 8vo. 1883 — Third edition. See Robertson, G. S. Swabey, M. C. Merttins. The Act to amend the law relating to Divorce and Matrimonial causes in England . . . with an introduction. . . Third edition. 8vo. 1859 Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council, 1855-59. 8vo. 1860 Swabey M. C. Merttins, and Tristram Thomas Hutchinson. Reports of cases decided in the Court of Probate, and in the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial causes, 1858-65. 4 vols. 8vo. 1860-71 Swanston, Clement Tudway. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1818-19. 3 vols. 8vo. 1821-27 Swanston, Clement Tudway, jun. Schools of Legislation. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Sweden. Suecise Regni legis civiles aut civitatum, secundum Gustavi Adolphi . . . mandatum publicatse et typis excusae a. 161 8 : a Johanne Loccenio in Latinam linguam traductse, et brevibus notis illustratse . . . 8vo. 1675 Sweet, Charles. Dictionary of English law ; containing definitions of the technical terms in modern use, and a concise statement of the rules of law affecting the principal subjects, with historical and etymological notes. 8vo. 1882 Sweet, George. Recent Statutes relating to the practice of Conveyancing, with not es ; including the trustee act, 1850, the stamp act, and the attendant terms act, also a summai-y of the stamp laws and tables of stamp duties, from the year 1694 to the present time : [being a] supple- ment to the title " Purchase Deeds " in Bythewood and Jarman's Conveyancing. 8vo. 1850 SWE~SYD. 735 Sweet, George — continued. The Limited Liability Act, 1865, and the acts for the registration, incorporation, and regulation of joint stock companies (7 & 8 Vict. c. 110, and 10 & 11 Vict. c. 78) . . . 12mo. 1855 Impediments to the Transfer of Laud. \_Juridical Society, vol. 4 : Tracts, vol. 17, No. 5.] 8vo. 1874 Observations on the Land Titles and Transfer bill. [Tracts, vol. 17, No. 6.] 8vo. 1874 Concise precedents in Conveyancing. Fourth edition, by C. C. Tucker and G. Cave. 8vo. 1886 The expediency of digesting the precedents of the Common law, and regulating the publication of reports. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] See also Btthewood W. M., and Jarman T. ; Conveyancing Precedents. SwEETMAN, Henry Savage. Documents relating to Ireland, 1171-1307. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 22.] Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patricks. Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, with some account of the author's life, and notes by J. Hawkesworth. 18 vols. 12mo. 1766 Letters written by the late Jonathan Swift, and several of his friends, from the year 1703 to 1742: [edited by J. Hawkesworth and Deane Swift.] 4 vols. 4to. 1766-68 Letters . . . from the year 1703 to 1740 ; with notes by J. Hawkesworth. Fifth edition. 8 vols. 12mo. 1767 SwiNBUENE, Henry. A brief e treatise of Testaments and last Wills . . . 4to. 1640 — Seventh edition, with the annotations of J. J. Powell, by J. Wake. 3 vols. 8vo. 1803 SwiNBUENE, Thomas. A thorough elucidation of the whole doctrine of Descents. 8vo. 1825 SwiNFiELD, Eichard de, Bishop of Hereford. A roll of the household expenses of Eichard de Swinfield, 1289-90. [Camden Society, Nos. 59, 62.] Sydney, Algernon. Discourses concerning Government ; with his letters, trial, apology, and some memoirs of his life. 4to. 1763 Sydney, William Eobert. Treatise on the jurisdiction and modern practice in Appeals to the House of Lords, and in proceedings on claims to dormant peerages. 8vo. 1824 736 SYK— TAG. Sykes, Jolin Gaskell Walker. Compendium of the law specially relating to the Taluqdars of Oudh . . . with introduction, notes and appendices. 8vo. Calcutta, 1886 Sylloge Confessionum. See Confession of Faith. Sym, John David. Digest of cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. See Feaser, Hugh J. E. Symeon of Durham. Opera et Collectanea. {^Britain, No. 75 : Surtees Society, No. 51.] Symes, Arthur R. Eeports of Queen's Bench and Exchequer cases, Ireland. See Jebb, Robert. Symonds, Richard. Diary of the marches of the Royal Army during the great Civil "War. [Camden Society, No. 74.] Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais. Opera quae extant omnia . . . interprets Dionysio Petavio . . . [Bound with Cyrillus, Opera.] fol. Parisiis, 1631 Tables op Cases. Tables of all the cases printed in the books of Reports . . . fol. 1719 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Opera quae exstant . . . Joh. Fred. Gronovius recensuit et suas notas passim adjecit ... 2 vols. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1685 — Recognovit, emendavit, supplementis explevit, notis, disserta- tionibus illustravit Gabriel Brotier. Editio nova et auctior, curaute et imprimente Abrahamo Joanno Valpi. 5 vols. 8vo. 1812 — Ex recensione Joh. Augusti Ernesti, denuo curavit Jer. Jac. Oberlinus. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1813 — Ex editione Oberliniana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, Justi Lipsii excursibus, recensu codicum et editionum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 10 vols. 8vo. 1821 Taggee, Prossonno Coomar. Vivada Chintamani : a succinct commentary on the Hindoo law prevalent in Mithila, from the original Sanscrit of Vachaspati Misra. 8vo. Calcutta, 1863 TAG. 737 Tagoee Law Lectukes. Tagore Law Lectures, 1870 to 1899. A&NEW, W. p. Law of trusts in British India. All, S. A. Law relating to gifts, trusts and testamentary dispositions among the Mahommedans. Baneejeb, Q-. Hindu law of marriage and stridhan. BhatxAohAetya, K. K. Law relating to the joint Hindu family. Casfebsz, a. Law of estoppel in British India. Chattebjba, K. M. Law relating to the transfer of im- moveable property, inter vivos . . . COWELL, H. Einda law. History and constitution of the courts and legislative authorities in British India. Doss, L. M. Law of riparian rights, alluvion and fishery ; with introductory lec- tures . . . Q-HOSB, R. Law of mortgage in India. Hendebson, Q-. S. Law of testamentary devise as administered in India . . . Jolly, J. Outlines of an history of the Hindu law of partition, inheritance, and adoption ; as contained in the original Sanskrit treatises. Mahomed, Y. Mahomedan law relating to mar- riage, dower, divorce, legitimacy and guardianship of minors, according to the Soonnees. MiTEA, R. C. Law of joint property and partition in British India, 32 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1871-1904 MiTEA, S. C. The land-law of Bengal. MiTEA, T. Law relating to the Hindu widow. MiTEA, U. N. Law of limitation and prescription (in British India), including easements. Mttkhopadhtat, Asutosh. Law of perpetuities in British India. Peacock, F. The law relating to easements in British India. Peaeson, T. A. Law of agency in British India. Phillips, A. Law relating to the land tenures of Lower Bengal. Pollock, Sir F. Law of fraud, misrepresentation and mistake in British India. Saeaswati, p. p. Hindu law of endowments. Sabkae, Q-. Hindu law of adoption. Sabvadhikaei, E. Principles of the Hindu law of in- heritance. SlECAB, S. C. The Muhammeden law ; being a digest of the law applicable especially to the Sunnis of India. Digest of the Sunni Code in part and of the Imamiyah Code. Teeteltan, E. J. Law relating to minors in the Fresi- dency of Bengal. WOODBOPFE, J. G-. Law relating to In jimctions in British India. Law relating to Receivers in British India. X X 738 TAI— TAM. Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury. Life of. See Davidson Eandall Thomas, and Benham William. Tait, Lawson. See Rentoul, Robert Reid ; Causes and Treatment of Abortion. Tait, William. Index to the decisions of the Court of Session, contained in all the original collections and in Morison's Dictionary of Decisions. 4to. Edinburgh, 1823 Talbot, Charles, Lord. Cases in Equity during the time of Lord Chancellor Talbot. Third edition by J. G. Wilhams. 8vo. 1792 Talbot George John, and Fort Hugh. Index of cases Judicially noticed (1865-90), being a list of all cases cited in judgments reported in the " Law Reports," " Law Journal," " Law Times," and " Weekly Reporter," from Michaelmas Term 1865 to the end of 1890 ; with the places where they are so cited. 8vo. 1891 Talpourd, Thomas Noon. See Dickinson, William ; Guide to the Quarter Sessions. Tallage, William. Penological and preventive principles with special reference to Europe and America, and to crime, pauperism, and their prevention . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1896 Tamltn, John. Essay on the Merger of terms of years in each other. Treatise on terms of years and other chattels ; including a dissertation od executory interests and trusts, and an inquiry into the point whether terms of years merge in each other. Observations on the law of inheritance. 8vo. 1821-34 Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Right Hon. Sir John Leach, Master of the Rolls [1829-30.] 8vo. 1831 A treatise on the disposition and conveyance of Lands Entailed and of the estates and interests of Married Women ; and on the several Acts of 3 & 4 Will. IV., regarding the abolition of fines and recoveries, limitations of actions relating to real property, and the title to dower. 8vo. 1834 Treatise on the law of Evidence, principally with reference to the practice of the Court of Chancery and in the Masters' OflBces. 8vo. 1845 TAN— TAS. 739 Tanner, Thomas, Bishop of 8t, Asaph. Notitia Monastica: or, an account of the Abbies, Priories, and Houses of Friers, heretofore in England and Wales, and also of all the Colleges and Hospitals founded before a.d. 1540. fol. 1744 Tapia, Carolus. Decisiones sacri Neapolitani Coneilii . . . fol. Neapoli, 1629 Tapp, William John. An inquiry into the present state of the law of Maintenance and Champerty, principally as affecting contracts. 12mo. 1861 Tapping, Thomas. The law and practice of the high prerogative Writ of Mandamus, as it obtains both in England and in Ireland. 8vo. 1848 Taeget, Douchement Noichette. Opinion on the Duchess of Kingston's will. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] Tabbing, Charles James. British Consular Jurisdiction in the East ; with topical indices of cases on appeal from, and relating to. Consular Courts and Consuls, also a collection of statutes concerning Consuls. 8vo. 1887 Chapters on the law relating to the Colonies ; to which are appended topical indexes of cases decided in the Privy Council on appeal from the Colonies, Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man, and of cases relating to the Colonies decided in the English Courts otherwise than on appeal from the Colonies. Second edition. Svo. 1893 Taetagnus, Alexander. Consilia ... 7 vols, in 3, fol. Francofurti, 1675 Tasmania. The acts of the Governor and Council of Tasmania, Sess. 7 Q-eo. IV. to Sess. 19 Vict. 2 vols. fol. Hohart Town, 1866-65 Acts of the Parliament of Tasmania, 1856-74, 1878-94. 12 vols. fol. Hohart Town, 1859-94 Index to the statutes of Tasmania and acts of the Federal Council of Australasia in force on June 1, 1897 : by J. K. Eeid. Svo. Hobart Town, 1897 LSWELL, William. . Autobiography and anecdotes of William Taswell, 1661-82. [Cam- den Society, No. 55.] XX 2 740 TAS— TAY. Taswbll-Lanombad, Thomas Pitt. The Parochial Eegisters Preservation Bill, 1882 : the preservation of Parish Eegisters (reprinted from the " Law Magazine and Eeview " for May, 1878), with preface by W. C. Borlase. Svo. 1882 English Constitutional history, from the Teutonic conquest to the present time. Fifth edition by P. A. Ash worth. Svo. 1896 — Sixth edition : revised throughout, with notes, by P. A. Ashworth. 8vo. 1905 — Analysis, by A. M. Wilshere. Second edition. Svo. 1905 Sir Edward Lake's account of his interviews with Charles I. [Cam- den Society, No. 73.] Tatlee, The. See Essayists, British. Taunton, William Pyle. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, 1807-19. 8 vols. Svo. 1810-23 Tausch, Thomas Petrus Heinricus de. De vera veri allodii indole et natura . . . [ German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Marhurgi in Cattis, 1736 Tax Cases. Eeports of Tax cases, 1875-1903 : reported and printed for official use under the directions of the Board of Inland Eevenue. 4 vols. [In progress.'] Svo. 1884-1904 Taxes, Assessed. See Assessed Taxes. Taylor, Alexander. The accented Bible. See Bible, Versions. See also Patrick, Symon ; Works. Taylor, Alfred Swaine. On Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine. Third edition. 12mo. 1875 The principles and practice of Medical Jurisprudence. Fifth edition, edited by F. J. Smith. 2 vols. Svo. 1905 Taylor, C. Louis. See Welch, Charles ; London at opening of the twentieth century. Taylor, Edgar. The Book of Eights : or constitutional acts and parliamentary pro- ceedings affecting civil and religious liberty in England, from Magna Charta to the present time . . . Svo. 1833 TAT— TED. 741 Tatlok, George. History of the rise, progress, and suppression of the Rebellion in the county of Wexford, in the year 1798 : to which is annexed, the author's account of his captivity and merciful deliverance. Second edition. 8vo. Duhlin, 1800 Tatloe, George. Memoir of Eobert Surtees. [Surtees Society, No. 24.] Taylor, Isaac. Domesday Survivals ; the Ploughland and the Plough ; Wapentakes and Hundreds. See Domesday Commemoeation. Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor. Works ; with a life of the author, and a critical examination of his writings, by R. Heber. Third edition. 15 vols. 8vo. 1839 'EvLavTos : a course of sermons for all the Sundays in the year . . . with a supplement of eleven sermons preached since His Majestie's restauration . . . The fifth edition enlarged. fol. 1678 Taylor, John. Elements of the Civil law. 4to. Cambridge, 1765 Taylor, John. Lilawati : or, a treatise on Arithmetic and Geometry, by B. Acharya ; translated from the original Sanscrit. 4to. Bombay, 1816 Taylor, John. Revised liturgy of 1689. See Liturgies. Taylor, John Pitt. A treatise on the law of Evidence as administered in England and Ireland ; with illustrations from Scotch, Indian, American and other legal systems. Tenth edition, by W. E. Hume-Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. 1906 Taylor, Richard. See Tookb, John Home ; Diversions of Purley. Taylor, Richard. Te Ika a Maui : or. New Zealand and its inhabitants . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1870 Taylor, Silas. The history of Gavel-Kind, with the etymology thereof : to which is added a short history of William the Conquerour, written in Latin, by an anonymous author, in the time of Henry the First. 4to. 1663 TCHEENOW, J. Code de Commerce russe. See Codes, Russia. Tedder, Henry R. See Librarians, Conference of. 742 TEE— TER. Teeling, Charles Hamilton. Personal narrative of the " Irish Rebellion " of 1798. 8vo. 1828 Tblegeaph Enqineeks, Society of. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Libraiy. Temple, The. Facts and observations relating to the Temple Church and the monuments contained in it. [Tracts, vol. 30, No. 3.] 4to. 1811 Some account of ye Church of S. Marie the Virgin in the Inner Temple [by Sydney Smirke] ; with something about the Banqueting Hall of the Middle Temple. 4to. 1846 The Temple Church and Chapel of St. Ann . . . by T. H. Baylis. 8vo. 1893 The history of the Temple ; with special reference to the Middle Temple ... by G. Pitt- Lewis. 8vo. 1898 See also Inneb Temple : Middle Temple. Temple, Leofric. See Boothby, Benjamin ; Indictable Offences : Chitty, Joseph, jun. ; Precedents in Pleading. Temple Leofric, and Mew George. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Criminal Appeal, 1848-51. 8vo. 1852 Temple, Sir William. Letters written by Sir William Temple and other ministers of state, both at home and abroad, containing an account of the most important transactions that pass'd in Christendom, from 1665 to 1672 ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1700 Ten Beook, Andrew. See Gin del y, Anton ; Thirty Tears' War. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. A memoir, by his son. 2 vols. 8vo. 1897 Tenterdbn, Charles Abbott, Lord. See Abbott. Teeentius Afee, Publius. Terence in English. Fabulse comici, facetissimi, et elegantissimi Poetse Terentii, omnes Anglicse factse et hac nova forma editae: opera ac industria Ricardi Bernard. [Latin and English.] Editio sexta. 4to. 1641 Comcediae sex, cum interpretatione Donati et Calphurnii, et com- mentario perpetuo, curavit Am. Henr. Westerhovius. 1 vol. in 2 parts. 8vo. Hagse-Comitum, 1732 — Ex editione Westerhoviana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitae. 3 vols. 8vo. 1824 1 TEE— THA. 743 Teem Eepokts. Eeports of cases in the Court of King's Bench [1785-1800] : by C. Durnford and E. H. East. 8 vols. fol. 1787-1800 — Digested index, 1785-1805, by Sir T. E. Tomlins. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806 Ireland. See Irish Term Eeports. Termes de la Ley. See Eastell, William. Terrasson, Antoine. Histoire de la jurisprudence romaine . . . [avec] les vies et le catalogue des ouvrages des jurisconsultes, tant anciens que modernes . . . fol. Paris, 1750 Terrell, Thomas. The law and practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. Fourth edition, by C. Terrell. 8vo. 1906 Terrien, Guillaume. Commentaires du droict Civil, tant public que prive, observe au pays et duche de Normandie. fol. Paris, 1574 Terry, Gr. Sanford. The Cromwellian Union, 1651-52. [Scottish History Society, No. 40.] Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens. Opera . . . emendata Nicolai Eigaltii . . . fol. Lutetise, 1634 Testa, Carlos. Le droit Public International Maritime . . . traduction du portu- gais, annotee et augmentee de documents touchant la contrebande de guerre, la neutralisation des mers et des fleuves . . . par Ad. Boutiron. 8vo. Paris, 1886 Testament, New. See Bible. Teqlet, a. p. Dictionnaire des Codes fran9ais. See Codes, France. Tetnham, Henry Francis Eoper Curzon, Baron. Eeport of the proceedings on the trial of the cause Doe, on the demise of Lord Teynham against Charles Henry Tyler, in the Court of Common Pleas, at Westminster . . . January, 1830. 8vo. 1830 Thame, Philip de. Prior. Knights Hospitallers in England ; being his report to the Grand Master, 1338. [Camden Society, No. 65.] 744 THA-THE. Thatee, James Bradley. A preliminary treatise on Evidence at the Common law. 8vo. 1898 Thbloall, Simon. Le digest des Briefes originals et des choses concernant eux, 8vo. In sedibus B. Totelli, 1579 ThiSmis. Themis, ou Bibliotheque de Jurisconsulte : par une reunion de magistrats, de professeurs et d'avocats [publiee, depuis le tome cinquieme, par MM. Blondeau, Du Caurroy, Demante, Warnkoenig, Jourdan, Pellat, Birnbaum, et Holtius.] 10 vols. Svo. Paris, 1819-31 Theobald, Henry Studdy. The law of Land, including natural and acquired rights, and the rights and obligations arising out of the use and enjoyment of land. Svo. 1902 A concise treatise on the law of "Wills. Sixth edition. Svo. 1905 Law of Eailway Companies. See Beowne, John Hutton Balfour. Theobald, J. Anwyl. See Maxwell, Sir Peter Benson ; Interpre- tation of Statutes. Theobald, Eobert M. Shakespeare studies in Baconian light. Svo. 1901 Theobald, William. A practical treatise on the law of Principal and Surety, particularly • with relation to mercantile guaranties, bills of exchange, and bail bonds. 8vo. 1832 See also Jones, Sir William ; Law of Bailments. Theodoeet, Bishop of Cyrus. Opera omnia quae ad hunc diem Latine versa sparsim extiterunt . . . fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1617 Historia Ecclesiastica. See Eusebitjs. Theodoetis, Lector. Excerpta ex Ecclesiastica Historia. See EtrsEBiua. Theodosius II. Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis Jacobi Gotho- fredi ... 6 vols, in 4. fol. Lugduni, 1665 — Editio nova ... 6 vols. fol. Lipsise, 1736-43 Theophilus Antecessoe. Theophili Antecessoris Institutionum libri iv. [G-rsece et Latine.] Carolus Annibal Fabrotus . . . recensuit, et scholiis G-rsecis auxit ; idemque Jacobi Curtii Latinam interpretationem emendavit, et notas adjecit. Editio secxmda. 4to. Farisiis, 1657 THE— THO. 745 Theophilus Antecessor — continued. Paraphrase grecque des Instituts de Justinieo, traduite en fran9ais par J. C. Fregier. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Paraphrasis Institutionum Justiniani. See Boehmer, Justus Hen- ning. Thesaurus Brevium. Thesaurus brevium : a collection of approved forms of original and judicial Writs, together with their special directions to all cities and boroughs : collected and published by J. C. fol. 1661 Thesaurus Juris Eomani. See Otto, Everhard. Thibaut, [Anton Friedrich Justus.] Introduction to the study of Jurisprudence ; being a translation of the geaeral part of Thibaut' s System des Pandekten Rechts, with notes and illustrations, by N. Lindley. 8vo. 1855 Thierry, Augustin. Histoire de la Conqugte de I'Angleterre par les Normands ; de ses causes et de ses suites jusqu'a nos jours, en Angleterre, en Ecosse, en Irlande, et sur le Continent. Huiti^me Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1839-41 Thilmannus, Joannes. Illustrium et solemnium relationum, decisionum, observationum, votorum, et dubiorum, summi statuum imperii consistorii, sive camerse imperialis, apospasma syndromon . . . 2 vols. fol. Ursellis, 1601 Thom, Adam. Emmanuel ; both the germ and the outcome of the scriptural alphabets ... a Pentaglot miniature : [with French, German, Italian and Spanish translations.] 8vo. 1885 Thom, Alexander. Thorn's Official Directory for the years 1898-1906 : [containing the Irish Law List.] 9 vols. 8vo. 1898-1906 Thom, Eobert. The Chinese speaker : or, extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking. 8vo. Ningpo, 1846 Thomas Aquinas. See Aquinas, Thomas. Thomas de Eccleston. De adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. [Britain, No. 4.] 746 THO. Thomas op Elmham. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. [Britain, No. 8.] Liber metricus de Henrico Quinto. [Britain, No. 11.] Thomas of Lancasteb. Account of expenses of Thomas of Lancaster, 1292-93. [Camden Society, No. 65.] Thomas of Eeading. See Deloney, Thomas. Thomas, E. Lewis. See Bakee, Thomas ; Law relating to Burials. Thomas, Ernest Chester. Leading cases in Constitutional law, briefly stated ; with intro- duction, excursuses, and notes. 8vo. 1876 — Second edition. 8vo. 1885 See also Buet, Richard de ; Philobiblon : Lange, Frederick Albert ; History of Materialism : Libeaet Association. Thomas, Francis Sheppard. Handbook to the Public Records. 8vo. 1853 Preface to the Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernise. [Record Commission, No. 21.] Thomas, J. H. See Coke, Sir Edward ; Systematic arrangement of the first Institute ; Reports. Thomas, John Penford. A treatise of universal Jurisprudence. Second edition. 8vo. 1829 Thomasius, Christianus. De Ratione Status dissertationes. [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. [Halm Magdeburgicse,'] 1593 Additiones ad Huberi prselectiones. See Hubee, Ulric; Prselec- tiones. Delineatio historise juris civilis. See Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb ; Recitationes in elementa juris civilis : Hoffman, Christian Grott- fried ; Historia juris Romano-Justinianei. Thompson, Aaron. See Geofpeet of Monmouth. Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde. Adam Murimuth's Chronicle ; Robert of Avesbury's De Gestis Miriabilibus Edwardi tertii. [Britain, No. 93.] Chronicon Anglise, 1328-88. [Britain, No. 64.] Haddock correspondence, 1657-1719. [Camden Society, new series, No. 31.] I THO. 747 Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde — continued. Hatton correspondence, 1601-1704 [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 22, 23.] Letters of Humphrey Prideaux to John Ellis, 1674-1722. [Camden Society, new series, No. 15.] Thompson, G-ibson. See Welch, Charles; London at opening of the twentieth century. Thompson, Herbert. Annual Digest ; Practice Statutes. See Emden, Alfred. Thompson, Isaac Grant. See American Reports, The. Thompson, Richard. Letters to Henry Thompson of Escrick, co. York, 1684-93. [Camden Society, new series. No. 31.] Thompson, Vincent T. The County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Act, 1868 (31 & 32 Vict, c. 71), and the General Orders of 1869 : to which are added, those of the Liverpool Court of Passage ; with notes and appendices. 8vo. 1869 See also Smith, John W., Law of Contracts ; Law of Landlord and Tenant, Thoms, William J[ohn.] Early English prose romances ; with bibliographical and historical introductions. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1858 Vol. 1. Eobert the Deuyll : Thomas a Eeading [by Thomas Deloney] ; Frier Bacon ; Frier Eush. 2. Virgilius ; Eobin Hood ; Q-eorge a Gi-een ; Tom a Lincohie [by Eichard Johnson.] 3. Helyas : Doctor Faustus ; Second report of Dr. Faustus. Anecdotes and traditions illustrative of early English history and literature. [Camden Society, No. 5.] Cholmeley's Request and suite of a true-hearted Englishman. [Camden Society, No. 55.] Thomson, Andrew. The principles of Equity and the Equity practice of the County Court . . . 8vo. 1896 Thomson, George. Antiquity of the Christian religion among the Scots, 1594. [Scottish History Society, No. 44.] [Thomson, James.] Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886; illustrated hand- book of Victoria, Australia. 8vo. 1886 748 THO. Thomson, John Maitland. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. [Scotland, No. 8.] Thomson, Richard. An historical essay of the Magna Charta of King John : to which are added the Great Charter, in Latin and English ; the Charters of Liberties and Confirmations, granted by Henry III. and Edward I. ; the original Charter of the Forests ; and various authentic instru- ments connected with them, explanatory notes on their several privileges, a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manuscript, and other illustrations. 8vo. 1829 Thomson, Thomas. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. [Record Commission, No. 1.] Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarum, abbreviatio. [Record Commission, No. 18.] Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum, 1306-1424, [Record Commission, No. 32.] Thobesby, Ralph. The diary of Ralph Thoresby, 1677-1724 : now first published from the original manuscript, by J. Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 Letters of eminent men, addressed to Ralph Thoresby [1679-1723] : now first published from the originals. 2 vols. Svo. 1832 Thoen, William. Chronica. See Twtsben, Sir Roger ; Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Thoenton, Abraham. Observations upon the case of Abraham Thornton. See Holeoyd, Edward. Thoenton, Alice. The autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of East Newton, co. York. [iSurtees Society, No. 62.] Thoenton, James Howard, Memories of seven campaigns ; a record of thirty-five years' service in the Indian Medical Department in India, China, Egypt, and the Sudan : with an introduction by A, E. Hake . . . 8vo. 1895 Thoenton, Thomas. See Notes of Cases. Thoenton Romances. Thornton romances. [Camden Society, No. 30.] I THO— THU. 749 Thorpe, Benjamin. Ancient laws and institutes of England. [Becord Commission, No. 2.] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ; with a translation. ^[Britain, No. 23.] Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. [^Ifric Society, No. 1.] See also Allen, John ; Rise and growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. Thoepe, Markham John. State papers relating to Scotland. [ Calendar of State Papers, No. 21.] Thorpe, William George. The hidden lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, and their business connection ; with some revelations of Shakespeare's early struggles, 1587-92. 8vo. 1897 Thotj, Jacques Auguste de. Historiarum sui temporis opera. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Francofurti, 1610-17 Historiarum sui temporis libri cxxxviii, ab anno 1543 ad annum 1607, cum continuatione N. Rigaltii; access. Sylloge Scriptorum continens plurima de vita, moribus, scriptis, amicis, et inimicis Thuani. 7 vols. fol. 1733 Histoire des choses arrivees de son temps ; mise en f ran^ois par P. Du'Ryer. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1659 Thoyras, Paul de Rapin. See Rapin. Thring, Henry, Lord. Law and practice of Joint Stock and other Companies, including the Companies Acts 1862 to 1886 . . . Fifth edition, edited by J. M. Rendel. 8vo. 1889 Thuantjs. See Thou, Jacques Auguste de. Thuctdides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo, ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri ; accedunt scholia G-raeca, et Dukeri Wasiique annotationes. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1821 The history of the Grecian War, translated by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury : to which are added, a reference to the chapters of the original, an analysis, the various readings of Duker, Baver, and Bekker, A new edition. 8vo. 1823 Thurloe, John. Collection of State papers, containing authentic memorials of the English affairs, from the year 1638 to the restoration of King Charles II. . . . to which is prefixed, the life of Mrs. Thurloe by T. Birch. 7 vols. fol. 1742 750 THU— TIG. Thurlow, Henry Frederick. See Leeming Henry, and Ceoss Eichard Assheton ; Practice of the Quarter Sessions. Thuespield, J. R. Life of Sir Eobert Peel. 8vo. 1891 Thwaites, Charles. A guide to Criminal law. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1896 — Fifth edition. 8vo. 1900 — Sixth edition. 8vo. 1902 See also Indermaue, John : Law Students' Jouenal. TiBULLUs, Albius. Albius Tibullus et in euin Jo. Antonii Vulpii novus commentarius. 4to. Patavii, 1749 Opera omnia, ex editione I. Gr. Huschkii; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 8vo. 1822 [TiCHBOENE TeIAL.] The Queen v. Castro, alias Orton, alias Tichborne. [To the ninety- eighth day of the trial, February 23, 1872.] 4 vols. fol. [1872] Proceedings on the trial at bar, before Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, Mr. Justice Mellor, and Mr. Justice Lush, and a Special Jury, 28th April, 1873— 28th January, 1874. 7 vols. fol. [1873-74] TiDD, William. Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in personal actions and ejectment : to which are added, the law and practice of Extents . . . Ninth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 Forms of practical proceedings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas ; with references to the ninth edition of the Practice. 8vo. 1828 New Practice of the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, in personal actions and ejectment. 8vo. 1837 Tidy, Charles Meymott. Legal Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882-83 Tiffany, Joel. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, 1863-68. [New Yorh Court of Appeals Reports, 28-39.] 12 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1865-69 Tighe Eobert Eichard, and Davis James Edward. Annals of Windsor ; being a history of the Castle and Town, with some account of Eton and places adjacent. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858 TIL— TIT. 751 TiLEMANN, Nicolaus Heinrich de. De foro competente vasallorum simultaneeque investitorum . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Lipsias, 1716 TiLSLEY, Hugh. Treatise on the Stamp laws ; being an analytical digest of all the statutes and cases relating to stamp duties, with tables of all the stamp duties payable in the United Kingdom after the 10th October, 1854, and of former duties . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1854 — Third edition ; with tables of all the stamp duties payable in the United Kingdom after the 1st January, 1871, by E. H, Tilsley. Svo. 1871 Digest of the Stamp Acts, and the judicial decisions on the stamp laws not contained in the author's treatise ; including the probate, legacy, and succession duties, with tables of all the stamp duties. Ninth edition, by E. H. Tilsley. Svo. 1865 TiMBEELAND, Ebenezer. History and proceedings of the House of Lords, from the Eestora- tion, 1660, to the end of the first session of the third Parliament of King G-eorge II. ; containing the most remarkable motions, speeches, debates, orders, and resolutions : with all the protests in every session, and the numbers pro and con. upon each division. 8 vols. Svo. 1742-43 Times Law Reports. The Times Law Reports ; containing reports of cases appearing in the Times. 21 vols. [In progress.'] 4to. 1884-1905 — Digest, vols. 1-21. 3 vols, in 1. 4to. [1896-1906] Times Newspaper. The Times, 1862-1905. 234 vols. [Jw^ro^ress.] fol. 1862-1905 — Index to the Times, 1850-1905 : [compiled by S. Palmer.] 56 vols. [In progress.] 4to. 1868-1905 TiNDAL, Nicholas. Continuation of Mr. Rapin de Thoyras's History of England, from the Revolution to the accession of King George II. Third edition. 2 vols. fol. 1758 Tipper, Samuel. Report of the trial of the action brought by Peter Finnerty against Samuel Tipper, publisher of " The Satirist," for a libel . . . Svo. 1809 Tithes. The decree of the Barons of the Exchequer, delivered by Sir James Eyre, November 17, 1777, in the great cause of Tythe Milk . . . Svo. 1779 752 TIT— TOL. TiTius, Gottlieb G-erhard. Juris privati Eomano-Germanici . . . libri duodecim . . . Editio altera. 4to. Lipsise, 1724 Titus, Silas, alias Allen, William. Killing no murder ; briefly discoursed in three questions. [Tracts, vol. 13, No. 2.] 4to. 1689 Todd, Alpbeus. On Parliamentary Government in England, its origin, development, and practical operation. Second edition, by A. H. Todd. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887-89 Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. Second edition, edited by his son, [A. H. Todd.] 8vo. 1894 Todd, Arthur Horatio. See Fishee, Eobert Alexander; Common law digest. Todd, Ernest. A treatise on Belgian law, containing a complete translation of the entire code of commerce and code of procedure . . . 8vo. 1906 Todd, H. J. See Johnson, Samuel ; Dictionary. Todd, James Henthorn. Apology for Lollard doctrines. [Gamden Society, No. 20.] War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill. [Britain, No. 48.] Toland, John. See Harrington, James ; Oceana. TOLHAUSEN, — . Code de Commerce allemand, traduit. See Codes, Oenmmy. ToLHAUSEN, Alexander. Technological dictionary in the English, German, and French lan- guages; containing about 76,000 technical terms and locutions employed in arts, trades, and industry in general: revised by L. Tolhausen. 3 parts. 8vo. 1873-76 Toller, Sir Samuel. ■Treatise of the law of Tithes ; compiled, in part, from some notes of E. Wooddeson. 8vo. 1808 The law of Executors and Administrators. Seventh edition, by F. Whitmarsh. 8vo. 1838 Tolls. On the mortgage of Tolls under turnpike road acts. [Law JowmaX Tracts, vol. 1.] TOL— TON. 753 Tolstoi, Leon, Count. What I believe : translated from the Eussian, bv C. Popoff. 8vo. 1886 Boyhood, adolescence and youth : translated by C. PopofE. 8vo. 1890 Tom op Lincoln. Tom of Lincoln. [Thoms's Early English prose romances, vol. 2.] ToMALiN, Lewis E. S. See Jaeger, Gustav ; Essays on Health Culture. ToMKiNs Frederick J., and Jencken Henry D. Compendium of the modern Eoman law ; founded upon the treatises of Puchta, Von Vangerow, Arndts, Franz Moehlen, and the Corpus Juris Civilis. Bvo. 1870 ToMKiNs Frederick J., and Lemon William George. Commentaries of Gains on the Eoman law; with an English translation and annotations. Bvo. 1869 ToMLiN, Thomas James Chesshyre. See Lindlet, Nathaniel, Lord ; Law of Partnership. ToMLiNS, Sir Thomas Edlyne. Eepertorium Juridicum : a general index to all the cases and pleadings in law and equity . . . Part 1. fol. 1786-87 A digested index to the Term Eeports ; containing all the points of law determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Michaelmas term, 1785, to Trinity term, 1805, and in the Court of Common Pleas, from Easter term, 1788, to Trinity term, 1805. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1806 Index to Acts in force, extending and relating to Ireland, passed in the Parliaments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Union, 41 Geo. III., 1801, to the end of the session 10 Geo. IV„ 1829 ; with an appendix referring to acts expired or repealed. 8vo. 1 829 A popular law dictionary. 8vo. 1838 Bee also Beown, Josiah ; Eeports of Parliamentary cases : Statutes. ToMLiNSON, S. Arthur. Catalogue of the Michigan State Library, law department. See Catalogues, Library. ToNDUTi, Petrus Franciscus de. Quaestionum et resolutionum legalium libri duo . . . fol. Lugduni, 1659 ToNGE, Thomas. Heraldic visitation of the northern counties, in 1630. [Surteea Society, No. 41.] TT 754 TOO— TOV. TooGOOD, Thornton, Precedents of Bills of Costs. See Summerhats, William Frank. TooKB, John Home. "Eirea Tlrspoevra : or, the Diversions of Purley. A new edition, with additional notes, by E. Taylor. 8vo. 1840 ToPHAM, Alfred Frank. See Wbstlakb, John ; Private International law. [ToPHAM, Edward.] Letters from Edinburgh, written in the years 1774 and 1776 ; con- taining some observations on the diversions, customs, manners, and laws of the Scotch nation, during a six months' residence in Edin- burgh. 8vo. 1776 ToPHAM, John. Eeview of the provisions of the Land Transfer Bill of 1887. 8vo. Guildford, 1888 ToBBEET, William S. See Ameeican Repoets ; Table of cases. ToRRiNGTON, Sir George Byng, Viscount. Memoirs. ^Camden Society, new series, No. 46.] ToTHiLL, William. The transactions of the High Court of Chancery, both by practice and president ; with the fees thereunto belonging, and speciall orders in extraordinary cases. 12mo. 1649 ToTiLLiEE, Charles-Bonaventure-Marie. Le droit Civil frauQais, suivant I'ordre du Code . . . continue et complete par J.-B. Duvergier. Sixieme Mition. 14 parts in 7 vols. 8vo, Paris, [1846-48] TouLMiN, Samuel Simpson. Statutes and Orders relating to practice and pleading in the High Court of Chancery, 1813-47 . . . 8vo. 1847 The modern practice in Chancery ; containing all the statutes and orders, from the Trustee Relief Act (10 & 11 Vict. c. 96) to the General Order of 24 Dec. 1862 . . . 8vo. 1863 Tout, T. F. Life of Edward the First. 8vo. 1893 TovET, D'. Blossiers. Anglia Judaica : or, the history and antiquities of the Jews in England ... 4to. Oxford, 1738 TOW. 755 TowEE, Charlemagne. The Charlemagne Tower collection [catalogue] of American Colonial laws [also catalogue of Americana.] Privately printed for The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 4to. Philadelphia, 1890 Town Holdings. Digest of Evidence given before the select Committees of the House of Commons 1886-90; Report of the Select Committee of 1889, and statement as to leasehold enfranchisement and taxation of ground rents and building land. 3 vols. 8vo. 1888-91 Index to the reports from the select committee on Town Holdings, sessions 1886-89. fol. 1889 TovraELET Manusceipts. 8ee Catalogues, Miscellaneous. TOWNELET MySTEEIES. The Towneley mysteries [or Wakefield plays.] [Surtees Society, No. 3.] TowNESEND, George. Tables to most of the printed presidents of pleadings, writs and retorn of writs, at the Common law. fol. 1667 — Continuation by J. Cornwall. fol. 1705 Second book of Judgements. 4to. 1674 See also Judgments. [TowNSEND, John FitzHenry. Reports of Exchequer cases, Ireland. See Longpibld, Robert. ' TowNSEND, William C. The lives of twelve eminent Judges of the last, and of the present, century. 2 vols. 8vo. 1846 Modem State Trials, revised and illustrated with essays and notes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1860 [TowNSHEND, Chauncy Hare. Facts in Mesmerism ; with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it. Second edition. 8vo. 1844 TowNSHEND, Heywood. Historical Collections : or, an exact account of the proceedings of the four last Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory. Wherein is contained the compleat Journals both of the Lords and Commons ; together with the most considerable passages of the history of those times [Bound with Monson's Account of the last xvii years of Queen Elizabeth's reign.] fol. 1680 YT 2 766 TOZ— TEA. TozBE, John. On identity of Method in the search for Truth. Jurisprudence. 8vo. Cambridge, N D. Tractatus Cautelarum. Tractatus cautelarum auctoribus atque coUectoribus infra scriptis, Bartolomaeo Caepolla, Thoma Ferratio, Joanne de Arnono, Joanne Dilecto Durante, M. Antonio Blanco, Eaimundo Pio Fichardo . . . [et] Tractatus clausularum omnis generis, in rescriptis, privilegiis, compromissis . . . auctoribus Vitali de Cambanis et Celso Hugone . . . fol. Francofurti, 1575-78 Tractatus de Testibus. Tractatus de testibus probandis vel reprobandis, variorum aucto- rum . . . accesserunt Joannis Campegii regulse et conclusiones exquisitissimse de testibus . . . adhaec accessit Justi Eeuberi De testibus nova traditio methodica. fol. Colonise Agrippinse, 1576 Tractatus Selecti. Selecti tractatus juris varii, vere aurei, in frequentissima et utHissima materia a ssecurationisetcautionis . . . fol. Colonise, 1569 Tractatus Universi Juris. See Zilettus, Franciscus. Tracts for the Times. Tracts for the Times : by members of the University of Oxford : [with letters from Dr. Pusey and the Eev. J. H. Newman, in explanation of Tract No. 90.] 6 vols, in 7. 8vo. 1834-41 Tract, Charles. An address delivered before the graduating class of the Law School of Columbia College, May 13, 1868. [Tracts, vol. 20, No. 4.] 8vo. New York, 1868 Trade. Eeports of the Eoyal Commission appointed to enquire into the Depression of Trade and Industry ; with minutes of evidence and appendices. 2 vols. fol. 1886 Traill, Henry DufE. Life of William the Third. 8vo. 1888 Central Government. 8vo. 1892 Social England, a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature, and manners from the earliest times to the present day, by various writers : edited by H. D. Traill. 6 vols. [vol. 1, second edition.] 8vo. 1894-97 TEA— TEE. 767 Transvaal. The Statute law of the Transvaal [1844-99] : translated by S. H. Barber, W. A. Macfadyen and J. H. L. Findlay. 8vo. 1901 Proclamations from 1900 : revised to 30th November, 1902. 8vo. 1902 — Third edition, revised to 31st December, 1903. 8vo. 1904 Administrative proclamations of the Transvaal, 1902-03. 8vo. Pretoria, 1904 Ordinances of the Transvaal, 1903-05. 3 vols. 8vo. Pretoria, 1905 Tbayner, John. Latin maxims and phrases collected from the Institutional writers on the law of Scotland, and other sources ; with translations and illustrations. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876 Teelawny Papers. Trelawny Papers. [Camden Society, No. 55.] Teemaine, Sir John. Placita Coronae : or. Pleas of the Crown in matters criminal and civil ; containing a collection of precedents, digested and revised by J. Eice. fol. 1723 Tresham, Edward. Eotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellarise Hibernise Calen- darium. [Record Commission, No. 45.] I Treskow, Arnold Heinrich de. De rebus a Conrado Franciae Orientalis Eege Tertio gestis. [ Germa/n University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 1709 'beutlee, Hieronymus. Notse et animadversiones ad disputationes Hieronymi Treutleri. See Bachovius, Eeinhardus. [Tbevelyan, Sir Charles.] A standing or a popular Army. [2Vac<«, vol. 14, No. 2.] 8vo. 1869 Tbevelyan Sir Charles Edward, and Tbevelyan Sir Walter Calverley. The Trevelyan papers. [Camden Society, Nos. &?, 84, 105.] iBVELYAN, Ernest John. Tagore Law Lectures, 1877 : the law relating to Minors in the Presidency of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878 768 TEE— TEl. Tbevelyan, Sir George Otto. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876 Early history of Charles James Fox. 8vo. 1880 The American Eevolution. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. 1899-1903 Teevisa, John. Higden's Polychronicon, translated. [Britain, No. 41.] Teevoe, Arthur H. The Solicitors Act, 1888, with special reference to procedure and practice on application against solicitors, with appendices . . . assisted by B. G. Lake. 8vo. 1896 Teevoe, Charles Cecil. The Taxes on Succession. Fourth edition, containing . . . the alterations made by the 44 Vict. c. 12, and the stamp duty thereby imposed on " accounts," by E. Freeth and E. J. Wallace. 12mo. 1881 Te^votjx, Dictionnaiee de. Dictionnaire universel fran§ois et latin, vulgairement appelle Dic- tionnaire de Trevoux. 7 vols. fol. Paris, 1752 Teials, State. See State Teials. Teials pee Pais. See Duncomb, Giles. Teinidad and Tobago. A political account of the Island of Trinidad, from its conquest by Sir Ealph Abercrombie, in the year 1797, to the present time ; in a letter to the Duke of Portland, by a Gentleman of the Island. 8vo. 1807 Laws of Trinidad, revised edition ; Ordinances of the Council of Government, from No. 10 of 1832 to No. 17 of 1882 ; by authority -. revised and compiled ... by G. L. Garcia. 5 vols. 8vo. [1883-84] Ordinances of Trinidad and Tobago for 1883-88, 1891, 1893-1905. 17 vols. 8vo. Port-of-Spain, 1883-1906 Trinity College, Cambeidge. Catalogue of the fifteenth century printed books. See Catalogues, Library, Teipiee, Louis. Les Codes fran9ais collationnes sur les textes officiels. See Codes, France. Tripp, Eichard S. Forms and precedents of proceedings in the High Court of Chancery ; with notes . . . 8vo. 1858 1 i TEI— TRU. 759 Teisteam, Thomas Hutchinson. The principal judgments delivered in the Consistory Courts of London, Hereford, Ripon, and Wakefield, and in the Commissary Court of Canterbury, 1872 to 1890. 8vo. 1893 Coote's Common Form practice and Tristram's Contentious practice of the High Court of Justice in granting Probates and Adminis- trations. Thirteenth edition, by T. H. Tristram . . . and H. A. Jenner. 8vo. 1900 Reports of Probate and Divorce cases. See Swabey, M. C. Merttins. Triumphs. The Triumphs of Virtue : a tragi-comedy. 4to. 1697 Tkokelowe, Joannes de. Chronica et annales. [Britain, No. 28.] Teollope, Thomas Anthony. Treatise on the Mortgage of Ships, as affected by the registry acts ; and on the mode of effecting mortgages on property of this nature . . . 8vo. 1823 Tkoplong, Raymond Theodore. See Revitb dk Legislation et de JUBISPEUDENCE. Teoppannegee, Johann Friedrich. De Po testate Electorum et Principum Imp. circa jus nobilitatis subditis suis conferendi. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Lipsise, 1707 Teottee, Catherine. Fatal Friendship. 4to. 1698 Teottee, John Glass. Appeals from the convictions and orders of Justices, including appeals by special case to a superior Court . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1891 Teowaed, Richard. Collection of the statutes in force relative to Elections. Second edition. 8vo. 1796 Teussell, John. History of England. See Daniel, Samuel. Teustees. A collection of cases on the question whether Trustees take the legal estate or not? [Law Journal Tracts, vol. 1.] 760 TEXT— TUE. Tetjstram, James. See Smith, Josiah W. ; Law of Real and Personal Property. Tbyb, John. Jus Filizarii : or, tlie Filacer's Office in the Court of King's Bench ; setting forth the practice by original writ . . . 8vo. 1684 Tetvttlam, Eichard. De Laude Oxonise. [Oxford Historical Society, N"o. 32.] Tucker, Charles Comyns. See Sweet, George ; Concise Precedents in Conveyancing. TtTDOR, Owen Davies. The law of Charitable Trusts ; with the statutes, orders, regulations, and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and a selection of schemes. Second edition. 12mo. 1862 — Third edition, by L. S. Bristowe and W. I. Cooke. 8vo. 1889 A selection of leading cases on Real Property, Conveyancing, and the construction of wills and deeds ; with notes. Third edition. 8vo. 1879 — Fourth edition, by T. H. Carson and H. B. Bompas. 8vo. 1898 A selection of leading cases on Mercantile and Maritime law ; with notes. Third edition. 8vo. 1884 Leading cases in Equity. See White, Frederick Thomas. See also Pothier, Robert Joseph ; Contract of Partnership. Turk's and Caicos Islands. Ordinances enacted by the President and Council, 1867-73. [Tifle- page wanting.^ fol. [1867-73] Ordinances, 1889-1904. fol. [1889-1904] TuRNBTJLL, George. Diary, 1657-1704. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] TuRNBULL, William B. State papers, foreign, Edward VI., Mary. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 28.] Stewart's metrical version of the history of Hector Boece. [Britain, No. 6.] Turner, Edmond R. Treatise on the Employers' Liability Act, 1880 ... to which is added, a chapter on Lord Campbell's Act, 9 & 10 Victoria, cap. 93, and the act amending the same, 27 & 28 Victoria, cap. 95. 8vo. 1882 TUE— TWI. 761 TuENEK, Francis. The Contract of Pawn as it exists at common law, and as modified by the pawnbrokers acts, the factors acts, and other statutes. Second edition. 8vo. 1883 TUENEE, Gr. J. Select pleas of the Forest. [Selden Society, No. 13.] TuENBR G-eorge, and Eussell James. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1822-24. 8vo. 1832 Tuekee, Samuel. The present practice and costs in the High Court of Chancery . . . Fifth edition, by E. Venables. 2 vols. 8vo. 1817 TiJENEE, Thomas. The law of Patents, and registration of invention and design in manufacture ; with statutes, forms, and rules. 8vo. 1851 Eemarks on the amendment of the law of Patents for Inventions. [Tracts, vol. 2L, No. 2.] 8vo. 1851 TuENEE, William H. See Bodleian Libeaey ; Calendar of charters and rolls. TuEEEL, Edmond. Code de Commerce italien ; Code Penal italien. See Codes, Italy. TuEEETiN, Benedict. Index librorum prohibitorum et expurgatorum . . . prsefatione et Hispanic, decret. Latina versione . . . 4to. Genevse, 1619 De natura ecclesise disputatio. See Alstbdius, Johann Heinrich. TwELLS, Philip. Eeports of Chancery cases. See Hall, Frederick James. TWEMLOW, J. A. Papal Eegisters. [Calendar of State Papers, No. 34.] TwisLETON, Edward. See Junius. Twiss, Horace. The public and private life of Lord Chancellor Eldon ; with selections from his correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. 1844 762 TWI— TTE. Twiss, Sir Travers. The law of Nations considered as independent political Communities. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875-84 On the rights and duties of nations in time of war. Second edition, with an introductory juridical review of the results of recent wars, and an appendix of treaties and other documents. On the rights and duties of nations in time of peace. New edition. Black Book of the Admiralty. [Britain, No. 55.] Henrici de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Anglise, libri quinque. l_Britain, No. 70.] TWTCEOSS, — . Eeport of the case of Twycross v. Grant . . . and an introduction and notes, containing notices of the previous cases on the subject : by W. F. Finlason. 8vo. 1877 TversDEN, Sir Eoger. Historiae Anglicanse scriptores x. : Simeon Monachus Dunelmensis, Johannes Prior Hagustaldensis, Eicardus Prior Hagustaldensis, Ailredus Abbas Eievallensis, Eadulphus de Diceto, Johannes Brompton, Gervasius, Thomas Stubbs, Guilielmus Thorn, Henricus Knighton . . . fol. 1652 An historical vindication of the Church of England in point of schism . . . 4to. 1675 Certaine considerations upon the government of England. [Camden Society, No. 45.] Ttleb, James Endell. Oaths : their origin, nature, and history. Second edition. Svo. 1835 Tymms, Samuel. Bury St. Edmund's wills and inventories. [Camden Society, No. 49.] Ttng, Dudley Atkins. See Massachusetts Eepokts, Ttng, Stephen H., jun. Trial of the Eev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jun., Eector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, New York . . . 8vo. New York, 1868 Tyerell, James. The general History of England, both ecclesiastical and civil, from the earliest accounts of time to the end of the reign of Eichard II. : with an appendix, being a brief and impartial disquisition into that great question, Whether the Commons of England had ever any other representatives in Parliament than the tenants in capite, before the 49th of Henry III. ? 3 vols, in 5. fol. 1697-1704 Bibliotheca Politica : or, an enquiry into the antient constitution of the English government, with respect to the just extent of the regal power and the rights and liberties of the subject . . . fol. 1718 TYE— ULP. 763 Tyreell, John. Suggestions sent to the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the laws of Eeal Property ; with minutes of the evidence given before them. 8vo. 1829 Tybwhitt, Robert Philip. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1830-35. 6 vols. 8vo. 1832-37 Tyewhitt Robert Philip, and Gbanger Thomas Colpitis. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1836-36. 8vo. 1837 Tyssen, Amherst D. The law of Charitable Bequests, with an account of the mortmain • and charitable uses act, 1888. 8vo. 1888 Elementary law for the general public. Svo. 1898 The Real Representative law, 1897 : being part 1 of the land transfer act, 1897, and a discussion on administrations thereunder. Svo. 1898 Tytler, Alexander Eraser-. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Honourable Henry Home of Karnes ; containing sketches of the progress of literature and general improvement in Scotland during the greater part of the eighteenth century. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1807 See also Erskine, John ; Institute of the law of Scotland. IJcHTEiTz, Joannes Andreas ab. De obligatione vasalli erga convasallum. [German University Tracts, vol. 3.] 4to. Halse Magdeh.. 1736 Udal, John Symonds. See Fiji ; Fiji Law Reports. Uganda Protectorate. Orders of the Secretary of State, King's (Queen's) regulations, rules and ordinances, 1895 to 1904. 4 vols. fol. Entebbe, [1901-05] Chronological table and index of the laws of, to the end of 1904. fol. [1905] Ullah M. Majid, and ColciiOugh J. Q-. A manual of the law of Contract . . . Svo. 1895 Ulpianus, Domitius. The Commentaries of Gains and Rules of Ulpian : translated, with notes, by J. T. Abdy and B. Walker. New edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1874 Fragmenta. See Pellat, Charles Auguste; Manuale Juris Synopticum. Text of the Fragments of Ulpian. See Cumin, Patrick ; Manual of Civil law. 764 UND— UNI. TJndebdown, E. M. Eegistration of Titles and deposit of Deeds : a letter addressed to Baron Halsbury. 8vo. 1885 Undeehat, Frank George. See Keelt, Duncan M. ; Law of Trade-Marks. Undeehill, Arthur. A summary of the law of Torts ; or wrongs independent of contract. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1889 — Seventh edition, assisted by H. S. Moore. 8vo. 1900 A practical and concise manual of the law relating to Private Trusts and Trustees. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1894 — Fifth edition. 8vo. 1901 An encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents other than Court Forms, by eminent conveyancing and commercial counsel, under the general editorship of A. Underhill. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. 1902-06 Changes in the law of Real Property. See Law Eefoem. See also Fishee, William Richard ; The law of Mortgage. Undeehill Arthur, and Steahan James Andrew. The principles of the Interpretation of Wills and Settlements. 8vo. 1900 United States. Official Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States, 1791-1880 : edited by B. F. Hall, C. C. Andrews, J. H. Ashton and A. J. Bentley. 16 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1852-81 Public libraries in the United States of America ; their history, con- dition, and management. Special report : Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education. 2 parts. [Part 2. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue, by C. A. Cutter.] 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1876 Reports from the Consuls of the United States. Nos. 110 and 111 — November and December, 1889. Mortgages in foreign Countries. 8vo. Washington, 1890 United States Supeeme Couet Repoets. Reports of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1790- 1904. 1875-82 see Otto, W. T. 1882-1901 Davis, J. C. B. 1902-05 BuTiEB, C. H. 1790-1854 see Cttetis, B. E. 1855-60 HowAED, B. C. 1861-62 Black, J. S. 1863-74 Wallace, J. W. Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports ... to October, 1885 . . . by H. G. Danforth. 8vo. New York. n.d. Univeesal Congeess of Lawyees. See Lawyees. UNI— UEQ. 766 (Jniveesity College, London. Calendar for the year 1905-06. 8vo. 1905 Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library. Upham, Edward. Index to the Rolls of Parliament. See Parliament. Upjohn, William Henry. See Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice. Ueceolus, Josephus. Tractatus de transactionibus . . . una cum Centuria decisionum Sacrae Rotae Romanse. Editio novissima. fol. Genevse, 1686 Urlin, Richard Denny. A legal guide for the Clergy ; with an appendix of recent statutes, including the burials acts of 1879-80, and the judgment of the final court on the appeal of Mr. Ridsdale. Second edition. 8vo. 1881 Uelin Richard Denny, and Key Thomas. The Transfer of Land and Declaration of Title Acts, 1862, illustrated by the practice and decisions under the analogous Irish acts . . . 12mo. 1863 Ubquhaet, David. Le Sultan et le Pacha d'Egypte . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 1.] 8vo. Paris, 1839 La France devant les quatre puissances . . . [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 2.] 8vo. Paris, 1840 Supplement to The Crisis (being the introduction to the second edition.) [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 3.] 8vo. [Paris, 1840] The Sulphur monopoly. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 1.] 8vo. 1840 Speech ... on International law and the general state of the country. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 4.] 8vo. Stafford, 1841 A fragment of the history of Servia. [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 2.] 8vo. 1843 An appeal against faction ... to which is added, an analysis of Count Nesselrode's despatch of the 20th Oct., 1838. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 5.] 8vo. 1848 The Edinburgh Review and the Affghan war. [Tracts, vol. 33, No. 1.] Svo. 1843 Annexation of the Texas, a case of war between England and the United States. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 7.] Svo. 1844 The Channel Islands : Norman laws and modern practice. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 6.] Svo. 1844 Newcastle Committee : 1. Limitation of the supply of grain ; 2. Constitutional remedies. Evidence of Mr. Urquhart before the Committee. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 8.] Svo. [1865] 766 URQ. Urquhaet, David — continued. The Queen and the Premier : a statement of their struggle and its results. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 9.] 8vo. 1857 The rebellion of India . . . [Tracts, vol. 33, No. 2.] 8vo. 1857 The Sraddha; the keystone of the Brahminical, Buddhistic, and Ariau religions . . . [Tmcfs, vol. 33, No. 3.] 8vo. 1857 How Eussia tries to get into her hands the supply of corn of the whole of Europe . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 4.] 8vo. 1859 On the Italian war ... to which is added, a memoir on Europe drawn up for the instruction of the present Emperor of Eussia. [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 10.] Svo. 1859 The invasion of England. [Tracts, vol. 34, No. 1.] Svo. 1860 Answer to Mr. Cobden on the assimilation of war and peace . . . [Tracts, vol. 34, No. 4.] Svo. 1862 The right of Search . . . [Tracts, vol. 34, No. 3.] Svo. 1862 The secret of Eussia in the Caspian and Euxine . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 5.] Svo. 1863 Sparing private Property in war at sea . . . [Tracts, \ol. 34, No. 5.] Svo. 1866 Conscience in respect to public affairs. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 1.] Svo. 1867 Eussia, if not everywhere, nowhere. [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 6.] Svo. 1867 Appeal of a Protestant to the Pope to restore the law of nations . . . [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 2.] Svo. 1868 The Abyssinian war: the contingency of failure . . . [Tracts, vol. 33, No. 4.] Svo. 186S Effect on the world of the restoration of the Canon law. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 5.] Svo. 1869 Les Musulmansun exemple aux Chretiens. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 3.] Svo. 1869 " Eight of the soldier to Absolution " : correspondence between Eev. E. SuffieldandMr.Urquhart. [Traces, vol. 35, No. 6.] Svo. [1869] The military oath and Christianity. [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 4.] Svo. 1869 The military strength of Turkey . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 7.] Svo. 1869 The Peace Society on the law of nations. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 7.] Svo. 1869 Correspondence entre M. Urquhart et I'Eveque d'Orleans . . . [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 10.] Svo. 1870 Fragments on politeness . . . [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 9.] Svo. 1S70 Le Pape,le Sultan, et le Czar. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 8.] Svo. 1S70 Desolation de la Chretiente par la substitution de la familiarity k la politesse . . . Edition seconde. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 11.] Svo. 1871 UEQ— VAI. 767 Ueqxthaet, David — continued. Le Patriarche Hassoun : le schisme Armenien dans ses rapports avec le Concile (Eeumenique et les decrets synodaux sur la guerre . . . [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 12.] 8vo. 1872 Les Catholiques et le Pape. [Tracts, vol. 35, No. 13.] 8vo. Paris, 1874 Naval power suppressed by the maritime states . . . [Tracts, vol. 34, No. 6.] 8vo. 1874 The four wars of the French revolution . . . [Tracts, vol. 32, No. 11.] 8vo. 1874 Mr. Urquhart on the Suez Canal in 1853 . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 8.] 8vo. 1876 Politeness an element of power. See Stapleton, A. G. Urquhart, George. The experienced Solicitor, in proceedings under the appellant jurisdiction of the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, and the jurisdiction exercised by the House in matter of peerage. fol. 1773 Urquhart, George. Institutes of hydrostatics ; illustrated with plates : to which is added, a philosophical essay on air-balloons. [Tracts, vol. 8, No. 1.] 8vo. 1786 Urquhart, H. A. The story of the war, by collated passages from the " Times " and " Morning Herald " correspondents . . . [Tracts, vol. 31, No. 3.] 8vo, 1857 The two Afghan wars. [Tracts, vol. 33, No. 5.] 8vo. 1878 Uruguay, Republic op. The Republic of Uruguay ; the country in the Paris Exhibition ; general description and statistical data, 1888-89, issued by authority of the Consulate General, London. 4to. Liverpool, 1889 Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh. See Bernard, Nicholas. Usher, Roland G. The Presbyterian movement, 1 582-89. [ Camden Society, third aeries, No. 8.] Vailliant, John. See Dyer, Sir James ; Reports. Vaizey, John Savill. A treatise on the law of Settlements of Property made upon mar- riage and other occasions. 2 vols. 8vo. 1887 768 VAI— VAN. Vaizbt, Jolin Savill — continued. A collection of precedents and forms with references and additions to " A treatise on the law of Settlements." 8vo. 1888 The Trust Investment Act, 1889 : the law relating to the invest- ment of trust money. 8vo. 1890 Valerius Maximus. Factorum Dictorumque Memorabilium libri novem ; ex editione Joannis Kappii, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensiti. 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 Valin, Eene-Josue. Nouveau commentaire sur I'Ordonnance de la Marine du mois d'Aout, 1681 . . . Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 4to. LaBochelle, 1776 Valla, Nicolaus. De rebus dubiis et qusestionibus in jure controversis, tractatus XX . . . Editio quinta. 4to. ArnJiemii, 1638 Valois, Henri de. See Eusebius. Valor Ecclesiasticus. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII. [Becord Commission, No. 53.] Valpt, Abraham John. Delphin Latin Classics. 170 vols. 8vo. 1819-30 Valpt, Edward. Novum Testamentum Greece. See Bible, Greek New Testament. Vanbruqh, Sir John, ^sop. 4to. 1697 The Provok'd Wife. 4to. 1697 The Eelapse : or, Virtue in Danger ; being the sequel of The Fool in Fashion. 4to. 1697 Van der Hooch, Nicolaus. Singularia juris . . . 8vo. Antverpiss, 1620 Van der Keessel, Dionysius Godefridus. Theses selectse juris Hollandici et Zelandici, ad supplendam H. Grotii introductionem ad jurisprudentiam Hollandicam, et definien- dascelebriores juris Hollandici controversias. 4to. Lugd.Bat.,\QQQ Select Theses on the laws of Holland and Zeeland,^ being a com- mentary on Hugo Grotius's introduction to Dutch jurisprudence; translated from the original Latin, by C. A. Lorenz. 12mo. 1866 VAN— VAT. 769 Van der Linden, Joannes. Verhandeling over de Judicieele Practijcq, of form van procedeeren, voor de hovea van justitie in Holland gebruikelijk. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Leyden, 1794-98 Vei^liandeling van het Wissel-Recht door K, J. Pothier, naar het Fransch. 8vo. Leyden, IttOl Regtsgeleerd, practicaal, en Koopmans Handbook . . . 8vo. Amsteldam, 1806 Institutes of the laws of Holland : translated by J. Henry. 8vo. 1828 Vandeezeb, George. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Edw. III. [Record Commission, No. 25.] Van Hetthuysbn, F. M. The Equity Draftsman ; being a selection of forms of pleadings in suits in equity. Second edition, by E. Hughes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 Van Lbeuwen, Simon. Censura forensis theoretico-practica, id est.totius juris civilis Eomani, usuque recepti, et practici methodica coUatio . . . Editio tertia. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Amstelodumi, 1685 Commentaries on the Eoman-Dutch law ; translated from the Dutch. Svo. 1820 — Revised and edited, with notes, by C. W. Decker ; translated from the original Dutch, by J. G. Kotze. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881-86 See also Coepus Juris Civilis. Van Nest, G. Willett. See Sedgwick, Theodore; Measure of Damages. Vardon, Thomas. Index to the local and personal and private Acts, 1798-1839, 38 Geo. 3—2 & 3 Vict. Svo. 1840 Vasquez Menchaca, Fernando. Controversiarum illustrium aliarumque usu frequentium libri tres. fol. Veneliis, 1564 De successionibus et ultimis voluntatibus . . . libri ix . . . 3 vols in 1. fol, Francojurti ad Moenum, 1577 Vattel, Emmerich de. Law of Nations : or, principles of the law of nature applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns : translated from the French. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. 1760 — New edition, by J. Chitty. Svo. 1834 z z 770 VAT— YEN. Vattel, Emmerich de — continued. Le Droit des Gens : ou, principes de la loi natureile appliques a la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des souverains. Nouvelle edition, augment^e de quelques remarques nouvelles, et d'une biblio- graphie choisie du droit de la nature et des gens, par M. de HofEmans ; precedee d'un discours sur 1' etude du droit de la nature et des gens, par Sir J. Mackintosh ; traduit en f ran9ais par P. Eoyer- CoUard ; avec des notes et table analytique par S. Pinheiro-Ferreira. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-38 Vaughan, Sir John. Eeports and arguments in the Court of Common Pleas [1655-74] : to which is added, a Tract concerning Process out of the Courts at Westminster into Wales . . . fol. 1706 Vaughan, Rice. Practica Walliae : or, the proceedings in the Great Sessions of Wales ; containing the method and practice of an attorney there, from an original to the execution . . . 12mo. 1672 Vaughan, Samuel. An appeal to the public on behalf of Samuel Vaughan, Esq., in a full and impartial narrative of his negotiation with the Duke of Grafton . . . and an appendix relating to the Public Offices in the Island of Jamaica. [Tracts, vol. 5, No. 2.] 8vo. 1770 [Vaumoeiere, Pierre d'Ortigues, Sieur de.'\ Harangues sur toutes sortes de sujets, avec Part de les composer. Seconde Edition . . . 4to. Paris, 1693 Veale, Henry. See Andbewes, Lancelot ; Devotions. Velet, Augustus Charles. See Brainteee Church Eate Case. Venables, Robert. The narrative of General Venables, relating to the expedition to the West Indies and the conquest of Jamaica, 1654-65. [Camden Society, new series^ No. 60.] Venables, Eobert. See Turner, Samuel ; Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Venezuela. Correspondence between the Venezuelan Government and H.B.M.'s Government about the question of the Frontier, the additional duty of 307o. *^6 Treaty of Commerce, and the pecuniary claims. fol. Caracas, 1887 VEN— VER. 771 Venning, William Marshall. Marriage and the condition of married women under the Roman law ; being a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Civil law. [Tracts, vol. 27, No. 6.] 8vo. Oxford, 1881 Venteis, Sir Peyton. Reports, in two parts. Part 1. Select cases adjudged in the King's Bench, 20-36 Car. II., 1667-84, with three learned arguments : one in the King's Bench bj Sir E. North, and two in the Exchequer by Sir M. Hale. Part 2. Choice cases adjudged in the Common Pleas, 21 Car. II. — 3 Will, and Mary, 1669-91 ; with many remarkable and curious cases in the Court of Chancery. Fourth edition, fol. 1726 Vbeax, Theodorus. pseud. See Walkee, Clement. Vbegil, Polydore. Angliese historiae libri xxvii. fol. Basilese, 1570 English history. \_Camden Society, Nos. 29, 86.] Veenet Papbes. Vemey Papers. [Camden Society, Nos. 31, 56.] Veenon, Christopher. Considerations for regulating the Exchequer . . . 12mo. 1642 Veenon, George William. See Andeews, George ; Reports of King's Bench cases. Veenon George William, and Sceiven J. B. ■ Irish Reports : or, reports of cases determined in the King's Courts, Dublin ; with select cases in the House of Lords of Ireland, 1786-88. 8vo. Dublin, 1790 Veenon, Thomas. Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery [1680- 1719.] 2 vols. fol. 1726-28 — Second edition ... by J. Raithby. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. 1806 Veetot, Ren^ Aubert, Sieur de. History of the revolutions in Spain, from the decadence of the Roman Empire, and the first foundation of the monarchy, to the renuncia- tion of King Philip V. and the accession of Lewis I. to the ci'own of Spain : made English from the Paris edition, and illustrated I with notes, by J. Morgan. 3 vols, in 6. 8vo. 1724 BETTJB, George. Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. See Hottbeakbn, Arnold. zz2 772 VES-VIC. Veset, Francis. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, 1746-55. 2vols. fol. 1771 — Supplement, comprising corrections of statement and extracts of the decrees and orders from the Eegistrar's Books, by R. Belt. Second edition. 8vo. 1825 Vesby, Francis, jun. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, 1789-1802. 6 vols. fol. 1795-1803 Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, 1789-1817. 19 vols. 8vo. 1801-22 — A digested index to the [above] nineteen volumes ; with a table of the names of the cases : by a barrister. 8vo. 1822 — Supplement, containing notes, occasionally illustrated by cases decided by Lords Hardwicke and King, from the manuscripts of Mr. Forrester, by J. E. Hoveuden. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827 Veset Francis jun., and Beames John. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1812-14. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. 1813-15 VlATTE, Paul. Code de Commerce allemand. See Cobes, Germany. ViCKEES, Charles William. Law of Succession. See Holdsworth, William Searle. ViCTOE, Sextus Aurelius. Historise Eomanae Breviarium . . . 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1670 Historia Eomana, ex editione Th. Chr. Harlesii, cum notis et inter- pretatione in usum Delphini; variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 ViCTOEIA. The Victorid-n statutes ... 4 vols. 4to. Melbourne, 1866 The Public General statutes of the colony of Victoria : also the acts of the federal council of Australasia : published by authority. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. Melbourne, 1887 The Victorian statutes : the public and private acts of Victoria, also the acts of the Federal Council of Australasia, and a selection of the Imperial statutes apparently in force in Victoria. 7 vols. 8vo. Melbourne, 1890 Acts of Parliament of Victoria, 1868-74, 1887-1904. 22 vols. 4to. Melbourne, 1868-1905 VIC— VIN. 773 ViCTOEiA — continued. Patents and patentees, from 1854 to 1871 : by W. H. Archer. 6 vols, in 1. 4to. Melbourne, 1868-73 Abstracts of specifications of patents applied for from 1854 to 1866. Ac to Bu . . . by W. H. Archer. 4to. Melbourne, 1870 Abstracts of specifications of patents applied for from 1854 to 1866. Metals.— Part 1. ... by W. H. Archer. 4to. Melbourne, 1872 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1885. Illustrated hand- book of Victoria, Australia : edited by J. Thomson. 8vo. Melbourne, 1886 Victoria, Queen. Life of. See Holmes, R. R. Victoria University, Manchester. Calendar for the year 1905-06. Svo. Manchester, 1906 Vidian, Andrew, The Exact Pleader ; a book of entries of pleadings in the Court of King's Bench, in the reign of King Charles II. fol. 1684 ViGPXTSSON, Gudbrand. Icelandic Sagas. [Britain, No. 88.] ViLLAEE Anglicum. See Spelman, Sir Henry. ViLLABi, Vincenzo. Frammenti giuridici e osservazioni al Codice Civile . . . (1813-77) ; con commemorazioni [del autore] di iilustri giureconsulti. Svo. Boma, 1891 ViLLATTE, Ciisar. Encyklopadisches Franzosisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Franzo- sisches Worterbuch. See Sachs, Karl. ViLLiERs, George, DuJce of Buckingham. The Rehearsal. Fifth edition. 4to. 1687 ViLLiEBs, Melius de. The Roman and Roman-Dutch law of Injuries ; a translation of book XLvii. tit. 10, of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects, with annotations. Svo. 1899 k ■Vincent, Benjamin. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution. See Cata- logues, Library. 774 VIN. Vincent, Sir Charles Edward Howard. The practice and procedure in the Extradition of Criminals between Her Majesty's government and Eoreign States. 8vo. 1880 See also Kiechnek, F. J. ; L'Extradition. Vincent, Charles W. Catalogue of the Library of the Eeform Club. See Catalogues, Library. Vincent, John A. C. The first Bishop of Bath and Wells : with an appendix of proofs derived from the public records and other authentic sources. 8vo. Exeter, 1899 See also Lancashire Lay Subsidies. Vincent, W. Eeport of the proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Art Exhibition, held at York . . . [Tracts, vol. 36, No. 6.] 8vo. 1866 Vincent, William, Dean of Westminster. Arrian's Voyage round the Euxine Sea : translated, and accompanied with a geographical dissertation and maps . . . 4to. Oxford, 1805 The Commerce and Navigation of the ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vols. 4to. 1807 The Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus of the Erythgan Sea : translated from the Greek. 4to. Oxford, 1809 Vine, Sir J. E. Somers. The English Municipal Code : being the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882, with historical introduction, notes, comments, and refer- ences . . . Third edition . . . 8vo. 1888 ViNEE, Charles. A general Abridgment of law and equity [with index.] Second edition. 24 vols. 8vo. 1791-94 — Supplement. 6 vols. 8vo. 1799-1806 ViNEEiAN Lectuebs. See Wooddeson, Eichard. ViNNEN, Arnold. Juris-prudentisB contractse, sive partitionum juris civilis libri iv. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum., 1647 In quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium commeatarius aca- demicus et forensis. Editio postrema. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1703 ViNOGEADOFF, Paul. Villainage in England ; essays in English mediaeval history. 8vo. Oxford, 1892 VIO— VIV. 775 Violet, Thomas. Proposals humbly presented to his Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of England, and to the High Court of Parliament, for the calling to a true and just accompt all persons that have been entrusted with the publick revenue, or have in their custody anything of value appertaining to the commonwealth : also. For the regulating of the manufacture of gold and silver thread and wyer ; and for the passing an act against transporting gold and silver, and against melting down the current silver monies of the nation : likewise, A narrative of the proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie, against the silver-ships Sampson, Salvador, and George, fol. 1656 ViBaiLius Marc, Publius. Opera omnia, ex editione Heyniana, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, excursibus Heynianis, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo accurate recensita. 8 vols. 8vo. 1819 Scarronides or Virgil Travestie : a mock-poem on the second book of Virgil's ^naeis, in English burlesque, [by C. Cotton.] Second edition. 8vo. 1717 Dissertations and critical remarks upon the ^neids of Virgil, containing a full vindication of the poet from the charge of an anachronism with regard to the foundation of Carthage, by J. Martyn. 12mo. 1770 Virgilius : this boke treateth of the lyfe of Virgilius, and of his deth . . . [Thoms's Early English prose romances, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1858 Virginia. Acts of Assembly passed in the colony of Virginia, from 1662 to 1715. Vol. 1. foL 1727 Plantation laws. See America. Vital, Orderic. See Ordeeicus Vitalis. ViTRiARius, Johannes Jacobus. Oratio funebris in obitum A. Schultingii. See Schulting, Anton. ViTRiARius, Philippus Eeinhardus. Institutiones juris publici Romano-Q-ermanici . . . Editio nova . . . accesserunt Aurea Bulla, Instrumenta pacis Westphalicae, Suecicum et Gallicum, et Capitulatio Caroli VI. . . . 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1730 Corpus juris publici elaboratum a Johanne Eriderico Pfeffingero . . . 4 vols. 4to. Gothse, 1731-43 — G-. C. Eiccii Eepertorium locupletissimum. 4to. Gothse, 1741 ViVEs, Joannes Ludovicus. See Augustinus, Aurelius ; Of the city of God. 776 VIV— VOE. Vivien, [Alexandre Fran9ois Auguste.] Etudes administratives. 8vo. Paris, 1845 Vivius, Franciscus. Decisionum regni Neapolitani liber tertius et qnartus. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Francofurti, 1597-99 Sylvse communium opinionum . . . liber primus [secundus et tertius.] 3 vols, in 1. fol. Francofurti, 1611 ViZAED, P. E. Practice at Judges' chambers. See Auchibald, William Frederick Alpbouse. See also Chittt, Tbomas ; King's Bench Forms. VoCABULAEinS PEEUTILIS UTEIUSQTJE JUEIS. Vocabularius perutilis utriusque juris, tarn civilis quam canonici, una cum tractatu de modo studendi in utroque jure ; cum 'nominibus omnium scribentium in jure. ^to. [Parisiis, 1501] VoET, Jan. Compendium juris juxta seriem Pandectarum, adjectis difEerentiis juris civilis et canonici . . . Editio sexta. 8vo. Lvgduni Batavorum, 1731 Commentariorum ad Pandectas libri quinquaginta . . . nunc primum accedunt alii duo tractatus, De familia erciscimda et De jure nulitari. 7 vols, in 1. 4to. Venetiis, 1827-28 Commentarius ad Pandectas. Editio nova . . . cura et studio A. Maurice. 4 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1829 Commentarius ad Pandectas, translated into English. 5 vols. 8vo. 1876-96 Vol. 1. The contract of Sale (book xviii) : by Sir R. K. Wilson, 2. Servitudes (book viii) : by L. Hoskyns. 3. Of the direct and indirect actions of Mandate (book XVIT, tit. 1); The action of Parinership (book xvii, tit. 2) : by T. R. Innes. 4. The contract of Letting and Hiring (book xix, tit. 2) : by W, Soloiron. 5. On Marriage laws (book xxiil, tit. 2) : by W. Stoney. Commentary on the Pandects ; translation of book xlvii., tit. 10, Eoman and Roman-Dutch law of Injuries, by Melius de Villiers. 8vo. 1899 Commentary on the Pandects, comprising all the titles on Purchase and Sale — Letting and Hiring Mortgages — Evictions — Warranty — and allied subjects ; being Lib. xviii, xix, xx, xxr, and tit. 7, of Lib. XIII: by T.Berwick, New and revised edition. 8vo. 1902 Voet's titles on Vindicationes and Interdicta, translated with introduction and notes by J. J. C. Chitty. 8vo. Colombo, 1893 VOE— VUL. 777 VoET, Paul. la quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium commentarius . . . 2 vols. 4to. Gorichemi, 1668 Mobilium et immobilium natura. . . . Nova editio. 12ino. Ultrajecti, 1714 De duellis, Ileitis et illicitis, liber singularis. 12mo. Brugis, 1728 De statutis eorumque concursu. 8ee Savigny, Friedrich Carl von ; Private International law. VoiGT, Melchior. Sue via gentilis. [^German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Jense^ 1695 VoiNBsco, Eomulus P. Loi rouinaine sur la faillite. See Codes, Boumcmia. VoiT A SALTZBTTBa, Friedrich Carl. De eraolumentis territoriorum imprimis Q-ermanise ex jure primo- geniturse descendentibus. [^German University Tracts, vol. 11.] 4to. Lipsae, 1718 VoLczMAR, Caspar. De nexu Regni Burgundici cum Imp. Eomano-Germanico. [ German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Lipsise, 1720 VoLCMAE, Rudolph. Practicarum conclusionum de testibus centurise v. . . . 4to. Erjphordise, 1612 Voltaire, Fran9ois Marie Arouet de. Commentary oh Beccaria's Essay on crimes and punishments. See Beccaeia, Bonesana Caesar, Marquis. Von Sttjdnitz, Arthur. Gold : or, legal regulations for the standard of Gold and Silver wares in different countries of the world : translated and abridged from " Die (ilesetzliche Regelung des Feingehaltes von Gold- und Silber-Waaren, von Arthur von Studnitz," by Mrs. Brewer, with notes and additions by E. W. Streeter. 8vo. 1877 Voss, Christian Andreas. De incrementis urbium Germanicarum. \_German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Halse, 1703 VoTSBT, Charles. Defence of the Eev. Charles Voysey, Vicar of Healaugh, on the hearing of the charges of heresy preferred against him in the Chancery Court of York, on the 1st of December, 1869. [Tracts, vol. 15, No. 4.] 8vo. 1869 VxjLLiAMY, A. F. See Faraday, Philip Michael ; Eating. 778 VUL— WAK. VuLTEius, Hennannus. In Institutiones juris civilis a Justiniano compositas commentarius . . . Editio secunda. 4to. Marpurgi, 1600 Wage, Henry. The law and practice of Bankruptcy, comprising the bankruptcy acts, 1883, and 1890, the bankruptcy appeals (County Courts) act, 1884, the preferential payments in bankruptcy act, 1888, and the rules and forms, with notes: founded on the third edition of Yate Lee and Wace on Bankruptcy. 8vo. 1904 Wachatt, Paul. De vasallagio subjectionem non inferente . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 2.] 4to. Jenx, 1737 Waddilove, Alfred. Digest of cases decided in the Court of Arches, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, the Consistory Court of London, and on Appeal therefrom to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council . . . 8vo. 1849 [Wade, John.] The book of Penalties : or, summary of the pecuniary penalties inflicted by the laws of England on the commercial, manufacturing, trading, and professional classes . . . with an abstract of the local acts and customs of London. 12mo. 1834 British history, chronologically arranged . . . 8vo. 1839 Wadswoeth, Samuel. See Davidson, Madgwick George; Concise precedents in Conveyancing. Waghobn, Thomas. Law and practice of Compensation; Law relating to Traffic on Eailways and Canals. See Boyle, Sir Edward. Wagnee, Thomas. Corpus juris metallici recentissimi et antiquioris. Sammlung der neuesten und alterer Berggesetze. fol. Leipzig, 1791 Wake, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, Preacher of Gray's Inn. Of our obligation to put our trust in God rather than in men, and of the advantages of it ; in a sermon preached before the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inn, upon the occasion of the death of our late Eoyal Sovereign, Queen Mary. 4fco. 1695 The authority of Christian Princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted with particular respect to the Convocations of the Clergy of the Eealm and Church of England, occasion'd by a late pamphlet, intituled, a letter to a Convocation Man, &c. 8vo. 1697 The state of the Church and Clergy of England . . . fol. 1703 The project of union (1717-20) between the Galilean and Anglican Churches. See Lupton, Joseph Hirst. I WAK— WAL. 779 Wakefield, Edward. An account of Ireland, statistical and political. 2 vols. 4to. 1812 Wakely, John. See Chbeey, Richard E. ; Irish Land law and Land Purchase Acts. Wakeman, Henry Oflfley. An introduction to the history of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day. Fifth edition. 870. 1900 WaIiBban, John Eichard. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. [Surtees Society, Nos. 42, 67.] Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. Cathedralia : A constitutional history of Cathedrals of the western Church ; being an account of the various dignities, offices and ministrie of their members ... 8vo. 1865 The constitutions and canons ecclesiastical of the Church of England . . , 8vo. 1874 Waldsteomeeus de Eeichelsdoep. De curiis regiis comitiisque, ante sanctionis Carolinse tempora Norim- bergse celebratis. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. 1722 Waley, Jacob. See Davidson, Charles; Precedents and forms in Conveyancing. Walfoed, Cornelius. An outline history of the Hanseatic League, more particularly in its bearings upon English commerce : reprinted from vol. ix. of the Transactions of the Eoyal Historical Society. For private circula- tion. 8vo. 1881 The outline of a scheme for a dictionary of Periodical Literature. 8vo. 1883 Walfoed, Edward. See Beayley, Edward Wedlake ; History of Surrey. Walkee, Bryan. The fragments of the perpetual Edict of Salvius Julianus ; collected, arranged, and annotated. 8vo. Camhridge, 1877 Selected titles from the Digest ; translated and annotated. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-81 Part 1. Mandati vel contra : Digest xvii. 1. 2. De adquirendo rerum dominio et De adquirenda vel amittenda possessione. Digest XLi. : 1, 2. 3. De condictionibus. Digest xii. 1, 4-7 ; xm. 1-3. Commentaries of G-aius and Eules of Ulpian ; Institutes of Justinian. See Abdy, John Thomas. 780 WAL. [Walkee, Clement.] Relations and observations, historical and politick, upon the Parliament begun 1640. Divided into two books : 1. The mystery of the two junto's, Presbyterian and Independent ; 2. The history of Independency . . . 4to. 1648 Anarchia Anglicana : or, the history of Independency ... by Theodorus Verax Ipseud.l 4to. 1649 The High Court of Justice : or, Cromwel's new slaughter-house in England . . . being the 3rd part of the history of Independency. 4to. 1651 The history of Independency. 4th and last part . . . by T. M. 4to. 1660 Mystery of the two juntoes, Presbyterian and Independent. See Maseres, Francis ; Select Tracts. Walkee, Sir Edward. Historical discourses on several occasions [chiefly relating to the Grand Rebellion] . . . together with perfect copies of all the votes, letters, proposals, and answers relating unto, and that passed in, the treaty held at Newport, in the Isle of Wight . . . fol. 1705 Walkee, Francis A. Political economy. Third edition. 8vo. 1892 Walkee, J. E, See Davis, Henry F. A. ; Building Societies. Walkee, James Douglas. Treatise on Banking law. Second edition. Svo. 1885 Walker, John. Reports of Chancery cases. See Jacob, Edward. Walkee, Joseph Cooper. Historical memoirs of the Irish Bards, interspersed with anecdotes of, and occasional observations on, the music of Ireland ; also an historical and descriptive account of the musical instruments of the ancient Irish, and an appendix containing several biographical and other papers, with select Irish melodies. 4to. Dublin, 1786 Walkee, T. Hollis. See Clerk John Frederic, and Lindsbll Willia,m Harry Barber ; Law of Torts. Walker, Thomas Alfred. The Science of International law. Svo. 1893 Walker, William Gregory. The Partition Acts, 1868 and 1876 : a manual of the law and practice of partition and of sale in lieu of partition ; with the decided cases and an appendix of judgments and orders. Second edition. 8vo. 1882 WAL. 781 Walker "William Q-regory, and Elgood Edgar J. Law and practice relating to the Administration of the Estates of deceased persons by the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice ; with an appendix of orders and forms . . . 8vo. 1883 A compendium of the law relating to Executors and Adminis- trators . . . Third edition, by Edgar J. Elgood. 8vo. 1897 Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie. Russia. New and enlarged edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1906 Wallace, George. A system of the principles of the law of Scotland. Vol. 1. fol. Edinburgh, 1760 Wallace, George. Duty and liability of Employers. See Roberts, Walworth Howland. Wallace, John William. Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the TJnited States, 1863-74. 23 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1864-76 The Reporters arranged and characterized ; with incidental remarks. Fourth edition. 8vo. Boston, U.S.A., 1882 Wallace, Robert J. See Teevob, Charles Cecil; Taxes on Suc- cession. Wallis, J. Letter against Mr. Maid well, 1700. \_Oxford Historical Society , No. 6.] Wallis, John. Reports of select cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, principally in the time of Lord Lifford ; together with some cases determined in the other superior courts during the same period [1766-91] : edited, from the original notes of the late John Wallis, by J. Lyne. 8vo. Dublin, 1839 Wallis, John E. P. Manual of the law specially affecting Catholics. See Lilly, William Samuel. See also State Trials. Wallis, Talbot H. Catalogue o£ the Califomian State Library, law department. See Catalogues, Library. Walmsley, T. Reports of Exchequer cases. See Huelstonb, Edwin Tyrrell. 782 WAL. Walmtslet, Thomas. Expenses of assize judges, Western and Oxford Circuits, 1596-1601. [Camden Society, No. 73.] Walpole, Charles G-eorge. The Ottoman Penal Code. See Codes, Ottoman Empire. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford. Works : [edited by E. Berry.] 5 vols. 4to. 1798 Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Eichard the Third. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 28, No. 1.] 4to. 1768 — See also GTuidickins, F. W. Letters : edited by P. Cunningham : now first chronologically arranged. 9 vols. 8vo. 1880 Horace Walpole and his world : select passages from his letters : edited by L. B. Seeley. 8vo. 1884 Life of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. See Herbert or Chebbtjet, Edward, Lord. Walpole, Sir Eobert. Life of. See Morlet, John. Walpole, Sir Spencer. A history of England from the conclusion of the Great War in 1815. 5 vols. [Vols. 1-3, second edition.] 8vo. 1879-86 The life of Lord John Eussell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1889 Walpott, Johann Jacob de. De Electorum juribus prserogativis. [German University Tracts, vol. 7.] 4to. Argentorati, 1710 Walsh, F. W. Eeports of Chancery cases, Ireland. See Deuey, William B. Walsh, Eobert. History of the city of Dublin. See Waebueton, John. Walsingham, Sir Francis. Journal, from December, 1670, to April, 1583. [Camden Society, No. 104.] Walsingham, Thomas. Historia Anglicana, et G-esta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani. [Britain, No. 28.] Historia brevis ab Edwardo Primo ad Henricum Quintum; et Ypodigma Neustrise vel Normannise. See Camden, William; Anglica. WAL— WAR. 783 Walter, Ferdinand. Manuel du droit Ecclesiastique de toutes les confessions chretiennes : traduit de Tallemand, par A. de Roquemont. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Walter of Coventry. Historical collections. [^Britain, No. 58.] Walters, William Clayton. A brief analytical view of the Rule in Shelley's case ; together with an essay on cross remainders and an essay on the law of jointures. 8vo. 1826 Waltham Forest. See Epping Forest. Waltheb, GTeorg Friedrich. De triplici advoeatia Imperatoris ecclesiastica. [ German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Jenas, 1721 Walther, Johann Ludolf . Lexicon diplomaticum . . . cum prsefatione J. H. Jungii. fol. Gottingge, 17^7 Walton, Brian, Bishop of Chester. Biblia Sacra polyglotta. See Bible, Polyglots. Walton, Isaac. See Hooker, Richard ; Works. Walton, Sir Joseph. An essay on the early history of legal studies in England. 8vo. [1900] Walton, Robert. Random recollections of the Midland Circuit. 8vo. 1869 Wambaugh, Eugene. See Littleton, Sir Thomas ; Tenures. Wamesius, Joannes. Tractatus de appellationibus . . . 4to. Lovanii, 1600 Wan LET, Humfrey. Humfrey Wanley and his Diary (Lansdowne MSS. Nos. 677, 771, 772) : by W. R. Douthwaite, a paper read before the Library Association. 4to. 1888 Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in British Museum. [Record Com- mission, No. 9.] See also Catalogues, Library, British Museum. Warburton, Henry. A selection of leading cases in the Criminal law. (Founded on Shirley's leading cases.) Third edition. 8vo. 1903 784 WAE. Wabbubton Jolin, Whitelaw James, and Walsh Eobert. History of the City of Dubliu, from the earliest accounts to the present time . . . to which are added, biographical notices of eminent men, and copious appendices of its population, revenue, commerce, and literature. 2 vols. 4to. 1818 Waeburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester. Supplement to Mr. . Warburton's edition of Shakespeare. 8ee Edwaeds, Thomas. Ward, Lord. The practice o£ a Justice of Peace : published by T. Cunningham. 2 vols. 8vo. 1762 Waed, Adolphus William. See Cambridge Modeen Histoey. Waed, Robert Arthur. Treatise on Investments . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1852 Waed, Robert Plumer. An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of Nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the age of Grotius. 2 vols. 8vo. 1795 Treatise on the relative rights and duties of Belligerent and Neutral Powers in maritime affairs ; in which the principles of armed neutralities, and the opinions of Hiibner and Schlegel, are fully discussed : reprinted from the original edition ; with a preface by Lord Stanley of Alderley, and an appendix. 8vo. 1875 Waed, Wilfred. The life and times of Cardinal Wiseman. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 Waedbn, David Baillie. Chronologic historique de I'AmMque. See Cl]£ment, Fran9oi8. Waedle, Thomas. See Sleigh, John ; History of Leek. Waee, Titus Hibbert. Transfer of Land to Railway Companies. See Feend, Henry Tyrwhitt. Waeing, — . The Rule of Ex parte Waring. See Eddis, A. C. Waeing, Daniel. Report of the trial of Daniel Waring, upon the prosecution of Roger O'Connor' . . . for perjury. 8vo. Dublin, 1817 Waeing, George. Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. [^Surtees Society, Nos. 28, 39, 43, 48.] WAR. 785 Warkworth, John. Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of Edward IV. [Camden Society, No. 10.] Warley, William J. The Building Societies Act, 1894. See Bowen, Ivor. Warmington, Marshall Denham. See Lawson, William Norton; Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Acts. Warner, Ferdinando. The history of England, as it relates to religion and the Church, from the earliest accounts to the present century . . . 2vols. fol. 1759 Warner, George F. Correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas, 1641-56. [Camden Society, new series, Nos, 40, 50, 57.] Giraldi Cambrensis opera. [Britain, No. 21.] The Library of James VI., 1573-83. [Scottish History Society, No. 15.] Warner, John. See Sanders, Francis Williams ; Uses and Trusts. Warnkoenig, Leopold August. Institutiones juris Romani privati . . . Editio quarta. 8vo. Bonnse, 1860 Themis, ou, Bibliotheque du jurisconsulte. See Themis. Warrants. Copies taken from the records of the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, of Warrants issued by Secretaries of State, for seizing persons suspected of various crimes, particularly of being the authors, printers and publishers of libels, from the Restoration to the present time : and also copies of several commitments, by Secretaries of State, of persons charged with various crimes during that period. 4to. 1763 Warren, John. Report of the trial of John Warren, for treason-felony, at the County Dublin Commission . . . commencing 30th October, 1867. Svo. Dublin, 1867 Tabeen, Robert R. Reports of Chancery cases, Ireland. See Dritey, William B. 786 WAE— WAT. Warren, Samuel. Blackstone's Commentaries, systematically abridged and. adapted to tlie existing state of the law and constitution ; with additions. Second edition. 8vo. 1856 A popular and practical introduction to law Studies and to every department of the legal profession. Third edition. 2 vols. Bvo. 1863 Warren, Walter Richard. The law relating to Choses in Action with special reference to the Judicature Act, 1873, and assignability at law and in equity: together with the practice and rules relating thereto, and an appendix of forms. 8vo. 1899 Warry, George Taylor. The Game laws of England : with an appendix of the statutes relating to game. 8vo. 1896 Warton, Thomas. History of English Poetry, from the twelfth to the close of the sixteenth century : edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 4 vols. 8vo. 1871 Washington, Treaty of. 8ee Alabama Claims. Wason, Rigby. Some Volunteer verse, collected and edited by R. Wason. Printed for private circulation. 8vo. 1905 Waterhous, Edward. Fortescutus lUustratus. See Fortbscue, Sir John. Waterhouse, Paul. See Welch, Charles ; London at opening of the twentieth century. Waters, Robert Edmond Chester. Parish Registers in England, their history and contents ; with suggestions for securing their better custody and preservation. A new edition . . . 8vo. 1887 Waterton, William Montgomery Eairlie. See Oakley, T. W. H. ; Divorce practice. Waterworth, James. Canons and decrees of the sacred and oecumenical Council of Trent, celebrated under the sovereign Pontiffs, Paul III., Julius III. and Pius IV. : to which are prefixed essays on the external and internal history of the Council. 8vo. [1888] I WAT. 787 Watkins, Charles. Treatise on Copyholds. 2 vols. 8vo. 1797-99 — Fourth edition, by T. Coventry. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 Essay on the law of Descents ; with an appendix on the distribution of the personal effects of intestates. Fourth edition, with notes, chiefly explanatory of the alterations made by the statute 3 & 4 Will. IV. c. 106, by Joshua Williams. 8vo. 1837 Principles of Conveyancing ; with annotations by Gr. Morley, R. H. Coote, and T. Coventry. Ninth edition, by H. H. White. 8vo. 1845 Watkins, Watkin. Wild Birds Protection Acts, 1880-96. See Marchant, James Robert Vernam. Watnev, John. Some account of the hospital of St. Thomas of Aeon, in the Cheap, London, and of the plate of the Mercers' Company. 4to. 1892 Wats, Gilbert. Bacon's Advancement of learning, interpreted. See Bacon, Francis. Wats, William. See Paeis, Matthew ; Historia major. Watson, George. See Bell, William ; Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland. Watson, Richard. See Shielet, Walter Shirley ; Leading cases in Common law. Watson, Robert. History of the reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 2 vols. 4to. 1777 Watson, William. The Clergy-man's law, or, the Complete Incumbent : to which is added, The names of the present Bishops and other chief dignitaries of the Church of England. Third edition. fol. 1725 Watson, William. Treatise of the law of Partnership. 8vo. 1794 Watson, William Henry. Practical treatise on the ofl&ce of Sheriff. Second edition. 8vo. 1848 Watson, William Webster. A practical Compendium of Equity : arranged and digested under titles . . . Second edition, by the author and B. P. Neuman. 2 vols. 8vo. 1886 — Supplement, bringing down the cases to April, 1888. 8vo. 1888 A A A 2 788 WAT— WEA. Watt, Francis. The Law's Lumber Eoom. 8vo. 1895 — Second series. 8vo. 1898 Terrors of tlie Law : being the portraits of three lawyers — «• Bloody Jeffreys," " The Bluidy Advocate Mackenzie," " The Original Weir of Hermiston." 8vo. 1902 Watt, J. Y. The law of Savings Banks, comprising the whole law up to and including the act of 1904, and the statutory regulations relating to both trustee and post office savings banks . . . with a preface by E. W. Brabrook. 8vo. 1905 Watt, James. Life of. See Smiles, Samuel. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica : or, a general index to British and foreign literature. In two parts ; authors and subjects. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1824 Wattees, Eoger. Treatise on the law, as affected by the statutes for the Amendment of the law of Property and Relief of Trustees (22 & 23 Vict. c. 35, and 23 & 24 Vict. c. 38) ; including a review of the recent decisions on the subject of a testamentary charge of real estates with payment of debts. 12mo. 1862 Wavein, John de. Chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain. [Britain, Nos. 39, 40.] Way, Albert. Promptorium parvulorum. [Camden Society, Nos. 25, 54, 89.] Wat Thomas R., and Chapman Frederic. Ancient Royal Palaces in and near London . . . 4to. 1902 Way Thomas R., and Norman Philip. The ancient halls of the City Guilds . . . 4to. 1903 Weaeg, Sir Clement. Memoir. See Duke, George. Weatheely, Frederic E. Law of Musical and Dramatic Copyright. See Cutlee, Edward. WEB. 789 Webb, Alfred. A compendium of Irish Biography . . . 8vo, Dublin, 1878 Webb, John. A vindication of Stone-Heng restored. See Jones, Inigo. Webb, John. Household roll of Bishop Swinfield. [Camden Society, Nos. 69, 62.] Webb John, and Webb T. W. Military memoir of Col. John Birch. [Camden Society, new series, No. 7.] Webb, Walter. Law of Electric Lighting. See Boweb, Gr. Spencer. Webster, A. and Co. Webster's Eoyal red book . . . 8vo. 1906 Webster, Edward. On Promotion at the English Bar : its effect on the barrister, the Crown, and the suitor. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Webster, Edward. The member of Parliament's assistant in procedure at the House. 8vo. 1868 Parliamentary Costs . . . Fourth edition, by C. Cavanagh. 8vo. 1881 Webster, Noah. Dictionary of the English language . . . 2 vols. 4to. 1831-32 International dictionary of the English language, being the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884, revised and enlarged under the supervision of N. Porter. 4to. 1890 Webster, Eobert G. The law relating to Canals : comprising a treatise on navigable Eivers and Canals, and including all legislation to the close of the last session of Parliament ; together with the procedure and practice in private bill legislation ; with a map of the existing canals in England and Wales. 8vo. 1885 Webster, Thomas. Reports and notes of cases on Letters Patent for Inventions [1601- 1855.] Vol. 1, and vol. 2, part 1. [All published.] 8vo. 1844-55 790 WEB— WEL. Webster, William Frederick. Tlie law relating to Particulars and Conditions of Sale . . . Second edition. 8yo. 1896 Weddeebuenb, David. Compt buik, 1687-1630. [Scottish History Society, No. 28.] Weekly Notes. The Weekly Notes : being notes of cases heard and determined in all the Courts, 1866-1905. 40 vols. [In progress.'] 4to. 1866-1905 Digest of cases not reported in The Law Eeports, 1866-79 : compiled by G-. M. White. 8vo. 1880 Weekly Reporter. The Weekly Reporter ; containing cases decided [in all the Courts], 1852-1905. 53 vols. [In progress.] 8vo. 1853-1905 Weihaiwei. Ordinances of Weihaiwei, 1903-05. 8vo. 1903-05 Weinland, Andreas Friedrich. Eestricta agendi adpellandique facultas ratione bellicorum civilium et oeconomicorum de quibus circuli Grermaniae statuerunt. [German University Tracts, vol. 8.] 4to. Jenas, 1744 Weik, James. The law of Bills of Sale . . . 8vo. 1896 Weissensee, Johann Heinrich. Differentiae juris Eomani et Germanici in Venatu ejusque Eegali. [German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Halse Salicse, 1736 Welch, Charles. History of the Tower Bridge and of other bridges over the Thames built by the Corporation of London ... 4to. 1894 History of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers of the City of . London based upon their own records. 2 vols. Svo. 1902 London at the opening of the twentieth century, by C. Welch ; special articles contributed by Edward Dicey, W. Hughes, F. W. Pixley, C. L. Taylor, G. Thompson, L. F. Vernon-Harcourt, P. Waterhouse . . . contemporary biographies by W. T. Pike. 4to. 1905 Welchman, Edward. Articuli Ecclesi® Anglicanse : textibus sacrge Scripturse et patrum primaevorum testimoniis confirmati, brevibusque notis illustrati . . . Editio nova. 8vo. Cantabrigise, 1819 WEL— WEN. 791 Welpoed, Eichard. Records of the Committees for compounding with delinquent Royalists. ISurtees Society, No. 111.] Wellbeloved, Robert. A treatise on the law relating to Highways, comprehending turn- pike roads, public bridges, and public footpaths . . . 8vo. 1829 WELLiNaiON, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. Life of. See Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Wells, Samuel. Map of the Bedford Level and parts adjacent. 8vo. 1829 The history of the drainage of the great level of the Fens, called Bedford Level ; with the constitution and laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 Lot book of the Bedford Level Corporation ; with the orders as to the tax and arrear rolls, corrected to November, 1840. 8vo. 1841 Welsbt, W. N. Reports of Exchequer cases. See Meeson, R. Reports of Mercantile cases. See Llotd, J. H. See also Bateman, Joseph ; General Highway Acts : Exchequee Repoets. Welsh, Thomas. Registry Cases: comprising all the published, and many of the recent unpublished, decisions in Ireland, respecting the registration of voters under the Irish Reform Act and 10 Ceo. IV. c. 8 ; with an appendix containing the above statutes, and the provisions of all the stamp acts relating to instruments required to be produced at registry, 1832-40. 8vo. Dublin, 1840 Welwood, William. Abridgement of all Sea lawes . . . 4to. 1613 Wenck, Carl Friedrich Christian. Magister Vacarius, primus juris Romani in Anglia professor . . . 8vo. Lipsise, 1820 Wendell, John L. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the trial of Impeachments and the correction of Errors, of the State of New York, 1828-41. 26 vols. 8vo. Albany and New York, 1829-52 Wendt, Ernest Emil. Papers on Maritime legislation, with a translation of the G-erman mercantile laws relating to maritime commerce. Third edition. 8vo. 1888 792 WEN— WES. Wentworth, Jolin. A complete system of Pleading. 10 vols. 8vo. 1797-99 Wentworth, Thomas. The ofl&ce and duty of Executors . . . with a supplement by H. Curson. 8vo. 1720 Wentworth, Thomas, Lord. See Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Wentzel, Wolffgang Christophor. De jure belli in Imperio Eom.-Germanico. \_German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Lipsise, 1736 Werlhof, Johann, De prsescriptione inter gentes liberas. \_German University Tracts, vol. 12.] 4to. Helmstadii, 1746 Wernberger, Johann. Dissertatio inauguralis de Sacri Komani-Germanici Imperii Matri- cula . . . [German University Tracts, vol. 13.] 4to. Kiloni, 1667 Wernher, Jo. Balthasar. Compendium juris, quo Germani hodie ac inprimis Saxones, in foro utuntur : [et] Principia jurisprudentise formularise, circa modum pronunciandi in processu civili et criminali. 12mo. Vitembergse, 1715-28 Manuale Pandectarum . . . 12mo. Vitembergse, 1727 Wernsdorff, Gottlieb. De investituris episcoporum et abbatum. [German University Tracts, vol. 5.] 4to. Vitembergse, 1739 Wertheimer, John. Law relating to Clubs. Third edition by A. W. Chaster. 8vo. 1903 Wesel, Abraham a. Tractatus de connubiali bonorum societate et pactis dotalibus. 4to. Amstelodami, 1674 Wesenbec, Matthaeus. Institutionum Divi Justiniani libri mi. [Bound with Cujacius's Ad Africanum reliqui tractatus.'] fol. Basilese, 1572 fficonomia juris . . . 4to. Basilese, 1574 Commentarius in Institutionum seu elmentorum juris D. Justiniani libros iiii. 8vo. Colonise Agrippinae, 1593 WES. 793 Wesenbec, Matthaeus — continued. Responsorum sive consiliorum, quibus gravissimse juris utriusque controversise deciduntur, pars i. et ir. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Francofurti, 1600 Commentaria ac prselectiones in tertium librum Codicis . . . 4to. Witehergas, 1609 Commentarii in Pandectas juris civilis et Codicem Justinianeum . . . cum notis et observationibus Reinhardi Bachovii Echtii : adjectus est M. Wesenbecii Tractatus de feudis . . . 4to. Amstelodami, 1665 Wesley, John. Life of. See Overton, J. H. West v. Erissey. Case of West v. Erissey va. the Exchequer, Trin., 1726. \_Collectanea Juridica, vol, 1.] 8vo. 1791 West, Sir Algernon. Recollections, 1832 to 1886. 2 vols. 8vo. 1899 West, Edward, Treatise on the law and practice of Extents in Chief and in aid . . . 8vo. 1817 West, Martin John. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, 1736-39 ; from the original manuscripts of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, and the contemporaneous reports compared with, and corrected by, Lord Hardwicke's notes . . . 8vo. 1827 Cases heard and determined by the House of Lords, on appeals from the courts of Equity and on writs of error in England and Ireland ; . and questions of peerage, 1839-41. 8vo. 1842 JWest, Thomas. Antiquities of Furness : or, an account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary, in the vale of Nightshade, near Dalton in Furness. 4to. 1774 West, Wilham. Symboleography. Part i., the art or description of instruments and presidents. Part ii., newly corrected ... in all the foure severall treatises. 1. Of Fines and Concords; 2. Of common Recoveries; 3. Of Offences and Indictments ; 4. Of Compromises and Arbitre- ments : whereunto is annexed another treatise of Equitie, the jurisdiction and proceedings of the High Court of Chancery. 4to. 1611-47 West India Colonies. Report from the Select Committee on West India Colonies ; together with the minutes of evidence and appendix. fol. 1842 I 794 WES. West Look Election Case. See Meeewethee, Henr}' Alworth. West Sheen. The rules of customes pertaining unto West Sheen, Petersham, and Ham. [Collectcmea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Westbuet, Eichard Bethell, Lord. Inaugural address on the formation of the Juridical Society, 12th March, 1855. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Address on vacating the office of President of the Juridical Society, 21st February, 1859. [Juridical Society, vol. 2,] Life of. See Nash, Thomas Arthur. See also Etteopean Aebiteation. Westcott, Brooke Foss. Thoughts on Eevelation and Life : being selections from the writings of Brooke Foss Westcott, arranged and edited by S. Phillips. 8vo. 1887 Westenbeeg, Johann Ortwin. Principia juris secundum ordinem Digestorum sen Pandectarum . . . Editio tertia. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1745 Westbneibbee, Laur. de. Grlossarium Germanico-Latinum vocum obsoletarum primi et medii sevi, inprimis Bavaricarum. Tomus prior. fol. Monachii, 1816 Westeen, Thomas George. See Chitty, Edward ; Commercial and general lawyer. Westeen Austealia. Acts and ordinances passed by the Legislative Council, from 2 William TV. to 31 Victoria. [Title-page wanting.'} 2vols. 4to. [1832-67] The statutes of Western Australia : by authority. 2 vols. 4to. Melbourne, 1883 Acts of Council, 1883 to 1889. 4to. Perth, 1883-89 Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1891, 1894, 1904. 3 vols. 4to. Perth, 1891-1905 Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1873-75, 1878, 1883-84. 6 vols. fol. Perth, [1873-84] Blue Books for the years 1891, 1892, 1895. 3 vols. fol. PeHh, 1892-96 The Supreme Court Act, 1880, and rules of Court . . . 4to. Perth, 1881 Census of the colony . . . taken on the 3rd April, 1881. fol. Perth, 1882 Statistical register for the year 1899 and previous years . . . part viii : law, crime &c. fol. Perth, 1901 Twentieth century impressions of Western Australia. fol. Perth, 1901 WES— WHA. 795 Westerton, Charles. The cases of Westerton against Liddell and Home and others, St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, and Beal against Liddell and ParJce and Evans, St. Barnabas, Punlico : by E. F. Moore. 8vo. 1857 "Westlake, John. Treatise on Private International law : or, the Conflict of laws, with principal reference to its practice in the English and other cognate systems of jurisprudence. Svo. 1858 — Fourth edition, assisted by A. F. Topham. 8vo. 1905 Chapters on the principles of International law. 8vo. 1894 International law : part 1 ; Peace. 8vo. Cambridge, 1904 Commercial Blockades, considered with reference to law and policy. [Tracts, vol. 18, No. 6.] Svo. 1862 Commercial Blockades ; Legal Eeporting. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] On the relation between public and private International law. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] Westphal, Otto Wilhelm. De executione in bona feudalia. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Jenx, 1692 Weylek, Georg Albert. Origines et Elogia Hoenloica. [German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Jen^, 1710 "Whaeton, Francis. Treatise on the Conflict of laws : or, Private International law ; including a comparative view of Anglo-American, Roman, German, and French jurisprudence. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872 Treatise on the law of Homicide in the United States : to which is appended, a series of leading cases. [Second edition.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875 Commentaries on Law : embracing chapters on the nature, the source, and the history of law ; on international law, public and private ; and on constitutional and statutory law. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884 Digest of the International law of the United States ; taken from documents issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State, and from decisions of Federal Courts and opinions of Attorneys-General. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1886 Whaeton, John J. Smith. Law lexicon, forming an epitome of the law of England . . . Tenth edition, with a new treatment of the maxims by J. M. Lely. IH 8vo. 1902 ^TWhately, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin. Elements of Rhetoric ; comprising the substance of the article in the Encyclopsedia Metropolitana, with additions. Fifth edition. Svo. 1836 796 WHA— WHE. Whately, Ricliard, Archbishop of Dublin — continued. Elements of Logic. Eighth edition. 8vo. 1844 Bacon's Essays. See Bacon, Francis. See also Paley, William ; Evidences of Christianity ; Moral Philosophy. Wheatley, Benjamin E. Catalogue of the Library of the Eoyal Medical and Chirurgica Society. See Catalogues, Library. Wheatley, Henry B. Catholicon Anglicum. [Camden Society, new series, No. 30.] Levins' Manipulus vocabulorum. [Camden Society, No. 95.] Domesday Bibliography. See Domesbay Commemoration. See also Pepys, Samuel ; Diary : Wkaxall, Sir Nathaniel William ; Memoirs. Wheaton, Henry. Elements of International law. Second annotated edition, by W. B. Lawrence, 8vo. 1863 — Fourth English edition ... by J. B. Atlay. 8vo. 1904 United States Supreme Court Eeports. See Curtis, Benjamin E. Wheeler, A. Catalogue of the Library of University College, London. See Catalogues, Library. Wheeler, George. Privy Council law : a synopsis of all the Appeals decided by the Judicial Committee (including Indian Appeals) from 1876 to 1891 : with a precis of all the important cases from the Supreme Court of Canada . . . 8vo. 1893 Privy Council practice. See Safford, Frank. Wheeler, Gerard John. Confederation law of Canada ; Privy Council cases on the British North- America Act, 1867; and the practice on special leave to appeal, there being added appendices, containing (1) the Imperial statutes affecting Canada and the Colonies in general ; (2) the " Judicial Committee Acts," with notes ; (3) the Canadian Liquor Prohibition case, 1895-96 . . . 8vo. 1896 Notes on the prolongation of Letters Patent for Inventions, with the patents, designs, and trade marks acts, 1883-88, consolidated ; the Board of Trade rules and Patent Office rules and directions ; and the new rules of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 8vo. 1898 The practice of Private Bills, with the standing orders of the House of Lords and House of Commons, and rules as to provisional orders. Svo. 1900 WHE— WHI. 797 Wheelee, Percy F. Company law and practice. See Healet, C. E. H. Chadwyck. See also Hood Henry J., and Challis Henry W. ; Conveyancing Settled Land and Trustee Acts. Wheelhouse, Sir William St. James. The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1883. 8vo. 1883 Whethamstede, John, Abiot of St. Alban's. Registrum Abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede. [Britain, No. 28.] Whewell, William. See Geotiits, Hugo : De jure Belli ac Paci. Whishaw, James. A new law dictionary ... Svo. 1829 Whitakee, John. History of Manchester. 2 vols. 4to. 1771-75 Whitakee, Joseph. Almanack for the year 1906. Svo. 1905 Peerage for the year 1906. Svo. 1905 Whitakee, Richard. Treatise of the law relative to the Rights of Lien and Stoppage in Transitu. Svo. 1812 Whitby, Daniel. Commentary on the Old and New Testament. See Pateick, Symon. Whitcombe, John. See Peideatjx, Frederick : Precedents in Con- veyancing. White, Archer M, Outlines of legal History. Svo. 1895 White, Charles Arnold. See Aechbold, John Frederick ; County Court Practice : Wilson, Arthur ; Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. White Frederick Thomas, and Tudoe Owen Davies. A selection of leading cases in Equity ; with notes. Sixth edition. 2 vols. Svo. 1886 — Seventh edition, by T. Snow, assisted by W. F. Phillpotts, C. R. Sillem and R. B. PhHlpotts. 2 vols. Svo. 1897 798 WHI. White, Gr. Meryon. See Weekly Notes ; Digest of cases. White, George Towry. Treatise on proceedings in Equity, by way of Supplement and Revivor. 8vo. 1843 White, Henry Hopley. See Cruise, William ; Digest : Ropee, E. S. Donnison ; Law of Legacies : Watkins, Charles ; Principles of Conveyancing. White, James Dundas. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 . . .' 8vo. 1894 White, Robert. The use and abuse of Sea- water impartially considered . . . [Tracts, vol. 8, No. 2.] Svo. 1775 ' Whitefoed, Ferdinand M. The law relating to Charities, especially with reference to the validity and construction of charitable bequests and conveyances. 8vo. 1878 Whitehead, Benjamin. Church law . . . Second edition. Svo. 1899 WniTEiiAW, James. See Waebukton, John ; History of the City of Dublin. Whiteley, Greorge Crispe. The Licensing Acts, 1872-74 ; preceded by the unrepealed sections of the licensing act, 1828, the wine and beerhouse act, 1869, and the wine and beerhouse act amendment act, 1870 . . . 8vo. 1874 Whitelocke, Bulstrode. Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this Island to the end of the reign of King James I. : pubUshed from his original manuscript, with some account of his life , and writings by W. Penn, and a preface by J. Welwood. fol. 1709j Memorials of the English affairs : or, an historical account of wha passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles I. to King^ Charles II. his restauration. A new edition. fol. 1732 Notes upon the King's writ for choosing members of Parliament, 13 ' Car. II. ; being disquisitions on the government of England by King,j Lords, and Commons : published by C. Morton. 2 vols. 4to. 176f Of the public Councils of this kingdom, and of affairs of war andl peace therein debated. [Collectanea Juridica, \o\. 2.] 8vo. 1792 j WHI— WIC. 799 "Whitelocke, Sir James, Liber Famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke. \_Camden Society, No. 70.] Whiter, Walter. Etymologicon universale : or, universal etymological dictionary . . . 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1822-25 Whitewat, Augustine Robert. Law and practice in Bankruptcy. See Willis, Edward Cooper. Whitfield, E. E. See Salkowski, Carl ; Eoman Private law. Whitmarsh, Francis. A treatise on the Bankrupt laws. 8vo. 1811 See also Toller, Sir Samuel ; Law of Executors. Whitney, William Dwight. See Century Dictionary. Whittaker, William Joseph. Mirror of Justices. [Selden Society, No. 7.] Whittingham, William, Dean of Durham. Life of. {^CoAfnden Society, No. 104.] Whittington, G. D. An historical survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France . . . 4to. 1809 Whitwoeth, Eichard. The advantages of Inland Navigation : or, some observations . . . to shew that an inland navigation may be easily effected between . . . Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull . . . [Bound with Inland Navi- gation Tracts.'] 8vo. 1766 Who's Who. Who's Who, 1906. 8vo. 1906 Whymper, Edward. Scrambles among the Alps in the years 1860-69. Fourth edition. 4to. 1893 Whyte, Samuel. Poems on various subjects . . . Third edition, by E. A. Whyte. 12mo. Dublin, 1795 Whyte Samuel, and White Edward Athenry. Miscellanea nova ; containing, amidst other matters, remarks on Boswell's Johnson, and an introductory essay on the art of reading and speaking in public. 12mo. Dublin, 1800-01 Wicker and Broughton v. Mitford. Argument in the case of Messrs. WicTcer and St. John and Lady Broughton against John Mitford. See Hargrave, Francis ; Law Tracts. 800 WIC— WIL. WiCKHAM Henry L., and Cbamee John Anthony. A dissertation on the passage of Hannibal over the Alps. Second edition. 8vo. 1828 "WiCLiF, John. See "Wtcliffe. WiDDEiNGTON, Sir Thomas. Analecta Eboracensia, some remaynes of the ancient City of York . . . edited and annotated by C. Caine. 8vo. 1897 WiEGEE, Johann. De Imperatoris AdoJphi Nassovii depositione. [German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Argentorati, 1711 WiELiNG, Abraham. Jurisprudentia restituta, sive index chronologicus in totum juris Justiniansei corpus . . . accesserunt opuscula iv : i. Usus Pandec- tarum per Jac. Labittum ... ii. Henri ci Hahnii Oratio de usu chronologise in jure. iii. Henrici Brencmanni Dissertatio de legum inscriptionibus. iv. Bern. Henrici Eeinoldi Oratio de inscrip- tionibus legum Dig. et Cod. 2 vols. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1727 WiGG, S. Spencer. Observations on the recent decisions in Roneywood v. Foster and Gibbons v. Snape, that, under the Fines and Eecoveries Act, a copy- hold disentailing deed must be entered on the Court Rolls within six months. [Tracts, vol. 18, No. 3.] 8vo. 1864 WiGHTWicK, John. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, 1810-11. 8vo. 1819 WiGEAM, Sir James. Points in the law of Discovery. Second edition. 8vo. 1840 Examination of the rules of law, respecting the admission of Ex- trinsic Evidence in aid of the interpretation of Wills. Fourth edition, by W. K. Wigram. Svo. 1858 WiGBAM, Spencer Eobert. The Cartulary of the Monastery of St. Frideswide at Oxford. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 28, 31.] WiLBEEFOECE, Edward. Statute law : the principles which govern the construction and operation of Statutes. Svo. 1881 WiLBEEFOECE, Reginald G. Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce, Lord Bishop of Oxford and afterwards of Winchester ; with selections from his diaries and correspondence. 3 vols. Svo. 1880-81 WIL. 801 WiLBRAHAM, Sir Eoger. Journal of Sir Roger Wilbraham, 1593-1616. [Camden Society, third series, No. 4.] Wilding, James. Account-book of James Wilding, 1682-88. [Oxford Historical Society, No. 5.] Wilkes, John. The North Briton, from No. i. to No. xlvi. inclusive ; with notes : an appendix to the first forty-six numbers of the North Briton, con- taining an account of the persecution carried on against John Wilkes, with a collection of tracts and papers, from 1762 to 1769 : The North Briton, continued by several hands. 1 vol. fol. 1769 The question stated, whether the Freeholders of Middlesex lost their right by voting for Mr. Wilkes at the last election ? in a letter from a member of Parliament to one of his constituents. Second edition. [Tracts, vol. 5, No. 3.] 8vo. [1769] Serious considerations on a late very important decision of the House of Commons [on the expulsion of Mr. Wilkes.] [Tracts, vol. 29, No. 2.] 4to. 1769 The sentiments of an English Freeholder, on the late decision of the Middlesex Election [in reference to the expulsion of Mr. Wilkes.] [Tracts, vol. 29, No. 4.] 4to. 1769 The correspondence of John Wilkes, with his friends, printed from the original manuscripts, in which are introduced memoirs of his life, by J. Almon. 5 vols. Svo. 1805 WiLKiNS, David. Leges Anglo-Saxonicse ecclesiasticse et civiles: accedunt leges Edvardi Latinse, Guilielmi Conquestoris Gallo-Normannicae, et Henrici I. Latinse; subjungitur Henr. Spelmanni Codex legum veterum statutorum Eegni Anglise, quae ab ingressu Guilielmi I. usque ad annum nonum Henr. Til. edita sunt ; toti operi praemittitur dissertatio epistolaris Guilielmi Nicolsoni, Episcopi Derrensis, De jure feudali veterum Saxonum. fol. 1721 Concilia Magnse Britannise et Hibernise, a synodo Verolamiensi A.D. ccccxLvi. adLondinensemA.D. cioioccxvii. : accedunt constitu- tiones et alia ad historiam ecclesise Anglicanae spectantia. 4 vols. fol. 1737 WiLKiNs, John, Preacher of Gray's Inn. A discourse concerning the gift of Prayer ; whereunto may be added, Ecclesiastes, or a discourse concerning the gift of Preaching. Fourth edition. Svo. 1653-65 Of the principles and duties of Natural Eeligion ; to which is added, a Sermon, preached at his funeral by Williaia Lloyd. Seventh edition. Svo. 1715 B B B I 802 WIL. Wilkinson, Charles J. See Bbotjghton, Lewis Price Delves ; Indian Code of Civil Procedure. Wilkinson, James John. The practice in the Action of Eeplevin . . . 8vo. 1825 Treatise on the Limitation of Actions, as affecting mercantile and other contracts ; with the important changes therein, occasioned by several late decisions and by Lord Tenterden's Act, 9 Geo. IV. c. 14. 8vo. 1829 The law relating to the Public Funds, and the equitable and legal remedies with respect to funded property : including the practice by distringas and under the statute 1 & 2 Vict. c. 110 ; with references to the cases on the foreign funds and public companies, and an appendix of forms. 12mo. 1839 Law of Shipping, as it relates to the building, registry, sale, transfer, and mortgage of British ships ; including the registry and trading of ships built in India . . . 8vo. 1843 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Topography of Thebes and general view of Egypt . . . 8vo. 1835 — Map. fol. 1835 Wilkinson, John James. Building of Bodmin church, 1469-72. [Camden Society, new series, No. 14.] [Will, -.] The present constitution and the Protestant succession vindicated. See Hakbin, George. Will, John Shiress. Changes in the jurisdiction and practice of the County Courts and Superior Courts effected by the County Courts Act, 1867 ; with separate chapters on the doctrine and practice of discovery of documents, interrogatories, attachment of debts, and equitable defences and replications . . . 8vo. 1868 The law relating to Electric lighting, traction and power. Third edition. 8vo. 1903 Law relating to Gas and Water. See Michael, William Henry. WiLLCocK, John William. The law of Municipal Corporations ; with a brief sketch of their history, and a treatise on Mandamus and Quo Warranto. 8vo. 1827 WiLLBS, Sir John. Reports of adjudged cases in the Court of Common Pleas [1737-58], with some few cases of the same period determined in the House of Lords, Court of Chancery, and Exchequer Chamber ; with notes and references ... by C. Durnford. fol. 1799 WIL, 803 WiLLES, W. H. See G-ale, Charles James ; Law of Easements. William I., Conqueeoe. Anonymus De vita G-ulielmi Conquestoris. See Camden, William ; Anglica. Life of. See Feeeman, Edward A. William III. Jura Gruilielmi Tertii, See HiJLSE, Heinrich. Life of. See Teaill, H. D. William op Canteebuet. Life of Thomas Becket. [Britam, No. 67.] William of Jumieges. De ducibus Normaunis. See Camden, William ; Anglica. William of Malmesbitet. De gestis pontificum Anglorum. [Britain, No. 62.] De gestis regum Anglorum, libri quinque ; historiae novelise libri tres. [Britain, No. 90.] See also Savile, Henry; Eerum Angl. Scriptores. William of Newbuey. Historia rerum Anglicarum. [Britain, No. 82.] William of Woecestee. Liber Niger Scaccarii, nee non annales rerum Anglicarum ; cum prsefatione et appendice T. Hearnii . . . Editio altera . . . 2 vols. 8vo. 1774 Williams, C. Willoughby. See Rogees, Francis Newman ; Elections. Williams, Daniel. Catalogue of Dr. Williams's Library. See Catalogues, Library. The Presbyterian Fund and Dr. Daniel Williams's Trust. See Jeeemt, Walter D. Williams, Sir Edward Vaughan. Treatise on the law of Executors and Administrators. 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 — Tenth edition, by Sir R. L. B. Vaughan Williams and A. R. Ingpen. 2 vols. 8vo. 1905 Notes to Saunders' Reports. See Saunders, Sir Edmund. Williams, Ephraim. See Massachusetts Eepobts. b b2 I 804 WIL. Williams, Frederick G-. A. See Seton, Sir Henry "Wilmot ; Judgments and Orders. Williams, George. Ofl&cial correspondence of Thomas Bekynton. ^Britain, No. 56.] Williams, J. Carvell. Religious liberty in the churchyard. [Burials Bill Tracts, No. 3.] 8vo. 1876 Williams, James. The Institutes of Justinian, illustrated by English law. Second edition. 8vo. 1893 Williams, John. See Blackstone, Sir William ; Commentaries. Williams, Sir John. Literary trifles, chiefly Greek. 4to. [1842] Williams, John G. See Cases temp. Talbot. Williams, John Herbert. See Goodeve, Louis Arthur ; Law of Personal Property : Smith, John William ; Leading Cases. Williams John Herbert, and Yates Walter Baldwyn. The law of Ejectment or recovery of possession of land . . . 8vo. 1894 Williams, Joshua. Essay on Eeal Assets : or, the payment of the debts of a deceased person out of his real estate, and the means by which that payment ought to be accomplished. 8vo. 1861 The Seisin of the Freehold ; being twelve lectures delivered in Gray's Inn Hall, January and February, 1876. 8vo. 1878 The Settlement of Eeal Estates; being twenty-four lectures delivered in Gray's Inn Hall, in the year 1876. 8vo. 1879 Eights of Common and other prescriptive rights ; being twenty- four lectures delivered in Gray's Inn Hall, in the year 1877. 8vo. 1880 Principles of the law of Personal Property . . . Fifteenth edition, by T. C. Williams. 8vo. 1900 Principles of the law of Eeal Property . . . Twentieth edition . . . by T. C. Williams. 8vo. 1906 On the origin of the present mode of Family Settlements of landed property. [^Juridical Society, vol. 1.] On the true remedies for the evils which affect the Transfer of Land. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] On the union of the mark system with associated labour in the management of Criminals. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] See also Watkins, Charles ; Law of Descents. WIL. 805 Williams, Montagu. Leaves of a Life ; being the reminiscences of Montagu Williams, Q.C. 2 vols. 8vo. 1890 Williams, Renwick. Trial of Renwick Williams, for assaulting Miss Ann Porter, 18tli Jan. 1790 .. . [Bound with Cockbum, James, Trial o/.] 8vo. 1790 [Williams, Robert Folkestone.] The court and times of Charles the First, illustrated by authentic and confidential letters from private collections ; including memoirs of the Mission in England of the Capuchin Friars in the service of Queen Henrietta Maria, by Father Cyprien de Gamache . . . edited, with an introduction and notes, by the author of " Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea" ... 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 The court and times of James the First, illustrated by authentic and confidential letters from various public and private collections ; edited, with an introduction and notes, by the author of " Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea "... 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 Williams, Robert Grriffith. See Chittt, Joseph, jun. ; Precedents in Pleading. Williams Robert Grriffith, and Bruce Sir Gainsford. A treatise on the jurisdiction and practice of the English Courts in Admiralty actions and appeals. Third edition, by Sir Gainsford Bruce and C. F. Jemmett, assisted by G. G. Philhmore. 8vo. 1902 Williams, Roland E. L. Vaughan. See Smith, Thomas Eustace ; Company Forms. Williams, Sir Roland Lomax Bowdler Vaughan. The law and practice of Bankruptcy, comprising the bankruptcy acts, 1883 to 1890 ; the bankruptcy rules, 1886, 1890 ; the debtors acts, 1869, 1878 ; the bankruptcy (discharge and closure) act, 1887, and the deeds of arrangement act, 1887. Fifth edition by E. W. HanseU. 8vo. 1891 — Eighth edition, by E. W. Hansell, assisted by R. E. L. Vaughan Williams and D. H. Crompton. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904 Williams, Sarah. Chamberlain's letters, temp. Eliz. [^Camden Society, No. 79.] Williams, Sydney Edward. The law and practice relating to Petitions in Chancery and Lunacy ; with an appendix of forms and precedents. 8vo. 1880 Outlines of Equity ; a concise view of the principles of modern equity. 8vo. 1900 See also Cootk, Richard Holmes ; Law of Mortgages : Daniell, Edmund Robert ; Chancery Practice : Keee, William Williamson ; Fraud and Mistake ; Law of Injunctions : Smith, Josiah W. ; Manual of Equity Jurisprudence. 806 WIL. Williams, Thomas. The excellency and prseheminence of the law of England . . . asserted in 1. A Reading upon the Statute of 35 H. 8, cap. 6, concerning trials by jury of twelve men, and tales de circumstantibus. 2. Mr. Risden's Reading upon the Statute of 21 H. 8, chap. 19, of avowries. 3. Judge Hale's Opinion in some select cases. 4. Certain cases formerly mooted by the Society of Greys-Inn. 8vo. 1680. Williams, Thomas Cyprian. Statutes affecting the practice of Conveyancing, passed in the years 1874, 1881, 1882 ; comprising the vendor and purchaser act, 1874, conveyancing acts, 1881 and 1882, settled land act, 1882, and the married women's property act, 1882 . . . 8vo. 1884 Treatise on the law of Vendor and Purchaser of real estate and chattels real : assisted by J. F. Iselin. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904-06 See also Williams, Joshua ; Law of Real Property : Law of Personal Property. Williams, Thomas Walter. Digest of the Statute law, from Magna Charta, 9 Henry III., to 30 George HI. 2 vols. 4to. 1791 Williams, W. E. Hume-. See Hume- Williams. Williams, W. R. The history of the Great Sessions in Wales, 1542-1830 ; together with the lives of the Welsh Judges, and annotated lists of the Cham- berlains and Chancellors, Attorney Generals, and Prothonotaries of the four circuits of Chester and Wales ; the Lord Presidents of Wales and the Attorney Generals and Solicitor Generals of the Marches ; compiled from the Patent Rolls and Welsh records in the Record Office. 8vo. Brecknock 1899 Williams, William Peere. See Peeee Williams. Williamson, John Bruce. The law of Licensing in England; intoxicating liquors, theatres and music-halls, including the practice of licensing sessions, the registration of clubs, and all the provisions of the licensing act, 1902, with a full appendix of statutes and forms. Second edition. 8vo. 1902 Williamson, Sir Joseph. Letters addressed to Sir Joseph Williamson while plenipotentiary at the Congress of Cologne, 1673-74. [Camden Society, new series, Nos. 8, 9.] Willis Edward Cooper, and Whitewat Augustine Robert. Law and practice of Bankruptcy, under the Bankruptcy Act, 1883... 8vo. 1884 WIL. 807 Willis, John Walpole. Pleadings in Equity ; illustrative of Lord Eedesdale's treatise on the pleadings in suits in the Court of Chancery, by English bill. 8vo. 1820 "Willis, W. Addington. Law relating to Sewers and Drains. See Macmobran, Alexander. Willis, William. The law of Negotiable Securities : six lectures delivered at the request of the Council of Legal Education. 8vo. 1896 — Second edition. 8vo. 1901 The law relating to Contract of Sale of Goods : six lectures delivered at the request of the Council of Legal Education. 8vo. 1902 Willis-Bitnd, J. W. See Bund. Willmoee Graham, Wollaston F. L., and Davison H. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of;, Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court, 1837. 8vo. 1839 Willmoee Graham, Wollaston E. L., and Hodges W. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court, 1838-39. 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 WiLLOCK, John. Legal Facetiae : satirical and humorous. 8vo. 1887 WiLLOUGHBY'i;. WlLLOUGHBT. Case of Willoughby and Willoughhy in Chancery, on priority of mortgage debts. [Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.] 8vo. 1791 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. An examination of the Nature of the State j a study in political philosophy. 8vo. 1896 Wills. Of Last Wills and Testaments : a common law treatise containing several rules for the construction of last wills . . . 8vo. 1703 Opinions on a revocation of a Will. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.] 8vo. 1792 Wills, William. An essay on the principles of Circumstantial Evidence . . . Fifth edition, edited ^y . . . Sir A. Wills. 8vo. 1902 Wills, William. The theory and practice of the law of Evidence. Svo. 1894 808 WIL. WiiiMOT, Edward Coke. A succinct view of the law of Mortgages ; witli an appendix con- taining a variety of scientific precedents of mortgages. Second edition. 8vo. 1819 WiLMOT, John. Memoirs of the life of the Eight Hon. Sir John Eardley Wilmot . . . with some original letters. Second edition. 8vo. 1811 Wilmot, Sir John Eardley. Notes of Opinions and Judgments delivered in different Courts. 4to. 1802 WiLSHERE, Alured Myddleton. An analysis of Taswell-Langmead's English Constitutional history. Second edition. 8vo. 1905 The elements of Criminal law and Procedure, for the use of students. 8vo. 1906 Wilson, Arthur. The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875, schedule of rules and forms, and other rules and orders ; with notes. 8vo. 1875 — Seventh edition, by C. Bumey, M. M. Mackenzie, and C. A. White. 8vo. 1888 See also Pollock, Sir Charles Edward; Practice of the County Courts. Wilson, David. Mr. Froude and Carlyle. 8vo. 1898 • Wilson, G-eorge. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the King's Courts at Westminster [1743-74.] 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. 1770-75 See also Hale, Sir Matthew ; Pleas of the Crown : Pigott, Nathaniel ; Common Recoveries. Wilson, Horace Hayman. Glossary of Judicial and Eevenue Terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India . . . 4to. 1855 Wilson James, and Shaw Patrick. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1825-34 ; with general index. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829-39 Wilson, John. Eeports in the Court of Exchequer, Equity side, 1805-17. 8vo. [1817] Reports of cases in Chancery, 1817-19. 2 vols. 8vo. [1819] WIL— WIN. 809 Wilson, John — continued . A practical treatise on the statutes for Registering Deeds and other instruments, in the counties of Middlesex and York ; with pre- cedents of memorials. 8vo. 1819 Treatise on Springing Uses, and other limitations by deed, corre- sponding with executory devises ; according to the arrangement in Mr. Pearne's essay. 8vo. 1824 Wilson, Sir Roland Knyvet. Anglo-Muhammadan law : a digest . . . Second edition. 8vo. 1903 See also Voet, Jan ; Commentarius ad Pandectas. Wilson, Sir Samuel. Proceedings on laying the memorial stone of the Wilson Hall of the University of Melbourne, October, 1879. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879 WiLTES Peerage. 8ee Peeeagb Claims. Wilton, Grey of. See G-rey of Wilton, Wimbledon. Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor of Wimbledon, extending from 1 Edw. IV. to 1864 ; selected from the original Rolls, for the use of the Wimbledon Committee : edited by P. H. Lawrence. 8vo. 1866 WiMMER, Paul Gabriel. De rebus quae in feudum dari possunt. [German University Tracts, vol. 4.] 4to. Vitembergse, 1736 Winch, Sir Humphrey. Reports (Common Pleas) touching declarations, pleadings . . . [1621-26.] fol. 1657 Le Beau-pledeur : a book of entries. fol. 1680 Winchester College. The plea of the Fellows of Winchester College against the Bishop of Winchester's local and final visitatorial power over the said college. 4to. 1711 WiNCKLER, Johann Ludwig. De prsecedentia liberarum civitatum S. R. I. prse nobilitate imme- diata. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Argentorati, 1720 Windham, William. Speeches in Parliament : to which is prefixed some account of his life, by T. Amyot. 3 vols. 8vo. 1812 810 WIN— WIS. WiNGATE, Edmond. The Body of the Common law of England, as it stood in force before it was altered by statute or acts of Parliament . . . Second edition. 12mo. 1655 Maximes of reason : or, the reason of the Common law of England. fol. 1658 See also Beitton. WiNGATE, F. R. See Slatin, Sir Eudolf Carl; Fire and Swrord in the Sudan. WiNGFiELD, George A. Solitude, a poem ; with other poems. 8vo. 1842 Spiritual thoughts, a poem ; and other poems. 8vo. 1844 Winiwarter, Joseph Max. Civil Code for all G-erman hereditary provinces of Austria, translated. See Codes, Austria. WiNSLOw, Forbes. The legal doctrine of responsibility in cases of Insanity connected with alleged criminal acts. [Juridical Society, vol. 1.] WiNSLOw, Reginald. The law of Private Arrangements between Debtors and Creditors ; with precedents of assignments and composition deeds. 8vo. 1885 The law of Artistic Copyright, including copyright in paintings, drawings, photographs, engravings, sculpture and designs . . , 8vo. 1889 Winter, Johann Franz. Prserogativa Electorum S. R. I. circa acquirendas absque specifico Imperatoris consensu terras imperii. [^German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Argentorati, 1721 WiNwooD, Sir Ralph. Memorials of affairs of State, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. ; collected, (chiefly) from the original papers of Sir Ralph Win wood, by E. Sawyer. Second edition. 3 vols. fol. 1727 Wippermann, Albert Andreas. De dominio eminente habito respectu ad jus subditorum. [German University Tracts, vol. 9.] 4to. Raise Magdeburgicse, 1697 Wise, Edward. General index to the principal matters contained in Meeson and Welsby's Reports, from 1836 to 1847 inclusive ; with a table of all the cases in the sixteen volumes. 8vo. 1849 WIS— WOI. 811 Wise, Edward — continued. The law relating to Riots and Unlawful Assemblies, together with a view of the duties, powers, and liabilities of magistrates, constables, the military, and private citizens in the suppression thereof. Third edition, by A. H. Bodkin. 12mo. 1889 See also Magisteates' Cases. Wise, Thomas Alexander. History of Paganism in Caledonia ; with an examination into the influence of Asiatic philosophy, and the gradual development of Christianity, in Pictavia. 4to. 1884 Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal. Life of. See Waed, Wilfred. Wiseman, Sir Robert. The Law of Laws : or^ the excellency of the civil law above all other humane laws whatsoever ; shewing of how great use and necessity the civil law is to this nation. Svo. 1686 WiSHAw, James. A classified analysis of the several sections of the Reform Act, 2 Will. IV. c. 45 . . . 12mo. 1832 Synopsis of the English Bar ; containing their academical degrees, Inns of Court, dates of call, Courts in which they practise, official appointments, circuits, chambers . . . together with lists of the Judges, King's Counsel, Serjeants . . , Svo. 1835 Wissenbach, Johann Jacob. Emblemata Triboniani. See Ludovicus, Jacobus Fridericus; Doctrina Pandectarum. Withy, Robert. Practical treatise upon the law of Annuities . . . Svo. ISOO Witt, John George. See Peitchaed, Robert A. and W. Tarn; Divorce practice. WiTTE, Ernst Sigismund. De Quatuorviratu Imp. Rom.-G-ermanici. [_German University Tracts, vol. 16.] 4to. Francqfurti, 1735 WoELKEE, Georg Friedrich. Genealogia familise Augustas Stauffensis. \_German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Altorfi, 1727 WoiDE, Karl Gottfried. Xovum Testamentum Greece, e codice MS. Alexandrino. See Bible, Greeh New Testament. 812 WOL. Wolf, Hieronymus. Epicteti encMridion . . . See Epictetus. Wolf, Jacob Gabriel. Elementa juris feudorum," turn provincialium, turn imperialium, reipublicse Romano-Grermaiiicse . . . Secunda editio. 8vo. Halse Magdehurgicse, 1753 Wolf, Johann. Lectiones memorabiles et reconditse. 2 vols. fol. Lavingse, 1600 WoLFEESTAN Francis Stafford Pipe, and Bristowe S. B. Eeports of the decisions of Election Committees [1859-64] . . . 12mo. 1865 WoLFERSTAN Francis Stafford Pipe, and Dew Edward L'Estrange. Reports and decisions of Committees of the House of Commons in the trial of Controverted Elections [1857-58] . . . 12mo. 1859 Wolfgang, Johann. Synopsis juris gentium. 4to. Basilese, 1680 WoLLASTON, Frederick Luard. Eeports of cases argued and determined in the Bail Court, and the practice cases in all the Courts of Common law, 1840-41. 8vo. 1841 Reports of King's Bench cases. See Harrison, S. B. : Willmore, Graham. [WoLLASTON, William.] The religion of nature delineated. 4to. 1726 WoLowsKi, Louis. See Revue de Legislation et de Jurispru- dence. WoLSELET, Garnet Joseph, Viscount. The life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, to the accession of Queen Anne. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1894 WoLSEY, Thomas, Cardinal. Life of. See Ceeighton, Mandell : Fiddes, Richard. WoLSTENHOLME, Edward Parker. The Conveyancing Acts, 1881, 1882 and 1892 ... and The Settled Land Acts, 1882-90. Eighth edition, by E. P. Wolstenholme, W. Brinton and B. L. Cherry. 8vo. 1899 — Ninth edition, by B. L. Cherry and A. E. Russell. 8vo. 1905 Simplification of Title to Land preferable to the introduction of novel modes of assurance ; with an outline of a plan. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] WOL— woo. 813 WoLSTENHOLME Edward Parker, and Capron Walter Evelyn. Forms and precedents adapted for use under the Conveyancing Acts and Settled Land Acts, 1881 to 1890. Sixth edition. 8vo. 1902 Women's Rights. The lawes resolutions of Women's Eights : or, the lawes provision for woemen. [The Woman's Lawyer.] 4to. 1632 Wood, Anthony. Athense Oxonienses : an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the ITniversity of Oxford, from 1500 to 1695 : to which are added The Fasti, or Annals, of the said University. Second edition. 2 vols, in 1. fol. 1721 Life and times, 1632-95. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 19, 21, 26, 30, 40.] Survey of the Antiquities of the city of Oxford, 1661-66. [Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 15, 17, 37.] Wood, Charles W. See Petebsdorff, Charles ; Abridgment of the Common and Statute law. Wood, Edward. A complete body of Conveyancing, in theory and practice. Fifth edition, by J. J. Powell. 3 vols. fol. 1790-93 Wood, Edward J. See Pinks, William J. ; History of Clerkenwell. Wood, Hutton. A collection of decrees by the Court of Exchequer, in Tithe-causes ; from the usurpation to the present time ... 4 vols. Svo. 1798-99 Wood, Thomas. A new institute of the Imperial or Civil law; with notes . . . Fourth edition. fol. 1730 Wood, William. On Colonies and Plantations. See Child, Sir Josiah. Woodcock, H. Drysdale. Digest of Licensing cases. See Mackenzie, William. WooDDESON, Richard. A systematical view of the laws of England ; as treated of in a course of Vinerian Lectures, read at Oxford during a series of years, commencing in 1777. 3 vols. Svo. 1792-93 See also Tollee, Sir Samuel ; Law of Tithes. WooDFALL, William. Law of Landlord and Tenant ; with a full collection of precedents and forms of procedure ; containing also a collection of leading propositions. Seventeenth edition, by J. M. Lely. Svo. 1902 814 WOO. "WooDHOTJSE, Frederick Charles. The Military religious orders of the middle ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others . . . 8vo. 1879 WooDROFFE, John George. Tagore Law Lectures, 1897 : the law relating to Injunctions in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1900 Tagore Law Lectures, 1897 : the law relating to Receivers in British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1903 Woodward Bernard Bolingbroke, and Gates William L. R. Encyclopaedia of Chronology, historical and biographical. 8vo. 1872 Woof, Richard. Catalogue of the Worcester Corporation Library. See Catalogues, Library. WooLF Sidney, and Middleton James W. The law and practice of Compensation for taking or injuriously affecting lands under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts . . . 8vo. 1884 WooLRTCH, Edmund Humphrey. The Metropolis Local Management Acts, to which is added an appendix, containing other statutes relating to the powers and duties of the Metropolitan Board of Works, vestries and district boards of the metropolis. Third edition by L. Goodrich. 8vo. 1888 WoOLBTCH, Humphrey William. Treatise on the law of Certificates. 8vo. 1826 Memoirs of the life of Judge Jeffreys . . . 8vo. 1827 Treatise on the Commercial and Mercantile law of England. 8vo. 1829 Treatise on the law of Waters and of Sewers ; including the law relating to rights in the sea and rights in rivers, canals, dock companies, fisheries, mills, watercourses . . . 8vo. 1830 — Second edition [law of Sewers omitted] ; with a note concerning the rights of the Crown to the land between high and low water- mark. 8vo. 1851 Treatise of the law of Sewers ; including the drainage acts. Third edition. 8vo. 1864 Treatise of the law of Rights of Common. Second edition. 8vo. 1850 The Criminal law, as amended by the statutes of 1861 ; with pleading, evidence, and forms of indictment, cases and index. 12mo. 1862 Treatise of the law of ancient and modern Window Lights. 12mo. 1864 WOO— WOE. 815 WooLETCH, Humphrey William — continued. Lives of eminent Serjeants at law of the English Bar. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869 Metropolitan Building Acts, 1855 to 1882, together with such clauses of the Metropolis Management Act as more particularly relate to the building acts ; with notes and forms. Third edition, by W. H. Macnamara. 12mo. 1882 WooLSET, Eobert. The doctrine and practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court, London. 8vo. 1816 WooLSEY, Theodore Dwight. Introduction to the study of International law, designed as an aid in teaching and in historical studies. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1879 WooLSET, Theodore Salisbury. See Pomeeot, John Norton ; Inter-' national law. WOECESTEE. Catalogue of the Corporation Library. See Catalogues, Library. WoEDE, Wynken de. Ars moriendi. See Bodleian Facsimile Seeies, No. 1. WoEDswoETH, Charles Favell Forth. A digest of all the Election reports, from the earliest to the present time ; including the cases at common law. 8vo. 1834 The law of Railway, Banking, Mining, and other joint stock companies. Fifth edition. 8vo. 1845 The law of Compensations, by arbitration and by jury, under the lands and railways clauses acts ; with an appendix of statutes and forms. 8vo. 1863 The law of Joint Stock Companies, as altered by the act of 1862 ; with the whole law of winding up . . . Tenth edition. 8vo. 1865 WoEDSwoETH, Christopher. Ancient Kalendar of the University of Oxford. [Oxford His- torical Society, No. 45.] WoEGE, Richard Alchome. Life. See Duke, George. WoELD, The. See Essayists, British. WoEMAN, Ernest. See Catalogues, Miscellaneous, Cambridge. WoEEALL, John. Bibliotheca legum: or, a list of all the common and statute law books of this realm . . . Seventh edition. 12mo. 1749 I 816 WOE— WEI. "WoRRALL John, and Brooke Edward. Bibliotheca legum Anglise. Part 1. A catalogue of the common and statute law books of this realm . . . New edition. Part 2. A general account of the laws and law-writers of England . . . 2 vols. 12mo. 1788 Worship, Religious. Report and tables as to the existing accommodation for public religious worship (England and Wales), published by the Registrar- General on the occasion of the Census taken in 1851. 8vo. 1853 WoRSLET, Francis. On the extent of Civil remedies for Military Offences, Contracts, and Wrongs, [^Juridical Society, vol. 3.] WoRTHiNGTON, Ceorge. A general precedent for Wills ; with practical notes. 12mo. 1823 WoRTHiNGTON, Samuel Worthington. iS^ee May, Henry W. ; Fraudu- lent Conveyances. WoTHERSPOON, Ivan. Manual of the Practice and Procedure in the several courts having civil jurisdiction in the province of Quebec ; containing the Code of Civil Procedure of Lower Canada . . . 12mo. Montreal, 1870 WoTTON, William. Leges Wallicse, ecclesiasticse et civiles, Hoeli Boni et aliorum Wallise Principum ; quas ex variis codicibus manuscriptis eruit, interpretatione Latina, notis et glossario illustravit, Gulielmus Wottonus, S. T. P., adjuvante Mose Gulielmio . . . fol. 1730 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William. Cursory remarks made in a tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Petersburgh. 8vo. 1775 The historical and the posthumous Memoirs of Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall, 1772-84 : edited, with notes and additional chapters from the author's unpublished MS., by H. B. Wheatley. 5 vols. 8vo. 1884 Wright, Andrew. Court Hand restored . . . with an appendix containing the ancient names of places in Great Britain and Ireland, an alphabetical table of ancient surnames, and a glossography of Latin words . . . Ninth edition, by C. T. Martin. 4to. 1879 Wright, Eric Blackwood. The law of Principal and Agent. Second edition. 8vo. 1901 See also Saunders, Thomas Williams ; Law of Negligence. WEI. 817 Wright, Sir Martin. Anintroductionto the law of Tenures. Second edition. 8vo. 1734 — Fourth edition. Svo. 1792 Wbight, Richard Thomas. See Finch, Gerard Brown ; Cases on Contract. "Weight, Sir Robert Samuel. The law of Criminal Conspiracies and Agreements. Svo. 1873 Possession in the Common law. See Pollock, Sir Frederick. See also Jamaica ; Drafts of a Criminal Code. Weight Sir Robert Samuel, and Hobhousb Henry. An outline of Local Government and Local Taxation in England and Wales (excluding London). Second edition, with introduction and tables of local taxation, by H. Hobhouse and E. L. Fanshawe. 8vo. 1894 Wright, Thomas. Biographia Britannica Literaria : or, biography of literary charac- ters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order : Anglo-Saxon Period. 8vo. 1842 — Anglo-Norman Period. 8vo. 1846 Alexandri Neckam De naturis rerum libri duo. [Britain, No. 34.] Alliterative poem on the deposition of Richard II. [Camden Society, No. 3.] Letters relating to the suppression of Monasteries. [Camden Society, No. 26.] Ludlow churchwardens' accounts, 1540-98. [Camden Society, No. 102.] Mapes' De nugis curialium. [Camden Society, No. 50.] Mapes' Latin poems. [Camden Society, No. 16.] Political poems and songs relating to English history. [Britain, No. 14.] PoKtical songs of England, [Camden Society, No. 6.] Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler. [Camden Society, No. 24.] Satirical Poets of the 12th century. [Britain, No. 59.] The chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft. [Britain, No. 47.] Weight, Thomas Cooke. See Davidson, Charles ; Precedents and forms in Conveyancing. ~ c 818 WRI— WYL. Weight, William. Advice on the study and practice of tlie law ; with directions for the choice of books . . . Third edition. 8vo. 1824 Weight, William Aldis. The metrical chronicle of Eobert of Gloucester. [Britain, No. 86.] Weiothesley, Charles. Chronicle of Ensrland, 1485-1669. [Camden Society, new series, No. 11.] Weitees to the Signet. Catalogue of the Library. See Catalogues, Library, Signet Library. WuEM, Christian Friedrich. Biographical notice. [Juridical Society, vol. 2.] Wtjemsee, Bemhard. Practicarum observationum . . . libri ii. See Haetmann, Hart- mann. Wuetzbtjeg, Edward Albert. The law relating to Building Societies . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. 1902 Chancery Acts and Orders ; Law of Costs. See Mobgan, George Osborne. Wtatt, John. The Practical Eegister in Chancery . . . 8vo. 1800 See also Dickens, John ; Eeports of Chancery peases. Wtclifpe, John. An apology for Lollard doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe. [ Camden Society/, No. 20.] Fasciculi Zizaniorum. [Britain, No. 6.] Wykeham, William of. Wykeham's books at New College. [Oxford Historical Society No. 32.] Wykes, Thomas. Chronicon. [Britain, No. 36.] Wylie, J. 0. See Eiffb, L. S. ; Judicature Acts, Ireland. WYN— YAT. 819 [Wtndham, Henry Penruddocke.] A gentleman's tour througli Monmoutlishire and "Wales, in the months of June and July, 1774. 8vo. 1775 See also Dodington, George Bubb ; Diary. [Wynne, Edward.] A Miscellany, containing several law tracts. 8vo. 1765 1. Observations on Fifczherbert's Natura Brevium ; vrith an introduction concerning writs, and dissertations on the writ De non ponendis in assists et juratis, and on the writ Z)e leproso amovendo. 2. Enquiry concerning the reason of the distinction the law has made in cases of theft, between things annexed to the freehold and things severed from it. 3. Argument on behalf of the unlimited extension of collateral sanguinity. 4. Account of the trial of the pix. 5. Observations on the nature and antiquity of the Court of Claims. 6. Observations on the catalogue of royal and noble authors, vol. ii., page 133. 7. Observations on the antiquity and dignity of the degree of serjeant at • law. Eunomus: or, dialogues concerning the law and constitution of England. Fifth edition, by W. M. Bythewood. 12mo. 1822 Wynne, William. The life of Sir Leoline Jenkins ... 2 vols. fol. 1724 Wyon Alfred Benjamin, and Wyon Allan. The Great Seals of England, from the earliest period to the present time ; arranged and illustrated with descriptive and historical notes . . . 4to. 1887 Wyse, Thomas. Historical sketch of the late Catholic Association of Ireland. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 1829 X. The military crisis. [Tracts, vol. 14, No. 4.] 8vo. 1871 XiMENBz, Francisco. De rebus gestis a Francisco Ximenio. Bound with Bell's Berum Hispanicarum Scriptores.li fATEs, Walter Baldwyn. The law of Ejectment. See Williams, John Herbert. c c 2 820 YEA— YOE. Year Books. 1. 1—19 Edw. II. Vol. 7. Memoranda in Scaccario, 8 temp. Edw. I. 2. 1—10 Edw. III. 9. 3. 17—39 Edw. III. 10. 4. 40 Edw. III.— 9 Hen. V. 5. Le livre des assises et pleas del' corone, en temps du Eoy Edward le Tiers. 6. 1-20 Hen. VI. Les reports des cases argue & adjudge [depuis] le temps del' Key Edward le Second [jusqu'a la fin du regne de Henry VIII], et auxy Memoranda del' Exchequer en temps le Eoy Edward le Primer . . . [with an Index, Edward V. — Henry VIII., by William Fletewood.] 10 vols. fol. 1678-80 Vol. 1. 1—19 Edw. II. Vol. 7. 21—39 Hen. VI. 1—22 Edw. IV. Long Quinto, 5 Edw. IV. 1 Edw. v.— 27 Hen. VIII. Annalium tam Kegum Edw. v., Eicli. III., Hen. VII. quam Hen. VIII. Studio & labore Guilhelmi Fletewoodi. Year books 20-21 Edward I. to 19 Edward III. : edited and translated by A. J. Horwood and L. 0. Pike. {Britain, No. 31.] Year books of Edward II. ISeUen Society, Nos. 17, 19, 20.] Yeatman, Pym. Mayor's Court of London Procedure Act, 1857; with notes, and an outline of the practice thereof, forms of procedure, and table of costs. Second edition. 12mo. 1878 Some observations upon the law of Ancient Demesne ; with suggestions as to the origin of the families of Brewer, Brito, Hardwick, and Cavendish, the ancient Lords of the manor of Chesterfield, in the county of Derby . . . 8vo. Sheffield, 1884 Yelveeton, Sir Christopher. The farewell address of Sir Christopher Yelverton to the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, on becoming Queen's Sergeant and leaving the Society, in 1589. [Printed, by permission, from a MS. in the possession of Lord Galthorpe.'} 8vo. 1882 Yelveeton, Sir Henry. Eeports de divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy [1603-13] . . . fol. 1661 YoNGE, Walter. Diary, 1604 to 1628. [Camden Society, No. 41.] YooL, George V. An essay on Waste, Nuisance, and Trespass, chiefly with reference to remedies in Equity ; treating of the law of timber, mines, lights, water, support, the construction of public works . . . 8vo. 1863 YoBK, Cabdinal of. See Heney Benedict Maeia Clement. YOR-TOU. 821 [ToEKE, Charles.] Some considerations on the law of Forfeiture for High Treason . . . with an appendix concerning Estates Tail in Scotland. Third edition. 8vo. 1748 — Fourth edition. 8vo. 1775 YOEKSHIEE. The North Riding Record Society for the publication of original documents relating to the North Riding of the County of York. Quarter Sessions Records, edited by J. C. Atkinson. 9 vols. 8vo. 1884-92 Young, Arthur. Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, 1789, with an in- troduction, biographical sketch, and notes, edited by M. Betham- Edwards. Fourth edition. 8vo. 1892 Young, Ernest, The Anglo-Saxon Family law. See Anglo-Saxon Law. Young, Sir George. The proper object and constitution of a Legal University or Council of Legal Education. [Juridical Society, vol. 3.] Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible . . . Sixth edition, to which is added ... a sketch of recent explorations in Bible Lands, by T. Nicol. 4to. Edinburgh, [1892] YouNGE, Edward. Reports of cases, argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, 1830-32. 8vo. 1833 Reports of Exchequer cases. See M'Cleland, Thomas. Reports of Tithe cases. See Eagle, Francis King. YouNGE Edward, and Collyee John. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, 1834-42. 4 vols. 8vo. 1836-46 Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Eight Hon. Sir J. L. Knight-Bruce, Vice-Chancellor, 1841-44. 2 vols. 8vo. 1843-44 YouNGE Edward, and Jeevis Sir John. Reports of cases, argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, at law, in equity, and in error, 1826-30. 3 vols. 8vo. 1828-30 822 ZAC— ZOL. Zacha.ei^, Carl Solomon. See Aubrt C, and Eatj C. ; Cours de droit civil fran9ais. Zanzibae. King's regulations, 1901-05. fol. 1901-05 Zasius, Udalricus. Opera omnia. 6 vols, in 2. fol. Franco/, ad Moen., 1690 Zbcch, Lselius. Summa universse moralis theologise et casuum conscientiae. 4to. Brixige, 1598 Zech, Willielm Ernest. De vi superioritatis territorialis. . . [German University Tracts, vol. 1.] 4to. Li^sias, 1712 Zbdnee, Joseph. Catalogue of the Hebrew books in the British Museum. See Cata- logues, Library. ZiEGLER, Caspar. De baptismate non iterando dissertatio . . . [Bound with Strauch's AdjusJustinianeumdisgiertationes.'] 4to. Wittebergse, 1661 "Si^rjpo^vXov ecclesiasticum, sive episcopus miles in veteri ecclesia invisus ; dxpodfia potissimum ex jure canonico. [Bound with Strauch's Ad jus Justinianeum dissertationes.'] 4to. Wittebergss, 1672 ZiLETTus, Franciscus. Tractatus universi juris. 21 vols, in 28. fol. Venetiis, 1584-86 ZiLETTUs, Joannes Baptista. Matrimonialium consiliorum ex clarissimis jureconsultis . . . collec- torum primum volumen. 4to. Venetiis, 1563 Matrimonialium consiliorum tomi duo : quorum prior . . . per Joan. Baptistam Zilettum . . . posterior per Nicolaum Euckerum . . . fol. Francoforti ad Mcenum, 1580 Consiliorum selectorum in criminalibus causis . . . tomi duo, fol. Francoforti ad Moenum, 1577-78 ZoESiTJS, Henricus. Commentarius ad Digestorum seu Pandectarum juris civilis libros li . . . Editio quarta. fol. Lovanii, 1688 Prselectiones feudales. See Gudelin, Petrus. ZoLLMANN, Eriedrich. Stemma Buzico-Saxonicum. [German University Tracts, vol. 15.] 4to. Lipsise et Jen^, 1721 ZOF— ZUL. 823 ZoucHE, Richard. Elementa jurisprudentise definitionibus, regulis et sententiis selec- tioribus juris civilis illustrata : quibus accessit Descriptio juris et judicii temporalis secundum consuetudines feudales et Normannicas, nee non descriptio juris et judicii ecclesiastici secundum canones et constitutiones Anglicanas. 4to. Ozonise, 1636 Jurisdiction of the Admiralty. See Malynbs, Gerard. ZuANNA, Georg Christophor Melchior de. De originibus Habspurgico-Austriacis et HohenzoUerano-Branden- burgicis. \_German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Wittehergas, n.d ZuLiCH, Fridemann Andreas. De Naevis politicis Caroli V. Imp. [^German University Tracts, vol. 17.] 4to. Lipsise, 1706 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABBEYS. See Mohasteeies. ABBEEVIATIONS, \_Gm-diner, iZ.] (Instructor Cleri- caUs, Tol. 1.) 1721 Dictionary of. Walther, J.L. 1747 Latin. Britain, No. 62 (vol. 4, pp. cixxiii, to cclxi.) Martin, C.T. (Eecord Inter- preter.) 1892 Wright, A. (Court Hand.) 1879 Latin and French. Chassant,A. 4th ed, 1876 ABEECONWAY ABBEY. Eegister and Chronicle. Camden Society, No. 39. ABINaDON ABBEY. Chronicles of. Britain, No. 2. Obedientaries of. Camden Society, new series. No. 51. ABOETION. Causes and treatment. Bentoul, R.R. 1889 BEIDGMENTS. Common and Statute Law. Bacon, M. 1736-66 7th ed. 1832 Brooke, Sir S. 1573 D'Anvers, K. (To title Ex- tinguishment.) 1705-37 Fitzherbert, Sir A. 1565 Gabhett, J. 1812-18 Sughes, W. 1660-62 Lilly, J. 1719 Nelson, W. 1725-26 Petersdorf, C. 2nd ed. 1861-70 ABEIDG-MENTS— cow!fi»«erf. Common and Statute Law — con. Molle, M. 1668 — Preface to. Sale, Sir M. (Col- ■ lectanea, Juridica, vol. 1.) 1791 Sheppard, W. Statham, N. Equity Cases. Brown, J. Law and Equity. Viner, C Nisi Prius. Selwyn, W. Penal Statutes. Addington, Sir W. Personal Property. Shearwood, J. A. Eeal Property. Shearwood, J. A. Sea Laws. Welioood, W. Statutes, 1217-1737. Cay, J. 1737-1760. Cay, S.B. Year Books. Ashe, T. See also DiaESTS or the Law. 1656-75 N.D. 1793 1791-1806 13th ed. 1869 2nded. [1779] 1882 1878 1613 1739 1766 1614 ABSTEACTS OF TITLE Preston, R. ABUSES. Against Common-wealth, 1629. Camden Society, No. 61 ABYSSINIAN WAE. TJrquhart, D. ACCENT AND QUANTITY. Foster, John. 2nded. 1823-24 '1 1762 ACCIDENT INSUEANCE. See Instjeancb. ACCIDENTS. To Workmen. See Woekmbn's Compen- sation. Unlimited Liability for. Brown, J. 2nd ed. 187 ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITOES. See^. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 825 ACCUMULATION, TRUSTS FOR. Marsden, S.G. Randell, S. ACTIONS AT LAW. Actions. Boote, S. Espinasse, J. JFoulkes, W.D.F. Gilbert, Sir J. Kerr, B.M. Powell, T. Prentice, 8. Shearwood, J. A, Sh&ppard, W. 1883 1822 1710 5th ed. 1814 1824 3rd ed. 1884 1761 3rd ed. 1861 1623 2nd ed. 1880 2nd ed. 1900 1651 2nd ed. 1675 [Chancery Practice and Procedure. Peel, S. 3rd ed. 1883 Choses in Action. Warren, W.R. 1899 ^Expense of Suits. Suits at Law. (Collect- anea Juridica, toI. 1.) 1791 Parties to. Dicey, A. V. 1870 eal. Booth, a. 1701 Roscoe, S. 1825 )DRESSES. See Speeches and Addeesses. ADDRESSES, PRESENTATION. Dewman, T., Lord. Lee, J. London. London. ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS. Walker and Elgood. ADMINISTRATORS. See Execittoes. ADMIRALTY. Black Books. Britain, No. 55. Office of Vice-Admiral of the Coast. Baker, Sir G.S. ADMIRALTY LAW. 1850 1863 1884 1883 1884 Compendious View. Browne, A. 2nd. ed. 1802 County Court Jurisdiction. Maikes and Kilburn. 1896 1887 1660-61 Digest. Pritchard, W.T. French. Chirac, E. Jurisdiction and Practice. ClerJce, F. 3rd ed. 1722 Coote, E.C. 2nd ed. 1868-69 Godolphin, J. 1661 Roscoe, E.S. 3rd ed. 1903 Sea Laws. 3rd ed. [1705] Williams and Bruce. 3rd ed. 1902 Zouch, R. (Malynes' Lex Merc.) 1686 Jelect Pleas, 1390-1602. Selden Society, Nos. 6, 11. ADOPTION. Hindu Law of. Sarkdr, G. 1891 ADULTERATION. See Food and Detos Acts; Pubiic Health. ADVOCATES AND ADVOCACY. Camus, A.G. 1818 County Courts. 1851 Cox,E.W. 1852 Cox-Sinclair, JE. W.S. 1904 Cresson, — . 1888 Laniell, W.T.S. (Juridical So- ciety, vol. 1.) 1857 Leinology. 1789 Forsyth, W. 1879 Harris, R. 3rd ed. 1880 Serschel, Lord. 1890 AFFILIATION. See Bastaedt. AFFREiaHTMENT, CONTRACT OF. Scrutton, T.E. 5th ed. 1904 AFGHANISTAN. Afghan Wars. TJrquhart, E.A. 1878 Edinburgh Review and the. TJrquhart, D. 1843 Constitution and Laws. Khan, 8.M, 1900 AFRICA. Travels in. Livingstone, D. 1857 Stanley, Sir S.M. 1890 See also South Afeica. AGENTS AND AGENCY. Story, J. 1839 9th ed. 1882 Commission Agents, Remuneration of. Evans, W. 2nd ed. 1900 Digest of the Law of. Bowstead, W. 2nd ed. 1898 Indian Law of. Pearson, T.A. 1890 Mercantile. Russell, J.A. 2nd ed. 1873 Payment of Debts by. Brown, W. 1868 Principal and Agent. Evans, W. 2nd ed. 1888 Paley, W. 3rd ed. 1833 Wright, E.B. 2nd ed. 1901 AGINCOURT, BATTLE OF. Nicolas, Sir N.S. 1827 826 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. AGEICFLTUEAL HOLDINGS ACTS. Lely and Aggs. 1901 Lelfu and Fearce-JEdgcwmbe. 2nd ed. 1885 Spencer, A. J. 2nd ed. 1901 Compensation under. Bund, J. W. W. 3rd ed. 1904 AGRICULTUEE. Farmer's Encyclopaedia. Johnson, C. W. 1842 Farming books in Yorkshire, 1641. Snrtees Society, No. 33. Law of the Farm. Dixon, H.H. 5th ed. 1892 Use of Salt in. Johnson, C.W. 3rd ed. 1830 See also Ageioultttkb, p. 5. AIR AND LIGHT. Law of. Fletcher, B. 3rd ed. 1895 ALABAMA, THE. Kerr, W. W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 See also Alabama Ci/AIMS, pp. 6, 7. ALGIERS, HISTORY OF. Morgan, J. 1731 ALIENATION. Eandell, H. 1822 ALIENS. Foreign Protestants and Aliens in England, 1618-88. Camden Society, No. 82. Law of Subjects and Aliens. Coe&burn, Sir A. 1869 ALL SOULS' COLLEGE, OXFORD. Case against Lady Stafford, 1587. Oxford Sistorical Society, No. 5. Catalogue of the Archiyes. Martin, C.T. 1877 ALMANACS. Nautical Almanac. Whitaker's Almanac. ALPS. ,F. 1833-75 1906 4th ed. 1893 AMBASSADORS. Colazon, Sieur de. 1604 Digges, Sir D. 1655 Travels of. Camden Society, new series, No. 14. Olearius, A. 1662 AMERICA. American Revolution. Trevelyan, Sir G.O. 1899-1903 AMERICA — continued. Atlas. Jeffreys, T. 1775 Chronologic Historique. Warden, D.B. 1826-44 Colonies and Plantations in. Child, B'Avenant and Wood. 1775 Commonwealth of. Bryce, J. 1888 Democracy in. Scott, J. 1890 History of. Bancroft, G. 1876 Bohertson, W. 12th ed. 1812 Interest of, in Sea Power. Mahan,A.T. 1897 Laws of. See United States. Massachusetts Bay, History of. Sutchinson, T. 1765 Leonard, D. 1776 Neutrality of Gt. Britain during Civil War. Bernard, M. 1870 Prayer-book. Liturgies. (ReliquiseLitur- gicse, vol. 5.) 1847 Rights of Gt. Britain against the Claims of. Macpherson, J. 1776 Travels in North America. Burnaby, A. 1775 Rogers, R. 1765 Voyages, N.W. Coast. Muller, S. 2nd ed. 1764 See also Ameeica, p. 12; United States. AMERICAN REPORTS. State Reports. Courts of Last Resort of all the States. 1868-1905. American Reports. Digest of Cases, 1760-1905. American Reports. Massachusetts. Admiralty Decisions. 1841-61. Sprague, P. Supreme Court. 1804-22. Massachusetts Reports. 1822-40. Bickering, O. 1840-47. Metcalf, T. 1848-53. Cushing, L.S. 1854-60. Gray, H. 1861-67. Allen, C. 1867-72. Browne, A.G. New York. Appeals, Court of. 1847-51. Comstock, G.F. Selden, H.R. Kernan, F. 1851-54. 1854-56. 1857-63. 1863-68. 1863-68. 1869-71. 1871-73. Smith, E.P. Keyes, E. W. Tiffany, J, Sand, S. Sickels, H.F. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 827 AMERICAN 'REPO'RTB— continued. State Eeports — eon. New York — con. Chancery, Court of. 1814-23. Johnson, W. 1842-47. Sandford, L.S. Circmt, District Court. 1851-65. Blatchford, S. Supreme Court. 1799-1803. Johnson, W. I 1803-05. Caines, a. 1806-23. Johnson, W. 1823-29. Cowen, U. 1828-41. Wendell, J.L. Term Eeports. 1803-05. Caines, Q. Pennsylvania. 1754-1806. Ballas, A.J. United States Reports. Circuit Courts. First Circuit. 1812-15. GalUson, J. 1816-30. Mason, W.P. 1829-39. Sumner, C. Third Circuit. 1803-18. Peters, B. Supreme Court. 1790-1800. I)allas,A.J.{C\xrtis'Bl 1801-15. Crunch, W. do. 1816-27. Wheaton, E. do. 1828-42. Feters, S. do. 1843-54. Howa/rd, B.C. do. 1855-60. Soward, B.C. 1861-62. Black, J.S. 1863-74. Wallace, J. W. 1875-82. Otto, W.T. 1882-1901. Davis, J.C.B. 1902-05. Butler, C.E. Digest of Cases to 1885. Banforth, E.G. ANCESTOR-WORSHIP. Eozumi, N. ANCIENT DEMESNE. Yeatman, F. ANCIENT LAW. Codex Legum Antiquarum. Maine, Sir E.S. Early Law and Custom. Maine, Sir E.S. N.D. 1901 1884 1613 1861 6th ed. 1876 Another ed. 1906 1883 ANCIENT LIGHTS. Cox, E. Fletcher, B. Woolrych, E. W. Digest of the Law. Roscoe, U.S. See also Easemekis. ANCIENT SOCIETY. Morgan, L.E. 2nded. 1871 3rded. 1895 1864 Srded. 1895 1877 ANDOVER. Union Workhouse of. FarJcer, E.W. 1845 ANGLING, LAW OF. See Fishbeies. ANGLO-SAXONS. Church. History. Bede, Ten. 1500 Homilies. Mlfric Society. Latin Hymns. Surtees Society, No. 23. Psalter. Surtees Society, Noi. 16, 19. Government. Distinction and Ranks under. Eeywood, S. 1818 Grammar. EicTces, G. 1703-05 Junius, F. 1743 History. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Britain, No. 23. Record Commission, No. 24. Saxon Chronicle. Codex' diplomaticus sevi Saxonici. Kemble, J.M. 1839-48 Saxon Chronicle. (Ingram.) 1823 Law. Courts of. Adams, E. (Anglo-Saxon Law.) 1876 Family. Toung, F. do. 1876 Land. Lodge, E.C. do. 1876 Legal Procedure. Laughlin, J.E. do. 1876 Leges Anglo-SaxonicsB. Wilkins, B. 1721 Tribal Custom in. Seehlohm, F. 1902 Literature. Alfred the Great. 1858 Saxons in England. Kemble, J.M. Newed. 1876 ANIMALS, LAW OF. Ingham, J.E. 1900 828 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ANNUITIES. Flowden, F. 1797 Frice, R. 3rd. ed. 1773 Withy, R. 1800 Cases on the Annuity Act. Sunt, W. 1794 Perpetual Post-obit. Annuities. (Col- lectanea Juridica, vol. 1.) 1792 Valuation of. Milne, J. 1815 ANTIQUITIES. Montfaucon, B. de. 1721-25 Anglo-Norman. Ducarel, A.C. Vl&l British. Camden, W. Chose, F. Qutch, J. Searne, T. Storer and Qreg. Cornwall. Borlase, W. 1629 7th impr. 1674 1773-74 1781 1771 1807-11 1754 Cumberland. Nicholson and Burn, 1777 Essex. Movant, P. 1768 Eurness. West, T. 1774 Harewood, Yorks. Jones, J. 1859 Hereford. Duncumh, J. 1804-12 Hertfordshire. Channel/, Sir S. 1700-1826 Salmon, N. 1728 Newcastle-on-Tyne. Brand, J. 1789 Parochial. Kennett, W., Bp. 1695 Popular. Brand, J. 1813 St. Stephen's Chapel. Mackenzie, F. 1844 Southampton. Fnglefield, Sir S.C. 1841 Warwickshire. Dugdale, Sir W. 1656 Westminster. Smith, J.T. 1807 Westmoreland. Nicholson and Burn. 1777 York. BraJce, F. 1736 Classical and Mediseval. FoshroTce, T.D. New ed. 1843 Exchequer. Sail, S. 1891 France, Ecclesiastical. Whittington, G.D. 1809 Greek and Eoman. Smith, SirW. 2nd ed. 1870 Hebrew. Godwin, T. 1616 Pre-historic. Luhhock, Sir J. 6th ed. 1900 Eoman. Adam, A. 9th ed. 1822 Ramsay, W. 10th ed. 1876 Typographical. Ames, J. 1810-19 ANTITHEISM. Sandys, R.S. APOPHTHEGMS. Bacon, Francis. 1626 See also Maxims. APOSTLES' CEEED. Pearson, J., Bp. 7th ed. 1701 APPEAL OF MUEDER. Sansard, J. Jacob, G. APPEALS. Ecclesiastical. Rothery, S.C. House of Lords and Privy Council. Cooper, C.P. Denison and Scott. Macpherson, W. Macqueen, J.F. Palmer, J. Sydney, W.R. Urquhart, G. 1685 1719 1868 1850 1879 1873 1842 1830 1824 1773 APPELLATE JUEISDICTION, Observations on. Calvert, F. 1874 Cleasly, Baron. 1870 Stelbing, W. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1867 APPOETIONMENT, LAW OF. Lewin, F.A. APPEENTICES. 0., W. Parky n, F.A. See also Mastbe and Seetaitt. 1869 1713 1897 AEABIA, EAELY. Kinship and Marriage. Smith, W.R. 1885 AEBITRATION AND AWAEDS. Caldwell, J.S. 2nd ed. 1825 Sopkins, M. 4th ed. 1884 Kyd, S. 2nded Redman, J.S. 4th ed Russell, F. 7th ed. 1799 1903 1849 1891 1883 9th ed. 1906 Hague Conference. Siggins, A.P. 1904 International. Finlay, Sir R.B. IJ AEBITEATION CASES. Alabama Claims. 1871-73J Behring Sea. 1893 Pious Fund Case. 18 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 829 AECH^OLOGY. Archseologia. 1779-1904 FoshroJce, T.D. New ed. 1843 London and Middlesex Archseo- logical Society. 1860-88 Spelman, Sir S. 1664-1723 See also Antiquities. AECHITEOTS' LAW EEPOETS. See p. 20. AEGENTINE EEPUBLIC. Codes. See Codes, p. 178. AEGUMENTS, JUEIDICAL. Sargrave, F. AEMOUEY. See Heealdey. 1797-99 AEMY. Abuses in. Erskine, T., Lord. 1775 Military Crisis (The). X. 1871 Standing. Trevelyan, Sir C. 1869 See also Aemy, p. 21 : COUETS MaetiAL ; Maetial Law. AEEANGEMENTS BETWEEN DEBTOES AND CREDITOES. See Bankeuptot. AEEEST. n Giffard, S.S. 2nd ed. 1880 IKAbolition of., on Mesne Process. IP' Lush, Sir S. 1838 AET, DISCOUESES ON. Meynolds, Sir J. 1778-81 AETICLES, CANONS, AND CONSTITU- TIONS. See Chueoh of England. AETIZANS' DWELLINGS. Holbom District. Isaacs, L.S. 1875 AETS AND SCIENCES. Karris, G. 1869 Dictionary of. Brand and Cox. New ed. 1866-72 Chambers, F. 1728-53 Harris, J. 3rd ed. 1716-23 Tolhausen, A. 1873-76 Eecueil de Planches. Arts and Sciences. 1762-72 ASIA. Travels in. Bell, J. 1788 ASSAULT AND BATTEEY. Saunders, T. W. 1842 ASSESSED TAXES. Acts. Kyd, S. 1801 Cases. Assessed Taxes. 1823-72 ASSESSMENT, PAEOCHIAL. Lumley, W.G. 7th ed, 1882 Practice under the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869. Beal, F. W. 1883 See also Eating. ASSETS. Fddis, A.S. Meggison, S. Bam, J. Bobbins and Maw. 1880 1832 2nded. 1837 3rd ed. 1901 Eeal. Williams, Joshua. 1861 ASSIZE EOLLS. Northumberland. Surtees Society, No. 88. ASSIZES. Clerk of. Assize. 1676 ASSUEANCE. See Instjeance. ASSURANCES. Common. Law of. Sheppard, W. 1669 President of. Sheppard, W. 5th ed. 1723 Touchstone of. Sheppard, W. 1648 7th ed. (Preston) 1820-21 8tb ed. (Atherley) 1826 Eegistration of. Sazlitt, W. 1851 Sumphry, J.T. 1853 ASTEONOMY. Manilius, M. 1828 Smyth, W.S. 1860-64 ATHANASIAN OEEED. See p. 26. ATLASES. Arrowsmith, J. 1842 Black, A. and C. ISIZ Delisle, G. 1755 Johnston, A.K. 1889 American. Jefferys, T. 1775 830 A.TLA.B'EB—conUn/ued. Ancient. Cellarius, C. Jansson, J. Kiepert, S. Mercator, Q: Trans, by British Isles. Bacon, Q.W. Lewis, S. Parliamentary and County. Chronological. Blair, J. Cosmographic. Johnston, W. and A.K. Historical (Philips's). Sughe Historical and Biographical. London. Bacon, O.W. ATTACHMENT OF DEBTS. Cahahe, M. Mayor's Court. Brandon, W. Woolsey, B. ATTORNEY, POWER OF. Precedents of. Stokes, W. ATTORNEY-aENEEAL. Laws and Privileges. N(yrton-Kyshe, J.W. ATTORNEYS. See Solicitoes. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 1789 1659 8th ed. 1885 4th ed. 1613 Saltonstall, 1635 [1889] 1840-46 Sughes,W.\^^h 1768 2nd ed. 1886 ',S, W. N.D. Bruce, J. 1828 1901 Srded. 1900 1861-76 1816 1861 AUCTIONS. ,,J. AUSTRALIA. Federation and Privy Council. ButteriDorth, A.B. Statistical Account. Coghlan, T.A. See also AtjbtealiA, p. 29. AUSTRIA. See Codes, p. 178-9. AVERAGE. Arnould, Sir J, Baity, L.R. Duckworth, L. Sopkins, M. Lowndes, B, Pa/raons, T. Stevens, B, AVOWRIES. Bisden, T. (under Williams, T.) 1680 AWARDS. See Aebiteation. 1897 7th ed. 1895 1900 6th ed. 1896 7th ed. 1898 8th ed. 1900 9th ed. 1902 2nd ed. 1857 2nd ed. 1856 2nded. 1905 4th ed. 1884 4th ed. 1888 1868 2nded. 1816 BAIL AND MAINPRIZE. Coke, Sir JE. BAILIFFS. Anderson, T.K. Atkinson, G. Bitson, J. BAILMENTS. Beale, E. Jones, Sir W. Schouler, J. Story, J. "BALANCE OF POWER; Prichard, LT. BALLOONS. Air Balloons. Balloons. Urquhart, G. BALLOT, VOTE BY. Bomilly, S. 1764 1889 6th ed. 1887 1811 1900 1833 2nd ed. 1887 1839 8th ed. 1870 1870 [1784] 1786 1886 BANK NOTES. See Bills or Exchange. BANKRUPTCY. Acts, 7 & 8 Vict. Cha/rnock, B. 1844 Arrangements between Debtors and Creditors. Under the Act, 1861. Be Gex and Smith. 1867-by Droop, ^.JB. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1^" Precedents of Deeds of Arrangement. Lawrence, G.W. !S ^5* Jom 5th ed. lyoo Private. Winslow, B. l^^^ Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887. Bobson, G.Y, Board of Trade Reports. ^ . Bankruptcy. •^°°* Commission of. Instructions for prosecuting. . Christian,!!. 2nded. 18^ INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 831 BAKKRTTPTCY— continued. Commitments in. JSeames, J. 1827 Composition Deeds. Forsyth, W. 2nd ed. 1844 Montagu, JS. 1823 Sells, a. 1868 Law and Practice. Archbold, J.F. 11th ed. 1856 Baldwin, E.F. 8th ed. 1900 Brett, T. 1883 Chalmers and Sough. 1886 Christian, F, 2nded. 1818 Cooke, W. 6th ed. 1812 Cullen, A. 1800 Davies, T. 1744 Deacon, F.F. 3rd ed. 1864 Fden, R.H. 1825 Fspinasse, J. 1825 Goodinge, T. 4th ed. 1726 Griffith and Solmes. 1867-69 Sazlitt and Roche. 1861 Montagu, B. 1803 Ringwood, R. 8th ed. 1902 Rohson, G.Y. 7th ed. 1894 Roche and Sazlitt, 2nded. 1873 Samson, C.L. 1884 Shelford, L. 3rd ed. 1862 Wace, S. 1904 Whitmarsh, F, 1811 Williams, Sir R.L.B.V . 5th ed. 1891 8th ed. 1904 Willis and Whiteway. 1884 Ireland. Kisbey, W.S. 4th ed. 1900 Scotland. Murdoch, J. 5th ed. 1886 Eeports of Cases. Manson, F. (Continuation of Morrell); 1894-1905 Morrell, J.F. 1884-93 Spirit of the Laws of. Green, F. 2nd ed. 1769 BANKS AND BANKING. Banker's Case, Argument in. Somers, Lord. 1733 Child's Bank, History of. Frice, F.G.S. 1902 Law and Practice. Grant, J. 5th ed. 1897 Walker, J.D. 2nd ed. 1885 Wordsworth, C.F.F. 5th ed. 1842 Sayings Banks. Scratchley, A. 1868 Watt, J.Y. 1905 BAPTISM. Canons respecting Sponsors. Baptism, 1861 BAR, AMERICAN. Annual Reports. American Bar Association. 1879-1903 BAE, BRUSSELS. Tableau des Avocats ^ la Cour D'Appel. Brussels, Bar of. 1905 BAR, ENGLISH. Deinology. 1789 1882 1889 1843 1868 1873 1905 De Souza, L, Franqueville, Comte de. Goldsmith, G. Selbronner, S. Meenan, M. van. Barrister-at-Law. Marchant, J.R.V. Bench and the Bar. Grant, J. 1887 2nded. 1838 Criticisms on. Collier, J.P. 1819 Education for. \_Ruggles, T.'] 1792 Etiquette. Stephen, J. 1851 Manual for Students. Spence, T. 1864 Men at the Bar. Foster, J. 1885 Military and Naval Services. Norton, F.C. 1886 Promotion at. Webster, F. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1861 Solicitors and. Be Souza, L. 1882 Godfrey, J.G. 1880 Sarle, W.L. 1851 Saunders, C.T. 1870 Stephen, J. 1851 Synopsis of. Whishaw, J. 1885 BAR, FRENCH, Annales de I'filoquence Judiciare. Aylies et Clair. 1826-27 Collection des Chefs d'oeuvre de I'Eloquence Judiciare. Clair et Clapier. 1821-24 History. Gaudry, J. A. J. 1864 Jones, R. 1855 Tableau des Avocats, Cour d'Appel de Paris. France^ Bar of. 1903 BARBADOS. Natural History. Sughes, G. 1760 Statute Law Abridgment. America. 1704 832 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. BAEBAEIC CODES. Eoman Civil Law in the. Colquhoun, F.M, (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1857 BAENET. East Barnet. Cass, C.F. 1885 BAEON AND FEME. See Httsband and Wife. See also p. 42. BAEONAGE AND BAEONETAG-E, See Peeeagb. BAEONIA ANaLICA. Madox, T. 1741 BAEONS' WAES. Eishanger's Chronicle, 1263-67. Camden Society, No. 15, BASTAEDY AND AFFILIATION. Lushington, G. 2nd ed. 1904 Martin and Martin. 2nd ed. 1896 Saunders and Saunders. 10th ed. 1899 French Law of. Cadrh, E. 1846 Lex Spuriorum. JBrydall, J. 1703 BATH AND WELLS. First Bishop of. Vincent, J.A. C. 1899 Fox's Eegister, 1492-94. Batten, H.C. 1889 BATTLE ABBEY. Custumals of, 1283-1312. Camden Society, new series, No. 41. BATTLES. Agincoirrt. Nicolas, Sir N.H. 1827 Fifteen decisive Battles of the World. Creasy, Sir U.S. 29th ed. 1879 Lutzen. Fleetwood, Q. (Camden Society, No. 39.) Waterloo. Burrell, J. P. 1849 BEDFOED LEVEL. History, Lot Book and Map. TFells, S. 1829-41 BEHEINa SEA AEBITRATION. See p. 50. BELGIUM, LAW OF CTiristinseus, P. Todd, E. Bibliographic Generale. Picard et Larder. Codes. See Codes, p. 179. Paroemise. Matthaeus, A. 1633-36 1905 1882-90 1667 Eevision du Code Penal. Saus,J.J. 1835-36 BELIEF, FOUNDATIONS OF. Balfour, A.J. BENCH AND BAE. Foss, F. Grant, J. Military and Naval Services. Norton, F.C. Table of Judges. To 1683. Phillips, H. To 1739. JDugdale, Sir W. 1066-1864. Foss, F. 1837-87. BlocJc, B.J. 1905. JDebrett, J. See also BioaEAPHT. 1895 1843 1837 2nd ed. 1838 1886 1685-86 3rd ed. 1739 1866 1887 1905 BENEDICTINES, OEDEE OF THE. History. Beyner, C. BENEFICES. Ducarel, A. C. Gregorius, P. Augmentation of. Kennett, W., Bp. Liber Eegis. Bacon, J. Taxatio Ecclesiastica. Record Commission, No. 51. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 1535. Record Commission, No. 53. BENGAL. Land-Law of. Mitra, S. C. BEEKSHIEE. Wills, Index to, 1508-1652. Oxford Sistorical Society, No. 23. BEEMONDSEY MONASTEEY. Annales, 1042-1432. Britain, No. 88. 1626 1763 1607 1704 1786 1898 BETTERMENT. Macer, A.T. BETTING. See GAUi^a. 1894 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 833 BEVEELEY, YOEKSHIRE. Beverley Minster Chapter Act Book. Surtees Society, Nos. 98, i08. Sanctuary Records. Surtees Society, No. 5. Town Documents. Selden Society, No. 14. BIBLE. Bible Lands. Nichol, T. 1892 Chronograms, Ancient. Black, W.S. 1864 Concordance. Young, R. 1892 Dictionary, Smith, Sir W. 1863 See also pp. 59, 60. BIBLIOGRAPHY, GENERAL. Acton, Lord, Historical Works of. Royal Historical Society. 1903 AnonTmous and Pseudonymous Works. ' Halkett and Laing. 1882-88 Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. Loiondes, W.T. New ed. 1865 Bibliographies (Reading Room, British Museum.) Porter, Q.W. 1881 Bibliography of Bibliography. Sahin, J. 1877 Bibliomania. Bibdin, T.F. New ed. 1876 1824 Bibliotheca Britannica. Watt, R. Book- Prices Current. Book-Prices Current. British and American Authors. Allibone, S.A. British Historical Intelligencer. Stace, M. Cambridge Books. Bowes, R. Cathedral Libraries of England. Botfield, B. Creighton, Bishop, Historical Works of. Royal Historical Society. 1903 Early Printed Books in Lambeth Library Maitland, S.R. English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries. Nicolson, W. 3rd ed. 1736 Gardiner, S. R., Historical Works of. Royal Historical Society. 1903 Glasgow Public and Private Libraries Mason, T. Initials and Pseudonyms 1903-05 1869-91 1829 1894 1849 1843 1885 Gushing, W. 1882-88 Library Companion. Dibdin, TF. 2nd ed. 1825 Memoirs of Literature. Be la Roche, M. 1725-31 Myriobiblon. Photius. 1653 xford Press, 1468-1640. Oxford Historical Society, No. 29. BIBLIOGRAPHY, GENERAL— co«««Me£?. Prohibited and Expurgated Books. Turretin, B. 1619 Pseudonymous and Anonymous Works. Halkett and Laing. 1882-88 Pseudonyms. Gushing, W. 1886-88 Scandinavia, English Books relating to. Solberg, T. 1884 Stubbs, Bishop, Historical Works of. Royal Historical Society. 1903 Typographical Antiquities. Ames, J. 1810-19 See also Libeaet Associatiok, p. 454. BIBLIOGRAPHY, LEGAL. Basset, T. 3rd ed. 1694 Bridgman, R. W. 1807 Clarke, J. 1819 Engelmann, W. 1840 Reed, W. 1809 Worrall, J. 7th ed. 1749 Worrall and Brooke New ed. 1 788 Lawyer's Reference Manual. Soule, G.C. 1883 The Reporters. Wallace, J. W. 4th ed. 1882 Themis ou 1 ibliothfeque du Jurisconsulte. Themis. 1819-31 BIBLIOPHILY. Bury, R. de. 2nd ed. by Thomas. 1902 BILLS OP EXCHANGE AND OTHER NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES. Bayley, Sir J. Byles, SirJ.B. '.,C. Chitty, J. 6th ed. 9th ed. 16th ed. 2nd ed. 10th ed. 11th ed. 2nd ed. Cunningham, T, Jencken, H.B. Johnson, C.W. Kyd, 8. 3rd ed. Lee, T. Marius, J. (Malynes' Lex Merca- toria.) 3rd ed. Roscoe, H. Story, J. 4th ed. (Promissory Notes. ) 6th ed. Theobald, W. Willis, W. Digest. Chalmers, M.B. French Law of. Nonguier, L. Pardessus, J.M. Rule of Ex Parte Waring. Eddig,A.C. 2nd ed. 6th ed. 4th ed. ]p D D 1849 1866 1899 1885 1859 1878 1761 1880 1837 1795 1812 1636 1764 1829 1843 1860 1845 1868 1832 1896 1901 1903 1875 1809 1876 834 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. BILLS OF LADING. Duckworth, L, Lawes, E. Leggett, E. Scrutton, T.JE. See also Chaetbb-pabtibs. BILLS OF SALE. Baldwin, E.F. Ouiry, M.G. liyon and Medman. Millar and Collier. Pearce-Edgcumbe, JE.R. Pope, S.M.S. Reed, S. 2nd ed. 1904 1813 2nded. 1893 5tlied. 1904 8th ed. 4tli ed. 4th ed. 9th ed. 10th ed. 11th ed. 12th ed. Weir, J. Statutory form of. Prohyn, L. 1900 1882 1892 1877 1882 1878 1892 1895 1897 1903 1893 1888 BIOGRAPHY. BlOGEAPHICAL DlCTIONAEIBS. Bayle, P. 1734-38 BiographicaWictionary. (A— Aris- tophanes.) Chalmers, A. Collier, J. Haydn, J. Hoefer, Dr. Phillips, L.B. ferences.) Rose, H.J. Who's Who. 1842-43 Newed. 1812-17 1701-21 1870 1852-77 (Biographical Ee- 1871 1857 1906 Woodward and Cates. (Encyclo- paedia of Chronology.) 1872 British Biography. Biographia Britannica. Biographia Britannica. 1747-66 — Literaria (Anglo-Saxon and Norman period.) Wright, T. 1842-46 National Biography. Dictionary of National Bio- 1885-1904 1872-94 1878 Greet and Ecman Biography. Smith, Sir W. Irish Biography. Well, A. BlOGEAPHICAL EsSAYS. Forster, J. Skelton, J. COILECTIVE BlOGEAPHICAL WOEKS. Biographical History of England Granger, J. Biographical Poems, 16th century. Camden Society, No. 61, 1860 1883 1769 BlOOr'RAV'SY— continued. COLLECTITB BlOGEAPHICAL WOEKS — COtl. Bishops of England. Godwin, F., Bp. 1615 British History and Biography. Lodge, F. 1838 British Statesmen. Brougham, Lord. 1858-61 Forster, J. 1831-39 McDiarmid, J. New ed. 1838 ' Cardinals, Fid, A. d\ 1706 Chief Justices. Camphell, Lord. 1849-57 Coleridge Family. Coleridge, Baron. 1905 Contemporary (19th century.) Bryce, J. 1903 Devon Worthies. Prince, J. New ed. 1810 Ecclesiastical. William of Malmesbury. (Britain, No 52.) Engineers. Smiles, S. 1862 England, Worthies of. Fuller, T. 1662 New ed. 1811 Herefordshire. Hutchinson, J. 1890 Illustrious Persons of Great Britain. Birch, T. New ed. 1813 Judges. Foss, F. 1848-64 Philipps, H. 1865-68 Toivnsend, W.C. 1846 — of Wales. Williams, W.R. 1899 London, 20th century. Pike, W.T. 1905 Lord Chancellors. Camphell, Lord. Chancellors. — of Ireland. Burke, O.J. O'Flanagan, J.R. Men and Women of the Time. Men and Women of the Time. llthed 13th ed 14th ed 15th ed Men of Letter?, temp. Geo. III. Brougham, Lord. 3rd ed. 18' Middle Templars. Hutchinson, J. 19^^ Miscellanea Biographica. Surtees Society, No. 8. Musicians. Brown, J.D. Non- jurors. Overton, J.H Oxford Reformers. Seebohm, F. 3rd ed. ll Painters and Engravers. Bryan, M. New ed. It 5th ed. 1856-57 1712 1879 1870 1884 1891 1895 189E INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 835 lOOtnATILY— continued. Collective Biographical Woeks— cow. Peers, Legal. Foss, E. 1843 Philosophers, temp. Geo. III. Brougham, Lord. 3rd ed. 1855 Poets, English. Johnson, S. 1781 Popes. Bower, A. 1748-66 Pastor, L. 2nd ed. 1898 1900 Platina, B. S. 1626 Serjeant8-at-Law. Woolrych, H. W. 1869 Surgeons. Hallet, F. &. 1892 Veteres Jurisconsulti. Rutilius, Bertrandus et Orotius. 1718 Wakefield Worthies. Lupton, J.R. 1864 Inditidttal Bio&haphies. Abinger, Lord. Scarlett, P. C. 1877 Andrews, L., Bishop. Ottley, R.L. 1894 Anne, Queen. Boyer, A. 1722 Anne Boleyn. Friedmann, P. 1884 Bacon, Francis. Abbott, E.A. 1877, 1885 Church, R.W. 1884, Dixon, W.R. 1861, 1863 Fowler, T. 1881 Mallet, B. 1760 Montagu, B. (Bacon's Works.) 1834 Nichol, J. 1889-89 IL Sortain, J. 1851 If Spedding, J. 1861-74 Thorpe, W.a. 1897 Ballantine, W. Ballantine, W. 1882 Barnes, Ambrose. Surtees Society, No. 50. Barttelot, E.M. Barttelot, W. G. 1890 Becket, Thomas, Archbishop. Britain. Nos. 65, 67. Bedell, W., Bishop. Camden Society, neio series, No. 4. Birch, Col. J. Camden Society, new series, No. 7. Bismarck, Prince. Lowe, C. 1887 Blackstone, Sir W. [Douglas, D.] 1782 Boulton, M. Smiles, S. 1866 Bowen, Lord. Cunningham, Sir U.S. 1897 Boyle, Hon. E. Birch, T. New ed. 1772 Brampton, Baron. Harris, R, 1904 Bramston, Sir J. Camden Society, No. 32. Bramwell, Baron. Fairfield, C. 1898 Braifield, Lord. WaU, F. 1902 WLOOr'Rk'P'EY— continued. Individual Biogeaphies— cow. Brougham, Lord Brougham, Lord. 1871 Campbell, Lord. 1869 Burghley, Lord. Borne, M.A.S. 1898 Nares, F. 1828-31 Burke, Sir Edmund. Prior, J. 2nded. 1826 Butler, J., Bishop. Spooner, W.A. 1901 Ceesar, Sir Julius. Lodge, E. 1827 Camden, William. Camden, W. 1691 Campbell, John, Lord. Rardcastle, M.S. 1881 Carlyle, Thomas. Carlyle, T. 1881 Carpenter, J. Brewer, T. 1856 Charles I. Harris, W. 1758 Lilly, W. (Maseres' Tracts.) 1815 Sanderson, W. 1658 Charles II, Ha/rris, W. 1766 Chatham, Earl of. -See Pitt. Childers, Rt. Hon. H.C.E. Childers, 8. 1901 Chiirchill, Charles. Forster, J. 1860 Cicero. Middleton, C. 3rd ed. 1742 Clarendon, Earl of. Clarendon, Earl of. 1759 Newed. 1827 Clerk, Sir John. Scottish History Society, No. 13. Codrington, Sir E. Bourchier, Lady. 1873 Coke, Sir Edward Johnson, C.W. 1837 Coleridge, Lord. Coleridge, E.H. 1904 Colet, Dean. Lupton, J.H. 1887 CollejjSirG-.Pomeroy. Butler, Sir W. 1899 Cranmer, Archbishop. Camden Society, No. 77. Crewe, Nathaniel, Lord. Camden Society, new series, No. 53. Cromwell, Oliver. Forster, J. I860 Gardiner, S.R. 1899 Harris, W 176 i Harrison, F. 1690 Morley, J. ]900 Palgrave, Sir R.F.D. 1890 Peck, F. 1740 Curran, Et. Hon. J. P. Curran, W H. 1819 Phillips, C. i,5j9 D'Aguesseau, H.F. Butler, C. 4th ed. 1830 Dalrymple,J.,Lord. Mackay,M.J,G. 1873 D D D 2 836 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. B100r'RAl?'EY— continued. Inditidttai Biogbaphies — con. Darwin, Charles. Darwin, F. 1887 De Foe, Daniel. Forster, J. I860 Denman, T., Lord. Arnould, Sir J. J 873 Derby, [15th] Earl of. Leclcy,W.F.R. 1894 Dering, H., Dean of Eipon. Surtees Society, No. 65. Doyle, Sir F.H. Boyle, Sir F.S. 1886 Drummond, Henry. Smith, G.A. 2nd ed. 1899 Dubois, Cardinal. Boicson, E. 1899 Eadwig. Allen, J. 1849 Eata, Bishop of Hexham. Surtees Society, No. 8. Edward the Confessor. Britain, No. 3. Edward I. Tout, T.F. 1893 Eldon, John, Lord. Twiss, H. 1844 Elizabeth, Queen. Beesley, F.S. 1892 CreigUon, M., Bp. 1896 Erasmus, D. Froude, J. A. 1894 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord. Maseres' Tracts. Ferdinand, of Spain. Frescott, W.R. 3rd. ed. 1842 Ferrier, Major R. Camden Society, new series. No. 53. Foote, Samuel. Forster, J. 1860 Fortescue, Sir John. Fortescue, Sir J. 1869 Fouche, Due d'Otrante. Fouche, J. 2nd ed. 1818 Fox, Bishop. Batten, B.C. 1889 Fox, Charles James. Trevelyan, Sir G. O. 1880 Franklin, Benjamin. Choate, J.S. [1903] Frere, Sir Bartle. Martineau, J. 1895 Gibbon, E. Gibbon, F. 2nd ed. 1897 Gladstone, Et Hon. "W.E. Morley, J. 1903 Granyille, D. Surtees Society, Nos. 37, 47. Grattan, Et Hon. Henry. Grattan, H. 1839 Gresham, Sir Thomas. Burgon, J. W. 1839 Grey of Wilton, Lord. Camden Society, No 40. Grocyn, W. Oxford Historical Society, No. 6. Guildford, Lord. See North, F., Lord Guildford. Gustavus AdolphuB. Earte, W. 1759 'SlOOr^A.'P'KY— continued. Individual Biogbaphies — con. Halkett, Anne, Lady. Camden Society, new series, No. 13. Hawkins, Sir H. See Brampton, Baron. Henrietta Maria. Camden Society, new series, No. 31. Henry II. Green, A.S. 1892 Lyttleton, Lord. 1767-71 Henry VII. Gairdner, J. 1892 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord. Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 1826 Hoby, Sir Thomas. Camden Society, third series, No. 4. Home, H. See Karnes, Lord. Hugo de Arelon (Bishop of Lincoln.) Britain, No. 37. Huxley, T.H. Huxley, L. 1900 Iddesleigh, Earl of. Lang, A. 1890 Isabella I., of Spain. Frescott, W.H. 3rd ed. 1842 James I. Harris, W. 1753 Jeffreys, Judge. Irving, H.B. 1898 Watt, F. 1902 Woolrych, H. W. 1827 Jenkins, Sir L. Wynne, W. 1724 Jesus Christ. Scott, T. 1872 John of Barneveld. Motley, J.L. 1875 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Boswell, J. 1874 Julius Csesar. Napoleon III. 1862 Kames, Lord. Tytler, A.F. 1807 Keble, John. Lock, W. 7th ed. 1895 King, Lord. Fortescue, Fori. 1844 Knill, John. Mogers, J.J. 1871 Kydd, S. Kydd, S. 1893 Lacordaire, J.B.H.D. Greenwell, B. 1867 Langdale, Lord. Hardy, Sir T.B. 1896 Laud, W., Archbishop. Hutton, W.H. 2nd ed. 1896 Prynne, W. J 644 Lawrence, W.B. Lawrence, W.B. 1876 Lockwood, Sir F. Birrell, A. 1898 Ludlow, E. Ludlow, F. 1751 Lyndhurst, Lord. Campbell, Lord. 1869 Martin Sir T. 1883 Macaulay, Lord. Canning, A.S.G. Trevelyan, Sir G.O. 1882 1876 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 887 BIOGBAVBY— continued. Inditidital Bioqeaphies— coa. Mackenzie, Sir G-. Watt, F. 1902 Macqueen, E. See Braxfield, Lord. Magee, Archbishop. Macdonnell, J .C . 1896 Maine, Sir H.S. Duff, Sir M.E. Grant. 1892 Major, J. Macl(ay,M.J.G. (Scottish History Society, No. 10.) Manning, Cardinal. Purcell, U.S. 1895 Mansfield, Earl of. Kolliday, J. 1797 Marlborough, Duke of. Wolseley, Viscount. 4th ed. 1894 Mary I., Queen of England. Stone, J.M. 1901 Mary, Queen of Scots. Nau, C. 1883 Sanderson, W. 1655-56 Maurice, P.D. Maurice, F. 3rd ed. 1884 Mill, J.S. Mill, J.S. 1873 Milton, John. Camden Society, No. 75. Peck, F. 1740 Mohammed. Ali, S.A. 2nd ed. 1896 Montagu, E.W. Kenealy, F.V. 1869 More, Sir T. Cayley, A. 1808 More, Sir T. 1726 Napier, Sir J. Fwald, A.C. 1887 Napoleon I. Bose, J.S. 3rd ed, 1903 Eosebery, Earl of 1900 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Mahan, A.T. 1897 Newman, Cardinal. Sutton, R.E. 2nd ed. 1891 Niebuhr, B.G-. Nieluhr, B. G. 1838-39 North, Sir D. North, R. 1744 New ed. 1826 North, F., Lord G-uildford. North, S. 1742 New ed. 1826 North, J. North, B. 1744 New ed. 1826 Nowell, Dean. Churton, S. 1809 O'Connell, D. Suish, M. 1836 Paget, Sir J, Paget, S. 1901 Palmerston, Viscount. Ashley, E. 1879 Parnell, C.S. O'Brien, B.B. 1898 Peel, Sir Kobert. Parker, C.S. 1891-99 Thursfield, J.B. 1891 Pennant, T. Pennant, T. 1793 BIO O-R APHY— coM!?tMMec?. Individual Biogeaphies — con. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. Sarrison, F. 1905 Pitt, William. Ashbourne, Lord. 1898 2nd ed. 1898 Bosebery, Earl of. 1892 Pole, Cardinal. Phillips, T. 1764 Prynne, William. Camden Society, new series. No. 18. Ealeigh, Sir Walter. Stebbing, W. 1891 Eawdon, Marmaduke [of York.] Camden Society, No. 85. Eeeve, Henry. Laughton, J.K. 1889 Eeynolds, Sir Joshua. Malone, E. 1801 Eidley. Nicholas, Bishop. Bidley, G. 1763 Eoberts, Earl. Boberts, Earl. 6th ed. 1897 Eokeby , Mr. Justice. Surtees Society, No. 37. Eomanes, Q-.J. Bomanes, G.J. New ed. 1898 Eomilly, Sir Samuel. Bomilly, Sir S. 1840 Eussell, John, Lord. Walpole, S. 1889 Eussell of Killowen, Lord. O'Brien, R.B. 1901 St. Anselm. Eadmer. (Britain, No. 81.) St. Cuthbert. Surtees Society, Nos. 1, 8, 87. St. Dunstan. Britain, No. 63. St. Francis of Assisi. Sedulius, H. 1613 St. Godric. Surtees Society, No. 20. St. Oswin. Surtees Society, No. 8. St. Patrick. Britain, No. 89. Samson, Abbot of St. Edmund. Camden Society, No. 13. Sancroft, W. Doyly, G. 1821 Selbome, Earl of. Selborne, Earl of 1896-98 Selden, John. Johnson, G.W. 1835 Shakespeare, William. Thorpe, W.G. 1897 Shaw, J. Surtees Society, No. 65, Sheridan, Eichard Brinsley. Moore, T. 4th ed. 1826 Shiel, E.L. Macnevin, T. 1867 Simeon, Charles. Moule, S.C.G. 1892 Smith, Samuel. Smith, S. 1902 Smith, Et. Hon. W.H. Maxwell, Sir S. 1893 Somers, Lord. MaddocJc, S. 1812 838 ESTDEX TO SUBJECTS. BIO GRAP H Y— continued. Individual Biogeaphies — con. Spurgeon, C.H. Spurgeon, C.S. 1897-1900 Stanley, Dean. Prothero, R.H. 2nd. ed. 1894 Steele, Sir Richard. Forster, J. 1860 Stephen, Sir J.F. Stephen, Sir L. 1895 Story, Joseph. Story, W.W. 1851 Surtees, Eobert. Surtees Society, No. 24. Tait, Archbishop. Davidson and Benham. 3rd ed. 1891 Taswell, Dr. W. Camden Society, No. 55. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Tennyson, A., Lord. 1897 Thornton, Mrs. A. Surtees Society, No. 62. Tolstoi, Count. Tolstoi, Count. 1890 Torrington, Viscount. Camden Society, new series. No. 46. Victoria, Queen. Holmes, R.B. 1897 Walpole, Horace. Seeley, L.B. 1884 Walpole, Sir R. Morley, J. 1890 Watt, James. Smiles, S. 1866 Wearg, Sir 0. Duke, G. 1843 "Wellington, Duke of. Maxwell, Sir H. 1899 Wesley, John. Overton, J .K. 1891 West, Sir A. West, Sir A. 1899 Westbury, Lord. NasJv, T. 1888 Whitelocke, Bulstrode. WUteloclce, B. 1709 Whittingham, Dean. Camden Society, No. 104. Wilbc-force, Samuel, Bishop. Wilberforce, B. 1881 William I. Freeman, F.A. 1890 William III. Traill, S.D. 1888 Williams, Montagu. Williams, M. 1890 Wilmot, Sir J.E. Wilmot, J. 2nd ed Windham, W. Amyot, T. Wiseman, Cardinal. Ward, W. Wolsey, Cardinal. Creighton, M., Bp. Fiddes, B. Wood, Anthony. Oxford Historical Society, Nos. 19, 21, 26, 30, 40. Worge, Major- General. Duke, G. 1844 Wraxall, Sir N. W. Wraxall, Sir N. W. 1884 Wurm, Professor C.F. Katchenovsky, Prof. 1859 1811 1812 5th ed. 1899 1891 1724 BIOLOGY. Bichardson, Sir B. W. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. First Report. Registrar- General. Registration. Flaxman, A.J. 1896 1839 1875 BISHOPS. Bath and Wells, First Bishop of. Vincent, J.A.C. 1899 Boy Bishop's Sermons. Camden Society, new series, No. 14. Catalogue of, to 1615. Godwin, F., Bp. 1615 Disposal of Preferment. Sherlock, T., Bp. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.) 1792 Judges in Cases Capital. Hunt, T. 1680 Letters to the Privy Council, 1564. Camden Society, new series. No. 53. Veto of. Girdlestone, J. 1884 BLASPHEMY. Aspland, L.M. 1884 BLOCK BOOK PRINTING. Sothehy, S.L. 1858 BLOCKADES. Westlake, J. 1862 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Annals. Macray, W.D. 1890 See also p. 69. BODMIN CHURCH. Building receipts and expenses, 1469-72. Camden Society, new series, No. 14. BOER WARS. See South Ateica. BOHEMIA. See p. 70. BOMBAY. See p. 71. BORDER LAWS. Nicolson, W. • Another ed. 1705 1747 BOROUGH CUSTOMS, Selden Society, No. 18. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. BOROUOH ENGLISH. Robinson, T. 1741 2nded. 1788 New ed. by Norwood. 1858 5th ed. 1897 BOEOUGHS, HISTOEY OF. Brady, E. New ed. 1777 Madox, T. 1726 Meretoether and Stephens. 1835 BOTANY AND GARDENING. Bon, G. Johnson, G.W. Loudon, J.C. BOTTOMRY. Annesley, A. Marshall, 8. Fark, J. A. 1831-37 1829 1855 1808 4th ed. 1861 1787 7th ed. 1817 See also Insueance ; SniPPiNa. BOUNDARIES AND FENCES, Bunt, A.J. 5th ed. 1904 BOUNDARY COMMISSION. See p. 75. BOUNTIES. Declaration of, 1610. James I. BRAZIL. Eebels on Portuguese Ships. Brazil, BRECKNOCK. Proper name of. Bowen, J. BRENTFORD. Early history of. Sharpe, M. Hobbayne's Charity. Sharpe, M. BRIBERY. See Elbotions. BRIDGES. Tower Bridge. Welch, C. See also Highways. BRIEFS. History of. Karnes, Lord. • 1897 1894 1891 1904 1901 1894 1758 BRINKBURN PRIOEY. Chartulary. Surtees Society, No. 90. BRISTOL. Mayor of Bristol's Calendar. Eicart, E. (Camden Society, N.S. No. 5.) BRITAIN, GREAT. See Ekgiand. BRITISH MUSEUM. Lives of the Founders of. Udwards, E. 1870 See also Catalogtjes, Libeaet, pp. 147, 148. BRITONS. History of. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Translated by Thompson 1718 „ GUes 1842 Gildas. 1841 Nennius. 1841 Origin, Traditions and Language. Davies, E. 1804 BRITTANY. Church history of. Cressy, 8. 1668 Common or Statute-Law. Selden, J. 1682 BROKERS. Eussell, J. A. See also Mebcantixb Aasiror. 1844 BUILDING ACTS, METROPOLIS. London Building Acts, 1894-1905. Bavid, A.J. 1894 Dicksee, B. 1894 2nded. 1906 Fletcher, B. 3rd ed. 1901 Griffiths and Fember. 1895 Metropolitan Building Acts, 1855-82. Glen and Glen. 1883 Woolrych, H.W. 3rd ed. 1882 BUILDING CASES. Digest of. Eoscoe, U.S. 4th ed. 1900 BUILDING CONTEACTS AND LEASES. Umden, A. 3rd ed. 1895 Hudson, A. A. 2nd ed. 1895 BUILDING SOCIETIES. Bowen and Warley. 1894 Davis, R.F.A. 4th ed. 1896 Scratchley, A. 4th ed. 1868 Wurtzbwg, JS.A. 4th ed. 1902 840 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. BUILDINQ-S. Regulation of. Matthews, J. 2nd ed. 1776 BULLS, PAPAL. See PAPAL BULLS. BURIALS. Baker, T. Bodd, J.T. Lee, A.T. Little, J.B. Urlin, R.D. 6th ed. 1898 1881 9th ed. 1880 3rded. 1902 2nd ed. 1881 Ancient. Outherius, J. Urn-Burial. Broicne, Sir T, See also BuEiAis Bill, p. 108. 1615 1686 BURMA. Nishet, J. 1901 BURTON MONASTERY. Annales, 1004-1263. Britain, No. 36. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Wills and Inventories from the Registers of. Camden Society, No. 49. BYE-LAWS. Lumley, W.G. 1877 Mackenzie and Handford. 1899 CAERNARVON, RECORD OF. Mecord Commission, No. 33. CALAIS. Chronicle, 1485-1540. Camden Society, No. 35. CALENDARS. Aberdeen University. Allahabad University. Bombay University. Calcutta University. Cambridge University. Council of Legal Education. Dublin University. Durham University. Edinburgh University. Glasgow University. Inns of Court. King's College, London, London University. Madras University. Oxford University. Panjab University. Queen's College, Belfast. Queen's College, Oalway. Royal University, Ireland. University College, London. Victoria University, Manchester. CAMBRIA. See Wales. CAMBRIDGE. Books. Bowes, R. 1894 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. History of. Dyer, E. 1814 Fuller, T. 1655 Mullinger, J.B. 1873-84 St. John's College Admissions, 1629-1727. Mayor and Scott. 1882-1903 See also p. 122. CANADA. Confederation Law. Wheeler, G.J. 1896 Constitution. Doutre, J. 1880 Houston, W. 1891 Monro. E.J. 1889 Courts, Practice and Procedure. Civil. Wotherspoon, I. 1870 Criminal. Clarke, S.R. 1872 Expedition from, 1777. Burgoyne, J. 1780 Legislative Power in. Lefroy,A.B:.F. 1897-98 Manitoba School Case. Manitoba. 1895 Parliamentary Procedure and Practice. Bourinot, J.G. 2nd ed. 1891 Reference Book on. IBiggar, E.B.'] 1889 See also p. 139. CANALS. Boyle and Waghorn. Butterworth and Ellis. Hunter, W.A. Webster, R.G. Woolrych, H.W. Reports of Cases, 1835-1902. Railway and Canal Cases. Tolls. Gunning, F. 1901 1889 1889 1885 1830 2nd ed. 1851 1833 See also Navigation, Inland, p. 532 ; Watbes and Watbbcouesjbs. (Readings.) CANON LAW. Bowyer, Sir G. Reichel, O.J. Codes. Butler, C, Commentarius in Canones Espen, Z.B. van. Constitutions (Otho and Othebon.) W. 1851 1896 2nded. 1807 New ed. 17fi 1505-( INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 841 CANON Jj AW— continued. Decretals. Ancharano, P. de (lib. i.-iv.) 1511-19 ChassancBus, A. (Greg, ix.) 1735 Corpus Juris Canonici (lib. i.-vi.) 1620-21 Corpus Juris Canonici Academicum (lib. i.-vii.) 1728 Perrinus, (E. (lib. VI.) 1561 Differentise Juris Civilis efc Canonici. Sahn, S. Historical Account of. Butler, C. Jus Canonicum. Oughton, T. Schilter, J. Ziegler, C. Amoenitates. Strauch, J. Elementa. Fertsch, J.G. Institutiones. Lancelottus, J.P. Parergon. Ayliffe, J. 1688 4th ed. 1830 1738 1688 1661 1675 1735 1609 2nd6d. 1734 H Repertorium Canonicum. Oodolphin, J. 1680 Eestoration of the Canon Law. Urquhart, B, 1869 See also EccLBsiASTicAt Law. CANONS OF THE CHURCH. See Chuech of Enoland. CANTERBURY. Letter Books of Christ Church. Britain, Pfo. 85. Camden Society, new series, No. 19. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Romilly, S. 1886-87 Eomilly, Sir S. 2nd ed. 1811 See also p. 140. CAPTURE. See Peizb Law. CARDINALS, COLLEGE OF. Pope Alexander YII. and. Bargrave, J. (Camden Society, No. 92.) CARRIERS. Angell, J.K. 4th ed. 1868 Browne, J.H.B. 1873 Carver, T.G. 3rd ed. 1900 Jones, G.F. 1827 Macnamara, W.S. 1888 Powell, E. 2nd ed. 1861 Stephen, J. B.C. 1895 See also Sailmekts. CATALOGUES. See pp. 147-154. Rules for. Cutter, C.A. 1876 CATECHISING. Best, 8. 1849 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Botfield, B. 1849 CATHEDRALS. Cathedralia. Walcott, M.B.C. 1865 Durham. Anglo-Saxon Ritual. Surtees Society, No. 10. Catalogue of the Library. Surtees Society, No. 7. Possessions, 1377-80. Surtees Society, No. 32. Rites and Monuments. Surtees Society, Nos. 15, 107. Ripon. Acts of Chapter, 1452-1506. Surtees Society, No. 64. Memorials. Surtees Society, Nos. 74, 78, 81. St. Paul's. Dugdale, Sir W. 1818 Mi/man, S.S. 1868 Simpson. W.S. 1889 See also p. 655. York. Archbishop Gray's Register, 1215-55. Surtees Society, No. 56. Breviary. Surtees Society, Nos. 71, 75. Fabric Rolls, 1340-1649. Surtees Society, No. 35. History. Britain, No. 71. Manual. Surtees Society, No. 63. Missal. Surtees Society, Nos. 59, 60. Pontificals. Surtees Society, Nos. 27, 61. CATHOLICS. See Roman Catholics. CELTIC LANGUAGE. Bavies, E. 1804 CENSUS. See PopuLAiioif Retuens, p. 594. CEREMONIES, RELIGIOUS. Picart, B. 1733-37 CERTIFICATES, LAW OF. Woolrych, S.W. 1826 CERTIORARI. Marshall, T.E. 1866 842 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. CEYLON. Laws. 1880 1901-04 Le Mesurier and PdnahoTcTce Pereira, J.C.W. Supreme Court Decisions. Perera, J.M. 1892 See also p. 157. CHALDEA. Dawn of Civilization. Maspero, G. 4tli ed. 1901 CHAMBERS, JUDGES'. Forms of Proceedings (Chancery.) Cox,i:.W. 3rded. 1863 Practice. Archibald and Vizard. 2nd ed. 1886 Summonses and Orders. Archibald, W.F.A. 1879 CHAMPERTY. Tapp, W.J. 1861 1843 1879 1870 CHANCELLORS, LORDS. Catalogue of. Hardy, Sir T.D. Judicial and Political Functions of. Montagu, B. 1836 Lives of. Campbell, Lord. 4th ed, 1856-57 Irish. BurJce, O.J. O'Flanagan, J.S. Ohserrations on the Office of. EUesmere, Lord. 1651 See also Chancblloes, p. 159. CHANCERY, COURT OF. Abuses and Remedies. Bell, J. 1830 Cooper, C.P. 1828-50 Norburie, G. (Hargrave's Law Tracts.) dr. 1621 Spence, G. 1839-40 Antiquity. Chancery Reports. 2nd ed. 1715 Costs. Morgan and Davey. 1865 Morgan and Wurtzburg. 1882 Forms and Precedents. Baniell, E.E. 2nd ed. 1871 3rd ed. 1879 4th ed. 1885 5th ed. 1901 Tripp, E.S. 1858 Proceedings in Chambers. Cox, E. W. 3rd ed. 1863 Martin, A.G. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1867 Funds. Field and Dtmn. 1873 CHANCERY, COURT 0¥— continued. History. Burroughs, S. 1726 Cooper, C.P. 1828 Gilbert, Sir J. 1758 Parkes, J. 1828 The Six Clerks. Braithwaite, T.W. 1879 Judgments and Orders. See Obdees. Jurisdiction. Appellate. Cooper, C.P. 1850 Equitable. Kerly, D.M. 1890 Spence, G. 1846-49 Infancy. Chambers, J.D. 1842 Legal. Burroughs, S. 1727 Statutory. Barry, W.W. 1861 Vindication of. Chancery, Court of. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.) 1791 Lunacy. Sighmore, A. 1807 Masters. Hargrave. (Law Tracts.) 1787 Delays in the offices of. Cooper, C.P. 3rd ed. 1849-50 Eights of. Burroughs, S. 1726 Orders. Orders in Chancery. 1661 Consolidated General. Orders in Chancery. I860 Forms of Decrees, Judgments and Orders. Morgan, G.O. 6th ed. 1885 Pemberton, L.L. 4th ed. 1889 Seton, Sir H.W. 1830 3rded. 1862 4th ed. 1877-79 5th ed. 1891-98 6th ed. 1901 Touhnin, S.S. 1847 New Orders. Cooke, J. 1835 Ordines Cancellarise, 1814-42. Sevan, C. 1842 Ordinances. Bacon, Francis. 1642 Petitions. Williams, S.E. 1880 Pleadings. Cooper, G. 1809 Mitford, J. 2nd ed. 1787 4th ed. 1827 5th ed. 1847 Toulmin, S.S. 1847 Practice and Procedure. Ayckbourn , R. 9th ed. 1870 Bilton, S.F. 1850 Bohun, W. 2nded. 1723 Braithwaite, T.W. 1864 Brown, W. 1702-15 Chancery, Court of. 1672 Chancery Commission. 1826 Daniell, E. R. 5th ed. 1871 6th ed. 1882-84 7th ed. 190] Gilbert, Sir J. 17( INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 843 CHANCERY, COUET 0¥— continued. Practice and Procedure— com. Ooldsmith, J. 6th ed. 1871 Grant. H. 5th ed. 1845 Sarrison, J. 4th ed. 1757 New ed. 1808 Haynes, J.F. 1879 Sinde, R. 1785 Indermaur, J. 7th ed. 1897 Maddock, H. 2nd ed. 1820 Newland, J. 3rd ed. 1830 Peel, 8. 3rd ed. 1883 Practical Register. 1714 Ed by Wyatt. 1800 Practice. 1672 Smith, J.S. 7th ed. 1862 Tothill. W. 1649 Toulmin, S.S. 1853 Turner, R. 5th ed. 1817 Calendars of Proceedings (temp. Eliz.). Record Commission, No. 7. Ireland. Blackham, J. 1859 Select Cases, 1364-1471. Seiden Society, No. 10. Suits by Subpoena. Sar grave, J. (Law Tracts.) 1787 Wards in Chancery. Chambers, J.D. 1842 CHANCERY PETITIONS. Index. Record Office. 1892 CHANNEL ISLANDS. Criminal Laws, Report on, 1847. See p. 160. Norman Laws and Modern Practice. Urquhart, D. 1844 See also Q-irBaNSET ; Jeesey. CHAPEL ROYAL, ST. JAMES' PALACE. Old Cheque-book. Camden Society, new series, No. 3. CHARGING ORDERS. Cahahe, M. 3rd ed. 1900 CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. Tyssen, A.D. 1888 CHARITABLE USES AND TRUSTS. Bristowe, L.S. 1891 Cooke and Rarwood. 2nd. ed. 1867 Duke, &. 1676 Ed. by Bridgman. 1805 CHARITABLE USES AND TRUSTS— continued. Heme, J. 2nd ed. 1663 Sighmore, A, 1787 Mitcheson, R.E. 1887 Shelford, L. 1836 Tudor, O.D. 2nd ed. 1862 3rd ed. 1889 CHARITIES. Administration of . Bourchier-Chilcott, T. 1898 City of London Parochial. Richards, S.C. 1884 Hobbayne's Charity, Brentford. Sharpe, M. 1901 Reports of the Charity Commission. See p. 161. CHARTER-PARTIES. Duckworth, L. 2nd ed. 1904 Dawes, E. 1813 Deggett, E. 1894 Scrutton, T.E. 5th ed. 1904 See also Bills of Ladin&. CHARTER ROLLS. Calendar of State Papers. No. 6. Record Commission, Nos. 5, 34. CHARTERS. American. America. 1766 Ancient. Ayloffe, Sir J. Camden Society, No. 8. Madox, T. 1774 1702 Pipe Roll Society, No. 10. Spelman, Sir R. 1723 Bodleian. Bodleian Dihra/ry. 1878 Lancaster. Dancaster. 1846 London, City of. London. [1680] Magna Carta. Blackstone, Sir W. 1759-71 Johnson, S. 2nded. 1772 Thomson, R. 1829 Select. Stubbs, W., Bp. 2nd ed. 1874 CHEQUES. See Bills op Exchan&b. CHESTER, EARLDOM OF. Doderidge, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1714 CHILDREN. Custody and Protection. Martin, T.C. and Q.T. 2nd ed. 1896 Laws relating to. Baker, C.C.M. 1885 Rail, W.C. 2nded. 1904 Dewis and Barrows. 1894 Matthews and Maund. 1895 844 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. CHILD'S BANK. History. Price, F.G.S. CHILI. Codes. See Codes, p. 179. Succession Laws. Orain, W. CHINA AND CHINESE. China and Chinese Tartary. Davies, J.F. Du Salde, J.B. Chinese Speaker. Thorn, B. Criminal Law. Alabaster, U. Etude de Litterature Chinoise. Firy, A.T. 1902 1880 1836 1738-41 1846 1899 1879 Fundamental Laws. Staunton, Sir O.T. 1810 CHOSES IN ACTION. Warren, W.M. 1899 CHRISTIANITY. Antiquity of, among the Scots. Thomson, G. (Scottish History Society, No. 44.) Evidences of. Falet/, W. 1859 Sermons on. SteUing, S. 1750-60, 1766 CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. Howes, J. [Reprint of MS., 1582.] 1904 CHRONOLOGY. Beverege, W. 1705 Blair, J. 1754-68 Newton, Sir I. 1728 Scaliger, J. 1629 Biblical. Black, W.H. 1864 Dates. Dictionary of. Saydn, J. 23rd ed. 1904 Yerification of. Bond, J.J. 4th ed. 1889 Clement F. 1818-44 Encyclopaedia of . Woodward and Gates. 1872 Tables of. Blair, J. 1844 CHRYSANTHEMUM. Culture of. Broom, 8. 1857 CHURCH AND STATE. Flowden, F. 1795 State Interference in Matters Spiritual. Bennett, W.J.F. 1869 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Articles, Canons and Congtitutions. Articles of Religion. Ayliffe, J. Davis, C.H. Oibson, E. Johnson, J. Lamhert, W. Napier, J. Mogers, T. Sparrow, A. Spelman, Sir S. Walcott,M.E.C. Welchman, F. Repeal of the xxixth Canon. Baptism. Choral yervices in Parish Churches. Phillimore and Stephens. Disquisitions relating to. [_Jones, «/.] Endowments. Brewer, J.S. Ducarel, A.G. Government. Burton, S. Prynne, W. History. Alford, M. Dixon, R.W. Fuller, T. Harpsfield, N. Parker, Archhp. Perry, G.G. Shaw, W.A. Smith, B., Bp. Stillingfleet, F. Twysden, Sir S. Wakeman, S.O. Reformation. Blunt, J.R. Burnet, G. 1633 2nd ed. 1734 1869 1713 2nd ed. 1761 1720, 1731 1868 1865 1633 2nd ed. 1671 1639-64 1874 1819 1861 1868 1750 2nd ed. 1885 1763 1644 1644 1663 1878-85 1655 1622 1605 5th ed. 1888 1900 1654 1685 1675 5th ed. 1900 1878-82 4th ed. 1716 1829 Cambridge Modern History .(Yol,2.)l90'6 Camden Society, No. 77. Stone, J.M. 1904 Strype, J. 1816, 1824 Eve of the. Gasquet, F.A. 1900 Influence of Dean Colet upon. Lvpton, J.H. 1893 Inns of Court and. Fletcher, R.J. Impropriations, Case of. Kennett, W. Laws of. Blunt, J.H. Cripps, H.W. Phillimore, Sir R. Stephens, A.J. Whitehead, B. 1903 1704 1873 3rd ed. 1857 6th ed. 1886 1873 2nded. 1895 1848 2nd ed. 1899 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 845 CHUECH OF 'E^aLMSD— continued. Letters on. Sope, A.J.B. 1851 Ornaments, Rubric. Qrueher, C.S. 1877 Pacification and Edification. Bacon, Francis. [1604] Patronage. Bacon, J. 1786 MaUory, J. 1737 Position and Prospects of. Oreenwood, T. 1851 Hessey, J. A. 1886 , Bitualism. Copes, Chasubles, Transubstantiation. Strother, J.B. s.T). Disputed Ritual Ornaments and tTsages. Brooks, G.H. 1866 Plea for Toleration. Bennett, W.J.E. 1867 parum Breviary. Sa/rum Breviary. 1889 Berrices. Bricti, a. 1875 Halcombe, J.J. 1858 Settlement of. Oould, G. 1862 |Bynods and Coimcils. Joyce, J. W. 1855 Spe man, Sir H. 1639-64 Wake, W., Archbp. 1703 Wilkins, B. 1737 See also Tbactaeian Movement. CHUECH OF ROME. Butler, C. • 1825 Cancellieri, F. 1802 Greenwood, T. 1856-72 Mornay, P. de. 1611 Absolution, Right of Soldiers to. Urquhart, D. [1869] In Ireland. Fhelan, W. 3rd ed. 1854 Popes, History of. Bower, A. 1748-66 Pastor, L. 2nd ed. 1898-1900 Platina, B.S. 1626 CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Assembly Commission Records, 1646-49. Scottish History Society, Nos. 11, 25. Free Church Appeals, 1903-04. Orr, R.L. 1904 CHURCH MUSIC. Anglican. Knowles, A. 1895 CHUECH EATES. Braintree Case. Johnson, G, W. 1837-43 » CHUECHES, VISITATIONS OF. Belonging to St. Pauls, 1249-1458. Camden Society, new series, Nos. 53, 55. Southwell Minster. Camden Society, new series. No. 48. CHUECHWAEDENS. Lamhard, W. 1619 Prideaux, C.G. 16th ed. 1895 Accounts. Durham, 1580-1700. Sv/rtees Society, No. 84. Ludlow, 1540-98. Camden Society, No. 102. CIMBEI. Themis Cimbrica. Arpe, P.F. 1737 CIECUIT SYSTEM. Lawrence, F. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Best, W.M. Wills, W. 1844 5th ed. 1902 CIVIL LAW. See Roman and Civil Law. CIVIL PEOCEDUEE. Roscoe, F.S. 2nded. 1880 CIVIL SEEVICE LAW. United States. Clarke, W.H. 2nd ed. 1891 CIVIL WAE, THE. Gardiner, S.R. 1886-91 Guizot, F.P.G. 1841 Monttith de Salmonet. 1661 Prynne, W. 1642 Affairs of State, 1639-49. Nalson, J. 1682-83 Champions of the. Ricraft, J. [Reprint of 1647.] 1818 Committee of Compounding. Calendar of State Papers, No. 16. Surtees Society, No. 111. Duke of Hamilton's Expedition, 1648. iScottish History Society, No. 44. Fairfax Correspondence. Fairfax, T., Lord. 1849 Independency. Walker, C. 1649-51 Long Parliament. Camden Society, No. 31 (Vemey Papers.) Ludlow, E. 1812 May, T. 1812 Walker, C. 1648 846 INDEX TO SCJBJECTS. CIVIL WAR, TKE—continned. Manchester, Earl of, and Cromwell. Camden Society, new series, Nos. 12, 31. Papers, 1643-50. Scottish History Society, No. 15. Pontefract Castle, Siege of, 1644-45. Surtees Society, No. 37. Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Clarendon, U., Earl of. 1702-04 Newed. 1826 Bugdile, Sir W. 1681 Walker, Sir JE. 1705 Royal Army, Marches of. Camden Society, No. 74. Secret Negociations with Charles I., 1643-44. Camden Society, new series. No. 31. Tracts relating to. Ma^eres, F. 1815 CIVILISATION. BucJcle, H.T. New ed. 1891 Guizut, F.P.a. 1840 Translated by Hazlitt. 1890 ' Harris, G. 1861 Machinnon, W.A. 3rd ed. 1849 CLAIMS, COURT OF. [ Wynne, JE.] 1765 CLASSICS. Gbeek. MscTiyUs. 1806-27 Aristophanes. 1823 Aristotle. 1820-83 Demosthenes. 1814 Dictys Cretensis et Dares Fhrygius. 1825 Latin. Euripides. Somer. Longinius. Imcianus. Thocion. Sophocles. Thucydides. 1821 1799-1871 1820 1615, 1619 1764 1819-24 1821-23 Mlianus, Claudius. 1701 Msop. 1822-97 Apuleius, Lucius. 1825 Ausonius, D.Magnus. 1823 Boethius, A.M.T.S. 1823 Csesar, Caius Julius. 1678-1819 Catullus, Caius Valerius. 1737-1822 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 1554-1884 Claudianus, Claudius. 1677-1821 Curtius, Quintus. 1825 Epictetus. 1655 Eutropius, Flavius. 1824 Festus, S.P., et Flaccus, M. V. 1692-1826 Flwus Annseus, Lucius. 1702-1822 Gellius, Aulus. 1687-1824 CLASSICS— co»fi»Merf. Latin. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus 1825-95 Justinus. 1822 Justinus, Martyr. 1722 Juvenalis, Decius Junius. 1820 Juvenalis, D.J., et J'ersius, A.F. 1671-1821 Livius Patavinus, Titus. 1814-28 Lucanus, Marcus Annxus. 1818-96 Lucretius, Titus Cams. 1823 Manilius, Marcus. 1828 Martialis, Marcus Valerius. 1670-1823 Nepos, Cornelius. 1806-22 Ovidius Naso, Publius. 1821 Panegyrici Veteres. 1676-1828 Paterculus, Caius Velleius. 1822 Persius, Aulus Flaccus. 1671-1820 Phxdrus. 1822 J lautus, Marcus Actius. 1829 I'linius, Caius Caecilius Secundus. 1751 Plinius, Caius Secundus. 1826 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius. 1755-1822 Prudentius, Aurelius. 1824 Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. 1798-1834 Sallustius, ( aius Crispus. 1789-1820 Statius, J ublius I apiniiis. 1824 Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius, 1826 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. 1685-1821 Terentius Afer, Publius. 1641-1824 Tibullus, Albius. 1749-1822 Valerius Maximus. 1823 Victor, Sextus Aurelius. 1670-1829 Virgilius Maro, Publius. 1717-1819 CLASSICS FOR THE MILLION. Grey, H. 1898 CLERaY, THE. Church and Clergy. Wake, W. Archbp. 1703 1905 3rd ed. 1857 6th ed. 1886 1731 1848 3rd ed. 1725 2nd ed. 1881 Directory. Crockford. Law relating to. Cripps, S.W. Johnson, J. Stephens, A.J. Watson, W. Legal Guide. Urlin, R.D. CLERKENWELL. History of. Pinks, W.J. CLERKS AND CLERKSHIP. Manley, T. See also Cleek, p. 175. CLOSE ROLLS. Calendar of State Papers, No. 5. Record Commission, No. 38. 2nd ed. 1881 1672 I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 847 jTTBS. Law relating to. Wertheimer, J. 3rd ed. 1903 Blackstone, Sir W. 1762 3rd ed. 1771 Registration of. WiLliamson, J.B. 2nd ed. 1902 [ Wynne, E.'] 1765 COAL MINES REaULATION ACTS. Francis- Williams and Pitt-Lewis. 1896 Peace, M.W. 1888 CODES. See pp. 178—184. Grecian, Roman, and Feudal. Butler, C. Table of. Lyon- Caen, C. CODIFICATION. 2nd ed. 1807 1876 1828 COLLATERAL CONSANOUINITY. Bentham, J. Best, W.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1856 Marshall, W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1861 Common Law. f Carter, J.C. Field, D.D. iminal Law. Hammond, A. Lewis, F.D. temational Law. Bluntschli, J.C Field, D.D. Marcoartu, Don A. de Internationalism.) Sprague, A. P. (Ibid.) See also International Law Association p. 385. 1884 1884 1825-29 2nd ed. 1878 3rd ed. 1881 2nd ed. 1876 (imder 1876 1876 COINS AND COINAGE. British, Ancient. 1809 .Vavies, E. Record Commission, No. 24. Dissertation sur les Monnoyes antiques d'Espagne. Mahudel, N. (Mariana's Histoire generate d'Espagne.) 1725 English Coins. Eenfrey, W. 1891 Oxford Silver Pennies. Oxford Historical Society, No. 46. Tables of Ancient Coins. Arhuthnot, J. 1727 Views of Coins of England. Snellmg, T. 1762-69 coldingham priory. Surtees Society, No. 12. COLLIERIES, LAW OF. Digest. Hamilton and Forbes. COLLISIONS AT SEA. Marsden, R,&. Raikes, F. W. See also Shipping. 1902 5th ed. 1904. 1881, 1895 COLONIAL LAW. Chapters on. Tarring, O.J. 2nd ed. 1893 Commentaries on. Burge, W. 1838 Opinions of eminent Lawyers on, Chalmers, G. 1858 St. Vincent. Shephard, G. 1822 Shipping (America and W. Indies.) Farnshaw, W. 1818 Summary of. Clark, C. 1834 West Indies. Howard, J.H. 1827 COLONIAL LEGISLATURES. Competence of, to enact Laws in Derogation of Common Liability. Anstey, T.C. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1868 COLONIAL OFFICE LIST. See p. 190. COLONIAL STATISTICS. Martin, R.M. COLONIAL STATUTES. Colonial. 1839 See Statutes, COLONIES, BRITISH. Administration of. Pownall, T. 3rd ed. 1766 Appeal to Privy Council. Renton, A . W. 1888 British Rule and Jurisdiction beyond the seas. Jenkyns, Sir H. 1902 Colonies and Plantations in America. Child, D'Avenant and Wood. 1775 I 848 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. COLONIES, B'RITISH— continued. Constitution of. Stokes, A. 1783 Imperial Statutes relating to. Figsioit, F.T. 1902-04 Opinions concerning. Chalmers, G. 1858 Parliamentary Government of. Todd, A 1894 Registration of Title in. Registration of Title. 1881 State Papers. Calendar of State I^apers, No. 27. Taxation of American Colonies. America. 1765-66 COMMENDAMS. Commendams. (Collectanea Juri- dica, Tol. 1.) 1791 COMMERCE. Ancient Black Sea. Arrianus, F. 1805 Indian Ocean. Robertson, W. 1809 Vincent, W. 1807 Dictionary of. Mcrulloch, J.B. 1859-60 Mortimer, J. 1766-67 Rostlethwai/t, M. 2nd ed. 1757 Growth of. Cunningham, W. 1890-92 History of British, 1763-1870. Levi, L. 1872 Origin of. Anderson, A. 1787-89 COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Guide to. Coumhe, E.S. 1899 COMMERCIAL LAW. Casaregis J.M. de. 2nd ed. 1740 Chitty, E. 14th ed. 1863 Siipplement, [1865] Hurst and Cecil. 1891 Levi, L. 2nd ed. 1863 Malynes, O. 16Hfi WooLrych, R. W. 1829 French. Anthoine de St. Joseph. Argles, N. Bravard-Veyri^res, F. Qoirartd. L. Pardessus, J.M. Dictionary of. Ooujet et Merger. See also Meecantilb Law. 1844 1882 3rd ed. 1846 2Dded. 1898 6th ed. 1856-57 1845-46 COMMISSION AGENTS. See AGENCY. COMMISSIONS, SECRET. London Chamber of Commerce. 1899 COMMON LAW. Broom, H. 8th ed. 1888 9th ed. 1896 Cornish, T.H. 2nded. 1843 Elliott, M. 1898 Gotzprt, C.B.S. [1765] Glisson a>d Gulston. 2nded. 1679 Gregory, A. 1663 Hale, Sir M. 2nd ed. 1716 6th ed. 1820 Hale, R. 1848 Holmes, O.W. 1881 Indermaur, J. 8th ed. 1898 9th ed. 1901 Jacob, G. 2nded. 1733 Smith, J. W. 11th ed. 1898 Wingate, E. 1658 Abridgments of. See Abbidgments. Elements of. Bacon, Francis. 1630-36 Epitome of. Shpppard, W. 1656 Evidence at. Thayer, J.B. 1898 Expansion of. Pollock, Sir F. 1904 Forms. Chitty, T. 10th ed. 1866 11th ed. 1879 12th ed. 1883 13th ed. 1902 Tidd, W. 1828 History of. Crabb, G. 1829 Ireland. Procedure Acts. Ferguson, W.D. 2nded. 1857 Leading Cases. Shirley, W.S. 1880 Smith, J. W. Philosophy of. Broom, H. Possession in. Pollock and Wright Practice and Procedure. Archbold, J.F. 7th ed. 1904 11th ed. 1903 3rded. 1883 1888 Chitty, J. Lush, Sir R. Tidd, W. 12th ed. 1866 13lh ed. 1879 14th ed. 1883 2nd and 3rd ed. 1836-3 18 3rd ed. 186 1828- Commission on. Common Law Commission. Common Law Procedure Acts. Bay, J. C. Principles. Indermaur, J. 4th ed. 1872 8th ed. 1898 9th ed. 1901 I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 849 3rd ed. 1893 4tli ed. 1897 5tli ed. 1904 1630 1658 1860 1787 1679 COMMON LAW— continued. Principles — con. Guide. Indermaur, J. Eules and Maxims. Bacon, Francis. Wingate, IE. COMMON LAW COUETS. Equitable Jurisdiction. Marshall, W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) COMMON PLACE BOOKS. Milton, J. (Camden Society, new series, Nos. 16, 16*.) COMMON PLEAS, COFET OP. Discourse concerning. Sale, Sir M., (Hargrave's Law Tracts.) Forms of Judicial Writs. Officina Brevium. History, Jurisdiction, and Practice. Gilbert, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1761 Harrison, J. 1761 Impey, J. 5th ed. 1812 Practical Register. 1714-43, 1800 {^Richardson, R.'] 3rd ed. 1758 Precedents, etc. Gardiner, R. 1717-24 COMMONS, HOUSE OF. Behrett, J. 1905 Satsell, J. 1781-96, 1818 See also Paemambnt, pp. 564-6. ONS AND COMMON LAND. ;lish Commons and Forests. Lefevre, &.S. 1894 iclosure of. CooJce, G.W. 4tli ed. 1864 Open Spaces, Footpaths and Eights of Way. Hunter, Sir R. 2nd ed. 1902 Public Eights over. Finlaison, J. 1867 Eights of. Hall, J.F. 1871 Williams, Joshua. 1880 Woolrych, H. W. 2nd ed. 1850 See also p. 191. COMMONWEALTH TOEATE, THE. AND PEOTEC- JOMMONWEALTH. Hohhes, T. (Leviathan.) Kirchner, H. March, J. More, Sir T. (Utopia.) Smith, Sir T. 1651 1608 1651 1895 1640 Gardiner, S.R. 1894-1901 Godwin, W. 1824-28 InderwicTc, F.A. 1891 State Papers. See Calbndab OP State Papers, p. 118. COMPANIES. Acts relatiQg to. BucJcley, Sir H.B. 6th ed. 1891 7th ed. 1897 Suppt. 1900 8th ed. 1902 1893 Fotvke, V. de S. Act, 1900. Bradley, F.F. 1901 Palmer, F.B. 1900 Observations on. lAndley, Lord. (Juri- dical Society, vol. 2.) 1861 Contributories. Collier, R. 1875 Debentures. Palmer, F.B. (Precedents.) 9th ed. 1903 Formation of. Nicholas, V. 2nd ed. 1904 Forms. PaZmer.J^.JB. (Precedents.) 8th ed. 1902 Smith, T.F. 1896 Insurance. Bunyon, C.J. 4th ed. 1904 Law and Practice. Beach, C.F. 1891 Healey, Wheeler and Burney. 3rded. 1894 Lindley, Lord. 6th ed. 1902 Mackenzie, Geare and Hamilton. 1893 Palmer, F.B. 5th ed. 1905 Rawlins and Macnaghten. 1901 Shelford, L. 2nd ed. 1870 Thring, Lord. 5th ed. 1889 Wordsworth, C.F.F. 10th ed. 1865 Summary of. Smith, T.F. 7th ed. 1901 Limited Liability. Sweet, G. 1855 Liquidation. Buckley, Sir H.B. (Juridical Society, vol. 4.) 1873 Precedents. Gore-Browne, F. 3rd ed. 1903 Palmer, F.B. 9th ed. 1903-06 Trading and other Companies. Manson, F. 2nd ed. 1893 Ultra Vires. Brice, S. 3rd ed. 1893 Winding-up. Fmden, A. Palmer, F.B. (Precedents.) Pitt-Lewis, G. See also Companies, p. 191. 5th ed. 1896 6th ed. 1902 2nded. 1893 9th ed. 1904 1891 S E q 850 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. COMPENSATION, LAW OF. Agricultural Holdings Act. Bund,J.Tr.JF. 3rd ed. 1904 Lands and Eailways Clauses. Boyle and Waghorn. 1903 Browne and Allan. 2nd ed. 1903 Cripps, C.A. 4th ed. 1900 Ingram, T.B. 1869 Lloyd, JEJ. 6th ed. 1895 Mayer, S. 1903 Wool/ and Middleton. 1884 Wordsworth, C.F.F. 1883 COMPOSITION WITH CEEDITOKS. Bankeuptcy. See CONCOEDANCES. Bible. Young, M. 1892 Shakespeare. ClarJce, M.C. 1875 Key to. Clarice, C. and M.C. 1879 CONFESSION. Blaclchurne, F. 2nd ed. 1767 In Criminal Cases. Sopwood, C.E. (Juridical Society, Tol. 3.) 1865 CONFLICT OF LAWS. Burge, W. 1838 Dicey, A.V. 1896 Fiore, P. 1875 Savigny, F.C. von. 2nd ed. 1880 Story, J. 8th ed. 1883 Westlake, J. . 1858 4th ed. 1905 Wharton, F. 1872 CONSISTOEY COUET. Judgments, 1872-90. Tristram, T.S. 1893 CONSPIEACIES. Criminal Conspiracies and Agreements. Wright, Sir B.S. CONSTABLES. Lambard, W. 1878 1619 CONSTITUTION AND GOVEENMENT OF ENQ-LAND— cowWmmcc?. Bagehot, W. New ed. 1872 7th ed. 1894 Boutmy, E. 1891 Brougham, Lord. 3rd ed. 1862 Care, S. 4th ed. 1719 Collectanea Juridica. 1791-92 Courtney, L. 1901 Cox, H. 1854, 1863 Be Lolme, J.L. 1777 Fortescue, Sir J. 1885 Gilbert, Sir J. 1760 Searn, W.F. 2nd ed. 1887 Sigden, W. 1709 4th ed. 1716 Johnson, C.W.and G.W. 1835 King, E. 1767 Kydd, S. 1888 Lorimer, J. 2nd ed. 1867 Lyndewode, W. 1505 Plowden, F. 1795 Rowland, B. 1859 Russell, Earl. New ed. 1865 Sadler, J. 1649 Smith, Sir T. 1640 Somers, J., Lord. 1710 (Tracts.) 2nd ed. 1809-15 Squire, S. 1745 Sttiart, G. 2nd ed. 1770 Sullivan, F.S. ■ 1772 Todd, A. (Parliamentary.) 2nded. 1887-89 Twysden, Sir M. (Camden Society, No. 45.) Tyrrell, J. 1718 Wynne, E. 5th ed. 1822 CONSTITUTION AND OOVEENMENT OF ENGLAND. Aeherley, B. 1727 Amos, S. 1880 Bacon, N. 1647 4th ed. 1739 Book of Eights. Taylor E. 1833 Liberty of the Subject. Care, S. 4th ed. 1719 Ellys, C. 1765 Sakewil, W. 1641 Jenkins, B. 1648 [Another ed.] 1681 Paterson, J. 1877-80 Magna Charta. Blackstone, Sir W. 1759-71 Johnson, S. 2nded. 1772 Thomson, R. 1829 CONSTITUTIONAL HISTOEY Boutmy, E. 1891 Brodie, G. 1822 Creasy, Sir E. 3rd ed. 1856 16th ed. 1^92 Elliott, M. 1897 Feilden, R.St.C. 3rd ed. 1895 Freeman, E.A. 1871 Fulton, Sir F. 1871 Glasson, E, 1882-8I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 861 CONSTITUTIONAL BIBTOWZ— continued. Gneisf, M. 1882 English trans. 2nd ed. 1889 Hallam, S. 7th ed. 1854 New ed. 1881 Students' ed. 1888 May, Sir T.E. 2nd ed. 1863 Medley, B.J. 1894 2nd ed. 1898 Millar, J. 4th ed. 1818 Montague, F.C. 1894 Prothero, G.W. 1894 Stubbs, W.,Bp. 1887-91 Taswell-Langmead, T.P. 5th ed. 1896 6th ed. 1905 Anal, by "Wilshere. 2nd ed. 1905 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Anson, Sir W.M. (Parliament.) 3rded. 1897 (The Crown.) 2nd ed. 1896 Boutmy, U. 1891 Bowyer, Sir G. 2nd ed. 1846 Broom, H. 2nd ed. 1885 Dicey, A.V. 6th ed. 1902 Elliott, M. 1897 Jacob, G. 1719 Cases and Opinions on. Forsyth, W. 1869 i Q-uide. Indermaur and Thwaites. 1894 4th ed. 1905 Leading Cases. Thomas, E. C. 1876 2nded, 1885 Political Science and. Burgess, J. W. 1898 United States. Sare, J.I.C. 1889 Pomeroy, J.N. 9th ed. 1886 'CONSULS, BEITISH. Fynn, R. 3rd ed. 1851 Jurisdiction. JenJcyns, Sir S. 1902 ' Piggott, F.T. 1892 Tarring, C.J. 1887 CONTEMPT OF COUET. \ Oswald, J.F. 1892 2nd ed. 1895 JONTINaENCIES. Preston, E. (Tracts.) JONTINaENT EEMAINDERS. 1797 Fearne, C. Srded. 1776 10th ed. 1844 CONTEABAND OF "WAE. Solland, T.E. (Naval Prize Law.) Moseley, J. CONTEACTS, LAW OF, 1888 1861 Addison, C.G. 10th ed. 1903 Anson, Sir W.M. 9th ed. 1899 10th ed. 1903 Carter, A.T. 1902 Chitty, J.,jim. 4th ed. 1850 9th ed. 1871 10th ed. 1876 11th ed. 1881 14th ed. 1904 Comyn, S. 2nd ed. 1824 Hare, J.I.C. 1887 Leake, 8.M. 5th ed. 1906 Newland, J. 1806 Plumptre, C. CM. 1879 Pollock, Sir F. 7th ed. 1902 Pothier, B.J. 1806 Powell, J.J. 1790 Smith, J.W. 8th ed. 1885 Story, W.W. 3rd ed. 1851 JJllah and Colclough. 1895 ng Contracts. Hudson, A. A. 2nd ed. 1895 Contract of Sale. Pothier, R.J. Trans, by Gushing. 1840 French. Delamarre et Le Poitvin. 1840-47 Indian. Pollock, Sir F. Law and Equity, Fusion of, in. Smith, P. V, (Juridical Society, vol. 4.) 1905 1871 Leading Cases. Finch, G.B. Langdell, C.C. 2nded 1896 1871 Specific Performance. Batten, E. Fry, Sir E. Rawlins, W.B. 4th ed. 1849 1858 1903 1899 G-uide to. Indermaur and Thwaites. 1886 CONTEIBUTOEIES. Collier, R. 1875 CONVEYANCES, PEAUDULENT Hunt, A.J. May,H.W. Roberts, W. 1872 2nded. 1897 1887 1800 j; E E 2 862 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 4th ed. 1894 5th ed. 1900 3rd ed. 1885 1900 7th ed. 1891 8th ed. 1897 3rd ed. 1879 4th ed. 1898 1887 COIfYETANCIIfG. Costs, See Costs. Extrinsic formalities. Cooper, C.P. 1831 Forms. Davidson, C. 1876-85 Underhill, A. (Encyclopaedia.) 1902-06 Guide to. Indermaur, J. (Q-uide to Prideaux.) 4th ed. 1899 Introduction to. Elphinstone, Sir H. W. SheoTwood, J. A. Strahan, J. A. Leading Cases in. Indermaur, J. Tudor, 0J>. Patents Conveyancing. Morris, M. Practice and Precedents. Barton, C. 1802-05 milinghurst, G. 1705 Bridgman, Sir O. 5th ed. 1725 Bythewood and Jarman. 1821-34 3rd ed. 1839-61 4th ed. 1884-90 Suppt. 1893 1882 1855 1832 1724 5th ed. 1859 2nd ed. 1821 1876-85 2nd ed. 1883 1654 2nd ed. 1698 8th ed. 1891 5th ed. 1840 2nded. 1658 1744 1900 2nded. 1904 1714, 1716 8th ed. 1904 1863 1719 1844 1786 1528 14th ed. 1757 Powell, J.J. 1802 Freston, B. 3rd ed. 1817-21 Frideaux.F. 2nd ed. 1856 18th ed. 1900 Ritson, J. 2nd ed. 1820 COKTEYA'NCmOr— continued. Cavanagh, C. Clayton, W.C. Coventry, T. Covert, N. Crabb, Q. Crisp, J. Davidson, C. Deane, S.C. Fidell, T. [^Gardiner, R.'\ Ghreenwood, Q.W. Sayes, W. Seme, J. Horsman, Q. Indermaur, J. Jacob, G. Key and Mphinstone. lewis, S. Lilly, J. Martin, T. Newnam, W. Ferkins, J. Practice and Precedents- -eon. Sheppard, W. 1648 7th ed. 1820-21 8th ed. 1826 Stewart, J. 3rded. 1846-47 Sweet, G. 1850 Tamlyn, J. 1834 Watkins, C. 9th ed. 1845 West, W. 1611-47 Wolstenholme and Capron. 6th ed. 1902 Wood, JS. 5th ed. 1790-93 Concise Precedents. Davidson, M. G. 18th ed. 1904 Hayes, W. Hughes, W. 4th ed. 1882 2nded. 1855-50 Sweet, G. 4th ed. 1886 Index to Precedents. C oping er, W,A. 1872 Students' Precedents. Clark, J. W. 3rded. 1905 Statutes. Marcy, G.N. 5th ed. 1893 Theory and Practice. Conveyancing. (Collectanea Juri- dica, vol. 1.) 1792 See also Contetancing, p. 194. CONVEYANCINa AND LAW OF PEO- PEETY ACTS, 1881-82. Clerke and Brett. Hood and Challis. Bubinstein, J.S. Williams, T.C. Wolstenholme, E.F. 4th ed. 6th ed. 4th ed. 8th ed. 9th ed. 1897 1901 1882 1884 1899 1905 CONVICTIONS. Penal Statutes. Boscaioen, W. Nares, J. 1792 1814 Summary Convictions. Faley, W. 8th ed 1904 COPENHAGEN. Wraxall, Sir N.W. COPYHOLD. Blackstone, Sir W. Calthrop, C. Coke, Sir E, 1776 1762 3rded. 1771 2nd ed. 1650 1650-1764 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 853 COVYSOLD— continued. niton and MacTcay. Fisher, B.B. Scriven, J. WatJcins, C. Act, 1841. Forster, R. W.E Enfranchisement. Brown, A. Rudall and Qreig. Shelf ord, L. Estates. Carter, S. 2nded. 1893 1794 2nded. 1803 3rd ed. 1832-42 7tlied. 1896 1797-99 4th ed. 1825 1841 2nded. 1895 1895 1858 1696 2nded. 1701 Argument on fines payable on admission to. Loughborough, Lord. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.) 1792 Surrender. Copyhold. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1792 Sanders, F.W. 1819 Tenure, Origin of. Beaumont, G. 1835 COPYRiaHT. Copinger, W.A. 4th ed. Drone, F.S. Lowndes, J.J. 2nd ed. Macgillivray , E.J. Phillips, C.P. Putnam, G.S, . Scrutton, T.E. 4th ed. Shortt, J. 2nd ed. Artistic. Winsloto, B. Books. Birr ell, A, Copyright Commission. See p. 198. Designs. Edmunds, L. Tv/rner, T. Fine Arts. Ma/rshall, W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 Musical. Cutler, Smith and Weatherly. 1890 Cutler, E. 1905 1904 1879 1842 1902 1863 1891 1903 1884 1889 1899 1895 1851 CORN LAWS. Jacob, W. 1828 Limitation of Supply of &rain. UrquhaH, B. [1855] COENWALL. Antiquities. Borlase, W. 1754 Duchy of. Boderidge, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1714 Natural History. Borlase, W. 1758 CORONEES. Greenwood, W. Impey, J. Jervis, Sir J. Sheriff. 8th ed. 1722 2nd ed. 1800 6th ed. 1898 1696 History of the Office. Gross, C. (Selden Society, No. 9.) Select Cases from the Coroners' Rolls, 1265-1413. Selden Society, No. 9. CORPORATION DUTY. Hewitt, T. Jackson, M.S. 1892 1892 CORPORATIONS. Angell and Ames. 10th ed. 1875 Beach, C.F. 1891 Grant, J. 1850 Kyd, S. 1793-94 Criminal and Civil responsibilities of. Lindley, Lord. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1857 Ultra Vires. Brice, S. 3rd ed. 1893 CORPORATIONS, MUNICIPAL. Arnold, T.J. Grant, J. Mawlinson, Sir C. Willcook, J.W. English Code. Vine, Sir J.E.S. History of Boroughs and. Merewether and Stephens. 5th ed. 1894 1850 9th ed. 1903 1827 3rd ed. 1888 1835 Report of the Commission on. See pp. 199-200. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, OXEORD. History of. Fowler, T. (Oxford Hist. Society, No. 25.) CORRUPT PRACTICES. See Eiections. CORSICA. Tovir in. Boswell, J. COSTS. Bills of. Pridmore, T. W. Chancery. Morgan and Bavey. Morgan and Wttrtzburg. 1768 7th ed. 1884 1865 1882 854 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. COSTS-^contimed. Common Law. Gray, J. Mullock, Sir J. RuUnstein, J.S. 4th ed. Sayer, J. County Courts. Cautherley, C. Equity. Beames, J. Field, JE.W. Q-eneral. Gordon, W.E. Johnson, S.M, FococTc, W.A. Scott, J. 4tli ed. Parliamentary. Webster, JJ. 4th ed. 1881 Precedents of. Summerhays and Toogood. 8th ed. 1905 Taxation of. Leake, S.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1860 COUNCILS AND SYNODS. Binius, 8. 1636 Joyce, J. W. 1855 Spelman, Sir S. 1639-64 Wake, W., Archbp. 1703 1853 179fi 1888 1768 1886 1822 1840 1884 1897 1881 1880 Whitelocke, S. dica, Tol. 2.) Wilkins, D. Concilium Illiberritanum Mendoza, F. de. Council of Trent. Canons and Decrees. Buckley, T.A. Waterworth, J. History. Sarpi, P, (Collectanea Juri- 1792 1737 1665 1851 1888 Trans, by Brent. 2nded. 1629 French trans, by Le Courayer. 1736 Lectures on. Froude, J. A. 1896 Jani Anglorum. [^Atwood, W."] 1680 COUNTY COUNCILS. Baza^gette and Guide to. See p. 202. London. Firth and COUNTY COUETS. Marshall, T.S. Acts. Lloyd, C.E. Stephen, S. and S.A, 1888 1888 1855 1888 2nd ed. 1890 COUNTY COITRTB— continued. Appeals. Chamier, D. 1896 Changes proposed. Falconer, T. 1873 Costs. Cautherley, C. 1886 Equity Practice. Thomson, A. 1896 Judges of, 1847-64. Falconer, T. 1865 Judgments Reserved. Francillon, J. 1850-57 Jurisdiction. Mumsey, A. 1867 Admiralty. Baikes and Kilburn. 1896 Thompson, V.T. 1869 Equitable. Davis, J.F. 1872 Gibbons and Sarvey. 1865 Orders and Rules. Shortt and Jones. 1868 Practice. Archbold, J.F. 10th ed. 1889 Davis, J.F. 5th ed. 1874 Seywood, G.W. 4th ed. 1886 Jagoe, J. 4th ed. 1848 Pitt-Lewis, G. 4th ed. 1890 Pollock, Sir C.F. 8th ed, 1876 Shortt and Jones. 1868 Will, J.S. 1868 Reports of Cases. Cox, Macrae and Sertslet. 1847-52 Time Table. Jeudwine, J.W. 2nd ed. 1884 See also p. 202. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Glen, A. 1890 COUNTY RATES. See ^.202. COURT HAND. Wright, A. COURT KEEPER. Jacob, G. Sheppard, W. COURT OF APPEAL. Calvert, F. COURTIER, THE. Castiglione, Conte. COURTS. History of. Karnes, Lord. 9th ed. 1879 2nd ed. 1715 7th ed. 1685 1874 1727-66 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 856 COURTS BAEON AND COURTS LEET. Fisher, R.B. Greenwood, W. Chirdon, T. Justice of Peace. Kitchin, J. Powell, R, Siison, J. 1794 2nd ed. 1803 Sthed. 1722 1731 1533, 1574 4tlied. 1663 1642 2nded. 1809 1805 1901 1825 Scriven, J. (Copyhold.) 3rded. 1833-34 4th ed. 1896 Selden Society, Wos. 4, 5. COURTS MANORIAL. Select Pleas. Selden Society, No. 2. COURTS MARTIAL. McArthur, J. 2nd ed. 1805 Simmons, T.F. 7th ed. 1875 Naval. Delafons, J. Stephens, Gifford and Smith Observations on the proceedings of. Kennedy, V. COURTS OF ADMIRALTY. See Admiealty. COURTS OF JUSTICE. Lamhard, G. 1635 Assimilation of Jurisdiction. Aston, J.J. 1863 Authoritie et Jurisdiction. Crompton, E. 1594 Diversity of, and their Jurisdiction. Some, A. 1646 COURTS OF JUSTICE, THE ROYAL. Design for. Scott, G.G. n.d. COURTS OF REQUESTS. Sutton, W. 1806 COVENANTS. Samilton, G.B. 2nd ed. 1904 Piatt, T. 1829 History of. Karnes, Lord. 1758 Restraint of Trade. Matthews, J.B. 1893 Be« alto OoTBifAirTs, p. 208. COVENANTS FOR TITLE. Rawle, W.S. 4th ed. 1873 COVERTURE. Law of Infancy and. Bingham, P. 1816 CREATION, THE Sandys, R.S. 1875 CREED, THE APOSTLES'. Pearson, J., Bp. CRIME. Classification and definition. Stephens, Sir J.F. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) CRIMEAN WAR. Letters from the Crimea. Sterling, Sir A.C. Urquhart, S.A. 7th ed. 1701 1856 [1857] 1857 CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. Beccaria, B.C. 2nd ed. 1769 Bentham, J. 1830 -Dm Cane, Sir F.F. 1885 CRIMINAL CODE. See p. 208. CRIMINAL EVIDENCE ACT, 1898. Allen, W.B. 1898 CRIMINAL INFORMATIONS. Cole, W.R. 1848 ShorU, J. 1887 CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE. Phillips, S.A.I>. 1889 CRIMINAL LAW. Disney and Gund/ry. Sarris, S.F. Kenny, C.S. Russell, Sir W.O. 1895 9th ed. 1901 10th ed. 1904 1902 5th ed. 1877 6th ed. 1896 Shirley, W.S. 1880 Administration de la Justice criminelle en Angleterre. Cottu, C. 1820 Amendment Acts. Burnie,R.W. 1885 Mead and Bodkin, 2nd ed. 1890 Woolryoh, S.W. 1862 1 856 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. CEIMINAL LAW— continued. Canadian. Clarke, S.B. 1872 Chinese. Alabaster, JE. 1899 Codes. See p. 208. Codification. Lewis, U.D. 2nd ed. 1878 Commissions . See p. 208. Consolidation Acts. Greaves, C.S. 2nd ed. 1862 Conspiracies. Wright, Sir U.S. 1873 Digests. Crimes and Punishments. Stephen, Sir J.F. 4th ed. 6th ed. 1887 1904 1883 1906 Indictable OfEences. Stephen, Sir J.F. and Sir S. Elements. Wilshere, A.M. General view. Stephen, Sir J.F. 2nd ed. 1890 G-uide to. Thwaites, C. 4th ed. 1896 5th ed. 1900 6th ed. 1902 1826-28 Hanover. Bauer, A. History of. Karnes, Lord. 1758 Stephen, Sir J.F. 1883 Indian. Mayne, J.D. 1892 Starling, M.S. 4th ed. 1886 Inqtdry into the present state of. Miller, J. 1822 Leading Oases. Bennett and Sewrd. 2nd ed. 1869 Kenny, C.S. 1901 Shirley, W.S. 1888 Warhurton, S. 3rd ed. 1903 Peel's Acts. Archhold, J.F. 2nd ed, 1830 See also Penal Law. Practice, Pleadings, and Evidence Archbold, J.F. Chitty, J. Mittermaier, C.J.A. Prentice, S. Boscoe, S. StarTcie, T. Proceedings on Indictment and Informa- tion. Bowen-Bowlands, F.B. 1904 20th ed. 1886 2l8ted. 1893 23rd ed. 1905 1816 1848 1882 12th ed. 1898 2nded. 1822 CRIMINAL LAW AMENDMENT ASSOCIA- TION. See p. 208. CEIMINAL LIABILITY. Clark, C. 1880 CEIMINAL STATUTES. Craies, W.S. 1894 CEIMINAL TEIALS. Defects and Eemedies, Cooke, G.W. 1834 CEIMINALS. Management of. Williams, Joshua. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1855 CEIMINOLOQY. Criminal Sociology. Ferri, E. 1895 Female Offender. Lombroso omd Ferrero. 1895 CEITICISM. Canons of. Fdwards, T. 1765 Elements of. Karnes, Lord. 1762 CEOFTEES AND COTTARS. See p. 209. CEOWN. Foreign Powers and Jurisdiction. Sail, W.F. 1894 Grounds and reasons of Monarchy. Sail, J. 1651 Hereditary Eight of. Sarbin, G. 1713 Pleas of the. Assises. Britton. (by Kelham.) Fast, F.S. Sale, Sir M. Sawkins, W. Selden Society, vol. 1. Staundforde, Sir W. 1679 1762 1803 1678, 1736 New ed. 1778 1716 8th ed. 1824 Tremaine, Sir J. In the County of Gloucester, 1221 Maitland, F.W. 1583-90 Another ed. 1607 1723 1884 Eeports of Cases. Kelyng, Sir J. 1708 3rd ed. 1873 Eules of Evidence on. Macnally, L. 1802 Prerogative of. Allen, J. Chitty, J.,jun. JDigges, Sir D. Jacob, G. Staundiforde, Sir W. Newed. 1849 1820 16i7 1719 1583-97 Another ed. 1600 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 867 CROWN— coniintted. Right of, in Sea Shores. Sail, E.Ch. Royalty and Loyalty. Grosse, E. Succession to. Craig, Sir T. \Farsons, 5.] 2nded. 1875 3rd ed. 1888 1647 1703 1681 i KOWN DEBTS. Prideaux, F. CROWN LANDS. Revenue of. St. John, J. CROWN LAW. Foster, Sir M. CROWN OFFICE PRACTICE. Archbold, J.F. Orady and Scotland. Short and Mellor. Rules and Forms. Short, F.H. CROWN REVENUE. Carew, G. CUMBERLAND. History and antiquities of. Nicolson and Burn. CUSTODIAN REPORTS. Conroy, J. 4th ed. 1856 1787 1762 1844 1844 1890 1886 1661 1777 1795 CUSTOM. Early Law and. Maine, Sir R.S. 1883 Manorial Customs. Blount, T. 1679 Ed. by Hazlitt. 1874 Essex. Charnock, R.S. 1870 Ham, Petersham, and West Sheen. Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2. 1792 Orleans. Fothier, M.J. 1780 Usages and Customs. Browne, J.H.B. 1875 CUSTOMS. History of, to 1827. Sail, S. 1885 Laws. Samel, F.J. 1854 CYCLOPEDIAS. See ENCXCiOPiEDiAS, p. 260. CYPRUS. See ^.216. DAMAGES. Mayne, J.D 1856 7th ed. 1903 7th ed. 1880 Sedgwick, T. Roman law of. Grueher, F. 1886 Scottish, Law of. Smith, J. G. 2nd ed. 1889 DANCES. Kemp, W. (Camden Society, No. 11.) DARK AGES. Maitland, S.S. 5th ed. 1890 DATES. Dictionary of. Saydn, J. 23rd ed. 1904 Rules for verifying. Bond, J.J. Clement, F. 4th ed. 1889 1818-44 See also CHEONOloaT. DEATH. Ars moriendi. Bodleian Facsimiles, No. Life and Death. Bacon, Francis. 1. 1623 DEATH DUTIES. Austen- Cartmell, J. Sanson, A. Sudson, C. 2nd ed. 3rd ed. 5th ed. 8th ed. 1896 1901 1904 1890 Acts, 1880-81. Sanson, A. 1883 Digest of. Norman, A.W. 2nd ed. 1899 Table of. Norman, A.W. 1896 DEATHS. Registrar-General's First Report. Registrar- Gener ah 1839 Registration of. Flaxman, A.J. 1876 858 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Action of. GHlhert, Sir J. 1760 Attachment for. Woolsey, B. 1816 Imprisonment for. Foelix, J.J.G. Sardouin, S. Stephen, J. 2nd ed. 1832 1874 1771 See also p. 224. EecoTery of. Frujean, J. 1791 DEBTORS AND CEEDITOES. See Bank- ETTPTCT. DEBTS. Ram, J. 2nd ed. 1837 Administration of Assets. Uddis, A.S. 1880 Attachment of. Cahahe, M. 3rd ed. 1900 Crown. Frideaux, F. 4th ed. 1856 Payment of. Administration of Assets in. Fddis, A.S. 1880 Agency and Trusts for. Frown, W. 1868 Public. Fenn, C. (Funds.) 16th ed. 1898 DECAMEEON. Boccaccio, G. DECLAEATIONS. Precedents of. Lee, T. DECEEES IN EQUITY. Seton, Sir E.W. 1762 1812 1830 3rd ed. 1862 4th ed. 1877-79 5th ed. 1891-93 6th ed. 1901 DECEETALS. See Canon Law. DEEDS. Ancient. Calendar of State Facers, No. 3. Interpretation of . ,„ ,, .,. , Flphinstone, Sir E.W. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1867 Flphinstone, Norton and Clark. 1885 Kelke, W.W.S. 1901 Norton, B.F. 190° DEEDS — continued. Title Deeds. Custody and Production of. Copinger, W.A, 1875 Deposit of. ZTnderdoton, F.M. 1885 Eegistration of. Cooper, C.F. 1831 Dibb, J.F. 1851 Sazlitf, W. 1851 Land Transfer. (Middx.) 1870 Wilson, J. (Middx. and Yorks.) 1819 See also p. 225. DEEDS OP AEEANGEMENT. Lawrance, G.W. 4th ed. 1892 5th ed. 1900 Bobson, a.T. 1888 Winslow, B. 1885 DEFAMATION. See Libbi and SiandSe. DEMEEAEA, COUET OF. Judgment in the case of Odwin v. Forbes. ,J. DEMESNE, ANCIENT. Yeatman, F. DEMOCEACY. American. Scott, J. Democracy and Liberty. Lecky, W.F.S. DENBiaH EEEEDOS CASE. *, A.J. DENMAEK. Danica historia. Saxo Grammaticus. 1823 1884 1890 1896 1875 1576 DESCENTS. Blackstone, Sir W. (Law Tracts.) 1762 3rd ed. 1771 cutty, S. 1825 Hale, Sir M. , ^ }^f^ Karnes, Lord. (Essays.) 3rd ed. 17b3 Swinburne, T. 1825 Watkins, C. 4th ed. 1837 DESIGNS, LAW OF. M Faniel, F.M. 1« Fdmunds, L. l°8w Tv/rner, T. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 869 DEVISES. Cases and opinions on. Devises. (Collectanea Juridica, vols. 1, 2.) 1791-92 Executory. Coote, U.S. (Analysis of Fearne.) 1814 Law of. Fearne, C. Gilbert, Sir J. Hayes, W. Keatinge, T. Poivell, J.J. 3rd ed. 1776 lOth ed. 1844 3rd ed. 1773 1824-29 1810 1788 3rd ed. 1827 DEVON. Danmonii Orientales illustres. Prince, J. New ed. 1810 DIALOGUES. Dialogues of the Dead. Lyttleton, G. 1760 Legal. Modestiniis. 1735 Moral and Political. \_Eurd, iZ.] 1759 Salomon and Saturnus. ^Ifric Society, No. 3. 1848 DIAEIES AND JOUENALS. Burton, T. 1656-59 Calverley, Sir W. 1663-1748 Cartwright, T., Bp. 1686-87 Clarendon, E.H., Earl of. 1687-90 Coningsby, Sir T. 1591 Crolcer, J. W. 1809-30 Cunningham of Craigends, W. 1673-80 Davies, R., Dean of Boss. 1688-90 -Dee, J. 1554-1600 De la Pryme, A. 1680-1703-4 Dodington, G.B. 1749-61 Dome, J. 1520 ErsUne, J. 1683-87 Evelyn, J. 1641-1705-6 ^yre, ^- 1646-49 Ferrier, B. 1687 Fretwell, J. 1718-60 Greville, C.C.F. 1818-60 Sarington, Sir J. New ed. 1792 -ff««/, -4. 1659-60 Eearne, Thomas. 1705-19 Eeny, Cardinal York. 1788 Robson, J. 1725-35 Sough, J., Bp. 1703-43 Johnston, Sir A., Lord Wariston. 1639 Lake, Sir E. 1677-78 Lauder, Sir J., Lord Fountainhall. 1665-76 DIAEIES AND ^SOVKEKL^— continued. Leeds, Francis, Duke of. 1774-96 Machyn, H. 1550-63 Manningham, J. 1602-03 Mill, J. 1740-1803 Nimmo, J. 1654-1709 Pepys, Samuel. 1659-69 Bokeby, Sir T. 1688-97 Bous, J. 1625-42 Strathmore, P., Earl of. 1684-89 Stuart, Prince Charles Edward. 1745-46 Symonds, B. 1644-45 Thoresby, B. 1677-1724 Turnbull, G. 1657-1704 Walsingham, Sir F. 1570-83 Wanley, S. 1699-1726 Whitelocke, Sir J. 1609-31 Wilbraham, Sir Boger. 1593-1616 Tonge, W. 1604-21 DICTIONAEIES. Abbreviations. Chassant, A. (Lat. & Fr.) 4th ed. 1876 Walther, J.L. 1747 Anglicised Words and Phrases. Stanford Dictiona/ry. 1892 Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature. Salkett and Laing. 1882-88 Antiquities, Greek and Eoman, Smith, Sir W. 2nd ed. 1870 Archaeological. Spelman, Sir S. 1664 Archaic and Provincial Words. Halliwell-Phillips, J. 0. 10th ed. 1887 Arts and Sciences. Karris, J. 3rd ed. 1716-23 Biblical. Smith, Sir W. 1863 Biographical. See Biogeaphy. Classical. Smith, Sir W. 1894 Commercial. Goujet et Merger. 1845-46 McCulloch, J.B. 1859-60 Mortimer, T. 1766-6 Postlethwayt, M. 2nd ed. 1757 Dates. Haydn, J. 23rd ed. 1904 Geographical. McCulloch, J.B. New ed. 1854 Geographical and Proper Names. Wright, A. (Court Hand.) 1879 Historical. ^<^yle, P. 1734-38 Collier, J. 1701-21 Hoffmann, J.J. 1698 English History. Low and Pulling. 2nd ed. 1885 860 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. DICTION AnmB— continued. Indian Judicial and Rerenue Terms. Wilson, S.S. 1855 Law, Civil. Brisson, B. 1743 Calvinus, J. 2nd ed. 1610 Another ed. 1734 Lexicon. 1594 Schardius, S. 1600 Spiegel, J. 1577 Vocabularius Juris. [1501] English. Blount, T. 3rd ed. 1717 Bouvier, J. New ed. 1897 Cowell, J. 1727 Cunningham, T. 1764-65 Holthouse, S.J. 1839 Jacob, a. 4th ed. 1739 Potts, T. New ed. 1813 Eastell, W. 1721 Stroud, F. 2nd ed. 1903 Sweet, C. 1882 Tomlins, Sir T.F. 1838 WJia/rton, J.J.S. 10th ed. 1902 Whishaw, J. 1829 French. Colluire et Boulef. 1841 Ferrihre, C.J. de. 1779 Goirand,L. 2nd ed. 1898 Bagueau, F. 1704 French Codes. Teulet, A.F. 1836 Scotland. Bell, W. 1838 7th ed. 1890 Liturgical and Ecclesiastical. Lee, F.G. 1877 Maritime. Caumont, A. 1867 Falconer, W. New ed. 1780 Mathematical and Philosophical. Sutton, C. 1795-96 Maxims. Sennequin, J.F.G. (French.) 1828 Mabrie, J.L. (French.) 1830 Medicine. Quain, Sir B. 3rd ed. 1902 Mining Terms. Bainbridge, W. 6th ed. 1900 Names. CharnocTc, B.S. 1859 Painters and Engravers. Brgan, M. New ed. 1886-89 Philosophy. Calderwood, S. 1894 Pseudonyms. Initials and Pseudonyms. CusUng, W. 1886-88 Salkett and Laing. 1882-88 Franklin, A. 1875 Quotations. Moore, S. 1831 Eoman Law Terms. Seumann, S.G. 6tlied. 1884 DICTIONAKIES— co»««Med. Eomance. Roquefort, J.B.B. 1808-20 Science, Literature, and Art. Brande and Cox. New ed. 1866-72 Technological (English, French and G-er- man.) Tolhausen, A. 1873-76 Terms and Phrases. Smith, S.F. 1883 Topographical. Lewis, S. 1840-47 DICTIONAEIES OF LANGUAGES. Sickes, G. Anglo-Saxon English. Blount, T. Century Dictionary. ■ Johnson, S. 1703-05 5th ed. 1691 [1889] 1755 Ed. by Todd. 1827 New English Dictionary. 1888-1901 Ogilvie, J. (Imperial Diet.) 1882-83 (Students'.) Newed. 1897 Bider, J. 1633 Webster, N. 1831-32 Ed. by Porter. 1890 Coleridge, S. 1859 13th Century. Etymological. Bailey, N. 7th ed. 1735 Ed. by Scott. 1755 1743 1882 1671 1822-25 1878 Junius, F. Skeat, W.W. Skinner, S. Whiter, W. Old. Stratman, F.S. English-Dutch, Dutch-English. Sewell, W. 3rd ed. 1735 English-French, French-English. Boyer, A. 1764 Chambaud, L. 1805 Smith and Samilton. New ed. 1866 English-Latin. Riddle and Arnold. 4th ed. 1854 Catholicon Anglicum ; an English word-book, 1483. Camden Society, new series, No. 30. Manipulus Vocabulorum. Levins, P. (Camden Society, No. 95.) Promptorium Parvulorum. ^j Camden Society, Nos. 25, 54, 89. fl French. ■ ' Landais, N. 11th ed. 1851 Littre, M.P.E. 181 Menage, G. French-Latin. Trevoux. French-Norman. Kelham, M, Q-erman-English, English- German. Flugel, J.G. German-French, French-German. Sachs and Villatte, 1877* INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 861 DICTIONAEIES OF LANaUAQES— continued. Glerman-Latin. Yocum obsoletarum. Westenrieder, L. de. 1816 Q-reek-English. Liddell and Scott. 7tli ed. 1883 Greek-Latin. Lexicon. 1584 Scapula, J. Stephanus, S. 1816 1816-28 Hebrew-English. Farlchurst, J. 2nd ed. 1778 Irish-EngUsh. Dineen, F.S. 1904 Italian-English, English-Italian. Baretti, G. 1868 Latin. Ainstvorth, JR. Facciolati, J. Stephawus, R. 4th ed. 1752 1828, 1831-35 New ed. 1734-35 MedisD et infime Latinitatis. Bucange, C. du F. Ed. nov. 1733-36 New ed. 1766 New ed. 1883-87 Medii sevi. Carpentier, P. Latin-English. Lewis and Short. Smith, Sir W. Latin-English, English-Latin. Littleton, A. 1766 1886 10th ed. 1871 6th ed. 1735 Polyglot. Arabic, Chaldsean, Ethiopian, Hebrew, Persian, Samaritan, Syriac. Castell, E. 1669 Dutch (High and Low), English, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Spanish. Minsheu, J. 2nd ed. 1626 English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Spanish. Calepino, A. 1594 Scottish. Jamieson, J. 1879-87 Lowland Scotch. MacTcay, C. 1888 Septentrionalium vett. linguarum The- saurus. Sickes, G. 1703-05 Slang, Jargon and Cant. Barrhre and Leland. 1889-90 Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Newman and Baretti. 11th ed. 1857 DIGESTS OF CASES. Admiralty, 1798-1815. Greene, C. 1818 American Reports, 1760-1905. American Reports. 1905 United States Supreme Court Eeports, to 1885. Lanforth, S.G. n.d. Bankruptcy, 1884-1901. Coolc, WJ. 1902 Building. Roscoe, E.S. 4th ed. 1900 Chancery (Early Reports.) Kekewich, G. Common Law. Henry III.— Geo. III. Coventry and Stighes. To 1785. tomlins, Sir T.E. 1756-1883. Fisher, R.A. Ecclesiastical. Waddilove, A. 1804 1827 1786-87 1884 1849 Election Reports. Wordsworth, C.F.F. 1834 English Case Law, Mews, J. 1898-1905 Equity. To 1785. Tomlins, Sir T.F. 1786-87 To 1822. Bridgman, R. W. 3rd ed. 1822 To 1853. cutty, F. 3rd ed. 1853 To 1883. 4th ed. 1883-88 House of Lords. 1814-66. Clark, C. 1868 In all the Courts. Talles of Cases. 1719 To 1905. Metvs, J. 1889-1906 1272-1742. Freeman, K. 1742 1865-1904. Law Reports Digest. 1892-1905 1866-79. White, G.M. 1880 1881-93. Fmden, A. 1882-94 Indian Law Reports. To 1850. Morley, W.H. 1849-52 1862-76. Sutherland, D. 1877 Ireland. Common Law Courts. 1612-1865. Bunker, T. 1865 Equity. To 1822. Bridgman, R. W. 3rd ed. 1822 1838-67. Gamble and Barloto. 1868 Superior Courts. 1867-1903. Irish Reports. 1879-1905 Irish Law Times. 1895-1905 Judicially Noticed, 1865-90. Talbot and Fort. Justice of the Peace, 1893-1902. Justice of the Peace. Licensing. Mackenzie and Woodcock. Nisi Prius. Comyns, Sir J. Manning, J. 1891 1898-1904 1899 5th ed. 1822 2nd ed. 1820 862 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. DIGESTS OF CAS'EB— continued. Overruled Cases. Greenleaf, S. 2nded. 1838 1756-1886. Dale and Lehmann. 1887 Patent Cases. Patent Cases. 1895-1900 Public Health and Local G-OTernment. Chambers, G.F. 1893 Ruling Cases. Ruling Cases. 1894-1902 Scotland. Court of Session, from its institution to 1808. Morison, W.M. 1811 — Supplement and Synopsis. Broion, M.F. 1826-27 Scottish Law Reporter, 1865-95. Scottish Law Reporter. 1898 Supreme Courts, 1726-1868. Shaw, P. 1869 1867-77. Henderson, Gillespie, and Johnston. 1878 1877-85. Johnston, Maconochie, and Fraser. 1886 1885-95. Fraser, Macfarlane, Sym, and Mackenzie. 1897 1895-1900. Sandeman, J.C.S. 1901 Shipping Casualties (Wreck Commissioner's Court), 1876-80. Squarey, T.F. 1882 Temp. Henry III. Br acton, H. de. Ed. by Maitland. 1887 Term Reports, 1785-1805. Tomlins, Sir T.F. 3rd. ed. 1806 Trade Marks. Sebastian, L.B. 1879 Workmen's Compensation. Robertson and CHegg. 1902 DIGESTS OF LAWS. Admiralty. Pritchard, W.T. 1887 Agency. Botvstead, W. 2nd ed. 1898 Bankruptcy. Montagu, B. 1803 Bills of Exchange. Chalmers, M.J). 6th ed. 1903 Roscoe, S. 1829 Buildings, Construction of. Roscoe, F.S. 4th ed. 1900 Carriers. Macnamara, W.H. 1888 Collieries. Samilton and Forbes. 1902 Common and Statute. Sheppard, W. 1656 Criminal. Stephen, Sir J.F. 4th ed. 1887 6th ed. 1904 Criminal Procedure. Stephen, Sir J.F. and Sir S. 1883 DIGESTS OF 'Lk^B— continued. Divorce. Pritchard, R.A. and W.T. 3rd ed. 1874 Easements. Innes, L.C. 7th ed. 1903 Elections, Borough. Seywood, S. 1797 Elections, County. Seywood, S. 1790 Evidence. Stephen, Sir J.F. 4th ed. 1893 6th ed. 1904 Criminal. Roscoe, S. Nisi Prius. Roscoe, S. llthed. 1890 12th ed. 1898 16th ed. 1891 17th ed. 1900 India. Mahommedan Law. Baillie, N.B.F. 1887 Sunni and Imamiyah Codes. Sircar, S.C. (Tagore Law Lec- tures.) 1873-75 Indictable Offences. Matthetvs, R. 1833 Insurance, Marine. Chalmers and Owen. 2nd ed. 1903 Netoson, E. 2nd ed. 1883 International Law. (United States.) Wharton, F. 1886 Laws of England. Comyns, Sir J 1762-76 5th ed. 1822 Libel and Slander. Odgers, W.B. 4th ed. 1905 Rayner, J. 1765 Lights. Roscoe, ^.S. 3rd ed. 1895 Newfoundland. Archibald, F.M. 1847 Nisi Prius. Fspinasse, I. 1793 Partnership. Montagu, B. 1815 Pollock, Sir F. 4th ed. 1888 7th ed. 1900 Pleadings in Equity. Montagu, B. 1824 Probate Duty. Leach, A.F. 1878 Real Property. Cruise, W. 1804-06 4th ed. 1835 LeaJce, S.M. 1874 Sale of Goods. Kerr, W.C.A. 188 Scotland. Bell, W. 18» 7th ed. 189( Marriage Law. Salkerston, P. 183 Shipping. Newsnn, H. America and W. Indies. 2nded. 188 Farnshaiv, W. 1811 Stamp Acts. Tilsley, S. 9th ed. 186 Stamp Duties. Griffith, G.C. 10th ed. 189 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 863 liaESTS OF LAWS— continued. Statute Law. Gabhett, J. 1812-18 Skeppard, W. 1656 Williams, T.W. 1791 United States. Gordon, F.F. 1827 HaNITIES. Karnes, Lord. (E Book of. Saydn, J. Origin and Nature of. Cruise, W. Register of. Beatson, R. )ILAPIDATIONS, LAW OF. Grady, S.G. ,) 3rded. 1763 1890 2nd ed. 1823 3rd ed. 1806 3rd ed. 1876 DINaWALL. Presbytery Records, 1643-88. Scottish History Society, No. 24. DISSENTEES' CHAPELS BILL. See p. 233. DISTEESS. Bradhy, J. Bullen, S. Gilbert, Sir J. Oldham and Foster. Replevins. 2nded. 1828 1842 2nd ed. 1899 3rded. 1794 2nd ed. 1889 2nded. 1739 DIPLOMACY AND DIPLOMATICS. Borne, T.M. Corps Universel Diplomatique. 1848 1724-39 Dumont, J. De Ee Diplomatica Mabillon, J.' 2nd ed. 1704-09 Lexicon Diplomaticum. Walther, J.L. 1747 DIEECTIONS, SUMMONS FOE. Stringer, F.A. DIRECTOEIES AND YEAE BOOKS. Army List. Burke's Landed Gentry. Burke's Peerage. Colonial Office List. County Councils Companion. Crockford's Clerical Directory, Lehrett's House of Commons. Directory of Directors. Foreign Office List. Medical Directory. Municipal Year Book. Statesman's Year Book. Thom's Official Directory, Webster's Red Book. Whifaker's Almanac. Whitaker's Peerage. Who's Who. 1899 ilSCOYEEY. Bray, F. Hare, T. Petheram, W.C. Sichel and Chance. Wigram, Sir J. 1885 2nd ed. 1876 1864 1883 2nded. 1840 DISTEICT COUNCILS, fi-ee Pabish AND District Councils. DIVOECE. Bishop, J.P. Brotvne and Powles. Dixon, W.J. Hall, A.G.J. Macqueen, J.F. 5th ed. 1873 7th ed. 1905 3rded. 1900 1905 1842 2nded. 1860 5th ed. 1905 Oakley, T.W.H. Pritchard, R.A. and W.T. 3rded. 1874 Shelford, L. 1841 Swabey, M.C.M. 3rd ed. 1859 See also Husband and Wife. DOCKS, LAW OF. ,»i- Abraham and Davies. Austin, F. Woolrych, H. W. 1896 1895 1830 2nd ed. 1851 DE. WILLIAMS'S TEUST. Jeremy^ W.D. 1885 DOCTEINE OF ELECTION. Serrell, G. Stalham, H. 1891 1827 DOGMA, HISTOEY OF. Harnack, A. DOGS, LAW OF. Lupton, T. 1896-99 1888 DOMESDAY BOOK and DOMESDAY COMMEMOEATION. See pp. 235-6. DOMESTIC EELATIONS. Fversley, W.P. Geary, N. Schouler, J. DOMICIL. Dicey, A.V, 2nded. 1896 1892 4th ed. 1889 1879 864 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. DOWER. Par/t, J J. 1819 Frencli Law of. Tellat, C.A. 2nd ed. 1853 DRAINS AND DRAINAGE. See SeweeS AND DeAINS. Metropolitan Drainage. See p. 508. DRAMA AND MUSIC. Copyright. Cutler, Smith and Weatherley. 1890 Cutler, U. 1905 Law of. Strong, A.A. 1898 See also Plats. DRUGS. See Food and Dettgs ; Pfbiic Health. DRUIDS, MYTHOLOGY AND RITES OF. Davies, H. 1809 DUBLIN. Archbishops' Register Book. aUlert, J.T. 1897 Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey. Britain, No. 80. History of. B' Alton, J. 1838 Gilbert, J.T. 1859 . Warburfon, Whitelaw, and Walsh. 1818 DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. See p. 243. DUEL AND DUELS. Bacon, Francis. 1614 O'Ferrall, S.A. 1838 Voet, P. 1728 DUNBAR. Muster-roll of French Garrison at, 1553. Scottish History Society, No. 44. DUNDEE. Shipping Lists, 1580-1618. Scottish History Society, No. 28. DUNSTABLE PRIORY. Annals, ad. ann. 1297. Britain, No. 36. DURHAM. Abbey. Account Rolls. Surtees Society, Nos. 99, 100, 103. Cathedral and Diocese. Catalogues of Library. Surtees Society, No. 7. Churchwardens' Accounts, 1580-1700. Surtees Society, No. 84. Kellawe's Register. 1311-16. Britain, No. 62. Possessions of. 1183. Surtees Society, No. 25. 1377-80. Surtees Society, No. 32. 1575-87. Surtees Society, No. 22. Register of Benefactors. Surtees Society, No. 13, Rites and Rituals. Surtees Society, Nos. 10, 15, 107. Ecclesiastical Courts. 1311-1591. Surtees Society, No. 21. 1626-39. Surtees Society, No. 34. History, 1082-1571. Surtees Society, No. 9. Inventories of Church Goods. Surtees Society, No. 97. Priory. Surtees Society, Nos. 31, 58, 70. Household Book, 1530-34. Surtees Society, No. 18. Manor Rolls, 1286-1384. Surtees Society, No. 82. St. Giles's, Memorials. Surtees Society, No. 95. Sanctuary, 1464-1524. Surtees Society, No. 5. Visitations of the County Palatine of, 1575, 1615, 1666. Foster, J. 1887 Wills and Inventories. Surtees Society, Nos. 2, 38. DURHAM COLLEGE, OXFORD. Rolls. Oxford Historical Society, No. 32. DUTCH LAW. See Hoixand. DWELLING HOUSES. Inhabited, Tax on. Dowell, S. 1893 Tenure of, abroad. Dwelling Houses. 1884 EASEMENTS. aale, C.J. Ooddard, J.L, 3rd ed. 1862 7th ed. 1899 6th ed. 1904 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 865 EASEMENTS— co»««««ef. Digest of. Innes, L.C. 7th ed. 1903 Indian Law of. Mitra, U.N. 1885 Peacoclc, F. 1904 See also SirppoET. EAST INDIA COMPANY. See India. EASTEEN QUESTION, THE. Prichard, I.T. 1870 European Concert in the. Solland, T.E. 1885 See also Ubqtjhaet, D., pp. 765.7. ECCLESIASTICAL APPEALS. Eothery, B.C. 1868 ECCLESIASTICAL AET EXHIBITION. Proceedings. Vincent^ W. 1866 ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSIONEES. Law relating to. Freeman, J.R. 1887 Proceedings. Benson, C. 1837 Siunmary of Eeport. Holland, S.L. 1884 See also p. 250. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. Brice, S. Brunneman, J. Burn, B,. ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES. Foster, J. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOEY. 1890 Baronius, C. 1609 Bede, Yen. 1500 Britain, Nos. 19, 73, 75. Collins, C. 1822 Fusebius, Pamphilus 1720 Fvagrius. 1720 Foxe, J. 1631-32 Montagu, E. 1622-35 Mosheim, J.L. (Supplement.) 1768 Nicephorus Callistus. 1630 Ordericus Vitalis (Trans, by Forester.) 1853-56 Philostorgius. 1720 Prynne, W. (Eecords.) 1665-68 Socrates Scholasticus. 1720 Sozomen, H. 1720 Strype, J. 1816 Theodnret, Bp. 1720 Theodnrus Lector. 1720 Tyrrell, J. 1697-1704 Warner, F. 1759 See also ChttbCH OF EKGLiND ; MONAS- TBBIBS. 1875 New ed. 1721 1763 9th ed. 1842 1665 3rded. 1857 6th ed. 1886 7th ed. 1820 1688 ) 1753 1713 2nd ed. 1761 2nded. 1680 1720 1873 2nd ed. 1895 2nd ed. 1634 1840 1639-64 1848 1840 3rd ed. 1725 2nd ed. 1899 Carpzovius, B. Cripps, S. W. Degge, Sir S. Duarenus, F. Fspen, Z.B. van (Works Qibson, F. Godolphin, J. Johnson, J. PhilUmore, Sir B. Bidley, Sir T. Bogers, F.N. Spelman, Sir S. Stephens, A.J. Walter, F. Watson, W. Whitehead, B. Canon Law. See Canon Law. Digest of Cases. Waddilove, A. 1849 Ecclesiastical Courts. Girdlestone, J. 1884 Consistory Judgments, 1872-90. Tristram, T.H. 1893 Constitution. Seymour, S. 1862 Stephens, A.J. 1853-56 Judgments, 1850-72. BrooJce, W.G. 1872 Practice. Clerke, F. 2nd ed. 1684 Coote, S.C. 1847 Oughton, T. 1738 French. Dupin, A.M.J. 1845 Walter, F. 1840 Ireland. Stopford, F.A. 1861 Eights of Bishops to be Judges. {Hunt, T.2 1680 Scotland. Black, W.G. Duncan, J.M. 2nd ed. 1888 1869 ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY. Hooker, B. 1622 Parker, B. 1621 ECCLESIASTICAL TAXATION. First Fruits and Tenths. Fcton, J. 2nd ed. 1723 Liber Eegis. Bacon, J. 1786 Taxatio Ecclesiastica (circa 1291.) Record Commission, No. 51. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 1535. Record Commission^ No. 53. F F y 866 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EDINBUEaH. History of. Maitland, W. 1753 Justiciary Court Records. Scottish Sistcry Society, Nos. 48, 49. EDINBUEGH UmVEBSITT. -Sfee p. 252. EDUCATION. Acts. Bvmsday and Mothersole. 1904 Owen, Sir S. 20tli ed. 1903 Holland. Cousin, V. 1838 Ireland, Endowed Schools Commission. Ireland. 1881 Japanese. Japan. 1884 London Poor Law Schools. Monnington and Lampard. 1898 Principles of. Carpenter, L. 1820 Schools Inquiry Commission. See p. 665. Systems of in Great Britain and Ireland. Balfour, G. 1898 See also p. 252. EDUCATION, LEGAL. BagsJiawe, S.R. 1858 Barnham, J.C. 1836 Clabon, J.M. 1874 Buggies, T. 1792 Saunders, C.T. 1875 Smith, P. A. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1856 Yowng, Sir G. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1870 See also LE&Aii Education, p. 447. EJECTMENT. Adams, J. Cole, W.R. Gilbert, Sir J. Medman, J.H. Tenant.) Munnington, C. 3rd ed. 1830 1857 2nd ed. 1741 (Landlord and 5th ed. 1901 1795 Williams and Yates. 1894 EDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. Building and construction of. Smeaton, J. ELDON LAW SCHOLARSHIP, OXFOED. Bldon, Lord. 1830-61 ELECTION, DOCTEINE OP. Serrell, G. 1891 Stalham, H. 1827 ELECTION OASES. Barron and Arnold. 1846 Barron and Austin. 1844 Clifford, S. 1802 Cockhurn and Bowe. 1833 Corbett and Daniell. 1821 Bay, S.S. 1894 Douglas, S. 2nd ed. 1802 Falconer and Fitzherhert. 1839 Fraser, S. 1793 Glanville, Sir J. 1775 Knapp and Ombler. 1837 Luders, A. 1785-90 O'Malley and Sardcastle. 1870-93 Peckivell, B.S. 1804-06 Perry and Knapp. 1833 Power, Rodwell, and Dew. 1853.-57 Wolferstan and Bristowe. 1865 Wolferstan and Dew. 1859 Digest of. Wordsworth, C.F.F. 1834 Cricklade Case. Petrie, S. 1785 Petersfield Case. Atcheson, U.S. 1831 West Looe. Merewether, S.A. 1823 2nded. 1793 EGYPT. Codes. See Codbs, p. 179. Dawn of Civilization. Maspero, G. 4th ed. England in. Milner, Viscount. New ed. . Soudan Wars. Churchill, W.S. Slatin, Sir B.C. 3rd ed. Story of the Khedivate. Dicey, E. Sultan et la Pacha. Urquhart, D. Topography of. Wilkinson, Sir J.G. 1901 1894 1900 1896 1902 1839 1835 ELECTIONS. Ashby and White. Bushby, S.J. Conybeare, C.A.V. Cunningham, J. Delane, W.F.A. Flection Law, Finnelly, W. Leigh and Le Marchant. Lely and Foulkes. Male, A. Mattinson and Macaskie. Boe, W.T. Rogers, F.N. 16th-18th Simeon, J. Borough. Eeywood, S. 1705 5th ed. 1880 1884 3rded. 1885 1834 1722-80 1830 1885 1885 2nd ed. 1820 1884 2nd ed. 1818 1820 ed. 1894-1906 2nd ed. 1795 1797 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 867 ELECTION 9 — coniimied. Bribery and Corrupt Practices. Massey, C.C. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) Maurice, F.B. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) FUnn, T. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) Controverted, Eemarts on. Bans, F.W. Corrupt Practices Acts. Conyheare, C.A.V. Gorst, Sir J.H. Mattinson and Macashie. 3rd ed. Wheelfiouse, Sir W.St. J. County. Seywood, S. Effects of Methods of Electing. Droop, S.B. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) History of. Cox, S. Municipal. Cunningham, J, L Rogers, F.N. ^ Parish and District Councils Parher, F.B. Ryde, W.C. Petitions. Cunningham, J. Sardcastle, S. Registration. Glen, W.C. Grady, S.G. Mackenzie and I/ushingfon. 2nd ed. Rogers, F.N. 16th ed. Statutes in force at. I Troward, R. 2nd ed. 3rded. 17th ed. 1869 1866 1860 1838 1884 1883 1892 1883 1790 1869 1868 1885 1894 1894 1894 3rd ed. 2nd ed. 4th ed. 1885 1880 1885 1843 1897 1897 1796 ELECTRIC LIGHTINGS. Sower and Webb. Cunynghame, S. Will, J.S. ELOCUTION. Garry, R. Vaumorihre, F.d'0. ELY PLACE, HOLBORN. Jarvis, S.F. 2nd ed. 1889 1883 3rd ed. 1903 1888 2nd ed. 1693 3rd ed. 1903 1898 1897 2nded. 1870 3rd ed. 1885 1882 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. Reven, T. Birr ell, A. Brown, J. Roberts and Wallace, Tu/rner, F.R. Accidents to Workmen. Minton-Senhouse, R.M. 2nd ed. 1902 Act of 1880. Ruegg, A.S. 5th ed. 1900 Employers and Employed. Petersdorff, C. 1876 Rumsey, A. 1892 Labour Laws. Davis, J.F. 1875 Select Committee's Reports. See p. 260. See also "Woekmen's Compensation. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. See p. 260-1. ENDOWMENTS. Hindu Lavr of. Saraswati, P.P. ENGINEERS, LIYES OF. Smiles, 8. ENGLAND. Address to Inhabitants of America. America. Antiquities. See Antiquities. EMBASSIES. See AmbassadobS. EMMANUEL COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Tercentenary. Cambridge University. 1884 1897 1862 1776 Banks, T.C. 1807-37 Burke, Sir B. 1883 Dugdale, Sir W. 1675-76 Bdmondson, J. 1764-84 Border Papers. Scotland, No. 9. Clironicles. Stow, J. 1631 See also Beitain, pp. 85-93 ; Camden SociBTx's Publications, pp. 123-137. Church and Clergy, State of. Wake, W. Bp. 1703 Colonies. See Coi-onies, British. Considerations on Public Affairs. Pulteney, W., Earl of Bath. 1779 Counties. Moule, T. 1837 Defences of. {Smith, A.2 1862 Description of. Richard of Cirencester. 1841 England and the English. O'Ferrall, S.A. 1835 Expansion of. Seeley, J.R. 1895 Foreign Relations. International Policy. 1884 Great Seals. Wyon, A.B. and A. 1888 Invasion of. TJrquha^t, D. 1860 y F F 2 . 868 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ENQ-LAND — continued. Landowners. Bateman, J. 4th ed. 1883 Burke, Sir B. 9th ed. 1898 See also Domebdat Book, pp. 235-6. Manners and Customs. Camden Society, Ifo. 37. Decker, T. (Gull's Horn Book, 1609.) Eeprint 1812 Hscott, T.S.S. 1879 Paston Letters. New ed. 1872-75 Manuscripts. See HistoeicaI/ MANrsCRiPTS Commission, p. 362; National Manu- SCEIPTS, p. 532. National Life and Character. Pearson, C.S. 1893 Negotiations for union with Scotland, 1651-52. Scottish Sistory Society, No. 40. Negotiations with Spain. Calendar of State Papers, No. 31. Neutrality of, during American Civil War. Bernard, M. 1870 Ohservations on. Crosley, P.J. 1772 Ordnance Atlas. Bacon, G.W. [1889] Parishes, Townships. Adams, J. IVOO Covmty Courts. 4th ed. 1888 Political Survey. Campbell, J. 1774 Eecords. See Eecoed COMMISSION PuBii- CATIONS, pp. 617-22. Eelations with Scotland. Scotland, No. 9. (Hamilton Papers.) Eepreientative History. Lewis, S. 1835 Eights of against American Claims. Macpherson, J. 1776 Eoads. Antoninus, A. 1709 Paterson,I>. 18th ed. 1829 Eule and Jurisdiction beyond the Seas. Jenkyns, Sir S. 1902 Social and Political Condition. Escott, T.S.S. 1879 Social History. Traill, S.B. State of. CJiamberlayne, H. Teutonic Conquest in. Freeman, H.A. Topographical Description. Camden, W. Drayton, M. Moule, T. Dictionary. Lewis, S. 1894-97 1687 1888 1610-1806 1622 1837 4th ed. 1840 ENQ-L AND — continued. Town Life, 15th Century. Qreen, A.S. 1894 Travels, 1750-51. Pococke, E. Bp. (Camden Society, new series, Nos. 42, 44). Villainage in. Vinogradoff, P. 1892 ENGLAND, CHUECH OF. See Chuech of England. ENGLAND, HISTOEY OF. See also Beitain, pp. 85-93 ; Calbndae of State Papees, pp. 118-20. Feom the Eaeliest Peeiod — to A.D. 1066. Vergil, P. (Camden Society, No. 36.) — 1202. Diceto, Ralph de. (Britain, No. 68.) — 1259. Paris, Matthew. (Britain, No. 57.) — 1272. Pohert of Gloucester. 1810 — 1307. Langtoft, P. (Britain, No. 47.) — 1399. Tyrrell, J. 1697-1704 — 1417. Capgrave, J. (Britain, No. 1.) — 1485. Eastell, John. (Ed.byDibdin.) 1811 — 1654. Carte, T. 1747-55 — 1763. Mortimer, T. 1765-66 — 1895. Ransome, C. 3rd ed. 1897 Feom the Eoman Conquest to A.D. 731. Bede, Ven. — 829. Qreen, J.R. — 1066. Speed, J. Strutt, J. 1500 1881 1627 1779 — 1154. Senry, Arehd. (Britain, No. 74.) — 1216. Ramsay, Sir J.E. 1892 1903 — 1399. Brady, R. 1685-1700 — 1538. Vergil, P. 1570 — 1547. Andrews, J.P. 1794-95 — 1603. Senry, R. 6th ed. 1796-1823 — 1605. Speed, J. 2nd ed. 1627 — 1688. JEchard, L. 3rd ed. 1720 Lingard, J. 1825-31 — 1714. Baker, Sir R. 1733 IFlaherty, TV.F.'] 1876 — 1748. Smollett, T.G. 1757-58 — 1760. Sume,D. 1759-1812 — 1885. Gardiner, 8. R. 1890-91 Feom — A.D. 447-1066 Richard of Cirencester. (Britain, No. 30.) 449-1100. Gaimar, G. (Britain, No. 91.) — 1142. William of Malmesbury (Britain, No. 90.) 1199. Brompton,John. (Twysden'a Hist. Ang]. Script.) I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 869 ENGLAND, HISTORY 0¥— continued. » Feom — A.D. 449-1216. — 1292. — 1298. — 1399. — 1447. — 1485. — 1543. — 1631. — 1641. — 1660. — 1702. — 1763. — 1816. — 1901. 578-1386. 678-1307. 732-1210. 793-1411. 827-1144. 955-1394. 960-1122. 1002-1225. 1066-1087. — 1222. — 1485. — 1587. — 1603. — 1837. 1067-1253. — 1272. 1074-1795. 1087-1100. 1100-1199. — 1446. 1135-1154. Savile, H. 1596 John of Oxnead. (Britain, No. 13.) Cotton, Bartholomseus de. (Britain, No. 16.) Twt/sden, Sir B. 1652 Wavrin, John de, (Britain, Nos. 39, 40.) Fabyan, JR. 1811 Bardyng, J. 1812 Stow, J. 1631 Duchesne, A. 3rd ed. 1641 WhitelocJce, B. 1709-32 Kennett, W. Bp. 1719 Mortimer, T. 1765-66 Green, J.R. 1877-80, 1888 Bright, J.F. 1887-1904 Thorn, W. (Twysden's Hist. Angl. Script.) Langtoft, Peter de. 1810 Soveden, Roger. (Britain, No. 51.) Walsingham, Thomas. (Britain, No. 28.) Symeon of Durham. (Britain, No. 75.) Knighton, J. (Britain, No. 92.) Fadmer. (Britain, No. 81.) Walter of Coventry. (Britain, No. 58.) \_Cooke, E.'] 1682 Freeman, E.A. 1869-79 Oreen, J.R. 1883 Maseres, F. 1807 Coggeshall, Ralph of. (Britain, No. 66.) Daniel, S. 4th ed. 1641-50 Holinshed, R. 1587 1807-08 1638 1839-41 (Britain, — 1327. 1144-1169. 1164-1189. Martin, W. Thierry, A. Pa/ris, Matthew. No. 44.) Paris, Matthew. Ed. by Wats. 1639-40 Fllis, Sir S. 1824-46 Freeman, F.A. 1882 Gervase of Canterbury. (Britain, No. 73.) Capgrave, John. (Britain, No. 7.) Richa/rd of Hexham. (Twysden's Hist. Angl. Script.) Stubbs, W. 7th ed. 1891 John of Sexham. (Britain, No. 75.) Lyttleton, Lord. 1767-71 ENGLAND, HISTOEY 0¥— continued. Eeom — A.D. 1169-1192. 1189-1199. — 1558. 1259-1307. 1272-1422. 1303-1346. 1326-1399. 1327-1377. 1377-1485. 1399-1485. — 1547. 1413-1420. 1422-1485. — 1509. 1485-1509. — 1547. — 1558. — 1559. — 1625. — 1727. 1521. 1527-1536. 1530-1588. 1539-1624. 1554-1558. 1558-1603. 1572-1628. 1603-1642. — 1714. 1625-1649. — 1660. — 1664. — 1685. 1633-1646. 1638-1650. — 1660. 1639-1679. 1640-1647. — 1660. 1642-1660. — 1745. 1841 180« 1603 1812 1688 Benedict of Peterborough (Britain, No. 49.) Richard of Devizes. Grafton, R. Rishanger, William, (Britain, No. 28.) Camden, W. Walsingham, Thomas. (Britain, No. 28.) Murimuth, Adam. (Britain, No. 93.) Froissart, Sir J. Barnes, J. Gairdner, J. 8th ed. 1891 Ramsay, Sir J.R. 1892 Sall,F. [1548], 1809 Nicolas, Sir N.S. 1827 Vergil, P. (Camden Society, No. 29.) Boston Letters. New ed. 1872-75 Bacon, Francis. 1629 Brewer, J.S. 1884 Godwin, F. 1616 Wriothesley, C. (Camden Society, new series, Nos. 11,20.) Lodge, E. 2nd ed. 1838 Oldmixon, J. 1730-39 Major, J. (Scottish History Society, No. 10.) Friedmann, P. 1884 Froude, J.A. 1872 Loseley Manuscripts. 1836 Watson, R. (Phillip II.) 1777 Camden, W. 1615-35 Stotoe, J. (Camden Society, new series. No. 28.) Johnston, R. 1655 Gardiner, S.R. 1883-84 Macaulay, Catherine, 1763-71 Fairfax, T., Lord. 1848-49 G^izot, F.P.G. 1841 Brodie, G. 1822 Ludlow, E. 1812 Fellowes, W.D. 1828 Monteith, R. 1661 Hamilton Papers. (Cam- den Society, new series, Nos. 27, 53.) Thurloe, J. \14>2 Lauderdale Papers. (Cam- den Society, Nos. 34, 36, 38.) May, T. 1812 Walker, C. 1648-60 Gardiner, S.R. 1886-1901 Clarendon, E.S., Earl. 1826 870 INDEX TO SCJBJECTS. ENG-LAND, HISTOEY 0¥— continued. Feom — A.D. 1660-1662. Kennett, W. Bp. 1728 — 1702. Macaulay, Lord. (Works.) , 1879 Ralph, J. 1744-46 — 1713. Burnet, &. 1724-34 — 1714. M(tbpherson, J. 1775 1678-1714. LuUrell, N. 1857 1681-1692. Balrymple, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1771 1685-1688. Fox, C.J. 1808 — 1690. Clarendon, S.S., Earl. 1763 — 1750. Marchmont Papers. 1831 1688. Macintosh, Sir J. 1834 1688-1714, Bapin de Thoyras, P. 2nd ed. 1732-33 3rd ed. 1758 — 1760. Smollett, T.G. 1812 — 1802. Belsham, W. 1805-06 1701-1713. Stanhope, Earl. 4th ed. 1872 1702-1714. Boyer, A. 1722 Burton, J.S. 1880 — 1728. LocTchart, G. 1817 1707. B:ooJce, N. 1760 1713-1783. Stanhope, Earl. 5th ed. 1858 1745-1861. Massey, W. 2nd ed. 1865 1760-1820. Adolphus, J. 1840-45 1815-1850. Walp'.le, S. 1879-86 1830-1874. Molesworth, W.N. 1876 1837-1891. Irving, J. 1880-92 — 1897. McCarthy, J. 1879-97 XTth Century. Benton, W. 1888 xviith — BanTce, L. von. 1875 xviiith — Lechy, W.E.S. 1879-90 HlSTOEICAL MeMOEIAIS AND SKETCHES EELATING TO: — Alfred the G-reat. Becord Commission, No. 24. Anglo-Saxons. Kemble, J.M. 1876 Anne. Boyer, A. 1722 Burton, J.E. 1880 Anne Boleyn. Friedmami, P. 1884 Arthur. Odgers, W.B. 1872 Charles I. Ashhwrnham, J. 1830 Camden Society, Nos. 63, 100; new series, Nos. 27, 31. Carlyle, T. 2nd ed. 1898 Fairfax, T., Lord. 1848-49 Fellowes, W.B. 1828 Gardiner, S.B. 1883-84 Karris, W. 1758 Sushand, E. 1643-46 Lilly, W. (Maseres' Tracts.) 1815 Ludlow, E. 1751 May, T. [Eeprint,] 1812 Sanderson, W. 1658 Williams, E.F. 1848 ENGLAND, HISTOEY OF— continued. HiSTOEICAIi MeMOEIALS AND SKETCHES EELATING TO — COn. Charles II. Camden Society, Nos. 52, 87. Fellowes, W.B. 1828 Harris, W. 1766 Price, J. (Maseres' Tracts.) 1815 Cromwell and The Commonwealth. Camden Society, new series, Nos. 12, 31. Carlyle, T. (Works.) 1871 Fellowes, W.B. 1828 Godwin, W. 1824-28 Harris, W. 1762 Inderwick, F.A. 1891 Eadwig. Allen, J. 1849 Edward the Confessor. Britain, No. 3. Edward III. Barnes, J. 1688 Bobert of Avesbury. (Britain, No. 93.) Edward IV. Camden Society, No. 1. Habington, T. (Kennett's Hist, of England, vol. 1.) Warkworth, J. (Camden Society, No. 10.) Edward V. Camden Society, No. 60. (Crown Grants.) Edward VI. Godwin, F. 1616 Elizabeth. Birch, T. 1754 Camden, W. 1615-27 3rd ed. 1635 Camden Society, Nos. 7, 46. (Eliz. and Jam. VI.) ; 55, 93 (Eliz. and Mary of Scots.) B'Ewes, Sir S. 1682 Bigges, Sir B. 1655 Egerton Papers. (Camden Society, No. 12.) Forbes, P. 17^ Hall, H. 1886 Monson, Sir W. 1680-82 Q-eorge I.-IV. MacCarthy, J. and J.H. 1884-1901 George III. Adolphus, J. 1840-46 Camden Society, new series. No. 59. George III. 1804 George IV. Greville, C.F.F. 1875 Henrietta Maria. Camden Society, No. 63. Henry II. Hall, H. 1890 Lyttleton, Lord 1767-71 Henry V. Camden Society, No. 86. Nicolas, Sir N.S. 1827 I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 871 ENGLAND, HISTORY O^— continued. HiSTOBICAL MeMOEIAIS AND SKETCHES EBLATIK& TO — COn. Henty YI. Camden Society, No. 86. Henry VII. Bacon, Francis 1622, 1629 Camden Society, No. 21. (Rutland Papers.) Henry YIII. Bacon, Francis 1629 Brewer, J.S. 1884 Camden Society, No. 21. (Rutland Papers.) Godwin, F. 1616 Harpsfield, N. 1622 Hum^, M.A.S. 1889 James I. Camden Society, Nos. 46, 78, 101. 2nded. 1898 (Camden Society, Ca/rlyle, T. Fgerton Papers. No. 12.) Gardiner, S.R. BfUshworth, J. Sanderson, W. Williams, E.F. James II. Camden Society, No. 52. Fllis, J. Fox, C.J. Heywood, S. Rose, G. John. Record Commission, No. 11. Lancaster and York. Ramsay, Sir J.S. Margaret of Anjou. Camden Society, No. 68. Mary I. Camden Society, No. 48. (Lady Jane Grey.) Godwin, F. 1883-84 1721 1655-56 1848 1829 1808 1811 1809 1892 1616 Mary, Princess (1508.) Camden Society, new series, No. 53. Mary, Queen of Scots. Sanderson, W. 1655-56 Richard I. Richard of Devizes. 1841 Richard II. Camden Society, No. 3. Richard III. Guidickins, F. W. 1768 Walpole, H. 1768 Rupert, Prince. Camden Society, third series, No. 4. Victoria. Greville, C.CJP. 1885-87 Irving, J. 1880-92 McCarthy, J. 1879-97 Urquha/rt, D. [1855] ENGLAND, HISTORY O¥~continued. HlSTOEICAl MeMOEIALS AND SKETCHES EELATIN& TO — COn. William the Conqueror Cooke, F. Freeman, F.A. Green, J.R. Maseres, F. Thierry, A. William II. Freeman, E,A. William III. Hulse, S. WilUam IV. Greville, C.C.F. MacCarthy, J. and J.S. Constitutional Histoey. Boutmy, F. Brodie, G. Creasy, Sir F. 1682 1869-79 1883 1807 8th ed. 1839-41 1882 1697 1875 1901 Flliott, M. Feilden, S.St.C. Freeman, F.A. Fulton, Sir F. Glasson, F. Gneist, R. English trans Sallam, S. May, Sir T.F. Medley, D.J. Millar, J. Montague, F.C. Prothero, G.W. Stubbs, W. Taswell-Langmead, T.P. 1891 1822 3rd ed. 1856 16th ed. 1892 1897 3rd ed. 1895 1873 1875 1882-83 1882 2nded. 1889 7th ed. 1854 New ed. 1881 Students' ed. 1888 2nd ed. 1863 1894 2nd ed. 1898 4th ed. 1818 1894 1894 1887-91 5th ed. 1896 6th ed. 1905 Anal, by Wilshere. 2nd ed. 1905 See also Constitution and Q-oveenment OF England. ENGLAND, LAWS OF. See Laws op ENftLAND. ENGLISH HISTORY. British History and Papal Claims. Paton, J. 1893 Chronologically arranged. Wade, J. 1839 Desiderata Curiosa. Peck, F. 1732-35 Newed. 1779 Dictionary of . Low and Pulling. 2nded. 1885 Early, Anecdotes and Traditions. Camden Society, No. 5. Greater Britain. Scottish Sisfory Society, No. 10. Illustrations of. Fxcer^ta Sistorica. 1831 u 872 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ENGLISH ISISTOnY— continued. Index to. Beatson, B. 3rd ed. 1806 Introduction to. Gardiner and Mullinger. 1881 Modem. Cambridge Modern History. 1902-04 Origins of. Mton, C. 1882 Political History. Acland and Ransome. 6tli ed, 1894 Sources and Literature of. Gross, C. 1900 See also Letters. ENaLISH LANGUAGE. Anecdotes. Pegge, S. History of. Northern Counties. Sv/rtees Society, No. 85. 1814 ENGRAVERS AND PAINTEES. Dictionary of. Bryan, M. New ed. 1886-6 ENTAILED ESTATES. Curson, S. Tamlyn, T. ENTRIES. Aston, B. Brown, W. Brownlow, B. Clift, H. Coke, Sir E. Sansard, J. Levinz, Sir C. Lilly, J. Ziutwyche, Sir E. Mallory, J. Moyle, B. Bastell, W. Bobinson, Sir T. Vidian, A. Winch, Sir S. 1703 1834 3rd ed. 1673 1671 1693 2nded, 1719 1614 1685 1702 1723 1704-18 1734-35 1658 1670 1684 1684 1680 EQUITY. ^ee also Libee Inteationum, p. 454 ; Pleadings, p. 589. EPIGRAMS. Lucas, N.A. [1902] Williams, Sir J. [1842] EPPING FOREST. Bpping Forest Commission. 1873 Fisher, W.B. 1887 EQUITABLE JURISDICTION. Spence, G. ' 1846-49 Ashburner, W. 1902 Blyth, E.F. (Analysis of Snell.) 7th ed. 1902 Fonblanque, J. Goldsmith, G. Saunes, F.O. Sunt'^r, S.J. Indermaur, J. Karnes, Lord. Boherts, T.A. Smith, S.A. Snell, F.H.T. Thomson, A. Watson, W.W. 3rded. 1805 4th ed. 18 L2 6th ed. 1871 5th ed. 1880 6th ed. 1873 5th ed. 1902 1760 3rd ed. 1877 3rd ed. 1902 1868 13th ed. 1901 14th ed. 1905 1896 2nd ed. 1886 Suppt. 1888 1900 1832 1863 Williams, S.E. Ahridgments. See Abeidgmbnts. Assets in, Administration of. Meggison, H. Chambers Forms. Cox,F.W. 3rd ed, Costs. Beames, J. 1832 Field, F.W. 1840 Decrees, Forms of. Seton, Sir S.W. 1830 3rd ed. 1862 4th ed. 1877-79 5th ed. 1891-93 6th ed. 1901 Distinction between Law and. Maurice, F.D. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1857 Equity Drafting. Lewis, S. 1865 Van Heythuysen, F.M. 2nd ed. 1828 Eyidence. Gresley, B.N. 1836 Guide to. Indermaur and Thwaites. 1894 2nded. 1899 Leading Cases. Brett, T. 3rded. 1894 4th ed. 1902 ' Indermaur, J. 7th ed. 1891 8th ed. 1897 KelTce, W.W.H. 1901 White and Tudor. 6th ed. 1886 7th ed. 1897 Maxims. Francis, B. 1728 Parties to Suits. Calvert, F. 2nd ed. 1847 Pleadings. Beames, J. 1818 Cooper, G. 1809 Milord, J. 2nd ed. 1787 4tli ed. 1827 - 5th ed. 184i Montagu, B. ^4 Story, J. 7th ed. 18flP Willis, J.W. 1820 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 873 EQUITY— cow^iMMed;. Revivor and Supplement. Fembertun, L.L. 1867 White, &.T. 1843 Suit in. Barton, C. 1796 See also Chanceby, Cotjkt op. EQUITY JUEISPRUDENCE. Smith, J.W. 15th ed. 1900 Story, J. 12th ed. 1861 2nd English ed., by Grigsby. 1892 ESSAYS, I Bacon, Francis. 1625-1882 Barter, W.G.T. 1863 Belsham, W. Newed. 1799 BoUnghroke, U.S. 1754 Carlyle, T. (Works.) 1871 Froude, J. A. 1885 Lovett, E. 1766 Macaulay, Lord. (Works.) 1879 Mackenzie, Sir G. 1716-22 Montaigne, ME. de 1635 Trans, by Florio. 3rd ed. 1632 do. Cotton. 1877 Biographical. Forster, J. 3rd ed. 1860 Skelton, J. 1883 Historical. Sobertson, F.W. 1872 Lee Prize Essays. &ray^s Inn. 1865-1904 Religious. Mill,J.S. 3rd ed. 1885 ESSEX, COUNTY OF. Ancient manorial customs. Charnock, B.S. 1870 History and Antiquities of. Morant, P. 1768 Norden, J. (Camden Society, No. 9.) ESSEX, FOREST OF. See EppiNft Foeest. ESTATE DUTIES. Austen- Cartmell, J. Sanson, A. Hudson, C. ESTATES. Chambers, Sir B. Preston, B. (Tracts.) Creation and Conveyance of. Hayes, W. Estates, Life. Bissett, A. 2nd ed. 1896 3rded. 1901 5th ed. 1904 8th ed. 1890 1824 1797 1820-27 1840 1842 ESTATES— co»^i»Mei. Estates Tail. Curson, H. Tamlyn, T. Legal and Equitable. Jickling, H. Settled Estates and Land Acts. Brickdale, M.I.F. 1861 Hood and Challis. 6th «d. 1901 Middleton, J.W. 3rd ed, 1882 Bobbins, L.a.a. 1882 1703 1834 1829 ESTOPPEL. Bigeloto, M.M. Cababe, M. Everest and Strode. Fwart, J.C. Indian Law of. Caspersz, A. ETHICS. Essays in, and Spencer's Data of. Guthrie, M. Pollock, F. ETIQUETTE. Fragments on Politeness. Urquhart, D. 4th ed. 1886 1888 1884 1900 1893 1884 1882 1870 EUROPE. Droit Public. Mably, G.B. de. Historical Q-eography. Freeman, F.A History, Alison, Sir A. 1847-48 Freeman, F.A. 1886, 1888 International Law of. Heffter, A.W. 4th ed. 1883 Kliiber, J.L. Literature of, 15th and l7th Centuries. Hallam, H. 4th ed. Map of, by Treaty. Hertslet, F. Pope, Sultan and Czar. Urquhart, D. State of, during the Middle Ages. Hallam, H. 11th ed. Statistical Tables. Boetticher, J.G. 1800 1761 1881 1831 1854 1875 1870 1856 EVESHAM ABBEY. Chronicle. Britain, No. 29. EVIDENCE. Best, W.M. 1849 4th ed. 1866 5th ed. 1870 6th ed. 1875 8th ed. 1893 9th ed. 1902 G-erm. trans, by Marquardsen. 1851 874 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EVIDENCE— co»^i«MecZ. Duncomh, G. 8th ed. 1766 Gilbert, Sir J. 1756 6th ed. 1801 Greenleaf, S. 7th-llth ed. 1863-64, Greslet/, B.N. 1836 Fhillimore, J.G. 1850 FMllips, S.M. 8th ed. 1838 10th ed. 1852 PUpson, S.L. 3rd ed. 1902 Fowell, E. 8th ed. 1904 Saunders, J. 8. 2nd ed. 1851 Starkie, T. 1842 Srded. 1824 4th ed. 1853 Tamlyn. J. 1845 Taylor, J.P. 10th ed. 1906 Wills, W. 1894 Circmnstantial. Wills, W. 5th ed. 1902 3rded. 1808 1832 20th ed. 1886 21st ed. 1893 23rd ed. 1905 1882 11th ed. 1890 12th ed. 1898 1898 4th ed. 1893 6th ed. 1904 2nded. 1876 1864 1883 Compendium of. FeaTce, T. Conveyancers'. Coventry, T, Criminal. Archbold, J^. Trentice, 8. Digest of. Moscoe, S. Criminal Evidence Act, 1898. Allen, W.B. Digest of. Stephen, Sir J.F. Discovery. Hare, T. F ether am, W.C. Sichel and Chance. Evidence at Common Law. Thayer, J.F. 1898 Evidence on Commission. Sume-Williams and MacJclin. 2nded. 1903 Experts'. Stephen, Sir J.F. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1859 Extrinsic, in Interpretation of Wills. Nichols, F.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) I860 Gkdde to. Indermum' and Thwaites. 3rd ed. 1902 Indian Evidence Act. Field, CD. 5th ed. 1894 Goodeve, J^ 1862 Griffith, W. 1890 Ma/rTchy, Sir W. 1897 Stephen, Sir J.F. 1872 Lord Denman's Bill. Lowndes, J.J. 1843 EVIDENCE— con tinned. Nisi Prius. Digest of. Moscoe, S. 16th ed. 1891 17th ed. 1900 Pains and Penalties, BiUs of. Christian, F. 2nd ed. 1821 Pleas of the Crown. MacNally, L. 1802 Presumptive Evidence. Best, W.M. 1844 Production of. FollocTc, Sir C.F. 1851 Proof of Deeds. Smith, Sir W.C. 1811 Rationale of. Bentham, J. French trans, by Dumont. 1825 Ed. by Mill. 1827 Eeligious Un-belief and. Maurice, F.D. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1864 Witnesses. Sichel, W.8. 1887 EVOLUTION. Gera/rd, J. Organic. Coe, C.C. Spencer's Formula of. Guthrie, M. See also Cbeatiok, The. 1904 1895 1879 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. Arden Scholarship. Arden Scholarship. 1885-1905 Bacon and Holt Scholarships. Bacon and Holt Scholarships. 1874-1905 Bar. Legal Education. 1872-1905 Solicitors. Hallilay, B. 16th ed. 1895 EXCHEQUER. History and Antiquities. Gilbert, Sir J. Hall, H. Madox, T. 1758 1891 1711 2nded. 1769 1642 1819 Vernon, C. Index to Records in. Martin, A. Index to Remembrancer's Side. Jones, F. 1793-95 Issues, James I. Fell Becords. 1837 Kalendaries and Inventories. Becord Commission, No. 20. Liber Feodorum. ^ Becord Commission, No. 62. jHj Liber Niger Scaccarii. ^ i William of Worcester. Ed. by Heam. 1774 Petitions, Index to. Becord Office. 1892 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 876 LCIEEQ.JJE'R— continued. Practice of the Court of. Broton, W. 2nd ed. Fowler, B.B. (In Equity.) Gilbert, Sir J. Manning, J. (Eevenue Branch.) 2nd ed. Price, G-. Eed Book. Britain, No. 99. EoUs. Henry III.— Edw. III. Record Commission, No. 44. 1725 1795 1758 1827 1830 [CISE LAWS. Sighmore, N.J. See also Revenue Laws, CCUTION. Law of. Anderson, T.K. Bingham, P. [_Carter, S."] Fdwards, C.J. Gilbert, Sir J. Karnes, Lord. EXECUTIVE JUSTICE. Madan, M. 2nded. 1899 1889 1815 1706 1888 1763 1758 1785 EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Godolphin, J. Mumsey, A. Toller, Sir S. Walker and Elgood. Wentworth, T. Williams, Sir H. V. 4th ed. 1701 1891 7th ed. 1838 4th ed. 1905 1720 1832 10th ed. 1905 Administration Actions. Walker and JElgood. Claim to residue of Estate. Barry, J.B. (Law Journal Tracts.) Power to convey estate. Law Journal Tracts. Remedies for recovery of Rent. Law Journal Tracts. 1883 EXECUTORY DEVISES. GENT ReMAINDEBS. See CoNTiN- SXETER COLLEaE, OXFORD. History and Register. Boase, C. W. (Oxford Historical Society, No. 27.) ^EXTENTS, LAW OF. Karnes, Lord. 1758 At the suit of the Crown. Bingham, P. 1815 In Chief and in Aid. West, E. 1817 EX-TERRITORIALITY. Piggott, F.T. EXTRADITION. Biron and Chalmers. Clarke, Sir F. 1892 1903 1867 3rded. 1888 4th ed. 1903 1880 1883 1891 1880 Fiore, P. Kirchner, F.J. Moore, J.B. Vincent, Sir C.F.S. Case of the Fugitive Anderson. Lenman, G. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1861 Case of Tiernan and others. Lushington, V. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1864 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. Jenkyns, Sir S. 1902 FACETI^. ' Historical. Mapes, W. (Camden Society, No. 50.) Legal. Willock, J. 1887 FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Abraham and Davies. 1896 Austin, F. 1895 Bowstead, W. 1901 Redgrave, A. 10th ed. 1904 Ruegg and Mossop. 02 History of the Factory Movement, 1802-47. Kydd, S. 1857 FACTORS AND BROKERS. Russell, J. A. Factors' Acts, 1889-90. Chalmers, M.D. See also Mbeoantilb A&ekct. FACTS. Ram, J. FAIRS. See Maekkts AND Faies. 1844 3rd ed. 1896 4th ed. 1899 5th ed. 1902 1861 FARM, LAW OF THE. Dixon, HiS. FENCES, LAW OF. Hunt, A. J. 5th ed. 1892 5th ed. 1904 876 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. FEREYS. Tolls. Gunning, F. 1833 FEUDAL AIDS. Inquisitions and Assessments. Calendar of State Papers, No. 8. FEUDAL KNiaHTHOOD. History of. Nichols, F.M. 1863 FEUDAL LAW. Colquhoun, P.M. (Juridical Society, 1861 1645 1641 1741 1753 1702 1719 1731 1772 1741 1605-06 TOl. 2.) Dominicy, M.A. Gudelin, P. Sorn, C.S. Mascou, J.J. Melonius, J. Spener, J.K. Stryk, S. Sullivan, F.S. Amoenitates. Buder, C.G. Antinomise. Giffen, S. van Codes of. Butler, C. 2nd ed. 1807 ScUlter, J. 2nd ed. 1728 Elementa. Wolf, J.G. 2nd ed. 1753 Scotland. Karnes, Lord. (Essays.) 3rd ed. 1763 FEUDAL PROPEETY, GREAT BEITAIN. Balrymple, Sir J. 4tli ed. 1759 FEUDAL TENUEE. Pirn, B.C.T. 1871 FEUDALISM. Aldy, J.T. FIJI. See p. 274. FINANCE ACTS. Austen- Cartmell, J. 1890 2nd ed. 1896 3rded. 1901 FINCHALE PEIORY. Swtees Society, No. 6. FINES AND RECOVERIES. Brown, W. 1719-25 CoTce, Sir F. 1662, 1724 Coventry, T. 1820 Cruise, W. 3rded. 1794 Denshall, — . 1662 Sands, W. 4th ed. 1825 Pigott, N. 2nded. 1770 Preston, U. (Tracts.) 1797 Sheppard, W. 1671 FINES AND EECOVEEIES— co». See also DrvoECB 5 Maeeiage [1868] 2nd ed. 1896 1849 1849 2nd ed. 1826 HYDE ABBEY. Liber de Hyda. Britain, No. 45. HYDEOSTATICS. JJrquha/rt, Q. HYMNS. Anglo-Saxon (Latin) Hymns. 8wrtees Society, No. 23. Hymni usitati Latine redditi. Lawson, J.A. Hymns of Modem Man. Noyes, T.S. 1786 1883 1872 ICELAND. Place of, in the history of European insti- tutions. Conybeare, G.A.V. 1877 Britain, No. 88. 1700 1812 1807 2nd ed. 1847 IDIOTS, LAW OP. Brydall, J. Collinson, G-.D. Highmore, A. Shelford, L. See also Ltotacy. ILLEGHTIMAOY. See Bastaedt. IMPEACHMENTS. SeeTuxAJ^a. INOLOSUEES. Domesday of, 1517-18. Boyal Historical Society, 1897 Inclosure of Commons. Cooke, a.W. 4th ed. 1864 Title to land. Coventry, T. 1827 INCOME TAX. Bowell, S. 5th ed. 1902 miis, A.M. 3rd ed. 1893 Pratt, W,T. 6th ed. 1898 Bobinson, A. 1895 Senior, C. 1883 Eeduction of National Debt by means of. ISayer, 5.] 1833 Taxation of Foreign Income. Buchan, J. 1905 INCUMBEANCES. Mam, J. INDEPENDENCY. Walker, C. 2nd ed. 1837 1648-51 INDEXES OF CASES. See DiaBSTS OB Cases. INDIA. Administration in. Chesney, Sir Q. C. 3rd ed. 1894 Campaigns in. Thornton, J.H. 1895 East India Company. Case of Monopolies. Jeffreys, Baron. 1689 Constitution of. Auber, P. 1826 Law relating to. India. 5th ed. 1855 Forty-one years in. Roberts, Earl. 6th ed. 1897 Gazetteer. Hunter, Sir W.W. 1881 Government (1859-68.) Prichard, I.T. 1869 Gujarat Caste Eules. Borradaile, H. 1884-87 Judicial and Eevenue Terms, Glossary of. Wilson, H.H. 1854 Mutiny, 1857. Urquhart, D. 1857 Social Progress. Prichard, I.T. [1871] Trade. Nearchus. 1809 Robertson, W. 5th ed. 1809 Vincent, W., Dean, 1807 See also p. 383. 886 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. INDIA, LAW OF. Lyon, A. Agency. Pearson, T.A. Anglo-Muhammedan 1873 1890 Wilson, Sir B.K. 2nd ed. 1903 Bengal Land-Law. Mitra, S.C. 1898 Civil Wrongs (draft code.) PollocTc, Sir F. (Torts.) 6th ed. 1901 7tlied. 1904 Codes. See Codes, pp. 181-2. Contract. FoUocJc, Sir F. 1905 Courts. History and Constitution of, in Britisli India. Cowell, S. 1872 Criminal Jurisprudeace. FUllips, E.A.I). 1889 Criminal Law. Mayne, J.J). 1896 Starling, M.S. 4tli ed. 1886 Easements. Mitra, U.N. 1885 Feacock, F. 1904 Estoppel. Caspersz, A. 1893 Evidence. Field, CD. 5th ed. 1894 Goodeve, J. 1862 Griffith, W. 1890 MarTcby, Sir W. 1897 Stephen, Sir J.F. 1872 Fisheries. I>oss, L.M. 1891 Fraud, Misrepresentation and Mistake. Folloch, Sir F. 1894 aentoo Laws. Ealhed, N.B. 1776 Hindu Law. Bennett, W.S. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1858 Cowell, S. 1870-71 Grady, S.G. 1871 Hindu Law Books. 1865 Jones, Sir W. 3rd ed. 1869 Macnaghten, W.S. 2nd ed. 1865 Mayne, J.J). 4th ed. 1888 Nelson, J.S. 1881 Strange, Sir T. 1830 Tagore, B.C. 1863 Adoption. SarTcdr, G. 1891 Endowments. Saraswati, P.F. 1897 Inheritance. Bhdttdcharyya, K.K. 1885 ColebrooJce, S.T. 1869 Grady, S.G. 1868 Jolly, J. 1885 Bumsey, A. 1868 2nd ed. 1877 Sarvadhikari, B, 1882 INDIA, LAW OF— continued. Hindu Law — eon. Marriage. Banerjee, G. Widows. Mitra, T. Injunctions. Nelson, B.A. Woodroffe, J.G. Land Eevenue. Fotcell, B.S.B. Law Eeports. See p. 383. Legislative Minutes. Maine, Sir S.S Limitation and Prescription. Mitra, U.N. Madras High Court Eules. Iyengar, S.B. Mahommedan Law. Bennett, W.S. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1858 Sircar, S.C. 1873-75 Digest of. Baillie, N.B.E. 2nd ed. 1887 Gifts, Trusts, and Testamentary Dispo sitions. Ali, S.A. Inheritance. Grady, S.G. Bumsey, A. 1879 1881 1900 1900 1894 1890 1885 1887 1885 Mussulman Laws. Sedaya. Spirit of Islam. Ali, S.A. Marriage and Divorce 1869 1869 2nd ed. 1871} 2nd ed. 187C 1896 1895-98 1889 1878 1877 1886 1902 Mahomed Yusoof. Medical Jurisprudence. Lyon, LB. Minors (Bengal.) Trevelyan, F.J. Mortgage. Ghose, B. Oude. Sykes,J.G.W. Perpetuities. Muhhopadyhay, A. Procedure. Civil Courts. Macpherson, W. See also Codes, pp. 181-2. Property, Immoveable. Chatterjea, K.M. Property and Partition. Mitra, B.C. Eeceivers. Woodroffe, J.G. Sradda, The. Urquhart, B. Tagore Law Lectures. See p. 737. Tenvires (Lower Bengal.) Phillips, A Trusts. Agnew, W.F. Waters and Watercourses. Loss, L.M. 18 Wills. Senderson, G.S. 18i See also p. 888. 1871 1890 1897 1£ IS 181 li INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 887 INDICTABLE OFFENCES. Boothly, B. 1842 2nded. 1854 Criminal Code. 1878-79 Matthews, R. 1833 Prentice, S. 1882 Stephens, Sir J.F. and Sir E. 1883 INDICTMENT. Criminal Proceedings on. Bowen-Rotolands, JE.B, 1904 Precedents of Indictments. Saunders, T. W. and W.B. 3rd ed. 1904 INFANTS AND INFANCY 1816 1895 2nded. 1712 2nd ed. 1890 Deans, U.S. Infants. Simpson, A.S, Domestic Relations. Bversley, W.P. 2nd ed. 1896 Schouler, J. 4th ed. 1889 French Law of. Magnin, A. 1835-36 Jurisdiction of the Court of Chaneery. Chambers, J.D. 1842 INFORMATIONS, CRIMINAL AND QUO WARRANTO. Bowen-Eowlands, E.B. 1904 Cole, W.B. 1843 Shortt, J. 1887 INHABITED DWELLING HOUSES, TAX ON. See House Tax. INHERITANCE. Tamlyn, J. 1834 Indian. See India, Law of. Opinions on Terms Attendant on. Inheritance. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.) 1792 INJUNCTIONS. Doctrine and principles. Joyce, W. 1877 Indian Law of. Nelson, R.A. 1900 Woodroffe, J.&. 1900 Law and practice, Drewry, C.S. Joyce, W. Kerr, W.W. 3rd ed. 4th ed 1849 1872 1888 1903 INJURIES. Roman and Roman-Dutch Law of. Villiers, M. de. 1899 INLAND NAVIGATION. /See Navi&ation, Inland. INLAND REVENUE. Reports of Tax Cases, 1875-1903. Tax Cases. 1884-1904 Summary proceedings. Sighmore, N.J. 2nd ed. 1887 See also Revenue Laws. INNER TEMPLE. See p. 384. INNKEEPERS. Oliphant, a.E.E. 5th ed. 1896 INNS OF COURT. Dugdale, Sir W. 2nded. 1671 3rd ed. 1680 1843 1804 1800 1827 1855 Goldsmith, G-. Eerhert, W. Ireland, S. Lee, P.B. Pearee, R.M. Exemption from Poor Rate. Griffith, JE. 1831 Functions and Priyileges. Scott, J, 1869 Historical Memorials. Cunningham, T. 1790 Jurisdiction. Calvert, F. 1874 Earvey, B.JF. (Case of.) 1834 Eayward, A. (Case of.) 1848 Legal Education in. Saunders, C.T. 1875 Smith, P.A. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1856 See also LsaAL Education, p. 447. Military and Naval Services. Norton, F.C. 1886 Reader, Office of. Baylis, T.E. 1901 Reformation and the. Fletcher, R.J. 1903 Temple Church. See Temple, The, p. 742. See also Inns of Coubt, p. 385; Geay's Inn, pp. 316-8; Inner Tem- ple, p. 384 ; Lincoln's Inn, p. 456 j Middle Temple, pp. 509-10. INNS OF COURT E.V. Volunteer Verse. Wason, R. 1906 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. IIS-QUISITIONES. Ad Capellam. Record Commission, No. 18. Ad quod Damnum. Record Commission, No. 5. In Curia Scaccarii. Record Commission, No. 25. In Officio Rotulorum Cancel. Hiberniae. Record Commission, No. 19. Post Mortem. Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 7, 36. Record Commission, No. 4. Lancaster. Record Commission, No. 15. INROLMENTS, STATUTES OP. Fearne, C. 1797 INSANITY. Care of the Insane. BucJcnill, J.C. 1880 Criminal responsibility of madmen. Stephen, F. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1855 Winslow, F. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1857 Defence of, in Criminal cases. Everest, L.F. 1887 Insane and tbe Law. Pitt-Lewis, Smith and SawJce, 1895 Medical Jurisprudence of. Ray, J. 1839 Monomanie sans delire. Renton, A.W. 1886 See also LxrifACY. INSOLVENCY. Charnock, R. Macrae, I>.C. Shelf ord, L. See also Bahkbttptcy. INSOMNIA. Sawyer, Sir J. INSTITUTIONS. 1844 2nd ed. 1857 3rd ed. 1862 1904 Eairly History of. Maine, Sir E.S. 1875 7tli ed. 1897 English Legal. Carter, A.T. 1902 European, Place of Iceland in. Conyheare, C.A.V. 1877 Judicial, English and French compared. Eey, J. 1826 INSURANCE. EmerigoH, B.M. 1850 Magens, N. 1755 Park, J A.. 1787 7th ed. 1817 Phillips, W. 5th ed. 1867 Porter, J.B. 4th ed. 1904 Accident. Crawley, C. 1882 Fire. Annesley,A. 1808 JBunyon, C.J. 4th ed. 1893 Life. Annesley, A. 1808 Puny on, C.J. 5th ed. 1904 Crawley, G. 1882 Annuities and Surviyorships. Milne, J. 1815 Companies' Acts. Buckley, Sir S.B. 8th ed. 1902 Life Assurances and Reyersions. Scratchley, A. Newed. 1867 Winding-up of Life Assurance Companies. Pitcairn, D. (Juridical Society, vol. 4.) 1871 Marine. Annesley, A. 1808 Arnould, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1857 6th ed. 1887 7th ed. 1901 Duckworth, L. 1901 Duer, J. 1845-46 Lowndes, R. 1881 McArthur, C. 1890 Marshall, S. 4th ed. 1861 Park, J. A. 1787 7th ed. 1817 Parsons, T. 1868 Stevens, R. 2nded. 1816 Consideration of during War. Owen, D. 1889 Digest of. Chalmers and Owen. 2nd ed. 1903 Neivson, S. 2nd ed. 1883 General Average, and Losses resulting therefrom. Baily, L.R. 2nd ed. 1856 Insurable Interests and Valuation. Lowndes, R. 18841 Perils of the Sea, and their effects on Policies. Baily, L.R. 1860J Principles of Indemnity in. Benecke, W. 18241 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME LAW. Cussy, F. de. Sautefeuille, L.B. 1856 1858 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 889 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME IjKW—conUmed. Maritime. Levi, L. 2nd ed. 1863 1865 Ortolan, T. 1864 Testa, C. 1886 ^TERNATIONAL LAW AND LAW OF NATIONS. Bentham, J. K.B. Calvo, C. 4th ed. 1887-88 Creasy, SirE.S. 1876 Griffith, W. N.D. Gundling, N.S. 2nd ed. 1728 Sail, w.i:. 5th ed. 1904 SallecJc, S.W. 3rd ed. 1893 SarcQurt, Sir W.V. 1863 Heffter,A.W. Srded. 1873 4th ed. 1883 Seineccius, J.O. 1802 International Marine Conference. 1890 Katchenowsky, Prof. (Juridical Society, toI. 2.) 1858 Kluber, J.L. 1831 KoeMer, S. 1732 Lawrence, T.J. 1885, 1895 Larimer, J. 1883-84 Maine, Sir B.8. 1890 Poison, A. 1848 Pomeroy, J.N. 1886 Pufendorf, S. 1744 English Trans. 1749 Schmauss, J.J. 1741-47 Stephen, J.K. 1884 Twiss, Sir T. 1875-84 Vattel, a. de. New ed. 1835-38 English Trans. 1760 „ by Chitty. 1834 Walker, T.A. 1893 Ward, P.P. 1795 Westlake, J. 1894 (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1856 Wheaton, E. 2nd ed. 1863 4th ed. 1904 Wolfgang, J. 1680 Woolsey, T.I). 5th ed. 1879 Aliens and subjects. Cockburn, Sir A. 1869 Appeal to Pope to restore. Urquhart, D. 1868-69 Belligerents and Neutrals. Clark, C. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1864 Droop, H.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1870 Sail, W.H. 1874 Kerr, W.W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 Massey, C.C. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1864 INTERNATIONAL LAW AND LAW OF NATIONS— contimed. Belligerents and Neutrals — con. Newcastle, Duke of. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.) 1791 Ward, P.P. 1875 Codification. Pluntschli, J.G. 3rd cd. 1881 Fiqld,D.I>. 2nd ed. 1876 Lacombe, P. (Internationalism.) 1876 Ma/rcoartu, A. de. (International- ism.) 1876 Sprague,A.P. (Internationalism.) 1876 Commentaries. Kent, J. 2nd ed. 1878 Manning, W.O. 1839 Newed. 1875 Phillimore, Sir E. 3rd ed. 1875-89 Compendium. Martens, G.F. von. 1802 Conflict of Laws. Purge, W. 1838 Bicey, A. V. 1896 Fiore, P. 1875 Savigny, F.C. von. 2nd ed. 1880 Story, J. 8th ed. 1883 Westlake, J. 1858 4th ed. 1905 Wharton, F. 1872 Digest of (United States.) Wharton, F. 1886 Eastern Question. European Concert in. Solland, T.F. 1885 Easays on disputed Questions of. Lawrence, T.J. 1884 Extradition. See ExTEADiTioir. Hague Conference. Siggins, A.P, Inquiries in. Reddie, J. Leading Cases. Cobhett, P. 1901 1842 1885 2nded. 1892 Lectures on. Maine, Sir S.S. 1890 National Studies and. Lorimer, J. 1890 Neutrality of Great Britain during American Civil War. Bernard, M. 1870 Neutrality Principles. Kerr, W.W. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 Pandects. Fulhecke, W. 1602 Peace and War. See Peace and Wae. Peace Society and. Urquhart, Z>. 1869 Penal. Fiore, P. 1880 Private and Criminal. Par, L. Q-erman Text. 1862 English Text. 1883 890 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND LAW OF KATIOISS— continued. Private International Law, Fiore, P. 1875 Foofe, J.A. 2nd ed, 1890 Sattigan, Sir W.H. 1895 Savigny, F. C. von. 2nd ed. 1880 WestlaJce, J. 1858 4th ed. 1905 Wharton, F. ' 1872 Select Cases. Nelson, S. 1889 Private Property at Sea. UrquTiart, D. 1866 Eiglit of Search. TJrquhart, D. 1862 Rise and Growth of. Sosack, J. 1882 Rivers, Navigable. Cutler, J. 2nd ed. 1865 Sovereignty in. Maine, Sir S.S. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1855 Trent Affair. Clarke, C. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1861 See also Inteenational Law Asso- CIATION, p. 385. INTERNATIONAL MARINE CON- FERENCE. See p. 385. INTERPLEADER. Cababe, M. 3rd ed. 1900 INTERPRETATION OF DEEDS. Ulphinstone, Norton and Clark. 1885 Kelke, W.S.S. 1901 Norton, E.F. 1906 INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES. Maxwell, Sir F.B. 4th ed. 1905 INTERROaATORIES. Petheram, W.C. Sichel and Chance. 1864 1883 Interrogating Persons Accused of Crime. Stephen, J.F. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1857 INTESTACY. Lovelass, P. 3rd ed. 1786 INVERNESS. Presbytery Records, 1643-88. Scottish Sistory Society, No. 24. INVESTMENTS. Ward, R.A. 2nd ed. 1852 Statutory Trust Investment Q-uide. Ma/rraoTc and Mathieson, 1891 2nd ed. 1896 IRELAND. Annuities to Curates. Bernard, W.L. 1871 Biography, Compendium of Irish. Webb, A. 1878 Boundaries, Municipal. Corporations, Municipal. 1837 Catholics in. Grattan, S. 1812 Milner, J. 1808 Penal Laws against. Ireland. 1812 Channel Islands and. Le Quesne, C. 1848 Chlirch. Celtic (St. Patrick to 1172.) Stokes, J. 1886 Ecclesiastical Law. Stop ford, F.A. 1861 Establishment, Tracts on. Lee and O'Neill. 1866-68 Irish Church Acts, 1869 and 1872. Bernard, W.L. 1873-76 Protestant, Position and Prospects of. Greenwood, T. 1851 Church of Rome in. Phelan, W. 3rd ed. 1854 Court of Final Appeal. Christian, J. 1874 Crime in. Bagenal, F.H. 1880 Criminal Law Judgments. Irish Reports. 1903 Customs and Manners. Dewar, D. 1812 Documents relating to. Britain, No. 53. Gilbert, J.T. 1893 Dublin. Archbishop's Register Book. Gilbert, J.T. 1897 History of. D' Alton, J. 1838 Gilbert, J.T. 1859 Warburton, Whitelawand Walsh. 1818 St. Mary's Abbey. Britain, No. 80. Educational System. Balfour, &. 1898 Encumbered Estates. King, J. 1855 Establishments of, 1152-1827. Record Commission, No. 21. Government, 1584-88. Perrot, Sir J. 1626 Historical and Statistical. Smyth, G.L. 1844-49 Home Rule. Dicey, A. V. 181 See also Iebland (Repeal Prize Essays), p. 386. Invasions of, by Danes. Britain, No. 48. King's Council Proceedings, 1392-93. Britain, No. 69. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 891 IRELAND — continued. King's Inns. DuUgg,B.T. 1806 Littledale, W.F. 1859 Land, Valuation of. Griffith, Sir B. 1880 Land Question. Sheriff, D. 1869 Compensation for Improvements. Meehins, T. CM. 1852 Lord Chancellors. Burke, O.J. 1879 O'Flanagan, J.E. 1870 Manuscripts, National. Irish Record Fublications. 1884 Official Directory. Thorn, A. 1898-1906 Parliament. Debates in, 1763-64. Caldwell, Sir J. 1766 1781-82. Ireland. 1782 Journals of. See Jouenals, p. 405. Procedure in. Bopping, A. 1772 Parliamentary Reports. See Pablia- MENTAEY COMMISSIONS, pp. 566-8. Political and Statistical Accoimt Anderson, C. 1828 Bryan, J.B. 1831 Da vies. Sir J. 1612 Dill, F.M. 1852 Boyle, J.W. 1825 V iGreville, G.C.] 2nd ed. 1845 Kane, B. 2nd ed. 1845 Martin, B.M. 3rd ed. 1848 Martineau, H. 1852 Musgrave, Sir It. (Strictures on Plowden.) 1804 Petty, Sir W. 2nd ed. 1719 Plowden, F. 1803 Spencer, F. 1809 Wakefield, F. 1812 Records, Public. Record Commission, No. 45. See also Ieish Reoobd Pubxications, p. 389. Repeal of the Union. State prosecutions reviewed. [Leahy, 2).] 1845 Topographical Account. Oiraldus Cambrensis. (Britain, No. 21, vol. 5.) Inglis, H.B. 3rd ed. 1825 Lewis, S. 2nd ed. 1847 Martineau, S. 1852 Union Tracts. Smith, Sir W.C. 1831 Vindication of. Carey, M. 3rd ed. 1867 See also Ieeland, pp. 886-8. IRELAND, HISTORY OP. Feom the Eaeliest Peeiod — to A.D. 1150. Britain, No. 46. 1171. Keating, J. 1841 1284. Sanmer, M. 1809 1421. Marlelurrough, S. 1809 1571. Campion, F. ' 1809 1586. Solinshed, R. 1587 1807-08 1596. Spencer, F. 1809 1714. Lawless, J. 2nd ed. 1815 Feom — A.D. 303-1327. Britain, No. 26. 1041-1590. Britain, No. 54. 1171-1307. Calendar of State Papers, No. 22. — 1610. Connellan, 0. (Four Masters.) 1846 — 1641. Buchesne, A. 3rd ed. 1641 — 1773. Leland, T. 1773 1509-1601. Calendar of State Papers, No. 23. 1547-1603. Stafford, T. 1810 1558-1603. Camden, W. 1615-27 1603-1662. Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 24, 25. 1641-1652. Gilbert, J.T. 1879-91 — 1690. Camden Society, No. 14. 1688-1691. Gilbert, J.T. (Jacobite War.) 1892 Chronicles of Eri. O'Connor, C. 1822 Maria Stuart Narratives. Gilbert, J.T. 1894 1798, Rebellion of. Gordon, J. 1801 Say, F. 1803 Musgrave, Sir R. 3rd ed. 1802 Taylor, G. 1800 Teeling, C.S. 1828 See also Ieeiand, pp. 386-8, IRELAND, LAWS OF. Ancient Laws. See Ieisk Recobb Pctb- I.ICATIONS, p. 389. Bankruptcy. Kisbey, W.S. 4th ed. 1900 Chancery, Court of. BlacJcham, J. 1859 Inquisitions. Record Commission, No. 19. Common Law Procedure Acts. Ferguson, W.B. 2nd ed. 1857 Digest of Reports. 1867-1903. Irish Law Times. 1895-1905 Irish Reports. 1899-1905 Common Law. 1612-1865. BrunJcer, T. 1865 Equity. To 1822. Bridgman, R.W. 3rd ed. 1822 1838-67. Gamble and Barlow. 1868 892 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. lEELAND, LAWS 0¥— continued. Ecclesiastical Law. Stopford, IE. A. 1861 Irish Church Acts, 1869-72. Bernard, W.C. 3rd ed. 1873-76 Encmnbered Estates Acts. . King, J. . 1855 Exchequer Appeals, 1868-76. Irish Reports. 1886 Judicature Acts, 1877-78. mffe, L.S. 1881 Judicature Bill. Christian, J. 1874 Justice of the Peace. Bolton, Sir B. 1688 Land Cases Reserved, Court for. Appeals, 1868-76. Irish Beports. 1886 Land Law and Land Purchase Acts, 1860-91. Cherry, B.B. 2nd ed. 1893 Land Laws. Cant-Wall, B. 1882 MeeUns, T.C.M. 1852 See also Ieeland (Irish Land Committee Publications), p. 387. Landlord and Tenant. Smythe, S. 1842 Law Reporting. Christian, J. 1877 Leases for Lives, Renewal of. Finlay, J. 1829 Probate Practice. Miller, W.B. 1863 Quarter Sessions Practice. Miller, W.B. 1863 Registry Appeals. Irish Beports, 1886 Statute Law. Digest. Gablett, J. 1812-18 Index. Oulton, A.N. 1836 See also STATUTES OF Ieeiand, p. 710-11. IRISH BARDS. Walker, J.C. 1786 IRISH CATHOLICS. Catholic Association. Wyse, T. 1829 IRISH STATE TRIALS, 1848. Modffes,J.G. 1848 ISLE OF MAN. Jiirisprudence and Constitution of. Johnson, J. 1811 Statutes and Ordinances. Stowell, T. 1792 "ISSUE" AND "CHILD." Construction of the terms. Frior, J. V. 1839 ITALY. History, 1490-1532. Guiccardini, F. 1566 English trans. 1753-56 Codes. See Codes, p. 182. Italian War. Urquhart, D. 1859 Observations on. Qrosley, P.J. 1769 Statutes of the Cities of. Bowyer, Sir G. 1838 Travels in. Montaigne, M.B, de. 1774 JACOBITE REBELLIONS. See Scotland. JAMAICA. Conquest of. Venables, Gen. B. (Camden Society, new series. No. 60.) Practice of the Vice- Admiralty Court ol. Sinchlife, H.J. 1813 Public Offices. Vaughan, S. 1770 See also p. 392. JAMESON RAID. Trial of Leaders. Jameson, L.S. 1896 JAPAN. Ancestor Worship and Japanese Law. Hozumi, N. 1901 See also p. 393. JARROW MONASTERY. Register of. Surfees Society, No. 29. JERSEY, ^cep. 397. JESUITS. Jesuits' College at Clerkenwell, 1627-28. Camden Society, Nos. 55, 73. Laws concerning. Cawley, W. 1680 See also p. 397. JEWS. Pleas and Records from the Exchequer Rolls of the, 1220-84. Selden Society, No. 15. See also Hebbews. JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES. FANIES. See Com* INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 893 JOINTUEES. Brograve, Sir J. (under Dj/er, Sir J.) 1648 Walters, W.C. 1826 Camplelly Lord. Delrett, J. 4th ed. JUDaES. Chief Justices. Judicial Bench Lires of the. Ik Townsend, W.C. If L»rd Chancellors. Il Campbell, Lord. Chancellors. Ireland. BurJce, O.J. O'Flanagan, J.R. Masters of the EoUs. Hardy, Sir T, Tables of Judges. To 1683. Phillips, S. To 1739. Bugdale, Sir W. 3rd 1066-1864. Foss, IE. 1837-87. BlocTc, F.J. 1905. Delrett, J. Welsh Judges. Williams, W.E. JTJDaMENTS, LEGAL. 1849-57 1905 1848-64 1846 1856-57 1712 1879 1870 L. 1843 1685-86 ed. 1739 1865 1887 1905 1899 Cairns, Lord. (M artin v. Macono- chie.) 1869 Ram, J. 1834 See also Judgments, p. 405 ; Foebi&k JUDftMBNTS. JUDaMENTS AND CROWN DEBTS. Prideaux, F. 4th ed. 1856 JUDGMENTS AND EXECUTIONS. Bingham, P. 1815 JUDGMENTS AND ORDERS. Pemberton, L.L. Seton, Sir R.W. 4th ed. 1889 1830 3rded. 1862 4th ed. 1877-79 5th ed. 1891-93 6th ed. 1901 JUDICATURE. Changes in. CocJchurn, Sir A. 1870 JUDICATURE COMMISSION. See p. 405. JUDICATURE, SUPREME C OURT OF. Acts and Rules. Andrews and Stoney. 4th ed. 1885 Annual Practice. 1906 Baxter, W.F. 5th ed. 1883 Charley, W.T. 3rd ed. 1877 Griffith and Loveland. 2nd ed. 1877 Lely and Foulkes. 1875 4th ed. 1883 Supreme Court. 3rded. 1724 1901 Wilson, A. 1875 Digest of. ParJcer, F.R. 2nd ed. 1883 Ireland. Fiffe, L.S. 1881 Practice. Annual Practice. 1906 Charley, W.T. 3rd ed. 1877 Indermaur, J. 7th ed. 1897 8th ed. 1901 Shearwood, J.A. 2nd ed. 1900 Wilson, A. 7th ed. 1888 Statutes, Orders, and Rules. Fmden,A. 2nd ed. 1886 Summary Judgment under Order xiv. Cavanagh, C. 1887 Time Tables for. Jeudtoine, J.W. 2nd ed. 1884 See also Pleasing. JUDICIAL DICTIONARIES. Set Die- TIONABIBS. JUDICIAL ORGANIZATION. Bentham, J. (Works.) 1843 Ed. by Mill. 1827 French Trans, by Dumont. 1825 Franqueville, Comtede. 1893 Pardessus, J.M. 1861 Criminal. Cottu, C. 1820 JUDICIAL STATISTICS. -See p. 406. JURIES. Chambers, T. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1858 Cornish, T.E. 2nd ed. 1843 Grand Juries, Charges to. Astry, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1725 Christian, F. 1819 [Dayrell, Sir M.'] 1689 Juries among the Greeks and Romans. Pettingal, J. 1769 Jury Court Cases. Murray, J. 1818-30 Juryman's Legal Handbook. Cornish, T.E. 2nd ed. 1843 894 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. JURIES — continued. Trial by Jury. Best, W.M. (Juridical Society, vols. 1, 2.) 1855-59 Duncomb, G. 1766 Forsyth, W. 1852 Stephen, Sir J.F. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1859 Williams, T. 1680 Q-ermany. Feuerbach, F.J. A, 1813 JUEISPRUDENCE. Ancient Law. Maine, Sir S.S. 1861 6th ed. 1876 Another ed. 1906 Aryan Household. Searne, W.F. 1879 Biblioth^que du Jurisconsulte. Themis. 1819-31 British Law, Future of. JenJcs, F. 1889 Commentaries. Suarez, F. 1679 Wharton, F. 1884 De Laudo Men Juris. Garsoni, S. 1581 Early Law and Custom. Maine, Sir U.S. 1883 Elementary Law. Tyssen, A.D. 1898 Elements of. Holland, T.F. 8th ed. 1896 9th ed. 1900 Elements of Law with reference to. MarTcby, W. 4th ed. 1889 Equity Jurisprudence. Story, J. 12th ed. 1877 Essays on. Rodolfinus, L. 1606 Salmond, J.W. 1891 First Book of. FollocJc, Sir F. 1896 Historical. Lee, G.C. 1900 History of. Seron, B.C. 1860 Indian. Phillips, S.A.D. 1889 Institutes of Law. Larimer, J. 2nd ed. 1880 Wood, T. 4th ed. 1730 Jurisprudence. Fhillipps, C.S.M. 1863 Jurisprudence and Ethics. Pollock, F. 1882 Jurisprudence as & Scientific Organism. Friedlander, A. Trans, by Hastie. 1887 Juristic Methodology. Ahrens, S. Trans, by Hastie. 1887 Law and Politics in Middle Ages. Jenlcs, F. 1898 Law and Public Opinion. Licey, A.V. 1905 Law Q-rammar. Jacob, G. 8th ed. 1840 JURISPRrDENCE— co»ilke, T. 1698 Provok'd Wife. Vanhrugh, J. 1697 Eehearsal. Villiers, G. 5th ed. 1687 Eelapse. Vanlrugh, J. 1627 Eevengeful Queen. Philips, W. 1698 Einaldo and Armida. Dennis, J. 1699 EoUo, Duke of Normandy. Fletcher, J. 1686- Sir Antony Love. Southerne, T. 1698 Sir Barnaby Whigg. Burfey, T. 1681 Sir Courtly Nice. Crown, J. 1685 Spightful Sister. Bailey, A. 1667 Successful Straingers. Mountfort, W. 1690 Titus and Berenice. Otway, T. 1677 Triumphs of Virtue. \^Anon.] Triumphs. 1697 Tyrannick Love. Dryden, J. 3rd ed. 1677 Unhappy Favourite. Banks, J. 1693 Valentinian. Fletcher, J. 1685 Venice Preserv'd. Otway, T. 1682 Wakefield Plays (Towneley Mysteries.) Surtees Society, No. 3. wad Oallant. Dryden, J. 1669 PLEADINGS. Civil Actions. Allen, G.B. and W.B. 1883 Atkinson, J. MS. k.d I INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 921 TLEADlNOtS— continued. Ciyil Actions — con. JBrownlotv, R. 1652-54 Bullen and Leake. 3rd ed. 1868 4th ed. 1882-88 5th ed. 1897 6th ed.. 1905 cutty, J. 1809-16 6th ed. 1836-37 cutty, J.,jun. 1836-38 3rd ed. 1867-68 Cunningham and Mattinson. • 2nded. 1884 lEuer, S.'] 1677 Trans. 1771 Seme, J. 1657 Lawes, H. 1806, 1810, 1827 Odgers, W.B. 4th ed. 1900 5th ed. 1903 Saunders, J.S. 1851 Stephen, H.J. 7th ed. 1866 Wentworth, J. 1797-99 Criminal. ArcUold,J.F. 20th ed. 1886 2l8t ed. 1893 23rd ed. 1905 CUUy, J. 1816 Sta/rUe, T. 2nd ed. 1822 Digest of Eules. CharnocTc, R. 1836 Heath, Sir R. 1694 Equity. Beames, J. 1818 Cooper, a. 1809 Lewis, H. 1865 Mitford, J. 2nd ed. 1787 4th ed. 1827 5th ed. 1847 Montagu, B. 1824 Story, J. 7th ed. 1865 Van Heythuysen, F.M. 2nd ed. 1828 Willis, J.W. 1820 Interpleader. Calahe, M. 3rd ed. 1900 Special. Present System of. Hopwood, C.H. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1866 Tables to. Cornwall, J. 1705 Townesend, G. 1667 See also p. 589. PLEAS. Admiralty, Court of, 1390-1602. Selden Society, Nos. 6, 11. Civil, 1200-03. Selden Society, No. 3. Court of Littleport. Selden Society, No. 4. Britton. East, H.H. Hale, Sir M. ins, W. PLEAS — continued. Crown. 1679 ByKelham. 1762 1803 1678, 1736 Newed. 1778 1716 8th ed. 1824 Selden Society, No. 1. Staundforde, Sir W. 1583 Another ed. 1607 Tremaine, Sir J. 1723 In the county of G-loucester, 1221. Maitland; F. W. 1884 Eeports of Cases. Kelyng, Sir J. 1708 3rded. 1873 Eules of Evidence on. Macnally, L. 1802 Forest. Selden Society, No, 13. Jewish Exchequer EoUs, 1220-84. Selden Society, No. 15. Manorial Courts, Hen. III. and Edw. I. Selden Society, No. 2. PLEDGE, LAW OP. Ashlwrner, W, 1897 See also Pawn. POETS AND POETEY. Ancient and Modem. Barter, W.G.T. 1855 English. Warton, T. 1871 English Dramatic Poetry. Collier, J.P. 1879 English Poets, Lives of. Johnson, S. 1781 Poems and Poetical Works. Barbour, J. 1790 Barter, W.G.T. 1850-56 Braithwaite, R. 1716 Butler, S. New ed. 1835 French transl. 1819 Camoens, L. de. Trans, by Aubertin. 2nded. 1884 Chaucer, G. Speght's ed. 1602 Cole,H.W. 1877 Cotvper, W. 1800 2>e la Pryme, C. 2nd ed. 1868 Dryden, J. 1760 Hayden, J.J. 1889-98 Horton-Smith, L. 1899 James, J.H. 1861 Kenealy, E. V. 1863-64 Lupton, J.H. 1897 Lydgate, J. (Camden Society, No. 73.) Macaulay, Lord. (Works.) 1879 M'Leod, A. 1897 Milton, J. 1874 Minot, L. 1825 922 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. POETS AND VOETB.Y— continued. Poems and Poetical Works — con. Neckham, A. (Britain, No. 34.) Ouseley, T.J. 1870 Richard de Maidstone. (Camden Society, No. 3.) Michard II. (Camden Society, No. 3.) Scott, A. (Early English Text Society, E.S., No. 85.) ShaJcespeare, W. 2nd ed. by Dyce. 1866 Stewart, C.JE. 1797 Whyte, S. 3rd ed. 1795 Wingfleld, G.A. 1842-44 Account of War in Flanders. Scot, J. (Scottish History Society, No. 38.) Anglo-Latin (12th century.) Britain, No. 59. Biographical Poems, 16th century. Camden Society, No. 61. Codex Vercellensis. ^Ifric Society, No. 2. 1843-56 Conveyancing. Crisp, J. 2nd ed. 1821 De Laude Oxonise. Tryvytlam, B. (Oxford Historical Society, No. 32.) Early English Romances. Camden Society, Nos. 18, 30. Q-rameid, The. Philip, J. (Scottish History Society, No. 3.) Ingoldsby Legends. Barham, R.S. 1874 Italian. Metastasio, P.B. 1755 Latin. Mapes, W. (Camden Society, No. 16.) Oxford Town and Gown Riots. Oxford Historical Society, No. 32. PoUtical (Edw. III.— Hen. VIII.) Britain, No. 14. Eobin Hood. Ritson, J. N.D. Siege of Rouen. Page, J. (Camden Society, new series, No. 17.) State Trials. Moile, N.T. 1838 Verses on the Kings of England. Lydgate, J. (Camden Society, new series. No. 17.) Verses to Lord Denman, Arnould, Sir J. [1850] Volunteer Verse. Wason, R. 1905 Turkish, History of. Redhouse, J. W. 1879 See also Classics, Q-eeek and Latin. POISONS AND POISONING. Taylor, A.S. 3rd ed. 1875 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Mann, J.B. 3rd ed. 1902 Trials for Murder by, 1850-81. Browne and Stewart. POLAND. History. Salvandy, M.A. de Letters on the State of, 1772-73. Lind, J. POLICE. Defects of. Samvay, J. 188] 182J 2nd ed. 1773 17W POLICE GUIDE. Greemoood and Martin. 3rd ed. I89C POLITIC LAW. Principles of. Btcrlamaqui, J.J. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Bagehot, W. Byles, Sir J.B. Mill, J.S. Smith, A. Steuart, Sir J. Walker, F.A. 1751 8th ed. 1881 2nd ed. 185( 6th ed. 1861 New ed. 1861 1761 3rd ed. 1893 POLITICAL HISTORY, ENGLAND. Acland and Ransome. 6th ed. 1894 POLITICAL JUSTICE. Influence of. Godwin, W. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Comparative Constitutional Law and. Burgess, J.W. State and the Individual. M'Kechnie, W.S. POLITICS. Law and, in Middle Ages. Jenks, E. 1898 Liberalism of the Period. Politics. 1872 See also GovEENMENT. PONTEFBACT CASTLE. Siege of, 1644-45. Surtees Society, No. 37. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 923 POOR LAW. Archbold, J.F. Bott, F. Burn, S. ICarter, S.'] Nolan, M. Page, F. 15th ed. 4th ed. 5th ed. 4th ed. 3rd ed. Andorer TJiaion. Parker, S.W. Orders. Glen, W.C. 11th ed. Macmorran and Lushington. 2nd ed. Schools, London. Monnington and Lampard. State of the Poor since the Conquest. Eden, Sir F.M. See also POOE, pp. 593-4. POOR RATE. Exemption of Inns of Court from. Griffith, F. See also p. 594. 1898 1800 1776 1725 1825 1830 1845 1898 1906 1898 1797 1831 POPES. History of the. Bower, A. 1748-66 Greenwood, T. 1856-72 Pastor, L. 1898- ] 900 Platina, B.S. 1626 See also Papacy, Papal Claims. POPULATION RETURNS. See pp. 594-5. PORTS. See Haeboues and Poets. PORTUGAL. Codes. See Codes, p. 183. Law. Cabedo, G. de Portugal and the Congo. Cordeiro, L. Rebel Brazilians on Portuguese Ships. Brazil. 1620 1883 1894 I POST OFFICE. Jubilee of Penny Postage. Penny Postage. POWERS. Chance, S. Farwell, Sir G. Sugden, Sir F.B. 1891 1831-41 1874 2nded. 1893 1808 8th ed. 1861 Creation and Execution of. Powell, J.J. Language of. Preston, R. (Tracts.) POWERS OF ATTORNEY. Precedents of. Stokes, W. 1787 1797 1861 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE OF THE SUPREME COURT. See Judicatueb, SuPEEME CoTTET OF. See also Respective Titles for Practice in Particular Courts or on Special Subjects. PR^STITA ROLL. Record Commission, No. 37. PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS. Andrewes, L. Bp. . Kenealy, F. V. Sibbes, R. 1898 1861 1638 Family Prayers. Best, S. 1843 aift of Prayer. Wilkins, J. 1655 PREACHINa. aift of. Wilkins, J. 1653 PRECEDENTS. EncyclopsDdia of Forms and. Underhill, A. See also Respective Titles. 1902-06 POSITIVE LAW. lAghtwood, J.M. 1883 PREMONTRE, ORDER OF. POSSESSION, LAW OF. Camden Society, thira I series. No. 6. Savigny, F.C. von. 6th ed. 1848 Land. Lightwood, J.M. 1894 PREROaATIVE, ROYAL. Possession in Common Law. Allen, J. 1849 Pollock and Wright. 1888 Chitty, J., jun. Jacob, J. Jenkins, D. 1820 1719 1648-81 POST-NATI. Staundforde, Sir W. 1583-90 Mlesmere, Lord. 1609 Another ed. 1607 924 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PEESBYTERIANS. English. Falconer, T. 1834 Fund. Jeremy, W.J). 1885 Movement, 1582-89. Camden Society, third series, No. 8. PRESBYTERY RECORDS. Inverness and Dingwall, 1643-88. Scottish History Society, No. 24. PRESCRIPTION, LAW OF. History. Herbert, T.A. 1891 Indian. Mitra, U.N. 1885 Scotland. Millar, J.E. 1893 PRESS. Liberty o£ the. ErsJcine, T., Lord. (Speeches.) 1810 Paterson, J. 1880 The Fourth Estate. Cornish, T.H. 1839 PRESUMPTIONS. Best, W.M. Menochius, J. PRIMOGENITURE, LAW OF. Succession Laws, with reference to. Lloyd, U. PRINCES OF WALES. See p. 602. 1844 1595, 1606 1877 PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. Fvans, W. Foley, W. Story, J. Wright, F.B. Digest of. Bowstead, W. Mercantile Agency. Bussell, J. A. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. Le Colya/r, S.A. Fell, W.W. Rowlatt, 8.A.T. Theobald, W. PRINTERS. Law of, including Libel. Powell, A. PRINTING. See Ttpogeapht. 2nd ed. 1888 3rded. 1833 1839 9th ed. 1882 2nd ed. 1901 2nded. 1898 2nd ed. 1873 3rd ed. 1897 2nd ed. 1820 1899 1832 2nded. 1889 PRIORIES. See Monasteeibs. PRISONERS OF WAR, 1760. See p. 603. PRISONS AND PRISONERS. Mynshul, G. [Reprint] 1821^ Fleet. Harris, A. (Camden Society, No. 25.) Franchise Gkols. Falconer, T. 18663 See also p. 603. PRIVATE ACTS. See Statutes. PRIVATE BILLS. Cases decided by the Court of Referees on. 1867-72. Cliford and Stephens. 1870-73i 1873-84. Clifford and Rickards. 1877-86 1885-89. Richards and Michael. 1891 ' 1890-94. RicJcards and Saunders. 1895 1895-1904. Saunders and Austin. 1904 J Index, 1867-90. Saunders, B.C. 1891 Legislation, History of. Clifford, F. 1885-87 j Locus Standi of Petitioners. Clifford and Stephens. 1870-73 Smethurst, J.M. 3rd ed. 1876 Practice. Wheeler, &.J. 1900] Proceedings in Parliament on. Fllis, C.T. 2nd ed. 1810] PRIVILEGE. O'Ferrall, S.A. PRIVY COUNCIL. Dicey, A.V. Appeals, Practice and Procedure in. Preston, T. 18 Appeals from Colonies. Renton, A.W. 1888 Appeals to, 1876-91. Wheeler, G. 1893 Australian Federation and. Butterworth, A.R. 1900 Jurisdiction. Macqueen, J.F. 1842 Jurisprudence. Beauchamp, J.J. 1891 Letters from the Bishops to, 1564. Camden Society, new series, No. 53. Practice of the Judicial Committee. Lattey, R.T. 1869 Macpherson, W. 2nd ed. 1873 Saffbrd and Wheeler. 1901 Proceedings and Ordinances, 1386-1599. Record Commission, No. 31. INDEX OF SUBJECTS, 925 PRIZE LAW. Capture'of Private Property at Sea. Shepherd, S.H. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1869 Captures in "War. Lee, E. 2nd ed. 1803 Naval. De Pistoye et Duverdy. 1859 Holland, T.E. 1888 Principles and Practice of Prize Courts. Story, J. 1854 Prize Cases Reports. Acton, T.H. 1811 PROBATE, COURT OF. Law and Practice. Browne, a. 1881-84 3rd ed. by Powles and Oakley. 1892 Clayton, W.C. 1857 Coote, S.C. (Common Form.) 13th ed. 1900 Dixon, W.J. 2nded. 1885 Dodd and Broolcs. 1865 Fowles and Oahley. 3rd ed. 1892 Tristram, T.S. (Contentious.) ISth ed. 1900 1863 ' Lreland. Miller, W.R. PROBATE DUTY. Sanson, A. Sudson, C. Shelf ord, L. Digest of the Law. Leach, A.F. See also SuocBSSioif Duty. PROCEDURE, HISTORY OF. Bigeloio, M.M. PROCESS IN ABSENCE. History of. Karnes, Lord. PROFITS A PRENDRE. * Law of. Ball, J.JE. 5th ed. 1904 8th ed. 1890 1855 1878 1880 PROMISES AND COVENANTS. History of. Karnes, Lord. 1758 1758 1871 PROMISSORY NOTES. Exchange. See Bills op PROJECT OF UNION. Archbishop Wake and the. Lupton, J.S. 1896 PROPERTY. Feudal. Dalrymple, Sir J. 4th ed. 1759 History of. Karnes, Lord. 1758 Law of. Raleigh, T. 1890 Strahan, A.J. 3rd ed, 1901 Amendment Acts. 1859. Hunter, S.J. 1859 1859-60. Walters, R. 1862 As administered by the House of Lords. Sugden, Sir H.B. 1849 Handy Book. Sugden, Sir E.B. 1858 Husband and Wife. Bell, 8.S. 1849 Bright, J.B. 1849 Roper, R.S.D. 2nd ed. 1826 Indian. Chatter jea, K.M. 1890 Mitra, R.C. 1897 Observations on the. LeaJce, S.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1857 Property in Land. Edwards, W.D. 3rd ed. 1896 Primitive. Laveleye, E. de 1877 English trans. 1878 Public, Interference of the State with. Higgins, Sir J.N. (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1856 Valuation of. Cragg and Marchant. 1897 See also Real Peopeett ; Peesonal Peopeett. PROSTITUTION. Prohibition and Regulation of. Amos, S. 1877 See also Commons. PROVERBS. Ray, J. 4th ed. 1768 PROHIBITION. Belgian. Matthseus, A. 1667 Lloyd, M. Shortt, J. 1849 1887 Scottish. MacTcay, C. 1888 Writs of. Marshall, T.H. 1855 PROVINCIALISMS, Halliwell-Phillips. 10th ed. 1887 PRUSSIA, LAWS OF, Codes, See Codes, p, 183, 926 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PSEUDONYMS. Cushing, W. 1886-88 Salkett and Laing. 1882-88 A.D. 1100-1530. Franklin, A. 1875 PUBLIC HEALTH. aien, W.C. and A. 10th ed. 1888 Glen, W.C. 12tli ed. 1899 Lumley, TF.G. and H. 5tli ed. 1896 6th ed. 1902 Macmorran, A. 1891 Smith, W.B. 1883 Amendment Act, 1890. Smith, B. 1891 Bye-lawB. Lumley, W.G. 1877 Mackenzie and Sandford. 1899 Digest of Cases. Chambers, G.F. 1893 Eood and Drugs Acts. Bell, Scrivener and Lloyd. 4th ed. 1903 London. Macmorran, A. 1891 Quarantine Laws. Baker, Sir G.S. 1879 PUBLIC LAW. Bowyer, Sir'G. 1854 Domat, J. New ed. 1777 Europe. Mably, G.B. de PUBLIC MEETING, LAW OF. Blagg, J.W. PUBLIC OPINION. Growth of. Kydd, S. History of CiyUization and. Mackinnon, W.A. Law and. Dicey, A. V. PUBLIC WORSHIP, LAW OF. Brice, S. Paterson, J. PUNISHMENTS. Beccaria, B.C. Bentham, J. Bu Cane, Sir H-F. Forster, T. Capital. Romilly, S. Momilly, Sir S. Future. Rowlatt, J.S. 1761 1888 1888 3rded. 1849 1905 1875 1880 2nd ed. 1769 1830 1885 1656 1886 2nd ed. 1811 1877 Penological and Preventive Principles. Tallack, W. 2nd ed. 1896 PURITAN REVOLUTION, 1628-60. Constitutional-Documents. Gardiner, S.R. PURITANISM. \P- 1889 1862 PYPOWDER, COURT OF. Kitchen, J. 4th ed. 1663 PYX, TRIAL OF THE. lWynne,F.'] 1765 QUAKERS. Defence of. Mlartin], J. [1730] QUARANTINE LAWS. Baker, Sir G.S. 1879 QUARRIES. See Mines and Mining. QUARTER SESSIONS PRACTICE. Archbold, J.F, Dickinson, W. Leeming and Cross. Pritchard, T.S. Smith, F.J. Ireland. Miller, W.S. 4th ed. 1885 5th ed. 1898 5th ed. 1841 2nded. 1876 1875 2nd ed. 1904 1882" 1863 QUEEN'S BENCH. See King's (Queen's) Bench, Couet or. QUO WARRANTO. Informations. Cole, W.E. Shortt, J. Willcock, J.W. Placita de, 1272-1377. Record Commission, No. 29. QUOTATIONS. Dictionary of. Moore, H. 1843 1887 1827 1831 RACING, LAW OF. Oliphant, G.H.S. 5th ed. 1896 RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. See p. 610. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 927 EAILWAY AND CANAL TRAFFIC. Boyle and Waghorn. 1901 RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. Practice before. Browne, J.H.B. 1876 RAILWAY COMPANIES. Borrowing Powers. Elphinstone, H. W. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1866 Car Trust Securities. Eawle, F. 1885 Compensation for Accidents. Oodefroi, H. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1870 Precedents. (Transfer of Land.) Frend and Ware, 2nd ed. 1866 RAILWAYS, LAW OF. Browne and Theobald. 3rd ed. 1899 Collier, R.H. 1845 Hodges, W. 7th ed. 1888-89 McBermott, F.S. 1904 Wordsworth, C.F.F. 5th ed. 1845 Level Crossings. Glen, W.C. (Highways.) • 2nd ed. 1897 Light Railways. Austin, E. 2nd ed. 1899 Brice, S. 1898 2nd ed. 1902 Oxley,J.S. 1901 Robertson, G.S. 1903 Passenger Law. Ooodeve, L.A. 2nd ed. 1885 Parsons, A. 1893 Rates. Butferworth and Ellis. 1889 Darlington, H.R. 1893 Hunter, W.A. 1889 RAMSEY ABBEY. Britain, Nos. 79, 83. RAMSGATE HARBOUR. Smeaton, J. 1791 RATINa. Boyle and Humphreys-Davis. 2nded. 1895 Castle, H.J. 1869 Castle, E.J. 4th ed. 1903 Faraday, P.M. 2nd ed. 1903 Mayer, S. 1897 Rosher, G.B. 1883 Ryde, W.C. 2nded. 1904 RATING — continued. Appeals. 1871-85. Ryde and Ryde. 4th ed. 1885 1886-93. Ryde, W.C. 1890-93 1894-1904. Ryde and Konstam. 1904 Hereditaments in occupation of Com- panies. Brotvne, J.H.B. 2nd ed. 1886 Valuation for. Pen/old, C. 8tited. 1893 READER, OFFICE OF. Baylis, T.H. 1891 READINGS UPON STATUTES. Avowries. Risden, T. (under Byer, Sir J.) 1680 De Finibus, 4 Hen. VII. 'Benshall, —. 1662 De Finibus Levatis, 27 Edw. I. CoJce, Sir E. 1662, 1724 Forcible Entry. Risden, T. (under Byer, Sir J.) 1648 Jointures. Brograve, Sir J. (under Byer, Sir J.) 1648 Limitations. Brooke, Sir R. 1647 Sewers. Callis, R. 2nd ed. 1685 4th ed. 1824 Treason. Holbourne, Sir R. 1681 Trial by Jury. Williams, T. 1680 Uses. Bacon, Francis. 1642 . Ed. by Rowe. 1804 Ca/rthew, T. (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 1.) 1791 Wills. Byer, Sir J. 1648 See also Statute Law, p. 708. REAL ACTIONS. Booth, G. Roscoe, H. 1701 1826 REAL ASSETS. Williams, Joshua. 1861 REAL ESTATES. Williams, Joshua. 1879 Devolution of. Robhins, L.G.G. 1898 928 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EEAL PEOPEETY, LAW OF. BlacTcstone, Sir W. 3rd ed. 1844 Challis, S. W. 2nd ed. ' 1892 Udwards, W.JD. 4th ed. 1904 Goodeve, L.A. 3rd ed. 1891 4th ed. 1897 KelJce, W.S.S. 3rd ed. 1903 Leake, S.M. 1874 Williams, J. 20th ed. 1906 Abridgment. Shearwood, J.A. 3rd ed. 1885 Actions relating to. Roscoe, H, 1825 Compendium. Btirton, W.E. 8th ed. 1856 Smith, J. W. 6th ed. 1884 Digest. Cruise, W. 1804-06 4th ed. 1835 Evidence of Succession to. EuhhacJc, J. 1844 Guernsey Laws. Jeremie, P. 1841 Guide to. Indermaur and Thwaites. 3rd ed. 1893 4th ed. 1897 5th ed. 1904 History. IHgly, K.JE. 3rd ed. 1884 5th ed. 1897 Leading Cases. Tvdor, O.D. 3rd ed. 1879 4th ed. 1898 Limitation as to. See Limitations, Sta- tute OP. New York. Faroes, J. 1830 Observations on. Bowyer, Sir G. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1869 Sayes, W. 1831 Humphreys, J. 1826 Lawrence, N.B. 1879 Park, J.J. (Contreproject to Humphreysian code.) 1828 Tyrrell, J. 1829 Sales of. Hughes, W. 2nd ed. 1849-50 Study of. Lewis, W.D. 1848 Vendors and Purchasers. Dart, J.E. 6th ed. 1888 Seaborne, S. 5th ed. 1901 Sugden,Siri:.B. 1805 2nd ed. 1806 12th ed. 1851 14th ed. 1862 Williams, T.C. 1904-06 See also p. 616. EEAL PEOPEETY STATUTES. Charley, W.T. 1876-79 Greenwood, S. 2nd ed. 1884 BoUins, L.G.G. 1882 Shelford, L. 10th ed. by Carson. 1902 ien, i:.B. 1852 2nd ed. 1862 REAL EEPEESENTATIVE LAW. I, A.D. EEBELLION, EEPEESSION OF. Finlason, W.F. 1898 1868 EEBELLIONS. Ireland, 1798. Gordon, J. 1801 Say, B. 1803 Musgrave, Sir B. 3rd ed. 1802 Taylor, G. 1800 Teeling, C.R. 1828 Jacobite, 1715 to 1745. Sooke, N. 1760 Lockhart, G. 1871 Scottish JBiistory Society, Nos. 8, 15, 19-23. Sir T. Wyat's, 1554. Camden Society, No. 48. EECEIVEES. Cababe, M. Kerr, W.W. Indian Law of. Woodroffe, J.G. 3rd ed. 1900 5th ed. 1905 1903 1774 1832 1657 1622, 1631 1888 1891 EECOEDS, PUBLIC. Ayloffe, Sir J. Cooper, C.B. Cotton, Sir B. Powell, T. Bye, W. Guide to. Bird, S.B.S. Handbook to. Bwald, A.C. 1873 Thomas, F.S. 1853 Introduction to. Stubbs, W. 1902 Eecord Interpreter. Martin, C.T. 1892 Scotland, Guide to. Livingstone, M. 1905 See also Record Commission ; Recoeds, Public, pp. 616-22. EECOVEEIES. See Fines and Eecoveeibs. REFEEEES, COUET OF. Cases decided by. 1867-72. Clifford and Stephens. 1870-73 1873-84. Clifford and Bickards. 1877-85 1885-89. Bickards and Michael. 1891 1890-94. Bickards and Saunders. 1895 1895-1904. Saunders and Austin. 1904 Index, 1867-90. Saunders, B.C. 1891 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. REPEEEES, COURT OF-continued. Practice and Jurisdiction. Clifford and Stephens. Fawcett, J.S. Smethurst, J.M. 929 BEPOBM ACTS, 1831-32. Finnelly, W. Rmsell, W. Whishaw, J. REFOEM BILLS, 1866-67. Cox, H. 1870-73 1866 3rded. 1876 1832 1832 1832 1868 EEGALITIES. Histoiyof. Karnes, Lord. 1758 EEGISTEES. Bath and WeUs, 1492-94. (Pox's ) Giffard W Archbp. of York, 1266-79 burtees Society, Jfo. 109, G^ray, W., Archbp. of York, 1215-55 burtees Society, ISo. 66. Parochial. TaswelLLangmead, T.P. 1882 EEGHSTEATIO]!f. Cooper, C.P. Assurances. Sazlitt, W. Stm,phry, J.T. Births and Deaths. Flaxman, A.J. Deeds. Sazlitt, W. Wilson, J. Yorkshire. I>ibl, J.E. ijj.ft _, ■ Smitn,M.J. ^..IVi Digest of Cases. Saint, J.J.H. 1896 Land. Lvdlow J.M. (Juridical Society, vol. a.) ISRQ Urlin and Key. Tsaq Title. ^^^^ ^^*^' ^- 1900 Underdown, E.M. 7«o^ See also p. 625. ^^^^ Transferable Stocks. Ennis,a. and &.F.M.m& REGISTRATION, PARLIAMENTAEY. See Elections. RELiaiON. Conscience in respect to Public Affairs Ursukart,D. ™- ^^^^ inquiry concerning. Long, G. 1855 Mussulmans and Christians TJrquhart B. jggg Natural. WilTcins, J. (7x1 , , w, _ Wollaston,W. ^' ni^ State of, 9th- 12th Centuries Maitland, S.R. (Dark Ages.) 5th ed. 1890 Ihoughts on. Romanes, &.J 1899 ntmtyof 3f.7^,^.^. 3rd ed. 1885 What I believe. Tolstoi, Count. 1885 1831 1851 1853 1875 1851 1819 RELIGIOUS CEEEMONIES. Picart, B. EELIGIOUS LIFE. Melmoth, W. REMAINDERS, Curson, H. Contingent. Fearne, C. 1733-37 1840 1703 Cross. 3rd ed. 1776 «.,M(AnalysisofFe^:^-J^tl Cornish, W.F. Preston, £. (Tracts.) Walters, W.C. 1827 1797 1826 REMINISCENCES. See Bioseaphiks Individual. ' RENAISSANCE, THE. Camhridge Modern Sistory. (Vol. 1.) 1902 English Law and. Maitland, F.W. Reformation and Renaissance. Stone, J.M. RENEWALS. Law of, in Ireland. Finlay, J. RENTS. Gilbert, Sir J. Remedies for recovery of by Executors. Law Journal Tracts. 1901 1904 1829 1758 K E E 930 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EEPLEYIN. Gilbert, Sir J. ^Replevins. Wilkinson, J. J. 3rd ed. 1794 2nd ed. 1739 1825 REPOETEES AND EEPOETINO-. Daniel, W.T.S. 1863-64 bulling, A. 1863 Ramsay, J.S. 1864 Mumsey, A. 1863 Wallace, J.W. 4th ed. 1882 Westlake, J. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) 1863 History of tlie Law Reports. Daniel, W.T.S. 1884 Ireland. Christian, J. 1877 See also Law EEPOETiNa, p. 440. EEQUESTS, COUET OP. Select cases, 1497-1569. Selden Society, No. 12. EES JUDICATA. Ckand, H. 1894 EESTEAINT OF TEADE. Covenants in. Mattheios, J.B. 1893 EEVELATION, THOUGHTS ON. Westcott, B.F. 1887 EEVENUE. Carew, J. 1661 Proposals for Account of. Oliver, T. 1656 EEVENUE LAWS. Eamel, F.J. 1854 Cases, Barker, Sir T. 1776 History of the Customs to 1827. Kail, B. 1885 Land Eevenue. St. John, J. VJ^I Summary Proceedings. Sighmwe, N.J. See also Stamp Duties. EEVEESIONS. Scratchley, A. Reversionary Payments. Frice, S, 2nd ed. 1887 New ed. 1867 3rd ed. 1773 EEVIVOE AND SUPPLEMENT. Femherton, L.L. 1867 WJiite, a.T. 1843 EEWARD, Eationale of. Bentham, J. 1825 EHETOEIC. Aristotle. 1840, 1848 Elements of. Whately, Archhp. 5th ed. 1836 Philosophy of. Campbell, G. 1776 EIEVAULX ABBEY. Chartulary. Surtees Society, No. 83. EIGHT TO BEGIN AND EIGHT TO EEPLY. Best, W.M. 1857 EIGHTS OP WAY. Hunter, Sir B. 2nd ed. 1902 EIOTS. Finlason, W.F. Wise, F. 3rd ed. 1868 1889 EIPAEIAN EIGHTS. -See Watbes. EIPON. Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid. Surtees Society, Nos. 64, 74, 78, 81. Treaty of, 1640. Camden Society, No. 100. EITUALISM. Commission on. See p. 633. Copes, Chasubles, Trans ubstantiation. Strother, J.B. n.d. Disputed Ornaments and Usages. Brooks, a.H. 1866 Plea for Toleration. Bennett, W.J.F. 1867 EIVEES. Navigable. Webster, E.G. 1885 Public Eights in. Dove, F.F. 1887 Pollution of. Fitzgerald, J.r.V. 1902 Siggins, C, 1877 -See also Watbes and Watiecoueses. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 931 EOADS, Antoninus, A. Faterson, D, See also HiaHWAYS. 1709 18th ed. 1829 EOLLS OF PAELIAMENT. See Paeiia- MENT, p. 565. EOLLS SEEIES. Introduction to. Stubbs, W. 1902 EOMAIf AND CIVIL LAW. Dictionaries of. Calvinus, J. 1610-1734 Heumann, S.Q. 6th ed. 1884 Lexicon. 1594 Schardius, S, 1600 Spiegel, J. 1577 England, Influence on Law of Scrutton, T.E. 1885 Gl-aiu8. Institutes — Commentaries, and Trans- lations. See pp. 294-5. History of. Amos, S. 1883 Sever, T. 1781 Butler, C. 4th ed. 1830 Sunter, WA. 2nd ed. 1885 3rd ed. 1897 Muirhead, J. 2nded. 1899 Ortolan, J.L.E. English trans. 1871 Savigny, F.C. von. 1829 Terrasson, A. 1750 Eegal Period, Clark, E.C. 1872 Colquhonn, P.M. (Juridical Soc- iety, vol. 1.) 1856 Introductory Treatises. Barham, C.N. 1903 m Bowyer, Sir &. 1874 W' Chamier, D. 1893 ■ Cumin, It. 2nd ed. 1865 I miiott, M. 1897 ■ Greene, T.W. 4th ed. 1884 H Sadley, J. 1875 W Harris, S.F. 1875 2nd ed. 1889 Wk Sunter, W.A. 4th ed. 1887 5th ed. 1897 ^P Irving, D. 4th ed. 1837 Kelke, W.S.S. 1901 Mackenzie, Lord. 7th ed. 1898 Phillimore, J.G. 1848 Taylor, J. 1755 ROMAN AND CIVIL JjkW— continued. Justinian. Institutes — Digest or Pandects — Code : — Text, Commentaries, and Translations. See JrsTlifiANUS, pp. 411-18. MisceUaneouB Treatises. Augustinus, A., Archbp of Tarragona. 1592-1607 Ayliffe, J. 1734 Barbosa, A. 1660 Berwick, T. 1902 Browne, A. 2nd ed. 1802 Bynkershoek, C. 1744 Campbell, G. 2nd ed. 1892 Connan, F. de 1553-1610 Coulanges, F. de 4th ed. 1893 Cujaccius, J. 1559-1783 Damhouderius, J. 1646 Domat, J. 1722 Newed. 1777 Donellus, S. 1822-34 Dornsperger, J. A. 1676 Faber, G. 1660 Gentilis, A. 1616 Gottfried, J. 11th ed. 1726 Gravina, G.V. 1758 Sanbold, C.G. 1825-29 Ruber, Z. 1702, 1712 Idsinga, S.H. van 1738 Jason de Mayno. 1576-77 Leonhard, B. 1894 Ludovicus, J.F. 5th ed. 1735 Mackeldey, F. 1847, 1851-52 Maranus, G. 1741 Merula, P. 1684 Noodt, G. 1724 Otto, F. 1725 Bichey, J. 1748 Boberus, E. 2nded. [1604] Boby, S.J. 1902 Biicker, J.C. 1749 Salkowski, C. English trans. 1886 Salyceto, B. de 1586 Savigny, F.C. von 1840-63 Schilter, J. 3rd ed. 1713 Sohm, R. 2nd «d. 1901 Spanheim, F. 1703 Stockmans, P. 1700 Stryk, S. 1743-55 Van Leeuwen, S. 1685 Wenck, C.F.C. 1820 Wiseman, Sir R. 1686 Modem. Bowyer, Sir G. 1848 Tomkins and Jencken. 1870 Procedure of Cicero's Time. Greenidge, A.H.J. 1901 Tables. Fanton, M.A. 1869 Ulpian. See p. 768. E K K 2 932 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EOMAN AND CIVIL LA.W— continued. Sbpabate Tebatisbs. Actiones. Sachovius, R. Soehmer, J.S. Strylc, S. Alimenta. Faher, J. Alluyiones. Aymus, B. 1657 1726-32 1725 1628 1601 1625 1600 1680 1606 2nd ed. 1740 1648 1669 1676 1674 6th ed. 1731 1715 Appellationes. Scaccia, S. Wamesius, J. Auctiones. Matthasus, A. Codex Fabrianus. Faher, A. Commercium. Casaregis, J.L.M. Scaccia, S. Straccha, B. Communio Bonorum. Matthxus, A. Wesel, A. Compendia Juris. Voet, P. Wernher, J.B. Conjecturse. Mantica, Cardinal. 1605 Consilia sive Eesponsa. Bursatus, F. 1594, 1610 Butrius, A. 1541 Cacheramis, O. 1588 Carpzovius, B. 1670 Concilia. 1629 Cravetta, A. 1572 Geminianus, D. 1541 Seineccius, J.G. 1772 Jason de Ma/yno. 1581 Mynsinger, J. 1601-13 Muinits, C. 1591 Schuirpf, S. 1553 Sichard, J. 1599 Socinus, M. 1550 Tartagnus, A. 1575 Wesenbec, W. 1600 Zilettus, J.B. 1577-78 Consuetudines. Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Controversise Juris. Merenda, A. 1745-46 ValU, N. 6th ed. 1638 Vasquez Menchaca, F. 1564 Conventiones. Mantica, Cardinal. 1615 Corpus Jtiris CivUis. See p. 200. Cours Elementaire. JDemangeat, C. 2nd ed. 1866 Creditores. Salgado de Somoza, F. 1663 Crimina. Matthseus, A. 1644 ROMAN AND CIVIL Lh-W— continued. Sbpabate Tebatisbs — con. De Actionibus Empti Venditi. Mackintosh, J. 1892 Moyle, J.B. 1892 De Adquirendo. Monro, C.S. 1900 Walker, B. 1880 De Censibus. Cencius, L. 1629 De Condictionibus. Walker B. 1881 De Contrahenda Emptione. Mackintosh, J. 1892 Moyle, J.B. 1892 De Furtis. Bias, F.R. 1884 Monro, C.S. 1893 De Magistratuum Edictis. Borrellus, C. 1621 De Pactis. Dias, F.B. 1885 De Usufructu. Roby, S.J. 1884 Decisiones. Burattus, M. 1661 Cabedo, G. de 1620 Ca/rocius et Amatis. 1664 Carpzovius, B. 1670 Christinasus, P. 1633-36 Coccinus, J.B. 1647 Colerus, M. 1631 Cornazzanus, B. 160O Farinacius, P. 1641 Neostadius, C. 1644, 1667 Piguera, L. de 1609 Eadelant, W. 1637 Biccius, J. A. 1620, 1635 Sande, J. A. 3rd ed. 1647 Sanfelice, G.F. 1733 Scipio, C.G. 1603 Speidel, J.J. 1653 Surdus, J. P. 1610 Tapia, C. 1629 Thilmannus, J. 1601 Vivius, F. 1597-99 DifEerentisB Jurum. Boeckelmann, J.F. 1737 Sahn, S. 1688 Digesta. See Justinianus, pp. 414-17. Disputationes. Bachovius, B. 1617-19 Boehmer, J.S. 1730 Carpzovius, B. 1666-69 Disputationes Juridicas. 1616-18 Giffen, S. van 1605 Rhetius, J.F. 1687 Divortia. Beza, T. 1587 Mor, G. 1598 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 933 EOMAN AND CIVIL liA.^— continued. Skpabate Treatises— con. Dominium. Forster, V.W. 1658 Duella. Voet, P. 1728 Edictum Julianum. Walker, B. 1877 Examen Juridicum. Schotanus, JB. 1711 Exceptiones. Barnsperger, J. A. 1676 Executiones. Asinius, J.B. 1602 Colerus, M. Dornsperger, J. A. Matthaeus, A. 1586 1676 1644 Fonnulfie. Brisson, B. 1583 Homicidium. Caballus, P. 1629 Indicia Delictorum. Crmitts, C. 1634 Injuries. VilUers, M. de 1899 Interdicta. Voet, J. 1893 Interpretatio Juris. Averanius, J. Brisson, B. Snrn, C.H. Mascardus, A Panciroli, &. Zillettus, F. Judicia. Barbosa, P. Scaccia, 8. Zillettus, F. 1723 1564 1733 1609 1721 1584-86 1729 1618 1584-86 EOMAN AND CIVIL LAW— continued. Sepaeate Tbbatises — con. 1877 1583 JiJianus' Edict. Walker, B. Juramentum. Plotus,J.B. Jurisdictio. ISchardius, S.'] [1566] Sixtinus, B. 1602 Stephanus, M. 3rd ed. 1623 Jurisprudentia. Carpzovius, B. 1663 Corvinus, A. 1655 Cujacius, J. 1602, 1758-83 Gottfried, J. 1733 Oribner, M.S. 1727 Seineccius, J.G. 1777, 1797 Som, C.S. 1707-41 Rachel, 8. 1681 Rechenberg, CO. 1714 Sande,J.etF. 1697 Schulting, A. 1717 Struve, G.A. 2nd ed. 1718 Vinnen, A. 1647 Wernher, J.B. 1723 Wesenbec, M. 1574 Wieling, A. 1727 Zouche, R. 1636 Jus Belli ac Pacis Gentilis, A. Gh-otius, S. 1877 2nd ed. 1631 English trans. 1738 Seineccius, J.G. 1771 Jus Cirium Romanorum. Sigonius, C. 1560 Jus Connubiorum. Brisson, B. 1564 Savemann, M. 1672 Matthxus, A. 1676 Rodenburg, C. 1653 Someren, J. A. 1668 Jus Criminale. Millseus, J. 1550 Jus et Justitia. Masstertius, J. 1676 Molina, L. 1602-03 Jus Feudale. Buder, C.G. 1741 Dominicy, M.A. 1645 Gudelin, P. 1641 Sorn, C.S. 1741 Mascou, J.J. 1753 Melonius, J. 1702 8cUlter, J. 1728 Stryk, 8. 1731 Wolf, J. G. 2nd ed. 1753 Jus Q-ladii. Matthxus, A. 1689 Jus Justitia et Jure. Soto, D. 1569 Jus Liberoruin. Bynkershoek, C. Noodt, G. 1710, 1723, 1744 1723 Jus Metallicum. Budaeus, G. 1556-57 Wagner, T. 1791 Jus Militare ac Militum. Bellus, P. 1563 Coterxus, C, 1539 Crispoltus, T. 1635 Voet, J. 1827-29 Jus Mulierum. Cravetta, A. 1572 Jus Novissimum. Gudelin, P. 1644 Jus Praescriptionis. Mella, C.A. 2nd ed. 1639 Jus Privatum. Bynkershoek, C. 1744 Suber, U. 1746 Instituti'nes Juris Privati. 1747 Lauterbach, W.A. 1728-29 8choepffer, J.J. 1734 Warnicoinig, L.A. 4th ed. 1860 934 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ROMAN AND CIYIL LAW— continued. Sepabate Tbeatises — eon. Jmb Publicum. BoeTimer, J.S. 2nd ed, 1726 £ynlcershoek, C. 1737 Sorn, cm 1707 Suher, TJ. 1746 Mascou, J.J. 4th ed. 1750 Moser, J.J. 1729-34 Filtter, J.S. 1776 Schmauss, J.J. ^ 1745 Strauch, J. ' 1680 Struve, B.a. 1730, 1738 Vitrarius, P.R. 1730, 1731-43 Jus Sensuum. StryJc, S. 1726 Jus Statutorum. Rosate et Baldus Ferusiims. 1529 Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Jus Utrumque. Berherius, J. N.D. Fancirolus, G. 1617 Jus Venatorium-Forestale. Fritschius, A. 1702 Jus Veterum. Rommel, K.F. 1767-68 Letting and Hiring. Voet, P. 1879 Lex Aquila. Grueber, F. 1886 Monro, C.S. 1898 Lex Cincia. Brtimmerus, F. 1668 Lex Julia et Pappia Poppsea. Seineccius, J.G. 1770 Locati et Conducti. Carocius, V. 1604 Monro, C.R. 1891 Mancipium. BynlcershoeJc, C. 1719-44 Mandate. Voet, J. 1879 Mandati vel contra. Walker, B. 1879 Manuale Juris. Gottfried, J. 1652-53 Manuductio Succincta. Boehmer, J.S. 1730 Married Women, Venning, W.M. 1881 Matrimonium. Barbosa, P. 1625 Brisson, B. 1564 Rodenbwrg, C. 1653 Buckerus, N. 1580 Sanchez, T. 1614 Voet, J. 1896 Zilettus, J.B. 1563-80 Mercatura. Straccha, B. 1669 See also Commercium. Mobilia et Immobilia. Voet, P. 1714 CEconomia Juris. Wesenlec, M. 1574 ROMAN AND CIVIL LAW -continued. Sbpaeate Teeatisbs — con. Officium Hominis et Civis. Seineccius, J.G. 1769 Pufendorf, S. 1740 Officium Judicis. Matthseus, A. 1676 Opiniones. Cgevallos, J. de 1611-15 Vivius, F. 1611 See also Opinionbs Communes, p. 550. Origo Juris. Bynkershoek, C. 1719-44 Gravina, G.V. 1758 Pacta. Borcholten, J. 1583 Mantica, Cardinal 1605 Stryk, S. 1727 Urceolus, J. 1685 Partnership, Action of. Voet, J. 1878 Pax Publica. Gaill, A. 1645 Persons, Law of. Eattigan, Sir W.S. 1873-84 8avigny,F,C. von English trans. 1884 Pignorationes. GaUl, A. 1645 Sail, C.K. 1863 Polygamia. Beza, T. 1587 Practice Observationes. Sartmann and Wurmser. 1570 Prffisumptiones. Menochius, J. 1595-1606' Praxis. Clarus, J. 1636 Seineccius, J.G. 1769 Mandosius, Q. 1581 Obrist, J.B. 1738 Reiffenstuel, A. 1733 Stryk, S. 1726 Privilegia. Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Privilegia Doctorum. Bronchorst, E. 1695 Pro Socio. Monro, C.S. 1902 Probationes. Dornsperger, J. A. 1676 Masca/rdus, J. 1615-19, 1661 Matthseus, A. 1678 Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Processus Judiciarius. Grihner, M.S. 5th ed. 1733 OugUon, T. 1738 Pojpma, A. 1617 Qusestiones et Resolutiones. Ancharano, P.J. 1581 Caballus, P. 1629 Tonduti, P.F. 1659 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 935 EOMAN AND CIVIL JjkW— continued. Sepaeatb Teeatises — con. Eatiocinia Administratorum. Munoz de Escobar, F. 1664 Eecusatio Judicis. SchuUing, A. 1708 Eeprsesentatio. Someren, J. 1676 EcB Judicata. Eohertus, A. 1599 Scaccia, S. 1628 Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Sale, Contract of. Mackintosh, J. 1892 Mo^le, J.B. 2nd ed. 1892 Voet, J. 1876 Sententiee. Caldes Pereyra, F. de. 1612 Carocius, V. 1620 Dornsperger, J. A. 1676 Paulus, J. (Cumin.) 2nd ed. 1865 Scaccia, S. 1628 Zilettus, F. 1584-86 Servitutes. Csepolla, B. 1745 Voet, J. 1878 Singularia Juris. Van der Sooch, N. 1629 Substitutiones. Adamus, F.A. 1637 Subtilia Juris. Busius, P. 1665 Successiones. Strt/k, S. 5th ed. 1719 Vasquez Menchaca, F. 1577 Testamenta. Mantica, Cardinal 1605 Seusner, If. 1597 SchuUing, A. 1738 Spino a Caceres, D. 1600 Vasquez Menchaca, F. 1577 Zilettus, F. 1884-86 Testes. Cavalcanus, S. 1608 Farinacius, P. 1598 Tractatus de Testibus, 1575 Volcmarus, B. 1612 Transactiones. Urceolus, J. 1685 Tutelse. Montanus, P. 1656 Usufructus. Galvanus, M.A. 1650 tTsurae. Borcholten, J. 1583 Verborum juris Siguificatio. Bebuffus, P. 1614 Vindicationes. Voet, J. 1893 EOMAN ANTIQUITIES. Adam, A. 9th ed. 1822 Bamsay, W. 10th ed. 1896 Dictionary of. Smith, Sir W. 2nd ed, 1870 EOMAN CATHOLICS. Cooper, C.P. 1850-51 Sussex, Duke of 1812 Archpriest Controversy, 1597-1602. Camden Society, new series, Nos. 56, 58. Catholics and the Pope. Urquhart, D. 1874 Documents illustrating Catholic policy, 1596-98. Scottish Sistory Society, No. 15. Irish. Ch-attan, B. 1812 Milner, J. 1808 Wyse, T. 1829 Penal laws against. Ireland. 1812 Land Tax and. Blount, W. 1826 Law affecting. Lilly and Wallis. 1893 Laws against, in England and Ireland. Brown, J.B. 1813 See also Chtjbch of Eomb. EOMAN EMPIEE. See Eomb, Histoet op. EOMANCES. Argenis. Barclay, J. 1637 Arthurian. Odgers, W.B. 1872 Blonde of Oxford and Jean of Dammartin. Beimes, P. de (Camden Society, No. 72.) Early English. Camden Society, No. 18. Metrical. Thornton Bomances. (Camden Society, No. 30.) Prose. Thorns, W.J. 2nd ed. 1858 EOMAN-DUTCH LAW. See Holland. EOME, CHUECH OF. See Chitbch of Eomb. EOME, HISTOEY OP. Bryce, J. 1895 Bury, J.B. 1893 Caesar, C.J. (Works.) 1678-1819 Coulanges, F. de 4th ed. 1893 Crawford, F.M. 1899 Eutropius. 1824 Gibbon, F. (Milman and Q-uizot.) 1776-88 1873 (Bury.) 1896-1900 Sooke, JSr. 1825 Sume, B. 31st Stud. ed. 1892 Liddell,E.a. 1855 Newed. 1874 936 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. EOME, HISTOEY 0¥— continued. Zivius Fatavinus, T. 1814-28 Mahly, A hbe de I75I Merivale, C. New ed. 1881-82 Mommsen, T. 1871-72, 1886 Nasmith, D. 1890 Paterculus, C.V. 1822 Tacitus, C.C. 1685-1821 EOMNEY MAESH. See p. 642. EOUEN, SIEaE OF. Journal of. Coningsby, Sir T. (Camden Society, No. 39.) ^ Page's Poem, Camden Society, new series, No. 17. eouman]!a. Codes. See Codes, p. 183. EOYAL ACADEMY. Discourses in 1769-76. Reynolds, Sir J. 1778 EOYAL COUETS OF JUSTICE. Design for. Scott, G.G. N.D. EOYAL SOCIETY. History. Birch, T. 1756-57 Sprat, Bp. 2nd ed. 1702 Transactions. Royal Society. 1665-1857 EUBEICS. Catechism of the Ornaments Eubric. Grueher, C.S. 1877 Interpretation of. Sarrison, B. 1845 EULES AND OEDEES. Statutory Rules and Orders. 1891-1904 EULES OF THE SUPEEME COUET. See JUDICATTJEB, SuPEBMB COTJET OP. EULINa CASES. See p. 648. EUSSIA. Manstein, Baron von, 1770 Wallace, Sir D.M. New ed. 1905 Codes. See p. 183. Corn Supply and. Urquhart, D. 1859 EUSSIA — continued. Journey through. Hanway, J. 3rd ed, 1762 Mignan, R. i839 Secret of, in the Caspian and Euxine. Urquhart, G. 1863 Travel in. Olearius, A. 1656 English trans. 1662 See also p. 650. SAG-AS, ICELANDIC. Britain, No. 88. SAILOES. See Seamen. ST. ALBANS MONASTEEY. Chronicles. Britain, No. 28. ST. ANDEEW, HOLBOEN. Exemption of Inns of Court from Poor Eates. Griffith, E. 1831 ST. ANDEEWS. Eegister of the Kirk Session, 1559-1600. Scottish Sistory Society, Nob. 4, 7. ST. AUGUSTINE'S, CANTEEBUEY. History. Britain, No. 8. ST. BAETHOLOMEWS DAY. Thanksgiying for. Bodleian Facsimiles, No. 2. ST. DIONIS BACKCHUEOH. Eemovalof. [Lyall, W.S.'] 1878 ST. EDMUND'S ABBEY. Memorials, Britain, No. 96, ST. FEIDESWIDE MONASTEEY, OXFOED. Cartulary of. Oxford Sistorical Society, Nos, 28, 81. ST. GILES IN THE FIELDS. Barton, J. See also LoKDON. ST. GILES'S, DUEHAM. Memorials. Surtees Society, No. 95. 1822 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBEIDaE. Admissions, 1629-1727. Mayor and Scott. ST. LUCIA. Breen, H.S. Codes. See Codes, p. 183. See also p. 655. ST. MARY, WORCESTER. Register of the Priory of. Camden Society, No. 91. ST. PANCRAS. Miller, F. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Dugdale, Sir W. Milman, H.H. Simpson, W.S. See also p. 655. 1882-1903 1844 1874 1818 1868 1889 ST. PETER'S MONASTERY, GLOUCESTER. History. Britain, No. 33. ST. PETERSBURG. Tour to. Wraxall, Sir N. W. 1775 ST. STEPHEN'S CHAPEL, WESTMINSTER. Architectural Antiquities of. Mackenzie, F. 1844 ST. THOMAS' ABBEY, DUBLIN. Register. Britain, No. 94. ST. THOMAS OF AGON'S HOSPITAL. J. 1892 1822 1850 ST. VINCENT. Colonial practice of. Shephard, C. SALARIES, OFFICIAL. Cooper, C.P. SALE OF GOODS. Benjamin, J.P. 3pd ed. 1884 4th ed. 1888 Blackburn, Lord 1845 2nded. Ifc85 Campbell, R. 2nd ed. 1891 Pothier, B.J. Trans, by Cushing. 1 840 Story, W.W. 3rd ed. 1862 Willis, W. 1902 SALE OF QiOOD^— continued. Act of 1893. Chalmers, M.D. Ker and Pearson-Gee. Neiobolt, F. Digest. Ker, W.C. Leading Cases on. Langdell, C.C. 937 3rded. 1896 4th ed. 1899 5th ed. 1902 1894 2nd ed. 1897 1888 1872 SALES OF LAND. Clerke and Rmnphry. 1885 Hughes, W. ' 2nd ed. 1849-50 Conditions of. Webster, W.F. 2nd ed. 1896 Vendor and Purchaser. Bart, J.S. Seaborne, S. Sugden, Sir E.B. Williams, T.C. 6th ed. 1888 5th ed. 1901 1805 2nd ed. 1806 12th ed. 1851 14th ed. 1862 1904-06 SALISBURY. Cathedral and City, Charters and Documents. Britain, No. 97. Register of St. Osmund. Britain, No. 78. SALMON FISHERIES. See Fishkbies. SALVAGE, LAW OF. Jones, E. Kennedy, W.R. Neioson, S. SAVINGS BANKS. Scratchley, A. Watt, J.Y. 1870 1891 1886 1868 1905 SAVOY LITURGY. See Liiubgies, p. 459. SAXONY, LAW OF. Carpzovius, B. Haymen, T. SCANDINAVIA. 1667-83 1734 Literature of the Scandinavian North. Sorn, F.W. 1884 SCHOOL OF LAW. Legal Education. 1904 938 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. SCHOOLS. See Educatioit. SCIENCE. Dictionaries of. Brande and Cox. Harris, J. SCINTILLA JUEIS. Darling, Sir C.J. Rome, W.S. SCIRE FACIAS, WEIT OF. Foster, T.C. Newed. 1866-72 3rd ed. 1716-23 5tli ed. 1877 1903 1808 1851 SCOTLAND. Court of Session Defects. Neish, W. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1869 Crofters and Cottars. Crofters Commission. 1884 Customs and Manners. Lesley, J. 1578 ITopham, E.'] 1776 Great Seal, Begister of. Record Commission, No. 32. Scotland, No. 8. Language, Dictionaries of. Jamieson, J. 1879-87 MacTcay, C. (Lowland.) 1888 Master Masons to the Crown of. Mylne, M.S. 1893 Paganism in Caledonia. Wise, T. 1884 Parliament, Acts, 1124-1707. Record Commission, No. 1. Parliament, Members of, 1357-1882. Foster, J. 1882 Peerages. Eiddell, J. 1842 Presbyterian Movement, 1582-89. Camden Society, third series. No. 8. Public Eecords, Guide. Livingstone, M. 1905 Rolls. Record Commission, No. 42. Signet, Society of Writers to the. Signet. 1890 Topographical Description. Johnson, Dr. S. 1775 Topographical Dictionary. Lewis, S. 1846 Tours through. \_Botfield, B.'] 1830 Pennant, T. 2nd ed. 1772 See also Scotland, pp. 666-8; Scottish HisTOEY Society's Publications, pp. 669-74. SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. OP Scotland. SCOTLAND, HISTORY OF. Feom the Eaeliest Peeiod- See Chxtech to 1436. 1503. 1535. 1562. 1585. 1641. 1746. Boethius, S. Buchanan, G. Britain, No. 6. Lesley, J. Solinshed, R. Duchesne, A. Burton, J.S, 1526 1582 1578 1587 1807-08 3rd ed. 1641 New ed. n.d. Feom — 1173-1174. Britain, No. 8. Surtees Society, No. 11. Record Commission, No. 13. Calendar of State Papers, No. 21. Robertson, W. 18th ed. 1809 Camden Society, Nos. 33, 46. Rebellions of. Sooke, N. 1760 LocJchart, G. 1817 See also Scotland, pp. 666-8; Scottish HisTOEY Society's Publications, pp. 669-74. 1237-1458. 1509-1603. 1542-1603. 1567-1603. 1715-1745. SCOTLAND, LAWS OP. Bell, a.J. 1833 9t]i ed. 1889 ErsTcine, J. 2nded. 1757 17th ed. 1886 Innes, J. 1733 Morton, W.K. 1896 Regiam Majestatem. 1609-41 Spotiswoode, Sir R. 1706 Wallace, G. 1760 Bankruptcy. Murdoch, J. 5th ed. 1886 Commentaries. Bell, G.J. 7th ed. 1870 Compendium of English and Scotch Law. Paterson, J. I860 Damages. Smith, J.G. 2nd ed. 1889 Defamation and Verbal Injury. Cooper, F.T. 1894 Dictionary and Digest of. Bell, W. 1838 7th ed. 1890 Digests of Cases. Scottish Law Reporter. 1865-95 Court of Session, to 1808. Morison, W.M. 18| Supplement and Synopsis. Brown, M.P. 1826-28 IISTDEX TO SUBJECTS. 939 SCOTLAND, LAWS 0¥— continued. Digests of Cases — con. Supreme Courts. 1726-1868. Shaw, P. 1869 1867-77. Henderson, Gillespie and Johnston. 1878 1877-85. Johnston, Maconochie, and Fraser. 1886 1885-95. Fraser, Macfarlane, Sym and Mackenzie, 1897 1895-1900. Sandeman, J.C.S. 1901 Encyclopaedia of the. Chisholm, J. 1896-1904 Feudal Law. Karnes, Lord. (Essays.) 3rd ed. 1763 Institutes of. ErsJcine, J. 2nd ed. 1785 New ed. 1838 Trans, of Terms in, by Halkerston. 2nd ed. 1829 Forbes, W. 1722-30 Macdouall, A. 1751-53 Mackenzie, Sir G. (Works.) 1716-22 3rd ed. 1759 1818-30 2nded. 1884 1831 SEA AND SEA ^TLO'R^-continued. m Stair, J.D., Yiscount. Jury Court Cases. Murray, J. Landownership. Rankine, J. Marriage. Halkerston, P. Parochial and Ecclesiastical. Black, W.G. Duncan, J.M. 2nd ed. Pleadings (Remarkable Cases.) Mackenzie, Sir G. Prescription. Millar, J.H. Statutes. See Statutes of Scotland, p. 711. Trials, Criminal, 1536-1784. Arnot, H. 1888 1869 1673 1893 1785 w SCOTTISH PRAYEE-BOOK. See Littjegies, p. 459. ICULPTURE. Antiquity in. Monffatccon, B., de 1721-25 IP SEA AND SEA SHORE. Claim of Woods and Forests Commissioners to. Mereioether, S.A. 1850 Dominion of the Sea. Boroughs, Sir J. (Malynes' Lex ' Mercatoria.) 1686 Selden, J. 1636 Foreshore. Moore, S.A. 3rd ed. 1888 Perils of the Sea. Baily, L.B. 1860 Public and Private Rights to. Phear, J.B. 1859 Rights of the Crown. Sail, E.G. 2nded. 1875 3rd ed, (by Moore.) 1888 Laws. Hale, Sir M. Tracts.) Malynes, G. Ortolan, T. Sea Laws. Welwood, W. (Hargi-ave's Law 1787 1686 4th ed. 1864 [1705] 1613 See also Watees and Wateecoueses, SEALS OF ENGLAND. Jus Sigilli. Brydall, J. The Great Seals. Wyon, A.B. and A. SEAMEN. English, in 16th Century. Froude, J. A. Law relating to. See Shipping. SEA POWER. Influence of, upon French Revolution. Mahan, A.T. 4th ed. [1894] Influence of, upon History Mahan, A.T. 1673 1887 1896 Interest of America in. 6th ed. [1894] Mahan, A.T. 1897 Suppression by Maritime States. JJrquhart, JD. 1874 SEA WATER. Use and Abuse of. White, R. SECRET COMMISSIONS. Report on. London Chamber of Commerce. 1775 1899 SECURITIES, MONEY. -S'ee Bills of Exchange. SECURITIES UPON LAND. Karnes, Lord. 1758 SEISIN OF THE FREEHOLD. Williams, Joshua 1878 SEPARATE ESTATE, WIFE'S. See Maeeibd Women. SERJEANTS AT LAW. Dugdale, Sir W. Manning, J. Pulling, A. {Wynne, £'.] Lives of. Woolrych, H. W. 1671-1739 1840 1884 1765 1869 940 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. SEEMONS. Bernard, N. 1640 Best, S. 1836 Camden Society, new series, No. 14. (Boy Bishop.) Clagett, W. 1689-1720 CradocTc, Z. 1678 Marie, A., Bp. 1894 Fletcher, R.J. 1893-1904 Fuller, T. 1631-59 Hessey, J.A. 1850-79 Sooker, E. 1622 Horton, T. 1679 Hurd, R., Bp. 1777 King, W., Bp. 1793 Knell, P. 1648 Liddell, M. 1866 Lloyd, W., Bp. 1715 Lupton, J.E. 1895-98 Melmoth, W. 1849 Moore, J., Bp. 1777 Moss, R. 1732-38 Paley, W. (Works, Tol. 5.) 1845 Parr, S. 1781 St. Chrysostom. 1644 Shakespeare, C. 1878 Sibbes, R. 1639 Stanhop, G. 1692 Stebbing, H. 1745-71 Taylor, J., Bp. 5th ed. 1678 Wake, W., Archbp. 1695 SEEVANT. See Mastbb and Seevant. SEEVIA. History of. Urquhart, D. 1843 SERVICE OUT OF THE JUEISDICTION. Piggott, F.T. 1892 SESSIONS LAW AND PEACTICE. Clapham, J. 1818 General Assessment. Beal, E.W. 1883 Petty. Ayers, E.F. 1884 SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. See Quaetke Sbbsions. SET-OFF. Montagu, B, SETTLED ESTATES. 1801 Leasee and Sales of Settled Estates Act, 1856. Brickdale, M.I.F. 1861 SETTLED LAND STATUTES. Clerke, A. St. J. 2nd ed. 1891 Sood and Challis. 6th ed. 1901 Middleton, J.W. 3rd ed. 1882 Bobbins, L.G.G. 1882 Rubinstein, J.S. 4th ed. 1882 Williams, T.C. 1884 Wolstenholme, E.P. 8th ed. 1899 9th ed. 1905 Forms and Precedents. Wolstenholme and Capron . 6th ed. 1902 SETTLEMENTS. Family. Keatinge, T. Williams, Joshua (Juridical Society, vol. 1.) 1810 1855 Interpretation of. Underhill and Strahan. 1900 Marriage. Banning, S.T. Peachey, J.P. Vaizey, J.S. 1884 1860 1887-88 Personal Property. FJlphinstone, Sir H. W (Juridical Society, vol. 4.) 1871 Eeal Estates. Williams, Joshua 1879 SETTLEMENTS, PEECEDENTS OF. Conveyancing, Peecedents in. See SEWEES AND DEAINS. Cailis, R. 1685 4th ed. 1824 Macmorran and Willis. 1904 Woolrych, H.W. 1830 3rd ed. 1864 SHERIFF. Anderson, T.K. 1889 Atkinson, &. 6th ed. 1878 Churchill, C. 2nd ed. 1882 Dalton, M. 1682 Greenwood, W. 8th ed. 1722 Impey, J. 2nd ed. 1800 Watsun, W.H. 2nd ed. 1848 See also p. 686. SHEEIFF'S COUET. Harrison, O.B.C. Sheriff's Court. 1860 1657 SHIP-MONEY. Parker, S. 1640 Arguments of Sir R. Hutton and Sir Q-. Croke. Sampden, J. 1641 Croke's Judgment. Camden Society, new series, No. 14. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 941 SHIPPIN&, LAW OF. AUott, C. Maclachlan, D. 7th ed. 1846 14th ed. 1901 1862 4th ed. 1892 4th ed. 1881 3rded. [1705] 1613 Maude and Pollock Sea Laws. Welwood, W. Amendment Act, 1862. O'Bowd, J. 1863 Arerage. Arnould, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1857 Baily,L.Il.. 2nd ed. 1856 Duckworth, L. 2nd ed. 1905 Ropkins, M. 4th ed. 1884 Lowndes, R. 4th ed. 1888 Parsons, T. 1868 Stevens, B. 2nd ed. 1816 Bills of Lading and Charter-Parties. Duckworth, L. 2nd ed. 1904 Lawes, H. 1813 Leggett, E. 2nd ed. 1893, 1894 Scrutton, T.E. 5th ed. 1904 Collisions at Sea. Marsden, E.G. 5th ed. 1904 Baikes, F.W. 1881, 1895 Colonies (America and W. Indies.) Earnshaw, W. 1818 Consideration of, during War. Owen, D. 1889 Digest of. Newson^ H. 2nd ed. 1883 Marine Insiirance. See Iksueancb. Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. Scrutton, T.E. 1895 White, J.D. 1894 Mortgage of Ships. Trollope, T.A. 1823 Prize Law. Lee, R. Story, J. 2nded. 1803 1854 Eegister of Shipping. Lloyd's Register. 1884 Sale, Building, &c. Wilkinson, J.J. 1843 Jones, E. Kennedy, W.B. Newson, R. 1870 1891 1886 Shipmasters and Seamen. Kay, J. Shipowners and Masters. Rolman, R. 2nd ed. Suppt. 3rd ed. 1894 1895 1892 Shipping Casualties. Digest of Judgments, 1876-80. Squarey, T.F. 1882 SHIPPING LISTS. Dundee, 1580-1618. Scottish Ristory Society, N«. 28. SIBERIA. Journey to. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. 1770 SICILY. Storia della Legislazione di SiciUa. La Mantia, V. 1866-74 Tour through. Brydone, P. 3rd ed. 1774 SICK, VISITATION OF. Prayers for. Paley, W. (Works, vol. 3.) 1845 SLANDER. See Libel and Slandee. SLANG, JARGON, AND CANT. Dictionary of. Barrere and Leland. 1889-90 1842 1840 1818 1827 1769-72 SLAVES AND SLAVERY. Bandinel, J. Buxton, T.F. Earnshaw, W. Roward, J.R. Sharp, G. SOCIETY. Ancient. Morgan, L.R. 1877 Civil Society. Ferguson, A. 1767 Connection of Ancient Law with the early history of. Maine, Sir R.S. 1861 6th ed. 1876 Another ed. 1906 Court Life under Plantagenets. Rail, R. 1890 Distinctions in, under Anglo-Saxon govern- ment. Reywood, S. 1818 Ends of. Belters, F. 1759 National. Shebbeare, J. 1776 Society in Elizabethan Age. Rail, R. 1886 Society in Europe. Stuart, G. 2nd ed. 1792 Substitution de la Familiarite k la Politesse. Urquha/rt, D. 1871 Town Life in 15th Century. Green, A.S. 1894 SOLDIERS. Right of, to Absolution. Urquhart, D. [1869] SOLICITOR-GENERAL. Law and Privileges. Norton-Kyshe, J. W. 1887 942 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. SOLICITOES AND ATTORNEYS. Attorney. 5th ed. 1724 Cordery, A. 3rd ed. 1899 Baioson, J.S. (Law Journal Tracts, vol. 2.) De Soitsa, L. 1882 Foley, A.P. 1897 Fulling, A. 3rd ed. 1862 Act of 1888. Trevor, A.H. 1896 Avoues en Angleterre. Franqueville, Gomte de 1890 Barrister and Solicitor. See Bae, ExaLiSH. Country Attorney's Practice. Gray, J. 9tla. ed. 1869 Lien of. Stokes, W. I860 Solicitors' Eemuneration Act. Euhinstein, J.S. 4t]i ed. 1882 SOMERSET, BISHOPRIC OF. History of, to 1174. Camden Society, No. 8. SONGS, POLITICAL. Camden Society, No. 6. SOUDAN. ChwcUll, W.S. 1900 Slatin, Sir R.C. 3rd ed. 1896 SOUTH AFRICA. Jameson Raid Trial. Jameson, L.S. 1896 War in. Amery, L.S. 1902-05 Be Wet, C.R. 1902 Boyle, Sir A.C. 1900 See also p. 701. SOUTH SEA BUBBLE. Sutcheson, A. SOUTHAMPTON. Englefield, Sir S.C. 1720-21 1841 SOUTHWARK. Description of. Pennant, T. n.d. See also London. SOUTHWELL MINSTER. Visitations and Memorials. Camden Society, new series. No. 48. 1725 1665^ 17631 15791 SPAIN. Coinage. Mahudel, N. Concilium Illiberritanum. Mendoza, F. de Customs and Manners. Clarice, F. Drake's expedition against, 1587. Leng, B. (Camden Society, No. 87.) History. Sell, B. Gomez de Castro. (Bell's Rerum Hisp. Scrip.) 1581 Mariana, J. de 1699 French trans. 1725 Anglo-Spanish Marriage Treaty. Camden Society, Nos. 101, 104. Charles V. Bobertson, W. 13th ed. 1812 Ferdinand and Isabella. Frescott, W.S. 3rd ed. 1842 Negotiations with England. Calendar of State Papers, No. 31. Phillip II. Watson, B. 1111 Revolutions of Spain. Vertot, B.A. de 1724 Laws. Civil Law. Asso y del Bio and Manuel y Bod- riguez. 1825 Codes. See Codes, pp. 183-4. Decisions, Peguera, L. a. 1609 Ley Hipotecaria. Grain, W. 1867 State papers. Calendar of State Papers, Nos. 31, 32. War with. Bacon, Francis 1629 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Batten, F. Fry, Sir F. 1849 1858! 4th ed. 1903' Bawlins, W.B. 1899 j Gt-uide to. Indermaur and Thwaites. 1886i SPEECH. Melody and Measure. Steele, J. mm SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES. Brougham, Lord. 186) Burke, F. 17S Campbell, Lord. 18423 Clarke, Sir F. (AUcard v. Skinner.) 1887J Coke, Sir F. U Cooper, C.P. 18S Cromwell, O. (Carlyle's Works.) 1871 Curran, J. P. 18451 Berby, Farl of 188 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 943 SPEECHES AND ADDEESSES— co««««erf. Ellesmere, Lord. 1609 Ershine, Lord. 1810-12 Gamhetta, L. 1881-84 Grattan, S. 2nd ed. 1867 JSeath, Sir Roiert (Camden Society, No. 14.) 1630 Jeffreys, Judge (Collectanea Juridica, vol. 2.) 1685 King, P., Lord. 1844 Laud, Archbp. 1637 Macaulay, T.B., Lord 1853 Noyes, W.C. 1858 O'Connell, Daniel 1867 Phillips, C. 1822 Plunket, Lord 1867 Prynne, W. 1649 Romilly, Sir S. 1820 Pussell, J., Bp. (Camden Society, No. 60.) 1483-84 Sandivich, J.M., Earl of 1779 Shiel, E.L. 1867 Shoppee, C.J. 1893 Sussex, S.B,.S., the Buke of 1812 Tracy, C. 1868 Urquhart, J). 1841 Windham, W. 1812 Yelverton, Sir C. 1589 SPONSOES. Baptism. SPOET. Elizabethan. Madden, D.R. STAFFOEDSHIEE. Natural History of. Plot, R. STAGE. Annals of the. Collier, J.P. Histrio-Mastix. Prynne, W. STAMP DUTIES. Digest of. Griffith, G.C. Tilsley, H. Law of. Alpe, E.N. Chitty, J, Highmore, N. Tilsley, E. Tables, 1815-78. Copinger, W.A 1861 1897 1686 1879 1633 10th ed. 1890 9th ed. 1865 10th ed. 1905 2nd ed. 1841 2nd ed. 1902 2nd ed. 1854 3rded. 1871 1878 STANNAEIES. Acts, 1869-87. Foioke, V. de S. 1893 Laws and Customs of. Pearce, T. 1725 Procedure in the Court of the Vice- Warden. Stannaries. 1876 (Collectanea Juridica, 1792 STAE CHAMBEE. Hudson, W. vol. 2.) Cases in. Camden Society, new series, No. 39. Selden Society, No. 16. See also p. 707. STATE, THE. Civil Polity. Lipsius, J. 1674 Individual and. M'Kechnie, W.S. 1896 Nature of. Willoughly, W. W. 1896 Theory of. Bluntschli, J.K. 1885 STATE PAPEES. 1501-1726. SardwicJce, Earl of 1778 1513-1547. Record Commission, No. 49. 1536-1629. Cahala. 1663 1539-1594. Sadler, Sir R. 1809 1558-1625. Winwood, Sir R. 2nd ed. 1727 1618-1629. Rushicorth, J. 1721 1638-1661. Thurloe, J. V14>2 1639-1649. Nalson, J. 1682-83 1661-1668. Orrery, R.B., Earl of 1742 1678-1714. Luttrell, N. 1857 1697-1708. Cole, C. 1733 See also Calendae op State Papees, pp. 118-20. STATE TEACTS. See p. 708. STATE TEIALS. See p. 708. STATESMEN. Historical Sketches of, temp. George III. Brougham, S., Lord. 1858-61 Lives of British. Foster, J. 1831-39 Macdiarmid, J. New ed. 1838 STATICS. Poinsot, L. 6th ed. 1834 STATISTICAL TABLES OF EUEOPE. Boetticher, J. G. 1800 944 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. STATISTICS OF THE BRITISH COLO- NIES. Martin, S.M. 1839 STATUTE LAW. Coode, G. Kemplay, J. Sheppard, W. 2nded. [1861] 1855 1656 STATUTE OF FRAUDS. See Feauds, Sta- TtTTE OF. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. See Limita- TioNS, Statute or. Barrington, D. Jacob, Q. STATUTES. 1776 1713, 1748 Abridgments of. ' 1215-1737. Cay, J. 1739 1704-1708. Boult, S. 1708 1737-1760. Cay, E. 1766 Collection of. Chitty, J. 5th ed. 1894-95 Conveyancing. Marcy, O.N. 5th ed. 1893 Criminal. Craies, W.F. 1894 Digest of, 9 Hen. III.— 30 G-eo. III. Williams, T.W. 1791 Disintegi'ation of. Coode, G. 2nd ed. 1861 English Statute Law Revised. Strickland, P. 1896-97 Indexes. See Statutes, p. 710. Interpretation of. Dwarris, Sir F. 2nd ed. 1848 Eardcastle, S. 3rd ed. 1901 Kehle, J. (2 Hen. II.— 7 Edw. VI.) N.D. Maxwell, Sir P.B. 4th ed. 1905 Willerforce, E. 1881 Key to. Farren, G. 1837 Practice Statutes. Fmden and Thompson. 2nd ed. 1886 Private Acts. Method of obtaining. Statutes. 1767 See also pp. 709-10. STATUTES, COLONIAL. America. (Plantation Laws.) 1704-21 Antigua. 1668-1904 Australian Commonwealth. 1901-04 Bahamas. 1784-1904 Barbados. 1646-1905 Bengal. 1821-40 Bermudas. The. 1690-1904 STATUTES, COLONIAL— co»«i»«cd. Bombay. 1799-1816 British Bechuanaland. 1885-90 British Central Africa Protectorate. 1894-1904 British Columbia. 1858-1905 British Guiana. 1774-1903 British Eonduras. 1849-1904 British New Guinea. 1898-1904 Canada. 1774-1904 Cape of Good Eope. 1714-1905 Ceylon. 1656-1904 Cyprus. 1878-1904 Dominica. 1867-89 East Africa Protectorate. 1876 1905 Falkland Islands. 1843-1904 Fiji. 1881-1903 Gambia. 1818-1905 Gibraltar. 1832-1905 Gold Coast and Lagos. 1858-1904 Grenada. 1766-1905 Griqualand. 1875-77 Eeligoland. 1888-89 Eong Kong. 1844-1904 Jamaica. 1681-1904 Jersey. 1536-1899 Leeward Islands. 1872-1904 Malta. 1897-1905 Manitoba. 1867-1905 Maryland. 1692-1715 Massachusetts Bay. 1692-1719 Mauritius. 1722-1904 Montserrat. 1896-1904 Natal. 1845-1905 New Brunswick. 1854-1905 New South Wales. 1824-1904 New York. 1691-1718 New Zealand. . 1841-1905 Newfoundland. ' 1871-1905 North West Territories. 1878-1901 Northern Nigeria. 1900-04 Nova Scotia. 1873-190i:) Ontario. 1867-1905 Orange Biver Colony. 1892-1903 Prince Edward Island. 1773-1892 Quebec. 1879-1905 Queensland. 1840-1905 St. Christopher and Nevis. 1681-1905 St. Eelena. 1903-05 St. Lucia. 1681-1905 St. Vincent. 1784-1903 Seychelles Islands. 1872-1905 Sierra Leone. 1858-1904 Somaliland Protectorate. 1900-05 South Australia. 1837-1904 Southern Nigeria. 1900-04 Southern Rhodesia. 1889-1905 Straits Settlements. 1834-1904 Tasmania. 1827-1894 Transvaal. 1844-1905 Trinidad and Tobago. 1832-1905 Turks and Caicos Islands. 1867-1904 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 945 STATUTES COLONIAL— continued. Uganda Protectorate. 1895-1904 Victoria. 1830-1904 Virginia. 1662-1715 Weihaiwei. 1903-05 Western Australia. 1832-1904 Zanzibar. 1901-05 STITCHILL. Baron Court Records, 1655-1807. Scottish JSistory Society ^ No. 50. STOCK EXCHANGE. Fenn, C. (The Funds.) 16th Stock Exchange Year Book. Laws of. Broadhurst, B.E.S. Duckworth, L. Melsheimer and Gardner. 3rd Rules and Usages. Stutfield, a.R. STOCKHOLM. Wraxall, Sir K. W. STONEHENGE. Jones, Inigo Stukeley, W. STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU. Cross, J. Houston, J. Lawes, E. Whitaker, B. STUART, HOUSE OF. Genealogy of. Noble, M. History of England under. Oldmixon, J. STUDIES, NATIONAL AND INTER- NATIONAL. Larimer, J. ed. 1898 1905 1897 1899 ed. 1891 3rded. 1901 1775 1725 1740-43 1840 1866 1813 1812 1795 1730 1890 SUBMISSIONS. AWABDS. See Aebiteation and SUCCESSION. Potts, T.B. 1888 Descents in Fee Simple. Blackstone, Sir W. 1759, 1762 Evidence of. Eubback, J. 1844 SUCCESSION DUTIES. Brown, W. 1864 Hanson, A. 5th ed. 1904 (Death Duties, 1880-81.) 1883 Hudson, C. 8th ed. 1890 Shelf ord, L. 1855 Trevor, C.C. 4th ed. 1881 SUCCESSION LAWS. Hale, Sir M. Holdsworth and Vickers. Lloyd, E. Preston, B. (Tracts.) SUEZ CANAL. Urquhart, D. SUGDEN'S ACTS. Atkinson, S. 1699 1899 1877 1797 1876 1830 SUIT IN EQUITY. Elementary View. Hunter, S.J. 6th ed. 1873 Historical Treatise. Barton, C. 1796 Parties to Suits. Calvert, F. 2nd ed. 1847 SULPHUR MONOPOLY. Urquhart, B. 1840 SUMMARY CONVICTIONS. Paley, W. 8th ed. 1904 SUMMARY JUDGMENTS. Under Order XIV. Cavanagh, C. 1887 SUMMARY JURISDICTION. Acts. Ayers, E.T. 1884 Douglas, C.&. 8th ed. 1899 Magistrate's Annual Practice. Atkinson, CM. 1900 Married Women. Lushington, S. &. and G. 2nd ed. 1904 Of Magistrates. Giffard, H.S. 2nd ed. 1880 SUMMONS, ORIGINATING. Forms. Ma^cy, G.N. 1895 Law and Practice. Marcy and Dodd. 1889 SUMMONS FOB DIRECTIONS. Stringer, F.A. 1899 L L L 946 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. SUMMONSES AND ORDERS. Forms of. Allen, G.B. and W.B. Archibald, W.F.A. Writs of Summons. Clay, W. G. See also Weits. SUNDAY. Hesser, J. A. Laws relating to. Lewis, A.S. Neale,E.V. SUPPLEMENT AND REVIVOR. Pemberton, L.L. White, a.T. SUPPORT, LATERAL. Right to. Banks, G. Gray,G.G. 1883 1879 1894 1860 1888 1845 1867 1843 1894 1886 SUPREME COURT OP JUDICATURE. See JUDICATUEE, StTPEEME COTTET OF. SURETYSHIP, LAW OF. Surge, W. 1847 De Colya/r, S,A. 3rd ed. 1897 Fell, W.W. 2nd ed. 1820 Eowlatt, S.A.T. 1899 Theobald, W. 1832 SURGEONS, VETERINARY. See Vkteei- NAEY StJB&BONS. SURNAMES. A.D. 1100-1530. Franklin, A. 1875 Change of. Falconer, T. 2nd ed. 1862 CorHish. Charnock, M.S. 1870 Frenches of England and Scotland. French, A.D.W. 1893-96 See also Names. SURREY. Topographical History of. Brayley, E.W. SWEDEN. Church of. Apostolical Succession in. Nicholson, A. Codes. See Codes, p. 184. Historical and Statistical Handbook. Sundbarg, G. Laws of. Stierhook, J.O. See also p. 734. SWITZERLAND. Codes. See Codes, p. 184. Scrambles among the Alps, 1860-69. Whymper, F. 4th ed. 1893 SYNODS. See Councils akd Synods. TACKIN&. Droop, R.B. (Juridical Society, vol. 3.) 1864 TASMANIA. Parker, E.W. 1833 1848 1880 1904 1672 1863 1905 1761 2nd ed. 1888 1893 1885 5th ed. 1902 3rd ed. 1893 6th ed. 1898 1895 1863 1833 TAXATION. Peto, Sir S.M. Foreign Income. Buchan, J. History of. Cimningham, T. Howell, S. House Tax. Dowell, S. Fllis, A.M. Income Tax. Dowell, S. Fllis, A.M. Pratt, W.T. Bobinson, A. Senior, C, Substitution of, for Present Taxes. [^Sayer, -B.] Land Tai. Bourdin, M.A. 4th ed. 1894 Miller, S. 1849 Relief of Roman Catholics from Double. Blount, W. 1826 Local Government and Local Taxation. Wright and Sobhouse. 2nd ed. 1894 Suitors. Leake, S.M. (Juridical Society, vol. 2.) I860 Taxation no Tyraany. Johnson, S, 1775 TAX CASES. See p. 740. Assessed. See p. 25. TELEGRAPHS, LAW OF. Scott and Jarnagin. 1868 TEMPLARS, KNIGHTS. Addison, C.G. 2nd ed. 1842 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 947 TEMPLE. See Inner Tbmplb, p. 384; Middle Tbmplb, pp. 509-10; Temple, p. 742. TENANT. See Landlord and Tinant. TENEMENT HOUSES AND FLATS. Clode, W.C. 1889 TENURE IN CAPITE. Madox, T. TENUEES. Blount, T. 1741 1679 Ed. by Hazlitt. 1874 Chambers, Sir R. 1824 Coke, Sir U. (on Littleton.) 1633-1830 (Law Tracts.) 1764 Finlason, W.T. 1870 Gilbert, Sir J. 2nd ed. 1738 Littleton, Sir T. 1588 Ed. by Gary. 1829 Ed. by Wambaugh. 1903 Pirn, B.C.T. 1871 Wright, Sir M. 2nd ed. 1734 4th ed. 1792 Bengal Law of. Phillips, A. 1876 Foreign. Probyn, J.W. 1881 See also Land Tenurb, p. 434 ; Copyhold. TEEMS FOE YEARS. Bacon, M. Chambers, C.H. Merger of. Tamlyn, J. TEST ACT. Buckett, Sir G. ' TEWKESBUEY ABBEY. Annals, 1066-1263. Britain, No. 36. TEXAS. Annexation of Texas. TJrqyiha/rt, D. 1844 1798 1819 1821-34 1883 THAMES, EIVEE. Encroachment of. Sharp, G. 1771 THEATEES. Law of. Strong, A.A. 1898 Licensing. Williamson, J.B. 2nd ed. 1902 THEBES. Topography of. Wilkinson, Sir J.G. THEISM. Mill,