) CATALOGUE OF THE UNITED LIBRARIES OF A Clergyman & a MoiJleman (Formerly resident in Ireland,) FORMING A CAPITAL AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF INTERESTING AND RARE THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, COMPREHENDING GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, HISTORY, GENERAL DIVINITY, VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES, INCLUDING A SYNAGOGUE ROLL OF THE HEBREW PENTATEUCH IN MSS. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN ON PARCHMENT, LITURGIES, CATECHISMS, BREVI- ARIES, INDICES EXPURGATORI^, ROMAN CATHOLIC AND PRO- TESTANT CONTROVERSY, AMONG WHICH IS FATHER PARSON'S THREE CONTROVERSIES, IN THREE VOLS. AND THE LIVES OF THE CARDINALS, ENRICHED WITH PORTRAITS AND AUTO- GRAPH LETTERS, MANY OE THE WORKS OF DR. M. LUTHER, PHILIP MELANCTHON, AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED EARLY REFORMERS, WITH REPLICATIONS BY THE MOST FAMOUS CATHOLIC DIVINES OF THAT TIME, SOME REMARKABLE PA- PAL BULLS ; AN EXCELLENT CLASS OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, GERMAN AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE ; BOOKS OF PRINTS ; AND MANY WORKS OF EXTREME RARITY AND GREAT VALUE, TTHICH ARE TO BE &trt& t>g Muttioth By CHARLES SHARPE, AT HIS fUtcrarg & General Saleroom tn &nslcsra=st* On Saturday next October 4th, 1834, and folloiving Days, (Sunday excepted,) commencing at One o'clock each day. AMONG OTHER PRECIOUS WORKS WILL BE FOUND : — [See following page. FOLIO. / S. Ambrosii Opera, 5 vols, in 2.— S. Alhanasi: Opera, 4 vols, in 1.— S. Augustini Opers 11 vols, in 9.— S. Anselmi Opera, 4 vols, in 1.— S. Benedict! Nov. Rei Lit. Ordinis.— Bar- bosa? Opera, 8 vols — Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorura, 8 vols — Biblia Gregoriana — Bel- larminde Controversiis,4 vols. — BertiTheologica Opera, 10 vols, in 5— BeyerlinckTheatrum Vit. Huraanre, 8 vols. — Bu'lariuin Magnum Romar.um, 5 vols, in 3 — Calmeti Com. in Vet. et Nov. Test., 9 vols.— Calmeti Diet. Bib., 2 vols.— Coccii Thes. Catholicus, 2 vols.— Colgani Acta Sanct. Hib., vol. 1 — Historia Soc. Jes., 4 vols. — Eusebii Hist. Ecclesiastica — Concilii Tridentiui — Hincmari Opera, 2 vols. — S. Cyrilii de Adorat. in Spiritu — Hugonis de S. Charo Opera, 8 vols, in 4— Imago prim. ssc. Soc. Jesu— S. Trennei Adversus Valentini— Index Lib. Prohibit., 2 vols.— Klocki Collectio Consiiiorum, 4 vols.— Le Blanc Comment, in Psalmos, fi vols. — Missale Romauum — Menochii Consiiiorum, 5 vols. — Mysti a Civitas Dei— Nov. Test. Syr. et Arab., 2 vols. — Nov. Test. Erasmi — Palatio Gesta Pontif. Rom. 5 vols, in 1 — Sedulius Hist. Seraphica — Spondani Annales EccL — Whiston's Josephus — Willoughby's Family Bible — Moreri, Dictionnaire de, 10 vols. — Bayle, Dictionnaire de, 8 vols— Genealogy and Heraldry, (in French) about 30 vols. — Monarquia de Espana, 3 vols. — Antiq. of Westminster, plates — Great Britain's Trov. — Ware Antiq. of Ireland.— Laporte's Killarney Views.— Boydell's Heads of Illustrious Persons, &c. QUARTO. Bulla Apostolica contra erroret Lulheri, A. D. 1520 — Hoochstrati de Purgatorio libellus contra Lutherum — Cnchlaei Phillippica sexta contra Melancthonem — Collius de Sanguine Christi — Collius de Animabus Paganorum — Henrici. VIII adv. Lutherum Assertio Sept. Sacrani. Editio Princeps, 1521 — Vitringae Dissertationes Sacrae — Fabricii Biblioth. Graeca, 12 vols. — Antiquites d'Hereulaneum, 3 vols. — Clement Bibliotlieques Curieuses, 9 vols. — Aminta di Tasso, Bodoni. — Bellanda Viaggio Spirituale. — Life of Luther. — Life of Philip Melancthon— Phelps's Captivity.— King Charles's Book of Sports.— Sir Walter Raleigh's Ghost— FAe Bake of ye Chess. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Schleusneri Lexicon in Nov. Test. 8 vols.— Bjel. Thes? Philol. in Vet. Test. 3 vols.— Parr's Works, 8 vols. — Blondellus de Joanne Papissa. — Histoire de Papes. — Catechisme de Montpelier, 2 vols. — Bourdaloue, Sermons de, 12 vols. — Catechismes des Jesuites. — Holbein's Dance of Death, 1564.— Greek and Latin Classics, 300 vols.— Hebrew and Ori- ental Books, 50 vols. — French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch Works, 700 vols. — Books of Prints and Illustrated Works, 00 vols. — Johnson's Works, 12 vols. — Tilloch's rhilosoph. Mag. 48 vols.— Edinburgh Review, &c— Granger's and Noble's Biog. Hist, of England, 7 vols — Martin's Hebrides and St. Kilda, scarce. — Mitford's Greece, 8 vols. — Puigblanch's Inquisition Unmasked, 2 vols.— Johnson's Works, 12 vols.— Bibliography, 36 vols. &c. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder will be declared the Buyer, but if any dispute shall arise, the Lot must be put up again. II. No Bidding to be less than Three Pence; after the Lot is risen to Ten Shillings, Six Pence; after One Pound, One Shil- ling ; and so on in proportion. III. Every Purchaser to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, as Earnest, in part of payment ; and all small Articles to be paid for at the time of .purchase. IV. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed; but if on collating, at the place of Sale, any should prove imperfect, the Purchaser will then be at liberty to take or reject them, but not after they have been delivered, and taken away. V. The Books are to be removed at the Buyer's expense within one day after the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. VI. Such Lots as may be left on hands by the Non-performance of these Conditions, will be re-sold, with the loss of the deposit. VII. King's Duty to be paid by the Purchaser. Igg^ Gentlemen are respectfully requested to take notice, that the Auctioneer cannot hold himself responsible for Purchases which may be made, and not taken away, conformable to the above Conditions of Sale. Commissions carefully attended to, and faithfully executed by their humble Servant, CHARLES SHARPE. 33, Anglesea-street. INDEX. English Divinity and Ecclesiastical History Libri Latini Theologici Theologia Latina et Historia Ecclesiastica . Patres Evangelici, Historia Ecclesiastica, &c . Libri Latini Classici et Miscellanei Auctores Classici Gr. et Lat. Translations, et Libri") Miscellanei 1 Libri Grseci Classici et Miscellanei French Literature .... Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese German and Dutch .... Hebrew and Oriental .... English Poetry and the Drama — — — Miscellanies .... — — — History, Biography, Antiquities, Biblio- graphy, &c. Books of Prints and Illustrated Works . ! PAGE. 1 to 9 9 to 19 19 to 26 27 to 35 35 to 43 43 to 57 57 to 61 61 to 74 74 to 82 82 to 88 88 to 92 93 to 99 99 to 108 109 to 129 129 to 134 CATALOGUE OF THE FINE LIBRARIES OF A CLERGYMAN AND A NOBLEMAN. lEngltgij 59tt)ttittg & %Zttlt$wfc ttral f^tgtorg* OCTO-DECIMO ET INFRA. • (P 1 The Book of Ruth, Expounded in Twenty-eight Sermons, by Lewes Lavaterus, and now translated into English by Epliraim Payitt, a childe of eleven _ yeares of aye JLond. 158G ^~ 2 Taylor on Christian Practice ib. 1G35 3 Popish Controversy 1602 ^? 4 Miracles lately wrought by the Intercession of the / Glorious Virgin Marie at Mont Aigu, nere unto Sichon in Brabant Ant. 1606 5 Observations on Contempt of Clergy Lond. 1671 6 Basilius Valentinus, Monk of the Order of St. Ben- net, his Last Will and Testament ib. 1658 4^> IO* This singular book is one of the remarkable produc- tions of a credulous age, on the Virtues of the Philo- sopher's Stone. 7 Walton s (Bryan) Considerator Considered ib. 1659 - 8 Instructions of a Christian Woman, blntft Ittttv ib. 1585 J?.*/^9 Penitent Pilgrim ib. 1641 £) 10 Divine Pyrnander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegis- tus, by Dr. Everard Lond. 1 650 B /: u/\- ^ U y'c - e *> ( 2 ENGLISH DIVINITY AND ftf 11 Lactantius on the Deaths of the Primitive Persecu- tors, by Burnet Amst. 1687 12 Book of Common Prayer, in Short Hand, according to Weston's Method Lond. 1730 C5 1 A curious and rare book. *_ 13 A Briefe and Compendyouse Table in a Maner of a Concordance, with the Thyrde Boke of the Macha- bees, a boke of the Bible also printed into this boke, which was never before translated or printed in any English Bible, fclarfc Utter Lond. 1563 tttal ?*?tgtorg* DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 14 Andrew's Scripture Doctrine of Grace Lond. 1769 a 15 Priestley's Index to the Bible ib. 1805 J? 16 Addison's Evidences of Christianity Oxf. 1801 17 Clergyman's Vade Mecum Lond. 17 14 /' • @ 18 Excellence of Theology ib. 1674 /-■ / - 19 More's (Hannah) Estimate of Religion 1791 /" Tymme's Description of Hierusalem, as it nourished in the time of Christ, neat, scarce Lond. 1595 , -' <3 105 Ash's (Simeon) Best Refuge for the Oppressed, / with 9 other Fast Discourses preached before the House of Commons in 1642, &c. 1 vol. v. d. / c 106 Lancaster on the Prophecy of the LXX Weeks ib. 1722 /( 4 107 Chapman's Popery the Bane of True Letters — The Jesuit— Cabal, &c. ib. 1746 /y~_ 108 Whitaker's Survey of Cornwall Cathedral, 2 vols. calf gilt ib. 1804 A* 109 Bible and Common Prayer, 2 vols, uniform in blue morocco, gilt edges, Oxford 1784 agtttal filestore* FOLIO. 110 Burnet's History of the Reformation Lond. 1779 . ,.•,, $, j- LIBItl LATINI THEOLOOICI. 9 Diocese Returns in 1818 of Benefices and Popula- tion, &c. Lond. 1818 Featley's Clavis Mystica, or a Key to the Difficult and Mysterious Texts of Scripture Lond. 1636 Gunton's History of the Church of Petersburgh, revised by Dean Patrick Lond. 1686 Leigh's Critica Sacra ib. 1650 Supplement to, ib. 1662 The Popish Plot Laid Open — Lond. 1680, and va- rious interesting tracts at this period in the same volume Usher's (Primate) Life and Letters, good copy Lond. 1686 Usher's (Primate) Body of Divinity, portrait ib. 1670 Walker's (John) Sufferings of the Clergy in the Grand Rebellion, fine tall copy, neat Lond. 1714 Whiston's Josephus, best edition Lond. Boivyer, 1 737 Willoughby's Family Bible, plates, calf, gilt Lond. 1778 Utlm Hattm fflimloQiti. & 122 3 123 J^124 f— J 125 /£ 126 /& 127 ^128 130 /■ 3 131 J 132 - JT33 OCTODECIMO ET INFRA. Bellarmini Explicatio Christiame Doctrinae Col. 1609 Enchiridion ex Catechismo Romano Lov. 1629 Grotii Apologeticus Par. 1640 Weberi Libellus Controversiarum Colon. 1706 Castalioni Dialogi Sacri Basil 1557 Catechismus Romanus Colon. 1623 Manhemii Catechismus Dusseld. 1560 Relatio Corpus S. Marci Evangelists in Insula Reichenaw quiescere, curious Argent 1645 Index Expurgatorius 1599 Decreta Concilii Tridentini Colon. 1569 Catechismus Lovanensis Lov. 1660 Summa Doctrinae Christiana? ib. 1558 C /'•Z-Vc ./, ^ 10 L1BRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. C? 134 Confessio Augustana Trera. 1567 ,JT~135 Erasmi Principis Christiani Institutio Lug. Bat- 1641 J 136 Precationes ib. 1641 /~~£— 137 Augustini (Sancti) Opuscula Brux. n. d. / — rj? 138 Index Expurgatorius 1599 u 139 Adriani Papse Breve adversus Lutherum Rom. 1522 - jjT r " _ 140 Controversia de Necessaria Residentia Pcrsonali Episcoporum, fyc. Antv. 1554 141 Summa Doct. Christ. ib. 1558 142 Another Copy ib. 1592 ^J/ 143 Explicatio Missae ib. 1551 /■' £, 144 Juelli Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae Lond. 1606 / /, 145 Wicelius de Moribus Veterum Hereticorum Lips. 1537 • * (146 Exaraen Ordinandorum Juaci 1615 S ,C_147 Ignatii Loyola Vita Colon. 1602 '& 148 Novum Testamentum Latinum, a Castihone Basil, n. d. /. ^}l49 Ordo Celebrandi Missas Ant v. 1589 .050 Concilii Tridentini Canones Leov. 1577 /— 151 Another Copy Duac. 1642 y 152 Institutio Catholica Antv. 1652 — y i^ 153 Another Copy ib* 1554 / Soc. Jesu 1641 155 Se 155 Septem Verborum quae Christus ex Cruce protulit y rf 154 Vargas de Stratayematis et Sophismatis Politicis 155 S< Explicatio Antv. 1556 / 156 Catechismus Lovanensis Lov. 1665 & 157 Another Copy ib. 1665 ^{158 Examen Ordinandorum ib. 1750 . (_159 Ramus Olivae Streng. n. d. SV 160 Bellarmini (Card.) Explications Christ. Doctrinae Antv. 1663 & 161 Index Expurgatorius Lugd. 1586 s c 162 Rationes cur Romano-Catholica Religio sit Ele- genda et Omnibus Aliis Prseferenda Lov. 1708 '0 163 Tridentini Concilii Canones Leod. 1687 /^ 164 Another Copy Lov. 1570 ^ 165 Catechismus Catholicus Lutet. 1569 166 Another copy Antv. 1554 I.IBRI LATINI THE0L0GIC1. 11 167 Precationes Bibliae Tig. 1555 168 Index Expurgatorius Lug-. 1586 169 Another copy ib. 1586 170 Index Librorum Prohibitorum, a James Oxon. 1627 171 Hosius de Verbo Dei Par. 1561 /<■ 172 Summa Doctrinae Christianae Lov. 1556 - ^173 De Contemtu Mundi Ven. 1538 .• 174 Manualis Controversiarum Duac. 1628 — ^,175 Institutiones Christianae Antv. 1551 ^ ^176 Catechismus 1538 Htfcrt Itattui ^fjtologtcu /- - j *7, DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 177 Symbolici Ecclesiae Evangelicae Tubing. 78 Historia Symboli Apostolici Lips. 79 Brentii Catechismus 80 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Rom. 81 Institutio Catholica Colon. * 82 Catalogus Testium Veritatis Basil. 83 Ratio Synodica Lindani Colon. Calvini Infernus Antv. J\ 201 Eliae Carmelitae Vita Hav. 1741 /•' 223 Jesu Christi Vita Antv. 1541 St? 224 Frois de Rebus Japonicis Mog. 1599 /r ^ 225 Bidlae, Canones, &c. pertinentia ad Soc. Jesu . ^fcj/ Antv. 1665 y — tj^> Apocrypha Nov. Test. «dL 2 ifo (a / t -7 ,a227 Palmius de Codicibus Nov. Test. Hamb. 1735 L 228 Statuta Diocesis Tornacensis Duaci 1568 ^V -, d i fe ^ <£ ¥^J / ^.^ ^ ^>- ' Wfi y .. „ s-s/D , „ 231 / LIBRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. Liber Eccleshe Gandavensis Gand. Index Librorum Prohibitorum Prag. Fabricii Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti Hamb. Antiquitates Tricassinae Diocesis Chronicon Canonum Regularium Ordinis Augustini Hyperius de Formandis Concionibus Sacris Catbolici Catechismi Explicatio Catecbisraus Poenitentium Catecbismus Catholicus Heideggeri Encbiridion Biblicum Hadriani (Papae) Questiones Staphyli (Francisci) Apologia Cyrilb Catecheses Hesselii Explicatio Passionis Dominicac Novum Testaraentum Latinum Chrysostomi (Divi) Epistola Questiones de Catechismo Catecbismus Catbobcus Decreta Diocesis Tornacensis De Primatu S. Petri Apostoli Tractatus Veccbii Clericus Deperrucatus Aug. Sancti Antv. Marp. Aug. Trev. Lov. Col. Amst. Lug. Colon. Antv. Lov. Colon. Traj. ad Rhen. Francof. Colon. Duac. Colon. Amst. Magnum et Universale Concibum Ecclesiae MiH- tantis Par. Minucius Felix Davisii Glas. Foulis, Historia Symbob Apostolici Lips. Index Librorum Probibitorum Rom. Leo X. Pont. Max. Laudatus ib. Macarii Homiliae Par. Pezii Epistohe Apologeticas pro Ordine Benedicti Campod. Catechismus Romanus Venet. Sacrarium Agrippinae Colon. Explanatio Catecbismi Catholici Aug. Trev. Index Librorum Prohibitorum Prag. Cassandrus de Ritu Dominica? Conine Celebrandaa 13 1595 1726 le 1703 1610 1621 1562 1611 1564"* 1570 1688 1546 1562 1564 1568 1564 1687 1553 1560 1574 1599 zzl 1554 1750 1706 1706 1661 1559 1715 1702 1607 1612 1726 Colon. 1558 9--* -74 LIBUI LATINI THEOLOHICI. 262 Anabaptisticae Hrereseos Confutatio Antv. 1549 jf~ 263 Brentii Catechismus Viteb. 1551 / / ■ "270 Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis, 8 torn. Lugd. 1760 y/_ 271 Harney de S. Scriptura linguis vulgaribus legenda Lov. 1593 / ~/ 272 Index Expurgatorius Rom. 1608 ^? 273 Relandi Antiquitates Veterum Hebraeorum Lips. 1715 ij 274 De Sacramento Baptismi n. d. . J 275 Nicols de Principiis Religionis Christianae Lond. 1717 y 276 Res Gestae Memorabiles in Regno Sinae Antv. 1626 ^y~ 277 De Statu Turbulento Ecclesiae hujus Seculi 1691 278 Juveti Tractatus de Contradictionibus Apparentibus sn Evane-elistarum Gand. 1760 // r. . . y 279 Moncaeii Antiquitates Biblicae in Germania Lips. 1689 ? 280 Stegartii Regulse Legendi et Intelligendi Scripturam Sacram Lov. 1741 281 Pfaffii Dissertatio Critica de Genuinis Lectionibus Nov. Test. Amst. 1709 1^§T Recommended by the Rev. Hartvvell Home and by Walch. " Multa ab auctore tradita sunt eruditi', accurate, atque utiliter." — Walch. 282 Epistolae Sacrae de Hseresia Mog. 1605 283 Serarii Orationes Luthero-Turcicae 1604 284 Muis in Pentateuchum Samaritanum Par. 1639 285 Epistolae Theologici, a Elswich Lips. 1718 /- f ■: S ^286 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Rom. 1683 jT~287 Pandectae Vet. et Nov. Test. Basil. 1537 ^ 288 Blancquaerti Catechismus Antv. 1707 fl 289 De Luxu et Abusu Vestium Nostri Temporis Col. 1612 y 290 Philippi Chronologia Vet. Test. Antv. 1635 y 1 291 Kemnicius de Vera Presentia Corporis et Sangui- ' nis Domini in Ccena Lips 1561 £'/}■'& /f r ***> LIBKI LATINI THEOLOGICI. 15 tf 292 Blondellus (David) de Joanna Papissa Ana- crisis, in 12mo. Amstel. 1657 (ggf This book was first done in French by Blondell, in 1647, 8vo. — Line/let Dufresnoy's passage upon the protest- ant account of this she pope, is too curious to be passed over. Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne, par Jacques Lenfant, in 12mo. La Haye, 1736, 2 vols — " The protestants, espe- cially the English, have written more upon this subject than upon a question of real importance. But what con- sequence can be drawn in favour of their opinion from a fact of that nature ? Of what inconvenience could it be, if by chance we have mistaken a woman for a man, and made a pope of her ? Have not the English themselves had an Elizabeth and an Ann for the head of their religion ? and have we reproached them with it ? Mr. Jurieu thought more sensibly than usual, in considering this dispute as an affair of little importance." For further information res- pecting this remarkable book, see Clement, Bib. Cur. in which there is a description, occupying nearly six pages. "" v^" 293 Hofmeisteri de Controversia 1547 / ' "7^ 294 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Rom. 1683 ' 295 Sigonius de Rep. Hebraeorum Spirae. 1583 / ' 296 Enchiridion adversus Lutheranos Tub. n. d. - J* 297 Tocolovius de Verae et Falsae Ecclesiaa Discrimine Colon. 1584 -J ^298 Ratio Evangeliorum Explicandorum 1588 3299 Catechismus Catholicus 1552 J 300 Eusebii Homilise Antv. 1555 ^J? 301 Harney de Lectione Gallica? Translationis Nov. , Test. Lov. 1689 ^ 302 Catechismus Basil 1551 303 Nicholsii Defensio Ecclesiae Anglicanae Lond. 1707 . ,i304 Cranii Oeconomia Moralis Lov. 1613 7305 Decreta Synodi Dioecesis Tornacencis Lov. 1589 /£? 306 Revocationes Fabiani, cum f actus esset ex Lutherano ^ Catholicus Colon. 1571 / 307 Enchiridion Piarum Precationum Vitemb. 1543 ! ? 308 Incerti Monachi Catechesis TJtcotisca Seculo IX. // conscripta, nunc primum edita Hanov. 1713

359 /c 360 ^1 361 |362 'A (363 "364 365 ;? 366 ; ^ 367 368 369 "J. 370 o 371 ^/372 J 373 __ 2 374 SI 375 Acta Romanorum Pontificum 1560 Bucoliardamis pro Ebrietate Oratio Colon. 1529 Surama Doctrinae Cliristianae Antv. 1560 Compendium et Scopus Novi Testamenti, curious and rare, tuood cuts, wants title Epistolae de Gestis Pii V. Pont. Max. Colon. 1567 Vedelius de Cathedra Petri Francf. 1640 Catachesis Chytraei Lemg. 1561 Oratio de Waldensibus et Albiyensibus Christianis, very curious Gen. 1585 Notitia Patriarchatuum et Archiepiscopatuum Orbis Christiani Antv. 1611 Roffeni Sacerdotii Defensio contra Lutheium, ijlarS letter Colon. 1525 Psalmi CV. Paraphrasis Norib. 1598 Statuta Tornacensis Duaci 1600 Rythmus de Sancto Annone, ante 500 Annos Con- scriptus a Poeta Teutonico Dant. 1639 Artopoei (Henrici) Responsio Grat. 1561 Centuria Epistolarum Bipont 1597 Censura Sacrag Facultatis 1626 Concilii Tridentini Canones Salm. 1585 Cyrillus adversus Arithropomorpbitas Colon. 1573 Wicelius de Necessitate Bonorum a Fide Operum il 1595 1575 1620 1576 Chytraei Catechesis Lips. Miraei Origines Monasticae Colon. Agr. Laurentius de Plenaria Remissione Antv. De Futuro Seculo Lib. Tres Duaci 1564 Confessio Fidei in Comiciis Augustas 1559 Vitae Romanorum Pontificum Basil n. d. Secretarii Pontificii Actiones Duae 1607 Wicelii Inspectio Ecclesiarum Colon. 1564 Todischi in Lutheranos Oratio Hadr. 1522 Canisii Summa Doctrinae Christianas Colon. 1566 De Novis Translationibus Sacrae Scripturae ex Hebraeo Ingolst. 1544 Urbani Catechesis 1543 Tractatus de Collocpiio Wormaciesi 1541 D zy-z -? f -6. <: C S^£. yte - > ■&-*--*. / LIBRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. 19 404 Examen Ordinandorum pro Tonsura, &c. > / Colon. Agr. 1723 ' 405 Disquisitio Historico-Theologica de Jure Prohibendi Libros Haereticos Colon. Agr. 1691 406 Quatuor Excusationum Lutberanorum Confatatio Una Lips. 1537 // 407 D. Martini Lutheri Propositiones pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum Hamb. n. dw / (j 408 Hussius et Lutberus ; id est, Collatio Historica Du- orum Fortissimoruin Jesu Cbristi Militum Hussii et Lutberi Prag. 1618 ^ 409 Judicii Universitatis et Cleri Coloniensis adversus Calumnias Pb. Melantbonis, Buceri, &c &c. Par. 1545 * ' ^ 410 Confessio Fidei P. Melantbonis, una cum Apologia ejusdem 1566 u 41 1 Martini Lutheri Epistolarum Farrago Hag. 1525 ?12 Parvus Catecbismus pro Pueris in Schola, nuper auc- tus per Mart. Lutherum Wes. 1545 . ; /- 413 M. Lutberi Sermo Elegantissimus super Sacramento Hag. 1527 Wf^ologta ilatuta tt ffjistona iScclcgiajStita* OCTAVO ET INFRA. 114 Alexandri Dissertationes Historic* Par. 1680 9- 415 Camerarius de Vita Melantbonis Lips. 1571 /' / 416 Bulla contra Err ores Martini Lutheri et Sequa- tium Rome n. d. * ~{fi 417 Valesius de iis quae scripta sunt Physice in Libris Sacris Lug. 1592 <~" y 418 Catecbismus Concilii Tridentini, good copy Rom. 1726 "*V> 419 Le Grand — Historia Sacra Lond. 1685 s _ c ^ c ' ,/ 20 LIBRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. 420 Lutheri (Martini) Catechesis, Grace et Latine Basil. 11. (1. 421 Erasrai Explanatio Symboli Apostolorum, Decalogi, et Dominicae Precationis ib. 1533 ' <- 422 Catechismus Concilii Tridentini Lov. 1567 423 Practice Cancellarie Romane Rom. 1493 — 451 Psalterium ex Hebreo diligentissime ad Verbum fere translatum 1515 L/ 452 Fuxii (Joan.) Joel Propheta elegiaco carmine reddi- /tus 1555 453 Tamburinus (Th.) de Bulla Cruciatae Venet. 1665 s •) 454 Aureum Sacrorum Hymnorum Opus 1547 ""\ J 455 Constitutiones Lunen. Sarzanen 1582 /#■ 456 Confutatio Abbreviata Johannis Cochlei adversus Didymum Faventinum Philippi Melanctbonis, in admonitionem fidelem Catholicorum apud exteros, ^ nunc primum edita Lips. 1533 ^ 457 Hieronymi (Federici Episc. Laudendis) Decreta, in j, Visitatione Edita Taurin. 1577 458 Antonius Florebellus de Auctoritate Ecclesiae Lov. n. d. - v- / 459 Lachmanni Diatriba de Supremo Ecclesiae Evan- gelicae capite Kilise 1740 v*j--// /&. --.•^ 22 LIBRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. 460 Boyle (Roberti, Episc. Clogherensis) Summa Theo- logiae Cbristianae Dub. 1681 / : J 461 Errores Atrocissimorum Rutbernorum, JjIarJt letter sine ulla nota 462 Bruschii Chronologia Monasteriorum Germanise Praecipuorum Sulz. 1682 c-^* ' J/ 463 Braunii (Joannis) Selecta Sacra Amst. 1700 ^ ■ A 464 Poli (Reginaldi, Cardinalis) de Concilio Liber Rom. 1562 — ij 465 Babrdtius de Vestigiis Pacis Religiosae in Codice Sacro Obviis Lips. 1755 A 466 Eckius de Pcenitentia et Confessione semper in Ec- clesia Dei observata Rom. 1523 O 467 Pro Religione Christiana Res Gestae in Comitiis Augustae Vind. habitis Aug. Vind. 1530 - ' — - 468 Hildebrandus ( Joach.) de Nuptiis Veterum Christi- anorum Het. 1661 469 Fisscber (Joannis, Episcopi Ruffensis) de Unica Magdalena, cum aliis tractatibus in uno volumi- , si ne compactis, curious and rare Par. 1519 y (f 470 Gregorii Nyseni de Virginitate Liber, Latine Rom. ap. Paul. Manutium, 1562 ^/ 471 Synodus Maior Osnaburgensis Osnab. 1628 ^ 472 Hieronymus Albanus de Potestate Papae Venet. 1561 473 Siberus — Canem e Templis Exterminandum juxta Leges Ecclesiasticas Lips. 1712 Ss J/ 474 Resolutorium Dubiorum circa Celebrationem Missa- rum Occurrentium, per Joannem de Lapide, ex Sacrorum Canonum et Probatorum Doctorum col- lectum 1606 * • 476 Via Lucis Vestigata et Vestiganda Amst. 1668 A , 477 Scbotani Diatriba de Authoritate Versionis Graecae que dicitur LXX Interpretum Franck. 1663 478 Hieronymi Epistole Due ad Atbletan. — Ejusdem Una ad Heliodorum. — Ciceronis Fam. Epistola- rum tres ult. libri — Magni Basilii de Institutione opusculum perelegans — Plato de Contemnenda A ~4 j 'ie ■■//■■ / / >^ /L / LIBRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. 23 Morte — Horatii Sermonum Liber primus, in 1 vol. fclark letter, sine ulla nota ^J 479 Provinciale Omnium Ecclesiarum Cathedralium Universi Orbis Brix. 1563 ^s — - 480 Eversio Munitionis quam Iodocus Clichtoneus eri- gere moliebatur adversus unicam Magdalenam per Joannem Roffensis Ecclesiae in Anglia Epis- copum sine ulla nota ~s 481 Dacryani Speculum Monachorum Bienn. 1738 /-' (T/482 Cbchlaei (Joannis) Annotationes in Scripta et Pro positiones Collocutorum Wittebergensium Ingol. 1546 / ^_483 Epistola de Miseria Curatorum, folacfc Utter ^ sine ulla nota s^ J484 Statuta Diocesanse Tornacensis Torn. 1589 y (_485 Hermanni Conringii Exercitatio de Constitutione /Episcoporum Germanise Helmst. 1648 486 Liturgies S. Basilii Magni, S. Gregorii Theologi, p et S. Cyrilli Alexandrini Aug. Vind. 1604 aJ487 Bulla Collegia? Militum Rom. 1562 y (3-88 Petri Fontidonii Oratio ad Patres in Concilio Tri- „ dentino Brix. 1563 -^ 489 Another copy Venet. 1563 )f 490 Hermanni Torrentini Textus Evangeliorum et Epis- tolarum, filarfr letter sine ulla nota ' y 491 Hippolyti Episcopi Canon Paschalis Lug. Bat. 1595 ^ 492 Placidi Parmensis Interpretatio Recens Psalmorum Venet. 1559 ~*H93 Decreta Concilii Tridentini Antv. 1565 y 494 Apologia Indictionis Concilii Tridentini 1563 x? 495 Constitutio ad Removendos Abusus et Ordinatio ad y y? Cleri Vitam Reformandam 1524 — — ^/496 Gregorii Nyseni Vita Moysi, Latine Vien. 1517 v,j? 497 Hebenstrect de Canonibus Jen. 1710 2 498 Gaillardi Melchisedecus Christus Unus Rex Justitise Rex Pacis Lug. Bat. 1686 Jf 499 Sylvani Germanici in Pontificatum Panegyris Prima — Ejusdem Sylvani in Sjatuam Leonis Decimi Pont. Max. Rom. 1524 J/-'// ''/* :///^/J~ 'V ' '- S^sz ^ 24 L1BRI LATINI THEOLOGICI. - J J- 500 Henrici de Hassia Secreta Sacerdotum Davent. 1500 501 Pontificii Oratoris Legatio, cum aliis tractatlbus in uno volumine compact. Noremb. 1523 502 Pupilla Oculi omnibus Sacerdotibus tara Curatis quam non Curatis Rotbomag. n. d. if *' " y 503 Pocockius in lib. Prophetae Joelis Lips. 1695 / / 504 Udalrici August. Vindel. Episcopi Vita Aug. Vind. 1595 ^7^505 Vollemar Reinbard Explanatio, and another tract 1783 / ; /h 506 Alfonsi de Vargas Tolelani Relatio ad Reges et Principis Christianas de Stragematis et Sophis- matis Politicis Societatis Jesu ad Monarchiam Orbis Tcrrarum sibi Conficiendam 1665 / ~ ^^507 Silvaeducensis Episcopatus Historia Brux. 1721 / : y C- 508 Cochlaeus in Mart. Buceri Articulos 1546 fa ^ 509 Responsio ccccc. Articulis Martini Lu- "^ then 1525 ' - _ 510 Confutatio XCI. Articuloram e Tribus Martini Lutheri Teuthonicis Sermonibus Excerp- y torum Colon. 1525 511 31. Johannis Hasenbergii Epistola Martino Ludero et succ parum legitimes uxori Catharines a Bhor, christiano prorsus animo, scripta, in hoc, ut aut, vel, tandem, cum prodigo filio recijnscant, ac ad pcenitentiam catnobiorumque sanctbnoniam redeant, aut certe Luderus Nonnam suo sponso Christo, matrique Ecclesice, postliminio reponat 1528 (ft" In this curious and rare tract, published iu the early part of the Lutheran Reformation, the author, in the spirit of Christian love for their souls, advises the re- doubtable Martin, and his t7-legitimate wife Catherine a Bhor, that in imitation of the Prodigal Son they should repent, & that they should return to the penance and sanc- tity of the cloister ; or that Luther should at least restore the nun to Christ her spouse, and to Mother Church. / ^ 512 Manuale Confessorum Venerabilis Magistri Johannis Nider Sacre Theologie professoris, Orclinis predi- dicatorum Printed by Ulric Zell, circa 1467 I^IJP Premiere edition tres-rare, a longues lignes au nom- 'PY/ ■*7i- /. LIBRI LATINI THEbLOGICI. 25 bre de vingt-sept dans les pages qui sont entieres, et sans cliitl'res, signatures, ni reclames, execute par cet artiste celebre avec les caracteres dont il c'est servi dans son edition farneuse de livre De, Singularltate Clericorum at- tribue a S. Augustin imprime en 1-167, 4to. M. Meer- man, Origines Topograph, nous a donne une gravure imitant ces caracteres. w ; - : fi 513 Gersoni (Joannis) Tractatus de Mendicitate Spiri- /* rituali Printed by Ulric Zell, circa 1467 514 Another copy Printed by Ulric Zell, circa 1467 £ 515 Joannis de Turrecremati Tractatus de Efficacia at- que Benedicte sine ulla nota /' sJ 516 Bibliotheca SS. Joannis et Pauli, Venetiarum Ordi- dinis Praedicatorum nuper aperta L/ 517 Bellarmini (Card.) de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis lib. unns. Colon. 1684 ^- ^18 Calderwood Ecclesise Anglicanoe Politia, vellum Lug. Bat. 1708 2y "■ J 519 Collins de Sanguine Christi, lib. V. neat, Mediol. 1617 i. i^t Liber rarus. " • /^ <- i ; 520 Collius (Franciscus) de Animabus Paganorum, lib. V. neat Mediol. 1622 21 Dambouderii (Jod.) Praxis Rerum Criminalium, numerous curious woodcuts Antv. 1570 Oj" Liber rarus. c P y 522 Hadriani in Judseos Flagellum, rare edition Ven. 1538 /■ / ^ 523 Herbert de Cherbury de Religione Gentilium Amst. 1663 <-/\ / b2k Kircberi (Athanasii Soc. Jes.) Prodomus Coptus sive iEgyptiacus Romse 1636 _ 525 Paradisus Amissus Miltoni — Solomon de Mundi Va- nitate Matthsei Prior, a Dobson, in 1 vol., neat * Oxon. 1750 — 'S 526 Ricberi (Edmundi) de Potestate Ecclesise lib. IV., p_ JColon. 1691 — J527 Vitringa (Camp. Filii) Dissertationes Sacrce ' Francq..l731 ->y /■/ y /- ^^ ^ 2- - <- * *- ~ ' cj '/• ■ 26 LIBRI LA'TINI THEOLOGICI. & 528 Julij II. Papte, Bulla Intiraationis Concilij Genera- lis apud Lateranum Romae 1511 ./____- 529 Bulla Apostolica contra errores Martini Lutheri et eius Sequacium ib. 1520 (£t* Two Bulls were published by Pope Leo against Martin Luther — the former dated 17 Kal. Julij, 1520, "quaxli. sententiae eius dainnabantur, scripta eius rogo addice- bantur, ipse denique, nisi exturbari ecclesia vellet, intra sexaginta dies admissa delicta confiteri, clementiamque pontificis implorare iubebatur." But any hopes of an accommodation which might have remained, were soon dissipated by the Reformer, who declared the Pope to be Antichrist, publicly burnt the Bull and volumes of canon law, became more violent in his invectives, and rejected the idea of repentance and reconciliation. This induced the Bull of Excommunication, which was issued on the 4th of January, 1521. — Mosheim. Inst. Hist. JEccl. Saec. xvi. Robertson appears to confound these two, as if he had not consulted the original documents, which have been reprinted in the Bullaria. O 530 Hoocbstrati de Purgatorio libellus, contra M. Lu- tberum Ant v. 1525 f£ 531 Cochlsei (Job.) Pbilippica sexta contra Pb. Melanc- tbonem Ingolst. 1544 E§|f The preceding four Tracts belonging to the period of the reformation are exceedingly interesting. They are all the original editions, contemporary with the events of that important revolution, and are now scarcely, if ever to be met with. '/ / ' t ^y . ^- 't I St^'cJ ;> c ' t &~y (/iP?^-/ \S<- {&J^*^£^/£c^t^ '/, /c% J c ■> t^/a,-^^ ^C^C c^3 -if 7 /; V ^ZK 4g?£ZC •? C-^* : /rf ■ — 534 Augustini (Sancti) Opera, 11 vols, in 9, conti- nental binding, sound copy Basil, Froben, 1507 *" , ^ / '~535 Anselmi (Sancti) Opera Omnia, studio et Opera Picardi, 4 vols, in 1, vellum Col. Agr. 1612 {^t A fine copy of an extraordinary rare work. 536 Acta et Decreta Synodi Diocesanae Coloniensis 1549 -• Z( 537 Augustini (Sancti) de Civitate Dei, tola eft Utter, a rare and beautiful edition, in ichole russia y A* D. Joannis Westfalensis, 1488 ' S& ^538 Aquinas (S. Thomas) Glosa in Evangelia sine ulla nota 539 Barbos.e: Opera Omnia, 8 vols, continental binding Lugd. 1650 s y/ ti-t The complete work is very seldom to be obtained. ^540 Biblia Sacra Latine, fclacfc letter Colon. 1479 . 5_41 Biblia Sacra Latine, cum Duplici Translatione jussu S. Inquisitionis et Scholiis Vatabli, 2 vols, in 1, fine copy in oaken binding Salm. 1584 542 Biblia Sacra Vulgate Edit. Clementis VIII. 8vo. interleaved with folio paper, Manuscript Notes CoL Agr. 1609 &*& /^ * V*/f.- J/ i 7^ / S&-/&- 4> / 4> 28 PATRES EVANGELfCI GR. ET. LAT. 543 Biblia Gregoriana, seu Comment, in Textum Scripturae Sacrae S. Gregorii Papae I. very scarce, fine copy Aug. Vind .1731 544 Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant, viz. Socini, Crelii, Slichtingii et Wolzo- genii Opera, 8 vols, in 9, calf Irenop. 165G " These Socinian expositors contain a treasure of sacred criticism. There is (says Dr. Harwood) hardly a good criticism in all our modern expositors, Mr. Locke, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Benson, Dr. Taylor, Messrs Peirce and Hallet, Dr. Sykes, but what is to be found in the Bibli- otheca Fratrum Polonorum. Dr. Harwood is not singular in this opinion; and these books may be consulted with advantage by those who do not adopt the particular tenets of Socinus and the Unitarians, as well as well as by those who do. — Br Watson." 2^ yO -545 Bellarmini (Cardinalis) Disputationes de CONTROVERSIIS CHRISTIAN.® FlDEI, &C. S 4 vols, in 3, fine set Ingolst. 1601 '& ^46 Idem, 3 vols. ib. 1598 / 547 Controversies adver- sus Witackerum illust. Gretseri, 2 vols. ib. 1607 {fcf- No Polemic, no Ecclesiastical Student, whether Pro- testant or Catholic, can well be without the Disputations of Cardinal Bellarmine, as on this work hinge all the controversies which have divided the Protestant and Ro- mish Churches. The Cardinal is esteemed the best Con- troversial Writer of his age. No Jesuit was more reput- ed in his order than Cardinal Bellarmine, and no author ever defended better the cause of the Church and the Pope. Of this the Protestants were so sensible, that there is no divine of any reputation among them, who has not chosen Bellarmine's books for the subjects of his contro- versies. /■ ^.y 548 Benedicti (Sancti) — Novus Rei Literarias Ordinis S. Benedicti Conspectus Ratisb. 1739 — — ■ 549 Berti (Joannis Laurentii) Theologici Opera Omnia,, 10 vols, in 5, fine set, continental bind- ing Monach. 1749 • ■/■■ /v I A/c Sd < ^ c^ **■ ^ 556 Idem, 8 vols. beautiful set in monastic binding, clasps ib. 1734 ggf *' In this work immense learning, good sense, sound judgment, and deep piety, are invariably displayed. This is without exception the best comment on the Sacred Wri- tings ever published either by Catholics or Protestants." — Dr. A. Clarke. 557 Calmeti (August.) Dictionarium Biblicura, 2 vols. plates ib. 1759 ^jr 558 Catena LXV. Grsecorum Patrura in Sanctum Lu- cam, illust. Balthasar Corderius, beautiful copy of a precious worh, in ancient binding, clasps Ant. Plantin, 1628 ' ^y^- / ' ^ 30 PATRES EVANGELICI GR, ET LAT. 559 Catechismus Catholicus Frederici Nauseae Epis- copi Viennensis, monastic binding Colon. 1553 4/ <__ 560 Clerici (Joann.) Harmonia Evangelica, vellum ' Amst. 1700 l§gT " To this work are added three Dissertations on the years of Christ's Life ; on the principles of the Harmony adopted by the author ; and on the writers of the gospels, their object, and the time in which they wrote. The work possesses considerable value." — Orme. /' fa c i>61 Coccii (Jodoci) Thesaurus Catholicus in quo Con- troversiaa Fidei, 2 vols, ancient binding, clasps Colon. 1600 (§^T A learned Catholic writer who renounced Lutheran- ism, embraced the Catholic Religion, and wrote a large and much-esteemed controversial work in defence of its doctrines. 562 Colgani Acta Sanctorum Hibernije, vol. 1, very neat in broxon calf Lovan. 1645 Ijggr Dr. Burke's (Bishop of Ossory) copy, with his auto- graph on fly-leaf, and was formerly obtained from the College of Louvain. «. — .,563 Concilii Tridentini Canones et Decreta, beautiful y S copy, handsomely bound Romse 1564 & 564 Concilii Moguntini Decreta, in oaken binding Mogunt. 1549 ^_ ~ 565 Cyrilli (Sancti) de Adoratione in Spiritu et Veri- tate lib. XVII. Rom. 1588 ^/ 566 Clemens (Div.)in Epistolam Pauli ad Philippenses ib. 1536 j_^7 567 Diana (R. P. D. Antonini) Resolutiones Morales, 3 parts in 1 vol. vellum Lugd. 1645 IggT Another of the tres recherche works, which are so pro- fusely scattered in the present catalogue. £T* ' £> 568 De Pineda Hispalensis (Joannis, Soc. Jes.) de Re- bus Salamonis Regis, portrait of Henry III. of Navarre, fine copy, clasps Lugd. 1609 = ^J ://:/& C& '*'«** S'Al . &-*>& rha^> \J*ic / ^ . 2 X < HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA, ETC. 31 569 Durandi (Gulielmi) Csesarei Pontificii que Juris Speculatoris, &c 2 vols, monastic binding, clasps Lugd. 1538 570 Eucherii (Sancti, Episc. Lugd.) Commentarii in li- bros Genesis et Regiun Rom. apud Aid. 1564 c^ /> [§§f A beautiful copy of an edition unknown to Brunet. " 571 Eusebii et Aliorum Historia Ecclesiastica, vellum Basil. 1549 572 • 5 Latine, antique binding, clasps Argent. 1522 ^^ a. d. 315. Eusebius is called the Father of Ecclesias- tical History. His work contains a collection of the most remarkable transactions in the Church, from the death of Christ to his own time, with an history of the heresies and controversies touching the doctrine and dis- cipline of the Church ; and as he gives long relations of events, which he almost every where cites from the most ancient writers, after the manner of those who write annals or memoirs ; and as those writers were more antient than Eusebius, and most of them have long been lost, these HISTORIANS ARE PECULIARLY VALUABLE. V " _ 573 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica, bl&zk XttttY Aug. 1484 < 574 Guilliardi (Claudii) Comment, in Evang. secundum Joannem, fine copy, antique binding, clasps j Lut. 1550 ** "" 575 Historia Societatis Jesu, 4 vols. Antv. 1620 \ / : Sf 576 Homiliae Prsestantissimorum Ecclesiae Catholicse Doctorum in Evangelia totius anni ab Albino Flacco Alcuino, beautiful copy Col. 1569 f^P This inestimable work has been very rarely presented for public competition in this metropolis. ' C 577 Homilie, hoc est Conciones populares Sanctissimo- ~ rum Ecclesie Doctorum, per Joannem Froben diligenter compilate, ulack letter, Froben 1516 IjgSp As tres recherche a volume as will be found in the whole of this collection of rare books now offered to the public. In this compilation are collected Discourses by St. Ambrose, Augustin, Gregory, Origen, Chrysostom, Bede, and various other inestimable writers. 6S?2 St) '/>2 32 PATRES EVANGELICI, GR. ET LAT. S ~ tf 578 Harmonia Confessionis Augustanag doctrinse evan- gelicse consensum declarans, opera et studio Fabri- cii Leodii Colon. 1573 579 Harsei (Francisci) Historiae Sanctorum, illust. Baronii vellum Col. Agrip. 1675 580 Hafenrefferii (Matth.) in Templum Ezechielis Com- mentarii Tubing. 1613 C_^" Q 581 Historia Concilii Florentini, cura Creyghtoni Hag. Com. 1660 /y 7 582 Hincmari (Archiep. Remensis) Opera, cura Jacobi f Sermondi Soc. Jesu, 2 vols, fine copy, neat y Lut. Par. 1645 (^ * /n 583 Hosii (Stanislai) Verse Christianse Catholicseque doctrinse solida propugnatio, etc. continental bind- ing Colon. 1558 ^^ The author was president of the Council of Trent. " Hosius a ete regard e avec raison un des plus estimcs controversistes parmi les Catholiques. II ecrivoit avec beaucoup de facilite et elegance ; emploioit tres-a- propos les passages de l'Ecriture Sainte et de saints pi-res de l'eglise. Toutes ses ceuvres sont fort recher- chtes." — Fleury. , - £f ~ ° 584 Hugonis de S. Charo Opera Omnia in Univ. Vet. et Novum Testamentum, 8 vols, in 4>,fine copy y Col. Agrip. 1621 y/ (? 585 Hieronymi (Divi) Percelebre Opus, frlarit letter Lug. 1520 /^~- ._586 Imago Primi Sseculi Societatis Jesu, scarce ) Antv. Plantin, 1640 2 y 1 ^ 587 Irensei (Sancti) adversus Valentini, et similium Gnosticorum Hsereses lib. V. Grsec. et Lat. cum Annotationibus Feuardentii, continental binding Par. 1575 ljg|r St. Irenjeus, a. d. 178. One of the first Christian writers after the Apostles. He was the Disciple of St. Polycarp. This orthodox father turned his pen against the internal and domestic enemies of Christianity, by at- tacking the monstrous errors that had been adopted by the primitive Christians, as appears by his " V. Boohs V^y ' <* <^^^^ 7^ c^^^i / f ^w ^v &■ - A? c 6 "- St; 1 -* ^ HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA, ETC. 33 against Heresies," which are yet extant in a Latin trans- lation, the Greek being all lost except the first book. These books were written against Valentine, and two of that Heresiarch's followers, named Florinusand Blastus, and are considered as one of the most precious monuments of ancient erudition, in which are many particulars con- cerning the life of Christ, which this father doubtlessly had learnt from his conversation with the Apostolic Fa- ther, St. Polycarp, and from other contemporaries with the Apostles. Irenasus's style is succinct, clear, and strong, but not sublime ; his works contain so much learning, that Tertullian says of him " Iren^eis om- nium DOCTRINARUM CURIOSISSIMUS ExPLORATOR." >^w/588 Index Librorum Prohibitoram et Expurgatorum, auctoritate Philippi V. 2 vols. Madrid. 1707 .' ^589 Index Novissimus Librorum Prohibitorum et Expur- / gatorum pro Catholicis Hispanise, edidit Card. Zapata Hispali 1632 '^590 Johannis Duns Scotus Commentarii in Sententia / Venet. 1472 Ff^" Santander, in enumerating the editions of this work most remarkable for their antiquity, gives a minute de- scription of the present volume, and observes, " Cette edition est encore tres rare. Vendu chez la Valliere, no. 515, 150 livres. Les caracteres sont ceux employes par Albert Stendal, imprimeur a Venise." fy 6m 591 Jacobatii (Cardinalis) de Concilio Tractatus, vellum Romae 1538 -' / . 602 Mystica Civitas Dei et Vita Virginis Matris Dei, brilliant copy in vellum Aug. Vind. 1719 603 Neustria Pia seu de Omnibus et Singulis Abbatiis et Prioratibus totius Normanioe, autore R. P. Du Monstier, scarce Rotb. 1663 •603* Nider (Jobannis) Formicarium, Jjlaflt Ifttcr Aug. n. d. 604 Novum Testamentum Syriacum et Arabicum, 2 vols. in fine internal condition, Romoe, Typis Sac. Cong, de Propag. Fide, 1703 S \^J' 605 Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. cura Erasmi, an~ / cient binding Basil, ap. Froben, 1519 7 606 Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Cbristi, edidit Philesius, plates, a rare edition Arg. 1507 607 Palatio {Joan.) Gesta Pontificum Roman- orum, 5 vols, in 1, a very thick volume, in an- tique binding, illustrated with the portraits of the different Pontiffs, Medals, Coins, fyc. scarce s, y Venet. 1687 j? 608 Placi (Andrsei) Lexicon Biblicon Sacrae Philoso- pbiae candidatus elaboratum, sound copy, in ancient S binding Colon. 1543 609 Paramus (Ludovic.) de Origine Inquisitionis, vellum Matr. 1699 610 Pelicanus (Conradus) in Libros Apocryphas, conti- nental binding Tiguri 1582 S 611 Peresius Aiala de Divinis, Apostolicis atque Eccle- siasticis Traditionibus, &c. Aug. Vind. 1549 /p 612 Pigbius Campensis (Albertus) Hierarcbite Eccle- siastics Assertio, in oaken binding Colon. 1638 P-/Z-:# ^ic^:^, S*Q# ' J^/U*"/** A *c P 621 Vicellii (Georgii) Hagiologium seu, de Sanctis Ecclesia, continental binding 1541 ^^622 Vita Sancti Benedicti Flerent. 1586 y? [ g- _ > 623 Wex (Jacobi Soc. Jes.) Ariadne Carolino-Canonica, r seu doctrina theorico practica S.S. Canonum Carolo, Lotharingia: et Barbare Duci, &c. consecrata 5 parts in 1 vol. monastic binding, clasps Aug. Vind. 1708 /y PZ-J- y& 36 LIBRI LATINI CLASSICI $Libti 3taitut €U$$ici tt Mi$ttUantu ^/< OCTODECIMO ET INFRA. 624 Senecse Opera Omnia, 3 torn. Lug. Bat. Elzevir, 1640 $g%T One of the most correct and elegant of the Elzevir editions. y 625 Baptists Porta? Magise Naturalis lib. XX. ib. 1654 626 Acerra Philologica n. d. X- §21 Pastorii Epitome Polonicae Historise Francq. 1689 y 628 Dialogus quo mnlta exponuntur quae Lutheranis et Hugonotis Gallis acciderunt, rare Orag. 1673 [629 Sadoletus (Episcopus) de Bello Turcis inferendo /• £~\ Basil. 1538 £J330 Terence — Quotations from, with English Interpreta- tions, fclarfe letter Lond. Tho. Berthelet, 1538 S - 631 Cappelli Diatriba de Literis Ebraeorum ^ Amst. Elzevir, 1645 <—<* C? 632 Poloniae Descriptio Amst. 1659 $ 633 Polydorus Vergilius de Inventoribus Perum ib. 1671 s y 934 Bucherus de Velatis Hebraeorum et Graecorum Feminis Bud. 1717 ' 635 Taciti Opera Amst. 1664 / 636 Neubeusii Epistolse ib. 1678 S* ' / 637 Fontneri Continuatio Taciti 2,0 'aCJ Francf. 1662 7 638 Miltoni Literal Cromwellii Lond. 1676 /— 639 Juvenalis Satyrae ib. 1677 i^/ 640 Thesaurus Phrasium ib. 1628 .*7 Francf. L662 , ^p 644 Bisselii Argonaut icon Ameptcanorum Monach. 1647 ' 645 Frontonis Epistolaa Leod. 1674 y ' ^ ^646 Erasmi Colloquiae Lug. Bat. Elzevir, 1643 S o 647 Bynaeus de Calciis Hebraeorum Dord. 1682 /r^ / ET MISCELLANEI. 37 648 Scriverii Vita Erasmi Lug-. Bat. 1649 /W 649 Schotti Itinerarium Italisa Amst. 1645 ^ 650 Erasmi Colloquiae ib. 1650 ^651 Puteani Historia Insubricae Oxon. 1634 - J 652 Paschalii Legatus Amst. Elzev. 1645 2 — -^653 Selectse Sententioe Ciceronianae Lug. Bat. 1552 / & 654 De Turcarum Moribus ib. 1567 655 Liber Synonymorum, ftlack Utter, n. d. 656 Caroli a Skop Epigrammata Franc. 657 Vinius de Pactis Lug. Bat. Elzev. 1646 658 Miltoni Defensio pro Popalo Anglicano Lond. 1652 — & 659 Salmasius pro Rege et Populo Anglicano Antv. 1651 /[ 660 Summa Politica Amst. 1650 Ci>61 Loccenii Periodus Imperiorum Witteb. 1633 / — 662 Erasmi Colloquiae Amst. 1644 2 663 Secundi Opera Lug. Bat. 1651 /-" /<& 664 Erasmi Explicatio ib. Elz. 1641 £ 665 Epistolarum Farrago Basil 1554 jS 666 Smithus de Republica Anglorum Lug. Bat. Elzev. 1625 4 ^667 Roilleti Poemata Par. 1556 * 668 Eutropii Historia Lond. 1705 ■ — ^ 669 Gryllius de Topographia Constantinopoleos Lug. Bat. Elzev. 1632 J670 Erasmi Lingua ib. 1624 671 Ciceronis Opera, 10 torn. Lug. Bat. Elzevir, 1642 r~" ~"676 Satyrae Praestantium Virorum Elegantiores L. Bat. 1655 //- — -677 Bedae Venerabilis Historia Ecclesiastica Anglorum . Colon. 1601 38 6* LIBRI LAT1NI CLASSIC!, 08 1 Forstneri Continuatio Taciti ^ 682 Rangonius tie Cpillamentis / -683 Golnitzii Ulysses / — -y 684 Hornii Orbis Politicus Cfi 685 Grotii Quaedam Inedita hactenus / ' 686 Democritus Ridens Lug. Bat. 1655 Magdeb. 1663 Amst. Elzev. 1665 Lug-. 1668 Amst. Elzev. 1652 Amst. 1649 687 Vossius in Epistolam Plinii de Christianis ib. 1654 atlirt aatiiti (&\m$\ti ct DUODECIMO ET INFRA. / 701 J 728 / 729 / 730 - /^"731 /-~ 732 ^733 - ^/^734 / 735 /— 736 /^—~>737 (J 6 738 / 739 — ■Z' 740 •"<^>741 / 742 - s/ 743 Ciofanus in Ovidium Ant v. 1583 Plutarchi Moralia, Latine Basil 1572 Sulpitii Severi Opera Omnia Lips. 1709 Moguntia Devicta Mogunt. 1715 Appendix in Virgilium Lug. 1573 Clarke on the Making of Latin Lond. 1803 Pagenstrecherus de Burba Lem. 1715 Ernesti Initia Doctrinae Solidioris Lips. 1746 Hoheiseli Observationes Exegeticae Ged. 1729 Vanierii Praedium Rusticum Tolos. 1742 Sanctii Minerva, a Perizonio Franc. 1693 Ars Logica Oxon. 1693 Gryphius de Scriptoribus Illustrantilus Historiam Sseculi XVII. Lips. 1710 Puteani Promulsio Epistolarum Atticarum Colon. 1636 T. Varronis Opera Scaligeri Par. 1585 Martialis Epigrammata Sedan. 1624 Scbedius de Diis Germanis Amst. 1648 Thomasini Orationes Lips. 1683 Suetonius, a Pulmanno Antv. 1574 Another copy Par. 1543 Taciti Opera Antv. 1596 Ryckius in Taciturn J?, {Jo <4 Lug. Bat. 1686 Politiani Epistolae Antv. 1567 Ogerii Iter Danicum, Suecicum, Polonicum Pur. 1656 Petiti Dissertatio de Amazonibus Amst. 1687 Bournei (V.) Poemata Lond. 1750 Sigonius de Republica Hebraeorum Colon. 1583 '/{/^ v '<**--■ /-'S-r& ET MISCELLANEI. 41 r L779 Manutii Ep-stolfe Colon. 1586 / ^780 Nigidii Vitae Professorum Marpurgensis Marpurg. Catt. 1591 781 Defensio Casauboni contra Eudaemon Johannem, wants title 782 Sallustii Opera, Cortii Glasg. Foulis, 1751 85" A beautiful copy of this elegant edition.. J J783 Buchardi Orationes Lips. 1734 C784 Erasmus de Bello Turcis Inferendo Basil. 1530 785 Broeklaer — Victoria Turris David Sylv. 1580 / ; // 786 Ausonius Popma de Differentiis Verborum Gess. Hass. 1670 ' : " 787 Erasmi Epitome Topograpbica Totius Orbis 1535 //*— - 788 Bertelii Diversarum Nationnm Habitus, cum iconibus aere incisis ^589 Viperanus de Poetica Antw. 1579 £ (790 Selectae e Profanis Lond. 1753 £791 Inscriptionum Monumenta Publica Ged. 1696 - y\ 792 Alvari Prosodia n. d. / ' 793 Theophrastus de Causis Plantarium Lutet. 1529 ' 794 Paterculus Burmanni Glasg. Foulis, 1752 ~~- -3 795 Albinovani Elegise, Scaligeri Amst. 1703 s~ 796 Oclandi Praelia Anglorum Lond. 1582 ' 797 Herberti Expeditio in Ream Insulam Lond. 1656 — 798 Scaligeri Opuscula, 2 torn. Par. 1665 / ^799 Elizabeth* Reginse Ang. Edictum 1593 - (Jj 800 Eberhardi Monumenta Vetustatis Germanica? Traj. ad Rben. 1738 ~— ^4801 Goodeni Trigonometria Leod. 1704 / (802 Weisii Epistolae Virorum Doctorum Bud. 1716 *"-> 803 Scioppii Suspectarum Lectionum Lib. V. Amst. 1664 /^'804 Persii Satyrae Par. 1527 /j A805 Castanaei Dissertationes Ethico-Politica? Pict. 1625 CJB06 Alvari Grammatica Traj. ad Rben. n. d. ^ J 807 Ferrarii Epist. ad Paulum Manutium Lugd. 1552 ^ 808 Olearii Fragmenta Antiquitatis Jen. 1598 Z_L 809 Ranzovii Epistola Rom. 1662 //? .- /? 817 Sallustii Opera Par. Barbou, 1754 - 4* ' s 818 Another copy ib. Barbou, 1751 y/ £ 819 Senecce Opera Selecta ib. Barbou, 1790 ^ 820 Paterculi Historia ib. Barbou, 1777 2? — -^821 31assenii Carmina ib. Barbou, 1771 £->& 822 Justini Historia ib. Barbou, 1770 I^ 3 The preceding Barbou editions are, as usual, in French binding, with gilt edges. They are fine copies, in unex- ceptionable condition. *? *-— y 823 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius L. Bat. 1743 /'•

ET MISCELLANEI. 43 (1 840 Hervetus de Reparanda Ecclesiasticorum Disciplina Rix. 1563 841 Phytologia Britannica Loud. 1650 .4 842C owelli Institutiones Juris Anglicani ib. 1630 847 Erasmi Commentarii in Ovidium Colon. 1524 O 848 Lydyat de Variis Annorum Formis Lond. 1605 % 849 Susanna, Comoedia Tragica Colon. 1541 __ 850 Erasmi Spongia n. d . ' 851 Heinsii Herodes Infanticida, Tragedia Lug. Bat. Elzevir, 1632 — jt 852 Erasmi Catalogus Lucubrationum Lov. 1523 — 3 852 Manutii Orthographic Ratio Venet. 1565 (854 Dallaeus de Jejuniis Davent. 1564 — J 855 Oratio ad Carolum V. Imp. Ant. 1545 L856 Hutteni Expostulatio ad Erasmum n. d. 857 Exorcista Rite Edoctus Lucee 1690 /• Muttoxt$ &U$&iti, <&v. tt Hat tt %thxi MitfttllantL OCTAVO. 858 Achilles Tatius, Gr. et Lat. illust. Boden, very neat y^ Lips. 1776 * t / 859 Adagia Optimorum utriusque Linguae Scriptorum * Omnia, studio Pauli Manutii, vellum Urselles 1603 y 860 Antiquitates Rutupena a Battelii Opera Posth. y, Oxon. 1711 861 Aurelius Victor, cum Notis Var. et Schotti L. Bat. 1670 862 Beutheri (Michaelis) Fastorum, in oaken binding y Basil. 1554 ^^Z'/fy 44 AUCTORES CLASSI6I, GR. ET LAT. t ' 863 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, cum Notis Var. et Scaligeri Traj. ad Rhen. 1780 i. / - — 864 Caesar, cum Notis Var. Montani et Scaligeri Amst. ap. Elz. 1661 O 865 Cerrati (Pauli) Opera Vercel. 1778 ^ ( r 366 Cicero de Officiis, cum Notis Var. et Groevii, 2 vols, in 1, beautiful copy in vellum L. Bat. 1710 867 Idem ex recens. Graevii Amst. 1688 867* Cicero — Manutii (Aldi) Commentarius in Cicero- nis de Officiis libros 868 Ciceron — CEuvres Completes, traduits en fran- cais avec le texte en regard, edition publiee par Jos. Vict. Le Clerc, 30 vols, large 8vo. Paris 1825 / J tH^ A beautiful edition. ' -" 869 Claudianus cum Notis Heinsii Amst. Elzev. 1665 y 870 Cornelius Nepos, cum Notis Variorum, vellum L. Bat. 1667 , / 871 De Rhythmo Grcecorum Oxon. 1789 872 Dionysius (Alexand.) Orbis Descriptio, Eustathi Comment, illust. morocco Oxon. tJs 873 Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia cura . Batei Lond. 1663 A? 874 Epistolse Regum Scotise, 2 vols. Edin. 1724 — 875 Erasmi Colloquia, cum Notis Var. et Schrevelii Lug. Bat. 1693 / J 876 Floras, acced. Lucii Ampelii Liber Memoralis, cura Salmasii Amst. Elz. 1660 /y 877 Goezii Geographia Academica Norimb. 1789 r 878 Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis, vellum Amst. JBleau, 1646 879 Halleri Enumeratio Numismatum Veterum Graeco- rum atque Romanorum, vellum Bernse 1789 880 Herodiani Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Francf. 1627 *y 881 Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. cum Not. Var. Grasvii et Clerici, 2 vols, in 1 Amst. 1701 ^- 882 Hesiodi Opera, Gr. et Lat. accurante Zanolini Patav. 1747 ^ 883 Homeri Batrachomyomachia, Gruece a Mattaire, vel- lum Lond. 1721 '&'#■'? <- j2rf£Z ^4- £?^ # I t fc t /^ /V ///^ U^&*^ / /y^ ET LIBRI MISCELLANEI. 45 I 884 Homeri Odyssea et Batracbomiomachia, Gr. cum Scholiis Didymi, 2 vols. Oxon. 171)'/' / 884* Ilias, Gr. ib. y- 885 Homeri Ilias, Gr. ib. y 886 Janua Linguarum Trilingiris Lond. 1762 y — — 887 Jablonski Pantheon Mgyptiorum Francf. 1750 ^? 888 Justinus, cura Hearne Oxon. 1705 - — 889 Lucanus, cum Notis Var. et Schrevelii Amst. Elz. 1658 y ^893 Idem ib. Elzev. 1669 /(J — 894 Livius, cum Notis Var. et Gronovii, 3 vols. ib. 1679 ^ ~ — 895 Idem, juxta Edit. Grono- vii, 2 vols. Lond. 1702 Sy — 896 — Idem, (French, with Latin ' Text) par Noel, 13 vols. Paris 1811 897 Martin's Lingua Britannica Reformata Lond. 1754 O^ — 898 Ovidii Opera, cum Notis Var. et Cnippingii, 3 vols. . Amst. 1702 S\ 899 Ovidius — Ciofani (Herculis) in Ovidii Opera Omnia Observationes, scarce Amst. Plantin, 1583 4 900 Observationes Miscellanese in Auctores Veteres et Recentiores cum Notis Var. Virorum Doctorum, „ 13 vols, vellum, scarce Amst. 1732-45 901 Platus, a beautiful copy Lugd. ap. Seb. Gryph. 1537 ^y-— — ^902 Plautus, cum Notis Var. et Gronovii, 2 vols. ib. 1684 y 903 Plutarcbi Vitse Parallels Demosthenis et Ciceronis, ^ a Barton, large paper, plates, whole russia Oxon. 1744 * 904 Procli Vita, a Marino Neapobtano, Gr. et Lat. adjecit Fabricius Lond. 1703 yi — — 905 Quintilianus, with manuscript notes by P. Melanc- ^ (lion Venet. ap. Aid. 1514 ' & 906 Quintilianus, cum Notis Rollin Lond. 1738 <_ ~J <^v. ^ ^^ 3 rj ET LIBRI MISCELLANET. 47 932 / 933 ? 934 J 935 . ^J 936 t 937 /938 ^ 939 / 940 / 941 ^ — 942 — >943 r/^944 Robertson's Latin Phraseology Camb. 1693 Squire's Essays on Ancient Greek Chronology ib. 1741 Commandine's Euclid Oxon. 1715 Jones's Greek Grammar Lond. 1805 Another Copy ib. 1815 Valpy's Elegantise Latinae ib. 1816 Gradus ad Parnassum ib. 1817 Dalzell's Analecta Graeca Minora ib. 1816 Schrevelii Lexicon ib. 1738 Greek Grammar — Latin Grammar, compiled from the best Authors ib. 1729 Maclaurin's Algebra ib. 1748 Buchanani Paraphrasis Psalmorum Antw. 1588 Wood's Elements of Algebra Camb. 1810 ^urtorcg ©?♦ tt Slat, tt %Vbti QUARTO. & 1 945 Apuleii Opera, in Usum Delphini, stampt vellum Par. 1688 ' 946 Alsopi (Antonii) Odae Lond. 1752 /^ /f§¥l Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Bergleri, Dukeri et Bur- manni, 2 vols, in 1, fine copy, stampt vellum L. Bat. 1760 -^"^948 Altmanni Meletemata Philologico-Critica ' Traj. ad Rhen. 1753 *S ~~~> 949 Bargaei Poemata Omnia Romae 1585 950 Bibliotheca Hispanica — Historico — Genealogico — Heraldica, a Gerhard, Ernesti de Franckenau ^ Lips. 1724 951 Bibliotheca Sebusiana, cum notis illust. Guichenoni Lug. 1660 ■*— 951* Another copy ib. 1660 952 Cantabrigienses Graduati ab 1659 usque 1800, un- cut copy, neat Cantab. 1800 y '?f/j.>/& / 48 AUCTORES CLASSICI, GR. ET LAT. 953 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, (typis Basherville) large paper, uncut copy, very neat Birm. 1772 "N954 Fabricii Bibliotheca Gr^ca, 12 vols, neat Hamb. 1724 — 955 Foppen's (Joan Frances) Bibliotheca Belgica, ' . 2 vols, in original binding Brux. 1739 / // 956 Geographia Nubiensis recens. ex Arabico in Lat. y Vers, a Gabriele Sionita Par. 1619 /"" " 957 Heineccii Eleraenta Juris Civilis, neat Genev. 1737 9 58 Hesiodus — Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Var. edidit Ro- ./ binson Oxon. 1737 lUf 3 The celebrity of all former editions is eclipsed by this of Robinson." — Dibdin. Dr. Harwood calls this edition " magnificent and accurate." A 2. ^959 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis et Not. Barnesii, 2 vols, neat Cant. 1711 {j> 960 Horatii Opera, cum Var. Lect. neat Cant. 1699 961 Hofmanni Varia Sacra, seu Opuscula Academica Witteb. 1752 / *■ 962 Ketelius de Elegantiori Latinate Comparanda Scrip S tores Selecti, vellum Amst. 1713 . 963 Lucanus cum Notis Bentleii, splendid edition, very y , neat Straioberry Hill, 1760 f" 964 Nova Literaria Maris Baltbici et Septentrionis edita, 1698 to 1702, 2 vols, vellum, Lub. ♦ & 965 Orpbei Argonautica, Gr. et Lat. et Heliodori His- toria iEthiopicae, Gr. in 1 vol. neat Basil 1533 <* ■ ■■■■ 9 66 Phaedri Fabulas cum Notis Illust. Hoogstratanii, stampt vellum Amst. 1710 — 967 Plinii Panegyricus, cum Notis Var. cura Arntzenii, choice copy in vellum Amst. 1738 968 Rapini (Renate Soc. Jes.) Hortorum, lib. IX. Par. 1665 S & 969 Scaligeri (Julii Csesaris) de Causis Linguse Latinae < _ Lugd. ap. S. Gryphium, 1540 /Jj 970 Taciti Opera, cum Notis Var. et Gronovii, 2 vols. a beautiful copy, very neat Traj. 1721 ^^— > 971 Vaillant — Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, y 2 vols, in \, plates Par. 1674 ^ / iJ^Z>/* c C^ ^~r^- 4-^^ - <3z // ' ' ' / '&m ET LIBRI MISCELLANEI. 49 972 Victorii (Petri) Variarum Lectionum lib. XXV. vellum Lugd. 1554 973 Virvesius (F. Alphon.) adversus Lutherana dog- mata per P. Melancthonem defensa, scarce Antw. 1541 y 974 Vossius Poeticarum Institutionum lib. tres ' Amst. ap. Elzev. 1649 / 975 Henricus de Pirus in Justiniani Institutiones Lov. n. d. A)l§ Collectio Epistolarum Bonon. 1493 C 977 Tractatus de Reipublicae Cura Leyd. 1516 /f 978 Responsio Henrici Ducis adversus Elect. Saxoniae --, et Lutheranos 1543 ■ 979 Manuel Rey de Portugal Ordinacoens Fazendas sine ulla nota. / ' 980 Mentellius de Origine Typographic Par. 1650 — ^_ 981 Ugolini Verini de Illustratione Urbis Florentiae Flor. 1636 ¥ /'' , /" , 982 Dandinus Alterserra de Ducibus et Comitibus Provincialibus Galliae Tolos. 1643 £? 983 L. Apuleii Apologia, a Price Par. 1635 __ 984 Disputatio Apologetica de Jure Regni Hiberinae, pro Cutholicis Hibernis aduersos haereticos Anglos, authore CM. Hiberno Artium et Sacrae Theolo- gie Magistro ; accessit eiusdem authoris ad eosdem Catholicos exhortatio Franof. 1645 Reprinted, Lond. n. d. & 985 Heraldi Animadversiones ad lib. XII Epigrammat. Martialis Par. 1600 986 Johannis Freind de Purgantibus in Secunda Variola- rum Conrluentium Febre adhibendi Epistola Lond. 1719 987 Seemiller Incunabula Typographica Ingoldst. 1787 988 Petiti Eclogae Chronologicae Par. 1532 - cJ 989 Balduini Elogium Par. 1573 * 990 Paaw Primitiae Anatomicae, de Humani Corporis / Ossibus Lug. Bat. 1615 — O 991 Baptista Mant. de Suorum Temporum Calamitatibus ^ Antv. 1508 992 iEschinis et Demosthenis Contrariae Oraiiones y, Latine Lutet. 1554 /v ^> 993 Dionysius Lambinus de Laudibus Litteramm Lutet. 1564 H D /J^ / 9 tr &<;<** 50 AUCTOIIES CLASSIC!, GR. ET LAT. /'# /— < /- j ( 1003 Epitome Felinis de Regibus Siciliae et Apuliae 994 Eginhartus de Vita ct Gestis Caroli Magni Traj. ad Rhen. 1721 995 Haimensfeldii Replicatio pro Sac. Caesarae et Regia /s Francorum Majestate adv. Gretserum Hano. 1611 996 Bart. Riccii pro T. Annio Milone in M. Bruti Sen- tentiam Oratio Ferrar. 1555 (997 Velsius Haganus in Cebetis Tabulam Lugd. 1551 998 Christ. Hugenii de Terris Coelestibus earumque ornatu Conjecturae Hag. 1698 / 999 Fed. Cerutus Veronensis in Horatium Flaccum Paraphrasis Veron. 1585 1000 Joannis Walchii Schorndorffensii Decas Fabulo- rum Huraani Generis Argent. 1609 1001 Gemma Phrysius de Principiis Astronomiae et Cos- mographiae, de que Usu Globi ab eodem editi. — Item de Orbis divisione et Insulis, Rebusque nuper inventis, cum Alcii Tractatibus pertinent. n ad Geographiam et Astronomiam Par. 1533 ^ 1002 Imagines Ulustrium, cam imaginibus cxcissis Antv. 1606 1004 Pharetrati Tractatus de Nobilitate in Honore et y Precio habenda Lips. 1622 / /fo 1005 Erpenii Arcanum Punctationis Revelatum Lug. Bat. 1624 1006 Panegyricae Academiae Molshemensis Molsh. 1618 i 1007 Isocratis Oratoris Oratio Rom. 1509 7 1008 Theoduli Egloga, elegant in green morocco Colon. 1495 • jj 1009 Justa Edovardo King nmifrago ab Amicis Moe~ rentibus, in case Cantab. 1638 tjggT The subject of this collection of Epitaphs was drown- ed while crossing the Irish Channel, and is celebrated as a personal friend of the illustrious Milton, and the theme of his Lycidas, which was written on the occasion of bis untimely death. ' 'O 1010 Mat. Bossi Recuperationes Fesulanae Bonon. 1493 1011 Joannis Aurelii Augurelli Chrysopoeiae et Geron- ticon Liber Venet. 1515 /-£l012 Eberti Leorinum Eruditum Wratislao. 1714 £1013 Alphonsus Ferrus de Ligni Sancti Multiplicati Medicina et Vini Exhibitione n. d. / Hanov. 1611 f ,506* Jt ««*!*&**»!*/ or ** *etou nl ©rder fco^°;r ,der V-Z--J K7' C- f 1 ' 4 ET LIBRI MIS Hornano, A. D. 1615, 1616 et 1617, cum totum orbem terrarum circumnavigavit Amst. 1619 ^ 1033 Musica libris quatuor demonstrata Par. 1551 \l034 Nicolai Spinulae Declamatio de Honore Praecep- >— rO] toribus Tribuendo Antv. 1543 (_}035 Aurea Bulla Caroli Quarti Romanorum Imperato- ris Lov. 1551 'f- -// ■ £ (£z <£. y y- 7/ " - ■ diani ac Practabiles Tractati Par. 1513 1048 Ulrichi ab Hutten Invectivae n. d. 1049 P. Callimacbi Geminianensis Historia de Rege Uladislao, seu Clade Varnensi -Aug. Vind. 1519 1050 M. Manilii Astronomicon Scaligeri Antv. 1599 , ' ' 1051 Ganz. Cbronologia Sacra Profana Lug. Bat. 1644 1052 Epistolae Virorum Doctorum ad Melchiorem Goldastum Francof. 1688 1053 Borcbolteni Commentaria de Verborum Obligatio- nibus Helmaest. 1595 1054 Hieronymi Torrella Medici Valentini Opus de Imaginibus Astrologicis non solum Medicis verum etiam litteratis viris utile et amentissimum, bin rk y letter Valent. 1496 1055 Sallustius de Bello Jugurtbino, black Utter, Antv. 1508 / ■ 1056 Musurgia, seu Praxis Musicae, ab Ottomaro Luscinio Argentitio Argent. 1536 ? /^j/- 7^ * O *^ £ c (^ r / ET LIBRI MISCELLANEI. 53 / 1057 Mocensoens, Studium Sacrae Scripturoe Unix. 1722 ^.— 1058 Italian MSS. on the Election of Pope Clement XL in Nov. 1700 &ttttot*0 (IScX* tt aat ct itttirt J / FOLIO. 1059 Annales Turcis illust. Leunclavii Francof. 159G .<-. .1060 Augustas Regiaeque Sabadae Domus Arbor Gentili- tia, autore Abbate Ferrero a Labriano Aug. Taur. 1 702 /# —^1061 Astronicum Caesarem, with numerous and singular coloured plates, in antique binding Ingoldst. 1532 *Z~ 1062 Bargaei (Angelii) Historici et Poetae Regii Syriados Lut. R. Steph. 1582 1063 Bibliotheca Pistorensis, a Antonio Zacharia Soc. Jes. August. Taur. 1752 1064 Borgetti de Nummo Hebraico prope Corcagium (CorckJ in Hibemia Detecto Dissertatio Romse 1820 1065 Buchanani — Rerum Scoticarum Historia Edin 1582 / -2 1066 Bracton (Henricus) de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliaa lib. V. clean copy Lond. 1569 ^ ! & 1067 Cardanusde Sanitate Tuenda, illust. Sylvestrio — Si- S renius de Fato, illust. Magio, in 1 vol. continental S binding, clasps Venet. 1563 " ' «• 1068 Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Lon- dinensis — from K. John to Henry IV, printed by y command of George III. Lond. 1802 1069 Catalogus Bibliothecae Coll. Lit. Gymnasii Del- phensis Delphis. 1721 1070 Catalogus Bibliothecae Trajectino-Batavae Traj. ad Rhen. 1071 Clenardi Institutiones in Graecam Linguam/, Par. 1572 1072 Collegii Veronensis Judicum Advocatornm doc- trino, &c a Puteo conscripta Veronae 1653 1073 Cooperi Thesaurus Linguas Romanae et Britanicae r^.-^ Lond. 1573 1074 Codex Juris Gentium Diplomatics ex recens. Leibnitii Hanov. 1693 6 w -•*■•/ r s / 54 AUCTORES CLASSIC!, GR. ET LAT. 1075 Demosthenis Opera, Gr. cum. Var. Lect. et Com- ment. Ulpiani, brilliant copy, elegant in wliole Russia Lutet. Benenat. 1570 1076 Descriptio Novi Orbis Basil 1537 1077 Eadmeri Historia Novorum Lond. 1623 1078 Ethruscarum Antiquitatum Fragnienta, cura Ing- horamii Francof. 1637 1079 Euripides, Gr. et Lat. opera et studio Barnesii — portraits — brilliant copy Cant. 1694 1080 Fulgosi Collectanea de Dictis Factisqae Memorabi- libus Mediol. 1509 1081 Fasciculus Temporum, SlaeR letter, 1476 1082 Frontini Vegesii, et Eliani Modesti Opera varia ' , ' Bonon. 1496 1083 Fourmont (Stephanus) Linguaje Sinarum, fine copy of a scarce work Lut. Par. 1742 1084 Fazelliusde Rebus Siculis — Massseus de Chronico- rum Mundi — continental binding, clasps Ant. 1540 1085 Floregii Magni, seu Polyantheae Floribus Novisi- mis Sparsae Lib. XX. opera Josephi Langii, con- / tinental binding, clasps, Francof. 1639 C? 1086 Gratulatio Academiue Cantabrigiensis Georgiill. Cant. 1748 1087 Green's Numismatic Atlas of Grecian History, 23 colored plates, with letter press descriptions Lond: 1 829 1088 Gesta Rhomanorum, fcladt letter, Hag. 1517 1089 Horti Medici Amstelodamensis Rariorum Planta- rum Historia, auctore D. Joannes Commelinus, 2 vols, enriched with immense engravings of various plants, choice copy, Amst. 1701 1090 Historia Rerum in Oriente Gestarum ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad nostra h corum Antv. 173 Homeri et Hesiodi Certamen Par. 1 74 Isocratis Opera, Wolfii ib. 175 Codex Pseudepigraphus Vet. Test, a Fabricio Hamb. 176 Astronomica Veterum, Gr. et Lat. 177 Grseca? Sentential Lond. 178 Bercheti Catechismus Graeca 179 Nov. Test. Gr. et Lat. Erasmi Basil 180 Tractatus, Gr. et Lat. 181 Nonni Metapbrasis Evang. sec. Joannem 182 Apollonius Alexanderide Constructione — Basilioni de Grammatica Exercitationes, 1 vol. 183 Nilus Thessalonicensis de Primatu Romani Pon- tificis Franc. 184 Plutarchus de Educatione Libororiun Spir. 59 1537 1558 1566 1560 1596 1531 1555 1686 1610 1620 1650 1517 1736 1679 1640 1568 1573 1621 1713 1589 1809 1648 1544 v. d. 1596 1555 1583 ^: :•/* ' 60 LIBRI GRJECI CLASSICI, ETC. f&tgctliaueu OCTAVO. ^1185 Biel. Thesaurus Philologicus in Vetus Testamen- tum, 3 torn. Hag-. Com. 1779 1186 Schleusneri Novum Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in ^ Novum Testamentum, 8 torn. Lips. 1801 ^li £ ' c? H88 S. Isodori Pelusiotae Epistolae de Locis S. Scrip- tune, Moiibusque formandis Antv. 1623 y * 1189 Novum Testamentum, fine copy of one of the most beautiful editions ever published Glasg. Urie, 1750 187 Aristeae Historia LXXII. Interpretum Oxon. 1692 Htlrn tStatti <£l306m tt QUARTO. 1190 Dammii Lexicon Homericum, russia Berolin. 1765 [1191 Adversaria? Orationes Demosthenis et iEschinis — d j Par. 1543 y £-1192 Caninii Helenismos, and 1 more ib. 1555 / Si 193 Aristoteles de Republica ib. 1574 ^J.194 Nicandri Alexipharmaca Par. 1557 ,y 1195 Tabulae monstrantes Viam in Graeciam, a Guillonio / y 1567 /'& 1196 Aristoteles de Rhetorica Lond. 1619 . ^ T197 Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum, a Gronovio 1567 . Lug. Bat. 1698 *— ~~ 1198 Praxapostolos, seu Lectiones quae in Liturgia reci- ^ tantur Venet. Pinelli, 1633 r /&&' s£ FRENCH AND ITALIAN LITEItATUKE. 01 ZLikvi 4&vatti Ciaggtct tt . / FOLIO. 1200 Etymologicum Magnum Graecum n. d. $g^ A copy of this work in no way superior to the present, (which is in fine condition,) sold at the Duke of Rox- burghe's sale for eighteen pounds. 1201 Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. Erasmi Basil 1541 1202 Suid^e Lexicon, editio secunda Venet. ap. Aid. 1514 f^jp 3 This edition is printed from a better manuscript than that of 1499, in which edition there are many omissions that are supplied in this. C>cCeJtO .. , 1203 Oppiani Pocma de Venatione, Gr. et Lat. Arg. 1786 — 1204 Plutarchi Apophthegmata, Gr. et Lat. Lond. 1761 /- 1205 1206 DUODECIMO ET INFRA. Taxe des Parties Casuelles de la Boutique du Pape Leyd. Centime de Deuis Facetieusement Serieux et 1607 ^-4l207 "7 ° £l208 /J 1209 _ \J 1210 /il211 r ^2i2i2 - •' ,Z 1213 y j 1214 — y 1215 Serieusement facetieux Strasb. 1637 Perse et Juvenal en Francois Par. 1706 Another Copy ib. 1729 Ciceron a Atticus Venet Aid. n. (1. Ciceron de la Veillesse Par. n. d. Another Copy ib. 1725 Ciceron des Dieux, 2 torn. ib. 1621 Aristopbane traduit par Mad. Dacier Par. 1692 llemarques sur Horace par Dacier Par. 1681 lleponse a Goville ib. 1736 '/.YS V vvV^ 1219 Cesar, per Perrot Par. 1665 {/ 1220 Bellarmine, Declaration du Symbole des Apotres / - Lyon. 1608 ^1 1221 L'Ordres des Evecques de Cambray Arras 1597 xtl222 Avis du Pere de Pantois lb. 1608 J-' & 1223 L'Art de Plumer la Poulle sans Crier Colon. 1710 J ffxtmiy literature. OCTAVO ET INFRA. J>1224 Princesse de Cleves Amst. 1714 )1225 Traite de la Noblesse Orleans 1781 1226 Jourdan (Pere) Critique de l'Origine de l'Augustc Maison de France Par. 1683 / 1227 L'Anti Barbare, ou du Lang-age Estrange, wants title / " 1228 Recueil des Diverses Pieces Curieuses Col. 1664 /- 1229 Lettres Persannes, 2 vols. Genev. 1777 3 1230 (Euvres Choisies de Grecourt, 3 vols. ib. 1777 *yjl231 Yorick — Nouveau Voyage Sentimental Lond. 1787 y (,\2o2 Relation de l'lnquisition de Goa Leyd. 1687 fy 1233 GZuvres de Gresset, 2 vols. Lond. 1785 • ' 2 1234 Memoires de la Marquise de Courtanville, 3 vols. -^ La Haye 1739 / sr-/ 1235 d'un Homme de Qualite, 8 vols, in 5 Amst. 1735 1236 DiaLle (le) Boiteux, par Le Sage, 2 vols, in 1, plates Lond. 1751 1237 Jeune(la) Alcidiane, par Madame de Gomez, 2 vol. Amst. 1734 '1238 Telemaquc Moderne, ou les intrigues d'un Grand Seigneur Colog. 1701 1239 Partisans (les J Demasquez ib. 1707 12''// -' £ 0"&<^7ZZ 64 FRENCH LITERATURE. -\ \ 1270 Intrigues Secretes du Due de Savoye Venise 1705 yi ' 1271 Traite des Estangs et Viviers, &c. Paris 1717 "J 1272 de Mignature Brux. 1692 VJ273 Voix (la) de la Nature, 2 vols. Lond. 1809 / 1274 Le Meme, 2 vols. ib. 1809 41275 Lettres de Mademoiselle de Lespinasse, 2 vols, ib. 1809 1276 Maury (Cardinal) Principes d'Eloquence ib. 1805 / 2L- 1277 Lally Tolendal, Defense des Emigres Francais ,~ Lond. 1797 1278 Lahaume — Campagne de Russie Paris 1820 {1279 Coalition (la) et le France Lond. 1817 y ■' J 1280 Memoires sur la Maison de Chabannes 1759 (J281 Censure de la Faculte de Theologie de Paris Par. 1781 /y '*■ 1282 Liaisons flesj Dangereuses, 2 vols. Lond. 1796 y I 1283 Ligue (la) Hanseatique par Mallet Gene v. 1805 ' ^1284 Lemon tey— Monarchie de Louis XIV. Par. 1818 / Q 1285 De Stael — Memoires de Necker (mon Pere) ib. 1818 1286 Weber — Memoires de Marie- Antoinette, Reine de France, 2 vols, large octavo, elegantly printed Lond. 1809 /_y , 1287 Environs de Paris, in a series of portable plans, views, Sfc. of that celebrated city, laid down on canvas, and divided into numerous separate com- partments, the entire in two vols. 8vo. in cases, very neat J 1288 Jardiniere (la) de Vincennes, 2 vols. Lond. 1771 J 1289 Traite de Paix entre France et d'Espagne Par. Al290 Vertot — Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal ib. 1711 -6 1291 Monde (la) Morale Genev. 1760 Jy 1292 Lettres de Cornelius Jansenius (Eveque dlpres) Colog. 1702 1293 Principes Heraldiques, plates Lyon. 1662 _1294 Reflexions sur les Jugemens de Scavans la Haye 1691 1295 Histoire Royale de la Cour de Philippe Roi de Macedoine Toulouse 1669 1296 Menestrier— Methode du Blason Lyon 1739 J297 Vayrac (Abbe) l'Etat present de l'Empire Paris 1711 '& V-'< 5 ^y*~-> FRENCH LITERATURE. 65 \ 1298 Revolutions de Suede Par. 1G95 1299 Varillas — Histoire de la Maison de Medicis La Haye 1685 ^1300 L'Espion Turc ib. 1748 ■/& 1301 Madame de Maintenon, 3 vols. Par. 1806 y£ '«- 4^02 Histoire de Guillaume III, Roi oV Angleterre, by /Samson, 3 vols, portraits La Haye 1703 1303 Lettres de M. de Lespinasse, 3 vols. Par. 1809 ' ,1304 Loisirs de Napoleon Buonaparte, 2 vols. ib. 1816 ' ^1305 Doyen (le) Killerine, 6 vols. Mont. 1784 / ^y 1306 Revolutions de l'Espagne par le Pere d'Orleans, .©vols. Paris 1787 'j \ 1307 Histoire de la Comtesse de,*** 3 vols. la Haye 1761 1 1308 des Princesses de Boherae, 2 vols. ib. 1749 ft 1309 Jerome, par Pigault le Brun, 4 vols. Paris 1818 — tl310 Genealogie de la Maison Royale de France ib. 1652 ■* £,1311 Antiquitez Perdues par Pierre de la Nove Lyon 1617 1312 Politique (le) Tres-Chrestien Paris 1647 'C 1313 Hellarmin (Cardinal) Declaration du Symbole 1606 ^ (1314 Civilite Francoise Paris 1680 w £1315 Lettres a l'Abbe de la Trappe Amst. 1692 fa . p \1316 Reponse a une Lettre de Mabillon Col. 1698 £1317 Histoire de la Vie et du Purgatoire de S. Patrice a Troyes 1738 4 '_^ j 1318 Negotiations de Paix de Mayence, &c. Par. 1659 V1319 Confessions de S. Augustin ib. 1656 < ^.1320 Catechisme (le) des Jesuites, scarce 1677 /^^1S21 Rochefoucault— Reflexions Morales Amst. 1712 S'J 1322 Simond — Sentimens sur l'Histoire Critique du Nou- veau Testament Cologne 1701 / / C/^p»4323 Nonveau (le) Testament, avec des Reflexions Mo- rales sur chaque verset, 8 vols, original binding Par. 1702 ~~1324 Discours de Saint Gregoire de Nazianze eontre l'Empereur Julien l'Apostat Lyon 1735 1325 Catechisme de Montpelier, 2 vols. Lille 1711 1326 Delices de la Ville de Leide, plates Leide 1712 R f 6 t b & <£ / 66 FRENCH LITERATURE. >jJ 1327 Histoire d' Alger Amst. 1725 < /Z/1328 L 'Esprit de Nicole Par. 1765 Jj? .1329 Memoires de Louis XIV. 1690 p 1330 Vie de Vicomte de Turenne Colog. 1785 ^1331 Lettres sur les Jeux de Hazard la Haye 1713 (1332 Memoires de Gue-Trouin Lond. 1730 ~ j/ ) 1333 Recueil Choisi des plus beaux Traits d'Histoire / Leige 1707 eS 1334 Grammaire de Restaut Par. 1755 /(1335 Memoires et Plans Geographiques de France, &c. @ j ib. 1698 (_ 1336 et Negociations de Comte d'Harrach, 2 vols. La Haye 1720 /y- — , 1337 Vie (la) d'Elizabeth Reine d'Angleterre, par Gre- goire Leti, 2 vols, curious frontispiece Amst. 1696 I 1338 Logique (la) ou lArt de Penser Paris 1775 ^- " £ 1339 Du Moulin (Pierre) Anatomie de la Messe Genev. 1640 1340 Pline le Consul — description de ses deux Belles Maisons Paris 1699 1341 Defense des Versions de l'Ecriture Sainte, &c. Cologne 1688 / — — ^ 1342 Joubert (Abbe) Traite du Caractere essentiel a tous les Prophetes Brux. 1741 7 ,1343 Lequien (Pere) Defense du texte Hebreu et la Version Vulgate Paris 1690 1344 Ordres (les) de Chevallerie Troyes 1661 134-5 Perrault — les Homines Illustres Paris 1698 j fl346 Petit Tableau par Wanostrocbt Lond. 1808 ^ £ 1347 Sieges de la Ville de Noyon 1772 c!348 Vie de Comte Grammont sO - — ^/l349 Sermons de Bourdaloue, 12 vols, original binding / Paris 1753 £7 1350 Bible (la) Expliquee, 2 vols, neat n. d. (1351 Economie de la Nature Amst. 1783 ^ j 1352 Gcnealogie de la Maison de Roquelaure Par. 1762 ^ I 1353 Goulon. Memoires pour l'Attaque et pour la De- fense d'une Place Amst. 1706 / 4?f^- f &<*** * * FRENCH LITERATURE. 67 u 1354 Restaut — Traite de l'Orthographie Poitiers 1775 1355 Fortification de France, illustrated in a series of nearly 90 coloured drawings of the fortified places in France and its Colonies, curious and very /> neatly executed, morocco, gilt j Hollande, 3 vols, numerous plates Amst. 1688 /^^-^ yl364 Moyens de rendre les Rivieres Navigables Par. 1693 Cj.365 Traite des Singularites de Bretagne Armorique 1677 f 1366 Fleury— Histoire du Cardinal Tournon Paris 1728 /\ 1367 Defense des Versions de l'Ecriture Sainte Colog. 1688 "~ I 1368 Cas de Conscience Liege 1709 1369 L'Idee d'un Livre imprime sous le nom de Patro- nus Bonse Fidaei, &c. 1573 — £ / 1370 Faucliet — Origines des Dignitez et Magistrats de France Paris 1506 1 Alphonse, par Mad. de Genlis, 3 vols, in 1 Lond. 1809 1372 Histoire des Guerres par Bougeant, 2 yols. Par. 1727 1373 Memoires Politiques de la Paix de Ryswick, 4 vols. a La Haye 1699 1^74 Perry (Captaine) Etat de la Russie ib. 1717 - £s2) tyst^* 68 FRENCH LITERATURE. 1380 Histoire Romaine, traduit par Cousin, 2 vols. Paris 1686 Z- 1381 Instruction sur les Matieres Controverses de la Province de Cambray Arras 1567 ^ — ~ 1382 Boden — Demonomanie des Sorciers, rare Anv. 1586 •( 1383 Essay des Merveilles de Nature, par Rene Fran- / g?1 cois Rouen 1632 C4384 Considerations Politiques de Roland, Pietre, &c. Paris 1566 */ 1385 Estat Sommaire des Missions de la Chine, &c. 1700 / GX 1386 Candeur (la) Bibliographique a Bibliopolis 1776 ' I 1387 Richard — Guide du Voyageur en France, in a case / y Par * • C? 1388 Du Bos Reflexions Critiques, 3 vols, neat Dresde 1760 ^y 1389 Negotiations de le President Jeannin, 4 vols. Amst. 1695 J/ 1390 Vie du Pape Sixte V. Paris 1687 <_J? . 1391 Marville— Melanges de Litterature, 2 vols. Rouen 1700 < £jj_- — 1392 Calvin — Commentaires sur Josue Geneve 1565 / , 1393 Relation de la Province du Japon et du Malabar Par. 1646 1394 Lettres d'une Dame Champenoise a une Dame de Qualite a la Haye Amst. 1749 sy i 1395 Regies du Droit Francois Paris 1768 * — ^~~/y j 1396 Apologie pour le Serment de Fidelite au Roi de Bretagne, curious Lond. 1607 1397 Traite de la Chancellerie par Miraulmont Par. 1610 1398^Discours sur la Loy Salique en France, par un Cathohque 1597 1399 Methode de Blason, plates Lyon. 1750 fl400 CEuvres de Mad. de Lambert Laus. 1747 1401 Egaremens de 1' Amour Amst. 1777 1402 Voltaire— Histoire de la Guerre en 1741 Lond. 1756 '1403 Vignier — de la Noblesse anciennete de France Par. 1687 HI 404 Acte de Notoriete Paris 1768 /l405 Martianay — Traite du Canon des Livres de la Sainte Ecriture ib. 1703 1406 Vie de Duchesse de Longueville 173S jl4 < Kl J vvy/^-ft^ FRENCH LITERATURE. 69 1407 / 1411 1412 (1413 Racine (Abbe) Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle de l'Eglise, 2 vols. Colog. 1759 Memoires de M. Rochee La Haye 1689 Histoire du Chevalier Le Blanc, 2 vols. Lond. Chronologie des Estats Generaux par Savaron Par. 1615 Oraison en l'Assemblee des Estats d'un Balliage ib. 1588 Spanheim — Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne Col. 1G95 - De Rosny — La Parfait CEcononie Par. 1710 y £1414 Le Renard ou le Proces des Betes Amst. 1743 Fontenelle — CGuvres Di verses, 3 vols. ib. 1701 Instructions pour les Arbres Fruitiers Par. 1676 Strahlenberg (Baron) Description de l'Empire Russien, 2 vols, in 1 Amst. 1757 Memoires de la Minorite de Louis XIV. 1690 Justinien (Empereur) Institutes de, 2 vols. Par. 1689 Mayerberg (Baron) Voyage en Moscovie, neat Leide 1688 L'Esprit d'Henri IV. Par. 1770 Du Clos — Les Mceurs de ce Siecle ib. 1764 Huetiana — Pensees Diverses de M. Huet ib. 1722 le Merae ib. 1722 Negociations de la Paix a Vervins en 1598, 2 vols. ib. 1677 La Langue Rotterd. 1705 Avantures de Telemaque Lond. 1719 Gracian, 1' Homme de Cour La Haye 1707 Recueil d'Eloquence et de Poesie Paris 1688 Cordemoy — Traite de 1' Architecture, plates ib. 1706 Avantures de France et d'Espagne, nouvelles ga- lantes ib. 1707 Le Belier, Conte par Comte Antoine Hamilton ib. 1730 Histoire de la Vie de Louis Dominique Cartouche Amst. 1737 Traite de la Religion Chinois par Longobardi et autres Par. 1701 - /o *£ ^ ^"^ s / c% ^^ ~> FRENCH LITERATURE. 71 fr 1462 Explication du Chap. XLVIII. de la Regie de St. Benoist I<>93 /- — ~^!463 Confession de la Foy Chrestienne 1559 A 1464 Parapilla, poeme Florence, cliez Cupido?i, 1776 * ' ^4 1465 Francois de Vargas et quelques Eveques de l'Es- pagne touchant le Concile de Trente Amst. 1699 /://\\m Catechisme du Concile de Trente r Par . 1573 J2 \ ib. 1 Cl477 Vigner — Histoire des Hommes Illustres de Lux i 1478 Favyn (Andre) — Le Theatre d'Honneur ct de Che- s r ^/\ valerie Par. 1620 ,Zl479 Godefroy — Le Ceremonial de France ib. 1619 6 1480 Histoire de Charles VI. Roi de France, par Juvenal / des Ursins ib. 1614 & 1481 Hurault— Memoires d'Estat Paris 1636 qJ 1482 Gentil — Voyage dans les Mers de l'lnde, 2 vols. brilliant copy Paris 1779 >/■ - -' ^ 72 FRENCH LITERATURE. ty 1483 Discours Politiques et Militaires sur Corneille Tacite Lyon 1628 / ~ 1484 Georgeu (P. F. Michel) Remarques sur les Pon- . tifes Romains Abbeville 1659 1485 Maupertuis — Essay de Cosmologie, beautiful edi- y tion, gilt edges 1750 * & 1486 Marlot— Theatre d'Honneur Rheims 1643 ^ ^v__ _1487 Clement, Bibliotiieque Curieuses, 9 vols. ) choice copy, in calf Gottin. 1750 Iggf Indispensable for a Bibliographer's Library. -x : 1/ ' 1488 Antiquites d'Herculaneum, gravees par Piroli et publie par Piranesi, 3 vols, fine impressions, yj uncut copy Paris 1804 y 1489 CEuvres de St. Evremond, 3 vols, neat Lond. 1709 yy __ 1490 Larrey — Histoire du Regne de Louis XIV. 3 vols. ^ j Rotterd. 1718 — /? 1491 Belidor — Science (la) des Ingenieurs, plates La Haye 1734 — _y 1492 Pithou (Pierre) Costumes du Bailliage de Troyes p en Champagne 1609 ^y 1493 Observations sur les Titres de la Maison de Braque, manuscript notes Par. 1685 jr\ 1494 Traicte du Comte de Castres Tolose 1633 ,® 1 1495 Traite de la Noblesse de Toulouse 1707 / <■ 1496 Antiquites de la Maison de France et des Maisons Merovingienne et Carlienne Par. 1739 1497 Preuves de Chevalier des Ordres du Roy du Comte de Mailly-Haucourt, Arms, very neat 1776 o 4^ iFrtttdj itUtratttrt, FOLIO. •v /tf <~ 1498 Anselme (Pere Augustin Dechausse) Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison /J/- ' // ■ ' c 3 (Ocl/ctsJ C c :' s'^r-^-o^- &/. >& ^1? . *f/3fr .' <■/■ / - & ■ y 'i^v^f 'A, - ? u^i^^^ ^^-^>- /0y /*&p C <^^#^ ^2^~ — x 2 : ' FRENCH LITERATURE. 73 Royal do France, enriched wit/i Arms, S,c. 9 vols. in original binding Par. 172G-33 """1499 Antiquitez ties Gaules Religieuses par Richard de Wassebourg Archdiacre de Verdun, curious frontispiece, in whole russia Par. 1549 / • // 1500 Armories des Connestables, Grands Maistres, &c. __ de France Par. 1728 <_/ — J501 Atlas de France, in a series of 38 plates Amst. -v . 1502 Bayle — Dictionnaire Historique et Critique par DesMaizeaux,4vols.avec Supplement par Chaufe- pie, 4 vols, tog-ether 8 vols, uncut copy Amst. 1740-5G /' — 1503 Bouchet — Genealogie de France, (seconde et y troisieme lignee du Maison Royale), plates Par. 164G /^'•^?1504 Butkens (F. Christophre) Trophees tant sacrcs que profanes du Duchc de Brabant avec Supple- ment, 4 vols, profusion of engravings, fine copy in original binding La Ilaye 1724 1505 Festes (des) donne par la Ville de Paris du Ma- nage de Madame Louise Elizabeth de France et de Dom Philippe d'Espagne, Atlas folio, jylates, f magnificent copy in whole russia Paris 1740 / ~' (J 1506 Franc- Alleu (lc) de la Province de Languedoc * Establi et Defendu Tolose 1630 ' *-y. fr 1507 Genealogie de la Maison de la Tour, 3 vols, brilli- f ant copy with plates Brux. 1709 / ■ ( j 1508 Illustrations (les) de Gaule et Singularitez de , Troye, par Jean le Maire Lyon 1 549 y ' /) 1509 Leger (Jean) Histoire des Eglises des Vallees de Piemont ou Vaudoises Leyde 1669 1510 Labourer (M.) — Tombeaux des Personnes Illus- tres Paris 1642 151 1 Monumens Antiques Egyptiens — Grecs-Romains, &c. enriched with 200 plates, par Barbault Rome 1733 Igigr A brilliant work. & -' /? 1512 Moreri (Louis) Dictionnaire Historique, 10 vols. excellent copy in original binding Paris 1759 L a-'c^y'cJ? r v*v"V r / 74 FRENCH LITERATURE. ? • £y 1513 Tableau Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royal de France, singularly laid down upon canvas, in 2 parts Par. 1763 1514 Tableau General de 1' Empire Ottoman par le -' (<* . Chevalier de Mouradgea D'Ohsson, 2 vols, impe- rial paper, numerous engravings, an uncut copy, french boards, Paris 1787 , y IjggP A splendid work. „ /Q '* *< t &S3*S< > ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND PORTUGUESE. 75 '1528 Specchio della Santa Ecclesia n. d. ^1529 Uccelli di Rapina di Sforzina Venez. 1568 1530 Historia di Don Florisella di Nichea ib. 1593 '1531 Massime di Politica ib. 1667 — J' j 1532 Dominico, (Pittor Bolognese) Vita di Bolog. 1716 (l533 II Drusian del Leone Ven. 1670 f 1534 Carcel de Amor, Sp. et Fr. Lion. 1583 Staltan , &pant0t) t & $tortugttt0* Utttratttt^ OCTAVO ET INFRA. *-? 1535 La Caccia di Valvasone Ven. 1602 / - , 1536 Lope de Vega — El Peregrino en su Patria Brux. i608 ft 1537 Tasso — II Goffredo Gierusalemme Liberata Vin. 1588 i 1538 La Canace dello Speroni, vellum Lucca 1550 T £1539 Sal vini — di Senofonte Efesio, vellum tjggp The autograph of the author is on the fly-leaf. ' & 1540 Vite de Poeti Provenzali Lione 1575 i? 1541 Opera Nova, per Antonio Manciolino Bolognese, curious tcood cuts Vinegia 1531 / 1542 Maria Stuarda Regina di Scozia, Dramma Serio Firenze 1812 1543 Quevedo — Desuelos Sonolientos Yverdades Sonadas ^> Lisboa 1629 ' / J 1544 Cervantes — Persiles y Sigisraunda Valencia 1617 */ C 1545 Rime di Diversi Ecc. Autori, in Vita e in Morte, dell. 111. S. Livia coll. Rom. 1555 1546 Giambullari (Pierfrancesco) dell' Inferno di Dante Firenze 1544 1547 Cose de Turchi, per il Giovio e Gambini Vinegia, Aldus, 1541 1548 Psiche, poema eroico d'Ercole Uclinc Ven. 1617 \ 15' C 1 &i I 4 •' /£? -i — -^ / ,/A/-/^-J . i 16 ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND 1549 Rota (Befardino) Sonetti et Canzoni, singular por- trait Vinegia 1567 1550 II Pecoronedi di Ser Giovanni Fiorentino Milano 1554 / /^1551 La Bucchereide del Bellini, vellum Fir. 1729 1605 Viaggi Fatti da Vinetia alia Tana in Persia, &c. ^ ib. Aldus, 1543 */ -^fl606 Novelle di Sacchetti, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Firenze 1724 c / / <- 78 1G07 / / 1608 1609 1610 /C 1611 4 6 1612 162* " £1623 ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND Romances de Germania de varios autores, 8vo. uncut copy Mad r. 1779 Vita di Pietro Aretino, 8vo. vellum Padov. 174-1 Rime de Eustachio Manfredi Bolog. 1760 Coleccion de Poesias Castellanas anteriores al sigh XV. 4 vols. 8vo. Madr. 1779 Teatro Olimpico de Pallidio, portraits and plates, 8vo. Padov. 1749 Descripcion de Espana de Xerif Aledris, e la len- gua Arabe, con traduccion y notas de Don An- tonio Conde, 8vo. Mad. 1799 Persiles y Sigismunda por Miguel de Cervantes, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1802 Don Quixote de la Mancha, 5 vols. 8vo. plates Madr. 1788 Panegirico Historico Genealogico da S. Caza de Nemurs Paris 1669 Opere di Francesco Sbarra, neat. Venet. 1682 I Lucida, Comedia di Firenzuola Fiorentino Fir. 1552 ib. 1715 Venez. 1705 ib. 1630 Amst. Colon. Leon. 1668 1665 La Bella Mano' di Giusto de Conti Aminta di Tasso, 32mo. Vita di San Tomaso d Aquino II Pastor Fido Discorsi di Roma — Francia e di Espagna Imitacion de Christo Contemptus Mundi por Tomas a Kempis Madr. 1664? Bernardi Ragionamenti Bolog. 1681 II Petrarca, vellum Vin. 1567 Comedia de Plauto Anvers 1555 Torquemeda — Jardin de Flores Curiosas ib. 1575 Tansillo, II Vendemiatore di Rinuccini, II Cappuccino Scozzese Venet. 1645 Guazzo Astolfo Borioso ib. 1623 Beso Las Manos, Clausula, quid significet apud Hispanos, small Ato. in vellum Serico de Bono Solitudinis Dialogus — Faustino due Discorsi, vellum Padov. 1690 ^*- .1648 Boccaccio — II Decamerone di, singular wood cuts Venet. 1588 <£ 1649 L'Economia del Cittadino in Villa del Sig. Vin- cenzo Tanaro, lib. VII. Bolog. 1651 L> ^1650 Dati (Carlo) Vite de Pittori Antiche, vellum Fir. 1730 k 1651 Dialogo de Giuochi del Materiale Intronato Sien. 1572 ^.1652 Carida (Antonio) de Ser. Principi d'Este Sig. di Ferrara 1641 '6 J r& - S 80 ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND 1G53 Arte dell' Armi de Achille Marozzo Bolognese, plates Venet. 1568 1654 Soderini Coltivazione Toscana della Viti e d' al- cuni Alberti Firenze, Giunta, 1622 jy — 1655 II Solimano, Tragedia del Prospero Bonarelli, plates by Callot, yellow morocco Bolog. 1649 UsSf Edizione rara. 1656 Vinitiano (Lodovici) i Trionfi di Carlo Magno, / ) poema, MS. title Vineg. 1535 V 1657 Salviati Avvertimenti della Lingua sopra'l Deca- merone, 2 vols, in 1, vellum Venez. 1683 \1658 Bellanda (Cornelioi) Viaggio Spirituale ib. 1578 y *J 11659 Erotilla, Tragedia di Strozzi ib. 1615 £1660 Boninsegni, Storie della Citta di Firenze dall' anno „ 1410 al 1460 1637 J1661 Rime di Ano da Pistoia ib. 1589 ^ /1662 Guicciardini dell' Historie d'ltalia lib. 4 Parma 1567 A 1663 La Nobilita di Roma Vin. 1571 ■/"j 1664 Sylvestrani — Vita di Astorre Baglione Veron. 1591 I 1665 Davanzati, Scisma d'Inghilterra Fior. 1638 1666 Tasso, II Floridante di Bolog. 1587 1667 Lettere del Bonarelli ib. 1636 • 1668 Memorias Funebres da Senhora Donna Maria de Attayde Lisb. 1650 s^ 1669 Vite de' Prencipi di Vinegia di Marcello Ven. 1557 (l670 Rime del Trisino Vicenza 1529 S " /1671 I Fatti et le Prodezze di Manoli Blessi Stratioto, di Antonio Molino detta Burchiella, icood cuts, very neat Venet. 1561 4: G Iggp Edizione rara. 1672 Vite de Ire di Napoli — breve descrittione del regno di Napoli, neat Nap. 1594 1673 Della Nobilita dell' Asino Venet. 1598 ^.1674 Novelas Exemplares de Dona Maria de Zayas, 2 parts in 1 vol. Med. 1659 1675 Rime Spirituali di Sig. Vittoria Colonna Vineg. 1548 z £ t PORTUGUESE LITERATURE. 81 1676 Castastrophe de Portugal, por Leandro Dorea Ca- ceres e Faria Lisb. 1669 1677 Bucoliche di Virgilio da Bernardo Pulci, curious Firenze 1484 (1678 Sansovino del Governo et Amministratione de y -s Regni Vinegia 1607 /l679 Barros (Giovanni) dell' Asia Venet. 1562 /jl680 Historia dell' 1' Indie Occidentali ib. 1534 £J681 II Mas' Aniello, discorsi narrativi la Sollovatione > di Napoli del Gabrielle Tontoli Nap. 1688 1682 Erizzo— le Sei Giornate di Venet. 1567 £Orazione di Cammillo Rinuccini in Lode del Sig. Donato dell' Antella Firenz. 1618 Rime di Goselini Milan. 1574 Cervantes — Novelas Exemplares Lisboa 1613 (1686 Declamatione del Sig. Hercole Tasso Berg. 1606 c/ — J 1687 Lettere Tipographia Genovese Venez. 1784 UJaS8 Bibbia SoCcra di Diodati Gene v. 1607 y/ A 1689 Calderon de la Barca — Autos Sacramentales Ale- goricos, y Historiales Madr. 1600 1690 Giardino di Poesie, a mauuscript of 1746, very >^v beautifully written in imitation of Italic Type, and ornamented xoith some spirited pen and ink drawings, superbly bound, gilt edges /* malum, Spauigt), & $|)ot*uatt W Utttraturt* FOLIO. ;^W1691 Mannucci (Aldo) Vitadi Cosimo de Medici Bol. 1585 L.1692 Florio's Ital. & Eng.Dictionary, best edition Lond. 1611 (1693 Dialogo del Trissino Vicenz. 1529 £1694 Trissino — Poetica di, vellum Vicenz. 1529 ^ 1717 Description of Milan and the Milanese States Num. «^ *!>~*s» ~'*\_ v^ GERMAN LITERATURE. 83 dUrmatt tittcraturc. DUODECIMO ET INFRA. - — 1718 Dialogue of Urbanus Regius on the Words Spoken by Christ on the way to Emmaus Witteb. 1551 ,/ O 1719 Another Copy ib. 1539 1720 Roennberg on the Symbolical Books in Reference y to State Policy Restod. 1789 C? 1721 Wigand's Preelections on Luther's Small Catechism Qued. 1787 — - - 1722 Baumgarten's Explanation of the Symbolical Writ- ings of the Lutheran Church, contained in the Christian Concordant Book Halle 1747 1723 Luther (Martin)— Edifying Sketches, Selected from the Works of Berl. 1743 / 1 1724 Baumgarten'a Christian Concordant Book Halle ' (1725 Collection of Tracts containing: — 1st. an Histori- cal Sketch of the Augsburg Confession in Poland and Prussia — 2nd. a History of Translations of the Bible into the Polish Language — 3d. History of Polish Hymns and Hymn Writers v. d. 1 1726 Christian Concordant Book Leips. 1766 1727 Permanent Value of the Symbolical Writings of the Lutheran Church, &c Riga 1771 1728 Another Copy, with the following Tracts annexed : — Busching's General Observations on the Sym- bolical Writings of the Lutheran Church, &c. — Hoffman's Treatise on Important Passages in the preceding General Observations — Waghner's Guide to a Sound Judgment on the Reformation and State of the Lutheran Church — Hints to Ci N. Hansen on his Pragmatical History of the Protestants in Germany 1729 Confession and Explanation of the Book intitled " Interim" drawn up by the Ecclesiastics of Lubec, Hamburgh and Lunenburgh 1548 - j 84 GERMAN LITERATURE. c/ 1730 Rosenmuller on the Schools in Poland connected by the Augsburgh Confession 1790 1731 Hirsch's History of the Ecclesiastical Interreg- num at Nuremberg, at the time of the Reforma- tion Leips. 1750 ,1732 Bersuch on the Study of Theology ib. 1790 ■ 1733 Enchiridion of Martin Luther's Lesser Catechism „ ib. 1763 *- 1734 Frischen's Polemical Catechism ib. 1768 J 1735 Giese's History of the Earliest German Editions of the Bible Gorl. n. d. 1736 Nast's Literary Notice of the High German Edi- tions of the Bible St u tt 1779 1737 Brastberger on the Origin and Importance of the Ecclesiastical Custom of Establishing the Princi- ples of the Christian Religion by Symbolical Writings Ulm. 1788 j GERMAN LITERATURE. 85 solved from the Guilt of Innocent Christian Blood Vien. 1753 1751 Catechism for the use of the Churches and Schools of Verden Stade 1792 1772 Another copy, furnished with a similar set of curi- ous engravings Francf. 1631 — 1773 History of the Mint Establishments of the German Empire, 5 vols. Numb. 1768 _ yw 1774 Melchior Goldastus on the General Policy of the German Empire, German and Latin Hanov. 1612 number of curious and spirited wood cuts ib. 1557 " 1783 Alexander Ross's Account of all Religions and Heresies, translated from the English Amst. 1671 /~— 1784 Holbein s Dance of Death, blue morocco, gilt edges Antv. 1564 — ^ 1785 Luther's (Martin) Large Catechism, fclaeft letter, fFrancof. 1550 786 Lesser Catechism, blnrft letter, ib. 1583 787 Short Explanation of the New Testament Ultr. 1771 f-'A: .< y to cost < c-'j && (t c => 88 HEBREW AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 1 788 Neio and Genuine History of the Eight Glorious Martyrs of the Society of Jesus, who were put to death, A. D. 1616, by the Tepeguans, a tribe of savage Americans Ant. 1617 S3utrl) ittttratnrr* QUARTO AND FOLIO. J 1789 Heinsius's Poems Amst. 1618 1790 Customs and Usages of the City of Mechlin Mech. 1535 1791 Ordinances and Edicts connected with the Govern- ment of the Low Countries in the time of Philip II. Antv. n. d. 1792 The Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments, oaken binding, numerous wood cuts, fine y copy Antv. 1560 // ' <— A793 Another similar copy,' brass clasps 1528 S/ ' £ 1V94> Another similar copy ib. 1541 1795 Fasciculus Temporum, foladt letter^ curious colored ■*—■ wood cuts, oaken binding Utrecht 1480 ■7 IDciircto an& Oriental Ulttratnrt* DUODECIMO ET INFRA. ?^r\ 1796 Ikenii Antiquitates Hebraicse Brem. 1735 ^-1797 Fundamenta Punctationis Ling. Sanct. Gron. 1692 1798 Gutbirii Lexicon Syriacxim Hamb. 1667 / ' cj? 1799 Doctrina Christiana Armenice Amst. 1657 — /Y? 1800 Grammatica Turcica Megiseri 1611 ^ ' & 1801 Psalmorum Liber, Heb. Gr. et Lat. Basil n. d. + ■? • //J 802 Biblia Hebraica, sine punctis, fine copy Amst. 1701 — -^2;J803 Psalmorum Lib. Hebraica - n. d. £ 1804 Another Copy n. d. 222--/J'-&. *: &*-*£-. * £^+ ?2-sj -■/ A J" J^' u " ■" * HEBREW AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 8 ( J 3Litttatutt. OCTAVO ET INFRA. <3 — 1805 Tooti Nameh, or Tales of a Parrot, in Persian, with an English Translation Lond. 1800 1806 Ul Ujuh ool Oojab, Arabice n. <1. &i ^1807 Historia Jeschuce Nazareni, a Huldrico, Heb. et Lat. Lug. Bat. 1705 JJ -'^3 1808 Tychseni Grammatica Syriaca Rost. 1793 T1809 Steindersdorf Grammatica Hebraea Aal. 1747 ^ ~'/&t/ C\i * S £<■ -J *?':/£.-•/ sjr*- /^ t^^-tz- ' * ( HEBREW AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 91 dhan, cum prefatione, Arabice et Latine, old calf Oxon. 1671 [g^f A work highly amusing to the Arabic student. " Tophail's Arabic Tale is written with such elegance of language, and vigour of imagination, that notwith- standing the improbability of the 6tory it has been uni- versally admired." — Bruckkr. 1844) De Dieu Grammatica Ling. Orient. Hebraeorum, V 9/ Chaldaeorum, et Syrorum Lug-. Bat. 1628 lHJf A work of acknowledged character. De Dieu was profoundly skilled in the Syriac, Persic, Arabic, and Ethiopian languages : perhaps no man ever possessed a more consummate knowledge of those languages, or ever employed his knowledge to more useful purposes. He is deservedly ranked by Walch, " inter pra&tantissimos litcrarum sacrarum interpretes. 1845 Severus Patriarcha de Ritibus Baptismi, Arab. Heb. et Lat. Antv. 1572 ' ~ 1846 Lightfoot — Horse Hebraicae et Talmudicae Cant. 1658 ^. >184>7 Historia Josephi Patriarchae ex Alcorano Arabici j/ Leid. 1617 f^rtircto ana ©ttcutai Utttrattttrt* FOLIO and QUARTO. f-^ 1848 Psalterium Hebrccum, Grcecum, Arabicum, et Chaldceum, cum tribus Latinis Interpretationi- bus et Glossis 1564 1848* Ethiopic Biblical Manuscripts, (Catalogue of) in the Royal Library of Paris Lond. 1823 1849 SEPHER THORAH, Pentateuciius Hebra- Q . 1652 /' 7^1868 Cleveland's Poems 1654 ' c C1869 The Lyre Lond. 1803 V **''<£•' 7 t v S895 Chorus Poetarum ib. 1673 / •' ^896 Paradise Regained ib. 1730 1897 Poems collected by Tate Lond. 1685 898 Political Merriment ib. 1714 1899 Fanshaw's Horace, Lond. 1652. — Creech's Horace, ib. 1720 1900 Plays ib. v. d. V (1901 Glover's Leonidas ib. 1738 ZJ902 Garth's Dispensary ib. 1726 (T903 Creech's Theocritus ib. 1713 k 3 j 1904 > Glover's Leonidas Dub. 1737 ijiK)5 Boileau's Art of Poetry translated Lond. 1683 /^jl906 Wonders of the Peak ib. 1678 2l907 Divine Poems, collected by Tate ib. 1698 ' ~ 1908 Ogilby's Virgil, fine copy ib. 1649 - c^Ol909 Truths Told to Some Tune ib. 1715 t & 1910 Collection of Epigrams ib. 1735 /— 1911 Opie's (Mrs.) Poems ib. 1811 / ' Jf 1912 Brome's Songs and Poems ib. 1668 I — J1913 Poetry of the Antijacobin ib. 1799 y il914 Pastor Fido in English ib. 1736 ~71_915 Quintessence of English Poetry, 3 vols. ib. 1740 - /C)1916 Dryden's Annus Mirabilis, first edition ib. 1667 CJ917 Drayton's Poems ib. n. d. ' — 1918 Farquhar's Comedies, 2 vols. ib. n. d. J 7 — 1919 Brooke's (Lord) Poems of Monarchy and Reli- ligion ib. 1670 /!>* igU 3 These Poems are spoken of by Southey in terms of high commendation. •S 1920 Plays Lond. v. d. - ^/1921 Angling, a Poem ib. 1741 ^.•<£/i922 Pennecuik's Streams from Helicon ib. 1720 Z^> c-> V^ C V « ^ 96 ENGLISH POETRY AND THE DRAMA. /■ 1923 Hive, (The) a Collection of Songs, 4 vols. Loud. 1732 _ 1924 Stapylton's Juvenal ib. 1673 1925 Pope's Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols. ib. 1727 / — - 1926 Howe's Lucan, 2 vols. ib. 1722 1927 Goldoni's Art of Poetry, vol. 2 ib. 1718 <^f^l928 Cleeveland's Poems ib. 1654 / £1929 Scotch and English Poems Edin. 1753 < ■ -» 1930 Cowley's Works Jq Lond. 1681 « J 1931 Steele's Plays ib. 1712 /- £ 1932 Kisses of Secundus ib. 1731 ^ 1933 Sherburne's Poems ib. 1651 — yjt 1934 Steele's Miscellanies ib. 1727 1935 Wreath (The) ib. 1757 z <£ttalt01j ^Joctrg & tt)t Drama* OCTAVO. 1936 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, published by Ogle, 3 vols. wea£ Lond. Tonson, 1741 1937 Muses (The) Library, a collection of the best Antient English Poetry, from Edward the Con- sp fessor to James I. ib. 1738 d 1938 Muse's (The) Mirrour, a collection of Poems by celebrated Authors, by Captain Thomson, R.N., / 2 vols, in 1, neat, scarce ib. 1783 1939 Waller's Poems, best edition ib. Tonson, 1711 7 1940 Shenstone's Works in Verse and Prose, 2 vols. best edition ib. Tonson, 1764 /— ■ — " 1941 The Literary Museum, comprising scarce and cu- rious tracts in Poetry, &c. by Peter Whalley, L.L.B. ib. 1793 1942 Pinkertons Scottish Poems, reprinted from scarce editions, 3 vols, curious frontispiece and other plates, neat ib. 1792 & fQlA 7 o ENGLISH POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 97 1943 Wycherley's Posthumous Works in Verse and Prose, published by Theobald Lond. 1728 ' 1944 Coote's (Hon. Robert) Compleat Marksman, or the true Art of Shooting' Flying, a poem ib. 1755 1 1945 Maurice's (Rev. Thomas) Poems Epistolary, Lyric, 4p J and Elegiacal, half morocco ib. 1809 (1946 Ramsay's (Allen) Gentle Shepherd attempted in English by Margaret Turner, neat ib. 1790 «_ ' ' 1947 Roberte the Deuyll, a metrical Romance from an illuminated Manuscript, by J. Herbert, wood cuts, neat ib. 1798 1948 Reynardson's Poems ib. 1714 ' 949 Roberts' (Dr.— of Eton) Poems ib. 1774 /fa g^T This learned Divine was educated at Eton, appointed Provost in 1781, and died Dec. 5th, 1791. 1950 Vocal Magazine — a collection of English, Scotch, y and Irish Songs, portraits Lond. Harrison, 1784 C? 1951 Vocal Magazine — a collection of English, Scotch, and Irish Songs, with music for Pianoforte or , y Violin, 3 vols. Edin. 17«7 1952 Vocal Magazine, (Harrison's), portraits, vol. 1, all that was published Lond. 1784 y 1953 Young's (Dr. Edward) Poetical Works, 2 vols. ^ in 1, best edition Lond. 1741 y /\1954 Winstanley's Poems Dub. 1742 ^ y 1955 Bossu's Treatise of the Epick Poem Lond. 1695 C-1956 Henley's (Rev. John) Queen Esther, a poem ib. 1715 . (1957 Character of a Trooper, with other Poems ib. 1710 **? C.1958 The Young Lover's Guide, scarce ib. 1699 I 1959 Cyder, a Poem ib. Tonson, 1708 A 1960 Chudleigh's (Lady) Poems on several occasions f ib. 1705 VJL961 Granville's (Lord Landsdown) Poems ib. Tonson, 1712 1 1962 Somerville's Poems, Translations, Fables, Tales, &c. / p ib. 1727 \J1963 Kapclion (The) or Poetical Ordinary, consisting of great variety of Dishes in Prose and Verse, by o £■ * ^ C \ i /'- * ^< <" - V - *" "-^_ '/^-vS? J s *> 98 ENGLISH POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Archimagirus Metaphoricus {Dr. KenricK) scarce Lond. 1710 1964- Poems by Rev. G. Hughes ib. 1822 1965 Oxford Prize Poems Oxf. 1807 / ^[1966 Don, a Poem Lond. 1655 Reprinted, 1742 Edin. 1814 - 1967 Sad (The) Shepherd, or a Tale of Robin Hood, a Fragment written by Ben Jonson, with Notes and Appendix by Nichols, neat ib. 1783 yl— — . 1968 Duck's (Stephen) Poems, with the rare frontispiece X Lond. 1731 /[1969 Jones's (Henry) Poems ib. Dodsley, 1749 £?yl970 Original Poems by Butler, Suckling, Donne, Dryden, &c. ib. 1721 .1971 Oldham's (John) Poems, together with his Re- — is J mains ib. 1786 £ 1972 Lansdowne (Lord) on Unnatural Flights in Poe- try, explained and illustrated ib. 1721 1973 Parnell's Poems, published by Pope ib. Lintot, 1722 , j 1974 Miscellany Poems by Pomfret and Somerville ib. 1702 1975 Miscellany Poems by the Most Eminent Hands / ■ ? \ ib. 1684 ^1976 Wit a la Mode, or Pithy Questions to prevent Dullness in Modern Conversation, by Jasper Quibble, Esq. with other tracts ib. 1745 X 1977 Hooles Orlando Furioso, 5 vols, plates, caff gilt ib. 1799 i 1978 Tales of the Town in Poetry and Music, small 8vo. ,7 ) neat Lond. 1709 ^ y) 1979 Garth's Dispensary, a poem ib. 1699 / 119,80 Wilson's (John) City of the Plague, and other /v . poems, neat Edin. 1816 1981 Bentley's (Samuel) Poems Lond. 1774 [$^ Some very severe and piquant remarks in manuscript are interspersed throughout this volume. /<* — , 1982 Shirley's Dramatic Works and Poems, with Notes -c si ? Sf *"/ <■-*■ 7 /<"./. ^ £/ .< L / c Q ^ -^A S W7 '" ^ [ ENGLISH POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 99 by the late William Gifford, Esq. 6 vols, por- trait, neat in silk boards Lond. 1833 1 983 Beggar s Opera, and various other dramatic pieces, - in 1 vol. v. d. ' *~ 1 984 Plays, an excellent collection, 9 vols, old calf v. d. Jl 1985 Specimen of a Commentary on Shakespeare, by Walter Whiter Lond. 1794 *?• ^1986 Langbaine's Account of the English Dramatic Poets Oxf. 1691 1987 Coalition, a Farce founded on Facts Lond. 1779 7 1988 Select Plays, 1 vol. bound ib. v. d. OCTODECIMO ET INFRA. 1989 Dutch (The) Drawn to the Life Lond. 1664 1990 Marcus Tullius Ciceroes Thre Bokes of Duties by Nicolo Grimalde, black letter, 1556 ' 1991 Curiosities or Cabinet of Nature Lond. 1637 / - /j 1992 Marcus Tullius Ciceroes Three Bookes of Duties by Nicolas Grimalde, whereunto the Latin is ad- r joyned ib. 1583 ->' i )l993 Littleton's Tenures in English ib. 1692 y CJ994 Kinber's Peerage of England, 3 vols. ib. 1766 ijf 1995 The Boke for a Justyce of Peace, black letter Lond. Redman, n. d. ^ /yvl996 Noy's Compleat Lawyer Lond. 1661 C1997 Osborn's Paradoxes ib. 1659 ____ 1998 A Conference about the Succession to the Crowne of England, divided into Twoo Partes, whereof the first conteyneth the Discourse of a Civil Lawyer, how and in what manner propinquity of Blood is to be preferred, and the second the Speech of a Temporal! Lawyer about the particu- lar titles of all such as doe or may pretend, within / 100 ENGLISH LITERATURE. England or without, to the next Succession PublisJied by R. Doleman, Imprinted at N. with Licence MDXCIV l^f 3 Original Edition, very rare. In 1826 a copy of this Work was sold by Auction by Mr. Evans of London for £15. The Printer was hung, drawn and quartered, and it was enacted by the 35th of Elizabeth, that who- ever should have this Book in his house, should be con- demned as guilty of High Treason. /'J 1999 Epitome of English History from 1069 to 1660, rare Lond. 1660 ^/ 2000 Wotton's Remains ib. 1651 y ^2001 Elsynge on Parliaments in England ib. 1679 12002 Dugdale's Ancient Usage of Arms Oxf. 1682 S — 2003 Life of Donna Olimpia Maldachini who Governed the Church during the time of Innocent X. Lond. 1667 / " 2004 Works of that grave, truly Loyal and Courageous Judge Jenkins, whilst prisoner in the Tower of Newgate by Command of the Rebellious Long Parliament ib. 1681 ' : £— 2005 Hospital Surgeon, 2 vols. ib. 1732 Y 2006 Westmacott's Scripture Herbal ib. 1694 / _ 2007 Wallace's Description of the Orkneys, curious and rare Edin. 1693 \ 2008 Selden's Priviledges of the Baronage of England / £l Lond. 1642 (_20( )09 The Post for Diuers Partes of the World, fclarfe letter, ib. 1576 . i 2010 Le Febure's Discourse upon Sir W. Rawleigh's /»" fa I Great Cordial ib. 1664 £ 2011 Castlemain's (Lord) Acount of the War between ^ the English and Dutch ib. 1671 £ " 2012 Johnson's Li^es of the Poets, 4 vols, numerous ^ plates, neatly bound ib. 1805 y '■ JT 2013 Bauldwin's Treatise of Morall Philosophie, black Tetter, ib. 1570 Zv/-^-/* £r^- 3 - *. ^3^&&** ■*** - £<-*> ENGLISH LITERATURE. 101 7 2014 Relation of the Defeating- Cardinal Mazarine's and Oliver Cromwell's Design to have taken Ostend by Treachery in 1658 Lond. 1666 <-— 2015 Burnet on Varilla's History of Revolutions in Reli- gion Amst. 1686 / 2016 Notary Art of Solomon, with an Astrological ^ Catechism Lond. 1657 _( 2017 Remarques on the Humours and Conversations of /-' /f\ the Town ib. 1673 (2018 Amours of Mademoiselle de La Valliere Obedience, Printed for the Book- seller of the Kingdom of Love, at the Sign of the Three Cupids 1680 2019 Rohan (Due de) on the Interest of the Princes and States of Christendom Lond. 1641 2020 On Human Reason ib. 1675 2021 Walsingham's (Sir F.) Stateman's Manual ib. 1655 /• ' <__ 2022 Galechius Carraciolus, the Italian Convert, being an Account of his admirable Conversion from Popery and forsaking of a Rich Marquisdome for the Gospel sake Lond. 1639 2023 Narrative of the Late Troubles in England ib. 1652 / 2024 Taylor (Jeremy) on Friendship ib. 1657 2025 Micro-Cosmographia, or a Peece of the World Discovered ib. 1600 026 English Tutor, or Plain Pathway to the English s, Tongue ib. 1687 — / 2027 Law of England, touching His Majesty's Four Principall Seales ib. 1673 j ( 102 ENGLISH LITERATURE. 4^ugli01j &tttratttrt» DUODECIMO ET INFRA. — 3 2028 Burchett's Naval Transactions Lond. 1703 2029 Student's Law Dictionary ib. 1740 / ( / 2030 Letters on English Money and Corn ib.|l707 / 2031 Antiquities and History of the Cathedral of Ro- r Chester ib. 1717 . ZJ2032 Addy's Stenography ib. 1695 (2033 Light of Britaine ib. 1388 / J 2034 A Month in Brighton, a Novel, 3 vols. ib. 1817 ? 2035 Essay on Ancient Tenures ib. 1679 (/ 2030 Quintilian's Declamations ib, 1686 /' I 2037 Hale's History of the Common Law ib. 1716 / ' (j 2038 Depile's Art of Painting ib. 1706 ^? 2039 Cooper's Complete Distiller ib. 1800 ? — y 2040 Burnet's Life of Sir M. Hale ib. 1682 *y*0 2041 Webb on Poetry ib. 1762 J , 2042 Walker's Rhyming Dictionary ib. 1775 j 2043 Ralph's Tour through London ib. 1783 / — •< 2044 Wotton's Remains ib. 1672 _2045 England's Troubles ib. 1685 — •- ' 2046 Muse's Interpreter ib. 1675 ff 2047 Bolingbroke's Memoirs ib. 1752 C.2048 Levayer on the Classic Historians Oxf. 1678 ; y t ^049 Troubles during the Wars of Paris Lond. 1686 £,2050 God's Judgment against Whoring ib. 1697 §051 Gordon's Geography ib. 1699 • 7 j 2052 Memoirs of Dutch Trade ib. n. d. L2053 Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England ib. 1675 <- — 2054 W T alton and "Cotton's Angler ib. 1797 -y\ 2055 Journal Book of House of Commons ib. 1680 L2056 Cornelius Nepos translated Oxf. 1684 — 2057 Luzanay on the Council of Trent ib. 1677 Uj-A-^J -'-^<^ ENGLISH LITERATURE. 103 4^058 Title of William III. Vindicated Lond. 1697 (g059 Varilla's History of the House of Medici ib. 1688 C- 2060 Lawson on Civil and Ecclesiastical Govern- ment ib. 1689 2061 Lloyd on Church Government ib. 1684. -J 2062 Meader's Gardener ib. 1771 - 2063 Barlow's (Bishop) Remains ib. 1693 /— — 2064 Locke on Education ib. 1695 - 2065 Voltaire's Candide and Sundry Tracts v. d. ^ 2066 Miscellaneous Letters ib. 1694 2067 Howell's Letters ib. 1713 i 2068 Hayre's Provision for the Poor ib. n. d. £2069 Wynne's History of the Gwedir Family ib. 1770 {§^jT See Retrospective Review for a very interesting Account of this Work. r 2070 Irving's Lives of Eminent Scotsmen Glasg. 1799 cJ 2071 Makenzie's Jus Regium Lond. 1684 7 2072 Langbain's Lives of the Dramatists ib. n. d. ' -— 2073 Roman Illustrator ib. 1722 '•'^ 2074 Larkin's Lives of the Philosophers • ib. 1659 <^f 2075 Carey on the Trade of England Brist. 1695 /)Ji076 History of the Last Parliament Lond. 1702 O 2077 Illustrations of British Field Sports ib. 1821 2078 Zosimus (Count) Life of ib. 1684- " <>2079 Account of Cambridge Camb. n. d. > , ^(5080 Rymer on Tragedy Lond. 1693 L?081 Companion to the Playhouse, 2 vols. ib. 1764. 2082 Sterne's Sentimental Journey ib. 1793 ' 2083 Harris's Geometry ib. 1746 2084 Discourses on the Causes why Ireland was never entirely Subdued, SfC. Lond. 1612 Reprinted, 1747 * 2085 Victor, or the Theatres of London and Dublin n. d.<^ ^"2086 Memoirs of the Duke of Guise Lond. 1669 £. 2087 Wilkinson's Law Treatise ib. 1G28 J? 2088 Pufferdorf's History of the Popedom ib. 1691 . -£_2089 Child on Trade 169K "? :r ' V/ " 3 f- /J 1 - S &&■&* ^^ / 104 y (2090 fa 12091 [2092 y< 2093 / ^ 2094 J 2095 /• <^ 2090 __ / f 2097 u i 2098 _ 4 j 2°" ENGLISH LITERATURE. Bacon's (Lord) New Atlantis Lond. 1660 Raleigh's Reign of William I. ib. 1693 Buckler of State and Justice ib. 1667 Bossu on Epic Poetry, 2 vols. ib. 1719 Humorist (The) 2 vols. ib. 1725 Ross's (Alex.) Muses' Interpreter ib. 1675 Macdonald's Dictionary of Quotations ib. 1811 Shephard's Justice of Peace ib. 1663 Homesby's Voyages and Travels ib. n. d. Richardson's Letters ib. n. d. Present State of Italy ib. 1688 Letters of a Moor from London ib. 1736 Larkin's Looking Glass of the Fathers ib. 1659 Needler's Works ib. 1728 Tate's Present for the Laches ib. 1693 Debate between the Houses of Lords and Com- mons in 1688 ib. 1695 Thoughts on Education ib. 1806 Evelyn on the Earth ib. 1676 Greenwood's Grammar ib. 1753 Brerewood on Languages and Religions ib. 1 674 Art of Speaking ib. 1696 Pamphlets v. d. Humourist (The) ib. 1720 Simpson on Music ib. 1667 Concordance of Yeares ib. 1615 Greenwood's Law of Sheriffs ib. 1659 Biographia Classica, 2 vols. ib. 1750 Leigh on the Roman and Greek Emperors ib. 1670 Wansey's Travels in North America Salisb. 1798 Boulainvillier's Life of Mahomet Lond. 1752 Philipot on the Spanish Monarchy ib. 1664 Memoirs of the Island of Love, 2 vols ib. 1742 State Worthies of England ib. 1670 Lemery on Foods ib. 1745 Italian Vocabulary ib. 1728 Town Taste ib. 1731 Corn. Nepos translated ib. 1713 &/■■£■■ (J (3a** ^ ENGLISH LITERATURE. 105 f ^ — 6 s * *- *-&?* 106 ENGLISH LITERATURE / C7 2156 Fontenelle's Lives of Peter Land Catherine I. Lonrl. 1728 vj2 2157 Barrow on Contentment ib. 1714 -«-*/2l58 Squire on the Romanists ib. 1674 (,2159 Steel on Punctuation ib. 1781 S ^/' 2160 Brittanise Speculum ib. 1683 2161 Louth on the Scriptures ib. 1712 2176 History of Chester ib. 1793 S C*2177 Discourses on the Rise and Power of Parliaments <_/"*? ib. 1677 £ 2178 Dyche's Dictionary ib. 1723 2179 Bilson's True Difference between Christian Subjec- /* tion and Unchristian Rebellion, rare ib. 1586 ~ / 2180 Sterne's Sermons, 2 vols ib. n. d. / £ 2181 Plato Redivivus ib. 1681 y L-2182 Blomes Description of Jamaica, 8fc. maps ib. 1672 A 2183 Account of Invention and Improvements now ne- cessary for England ib. 1691 - ^ 2184 History of the Civil Wars of England ib. 1679 \ '2185 Selden on the Office of Lord Chancellor of England / ,J ib - 1677 /& 1 2186 Survey of the French Court and Camp ib. 1673 [__2JJS7 Memoirs of the Life and Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, who was babarously murdered by the Wf- /* 9 (ba^c.o^%Ls^ s*£^ ^ *$.& ENGLISH LITERATURE. 107 ^2188 ,32189 ^ (2190 Z- 2191 2192 ^2193 ^ 2194 ^2195 /£>2196 -—2197 " ^2198 *J 2199 2200 2201 Z V2202 ^2203 2204 L2205 ' Z-, 2206 £ 2207 6 2208 2209 2210 2211 , 2212 y I 2213 I 2214 Papists, upon the first discovery of the Horrid Plot ib. 1682 Spelman (Sir Henry) — Churches not to be violated Oxf. 1668 Bridall's View of the Laws of England Lonrl. 1673 Observations on the present state of Turkey ib. 1683 Secret History of the Reign of Charles II. and James II. ib. 1690 List of the Civil and Military Offices of England ib. 1697 Selden on the Office of Lord Chancellor ib. 1677 Fell's Life of Dr. Hammond ib. 1662 Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope ib. 1764 Marcardi's Relation of the Conspiracy of John Count de Fieschi against Genoua in 1547 ib. 1693 Life of Donna Olimpia Maldachini, who govern- ed the Church in the Reign of Pope Innocent X. ib. 1667 Tudor, a Historical Novel, ib. 1678 Present State of Scotland ib. 1682 Court and Character of King James, written and taken by Sir A. W. being an Eye and Eare Witness ib. 1650 Albertus Magnus on the Virtues of Herbes, folarft letter wants title Raymond's Voyage in Italy ib. 1648 Essay on Tunbridge Water ib. 1671 England's Path to Weatlth and Honor ib. 1718 Cervantes — Jealous Gentleman, a Novel, ib. 1681 Debess Description of the Foeroe Isles ib. 1676 Chronicle of the Turkish War ib. 1664 Parliament of Critics ib. 1702 Angliae Ruina ib. 1647 Remembrancer of Excellent Men ib. n. d. School of Potentates, scarce and curious ib. 161*8 Fortescue's Commendation of the Laws of Eng- land, hlaeft letter, i»>- 1579 Another Copy il>- l 6l( » Mason on Short Hand il>- 1719 fov t^t <_y^> /108 ENGLISH LITERATURE. 2215 Inventions and Improvements necessary for England , Lond. 1691 / ' 2216 Catalogue of Plays ib. 1726 ^2217 Mores (Sir T.J Utopia ib. 1639 A? 2218 Orders of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Dub. 1701 f' 2219 Hoyle on Whist Lond. 1750 / 2220 Blount's Natural History ib. 1693 2221 Abstract of English Statutes in Force in Ireland, / j bUck letter, ib. 1625 L 2222 Sober Inspection made into the Carriage and Con- < duct of the late Long Parliament Lond. 1656 j 2223 Gailhard's Italy ib. 1671 ' 2224 Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Anglise ib. 1616 ' -«— ■-%> Y-K6 ujrK^^ss HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY. &C. 10.9 Htt$torg t Btofltraplig, 8ntiqut iiftti, «»* v ^ OCTAVO ET INFRA. 6 2238 ENGLAND— History of England abridged, ex- tracted from Records, MSS. &c. 2 vols, portraits. Lond. 1701 2239 Memoirs of the Court of England, by the .Countess of Dunois ib. 1707 2240 Welwood's Memoirs of the most material transactions in England for the last hundred years prior , . to 1688 ib. 1702 J 2241 Swift's (Dean) History of the last Four Years of the Reign of Queen Anne ib. 1758 2242 State of the Bounty of Q. Anne for the Poor Clergy, by Ecton ib. 1719 2243 Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, plates ib. 171 1 ' v 2244 Account of the Duchess of Marl- borough's conduct, written by herself, tvith Answer, in 1 vol. scarce ib. 1742 ;— - ■ 2245 Collection of Lives English and Foreign, from 1550 to 1690, 2 / vols. ib. 1704 ' ^ — ■» 2246 ■ Anglorum Speculum, or the Wor- thies of England in Church and State ib. 1684 ■*——- 2247 Secret History of the Lives and Reigns of the Kings and Queens of England ib. 1702 Y'*<* £ £ £ <- 2> / 7 / fc/ Voltaire's Letters concerning the English Nation ib. 1733 \ 2260 Colliber's (Samuel) History of the }f\ English Sea Affairs ib. 1727 I 2261 King Charles Wits, a Collection of Pieces in Prose and Verse by the Duke of Buckingham and others ib. L2 « vt-r~ .y'/ u *^ (22 L22 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MISCELLANIES. Ill , \2262 ENGLAND.— Higden on the English Constitu- ^ / j tion ib. 1709 [2263 Grosley's Tour to London, 2 vols. ib. 1772 2266 Colquhoun on the Police of London ib. 1797 2265 Leckie on the Foreign Affairs of jfj Great Britain ib. 1808 jf 2266 Warwick's (Sir Philip) Memoirs of Charles I. ib. 1701 2267 Enquiry into the State of the Trade and Revenue of Great Britain ib. 1717 2268 Salmon's Review of the History of England ib. 1722 ^ ^ 2269 Walpoles (Horace) Royal and Noble Authors of England Ed. 1796 2270 Secret History of the Late Minis- try to the Death of the Queen {Anne) ib. 1715 2271 Political Pamphlets ib. v. d. 2272 — Nicholls's (John) Recollections & Reflections as connected with Public Affairs during the Reign , of George III. ib. 1820 ' — — 2273 IRELAND.— History of King William III. ib. 1702 2274 ■ Clanricarde's (Marquis) Memoirs, good copy, neat ib. 1 722 / 2275 Thoughts on the Pension List of Ireland, with other Tracts, in 1 vol. ib. 1770 ? '. 2276 Abstract of the Number of Protes- tant and Popish Families in Ireland, with other tracts in 1 vol. Dub. 1736 /-' £ 2277 vi Life, History, and Pedigree of Rt. Hon. Simon Lord Irnham of Ireland, Father of Col. Luttrell Lond. 1769 >J s~ ^C "u£r*+< .*.- <^w^-^> ft-j> foil ra nit. Lond. 1083 121 /• «T ^ 2322 Duke do la Rochefoucault Lond. 1G83 2323 Warden's Letters from St. Helena Lond. 1816 / S/a 2324 Napoleon — Last Reign of the Emperor, 2 vols. ib. 1816 '2325 Intercepted Letters and Dispatches from Paris to Dresden ib. 1814 2326 Letters from the Cape of Good Hope in reply to Warden's Letters ib. 1817 2327 Tudor's Letters on the Eastern States Boston 1821 2328 Leckie on the Balance of Power in Europe Lond. 1807 2329 Ward on the Law of Nations in Europe, 2 vols. ib. 1795 2330 Lister's (Martin) Journey to Paris, with Life by Doctor Hennings n. d. j// >, 2331 Thornton's (Thomas) Present State of Turkey, 2 vols, maps Lond. 1809 / i 2332 Puigblanch's (Antonio) Inquisition Unmasked, with an Account of that Tremendous Tribunal, 2 vols. ib. 1816 } 2333 Ray's Travels in the Low Counties, 2 vols. ib. 1738 I 2334 Miscellanea Curiosa, containing- a collection of the principal Phenomena in Nature, Curious Voy- ages, &c. 3 vols, good copy, brown calf ib. 1708 / 2335 Midgley's (Robert) History of the War in Cyprus ib. 1687 ^ \2336 Military History of Great Britain for 1756, by an English Officer at Canada ib. 1757 y C-2337 Hints on Emigration to Swan and Canning Rivers ib. 1829 2338 The Partition of the Lion in the Fable, verified in the Partition of the Spanish Monarchy Lond. 1702 _2339 Gomez (Madame) Memoirs of the Court of Per- sia, translated by Chamberlen ib. 1725 *L 2340 Astry's (Sir James) Royal Politician, represented in One Hundred Emblems from the Spanish of Don Diego Faxardo, 2 vols. ib. 1700 I 2341 Browne's Thoughts on Civil Liberty ib. 1765 2342 Summary of the Roman Law taken from Doctor Taylor's Civil Law ib. 1772 J 2 b r^"

, 2354 Discourse on the Judicial Authority of the Master of the Rolls in Chancery ib. 1727 *? __ 2355 Legal Judicature in Chancery Stated ib. 1727 ifigP This volume contains copious remarks upon the pie- ceding work. 4 <-/ 235G Abbot's (Lord Colchester) Speeches in Parliament upon the R. C. Claims ib. 1828 2357 Edict of the Grand Duke of Tuscany for the Re- form of Criminal Law in his Dominions War. 1789 2358 Cassan (Rev. S. H.) against the Repeal of the s— Corporation and Test Acts Lond. 1828 ^- 2359 Irving, (David, L.L.D.) on the Study of the Civil Law Edin. 1815 -32360 Every Man his Own Lawyer Lond. 1757 £2361 Ashby and White, or the great question whether an Action lies at Common Law for an Elector, who is deny'd his Vote for Members of Parlia- ? ment 1705 2362 Jacques's Essay on Intellectual Education ib. 1817 £— — 2363 The Preceptor, containing a general course 440 Wintle on the Vision of Zechariah Oxon. 1797 2441 Janson's Dutch Grammar Lond. 1792 / 2442 Delpino's Spanish Grammar ib. n. d. /_ i 24 * 3 Illin ff wo rth on the Law of Forestalling ib. 1800 / ' C 2444 Description of Stowe ,ib. 1769 _ \jf 2445 Vox Cceli, or News from Heaven ib. 1624 2& : 4 ■'? &#*/£> *- ^^^- t -.'p *f y3 4 ¥ ^ d t/W ' - Ws f *a ¥,# 3 & St /' Y'^-'Q ■ (LS 1 ^ « * ^ C BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND MISCELLANIES. 121 * 2446 Daniel his Chaldie Vision and his Hebrew expound- ed and translated Lond. 1596 tit*, IStWtograpftg, anti Mi$- ttllauitg* QUARTO. Ap ^2447 Aristotle's Treatise on Government, translated by Ellis, neat Lond. 1778 y(j~~ 2448 Aristotle's History of Animals, and his Treatise on Physiognomy, translated by Taylor ib. 1809 O 2449 A Modell of Truths, or a Discovery of certaine reall passages of this Parliament ib. 1642 I ' ' 2450 Accedens (The) of Armoury ib. 1576 / — 2451 Account of the Captivity of Thomas Phelps at y Machaness in Barbary ib. 1685 — w 2452 Alsted's (Henry) World's Woes and Succeeding Joyes ib. 1642 J? * 2453 Ames's Typographical Antiquities Lond. 1749 ^ 2454 Annual (The) Catalogue of English and Latin Books, printed in England from 1669 to 1700 Lond. 2455 Arraignment and Conviction of Sir Walter Raleigh coppied by Sir Thomas Overbiiry, (38 pages) in a case to preserve this curious and rare tract r^ Lond. 1648 L^, y^J2456 Bacon's (Lord) Remains ib. 1648 " /2457 Banks's Dormant and Extinct Baronage of Eng- land, 3 vols, with genealogical tables, fine copy, /in superbly gilt whole russia Lond. 1807 2458 Bell's Pantheon, 2 vols, in I, plates, calf ib. 1790 9y „ 2459 Birth (The) of Man-Kinde, otherwise named the Woman's Booke, by Thomas Reynold ib. 1634 & l ?* 7 -./ 6 ^7t(fv' t £ / 122 HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, y 2460 Book of Sports, as set forth by King Charles I. . Lond. 1709 O 2461 Bowyer's Biographical and Literary Anecdotes, by Nicholls, 'portrait, calf Lond. 1782 /' ■ 2462 Braithwait's (Rich. J Survey of History, or a Nursery for Gentry, neat, scarce ib. 1638 / ' *y 2463 Brief Declaration of the Barbarous and Inhuman Dealings of the Northern Irish Rebels, by G. S. Minister of God's Word, in Ireland Lond. 1641 2464 Browne's Life of Queen Elizabeth ib. 1629 /■ 2465 Browne's (Dr. Edward) Travels through Ger- many, plates ib. 1677 c^ 2466 Butler's History of Bees, curious and scarce Oxf. 1634 2467 Catalogue of the Bishops of the several Sees in Scotland down to 1668 Edin. 1755 «-^ 2468 Carr's Mahumetane or Turkish Historie Lond. 1600 2469 Chesterfield's Letters, Supplement to, neat Lond. Dodsley, 1787 //) .,2470 Cibber's Life, portraits Lond. 1740 ^2471 Clerhes Trial of Bastardie ib. 1594 i 7 2472 Collectanea, or Literary Miscellany, a Scrap Booh 2473 Collectanea, or Literary Anecdotes, a Scrap Book 2474 Copies of Mr. Colstan's Settlements for the Main- tenance of the Aged Lond. 1696 2475 Cowell's Law Interpreter ib. 1637 i 2476 Coyte's Botanic Garden at Ipswich, a systematical enumeration of all the Plants cultivated in, neat 1796 J2477 Cyuile and Vncyuile life, a Discourse very profit- able, pleasant, and fit to bee read of all Nobilitie and Gentlemen, small 4to. nUrk letter Lond. 1579 * 2478 Darwin's Phytologia, calf, gilt ib. 1800 2479 Day (Angel) — The English Secretorie, very scarce, in case ib. 1595 & 2480 Donne's (Dr.) Poems Lond. 1635 2481 Dramatick (of) Poesie, an Essay by Dryden, scarce ib. 1663 u?/S&-&t<~^ ^ ^< - **** (^ h A/ c - o BIBLIOGRAPY, AND MISCELLANIES. 123 2482 Donne — That Self-homicide is not so naturally Sin that it may never be otherwise Lond. 1648 2483 Epistolas Ho-Elianae — Familiar Letters, by James Howell ib. 1645 2484 Fanshaw's Faithful Shepperd, from the Italian of / Guarini ib. 1648 2485 Ferrarius (Joannes) of a Common-Weale, black . letter ib. 1559 2486 Fraunce's Lawier's Logike, curious work ib. 1588 y . 2487 Fulbecke's Historicall Collection of the Continuall Factions, Tvmvlts, and Massacres of the Ro- mans and Italians of 120 years before the pea- ceable Empire of Augustus Caesar Lond. 1601 2488 Golding's Eight Bookes of Julius Cossar, black letter ib. 1593 2489 Googe's (Barnaby) Whole Art and Trade of Hus- bandry Lond. 1614 / 2490 Harvey's Life of Robert Bruce, King of Scots, a Poem, neat Edin. 1729 S 2491 Hatton's Arithmetic ib. 1731 2492 Hero, (The) from the Spanish of Baltasar Gracian . Lond. 1726 £-- — v 2493 Hill's (Professor) Synomes of the Latin, Language / Edin. 1804 2494 Hinderwell's History and Antiquities of Scarbo- ■/ rough, with vmvs and plans, uncut copy, elegant York 1798 W ~ £/ 2495 Historical Relation of the First Discovery of the Isle of Madera, neat Lond. 1675 £ „ 2496 History of the Seven Champions of Christendom, ularfe letter ib. 1687 2497 Hooke's Roman History, vol. 1 to 3 Lond. 1738 m 2498 IRELAND.— Boate's Natural History of Ireland " ** Dub. 1726 6 2499 Moll's (Herman) Twenty Maps of Ireland Lond. 1727 / &' t ? 2500 Scales Hibernian Atlas, maps co- loured, clean copy ib. 1776 f^ /& ■ (£s< /; ^ * < /- 124 HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, (2501 Journal of an Eight Day's Journey from Ports- /' mouth to Kingstown Lond. 1756 ( 2502 Kemy's Second Voyage to Guinea, with Dedica- ^tion to Sir Walter Raleigh, in case 2503 Langhorne's Poems ib. 1760 2504 Langley's History and Antiquities of Desborough, in Buckinghamshire, with views and plans, un- cut copy, very neat Lond. 1797 2505 Letter of Resolution concerning Origen and the chief of his Opinions ib. 1661 — c_y 2506 Life and Death of King Richard II., a tract of eight pages, in case ib. 1642 /o 2507 Light (A) Shining out of Darkness, curious tract, in case /■/// 2508 Lloyd (Ludowick) — The Stratagems of Jerusalem ib. 1602 2509 Medows on the Dominion and Sovereignty of the /'■ L) SeaS Lond * 1689 C Vg510 Mildmay's Tracts ib. 1765 <9/ 2511 Milner's Collection of Songs ib. — 2512 Miscellanies, interesting, half' bound ib. v. d. 2513 Moral Philosophy of the Ancient Sages, compiled . by that great Philosopher Sandebar, imperfect 2514 Narrative of the Insurrection at Banares in 1781, by Warren Hastings, Esq. Calcutta 1782 ** 2515 Nash's Quaternio, or a Fourfold way to Happie Life, in Dialogues Lond. 1633 *? 2516 Natural History of Coffee, &c. ib. 1682 / ~ 2517 Noble on Coins Birm. 1780 2518 Paligenius Stellatus Marcellani, or the Zodiake of ^7 Life Lond. 1588 /• 2519 Phcenix Britannicus — a collection of scarce and cu- sj/ rious tiacts Lond. 1738 1/ — — 2520 Physicke against Fortune, by Francis Petrarch, translated by Thomas Twyne, black IttttV ib. 1579 2521 Poems, various v. y, 2522 Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar, with a Dictionarie for the Better Understandinge of — C- ^/-■/- / -;° y ■ ' wait d BIBLIOGRArHY, AND MISCELLANIES. 12;") Boccace, Petrarcha, and Dante, gathered into this tongue by William Thomas Lond. 1562 ^/"2523 Ravvleigh's (Sir Walter) Ghost, or England's Forewarner Utr. 1626 / 2524 Kemonstance concerning Marriages with Spaine, as also certayne Diabolicall opinions maintained by Cardinall Perron, about tlie deposing and murthering of Kings, very neat, a rare tract ^ Lond. 1615 *yJ2525 Revenue Law Tracts v. d, f /£2526 Rous's Archaeologist Atticae Oxf. 1637 \ 2527 Royal (The) Fishing Revived, Keymor upon " Dutch Fishing, 1601 Lond. 1661 X • X 2528 Sandy's Europae Speculum, curious wood cut on the back of the title page ih. 1637 2529 Shreds and Patches, illustrated by Anecdotes on various subjects I > y /& S£ /£ cs J ILLUSTRATED WORKS. 129 tf~ 2600 Seymour's Survey of London and Westminster, ,-, 2 vols, plates, uncut copy Lond. 1733 12601 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Countesse of Pembroke's // —\ Arcadia ib. 1627 /2602 Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, plates, injured copy ib. 1676 K? 2603 Sorrows, sacred to the memory of Penelope, by Sir Brooke Boothby, plates ib. 1796 /« \2604 Tacitus, Discourses upon, by Sir Richard Baker, ~ — 4-^ from the Italian of the Marquis Malvezzi ib. 1642 (^2605 Taylors ( The Water-Poet) Works, collected into one volume by the Author, scarce ib. 1630 /2606 Thoresby's (Ralph) Antiquities of Leeds, plates ib. 1715 ' — /2607 Townshend's Historical Collections of the four last Parliaments of Q. Elizabeth ib. 1680 J2608 True (The) Briton, 1723 to 1724 ib. ^2609 Trial of Earl Castlemaine for High Treason, and y^ 10 others in one vol. ib. v. d. 2610 Trials, ccc. very interesting ib. v. d. /*-* /2611 Wares ( Sir James J Antiquities of Ireland, first f edition. Dub. 1704 KIlu0tiatt& 33oo&& (In various languages and sizes.) / 2612 Laporte's Select Views of the Lakes of Killarney, ""■""•s in a series of beautiful colored drawings, oblong folio Lond. 1812 {^ A charming volume indeed. £-' tr 2613 Andrews's Plans and Views of St. Alban's in Hert- >^ fordshire, folio ib. 1766 2614 Maps of Switzerland, the Tyrol, and its Environs, folio, well executed, half bound ggT Extremely important and valuable t V ''S'Y /J L y^/S^ ** y ILLUSTRATED WORKS. 131 ncr, besides which there have been inserted in this copy, a great number of original letters written with their own hand by the Cardinals of whom portraits and memoirs are given — If, as Physiognomists assert, it be possible to form a judgment of the character and dispo- sitions of men, from the style of their handwriting, this volume would present the finest field for such observa- tions, the memoir, the portrait, and the autograph, would elucidate each other, and their coincidence would perhaps lay the foundation of a system. Among the Cardinals are Laurentio Corsinj, afterwards Pope Cle- ment XII. De Noailles archbishop of Paris, and many others who rendered themselves illustrious by their works and the share they took in the great events of their times. //.' /z620 Sandbys Collection of 150 Select Views in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, 2 vols, in 1, oblong kio. fine copy, neat, Lond. 1781 _ 2621 Price's (Wm. F.R.S.L.) Journal of the British Em- bassy to Persia, embellished with numerous and interesting views taken in India and Persia, and a dissertation upon the Antiquities of Perse- polis, oblong 4to. ib. 1832 tJ ' y 2622 Coronation of Maria Theresa, by John Von / Fiesole, with 15 plates, drawn by Wm. Ternite, with a Life of the Painter and an Explanation of the Pictures by Aug. Will, von Schlegel, ele- phant folio n. d. ^/ ' ^-y 2623 Principum Christianomm Stemmata Aug. Vind, 1608 y* _ 2 624 One Hundred of the Most Remarkable Antique Statues now in Rome Amst. n. d. /*: ^ 2625 Hedlinger's (Chevalier) Collection of Medals en- S graved and explained Basil 1776 S/ J? 2626 Cock's Engravings of Ancient Sepulchres 1633 L * -~*2627 Collectanea Antiquitatum in Urbe atque Agro Mo- guntino repertarum Mogunt. Johan. Scheffer, 1520 ^Y 2628 Navigatio in Novum Mundum sive Americam, illustrated with a variety of most extraordinary / engravings 1621 * 2629 TWO CHINESE DRAWINGS (Scenery in the Vicinity of Canton.) in Indian Ink, 7- ^ ■ 4? -i*a. ',* <^C-L S / 132 ILLUSTRATED WORKS. coloured with the most delicate tints, and giving an excellent idea of the skill attained in this branch of the fine arts, by the Claude Lorraines of the Celestial Empire. Each picture folds into a cover, and is splendidly bound round the edges with flowered silk. ^ __ 2630 BIBLIA PAUPERUM, being the first leaf of tho extremely rare block Book executed before the Infancy of Printing, with a transcript. See Heineckin, Collection des Etampes. A beau- tiful specimen of printing from Wooden Blocks, y // circa 1440 ' $ 2631 Exempla aliquot S. Vetustatis Rom. in Saxis quibusdam, opera Nobilis Viri Hermetis Schalla- vezeri Viennse erutis, una cum interpretatione y W. Lazii Vien. 1560 ' /. 2632 Twelve Prints, from Antique Gems in the Collec- tions of the Hon. C. F. Greville and J. M. y Slade, engraved by John Spilsburg Lond. 1785 s/s 2633 Le Clerc's Saints and Martyrs, in a series of Beau- tiful Medallic Engravings, half bound in yelloio y morocco Amst. 1730 / .. — £. 2634* Physiognomical Portraits, complete in ten parts, numerous beautiful engraved heads Lond. 1821 /// . 2635 Gabinetto Armonico Pieno d'Instromenti Sonori indicati e spiegati del Padre Filippo Bonanni Rom. 1722 2636 Le Gemme Antiche di Leonardi Agostini Senese ib. 1657 ^f-— 2637 Signa Antiqua e Museo J. de Wilde Amst. 1700 yy 2638 Pauli Maccii Emblemata, full of engravings Y Bonon. 1628 (2639 Designs of Miss Jones and others, by J. Ware if il Lond. 1743 / 2640 Wigelii Ethica Naturalis seu Documenta Moralia e variis Rerum Naturalium Proprietatibus Ver- tutum Vitiorumque Symbolicis imaginibus col- lects, 100 engravings n. d. f/^^J ^t,j z7%?6^i> }■•€> ry /l/ c C%-St*r'*g=> ILLUSTRATED WORKS. 133 / ^ O 2641 Fabulae Centum collects ex Antiquis Auctoribus et Carminibus explicate a Gabriele Faerno ^_ s Romas 1564 ^ ' & 2642 Florentii Schoenhovii Emblemata Amst. 1648 £ : J 2643 Navis Stultiferum, black UtttV, zvood cuts 1488 $g^ A rare and very curious book. 2644 Methodii Vita, Slack letter, woodcuts Basil 1498 2645 Pronosticatione in Vulgare Rara et Piu, fclneJt letter, Mod. 1567 ^T This exceedingly rare and curious volume is illustrated by numerous well executed engravings. Y ~S 2646 Imitatio Crameriana, sive Exercitum Pietatis Do- • ^ mesticum, Hieron. Anamonii Norib. 1648 y/- J; 2647 Sancti Fundatores Religiosorum Ordinum in Ec- clesia Lsetiensis Monasterii Pio Spectatori Ta- y / bellis Pictis supra Chori Sedilia positi Antv. 1634 / 6 ■' O 2648 A series of curious old Wood Cuts, illustrative of the Old and New Testaments Antv. 1562 2649 Heraldry of the Princes and Nobles of the Holy Roman Empire, with coats of arms, 4 vols. Num. 1657 2650 Meisneri Thesaurus Philo-Politicus ^jSjP This singular book is filled with copperplate engrav- ings of the principal cities and towns of Germany, which are illustrated with appropriate mottos in German and English. ^651 Pontificiorum Ordinum Utriusque Sexus Habitus a Judico Ammanno, quibus Francisci Modii sin- gula Octodistiche adjecta sunt Francof. 1585 2652 Hore Intemerate Marie secundum Usum Roma- num, cum pluribus Orationibus tam in Gallico quam in Latino, printed on vellum, with large wood cuts, illuminated, initials in gold and co* lours, fine engravings on wood as borders to each page, a beautiful and unique volume Par. Thielmun Server, 1520 fc-^ sSt /Scf 13-i ILLUSTRATED WORKS. •" 26.53 Selva di Cose Mcmorabili in Occasione della Guerra tra l'Armi Cesaree, et Ottomane, c parti- cularmente dell' Assedio di Vienna e sua Liber- azione l'Anno 1683 |gg° Such is the Manuscript Title of this Unique Collec- tion of Broadsides, Pamphlets poetical, historical, bio- graphical, and laudatory, connected with the raising of the Siege of Vienna, in the year 1G83, by the Poles, head- ed by their chivalrous king John Sobieski. It is illus- trated by a number of portraits of the most distinguish!, d Poles, Austrians and Turks who took part in that spirit- stirring event, and also by a number of autograph Ma- nuscript Poems in honor of Sobieski. Many curious plans of the military evolutions of the siege will be exa- mined with interest, as well as some caricatures in deri- sion of the routed Mussulmans. /:/ / 'P-Z'* csj/C- — * i&T- 4< " " m m * Ill Mill II III A 000 090 515 j&k izmsk