^r" ^ >.> > r -^^K a -<^ ^■.«^;- l^,'^« ,... ^-:- ;^*. -*^ r^ i^- '^^t ' -s.:-.^ 'i-^'^Lf-^t-! i 4KBSF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ffV c^ X . U Xt^ '^"-^^/^^ / CATALOGUE OF BOOKS BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH FACTORY ST PETERSBURG. A BRITISH FACTORY LIBRARY REGULATIONS. 1. The Library Eooms are open to Subscribers between the hours of 12 and 6 p.m., on Mondays to Fridays, and between 12 and 3'/j p.m., on Saturdays, during which hours only, the Librarian will be in attendance, and books be delivered. 2. A Register is kept in the Kooms, open to inspection, in which the Librarian writes the titles of all new Books, and the dates when they are received into the Library. Books will be considered as New for Four Months from these dates, which will be written on the tickets pasted on to the covers. 3. A Register is likewise kept of all books taken from and returned to the Library. 4. Subscribers at Sro. 7 .'iO'"' per annum, are not entitled to take Books from the Library. 5. Subscribers at Sro. 15 per annum, are entitled to take Books from the Library, but not more than one or two New Works (according to instructions given by the Manager to the Librarian, on receipt of New Books, and depending on the number received), and two other Works, at a time. 6. Subscriptions will be applied for annually on the 1st March, for the year ensuing, on which date all previous Subscriptions terminate. 7. Subscribers are admitted from 1st September, or later, to 1st March next, at Sro. lU. b. The time allowed for reading is for One Folio Work . . . . . G weeks One Quarto Work . . . . -1 „ One Octavo, or ] „ _ _ . . I \\ ork of .> vols . 2 ,, One Duodecmio J Periodicals, Reviews, &c. . . 1 ,, pr. No. but where New Books are in great request, the time for reading will be determined by the Manager of the Library. 4105^^.9 I\ lietj Illations, 'J. Subscribers may receive Books from llie Libraiy either j)er- soiially, or by a note to the Librarian, and can in like manner renew the term allowed for reading any work in their jjossession, |(rovidcd jircvious application has not been made for it. 10. Each Subscriber will be furnished with a Check-book, in which the Librarian will enter all Works taken out, and the dates when taken and returned. Each Subscriber is answerable for all works entered in his ("heck-book as delivered to him, and not marked ofl' t)y the Librarian, as returned to the Library. 11. Should any Subscriber lose the Check-book in use, he must procure another from the Librarian before he is entitled to receive any more Books, paying Sro. 1 for it. He will also in that case be resjion- sible for such Books as are shown to be in his possession by the Register at the time. 1 2. Applications for Books in circulation will be regularly entered in a Register kept for that purpose, and the Jjibrariau will send such Books, when returned to the Library, to the applicants in succession. i;5. No Book can be transferred from one Subscriber to another, Avithout previous application to the Librarian. 11. No Subscriber is allowed to lend a Lilirary Book to a Non- Subscriber. For each infringement of this rule, a fine of Sro. 1.") will be exacted. 1 5. Subscribers must at once return any Books , kept beyond the prcscrilied term, on application being made liy the Librarian. If not re- turned within a week after such ajiplicatiou, the Books will be considered as lost, and their value exacted. 1(). Subscribers will be required to pay for every work, of which one or more volumes arc damaged whilst in their possession, or lost. For every number of a Periodical lost, double the cost will be exacted, or tlie value of the volume, if a fresh number caiuiot be obtained without buying the volume. 17. Subscribers are entitled to introduce as Visitors, British Sub- jects, not resident in St Petersburg, by inscribing their names in a book kept in the Rooms for that purpose. Visitors are allowed the same privileges as the Subscriber who introduces, and who is responsible for them. Any person resident for ll! mouths will not be considered a visitor. 18. Every question that may arise as to the interpretation of these Regulations, shall be decided by the Manager of the Library. |-i. GENERAL INDEX. A. Arts and Sciences: a. Architecture b. Botany &c. <". Chemistry (/. Education, Philology &c. e. Geology /. Laws and Jurisprudence (/. Manufactures &c. /(. Mathematics, Astronomy &c i. Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy &c /. Mental and Moral Philosophy /,-. Miscellaneous I. Natural History m. Natural Philosophy /). Painting, Sculpture, Music, Antiquities &c. o. Physiology .... p. Political Economy, Commerce &c. B. Biography and Correspondence C. Cyclopivdias, Libraries &c. D. Drama and Poetry ... E. Ecclesiastical History, Theology &c. F. Fiction: Novels, Romances &c. H. History, Travels and Voyages: I. Europe: a. Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland h. France and Corsica c. Germany d. Great Britain and Ireland e. Greece / Holland and Belgium g. Italy Page 1. 2. 3. 5. 8. 10. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 22. 26. 27. 31. .S2. 37. 73. 79. 91. 103. 169. 172. 177. 181. 195. 197. 198. J General Tndeje. II. History, Travels ami Voyages, (continued): 1. JLurope. (continued): PaRO /(. Kuiisia ....... . 203. 1. Spain and Portugal ..... . 20f.. /•. Switzerland .... . 210. /. Turkey in Europe . 211. III. Europe in general i . . . 211. 11. Asia: a. Afglianistan, Cabul i*ic. .... . 222. b. Arabia ...... . 223. c. China and Japan ..... . 224. (/. India &c 228. e. Persia . 236. /'. Siberia, the Amoor &c. .... 237. (J. I'artary &c. ..... 238. /(. Turkey in Asia, including Syria, Palestine &c. . 239. /. Asia in general ..... 213. HI. A/nea: a. Egypt &c. ..... 24.5. li. Algiers, Morocco &c. ..... 247. c. AVestcrn Africa ...... 249. ) Botany, Ixnral Economy S,-c. b) Botaii}', Rural Economy &c. vols. A.h. 21. British Ferns, by Margaret Plues 18GG. 1. 22. British Grasses, by Margaret Plucs. .... 18G7. 1. 2.!. British Seaweeds, by Samuel 0. Gray. . . . 18G7. 1. 24. Code of Agriculture, including observations on Gardens, Orchards, Woods, and J'lantations, by Sir John Sinclair. 1h21. 1. 25. Conversations on Vegetable Physiology, by Mrs. Marcet. 1832. 2. 26. Elements of Agriculture, by M. I), do Monceau. . . 1701. 2. 27. Elenchus Plantarum, by J. A. "Weinmann. . . . 1824. 1. 28. Extensive Practice of the New Husbandry Exemplified, by Fraucis Forbes. ...... 1778. 1. 2'J. Farmer's Letters to the People of England, a, . . 1707. 1. 30. Farmer's Tour through the East of England, a, . 1771. 4. 31. Fibrous Plants of India, fitted for C^ordage, Clothing, and I'aper, by l^rofossor J. Forbes Royle. . . . 18.^."». 1. 32. First Steps to Botany, by James L. Drnmmond. . . 1823. 1. 33. Flax and Hemp, their Culture and Jfanipulation, by E. Sebastian Delamer. ...... 18r)4. 1. 34. Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen-garden, by G. Lindley. 1831. 1. 35. History of British Ferns, by Edward Xewnian. . . 1854. 1. 3C. Horticultural liepository, containing delineations of the best varieties of the different species of English Fruits, by G. Brookshaw. 1823. 1. 37. Ladies' Companion to the Flower-Garden, by Mrs.Loudon. 1844. 1. 38. Observations on Modern Gardening, by Whealy . . 1771. 1. 39. Orchardist, the, by T. S. Buckn.all 1805. 1. 40. Phytologia, or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Garden- ing, by Erasmus Darwin. ..... 1800. 1. 41. Principles and Practice of Agricultm-e, by R. Forsyth 1804. 2. 42. Silva, or a Discourse on Forest Trees, by John Evelyn 1780. 1. 43. Six Months' Tour through the North of England, con- taining an account of the present state of Agriculture, by Arthur Young. . . . . . . 1771. 4. 44. Six Weeks' Tour through the North of England. . 1700. 1. 45. Spirit of the Woods, with colored engravings. . . 18.'57. 1. 40. Systematic Arr.angement of British Plants, with an In- troduction to the Study of Botany, liy Wilii.am Withering " . . 1812. 4. 47. Tobacco, its history, cultivation, manufacture, and adul- teration, bj- Andrew Steinnictz 1857. 1. Arts and Sciences, c) Chemistry. 3 c) Chemistry. /I.e. 51. Auimal Chemistry, or Chemistry in its application to ™''- Physiology aud Pathology, by Justus Liebig. . . 1813. i. 52. Attempt to establish the first principles of Chemistry by experiments, by Thomas Thomson. .... 1825. 2. 53. Caloric, its mechanical, chemical, and vital agencies in the phenomena of Nature, by Samuel L. Metcalfe. . 184.3. 2. 54. Chemical Amusement, by F. Accum. .... 1819. 1. 55. Chemical Essays, principally relating to the Arts and Manufactures of the British Dominions, by Samuel Parkes 1823. 2 56. Chemical Manipulation, by Michael Faraday. . . 1842. 1 57. Chemical, Natural, aud Physical Magic, by G. W. S. Piesse 1858. 1 58. Chemistry in its application to Agriculture and Physio- logy, by Justus Liebig. ...... 1843. 1 59. Chemistry of Common Life, by James l*^. W. Johnston. 1855. 2 60. Conversations on Chemistry, by ilrs. Marcet. . . 1832. 2 61. Course of Lectures on Chemical Science, by Goldsworthy Gurney 1823. 1 62. Dictionary of Chemistry, by Andrew Ure. . . . 1823. 1 63. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, by Sir Uumphrey Davy 1827. 1 64. Essay on Chemical Analysis, by J. G. Children. . . 1819. 1 65. Experiments and Observations on various Kinds of Air, by Dr. Joseph Priestley. ..... 1775. 2. 66. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its relations to Commerce, Physiology and Agriculture, by Justus Liebig 1845. 2. 67. Handbook of Chemical Manipulation, by C. Grevillc Williams 1857. 1. 68. Household Chemistry, or Rudiments of the Science applied to every day life, by Albert J. Bernays. . 1854. 1. 69. Inorganic Chemistry, by Dr. George Wilson. . . 1866. 1. 7U. Manual of Chemistry, by Wm. Thos. Brande. . . 1821. 3. 71. One Thousand Processes in Manufactures, and Experi- ments in Chemistry, by Colin Mackenzie. . . 1825. 1. 72. Outlines of a Course of Popular Lectures on Chemistry, delivered before the British Residents in St. Peters- burg, by Sir George Lefevre. ..... 1838. 1. 1* A 4 Arts and Sciences, c) Cheniisinj, A. c. I'i. Practical Treatise on the use aud application of Chemical '"''*• Tests, by F. Accum 1820. 1. 74. Kcsearclies, Chemical and I^hilo.'iophical, chiefly conceruing Nitrous O.xide, hy Sir llumphrcy Davy. . . 1800. 1. 75. Subject-matter of a course of Six Lectures on the Non- Metallic Elements by Professor Michael Faraday. . 1853. 1. 76. System of Chemistry, by John Murray. . . . 1819. 4. Arts and Sciences, d) Education, Philology ^c. d) Education, Philology &c. A.d. 81. British Education, by Thomas Sheridan. . . . 1769. 82. Classical Dictionary, by Dr. J. Lempriere. . . 1831. 83. Compendium of English Literature, chronologically arranged, from Sir John Mandeville to Wm. Cowper, by Charles D. Cleveland 1850. 84. Course of Lectures on Elocution, by Thos. Sheridan. . 1781. 85. Dictionary of the English Language, by Dr. Samuel Johnson. ........ 1785. 86. Dictionary of the English Language, by J. E. Worcester. 1859. 87. Dissertation on the Influence of Opinions on Language, by J. D. llichaelis 1769. 88. Diversions of Purley, by J. Home Tooke. . . . 1840. 89. Education in Oxford, its methods, its aims, and its rewards, by James E. Eogers. ...... 1861. 90. Egyptian Hieroglyphics, being an attempt to explain their nature, origin, and meaning, by Samuel Sharpe. 1861. 91. Elements of Rhetoric , by Archbishop Whateley. . 1830. 92. English Past and Present, by the Eev. E. Chenevix Trench. ........ 1856. 93. English Eoots, or the derivation of Words, from the ancient Anglo-Saxon, by Edward Newenham Hoare. 1863. 94. English Synonyms, by George Crabb. . . . 1826. 95. Essays on Professional Education, by E. L. Edgeworth. 1812. 96. Exotics, or English Words derived from Latin Roots, by Edward Newenham Hoare. . . . .1863. 97. Expository Lexicon of the terms, ancient, and modern, in Medical and General Science, by E. G. Mayne. . 1860. 98. German Literature, by Joseph Gostick. . . . 1849. 99. Glossary, or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, etc. found in the Works of English Authors, by Eobert Nares ' 1822. 100. Great Schools of England, by Howard Staunton. . 1865. 101. Handbook of American Literature, historical, biographi- cal, and critical. ....... — 102. Handbook of French Literature, historical, biographical, and critical. ........ 1854. 103. Handbook of Modern European Literature, by Mrs. Foster. . . . . . ... . . 1849. 1771. 1771). vols 1 2 1850. 1 \s-2X 4 1823. 18:i9. 2 1 G Arlfi and Sdencen. d) Educcitiuii, i'/dlokuji/ i*J-< A.i/. IKl. Hermes, or Philosopliical Iii(|uiry coiiceniing Universal Grammar, by James llariis. .... lO."). Historical and Classical Dictionary, by J, Noortlionck. 106. Historical View of the Languages ami Literature of tlic Slavic Nations, by Talvi 107. Historical View of tbo Literature of the South of I'-urope, by J. C. L. S. de Sismondi. lOiS. History of Ivomau Literature from its earliest period to the Augustan Age, by John Uunloji. 100. History of Kussiau Literature, by Dr. F. Otto. . lit). History of the English Language, and literature, iiy Kobert Chambers. 183G. 111. History of the Spanish and Portuguese Literature, i'rom the German nf Y. Houtcrwek. . . . 18L':!. 112. Home Education 1842. 113. Home School, or Hints on Home Education, by the liev. Norman Macleod. ..... 18.')i'i. 1 111. Househidd Education, by Harriet Martineau. . . 1849. 1 115. Introduction to the Literature of lOuropo in the l.'itli, l()th, and 17th Centuries, by Henry Hallam. . 18.')7. 4 I IG. Italian Literature, by Mrs. A. Foster. . . . 1853. 1 117. Lectures on the British Poets, by Henry Reed. . . 1857. 1 118. Lectures on the English Comic Writers, by Wm. Hazlitt ISll. I I r.i. Lectures on the English Poets, by Wm. Ha/.litt. . 1841. 1 I2y Elizabeth Hamilton 1801. 2 122. Levana, or the Doctrine of Education, by Jean Paul Itichter 181s. 1 12.3. Liberal Education, or a practical treatise on the methods of .acquiring useful and polite learning, by Vicesimus Knox. ...... 1781. 1. 124. Literary History of the Troubadours, c'»• in September 1805 1806. 1. 248. Wills of British Suhjects made abroad, or Rules for the guidance of British Residents on tlie Conliueut in the Execution of their Wills, by W. A. Westoby. . 1858. 1. Arts and Sciences, g) Manufactures. 13 g) Manufactures. vols. 9 A.g. 261. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain, systematically investigated, by Andrew Ure. .... 1836. 262. Curiosities of Industry, and the Applied Sciences, by George Dodd 1854. 1. 263. Days at tbe Factories, or the Manufacturing Industry of Great Britain described and illustrated, by George Dodd 1843. 1. 264. Description of the process of manufacturing Coal Gas, by Frederick Accum. ...... 1820. 1. 265. History of Lace, by Mrs. Bury Palliser. . . . 1865. 1. 266. History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, by Edward Baines. ...... 1835. 1. 267. Industry of the United States in Machinery, Manufac- tures, and Useful and Ornamental Arts. . . 1854. 1. 268. Paper and paper-making, ancient and modern, by Richard Herring. ...... 1856. 1. 269. Philosophy of Manufactures, by Andrew Ure. . . 1835. 1. 270. Theory and Practice of Gas-lighting, by T. S. Peckston. 1823. 1. 14 Arts and Sciences, h) Mathematics and Astronomy. h) Mathcmalics and Astronomy. A.li. 281. Astronomical and Geographical Essays, by George Adams. ........ 1803. 282. Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Thccdogy, by the Kcv. W. Whcwell 1833. 283. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's prin- ciples, by James Ferguson. ..... 1764. 284. Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical In- struments, from the French of Biot. . . . 17.58. 285. Easy Introduction to Geometry, Astronomy etc., by John Ryland. ....... 1768. 286. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. . 1786. 287. Essay on the Physical Constitution of the Celestial Bodies, and the extraordinary Coincidence of Scrip- ture with the most recent Discoveries in Science, by John Widdup 18.58. 288. Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical. . . . 1830. 289. Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Astro- nomy, by John Narrien. . . . • . 1833. 200. Introduction to Astronomy, by John Bonnycastle. . 1786. 21)1. Mathematics 1836. 292. Popular Lectures on Astronomy, from the French of Arago. ........ 18.56. 293. Practical Astronomer, the, by Thomas Dick. . . 1845. 294. Solar System, a descriptive treatise upon the Sun, Moon, and Planets, by J. Russell Hind. . . 1851. 295. Stars, the, and the Angels, or the Natural History of the Universe and its Inhabitants. .... 1858. 296. Treatise on Algebraical Geometry, by the Rev. S. W. Waud 1835. 297. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens, by Dr. J. P. Nichol 1837. Arts and Sciences, i) Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy S,-c. 15 i) Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy &c. 301. Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, by Noah Webster 1800. .302. Collection of Testimonies respecting the treatment of diseases by Nitrous Acid, by Dr. Thomas Beddoes. 1799. 303. Dictionary ofPractical Medicine, by Dr. James Copeland. 1858. 304. Dispensatory, or Commentary on the Pharmacopeias of Great Britain, by Professor Christison. . . . 1848. 305. Essay on Headaches and on their cure, by Dr. Walter Vaughan. ........ 1825. 30G. Experiments with the Metallic Tractors in Kheumatic and other diseases, by B. D. Perkins. . . . 1799. 307. Eye, the; a treatise on the art of preserving the organ in a healthy condition, by J. C. A. Franz. . . 1839. 308. Health for the Million 1858. 309. History and Heroes of the Art of Medicine, by J. Eutherford Russell. . . . . . . 18G1. 310. Household Surgery, by John F. South. . . . 1859. 311. Lectures on the General Structure of the Human Body, and on the Anatomy and Functions of the Skin, by Thomas Chevalier. ...... 1823. 312. Lexicon Medicum, or Medical Dictionary, by Robert Hooper. ........ 1820. 313. Manual of Pharmacy, by W. T. Brande. . . . 1829. 314. Mechanism and Vital Endowments of the Hand, as evincing design, by Sir Charles Bell. . . . 1834. 315. Medical Jurisprudence, by J. A. Paris and J. S. M. Fonblanque. 1823. 316. Medical Notes and Reflections, by Dr. Henry Holland. 1840. 317. Medical Works of Dr. Richard Mead. . . . 1762. 318. Nature and Art in the cure of disease, by Sir John Forbes 1858. 319. New Medical Dictionary, by G. Motherby. . . 1785. 320. Notes on Nursing, by Florence Nightingale. . . — 321. Observations on Jail, Hospital, and Ship Fever, by R. Robertson 1789. 322. Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Cholera Morbus, by Sir George LefevTe. . . . .1831. 323. Observations on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Nerv- ous Hypochondriac or Hysteric Disorders, by Robert Whytt. 1765. vols 1822. 2 1840. 1 1857. 1 1837. 1 1839. •J 16 Arts and Sciences, i) Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy Si'C. A. i. 324. Pharmacologia, compiehendiiig the Art of Prescribing upon Fixed and Scientific Principles, by J. A. Paris. 325. Pharmacopeia Castrensis Riithenic.a, by Sir James Wylie. 326. Philcsophy of Common Life, by Jolni Scofferu. 327. Pliilosojjhy of Living, by Herbert Mayo. . 328. Pliysic aud Physicians, a Medical Sketchbook. . 329. Practical Inquiry into the Causes of the frequent failure of the operations of Depression, by Sir William Adams 1817. 1. 330. I'ractical Observations on the cure of Pulmonary Con- sumption, by Sir Alexander Cricliton. . . . 1823. 1. 331. Practical Observations on the Cure of Wounds and Ulcers, by Thomas Whatelcy 1799. 1. 332. Practical Observations on the Operations and Effects of certain Medicines in the prevention and cure of dis- eases, to which Europeans are .subject in hot climates, by 11. Shannon. ....... 333. Princijdes of Forensic Medicine, by J. Gordon Smith. 334. Rej)ort3 on the Diseases of London 1804-10, by Thomas Bateman. . . . . . . 335. Structure and Functions of the Eye, by Spencer Thomson. 336. System of Surgery, by Benjamin Bell. 337. Treatise on Mental Derangement, by Francis Willis. 338. Treatise on the Plague, by Sir A. B. Faulkner. 339. Treatise on Veterinary Medicine, by James White. 1794. 1824. 1819. 1857. 1790. 1823. 1820. 1818. 4 Arts and Sciences, j) Menial and Moral Philosophy. j) Mental and Moral Philosophy. A.J. 351. Biographical History of Philosophy from its origin in '■°''- Greece down to the present day, hy G. H. Lewes. 1857. 2. 352. Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Jlan with those of the Animal Woihl. .... 353. Constitution of Man considered in relation to external ohjects, by Dr. George Combe 354. Conversations in Intellectual Philosophy, or a familiar explanation of the Nature and Operations of the Human Blind. ....... 355. Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, by A. Baxter. ........ ^ 356. Essay concerning the Human Understanding, by John Locke. ........ 357. Essay on the History of Civil Society, by Adam Ferguson. ........ 358. Essays on the Active Powers of Man , by Dr. Thomas Eeid 359. Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind, by Dr. Thomas Eeid. ....... 360. Free Discussion on the Doctrines of Materialism and Philosophical Necessity. ..... 361. History of PhilosojAy from the earliest times, by William Enfield 362. Human Mind, the; a discourse on its acquirements and history, by S. W. Fullom. ..... \ 363. Lectures on Metaphysics, by Sir William Hamilton. . 364. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind , by Thomas Brown. ....... 365. Man and his Motives, hy George Moore. 366. Mystery of the Soul, by S. W. Fullom. 367. Natural History of Enthusiasm. .... 368. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, a fragment, by Charles Babbage. ........ 369. Observations on the influence of habits and manners upon the health and organization of the Human Race, by R. Palin. ...... 370. On the adaptation of External Nature to the physical condition of Man, by J. Kidd. .... 1766. 1. 1836. 1. 1829. 2. 1745. 3. 1753. 2. 1768. 1. 1788. 1. 1819. 3. 1778. 1. 1791. 2. 1858. 2. 1859. 1. 1824. 4. 1852. 1. 1865. 1. 1842. 1. 1837. 1. 1822. 1. 1833. 1. 18 Arln and Sciences, j) Mental and Moral I'liilosopJij/. A.J. .'571. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as mani- fested in tiie adaptation of external nature to tin moral and intellectual constitution of Man, by Dr. Chalmers. ....... 37-2. I'hilosophical Essays, hy Dugald Stewart. 37:!. I'liilosophy of Necessity, or the Law of Consequences as applicaljle to Mental, Moral, and Social Science, by Charles Bray. ..... 374. Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man by Dugald Stewart. ..... .■575. Philosophy of the History of Man, from the German o J. 6. Herder .■)70. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, by Dr. J. Abcrcrombie, ;i77. Philosophy of the Passions. .... 378. Physical Theory of another life. 379. Physiology of the Mind, by John Fearn. . 380. ]'rinciples of Moral and Political Science, by Adam Ferguson. ....... 381. Eeligious Philo.sopher, the; or the right use of con templating the Works of Nature, by Dr. Nieuwenthyl 382. Senses and Intellect, bj' Alexander Bain. 383. Sketch of the Philosophical Character of the late Lord Bolingbroke. ...... 384. Sketches of the Theory of Man, by Lord Kames. 385. System of Moral Philosophy, by F. Hutcheson. . 38G. System of Phrenology, by Dr. George Combe. 387. Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith. 388. Theory of the Ilumau Mind on the principle of Asso elation of Ideas , by Joseph Priestley. 389. Thoughts on Man; his nature, productions, and dis coveries, by Wm. Godwin. .... 39(». Treatise on Man; his intellectual faculties and his edu cation, by W. Hooper. .... vols. 1833. 2 181U. 1 1841. 9 1828. 2 isoo. 1 1S3.J. 1 1772. 2 1839. 1 1829. 1 1792. 2 1730. 3 1855. 1 1770. 1 1774. 2 1755. 2 1825. 1 1801. 2 1775. 1 1831. 1 1777. 2 Arts and Sciences, k) Miscellaneous. 19 k) Miscellaneous. A.J:. 401. Adam and the Adamite, by Dominick M'Causland. . 1864. 402. Analytical Ethnolog:y, the mixed tribes in Great Britain and Ireland examined, by E. T. Massey. . 1S58. 403. Annual of Scientific Discovery for 18.59, by David A. "SYells 1859. 404. Aristotle; a chapter from the History of Science, by G. H. Lewes 1804. 405. Asiatic Researches; inr^uiries into the history, antiquity, arts etc. of Asia. ...... — 406. Atlantic Telegrraph, by W. H. Eussell. . . . 1866. 407. Austria; its literary, scientific, and medical institutions, by W. E. "Wilde 1«43. 408. Bibliopegia, or the art of book-binding, by J. A. Arnett. 1836. 409. Book of Archerj-, by George A. Hansard. . . . 1840. 410. Carpenter's and Joiner's Assistant, by Peter Nicholson. 1815. 411. Century of Inventions of the Sfarquis of Worcester, with a memoir, by Charles F. Partington. . . 162 J. 412. Chemistiy, Meteorology, and the functions of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology, by Wm. Prout 1834. 413. Commercium Pliilosophico- Technicum, or the Philo- sophical Commerce of Arts, by Wm. Lewis. . 1763. 414. Concise History of Ancient Institutions, Inventions, and Discoveries in Science and Mechanic Art, by Professor Beckmann. ...... 1823. 2. 415. Curiosities of Clocks and Watches, by Edward J. Wood 1866. 1. 416. Curiosities of Science, by John Timbs 1st and 2ud Series. ........ — 2. 417. Cyclopjedia of Practical Eeceipts, by A. J. Cooley and J. C. Brough 1864. 1. 418. Description of the Sights or Instruments for pointing guns 1819. 1. 419. Development of Science among Nations, by Justus Liebig ■ . . . 1^<67. 1. 420. Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, by P. H. Clias 1823. 1. 421. Elements of Electro -Metallurgy, by Alfred Smee. . 1843. 1. 422. Elements of Heraldry, by Mark A. Porny. . . 1765. 1. 423. Elements of Science and Art, by John Imison. . 1803. 2. 3* vols 1797. 1 1700. 1 178'J. 3 1798. 3 1K23. 1 ISfiO. 1 1800. 1 20 Arts and Stiencen. k) Miscellaneous. A-k- 424. Essay oil the different modes of Communicatiou by Signals, by J. Gamble. ..... 425. Essay on the Nature and Princijdes of Taste, by Sir Arcliibald Alison. ...... 426. Essays on Physiognomy, by J. C Lavater. 427. Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosoiihical, by Benjamin, (\)unt of Kumfnrd. .... 428. Familiar IntroJuctiou to Chrystallography, by J. J. Brooke. ........ 429. First Man, the, and his place in creation, by Dr. George !Moorc. ....... 430. Gymnastics for youth, by C. G. Salzmann. 431. Historical Account of Inventions and Discoveries in those Arts and Sciences, which are of utility or orna- ment to Man, by J. L. Williams. . . . 1820. 2 432. History of the Inductive Sciences, by the Rev. Wra. Whewell 1837. 3 433. History of the Races of JIan, by Dr. Charles I'icknring. 1854. 434. Illustrations of Modern Mesmerism, by John Forbes. . 1845. 435. Indications of the Creator, by the Rev. Wm. Whewell. 1846. 436. Inland Navigation, or Select Plans of the several navigable canals throughout Great Britain, by John Gary 1795. 437. Inquiry into the origin of the discoveries attribtited to the moderns. . . . . . . .1769. 438. Ijcctures on the Science of Language, by Professor Max Miiller — 1st and 2nd Series. . . . 1861-64. 439. Magnetic Atlas, by John Churchman. . . . 1800. 440. Manual of Lithograj)hy, by C. Ilullmandel. . . 1821. 441. Marvels of Science and their testimony to Holy Writ, by S. ^y. Fullom. 1856. 442. Mesmerism and its Opponents, by George Sandby. . 1848. 443. Metrology, or an exposition of AVcights and Measures, by P. Kelly 1816. 444. Museum of Science and Art, edited by Dr. Lardner. . 1854-56. 445. Nautical Almanac 1856. 446. Novelties, Inventions, and Curiosities in Arts and Manufactures 1853. 447. Observations on a general Iron Railway, by Thomas Gray 1825. 448. Occult Sciences, by the Rev. Edward Smedley and others. 1855. Arts and Sciences, k) Miscellaneous. 21 A.K. 449. On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners, by Sir Humplirey ""''• Bavj. 1818. 1. 450. Our Iron Roads, their history, construction, and social influences, by Frederick S. Williams. . . . 1852. 1. 451. Practical Treatise on Railroads and Carriages, by Thomas Tredgold 1825. 1. 452. Practice of Photography, by P. H. Delamotte. . . 1853. 1. 453. Prehistoric Man; researches into the origin of civili- zation in the Old and the New World, by Professor Daniel Wilson 1862. 2. 454. Principles of Beauty, as manifested in Xature, Art, and Human Character, by Mary Anne. Schimmel- pennick. ........ 1859. 1. 455. Rational Cosmology, or the Eternal Principles, and the Necessary Laws of the Universe, by L. P. Hickok. 1858. 1. 456. Reign of Law, by the Duke of Argyll. . . . 1867. 1. 457. Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, with Geographical Index, by Alex. Keith Johnston. . . . 1863-64. 2. 458. Sciography, or examples of Shadows, with rules for their projection, by Joseph Gwilt. . . . 1824. 1. 459. Short and Easy Introduction to Heraldry, by Hugh Clark. 1825. 1. 460. Stereoscope, the; its history, theory, and construction, by Sir David Brewster. 1856. 1. 461. Stories of Inventors and Discoverers in Science and the useful Arts, by John Timbs. .... 462. Toxophilus, by Roger Ascham. .... 463. Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 464. Treatise on Lathes and Turning, by W. H. Northcott. 465. Universal Technological Dictionary, by George Crabb. 1860. 1. 1868. 1. 1785. 1. 1868. 1. 1823. 2. void. 1S()0. n>. 1767. 1868. 1812. 1833. 1829. o 1819. 2_ 28 Arts and Sciences, n) Painting, Sculpture, Music, Antiquities ^x. yl.». 6tS7. General History of Music , by Dr. Joseph Schliiter. . 688. General History of tlie Science and Practice of Music, by Sir John Hawkins. ..... 689. Handbook of ]'ainting, German, French, and Dutch Schools, by Dr. Waagcn. . . . . . fiOi.i. Handbook of Painting, Italian Sdiool, by Franz Kuglcr. 691. Handliook of the History of Painting, from the German of Frann Kugler, edited by Sir Charles L. Eastlake, and Sir Edmund Head. .... 692. Heraldry, historical and pojjular, by Charles Boutell 693. Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols, and Romans, by John Ranking. 694. History of Jewish Coinage and of Money in tlie Old and New Testament, by Frederick W. Madden. 695. History of Painting in Italy, by J. A Crowe and G. 13. Cavalcasello 696. History of the Royal Academy of Arts, by William Sandby. ....... 697. Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition ofl8.')l 698. Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition of 1862 699. Illustrated London Drawing Book, edited by R. Scott Burn. ........ 7f and Correspondence. vols, B.fi. OtHt. Annals of the Artists of Spain, by Wni. Stirling. . 1848. 3 901. Annual Biogvapliy, liy Edward Walford. . . 18.^6-57. 2 902. Anson, George, Lord, Life of, by Sir John Barrow. . 18.39. 1 903. Anspach, Margravine of; Memoirs written liy herself. 182t). 2 901. Antiquaries, Lives of. 1772. 2 905. Arblay, Madame d', Iler Diary and Letters edited by her niece. ........ 1812. 7 90(j. Archl)isho])s of Canterbury, Lives of the, by Dr. Walter Farquhar Hook 1860-C8. 7 9(i7. ArchbisJioiis of York, Lives of the, " Fasti Eboracenses," by W. Hepworth Dixon, Vol. 1 1863. 1 908. Arnheim, Marie von, Memoirs of, written iiy herself 1818. 1 909. Arnold, Dr. Thomas, Life and Correspondence of, by Dean Stanley 1845. 2 910. Arrivabene, Count John, Memoirs of, translated by Count Charles Arrivabene. ..... 1802. 1 911. Artemi of Wagarschapct , Memoirs of his Life written by himself. 1822. 1 912. Askew, Anne, Passages in the Life of the Fairc Gospeller, by Ann Manning. . . • . . 1866. 1 913. Aubigne, Tln-odore Agrippa d'. Life of. . . . 1772. 1 914. Auckland, William, Lord, Ilis Journals and Correspon- dence edited by the Bishop of Bath and Wells. . 1861-62. 4 915. Audubon, John James, the Naturalist in the New World; his adventures and discoveries, by ili's. Horace St. John. ...... 1856. 1 916. Autobiography of a beggar-boy. .... 1856. 1 917. .\ytouii, Wni. Edmoustoune, Jlemoir of, by Theodore Martin 1867. 1 918. Azeglio, Massimo d'. Recollections of. ... 1868. 2 h.b. 931. Baber Muhamnicd, Emperor of Hiudostan, Life of, by R. I\[. Caldecott 1844. 1. 932. Baber Muhamnied, Memoirs of, written by himself. . 1826. 1. 933. Babylonian Princess, Maria Theresa Asmar, Memoirs of, written by herself 1844. 2. 9.'!1. Bachelor Kings of England, Lives of, by Miss Strick- land 1801. 1. Biography and Correspondence. 39 B.h. 935. Bacon, Lord, Personal History of, by W. H. Dixon. 18C1. 1. 930. Bairtl, Sir David, Life of. 1«32. 2. 937. Baird, Eev. John, of Yetholm, Memoirs of, by "W. Baird. 1862. 1. 938. Banditti and Eobbers, lives and exploits of, by C. Macfarlane. 1833. 2. 939. Bannister, Jolm, the Comedian, Memoirs of, by John Adolphus 1839. 2. 910. Barante, M. de, a Memoir, by Guizot. . . . 1867. 1. 941. Baronetage of England (Debrett's) edited by Wm. Courthorpe. 1839. 1. 942. Baronetage of England, by the Kev. W. Betham. . 1801. 5. 943. Barrington, Sir Jonah, Personal Sketches of his own times. 1827. 3. 944. Basire, Dr. Isaac, his Con-espondence, with Memoirs of his Life, by the Rev. W. N. Darnell. . 945. Beanmarchais and his times, by Louis de Lomenie. 946. Beauties of Biography. ...... 947. Beauties of the Court of Charles 11., Memoirs of the, by Mi's. Jameson. ...... 948. Beckwourth, James P., his Life and Adventures, by T. D. Bonner 949. Bedford, Jolin, 4th Duke of, his Correspondonce, edited by Earl Russell. ....... 950. Beethoven, Life of, edited by Tgnace Moscheles. 951. Bell, Rev. Andrew, his Life, by Robert and Charles Southey. ........ 952. Bell, Sir Charles, his Life and Labors, by Amedee Pichot. 953. Bellot, Joseph Ren^, his Memoirs, and Journal of a Voyage in the Polar Seas. ..... 1855. 2. 954. Bench, the, find the Bar, by James Grant. . . 1838. 2. 955. Bentinck, Lord George, a Political Biography, by Benjamin Disraeli. . . . . . . 1852. 1. 956. Bi'ranger, Memoirs of, written by himself. . . 1858. 1. 957. Berry, Miss, her Journals and Correspondence. . . 1865. 3. 958. Bielfeld, Baron, Secretai-y of Legation to the King of Prussia, his Letters. ...... 1768. 4. 959. Biographia Borealis, by Hartley Coleridge. . . 1833. 1. 960. Biogi'aphia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1847. 2. 1831. 1. 1856. 4. 1777. o 1861. 1. 1856. \. 1842. 3. 1841. ') 1844. 3. 1860. 1. 40 B.h. 9G1. !tG2. 903. 9G4. 965. 96G. 907. 908. 909. 970. 971. 972. 973. 97-1. 975. 970. 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. 981. 985. 98G. 987. 988. Biograpliii and Con'esponcknce. Biogi-,a]>liieal Dictionary. ..... Biograpliical Dictioiiary. ..... Biograpbical History of Englaml, liy the Kev. J. Granger Biogra|iliical Portraiture, by John Leaf. Biackaddcr, Eev. Jolni, lii.s Memoirs, written by himself when Prisoner on the Bass. .... Blair, Hugh, Account of his Life and Writings, by John Hill Blake, Kobert, Admiral and General at Sea, by \V. Hej)wortb Dixon. ..... Blake, Wm., a Critical Essay, by A. C. Swinburne. Blake, Wni., his Life, by Alex. Gilchrist. Blessington, (Jountess of, her Literary Life and Cor resjjondence, by R. K. JLadden. ... Blomfield, Dr. Charles James, Bishop of London Memoirs of, edited by his son, Alfred Blomfield. Bokhara Victims, the, by Captain Grove. Bolcyn, Anne, Queen of Henry VIH., Memoirs of her Life, b}- Miss Benger. .... Bolingbroke, Lord, his Letters and Correspondence. edited by Gilbert Parke. .... Bolingbroke, Lord, his Memoirs, by George W. Cooke. Bolivar, Simon, his Memoirs, by Genl. H. L. D. Holstein Boulton and Watt, Lives of, by Samuel Smiles. Bowyer, Wm., Biographical and Literai-y Anecdotes of, by John Nichols. ..... Bremer, Fredrika, her Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works, edited by C. Bremer. ... Brenton, Sir Jahleel, Memoirs of his Life and Services by the Kev. H. Raikcs. .... Brindlcy and the early Engineers, by Samuel Smile: British Admirals, Lives of, by Dr. John Campbell. British Cabinet, the, in 1853. Briti.sh Generals, distinguished during the Peninsular war. Memoirs of, by J. W. Cole. British Statesmen, Lives of, by John Macdiarmid. Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere, a Memoir, by the Rev. J. G. Brighton. ...... Bronte, Charlotte (Currer Bell) Life of, by Mrs. Gaskell Brougham, Lord, Speeches of vols. 17G1. 12. 1844. 7. 17G9. 4. 1861. 1. 1823. 1. 1807. 1. 1852. 1. 18G8. 1. 1863. 2. 1855. 3. 1863. 2. 1845. 1. 1821. 1. 1798. 4 1835. 1830. 2 1805. 1 1782. 1. 1868. 1846. 1 1864. 1 1812. 8 1853. 1 1856. 9 1820. •) 1806. 1 1857. 1 1838. 4 Biographji and Correspondence. 41 B.h. 989. Brummell, George (Beau Biummell), liis Life, by ^"''*- Captain Jesse. ....... 1844. 2. 990. Brunei, Sir Mark Isambaril, Life of, by Richard Beamisb 18G2. 1. 991. Brydges, Sir Egerton, his Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries. .... 1834. 2. 992. Buckingham, James Silk, his Autobiography, Travels, Adventures &c. ...... 1855. 2_ 993. Buckingham, Richard, Duke of, his Private diary. . 1862. 3. 994. Buncle, John, his Life. 17G6. 2. 995. Bunsen, Baron, ilemoir of, by Frances, Baroness Bunsen 18C8. 2. 996. Bunting, Jabez, Life of, by Thos. P. Bunting. Vol. L 1859. 1. 997. Burgess, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Salisbury, his Life, by John S. Harford 1840. 1. 998. Burghley, Lord, Memoirs of his Life and Adminis- tration, by the Rev. Edward Nares. . . . 1828. 2. 999. Burke, Edmund, Memoirs of his Life and Character, by James Prior. 1826. 2. 1000. Burney, Doctor, his Memoirs, by his daughter, Madame d' Arblay 1832. 3. 1001. Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, his Memoirs, edited by Charles Buxton. 1848. 1. 1002. Byron, Lord, and some of his Contemporaries, by Leigh Hunt 1828. 2. 1003. Byron, Lord, his Letters and Journals, with Notices of his Life , by Thomas Moore 18.30. 1. B.C. 1021. Calamy, Dr. Edmund, Historical Account of his own life, edited by John T. Butt 1829. 2. 1022. Calvin, John, his Life, by Thomas H. Dyer. . . 1850. 1. 1023. Cameron, Jaue; Life of a female convict, by a prison Matron 1864. 2. 1024. Camoeus, Luis de, Memoirs of his Life and "Writings, by John Adamson. ...... 1820. 2. 1025. Campan, Madame, her Private Journal, edited by M. Maigne. ". 1,'-I25. 1. 1026. Campbell, Sir James, of Ardkinglas, Jfcmoirs of, written by himself. ...... 1^32. 2. 6 42 Bio. 1. 183(;. 2 1859. 1. 1838. 2. 1SG8. 1. 18.58. 8. 18 GO. 2 1847. o. 50 Blograplnj and Correspondence. ]lji. IJ'.tS. Henry lY., King of Franco and Navarre, Memoirs of, ""''• anil of the Court of France during his reign. . 182-1. 2. 1299. Henry VIII. of Enghind, his Memoirs, with the Fortunes, Fates, and Characters of his Si.v Wives, hy II. W. Herbert 1857. 1300. Ileiiljurn, Sir John, his Memoirs and Adventures, by James Grant. . . . . . . . 18.')1. 1301. Hei-bert, Edward, Lord, his Life, written by himself. 177n. 1302. Hcriot, George, Jeweller to King James VI., his Memoirs. ........ 1822. 1303. Heroic Women of the West, by John Frost. . . 1854. 1304. Highwaymen, Eobbers, and Murderers, Lives of the most noted. . . . . . . .1801. 1305. Historical Characters, by Sir Henry L. Buhver. . 1808. KioG. History of a 5Ian, by George Gilfillan. . . . 1850. i;!o7. History of Woman, by S. W. Fullom. . . . 1855. 1308. Ilodson, Major Wm. S. R., Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India, being extracts from his letters, edited by the llev. G. Hodson 185'.t. 13011. Hogarth, Wm., Biographical Anecdotes of. . . 1782. l.'MO. Holt, Jo.nejdi, General of the Irish liebcls in 1798, his Jlenioirs by T. Croftou Croker. . . . 1838. 1311. Hood, Thomas, Memorial of. .... 180U. l.'ili'. Hook, Theodore E., his Life and Remains, by the Rev. R. II. Barham 1849. 131.''). Iloiiper, Isaac T., a true Life, by L. Maria Child. . 1853. 1. 1311. Horner, Francis, Memoirs and Correspondence of. . 1843. 2. i;515. Iloste, Capt. Sir Wm., liis Memoirs and Letters. . 1833. 1310. Iloudin, Robert, Memoirs of, written by himself. . 180(». 1317. Howard, John, and the I'rison-World of Europe, by W. Hcpworth Dixon. I.sl9. 1. l.'ilS. Howard, Philiji, Earl of Arundil, and Anne Dacrcs, his AVife, their Lives, edited by the Duke of Norfolk. 1857. 1. l.">19. Howe, Richard, Earl, his Life, by Sir John Barrow. 1838. 1. 1320. Hughes, John, his Con-espondence, with Notes by J. Buncombe. ....... 1773. 3. 1321. Hulin, Count, Memoir of 1823. 1. 1322. Humboldt, Alexander von, his Correspondence with Varnhagen von Ense 1827-58. . . . . 180O. 1. 1323. Humboldt, Alexander von, his Life, Travels, and Books, by Bayard Taylor. .... 1800. 1. Biofirapluj and Correspondence, 51 JR.li. 1324. Hume, Davkl, his Life and Correspondence by Jolm '''''''• Hill Burton 184G. 2. 1325. Hume, David, liis Life and Writings, by Thos. E. Eitchie. 1807. 1. 1326. Hunt, Leigh, Autobiography of, with Reminiscences of old Friends and Contemporaries. . . . 1850. 3. 1327. Hunter, John D., his Captivity among the Indians of North America, written by himself. . . . 1823. 1. 1328. Hutchinson, Colonel, his Memoirs, by his wife, Lucy Hutchinson. 1806. 1. B. 1. 1341. Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, their Lives and Characters, by Thomas Birch. .... 1747. 1. 1342. Imaginative Biography, by Sir Egcrton Brydges. . 1834. 2. 1343. Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography. . . — 5. 1344. Impey, Sir Elijah, his Memoirs, by his Son, Elijah B. Impey. 184G. 1. 1345. Inchbald, Mrs., her Memoirs, edited by James Boaden. 1833. 2. 1346. Indian Officers, Lives of, by J. W. Kaye. . . 1867. 2. 1347. Industrial Biography, Ironworkers and Toolmakers, by Samuel Smiles 1863. 1. 1348. Irish Bar, Sketches of the, by ^\m. H. Curran. . 1855. 2. 1349. Irving, Edward, Minister of the National Scotch Church, London, his Life, by Mrs. Oliphant. . 1862. 2. 1350. Irving, Washington, his Life and Letters, edited by his nephew. ....... 1862-64. 4. 1351. Italian Poets, Lives of the, by the Eev. Henry Stebbing 1831. 3. 1352. Italian Rebel, Autobiography of an, by G. Eicciardi. 1860. 1. B.J. 1361. Jackson, Lieut. Genl. Thomas J. (Stonewall), his Life, by Professor R. L. Dabney. .... 18(>6. 2. 1362. Jacobites of 1715 and 1745, Memoirs of, by ^NLrs. Thomson 1845. 3. 1363. James 11. of England, his Life, by the Rev. J. S. Clarke. 1816. 2. 7» 1829. 2 lSoL>. 2 1827. 1 1827. 1 02 Biografhy and Correspondence. V0I3. J>-J. 13G4. Jaines 11. of Euglainl, liis Memoirs. . . . 1821. 2. i:5t)."). Jeanne irAlbret, Queen of Navarre, bcr Life, by Jfartlia W. Freer. . . . . — 1. 1301). Jefl'erson, Tliomas, Prcsidtut './.■. 13K\. Kamcs, Lord, Memoirs of bis Life and Writings., by Alex. F. Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. . . 1807. 2. 1382. Kean, Edmund, Life of. 1835. 2, 1383. Keats, John, his Life, Letters, and Literary Eemains, edited by Pi. Moncktou Milnes 1818. 2 1384. Keith, Sir Hobert Murray, his Memoirs and Corres- pondence, edited by Mrs. G. Smyth. . . . 1840. 2, 1385. Kelly, Michael, Reminiscences of, with Original Anec- dotes of many distinguished I'ersons. . . . 182G. 2, 1380. Kcmble, John Philip, Memoirs of liis Life, including a History of the Stage from the Time of Garrick, by James Boaden 1825. 2 1387. Keu, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells, his Life. . 1854 •) T0l3. 1842. 2. 1823. 1. 1837. 1. 1814. 1. 1777. 2 Biography and Correspondence. 53 -D.A". 1388. Kepjjel, Augustus, Viscount, bis Life, by the Hou. Thomas Keppell. ...... 1389. Kiffin, William, Remarkable Passages in his Life, by Wm. Orme. ....... 1390. Kilham, llannah. Memoirs of, edited by her daughter, Sarah Biller. ....... 1391. King, Lord, a Selection from his Speeches and Writings, with an introductory Memoir, by Earl Fortescue. ....... 1392. Kings of Franco of the Race of Valois, Memoirs of, by Nathaniel Wraxall. ..... 1393. Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the Accession of Philip V. to the death of Charles III. 1700—1788, Memoirs of, by the Rev. Wm. Coxe. 1815. h. 1394. Kitto, Dr. John, his Life, by Dr. John Eadie. . 18.57. 1. 1395. Knight, Charles, Passages of a working Life during half a century. ....... 1864-65. 3. 1396. Knighton, Sir Wm., his IMemoirs, by Lady Knighton. 1838. 2. 1397. Knox, John, his Life, Containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland, by Thomas M'Crie 1831. 2. 1398. Krim-Girai, Khan of the Crimea, from the Gorman of Theodore Mundt. ...... 1856. 1. 1399. Krusenstern, Adam John de, the iirst Russian Circum- navigator, his Memoii-s, by Sir John Ross. . . 1856. 1 B: I. 1411. Ladies of the Covenant, Memoirs of, by the Rev. James Anderson. ...... 1857. 1. 1412. Ladies of the Reformation, Memoirs of, by the Rev. James Anderson. ...... 1855. 2. 1413. Lafayette, General, Memoirs of, and the French Re- volution of 1830, by B. Sarrans. . . 1832. 2. 1414. Lamb, Charles, his Letters, with a Sketch of his Life, by Thomas Noon Talfourd 1837. 2. 1415. Lamb, Charles, Memoir of, by Barry Cornwall. . 18G(>. 1. 1416. Lamb, Charles, Final Memorials of, by Thomas Xoon Talfourd 1848. 2. 1417. Lamps of the Temple, Crayon Sketches of the Men of the Modern Pulpit. 1856. 1. 54 Biograpluj ami Correspondence. P>. J. Ills. Tiaiidcd Hciitry of r!ica( Britain and Ireland, a fienea- '"''''• loj^ical and Heraldic Dictimiary, tiy J. I>. Burke. lSt7. 2. 1H',I. liandon, Letitia Elizabeth (L. E. L.), her Life and Ijiterary Remains, by Laman Blanchard. . 1S41. 2. 1 120. Langdale, Henry, Lord, his IMenioirs, by 'J'liomas Duffus Hardy 1X52. 2. 1421. Larpcut, F. S., his Private Journal kept during the I'cniusular War, edited by Sir Geo. Larpent. . 1S,')3. ;$. 1422. Las Casas, his Journal of the Private Life and Con- versation, of the Emperor Napoleon at St. Helena. lS2."i. 8. 1423. Las Casas, his Life, by Arthur Helps. . . '. 1868. 1- 1 121. Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, his Life and 'rimes, by John P. Lawson. . . 1829. 1425. Lavallettc, Count, his Memoirs, written by himself. 18.31. 1 12('i. Ijawrence, Sir Thomas, his Life and Correspondence, by I). E. Williams 1831. 1427. Lawyers, a Book about, by J. Cordy Jcaffreson. . 1867. 2 1428. Lee, Major General Charles, Memoirs of his Life. . 1702. 1 1429. Leo X., his Life and I'ontilicatc, by Wm. Roscoe. . 1805. 4 1430. Leslie, Charles Robert, his Autobiographical Recol- lections 1860. 2 14.'!1. Lewis, Matthew George, his Life and Correspondence. 1839. 2 1432. Life among Convicts, by Charles R. Gibson. . . 1863. 2 1433. Lindsays, Lives of the, or a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balearrcs, by Lord Lyudsay. . 1849. 3 1434. Literary Ladies of England from the commencement of the last Century, Memoirs of, by Mrs. Elwood. 1435. Locke, Joseph, Life of, by Josejih Devey. 1436. Locke and Sydenham, by Dr. John Brown. 1437. Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, Lives of, by Lord Campbell. 1438. Lost among the Aflghans. ..... 1439. Louis XIV., his Life and Times, by G. P. R. James. 1440. Louis XVI., Private Memoirs relative to the last Year of his Reign , by A. F. Bertrand de Moleville. 144L Loiais XVIII., his Memoirs, written by himself. 1442. Louis Napoleon, a Biography, by James August St. John 1857. 1 1443. Louis Napoleon, his Political and Historical Works, with a Memoir of his Life. .... 1852. 2 1444. Louisa, Queen of Prussia, Memtjir of. . . . 1857. 1. 1843. 2 1862. 1 186f.. 1 1845. 7 1862. 1 1838. 4 1797. 3 1832. 2 Biography and Correspondence. 55 B. I. 1445. L'Ouverture, Tonssaint, tlie Xegro-Patriot of Hayti, ■">''• Life of, by the Rev. J. E. Beard. . . . 1853. 1. 1446. Lutfullali, a Mabomedan Gentleman, his Autobio- graphy, edited by Edward B. Eastwick. . . 1857. 1. 1447. Lynedoch, General Lord, Memoir of, by John Murray Graham 1868. 1. 1448. Lyttleton, George, Lord, his Memoirs and Corres- pondence 1734 — 1773, compiled and edited by Robert Phillimore 1845. 2. .£f.y/?. 14(51. Mackintosh, Sir James, Memoirs of his Life, by his son, Robert J. lEackintosh. .... 14lJi'. Mackintosh, John, ("The Earnest Student"), Memorials of, by the Rev. Norman Macleod. 1463. M'Crie, Dr. Thomas, his Life, by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie 1464. Mackenzie, Lady Anna, her Memoirs, by Alexander Lord Lyndsay. ....... 14G5. Mahumet and his Successors, Lives of, by Washington Irving. ..... ... 14G6. Maintenon, Madame de, her Secret Correspondence with the Princess des L'rsins. .... 1467. Malcolm, Major General Sir John, his Life and Cor- respondence, by John W. Kaye. .... 14G8. Malincontri, Filippo, or Student Life in Venetia, edited by Girolamo Volpe. ..... 1469. Malmesbui-y, James Harris, 1st Earl of, his Diaries and Correspondence, edited by his Grandson. 1470. Malone, Edmund, his Life, with Selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes, by Sir James Prior. 1471. Manuscript from St. Helena, from the French. 1472. 3[arguerite d'Angouleme, Queen of Navarre, her Life, by Martha W. Freer. 1854. 2 1473. JIarie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre, Memoir of her Private Life, by Madame Campan. 1823. 2 1474. Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henri IV., her Life, by Miss Pardoe. . . . 1852. 3 1475. Marlborough, Duchess of, her Memoirs by Mrs. Thomson 1839. 2 1470. Marlborough, Duchess of, her Private Correspondence. 1838. 2 1835. 2 1854. 1 1840. 1 1868. 1 1850. 2 1827. 3 1856. 2 18G1. o 1844. 4 ISGO. 1 1817. 1 50 Biof/raplii/ and Correspondence. Jim. \ 117. 1478. 1 17'.». 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1485. 148C. 1487. 14.SS. 1489. 1490. 1491. 1492. 1493. 1494. 1495. 149G. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1500. Miirlliorongli , Duke of, his iMciiioiis and Correspon- (leiico, by "Win. Coxe. ..... .Alarlbcirougli, Duke of, liis l\Iilitary Life, by Sir Aixlul. Alison. ....... Marlyn, Rev. Ueury, Lis Journals and IvCtters, edited by the Ivev. Samuel 'Wilberfdno, Hisliop of Oxford. i\[artyu, Rev. Henry, JSfcnioir of, by tlie Rev. J. Sargent. Martyrs of Science, or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, by Sir D. Brewster. Mary, Ducbess of Burgundy, her Jlemoirs, by Louisa Stuart Costello. ....... Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, bv Alexander M'Neel- Caird " . Jlary Stuart, Queen of Scots, History of, by F. A. Mignet. ........ Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Letters and Documents, connected with lier Personal History, by Miss Strickland. ....... Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Love Letters to the Earl of Bothwell, by Hugh Campbell. Jlary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Persecutions, Sufferings, and Trials from her Birth till her Death. Jlatthews, Charles, his Memoirs, by Jlrs. JLatthews. Maximilian L, Recollections of his Life, by himself. Medici, Lorenzo de, Hlustrations of his Life, by Wni. Roscoe. ........ Medici, Lorenzo de, Life of, by Wm. Roscoe. Melville, Andrew, his Life, by Thomas M'Crie. Memoirs of a Chequered Life, by Charles Sfretfon. Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last sixty years. .... Men and Women of France during the last Century. Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Reign of George III., Lives of, by Lord Brougham. Mcnchikoti', I'rince, Favorite of J'eter the Great, his Memoirs by De La Harpe. .... Mctastasio, Jfemoirs of his Life and Writings, by Charles Burney. ...... Metcalfe, Lord, his Life and Correspondence, by John W. Kaye. ....... Metropolitan Pulpit, or Sketches of the most popular Preachers in London, by James Grant. voU. 1818. 3. 1848. 1. 1839. 1. 1831. 1. 1841. I. 1853. 1. i86i;. 1. 1851. 2. 1842. 3. 1824. 1. 182f.. 1. 1>S38. 4. 1808. 3. 1822. 1. 1790. 2. 1819. ■>_ 1802. 3. 1822. 1. 1852. 3. 1847. 2. 1819. 1. 1790. 3. 1854. 2. 1839. 2. Blographj and Correspondence, bl vols. 1855. 1810. 1859. 18G4. 1835. 1832. 1863. 2 1S50. 2 1857. O B.m.lbOl. MezzofaiUi, Cardinal, his Life, by Dr. C. W. Eussell. 1858. 1. 1502. Military iremoirs of Four Brothers , by the survivor. 1829. 1. 1503. Miller, General in the service of the Eepublic of Peru, his Memoirs, by John Miller. . . . 1829. 2. 1504. Miller, Hugh, his Life and Times, by Thomas N. Brown 1858. 1. 1505. Miller, Hugh, my Schools and Schoolmasters, or Story of my Education. ...... 1S57. 1. 1506. Milton, John, Account of his Life, Opinions and Writings, by Thomas Keightley. 1507. Milton, John, his Life, by Charles Symmons. 1508. Milton, John, his Life, by David Masson, Vol. I. . 1509. Minister of State, Memoirs of a, by F. Guizot. 1510. Mirabeau, his Memoirs, written by himself. 1511. Mirabeau, Recollections of, by Etienne Dumont. 1512. Misers, Memoirs of remarkable, by Cyrus Redding. 1513. Mitchell, Sir Andrew, his Memoirs and Papers, by Andrew Bisset. ....... 1514. Monarchs retired from Business, by Dr. Doran. 1515. Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, from the French of Guizot. 1838. 1. 1516. Monmouth, James, Duke of, the Life, Progresses, and Rebellion of, by George Roberts. . . 1844. 2. 1517. Montpensier, Mademoiselle de. Granddaughter of Henri IV., her Memoirs, written by herself. . 1848. 3. 1518. Montrose, Marquis of, his Memoirs, by Mark Napier. 1856. 2. 1519. Moore, Lieutenant General Sir John, his Life, by his Brother, J. Carrick Moore. .... 1834. 2. 1520. Moore, Thomas, his Memoirs, Journal and Correspon- dence, edited by Earl Russell. .... 1853. 4. 1521. More, Hannah, Memoirs of her Life and CoiTCspon- dence, by "Wm. Roberts. ..... 1834. 4. 1522. Morgan, Lady, Memoirs, Autobiography, Diaries, and Correspondence of. ..... . 1863. 3. 1523. Morris, Gouverneur, his Life, by Jared Sparks. . 18."!2. 3. 1524. Morrison, Robert, Memoirs of his Life and Labors, by his Widow 1839. 2. 1525. Muffling, Baron von, Passages from my Life, with Memoirs of the Campaign in 1813-14, by himself. 185.!. 1. 1526. Muuro, Major General Sir Thomas, his Life, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. ... . . . . 1830. 3. vols 1850. 1 1855. 1 1855. 1 1854. :i 1841. 1 58 Bloffraji/ii/ and Correspondence. B.Vl. 1527. Musgiave, Philip, or Memoirs of a Church of England Missionary in the North American Colonies, edited by the Eev. J. Abbott 1528. My Bondage and Freedom, by Frederick Doughns. . 1529. My Courtship and its Consequences, by Henry Wikoft'. 1530. ]\Iy Friends and Acquaintances, by P. G. Patmore. . 1531. My Life, by an Ex-Dissenter. .... 1532. My Life and Acts in Hungary in 1848-49, by A. Gijrgey 1852. 2. 1533. My Life and Recollections, by the Hon. Grautley Berkeley 1865-6C. 4. 13.11. 1551. Napier, Gen. Sir William, Life of, edited by H. A. Bruce. 1864. 1552. Napoleon Bonaparte, History of his Captivity at St. Helena, from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, by Wm. Forsyth. 1553. Napoleon Bonaparte in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, by B. E. O'Meara. .... 1554. Napoleon Bonaparte, Last Days of, by Dr. F. An- tomm.archi. ....... 1555. Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of, by de Bourrienne. 1556. Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of, by Wm. Hazlitt. 1557. Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of, by Sir Walter Scott. . 1558. Napoleon Bonaparte, Recollections of, During his Captivity at St. Helena, by Mrs. Abell. 1844. 1. 1559. Napoleon IH., his Life and Reign, by the Rev. H. Christmas 1855. 1. 1560. Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, Memoirs of, by John Barrow. ..... 1845. 1. 1561. NefiF, Felix, Pastor of the High Alps, Memoirs of, by W. Stephen Gilly 1833. 1. 1562. Nelson, Lord, Authentic Narrative of his Death, by Wm. Beatty 1807. 1. 1563. Nelson, Lord, Memoirs of his Life, by Thos. J. Pettigrew. 1849. 2. 1564. Newton, Adelaide L., Memoirs of, by the Rev. J. Baillie 1858. 1. 1565. Newton, Sir Isaac, Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Sir David 5'ewster. 1855. 2. 1853. 3 1822. 2 1825. 2 1831. 3 1847. 3 1827. 9 59 vols. 1822. 1. 1854. 1. 1835. 1. Biograjthtj and Coireipondence. Jj.n. 156G. Nicol, John, his Life and Adventures. 1567. Niebuhr, George B., his Life and Letters, by Chevalier Bunsen. ........ 1568. Niebuhr, George B., IJeniiniscences of an Intercourse with, by Francis Lieber. ..... 1569. Noble Families of Cavendish, Holies, Vere, Harley, Ogle, Historical Eecollections of, by Arthur Collins. 1752. 1. 1570. NoUekens and his Times, by John Thos. Smith. . 1828. 2. 1571. North, Francis, Baron of Guildford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Charles 11. and James II., his Memoirs, by the Hon. George North. . . 1810. 1. 1572. Northington, Robert, Earl of. Memoir of his Life, by Lord Henley 1831. 1. 1573. Northup, Solomon, Narrative of . . . . 1853. 1. 1574. Nott, Sir AVilliam, Commander of the Army of Can- dahar, his Memoirs and Correspondence, by J. H. Stocqueler . . . 1854. 2. B.o. 1581. Oberkirch, Baroness d', Memoirs of the, written by herself ........ 1852. 3. 1582. Oberlin, John Frederic, Pastor of Waldbach in the Bar de la Roche, Memoirs of . . . . 1829. 1. 1583. O'Brien, his Adventures during the late War, by D. H. O'Brien 1839. 2. 1584. O'Connell, Daniel, Personal Recollections of, by Wm. J. O'Neill Daunt 1843. 2. 1585. O'Connell, John, Recollections of his parliamentary Career by him.self ...... 1849. 2 1586. Opie, Amelia, Memorials of her Life, by Cecilia L. Brightwell ls.->4. 1. 1587. Orators of the Age, by G. H. Francis. . . . 1847. 1. 1588. Orsini, Felice, his Memoirs and Adventures, written by himself ....... 1857. 1. 1589. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, her Jfemoirs. . . 1852. 3- 1590. Oswald, James, Memoirs of his Public Life and Character. 1825. 1. 8* GO Biograplnj and Correspondence. li.n. IGOl. Pacca, Cardinal, riiine Minister to Pius VII., his Historical Memoirs, written by Limself. 16(12. Paleario, Aonio, liis Life and Times, or a History of Italian Kefomiers in the 1 6th Century, by M. Young. 1603. Palissy the Potter, his Life, together with his Labors aud Discoveries in Arts and Sciences, by Uenry JIurlcy. 1601. Pars, Rev. Samuel, Memoir of his Life and AVritiugs, by the Rev. "SVm. Field. ..... 1605. Parry, Rear- Admiral Sir Edward, his Memoirs by his Son, the Rev. Edward Parry. 1606. Past Celebrities, whom I have known, by Cyrus Redding. . . 1607. Paterson, 'William, the Merchant-Statesman, his I^ife and Trials, by S. Bannister. .... 1608. Patriots and Filibusters, by Ijawrence Oliphant. 1609. Pear.ce, Nathaniel, his Life and Adventures during a Residence in Abyssinia 18 10-181 'J, written by himself. ........ ICIO. Peel, Sir Robert, Life of. 11)11. Peel, Sir Robert, Memoir of, by Lord Mahon. 16 12. Peel, Sir Robert, Sketch of his Life and Character, by Sir Lawrence I'eel. ..... 1613. I'eerage and Baronetage, Genealogy of the British, by Edmund Lodge. ...... 1611. Peerage of Ireland, or Genealogical History of the Nobility of that Kingdom, by John Lodge. 1615. Peerage of the British Empire, by Edmund Lodge. 1616. Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (Debretts) edited by Wm. Courthorpe. 1617. Pellico da Salluzzo, Silvio, Memoirs of, from the Italian, by Thomas Roscoe. .... 1618. Penn, William, an Historical Biography, by W. Hep- worth Dixon. ....... 1619. Penn, Sir William, Memoirs of his Professional Life aud Times, by Granville, Penn. 1620. Pi'^je, General, his Memoii's, written by himself 1621. Pepys, Samuel, Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II., comprising his Diary, edited by Lord Braybrooke, Vols. II. III. IV. V 1622. Pepys, Samuel, his Life, Journals aud Correspondence. vols. 1850. 2 1860. 2. 1852. 2 1.S28. 2. 1S59. 1. 1866. 2. 1858. 1. 1860. 1. 1831. 2. 1.S12. 2. 1856. 2 1860. 1. l.'-ic9. 1. 1789. 7. 1832. 2. 1839. 1. 1835. 1. 1851. 1. 1833. 2. 1816. 3. 1828. 4. 1841. 2. vob. 1856. 2, 1739. 1. 1853. 2. 1776. 2. 1841. 2. Biography and Correspondence. 61 JB.J). 1623. Perthes, Frederick, Memoir of, from the German of Clement Th. Perthes. ..... 1624. Peter the Great, History of the Life of. 1625. Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of, his Memoirs by Eliot Warburton. ...... 1626. Petrarch, Life of. 1627. Petrarch, Life of, by Thomas Campbell. 1628. Phillips, Henry, Musical and Personal Recollections during half a Century. ..... 1864. 2 1629. Philpotts, Dr. Henry, Bishop of Exeter, Life, Times and Writings of, by the Rev. Reginald X. Shutte, Vol. 1 1863. 1 1630. Picton, Lieut. Gen. Sir Thomas, his Memoirs, by H. B. Robinson 1835. 2 1631. Pilgrim Fathers, the, or Founders of New England, in the Reign of James I., by W. H. Bartlett. . 1854. 1 1632. Pinkerton, John, his Literary Correspondence. . 1830. 2 1633. Pirates and Sea Robbers, Exploits and Cruelties of the most celebrated. ...... 1861. 1 1634. Pitt, William, his Life, by Earl Stanhope. . . 1861-62. 4 1635. Pitt, William, Memoirs of his Life, by Dr. George Tomline 1821. 3 1636. Pius VI., Historical and Philosophical Memoirs of. . 1799. 2 1637. Pius IX., or the First Year of his I'ontificate, by Count de Liancourt, and James A. Manning. 1638. Players, Lives of the, by John Gait. 1639. Plato and other Companions of Sokrates, by G. Grote. 1640. Poets, Lives of the most eminent, by Dr. Samuel Johnson. . . . . . . . . 1781. 4 1641. Poets Laureate, Lives of the, by W. S. Austin and John Ralph 1853. 1 1642. Poggio,Bracciolini, Life of, by the Rev. Wm. Shepherd. 1802. 1 1643. Polehampton, Rev. Henry, his Memoirs, Letters and Diary in India, edited by the Rev. E. Polehampton. 1859. 1 1644. Pompadour, Marchioness de, her Memoirs, -prritten by herself. ....... 1766. 2 1645. Popes, Last Four, Recollections of them and of Rome in their Time, by Cardinal Wiseman. . , 1858. 1 1646. Porson, Richard, his Life, by the Rev. Selby Watson. 1861. 1 1647. Pretenders and their Adherents, Memoirs of the, by John Heneage Jesse. ..... 1845. 2 1847. 2 1831. .) 1865. 3 62 Biofjrapliii anil Correspondence. />./>. KVIS. 1010. 1C50. 1652. 1653. 1654. 1655. I'liestley, Dr. Josepli, liis ^lemoirs to tlie Year 1705 written l)y liiinself, with a Contiiuiation by liis son Joseph I'riestley. ..... Prime Ministers of England from tlie Kestoration to the Present Time, J>ives of, liy J. Houston Browne (1 Vol. only published.) ..... Princes of Wales, the Book of the, by Dr. Doran. Princesses of England, Lives of, by Mary A. E. Green. Private Trials and Public Calamities, or the early Days of Alexandrine des Echerolles during the Troubles of the First French Revolution, from the French. ........ Public Characters 1798-180'J Public Characters 1802-1801. .... Public Characters of all Nations. .... 18nr,. 1858. 1860. 1840. 1853. 1823. vola. 1. 1. 1. 6. 10. 2. 3. n.q. IC^li. Quakerism', or the Story of my Life, by Mrs. S.D.Greer. 1851. 1 1672. Queen Ilortense, Jlotlicr of Napoleon IIL, Memoirs of, compiled by Lascelles "Wraxall and Kobert Wchrhan — 2 1673. (Queens before the Conijuest, by Sirs. Matthew ETall. 1854. 2 1674. Queens of England, Lives of the, by Agnes Strickland. 1841-47. 12 1675. Queens of England of the Uouse of Hanover, Lives of, by Dr. Doran 1855. 2 li'i7('i. (.Queens of France, Memoirs of, by Mrs. Forbes Bush. 1854. 2 l(i77. (^)ueens of Scotland and English Princesses, Lives of, Ijy Agnes Strickland. 185U. 8 1678. Queens of Society, by Mrs. A. T. Thomson and J. C. Thomson (Grace and Philip Wharton.) . . — 2 1670. Queens of Song, by Ellen Creathorne Clayton. . 1863. 2 1680. Queens of Spain, Annals of the, by Anita George. 1850. 2 /?./■. 1601. Kachel, Memoirs of. 1858. 2. 1602. Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, Memoirs of his Life and Public Services, by his Widow. . . . 1835. 2. 1693. Raikes,Thoraasj a Portion of his Journal from 1831-47. 1856. 2. 18G1. 1805. vols. 1. 1. 1868. 2. 1836. 1. 1838. 2. Biograplitj and Correspondence. 63 -B.V. 1694. Eaikes, Thomas, his Correspoudence with the Duke of Wellington &c., Edited by his Daughter, Harriet Eaikes. ........ 1695. Raleigh, Sir Walter, his Life, by Arthur Cayley. 1696. Raleigh, Sir Walter, his Life, by James Augustus St. John. ........ 1697. Random Recollections of the House of Lords 1830-36, by James Cxrant. ...... 1698. Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons, by James Grant. ....... 1699. Raphael Santi, his Life and works, by Baron Alfred von Wolzogeu. ....... 1866. 1. 1700. Rapp, General Count, his Memoirs, written by himself. 1823. 1. 1701. Rc^camier, Madame. 1862. 1. 1702. Recollections of an Eventful Life, chiefly passed in the Army, by a Soldier. ..... 1703. Records of a Good Man's Life, by the Rev. C. B. Tayler. 1704. Records of my Life, by John Taylor. 1705. Reid, Dr. Thomas, an Account of his Life and Writings, by Dugald Stewart. .... 1706. Remarkable Adventurers, and Unrevealed Mysteries, by Lascelles Wraxall. ..... 1707. Representative Men, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1708. Repre.sentative Women, by George C. Baldwin. 1709. Retrospections of the Stage, by John Bernard. 1710. Reynolds, Frederick, his Life and Times, written by himself. ........ 1711. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life and Times of, by Charles R. Leslie and Tom Taylor. .... 1712. Reynolds, Thomas, his Life, by his son Thomas Reynolds. ........ 1713. Ricci, Scipio de, his Memoirs, by Thos. Roscoe. 1714. Richard I. Cceur de Lion, History of the Life of, by G. P. E. James. ...... 1715. Richard HI., and some of his Contemporaries, their Memoirs, by J. Heneage Jesse. 1716. Richard HI., as Duke of Gloucester, and King of England, by Caroline Halsted. .... 1717. Richardson, Sir Charles ("Tar of the Last War,") Services and Anecdotes of, by the Rev. C. E. Arm- strong. ........ 1824. 1. 1832. 1. 2. 1803. 1. 1863. 1850. 1857. 1830. 2. 1. 1. 1826. 2. 18G5. 2 1838. 1829. 2 2_ 1842. 1. 1861. 1. 1844. 2. 1855. 1. G4 Biography and Correspondence. B.r. 1718. i7i;>. 1720. 1721. 1722. 1 723. 1724. 1725. 1726. Richardson , M'llraith. Sir John, Life of, by the Eev. John 1727. 1728. 17211. 1730. 1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1 735. 1736. 1737. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1711. Richardson, Samuel, his Correspondence and Biography by Anna L. Barbauld. .... Riclmiond, Rev. Legh, Memoir of, by the Rev. T S. Grimshawe. ...... Richter, Jean Paul, his Life, from the German. Roberts, David, Life of, by James Ballantyne. Robertson, Rev. Frederick "\V., his Life and Letters by the Rev. Stopford A. Brooke. Robespierre, Maximilian, his Life, by G. H. Lewes Roche jaquclin. Marchioness de la, her Memoirs from the French. ...... Rock, Captain, the celebrated Irish Chieftain, his Memoirs written by himself, by Thomas Jfoore Rockingham, Marquis of, and his Contemporaries their Jlemoirs, by the Earl of Albemarle. Rodney, Admiral Lord, his Life and Correspondence by Major Genl. 3Iundy. .... Romance of Biography, or Memoirs of Women loved and celebrated by the Poets, by Mi-s. Jameson. Romance of Diplomacy, Historical Memoir of Queen Caroline Jfatilda of Denmark and Sir Robert Murray Keith, edited by Mrs. G. Smyth. Romance of the Aristocracy, by Sir Bernard Burke. Romilly, Sir Samuel, Memoirs of his Life. Rosa, Salvator, his Life and Times, by Lady Morgan. Roscoe, William, his Life by his Son, Henry Roscoe. Rose, Sir George, his Diaries and Correspondence, edited by the Rev. Levesou V. Harcourt. Royal and Illustrated Ladies, Letters of, edited by Mary Anne E. Wood. . . . . . Royal Favorites, by Sutherland Menzies. Royal Memoirs of the French Revolution. Rubens, Peter Paul, his Life and Genius, from the German of Dr. Waageu. . . . . . Rupert, Prince, and the Cavaliers, Memoirs of, by Eliot Warburton. ...... Russell, House of, Historical Memoirs of the, from the Time of the Norman Conquest, by J. H. Wiffin. 1868. volg, 1. 1804. 6. 1833. 1845. 1866. 1. 2. 1. 1865. 1849. •J 1. 1817. 1. 1S24. 1. 1852. 2_ 1830. 9. 1837. 2. 1861. 1855. 1840. 1824. 1833. 2. 3. 3. 2. •>, 180O. 2. 1846. 3. 1865. 2. 1823. 1. 1840. 1. 1849. 3. 1833. 2. Biograpliy and Correspondence. 65 B. S. 1761. St. Albans, Harriet, Duchess of, her Memoirs, by Mrs. Cornwall B. Wilson. ...... 1762. St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, his Life and Times, by James Cotter Morison. ..... 1763. St. Simon, Duke of, Memoirs of the, from the French by Bayle St. John. ...... 1764. St. Stephens, or Pencillings of Politicians. 1765. St. Vincent, Earl of, his Life and Correspondence by Edward P. Brenton. ...... 176G. St. Vincent, Earl of, his Memoirs, by J. S. Tucker. 1767. Salt, Henry, his Life and Correspondence, by J. J. Halls 1768. Sancroft, "William, Archbishop of Canterbury, his Life, by George D'Oyley. ...... 1769. Sanmarez, Lord de, his Memoirs and Correspondence, by Sir John Eoss. ...... 1770. Savanarola, Girolamo, and his Times, History of, by Pasqnale Villari. ...... 1771. Scheffer, Ary, Memoirs of the Life of, by Mrs. Grote. 1772. Schiller, Friedrich, Life of. 177.3. School-days of Eminent Men, by John Timbs. 1774. Scott, Sir Walter, Memoir of his Life, by John Gibson Lockhart. ........ 1775. Seaton, Sir Thomas, from Cadet to Colonel. 1776. Seddon, Thomas, his Memoirs and Letters, by his Brother. ........ 1777. Selden, John, his Memoirs, by G. W. Johnson. 1778. Self-help, with Illustrations of Character and Con- duct, by Samuel Smiles. ..... 1860. 1. 1779. Selwyn, George, and his Contemporaries, by John Heneage Jesse. ...... 1843. 2. 1780. Sevigne, Madame de, and her Contemporaries. . 1841. 2. 1781. Seyd Said, Sultan of Muscat, his History, by Shaik Mansur 1819. 1. 1782. Shaftesbury, First Earl of, his Memoirs, edited by George ^Y. Cooke 1836. 2. 1783. Shakespeare Memorial, the 1864. 1. 1784. Shakespeare, William, a Biography, by Charles Knight. 1843. 1. 1785. Shakespeare, William, and his Times, by Guizot. . 1852. 1. 1786. Shakespeare, William, History of, by S. W. Fullom. 1862. 1. 9 vols. 1839. 2_ 1863. 1. 1857. 4. 1839. 1. 1838. 2. 1844. o 1834. 2 1821. 2. 1838. 2, 1863. o 1860. 1. 1825. 1. 1858. 1. 1836. 7. 1866. 2. 1858. 1. 1835. 1. GO Bior/i'ophi/ and Correspondence. Ji.S. 1787. Shakespeare, William, Life Portraits of, by J. Hain FriKwell. ........ 1788. Shaw, Col. Charles, his Personal llemoirs and Corre- spondence. ....... 1789. Shee, Sir Martin Archor, his r>ife, by his Son, Martin Archer Shee. . . 1790. Sheil, Richard Lalor, Memoirs of, by W. Torrens M'Cullagh 1791. Shelley and Byron, Recollections of their Last Days, by E. J. 1'relawney. ..... 1792. Shelley Memorials, edited by Lady Shelley. 1793. Sheridan, Mrs. Frances, Memoirs of her Life and Writings, by Alicia Lefanu. .... 1794. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Memoirs of his Life, by Thomas Moore. ...... 1795. Shipp, John, Memoirs of his Military Career, written by himself. ....... 179G. Siddons, ]\Irs., Memoirs of, by James Boaden. 1797. Sidmouth, Lord, his Life and Correspondence, by the Hon. G. Pellew 179S. Sidney, Sir Philiji, Life of, by Julius Lloyd. 1799. Sieveking, Amelia AVilhelmina, Life of, from the German. ........ 18G;(. 1. 1800. Simeon, Rev. Charles, Memoirs of his Life, by the Rev. W. Cams. 1847. 1. 1801. Simpson, Thomas, the Arctic Discoverer, his Life and Travels, by Alex. Simpson. .... 1845. 1. 1802. Sinclair, Sir John, his Corresjjondence. . . 1831. 2. 1803. Sinclair, Sir John, Memoirs of his Life and Works, by the Rev. John Sinclair. .... 1837. 2. 1804. Skinner, Lieut. Col. James, his Military Memoirs, by J. B. Fraser 1851. 2. 1805. Smith, Admiral Sir Sydney, his Memoirs, by Captain Marryat 1839. 2. 180G. Smith, Rev. Sydney, a Memoir, by his Daughter Lady Holland 1855. 2. 1807. Smith, Thomas Assheton, Reminiscences of, by Sir J. Eardley Wilmot 18G0. 1. 1808. Smith, Sir William Sydney, his Life and Correspon- dence, by Sir John Barrow. .... 1848. 2. 1809. Somerville, Dr. Thomas, his Life and Times 1 741-1814, written by himself . . . . . . IsGl. 1. vols. 18G4. 1. 1837. 2. 1860. 2. 1855. 2. 1858. 1. 1859. 1. 1824. 1. 1825. 1. 1830. 1827. o 1847. 3. 18G2. 1. Biograplnj and Correspondence. 67 vols. h.S. 1810. Sopliia Dorothea, Consort of George I., Memoirs of. 1845. 2. 1811. Soutbey, Robert, bis Life and Correspondence, by bis son, the Rev. Cliarles C. Soutbey. . . . 1840. 6. 1812. Sovereigns of Russia from Rurik to Nicholas, Lives of, by George Fowler. ..... 1852. 1. 1813. Stael, Madame de, ber Life and Times, by Maria Norris 1853. 1. 1814. Stael, Madame de. Memoirs of Ten Year's Exile, written by berself. ...... 1821. 1. 1816. Staraer, William, Recollections of a Life of Adventure. 1866. 2. 1816. Stanley, Dr. Edward, Bisbop of Norwich, Addresses and Charges of, with a Memoir, by his Son, Dean Stanley. ........ 1851. 1. 1817. Statesmen, who florished in the Time of George IIL, Historical Sketches of, by Lord Brougham, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... 1818. Stephenson, George, Life of, by Samuel Smiles. 1819. Sterne, Rev. Lawrence, Life of, by Percy Fitzgerald. 1820. Story of a Siberian Exile, by M. Rutin Pietrowski. . 1821. Story, Rev. Robert, Memoirs of the Life of, by Robert H. Story. ........ 1822. Strange, Sir Robert, bis Memoirs, by James Dennistoun. 1823. Struggles for Life, an Autobiography. 1824. Stuart, Lady xVrabella, Life and Letters of, by Elisa- beth Cooper 18GG. 2. 1825. Suffolk Correspondence, the, Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon. George Berkeley, 1712-67. . 1823. 2. 1826. Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Due de, his Memoirs from the French. ...... 1763. 6. 1827. Sun.shine of Domestic Life, by "\Y. H. Davenport Adams 1867. 1. 1828. Swift, Dean, the closing years of bis Life, by W. R. Wilde. 1840. 1. 1829. Sydenham, Lord, Memoirs of his Life, by G. Poulett Scrope 1844. 1. fi. i. 1851. Talleyrand, Prince, Memoirs of, by M. Colmachi. . 1848. 2. 1852. Talleyrand, Prince, Revelations of the Life of, edited from the Papers of the late M. Colmachi. . . 1850. 1. 9* 839-44. 3. 1860. 1. 1864. 2. 1863. 1. 1862. 1. 1855. 2. 1854. 1. 68 JUographj and Correspondence. B. t. 1853. Taylor, William, a j\Iemoir of his Life and "Writings, by J. W. Kobberds. ...... 1854. Temple, Sir "William, Memoirs of his Life, "Works, and Correspondence, by Thomas V. Courtcnay. . 1855. Thackeray, the Humorist and the Man of Letters, by Theodore Taylor. ...... 1856. Their Majesties' Servants, Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean, by Dr. Doran. ........ 1857. Three Archbishops, Lanfranc, Anselm, and A'Becket, by "Washington and Mark "Wilks. 1858. Three Hundred Years of a Norman House, the Barons of Gourney, by James Hannay. .... 1859. Three Phases of Christian Love, by Lady Herbert. 1860. Thoresby, Ralph, his Correspondence. 1861. Thoresby, Ealph, his Diary 1677-1724, edited by the Rev. J. Hunter. ....... 1862. Timberlake, Lieutenant Henry, Memoirs of. l.S('i3. Tocqueville, Alexis de. Memoirs and Remains of, from the French. ...... 1864. Tott, Baron de, his Memoirs on the Turks and Tartars. 1865. Tott, Baron de, Appendix to the same, by de Peys- sonnel. ........ 1866. Traits of Character 1867. Trench, Mrs. Richard, Remains of, edited by the Rev. C. Trench. 1868. Trenck, Baron, Life of, from the German, by Thomas Holcroft. ........ 1869. Trumbull, .John, his Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters 1756-1841 1870. Turner, J. M. "W., Life of, by "Walter Thornbury. 1871. Tweddell, John, Remains of, being a selection from his Correspondence, edited by the Rev. R. Tweddell. 1872. Tytler, Patrick Fraser, Memoir of, by J. "W. Burgon. 1 843. vols. 2. 1 836. 2. 1864. 1. 1864. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1867. 1867. 1 832. 1830. 176.5. 2. 1. 1861. 1785. 2. 1786. 1860. 1. 2. 1789. 2 1841. 1 1862. 2 1816. 1 1859. 1 B.U. 1891. Uneducated Poets, Lives and Works of, by Robert Southey 1831. 1. 1892. United Irishmen, Lives and Times of the, by Dr. R. Madden, Ist and 2nd Series 1842-43. 4. Biography and Correspondence. 69 B.V. 1901. Van Halen, Don Juan, Narrative of his Imprisonment in tlie dungeons of the Iu(|uisition in Madrid 1817-18. 1902. Veitch, William, and George Brysson, their Memoirs, written by themselves, edited by Dr. Thomas M'Crie 1903. Velasquez and his Works, by Wm. Stirling. 1904. Venning, John, Memorials of, by Thulia S. Henderson 1905. Vicissitudes of Families, by Sir Bernard Burke. 1906. Voltaire and his Times, by L. F. Bungener. 1827. 1825. 1855. 1862. 1860. 1854. vols. 2. 1. 1. 1. 3. 1. B.W. 1907. Wallace, Sir William, Life of, by the Eev. J. Selby W^atson. ........ 1908. Wallenstein, Life of, by Lieutenant Col. J. Mitchell. 1909. Walpole, Horace, Correspondence with the Eev. Wm. Mason, edited by the Eev. J. Mitford. 1910. Walpole, Horace, Correspondence with George Montagu and others. ....... 1911. Walpole, Horace, Letters to Sir Horace Mann, edited by Lord Dover, 1st and 2nd Series. 1912. Walpole, Horace, Letters to the Countess of Ossory 1769-97, edited by the Right Hon. Vernon Smith. 1913. Walpole, Horace, Memoirs of, and of his Contem- poraries, edited by Eliot Warburton. 1914. Walpole, Sir Robert, Memoirs of his Life and Ad- ministration, by the Eev. W. Coxe. 1915. Warburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester, Life of, by the Eev. J. Selby Watson. .... 1916. Ward, Robert Plumer, Memoirs of his Political and Literary Life, by the Hon. Edmund Phipps. 1917. Washington, George, by Guizot. .... 1818. Washington, George, his Life, by Washington Irving. 1919. Washington, George, his Life and Writings, by Jared Sparks. ........ 192Q. Waterton, Charles, by Dr. Richard Hobson. 1921. Watson, Richard, Bishop of Llandaff, Anecdotes of his Life, written by himself. .... 1922. Watt, James, his Life, by James P. Muirhead. 1923. Watts, Dr. Isaac, his Life and Correspondence, by the Rev. Thcmas Milner. ..... 1861. 1837. 1 1 1851. 2 1837. 3 1833-43 . 7 1848. 2 1851. 2 1798. 3 1863. ] 1850. 1840. 2 1 3 1842. 1866. 12 1 1818. 1858. o 1 1834. 1 70 Biograjjhij and Correspondence. B.V. 1924. Weber, Carl Maria von, Life of, by Baron J[ax Maria von Weber. ...... 1925. Wedgwood, Josiah, Life of, by Eliza Meteyard. 1926. Wellesley, Richard, Marquess of, his Memoir.s and Correspondence, by Robert R. Pearce. 1927. Wellington, Duke of. Character, Actions and Writings, by Jules Maurel. ...... 1928. Wellington, Duke of. Characteristics apart from his Military Talents, by Earl de Grey. 1929. Wellington, Duke of. History of his Life, byBrialmont and the Rev. G. E. Gleig 1930. Wellington, Duke of, Military Achievements, com- pared with those of Pyrrhus, Ca;sar, Napoleon &c. 1931. Werry, Francis Peter, his Memoirs and Letters. 1932. Wesley, Rev. Charles, his Life, by Thomas Jackson. 1933. West, Benjamin, his Life, Studies, and Works, by John Gait. ....... 1934. Whalley, Dr. Thomas Sedgewick, Journals and Cor- respondence of, edited by the Rev. Hill Wickham. 1935. Whateley, Dr. Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, Memoirs of, by Wm. John Fitzpatrick. .... 1936. Wheeler, Daniel, Memoirs of his Life and Gospel Labors. ........ 1937. Wheler, Colonel, Memoirs of, by Major H. M. Conran. 1938. Whitelocke, Bulstrode, his Memoirs, by R. H. WTiite- locke. ........ 1939. WicklifFe, John, and other Reformers, Lives of, by Wm. Gilpin. ....... 1940. Wilberforce, Wm., his Correspondence, edited by his sons, Robert and Samuel Wilberforce. 1941. Wilberforce, Wm., his Friends and Times, by John Campbell Colquhoun. ..... 1942. Wilberforce, Wm., Lis Life, by his sons, Robert, Isaac, and Samuel Wilberforce. . . . . 1943. Wilkes, John, his Correspondence and Memoir, by John Almon. ....... 1944. Wilkie, Sir David, his Life, by Allan Cunningham. 1945. William IIL, his Life and Times, by the Hon. Arthur Trevor. ........ 1946. William IIL and Louis XIV., their Letters 1697-1700, edited by Paul Grimblot vols. 1865. 2. 865-66 2, 1846. 3. 1853. 1. 1853. 1. 1858. 4. 1854. 2_ 1861. 1. 1841. 2 1820. 1. 1863. ») 1864. 2_ 1842. 1. 1866. 1. 1860. 1. 1766. 1. 1840. 2_ 1866. 1. 1838. 5. 1805. 5. 1843. 3. 1835. 2. 1848. 2. Biographj and Con-espondence. 71 B.IO. 1917. "Willoughbj, Lady, her Diary 1G35-G3, by Ann ^'"»- Manning 1846. 2. 1948. "Wilson, Daniel, Bishop of Calcutta, his Life, by the Rev. Josiah Bateman. ..... 18G0. 2. 1949. Wilson, Professor George, Memoir of, by his Sister. 18G1. 1. 1950. "Wilson, Professor John ("Christopher Xorth"), Memoir of, by Mrs. Gordon 1863. 2. 1951. "Wilson, General Sir Robert, Life of, edited by the Rev. Herbert Randolph 18G2. 2. 1952. "Wilson, Thomas, Memoir of his Life and Character, by his Son 1849. 1. 1953. Wits and Beaux of Society, by Mrs. A. T. Thomson, and J. C. Thomson, (Grace and Philip Wharton.) — 2. 1954. Wolfe, Rev. Charles, his Life and Remains, by the Rev. J. Russell. ...... 182G. 1. 1955. Wolfe, Major General James, Life of, by Robert Wright 18G4. 1. 195G. Wolsey, Cardinal, and his Times, by George Howard. 1824. 1. 1957. Wolsey, Cardinal, his Life and Administration, by John Gait. ....... 1817. 1. 1958. Woman and her Master, by Lady Morgan. . . 1840. 2. 1959. Woman in France during the 18th Century, by Julia Kavanagh. 1850. 2. 1960. Women of Christianity, by Julia Kavanagh. . . 1850. 2. 1961. Wordsworth, William, Poet Laureate, Memoirs of, by Dr. Christopher Wordsworth 1851. 2. 19G2. Worliing- Man's Way in the World, being the Auto- biography of a Journeyman Printer. . . . 1854. 1. 19G3. Working Women of the last half- Century, by Clara L. Balfour. 1854. 1. 19G4. Worthies of England, by Thomas Fuller. . . 1811. 2. 1965. Wratislaw, Baron Wenceslas, Adventures of, from the Bohemian, by A. H. Wratislaw. .... 1862. 1. 1966. Wraxall, Sir Xathaniel W., Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. ....... 1836. 3. 1967. Wren, Sir Christopher, Memoirs of his Life and Works, by James Elmes 1823. 1. B.y. 19dl. You have heard of them. 1854. 1. CYCLOPAEDIAS, LIBRARIES &c. C. 2001. British Essayists, with Prefaces Historical and Bio- graphical, by Alexander Chalmers. 2002. Cycloprtdia of American Literature, liy Evert and George Duyckinck. ...... 2003. CycloptBdia of English Literature, by Robert Chambers. 2004. Gyclopa-dia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, edited by Dr. Abraham Rees. 200.5. Encyclopedia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, and General Literature, with Index. .1853-60.22. 2006. English Cyclopajdia, conducted by Charles Knight: Arts and Sciences. ..... 1854-61. 8. Natural History. 1854-61. 4. voLi 1803. 45 1856. 2 1858. 2 1819. 45 Family Librar}', consisting of: 2007. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vols. 1.2. 2008. Life of Alexander the Great, by the Rev. John Williams, Vol. 3 2009. Lives of British Artists, by Allan Cunningham Vols. 4 10. 13. 19. 27. 38 2010. History of the .Jcw.s, by Dean Milman Vols. 5. 6. 9 2011. Natural History of Insects, Vols. 7. 51. 2012. Court and Camp of Bonaparte, Vol. 8. 2013. Life and Voyages of Columbus, by Washington Irving. Vol. 11 2014. Life of Nelson, by Robert Southey Vol. 12. . 2015. Lives of British Physicians, Vol. 14. 2016. History of British India, by the Rev. G. R. Glcig, Vols. 15. 48. 49. 50. .... 2017. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Vol. 16 10 1830. 2. 1829. 1. 1833. 6. 1830. 3. 1832. 2. 1831. 1. 1839. 1. 1837. 1. 18.30. 1. 1835. 4. is;)(). 1. 74 Ci/clopccdias , Libraries ^-c. C. 2018. Life and Travels of Bruce, by Major F. Head, Vol. 17 201 'J. Voyages of Columbus's Companions, by Washington Irving, Vol. 1>!. 2020. Sketches from Venetian History, Vols. 2U. 32. 2021. History of the Anglo Saxons, by Sir Francis Palgrave Vol. 21 2022. Lives of Scottish Worthies, by Patrick Fraser Tytler Vols. 22. ;u. :)7 2023. Tour in South Holland, Vol. 23. . 2024. Life of Sir Isaac Newton, by Sir David Brewster, Vol. 24 2025. Jhitiny of the Bounty, Vol. 25. . . . 2026. Reformation in England, by the Eev. J. J. Blunt Vol. 2t; 2027. Journal of an Expedition to the Niger, by Richard and J. Landor, Vols. 28. 29. 2028. Salmagundi, by Washington Irving, Vol. 30. 2029. Trials of Charles I. and the Regicides, Vol. 31. 2030. Letters on Natural Magic, by Sir David Brewster. Vol. 33 2031. Life of Peter the Great, Vol. 35. . 2032. Six Months in the West Indies, by Henry N. Coleridge Vol. 3G 2033. Sketchbook, the, by Washington Irving, Vols. 39. 40. 2034. Universal History, by Lord Woodhouselee, Vols. 41 42. 43. 44. 45. 46 2035. Fairy Legends, by T. Crofton Croker, Vol. 47. 2036. Memoirs of the Plague in 1665, by Daniel Defoe Vol. 52 2037. Life and Times of Washington, by Cyrus R. Edmonds Vols. 53. 54 2038. Knickerbocker's History of New York, by Washington Irving, Vol. 55. ..... 2039. Compendium of Natural Philosophy, by John We.sley Vols. 56. 57. and 58. .... 2040. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia, by Count de Segur Vols. 59. 60 2041. Life of Ali Pasha, by R. A. Davenport, Vol. 61. 2042. Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Robbers, by C. Macfarlane, Vol. 62 2043. Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulitj^, by R. A. Davenport, Yol. 63. vols. 1830. 1. 1831. 1. 1832. 2. 1831. 1. 1833. 3. 1831. 1. 1831. 1. 1831. 1. 1832. 1. 1842. 2. 1839. 1. 1832. 1. 1833. 1. 1832. 1. 1832. 1. 1834. 2. 1830. 6. 1841. 1. 1835. 1. 1836. 2. 1836. 1. 1836. 3. 1836. 2. 1837. 1. 1839. 1. 1841. 1. C7/clo]m'dias 9 Libraries <^-c, 75 vols C. 2044. History of tlie Bastile, by E. A. Daveuport, Vol. 64. 18.39. 1. 2045. Life of Gnstavus AdolpLus, by J. F. Ilollings, Vol. 65. 1838. 1. 2046. Clirouicles of London Bridge, Vol. GG. . . . 1839. 1. 2047. Life of the Duke of MarlborougL, by Charles Bucke, Vol. G7 1830. 1. 2048. Life and Writings of Cervantes, by Thomas Roscoe. Vol. 68 1839. 1. 2049. Life of Cicero, by J. F. Boilings, Vol. G9. . . 1839. 1. 2050. Euins of Ancient Cities, by Charles Bucke, Vols. 70. 71. 1840. 2. 2051. Life and Times of Eichard L, by ^V. E. Ayfoun, Vol. 72 1840. 1. 2052. Life of Mahomet, by the Eev. Samuel Green, Vol. 73. 1840. 1. 2053. Narratives of Peril and .Suffering, by R. A. Davenport, Vols. 74. 75 1842. 2. 2054. Classical Tour through Italy, by the Eev. J. C. Eustace, Vols. 76. 77. 78. 1842. 3. 2055. Lives of Individuals, who have raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune, by E. A. Davenport, Vol. 79 1841. 1. 2056. Narrative of the Mutiny at the Nore, by W. J. Neale, Vol. 80 1841. 1. Lardner's Cabinet C)'clopa:dia, consisting of: Arts and Sciences. 2057. Animals in Menageries, by Wni. Swainson. . . 1838. 1. 2058. Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, by Sir John Herschel. ...... 1830. 1. 2059. Essay on Probabilities, by Augustus de Morgan. . 1838. 1. 2060. Habits and Instincts of Animals, by "Wm. Swainson. 1840. 1. 2061. History and Natural Arrangement of Insects, by Wm. Swainson and "Wm. Shuckard. . . . . Is|((. |. 2062. History of Natural Philosophy, by Baden Powell. . 1834. 1. 2063. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology, by Dr. Lardner. ...... — 2. 2064. Natural History and Classification of Birds, by AVm. Swainson. ........ 1837. 2. 2065. Natural History and Classification of Fishes, Amphi- bians and Eeptiles, by Wm. Swainson. . . 1839. 2. 2066. Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds, by Wm. Swainson. . . . . . . 1835. 1. 10* 76 Cyclopadias , Libraries t^'c. C. 2067. Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany, by the Ivev. J. S. llenslow. 2068. Study of Natural History, by Wm. Swainson. 2060. Taxidermy, and Biographies of Zoologists, by Wm Swainson. ....... 2070. Treatise on Arithmetic, by Dr. Lardner. 2071. Treatise on Astronomy, l)y Sir John llerschel. 2072. Treatise on Chemistry, by Michael Donovan. 207.'i. Treatise on Domestic Economy, by Michael Donovan 2074. Treatise on Geology, by John Phillips. . 2075. Treatise on Geometry, by Dr. ].iardner. 2076. Treatise on Heat, by Dr. Lardner. 2077. Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, by Dr Lardner. ....... 2078. Treatise on Mechanics, by Capt. H. Kater. 2070. Treatise on Optics, by Sir David Brewster. 2080. Treatise on Shells 1848. 12 DRAMA AND POETRY. jJ. O. 21bl. Alciphrou, by Thomas Moore. 2152. Alonzo and other Tragedies. . 2153. Amaranth, the. ..... 2154. Amyntas, from the Italian of Torquato Tasso. 2155. Ancient Danish Ballads, translated by R. C. A. 2156. Anne Boleyn, by Dean Milman. 2157. Artaserxes. ...... 2158. Atalanta in Calydon, by A. C. Swinburne. 2159. Aurora Leigh, by Mrs. Browning. . Prior. vols 1840. 1783. 1767. 1769. 1860. 1826. 1763. 1865. 1857. L>. b. 2171. Baal, or Sketches of Social Evils. . 2172. Ballads and Poems, by Sir Edmund Head. 2173. Ballads and Songs of Brittany, by Tom Taylor. 2174. Belshazzar, by Dean Milman. 2175. Bertram, by the Rev. R. C. Maturin. 2176. Better late than never, by Miles Andrews. 2177. Bishops' "Walks and Bishops' Times, by Orwell 2178. Botanic Garden, the 2179. Bridal of Armagnac, by the Rev. T. Streatfield 2180. Bride of Abydos, by Lord Byron. . 2181. Britannia, by John < Igilvie. 2182. British Theatre, a Collection of Plays. . 2183. British Theatre, a Collection of Plays, with bio graphical and critical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald 2184. Bundle of Ballads, edited by George LawTence 1861. 1868. 1865. 1822. 1817. 1790. 1861. 1791. 1823. 1813. 1801. 1795. 37 1808. 23 1864. 1 80 Drama and Poelrij. D.C. 2191. Camp-fire, the, by H. A.Leveson, (the old Shekany) 2192. Captaiu Sword and Captain Pen, by Leigh Hunt. 219li. Captives, the, and other tragedies. . 2193. Caractacus, and other Pieces. ... 2195. Cathedral, the, by J. Williams. 2196. Christiad, the, from the Italian of Vida. . I'l'.t?. C'hristopheros, and other Poems, l)y the Rev. Walte; B. Mant 2198. Chronicles and Characters, by Ivobert Lytton. 2198. Cithara, by Martin F. Tupper. 2200. City Poems, by Alexander Smith. . 2201. Clementina, and other Tragedies. 2202. Collection of Poems, by various Authors. 2203. Collection of Poems, by various Authors. 2204. Comic Dramas, by Miss Edgeworth. 2205. Comic Tales, and Lyrical Fancies, by Charles Dibdin 2206. Course of Time, by Eobert Pollock. 2207. Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems, Henry W. Longfellow. .... 2208. Crescent, and other Lyrics, by IL Cholmondeley Pennell. ....... 2209. Crockford House \ 0l«. 1868. 1835. . 1786. 1777. . 1843. . 1771. L r . 1861. . 1868. . 1863. . 1857. . 1771. . 1766. . 1778-85 . 1817. . 1825. 1828. >• . 1858. y . 1864. . 1827. D.d. 2221. Deaf and Dumb, and other Plays. . 2222. Delinquent, the, and other I'lays. . 2223. Deserted Daughter, the, and other Plays. 2224. Divine Comedy of Dante, translated by C. B. Cayley. 2225. Doge of Venice, the, by Lord Byron. 2226. Don Carlos, by Earl Eussell. 2227. Don Juan, by Lord Byron 2228. Douglas, and other Tragedies. 2229. Dramas, by Joanna Baillie. .... 2230. Dramatic Scenes, and other Poems, by Barry Cornwall 2231. Dramatic Scenes from real Life, by Iiady Morgan. 2232. Dramatic Works of Aaron Hill, Vol. I. . 2233. Dramatic Works of Mary Russell Mitford. . 1801. 1. . 1806. 1. . 1795. 1. . 1854. 4. . 1821. 1. . 1822. 1. . 1819. 2. . 1757. 1. . 1836. 3. . 1820. 1. . 1833. 2. . 1 760. 1. . 1854. 2. i Drama and Poetrtj. D.d. 2234. Draruatic Works of Richard Brinslcy SLeridan. 2235. Dramatic Works of Thomas Noon Talfourd. 2236. Dramatis Persomu, by Robert Browning. 2237. Dramatist, the, and other Plays. 2238. Duchess Agnes, by Isa Craig. 81 vols. . 1848. . 1852. . 1864. . 1793. . 1864. D.d. 2251. Earl of Brecon, by Robert Landor. 2252. Early English Metrical Romances. . 2253. Early Italian Poets 1100-1300, translated by D G. Rossetti. ...... 2254. Earthly Paradise, by William Morris. 2255. English Merchant, the, and other Plays. 2256. English Theatre, the, a Collection of Plays, Vols. II VI. and VIII 2257. Enoch Arden, by Alfred Tennyson. 2258. Euphrosyne. ....... 2259. Eva, and other Tales and Poems, by Lord Lytton . 1841. . 1848. . 1861. . 1868. . 1778. . 1764. ,3 . 1864. 1780. 1842. 1 D.f. 2271. Fables. 2272. Fables, by John Gay. ..... 2273. Fables, by William Wilkie Fables, translated from various Authors, by John Dryden. ....... Fall of Jerusalem, by Dean Milman. Fall of Man, or Paradise Lost of Ctcdmon, from the Anglo Saxon, by Wm. Bosanquet. Family Quarrels, and other Plays. ... Farces, and other After- Pieces, selected by Mrs Inchbald. ....... 2279. Faust, from the German of Goethe, by Lord F. L Gower. ....... 2280. Faust, from the German of Goethe, by Theodore Martin. ....... 2281. Fazio, and other Poems, by Dean Milman. 2282. Festus, by Philip James Bailey. 11 2274. 2275. 2276. 2277. 2278. 1766. 1. 175.3. 2. 1768. 1. 1774. 1. 1820. 1. 1860. 1. 1805. 1. 1815. 6. 1825. 2. 1866. 1. 1821. 1. 1863. 1. 82 Drama and Poetry. vols. /^vA 228:1 Field of Waterloo, the, by Sir Walter Scott. . . 181.'>. 1. 2284. Flood of Thessaly, and other I'oems, by Barry Corn- wall. 182:1 1. 228'). Florio, by Hannah More. 17.-!i;. I. 228G. Flower- de- Luce, and other Poems, by Henry W. Longfellow. ....... 1807. 1. 2287. Footpaths between two Worlds, and other Poems, by Patrick Scott 1859. 1. 2288. Fudge Family in Paris, the, by Thomas Moore. . 1818. 1. 2289. Fudges in England, the, by Thomas Moore. . . 18:35. 1. /^..y. 2:J01. Gathered Leaves, by Frank E. Smedley. . . 1865. 1. 2302. Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems, by Walter Savage Landor. . . . . . 18:51. 1. 2303. Gentle Shepherd, tlic, by Allan Ramsay. . . 1790. 1. 2301. Golden Legend, the, and Song of Hiawatha, by Henry W. Longfellow 1856. 1. T)Ji. 2311. Halidon Hill, by Sir Walter Scott. 2312. Harvest Home, by S. Pratt 231 3. Havelock's March, and other Poems, by Gerald Masscy 2314. Heroic Idyls, by Walter S. Landor. 2315. History of English Poetry, by Thomas Warton. 2316. History of King Lear, and other Pieces. 2317. History of Scottish Poetry, by Dr. David Irving. 2318. History of the American Theatre, by W. Dunlop. 2319. Hudibras, by Samuel Butler. 2320. Hudibras, by Samuel Butlpr, with Notes. 2321. Human Life, by Samuel Rogers. . 1822. 1 . 1805. 9 . 1861. 1 . 1863. 1 . 1824. 4 . 1745. 1 . 1861. 1 . 1833. o 1761. 1 . 1793. 4 . 1819. 1 T). i. 2331. Idylls of the King, by Alfred Tennyson. 2332. Ingoldsby Legends, by the Rev. R. II. D. Barbara. 2333. In Memoriam, by Alfred Tennyson. 2334. Irad and Adah, by Thomas Dale. . 2335. Italy, by Samuel Rogers. .... 1859. 1. 1840-41. 2. 1850. 1. 1822. 1. 1823. 1. Drama and Poetry. IJ-J- 2341. Jacobite Eelics of Scotland, collected by James Hogg. 23d2. Jacobite Songs and Ballads of Scotland, edited by Charles Mackay. ...... 2343. Jealous Wife, tbe, and other Comedies. . 2344. Jerusalem delivered, from the Italian of Tasso, by John Hoole. ....... 2345. Jew, the, and other Comedies. .... 83 VOlri. ISIO. 1. ISGl. 17G1. 1. 1. 17G4. 1795. 2. 1. J).U. 2351. Kilmahoe, a Highland Pastoral, by John Campbell Shairj). 1864. 1. 2352. King and the Commons, the; Cavalier and I'uritan Songs compiled by Henry Morley. . . . 1849. 2. 2353. King Arthur, by Lord Lytton 1868. 1. 2354. Know your own Mind, and other Comedies. . . 1781. 1. 2355. Konrad Vallenrod, from the Polish of Adam Mickie- wicz, by H. Cattley 1841. 1. D- ?• 2361. Lady of La Garaye, the, by MrS. Norton. " 2362. Lalla Rookh, by Thomas Jloore. 2363. Laou-sing urh, a Chinese Drama. 2364. Last Poems of Mrs. Browning. 2365. Lay of the Last Minstrel, by Sir Walter Scott. 2366. Lays of Ancient Rome, by X/ord Macaulay. 2367. Le Morte Arthur 2368. Leaves from our Cypress and Oak. 2369. Leaves from the Olive Mount, by Catherine F. Mac ready. ...... 2370. Legends and Lyrics, by Adelaide Anno Proctor. 2371. Letters of Simpkin the Second on the Trial of Warren Hastings. ...... 2372. Lorenzo, and other Tragedies. 2373. Lost Tales of Miletus, by Lord Lytton. . 2374. Louis and Antoinette, and other Tragedies. 2375. Luther, by Robert Montgomery. 11 1862. 1818. 1817. 1862. 1816. 1843. 1864. 1863. 1. 1860. 1. 1863. 2. 1789. 1. 1791. 1. 1866. 1. 1794. 1. 1842. 1. 84 Drama and Poetry. D. I. 237ri. Lyra Urbanica, by C. Sforris. 2Ti7. Lyric Odes, by Peter Pindar (Dr. Wolcott.) 2378. Lyric Poems, by Thomas Scott. 2.'?70. Lyrics of Ireland, by Samuel Lover. 2380. Lyrics of Life, by Frederick W. Farrar. vola 1840. O 1787. 1 1773. 1 1858. 1 1859. 1 D.m. 2391. 2392. 2393. 2394. 2395. 239C. 2397. 2398. 2399. 2400. 2401. 2402. 2403. 2404. 2405. 2406. 2407. 2408. 2409. 2410. Madoc, by Robert Southcy. .... Maid of the t>aks, and other Plays. Man of Business, and other Comedies. Man of Ton, a Satire. ..... Marcian Colonna, and other Poems, by Barry Cornwall Marmion, by Sir "Walter Scott. ... Marriage-Promise, the, and other Comedies. Maud, and other Poems, by Alfred Tennyson. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent in 1820, by Wm. Wordsworth. ..... Merry Bridal o' Firthmains, by James Smith. Messiah, the, by the Eev. Robert Montgomery. Metrical Legends of exalted character, by Joanna Baillie Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, collected by Sir "Walter Scott. . ' Miscellaneous Plays, by Joanna Baillie. . Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, by Thumas Chatterton Money, by Lord Lytton. .... Moods and Tenses. ..... Mountain Bard, the, by James Hogg. My beautiful Lady, by Thomas "Woolner. Mystic, the, and other Poems, by Philip J. Bailey. 1801. 1775. 1774. 1828. 1820. 1815. 1803. 1855. 1812. 1804. 1778. 1841. 1827. 1821. 1864. 1855. 1822. 1. 1801".. 1. 1832. 1. 1821. 1. D.a. 2421. New England Tragedies, by H. "W. LongfeUow. . ISGS. 1. 2422. New Iilylles, from the German of Gessner. . . ]77i'i. 1. 2423. New Poems, by Matthew Ai-nold 18G7. 1. Drama and Poetry. 85 D.O. 2431. Odes upon Corn, Cash, and Catholics, and other ''<'''• matters, by Thomas Moore. .... 1828. 1. 2432. Oulita the Serf. 1858. 1. D.p. 24.51. 2452. 2453. 2454. 2455. 2456. 2457. 2458. 2459. 2460. 2461. 2462. 2463. 2464. 2465. 2466. 2467. 2468. 24G9. 2470. 2471. 2472. 2473. 2474. 2475. 2476. 2477. 2478. 2479. 2480. 2481. Palfrey, the, by Leigh Hunt. Percy, and other Tragedies. Philip von Artevelde, by Henry Taylor. Philoclea, and other Tragedies. Plays by David Garrick, and others. Plea of the Midsummer Fairies , by Thomas Hood Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands, by Mrs. Lyd H. Sigouruey. ..... Poems. ....... Poems, by eminent Ladies. Poems and Ballads of Algernon C. Swinburne Poems from the German, by Richard Garnett. Poetical Amusements. .... Poetical Eemains of Dr. John Leyden. Poetical Sketchlxiok, by Thomas K. Hervey. Poetical W^orks of Akenside, Mark. Poetical Works of Beattie, James. . Poetical Works of Browne, William. Poetical Works of Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Poetical Works of Browning, Robert. Poetical Works of Bryant, Wm. CuUen. Poetical Works of Bp-on, Lord. Poetical Works of Campbell, Thomas. Poetical Works of Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical Works of Chaucer, Geoffrey. Poetical Works of Churchill, C. Poetical Works of Coleridge, Hartley. Poetical Works of Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical Works of Cotton, Charles. Poetical Works of Cunningham, Allan. Poetical Works of Dante Alighieri , translated W. Longfellow. ..... Poetical Works of Davies, Sir John. . 1842. . 1780. . 1834. . 1754. . 1758. Hood . 1827. Lydi; . 184;!. . 1842. , . 1755. 1806. 1862. . 1776. 1819. 1772. 1766. 1769. 1862. 1863. 1848. 1867. 1866. 1777. 1852. 1769. 1851. 1829. 1765. 1766. by II 1867. 1773. 1. 8G Drama and Poetrj/. D.p. 2482. Poetical Works of Denliarn, Sir John. 17G9. VUIS. 1. 2483. Poetical Works of Garcilasso clc la Vcf^a, trauslatct by J. H. AViffcn 1823. 1. 2484. Poetical Works of Gay, John. 1762. !.> 2485. Poetical Works of Gray, Thomas. . 1770. 1. 2486. Poetical Works of Gray, Thomas 1775. 1. 2487. Poetical Works of Ilayloy, William. 1785. 6. 2488. Poetical Works of Ileber, Ivogiiialil (Bishop). 1829. 1. 2489. Poetical Works of Heine, llcinrich, translated by Dr Bowring. ....... 18G1. 1. 2490. Poetical Works of Ilerrick , Robert. 1825. o_ 2491. Poetical Works of Hood, Thomas. . 1854. 1. 2492. Poetical Works of Hood, Thomas. . 1855. 1. 2493. Poetical Works of Hunt, Leigh. ] 832. ]. 2494. Poetical Works of Ingelow, Jean. 18G3. 1. 2495. Poetical Works of James, Charles. . 1792. 1. 249G. Poetical Works of Keats, John. 1854. 1. 2497. Poetical Works of Langhornc, John. . 17GC. 2. 2498. Poetical Works of Leigh, Chnndos. 1818. 1. 2499. Poetical Works of Mason, William. 1771. 1. 2500. Poetical Works of Moir, D. M. (Delta). . 1852. 2. 2501. Poetical Works of jMontgomery, James. . . 183G. 3. 2502. Poetical Works of ]\Ioorc, Thomas. 1865. 1. 2503. Poetical Works of Motherwell, William. . . 1847. 1. 2504. Poetical Works of Mulock, Dinah Maria. — 1. 2505. Poetical Works of Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. 1864. 2. 250G. Poetical Works of Prior, Matthew. . 1779. 2_ 2507. Poetical Works of Ilamsay, Allan. . 1761. 2. 2508. Poetical 'Works of Robertson , J. . 1773. 1. 2509. Poetical Works of Rogers, Samuel. 1853. 1. 2510. Poetical Works of Shakespeare, William. 1832. 1. 2511. Poetical Works of Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1854. 1. 2512. Poetical Works of Smith, Alexander. . 1853. 1. 2513. Poetical Works of Southey, Caroline Bowles. . 1867. 1. 2514. Poetical Works of Southey, Robert. 1866. 1. 2515. Poetical Works of Spenser, Edmund. 1862. 5. 2516. Poetical Works of Tennyson, Alfred. 1860. 2. 2517. Poetical Works of Thomson, James. 1773. 4. 2518. Poetical Works of Waller, Edmund. 1758. 1. ! Drama and Pocti 'U- Dp- 2519. Poetical Works of Williams, H. M. 2520. Poetical Works of Willis, Xatlianiel P. 2521. Poetical Works of Wordsworth, William. 2522. Poetical Works of Wortley, Lady Emmclinn S- 2523. Poetical Works of Young, Edw.lrd. 2524. Poetry of the Autijacohin. 2525. Poet's Journal, by Bayard Taylor. 2526. Prelude, the, by William Wordsworth. 2527. Princess, the, by Alfred Tennyson. 2528. Prometheus's Daughter, by Col. James Abbott. 2529. Psyche, by John Brown. 2530. P.'^yche's Interludes, by Charles B. Cayley. 2531. Puck on Pegasus, by H. Cholmondeley Pennell. 87 vols. 1780. 1848. 1842. 18.3,3. 1774. 18G4. 1803. 1850. 1847. 18G1. 1818. 1857. 18G2. D.'l- 2561. Queen Ilynde, by James Hogg. 1. 2562. Queen Mother and llosamond, by A. C. Swinburne. 1860. 1. D.r. 2571. Reigning Vice, the. ..... 2572. Keliques of Ancient English Poetry. 2573. Eemains of Robert Bloomiield. 2574. Repository, the. ...... 2575. Rhymes on Art, by Martin Archer Slice. 2576. Richelieu, by Lord Lytton. .... 2577. Romance of the Scarlet Leaf, and other Poems, by Hamilton Aide. ..... 2578. Rouge et Noir 2579. Royal Dramatic Record. .... 2580. Royal Fables 2581. Runaway, the, and other Plays. 2582. Rural Sabbath, and other Poems, by Wm. Cockin . 1827. 1 . 1812. 3 . 1824. 2 . 1777. 2 . 1805. . 1839. Y . 18G5. . 1821. . 1766. . 1768. . 1805. D.S. 2591. St. Clement's Eve, by Henry Taylor. . . . 1862. 1. 2592. Saint's Tragedy, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. . 1859. 1. 2593. Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, and Cain, by Lord Byron. 1821. 1. vols. 180?,. 1. 1805. 1. 1812. 1. 1803. 1. 1783. 2. isG;i. 1. 1802. •)_ 18G0. 1. I8;!i. 1. 1H20. 1. 1756. 1. 88 Drama and Poelri/. I).S. 2594. Scenes of Infancy, by Jolin Leyden. 2595. School for Friends, and otlier Comedies. 2596. Scotch Courtiers and the Court, by Catlieriue Sinclair. 2597. Scottish Scenery, or Sketches in Verse, by Dr. James Cririe. ........ 2598. Select Scottish Ballads. 2599. Selections from the Poetical Works of Richard Jlonck- ton Milnes. ....... 2600. Series of Plays, by Joanna Baillie. 2601. Shadows of the Past, by Viscount Stratford de lied- cliffe 2002. Siamese Twins, the, by Lord Lytton. 2003. Sicilian Story, a, and other Poems, by Barry Cornwall. 2604. Siege of Aquileia. ...... 2605. Sir Marmaduke Herbert, and other Poems, by Allan Cunningham. ....... 1822. 1. 2606. Social Life in Germany illustrated in the Acted Dramas of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, trans- lated by Mrs. Jameson. ..... 2607. Songs and Ballads, by John James Lonsdale. 2608. Songs and Ballads of Uhland , translated by the Eev. W. Skeat. 2009. Songs and Poems, by Miss Blamire. 2610. Songs in many Keys, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. 2611. Songs of Evening, by Cecilia Elizabeth Meetkerke. 2612. Songs of Scotland, compiled by Allan Cunningham. 2013. Songs of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, by George W. Thornbury 1857. 1. 2614. Sonnets from the Italian of Petrarch, by Susan Wollaston. ....... 2615. Spanish Gypsy, the, by George Eliot. 2616. Specimens of the British Poets, by Thos. Campbell. 2617. Specimens of the Early English Metrical Romances, edited by G. Ellis 2618. Specimens of the German Lyric I'oets. 2619. Specimens of the Russian Poets, by Sir John Bowring. 2620. Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, from the Sanscrit, by Horace II. Wilson. 2621. Speed the Plough, and other Comedies. . 2622. Spindrift, by Sir J. Noel Paton 2623. Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry, by Isaac Taylor. 1840. 1807. 1. 1864. 1. 1800. 1. 1. 1. 1863. 1825. 4. 1841. 1. 1868. 1. 1819. 7. 1848. 1. l.^-'i'. 1. 1821. .; 1835. 1800. 1. 1867. 1. 1801. 1. D. t. 2041. 2G42. 2G43. 2644. 2645. 2646. 2647. 2648. 2649. 2650. Drama and Voeiry. Tales of a Wayside lun, by H. W. Longfellow. Tales of the Hall, by the Rev. George Crabbe. Theatre of Education, from the French of Madame dc Genlis, Vols. I. II. and III. Theodoric, and other Poems, by Thomas Camiibcll Thirty Thousand, and other Plays. Thomas and Sally, and other Comedies. Thoughts and Meditations in Verse. Three Tours of Dr. Syntax, by Wm. Combe. Tom Thumb, and other Plays. Triumphs of Temper, by Wm. Hayley. 89 vols. . 1864. 1. . 1819. 2 c . 1781. .J. . 1824. 1. . 1804. 1. . 1765. 1. . 1848. 1. — 3. . 180.5. 1. . 1781. 1. U.U. 2661. Undertones, by Robert Buchanan. 1863. 1. 1849. 1. B.V. 2G71. Varieties 2672. Vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante, translated by the Rev. Henry Gary. . . .' 1819. 2673. Vow of the Gileadite, by Wm. A. Galloway. . . 1842. D.ey. 2681. Wanderer, the, and other Poems, by Owen Me 2682. Werner, and other Poems, by Lord Byron. 2683. Widow of Malabar, and other Tragedies. 2684. Woman, by the Rev. Robert Montgomery. 2685. Works of Marvel, Andrew. 2686. Works of Shakespeare, William. 2G87. Works of Sheridan , Richard Brinsley. cditli 1859. 1. 1823. 1. 1791. 1. 1833. 1. 1772. 2. 1862. 3. 1821. 2. 12 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, THEOLOGY &c. E.a. 2701. Abstract of the whole Doctrine of the Christian lleligion, by John Freylinghausen. . . . 1S04. 2702. Account of the Roman Catholic Religion throughout the World, by Sir R. Steele 1715. 2703. Accusation of History against the Church of Rome, by the Rev. G. Townsend. .... 182.5. 2701. Acts and Monuments, by John Foxe. . . . 1841. 2705. Aids to Faith, edited by Wm. Thomson, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. ..... 1862. 2706. Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature, by Joseph Butler 1838. 2707. Apocalyptic Sketches, or Lectures on the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, by Dr. John Gumming. 1850. 2708. Apology for the Church of England, by Dr. John Je^vell 1825. 2709. Archaia, or Studios of the Cosmogonj' and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures, by J. W. Dawson. 1860. 2710. Astro-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from a Survey of the Heavens, by the Rev. W. Durham 1741. E.h. 2721, Bampton Lectures for 1858. On the Limits of Religious Thought, by the Rev. H. L. Mansel. . . . 1859. 1. 2722. Bampton Lectures for 1859. On the Historical Evi- dences of the Truth of the Scripture Records, by George Rawlinsou. ...... 1860. 1. 12* vuU. 92 Ecclesiastical Ilistori/, Theology cj-c. E.h. 2723. Bampton Lcctnrcs for 1800. Sunday; its Origin, History and present Obligation considered, hy Dr. James Augustus Hesscy. ..... 18G0. 1. 2724. Bampton Lectures for 18G]. Mission and Extension of the Cliurcli at Home, by the liev. John Sandford. 18('i2. 1. 2725. Bampton Lectures for 18G2. Critical History of Free Thought in reference to the Christian Religion, by the Rev. Adam Storey Farrar. .... 1802. 1. 2726. Bampton Lectures for 18(i,3. Relation between the Divine and Human Elements in Holy Scripture, by Dr. J. Hannah. 1863. 1. 2727. Bampton Lectures fir 18G1. Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament, by Thomas Delany Bernard. 18G4. L 2728. Bampton Lectures for 18GG. Divinity of Jesus Christ, by the Rev. Henry Parry Liddon. . . 18G8. 1. 2729. Bampton Lectures for 1867. The Dogmatic Faith, by the Rev. Edward Garbett. ..... 2730. Beatitudes, Sermons on the, by Dr. George Moberly. 2731. Bible, the, not the Bible Society, by the Rev. W. Phelan 2732. Bible Atlas, the, by Samuel Clark. 2733. Biblical Cyclopedia, edited by J. Eadie. 2734. Book and the Life, the, by Dr. Charles Vaughan. . 2735. Book of Churches and Sects, by the Rev. T. Boone. 2736. Book of Job in Verse, by Thomas Scott. 2737. Book of the Church, the, by Robert Southey. 2738. British Eloquence: Sermons by eminent Divines of the Church of England. ..... 1S,'j8. 1. 2739. British Eloquence: Sermons by eminent Divines of the Presbyterian Church. ..... 1858. 1. I'j. C. 2751. Canterbury Sermons on the Unity of Evangelical and Apostolical Teaching, by Dean Stanley. . . 1859. 1. 2752. Cautions for the Times, edited by R. Whateley, Arch- bishop of Dublin 1861. 1. 2753. Certainty unattainable in the Roman Church, by the Rev. M. Seymour. 1851. 1. 2754. Charge delivered in December 1862 to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, by Archibald Campbell Tait, Bishop of London 18G2. 1. 18G7. 180t). 1817. 1868. 1857. 1863. 182G. 1773. 1824. 1856. 4. 1847. 1. 18G2. 1. 1859. 1. 184G. 1. 1865. 3. 1840. 1. 1857. 1. Ecclesiastical History, Theology ^t. 93 vols. E-r.21hh. Christ and other Masters, by Charles Hai-clwicke. . 1857. 2. 2756. Christian Mother, the, by Mary Milner. . . 1840. 1. 2757. Christian Eecords, a short History of the Apostolic Age, by L. A. Merivale 1857. 1. 2758. Christology of the Old Testament, and a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, from the German of Hcngstonherg. ....... 2759. Church and the Churches, the, by the Rev. Hugh M'Neile 2760. Church and the Churches, the, or the Papacy and the Temporal Power, by Dr. Diillinger, translated by W. B. M'Cabe 2761. Church Dictionary, by Dr. Walter Farquhar Hook. 2702. Church in the Catacombs, the, by Charles Maitland. 2763. Church of the first Days, the, by Dr. Vaughan. 2764. Church Principles considered in their results, by W. Ewart Gladstone. ..... 2765. City, the; its Sins and Sorrows, by Dr. Thos. Guthrie. 2766. City of the Great King, the; Jeru.salem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be, by J. F. Barclay. . . 1858. 1. 2767. Closing Scene, the; or Christianity and Infidelity contrasted in the last Hours of remarkable Per- sons, by the Rev. Erskine Neale. . . . 1848-49. 2. 2768. Commentary upon the Holy Bible from Henry and Scott. ........ 2769. Comparative View of the Churches of England and Rome, by Dr. Herbert Marsh. . . • . 2770. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. ....... 2771. Connections between the Sacred Writings and Litera- ture of Jewish and Heathen Authors, by Dr. Robert Gray. 2772. Consolatio, or Comfort for the Afflicted, edited by the Rev. C. E. Kenuaway. ..... 2773. Constitution of the Church of the Future, by C. C. Bunsen. ....... 2774. Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament, by Dr. Joseph Hall. 2775. Continuity of Scripture, by Sir Wm. Page Wood. 2776. Correspondence between the Bishop of Exeter, and Lord Macaulay. 1861. 1. 1833. 6. 1816. 1. 1849. 1. 1819. 2. 1847. 1. 1847. 1. 1831. 1868. 3. 1. 94 Ecclesiastical IliMory, Thcologtj cjr. K. c. 2111. Creation in Plan and Progress, being an Essay on tlie First Chapter of Genesis, by the Ifev. James Challis 18C1. 1. 2778. Critical Digest of Sacred Annotations on the New Testament, by the Kev. S. T. Uloomfield. . . 1826. ». K.d. 2701. Daily Scripture Eoadiugs, by Dr. Thomas Chalmers. 1848. 3 271)2. Dangers and Safeguards of Modern Theology, by A. C. Tait, Bishop of London 1861. 1. 270.'). David, King of Israel; Readings fur the Young, by the Rev. Josiah "Wright LSIJU. 1, 279 t. Deathbed Scenes, and Pastoral Conversations, by Dr. John AVharton 1828. I. 2705. Dervishes, the, or Oriental Sjjiritualism , by John P. Brown. 18G8. 1. 279(). Discourses bearing on the Controversies of the Day, by Dr. Walter Farquhar Hook 185;5. 1. 2707. Discourses on Prophecy, by Dr. J. Davison. . . 182.'). 1. 270S. Divine Legation of Jfoses, by Dr. AVm. AVarburton. 1705. 5. 2700. Doing Good; or the Christian in Walks of Usefulness, by the Rev. II. Steel. 1850. 1, -SJ. e. 2811. Earthly Resting Place of the Just, by the Rev. Erskine Neale 1851. 1. 2812. Ecce Homo, a Survey of the Life and Works of Jesus Christ, by Professor Seeley. .... 1866. 1. 2813. Ecclesiastical Biography, by Dr. C. Wordsworth. . 1818. 0. 2814. Ecclesiastical History, by John Foxe. . . . 1011. .'i. 2815. Ecclesiastical History, by John La-ivrence Mcsheim. 1765. 2. 281C. Ecclesiastical History of the Venerable Bcde, and the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, edited by J. A. Giles. . 1847. 1. 2817. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States, by the Rev. Edward Waylcn 1840. 1. 2810. Elements of Morality, including Polity, by Dr. Wm. Whewell 1845. 2. Ecclesiastical History, Tlieology ^-C. 95 E.C. 2820. End not Yet, the; a reply to Dr. Cumming's Work, '■»''• "The Great Tribulation," by W. E. Taylor. . 185[t. 1. 2821. Enquiry into the Cause of the Gospel Demoniacs, by Dr. Wm. Worthington. 1777. 1. 2822. Essays and Reviews 18G0. 1. 2823. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, by Sir James Stephen 1849. 2. 2824. Essays on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, by Hugh Farmer 1775. 1. 2825. Essays on the Union of Church and State, by Baptist AY. Noel 1819. 1. 282G. Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception, by Archbishop Sumner. . . . 1830. 1. 2827. Evidences of Christianity, by Wm. Paley. . . 1795. 2. 2828. Evidences of Christianity in their external Divisions, by Dr. Charles M'llvaine 1833. 1. 2829. Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal Fulfilment of Prophecy, by Dr. Alex. Keith 1834. 1. 2830. Examination of Bishop Colenso's Difficulties with re- gard to the Pentateuch, by the Rev. Alex. M'Caul. 18G3. 1. 2831. Exodus of Israel, its Difficulties examined and its Truths confirmed, by the Rev. T. R. Birks. . 1863. 1. 2832. Explanations of the Bible and Prayerbook, by Dr. R. Whateley, Archbishop of Dublin. . . . 1858. 1. E.f. 2841. Feasts and Fasts, by the Rev. Edward V. Ncalc. . 1845. 1. E.g. 2851. God in History, by Baron C. C. J. Bunsen. . . 18G8. 2. 2852. Gold and the Gospel; on the Scriptural Duty of Giving in Proportion to Means and Income. . 1855. 1. 2853. Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson, by the Rev. A. K. H. Boyd, 1st and 2d Series. . . . 1863-65. 2. 2854. Great Tribulation, the ; or the Things coming upon the Earth, by Dr. John Cumming. .... 1859. 1. 2855. Greek Church, the; its present State in Russia, by Robert Pinkerton 1814. 1. vols. 1833. 1. 1859. 1. 1808. 1. 1812. 1. 1851. o 18C1. 1, 1773. 1 18G1. i). 96 Ecclesiastical History, Theology ^r. E.h. 2861. naii])Incss of the Blessed, by Dr. Ricliard Mant. 2862. Heavenly Life; Select Writings of Adelaide L. New- ton. ......... 2863. Ilerniits, the, hy the Eev. Cliarles King:sley. . 2864. Hints ou Evangelical Preaching, hy a Barrister. 2865. llippolytus and his Age, by Baron C. C. J. Bunsen. 2806. Historical Memoirs of the Eiigli.sh, Irish and Scottish Catholics from the Reformation to the present Time, by Charles Butler 1S21. 2867. History and Destiny of the World and (he Church according to Scripture, by Dr. Alex. Keith. 2808. History of Churches in England, by Thos. Staveley. 2869. History of Latin Christianity, by Dean Milman. 2870. History of the Christian Churches and Sects from the earliest Ages of Christianity, by the llev. J. B. Marsden 1850. 2. 2871. History of the Church from the earliest Ages to the Reformation, by the Rev. G. Waddington. . . 1833. 1. 2872. History of the Church of Christ, by the Rev. Joseph Milner 1831. 1. 2873. History of the Church of Christ, intended as a cou- tinuatiou of the above, by John Scott. . . 1828. 3. 2874. History of the Church of England in the Colonics, by James S. Anderson. ...... 1850. 3. 2875. History of the Church of Russia, from the Russian of A. N. Mouravieff, by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore. 1842. 1. 2876. History of the Destruction of Jerusalem, by the Rev. G. Wilkins 1822. 1. 2877. History of the Early Church from the First Preaching of the Gospel to the Council of Nicaja, by Miss Scwell 1859. 1. 2878. History of the Effects of Religion ou Mankind, by the Rev. Edward Ryan 1788. 1. 2879. History of the Fall of the Jesuits in the 18th Century, by Count Alexis de Saint-Priest. . . 1845. 1. 2880. History of the Holy Bible, by the Rev. Thos. Stack- house. ........ 2881. History of the Jesuits 2882. History of the Jesuits from the Foundation of their Society to its Suppression by Clement XIV., by Andrew Steinmetz. ...... 2883. History of the Jewish Nation, by the Rev. A. Edcrsheim. 1859. 1816. 2. 2, 1848. 1856. 3. 1. Ecclesiastical History, Theology cjr. 97 E.h. 2884. History of the Life of Christ, also the Lives of the ''°''' Apostles, by Jeremy Taylor, and Dr. "W. Cave. . 17 42. 1. 2885. History of the Progress uiul Suppression of the Kefor- niation in Italy in tiie 16th Century, by Dr. Thomas M'Crie. 1827. 1. 288G. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, by Dr. Samuel AVilberforce, Bishop of Oxford. . 185G. 1. 2887. History of the Puritans from the Reformation of 1517 to the Revolution in 1688, by the Rev. Daniel Neal. 1837. .3. 2888. History of the Reformation in Germany, from the German of Leopold von Ranke. . . . 1845. 4. 2889. History of the Reformation in Scotland, by Dr. George Cook. 1819. 3. 2890. History of the Reformation in the IGth Century, by Merle d'Aubigne. 1846-62. G. 2891. History of the Reformation of the Church of England, by Henry Soames. ...... 182G. 4. 2892. History of the Reformed Religion in France, by the Rev. Edward Smedley. ..... 1834. 3. 2893. Horae Paulina;, or Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul, by the Rev. ^\m. Paley. . . . 18G1. 1. E.l. 2001. Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs, by the Rev. W. Arnot, 1st and 2nd Series 1858. 2, 2902. Illustrations of the Truths of the Christian Religion, by Edward Maltby 1802. 1 2903. Importance of Religious Opinions, from the French of Necker 1788. 1 2904. Indexes of the Church of Rome, by the Rev. Joseph Mendham. 1826. 1 2905. Inspiration and Interpretation, being an Answer to the Essays and Reviews, by the Rev. J. Burgon. . 1861. 1 2906. Institutes of Theology, by Dr. Thos. Chalmers. . 1849. 2 2907. Instructions in Reading the Liturgy, by the Rev. J. H. Hewlett 1826. 1 2908. Introduction to the Study of the New Testament, by Dr. Samuel Davidson. ..... 1SG8. 2 2909. Isaiah, a new Translation, by the Rev. Rob. Lowth. 1807. 2 2910. Israel of the Alps; a History of the Persecution of the Waldenses, from the French of A. Maston. . 1852. 1 13 98 Ecclesiastical History, Theology SiC. EA. 2921. Lectui-es on Ecclesiastical History and Nonconformity, ^o'"- by the Rev. Isaac Mann 1829. 1. 2922. Lectures on the Apocalypse, by Dr. John Curaniiug, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... — 2. 2923. Lectures on the Apocalypse, by the Kcv. Frederick D. Maurice 18G1. 1. 292-1. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Cliurcli, by Dean Stanley 1801. 1. 2925. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, by Dean Stanley, Parts I. and 11 1863-05. 2. 292G. Legends of the Monastic Orders, by Mrs. Jameson. 1850. 1. 2927. Lessons from the Great Biography, by Dr. James Hamilton 1857. 1. 2928. Letters from a Father to his Son, by G. G. Cooper. 1823. 1. 2929. Letters of John Huss, written during his Exile and Imprisonment, by Emile de Bonnechose. . . 184(5. 1. 2930. Loyola and Jesuiti.sm, by Isaac Taylor. . . 1849. 1. AVw. 2941. ]\[ahomctanism Unveiled, by the liev. Charles For.ster. 1829. 2. 2942. Mammon, or Covctousness, the Sin of the Christian Church, by the Rev. John Harris. . . . 1837. 1. 2943. Memorials of Harrow Sundays; Sermons preached in Harrow School, by Dr. Vaughan. . 18()1. 1. 2944. Monks of the West from Benedict to St. Bernard , by Count de Montalembert 1861-G7. 5. 2915. Moral Strength, or the Nature and Conquest of Evil Habits considered, by Wm. Mousley. 1843. 1. 2946. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome, by tlie Kev. M, H. Seymour 1849. 1. 2947. Mortal Life; or the State of the Soul after Death, by Ales. Copelaud. ...... 1834. 1. E.n. 2951. Natural History of the Bible, by Dr. T. Jf. Harris. 1825. 1. 2952. Natural Theology, l)y the Rev. Wm. Paley, illustrated by Lord Brougham. ...... 1835. 1. Ecclesiastical Histoiij, Theology cjr. 99 Vol-^. 1862. ], 18G8. 1. 18G5. 1 181G. -> i^.'/f- 2953. Nature and tlie Supern.-itunil, by Dr. Horace Buslmcll. 18G1. 1. 2054. Ne-storians, the, or Lost TribcH, by ilichael Grant. . 1841. 1. 2955. Notes from the journal of I^. M. Flad, missionary in Abyssinia. ....... 1860. 1. 2956. Notes on tlie Kise, Progress &c. of tlie German Catholic Church, by Samuel Laing. . . . 1845. 1. E.O. 2961. (Edipus on the Sphinx of the 19th century, or Politico Polemical Riddles interpreted, by William Brade. 2962. On "Ecce Homo," by W. E. Gladstone. . 2963. Oriental Church and tlie Latin, the, by Jonas King 2964. Oriental Customs, by the Rev. Samuel Burder. 2965. Oriental Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures, by Joseph Roberts. 1835. 2966. Oriental Literature, applied to the illustration of the Scriptures, by the Rev. Samuel Burder. . . 1822. ■tj-p- 2971. Paraphrase of some of St. Paul's Epistles, by John Locke 1742. 1. 2972. Pastoral Life, by the Rev. Edward Monro. . 1862. J. 2973. Pearl of Days, or the Advantages of the Sabbath to the Working Classes, by a laborer's daughter. . 1849. 1. 2974. Pentateuch and Book of Josliua critically explained by Dr. John W. Colenso, Bishop of Natal. . . 1863-65. 5. 2975. Philosophy and Religion, by the Rev. W. B. Galloway. ls37. 1. 2976. Physico-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, by the Rev. W. Derham. . 1754. 1. 2977. Plain Sermons, by the Rev. J. J. Blunt. . 1859. 1 2978. Popes and Jesuits of the present century, by Dr. Edward H. Michelscn. 1860. 1. 2979. Power of the Soul over the Body, by George Mo^'re. 1845. 1. 2980. Practical Sermons, by Dr. George Moberly. . . 1838. 1. 2981. Practical View of the prevailing religious Systems of professed Christians, contrasted with real f Chris- tianity, by Wm. Wilbcrforce. .... 1797. 1. 13* 100 Ecclesiastical Histririf, Tlicnloi/}/ i?r. I^.J>. 2982. Pielcctions on Butler's Analofry, Paley's Evidonces vols and Hill's Ijcctuies on Divinity, by Dr. Thomas Chalmers 1849. 1 2983. Principles of Moral and Political Philnsnjiliy, liy the Kcv. Wm. Palcy 1787. 2 2984. Princij)les of the Christian Religion, from the French, by the Eev. Tiiomas Lally 1749. 2 2985. Principlesof the Jesuits, by the Rev. Charles Paroissien. 1860. 1 298C. Protestant Reformation in France, by Mrs. Marsh. . 1847. 2 2987. Protestantism contrasted with Romanism, by the Rev. J. E. Cox 1852. 2 2988. Proverbs for the People, by E. L. Magoon. . . 1849. 1 " 2989. Psalms in Metre, the, by Charles B. Cayloy. . . 18G0. 1 2990. Pnlpit Table-Talk, by Dean Ramsay. . . 18G8. 1 2991. Pupils of St. John the Divine, by Jliss Yongc. . 18G8. 1 />■(/. 3001. Quiet Moments, by Lady Charlotte T'cjiys. 1859. 1. ^•J". 3011. Refutation of Calvinism, by Dr. George Tomliue. . 1817. 1 3012. Religions Discourses, by a Layman. 3013. Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia, by Dr. J. King. ..... 3014. Rites and Customs of the Greco -Russian Church, by H. C. Romanoff. 3015. Ritunlism in the English Church, by Dr. Rober Vaughan. 3010. Rock of Rome, or the Arch-heresy, by James Slieridan Knowlcs. ....... 3017. Rome, Christian and Papal, by Dr. L. de Sanctis. 1828. 1. 1772. 1. 18G8. 1. 18GG. 1. 1849. 1. 1856. 1. £■.5.3021. Sabbath ScriiJture Readings, by Dr. Thos. Chalmers. 1848. 2. 3022. Sacred Allegories, by tlio Rev. W. Adams. . . 1855. 1. 3023. Sacred History of the World, by Sharon Turner. . 1836. 3. 3024. Sacred Memorials of the last days and blessed deaths of eminent Christians of the Church of England, by the Rev. H. CHssold 1848. 1. Ecclesiastical History, Theology ^-c. 101 E.S. 3025. St. Columba, Apostle of Caledonia, by Count Monta- ■">'"• lembert 1868. 1. 3020. Schism; its Nature, Progress, and Consequences, by tbe Kcv. Charles Daubeny. . . . . 1818. 1. 3027. Science and Revelation compared in their two records of creation, by C. L. 3028. Scripture Portraits, by Dban Stanley. 3029. Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the year 1678, by the Rev. James Kirkton. ....... 3030. Seekers after God, by the Rev. F. W. Farrar. 3031. Sermons, by Chalmers, Dr. Thomas. 3032. Sermons, by Ilcber, Bishop, { P'"^"'=|"^'| !" ^^^'f^^^- ■' \ preached ni India. 3033. Sermons, by Law, Dr. Edward 3034. Sermons, by Owen, Dr. 3035. Sermons, by Paley, Rev. William. 3036. Sermons, by Robertson, Rev. William. 3037. Sermons, by Stanley, Dean, jireached before the Prince of Wales in the East. .... 3038. Sermons, by Sterne, Rev. Laurence, Vols. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 3039. Sermons, by Trench, Dr. R. C, Archbishop of Dublin preached in Westminster Abbey. 3040. Sermons, by Venn, Rev. John 3041. Sermons, by Wilson, Rev. Edward. 3042. Seven Churches of Asia, by the Rev. Robert Maguire. 3043. Shinar, a Lecture, by Dominic M'Causland. 3044. Short History of the Georgian Church, from the Rus- sian of P. Joselian. ...... 3045. Signs of the Times, by Baron C. C. J. Bunsen. 3046. Signs of the Times, by Dr. John Cumming. 3047. Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World, by John Evans. 1803. 1. 3048. State, the, in its Relations with the Church, by W. E. Gladstone 1841. 2. E.t. 3061. Temples of the Hebrews, by the Rev. J. T. Bannister. 1861. 1. 3062. Terms of Union with the Greek Church, translated by W. C. King. 1865. 1. 1857. 1867. 1817. 1868. 1849. 1829. 1829. 1827. 1773. 1818. 1861. 1863. 1769. 1861. 1814. 1833. 1857. 1867. 1866. 1856. 1854. 102 Ecclesiastical Ilifto)''/, Tlicologij Sec. h.l. :V)Cu',. Tlioiiglits concerning God and Nature, by Joliii lliU 'M6-1. 'J'hiiuglits on Keligion, by Blaise Pascal, and T. Adam 30G5. Tlirec Disjiensations, by Dr. S. Faber. 306(i. Tracts on Various Subjects, by Dr. Bcilby Portcus, 30G7. Travels of an Irisb Gcnllonian in scareb of a religion 3068. Treatise on Heaven and Hell, by Emmanuel Sweden borir. I T.'i.'i. 1 is;;;j. i 1823. 2 1H07. 1 1H33. 2 1778. 1 J^.U. 3071. Unspoken Sermons, by George Mac-Donald. 1867. 1. J'^.r. 3081. Veracity of tbe Book of Genesis, by tbe Rev. W H. Iloare 3082. View of tbe Evidences of Christianity, by tbe Kev Wm. Paley 3083. View of the Internal Evidences of the Christian Religion l8i;o. 1. 18.'-)0. 1. 1770. 1. E.iO. 3091. War with tbe Saints, by Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. 1818. 1 301)2. Warburtonian Lectures preached in Lincoln's Inn Chai)el from 18 11) to 18.'-)3, by tbe Rev. E. B Elliott 3093. Waymarks of the Pilgrimage, by Dr. G. B. Cheever. 3094. AYesley and Methodism, by Isaac Taylor. 3095. Works of Dr. Isaac Barrow, edited by the Rev. T S. Hughes. ...... 3090. Works of Bishop T. Sherlock, edited by the Rev. T, S. Hughes. 1 8.'-)0. 185."). 1830. 1830. NOVELS, ROMANCES &c. r.a. 3101. A Day's Ride, , 1833. 3. 1853. 1. 1851. 3. 1824. 4. 1853. 2. 1859. 1. 1865. 1. 1830. o 1860. 2_ 1838. 1. 1852. 3. 1831. 3. 1852. 2. 1854. '•}. 1864. 1. 1806. 2. 1868. 1. 1830. 3. 1834. 3. Novels, Romances ^x. F. «. 3165. Allanston, by Lady Chatterton. 31G6. Almacks ■ • 31G7. Alone, by Marion llarland. .... 3168. Alone in the World, by Mrs. Gordon .Smythics. 3169. Alton Locke, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. . 3170. Amabel, by Mary Wormeley. 3171. Ambassador's "Wife, the, by Mrs. Gore. . 3172. Ambcrhill, by A. J. Barrowcliffe. . 3173. Amber- Witch, the, by Lady Duff Gordon. 3174. Ambrose, the Sculptor, by Mrs. Robert Cartwright 3175. Amy Herbert, by Miss Sewell. 3176. Amy Paul 3177. Amymone, by Miss Lynn 3178. Anastasius, by Hope. ..... 3179. Ancient Regime, by G. P. R. James. 3180. Andrew the Savoyard, by Paul de Kock. 3181. Andrew Deverel, by Charles Beach. 3182. Angela, by Mrs. Marsh. .... 3183. Angelo San Martino, a Tale of Lombardy in 1859 3184. Anna, or Passages from a Home Life. 3185. Anna Lee, by J. Szeredy 3186. Annaline, by Miss Hawkins 3187. Annals of aquietXeighbourhood, by George Macdonald 3188. Annals of the Parish, by John Gait. 3189. Anne Dysart. 3190. Anne Grey, by Thomas Henry Lister. 3191. Anne Hathaway, by Emma Severn. 3192. Anne of Geierstein, by Sir Walter Scott. 3193. Annette, by W. F. Deacon 3194. Annis Warleigh's Fortunes, by Holme Leo. 3195. Anschar. ...... 3196. Anselmo, by A. Vieusseux. .... 3197. Antar, from the Arabic, by T. Hamilton. 3198. Antifanaticism, by M. H. Butt. 3199. Antipodes, or the New Existence. . 3200. Antiquary, the, by Sir Walter Scott. 3201. Antonina, by Wilkie Collins. 3202. Arabella Stuart, by G. P. R. James. 3203. Arabian Nights, the, translated by the Rev. E. Forster. 105 vols. . 1844. 3. . 1827. 3. . 1854. 1. . 1861. 3. . 1850. 2. . 1853. 3. 1842. 3. . 1856. 2. . 1844. 1. . 18.54. 2. 1847. 2. . 1852. 2. . 1848. 3. . 1820. 3. . 1842. 1. . 1833. 2. . 186.3. 2. . 1848. 3. . 1860. 1. . 1854. 1. . 1855. 1. . 1824. 3. . 1867. 1. . 1821. 1. . 1850. 3. . 1834. 3. . 1845. 3. . 1829. 3. . 1852. 3. . 186.3. 3. 1. 2. . 1825. . 1820. 4. . 1853. 1. . 1855. 3. . 1821. 1. . 1850. 3. . 1844. 3. •. 1802. 5. 14 lOG Novels, Romances Sfc. F.a. 320-1. Archie Lovell, by Amelia Edwards. 3205. Aretliusa, tlie, by Capt. C'hamier. 320G. Arlington, by T. Li.stei-. 3207. Armadale, by Wilkie Collins. 3208. Armenians, the, by Charles M'Farlane. 3209. Arne, by IJjorustierna Bjornson. 3210. Arrab Neil, by G. V. E. James. 3211. Arthur Arundel, by Horace Smith. 3212. Arthur Blane, by James Grant. 3213. Arthur Brandon 3214. Arthur Montague. 3215. Arthur O'Leary, Loiterings of, by Charles 3216. Arthur of Brittany, by Peter Leicester. 3217. Artingale Castle, by Thomas A. Trollope 3218. Artist and Craftsman. 3210. Arundel, by Sir F'rancis Vincent. 3220. Arvon, by C. M. (Jharlcs. 3221. Aspen Court, by Shirley Brooks. 3222. At home, by Mrs. Burdett. 3223. At odds, by the Baroness Tautphoeus. 3224. Atherton. . . . . 3225. Attacln', the, or Sam Slick in England Haliburton. .... 3226. Attila, by G. P. R. James. 3227. Aubrey, by Jlrs. Marsh. 3228. Aubrey Couyers, by E. Stewart. 3229. Audrey, by L. Jewry 3230. Augustin, from the French of Madame M( 3231. Aurelia, or a Beauty's Life in Italy. 3232. Auriol, by W. Harrison Ainsworth. 3233. Aurora Floyd, by M. E. Braddon. 3234. Austin Elliott, by Henry Kingsley. 3235. Australian Tales 323G. Autobiography of an English Detective, li (W. liussell.) .... 3237. Autobiography of an Irish Traveller. 3238. Ayesha, by .Tame.s Morier. 3239. Aylmers, the, by T. Haynes Bayly. Lever. I'y )nner "W Judge od. iters' vulii. 18C7. 1. 1837. I*. 1832. ,i 1866. 3 1830. 3. 1866. 1 1845. 3. 1857. 1 1860. 1 1856. 1850. 3. 1850. 3. 1831. 3. 1867. 3. 1860. 1. 1840. 3. 1855. 2 1855. 3. 1828. 3. 1863. 1. 1831. 3. 1845. 1. 1837. 3. 18.54. 3. 1853. 1. 185.3. 3. 1855. 1. 1852. 3. 1865. 1. 1863. 1. 1863. 2. 1868. 1. 1853. 2, 1835. '.). 1834. >i. 1827. 3. Novels, Romances ^-c. F.h. 3271. Baboo, the, and other Tales. . 3272. Balance of Comfort, the. 327.3. Bandalero, the, by Captain Mayne Reid. 3274. Banished, the, edited by James Morier. . 3275. Banker Lord, the. . " . 3276. Banker's Wife, the, by Mrs. Gore. . 3277. Bannerford, or the Valley of Gold. 3278. Barbara's History, by Amelia Edwards. . 3279. Barber of Paris, the, by Paul de Kock. 3280. Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope. 3281. Barnabys in America, the, by Mrs. Trollope. 3282. Barney Mahoney, by T. Crofton Croker. 3283. Baroness, the. ..... 3284. Baronet's Family, the, by A. Beale. 3285. Barony, the, by Anna Maria Porter. 3286. Barren Honor, by George Lawrence. 3287. Barrington, by Charles Lever. 3288. Bar -Sinister, the 3289. Basil, by "Wilkie Collins. 3290. Basil Godfrey's Choice, by Holme Lee. . 3291. Bathurst, or the Dartmoor Gipsy. 3292. Battle Cross, the, by John Brent. . 3293. Battle of Life, the, by Charles Dickens. . 3294. Beatrice, by Julia Kavanagh. 3295. Beatrice, by Catherine Sinclair. 3296. Beauchamp, by G. P. R. James. 3297. Beggar's Benison, the. .... 3298. Beggars, the (Les Gueux), by J. B. de Liefde 3299. Begg'd at Court, by Charles Kniglit. 3300. Belforest, by Ann Manning. 3301. Belgian Episodes, by H. Moke, and Alice Wi 3302. Belisarius, from the French of Marmontel. 3303. Bellegarde, a Canadian Tale. 3304. Belton Estate, the, by Anthony Trollope. 3305. Bejjpo the Conscript, by Thomas A. Trollope 3306. Berber, tlie, by W. S. Mayo. . 3307. Bernard Leslie, by the Rev. W. Gresley. 3308. Bernard Marsh, by G. P. R. James. 3309. Bertha, by W. B. M'Cabe. Imere 14* 107 vols. 1834. 2. 1S17. 3. 18G6. 1. 1839. 1. 1840. 3. 1858. 1. 1853. 3. 1864. 1. 1839. 3. 1857. 3. 184.3. 1. 1832. 1. 1. 3. 18.52. 1830. 3. 1862. 1. 1862. 1. 1836. 2. 1852. 3. 1868. 2. 18.50. 3. 1845. 3. 1847. 1. 1864. 1. 1852. '}. 1846. 1. 1866. 2. 1868. 1. 1867. 1. 1865. 2. 1S6]. 1. 1767. 1. 1832. 3. 1866. 1. 1864. 2 1850. 1. 1843. 1. 1864. 2. 1851. 3. 108 Novels, Romances c?r. F.h.'MlO. Bortie Bray, by Annie Thomas. 3311. Bertrams, the, by Anthony Trollope. 3312. Betrothed Lovers, the, from the Italian of A. Manzoni 3313. Bcyminstre. ....... 3314. Big Abel, ami the little Manhattan, by C. Matthews 3315. Birthday, the. 3316. Birthright, the, and other Talcs, by Mrs. Gore. 3317. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, by Theodore Hook 3318. Bit o' writin, and other Tales, by J. Banim. . 3319. Bivouac, the, by W. 11. Maxwell. . 3320. Black Eagle, the, by G. P. R. James. . 3321. Black Panther, the, by Sir 0. F. Lascelles Wraxalj 3322. Black Sheep, the, by Edmund Yates. 3323. Black Tulip, the, by Alexander Dumas. 3324. Black Watch, the, by A. Picken. . 3325. Blanche and her betrothed 3326. Blanche Cressingham. ..... 3327. Bleak House, by Charles Dickens. . 3328. Blenham, by E. Elliott 3329. Blighted Ambition. 3330. Blithedale Romance, the, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3331. Blue Belles of England, the, by Mrs. Trollope. 3332. Body and Soul 3333. Bogle Corbet, by John Gait 3334. Bond and Free 3335. Book of the Passions, the, by G. P. R. James. 3336. Border Rifles, the, by Gustave Aimard. 3337. Borderers, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 3338. Bosworth Field, by Peter Leicester. 3339. Bothwcll, by James Grant 3340. Bound to the Wheel, by John Saunders. 3341. Box for the Season, a, by Charles Clarke. 3342. Boyne Water, by J. Banim 3343. Bracebridge Hall, by Washington Irving. 3344. Bramblctye House, by Horace Smith. 3345. Brampton Rectory. ..... 3346. Bravo, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. — Bravo of Venice, the, by M. G. Lewis, see F. v. 5912 3347. Breach of Promise, the, by Mrs. Gordon Smythies. vols. . 1864. 2 . 1859. 2. . 1845. 2. , 1850. 3. . 1845. 1. . 1844. 1. . 1844. 3. . 1839. 1. . 1838. 3. . 1837. 3. . 1859. 1. . 1861. 1. . 1807. 1. . 1854. 1. . 1834. 3. . 1855. 3. . 1844. 2. . 1853. 1. . 1855. 1. . 1822. 3. . 1852. 2. . 1842. 1. . 1823. 2. . 1823. 3. . 1860. 3. . 1839. 1. 1. 3. . 1829. . 1835. 3. . 1858. 1. . 1866. 3. . 1864. 2. . 1826. 3. . 1822. 2. . 1826. 3. . 1849. 1. . 1831. 3. 1845. 3. N^ovels, Tiomances Sf-c. 109 F.h. 3348. Bread upon the Waters, and other Tales, Ly Jliss Mulock 3349. Bride of Bucklersbury, the, by E. Stewai-t. 3350. Brief Career, a, by Captain Horrocks. 3351. British Homes, and Foreign Wanderings, by Lady L. Kaye. ....... 3352. Broad Arrow, the, by Oline Keese. 3353. Broken Font, the, by Major Sherer. 3354. Broken Sword, the, by Adelaide O'Keefe. 3355. Broken to Harness, by Edmund Yates. 3356. Broken Troth, from the Italian 3357. Brookes of Bridlemere, the, by G. J. Whyte-Melville 3358. Brooklands, by H. B. Hall 3359. Broomhill, or the County Beauties. 33G0. Brothers and Sisters, by Frederika Bremer. 3361. Brothers Basset, the, by Julia Corner. 3362. Bryanstone S(][uare, by Noel Radecliffe. 3363. Buccaneer, the, by Mi-s. Hall. 3364. Bucklyn Shaig, by Mrs. A. Montgomery. 3365. Budget of the Bubble Family, the, by Lady Lytton Bulwer. ....... 3366. Burgomaster of Berlin, the, by W Alexis (G.W.Haering) 3367. Bushranger of Van Diemen's Land, the, by George Eowcroft. ....... 3368. Busy Bodies, the, by the Misses Corbet. 3369. Butler Burke at Eton, by Bracebridge Hemyng. vols. 1865. 1. — 1. 1854. 3. 1849. 1859. 1836. 1854. 1864. 1861. 1864. 1852. 1854. 3. 1848. 3. 1855. 1862. 1832. 1865. 2. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 9 1. 2 3. 9 1840. 3. 184.3. 3. 1846. 3. 1827. 3. 1865. 1. F.C. 3401. Cabal, the 3402. Cabinet Minister, the, by Mrs. Gore. 3403. Caicilia Metella, by /Emilia Julia. . 3404. Csesar Borgia, by W. H. Ainsworth. 3405. Cakes and Ale, by Douglas JeiTold. 3406. Caleb Field, a Tale of the Puritans. 3407. Caliph Haroun Alraschid, by Ann Manning. 3408. Caliphs and Sultans 3409. Called to Account, by Annie Thomas. 3410. Cameron. ...... 1831. 2 1839. 3 1859. 1 1846. 3 1842. 2 1851. 1 1855. 1 1868. 1 1867. 2 1832. 3 11(1 Novels, Romances t^-c. C. 3111. Camilla, Ly Miss Burney. ... 3412. Can you forgive her? — by Antlioiiy Trollope 3413. Can wrong be right? — by I\Irs. Hall. . 3414. Canterbury Talcs for 1797, by Harriet Lee. 3415. Captain of the Guard, by James Grant. 3416. Captain Kydd, the Wizard of the Sea. 3417. Captain O'Sullivan, by W. II. Maxwell. 3418. Captain's Wife, the, by W. J. Ncale. 3419. Captives of India, the, by Mrs. Ilofland. 3420. Cardinal, the 3421. Cardinal Pole, by W. II. Ainsworth. 3422. Cardinal's Daughter, the, by E. Daniel. . 3423. Career of a rising man, by JI. Viener. 3424. Carr of Carlyon, by Hamilton Aide. 3425. Cartouche, by R. B. Teake 3426. Carwin the Biloquist, by Charles B. Brown. 3427. Cashmere Shawl, the, by Charles White. 3428. Castilian, the, by Don T. de Trueba o Cosio. 3429. Castle Avon, by Mrs. Marsh. . 3430. Castle Deloraine, by Maria P. Smith. 3431. Castle of Ehrenstein, by G. P. R. James. — Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole, see F. v. 3432. Castle Richmond, by Anthony Trollope. 3433. Castleford Case, the, by Frances Brown. 3434. Castles in the air, by Mr.s. Gore. 3435. Catherine de Medici, by Louisa S. Costello. 3436. Catherine Erloff, by Jlrs. Steward. 3437. Cavaliers of England, the, by H. W. Herbert. 3438. Caxtons, the, by Lord Lytton. 3439. Cecil, by Mrs. Gore 3440. Cecil, a Peer, by Mrs. Gore. . .3441. Cecil Hyde .3442. Cecile, by Sir Charles Rockingham. 3443. Cecilia, by Miss Burney. 3444. Cerise, by G. J. Whyte-Melville. . 3445. Chainbearer, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 3446. Chances and Changes, by E. Strutt. 3447. Changeling, the. ..... 3448. Channings, the, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 5912 vola 1796. 5 1865. 3 1868. 1 1797. 2 1862. 1 1839. o 1846. 3 1842. 3 1834. 3 1854. 3 1863. 1 1854. 1 1855. :5 1862. 3 1844. 3 1822. 3 1810. 3 1829. 3 1852. 1 1851. 3 1847. 3 1860. 1 18G2. .3 1847. 1 1848. 3 1851. 3 1852. 1 1840. 1 1841. • f 1841. .3 1834. 2 1851. 1 1820. .3 1866. 1 1846. 1 1835. 3 1848. 3. 1862. 1. Novels, Romances i^r. F. C. 3449. Chantilly 3450. Chapters of College Eouiance, by Isaac Butt. . 3451. Cbaricles, from the German of Professor Becker. 3452. Charles Auchester, by Miss Sheppard. 3453. Charles Chesterfield, by Mrs. Trollopo. . 3454. Charles Delmer. ....... 3455. Charles Lever, by the Rev. W. Gresley. . 345G. Charles O'Malley, by Charles Lever. 3457. Charles Tyrrell, by G. P. E. James. 3458. Charlie Villars at Cambridge, by George L. Tottenham. 3459. Charlotte's Liheritance, by M. E. BradJon. 34G0. Charlton, by John Gamble. ..... 3461. Charmione, by E. A. Leatham. .... 34G2. Chasseur d'Afrique, and other Tales, by H. Mulleneux Walmesley. ....... 3463. Chateau Frissac, or Home Scenes in France. . 34G4. Chatsworth 3465. Chatsworth the Patrician. ..... 3466. Chelsea Bunhouse, the, by Ann ILanuing. 3467. Chelsea Pensioners, the, by the Rev. George R. Gleig. 34G8. Chevalier, the, by Mrs. Thomson. .... 34G9. Chevalier Bayard, the. ...... 3470. Chevelcy, or the Man of Honour, by Lady Lytton Bulwer. ........ 3471. Chief of the Aucas, the, by Gustave Aimard. 3472. Children of the New Forest, the, by Capt. Marryat. 3473. Chimes, the, by Charles Dickens. .... 3474. Chimney Corner, the, by Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe. 3475. Chollerton 3476. Christabelle , by Mrs. Robert Cartwright. 3477. Christian's Mistake, by Miss Mulock. 3478. Christclmrch Days. . . 3479. Christie Johnstone, by Charles Reade. 3480. Christmas Carol, the, by Charles Dickens. 3481. Ckristmas Shadows. ...... 3482. Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith. . 3483. Chronicles of Carlingford: Miss J[arjoribanks, by Jlrs. Oliphant. ........ 3484. Chronicles of Carlingford: Perpetual Curate, the, by Mrs. Oliphant Ill voLs. 1832. 3. 1863. 1. 1854. 1. 1853. 3. 1841. 1. 1853. 2. 1841. 1. 1848. 3. 1839. 1. 1868. 1868. 1823. 3. 1858. 2. 1864. 1. 1862. 1. 1844. 3. 1833. 1. 1860. 1. 1829. 1. 1844. 3. 1825. 3. 1839. 1. 1859. 1. 1848. 1. 1845. ]. 1868. 1. 1846. 1. 1852. .). 1865. 1 1867. 1. 1853. 1. 1843. 1. 1850. 1. 1818. 1. 18GG. 1. 1865. 1. 112 Novels, Romances ^-c. 1' • C. 3485. Cliionicles of CarlingforJ: Eector, the, and the Doc- tor's Family, by Mrs. Olipliaiit. . 348G. Chrouk-les of Carlingford: Salem Chapel, by Mrs Oliphaut. ....... 3487. Chronicles of Life, by Mrs. C. B. Wilson. 3488. Chronicles of the Bastile, by L. A. Chamerovzow. 3489. Chronicles of the Canongate; by Sir Walter Scott. 3490. Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta Family. 3491. Chronicles of Waltham, by the Rev. George E. Gleig. 3492. Church and Chapel, by the Author of "No Church." 3493. Circassian Chief, the, by W. H. Kingston. 3194. Citizen of Prague, the. .... 3495. Citoyenne Jacqueline, by Sarah Tytler. 349G. City and Suburb, the, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 3497. Clan Albin 3498. Clandestine Marriage, the, by Ellen Wallace. 3499. Clara, or Slave Life in Europe. 3500. Clara Cameron. ..... 3501. Clara Fane, by Louisa S. Costello. 3502. Clara Mori.son 3503. Clare Abbey 3504. Clarendon, by William Dodsworth. 3505. Clarentine, by Miss Burney. . 350G. Claribel, by E. M. Stewart. . 3507. Clarissa Harlowe, by Dr. Samuel Richardson. 3508. Claude the Colporteur, by Ann Manning. 3509. Claudine Mignot, by Mrs. Colonel Hartley. 3510. Claverings, the, by Anthony Trollope. 3511. Claverston, by C. M. Charles. 3512. Cleve Hall, by Miss Sewell. . 3513. Cleveland 3514. Clever Woman of the Family, the, by Miss Yonge. 3515. Clives of Barcot, the, by Hesba Stretton. 3516. Clockmaker, the, by Judge Haliburton, 1st and 2n Series. ...... 3517. Cloister and the Hearth, the, by Charles Readc 3518. Cloudesley, by Wm. Godwin. 3519. Clovernook, by Alice Carey. . 3520. Club-Book, the, by A. Pickcn. 18G.'3. 18G3. 1840. 1845. 1827-28. 186G. 1835. 18G3. 1843. 184G. 18G5. 18G2. 1815. 1840. 185G. 1851. 1851. 1854. 1851. 1850. 181G. 1853. 1759. 1854. 1844. 18G7. 1853. 1855. 1847. 18C5. 1807. vols. 1. ]. 1. 1. '» »J. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 4. 3. •> t>. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. *» .i. 1. 8. 1. 3. 9. ]. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1838-39. 2. 18G2. 4. 1830. 3. 185.3. 1. 1831. 3. Novels, Romances ^r. F. C. 3521. Cock and Anchor, the 3522. Colin Clink, hy Charles Hooton. 3523. College Chums, the, by Charles Lister. . 3524. Collegians, the, by Gerald Griffin. 3525. Collegian's Guide, the, by the Rev. .James Pyeroft 352G. Comic Talcs and Sketches, by W. M. Thackeray 3527. Cometh up as a flower. 3528. Coming Events 3529. Coming out, by Jane Porter. . 3530. Commissioner de Lunatico inquirendo, by G. P, R. James. ...... 3531. Common Sense, by Mrs. Newby. 3532. Compton Audley, by Lord William Lennox. 3533. Conduct is fate 3534. Confessions of a Hypochondriac. 3535. Confessions of a Thug, by Capt. Meadows Taylor. 3536. Confessions of a Whitefoot 3537. Confessions of an elderly lady, by Lady Blessington 3538. Confessions of an Etonian, by Charles Rowcroft. 3539. Confessions of an old maid, by E. Cai-rington. 3540. Confessions of Con Cregan, by Charles Lever. 3541. Confessions of Gerald Estcourt, by Florence Marryat 3542. Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, by Charles Lever. 3543. Confidence Man, the, by Herman Melville. 3544. Confidences, by Hamilton Aide. 3545. Confoi-mity, by Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. 3546. Coningsby, by Benjamin Disraeli. 3547. Conspiracy, the. ..... 3548. Constable de Bourbon, the, by "\V. H. Ainsworth. 3549. Constable of the Tower, the, by W. H. Ainsworth 3550. Constance Dale, by Charlotte Hardcastle. 3551. Constance Herbert, by Geraldine E. Jewsbury. 3552. Constance Sherwood, by Lady Georgiana Fullerton 3553. Constance Tyrrel, by P. H. Pepys. 3554. Constautine, by Captain Spencer. ... 3555. Contarini Fleming, by Benjamin Disraeli. 3556. Contract, the, by the Marquis of Normandy. 3557. Convert, the. 3558. Convict, the, by G. P. R. James. . 113 vols. 1845. 3. 1841. .3. 1845. 1829. 1845. 1841. 1867. 1. 1825. 1. 1828. 3. 18.58. 1866. 1841. 1822. 1849. 1839. 1844. 1848. 1858. 1828. 1860. 1807. 1847. 1857. 1859. 1841. 1844. 1834. 1866. 1861. 1861. 1855. 1865. 1852. 1855. 1832. 1832. 1826. 1847. 1. 3. 1. 1. 1. 3. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. 3. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 3. 2. 4. 3. 1. 3. 15 114 Novels, Romances ^-c. J'- <"• 3550. Coquette, the, by F. M. Eeynolds. . 35G0. Coral Island, tlie, by E. M. Ballantyne. . 3561. Correction. ....... 3562. Corse de Leon, by G. P. E. James. 35G3. Cortez, by Dr. Bird 3564. Cost of Caergwyn, the, by Mary Ilowitt. 3565. Count Cagliostro. ...... 3506. Count Kiinigsmark , by Ca])t. Chamier. 3567. Count of Monte Cliristo, by Alexander Dumas. 3568. Counterparts, by Miss Slieppard. 3569. Countess, the, by Theodore S. Fay. 3570. Countess of St. Albans, the, from the German o Hacklander. ...... 3571. Countess of Salisbury, tlio. .... 3572. Country Curate, the, by the Eev. George E. Gloig 3573. Country Gentleman, the, by Scrutator (llorlock). 3574. Country Quarters, by Lady Blessington. 3575. Course of True Love never did run smooth, the, ijy Charles Eeade. ...... 3576. Court and the Desert, the. .... 3577. Court Life at Naples 3578. Courtier of the Days of Charles IL, the, by Ishfi. Gore 3570. Cousin Phillis, by Mrs. Gaskell. 3580. Cradock Nowell, by Eichard Doddridge Blackmore. 3581. Craven Derby, by J. Cordy Jeaffreson. . 3582. Crichton, by W. H. Ainswortli. 3583 Cricket on the Hearth, the, by Charles Dickens, 3584. Cris])in Ken. ...... 3585. Crockfords, or Life in the West. 3586. Croppy, the, by J. Banim. .... 3587. Cross Purposes, by Catherine Sinclair. 3588. Crotchet Castle, by T. L. Peacock. 3580. Cruelest Wrong of all, the 3590. Cruise of the Blue Jacket, the, by "Lieut. Warneford' (W. Eussell) 3591. CruLse of the Daring, the, by C. F. Armstrong. 3592. Cruise of the Midge, the, by Michael Scott. . 3503. Culverley Eise, by Julia Corner. 3594. Curate of Cumberworth , the, and the Vicar of Eoost, by the Eev. Francis E. Paget. vols . 1834. 3. . 1858. 1. . 1810. • >. . 1841. 1. . 1835. 3. . 1864. 3. . 1838. 3. . 1845. 3. . 1846. 1. . 1854. 3. . 1840. 3. f . 1854. 1. . 1840. 3. . 18.m *> . 1863. 1. . 1850. i}. . 1857. 1. . 1852. 3. . 1861. 2. . 1830. 3. . 1867. 1. . 1866. 3. . 1854. 3. . 1837. . 1846. 1. . 1861. 2. . 1828. 2. . 1828. 3. . 1855. 3. . 1831. 1. . 1858. 1. . 1862. 1. . 1860. O ii. . 1836. 2 1861. o 'J. 1860. 1. 2\ovels, Romances ^'c. 1\C. 3595. Curate of Linwood, the. .... 359G. Curate of Overton, the 3597. Curate of Steinholt, the. .... 3598. Curious storied Traditions of Scottish Life, by Alex Leighton, 1st and 2nd Series. . . ' . 3599. Curse of Gold, the, by E.W. Jameson. . 3600. Curse of the Village, the, by Hendrik Conscience. 3G01. Cuthbert, by Sophia Eeeve. .... 3602. Cyril Thornton, by Capt. Hamilton. 3603. Cyrilla, by the Baroness Tautphccus. 360i. Czar, the 115 vola. . 1851. 1. . 1854. 3. . 1837. 2_ . 1860-0] . 2. . 1854. 1. 1855. 1. . 1831. 3. . 1827. O. 1853. 3. 1840. 3. 7^.(7.3661. Dacre, edited by the Countess of Mori ey. . . 1834. 3. 3662. Daily Governess, the, by Mrs. Gordon Smythies. . 1861. 3. 3663. Daisy Burns, by Julia Kavanagh 1853. 3. 3664. Daisy Chain, the, by Miss Yonge. . . . 1856. 1. 3665. Dalmeny, by J. H. Janiieson. .... 1867. 1. 3666. Daltons, the, by Charles Lever 1852. 3. 3667. Dame Eebecca Berry, by E. Spence. . . 1827. 3. 3668. Danes sketched by themselves, the, translated by Mrs. Bushby 1864. 3. 3669. Daniel Denison, and the Cumberhind Statesman, by Mrs. Ilofland 1846. 3. 3670. Danish Fairy Legends, and Tales, by Hans C. Andersen. 1861. 1. 3671. Danvers Papers, the; an invention, by Miss Yonge. 1867. 1. 3672. Darien, by Eliot TVarbiirton. .... 1852. 3. 3673. Dark and Fair, by Sir Charles Eockingham. . . 1857. 3. 3674. Dark Night's Work , a, by Mrs. Gaskell . . 1863. 1. 3675. Dark Scenes of History, by G. P. E. James. . 1849. 3. 3676. Darnley, or the Field of the Cloth (if Gold, by G. P. E- James. 1830. 3. 3677. Dashes at life with a free pencil, by Nathaniel Willis. 1845. 3. 3678. Daughter of Eve, a, and other Tales, by J. H. Friswell. 1863. 2. 3679. Daughter of Night, the, by S. W. Fullom. . 1851. 3. 3680. Davenport Dunn, by Charles Lever. . 1857. 1. 3681. David Cupperiield, by Charles Dickens. . . 185u. 1. 3682. Day of small things, a, by Ann Manning. . . 1860. 1. 15* IK) Novels, Romances tj-c. F.d. 3GSS. Days of my life, by Mrs. Oliplmnt, 3684. De Clifford, or the Constant Man, by E. Plumer Ward :SG85. Dc Lisle, by the Hon. Mrs. Grey. . ;5G8G. Ue Lorme, by G. P. R. James. 3087. Dc Montfort. .... 3G88. De Eohan, by Eugi-nc Sue. 3689. De Vavasour, by Lord Blessington. 3G90. De Vere, by E. Plumer Ward. 3G91. Dead Sea Fruit, by M. E. Braddon. 3692. Dead Secret, a, by Wilkie Collins. 3693. Dean's Daughter, the, by Mrs. Gore. 3G94. Dear Experience, liy John Eufliui. 3695. Debit and Credit, by Gustav Ereytag. 3690. Deborah's Diary, by Ann Manning. 3697. Debutante, the, by Mrs. Gore. 3698. Deep Waters, by Anne Harriet Drury. 3099. Dcerbrook, by Harriet Martineau. 3700. Deer-slayer, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 3701. Delaware, by G. P. E. James. 3702. Deloraine, by William Godwin. 3703. Democrat and Huguenot. 3704. Denis Duval, by W. M. Thackeray. 3705. Denise, by Hamilton Aidd. 3700. Dennis Donne, by Annie Thomas. 3707. Denounced, the, by J. Banim. 3708. Devereux, by Lord Lytton. 3709. Devil's Elixir, the, from the German of C.F.Hoffman 371t>. Devoted, the, by Lady Charlotte Bury. 3711. Diamond and Pearl, by Mrs. Gore. 3712. Diana Wynyard, by Noel Eadecliffe. 3713. Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton, by Cliarle Lever. ..... ."5714. Diary of a Judge, by H. E. Addison. 3715. Diary of a late Physician, by Samuel Warren. 371G. Diary of a Nun. , . . . 3717. Diary of Martha Bethune Baliol, by Mrs. Oliphant. .■J718. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. .•5719. Digby Grand, by G. J. Wliytc-Melville 3720. Dilemmas of Pride, by Mrs. Loudon. 1857. 1811. 1828. 1830. 1842. 1845. 1820. 1827. 1808. 1801. 1853. 1858. 1857. 1859. 1846. 1863. 1839. 1841. 1833. 1833. 1832. 1807. 1803. 1804. 1830. 1831. 1824. 1830. 1849. 1856. vol.i. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 1, 1. 3. 1. 2. 1. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 3. 3. 1. 2_ 2. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 1848. 2. 1838. 1. 1834-38. 3. 1840. 1853. 18G0. 1853. 1833. o 1. 1. o 3. Novels, Romances ^c. 117 F.d. 3721. 3722. 3723. 3724. 3725. 3726. 3727. 3728. 3729. 3730. 3731. 3732. 3733. 3734. 3735. 3736. 3737. 3738. 3739. 3740. 3741. 3742. /^,Mrwt^%^^3743. "■^ '/^^^^744. 3745. 3746. 3747. 3748. 3749. 3750. 3751. 3752. 3753. 3754. 3755. 3756. 3757. Dion and the Sybils, by Miles Gerald Keon. . Discipline, by Mrs. Brunton. . . . . Discijiline of Life, by Lady E. C. M. Ponsonby. Disinherited, the, by Lady Charlotte Bury. Disowned, the, by Lord Lytton. .... Display, by Mrs. Maberly. • . . . . Disputed Inheritance, the, by Thomas Hood. . Distinction. •■■..... Divorced, the, by Lady Charlotte Burj'. Doctor Antonio, by John Ruffini. .... Doctor Birch and his friends, by "\V. M. Thackeray. Doctor Jacob. ■•..... Doctor Johns, by "Ik. Marvel" (Donald Grant Mitchell.) Doctor Marigold's Prescriptions, by Charles Dickens. Doctor Muspratt's Patients, by Dutton Cook. . Doctor Tliorne, by Anthony Trollope. Doctor's Wife, the, by M. E. Braddon. . Dodd Family abroad, thn, by Charles Lever. Dombey and Son, by Charles Dickens. Domestic Scenes. ....... Domestic Stories, by Miss Mulock. Don Esteban. ••..... Don Quixote de la Mancha, by M. de Cervantes Saavedra. •-...... Don Viquete, by Hugh Jameson. .... Doom of Giallo, by James Boaden. Doomed, the. ....... Dora, by Julia Kavanagh. ..... Dora Melder, by Meta Sander. .... Dorothy Dovedale's Trials, by Thomas Miller. Double Duel, the, by Theodore S. Fay. Dove in the Eagle's Xest, the, by Miss Yonge. Doveton. ........ Dowager, the, by Mrs. Gore. .... Dragon's Teeth, by the Eev. James Pycroft. . Dramatic Stories, by T. Arnold Draytons and Daveuants, by the Author of the Schiin- berg Cotta Family. ...... Dreamer and Worker, by R. H. Home. . 18C6. 1814. 1848. 18.34. 1829. 1855. 1863. 184.5. 1837. 1855. 1849. 1864. 1866. 1867. iJ^Gs. 1858. 1864. 1854. 1848. 1848. 1862. 1825. 1766. 1857. 1835. 1832. 1868. 1842. 1864. 1813. 1866. 1837. 1840. 1863. 1832. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 1. 2. 2 1. 1. 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 3. 3. 1. 3. 3. 2_ 3. 1867. 1. 1851. 1. 118 Novels, Romanceti d^'c. F.d. 3758. Dred, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe Slb'.l Duchess, the. 3700. Duchess of Trajctto, the, Ly Ann Manning. 3761. Dudley, by Adelaide O'Keefe. 37G2. Dufane Family, Memoirs of the, by A. Selwyn. 3763. Duke Christian of Luneburg, by Jane Porter. 3764. Dunallau, by Grace Kennedy. 3765. Dutchman's Fireside, tlic, by Dr. Paulding. 3766. Dynevor Terrace, by Miss Yonge. vols . 1850. 1 1850. 3 . 1863. 1 . 181'J. 3 1824. 1 . 1824. 3 . 1841. 1 . 1831. 2 1857. 1 F. e. 3801. Eastbury, by Anne Harriet Drury. 3802. East India Sketch-book, 1st aud 2nd Series. 3803. East Indian, the, by Maria J. Young. 3804. East Lynne, by Mrs. Henry "Wood. 3805. Eben Erskinc, by John Gait. 3806. Ecartc, or the Salons of Paris. 3807. Edinburgh Tales, the. 3808. Edith of Glammis. 3809. Edward, by Dr. J. Moore. 3810. Edward Osborne, by Ann Manning. 3811. Edward Willoughby. 3812. El Fureidis, by Maria S. Cummins. 3813. Eleanor's Victory, by M. E. Braddon. 3811. Electra, by Sir Charles Rockingham. 3815. Elizabeth de Bruce, by Mrs. Johnstone. 3810). Elkerton Rectory, by the Rev. James Pycroft. 3817. Ellen Middleton, by Lady G. Fullerton. 3818. Ellen Raymond, by Mrs. Vidal. 3810. Elsie Venucr, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. 3820. Elster's Folly, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 3821. Emigrants of Ahadarra, the, by Wm. Carleton 3822. Emilia in England, by George Meredith. 3823. Emilia Wyndham, by Mrs. Marsh. 3824. Emily, by Mrs. Maberly. 3825. Emily Howard, by Mrs. Duulop. 3826. Emma, by Miss Austen. 3827. Emmcliue, by Mrs. Bruutun. . 832-33 ± 4 1799. 4 1861. 3 1833. 3 1829. 3 1845. 2 1836. 3 1796. 2 1860. 1 1854. 2 1860. 1 1863. 1 1853. 3 1834. 3 1860. 1 1844. O 1859. 3 1861. 1 1866. 1 1848. 1 1864. 3 1846. 3 1840. 3 1852. 3 1849. 1. 1820. 1. Novels, Romances cjr. jP. e. 3828. Empress, tbe, by G. J. Bennett. .3829. English at Lome, the. 3830. English in India, the. 3831. English Life, or manners at home. 3832. English Orphans, the, by Mrs. Holmes. 3833. EntaU, the, by John Gait. 3834. Eoline, by Caroline Lee Hentz. 3835. Eric, by Frederick W. Farrar. 383G. Erlesmere, by L. S. Lavenu. . 3837. Ernest Campbell, by John Ainslie. 3838. Ernest Maltravers, by Lord Lyttou. 3839. Ernest Vane, by A. B. Cochrane. . 3840. Ernestine, by Miss Blackwell. 3841. Ernesto di Ripalta, by II. Geale. 3842. Esmond, by W. M. Thackeray. 3843. Ethel, by ]M.ariau James. 3844. Ethel Churchill, by Miss Landon. . 3845. Eton Schooldays, by Bracebridge Heming. 3846. Eugene Aram, by Lord Lytton. 3847. Eureka, a Prophecy of the future. 3848. Eustace Conway. .... 3849. Eustace Conyers, by James Hannay. 3850. Eva Desmond. . ." . . 3851. Evadne, by Charles Rowcroft. 3852. Eve Effingham, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 3853. Eve of St. Mark, the, by Thomas Donbleday. 3854. Eveleen, by E. Berwick. 3855. Evelina, by Miss Burney. 385G. Evelyn Marston, by Mrs. Marsh. 3857. Evenings at Haddon Hall. 3858. Evenings at Sea. ..... 3859. Events of a Year, by Emilie Carlen. 38C0. Everard Tunstall, by Thomas Forester. . 38G1. Everyday Occurrences. 3802. Excitement 38G3. Exiles of Palestine, by J. Come. 3864. Experiences of a French detective Officer, by " Vi (W. Russell.) 3865. Ex- Wife, the, by John Lang. aters ' 119 voI.s. 1835. 2. 1830. 3. 1828. 3. 1825. 2. 1855. 1. 1823. 3. 1854. 1. 1858. 1. 185G. 2. 1835. 3. 1837. 1850. 1. 1840. 3. 1849. 3. 1852. 3. 1854. 1. is;;7. 3. 18G4. 1. 1842. 1. 1837. 3. 18.34. 3. 1855. O .J. 1858. 3. 1850. 3. 1839. 1. 1857. 2. 1856. 3. 1814. 2. 184C. 3. 1846. 1. 1850. 1. 185.3. o 1851. 3. 1835. 2. 1849. 2_ 1831. 1859. 1. 1, T. Croftoi 120 Novels, Romances S^-c. F.f. 3881. Fabloln, by Cardinal Wiseman. 3882. Facts and Fictions, by Mrs. Postan.s. 3883. Fair Eosamond, by Thomas Miller. 3884. Fair of May Fair, the, by Mrs. Gore. 3885. Fairy Bower, the. 3886. Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland, by Croker. ..... 3887. Fairy Mythology 3888. Fairy Tales and Eomanccs, by Count Hamilton. 3889. Faith Gartney's Girlhood, by the author of the Gay worthys. ....... 3890. Faith Unwin's Ordeal, by Georgiana M. Craik. 3891. Falcon Family, the 3892. Falkenburg, a Tale of the Rhine. . 3893. Falkland, by Lord Lytton 3894. Falkner, by Mrs. Shelley 3895. Falkner Lyle, by Mark Lemon. 389G. False Heir, the, by G. P. R. James. 3897. False Positions, by Mrs. Osborne. . 3808. False Step, the 3890. Family Credit, and other tales, by J. Westland jMarston. ..... 3900. Family Pictures, from the German of A. La Fontaine 3901. Family Records, by Lady Charlotte Bury. 3902. Fanny Ilervey, or the Mother's Choice. . 3903. Far above rubies, by Mrs. J. II. Riddell. 3004. Fardorouglia , by William Carleton. 3905. Farina, by George Meredith. 3906. Farmingdale, by Caroline Thomas. 3907. Fascination, by Mrs. Gore. .... 3908. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Stephens. 3909. Fashionable Life, by Mrs. Trollojie. 3910. Fast of St. Magdalen, the, by Anna Maria Porter. 3911. Fatalist, the. 3912. Fate, by G. P. R. James 3913. Father and Daughter, by Mrs. Opie. 3914. Father D'Arcy, by Mrs. Marsh. 3915. Father Eustace, by Mrs. Trollope. 3916. Father O'Connell, by J. Banim. vols . 1855. 1 . 1844. 3 . 1839. 3 . 1832. .'! . 1841. 1 . 1828. 3 . 1828. 2 . 1840. 1 . 1866. 1 . 1866. 1 . 1845. 1 . 1851. :5 . 1827. J . 1837. .> . 1866. 2 . 1843. 1 . 186.3. 2 . 1832. .3 . 1862. 1 . 1840. 1 . 1841. 1 . 1849. 2 . 1867. 1 . 1848. 1 . 1857. 1 . 1854. 1 . 1842. 3 . 1854. 1 . 1856. 3 . 1818. .3 . 1840. 3. . 1851. 3 . 1809. 1 . 1846. 1. . 1847. .".. . 1842. 3. Novels, Romances ^-c. F.f. 3917. Favourite of Nature, the, by M. A. Kelty. 3918. Felix Holt, the Radical, by George Eliot. 3919. Fergusons, the, by E. Phipps. 3920. Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio, by Mrs. S. P. Willis Parton (Fanny Fern.) 3921. Ferrers, by Charles Oilier. 3922. Fireside Scenes. 3923. First-Born, the, by the Author of "My Lady." 3924. First Class, Routledge's Christmas Annual. 3925. Fitz Alwyn, by E. M. Stewart. 392G. Fitz George. 3927. Fitzherbert, by Miss Gordon. 3928. Fitzwiggins, by "VVm. Massie. 3029. Fleetwood, by Wm. Godwin. 3930. Flemish Tales, by Hendrik Conscience. 3931. Flies in Amber, by Miss Pardee. 3932. Flirtation, by Lady Charlotte Bury. 3933. Flitch of Bacon, the, by W. H. Ainsworth 3934. Flittings of Fancy, by Robert Sullivan. 3935. Florence Templar. .... 3936. Florence the Beautiful, by A. B. Cochrane 3937. Floreston, by T. Dolby. 3938. Flying Dutchman, the, by Capt. Neale. 3939. Foggy Night at Offord, a, by Mrs. Henry Wood 3940. Fool of Quality, the, by Henry Brooke. 3941. For ever; a Story of English Country Life. 3942. For ever and ever, by Florence Marryat. 3943. For Love or Money, by S. W. Fullom. . 3944. Ford Family in Ireland, the. 3945. Forest and the Fortress, the, by Laura Jewry. 3946. Forest Days, by G. P. R. James. . 3947. Forest of Arden, the, by the Rev. W. Gresley. 3948. Forester, the, by Mary L. Boyle. 3949. Foresters, the, by Professor Wilson. 3950. Forlorn Hope, the, by Edmund Yates. 3951. Forsaken, the. ..... 3952. Fortune, by D. T. Coulton. . 3953. Fortunes of Nigel, the, by Sir Walter Scott. 3954. Fortunes of Roger de Flor, the. IG 121 voLs. 1821. 3. 1860. 3. 1839. 2_ 1853. 1. 1842. .>. 1825. 3. 1860. 3. 1868. 1. — 1. 1832. 3. 1838. 3. 1840. 3. 1805. 3. 1846. 1. 1850. 3. 1828. 3. 18.54. 1. 1837. 2. 1856. 1. 1854. 2. 1839. 1. 1839. 3. 1863. 1. 1859. 2. 1864. 3. 1866. 2. 1865. 3. 1845. 3. 1850. 3. 1843. 1. 1842. 1. 1839. 3. 1825. 1. 1867. 2. 1836. o 1853. 3. 1822. 3. 1845. 3. 122 F.f- 3955. 3956. 3957. .3958. 3959. 3960. 3961. 39G2. 3963. 3964. 3965. 3966. 3967. 3968. 3969. 3970. 3971. 3972. 3973. 3974. 3975. 3976. 3977. 3978. 3979. Noi'els, Romances t^r. vols Fortunes of Torlogli O'Brien , the. Fortunes of Woman, the. .... Forty Years in the World. .... Foster Brothers, the. ..... Foundling of Cordova, the, l)y .John Henry. Four Georges, the; Lovcl tlie Widower &c., by W M. Thackeray Framley Parsonage, by Anthony Trollopc. Francesca Carrara, by Miss Landon. Francis Croft. Frank Fairleigh, by Frank Smedley. Frank Forester, by H. W. Herbert. Frank Freeman's Barber's Shop, by the Rev. B. E. Hall Frank Hilton, by James Grant. Frank Orby. ...... Frank Wildmau's Adventures, by F. Gerstaeckcr. Frankenstein, by Mrs. Shelley. ... Frederick Wilding. ..... Fresh Leaves from Western Woods, by Mctta V. Fuller Freston Tower, by the Eev. Richard Cobbold. Friarswood Postoffice, by Jliss Yonge. Friends and Fortune, by Anne Harriet Drury. Friends of Bohemia, by E. M. Whitty. . Friends of Fontainebleau, by Hannah I). Burden. Frigate and Lugger, the, by Capt. C. F. Armstrong Frolics of Puck. ...... 1855. 1 1849. 3 1 825. 3 1859. 1 1842. 3 1861. 1 1861. 1 1834. 3 1852. o 1850. 1 1853. 3 1 852. 1 1858. 1 1833. 3 1855. 1 1839. 1 1832. 3 1852. 1 1850. I860. 1 1849. 1 1857. 2 1839. 3 1861. 3 1834. 3 I'^-fJ- 4001. Gabriella Witherington, by Mrs. Lucas. . 4002. Gabrielle, by Louisa S. Co,stello. 4003. Gain of a loss 4004. Gale Middleton, by Horace Smith. 4005. Gallus, from the German of Professor Becker. 4006. Garies, the, by Frank Webb. 4007. Gaston Bligh, by L. S. Lavenu. 4008. Gaston de Foix 4009. Gayworthys, the. ..... 4010. General Bounce, by G. J. Why te -Melville. 1852. 3 1843. 3 1866. 1833. 1849. 1857. 1858. 2 1844. • t 1865. 2 1855. 2. Novels, Romances Sfc. 123 ■I i -[I- iOll. Genevieve, from tlic French of A. Lamavtiuc. 4012. Geiitleinan in debt, a, by W. O'Neill Dauut. 4013. Gentleman Jack, by Capt. W. J. Neale. 4014. Gentleman of tbe Old School, a, by G. P. K. James, 4015. Geoffry Hamlyn, by Henry Kingsley. 40 IG. George, from the French of Alexander Dumas. 4017. George Geith, by Mrs. J. H. Kiddell. 4018. George Lovell, by James Sheridan Knowles. . 4019. Georgina Hammond, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel 4020. Geraldiue 4021. Geraldine Hamilton, by Miss Macleod. 4022. Geraldine of Desmond, by Miss Crump. 4023. German Romances; Specimens of its chief authors. 4024. Gertrude, by Miss Sewell. 4025. Gertrude, by Mrs. Trollope. 402G. Gervase Skinner, and other tales, by Theodore Hook , 4027. Gideon Giles the Roper, by Thomas Miller. /i_.«.T^-u,vw^ 4028. Gil Bias, from the French of Le Sage. . 4029. Gilbert Gurney, by Theodore Hook. X 4030. Gilbert Massinger, by Holme Lee. . 4031. Gipsy, the, by G. P. R. James. 4032. Giulio Malatesta, by Thomas A. Trollope. 4033. Gladiators, the, by G. J. Whyte-Melville. 4034. Glances at Life in city and suburb, by Cornelius Webbe, 4035. Gleanings from Germany, or select specimens German Romance. ..... 4036. Glen Luna, by Anna B. Warner (Amy Lothrup.) 4037. Glenlonely 4038. Glimpse of the World, a, by Miss Sewell 4039. Godolphin, by Lord Lytton. 4040. Gold-Silver-Lead 4041. Gold Worshippers, the, by Jane Robinson 4042. Golden Fetters, by Mark Lemon. 4043. Gondola, the. .... 4044. Good for nothing, or all down hill, by G Melville 4045. Good Match, a, by Lady Chatterton. 404G. Good Society, by the Hon. Mrs. Grey. 4047. Gordian Knot, the, by Shirley Brooks. 16* J. Whyte 1850. 1. 1851. 3. . 1837. •> . 1839. 1. . 18(10. 1. . 1853. 1. . 18G5. 2 1847. 3. . 1849. 3. . 1821. 3. . 1832. 3. . 1829. 3. . 1827. 4. . 1846. 2. . 1855. '.). — 1. . 1841. 1. . 1836. 1. . 1836. 3. . 1855. 1. . 1835. 3. . 1803. h. . 1804. 1. . 1845. J? 1. I . 1839. 1. . 1852. 1. . 1837. 3. . 1863. 1. . 1833. 3. . 18G7. 1. . 1851. 3. . 18G8. 2. . 1831. 1. . 1802. 1. . 1840. 3. . 1863. 3. . 1860. 1. 124 Novels, Romances ij-c. I'-ff- 4048. Gossi]), the, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. 4049. Grace Lee, by Julia Kavanagh. 4050. Graliam Hamilton, by Lady Caroline Lamb. 4051. Grahame, or Youth and ]\Iauhuod. . 4052. Granby, by Thomas Lister. 4053. Grandfather, the, by Ellen Pickering. 4054. Grandmother's Money, by F. "W. Kobinson. 4055. Grantley IManor, by Lady Georgiana Fullerton 4056. Grasjiing at Shadows, by Jlrs. Mackenzie Daniel. 4057. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. 4058. Great heart, by AValter Thornbury. 4059. Great Highway, the, by S. W. Fullom. 4060. Greville, by Mrs. Gore. 4061. Greyslaer, by C. F. Hoffman. 4062. Griffith Gaunt, by Charles Reade. . 4063. Grumbler, the, by Ellen Pickering. 4064. Gryll Grange, by T. Peacock. 4005. Guardian Angel, the, by 0. W. Holmes. 4066. Guild Court, by George Macdonald. 4067. Gurney married, by Theodore Hook. 4068. Guy Deverell, by J. Sheridan Lefanu. 4009. Guy Fawkes, by W. H. Ainsworth. 4070. Guy Livingston, by George LawTencc. 4071. (iuy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott. 4072. Guy Waterman, by John Saunders. 4073. Gwen, or the Cousins, by A. M. Goodrich. 4074. Gypsies of the Danes' Dike, by G. S. Phillips vola. 1852. 3. 1855. 3. 1822. 2. 18.50. 1. 1820. 3. 1844. 3. 1800. 3. 1847. 3. 1800. 3. 1801. 1. 1866. 3. 1854. 3. 1841. 3. 1840. 3. 1860. 3. 1843. • > 1861. 1. 1868. 2. 1808. *>. 1839. 1. 1805. 2. 1842. 1. 1807. 1. 1817. 3. 1804. 3. 185p. 1864. 1. F. Ji. 4101. H. Family, the, and other Tales, by Fredcrika Bremer 4102. Hadji Baba in England, by James Morier. 4103. Half a Million of money, by Amelia B. Edwards. 4104. Half-blood, the, or Oceula the Seminole, by Captain Mayne Reid. ...... 4105. Half-sisters, the, by Geraldine Jewsbury. 4100. Hall and the Hamlet, the, by William Howitt. 4107. Hamel, the Obeah Man. .... 4108. Hamilton King, by M. H. Barker. . ■. 1844. 2 . 1828. 2 . 1805. n 2 . 1848. 1 2 . 1848. »> . 1827. 2 . 1839. 3 Novels, Romances cj-c. F.li. 1109. Hamiltons, tlie, by Mrs. Gore. 4110. Hand and Glove, by Amelia V>. Edwards. 4111. Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor. 4112. Hard Cash, by Charles Readc. 411.3. Hard Times, by Charles Dickens. . 4114. Harold, by Lord Lytton. 411.5. Harrington and Ormond, by Maria Edgeworth. 4116. Harry Calverley, by Martin Archer Shoe. 4117. Harry Coverdale's Courtship, by Frank Smodlcy. 4118. Harry Mowbray, by Capt. Knox. 4119. Harry Mnir, by Mrs. Oliphant. 4120. Harry Ogilvie, by James Grant. 4121. Harry Roughton, by Lionel Hexham. 4122. Hassan, by the Hon. Charles A. Murray. 4123. Haunted Hearts, by Maria S. Cummins. 4124. Haunted Man, the, and the Ghost's Bargain, by Charles Dickens. .... 4125. Haverhill, by James A. .Jones. 4126. Hawkstone, by William Sewell. 4127. Hawksview, by Holme Lee. . 4128. Head of the Family, the, by Miss Mulock. 4129. Headlong Hall, by T. L. Peacock. 4130. Headsman, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 4131. Heart, the, by Martin F. Tupper. . 4132. Heart and Cross, by Mrs. Oliphant. 4133. Heart or Head, by "Philip Wharton" (J. C.Thompson) 4134. Hearts and Altars, by Robert Bell. 4135. Heartbreak, or Reminiscences of Christopher North 4136. Heartsease, by Miss Yonge. 4137. Heckington, by Mrs. Gore. 4138. Hector Mainwaring, by Albany Fonblanque. 4139. Heidelberg, by G. P. R. James. 4140. Heidenmauer, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 4141. Heir of Ardeunan, the. . 4142. Heir of Redclyffe, the, by Miss Yonge. . 4143. Heir of Vallis, by William Matthews. 4144. Heir Presumptive, the, by Lady Stepney. 4145. Heiress, the. ...... 4146. Heiress, the, by Ellen Pickering. 125 vols. 1834. 3. 1865. 1. 1863. 3. 1864. 3. 18.54. 1. 1848. 1. 1817. 3. 1835. 3. 1. 1. 1843. 1853. 3. 1856. 1. 1859. 1. 1857. 2_ 1864. 1. 1848. 1. 1831. 3. 1846. 2. 1859. 1. 1858. 1. 1822. 1. 1833. 3. 1844. 1. 1863. 1. 1864. 2. 1852. 3. 1859. 1. 1852. • > 1858. 1. — 1. 1846. 3. 1832. 3. 1852. 3. 1853. 2 1854. 3 1835. 3. 1851. 3 1833. 3 12() Novels, Romances ^c. F.h. 4147. Heiress in lier minority, the. .... 4148. Heiress of Bruges, the, by Thomas C. Grattaii. 4149. Heiress of Uaiighton, the, by Mrs. Marsh. 4150. Hekim Bashi, the, by Dr. Humphrey Saiulwith. 4151. Helen and Arthur, by Caroline Lee Hcntz. 4152. Helen Chartcris, by Mrs. Ward. 4153. Helen Fleetwood, by Charlotte Elizabeth Touna. 4154. Helen Talbot, by Miss Pennefathei-. 4155. Hennebon, or the Countess of Montfort. . 4156. Henri Quatre. ...... 4157. Henrietta's Wish 4158. Henrietta Temple, by Benjamin Disraeli. 4159. Henry Acton, by the Hon. Louisa Sayers. 4160. Henry Dunbar, by M. E. Braddon. 4161. Henry Lyle, by Emilia Marryat. 4162. Henry Masterton, by G. 1'. R. James. 4T63. Henry of Guise, by G. V. li. James. 4164. Henry of Monmouth, by Major Miehel. . 4165. Henry Smeaton, by G. P. K. James. 4166. Heraline, by Letitia Hawkins. 4167. Herbert Lake 4168. Herberts, the, by Alfred Butler. 4169. Heretic, the, from the Russian of Lajctchnikoff. 4170. Hereward the Wake, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley 4171. Hermit abroad, the. ..... 4172. Hero in spite of himself, a, from the French of Luis Bellemare. ...... 4173. Hidden Depths 4174. Hide and Seek , by W. Wilkic Collins. . 4175. High Church 4176. High Life 4177. Highlanders of Glenora, by James Grant. 4178. Highways and Byways, by Thomas C. Grattan, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... 4179. Hildebrand, by Thomas C. Grattan. 4180. Hill-side and Border Sketches, by W. H. Maxwell 4181. Hills and Plains 4182. Hills of the Shatemuc, by A. B. Warner. 4183. Hillyars and Burtons, the, by Henry Kingsley. vol a . 1850. 1 . 1830. 4. . 1855. 3. . 1864. 2. . 1853. 1. . 1851. 3. . 1841. 1. . 1854. 3. . 1835. 3. . 1834. 3. . 1855. 1. . 1837. 3. . 1839. 3. . 186 L 2. . 1865. 2. . 1832. 3. . 1839. 3. . 1841. 3. . 1851. 3. . 1821. 4. . 1854. 3. . 1842. 3. . 1844. 3. '. 1866. 3. . 1823. 4. . 1861. 3. . 1866. 1. . 1854. 3. . 1860. 2. . 1827. 3. . 1859. 1. . 1823-25 4. . 1844. 3. . 1847. 2 . 1861. 2. 1856. 1. 1865. 2. Novels, Romances ^'c, 127 vols. F.lt. AIM. Historiettes , a tale of Continental Life. . . 1827. 3. 4185. History and Pleasant Chronicle of little Jelian de Saintre, translated by A. Vance. .... 18G2. 1. 4186. History of a Flirt, the 1810. 3. 4187. History of John Martin, the, by Mrs. Sherwood. . 1844. 1. 4188. Hoggarty Diamond, the, by "W. M. Thackeray. . 1849. 1. 4189. Hollywood Hall, by James Grant. . . . 1859. 1. 4190. Holmby House, by G. J. Whyte-Melville. . . 1860. 2. 4191. Home, the, by Frederika Bremer 184.3. 3. 4192. Home among strangers, a, by Maria H. Callcott. . 1848. 2. 4193. Home at Rosefield, the, by Edward Copping. . . 1861. 3. 4194. Home Influence, by Grace Aguilar. . . . 1859. 1. 4195. Home is home 1855. 1. 4196. Home Service, by Benson Earle Hill. . . . 1839. 2. 4197. Homeward Bound, by J. Fenimore Cooper. . . 1838. 1. 4198. Honor O'Hara , by Anna Maria Porter. . . . 1826. 3. 4199. Hopes and Fears, by Miss Yonge I860. 1. 4200. Horatio H. Brenton, by Sir Edward Belcher. . . 1856. 3. 4201. Hour and the M,an, the, by Harriet Martineau. . 1841. 3. 4202. House by the Church-yard, by J. Sheridan Lefanu. 1863. 3. 420.3. House of Elmore, the 1855. 3. 4204. House of Raby, the 1854. 3. 4205. House of seven Gables, the, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1851. 1. 4206. House on the Moor, the, by Mrs. Oliphant. . . 1861. 1. 4207. Household Mysteries, by Lizzie Petit. . . . 1856. 1. 4208. Household of Sir Thomas More, by Ann Manning. . 1860. 1. 4209. How will it end? by Agnes Strickland. . . 1866. 3. 4210. Huguenot, the, by G. P. R. James. . . . 1839. 1. 4211. Humphrey Dyot, by James Greenwood. . 1867. 3. 4212. Hungarian Castle, the, by Miss Pardoe. . . . 1842. 3. 4213. Hunter's Feast, the, by Capt. Maync Rcid. . 1851. 1. 4214. Hunting the romantic, from the French of Jules Sandeau 1852. 1. 4215. Husband-hunter, the, by D. J. Moriarty. . . 1839. .3. 4216. Hussar, the, by the Rev. George R. Gleig. . . 1837. 2. 4217. Hut and the Castle, the, by Miss Cutlibertson. . 1823. 4. 4218. Hutspot, by Charles F. Trower 1852. 1. 4219. Hypatia, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. . . 1853. 2. 128 Novels, Romances Sfc. i^^. 4251. Ice-bouud, by Walter Thornbmy. . 4252. Icelandic Legends, collected by Jon Arnason. 4253. Ice-I\Iaiden , the, by Hans C. Andersen. . 4254. Ida May, by Mary Langdon. .... 4255. Idalia, by "Ouida" (Miss Ilame). . 4256. Illustrations of Human Life, by E. Phimcr Ward, 4257. Image of bis Father, tbe, by II. and A. Mayhew 4258. Imijrovisatorc, the, by Hans C. Andersen. 4259. Incas, tbe, by M. Marmoutel. 4260. Incognito, the, by Don T. dc Trueba o Cosio. 4261. Indian Life, by Mrs. Colonel Hartley. 4262. Infidel Father, the 4263. Inheritance, the, by Miss Ferrier. 4264. Initials, the, by the Baroness Tautphoeus. 4265. Interdict, the, by Mrs. Steward. 4266. Interpreter, the, by G. J. Whyte-Mclville. 4267. Interrupted Wedding, the, by Ann Manning. 4268. Inundation, the, by Mrs. Gore. 4269. Invasion, the, by Gerald Griffin. 4270. Invisible Gentleman, the. 4271. Irish Life 4272. Iron Cousin, the, by Mary Cowden Clarke. 4273. Isabel, by John Cordy Jeaffreson. . 4274. Israel Potter, by Herman Melville. 4275. It is never too late to mend, by Charles Keade. 4276. It may be true, by Mrs. W'ood. 4277. Italian, the, by Mrs. Eadcliffe. 4278. Italian Novelists, selected from the most approved Authors. ...... 4279. Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott. 4280. I've been thinking, by Arthur S. Roe. 4281. Ivar, or the Skjuts boy, by Emilic Carlen. 4282. Ivors, by Miss Sewell 4283. Ixion in Heaven, and other tales, by Benjamin Disraeli. ........ vols. 3. 1861. 1864. 1863. 1854. 1867. 1837. 1848. 1845. 1777. 1831. 1840. 1802. 3. 1824. 3. 1854. 1. 1840. 3. 1858. 1864. 1832. 1833. 1840. 1854. 1856. 1855. 1856. 1865. 1797. 1. 1. 1. 4. 3. 3. a. 3.. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1825. 4. 1820. 3 1855. 1. 1852. 1. 1856. 2. 1853. 1. Novels, Romances c^'C. F-J- 4301. Jcack Adams, by Capt. Chamier. 4302. Jack ashore, by E. Howard. . 4303. Jack Brag, by Theodore Hook. 4304. Jack Hiiiton, by Charles Lever. 4305. Jack O'Lantern, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 4306. Jack Slieppard, by W. H. Ainsworth. 4307. Jacob Bcndixen, from the Danish of Goldschmidt. 4308. Jacob Faithful, by Capt. Marryat. . 4309. Jacqueline of Holland, by Thomas C. Grattan. 4310. Jacquerie, by G. P. R. James. 4311. James Hatfield, by Robert Cruikshank. . 4312. Jane Bouverie, by Catherine Sinclair. 4313. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. 4314. Jane Rutherford. ..... 4315. Jane Seton, by James Grant. 4316. Jane Sinclair, by William Carleton. 4317. Janet, or Glances at Human Nature. 4318. Janet's Home 4319. Janita's Cross 4320. Japhet in search of a father, by Capt. Marryat 4321. Jasper Lyle, by Jlrs. Ward. . 4322. Jealous Wife, the, by Miss Pardoe. 4323. Jerningham. ...... 4324. Jessie Cameron, by Lady Rachel Butler. 4325. Jessie Pliillips, by 3Irs. Trollope. 4326. Jesuit, the 4327. Jesuit at Cambridge, the, by Sir George Stephen. » 4328. Jesuit in the Family, the, by Andrew Steinmetz. 4329. Jew, the 4330. Jew of Denmark, the, by M. Goldschmidt. 4331. Joe Oxford, or the Runaway. 4332. Jonathan Sharp 4333. Jonathan Jefferson Whitelaw, by Mrs. Trollope 4334. John Arnold 4335. John Bull and his Wonderful Lamp. 4336. John Drayton. ..... 4337. John Godfrey's Fortunes, by Bayard Taylor. 4338. John Grcswold, by the Hon. Mrs. Clive. 4339. John Halifax, by Miss Mulock. 129 vols. 3. 1838. 1840. 1837. 1843. 1843. 1854. 1852. 3 1834. 3 1831. 1841. 1846. 1848. 1854. 185.3. 1843. 1839. 18G4. 18G4. 18.56. 1851. 1855. 1854. 1857. 1843. 1832. .3. 1847. 2. 1847. 1. 1832. 3. 1852. 1. 1830. 3. 1845. .3. 1836. 1862. 1849. 1851. 1864. 1864. 1857. 17 130 Novels, Romances i$r. F- ,/■ 4 .'MO. John Law, by W. H. Ainsworth. . 4341. Jolin Maiclimoiit's Legacy, by M. E. Braddon. 4342. Joliii Marston Hall, by G. P. R. James. 4313. John Randolph, by F. W. Thomas. 4344. Jolly Boat, the, by "Lieut. Warneford" (Wm. Russell) 4345. Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities, by R. >S. Surtees. 4346. Journal of a Home Life, by Miss Sewell. 4347. Journey to the World under ground, by Lewis Holbeig 4348. Joyce Dormer's Story, by Julia Goddard. 4349. Julian Home, by the Rev. F. W. Farrar. 4350. Julie, by Emilic Carlen. .... vols. . 1864. 1 . 1801. 1 1834. 3 . 1855. 1 . 1865. 2 . 1838. 1 . 1867. 2 . 1828. 1 . 1867. 2 . 1859. 1 . 1854. 1 i''-/''- 4361. Kaloolah, edited by W. S. Mnyo. . 4362. Karmatli, by E. ITpham. .... 4363. Kate Coventry, by G. J. Whyte-Melville. 4364. Katharine Ashton, by Miss SewcU. 4365. Kathie Brande, by Holme Lee. 4360. Katie Stewart, by Mrs. Oliphfint. 4367. Kavanagh, by Henry W. Longfellow. 4368. Kelly O'Dwyer 4369. Kellys and the O'Kellys, the, by Anthony 'J'rollope 4370. Kenilworth, by Sir Walter Scott. 4371. Kenneth, by iliss Yonge. .... 4372. Kindness in Women, by Thomas Hayncs ]>ayly 4373. King and the Countess, the, by S. W. Fullom. 4374. King Eric, from the Danish of Iiigomann. 4375. King's Highway, the, by G. P. R. James. 4370. King's Mail, the, by Henry HoU. . 4377. King's Own, the, by Capt. Jlarryat. 4378. King's Own Borderers, the, by James Grant. . 4379. King's Secret, the, by W. T. Power. 4380. Kissing the Rod, by Edmund Yates. 4381. Kit Barn's Adventures, liy M. (!owdcn Clarke. 4382. Klostorheim, or the Masque. .... 4383. Knight of Gwynne, the, by Charles Lever. 4384. Kimzilbash , tlie, by James Baillie Eraser. . 1849. 1 . 1827. 1 . 1850. 1 . 1854. 2 . 1856. 2 . 1853. 1 — 1 . 1852. 3 . 1859. 1 . 1821. 3 . 1855. 1 . 1837. • > . 1849. 3 . 1843. 3 . 1840. 1 . 1863. O . 1836. 1 . 186,5. >> . 1831. 3 . 1866. 3 . 1849. 1 . 1832. 1 . 1847. 2 . 1828. 3 Norels, R omaiiccs c cj-c-. F. I. 4401. La Beata, by Thomas A. Trollopc. 4402. Labors of Idleness, by Guy Penscval. 4403. Ladder of Gold, the, by Eobert Bell. 4404. Ladies of Bever Hollow, the, by Ann Mannin 4405. Lady and the Priest, the, by Mrs. Maberly. 4406. Lady of Fashion, the 4407. Lady Adelaide's Oath, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 4408. Lady Alice 4409. Lady Ann Granard, by Miss Landon. 4410. Lady Audley's Secret, by M. E. Braddon. 4411. Lady Avice. ...... 4412. Lady Elinor Mordaunt, by Margaret M. Gordon 4413. Lady Felicia, by Henry Cockton. . 4414. Lady Jane Grey, by Thomas Miller. 441.5. Lady Lee's Widowhood, by Edward Bruce Hamlcy 4416. Lady Mary and her Nurse, by Mrs. Trail. 4417. Lady Una and her Qnecndom. 4418. Lady Singleton, by Thomas Medwin. 4419. Lady Willoiighby, by Mrs. La Toucbe. . 4420. Lady's Mile, the, by M. E. Braddon. 4421. Ladyljird, by Lady Georgiana FuUerton. 4422. Laird of Norlaw, the, by Mrs. Oliphant. 4423. Lamplighter, the, by Maria S. Cummins. 4424. Lancashire Witches, the, by W. U. Ainsworth. 4125. Lances of Lyuwood, the, by Miss Yonge. 4426. Land and Sea Tales, by M. H. Barker. 4427. Land at last, by Edmund Yates. 4428. Last Ball, the, by George Soane. 4429. Last Chronicle of Barset, the, by Anthony Trollope 44;5( ). Last Days of Pompeii , the, by Lord Lytton. 4431. Last King of Ulster, the. 4432. Last Man, the, by Mrs. Shelley. 44.33. Last of the Barons, the, by Lord Lytton. 4434. Last of the Cavaliers, the. 4435. Last of the Fairies, the, by G. P. R. James. 4436. Last of the Mohicans, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper 4437. Last of the Mortimers, the, by Mrs. Oliphant. 4438. Last of the Old Squires, the. 4439. Last of the Plantagenets, the, by W. Heseltine. Yl'- 1861. 1826. 1850. 1858. 1851. 1856. 1807. 1849. 1842. 1862. 1851. 1861. 1852. 1840. 1854. 1856. 1854. 1843. 1855. 1866. 1852. 1858. 1854. 1849. 1855. 1836. 1866. 1843. 1867. 18.34. 1841. 1826. 1834. 1859. 1848. 1862. 1854. 1829. 131 vols. 2. 1. 3. 1. 3. 3. 1. 3. O. 1. 2. 1. 1. 3. 2. 1. 1. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 1. 3. 1. 2. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1- 132 Noeeh, Romances cj-c. F. I. 4440. Last Peer, tlie 4441. Laura Gay. ...... 4442. Laurringtons, the, by Jfo. Trollope. 4443. Laveugro, by George Borrow. 4444. Lavinia, by John Ruffini. 4445. Lawrie Todd, by John Gait. 4440. Lawyers in love, by Cajit. W. J. Neale. 4447. Leaves from the book of life, by Charles Shaw 4448. Lees of Blendon Hall, the, by Noel RadeclifTe. 4449. Left to the World, by Charles Beach. 4450. Left to themselves, by Mrs. Gordon Sraythies. 4451. Legend and Romance, by Richard Johns. 4452. Legend of Croquemitaine, freely translated from the French of L'Epine, by Thomas Hood junr. 4453. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, by Patrick Kennedy. ....... 4454. Legends of Galloway, by James Denniston. 4455. Legends and Stories of L-eland, by Samuel Lover 445t'i. Legends of Savage Life, by James Greenwood. 4457. Legends of the Black Watch, by James Grant. 4458. Legends of the Library at Lilies, by Lord Nugent, 4459. Legends of the Rhine, by Thomas C. Grattan. 44G0. Legends of the Waldenses, and other tales, by Mary J. Windle. .... 4461. Leighton Court, by Henry Kingsley. 4462. Leila, or the Siege of Granada, and Calderon the Courtier, by Lord Lytton. 4463. Leo, by Button Cook. . 4464. Leonard and Dennis, by the Rev. E. Monro. 4465. Leonard Ilarlowe, by Wm. Russell ("Waters.") 4466. Leonard Lindsay, by Angus B. Reach. 4467. Leonie Vermont, by II. Murray. 4468. Leonora, by Mrs. Maberly. 4469. Leslie Tyrrell, by Georgiana M. Craik. 4470. Letter-Bag of the Great Western, the. 4471. Lettice Arnold, by Mrs. Marsh. 4472. Letty Hyde's Lovers, by James Grant. 4473. Lewell Pastures 4474. Lewis Arundel, by Frank Smedley. vols 1851. 3 1856. 2 1844. 3 1851. 3 1861. 1 1830. 3 1844. 3 1867. 1 1859. 3 1865. 3 1863. 3. 1839. 3 — 1. 1866. 1 1825. 1 — 2 1867. 1 1860. 1 1832. 3 1832. 3 1852. 1 1866. 1 1838. 1 1863. »* 185.5. 1 1 1 1857. 1849, 3 1856. 3 1867. 1. 1840. 1 1850. 2. 1863. 1. 1854. 2. 1852. 1 Novels, Romances S{c. F. I. 4475. Ley ton Hall, and other tales, by Mark Lemon. 447G. Library of Fiction. ..... 4477. Library of Romance: Baronet, the, by Julia Corner 4478. Library of Romance: Bondman, tlie. 4479. Library of Romance: Dark Lady of Doona, by W H. Maxwell. . 4480. Library of Romance: Entlmsiast, tbe, by C. >Spiudler 4481. Library of Romance: Ernesto, by Wm. Smith. 4482. Library of Romance: Jesuit, the, by C. Spindler. 4483. Library of Romance: Schinderliannos, by Leitcli Ritchie 4484. Library of Romance: Sea- Wolf, the, by J. Brent. 4485. Library of Romance: Siege of Vienna, by Mrs. Pichler. 448G. Library of Romance: Slave-King, the, by Elizabeth M. Ritchie. 4487. Library of Romance: Stolen Child, the, by John Gait, 4488. Library of Romance: Tales of the Caravanserai, by J. B. Eraser 4489. Library of Romance: Waldemar, by W. H. Harrison 4490. Library of Romance: Waltham. 440 L Life and Adventures of a Conntry Merchant, by J, B. Jones. ....... 4492. Life and Death of Silas Barnstarke, by Talbot Gwynne 4493. Life and its aims. ...... 4494. Life and its lessons, by Mrs. Hubback. 4495. Life and Remains of Wilmot Warwick. 4496. Life by the fireside. ..... 4497. Life for a life, by Miss Mulock. 4498. Life here and there, by Nathaniel P. Willis. . 4499. Life in India 4500. Life in the Land of the Fireworshippers , edited by Frederika Bremer. ..... 4501. Life of a clever Woman, by Mrs. Trollopo. 4502. Life of a Lawyer. ...... 4503. Life of a Sailor, by Capt. Chamier. 4504. Life of a Soldier, by R. Jjcwin. 4505. Life of Mansie Waugli, Tailor of Dalkeith, by D M. Moir 450G. Life's Lesson, a. ..... . 4507. Life's Secret, a, by Mrs. H. Wood. 133 void, 1867. 2. 1840. 1835. 1834. 1834. 1S33. 1833. 1834. 1834. 1833. 1835. 1835. 1834. 183.3. 1834. 1833. 1854. 1853. 1854. 1851. 1828. 1853. 1859. 1850. 1828. 3. 1861. 2. 1854. 3. — 1. 1832. 3. 1834. 3. 1845. 1. 1854. 1. 1867. 1. 134 Novels, Romances cjr. F. I. 4508. Liglit and Darkness, by Mrs. Crowe. 4509. Liglit and Shade, by Anna Harriot Urury. 4510. Lights and Shadows of American Life, by Mary E. Mitford. 4511. Lights and Shadows of English Life. 4512. Lights and Shadows of German Life. 4513. Lilliesleaf. 4514. Lilly Dawson, by Mrs. Crowe. 4515. Lilly Gordon. ..... 4516. Lily of Paris, tlie, by J. Palgrave Simpson. 4517. Linda, by Caroline Lee Ilentz. 4518. Lindisfarne Chase, by Thomas A. Trollope. 4519. Linny Lockwood, by Mrs. Crowe. . 4520. Linwoods, the, by Miss Sedgwick. 4521. Lion, the, by Henry F. Chorley. 4522. Lion of Flanders, the, by Ilendrik Conscience 4523. Lionel Lincoln, by J. Feniraore Cooper. 4524. Lionel Wakefield, by W. Massie. 4525. Little Dorrif, by Charles Dickens. . 4526. Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtouians, by John Poole. ...... 4527. Live it down, by J. Cordy JeafTreson. 4528. Livouian Tales, by Miss Eigby (Lady Eastlake.) 4529. Lizzie Leigh, and other tales, by Mrs. Gaskell 4530. Llewellyn, or the Sale of Phlinlimnicm. 4531. Lochaudliu, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. 4532. Lodore, by Mrs. Shelley. 4533. Lofoden, by E. W. Landor. . 4534. Loiterings of Travel, by Nathaniel P. Willis. 4535. Lollards, the. 4536. London in the olden time. 4537. Long Engagements. .... 4538. Longhollow, by Mrs. Bedingficld. 4539. Longwoods of the Grange, the. 4540. Look to the end, by Mrs. Ellis. 4541. Lord Erlistonn, and other tales, by Miss Muloc 4542. Lord Falconberg's Heir, by Charles Clarke. 4543. Lord Fit/.warine, by "Scrutator" (E. S. Surtees.) 4544. Lord Mayor of London, the, by W. H. Ainsworth vols 1850. 3. 1853. 1 1832. 3 1855. 3 1833. 2 1855. 3 1847. 3 1855. 1 1849. 3 185L 1 1864. 3 1854. 2 1855. 2 1839. 3 — 1 1825. 3 1836. 3 1857. 2 1839. 2 1863. 3 1846. 1 1855. 1 1818. 3 1825. 3 1835. 3 1849. 2 1840. 3 1822. 3 1825. 1 1846. 1 1829. 3 1854. 3 1845. 2_ 1864. 1. 1868. 2. 18C0. 3. 1862. 1. Novels, liomances ^-c. r . 1. 4545. Lord Oakburn's Daugliters, by Mrs. Ilonry Wood 454G. Lord Ifoldau, by Allan Cunningham. 4547. Lord Ulswater, by Mrs. Wood. 4548. Lorenzo Benoni, by John Ruffini. 4549. Lorimer Littlegood, by Frank Smedley. . 4550. Lost and Saved, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. 4551. Lost and Won, by Georgiana M. Craik. 4552. Lost Evidence, by Hannali Burdon. 455.3. Lost Inheritance, tlie. .... 4554. Lost Lenore, by Charles Beach. 4555. Lost Love, by "Ashford Owen" (Annie Ogle) 455G. Lost Treasurer, the. .... 4557. Lotta Schmidt, and other tales, by Anthony Trollope 4558. Lottery of Life, the, by Lady Blessington. 4559. Louise Elton, by Mrs. M. Herndon. 4560. Love, by Lady Charlotte Bury. 45(51. Love and Ambition, by Sir Charles Kockingham 45G2. Love and Mesmerism, by Horace Smith. 456.3. Love and Pride, by Theodore Hook. 4564. Love and War, by Edward Quillinan. 4565. Love me little, love me long, by Charles Read 4566. Love versus Law, by Joseph Jliddleton. 4567. Love's Conflict, by Florence Marryat. 4568. Loved at last, by Mark Lemon. 4569. Loveniatch, the, by Henry Cockton. 4570. Lover upon trial, the, by Lady Lyons. 4571. Lover's Stratagem, the, by Emilie C.irlen 4572. Loweustein, by Jane Roberts. 4573. Lucian Playfair, by Thomas Mackern. 4574. Lucien Greville, by Pettigrew. 4575. Luck of Ladysmede. 4576. Lucretia, by Lord Lytton. 4577. Lucretia, by the Rev. Francis E. Paget. 4578. Lucubrations of Humphrey Ravelin. 4579. Lucy Crofton, by Mrs. Oliphant. 4580. Luttrell of Arran, by Charles Lever. 4581. Luxima or the Prophetess, by Lady Sidney "Morgan vols. 1864. 2. 1836. 3. 1867. 3. 1835. 1. — 1. 1863. 3. 1859. 1. 1840. 3. 1852. 3. 1864. 3. 1855. 1. 1854. 1. 1867. 1. 1842. 1. 1853. 1. 1838. 1. 1851. 3. 1845. 3. 1833. 3. 1841. 3. 1859. 1. 1855. 3. 1865. 1865. 2. 1841. 3. 1833. 1. 1852. 2. 1836. 2. 1857. 3. 1833. 3. 1860. 1846. 2. 1868. 1. 1824. 1. 1860. 1. 1865. 2_ 1859. 1. 136 Novels, Romances S,-c. F.1H.4C31. Mabel Vaugbau, by Maria S. Cummins. . 4632. Macdermots of Bally cloran , by Anthony Trollopc 4633. Macmalion's Country, by the Rev. John Wright. 4634. Madame Fontenoy, by Hamilton Aide. 4635. Madeleine, by Julia Kavanagh. 4G3G. Madeline, by Mrs. Opie. 4037. Mademoiselle Mori, by Hamilton Aide. 4638. Madonna Mary, by Mrs. Oliphant. . 4639. Magician, the, by Leitch Ritchie. 4640. Mahmoud 4641. Maid of Florence, the, by the Marquis D'Azcglio. 4642. Maid of Honor, the, or the Massacre of St. Bartho lomew. ...... 4643. Maid of Orleans, the, by Jane Robinson. 4644. Maiden Monarcli , the. .... 4645. Maids of Honor, by Folkstone Williams. 4646. Mainstone's Housekeeper, by Eliza Meteyard. 4647. Major Peter, by Mrs. Wood. 4648. Makanna, or the land of the savage. 4649. Make your game, by G. A. Sala. . 4650. Malvagna. . . ... 4651. Malvern, by Mrs. Hubback. 4652. Mamelukes, the, by Andrew A. Paton. 4653. Mammon, by Mrs. Gore. 4654. Man at arms, the, by G. P. R. James. 4655. Man of Fashion , the. .... 4656. Man of Fortune, the, by Albany Fonblanque. 4657. Man of Honor, the 4658. Man of the People, the, by William Ilowitt. 4659. Man of the World, the, by S. W. Fullom. 4660. Manoeuvring Mother, the. 4661. Manse of Mastland, the, from the Dutch by Thomas Keightley. ..... 4662. Manuel Pereira, by F. C. Adams. . 4663. Manuscripts of Erdcly, by George Stephens 4664. Many-coloured-life Tales. 4665. Marco Visconti, from the Italian of Tomaso Grossi 4666. Marcus Warlaud, by Caroline Lee Hentz. 4667. Mardens and the Daventrys, the, by Miss Pardoe. 1857. 1861. 1835. 1866. 1851. 1822. 1867. 1836. 1835. 1835. vols. 1. ]. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1860. 1852. 1835. 1842. 1845. 1853. 18.35. 1845 1849. 1840 1845, 1860. .3. 18(;G. 3. 1834. 3. 1860. 1835. 1855. 1851. 1855. 1840. 1821. 1859. 1834. 1860. 1856. 1842. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 1. .3. 1. 1. 1. 3. Novels, Romances ^-c. F.m.iftQf,. Mardi, by Herman Melville. . 4GG9. Margaret. ...... 40 70. Margaret, from the French of Elie Berthet. 4G71. Margaret and her Bridesmaids. 4672. Margaret Catchpole, by the Eev. Richard Cobbold. 4673. Margaret Graham, by G. P. R. James. 4674. Margaret Percival, by Miss Sewell. 4675. Margaret Percival in America. 4676. Margaret Eavenscroft, by James A. St. John. 4G77. Margaret Russell. ..... 4G78. Margaret Waldegrave. .... 4679. Marian, by Maud J. Franc. 4680. Marian, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. . 4681. Marian Withers, by Geraldine Jewsbury. 4682. Marietta, by Thomas A. Trolloiic. . 4683. Mark Hurdlestone, by Mrs. Moodie. 4G84. Mark Sutherland, by Emma Southworth. 4685. Mark Wilton, by the Rev. C. B. Tayler. 4686. Mark's Reef, by J. Feuimore Cooper. 4687. Market Harborough, by G. J. Whyte-Melville 4688. Marmaduke Ilerbert, by Lady Blessington. 4689. Maroon, the, by Capt. JIayne Eeid. 4690. Marriage, by Miss Ferrier. 4691. Marriage in high Life, by Lady Scott. 4692. Married for Love, by Mrs. Gordon Smythies. 4693. Married Life, by T. S. Arthur. 4G94. Married or Single, by Miss Sedgwick. 4695. Married unmarried, by 0. White. 4696. Marston, by the Rev. George Croly. 4697. Marstons, the, by Hamilton Aide. . 4698. Martha, by Anthony Smith. 4699. Martha Brown, the Heiress. 4700. Martin Chuzzlewit, by Charles Dickens. 4701. Martin Pole, by John Saunders. 4702. Martins of Cro' Martin, the, by Charles Lever. 4703. Martyrs to Circumstances, by Jlrs. Theresa Yelv 4704. Mary Ann Wellington, by the Rev. Richard Cobbold 4705. Mary Barton, by Mrs. Gaskell. 4706. Mary Gray 18 erton vols. 1849. 3. 1851. 2. 1845. 1. — 1. 1845. •)_ 1848. 2. 1847. 2. 1850. 1. 1835. 3. 1846. 1. 1846. 1. 1859. 1. 1840. 3. 1851. 3. 1862. 1. 1853. •) 1853. 1. 1. 1. 1847. 1867. 1. 1847. 1. 1862. 3. 1826. 2. 1828. 2. 1857. 3. 1852. 1. 1. 3. 1837. 1846. 3. 1868. 2. 1855. 1. 1861. 1. 1844. 1. 1863. 2. 1856. 1. 1861. 1. 1846. 3. 1849. 2. 1852. 1. 138 Novels, Romances ^-c. 7^.7//. 4707. Mary of Burgundy, by G. P. R. James. . 4708. Mary of Lorraine, by James Grant. 4709. Mary Raymond, by Mrs. Gore. 4710. Mary Sealiam, by the Hon. Mrs. Grey. . 4711. Masque at Ludlow, and other Romanesques, by Ann Manning. ....... 4712. Master and Pupil, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel. 4713. Master Humphrey's Clock, by Charles Dickens. 4714. Master of the Hounds, the, by "Scrutator" (R.S.Surtees) 4715. Master Passion, the, by Thomas C. Grattan. 471(;. Masters and Workmen, by the Earl of Belfast. 4717. Matchmaker, the, by Mrs. Gordon Smythies. . 4718. Matrimonial Shipwrecks, by A. M. Maillard. . 4719. Matthew Paxton 4720. Matthew Wald, by John Gibson Lockhart. 4721. Mattic, a Stray, by the Author of "No Church." 4722. Maud Skillicorne's Penance, by Mary C. Jackson. 4723. Maude Talbot, by Holme Lee. 4724. Maurice Dering, by George Lawrence. 4725. Maurice, Elector of Saxony, by Mrs. Colquhoun. 4726. Maurice Elvington. 4727. ]\[aurice Tiernay, by Charles Lever. 4728. Max Havelaar, by E. Douwes Dckker. 4729. Maximums and Speciments of William Muggins, by Charles Selby. ...... 4730. Maxwell, by Theodore Hook. 4731. Maxwell Drewitt, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 4732. May and December, by Mrs. Hubback. 4733. May you like it, by Chai-les B. Taylor. . 4734. Mayor of Windgap, the, by J. Banim. 4735. Meadowleigh, by Ann Manning. 4736. Melauthe, by Mrs. Maberly 4737. Melincourt, by T. Peacock 4738. Melmoth, by C. R. Maturin 4739. Melton de Mowbray, or the Banker's Son. 4740. Melusina, by Andrew A. Paton. . . 4741. Melvilles, the 4742. Member, the, by John Gait 4743. Memoirs of a Femme de Chambre, by Lady Blessington, vols. . 1837. 1 . 1860. 1 . 1838. .*» . 1852. .'J. . 1866. 1 . 1859. 3 . 1840. 2 . 1866. 1 . 1846. 1 . 1851. 3 . 1842. 3 . 1854. 2 . 18.54. 3 . 1824. 1 . 1864. >> . 1858. 2 . 1861. 1 . 1864. 1 . 1844. 3 . 1856. 3 — 1 . 1868. 1 . 1841. 1 . isrso. b . 1866. 1 . 1854. 3 . 1840. 1 . 18.35. 3 . 1863. 2 . 1843. o . 1856. 1 . 1820. 4 . 1838. 3 . 1860. 1 . 1852. 3 . 1832. 1 . 1846. 3 Novels, Romances cjr. -/'.»<;. 4744. Memoirs of a Peeres.s, by BIrs. Gore. 474.5. Men and Women, by Mrs. Crowe. . 474G. Men of Capital, by Mrs. Gore. 4747. Men of Character, by Douglas Jerrold. . 4748. Mercedes, by Sir C. F. Lascelles Wraxall. 4749. Mercedes of Castile, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 4750. Meredith, by Lady Blessington. 4751. Merkland, by Mrs. Oliphant. . 4752. Merrie England, by George Daniel. 4753. Mervyn Clitheroe, by W. H. Ainsworth. 4754. Michael Armstrong, by Mrs. Trollope. 4755. Midnight Sun, the, liy Frederika Bremer. 4756. Midshipman Easy, by Capt. Marryat. 4757. Midsummer Eve, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 4758. Midsummer Medley, by Horace Smith. 4759. Mildred, by Georgiana M. Craik. 4760. Mildred Arkell, by Mrs. Henry Wood. . 4761. Miles Tremenheere, by A. M. Maillard. . 4762. Military Bijou, the, by John Shipp. 4763. Military Sketchbook, by William Maginn. 4764. Mill on the Floss, the, by "George Eliot" (M.Evans. 4765. Millicent, or the trials of life. 4766. Milly's Hero, by F. W. Eobinson. 4767. Minister's Wooing, the, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 4768. Ministering Children, and Sequel, by Maria L. Charles worth. ...... 4769. Ministry of Life, by Maria L. Charlesworth. 4770. Miriam Cofiin 4771. Miriam Copley, by J. Cordy Jeaffreson. 4772. Miriam Sedley, by Lady Lytton Bulwer. 4773. Miriam's Sorrow, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel 4774. Mirza, the, by James Morier. 4775. Miscellanies, by W. M. Thackeray. 4776. Misrepresentation, by Miss Waddington. 4777. Misrepresentation, by Anna H. Drury. 4778. Miss Aylmer. 4779. Miss Biddy Frobisber, by Ann Manning. 4780. Miss Carew, by Amelia B. Edwards. 4781. Miss Mackenzie, by Anthony Trollope. 18* 139 vols. . 1859. 1. 1843. 3. 1846. 3. 1838. 3. 1865. 1. 1841. 1. 1843. 3. 1851. 3. 1842. 2. 1858. 1. 1840. 1. 1849. 1. 1836. 3. 1842. 3. 1830. 2. 1868. 1. 1865. 2. . 1833. 2 1831. 2. 1827. 2. >ans.^ 1860. 1. 1855. 3. 1866. 3. 1859. 1. liarles 1856-66. 2. 1858. 1. 1834. 3. 1859. 3. 1851. 3. 1863. 2. 1842. 1. 1856. 4. 1838. 3. 1859. 2. 1840. 3. 1866. 1. 1865. 2. 1866. 1. 140 Novels, Romances ^-c. 7'.?H.4782. Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge, by Hamilton Aide, 4783. Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys' visit to London during tbe Great Exbibition, by Henry Jlayhew. 4784. Mr. Blount's MSS. 4785. Mr. Stewart's Intentions, by F. W. Kobinson. 4786. Mr. Warrenne, tbe Jledical Practitioner. 4787. Mr. Wray's Casbbox, by W. Wilkie Collins. . 4788. Mistress and Maid, by Miss Mulock. 4789. Mrs. Armitage, by Mrs. Gore. 4790. Mrs. Blake, by Mrs. Newton Crosland. 4791. Mrs. Cleveland and the St. Clairs. . 4792. Mrs. Haliburton's Trouldes, by Mrs. H. Wood. 4793. Mrs. Matbews, by Mrs. Trollope. 4794. Moby Dick, by Herman Melville. . 4795. Modern Accomplisbments, by Catlierine Sinclair. 4796. Modern Cymon, tbe, by Paul de Kock. 4797. Modern Flirtations, by Catherine Sinclair. 4798. Modern French Life, edited by Mrs. Gore. 4799. Modern Society, by Catherine Sinclair. 4800. Monastery, the, by Sir Walter Scott. 4801. Money, by Colin Kennaquhom. 4802. Money-Lender, the, by Mrs. Gore. 4803. Moneyed Man, the, by Horace Smith. 4804. Monikins, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. . 4805. Monk and the Married Man, tbe, by Julia R. Wadding ton. ........ 4806. Monsieur Violet, his travels and adventures, by Capt Marryat. ....... 4807. Moonstone, the, by W. Wilkie Collins. . 4808. Moor Cottage, the, by IMay Beverley. 4809. Moors and the Fens, the, by Mrs. J. H. Eiddell. 4810. Moral Tales, by Joseph Moser. 4811. Morals of May Fair 4812. Mordaunt Hall, by Mrs. Marsh. 4813. Moredun, a tale of 1210 4814. Morley Ernstein, by G. P. It. James. 4815. Mornings at Bow Street, by John Wright, 1st and 2ud Series. ... \ 4816. Mosses from an Old Manse, by Nathaniel Hawthorne vols . 1804. 2 1851. 1 . 1826. 2 . 1867. 1 . 1848. 3 . 1852. 1 . 1862. 1 . 1836. 3 . 1862. 3 . 1836. 3 . 1863. 1 . 1851. u . 1855. 1 . 1837. 1 . 1833. 2 . 1837. 1 . 1842. 3 . 1837. 1 . 1820. 3 . 1860. 3 . 1843. 3 . 1841. 3 . 1835. 3 . 184U. 3 . 1844. 1 . 1868. :! . 1861. 1 . 1858. 3 . 1797. 2 — 1 . 1849. 2 . 1855. • * . 1812. 1 1821. 2 1846. 2. Novels , Romances cj'c. F.vi.iSn. Mother's Mistake, the, by Mrs. Ellis. 4818. Mother's Recomjiense, by Grace Aguilar. 4819. Mothers and Daughters, by Mrs. Gore. 4820. Mount Sorel, by Mrs. Marsh. .... 4821. Mourtray Family, the, by Mrs. Hervey. 4822. Mussulman, the, by E. E. Madden. 4823. My Aunt Pontypool, by G. P. E. James. 4824. My Brother's Keeper, by A. B. Warner. 4825. My Brother's Wife, by Amelia B. Edwards. 4826. My Cousin Nicholas, by the Eev. E. H. D. Barham. 4827. My First Season, by Beatrice Ecynolds. 4828. My good-for-nothing Brother, by " Wiekliff Lane" (Mrs. Edward Jenings.) 4829. My Grandmother's Guests, and other tales, by llenry Sllngsby. .... 4830. My Lady 4831. My Life 4832. My Novel, by Lord Lytton. . 4833. My Share of the World, by Frances Browne: 4834. My Uncle the Curate, by I\r. W. Savage. 4835. Myddleton Pomfret, by W. H. Ainsworth. 4836. Mysterious Legends of Edinburgh, by Alexander Leighton. .....-•• 1859. 1831. 1845. 1814. 1830. 1835. 1855. 1811. 1855. 141 vola. 1. 1. 3. 2. 4. 3. 3. 1. 1. 3. 1. 18C.3. 1. 1831. 1858. 1835. 1853. 1861. 1840. 1868. 1864. 1. F.n. 4901. Nanette and her lovers, by Talbot Gwynnc. 4902. Natchez, from the French of Viscount Chateaubriand 4903. Nathalie, by Julia Kavanagh. 4904. National Tales, by Thomas Hood. 4905. Natural Son, the, from the German of C. Spindler 4906. Nature and Art, by Mrs. Inchbald. 4907. Nature and Human Nature, by Judge Haliburton, 4908. Naval officer, the, by Capt. :\Iarryat. 4909. Naval Sketchbook, the, by W. N. Glascock, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... 4910. Naval Surgeon, the, liy Capt. W. J. Ncale. 4911. Navy at home, the. ..... 4912. Near the Cloisters, by Dr. Henry Stebbing. . 1854. 1 . 1827. 3 . 1851. 1 . 1827. 3 . 1835. 3 . 1796. o . 1855. 2 . 1834. 3 a. . 1826-34 4 . 1841. 3 . 1831. 3 . 1868. 2 142 Novels, Romances ^-c. 7'. ». 4913. Nearer niul dearer, by "Cutlibert Bede" (Rev. Edward Bradley.) ...... 4914. Ned Locksley the Etonian. 4915. Nellie of Truro 4916. Nelly Armstrong. ..... 4917. Nelly Deane. 4918. Nemesis, by Marian Harland. 4919. New Arabian Nights Entertainment, by the Rev G. Lamb. ...... 4920. New England Tales and Miscellanies, by C. M. Sedg wick. ...... 4921. New Forest the, by Horace Smith. 4922. New Gil Bias, the, by Henry D. Inglis. 4923. New Road to Ruin, the, by Lady Stepney. 4924. New Year's Day, by Mrs. Gore. 4925. Newcomes, the, by W. M. Thackeray. 4926. Newton Foster, by Capt. Marryat. . 4927. Next Door, by Mrs. A. Thomson. . 4928. Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens. 4929. Nick of the Woods , by W. H. Ainsworth. 4930. Night and Morning, by Lord Lytton. 4931. Night near Windsor, a, by A. Collingridge. 4932. Night Watch, the; a tale of the Sea. 4933. Nights at mess. ..... 4934. Nightshade, by William Johnston. 4935. Nina Balatka 4936. Ninfa, a tale from the German. 4937. No Church, by the author of "High Church." 4938. No Fiction, by the Rev. Andrew Reed. . 4939. No Name, by W. Wilkie Collins. . 4940. No Relation, by .Julia Corner. 4941. No Thoroughfare, and the late Miss Hollingford, by Charles Dickens. .... 4942. Noble Life, a, by Miss Mulock. 4943. Noble Purpose nobly won, a, by Ann Manning. 4944. Noble Tray tour, the 4945. Nomades of the West, the, by S. D. Huyghue 4946. Norman Abbey. ..... 4947. Norman Leslie, by Theodore S. Fay. 1857. 1. 18G3. 2_ 1856. 1. 1853. •> 1864. 2 18G0. 1 182G. 3 1852. 1 1829. 3 1832. 3 1833. 3 1847. 1 1854. 2 1832. 3 1863. 3 1839. 1 1837. 3 1841. 1 1838. 1 1828. 2 1836. 1 1857. 1 1867. 2 1848. 1 1861. 1 1855. 1 1863. 1 18G4. 2 1868. 1 1866. 1 1862. 1 1857. 3 1850. 3 1832. 3 1835. 3 Novels, Romances Sfc. F.n. 4948. Norraanton, by A. J. Barrowcliffe. 4949. Norrington. ...... 4950. North and Soutb, by Mrs. Gaskell. 4951. Nortlianger Abbey, by Miss Austen. 4952. Northwode Priory. .... 4953. Norwood, by the Rev. H. Ward Beecher. 4954. Not dead yet, by J. Cordy Jeaffreson. 4955. Nothing new, by Miss Mulock. 4956. Notice to quit, by W. G. Wills. 4957. Notre Dame, from the French of Victor Hugo. 4958. Nourmahal, by Michael J. Quin. 4959. November Nights 49G0. Now and then, by Samuel Warren. 143 vols. . 18G2. 1. 1830. 2, 1855. 2. 1818. 4. 1857. 2. 1868. 1. 1864. 3. 1857. 2. 1861. 3. 1833. 3. 18.38. \y. . 1826. 1. 1848. 1. F. n. 4971. 4972. 497.3. 4974. 4975. 4976. 4977. 4978. 4979. 4980. 4981. 4982. 498.3. 4984. 4985. 4986. 4987. 4988. 4989. 4990. 0. T., and Only a Fiddler, by Hans C. Andersen Oakfield, or Fellowship in the East. Oakleigh Mascott, by L. Howe. O'Briens and O'Flahertys, by Lady Morgan. Odd Neighbors, by Mrs. Wood. Odd Volume, the, by the Misses Corbet, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... Oddities of London Life. .... O'Donnell, by Lady Morgan. O'Douoghue, the, by Charles Lever. Ogilvies, the, by Miss Mulock. Old Bachelors. ...... Old Conimodure, the, by E. Howard. Old Court, the, by W. H. Ainsworth. Old Debt, an, by Florence Dawson Old Deccan Days, by M. Frere. Old Dominion, tlie, by G. P. It. James. Old Earl and his young Wife, the. Old Friends and New Acquaintances, by Agnes Strickland. ...... Old Grey Church, the Old Helmet, the, by "Elizabeth Wetherell" (Snsan Warner.) ....... 1845. 1853. 1855. 1827. 186,5. 1827. 18.38. 1815. 1845. 1849. 1835. 1837. 1867. 1858. 1868. 1856. 1841. 1860-61. 1856. 1864. 1. 2_ 2. 4. 3. 2. 2. 2. 1. 3. 2. 3. 1. 2 1. 3. 3. 14-4 Xoi'ek, Romances Sj-c. /'.('. 4991. Old Uuuse by tie river, the. 4992. Old House in Crosby Square, the, by Henry lldll 499;]. Old Judge, the, by Judge llaliburton. 4994. Old Lieutenant and his Son, the, by the Rev. Ndrman Macleod. ....... 4995. Old London Bridge, by G. H. Rodwell. 4996. Old Maiden's Talisman, the 4997. Old Minor Canon, the, by the Rev. Erskine Neale, 4998. Old Oak Chest, the, by G. V. R. James. 4999. Old St. Pauls, by W. H. Ainsworth. 5000. Old Sir Douglas, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. 500L Old Worid and the New, the, by Mrs. Trollope. 5002. Olive, by Miss Mulock. .... 5003. Olive Blake's Good Work, by J. C. Jeaftreson. 5004. Olive Hastings, by Mrs. Parry. 5005. Oliver Cromwell, edited by Horace Smith. 5006. Oliver Cromwell, by Charles Edward Stuart. . 5007. Oliver Ellis, by James Grant. 5008. Oliver Twist, by Charies Dickens. 5009. 011a Podrida, by Capt. Marryat. 5010. Omoo, by Herman Melville. .... 5011. On guard, by Annie Thomas. 5012. On the heights, from the German of Berthold Auerbacli 5013. Once and again, by Mrs. Jenkin. 5014. One against the World, by John Saunders. 5015. One Fault, by Mrs. Trollope. 5016. One Hundred Romances of Real Life, by Leigh Hunt 5017. One in a Thousand, by G. P. R. James. 5018. One of them, by Charles Lever. ... 5019. Only a Clod, by M. E. Braddon. . 5020. Only a Woman, by Sir C. F. Lascelles Wraxall. 5021. Opera, the, by Mrs. Gore 5022. Ordeal of Richard Feverel, the, by "George Meredith 5023. Orley Farm, by Anthony Trollope. 5024. Orphans, the, by Mrs. Oliphant. 5025. Orville College, by Mrs. Henry Wood. . 5026. Osbert of Aldgate, and the Troubadour, by E, M. Stewart. 5027. Osmond, by M. A. Kelty 1853. 1863. 1849. 1863. 1834. 1854. 1857. 1842. 1867. 1850. 1866. 1862. 1856. 1840. 1857. 1861. 1839. 1841. 1847. 1865. 1867. 1865. 1865. 1840. 1843. 1835. 1860. 1865. 1860. 1832. 1859. 1862. 1858. 1867. 1823. \uU. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. Novels, Romances ^yc. F. 0. 5028. Oswald Cray, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 5029. Otber People's Windows, by J. Hain Friswell 5030. Other times, by T. Gasi^ey. . 5031. Our Brother Patil, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel. 5032. Our Cousins in Ohio, by Mary Hewitt. . 5033. Our Guardian, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel. 5034. Our Island 5035. Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens. 5036. Our New Parish, by Harriet Fourdrinier. 5037. Our own Story, by Selina Bunbury. 5038. Our Parish 5039. Our Street, by W. M. Thackeray. . 5040. Our Town 5041. Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford. . 5042. Out of Town 5043. Outward bound, by E. Howard. 5044. Oviugdean Grange, by W. H. Ainsworth. 5045. Owain Goch, by Thomas Eoscoe jun. 5046. Owen a waif, by the author of "No chtirch." 5047. Owen Gleudower, by Miss Hardy. . 5048. Oxonians, the. ..... 145 V0I3. 1865. 1. 1868. 2. 182.3. 3. 1861. 3. 1849. 1. 1849. 3. 1832. 3. 1864-6 5.4. 1852. 1. 1856. 3. 1854. 1. 1848. 1. 1834. 2. 1839. 2. 1835. 3. 1838. 1. 1860. 1. 1830. 3. 1862. 1. 1849. 2. 1830. 3. F-IT. 5081. Pacha of many Tales, the, by Capt. Marryat. . 5082. Pageant, the, by the Rev. Francis E. Paget. . 5083. Palmario, by R. Gillies. 5084. Pandurang Hari, or Memoirs of a Hindoo. 5085. Pantika, by William Howitt 5086. Paris and London. ...... 5087. I'aris, or the Book of One Hundred and One. 5088. Parsonage, the, by Rodolph Toppfer. 5089. Parson's Daughter, the, by Theodore Hook. 5090. I'ascal Bruno 5091. Passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, by Mrs. Oliphant 5092. Pathfinder, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5093. Patience to work, and patience to wait, by Marion E. Weir 19 18.35. 3 1843. 1 1839. 3 1826. 3 18.35. 2 1831. 3 1833. 3 1848. 2 1833. 3 1838. 1 1850. 3. 1860. 1. 1859. 1 14G Novels, Romances ^x. 7''.y>. 5094. Taul Clifford , by Lord Lytton 1830. 5095. Taul Fcane, by Nathaniel P. Willis. . . . — 509G. Paul Ferroll, by Mrs. Arcber Clive. . . . 1856. 5097. Paul Foster's Daughter, by Button Cook. . . ISGl. 5098. Paul the Pope, aud Paul the Friar, by Thomas A. Trollope 1861. 5099. Peace Campaigns of a Cornet. .... 1829. 5100. Pearl of Orr's Island, the, by Mrs. K. B. Stowe. . 1861. 5101. Peasant aud his Landlord, the, from the German of Knorring. ........ 1848. 5102. Peeps from a Belfry, by the Eev. F. W. Shelton. . 1855. 5103. Peers and Parvenus, by Mrs. Gore. . . . 1840. 5104. Peg Woffington, by Charles Reade. . . . 1853. 5105. Pelham, by Lord Lytton 1828. 5106. Pemberton Family, the. 18G5. 5107. Pen Owen, by Theodore Hook 1822. 5108. Pen Tamar, by Mrs. H. Bowdlcr 1830. 5109. Pendennis, by W. M. Thackeray 1849. 5110. Penitent, the 1839. 5111. Penruddock 1835. 5112. Pentamerou, the, from the Italian. . . . 1848. 5113. People I have met, by Nathaniel P. Willis. . . 1850. 5114. Pequinillo, by G. P. R. James 1852. 5115. Percival Keene, by Capt. Marryat. ... — 5116. Percy Effingham, by Ilenry Cockton. . . . 1853. 5117. I'ercy Hamilton, by Lord William Lennox. . . 1851. 5118. Percy Mallory, by Theodore Hook. . . . 1824. 5119. Peregrine Pulteney. 1844. 5120. Peregrine Scramble, by Capt. Sir H. Huntly. . 1849. 5121. Pericles 1846. 5122. Pericles and Aspasia, by Walter Savage Landor. . 1836. 5123. Persian Adventurer, the, by James B. Fraser. . 1830. 5124. Peter Priggins, the College Scout, liy J. T. Hewlett. 1841. 5125. Peter Schlcmihl in America. ..... 1848. 5126. Peter Simple, by Capt. Marryat 1834. 5127. Petrel, the, by Admiral Fisher 1850. 5128. Petticoat Government, by Mrs. Trollope. . . 1850. 5129. Petticoat Tales 1823. 5130. Peveril of the Peak, by Sir Walter Scott. . . 1822. vols. 3. 1. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 2. 1. 3. 1. 3. 3. 3. 1. 2, 1. 3. 1. 1. 3. 1. 2. 3. 3. 3. 1. 2. 2, 3. 1. 1. 3. 4. F.. 5131. 5132. 5133. 5134. 5135. 5 130. 5137. 5138. 5139. 5140. 5141. 5142. 5143. 5144. 5145. 5146. 5147. 5148. 5149. 5150. 5151. 5152. 5153. 5154. 5155. 5156. 5157. 5158. 5159. 5160. 5161. 5162. 5163. 5164. 5165. 5166. 5167. Novell, Romances cjr. Pbautasmagoria, by M. J. Jewsbuiy. Pbantastes, by George Macdonakl. Pbantom Eegiment, the, and otber Tales, by James Grant. ...... Phantom Ship, the, by Capt. Marryat. Phemie Keller, by Mrs. J. H. Eiddell. Philip Augustus, by G. P. E. James. Philip Lancaster, by Maria Norris. Philip Eollo, by James Grant. Phineas Quiddy, by John Poole. Photo the Suliote, by David E. Morier. . Photographic Pleasures, by Cuthbert Bede. Physician's Tale, the, by Heberden Milford. Pickwick abroad, by George Keynolds. Pickwick Papers, by Charles Dickens. Picnic Papers, edited by Charles Dickens. Picture and the Prosperous Man, the. Pictures of Life, from the German of A. Stifter. Pictures of Private Life, by ^Irs. Ellis, 1st, 2ud and 3d Series. ........ Pictures of the Periods, by W. F. Collier. Pictures of the World, by E. Plumer Ward. . Pierce Falcon, by Emma Whitehead. Pilgrim and the Shrine, the, by Herbert Ainslie. Pilgrims of the Ehine, by Lord Lytton. Pilgrim's Progress, the, by John Bunyan. Pilot, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. Pin-money, by jMrs. Gore. Pine-tree Dell, the. Pioneers, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. Pic ique. Pirate, the, by Sir Walter Scott. Pirate, the, and the Three Cutters, by Capt. Marryat. Pirate of the Mediterranean, the, by W. H. Kingston. Pirates of the Foam , by C. F. Armstrong. Piso and the Prefect. ...... Plain John Orpington, by Mrs. Wood. Planter's Northern Bride, the, by Caroline Lee Hentz. Played Out, by Annie Thomas. .... 10 « 147 vols, 1825. 2. 1858. 1. — 1. 1839. 1. 1866. 3. 1831. 3. 18.54. 3. 1854. 2. 1843. 1857. 1859. 3. 3. 1. 1854. 3. 1839. 1857. 1841. 1835. 1852. 1844. 1865. 1839. 1835. 1868. 1834. 1822. 1858. 1831. 1827. 1823. 1850. 1822. 1836. 1851. 1863. 3, 1837. 3 1866. 3 1854. 2 1867 1. 148 Novels, Jiomaiiccs cjr. F.p. 5168. Players, the, by Thomas James Serle. 51G9. Playfair Papers, the. 5170. Playing about, by Benson Earle Hill. 5171. Plot in Private Life, a, and others Tales, by W. Wilkie Collins. ....... 5172. Poacher, the, by Capt. Marryat. 5173. Poet's Bazaar, the, by Hans C. Andersen. 5174. Poet's Daughter, the 5175. Point of Honor, a, by Henry Morley. 5176. Polish Tales, by Mrs. Gore 5177. Political Economy; Tales, by Harriet Martineau 5178. Ponsonby 5179. Poor Cousin, the, by Sirs. Mackenzie Daniel. 5180. Poor Jack, by Capt. Marryat. 5181. Poor Relation, the, by Miss Pardoe. 5182. Pope, the 5183. Poplar House Academy, by Ann Manning. 5184. Popular Member, the, by Mrs. Gore. 5185. Popular Tales, from the Norse, by George AV. Dasent 5186. Popular Tales of the Western Highlands, collected by J. F. CampbeU. .... 5187. Popular Traditions of England, by J. lloby 5188. Porcelain Tower, the. 5189. Port-Admiral, the, by Capt. W. J. Neale 5190. Posthumous Papers, by C. Wcbbe. 5191. Pottleton Legacy, the, by Albert Smith. 5192. Prairie, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5193. Prairie Bird, the, by the Hon. Charles A. Murray. 5194. Precaution, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5195. Precepts and Practice, by Theodore Hook. 5196. Preferment, by Mrs. Gore. 5197. Prelate, the 5198. President's Daughter, the, by Frederika Bremer 5199. Pretty Widow, the, by Charles H. Eoss. 5200. Pride and Prejudice, by Miss Austen. 5201. Pride of Life, the, by Lady Scott. 5202. Pride of the Mess, the, by Capt. W. J. Neale. 5203. Prime Minister, the, by W. H. Kingston. 5204. Prince and the Pedlar, the, by Ellen Pickering. vols. . 1847. 3. 1841. 3. . 1840. 2. . 1859. 1. 1. 3. . 1846. . 1837. 3. . 1863. 2. . 1833. 3. . 1832. 5. . 1850. 2. . 1846. 3. . 1840. 1. . 1858. 3. . 1840. 3. . 1859. 1. . 1844. 3. . 1859. 1. . 1860. 4. . 1841. 3. . 1841. 1. . 1833. 3. . 1828. 1. . 1849. 1. . 1827. 3. . 1844. 3. . 1821. 3. . 1840. 3. . 1840. 3. . 1840. 2. . 1843. 3. . 1868. 1. . 1833. 1. . 1854. 2. . 1855. 1. . 1845. 3. . 1839. 3. Novels, Romances <$-c. 1 .p. 5205. Princess, the, by Lady Morgan. 5206. Priors of Prague, the, by Capt. W. J. Xeale. . 5207. Private Life, by M. J. Mackenzie. . 5208. Privateers Man, the, by Capt. Marryat. . 5209. Prodigal Son, the, by Button Cook. 5210. Professor, the, by Charlotte Bronte. 5211. Progress and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore. 5212. Prophecy, the, by Lady Rachel Butler. . 5213. Prophet of the Caucasus, the, by Captain Edmund Spencer. ....... 5214. Provincial Sketches, by Wm. Pitt Scargill. 5215. Provocations of Madame Palissy, by Ann Manning, 5216. Provost, the, by John Gait. .... 5217. Provost of Paris, the, by "Wm. J. Browning. 5218. Puritan and his Daughter, the, by J. K. Paulding 149 vols. . 18.35. 3. . 18.36. 3. . 1829. 2. 1816. 1. . 1863. . 1857. 2. 1854. 3. . 1862. 1 2. I . 1840. 3. . 1835. 1. — 1. 1«22. 1. 1833. 3. 1850. 2. i^ 2- 5251. Quadroon, the. ' . . . . . 5252. Quadroon, the, by Capt. Mayne Reid. 5253. Queechy, by Elizabeth "Wetherell (Susan Warner) 5254. Queen Mab, by Julia Kavanagh. 5255. Queen of Hearts, the, by W. Wilkie Collins. . 5256. Queen Philippa and the Hurrer's Daughter, by E M. Stewart. ...... 5257. Queen of the County, the. .... 5258. Queen's Maries, the, by G. J. Whyte-Melville. 5259. Quentin Durward, by Sir Walter Scott. . 5260. Quiet Heart, the, by Mrs. Oliphant. 5261. Quiet Husband, the, by Ellen Pickering. 5262. Quits, by the Baroness Tautphceus. . 1840. 3 . 1856. 185.3. 1 . 1863. 1 . 1859. 3 . 1865. 1 . 1862. 1 1823. 3 . 1854. 1 . 1840. 3 . 1858. 1 F.r. 5271. Race for Wealth, the, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 5272. Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanagh. . 5273. Rachel Ray, by Anthony Trollope. 5274. Radical, the, by John Gait. . 1866. 1. 1856. 1. 1863. 1. 1832. 1. 150 Novels, Romances ^c F. r. 5275. Raff Hall, by Kobcrt Sullivan. 52 7C. Kaljih Darnell, by Capt. I^Eeadows Taylor. 5277. Rambles of the Emperor Ching-Tih. 5278. Rambling Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune, by W. U. Maxwell 5279. Rameses, by E. Upbam. .... 5280. Raudolpli Metbyl, a Tale of Anglo-Indian Life 5281. Rank and Beauty. 5282. Rank and Talent, by Wm. Pitt Scargill. 5283. Ranthorpe, by George II. Lewes. 5284. Ranulpb de Robais. ..... 5285. Rapbael, from tbe French of A. Lamartiue. 5286. Kattlin tbe Reefer, by E. Howard. . 5287. Ravenscliffe, by Mrs. Marsh 5288. Ravensboe, by Henry Kiugsley. 5289. Ravensnest, by J. Feuimore Cooper. 5290. Real Pearls in a false setting, by Count de la Pasture 5291. Reaping tbe Wbirlwiud, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel 5292. Reay Morden 5293. Rebecca and Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray. . 5294. Rebel Chief, the, by Gustave Airaard. 5295. Rebellion in the Cevennes, by L. Tieck. 5296. Rebels of Glenfawn , the 5297. Recess, the, by S. Lee 5298. Recollections of a Chaperon. .... 5299. Recollections of a Detective Police Officer. 5300. Recollections of a Naval Life, by Caj)t. Scott. 5301. Recollections of a Pedestrian. 5302. Recollections of a Physician, by W. H. Hillyard. 5303. Recollections of a Relieving Officer, by E. P. Rowsell 5304. Recommended to mercy. 5305. Redburn, by Herman Jlelville. 5306. Red Court Farm, by Mrs. H. Wood. 5307. lledgauntlet, by Sir Walter Scott. . 5308. Red-Hall, by William Carleton. 5309. Red Rover, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5310. Redwood, by Catherine M. Sedgwick. 5311. Reformer, the, by Mrs. Cadell. 5312. Refugee in America, the, by Mrs. Trollope. vols. 1838. 3. 1865. 3. 1843. 2. 1842. 1. 1824. 3. 1863. 2. 1856. 3. 1829. 1847. 1830. 1849. 1836. 3 1854. 3 1862. 1846. 1839. 1864. 1850. 1845. 1852. 1792. 1833. 1834. 1831. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1849. 1868. 1824. 1852. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1829. 3. 1824. 1832. 3 1832. 3 Novels, Romances ^-c. ■ 5313. Reginald Dalton, by John Gibson Lockbart. 5314. Reginald Hastings, by Eliot Warburton. 5315. Reginald Lyle, by Miss Pardee. 5316. Reign of Terror, from the French. . 5317. Rena, by Caroline Lee Hentz. 5318. Repealers, the, by Lady Blessington. 5319. Republic of Fools, the, by C. M. von "Wieland 5320. Return to England, the. 5321. Reuben Apsley, by Horace Smith. . 5322. Reuben Medlicott, by M. W. Savage. 5323. Revelations of a Catholic Priest, by the Rev. Morton Maurice. .... 5324. Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ik. Marvel (D. G. Mitchell), 5325. Rhoda Fleming, by George Meredith. 5326. Rich Husband, the, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 5327. Richard of York 5328. Richelieu, by G. P. R. James. 5329. Richmond, by T. Gaspey 5330. Rienzi, the last of the Tribunes, by Lord Lytton. 5331. Right at last, and other Tales, by ilrs. Gaskell. 5332. Ring and the Veil, the, by James A. St. John. 5333. Ring of Amasis, the, by Owen Meredith (Robert Lytton). .... 5334. Ringan Gilbaize, by John Gait. 5335. Ringrove, by Mrs. West. 5336. Rita, by Hamilton Aide. 5337. Rivalry, by Henry Milton. 5338. Riverston, by Georgiana M. Craik. 5339. Rizzio, by W. H. Ireland. 5340. Rob of the Bowl, by J. P. Kennedy 5341. Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott. 5342. Robber, the 5343. Robber, the, by G. P. R. James. 5344. Robert Macaire in England, by G. M. Reynolds. 5345. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe. 5346. Roche-Blanche, by Anna Jlaria Porter. 5347. Rockingham, by Sir Charles Rockingham. 5348. Roland Cashel, by Charles Lever. . 5349. Roland Trevor 1823. 1850. 1854. 1853. 1833. 1861. 1840. 1827. 1852. 1852. 186.x 1867. 1832. 1829. 1827. 1835. 1860. 1856. 1863. 1823. 1827. 1859. 1840. 1857. 1849. 1839. 1821. 1832. 151 rols. 3. 3. 1838. 1840. 1778. 1822. 1849. 1850. 1853. 1. 1. 3. o 1. 1. »► • t. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 2 3. 2. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 152 Novels, Romances S,-c. I'.i'- 5350. Eoniance and Reality, by Miss Landon. . 5351. Eomancc of a dull life. .... 5352. Eomance of Common Life, by " Waters " (Wm. Russell) 5353. Eomance of Histoiy: England, by llcniy Necle. 5354. Eomance of History: France, by Leitcb Eitchie. 5355. Eomancc of History: India, by tbe Reverend Robert Gaunter. ....... 5356. Eomance of History: Italy, by Charles Macfarlaue. 5357. Eomance of History: Jewish, by the Misses Moss. 5358. Eomance of Histoiy: Spain, by Don T. de Trueba ( Cosio. ....... 5359. Eomance of Military Life, by Lieut. Col. Cameron 5360. Eomance of Military Life, by Wm. Eussell 5361. Eomance of Private Life, by Miss Burney. 5362. Eomance of Real Life, by Mrs. Gore. 5363. Eomance of Student Life abroad, by E. B. Kimball 5364. Eomance of the Forest, by Mrs. Eadcliffc. 5365. Eomance of the Harem, by Miss Pardee. 5366. Eomance of the Pyrenees, by J. Cuthbertson. 5367. Eomance of War, by James Grant. 5368. Eomances of the Chivalric Ages. 5369. Romances of the Old Town of Edinburgh, by Alex Leighton. ..... 5370. Eomantic Tales, by Miss Mulock. . 5371. Eomany Eye, by George Borrow. 5372. Eomola, by George Eliot (Marian Evans), 5373. Eookwood, by W. II. Aiusworth. . 5374. Eory O'More, by Samuel Lover. 5375. Eosa and Gertrude, by Eodolph Toppfer. 5376. Eosaline de Vere, by Lord Dillon. . 5377. Eose Clark, by Fanny Fern (Mrs. S. P. W. Parton) 5378. Eose d'Albret, by G. P. E. James. 5379. Eose Douglas. .... 5380. Eose of Ashurst, the, by Mrs. Marsh. 5381. Eose of Tistelon, the, by Emilie Carlen 5382. Eothelan, by John Gait. 5383. Eoua Pass, the, by Eric Mackenzie. 5384. Eound of Wrong, the, by Edmond About. 5385. Eound the Sofa, by Mrs. Gaskell. . 1831. 1862. 1861. 1828. 1831. vols 3. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1836. .3. 1832. 3. 1840. 3. 1830. 1853. 1839. 1829. 1853. 1792. 1839. 1812. 1855. 1833. 1867. 1859. 1857. 1863. 1834. 1837. 1848. 1824. 1856. 1844. 1851. 1857. 1844. 1824. 1857. 1862. 1859. 3. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1. 3. O O. 4. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 1. 2 1. 1. 2 1. 2. 3. 3. 1. Q Novels, Romances 4'c- F.r. bS86. Roxabel, by Mrs. Sherwood 5387. Royal Favorite, the, by IVIrs. Gore. 5388. Royalists and Roundheads. .... 5389. Running the blockade, by „ Lieutenant Warneford' (Wm. Russell) 5390. Running the gauntlet, by Edmund Yates. 5391. Rupert Godwin, by M. E. Braddon. 5392. Russell, or the Reign of Fashion. 5393. Russian Popular Tales 5394. Ruth, by Mrs. Gaskell 5395. Rybrent de Cruce, by Miss Head. . vols. . 1831. 3. . 1845. 3. . 1850. 7 3. . 1863. 1. . 1865. 3. . 1867. 2. . 1830. 3. . 1857. 1. . 1853. 3. . 1829. 3. 7\S. 5431. Said and Done 5432. Sailors and Saints, by W. N. Glascock. 5433. Saint Alice, by Edward Tainsh 5434. Saint Germain Legends, from the French of J. St. Germain. ........ 5435. St. James's, by W. H. Ainsworth 5436. St. Martin's Eve, by Mrs. H. Wood. 5437. St. Olave's 5438. St. Patrick's Eve, by Charles Lever. 5439. St. Ronan's Well, by Sir Walter Scott. 5440. St. Winifred's, or the World of School. . 5441. Salathiel, by the Rev. George Croly. 5442. Salmagundi, by Washington Irving. 5443. Salvador the Guerilla 5444. Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances, by Judge Haliburton. ...... 5445. Sandhills of Jutland, the, by H. C. Andersen. 5446. Sandron Hall, by the Hon. Grantley Berkeley. 5447. Sans Merci, by George Lawrence 5448. Satanstoe, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5449. Saucy Jack and the Indiaman, the. 5450. Saville House, by Addlestone Hill. 5451. Say and Seal, by Elizabeth Wetherell (Susan Warner.) 5452. Sayings and Doings, by Theodore Hook, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Series. ....... 20 1861. 1 1829. 3 1867. 3 1865. 1 1845. 1 1866. 1 1863. 3 1845. 1 1824. 3 1862. 1 1828. 3 1824. 1 1834. 3 1833. 2 1860. 1. 1840. 3. 1866. 1. 1845. 3. 1840. 2. 1854. 2. — 1. 1824-28 9. 154 No^•els, Romances cjr. •'^■. 5453. Sayings and Doings in Ameiica. 5454. Scalp-IIunters, the, by CajJt. Mayne Reid. 5455. Scarlet Letter, the, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 5456. Scarsdale. ....... 5457. Scattergood Family, the, by Albert Smith. 5458. Scenes and Characters, by Jliss Yonge. . 5459. Scenes and Stories, by a Clergyman in debt. . 5460. Scenes from Italian Life, by L. Mariotti. 546L Scenes in our Parish. ..... 5462. Scenes of Clerical Life, by George Eliot (Marian Evans.) 546;i. Scenes where the tempter has triumphed. 5464. School for Dreamers, the, by Talbot Gwynne. 5465. School for Fathers, the, by Talbot Gwynne. . 5466. School for Husbands, the, by Lady Lytton Bulwer, 5467. School of Fashion, the. .... 5468. Schooldays at Saxonhurst. .... 5469. Schoolfellows, the, by Eichard Johns. 5470. Scottish Chiefs, the, by Jane Porter. 5471. Scouring of the White Horse, the, by Thomas Hughes. 5472. Sea-board Parish, the, by George Macdonald. 5473. Sea-Lions, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5474. Season Ticket, the. 5475. Seasons, the, from the German of De la Motte Fouqu 5476. Second Love, by Mrs. Trollope. 5477. Second Mrs. Tillotson, the, by Percy Fitzgerald. 5478. Second to none, by James Grant. 5479. Secret Foe, the, by Ellen Pickering. 5480. Secret History of a Household, the. 5481. Secret of a Life, the 5482. Secret Passion, the, by E. F. Williams. 5483. Selected Tales of the Genii, edited by Archbishop Whateley. ...... 5484. Self, by Mrs. Gore 5485. Self-condemned, by T. Gaspey. 5486. Self-control, by Mrs. Brunton. 5487. Selvaggio, by Ann Manning. 5488. Semi-attached Couple, the, by the Hon. Emily Eden 5489. Semi-detached House, the, by the Hon. Emily Eden 5490. Sense and Sensibility, by Miss Austen. vols. 1834. 2. 1851. 3- 1851. 1. 1860. 3. 1845. 3. 1855. 1. 1835. 3. 1850. 1. 1832. 1. 1858. 2. 1849. 1. 1853. 1. 1852. 1. 1 854. 3. 1829. 3. 1868. 1. 1841. 3. 1825. 4. 1859. 1. 1868. 3. 1849. 3. 18G0. 1. 1843. 1. 1851. 3. 1866. 3. 1864. 3. 1841. 3. 1855. 3. — 1. 1844. 3. 1861. 1. 1845. 1. 1836. 3. 1811. 3. 1865. 1. 1860. 2. 1861. 1. 1833. 1. Novels, Romances Sfc. r.S. 5491. Sentiment not Princijjle. .... 5492. Separation, the, by Lady Charlotte Bury. 5493. Serf-Sisters, the, by John Ilarwood. 5494. Settlers in Canada, the, by Capt. llarryat. 5495. Seven Tales by Seven Authors, by Menella Smedley 5496. Seven Years, and other tales. 5497. Shadow in the House, the, by John Saunders. 5498. Shadow of Ashlydyat, by Mrs. H. Wood. 5499. Shadow on the Hearth, the, by Mr. Mackenzie Daniel 5500. Shadows and Sunbeams, by Fanny Fern (Mrs. S. P W. Parton.) 5501. Shady Side, the, by Mrs. Martha Stone Hubbell. 5502. Shakespeare and. his Friends. ... 5503. Shellburn, by Alexander Leighton. 5504. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte. 5505. Sidonia the Sorceress, from the German of Wm Meinhold. ....... 5506. Siege of Florence, the, by David M'Carthy. 5507. Siege of Lichfield, the, by the Eev. W. Gresley. 5508. Silas Marner, by George Eliot (Marian Evans.) 5509. Silcote of Silcotes, by Henry Kingsley. 5510. Simon Kenton, by .James Weir. 5511. Simplicity and Fascination, by Anne Beale. 5512. Sin and Sorrow. ..... 5513. Sintram and his Companions, by De la Motte Fouqnu 5514. Sir Andrew Wylie, by John Gait. 5515. Sir Arthur Wilmot. .... 5516. Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, by Charles Lever. 5517. Sir Cosmo Digby, by James A. St. John. 5518. Sir Cyrus of Stonycleft, by Jlrs. Wood. 5519. Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative. 5520. Sir Everard's Daughter, by J. C. Jeaffreson. 5521. Sir Felix Foy, by Dutton Cook. 5522. Sir Frederick Derwent. .... 5523. Sir Goodwin's Folly, by Arthur Locker. 5524. Sir Guy de Lusignan, by E. Cordelia Knight 5525. Sir Henry Morgan, by E. Howard. 5526. Sir Jasper Carew. .... 5527. Sir Jasper's Tenant, by M. E. Braddon. 20 155 vols. 1835. 2. 18.30. 1855. 1844. 1860. 18.59. 1. — 1. 1863. 1867. 1849. 1840. 1841. 1861. 1867. 1852. 1855. 1851. 1842. 1822. 1835. 1867. 184.3. 1832. 1863. 1865. 1853. 1864. 1833. 1842. 1855. 1866. 3. 1. 1. 1. 3. 3. 1855. 1. 1853. 1. 1838. 3. 1865. 1. 1850. 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 3. 1. 3. 3. 1. 3. 2. 2. 3. 1867. 3. 3. 1. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 1. ■) 156 Noveh, Fomances ^x. F.S. 5528. Sir Micliael Scott, by Allan Cunningham. 5529. Sir Ralpli Esher, by Leigh Hunt. . 5530. Sir Eodolph of Hapsburg 5531. Sir Roland Ashton, by Mrs. Catherine Long. 5532. Sir Theodore Broughton, by G. P. K. James. 5533. Sir Victor's Choice, by Annie Thomas. . 5534. Sixty Years hence. ..... 5535. Skeleton in every house, a, by "Waters" (Wm. Russell) 553G. Sketchbook, the, by Washington Irving. 5537. Sketchbook of Fashion, the, by Mrs. Gore. 5538. Sketchbook of the South, the. 5539. Sketches, by Boz, by Charles Dickens. 5540. Sketches of a Seaport town, by Henry F. Chorley 5541. Sketches of L-ish Character, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 5542. Sketches of the ugly side of human nature, by An drew A. Paton 5543. Skirmishing, by Mrs. Jcnkin. 5544. Slave-King, the; a translation of Bug Jargal, by Victor Hugo. ...... 5545. Slaves of the Ring, or before and after. . 5546. Small House at Allington, the, by Anthony Trollope 5547. Smuggler, the, by J. Banim. 5548. Smuggler, the, by G. P. R. James. 5549. Snarley yow, or the Dog-Fiend, by Capt. Marryat. 5550. Snowstorm, the, by Mrs. Gore. 5551. Society, or the Spring in town. 5552. Soldier of Fortune, the, by Henry Curling. 5553. Solomon See Saw, by J. P. Robertson. 5554. Some account of Mrs. Clarinda Singleheart, by Ann Manning. ....... 5555. Son of the Soil, a. ..... 5556. Sooner or later, by Shirley Brooks. 5557. Sophy Laurie, by Wm. Carew Hazlitt. 5558. Southennan, by John Gait. .... 5559. Spaewife, the, by John Gait. 5560. Spani.sh Match, the, by W. H. Ainsworth. 5561. Spanish Novelists, translated by Thomas Roscoe. 5562. Speculation, by Miss Pai-doe. 5563. Spiritual Quixote, the. ..... vols . 1828. 3 . 1832. 3 . 1834. 3 . 1859. 1 . 1848. 1 . 1864. 3 . 1847. 3 1 2 . 1821. . 1833. .> . 1835. 1 . 1839. 1 . 1834. 3 . 1829. 2 . 1867. 1 . 1863. 1 . 1852. 1 . 1862. 3 . 1864. 3 . 1831. 3 . 1845. 3 . 1837. 3 1 3 . 1831. . 1856. 1 . 1839. 3 . 1855. 1 . 1866. 2 . 1868. 2 . 1865. 3 . 1823. 3 . 1823. 3 . 1865. 2 . 1832. 3 . 1834. 3. 1792. 3. Novels, Romances ^-c. F.S, 5564. Spitfire, the, by Capt. Chamier. 5565. Sponge's Sporting Tour. 5566. Spy, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. . 5567. Squanders of Castle Squander, the, by Wm. Carleton 5568. Squire, the, by Ellen Pickering. 5569. Staff-Officer, the, by Oliver :\roore. 5570. Stage and the Company, the, by Mrs. Hubback. 5571. Stage-Coach, the, by John Mills. 5572. Stanhope Burleigh. . ' . 5573. Stanley Buxton, by John Gait. 5574. Stanley Tales 5575. Star-Chamber, the, by W. H. Ainsworth. 5576. Starling, the, by the Rev. Norman Macleod. 5577. Steamboat, the, by John Gait. 5578. Stella, by Mrs. Bennett. 5579. Stephan Langton, by Martin F. Tupper, 5580. Stephen Dugard, by W. Mud ford. . 5581. Step-mother, the, by G. P. E. James. 5582. Stepson, the, by T. N. Dyer. 5583. Still "Waters. .... 5584. Stokehill Place, by Mrs. Gore. 5585. Stone Mason of Saint Point, the, from the French of A. Lamartine. .... 5586. Stories for summer days and winter nights 5587. Stories from the Italian Poets, translated by Leigh Hunt, 5588. Stories of a Bride, by Mrs. Loudon. 5589. Stories of American Life. 5590. Stories of strange lands, by Mrs. E. Lee. 5591. Stories of the Study, by John Gait. 5592. Stories of Torres Vedras, by Dr. Millingen. 5593. Stories of Waterloo, and other tales, by W. H. Maxwell 5594. Stormy Life, a, by Lady Georgiana Fullarton. 5595. Story of a Life, the, by Major Sherer. 5596. Story of Burnt Njal, from the Icelandic by G. W. Dasent 5597. Story of Elizabeth, the. 5598. Story of Gisli the Outlaw, from the Icelandic by G. "W. Dasent 5599. Story of Kenneth, the, by Bayard Taylor 5G00. Story of Life on the Isthmus, a, by Joseph W. Fabens 157 ToLs. 1840. 3. 1853. 1822. 1852. 1837. 1831. 1858. 1843. 1843. 1832. 1827. 1854. 1807. 1832. 1864. 1840. 1845. 1855. 1857. 1837. 1851. 1849. 1846. 1829. 1830. 1835. 1833. 1839. 1829. 1867. 1825. 18G1. 1803. 1. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 3. 0. 1. 2. 1. 3. 2. 3. 1. 2. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. 3. 1, 3. 3. 3. 2. 1. 2, 1. 1806. 1. 1806. 2. 1853. 1. 158 Noi'els, Romances cjr. /''• -S". 5601. Strange Story, a, by Lord Lytton. 5602. Strathcairn, by C. A. Collins. 5603. Strathern, by Lady Blessington. 5604. Strattou Hill, by J. Came. 5605. Strawberry Hill, by Folkstone Williams. 5606. String of Pearls, the, by G. P. E. James. 5607. Stuart of Dunleatb, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. 5608. Student, the, by Lord Lytton. 5609. Studies from life, by Miss Mulock. 5610. Subaltern, the, by the Rev. George E. Gleig. 5611. Summer Stories, by T. Addison Eichards. 5612. Sunbeam Stories, by Mrs. Mackarness. 561.3. Sunshine and Gloom, by William Gould. 5614. Susan Hopley, by Mrs. Crowe. 5615. Swcejiings of my Study. 5616. Sword and Distaff. .... 5617. Sword and Gown, by George Lawrence. 5618. Sybil, by Benjamin Disraeli. . 5619. Sybil's Second Love, by Julia Kavanagh. 5620. Sybilla Lockwood, by Noel Eadecliffe. 5621. Sydenham, by M. Massey. 5622. Sydney Beresford, by L. S. Stanhope. 5623. Sydney Morcom 5624. Sydouie's Dowry, by Hamilton Aide. 5625. Sylvan Holt's Daughter, by Holme Lee. 5626. Sylvia's Lovers, by Mrs. Gaskell. vols. . 1862. 1. . 1864. 2. — 1. . 1829. 3. . 1847. 3. . 1832. 2. . 1851. 3. . 1835. 2 . 1861. 1 . 1828. 1 . 1853. 1 . 1863. 1 . 1854. 1 . 1841. 3 . 1824. 1 . 1853. 1 . 1859. 1 . 1845. 3 . 1867. 2 . 1864. 3 . 1830. 3 . 1835. 3 . 1844. 2 . 1865. 1 . 1858. .J . 1863. 1 F. t. 5691. Tablc-Book, the, by George Cruikshauk. 5692. Taken upon trust. .... 5693. Talbot Hall, by Eobert S. Carter. . 5694. Tale-Book, the 5695. Tale of Two Cities, a, by Charles Dickens. 5696. Tales, by Edgar Allan I'oe. . 5697. Tales, by Elizabeth J. Spence. 5698. Tales, from the German of L. Tieck. 5699. Tales and Stories from history. 1845. 1 1863. 3 1855. 3 1834. 2 1859. 1 1845. 1 1823. 2 1860. 1 — 2 Novels, Romances 4'C. 159 I'.t. 5700. Tales and Traditions of Hungary, by Francis and Theresa Pulzky. ...... 5701. Tales by a Barrister, by F. Liardet. 5702. Tales from Bentley 570.3. Tales from Blackwood 5704. Tales of a Tar, by W. N. Glascock. 5705. Tales of a Traveller, by Washington Irving. 5706. Tales of a Voyager 5707. Tales of all Countries, by Anthony Troll ope. 5708. Tales of an Antiquary. ...... 5709. Tales of Field and Flood, by John Malcolm. 5710. Tales of Flemish Life, by Hcndrik Conscience. 5711. Tales of Four Nations 5712. Tales of France 571.3. Tales of Great Men 5714. Tales of Humor 5715. Tales of Ireland and the Irish, by J. G. Jl'Walter. 5716. Tales of Irish Life, by E. M. Whitty! 5717. Talcs of Military Life, by Wm. Maginn. 5718. Tales of my Landlord, by Sir Walter Scott, Foui- Series. 5719. Tales of my Landlord, Pontefract Castle. 5720. Tales of my Neighborhood. ..... 5721. Tales of Old Flanders, by Hendrik Conscience. 5722. Tales of Paris 5723. Tales of Passion, by B. St. Legcr. 5724. Tales of the ancient British Church, by the Rev. E. W. Evans. ....... 5725. Tales of the Classics. ...... 5726. Tales of the Colonies, by John Howison. 5727. Tales of the Crusaders, by Sir Walter Scott. . 5728. Tales of the Desert and Bush, by Fred. Gerstaecker. 5729. Tales of the Early Ages, by Horace Smith. 5730. Tales of the English, by Emily Taylor. . 5731. Tales of the First French Eevolution. 5732. Tales of the Great St. Bernard, by the Ilev. George Croly 5733. Tales of the Heart, by Mrs. Opie 5734. Tales of the Jury Eoom, by Gerald Griffin. 5735. Tales of the Jlountains. 1851. 1847. 1859. vols. 3. 3. 4. 12. 1. 2. 3. 1830. 1824. 1829. 1861-63. 2 1828. 3 1829. 1854. 1831. 1855. 185.5. 1855. 1854. 1824. 1829. 3 1817-33. 13 1820. 3 1835. 3 1855. 1829. 1841. 1830. 1830. 1825. 1854. 1832. 183.'). 1849. 1829. 3. 1820. 4. 1842. .'!. 1851. 2. IGO Novels, Romances ^-c. F. f. 5736. Tales of the Munster Festivals, by Gerald Griffin. . 5737. Tales of the O'Hara Family, by J. Bauim, 1st and 2nd Series. ....... 5738. Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry, by Lady Dacre 5739. Tales of the Priory, by Mrs. Hofland. 5740. Tales of the Ramad'han, by James A. St. John. 5741. Tales of the Slave Squadron, by ,, Lieut. Warneford (Wm. Russell.) 5742. Tales of the Village, by the Rev. Francis E. Paget, 1st and 2nd Series. ..... 5743. Tales of the Wars of Montrose, by James Hogg. 5744. Tales of the Wars of our times, by Major Sherer. 5745. Tales of the West of England, by J. Carne. . 574G. Tales of the Woods and Fields, by Mrs. Marsh. 5747. Tales of Welsh Society and Scenery. 5748. Tales of Woman's Trials, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 5749. Tales round a Winter's hearth, by the Misses Porter, 5750. Tammas Bodkin, or the humors of a Scottish Tailor 5751. Tancred, by Benjamin Disraeli. 5752. Tangled Skein, the, by Albany Fonblanque. 5753. Tangled Talk 5754. Tara, a Mahratta tale, by Capt. Meadows Taylor. 5755. Temper and Temperament, by Mrs. Ellis. 5756. Temple of Melekartha, the 5757. Temptation and Atonement, by Mrs. Gore. 5758. Tempter and the Tempted, the, by the Baroness de Calabrella. ...... 5759. Ten Thousand a Year, by Samuel Warren. 5760. Tenant of Wildfell Hall, the, by Anne Bronte. 5761. Tender and True. 5762. Thaddeus of Warsaw, by Jane Porter. 5763. Thomas Fitzgerald. ..... 5764. Thorney Hall, by Holme Lee. 5765. Threads of Life, or the Adventures of Wm. St. Leger, by R. B. Kimball 5766. Three Chances 5767. Three Clerks, the, by Anthony Trollope. 5768. Three Cousins, the, by Mrs. Trollope. 5769. Three Perils of Man, the, by James Hogg. voU. 1829. 3. 1825-27. G. 1835. 8. 1820. 4. 1835. 3. — 1. 1841-42 .2. 1835. 3. 1829. 2. 1828. 2. 1836. 3. 1827. 2. 1835. 1. 1826. 2. 1864. 1. 1847. 3. 1862. 3. 1864. 1. 1864. 3. 1846. 2. 1831. 3. 1847. 3. 1842. 3. 1842. 1848. 2. 1856. 2. 1831. 1. 1825. 3. 1855. 1. 1856. 1. 1858. 3. 1858. 3. 1847. 3. 1822. 3. Novels, Romances ^-c. 161 -T./. 5770. Three Perils of Wotiican, the, by James Hogg. 5771. Thurlston Tales, tlie, by R. Gillies. 5772. Tbyra Gascoigne, by Mrs. Edward Jenings. 5773. Ties of Kindred, by Owen Wynn. .... 5774. Tiger-Slayer, the, by Gustave Aimard. 5775. Tilbury Nogo, by G. J. WLyte Melville. 5776. Time the avenger, by Mrs. Marsh. 5777. Tippoo Sultan, by Capt. Meadows Taylor. 5778. Tithe-Proctor, the, by Wm. Carleton. 5779. To be, or not to be, by Hans C. Andersen. 5780. Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Thomas Hughes. 5781. Tom Burke of Ours, by Charles Lever. 5782. Tom Cringle's Log, by Michael Scott. 5783. Tom Moody's Tales, edited by Mark Lemon. 5784. Tom Eacquet, and his three Maiden Aunts, by Charles "W. Mauby 5785. Tom Eocket, by Albany Fonblanque. 5786. Tony Butler, by Charles Lever 5787. Too much alone, by Mrs. J. H. Eiddell. 5788. Too strange not to be true, by Lady G. FuUerton. 5789. Tor Hill , by Horace Smith 5790. Tough Yams, by M. H. Barker 5791. Tower of London, the, by W. H. Ainsworth. 5792. Town and Forest, by Ann Manning. 5793. Town of the Cascades, the, by Michael Bauim. 5794. Tracings, by Trevelyan Turnham. 5795. Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry, by Allan Cunningham. ..... 1822. 2. 5796. Traditionary Stories of Old Families, by Andrew Picken 5797. Tragedy of Life, the, by John H. Brenton. 5798. Trail-Hunter, the, by Gustave Aimard. 5799. Trail of the Serpent, the, by M. E. Braddon. . 5800. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, by "Wm. Carleton. ........ 5801. Traits and Trials of Early Life, by Miss Landon. 5802. Traits of American Humor, by Judge Haliburton. 5803. Traits of Xature, by Miss Buiney. 5804. Traits of Travel, by Thomas C. Grattan. 21 vols. 1823. 3. 1835. 3. 1863. 3. 1858. 1. 18G1. 1. 1854. 2_ 1851. 3. 1840. 3. 1849. 1. 1857. 1. 1857. 1. 1849. 3. 183.3. 2. 1864. 1. 1844. 1. 1860. 1. 1865. 3. 1862. 1. 1864. 1826. 3. 1835. 1. 1840. 1. 1860. 1. 1864. 2. 1853. 1. 1833. 2. 1861. 2. — 1. 1867. 1. 1843. 2. 1836. 1. 1852. 3. 1813. 4. 1829. 3. 1G2 Novels, Romances Sfc. -I'-f- 5805. Transformation, by Nathaniel Uawthorne. 5806. Transfusion, by William Godwin. 5807. Tran.smutation, or the Lord and the Lout. 5808. Treasure Trove, by Samuel Lover. 5809. Tremaine, by R. Plumer Ward. 5810. Tremordyn Cliff, by Mrs. TroUopo. 5811. Trevlyn Hold, by Mrs. H. Wuod. . 5812. Trevor. 581.3. Trevor Hastings, by Major Michel. 5814. Trial, the, or more links in the Daisy Chain, by Miss Yonge. ...... 5815. Trials of Domestic Life, by Mrs. Bray. 5816. Trials of Life, by the Hon. Mrs. Grey. . 5817. Trials of Margaret Lindsay, by Professor Wilson 5818. Trials of the Tredgolds, by Dutton Cook. 5819. Triumphs of Time, the, by Mrs. Marsh. 5820. True as Steel, by Walter Thornbury. 5821. Trust for Trust, by A. J. Barrowcliffe. . 5822. Turf, the 5823. Tutor's Ward, the 5824. Twelve Nights, the 5825. Twelve o'clock 5826. Twenty Ninth of May, the, by Ephraim Hardcastle 5827. Twenty Years in the Church, by the Rev. James Pycroft. ...... 5828. Twice-told tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 5829. Twins, the, by Martin F. Tupper. . 58.30. Two Admirals, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5831. Two Aristocracies, the, by Mrs. Gore. 5832. Two Cosmos, the. .... 5833. Two Families, the 5834. Two Guardians, the, by Miss Yonge. 5835. Two Generations, the, by the Earl of Dorset. 5836. Two Rectors, the. .... 5837. Two Years ago, by the Rciv. Charles Kingsley. 5838. Two Years before the Mast, by R. IL Dana. 5839. Tylney Hall, by Thomas Hood. 1860. 1852. 1844. 1842. 1857. 1852. 1855. 1851. 1824. 1857. 1857. 1824. vols. 3. 18C0. 1835. 1854. 1844. 1825. 1835. 1864. 1847. 1 1842. 3 18G4. 1848. 1829. 3. 1823. 1. 1864. 3. 1844. 3. 1863. 3. 1859 1831, 1831, 1831. 1861. 1825, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1861. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 3. Novels, Romances Sfc. F.li. 5871.. Uncle Horace, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 5872. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 5873. Uncle Silas, by J. Sheridan Lefanu. 5874. Uncle Walter, by Mrs. Trollope. . 5875. Uncommercial Traveller, tlie, by Charles Dickens. 5876. Under Currents, by E. B. Kimball. 5877. Under the Spell, by F. W. Robinson. 5878. Unfortunate Man, the, by Capt. Chamier. 5879. Ungava, by Robert M. Ballantyne. 5880. Unspeakable, the 5881. Up and down in the World, by W. Blanchard Jerrold 5882. Ups and downs of an Old Maid's Life, by Jemima Compton. ...... 5883. Ursula, by Miss Sewell. ... 5884. Usurer's Daughter, the, by Wm. Pitt Scargill 163 vols. 1837. 3. 1852. 1 1865. 1. 1852. 3. 1861. 1. 1860. 1. . — \j. 1835. 3. 1858. 1. 1856. 1. 1863. 3. 1868. 1. 1858. 2. 1832. 3. F.V. 5901. Vale of Cedars, the, by Grace Aguilar. 5902. Valentine M'Clutchy, by Wm. Carleton. 5903. Valentine Vox, by Henry Cockton. *" 5904. Valentine's Eve, by Mrs. Opie. 5905. Valerie, by Capt. Marryat. 5906. Valerius, by John Gibson Lockhart. 5907. Valley of a hundred fires, the. 5908. Valperga, by Mrs. Shelley. . 5909. Vanity Cirarch 5910. Vanity Fair, by W. M. Thackeray. 5911. Vargas. ..... 5912. Vathek, by Wm. Beckford; the Bravo of Venice, by M. G. Lewis; and the Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole. ..... 5913. Veiled Hearts 5914. Venetia, by Benjamin Disraeli. 5915. Vomer's Pride, by Mrs. H. Wood. . 5916. Veva, by Ilendrik Conscience. 5917. Vicar of Lyssel, the. 5918. Vicar of Wrexhill, the, by Mrs. Trollope. 5919. Viceroy, the, by John Fisher Murray. 21* . 1854. 1 . 1845. 3 . 1840. 1 . 1810. 3 . 1849. 2 . 1821. 3 . 1860. 3 . 1823. 3 1861. o . 1848. 1 1822. r 3 3 . 1834. 1 1856. 3 . 1837. 3 . 186.3. 3 — 1 . 1860. 1 . 1837. 2 . 1841. 3 1G4 Novels, Bomances cj-c. F.V. 5920. Victim of Excitement, the, by Caroline Lee Hentz 5921. Victims of Society, the, by Lady Blessington. 5922. Village Belles, the, by Ann Manning. 5923. Village Notary, the 5924. Village of MarienJorpt, the, by Anna Maria Porter, 5925. Village on the Cliff, the 5926. Village Reminiscences, by Mi-s. Monkland. 5927. Village Tales from Alsatia, by A. Weill. 5928. Village Tales from the Black Forest, by Berthold Auerbach. ....... 5929. Villette, by Charlotte Bronte. 5930. Villiers. 5931. Vincenzo, or Sunken Rocks, by John Ruffini. 5932. Virginia Comedians, the. .... 5933. Virginians, tho, by W. M. Thackeray. 5934. Visiting my Relations and its Results, by Arthur Helps. ....... 5935. Vittoria, by George Meredith. 5936. Vittoria Colonna. ...... 5937. Vivia, by Mrs. J. E. Dalrymple. 5938. Vivian Grey, by Benjamin Disraeli. 5939. Vladimir and Catherine, or Kieff in the Year 18G1 5940. Vonved the Dane, Count of Elsinore. 5941. Voyage of Captain Popanilla, by Benjamin Disraeli voLs . 1853. 1 . 1837. 3 . 1859. 1 . 1850. 3 . 1821. 4 . 1867. 1 . 1834. 3 . 1848. 1 . 1847. 1 . 1853. 3 . 1835. 3 1863. 2 . 1854. •i 1859. 2 . 1852. 1 . 1867. 3 . 1827. 3 . 1854. o 1859. 1 . 1864. 1 . 1801. >> 1829. 1 F. w. 5961. 5962. 5963. 5964. 5965. 5966. 5967. 5968. 5969. 5970. 5971. 5972. Wacousta, by J. Richardson. Wait for the end, by Mark Lemon. Walks and Wanderings in the World of Literature Wallace. ....... Walladmor, by G. W. H. Haering. Walter Colyton, by Horace Smith. Walter Goring, by Annie Thomas. Waltzburg. ....... Wanderer, the, by Miss Burney. ... Wanderings of Childe Harold, the, by J. II. Bedford- Wanderings of Warwick, the, by Charlotte Smith. Ward of Thorpe Combe, the, by Mrs. TroUope. 1832. 1863. 1839. 1852. 1825. 1830. 1866. 1833. 1814. 1825. 1794. 1842. Novels, Romances Sfc. F. 10. 5973. Warden, tlie, by Antlioiiy Trollope. 5974. Warden of Berkingholt, the, by the l?ev. Francis E. Paget 5975. Warkworth Castle. 597G. Warleigh, by Mrs. Bray. .... 5977. Warner Arundel, by E. L. Joseph. 5978. Warp and Woof, by Holme Lee. . 5979. Was he successful? — by R. B. Kimball. 5980. Washingtons, the, by J. Simjikinson. 5981. Watchman, the, by J. A. Maitland. , ■ 5982. Waterdale Neighbors, the, by Justin M'Carthy. 5983. Waterwitch, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 5984. Waverley, by Sir Walter Scott. 5985. Wayfe Summers, by Thomas Archer. 5986. Ways of the Hour, the, by J. Fenimore Cooper 5987. Wealth and Labor 5988. Wearyfoot Common, by Leitch Ritchie. . 5989. Wedded Life in the upper ranks. 5990. Week in a French Country -House, by Adelaide Sartoris. 5991. Westminster Abbey. 5992. Westward Ho! — by the Rev. Charles Kingsley 5993. Whale, the, by Herman Melville. . 5994. Whaling and Fishing. ..... 5995. What will he do with it? — by Lord Lytton. . 5996. Wheel within Wheel 5997. Whim, and its Consequences, a, by G. P. R. James 5998. White Chief, the, by Capt. Mayne Reid. 5999. White Cockade, the, by James Grant. 6000. White Gauntlet, the, by Capt. Mayne Reid. . 6001. White House by the Sea, the, by Matilda B. Edwards. 6002. White Jacket, by Herman Melville. 6003. White Lies, by Charles Reade. 6004. White Mask, the, by Mrs. Thomson. 6005. White Rose, the, by G. J. Whyte- Melville. 6006. White Slave, the, by Capt. Henningscn. 6007. T\liite Slave, the, by R. Hildreth. . 6008. White Wife, the, and other Tales, by Cuthbert Bede 6009. Whiteboy, the, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 165 vols. . 1855. 1. . 1843. 1. . 1851. 3. . 18.34. 3. . 1838. 3. • 1861. 3. . 1865. 1. . 1860. 1. . 1855. 1. . 1868. 2. . 1830. 3. . 1817. 3. . 1863. 2. . 1850. 3. . 1853. 3. . 1855. 1. . 1831. 2. . 1867. 1. . 1854. 3. . 1855. 3. . 1853. 3. — 1. . 1858. 2. . 1861. 3. . 1850. 3. . 1855. 3. . 1867. 3. . 1865. 3. . 1857. 2. . 1850. 2. . 1857. 3. . 1844. 3. . 1868. 2. . 1845. 3. . 1852. 1. . 1865. 1. 1845. 2. 1G6 Novels, Romances d^x. F.ir. miO. Wliitcliall 6011. Who breaks pays, by Mrs. Jeiikin. 6012. Who shall be heir? — by Ellen Pickering. 6013. Wide, wide World, the, by Elizabeth Wetherell. 6014. Widow Barnaby, the, by Mrs. TroUope. . 6015. Widow married, the, by Mrs. Trollope. . 6016. Widow's Offering, the, by Wm. I'itt Scargill. 6017. AVidowed Bride, the 6018. Wife, the, and Woman's Keward, by the Hon. Mrs Norton. ....... 6019. Wife's Evidence, the, by W. G. Wills. . 6020. Wife's Trials, the. 6021. Wigwam and the Cabin, the, by Gilmore Simms, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... 6022. Wild Dayrell, by John Kemp. 6023. Wild Irish Girl, the, by Lady Morgan. . 6024. Wild Jack, by Caroline Lee Hentz. 6025. Wild Oats, by Sir C. F. Lascelles Wraxall. 6026. Wild Oats and Dead Leaves, by Albert Smith. 6027. Wilderness and the Warpath, the, by James Hall 6028. Wilfred do Lisle 6029. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, by Goethe. 6030. Will he marry her? — by John Lang. . 6031. Will Watch, by Capt. W. J. Neale. 6032. William the Conqueror, by Sir Charles Napier. 6033. Willy Reilly, and his dear Colleen Bawn, by Wm Carleton. ....... 6034. Wilmingtons, the, by Mrs. Marsh. . 6035. Windsor Castle, by W. H. Aiusworth. 6036. Wine and Walnuts, by Ephraim Hardcastle. . 6037. Winifred's Wooing, by Georgiana M. Craik. 6038. Winter Nights, by Major Calder Campbell. 6039. Wise Saws and Modern Instances, by Thomas Cooper 6040. Witchfindcr, the, by T. Gaspey. 6041. Wives and Daughters, by Mrs. Gaskell. . 6042. Wizard of Windshaw, the 6043. Wolf of Badenoch, the, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder 6044. Wolfert's Roost, and other tales, by Washington Irving. ........ vols 1845. ;! 1861. 1 1840. 3 1851. 2 1840. 1 1840. 1 1837. •) 1851. 2 1835. 3 1864. 3 1855. 3 1846. 2 1862. 1 1813. 3 1854. 1 — 1 1860. 1 1846. 1 1853. 1 1824. 3 1858. 1 1835. 3 1858. 1 1855. 3 1850. 3 1843. 3 1823. 2 1862. 1 1850. 3 1845. 2 1824. 3 1866. 3 1839. 3 1827. 3. 1855. 1. F.W. 6045. 6046. 6047. 6048. 6049. 6050. 6051. 6052. 6053. 6054. 6055. 6056. 6057. 6058. G059. 6060. 6061. 6062. 6063. 6064. Novels, Romances Sj-c. Woman ag o. 1864. 1. . 1848. 3. — 1. 1831. • >. . 1857. 1. 1853. 3. . 1854. 3 . 1845. 1 168 Novels, Romances ^-c. F.y. 6115. Young Muscovite, the, by Capt. CLamier. 6116. Young Prima Donna, the, by the lion. Mrs. Grey. 6117. Young Queen, the. ..... 6118. Young Singleton, by Talbot Gwynne. 6119. Young Stepmother, the, by Miss Yongc. 6120. Young Yagers, the, by Capt. Mayne Reid. 6121. Youth and Womanhood of Helen Tyrrell, the. 6122. Youth of Shakespeare, the. .... 6123. Youthful Impostor, the, by George W. Reynolds. vols, . 1832. 3 . 1840. 3 1835. 3 . 1856. 2 . 1861. 1 . 1857. 1 1854. 1 . 1839. .J . 1836. o F.Z. 6131. Zaidee, by Mrs. Oliphant. 6132. Zanoni, by Lord Lytton. 6133. Zenana, the 6134. Zenon, by the Rev. Richard Cobbold. 6135. Zillah, by Horace Smith. 6136. Zingra, by Annette M. Maillard. 6137. Zee's Brand 6138. Zohrab the Hostage, by James D. Morier 1856. 3 1842. 1 1827. 3 1847. 3 1828. 4 1852. 1 1864. 2 1832. 3 HISTORY, TRAVELS AND VOYAGES. I. EUROPE. Austria — see Germany. Belgium — ■ see Holland and Belgium. a) Denmark, Nonvay, Sweden, Iceland &c. Il.I.a. Gill. Brage-Beaker with the Swedes, oi- Notes from the ^'''"• North in 1H.')2, by W. Blanchard Jerrold. . . 1854. 1. G142. Danes in Cam]), the, by Auberon Herbert. . . 1804. 1. G143. Eight Weeks' Journal in Norway &c. in 1852, by Sir C. Anderson. ....... 1853. 1. C144. Excursions in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, by Eobert Bremer 1840. 2. C145. Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden, by the Eev. H. Newland 1855. 1. G146. Heimskringla, or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson , by Samuel Laing. ........ 0147. History of Gustavus Adolphus, by B. Chapman. 6148. History of Gustavus Adolphus, by the Rev. W. Harte. 6149. History of Gustavus Vasa. ..... 6150. History of the Revolution in Sweden, from the French of the Abbe Vertot. ...... 6151. Iceland; its Scenes and Sagas, by Sabine Baring-Gould. 6152. Iceland; its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers, by Charles S. Forbes 18G0. 1. 0153. Iceland; or the journal of a residence in that island in 1814 and 1815, by Ebenezer Henderson. . 1818. 2. 0154. Letters from High Latitudes, a voyage to Iceland, Spitzbergen &c. in 1850, by Lord Dufferin. 1857. 1. 6155. Letters from Scandinavia on the past and present State of the Northern Nations of Europe. 1796. 2. 22 1844. 3. 1856. 1. 1807. 2. 1852. 1. 1723. 1. 1803. 1. 17U IlisLorii, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. a) Denmark, Nonvay, Sweden, Iceland &c. Jl.I.a. G156. Letters written during a sliort residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, by Mary Woolstonecraft. Glo7. Life in Sweden, with excursions in Norway and Den- mark, by Selina Buubiu-y. ..... 6158. Narrative of a secret mission to the Danish Islands in 1808, by the Rev. James RobertKou. G159. North Western Peninsula of Iceland, by C. W. Shepherd. 6160. Northern Travel, Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland, by Bayard Taylor. 6161. Norway, and its glaciers visited in 1851, by James D. Forbes. ....... 6162. Norway, and the Norwegians, by R. G. Latham. 6163. Norway in 1848 and 1849, by Thomas Forester. . 6164. Norway, its people, products, and institutions, by the Rev. John Bowden. ...... 6165. Norway, views of wild scenery, and a journal, by Edward Price. ....... 6166. Notes of a Yacht Voyage to Ilardanger Fjord. 6167. Observations on the social and political State of Den- mark and the Duchies of Sleswick and Ilolstein in 1851, by Samuel Laing. ..... 6168. One Year in Sweden, including a visit to the isle of Gotland, by H. Marryat. ..... 6169. Oxonian in Norway in 1854-55, the, by the Rev. F. Metcalfe. 6170. Oxonian in Thelemarken in 1856-57, the, by the Rev. F. Metcalfe 6171. Pictures of Sweden, by Hans C. Andersen. 6172. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia, by Sven Nilsson. 6173. Private Life of the old Northmen, by R. Keyscr. 6174. Rambles in Sweden and Gothland, with etchings by the wayside. ....... 6175. Recollections of Five Years' Residence in Norway, by n. T. N. Chesshyre 6176. Residence in Jutland, the Danish Isles, and Copen- hagen, by Horace Marryat. .... 6177. Scandinavian Adventures, during a residence of up- wards of twenty years, by L. Lloyd. 6178. Scandinavian Sketches, or a tour in Norway, by Lieut. Breton. ....... vols. 1796. 1. 1853. 2 1863. 1. 1867. 1. 1858. 1. 185.3. 1. 1S40. 2. 1850. 1. 18G7. 1. 1834. 1. — 1. 1852. 1. 1862. 2. 1856. 2. 1858. 2. 1851. 1. 1868. 1. 1868. 1. 1847. 1. 1861. 1. 1860. 2_ 1854. 2 1835. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 171 a) Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland &c. 11. La. 6179. Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles, by Andrew "'' Hamilton 1852. 2, 6180. Sport in Norway, by the Rev. M. E. Barnard. . 180-1. 1 6181. Summer and Winter in Xorway, by Lady Di Beauclerk. 1808. 1 6182. Summer iu Iceland, by C. W. Paijkull. . . 1808. 1 6183. Summer in Northern Europe, by Selina Bunbury. . 1850. 2 6184. Tale of Danish Heroism, by J. E. H. Skinner. . 1865. 1 6185. Ten Years in Sweden, by Horatio "Wheehn'ight. 1805. 1 6186. Travels in Xorway, Sweden, and Denmark, by Wm. Rae Wilson 1826. 1 6187. Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland to the North Cape iu 1798-9'J, by Joseph Acerbi. . 1802. 2 6188. Travels through Sweden, Norway and Finmark, to the North Cape in 1820, by A. de Capell Brooke. 182.3. 1 6189. Two Summers in Norway 1840. 6190. Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North, from the German of Ida Pfeiffer. .... 1852. 1 6191. Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem in 1834, by John Barrow. ....... 1835. 1 6192. Unprotected Females in Norway. .... 1857. 1 6193. Voyage from Leith to Lapland in 1850, by Wm.Hurton. 1851. 2 6194. Wild Life on the Fjelds of Norway, by Francis M. Wyndham 1801. 1 6195. Winter in Iceland and Lapland, by the Hon. Arthur Dillon 1840. 2 0190. Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, by W. A. Ross. 1848. 2 <■> 22* 172 Tlistory, Travels and Voi/ages. I. Europe. vols 1820. 2 17G8. 1 1770. •) 1838. 1 18G4. 1 1837. o 18-14. '> 1855. 1 184G. 1 18G4. 2 1852. 1 18G3. 1 1849. 1 b) France, Corsica &c. ll.I.h. 6211. Account of a tour in Normandy. 6212. Account of Corsica, by James Boswell. 6213. Account of the character and manners of the Frenel G214. Account of the misfortunes of the Dauphin, from th Frencli. ....... 6215. At liome in Paris, by W. Blanchard Jerrold. . 621G. Basque Provinces, the, by E. B. Stephens. 6217. Beam and the Pyrenees, by Louisa Stuart Costello 6218. Bell Smith abroad. 6210. Bordeaux; its wines and claret country, by C. Cocks, 6220. Children of Lutetia, by Blanchard Jerrold. 6221. Claret and Olives from the Garonne to the llhone by Angus B. Reach. ..... 6222. Cruise upon Wheels, autumn wanderings in France 6223. Democracy in France, by F. Guizot. 6224. Description of Corsica, by Frederick Neuhoff, son of Theodore , King of Corsica. 6225. Diary in France, mainly on topics concerning education in the Church , by Dr. Cljristoi)her Wordsworth. 6226. Evenings in the Pyrenees, by Sclina Bunbury. 6227. Faggot of French Sticks, a, by Sir F. B. Head. 6228. Fall of Napoleon, by Lieut. Col. J. Mitchell. 6229. France, by Lady Morgan. .... 6230. France, as it is, not Lady Morgan's France, by Wm Play fair 1819. 2. 6231. France, in 1829-30, by Lady Morgan. . . . 1830. 2. 6232. France, since 1830, by Thomas Raikcs. . . 1841. 2. G233. France, social, literary, and political, by Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer 1834. 1. \ 6234. French Revolution, the, by Thomas Carlyle. . . 1837. 3. 6235. French Revolution, the, by Charles Macfarlane. 1844. 2. 6236. French Revolution, the, the three days of February 1848, by Percy B. St. John 1848. 1. 6237. Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers in the time of Louis XVI., by Dr. Challice 18G3. 2. 6238. Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI., by John Lewis Soulavie. . 1802. G. 6239. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, by John Foster Kirk 1863-68. 3. 1795. 1845. 1845. 1855. 1845. 1818. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 173 b) France, Corsica &c. J I. LI). G240. History of France, during the reigns of Francis IT. ''°'''- and Charles IX., hy Dr. Walter Anderson. . . 17G9. 2. 0241. History of France from 1790 to the Peace of Amiens in 1802, by John Adolphu? 1803. 2. 6242. History of France from the accession of Henri HI. to the death of Louis XIV., by N. W. Wraxall. . 1795. 3. 6243. History of France under the Bourbons, by Charles Duke Youge 1866-67. 4. 6244. History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under NajMleon, by M. A. Thiers. . .1845-62.11. 6245. History of the French Ptevolution, by A. Thiers. . 1847. 2. 6246. History of the Girondists, from the French of A. Lamartine 1847. 3. 6247. History of the Huguenots during the 16th Century, by W. S. Browning. 1829. 2. 6248. History of the Huguenots from 1598 to 1838, by W. S. Browning 1839. 1. 6249. History of the National Constituent Assembly from May 1848, by J. F. Corkran 1849. 2. 6250. History of the Reign of Henri IV. King of France and Navarre, by Martha W. Freer. . . . 1860. 2. 6251. History of the Keigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X., by Eyre Evans Crowe. ..... 1854. 2. 6252. Histoiy of the Restoration of Monarchy in France, from the French of Lamartine. .... 6253. Idler in France, the, by Lady Blessington. 6254. Impartial History of the late Revolution in France from its commencement to the death of tlie Queen. 6255. Last days of the reign of Louis Philippe, by F. Guizot. 6256. Last Decade of a glorious reign, by Martha AV. Freer. 6257. Lectures on the French Revolution, by Wm. Smyth. 6258. Letters containing a Sketch of the Politics of France in 1793-94, by Helen Maria Williams. 6259. Letters from Paris in 1791. 6260. Letters from the Pyrenees during three months' wanderings in the summer of 1842, by T. Clifton Paris. ........ 6261. Letters written in France in 1794-95, by Major Tench. 6262. Life in Normandy. 6263. Louis XIV. and the Court of France in the 16th Century, by Miss Pardee 1847. 1851. 1841. 4. 1. 1794. 1867. 1863. 1840. 9 1. 3. 1795. 1792. 4. 1. 1843. 1796. 1863. 1. 1. 2. 174 History, Travels and Voyages. 1. J-Jurope, h) France, Corsica &c. ^.„l, //././'. r)2(U. Massacre of St. B. 6267. Memoirs of the House of Orleans, by W. Cooke Taylor. 1849. 3. 6268. Memoirs to illustrate the history of my own time, by F. Guizot. ........ — -4. 6269. Monarchy of France, its rise, progress, and full, by Wm. Tooke 1855. 1. 6270. Napoleon III. and his court. ...... 1865. 1. 6271. Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the attack on New Orleans in IS 14 and 1815, by Capt. John II. Cooke 1835. 1. 6272. Narrative of Events, wliich have taken place in France, by Helen Maria "Williams. . . . 1816. 1. 6273. NarrativeoftheFrenchRevolution, by Walter K.Kelly. 1848. 1. 6274. Narrative of the Sufferings of a French Protestant Family at the Period of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, by John Migault. . . 1821. 1. 6275. Narrative of the Surrender of Bonaparte, and of his residence on board H. M. S. Bellerophon, by Capt. F. L. Maitland 1826. 1. 6276. Nooks and Corners of Old France by the Rev. George Musgrave. ....... 0277. Paris and the Parisians in 18.'i5, by Mrs. Trollope. 6278. Paris Guide, the 6279. Paris revisited in 1815, by John Scott. 6280. Paris Sketch -Book, by W. M. Thackeray. 6281. Parisian Sights and French Principles seen through American Spectacles. ...... 1853. 1. 6282. Parson, I'cn, and Pencil, or Reminiscences and Illus- trations of an Excursion to I'aris, Tours, and Rouen in 1847, by G. M. Musgrave 1848. 3. 6283. Photographs of Paris Life. . . . . — 1. 6284. Pictures from Revolutionary I'aris. . . . 1848. 2. 6285. Pictm-es of Travel in the South of France , by Alex. Dumas. . . . . . . . . — 1. 6280. Port Royal; a Contribution to the History of Litera- ture and Religion in France, by Charles Beard. . 1861. 2. 1867. 2. 1836. 2. 1867. 2_ 1817. 1. 1800. 1. History, Travels and Voyages, I, Europe. 175 vols. 1854. 2. 1859. 1. 1855. 1. 1859. :5. 1835. 1. 1797. 2. 1792. 1. b) France, Corsic.i &c. 11. Lb. 0287. Poit.s, Arsenals, and Dockyards in France. . . 1811. 1 6288. Proceedings of the Frencli National Convention on the Trial of Louis XVI., hy Joseph Trapp. . 179: 6289. Purple Tints of Paris, Character and Manners in the New Empire, by Bayle St. John. G290. Pyrenees, West and East, by C. E. Weld. 6291. Eamblc through Normandy, a, by G. M. Musgrave. 6292. Eealities of Paris Life 6293. Eecord of a Eoute through France and Italy, by Wm. Eae Wilson. ....... 629'4. Eesidence in France 1792-95, edited by John Gifford. 6295. Eeview of Proceedings at Paris, by James Fenncll. 6296. Eiver and the Desert, the, or Eecollections of the Ehone and Chartreux, by Miss Pardoe. . 1838. 2. 6297. Eollo and his Eace, or Footsteps of the Normans, by Acton Warburton 1818. 2. 6298. Eomantic Episodes of Chivalric and Mediaeval France, compiled by Alexander Vance. .... 1862. 1. 6299. Scenes in French Monasteries, by Algernon Taylor. 1866. 1. 6300. Secret History of the Court of France under Louis XV., by Dr. Challice. , 1861. 2. 6301. Shooting and Fishing iu Lower Brittany, by John Kemp. ........ 6302. Six Weeks in Corsica, by Wm. Cowen. 6303. Six Weeks on the Loire, with a Peep into La Vendee. 630-1. Sketches in the Pyrenees. ..... 6305. Sketches of Corsica, by Eobert Benson. . 6306. Spinster's Tour in France, the States of Genoa &.c. in 1827 6307. Sporting Tour in France in 1802, by Colonel Thorntcjn. 6308. Sportsman in France, by Frederick Tolfrey. 6309. Story of the Diamond Necklace, by Henry Vizetelly. 6310. Substance of some letters written by an Englishman, resident in Paris, during the last reign of the Em- peror Napoleon. ...... 6311. Summer amongst the Bocages and the Vines, by Louisa S. Costello. ...... 6312. Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees, by Mrs. Ellis. 1841. 6313. Summer in Brittany, a, by Thomas A. Trollopo. . 1841 1859. 1. 1848. 1. 1833. 1. 1837. 2. 1825. 1. 1828. 1. 1806. '>_ 1841. 2. 1867. o 1816. 1840. 2. 1841. 1. 176 Tlistorij, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. b) France, Corsica &c. Il.l.h. G314. Suminer in the Pyrenees, by the Hou. James Erskiae IMurray. ....... C315. Summer in Western France, by Thomas A. Trollope 6316. Ten Years of Imperialism in France. 6317. Travels in France 1814-15 6318. Travels in France 1818, by Lieut. Francis Hall. 6319. Travels of the Duke d'Angouleme through several Departments of France in 1817, by Edward Pem- berton. ........ 6320. Travels through the South of France and in the In- terior of the Provinces of Languedoc and Provence, by Lieut. Col. Pinkney. ..... 6321. Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817, by W. D. Fellowes. 6322. Walking Tour in Normandy, a 6323. Wanderer in Western France, a, by George T. Lowth. 6324. Wanderings in Corsica, its History and its Heroes, by Ferdinand Gregorovius. . . . . . 6325. Wayside Pictures through France, Belgium and Hol- land, by Robert BelL . . . . . vols. 9 1837. 1841. 1862. 1816. 1819. 1819. 1. 1814. 1. 1819. 1. 1868. 1. 1863. 1. 1855. 2. 1849. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 177 c) Germany. n.I.c. 6351. Across the Carpathians in 1858-60. 6352. Asiatic Chiefs, the, by J. Szeredy. 6353. Austria, by J. G. Kohl. .... 6354. Austria, by Edward P. Thompson. 6355. Austria, by Peter E. Turnbull. 6356. Austria, and the Austrians. ... 6357. Austria in 1848 and 1849, by Wm. H. Stiles. 6358. Autumn on the Rhine. ..... 6359. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. 6360. Chamois Hunting in the Mountains of Bavaria, by Charles Boner. ...... 6361. City of the Magyar, or Hungary and her Institutions in 1839-4U, by Miss Pardoe. 6362. Empire of Austria, the, during its late revolutionary Crisis, by Wm. Pcake. .... 6363. Excursions along the Banks of the Rhine, by Victor Hugo. ....... 6364. Fortress of Komarom during the "War of Independ ence in Hungary in 1848 and 1849, by Col Sigisnnmd Thaly. ..... German Life and Manners, as seen in Saxony in the 6365 6366 6367 present day, by Henry Mayhew. Germania; its Courts, Camps, and People, by the Baroness Blaze de Bury. Germany, by the Baroness Stael-Holstein. 6368. Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, revisited in 1837 by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. Germany in 1831, by John Strang. Goth, the, and the Hun; or Transylvania, Debreczin Pesth, and Vienna in iSoO, by A. A. I'atou. Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic, including Dal matia, Croatia &c., by A. A. Paton. Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Coiu't of Vienna in 1806, by Sir Robert Adair. History of Germany, by Wolfgang Menzel History of the House of Austria from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Ivodolph of Hapsburg to the Death of Leopold XL 1218-1792, by Wm. Coxe. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V., by Wm. Robertson. ...... 23 6369. 6370. 6371. 6372. 6373. 6374. 6375. vols. 1862. 1. 1856. 2. 1843. 1. 1849. 1. 1843. 2. 1837. 2. 1852. 2. 1818. 1. 1834. 1. 1853. 1. 1840. 3. 1851. 2. 1843. 1. 1852. 1. 1864. 2. 1850. 2. 1813. 3. 1839. 3. 1836. 2. 1851. 1. 1849. 2. 1844. 1. 1849. 3. 1807. 3. 1769. 3. i" 178 History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. c) Germany. II. I.e. 6376. History of the Western Empire from its Restoration, by Charlemagne to the Accession of Charles V., by Sir Robert Comyn. ...... 6377. History of Vandalia, by Thomas Nugent. 6378. Home Life in Germany, by Charles L. Brace. 6379. Hungary and Transylvania, by John I'aget. 6380. Hungary in 18.51, with an Experience of the Austrian Police, by Charles L. Brace. .... 6381. Le Sport at Baden, by Percy Fitzgerald. 6382. Letters during the Course of a Tour through Ger- many &c. in 1791-92, by Robert Gray. 6383. Letters from Mecklenburg and Holstein, by George Downes. ........ 6384. Letters from the Danube. ..... 6385. Married Life of Anne of Austria, by Martha W. Freer. 6386. Memoirs of the Courts, Aristocracy, and Diplomacy of Austria, by Dr. E. Vehse. .... 6387. Memoirs of the Covirts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna in 1777-79, by N. W. Wraxall. 6388. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and History of Prussia during the 17th and ISth Centuries, by Leopold Ranke. ...... 6389. Memoirs of the Wars of Independence in Hungary, by General Klapka. ...... 6390. Narrative of Events in Vienna in 1818, by Bcrthold Auerbach. ........ 6391. Notes and Reflections during a Ramble in Germany. 6392. Past and Future of Hungary, by C. F. Henniugsen. 6393. Personal Adventures during the late War of Independ- ence in Hungary, by the Baroness von Beck. 6394. Pictures of German Life in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries, by Gustav Freytag. .... 6395. Pictures of German Life in the 18th and 10th Cen- turies, by Gustav Freytag. .... 6396. Pilgrimages to the Spas in Pursuit of Health and Recreation, by James Johnson. .... 6397. Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840-43, by Mrs. Shelley 6398. Rambles in the Romantic Regions of the Hartz Jloun- tains, Saxon Switzerland &c., by Hans C. Andersen. vols. 1841. 2. 1766. 2. 1852. 1. 1839. 2. 1852. 1. 1864. 1. 1794. 1. 1822. 1. 1847. 2. 1864. 2. 1856. 2. 1799. 2. 1849. .3. 1850. 2. 1849. 1. 1827. 1. 1852. 1. 1851. 1. 1862. 2. 1863. 2. 1841. 1. 1844. 2. 1848. 1. 1839. o 1S42. 1. 1850. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 179 c) Germany. vols. II. I.e. 0399. Regency of Anne of Austria, by Martlia W. Freer. 18G6. 2. G400. Revelations of Hungary, or Leaves from tlie Diary of an Austrian Officer, who served during the late Campaign in that Country, by Baron Procbazka. 18r)l. 1. 6401. Rhine, the, by T. Cogan 17'.)4. 2. 6402. Rhine, the, its Scenery, and historical and legendary Associations, by F. Knight Ilunt. . . . 1845. 1. 6403. Rhine, the, Legends, Traditions, and History, from Cologne to Mainz, by Joseph Snowe. . 6404. Rural and Domestic Life in Germany, by "Wm. Howitt 6405. Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary in 1848-49. , 6406. Schloss Hainfeld, or a Winter in lower Styria, by Capt. Basil Hall 1836. 1. 6407. Secret History of the Austrian Government and of its Systematic Persecution of the Protestants, by Alfred Michiels 1859. 1. 6408. Short trip to Hungary and Transylvania in 1862, by Professor Ansted. ..... 6409. Sketches of Germany and the Germans. . 6410. Social Life in Munich, by Edward "VYilberforce. 6411. Spas of Germany, the. ..... 6412. Tour in Dalmatia, Albania, and Montenegro, by W. T. Wingfield 1859. 1. 6413. Tour in Germany and some Provinces of the Austrian Empire, by John Russell 1827. 2. 6414. Tour througli the Valley of the Meuse, with Legends of the Walloon Country and the Ardennes, by Dudley Costello 1S46. 1. 6415. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, by R. Bright 6416. Travels in Hungary, by Robert Townson. 6417. Travels in the North of Germany, byThomas Hodgskin. 6418. Tyrol, the, with a glance at Bavaria, by Henry D. Inglis. ........ 6419. Up the Rhine, by Thomas Hood 6420. Venetian Life, by W. D. Ho wells 6421. Vienna and the Austrians, with some Account of a Journey through Suabia, Bavaria, the Tyrol, and the Salzbourg,' by Mrs. Trollope. . . . 1838. 2. 6422. View of the Reign of Frederick IL of Prussia, by Dr. John Gillies 1789. 1. 23* 1862. 1. 1836. 2. 1864. 1. 1837. 2. 1818. 1. 1797. 1. 1820. 2. 1833. 2. 1840. 1. 1866. 1. 180 Ilislonj, Travels and Voyages. 1. Europe. c) Germany. Jl.I.c. 6123. Visit to Germany and the Low Countries in 1829-31, ™''- by Sir Arthur B. Faulkner. . . 1833. 2. 0121. AVanderings in Germany, with Moonlight Walks on the Banks of the Elbe, the Uanubo, the Neckar, and the Rhine, by Edward Wilkey. . . 1839. 1. fi 125. War in Hungary in 1848-49, the, by Max Schlesinger. 1850. 2. ()426. Year of Liberation,, the; a Journal of the Defence of Hamburg against the French Army under Marshal Davoust iu 1813 1832. 2. History, Travels and Voyages, I. Europe. 181 il) Great Britain and Ireland. 11. 1. d. 6440. Account of the present State of the Hebrides and Western Coast of Scotland , by James Anderson. 6441. All round the Wrekin, by Walter White. 6442. American in England, the. ..... 6443. Anecdotes of British Topography. .... 6444. Angler in Ireland, or an Englishman's rambles through Connaught and Munster. ..... 6445. Angler in Wales, by Thomas Medway. . 6446. Annals of Scotland, by Sir James Balfour. 6447. Annals of Scotland, by Sir Robert Dalrymple. 6448. Annals of the reign of George III., by John Aikin. 6449. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of ^Monasteries, Castles, and Churches now existing, by Byrne and Hearne. ..... 6450. Attache, the, or Sam Slick in England, by Judge Ilaliburton. ....... 6451. Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England. . 6452. Border History of England and Scotland, by G. Eidpath. 6453. Brief Account of the Guildhall of the City of London. 6454. British History chronologically arranged, by John Wade 6455. Cairngorm Mountains, by John Hill Burton. 6456. Caledonia, or an account historical and topographical of North Britain, by George Chalmers. 6457. Captain Rock detected, or the origin and Character of the recent disturbances in the South West of Ireland. 6458. Caricature History of the Georges, by Thos. Wright. 6459. Celt, the, the Roman, and the Saxon; a history of the early inhabitants of Great Britain, by Thomas Wright. 6460. Channel Islands, the, by David Thomas Ansted and Robert Gordon Latham. ..... 6461. Channel Islands, the, by Ilonry U. Inglis. 6462. Charles II. and the Channel Islands, by S. Elliott Hoskins. ........ 6463. Chronicle of England B. C. 55.— A. D. 1485, by James E. Doyle. ...... 6464. Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London. 6465. Coast-Scenery; a series of views in the British Channel, by Clarkson Stanfield. ..... vols 1785. 1 1860. 1 1836. 2 1768. 1 1834. 2 1834. 2 182,5. 4 1776. 2 1820. 2 1807. 2 1846. 4 1830. 3 1776. 1819. 1839. 1864. 1807-24. 1824. 18G8. 1852. 1862. 1834. 1854. 1S64. 1863. 1836. 1 182 History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. il) (neat Biilain ami Ireland. U. 1. d. OIGG. Colonial Tulicy of Lord Joliu llussell's Administration, by Earl Grey. ....... 0467. Commentaries on the life and reign of Charles I., by Isaac Disraeli. ....... G1G8. Constitutional History of England 17GO-18GO, by Thomas Erskine May. . . . . ■ G1G9. Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VIII. to the death of George II., by Henry Ilallam. ....... 0470. Conversations on the Constitution of England. G471. Conversations on the history of England, by S.R.Clai'kc. G472. Correspondence, despatches, and other papers of Viscount Castlereagh, edited by the Marquess of Londonderry. ....... G473. Correspondence of Charles, 1st Marquis of Connvallis, edited by Charles Koss. ..... G474. Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne, edited by the Duke of Manchester. ..... 6475. Court and Times of Charles I. .... G476. Court and Times of James I. .... 6477. Court of King James I., by Dr. Godfrey Goodman. 6478. Cross Country, by Walter Thorubury. 6479. Cruise of the Humming-Bird , by Mark Hutton. 6480. CuUoden Papers, comprising an extensive and interest- ing Correspondence from 1625 to 1748. 6481. Curiosities of London, by John Timbs. 6482. Descendants of the Stuarts, by "VVm. Townend. 6483. Description of that Part of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and Tavy, by Mrs. Bray. 6484. Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire, by J. R. M'Culloch 6485. Descriptive Tour in Scotland, by the Kev. C. II. Townshend. ....... 6486. Diary illustrative of the times of George IV. . 6487. Diary of Thomas Burton M. P. 1656-50, edited by J. T. Rutt 6488. Domestic Annals of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution, by Robert Chambers. . 6489. Early and Middle Ages of England, by Professor Charles H. Pearson. ...... vols. 1853. 2. 1828. 5. 1863. 2. 1827. 2. 1828. 1. 1830. 2. 1851. 4. 1859. 3. 1864. 2. 1848. 1. 1848. 2. 1839. 2. 1861. 1. 1864. 1. 1815. 1. 1855. 1. 1858. 1. 1836. 3. 1,S47. 2. 1846. 1. 1838. 2. 1828. 4. 1858. 3. 1861. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. d) Great Britain and Ireland. Il.I.d. G490. Early Eaces of Scotland, by Lieut. Col. Forbes Leslie. 1866 6491. Economy, or a peep at our neighbors. 6492. Elements of tbe history of England, from the French of the Abbe Milot 6493. Embassy to the Court of St. James's in 1840, by F. Guizot. 6494. England and the English, by Lord Lytton. 6495. England as it is, political, social, and industrial in the middle of the 19th century, by Wra. Johnston. . 649G. England as seen by foreigners in the days of Elizabeth and James I., by W. Brenchley Eye. . 0497. England in 1835, from the German of Frederick von Eaumcr. .■•••■■ 6498. England under seven administrations, by Albany Fonblanque. ■■•■■■ 6499. England under the House of Hanover, by Thomas Wright. 6500. England under the reigns of Edward VI., and Mary, by Patrick F. Tytler _ • 6501. England, with sketches of society in the metropolis, by J. Fcnimore Cooper 6502. English at home, by Alphonse Esquiros. 6503. English Country Life, by Martingale. 6504. English life, social, and domestic, in the middle of the 19tli century. 6505. English Scenes and English civilisation, or sketches and traits in the 19th century '^^•^^■ 6506. English Universities, from the German of V. A. Huber. 1843. 6507. Essay on tlio English Government and Constitution, by Earl Eussell ^^^''■ 6508. Excursions through Ireland, by Thomas Cromwell. 1820. 2 6509. Excursions through the Highlands and Isles of Scot- land in 1835-36, by the Eev. C. L. Smith. • 18.W. i 6510. Fairfax Correspondence, Memoirs of the civil wars, ^ edited by Eobert Bell l**^-*- " 6511. Fairfax Correspondence, Memoirs of the reign of Charles I., edited by George W. Johnson. . • lb4«. ^ 6512 Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies, including visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton, by Edward Jesse 1*^47. 183 1866. vols. 2. 1845. 1. 1772. 4. 1862. 1833. 1. 2. 1851. 2. 1865. 1. 1836. 3. 1837. 3. 1848. 2. 1839. 2 1837. 1862. 1843. 3. 1. 1. 1847. 1. 1. 184 Tlistorij, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. d) Great Britain and Ireland. IJ.I.d. 65 13. Fir.st Impressions of England and its peojile, by ^■°'^- Hugh Miller 1857. 1. 6514. Fortnight in Ireland, a, by Sir F. B. Head. . 1852. 1. 6515. Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII., a selection of despatches written by the Venetian Ambassador, Sebastian Giustinian from 1515 to 1519. . . 1854. 2. G51G. Gaslight and Daylight, with some London scenes they shine upon, by G. A. Sala. .... 1860. 1. 6517. General History of Scotland, by Win. Guthrie. 1767. ll>. 6518. Geographical and Statistical Account of Scotland, by Dr. James Playfair 1819. 2. 6519. Great Britain in 1833, by Baron d'Haussez. . . 1833. 2. 6520. Great Metropolis, the, by James Grant, 1st and 2nd Series 1836-37. 4. 6521. Greatest of the Plautagenets , the 1860. 1. 6522. Grenville Correspondence, the, being the Correspond- ence of Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, and the Right Hon. George Grenville 1852. 4. 6523. Guide to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, in- cluding Orkney and Zetland, by George, and Peter Anderson. ........ 1834. 1. 6524. Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, by Dr. John Robinson. 1819. 1. 6525. Handbook for London, past and present, by Peter Cunningham 1849. 2. G526. Haunted London, by Walter Thornbury. . 1865. 1. 6527. Highland Rambles and Long Legends to shorten the way, by Sir Thos. D. Lauder. .... 1837. 2. 6528. Highlanders of Scotland, their origin, history and antiquities, by Wm. F. Skene, .... 1837. 2. 6529. Hill and Valley, or hours in England aud Wales, by Catherine Sinclair. ...... 1838. 1. 6530. Historical and Literary Tour of a foreigner in Eng- land and Scotland 1825. 2. 6531. Historical Collections, containing tlie principal matters, which happened from the meeting of Parliament 3d. Nov. 1640 to the end of the Year 1644, by John Rusliworth. ...... 1721. 8. 6532. Historical Dissertations concerning the antiquity of the English Constitution, by Gilbert Stuart. . 1770. 1. 6533. Historical Memorials of Canterbury, by Dean Stanley. 1855. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 185 (1) Great Britain and Ireland. H.l.d. 6534. Historical Memorials ofWestminister Abbey, by Dean *"'^- Stanley 1868. 1. 6535. Historical Sketches of Charles I, Cromwell, and Charles II., by W. D. Fellowes. . . . 1828. 1. 6536. Historical View of the English Government from the Settlement of the Saxons to the Revolution of 1688, by John Millar. 1818. 4. 6537. History and Survey of London, by the Rev. J. Entick. 1766. 4. 6538. History and Survey of London, by B. Lambert. 1806. 4. 6539. History and Survey of London, by Wm. Maitland. 1756. 2. 6540. History of Civilisation in England, by Henry 'J'hos. Buckle . 1858-61. 2. 6541. History of Domestic Manners and Sentiment.s in Eng- land during the middle ages, by Thomas Wright. 1862. 1. 6542. History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. ....... 1852. 1. 6543. History of England during the early and middle ages, by Prof. Charles H. Peaison 1867. 2. 6544. History of England from the accession of James II., by Lord Macaulay. ...... 1848-01. 5. 6545. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth, by James A. Froude. . 1858-66. 10. 6546. History of England from the first invasion by the Romans under Julius Caesar, by Dr. Lingard. . 1823. 9. 6547. History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688, by David Hume. 1767. 8. 6548. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to that of Aix-la-Chaiielle, by Lord Mahon. . . 1836-54. 7. 6549. History of England from the Revolution to the death of George II., designed as a continuation of Hume's History, by Tobias Smollett 1818. 5. 6550. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from the German of Dr. Lappenberg. . . 1845. 2. 6551. History of Great Britain from tlie death of Henry VIII. to the Accession of James VI. of Scotland, by James P. Andrews 1796. 2. 0552. History of Great Britain from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Ca;sar, by Dr. Robert Henry 1788. 12. 6553. History of Ireland from the earliest account to 1801, by the Rev. James Gordon. .... 1800. 2. 24 I 18G History, Travels and Voijoges. I. Europe. d) Great Britain and Ireland. vols. Jl.J.d. Gbbi. History of Mauchester, by John Wliittaker. . 1771. 2. G555. History of my own Time, by Dr. Gilbert Burnet. 1823. 0. G556. Uistory of Normandy and of England, by Sir Francis Palgrave 1851-04. 4. 0557. History of Peeblesbire, by Wm. Chambers. . . 18G4. 1. 0558. History of political Transactions and of Parties from the Eestoration of Charles II. to the death of William III., by Thomas SomcrviUe. . . . 1792. 1. G559. History of Progress in Great Britain, by Robert Kemp Philps 1860. 2. 6560. History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of Charles II., by F. Giiizot 1850. 2. 0501. History of Scotland, by John Hill Burton. . . 1807. 4. 6502. History of Scotland , by Patrick Fraser Ty tier. . 1841. 1). 6563. History of Scotland under the House of Stuart, by John Pinkerton. ...... 1797. 2. 6504. History of the Anglo-Saxons, comprising the History of England from the earliest Period to the Norman Conquest, by Sharon Turner. .... 1823. 3. 0565. History of the City of Dublin from the earliest accounts to the present time, by J. Warburtou, the Rev. J. Whitelaw, and the Rev. Robert Walsh. . . 1818. 2. 0500. History of the Commonwealth of England from its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles II., by Wm. Goodwin 1824. 4. 0507. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, from the French of Auguste Thierry. . 1825. 3. 0568. History of the Cotton Famine, by R. Arthur Arnold. 1864. 1. 0569. History of the House of Commons from the Convoca- tion Parliament of 1688-89, to the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832, by W. C. Townsend. . . 1843. 2. 0570. History of the Life of Edward the Black Priuce, by G. P. R. James 1836. 2. 0571. History of the Life of Henry II., by George, Lord Lyttelton 1769. 6. 6572. History of the Norman Conquest of England, by Edward Freeman. ...... 1867-68. 2. 6573. History of the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe during the first Years of the Reign of Louis XIV., illustrated in a Series of Letters, edited by Dr. R. Vaughau. . . 1839. 2. Ilistonj, Travels and Voijages. T. Evrope. 187 (1) Great Britain and Ireland. //. /.(/. G574. History of the Province of Moray, by the Rev. Lachlan Shaw. ....... 6575. History of the Eebellion and Civil War in England by Lord Clarendon. ..... 6570. History of the Rebellion in 1745, by John Home. 6577. History of the Reign of George III., by Robert Bisset, 6578. History of the Revolution in England in 1688, by Sir James Mackintosh. .... 6571). History of the Whig Ministry of 1830 to the passing of the Reform Bill , by J. A. Roebuck. 6580. Holiday Excursions of a Naturalist. 6581. Home Tour through various parts of the United Kingdom, by Sir George Head. ... 6582. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets by Wm. Hewitt. ..... G583. Horte Britannicfe, or Studies in Ancient British History by John Hughes. ..... 6584. Impressions of England, by Count Edward de Melfort, 6585. Inquiry into the evidence against Mary, Queen of Scots, by Wm. Tytler. .... 6586. Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ire land, by James Macpherson. 6587. Ireland, by J. G. Kohl. 6588. Ireland in 1834, by Henry D. Inglis. 6589. Ireland, its history, past and present, by Lieut. Col .J. Campbell. ...... 6590. Ireland, social, political, and religious, by Gustavo de Beaumont. ...... 6591. Irish Sketch-Book, by W. M. Thackeray. 6592. Journal by one of the Suite of Thomas Beckingtuu during an embassy to negociate a man-iage be- tween Henry VI. and a daughter of the Count of Armagnac in 1442. ...... 6593. Journey from Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain, by Alex. Campbell. .... 6594. Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland , by Dr. Samuel Johnson. ...... 6595. King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scot- land in 1844, by Dr. C. G. Cams. 6596. Lancashire Folk-lore, by John Harland, and T. T. Wilkinson. ....... 24* vols 1775. 1. 1826. 8. 18(12. 1. 1820. 6. 18:54. 2 1852. 2 1867. 1 1837. 1 1847. 2 1818. 2 1836. 2 1790. 2 1771. 1 1844. 1 1835. 2 1847. 1 1839. 2 1843. 2 1828. 1. 1802. 2. 1775. 1. 1S46. 1. 1867. 1. 188 HiMorij, Travels and Voyagcfi. I. Emvpe. (1) Great Britain and Ireland. n. I. 'I. 0597. Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, *°'*- by Queen Victoria. ...... 18G8. 1. G598. Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim, by the Rev. Wm. Hamilton. 178G. 1. C599. Letters from P^linbnrgh written in 1774 and 1775. 177G. 1. GGOO. Letters from England, from the Spanish of Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella 1808. '.i. GGOl. Letters from Snowdon 1770. 1. (U)02. Letters from the Irish Highland."; 1825. 1. GG03. Letters on England, by the Count de Soligny. 1823. 2. 6604. Life at the water-cure, or a month at Malvern, by Richard J. Lane 1846. 1. 6605. Little World of London, by Charles Man by Smith. 1857. 1. GG06. London, edited by Charles Knight. . 1843. 6. 6G07. London, and its environs. ..... 1820. 1. GG08. London and Paris, by the Marquis de Vermont and Sir Charles Darnley 1823. 1. 6609. Magna Britannia, being a concise topographical Ac- count of the several Counties of Great Britain, by Daniel and Samuel Lysons, Vol. I. . . . 1806. 1. 6610. Memoirs from 1754 to 1758, by Earl Waldegrave. 1821. 1. 6611. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the dis- solution of the last Parliament of Charles II. to the battle of La Hogue, by Sir John Dalrymple. 1771. 2. 6(')12. Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland from the Restora- tion of Charles II., by Sir G. Mackenzie. . 1821. 1. 6613. Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III., by the Duke of Buckingham. ..... 1853. 2. 6614. Memoirs of the Cotirt of Charles II., by Count Gram- mont 1859. 1. 6615. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Regency 1811-20, by the Duke of Buckingham. . 1856. 2. 6616. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, by J. H. Jpsse 1840. 4. 6617. Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution of 1688 to the death of George IL, by J.H.Jesse. 1843. 3. G618. Memoirs of the Court of George IV. in 1820-30, by the Duke of Buckingham. ..... 1859. 2. 6619. Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII., by Mrs. A. Thomson. ........ 1826. 2. 1833. vols. 2. 1822. 2. 181!1. 2. 18G1. 2. IHIO. 1. 1822. 2. 1807. 3. 1787. 2. Ilistorij, Travels and Voyages. T. Europe. 189 (1) Great Britain and Ireland. II. I. d. f,G20. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles I., by Lucy Aikin. ........ 6621. Memoirs of the Court of King James I., Ijy Lucy Aikin. ........ 6622. Memoirs of the Court of Qneen Elizabeth, by Lucy Aikin. ........ 6623. Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of William IV., and Victoria, by the IJuke of Buckingham. . 6624. Memoirs of the Embassy of Marshal de Bassompierre to the Court of England in 162G. 6625. Memoirs of the last ten years of the Reign of George II., by Horace Walpole, J]arl of Orford. 6626. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of George III., by J. Heneage Jesse. ....... 6627. Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, by Mark Noble 6628. Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745-46, by the Chevalier de Johnstone. ....... 1821. 1. 6629. Memoirs of the Reign of George II., by Lord Hervey. 1848. 2.. 6630. Memoirs of the Reign of George II., by Horace Wal- pole. ........ 6631. Memoirs of the Reign of George III, by W. Belsham. 6632. Memoirs of the Reign of George III., by Horace Walpole. ........ 6633. Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Thomas Birch. ........ 6634. Memorandums made in Ireland in 1852, by John Forbes. ........ 6635. Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh, by James Grant. ........ 6636. Metropolitan Improvements, or London in the 19th century. ........ 6637. Month in England, a, by Henry T. Tuckerman. 6638. Moor and the Loch, the, containing Minute Instruc- tions in all Highland Sports, by John Colquhoun. 1851. 1. 6639. Narrative of the Residence of the Persian Princes in London in 1835-36, by James Baillic Eraser. 1838. 2. 6640. Naturalist'sRambleintheOrcades, a, byA.W.Crichton. 1866. 1. 6641. New Itinerary, by John Cary. .... 1828. 1. 6642. Nooks and Corners of English Life, by John Timbs. 1866. 1. 1846. 1795. 3. 4. 1845. 4. 1754. 2. 1853. 2. 1862. 1. 1827. 1854. 2. 1. 190 Ilititori/, Travek and Voyar/efi. I. Europe. d) Great Britain and Ireland. J 1.1.(1. 6G43. North Wales delineated from two excursions tlirougb all the interesting parts in that country, by the Rev. W. Bingley. ...... GG44. Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England and the borders, by Wm. Henderson. 0015. Observations on a Tour through the Highlands, by T. Garnett. GG46. Old Court Suburb, or Memorials of Kensington, by Leigh Hunt. ....... GfilT. Old London. GG48. On the Mountain, by the Rev. George Tugwell. 6G49. Original Letters illustrative of English History, by Henry Ellis, 1st and 2ud Series. 6650. Original Papers, containing the Secret History of Great Britain from the Restoration to the Succes- sion of the House of Hanover, arranged by James Macpherson. ....... 6651. Our Old Home, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 6652. Painter's Camp in the Highlands, a, by Philip G. Hamerton. ....... 6653. Pedigree of the English People investigated, by Dr. Thomas Nicholson. ...... GG54. Personal Narrative of the Rebellion of 1798, by C. H. Feeling. GG55. Philoso])hical Survey of the South of Ireland, by John Watkinson. ...... 6656. Pictures of Old England, by Dr. R. Pauli. G657. Pictures of Scotland, by Robert Chambers. 6658. Picturesque Sketches of London, past and present, by Thomas Miller 6659. Picturesque Tour through Yorkshire and Derbyshire, by Edward Dayes. ...... 6660. Picturesque Views on the Thames and Medway, by Samuel Ireland. ...... 6GG1. Pilgrimage to English Shrines, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. GGG2. Political History of England during the IGth., 17th., and 18th. centuries, by Ford, von Raumer. 66G3. Political Index to Histories of Great Britain and Ire- land, by Robert Beatson. ..... GG64. Popular History of England, by Charles Knight. 6665. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, by Dr. Daniel Wilson. vola 1814. 1 186G. 1 1800. 2 1855. 2 1867. 1 1862. 1 821-27 7 1775. 2. 18G3. 2. 18G2. 2. 1868. 1828. 1777. 1861. 1840. 1. 1852. 1. 1825. 1. 1792. 3. 1850. 1. 1837. 2. 1786. 1. 1856-63. 8. 18G3. 2. 1791. 1. 1838. 2. 1861. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 191 d) Great Britain and Ireland. vols. Il.I.d. GGGG. Present State of Great Britain 1770. 1. GG67. Private and original Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, with King William. 1821. 1. G668. Prospects and Observations on a tour in England and Scotland, by Thomas Newte. GGG9. Queen Elizabeth and her times, by Thos. Wright. GG70. liagged London in 18G1, by John Hollingshed. Gfi71. Rambles beyond Railways, or Notes in Cornwall taken a-foot, by W. Wilkie Collins. . . 1851. 1. G672. Rambles in the South of Ireland in 1838, by Lady Chatterton. 1839. 2. CG73. Recess, the, or Autumnal Relaxations in the High- lands and Lowlands, by Frederick Fag (Dr. James Johnson.) 183-1. 1. GG74. Recollections and Reflections, personal and political, connected with jiublic affairs during the reign of George III., by John Nicholls 1822. 2. GG75. Recollections of Royalty from the death of William Rufus in 110() to that of the Cardinal Duke of York, by Charles C. Jones. .... 1828. 2. 6G76. Reminiscences of a Highland Parish, by Dr. Norman Macleod 1867. 1. 6677. Researches in the South of Ireland, by Thomas Crafton Croker. 1824. 1. 6678. Residence at the Court of London, by Richard Rush, 1st and 2nd Series. ...... 1833-45. 3. 6679. Review of some interesting Periods of Irish History. 1786. 1. 6680. Revolutions in English History, by Dr. R. Vaughan. 1861-63. 3. 6681. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution, by E. S. Creasy 1858. 1. 6682. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution , by A. J. Stephens 1838. 2. 6683. Romance of London, by John Timbs. . 18G5. 3. GG84. Romantic Biography of the age of Elizabeth, by W. C. Taylor. 1842. 2. 6685. Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, by John Burke, and John Bernard Burke. . . 1818. 2. 6686. Rural Life in England, by Wm. Howitt. . . 1838. 2. 6687. Saxons in England, the, a history of the English Commonwealth till the period of the Norman Conquest, by John Maitland Kemble. . . 1849. 2. vols, 1807. 2 18G5. 1 1846. 2. 1862. 2. 1792. 2. 192 Ilisionj, Travels and Voijaycs. I. Europe. il) Gre.it Brit.Tin ami Irel.Tiul. 11. 1. d. 6688. Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography of South Wales, by B. H. Malkin G689. Scenery of Scotland, by Archibald Geikie. 6690. Scotland and the Scotch, or the Western Circuit, by Catherine Sinclair 1840. 1. 6691. Scotland, its faith and its features, or a visit to Blair Athol, by the Eev. F. Trench 6692. Scotland under her eai-ly Kings, by E. Wm. Kobertson. 6693. Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles II. 6694. Selection from the Harleian Miscellany of Tracts, which principally regard English Ilistory. . . 179ii. 1. 6695. Selection from the papers of the Earl of Marchmont, illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. . 1831. 3. 6696. Shakespeare's England, or sketches of our social history in the reign of Elizabeth, by G. W. Thornbury. 1856. 2. 6697. Shetland and the Shetlaudcrs, or the Northern Circuit, by Catherine Sinclair. ..... 1840. 1. 6698. Short History of the British Empire 1792-1794, by Dr. F. Plowden. 1794-95. 2. 6699. Siege and History of Londonderry, edited by John Hempton 1861. 1. 6700. Sketches and Tales of the Shetland Isles, by Eliza Edmonston. ....... 1856. 1. 6701. Sketches in London, by James Grant. . 1838. 1. 6702. Sketches of the character, manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland, by Col. David Stewart 1822. 2. 6703. Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England in past Centuries, by George Eoberts. 1856. 1. 6704. Spas of England, and principal sea-bathing places, by A. B. Granville. ...... 6705. Sporting Days, by John Colquhoun. 6706. Sportsman in Ireland. ...... 6707. State papers and letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, edited by Arthur Clifford. ...... 6708. Statistical Account of Scotland, l)y Sir John Sinclair. •6709. Story of Corfe Castle, and of many who have lived there, by George Bankes. ..... 6710. Story of the Irish before the conquest, by M. C. Ferguson. G711. Summer in Skye, by Alexander Smith. . 1841. 3. 1866. 1. 1840. 2. 1809. 2. 1791. 13. 1853. 1 1868. 1, 1865. 2 History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 193 d) Great Britain and Ireland. H.I.d. 6712. Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, by John Stowe. ....... 6713. Sydney Papers, edited by E. W. Blencowe. 6714. Ten Years' Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Gravehills, by Thomas Bateman. ..... 6715. Thames, the, and its tributaries, or rambles among the rivers, by Charles Mackay. .... 6716. Thames, the, and the Medway, descriptive and illus- trative, by Tomblesou. ..... 6717. Three Months in Ireland. 6718. Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, by Benjamin P. Capper. ...... 6719. Tour in Ireland, by James Johnson. 6720. Tour in Scotland in 1772, by Thos. Pennant. 6721. Tour in Sutherland, with extracts from the field-books of a sportsman and naturalist, by Charles St. John. 6722. Tour in Wales in 1773, by Thomas Pennant. 6723. Tour round Ireland, through the sea-coast counties, by John Barrow. ...... 6724. Town, the, its memorable character and events, by Leigh Hunt. ....... 6725. Traditions of Edinburgh, by Robert Chambers. 6726. Travels in Scotland, by the Rev. J. Hall. 6727. Travels in the Western Hebrides 1782-90, by the Rev. J. L. Buchanan. . . . . • 6728. Travels in Town, by James Grant. 6729. Travels of Cosmo IIL, Grand Duke of Tuscany, through England in the reign of Charles II. 6730. Travels through England, Wales, and Scotland in 1816, from the German of Dr. S. H. Spiker. 6731. Trip home, a, with some home-spun yarns. 6732. Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye, by Charles R. Weld 6733. Up and Down the London Streets, by Mark Lemon. 6734. Vacations in Ireland, by Charles R. Weld. 6735. Vale of the Towey, or Sketches in South Wales, by Anne Beale. .....•■ 6736. Veil of Isis, or the Mysteries of the Druids, by W. W. Reade. 6737. View of the history and actual state of the military force of Great Britain, by Charles Dupin. 25 vols. 1720. 1. 1825. 1. 1861. 1. 1840. 2. 1827. 1825. 1 1844. 1 1776. 2 1849. 2 1778. 1 1836. 1 1848. 2 1861. 1 1807. 2 1793. 1 1839. 2 1821. 1 1820. 2 1842. 1 1860. 1 1867. 1 1857. 1 1844. 1 1861. 1 1822. 2 194 History, Travels and Voyar/es. I. Europe. d) Great Britain and Ireland. Il.I.d. 6738. View of the manners, customs, arms, habits &c. of the inhabitants of England from the arrival of the Saxons to the reign of Henry VIII., by Josejih Stnitt. ....... 67.39. Views of society and manners in the North of Ire laud, by John Gamble. .... 6740. Visits to reme. H.I.I. I'ln. Turkey, its history and progress, from the journals '"''^* and correspondence of Sir James Porter, edited by Sir George Larpent. ...... 1854. 2. 7278. Turkey, or a history of the Ottoman Empire, by George Fowler. ....... 1854. 1. 7279. Turkish life and character, by Walter Thornbury. . 18C0. 2. 7280. Turks in Europe, the; a sketch of manners and politics in the Ottoman Empire, by Bayle St. John. 1853. 1. 7281. Year with the Turks, a; or sketches of travel in the European and Asiatic dominions of the Sultau, by Warrington AV. Smyth 1854. 1. 214 Historrj, Tracch and Voijatjes. I. Europe. m) F,uio])e in general. vols. JJ.I.in. 7291. Alj.s, the, aud the Rhine, by J. T. Headley. . . 18-46. 1. 7292. Ancient aud modern Malta, by Louis de Boisgelin. 1804. 3. 7293. Ancient Sea-margins, as memorials of changes in the relative level of sea aud laud, by Itobcrt Chambers. 1848. 1. 7294. Annals of Europe, or Regal Register. . . . 1779. 1. 7295. Baltic, the; its gates, shores, and cities, by the Rev. Thomas Milner. 1854. 1. 7296. Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, and Holland, by James Silk Buckingham. ..... — 2. 7297. Book of the Baltic, the, by J. Mahouy. . . 1857. 1. 7298. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain, aud the adjoining countries, by Sir John Froissart, edited by Thomas Johnes 1805. 12. 7299. Continent in 1835, the; sketches in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland &c., by John IIojipus. 730(». Continental Travel, by Edwin Lee. 7301. Courts of Europe at the close of the last century, by Henry Swinburne. ...... 7302. Cruise in the iEgean, by Walter Watson. 7303. Cruise in the Steam-Yacht "North Star" to England, Russia, Denmark, France &c., by the Rev. J. 0. Chowles. ....... 7304. Desultory Reminiscences of a tour through Germany, Switzerland, and France. ..... 7305. Diary of an invalid in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, by H. Matthews 7306. Dore, by a stroller in Europe. .... 7307. Embassies and Foreign Courts, by the roving Eng- lishman. ........ 7308. European Revolutions of 1848, by Edward S. Cayley. 7309. Evelyn, or a journey from Stockholm to Rome, by Selina Buubury. 1849. 2. 7310. Excursions along the shores of the Mediterranean, by Lieut. Col. E. Napier 1842. 2. 7311. Excursions in the North of Europe in 1830 and 1833, by John Barrow 1834. 1. 7312. France, Holland, and the Netherlands, on the eve of the French Revolution, by Admiral Sir George Collier. 1865. 1. 7313. France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, the Tyrol, and Bavaria, by J. Silk Buckingham. . . — 2. 1836. 1848. 2 1 1841. 1853. 2 1 1854. 1 1838. 1 1820. 1857. 1 1 185G. 1856. 1 2 History, Travels and Voyages. T. Europe. 21o in) Europe in general. 1 1. 1. Hi. 7314. General History of the House of Guelpli, or Royal ™''- Family of Great Britain, by Andrew Halliday. . 1821. 1. 7315. Germany, England, and Scotland, by Dr. J. H. Merle d'Aubigne 1^^^- '^■ 7316. Gleanings from Piccadilly to Pera, by John Oldmixon. 1854. 1. 7317. Glimpses of the Old World, or excursions on the Continent and in Great Britain, by the Rev. John Clark 1840. 2. 7318. Greek, the, and the Turk, or powers and prospects in the Levant, by Eyre Evans Crowe. . - 1853. 1. 7319. Half-century, the; its history, political and social, by Washington Wilks l^o'^- ^■ 7320. Handbook for travellers on the Continent. . . 183G. 1. 7321. Historical Pictures of the Middle Ages. . • • 1846. 2. 7390 History of Europe during the French Revolution, by Sir Archibald Alison 183.3-42.10. 7323. History of Europe 1815-52, by Sir A. Alison. . 1853-59. 9. 7324. History of modern Europe to the peace of Paris in 1763, by Wm. Russell 1/68. 7. 7325. History of Ten Years 1830-40, by Louis Blanc. . 1844. 2. 7326. History of the 18th ceutui-y, by F. C. Schlosser. . 1844. 4. 7327. History of the Knights of Malta, from the French of _^ ^ ^ the Abbe Vertot l'*^3. u. 7328. History of the Knights of Malta, by Major Whitworth Porter l^^^- "• 7329. History of the negociatious for the peace of Belgrade 1739, from the French of the Abbe Laugier. . 1770. 1. 7330. History of the Politics of Great Britain and France from the Conference at Pillnitz to the Declaration of War against Great Britain, by Herbert Marsh. 1800. 2. 7331 History of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin, by Dr. H. Merle d'Aubigne. . • 1863-66. 4. 7332. History of the 16th and 17th centuries, by F. vou Raumer. 1^35. 2. 7333 Holidays abroad, or Europe from the West, by Mrs. Kirkland 1^^'^- "• 7334. Ice-Caves in France and Switzerland, by the Rev. G. F. Browne ^^^^- ^• 7335. Impressions of Central and Southern Europe, by Wm. E. Baxter. 1^^^- ^- 21G Ilistori/, TrciMh and Voyages. I. Europe. ni) Europe in general. I LI. III. 733G. Incidents of Travel in the Russian and Turkisli Em- ■^<''^' pires, by J. L. Stephens. ..... 1839. 2 7337. Information and Directions for travellers on the Con- tinent, by Marianne Starke. .... 1824. 1 7338. Italy with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, by Wm. Beckford 1834. 2 7339. Journal of a tour in France; Switzerland, and Italy, by Marianne Colston. 1823. 2 7340. Journal of a tour in Germany, Sweden, Russia, and Poland, by J. T. James 1817. 2 7341. Journal of two successive tours upon the Continent in 1816-18, by James Wilson 1820. 3 7342. Journey from London to Genoa, by Joseph Baretti. 1770. 2 7343. Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, by Wm. Macmichael 1819. 1 7344. Journey into various parts of Europe 1818-21, by the Rev. Thos. Pennington. .... 1825. 2 7345. Journey on a plank from Kiev to Eauxbonnes, by Lady Charlotte Pepys 1860. 2 7346. Land of Thor, by J. Ross Browne. . . 1867. 1 7347. Letters concerning England, Holland, and Italy, by Mme. de Socage 1770. 2 7348. Letters during a tour through France, Savoy Switzer- land &c., by Thomas Raffles 1819. 1 7349. Letters from abroad to kindred at home, by Miss Sedgwick. ........ 7350. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain &c. 7351. Letters from Continental Countries, by George Downes. 7352. Letters from Europe and the East. .... 7353. Letters from the Continent, by the Rev. J. W. Ormsby. 7354. Letters from the North of Europe, by Charles B. Elliott 1832. 1 7355. Letters from various parts of the Continent, from the German 1799. 1 7356. Lexington papers, or some account of the Courts of London and Vienna, selected from Lord Lexington's correspondence, by the Hon. Manners Sutton. . 1851. 1. 7357. Life of a travelling physician, including twenty years' wanderings through the greater ]iart of Europe, by Sir Georare Lefcvre 1843. 3. 1841. 2. 1790. 2 1832. 2 1753. 2 1819. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. I. Europe. 217 m) Europe in general. Il.I.jii. 7358. Mediterranean, the; a memoir, jiliysical, historical, aud ™'*' nautical, by Admiral W. 11. Smyth. . . . 1854. 1. 7359. Memoirs of the affairs of Europe from the peace of Utrecht 1821. 1. 7360. Music and Manners in France and Germany, by Henry J. Chorley 73C1. My Note-Book, by John Macgregor. 73G2. Narrative of a journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and St. Petersburg during the late Russian invasion of Khiva, by Major James Abbott. 73G3. Narrative of a journey through France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland &c., by James Holman. 7364. Narrative of a journey to Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the Mediterranean, by W. R. Wild. 73G5. Narrative of a Yacht Voyage in the Mediterranean, by E. M. Grosvenor. ...... 7366. Neighbors of Russia, by J. R. Morell. 7367. Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by W. M. Thackeray 7368. Notes of eight years' residence in Europe with the North American Collection, by George Catlin. 7369. Observations and Reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy and Germany, by Hester L. Piozzi. ...... 7370. Observations in Europe, principally in France and Great Britain, by John P. Durbin. 7371. Observations moral, literary and antiquarian, made during a tour through the Pyrenees, France &c., by John Milford 1818. 7372. Our Cruise in the Undine; journal of an English pair-oar expedition through France, Baden &c. 7373. Patchwork, by Captain Basil Hall. . . • 1841. 3. 7374. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers, edited by John Ball. . 1859-62. 3. 7375. Pedestrian and other reminiscences at home and abroad, with sketches of country life. .... 1846. 1. 7376. Pencillings by the way, by Nathaniel P. Willis. . 1836. 3. 7377. Personal Narrative of a private soldier during the late war • • ■ 1821. 1. 7378. Pictures from the battlefields, by the roving English- man. ...-•••• 28 1841. 3. 1835. 3. 1856. 2. 1822. 1. 1840. 2. 1842. 2. 1854. 1. 1846. 1. 1848. 2. 1789. 2. 1844. 2. 1854. 1. 1856. 18G8. vols. 1. 18G1. 18G5. 2. 1. 218 Ilistorrj, Travels and Vofjacjes. I. Europe. m) Europe in general. n.T.Vl. 7379. Tolitical Sketches of the State of Europe 1814-G7, by Count Munstcr. ...... 7.380. Private diary of travel-s, personal services, and public events during the campaigns of 1812-14, by Sir Robert Wilson. ....... 7381. Queen's Messenger, tbe, by Major H. Byng Hall. 7382. Recollections of a classical tour in Greece, Turkey, and Italy in 1818-19, by Peter E. Laurent. . 1821. 1 7383. Recollections of a Rifleman's wife at home and abroad, by Mrs. Fitzmaurice. . . . . . . 1851. 1 7384. Recollections of a tour in the North of Europe, by the Marquess of Londonderry. .... 7385. Recollections of Europe, by J. Fenimore Cooper. 738G. Records of a run through continental countries, by James Grant. ....... 7387. Records of an emigrant Milesian .... 7388. Researches on the Danube and Adriatic, by A. A. Paton. 7389. Rise, progress, and present state of the Northern govern- ments, viz. the United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Poland, by J. Williams. . 7390. Rob Roy Canoe on the Baltic, by J. Macgregor. 7391. Russia, Turkey, Circassia, and the Black Sea, by Capt. Edmund Spencer. ..... 1855. 1. 7392. St. Petersburg, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania in 1833 and 1834, by von Tietz. . . . 183G. 2. 7393. Scenes and thoughts in Europe. .... 1847. 1. 7394. Scenes from the drama of European history, by W. Davenport Adams. ..... 18G3. 1. 7395. Seasons with the Sea-horses, or sporting adventures in the Northern Seas, by James Lamont. . . 18G1. 1. 739G. Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, by the Rev. A. Christmas 1851. ?.. 7397. Shores of the MediteiTanean , by Frank A. Standish. 1837. 1. 7398. Shores of the Mediterranean , with sketches of travel, by Francis Schroeder. ..... 1846. 2. 7399. Simeon's letters to his Kinsfolk, and other great people, by Simeon South 1834. 2. 7400. Sketches in Ultramarine, by .Tames ILinway. . . 1853. 2. 7401. Sketches of manners, scenery &c. in the French pro- vinces, Switzerland &c., by John Scott. . . 1821. 1. 18.38. o 1837. '} 1853. 2. 1853. o 18G2. 2. 1777. 2. 18G7. 1. History, Travek and Voyages. I. Europe. 219 ni) Europe in general. Il.I.m. 7402. Solitary Walks tlirougli many lands, by Derwent "i^- Conway. . 1829. 2. 7403. Steam- voyage down the Daiiulio, by Michael J. Qiiin. 1835. 2. 7404. Steam-voyage on the Seine, Moselle, and the Ehine, by Michael J. Quin 1843." 2. 7405. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, by Nathaniel P. Willis 1853. 1. 7406. Summer tour through Belgium, up the Rhine, &c. . 1834. 1. 7-107. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Sirs. H. B. Stowe 1854. 2. 7408. Supplementary notes to "The view of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages," by Henry Hallam. 1848. 1. 74<.»9. There and back again in search of beauty, by James A. St. John 1853. 2. 7410. Thousand Miles, a, in the Rob Roy canoe, by J. Mac- gregor 1866. 1. 7411. Tiara and the Turban, the, or impressions and obser- vations of character written in the dominions of the Pope and the Sultan, by S. S. Hill. . . . 1845. 2. 7412. Tour of inquiry through France and Italy, by Edmund Spencer 1853. 2. 7413. Tour through parts of the Netherlands, Holland, Germany, Savoy &c. , by Charles Tennant. . . 1824. 2. 7414. Tour through some of the Northern ports of Europe, by Nathaniel Wraxall. 1776. 1. 7415. Travels along the Mediterranean, by Robert Richardson. 1822. 2. 7416. Travels and Travellers, by Mrs. Trollope. . . 1846. 2. 7417. Travels from Belgium through Switzerland, and Paris, by Augustus von Kotzebue. .... 1804. 3. 7418. Travels from Hamburg through Westjjhalia, Hol- land &c., by Thomas Holcroft 1804. 2. 7419. Travels in a Tarantasse, by R. Bakewell. . . 1823. 2. 7420. Travels in Europe and Africa, by Col. Keatiuge. . 181G. 1. 7421. Travels in France and Germany, by Capt. Edmund Spencer 1866. 2. 7422. Travels in Germany and Russia, by Sir Adolphus Slade 1840. 1. 7423. Travels in Italj', Greece, and the Ionian Islands, by H. M. Williams. 1820. 2. 7424. Travels in Norway, Sweden, Russia, and Turkey, by George M. Jones. 1827. 2. 28* 1790. vols 1785. o 1838. 18yi. 1 1700. 2 1773. 4 1707. 3 1818. 1 220 JItslori/, 2'raccU and Voyages. I. Kuropc. Ill) Europe in geneial. 1 1. Lilt. 7425. Travels iuto different parts of Europe in 170102, by John Owen. ...... 7426. Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, by Wm. Coxe. ....... 7427. Travels in the great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, by C. B. Elliott 7428. Travels on the Shores of the Baltic, by S. 8. Kill. . 7429. Travels through Germany, Switzerland , Italy and Sicily, from the German of Count Stolberg. . 7430. Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, and other European Countries, by Joseph Marshall. 7431. Travels through Holland, Germany, and Italy, by M. de Blainville. 7432. Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey, by Adam Neale. 7433. Travels through Switzerland, Italy, Sicily &c., by Thos. Watkins 1702. 7434. Travels through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt 1825-28, by James Webster 1830. 7435. Two Summer Cruises with the Baltic Fleet in 1854-55, being the Log of the "Pet," by the Rev. Robert E. Hughes 185G. 1. 7436. Two Years and a half in the American Navy, com- prising a journal of a cruise to England, the Me- diterranean, and the Levant 1820-31, by E. C. Wines 1833. 2. 7437. Vacation rambles and thoughts, comprising the reflec- tions of three continental tours in the vacations of 1841-43, by Thomas N. Talfourd. 7438. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1801 edited by Francis Galton. ...... 7439. View of society and manners in France and Switzer- land, by John Moore. ..... 7440. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages, by Henry Hallam. ...... 7441. Visit to the Monasteries in the Levant, by the Hon. Robert Curzon. ....... 7442. Voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy, by J. Macgregor. 18G7. 1. 7443. Voyage to Spitzbergen, liy John Laing. . . 1818. 1. 7444. Wanderings of a journeyman tailor through Europe and the East 1824-40, by P. D. Uolthaus. . . 1811. 1. 1845. 1. 1802. 1. 1803. o 1818. 2. 1840. 1. Ilislovj, Traveh and Voijwjes. I. Europe. 221 m) Europe in general. //. /. m, 7445. Water-Lily on the Danube, the, being a brief account vols, of the perils of a pair-oar during a voyage from Lambeth to Pesth. ...... 7446. Wayfaring Sketches among the Greeks and Turks. 7447. Yachting Cruise in the Baltic, by S. 11. Graves. 7448. Year of Consolation, a, by Mrs. Butler. . 7449. Yusef, or the journey of the Frangi, by J. Eoss Browne. ........ 1853. 1853. 1. 1847. 1. 18C3. 1. 1847. 2. 222 Ilistorij, Travels and Voijafjes. II. Asia, a) Afghanistan, Cahul &c. II. II. a. 7471. Account of the Kingdom of Cabul and its dejiemlencies vols, in Persia, Tartary, and India, by the Hon. Mount- stuart Elphinstone 1819. 2. 7472. Cabul; being a personal narrative of a journey to, and residence in that city in 1836-38, by Lieut. Col. Sir Alexander Burnes. . . . . . 1842. 7473. History of the Afghans, by J. P. Ferrier. . . 1858. 7474. Journal of a march from Delhi to Peshawur, and from thence to Cabul, by Lieut. William Barr. . 1844. 7475. Journal of a political mission to Afghanistan in 1857, by n. M. Bellew 1862. 7476. Narrative of a journey to Khelat, by Charles Masson. 1843. 7477. Narrative of various journeys to Beloochistan, Afgha- nistan, and the Punjab, including a residence in those countries 182G-38, by Charles Masson. . 1842. 3. 7478. Personal Narrative of a visit to Ghuzuee, Cabul, and Afghanistan , and of a residence at the Court of Dost Mahomed, by G. T. Vigne. . . . 1840. 1. 7479. Scenes and Adventures in Afghanistan, by William Taylor 1842. 1. 7480. Sikhs and Afghans in connection with India and Persia immediately before, and after the death of liunjeet Singh, by Shahamat Ali. . . . 1847. 1. 7481. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, by Lieut. Henry Pottinger 1816. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. II. Asia. 223 b) Arabia. vols. H.II.h. 7491. Arabian Days and Nights, by Marguerite A. Power. 1863. 1. 7492. Forty Days in the Desert on tlie track of the Israelites, by W. H. Bartlett 1846. 1. 7493. Uistorical Geography of Arabia, or patriarchal evi- dences of revealed religion, by the Kev. Charles Forster 1844. 2. 7494. Journey through Arabia Petraa to Mount Sinai, and the excavated City of Petra, by Leon de Laborde. 18.'16. 1. 7495. Narrative of a year's journey through Arabia, by W. G. Palgrave 1865. 2. 7496. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, collected during travels in the East, by J. L. Burckhardt. . . 1831. 2. 7497. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinab and Mecca, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. . . 1855.' 3. 7498. Travels in Arabia, by J. L. Burckhardt. . . 1829. 2. 224 History, Traveh und Voijckjc.i. 11. Asia. c) China and Japan. lI.TI.c. 7511. Aide-de- Camp's Recollections of service in China, a ^''''■■'• residence in Hongkong &c., by Capt. A. Conyngliani. 1844:. 2. 7512. Authentic Account of an Embas.sy to China, by Sir George Staunton. ...... 1797. 2. 7513. Calcutta to Pekin, by J. H. Dunne. . . . 18G1. 1. 7514. Capital of the Tycoon; a narrative of three years' resi- dence in Japan, by Sir Eutherford Alcock. . 1863. 2. 7515. China, an outline of its government, laws, policy &e., by Peter Auber. ...... 1834. 1. 7516. China and the Chinese; their religion, character, customs, and manufactures, by Henry Charles Sirr. 1849. 2. 7517. China during the war, and since the peace, by Sir John F. Davis 1852. 2. 7518. China in 1857-58, by George W. Cooke. . . 1858. 1. 7519. China, its state and prospects with especial reference to the spread of the gosjiel, by "W. II. Medhurst. 1838. 1. 7520. China, political, commercial, and social, by R. Mont- gomery Martin. ....... 1847. 2. 7521. Chinese, the; a general description of tlie Empire of China and its inhabitants, by Sir John F. Davis. 1836. 2. 7522. Chinese and their rebellions, the, viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration, by Thomas T. Meadows. . 1856. 1. 7523. Chinese Empire, the, by M. Uuc 1855. 2. 7524. Chinese Rebel Chief, the, Hung-sin-Tsuen , and tbe origin of the insurrection in China, by the Rev. T. Hamberg 1855. 1. 7525. Claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom, ex- hibited in notes of voyages made in 1837. . . 1839. 2. 7526. Cross and Dragon, or the fortunes of Christianity in China, by John Keeson. ..... 1854. 1. 7527. Cruise in Japanese Waters, by Captain Sherard Osborne. 1859. 1 . 7528. Doings in China, by Lieut. Alex. Murray. . . 1843. 1. 7529. Ever Victorious Army, the, by Andrew Wilson. 1868. 1. 7530. Five Months on the Yang-Tsze, by Thomas W. Blakiston 1862. 1. 7531. Five Years in China, by Lieut. F. E. Forbes. . 1848. 1. 7532. General description of China, by the Abbe Grosier. 1788. 7533. General history of China, from the French of J. B. Duhalde 1741. 4 9 Ilisstory, Travels and Voyages. II. Asia. 225 c) China and Japan. vols. II.II.C. 7534. Historical and Descriptive Account of China. . . 1836. 3. 7535. History of the Insurrection in China, with notices of the Christianity, Creed, and Proclamation of the insurgents, by John Oxenford. .... 1853. 7536. How we got to Pekin, a narrative of the campaign in China in 18G0, by the Rev. E. J. L. M'Ghee. . 18G2. 7537. Ja]iau, an account, geographical and historical, from the earliest period, by Charles Macfarlane. . . 1852. 7538. Japan and her people, by Andrew Steinmetz. . 1859. 7539. Japan, the Araoor, and the Pacific; a voyage of circumnavigation in 1858-00, by H. A. Tilley. . 18G1. 7540. Japanese Fragments, with facsimiles of illustrations Isy artists of Jeddo, by Captain Sherard Osborne. 1801. 7541. Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China, by Henry Ellis 1818. 7542. Journal of three voyages along the coasts of China 1831-33, by Charles Gutzlaff. .... 1831. 7543. Journey to the Tea-countries of China, by llobert Fortune • . .1852. 7544. Last year in China to the peace of Nankin. . . 1843. 7545. Life in China, by the Rev. W. C. Milne. . . 1857. 7540. Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the I'Jtli. century. ........ 1841. 7547. Medical Missionary in China; a narrative of twenty years' experience, by Wni. Lockhart. . . . 1801. 7548. Memoirs of Father Eipa during thirteen years resi- dence at the Court of Pekin. .... 1844. 7549. Middle Kingdom, the; a survey of the geography, government, education, social life, arts, religion &c., of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants, by S. W. Williams 1857. 2. 7550. Miscellaneous Notices relating to China and our commercial intercourse with that country, by Sir George F. Staunton 1822. 1. 7551. Narrative of a journey in the interior of Ciiina in 1810-17, by Clarke Abel. . . . . . 1819. 1. 7552. Narrative of Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in 1857-59, by Lawrence Oliphnnt. . . 1860. 2. 7553. Narrative of my Captivity in Japan 1811-1.!, by Captain Golownin. ...... 1818. 3. 29 22G History, Travels and Voyages. JI. Asia. c) China and Japan. JT.JI.C. 7554. Narrative of the Chinese Emhassy to the Khan of vols, the Toungouth Tartars 1712-15, from the Chinese, by Sir George T. Staunton. .... 1821. 1. 7555. Nijihon and Pe-che-li, or Two years in Japan and Nortliern China, by Edward B. de Fonblanque. . 18C2. 1. 7556. Pa.st and Future of British rehitions with China, by Capt. Sherard Osborne 18G0. 1. 7557. I'crsonal Narrative of Tliree years' service in China, by Lieut. Col. Fisher 18G.S. 1. 7558. Pictures of the Chinese drawn by themselves, by the Rev. Richard Cobbold 18G0. 1. 7559. Rambles of a Naturalist in the China Sea, by Cuth- bert Collingwood. ...... 18G8. 1. 7500. Recollections of a three years' residence in Cliina, by W. Tyrone Power 1853. 1. 75G1. Recollections of Baron Gros' Embassy to China and Japan 1857-58, from the French of the Marquis de Moges. . 18G0. 1. 7562. Recollections of Japan; the religion, language, laws, and government of the people, by Capt. Golownin. 181 D. 1. 7563. Report of the proceedings on a voyage to the Northern Ports of China 1833. 1. 7564. Residence among the Chinese inland, on the coast, and at sea, by Robert Fortune. .... 1857. 1. 7565. Residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate in 1850-GO, by C. Pemberton Ilodgson. . . . . . 18G1. 1. 7566. Sketch of Chinese History, ancient and modern, by the Rev. Charles Gutzlaff. 1834. 2. 7567. Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs, by J. M. W. Silver 1867. 1. 7568. Social Life of the Chinese, by the Rev. Justus Doolittle 18G8. 1. 7569. Taeping Rebellion in China, by Commander Lindesay Brine 18G2. 1. 7570. Ten Weeks in Japan, by George Smith, Bishop of Victoria. ........ 1861. 1. 7571. Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, by Robert Fortune 1847. 1. 7572. Twelve Years in China; the ])eople, the rebels, and the mandarins, by John Scarth. .... 18G0. 1. History, Travels and Voijages. II. Asia. 227 c) China and Japan. II.II.C. 7573. Voyage of discovery to the "West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Island, by Capt. Basil Hall. 7574. Voyage of H. M. S. Alceste along the Coast of Corea to the Island of Loo-Choo, by John M'Leod. 7575. Voyage to China, by Dr. Berncastle. 7570. "Will Adams, the first Englishman in Japan. . 7577. Yedo and Peking, by Eobert Fortune. vols. 1818. 1. 1818. 1. 1850. 2. 18G0. 1. 18G3. 1. 29* 228 Histonj, Travels and Voijaf/cs. J I. Asia. (1) India &c. Jl.ll.tl. 7591. Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in 1795, by Michael Symcs. . . . . . 7592. Account of Koonawnr in the Himalayas, by Cajit. A. Gerard. ....... 7593. Account of the Island of Ceylon, by John Davy. 7594. Account of the Island of Ceylon, by K'obert Pcrcival. 7595. Adventures and Researches iimong the Andaman Is- landers, by Dr. Frederick J. Mouat. 7596. Adventures of an Officer in the service of Runjeet Singh, by Sir Henry Lawrence. 7597. Anglo-India, social, moral, and political. 7598. Annals of rural Bengal, by "VV. W. Hunter. 7599. British India, its races and its history considered with reference to the mutinies of 1857, by JohnM. Ludlow. 7600. British rule in India, by Harriet Martineau. 7601. Campaign in India in 1857-58, from drawings by George F. Atkinson. ...... 7602. Cawnpore, by G. O. Trevelyan 7603. Ceylon; an account of the island, ]ihysical, historical and topographical, with notices of its natural history, by Sir James Emerson Tennent. 7604. Ceylon and the Cingalese; their history and govern- ment and religion, by Henry Charles Sirr. 7605. Ceylon, past and present, by Sir G. Barrow. . 7600. Chapters of the modern history of British India, by Edward Thornton. ...... 7607. Comjirehensive History of India, ci\il, military, and social, by Henry Beveridge. . . . . 7608. Considerations on Indian affairs, by William Bolts. 7609. Continental India; travelling sketches and historical recollections, by J. W. Massie. . . . . 7610. Description of the character, manners, and customs of the peoi)le of India, and of their institutions, re- ligious and civil, by the Abbe J. A. l)ubois. 7611. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet, by Capt. Knight. ....... 7612. Domestic life, character, and customs of the Natives of India, by James Kerr, Vol. I. ... 7013. East India Gazetteer, by Walter Hamilton. 7614. Eastern Hunters, by Capt. J. T. Ncwall. vols 1800. 1841. 1821. 1803. 18G3. 1 1845. 1 838 2 •1 1868. 1 1858. 1857. 2 1 1859. 1865. 1 1 1860. 1850. 1857. 1840. 1772. 1840. 1817. 1863. . 1865 1815.1828.3 . 1866. 1 History, Travels and Voyages. II. Asia. 229 d) India &c. ll.II.d. 7615. Eleven Years in Ceylon, comprising sketches of tlie field-sports and natural history of that colony, by Major Forbes. ...... 7616. Elihu Jan's Story, or the life of an Eastern Queen by Dr. W. Knighton. .... 7617. English in India, and other sketches. 7618. Excursions, adventures, and field-sports in Ceylon, by Lieut. Col. J. Campbell. .... 7C19. Fifteen Years in India, or sketches of a soldier's life, 7620. Forest life in Ceylon, by Wm. Knighton. 7621. From Calcutta to the snowy Range. 7622. From New York to Delhi, by Robert B. 5Iinturn. 7623. Geographical, statistical, and historical description of Ilindostan and the adjacent Countries, by Walter Hamilton. . . . . . . . 7624. Goa and the Blue Mountains, or Six Months of sick- leave, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. 7625. Government of India, by Sir John Malcolm. . 7626. Historical account of the rise and progress of the Bengal Xativc Infantry from its first formation in 1757 to 1796, by Captain "Williams. . 7627. Historical disquisition concerning ancient India; by "Wm. Robertson. ...... 7628; Historical fragments of the Mogul Empire, of the Mahrattas, and of the English concerns in Hindostan from 1659, by Robert Orme. . . . . 7629. Historical, political and statistical account of Ceylon and its dependencies, by Charles Pridham. . 7630. Historical Sketches of the South of India, by Col. Mark Wilks 7631. Histor}', antiquities, topography, and statistics of Eastern India, by E. Montgomery Martin. 7632. History of British India, by James Mill. 7633. History of British India 1805-35, by Horace H. "Wilson. 7631. History of Ceylon, by "Wm. Knighton. 7635. History of Hindostan, from the Persian, by Alexander Dow. ........ 7636. History of India, by the Hon. Mountstuart Elj^hinstone. 7637. History of India, by John Clark Marshmau. 7638. History of India, by John T. "Wheeler, "\'ol. I. B vols. 7 . 1840. 2. . 1865. 1. . 18.35. 2. Y . 1843. 2. '. 1823. 1. . 1854. 9. . 1866. 1. . 1858. 1. 1820. 2. 1851. 1. 1833. 1. 1817. 1. 1791. 1. 1805. 1. 1849. 2. 1817. 3. 1838. 3. 1817. 3. 1845. 3. 1845. 1. 1770. 2. 1841. 2. 1867. 3. 1867. 1. 1847. 1. 1865. 1. 1865. 1. 1846. 3, 1867. 1 1863. 1, 1837. 1 1857. 1 1853. 1 230 Ilistory, Travels and Voi/ages. II. Asia. tl) Indi.i &c. Jl.Il.d. 7C39. History of the Biitisli Empire in India, by Lionel ^'''''• James Trotter 1866. 2. 7640. History of the British Settlements in India. . . 1855. 1. 7641. History of the Mahrattas, by James Grant Duff. . 1826. 3. 7642. History of the Punjab, and of the rise, jirogress, and present condition of the Sikhs. .... 1846. 2. 7643. History of the reigning family of Lahore, by 3Iajor Gr. C. Smyth 7644. History of the Sect of Maharajahs in Western India. 7645. History of the Sepoy War in India, by J. W. Kaye, Vol. I 7646. History of the Sikhs, by W. L. M'Gregor. 7647. Hog-hunting in the East, by Capt. J. T. Newall. 7648. House of Scindea, by John Hope. 7649. Illustrations of the history and practices of the Thugs. 7650. India and Europe compared, by Lieut. Gen. John Briggs. 7651. India as it may be, by George Camjibell. 7652. India, its history, climate, and productions, with an account of the Bengal mutiny, by J. H. Stocqucler. 1857. 1. 7653. India under Dalhousie and Canning, by the Duke of Argyll. ... .... 1865. 1. 7654. Journal of a residence in the Burman Empire, by Capt. Hiram Cox 1821. 1. 7655. Journal of a route across India through Egypt to England, by Lieut. Col. Fitz-Clarence. . . 1819. 1. 7656. Journal of a tour through pai-t of the Snowy Kange of the Himalayas, and to the sources of the Jumna and Ganges, by James B. Eraser. . . . 1820. 1. 7657. Journal of a Winter's tour in India, with a visit to the Court of Nepal, by Capt. Francis Egerton. . 1852. 2. 7658. Journal of an Embassy from the Governor- General of India to the Court of Ava in 1827, by John Crawford 1829. 1. 7659. Journal of an Embassy from the Governor- General of India to the Court of Cochin-China, by John Crawford 1830. 2. 7660. Journal of an English Officer in India, by Major North. 1858. 1. 7661. Journey overland to India, by Donald Campbell. . 1795. 1. 7662. Journey through the Kinj^^dom of Oude in 1849-50, by Sir Wm. H. Sleeman 1858. 2. History, Travels and Voyages. II. Asia. 231 d) India &c. H.II.d. 7GG.3. Journey to Khatnicandu with the camp of Jung Baha- ■>■»''• door, by Lawrence Oliphant. .... 1852. 1. 7GC4. Journey to the North of India overland from Eng- land, by Lieut. Arthur Conolly. . . . 1834. 2. 7065. Kingdom and people of Siam, the, with a narrative of the mission to that countiy in 1855, by Sir John Bowring. ........ 1857 2 7666. Lady's Escape from Gwalior, a, and life in the Furt of Agra during tlie mutinies of 1857, by Mrs. Coopland. ........ 1850. 1. 7G67. Land of the Veda, the; India briefly described in some of its aspects, ]ihysical, social, intellectual and moral, by the Rev. Robert Percival. . . . 1854. 1. 7G68. Legends and Theories of the Buddhists, by R. Spence Hardy. ....... 7669. Letters from Madras 1836-39. 7670. Letters on India, by Maria Graham. 7671. Life in ancient India, by Mrs. Speir. 7G72. Life in Bombay, and the neighboring out-stations. 7673. Life in the Mission, the Camp, and the Zenana, or six years in India, by Mrs. Colin Mackenzie. . . 1853. 3. 7674. Marquis of Dalhousie's administration of British India, by Edwin Arnold, Vols. I. and 11. . . . 1862-65. 2. 7675. Memoirs of a Griffin, by Capt. Bellew. . . . 1843. 2. 7676. Memoirs of Central India, including Malwa and ad- joining provinces, by Sir John Malcolm. . . 1824. 2. 7677. Memoirs of India, by R. G. Wallace. . . . 1824. 1. 7678. Memorials of service in India, by Major Sam Charters Macpherson. ....... 1865. 1. 7G79. Modern India; a sketch of the System of civil govern- ment, by George Campbell. .... 1852. 1. 7680. Modern India, with illustrations of the resources and capabilities of Hindostan, by Henry Spry. . . 1837. 2. . 7681. My Diary in India in 1858-59, by Wm. Howard Russell. 1860. 2. 7682. My Indian Journal, by Col. Walter Cann)bell. . 18G4. 1. 7683. Narrative of a journey from Cawnpore to the Borendo Pass in the Himalayas, by Sir Wm. Lloyd. . 1840. 2. 7684. Narrative of a journey from England to India, in- cluding a residence there and journey home, by Mrs. CoK Elwood. 1830. 2. 1866. 1843. 1814. 1856. 1852. 232 History, Travels and Voyages. IT. Asia. (1) India &c. ll.ll.d. 7085. Narrative of a jdurney through the upper provinces vok. of India from Calcutta to Bombay 1824-25, by Bishop Heber 1828. 2. 7686. Narrative of a residence at the Court of Mecr Ali Moorad, with wild sports of the valley of the Indus, by Ivhvard A. Langley. ..... 18G(K 2. 7687. Narrative of a residence in Siam, by Fredk. A. Neale. 1852. 1. 7688. Narrative of a visit to the Court of Scinde, by James Burnes 1831. 1. 7689. Narrative of five years' residence at Nepal, by Capt. Thos. Smith 1852. 2. 7690. Narrative of the military and political transactions of Briti.sli India under the administration of the Mar- quess of Hastings 1813-18, by Henry T. Prinsep. 1820. 1. 7691. Narrative of three months' march in India, and a re- sidence in the Doab, by Harriette Ashmore. . 1841. 1. 7692. Nine Years on the North-western frontier of India, by Sir Sydney Cotton. ..... 1868. 1. 7693. Observations on the Musselmaus of India, dcscrii)tive of their manners, customs, habits, and religious opinions, by Mrs. Meer Ali. .... 1832. 2. 7694. Old Field-Officer, the; or the military and sporting adventures of Major Worthington, edited by J. H. Stocqueler 1853. 2. 7695. Oriental Memoirs, selected and abridged from a series of familiar letters, written during seventeen years' residence in India, by James Forbes. . . 1813. 4. 7696. Origin of the Pindarics, preceded by historical notes on the rise of the different Mahratta States. . 1818. 1. 7697. Our last years in India, by Mrs. John B. Spcid. . 1862. 1. 7698. Our tropical Possessions in Malayan India, by J. Cameron. ........ 1865. 1. 7699. Parsees, the; their history, manner.*, customs, and religion, by Dosabhoy Framjee. .... 1858. 1. 7700. Pen and Pencil Sketches, being the journal of a tour in India, by Capt. Mundy 1832. 2. 7701. Personal adventures during the Indian Eebellion, by Wm. Edwards 185s. ]. 7702. Personal narrative of thirteen years' service amongst the wild tribes of Khondistan, by Major Gen. John Campbell 1864. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. II. Asia. 233 Tlll.d. i-m. 7704. 7705. 7706. 7707. 7708. 7709. 7710. 7711. 7712. 7713. 7714. 7715. 7716. 7717. 7718. 7719. 7720. 7721. 7722. •7723. 7724. 7725. 7726. d) India &c. Personal narrative of two years' imprisonment in Burmah, by Henry Gouger. .... Personal Observations on Scinde, by T. Postans. Political and military events in British India 1756- 1849, by Jlajor William Hougb. Popular Account of the manners and customs of India. Private journal of the Marquess of Hastings, Governor- General and Commander-in-chief in India. Progress and present State of British India, by R. Montgomery Martin. ...... Punjab, the; being a brief account of the country of the Sikhs, by Lieut. Col. Steinbach. Qanoon-e-Islam, or the customs of the Musselmaus of India, by Jaffur ShuiTeef Eambles and Recollections of an Indian Official, by Sir W. H. Sleeman Rambles iu Ceylon, by Lieut, de Butts. . Rebellion in India, the, and how to prevent another, by John B. Xorton. ...... Recollections of four years' service in the East with the 40th Regiment, by J. M. B. Neill. Review of the affairs of India 1798-1806. Reminiscences of a Bengal Civilian, by Wm. Edwards. Rifle in Cashmere, the, by Arthur Brinckman. Rock-cut Temples of India, by James Fergnsson, illustrated by Major Gill Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan, with Sketches of Anglo-Indian Society, by Emma Roberts. Seaman's Narrative of his adventures during a cap- tivity among Chinese pirates on the Coast of Cochin- China, by Edward Brown Selections from the papers of Lord Metcalfe, Governor- General of India, edited by J. W. Kaye. Shooting in the Himalayas, by Cob Frederick Jtarkham. Sitana; a mountain campaign on the borders of Af- ghanistan, by Col. John Adye Six Months in British Burmah, by Christopher T. "Winter. ...•■•■• Six Mouths in India, by JIary Carpenter. Six Years in India, by Mrs. Colin Mackenzie. 30 1860. 1843. vols. 1. 1. 1853. 1847. 2. 1. 1858. 2. — 1. 1845. 1. 1832. 1. 1844. 1841. 2. 1. 1857. 1. 1845. 1807. 1866. 1862. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1864. 1. 1835. 3. 1861. 1. 1855. 1854. 1. 1. 1867. 1. 1858. 1. 1868. 2. 1857. 1. 234 Histovij, Tracch and Voyages. II. Asia. n. II. J. 7727. 7728. 7729. 7730. 7731. 7732. 7733. 7734. 7735. 7736. 7737. 7738. 7739. 7740. 7741. 7742. 7743. 7744. 7745. 7746. 7747. 7748. 7749. 7750. d) Indi.i &c. Sketches of Indi 1849. 1. 246 History, Travels and Voyages. III. Africa. a) Egypt &c. //. 1 1 La. 8030. Sources of the Nile, by Dr. Charles T. Bcke. 8031. Topography of Thebes, and general view of Egypt by Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson. 8032. 'JVavcls in Egypt, Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Land by the Hon. Charles Irby, and James Mangles. 8033. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, the Holy Land, Mount Lebanon, and Cyj)rus in 1814, by Henry Light. 8034. Travels in Egypt, Syria &c., by "VV. G. Browne. 8035. Travels in Kordofan, by Ignatius I'allme. 8036. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, from the French of Sounini. ...... 8037. Village life in Egypt, with sketches of the Said, by Biiyle St. John. ..... 8038. Winter in Upper and Lower Egypt, by G. A. Hoskins, 18G0. vola 1 1835. 1 1844. 1 1818. 1 1 1 1844. 1799. 3. 1852. 18G3. nistory, Travels and Vorjages. III. Africa. 247 ILIII.h.HOCA. 8062. 8063. 8064. 8065. 8066. 8067. 8068. 8069. 8070. 8071. 8072. 8073. 8074. 8075. 8076. 8077. 8078. 8079. 8080. 8081. 8082. 8083. 8084. b) Algiers, Morocco &c. Algeria and Tunis, by Capt. J. C. Kennedy. . Algeria in 1845; a visit to the French Possessions in Africa, by Count St. Marie. Arti.sts and Arabs, by Henry Blackburn. Autumn Rambles through Northern Africa, by John Ormsby. ....... Conquest and Colonization in North Africa, by G W. Cooke Corsair and his Conqueror, the; a winter in Algiers by H. E. Pope Diary of a lady's travels in Barbary. Evenings in my tent, or wanderings in Balad Ejjareed by the Eev. N. Davis. .... Excursions in the Mediterranean, by Sir G. T. Temple. French in Africa, the, by L. Trent Cave. French in Algiers, the, by Lady Duff Gordon. History of Morocco , from the French of Chenier. Journal of a residence in the Esmailla of Abd-el- Kader, and of travels in Morocco and Algiers, by Col. Scott. Journal of travels from Cairo to the capital of Fezzau 1797-98, by Frederick Horneman. Journey to Morocco in 1826, by Captain Beauclerk. Letters from the South, by Thomas Campbell. Lion-hunting and Shooting life in Algiers, by Jules Gerard. ........ NaiTative of a journey to Morocco, by Thomas Hodgkin. ........ Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa 1822-24, by Major Denhani, and Hugh Clapperton. ...... Narrative of travels in North Africa 1818-20, by Capt. G. F. Lyon Residence in Algeria, by Madame Prus. Seraalisso in Africa ; adventures in Algiers and other parts of Africa, by Prince Puckler-Muskau. Sixteen Years in Morocco, Spain, and the Canary Islands, by Mrs. E. Murray. .... Sketches of Algeria during the Kabylc War, by H. M. Walmsley 1846. 1846. 1868. 1864. 1860. 1860. 1850. 1854. 1835. 1859. 1845. 1788. 1842. vols. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. o 1802. 1828. 1837. 1 1 2 1856. 1 1866. 1 1826. 1. 1821. 1852. 1. 1. 1837. 3. 1859. 2. 1858. 1. 248 History, Travels and Voijages. III. Africa. b) Algiers, Morocco &c. //. III. h. 8085. Sporting in Algeria, by Edward V. Harcourt. 8080. Through Algeria 8087. Tour fiom Gibraltar to Tangier and Morocco, by Wm. Lempricre. ..... 8088. Travels in Morocco, by James Richardson. 8089. Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco , Tripoli , Cyprus &c 1803-07, written by himself. 8090. Travels, or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant, by Ur. Thomas Shaw. 8091. Trip to Barbary, by G. A. Sala. 8092. Under the Palms in Algeria and Tunis, by the Hon Lewis Wingfield. ..... 8093. Wanderings in North Africa, by James Hamilton. 8094. Western Barbary; its wild tribes and savage animals by John H. Drummond Hay. 8095. Winter in Algeria, a, by Mrs. G. Albert Rogers. 8090. Winter with the swallows, a, by Matilda Betham Edwards. ....... 1863. vols 1 1 1791. 1800. 1 2 1816. 2 1738. 1860. 1 1 1808. 1850. 2 1 1844. 1865. 1 1 1867. 1 History, Travels and Voyages. III. Africa. 249 c) Western Africa &c. JJ. 111. C. Sill. ALeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains, by Capt. "'^• Ricliard F. Burton 1863. 2. 8112. Ashantee, the, and tlie Gold Coast, by John Beecliam. 1841. 1. 8113. Captain Canot, or twenty years of an African Slaver, by B. Mayer 1854. 1. 8114. Dahomey and the Dahomans; being the journal of two missions to the King of Dahomey in 1849-50, - by Fredk. E. Forbes. 1851. 2. 8115. Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, by B. Cruikshank 1853. 2. 8116. History of the Island of St. Helena, by T. H. Brooke. 1824. 1. 8117. History of the Maroons, from their origin to the establishment of their chief tribe at Sierra Leone, by E. C. Dallas 1803. 2. 8118. Journal of an African Cruiser, edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1845. 1. 8119. Life in the Niger, by Wm. Cole 18C2. 1. 8120. Medical History of the expedition to the Niger in 1841-42, by James 0. M'William. . . . 1843. 1. 8121. Mission to Gelele, King of Dahomey, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. 1864. 2. 8122. Narrative of a voyage of observation among the colonies of Western Africa, by Sir James E. Alexander. ....... 1837. 2. 8123. Narrative of an expedition into the interior of Africa by the river Niger in 1832-34, by M Laird and R. Oldfield 1837. 2. 8124. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire or Congo 1818. 1. 8125. NaiTative of Robert Adams, who was wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa in 1810. . . . 1816. 1. 8126. Narrative of the expedition to the river Niger in 1841, by Capt. Allen, and T. Thomson. . . 1848. 2. 8127. Records of a voyage to the Western Coast of Africa in 1830-32, by Peter Leonard 1833. 1. 8128. Remarks on the country extending from Cape Palmas to the river Congo, by Capt. J. Adams. . . 1823. 1. 8129. Residence in Sierra Leone, edited by Mrs. Norton. . 1849. 1. 8130. Six months service in the African blockade, by Com- mander Forbes. ....... 1849. 1. 8131. Travels in Western Africa, by John Duncan. . 1847. 2. 32 250 History, Travels and Voyages. II J. Africa. c) Western Africa &c. H. III. C. 81^2. Travels in Western Africa, by Major Alexander ™'^ G. Laing 1825. 1 8133. Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and tlie river Gambia, by M. Adansou. ..... 1750. 1 8134. Voyages to the coast of Africa, from the French of Saugnier and Brisson. ..... 1792. 1 8135. Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fer- nando Po. 18G.3. 2 8136. White Man's Grave, the; a visit to Sierra Leone iu 1834, by F. Harrison Rankin 183G. 2 Histoi'y, Traveh and Vo>/offes. III. Africa. 251 JI.ITLJ.sm. 8152. 8153. 8154. 8155. 815G. 8157. 8158. 8159. 81 GO. 81G1. 8162. 8163. 8164. 8165. 8166. 8167. 8168. 8169. 8170. 8171. 8172. 8173. 8174. d) Southern Africa. Acconnt of the Cape of Good Hope, by Captain R. Percival. ......'. Account of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. . Basutos, the; or twenty three years in South Africa, by the Kev. E. Casales. ..... Cape, and its colonies, the, with hints to settlers, by George Nicholson. ...... Cape and the Kaffirs, the, by Alfred W. Cole. Cape and the Kaffirs, the, by Harriet Ward. . Cape of Good Hope, the, and its dependencies, by Capt. B. Stout Elephant Haunts, by Henry Faulkner. Excursions in Southern Africa, with a history of the Cape Colony, by Lieut. Col. E. Napier. Expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa, by Sir James E. Alexander. ..... Explorations in Southwestern Africa, by ThomasBaines. Five years in Kaffirland, by Harriet Ward. Five years of a hunter's life in South Africa, by R. Gordon Cumming. ...... Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope, by Charles F. Bunbury. ..... Journal of a visit to South Africa, by the Eev. C. J. Latrobe. ........ Lake Xgami; explorations and discoveries in South- western Africa, by Charles John Andersson. Life with the Zulus of Xatal, by G. H. Mason. Missionary labors and scenes in Southern Africa, by Robert Moffat Missionary travels and researches in South Africa, by David Livingstone. ...... Narrative of a journey to the Zulu country in South Africa, by Capt. Allen Gardiner. Narrative of an explorer in Tropical South Africa, by Francis Galton. ....... New travels into the interior parts of South Africa by way of the Cape of Good Hope, by Le Vaillant. Okavango river, the; a narrative of travels, explora- tion, and adventures, by Charles J. Anderson. Researches in South Africa, by the Rev. J. Philip. . 32* voU. 1804. 1. 1819. 1. 18G1. ]. 1848. 1. 1852. 1. 1851. 1. 1820. 1. 1868. 1. 1850. 2. 1838. 2 1864. 1 1848. 2 1850. 2 1848. 1 1821. 1 1855. 1 1 1842. 1 1858. 1 1836. 1 1853. 1 1796. 3 1861. 1 1828. 2 252 History, Travels and Voyages. III. Africa. d) Southern Africa. 11. III. d. 8175. Southern Africa; its geogi'aphy and natural history, by the Rev. F. Fleming. ..... 81 7G. Sporting Scenes among the Kaffirs of South Africa, by Capt. A Drayson. ..... 8177. State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. 8178. Ten weeks in Natal, by Dr. Colenso. 8179. Ten years in South Africa, including a particular de- scription of the wild sports of that country, by Lieut. J. W. Moodie. ..... 8180. Tour in South Africa, with notices of Natal, Mauri- I tins &c., by J. J. Freeman. .... 8181. Travels and adventures in Southern Africa, by George Thompson. ....... 8182. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa, by John Barron. ........ 8183. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa, by Wm. J. Burchell. ....... 8184. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa, by James Chapman. ........ 8185. Travels in the interior parts of South Africa by way of the Cape of Good Hope, from the French of Le Vaillant. 1790. 2. 8186. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope towards the An- tarctic Circle, and round the World in 1772-70, by Andrew Sparmann. ..... 1786. 2. 8187. "Wanderings and adventures in the interior of South Africa, by Andrew Stcedman. .... 1835. 2. 8188. Wild Sports of South Africa, by Capt. W. C. Harris. 1839. 1. vols. 185G. 1. 1858. 1. 182.3. 1. 1855. 1. 1835. 2. 1851. 1. 1827. 2 18()G. 2 1822. 2. 18G8. 2. History, Travels and Voyafjes. HI. Afiica. 253 II. III. c. 8201. 8202. 8203. 8204. 8205. 820G. 8207. 8208. 8209. 8210. 8211. 8212. 8213. 8214. 8215. 8216. 8217. 8218. 8219. 8220. 8221. 8222. 8223. e) Eastern and Central Africa. African Hunting from Natal to the Zambese 1852-60, ^'*''- by Wm. C. Baldwin 1863. 1. African Wanderings, or an expedition from Sennaar to Taki, Basa, and Ben-Amer, from tire German of Ferdinand Werne. ...... 1852. 1. Albert Nyanza, the Great Basin of the Nile, by Sir Samuel Baker 1866. 2. British Captives in Abyssinia, by Dr. Charles T. Beke. 1867. 1. Creoles and Coolies, or five years in the Mauritius, by the Rev. P. Beaton 1859. 1. Expedition to discover the sources of the White Nile in 1840-41, fom the German of Ferdinand Weruc. 1849. 2. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa, by P. de Chaillu 1861. 1. Far away, or Sketches of the Mauritius, by Charles John Boyle 1867. 1. First Footsteps in East Africa, or an exploration of Harar, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. . . . 1856. 1. Highlands of Ethiopia, by Major W. C. Harris. . 1844. 3. History of Madagascar, by the Rev. W. Ellis. . 1838. 2. Journal of a visit to some parts of Ethiopia, by George Waddington, and the Rev. B. Hanbury. . . 1822. 1. Journal of the discovery of the Source of the Nile, by Capt. John Hanning Speke. .... 1863. 1. Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia, by the Rev. Samuel Gobat, Bishop of Jerusalem. . 1834. 1. Journey to Ashango Land, by P. B. de Chaillu. . 1867. 1. Lake Regions of Central Africa, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. 1860. 2. Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the Negro King- doms of the White Nile, by Bayard Taylor. . 1854. 1. Life in Aby.ssinia, by Mansfield Parkyns. . . 1853. 2. Madagascar, past and present. .... 1847. 1. Madagascar, revisited, by the Rev. Wm. Ellis. . 1867. 1. Mauritius and ^Madagascar, by Vincent W. Ryan, Bishop of Mauritius 1864. 1. Narrative of an expedition to Dongola and Sennaar. 1822. 1. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambese, by David and Charles Livingstone. ..... 1865. 1. 254 History, Travels and Voyages, III. Africa. II. III. c. 8224. 8225. 8226. 8227. 8228. « 8229. 8230. 8231. g232. 8233. 8234. 8235. 8236. 8237. 8238. 8239. 8240. 8241. 8242. 8243. 8244. 8245. 8246. e) Eastern and Central Africa. Narrative of a mission to Central Africa in 1850-.' by James Eicliardson. .... N.arrative of a voyage of discovery to Africa and Arabia in 1821-20, by Capt. Tliomas Botelcr. Narrative of a voyage to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar, by Capt. W. Y. Owen. Narrative of Captivity in Abyssinia, by Dr. H. Blanc, Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, by Sir Samuel Baker, Eccollections of seven years' residence in the Mauritius Records of Captain Clapperton's last expedition to Africa, by Kicbard Lander. Hide through the Nubian Desert, by Capt. William Peel. Savage Africa, by W. Winwood Reade. . Sea-Nile, the, the Desert, and Nigritia; travels in company with Capt. Peel in 1851-52, by Joseph H. Churi Search for Livingstone, by E. D. Young. Story of the Universities' mission to Central Africa. by the Rev. Henry Rowley. Ten years' wanderings among the Ethiopians, by Thomas J. Ilutchinson. .... Three Visits to Madagascar in 1854-56, by the Rev, Wm. Ellis. Three years' cruise in the Mozambique Channel, by Lieut. Barnard. ...... Travels and adventures in Eastern Africa, by Na thaniel Isaac. ...... Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa in 1849-55, by Dr. Barth. Travels in Abyssinia, from the MSS. of Walter C Plowden. ....... Travels in Eastern Africa, with the narrative of ;i residence in Mozambique, by Lyons M'Leod. Travels in Nubia, by J. L. Burckhardt. . Travels in Southern Abyssinia, by Charles Johnston Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara in 1845-40 by James Richardson. ..... Travels in the interior districts of Africa performed in 1795-97, by Mungo Park. vola. 1853. 2. 1835. 2. 1 833. '>■ 1808. 1808. 1830. 1830. 1852. 1864. 185.3. 1808. 180G. 1801. 1859. 1848. 1836. 1857. 1808. 1. 180O. 2. 1819. 1. 1844. 2. 1848. 2. 1816. 2. History, Travels and Voyages. III. Africa. 255 e) Eastern and Central Africa. II- 111- e. 8247. Travels of an Arab merchant in Soudan, by Bayle ^'''^• St. John 1854. 1. 8248. Travels, researches, and missionary labors during eighteen years in Eastern Africa, by Dr. J. Lewis Krapf. 18G0. 1. 8249. Travels througli Central Africa to Timbuctoo, and across the Great Desert to Morocco in 1824-28, by Rene Cailli^ 1830. 2. 8250. Travels to discover the Source of the Nile in 17G8-73, by James Bruce. ...... 1790. 5. 8251. Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert, by G. A. Hoskins 1837. 1. 8252. Voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country in 1808-09, by Henry Salt. . . 1814. 1. 8253. Voyage to the Mauritius and back. . . . 1851. 1. 8254. "Walk across Africa, a, by James Augustus Grant. . 1864. 1. 8255. "Wanderings among the Falashes in Abyssinia, by the Rev. Henry A. Stern. 1862. 1. 8256. "What led to the discovery of the Source of the Nile, by Cajit. John H. Speke 1864. 1 256 Ilistorij, Travels and Voyages. III. Africa. f) Africa in general. vols. 11. III. f. 8271. Africa and the Africans, by the Rev. R. M. Macbrair. 18G1. 1. 8272. Historical Account of the discoveries and travels in Africa, by Hugh Murray 1818. 2. History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. 257 a) The Arctic Regions. J/.Il .a. 8281. Account of the Arctic Regions, with a history and '"'''• description of the Northern Whalefishery, by Wm. Scoresby 1820. 2. 8282. Arctic Boat-Journey in the autumn of 1854, by Isaac J. Hayes 18C0. 1. 8283. Arctic-Searching Expedition; journal of a boat-voyage in search of Sir John Franklin, by Sir John Richardson. ....... 1851. 2. 8284. Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound, by Robert A. Goodsir. 1850. 1. 8285. Authentic narrative of a voyage performed, by Cai^t. Cook and Capt. Gierke in the "Resolution" and "Discovery" in 1776-80, by W. Ellis. . . 1780. 2. 8286. Brief narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Bay in 1824, by Capt. G. Lyon. . . 1825. 1. 8287. Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, by John Barrow. .... 8288. Description of Greenland , by Hans Egede. 8289. Explorations in the interior of the Labrador Peninsula, by Henry Y. Hind. ...... 8290. History of Greenland, by David Crantz. 8291. History of the voyages and discoveries in the North, from the German of J. Reinhold Forster. . . 178G. 1. 8292. Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North- west passage in 1819-20, by Capt. W. E. Parry, with a supplement. ...... 1821. 2. 8293. Journal of a voyage (the second) for the discovery of a Northwest passage in 1824-25, by Capt. W. E. Parry 1826. 2. 8294. Journal of a voyage to Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits in 1850-51, performed by the "Lady Frank- lin" and "Sophia," by Dr. P. C. Sutherland. . 1852. 2. 8295. Journal of a voyage to the Northern Whale-fishery, by Wm. Scoresby 1823. 1. 8296. Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean in 1769-72, by Samuel Heame. . . . 1795. 1. 8297. Last of the Arctic Voyages, being a narrative of the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in 1852-54, by Sir Edward Belcher. . . . 1855. 2. 8298. Life with the Esijuimaux, by Capt. Francis Charles Hall 1864. 2. 33 1818. 1818. 1. 1. 1863. 1767. 2. 2. 258 Ilistorij, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. a) The Arctic Regions. II. IV. a. 8299. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea ''°'^- in 1819-22, by Sir John Franklin. • . . . 1823. 1. 8300. Narrative of a journey (the second) to the shores of the Polar Sea in 1825-27, by Sir John Franklin 1828. 1. 8301. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North West passage in 1829-33, by Sir John Ross. . 1835. 1. 8302. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Bcliring's Straits to cooperate with the Polar Expedition, by F. W. Beechcy. 1831. 2. 8303. Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole in 1827 in boats, by Capt. W. E. Parry. . . 1828. 1. 8304. Narrative of an e.xpedition to the Arctic Shores in 183G-37, by Capt. Back 1838. 1. 8305. Narrative of an exj)cdition to the Polar Sea in 1820- 23, commanded by Lieut. F. von Wrangell, edited by Major E. Sabine 1830. 1. 8300. Narrative of Arctic discovery from the earliest period to the present time, by John J. Shillinglaw. . 1850. 1. 8307. Narrative of the Arctic Land-Ex])edition to the mouth of the Great Fish river, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833-35, by Capt. Back. . . 183G. 1. 8308. Narrative of the discoveries on the North Coast of America effected by officers of the Hudson's Bay company in 183G-39, by Thomas Simpson. . 1843. 1. 8309. Narrative of tlie discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions, by Sir Leopold M'Clintock 18G0. 1. 8310. North West Passage by land, by Viscount Milton and W. B. Cheadle 1865. 1. 8311. Open Polar Sea, the, by Dr. J. J. Hayes. . . 1867. 1. 8312. Personal narrative of the discovery of the North West Passage, by Dr. Alexander Armstrong. . . 1857. 1. 8313. Polar Regions, the, by Sir John Richardson. . . 18G1. 1. 8314. Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted, by the Hon. D. Barrington. .... 1818. 1. 8315. Private journal of Capt. G. F. Lyon during the voyage of discovery under Capt. Parry. . . 1824. 1. 831G. Short narrative of the second voyage of tlie "Prince Albert" in search of Sir John Franklin, by Wm. Kennedy. 1853. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. 259 a) The Arctic Regions. Jl.IV.a. 8317. Sir Jolin Franklin and the Arctic Regions, hy P. ™''- L. Simmonds. ....... 1851. 1. 8318. Summer search for Sir John Franklin, with a jieeji into the Polar Basin, by Commander E. Ingleiield. 18.')3. 1. 8319. United States Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, by Dr. Elisha K. Kane. . . 1854. ]. 8320. Voyage of discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, by Sir John Eoss 1819. 2. 8321. Voyage of discovery towards the North Polo, per- formed under the command of Capt. David Bucban, by Capt. F. Beecliey. 181:). 1. 8322. Voyage of H. M. S. "Resolute" to the Arctic Regions in search of Sir John Franklin in 1852-54, by Capt. F. M'Dougall 1857. 1. 8323. Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic Regions from the year 1818 to the jjresent time, by Sir John Barrow. ...... 1846. 1. 33* 2G0 Ilistorrj, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. b) The liritish Possessions. //. /I . h. 8331. Account of North America, by Major Rogers. . 8332. Adventures and recollections of Col. Landmann. 8333. Adventures and Suffering's of J. R. Jewitt, during a captivity of three years among the savages of Nootka Sound. ....... 8334. Adventures of an angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States, by Charles Lauman. 8335. After Icebergs with a jtainter; a summer voyage to Labrador and around Newfoundland, by the Rev. Louis Noble. ....... 833G. Autlieutic letters from Upper Canada, by T. W. Magrath. 8337. British America, by John M'Gregor. 8338. British Dominions in North America, topographical and statistical, by Joseph Boucliette. 8339. Bubbles of Canada, by Judge Haliburton. 8340. Canada, by Wm. Howard Russell. 8341. Canada and the Canadians, by Sir R. Bonnycastle. 8342. Canada as it was and may be, by Sir R. Bonnycastle. 8343. Canada in 1841, by Sir R. Bonnycastle. 8344. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Possessions in North America, by J. Silk Buckingham. ....... 8345. Conquest of Canada, by Eliot Warliurton. 8346. Echoes from the Backwoods, or sketches of Transat- lantic civilisation, by Capt. R. Levinge. 8347. Emigrant, the, by Sir Francis B. Head. 8348. Emigrant's Pocket-companion, the, by Robert Mudie. 8349. Five years' residence in the Canadas, by Edward A.Talbot. 8350. Forest Scenes and incidents in the wilds of North America, by George Head. .... 8351. History of Canada, by John Macmullen. 8352. Hochelaga, or England in the New "World, edited by Eliot Warburton. 8353. Hudson's Bay, or everj'day life in the Wilds of North America, by R. M. Ballantyne. .... 8354. Hudson's Bay Territories, and Vancouver's Island, by R. Montgomeiy Martin. ..... 8355. Letters from Nova Scotia, by Capt. W. Moorsom. 8356. Narrative, a, by Su- Francis B. Head. 1765. 1852. vola 1. 2. 1824. 1. 1848. 1. 1861. 1833. 1832. 1. 1. 2. 1832. 1839. 1865. 1846. 1852. 1841. 2. 1. ]. 2. 2. 2_ 1843. 1849. 1. 2. 1846. 2. 1847. 1832. 1. 1. 1824. 2. 1829. 1868. 1. 1. 1847. 2. 1859. 1. 1849. 1830. 1839. 1. 1. 1. Ilistorif, Tvai'ch and Voijofjes. IV. America, 261 b) The British Possessions. II. i\ . b. 8357. Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's Bay, by Lient. '"'"• E. Chappell 1817. 1. 8358. Narrative of the Canadian Eed River exploring ex- pedition of 1857, and of the Assineboine and Sas- katchewan exploring expedition of 1858, by Kenry Y. Hind 8359. Newfoundland, by Sir E. Bonnycastle. 8360. Notes of a twenty live years' residence in the Hudson's Bay Territory, by John M'Lean. 8361. Oregon question examined in respect to fiiets and the laws of nations, by Travers Twiss. 8362. Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clearings, or travels, life, and adventures in the British North American Provinces, by Lieut. Col. Sleigh. 8363. Practical notes made during a tour in Canada &c., by Adam Ferguson. ...... 8364. Roughing it in the bush, or life in Canada, by Susanna Moodie. ...... 8365. Shoe and Canoe, or pictures of travel in the Canadas, by John J. Bigsby. ...... 8366. Six months of a Newfoundland missionary's journal, by Archdeacon Wix. ...... 8367. Sketches of Canadian life 8368. Sporting excursions in the Rocky Mountains, by J. K. Townshend 8369. Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada, by Major W. Ross King. ....... 8370. Substance of a journal during a residence at the Red River colony, by John "West. .... 8371. Three Years in Canada, by John Mactaggart. 8372. Three Years' residence in Canada, by T. R. Preston. 8373. Traits of American Indian life. .... 8374. Travels in Canada and the United States, by Lieut. F. Hall 8375. Twenty seven years in Canada West, by UFajor Strickland. ....... 8376. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia, shewing what to expect and what to get there, by J. Dcspard Pemberton. . 18G0. 1. 1860. 2. 1842. 2. 1819. 2_ 1846. 1. 1853. 1. 1833. 1. 1852. 2_ 1850. o 1836. 1. 1849. 1. 1840. 2. 1866. 1. 1824. 1. 1829. 2. 1840. 2_ 1853. 1. 1819. 1. 1853. 2_ 2G2 History, Travels and Voija(jes. IV. America. h) The British Possessions. Il.IV.h. 8377. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia, where they '"''"• are, what they are, .and what they m.iy become, by Dr. Alexander Kattray. ..... 1SC2. 1. 8378. Wanderings of an artist among the Indians of North America, by Paul Kane. ..... 18.59. 1. 8379. Winter Studies and Summer rambles in Canada, by Mrs. Jameson. ....... 1838. 3. 1819. 1. 1831. 2. 1818. 1. 1833. 1. 1855. 1. 184G. 1. 1841. 3. 1846. 3. Ilislortj, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. 2G3 c) The United States. i/. 71 .r. 8391. Across the Eocky Mountains from New York to ™'*- California, by Wm. Kelly. .... 1852. 1. 8392. Adventures of Capt. Bonneville, or scenes beyond the Kocky Mountains of the Far West, by Washington Irving 1837. 3. 8393. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia river, by Alexander Ross. 8394. Adventures on the Columbia river, by Ross Cox. 8395. America and her resources, by John Bristed. 8396. America and the Americans. ..... 8397. America and the Americans, by W. E. Baxter. 8398. America and the Americans, by F. von Raumcr. 8399. America, historical, statistical, and descriptive, by J. Silk Buckingham. ...... 8400. America, its realities and resources, by Francis Wyse. 8401. American facts, notes, and statistics, relative to the United States, by G. P. Putnam. . . . 1845. 1. 8402. American notes for general circulation, by Charles Dickens 1842. 1. 8403. Americans at home. ...... 1854. 3. 8404. Americans in their moral, social, and political relations, by F. J. Grund. 1837. 2. 8405. Aristocracy in America, edited by F. J. Grund. . 1839. 2. 8406. Astoria, or enterprise beyond the Kocky Mountains, by Washington Irving. ..... 1836. 3. 8407. Battlefields of the South from Bull's Run to Fredericks- burg, by an English Combatant. 8408. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. .... 8409. Black and White; a journal of a tour in the United States, by Henry Latham. ..... 8410. Border and Bastile, by George Lawrence. 8411. California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountains, by Francis Parkman. . 1849. 1. 8412. Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico, by Capt. W. S. Henry 1847. 1. 8413. Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor, by G. W. Featherstonhaugh . . 1847. 2. 8414. Carolina Sports, by the Hon. Wra. Elliott. . . 1867. 1. 8415. City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California, by Capt. Richard F. Burton. . . 1861. 1. 1863. 1865. 2. 2. 1867. 1863. 1. 1. 2G4 Ilistorij, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. JI.lV.c. 8416. 8417. 8418. 8419. 8420. 8421. 8422. 8423. 8424. 8425. 842G. 8427. 8428. 8429. 8430. 8431. 8432. 8433. 8434. 8435. 8436. 8437. 8438. c) The United States. Colorado, a summer trip, by Bayard Taylor. . Crusoe's Island, by J. Eoss Browne. Dalicotali, or life and legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling, by Mrs. Mary Eastman. Democracy in America, from the French of A. de Tocqueville. ....... Diary in America, by Capt. Marryat. Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to tlie Coasts of the Pacific, by Baldwin MiiUhausen. Eastern and Western States of America, by J. Silk Buckingham. ....... Eldorado, or adventures in the path of empire, com- prising a voyage to California &c., by Bayard Taylor. Englisliwoman's experience in America, an, by Mari- anne Finch. ....... Excursion through the Slave States from Washington to the frontier of Mexico, by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Expedition from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains, by Edwin Jamos. ...... Female Life among the Mormons. .... Four months among the gold finders in Alta California, by Dr. J. T. Brooks Four years in the saddle, by Col. Harry Gilmor. General view of the United States of America. Geographical description of the United States, by John Mellish. ....... Hesperos, or Travels in the West, by Mrs. Iloustoun. History of Congress, biographical and political, by H.G.Wheeler History of Oregon and California, and the other terri- tories of the Northwest coast of North America, by Eobert Greenhow. ...... History of Upper and Lower California, by Alexander Forbes History of the American Revolution, by George Bancroft. ........ History of the American War, by Lieutenant Col. Fletcher. ........ History of the origin, progi'css, and termination of the American War, by C. Steedman. 1867. 1864. vols. 1. 1. 1849. 1. 1840. 1839. 4, 3. 1858. 2, 1842. 3. 18.50. 2. 185.3. 1, 1844. 2 1823. 1855. o .J. 1 1849. 1866. 1833. 1. 1. 1. 1818. 1850. 1. 2. 1848. 2, 1844. 1. 1839. 1. 1852. 3. 1865-66 1. O. 1794. 2. History, Travels and Voyages. IV. Ameiica. 265 c) The United States. IJ. 1 V. C. 8439. History of tlie rise and progress of tlie United States *»''• till the British Eevolution of 1G88, by James Grahame. ........ 1827. 2. 8440. Histoiy of the United States, from the discovery of the American Continent, by George Bancroft. . 1843. 3. 8441. Homes of the Xew World, by Frederika Bremer. . 1853. 3. 8442. Impressions of America, by Tyrone Power. . . 1836. 2. 8443. Indian Captivities, or life in the wigwam, by Samuel Drake. ........ Is.jl. 1. 8444. Indian Sketches taken during an expedition to the Pawnee and other tribes of Indians, by J. T. Irving. 1835. 2. 8445. Journal, a, by Frances Anne Butler. . . . 1835. 2. 8446. Journal of a residence and tour in the United States, by E. S. Abdy 1835. 3. 8447. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, by Frances Anne Kemble (Butler) 1863. 1. 8448. Journal of travels in the United States and Lower Canada, by John Palmer. .... 8449. Journey into the back Country, by F. L. Olmsted. 8450. Journey to the Great Salt Lake, by Jules Eemy. 8451. Journeys and explorations in the Cotton Kingdom, by F. L. Olmsted 1801. 2. 8452. Kansas, or squatter life and border warfare in the Far West, by Thos. Gladstone 1857. 1. 8453. Kitchi-Gami; Wanderings around Lake Superior, by J. G. Kohl 8454. Letters from America, by John R. Goodley. 8455. Letters from an American Farmer, by J. H. St, John. 8456. Life in California. ...... 8457. Life in Dixie's Land, or the South in Secession-time, by Edmund Kirke. ...... 8458. Life in the clearings versus the bush, by Mrs. Moodie. 8459. Life in the South 1860-62 8460. Memoir of the Confederate War for independence, by Heros von Borcke. ...... 1860. 2. 8461. Memoirs official and personal, with sketches of travels among the Northern and Southern Indians, by Thomas L. M'Kenney. ..... 1846. 1. 8462. Memorable days in America, being a journal of a tour in the United States, by W. Faux. . . . 1823. 1. 34 1818. 1. 1800. 1. 1861. 2. 1800. 1. 1844. 2 1783. 1. 1846. 1. 1863. 1. 1853. 1. 1863. 2 2GG ITisto)'!/, Trmr.ls and Vonacjes. IV. America. 11. 1 1 '. r. 84G3. 84G4. 8465. 846G. 84G7. 84G8. 84G9. 8470. 8471. 8472. 8473. 8474. 8475. 847G. 8477. 8478. 8479. 8480. 8481. 8482. 8483. 8484. 8485. 848G. 8487. c) Tlie United States. Men and manners in America, by Capt. Tliomas Hamilton. ....... Minnesota and the Far West, by Lawrence Olipbant Moral and political Sketch of the United States, by Achille Murat Mormons at Lome, by Mrs. B. Ferris. Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, with memoirs of the life and death of Joseph Smith. . My Diary North and South, by W. H. Kussell. Narrative of a journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, by H. B. Fearon. ....... Narrative of an expedition of Five Americans into a country of wild animals. ..... New America, by W. Hopworth Dixon. . New England and her institutions. North America, by Anthony Trollope. Notes of a journey in America from the coasts of Virginia to the territory of Illinois, by M. Birkbeck. Notes on North America, agricultural, economical, and social, by James F. W. Johnston. Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas JeflPerson. Notes on the United States during a phrenological visit in 1838-40, by Dr. George Combe. Notions of the Americans, picked up by a travelling bachelor. ........ Observations on professions, literature, manners, and emigration in the United States and Canada, by the Rev. J. Fidler Old England and New England in a series of views taken on the Spot, by Alfred Bunn. Planter, the, or thirteen years in the South. Ramble of six thousand miles through the United States, by S. A. Farrall Rambles in North America, by Charles Joseph Latrobe. Remarks on the United States, by Henry Duhring Retrospect of Western Travel, by Harriet Martineau Scenes of wonder and curiosity in California, by J. M. Hutchings. ...... Second visit to the United States, by Sir Charles Lyell vols. 183.3. 2. 1855. 1. 183.3. 1. 185G. 1. 1851. 1. 18G3. 2. 1819. 1. 18.54. 1. 18G7. 2. 1835. 1. 18G2. 2. 1818. 1. 1851. 2. 1794. 1. 1841. 3. 1828. 2. 1833. 1. 1853. 2. 1853. 1. 1832. 1. 1835. 2. 183.3. 1. 1838. 3. 18G5. 1. 1849. 2. 1. Ilistonj, Travels and Vo>/ages. IV. America. 267 c) The United States. n. 1\ . c. 8488. Sights^ in the Gold Region, and scenes by the way, ^"i^- by Theodore T. Johnson _' 1^49 j 8489. Six months in America, by Godfrey T. Vigne. . 1832. 2. 8490. Six months in tlie Federal States, by Edward Dicey. 1863. 2. 8491. Sketch of the history of the United States, by J. M. Ludlow, and the Struggle for Kansas, by Thos. Hughes Igfjo. 8492. Slave States of America, by J. Silk Buckingham. . — 2 8493. Society in America, by Harriet Martineau. . . 1837. 3. 8494. Solitary Hunter, the, or sporting adventures in the prairies, by John Palliser 185(5 j 8495. Soundings from the Atlantic, by Oliver Wendell Holmes 1SC4. 1. 8496. Story of the Great March, by Major G. Ward Nichols. 1865. 1. 8497. Stray Yankee in Texas, by Philip Caxton. . . 1853. 1. 8498. Stroll through the diggings of California, by William ^^ellj 1852. 1. 8499. Subaltern's furlough, a, descriptive of scenes in various parts of the United States &c., by Lieut. E. T. Coke. 1833. 1. 8500. Summary view of America 1824. 1 8501. Texas; rise, progress, and prospects of that republic, by Wm. Kennedy 1841. 2 8502. Things as they are in America, by Wm. Chambers. 1854. 1. 8503. Thirty years of Army Life on the border, by Col. R. B- ^^arcy IggC j 8504. Three months in the Southern State?, by Lieut. Col. Fremantle 1863_ j 8505. Three years in California, by J. D. Borthwick. . 1857. 1. 8506. Three years in North America, by James Stuai-t. . 1833. 2. 8507. Topographical description of the Western territory of North America, by George Imlay. . . . 1793. 1. 8508. Tour of duty in California, by J. W. Revere. . 1849. 1. 8509. Tour of the American Lakes, and among the Indians of the North West, by C. Colton. . . . 1833. 2. 8510. Tour on the prairies, by Washington Irving. . . 1835. 1. 8511. Tour through North America, by Patrick Shirreff. . 1835. 1. 8512. Travels in New England and New York, by Timothy iJwight 1823. 4. 8513. Travels inNorthAmerica, by the Mari^nisdeChastellux. 1787. 2. 34* 268 History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. c) The United States. vols. //. IV. C. 8514. Travels in North America, by Capt. Basil Hall. . 1829. :!. 8515. Travels in North America, by Peter Kalm. . . 1772. 2. 851G. Travels in North America, by the Hon. Augustus Murray 1839. 2. 8517. Travels in North America, with geological observations on the United States &c., by Sir Charles Lyell. . 1845. 2. 8518. Travels in the interior of America, by John Bradbury. 1819. 1. 8519. Travels in the United States and Canada, by J. Finch. 1833. 1. 8520. Travels through Louisiana, by Bossu. . . . 1771. 2. 8521. Travels through part of the United States and Canada, by John M. Duncan 1823. 2. 8522. Travels through the interior parts of North America, by J. Carver. . . . . . . . 1779. 1. 8523. Travels through the middle States of North America, by the llev. Andrew Burnaby. .... 1775. 1. 8524. Travels through the States of North America and Canada, by Isaac Weld 1799. 1. 8525. Travels to the source of the Missouri, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, by Caj)ts. Lewis and Clarke 1817. 3. 852G. Two years on the farm of Uncle Sam, by Charles Casey 1852. 1. 8527. Two years' residence in the settlement on the English prairie in Illinois, by John Woods. 8528. United States, the, by D. W. Slitchell. . 8529. United States, the, and Canada, by C. D. Arfwedson. 8530. Upper Ten Thousand, the; Sketches of American Society 1852. 1. 8531. Vacation Tour in the United States and Canada, by Charles E. Weld 8532. View of society and manners in America. 8533. Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. . 8534. Visit to the United States, by Joseph Sturge. . 8535. Voice from America to England. 853G. Wabash, the; or adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America, by J. Eichard Beste 1855. 2. 8537. Wanderings and fortunes of German Emigrants, from the German of Frederick Gerstaecker. . . 1848. 1. 8538. Western Clearings, by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. . . 184G. 1. 1822. 1. 183G. 1. 1834. •)_ 1855. 1821. 1826. 1842. 1839. History, Travels and Votjages. IV. America. 269 c) The United States. II. IV. C. 8539. Western World, or travels in the United States, by Alexander Mackay. ...... 8540. What I saw in California in 184G-47, by Edwin Bryant. ........ 8541. White, Red, Black; Sketches of Society in the United States, by Francis and Theresa Pulzky. 8542. Whittliugs from the West 8543. Wild Scenes in the forest and prairie, by C. F. Hoff- man. ...... 8544. Winter in the Far West, by C. F. Hoffman. . vols. 1849. 3. 1849. 1. 1853. 3. 1854. 1. 1839. 2. 1835. 2. 270 History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. IJ. 1 1 '. (/. 8581. 8582. 8583. 8584. 8585. 8586. 8587. 8588. 8589. 8590. 8591. 8592. 8593. 8594. 8595. 8596. 8597. 8598. 8599. 8G00. 8601. 8602. 8603. 8604. tl) Mexico and Central America. Adventures in Mexico and the Eocky Mount«iins, by George F. lliixton. ..... Court of Mexico, by Countess Paula Kollouitz. History of the Conquest of Mexico, by William II Prescott. ....... Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, by John L. Stephens. Incidents of travel in Yucatan, by John L. Ste2)hens Journal of a residence and tour in the Republic of Mexico, by Capt. G. F. Lyon. Life in Mexico, by iladame Calderon. Mexico, ancient and modern, by Michel Chevalier. Mexico as it was, and as it is, by Brantz Mayer. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish, and Republican, by Brantz Mayer. ....... Mexico in 1827, by H. G. Ward. . Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico, by the Abbe Domenech. ..... Mitla; a narrative of incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala, and Salvador, by G. F. von Tempsky. ..... Narrative of a residence on the Mosquito Shore, by Thomas Young. ...... Narrative of an official visit to Guatemala from Mexico, by G. A. Thompson. ...... Notes on Central America, particularly the States of Honduras and San Salvador, by E. G. Squier. Notes on Mexico, by Charles Lempriere. Notes on Mexico, by J. R. Poinsett. Pictures of life in Mexico, by R. H. Mason. Political essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, con- taining researches relative to Mexico, by Baron Humboldt. ....... Rambles in Yucatan, by B. M. Norman. Recollections of Mexico, by Waddy Thompson. Rise and Fall of the Emperor Maximilian, by Count Emile de Keratry. ...... Selections from the Works of Baron Humboldt, relat- ing to the climate, inhabitants, productions, and mines of Mexico, ...... vols. 1847. 1. 1868. 1. lS4:i. 3. 1841. 2. 1843. 2. 1828. 2. 1843. 1. 1864. 2. 1844. 1. 1852. 2. 1828. 2. 1858. 1. 1858. 1. 1842. 1. 1829. 1. 1856. 1. 1862. 1. 1825. 1. 1851. 2. 1822. 4. 1843. 1. 1846. 1. 1868. 1. 1824. 1 History, Travels and Voyages. IV. Amenca. 271 d) Mexico and Central America. 7/. i I . «. 8605. Seven year's travel in Central America, Northern '''''^■ Mexico &c., by Julius Fro-bel. .... 1859. 1. 8G0G. Six months residence and travels in Mexico, by W. Bullock 1824. 1. 8607. Travels in the free States of Central America, Nica- ragua, Honduras, and San Salvador, by Carl Scherzer 1857. 2. 8608. Travels in the interior of Mexico, by Lieutenant E. W. Hardy 1820. 1. 8609. Travels over the Table-Lands, and Cordilleras of Mexico, by Albert U. Gilliam 184G. 1. 8610. Trip to Mexico, or recollections of a ten mouths' ramble in 1849-50 1851. 1. 8611. Vagabond life, or a wanderer's adventures in Mexico, by Gabriel Ferry 1856. 1. 8612. Visit to Mexico by the West India Islands, Yucatan, and the United States, by \Vm. Parisli Robertson. 1853. 2. 8613. Waikna, or adventures on the Moscpito Shore, by Samuel A. Bard 1855. 1. 8614. Wild life in the interior of Central America, by George Byam 1849. 1. 8615. With Maximilian in Mexico, by Baron v. Alvensleben. 1867. 1. 8616. With the French in Mexico, by J. F. Elton. . . 1867. 1. 272 History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. II. /r. e. 8631. 8632. 8633. 8634. 8635. 8636. 8637. 8638. 8639. 8640. 8641. 8642. 8643. 8644. 8645. 8646. 8647. 8648. 8649. 8650. 8651. 8652. 8653. 8654. 8655. e) Tlie West Iiulics. vols. Annals of Jamaica, by the Rev. G. W. Biidge.s. . 1838. 2. Antigua and the Antiguans. ..... 1844. 2. Atrocities of the Pirates of the Island of Cuba, by Aaron Smith 1824. 1. Domestic Manners and social condition of the White, Colored, and Negro Population of the West Indies, by Mrs. Carmichael 1833. 2. FiveYears' residence in theWest Indies, by Clis. W.Day. 1852. 2. Four Years' residence in the West Indies, by F. W. N. Bayley 1830. 1. History, civil and commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies, by Bryan Edwards. . . 179."!. 3. In the Tropics, by a Settler in St. Domingo. . . 1864. 1. Journal of a West Indian Proprietor, kept during a residence in Jamaica, by Matthew G. Lewis. . 1834. 1. Letters from the Virgin Islands, illustrating life and manners in the West Indies. .... 1843. 1. Notes on Haiti, by Charles Mackenzie. . . . 1830. 2. Notes on the West Indies, by George Pinckard. . 1806. 3. Present State of Hayti, by James Franklin. . . 1828. 1. llesidence in the West Indies and America, by Thomas Staunton St. Clair. .... 1834. 2. Short history of the Barbadoes from its first discovery and settlement to 1767 1768. 1. Six Months in the West Indies, by H. N. Coleridge. 1826. 1. Sketches of Bermuda, by Susette II. Lloyd. . . 1835. 1. Sketches of Hayti, from the expulsion of the French to the death of Christophe, by W. W. Harvey. . 1827. 1. To Cuba and back, by Richard II. Dana. . 1859. 1. Travels in the West; Cuba, with notices of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade, by David Turnbull. . . 1840. 1. Trip to the Tropics, and home through America, by the Martj^uess of Lome. ..... 1867. 1. Twelve months' residence in the West Indies during the transition from Slavery to apprenticeship, by E. R. Madden 1835. 2. View of the past and jiresent state of Jamaica, by J. Stewart. 1823. 1. West India Sketch-book 1834. 2. West Indies, the, and the Spanish Main, by A. Trollope. 1860. 1. vols. 1847. 2. 18.J5. 1. 1839. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. 273 f) South America. II.Iv.j. 8GG1. Adventures on tbe Western Coast of South America, by John Coulter. ...... 8662. Araucanians, the; or notes of a tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili, by Edmond E. Smith. . 8663. Bogota in 1836-37, by J. Stewart 8664. Brazil and the Brazilians; historical and descriptive sketches, by the Eev. U. Kidder and the Kev. J. C. Fletcher 1857. 1. 8G65. Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings, by Thos. Hutchinson. ....... 18G5. 1. 8666. Extracts from a journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, by Cai^t. Basil Hall. . . 1824. 2. 8667. Expedition of Orsua, and the Crimes of Aguirre, by Robert Southey. 1821. 1. 8668. Giants of Patagonia, the; Capt. Bourne's account of his captivity among the extraordinary savages of Patagonia. ....... 8669. History of Brazil, by John Armitage. 8670. History of Brazil, by James Henderson. 8G71. History of Brazil, by Robert Southey. 8G72. History of British Guiana, by Henry G. Dalton. 8673. History of Chili 8674. History of the Conquest of Peru, by Wm. H. Prescott. 8675. Journal of a residence in Chili in 1822, and a voyage from Chili to Brazil in 1823, by Maria Graham. 1824. 1. 8676. Journal of a residence in Columbia, by Capt. Charles S. Cochrane 1825. 2. 8677. Journal of a voyage to Brazil, and residence there in 1821-23, by Maria Graham 8G78. Journal of a voyage to Peru, by Lieut. Charles Brand. 8679. Journey from Buenos Ayres through the Provinces of Cordova, Tucumun, and Salta to Potosi and other places in 1825-26, by Capt. Andrews. 8680. Journey in Brazil, by Professor and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. 8681. La Plata and the Argentine Confederation and Para- guay, by Thomas J. Page. .... 8682. Letters from Paraguay, by John C. David. 8683. Letters on Paraguay, comprising an account of a four years' residence there under the government of tlic Dictator Francia, by J. P. Robertson. . . 1838. 3. 35 1853. 1. 1836. 2, 1821. 1, 1810. 3. 1855. 2. 1819. 1. 1847. 2. 1824. 1828. 1. 1. 1827. 1868. 2. 1. 1859. 1805. 1. 1. 274 History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. {) South America. vols. 77. 7F./. 8684. Letters written from Columbia 1824. 1. 8685. Life in Brazil, or a journey of a visit to tlie land of the Cocoa and the Palm, by Thomas Ewbank. . 185G. 1. 8686. Long Vacation in the Argentine Alps, by H. C. E. Johnson. ....... 18G8. 1. 8687. Narrative of a journey across the Cordilleras of the Andes, and of a residence in Lima, by Robert Proctor. 1825. 1 . 8688. Narrative of a journey from Lima to Para across the Andes and down the Amazon, by Lieut. Smyth and F. Lowe 1836. 1. 8689. Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chili, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, by Gilbert F. Mathison. . . 1825. 1. 8690. Narrative of a voyage to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego in 182G-27, by John Macdouall. . . 18.3.3. 1. 8691. Narrative of proceedings in Venezuela, by George L. Chesterton 1820. 1. 8692. Narrative of Services in the liberation of Chili, Peru, and Brazil from the Spanish and Portuguese domi- nation , by the Earl of Dundonald. . . . 1859. 2. 8693. Narrative of the surveying voyage of the "Adventure" and "Beagle" between 1826-3G on the Shores of South America. ....... 1839. 3. 8694. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fc Expedition, by G. W. Kendall 1844. 2. 8695. Naturalist on the river Amazons, the, by Henry Walter Bates 1863. 2. 8696. New Granada; twenty months in the Andes, by Isaac Holton 1857. 1. 8697. Notes on Eio de Janeiro and the Southern Parts of Brazil, by John Luccock. .... 8698. Notices of Brazil, by the Rev. R. Walsh. 8699. Our Artist in Peru, by G. W. Carletou. . 8700. Peru as it is, by Archibald Smith. . 8701. Rough Notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes, by Sir F. B. Head. 184G. 1. 8702. Sketches of a residence and travels in Brazil, by the Rev. D. P. Kidder 1845. 2. 8703. South America and the Pacific, comprising a journey across the Pampas and the Andes, by the Hon. P. C. Scarlett 1838. 5. 8704. South American Sketches, by Th. Woodbine Iliuchliffe. 1863. 1. 1820. 1. 1830. 2. 1866. 1. 1839. 2. Ilistori/, Travels and Voyages. IV, Atnerica. 275 vols. 1825. 2. 1819. 1. 1821. 1. 184G. 1. 1821. 1. f) South .\merica. //./F./. 8705. Travels in Brazil, by Heuiy Koster. . . . 1817. 2 870G. Travels in Brazil in 1817-20, by Dr. Jobn Bajitist von Spix, and Dr. P. P. von Martins. . . 1821. 2. 8707. Travels in Chili and La Plata, by Jobn Miers. . 1826. 2. 8708. Travels in Peru in 1838-42 on the Coast, in tbc Sierra, across tbe Cordilleras and tbe Andes, into tbe Primeval Forests, by Dr. J. J. von Tscbiuli. 1847. 1. 8709. Travels in Soutb America in 1819-21, by Alexander Caldcleugh. ....... 8710. Travels in tbe interior of Brazil, by George Gardner. 8711. Travels in tbe interior of Brazil, by Jobn Mawe. 8712. Travels in the interior of Brazil, jnincipally tbrougb tbe Northern Provinces, by George Gardner. 8713. Travels in tbe Eepublic of Columbia, by G. Mollien. 8714. Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year's residence in Potosi, by Edmond Temple. . . 1830. 2 8715. Travels into Chili over tbe Andes, by Peter Schmidt- meyer. 1824. 1 871G. Travels tbrougb tbe interior Provinces of Columbia, by Col. J. P. Hamilton 1827. 2 8717. Twenty four years in tbe Argentine Eepublic, by Col. J. A. King. ...... 8718. Venezuela, by Edward B. Eastwick. 8719. Voyage to Soutb America, by 11. 11. Brackenridge. 8720. Voyage up tbe river Amazon, including a residence at Para, by Wm. H. Edwards 1847. 1. 8721. "Wanderings in Soutb America, tbe North West of tbe United States, and tbe Antilles, in 1812, 1816, 1S20 and 1824, by Charles Waterton. . . 1825. 1. 8722. "Wanderings in tbe "Western Eepublics of America, by George Byam 1850. 1. 8723. "Wild Scenes in Soutb America, by Don Eamon Paez. 1863. 1. 1846. 1. 1868. 1. 1820. 1. 35* 27G History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. g) America in general. Il.lWg. 8741. Account of the Cruise of tbe "St. George" uii tlic North American and West Indian Station, by N B. Denny.s. ...... 87-12. Account of the European Settlements in America. 8743. Conquerors of tlie New World and their bondsmen 8744. English in America, by Judge Haliburton. 8745. English Sportsman in the Western Prairies, the, by the Hon. Grantley Berkeley. . . . . 874G. Health trip to the Troiiics, by Nathaniel P. Willis. 8747. Historical notes respecting tbe Indians of North America, by John Halkett. . . . . 8748. History, geograjdiy, and statistics of America and the West Indies, by II. C. (.'aroy and J. Lea. 8749. History of America, by Wm. liussell. 8750. Last Kambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and tbe Andes, by George Catliu. 8751. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and con- dition of tbe North American Indians, by George Catliu. . 8752. Narrative of a tour in North America, by Henry Tudor. ........ 8753. Personal narrative of travels to tbe Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent in 1799-1804, by Baron A. von Humboldt. ....... 8754. Rambles and scrambles in North and South America, by Edward Sullivan. ...... 8755. Seven Years' residence in the Great Deserts of North America, by the Abbe Domenech. 875G. Shipwreck and adventures of Pierre Fiaud, from the French. ........ 8757. Spanish America, or a descriptive, historical, and geographical account of tbe dominions of Spain in tbe Western World, by Sir R. Bounycastle. 8758. Spanish Conquests in America and its relation to the history of slavery, and to the government of colonics, by Arthur Helps. ...... 8759. Steam-trip to the Tropics, a, by J. Hawkes. . 87C0. Transatlantic Sketches, comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in North and South America, and the West Indies, by Sir James E. Alexander. 180)2. 1770. 1852. 1851. 18(il. 1854. 1825. 182:5. 1778. vols. 1. o 2. 1818. 1857. 1864. 1833. 18G8. 1. 1841. 2. 1834. 2. 1818. 7. 1852. 1. 180O. 2_ 1771. 1. History, Travels and Voyages. IV. America. 277 g) America in general. 11. 1\ . fj. 87G1. Travels in America aud Italy, l)y the Viscount de '"''■ Chateaubriand 1828. 2. 8762. Travels in Mexico, South America, &c., by Godfrey T. Vigne 186.3. 2. 8763. Travels through Canada, and through the States of New York aud Pennsylvania, by J. G. Kohl. . 1861. 2. o 278 Ilistori/, Travels and Voyages, V. Oceanica. a) The East Indian Archipelago. J/. I . a. 8771. AcLcen, and the ports of the North and East Coasts ""'"• of Sumatra, by John Anderson. .... 1840. 1. 8772. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo, by Frederick Boyle 1HG5. 1. 8773. Borneo, and the Indian Archipelago, with drawings of costume and scenery, by Frank S. Marryat. . 1818. 1. 8774. Eastern Seas, or voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, by George W. Earl. . . . 18o7. 1. 8775. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. "Dido" for the suppression of piracy, by Capt. the Hon. Henry Keppell 1810. 2. 8776. History of Java, by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. . 1S17. 2. 8777. History of the Indian Archipelago, by John Crawford. 1820. 3. 8778. Hong Kong to Manilla in 185G, by Henry T. Ellis 1850. 1. 8779. Life in Java, with sketches of the Javanese, by Wm. Barrington D'Almeida. ..... 18(54. 2. 8780. Life in the forests of the far East, by Spencer St. John. 18G2 8781. Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan, from the journals of James Brooke, by Capt. Rodney Mundy. . . 1848. 2 8782. Political and statistical account of the British Settle- ments in the Straits of Malacca, by T. J. New- bold. 1839. 2 8783. Queedah, or stray leaves from a journal in Malayan waters, by Capt. Sherard Osborne. . . . 1857. 1 8784. Sarawak, its inhabitants and jn-oductions, by Hugh Low. 1848. 1 8785. Ten Years in Sarawak, by Charles Brooke. . . 18G6. 2 8786. Twenty Years in the Philippines, by Paul P. de la Gironiere 1854. 1 8787. Visit to the Indian Archipelago in H. M. S. " Mceander", by Capt. the Hon. Henry Keppell. . . . 1853. 1 8788. Visit to the Philippine Islands, by Sir John Bowring. 1859. 1 8789. Voyage of H. M. S. "Fly" in Torres Strait, New Guiana, and other islands of the Eastern Archi- pelago, by J. Beete Jukes. .... 1847. 2 8790. Voyage of H. M. S. "Rattlesnake", including dis- coveries and surveys in New Guinea and the Louisiade Archipelago, by John Macgillivray. . 1852. 2, History, Travels and Voyages. V. Oceaiuca, 279 a) The East Indian Archipelago. H.V. a. 8791. Voyage of H. M. S. "Samarang" among the Islands voi». of the Eastern Archipelago, by Sir Edward Belcher 1848. 2. 8792. Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, by Capt. Thomas Forrest. 1779. 1. 8793. Zicke Reiziger, or rambles in Java and the Straits. 1853. 1. • 280 Ilistory, Travels and Voyages. V. Oceanica. b) Australia, Van Diemcn's I.aiul, New Zealand &c. //. I . h. 8801. Account of an expedition into tlie interior of New ""^^ Holland, edited by Lady Mary Fox. . 18.37. 1 8802. Account of New Zealand, and of the formation and progress of the Church Missionary Society in the Northern Island, by the Ecv. Wm. Yate. . . 1835. 1 8803. Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, by Lieut. Col. Collins 1802. 2 8804. Adventures in New Zealand in 1839-44, by Edward J. "Wakefield 1845. 2 8805. Auckland, and the country adjacent. . . 1853. 1 8806. Australia and the East; being a journal of a voyage to New South Wales, by John Hood. . . 1843. 1 8807. Australia, its history and jn'csent condition, by the Rev. Wm. Pridden 1843. 1 8808. Bush wanderings of a Naturalist, or notes on the field- sports and fauna of Australia Felix. . . . 1861. 1 8809. Bushman, the, or life in a new country, by E. W. Landor 1847. 1 8810. Excursions and adventures in New South Wales, by John Henderson. ...... 1851. 2 8811. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land, by Lieut. Breton. . . 1833. 1 8812. Explorations in Australia, by John M'Douall Stuart. 1864. 1 8813. Friend of Australia, a, or a plea for exploring the interior of that country. ..... 1830. 1 8814. Geograjjhical Memoirs of New South Wales, edited by Barron Field 1825. 1 8815. Historical and statistical account of New South Wales, by Dr. John D. Lang 1834. 2 8816. Historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with discoveries in New South Wales and the Southern Ocean in 1789-92, by John Hunter. ....... 8817. History of New South Wales, by Thomas H. Braira. 8818. Ilistory of the discovery and exploration of Australia, by the Rev. Julian Woods. .... 8819. Incidents of the Maori War, by Sir James E. Alexander. 8820. Journal of an Expedition into the interior of tropical Australia, by Lieut. Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell. . 1848. 1 8821. Journal of an overland expedition in Australia in 1844-45, by Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt. . . . 1847. 1 1846. J 2 1865. 1863. 2 1 History, Travels and Voyages. V. Oeeanica. 281 b) Australia, Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand &c. //. V. h. 8822. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central vols. Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in 1840-41, by Edward John Eyre 1845. 2. 8823. Journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales in 1H17-18, by John Oxley. . . 1820. 1. 8824. Kangaroo Land, by the Rev. Arthur Polehampton. . 18G2. 1. 8825. Land, labor, and gold; or two years in Victoria, with visits to Sydney and Van Diemen's Laud, by "\Vm. Howitt 1855. 2. 8826. Lawrence Struilby, or experiences of bush -life in Australia. ........ 18G.'5. 1. 8827. My home in Tasmania during a residence of nine years, by Mrs. Charles Meredith. . . . 1852. 2. 8828. Narrative of a survey of the Intertropical and Western coasts of Australia in 1818-32, by Captain Philip King . 1837. 2. 8829. Narrative of a visit to the Australian Colonies, by James Backhouse. ...... 1843. 1. 8830. Narrative of an expedition to Botany Bay, by Capt. W. Tench 1789. 1. 8831. Narrative of an expedition to Central Australia in 1845-46, by Capt. Charles Sturt. . . . 1849. 2. 8832. Narrative of nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827, by Augustus Earle 1832. 1. 8833. Narrative of the late war in New Zealand, by Lieut. Col. Gary 1863. 1. 8834. New Zealand; a narrative of travels and adventures in that country in 1831-37, by J. 8. Polack. . 1838. 2. 8835. New Zealand, its advantages and prospects as a British Colony, by Charles Terry. . . . 1842. 1. 8836. New Zealand settlers and soldiers, or the war in Taranaki, by the Rev. T. Gilbert. . . . 1861. 1. 8837. Our Antipodes, or residence and rambles in the Australian Colonies, by Lieut. Col. Godfrey Muudy. 1852. 3. 8838. Over the Straits; a visit to Victoria, by Louisa A. Meredith 1861. 1. 8839. Physical description of New South Wales and \'an Diemen's Land, by P. E. do Strzelecki. . . 1845. 1. 8840. Present State of Van Diemen's Land, by llcnry Widowson 1829. 1. 36 282 History, Travek and Voyages. V. Oceanica. b) Australia , Van Diemen's Land , New Zealand &c. //.. ] h. 8841. Rambles and observations in New South Wales, by ^°'^- J. P. Townsend 1849. 8842. Ivecollections of Busli-life in Australia, by H. W. Ilaygarth 1848. 8843. Reminiscences of Australia, with hints on the Squatter's life, by Christopher V. Hodgson. . . . 184G. 8844. Reminiscences of thirty years' residence in New South Wales and Victoria, by R. Therry. . . . ISr)."]. 8845. Residence in Tasmania, by Capt. H. Butler Stoney. 1850. 8846. Rise, progress, and present state of Van Diemen's Land, by Henry W. Parker 18.33. 8847. Robert O'Hara Burke, and the Australian exploring expedition of 1860, by Andrew Jackson. . . 1862. 8848. Savage life and scenes in Australia and New Ze.iland, by George French Angas. ..... 1847. 8849. Sketch of New South Wales, by J. O. Balfour. . 1845. 8850. Sketch of the history of Van Diemen's Land, by James Bischoff. 1832. 8851. Sketches in New Zealand with pen and pencil, by W. Tyrone Power 1849. 8852. South Australia, its advantages and resources, by G. B. Wilkinson 1848. 8853. Spring in the Canterbury settlements, by C. Warren Adams. ........ 1853. 8854. Statistical, historical, and political description of New South Wales, and its dependent settlements in Van Diemen's Land, by W. C. Wentworth. . . 1820. 8855. Story of New Zealand, past and present, savage and civilized, by Arthur S. Thomson. . . . 1859. 8856. Successful exploration through the interior of Australia from the journals and letters of Wm. John Wills. 1863. 8857. Three Colonies of Australia, New South Wales, Vic- toria, and South Australia, by Samuel Sidney. . 1852. 8858. Three expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia, by Major T. L. Mitchell 1839. 8859. Three Years in Melbourne, by Clara Aspinwall. . 1862. 8860. Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders, by Edward Shortlaud. 1856. 8861. Travels in New Zealand, by E. Dieffcubach. . . 1843. 8862. Twelve Years' Wanderings in the British Colonies 1835-47, by J. C. Byrne 1848. 2. Ilistorij, Travels and Voyages. V. Oceanica. 283 b) Australia, Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand &c. IJ.V.h. 8863. Two Expeditions into the interior of Southern Australia '"'"• in 1828-31, by Capt. Clmrles Sturt. . . . 1833. 2. 8864. Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, by Thomas Reid 1822. 1. 8865. Two Years at Sea; narrative of a voyage to the Swan River and Van Diemen's Land in 1829-31, by Jane Roberts. ....... 1831. 1. 8866. Two Years in New South Wales, by P. Cunningham. 1828. 2. 8867. Voyage to Botany Bay, with an account of the establishing of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island 1789. 1. 8868. Voyage to Terra Australis, undertaken for the pur- pose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in 1801-03, by Matthew Flinders, with an atlas.^ ..... 1814. 3. 8869. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia &c., being the journal of a naturalist in those countries in 1832-34, by George Bennett 1834. 2. 36* 18nG. 5. 1860. 2. 1800. 2, 1849. 2. 18G.'!. 1, 284 History, Travels and Voyages. V. Oceanica. c) The Pacific, includiii!; Pohniesia. //. V.c. 8881. Account of the Pelew Islands in the western part of ''"'''• the Pacific Ocean, from the journals and communi- cations of Capt. Henry Wilson, by George Keate. 1789. 1. 8882. Account of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, by Ur. John Martin 1818. 2. 8883. Castaway on the Auckland Islands, by Capt. Thomas Musgrave. ....... 186G. 1. 8884. Chronological History of the voyages and discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean, by James Burney. 8885. Cruise in the Pacific, edited by Capt. Fenton Aylmcr. 8886. Fiji and theFijians, by Ths. Williams and James Calvert. 8887. Four Years in the Pacific in H. M. S. "Collingwood" in 1844-48, by Lieut, the lion. F. Walpolc. 8888. Gate of the Pacific, by Commander Bedford Pim. 8889. Hawaii, past, present, and future of its Island King- dom, by Manley Hopkins 1862. 1. 8890. Historical Collection of the several voyages and dis- coveries in the Pacific Ocean, by Alexr. Dalrymplo. 1770. 1. 8891. History of the Hawaiian, or Sandwich Islands, by James T. Jarves 1843. 1. 8892. Journal of a cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific in H. M. S. "Havannah," by John Elphin- stone Erskine 1853. 1. 8893. Journal of the "Kesolution's" voyage in 1772-75 on discovery to the Sandwich Islands. . . . 1775. 1. 8894. Mary Ira, the; a journal of a yachting expedition from Auckland to the South Sea Islands, by J. K. M. 1867. 1. 8895. Narrative and successful result of a voyage in the South Seas performed by command of the govern- ment of British India to ascertain the fate of La Porouse's expedition, by Capt. P. Dillon. . . 1829. 2. 8896. Narrative of a four months' residence among the natives of a valley of the Marquesas Islands , or a peep at Polynesian life, by Herman Melville. . 1846. 1. 8897. Narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea Islands, by John Williams. .... 1837. 1. 8898. Nineteen Years' residence in Polynesia, missionary life, travels &c., by the Eev. G. Turner. . . 1861. 1. 8899. North Pacific exploring expedition, containing a visit to the Malay Islands, China, Japan etc., by A. W. Habersham 1857. 1. History, Travels and Votjages. V. Oceanica. 285 c) The Pacific, including Polynesia. //. V. C. 8900. Notes of a cruise in H. M. S. "Fawn" in tlic Western ^'''''• Pacific in 1862, by T. H. Hood. . . . 186.'$. 1. 8901. Polynesian Reminiscences, by Wm. T. Pritchard. . 1866. 1. 8902. Polynesian Researches during a residence of nearly eiglit years in the Society and Sandwicli Islands, by Wm. Ellis 18.-51. 4. 8903. Rovings in the Pacific in 1837-49, with a glance at California. 18.')1. 2. 8904. Sandwich Island notes, by A. Ilaole. . . . 18.54. 1. 8905. Three Years in the Pacific, containing notice of Brazil, Chili, Bolivia, Peru &c. in 1831-34. . . . . 183.5. 2. 8906. Visit to the South Seas in the United States ship "Viucennes" in 1829-30, by G. J. Stewart. . 1832. 2. 8907. Voyage of discovery and researcli in the South Sea and Antarctic Regions in 1839-43, by Sir James C. Ross 1847. 2. 8908. Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Oceau in H. M. S. "Providence" in 1795-98, by W. Robert Broughton. 1804. 1. 8909. Voyage of H. M. S. "Blonde" to the Sandwich Is- lands in 1824-25, by the Right Hon. Lord Byron. 1826. 1. 8910. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clarke, and Gore, by Captains Cook and King. . . . 1785. .3. 8911. WildLifeamongthe Pacific Islanders, by E.H. Lamont. 1867. 1. 28G History, Travels and Voi/ages. VI. The World in general. 11. I /. 8921. Account of Voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, by Dr. John Hawkes- worth. ........ 8922. At home and abroad, by Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 892;5. At home and aljroad, by Bayard Taylor. 8924. Bird of Passage, or flying glimpses of many lands, by Mrs. Eomer. ...... 8925. Boy's voyage round the World, a. . 8926. Boy's voyages and adventures in the merchant service, a. 8927. Chronological History of North Eastern voyages of discovery &c., by Capt. James Burney. 8928. Chronology, or the historian's companion, by Thomas Tegg 8929. Collection of the early voyages, travels and discoveries of the English nation, by R. Hakluyt. 8930. Colonization of Christianity, a popular history of the treatment of the natives by the Europeans in their colonies, by Wm. Howitt. ..... 8931. Cruise of the "Pearl" round the World, by the Rev. E. A. Williams. 8932. Crusaders, the; or scenes, events, and characters from the times of the Crusades, by Thomas Keightley. 8933. Curiosities of Civilization, by Andrew Wynter. 8934. Curiosities of llistory, by John Timbs. 8935. Dictionary of Dates, and universal reference, by Joseph Haydn. ....... 8936. Eastern Europe i\x Peyssonnel. ...... vols. 1860. 2. 1688. 1. 1770. 4. 1769. 13. 1803. 1. 1770. 1. 1834. 2. 1826. 1. 1742. 6. 1863. 2. 1856. 1. 1853. 2. 1805. 2 1785. 3 1800. 2 1787. 2 Foreign Worlis. 325 b) Biography &:c. O.h. 10191. Dangeau, M(5moires du Marquis de, ecrits par lui niome. ....... 10192. Dictionnaire Biographique et Bibliograpliique. 10193. Grimm, mcmoires liistoriques , litturaires et anccdoti ques du Baron de. . . . . . 10194. Ligne, memoires du Prince de, par Albert Lacroix, 10195. Mahomet, la vie de, et le Goran, traduit do I'Arabe par Savary. ...... 10196. Necker, mcmoires de, par JIme. la Baronne do Stacil-Holstein. ...... 10197. Prisonnier d'Etat, memoires d'un, par A. Andryaue vols. 1817. 3. 1813. 4. 1813. 2. 18G0. 1. 1783. 2. 18IS. 1. 1837. 2. 326 Foreign Works. e) Ecclesiastical History, Theology &c. ().('. 10201. Dictionnaire historique, critique et chronolog^que de ^"'''■ la Bible, par A. Calmet, Vols. I. III. IV. V. . 1730. 4. 10202. Evangile du Jour 1772. 3. 10203. Evidences of Cliristianity, by Bishop Porteus, trans- lated into Russian. ...... 1834. 1. 10204. Oratio Dominica, or the Lord's Prayer, in One Hundred and Fifty Languages. . . . 1805. 1. 10205. Physique Sacree, ou Ilistoire Naturelle de la Bible, traduite du Latin, par Jean Jacques tscheuchzer. 1732. 2. J Foreign Worhs. 327 f) Fiction: Novels, Romances &x. O. f. 10211. Comtesse de Bonneval, la, par Lady G. FuUaiton 10212. Confesseur, le, par I'Abbe Deleon. 1021.3. Diable Boiteux, le, par Le Sage. . 10214. Don Quichotte de la Manclie, par Miguel de Cer- vantes Saavedra, traduit et aiinoti' par Louis Viardot 10215. Histoire d'un Consent de 181.'5, par Erekmann et Chatrian. ...... 10216. Invasion, 1', ou le Fou Yegof, par Erekmann et Chatrian. ...... 10217. Jdsuite, le, par I'Abbe D<'-l(;on. 10218. Latreaumont , par Eugene Sue. 10219. Madame Th('r6se, par Erekmann et Chatrian. 10220. Maudit, le, par I'Abbe Deleon. 10221. Miserables, les, par Victor Hugo. 10222. Moine, le, par I'Abbe Deleon. 10223. Nachbaren, die, von Frederika Bremer. 10224. Nichee de Gentilshonimes, une, from the Kussian of Ivan Tourguenieff. .... 10225. Roligieuse, la, par I'Abbe Deleon. 1022G. Rose Leblanc, par Lady Georgiana Fullarton. 10227. Tante, la, et la Niece, par Mme. Isabelle de Montolieu 10228. Travailleurs de la Mer, les, par Victor Hugo. 10229. Veillees de la Chaumiere, les, par Mme. la Comtesse de Genlis. ...... 10230. Waterloo-suite d'un Conserit de 1813, par Erekmann et Chatrian. ...... vols. 1857. 1. 186G. 2. 1785. 1. 1 83G. 2. — 1. 1865. 1838. 1864 1862. 10 186.5. 1 1842. 2 1864. 1861. 182.5. 1S6G. 1823. 1. — 1. 328 Foreign Works. h) History, Travels and \'oyages. vols. TA//. 10251. Alleniagne, r, et la Ecvolutioii, par J. Goerres. . 1811). 1. 10252. Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies vers rEmpcreur de la Chine, faite par les Sieurs Goyer et Keyser, par M. Mcolioff. . . 1(U'(5. 1. 10253. Anglais, les, et I'lnde, par E. de Valbezeii. . . 1S57. 1. 10254. Annales de la Monarchic Fran<^aise, par JM. de Liniiers. ........ 1721. 1. 10255. Annales des Voyages de la Gi'ographic et de I'Histoire, publiees par Malte-Brun. . . . 180'J. 25. 10256. Aper^u de la Situation des Etats Unis d'Amerique. 182G. 1. 10257. Atlas complet du precis de la Geographic ITniverselle dc Malte-Brun, par Lapie. . . . . 1812. 1. 10258. Atlas historiquc, genealogique, chronologique, ct geographique, de A. Le Sage. .... 1824. 1. 10259. Bemorkungen einer Reise im llussisclien Reich 1772, von Joh. G. Gcorgi. ..... 1775. 1. 10260. Caiiipngne d' Italic de 1859, jiar le Baion do Bazaucourt. ....... 1860. 2. 10261. Curicsites de Paris 1771. 2. 10262. Dcpcehcs et lettres intercoptees ]>ar des partis detaches de rarmee combinee du Nord d'AUeniagne. 1 814. 1 . 10263. Dictionnaire geographique-historique do TEnipire de Russie, par N. S. Vsevolojsky. . . . 1813. 2. 10264. Dictionnaire historique et critique, par Pierre Baylc. 1720. 2. 10265. Esprit de I'histoire, par A. Ferrand. . . . 1809. 4. 10266. Etat present de la Grande Eussic, par le Capitaine Joan Perry. ....... 1717. 1. 10267. Etat present de la Russie 1783. 1. 10268. Europe, 1', et I'Ameriquc 1822-23, par I'Abbe dc Pradt 1824. 2. 10269. Force commerciale de la Grande Bretagne, par le Baron C. Dupin 1824. 1. 10270. Force militairo de la Grande Bretagne, par le Baron C. Dupin 1825. 1. 10271. Grece, la, dans ses rapports avec TEurope, par I'Abbe de Pradt 1822. 1. 10272. Grece Contemporaine, la, par Edmond About. . 1860. 1. 10273. Histoire Ancienne, par Rollin. .... 1736. 13. 10274. Histoire critique et militaire des gucrres de la Re- volution, par le Lieut. General Joiniui. . . 1820. 10. Foreign Worhs. 329 h) History, Travels and Voyages. vols. O. It. 10275. Histoire d'Angleterre, par Rapin de Thayras. . 1749. 10. 1027G. Histoire de France, par P. G. Daniel. . . . 1742. 10. 10277. Histoire de Gustave Adolphe, Eoi de Suede. . 1764. 2. 10278. Histoire de Jules Cesar, par Napoleon III. Tom I. et II 1865-66. 2. 10279. Histoire de Marie Stuart, Eeine d'Ecosse et de France. 1742. 2. 10280. Histoire de Philippe et d'Alexandre le Grand, par le Sieur de Bury 17G0. 1. 10281. Histoire de Eussie, par P. C. Levesque. . . 1800. 8. 10282. Histoire de I'Archiduc Albert, Gouverneur-Gcn(;ral de la Belgique. ...... 1693. 1. 10283. Histoire de I'Empire de Eussie, par Karamsin. . 1819. 8. 10284. Histoire de I'Empire de Eussie sous Pierre le Grand, par Voltaire. ....... 1764. 2. 10285. Histoire de la Conquete de I'Angleterre par les Normands, par Aug. Thierry. .... 1835. 4. 1028G. Histoire de la domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal, par M. J. Coude. . 1825. 3. 10287. Histoire de la Edforme de la Ligue et du Eegnc de Henri IV., par Capefique. .... 1834. 8. 10288. Histoire de la Eepublique de Venise, par Daru. . 1819. 7. 10289. Histoire de la rivalite de la France et de I'Angleterre, par Gaillard 1818. 6. 10290. Histoire de la Eussie Ancienne, par Le Clerc. . 1783. 3. 10291. Histoire des decouvertes faites par divers savant voyageurs dans plusieurs contrees de la Eussie et de la Perse 1779. 4. 10292. Histoire des evenements de la Grece, par (J. D. Eaffenel 1822. 2. 10293. Histoire des Fran 2 1818. 18('.3. 1 1 18G3. 1 1G52. 1 1837. ] 1812. 1807. 8. 1 1740. 18G0. 1. 1. 1728. 17. 1771. 18G1. 3. 1. Foreign Works. 331 li) History, Travels and Voyages. 0. h. 10323. Rome, Najjlos, ct Florence eu 1817. 10324. Russie, la, dans I'Asie Mincure, par Felix de Fentou 10325. Scenes de la vie Mexicaine, par Gabriel Ferry. 1032G. Tableau de la Campagne d'Automne de 1813 en Allemagne. ...... 10327. Tableau bistorique et statistique de TEinpirc de Russie, par Henri Storcb. 10328. Une Annee en Espagne, par Cbarles Didier. 10329. Vingt Annees aux Pbilippines, par P. De La Gironiore. 10330. Voyage au Levant, par Corneille Le Brun. 10331. Voyage au Levant, par Corneille Le Brun. 10332. Voyage au Mont Caucase, par Jules Klaprotb. 10333. Voyage autour du Monde 17G7-71, par de Pages 10334. Voyage autour du Monde 1803-06, par de Krusen- stern. ....... 10335. Voyage critique :\ I'Etna en 1819, par T. A. de Gourbillon. ...... 1033G. Voyage du Sr. A. de la Motraye en Europe, Asie et Afrique. ....... 10337. Voyage en Norwege, en Danemarck, et eu Russie 1788-91, par Swinton 10338. Voyage en Siberia 1861, par I'Abbc Chajipe d'Auteroche. ...... 10339. Voyage fait en Russie 1788-89. . 10340. Voyages d'Olearius en Moscovie, Tartaric, et Perse 1633-38 10341. Voyages faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales, par Jean Albert de Mandelslo. vols, 1817. 1 1840. 2 18.56. 1 1817. 1 1800. 2. 1837. 2. 1853. 1. 1700. 1. 1725. 5. 1823. 2 1782. 2 1821. 2 1820. 2 1727. 2 1798. 2 1769. 2 1794. 2 1727. 1 1727. 1 42* 332 Foreign Works. m) Miscellaneous Works. ( K III. 10351. Ambassadeur, 1', et ses fonctions, par de Wicquefort. 10352. Description of tlie inundation at St. Petersburg of the 7th Xoveniber 182-1 (in Kussian). 10353. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Historique et Critique. 10354. Ilistoire de la Grandeur et de la Ddcadence de Cdsar Birotteau, par II. de Balzac. .... 10355. Ideas Napoleonienncs, des, par le Prince Louis Na- poleon Bonaparte. ...... 10356. Journal of Manufactures and Commerce (in Kussian). 10357. Journal of the Ministry of the Interior 1833-43 (in Kussian). ....... 10358. Lettre sur rhistoire de France, addressee au Prince Napoleon par le Due d'Aumale. 10359. Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur des Livres, par J. C. Brunei. ....... 10360. Melanges de I^itteraturc, d'Histoire, et de Philoso^diic. 10361. Mumoires historiques, litteraires, et anecdotiques, tirees de la correspondence de Baron de Grimm et do Diderot. ....... 10302. Panegyrici Vctcres 10363. Questions sur I'Encyclopcdie distributes en forme de dictionnaire, par Voltaire. .... 10364. Sorciere, la, par J. Micbelet. 1715. vols 2 1826. 1790. 1 4 1838. 2 1839. 1825. 1 4 — 41 1861. ] 1820. 1707. 4 5 1814. 1676. 4 1 1761. 1863. 9 1. Foreign Works, 333 w) Complete and Select Works. O. to. 10371. Gescbichte Auilreas Hofer's. 10372. Ouevres completes de Crebillon. Ouevres compU-tes dc La Foutaine. Ouevres de L. B. Picard. Ouevres diverses du Philosoplie de Sans Souci Ouevi-es du Prince de Ligne. Ouevres posthumes de Jean Jacques Kousseau 10373. 10374. 10375. 10376. 10377. vols. 1817. 1. 1824. 2, 1814. 5. 1821. 10. 17G2. 3. 1860. 4. 1781. 3. JMAGAZINES, REVIEWS, AND PERIODICALS. P. 10381. 10382. 10383. 10384. 10385. 10386. 10387. 10388. 10389. 10390. 10391. 10392. 10393. 10394. 10395. 10396. 10397. 10398. 10399. 10400. 10401. vols, . 1842-54. 25. . 1859-68. 20. . 1856-60. 6. 1773-92. 18. 1820- 1758-1867. 93. 1798-1806. 25. . 1867-68. 5. . 1834-68. 55. . 1790-94. 18. . 1837-43. 13. . 1817-68.103. . 1867-68. 4. AinswortL's Magazine. All the year round. . Annals of Briti.sli Legislation. Annual Register 1758-68. 1770-71 1794-98. 1800. 1812. 1814-15. 181' 32. 1834-67. Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine. Argosy, tlie. .... Atheu:cnm, the. Bee, the. .... Bentley's Miscellany, Vols. 1-6. 8-14. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Cassell's Magazine. Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, 1st Series, Vols. 10-12. . 2nd Series, Vols. 1-7 & 19-20. Chambers' Journal, 1st Series, Vols. 1-20. 2nd Series, Vols. 1-5. Christian Remembrancer. Cobbett's Annual Register, 1802-05. 1807. 1809-11 Cobbett's and Hansard's Parliamentary Debates Cornhill Magazine. ..... Critical Review 1762. 1764-82. 1784. 1787-97. 1800-06 1762-1806. Edinburgh Annual Register. . . . . 1820-24. Edinburgh Philosojihical Journal. . . . 1819-40. Edinburgh Review, Vols. 1-29. 31-33. 35-46. 53- 69. 71-74. 76-78. 80-81. 83-100. 102-128. . 1841-43. .3. 1844-47.1853.9. 1854-63. 1864-68. 1857-66. 1804-11. 1804-17. 1860-68. 20. 5. 18. 11. 36. 18. 0. 42. 10402. European Magazine and London Review. . 1802-68.118. 1786-1806. 45. Magazines, Reviews, and reriodicals. . 1865-G8. . 18G1-68. 17G7. 1769-72. 1700-92. i791-1806. 17G1-180C. 18G8. 18G.3-G8. 1844-45. 18.50-53. 1850-59. 1849-50. 1862-C7. 1856-59. 18G6. 1852-68. 178 3-8.5. -P- 10403. Foitniglitly Review. 10404. Fraser's Magazine. 10405. Gentleman's Magazine, 17G4 1778-80. 1783-87. 1868 10406. Good Words, 1863. 1865. 1866. 1868. 10407. Hood's Magazine and Comic Miscellany, 10408. Houseliold Narrative of Current Events. 10409. Household "Words, Vols. 1-7. 9-20 10410. Illustrated Year-Book. 10411. Intellectual Observer. 10412. Journal of Psycliological Medicine and Mental Patliology. 10413. Laud and Water. 10414. Leisure Hour. . 10415. London Magazine, 1771-75. 1777-8( 1791-9.3. 10416. London Review. 10417. Looker-on, the. 10418. Lounger, the. . 10419. Macmillan's Magazine. 10420. Medical and Physical Journal. 10421. Meliora 10422. Metropolitan Magazine. 10423. Mirror of Parliament. 10424. Monthly Review, 1769-73. 1775-81. 1784 1799-180G 10425. National Magazine. . 10426. National Review. 10427. New Quarterly Review. 10428. North British Review, Vols. 24-19. 10429. Once a week. .... 10430. Parliamentary Register. 10431. Philosojihical Magazine, Vols. 1. 1. 6-12. 14 10432. Popular Science Review. 10433. Publishers' Circular, 1853. 1859-G8. 10434. Punch, Vols. 1-12. . 10435. Quarterly Journal. 10436. Quarterly Journal of Science. 10437. Quarterly Review, Vols. 1-34. 36. 45-59. G 66-73. 75-77. 81-83. 85-125 335 vols, 10. IG. 20. . 1771-9.3. . 1775-80. . 1792-94. . 1785-86. . 1860-GS. 1799-1807. . 1859-60. . 1834-50. . 1828-38. 97. 17G9-1806. . 1857-61. . 1855-64. . 1852-60. . 1856-68. . 1859-68. . 1788-95. 1798-1805. . 1862-68. . 1853-G8. . 1841-47. . 1816-28. . 1864-68. 7. 4. 4. 19. 2. 12. 4. 2. 17. 16. 10. 4. 18. 17. 2. 39. 44. 82. 10. 19. 9. 26. 19. 17. 16. 7. 11. 12. 25. 1-64. 1809-68. 108. 336 P. 10438. 10439. 10440. 10441. 10442. 10443. 10444. 10445. 1044G. 10447. 10448. 10449. 104.50. 10451. 10452. 10453. 10454. 10455. 1045G. 10457. 10458. Magazines, Reviews, and Periodicals. Reader, the. ....... Recreative Science. ...... Repertory of Arts, Manufacture and Agriculture. 1 Revue des Deux Moudes. . . . . . Saint Paul's. ....... St. Petersburg English Review. Science Gossip. ...... Sharpe's London Magazine: 1st Series, Vols. 1-12. 2nd Series, Vols. 1-4. 7-9. 12-15. Shilling Magazine, the (Douglas Jerrold's). Stamp Collector's Magazine. Student and Intellectual Observer Sunday at home, 1854-57. 1860-Cl. 1863-G4. Sunday Magazine. Tail's Edinburgh Magazine, 1834-37 1849-52. Tatler, the. Tinsley's Magazine. . Titan. Welcome Guest, the. Westminster Review, Vols. 59-89. World, the Year-book of Facts, 1841. 1857-Gl. 1840-47. vols. 1863. 1. 1860-G2. 3. 794-185.5. 110. 1860-68. 52. 18G7-G8. 3. 1842. 4. 1865-68. 4. _ 23. 1845-48. 7. 186.3-68. G. 18G8. 2. 1854-64. 8. 1864-66. 3. 1834-52. 15. 1709-10. 4. 1867-68. 3. 1858-59. 4. 1860. 1. 1853-68. 31. 1753-5G. 4. 1841-61. 6. TRANSLATIONS OF THE CLASSICS &c. 1. 10471. .(?^scliylus's Agamemnon, and Euripides's Bacchanals, translated by Dean Milman. .... 10472. ^scliylus's Tragedies, translated by R. Potter. 10473. .lEsop's Fafeles, translated by Thomas Bewick. 10474. jEsop's Fables, translated by Samuel Croxall. 10475. Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musreus. 10476. Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, comprising his juacti- cal Philosojihy, translated by John Gillies. 10477. Aristotle's Rhetoric, translated by John Gillies. 10478. Athenian Letters, or the Epistolary Correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War, translated by the Earl of Hardwicke. .... 10479. Catullus's Poems, translated by Theodore Martin. 10480. Cicero's Brutus, or History of Famous Orators, translated by Edward Jones. .... 10481. Cicero's Cato and Lselius, or Essays on Old Age and Friendshij), translated by Wm. Melmoth. 10482. Cicero's Letters to several of his friends, translated by Wm. Melmoth. ...... 10483. Cicero's Orations, translated by Wm. Guthrie. 10484. Demosthenes' Orations against Philip, King of Mace- don, translated by Dr. Thomas Leland. 10485. Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, edited by H. T. Riley. . 1048G. Ilerodotus, translated by the Rev. Wm. Beloe. 10487. Herodotus, history of, translated by George Rawlinson. 10488. Ilesiod, remains of, translated by Charles Abraham Elton 10489. Homer's Iliad, translated by tiie Earl of Derby. 43 vols. 1865. 1. 1779. 2. 1823. 1. 1760. 1. 1760. 1. 1797. 2. 1823. 1. 1798. 2. 1862. 1. 1776. 1. 1777. 2. 1778. .3. 1758. 3. 1770. 3. 1860. 1. 1812. 4. 1862. 1. 1812. 1. 1865. 2. 338 Translations of the Classics S^c. vols. T. 10490. Homer's Iliad, translated by James M'Pherson. . 1773. 2. 10491. Homer's Hiad, translated by Wm. Melmotb. . . — 1. 10492. Horace's Odes, translated by Theodore Martin. . 1862. 1. 10493. Horace's Works, translated by Philip Francis. . 17G5. 4. 10494. Juvenal and Persius, translated by the Rev. M. Madan. 1789. 2. 10495. Juvenal's Satires, translated by Wm. Gifford. . 180C. 1. 1049G. Lucian of Samosata, translated by Wm. Tooke. . 182t». 2. 10497. Lucretius on the Nature of Things, translated by Thomas Creech. 1714. 2. 10498. Nearchus, Voyage of, from the Indus to the Euph- rates, translated by Dr. Wm. Vincent. . . 1797. 1. 10499. Ossian, Poems of; from the Original Claelic trans- lated into Latin, by Eobt. Macfarlane. . . 18U7. 3. 10500. Plato's Works, translated by the Rev. H. Carey, Burges, and Davis 1849-54. 6. 10501. Pliny the Younger, bis letters, translated by John, Earl of Orrery. 1752. 2. 10502. Plutarch's Lives, translated by John Dryden. . 1758. (J. 10503. Plutarch's Lives, translated by John and William Langhorne. ....... 1811. G. 10504. Polybius's General History, translated by James Hampden. ....... 1773. 4. 10505. Quinctilian's Institutes of Eloquence, translated by Wm. Guthrie 1756. 2. 1050G. Sallust's Works, ti-anslated by A. Murjjliy. . . 1807. 1. 10507. Seneca's Morals, translated by Sir Roger L'E.strange. 1739. 1. 10508. Sophocles's Tragedies, translated by the Rev. T. Francklin. ....... 17GG. 2. 10509. Suetonius's Lives of the Twelve Ciesars, translated by Alexr. Thompson. 1790. 1. 10510. Tacite, avec des notes politiques et historiques, par Anielot de la Houssaie. ..... 1731. 10. 10511. Tacitus's Works, translated by Arthur Murphy. . 1793. 4. 10512. Terence's Comedies, translated by George Colman. 17G5. 1. 10513. Theocritus's Idylls, translated by Francis Fawkes. 17G7. 1. 10514. Thesaurus Lingua; Latinas, or a compendious Dic- tionary of the Latin Tongue, by Dr. Robert Ains- worth. ........ 1752. 2. 10515. Thueydides, translated by Wm. Smith. . . 1781. 2. 1051G. Translations, by Lord Lyttleton, and the Right Hon. Wm. Ewart Gladstone 18G3. 1. 339 18G7. 1(308. vols. 1. 1. Translations of the Classics ^r. 1- 10517. Virgil's YEneid, translated by John Conington. 10518. Virgil's Works, translated by John Dryden. . 10519. Virgil's Works, translated by the Eev. C. Pitt, and the Rev. J. Warton. 1763. 4. 10520. Xenophon's Anabasis, or the Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, translated by Edward Spelman. . . 1811. 1. 43* COMPLETE AND SELECT WORKS. 10541. Addison, Joseph, with notes hy Dr. Eichard Hurd 10542. Ascham, Roger. ...... 1054.3. Bacon, Francis, with his life by Mallet. 10544. Beaumont and Fletcher, with critical and explanatory notes. 10545. Bentham, Jeremy. 1054G. Bolinghroke, Lord. 10547. Boyd, Hugh. 10548. Bray, Mrs. . 10549. Bums, Eobert, with his life by Allan Cunuiugham 10550. Byron, Lord. ' 10551. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 10552. Cowper, William, with his life by Eobert Southey 1055.3. Crabbe, Rev. George 10554. Davy, Sir Humphrey, edited by his brother, John Davy. 10555. Defoe, Daniel. 10556. Dryden, John, with notes and life by Sir Walter Scott 10557. Edgeworth, Maria. 10558. Fielding, Henry, with his life. 10559. Florian, J. P., translated by Robinson. 105G0. Franklin, Benjamin, with autobiography 10561. Franklin, Benjamin. ... 10562. Frederick II., King of Prussia, from the French, by Thomas Holcroft. .... 10563. Gibbon, Edward, edited by Lord Sheffield 10564. Goldsmith, Oliver 10565. Gregory, Dr. John. .... 10566. Hall, James vols. 1811. 6. — 1. 1740. 4. 1750. 10. 1838. 11. 1754. 6. 1800. 2. 1846. 10. 1834. 8. 1831. 6. 1858. 7. 1836. 15. 1834. 8. 1839. 8. 1856. 5. 1808. 18. 1825. 10. 1824. 11. 1786. 2. 1806. 3. 2. 1789. 3. 1796. 2. 1806. 4. 1788. 4. 1836. 6. Complete and Select Works. W. 10567. Hall, Robert 10568. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, with a memoir by her sister. ....... 10569. Hogg, James. ...... 10570. Hood, Thomas 10571. Jerrold, Douglas. ..... 10572. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, with an essay on his life ani genius, by Arthur Murphy. 10573. Jonson, Benjamin, (vol. III. missing.) . 10574. King, William 10575. Lamb, Charles, with sketch of his life by Thomas N. Talfourd 10576. Locke, John. ...... 10577. Lyttleton, Lord 10578. Mackintosh, Sir James. .... 10579. Marlowe, Christopher. .... 10580. Marston, John, with notes and life, by J. 0. Halliwell 10581. Middleton, Dr. Conyers 10582. Middleton, Thomas,' edited with notes by the Rev, Alexr. Dyce. 10583. Milton, John, his poetical works, with notes by Dr Thomas Newton. 10584. Milton, John, his prose works. 10585. Milton, John, his prose works, with an introductory review by Robt. Fletcher. 10586. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. 10587. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, edited by her grandson. Lord Wharncliffe. 10588. More, Hannah, with notes. .... 10589. Murphy, Arthur. 10590. Parr, Dr. Samuel, with a memoir of his life by Dr John Johnstone. ..... 10591. Playfair, John, with a memoir. 10592. Poe, Edgar Allan, with a memoir. 10593. Pope, Alexander, with illustrations, critical and ex planatory remarks &c., edited by the Rev. W L. Bowles. 10594. Radcliffe, Ann. . 10595. Richardson, Dr. Jonathan. 10596. Robertson, Dr. William. 10597. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 341 vols. 1853. 1. 1839. 7. 1865. 2. 862-65 . 7. 1864. 4. 1816. 12. 1756. 6. 1776. 3. 1855. 2. 1768. 4. 1776. 3. 1846. 3. 1826. 3. 1856. 3. 1755. 5. 1840. 5. 1790. 3. 1848. 5. 1838. 1. 1803. 5. 1837. 3. 1834. 7. 1786. 7. 1828. 8. 1822. 4. 1857. 3. 1806. 10. 1826. 4. 1773. 1. 1840. 1. 1767. 5. 342 IF. 10598. 10599. 10600. 10601. 10602. \ 10G03. 10604. 10605. 10606. 10607. 10608. 10609. 10610. 10611. Complete and Select Works. of lectures on Drama notes by Dr. Samuel Schiller, Frederick. Sclilegel, August von, Course tic Art and Literature. Sclilegel, Frederick von. Scott, Sir Walter. Shakespeare, William, with Johnson. Smith, Eev. Sydney. Smollett, Tobias, with memoirs of his life and writings. (Vol. I. missing.) Sterne, Rev. Lawrence. . . . Sterne, Rev. Lawrence, posthumous works of. Steuart, Sir James. .... Swift, Dr. Jonathan, (Vols. XIL XXIL XXIIl missing.) ...... Temple, Sir William. .... Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford. Wolcott, Dr., (Peter I'indar) with a memoir, vols . 1847. 4. . 1846. 1. . 1847-52. 4 . 1858. 9 . 1765. 8 . 1839. 4 . 1820. 5 . 1798. 10 . 1770. 2 . 1805. 6 '. 1765. 22 . 1770. 4 . 1798. 5 . 1812. 5. INDEX TO AUTHORS' NAMES. Abbott, James (Colonel), D. 2528. //. 7362. Abdy, E. S., //. 844G. A'Beckett, Gilbert A., M. 9390.9391. Abel, Clarke, //. 7551. Abell, Mrs., B. 1558. Abercrombie, John (Dr.), A. 370. Aberdeen, Earl of, A. 8. About, Edmond, F. 5384. H. 682G. 0. 10272. 10319. 10322. Accum , Frederick, A. 54. 73. 264. Acerbi, Jo.seph, //. 6187. Achilli, a. (Dr.), M. 9443. Acland, Hu-h D., //. 6914. Adair, Kobert (Sir), //. 6372. 7255. Adam, Thomas (Rev.), E. 3064. Adams, Andrew Leith., //. 7754. , C. Warren, //. 8853. , r.C, i=;4662. , George, ^.281. , John (Capt.), //.8128. , John (Rev.), //. 8945. , Robert, //.8125. , William (Rev.), J5:.3022. , William (Sir), A 329. , W. H. Davenport, B. 1169. 1203. 1827. //. 7394. M. 9458. Adamson, John, J5. 1024. Adanson, M., //.8133. Addison, Charles G., //. 7877. , llcnry R. (Lieut. Colonel), F. 3160. 3714. , Joseph, ir. 10541. Adolphus, John, i.'.939. //.6241. Adye, John (Colonel), /T. 7723. Emilia Julia, F. 3403. ^schylus, T. 10471. 10472. ^sop, 7'. 10473. 10474. "^Esop," A 563. Agassiz, Louis (Professor), A. 566. //. 7217.8680. Agassiz, Mrs., //. 8680. Agnew, Sir Andrew, B. 885. Aguilar, Grace, /-: 4194. 4818. 5901. Aide, Hamilton, D. 2577. F. 3424. 3544. 3705. 4634. 4637. 4697. 4782. 5336. 5624. Aikin, Anna Laetitia, see Mrs. Bar- bauld. , John, //. 6448. M. 9719. 9773. -, Lucy, B. 882..ff.6620.6G21. 6622. Aimard, Gustave, F. 3336. 3471. 5294. 5774. 5798. Ainslie, Herbert, i\ 5152. , John, i=:3837. Ainsworth, Robert (Dr.), T. 10514. , William, //. 7918. , W. Harrison, /•'. 3232. 3404. 3421. 3548. 3549. 3582. 3933. 4069. 4306. 4340. 4424. 4544. 4753. 4835. 4929. 4983. 4999. 5044. 5373. 5435. 5560. 5575. 5791.6035. Alton, John (Dr.), //. 7898. Akenside, Mark, I>. 2465. Albemarle, Eai-1 of, B. 1727. 344 Index to Authors' Names. Albert, H. R. H. Prince, B. 888. .1/. 1000,5. Alcock, Rutherford (Sir), //. 7514. Aldrich, Henry (Dr.), A. 5. Alexander, James Edward (Sir), B. 889. //. 7090. 7975. 8122. 81G0. 8760. 8819. Alexis, W., see George W.H.Haering. Alford, Henry (Dr.), A. 13:?. Algarotti, Francis (Count), A. 679. 681. Ali Bey, //. 8089. , Mrs. Meer M. //. 769.3. Alison, Archibald (Sir), A. 425. 844. B. 10;!7. 1478. //. 7322. 7323. Allen, J. N. (Rev.), 7/. 9081. , William (Captn.), //. 7878. 8126. Almon, John, i?. 1943. Alvensleben, Baron von, //. 8615. Amari, Michele, 77.6923. Amelia, Princess of Saxony, D. 2606. Ames, Joseph, A. 7 3b. Anacreon, T. 10475. Andersen, Hans Christian, 7^.3670. 4253. 4258. 4971. 5173. 5445. 5779. 77.6171.6.398.7137. Anderson, .(Eneas, 77.9130. , C. (Sir), 77.6143. .Charles J. 77.8173. , George, 77.6523. , James, 77.6440. — , James(Rev.), 7^.1411.1412. , James S., £,'.2874. ,1/.9.305. , John, 77.8771. • , Mrs. (Hon.), B. 894. , Peter, 77. 6523. , RP. (Capt), 77.9189. , Walter (Dr.), 77.6240. , William (Rev.), 77. 7080. Andersson, Charles John, II. 8166. Andrews, Alexander, il/. 9625. , James F. 7/. 6551. , Joseph (Capt.), 77. 8679. , Miles, D. 2176. Andres, A. C. //. 7153. Andryane, Alexander, O. 10197. Angas, George French, //. 8848. Anquetil, Louis Pierre, 77. 6265. Anspach, Margravine of, B. 903. Ansted, David Thomas (Professor), 77. 6408. 6460. 6840. Antommarchi , F. (Dr.), B. 1554. Apperley, Charles James (Nimrod), M. 9383. 9814. Arago, D. F., A. 292. Arbuthuot, G. (Lieut.), If. 7243. Archer, Major, 77. 7734. , Thomas, 7; 5985. Arfwedson, C. D., 77. 8529. Argyll, Duke of, A. 456. 77. 7G53. ArisWle, T. 10476. 10477. Armitage, John, 7/. 8669. , Robert (Rev.), 31. 9860. Armstrong, Alexander(Dr.), 77.8312. , C. E. (Rev.), B. 1717. , C. F. (Capt.), F. 3591. 3978. 5163. Amason, Jon, F. 4252. Arnaud, Henri, 77. 6914. Arnett, John Andrews, A. 408. Arnheim, Marie von, B. 908. Arnold, Edwin, 77. 7674. , Matthew, Z». 2423. .V.9511. , R. Arthur, 77. 6568. , Thomas, F. 3755. , Thomas (Dr.), 77. 9267. Arnot, William (Rev.), E. 2901. Arnott, Neil (Dr.), A. 643. M. 10026. Arrivabene,Charles(Count), 7/. 6937. , John (Count), B. 910. Artemi of Wjigarschapet, B. 911. Arthur, T. S., 7'. 4693. , William, 77. 6936. 31. 9536. Arundell, F. V. J. (Rev.), 77.7879. 7939. Ascham, Roger, .1.462. TT''. 10542. Ashniore, Harriette, 7/. 7691. Asmar, JIaria U'lieresa, B. 933. Aspinwall, Clara, 77.8859. Atkinson, George F., 77.7065.7601. ■ , Thomas Witlam, //. 7832. 7842. , Thomas W. (Mrs.), 77.7833. Index to Authors' Names. 345 Auher, Peter, //. 7515. Auckland, Lord, /?. 914. Audouard, Olympe (Mme.) 0. 10313. Auerbach, Bertliold, i^. 5012. 5928. //. G390. Aufrere, Anthony, //. 6992. Auldjo, John, //. 7248. Aumale, Due d', 0. 10358. Austen, Jane, 7^. .3820. 4951. 5200. 5490. Austin, Sarah, M. 9577. , William Stanton. B. 1G41. Auteroche, Chappe d' (Abbe), 0. 10338. Anthing, Frederick, //. 9105. Authorof "My Lady," F. 3923.4830. "No Church," F.3492.4175. 4721. 4937. 504G. "The Gayworthys," 2^.3889. 4009. "The Schijnberg-Cotta Fa- mily," i^. 3490. 3718.3756. Avcling, T. W. (Rev.), H. 9017. Aylmer, Fenton (Capt.), 77.8885. Aytoun, Kichard, .1/. 949G. • , Wm. Edmonstoune (Prof.), C. 2051. Azeglio, Massimo, Marquis d', iJ. 918. F. 4641. Babbage, Charles, A 3G8. 790. 797. Baber Muhanimed, 7J. 932. Back, George (Capt.), II. 8304. 8307. Backhouse, James, II. 8829. Bacon, Francis, IT. 10543. , John F. 77. 7172. Badcock, Lowell (Lieut. Col.), II. 71G8. Bailey, Philip James. D. 2282. 2410. Baillie, Joanna, U. 2229.2402.2404. 2600. , John (Rev.), 7j'. 1564. , Marianne, 11.714:7. Bain, Alexander, A. 382. Baines, Edward, ^.266. • — , Thomas, 77. 8161. Baird, W. B. 937. Baker, Samuel, Sir, 77.8203.8228. Bakewell, Robert, 77 7419. Balbo, Cesare (Count), B. 1121. Baldwin, George C. B. 1708. , William Charles, 77.8201. Balfour, Clara L. B. 1963. ■, James (Sir), 77.6446. , J. 0. 77 8849. Ball, Alexander (Capt.), 77 7156. Ballantyne, James, 7^.1722. , Robert M., F. 3560. 5879. 6111. 77 8353. Balzac, H. de, 0. 10354. Bancroft, George, 77 8436.8440. Banfield, T. C, .1710017. Banim, John (The OTIara Family), F. 3318. 3342. 3586. 3707. 3916.4734.5547.5737. , Michael, 7:5793. Bankes, George, 7/. 6709. Bannister, J. T. (Rev.), 7;;. .3061. , S., B.1607. Barbauld, Anna Laititia, B. 1719. .V.9773. Barclay, J. T. (Dr.), 7;.2766. Bard, Samuel A., 7/. 8613. Baretti, Jcseph, 77 6891.7342. Barham, R. H.Dalton (Rev.) (Ingolds- by), 7?. 1312. 7>.2332. 7^4826. Baring-Gould, Sabine, 77 6151. M. 9354.9420. Barker, M. H , 7". 4108. 4426. 5790. Barnard, Lieut., //. 8238. , M. R. (Rev.), 77. 6180. Baron, John, 7i. 13G9. Barr, William (Lieut), 77.7474. Barrere, Mroe. de, A. 170. Barrington, Daines (Hon.), 77.8314. Barrow, George (Sir), 77.7605. , Isaac, 7;.3095. ,John, 77 6191.6723.6984. 7311.7751.8182. , John (Sir), B. 902. 1319. 1560.1808. 77 8287.832.3. BarrowclifTe, A. J., F. 3172. 4948. 5821. Barth, Dr., 77 8240. 44 346 Index to Authors' Names. Bartheldmi, Jean Jacques (Abbd), ' M. 1007.'}. Bartlett,AVilliamH., i?.lG31. //.7492. 7940.8021.8948. Bateman, Josiali (Rev.), 2^.1948. , Thomas, A 334. //. 6714. Bates, Walter Henry, //. 8695. Batty, C!apt., 77.9070. Baxter, Andrew, A 355. , WilliAmE., //. 7335. 8397. Bayle, Pierre, 0.10264. Bayley, F. W. N., //. 863G. Bayly, Thomas Haynes., F. 3239. 4372. Bazancourt, Baron de, //. 9077. O. 10260. Beach, Charles, F. 3181. 4449. 4554. Beale,Auue, /•-. 3284.5511. //.6735. , William (Walter Maynard), J/. 9481. Beamish, Richard, i?. 990. Beard, Charles, //. 6286. , John R. (Rev.), iJ. 1445. Beaton, Patrick (Rev.), //. 8205. Beatson, Robert, //. 6663. 9173. Beattie, James, D. 2466. M. 9451. 9486. 9492. , William, i?. 1027. Beatty, William, i3. 1562. Beauclerk, Diana (Lady), JI. 6181. ■ , George (Capt.), /LSOJb. Beaufort, Francis (Admiral Sir), y/.7897. Beaujour, Felix, 0.10181. Beaumont, Francis, IF. 10544. , Gustave de, 77.6590. Beaupr(5, Moritz, A 650. Bechstein, John Matthew, A 536. Beck, Baroness von, 7/. 6393. Becker, Professor, 7'. 3451. 4005. Beckford, William, 7-'.5912. 77.7163. 7338. Beckmann, Professor, A 414. Beddoes, Thomas (Dr.), A 302. Bede, Cuthbert (see Rev. Edward Bradley). .Venerable, A'. 2816. Bedford, Duke of, i?.949. , John Harman, 7^.5970. Bedingfield, JErs., 7^ 4538. Beecham, John, 7/. 8112. Beecher, Henry Ward (Rev.), 7:4953. Beechey, F. W. (Captain), 7/. 8302. 8321. Begbie, P. J. (Major), 31. 10U27. Beggi, F. 0. (Dr.), 77. 6960. Beke, Charles T. (Dr.), 7/. 8030. 8204. , Mrs., 7/. 7892. Belcher, Ed w. (Sir), 7^4200. 77.8297. 8791. 8982. Beldam, Joseph, 77. 6968. Belfast, F. R. Chichester, Earl of, 7-: 4716. Bell, Acton (see Anne Bronte). , Benjamin (Dr.), Jl. 33(). , Charles (Sir), A 314. , Currer (see Charl. Bronte). ■, Ellis (see Emily Bronte). , George (Colonel), 7/. 9204. , James S., 77. 7051. , John, JI. 6957. 7976. , Robert, n. 1028. C. 2110. 7: 4134. 4403. 77. 6325. Bellemare, Luis de, F. 4172. Bellew, H. M. (Captain), 77. 7175. 7675. Beloe, William, T. 10486. Belsham, William, JI. 6631. Beltrami, J. C, 7/. 8991. Belzoni, John Baptist, 77. 8018. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy, li. 973. 1282. Bennett, Charles, M. 9752. , Frederick D., 77. 8981. ■ , George, A 505. 77. 8869. — , G. S., F. 3828. , Mrs., 7'^ 5578. Benson, Robert, 77. 6305. Bentham, Jeremy, W. 10545. Beranger, 7?. 956. Beresford, General Lord, JI. 9199. Berkeley, Grautley (Hon.), 7.'. 1533. F. 5446. 77. 8745. J7. 9317. Index to Authors' Names. 347 Bernard, John, B. 17U',>. , Thomas Delauy, E. 2727. , W. D., //. 9171. Bernays, Albert, A. G8. Berncastle, J. (Dr.), ILlhlh. Bernier, Francis, //. 7741. Berry, Miss, B. 957. Berthet, Elie, F. 4670. Bertram, J. G., A 512. Berwick, E. L. A., F. 3854. Best, J. J. (Capt.), //. 7241. Beste, J. Richard, 11. 8.").j('>. Betham, William (Rev.), B. 942. Bevan, Henry (.Major), //. 7731. , Samuel, //. 8029. Beveridge, Henry, //. 7607. Beverley, May, F. 4808. Bewick, Thomas, A 506. J/. 9975. T. 10473. Biel fold, Baron, /i. 958. .V. 9473, Bigsby, John J., //. 8365. Bingham, J. Elliott (Commander), //. 9163. Bingley, AVilliam (Rev.), //. 6643. Binning, Robert B. M., 11. 7819. Binny, John, .4. 208. Bion, T. 10475. Biot, Jean Baptiste, A. 284. Birch, Thorn. (Dr.), 5.1341. //.6633. .1/. 9633. Bird, Dr., F. 3563. I5irkbeck, Morris, //. 8474. Birks, T. R. (Rev.), E. 2831. Bischoff, James, //. 8850. Bisset, Andrew, B. 1513. , Robert, //. 6575.. Bizot, Pierre, 0. 10168. Bjdrnson, Bjorustjenia, /•'. 3209. Blackadder, John (Rev.), B. 965. Blackburn, Henry, //. 7161. 7183. 8063. Blackmore, Richard Doddridge, F. 3580. Blackstone, "William, A. 204. Blackwell, Miss, F. 3840. Blainville, de, //. 7431. Blackiston, Thomas W., //. 7530. Blamire, Miss, D. 2609. Blanc, H. (Dr.), //. 8227. , Louis, //. 7325. Blanchard, Laman, 7?. 1419. .V.9994. , Sidney Laman, 7/. 8947. Blaquiere, Edward, //. 7127. 9097. Blaze do Bury, Baroness, //. 6366. Blessington, Lady, F. 3537. 3574. 4558.4688.4743.4750. 5318. 5603. 5921. //. 6253. 6924. , Lord, F. 3689. Blomfield, Alfred, iJ. 971. , S. T. (Rev.), E. '211^. Bloorafield, Robert, D. 2573. Blunt, James (Rev.), A. 736. , John J. (Rev.), C. 2026. E. 2977. Boaden, James, B. 1345. 1376. 1386. 1796. F. 3745. Boardman, H. A. (Rev.), M. 9343. Bocage, Mme. de, //. 7347. Bode, Clement A. de (Baron), II.l^Vl. Boid, Capt., //. 7165. Boisgelin, Louis de, //. 7292. Bolingbroke, Lord, A. 796. B. 974. M. 9661. 11'; 10546. Bolts, William, 11. 7608. Bonaparte, LouisNapoleon, 0. 10297. 10355. Boner, Charles, A. 503. //. 6360. Bonner, T. D., B. 948. Bonnycastle, John, ^.290. , Richard Henry (Sir), II. 8341. 8342. 8343. 8359. 8757. Boone, T. Charles (Rev.), E. 2735. Borcke, Heros von, //. 8460. Borrer, Dawson, //. 7896. Borrow, George, F. 4443. 5371. //. 6752. 7113. Borthwick, James D., 11. 8505. Bos, Lambert, A. 664. Bosset, C.P.de (Lieut. Col.), J/. 9854. Bossu, Capt., n. 8520. Boswcll, James, B. 1372. //. 6212. Bosworth, Newton, J/. 9303. Boteler, Thomas (Capt.), U. 8225r 44* 348 Index to Authors' Names. Botta, Carlo, //. 6917. Boucher, P. B., 0. 10171. Boucliette, Josepb, //. 8338. Bougainville, Louis, //. 9022. Bourgoanne, Chevalier tie, //. 7185. Bourne, B. F. (Capt.), //. 8LiG8. , H. E. Fox, B. 11G8. 1170. Bourrienne, L. A. Fauvelet de, B. 1555. Boutell, Charles, A. 692. Bouterwek, Frederick, ^4.111. Bowden, John (Rev.) JI. CACA. Bowdich, Thomas Edward, //. 7123. , Mrs. (see Mrs. R. Lee). Bowdler, Mrs., F. 5108. Bowles, Caroline (see Mrs. Southey). , John, M. 9935. 10095. Bowring, John (Sir), I>. 2019. //. 7665. 8788. Bowyer, William, ^f. 9775. Boyd, A. K. H. (Rev.), E. 2853. J/. 9329. 939-4. 9410. 9412. 9712. 9713. 9920. 10025. , Hugh, W. 10547. Boyle, Charles John, //. 8208. ■ , Frederick, //. 8772. , Mary Louisa, F. 3948. Boynton, Dr., //. 9112. Brace, Charles L., //. 6378. 6380. Brackenbury, C. B. (Capt.), //. 9087. Brackenridge, H. M., //. 8719. Bradbury, John, //. 8518. Braddon, M. E., F. 3233. 3459. 3691. 3737. 3813. 4160. 4341. 4410. 4420. 5019. 5391. 5527. 5799. Brade, William, E. 2961. Bradley, Edward (Rev.) (Cuthbert Bede), F. 4913. 5141. G008. Brady, John, 31. 9385. 10092. Braim, Thomas H., JL 8817. Brand, Charles (Lieut), //. 8678. , John, ^4. 711. Brande, William Thomas, A. 70. 313. Bray, Anna Elizabeth, i'''.5815.5976. //. 6483. 7220. W. 10548. , Charles, A. 373. Bray, E. W. (Major), //. 9141. Bremer, Charlotte, B. 979. -, Fredrika, B. 979. F. 3360. 4101. 4191. 4755. 5198. JL 6825. 7934. 8441. 0. 10223. Bremncr, Robert, //. 6144. 7044. Breut, John, F. 3292. 4484. Brenton, Edw. P., B. 1765. //. 9177. , John H., F.bldl. Breton, W. H. (Lieut), //. 6178. 8811. Brewster, David (Sir), A. 460. B. 1481.1565. C. 2024. 20.30. 2079. , Margaret Maria (see Mar- garet Maria Gordon). Brialmont, B. 1929. Bridges, Charles (Rev.), B. 1262. , George Wilson (Rev.), JI. 8631. Briggs, John (Lieut. Gen.), //. 7650. Bright, Richard, //. 6415. Brighton, J. G. (Rev.), B. 986. Brightwell, Cecilia L., B. 1586. Brinckman, Arthur, //. 7717. Brine, Liudesay (Commander), //. 7569. Brisson, //. 8134. Bristed, John, //. 8395. Britton, John, A. 683. Brock, William (Rev.), i?. 1285. Brockedon, William, //. 6940. Broderip, W. J., .1. 526. 575. Bromley, George (Sir), JI. 9388. Bronte, Anne, F. 57GO. 6061. , Charlotte, F. 4313. 5210. 5504. 5929. , Emily, /•: 6061. Brooke, Arthur de Capell, //. 6188. 7174. , Charles, //. 8785. , Henry, F. 3940. , James (Sir), //. 8781. , J. J., A. 428. , Stopford (Rev.), B. 1723. , T. H., y/. 8116. Brookes, E. (Dr.), A. 538. Index to Authoi's' Names. 349 Brooks, J. Tyrwbitt (Dr.), //. 8428. , Shirley, F.3221. 4047.5550. Brookshaw, George, A. 36. Broiigh, J. C, A 417. Brongliam, Lord, A. 232. B. 988. 1496. 1817. M. 9452. 9830. 9939. Broughton, Wm. Robert, //. 8908. Brown, Charles B., F. 3426. , Edward, H. 7720. , John, D. 2529. , John (Dr.), D. 1436. M. 9520. 9630. , John P., £.2795. , John William, B. 1124. , Joseph (Dr.), M. 9771. ■ , Richard, A. 12. 723. ^, Thomas, A. 364. , Thomas (Capt.), A. 483. , Thomas N., B. 1504. Browne, Charles F. (Artemus Ward), M. 9322. 9323. 9324. ■ , Frances, F. 3433. 4833. , G. F. (Rev.), //. 7334. , J. Houston, B. 1049. , J. Ross, //. 7346. 7449. 8417. 8940. , William, D. 2467. , W. G., //. 8034. Brownlow, Emma Sophia, Countess, M. 9997. Browning,ElizabethBarrett, D. 2159. 2364. 2468. M. 9599. ■ , Robert, L). 2236. 2409. , William J., F. 5217. • -, W. S., 11. 0247. 0248. Bruce, James, H. 8997. , James, the African Traveller, //. 8250. Brunet, Jacques Charles, O. 10359. Brunton, Mrs., F. 3722. 3827. 5480. Bryant, Edwin, //. 8540. , Jacob, //. 9251. , William Cullen, D. 2470. //. 8970. Brydges, Egerton (Sir), /i.991.1342. II. 8094. M. 9732. Brydges, Ilarf. Jones (Sir), //. 7802. Brydone, Patrick, //. 0985. Biysson, George, B. 1902. Buchanan, John Lane (Kev.), //. 0727. , Robert, D. 2601. Bucke, Charles, C. 2047. 2050. Buckingham, James Silk, B. 992. II. 7290. 7313. 7924. 7928. 7930. 8344. 8399. 8422. 8492. , Richard, Duke of, B. 993. //. 0013. 0015. 0618. 0623. Buckland, Frank T., A. 492. 501. , William (Dr.), A. 173. 185. Buckle, Henry, IL 0540. Bucknall, Thomas S. D., A. 39. Buffon, George LouisLeClerc(Count), 0. 10109. 10170. Bullar, Joseph, //. 7194. Bullock, William, //. 8000. Bulwer, Edward L. (Sir), see Lord Lytton. , Henry (Sir), B. 1305. //. 6233. M. 9786. , Lady Lytton, F. 3365. 3470. 4772. 5400. Bunbury, Charles F., //. 8104. , Henry (Sir), //. 9156. , Selina, F. 5037. //. 6157. 6183. 6226. 7009. 7122. 7309. Bangener, L.F., 7i.l90G. J/. 9885. Bunn, Alfred, //. 8480. M. 10014. Bunsen, Christian C. J., Baron, B. 1507. 7-;. 2773. 2851.2805. 3045. //. 9257. , Frances, Baroness, B. 995. Bunting, Thomas P., B. 996. Bunyan, John, F. 5154. Burebell, William J., //. 8183. Burckhardt, John Lewis, //. 7490. 7498. 7931. 8243. Burder, Samuel (Rev.), E. 2964. 2966. Burdett, Mrs., F. 3222. Burdou, Hannah D., F. 3977. 4552. iBurges, George, T. 10500. 350 Index to Authors' Names. Burgess, KicLard (Rev.), //• 6827. Uur-on, J. (Rev.), £. 1872. E. 2905. Burke, John, //. 6G8.5. , John Bernard (Sir), B. 896. 1202. 1418. 1731. 1905. //. 6085. ■ — , Peter, A. 201. 2.37. , Richard S., //. 707i;. Burnaby, Andrew (Rev.), //. 8523. Burnes, Alexander (Sir), JL 7472. '7858. , Jamos, //. 7G88. Burnet, Gilbert (Dr.), Jl 1281. //. 6555. O. 10309. Burney, Charles, A721. 722. A 1498. , Frances (Mme. d'Arblay), J3. 905. 1000. F. 3411. 3443. 3505. 3855. 5361. 5803. 5969. , James (Captain), //. 8884. 8927. Burns, Robert, TF. 10549. Burritt, Elihu, 7/. 6742. 6743. 6745. Burslem, Rollo (Capt.), 71. 7853. Burton, Edward (Rev.), //. 6900. , John Hill, ^1. 226. B. 1034. 1324. //. 6455. 6561. 8938. M. 9356. 9969. , Richard F. (Capt.), H.lAdl. 7624. 8020. 8111. 8121. 8209. 8216. 8415. , Thomas, //. 6487. Bury, Charlotte (Lady), F. 3163. 3710. 3724. 3729. 3901. 3932. 4560. 5492. , Sieur de, O. 10280. , Viscount, //. 8942. Busby, Thomas, A. 686. J/. 9400. Bush, Mrs. Forbes, B. 1676. Bu.slman, J. S., A. 543. Bushnell, Horace (Dr.), E. 2953. Busk, Hans, H. 9180. , M. M., JI. 7128. — , Mrs. William, //. 8974. Butler, Alfred, F. 4168. , Charles, B. 1174. E. 2866. J/. 9929. 10097. Butler, Fanny (Fanny Kemble), //. 7448. 8445. 8447. , John (Major), //. 7736. -, Josejdi, E. 2706. , Rachel (Lady), F. 4324. 5212. , Samuel, />. 2319. 2320. Butt, Isaac, /•: 3450. , Martha Haines, F. 3198. Butts, Lieutenant de, //. 7712. Buxton, Charles, B. 1001. , Thorn. Fowell (Sir), A. 217. Byam, George, //. 8614. 8722. Byerley, Thomas (Reuben Percy), .1/. 9751. 9862. Byrne, Mr. William Pitt, JJ. 71 1«. , William, JI. 6449. , W. a, //. 8862. Byron, George Gordon, Lord , />. 2 1 80. 2225. 2227. 2471. 2593. 2682. W. 10550. , John, Capt. Lord, //. 8909. Cadell, Mrs., F. 5311. Cajdmon, J). 2276. Caillie, Rdne, //. 8249. Calabrella, Baroness de, F. 5758. Calamy, Edmund (Dr.), B. 1021. Caldcleugh, Alexander, JI. 8709. Caldecott, R. M., B. 931. Calderon, Mme., //. 8587. Caldwell, James Stamford, J/. 9934. Callcott, Maria H., /: 4192. Calmet, Augustin, 0. 10201. Calvert, James, //. 8886. Cambon, Mme. de, 31. 9714. Cameron, G. Poulett (Lieut. Col.), F. 5359. JI. 7063. , John, //. 7698. Oampan, Mme., B. 1025. 1473. Campbell, Alexander, JI. 6593. , Calder (Major), F. 6038. , Donald, JL 7661. , George, JI. 7651. 7679. , Hugh, Ji. 1486. , James (Lieutenant Col.), JI. 6589. 7618. Index to Authors' Names. 351 Campbell, James (Sir), B. 1026. , John, //. 8973. , J. (Dr.), A 982. M. 9764. , J. (Lord), B. 1058. U.38. , J. (Major Gen.), //. 7702. , J. F., F. .5186. , Thomas, A1222.1627. B. 2472. 2616. 2G44. //. 8076. Walter (Colonel), //. 7682. Cantemir, Demetrius (Prince), //. 7245. Capefigne, Baptiste Honore E., 0. 10287. 10301. Capper, Benjamin P., //. 6718. , John, H. 7732. Caracciolo Henrietta, B. 1032. Carey, Alice, F. 3519. , H. C, A. 833. 845. //. 8748. — ,M.L.M., //. 8008. Carlen, Emilie, F. 3859. 4281. 4350. 4571. 5381. 6049. Carleton, G.W., //. 8699. , William, F. 3821. 3904. 4316. 5308. 5567. 5778. 5800. 5902. 6033. Carlisle, Lord, //. 7238. Carlyle, Alexander (Dr.), B. 1034. , Thomas, B. 1090. 1223. //. 6234. M. 9704. 9777. 9828. 9857. 9963. Carmichael, Mrs., //. 8634. Carnarvon, Earl of, //. 7916. Carne, John, F. 3863. 5604 5745. jr. 7966. Cams, C. G. (Dr.), //. 6595. , William (Ilev.), B. 1800. Carpenter, Mary, //. 7725. , W. B. (Dr.), A. 534. 767. Carrington, E., F. 3539. Carter, Francis, //. 7140. , Robert S., F. 5692. , Thomas, //. 9079. Cartwright, Frances Dorothy, B. 1035. • — , Mrs. Robert, F. 3174. 3476. Carver, Jonathan, //. 8522. Cary, Henry, T. 10500. Gary, John, A. 436. //. 6641. , Lieut. Col., H. 8833. Casales, E. (Rev.), //. 8153. Casey, Charles, //. 8526. Castlereagh, Viscount, H. 6472.7895. Cathcart, George (Sir), //. 9074. Catherine 11., 0. 10172. 10302. Catlin, George, //. 7368. 8750. 8751. Catullus, r. 10479. Gaunter, Robert (Rev.), F. 5355. Gavalcaselle , G. B. , A. 695. Cave, Laurence Trent, H. 8070. , William (Dr.), E. 2884. Cave-Browne, J. (Rev.), //. 9193. Caxton, Philip, Jf. 8497. Cayley, Arthur, B. 1695. , Charles B., D. 2224. 2530. E. 2989. , Edward, S., //. 7308. , George J., //. 7141. Cecil, Eustace (Lord), M. 9667. Cellini, Benvenuto, B. 1045. Cervantes Saavcdra, Miguel de, /•"'. 3743. 0. 10214. Chaillu, Paul de, //. 8207. 8215. Ghallice, Dr., //. 6237. 6300. Ghallis, James (Rev.), E. 2777. Chalmers, Alexander, C. 2001. • ; George, A. 808. //. 6456. , Thomas (Dr.), A. 371. E. 2791. 2906. 2982. 3021. 3031. Chambaud, Louis, 0. 10179. Chambers, Robert, A 110. C. 200.3. //. 6488. 6657. 6725. 7293. , William, //. 6557. 8502. Chambre, Major, //. 8995. Chamerovzow, L. A., F. 3488. Chamier, Frederick (Capt.), F. 3205. 3566. 4301. 4503. 5564. 5878. 6115. Champion, Richard, M. 9396. Chandler, Richard (Dr.), 11. 6858. Chapman, B. (Rev.), //. 6147. , Charles, B. 1292. , James, //. 8184. , John, .1. 794. Chappell, Edward (^Lieut.), JI. 8357. 352 Tndca: to AiiiJtors' Names. Charles, Charles M., F. 3220. 3511. Charles Y., B. 1052. Charlesworth , Maria L., F. 4768. 4769. Charlotte Elizabeth, see Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. Chas.seaud, George W., //. 7882. Cliastellux, Francois J., Marquis de, //. 8513. Chateaubrieand, PranQois Auguste, Vicomte de, B. 1054. F. 4902. //. 87G1. M. 9917. Chatfield, Paul, M. 10069. Chatham, Earl of, B. 1055. Chatterton, Lady, F. 3165. 4045. //. 6672. 7162. , Tiiomas, /). 2405. 2473. Chatto, William A., M. 9562. Chaucer, Geoffry, B. 2474. Cheadle, W. B.//, .8310. Cheever, George B. (Dr.), E. 3093. //. 6999. 7222. Chenier, //. 8072. Chesshyre, Henry T. Newton, //. 6175. Chesterfield, Earl of, A. 120. Chesterton, George L., B. 1057. //. 8691. 31. 9936. Chevalier, Michel, A. 846. J/. 8588. 0. 10312. , Thomas, A. 311. Child, L Maria, B. 1313. Ciiildren, John George, A. 64. Chitty, Joseph, A. 243. Chorlcy, Henry F., A. 731. B. 1291. /'. 4521. 5540. //. 7360. Chowles, John O. (Kev.), J/. 7303. Christian, Edward, A. 231. 836. Christison, Robert (Prof.), A. 304. Christmas, Henry (Rev.), B. 1559. //. 7396. Church, Mrs. Ross, (see Florence IMarryat. Churchill, Charles, I). 2475. , Colonel, 7?. 881. 7/. 7903. Churchman, John, A. 439. Churi, Joseph, //. 8233. Cibber, Colley, B. 1060. Cicero, T. 10480. 10481. 10482. 10483. Clappcrton, Hugh, //. 8079. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Lord, //. 6575. Clark, Charles, A. 491. , Hamlet (Rev.), //. 8969. , Hugh, yl. 459. • , John (Rev.), //. 7317. , Samuel, F. 2732. Clarke, Capt., //. 8525. , Charles, F. 3341. 4542. , Edward (Dr.), JI. 9008. , Edward (Rev.), 7/. 7143. , James Stanier (Rev.), B. 1363. JI. 8993. , Mary Cowden, F. 4272. 4381. , Stephen R., //. 6471. Clarkson, Thomas, A. 805. Clayton, Ellen Creathorne, B. 1679. Clement XIV. (Pope), M. 9730. Cleveland, Cliarles D., A. 83. Clias, Peter H., A. 420. Clive, Mrs. (Hon.), F. 4338. , I\rrs. Archer, F. 5096. Clulow, William B., M. 9320. Cobbe, Frances Power, If. 6929. Cobbett, William, M. 9733. Cobbold, Richard H. (Rev.), F. 3973. 4672. 4704. 6134. 77. 7558. Cochrane, Alexander Baillie, 7^.3839. 3936. //. 7001.8950. , CharlesS.(Capt.), //.867G. , George, 77.6864. , John Dundas (Captain), 77 7058. Cockburn, Henry, Lord, B. 1067. 1367. Cockin, William, 7>. 2582. Cocks, C, 77 6219. Cockton, Henry, 7''. 4413. 4569. 5116.5903. Cogan, Thomas (Dr.), 77 6401. Cogglcshall, George, 77 9099. Cohen, Bernard, yl. 791. Index to Authors' Names. 353 Coke, E.T. (Lieut.), //.8499. Colchester, Charles Abbot, Lord, B. 10G9. Cole, Alfred W., //. 8155. , John William, 5.984. , William, //.8119. Colenso, John Wm., Bishop of Natal, ^.2974. //.8178. Coleridge, Hartley, B. 959. D. 247G. M. 9494. , Henry Nelson, C. 2032. //. 8646. , Samuel Taylor. B. 960. /J.2477. 7?.2770. il/.9518. 9718.10004. TF: 10551. Collet, Stephen, ^V. 9923. Collier, George(AdmiralSir),//. 7312. , William Francis, F. 5149. Collingridge, A., F.4931. Collingwood, Cutlibert, //. 7559. , Lord, B.XOIO. Collins, Arthur, i>'. 1569. , C.A., i^.5602. , David (Lieut. Col.), //. 8803. , W. Wilkie. F. 3133. 3201. 3207. 3289. 3692. 4174. 4787. 4807. 4939. 5171. 5255. 6046. //.6671. Collyns, Charles Palk, A 544. Colmachi, Mme., 7i. 1851. 1852. Colman, George, J/. 9894. 9914. T. 10512. Colfiuhoun, John , //. 6638. 6705. , John Campbell, 7i.l941. , Mrs., F. 4725. .Patrick, A 862. Colston, Marianne, //. 7339. Colton, C, //.8509. .1/.9701. Combe, George (Dr.), A. 353. 386. Jf. 8477. , William, 7J».2648. Combermere, Viscountess, B. 1073. Compton, Jemima, i'"". 5882. Comyn, Robert (Sir), //:6376. Congreve, Kichanl, //. 9285. Conington, John, T. 10517. Conolly, Arthur (Tvieut.), //. 7664. Conran, H. M. (Major), B. 1937. Conscience, Hendrik, F. 3600. 3930. 4522.5710.5721.5916. Conway, Derwent, //. 7402. Cook, Dutton, F. 3735.4463.5097. 5209.5521.5818. , George (Dr.), E. 2889. , James (Capt.), 77.8910. , S.S. (Capt), 77.7175. Cooke, George Wingrove, A. 815. iJ. 975. 1782. 77.7518.8065. , JohnH. (Capt.), 7/. 6271. , M. C. 37.9983. Cooley, Arnold J. ^.417. , W. Desborough , C. 2 1 1 5. Cooper, Bransby B., 7?. 1078. , Elizabeth, 5. 1824. , G. Gilbert, K2928. , James Fenimore, 7^. 3131. 3337. 3346. 3445. 3700. I. 77. 6501. 6906. 7385. 9113. , Susan Fenimore, M. 9944. , Thomas, 7^.6039. Coopland, Mrs., 7/. 7666. Copeland, Alexander, 7?. 2947. , James (Dr.), A. 303. Copping, Edward, 7T 4193. Corbet, the Misses, 7^3368.4976. Corder, Susanna, 7?. 1226. Coriat junior, II. 6884. Cork & Orrery, Earl of, 11. 6945. Corkran, J. F., 77 6249. Corner, Julia, 7^ .3361. 3593.4477. 4940. Cornwall, Barry, see Bryan Walter Proctor. Cornwallis, Marquis of, 77.6473. Costello, Dudley, 77.6414. ,Lou:saStuart, 7?.1068.1482. F. .3435. 3501. 4002. 77. 6217. 6311. 45 3852. 4130. 4140. 4197. 4305. 4436. 4523. 4686. 4749. 4804. 5092. 5155. 5158. 5192. 5194. 5289. 5309. 5448. 5473. 5566. 5830. 5983. 5986. 6062. 354 Index to Authors' Names. Cotta, Berubard von, ^1. 186. Cotton, Charles, D. 2478. M. 9399. , Sydney (Sir), //. 7G92. Cottu, A. 230. Coude, M. Joseph, O. 1028G. Coulter, John, //. 8061. Coulton, D.T., /':3952. Courtenay, Thomas P., B. 1854. Cousin, Victor, A. 136. Cowen, William, 7/. G302. Cowpcr, Mary, Countess, B. 1084. , William, A 1083. 1^.10552. Cox, George W. (Rev.), //. 9286. , Hiram (Capt.), //. 7654. ,JohnEdmund(Rev.),7?.2987. , Robert (Rev.), i?. 1151. — , Ross, 77.8394. Coxa, William (Rev.), B. 1393. 1477. 1914. 77.6374.7426.7831. Crabb, George, A 94. 465. /7.9011. Crabbe, George (Rev.), D. 2642. W. 10553. Cradock, J., 7?. 1085. Craig, A. R. A 763. , Isa. />.2238. Craik, Georgiana M. 7^. 3890. 4469. 4551.4759.5338.6037. Crantz, David, 77. 8290. Craven,Keppel(Hon.), 77.6907.6987. Crawford, A. (Capt.), II. 9201. , John, 77.7658.7659.8777. Creasy, Edward S. (Sir), 77. 6681. 7246.9089.9124. Crcjbillon, Prosper Jolyo t de, 0. 1 03 7 2. Creech, Thomas, T. 10497. Crichton, Alexander (Sir), A 330. , A.W., 77.6640. Criric, James (Dr.), 7). 2597. Croker, Richard, 77.7186. , Thomas Crofton, B. 1310. C.2035. F. 3282. 3880. 77.6677. Croly, George (Rev.), F. 4696. 5441. 5732. Cromwell, Thomas, 77.6508. Crosland, Mrs. Newton (Camilla Toulmin), 7':4790. Cross, Thomas, 73.1092. Crowe, Catherine, F. 3121. 4508. 4514.4519.4745.5614. , Eyre Evans, C. 2101. //. 0251.7318. , J. A., A 695. Crowquill, Alfred, see Alfred Henry Forrester. Croxall, Samuel, 7.10474. Cniikshank, Brodie, //.8115. , George, 7';5091. , Robert, F.4311. Cnnnp, Miss, 7^.4022. Cumberland, Richard, /?. 1095. Gumming, John (Dr.) E. 2707. 2854. 2922. 3040. M. 9445. , Roualeyn Gordon, 77.8163. Cummins, Maria S., 7^. 3812. 412:!. 4423.4631. Cunningham, Allan, 7J.1944. C,'.2009. 7>. 2479. 2605. 2G12. /'. 4546.5528.5795. , Peter, 77.0525.8866. Cunyngbame,Arthur(Capt.),77.7511. Curling, Henry, 7'''. 5552. Cunau, William H., 7>'. 1097. 1348. Curtis, George William, 77. 7941. 8022. 8972. Curwen, Samuel, 7?. 1098. Curzon,Robert(Hou.), 77,7441.7875. Cust, Edward (Sir), 77. 9065. Cuthbertson, J. 7''. 5366. , Miss, 7^.4217. Dabney, R. L. (Prof.), B. 1361. Dacre, Lady, 7-: 5738. Dale, Thomas, Z». 2334. Dallas, E.S., il/.9592. , Robert Charles, A 765. 7/. 8117. D'Almeida,Wm.Barriugton,7/.877;i. Dalrymple, Alexander, 77.8890. , John (Sir), 77.6611. ,Mrs.J. Elphinstone, 7''.5937. , Robert (Sir), 77.6447. Dalton, Henry G., 77.8072. Damer, Mrs. (Hon.), 77.7239. Dana, Richard U., F.b%Z^. 77.8649. Index to Authors' Names. 355 Dandolo, Emilio, 77.6928. Danforth , Joshua (Rev.), M. 9.594. Daniel, George, FAlbi. , Mrs. Mackenzie, F. 3 13.5. 4019. 4056. 4712. 4773. 5031. 5033. 5179. 5291. 5499. , P. Gabriel, 0. 10276. , Robert Mackenzie, F. 3422. Daniell, J. Frederick, /I. 645. IJaugeau, Philip do Courcillon, Mar- quis de, 0. 10191. Dante Alighieri, 7). 2224.2480. 2672. D'Arblay, Mme., see Prances Buruey. Darnell, W. N. (Rev.), 7?. 944. Darnley, Sir Charles, 77.6608. Daru, Pierre Antoine Noel Bruno, 0. 10288. Darwin, Charles, A. 524. 547. 571. 572. , Erasmus, A 40. 774. Daschkaw, Princess, 7?. 1123. Dasent, George W., F. 5185. 5596. 5598. Daubeny, Charles (Rev.), E. 3026. D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle, E. 2890. 77. 7315. 7331. Daumas, E. (General), 0. 10153. Daunt, William J. O'Neill, B. 1584. 7^.4012. Davenport, Richard Alfred, C. 2041 . 2043. 2044. 2053. 2055. David, John C, 77.8682. Davidson, C. J. C, 77.7737. , G.F., 77.9004. , Samuel (Dr.), 75.2908. Davies, John (Sir), 7). 2481. Davis, Henry, T. 10500. ., John F. (Sir), C. 2120. 77. 7517.7521. , N. (Rev.), 7^.8068. Davison, John (Dr.), £.2797. Davy, Humphrey (Sir), A. 63. 74. 449. M. 9403. W. 10554. , John, 77.7593. Dawson, Florence, 7^.4984. , J.W. (Dr.), £.2709. Day, Charles W., 77. 8635. Day es , Edward , 77. 6 659. Deacon, William Fredk., 7^.3193. Debary, Thomas (Rev.), JI. 7151. De Castro, Adolphus, 77.7179. Defoe, Daniel, C. 2036. F. 5345. W. 10555. Dekker, Edward Douwes, T-". 4728. De la Beche, Henry Thomas (Sir), A 175. Delamer, E. Ss'bastien, ^1.33. Delamotte, Philip H., A 452. Delany, Mary Granville, Mrs., 7J. 1 1 28. Deleon(Abbc***), 0.10212.10217. 10220. 10222. 10225. Delepierre, Octave, M. 9623. Demosthenes, T. 10484. Denham, Dixon (Major), 77.8079. , John (Sir), 7^.2482. Dennis, George, yl. 670. Dennistoun, James, 7J.1822. 7'''.4454. Dennys, N.B., 77.8741. Denton, W. (Rev.), 77.7261. De Quincy, Thomas, M. 9401. 9980. Derby, Earl of, 3.10489. Derham, William (Rev.), E. 2710. 2976. Devereux, W. B. (Hon.), 7>'. 1175. Devey, Joseph, 7i. 1435. D'Ewes, J., II. 9001. , Simon (Sir), 7>M178. Dibdin, Charles, 7>. 2205. J7. 9972. , Thomas F., A 665. .17.9738. 9928. Dicey, Edward, B. 1039. 77. 6974. 7057. 8490. Dick, Thomas, A 293. Dickens, Charles, 7:3293.3327.3473. 3480. 3583. 3681. 3734. 3739. 4057. 4113. 4124. 4525. 4700. 4713. 4928. 4941. 5008. 5035. 5144. 5145. 5539. 5695. 5875. 77. 6962. 8402. Didier, Charles, 0.10328. Dieffenbach, Eniest, 77.8861. Dillon, Arthur (Hon.), 77.6195. , John Talbot, 7/. 7187. 45* 356 Index to Authors' Nantes. Dillon, Lord, F. 5376. , Peter (Capt.), //. 8895. Ulrom, Alexander (Major), //. 9158. Disraeli, Benjamin, B. 955. F. 3546. 3555. 4158. 4283. 5618. 5751. 5914. 5938. 5941. 6052. 6110. , Isaac, H. 6467. M. 9310. 9419.9778. Ditson, George L., Jl. 7037. D'lvcrnois, Francis (Sir), yl. 813. Dixon, George (CapO, 77.9019. • , William Ilep worth, A 224. B. 907. 935. 907. 1317. 1618. 77.7890.8471. J7. 10011. Dobell, Peter, 77.7839. Doblado, L. (Don), 7/. 7145. Dodd, Charles R, .17.9763. -, George, A262.263. .V.9572. Doddington, George Bubb, 7J. 1131. Doddridge, Dr., 73.1132. Dodsworth, William, 7". 3504. Dodwcll, Edward, 77.6823. Dolby, Thomas, 7^.3937. Dolgoroiiky, Paul (Prince), 77. 7047. Dollinger, Dr., £.2760. Domenech, Abbe, 77.8592.8755. Donovan, Michael, C. 2072. 2073. Doolittle, Justus (Rev.), 77.7568. Doran, John, (Dr.), 7)'. «IS3. 1U80. 1514.1050.1675.1856.77.8967. M. 961 1. 9873. 9961. 10061. Dorset, Earl of, 7^.5835. Doubleday, Thomas, 7". 3853. Douglas, Frederick, 73.1528. , James (Rev.), A. 1 04. , J. W., A 573 , Robert, 7^.3123. Dover, Lord, 73.1221. Dow, Alexander, 77. 7035. Do wnes, George, 77.6383.7351. Doyle, James E., 77. 6463. D'Oyley, George, 73.1768. Drake , Nathan , .17. 9815. .Samuel, 77.8443. Drayson, Alfred W. (Capt.), 77. 8 1 76. Drinkwater, John, 77.9111. Drummond, James L., A. 32. Drury, Anne Harriet, F. 3098. 3801. 3975.4.509.4777. Dryden, John, JJ. 2274. T. 10502. 10518. ir. 10556. Duberley, Mrs.Henry, 77.9072.9126. Dubois, J. A. (Abbe), 77. 7610. M. 9734. Dudley, Earl of, 73.1138. Duff, James Grant, 77.7641. , Mountstuart Elphiuslonc Grant, .17. ltM)2< >. Dufferin, Lord, 77.6154. Duhalde, Jean Baptiste, 7/. 7533. Duhring, Henry, 7/. 8484. Dumas, Alexandre, 7'. 3323. 3507. 4016. //. 0285. 7212. • , Mathicu (Comte), 73.1141. Dumont, Etieune, 73.1511. Dunbar, E. Dunbar, M. 10000. , James, .17.9522. Duncan, Charles, 77.9071. , James, .^1. 543. , John, 77.8131. ■ , John M., 77.8521. Dundonald,Earl of, 73.1143. 77.8692. Dunham, S. A. (Dr.), C. 2098. 2100. 2102.2107.2112. Dunlop, John, A 108. 77.7150. -17. 9629. , Mrs., /•:3825. , William, 7^2318. Dunne, J. H. (Capt.), 7/. 7513. Dupin, Charles (Baron), 77. 6737. 0. 10159. 10209. 10270. 10311. Duppa, Richard, //. 6988. Dupuis, Hanmer L., 77.7891. Durbin , John P., 77. 7370. Durham, Earl of, .1/. 10006. Duval, Valentine, 73.1144. Duyckinck, Evert, C. 2002. , George, 6'. 2002. Dwight, Timothy, 7/. 8512. Dyer, Thomas Henry, 77. 9274. ,ThomasN., 73.1022 /•^.5582. Index to Authors' Names. 357 Eadie, John (Dr.), B. 1394. Eai-1, George William, //. 8774. Earle, Augustus, //. 8832. Earp, J. P., //.9100. Eastlake, Charles Loch (Su-), A. 674. , Lady, see Miss Rigby. Eastman, Mary, //. 8418. Eastwick, Edward B., /f. 7808. 8718. Ede, James, AG72. Eden, Emily (Hon.), F. 5488. 5489. //. 774(5. Edersheim, Alfred (Rev.), E. 288.3. Edgeworth, Maria, A 134. 7X2204. i^. 4115. ir. 10557. , Richard L., A 95. Edmonds, Gyrus A., 6'. 2037. Edmonston, Eliza, 77.0700. Edmoustone, Archibald (Sir), II. 8013. Edwardes, Herbert (Sir), 77.7758. Edwards, Amelia B., F. 3204. 3278. 4103.4110.4780.4825. , Bryan, 77.8637. , Frank, 7/. 9068. , George, ^.498. , H., .17.9387. , H. Sutherland, 77. 7035. 7074. ,5[atildaB., i-^eOOl. 77.8096. 9003. , WilUam, 77.7701.7716. , "William H., 77.8720. Egede, Hans, 77.8288. Egerton, Francis (Capt), //. 7G57. Ekins, Charles, 77.9174. Eldon, Abraham (Dr.), J/. 9404. Eliot, George, see Marian Evans. , Samuel, 77.9278. EUiott, Charles B., 11. 7354. 7427. , K, 7<:3328. , E.B. (Rev.), 7;.3092. , Grace Dalrymple, 7?. 1158. , "William (Hon.), 77.8414. Ellis, George Agar (Hon.), -V. 9674. , Henry, 7/. 6649. 7541. , Henry T., 7/. 8778. -, John, A 496. 537. Ellis, Mrs., F. 4540. 4817. 5148. 5755. 7/:6312. .17.9442. 9886. 10125. , "William, 77.8285. — , William (Rev.), 77. 8211. 8220.8237.8902. Elmes, James, A9.7(.1967. J7.9325. Elmhirst, P.J. (Lieut.), 77.6959. Elphinstone, Mountstuart (Hon.), 77. 7471,7636. Elton, J.F., //.8G16. Elwood, Mrs. Colonel, 7)M434. 77. 7684. Emanuel, Harry, A 163. Emerson, James, 77.6835.6846. , Ralph Waldo, 7J.1707. Enfield, William, A 361. En-el, Carl, A 705. Entick, John (Rev.), 77.6537.9181. Erasmus, J/. 9789. Erckmann, 0. 10215. 10216. 10219. 10230. Erman, Adolph, 77.7841. Erskine, John Elphinstone, II. 8892. Espriella, Manuel A. (Don.), 77.6600. Esquiros, Alphouse, 7/. 6502. Euler, Li'on, .1.644. Eustace, John C. (Rev.), C. 2054. 77. 6897. Evans, G. AY. D. (Rev.), 77. 6895. , John, /■;.3047. , Marian, 7>. 2615. F. 3110. 391S. 4764.5372.5462.550.S. , Robert Wilsou(Rev.), 7:5724. Evelyn, John, A 42. 7^.1251. Ewbank, Thomas, 77. 8685. Eyre, Edward John, 77.8822. , Vincent (Lieut.), 77.9147. Fabens, Joseph W., 7^5600. Faber, George Stanley(Dr.), i?.3065. Fairholt, F. W., M. 9408. Falconer, Hugh (Dr.), A 549. Fanny Fern, see Mrs. S. P. Willis Parton. Fanshawc, Lady, B. 1205. Faraday, Michael (.Prof.), A 56. 75. 358 Index to Authors' Names. Fariiii, Luigi Carlo, //. 0022. Farley, J. Lewis, //. 7890. Fanner, Hugh, £.2824. Farrall, S. A., 7/. 8482. Farrar, Adam Storey (Rev.), E. 2725. , Freilerick W. (Kcv.), D. 2:S80. K.-MYM. /'-. 3835.4340. Faulkner, Arthur B. (Sir), A. 338. ]1. G423. , Heury, 7/. 8158, Faux, W., y/.8462. Fawkes, Francis, ?. 10513. Fay, Theodore S.,F.35G9.3750.4947. Fearn, John, A 370. Fearon, Henry Bradshaw, //. 84G0. Featherstonliaugh , G. W., //. 8413. 8425. Feeling, Charles H., //. 6654. Felice, do, 0.10161. Fellowes, Charles, //. 7871. , William Dorset, //. 6321. 6535. Fennell, James, //. 6295. Fenton, Felix de, 0. 10324. Ferguson, Adam, .4.357.380. ■ , James, A 283. , M. C, 7/. 6710. Fergusson, Adam, 7/. 8363. • , James, A 6. 10. //. 7718. Ferrall, S. A., 77.8482. Ferrand, Antoine, 0.10265. Ferrier, J. P., 77. 7473. 7052. , Mary, T-^ 4263. 4600. Ferris, Mrs. B.G., 77.8466. Ferry, Gabriel, 77.8611. 0.10325. Fen-yhridge, Mrs. Henry Nelson, 77.6951. Feuerbach, Paul Josh. Ansclm vou, A. 227. Fidler, Isaac (Rev.), 77. 8479. Field, William (Rev.), B. 1604. Fielding, Henry, W. 10558. Figuier, Louis, A 518. 546. Finch, J., 7/. 8519. , Marianne, 77.8424. Finlay, George, 7/. 6833.6834.6836. 6837. 6838. 0264. Fisher, Admiral, 7''. 5127. , Lieut. Colonel, 77.7557. Fitzclarence, Lieut. Col., 77.7655. Fitzgerald, Percy, B. 1246. 1819. 7':5477. 77. G381. Fitzmaurice, Mrs., 77.7383. Fitzpatrick, William John, B. 1935. Flad, F. M., A'. 2955. Fleming, Francis (Rev.), 77. 8175. , George, 77. 7859. , John, yl.551. Fletcher, John, TK 10544. , J. C. (Rev.), 77 8664. , J. P. (Rev.), 77.7911. , Lieut. Col., 77.8437. Fliessbach, Ferdinand (Dr.), 0.101 77. Flinders, Matthew, 77 8868. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de, W. 10559. Fonllanque, Albany, ^.236. 7^.4138. 4656. 5752. 5785. 77. 6498. J17 9641. ■ , Edward Barrington de, 77. 7555. , J.S.M., A 315. Forbes, Alexander, 77.8435. , Charles Stuart, 77. 6152. 6804. , Edward (Prof.), 77 7927. , Francis, A 28. , Frederick E. (Commander), 77.7531.8114.8130. , James, 77 7G05. , James D., A 170. 77 6161. 6086. , John, A 434. 77.6634.7221. , John (Sir), A 318. , Major, 77 7615. Ford, Richard, 77 7124.7126. Forester, Thomas, 7''. 3860. 77 61 63. 6966. Forrest, Thomas (Capt.), 77. 8702. Forrester, Alfred Henry (Alfred Crowquill), 77 6748. M. 0302. Forster, Charles (Rev.), A. 128. E. 2941. 77. 7493. , George, 77.7960. , John, TJ. 1156.1259. Index to Authors' Names. 359 Forster, Jolin Reinhold, //. 7753. 8291.8087. Forsyth, Robert, All. , William, A 216. iJ. 1061. 1552. Fortescuc, Earl, B. 1.391. , John (Sir), A 211. Fortune, Robert, //. 7543. 7564. 7571. 7577. Foss, Edward, B. 1377. Foster, Alexander F., A 141. , Mrs. A. F., A 116. , Mr.s. M. E., A 103. Fouqu(5, De la Motte, F. 5475. 5513. Fourdrinier, Harriet, F. 5036. Fowler, George, B. 1812. //. 7278. 7814. Foxe, John, E. 2704. 2814. Framjee, Dosabhoy, //. 7699. Franc, Maud J., F. 4G79. Francis, G. H., B. 1587. , Philip, T. 10493. Erancklin, William, //. 7969. Frankl, Dr., //. 7893. Frankland, C. Colville (Capt.), //. 7059. 7272. Franklin, Benjamin (Dr.), B. 1220. W. 10560. 10561. , James, H. 8643. , John (Sir), //. 8299. 8300. , Tliomas (Rev.), T. 10508. Franz, J. Charles August, A 307. Eraser, James Baillie, B. 1804. F. 4384.4488.5123. //. 6639. 7656. 7805. 7810. 7816. 7820. 7926. , Robert W. (Rev.), A. 559. Frederick Fag, see Dr. J. Johnson. II. of Prussia, W. 10562. •, son of Theodore, King of Corsica, see Frederick Neuhoff. Freeman, Edward, IL 6572. , J. J., //. 8180. Freer, Martha Walker, B. 1155. 1295. 1296. 1365. 1472. 11. 6250. 6256. 6385 6.399. Fremantle, Lieut. Col., //. 8437. Frere, M., F. 4985. Freylinghausen, John, E. 2701. Freytag, Gustav W., F. 3G95. //. 6394. 6395. Priswell, J. Hain, A 1787. F. 3678. 5029. 6109. M. 9566. 9573. 9839. Froebel, Julius, //. 8605. Froissart, John (Sir), //. 7298. Frossard, Emilicn, //. 7045. Frost, John, B. 1303. Froude, James Anthony, //. 6545. M. 9986. Fullarton, Georgiana (Lady), /■''. 3552. 3817. 4055. 4421. 5594. 5788. M. 9986. 0. 10211. 10226. Fuller, Meta V., F. 3972. , Thomas, B. 1964. Fullom, S. W., A 362. 366. 441. B. 1137. 1307. 1786. F. 3679. 3943. 4059. 4373. 4659. 77. 6976. M. 9794. Gaillard, Gabriel Henry, 0. 10289. Galiffe, James Augustus, /7. 6931. Galloway, Wm. B. (Rev.), D. 2673. E. 2975. Gait, John, B. 1242. 1638. 1933. 1957. F. 3188. 3333. 3805. 3833. 4445. 4487. 4742. 5216. 5274. 5334. 5382. 5514. 5558. 5559. 5573. 5577. 5591. M. 9341. Galton, Francis, //. 8170. Gamba, Pietro (Count), //. 6849. Gamble, John, A 424. F. 3460. 77. 6738. Gandell, Hem-y W., M. 9870. Garbett, Edward (Rev.), E. 2729. Garcilasso de la Vega, D. 2483. Gardiner, Allen (Capt.), //. 8170. Gardner, George, 11. 8710. 8712. Garnett, Thomas, A 771. 77.6645. Garratt, G., A 532. Garrick, David, B. 1245. D. 2455. Garston, Edgar, //. 6831. Garvey, Michael, M. 9988. 360 Index to Authors' Names. Gaskell, Mrs., B. 987. F. 3579. 3674. 4529. 4705. 4950. 5331. 5385. 5394. 562G. 6041. Gaspoy, Thomas, i?. 1066. F. 5030. 5329. 5485. 6040. Gauticr, TheopMle, //. 7192. Gay, John, D. 2272. 2484. Gealo, Hamilton, F. 3841. JI. 695G. Gcikie, Archibald, BA212. //. 6689. Gell, William (Sir), A. 719. 732. //. 6843. 6847. 6983. Genlis, Comtesse de, B. 1247. D. 2643. 0. 10229. Gentz, Frederick, M. 10015. George, Anita, B. 1680. Georgi, Johann G., 0. 10259. Geramb, Marie Joseph de, //. 7913. Gerard, Alexander (Captain), //. 7592. , Jules, //. 8077. Gerstaecker, Frederick, F. 3969. 5728. //. 8537. 8979. Gessner, Solomon, D. 2422. Gibbon, Edward, //.9273. IF. 10563. Gibson, Charles K., B. 1432. Giffard, Edward, //. 6854. 9080. Gifford, C. XL, //. 9121. , John, M. 9736. , William, T. 10495. Gilbart, James William, A. 814. Gilbert, Thomas (Eeverend), //. 8836. Gilchrist, Alexander, 7>. 969. 1176. Giles, J. A. (Rev.), B. 890. GilfiUan, George, B. 1241. 1306. M. 9640. Gilliam, Albert M., //. 8609. Gillies, John (Dr.), //. 6422. 9261. T. 10476. 10477. , R., F. 5083. 5771. Gilly, William Stephen, B. 1561. //. 6953. 6997. Gilpin, William, B. 1939. Gilmor, Harry (Colonel), //. 8429. Gironi.Ve, Paul P. de la, //. 8786. O. 10329. Gisbome, Thomas, M. 9480. Giustinian, Sebastian, //. 6515. Gladstone, Thomas, //. 8452. , William Ewart (Right Hon.), E. 2764. 2962. 3048. T. 10516. Glas, George, H. 7130. Glascock, W. N. (Capt), F. 4909. 5432. 5704. Gleig, George Robert (Reverend), B. 1284. 1526. 1929. C. 2016. 2086. F. 3164. 3467. 3491. 3572. 4216. 5610. II. 6368. 9208. Gobat, Samuel, Bishop of Jerusalem, //. 8214. Goddard, Julia, F. 4348. Godfrey, George, B. 1250. Godoy, Manuel de (Don), B. 1252. Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, see Mrs. Shelley. , William, A 389. i^.3518. 3702. 3929. 5806. M. 9479. Goede, Charles Augustus de, M. 9574. Goerres, Jacob Joseph, 0. 10251. Goethe, John Wolfgang von, -^.1255. 1). 2279. 2280. F. 6029. Goldschmidt, F. 4307. 4330. Goldsmith, Oliver, A. 648. //. 9265. 9268. W. 10564. Golownin, Capt., //. 7553. 7562. Gonzalez, Don Tomas, //. 7121. Good, John Mason, A. 633. Goodisson, William, //. 6832. Goodley, John Robert, //. 8454. Goodman, Godfrey (Dr.), //. 6477. , Margaret, //. 9088. .1/. 9991 . Goodrich, A. M., F. 4073. Goodsir, Robert A., JI. 8284. Goodwin, William, yl. 802. 77.6566. Gordon, James (Rev.), II. 6553. , Lady Duff, F. 3173. 77.8014. 8071. , Margaret Maria, F. 4112. ]\l. 10024. 10126. • , Mrs. (Miss Wilson), 7?. 1950. , Miss, see Mrs. Gordon Smythies. Index to Autliors' Names. 361 Gore, Catherine Frances, F. 3171. 3276. 3316. 3402. 3434. 3439. 3440. 3578. 3693. 3697. 3711. 3753. 3884. 3907. 40G0. 4109. 4137. 4268. 4653. 4709. 4744. 4746. 4789. 4802. 4819. 4924. 5021. 5103. 5156. 5176. 5184. 5196. 5211. 5362. 5387. 5484. 5537. 5550. 5584. 5757. 5831. G047. M. 9993. Giirgey, Arthur (General), B. 1532. Goschen, George J., ^I. 856. Gosse, Philip Henry, A 499. 525. 528. 556. 574. //. 9252. Gostick, Joseph, A. 98. Gouger, Henry, //. 7703. Gould, William, F. 5613. Gourbillon, T. A. cle, 0. 10335. Graham, James, //. 8439. , John Murray, B. 1447. , Maria, //. 7670.8675.8677. Grahame, Clementina Stirling, M. 9675. Grammont, Antony (Count), /r.6614. Granger, James (Rev.), B. 963. 1263. Grant, James, B. 954. 1500. 1697. 1698. //. 6520. 6701.6728. 7386. M. 9913. , James (Captain), B. 1038. 1300. F. 3124.3129.3212. 3339. 3415. 3967. 4120. 4177. 4189. 4315. 4378. 4457. 4472. 4708. 5007. 5133. 5138. 5367. 5478. 5999. 6104. //. 6635. , James Augustus, //. 8254. , J. P., B. 1264. , Michael, E. 2954. Granville, A. B. (Dr.), //. 6704. 7075. ■ , Mary, see Mrs. Delany. Grilsso, J. G. Th. (Dr.), 0. 10167. Grattan, Henry, B. 1265. , Thomas Colley, C. 2106. F. 4148. 4178.4179.4309. 4459. 4715. 5804. , William, //. 9062. Graves, S. R., //. 7447. Graviere, Jurien de la (Admiral), //. 9213. Gray, John E., J/. 9616. , Robert (Dr.), S. 2771. //. 6382. , Samuel Octavius, A. 23. , S., A. 812. , Thomas, A 447. Z?. 2485. 2486. Green, Mary A. Everett, B. 1651. , Samuel (Rev.), C. 2052. Greeuhow, Robert, //. 8434. Greer, Mrs. S. D., B. 1671. Gregorovius, Ferdinand, H. 6324. Gregory, George, A. 640. M. 9510. , John (Dr.), M. 9528. W. 10565. Grellmann, Heinrich M. G., M. 9448. Grenville, George (Right Hon.), //. 6522. , Richard, Earl Temple, //. 6522. Gresley, William (Rev.), F. 3307. 3455. 3947. 5507. Grey, Earl, //. 6466. , Earl de, B. 1928. , Mrs. (Hon.), F. 3685. 4046. 4710. 5816. 6113. 6116. Griesinger, Theodore (Dr.), //. G950. Griffin, Gerald, F. 3524. 4269. 5734. 5736. Griffith, George (Major), //. 7959. Grimm, Baron de, O. 10193. , Herman, B. 898. Grimshawe, T. S. (Rev.), B. 1720. Grimstone, Mrs., F. 6050. Gronow, Capt., M. 9378. 9703. 9930. Grosier, Abbe, Jf. 7532. Grossi, Tomaso, F. 4665. Grosvenor, E. M., //. 7365. Grote, George, B. 1649. II. 9262. , Mrs., B. 1771. Grove, Captain, B. 972. ,.W. R., A. 636. Grund, Francis J., //. 8404. 8405. Gubbius, Martin R., II. 9061. 46 362 Lidex to Authors' Names. Giiizot, Francois Pieire G., -B. 940. 1079. 1091. 1509. 1515. 1785. 1917. //. 6223. C255. 6268. 6493. 6560. M. 9375. 9706. Gurney, Goldswortby, A 61. , John Hampden, jV. 9538. , Joseph J., A. 228. Gurwood, Lieut. Col., //. 9084. Gusbington, Angelina, M. 10067. Gutbrie, Matbieu, 0. 10160. , Thomas (Dr.), i?.2765. M. 10021. , William, //.6517. T. 10483. 10505. Gutzlaff, Charles (Rev.), //. 7542. 7566. Guys, Peter Augustine de, //. G853. Gwilt, Joseph, A. 458. Gwynne, Talbot, /: 4492. 4901. 5464. 5465. 6118. Habersham, A.W., //. 8899. Habesci, Elias, //. 7257. Hackett, James, //. 9151. Hackliinder, Friedricb Wilhelm, F. 3570. Haering, George W. H. (W. Alexis), F. 3366. 5965. Habn-Habn, Ida, Countess of, //. 7967. Hakluyt, Richard, Jf. 8929. Haliburton, Thom. Chandler (Judge), F. 3225. 3516. 4907. 4993. 5444. 5802. //. 6450. 8339. 8744; Halkett, John, //. 8747. Hall, Anna Maria (Mrs. S. C), F. 3.363. 3413. 4680. 4757. 5541. 5748. 5871. 6009. JI. 6661. , Basil (Capt.),//. 6406. 7373. 7573. 8514. 8666. 8946. , Baynard R. (Rev.), F. 3966. , Charles Francis (Capt.), //. 8298. , Francis (Lieut.), -//. 6318. 8374. Hall, Herbert Byng, F. 3358. //. 6749. 7381. , James, F. 6027. Tl': 10566. , James (Rev.), //. (;726. , Joseph (Dr.), E. 2774. , Mrs. Matthew, B. 1673. , Robert, T)'. 10567. Hallam, Arthur Henry, M. 9925. , Henry, A. 115. J/. 6469. 6948. 7408. 7440. Halliday, Andrew, //. 7314. Halls, John, U. 1767. Halsted, Caroline, B. 1716. Hamberg, Theodore (Rev.), //. 7524. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, A. 673. 682. //. 6652. Hamilton, Andrew, //. 6179. , Anthony (Count), 7-'. 3888. ; , Elizabeth, .4.121. B. 886. , George, A. 678. , James (Dr.), E. 2927. //. 8093. , J. P. (Colonel), //. 8716. , Robert, A. 543. , Thomas (Capt), F. 3197. 3602. //. 8463. , Walter, //. 7613. 7623. , William (Rev.), //. 6598. , William (Sir), A. 363. //. 6958. Hamley, Charles (Capt.), J/. 9090. , Edward Bruce (Lieutenant Colonel), F. 4115. Jf. 9184. 9218. Hampden, James, T. 10504. , Renn Dickson, Bisliop of Hereford, B. 1204. Hamper, William, B. 1139. Hampson, George Francis (Sir), A. 238. Hamst, Olphar, M. 9614. Hanbury, Barnard (Rev.), If. 8212. Hancarville, Pierre F.H.d', 0.10180. Hanna, William (Dr.), B. 1046. Hannah, John (Dr.), E. 2726. Haunay, James, B. 1858. F. 3849. Hansard, George A., A. 409. Index to AutJiors Names. 363 Hauway, James, //. 7400. , Jonas, //. 7801. Haole, A. (A. Liholiho), //. 8904. Harcourt, Edward Vernon, //. 7173. 8085. Hardcastle, Charlotte, F. 3550. , Daniel, .1. 783. , Ephraim, F. 5826. 6036. Hardman, Frederick, //. 9214. Hardwicke, Charles, E. 2755. , Earl of, T. 10478. Hardy, Miss, F. 5047. , Robert Spenee, //. 7668. 7955. , E. W. H. (Lieut.), H. 8608. , Thomas Duffus, B. 1420. Harford, John S., B. 997. Harland, John, //. 6596. , Marion, F. 3167. 4918. Harle, William Lockey, M. 9373. Harris, James, J. 104. 131. il/. 9867. , Jo"bn (Rev.), E. 2942. //. 8986. , Thaddeus Mason (Dr.), E. 2951. , W. Cornwallis (Major), //. 8188. 8210. Harrison, W. H, F. 4489. Harte, Walter (Rev.), //. 6148. Hartley, John (Rev.), //. 6852. , Mrs. Col., F. 3.509. 4261. Hartwig, George (Dr.), A. 511. 558. 570. Harvey, Mrs., //. 8988. , W.W., //. 8648. Harwood, John, F. 5493. , Thomas, B. 893. Hasselquist, Frederick, //. 7988. Hastings, Marquess of, //. 7707. , Warren, A. 851. M. 9723. Haussez, Baron d', //. 6519. Havelock, Henry (Sir), //. 9172. Haverty, Martin, //. 7191. Hawkes, J., H. 8759. Hawkesworth, John (Dr.), //.8921. Hawkins, Letitia Maria, F. 3186. 4166. M. 9769. Hawkins, J. (Sir), A. 688. B. 1373. , John Sidney, A. 7. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, F. 3330. 4205. 4816. 5455. 5805. 5828. //. 6651. 8118. Ilasthausen, Baron von, //. 7085. Hay, John H. Drummond, JI. 8094. Haydn, Joseph, //. 8935. llaydon, Benjamin Robert, A. 702. 1287. Hayes, Isaac J., //. 8282. 8311. Haygarth, Henry William , //.8842. Hayley, William, ii. 1082. Z>. 2487. 2650. Hayter, Charles, .1. 700. Hazlltt, William, A. 118. 119. B. 1556. J/. 9529. 9747. 10009. , William Carew, F. 5557. //. 6921. Head, Edmund Bond (.Sir), 7J.2172. , Francis Bond (Sir), C.2018. //. 6227. 6359. 6514. 8347. 8356.8701. J/. 9444. 9509. 9638. , George (Sir), //.6581.6972. 8350. ■, Miss, F. 5395. Headley, J. T., JI. 6944. 7291. Heard, James, B. 1133. O. 10166. Hearne, Samuel, //. 8296. , Thomas, //. 6449. Ueber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, 1). 2488. E. 3032. If. 7685. Hecker, J. F. C, M. 9346. Heighway, OsbornW. T., /'. 3116. Heine, Heinrich, D. 2489. Heiton, John, .1/. 9374. Hell, Xavier Ilommaire de, II. 7087. Helps, Arthur, B. 1423. /•'. 5934. M. 8758. M. 9395. 9579. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, IT. 10568. Heming, Bracebridge, F. 3369. 3845. Henderson, Ebenezer (Dr.), //. 6153. 6994. i , James, II 8670. i , John, //. 8810. I Henderson, Thulia S., B. 1904. 46* 364 Index to Authors' Names. Henderson, "William, //. GG4-4. lleuegan, RicLard D. (Sir), JI. 9211. Hengstenberg, E. W. (Dr.), E.27bS. Heuley, Lord, B. 1572. Hennikcr, Frederick (Sir), //. 8023. Henningscn, C.F., F.GOOG. //.G392. 70G7. Henry, John, F. 3959. .Matthew (Dr.), E. 2768. , Rohert (Dr.), //. G552. , W. S. (Capt), //. 8412. Henslow, J. S. (Rev.), C. 2067. llentz, Caroline Lee, i^. 3834. 4151. 4517. 4GG6. 516G. 5317. 5920, G024. Herbert, Auberon, JL 6142. — , Charles, JI. G930. , Edward, Lord (of Cherbury), B. 1301. M. 944G. ■ , Henry William, B. 1299. /■: 3437. 3965. , Lady (of Lea), i?. 1859. //. 7136. 8001. Herder, John Godfrey von, yl. 375. Herford, J.S.A., //.921G. Herndon, Mrs., i^. 4559. Herodotus, T. 10486. 10487. Heron, Robert, J/. 9728. Herrick, Robert, Z>. 2490. Herring, Richard, A 268. Herschel, John (Sir), C. 2058. 2071. llcrvey, Albert (Capt.), JI. 7730. , Frederick, //. 917G. , James, M. 9766. , John (Lord), //. 6629. , Mrs., J\ 4821. ■ , Mrs. (Miss Morton), //.7851. , Thomas Kibble, J). 2464. Heseltine, W., i^. 4439. Hesiod, T. 10488. Uessey, James Augustus (Dr.), E. 2723. Heude, William (Lieut.), //. 7987. Hewlett, J. T., i'^. 5124. Hexham, Lionel, /''. 4121. Hickok, Laurens P., A 455. Hildreth, R., i^. 6007. | Hill, Aaron, Z>. 2232. , Addlestoue, i'"". 5450. , Benson Earle, /'". 4196.5170. i/.919G. , John, i?.966. 25.3063. , S. S., 7/. 7411. 7428. Hillard, George Stillraan, //. 6978. Hillyard, William Heard, F. 5302. Hinchliffe, Thomas Woodbine, JI. G9«2. 87U4. Hind, Henry Youle, //. 8289. 8358. , J. Russell, A 294. Hinton, James, .4.529. Hippisley, George, 77.9166. Hoare, Edward Newenbam, ^.93.96. , William H. (Rev.), E. 3081. Hobhouse, John Cam (Sir), 77. 7249. .1/. 9624. Hobson, Richard (Dr.), 7?. 1920. Hodges, G. Lloyd, 77.9164. , William, 77.7740. Hodgkin, Thomas, 77.8*078. Hodgskin, Thomas, A 835. 7/. 6117. Hodgson, Christian Pemberton, 77. 7565.8843. Hodson, William S. R. (Major), B. 1308. Hofer, Andreas, 0.10371. Hoffman, C. F., F. 3709. 40G1. 77. 8543. 8544. Iloffmeister, William (Dr.), 77. 7738. Hofland, Mrs. B., 7'. 34 1 9. 3669. 5739. Hogg, Edward, 77.7938. , James, B. 2408. 2561. J-l 5743.5769.5770. IF. 10569. Holbeig, Lewis, F.4347. Holcroft, Thomas, 77.7418. Ilolderness, Mary, 77.7061. Holl, Henry, 7^4376.4992. Holland, Henry (Dr.), A. 316. 77. 6862. ,HenryR. Fox, Lord, 7>'.1213. , John, C. 2083. , Lady, 7?. 1806. Hollings, J. F., C. 2045. 2049. Hollingshead, John, 77.6670. Holman, James, 77.7363.9021. Index to Authors' Names. 365 Holmes, Mary J., i^. 3832. , Oliver Wendell, D. 2610. F. 3819. 4065. //. 8-195. M. 9328. 9892. , William E., //.7813. Holstein, H. L. D. (General), B. 976. Holt, Francis L., A. 240. HoltLaus, P. D., //. 7444. Holtou, Isaac, //.8696. Home, John, 7/. 6576. Homer, T. 10189. 10190. 10491. Honan, Michael liurke, //. 6961. 71 20. Hone, Richard (Rev.), iJ. 1160. , William, il/. 9540. 10141. Hood, John, //. 8806. , Thorn., D. 2456. 2491. 2492. F. 4904. 5839. //. 6419. M. 9389. 9635. 9859. 10118. 10119. W. 10570. , Thomas (jun.),i^. 3727. 4452. , T. H., //. 8900. Hook, Theodore, /''.3317. 4026.4029. 4067. 4303. 4563. 4730. 5089. 5107. 5118. 5195. 5152. , Walter Farquhar (Dr.), B. 906. £'.2761.2796. Hooper, Robert, A. 312. , William, A 390. , William Hulme (Lieut.), //. 7838. Hooton, Charles, i^. 3522. Hope, John, //. 7648. , Thomas, i'^ 3178. J/. 9409. Hopkins, Mauley, //. 8889. Hoppus, John, y/. 7299. Horace, T. 10492. 10493. Horlock (Scrutator), F. 3573. Hornbook, Adam, /•'.3150. Hornby, Lady, //. 7235. Home, R. Hartwell, i'^.3757. Horneman, Frederick, //. 8074. Horrocks , Captain , F. 3350. Hoseason, J. Cochrane, //. 9200. Hoskins, G. A., JI. 7176. 8038. 8251. , S.Elliott, //. 6462. Hotten, J. Camden, J/. 9631. Houdin, Robert, i;. 1316. .17.9985. Hough, William (Major), 77.7705. Houssaic, Amelot de la, T. 10510. Houstoun, Mrs., 77.8432. Howard, Edward, F. 4302. 4982. 5043. 5286. 5525. , George, B. 1269. 1956. , John, A 241. Howe, L., 7'^. 4973. Ho wel, Thomas, 77.7958. Howells, AV. D., 77.6420. llowison, John, 7^5726. 77.8941. Howitt, Mary, 7: 3564. 5032. 6053. , William, F. 4106. 4658. 5085. 6054. 77. 6404. 6582. 6686. 6740. 8825. 8930. .17. 9353. 10142. Hewlett, John Henry (Reverend), E. 2907. Hubback, Mrs., F. 4494. 4651. 4732. 5570. Hubbell, Martha Stone, 7'. 5501. Huber, V. A., 77. 6506. Hue, 11. 7523. 7857. Hughes, John, B. 1320. 77. 6583. , Robert E. (Rev.), 77. 7435. , Thomas, 7-; 5471. 5780. 77. 8491. , T. M., 77. 7152. , T. S. (Rev.), 77. G859. llughson, David, J/. 9891. Hugo,Victnr, 7U957.5544. 77.6363. 0. 10221. 10228. HuUmandel, C, -1. 440. Humboldt, Alexander de, (Baron), A. 171. 632. 637. B. 1322. 77. 8600. 8604. 8753. Hume, David, 77.6547. J/. 9499. , Joseph D., .1. 221. Hunt, Frederick Kniglit, 77. 6402. J/. 9576. , G. H. (Capt.), 77. 9186. , Leigh, B. 1002. 1326. D. 2192. 2451. 2493. F. 5016. 5529. //. 6646. 6724. .17.9348. 9665. 9669. 9682. 9924. Hunter, John, 77. 8816. , John D., B. 1327. 366 Index to AutJiors' Namci!. Hunter, Thomas (Eev.), M. 9921. , W. P., //. 9165. , W. W., II. 7598. Huntly, H. V. (Captain Sir), F. 5120. Hurton, William, JI. 619:5. Huss, John, E. 2929. Hutchesou, Francis (Dr.), A. 385. liutcliings, James M., //. 8486. Hutchinson, Lucy, B. l."!28. , Thomas J., //. 8236. 8665. Hutton, James, .1. 638. , Mark, //. 6479. Huyghue, S. Douglas, F. 4945. Imison, John, A. 423. Imlay, George, //. 8507. Impey, Elijah B., B. 1344. Inchbald, Elizabeth, D. 2183. 2278. F. 4906. Ingelow, Jean, D. 2494. Ingcmann, Bernard Severin, 7*^.4374. Ingersoll, Charles J., //. 9116. Inglefield, E. A. (Commander), H. 8318. Iiiglis, Henry David, F. 4922. H. 6418. 6461. 6588. 7177. Ingoldeby, Thomas, see Reverend R. H. D. Barbara. Irby, A. P., //. 4270. , Charles (Hon.), JI. 8032. Ireland, Samuel, //. 6660. , William Henry, F. 5339. Irving, B. A., .4. 789. , David (Dr.), B. 2317. , Pierre, B. 1350. , Washington, A 1072. 1257. 1465. 1918. C. 2013. 2019. 2028. 2033. 2038. F. 3343. 5442. 5536. 5705. 6044. //. 7112. 7115. 7142. 8392. 8406. 8510. M. 9301. 9725. Isaac, Nathaniel, //. 8239. Jackson, Andrew, H. 8847. , John, A. 733. , J. R. (Colonel), A. 647. Jackson, Mary Catherine, F. 4722. , Thomas, B. 1932. James, Charles, D. 2495. , Edwin, 77.8426. , George Payne Rainsford, F. 3140. 3143. 3179. 3202. 3210. 3226. 3308. 3320. 3431. 3457. 3530. 3558. 3562. 3675. 3676. 3686. 3701. 3896. 3912. 3946. 4014. 4031. 4139. 4162. 4163. 4165. 4210. 4310. 4342. 4375. 4435. 4654. 4673. 4707. 4814. 4823. 4986. 4998. 5017. 5114. 5136. 5328. 5343. 5378. 5532. 5548. 5581. 5606. 5997. 6055. 77. 6570. , Hugo, 77. 7750. , John Thomas, Bishop of Calcutta, 77. 7340. , Marion, F. 3843. , William, 77. 9092. 9178. Jameson, Hugh, F. 3744. , Mrs., A 727. 5.947.1042. 1050. 1729. E. 2926. 77. 8379. M. 9768. 9992. 10099. , Robert (Capt.), 77. 9096. , R. W., 7-: 3599. ! Jamieson, J. H. , 7'^. 3665. Jamison, D. F., B. 1140. Jardine, William (Sir), A. 543. Jarves, James T., 77. 8891. JeaSVeson, John Cordy, B. 1130. 1427. F. 3581. 4273. 4527. 4771. 4954. .5003. 5520. M. 9819. Jefferson, Thomas, 77. 8476. Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, M. 9501. Jenings, Mrs. Edw. (Wickliff Lane), F. 4828. 5772. Jenkin, Mrs. C, F. 5013. 5543. 6011 Jerdan, William, B. 1370. Jerrold, Douglas, F. 3405. 4747. 31. 10003. W. 10571. Index to Authors' Names. 367 Jerrold, W. Blanchard, F. 5881. JI. 6141. G215. 0220. 9091. .V. 9.350. 9856. Jervis, Henry J. White, //. 6839. Jesse, Edward, A 508. 527. //.6512. M. 9318. 9966. , G. E., A. 555. , John Heneage, H. 1647. 1715.1779. //. 6616. 6617. 6626. , W. (Capt.), n. 989. //.70.52. Jewell, John (Dr.), E. 2708. Jewitt, John R., //. 8333. Jewry, Laura, F. 3229. 3945. Jewsbury, Geraldine E. , F. 3551. 4105. 4681. , Maria Jane, F. 5131. Jocelyn, Lord, //. 9212. Johns, Kichard, F. 4451. 5469. Johnson, A. B., A. 770. , Daniel, H. 7728. , George W., i?. 1777. , H. C. Eoss, //. 8686. , James (Dr.), //. 6396. 6673. 6719. , John (Lieut. Col.), //.7961. , Samuel (Dr.), A. 85. £. 1640. 77.6594. TF. 10572. , Theodore T., 77 8488. Johnston, Alex. Keith, A. 457. , Charles, 77 8244. , James F. W., A. 59. 77 8475. , William, 7:4934. 776495. Johnstone, Chevalier de, 77. G628. , Mrs., F. 3815. Jomini, Lieut. General, 0. 10274. Jones, Charles C, 7/. 6675. , Edward, T. 10480. , George, 7?. 1049. , George Matthew, /7. 7424. , James A., 7". 4125. , John T. (Sir), JI. 9131. , J. B., F. 4491. , J. W., A. 242. Jonson, Benjamin, W. 10573. Joplin, Thomas, A. 830. I Joselian P., E. 3044. 'Joseph, Edward L., 7^. 5977. Jukes, J. Beete, 77 8789. Junius, ^f. 9726. Juvenal, T. 10494. 10495. Kalm, Peter, 7/. 851.5. Kames, Henry Home, Lord, A. 384. Kane, Elisha (Dr.), 77 8319. , Paul, Jf. 8378. Karamsin, Nicholas M., 0. 10283. Karr, Alphonse, F. 3147. Kater, Henry (Capt.), C. 2078. Kavanagh, Julia, £. 1172. 1224. 1959. 1960. F. 3117. 3294. 3663. 3747. 4049. 4635. 4903. 5254. 5272. 5619. Kay, Joseph, A. 852. Kaye, John W., B. 1346. 1467. 1499. 77 7645. 7721. , Lucy (Lady), F. 3351. Keane, Marcus, A. 13. Keate, George, 77 8881. Keatinge, Colonel, 77 7420. Keats, John, D. 2496. Keese, Oline, F. 3352. Keeson, John, 77. 7526. Keightley, Thom., 5.1506. C'.2116. 77 8932. Keith, Alex. (Dr.), E. 2829. 2867. Kelly, Patrick, A. 443. , Walter K., 77 0273. .1/. 9417. , William, If. 8391. 8498. Kelsall, Charles, IL 0896. Kelty, Mary Anne, F. 3917. 5027. M. 9915. Kemble, John Maitland, 77.6687. Kemp, John, F. 6022. II 0301. Kendall, George W., 77 8094. Kennaquhom, Colin, F. 4801. Kennaway, C. E. (Eev.), E. 2772. Kennedy, Grace, F. 3764. •, James Shaw (General Sir), //. 9182. , J. Clark (Capt.), //. 8061. , J. P., 7'. 5340. 368 Index to Authors' Names. Kennedy, Patrick, F. 4453. , Richard Hartley, //. 9ir,'J. , William, //. 8310. H501. Kennett, Basil, A. 720. Kenrick, John, //. 9282. Keun, Miles Gerald, F. 3721. Keppel, George (Major), Jf. 7253. 7912. • , Henry (Captain the Hon.), //. 8775. 8787. . , Thomas (Hon.), Ji. 1388. Ker, John Bcllenden, M. 9488. K(!ratry, Emile, (Comte de), //.86()3. Kerr, James, //. 7612. Keyser, K., //. G173. Kidd, John, A. 370. Kidder, Daniel P. (Rev.), //. 8004. 8702. Kimball, Richard B., F. 53(33. 5705. 5870. 5979. Kincaid, John, //. 9194. King, C. W., A. 111. 178. , John (Dr.), E. 3013. , Jonas, /;;. 2903. , J. Anthony (Col.), //. 8717. , Philip (Captain), //. 8828. 8910. , William (Dr.), M. 9878. W. 10574. , W. Ross (Major), //. 8369. Kinglake, Alex. William, 7/. 7956. 9123. Kingsley, Charles (Rev.), A. 507. D. 2592. E. 28G3. F. 3169. 4170. 4219. 5837. 5992. 6103. J/. 9742. 9779. 9941. 10068. , Henry, F. 3234. 4015. 4183. 4461. 5288. 5509. Kingston, William H. G., F. 3493. 5162. 5203. //. 7148. Kinnear, John M., //. 7894. Kinsey, W. M. (Rev.), //. 7159. Kirby, William, A. 520. 521. 552. Kirk, John Foster, //. 6239. Kirke, Edmund, //. 8457. Kirkland, Mrs. C. M., //. 7333. 8538. Kirkton, James (Rev.), E. 3029. Kirkwall, Viscount, //. 6824. Kirwan, Richard, A. 167. Klapka, General, //. 6389. Klaproth, Jules, 0. 10332. Knight, Capt. , //. 7611. , Charles, B. 1395. 1784. F. 3299. //. 6664. M. 9829. 9984. , E. Cordelia, F. 5524. , Henry G., A. 2. //. 6955. Knighton, Lady, B. 1396. , William (Dr.), //. 7010. 7020. 7034. 7745. KnoUys, W. W. (Capt.), B. 1073. Knorring, Baroness, /'. 5101. Knowle.s, James Sheridan, E. 3O10. F. 4018. Knox, Captain, F. 4118. , Yicesimus (Rev.), A. 123, M. 9515. Kock, Paul de, F. 3180. 3279. 4796. Kohl, J. G., //. 6353. 6587. 7068. 8453. 8763. Kollonitz, Paula (Countess), 77.8582. KorfF, M. (Baron), 7/. 7031. Koster, Henry, If. 8705. Kotzebue, Augustus von, 77. 7417. , Moritz von, 77. 7811. , Otto von, 7/. 9018. Krapf, J. Lewis (Dr.), 7/. 8248. Krasinski, Valerian (Count), J/.9852. Krusi-nstern , Adam John de, (Ad- miral), 0. 10334. Kugler, Francis, A. 690. 69J. Laborde, Ldon de, JI. 7494. Lacordaire, F., O. 10173. Lacroix, Albert, 0. 10194. Lafontaine, Jean, F. 3900. 0.10373. LaHarpe de, B. 1497. Laing, Alex. G. (Major), 77. 8132. , John, 77. 7443. , Samuel, J^. 2956. 77.0107. M. 9818. , Seton, M. 9597. Laird, Macgregor, 77. 8123. Index to Authors' Names. 369 Lajetclinikoff, F. 4169. Lake, Atwell (Colonel), //. 9133. Lai, Mohan, B. 113G. //. 7981. Lalande, Joseph Jerome F. de, 0. 10151. Lamartine, Alphonsc, B. 1041. F. 4011. 5285. 5585. //. G24G. 6252. 7914. Lamb, Caroline (Lady), F. 3109. 4050. , Charles, J/. 9517. Tr.l0575. •, George (Rev.), F. 4919. Lambert, B., //. 6538. , Miss, M. 9615. Lament, E. H., H. 8911. -, James, //. 7395. Lander, John, C. 2027. , Richard, C. 2027. //. 8230. Landmann, Colonel, //. 8332. 9198. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, F. 3844. 3962. 4409. 5350. 5801. Lander, E. W., F. 4533. //. 8809. , Robert, D. 2251. , Walter Savage, D. 2302. 2314. F. 5122. M. 9664. 9702. Lane, Edward William, C. 2133. , Richard J., //. 6604. , Wickliff, see Mrs. Edward Jenings. Lang, John, F. 3865. 6030. ■ , John D. (Dr.), //. 8815. Langdale, Charles (Hon.), 5.1211. Langdon, Mary, F. 4254. Langhorne, John, Z>.2497. T. 10503. , William, T. 10503. Langlcy, Edward A., //. 7686. Langsdorff, G. H. von, //. 9025. Lankester, Ed win (Dr.), C. 2140. Lanman, Charles, //. 8334. La Perouse, Jean FrauQois G. do, 11 9020. La Pie, 0. 10257. Lappenberg, J. M. (Dr.), //. 6550. Lardner, Dionysius (Dr.), A. 444. 762. C. 2063. 2070. 2075.2076. 2077. M. 10018. Larpent, Ered'"'- Seymour, B. 1421. Larwood, Jacob, ^f. 9631. Las Casas, Count de, B. 1422. Latham, Henry, //. 8409. ■, Robert Gordon, //. 6162. 6460. M. 9761. Latouche, Mrs., F. 4419. Latrobe, Charles Joseph (Rev.), //. 8165. 8483. Lauder, Thomas Dick (Sir), F. 4531. 6043. //. 6527. Lauderdale, Earl of, A. 820. M. 9737. Laugier, Abbe, //. 7329. Laurent, Peter E., //. 7382. Laui-ie, Wm. F. B., //. 9188. 9210. Lavallette, Count, B. 1425. Lavallee, Joseph, M. 9724. Lavater, J. C, A. 426. Lavenu, L. S., F. 3836. 4007. Law, Edward (Dr.), E. 3033. Lawes, Edward, A. 837. Lawrence, George A., D. 2184. F. 3286. 4070. 4724. 5447. 5617. //. 8410. , Heury (Sir), //. 7596. .V. 9514. , Richard, A. 676. Lawson, John P., B. 1424. Layard, Austen Henry, A. 708. //. 7880. Lea, J., //. 8748. Leach, J. (Lieut. Col.), //. 9206. Leaf, John, B. 964. Leake, William M. (Lieut. Col.), //. 6851. 6856. 6861. 6863. Lear, Edward, //. 6939. 7247. Leatham, Edward A., F. 3461. Le Brun, Corneille, 0. 10330. 10331. Le Clerc, Nicholas Gabriel, 0. 10152. 10290. Lee, Edwin, //. 7300. — , Harriet, F. 3414. •, Henry, //. 9143. , Holme, F. 3137. 3194. 3290 4030. 4127. 4365. 4723. 5625. 5764. M. 9668. 5978. 6059. 47 S70 Index to Authors' Names. Lee, Mrs. E. (previously Mrs. T. E. Browdich), B. 1099. F. 5590. , Sophia, F. 5297. Lefanu, Alice, -C. 179.3. , J. Sheridan, 7'; 31G1. 40G8. 4202. 587.3. G003. Lefevre, George (Sir), A. 72. 322, //. 7357. Leicester, Peter, F. 3108. 321G. 3338. Leichardt, Ludwig (Dr.), H. 8821. Leigh, Chandos, B. 2498. Leighton, Alexander, F. 3598. 4836. 53G9. 5503. Leland, Thomas (Dr.), T. 10484. Lemon, Mark, i^. 3895. 4042. 4475. 45G8. 5783. 59G2. //. G733. il/. 9G83. Lempriere, Charles, //. 8597. , John (Dr.), A. 82. , William, //. 8087. Lennox, William (Lord), B. 884. 1208. F. 3532. 5117. M. 9455. Leonard, Peter, //. 8127. L'Epine, F. 4452. Lerminier, 0. 10156. Le Sage, Alain Rene, F. 4028. 0. 10213. 10258. Leslie, Charles E., B. 1077. 1430. 1711. , Forhes (Lient. Colonel), //. 6490. Lesseps, de, //. 7840. Lester, C. Edwards, M. 9595. L'Estrange, A. G. (Eev.), //.G755. , Eoger (Sir), T. 10507. LcVaillant, Francis, //. 8172. 8185. Lever, Charles, F. 3101. 3215. 3287. 3456. 3540. 3542. 3666. 3680. 3713. 3738. 4.304. 4383. 4580. 4702. 4727. 4979. 5018. 5348. 5438. .5516. 5781. 5786. M. 9407. Le Vert, Mme., //. 9000. Leveson, H. A. (the Old Shekarry), D. 2191. M. 9575. Leves(|ue, Pierre Charles, 0.10281. Levinge, E. G. A. (Capt.), //. 8346. Lewes, George Henry, A. 351. 404. 560. 567. 769. B. 1254. 1724. F. 5283. Lewin, Ross, F. 4504. Lewins, William, M. 9619. Lewis, George Coruewall (Sir), J/. 9671. , Matthew G., F. 5912. //. 8G39. , Meriwether (Captain), //. 8525. , William, A. 413. Leyden, John (Dr.), D. 2463. 2594. Lexington, Lord, //. 7356. Liancourt, Count de, B. 1637. Liardet, Francis, /'"'. 5701. Liddiard, William (Rev.), //. 7226. Liddou, Henry Parry (Rev.), A'. 272.-i. Lieber, Francis, B. 1568. Liebig, Justus (Baron), A. 51. 58. 66. 419. Liefde, J. B. de, F. 3298. Light, Henry, //. 8033. Ligne, Prince de, 0. 1037G. Limiers, Henri Philijipe, 0. 10251. Lindley, George, A. 34. Lingard, John (Dr.), //. 6546. Lissack, M., B. 1371. Lister, Charles, F. 3523. -, Thomas H., i?. 1062. /'. 3190. 320G. 4052. Livingstone, Charles, //. 8223. •, David, //. 8169. 8223. Lloyd, Julius, B. 1798. , L., JI. 6177. , Susette H, //. 8647. , William (Sir), //. 7683. Locke, John, A 356. £.2971. IT. 10576. Locker, Arthur, F. 5523. Lockhart, John Gibson, B. 1774. F. 3111. 4720. 5313. 590G. M. 9865. , William, //. 7547. Lockwood, Julia (Lady), A. 519. Indej; to Authm's' Names. 371 Lodge, Edmund, £. 1613. 1G15. , John, S. 1C14. Loftus, W. Kenneth, //. 7923. Lomcnie, Louis de, IS. 045. Londonderry, Marquess of, JB. 1036. J{. 7264. 7384. 'J168. 921'J. Long, Catherine, F. 5531. -, George, M. 9521. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, TJ. 2207. 2286. 2304. 2421. 2480. 2641. F. 4367. Longworth, J. A., //. 7094. Lonsdale, John James, Z*. 2607. Lord, John Yeast, A. 542. , Percival B., A. 772. Lome, Marquis of, //. 8651. Lothroji, Amy, see Anna B. Warner. Lott, Emmeline, //. 8009. 8019. Loudon, Mrs., A. 37. 510. 834. F. 3720. 4455. 5588. Lover, Samuel, B. 2379. F. 5374. 5808. Louis XIV., B. 1946. XYIIL, i?. 1441. Low, Hugh, M. 8784. Lowe, Frederick, //. 8688. , Joseph, A. 838. Lowell, James Russell, //. 8944. M. 9323. 9345. Lower, !Mark Antony, //. 9405. Lowth, George T., JL 6323. 7034. , Robert, Bishop of London, E. 2909. Lubbock, John, A. 720. Lucas, Mrs., F. 4001. , Samuel, .1/. 9974. Luccock, John, //. 8697. Lucian of Samosata, T. 10496. Lucretius, T. 10497. Ludlow, John Malcolm, //. 7599. 8491. Luinley, Benjamin, Jf. 9932. Lupton, Mary Anne, F. 3107. Lushington, Mrs. Charles, JI. 7968. 8978. LutfuUah, B. 1446. Lyde, Samuel (Rev.), //. 7872. 7874. Lyell, Charles (Sir), A. 166. 172. 183. //. 8487. 8517. Lynch, W. F., //. 7909. Lyndsay, Alexander, Lord, IJ. 1433. 1464. //. 8015. Lynn, E. (Miss), F. 3177. Lyon, George F. (Capt.), //. 8080. 8286. 8315. 8586. Lyons, Lady, F. 4570. Lysons, Daniel, //. 6609. , Samuel, //. 6609. Lyttleton, Lord, //. 6571. M. 9482. T. 10516. W. 10577. Lytton,EdwardRobertBulwer(Hon.), (Owen Meredith), l>. 2681. F. 5333. , Edward Ly tton Bulwer, Lord, D. 2259. 2353. 2373. 2406. 2576. 2602. F. 3155. 3438. 3708. 3725. 3838. 3846. 3893. 4039. 4114. 4430. 4433. 4462. 4576. 4832. 4930. 5094. 5105. 5153. 5330. 5601. 5608. 5995. 6132. 77.6494.9253. J7. 9377. 9774. 10019. Maberly, Mrs., F. 3726. 3824. 4405. 4468. 4736. Mably, Gabriel Bonnet, Abbe de, 77. 9281. M' Arthur, John, A. 811. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, D. 2366. 7;. 2776. 77.6544. J7. 9505. 9507. 9508. Macbrair, R. M. (Rev.), 77. 8272. M'Cabe, Wm. Bernard, F. 3309. M'Carthy, Charlotte, M. 9688. , David, F. 5506. , Justin, F. 5982. M'Caul, Alex. (Rev.), 77. 2830. M'Causland, Dominick, A 187. 401. E. 3043. M'Clintock, Leopold (Sir), 77. 8309. M'Crie, Thorn. (Dr.), J3. 1.397. 1492. E. 2885. , Thomas (Rev.), B. 1463. 47* 372 Index to Authors' Names. M'Cullagb, Wm. Torrens, A. 818. B. 1790. M'CuUocb, J. E., A. 795. 839. 858. H. 6484. M'Diarmid, John, B. 985. M. 9971. M'Douald, George, E. .3071. F. 3152. 3187. 40GG. 5132. 547-2. M'Douall, John, H. 8G90. M'Dougall, George F. (Captain), //. 8322. Jlacfarlane, Charles, B. 938. C. 2042. F. 3208. 5356. 11. 6235. 6913. 7236. 7537. , Robert, T. 10499. M'Ghee, R. J. L. (Rev.), H. 7536. Macgillivray, John, //. 8790. , William, A. 543. M'Gregor, John, //. 7361. 7390. 7410. 7442. 8337. -, W. L., //. 7646. M'Grigor, Charles (Sir), B. 1244. Machiavelli, Nicholas, 7/. 6916. M'llniith, John (Rev.), B. 1718. M'llvaine, Cbailes(Dr.), E. 2828. Mackarncss, Mrs., F. 5612. Mackay, Alexander, //. 8539. , Charles, //.6715. M. 9770. M'Kcnny, Thomas L., //. 8461. Mackenzie, Charles, //. 8641. , Colin, A. 71. , Eric, F. 5383. — , George (Sir), //. 6612. 71/. 9788. , G. Muir, //. 7270. — , Keith S., //. 9169. — , M. J., F. 5207. , Mrs. Colin, 77.7673.7726. Mackern, Thomas, 7^. 4573 Mackinuon, Daniel (Col), 77. 9185. , L. B. (Commander), 77. 9215. , Wm. Alex., II. 8954. Mackintosh, A. F. (Major General), 77. 7251. , James (Sir), C. 2099. 77. 6578. W. 10578. Mackintosh,, Robert J., B. 1461. Maclaurin, Colin, A. 631. M'Lean, John, 77. 8360. M'Lennan, John F., M. 9888. M'Leod, John, 77. 7574. , Lyons, 77. 8242. , Miss, 7^. 4021. , Norman (Rev.), A. 113. B. 1462. 7'. 4994. 5576. 77. 6676. 7884. M'Levy, James, J7. 9414. 9996. Macmichael, William, 77. 7343. Macmillan, Hugh (Rev.), A. 502. MacmuUen, John, //. 8351. M'Neel-Caird, B. 1483. M'Neile, Hugh (Rev.), E. 2759. Macnisb, Robert, M. 9312. 9871. Macpherson, David, A. 782. , James, 77.6586.6650. T. 10490. 10499. , John (Dr.), 77. 9255. , Sam Charters (Major), 7/. 7678. Macready, Catherine F., D. 2369. Mactaggart, John, 77. 8371. M'Walter, J. G., F. 5715. M'William, James 0., 77. 8120. iMadan, Martin (Rev.), T. 10494. Madden, Frederick W., A. 694. , R. R., B. 970. 1892. F. 4822. 77.7271.8652. 37.9670. Madox, John, 77. 7887. Maffei, Count, 77. 6892. Magiun, William, F. 4763. 5717. M. 9776. Magoon, E. L., E. 2988. Magi-atb, T. W., 77. 8336. Maguire, Robert (Rev.), E. 3042. Mahon, Lord, see Earl Stanhope. Mahony, J., 77. 7297. MaiUard, Annette M., 7^. 3118. 4718. 4761. 6136. Maintenon, Mme. de, B. 1466. Maitland, Chai-les, E. 2762. , Frederick L. (Captain), 77. 6275. — , J. A., F. 5981. Index to Authors' Names. 373 MaitLond, William, //. 6539. Major, Ricliaid Henry, B. 1294. Malcolm, Howard (Rev.). J^- 7742. ■, John, F. 5709. , John (Sir), B. 1064. //. 7625. 767G. 7806. Malham, John (Rev.), //. 9175. Malkin, Benjamin H. , //. 6688. Malleson, G. B. (Major), //. 9109. Mallet, Paul Henry, A. 709. 710. Malmesbury, Earl of, B. 1469. Malo, Charles, 0. 10294. Maltby, Edward, Bishop of Durham, E. 2902. Malte-Brun, Conrad, 0. 10255. 10316. Malthus, Thomas (Rev.), A. 840. Manby, Charles W., F. 5784. Manchester, Duke of, //. 6474. Mandelslo, Jean Albert de, 0. 10341. Mangles, James, //. 8032. Mann, Isaac (Rev.), E. 2921. Manning, Ann, B. 912. 1201. 1947. F. 3300. 3407. 3466. 3508. 3682. 3696. 3760. 3810. 4208. 4267. 4404. 4711. 4735. 4779. 4943. 5183. 5215. 5487. 5554. 5792. 5922. -, James A., B. 1637 Mansel, Henry L. (Rev.), E. 2721. Mansfield, Edward D., //. 9145. Manstein, Christopher H. de (Gen.), //. 7038. 7056. Mansur, Shaik, B. 1781. Mant, Richard (Dr.), E. 2861. , Walter B. (Rev.), D. 2197. Mantell, Gideon Algernon (Dr.), A. 189. Manzoni, Alessandro, F. 3312. Marcet, Jlrs., A. 25. 60. 635. March, Lieutenant, //. 7190. Marchmout, Earl of, //. 6695. Marcy, R. B. (Colonel), //. 8503. Marig^y, Taitbout de (Chevalier), H. 7084. Maria, Alberto, //. 6969. Mariotti, L., F. 5460. H. 6934. 6965. 9125. Markham, Clements R., //. 9007. , Frederick (Col.), //. 7722. Marlborough, Duke of, //. 9137. , Duchess of, B. 1476. Marlowe, Christopher, W. 10579. Marmontel, Jean Fran9ois, F. 3302. 4259. Marryat, Emilia, F. 4161. , Florence (Mrs. Ross Church), F. 3541. 3942. 4567. 6045. — , Prank S., //. 8773. , Henry (Capt.), B. 1805. F. 3472. 4308. 4320. 4377. 4756. 4806. 4908. 4926. 5009. 5081. 5115. 5126. 5134. 5161. 5172. 5180. 5208. 5494. 5549. 5905. //. 8420. , Horace, //. 6168. 6176. Marsden, J. B. (Rev.), E. 2870. Marsh, Herbert (Dr.), E. 2769. //. 7330. , Mrs., E. 2986. F. 3115. 3182. 3227. 3429. 3823. 3856. 3914. 4149. 4471. 4812. 4820. 5287. 5380. 5746. 5776. 5819. 6034. Marshall, Joseph, //. 7430. Marshman, J. C, B. 1286. //. 7637. Marston, John, W. 10580. — , Westland, F. 3899. Martin, Henri, JI. 6899. ■, John (Dr.), J/. 8882. , R. Montgomery, //. 7520. 7631. 7708. 8354. 8958. , Theodore, A 917. I).22SO. T. 10479. 10492. Martineau, Harriet, A. 114. F. 3699. 4201. 5177. //. 7600. 7954. 8485. 8493. Martingale, //. 6503. Martins, C. F. Philip von (Dr.), //. 8706. Martyn, Henry (Rev.), B. 1479. Marvel, Andrew, U- 2685. 374 Index to Authors' Names. Marvel, Ik., see Donald Grant Mitcliell. Mason, G. II., JL H167. , R. H., n. 859'J. , William, J). 2499. Massey, Gerald, D. 2313. , M., F. 5621. , Richard TutLiU, A. 402. Massie, J.W. (Dr.), //. 6891. 7G09. , W., F. 3928. 4524. Masson, Charles, //. 7476. 7477. , David, B. 1508. Maston, Alexis (Rev.), E. 2910. Mathison, Gilbert F., //. 8689. Matthews, Cornelius, /''. 3314. , Henry, JI. 7305. , Mrs., B. 1488. 31. 9316. 10062. , William, F. 4143. Maturin, Robert Charles (Rev.), I). 2175. F. 3149.4738. 6051. Maurcl, Jules, B. 1927. Maurice, Frederick Denisou (Rev.), F. 2923. ■ , Morton (Rev.), F. 5323. Maury, M. F. (Lieut.), //. 8990. Mavor, William, M. 9567. Mawe, Joseph, //. 8711. Maximilian I., B. 1489. Maxwell, John S., //. 7040. 9202. , William H., F. 3319. 3417. 4180. 4479. 5278. 5593. JI. 6747. 6750. 7154. 9094. 9223. May, Thomas Erskine, //. 6468. Mayer, Brantz, JI 8113. 8589. 8590. Mayhew, Augustus, jf'".4257. .V.9561. ■, Edward, A. 515. , Henry, A. 208. 824. F. 4257. 4783. //. 6365. ]\raynard, Walter, see Wm. Beale. Mayuc, R. G. (Dr.), A. 97. Mayo, Charles, //. 9014. , Herbert, A. 327. , W. S., F. 3306. 4361. Mazarin, Julius (Cardinal), 0. 10299. Mazziiii, Joseph, //. 6977. Mead, Richard (Dr.), A. 317. Meadows, Henry, B. 1289. , Thomas T., JI 7522. Medhurst, W. II., //. 7519. Medway, Thomas, JI. 6445. Medwin, Thomas, F 4418. Meetkerke,CeciliaElizabeth,/A2611. Mehegan, William A. (Chevalier), JI 9016. Meinhold, AVilliam, I\ 5505. Melfort, Edward do (Count), JI.QbM. Mellish, John, //. 8431. Melly, George, A. 137. Melmoth, William, T. 10481. 10482. 10191. Melville, Herman, F. 3543. 4274. 4668. 4794. 5010. 5305. 5993. 6002. //. 8896. Memes, J. S., B. 1031. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F., M. 9721. Mendham, Joseph (Rev.), E. 2904. Menzel, Wolfgang, JI 6373. Menzies, Henry, //. 9256. • , Sutherland, B. 1737. M(5ohoff, O. 10252. Meredith, George, F. 3822. 3905. 5022. 5325. 5935. , Louisa A., //. 8838. , Mrs. Charles, 77.8827. 8838. , Owen, see Edward Robert Lytton. Merivale, Charles, 77. 9254. 9272. , Herman, 7J. 1219. 77.8952. , L. A., E. 2757. Merim^e, Prosper, 0. 10315. Merrifield, Mrs., A. 713. Metcalfe, Frederick (Rev.), 77. 6169. 6170. , Lord, 77 7721. , Samuel L., A. 53. Meteyard, Eliza, 7^.1925. 7^4646. Meyer, Johann, O. 10314. Michaclis, John David, A. 87. Michailefsky-Danilcfsky, A. (Gen.), 77 9104. Michaud, Joseph Francois, I/. 9108. Michel, Major, I'\ 4164. 5813. Index to Authors Names. 375 I Michelet, Jules, //. 9276. M. 9861. 9887. O. 10364. Michell, Thomas, //. 7046. Michelsen, Edward H. (Dr.), ^^.2978. Micliie, Alexander, //. 78.36. Michiels, Alfred, //. 6407. Mickiewicz, Adam, D. 235.5. Middleton, Conyers (Dr.), W. 10581. , Joseph, F. 4566. , Thomas, W. 10582. Miers, John, //. 8707. Migault, John, //. 6274. Mignan, Robert (Capt.), //. 7093. 7925. Mignet, F. A., B. 1484. Milburn, William, A. 829. Miles, Colonel, //. 7972. Milford, Heberden, F. 5142. , John, //. 7371. Mill, James, A. 800. //. 7632. , John Stuart, A. 144. 207. 828. 841. Millar, John, //. 6536. M. 9821. 9835. Miller, Hugh, A. 162. 168. 180. 188. B. 1505. H. 6513. , John, B. 1.503. , Thomas, F. 3749. 3883. 4027. 4414. H. 6658. M. 9874. 9945. Millingen, J. G. (Dr.), A 717. F. 3125. 5592. M. 9628. Mills, Charles, H. 8955. 9107. •, John, F. 5571. , John (Rev.), //. 7921. Milman, Henry Hart (Dean), C. 2010. D. 2156. 2174. 2275. 2281. E. 2869. T. 10471. Milne, W. C. (Rev.), H. 7545. Milner, Joseph (Rev.), E. 2872. , Mary, E. 2756. , Thomas (Rev.), B. 1923. H. 7039. 7295. Milnes, R. Monckton (Lord Hough- ton), B. 1383. D. 2599. Jlilot, Abb.;, //. 6492. Milton, Henry, F. 5337. Milton, John, W. 10583. 10584. 10585. — , Viscount, //. 8310. Minturn, Robert B., //. 7622. Mirabeau,Honor^ G.Riquetti (Comte), B. 1510. M. 9729. Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik. Marvel), F. 3733. 5324. , D.W., //. 8528. , John (Major General), B. 116.3. , J. (Lieut. Col.), B. 1908. //. 6228. •, T. L. (Lieut. Colonel Sii-), //. 8820. 8858. Mitford, Mary Russell, D. 2233. F. 4510. 5041. M. 9918. , William, A 11. Moberly, George (Dr.), E. 2730. 2980. Moens, W. J. C, //. 6905. Moffat, Robert, //. 8168. Moges, Marquis de, H. 7561. Mohan Lai, see Lai, Mohan. Moir, David Macbeth (Delta), D. 2500. F. 4505. M. 9708. Moke, H. G., F. 3301. Moleville, Antoine, F. B. de, B. 1440. Miillhausen, Baldwin, //. 8421. Mollien, G., //. 8713. Moltke, Baron von, //. 9207. Mommsen, Theodor (Dr.), //. 9269. Monceau, Duhamel du, A. 26. Moncrieff, Bernard, M. 9474. Monk, Charles James, //. 7242. Monkland, Mrs., F. 5926. Monnerod, Mme., F. 3230. Monro, Alexander, A. 766. , Edward (Rev.), E. 2972. F. 4464. Montagu, Colonel, A. 49.3. -, Edward W., H. 9284. , Mai-y Wortley (Lady), TT". 10586. 10587. Montaigne, Michel de, -V. 9502. Montalembert, Comte de, E. 2944. 3025. M. 9880. 37G Index to Authors'' Names. Monteitb, W. (General), H. 9132. Montesquieu, Charles, A 239. Montgomery, James (Rev.), D. 2501. M. 9709. 9893. , Mrs. Alfred, F. 3364. , Robert, D. 2375. 2401. 2684. Montolieu, Baroness de, 0. 10227. Montpensier, Mile, de, iJ. 1517. Moodie, J.W.D. (Lieut), //. 8179. , Susanna (Jfrs.), F. 4G83. 6057. //. 8364. 8458. Moody, Sophy, M. 10116. Moorcroft, William, //. 7980. Moore, George, A. 365. E. 2979. , George (Dr.), A. 429. //. 8971. , James, //. 9161. , James Carrick, B. 1519. , John, //. 6996. 74.39. , John (Dr.), F. 3809. . , Oliver, F. 5569. , Thomas, B. 1003. 1210. 1726. 1794. C. 2104. D. 2151. 2288. 2289. 2362. 2431. 2502. Moorsom, W. S. (Capt), //. 8355. 9095. Moquin-Tandon, A. 495. More, Hannah, A. 143. D. 2285. W. 10588. Morell, John Reyucll, //. 73G6. Morgan, Augustus de (Professor), C. 2059. , Charles (Sir), M. 9355. — , Sidney (Lady), B. 1522. 1733.1958. Z>. 2231. 7':4581. 4974. 4978. 5205. 6023. //. G229. 6231. Moriarty, Dennis Ignatius, F. 4215. Morier, David R., F. 5140. , James, F.3105.3126.3238. 4102. 4774. 6138. //. 7962. 7971. Morley, Henry, A. 704. B. 1173. 1603. F. 5175. Morris, Charles (Capt.), D. 2376. Morris, F. 0. (Rev.), A. 481. 540. ■ , Peter, see John Gibson Lockhart. , Thomas, //. 9197. , William, D. 2254. Morrison, Mrs., B. 1524. Mortimer, Thomas, A. 799. Morton, Edward, U. 7086. Moschus, T. 10475. Moser, Joseph, F. 4810. ■ , Louis, //. 7036. Moses, Henry, A. 737. Mosheim, John Laurence, Fj. 2815. Moss, the Mis.ses, F. 5357. Motherby, George (Dr.), A. 319. Motherwell, William, D. 2503. Motley, John Lothrop, //. 6886. 6887. Motraye, de la, 0. 10336. Mouat, Frederick J. (Dr.), //. 7595. Moubray, Bonington, A. 554. Mouhot, Henri, //. 7743. Mouravieff, A. N., E. 2875. Mousley, William, E. 2945. Mudford, William, F. 5580. Mudie, Robert, //. 8348. Muffling, Baron von, B. 1525. Miigge, Theodore, //. 7224. Muirhead, James P., B. 1922. Miiller, Falk von, B. 1253. , Max (Prof.), A. 438. M. 9384. Mulock, Dinah Maria, D. 2504. F. 3139. 3348. 3477. 3741. 4128. 4339. 4497. 4541. 4788. 4942. 4955. 4980. 5002. 5370. 5609. 6048. M. 10123. Mundt, Theodore, B. 1398. Mundy, Captain, //. 7700. — , Godfrey (Lieut. Col.), //. 8837. ■ , Major General, B. 1728. , Rodney (Rear Admiral), Jf. 6915. 8781. Munro, James, //. 9154. Munster, George Herbert, Count, //. 7379. Index to Authors' Names. u I Murat, Achille, H. 8465. Mure, William, R. 6844. Murphy, Arthur, T. 10506. 10511. W. 10589. , James, //. 7125. Murray, Alexander (Lieutenant), //. 7528. , Augustus (Hon.), //. 8516. , Charles A. (Hon.), /';4122. 51 OS. , Elizabeth (Mrs.), //. 8083. , E. C. G., //. 7276. 7307. 7378. , Hugh, II. 8272. , H., F. 4467. , James Erskine (Hon.), //. 6314. , John, A. 76. //. 7214. , John Fisher, F. 5919. //. 6753. 6754. , R. Dundas (Hon.), //. 7116. MusjBus, T. 10475. , John Charles Augustus, M. 9872. Musgrave, George M., //. 6276.6282. 6291. -, Thomas (Capt.), //. 8833. Muter, Mrs., //. 9005. Napier, Charles (Major General Sir), F. 6032. //. 9140. , Charles James (Colonel), //. 6841. , Elers (Lieut. Col.), //. 7310. 7917. 8159. 9026. ■ , Henry E., //. 6910. , Mark, B. 1518. , William F. (Major General Sir), //. 9075. 9120. Napoleon IIL, 0. 10278. Nares, Edward (Rev.), B. 998. , Robert, A. 99. Narrien, John, A. 289. Nash, Joseph, A. 3. Ncal, Daniel (Rev.), E. 2887. Neale, Adam, //. 7432. ■ , Edward v., E. 2841. Neale, Erskine (Rev.), E. 2767. 2811. F. 4997. , Frederick A., //. 7687. 7885. 7886. , W.Johnson (Capt.), C'.2056. F. 3418. 3938. 4013. 4446. 4910. 5189. 5202. 5206. 6031. Nearchus, T. 10498. Necker, James, A. 869. E. 2903. Neele, Henry, F. 5353. Neill, J. Martin Bladen, //. 7714. Neuhoff, Frederick de, //. 6224. Newall, J. T. (Captain), H. 7614. 7647. Newbold, T. J., II. 8782. Newby, Mrs., F. 3531. Newell, K. H., .1/. 9838. Newland, Henry (Rev.), If. 6145. Newman, Edward, A. 35. 493. 500. Newte, Thomas, //. 6668. Newton, Adelaide L., E. 2862. , Isaac (Sir), A. 649. Nichol, J. P. (Dr.), A. 297. Nicholls, John, //. 6674. Nichols, George Ward (Major), //. 8496. ■, John, B. 978. Nicholson, George, II. 8154. -, Peter, J. 410. -, Thomas (Dr.), //. 6653. Nicolas, N. Harris (Sir), B. 1270. C. 2096. //. 9002. 9083. 9115. Nicolo, Antonio, //. 6954. Nicbuhr, Berthold George, //. 7984. 9270. 9271. 9277. Nieuwenthyl, Bernard (Dr.), A. 381. Nightingale, Florence, A. 320. Nilsson, Sven, //. 6172. Nimrod, see Charles James Apperley. Noble, Louis (Rev.), II. 8335. , Mai-k, //. 6627. Noel, Baptist W., E. 2825. Nolte, Vincent, //. 8943. Noorthonck, John, A. 105. Norman, B. M., //. 8601. Normandy, Marquis of, F. 3556. 6105. 48 378 Index to Authors' Names. Norris, H. H. (Rev.), M. 9632. 9717. , Maria, B. 1813. F. 5137. Nortli, Christopher, see Professor John Wilson. , George (Hon.), B. 1571. , Major, //. 7G60. Northcott, W. Henry, A. 464. Northup, Solomon, B. 1573. Norton, Caroline (Hon. Mrs.), D. 2361. F. 4048. 4550. 5000. 5607. 6018. //. 8129. , John B., //. 7713. Nugent, Lord, B. 1283. F. 4458. 77. 7964. , Thomas, 77. 6377. Nutt, Thomas, A. 553. Obertirch, Baroness d', B. 1581. O'Brien, Augustus P., 77 7077. , Donat H., B. 1583. Ochterlony, John (Lieut), 7/. 907.'!. Ockley, Simon, 77. 8960. O'Connell, John, B. 1585. Odelcben, Baron von, 77. 9069. Oddy, J. Jepson, A. 809. Ogilvie, John, D. 2181. M. 9866. Ogle, Annie (Ashford Owen), F. 4555. O'Hara Family, see John Banim. O'Keefe, Adelaide, F. 3354. 3761. M. 9858. Old Bushman, see Horatio Wheel- wright. Old Shekarry, see Maj.H. A.Leveson. Oldfield, II. A. K., 77. 8123. Oldmixon, John, 77. 7316. Olearius, O. 10340. Olln, Stephen (Rev.), 77 7933. Oliphant, Lawrence, B. 1608. 7/. 7073. 7552. 7663. 8464. 9220. , Margaret (Mrs.), B. 1349. 7'". 3113. 3141. 348.3. 3484. 3485. 3486. 3683. 3717. 4119. 4132. 4206. 4366. 4422. 4437. 4579. 4638. 4751. 5024. 5091. 5260. 6131. Olivier, G. A., 77. 7269. Oilier, Charles, F. 3921. Olmsted, Frederick Law, 77. 8449. 8151. O'Meara, Barry Edward (Dr.), li. 1553. Opie, Amelia, F. 3913. 4636. 5733. 5904. M. 9662. Orlich, Leopold von (Captain), 7/. 7741. Orloff, Gregory Vladimerovich, Count, 0. 10305. Orme, Robert, 7/. 7628. , William, B. 1389. Ormsby, James Wilmot (Rev.), //. 7353. , John, 77 8064. Orrery, Earl of, T. 10501. Orsiui, Felice, B. 1588. Orwell, J). 2177. Osbeck, Peter, 77 7986. Osborn, Sherard (Capt.), 7/. 7527. 7540. 7556. 8783. Osborne, Mrs., F. 3897. Osc.anyan, C, 77. 7266. Osier, Edward, 7?. 1179. Ossian, see James Macpherson. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 77. 8922. Otter, William (Rev.), B. 1063. Otto, Frederick (Dr.), A. 109. Ouida (Miss Rame), F. 4255. Ouseley, William (Sir), 77. 7818. Outram, James (Sir), 77. 9076. 9205. Overs, John, M. 9539. Owen, Ashford, see Anrde Ogle. — ■, John, 77 7425. , John (Dr.), F. 3034. , Richard (Professor), yl. 181. 490. , W. F. (Capt), 77. 8226. Owenson, Sidney, see Lady Sidney Morgan. O.x^enford, John, 77. 7535. Oxlcy, John, 77 8823. Pacca, Cardinal, B. 1601. Paez, Ramon (Don), //. 8723. Tnde.i: lo .UUhors' Names. 379 3594. 5974. Page, Thomas J., J/. 8G81. Pagfes, Francis Xavier de, //. 9010 0. 10333. Paget, Francis E. (Kev.), F. 4577. 50«2. 5742. M. 9841. , John, JI. G379. Paijkull, C.W., //. G182. Paley, William (Rev.), E. 2827. 2893. 2952. 2983. 3082. Palgrave, Francis (Sir), C. 2021. //. 655G. , Wm. Gifford, n. 7495. Palin, Ralph, A. 3G9. Pallas, I'eter Simon J/. 7089. 0. 10321. Palliser John, //. 8494. , Mrs. Bury, A. 265. Pallme, Ignatius, //. 8035. Palmer, F. P., //. G748. , John, //. 8448. Pardee, Julia, B. 1217. 1474. F. 3931. 4212. 4322. 4G67. 5181. 5315. 5365. 5562. JL 6263. 6296. 6361. 7182. 7232. 7234. Paris, John Ayrton, A. 315. 324. B. 1125. , T. Clifton, //. 6260. Park, Mungo. //. 8246. Parke, W. T., A. 706. Parker, Henry Walter, //. 8846. , Joseph, B. 1219. , Thomas, A. 220. Parkes, Samuel, A. 55. Parkman, Francis, J/. 8411. Parkyns, Mansfield, JJ. 8218. Paroissien, Charles (Rev.), 77.2985. Parr, Samuel (Dr.), n^. 10590. Parrot, Frederick (Dr.), //. 7942. Parry, Edwai-d (Rev.), B. 1605. , Jlrs., F. 5004. ■ , William Edward (Capt.) //. 8292. 8293. 8303. Partington, Charles F., A. 411. Parton, Sarah Payne Willis (Fanny Fern), F. 3920. 5377. 5500. Pascal, Blaise, E. 3064. Pashley, Robert, II. 6857. Pasture, de la (Count), F. 5290. Patmore, P. G., B. 1530. Paton, Andrew A., F. 4652. 4740. 5542. //. 6370. 6371. 7262. 7388. 8011. , J. Noel (Sir), />. 2622. Patterson, James L., //. 7957. , R. H., M. 9512. Paulding, Dr., F. 3765. 5218. Pauli, Reinhold (Dr.), //. 6656. Peacock, Thomas Love, F. 3588. 4064. 4129. 4737. Peake, Richard B., £. 1071. F. 3425. , William, II. 63G2. Pearce, Nathaniel, B. 1609. , Robert R., B. 1926. Pearson, Charles H., //. 6489. 6543. Pecchio, Count, M. 9981. Peckston, T. S., A. 270. Peel, Lawrence (Sir), B. 1612. , William (Captn. Sir), II. 8231. Pellew, George (Dean), B. 1797. Pemberton, Edward, //. 6319. ■ , H., II. 6919. , John Despard, II. 8376. Pender- Cudlip, Mrs., see Annie Thomas. Penn, Granville, A. 161. B. 1619. , Richard, M. 9765. Pennant, Thomas, A. 482. //. 6720. 6722. 7747. I'ennefather, Miss, F. 4154. Pennell, II. Cholmondeloy, D. 2208. 2531. M. 9571. Pennington, Thomas (Rev.), //. 7341. Penseval, Guy, F. 4402. Pope, General, B. 1G20. Pepys, Charlotte (Lady), E. 3001. //. 7345. , P. H., F. 3553. , Samuel, B. 1621. 1622. Pcrcival, George, //. 6918.) , Robert (Capt.), If. 8151. , Robert (Rev.), II. 7594. 7667. 48* 380 Index to Authors' Names. Percy, Reuben and Sholto (Thomas Byerley, & J. C. Robertson) M. 9751. 9862. Perkins, B. B., A. 306. , Charles C, A. 7.34. Perry, Jean (Capt), 0. 10206. Persius, T. 10494. Perthes, Clement, B. 1623. Peschel, C. F., A. 642. Petherick, John, //. 8006. Petit, Lizzie, F. 4207. Petrarch, Francesco, D. 2614. I'ettigrew, Cornet, F. 4574. , Thomas J., B. 1563. Peyssonnel, Charles de, B. 1865. 0. 10182. PfeifFer, Ida, //. 6190. 9027. I'helan, William (Rev.), E. 2731. Philip, John (Rev.), //. 8174. J'hillimore, Robert, B. 1448. Phillips, Charles, B. 109G. , George S., F. 4074. , Henry, B. 1628. , John, A. 531. C. 2074. . , Miss, 31. 9791. , Watts, //. 6751. , William, A. 165. Philpotts, Henry, Bishop of Exeter, E. 2776. Philps, Robert Kemp, //. 6559. Phipps, Edmund (Hon.), B. 1916. F. 3919. Picard, Louis Benoit, 0. 10374. Pichler, Mme., F. 4485. Pichot, Amed(5e, B. 952. Picken, Andrew, F.3324.3520.5796. Pickering, Charles (Dr.), A. 433. , Ellen, F. 3142. 4053. 4063. 4146. 5204. 5261. 5479. 5568. 6012. Piessc, G. W. Septimus, A. 57. Pietrowsky, Rutin, B. 1820. Pilkington, Matthew, A. 685. Pirn, Bedford, (Commander), //.8888. T'inckard, George, //. 8642. Pinkerton, John, B. 1632. //. 6563. it/. 9834. Pinkerton, Robert (Dr.), E. 2855. //. 7072. Pinkney, Lieut. Colonel, //. 6320. Piozzi, Hester L., //. 7369. J/. 9359. Pitcairn, Robert, A. 209. Pitt, Christopher (Dr.), T. 10519. , William, M. 10007. Planta, Joseph, //. 7215. Plato, T. 10500. Playfair, James (Dr.), //. 6518. , John, W. 10591. , William, //. 6230. Plescheef, Sergey (Capt.), JL 7081. Pliny, the younger, 'J'. 10501. Plowden, Francis (Dr.), //. 6698. , Walter Chichele, //. 8241. Plues, Margaret, A. 21. 22. Plutarch, r. 10502. 10503. Poco Mas, JI. 7170. Pococke, E., JI. 8964. Poe, Edgar Allan, i':5696. TF. 10592. Poinsett, J. R., //. 8598. Polack, J. S., //. 8834. Polehampton, Arthur (Rev.), //. 8824. , Edward (Rev.), B. 1643. PoUington, Viscount, JI. 8949. Pollock, Robert, 1>. 2206. Polo, Marco, //. 7983. Poly bins, T. 10504. Pompadour, Jeanne Poisson, Mar- chioness of, B. 1644. Ponsonby, E. C. M. (Lady), F. 3723. Poole, John, F. 4526. 5139. , Sophia, JI. 8007. Pope, Alexander, W. 10593. , Henry E., JI. 8066. Porny, Mark A., A. 422. Porter, Anna Maria, F. 3285. 3910. 4198. 5346. 5749. 5924. , G.R., yl.847. C. 2084. 2085. , James (Sir), //. 7277. , Jane, I\ 3529. 3763. 5470. 5749. 5762. , J. L. (Rev.), //. 7888. , Robert Ker (Sir), IJ. 7978. , Whitworth (Major), //. 7328. Index to Authors' Names. 381 Porteus, Beilby (Dr.), E. 3066. 0. 10203. Postans, Mrs., F. 3882. H. 77.56. , Thomas (Capt.), //. 7704. Potter, Richard, T. 10472. Pottinger, Henry (Sir), //. 7481. Powell, Baden, C. 2062. Power, IMarguerite A., JI. 7491. , W.Tyrone, F. 4379. //. 7560. 8442. 8851. Pradt, Abbd de, M. 9537. 0. 10268. 10271. Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, Z*. 2505. Praet, Jules van, M. 9524. Pratt, Samuel Jackson, D. 2312. Prescott, William H., //. 7132. 7134. 8583. 8674. M. 9780. Preston, T. R, J3. 1043. //. 8372. Price, Edward, //. 6165. , Richard, M. 9824. , Uvedale, M. 9523. Pridden, William (Rev.), //. 8807. Pridham, Charles, H. 7629. Priestley, Joseph (Dr.), A. 65. 127. 388. 822. , Joseph, jun., B. 1648. Prinsep, G. A., A. 849. , Henry, //. 7690. Prior, James (Sir), B. 999. 1258. 1470. , Matthew, D. 2506. , R. C. Alexander, D. 2155. Pritchard, William T., //. 8901. Prochazka, Baron, //. 6400. Procter, Adelaide Anne, I). 2370. , Bryan Waller (Barry Corn- wall), B. 1415. D. 2230. 2284. 2395. 260.3. Proctor, Robert, //. 8687. Prout, William, A. 412. Prus, Mme., 7/. 8081. Puckler-JIuskau, Prince, //. 8002. 8082. Pugin, A. Welby, A. 1. Puigblanch, D. Antonio, .1/. 9673. Pulzky, Francis and Theresa, -F.5700. //. 8541. Purves, George, A. 781. 843. Putnam, George Palmer, H. 8401. Pycroft, James (Rev.), F. 3145.3525. 3754. 3816. 5827. ^f. 10112. Quevedo, Francisco Villegas de, (Don.), J/. 10098. Quillinan, Edward, F. 4564. Quin, Michael J., F. 4958. //. 7189. 7403. 7404. Quinctilian, T. 10505. Radcliffe, Ann (Mrs.), F. 4277. 5364. W. 10594. Radecliffe, Noel, 7^.3159.3362.3712. 4448. 5620. Raffonel, Claude Denis, 0. 10292. Raffles, Lady Stamford, B. 1692. , Thomas Stamford (Sir), //. 7348. 8776. Raikes, Henry (Rev.), B. 980. , Thomas, B. 1693. 1094. //. 6232. 7092. Ralph, John, B. 1641. Rame, Miss (Ouida), F. 4255. Ramsay, Allan, D. 2303. 2507. , Edward B. (Dean), E. 2990. M. 9931. Randolph, Herbert, B. 1951. -, Thomas Jefferson, B. 1366. Ranke, Leopold, E. 2888. H. 0388. 6903. 7244. Rankin, F. Harrison, //. 8136. Ranking, John, A. 693. Ranyard, Mrs., M. 9783. Rapp, General Count, B. 1700. Rarey, J. S., M. 9321. Rattray, Alexander, (Dr.), //. 8377. Raumer, Frederick von, U. 6497. 6062. 6932. 7.332. 8398. Ravensteiu, E. G., //. 7835. Rawlinson, George (Rev.), E. 2722. //. 9258. T. 10487. Raybaud, Maxime, O. 10310. Raynal, William Thos. (Abbe), //. 8959. Reach, Angus B., F. 4465. II. G221. 382 Index to Authors' Names. Keatle, Charles, F. 3479. 3517. 3575. 40G2. 4112. 4275. 4565. 5104. 6003. , W.Wmwood,//.6736.8232. Reaumur, 0. 10175. Kedcliffe, Stratford de (Lord), J>. 2601. Kodding, Cyrus, B. 1512. 1606. //. 8957. M. 9570. 10143. Reed, Andrew (Rev.), F. 4938. , Ileiiry, A. 117. Rees, L. E. Runtz, //. 9190. Reeve, Sophia, F. 3601. Eeid, John, //. 7273. , Mayne (Capt.), F. 3273. 4104. 4213. 4689. 5252. 5454. 5998. 6000. 6120. , Thomas, H. 8864. , Thomas (Dr.), A. 358. 359. Remy, Jules, //. 8450. Rennie, James, C. 2117. Ren vail, Gustav, 0. 10174. Retzow, de, 0. 10306. Retzsch, Moritz, A. 714. 715. 716. Revere, Joseph Warren, //. 8508. Reynolds, Beatrice, /'". 4827. , Frederick M., B. 1710. F. 3559. , George W., F. 5143.5344. 6123. , Thomas, B. 1712. Ricardo, David, A. 842. Ricciardi, Giuseppe, B. 1352. Rich,ClauiliusJ.,y/. 7900. 7906.7907. Richards, T. Addison, F. 5611. Richardson, George, A. 14. , G. F., A. 174. — , James,//. 8088. 8224. 8245. , John (Sir), //. 8283. 8313. , Jonathan (Dr.), ]V. 10595. , J., /•'. 5961. , Robert, ff. 7415. , Samuel, F. 3507. Richter, Jean Paul, A. 122. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. (F. G. Trafford), /•: 3496. 3903. 4U17.4731. 4809. 5135. 5271. 5326. 5787. 6058. Ridpath, George, //. 6452. Rigby, l\Iiss(LadyEastlake), FA528. JI. 7054. Riley, II. T., T. 10485. Risk Allah Effendi, //. 7920. Ritchie, Elizabeth M., F. 4486. , Leitch, F. 4483. 4639.5354. 5988. , Tliomas E., B. 1325. Rive, William de la, B. 1040. Robberds, J. W., B. 1853. Roberts, Emma, //. 7719. , George, B. 1516. //. 6703. ■ , Jane, F. 4572. H. 8865. , Joseph, E. 2965. , William, B. 1521. Robertson, E. William, //. 6692. , James (Rev.), //. 6158. , J., />. 2508. , J. C. (Sholto Percy), 3/975 1 . 9862. , J. P., F. 5553. //. 8683. , Robert, A. 321. , William, A. 4. , William (Dr.), //. 6375. 7627. ir. 10596. , William (Rev.), E. 3036. //. 7138. , William Parish, //. 8612. Robinson, Edward (Dr.), //. 7876. , Frederick, //. 9082. , F.W., /•: 4054. 4766. 4785. 5877. , George, // 7929. , H. B., B. 1630. , Jane, /: 4041. 4572. 4643. , John (Dr.), //. 6524. , Thomas (Rev.), // 1290. Robison, John, A 641. Roby, John, F. 5187. Rocca, Angelas de, //. 9144. Rochow, Abbe, B. 9023. Rockingham, Charles (Sir), F. 3442. 3673. 3814. 4561. 5347. Rodwell, G. Herbert, F. 4995. Roe, Arthur S., F. 4280. Roebuck, John Arthur, //. 6579. Index to Authors' Names. Roemer, J. (Dr.), M. 9376. Rogers, Charles (Rev.), M. 95G5. , Henry, M. 9506. , James E., A. 89. , Mary E., //. 7881. , Mrs. G. Albert, //. 8095. , Robert (Major), //. 8331. -, Samuel, JJ. 2321. 2335. 2509. M. 9016. Roget, Peter Mark, A. 761. EoUiu, Charles, O. 10273. RoraanofiF, H. C, E. 3014. Romer, Mrs., B. 899. //. 7167.8026. 8924. Roney, Cusack P. (Sir), M. 9912. Roscoe, Henry, B. 1734. , Thomas, B. 1617. 1713. C. 2048. 2088. //. 6746. , Thomas junior, /«"". 5045. , William, B. 1429. 1490. 1491. Rose, George (Sir), B. 1735. Ross, Alexander, //. 8393. , Charles H., F. 5199. , James C. (Sir), //. 8907. • , John (Sir), B. 1399. 1769. //. 8301. 8320. , W. A., //. 6196. Rouse, William, M. 9454. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 0. 10377. ir. 10597. Rousset, Jean tie Missy, 0. 10318. 10320. Roving Englishman, the, see E. C. G. Murray. Rowcroft, Charles, F. 3538. 3851. , George, F. 3367. Rowley, Henry (Rev.), //. 8235. Rowsell, E. P., F. 5303. Eoyle, James Forbes (Prof.), A. 31. Ruding, Rogers (Rev.), A 663. Ruffini, John, F. 3694. 3730. 4444. 4548. 5931. 3/. 9902. Rumford, Benjamin (Count), A. 427. Rush, Richard, //. 6678. Rush worth, John, //. 6531. Ruskin, John, M. 9413. Russell, Alexander, A. 557. //. 7910. , C. W. (Dr.), B. 1501. , John, //. 6413. . John, Earl, A 807. i?. 1214. 1216.1520.7J.2226.y/.6507. , John A. (Rev.), B. 1954. , J. Rutherfurd, A. 309. , Rachel (Lady), M. 9727. , William (Waters, andLieute- nant Warneford), F. 3236. 3590. 3864. 4344. 4465. 5352. 5360. 5389. 5535. 5741. , William (Dr.), B. 1153. //. 7324. 8749. 9260. , William Howard, A. 406. B. 1180. 1181. //. 7681. 8340. 8468. 9067. 9203. 9224. Ruxton, George F., //. 8581. Ryan, Edward (Rev.), E. 2878. , Richard, 3f. 9456. , Vincent W. , Bishop of Mauri- tius, //. 8221- Rye, E. C, A. 485. , William Brenchley, //. 6496. Ryland, John, A. 285. Sabine, E. (Major), //. 8305. Sadler, Ralph (Sir), //. 6707. Sadyk Pasha, //. 7902. St. Clair, Thomas Staunton, //. 8644. St. Germain, T. D. de, F. 5434. St. Hilaire, J. Barthek'my, //. 8004. St. John, Bayle, A. 703. //. 6289. 6981. 7280. 8037. 8247. , Charles, A 535. J/. 6721. , Horace, //. 9101. , James Augustus, B. 1442. 1696. F. 4676. 53.32. 5517. 5740. //. 7409.8003.8012. M. 9313. , J. Hector, //. 8455. , Mrs. Horace, B. 915. , Percy B., //. 6236. , Spenser, //. 8780. St. Leger, Barry, B. 1225. F. 5723. 384 Index to Autliors' Names. St. Leonards, Lord, A. 215. St. Marie, Count, //. 80G2. St. Pelaie, de, .1. 124. St. Pierre, Jaques Henri B. de, J/. 10022. - St. Priest, Alexis, Comte de, E. 2879. St. Simon, Louis de Kouvroi, Due de, B. 17G3. Sala, Georp;e Augustus, F. 4G49. JI. G510. .SO'Jl. Salanic, Abraham, //. 9162. Sale, Florentia (Lady), //. 9129. Sallust, T. 10.')UG. Salt, Henry, 7/. 8252. Salzmanu, C. G. (Rev.), A. 4."'0. Sanctis, L. de, (Dr.), E. 3017. Sandby, George, A. 442. , William, A. 696. Sandeau, Jules, F. 4214. Sander, Meta, F. 3748. Sandf.ird, John (Rev.), E. 2724. Sandwith, Humphrey (Dr.), i''. 4150. //. 9170. Sanford, J. L., B. 1268. Sapinaud, Mme. de, 0. 10307. Sappho, T. 10475. Sargant, William Lucas, A. 798. Sargent, John (Rev.), B. 1480. Sarrans, B., B. 1413. Sartoris, Adelaide, F. 5990. Saugnier, //. 8134. Saulcy, P. de, //. 7904. Saunders, John, F. 3106. 3340. 3347. 4072. 4701. 5014. 5497. Savage, M. W., F. 4834. 5322. Savary, Nicholas, //. 801G. 0. 10158. 10195. Sayors, Louisa (Hon.), F. 4159. Scargill, William Pitt, F. 5214 5282. 5884. GOIG. Scarlett, P. Campbell (Hon.), //. 8703. Scarth, John, //. 7572. Scherzer, Carl, IL 8607. Schiller, Frederick, //. 9117. ]V. 10598. Schlmmclpennick, Mary Anne, yl.454. Schlegel, Augustus von, W. 10599. Schlegel, Frederick von, W. 10600. Scldesinger, Max, //. 6425. Schlosser, F. C, JL 7326. Scljliiter, Josejili (Dr.), A. G87. Sclimidtmeyer, Peter, //. 8715. Schnit/.]er, J. H., //. 7078. Scliomburgk, Robert H., A. 543. Schonberg, Erich von (Baron), J I. 7739. Scliroeder, Francis, //. 7398. Schubert, T. F. de, (General), O. 10176. Scoffern, John, A. 326. Scoresby, William, //. 8281. 8295. Scott, C. Rochfort, //. 8028. , Colonel, ][. 8073. , James (Capt), F. 5300. , John, E. 2873. //. 6279. 6889. 7401. , Lady, F. 4691. 5201. , Michael, F. 3592. 5782. , Patrick, D. 2287. , Thomas, D. 2378. E. 2736. 27G8. , Walter (Sir), B. 1557. C. 2017. 2111. 7J. 2283. 2311. 2365. 2396. 2403. F. 3103. 3192. 3200. 3489. 3953. 4071. 4279. 4370. 4800. 5130. 51 GO. 5259. 5307. 5341. 5439. 5718. 5727. 5984. 6056. W. 10601. Scropp, G. Poulctt, .1. 773. B. 1829. Scrutator, see llorlock, and R. S. Surtees. Searle, January, B. 1157. Seaton, Thomas (Major Gen. Sir), B. 1775. Seddon, B. 1776. Sedgwick, Catherine M., F. 4520. 4694. 4920. 5310. , Thomas, II. 7349. Seeley, Professor, E. 2812. Seely, John B., //. 7757. M. 10100. Seemann, Berthold, JI. 8985. Si'gur, General Count de, C. 2040. , Joseph Alexander, J/. 10124. Index to Authors' Names. 385 Selby, Charles, F. 4729. • , Pridcaux John, A. 543. Selkirk, Eail of, A. 827. Sellar, William Young, M. 9942. Selwyn, A., F. 37G2. Seneca, T. 10507. Serle, Thomas James, F. 5168. Severn, Emma, F. 3191. Sewald, Fanny, //. 6927. Seward, Anna, B. 1122. Sewell, Elizabeth, £.2877. /: 31.34. 3175.3512.4024.4038.4282. 4346. 43G4. 4674. 5883. //. 6925. , William, F. 4126. Seymour, H. Danby, //. 7070. , M. Hobart (Rev.), E. 2753. 2946. //. 6964. Shaftesbury, Earl of, M. 9382. Shahamat Ali, //. 7480. Shairp, John Campbell, D. 2351. Shakespeare, William, Z>. 25 10. 2686. W. 10602. Shannon, Eichard, A. 332. Sharpe, Samuel, A. 90. Shaw, Charles, F. 4447. , Lachlau (Rev.), H. 6574. , Thomas (Dr.), //. 8090. ■ , Thomas Budd (Prof), ^1. 130. Shee, Martin Archer, B. 1789. D. 2575. F. 4116. Sheffield, Lord, A. 854. Sheil, Lady, //. 7804. Shelley, Lady, B. 1792. ■ , Mrs. (Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin), F. 3894. 3970. 4432. 4532.5908. //.6397. M. 9884. , Percy Bysshe, D. 2511. M. 9513. Shelton, F. W., F. 5102. Shepherd, C. W., H. 6159. , William (Rev.), B. 1642. Sheppard, Miss, F. 3452. 3568. Sherburne, John Henry, B. 1374. Sherer, Major, F. 3353. 5595. 5744. Sheridan, Mrs. Thomas, F. 3146. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, D. 2234. 2687. , Thomas, A. 81. 84. 132. Sherlock, Martin (Rev.), M. 9813. , Thomas (Biskop), E. 3096. Sherman, James, B. 892. Sherwood, Mrs., F. 4187. 5386. Shillinglaw, John J., //. 8306. Shipp, John, B. 1795. F. 4762. ShirreflF, Patrick, //. 8511. Shortland, Edward, //. 8860. Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of, H. 6667. Shuckard, William E., A. 484. 487. C. 2061. Shurreef, JafPur, H. 7710. Shutte, Reginald N. (Rev.), B. 1629. Siborne, William (Capt.), //. 9119. Sidney, Samuel, //. 8857. Siestrzencewicz de Bohusz, Stanislav, 0. 10298. Sigoumey, Lydia, D. 2457. Silver, J. M. W., H. 7567. Simeon, Cornwall, A. 565. Simmonds, P. L., //. 8317. M. 9416. Simms, Gilmore, F. 6021. Simond, Louis, //. 7225. Simpkinson, John, F. 5980. Simpson, Alexander, B. 1801. , George (Sir), //. 8980. , John Hawkins, H. 9637. , J. Palgrave, F. 4516. , Leonard Francis, A. 125. , Thomas, //. 8308. Sinclair, Catherine, D. 2596. F.3295. 3587. 4312. 4795. 4797. 4799. //. 6529. 6690. 6697. .1/. 9361. 9686. , John, A. 817. , John (Rev.), B. 1803. , John (.Sir), A. 24. B. 1802. ]{. 6708. Sirr, Henry Charles, //. 7516. 7604. Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de, A. 107. C. 2105. 2108. 0. 10293. Sisted, Mrs. Henry, //. 6947. Skene, William F., H. 6528. 49 386 Index to Authors' Karnes. Skinner, J. E. Hilary, //. C184. 72GO. , Major, //. 7951. Slack, Henry J., A. 533. Slade, Adolphus (Sir), //. 7259. 7275. 7422. Sleeman, William H. (Sir), //. 76G2. 7711. Sleigh, Lieut. Colonel, //. 83G2. Slingsby, Henry, F. 4829. Smedley, Edward (Rev.), A. 448. E. 2892. , Frank E., D. 2301. F. 3964. 4117. 4474. 4549. , Menella Bute, F. 5495. Smee, Alfred, A 421. Smellie, William, A. 550. Smiles, Samuel, B. 977. 981. 11G4. 1347. 1778. 1818. M. 9642. Smith, Aaron, //. 8633. , Adam, A. 387. 819. , Albert, i'^ 3127. .3482.5191. 5457. 6026. //. G980. 7252. ■ , Alexander, D. 2200. 2512. F. 3154. //. 6711. M. 9457. , Anthony, /''. 4698. , Archibald, //. 8700. , Charles Hamilton (Lieut. Colonel), A. 543. ■ , Charles L. (Rev.), //. 6509. , Charles Manby, //. 6G05. , Charlotte, F. 5971. , Edmond R., //. 8662. , George, Bishop of Victoria, //. 7570. , Horace, /^.3112.3211.3.344. 4004. 4562. 4758. 4803. 4921. 5321. 5729. 5789. 59G6. 6135. M. 9591. , James, D. 2400. , John Gordon, A. 333. , John Pye, A. 184. ,JohuThom.,A1570..V.9349. , John William, A. 20G. , J. V. C, //. 8025. , Maria P., F. 3430. , Sydney (Rev.), W. 10603. ■ , Thomas (Capt.), //. 7689. Smith, William, F. 4481. //. 8968. M. lOOGC. , William Henry, M. 9342. , William Henry (Capt.), //. G949. 6979. Smollett, Tobias, //. 6549. TF. 10604. Smyth, C. Piazzi, //. 7083. 7181. 8017. , George Carmichael (Major) //. 7643. , Mrs. Gillespie, i3. 1384. 1730. , Warrington W., //. 7281. , William (Prof.), //. 6257. , William Henry (Admiral) //. 7358. , W. (Lieutenant), //. 8688. Smy thies, Mrs. Gordon (Miss Gordon), 2^.3168.3662.3927.4450.4692. 4717. Snodgrass, J. J. (Major), //. 9157. Snowe, Joseph, //. 6403. Soames, Henry, E. 2891. Soane, George, F. 4428. M. 9811. Soligny, Count de, //. 6603. Somerville, Mary (Mrs.), A. 634. //. 8989. , Thomas, //. 6558. -, Thomas (Dr.), B. 1809. Sonnini, C. N. S., //. 6860. 8036. Sophocles, T. 10508. Soteropoulos, S., //. 6822. Soulavie, John Lewis, H. 6238. South, John F., A. 310. , Simeon, //. 7399. Southey, Caroline Bowles, D. 2513. , Charles (Rev.), iJ. 95 1 . 1 8 1 1 . , Robert, i?. 951. 1088.1891. C. 2014. 2093. D. 2391. 2514. E. 2737. //. 8667. 8671. 9114. M. 9393. 9453. 9989. Southgate, Horatio (Rev.), //. 7908. South worth, Emma, F. 4684. Soyer, Alexis, 11. 9079. Spallanzani, Abbe, A. 494. //. 6989. Sparks, Jared, B. 1523. 1919. Sparmann, Andrew, //. 8186. Speid, Mrs. John B., //. 7697. i Index to Authors' Names. 387 Speir, Mrs., //. 7671. Speke, John liaiiniug (Capt.), //. 8213. 82.5(;. Spelman, Edward, T. 10520. Spence, Elizabeth J., F. .3067. .5697. , Joseph (Rev.), H. 9283. M. 9315. , William, A. 520. 521. Spencer, Edmund (Capt), F. 3554. 5213. H. 7088. 7268. 7391. 7412. 7421. 7977. Spenser, P^dmund, ]). 2515. Spicer, Henry, M. 9987. Spiker, S. H. (Dr.), JJ. 6730. Spindler, C, F. 4480. 4482. 4905. Spix, John Baptist von(Dr.), //.8706. Spottiswoode, William, //. 7082. Spratt, T. A. B. (Lieut.), JI. 7927. Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm, ^{. 9965. Spry, Hcury, //. 7680. , William, A. 487. Squier, E. G., //. 8596. Stackhouse, Thomas (Rev.), E. 2880. //. 9259. Stacy, Lewis R. (Colonel), //. 9155. Stael-Holstein, Baroness de, B. 1814. //. 6367. 0. 10196. Stainton, H. T., A. 486. 541. 568. Stamer, William, B. 1815. Standish, Frank H., //. 7171.7397. Stanfield, Clarkson, JI. 6465. Stanhope, Earl (Lord Mahon), B. 1075.1611.1634. //. 6548. 7135. M. 9781. , John Spencer, A. 712. , Leicester (Hon. Colonel), //. 6829. , Loui.sa Sidney, F. 5022. Stanley, Arthur I'enrhyu (Dean), B. 909. 1810. K. 2751. 2924. 2925. 3028.3037.y/.0533. 0534. 7919. Stapleton, Augustus Granville, B. 1030. Starke, Marianne, JI. 7337. Staunton, George T. (Sir), //. 7512. 7550. 7554. , Howard, A. 100. Staveley, E. F., A. 488. , Thomas, E. 2868. Stebbing, Henry (Rev.), B. 1351. C. 2094. 2095. /•'. 49 1 2. //. 8953. Stedman, C, //. 8438. , John Gabriel (Capt.), //. 9153. iSteedman, Andrew, JI. 8187. Steel, Robert (Rev.), E. 2799. Steele, Richard (Sir), E. 2702. M. 10072. Steffens, Henry, //. 9063. Steinbach, Lieut. Colonel, JI. 7709. Steinmetz, Andrew, A. 47. E. 2882. F. 4328. //. 7538. M. 994.3. Stent, W. Drew, //. 8005. Stephen, George (Sir), F. 4327. M. 9306. , James (Sir), /;. 2823. Stephens, Alexander, //. 9122. , Ann S. (Mrs.), F. 3908. , A. J., //. 0682. , Edward Bell, //. 6216. , George, J'\ 4663. • , John L., //. 7336. 8584 8585. , Robert, A. 804. Stepney, Lady, F. 4144. 4923. Sterling, John, M. 9498. Stern, Henry A. (Rev.), //. 8255. Sterne, Laurence (Rev.), E. 3038. W. 10605. 1O0O6. Steuart, James Denman (Sir), IT. 10607. , J., H. 8663. Stevens, George Alexander, M. 9707. Stevenson, Joseph (Rev.), //. 9167. , William, JI. 8951. Steward, Mrs., J\ 3436. 4265. Stewart, Charles James (Rev.), //. 8906. , David (Colonel), //. 6702. , Dugald, A. 372. 374. B. 1705. , E. M.(Miss), /•: 3228.3349. 3506. 3925. 5026. 5256. , J., J{. 8653. 49* 388 Index to Authors' Names. Stickney, Sarah, M. 9877. Stifter, Adelbeit, F. 5147. Stiles, William II., JL 6:3.57. Stirling, William, B. 900.1053.190.3. Stocqueler, J. II., 7i. 1574. //. 7052. 7803. Stolbcr-, Count, II. 7429. Stone, Mrs., M. 9415. StoueLenge, see John Henry Walsh. Stoney, H. Butler (Capt), J I. 8815. Storch, Henri, 11. 7064. 0. 10155. 10327. Story, Robert Herbert, B. 1821. ■ , William W., JI. f)971. Stout, Benjamin (Capt.), 11. 8157. Stowe, Harriet Becher, F.3474.3758. 4767. 5100. 5872, //. 7407. M. 9091. , John, 11. 6712. Strang, John, //. 0369. Strangford, Viscountess, //. 6902. Strauss, Frederick, M. 9018. Streatfield, T. (Rev.), D. 2179. Stretton, Charles, B. 1493. M. 10013. , Ilesba, F. 3515. Strickland, Agnes, B. 934. 14.S5. 1674. 1677. i^. 4209. 4988. M. 9622. , Major, //. 8375. Strong, Frederick, II. 6828. Strutt, Elizabeth, F. 3446. , Joseph, A. 066. //. 6738. Strzeleeki, P. E. de, //. 8839. Stuart, A. Moody (Rev.), B. 1200. , Charles Edward, /'"'. 5006. , Gilbert, H. 6532. , James, B. 8506. , John M'Douall, //. 8812. , Lieut. Colonel, //. 7809. Sturge, Joseph, //. 8534. Sturlcson, Snorro, //. 6146. Sturt, Charles (Capt), //. 8831.8863. Styles, John (Rev.), M. 9319. Sue, Eugene, F. 3688. 0. 10218. Suetonius, T. 10509. Suflfolk, Henrietta, Countess of, B. 1825. Sullivan, Edward (Sir), B. 1076. //. 8754. , Francis Stoughton, A. 223. , Robert, F. 3934. 5275. Sumner, John Bird, Archbishop of Canterbury, F. 2826. Surtees, R. S. (Scrutator), F. 4345. 4543. 4714. Sutherland, Peter C. (Dr.), //. 8294. Swainson, William, A. 543. C. 2057. 2000. 2001. 2064. 2065. 2066. 2008. 2069. 2080. 2082. Swedcnborg, Emanuel, K. .'!068. Swift, Jonathan (Dean), W. 10008. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, />'.908. D. 2158. 2400. 2562. , Henry, //. 7301. Swinton, 0. 10337. Sydney, Henry (Hon.), B. 1129. Symes, Michael, II. 7591. Symmons, Charles, B. 1507. Szeredy, J., F. 3185. II. 6351. Tacitus, T. 10510. 10511. Tainsch, E. C, F. 5433. Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury, E. 2754. 2792. Talbot, Edward A., //. 8349. Talfourd, Thomas Noon (Sergeant), i>'. 1414. 1416, />. 2235. //. 7437. Talvi, A. 100. Tarleton, Lieut. Colonel, //. 91O0. Tasso, Torquato, 1). 2154. 2.344. Tautphffius, Baroness, F. 3223. 360.'!. 4264. 5202. Tayler, Charles B. (Rev.), /.'. 1703. F. 4685. 4733. M 9503. Taylor, Algernon, //. 6299. 6898. , Bayard, B. 1323. D. 2525. F. 4111. 4337. 5599. //. 6160. 7985. 8217. 8416. 8423. 8923. , Emily, F. 5730. , George Cavendish, //. 91 27. , Henry, Jh 2453. 2591. M. 9816. 9817. 10016. Index to Authors' Names. 389 Taylor, Isaac, D. 2623. E. 2930. 3U'J4. , Jeremy (Bishop), E. 2884. , John, B. 1704. , John (Major), H. 7974. , Meadows (Col.), F. 3535. 5270. 5754. 5777. , Sergeant Major, //. 9139. •—, Theodore, li. 1855. , Tom, B. 1081. 1711. D. 2173. , William, //. 7470. , William Cooke, //. C2G7. 6684. , W. Elfe, E. 2820. Tegg, Thomas, H. 8928. Tegoborski, L. de, A. 788. Teignmouth, Lord, B. 1375. Temple, Edmond, JI. 8714. , George T. (Sir), JI. 8009. , William (Sir), W. 10609. Tempsky, Gustavus F. von, //. 8593. Tench, Watkin (Major), H. 6261. 8830. Tenison, Louisa (Lady), //. 7114. Tennaut, Charles, //. 7413. Tennent, James Emerson (Sir), A. 562. n. 6882. 7603. Tennyson, Alfred, D. 2257. 2331. 2333. 2398. 2510. 2527. Terence, T. 10512. Terry, Charles, //. 8835. Thackeray, Francis (liev.), B. 1056. , Wm. Makepeace, B. 1107. F. 3128. 3526. 3704. 3731. 3842. 3960. 4188. 4775. 4925. 5039. 5109. 5293. 5910. 5933. //. 6280. 6591. 7367. Thaly, Sigismund (Colonel), 11. 6364. Thayras, Rapin de, 0. 10275. Theocritus, T. 10153. Therry, li., //. 8844. Thierry, Auguste, //.6567. 0.10285. Thiers, L. A., //. 6244. 0245. Thirlwall, Connop, Bishop of St. Davids, C. 2103. Thomas, Annie (Mrs. Pender-Cudlip), F. 3310. 3409. 3700.5011. 5107. 5533. 5907. , Caroline, F. 3900. , /''. W., F. 4343. Thompson, Edward P., //. 0354. 7055. , George, //. 8181. , George Alexander, //. 8595. , Richard, C. 2046. , Waddy, //. 8602. Thomson, Alexander, T. 10509. , Arthur S., //. 8855. , H. Byerley, A. 222. , James, D. 2517. , J. C. (Philip Wharton), IS. 1678. 1953. F. 4133. , Katherine, Mrs. A. T., (Grace Wharton), B. 1302. 1475.1678.1953. F. 3408. 4927. 6004. 11. 6619. M. 9718. , Mowbray (Capt.), 77.9217. , Spencer, A. 335. , Thomas, A. 52. //. 7755. 8126. Thoresby, Ralph, B. 1800. 1801. Thombury, George W., D. 2613. //. 6696. 8976. , Walter, B. 1870. F. 4058. 4251. 5280. 11 6478. 6526. 7146. 7279. Thornton, Edward, //. 7606. , Henry, A. 803. ■, Thomas, JI. 7258. , Thomas (Col.), II 6307. Thncydides, T. 10515. Tieck, Ludwig, F. 5295. 5698. Tietz, M. vou, //. 7392. Tilley, Henry Arthur, //. 7539. 8936. Timbs, John, A. 416. 461. 564. B. 895.1 165.1773. II. 6481. 6642. 6083. 8934. M. 9882. 10002. Tischendorft', Constantino, //. 7932. Tocqueville, Alexis de, II 8419. Tolfrey, Frederick, 11. 6308. Tomblcson, //. 0710. 390 Index to Aiif/iors' A'ames. Toniline, George (Dr.), A 1C:35. J-:. 3011. Toniia, Charlotte Elizabeth, E. 3001. F. 3545. 4153. M. 9864. Tooke, J. Home, A. 88. , Thomas, A. 816. , William, H. 6269. 7048. 7091. T. 10496. Tiipffer, Eodolph, F. 5088. 5375. Torrens, Lieut. Col., //. 7979. , Eobert, A. 787. , Torrens M'Cullagh, B. 1261. Tott, Baron de, -B. 1864. Tottenham, George L., F. 3458. Toulmin, Caroline, see Mrs. Newton Croslaud. — , George Hoggart (Dr.) , M. 9533. Tourguenieff, Ivan, 0. 10224. Towers, Joseph, J/. 9823. Townend, William, //. 6482. Townsend, George (Dr.), //. 6938. , George (Rev.), E. 2702. , Joseph I'hipps, 7/. 8841. — , Meredith, H. 1268. , William C, A. 225. //. 6569. Townsend, Chauncy H. (Rev.), JI. 6485. ■ , J. K, II. 8368. Townson, Robert, //. 6416. Trafford, F. G., see Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Trail, Mrs., C. 2118. F. 4416. Trant, T. Abercromby, (Capt.), //. 6848. Trapp, Joseph, //. 6288. Trebeck, II. 7980. Tredgold, Thomas, A. 451. Trelawuey, E. J., B. 1791. Trench, C. (Rev.), B. 1867. .Francis (Rev.), , //. 6691. 6998. , Richard Chenevix, Arch- bishop of Dublin, A. 92. 133. E. 3039. Trenery, Gordon 0. L., //. 7233. Trevelyan, G. 0., //. 7602. M 9398. Trevor, Arthur (Hon.), B. 1945. TroUope, Anthony, F. 3280. 3304. 3311. 3412. 3432. 3510. 3736. 3961. 4369. 4429. 4557. 4632. 4781. 5023. 5273. 5546. 5707. 5767. 5973. //. 8473. 8655. .V. 9643. , Frances (Mrs.), F. 3102. 3281. 3331. 3453. 3909. 3915. 4025. 4325. 4333. 4442. 4501. 4754. 4793. 5001. 5015. 5128. 5312. 5476. 5768. 5810. 5874. 5918. 5972. 6014. 6015. 6108.6112.6114. //. 6277. 6421. G883. 7416. , Thomas Adolphus, i?. 1126. F. 3217. 3305. 4032. 4401. 4518. 4682. 5098. //. 6313. 6315. 6908. 6920. 6943. 6993. Tronson, J. M., //. 7970. Trotter, John Bernard, B. 1215. , Lionel J., IL 7639. Trower, Charles, F. 4218. Trueba o Cosio, Telesforo de (Don), F. 3428. 4260. 5358. Trumbull, John, B. 1869. Trusler, John (Dr.), A. 738. Tschudi, J. J. von (Dr.), //. 8708. Tucker, Jedcdiah Stephens, B. 1766. Tuckerman, Hemy T., 77. 6637. M. 9831. Tudor, Henry, 77. 8752. Tugwell, George (Rev.), II. 6648. Tupper, Martin Farquhar, D. 2199. F. 4131. 5579. 5829. M. 9327. 9785. 9940. Turnbull, David, 77. 8650. , Peter E., 77. 6355. , Eobert (Rev.), 77. 6912. Turner, George (Rev.), 77. 8898. , Sharon, E. 3023. H. 6564. , William, IL 6845. Turnham, Trevelyan, F. 5794. Tweddell, John, B. 1871. Tweedie, W. K. (Eev.), M. 9634. Index to Authors' Names. 391 Twiss, Horace, B. 1154. , Travers, //. 8361. Tyler, J. Endell (Rev.), B. 129.3. Tyndale, John W., //. 692G. Tyndall, John, B. 1206. //. 7213, 7219. Tytler, Alex. Fraser, Lord Wood- houselee, A 1381. 6'. 2034. //. 8937. , Patrick Fraser, C. 2022. //. 6500. 65G2. , Sarah, F. 3495. , William, //. G482. Uhland, Ludwig, D. 2608. Umbra, M. 9639. Upham, Edward, F. 4362. 5279. Ure, Andrew, A. 62. 261. 269. Urqubart, David, A. 864. //. 7066. 8992. , David (Rev.), M. 9392. Ussher, John, //. 8066. Uvedale, Mrs., B. 1074. Valbezen, E. de, 0. 10253. Valentia, Viscount, //. 7989. Valikbanoff, Capt., //. 7834. Valles, de los (Baron), B. 1033. Vambi'r)-, Arminius, //. 7855. 7856. VandenhoEF, George, M. 9705. Van de Velde, C. W. M , //. 7905. Vaughan, Charles (Dr.), E. 2734. , Robert (Dr.), .B. 2763. 2943. .3015. H. 6573. 6680. , Walter (Dr.), A. 305. Vaux, W. S.W., //. 9280. Vehse, E. (Dr.), //. 6386. Veitch, William, B. 1902. Venables, R. Lister (Rev.), H. 7042. Venn, John (Rev.), E. 3040. Verelst, Harry, //. 7749. Vermont, Marquis de, //. 6608. Vertot, D'Aubceuf Rene Aubert de, //. 6150. 71G6. 7327. 9275. Victoria, Queen, //. 6596. Vida, Marcus Hieronymus, D. 2196. Vidal, Mrs., F. 3818. Viener, M., F. 3423. Vieusseux, A., F. 3196. Vigne, Godfrey T., //. 7478. 8489. 8762. Villari, Pasquale, B. 1770. Vincent, Francis (Sir), F. 3219. , William (Dr.), T. 10498. VirgU, T. 10517. 10518. 10519. Vizetelly, Henry, //. 6309. V'olney, Constantin Francois Chasse- boeuf, (Comte), //. 7937. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de, H. 7050. 0. 10284. 10363. Von Sybel, //. 9098. Voutier, Colonel, 0. 10304. Vsevolojsky, N. S., 0. 10263. Waagen, G. F. (Dr.), A 669. .B.1739. Waddington, George (Rev.), .E. 2871. Jf. 8212. , JuUa R., F. 4776. 4805. Wade, John, //. 6454. Wakefield, Edward G., A. 863. //. 8804. Waldegrave, Earl, //. 6610. Walford, Edward, B. 901. Walker, James, .1/. 9735. , Thomas, .1/. 9836. Wallace, Ellen, F. 3498. , R. G., //. 7677. Waller, Edmund, D. 2518. AYalmsley, H. Mulleneux (.Hon.), F. 34G2. //. 8084. Walpole, Frederick (Hon.), II.78T3. 8887. , Horace, A. 662. B. 1909. 1910.1911.1912. F.5912. //. 6625. 6630. 6632. Tl'. 10610. -, Robert (Rev.), //. 7250. 7982. Walsh, John Henry (Stonehenge), M. 9358. , Robert (Rev.), //. 6565. 7254. 8698. 392 Index to Authors' Names. Waltou, Isaac, B. 1135. M. 9399. "Warburtou, Acton, //. 6297. , Eliot, B. 1625. 1740. 1913. F. 3672. 5314. //. 7953. 8345. , J., //. 6565. , William, Bishop of Glou- cester, E. 2798. Ward, Artemus, see Charles F. Browne. • , Harriet (Mrs.), F. 4152. 4321. //. 8156. 8162. , H. G., //. 8591. , Eohert Plumer, A. 244. F. 3684. 3690. 4256. 5150. 5809. M. 9493. , William, //. 7748. Warden, William, M. 9722. Waring, Edward Scott, JI. 7815. Warueford, Lieutenant, see Wm. Russell. Warner, Anna B. (Amy Lotbrop), F. 4036. 4182. 4824. .Richard (Rev.), M. 9663. 9746. ■ , Susan ( Elizabeth Wetherell), F. 4990. 5253. 5451. 6013. Warren, Samuel, F. 3715. 4960. 5759. M. 9741. 9782. Warton, Thomas (Dr.), D. 2315. M. 9491. T. 10519. Waterhouse, G. R., A. 543. Waters, see William Russell. Waterton, Charles, A 497. //.8721. Watkius, Thomas, //. 7433. Watkinson, John, //. 6G55. Watson, John Selby(Rev.), B. 1G4G. 1907. 1915. , Richard, Bishop of Llandaff, B. 1921. , Robert, H. 7133. , R. Grant, //. 7807. , Walter, //. 7302. Watt, Robert (Dr.), M. 9344. Waud, S. W. (Rev.), A. 296. Waylen, Edward (Rev.), E. 2817. Webb, Frank, F. 4006. Webbe, Cornelius, F. 4034. 5190. Weber, Max Slaria von (Baron), B. 1924. Webster, James, //. 7434. , Noah, A. 301. , W. H. B., //. 8983. Weddell, James, //. 9024. Wehrhan, Robert, B. 1672. Weill, Alexander, F. 5927. Wcinmann, J. A., A. 27. 0. 10163. Weir, James, F. 5510. , Marion E., F. 5093. Welby, Horace, M. 9793. Weld, Charles Richard, //. 6290. 6732. 6734. 6909. 6942. 8531. , Isaac, //. 8524. Wellington, Duke of, //. 9084. 9085. Wells, David A., A. 403. , Nathaniel A., //. 7157. Wellsted, J. Raymond, //. 7985. Welsby, W. N., A 1161. Wendower, Roger, A. 725. Wentworth, W. C, JL 8854. Weme, Ferdinand, //. 8202. 8206. Wesley, John, C. 2039. West, John, //. 8370. , Mrs., /•'. 5335. Westmacott, C. N., A. 668. Westoby, W. A. S., A. 248. Westwood, J. 0., A. 522. Wetherell Elizabeth, see Susan Warner. Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (Dr.), B. 1934. Wharton, Grace, see Mrs. Katherine Thomson. , John (Dr.), E. 2794. , Philip, see J. C. Thomson. Whateley, M. L., //. 8027. , Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, A. 91. 139. 821. E. 2752. 2832. , Thomas, A. 331. Whealy, A. 38. Wheeler, Henry G., //. 8433. — , J. Talboys, //. 7638. Index to Authors' Names. 393 Wheelwright Horatio (The Old Bush- man), //. C185. 7837. Whewell, Wm. (Dr.), A. 282. 432. 435. E. 2819. Whipple, Edwin P., M. 9495. White, Charles, F. 3427. 4095. //. 6881. 7267. • , Gilbert, A. 539. ■ , Henry, //. 6264. , James, A. 339. , John, //. 7752. , Thomas Henry (Rev.), //. 6911. , Walter, //. 6441. Whitehead, Charles, B. 116G. , Emma, F. 5151. W^hitehurst, John, A. 176. Whitelaw, James (Rev.), //. 65G5. W^hitelocke, R. U., /?. 1938. Whiteside, James, //. 6935. 9287. Whiting, Sydney, H. 9745. Whittaker, John, //. 6554. Whittingham, Bemai-d (Capt), 7/. 9183. Whitty, E. M., F. 3976. 5716. Whitworth, Charles (Sir), A. 853. Wliyte-Jervis, Capt., H. 6842. Whyte-Melville, G. J., F. 3357. 3444. 3719. 4010. 4033. 4044. 4190. 4266. 4363. 4687. 5258. 5775. 6005. Wliytt, Robert, A. 323. Wicqnefort, Abraham de, 0. 10351. Widdup, John, A. 287. Widowson, Henry, //. 8840. W^ieland, Christopher Martin von, F. 5319. Wiffen, Jeremiah Holme, B. 1741. Wikoff, Henry, B. 1529. Wilberforce, Edward, //. 6410. , Isaac, B. 1942. , Robert, B. 1940. 1942. •, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, B. 1940. 1942. E. 2886. , William, 7?. 1940. £.2981. Wilde, W. R., A. 407. B. 1828. //. 7364. Wildman, Thomas, A. 569. Wilkey, Edward, //. 6424. Wilkie, William, D. 2273. Wilkins, George (Rev.), E. 2876. Wilkinson, Chai-les, //. 7922. , George B., Jf. 8852. , J. Gardner (Sir), 77.7237. 8031. 9279. , T. T., 77. 6596. , William, 77. 7231. Wilks, Mark (Colonel), B. 1857. H. 7630. , Washington, B. 1857. //. 7319. Willard, Emma, 77. 9135. Willcock, A. & J. W., A. 768. William III., B. 1946. Williams, Capt., //. 6842. , Clement, 77. 7973. , C. Greville, A. 67. , D. E., 7?. 1426. , E. A. (Rev.), 77. 8931. , Folkestone, B. 1134. 7^. 4645. 5605. , Frederick S., A. 450. , George (Rev.), 77. 7889. , Helen Maria, D. 2519. //. 6258. 6272. 7423. , Howard, M. 10028. , John, D. 2195. 77. 7389. 8897. •, John (Rev.), C. 2008. , J. Frederick Lake, A. 431. , R. F., 7'^ 5482. , S. Wells, 77. 7549. , Thomas, 77. 8886. Willich, A. F. M. (Dr.), C. 2005. Willis, Francis, A. 337. , Nathaniel P., D. 2520. F. 3677. 4498. 4534. 5095. 5113. 77. 7376. 7405. 8746. 8965. M. 9840. 9911. Willoughby, Lady, see Ann Manning, Wills, Alfred, 77. 6901. , William John, 77. 8856. , W. G., F. 4956. 6019. Willughby, Francis, A. 548. 50 394 Index to Autliom' Names. Wilmei-G, Alice, F. 3301. AVilmot, John E. Eardley (Sir), 7?. 1807. , Robert A. (Rev.), M. 9684. Wilson, Andrew, JI. 7520. , Daniel (Prof.), A. 453. J/. G6G5. , Edward (Rev.), E. 3041. , George (Prof.), A. 69. Jl 1212. 3f. 9411. , Horace Hayman, JJ. 2G20. JI. 7633. , James (Dr), //. 6741. 7341. 8010. ■ , Jessie Aitken, B. 1949. , John, (Prof.) "Christopher North," F. 3949. 4135. 5817. , John M. (Rev.), A. 639. , Mrs. Cornwall Baron, J3. 1761. F. 3487. , Robert Thomas (Sir), //. 7380. 9102. 9152. , S. S. (Rev.), //. 6850. , T. B., //. 8981. , Walter, B. 1127. , William Rae, //. 618G. 6293. 7935. Windle, Mary, F. 4460. Wines, E. C, //. 7436. Wingfield, Lewis (Hon.), //. 8092. , W. F., //. 6412. Winkelmann, John (Abbd), A. 724. Winslow, Forbes (Dr.), Af. 9314. Winter, Christoplier T., //. 7724. Wiseman, Cardinal, /i. 1645. i^. 3881. Withering, William, A 46. Wix, Archdeacon, //. 8366. Wolcott, John (Dr. Peter Pindar), D. 2377. W. 10611. Wolff, Joseph (Dr.), //. 7852. Wollstonccraft, Mary, JI. 6156. Wolzogen, Alfred von (Baron), B. 1699. Wood, Edward J., A 415. A 1249. • , John, //. 7211. , John (Lieut), //. 7854. Wood, .L G. (Rev.), A. 504. 509. 513. 516. , Mrs., F. 4276. 4547. 4647. 4975. 5165. 5518. , Mrs. Henry, F. 3448. 3804. 3820. 3939. 4407. 4507. 4545. 4760. 4792. 5025. 5028. 5.306. 5436. 5498. 5811. 5915. , Robert, JA. 9490. , Thomas, A. 218. , William Page (Sir), Z';.2775. , W., A. 517. Woodhead, Henry, B. 1059. Woodhouselee, Lord, see Alexander F. Tytler. Woods, John, //. 8527. , Julian (Rev.), Jl. 8818. , N. A., i/.9187. Woolner, Thomas, D. 2409. Woolrych, Humphrey W., B. 1368. Worcester, Joseph E. (Dr.), A. 86. Wordsworth, Christopher (Dr.), B. 1961. E. 2813. //. 6225. 6821. 6830. , William, IK 2399. 2521. 2526. Wormeley, Mary E., F. 3170. Worthington, William (Dr.), E. 2821. Wortley, Emmeline Stuart (Lady), JJ. 2522. JI. 7188. 8939. Wratislaw, Wenceslas (Barou), B. 1965. Wraxall, C. F. Lascelles (Sir), A. 530. B. 1086. 1672. 1706. /: 3321. 4748. .5020. 6025. JI. 9148. JA 9621. 9973. , Nathaniel W., B. 1392. //. 6242. 6387. 7414. Wright, Frances, M. 9569. , John, F. 4815. , .John (Rev.), F. 4633. , Josiah (Rev.), E. 2793. , Robert, B. 1955. , Thomas, //. 6458. 6459. 6499. 6541. 6669. 7883. 31. 9626. Index lo Authors' Names. 395 Wyatt, W. J. (Capt), //. 9192. Wylie, James (Sir), A. 325. , J. A. (Rev.), //. 69G.'?. Wyndham, Francis M., //. G194. Wynn, Owen, F. .5773. Wynter, Andrew, //. 8933. M. 9837. 10023. Wyse, Francis, //. 8400. Yate, William (Rev.), //. 8802. Yates, Edmund, F. 3130. 3322. 3355. 3950. 4380. 4427. 5390. M. 9851. , Mrs. Ashton, //. 7000. Yelverton, Theresa (Mrs.), F. 4703. Yonge, Charles Duke, JI. G243. 9103. Yonge, Miss, E. 2991. F. 3514. 3664. 3071. 3751. 3766. 3974. 4136. 4142. 4199. 4371. 4425. 5458. 5814. 5834. 6119. ^L 9627. Youatt, William, A. 489. 514. 561. Young, Arthur, A. 43. , Edward (Dr.), D. 2523. , E. D., //. 8234. , John (Dr.), M. 9519. , Maria Julia, B.10di.F.3802. , M., B. 1602. , Thomas, A. 001. M. 8594. , William, //. 7160. Zimmermann, John George, jI/. 9485. 10001. PRINTED liY BERNHARn I'AUCIINIT^, LEIPZIG. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. l^.;- ^5 2001 Ul A.r UmVEKHlTY ' '■ ' /• ')kNJ A r LOS ANGELES b 000 412 880 7 n *z 939 L54c r'i^r- ■ >C,-:*'.^ "^' U M- ■w,>^ .^^"iv^' . ^ ■; ^^^ k., >♦- , ■r^*-" >^. ^.;- .#^^-^t>" ^?t3^-«:^ :-"t:|^. ^ 'i.- '-. .^ 3 ,-*t .•*^'MI|.■ ^^..IX ■4k J r^ T. ,. A. .f/' . ?>£ ' -ry*. 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