ex c. c :.r c rc m^ >tr Morm. Bat. (v. 469); a Utah farmer in '81. A. (Theodore Henry), 1847, Pion. Soc. record. A. (Thomas), 1841, succeeded Ridley in charge of Sutter's launch. Allgeier (Nicolaus), 1840, German trapper, some time in H. B. Co.'s em ploy, who came by land fr. Or. and worked for Sutter at N. Helv. His name was generally, and perhaps correctly, written Altgeier. He often quarrelled with the capt., who once accused Le Grand Nicolas of having tried to kill him; but A. was not discharged as threatened. In '42 he got from Sutter a tract of land on the Sac. just below Bear River, where he managed a ferry at the crossing between N. Helv. and Hock, building a hut of poles, and later an adobe house; and here the little town of Nicolaus bears his name. In '44 he was naturalized, and is often named in the N. Helv. Diary of '46-8. He still lived on his rancho in '49, and is remembered in '52-5 by Bid well; still living in '60. He left children. Mention in iv. 117, 120, 139, 229; v. 108. Allig, see Elick. Allison (Francis), 1845, one of Fremont's men, though there is some doubt about the date. v. 583, 587. Wounded in '50 in a fight with Incl. in El Dorado Co. In '84 a gardener at Oakland. Allmand (Albert), 1846-7, act. lieut U. S. N.; lieut Co. D, Stockton's Bat. v. 386. Allrecl (Reddick R.), 1847, sergt Co. A, Morm. Bat. Also Q. M. sergt, and capt. of 50 on the return, v. 477, 493. In '81 a bishop and col of militia in Utah. J. R. Allred is also named by Tyler in connection with the march to Utah in '48. Allshouse (Joseph), 1841, marine on the Vincennes, killed acci dentally in crossing S. F. bar. iv. 279. Allsopp (James P. C.), 1848, native of La, his father being of an old well- known Engl. -Amer. family and his mother of the Span, family of Alfaro de Villahermosa. Educated in England. A volunteer in the Mex. war, being wounded at Cerro Gordo. In '48 came overland with an immig. party from N. Orleans, v. 556; and kept a boarding-house in '48-51 at S. F., subsequently making several voyages as master of a vessel, in which he went east in '54. In '57 he made a 2d overland trip from V. Cruz to Tepic, and came to S. F., making several later voyages, and adding a shipwreck to his catalogue of adven tures. In '60 a miner in Tuolumne, writing besides for the newspapers, as he did occasionally at all stages of his career. In '61 married Angelina, daughter of R. R. Hunter of N. J. In '61-'79, with a few intervals of mining and trade, he was a teacher in many public and 1 private institutions of Cal. and Or. In '80-4 he did good service as a gleaner of hiatoric data in my library; and in 692 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. '85 is teaching in a Berkeley institution. His Leaves from my Log Book is an interesting addition to my store of pioneer reminiscences; and few of the thou sands named in this list have had so varied an experience. Allyn, 1848, mr of the Isaac Walton, v. 578. Almenares (Fruto), resid. of S. Bern, and Los Aug. '46-8. A. (Ign.), Los Ang. 1813. ii. 359. A. (Jose" M.), Los Aug. '46. A. (Pedro), soldier at S. F. and Sonoma, '39-42. Alpen (James), 1828-9, Engl. sailor at Mont. Perhaps 'Halpin.' Altamirano (Abelino), at Los Ang. '40. A. (Domingo), S. F. soldier '37- 43. iii. 638, 667. A. (Francisco), S. Jose" '41, married to Encarnacion Bernal. A. (Gonzalo), soldier at S. F. '23-9; sent to Mex. '30. iii. 85. A. (Jose" C.), Los Ang. '46. A. (Juan C.), regidor at S. Joss 1809. ii. 134. A. (Justo), settlerS. F. 1791-1800; inval. '19-23. i. 716. A. (Lucas), soldier at S. Juan 1800. i. 588. A. (Luis), alfe"rez at Los Ang. '45-8. iv. 505. A. (Marcos), soldier S. F. '19-24. A. (Rafael), at N. Helv. '47. A. (Salvador), soldier of S. F. comp. '32-42. A. (Victoriano), soldier at S. F. '23-9; sent to Mex. '30. ii. 85. See also list in i. 732. Altimira (Jose"), 1820, Span, friar at S. F. and Solano, of which latter he was the founder. He left Cal. in '28. A padre who had a will of his own. See biog. in ii. 579; list of auth. in vol. i. ; mention in ii. 375, 394, 496-505, 595, 597, 655; iii. 24, 93-4. Alurel (J. B.), 1836, French saddler at Mont. Perhaps 'Mutrel,' q.v. Alva (Manuel), 1833, Mex. surgeon of the Cal. forces who came to Mont, with Gov. Figueroa, and before '36 married Nicolasa Gajiola. In '37, with other Mex., he took part in the revolt against Alvarado, for which he was arrested and confined at S. Miguel; but escaping, joined the Cnrrillo faction in the south, only to be rearrested in '38 by Castro at S. Buen. and released on promise of non-interference in politics. At first he was noted as a free thinker, but with illness became devout. In '40, being disabled at the age of 53, he got a passport for Mex., and his successor was appointed. No defi nite record of his departure or death, iii. 236, 240, 296, 463, 523-4, 555. Alva (Valentin). Resid. of S. Bernardino in '46. Alvarado (Francisco Javier), soldier of S. Diego from 1780, and of Sta- B. comp. from 1789. In 1795-6 corporal, and comisionado at Los Ang.; in 1S05 sergt; and in 1809-10 again comisionado, dying before 1818. He mar ried Maria Ignacia, daughter of Pedro Amador, about 1788. i. 601; ii. 110- 1 1, 349, 356-7. A. (Francisco Javier), probably a son of the preceding, born in 1807, and a resid. of Los Ang., where he was suplente member of the dip. in '33, alcalde in '35, and again suplente in '37. In a padron of '39 he figures as a trader, age 32, and still lived at Los Ang. in '48. iii. 246, 282, 506, 565, 629. A. (Francisco Maria), perhaps a brother of the preceding, though there may be confusion between two or more of the same name. Grantee of Peiias- quitos rancho in '23, '34, '36, on which he lived; regidor of S. Diego '37; grantee of Soledad rancho in '38; aux. alcalde and regidor at Los Ang. (?) '38-9; treasurer at S. Diego '40-1; and juez in '45. ii. 547, 612, 618, 663; iv. 53-4, 495, 612, 616, 619, 620-1, 636. See also list i. 732. A. (Fran. M.), at Los Ang. '39, age 25. Alvarado (Ignacio Maria), witness in the Herrera trial '27; regidor at Los Ang. '32-3; juezdecampo '35; si'ndico '37; prisoner in.'38; resid. of Los Ang., age 27, in '39; juez de paz '41; still at Los Ang. '48. Very likely more than one of the name. iii. 62, 517, 554-5, 635-6; iv. 632.. A. (Ignacio Rafael), 1774, soldier and later sergt of S. D. and Sta B. . in '44, mar. Ignacio Pacheco in '65, at Pleasanton in '85; Jose" B. b. in '50, Akin. Co. '85; Guadalupe b. in '52, Alam. Co. '85. Don Agustin died in '80. Alviso (Anastasio), con of Francisco Jav., said not to have, married. Id., con of Ign:Lcio, rcsid. of S. Jo.3u in '41, r.^o 43; v/ifo i.Iovi'a Ant. Altamirano; ALVISO. 695 child., Bias b. in '28, Isabel '32, Antonia '37, Ignacio '39. Bias Alviso is known from his connection with the affair of Aree's horses in '46, and his con sequent claim on the govt. v. ICG, 4GO. Alviso (Domingo), son of Igiiacio, b. at S. F. about 1817; in '41 a resid. of S. Jose"; wife Maria S. Pacheco; child., Rafael and Lie's. In '45 he was elected *Jd alcalde, iv. GS3. See also list i. 733. There was also a corporal Al viso at Sta B. in '24. ii. 531. Alviso (Fran. Javier), bro. of Ignacio, who came as a S. F. settler with Anza in 75-G. i. 297, 716; said to have mar. Maria Ant. Beltran, by whom he had Nicolas, Francisco, and Anastasio; but in '17 at S. Carlos was married Fran cisco son of Francisco and Maria tie los Reyes Duarte to Gertrudis Villa- vicencio. Francisco (the son?) was a sold, in S. F. comp. to '22; it was his daughter, perhaps, that married Jose" M. Amador. ii. 585. Fran. ment. at Los Aug. in '31. iii. 208. In the S. Jos-4S; and always prominent in the pursuit of Ind. horse-thieves, ii. 349-51, 353, 559, 566, 664; iii. 396, 565, 626, 632-7. He died in '58, aged 74. A. (Cornelio), 1783, settler Los Ang. from Sonora, with his wife Isabel Urqui- des and 8 children, i. 663 A. (Bruno), son of Cornelio; settler at Los Ang. '15; later claimant of Aguage del Centinela. ii. 349-50; iv. 634. A. (En rique), prob. son of Anastasio; 2d alcalde at Los Ang. '47; claimant for Ta- janta rancho. iv. 635; v. 626. A. (Francisco), a 'hard case' at S. F. and S. Jose" 1783-1800. i. 350, 484, 640, 716. A. (Francisco), drowned in the Tulares 1796. i. 661. A. (Francisco), son of Cornelio; in Los Ang. region 1804; alcalde in '10; applicant for dif. ranches, and grantee of Cienegasin '23, '34. He had probably been a sold, at Sta B. ii. 110, 116, 172, 349-50, 354, 505, 664; iii. 633. A. (Francisco), resid. of S. Jos6 '41, age 44; wife, Maria Ant. Alviso; child., Francisco, Encarnacion, Geronima, and Viviana. A. (Fran.), resid. of Brancif. '45, age 40. A. (Guadalupe). i. 175. A. (Ja- nuario), prob. son of Francisco; regidor of Los Ang. '34-9; claimant for Ciene- gas. iii. 633-6. A. (Jose'), at Los Ang. '39-46. A. (Jose), settler at S. F. 1791-1800. i. 606, 716. A. (Joaquin), 1842, sub-lieut of the batallon. iv? 289. A. (Jose" Joaquin), surgeon of the Cal. forces 1774-83. His wife died at S. F. iii '79. Prov. St. Pap., v. 57-8. Avila (Jos6 Maria), son of Cornelio. Alcalde of Los Ang. in '25. In the battle of '31 he killed Capt. Pacheco, and was himself killed. See biog. iii. 206-9; ment. ii. 559; iii. 196, 200. A. (Jose" de Sta Ana), son of Corne lio; maj. at Sta B. 1801-6. ii. 120; mar. Maria Josef a Osuna. A. (Jose" de los Santos), sec. of ayuut. at Brancif. '34. iii. 696. A. (J. S.), colegial at Sta In e"s '44. iv. 426. the fight near Los Ang. in juez de campo at Los Ang. ______, J carried a flag of truce for Stockton to the people of Los Ang. v. 396. He married Soledad Yorba; one HIST. CAL., VOL. II. 15 706 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. daughter married M. A. Forster, and another Paul Pryor. Don Juan was a man of excellent repute, who avoided political complications, but had good powers of observation and memory. At S. Juan Cap. in 77 he gave me his recollections Notas Catifornianas of early times, including valuable testi mony on several matters. Avila (Miguel), son of Jose" Sta Ana; b. at Sta B. in 1796; educ. at S. F.; served as copyist at Mont. In '16 he enlisted in the Mont, comp.; and in '24 was corporal of the escolta at S. Luis Ob., having a quarrel with the padre. ii. 516-17, 619; sindico at Mont, and alf. of militia '35-6. iii. 447, 474, 673-4. In '26 he had married Maria Inocenta, daughter of Dolores Pico; and in '36 lived at Mont, with 5 child., Rafaela, Jesus Domingo, Francisco de Paula, Jose" Ant. R., Josefa de los Ang. Ment. in '37, '41. iii, 501; iv. 653; grantee of S. Miguelito in '42, '46, and Laguna in '45. iv. 637, 642, 656. Also ment. in '45-8. iv. 491; v. 321, 639. Alcalde of S. Luis Ob. in '49. He had a fond ness for preserving documents, but most of his collection was burned with his house. Died in '74, leaving his S. Miguelito rancho to his widow and children. Dona Maria Iiioceiita gave me not only her own recollections on old-time Cosas de Cod., ii. 242, 427, but also the remnant of Don Miguel's Doc. Hist. CaL, containing several important papers. A. (Pedro), juez de campo at Los Ang. '44. iv. 633. Avis (Wm P.), 1842, Boston man from Honolulu, with letters from Peirce & Brewer, to go into business as a commission merchant. Ayala (Carmen), at Sta B. '45. iv. 642. A. (Cris6gono), ranchero at Sta B. '37-50; grantee of Sta Ana; maj. of S. Buen. in '42-4. iii. 656; iv. 644-5. His wife was Bdrbara Vanegas, and they had 5 children. A. (Ger- vasio), juez de policia at Sta B. '48. v. 631. His wife was Rafaela Moraga, 1 child before '37. A. (Joaquin), owner of land near Sta Lie's, v. 632. A. (Jose"), invalido at Sta B. '32; wife Juana Felix; child., Maria, Rafael, Juan, Prudencio, Antonio. A. (Jose* M.), soldier at StaB. '32; wife Emedia Valencia. A. (Juan B.), 1775, lieut and com. of S. Carlos; explorer of S. F. bay. i. 241, 245-7. A. (Juan Man.), 1778, com. of Santiago, i. 328. A. (Juan Nepomuceno), 1834, Mex. clerk, age 20, who came with the H. & P. colony, iii. 263; took part in the revolt against Alvarado in '37. iii. 523-5. Ayala (Juan Pablo), sergt of Sta B. comp. '35. iii. 650; lieut '38-9. iii. 583, 651. Admin. S. Luis Ob. '39-40. iii. 683; acting com. Sta B. '45; iv. 641; capt. of defensores and 2d juez '46. v. 140, 631; proposed revolt in '48. v. 586. A. (Pablo), admin. S. F. Solano '37-8. iii. 720-1. A. (Wm), 1832-3, mr of the Roxana. iii. 384. Ayals (Manuel M.), 1837, Span, physician in Alameda Co. '76, said to have come in '37 (?). A lam. Hist. Atlas. Ayer (Franklin H.), 1848, Amer. carpenter who arr. on the Sabine in May from Boston at S. F. . and went to the Mormon Isl. mines. Ment. by Gov. Mason as having furnished gold specimens for Wash. In '52 an advertisement for him from his bro. in China and parents in Somerville, Mass., appears in the Alta. In '72 he wrote me a letter on his Personal Adventures, from Gray- son, Stanislaus Co. A letter to that address in '82 brought no reply. Ayot (Alexis), 1S44, perhaps came to Cal. with Fre"mont. iv. 437. Ayres (Geo. Wash.), 1812-13, mr of the Mercury, captured at Sta B. ii. 26H-70, 295, 304, 362. In '20 he was interested with Abel Stearns in obtain ing lands in the Sac. Val. for a settlement, but prob. did not revisit Cal. Dept. Itec., MS., viii. 38. A. (R. B.), 1847, lieut Co. F, 3d U. S. artillery . (v. 518). Azcona, lieut on the Morelos '34. iii. 269. Babcock (Benj. E.), 1848, on the roll of Pion. Soc., died before '81. B. (J.), 1848, sup. of the Mary. Bacey (James), 1831, one of Young's trappers; perhaps did not come to Cal. iii. 388. Bachelor (Fred.), 1841, Amer. cooper of the Workman -Rowland party from N. Mex.; went east in '42, iv. 278, but ret. to Cal. in later years, living at Noon's rancho, where he died in '76. Bachelot (Alexis), 1832, French missionary prefect of the Sand. Isl. in ex ile; served at S. Gabriel in '32-7; ret. to the Isl. in '37; died '38 on a voy. to the South Sea IsL iii. 317-18, 364, 384, 408, 643; iv. 102. Bacon (J.), 1846, BACON-BALDWIN. 707 Co. B, Cal. Bat., artillery (v. 358). Badeau (Francois), 1844, one of Fre mont's Canadians, iv. 437. Baden (James Collins), 1847, Co. F, 3d artill. (v. 518); clerk and copyist for the comp., commandant, and dept. to '51, not deserting like most of his comrades; later a teacher; d. at Watsonville '68, aged 50. He was a son of a colonel in U. S. service, and b. at Baltimore. Ment. by Gen. Sherman, Mem., as his clerk: obituary in Sta Cruz Sentinel, Sept. '68. Bader (Christopher), 1847, Co. B, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); a miner at Coloma and elsewhere '48-52; set tled later in Butte Co., and lived for many years at Cherokee, where he was in '82, but died before '85, leaving a widow and 9 children, most of them grown. One of the sons, H. F. Bader, writes me from Cherokee April '85. Badger ( Wm G. B. ), 1848, pass, on the Sabine from Boston; at the Mormon Isl. mines. Ba- dillo (Francisco), 1825, Mex. convict who continued his lawless career in Cal.; wife Rafaela Garcia, 4 child. ; lynched in '60 with one of his sons. iii. 16, 549, 652. Baewdsxig (?), mr of the Nikolai in '40. iv. 105. Bagley ( Alden S. ), 1848, part owner of the Coloma mill in Dec. Bailey (Addison), 1847, Co. C, Morin. Bat. (v. 469), reenlist. at L. Ang. B. (James), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat.; made bricks at S.F. B. (Jefferson), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat., perhaps same as the Jeff. B. who had a farm in Sta Clara Co. '50-74. B. (Theodorus), 1847, lient, com. of the U. S. Lex ington; rear-admiral in the war of '61-5. v. 578. Portrait in the Century, April '85. B. (Wm J.), 1834, Engl. sailor at Mont., age 25; drove cattle to Or. '37; perhaps the Wm Bailey exiled in '40. iv. 18, 85, 412. Baillie (Thomas), 1844, com. of the Engl. Modeste. iv. 567. Bailon (Pascaal), 1782, corporal killed on the Colorado, i. 364. Bails (Jonas), 1836, Amer. tailor at Los Ang. from N. Mex., age 29. Baker, 1845-6, mr of the Montezuma. B., 1848, of the firm S. H.Williams & Co. at S. F. B. (Andy), 1846, Co. G, Cal. Bat. (v. 358); at Stockton with Weber '47-8; also employed as a builder in '47, at Mont, in '47; called also Antonio B.; ment. at N. Helv. '48; very likely the 'Antonio' employed by Larkin at S. F. B. (Isaac Munroe), 1846, nat. of Mel, b. in '20; marine on the U. S. Dale '46-9; one of Marston's men in the Sanchez campaign (v. 379). Being disch. in N. Y. he came to S. F. in '50-65; in the east '65-8; owner of a place at La Honda, Sta Cruz mts, from '64, but in the grocery business at S. F., '75-85. Married Mary A. Smith '75, has 3 children '85. In an interview he gave many items about S. F. in '46-7. B. (John), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). B. (JohnF.), 1848. Passport from Honolulu. B. (Wm), 1845; Amer. sailor at Mont. Balderrama (Jose), 1798. i. 606, 733. Should be written Valderrama. Baldomero, grantee of Corral de Padilla '36. iii. 677. Baldridge (Wm), 1843, Tenn. mill-wright, b. in '11, resid. of Mo. from '20; overl. immig. in the Walker-Chiles party, iv. 392, 399. After working at his trade in different places, in '45 he settled on a Napa rancho as a partner of Chiles; in '46 a member of the Bear organization, v. iii. 179, 189, and later served as lieut of Co. C, Cal. Bat. v. 361, 434. Then he resumed his trade for a time, and I have a contract signed by him in '47 to build a saw-mill for Salv. Vallejo. From '52 Baldridge lived on his rancho at Oakville, always command ing the respect of his neighbors. His Days of '46, written in '77, is an interest ing part of my collection; and in the testimony given by him at various times for newspapers and books there is to be noted exceptional accuracy. Never married. Still living in '81, and I think in '85. A good sketch of his life, and portrait, in Napa Co. Hist., 387, 20. Baldwin (Alfred), 1846, native of N.Y.; overl. immig. to Or. in '45 and in '46 to Cal. v. 546. Served at S. Jose under Watmough, and went south with the Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Resid. of Sta Cruz '47-85. His wife was Fannie Wiilard, whom he married in '66. B. (Charles H.), 1846, passed mid. on the U.S. Congress, left by Stockton in com. of a guard at Mont. '46-7, until the coming of the artill. comp. v. 290, 519; lieut in war of '61-5, and com. of a gunboat in the Pacific; later an admiral in com. of North Pac. station at Mare Isl. ; in Cal. '83, as was also a son. B. (James M.), 1814, Engl. sailor left at Mont, by the Isaac Todd. ii. 272. B. (James H.), 1847; Co. B, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). 708 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. B. (John), 1841, at Los Ang. from the Juan Jose, but required to depart. B. (Josiah L.), 1847, Co. I, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. at S. Jos< '50. B. (Timothy), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. Bale (Edward Turner), 1837, Engl. surgeon, who landed from a vessel at Mont., age 29. ii. 117-18. For 5 or 6 years he practised medicine at Mont., being in '40-3 surg. of the Cal. forces by Gen. Vallejo's appointment, and hav ing married Maria Ignacia Soberanes. Bale was a man of good education, but always more or less in trouble on account of his debts and personal quarrels. In '40 he opened a liquor-shop in a room hired of Larkin for a drug-store, and was arrested in the resulting complications with the authorities. I have many original documents written by and about him; but have no intention of cata loguing his troubles. In '41 he was naturalized and got a grant of the Carne Humana rancho in Napa valley, where he went in '43, though his family lived for a time at S. F. with John Fuller, iv. 669, 671; v. 678-9. In '44, hav ing been whipped by Salv. Vallejo, he attempted to shoot the latter, was put in jail, and narrowly saved his life. iv. 444-5, 678; the rumored intention of the Kelseys and other foreigners to rescue the doctor also caused much excite ment. In '46 he built a saw-mill, and in '47-8 did a large business in lumber, the increased value of his land making him a rich man; but he died '49 or '50, leaving a widow still living in '85 2 sons and 4 daughters. His son P]dward was commissioned in '64 capt. of Co. D, 1st Bat. Nat. Cal. cavalry; and in 71 was in business at Napa. Bale (Wm), 1831, Engl. carpenter at Los Ang. in '36, age 29. iii. 405. Possibly Wm 'Bailey,' q.v. Ball (Franklin), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); blacksmith at Sta Cruz in Nov. Ballard (John), 1847, Co. C, N. Y. Vol. Ballenback (Wm), 1846, marine on the Dale, acting as baker at S. F. in '47; in the mines later. Ballesteros (Carlos), killed at Chino rancho '46. v. 313. B. (Felipe) and B. (Francisco), at L. Ang. '46. B. (Juan), regidor at L. Ang. '23, '32, '38; grantee of Rosa del Castillo rancho '31. ii. 559; iii. 633-6. He was prob. Juan Arit., son of J. de Dios. B. (Juan de Dios), corp. of the Sta B. comp. 1787; com. of escolta at S. Ant., S. Luis Ob., and S. Juan B. 1791-7. Also named at L. Ang. 1796, 1819. His wife was Teresa Sepiilveda, and his sons Juan An tonio, b. '87, and Fran. Javier Ant., b. '97. Before '86 he had been a sergt, but was reduced to the ranks for desertion, i. 557, 718; ii. 349, 354. Ballhaus (Fred.), 1846, German immig. (v. 526), with Hoppe and Harlan; in Cal. Bat. (v. 358), at the Natividad fight, and in Co. B artill. in the south; worked at S. F. and N. Helv. '47-8; in the mines much of the time '48-CO; married Katrina Franck '53; to Frazer River '58; from '61 at S. F., brewer, vegetable gardener, and man of property; still living in '85, age 69, with wife and 3 children. He has kept a diary, and tells no end of interesting details of his Cal. experiences. Baltasar, 1824, Ind. executed at Purisima. Balteco (John), 1846, Fauntleroy's dragoons (v. 232). Balygin, 1808, mr of the Niko lai, ii. 80. Bancroft (Jerry), 1811, sailor at Drake's Bay. ii. 95. B. (John), 1836, mr of the Convoy, iv. 103, 118. In '37-8, mr of the Loriot and Llama; killed by Ind. at the Sta B. islands, iv. 90, 105; iii. 652-3. His wife, fatally wounded at the same time, was a half-breed Hawaiian, Miss Holmes, a sister of Nathan Spear's wife. Bandini (Josd), 1819, Span. b. in Andalucia 1771; came to Amer. '93; a mariner whose home was at Lima, where he married twice and had 7 children living in '28, only one of them ever known in Cal. In '19 as mr of the Span. Edna de, Los Angeles he brought to Cal. fr. S. Bias a cargo of war supplies, making another trip in '21, and doing a little in contraband trade, ii. 253, 261, 439-40. On returning to S. Bias he raised the Mex. flag on the Keina, which, as he claimed, was the 1st vessel to fly independent colors in all the republic. For this and other services Don Jose" was made by I turbid e capt. of militia, and in '22 was retired with that rank, the fuero militar, and right to wear the uniform. A few years later, being a widower, and suffering from gout, he came with his son to S. Diego, where he built a house and spent the rest of his life, taking the oath of allegiance required by the law of '27. iii. 51, 176. BAXDINL 709 In '27 he wrote a long Carta IlisWrica y Descriptiva de Cal to Eustace Barren, iv. 151. Erroneously attributed to his son in the 1st ed. of vol. i., list of auth. He died at the Sta Ana rancho in '41. Bandini (Juan), 1824, son of Jose", b. at Lima in 1800, and educ. there. The exact date of arrival is not known ; but in Dec. '28 his father stated that he had 4 child, by his Cal. wife. It is possible that he came with his father in '19 or '21. His public life began in '27-8 as member of the diputacion; '28-32 sub- comisario of revenues at S. D. ; suplente congressman '31-2. Mention in this part of his career, ii. 543, 546-7, 549, 563-4; iii. 36-42, 50, 61-5, 86, 126, 136, 217, 367, 375-6. In '31 he took a leading part in fomenting the revolution against Gov. Victoria, and in opposing Zamorano's counter-revolt of '32. iii. 188-9, 197, 200-1, 203-4, 206, 210, 225. In '33 he went to Mexico as member of congress, but came back in '34 as vice-president of Hijar and Padres' grand colonization and commercial co., supercargo of the co.'s vessel, the Natalia, and inspector of customs for Cal. The disastrous failure of the colony scheme, and the refusal of Cal. to recognize his authority as inspector, were regarded by Don Juan as the most serious misfortunes of his whole life and of his adopted country's history, his failure being rendered the more humiliating by the detection of certain smuggling operations in which he had engaged, iii. 242, 246, 260-7, 297, 365, 370-3, 383, 613, 670. In '36-8 Bandini was in sev eral respects the leading spirit of the southern opposition to Alvarado's govt; at each triumph of the arribenos he was lucky enough to escape arrest, and lost no time in fomenting new revolts. His position was a most unwise one, productive of great harm to Cal.; his motive was chiefly personal feeling against Angel Ramirez, whom he regarded as influential in the new adminis tration, for he had been a personal friend of the northern leaders and a sup porter of their general views; and his record as a politician throughout the sectional troubles was neither dignified, patriotic, nor in any way creditable. Under Carrillo he was nominally still in charge of the S.D. custom-house, iii. 415, 419-20, 423-4, 480, 482-3, 488-90, 515-21, 539, 548, 556, 558, 564-6, 578, 609, 614; iv. 98. He was the owner of the Tecate rancho on the frontier, which was sacked by the Ind. in '37-8, B. and his family being reduced to poverty and serious want; but Gov. Alvarado made him admin, of S. Gabriel mission '38-40, granting him also in '38 Jurupa, in '39 Eincon and Cajon de Muscu- piabe, and land at S. Juan Cap. '41. iii. 612, 633, 644-5; iv. 68, 92, 297, 626. He was appointed fiscal of the tribunal superior '40-2, was comisionado at the new pueblo of S. Juan de Arguello in '41, and sindico at L. Ang. '44, taking but slight part in the troubles with Gov. Micheltorena. iii. 605; iv. 196, 296, 365, 411, 624, 626-7, 633. In '45-6 Don Juan was Gov. Pico's sec., and a zeal ous supporter of his admin. , particularly in mission affairs and opposition to Castro, being also a member of the assembly and originator of the projected conscjo general, iv. 511, 519, 530-2, 540, 549; v. 35, 37, 39-40, 44-5, 48, 51, 66, 264, 278, 559. Later, however, he espoused the U.S. cause, furnished sup plies for Stockton's battalion, was offered the collectorship, and named as mem ber of the legislative council in '47, and alcalde of S.Diego in '48. v. 282, 328- 30, 356, 433, 618-19. In '49 he declined a judgeship; is said to have impaired his fortune by erecting a costly building in '50 at S.D., where he kept a store; and subsequently appears to have gone across the frontier, where the estate of Guadalupe had been granted him in '46, resuming his Mex. citizenship and serving as juez in '52. He still dabbled to some extent in revolutionary poli tics, and as a supporter of Melendres had to quit the country with all his live stock in '55. He died at Los Angeles in '59. It is evident from the preceding resume of what is for the most part more fully told elsewhere that Juan Bau- dini must be regarded as one of the most prominent men of his time in Cal. He was a man of fair abilities and education, of generous impulses, of jovial temperament, a most interesting man socially, famous for his gentlemanly manners, of good courage in the midst of personal misfortunes, and always well liked and respected; indeed, his record as a citizen was an excellent one. He also performed honestly and efficiently the duties of his various official positions. In his grander attempts as a would-be statesman, Don Juan waa 710 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. less fortunate. His ideas were good enough, never absurd if never brilliant? but when once an idea became fixed in his brain, he never could understand the failure of Calif ornian affairs to revolve around that idea as a centre; and in his struggles against fate and the stupidit)' of his compatriots he became absurdly diplomatic and tricky as a politician. He was an eloquent speaker and fluent writer, though always disposed to use a good many long \vords when a few short ones would better serve the purpose. I have hundreds of his original communications, official and private, in various private archives, be sides the valuable collection of Doc. Hist. Col. left by Bandini and given me by his widow. By the kindness of the same lady I also obtained an original MS. Historia de California left by Don Juan at his death, which though brief is important, especially when supplemented and explained by the author's private correspondence. Bandini's 1st wife was Dolores, daughter of Capt. Jose" M. Estudillo, whose children were Arcadia Mrs Abel Stearns and later Mrs Robt S. Baker; Isidora, who married Col Cave J. Coutts; Josefa, the wife of Pedro C. Carrillo; Jose" Maria, whose wife was Teresa Argiiello; and Juanito. His 2d -wife was Refugio, daughter of Santiago Argiiello, whose children were Juan de la Cruz, Alfredo, Arturo, and two daughters, who married Chas R. Johnson and Dr James B. Winston. Bandini's daughters were famous for their beauty; all or most of his children still live in southern Cal. in '85, some wealthy, all in comfortable circumstances and of respectable family connections. Bane (C.), 1835, mr of the Primavera. iii. 383. Banks (Archibald), 1833, Scotch carpenter at Mont. '33-6; d. at S. F. '38. 409. B. (J. H.), 1848, passp. fr. Honolulu. Bannard (Geo.), 1847, Co. K, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499). Bantam (Geo.), 1846, Amer. sailor on the Cyane; in Stockton's bat., wounded at the S. Gabriel Jan. '47. v. 395. Baptiste (Jean), 1846, French fr. N. Mex., survivor of the Donner party perhaps, v. 531-41; at N. Helv. '47-8, and one of the earliest miners. There are several of this name not to be iden tified. See also 'Bautista.' Barajas, sirviente at Sta Cruz, 1795. i. 496. Barber (A. H.), 1848, of N. Y.; vet. of the Mex. war; settled at Sutter- ville; lived at Chico from '51 to his death in '66, age 51. B. and sons at Mont. '47-8. Consul. Arch. ; perhaps the following. B. (John and John, Jr), 1847, at Mont, and in the redwoods '47-8. B. (John), 1848, nat. of Conn., farmer in Napa Val. to '53. Napa Co. Reporter. B. (Matthew), 1847, farmer near Martinez in '60, when he testified in S. F. that he was public admin, in '47-9. Barbosa (Jose"), settler at Brancif. 1797. i. 569. B. (Mariano), 1818, sailor who taught Cal. boys to make hats. Barbot (M.), 1848, at S. Jose 1 ''81. Barbour (John), 1847, lot-owner at S. F. Perhaps 'Barber,' q.v. B. (Nathan), 1846, nat. of N.Y., migrating to Ky, La, Mo., and finally overland to Cal. (v. 526), with his wife Nancy, daughter of Lancly Alford. He served in Co. B, Cal. Bat. (v. 358); had a 'Cal. claim' of $250; and in '47 settled at Benicia, where he built several houses, being in the lumber business with Alford. v. 467, 672. His daughter Amelia was the 1st child born at Benicia, and he had 6 others. In '50 the family moved to a farm in Suisun Valley, where the wife died in '68 and the husband in '82, age 69. B. (Roswell), 1 846, brother of Nathan, whom he seems to have accompanied in all his Cal. experiences until his death in '71. Barcelo (Juain), 1826, mr of the Mero, doubtful record, iii. 148. Bdr- cena (Jose"), 1798. i. 606. Barcenar (Guadalupe), drummer at S. F. '23-31. Barcenilla (Isidore). 1797, Span, friar; founder of the S. Jose" mission, who left Cal. in 1804. 'See biog. ii. 114; mention i. 555-6, 577; ii. 131, 137, 159-60. Bargeman (Augustus), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Barger (Wm W.), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). At Slitter's mill when gold was discovered; said to have been the first man to whom the discoverer showed the metal. Went to Utah later. Often called James B. Baric (Charles), 1834, French from Mex. in the H. & P. colony, iii. 263, 412. For 10 years or more a trader at Los Ang., being 27 years old at ar rival, a,nd marrying in Cal. In '37 aided Bandini to capture the town. iii. 518; in '40 had charge of Aguirre's business; interested in the S. Francisquito mines '42; iv. 297, 631; in '44 owner or mr of the Primavera. iv. 468. BARKER BARTHROP. 711 Barker, 1838, mr of the ftastelas. iv. 105. Barker (perhaps Vaca), 1846-7, mr of the Joven Guipuzcoana. v. 578. Barker, 1848, on the Sacjadalioc fr. Honolulu. B. (John S.), 1847, mr of the Edward, v. 577. B. (Peter), 1834, Engl. carpenter working for Kinlock at Mont. B. (Robert S.), 1SG2, Amer. who joined the comp. extranjera at Mont., iii. 221, 408, and whose name appears on Larkin's books to '36, getting a lot in '35. Barmore, 1848, mr of the Sagadahoc. v. 580. Barnard, 1846, mr of the Abi gail, v. 576. B. ('Major'), 1846, doubtful mention, v. 111. Barnes (John), J847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518), who deserted; also named as a laborer at Mont. , and ment. by Sherman. Mem. i. 31. Barnes, 1822, mr of Orion, ii. 474. Barnett (Elias), 1841, Amer. immig. of the Bartleson party, iv. 270, 275, 279. Lived with Yount till '43, then settled in Pope Valley, marrying the widow of Wm Pope. Napa Co. Hist., 55-6. Had a house in the Sac. Valley '46, ace. to Bryant and Lancey; also seems to have signed a doc. at L. Ang. in June '46. Dept. St. Pop., vii. 65. Served in Co. E, Cal. Bat. (v. 358); and had a 'Cal. claim' (v. 462) of $135. Returning to his Napa rancho, he spent the rest of his life there, dying shortly before '50. B. (E. P.), 1848, from Or. in May on the Man/ Ann, and after good luck in the mines went back for his family. Barney (Walter), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Barnum, 1843, in the Hastings party from Or. iv. 390. Prob. went back soon. B. (Edgar M.), 1847, Co. I, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); died at Mont. '47. B. (Geo.), 1845, mr of a vessel at Mont, and S. F. Barona (Jose), 1798, Span, friar at S. Diego and S. Juan Cap., where he died in 1831. See biog. iii. 625; mention i. 577, 654-5; ii. 107, 110, 159, 345, 348, 394, 553, 555, 655; iii. 96, 310, 351. Barque (Oscar de Grande), 1845- 53, doubtful record, iv. 587. Barragan (Barbaro), Mex. soldier age 28, murdered at Mont. '36. iii. 675. B. (Manuel), settler at the Colorado pueblo, killed by Ind. 1780-1. i. 359-62. Barrena (Jose), juez de campo S. Dieguito '41. iv. 628. B. (Tadeo), ditto. Barreiieche (Juan Ant.), 1779-80, Franciscan missionary of the Quere"taro col lege, killed at the Colorado River missions, i. 357-63. Barreras (Jose" M.), killed at Los Ang. '45. iv. 492. B. (Juan), resid. of Los Ang. '46. Barrett, 1845, immig. fr. Or. in McMahon-Clyman party, who prob. went back in '46. iv. 572, 587, 526. Perhaps James B. B. (Francis H.), 1847, Co. C, N.Y. Vol., at S. F. '48. B. (James), 1846, claimant for supplies to Fre"- mont, and owner of S. F. lot '47. v. 676. B. (Wm J.), 1847, accidentally killed at Sac. '80; said to have come with Stevenson's reg. Sac. Bee. Bar- reto (Fabian), 1827, grantee of Pescadero '36; a Mex. resid. of Mont., age 26, wife Carmen Garcia, child. Manuel Fructuoso and Maria Juliana. The widow had a 'Cal. claim' of $2,582 in '46-7. v. 462. Barren (A.), 1845, contractor at Mont.; in '58 pass. fr. Honolulu. B. (Charles), 1846, Co. H, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Barroso (Leonardo Diez), 1830, Mex. lieut sent to Cal. and promoted to capt. iii. 54; employed in an investi gation at Los Ang. '31. iii. 196; in com. at Paso de Bartolo and Los Ang. '32. iii. 227; departed for Mex. '33. iii. 365. Barrowman (John), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); tried by court-mar tial for sleeping on guard at S. Diego; a Utah farmer in '81. Barrus (Ruel), 1847, lieut Co. B, Morm. Bat., also of the reenlisted co. ; in com. at S. Luis Rey; sentenced by court-martial to 5 years (red. by gov. to 1 year) of hard labor for passing counterfeit coin. v. 477, 495, 610, 625. A Utah farmer in '81. Barry (Benj.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). B. (F. E.), 1841, acting mr of the U. S. St Louis. B. (Richard), 1828-9, mr of the Vulture, iii. 141- 2, 149. B. (W. D.), 1845 (?), immig. from Mo. at Sutter's fort. iv. 578, 587; at Sta Clara '50-76. Bartel (Wm), 1845, Amer. immig. fr. Or. in McMahon-Clyman party, iv. 572, 587; served '46-7 in the Cal. Bat.; still in Cal. '49. Bartels (Lewis), 1847, Co. D, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Batthelow (J. M.), 1848, doubtful record. Barthote, 1846, at L. Ang., doubtful record. Barthrop (Edward), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol.; resid. of S. F. '74-85; asst sup. of the Industrial school; nat. of London; miner in Tuolumiie to '61; soldier in 2d Cal. cavalry during the war of '61-5; 4 children in '85. 712 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Bartleson (John), 1841, capt. of the 1st regular immig. party that crossed the Sierra to Cal. He returned to Mo., where he died. iv. 267-76, 342, 684. Bartlett (A.), 1848, arr. at Honolulu on the Julian fr. S. F. B. (Chas H.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol.(v. 499), died at S. F. '81; a Boston man. B. (J.), 1848, passp. fr. Honolulu. B. (John A.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol.; nat. of Mass., b. in '28; at Sonoma and S.F. after his disch. ; went to Nic. with Walker; in Boston '58-61; a vol. in the war of '61-5; at Cambridgeport, Mass., in '85. Bartlett (Washington Allen), 1845, lieut on the U. S. Portsmouth '45-8; alcalde of S. F. in '46-7; captured by the Calif ornians while out on a raid for cattle. He performed the routine duties of his position in a satisfactory manner, having the advantage of a knowledge of Spanish. See mention iv. 587; v. 126, 128-9, 137, 295, 379-80, 383, 539, 644-5, 648, 654 ; 659, 686. Later he commanded a vessel in coast survey service in the Pacific; was sent to Europe on a mission connected with lighthouses; and while serving on the African coast in '55 had his name stricken from the rolls of the navy by the retiring board. In Carroll's Star of the West, 278-344, is an elaborate defence and eulogy with favorable testimony from many naval officers, also a portrait. His daughter was the heroine of the famous ' diamond wedding ' of the Cuban Oviedo. Bartlett died I think between '70 and '80. Barton (James R. or H.), 1845, at L. Ang., serving in the Micheltorena campaign, iv. 495. Lieut in the Cal. Bat. '46-7, serving under Stockton, v. 265, 360, 435. Later a resid. of L. Ang. ; killed in '57 by the ' Manilas ' while acting as sheriff in their pursuit. B. (Wm), 1839, Amer. sailor on the Cali fornia; one of the exiles of '40 to S. Bias, but returned with a claim for dam ages; at Sta Cruz '43. iv. 18, 21, 33, 119. 356. Bartow, 1842, chaplain with Com. Jones, iv. 310. Bartram (Wm), 1843, Scotchman who worked at the N. Almaden mine in '46; a witness in later litigation; testifying that he was at S. F. in '43, and at Sonoma in '36-7. I met him near S. Luis Ob. in 74. iv. 399. Bartusee (Zaraa), 1847, Co. F, 3d artill. (v. 518). Basadre y Vega (Vicente), 1786, Span, commissioner for estab. a fur-trade between Cal. and China, i. 438-42. Basilio, 1824, mr of the Rurik. ii. 519. Basilio, 1847, in Slitter's employ. Bassett (Nathaniel S.), 1831, mr of the Marcus, iii. 383. Bassham (Wm R.), 1845, Kentuckian immig. of the Grigsby-Ide party, age 23. iv. 578, 587. He was a clerk at L. Ang. for Dalton in '46; and for Leidesdorff and later Howard & Mellus at S. F. in '47-9, being also the owner of several town lots; a member of the Cal. senate in '49-50; later a resid. of S. Josd and in business with Belden. In '55-6 he was a witness in the Santi- llan case, but I find no later record of him. Bastian (James), 1848, English man fr. Honolulu who died at S. F. in Oct. Basualdo (Francisco), 1828, Mex. artilleryman, later sergt at Sta B. and S. Diego; killed by the Ind. at Pauma '46. iii. 78, 615, 617. Batan (Ddsire), 1845, mr of the Espadon. iv. 565. Batchelor (Geo.), 1847, drum-major N.Y.Vol. v. 503; died before '82. Bateman (E. B.), 1847, Amer. immig. fr. Mo.; member of the 1st legisla ture '49-50; a physician at Stockton '75, and perhaps later. B. (Lorenzo), 1846, Fauntleroy's dragoons at Mont. (v. 232-47). Baten (Wm), doubtful name in a Brancif. list of '45; Amer., age 37. Bates, 1840, purser of the St Louis. Bates (Dr), 1846, had an acct with Larkin; in '47-8 often ment. at N. Helv., sometimes as a physician, oftener on the sick-list, and finally pros- rting for gold and quicksilver. Possibly same as E. B. 'Bateman,' q.v. (Asher B), 1848, New Yorker who came round the Horn; d. at S. F. '73, age 63. B. (Frank), 1848; alcalde at Sac.; vice-pres. of a public meeting in Jan. '49; ment. by Colton as owner of Vernon. Perhaps same as the ' doctor. ' B. (Manuel), 1826; mr of the Sta Apolonia. iii. 148. Bathgate (Geo.), 1848, Co. F, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); d. before '82. Baugh (Theodore E. ), 1845, of firm Sweeny & B., who built an observatory on Telegraph Hill in '45 (?), and in '52 opened the 1st telegraph. A Pennsyl- vanian, who died at S.F. in '81, age 58. S. JostPion. ; iv. 587- Baum (John), 1848, overl. immig. fr. Ohio to Or. '47; and to the Cal. mines '48; returning to Or. in '50. Bausford (John), 1829, Irish sawyer at S. F. '40, age 36; came BAUSFORD BECKWOURTH. 713 by sea in '29; alias 'Solis.' DivineUe. Bautista (Juan), 1846, Mexican sur vivor of the Donner party, said to be still living in '80. v. 531, 535, 541. Perhaps he was of French blood, and named ' Baptiste,' q.v. Bauzd (Felipe), 1791, scientist of Malaspina's exped. i. 490. Bawden (J.), 1848, commission merchant at S. F.; advert, in Star. Bax ter (J. G.), 1845 (?), Mass, farmer in Sta Clara 74-6. iv. 587. Baxter (Win Owen), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol.(v. 499); of Engl. birth; 30 years in the mines; living at Sta M6nica '85, age 58, with wife and 4 children. Bay, 1848, named in the Californian as a member of the Sonoma council. Bayley, 1848, (?), at Coloma. El Dorado Co. Hist., 177. Bazard, 1847-8, at Sta Clara. Beale (Edward F.), 1846, passed mid. and acting master of the U.S. Con gress, serving in Stockton's battalion. With Gillespie's party sent in Dec. to meet Kearny, and sent back to S. D. with despatches after the fight of S. Pas- cual. v. 340, 350, 402. In Feb. '47 he was sent east with despatches, v. 430, 436; and at the end of the year was a witness in the Frdmont court-martial. v. 456. Returned to Cal. in time to start east again in July '48 with despatches respecting the gold discovery. Soon left the navy, and in '52-4 was supt of Ind. affairs in Cal., and subsequently surveyor-general of the state. Becoming the owner of large Californian estates, in later years Gen. Beale became a resident of Washington, where he still lives in '85. He was at one time U.S. minister to Austria. B. (Thos W.), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons, (v. 534.) B. (Win), 1845, overl. immig. of the Swasey-Todd party, iv. 576. At N. Helv. '46. Bean (Archi), 1816, sail-maker on the Lydia at Sta B. ii. 275. B. (Rob ert or Wm), trapper with Dye and Nidever in '30; not clear that he came to Cal. Beard (E. L.), 1846-7 (?), settler in S. Jose" valley. Beardsley (Amos F.), 1848, New Yorker who came by sea; died at S.F. '69, age 49. B. (F.), 1848, came from Honolulu on the SS in Jan., and ret. on the Julian in Nov.; possibly same as preceding. Beasley (Jesse), 1843. perhaps an immig. of the Chiles- Walker party, iv, 393; member of the Sonoma town council, '47. v. 668. In comp. with Cooper '48; had a Sonoma rancho '49; living '71 at Stony Creek, Colusa Co. Beattie (Belden), 1847, Co. H, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. at S.F. '49. Beaulieu (Olivier), 1844, Canad. of Fremont's 1st exped., left in Cal. iv. 437, 439, 453. He lived at Sonoma '45-7, being occasionally ment. at N. Helv.; apparently claimant in '53 for the Cabeza de Sta Rosa rancho; still living near S. Jose" in '81 ace. to 8. J. Pion., March 19, '81. Becerra, soldier at Mont. '28. ii. 615. B. (Pilar), 1824, Mex. convict liberated in '35. Becher (Fred. G.), 1835, German assoc. in business with Virmond of Mex., supercargo of the Catalina and Leonor, who spent most of his time in Cal. fr. '35 to '37. A young man of many accomplishments, linguistic, commercial, diplomatic, and equestrian. Very popular, but in trouble with Alvarado's govt on account of his Mex. interests and sympathies. His name appears in mission accounts of '39-40. Vischer tells us that B. became head of a firm at Mazatlan, and died there at the age of 37. Ment. in iii. 288, 381, 383, 413, 429, 459, 512; iv. 102. Becker (John), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); at N. Helv. fr. S. Joaquin '48. Beckstead (Gordon S.), 1847,- Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenlisted; living in Utah '81. B. (Orin M.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. ; reenlisted. Beckwith (Seth Lee), 1848, nat. of Conn. , who came from Honolulu on the Kamehameha and went to the Amador and Calaveras mines; from '50, as before '48, a traveller in many parts of the world, but re garding S. F. as his home, where he still lives in '85, at the age of 64, with a son and daughter. Beckwourth (James P.), 1844, mulatto of Va, who became in the great west a famous hunter, guide, Indian-fighter, chief of the Crows, and horse- thief. No re'sumd can do justice to his adventures, nor can the slightest faith be put in his statements. See Banner's Life of Beckwourth. He carne to Cal. from N. Mex. '44. iv. 453, 495; and was one of the mountaineers serving against Micheltorena, at the 'battle of Cahuenga' in '45 (v. 494, 503), of which he gives an absurdly false account. Before the troubles of '46 he left Cal. with a large drove of stolen horses to continue his career in N. Mex. 714 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. and on the plains. Returning after '48 to take part in no end of stirring events in the flush times, he discovered the pass that bears his name, opening in '52 a hotel and trading-post in Beckwourth Valley. Therein he dictated to Bon- ner the events of his life as published in '58. But Jim was accused of divers unlawful acts, and besides was unable to content himself long in one place; so he returned to his old life of trapper and trader on the plains, and died in the North Platte country in '67, age about 70. Bedibey (Frank), 1841, of -the Workman-Rowland party from N. Mex. ; did not remain in Cal. iv. 278. Bedwell (Franklin), 1840 (?), Tennesseean who went to Mo. with his parents in '19; for many years a trapper in the Rocky Mts and great basin, from the Yellowstone to Sta Fe" } with the usual adventures of his class, iv. 117, 120. Ace. to the Sonoma Co. History, with portraits, he came to Cal. in '-40-1; continued his trapper life for several years, occasionally visiting the settlements, and working a while in the Sta Clara redwoods; but about '43 settled on a Russ. River rancho bought of Cyrus Alexander (?); joined the Bears in '46, being apparently with Ford at Olompali; went south with Fr6- mont, being with Gillespie's garrison at L. Ang., and later one of Stockton's army; returned to his rancho after the peace; went to the mines in '48-9; and finally settled permanently in his Russ. River home. All this may be accurate, though it seems strange that of so early a man, taking part in so many events, I find no original or contemporary mention before '48. In '48 or '49 he seems to have met in Cal. his mother and brother, from whom he had been separated many years. In '58 he married Selina McMinn of Tenn., but had no children. Bedwell was still living in '83, and probably in '85, hale and hearty, though over 70 years of age. Bee (Henry Jubilee), 1830, Engl. sailor and blacksmith who left the Dryad at Mont. iii. 180; joined the comp. extranjera in '31. iii. 221; and perhaps went to S. Jose 1 as early as '33, though his home for some years seems to have been near Mont., and his occupation that of guiding strangers about the coun try; baptized as Enrique Ascension, and married in '38 to Clara Moreno. His name appears on Larkin's books and various other records nearly every year. In '36-7 Bee was one of Graham's 'riflemen.' iii. 461, 525; and in Al- varado's service performed more than one feat of valor, if we credit his own version. In '40 he was arrested but not exiled, iv. 9, 17, 23; moving soon to Sta Cruz; and living in '43 at Yerba Buena, where he got a lot, iv. 669, and another later. In '46 he carried despatches from Sloat to Fremont, v. 247, as appears from his receipt of July 12th, for 8160, including the value of two horses killed in the service, in Mont. Consul. Arch., though there has been potatoes for a few years; worked as carpenter till '60. He lost his wife in '53, his son in '60, and at the same time a leg in an encounter with the desperado Felipe Hernandez. In '77 he dictated his Recollections for my use; and has furnished many rem iniscences for the Pioneer and other papers. Harry is inclined to draw some what heavily on his imagination for historical details; but there is generally a substratum of fact underlying his yarns. Living in '83, and I think in '85. Beebe (J. W.), 1847, named as the 1st Amer. magistrate at S. Buenaven tura. Signal. Perhaps same as the following. B. (Wm L.), 1847, nat. of N. Y.; one of the 1st supervisors at S. Luis Ob.; later county judge; still living in '83. S. Luis Ob. Co. Hist. Beechay, 1840, doubtful name in Farnham's list of arrested foreigners. Beechey (Fred. Win), 1826, com. of the Brit, ex ploring vessel Blossom, and author of a Narrative of the exploration, iii. 120 -5, 110, 146; i. 432; ii. 588, 590, 592, 599-600, 603, 610, 614-16. B. (Rich ard B.), 1826, mid. on the Blossom, iii. 121. Beener (John S.), 1847, adver tises loss of a pocket-book between S. Joaq. and S.F. in Star; still at S.F. in '54. Beere (Wm), 1848, cabinet-maker at S.F. v. 682. Beers (Wm), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Beeson (Henry), 1846, claimant for supplies to Fremont (v. 462). Perhaps this was ' Bee,' q.v. Beggs (Peter), 1847, negro servant of Capt. A. J. Smith, accused of rob- BEGGS-BELLOW. 715 bery at Los Ang. Behn (John), 1841 (?), native of Baden, accredited by Wil- s jn to the "Workman party fr. N. Mex. ; but not in Rowland's list, and not remembered by Given, iv. 278-9. Appears in the records fr. '44 as otter-hunter and trader at Los Ang. He quit business in '53, and died '68, leaving several children. Be" jar, see 'Ve"jar.' Belcher, 1848, mr of the Mary at S.F. fr. Columbia Riv. B. (Edward), 1826, lieut on the Blossom in Beechey's exped. iii. 121; in '37-9, com. of the Sulpkur, and author of a Narrative of the expedition, iii. 614, 670, 699; iv. 9.>, 106, 142-6. B. (Lewis F.), 1847, at Mont, in company with Aram; in the gold mines '48; about '50 a large dealer in cattle. An eccentric character, native of N.Y., who acquired a large property. Murdered at Mont, in ; 56. Belden (Josiah), 1841, nat. of Conn., b. in '15, who after a varied commer cial experience in N.Y., La, and Miss., came to Cal. in the 1st immig. party under Capt. Bartleson. iv. 267, 270, 275, 279. Going to Mont., he took charge for Larkin of a branch store and lumber business at Sta Cruz in '42-4, taking part in the raising of the U.S. flag at the time of the Com. Jones affair, iv. 312, 340, 651, 662-4. I have many of his original letters of these and later years. In '44 he obtained naturalization papers, and a grant of the Barranca Colorada rancho in the Sac. Valley, iv. 670. The firm of B. & Chard appears at Mont, in '44-5; B. took some part in preserving order during Gov. Micheltorena's absence; and in Dec. '45 went up to his rancho, returning in March '46. jV. Jidv. Diary, 22, 37. For some months in '46 B. took charge of a store for Capt. Paty at S.F., v. 682, and later in '46-7 worked as clerk and collector for Wm H. Davis, obtaining lots at S.F. and Benicia. v. 672, 676; also inter ested in a quicksilver mine. Larkm'sDoc., v. 361. In '48 he opened atS. Jos a branch store of Mellus & Howard, but soon followed his customers to the mines for a few w r eeks, leaving the store in charge of Branham. In '49 he closed up the business, and married Miss Sarah M. Jones, a pioneer of '46. In '50 he was the 1st mayor of S. Jos6, being later member of the council, and in '76 a delegate to the republican national convention. Fortunate purchases and judi cious management of S.F. real estate made Belden a capitalist. He continued to reside at S. Jose with his wife, two sons, and three daughters until about '81, when he changed his residence to New York, where he still lives in '85. A good sketch of his life, with portrait, is found in the Contemp. Biog., i. 246; and in '78 he dictated for my use his Historical Statement, a MS. of 70 pp. , just such a narrative as might be expected from a clear-headed man of business. Bell (Alex.), 1842, nat. of Pa, who since '23 had lived in Mex. provinces, becoming a citizen. He came from Sonora on the Esmeralda, iv. 341, settling at Los Ang., where he married Nieves Guirado in '44, and engaged in trade for many years. He was prominent in '45 among the foreigners who opposed Micheltorena and Sutter. iv. 495; in '46-7, being sindico at L. Aug., v. 625, served as capt. in the Cal. Bat., v. 360, apparently quitting the town with Gil- lespie and returning with Stockton; and he had 'Cal. claims' of about $3,500 (v. 462). In '49 Bell built a warehouse at S. Pedro; and in later years was prominent among the vigilantes. He seems to have retired from trade about '54, but continued to reside at Los Ang. till his death in '71, age 70. B. (Geo. W.), 1845, doubtful name of an overl. immig.; perhaps went to Or. iv. 578. B. (John H.), 1831, mr of the Whalehound, said to have discov. oysters in S.F. bay. iii. 699. B. (Richard H.), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. v. 519. B. (Wm), 1843, named at Los Ang., perhaps by error. Bellomy (Geo.W.), 1843, Virginian fr. Or. in the Hastings party, wounded by Ind. on the way. iv. 390-1, 399. In '44 he got a carta de seguridad, and next year had a shop at S. Jose 1 , where he complained of being robbed, and signed the. call to foreigners in March, iv. 599. He does not seem to have served in the Cal. Bat. '46, but had a claim of $42, which was paid; in '47 was imprisoned for disobedience to decrees of Judge Burton's court; in '48 owner of the Sta Clara House, still in legal troubles. His wife from '45 was Maria de Jesus Bernal, later wife of J. T. Perez. Bellomy or Bellamy died in '62. Bellow (J. Mitch.), 1846, said to have come in the navy; nat. of La, who was long a policeman at S. Jose, and died in '79. S. J. Pion. 716 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Belt (Geo. Gordon), 1847, Q. M. sergt N.Y.Vol. v. 503; alcalde at Stock ton '49; became a rich trader, and was murdered at Stockton by Win Dennis in '69. Beltran (Nicolas), corporal 1776-81, killed on the Colorado, i. 304, 363. Belty (Wm), 1841. German immig. from Mo. in the Bartleson party. iv. 270, 275, 279. Some say he went back and died in the east; but a man of the same name served in Co. A, Cal. Bat. (v. 358); is named on Larkin's books at Mont, in '47-8; and ace. to Dally, who helped to bury him, Mas killed by a fall from his horse in the mines in '48. Ben, 1846, negro servant with Gillespie. v. 24. Benavides (Elias). 1847, at N. Hclv. B. (3 oa6), soldier at S. F. '44; grantee of a lot '46. v. 630. B. (Joce" M.), settler at S. F. 1791-1800, prob. father of the preceding, i. 716. B. (Maria), 1847, had bonnets for sale at S. F. Star. B. (Miguel), soldier at S. F. '27-31; in '41 living at S. Jose", age 29; wife Josefa Garcia; child., Patrick), Jose* Ant., Concepcion, Antonia, Nanita, Trinidad. Benedict (C. L.), 1847, owner of a house at Benicia. v. 672. Bengachea (Jose* Ign.), set tler at the Colorado Riv. pueblos 1780-1. i. 359, 362. Benitez (Joes' M.), 1803-7, surgeon of the forces at Mont. ii. 140. Benito, neoph. rebel at Sta B. '24-6. ii. 532, 537. Benitz (Wm), 1841-2, German in Sutter's employ. Arrived Oct. '42 ace. to rolls of the Soc. Cal. Pion. ; but in applying for naturalization in '44 he claimed to have come in '41. iv. 341. After being for a time in charge of Hock farm, in '43 he took charge of the Ross estate for Sutter, succeeding Bidwell. iv. 186, 679. In '44 grantee of the Briesgau rancho in Shasta co. iv. 670; in '45 he rented the Ross rancho from Sutter, and later bought a part of it; bondsman for some of the Grigsby-Ide immig. iv. 679, 544, 581. Benitz is said to have been the man who was swindled to the extent of $6,000 by the Sutter-Muldrow claim. He lived at Ross till '67; then moved to Oakland; and in '74 went to the Argentine Republic, where he had a brother. He died there in '76, at the age of 62, leaving a family. Benjamin (Fordyce J.), 1846, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); alcalde at N. Helv. '48; at Sonoma '74. Bennett (A. B.), 1846, Co. F, Cal. Bat., enlisting at S. Juan Oct. (v. 358). B. (Charles), 1847, at Sutter's Fort fr. Or.; at the Coloma mill in '48 when gold was found; said to have been killed by Ind. in Or. about '55. B. (Dennis), 1843, prob. son of Vardamon, fr. Or. in the Hastings party, iv. 390, 399. Named in a S. F. padron of '44 as an Amer. carpenter, age 19. B. (Jackson), 1843, brother of Dennis, age 17 in '44, said to have been slightly wounded at the battle ' of Sta Clara in '47. iv. 390, 400; v. 381. B. (Nar- ciso), grantee of land at Sta Clara in '45; perhaps another son of Varda mon, who came in '43. iv. 587, 673. B. (Thomas), 1816, sailor on the Lydia. ii. 275. B. (Titus), 1847, Co. G, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Bennett (Vardamon), 1843, nat. of Ga, who went to Ark. '30, crossed the plains to Or. '42, and came to Cal. in the Hastings party with a large family, iv. 390, 399. After a brief stay in the Sac. Valley B. went to S. F. , where he appears in the padron of '44 as an Amer. carpenter, age 40; where he appears in other records of '45-7, including a petition for naturalization in '46; and where he kept a grog-shop, bowling alley, etc. v. 685; being also owner of a Benicia lot. v. 672. He died at S. F. in '49. His wife, Mary, was a good woman, but one of masculine attributes, who had a 'mind of her own,' and body also, in many respects head of the family. In '45 she asked for a separation, complaining to the authorities of her husband's failure to provide for herself and 8 children. In '46 she and some of the children were living at S. Jose", having a 'Cal. claim' (v. 462). She married Harry Love, and died near Watsonville in '68, age 66. B. (Wm), 1845, doubtful name of an overl. immig. iv. 578. B. (Wm), 1844, immig. fr. Or. in the Kelsey party, iv. 444, 453. Seems to have settled near S. Jose", where ace. to Hittell he was a wealthy man in '60; perhaps same as Win H. on the rolls of the Soc. Cal. Pion., as having arr. March '44. Bennett (Winston), 1843, son of Vardamon, whom he accomp. to Cal. in the Hastings party, iv. 390, 400. He is named in the S.F. padron of '44 as 25 years of age; but he did not remain long at S.F. or in any other place; roam- BENNETT BERNAL. 717 ing from the Sac. Valley to Marin Co., Yerba Buena, Sta Clara, and Sta-Cruz, career in many places as miner and trader; lived at Sta Clara and Sta Cruz in '50-3, being constable and deputy sheriff part of the time; on a rancho at Pes- cadero '53-65; at Sta Clara with his mother '65-72; and again on his rancho fr. '72, having married Maria J. Perez in 71. His Pioneer of 43, a narrative of his overland trip and experiences in Cal., was printed in the 8. Jose Pio neer of '77, containing many interesting details. He seems to have been a very unlucky man in respect of accidents, the breaking of a leg or arm being by no means a rare occurrence; and it appears that this luck with his old propensity to roam is still retained; for as I write, in '85, the papers announce the accidental breaking of his leg at Silver City, N. Mex. Benschoten (John W.), 1848, New Yorker who served in the Mex. war, coming to Cal. prob. with Graham's dragoons (v. 522); worked in the mines, and finally settled in S. Joaquiu, where he married Jessie McKay in 'G6. Benson (Christian), 1847, perhaps one of the N.Y. Vol. under another name. B. (Geo.), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518). B. (John), 1840, Amer. sailor of the Morse at S.F., to be shipped on the Don Quixote. Bent (Silas), 1848, mr of the Preble. Bentley (John), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 544). Ben- ton, 1848, firm of Ross, B. & Co. at S. F. Bercier (Francis), 1847, Engl. at N. Helv. Berdle (John), 1836, arms in his possess, seized at L. Ang. Berenback (Antoine), 1847, Co. F, 3d artill. (v. 518). Berier, 1847, at N. Helv.; prob. same as 'Bercier.' Beristain, 1847-8, mr of the Concepcion. v. 577. B. (Maximo), 1829, at S. Diego, iii. 141. Beritzhoff (Alex.), 1847, named in a newspaper as mate of the J6ven Guipuzcoana. iv. 587; went from N.Y. to Valparaiso on ship Zenobia. From Val. to Mont, on brig Thos H. Benton in '47. Owner of Stockton Independent '05-75. Later U.S. storekeeper int. rev. at S.F. Bermudez (Antonio, Atansio, Dolores), at L. Ang. '46. B. (Domingo), 1832, at Sta B. B. (Francisco), 1832, soldier at Sta B., wife Concepcion Pico, 2 child. B. (Jose 1 ), at L. Ang. '15-28. ii. 349, 354, 560; two or three of the name at S. Bernardino and S. Gabriel '46. B. (Jose"), at rancho na- cional, Mont., '36, age 28, wife Ana M. Martinez, child. Jose" and Martiana. Bernabe", 1824, rebel neoph. at Sta B. ii. 532, 537. Bernaci (Juan), 1791, lieut in Malaspina's exped. i. 490. Bernal, 1826, majordomo of S. Jose", ii. 599. I am unable to trace defi nitely the dif . branches of the Bernal family in Cal. , but name many individ uals. See list of those in Cal. before 1800 iu i. 734. B. (Agustin), soldier at S. F. '19-27; in '37 lieut of militia at S. Jose", iii. 732; in '41 at S. Jose, age 39; wife Maria Juana Higuera; child. Jose b. '25, Guadalupe '29, Presen- tacion '32, Abelino '34, Nicolas '37, Juana '39; in '46 juez de campo. v. GG2; '53 claimant of Sta Teresa rancho. iii. 713; prob. son of Joaquin. B. (Agus tin, Jr), son of the preceding, b. '48; mar. Francisca Soto in Alameda Co. '78. B. (Ana Maria), mar. 1784 to Gabriel Moraga. ii. 571. B. (Antonio), sol dier at S. F. '41-3. iv. 667; still at S. Jose" '50. B. (Apolinario), born in Cal. 1780-90; regidor at S. Jose" 1802; killed by Ind. '13. ii. 134, 339. B. (Basilio), grantee of Sta Clara embarcadero '45-8; also claimant in '53. iv. 373; v. 665. B. (Bruno), in '41 at S. Jos*':, age 39 (prob. older); wife Anto- nia Ortega; children, Antonio b. in '25, Dolores '27, Francisco '31, Pedro '33, Jose" and Gertrudis '35, Guadalupe '36, Rufina '37, Luis '39; Cal. claim of $10,000 in '46; claimant for Alisal, Mont. Co. iii. 676. B. (Jesus), juez de campo at S. Jose" '41. iv. 684. B. (Joaquin), soldier of S. F. at Sta Cruz 1795. i. 496; inval. '19-32; grantee of Sta Teresa rancho '34, being then 94 years old. iii. 713. B. (Jose 1 ), soldier at S. F. '19-30. B. (Jose" 2d), sol dier at S. F. '19-24. B. (Jose 1 ]!, born at S. Jose" in '23; married Alta Gracia Higuera in '55; 10 children; living in Alameda Co. in '80. B. (Jose" Ant.), soldier at S. F. '29-'42. B. (Jose Ant.), farmer at S. Jose" '41, age 25; wife Guadalupe Butron; children, Juan and Trinidad. B. (Jose" Cornelio), regidor 718 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. of S. Jose* '28. ii. 605; grantee of land at Mission Dolores '34; elector and mili tiaman at S. F. '37. iii. 705; grantee of Rincon de Salinas, etc., and Rincon de Ballena '39. iii. 678, 712; in '42 at S. F., age 46, wife Carmen Cibrian, son Jose de Jesus b. '29; still living '53-4. His widow lived at the mission until after '67. i. 293. B. (Jos6 Dionisio), soldier of the Soledad escolta 1791-1800. i. 499. B. (Jose" Jesus), grantee in '39 of the Canada de Pala rancho. iii. 711; in '41 farmer at S. Josd, age 31; wife Maria Ant. Higuera; children, Jos6 Gabriel b. '34, Jesus M. '35, Jos<5 Jesus '37, Dionisio '37. B. (Juan), cattle-owners in S. F. district 1793. i. 707. B. (Juan), soldier at S. F. '20-30; elector and militiaman at S.F. '37. iii. 705; grantee of Laguna de Palos Col. in the contra costa '35-41. iii. 712; iv. 671; in '41 at S. Jose", age 38; wife Encarnacion Soto (who as a widow was owner of S. F. lots fr. '44. iv. 609; v. 685); children, Guadalupe b.'Sl, Nicolas '35, Apolinario '37, Juan '40. B. (Juan), farmer at S. Jose" '41, age 31; wife Rafaela Felix; child., Francisco b. '35, Juan '38, Guadalupe '39, Refugio '40; juez de campo '44. iv. 685. B. (Juan), son of Joaquin, at S. Jose" in '77, age 67, who gave me his Memoria of several old-time occurrences; perhaps same as preceding. B. (Juan), de scribed by Larkin in '45 as a man of some wealth and local influence at Sta Cruz. B. (Maria D. Castro de), at S. Jose" '41, age 52; children, Juan b. '20, Gregorio and Francisco '27, Ramon '30. Bernier (Baptiste), 1844, one of Fremont's men. iv. 437. Berreyesa (Antonio), son of Nicolas, who in '77 at S. Jose" gave me his Relation of the murder of his uncle by Fremont's men in '46 (v. 171), and of the troubles of his father's family with the squatters and land lawyers. B. (Felix), soldier at S. F. and musician '34-42. B. (Francisco), soldier at S. F. '37; sergt '39; grantee in '46 of Canada de Capay and Rincon de Musulacon. v. 669, 675; claimant for Rincon de Esteros '53. iii. 712. B. (Jos<5 Ign.), at S. Jose" '41, age 34; children, Jesus Maria, Jos Jacket,' 1846, nickname of one of the guard at Sutter's Fort. v. 125. Blume (Fred. Gustavus), 1842, German surgeon of the whaleship Alex. Barclay at Sauzalito Dec. '42-March '43. iv. 341. Late in '46 he came back to Cal. on the Currency Lass from Honolulu with a stock of goods sold at S. F. ; and again in April '47 on the Gen. Kearny, this time to stay, opening a store at Sonoma with M. J. Haan. In '48 he moved to a rancho in the Bodega region, near Freestone and Bloomfield the latter named for him where iii '49 he married the widow Maria Ant. Caceres de Dawson. Both were living in '80 without children. Dr B. held several local offices, and is postmaster at Freestone in '85. His portrait is found in Sonoma Co. Hist., 280. Blury (Arthur de), 1846, Fauntleroy's dragoons (v. 232-47). Boardman (John), 1843, overl. immig. of the Chiles- Walker party, iv. 392, 400; witness to a doc. at Sonoma '47. * Bob.' or Juan Crist6bal, 1816, the pioneer negro, left by Capt. Smith of the Albatross, ii. 248, 277, 393. 'Bob, 'Irish servant of Colton at Mont. '48, who made his fortune in the mines. ' Bob,' a tattooed Marquesan in the mines, ment. by Buffum. Bobo, (Zarah), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons, (v. 336). Bocalon (Agustin), 1808, com. of the Concepcion. ii. 87. Bochon (Procopi), 1847, Co. D, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Bode (Nicholas F.), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518). Bodega y Cuadra (Juan Francisco), 1775, Span, lieut in com. of the explor ing vessel Sonora, discovering and naming Bodega bay. i. 241-3, 518; ii. 81; in 1779 com. of the Favorita. i. 329; in 1792-3, com. of the S. Bias naval es tablishment, and commissioner to settle the Nootka troubles with England, visiting Cal., and dying in '93. i. 506, 509-12, 519-20, 522-4, 539, 682. See also Hist. N. W. Coast, i. Bodie (Waterman S. ), vaguely alluded to as having come in '48. Bogart (Henry), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Boggs (Albert G.), 1846, son of Lilburn W., and overl. immig. with his father and brothers (v. 526); later a prominent citizen of Napa, and county treasurer; still living in '81. B. (Guadalupe Vallejo), son of Wm M., born at Petaluma Jan. 4, '47, often named incorrectly as the 1st child of Amer. parents born in Cal. B. (Lilburn W.), 1846, Kentuckian, b. in 1798; overl. immig. with wife and 8 children, v. 528. He lived many years in Mo., where he was a very prominent man, as pioneer, trader, and public officer, being elected gov. of the state in '36. He took a prominent part in the expulsion of the Mormons, to whose vengeance is attributed a later attempt to murder him which was very nearly successful. Spending the winter at Petaluma and settling at Sonoma he engaged in trade with Scott, and was appointed alcalde to succeed Nash from '47. v. 433, 609-10, 668-9, 681; holding the office till '49, and being elected a member of the constitutional convention, though not serving. In '52 he moved to Napa, where he died in '61. His first wife was a daughter of Silas Bent, and the second, who accompanied him to Cal., a grand daughter of Daniel Boone, dying in Napa in '80 at the age of '97. A good sketch of Ex-gov. Boggs' life is found in the Napa Co. Hist. , 373 ; and a portrait in Mene- fte's Sketchbook, 264. Many of his descendants still live in Cal., but respect ing most of them I have no definite information. Boggs (Wm M.), 1846, son of Lilburn W., b. in Mo. '26; member of the same immigrant party, of which he was captain during part of the journey BOGGS-BONIFACIO. 723 his bridal tour, be having married Sonora Hicklin just before the start. He took some slight part in the final campaign of the war against Sanchez in '46- 7. v. 383; and after an adventurous career in the mines settled at Napa, where in '7- he wrote for me his Reminiscences of early life in Mo., his father's life, the trip to Cal., and his experiences in '46-8. His Trip across the Plains, in the newspapers, covers nearly the same ground. He has occupied several official positions, and has raised a family of five sons Guadalupe V., Lilburn W., Jr., Angus, Jefferson, and Win, and a daughter, to whose education special care has been devoted, several of them being teachers. Bohorques, see ' Bojorges. ' Boinger (Fred.), 1847, Co. G, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Bois (Juan), 1828, mr of the Wilmantic. iii. 149. Boissd (Gabriel), 1798, Boston sailor at S. Diego, i. 645, 654. Bojorges more properly written Bohorques (Angel), at S.F. '37-9; at Sonoma '44, age 33. B. (Bartolo), soldier at S.F. '19; invd- lido '22-41; regidor at S. Jose '24-5; elector at S.F. '35. ii. 605; iii. 704; grantee of Laguna de S. Antonio '45, and claimant '54. iv. 673. B. (Gerardo), at S.F. '37. B. (Hermenegildo), soldier of the S. Jos6 escolta 1797-1800. i. 556. B. (Ignacio), soldier of the S.F. comp. '35-42; at Sonoma '44, age 26. B. (Jos6 Ramon), corporal of the Sta Clara escolta 1776-7; inval. at S. Jose", 1790-1821. i. 296-7, 306, 478; his wife was Francisca Romero; died '22. B. (Juan), soldier of S.F. comp. '23-31; at Sonoma '44, age 35. iv. 363. In '77 at Sta Clara he gave me his Recuerdos of Ind. campaigns. B. (Pedro), settler at S. F. 1791-1800; regidor at S. Jose" 1810. i. 716; ii. 134. B. (Pedro), at S. F. '37; at Sonoma '44, age 24. Bolan (A. J.), 1845, at gutter's '45-6, ace. to the N. Helv. Diary; iv. 578. Bolanos (Francisco), 1595, one of Cermenon's men at Pt Reyes; also with Viz caino in 1602. i. 96, 98. Bolbeda (Louis), 1826, French trapper of Jed. Smith's party, who rem. in Cal. iii. 160, 176. Bolcof (Jose 1 Antonio), 1815, the earliest Russian settler; native of Kam chatka, who left his vessel at Mont., age about 20. ii. 274, 393. In '17 he was baptized at Soledad. or at least had his Greek church baptism 'ratified;' in '22 married to Candida Castro, and perhaps made a trip to Mex. ii. 479; in '24 arrested for smuggling, and from that time often named in local records of Branciforte and Sta Cruz. ii. 519, 522, 627; iv. 117, 544; in '29 named as a shoemaker of good conduct; in '31 obtained lands; naturalized in '33; alcalde at Brancif. '34, also '39-42, '45-6. iii. 695-7; iv. 662-4; v. 57, 641-2; being also in charge of the ex-mission from '39; grantee of the Refugio rancho '41. iv. 655. In the Brancif. padron of '45 B. is named with his wife and 11 children as fol lows: Amadeo b. '25, Francisco '27, Juan '29, Encarnacion '32, Guadalupe '36, Josefa '39, Carmen '37, Jose" Ramon '40; Jose" Dolores '41, Maria Ant. '42, and Maria de los Angeles '44. He took no part in the political troubles of '45-7, but in '48 engaged in mining with his sons, being very successful; but not content to let well enough alone, and imbibing somewhat too freely the new epirit of progress, the old man fell a victim to sharpers, gradually lost his lands and money, and died in poverty in '66. I have no record of his sons after '45. Boles, see 'Bowles.' Bollon (Jose" Maria), 1834, Portuguese at Mont. Bolton ( James R.), 1847, trader at Mazatlan, having some commercial relations with Cal. , which country he visited for the first time in June '47 on the Lady Shaii} Stewart. In later years he became known as the principal claimant for the Mission Dolores estate in the famous Santillan case; in '85 a capitalist re siding at S. F. Bon (John), 1829, mr of the Wilmington, iii. 149. 'Bonaparte,' 1836, Frenchman with Yount in Napa Val. Bond (Thos), 1833, named as one of Walker's party, iii. 391. B. (Wm), 1847, Co. D, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499.) Bonechu (Louis), 1824, French vineyardist at L. Ang. '40, age 57, claiming to have been 16 years in Cal. B*ones (John), 1821, Irish carpenter at S. Miguel '29-30, 31 years old, and 9 years in Cal. ii. 444; possibly 'Burns.' Bonifacio (Juan B.), 1822, Italian or Austrian who landed from the John JBeyfj with the governor's permission and was employed by Hartnell as steve dore, ii. 478; an illiterate, honest fellow about 24 years old, who married Car men Pinto in '27; naturalized in '29; 2d in com. of the comp. extranjera '32, iii. 221, 223, 225; died about '34, leaving a widow and 3 children. 724 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Bonilla (Jose" Mariano), 1834, Mex. lawyer and teacher, who came with the H. & P. colony; implicated in the Apal.itegui revolt, but not sent away. iii. 263, 286. A man of the same name was member of the Cal. junta in Mex. '25- 7. iii. 3. A young man of 27 on his arrival, well educated at the Colegio Nacional; teacher at Sta B. '35. iii. 657; clerk and sec. in dif. public offices '30-40. iii. 463, 605, 685; admin, of S. Luis Ob., and auxiliary juez '42. iv. 331, 657-8; grantee of Huerhuero, or Huerfano, rancho in '42-4. iv. 655-6; partisan of Micheltorena in '45; sec. and appointed fiscal of the tribunal supe rior, iv. 532; juez and alcalde at S. Luis '46-8, being at one time arrested by Fremont, v. 638-9, 375; sub-prefect '49; later county judge, district attorney, and supervisor.. Bonilla was a man who always commanded respect, though not always in sympathy with the Californians, and one whose advice, by rea son of his superior education, was always in demand. In '37 he married Dolores, daughter of Inocente Garcia, who in '78 gave me the Bonilla collec tion of Doc. Hist. Cal. He died in '78. B. (Patricio), at Los Ang. '46. Bonnet, 1844, rar of the Lion '44-5. iv. 567; iii. 382-3; also in '46; possibly in '35. Bonney (Jarvis), 1845, Amer. immig. of Grigsby-Ide party, with his family, iv. 578, 580; v. 526. He buried two children at N. Helv. March '46, ami in April went to Or., where he was in June. B. (Truman), 1845, prob. r, brother of .Jarvis, whom he accomp. to Cal. and to Or. with his family, v. 578. He also lost a son at N. Helv. ; and his daughter was married in Feb. '46 to A. Sanders. Next year a man named Bonny, very likely one of this family, was met on his way alone from Or. to the states. Bryant, 137. Bonny- castle (John C.), 1847, lieut and adj. N. Y. Vol. v. 503; 'later lieut of 4th U. S. infantry '48-61; at Louisville, Ky, '82. Bons (Wm), 1840, arrested at Branciforte, having no carta. Boiisall or Bonsell (Jacob), 1848, owner of a ferry on the S. Joaquin with Doak. Booker (Henry), 1844, Amer. named in Larkin's accounts '44-5 at Mont.; living on the Sac. '46. Tustin. Joining the Bears, he was the messenger who carried Ide's proclamation to Mont. Later in the year he went south with Frdmont; was probably one of Gillespie's garrison at L. Ang. ; with Mer- vine's force defeated at S. Pedro; one of Stockton's men at S. Diego; one of the party sent to reenforce Kearny; and finally killed at S. PascuaL iv. 453; v. 110, 159, 346. Perhaps no other man in Cal. had so varied an experience in this most eventful year. Booth (J.), 1847, atS. F. on the Currency Lass from Honolulu. B. (Wm), 1847, said to have settled at Sta Clara with his family. Sta Clara Co. Hist. Borbosa, settler at Mont. 1800. i. 679. Borden. 1847, mr of the Bowditch. v. 576. Borel, 1847, at N. Helvetia. Borenback (Antoine), 1847, Co. F, 3d artill. (v. 518), ace. to Lancey; not on the rolls. Borgas (Jose M.), grantee of Pajaro in '43 (Vargas ?). Borica (Diego), 1794, Span, colonel, gov. of Cal. from Oct. '94 to Jan. 16, 1800; dying at Durango in July 1800. See i. 530-3 and 726-30, with inter vening pages, passim, for the events of Borica 's rule; also list of auth. in vol. i. He was one of the .ablest and best rulers the country ever had, always striving for progress in different directions, avoiding controversy, and person ally interesting himself in the welfare of all classes; a jovial bon-vivant, knight of Santiago, and man of wealth. His wife, who accompanied him to Cal., was Dona Magdalena de Urquides. Bork (Louis), 1845, Engl. who got a pass for Sonora at Los Ang. B. (Manuel), 1845, ditto. Boronda (Jose" Canute), son of Corp. Manuel B. and his wife Gertrudis Higuera, b. at S. F. 1792; soldier of Mont. comp. from 1812 in the escolta of S. Antonio, S. Miguel, and S. Juan. ii. 232; in the S. F. comp. '26-7; in '28 alcalde of Branciforte. ii. 627; wife Francisca Castro, children Maria, Con- cepcion, Antonia, Juan Jose", and Francisco; grantee of land in Mont, district '43. iv. 656; juez at S. Juan B. '44. iv. 661. In '78 he was living with his daughter Concepcion grantee of the Potrero. iv. 655 near S. Luis Obispo, and dictated for me his Notasoi old-time adventures, ii. 339, 446. B. (Jose" Eusebio), perhaps a brother of Canute, in '36 majordomo of the Verjeles rancho. iii. 679; age 26, wife Josefa Buelna, children Jos6 de los Santos and BOROND A BOTTS. 725 Maria del Carmen; in '49 grantee of Rinconada del Zanjon. iii. G78, and juez aux. '41. iv. Goo; still living at Salinas in 77, but kisApuntes Higtdrico* was very brief and unimportant. B. (Jose" Manuel), prob. son of Manuel, at Salinas rancho '35-6, being juez de campo. iii. 674, 678; age 33, wife Juaua Cota, children Juan de Mata b. '21, Carlota '22, Josefa '25, Isabel '28, Ascension '30, Franciso '31, Juan '33, Jose Manuel '36, grantee of Los Laurelesin '39. iii. 6(i7 ; and perhaps of Tucho in '35. iii. 679; still living in '50. B. (Juan de Mata), juez at S. Carlos '46; named as the man who killed Capt. Burroughs at Nativi- dad. v. 370, 637; son of Jose" Manuel. B. (Manuel), corporal and carpenter, teacher at S. F. and Mont. 17GO-181S. i. 64.3; ii. 78,383,427. B. ('Tia'), woman who kept a little shop at Mont. 1811-36, perhaps a sister of Manuel, ii. 4-20, 614; iii. 454-5. Borrego, 1822, Mex. priest who came as a companion of Can6nigo Fernan dez; not of the best reputation; perhaps a nickname, ii. 458. Borris (James Win), 1823, New Yorker whose father was Eugl. and mother Dutch; baptized in '24 and employed by Capt. de la Guerra as a physician for the troops at Sta B. ii. 495, 526. Very likely his name was Burroughs. Boscana (Geronimo), 1806, Span, friar who served in the south until his death at S. Gabriel in '31; a man of learning, whose treatise on the Ind. Chlniijchinlck was published later, but whose conduct was not in all respects exemplary. Biog. iii. 641-2; ment. i. list of auth.; ii. 123, 159-60, 345-8, 555-6, 366, 394,. 488, 517, 567, 655; iii. 96, 102, 310, 351; iv. 344-5. Bosco (John^, 1847, with the Morm. Bat. (v. 469), in the fam. of Capt. Hunt. Bose (Geo. A.), 1848, German farmer in Sta Clara Val. 76. Bosque (Thomas), 1847, Co. G, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. at L. Ang. '47. Bostwick (James C. ), 1847, Co. D, N. Y. Vol. Botaires (Pascual), 1846, Cal. claim of $36 (v. 462). Botello (Joaquin), tailor instructor at Mont. 1792-1801. i. 615; ii. 174. Botello (Narciso), 1833, Mex., native of Alamos, Sonora, who came with John Forster by land, and again with James Johnson in '34, age 24. Erro neously named as sec. at Los Ang. in '26. ii. 560. At first B. tended Rice's billiard-saloon, and soon opened a grocery at L. Ang. Sindico of the ayunt. '35; sec. of the ayunt. from '36, taking a prominent part in many public mat ters, especially in the southern opposition to Alvarado in '36-8. iii. 419, 518- 19, 550, 555, 558, 565-6, 635-6; sec. of prefecture '39-43, of the tribunal su perior '42, and grantee of land at S. Juan Cap. '41. iiL 605, 640; iv. 626, 632 -3; vocal of the assembly '43-6, taking a leading part in all deliberations of that body, also one of the lessees of S. Buen. mission '45, iv. 361, 410-11, 425, 495, 521, 540, 553, 558, 645; active against the Amer. invasion June- Aug. '46, and also as assemblyman and sec. of Gov. Flores in '46-7, but did not go with F. to Mex. as he wished to do. v. 37-8, 50, 264, 321-2, 408, 625; grantee of La Cie"nega '46. In '48-50 B. made several not very successful attempts at gold-mining, also engaging in trade at L. Ang. and S. Juan B. ; in later years justice of the peace and notary public. He was a man of good abilities and fair education; always a partisan of his country, Mexico, against Cal. and the U. S., as also of the south against the north. In 78, living at the Sta Maria rancho near S. Diego in great poverty at the age of 63, Botello dictated for me his Anales del Sur, a very valuable narrative of the political and other com plications of his Cal. experience. He had no family. Botero (Pablo), 1801, prospective settler at Branciforte. ii. 171. Botiller (Anastasio), at Los Ang. '46. B. (Francisco and Vicente), ditto. B. (Joa quin), teacher at Los Ang. '30. ii. 564. B. (Jose" Ant.), at Los Ang. '19, and S. Antonio rancho '29. ii. 354, 616; in '36 at Mont., age 50, wife Maria de la Luz Morales, child. Jose" de Jesus b. '14, Peregrino '24 employed by Larkin as a courier '46 Jose" Joaq. '26. B. (Jose del Carmen), 1842. iv. 653. B. (Xarciso), courier '46. v. 72. Botta (Paolo Emilio), 1827, Ital. scientist on the IJerofs '27-8; author of Osservazioni. i. list of auth.; ii. 551; iii. 128-30. Bottene, 1846, mr of the Cabinet at S.F. Botts (Charles T.), 1848, Virginian, who came on the Matilda with an ap pointment as U.S. naval storekeeper at Mont. I have the letter of introd. to Larkin which he brought from Corn. Sloat, as well as many naval account* 726 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. signed by B. He went to the mines with Colton; was a member of the consti tutional convention in '49; member of a leading law firm in S.F. from '50; from '08 a Sacramento journalist, publishing the Standard; state printer in '01; also district judge of Sac. district. After the war he spent some years in the south, but returned to the practice of his profession in Cal., residing chiefly at Oak- laud, where he died in '84 at the age of 75. His wife, who outlived their chil dren, died a few years before her husband; but B. left two granddaughters, daughters of Dr Aylette of Stockton. Judge Botts was a brother of John M. Botts, the famous Virginian politician, and was himself a politician of the better sort, a successful lawyer of marked ability, and a citizen of wide influence. Bouchaltz (Theodore), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. at Mariposa '83. T'ouchard (Hypolite), 1818, French com. of the Buenos Aires insurgents on the Cal. coast. See ii. 220-49, 252, 348, 383, 389. Nothing is known of his earlier or later career. Bouchet (Louis), 1828, French cooper with Mex. passp. at Mont. 28-9. ii. 558; iii. 178; owner of a vineyard with W. L. Hill at Los Ang.; naturalized in '31, and soon married; one of the vigilantes '36 (iii. 430); met by Mofras in '41, who calls him Win, also called Bauchet and Bauchot in some records. He signed a proclamation against Castro in '46; and ace. to Los Ang. Co. Hist., 33, died Oct. '47; but I find his name in an origi nal list of '48. Boudinet (W. E.), 1847, owner of a S.F. lot. Bouet (Jean), 1848, French trader at Los Ang. age 30. Doubtful record. Boulanger (Fran cis), 1847, Co. B,N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Bousol, 1846, came to S. Jose Valley. Hall. Bouzet (E. de), 1846, com. of the French corvette Brillante. v. 576. Bowden (John H.), 1848, from Honolulu; kept a bakery and owned a lot at S.F. Bowen (Asa M. ), 1846, Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336), who took part in the battle of S. Pascual, on which he furnished me in '76 a Statement. Still at S.F. '84-5, and in serious trouble with the officers of justice. Bowen (Thos G.), 1834, Amer. trapper from N. Mex.; settled at S. Jos<5 from '36. iii. 117; iv. 412. He kept a distillery, and his name, variously written, appears in Lar- kin's books and other records from year to year; one of Graham's riflemen '36 (iii. 457); grantee of Canada de S. Felipe in '39, having been naturalized and married, iii. 677, 711; arrested but not exiled '40. iv. 17; in '41, being a S. Jose" trader age '33, with one child, he became security for some of the Bartle- soii immig. iv. 275, 684, 686; failed in business '44; signed the call to foreign ers '45. iv. 599. I find no record of him after '46. B. (Thos), 1846, prob. a oon of the preceding, named by Fremont as a wild young fellow of S. Jose 1 , whose mother owned land at the mission. B. ( Wm), 1844-5, sailor from the Sterling at Mont. iv. 587. B. (Wm J.), 1847, came from Honolulu on the Currency Lass; later miner, and lumberman at Bodega; part owner of the Sa- blne, making several voyages, married at Sidney. In '82 he had for many years been a resident of Berkeley. Very likely same as preceding. Bowers (James H.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); later hotel-keeper at Stockton; died at S. F. '70. Bowing (Henry), 1847, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenlisted at Los Ang. Bowles or Boles (Joseph), 1838, Amer. on Larkin's books at Mont. ; somewhat prominent in the Graham affair of '40, and exiled to S. Bias, but came back in '41 after a visit to N.Y. to urge his claim for damages, iv. 18, 31, 33, 119. On the Alert at Sta B. '42; perhaps at N. Helv. '47. B. (Samuel), 1848, overl. immig. with Allsopp, whose partner he was in a S. F. boarding-house till '50; when he went to the mines. Bowman (Joaquin, Joseph, or Gilbert), 1826, Kentuckian trapper of Jed. Smith's party. ii. 558; iii. 155, 160, 176; settled at S. Gabriel as a miller, and still lived there in '44 at the age of 63. Boy (John), 1847, owner of lots at S. F. Boyce (Geo. W.), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Salt Lake City '82. Boyd (Wm), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. B. (Geo.), 1848, perhaps at S. F. B. (R. ), 1848, passp. from Honolulu. Boyer, 1848, mr of the Perseverance, v. 579. Boyers (Wm), 1847, Co. E, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); at S. F. '82. Boyle (Dr), 1845, doubtful name of an immig. iv. 578. B. (Henry G.), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. v. 481, 496; in Utah '82, chaplain of the legislature. B. (James), 1846, Amer. carpenter at Mont. '46-8. Brackenberry (Benj. B. ), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. ( v. 409). Brackenridge BRACKENRIDGE BRANNAN. 727 (J. D.), 1841, "botanist of U. S. ex. exped. iv. 241-2, 245. Brackett (John Ely), 1847, lieut 2d U. S. artillery; capt. Co. C, N.Y.Vol. y. 504; com. of the Sonoma garrison '47-8. v. 609-10, 007, 009; later a lawyer, being a member of the legislature of '49-50, and major-gen, of Cal. militia. He died at Rock Island, 111., Jan. '55. His son or brother for I have lost the reference Col Albert G. Brackett, com. of the mil. district of Nevada 'CO, furnished me in 76 a Sketch of the 1st Reg. N. Y. Vol., and several other MSS. containing useful in formation. See i. list of auth. Bradford (Win), 1840, lieut on the U.S. Warren. Bradley (Thomas Westly), 1843, Tennesseean imrnig. from Mo. in the Chiles party, iv. 392, 400; employed a while by Sutter, but in '44-9 lived in Napa Valley, joining the Bears, v. Ill; but not apparently going south with the battalion, and marrying Rebecca Allen of Mo. in Dec. '46. From '49 he lived in Contra Costa county, and in '85 was still on his farm near Lafayette with a large family. Of his six sons, James Warren was b. in '47 and John Willard in '48; there were 4 daughters, 3 of them married before '85. Portrait in Con tra Costa Co. Hist., 296. Bradley, 1841 (?), a man who accompanied Brooks Four Months, etc. in his gold-hunting tour of '48, being named on nearly every page; claimed to have been in Cal. eight years, to have been an officer of volunteers in the war, and to be a friend of Capt. Folsom. iv. 279. Bradshaw (John), 1827, one of the best known Boston traders on the coast; master of the Franklin in '27-8, of the Pocahontas '30-2, and of the Lufjoda '34-5. Often in trouble with the authorities 011 account of his smug gling exploits, as elsewhere narrated, ii. 551; iii. 132-4, 147-8, 165-7, 176-7, 210, 3S2-3. Capt. B. never returned to Cal. after '35. but I have his letter to Capt. Cooper in '36; and a letter of Jan. '84 from his daughter, Mrs H. E. Roundj^, informs me that he died at his home in Beverley, Mass., May '80, at the age of 94. B. (Julian), 1845, overl. immig. in the Grigsby-Ide party; bonds given by Yount; prob. went to Or. in '46. iv. 526, 578. B. (Samuel), 1848, in the mines with Brooks; formerly carpenter on a whaler. B. (Win D.), 1846, lieut Co. D, Cal. Bat. v. 361; had a Cal. claim of $132 (v. 462). Brady, 1848, with Newell & Gilbert. B. (James), 1846, at N. Helv. in Jan.; perhaps same as preceding. B. (James), 1847, Co. K, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). B. (John R.), 1847, Co. B, N.Y.Vol.; died at Stockton after '50. Braham (A.), 1845, atN. Helv.; prob. 'Bruheim,' q.v. Bralee (Thomas), 1846, Engl. sailor disch. from the Savannah; a resid. of Mont, and Carmelo Val., except 2 years at the mines, to : 77 and later, being a dairyman, with two sons and a daughter. Braley (Albert), 1845, mate on the Morea. Branch (Francis Ziba), 1831, trapper of the Wolf skill party from N. Mex. iii. 387, 405; a nat. of N. Y. After a few years of hunting he opened a store and boarding-house at Sta B. , though often engaging in a hunt, to keep up memories of old times. He married Manuela Carlon in '35. iv. 117; and the padron of '36 shows that he had then one son. Selling his store in '37, he ap plied for naturalization obtained in '39 and got a grant of the Sta Manuela rancho near S. Luis Obispo. iii. 679; iv. 655; where he spent the rest of his life, a rich man of good repute. He died in '74 at the age of 72, leaving many children and grandchildren. His portrait is given in S. Luis Ob. Co. hist., 216. Branda (Juan), at Sonoma '44. Brander (Win), 1833, Scotch carpenter, 29 years old, at Mont., his name appearing often on Larkin's books and other records in '33-45. iii. 409; ar rested but not exiled in '40. iv. 17; got a carta, and in '41-2 was a lumber man near Sta Cruz. In Oct. '45 he \vas found dead on Amesti's rancho, be lieved to have been killed by Ind. iv. 543. Branham (Benj. F.), 1846, son of Isaac and overl. immig. at the age of one year; sheriff of Sta Clara Co. '85. B. (Isaac), 1846, Kentuckian immig. (v. 526), with his wife Amanda A. Bailey and son Benj. F., settling at S. Jose", where he was a member of the town council '46-7. v. 664; and where he still lived in '81. Portrait in Sta Clara Co. Hint. , 304. He had a son Charles b. '54, and a daughter Mary b. '60; besides 4 children born before he came to Cal. Branisan (Floria), 1846, pass, on the Gitijmzcoana from Callao. Banks (Robert), 18-18, visited S. F. from Honolulu on the Julian. Braunan (Peter), 728 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. 1846, Irish bricklayer who served in the Cal. Bat. at the Natividad fight? later worked at his trade; in the mines '48; soon after drowned at S. F. Swan. Perhaps his name was Brennan. Brannaii (Samuel), 1846, Mormon elder and chief of the colony sent from N.Y. on the Brooklyn. See full account of the colony, v. 544 et seq.; mention v. 471, 644-5. B. was born at Saco, Me, in '19; learned the printer's trade in Ohio from '33; travelled as a printer through many parts of the country; and from '42 published the N. Y. Messenger and later the Prophet, as organs of the Mormon church. Of his conversion and early experience as a latter-day saint not much is known, the subject being avoided both by himself and his old associates; but he was clearly a leading spirit in the church, and was just the man to take charge of the Californian scheme. There is no good reason to doubt his devotion to the cause, but it was his firm intention to build up his own fortunes with those of his sect; he was greatly displeased with President Young's change of plans respecting Cal. ; and having failed during a visit to Salt Lake to modify the president's views, it required but few years to divest himself entirely his of old-time religious fervor and become an apostate. Mean while, at S. F. he was a leading spirit from the first, preaching eloquently on Sundays, publishing the Star, buying town lots, taking part in political con troversies, working zealously for the advancement of the town's educational and other interests, always aggressive but liberal in his views, showing no signs of sectarianism. For mention in this part of his career '46-7, see v. 494, 649-51, 666-8, 681-2. In '47 he established the firm of C. C. Smith & Co. at Sac., later Brannan & Co., in which Mellus & Howard and Wm Stout were partners. The immense profits of his store after the discovery of gold in '48-9, with his mining operations at Mormon Island, and the increase of S.F. real estate, made him a little later the richest man in Cal. Of his career after '48 something will be found in vol. vi. of this work ; also in my Popular Tri bimals, B. having been prominent in connection with the vigilance committees. I do not attempt even to outline his most remarkable career as capitalist and speculator. In many parts of the state and even beyond its limits he acquired immense interests, showing in their management the ability and energy so characteristic of the man. He probably did more for S.F. and for other places than was effected by the combined efforts of scores of better men; and indeed, in many respects he was not a bad man, being as a rule straightforward as well as shrewd in his dealings, as famous for his acts of charity and open-handed liberality as for his enterprise, giving also frequent proofs of personal bravery. In '59 he purchased the Calistoga estate, in connection with the improvement of which his name is perhaps most widely known. Here he established a dis tillery on a grand scale, and here in '68 he received eight bullets and nearly lost his life in a quarrel for possession of a mill. Meanwhile he had given him self up to strong drink; for 20 years or more he was rarely sober after noon; and he became as well known for his dissolute habits and drunken freaks as he had been for his \vealth and ability. Domestic troubles led to divorce from the wife married in '44, who with their child had come with him in '46 and borne him other children in Cal.; division of the estate was followed by un lucky speculations, and Brannan's vast wealth melted gradually away. In the days of his prosperity he had liberally supported the cause of Mexico against the French invasion and its tool Maximilian, and just before 1880 he obtained in return a grant of lands in Sonora, embarking with somewhat of his old en ergy in a grand scheme of colonization, which has thus far proved a total fail ure. For the last year or two down to '85 Brannan has lived at Guaymas or on the frontier, remarried to a Mexican woman, a sorry wreck physically and financially, yet clear-headed as ever and full of courage for the future. Thou sands of pioneers in Cal. remember this erratic genius with the kindliest of feelings, and hope that he may yet add a brilliant closing chapter to the record of one of the most remarkable characters in California!! annals. Brant (Henry), 1845, one of Fremont's men. iv. 583. Brasher (S. M.), 1841, mid. on the St Louis. Brass (Benj.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenlisted at Los Aug. Brasseau (Chas), 1847, at N. Helv. Braun (Jean BRAUN BREWER. 729 Louis), 1831, Frenchman, 26 years old, from N. Hex. perhaps with Wolfskill or Jackson, iii. 387. Braun (Philip), 1847, Co. H7 N. Y. Vol. (v. 499). Braunc (Chas J. W.), 1845, perhaps one of Fremont's men. iv. 583, 587; ac cidentally burned to death in El JDorado Co. '79. Bravo (David), soldier at Mont. '30, age 43. B. (Juan de Dios), 1832, in the comp. extranjera at Mont. iii. 221; regidor at Los Ang. '35. iii. 635 B. (JuanN.), 1842-5, sub-Iieut of the batallou fijo. iv. 289. B. (Manuel), 1842, ditto, iv. 289. B. (Marcelino), inval. at Brancif. 1799. i. 571. Bray (Edmund), 1844, Irish immig. in the Stevens party, age 37. iv. 445, 453. He was employed by Sutter from '45, serving in the Micheltorena cam paign, iv. 486; went to the mines in '48. He was disabled by a fall in '56, and in '72 had been for 6 years in the Sac. county hospital, where he wrote for me his Memoir, an excellent narrative of the journey overland. B. (Edward), 1847, mr of the Henry, v. 578; owner of a S.F. lot. Brazier (Richard), 1847, sergt Co. E, Morm. Bat. v. 477; prob. did not come to Cal. Breager, with a party of trappers between '32 and '40. iii. 392. Breck (James Win), 1829-30, Boston man who perhaps visited Cal. on a whaler, and possibly remained at that time, ii. 573, iii. 179, though some say he came back from Honolulu in '37 to become a permanent resid. of Sta B., where he married and had many children; still living in '76 at the age of 76. Also named as owner of a rancho near S. Luis Ob., and as an otter-hunter in '41-5. Information about him is very unsatisfactory. Breckenridge (Thomas E.), 1845, one of Fremont's men, serving in the Cal. Bat., and as one of the Sta B. garrison '46. v. 306, 453, 583; had a Cal. claim (v. 462) of $20, and was at Washington May '48 to testify at the court-martial. Breen (Patrick), 1846, Irishman who came to Amer. in '28, and from Iowa overland in the Donner party (v. 530-44, where all the members of this fam ily are named), with his wife Margaret and 7 children, the whole family sur viving the perils of that terrible journey. Breen's original Diary of tie Donner Party is one of the most highly prized treasures of my Library. The Breens lived at Murphy's on the Cosumnes till Sept. '47, then at S. Jose till Feb. '48, when they settled at S. Juan B. Here Patrick died in '68 and his widow in '74. Portraits and biog. sketches of the family in McGlasharis Donner Part:/. The Breens have always been regarded as honest, hard-working people. B. (Edward J.), 1846, son of Patrick. His sufferings on the overland trip were aggravated by a broken leg; living at S. Juan in '85 with 2d wife and 5 chil dren. B. (Isabella), 1846, infant daughter of Patrick; married Thos McMa- hon '69; at Hollister '85. B. (James F.), 1846, son of Patrick, b. in Iowa '41; educated at Sta Clara college; lawyer at S. Juan B. He has been district attorney, assemblyman, county judge, and from '79 superior judge of S. Be- nito. Married in '70, and living in '85 with wife and two children. B. (John), 1846, oldest son of Patrick, 14 years old, and strongest of the family except the mother, yet barely escaping death. In the mines at Mormon Isl. '48, and in the winter built a house where Placerville stood later. Returning to S. Juan and buying the old residence of Gen. Castro, he married a daughter of Ed. Smith in '52, and in '85 still lived there with wife and 9 children. In his Pioneer Memoirs, Breen has contributed an interesting narrative of 80 p. to my collection. B. (Patrick, Jr), 1846, son of Patrick, 9 years old on arrival; a farmer at S. Juan, married in '65, and living in '85 with wife and 4 chil dren. B. (Peter), 1846, son of Patrick, a child in '46; died unmarried in '70. B. (Simon P.), 1846, son of Patrick; living '85 at S. Juan with wife and 2 children. B. (Wm M.), 1848, son of Patrick, b. at S. Juan; died 74, leaving a widow and child. Brenard (Sam.), 1848, named as one of the murderers of the Reed family. v. 640. Brenerd (T.), 1848. at Mont. Brennan, see 'Brannan.' Bressak, 1845, at Mont. Brestone (Robert), 1838, named in Larkin's Accts. Bret- ely (Jose), 1841, at Sta B. Brewer (Charles), 1832, mr of the Victoria, iii. 384. A Boston man of the well-known firm, of Peirce & B. at Honolulu. Revisited Cal. in '79 with his daughter; living at Jamaica Plains, Mass., at the age of 80 in '84, when he 730 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. also printed for his family a small vol. of Reminiscences, of which he presented a copy for my collection. B. (C, 2d, G. W., and H. B.), 1848, passp. from Honolulu. Brewerton (Geo. D.), 1847, lieut Co. C, N.Y. Vol., trans, to Co. K. v. 504; went east in '48 with Carson's party to N. Mex. (see Brewertoris Hide, in i. list of auth.); later lieut 1st U.S. infantry; colonel in 78; living in N.Y. '79. Brewster, 1829, said to have been master of the whaler Al- vins (?). B. (F. M.), 1848, on the Julian. Brian (Henry), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518). Briant (John S.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 409); reenlisted at Los Ang. Bridger (James), 1835 (?), noted trapper of the plains and mountains. It is not clear that he visited Cal. before '49, but he is likely to have done so. iii. 413. Bridges (J. C.), 1843, Kentuckian immig. from Or. in the Hastings party; employed by Sutter and perhaps by Smith at Bodega, but died in the winter of '43-4. iv. 390, 390, 400, Brieu (D. L.), 1847, asst surg. U.S. Columbus. Briggs (1846), in Sutter's employ. B., 1832, mr of the Phoebe, reported as dead the same year. B. (C. P.), 1844, sailor at S.F. from the Morea. iv. 453; later in Leidesdorff's employ; and perhaps one of the Bears in '46 (v. 101); but all seems to rest on his own statement in '72. He was perhaps the P. A. Briggs who joined Co. G, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), at S. Jose in Nov; and the C. P. A. Briggs married at S.F. '47 to Catherine Coombs. (See i. list of auth.) B. (Calvin T.), 1837 (?), overl. immig., nat. of Vt, died '68, aged 60. Soc. Pion., records; also reported to have come in. '32 on a whaler, to have been a trapper on the coast, and later resid. of S. Joaquin. S. F. Examiner, iii. 408. B. (Castor, or Caspar), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); at S. F. '74-82. B. (Charles), 1847, settler at Benicia; B. & Russell, lumber dealers, v. 672. B. (Francis), 1845, perhaps one of Fremont's men; in Cal. Bat. (v. 358); one of Talbot's garrison at Sta B. iv. 583; v. 316. B. (Geo.), 1847, mr of the Isa bella, v. 511. Briggs, 1848, of sloop Stockton running from S.F. to Sonoma. v. 646. Brigham (E. R.), 1847, Co. B, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Brincken (Wil- helm), 1840, one of the Graham exiles who did not return, iv. 18. Bringas (Luis M.), ment. in connection with J. M. Herrera's trial '27. iii. 61-2. Brinsmadc (A. A.), 1848, at S. F. August-Sept., treasurer S. F. guards. Brionea (Antonio), corporal at S. Juan Cap., killed by Ind. i. 315. B. (Antonio), soldier and Ind. fighter 1810; smuggler '20-1. ii. 91, 411, 440-1, 564. B. (Canute), S. F. militia '37. B. (Desiderio), ditto; at S. F. '41; wounded by Ind. '39; juez de campo S. Jose" '43. iv. 76, 685. B. (Felipe), regidor at S. Jose" '20. ii. 378; on S. Mateo rancho, elector S. F. '35. iii. 704; killed by Ind. '40. iv. 76. B. (Gregorio), soldier of S. F. comp. '16-27. ii. 371; militiaman S. F. '37; alcalde contra costa '35. iii. 704; regidor S. F. '36. iii. 705; alcalde S. Mateo '38. iii. 705; owner of lots at S. F. '41-5. iv. 669; v. 683; at Sonoma '44, age 47; juez at S. Rafael, and grantee of Baulines '46. iv. C77; v. 669-70. B. (Juana), mentioned as a widow at S. F., and also as the wife of Apolinario Miranda, noted for her kindness to sick and deserting sail ors; had an adobe house in the North Beach region in '36; owner of lot '41-5. iii. 709; iv. 669; later claimant for Purisima rancho, Sta Clara Co. iii. 712; still living at Mayfield '78 at a very advanced age. B. (Manuel), soldier at S. Juan B. before 1800. i. 558. B. (Manuela Valencia de), widow at S. Jose" '41, age 47; children, Ramon b. '13, Desiderio '16, Isidora '20, Casimiro '24, Felipa '18, Maria Ant. '27, Angela '30, Encarnacion '32, Marcelino '34, Vicente '36, Carmen '38. B. (Marcos), soldier at Soledad, inval. at Brancif. 1791- 1800. i. 499, 571; comisionado at Brancif. 1812. ii. 390; still living at S. Jos< '41, a native of Sinaloa, age 87. B. (Pablo), in Marin Co. and Sonoma from '37, prob. son of Gregorio. B. (Ramon), soldier at S.F. '37, '44. Bristler (John), 1846, bugler in Co. C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). Bris- tow (Elijah), 1845, an old Kentuckian at N. Helv. iv. 578; an overl. immig. and called by some a Mormon. J. H. Brown says that B. came with himself and in the Grigsby-Ide party. Wintering at the fort, where he was badly hurt by being thrown from a horse, he went to Or. in '46. v. 526; where he died hi '72. Hist. Or., i. 568-9. Britton, 1845, at N. Helv. Dec., perhaps an error. B. (W. P.), 1848, passp. from Honolulu. Brizzee (Henry W.), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenl. at L. Ang.; in Arizona '82. BROADHURST BROWN. 731 Broadhurst (Stephen), 1848, overl. iminig. from Mo. with his wife; in Mer ced Co. 73. Brock (Elisha E.), 1848, Virginian, overl. immig., accomp. by his family; a miner on the Yuba; farmer at Sta Clara, and from '62 near Gil- roy, where he died in '09. His widow, Eliza S. Day, survived him: there were 9 children, 3 of them boni in Cal. B. (Hiram), 1846, Cal. Bat. '46-7 (v. 358); in S. Joaq. Valley '48. Brockee (Joseph), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); drowned in Stanislaus Riv. '47. Broder (Andrew H.), 1847, Soc. Cal. Pion. rolls. Brohan (John), 1847, Co. A, N.Y.Vol. ; died at Stockton '50. Brolaski (Henry Lyons), 1841, overl. immig. of the Bartleson party, iv. 267, 270, 275, 342; at Mont. Feb. '42, but soon sailed for Callao, from which place he writes in '44 to Larkin and T. H. Green. He succeeded his brother in business at Callao for three years from '44; at St Louis Sept. '48, anxious to come to Cal. and establish a saw-mill; but said to have been living in Mo. as late as '70. He sometimes signed Brolaskey. Brooks (S. S.), 1848 (?), store keeper at Colima. El Dorado Co. Hist. Brooker (Alex. V. ), 1846, at S. Jose" ; in '47 digging a cellar for Larkin at S.F. Brookey, overl. immig. with Bry ant, v. 528; inent. by Sherman as a worthless fellow at S.F. '47; prob. same as preceding. Brookman (Israel), 1846, doubtful mention as a Bear Flag man living in '62. Brooks (Chas W.), 1847, Co. K, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). B. (Ed ward J. ), 1847, Co. I, N.Y.Vol. B. (Geo. ), 1848, passp. froin Honolulu. B. (H. L.), 1848, ditto. B. (J. Tyrwhitt), 1848, Engl. physician, who came by sea from Or., and made a tour in the mines; author of Four Months among the Gold-Finders. B. (Wm S.), 1847, on the U.S. Preble; later in govt employ at S.F. and Mare Isl., where he was in '79; twice married with 8 children. Sola no Co. Hist., 334. Brotchie (Wm), 1837, Engl. master of the Cadborb, Llama, Nereid, and Coiditz, on ths coast '37-42, in service of H. B. Co. from Vancouver, iv. 101, 105, 564. Brothers (P.), to Honolulu from S. F. on the Francisea. Brough- ton (Wm Robert), 1792, com. of the H. B. M. S. Chatham; and of the Prov idence 1796. i. 510-13, 538-9, 685; author of Voy. of Discov. to the North Pac. Ocean, Lond. 1804. B. (Sam. Q.), 1846-7, Co. B, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Brower (Geo.), 1845, at Mont, from N. Y. Browett (Daniel), 1847, sergt Co. E, Mono. Bat. (v. 477); in Sutter's employ '47-8 as carpenter and boat-builder; killed by Ind. on his way to Utah July '48. v. 496. Brown, 1793, mr of an Engl. vessel, i. 514, 705. B., 1803, mr of the Alexander, ii. 12, 15-17, 94, 103, 108, 130, 144. B., 1831, deserter from the Fanny. B., 1845, cook for Sutter from Oct. B., '46-8, often named at N. Helv.; may be the preceding or one or more of the following. B., 1848, came with Peter J. Davis; family. B., 1848, mining at Coloma. B., 1847, from Honolulu to S. F. on the Guipuzcoana. Brown (Albert), 1844, Arner. 28 years old at S.F. B. (Alex.), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); in '82 at Lynne, Utah. B. (Benj.), 1832, named in a board bill at Mont. Brown (Charles), 1833, nat. of N. Y., b. in '14, who deserted from the whaler Helvetius at S. F. iii. 409, 382; ii. 590-1. In later years Brown always claimed to have come in '29; but the archive evidence is conclusive against the statement, both himself and his comrade deserters testifying in early years and in different doc. that they came in '33, to say nothing of the fact that the Helvetius does not appear in the lists of '29. He lived for a time at Pinole with Felipe Briones; served P. Quijas at S. Rafael; went to Sonoma with the H. P. colony; got a land grant in '34 in Napa Valley, which he sold to Capt. Stokes, iii. 712; was severely wounded in an Ind. exped. to the north, iii. 360; and worked at shingle-making for Geo. Yourit all this by his own account before the end of '35, but most of these events are prob. antedated. The 1st original evidence of his presence is a permission to cut timber given by Vallejo in May '37; in '38 he was baptized by P. Quijas as Carlos de Jesus, and about the same time married a daughter of Antonio Garcia of S. *Tose; arrested in '40 but not exiled, being at that time at work in the redwoods of Sta Clara Co. iv. 9, 17, 23; naturalized in '41, claiming 9 years' residence; in '44 named in a S. F. list, owning a lot at the mission, iv. 676, 673; in '45 took part in the Micheltorena campaign by exchanging him- 732 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. self as a prisoner for Manuel Castro, iv. 487. To about '49 he lived on a rancho near Searsville, and later at the Mission Dolores, where in '78 he gave me his narrative of Early Events, and where he died in '83 at the age of G9. His second wife was Rosalia de Haro, widow of A. A. Andrews, who survived him with several grown children, and who I think still lives in '85. Brown (Uhas), 1845. iv. 587; real name 'Dittmann,' q.v. B. (Chas), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). B. (Chas), 1848, at Sta Cruz '81. S. J. Pioneer. Brown (Ebenezer), 1847, sergt Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Mont. '48. B. (Edmund Lee), 1847, sergt Co. E, Morm. Bat. v. 495; reenl. at Los Aug.; a Virginian who remained in Cal. ; alcalde at S. Diego and in charge of the mission '47-8. v. 618-20; claimant for Laguna de Santos Calle rancho. iv. 671; died at Davisville '72 age 68. Brown (Elam), 1846, nat. of N. Y., b. in 1797, moving to Mass., Ohio, 111., Mo. , and finally overland to Cal. with his children in a party of which he was captain, v. 528. He went to Sta Clara; served in Aram's comp. (v. 378); was named for the proposed legis. council in '47. v. 433; bought the Acalanes rancho. iii. 711; and was juez of the contra coata in '48. v. 662. In '49 he was a member of the constitutional convention, and also of the first two legisla tures. From '48 to '85, being now 88 years old, Brown has lived on his Contra Costa farm, a rich man and respected citizen. His second wife, married in '47, was Mrs Margaret Allen, who died in '84 at the age of 89. His daughter Mar- geline became the wife of Napoleon B. Smith, and was still living in Contra Costa Co. '85. His sons were Thomas A., Warren J., and Lawrence M. The Contra Costa Co. Hist., 515, contains Brown's reminiscences of his overland trip and Californian experience, in which as is common with '46 immig., an exaggerated importance is attached to the Sanchez campaign of Sta Clara. See also list of auth. vol. i. Brown (E.), 1S48, passp. from Honolulu. Brown (Francis), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). B. (Geo.), 1844, Amer. sailor on the Admittance, discharged sick in '45. B. (James), 1847, capt. Co. C, Morm. Bat.; left behind in N. Mex., but came to Cal. by the Truckee route before the end of '47. v. 477, 482, 494; delivered an oration at a battalion reunion at Salt Lake City '55. B. (James), 1847, returned with Stockton or Fremont; a witness at Washington Jan '48. v. 454; possibly same as preceding. B. (James), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). B. (James S.), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat.; in Sutter's employ; at the Coloma mill when fold was discov.; at Salt Lake City '82. B. (James), 1837, named in Lar- in's books; cook on the California in '40. B. (Jeffery), 1836, on Larkin's books '36-40; arrested at Los Aug. in '40. iv. 14, 118. Brown (John), 1828 (?), Swede known as Juan Flaco or 'lean John,' and famous for his ride from Los Aug. to Mont, with despatches in '46. iii. 173; v. 303-4. He claimed to have come on a Mex. vessel in '28 after an adventu rous career in the Engl. navy and the service of Bolivar in S. Amer. ; also to have been one of Graham's men in '36-7 (iii. 457), and one of Sutter's men in the campaign of '44-5 (iv. 476) ; he died at Stockton in '59. I find no original evidence of his presence before '46; bnt there was a John Brown on Larkin's books '37-9; a Jean Louis Braun at Los Ang. '36; and a John ' Moreno, ' Dutch sawyer at S.F. '42. B. (John), 1804, negro deserter from O'Cain's ship at S.D.; sent to S. Bias. ii. 26. B. (John), 1825-7, mr of the Joven Tartar (?). iii. 149. B. (John), 1846, Co.C, 1st U.S. dragoons (v. 336). B. (John), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); Utah farmer '81. B. (John G.), 1841, in U.S. ex. exped. iv. 241. Brown (John Henry), 1843-5, Engl. sailor who came to Amer. about '30, wandered westward, and about '40 went to live with the Cherokee Ind. In '43, with a party of Cherokee fur-traders under Dan Coodey the half-breed, he crossed the country by the Humboldt and Truckee route, spending the winter at what was later Johnson's rancho not visiting Sutter's fort, though some of the Ind. did so returning in the spring of '44 eastward, and meeting the Stevens party (iv. 445) on the way. After many adventures in the great basin and Texas, Brown came back to Cal. in '45 with the Grigsby-Ide party (iv. 578). All this rests solely on his own statement; but there is little doubt that he BROWN BRUNER. 733 came overland in '45, in a party that was with the Grigsby-Ide part of the way, end about which there is much confusion that I am unable to clear up (iv. 578, 587). He may have been the B. employed by Sutter as cook in Oct. '45; but the 1st definite record is that of his departure from N. Helv. for S.F. Jan. 14, '46. At S.F. he was a well-known character as bar-tender and hotel-keeper '40-50. At 1st with Ridley; kept the Portsmouth House from Oct. '46; the City Hotel, cor. Kearny and Clay streets, sometimes known as Brown's Hotel, at different times in '47-50; nominal owner of a dozen city lots or more in '48. A-. 672, 680. In Dec. '46 he married Hetty C., daughter of E. Ward Pell, and in April '47 advertised her as having left him; but he soon married again and had children by his 2d wife. In '50-81 he lived at Sta Cruz, and then re turned to S.F., where in '85 he keeps a grocery, being 75 years old. John Henry is one of those who claim ' to know more than any other live man ' about early times in S.F. , and one of these days he is going to publish what he knows, thus gaining no end of fame and money. He gave me, however, some useful items. B. (J. H.), 1847-8, made a trip to Honolulu on the Mary Ann, re turning in Dec. '48; perhaps same as the preceding. Brown (Lawrence M.), 1846, son of Elam; died in Contra Costa Co. '77, leaving a widow and 2 children still living in ! 85. B. (Martin), 1845, immig. from Or. in the McMahon-Clyman party; probably returned to Or. '46. v. 572, 526. B. (Philip), 1847, lot-owner at S.F. v. 676. B. (R.), 1848, passp. from Honolulu. B. (Richard), 1845-7, a Delaware Ind. of Fremont's comp. B. (Robert), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518). B. (Robt), 1828, 'Roberto el Baleado,' a horse-thief operating in Cal.; the reference may be to Peg-leg Smith or to Juan Flaco. B. (Sam.), 1946, overl. immig. of German descent who in '47 built houses for Larkin at Benicia. v. 671; in Napa Valley '48; went to Or. about '50, becoming a farmer at French Prairie, and a candidate for the state senate in '66. B. (Talbot), 1844, Amer. at Mont., who got a pass port for one year. B. (Thomas), 1839* named in Larkin's books '39-40; said to have come in '34. Sta Clara Co. Hist. Atlas. Brown (Thomas A.), 1847, son of Elam, b. in 111. '23, overl. immig. to Or. '43, who visited Cal. '47. In '48 he came to Cal. to stay, settling at Martinez in '49. In Or. a surveyor; in Cal. at 1st miner and trader; holding several town and county offices, and becoming a lawyer; married in '51 to Caroline Camron. County judge '56-64, and '74-80; assemblyman '65-8; candidate for U. S. senate; judge of the superior court of Contra Costa from '80; still living '85, with wife and 3 sons. Portrait in Contra Costa Co. Hist. , 56. B. (Warren J.), 1847,. son of Elam, b. in 111. '26; started with his father in '46, but was left sick at Ft Bridger and went to Or., coming to Cal. in Sept. '47. Lumberman and miner '47-8; storekeeper '49-50 at Martinez, where he lived till 71, having married Laura A. Hastings in '54. He held the offices of county surveyor, assemblyman, and sheriff. From 75 he lived on a farm at Lafayette, where he was still in '85; no children. B. (Wm), 1844, sail-maker on the Vandalia, implicated in a robbery. B. (Wm), 1847, witness at Wash. in Fremont court-martial Jan. '48; perhaps went easii with F. or Stockton, v. 454. B. (W. B.), 1847, in list of letters S. F. B. (WmH.), 1847, N.Y.Vol., under another name; at Oakland 74. B. (W. H.), 1841, acting lieut on U.S. St Louis. B. (Win W.)> 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); reenlisted. Brownell (Russell G. ), 1847, musician Co. C, Morm. Bat. ( v. 469). Brown ing (John W. ), 1847, Co. K, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Brownlea (J. J.), 1841, assist surg. on U. S. St Louis. Bruce (David), 1845-^7, sail-maker on the U.S. Portsmouth. Brucon (John), 1840, Amer. deserter from the Morse, age 19, at S. F. Bruen (John H ), 1847, perhaps of N.Y.Vol. under another name; died at S. Isidro 78. Bruheim (Adolf), 1842, German, age 21, who came on the California from Honolulu as servant to a passenger, being permitted to remain, iv. 341; went to N. Helv.; employed by Cordua on Feather River '45-6; and named as one of the 1st Donner relief party, v. 539; no record of him after '47, but I think he lived at S. F. in later years under another name. Bruner (Christian), 1846, overl. immig. with his wife and brother; employed by Sutter '47, also owning a lot 734 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. at S. F. ; in '57 at S. F. he was sentenced to state prison for 11 years for murder committed when in liquor. S. F. Herald. B. (Jacob), 1846, brother of the preceding; settled at Sonoma. Brunson (Clinton D.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); in Utah '81. Brusle (Jackson), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); d. Contra Costa Co. '54. B. (Wash.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. Bryan (Abner), 1845, at N. Helv. '45-6; iv. 578, 587; testified before the land com. after '50. I am informed by D. L. Adams, whose mother B. mar ried, that he is still living '85 in Sta B. Co. B. (J. W.), 1847, farmer in Sta Clara Co. '47-76; a native of Mo. B. (Wm), 1848, at Monterey; perhaps 'Bryant.' Bryant (A.), 1847, acting mr of the U. S. Jpale. Bryant (Edwin), 1846, nat. of Mass., and a journalist of Ky, who came overland at the head of a party, v. 527-36. He took a prominent part in en listing men for the Cal. Bat., in which he served as lieut of Co. H. v. 359. 361; alcalde of S. F. Feb.-May '47, also lot-owner, v. 648, 676; returned east with Gen. Kearny, and testified at the Fremont court-martial, v. 452, 456, 543. He came back across the plains in '49, and was for 4 or 5 years a prominent citizen, property owner, and politician; also visited Cal. several times after he went east to live; died at Louisville, Ky, in : 69 at the age of 64. His What I Saw in Cal., published just after his 1st visit, is a standard authority on events of '46-7. B. (Nathaniel C.), 1846, mid., acting master of the U. S. Dale. B. (Stephen), 1842, Amer. cook on the schr California. B. (Wm), 1846, overl. immig. accompanied by his wife Lucy Ann. v. 528; at Benicia '47-8, where he built houses for Larkin. v. 672; in the mines from end of '48, and died of cholera in '50. According to testimony in later litigation, he was the owner of Mare Island, living on it in '47-8. His widow married a man named Grissoin, and in '77 was living in Sonoma Co. Bryen (Geo.), 1846, Co. C, 1st U. S. dragoons, v. 336. Buchalas, 1846, doubtful name of an immig. v. 529. Buchanan, 1845, Amer. immig. from Or. in the McMahon-Clyman party, iv. 572, 587; per haps at N. Helv. '47-8. B. (John), 1847, Co. D, Morm. Bat.; at Manti, Utah, '82. B. (John C.), 1846, Kentnckian immig. with Bryant's party, v. 528; of the firm McDonald & B. at S.F., auctioneers, Jan.-May '48; owner of many city lots; alcalde's clerk '47. v. 648, 651, 676, 682-3. Perhaps a resid of S. F. in later years. B. (McKean), 1846, nat. of Penn., purser of the U. S. .Dale '46-7; died in Mass. '71; father of the actor of the same name. Buck (Nicholas), 1847, sail-maker on the U. S. Independence. Buckbee (Flavius), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Buckelew (Benj. R.), 1846, New Yorker and overl. immig. with Hoppe and Harlan. (v. 526); kept a jewelry and watch-maker's shop at Clark's Point S. F. '47-8, being also publisher of the Californian, owner of many lots, and member of the town council, v. 648-9, 658, 672, 684. He was interested in several newspapers and was engaged in trade after '49. Claimant of the Pt Quintin rancho. iii. 712; and owner of part of the Nicasio rancho. Died in Marin Co. '59 at the age of 37, leaving a family. Buckland ( Alondus D. L. ), 1846, of the Mormon colony with family, v. 546; one of the founder's of New Hope on the Stanislaus, which he was the last to leave, settling at Stockton in '47-8, and later builder of the Buckland House in S. F. B. (Hannah D.), 1846, mother of Alondus. v. 546; owner of S. F. lot; in Utah '84. Buckle (Robert), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); owner of a lot at S. F. Buckle (Samuel), 1821-3, Engl. sailor and laborer at Mont. '29, claiming 6 years' residence, age 28; in '33 a contractor to furnish lumber; in '40-1 de scribed as an Engl. sawyer, age 45, and residence 19 years; naturalized in '41, when he lived at Branciforte, having been baptized as Jose" Samuel, often called Manuel, and his name being written also Boc, Bocle, Bockel, Bokle, Bugle, and Buchel. ii. 445, 495; iii. 180. In '45 named in the Brancif. padron as a bachelor aged 50. No more is heard of him by the name of Buckle; but he seems to have been the Samuel Thompson who appears often in Larkin 's books and corresp. as a lumberman at Sta Cruz from '33 to '48. The news papers tell us how Samuel sailed for many years in search of his brother Wm, but gave up the search and settled at Mont. , soon meeting his brother accidentally BUCKLE-BUFFUM. 735 at Sta Cruz; but about dates and details of this strange meeting there is much confusion. Nor have I any clew to the motive of the two for using two names, Buckle and Thompson. Samuel died at the house of Chas Martin in the Sta Cruz Mts in '72. Buckle (Wm), 1823, baptized as Jose" Guillermo, brother of Samuel, at Mont. '29, age 25, and married; also claiming 16 years' residence in ; 39, when he was naturalized, having moved with his brother to Branciforte and obtained the grant of La Cabonera in '38. ii. 495; iii. 677; in '43 he signed a doc. against Graham, iv. 356, and obtained a license to build a vessel of 35 tons. In '45 he is named in the Brancif. padron as 42 years of age; wife Antonia Castro, children Guillermo b. '33, Jose" Ant. '35, Maria Teresa 31, Maria Sebola (?) '36, Francisco '38, Guillerma '39, Josefa '40, and Maria Jesus '44 all b. at Branciforte. It was at his house that Henry Naile was killed in '46. v. 641. There is no later record of Buckle, but Wm Thompson appears in Larkin's accounts und other records from '33 to '47; was one of the foreigners arrested in '40; and was 2d juez at Sta Cruz in '46. He died about '59. ii. 479; iii. 4C9; iv. 17; v. 641. Buckler, 1845, a settler in the Sac. Val. Buckley (Newman), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); a book agent in Sprihgville, Utah, '82. Buckner (Thos M.), 1848, Kentuckian miner from Or.; at Span ish Dry Diggings, El JUorado Co., '82. Budington, 1843-4, mr of the Wm C. Nye. iv. 570; in Conn. '82. Budd (Chas K.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); in Sonoma '68. Buel (Frederic), 1841, said to have visited Mont, by sea before '46. Oakland Home Jour. , Nov. 1, '73; said also to have served after graduation at Yale on the whaler Brafjanza. Wood's Rc.colL, 39; and this ves sel was on the coast in '41. v. 279. B. was a presbyterian clergyman, agent for the Amer. Bible Soc. on the Pac. coast for 20 years; d. at Oakland '73. Buelna (Antonio), Mex. soldier before 1780; in the Soledad escolta, settler at S. F., holder of a rancho near Mont, before 1801. i. 499, 683, 716, 734; ii. 171; teacher at Mont, and S. Jose" 1818-21, '29. ii. 378-9, 427, 603, 613. B. (Antonio), perhaps son of the preceding, also a soldier at one time, possibly confounded with his father or another Antonio in some records; member of the diputacion from '28. iii. 36, 41-3, 50, 63; alcalde of Mont. '31. iii. 187, 194, 212, 672; dip. again in '35-9; com. of S. Jose troops in Alvarado's revolt, sent to the south as comisionado '37. iii. 291, 454-5, 457, 460, 469, 481, 491, 506, 585, 692; grantee of S. Gregorio aud S. Francisquito in '39. iii. 678, 713; in com. of exped. against Ind. and foreigners '39-40. iv. 22, 256. In '41 at S. Jose 1 , age 50, wife Concepcion Valencia, children Juan b. '16, Concepcion '38; juez de paz at Sta Clara '41-2. iv. 6S3-6; but died in '42. Though some what prominent as shown above, B. was a very ignorant and commonplace man. B. (E.), prob. son of Ant., and claimant of S. Gregorio in '52. iii. 678. B. (Fe"lix), resid. of S. Jos6 from '37; 2d alcalde '39, '44, '45. iii. 731; iv. 685; in '41, age 27, wife Bernarda Sepiilveda, child. Juliana and Maria; '46 2d juez. v. 664; sub-prefect '49; moved to Mont. '54. He furnished a Narration for my use in 76. B. (Joaquin), brother of Antonio, writer of various verses; comi sionado at Brancif. 1818. ii. 244-5, 390; teacher at S. Jose" '21. ii. 603; alcalde or juez auxiliar at Brancif. '26, '32, '38-9. ii. 627, 696-7; grantee of Sayante rancho '33. iii. 679; sec. ayunt. '36. iii. 697; juez aux. at Pilarcitos, Refugio, etc. '40-2, '46. iii. 676; iv. 653; v. 637. B. (Jose" F.), elector at S. Jose" '43. iv. 361, 685. B. (Jose" Ramon), grantee of Potrero y Rincon de S. Pedro '38. iii. 678; alcalde at Brancif. '45. v. 664; age 30, wife Rafaela Perez, child. Guadalupe, Matilde, and Juan. B. (Juan), at S. F. and Mont, from '26. ii. 612; in '41 at S. Jose", age 49, wife Ascension Bernal, child. Trinidad, Antonia M., Francisco, and Alta Gracia. B. (Maria Antonia), teacher at Mont. '18- 24. B. (Ramon), soldier before 1780; settler at Los Ang. from '93-1819; regi- dor in 1802. ii. 1 10, 349-50, 354. Buenaventura (Jose"), 1829, Irishman, fam ily name not known; at Los Ang. with certif. of good character, age 47. Buffin, 1845, possibly in the Grigsby-Ide party, but prob. went to Or. iv. 578-9. Buffum (Edward Gould), 1847, lieut Co. B, N.Y.Vol. v. 504; having been previously connected with the N. Y. Herald. After his discharge went to the mines in '48, and in '49-50 was a reporter on the Alta, serving also as 736 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. sec. of various public meetings. Then he went east and published his Six Months in the Gold Mines, Phila, 1850. Returning to Cal. '53, he rejoined the Alta corps, acting at times as editor, notably during the time of the vigilance com. of '06; member of the legislature '55; went in '57 to Paris, where he wrote letters for the Alta and N. Y. Herald, and where he committed suicide in '67, at the age of about 45. He was a man of good character and abilities. Buhne (H. H.), 1847, Danish mate of the Clementine, who came back in '49, and from '50 was a pioneer of Humboldt Co. , where he still lived in '82 with wife and 5 children, a prominent man of business. Portrait in Uumb. Co. Hist., 164. Bujan (Antonio), 1844, a militiaman at S. F., called Buyano, aged 25, and Mex., but he was a foreigner who came earlier, perhaps in '42, witness in the Santillan case; in later times he kept a wayside inn and saloon in Visitacion. Valley, S.F., where he still is perhaps in '85. Bull (James H.), 1844, at S. F. Bull, 1848, mr of the Olga. Bullard, 1846, owner of a Los Ang. rancho (?). Bullen (Newell), 1846, of the Morm. col. with wife and 3 children, v. 546; owner of a S. F. lot '47. v. 680; died in Utah, where his family resided '84. Bullock (Ezekial), 1847, Co. E, NY. Vol. (v. 499); at S. F. '74-82. B. (James D.), 1848, mid. on the U. S. War ren. Bultice (Vincent), 1847, Co. G, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); died before '82. Bund (John), 1847, Co. I, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at Hawkeye, Calaveras Co. 71-4. Bunker (Benj.), 1841, gunner on the U. S. St Louis, and in J 47 on the Independence. B. (Alex.), 1822, mr of the Ontario, ii. 474. B. (Ed ward), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); a bishop in Utah '82. Burch (Chas H.), 1846, claimant for supplies to Fremont (v. 462) to the extent of $39; at N. Heir. '47-8; went to Or. and ret. in '48. Burger (Chas), German of the Donner party w r ho died in the mts. v. 531, 534. Burgeman (Emil), 1847, Co. G, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Burgess, 1846, immig. with Bryant; perhaps did not come to Cal. B. (Edward), 1847, Co. B, N. Y.Vol., transf. to Co. G (v. 499); owner of a S. F. lot. v. 676; went to Hon olulu on the Julia '47, ret. in '48; at Honolulu 71. B. (Thos H.), 1845, Kentuckian immig. in the Grigsby-Ide party, iv. 578, 587; joined the Bears, with Ford at Olompali in '46. v. 167; Cal. claim of $35 (v. 462); went south with Frdmont; with Gillespie at Los Ang., and at S. Pascual. v. 347, 350; at N. Helv. '47-8. Burhell (Richard), 1846, Co. B, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), enlisting at S. Jose". Burke (Jas), 1847, Co. A, N.Y.Vol.; died on the Stanislaus '51. Burke (James W.), 1824, Irish trader from S. Amer. on iheJoven Tartar, who settled at Sta B. in '28, ii. 526, 573, being then 30 years old. His name often Santiago and Walter appears often in commercial and other records from '30; married Josefa Boronda, and in '36 had 6 children, being then regi- dor and an applicant for lands, iii. 426, 654. Still living at Sta B. 76, but seems to have died a year or two later. Burkins (James), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518). Burling (Joseph), 1795, Irish sailor at Sta B. desir ing to remain, but sent to Spain '96. i. 538-40. Burnett (Horace), 1848, nephew of Peter H., with whom he came from Or. and engaged in mining. B. (Peter H.), 1848, nat. of Tenn., b. in 1807; a trader and lawyer in Tenn. and Mo.; overl. immig. to Or. in '43; farmer, member of legislature, and judge of supreme court in Or.; came to Cal. by land after the discov. of gold, and worked in the mines for a month or more in '48. In Dec. he came to N. Helv. , and became agent for young Slitter in settling the captain's complicated business and the sale of town lots, thus paying off old debts and laying the foundation of a handsome fortune. His family came from Or. in May '49, and his management of Sutter's business ceased in July. He took a prominent part in public meetings to secure a state govt; went to S. F. ; was made judge of the supreme court; sold half his Sacramento property for $50,000; moved to S. Josd; and was finally elected governor of Cal. all before the end of '49. He was one of the luckiest men of the time. Resigning his office in Jan. '51, he devoted himself mainly to the management of his private business, practising law to a limited extent, residing at S. Jose except in '52-3 at Sac. and several long visits to the east. He was judge of the supreme court in '57-8; in '60 published The Path Wiuck BURNETT-BURTON. 737 Led a Protestant Lawyer to the Catholic Church; and from '63 was president of the Pacific Bank at S.F. His Recollections, in MS., were copied for my Library in '78 and published in '80. Still living in '85, possessing great wealth and a good reputation. Burnett has never been credited with any brilliant abilities, nor charged with any great weakness; lacking force and decision in official positions; an honest, industrious, kind-hearted, diplomatic, lucky man; of many but harmless whims in private life. His wife died in '58; but he has several sons and a married daughter. Burnie, 1829, mr of the Ann. iii. 146. Burns (Daniel M.), 1840 (?), sec. of state in '80; native of Tenn., age 49 in '79; said in newspaper sketches to have come to Cal. at the age of 10. iv. 120; his name is in a list of letters at S. F. in '48. B. (James), 1840, in Farnham's list of arrested foreigners. B. (John), 1830, Amer. atS. Miguel, iii. 180; joined the comp. extranjcra in '32. iii. 221; was perhaps the John Byrnes on Larkin's books '34. B. (P. T.), 1847, in Slitter's employ at N. Hclv. B. (Wm), 1839, Engl. who came with Sutler, iv. 119, 138; in '40 he asked for a pass to quit N. Helv. and settle at Sta Cruz; in Farnham's list of arrested foreigners, iv. 17. Burques (Pedro), soldier at the Colorado Riv. pueblos 1780-1, killed by Ind. i. 359, 302. Burr (Chas C.), 1846, of the Morm. colony with wife and child, one child having died at sea. v. 546; owner of S. F. lot '47. v. 678; in Utah '84. B. (Nathan), 1846, of the Morm. col. with wife, father of Chas. C. ; died in Utah before '84. v. 546. Burrell (Chas), 1846, sailor on the U. S. Dale, long a resident of S. F. in later years. B. (Cuthbert), 1846, at Gilroy '78. Burroughs (Chas), 1846, apparently an immig. of this year; prominent in raising men for the Cal. Bat., in which he seems to have ranked as captain or perhaps was to have been made captain. Chief in com. at the fight of Nati- vidad, where he was killed in Nov. v. 3GO, 363-71. Beyond the part that he took in this affair, and his general reputation as a brave and popular man, though a gambler, nothing seems to be known of him. His name is often writ ten Burns and Burrows, and it is not sure that his name was Charles or that he came in '46. B. or Borris (Wm), Amer. doctor at Sta B. 1823-4. ii. 495, 576. Burrows, 1841, from Or. with wife and child in Emmon's party of the U.S. ex. exped. iv. 278. Burt, 1846, doubtful name of a man captured with Weber by Castro, v. 136; probably 'Bird,' q.v. B. (Wm), 1847, Co.C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Bur ton (E. F.), 1848, memb. of N.Y. territorial pioneers '78. Upham's Notes. Burton ( Henry S.), 1847, lieut-cclN.Y. Vol., and for a time in com. at StaB. v. 503, 511, 513, 630-1 ; in com. of the exped. to La Paz '47-8. v. 583. He was a graduate of West Point and lieut of Co. F, 3d artill., of which he took com. as capt. on the mustering-out of the regt. v. 515, 520. He remained several years in Cal., and was collector of customs at Mont. '48-9. He was promoted to major in '61, and in '65 to brevet brigadier-gen., dying in R.I. '69. His wife, who survived him with two children, was Dona Amparo Ruiz of Lower Cal., whose father and grandfather were prominent in the early annals of the penin sula, and who has gained some literary as well as social distinction. Bur ton (B.), 1847, lieut who raised and commanded a volunteer cavalry comp. at Mont, in April, v. 449, 521, 636. I am unable to say who he was. B. (James), J. B. & Co. ment. at Mont, in connection with naval stores. B. (James C.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Burton (John), 1825 (?), Amer., who at S. Josd in '29 claimed to have come as master of the Juan fiatfey, lost at S. Diego, and to have been 3 years and 5 months in Cal. ; a native of Provincetown, who left home in '22; then 40 years old. iii. 29, 147. In '30 a farmer, also engaged in trade, ii. 602; generally said to have arrived in '30; married in '31 Juana Galindo; often named in various records from this time; regidor of S. Jos6 '37. iii. 730; arrested in '40 as a formality, but not exiled. In '41, age 48, children Jose" Miguel, Juan, and Sil- HIST. CAL., VOL. II. 733 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Mont. B. (Joseph), 1848, Boston man age 30, who came from Honolulu in Aug. and died at S.F. in Oct. Burton (Lewis T.), 1831, Tennesseean from N. Mcx. with the Wolfskill party, v. 386, 405; settling at Sta B., and engaging in otter-hunting, trade, and finally farming, iv. 117. In '30 he described himself as a catholic bachelor, 24 years old, in business with Branch; in '39 he married Maria Antonia, daugh ter of Cdrlos Carrillo; naturalized in '42. Larkin gave him a high character in his Notes of '45; and he had a Cal. claim of $400 in '46 (v. 462), 304. He be came a wealthy merchant and ranchero; claimant for the Jesus Marfa and Chamizal ranchos. v. 655, 677; and died at Sta B. in '79. A second wife was the daughter of Josd Ant. Carrillo. Bush (Richard), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Bushane (Leandro), 1847, died at N. Helv., formerly a corporal at the fort, and apparently an Ind. ; Otith B. also died. Bustamante y Guerra (Jose 1 ), 1791, com. of the Atrevida in Malaspina's exped. i. 490. Buten (Wm), 1845, doubtful name of an Amer. in a Branciforte padron, age 37. Butler, 1846, bugler in Cal. Bat. v. 374. Butler (Amos), 1847, at S. F. from Astoria on the Henry; in list of letters '48. B. (Nathaniel), 1847, at Mont. July. Butron (Felipe), named in '40 in connection with the Graham affair, iv. 6; leader in a proposed attack on Mont. '45. iv. 515, being then a capt. of aux. cavalry; in '46 a lieut in the Cal. Bat. v. 3CO; in '47 lieut in an exped. against Ind. v. 662. B. (Juan de Dios), soldier in Mont. comp. '36, age 31. B. (Manuel), soldier of Mont. comp. 1775, married to a neophyte, and the 1st grantee of land. i. 311, 608, 610, 683; a settler at S. Jose" 1786. i. 477. B. (Manuel), prob. son of preceding, grantee of Alisal '28, and of Natividad '30, '37. ii. 616, 664, 677; in '36 living at Natividad, a-e 58, wife Maria Ignacia Higuera, children Josefa b. 1806, Nicolas '21, Ramona '21, Manuel '24. B. (Ramon), son of Manuel, claimant for Natividad. iii. 677. B. (Sebastian), settler before 1800; in '41 at S. Jose", age 01. Butteriield (Jacob K.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Taylorville, Utah, '81. Butters (Thomas), 1841, Engl. sailor disch. from the Leonor; Bidwell mentions a Thos Battus at Bodega about the same time. Button (Montgomery), 1847, Co. D, Morrn. Bat. Buzzell (Joseph Willard), 1841 (?), deserter from the whaler Orizaba at Halfmoon Bay, spending some time with Graham at Sta Cruz, later a trapper at N. Helv., till he went to Or. in '43, where he married apparently one of the Kelsey family. This is his own statement in newspaper sketches, iv. 279. In '44 he came from Or. in the Kelsey party, v. 444; served Sutter in the Mich- eltorena campaign; signed the call to foreigners at S. Jose '45. iv. 599; and worked for Leidesdorff at S. F. His name often appears in the N. Helv. .Diary, and occasionally in records of Mont, and S. Josd. A daughter Ellen is said to have been born at N. Helv. '45. In '46-7 B. served in the Cal. Bat. ,(v. 358), under Fremont, Gillespie, Mervine, and Stockton in the south. Re turning he went to Stockton with Weber, acquiring land on which the town stood later, and building a cabin. Tinkham, Carson, etc. A son was born '47. S. J. Pion. His name appears at Sutter's fort '47-8; daughter Lizzie Agnes born at Stockton, Sept. '48. Still living in '60; ace. to Yolo Co. Hint, drowned at Halfmoon Bay a few years before '79. Bybee (Henry G.), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). B. (John), 1847, ditto. Byers, 1847, at Honolulu from Mont, on the Maria Helena. B. (Josiah Stoddart), 1846, applicant for land at S. Jose'; a mid. on the U. S. Congress. Sta Clara Co. Hist., 331. Byrens (Allen T.), 1846, mid. on the U. S. Dale, at S. Jose", Dec. Byrnes (Ed. ), 1834, Irish, in Mont. list. B. ( Wm), .1848, at Honolulu from S. F.'; declined to serve as alcalde at S. Jose", v. 662. Caamaiio (Jacinto), 1792, Span. com. of the Aranzazu, engaged in northern coast explor. i. 509-11; Hist. N. W.C., i. 207 et seq.; com. of the Princena in 1797 and of the Concepcion 1798. i. 540, 543-4. Caatrell (John), 1846, cloubt- .ful name .in a Los Ang. list. Caballer, see 'Cavalier.' Caballero (Andre's A.), 1781, lieut of the escort to Cal. and return to CABALLERO CALLAGHAK 739 Sonora. i. 342. C. (Felix), 1833, Dominican friar of L. Cal.; a famous mis sionary of the frontier, who crossed the line to Cal. '23, '29, '33, and doubtless on other occasions, ii. 486, 507; iii. 96, 557. C. (Francisco), Sta B. ranchero '45. C. (Maria Antonia), grantee of Sisquoc in '33. iii. 656. Cabello (Mar tin S.), 1834, Mex. revenue officer with the H. & P. colony; receptor in charge of S. Diego custom-house '34-8; prob. left Cal. about '38. iii. 267, 377, 499- 501, 609, 613; iv. 98; Cabiner, 1846, mr of the Isaac Howland. Cabot (Juan), 1805, Span, friar who served for 30 years in Cal., chiefly at S. Miguel, retiring to his college in 1835. Biog. in iii. 683-4; ment. i. list auth.; ii. 123, 149, 159-60, 325, 327, 331, 375, 384-6, 393, 536, 620, 622, 655; iii. 92, 96, 169, 309. C. (Miguel), 1836, nephew of the two friars, who came to Cal. to receive the stipend due Fr. Pedro after his death. C. (Pedro), 1804, Span, friar, brother of Juan, who served 32 years in Cal., chiefly at S. Antonio, dying at S. Fernando '36. Biog. iii. 645-6; ment. ii. 152, 159-60, 385, 394, 621-3, 655; iii. 92, 96, 418, 686. Cabott (F.), 1848, passp. from Hono lulu. Cabrera (Agapito), at Sta Ine"s college '44. iv. 426. C. (Pedro), Peruvian, juez de polic/a at Los Ang. '47. v. 626. Cabrillo (Juan Rodriguez), 1542, Portuguese discoverer of Cal., who died at the Sta B. islands in Jan. 1543. See full account of the voy. of exploration. i. 69-81; also Hist. N. Mex. States, i. 133. Cace (Henry P.), 1845, nat. of R. I. at Mont; perhaps 'Case.' Caceres (Francisco), Span, ex-sergt of dragoons, who was regidor at Mont, in '28-29. ii. 612; iii. 51, 53; and in '31 the only Span, in S. F. district, iii. 399, 699. He is named as a resid. and house-owner of S.F. from '38, being sindico in '39. iii. 705; v. 684. He died at Freestone in '48 at the age of 76. His wife was Anastasia Boronda who died in '49. The children were Antonia, Francisco, Carmen, Guadalupe Antonio, Julian, Rafaela, Giro, Helena, and Teresa; all dead before '85 except Giro and Francisco. The latter is named in a Sonoma list of '44 as 18 years old. The daughter Antonia married James Dawson '40, and Dr Fred. Blume in '49, dying in '80 without children. She was the 'grantee and claimant of Pogolomi rancho. iv. 672. Cacho (Rafael), grantee of S. Ger6nimo rancho '44. iv. 673. Cade (Jonathan), 1846, of the Mormon col. with wife. v. 546; perhaps his name was Kincaid; sergt-at-arms in S. F. council '49; but died in Utah. Cadel or Kadel (Peter), 1846, said to have arrived in July; at N. Helv. from S. Rafael and Sonoma '47-8; lot-owner S.F. '47; died at Oakland '75, age 61. G. (Tobias), 1847, lot at S. F.; at N. Helv. '48. Cadena (Antonio), 1836, Mex. corporal in Hidalgo bat. at Mont, age 30; tried for murder, iii. 675. Cady (Chas L.), 1845 (?), said to have been in Lake Co. as a hunter, being also there in '75. Lakeport Bee; iv. 587; in '46-7 member of the -2d Don- ner relief, v. 539; estab. a mail service July '47 bet. S. F. and Sac. via Sauza- lito and Sonoma. Calif ornian, July 24th; kept a store at Coloma with Shan non '48-9. El Dorado Co. Hist., 177. Cahill (Martin), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); at Stockton '71-82. (ialder (Lawsou M.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499). Caldwell (Arthur S. C.), 1346, overl. immig. in Young's party with family, v. 529; wife Mar garet, son, and three daughters; in Cal. Bat., enlisting at Mont. Nov. (v. 358); bought a house at S. Jose" '48. Pico, Doc., i. 140; named as a wealthy citizen in '60. C. (Colohill), 1846, Cal. Bat., enlisting at S. Juan; Cal. claim of $3 (v. 462); prob. son of preceding, or possibly the same. C. (Matthew), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); Utah farmer *'S2. Calheart (Seth), 1827, mr of the Massachusetts, iii. 148. Calkin (Milo), 1846, house lately occupied by him rented to another Jan. '47. Calkins (Ed R.), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); ree'nl. at Los Ang. C. (Sylvanus), 1847, Co. A, Morm. Bat. Call (Daniel), 1816, Amer. carpenter, age 17, who landed from the Atala at Sta B., where in ; 36 he had a wife and two children, ii. 248, 282, 393. Callaghan, 1846, three brothers in the Los Ang. region, iv. 495; their names as signed to a doc. of June '46 seem to be 'Ein,' 'Epli,' and 'Geral,' but it ap pears that 2 of them were Evan and Isaac. They served under Gillespie, and were among the chino prisoners, v. 314; in '47 one was in charge of S. Buen. 740 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. mission, being juez de paz in '48. v. 634: and another had some petty position at S. Pedro. Ace. to B. D. Wilson, Evan C. came to Cal. in '44. C. (James), 1847, drowned at S. F.'ol; said to have been one of the N.Y.Vol., but not on the rolls. C. (John), 1847, lot-owner at S. F.; still there '50. Callahan (Carolus B.), 1846, Co. C, 1st U. S. dragoons (v. 336). C. (Thos W.), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 400); rec-nl. at Los Ang. Callegan, 1769, com. of the 8. Jose, lost on the voy. to Cal. i. 124. Callender (Mills L.), 1847, Co. K, N.Y.Vol.; lots at S. F. '47-8. v. 679; sec. of town council '48; still there '52-4; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., '71 (?). Callis (Eulalia), 1783, wife of Gov. Pedro Pages, i. 389-93, 487. Calvin (Vincent), 1844, overl. immig. of Stevens party, iv. 445; at N. Helv. and S. Josd '45-8. Calzada (Jose^Ant.), 1787, Span, friar who served 27 years in Cal., being founder of Sta Lie's, where he died 1814. Biog. ii. 3G8; ment. i. 388, 459, 575, 577, 664-5; ii. 28-9, 123, 159, 394. Calzado (Dioni- sio), at Branciforte 1803. ii. 156. Calzado (Jose"), 1798. i. 606. Cam (Isidro), 1830, New Yorker, age 26, whose only known exploit was to fight with Leandry about a dog, for which he served a month in. the chain- gang at Mont. Camacho, com. of transport vessel 1783-90. i. 444. C., killed at Jamul '37. iii. 614. C. (Anastasio), soldier at S. Diego 1775. i. 255. C. (Tomas M.), soldier killed on the Colorado by Ind. 1781. i. 363. Cama- reno (Nicolas), settler at S. F. 1791-1800. i. 716. Camarrillo (Juan), 1834, Mex. who came prob. with the H. & P. col. (iii. 259); trader at Sta B., where he was slndico and juez at different times '40-6. iii. 655; iv. 490, 631, 642; moved to S. Buen. '59, where he became owner of the Calleguas rancho. He died '80, at the age of 68; his wife was Martina Hernandez, married in '40; and he left 7 children, one of his daughters being the wife of Jose Arnaz. Portrait in Sta B. Co. Hist., 392. Cambon (Pedro Benito), 1779, Span, friar who served chiefly at S. F., but was founder of S. Gabriel and S. Buen., retiring to his college '91. Biog. i. 712; ment. i. 173, 176, 179-81, 187-9, 193-4, 285-6, 246,255,271, 287,289- 90. 292, 297, 329-30, 352, 373, 376, 378, 382, 388, 399, 469, 473, 575-6. Cam- buston (Henri), 1841, Frenchman from Mex., who became a teacher at Mont. iv. 279; married Gabriela Soberanes; fined for smuggling '44. iv. 566; quarrel at Mont, with Prefect Castro '46. v. 34; at the military junta, v. 61; grantee of land iii Butte Co. v. 675. A man of some ability, but often in trouble on acct of intemperate habits; witness in the Limantour case; sent to the Stock ton insane asylum about '56, where he died 4 or 5 years later. Camero (Manuel), 1781, mulatto settler at Los Aug.; regidor in '89. i. 348-9,461. Cameron, 1848, at Slitter's Fort. C. (James), 1845, doubtful record of an overl. immig. iv. 578. C. (John), 1847, Co. C, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). C. (John), real name of John 'Gilroy,' q.v. Camp, 1837, of the Willamette cattle comp. iv. 85. C. (J. G.), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Campa y Cos (Miguel), 1775, Span friar of L. Cal. 1769-73, who was chaplain of Heceta's exped. at Mont, and on the north coast '75. i. 122-3, 194, 235, 240-2, 247. Campbell, 1806, otter-hunter, ii. 40-1. C. (Anthony), 1840, Engl. sailor disch. from the Fly at S. F., and killed by Ind. near Sta Clara on his way to Mont. April '41. iv. 120, 280, 684, 680. C. (Benj.), 1846, Kentuckian set tler at Sta Clara, building a saw-mill on Campbell's Creek in '47-8; still liv ing in '76. C. (Colin), 1840, Scotch sailor at Mont. iv. 120; presbyterian sawyer at Aptos '41-2. C. (James), 1846, sailor of the Congress in Stock ton's bat., wounded at the Mesa Jan. '47. v. 395. C. (James T.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); d. S. F. '53. C. (JohnG.), 1844, one of Frdmont'smen; also in '45; Cal. Bat. Co. A. iv. 437, 583. C. (Jonathan), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). C. (Patrick), 1846, sailor on the Cytme, in Stockton's bat., wounded at S. Gabriel Jan. '47. v. 395. C. (Joseph T.), 1846, Co. C, 1st U. S. dragoons, killed at S. Pascual. v. 346. C. (Peter), 1847, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. C. (Richard), 1827, said to have come from N. Orleans to S. Diego, iii. 102. C. (Reuben P.), 1848, lieut of Graham's dragoons, v. 522. C. (Samuel), 1833 (?), accredited to this year by the newspapers, and said to have been a CAMPBELL CAPLES. 741 rich merchant of S. F.; d. Red Bluff 70. iii. 409. C. (Samuel), 1847, Co. E, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). C. (Thomas), 1846, Kentuckian overl. immig. from Mo. with his wife ami her parents and brothers named \Vest. v. 528. Known as Major C. on the trip; one of Burroughs' men at Natividad (v. 363); and went south with the Cal. Bat. ; surveyor at S. Jose", and member of the council '47. v. i>64; in the mines '48-9; later resid. of S. Jos< to '77 and later. C. (Wm), 1842, said to have been killed, iv. 686. C. (Wm), 1846, apparently overl. immig. and perhaps a brother of Thomas; came to S. Jose" with his family; surveyor '47. v. 664. In Tulare '83, age 90, veteran of 1812 and battle of N. Orleans; 2 sons. C. (Wm), 1847, Co. K, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); deserted, and was hanged in Dec. '48 at S. Jose" for robbery and attempted murder, v. 663-4. C. (Wm), 1848, overl. with Lawton and Johnson; editor of Sierra Democrat and clerk of legislature '56; county judge of Sierra to '63; district attorney at Virginia City, dying '76. Nevada Transcript, Jan. 28, '76. Campo, see ' Fernandez ' del C. and ' Perez ' del C. Cane" (Vicente), 1825, Span, sailor landing from the Asia at Mont. iii. 51, 92-3; permitted to remain and marry in '28; grantee of S. Bernardo rancho '40; admin, and juez at S. Luis Ob. '40-1. v. 657, 683. Canedo (Dolores), at Los Ang. '46. C. (Geronimo), settler at Los Ang. 1812. ii. 350. C. (Jos6), soldier and corp. '23-4. ii. 555-6. C. (Jose"), soldier at Sta B. '32, wife Luisa Valenzuela. C. (Jose"), at S. Juan Cap., age 58, wife Maria, children Antonia b. '26, Felipe '28, Juliana '31, Juan '37, Leonardo '43. C. (Jose" Maria), at S. Juan Cap. '41-6. iv. 626; age 36, wife Feliciana. C. (Juan), at Los Ang. '46. C. (Juan K), at S. Juan Cap. '41. iv. 626. C. (Manuel), soldier killed on the Colorado, i. 363. C. (Rafael), at Los Ang. '46. C. (Silvestre), ditto. Caiiete (Joaquin), sent to escort Gov. Fages' wife to Cal. 1783. i. 390. Canfield (Cyrus C.), 1847, lieut Co. D, Morm. Bat. v. 477; also lieut of the reenl. men. v. 495; collector of the port of S. D. '48. v. 619; acquitted on trial for passing counterfeit money, v. 610-11. C. (Geo. W.), 1847, Co. E, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); at Phil. '82. C. (0. F.), 1847, in Sonoma Co. '50-77. Sonoma Co. Hist. , 102. Canian (Wm), 1832, doubtful name of a mr of the California. Caiiizares (Jose"), 1769, pilotin who kept a diary of Rivera's exped. to Cal.; com. of S. Antonio '74, of S. Cdrlos '76, being an explorer of S.F. bay and planner of the presidio; again at Mont. '84; com. of Aranzazu '89. i. 132, 136, 208, 225, 246, 287, 289, 329, 410-11, 438, 441, 444. Cann (Dan. M.), 1847, Co. F, 3d artill. (v. 518). Lancey, not on roll. Cannell (John), 1847, lot at S.F. Cannifax (Abstrum R.), 1847, contractor at mission S. Jose" to make shingles for Larkin. Cannon (Manena), 1840, one of the Mormons, who prob. did not come to Cal. v. 517. Cano (Gil.), com. de policia at Mont. '36. iii. 675; Mex., age 23, wife Josef a Soto, children Rafael, Maria, Luisa, Nicolas. Cantan (Gustavus A. ), 1847, lot at S.F. Cantua (Dolores), soldier of S.F. comp. '19-27; ment. in '18. ii. 232. C. (Guadalupe), in '36 at the Guadalupe rancho, Mont, district, age 51, wife Carmen Castro, children Josefa b. '18, Gracia '29, Ramon '31, Ramona '33; majordomo and juez de campo '35-6; in '41 grantee of S. Luisito near S. Luis Ob. iii. 674-7; iv. 656. C. (Ignacio), settler at S.F. 1791-1800. i. 716. C. (Juan Ign.), son of Vicente, wounded at the Natividad fight '46. v. 307. C. (Julian), at S. Isidro rancho '36, age 40, wife Isabel Ortega, child. Manuel b. '16, Manuela '20, Faustina '22. C. (Manuel), soldier of S.F. comp. '32-9; at Sonoma '44, age 25; in Sutter's ser vice '45; militia alferez killed at Olompali*'46. v. 166. C. (Manuel), son of Julian, at S. Jos< '50. C. (Manuel), at Los Ang. '46; connected with the Flores revolt, a good judge of aguardiente, nicknamed 'governor' for a time. v. 308, 331. C. (Pablo), soldier of -S.F. comp. at Sonoma '42. C. (Vicente), majordomo at Patrocinio (Alisal), '36, age 45, wife Juana Soto, child. Juan Ign. b. '28, Juan Maria '31, Maria Ant. '33, Carmen '36; juez de campo and auxiliar '35, '39, '41. iii. 674-5; iv. 653; grantee of rancho nacional '39. iii. 677; admin. Soledad '39-40. iii. 691; Cal. claim (v. 462) of $3,661 in '46; still in Mont. dist. '50. Cantwell (Thos), 1847, in S. Diego district. Caples (James), 1847, roll of the Soc. Cal. Pion. 742 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. Carabajal (Rafael), at Los Aug. '48. Carabanas (Nicolds), corp. of the S. Juan Cap. escolta 1776. i. 303. Carabantes (Agustin), settler at Los Ang. 1807. ii. 350. C. (Salvador), at Sta B. 1797. Carbajal, surg. of the Prin- cesa, 1786. i. 397. C. (Josefa), wife of Surgeon Davila, d. S.F. 1780. i. 468. Carbit (Thos), 1847, said to have come with the N.Y. Vol., but not on the roll; d. Oregon City, Gal. '61, age 35. S. F. Herald. Card (Geo. H.), 1840, nat. of R. I., mate of a trader probably the A lert on the coast '40-2; returned in '48; wrote newspaper articles on his Cal. ex periences; d. at Stockton after '68, age 74. iv. 120, 136. Cardenas (Josd), 1825, officer of the Asia; mr of the Rover '26. iii. 25-G, 120. C. (Melchor), sirviente at S.F. 1777 r i. 297. Cardwell (Henry), 1848, sheriff at Los Ang. v. 626; perhaps same as following. C. (Herman C.), 1844. nat. of Vt (or Va), who came to Cal. on a whaler, settling at Los Ang. perhaps in '46; in Cal. Bat. (v. 358), having a Cal. claim (v. 462) under name of H. H. C.; in the mines '48-9; memb. of 1st legisl. '49-50; seriously injured in '50 by a fall from his horse; d. at Los Ang. '59,. I find little about him except in newspaper sketches. Cariaga (Saturnine), grantee of Real de las A*guiias '44. iv. 655. Carl (John), 1847, at S. Buen. Carlon, soldier killed in 1790. i. 465. C. ( Josd), invalido at Sta B. '32. C. (Seferino), soldier of Sta B. comp. ; grantee of Arroyo Grande rancho '41. iv. 655; one of this family was the wife of F. Z. Branch. Cdrlos, neophyte leader of rebels at S. Diego 1775-6. i. 253, 286. Carlton, 1848 (?), later a judge in Tuolumne Co.; d. '55. Carltoii (W. H.), 1848, clerk for A. J. Graysou, S.F. Carmen (Jos6 del), Ind. chief killed '44. iv. 409. Carmichael (Lawrence), 1833, Scotch trapper from N. Mex., who went to Or. '34 with Young and Kelley. iii. 388, 409; returned to drive a band of cat tle to the Willamette '37. iv. 85; and again came back on the Nereid via Hon olulu '38. iv. 105; and settled at S. Jose 1 . He was one of the exiles of '40, but returned in '41 with a pass and a claim for $7,000 damages for interrupted business, iv. 18, 32-3, 116. His name often appears in the records from '41; in '45 one of the party capturing Prefect Castro, iv. 487; in July '46 had trouble with Henry Naile about a house; in Aug. sec. of the juez at Sta Cruz. v. 641 ; and later in '46 shot by a party of Mex. for the alleged reason that he was bearer of despatches for the Amer. , but very little is known of this affair, of which I find no contemporary record. Carnes (Henry S.), 1847, lieut Co. F, N.Y. Vol. v. 504; collector of the port of Sta B. '48. v. 575; later a member of the legisl., district judge, and postmaster at Sta B., where he lived in '79; at S. Buen. '82. C. (Thos), 1847, Co. B, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); drowned at Stockton '51. Carnicer (Balta- sar), 1797, Span, friar who served chiefly at S. Carlos and retired in 1808. Biog. ii. 147; merit, i. 500 ? 561, 577, 686; ii. 7, 149, 159-60. Carpenter (Benj.), 1845, Amer. immig. from Or. in the McMahon-Clyman party; prob. went back to Or. '46. iv. 572, 576. C. (Chas R.), 1847, Co. F, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); died in Cuba '60. C. (Isaac), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). C. (John), 1845, named as a captive exchanged for Manuel Castro, iv. 487, doubtful. C. (Lemuel or Samuel), 1832, Amer. from N. Mex. iii. 388, 408; accredited to '31 and '33 in two lists of '36; prob. came in winter of '32-3; 22 years old in '36, 28 in '40; had a soap-factory on the S. Gabriel River and a vineyard in co. with Chard; one of the vigilantes '36, and not arrested '40; served '45 against Micheltorena. iv. 495; in '48 had an orchard near S. Buen. Claimant for Sta Gertrudis '53. iii. 634; where on account of financial troubles he committed suicide in '59. C. (Roman), 1840, named on Larkin's books; perhaps the 'Roman carpenter' or 'Roman the carpenter.' C. (Wm), 1841, doubtful record at Los Ang. C. (Wm M.), 1848, physician at N. Hclv., room-mate of P. H. Burnett. Carpentier, memb. of legisl. '55, ac credited to '48 in the Chart. Carr (Overton), 1841, lieut U. S. ex. exped. iv. 241, 567. C. (Griffith), 1846, Co. F, Cal. Bat. (v. 358), enlisting at Sonoma. C. (Stephen), 1847, Co. A, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. Stanislaus Co. '49. Carranza (Domingo), 1798, ^Span. friar, who served at Sta Cruz and S. Luis Rey, retiring in 1810. Biog. ii. 108; CARRAXZA CARRILLO. 743 meat. i. 4CS, 577; ii. 154-5, 159-60, 107. Carrasco (Jose" M.), Sonoran at Mont. '30, age 39, single; at Mont, and other places to '47. C. (Juan), 1701, com. schr Ilorcasitas. i. 493. C. (Juan), uat. of Buenos Aires, insane, found dead at Arroyo Mocho '38. iii. 732. Carreaga (Saturnino), 1845, juez at S. Juan 13. iv. 002; see 'Caviaga,' prob. the same man. Carrigan (Thos), 1847, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Carriger (Daniel S.), 1S40, Cat. Bat. (v. 358), enlisting at Sonoma, C. (Nicholas), 1840, Tennes- seean immig. from Mo. with family, v. 528; his father died and a daughter was born on the journey. He served in the Sonoma garrison and as mail-car rier from Sonora to S. Rafael during the war; a miner in '48-9; farmer at Sonoma from '50, where he still lived in 'SO, aged 04, with 9 living children. I obtained from him a brief Autobiography; portrait in SonomaCo. Hist., 312; a son, Dav. W., was born in '47. Carrillo, sirviente at Sta Cruz 1795. i. 490. Carrillo (Anastasio), son of Jose" Raim., b. at Sta B. 1788; sergt distin- guido of the Sta B. comp., named in connection with many Ind. exped., etc. lolS-SO. ii. 235, 334, 301, 528-9, 501, 572; iii. 78, 103; comisionado in charge of Los Ang. '18-25. ii. 350, 559; member of the dip. '27-8; habilitado '27, '29-34. ii. 572; iii. 30-42, 03; '31-G alf