THE TEACHER'S HAND-BOOK OF SLOJD. Published under ike auspices of the SLOJD ASSOCIATION. THE TEACHER'S HAND-BOOK OF SLOJD AS PRACTISED AND TAUGHT AT NAAS CONTAINING EXPLANATIONS AND DETAILS OF EACH EXERCISE. By OTTO SALOMON, Director of the Naas Seminarium. ASSISTED BY CARL NORDENDAHL AND ALFRED JOHANSSON. TRANSLATED AND ADAPTED FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS By MARY R. WALKER, AND WILLIAM NELSON, St. George's Training College, Edinburgh, Of the Manchester Schools for the Deaf and Dumb. WITH OVER 130 ILLUSTRATIONS AND PLATES. SILVER, BURDETT & CO., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON, NEW YORK, CHICAGO. 1891. PREFACE TO THE SWEDISH EDITION. A DESIEE has for some time been expressed in various quarters for a Hand-Book of Slojd, written from the educational point of view. There have been many indications, especially in connection with Slojd carpen- try, that teachers are not well enough acquainted with the tools em- ployed to select and manage them properly ; and a degree of uncertainty seems to prevail regarding the right method of executing the exercises. Now, it is true that no one can acquire this knowledge from books ; the way to acquire it is by practical, personal experience. Yet, to retain this experience, and apply it, is partially a matter of memory, and, therefore, systematically arranged directions are capable of rendering aid which is not to be despised. A hand-book like the present does not, and could not, supersede personal experience at the bench, or render a course of in- struction unnecessary. Its sole object is to supplement and complete the notes which every conscientious student takes during such a course. Its aim is, therefore, chiefly to strengthen and confirm knowledge already acquired ; but, though it is thus limited in scope, and, on this account, perhaps to be regarded as in some respects incomplete, the writers venture to express the hope that it will be welcomed by many teachers. Books are, perhaps, more frequently published before their time than after it ; and although there have been numerous opportunities for observ- ation in the province of Educational Slojd during the last eighteen years (the Slojd Institution at Naas having begun operations in 1872), the writers are nevertheless uncertain whether the time has really yet come for the publication of definite directions ; or, at least, whether their know- ledge of the subject is yet complete enough to justify their appearance in print. But, if they have been premature, the sole reason is to be found in their desire to satisfy a want, which becomes every year more pressing. The views expressed in the book are, for obvious reasons, in full ac- cordance with the system of instruction followed at Na'as. They are the outcome of careful observations, and of experiments tested by practice. Yet, even if these views should be confirmed by many teachers, the writers, knowing that opinions are divided in the matter of instruction in Slojd, as in most other questions, are fully prepared for adverse criticism. Whether this criticism be justified or not, of one thing they are certain, and that is, that in all honesty of purpose and strength of conviction 2065947 IV. PREFACE. they have striven to fulfil a for from easy task. They trust that others with greater ability will succeed them and do it better. So little atten- tion has hitherto been paid to the subject in question that it has been necessary to generalise and draw conclusions almost exclusively from personal experience. But their motto has been " Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good " ; and much that in the beginning and in the light of comparatively limited experience met with their approval, has, on closer examination, been rejected or modified. But, though this hand-book is necessarily the outcome chiefly of personal observation and experience, the writers have to some extent been able to avail themselves of the knowledge of others, and to refer to competent authorities. This applies especially to Chapter II., for the contents of which frequent reference has been made to the writings of Karmarsch, Thelaus, and others. The Plates at the end, and most of the Illustrations in the body of the book, are executed from original draw- ings made for the purpose. In order to keep within due limits, much has been omitted which, per- haps, ought to have been included. Whether or not, on the other hand, some things have been included which ought to have been omitted, must in the meantime be left an open question. The parts taken by the respective authors are as follows : Chapter I. has been written by Otto Salomon ; Chapters II., III., and IV., by Carl Nordendahl, who also undertook all arrangements connected with the illustrations ; and Chapter V., by Alfred Johansson. Looked at as a whole, however, this little book is the product of united labour, and it contains nothing which is not the result of diligent interchange of thought. TRANSLATORS' PREFACE. THIS Hand-book was written originally for Swedish people, and in ac- cordance with the conditions which prevail in Swedish schools ; but the presence of a large body of English teachers at the Autumn Slojd Course at Naas has testified for the last four yeartf to the interest taken in the subject by English people, and the latest modifications of the English and Scotch Codes as regards manual training, point to the introduction at no distant date of systematic instruction in some branch of manual work in our state-aided schools. It has therefore seemed desirable that this Hand-book of Wood Slojd should be translated for English readers with any modifications necessary tb make it suitable for English teachers and students. These modifications consist partly of the omission of matter bearing on conditions peculiar to Sweden, and partly of the addition to the text of certain paragraphs, which seemed necessary from an English point of view. Nothing has been taken away or added without careful consultation with Herr Salomon, and without his approval. At the same time, as any additions to the original text have been made at the suggestion of the translators, and as they are responsible for them, these paragraphs have been enclosed in brackets as translators' notes. The whole trans- lation has been revised under the supervision of Herr Salomon and other competent judges at Naas, and the translators therefore trust that the work they have undertaken is a faithful representation of the views held and acted on at the headquarters of Educational Slojd. In giving this book to English readers, they feel, however, that one or two points of detail call for special explanation, particularly as these touch on the fundamental principles of educational Slojd, and as any misunderstanding as to details might lead to a more serious misunder- standing as to principles. One of these details is the use of the knife in educational Slojd. In the following pages the use of the knife is often recommended where the English carpenter would use the chisel, or some other special tool. The defence of the knife in such cases is to be found in the fact that, while it is the most familiar and the simplest tool which can be put into the hands of the pupil, it is full of potentialities in the hands of the intelligent worker, who can perform with it many exercises which the tradesman executes in a more mechanical way with some other tool. Again, directions are given which differ in other respects from those which the carpenter would give. The work of the slb'jder is often done vi. PREFACE. not only with different tools, but in a different order from that of the artisan. This inversion of order is a natural consequence of the principle that each article shall be executed entirely by the individual worker. Division of labour, though necessary from the tradesman's point of view, is not permitted in Slojd, deadening, as it does, individuality, and reducing to a minimum the calls made on the intelligence. These and other deviations from the methods of the carpenter are made not in ignorance, but of set purpose, and have their grounds in the com- prehensive principle that all method in Slojd must aim in the first place at the physical and mental development of the pupil, and only at the production of articles in so far as this subserves the primary aim. In close connection with this stands the question of the place occupied in the system by the articles produced, i.e., by the models. Clear as this question appears in the light of the fundamental principles on which educational Slojd is based, the idea still seems to prevail to some extent that, if the principles are accepted, the Naas models must also be accepted unconditionally, and that the two stand and fall together. So far is this from being the case that, at the present time, one series of Naas models is gradually becoming English in its character, and only waits further sug- gestions from English teachers to become entirely so. The sole reason that it still contains models which do not entirely fulfil the condition of being familiar and useful in the homes of English children, is that English people have hitherto been unable to suggest satisfactory substitutes. The models are merely the expression of the system, and to carry out that system thoroughly they must be national in their character, and ought, therefore, to vary in their nature with the countries into which Slojd is introduced as a subject of instruction. The translators are at present engaged on an English edition of Herr Johansson's Manual of Directions for making the models mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This Manual, which will be ready for issue shortly, will complete the Handbook on the purely practical side. As the principles on which Slojd rests as an educational factor are neces- sarily very briefly dealt with in the Handbook, the translators are glad to learn that "The Theory of Slojd," the only authorised English edition of Herr Salomon's Lectures, edited by an Inspector of Schools, will shortly appear, and will form a companion volume to this Handbook. As this translation, like the original, is the work of more than one writer, it remains to add that the book has been translated into English by Mary R. Walker, with the assistance of William Nelson on all points relating to technical knowledge and technical terminology. Table of Contents. CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks. PAGE I. Educational Slojd 1 II. The Teacher of Educational Slojd 2 III. The special kind of Slojd recommended 6 IV. Method 9 V. The Pupils 17 VI. The time given to instruction 18 VII. The Slojd-room - 18 VIII. The position of the body during work 21 IX. Some rules for the Slojd Teacher - 24 CHAPTER II. Wood or Timber. A. THE STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OP WOOD, Wood- cells, Wood-fibres, Concentric annual layers, Vessels or Air-tubes, Heart-wood and Sap-wood, the Pith and the Medullary Bays, the Sap, Water capacity 27 B. THE CHANGES WHICH WOOD UNDERGOES 35 I. Changes in the water capacity. Shrinking, cracking, swelling - 36 II. Means of preventing cracking and warping. Season- ing. Precautions necessary to prevent cracking and warping under special conditions - 40 III. The decay of timber. Means of preventing decay - 43 C. DIFFERENT KINDS OF WOOD 45 I. Comparison of the qualities of different kinds of wood. The strength, cleavage, hardness, toughness, elasticity, texture, colour, smell, weight, and durability of timber 45 II. Characteristics of different kinds of trees - 51 1. Needle-leaved trees. 2. Broad-leaved trees. 52 Viii. CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Tools. A. A CHOICE OF TOOLS 59 B. APPLIANCES FOR HOLDING THE WORK 62 I. The Bench - 62 II. Handscrews 68 C. SETTING OUT 70 I. The Metre-measure 70 II. The Marking-point 71 III. The Marking-gauge 71 IV. Compasses - 73 V. Squares and Bevels. 74 VI. Winding-laths or Straight-edges - 76 D. TOOLS USED FOR CUTTING UP THE WOOD AND MAKING THE ARTICLES 77 I. Saws 77 1. Saws with Frames - 82 1. The Frame-saw. 2. The Bow-saw - 82 2. Saws without Frames 85 1. The Handsaw. 2. The Dove-tail saw. 3. The Tenon-saw. 4. The Compass-saw. 5. The Groove-saw - 85 II. The Axe 87 III. The Knife 88 IV. The Draw-knife 89 V. Chisels, Gouges, Carving tools, &c. 89 1. The Firmer-chisel, and the Mortise-chisel 90 2. Gouges 91 3. The Spoon-gouge and the Spoon-iron 92 4. Carving tools - 92 VL Planes 93 1. Planes with flat soles : 1. The Jack-plane. 2. The Trying-plane. 3. The Smoothing-plane. 4. The Rebate-plane 98 2. Planes for the dressing of curved surfaces : 1. The Round. 2. The Hollow. 3. The Com- pass-plane - 101 3. The Old Woman's Tooth-plane, and the Dove-tail Filletster 102 CONTENTS. ix. 4. The Plough 104 5. The Iron Spokeshave 104 VII. Files - 105 VIII. Methods of finishing work 106 1. The Scraper. 2. Sandpaper. IX. The Brace and Bits. 108 1. The Shell-bit. 2. The Centre-bit. X. The Mallet, the Hammer, the Hand-vice, Pincers, and Screwdriver - 112 E. THE GRINDING AND SHARPENING OP TOOLS 115 F. THE TOOL CUPBOARD - 118 CHAPTER IV. Jointing. A. Glueing - 119 B. Nailing 123 C. Screwing together - 124 D. Jointing by means of the formation of the parts of the joint 125 CHAPTER V. I. The Exercises 126 Plates illustrating various positions, etc. 171 II. The High School Series of Models - 196 List of tools required for different numbers of pupils 204 Index - - 205 FIRST CHAPTER. Introductory Remarks. Educational Slojd. By educational slojd is meant the application of slojd to educational purposes. Slojd is not to be confounded with the work of the artisan a mistake which may easily happen if the distinction is not sufficiently strongly emphasized. Speak- ing generally, the 'slojder' does not practise his art as a trade, but merely as a change from some other employment ; and in the nature of the articles produced, in the tools used in their production, in the manner of executing the work, etc., slojd and the work of the artisan differ very decidedly the one from the other. Slojd is much better adapted to be a means of education, because purely economical considerations do not come forward so prominently as must be the case with work undertaken as a means of livelihood. Educational slojd differs from so-called practical slojd, in- asmuch as in the latter, importance is attached to the work: in practical the former, on the contrary, to the worker. It must, however, siejd* be strongly emphasized that the two terms, educational and practical, ought in no way to be considered antagonistic to each other, as frequently happens in popular language ; for, from the strictly educational point of view, whatever is educa- tionally right must also be practical, and vice versa. When the educational and the practical come into conflict, the cause is always to be found in the pressure of adventitious circum- stances, e.g., the number of pupils, the nature of the premises, and, above all, pecuniary resources, etc. To make educational theory and practice coincide is an ideal towards which every teacher must strive. One man, perhaps, may be able to come twnal and 2 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. nearer to this common ideal than another, but everyone, as he runs his course, must have this goal clearly in view, and in every unavoidable compromise he must endeavour to make- what ought to be done and what can be done come as close together as possible. Thtaimo/ What, then, is the aim of educational slojd ? To utilise, as is *> suggested above, the educative force which lies in rightly at $16 jd. - directed bodily labour, as a means of developing in the pupils physical and mental powers which will be a sure and evident gain to them for life. Views may differ as to what is to be understood by a " cultured " or an " educated " man, but how- ever far apart in other respects these views may lie, they all have at least one thing in common, i.e., that this much dis- puted culture always appears in its possessors in the form of certain faculties, and that therefore the development of faculty, so far as this can be directed for good, must enter into all educational efforts. This being the case, the influence of slojd is cultivating and educative, just in the same degree as by its means certain faculties of true value for life reach a develop- ment which could not be attained otherwise, or, at least, not in the same degree. Educational slojd, accordingly, seeks to work on lines which shall insure, during and by means of the exercise it affords, the development of the pupil in certain definite directions. These are of various kinds. As the more important, it is usual to bring forward : pleasure in bodily labour, and respect for it, habits of independence, order, accuracy, attention and industry, increase of physical Rtrength, development of the power of observation in the eye, and of execution in the hand. Educational slojd has also in view the development of mental power, or, in other words, is disciplinary in its aim. The Teacher of Educational Slojd. The quali- ^lired That no one can teach what he does not know himself is a Tether, proposition the validity of which cannot be called in question. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. It is equally incontestable that it is by no means sufficient to be in possession of a certain amount of knowledge and dex- terity in order to follow with success the important and responsible calling of a teacher. Teaching is an art quite as difficult as any other, and for its practice certain qualifica- tions are demanded which are far from being in the possession of all. The teacher must not only know what he has to communicate, but also how he ought to do it. Nor is this all ; for if all instruction is in reality to be education, the teacher must rise from the instructor to the educator; he must not only understand how to impart knowledge and dexterity, but also how to impart both in such a manner that they make for the mental development of the pupil, especially with regard to moral training. But as we cannot give to others what we do not ourselves possess, it must necessarily follow that only he who is himself educated can have an educative influence over another. Therefore, exactly in pro- portion to the educative aim of the teacher does his person- ality enter as an important factor into the work of instruction. Now, since slojd is to be regarded more as a means of education than a subject of instruction, in the common acceptation of the term, the first demand of all made upon the teacher who undertakes it must be that he should feel himself to be an educator, and strive without ceasing to improve himself as such. This, however, is not sufficient. To be a teacher of educational slojd, it is necessary to be familiar with its aims, and with the means by which these are to be attained. One of these means is the possession of what is called technical dexterity, i.e., dexterity in the right use of tools, and in the accurate production, by their means, of articles involving the exercises required by the particular kind of slojd in question. The importance of this dexterity must neither be over-esti- mated nor undervalued. Unfortunately one or other of these errors is frequently committed. On the one hand it is maintained that if a person can only prove that he possesses Technical technical dexterity in sufficient degree, i.e., if he himself can dexterit y- 4 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. produce good work, lie thereby fulfils one of the most impor- tant requirements of a good slqjd teacher. From this point of view the skilful artisan or "Slqjder" would be the best teacher of slqjd, because he can with justice be held to possess the best technical qualifications. Past experience, however, hasshown that, as a rule, the skilful artisan or " slqjder " is not the best person to fill the responsible post of the slqjd teacher. This follows from the very nature of the case. The artisan has acquired his technical dexterity in a totally different way, and for a totally different purpose, from what is required in educational slqjd. Technical dexterity is the principal thing with him. It is before every other consideration a source of income. In educational slqjd, on the other hand, it is to be regarded only as one means among many whereby the teacher is able to bring an educative influence to bear on the . pupils. The artisan who has great technical skill is too often at a teacher tempted while teaching to use this skill in a way which may fsufl. k e or ^ e advantage of the work with which the pupil is occupied, but is certainly not for the advantage of the pupil himself. His " instruction " consists not infrequently of work which he does for the pupil, with results which are excellent from the economical point of view, but which are very objectionable in their educational aspect. Partly for this reason and partly because the artisan often does not under- stand how to maintain really good discipline with children ; and because, moreover, he is unacquainted with the general principles which apply to all instruction, it has been remarked, that where instruction in slqjd is concerned, even a very capable artisan often falls far behind the results attained by those who are in his opinion little more than bunglers, and who may be far inferior to him in technical dexterity. At the same time, it is by no means intended to convey the idea that the skilled artisan may not be a good teacher of slqjd provided he understands the difference between slqjd and his trade, and is in possession of the other necessary qualifications but it is maintained that in such a case it is less because INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 5 he is an artisan than in spite of it, for the first condition is that he must renounce the traditions of his craft, and become penetrated by educational ideas. But the truth here, as in so many other cases, lies between the two extremes. It is as hurtful to under-estimate tech- nical skill as it is to over-estimate it. Therefore, let no teacher imagine that he can successfully undertake instruc- under- tion in slojd with slight and superficial knowledge on the l^]"*" purely technical side. It will soon and surely be made clear importance to him that this is not the case. If he has not himself the d^-i^T necessary technical dexterity for his purpose, it will be difficult, indeed almost impossible, for him to make clear to his pupils how they are to handle their tools and execute the work prescribed. Neither will he be able in an efficient way to supervise their work and criticise the quality of what they produce. The feeling of self-mastery which is so essential for the teacher when he stands face to face with his pupils, forsakes him, and the educative results which he intends to attain by means of slojd are diminished in proportion. It is most important that this should be laid down once for all, because some teachers possibly imagine that the technical skill necessary for teaching may be obtained by attending one or two slojd courses. This is by no means the case, and the organisers of such slojd courses are the first to understand and to insist upon the fact, that they can only aim at laying a foundation on which students may afterwards build by means of independent work. Just as little as one can learn to play on any instrument by merely taking lessons for a given time from a music teacher, can skill in the management of tools be acquired and maintained without continuous and earnest practice. The teacher who feels real interest in slojd must therefore, on his own account, endeavour to improve in respect of technical skill, and this will prove a two-fold gain, because the bodily exercise affords a healthy change from the mental work with which the time of the teacher is chiefly filled. 6 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. To summarise what has been said in the foregoing: the teacher of educational slojd must above all things have the habit of mind which is indispensable for the right perform- ance of the teacher's work ; his personality must be such as renders him fit to be a teacher ; he must know the objects of educational slojd and the means by which they are to be attained ; and finally, he ought to have sufficient dexterity to handle the tools and to execute accurately the work which is incidental to the course of instruction. These are the de- mands made on him ; may he strive to meet them. The special kind of Slojd recommended. Various materials, e.g., wax, clay, paper, pasteboard, wood, metal, &c., may be used in educational slojd. Wood, however, is for several reasons the most suitable material ; hence ^vood- slojd has been the most popular of all, both in schools and for private instruction. As the name implies, wood-slojd means "slo'jding" in wood. This, again, includes several different kinds of work. Amongst these, however, it is the 5^ so-called slojd-carpentry which best fulfils the conditions carpentry, required when instruction in slojd is given with educational ends in view. It is adapted to the mental and physical powers of children. By enabling them to make a number of generally useful articles, it awakens and sustains genuine interest. It encourages order and accuracy, and it is com- patible with cleanliness and tidiness. Further, it cultivates the sense of form more completely than instruction in drawing does, and, like gymnastics and free play, it has a good in- fluence upon the health of the body, and consequently upon that of the mind. Additional advantages are, that it is excellently adapted for methodical arrangement, comprising as it does a great number of exercises of varying degrees of difficulty, some of which are very easy ; and that it gives a considerable degree of general dexterity by means of the many different tools and manual operations which it intro- duces. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. We must not confound slojd-carpentry with the work done Difference by the carpenter, properly so-called. This is the more neces- sary because great confusion of ideas prevails on the subject ; not least, remarkably enough, amongst those who are in- terested in slojd, or give instruction in it. It must be borne in mind that although slojd-carpentry and ordinary carpentry have something in common, inasmuch as the same raw material (wood) is employed, and to some extent the same or similar tools are used, yet they differ one from the other in several very important respects. For example, the articles made in slojd-carpentry are in many cases quite different from those which fall within the province of the carpenter. The articles made in slojd-carpentry are differentiated partly by their smaller size, for the articles made in workshops are generally much larger ; partly by their form, for they are often bounded by variously curved outlines, whilst articles made by the carpenter are generally rectangular or cylindrical. This is especially shown in the case of the many different kinds of spoons, ladles, scoops, handles, &c., &c., which form such an important element in slojd-carpentry. Further, though many tools are common to both kinds of work, there are also considerable differences in this respect. Several tools which are seldom or never used in the car- penter's workshop, e.g., the axe, the draw-knife, and the spoon-iron, occupy an important place in slojd-carpentry. The most characteristic tool in slojd-carpentry is, however, the knife, and by the use of this, his chief instrument, the slojder may always be distinguished from the carpenter, whose favourite tool is the chisel, and who, as seldom as pos- sible, and never willingly, takes the knife in his hand. In carpentry, on the other hand, use is made of a number of tools more or less necessary, which are quite unknown to the slojder, who works for the most part under more primitive conditions. Distinct differences can also be pointed out in the manner of executing the work (for while division of g HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. labour is practised in carpentry, it is not permitted in slojd} and in the manner of using the tools. It will be seen from the foreo-oing that much may pass under the name of instruc- tion in slojd which, properly speaking, ought simply to be called instruction in carpentry. It is most important that this distinction should be maintained, because otherwise edu- cational slojd will by degrees be lost in instruction in car- pentry as a trade. In some schools where slojd is taught we find turning and wood-carving as well as slojd-carpentry. This, however, is not so common now as it was a few years ago. People seem to be coming more and more to the conclusion that both occu- pations are more suitable for the home than for the school. Neither of them is to be commended from the hygienic point of view. As regards turning, the difficulty of procuring suitable turning-lathes presents in many schools a serious obstacle to its general use ; whilst the necessity of perform- ing preliminary exercises, apart from the actual objects made (a proceeding of very doubtful educational value) places turning quite in the shade as compared with slojd-carpentry. Wood carving, on the other hand, does not involve that energetic bodily labour which is of such great importance in connection with educational slojd. Again, wood-carving, classed as it is with the so-called "finer" kinds of manual work, has a tendency to intensify in the child that contempt for rough bodily labour which has already unfortunately done so much social harm. The danger of this is however greatest when the children are imprudently permitted to ornament objects which they have not made. When wood- carving is used, not as a separate kind of slojd, but in order to complete slojd-carpentry, and when ornamentation is only allowed after the children are able in a satisfactory way to execute the articles to be embellished by its means, the dis- advantages are minimised. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Method. Systematic action, directed towards an end, is termed The method. Every form of human activity, in. so far as it is meanin a f . . -IT method. concerned with the attainment of a definite preconceived end, must therefore be regulated according to method, and this universally applicable rule holds good in the case of that activity which is directed towards instruction and education. Hence great importance has always been attached to methods of instruction. In fact, in many cases too much attention has been paid to the study of special methods. Not that we agree with those who, by strange confusion of ideas, regard the rules of scientific method as opposed to practice, saying : " We are practical people, and therefore we mean to teach in our own practical way, not to follow the theoretical methods of others." They thereby show that they do not understand how, in the very nature of things, there can be only one really practical mode of procedure, and that is the method which is in harmony with sound theory,and that any other way of going to work must be more or less unpractical. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that many teachers misunder- stand the true significance of method to such a degree that it becomes the Alpha and Omega of the work. They forget that, strictly speaking, method is merely a tool though a very necessary one in the hand of the teacher ; and that, just as little as a tool can execute a piece of work of its own accord, just so little can method ever be the chief factor in instruc- tion. The teacher's power to apply method is the determining factor. A good method in the hands of a truly capable teacher will always give better results than a bad method. The best method is of comparatively little value if the teacher is inefficient. It will now be clear that slojd, whether regarded as a subject of school instruction in the usual sense, or as a purely disciplinary subject, must be treated according to rules of HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. method. The ordinary rules of method can be applied to it ; and chief amongst them those which are generally regarded as fundamental principles, namely, that instruction shall proceed gradually from the more easy to the more difficult, from the simple to the complex, and from the known to the unknown, it being always understood that the starting point is sufficiently easy, simple, and well-known. In drawing up a system of method in slojd teaching it is difficult to find any fully logical principle of arrangement elsewhere than in the exercises. By exercises in this connection is to be understood that manipulation of the materials by means of one tool or more in a definite way, for a definite object. Now these exercises can be arranged in a series, in conformity with the rules given above. This could not be done so easily if the tools themselves constituted the principle of arrangement, because, e.g., in the case of two tools, some exercises performed with the one may be easier, and some on the contrary may be more difficult, than the exercises which are performed with the other. It is obvious that the models cannot constitute the principle of arrange- ment, because they are merely the incidental expressions of the exercises. When, therefore, it is said that the models in a series are graded from the more easy to the more difficult, it is meant that the exercises occurring in these models proceed in this way. The exercises themselves are partly simple, partly complex : the latter consisting of two or more simple exercises in combination. The given number of exercises entering into the work of special kinds of slojd depends more or less upon opinion, for it often happens that what is regarded as one exercise might be analysed into two or more, or might be considered as a part of a more complex exercise. Hence the eighty-eight exercises in slb'jd-carpentry enu- merated further on, might easily be increased or decreased in number, depending entirely upon how far it is considered advisable to carry this analysis or synthesis. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 11 The exercises, their number, their names, and their order M ethod 0/ are not, however, the only factors which determine method te hin n in slojd. The way in which they should be taught must be exercises. included. There are different modes of procedure. One of these is to teach the exercises one after the other, simply as isolated or " abstract " exercises, until they have all been per- formed. This may be justified from the point of view of method in general, but opinions may differ, not to put it too strongly, as to its educational soundness. Another mode of procedure is to apply each exercise, after it has been practised separately or in the abstract, in the construction of a given object or model. The exercises themselves are thus given as preliminary practice. This, though certainly a step in the right direction, does not fully satisfy the demands of educa. tional method, which requires us to proceed from the con- crete to the abstract, and not vice versa ; and, moreover, such unnecessarily round-about methods cause the loss of valuable time which might be better employed. Method in slojd only becomes educationally sound when the pupil, by constructing objects which can be used in everyday life, acquires dexterity in performing the exercises as they occur. To take an illus- tration from language teaching, the first mode of procedure corresponds to the learning of abstractions in the form of grammatical rules ; the second corresponds to the application of these rules in sentences after they have been learned ; the third corresponds to the method by which the pupil is led up, through sentences or combinations of sentences, to the laws of language which in them find expression. There are, however, other fundamental principles which Arrange- must be adhered to in arranging a series of models in such a ment f a series of way that the exercises involved shall follow each other in models. methodical order. The general nature of the models and the manner in which the exercises ought to be introduced in them must be considered. In choosing a series of models the best plan is undoubtedly to consider local conditions, and endeavour to make it exactly representative of articles which can be 12 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. used in the homes of the pupils. By this means interest in the instruction given is better aroused and maintained, not only in the pupils, but and this is quite as important m the parents, and thus the bond between the school and the home is strengthened . Opinion is now probably almost unanimous that all articles of luxury should be excluded. (Such articles, however, are by no means synonymous with articles intrinsi- cally beautiful.) The interest of the pupils is also heightened if the first articles presented to them are no larger or more difficult than can be executed satisfactorily in a comparatively short time. The first models ought, on this account, to include few exercises ; and it may be laid down as a general rule that, as far as possible, each successive model should include only one new exercise, or two at the most. In the arrangement of the series, attention must also be paid to alternation in the form of the models. The articles which are included in slojd- carpentry consist partly of " modelled " articles bounded by curved surfaces, and partly of rectangular articles bounded principally by plane surfaces. It is very important that any arrangement of models in a series should present good alter- nation between these two kinds, and, generally speaking, a modelled object should follow a rectangular object, and vice versa. As a result, each model acquires to some extent the * As some confusion of ideas appears to prevail in England between the importance of the educational principles on which slojd is based, and the mo'lels in whicli these principles are exemplified, it seems desirable to draw the attention of readers to this passage. It indicates sufficiently clearly that, in whatever country Swedish slojd may be adopted, the more familiar and the more serviceable the articles made are to the inhabitants of that country, the more nearly will the method of teaching conform to one of the great principles of educational slojd, viz. : that the pupil's interest shall be excited and sustained by the making of articles which he himself or the other members of his family can use. Many of the models at Nails have, within the last year or two, been either modified or changed entirely in order to render them suitable for English students, and it is incumbent upon every slojd teacher to make his own series of models conform to the ideas and requirements of the people among whom he teaches, keeping in view the general principles of method which would apply to any series. Taa. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 13 charm of novelty, and this still further increases in the pupils that interest for their work which is of the very greatest importance as regards the educational benefits to be derived from slojd. The manner in which the details and finished appearance rnt of the objects he is to execute are made clear to the pupil, * ureo must be included within the province of method. It is instruction. assumed that in this, as in all other instruction, it is of the highest importance that the teacher strives to make his teaching as intuitional as possible. To this end, in the elementary stages, the models should always be executed after drawings and models, and in the first instance invariably after models which are placed before the pupils for accurate imitation. As, however, it has been proved to be difficult, in many cases indeed almost impossible, to preserve even a well-exe- cuted wooden model in its original shape and size, and as, for other reasons, it is highly advantageous to connect instruction in slojd with instruction in drawing, the model should be copied to as great an extent as possible by the aid of geo- metrical constructions, sufficiently simple to require in- the pupil only a slight acquaintance with geometrical drawing. In addition to this the most important measurements of the model's dimensions should be given, in order that the pupil may make use of his rule or metre-measure.* By degrees drawings in perspective and projections may be introduced as patterns together with the model; and finally, when the pupil has reached the highest stage, and has attained suffi- cient dexterity in slojd and in the interpretation of a drawing, the model may even be taken away, and the work executed * As the metrical system of measurement admits of greater exactness than our English system, and as it seems desirable to accustom English children to its use, teachers of slojd are strongly advised to adopt it in connection with the dimensions of the models. No difficulty need be anticipated. It has been found that, in cases where children were permitted to use either their English foot-rule or the metre-measure, they invariably preferred the latter. TKS. 14 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. after a drawing only. This may be regarded as the final aim in elementary instruction in slb'jd. It is an essential condition of any method of instruction in educational slb'jd, that the work of the pupils shall be independently and accurately executed, for only thus can habits of self-reliance, order, and accuracy, so important in the formation of character, be developed. In order that self- reliance may be developed, the teacher must guard himself against giving more help than is absolutely necessary, whether this help consists in explaining the best way of doing the work, or in doing the work instead of the pupil. As regards the latter, the teacher will do well to lay down, as a general rule, that he never should touch the pupil's work, for only by this means can he avoid the temptation, to which unfortunately many teachers have succumbed, to execute the most important parts of the work instead of the pupil. At the same time he must remember that it is also hurtful to the pupil, and that it deprives his instruction of considerable educational value, if by unnecessary explanations he hinders the pupil from using his own judgment to discover the right way. The teacher's art in educational slb'jd consists essentially in being as passive and unobtrusive as possible, while the pupil is actively exercising both head and hand. Only in this way can the feeling of self-reliance arise and gain strength. Let the teacher content himself with pointing out the way, and watching that the pupil walks in it. Let him as much as possible refrain from leading where this is unnecessary and, it may be, hurtful. Accuracy. In order to develop the habit of accuracy in the pupil by means of slb'jd, it is essential that he should make his model as nearly as possible an exact likeness of his pattern, or when the model has changed in shape and size an exact copy of what it ought to be, as indicated by the geometrical construction, or complete drawing and given measurements. We very often hear people say that it is quite unnecessary to be so particular with the work, since, INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 15 e.g., a flower-stick can be quite as serviceable whether it is a little shorter or a little longer. This is perfectly true on the assumption that the making of a serviceable flower-stick is our chief end in making it. In educational slojd, however, the principal object is not the article made, but the mental and physical benefits which accrue to the pupil by means of the work. In this case it cannot be unimportant that he should be exercised in the endeavour to execute something as well and as accurately as he is able to do it. For in this way his natural disposition to work carelessly is checked, while at the same time the degree of accuracy to which he is gradually accustomed will be of great advantage farther on in the series of models, when he has to perform such opera- tions as mortising, grooving, dovetailing, &c., which call for no inconsiderable degree of accuracy in their performance. Though a pen-holder need not be of any exact size, this is by no means the case with the joints in dovetailing; and in making the former exact, the latter operation is rendered pos- sible, or at all events easier. At the same time, we must not demand of the pupil work which is absolutely correct in all its details, for this clearly lies beyond his powers. The teacher must exercise his " tact " as an educator in determining the degree of accuracy which is to be demanded of every separate pupil in every separate model, and this being done, the teacher must unhesitatingly reject the articles which fail to come up to the required standard. But in order that the pupil may not be disheartened by repeated rejections, it is advisable not to insist on the repetition of the same model more than, at the outside, three consecutive times. If the pupil fails to succeed the third time, he should be allowed to pass on to the next model, and not required to return to the one he failed to make, until he has succeeded in making the other ; this he usually does easily enough, owing to the increased facility he has gained by practice. If the pupil is permitted to pass over a model altogether without bringing it up to the required standard, it may encourage him in caprice, and 16 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. counteract the development of habits of perseverance, the acquisition of which is of such great importance in life. Further, the general rule should be strictly observed that every article is to be executed as well and as beautifully as possible. In educational slojd it is much more important that what is made should be the product of good and conscientious labour, than that much should be produced. Therefore, whatever bears the impress of carelessness and haste must be rejected without mercy, lest the pupil fall into bad habits, and the educative influences of slojd be weakened. individual The question whether individual instruction or class - vttueiatr teaching should be adopted, comes also under the head of teaching, method in slb'jd-teaching. As the aim in educational slojd is totally different from mere mechanical instruction in the art of using tools and making articles, it may be laid down as a principle, that only in the degree in which the personal influence of the teacher reaches each individual pupil, can his influence be truly educative. And as human beings differ greatly from one another in natural disposition and other respects, instruction, in order to reach the highest degree of educative value, must be specially adapted to each individual. It is as easy to explain, point out, lead, and help too much as too little, and thus to check that mental development which can only be secured by systematic well- balanced effort. This is, and this will continue to be, the disadvantage of class-teaching: this term being assumed to mean, instruction during which all the pupils taking part in the lesson have their attention directed at the same time to the same part of the subject. This disadvantage can never be lost sight of, but in the case of several subjects of instruction, especially the purely intellectual subjects, it is counterbalanced to some degree, because, by means of class- teaching, the practical benefit is gained that a teacher can teach a larger number of pupils than he could teach individ- ually. Slojd, however, does not belong to these subjects, because in it the teacher's powers are limited, to start with, INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 17 by the number of pupils he can efficiently supervise at work ; and it can speedily be demonstrated that he cannot, in class teaching, supervise more than by individual instruction, provided that in each case equally good results are aimed at. On the contrary, he may find that he cannot supervise so many. Another practical objection to class-teaching in cases where slb'jd is applied to educational purposes, is the impos- sibility of keeping the class together in the execution of their work. It follows either that the more backward pupils scamp their work or are allowed to pass over some of the models in the series, or else that the superior pupils are checked in their progress, and thereby prevented from doing as many exercises as they otherwise could have accomplished.* The leading question of method in educational slojd teaching ought to be less how much, or how many, as how well. The Pupils. The age during which instruction can be received with ad- The age o/ vantage in any subject whatever is limited downwards as well as upwards by the work it involves. As regards slojd-car- pentry, children ought to have attained the degree of develop- ment which corresponds roughly to 10 or 11 years. Other- wise they cannot be expected to meet the demands made on the spirit of self-reliance during work. At the same time, as children of the same age differ greatly in point of development our guiding principle should not be the date of birth, but the mental and physical powers which the child has at command. What one child of nine years can accomplish with ease may be beyond the powers of another child of twelve. As regards the upward limit of age, it lies considerably beyond school years. * On certain occasions it is advantageous to demand the attention of all the pupils at one time, e.g., when the teacher wishes to explain the properties of a tool and the method of using it, or wishes to examine all the pupils together. These, however, are special cases, which ought to be quite independent of the slojd-work itself. B 18 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. The number of pupils who can be managed individually j VI A * her o/ tu ty one teacher at the same time varies considerably, ana is *"**' influenced partly by the teacher's general efficiency, partly by his special efficiency, and partly by the stage at which the pupils are. The teacher who is unaccustomed to teach slojd will probably be unable at first to manage with ease more than from 6 to 8 pupils, especially if they are beginners ; later on the number may be increased to 12, and by degrees, under favourable conditions, to 15, 18, or at most 20.* No teacher, however, ought to let his desire to increase the number of his pupils induce him to take more at one time than he can manage in a thoroughly satisfactory way. The Time given to Instruction. The length j slojd lesson ought not to last less than an hour and a half, mto'L'o/ or more than two hours and a half. It ought, if possible, to the unJ d is gymnastic exercises with tools as apparatus ; and all that we merely are justified in aiming at is, that when we have a choice gy> nnastic exercises. between positions and movements favourable to physical development and those which are unfavourable, we must adopt the former. We may rest assured that, in the long run, not only the worker but the work will gain thereby. Harmonious or all-round physical development is mate- 22 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. rially advanced when the muscles of both sides are equally exercised during work. This is a fundamental rule in gym- nastics. It is equally binding in slb'jd whenever it is capable of application. The objection we sometimes hear that the left hand has not the same strength and steadiness as the right, depends on a confusion between cause and effect, because this inferiority in most cases is caused by the fact that at an early age the left hand in the matter of exercise is neglected for the right. It is, moreover, easy to enumerate a great number of operations in which both hands execute almost the same work. As examples may be given : sowing seed, kneading dough, weaving, hewing wood, driving, rowing, playing on the piano, &c. In slojd-carpentry the saw, the plane, the centre-bit, and the file may, in particular, be directed alternately by the right and by the left hand, and the change should be made by all the pupils together, at the command of the teacher, about every half hour. On the other hand, the use of the axe or the knife by the left hand is not to be recommended until great experience in the use of the left has been gained, on account of the greater danger of injury should the tool accidentally slip aside. The following general rules may be given for the positions and movements in educational slojd-carpentry. Position of the chest. The chest encloses the important vital organs, the heart and the lungs, the former of which regulates the circulation of the blood, and the latter the process of respiration. That these may freely and without hindrance perform their functions, the space in which they move must not be diminished. It must rather be enlarged. We must therefore endeavour to prevent any narrowing of the chest, and attention should always be directed to keeping the shoulders well back during work, in order that the chest may be expanded. Inspiration and expiration should take place quietly, without any effort whatever. The head should be held as erect as possible, to avoid un- INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 23 necessary loss of muscular power, to permit greater freedom of circulation, and to preserve the eyesight from injury during work. When the head is bent forwards the veins in some situations are compressed, in others extended ; in both cases their calibre is diminished. In connection with the effect the position of the head may have upon the circulation, the importance of loose clothing should be noticed. Tightly fitting collars and neckties should be above all avoided. To preserve the sight, work should not be held nearer the eye than about 12 in. : for this reason it is very advantageous in educational slojd to use exclusively benches whose construc- tion permits of their being raised to different heights. Thus the work may always be held at the proper distance from the eye, while the position of the head is, from the hygienic point of view, most advantageous. The feet should be so placed as to afford the best and firmest support during work. In the execution of every exercise a certain mechanical resistance has to be overcome. For this purpose muscular strength, and in certain circumstances the weight of the body, must be called into play. This resistance must be regarded as force opposing the worker in a certain direction, and he must allow his body to assume the state of equilibrium most favourable in relation to the direction of the force. This is done as regards the feet, when the line of most resistance is in front of the worker, by placing the one foot in front of the other in such a position that a line drawn from the foremost foot in the direction of its length, would meet the heel of the other at right angles ; and when the resistance is from the side, by placing the feet apart sideways. A bad habit of frequent occurrence, especially in planing, is to turn the toes in. This ought to be avoided as much as possible, because it interferes with the natural action of the knee joint. The position and movements of the body. The worker should assume a position, in relation to his work, which enables the muscles of his arms to have free play in the most favourable direction for its execution, i.e., in a direction 24 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Order an indispens- able condition. The pupils' placet for work. Swnbers on the bench** fixed placet for tooit. opposed to the line of resistance, or friction between the tool and the piece of wood. In certain exercises, such as planing and boring, this friction is, to some extent, increased by the necessary bending of the body over the tool, whereby the weight of the body helps to press it against the wood. In using some tools, e.g., the saw, this weight may also act as a kind of regulator, by gently setting the body in motion back- wards and forwards. The reader is referred to Plates I.- VIII. for illustrations of some of the most important positions.* Some Rules for the Slojd Teacher. In all teaching, and not least in slojd teaching, the main- tenance of order must be laid down as an indispensable condition. The following simple directions may serve for guidance to the teacher. Every pupil should have a fixed place at a bench. When circumstances permit, it is advisable to have at disposal as many benches (or when benches intended for two are used, half as many benches) as there are pupils taking part simul- taneously in a lesson. The benches and tools should be furnished with numbers, so that they can easily be distinguished from one another. The following tools should, if possible, belong to each bench, and be marked with its number : knife, trying-plane, smooth- ing-plane, jack-plane, square, marking-gauge, compasses, rule or metre measure, and scraper. t Other tools may serve the whole class in common. All tools should have fixed places. Those belonging 1 to the * O O bench may be allowed to lie upon it until the close of the lesson, but all tools in common use should be laid by or hung up immediately after use, in order that they may be easily found. The teacher must take care that all the edge tools in use are * These plates are specially intended to illustrate the position of body which the worker should assume when beginning the particular exercise indicated, t These constitute the bench-set. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 25 well sharpened, and that any tool which gets out of order, or The is broken, is repaired as soon as possible. If practicable, the pupils should do their own repairs. repairing At the beginning of the lesson the pupils should, in an orderly way, get out their tools and work. The latter, if begun in a previous lesson, should be kept in boxes specially provided for the purpose, and should be marked with the pupils' names. In order to teach and superintend in the full meaning of Teaeher these terms, the teacher must not stand still in one place, dunny He must go from one pupil to another with advice and criti- work - cism. The pupils, on the contrary, must, as far as possible, remain at their benches. If they desire any advice from the teacher, they must not attract his attention by calling out, but by some signal, e.g., holding up one hand, standing in front of the bench and looking towards him, etc. All un- necessary talking must be carefully avoided. The pupil himself, guided by the teacher, must select selection suitable wood. Waste must be avoided as far as possible. of wood. The pupil must not be allowed to polish with sand-paper Sand- until the teacher has examined the work and found that^T*"' sufficient use has been made of cutting tools. The sand-paper is to be kept by the teacher and given out by him as required. About 6 sq. in. is calculated for each model. The calculation is founded on the supposition that though the models become larger as the course proceeds, the greater facility of the pupil diminishes in about the same degree his need of sand-paper. At the end of the lesson all the tools should be put back putting in their places, care being taken that all the saws are loosened. the slff j d The tools should be counted by the " captain," or monitor, order. appointed for the class, after which the teacher sees that everything is in its right place. The wood and the pieces of work are put away tidily. The benches are brushed and made clean with a brush which should hang by the side of each bench, and the floor is swept. The shavings, however, need not be carried away oftener than once or twice a week. 26 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Fin it lied m r . Taking tht work homr. Irtybook. When the finished pieces of work have been " passed " by the teacher, a label should be stuck on, and on this label should be stated the number of the model and its name, the name and age of the pupil, and the number of hours spent in making it. If it is considered desirable to give every piece of work a value, this also may be mentioned on the label. Although from the educational point of view it is advisable that the pupils should at once take home their work, it is generally for other reasons more expedient that it should remain in the school in the care of the teacher until it can be exhibited publicly at an examination or terminal break - ing-up. After this has taken place, the articles are to be re- garded as the property of the makers. The sale of work for the benefit of the school should never be thought of. A very good plan is to allow the pupils to take home their work as soon as it is finished, in order to show it to their parents, on the understanding that, after they have seen it, it is brought back to the school, to be kept there as long as necessary. The teacher should enter in a day-book, arranged for the purpose, careful notes regarding the pupils taking part in the slojd lessons, their presence and absence from lessons, the articles they make, etc., etc. 27 CHAPTER II. Wood, or Timber. The material generally used in slb'jd-teaching, and most suitable for the purpose, is wood or timber. Intelligent knowledge of the material used is as essential to the teacher as acquaintance with the tools required. He ought, e.g., to be familiar with the qualities which render different kinds of wood more or less appropriate for different purposes. Accordingly the description of the tools given in Chapter III. is here preceded by a brief account of the growth of trees ; of the most important properties of wood, and the principal changes which it undergoes; and by a comparison of the technical qualities of the various kinds of wood in common use. A. The Structure and Composition of Wood. Wood or timber forms the greater part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubs. To examine the inner structure of a tree-stem, a section A tree-stem may be made at right angles to the direction of its length, in section - i.e., a transverse or cross section; or from the pith to the bark in the line of one of the radii and parallel to the direc- tion of the length, i.e., a radial section; or a third section may be made at right angles to both the preceding as a tangent to the circumference, i.e., a tangential section. 28 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. On examining the cross-section of a stem we find an outer ring, the bark, consisting of a corky layer, the outer bark, and the inner bark or bast', next comes the wood, consti- tuting the chief portion of the stem, and in the Fig. 1. Three sections of a tree-stem, at right angles to one another. T. cross section, K. radial section, Tg. tangential section. Lircll paib IS a 3^. me ciulla or pith, B. Bark, C. Cambium, aa. Concentric -.r.1 -fill^ '1, annual layers, mm. Medullary rays, a&. thickness of medullary Canal, mled Wltil raySi cd . height of medullary rays, II. vessels. soft cellular tissue called the pith or medulla. Between the wood and the bast lies a narrow, light-coloured ring, the Cambium, This consists of a layer of embryonic cells, from which are developed 011 the one side wood, and on the other bast, and it is here that the growth of the tree takes place. The Cambium forms the soft, moist, spongy mass which may be seen under the bark in spring when the sap begins to rise. It consists of microscopic cells, some of which are long, prismatic, and pointed at the ends, while others are shorter and have ends which terminate abruptly. The inner bark and wood are developed chiefly from the long cells, the medullary rays from the short ones. Wood Cells. The young cells from which wood is developed have at which nourishes the growing tree, and which circulates with ease from one thin walled cell to another, and thus permeates the whole of the tissue. Gradually the walls of the cells become thicker ; the cell contents solidify ; the sap flows less WOOD, OR TIMBER. 29 and less freely ; the whole tissue assumes the characteristics of wood, and ceases to take part in the circulation and assimi- lation of the sap. The cellular tissue consists chiefly of cellulose, the chemical constituents of which are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Wood Fibres. The cells from which wood is developed are principally the long-pointed cells. They lie close together and overlap one another at the ends, thus forming minute tubes or fibres. The zone of wood in any stem consists of these fibres massed together, and extending in the direction of the length of the stem. The connection between separate fibres is often very slight, as is shown by the ease with which they may be separated. In trees of regular growth the fibres are straight and parallel. Wood of this kind is called " straight fibred." It is easily split. This is not the case with wood in which the fibres are crooked, or twisted about one another, as in gnarled or mis-shapen trees. The fibres in the root, the lower part of the stem, knotty branches and rough excrescences are always crooked, and sometimes they are twisted and involved in the most remarkable way. This gives rise to the peculiar speckled and veined appearance which is so highly prized in some kinds of wood. The bast also consists of fibres, but they are longer and usually tougher than wood-fibres. Concentric Annual Layers. A new layer of bast and a new layer of wood are formed annually. This new formation goes on rapidly in spring and early summer, when vital activity in the tree is at its height. The cells are then large, and the wood formed from them, i.e., spring wood, is soft and loose in texture and light in colour. After the tree has budded the formation of wood goes on for 30 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. of the con- centric annual layer*. tion uf the ae with rectangular long stock and cylindrical spindle (Fig. 20). The stock is sawn into at one end as far as the mortise, Fig. 20. Marking gauge, patent. */* Lundmark's and to secure the spindle after insertion this end is furnished with a screw, by means of which the spindle is held fast in * Where the English system of measurement is followed, a two foot rule is used, divided into eighths of an inch on one side, and into sixteenths on the other. The use of the metre-measure is, however, strongly recommended. (See foot- note, page 13). TBS. 72 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. the manner indicated in Fig. 20. If a thumbscrew and nut are substituted for this screw, the necessary pressure can be more easily and surely produced. (See Plate X). (2.) Marking 1 gauge (Fig. 21) with rectangular long stock and rectangular spindle. The spindle is held in place by wedges. This is a simple and inexpensive marking gauge, invented by Herr Alfred Johansson, head-teacher at Na'as. It is recommended as a useful and practical tool for school purposes. (See Plate X.) The long stocks of both these marking gauges give them the advantage already indicated over those hitherto in use, i.e., Fig. 21. Marking-gauge. */4- they enable inexperi- enced workers to gauge without difficulty. The English mark- ing gauge (Fig. 22) differs from the Swedish one in having a thumb- Fig. 22. English Marking-gauge. screw a on one side a. Thumbscrew. Of the Stock, which works against the spindle and holds it in position. The marker must be kept well filed and pointed to secure fine distinct lines, parallel throughout with the edge. The side farthest from the stock should be straight, and as nearly as possible parallel with the side of the stock. The inner side of the marker, on the contrary, should be slightly convex. The marker is thus calculated to cut inwards away from the edge, and does not " run off the lines " as a bad marker does, when it meets with a hard layer of autumn wood in cutting in the direction of the grain. With a good marker the gauge should act easily and well without exertion of any kind on the part of the worker. TOOLS. 73 (3) The cutting 1 gauge has a parallelepiped shaped spindle secured by a wedge (Fig. 23). Instead of a pin-shaped marker it is provided with a thin steel cutter, adjusted by means of a pin. Cuttings more or less deep may thus be made on the surface of the work. This tool is Fig. 23. Cutting Gauge. J. chiefly used for gauging across the grain, and in setting out for grooving and dove-tailing. In this, as in all marking gauges, it is important that the marker should be inserted in such a way that the inner side, and consequently the point, is slightly inclined outwards from the side of the stock. IV. Compasses. 1. The compass generally used in slojd is a simple one made of steel with a hinge. As it is often necessary to maintain the distance between the arms unaltered, this compass is provided with a bow, which is attached to one arm, and which can be secured to the other by a screw. A compass of this kind is called a bow-compass (Fig. 24). When segments of large circles have to be described, beam-compasses are used. In place of the arms of the ordinary compass, these are furnished with trammels, aa, united by a cross-piece or beam, 6, and pointed at Fig. 24. Compasses. one end, where there is a steel pin. One of the trammels is fixed to the cross-piece ; the other is movable, and is adjusted by means of a pin. 74 HANDBOOK OF SLO.TD. Fig. 25. Trammel Heads, or Beam Compasses, aa. Trammels, 66, Beam. Fig. 26. Caliper Compasses. 2. The Caliper Compass is used to measure the thickness of round or oval objects. This compass has very strong curved arms with points which taper obliquely. The ordinary caliper compass may be used to measure the dia- meter of a hole, by turn- ing the arms round the hinge until the points are turned away from one another (Fig. 26). V. Squares and Bevels, Squares are used for testing right angles, bevels for testing angles of various sizes. TOOLS. 75 The Square consists of a short thick piece called the stock, with a longer, thinner piece at one end, and at right angles to it, called the blade. The stock projects beyond the sides of the blade, and the tool can be easily applied to the straight edge of a piece of wood, that lines may be drawn on the surface at right angles to this straight edge. All the angles of the square, exterior as well as interior, must be perfect right angles. This is not only essential for the operation just described, but also Fig. 27. Wooden Square. *. because the square is used for testing solid angles, e.g., the edge of a plank, a corner, etc. Every good collection of tools should include several squares of different sizes, e.g., with blades 6, 8, 12, and 18 inches long. The square should be made of hard well-seasoned wood, warranted not to warp. To give greater durability the blade is often made of steel, and the wood of the stock faced with brass on the inner side (Fig. 28). Still stronger and more trustworthy squares are made with steel blades and cast-iron stocks. Squares of Fig. 28. this kind are particularly useful as testing squares, and one ought to be included in every good collection of tools. To test a square. The blade is laid on the plane surface of a block of prepared wood, with the stock against a perfectly straight edge. Lines, drawn against each side of the blade, are then made on the wood. The square is next Wooden squares. Square with steel blade - 76 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. To test a plane ur- ja.ce. mitre-bevel. reversed, the stock is placed as before, and the edges of the blade are placed close to the lines previously made. Lines are then drawn once more along the edges of the blade. If these lines coincide, or are perfectly parallel with those made first, the square is correct. 2. The set-bevel (Fig. 29) consists, like the preceding, of a stock and a blade, but the latter, which generally extends beyond the end of the stock, is attached in such a way that it forms on one side an angle of 45, and on the other an angle of 135, or the complementary angle of a straight angle. It is used when a rec- tangular corner is made by joining Fig. 29. Set-bevel or together pieces cut at an angle of 45. Such pieces are said to be mitred. In the wooden bevel the blade rotates on a screw in the stock. To secure the blade in any given position the screw is furnished with a nut, by means of which it may be screwed fast. (Fig. Fig. 30. The Wooden Bevel. \. 3Q.) VI. Winding laths or straight edges. To test the ac- curacy of plane surfaces, a long, perfectly straight ruler or straight edge is used. When this is placed on the surface in various directions, there must be complete contact be- tween it and the surface. A still more delicate method of proof is furnished by the double straight edge, or two straight edges exactly the same (Fig. 31). In applying the test the straight edges are placed one at each end of the piece of wood, and parallel to one another. On careful TOOLS. 77 Fig. 31. Winding laths or straight edges. . inspection, if the surface is level the upper edges of the rulers will be found to be in the same plane. The straight edges, when not in use, are held together by a couple of pegs. The edge of the trying-plane is often used instead of the straight edge, and two trying-planes instead of the double straight edge. See further under "face planing," p. 132. D. Tools used for cutting up wood and making the articles. I. Saws. The saw is an indispensable tool, and in the case of most articles it is the first used. The blade is made of thin steel of various breadths, on one edge of which a series of sharp points form the teeth. The steel must be soft enough to be acted on by the file, and to admit of the teeth being slightly turned aside without breaking off. The saw acts by tearing or cutting the fibres of the wood as the teeth of the blade pass over them. The teeth are, therefore, the characteristic part of the saw, and its efficiency depends on their form, size, and quality. The shape and size of the teeth vary considerably in different kinds of saws. The form generally used in wood slqjd is shown in Fig. 32. The form of the teeth is that of 78 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Form and position of the teeth, of a saw. Lfnith oj the teeth. Fig. 32. a scalene triangle, the base of which is formed by the blade. The shortest side froms an angle of 80-90 with the base. In the frame saw (Fig. 37, B), the angle Teeth of a bow saw for ripping-. } is 90 ; in the bow-saw, the dove-tail saw, etc., it is 80-S5. The teeth of any given saw must always be alike in size and shape, and must always be set at the same angle. The shorter side of the teeth, being nearly at right angles with the blade, is the cutting side, and in working the saw this is the side which should enter the wood. When the saw is drawn back, the more sloping side of the teeth has very little effect upon the fibres, and the saw "goes empty." The teeth of the bow-saw for cross cutting form an isos- celes triangle of 50 between the teeth. A saw of this Fig. 33. Teeth of a bow-saw for description cuts equally well cross-cutting, or wood-saw, -j- backwards or forwards The space between the teeth must be great enough to leave room for the sawdust until the saw has carried the latter beyond the wood. Now, as the sawdust occupies more space than the wood from which it is produced, the teeth of the saw must be considerably longer than the depth of the cut made each time the saw passes through the wood, and the point only of the teeth must be allowed to cut the wood, to prevent hindrance to their action by an accumulation of sawdust. If the sawdust prevents the free passage of the saw, or if it clings about the teeth, it is either because the teeth are too small, or because too much pressure is laid on the saw. Why the saw must be let. It is almost impossible to avoid considerable friction between the blade and the sides of the cut, and this friction is increased by the sawdust which accumulates at the sides TOOLS. 79 of the blade. It is therefore necessary to give the blade a certain amount of "play ;" in other words, the breadth of the cut must be greater than the thickness of the blade. This is effected by bending the teeth alternately a little to the one side and to the other, or, as it is termed, by setting the saw. Setting is performed by means of the Saw-set, a steel blade T V inch thick, the edges of which are indented by notches of var- Fig. 34. Saw-set. . ions breadths. Some English Saw-sets are furnished with an adjustable slide rest. In setting a saw the blade is fastened into Saw Sharpening 1 Clamps (Fig. 35) and these are screwed to the bench. One tooth after another is grasped by the notch of the Saw-set best adapted to the thickness of the tooth, and the blade of the Saw-set being held in such a way as to conceal the point of the tooth, the latter is then turned sharply aside. It must not, as is sometimes done, be twisted at the same time in the direction of the length of the blade, as this may cause it to break off. Great accuracy is required in the operation, and the setting should never be so extreme that the width of the cut is more than double the thickness of the teeth. If this width is exceeded the saw will not act easily. Considerable practice and skill are requir- Flg> 35> Saw sharp " , , m , . , , , , . ening clamps. One ed to set a saw. The points of the teeth half loosely fastened should form a line exactly parallel to the to the other by means length of the blade, but it often happens that of wood screws. ^. some teeth project beyond this line and others fall within it. This fault may be remedied to some extent by drawing the blade between a couple of gouges, fixed points downwards in a piece of wood, with the convex sides facing one another. set saws. 80 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. The blade of the saw is placed between them, teeth upwards, and the points turned from the operator, or in the direction from d to c (Fig. 32), the handles are grasped with one hand to bring the gouges close together, and the blade of the saw is drawn forwards between them. setting In consequence of the difficulty of setting a saw evenly t>w- and at a good angle, many different kinds of saw-sets and setting-tongs have been devised. The latter are intended to be adjustable for any desired inclination of the teeth. Some of these tools, however, are not practically useful, and those which are fully adapted for use are generally too expen- sive for ordinary purposes. As indicated above, setting must not go beyond a fixed limit. Provided that the saw has free passage through the wood, the finer the cut it makes the better ; and much less inclination of the teeth is necessary, in the case of dry timber, than in unseasoned or loose-fibred wood. saw blades Less setting is also necessary in the case of saw-blades which increase in thickness towards the teeth. These are made in the best manufactories, and are always preferable to blades of equal thickness throughout. So-called compass saws often have blades of this kind, and require no setting. sharpening Quite as important as the setting of the saw is its sharpen- ing, and it is often necessary to perform both operations at the same time. To sharpen a saw, it is secured in the saw-sharpening clamps; and the ordinary kinds of saw used in wood slojd are sharpened by means of a triangular file (Fig. 36). Fig. 36. Triangular or Three-square File. /' Care must be taken that the two sides of the file which * The file represented in the illustration is a single-cut file ; but a double- cut iile should be used. Tus. TOOLS. 81 are to be used form the angle necessary to produce the in- clination in the edges of the teeth indicated above. This being secured, the file is drawn across the blade at right angles to it. Every indentation must be filed equally deep, or, in other words, the point of each tooth must stand equally high. The row of teeth is next tested with the straight edge, and if any of the teeth stand higher than the others, they must be topped or filed down with a fine broad file, and then sharpened once more. Sharpening is begun at the end of the blade, towards which the points of the teeth are turned, or from c to d (Fig. 32). The degree thus produced on the points is always in the direction to which the teeth are turned, not away from it. In the latter case, the saw would be rather blunt. Each tooth must be carefully filed, that its edges may be quite sharp, and the cutting side quite straight. Should the saw, after sharpening, be insufficiently set, it must be set again, after which the file must be once more passed over the teeth to remove any irregularities. Generally speaking, setting precedes sharpening. Sharpening is sometimes performed by passing the file obliquely over the edge of the blade, instead of at right angles to it. The edges of each tooth are thus sharpened obliquely from within outwards (see Fig. 33). The file is first passed obliquely through every alternative tooth-space. The saw is Obli v uel v , . sharpened then reversed, so that its ends change places, and the remaining teeth. spaces are operated on in the same way. This gives a knife- like edge to both sides of the teeth, and makes the saw cut particularly swiftly and well. The common wood-saws, some tenon-saws, and hand-saws, are sharpened in this way. It need hardly be added that setting and sharpening are not only necessary in the case of new saws, but also as often as the teeth become worn or blunt. F 82 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. The saws now to be described may- be classed in two groups, i.e., saws with frames, and saws without frames. ' The former have the ends of the blade fastened into a frame, the tension of which may be regulated to produce the necessary amount of resistance. In the latter kind of saw this power of resistance is given by means of the greater breadth and thickness of the blade, or by setting the back of the blade in a binding of metal. This binding is called the saw-back. 1. Saws with Frames. 1 . The Frame Saw (Fig. 37) is the largest saw used in Slb'jd. It is used for sawing up planks and other pieces of wood lengthwise into thin- ner pieces. It is worked by two people, and in a hori- zontal direction. The blade has from 3 to 4 teeth per inch, and it is fastened into an oblong wooden frame, mid- way between the side-rails. The ends of the blade are enclosed in and strengthened by pieces of white-iron, and are fastened by the attached pieces running through each top-rail. Tension is produced Fig. 37. A. Frame Saw. by turning the winged nut. blade, b side-rail, c top-rail, d winged The cutting side of the teeth nut and saw-blade attachment. ^. B. Saw blade end with attachment. ]. is at an angle of 90. TOOLS. 83 2. Bow Saws (Fig. 38) are of different sizes. They are much used in wood-slojd, not only in the earlier, but in the later stages of work. Bow saws have all the same kind of frame, consisting of a bar called the stretcher, longer than the blade and parallel to it, at each end of which there is either a square mortise or a fork-like notch for the recep- tion of the cross-pieces or side-arms. The latter, though care- fully fitted in, yet have a certain amount of play at the ends of the stretcher, in order that they may be drawn closer to each other on either side of the stretcher when the saw is tightened. At one end of each side-arm there is a round hole, through which passes a well- fitting peg with a handle. This peg is sawn through the middle length- wise to form a slot for the saw blade, which often extends a certain length into the handle. The blade of the saw is narrower at the ends where it enters the handle. In it are one or two holes, through which the fasten- ing pin runs. Blades fastened in this way often twist when tightened, and conse- quently cut badly. This happens especially when the axis of the handle is not exactly in line with the blade. This defect may be remedied by sub- stituting for prolongations of the blade itself, the white-iron attach- ments (Fig. 39), and securing them in the usual way. The ends of the blade are fastened between the plates of the attachment merely by a screw a Bi or nail, in order that the blade may be freely adjusted. tt ff Fig. 38. Broad-webbed rms. c blade. d tightener, e string. / end of blade with attachment. g handle. T V. 84 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. The side-arms are connected at the other end by several strands of strong string, which are twisted together by a tightener, in order to give the required tension to the blade. When the string is put on, the frame is fastened between the bench pegs. The stretcher is made of fir or pine; the side-arms of harder wood, e.g., beech or oak. The different parts of the frame are made as light as is compatible with strength, that the saw may not be too heavy to manage with one hand. In working, the saw should be firmly grasped by the side-arm just above the handle. In the case of the lighter description of saws, the handle, as well as the Fig. 39. Saw-blade end, lower part of the side-arm, should with attachment. 4. be held in the hand, and the index finger should steady the blade. Generally speaking, the blade is fixed obliquely to the plane of the frame; partly that the worker may saw deeply without hindrance from the frame, and partly that he may be able to see the line which the saw is to follow. In tightening the blade which is best done by turning both handles simultaneously care must be taken that it is perfectly straight. Otherwise a straight cut can hardly be obtained. If the saw is out of use for any length of time, the tightener should always be slackened. When this is not done the side- arms may become twisted. Bow-saws have different names, depending on the nature of the blade. The " hook," i.e., angle of the teeth is shown in Fig. 32. TOOLS. 85 A. The Broad-webbed Bow-saw is shown in Fig. 38. Its blade is 1 to 1^ inches broad. It is used in numerous cases, e.g., in sawing off long slips of wood, where a straight cut is all that is required. It has 4 to 5 teeth per inch. B. The Turn-saw (Fig. 40). The frame resembles the preceding, but the blade is very narrow about inch, or very little more because it is used to produce cur- vilinear cuts. The toothing is very fine 7 teeth per inch and the setting is sometimes less than in the bow-saw, that the cut may be accurate, and not unneces- sarily broad. Fig. 40. Turn-saw. Turn-saws, the blades of which are over half an inch in breadth, are also used. These are called broad-webbed turn saws. 2. Saws without Frames. 1. The Hand-saw (Fig. 41) has a very broad blade, which is narrower at one end, and is provided at the broader end with a convenient handle. The large blade gives it sufficient strength, and this is often increased by the thickness of the blade, which may exceed that of the frame-saw. The teeth are set to cut when the worker pushes the saw away from him, but not when the saw is drawn back. This saw, distinguished for its simplicity and convenience in working, is in general use in England and North America, but is not much used in Sweden. Fig. 41. Hand-saw. gg HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. 2 The Dovetail saw (Fig. 42) has a very broad blade of equal breadth throughout, with a handle. To give sufficient strength to the blade, its upper edge is enclosed m an iron back. This thick back limits the depth of the cut ; con- sequently this saw is only ^w. ^^^.^w^^v vv~~ usedfor shallow Fig. 42. Dovetail-saw. . incisions, e.g., in sawing out tenons, dovetails, etc. This saw has 10 to 12 teeth per inch. The shape of the teeth is shown in Fig. 32, but they are often sharpened with advantage in the manner shown in Fig. 33. [3. The Tenon-saw is practically the same as the dovetail- saw, but it is rather larger, and it has what is called a Box- handle, somewhat like that of the hand-saw. TRS.] 4. The Compass-saw (Fig. 43). The blade is very nar- row, and terminates in a point. This saw is used when an excision has to be made in the centre of a piec e of Fig. 43. Compass-saw. . work, and cannot be begun from the edge. For this purpose a hole must be bored, into which the point of the saw can be inserted. To give the blade sufficient strength it is made tolerably thick, but it becomes thinner towards the back. Compass- saws are of various sizes, and the teeth are set in different ways. The number of teeth varies from 5 to 12 per inch, but their form is in most cases that shown in Fig. 32. 4. The Groove-saw * (Fig. 44) has a tolerably thick blade * Unknown in England, but recommended as useful. TRS. TOOLS. 87 of equal breadth throughout, the upper edge of which is entirely enclosed by a handle, which is worked by both hands. The teeth are inclined towards the worker, and consequently act when he draws the saw towards him. It sometimes happens, especi- ally in clamping and grooving, that an incision must be made in a broad flat piece of wood, and in many cases it must not be Fig. 44. Groove-saw. \. carried to the edge. With the exception of the tenon-saw, the saws hitherto described cannot be used for this purpose. The groove-saw is perfectly adapted for it, whereas the tenon- saw is not quite so convenient, because the setting of its teeth is not suitable, and it has only one handle. II. The Axe. After the saw the axe is one of the most useful tools in the earlier stages of any piece of work. Axes are of various kinds, manufactured for different purposes. An axe of American construction, very suitable for slojd work, is shown in Fig. 45. The edge and faces are slightly curved, and ground on both sides. The axe should not weigh more than about 21bs., that it may, without trouble, be wield- ed by one hand. Fig. 45. Axe. Ohio pattern, f. The handle, of hard and tough wood, such as oak or ash, should be curved so as to fall well into the hand, and the axe 88 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. shaft must be firmly secured by wedges into the eye of the axe-head. In working with the axe the wood is supported on a block, formed of an evenly sawn-off piece of the trunk of a tree. The best tree for this purpose is the poplar. The surface of the block must always be kept free from sand, which would destroy the edge of the axe. It is of the utmost importance for beginners to hold the piece of wood in such a way that the hands may receive no injury. Grinding In grinding (see under this head, pp. 115-118) the axe the axe. anc [ a n other edge-tools, the tool must be held steadily against the grindstone, in order that the bevelled edge may be quite regular and of the same breadth, not waving. The two bevelled edges should form an angle of about 20. III. The Knife. Atw'tabie The knife is the slojder's indispensable and most important 1 * rni/ '- tool, and it is the first to be placed in the hands of a beginner. It is therefore important to select for slb'jd suitable knives of the best quality. The blade of the slojd knife should be made of good steel, about 4 inches long, and not more than f inch broad. The edge should be Fig. 46. Slojd-knife Naas pattern. . straight, and the two faces which form it should extend over the entire breadth of the blade. The back of the knife should not be more than T 3 jj- inch thick. The blade ought not to taper to a dagger-like point, but should terminate as is shown in Fig. 46. The best angle for the edge is 15. The other end of the blade terminates in a tang which slots into the handle. TOOLS. 89 A commoner, though by no means so suit- able form of knife is shown Fig. 47. Slojd knife, i. in Fig. 47. Directions for using the knife are given in Chap. V. IV. The Draw-Knife. This consists of a steel blade with an edge formed by grinding on one side only. This blade is furnished at both ends with handles, at right angles to it, and in the same plane. The tool is worked with both hands, so that the Fig. 48. Draw-knife. J. whole strength of the slojder can be thrown into its use. use of the The draw-knife is chiefly used in modelling and smoothing objects with curved outlines. It is also used in making hoops for barrels, &c. Directions for its use are given in Chap. V. V. Chisels, Gouges, Carving- Tools, &e. These terms include a whole group of tools which are used in wood-slojd for the removal of small pieces of wood, in cases where the knife, the saw, or the plane could not advan- tageously be used. They consist of a flat or concave blade made of steel, the Pa>-t* of a cutting end of which is cut straight across and sharpened to chuel * &c ' 90 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. an edge, and the other wrought into a four-sided tang, which is set into a wooden handle. The tool in working is driven into the wood either by the pressure of the hand, or by blows from a mallet. In order that the handle may not slip, or twist round when grasped, it is generally made with four sides, greater in breadth than in thickness, and with the broader sides rounded.* To keep the handle from splitting under violent pressure, the base of the tang is furnished with a shoulder, on which the handle rests. These tools vary greatly in size both as regards length and breadth. The latter dimension determines the dimensions of the edge. The broadest tools are gener- ally also the longest. In order to be able to execute all the different kinds of exercises which occur, it is necessary to have a complete set of each description of tools. There are usually 12 in a set, all of different breadths. Tools of this kind are classified accord- ing to the different shapes of the blade and edge, and the different methods of sharpening as follows : Fig. 49. Firmer Chisel^ A. Blade anil handle. B. Klade showing a face and edge. C. liliidc. c. shoulder, d. tang. 1. Chisels. These tools have a straight edge ground on one side. 1. The Firmer Chisel (Fig. 49). The breadth of the blade, which varies from 1 inches to inch, is generally much greater than its thickness. The face of the edge in all such tools forms with the front side an ande of 20 to 25. O The firmer chisel is used in paring plane or convex surfaces; in mortising, when it often does duty instead of the mortise * English handles are generally turned in boxwood or beech. TKS. TOOLS. 91 chisel ; in curved work ; in facing off; and, generally speak- ing, in all cases where no other tool can be made use of with advantage. 2. The Mortise-chisel (Fig. 50). . The thickness of the blade generally exceeds its breadth, which varies from % inch to 1 inch. The front face of the blade is always a little broader than the back. The mortise-chisel is used for mortising ; and, whenever possible, a blade of the same breadth as the mortise to be made should be selected. The great thickness of the tool enables its sides to act with steady force upon the sides of the mortise, and makes accurate execution of the operation much easier. It is driven into the wood by blows from a mallet. The angle of the edge is the same as in the firmer chisel. 2. Gouges. These tools have a curved edge. The blade of the gouge is concave. The face of the edge may either be (a) ground from within out- wards, in which case the edge will lie upon the inner or concave side, or (6) in the reverse way, when the edge will lie upon the outer Fig 50. Mortise-chisel, n/PnnvPv sidfl B - shows breadth and 01 Convex Side. &ngle of theedge> _ Gouges ground in the first mentioned manner are used in the formation of grooves or bowl-shaped depressions. Those ground in the other way Fig. 51. Gouge i. A - with ed & e on th fj nn f side ' B. with edge on 92 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. are used chiefly in perpendicular paring to produce concave and cylindrical surfaces. The breadth of the gouge varies from- inch to 1^ inches, and the curve of the edge may include from one-tenth to one- half of a circle, or 36 to 180. All the gouges in one set should have the same curve in the edge. The gouge is driven into the wood by the hand, or in the case of gouges of large size, by the mallet. 3. The Spoon Gouge and the Spoon Iron. Ordinary gouges are often used in forming the bowls of spoons and similar articles, but the tools specially adapted, and best for the purpose, are the spoon gouge and spoon iron. The larger illustration (Fig. 52) shows the spoon gouge. In construction, and in the way it is used, it somewhat resembles A (Fig. 51); but it differs from it in having the blade curved lengthwise, to facilitate the work of hollowing out. The spoon iron is different in form. It is shown in the smaller illustration (Fig. 52), and re- sembles a knife Fig. 52. Spoon Gouge and Spoon Iron. \. with a lancet- shaped blade, with two edges, curved like a bow, and taper- ing to a point at the end. It is worked with both hands, and cuts to either side. 4. Carving Tools. A number of tools, more or less like the preceding, are used in wood-carving. Some of these carving tools are flat, with rectangular edges; others are oblique to the direction of their length, with a bevelled edge on both sides ; others are concave, with a circular edge, or have two edges meeting in a point. They are straight in some cases ; in others, curved. As only a few of these tools are used in slojd carpentry, to TOOLS. 93 any extent worth mentioning, no description of them is given; but those in most common use, with their names, are shown in Fig. 53. The full size of the edge is given in the outline beside the representation of each tool. Fig. 53. Carving Tools. Firmer. Corner firmer. Straight gouge. Straight gouge. Curved gouge. Front bent gouge. Straight parting tool. Bent parting tool. Bent chisel. Parting gouge. VI. Planes. The edge tools hitherto described consist of a single steel blade, with a cutting edge of various descriptions, and a handle for one or both hands. The inclination of the edge to the surface of the wood may thus be altered at will, as the circumstances of the case require. Narrow surfaces, or sur- faces of generally circumscribed area, may thus be levelled and smoothed to a certain extent (though not perfectly) by the knife, the axe, the chisel, etc. ; but when long and broad surfaces have to be made absolutely smooth, we require an 94 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. edge-tool which, by attacking in the first place all the eleva- tions, and by always cutting equally deep on a plane surface (i.e., by always removing shavings of the same thickness), finally reduces the surface to one uniform level. The plane is the tool which fulfils these requirements. In the plane, the steel blade called the plane-iron is wedged tightly into a parallelopiped-shaped wooden block, called the plane stock, which is formed in various ways for various purposes. The edge of the blade extends slightly beyond the under side of the block. The plane is used not only in the dressing of plane surfaces, but also in the preparation of all surfaces on which straight lines can be drawn in at least one direction ; e.g., in smoothing the surface of cylindrical and conical objects, etc. Con- sequently, many different kinds of planes are required. The plant- All planes, however, consist of two principal parts : the sole or stock, and the iron. The stock is formed of hard, tough, straight-fibred wood in the form of a parallelepiped, the under side of which, the sole, glides over the work when the tool is used. The best wood is elm, beech, pear, or box- wood, which has been well seasoned to prevent warping. The plane is worked with both hands. The front part of Swedish planes is often provided with a rest for the hand, called the horn. The larger kind of planes have a handle behind the iron. rhe plane- The plane-iron is placed obliquely in a hole in the stock, called the socket (Figs. 54 and 56), with its edge extending a very little beyond the sole, and it is secured by a wooden wedge. It is made of iron, with a steel front. In shape it resembles a wedge, the thicker end of which is sharpened. The wedge-like shape gives the required thickness and strength to the sharpened end, leaves more room towards the upper end, and also helps to keep the plane-iron firmly in its place when the edge comes against hard knots in the wood and the pressure tends to force the iron upwards. trou. TOOLS. 95 To form the edge, the plane-iron is ground on the posterior Ang i e O f the or bevelled edge. This forms an angle of from 20 to 25 e ^ eo /"' with the front face of the plane-iron. The former angle is and its po3 i_ suitable for loose fibred timber ; the latter for hard or knotty tion in the stock. wood. The edge must not be too thin, for if so, the iron will fly, i.e., become jagged. The iron is generally placed in the socket at an angle of 45 to the plane of the sole, with the bevelled edge downwards. It occasionally happens, e.g., in small American planes with iron stocks, that the bevelled edge of the plane-iron is turned upwards at an angle of 25 to the plane of the sole. It may also be mentioned, in passing, that in planes manufactured for special purposes, e.g., planing particularly hard kinds of wood, the irons are placed at an angle of 50, 55, 60, or even 90. As indicated above, the plane acts by removing thicker or thinner shavings, according as the plane-iron extends more or less beyond the sole. In working with the knife it is always possible to alter the position of the edge in order to prevent its cutting in the same direction as the fibres run, which would tear them, and render the surface uneven. But it is not always possible to guide the stationary plane-iron in this way. Hence in cross-grained wood, or in timber where the fibres lie parallel with the surface, the plane has a tendency to split or tear them, and the resistance offered by the torn fibres is often so great that the plane cannot be driven forward. The fibres also, by their elasticity, tend to drag the iron downwards. To prevent the fibres tearing in front of the iron, provision must be made (1) for breaking them off at once, and (2) for bringing at the same time pres- sure to bear on them from above, just over the edge of the iron, by means of which their elasticity may be diminished or wholly neutralised. The^irs^ object is attained by placing a cover above the iron, the effect of which is to break off the The cover. fibres as quickly as they are detached; the second, by re- ducing the set or opening in front of the iron as much as is compatible with the free passage of the shavings through it. 96 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. To put on t.'ii cover. _b'ig. 54. Trying Plane. . A stock, B handle, C socket, D D cheeks, E wedge, F cover, G iron, H. boss. A rectangular opening in the iron, enlarged and rounded at one end, admits the screw of the cover, and permits of its adjustment. The lower end of the cover is curved, with the concave side inwards, and it terminates in a sharp edge. When the screw is tightened this sharp edge must lie close against the surface of the iron (see Fig. 55). If the slightest space is left the shav- ings will force their way through. The other side of the cover must be carefully rounded to permit the shav- ings to glide freely over it. The edge of the cover should be very near the edge of the iron. In finishing up a surface, and plain jointing, the dis- tance should be about ~ 2 inch, and about double that distance in cases where coarser shavings may be removed. The dis- tance between the socket and the edge of the plane in front should be about T V inch for fine planing, and not more than $ inch for coarser work. Theu>edge In planes like the smoothing-plane and the trying-plane, keL where the iron is narrower than the sole, and is inserted in the socket from above, the front side of the socket should be at right angles with the plane of the sole, and of the same Fig. 55. Plane Iron. A seen from the front \. B seen from the side {, a iron. l> cover. TOOLS. 97 breadth as the iron. The inclination of the side of the socket on which the iron rests has been already indicated ; the other two sides, i.e., the cheeks, are thicker towards the iron, in order to give support and steadiness to the wedge, and the sides of the wedge are inclined towards one another at an angle of about 8. If this angle is much greater the wedge fits loosely ; if it is less it may fit so tightly that it cannot with- out difficulty be loosened. The wedge, which, is forked at the lower end, must fit accur- ately into the space in the socket left by the iron, otherwise shavings may gather round its points (see Fig. 56). These points require frequent- ly to be trimmed, because from re- peated sharpen- ing the wedge- shaped plane- iron gradually sinks deeper in the socket, caus- Fig. 56. Portion of Plane. Socket. . F section through e d showing plane iron, wedge and piece of wood inserted. ing the wedge to do the same. Should the sole of the plane become warped, or uneven planing the through wear, it must be carefully planed. It follows from ^u and in- fc> . . ,, n i sertiny a the construction of the socket that the opening in tront ot tne piece of iron, after repeated planing, becomes too large. It is usual wood - to remedy this by inserting in front of the iron a piece of very hard wood, e.g., ebony, beech, or boxwood (see Fig. 56). Brass is also used for this purpose. New planes are also G 98 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. often furnished with such pieces, in order that the portion in front of the plane-iron's edge may longer resist the wearing effect of the shavings. Putting in the Plane-Iron or Setting the Plane. The cover is screwed tightly on the iron, with its sharp edge at the proper distance from the edge of the iron, which is then laid in the socket, just deep enough to allow its edge to lie in the same plane as the surface of the sole. The wedge is then put in, and secured by a couple of light blows from the hammer. The plane is then taken in the left hand, with the thumb resting on the wedge in the socket. The sole is turned upwards, and the iron is carefully driven in a little more, so that its edge shows just as much beyond the plane of the sole as the occasion requires. If it seems crooked, i.e., if one corner seems lower than the other, this must be rectified by light taps on its free edges. When its position appears to be right, the iron is secured by driving the wedge in more firmly. If, after this, the iron is found to be too low, it may be made to recede by a blow on the back part of the stock, or, in the case of the trying-plane, by a blow on the boss, a piece of hard wood or metal inserted in front of the socket (see If, Fig. 54). [This boss is not always found in English planes. It is useful in slb'jd as indicating the place to which the blow should be directed, and thus saving the stock of the plane from injury. TRS.] The loosened wedge is then fastened once more, and the position of the iron is tested by the thickness of the shavings it removes, and raised or lowered, if necessary, according to the above directions. When the iron is removed, the plane is held in the way indicated above. 1. Planes with Flat Soles for the dressing of plane surfaces. 1. The jack-plane (Fig. 57). To give certainty and ease in working, the front portion of the stock of a Swedish jack- plane is furnished with a horn for the hand, and a metal TOOLS. 99 support of American invention is sometimes placed behind ' the iron to prevent the other hand from coming in contact with its sharp edges. The iron is single, i.e., it has no cover, and the edge is curved, not square. The Swedish jack-plane is 9 inches long. [The English jack-plane is 16 inches long. TRS.] The jack- plane is used on rough un- planed sur- faces as a pre- paration for a finer plane, when the ob- ject in view is more to re- Lemjlh of the jack- plane. move thick Shavings ra- Fig. 57. Jack-plane. J. A horn, B support for hand, C single iron. pidly by an iron which cuts deep, than to produce a smooth surface. As the iron is single, and the opening in front of it tolerably wide, the jack-plane has a tendency to tear up the wood ; and it is therefore not advisable to use this tool very near the surface which is ultimately to be produced. 2. The trying-plane is the largest and most indispensable of all the planes in use. That it may be wielded steadily it is provided with a handle for one hand. The iron is double, i.e., provided with a cover. Its various parts and their con- struction are fully described in connection with Fig. 54, and the method of using it is described in Chap. V. It is employed in shooting, i.e., in producing level surfaces use of the of all kinds, and it is sometimes used in preparatory work instead of the jack-plane, in which case the iron should be set rather deeper than for shooting. When the trying-plane is used instead of the jack-plane, the space between the socket and the edge of the iron in front should be wider than in the later stages of planing. 100 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Length of the tryinj plane. Grinding j n a ]j pl ane s used for shooting, the surface of the sole must iron. lie altogether in the same plane ; and the edge of the plane- iron must be ground quite straight, and at right angles with the middle line of the iron. As, however, the corners of a perfectly straight-edge are apt to tear up the fibres by the side of the iron, or at least to leave a mark on the wood, they should be very slightly rounded. The sole is sometimes rubbed with raw linseed oil, that it may glide more smoothly over the wood. The trying-plane should always be worked in the direction of its length, not obliquely to it, as is often improperly done. The trying-plane should be about 20 inches long. [The English trying-plane is 22 inches long. TES.] 3. The smoothing-plane (Fig. 58) resembles the jack- plane, but is broader, and has a double iron. The smoothing- plane is used after the trying-plane to produce a very smooth polished sur- face. As the shav- ings it removes must be extremely fine, the edge of the cover is placed very close to the edge of the iron, or, as it is called, is " set fine in front." The smoothing plane should be about 9|- inches long. [The English smoothing-plane is 7| inches long. TES.] The smoothing-plane and planes like it may be fur- nished with a support for Iron Smoothing-plane (American the hand > behind the iron, pattern]. . like the jack-plane. As mentioned above, the stocks of planes are sometimes Fig. 58. Smoothing-plane. TOOLS. 101 made of iron. Planes of this kind are used in England, and to a still greater extent in America. The plane-iron is ad- justed by means of a screw. Small iron smoothing-planes are very useful for children, whose hands are not large enough to hold planes of the ordinary size. A plane of this pattern is shown in Fig. 59. 4. The rebate-plane (Fig. 60). When the adjacent sur- faces of a rebate have to be planed, the ordinary smoothing- plane does not answer because the iron is narrower than the sole. In the rebate-plane the edge of the iron is as broad as Fig- 60. Rebate-plane, i. the sole, sometimes even a little broader. The upper part of the iron is much narrower, and it is wedged into a mortise in the stock. The iron is single, and the shavings escape through an opening above its edge. 2. Planes for the Dressing of Curved Surfaces. 1. The round. This plane is used for hollow grooved surfaces. It resembles the smoothing-plane and the jack- plane, but differs from them in the more or less convex sole, the degree of convexity depending on the degree of concavity it is desired to pro- duce. The iron may be single or double, and the edffe is rounded O to correspond with the sole. An ordi- nary jack-plane may easily be con- verted into a round, by round- Fig. 61. Round. P seen from behind. the sole and the edge of the iron. In working the round 102 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. it must always be driven forward in a line with its length. In consequence of the shape of the tool, any other method would destroy the surface required. [2. The hollow, another plane of this kind, has the sole concave, and an iron to correspond. It is used in planing round surfaces. TRS.] 3. The compass plane. In this plane the sole is curved lengthwise, and the iron is an ordinary double one with a straight edge. It is used in planing hollow curved surfaces. Soles of different degrees of curvature are required, according to the radii of the surface to be planed, but it is not necessary that the two should accurately correspond. The curvature of the sole must not be less than the curvature of the surface of the work, but it maybe greater. The differ- ence, however, if any, must be slight, because the two opposing surfaces must correspond closely enough to permit of the steady Fig. 62. Compass Plane, i. guidance of the tool. One compass-plane, therefore, will not suffice for surfaces of greatly varying curvature. American compass-planes of iron, called adjustable planes, have flexible steel soles, which can be adapted to surfaces of different degrees of curvature. One plane of this kind is therefore enough. 3. The Old Woman's Tooth-Plane, and Dove-tail FiUetster. The old woman's tooth-plane is quite unlike the planss hitherto described. It consists of a block of wood on the inner side of which is fastened an iron, secured by a thumb-screw. (Fig. 63). The construction of some planes of this kind is much simpler ; they consist merely of a parallelepiped piece TOOLS. 103 of wood, in the middle of which is wedged a straight or curved iron. In this case the blade of a firmer chisel is often used. Fig. 63. Old Woman's Tooth-Plane, seen from above and from the side. $. The dove-tail filletster is like the rebate plane, but differs from it in having the plane of the sole oblique to the sides of the stock, instead of at right angles to them, and also in having a rebate either in a piece with the sole, or attached to it for the purpose of Fig. 64. Dove-tail Filletster, seen from the side guiding the plane and from behind, i. along the line of the dove-tail rebate to be formed. In the simple kind of filletster shown in Fig. 64, the rebate is fixed, but in the more complicated kind (Fig. 65), the rebate is adjustable to suit deeper or shallower work ; the latter is also provided with a " cutter" which determines the line within which the surface is to be planed. This line, in other cases, must first be gauged with a cutting gauge; otherwise the plane will tear the fibres on that side and make it uneven. Fig- 65. Dove-tail Filletster. 104 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Both these planes are used in making dove-tail rebates ; the old woman's tooth in smoothing and levelling the bottom of the groove into which the dove-tail is shot, and the filletster in working the dove-tail. 4. The Plough. When a rectangular groove is made in a piece of wood the plough is used (see Plate X.) The breadth of the iron must not exceed the breadth of the groove to be made, and the sole consists of an iron splint set into the stock. The plough is furnished with a directing gauge, adjustable by bolts and wedges or screws. From 6 to 12 irons of different breadths accompany each plane. 5. The Iron Spokeshave. The spokeshave may be included in the same class as the plane. It is made entirely of iron, with two handles, and is worked with both hands. The sole is very short shorter than the breadth of the iron and this renders the tool very useful in forming narrow convex or concave surfaces. The iron is se- cured by a screw and a fixing plate. The latter also does duty as a Fig. 66. Spokeshave. . cover, and makes the tool more serviceable (see Fig. 66). The spokeshave is a simple, practical, and easily-managed tool. It is made in several sizes, and the iron may have a straight edge, or one which curves outwards. The former is more common. [The spokeshave described above is an American pattern. English spokeshaves are made of wood, and are recommended. TRS.] TOOLS. 105 VII. Files. The files used in wood-slb'jd are the same as those used in metal work. The file plays, however, a much less important part in the former than in the latter. In wood-slb'jd it is used chiefly to smooth curved surfaces, the interior of holes and depressions, and the ends of pieces of wood, in all cases where edge-tools cannot be used advantageously. The file consists of a piece of steel, the shape of which may vary, and on the surface of which sharp ridges have been cut with a chisel. These ridges are equidistant the one from the other, and oblique to the length of the file. They form the file-grade (Fig. 67) the essential characteristic of the tool. The & A single-cut file is cut in one direction only ; in a double-cut file the cuts cross one another. Both cuts incline towards the point of Fig. 67. File-grade, f. the tool, the result of which is that the file acts chiefly when driven forward, and has little effect when drawn back. The files used in wood-slb'jd have usually a tapering point. All files terminate at the other end in a tang which slots into the handle. Fig. 68. Files. . a flat file, b half-round file, c round file. Files are called triangular, square, flat, round, half-round, etc., according to the form of the blade in cross-section. Flat 106 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. round, and half-round files are most used in wood-slojd (Fig. 68). The triangular file is used for sharpening saws (Fig. 36). The fineness of the file depends on the number of cuts per inch. They are usually classified as coarse, medium, fine, and very -fine. Medium files, about 12 inches long, are the most useful for working in wood, but coarse files, or rasps, may be used in the first stages of work. Method of When in use, the file is grasped by the handle by one hand, and the wrist or fingers of the other are laid on the point to produce the required pressure. The file is passed steadily and slowly backwards and forwards over the work if the surface desired is level, and with a circular motion if it is curved. Pressure is exerted only when the file is driven forward ; when it is drawn back again it is allowed to glide over the surface. When the work cannot be made fast, the file must be worked with one hand ; but, whenever possible, the work should be secured to the bench, that both hands may be free to direct and steady the file. cleaning the In filing resinous or unseasoned wood, the cuts of the file are apt to become clogged with sawdust. The file may be cleaned with a stiff steel brush, but the simplest method of cleaning a wood-file is to wash it in hot water. The same file should never be used for wood and metal. VIII. Methods of Finishing Work. 1. The Scraper. This tool consists of a highly-tempered piece of steel (Fig. 69). The edges of the scraper are generally straight, but sometimes the ends are rounded or hollowed to suit concave or convex surfaces. The two longest parallel edges are ground at Fig. 69. Scraper. *. r j g ht angles to the sides. TOOLS. 107 scraper is sharpened, it is placed at the edge of a plank, and a very hard piece of steel is drawn against its edge as nearly as possible on the plane of the plank. This, when repeated several times backwards and forwards, levels the sharp edge of the scraper, which is raised up again by having the steel once, steadily but not too heavily, passed along it. During this the steel is held almost perpendicular, with its. upper end inclined very slightly towards the upper side of the plank. The raised edge of the scraper now forms a fine edge, which takes hold of the wood when drawn across its surface, and removes minute shavings. When it becomes blunt, it must be sharpened once more, and as its edge, after repeated sharpening, becomes uneven, it must finally be re- ground. A worn saw-file, the cut of which has been carefully ground off, and the edges slightly rounded, or a firmer chisel,, may be used. The scraper should be held easily in the hand. In polish- Method of ing a plane surface, the tool should be taken in both hands, scraper. The scraper should incline towards the surface of the work (see Chap. V., page 136), and should be worked always in the direction towards which it leans, and with the grain of the wood, but somewhat obliquely to the direction of the fibres. Towards the end, pressure should be diminished, to produce a finer polish. Care must be taken lest the cutting edge become ragged from careless "setting," and scratch the surface. Should this be so, the scraper must be re-ground, and then sharpened. 2. Sand-Paper. Sand-paper is made of paper with a coating of finely- sand-paper -, n . , i i i rru made of flint ground flint, glass, or quartz glued on to it. I he grams on and ofgiau. the same paper are always of the same size, and, according to the finer or coarser quality, the paper is numbered from to rough 2. [Sand-paper made of flint is generally used in Sweden. In England, glass-paper is considered the best. TBS.] 108 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. When in use, the sand-paper should be torn off in pieces of convenient size, and a bit laid on the plane surface of a piece of cork or wood, f -inch thick, and of a good size to be held in the hands. If a sufficiently thick piece of cork can- not be obtained, a thin piece should be glued on a piece of wood, or, failing cork, a piece of card-board will answer the purpose. This serves the purpose of a soft rubber (wood alone being too hard), and gives the necessary support to the sand-paper, which, used in this way, acts much in the same manner as the file, and may be considered to all intents and Sand-paper really a tool, purposes as a tool. Sand-paper may be used without a rubber only in the case of concave or convex surfaces, where there are no sharp edges. Care must be taken in finishing off not to work the paper in the direction of the fibres, but either at right angles or obliquely to it, in order to produce a smooth surface. Just at the last, the paper may be passed once or twice in the same line as the fibres, to remove any ridges or marks which may have been produced. For similar reasons, the paper last used should be finer than that first employed, in order to secure a perfectly smooth surface. Sand-paper should never be used to form, or smooth up the surface of objects. The knife, the file, the smoothing-plane, Sana-paper the scraper, etc. are the proper tools for this purpose. Sand- paper should be used only in finishing off, and when the use Daringly, of the smoothing-plane is understood, it is not much needed for plane surfaces. In the case of objects with curved surfaces, on the other hand, it is almost indispensable. Finishing off with sand-paper should never be done in a thoughtless, mechanical way. To attain a satisfactory result the greatest attention is requisite. IX. Brace and Bits. Bits of different kinds are used in making round holes. Bits for wood are made of a special kind of steel, one end of which forms the cutting portion of the tool, and the other is TOOLS. 109 wedge-shaped, that it may be securely fastened into a handle or brace, by means of which it revolves. In working, the brace is always turned to the right, and the bits are made to cut in the same direction. The edge of the bit is designed to make its way into the wood without great pressure, and without risk of splitting it. The bit must work without hindrance from the shavings ; otherwise it will become hot from friction, and boring will be difficult. A good bit cuts like a knife, detaches smooth spiral shavings, and becomes only moderately warm, even when worked quickly. The brace may vary in construction. Fig. 70 shows a very strong Swedish brace made of iron. The upper end, or tang of the bit, forms a square truncated pyramid, which slots into a hole in the brace socket, and is fastened by a spring. Fig. 71 shows an American brace, also made of iron. It has a screw adjustable socket, into which the bit is secured. The tang of the bit may be of any form, pro- vided it is somewhat rectangular. Fig. 70. Swedish Brace. Fig. 71. American Brace ; section of screw adjustable socket, or bit holder, no HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. The bits in most general use are shell-bits and centre-bits. Small shell-bits are called pin-bits. D Fig. 72. A, Auger-bit. B, Centre-bit. C, Shell-bit or pm-bit. D, Hole-rimer drill, .ft 1 , Screwdriver bit. F and G, Counter-sink drills. ^. 1. The shell-bit (Fig. 72, C) is gouge-shaped, with the end curved like the point of a spoon. Unlike the centre-bit, it has no middle point, and it is therefore more difficult to gauge to holes of any given size, especially if the latter are large. This bit is better than the centre-bit for boring end pieces. Shell-bits are made in various sizes, from those adapted for holes of r V inch in diameter to those suitable for holes of 1| inch in diameter. The smallest kind, the pin-bit, is most used in wood slojd. A set of pin-bits includes from 8 to 10, varying in size from -| inch to inch. 2. The Centre-bit. 1. The ordinary centre-bit (Fig. 72, B, and 73, B) has a flat The ordi- nary centre- blade, the lower portion of which is broader than the upper, as is shown in the illustrations. In the middle of the lower edge is the centre-point a, and at one side is the cutter b. In TOOLS. Ill Fig. 73. A, Portion of Auger- bit. , Portion of Centre-bit. boring, the cutter makes a circular incision corresponding to the circumference of the hole, and thus determines its diameter, prevents the wood from splitting, and facilitates the removal of shavings and sawdust by the lip c, the edge of which is horizontal to the point and oblique to the blade, and which cuts at right angles to the cutter. The centre point is longer than the cutter, which again cuts deeper than the lip. In sharpening the centre- bit, which may be done with a small half-round file, care must be taken that the edge of the cutter is on the j. J J J.T- j J.-L v aa Centre-point, 666 Cutter, ccc Lip. outer side, and the edge of the lip on the under side. A set of bits should contain 8 to 12 centre- bits, from -| inch to 1 inch broad. 2. The auger (Fig. 72,^1) belongs to the same class. In boring with the bits previously described, it is necessary to exercise a certain degree of pressure, but the auger works its Wa v in A j.1, JV ^ 1 1,-'U vhichthe way into the wood by means or the conical screw which torms auger wor ks. its centre point, and after the screw has once started all that is needed is to make it revolve. The auger is besides fur- nished with a cutter and a lip on both sides of the screw. (See Fig. 73, A.) Above the cutting portion it is spiral in form, and thus we have a double spiral with sharp edges. This gives plenty of room for the sawdust and shavings which are worked out of the hole without the removal of the auger. The American augers are the best. A set includes 6 to 12 pieces, o . i , -, r inch to 1 inch. augers. Fig. 74. Expansion bit 3. 112 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Adjustable or expansion bitt. Screwdriver bit, counter- link drill, ami hole- rimer. The expansion bit (Fig. 74) is of American construction. Within certain limits it admits of holes of different sizes being bored with one and the same bit. Its point, lip, and cutter are tolerably like those of the auger, but it is furnished with two loose cutters, which may be screwed in to suit the diameter desired. The adj ustable cutter does the work both of lip and cutter. The expansion bit makes holes with remark- ably even surfaces, and with two different sizes it is possible to bore holes varying in diameter from ^ inch to 3 inches. A screw-driver bit (Fig. 72, E), two or three counter-sink drills (Fig. 72, F and G), and a couple of square or hexagonal hole-rimers (Fig. 72, D) are usually included in a complete set of bits. The counter-sink drill is used to produce a conical hole in wood or metal, suitable for sinking screw-heads. The rimer enlarges holes in thin metal plates, e.g., screw holes in hinge-plates. 3. The Bradawl (Fig. 75). This tool consists of a steel bit T V inch to inch thick, and 2 inches long. Its point is like that of an awl, or it may be chisel-pointed. The bit is secured in the handle by a screw-socket. Several bits of different sizes belong to the tool, and the handle, which is hollow, serves as a case for them. The brad- awl is used to bore holes for sprigs, nails, etc. When holes are bored with the chisel-pointed bit, the edge is placed across the grain of the Fi S- 75. Brad- wood, and pressure is exerted in this direction to prevent the splitting of the wood. X. The Mallet, the Hammer, the Hand Vice, Pincers, and Screwdriver. The Mallet (Fig. 76) is made of hard, strong wood, pre- ferably of figured beech. It is used for striking tools with wooden handles, because the hard hammer in such cases TOOLS. 113 would not only do damage, but would not serve the purpose so well. The Hammer (Fig. 77) con- sists of a piece of steel with a hole for the handle, called the eye. One end is cylindrical and terminates in a flat surface, called the face; the other end, which is called the pane, is wedge-shaped, with a rounded edge. That the handle may be quite firm, the eye widens at the sides, and wedges driven hard into the end of the handle cause it to fill up the cavity entirely. Fig. 76. Mallet, Fig. 77. Ham- mer. I There are various kinds of pincers, but only those used in wood slojd need be named here. Pincers have two steel arms rivetted together. The rivet divides the arms into two unequal portions, the longer, or handles, and the shorter, or jaws. The ordinary pincers have Fig. 78. Pincers. J. short, broad, sharply curved jaws, and are used to extract nails, etc. The wire-cutter resembles the preceding, but is slighter in make, and its arms are curved and its jaws sharper. It is used to snap off pieces of wire, tin- Fig. 79. Wire-cutter. . tacks, etc. The jaws of the flat pliers are flat on the inner 114 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. Fig. 81- Round-jawed Pliers. Shape of the fcrewdriver. side, which is file- cut to enable them to take fast hold of small pieces of metal to be filed, bent, &c. In the round pliers the jaws are more or less conical in shape, for the bending of i- . wire, etc. The hand-vice is not so much employed in slb'jd- carpentry as in metal slojd. Its chief use is to secure small pieces of metal for filing. It may be held in the hand, or, after the piece of metal has been made fast, it may itself be screwed into a hand-screw or to the bench, that both hands may be free for the work of filing. The screwdriver is used for driving in screws, and is made of hard steel. At the end it is bev- elled to a thick point, which varies from / T -inch to jV-inch in thickness, depending on the size of . the screw for which it is to be used. Fig. 83. The bevelled edges should be parallel, and the , ' point should be as little as possible like a wedge in shape, but should lie flat in the slit of the nail. a the point, ., . ' . mi full size, seen otherwise it will have a tendency to slip and from the suie. become chipped. Fig. 82. Hand-vice. TOOLS. 115 E. The Grinding and Sharpening of Tools. Work 'must never be done ^uith blunt or badly-set tools. Tools must always be kept sharp and in good order. These rules should ahvays be kept in mind. Many a slojder toils in the sweat of his brow with a blunt saw, or a badly set blunt plane, rather than take time to put his tool in order, though tools in good condition save hours of work, much unnecessary trouble, and needless vexation. Blunt tools demand more strength and exertion than sharp ones, and seldom, if ever, produce such good results. The rules given above are especially important in the case of children, for whom work ought not to be made unnecessarily difficult. The sharpening of edge-tools is performed on the grind- stone and the oilstone. The method of sharpening a saw has already been described (pp. 80, 81). The ordinary Grindstone consists of a circular slab of sandstone, which rotates on an axle, and is provided with a handle for turning. It is supported on a grindstone stand or bench. Below the stone is a wooden well, lined with zinc, partially filled with water, into which the stone is sunk about one inch when in use. The stone should not be too fine in the grain or too hard. The grindstone should never be used dry, because the steel care of the does not " catch " well unless the stone is wet, and the friction on a dry stone " burns " the steel and makes the edge of the tool soft. Exposure to the sun for any length of time makes the stone too hard, while prolonged immersion of any portion of it in water renders that portion soft. Consequently it wears faster, and the stone becomes uneven or eccentric. The stone should therefore be kept dry except when in use. A frame-work attached to the stand prevents splashing when the stone rotates by directing the water down into the well, and splashing may still further be avoided by fastening a thick piece of stuff in front so that it trails upon the stone 116 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. and absorbs a portion of the surplus water. The stone must always be turned towards the worker and towards the edge of the tool, which must be moved steadily, and with equal pressure from side to side, across the whole breadth of the stone, to prevent the formation of scratches or depressions on its circumference. The bevelled edge produced by grinding must present either a flat or a concave surface to the convex surface of the stone. It must never be convex. The con- stmight cave form of the bevelled edge is advantageous, because it materially lightens the final sharpening on the oilstone. The edge must also be quite straight unless a curved edge is actually required. As it is difficult, especially for the inexperienced, to hold the steel steadily enough against the stone, a grinding sup- Accurate port has been invented. Such a support of American make dtllg - is shown in Fig. 84. It consists of an iron frame into which the plane-iron or the chisel is screwed. A small wheel below Fig. SI. Grinding support, i. the frame revolves upon the grindstone, and the desired angle on the edge of the tool is obtained by fastening it in with the edge at a shorter or longer distance from the frame. By means of this simple contrivance even an inexpert pupil is able to grind a plane-iron correctly. A very common fault in grinding is to make the angle which the bevelled edge makes with the face of the tool too TOOLS. 117 great, i.e., to make the edge too thick. This is often done by beginners in their haste to be relieved from grinding. The tool must be ground till a raw edge appears, i.e., the The raw very thin " film " or hair produced by the grindstone's remov- edye - ing the very edge of the steel. This, in its turn, is removed by the oilstone. Sharpening with the oilstone is necessary, because the edge produced by the coarse-grained grindstone is neither fine enough nor even enough for immediate use. The oilstone is a slab of specially fine- grained stone. "Wash- ita" and "Arkansas" stones from America, The & ^ tt m i L oilstones. and "Turkey stones Fig. 85. Oilstone and case. i. ,, -, , rT r 7 -, , are the best. [Welsh oilstones are less expensive, and can thoroughly be recom- mended. TRS.] The oilstone should be 8 inches long and 2| inches broad, and it should be kept in a wooden box with a cover (Fig. 85). A good oilstone is very hard and close- grained, and it " takes well," i.e., it acts almost like a very fine file on the steel. The colour is yellowish-white. They last a long time, but are expensive to buy. When in use, the oilstone should be moistened with veget- able oil. The addition of a little paraffin is an improvement. Method of The tool is held in both hands, and the bevelled edge is applied M */ nflr the oilstone. closely to the stone in such a way that, while the bevel is altogether in contact with the stone, the edge presses rather more heavily on it, and this angle of inclination must be steadily maintained to prevent the edge from becoming rounded. The steel is now drawn over the stone with a slow, steady, backward and forward motion. When this has been repeated often enough, it is turned over and passed once over the stone with the face flat. The worker must not confine his operations to the middle of the stone, but must use the whole of the surface. 118 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. An oilstone slip, i.e., a piece of the same kind of stone as the oilstone, but smaller and thinner, and rounded at the edges, is required for the sharpening of gouges, spoon-irons, etc. A sharp Sharpening must be continued until the edge itself is not visible when held up against the light, or until it no longer appears white and rounded. Its sharpness is tested by touch ing it lightly with the finger. F. The Tool Cupboard. For the benefit of those who wish to procure a tool cup- board, complete drawings of one are given in Plate XI. It is so arranged that every tool has a fixed, easily observed place, in order that the absence of any may be readily dis- covered when the tools are laid past. Tools must further be so arranged that when one is taken out another is not dis- placed ; and all sharp edges must be protected. Any alterations in the size of the cupboard, required by a larger or smaller stock of tools, could easily be made. 119 CHAPTER IV. JOINTING. Different parts of articles are connected or jointed partly by glue, nails, or screws, and partly by the special adaption of the parts themselves, as in mortising and dove-tailing. A. Glueing. The simplest way of jointing two pieces of wood is to introduce between them a connecting medium in liquid form, i.e., glue. Glue is made from the refuse, clippings, etc., of tanneries and glove manufactories. After being subjected to a boiling process, these materials are reduced to a viscous fluid, which solidifies on cooling into a stiffish jelly, which is then cut into thin slices and dried upon nets stretched on frames. Good glue is known by its light brown or brownish yellow colour ; its sparkling transparency ; its hardness and elas- ticity ; by the way it breaks off in flakes and whitens in the line of fracture ; and by its power of resistance to the damp- ness of the air. It swells if steeped in cold water, but does not melt even after one or two days' immersion. The ulti- mate test of good glue is, however, its cementing power. 1. The Preparation of Glue. The cakes of glue, either entire or in pieces, are first soaked in cold water. After the glue swells it is put in a glue-pot (Fig. 86) and melted by heat. The glue-pot consists of two pans usually made of cast-iron or tin-plate. The larger of these, the outside pan, is, when in use, half filled 120 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. with water, and the smaller one, the inside pan or glue-pot proper, in which the glue is placed, rests upon a rim or flange round its mouth. This inner pan should always be lined with tin. The water in the outer pan prevents the glue from burning, (an accident which must always be carefully avoided), and as the contents of the glue-pot are surrounded by warm water, they may be kept fluid and fit for use a con- siderable time after the pan has been removed from the fire. If glue is wanted in a hurry, the cakes may be put in a towel or a similar piece of stuff to keep the glue from being scattered about, and broken to pieces with a hammer. The pieces are then put into the glue-pot and stirred during boil- ing, to prevent unmelted glue sticking to the bottom. This mode of preparation is quite as good as the preceding. Fig. 80. Glue Pot Outside Pan. J-. (inside pan) and Brush. Glue is applied with a strong brush, of which there should be two sizes, one for large surfaces and one for small sur- faces, e.g., mortise holes, etc. Liquid Glue. The addition of acetic acid to melted glue prevents putrefaction, and, without lessening its cementing power, keeps it liquid at ordinary temperatures. " Liquid glue " may be made as follows : Four parts of good glue are melted in four parts diluted acetic acid, in the outer pan, or JOINTING. 121 on the top of an oven. One part spirits of wine and a small quantity of alum are then added, and the mixture is kept in a wide-mouthed bottle, the cork of which has a hole to admit the brush. This glue remains liquid at + 14 to 18 C., and does not solidify until + 8 to 12 C. ; it is very convenient for small articles, as it is always ready and in good condition, and its cementing power is quite equal to that of glue prepared in the ordinary way. Its only drawback is that it dries more slowly. In the case of articles exposed to moisture, the addition of 10 per cent, of boiled linseed oil is advantageous. The glue to which it is added should be hot and strong, and should be stirred till the varnish has been thoroughly mixed. The wood to which this wood-cement is applied should be dry and warm, and the pieces should be firmly pressed together until the glue dries. 2.. Glueing. The process of glueing is very simple, but it must be care- fully performed to ensure a strong inconspicuous joint. The general rule holds good that the layer of glue shall be so thin that the seam can hardly be seen, and this presupposes that the pieces fit accurately (see page 146), that they are kept in sufficiently close contact while the glue is drying, and that the glue itself does not cool before they are put properly together. To keep the glue from cooling, the wood should be warmed warming as well as the glue, and the operations of applying the latter, the wood ' putting the pieces together and applying the required pressure, must be rapidly performed. Generally speaking, it is suffi- cient if one of the wooden surfaces is warmed : thus in dove- tailing and slotting the pins only are warmed ; in blocking, the blocks only, etc. The glue, which must be neither too thick nor too thin, is Laying on laid evenly and quickly, in as small a quantity as possible, the glwe - over the surface of the wood with the brush. 122 HANDBOOK OP SLOJD. In the case of pins for mortising, the glue should be thicker than for jointing boards, and the glue is generally applied to the hole as well as to the previously warmed pin, though sometimes only to the latter. Screwing together is performed either in the bench, which is the simplest method, or in hand-screws, or in a press with wedges. The article must remain under pressure till the glue dries. If the glue is too thick or the wood cold, or if the glue cools before screwing up, the joint will show, and will not be good. A joint of this kind does not look well, and is less durable than one properly glued together. a The bench pegs or the hand-screw should always be in joint. order before glueing, to save time. Just before the final tightening of the screw, the work should be carefully ex- amined to see if the parts are in their right places. If not they must be made to fit. If the staves of a barrel are not in the same plane, the screw must not be loosened, but the stave which is not Hush must be hammered into place, and the screws tightened. The work must not again be disturbed till the glue has hardened. In screwing up finished pieces of work, bits of wood must always be put between the work and the bench-pegs or the point of the screw, to prevent marks. When large plane surfaces are glued together, it is necessary to use several cramps to obtain strong enough pressure. Removal of The glue which exudes from the joints of objects which are finished off before glueing, e.g., the inside of a drawer, must be carefully wiped off with a clean sponge or rag dipped in warm water immediately after glueing together, before it completely dries. Care must be taken not to wet the wood unnecessarily. The better the glue penetrates the pores of the wood, the stronger the joint. Consequently, glue holds better in loose- fibred than in close-grained wood, which presents a hard, smooth surface. Broad surfaces of the latter description are roughened a little before glueing, by drawing a coarse file JOINTING. 123 over them.* Glue which dries slowly is stronger than that which dries quickly. A well-fitting joint made with good glue is so strong that, strong and when long boards are joined together, the wood itself gener- We _ ak lue J joints. ally gives way before the joint. This, however, is not the case when end pieces are joined together, or when the wood is very hard or close-grained. Two pieces of wood may be glued together without cramp- ing or screwing together, e.g., a block of wood on a plank. The block only is warmed, but glue is laid upon both. The former is then pressed upon the latter, and rubbed backwards and forwards to get rid of the superfluous glue, until it be- gins to adhere. Care must now be taken that it is in its right place, and is not further disturbed. The two pieces adhere by atmospheric pressure. B. Nailing. Sprigs of different lengths and thicknesses are generally used for nailing together slojd-work, but for large or heavy articles cut or beat nails are employed, because their uneven surface is more tenacious, and thus gives greater strength to the joint. Before the nail is hammered in, a hole should be bored with the pin-bit or the bradawl to prevent splitting. The diameter of this hole should not exceed two-thirds of that of the thickest part of the nail, and the nail should be hit straight on the head, to prevent it from bending or going in crooked. The firm hold of the nail in the wood depends partly on The strength. the more or less rough nature of its surface, partly on its f length and thickness, partly on the kind of wood, and partly on the direction of the nail in relation to the fibres, i.e., whether it is driven into a long board or into an end piece. The strongest joint is made with beat nails in a cross piece ; * There is a special tool for this purpose used in veneering, &c., called the " toothing-plane." TBS. 124 HANDBOOK OF SLOJD. the weakest with beat sprigs in an end piece. The pre- liminary boring does not affect the hold of the nail in the wood unless it is too deep or too wide. A hole half the depth and half the diameter of the thickest part of the nail exercises no noticeable influence on the strength of the joint. Sometimes it is necessary to sink the nail under the plane of the surface, that it may not present any obstacle to smoothing up or finishing off the work. After the nail has been hammered in by the ordinary method, a small steel punch about 4 inches long and inch thick, tapering to a thick point rather less in diameter than the head of the nail, is used to sink it. The punch is placed on the head of the nail, and hammered till the head sinks to the depth re- quired. Wooden pins are sometimes used for jointing. They are made of straight, split wood, and have four sides, often with bevelled corners, tapering slightly to a blunt point. They are driven into holes previously bored which their bevelled corners enable them to fit closely without splitting the wood. Glue is often added to strengthen their hold. These wooden pins are called dowels. C. Screwing together. Wood-screws, i.e., metal screws with thin, deep, sharp- edged tap-worms, are used for screw-joints. Screws which are gimlet-pointed penetrate the wood more easily than others. The wood-screws used in screw-joints are of different kinds, with half-round, curtailed conical, or square heads. The two first only are used in wood-slojd. In both, the head of the nail is furnished with a slit for receiving the screw- driver. JOINTING. 125 When A (Fig. 87) is used, the head of the screw remains above the surface of the wood. In joints made with B, the head is made to lie level with the surface, for which purpose the hole bored for its reception is afterwards counter-sunk. Wood-screws are made in many lengths from about inch to 3 inches, and of varying thickness. They are very generally Fig. 87. used, and are especially useful for articles I T J C1 f It i*. u , c , rews ' which require sometimes to be taken apart A. with half-round, B with conical head, and put together again. In consequence of their peculiar form, screws give a much strength, of stronger and firmer joint than nails, which hold the pieces a ' together simply by friction. A screw cannot be drawn out without unscrewing, unless the wood around it is cut away. The hole bored for the reception of the screw should be as deep as the length of the unwormed portion. D. Jointing by means of the formation of the parts of the joint. The names only of the various kinds of jointing of this nature are given below. A description will be found in Chapter V. 1. Halving. 2. Mitreing. 3. Slotting. 4. Mortise and Tenon-jointing. 5. Groove-jointing. 6. Dove-tailing. 7. Hooping. 126 FIFTH E X E R 5 s X F-4 53 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. Long cut. 2 ' Cross cut. 3 Oblique cut. 4 Bevel cut. To cut off a piece of wood in the direction of the leno-th of the fibres. Fig. 88. To cut off a piece of wood at right angles to the fibres. Fig. 89. To cut off a piece of wood obliquely to the fibres. To cut off a piece of wood in the direction of the length of the fibres in such a way as to produce a surface at an oblique angle to the adjacent surfaces. CHAPTER. C I S E S . 127 Tools required. Directions for Work. Knife. Knife. Knife. Knife. The knife is taken firmly by the handle, and the cut is made always in the direction of the fibres, but away from the worker. To steady and strengthen the hand which holds the wood, and to render the exercise easier, the piece of wood should always rest upon a board laid on the bench. The cut is made from both sides to avoid splitting (a 6). If the cut is short, the wood is laid upon the bench. If it is long, the wood is held in one hand and the upper arm is pressed against the body to secure greater strength and support during the exercise. For the manner of holding the knife see Ex. 1. For the proper position see Plate I. The cut is made in the direction of the fibres, not contrary to it. For the manner of execution see No. 2 (Fig. 89 c d). For the manner of execution see No. 1. 128 -j 2 1 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. Sawing off. 6 Convex cut. To saw off a piece of wood at right angles to the fibres. To cut off a piece of wood, convex in shape. X ell Long-sawing, Edge-planing. Fig. 90. To rip up a piece of wood lengthwise. To plane a piece of wood, the surface of which is narrower than the plane-iron. Fig. 91. 129 Tools required. Directions for Work. Broad-webbed bow-saw. Knife. The piece of wood is screwed into the bench, and the saw is worked with long, gentle strokes parallel with the edge of the bench (see Fig. 89 a b, and page 84). The final strokes must be made cautiously, because the wood may easily be split. Before beginning the exercise, the worker should see that both edges of the saw are in the same plane, and that the teeth of the saw point away from him. The fibres are cut obliquely (a 6). See further under No. 3. (See also Plate I. for the position of the worker.) Broad-webbed bow-saw. Trying-plane. For the method of execution, see No. 5. for the position of the worker. See also Plate II. The piece of wood is fastened between the bench-pegs so that it lies firmly and evenly upon the bench. Before the plane is used it should be carefully set for the par- ticular kind of wood to be planed, i.e., the plane-iron should corne lower down in the case of loose-fibred wood than for hard wood, and the cover should be placed farther from the edge of the iron in the former case than in the latter (see page 98). The handle of the plane is firmly grasped in one hand,"and the other is placed right in front of the socket. The plane is then worked briskly to and fro over the surface. The path of the plane must always be horizontal, regulated by the difference in the pressure given by one or other of the hands. For the position of the worker, see Plate III. 130 I J Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. Squaring. To prove whether two plane surfaces in a piece of wood are at right angles. 10 Gauging. Fig. 92. To produce parallel lines at a given distance from the edge of the work. Fig. 93. 131 Tools required. Directions for Work. Square. The stock of the square is grasped in one hand ; and its inner surface is applied close to the face of the work (i.e., the side first planed), while the blade rests upon the other side. Marking gauge. The stock of the marking gauge is held steadily and closely to the faced-up sides of the work parallel to which the line is to be made. 132 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 11 12 13 Boring with the shell-bit (pin- bit). Face-planing. Filing. Boring with the centre-bit. To make a hole of small diameter. To plane a piece of wood when the surface is broader than the plane-iron. To dress up rough surfaces. To make a hole of large diameter. 133 Tools required. Directions for Work. Shell-bit (pin- bit). Trying-plane. File. Centre-bit. The object in view is partly to make a hole and partly to avoid splitting the wood, when sprigs, larger nails, or screws are put in. The left hand is laid upon the brace stock, to give pressure from above downwards ; the right hand grasps the handle in the middle, and the brace is turned towards the right, care being taken that the centre of the bit enters the right place in the wood, and that the direction of the hole is perpendicular to the plane of the work or the bench. The latter con- dition presents some difficulty, especially to beginners, and is best fulfilled by the slojder's standing alternately in one of two positions, in order that he may see the bit from each side of a right angle. To give greater pres- sure and steadiness, the chin may be made to rest on the left hand. For the position of the worker see Plate IV. and V. The manner of execution is shewn in No. 8 and in Fig. 91. The broader the surface, the more difficult is the exercise. To test whether the surface is really level, the plane is laid across it ; or, better still, winding laths are laid, one on each end of the piece of work. If the upper edges lie in the same plane the surface is true. When the plane surface of an end piece is to be dressed up, the piece of wood should be secured in the carpenter's bench. If, on the other hand, the surface is convex, the work should merely be supported on it. In the former case the handle of the file is firmly grasped in one hand, whilst the other rests upon the back of the blade near the point. The tool is then passed steadily and evenly over the surface, pressure being exerted only when the file is going from the worker. If the work merely rests on the bench, the file can of course only be worked with one hand. When rounded surfaces are filed, the tool is worked in the direction of the fibres, or when this is impossible, obliquely to them. For method of execution see No. 11. Care must be taken that the bit cuts evenly. 134 .Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 15 16 Convex sawing. Concave cut. To saw out a shape following a curved line. To cut out a concave shape. 17 18 19 20 Bevelling. Convex model- ling ivith the plane. Sawing with tenon-saw. Wave-sawing. Fig. 94. To plane a bevelled edge. To plane a convex surface. To saw carefully when no other saw can as advantageously be used. To saw out after a curved line. 21 Plane surface cut. Fig. 95. To form a broad surface with the knife. 135 Tools required. Directions for Work. Turn-saw. Knife. Trying-plane. Smoothing- plane. Tenon-saw. Turn-saw. Knife. The saw is worked in the direction of a curve previously drawn (see Fig. 90, a 6). The knife is worked both from the worker and towards him, while the arm is pressed gently against the side, to steady the hand which holds the work. See farther No. 1. The plane is made to produce a surface at an oblique angle to two others, in the same direction as the fibres. See farther No. 8. The work is fastened between the bench-pegs. See No. 8 for method of execution. As the tenon saw has smaller teeth than the other saws used in slojd carpentry, it is very suitable in cases where there is danger of splitting the wood. The tool should be worked with a light hand, and all pressure avoided. For the method of execution see No. 7, bearing in mind that the frame of the saw must be inclined to the one side or to the other, according to the curves of the line (c d, Fig. 95). Greater strength is required for this than for the preceding cuts, as almost the entire length of the blade is used. 136 g*o 2 Name of Exercise, a v i * B Purpose of Exercise. 22 23 Scraping. To finish up surfaces. Stop-planing (obstacle- planing). 24 Perpendicular chiselling, or paring. 25 Oblique chisel- ling, or par- ing. Fig. 96. To plane a piece of wood which presents obstacles to the advance of the plane. Fig. 97. To cut down and smooth a surface. To pare off a piece of wood obliquely to the fibres, but in the direction in which they run. 137 Tools required. Directions for Work. Scraper. Smoothing- plane. Firmer chisel. Firmer chisel. The tool is worked, as far as possible, in the direction of the fibres ; in every other case obliquely to them. When the scraper is efficiently used, other means of finishing need only be sparingly employed. The method of execution is, as nearly as possible, that de- scribed under No. 33, with this exception, that the tool is passed somewhat obliquely over the surface, in order to smooth it as near the obstacle as possible. [There is an English plane specially adapted for this sort of work called a Stop Champher Plane. TRS.] The tool is grasped firmly by the handle in one hand, and worked perpendicularly, the upper arm being pressed firmly against the side to give the necessary support. The other hand holds the work on a cutting-board on the bench. (See Plate VI. for position of worker.) The piece of work must either be held firmly on the bench with one hand, or, when it seems necessary, fastened be- tween the bench-pegs. The tool is firmly grasped by the other hand, and its face pressed against the wood (see Fig. 89, c d). Oblique chiselling is always done in the direction in which the fibres run. 138 s s 1*1 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. .; x A (a 26 Gouging with To produce depressions of various degrees of the gouge and depth in a piece of wood. the spoon-iron. 27 Concave chisel- To produce a concave surface. ling. 28 29 30 31 Chopping. Smoothing or dressing up with the spoke- shave. To split up and dress off rough and uneven surfaces. To dress up rounded surfaces. Modelling with the spokeshave. Oblique salving. Fig. 98. To model rounded surfaces. To saw off a piece of wood obliquely to the fibres. 139 Tools required. Directions for Work. Gouge and spoon-iron. Firmer chisel. Axe. Spokeshave. The coarser preliminary work is done with the gouge, and the necessary pressure is given by mallet blows on the handle. The spoon-iron is worked with both hands, and the pressure thus given, being lateral, serves to remove the inequalities left by the gouge. The handle of the tool is firmly grasped in one hand, and the other hand rests upon the face of the blade to direct its course, which must always be in the direction in which the fibres run. The article should be made fast in the back bench-vice. (See Fig. 95, a o.) One hand supports the piece of wood on the chopping-block ; the other hand wields the axe. Should the wood be " contrary " it must be turned the way of the grain, or "humoured." For the position of the worker, see Plate VII. The work is fixed in the bench-vice. The tool is firmly grasped in both hands, with heavy forward pressure from the thumbs, and downward pressure from the fingers. When necessary, the forward direction of work- ing may be reversed. For the position of the worker see Plate VIII. Spokeshave. I For method of execution see No. 29. - I Broad webbed i For method of execution see No. 5, and Fig. 89, cd. bow-saw. HO Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 32 33 Oblique planing, j To smooth surfaces in an oblique direction, over the fibres. Dressing u-ith To produce a smooth and finished surface. the smoothing- plane ; or smoothing up. End squaring. To smooth up the surfaces of end pieces across the fibres. 35 Halving ivith knife. 36 Work in hard wood. To fasten two pieces of wood together as shown in Ficr. 100. Fig. 100. To manipulate very close-grained hard wood. 141 Tools required. Directions for Work. Smoothing- plaue. Smoothing- plane. Smoothing- plane. Knife. For method of execution see No. 33. For directions for fastening the work into the bench see No. 8. The plane is firmly grasped in front and at the back (see Fig. 99), and worked briskly over the surface of the work. To produce a fine surface, the iron must be very sharp and lie as nearly as possible in the same plane as the sole, while the cover must lie close to the edge to prevent the fibres from splitting, whatever direction the plane may take. (See p. 1 00.) The piece of wood is fastened vertically into the bench. To avoid splitting at the corners, the work should proceed from corners to centre. 1. The work is set out with square, compass, and marking gauge. 2. It is cut out with the knife. 3. The parts are fitted together. This exercise requires great care and accuracy. As a general rule greater strength is required for wood of this kind than for softer wood. 142 37 (a) 1= 37(6) 38 Name of Exercise. Fitting in pegs. Plugging. Bevelled edge- planing. Purpose of Exercise. To joint two pieces of wood together by means of a dowel or pin which fits accurately into a hole bored with cen- tre-bit or aufifer-bit. Fig. 101. To fill up a hole by means of a round plug. To produce a plane surface at oblique angles to two other plane surfaces. Tools required. Directions for Work. Square ; centre- bit ; knife. Centre-bit ; knife ; firmer chisel. Trying-plane. 1. The hole is drilled with the centre-bit. 2. After finding the centre of the peg, a circle is described with the bit to be used in order to get the size of the Peg- 3. The dowel or pin is set out with the square and made cylindrical with the knife, so that it may fit closely and steadily into the hole. The centre-bit used for the hole is used for marking out the size of the plug, and the fitting is done with the knife and chisel. The exercise is performed according to the directions given in No. 17, with this exception, that the work is laid flat on the bench, and the plane is held obliquely at the angle required. 144 S Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 39 40 41 42 43 44 Glueing. Boring with bradaid. Sinking and fix- ing metal plates, and other metal fittings. Nailing. Punching. Bevelling with the draw- knife. To fix pieces of wood together. To produce small holes in a piece of wood. To fix simple metal plates, etc. on a piece of work. To fasten pieces of wood together with nails. To sink a nail-head below the surface of the wood. To produce a broad bevel in the same direc- tion as the fibres run. 45 Perpendicular gouging. Fie. 103. To produce a concave excavation, perpen- dicular to a plane surface. 145 Tools required. Purpose of Exercise. Bradawl. Screw-driver ; firmer chisel ; bradawl. Hammer. Punch; hammer. Draw-knife. Gouge with edge on the convex side. See Chap. IV. pp. 121, 122. The tool is worked with one hand, and turned steadily back- wards and forwards under even pressure. 1. If the plate, etc. is to be sunk, the firmer chisel is used. 2. The plate is screwed on with the screw driver care being taken that the screw passes right down into the wood. See jointing, Chapter IV., pp. 123, 124. The punch is held steadily on the head of the nail and struck sharply with the hammer ; otherwise it may slip aside and make disfiguring holes in the work. The article is screwed into the bench, and the tool, held firmly by both handles, is worked steadily over the wood. The exercise is rendered considerably easier if the draw-knife is held obliquely, i.e., if the one end is somewhat in ad- vance of the other. If contrary wood is encountered, the work should, if possible, be turned to allow the knife to cut in the direction of the fibres. [The face of the tool should be held towards the worker, with the bevelled edge on the work. TRS.] For method of execution see No. 24. 146 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 46 Plain jointing. To plane pieces of wood intended to bo jointed by glueing. 47 48 49 Dove-tail clamp- ing. Oblique gouging. Champhering. To insert a clamp in a broad piece of wood, to prevent warping. Fig. 104. To pare a piece of wood in the direction of the fibres, but obliquely to them. To pare a piece of wood at an obtuse or at an acute angle to its surface. 147 Tools required. Directions for Work. Trying-plane. Compass ; square ; marking- point ; bevel ; marking- gauge; knife; tenon-saw ; groove-saw ; firmer chisel ; old woman's tooth-plane ; jack-plane ; trying-plane. Gouge. Firmer chisel. The greatest care is required in plain jointing in order that the surfaces which are to be united may fit accurately. The directions given in No. 8 must be followed. The trying- plane should be very finely set for this exercise, in order that it may remove very thin shavings. The angle which the edge makes with the side of the work must be frequently tested with the square ; the straightness of the edge must also be tested by the eye. The second piece of wood is treated in the same way, and when it is ready, the edge of the first piece is placed upon it for trial. If the joint is accurate, the two surfaces will touch at all points, and when placed against the light will not allow a single ray to pass through. If any light shines through, the parts which are too high must be carefully planed down with long, steady strokes. If two or more planks are to be jointed for broad work, the sur- faces must lie in the same plane, and this must be tested by placing against them the straight-edge or the blade of the square. 1. The groove for the clamp is set out with the compass, square, marking-point, bevel, and marking-gauge ; and a start for the saw is made with the knife. 2. It is cut out with the tenon-saw or groove-saw, firmer chisel, and old woman's tooth-plane. 3. The clamp is made ready with the jack-plane and the trying-plane, care being taken that it fits accurately all round. For method of execution see No. 25, with this difference, that the gouge is used instead of the firmer chisel. For method of execution see No. 25. 148 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 50 51 52 53 54 K P* oo 56 57 Circular saw- ing. Screwing to- gether, or fix- ing with screws Modelling with the draw-knife, Planing across the grain. Wedge planing with smooth- ing plane. Planing with round-plane. Fixing with wooden pegs, for planing thin wood. To saw out a circular shape. To fasten two pieces of work together by means of screws. To produce a rounded surface of large extent. To plane up a broad surface across the grain. To plane an article not only in the direction of the fibres, but obliquely to them (or to form an oblique object). To dress up broad concave surfaces. To fix down, by means of wooden pegs, a thin piece of wood on the surface of a larger piece, in order to plane the former. Fig. 105. Single dove-tail- 1 To dove-tail two pieces of wood together by ing at right angles. means of one dove- tail pin. Fig. 106. 149 Tools required. Directions for Work. Turn-saw. Screwdriver ; pin-bit. Draw-knife. Trying-plane. Smoothing- plane. Round-plane. Pin-bit; knife; hammer. Compass ; square; marking- point ; bevel ; cutting- gauge; knife; tenon-saw ; groove-saw ; firmer chisel ; old woman's tooth-plane. The piece of wood is fastened into the back bench-vice, and the saw is used according to the directions given in No. 15. For method of execution see No. 41, and also jointing, Chap. IV., p. 124 For method of execution see No. 44. For method of execution see No. 12. For method of execution see No. 33. For method of execution see No. 33. To produce a good result the plane must be worked very smoothly and steadily. Care must be taken that the under piece is level. The wood to be planed is placed on it, and holes are drilled with the pin-bit, close to each end of the upper piece, through to the under piece. Suitable pins are then driven into these holes, and a stable foundation is thus provided for the work of the plane. 1. The groove is set out with compass, square, marking point, bevel and cutting-gauge, and a start for the saw is made with the knife. 2. It is cut out with the tenon-saw or groove-saw, firmer chisel, and old woman's tooth-plane. 3. The clamp is set out with the cutting-gauge, and cut out with the knife. Care must be taken that the dove-tail fits accurately. 150 58 59 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. Common dove- > To "corner-joint" by dove-tailing, i.e., to in- tailing. Square shooting, or planing with shooting- board. sert bevelled pins into tightly fitting- sockets. Fig. 107. To plane a narrow piece of wood across the grain by means of the shooting-board. Fig. 108. 151 Tools required. Directions for Work. Cutting-gauge ; compass ; bevel ; square ; dove-tail saw ; marking- point ; firmer chisel. Trying-plane ; shooting- board. 1. The thickness of the wood to be dove-tailed is marked with the cutting-gauge across the ends of the pieces of wood on both sides. 2. The required bevel of the pins is indicated with compass, bevel, and square. 3. The pins are cut out with dove-tail saw and firmer chisel. 4. The pin end is held steadily on the other piece of wood at right angles to it, and the pins are marked out with the marking point. Then these marks are squared across the end of the wood. 5. They are cut out with the dove-tail saw and the firmer chisel. 6. The parts are carefully fitted together. For the proper setting of the plane see No. 8. Great care is necessary when the shooting-board is in use, because the worker may easily hurt himself. See p. 67. 152 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. CO Cl 62 63 64 Hollowing out ; or scooping out with gouge Axle fitting. [This exercise only applies to one Swedish model, i.e., the shuttle. TRS.] Housing, or square groov- ing. Long oblique planing. Setting out. To produce narrow concave depressions ; or to hollow out with the gouge. To fit an axle into a hole. To divide boxes, etc. into two or more rec- tangular portions by means of pieces of wood. Fig. 109. To plane a long bevelled edge. To set out divisions in the work. 153 Tools required. Directions for Work. Gouge. Compass ; brad- awl ; firmer chisel. Compass ; square ; marking- gauge ; saw ; firmer chisel ; smoothlng- plane. Trying-plane. Compass ; marking- point; square. For method of execution see No. 26. 1. The axle is set out with the compass. 2. The hole and the slot are made with the bradawl and chisel. 1. The groove is set out by means of the compass, square, and marking-gauge. 2. It is cut out with the saw and the firmer chisel. 3. The tenon, i.e., the piece which is set into the groove, is made to fit by means of the smoothing-plane. For method of execution see No. 8. 1. The length is divided with the compass, first into larger, and then into smaller parts. 2. The lines are drawn with the marking-point at right angles to the edge of the object. Great accuracy is required in marking off the divisions. 154 Number of Exercise. Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 65 Panel-grooving. To produce rectangular depressions in an object, into which a flat piece of wood is to be slotted. ; a '- *n ,v 'vpT_ . _=-- =-~~ ~~ - ~n . Fig. 110. 66 Glueing ivith aid of hand- To glue together with the aid of the hand- screw. screw. 07 Sawing with compass (or keyhole) saw. To saw out a hole in a piece of wood. 68 Oblique edge- grooving. To join two pieces of wood together by means of a single dove-tail, at an obtuse angle. Fig. ill. 155 Tools required. Directions for Work. Cutting-gauge ; knife ; firmer chisel; plough. Handscrew. Centre-bit ; compass-saw. Compass : square; mark- ing point ; Level: cutting- gauge; knife ; tenon-saw or groove-saw ; firmer chisel; old woman's tooth-plane ; smoothing- plane. 1. The groove is set out with the cutting-gauge. 2. It is cut out with the knife and the firmer chisel. In the case of many objects the plough may be employed with advantage to cut out the groove. Before the glue is applied to the joint, the parts must fit accurately ; otherwise the pressure of the handscrew will be of little service. A piece of wood should be laid between the work and the screw to prevent injury to the surface of the article, and also to distribute the pressure more equally. Two holes are drilled in the piece of work with the centre- bit. The article is then fastened vertically into the bench and the saw is worked from one hole to the other, following lines previously set out. (In the case of small articles, use may be made of a turn-saw, the blade of which is detachable at one end.) 1. The groove is set out with the compass, square, marking- point, bevel, and cutting-gauge ; and a start for the saw is made with the knife. 2. It is cut out with the tenon-saw or groove-saw, firmer chisel, and old woman's tooth-plane. 3. The required form of the end of the dove-tail is set out with the cutting-gauge and the bevel, and it is bevelled with the smoothing-plane. 4. The clamp is cut out with the knife. 5. The parts are fitted together. 156 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 69 Slotting. To join two pieces of wood, of which one is thinner than the other, in such a manner that the former slots into the latter at a right angle. 70 Dove-tailing in thick wood. 71 Mitreing. Fig. 112. To make a rectangular corner-joint by dove- tailing two pieces of thick wood. To make an end-joint with two pieces of wood at an angle of 45. 72 Common mor- tise and tenon Fig. 113. To join by means of a mortise and tenon. 157 Tools required. Directions for Work. Square; mark- ing gauge ; tenon-saw (or dove-tail saw) firmer chisel ; mallet. Cutting-gauge ; compass ; bevel; square; dove-tail saw ; marking- point; firmer chisel. Square; com- pass; firmer chisel ; smoothing- plane. Square; mortise gauge ; mortise chisel ; mallet ; tenon-saw. 1. The tenon (A a} and (B a), and the slot (B b), are set out with the square and the marking gauge. 2. The slot ( B b) is cut down with the tenon (or dove-tail) saw, and cut out with a coarse firmer chisel, (or mortise- chisel) by aid of the mallet. 3. The tenon (B a) is made with the tenon (or dove-tail) saw and the firmer chisel. It is called a shoulder tenon. The tenon (A a) is simply fitted into the slot with the smoothing plane. It is called an unshouldered tenon. 4. The parts are fitted together, and if necessary the firmer chisel is used. For method of execution see No. 58 ; but note that still greater accuracy is required, because exercises with the saw and the firmer chisel are always more difficult when the thickness of the wood either falls under a certain limit, or exceeds it (Fig. 107). For method of execution see No. 25. The completion of the joint depends on the nature of the object in which the exercise occurs. It may require mortising, glueing, nailing, screwing together with wood screws, etc. When the object is large, the smoothing-plane is used in mitreing. [The English method of making this mitre is by means of a mitre-box and shooting-board, in which case the saw and trying-plane are used. TBS.] 1. The mortise is set out by means of the square and the mortise gauge. 2. It is cut out with the mortise-chisel with the aid of the mallet. 3. The tenon is cut out with tenon-saw and firmer chisel. 4. The parts are fitted together, the firmer chisel being employed when necessary. 153 ? K f> v. Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 73 75 Half -lapping. Rebating. Graving with V-tool or parting-tool (fluting). To joint together two pieces of wood by half- lapping the broad sides together, i.e., by cutting half the depth of the wood away from each. Fig. 114. To make a rebate. Fig. 115. To hollow out depressions or edges. 159 Tools required. Square ; mark- ing point ; marking- gauge; tenon- saw ; firmer chiseL Marking-gauge; knife ; firmer chisel. Partinsr-tool. Directions for Work. 1. The half-lapping parts are set out with the square, marking- point and marking-gauge. 2. They are cut out with tenon-saw and firmer chisel. 3. The parts are fitted together with the aid of the chisel. 1. The breadth and thickness of the rebate are set out with the marking-gauge. 2. It is cut out with the knife and the firmer chisel. [This holds good only of the small rebates which occur in Slojd carpentry. The plough and the rebate plane are used for larger work. Tus.] The object is screwed tightly into the bench, and the part- ing-tool is wielded with a steady hand. ICO Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 76 Half-lap dove- tailing. To produce a rectangular end joint by dove- tailing together two pieces of wood, so that the dove-tailing does not show on one side. To do this, one-third of the wood is not cut through on the side where the pins are. The socket piece is cut right through and dove-tailed in the ordinary way. Fig. 116. 77 78 Hinge-sinking, or fixing hinges. Lock-fitting. Fig. 117. 161 Tools required. Directions for Work. Cutting-gauge; compass; bevel ; square ; tenon-saw (dove-tail saw) ; mark- ing point ; firmer chisel. Square ; firmer chisel ; brad- awl ; screw- driver. Pin-bit ; firmer chisel ; knife ; bradawl ; screwdriver ; compass-saw. For method of execution see No. 58, paying special attention to setting the piece on which the pins are in an oblique position in the back bench-vice. The pins are sawn out to the lines indicated by the marking point, which deter- mine the thickness of the wood to be left. The spaces be- tween are smoothed by perpendicular paring with the firmer chisel. (See No. 24.) 1. The position of the hinge is decided on and set out. 2. The depth to which the hinge has to be sunk is taken and gauged. 3. This part is then cut out with the firmer chisel. 4. For screwing on, see No. 41. 1. The position of the lock is decided on. 2. The place is cut out with the phi-bit and the firmer chisel to a depth which permits the metal plate to lie on the same plane as the wood. 3. The hole for the key is cut out with the centre-bit, knife and chisel. (In larger work with the compass-saw). 4. For screwing on, see No. 41. L 162 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 79 I Oblique dove- tailing. 80 Oblique slotting To make a rectangular end -joint with ob- lique pieces of wood. To make an oblique angled joint with a pin and a slot. Fig. 119. 163 Tools required. Directions for Work. Bevel ; dove- tail saw ; com- pass ; square ; tenon saw ; firmer chisel ; smoothing- plane. Compass ; square ; bevel ; marking- gauge; knife; firmer chisel ; dove-tail saw. 1. Set out the angle at the ends with the bevel and saw off. 2. Bevel off the edges to correspond with the angle at the ends of the adjacent sides. 3. To get the angle in the horizontal plane at the ends, use the square in the following way : Place the face against the side of the wood, and let the blade rest flat on the plane of the bevelled edge. Then draw the line and plane off. 4. The required thickness of each piece is set out with the cutting gauge. 5. The pins are set out at right angles to the oblique end with the compass, bevel, and square. 6. They are made with the dove-tail saw and the firmer chisel. [Another method of working this joint is by means of a prepared shooting board, by which the two angles at the ends can be obtained at once. It may also be mentioned, that in the English method of oblique dove-tailing, the dove-tail pins run in the same direction as the gram, or obliquely to it, and are consequently stronger: There are theoretical reasons why this method is not followed at Naas. TRS.] 1. The slot is set out with compass, square, and bevel. 2. The depth of the groove is set out with the marking- gauge, and cut out with the knife and firmer chisel. 3. The slot is sawn out with the dove-tail saw, and cut out with the firmer chisel. 4. The parts are fitted together with the aid of the firmer chiseL 164 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 81 Notched dove- tailing (half concealed edge grooving). To insert a dove-tail, the outer edge of which conceals the groove, into a piece of wood. Concave model- ling with plane (hollow- ing with plane). Staving. Fig. 120. To produce a concave surface with the plane. To fix concave-shaped pieces of wood or staves to a curvilinear bottom piece, to make a barrel or bucket. Fig. 121. 165 Tools required. Directions for Work. Compass ; square; mark- ing point ; bevel; cut- ting gauge ; knife ; tenon- saw or groove- saw ; firmer chisel; old woman's tooth plane ; dove-tail saw. Round plane. Compass; bow- saw ; spoke- shave ; bevel ; markingr point; mark- ing gauge ; knife ; firmer chisel; trying- plane ; smoothing- plane; brad- awl. 1. The groove is set out with compass, square, marking- point, bevel, and cutting gauge; cut out with knife, tenon-saw or groove-saw, firmer chisel, and old woman's tooth-plane 2. The shape of the dove-tail is set out with square and cutting gauge, and cut out with dove-tail saw and knife. 3. The parts are fitted together with the aid of the knife. 1. The required curve is set out at both ends. 2. The shape is produced by means of the roughing plane and the "round " plane. (See Fig. 121.) 1. The bottom is made in the shape required. 2. The edge of the bottom is bevelled to the angle required for the sides of the article. 3. The position and breadth of the groove are set out with the marking-point. 4. The necessary inclination of the sides of the staves is determined by the bevel. 5. The depth of the groove is set out with the marking-gauge and cut out with the knife and the firmer chisel. 6. The edges of the staves are planed and fitted together. 7. The staves are held together by means of wooden phis inserted into the edges from the inside. 166 mb of rcis Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 84 Hooping. To fix iron hoops round a barrel or bucket, to hold the staves together. (The wooden hoops frequently seen are not suitable for slojd work.) 85 Concealed tenon-] To joint two pieces of wood together at ng. right angles by means of a concealed or haunched tenon. Fig. 122 a. Fig. 122 b. 167 Tools required. Directions for Work. Cold chisel ; punch ; ham- mer; set hammer. 1. The length of the hoop is taken and cut off with the cold chisel. 2. A hole is made with the punch and hammer about half an inch from each end. 3. The hoop is rivetted by means of a rivet, the head of which is larger than the hole. 4. The head of the rivet is then made to rest on a block of metal, and the rivet itself is hammered until a head is formed on thelother side. 5. The hoop is hammered from the inside of the article as it rests on the block, and thus made to fit. 6. The hoops are put on from the narrowest portion of the article, and driven home by blows from the set hammer. Square; mortise gauge; firmer chisel ; mor- tise chisel ; mallet;, bow- saw; tenon- saw. 1. The tenon and the mortise are set out at right angles. 2. The breadth of the mortise and the thickness of the tenon are set out with the mortise gauge. 3. The mortise is cut out with the mortise chisel. 4. The tenon is made with the bow-saw, firmer chisel, and tenon-saw. 5. The parts are fitted together with the help of the firmer chisel. 168 Name of Exercise. Purpose of Exercise. 86 87 Blocking. Mortised block- ing. Up and down, sauring. To strengthen by means of blocks. N.B. In the illustration the fibres of the block are accidentally shown running in the wrong direction. Fig. 123. To strengthen by means of mortised blocks. [Sometimes called " button blocks." TES.] Fig. 124. To divide a long piece of wood into small pieces. 169 Tools required. Directions for Work. Dove-tail saw ; firmer chisel ; square. Square; mark- ing gauge ; firmer chisel ; dove-tail saw. Broad-webbed bow-saw. 1. The piece to be strengthened is held close to the other piece with the handscrew. 2. The blocks are made with the dove-tail saw and the chisel. 3. The blocks are warmed, glued, and put into their places. 4. Before the handscrew is taken away, the glue must be quite dry. 1. The mortise in the rail is set out at right angles with the square and the marking-gauge, and cut out with the firmer chisel. 2. The tenon on the block is set out in accordance with the size of the mortise with the square and the marking gauge ; cut out with the dove-tail saw, and fitted with the firmer chiseL 3. Previous to the blocking, the object to be fixed is held in position with the^handscrew. 4. The blocks are wanned and glued on the two sides next the object, and put in their places. The plank is placed on the bench and held in place by a hand- screw. The blade of the saw is set almost at right angles to the plane of the frame, and the handle is grasped by one hand, while the other holds the upper end of the side arm, and the saw is worked vertically with long easy strokes, with the blade at right angles to the plane surface of the plank. 171 Plate I. Position : Convex Cut. 173 Plate II. Position: Long-sawing. 175 Plate III. Position : Edge-planing. 177 Plate IV. Position : Perpendicular boring with the brace. 179 Plate V. Position : Horizontal boring with the brace. 181 Plate VI. Position : Perpendicular chiselling. 183 Plate VII. Position: Chopping 185 Plate VIII. Position: Smoothing, &c., with the spokeshave. 187 Plate IX. Plan of SISjd-room in Katarina Elementary School, Stockholm. A. Slojd room. 1. Benches. 2. Cupboard with two divisions : (1) for tools ; (2) for models. 3. Cupboard with two divisions : (1) for unfinished work. (2) for finished articles. 4. Teacher's desk. 5. Cupboard : a. Iron vice. b. Iron saw file vice. c. Anvil. 6. Lathe. 7. Racks for hand-screws and shooting-boards. 8. Vices for rough work. 9. Boring-stools. 10. Saw-bench. 11. Glue-pot. 12. Chopping-block. 13. Flat grindstone. 14. Revolving grindstone. 15. Wood-racks. 16. Wash-hand basins. 17. Stoves. 3 racks for saws are introduced between the windows on the long wall. B. Lobby. 189 Plate X. A. Marking gauge (Johansson's) with stock adjusted by wedges. \. B. Marking gauge (landmark's modified) with stock adjusted by thumb-screw. D. Plough-gauge, a and b, different methods of adjustment, i. 192 9 a Lr to I * ? V S 6 7 Plate XI. Tool Cup 193 Section EH EU E cr Plan of n t side elevation through a-b. of door 196 3 o A paouojjad aaquinu JB^OX .CO.CDCDC, ^ S 000 sss 03*3 CJ tn f* O ii bj;5 1 CD o4 55^5 H 11 CN o |Ej OS CO G^ *O OO 00 r * ^^ CD ("**! 05 03 i i i i i i I-H CM (?) (M CM CO ,5 o) ^ (N CD OO Iz CO iO OS CO* ^ O ^.s ^HCO-*OOI>- ,_( ,_ ^H rH rH > ei o4 i-> " "*' M f 5 ffl .10 . - CD ** ^5 . 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CO fjq rH ^ in co t~ co CO 00 CD rH oi rH S ^ 06 ^ CM 3 co I " H CO oi r 1 (M r 1 CM rH CM CO , ^* CO c CM l-H o c^ d oi H ^ cx5 N 06 ^ i>; CM CM CM I-H CM CM oi r i rH d CO id m m MS o o 10 o in d id ,- 1 .a :*> II PH ^5 "3. s 'A d P 2 .1 ~P S 1 0^ pj^3 /n .a .a PH pq PH 1 M o 'a o o d S w -i 3 tt> ^ ^B -S ^ c H-3 CQ c "3 fc Metre measn o o o 02 1 I o D o ^0 E ft ^0 and rests Footstool Book-carrier m | i X 53 I O C3 F-H W ^ pL< o> ft m 1 o O Flat ruler 1 4! o 1. CO rH O5 o CM c-t 01 01 CO CM CM in CD t- CM CM CM oo CM O5 CN o co 198 panuojaad sasp.i.)\;.( jo aaqumu i^ox s I- CS o o o co i I CM CO O co ic co co CO 00 CO CO C5 rH CD 1> CO t& e 1 H W 06 ^ jjj 00 r-3 I-H "rj* Z CD co *" oo * O CO CM CD CD CO CO CD CO Tf co co co co CS O CO !> CM O co 2 CM CN co 06 iO CN CO CN "~ CM" . w o CM' "* CM ^ CM CO I-H 2 CD CS o CO CO * CO CN CM CO' CO CO co' w I-H CM CN CO O" CM CO CO l-H CO CM* rH co" M co >n to ^ CO d "* CD CN rH CO "* co i>- 00 TJH . - ^ ~! CN ^ CN CN CO o 1 - H . 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