:HANl< OJILDERS' HOISTING ACHINEKY California 3gional tcility EDITED BY PAUL N. HASLUCK CA* Pr El Ni Ca Ca La THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF John S.Prell or $2.25 per set. IE NTS. ly re- L T RRENT, R, AND iction POONER, I.I.M.E. Complete ictical y R. G. With umerous With Edition. ASLUCK. ts. each, WORK: The Illustrated Journal of Handicrafts. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year for cither Weekly or Monthly Paris. 11 It is a curious reflection, but soundly true, that there is not a person of ordinary average intelligence and strength, who could not learn from ' WORK ' . . . how in a short time to make a living." Saturday Review. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, 43 & 45. ** J9<* Sivt'f'**; *'<*. Cover a] MLCHAMCS' '^ggut*. AMI R. HANDICRAFT SERIES. A Series of Practical Manuals. Edited by PAUL N. HASLUCK, Editor of "WORK." Price SOcts. ~jeach,$post paid. Bouse Decoration. Comprising WHITEWASHING, PAPKRHANGINO, PAINTING, etc. With 79 Engravings and Diagrams. Cfnunts. Colour and Paints, Pigments, OHs, Driers, Varnishes, etc. Tooll used by Painters. How to Mil Oil Paints. Distemper or Tempera Painting. Whitewashing and Decorating a Ceiling. Painting a Room. Papering a Room. Embellishment of Walls and Ceilings. Index. Boot Making and Mending. Including REPAIRING, LASTING, and cS^^^'^^ISf^rS 18 ^^ Boots and Shoes. Re-Weldngand Re-SohnV BooVMakW Lasting the Upper. Sewing and Stitching. Making the HeeL Knifine fnd Finishing. Making Reeled Boots and Shoes. Index. How to Write Signs, Tickets, and Posters. With 170 Engravings _ __. Formation of Letters, Stops, and Numerals. Making Signboards and Laying Ground Colours. The Simpler Fo and Fancy Lettering. Painting a Signboard. Ticket-Writing. Poster- Paint ing. Lettering with Gold" etc. Index. Wood Finishing. Comprising STAINING, VARNISHING, and POLISHING. e'Wood. Processes of Staining Wood. French Polishing, lodying In and Spiriting Off. Glazing and Wax Finishing, TrVatment" of Floors. ~~Stains. Shop Fronts. Index. Dynamos and Electric Motors. With 142 Engravings and Diagrams. < antents. Introduction. Siemens Dynamo. Gramme Dynamo. Manchester Dynamo. Simplex Dynamo. Calculating the Size and Amount of Wire for Small Dynamos. Ailments of Small Dynamo Electric Machines: their Causes and Cures. Small Electro-Motors Without Castings. How to Determine the Direction of Rotation of a Motor. How to Make a Shuttle. Armature Motor. Undertype 50- Watt Dynamo. Manchester Type 44o-Watt Dynamo. Index. Decorative Designs of All Ages and for All Purposes. With 177 Engravings and Diagrams. Ciing. Conditions of Work : Principles of Formation. Bending and Ring Making. Miscella ous Examples of Forged Work. Cranks, Model Wock, and Die Forging. Home- made ' 5. The Manipulation of Steel at the Forge. Index. Gla> orking by Heat and Abrasion. With 300 Engravings and Cf -"nances used in Glass Blowing. Manipulating Glass Tubing. Blowing Bulbs Bulbs forming Thistle Funnels, etc. Blowing and Etching j and Gilding Flat Surfaces. Utilising Broken Glass Appara- ng Glass. Hand-working of Telescope Specula I he Manufacture of Glass. Index. Building Model Boats. With 168 Engravings and Diagrams. Conwx.-BuUding Model Yachts, Rigging and Sailing Model Y.ichts. i tus : Boring Holes in and Rl Chipping, and Grinding Glass. The Manufacture of Glass." Index. [Continued on next page. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, 43 & 45, Fa Engravings and Diagrams. OMtmu.-Skinning Birds. Stuffing and Moutig Birds. Skinning and Stuffing Mammals. Mounting Animals' Horned Heads : Polishing and Mounting Horns. Skinning, Stuffing, and Casting Fish. Preserving, Cleaning, and Dyeing Skins. Preserving Insects, and Birds' Eggs. Cases for Mounting Specimens. Index. Tailoring. With ifc> Engravings and Diagrams. dmOKtt.-Tailors' Requisites and Methods of Stitching Simple Repairs and Pressing. Re-lining, Re-pocketing, and Re-collaring. How to Cut and Make Trousers. How to Cut and Make Vests. Cutting and Making Lounge and Reefer Jackets. Cutting and Making Morning and Frock Coats. Index. Photographic Cameras and Accessories. Comprising How TO MAKE CAMERAS, DARK SLIDES. SHUTTERS, AND STANDS. With 240 Illustrations. Cmtints. Photographic Lenses and how to Test them. Modern Half plat* Camer Contents Single Lanterns. Dissolving View Lanterns, lllumlnants for Optical Lanterns. Optical Lantern Accessories. Conducting a Limelight Lantern Exhibition. ExDenments with Optical Lanterns. Painting Lantern Slides. Photographic Lantern Slides. Mechanical Lantern Slides. Cinematograph Management Index. JEngra-TtUJt U*telS. With 117 Illustrations. Cimttrttj. Introduction and Terms used. Engravers' Tools and their Uses. Elementary Exercise* In Engraving. Engraving Plate and Precious Metals. Engraving Monograms. Transfer Processes of Engraving Metals. Engraving Name Plates. Engraving Coffin Plates. Engraving Steel Plates. Chasing and Embossing Metals. Etching Metals. Index. Basket Work. With 180 Illustrations. Contents. Tools and Materials. ~ Baskets. Oval Baskets. Flat Fruit Doctors' and Chemists' Baskets. Fancy Basket Work. Sussex Trug Basket Miscellaneous Basket Work. Index. Bookbinding. With 125 Engravings and Diagrams. CtnUMts. Bookbinders' Appliances. Folding Printed Book Sheets. Baating and Sewing. Rounding. Backing, and Cover Cutting. Cutting Book Edges. Covering Books. Cloth- bound Books, Pamphlets, etc. Account Books, Ledgers, etc. Colouring and Marbling Book Edges. Gilding Book Edges. Sprinkling awl Marbling Book Covers. Gilding and Ornamenting Book Covers. Index. B*Bt Ironwork. Including ELEMENTARY ART METAL WORK. With 169 Engravings and Designs. OM/eM*.-Teols and Materials. Bending and Working Strip Iron. Simple Exercises la Bent Iron. Floral Ornaments for Rent Ironwork-Candlesticks. Hall Lanterns, Screens, Grilles, etc.. Table Lamps, Suspended Lamps and Flower Bowls. Photograph Frame*. Newspaper Rack, Floor Lamps, Miscellaneous Examples. Index. Photography. With 70 Engravings and Diagrams. CfHtmtt.The Camera and MS Accessories. The Studio and Darkroom. Plates. Ex. posure. Developing and Fixing- Negatives. Intensification and R4ucti*a of Negatives. Portraiture and Picture Composition. Flashlight Photography. R Processes of Printing from Negatives. Mounting and FiaCshmr 1 Enlarging. Stereoscopic Photography. Ferrotype Photography. Index. CASSELL K COMPANY, LIMITED, 43 & 45, Kast i 9 ;A Street, .Yew York. BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY Simple Lifting: Tackle; Winches; Crabs ; Cranes ; Travellers ; Motive Power for Hoisting- Machinery S. SA fl FRANCISCO, GAL. Edited by PAUL N. HASLUCK Editor of "Work," '"Building World," etc. etc. CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited London, Paris, New York & Melbourne MCMIV All Rig fits Reserved Library TJ PREFACE. THIS Manual contains, in form convenient for every- day use, a comprehensive digest of the knowledge of Builders' Hoisting Machinery scattered over seventeen volumes of BUILDING WORLD one of the weekly journals it is uiy fortune to edit. It may be mentioned that a series of articles from the pen of Mr. Joseph Horner is incorporated in the text. Additional information on the matters dealt with in this Manual, or instruction on kindred subjects, may be obtained by addressing a question to BUILDING WORLD, in whose columns it will be answered. P. N. HASLUCK. La Belle Sauvnge, London, June, 1904. 733292 CONTENTS. CHAPTER p A t:E I. Introduction : Simple Lifting Tackle . . 9 U. Hand Crabs or Winches 15 III. Travelling Crabs, Hand and Power . . 31 IV. Cranes rind Travelling Crabs : Their Details of Construction 48 V. Applying Motive Power to Hoisting Machinery . . . . . . .71 Index . 1)4 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Side Elevation of Fixed Pulley .... 11 2. Front Elevation of Fixed Pulley ... 11 3. Side Elevation of Com- mon Pulley Blocks . 13 4. Front Elevation of Com- mon Pulley Blocks . 13 5. Differential Pulley Blocks .... 13 6. Hand Crab with Cast- iron Cheek ... 15 7. Hand Crab with Steel Cheek .... 16 8. Side Elevation of Cast- iron Winch Cheek . 17 9. Front Elevation of Cast- iron Winch Cheek . 17 10. Wrought Winch Cheek 18 11. Section of Cast-iron Cheek Ribbed both Sides .... 18 12. Section of Cast-iron Cheek Ribbed One Side only ... 18 13. Elevation of Shaft Bearings . . . .19 14._Section of Shaft Bear- ings 19 15. Side Elevation of Sin- gle-purchase Crab . 21 16. Front Elevation of Single-purchase Crab . 21 17. Side Elevation of Double Gear for Crab . 22 18. Front Elevation of Double Gear for Crab . 22 19. Elevation of Another Double Crab Gear . 23 20. Plan of Double Crab Gear .... 23 21. Wheel Tooth ... 23 22. Cycloidal Teeth . . 25 23. Knuckle Gear . . 26 24. Arm of Pattern Wheel . 27 25. Arm of Pattern Wheel . 27 26. Arm of Machine Wheel. 28 27. Elevation of Wall Winch .... 29 FJG. PAGE 28.-Plan of Wall Winch . 29 29. Front Elevation of Jenny for Traveller Blocks .... 34 30. Plan of Jenny for Tra- velling Blocks . . 34 31. Elevation of Jenny with Gearing . . . .36 32. Plan of Jenny with Gearing .... 36 33. Diagram of Overhead Crab Gear ... 37 34. Plan of Overhead Crab Gear .... 38 35. End View of Overhead Crab Gear . . .39 36. Overhead Crab Hoisting Gear .... 41 37. Edge View of Cast-iron Cheek for Hand Crab . 42 38. Elevation of Cast-iron Cheek for Hand Crab . 42 39. Wrought Cheek for Hand Crab ... 43 40. Plan of Light Traveller Framing ... 49 41. End View of Light Tra- veller Framing . . 49 42. Side View of Light Tra- veller Framing, etc. . 51 43. Half Elevation of Built- up Girders for Travel- ling Framework . . 52 44. Longitudinal Section of Built-up Girders for Travelling Framework 52 45. Plan of Built-up Girders for Travelling Frame- work .... 52 46. Section of Girder . . 53 47. End Cradle for Jenny Traveller .... 55 48. Plan of End Cradle for Heavy Traveller . . 56 49. Section of End Cradle for Heavy Traveller . 57 i 50. Section of "Box Girder . 61 51. Diagram of Load on End Cradle .... 61 viii BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. FIG. 52. Diagram -of PAGE Load on FIG. PAGE 67. End View of Rope or End of Trave ler Beam 61 Chain Wheel with 53. Diagram of Truss with Simple Central Guide Pulleys 68. Front View of Rope or 73 Load 62 Chain Wheel with 54. Diagram of Compound Truss with Central Guide Pulleys 69. Rope or Chain Wheel . 73 74 Load 62 70. Section of Rope In 55. Diagram of C ompound V-rim of Pulley . 74 Truss with I oad over 71. Rim of " Waved " Rope One Strut 63 Wheel .... 74 56. Calculation of of End Cradl 'strength 2 Axles . 64 72. Longitudinal Section of Nibbed Wheel Rim 75 57. Struts for Timber 73. Cross Section of Nibbed Beams 65 Wheel Rim . 75 58. Section of Traveller 74. Plan of Nibbed Wheel Axle Wheel 67 Rim 75 59. Section of Traveller 75. Longitudinal Section of Axle Wheel 67 Wheel Rim with Cast 60. Elevation of Traveller Recesses .... 77 Axle Wheel 67 76.-^Square-shaft Traveller . 79 61. Section of Traveller 77. End Elevation of Axle Wheel 62. Elevation of Traveller 68 Square-shaft Driving Gear .... 81 Axle Wheel 68 78. Plan of Square-shaft 63. Elevation of Cast-iron Driving Gear . 81 Bearing . 69 79, 80. Sliding Pinion on 64. Section of Cast-iron Gantry Shaft . 83 Bearing . G9 81. Scarf Joint in Shaft 84 65. Cast-iron Bear ng ! 70 82, 83. Front and Side Ele- 66. Single Gearing Wheels . 72 vations of Tumbler . 85 j CW Mec/ianical Engineer. SAN FIUNCISCO; CALj BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION: SIMPLE LIFTING TACKLE. HOISTING machinery of some kind is indispensable to every building and contracting firm. The limits of human strength are soon passed, and the range of service of the common pull-ey blocks is very limited. When much heavy material has to be handled the employment of unsuitable hoisting machinery has a very marked effect on profits. The principal kinds of hoisting machinery for builders and contractors are the following : Pulley blocks ; winches or crabs single, double, and treble-geared, operated by hand or by steam, fixed on the ground, or made to travel on gantries ; fixed warehouse cranes, whip cranes, wharf cranes, and quarry cranes, operated by hand ; fixed der- rick cranes, w r orked by hand or steam ; steam hoists, or hoisting engines, made semi-portable, to do work in any locality, as the portable engine does for agriculture ; travelling or portable cranes, operated by hand or by steam, for use in large yards and on wharves, with or without derricking arrangements for the jib ; overhead gantry cranes, with jibs, worked by hand or power, used for similar purposes as the last-named, but moved on a high gantry clear of lines of rails arid traffic beneath ; jennies, overhead travelling cranes, or, more properly, crabs, destitute of jibs, used in 10 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. yards and in workshops, made in a wide range of powers, and actuated by hand, steam, or elec- tricity ; gantries, both fixed and portable, for travelling crabs, made in timber, iron, and steel ; lifts in warehouses and shops, actuated mostly by hydraulic power. In addition to the above-named, many other types of hoisting machinery are constructed ; but the list given covers the whole range of that used by the builder and contractor. The construction of hoisting machinery has been revolutionised dur- ing the last quarter of a century, and goods and materials are moved, loaded, and discharged, and workshop and yard operations performed with a celerity little short of marvellous. The present intention is to consider the machin- ery, not from the point of view of the maker, but from that of the builders and contractors who pur- chase and use it, so that instead of going exten- sively into questions of stresses and the calculation of certain dimensions, the types of cranes that are best adapted for certain kinds of work will be con- sidered, and why they are so adapted will be ex- plained. The weaker points of construction, the dangers incidental to working, the more vulnerable parts, the question of preservation, of repairs and renewals, of materials, workmanship, prices, etc., will be discussed, making the handbook a very practical guide for those who are not engineers. In a few instances, details of construction will be given, chiefly in the case of timber work, which can well be prepared in a builder's own yard, and in the case also of certain important details with which all crane users should be familiar. The hoisting machinery used by contractors and builders is mostly operated by hand, or by steam. Much of this machinery, of course, cannot be con- structed by any but an engineer. Yet there are some very simple types which can be made econo- SIMPLE LIFTING TACKLE. 11 mically in a contractor's own yard cranes and travellers, into the construction of which timber chiefly enters. There is also some of the plainer work which need occasion little difficulty, and there is also second-hand stuff which can often be bought for the price of old iron, and altered, and done up for temporary, or even for permanent service. All hoisting machinery consists, essentially, of the framing and the gearing. Tiie framing in a crane comprises cheeks or side frames, jib, tie- rods, and post ; in a portable crane it also involves Fie.1. Fig. 2. Figs. 1 and 2. Fixed Pulley. ths truck. In a crab, it consists of cheeks only. Timber, iron (both cast and wrought), and steel are used for these parts. Each is preferable in some cases to the others. The gearing comprises toothed wheels, barrel or drum, winch handles, shafts, clutches., brakes, etc., everything, in short, which is concerned directly with the hoisting and lowering of loads, and the slewing, travelling, and reversing motions of the machine. In single gear, there is but one pinion and one wheel between 1 the winch and the barrel ; in double gear, two pinions and two wheels ; in treble gear, three 12 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. pinions and three wheels. Cranes, winches, and crabs of all types are manufactured with single gear, double gear, or with both single and double gear. Since with increase in power the speed is diminished, a keen foreman or employer will always insist that the attendant shall not use a high power for hoisting if a lower one will answer. Further, if a crane or crab is fitted with sufficient brake power, the load should always be lowered with the brake, and not by means of the gearing. The simplest element in lifting tackle is the common gin-block, rubbish pulley, or monkey wheel (Figs. 1 and 2), the " fixed pulley " of the writers on mechanics. It is suspended by means of its hook from any convenient point of support, as a timber or other beam, a rope is rove over the sheave, the load being suspended from one end, and the hauling taking place at the other; while the frame prevents the rope coming out of the groove. The pulleys are made from 3 in. to about 22 in. in diameter. There is no mechanical gain in this, since a pull equal to the load must be exerted to maintain it in equilibrium. Its sole value, therefore, is that by its use a change in the direc- tion of motion is conveniently effected, the direc- tion of the pull whether vertical or diagonal not affecting the result. This type of pulley occurs in the crane in the jib-wheel, which changes the direction of the chain or rope at the head of the jib to the vertical. It occurs also in some der- ricking gear, in motion for racking a jenny along a traveller, and in other parts. Two views of a common form of pulley-block are shown by Figs, 3 and 4. There may be one, two, or three sheaves in the fixed block, and the same number in the movable block. In each case the mechanical gain is estimated by the number of times the rope leads off from the lower or movable pulleys. If it leads off five times, as in the figure, SIMPLE LIFTING TACKLE. 13 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Figs. 3 and 4. Common Pulley Fig. 5. Differential Blocks. Pulley Block. "the theoretical gain is 5 to 1. In practice it is considerably less than this, because of the friction. 14 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. The theoretical gain follows from the law of virtual velocities, or the principle of work ; for in order that the lower block shall be raised 1 ft. the rope must be pulled out 5 ft. Pulley-blocks are used in yards and factories for almost any class of work, being readily carried from place to place, and slung from beams and principals. They occur in heavy cranes, in the snatch-blocks, or return blocks as they are called, in which the pulleys may number one, two, or three. Owing to the different rates of motion of the various bights of the rope, there is much slip and friction between the rope and the pulleys. To obviate this, White's tackle was invented, in which the sizes of the pulleys are so proportioned to the velocities of the rope that no slip shall take place, and the friction of six separate pulleys is reduced to that of two. The differential or Weston pulley-block (Fig. 5) does not run down of itself. The load has to be lowered by the chain as well as lifted. This is due to the excessive amount of friction devel- opeda property which might appear to bs an evil but one which actually contributes to the effici- ency of the machine. The fixed pulleys are in one casting, and an endless chain passes over these and over the movable pulley below. The mechani- cal advantage is due to the difference between the diameters of the two fixed pulleys. Hence the rule : The power multiplied by the diameter of the larger pulley is equal to the weight multi- plied by half the difference between the diameters of the larger and smaller pulleys. These pulleys are always used with chains, as ropes would slip ; the sheaves are grooved out with recesses to take each individual link. Like other pulley blocks, they are slung from any convenient support. They will lift loads up to 3 tons or 4 tons ; but they are nec3ssarily very slow in their action. 15 CHAPTER II. HAND CRABS OR WINCHES. HAND crabs, or winches as they are termed (Figs. 6 and 7), are hoisting machines employed by masons and builders for hauling goods and mater- ial to the uppar portions of buildings or of works Fi.r. 0. Hand Crab with Ca^t-iron Check. in progress. Their convenience lias in their por- tability, a crab being moved easily from one part of a yard to another; shear legs, a beam, or a wall forms a convenient point of attachment for the sheave pulley (Fig. 1) over which the rope or chain which lift* t'ne load is reeved. They are made in many sizes, their power rang- ing from a single-geared winch lifting \ ton, to a treble-geared winch lifting, perhaps, with double- sheave blocks and snatch-block, 25 tons or 30 tons. 16 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. These are also the cheapest kind of lifting tackle which can be purchased, the parts being extremely few. The cheeks of winches are made either of cast-iron (Figs. 6, 8, and 9), or of wrought-iron or steel (Figs. 7 and 10). The first are more liable to fracture when subject to rough usage, hence it is, in certain cases, as when in the midst of rough work, and when required for shipment abroad, Fig. ".Hand Crab with Steel Cheek. good policy to pay the higher price for the wrought-iron frames. The neatest and strongest type in cast-iron is that in which a central web has double ribs on each side (Fig. 11). Sometimes the ribs are only cast on one side, as shown by Fig. 12. Where the distance stays or bolts pass through to connect the frames there should be thickening bosses com- ing flush, or nearly so, with the edges of the ribs. These are shown at A (Figs. 8 and 9). Framings other than of cast-iron are constructed with plate HAND CRABS OR WINCHES. 17 and angle wrought-iron and steel. In the case of a light crab, the angle is riveted along the bottom edge only (Figs. 7 and 10). In large heavy cheeks the angle iron in one strip is bent round to the entire outline of the cheek, and welded up at one corner, and riveted on the plate. Examples of this kind will be given in due course. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Figs. 8 and 9. Cast-iron Winch Cheek. When frames are plated, the shaft bearings cannot be formed in the frames as in Figs. 6 and 8, but must be made as separate cast-iron bosses, seen in Fig. 10, and riveted on the frames. Fig. 13 illustrates a boss to an enlarged scale, showing the mode of its attachment, A being the boss and B the framing. A portion of the boss is turned to fit a hole bored in the frame, and this, with the bolts, prevents movement. Fig. 14 is a sec- tion of the bearing shown by Fig. 13. 18 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. In winches exposed to the weather, all bearings should be bushed with gun metal, as shown in Figs. 10, 13 and 14, in order to prevent the undue abrasion or attrition which results from rusted surfaces in contact. The length of the barrel, and correspondingly the lengths of the shafts, will depend on the quantity of rope or chain which has to be coiled, but cost increases with length. All Fig. 11. Section of Cast - iron Cheek Ribbed Both Sides. Fig. 12. Section of Cast - iron Cheek Ribbed One Side onlv. Fig. 10. Wrought Winch Cheek. winches should be firmly bolted to a stout rect- angle framing of timber to keep the frames from twisting in relation to one another; and the ends of the timbers which carry the frames should be extended 12 in. to 18 in. longitudinally to take the weights used for loading the hind ends to prevent the crab from overturning when at work. HAND CEABS OR WINCHES. 19 These are the principal elements of construc- tion occurring in an ordinary hand winch, and they occur in every crane, no matter what its type. The wheels and barrel, the shafts and bearings, and the brake, will be continually occurring as the more complex machines are considered, and it is necessary, therefore, to consider these in some detail. In the gearing of a simple hand-crab all the elements which enter into the gearing of a 10-, 20-, or 50-ton crane are met with. The first is Fig. 13. Figs. 13 and 14. Shaft Bearings. a simple organism ; the arrangements of the last are often more or less complex. Fig. 15 is a scale drawing of a single-purchase crab, a perspective view of a similar machine being shown by Fig. 7. Fig. 16 shows a side view. The winch handles A A turn the first-motion shaft I, carrying pinion B, which drives wheel c, keyed upon the hoisting barrel or drum D, around which the chain or rope is coiled. The effective diameter of the barrel is the centre K of the rope or chain which is coiled around it. E is the ratchet or dog wheel, and F is its pawl. This wheel is keyed upon 20 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. the barrel shaft J, and therefore revolves with the barrel, the dog falling into each ratchet tooth in succession. The object of this mechanism is to pre- vent accidental over-running. Thus, if the load were to overpower the men at the handles A A, an accident would happen if the dog were not in gear with the ratchet. The dog being in gear, the running back of the wheels and chain would be prevented, as may be seen from the figures, in which the arrows show the rotation which corre- sponds with hoisting. The brake wheel G (H is its lever handle) is often placed within the frames, being cast on the wheel c, but it is a matter of no importance whether it is placed within or without. Its function is the lowering of the load. Before using the brake, the shaft i and pinion B are slid along in the direction of the arrow, the pawl or dog L being lifted off the shaft first, until the pinion is out of gear with the wheel c. Or else the pinion is left in gear and the handles A are taken off. Then the rate of lowering is controlled by the man at the lever handle H. Looking at the arrangements, it is clear that there is gain in power between the winch handles A and the pinion B, and between pinion B and wheel c, and between wheel c and barrel D. Therefore, Mechanical efficiency = Power applied to A X radius r of A X radius of c radius of B x radius of K. Let radius r of winch handle A = 16 in. Power of one man at handle = 15 Ib. Pinion B = 10 teeth x 1| pitch x 4 in. per diameter. Wheel c = 76 teeth x H pitch by 2 ft. 6^ in. diameter. Effective diameter of drum = K = 7 in. Then, taking the power of one man only 15 X 16 in. X 15'1 in. - ; : = 51 / ID. 2 in. X 3'5m. That is, one man, exerting a force of 15 Ib. at A, can raise 517 Ib., a gain of power of 34'4 to one. HAND CRABS OR WINCHES. Or two men can raise 30 X 16 in. X 15'1 in. 21 a gain of power of 69 to one. But 15 Ib. is a fair estimate, being based on the whole day's work of a man. It is found, in fact, that the work of several hours can be taken on a basis of 20 Ib., and, for moderate spells, 25 Ib. is a maximum estimate for the power of a man at a crane winch. So that the above figures may be increased safely. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Figs. 15 and 16. Single-purchase Crab. The formula may take account of number of teeth instead of radius, thus : Eaclius of winch handle X power applied X number of teeth in wheel Number of teeth in pinion X radius of barrel. There are two or three important facts which should be noticed in connection with this calcu- lation. The smaller the divisor the greater the mechanical advantage. Hence, the smaller the barrel, and the larger the barrel wheel, the greater the power of the mechanism. It is seen that it 22 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. must be so, from the principle of work, that power is in inverse ratio to speed, that the slower the lift the greater the power which is being exerted. Also, the smaller the pinion the greater the gain. But the practicable limits in this direction are soon reached. If the barrel is made very small for a given size of chain, the links, which are to a certain extent rigid, are distressed. If the wheel is made very large, it occupies too much room, necessitating increase in the dimensions of the framing and other parts. If the pinion is made- very small, it is also very weak, and so good a gear is not obtainable as with a pinion of moderate size. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Figs. 17 and 13. Double Gear for Crab. If the radius of the winch handle is increased^ the labourers exert their power at a disadvantage. As a matter of practice, winch handles have a radius of from 15 in. to 17 in. ; the smallest pinions seldom have less than ten or twelve teeth, and the largest wheels more than 100 or 120. But, bearing in mind the nature of the formulae, by introducing intermediate gear, the power can be increased to a very large extent. A single intermediate shaft is the most common arrangement, but, in very powerful winches, two such shafts are sometimes used. Then the general formula would stand Radius of w. handle x power x wheels radius of barrel x pinions. HAND CRABS OR WINCHES. 23 It is easy to see how enormously power can be increased in this manner. Figs. 17 and 18 show the arrangement of double gear for a crab. The end view to the left in Fig. 17 is looking at the crab from the arrow end H. Here the shaft F is the first motion shaft, corre- sponding with the shaft I in Figs. 15 and 16, p. 21. It carries the pinion B gearing with A, as before, for use in single gear. For the double gear the second shaft G is used. This carries the pinion c Fig. 21. Wheel Tooth Fig. 20. Figs. 19 and 20. Another Double Crab Gear. and wheel D, cast together. To use the gear, the shaft F, with its pinion B, is slid out of gear in the direction of its arrow, and shaft B, with pinion c, is slid into gear with wheel A. These move- ments cause B to drive D, D carrying c with it, which in turn drives A. Pawls maintain the shafts in their end-long positions. E is the drum. In many cases the gearing is not all arranged at one end, the arrangement differs in some in- stances, as illustrated in Fig. 19. The advantage 44 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. of the latter is that the pinions can all be flanged or shrouded, which is not practicable with the arrangement shown in Fig. 17. One more pinion, however, is necessary pinion E in Figs. 19 and 20. This always remains in gear with A, and its shaft G is never slid along. The throwing in and out of gear is done with the shaft F. When B gears with A, c is out of gear with D, and the crab is running single-geared. Wheels E and D then simply run round, driven by A, doing no work. When c gears with D, B is out and A is driven through D and E, being then in double gear. H H are the grooves for the pawl to hold the shaft F endwise in either position. When the load is lifted by double gear, then the efficiency is about doubled, in ordinary cases, depending, however, upon the proportions given to the extra wheels. Suppose the extra pinions to number ten teeth and twenty-four teeth respectively, then the gain will be the diameter of a twenty-four-toothed wheel of Ij-in. pitch being 9j in., with one man, 15 x 16 in. X 475 in. x 15'1 in. _ . 2 in. X 2 in. by 3'5 in. or with two men, 30 X 16 in. X 4'75 in. X 15'lin. __ 2 in. X 2 in. X 3'5 in. Another result follows also. Since the power of the arrangement increases while passing from the winch shaft to the barrel shaft, these shafts must be differently proportioned according to the work which they have to do. The wheels, more- over, must be stronger in the same ratio, the bar- rel-wheel and second-motion pinion being propor- tionately stronger than a first-motion pinion used only for single gear. This simple winch embodies a good many elementary principles ; but better examples of these relations, as well as of sliding pinions, will occur in the cranes proper. HAND CEABS OE WINCHES. 25 The strength of the teeth of wheels for slow- running cranes is generally calculated on a statical, and not on a dynamical, basis. Instead of reckon- ing horse-power transmitted, a tooth is considered as a cantilever subjected to a dead load. Then 8 or 10 is made the factor of safety. The strength of a tooth (Fig. 21) is equal to : depth B 2 X length c X strength of material breadth A. The tooth is considered a cantilever, loaded at the extreme end of the length c, that being the condition of maximum stress. As the teeth roll on one another, the pressure approaches the root, diminishing in amount. Since the depth B is the principal factor in determining the strength, teeth Fig. 22. Cycloidal Teeth. should never be made narrower than necessity demands, and a radius should always be cast in the roots. In small pinions, narrow roots cannot be avoided ; hence the reason why large radii are generally cast in these, and why also they are often shrouded, or flanged. For the same reason partly, and partly because of the large amount of frictional wear and tear to which they are sub- jected, they are often cast in steel, phosphor bronze, and delta metal. The teeth of the wheels of cranes are formed, as a rule, on one principle only, that known as Willis's odontograph. The typical tooth shapes are shown in Fig. 22, but those shapes vary, of course, with wheels of different diameters. The principle involved is, that any one wheel in a set 26 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. which is struck out by that method will gear with any other wheel of the same pitch. This is a most valuable property, inasmuch as it permits of the indiscriminate selection of wheels, and the building up of combinations of gears without the cost involved in making special wheels with teeth to gear with other special wheels. Into the technique of this it is not necessary to enter. In- volute shaped teeth are seldom used, because it is not practicable to make good interchangeable gears covering a wide range of diameters with these. A form of gear which is used rather extensively on cheap crabs is the knuckle gear (Fig. 23). In Fig. 23. Knuckle Gear. this there is not continuous rolling contact, as in the odontograph teeth, but it is nevertheless a very serviceable form, because, the flanks and faces consisting wholly of semicircles, the roots possess the greatest strength possible, and the points are never likely to become fractured in consequence of shock due to the wearing slack of shafts and bearings. They are, however, only to be recom- mended for small crabs, and not for large cranes, for which the odontograph tooth should always be used. Teeth should never be very long. The short teeth (Fig. 22) now coming into general use are to be preferred, because they are less liable to fracture in the event of sudden shock. The gearing of cranes is made from patterns, and by machine. A practical man can generally HAND CRABS OE WINCHES. distinguish between pattern-moulded and machine- moulded wheels, by observing the teeth. But apart from that, the shape of the arms is an almost certain indication of the type of wheel. Figs. 24 and 25 are the arm shapes put in pattern wheels ; Fig. 26, that used for machine wheels ; almost the only exception to these shapes are the wheels with Fig. 24. Fig. 25. Figs. 24 and 25. Arms of Pattern Wheels. plated or disc centres, which are made either by pattern or machine. For the best crane work, machine wheels should predominate. Unlimited power may be gained by the use of gearing, but, of course, the reduction in speed is in reverse ratio to the gain in power. Double gear, therefore, is seldom exceeded. Treble gear is so exceedingly slow that, though applied to not a few crabs and cranes, it is intended for excep- tional rather than for ordinary duty. When, for regular service, power beyond the range of double 28 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. gear is required, it is desirable to discard alto- gether machinery operated by hand, and work the lifting tackle by steam, hydraulic, or electric power. Hence, pulley blocks and the crabs already dealt with are suited mainly for casual and occa- sional, and not for regular, work. Considerable range of power, portability, and cheapness, the fact that they require no kind of foundation, and can be operated by hand, strongly recommend pulley blocks and crabs, and make them popular. Differential blocks range in power from J cwt. to 4 tons.. Single-purchase crabs will lift from 8 cwt. to 1 ton ; double-purchase crabs from 16 cwt. to 4 tons. If, instead of lifting directly -off the barrel, the rope is passed over sheave blocks, the '/A \ W% I \ 1 ^i ; v/// \ \2A. Fig. 26. Arm of Machine Wheel. power is increased about five times, but the speed is considerably reduced. Treble-purchase crabs will lift from about 6 tons to 15 tons direct from the barrel. Wire rope is used to an increasing extent for hoisting machinery, and when it is used with crabs the barrels should be larger than for ordinary rope, so as to avoid strain and stress. All crabs of the type so far considered are operated by hand. Steam is applied to ships' winches, but these are not under discussion. Steam is also applied to travelling crabs on gantries, a type that will be referred to later. The gearing in the crabs already treated upon occurs in other kinds of hoisting machinery, of which that shown in Figs. 27 and 28 is a type. Winches of this special class are intended for HAND CEABS OE WINCHES. ig attachment to a wall for operating a jib crane, and also, variously modified, to Wellington cranes, and some gantry cranes for working the jenny from below. Wall jib cranes are used in warehouses and in workshops, where the framed crane carries no hoisting gear, but a pulley only at the jib head and at the rear. Or, when the crane has a hori- Figs. 27 and 28. Elevation and Plan of Wall Winch. zontal jib only, the latter carries a jenny which is operated by the winch. Each of these forms is very useful, and each, while containing the essen- tial gearing of the true crane, nevertheless differs therefrom in the separation of the hoisting gear from the main framing. Obviously, when a crane framing is attached to the outside of the wall of 30 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. a building, the gearing must be situated within the wall to be operated by the attendant. It is usual, then, to use an ordinary crab like those illustrated by Figs. 6 and 7. The construction of many of the wall cranes is simplified by the use of a horizontal swinging jib with diagonal tie-rods above it, and by the use of a winch in a bracket bolted to the wall, as in Figs. 27 and 28. Single gear only may be used, as shown in the figures, or double gear. All the afore-mentioned crabs are of the fixed type that is, though portable, they are fixed when at work. They must be suitably placed for the work they have to do, and they are fixed on the ground, or on staging, and not directly over the work. The larger travelling or overhead crabs are carried on low wheels upon rails laid on traveller girders, which girders are in turn mounted on end cradles and wheels to travel down a gantry, the gantry comprising beams laid parallel at a distance apart to suit the span of the crab. CHAPTER III. TRAVELLING CRABS, HAND AND POWER. VARIOUS types of travelling crabs or travellers are used. In them can be studied many arrangements which either do not exist in the simpler fixed crabs, or which exist there in a very elementary form. In the simplest form of overhead traveller the common differential pulley block is suspended from a jenny. In others, again, the winch handles are dispensed with, and the load is lifted by a dependent endless chain. Many overhead crabs are provided with winch handles, and platforms are constructed for the men who turn the handles. The traveller or travelling crane comprises either a crab or a jenny which can be moved along beams or girders, while the entire structure can be moved bodily along gantry beams. By the combination of these movements, any load within the area cov- ered by crab and gantry can be lifted vertically. The two dimensions which cover the area are the length of the traveller beams and the length of the gantry beams. The first will range anywhere between 10 ft. and 100 ft. ; the second will be practically without limit. One gantry will very often be so long that several travellers will run upon it. These are always fixed gantries. They are either built up of timber framing from below, or are composed of square timber balks secured on the tops of wall buttresses, or on the tops of iron columns, or, for the lighter travellers, on corbels built into the wall. What are termed travelling gantries are the Goliath cranes, in which the crab rail-bearers are fixed on two vertical framings, the whole structure travelling bodily along rails laid on the ground level. 32 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. Travelling crabs may be broadly classified in two groups: (a) overhead travellers operated by hand, and (6) overhead travellers worked by power. In class (a) the travellers are worked either from below or from above, those worked from below being generally light, lifting from 1 to 5 tons, though travellers with a lifting capacity of 15 or 20 tons are sometimes worked in this manner. Travellers of this class are numerous, cheap, and are suitable for yards and sheds where there is not enough work to keep a man specially for hoist- ing. The motions are operated by endless ropes or chains passing over sheave pulleys of large diameter, having V-rims to ensure a good bite. One rope serves for hoisting and lowering, and another for cross-traversing. The down traversing in the smallest traveller is not done by gear, but simply by pulling at one of the ropes in the dii*ec- tion in which movement is required. In the heavier hand travellers, however, operated from below, the longitudinal traverse is worked by gear. The end- less rope operating its V-grooved wheel turns spur pinions and wheels, the latter being on two of the travelling wheel axles. In the heaviest hand trav- ellers worked from below the use of treble pur- chase gear is necessary for lifting maximum loads, and two chain or rope wheels are necessary, one on each end of the first motion shaft, in order that a couple of men shall be able to operate each rope. The majority of hand travellers are travelled down the gantry either from the crab through a square shaft, or by means of gearing placed on one cradle. In the Goliath cranes, in which crabs run on travelling gantries, it is customary to travel by means of gear placed at the base of the end fram- ings. In a few cases this travelling is effected from the crab through bevel gearing and shafts TRAVELLING CRABS. 33 There are several different types of power trav- ellers. The first comprises travellers which run on fixed gantries ; the second travellers, or Goliaths, which run on travelling gantries. In the latter case the gantries are moved by hand by men stationed below, as in the hand Goliaths ; or they are moved from the crab, and by gearing which is attached, to travel along with the crab. Power crabs are operated by steam and by electricity. Steam is a very popular and long- tried and proved motive power. In such trav- ellers, crab and traveller are operated by means of an engine and boiler fixed on the crab, and moving with the crab ; but sometimes the boiler and engines are fixed at one end of the traveller beams, and the crab becomes then a mere travel- ling jenny. Fixing the boiler and engine at one end of the traveller and driving through a jenny has the advantage of lessening the load on the trav- eller beams by the extra weight of the crab, which will often equal or exceed that of the load to be lifted. More than that, there is less surging of the traveller than occurs when the dead weight of the crab becomes a rolling load. The details of construction of steam crabs differ considerably from those of hand crabs. The em- ployment of engines and boiler necessitates a larger and more substantial framing. The engines are bolted to the framings on the outside, leaving the inside free for gearing. The boiler is placed at the back or on a foot-plate, from which the attendant operates all the motions, the handles for which are brought within convenient reach. A water-tank, through which the exhaust steam passes warming the feed water, is placed under or at one side of the boiler or in front of the crab. The whole of the crab should be protected from the weather by a house of corrugated iron. Steam crabs carry their boilers and engines. 34 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. In steam crabs also provision is generally made for operating the gantry, when the latter is of the travelling type, directly from the crab through shafts and gearing. If the power is carried to the crab through a cotton rope, then a shaft running along the traveller drives the crab in all its motions. Other forms are Wellington cranes and Goliath cranes, of which large numbers are used. The first named are operated by gearing placed on the verticals, and actuating a jenny, and are often c Fig. 2 tons is imposed upon the end cradle by one girder ; half the weight of one girder must be DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. (31 added to this, bringing the total up to 6'5 + 1'5 = 8 tons at point A in Fig. 51. The bending moment in this case is then : 8 tons x 27 iu. = 216 inch-tons. The cradle section may be proportion-ad in the same way as that in the main girder, that is, by dividing the bending moment by the effective depth, and arranging a flange area to suit. If channel or joint sections are used, the modulus ; .-23-n r-*a'--| 90- 1 Fig. 51. Fig. 50. Fig. 52. Fig. 50. Section of Box Girder. Fig. 51. Diagram of Load on End Cradle. Fig. 52. -Diagram of Load on End of Traveller Beam. of the section multiplied by the stress per square inch on the material equals the bending moment acting upon the section. Thus, selecting say two channels, each 10 in. deep by 4 in. wide, having a combined modulus of section of 44, the stress 21 6 per square in. will = = 4'9. The wheel bases of traveller end eradles are generally about one-fifth to one-sixth of the main span, but this calculation is only approximate. 62 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. As a rule, if the cradles are well stayed, the longer the base the better the crane travels, as a short-base crane is apt to get jammed across the track. Traveller beams of timber have to be trussed, Fig. 53. Diagram of Simple Truss with Central Load. the trussing transmitting the bending stres&es into tensional stresses in the tie-rods. The following examples will illustrate the methods of calculation adopted. Trusses are simple, or compound ; and the loads are central or otherwise. Consider first a simple truss with a central load. Take, for instance, a 10-ton traveller of 36-ft. span ; the load on the beams would be about 16 tons, allowing 6 tons for the weight of crab, etc. This means 8 tons on each beam (Fig. 53). When the load is in the centre the reaction at each end of one beam would equal half the load on it that is, 4 tons. With some definite scale, say i in. to the ton, mark this, reaction on a line perpendicular to the beam, then draw another line parallel to the beam until it cuts the tie-bar, as at left-hand end of figure ; by scaling the length Fig. 54. Diagram of Compound Truss with Central Load. of this horizontal line the compression on the beam is obtained ; by scaling the line correspond- ing to the tie-bar the tension on the bar can be measured, as in the figure. The compression on the central strut is equal DETAILS OF CONSTKUCTION. 63 to the load that is, 8 tons. The proportioning of the sizes of the different members of the system is simply the equating of areas to safe loads on the materials used, care being taken that in the case of round tie-bars having screwed ends, the area under the thread of the screw is equal to the area of the main bar, unless, as in the case of small trusses, the bar area is slightly in excess in order to avoid the expense of swelling the end for the screwed portion. Consider, secondly, a compound truss with the load central (Fig. 54), the load is as in the last example, and the reactions as before. The ten- sions in the end tie-bars will also be obtained in the same way as before. The compression on ~m Fig. 55. Diagram of Compound Truss with Load over one Strut. the beam is most readily obtained by multiplying the action at one end by half the span, and divid- ing by the depth of the truss, thus : 4 tons x 18 ft. 4 It = 18 tons. As this is the compression on the beam, it is also the tension on the bottom tie-bar. Ths compression on the central struts is found by dividing the load on the beam by the number , . 8 tons of struts, = c - = 4 tons compression on _ struts each strut. It will be noticed that the central counter-braces do not come into action until the load moves from the central position. Consider, thirdly, a compound truss with the load directly over one strut (Fig. 55), and the load BUILDEKS' HOISTING MACHINERY. will be as before. The reactions on the supports will be in inverse proportion to the distance of the supports from the load, so that there is one- third of the load = say, 2'6 tons on the farthest support, and two-thirds of the load = 5'3 tons on the nearest support. The tensions on the end tie-bars and compression on the beam can be obtained by the same method used for the simple truss. The compression on the strut immediately under the load is equal to the load 8 tons; the MR e'r Fig. 56. Calculation of Strength of End Cradle Axles. compression on the other strut is equal to the reaction at the farthest support 2'6 tons. In the case now under consideration the counter-brace A (Fig. 55) comes into play as a tension member. The load upon it can be obtained by marking with the scale of tons the compression on the farther strut, using as. a starting-point the junction of the three tie-bars with it, then drawing a line parallel to the counter-brace from the point obtained until it meets the horizontal bottom tie-bar ; the length of this line represents the tension in the counter- brace ; the length of the horizontal line of the DETAILS OF CONSTEUCTION. 65 triangle formed gives the tension in the horizontal tie-bar. The axles for the end cradles should have ample strength, or trouble will be experienced when travelling. They should be calculated for strength in the wheel and also in the bearings. Taking the diameter in the bearings first (see Fig. 56), it is necessary, in order to have a rigid axle, to reckon on a bending moment due to the load on the bear- ing = 4 tons multiplied by half the length of the bearing = 2 in., = 4x2 = 8 inch-tons. Dividing this bending moment by 5 tons per square Fig. 57. Struts for Timber Beams, inch for wrought iron, a modulus of section will o be required of = 1'6. This is obtained by fixing the diameter at 2f (the modulus of section of a round bar is equal to dia- meter cubed x '0982). The diameter in the wheel boss must be calculated by considering the axle as a beam the span of which is the distance be- tween the bearings, and which is subjected to a distributed load if the wheel boss extends through- out the whole length as it should do. In this case, the bending moment is 8 tons x 7 in. . , = 7 men-tons. 8 This happens to come out less than the diameter in the bearings, which would not do because the wheel must pass over the portion in the bearing in order to be placed in position. It is usual, 66 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. therefore, to make the centre portion of the axle slightly larger in diameter in order to facilitate the passing of the wheel into place, and also to form a slight shoulder on the axle to take side working, and so prevent the wheel working loose on its key from this cause. The driving axles must also be calculated for a twisting moment according to conditions, or method of driving. Fig. 57 illustrates the method usually adopted for the strutting of timber beams. The struts A A are of cast-iron, designed to withstand compres- sion. The tie-rods are of round bar, with forged eyes welded on, and drilled to receive the pins in the struts, the pins being in shearing stress. The main rods are attached at their outer ends to cap castings B on the ends of the beams. These ends of the rods, which are screwed, pass through holes cored in lugs on the outsides of the caps, and are each tightened with a nut. The pins for the attachment of the bracing rods to the timber beams pass through cast-iron plates c c bolted to the timbers. Flat bars are often used for tension rods, and timber for struts. The latter withstand compression as good as those of cast-iron, but they have a heavier appearance and are only suitable for small gantries. A builder who constructs his own timber work can save expense by using tim- ber struts. Single strutting or trussing is adopted for traveller girders up to about 30 ft. span, double trussing between 30 ft. and 40 ft., treble trussing over 40 ft. The platform arrangements of crabs and trav- ellers vary with conditions. It is desirable to have a platform running along at least one side of a traveller, except in those of small dimensions worked from below. In the case of traveller crabs worked from an end cage, a platform along one r:ide, for purposes of lubrication and examination, will suffice. The platform is frequently omitted DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. 67 in steam crabs, the driver standing upon the foot- plate of the crab and running it back to the end of the gantry when the day's work is over; when head room is limited, boiler and tank are suspended from the crab, one on each side of the gantry. In hand crabs, platforms for the men to walk on while turning the winch handles are generally put on both sides of the gantry. If this is not done, the crab must be surrounded with a platform, which is in one respect preferable, because the men are then better able to overlook the work Fig. 58. Fig. 59. Fig. CO. Figs. 58 to 60. Sections and Elevation of Traveller Axle Wheels. beneath. Sometimes, too, in addition, a narrow platform is run along each side of the traveller. Platforms should always be guarded with hand- railings. The railing is of gaspipe of about 1 in. diameter, and the stanchions are light forgings with feet for bolting to the timber, and holes for the gaspipe to pass through. The flooring boards are either supported on platform girders, which are made either of rolled joists or of timber beams, running in a longitudinal direction outside of, and parallel with, the main beams, or they are carried on iron brackets, which are built up of plate and angle and bolted to the beams. 68 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. The platform, when attached to and travelling with the crab, must go completely round it so as to afford access from one side to the other. It is supported on stiff angles, which are bolted to any conv-enient points of attachment on the crab fram- ing, and it must be surrounded with handrailing. The axle wheels of travellers are made either of cast-iron or of steel ; in the heaviest travellers the centres are of cast-iron and the tyres of Bes- semer steel, which are checked and shrunk on the Fig-. 61. Figs. 61 and G2. Section and Elevation of Traveller Axle Wheel. centres. These axle wheels are shown in Figs. 58 to 62. The cast-iron or cast-st-sel wheel (Figs. 58 to 60) is made with a solid centre web in preference to arms. Arms are not so conducive to security of working as solid plate, because the metal in the rim is always in excess, as shown in the sectional views, partly for strength and partly to allow for wearing down of the tread. The shrinkage stress-as between the arms and rim are therefore not equal, and, though fracture may not occur at the time of casting, it is likely to happen afterwards under moderate stress, be- DETAILS OP CONSTRUCTION. (19 cause the metal is in a permanently overstrained condition. The evil may be lessen-ed by careful regard to proportioning and by the use of large radii. But these precautions are often neglected, and therefore it is always safer, except for very light loads, to have plated wheels ; but even for light loads also it is best to be on the safe side. The plated wheel is frequently stiffened by cast- ing arm-like ribs on both sides of the plate (Fig. 60). These ribs give additional support to the rim, which is subject to much stress not only from the dead load, but also from diagonal stress acting Fig. 63. Fig-. 64. Figs. 63 and 64. Cast-iron Bearing. against the flanges, due to cross working of the traveller or crab. The difference between an iron and a steel wheel, each of which is made as in Figs. 58 and 60, is that the latter for equal loading may be about from 30 to 50 per cent, lighter than the former. It is not a usual practice to turn the treads of wheels, but it is often insisted on in high-class work, and conduces to smooth running. The compound wheel (Fig. 61) is only required for heavy pressures and severe duty. Fig. 62 shows another view of Fig. 61. It is the best possible form of wheel, but is expensive. The tyres A are weldless, rolled from Bessemer steel blanks, and these are turned and bored carefully to suit 70 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. the turned cast-iron centres B. The turning fit is sufficiently easy to permit of the tyre, when at a low red heat, dropping over the raised check on the rim. Wh-en dropped over in this condition, the tyre as it cools grips the centre so tightly that bolt or rivet fastenings are not required. The depth of the check averages T V in. The centres must be massive and solid webbed ; arms are quite unsuitable. Both web and rim must be thick, us shown proportionally in the figures. Kails used for travellers and traveller crabs are of the flanged type. They are bolted direct to the wood or to steel beams. In the latter case wood pack- ing is frequently in- serted. They may be bolted down direct or through clips pressing on the rail flanges. The cast-iron bearings for the axles of end cradles are usually of the forms shown in Figs. 63 and 64 (plate bearings) or Fig. 65 (dead-eye bear- ings). These last are easily fitted, and as the motion of the axles is but slow, the bearings are seldom brass-bushed except in power travellers. Bearings of the type shown in Figs. 63 and 64 are of cast-iron, riveted and bolted between the chan- nels A, chipping strips being used, because chan- nels that are nominally alike vary slightly in width and in thickness of flange ; by using strips, there- fore, the work of chipping to a fit is often dimin- ished. The bearings are properly bored after being fitted and bolted into Fig. Go. Cast-iron Bearing. CHAPTER V. APPLYING MOTIVE I OWER TO HOISTING MACHINERY. THE methods by which the motive power is made to operate travellers and crabs may now be con- sidered in detail. Beginning with the simplest, Fig. 66 shows the design of single gearing adopted for the longi- tudinal travel of travellers operated from below, a rope wheel turned by an endless rope depending therefrom. Its shaft operates the bevel pinion B, and wheel c ; B has its bearings in the boss of the bracket D bolted to the traveller beam E ; c is keyed on the shaft F which runs the whole length of E, having its bearings at G G, which are also bolted to E. There will be one or more inter- mediate bearings like G at intervals along the beam to support F. Two pinions H H at the ends of F drive wheels j J, keyed on the axles of the travelling wheels K K. The travelling wheels at the other end simply follow those, being ungeared. In heavy travellers, double gear is used instead of the single gear shown in Fig. 66, an inter- mediate pinion and wheel coming between H and K. The rope and chain wheels A, used for operat- ing travellers from below, are always as light as it is possible to cast them. Metal massed in these wheels would be in the wrong place, because there is practically no stress on them, and it would only add to dead load on the shafts and beams. These wheels are worked by ropes and by chains; a. wheel with a smooth rim being used for rope, and one with a nibbed rim for chain, because a rope will bite on a smooth rim, -but a chain will slip. The general proportions of both wheels are alike, 72 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. and the same patterns are generally used, the only difference being in the rims. Figs. 67 to 69 illustrate the general outlines of APPLYING MOTIVE POWEE. chain or rope wheels. The arms are light, and the rim is of V -section, with a radius in the bottom, so that the rope or chain instead of lying close to the bottom of the rim is gripped between the sides of the V (Fig. 70), which arrangement materi- ally assists the bite. Sometimes rope wheels are Fig. 67. Figs. 67 and 68. Rope or Chain Wheel with Guide Pulleys. " waved " that is, the V looked at edgewise is curved lengthwise at the bottom (Fig. 71), so that the bending or biting effect between the rim and the rope may be increased. This is a desirable provision when the ropes and the wheels are large, but it is not necessary for small ropes. The nibs cast on for chains are of the form shown in Fig. 72. They are about f in. wide in the 74 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. middle, standing about \ in. high, are rounded off towards the ends, and are placed from 1^ in. to 2 in. apart. Fig. 72 is a longitudinal section of the V - rim, Fig. 73 is a cross section, and Fig. 74 is a Fig. 6!). Rope or Chain Wheel. plan. To accommodate a large chain, the rim of the wheel should be cast with recesses into which the links of the chain will drop bodily (Fig. 75). The pitching out must be accurately done, other- wise the chain will ride in the wheel instead of dropping into the recesses, and the difficulty of obtaining this accurate fitting increases with the size of the wheel, or with the arc of contact with Fig. 70. Fig. 71. Fig. 71. Fig. 70. Section of Rope in V-rim of Pulley. Rim of Waved Rope Wheel. the chain. The best way is to pitch the centres of the recesses accurately, and to allow consider- able clearance between the chain links and these recesses. APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 75 The dimensions of rope and chain wheels vary from 2 ft. to 5 ft. in diameter. The metal in the rims ranges from J in. to f in. thick, and the arms are made as light as possible, consistently with reasonable rigidity. If large bosses have to be cast, as when the wheels of this kind have to fit over sleeves, the arms being cast also, the shrink- age of the bosses is liable to cause fracture in the arms. It is better, therefore, to split the boss in the mould and bond it subsequently. Figs. 68 and 69 illustrate the two general Fig. 73. yv Fig. 74. Figs. 72 to 74. Longitudinal Section, Cross Section, and Plan of Nibbed Rim. designs on which rope wheels are made. The first is of cast-iron, with curved arms, this curving diminishing any tendency to fracture ; the second is made with wrought-iron arms cast into rim and boss, and hence is termed a spider wheel. Fig. 68 is suitable for wheels up to about 2 ft. 6 in. dia- meter, Fig. 69 for the larger wheels. In both figures the details are suitably proportioned. The bite of a rope on a smalt pulley is increased by the employment of guide pulleys as in Fig. 68, which are not necessary in larger wheels. But it is proper in any case to have swinging rope guides, as in Fig. 69, to coerce the rope and prevent it 76 BUILDEES' HOISTING MACHINERY. from getting off the pulley groove during working. This guide is a T-shaped forging dependent from the spindle, being bored at the top to fit over the pulley spindle, and maintained at a suitable dis- tance by distance pieces at the ends of the bottom horizontal. The rope passes between the two horizontal members. The manner in which the T-shaped sling is supported and bent inwards to the wheel is seen in Fig. 68. One disadvantage of the crab worked from below is that ropes or chains hang down in the way of the work, and of the workmen on the floor below ; but this would only be objectionable in some cases. This type of crab is suitable for occasional service, but for constant duty the types before referred to are preferable. The numerous class of travellers which are operated from above embrace the square-shaft, both hand and steam ; the cotton-rope ; and the electrical types. The square-shaft traveller is the oldest; the steam comes next in point of time, and is followed by the cotton-rope and the elec- trical types. The cotton-rope traveller is steam- driven, but the engine is not on the traveller or crab, but is situated elsewhere. The square-shaft type is, in the hand travellers, driven from the crab gearing, as also are the steam travellers proper ; or a steam-driven square gantry shaft will operate both the traveller and the crab. In some few cases the longitudinal movement of a traveller is not worked from the crab, but by means of gearing on the end cradles. This is not a good arrangement, because it entails loss of time, though the construction of the crab is simplified. When putting up a traveller, the choice of type and of motive power must be largely governed by the conditions which exist in the factory or works. If sufficient engine power is available, it might APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 77 be better to utilise it for driving by rope or square shaft. If there is a dynamo already in the place, or if it is intended to set up a dynamo for any purpose, such a>s lighting, the same machine or another might also be employed for driving the traveller. In increasing motive power when that power is steam, the cost of shafting and belting, etc., for transmission, and of oil and repairs, becomes a serious item, while the extension of electrical power involves nothing more than the laying down of new dynamos, motors, and conductors. The . 75. Longitudinal Section of Wheel Rim with Cast waste due to friction in hundreds of yards of shaft- ing and shaft fittings is enormous; that due to heat losses in dynamos and motors does not cost money for renewals, as in the case of steam driving. For hoisting, even mpre than for the driving of machine tools, it is desirable that electricity should be employed rather than steam power trans- mitted by belts, shafts, or ropes, because hoisting is in most shops of a very intermittent character, and belts, shafts, or ropes run continuously. The electrical plant, requiring no time to develop power, is, therefore, far better fitted for such in- termittent Avork. Electricity is, too, more adapt able and more economical than steam, as motors can be set down and worked anywhere ; but a steam engine must be near its boiler, because the farther it is away the larger is the percentage cf 78 BUILDEKS' HOISTING MACHINERY. wasted steam ; it must also be kept at work, with an expenditure of power out of all proportion to the results., though only one or two machines out of a shopful are running. In smoothness, of running, a high-speed crab, whether driven by rope or electricity, is superior to a steam-driven crab, because to the latter is transmitted from the engine a more or less oscil- latory motion. But the worm-drive on high-speed travellers is always very smooth, while the longi- tudinal travel is equally so. Another advantage of high-speed driving is that the load due to the crab, which is dead load on the beams, is lessened by the absence of the boiler, engines, and tank. This load, though advantageous in a balance crane, is undesirable in a crab. There is little difference in the motor arrangements, whether belts or gear wheels are used for transmitting motion from the end of a traveller to its crab. The substitution of one motor method for th other can be easily effected at a small cost. If a quick-speed power traveller is required, and the laying down of electrical power at some future time is contemplated, the best traveller to obtain is one of the rope-driven type, either with belt or with clutch arrangements. In such circum- stances, a motor can always be substituted for the rope drive ; but, with a steam crab, tha cost of conversion either into ropa drive or into elec- trical drive would be nearly prohibitive, because engines and boiler would be useless, the, bevel- gear between the square shaft and the crab would have to be replaced with worm gear, and the whole of the driving and reversing gear at the end, whether wheels or belts, would have to be entirely new. The square-shaft drive is suitable for gantries of moderate length and for moderate speeds. But for long gantries and high speeds it is not so well APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. suited as the rope drive. The latter can be of unlimited length, the former should not be more than about 200 ft. Rope driving is quieter than shaft driving. Wire, hemp, and cotton are used ; and speeds range between 2,000 ft. and 5,000 ft. per minute, 2,000 ft. being a usual rate. The steam traveller is the best type for use out-of-doors in yards, docks, and harbours ; but it is not desirable inside buildings, be- cause of the sulphur, steam, and dust given off. For such situa- tions any of the other methods of driving are preferable. Square-shaft and electrically driven travellers are sometimes made to work from below, with dependent chains. In such cases, the chains pass over pulleys, from which the operating clutches on the traveller are controlled. Such an arrangement is not de- sirable, and is only adopted when ths work is of so intermittent a character that there is not suffi- cient of it to keep a man con- stantly aloft. Fig. 76 shows the general ar- rangement of the working of a square - shaft traveller from a crab. The same method will serve alike for hand or steam. Substantially the same arrange- ment would be used if the traveller were driven from 'M- / a square shaft running down one of the gantry beams, the direction of driving being reversed. In Fig. 76, 80 BUILDEES' HOISTING MACHINERY. A is one of the traveller beams, single-webbed and fish-bellied ; B B are the end cradles, plated, against which the beams fit by abutment ; c c are the gantry beams against the walls of the shop ; D is the square shaft driven by the sliding or sleeve-bevel wheel E, from the crab gear through F'. The wheel E travels with the crab, having its bearings in a bracket on one side of the crab, the journals being indicated by diagonal lines, and the revolution of the wheel turns the shaft D in its bear- ings at the ends of the beam. The shaft D is supported by the tumbler bearings F F, which have their bearings on the sides of the beam A. The radius described by the bearings when knocked over by the passage of the wheel E is indicated by dotted half-circles. The motion of the shaft is communicated to the running wheels G G through two sets of gear, one at each end. Each set com- prises two pinions A' B' and two wheels c' D', by which power is gained. The wheel D' is keyed in the axle of G. Heavy shaft-driven travellers are sometimes driven by bevel wheels and reversing clutches, arranged at one end of the gantry. There is an advantage in the adoption of such an arrangement, besides that of permitting the attendant to over- look properly the operations going on below, as it is one in which rope or electrical driving can be afterwards substituted with the minimum of expense. In this type of traveller the rotation of the square shaft is transmitted through bevel gearing to the shaft which is driven parallel there- with, above the end cradle, and the substitution of a motor for the square shaft would be the only alteration necessary, the reversing bevel gearing being retained for the operation of the several motions. When a traveller and a crab are driven in this way from a square shaft running down one of the APPLYING MOTIVE POWEE. 81 gantry beams, the arrangement referred to, and one which is frequently adopted, is that shown in Figs. 77 and 78. Fig. 77 shows an end elevation of the gear ; Fig. 78 shows a plan view, all ad- jacent details being omitted, and the location of F 82 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. the journals being indicated by diagonal lines. In this design each distinct motion is operated by a separata set of gears on one shaft on the end of the traveller, over the end cradle. In Fig.s. 77 and 78 A is the longitudinal down gantry shaft, and B is the bevel wheel which slides on ths shaft with the movement of the traveller. This wheel gears into another bevel wheel c, which has its bearing in a bracket bolted to the end cradle, the shaft D of which has a bevel wheel E at its upper end, which gears with and drives a bevel wh-ael F on the shaft G, that carries the differ- ent gears for actuating the several motions that namely of longitudinal travelling H, of cross-trav- ersing J, and of hoisting K. In these gears the mode of operation is that of friction cones, or friction clutches. The sliding of either of the double-ended clutches L L L to right or left drives the shaft in one direction or the other. The bevel wheels run loosely, the clutches only having key- ways which slide on feather keys in the shaft. When the clutch L is in gear with the clutch on a pinion the two are as one, and are driven by the feather key. The pinion which is engaged with the clutch drives the larger wheel on the shafts M N or o, which operate the several motions through other wheels and pinions. The shaft N drives the running wheel p through the inter- mediate gear Q R s T u, and the shafts M and o operate the traversing and lifting motion through sliding worms, and worm wheels on the crab. All the bevel wheels are half shrouded that is, they have flanges or caps reaching to the pitch planes, and turned on their edges, and these roll against one another in continual contact during the operation of the gears. The advantages are twofold the strength of the teeth is slightly in- creased, and the motion is rendered smoother and more regular, These flanges are an important APPLYING MOTIVE POWEE. 83 detail in good practice, which should never be omitted in high-speed hoisting gearing. The same addition is to be observed in the spur wheels Q to T. The whsel v is not driven by gear, but trails only. The rail level is indicated by the dotted line w, and the end cradle by the dotted outlines x. A projected view of wheel v is shown. The gantry shafts, which are used for driving to or from traveller crabs, are almost invariably made of square bar iron or steel. Steel is gener- ally used now, because a smalLer size can bs used Fig. 80. . Fig. 79. Figs. 79 and 80. Sliding Pinion on Gantry Shaft. than in wrought iron, thus reducing dead weight while retaining equal strength. The shafts are made square because they have to drive or be driven through bevel gearing, one wheel of which must revolve, either driving or being driven by the shaft as it revolves. The sliding wheel is cored and slotted, or cored only, and filed out to make an easy sliding fit on the shaft, but not so easy as to permit of much slop and backlash (Figs. 79 and 80). These shafts are not tooled, but are left black. A coarse file may be passed over them, but nothing more. As the shafts are generally longer than the standard length of bars, one, two, or more joints have to be made in them. These are of the scarf form, that shown in Fig. 81 being as good as any other, and the most easily BUILDEES' HOISTING MACHINERY. made. In making such a joint as this, the scarfs are formed by slotting in a machine, and the rivets have countersunk heads. The size of bars used will range from If in. in light hand and power travellers, to 2^ in. and even 3 in. in the larger power travellers. As the shafts are of great length in proportion to diameter, it is necessary to afford them support at several points intermediate between the end bearings. But, as they have to be traversed con- stantly from end to end by the sleeve bevel wheel which slides along, the bearings cannot be rigid, but must be of a type which can be easily moved aside momentarily to allow the wheel to pass. Fig. 81. Scarf Joint in Shaft. This is the tumbler type, and is found in modified forms in all travellers. Some of the tumbler bear- ings are much more complicated than others, and are the subject of patents. They all belong to one of two types ; one is that of a lever or levers thrust over by the passage of the bevel wheel removing the supporting bearing from the shaft momentarily, the support being returned auto- matically as soon as the wheel has passed and left the bearing clear. The other is a bearing moving vertically, thrust downwards by the passage of the wheel, and returning immediately afterwards. The commonest type of tumbler, which is cheap and efficient, is shown in Figs. 82 and 83. It con- sists of a bell crank lever A, pivoted in a bearing APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 85 B, on the sides of the gantry beams c, and having recesses at its free ends to receive the turned portions of the shaft. As the crab comes along it knocks over the bearing which is uppermost, causing the horizontal lever arm, with its bearing, to rise up and take the position of the displaced vertical bearing immediately after the passage of the wheel. The lever arms are maintained in a vertical position by the resting of the horizontal arms upon supports bolted to the traveller sides. Fi. 82. Fig. 83. Figs. 82 and 83. Tumbler. feen in Fig. 76. The mechanism is efficient ; but the d-etails will vary in different cases. In the lighter travellers the ends of the tumblers are simply cored out, as shown in Figs. 82 and 83, and not machined, but cleaned out a little with the file. For the rapidly revolving and heavy shafts, bearings are made of brass or phosphor bronze, bored and fitted into the ends of the cast- iron tumblers. The driving of travellers and crabs -from a square gantry shaft seems a somewhat clumsy device. The shaft must be heavy and of large 86 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. size to resist torsional stress, and it must be supported in tumbler bearings at intervals. This increases weight and expense, and absorbs much power. Moreover, very long gantry shafts are objectionable, because of their tendency to twist and their great weight. It is for these reasons that the cotton rope and electrical drives have found so great favour. Thsre is little difference between the gearing of an electrical and of an ordinary crab or trav- eller, and electricity can be applied to almost any well-constructed hoisting machine, with a few necessary alterations. The traveller picks up the electric current from a conductor running down the length of the shop, which through a motor or motors on the traveller drives the first motion shaft in place of the cotton ropa, or square shaft, of an ordinary machine. A common difference between a square-shaft traveller and a rope or electrically driven traveller is that the shaft is driven at a slow speed, and that the latter two are driven at a very high speed. In the first case it is not necassary to effect much, or even any, reduction in speed between the shaft and the crab ; in the latter two cases it is necessary to do so, in order to bring the rates of lifting, travelling, or traversing, within workable and safe limits. A rope must be driven at a high speed to develop its dynamical force, and an armature must generally revolve at a high speed. Ropes run at rates ranging from about 1,500 to 3,000 ft, per minute, and armatures revolve at from 700 to 1,200 ft. per minute. The reduction of soeed be- tween the first driving shaft and the crab is nearly always effected by worm gearing, in some cases, however, by spur gearing. General practice favours the former, but there are exceptions, and single-threaded worms have, until recently, been APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 87 most generally used ; but double and even treble- threaded worms are now successfully employed, th-3 idea being to reduce the excessive friction which occurs between the gears. Single-worm fric- tion, however, has its advantages, and the method has its advocates., because the friction is so great in amount that the crab can never run and turn the worm through the wheel, which can happen in double- and treble-threaded worms. When the latter are used, therefore, it is necessary to fit a brake to the gear. The reversing mechanism for each motion (lon- gitudinal, cross-traverse, and lifting) must, both in shaft- and rope-driven travellers, be effected either through belting or clutches: the clutches being of the general type and arrangement illus- trated by Figs. 77 and 78, and the belting, when used, being open and crossed for each motion, in order to run the operating shafts in reverse direc- tions. In electrical travellers each of these methods is employed, as well as another method which is* not practicable with square-shaft-driven travellers namely, the use of reversing motors, but the opinions of engineers and electricians are divided as to the advantages, of this method. One advantage is that the use of reversing motors does away with the intermediate gear of clutches and wheels, or belts and pulleys. When it is a question of converting an existing rope- or square-shaft traveller, it is perhaps as well to employ a continuous-running motor; but when a new driving system is being designed, the knock- ing out of the reversing gear is worth considera- tion. Electricians, generally object to the use of reversing motors, but the experience of several competent engineers has demonstrated their prac- tical utility in the driving of overhead travellers. There are two ways in which the motions of travellers and crabs are regulated by the atten- 88 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. dant; one is by means of levers, another through hand wheels. These may operate friction clutches in gearing, or belts. Clutches are either of the claw or of the friction type, the latter running with less shock than the first. Claw clutches are not suitable for the high speeds of rope- or electrically- driven travellers, notwithstanding that they are used for slow-running cranes. Practice is pretty equally divided between belt driving and friction cone driving for power, rope, and electrical travellers. Both are durable ; both have the advantage of effecting a gradual start and a gradual stoppage, and both, being operated by levers or by hand wheels, are under perfect control ; both possess the very desirable charac- teristics of yielding under excessive and dangerous stress, the clutches slipping within each other, and the belts slipping on their pulleys, while possessing ample grip for all legitimate duty. The sizes of cones, the angle of cones, and the length of drive of belts, cannot be determined by theoretical considerations, but are settled solely by practice, according to the duty which they have to perform. The holding powers of clutches, 6 in. or 8 in. in diameter, is sufficient for loads of from five to ten tons, and the angle of cone is about 1 in 6. If the angle were much less than this it would cause seizing ; if it were much greater it would impair the frictional power. For operating these clutches, either a hand lever or a screw movement is employed. The lever is more rapid in its action, but the screw holds more securely, and should be generally adopted. Levers alone are used for belt shifting. Belt driving is rather more gradual as regards increase of speed than clutch driving ; but trouble may occur in consequence of the slipping of the belts, which is generally caused by too short a drive. A long drive, which is easily obtained in the APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 89 belting for most machine tools, cannot be got on a traveller. But the short drive should be used under tho most favourable conditions possible, and the belts must be kept tightly strained ; this is not the best way of running a belt, it is true, but it is ths only way possible in traveller driving. Tho best kind of belting must bo used, for inferior qualities will give perpetual trouble by stretching, iraying, and cracking in consequence of the high spoed at which they are run. The arrangement of the belting varies in trav- ellers by different makers. But generally there is a first motion drum, and from this all the traveller and crab motions are driven. The lifting shaft is driven by two pairs' of pulleys, each pair being fast and loose. The larger pair is used for lifting, the smaller pair for lowering the reversal of the latter being accomplished by crossing the lowering Holt. The traversing shaft is driven by three pulleys and two belts, one belt open and the other crossed, driving on the outer pulleys, the middle pulley being the loose one. The longitudinal travelling is done by a drive on to pulleys on an intermediate spindle, and gear wheels are used to reduce speed and gain power. Such an arrange- ment of belt driving will be suitable for a motor- driven or a rops-driven traveller. With a motor drive the end pulleys will be belt connected ; with a rope drive the rope will run over grooved pulleys in the place of the belt pulleys. Electrical crabs are driven through one or more motors. The former method is the most common. The motor is set on one end of the traveller, and the motions of the crab are operated through levers. The object in using three motors is to have each one proportioned to the particular work which it has to do, that is, lifting, travelling, and cross traversing. No intermediate gear is re- quired. Motors are connected to the first motion 90 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. drum by means of a belt drive. The objection to this is the shortness of the drive, which is liable to cause considerable slip. The motor is usually fixed on a sliding base plate for adjustment. A method of driving permitting instant connec- tion with, and disconnection from, th-3 motor, is the Hollick friction gear, by means of which the movement of the motor can be instantly switched off from the hoisting drum. The armature shaft is provided at one end with a paper-covered friction pulley. This is run in contact with a cast-iron pulley on the same shaft as the first pinion which drives the gear for the hoisting drum. The two are kept in contact by means of a third pulley, which is maintained in contact with the paper pulley by means of two adjustable links. When the centres of the pulleys are in line the pulleys are in frictional contact. But a slight movement of the outer pulley up or down will break the contact, and the driving pulley will cease run- ning, being out of contact with th-3 paper pulley on the armature shaft. Contact is broken by levers and links. The pushing over of a large lever moves the short levers and the links, causing the centre of the outer wheel to turn in an arc round the centre of the driving-wheel shaft, thus throwing the first pulley out of the line of centres and breaking the contact Very few data are as yet available for estimat- ing the relative economy and efficiency of trav- ellers actuated by ropes and by electricity, but so far the balance of evidence is in favour of elec- tricity. Some practical men believe that effective electrical hoisting machinery has yet to be de- signed. Electrical driving is at present in the crude stage ; instead of adapting machines to its special requirements, it is used for machinery that has been designed for an altogether different motive power. An analogous case is that of the APPLYING MOTIVE POWER. 91 early railway carriage, which was a very slight adaptation of the then familiar stage-coach. Up till recently the practice has been to drive all motions of a traveller from one motor ; it is now beginning to be understood that this is somewhat akin to driving a machine from shafting and pulleys, or a crane from a flyrope or square shaft, each of which is running constantly, whether the machine or crane is, or is not, being used. At any rate, engineers are feeling their way to bettor designs, and it is probable that in this, as in other departments of engineering, much may be learnt from America, where the advantages of electrical driving are more appreciated than they are in this country, and where it is more extensively applied. The power required to drive the ropes alone for travellers is considerable, and this is constant even when the traveller is at rest. Mr. John Barr found that the power to drive the ropes for two travelling cranes, with the ropes running at 2,200 ft. and 1,570 ft. par minute respectively, varied from 5'9 indicated horse-power in the first to 6'3 indicated horse-power in the second, per 100 ft. length of shop. The ropes formerly used for driv- ing the travellers in the erecting shop at Horwich ran at a speed of 3,880 ft. per minute. Thece were eaeh If in. diameter and 600 ft. long, weighing 3 cwt., and each absorbed with its pulleys 15'5 horse-power. The power absorbed in driving shafts and belt- ing nearly always forms a large proportion of the total power used. The table* on p. 92 will give some idea of this. One of the objections sometimes urged againrt electrical driving is that the attendants lack tech- nical knowledge ; and a graver accusation is that the original designers of the machines do not possess that theoretical and practical acquaintance BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. j !!} ? * CO P ? 9 * 9 S If JO g 00 | 9 }2 53 ^ 1-5 CO C^f ^ S M 5~i^ 1 H X g 1 1 s 1 01 a I s 1 : b R .S p .. i 3 / : ., 1 d 9 ji h SHAFTING i Nature of n id-working n ines.Miniugl ine engines, )motives ... vy machinei hine tools... ics and locki ses and dies vy forgiugs S3 tc c 3 | 8 1 d y c3 Z P S 3 w O M G . _ ; POWER REQI lui-i) TO ,2 6 o 4 S c < >-s Union Iron Works ... Frontier Iron and Brass Works Baldwin Locomotive Worl W. Sellers & Co. (one dept Pond Machine Tool Co. . Tale and Towne Co. Ferracute Machine Co. . Bridgeport Forge Co. with the subject which is absolutely necessary to success in machine construction. The designing of a good electrical traveller requires the co-operation of the electrician and the mechanical engineer ; neither of them alone appears to be able to design an efficient traveller. The almost general practice hitherto has been to copy a rope-driven or square-shaft traveller in all, or nearly all, its details, and then to substitute the motor for the usual method of driving. This APPLYING MOTIYE POWEE. S3 plan may not be open to objection when it io required to convert existing travellers, but it will not be on such lines that the successful machine of the future will be arranged. In such machines it is probable that intermediate gear will be aban- doned, and that one motor will drive one particular motion, each being reversible by the same motor, without intermediate gear. Further, in an elec- trical traveller provision must be made for the gradual starting of th3 machinery. This is accom- plished by inserting a resistance, which permits the flow of only just sufficient current to start th? motor. As the load is taken on, the resistance is gradually cut out, either by the movement of the switch in the hand of the attendant or by an automatic governor. The prevention of sparking under wide variations of load is an essential re- quirement, and so also is the making of the brushes self-adjusting for wear. In such matters the elec- trician can render valuable aid to the mechanical engineer. INDEX. Armature Shaft, 90 Axle Wheels of Travellers, 63 Axles for End Cradles, 65 Barrel-shaft Crab, 21 Beams, Calculating Sections of, 6J , Gantry, 31 , Main, 46 , Timber. Strutting, 66 -, Traveller, Depth of, 58 , Load of 6-3 , Span of, 58 , Strength of. 56 , Trussing, 62 Bearings, Boss, 42 , Brass, 44 , Cast-iron, 44, 70 , Dead-eye, 70 , Diameter of, 65 , Divided, 44 , Plate, 70 . Shaft, 18 Belt Driving, 88 Bending Moment, 53, 59 Blocks, Differential Pulley, 23 , Double-sheaved, 16 , Gin, 12 , Pulley, 9. 12, 14 , Snatch, 16 , Weston Pulley, 14 Boss Bearings. 42 , Wheel, Diameter of, 65 Box Girders, 54, 56, 60 Brake Wheel Crab, 23 Brass Bearings, 44 Cast-iron Bearings, 44, 70 Cheek for Hand Crab, 43 Chain Wheels, 71, 75 Cheeks, Hand Crab, 41, 43 Clutches, 88 , Claw, 83 , Friction, 88 Cones, Clutch. 88 Cotton Rope Drives, 86 Crab, Barrel-shaft of, 23 , Brake Wheel of, 20 , Double-gear, 23 . Double-purchase, 23 Driving, from Square Gan- try, 85 , Electrical. 86, 89 _ Frames of, 11, 17, 42 . Gear, Dog in, 20, 40 , Overhead, 38 Crab Gearing, 12, 19 , Hand. 15 , , Cheeks of, 41-43 , , Travelling, 31, 32 , High Speed, 78 , Overhead, 31, 41 , Platform of, 66 , Power, 31, 33 , Single-purchase, 19, 28 , Steam, 33 , Travelling, 31 , Treble-purchase, 28 , Weight of, 60 Cradles, End, Axles for, 63 , , for Traveller, 54 , , Load on, 60 , , Strength of, 56, 60 , Wneel Base of, 61 Cranes, Construction of, 48 70 , Derrick, 9 , Framing. 11 , Gantry, 9, 29 , Gearing, 12, 23 , Goliath, 31, 32, 34 , Portable, 9 , Quarry, 9 , Travelling, 9, 31 , Wall, 30 , Warehouse, 9 , Wellington, 29, 34 __' Wharf, 9 , Whip, 9 Crane-jib, 29 Cycloidal Teeth, 25 Dead-eye Bearings, 70 Derrick Cranes, 9 Derricking Gear Pulley, 12 Differential Block, 28 Divided Bearings. 44 Dog. Crab Gear, 20, 40 Doublesheave Blocks, 16 Drives, Belt, 83 , Cotton Rope. 86 -, Electrical, 86 , Rope, 79 -, Shafting, 91 Worm, 78 Electrical Crabs, 86, 89 Driving, 86 Travellers, 78. 86. 87 End Cradles (see Cradle, EnJ) Engines, Hoisting, 9 Fish-bellied Girders, 51, 54 INDEX. Fixed Pulleys, 12, 14 I Odontograph, Willis's, 25 Flange Plate, 59 Overhead Crab, 31 Frames, Crab, 11. 17, 42 Gear, 38 , Crane, 11 . Traveller 48 , Hand-operated, 41 Travelling Crabs, 41 Friction Gear, Hollick, 90 Parallel Girders, 51, 54 Gantries 10 Pattern Wheel Arms, 27 , Timber, 48 Pinion, Sliding, on Gantry Travelling, 41 Gantrv Beams, 31 Shaft, 83 Plate Bearings, 70 Cranes, 9. 29 , Flange, 59 . t grafts 83 , Web, 58 , Square, Driving Crabs.etc., from, 85 Plated Wheel, 69 Platforms of Crabs and Travel- Gearing (see also Crab, etc.) , Hollick Friction, 90 , Knuckle, 28 , Wheels. 71 Gin-block 12 lers, 66 Portable Cranes, 9 Power, Applying, 71 Crabs, 33 Travellers, 31, 33 Girder, Box, 54, 56, 63 , Built-up, 51 , Depth of, 58 " , Fish-bellied, 51, 54 Pullev Blocks, 9, 12, 14 , Derricking Gear, 12 , Differential, 28 _; Fixed, 12, 14 , Parallel 51, 54 , Guide, 75 , Single-webbed, 51 , Solid-webbed, 51 , Jib Wheel, 12 , Rubbish, 12 , Span of, 58 , V-rim, 73 Stiffeners, 53 , Traveller, 50 Quarry Cranes, 9 Webs, 53 Rails, Riveting, 48 Goliath Cranes, 31, 32, 34 Reversing Mechanism, 87 Guide Pulleys, 75 Rim, Nibbed, 74 Guides, Swinging Rope, 75 of Waved Rope Wheel, 73 Riveting Rails, 48 Hani Crabs (see Crab) Rope, Cotton, 86 Handle, Winch, 22 Driven Traveller, 86 Hand-operated Overhead Crabs, Guides Swinging, 75 41 Wheels, 71, 75 Hoisting Engines, 9 , Wire, 23 Gear, 39 Rubbish Pulley, 12 Hoists, Steam, 9 Hollick Friction Gear, 90 Scarf Joint in Shaft, 83 Shaft-driven Travellers, 83 Jib Crane, 29 Shafts, 84 Wheel Pulley, 12 Jenny Crabs, 9, 35 -, Armature, 93 , Bearings for, 18 Gearing, 35 , Gantry, 83 Travellers. 34, 55 -, , Sliding Pinion on, 83 Joint, Scarf, 83 ., Scarf Joints in, 83 Single-purchase Crab, 19, 23 Knuckle Gear, 26 Single-webbed Girder, 51 Sliding Pinion on Gantry Shaft, Levers, Belt-shifting, 88 83 Lifting Tackle, 12 Snatch-blocks, 16 Solid Webbed Girder, 51 Main Beams, 46 Span of Girders, 58 Machine Wheel Arms, 27 in Travellers, 50, 51 Masons' Hoisting Machinery, 15 of Traveller Beam, 58 Mechanical Efficiency, 20 Square Gantry, Driving Crabs, Mechanism, Reversing, 87 Monkey Wheel, 12 etc., from, 85 Square-shaft Drive, 78, 81 Motive Power, Applying, 71 ^ , Increasing, 77 Travellers, 76, 79, 86, 87 Steam Crabs, 33 BUILDERS' HOISTING MACHINERY. Steam Hoists, 9 - - Traveller, 79 Steel Cheek for Hand Crabs, 43 Stiffeners, Girder, 53 Strength of Crane Work, 57 End Cradle, 56, 60 Traveller Beam, 56 Struts, Traveller, Compression of, 63 Strutting Timber Beams, 66 Swing Hope Guides,- 75 Tackle, Lifting, 12 , White's, 14 Teeth, Cycloidal, 25 - -, Wheel, 25 , , Size of, 26 -, , Strength of, 25 Timber Beams, Strutting, 62 Gantries, 43 Traveller, 31 , Axle Wheels of, 68 Beams, 31 , Depth of, 58 , Load of, 60 , Span of, 58 , Strength of, 56 , Trussing, 62 -, Driving, from Square Gan- try, 85 , Electrical, 79, 86, 87 End Cradles, 54 . , Wheel Base of, 61 Framework, 43 Gearing, 86 Girders, 50 Hand, 79 Jenny, 34 Platform, 66 Power, 33 Quick-speed, 78 Rope-driven, 86, 87 Shaft-driven, 80 Span in, 50, 51 Square-shaft, 76, 79-86, 87 Traveller, Steam, 79 Travelling Crabs, 31 , Overhead, 41 Cranes, 9, 31 Gantries, 31 Wheels, 71 Treble Gear, 11 Treble-purchase Crabs, 28 Truss, Compound, with Central Load, 63 Trussing Traveller Beam, 62 Tumbler, 84 V-rim of Pulley, 74 Wall Cranes, 30 Jib Cranes, 29 Waved Rope Wheel, Rim of, 73 Warehouse Cranes, 9 Web Plate, 59 Webs, Girder, 53 Wellington Crane, 29, 34 Weston Pulley Block, 14 Wharf Cranes, 9 Wheel Bases of Traveller End Cradles, 61 Boss Diameter, 65 Wheels, Axle, of Travellers, 63 , Chain, 71, 75 , Gearing, 71 , Machine, Arms of, 27 , Monkey, 12 , Pattern, Arms of, 27 . Plated, 69 , Rope, 71, 75 , Teeth of, 25 , Travelling, 71 , Waved Rims of, 73 Whip Cranes, 9 White's Tackle, 14 Willis's Odontograph, 25 Winch Handle, 22 Winch (see Crab) Wire Rope, 28 Worm-driving, 78, 87 Wrought-lron Crab Cheek, 43 PIUXTKD BY CASSKLL AND COMPANY, LIMITED, LA BELI.E SALVAGE, K.C HANDICRAFT SERIES (continued). it Lusnions ana squaos. u pnoisienng an c. " nv Messrs. C.issell & Com, ~]^J gerf to publish a series of MECHAF MANUALS AASLUCK, With Numerous Illustrations, Bound in Cloth, 40 cents. The following are the first books that will be issued in the Series: Timber. Builders' Hoisting Machinery. Building Stones. Road and Footpath Construction. Notes on Alternate Currents for Students. By HAROLD H. SIMMONS, A.M.I.E.E., Lecturer on Electro-Technics and Senior Demonstrator at Finsbury Technical College. Illustrated. 75 cents. CASSELL'S NATIONAL LIBRARY. EDITED BY Prof. HENRY MORLEY, LL.D. In neat volumes, size $f by 53 inches. 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