H ^ OQ G -I// i Q/5 *'^v D ^ v THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. ISSUED BY THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION " AND INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN., U. S. A. 1898. Hs Library COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY. PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD CO. PREFACE. THE Metric System of Weights and Meas- ures is used so universally in foreign books and periodicals, that much time is con- sumed and no little annoyance incurred by the American reader, in translating these units into their English and American equivalents, by the aid of any of the reduc- tion tables that have yet been published. It therefore occurred to the undersigned that a handy pocket volume, for facilitat- ing comparisons of this kind, might be acceptable to engineers and scientific workers generally. This is the raison d'etre of the present little book. The work of cal- culating the tables and reading the proof has been done by Mr. A. D. Risteen, Asso- ciate Editor of THE LOCOMOTIVE, whose experience in the computing division of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey should be a sufficient guarantee of the care and accuracy with which his task has been done. Mr. Risteen has also pre- pared a brief account of the inception and adoption of the Metric System in France, 'which adds materially to the (3) 227910 4 PREFACE. interest and value of the volume. The Metric System is now in common use in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Bel- gium, The Netherlands, Roumania, Servia, Egypt, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, The Argentine Republic, Haiti, and Santo Domingo. It has also been adopted officially by Venezuela, Uru- guay, Turkey, and British India, although in these four countries it can hardly yet be said to be in common use. Japan, too, has announced her intention of adopting a modified form of it, and even China has a decimal system of weights and measures, although it is not the French Metric Sys- tem. England, Russia, and the United States are the only great nations that still refuse to adopt the Metric System. Its advantages are many, and the only really serious objection appears to be, that the change from our present units to the new ones would be more or less confusing and annoying for the first few years. Much of this annoyance and confusion could be pre- vented by providing school children with cheap sets of metric measures and weights, and requiring each child to measure and weigh a certain number of objects every week. In this way the units and their PREFACE. 5 names would become tolerably familiar to the next generation, and the transition would be far easier. The formidable deci- mals that the metric system suggests to the average citizen (and which are here very much in evidence) constitute no part of the system itself, and they could be gratefully dismissed, the moment the met- ric system came into use. They owe their existence to the fact that the foot, pound, and quart are not commensurable with the meter, gramme, and liter ; and, when we cease to use our present units, we should also cease to use the long numbers that express their values in metric units. J. M. ALLEN, President. Hartford, Conn., May 2, 1898. 5 5 - /O ; ; ; ' { THE METRIC S V STEM. do with the establishment of more definite standards, because in the absence of these there was nothing to prevent a person who was so inclined from buying by a long measure and selling by a short one. At all events, at the present time the units used in weighing and measuring have been denned by law in all civilized coun- tries. This has secured, for each country, a certain degree of uniformity throughout its own territory ; but among the stand- ards of different countries there is a diver- sity almost as great as ever. Even in the United States there are an enormous number of units in vogue. For example, for measuring lengths we have the inch, ell, nail, link, foot, yard, fathom, rod, chain, furlong, mile, knot, and doubt- less many others ; and the units in use for area, capacity, and weight are even more numerous. Many of these units have dif- ferent values, too, according to the nature of the substance to be measured or weighed. Thus we have several kinds of ounces and pounds, and at least two kinds of quarts. There is no regularity whatever in the number of units of one kind that make one unit of the next higher kind ; and some of the tables that the schoolboy has to learn are extremely distressing. We well re- member what a stickler it was, in our day, HISTORY OF THE METER. 9 that it should take 30^ square yards to make one square rod. If we had a simpler method of mensuration, the children in our schools could be spared a great part of this troublesome lumber, and the time saved in this way could be devoted to some far more profitable subject. Taking everything into consideration, it is cer- tainly humiliating to reflect upon the heter- ogeneous " system " of weights and meas- ures in use at the present day in a country as proud, as civilized, and as advanced (in other respects) as our own United States of America. We are not unique in this respect, it is true, for many other nations have " systems " of measurement that are fully as confusing as our own ; but this is mighty cold comfort. HISTORY OF THE METER. To France belongs the honor of making the first systematic attempt to break through the customs of antiquity, and to substitute a new metrology for the old- Until the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury there was the same condition of affairs in that country that prevails to-day in the United States ; and in Mechain and Delambre's Base du Systeme metrique deci- mal (Paris, 1806), we read of "le systeme incoherent de nos mesures," "1'etonnante 10 THE METRIC SYSTEM. et scandaleuse diversite de nos mesures, " etc. Several ineffectual attempts to re- form the French system of weights and measures had been made, previous to 1790,* but it is from that year that the present "metric system" dates. In May, 1790, M. de Talleyrand proposed to the National Assembly of France that a new system of measures should be devised on strictly scientific principles, and that the units of length and weight in this system should be based on some natural and invariable standard. On the 8th of May the Assembly passed a resolution requesting the king, Louis XVI, to open a correspondence on the * "Pitts d'une fois on avoit presente des projets de referme au gouvernement, qui les avoit fait examiner : mais, malgre les rapports les plus favorables, malgre la bonne volonte des ministres, et particulierement du controleur general des finances Orry, ces projets avoi- ent toujours ete repousses ou mis en oubli. En 1788, le vosu d'une mesure uniforme fut consigne dans les cahiers de quelques balliages ; quelques savans firent entendre leur voix. Les esprits etoient alors disposes a recevoir avec enthousiasme toutes les refermes utiles. Le systeme incoherent de nos mesures, outre ses inconveniens reels, avoit un vice originel qui en fit hater 1'abolition : la confusion qui y regnoit etoit en grande partie 1'ouvrage de cette feodalite que personne n'osoit plus defendre, et dont on travailloit a faire dis- paroitre jusqu'aux moindres vestiges. Ce concours unique de circonstances valut en accueil favorable a la proposition faite en 1790 a 1'assemblee constituante par M. de Talleyrand." Mechain et Delambre, Base du Systeme mttrique decimal. HISTORY OF THE METER. II subject with the king of England, desiring him to invite the British Parliament to co- operate with the National Assembly of France in fixing the " natural unit " which was to serve as the basis of the proposed system of weights and measures. The work was to be put in the hands of a joint commission of scientific men, half of whom were to be appointed by the French Acad- emy of Sciences, and the other half by the Royal Society of London. In conformity with the resolution, Louis laid the matter before the English king; but " owing to the temper and the public troubles of the times, his overture met with no response. Similar applications to other nations were more successful, and in subsequent pro- ceedings Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden, par- ticipated by sending delegates to an inter- national commission. The system itself was, however, matured by the labors of a committee of the Academy of Sciences, embracing Borda, Lagrange, Laplace, Monge, and Condorcet, five of the ablest mathematicians of Europe."* Lavoisier, though not a member of this committee, contributed largely to its proceedings, and the standards that were afterwards pre- * Johnson's Cyclopaedia, article Metric System. 12 THE METRIC SYSTEM. pared were made under his supervision. Lavoisier, for some reason, has not received the recognition that is due him in this matter, his work being usually credited to Borda. There were two reasons advanced for basing the new unit of length upon some absolute and invariable quantity in nature. It was said that the selection of an arbi- trary unit would violate the most funda- mental principle of the proposed reform ; for the one distinctive feature of the new system was to be the exclusion of the last vestige of arbitrariness. This argument seems to us to be hardly worth serious consideration, for however satisfactory the unit finally chosen might be, the selection of that unit would necessarily be arbitrary, and hence the unit itself would be so, in some sense. The other reason advanced for the selection of a natural unit was much more logical. It was urged that a system of weights and measures based on some permanent and invariable natural quantity could be entirely reconstructed, with any desired degree of precision, even though every standard in existence were utterly destroyed. M. de Talleyrand proposed to adopt, as the fundamental unit of length, the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds in lati- HISTORY OF THE METER. 13 tude 45, " ou toute autre latitude qui pour- roit etre preferee " (or such other latitude as might be preferred). The committee of the Academy of Sciences considered the advisability of adopting the seconds pen- dulum as the unit of length, but finally rejected it, principally because it involved *the conception of time. It seemed to them preferable to base the proposed unit on the length of some object actually existing in nature; and after much deliberation it was decided to adopt some one of the di- mensions of the earth itself. Of the differ- ent dimensions proposed, the two that met with the most favor were the equatorial circumference, and the meridian quadrant ; and of these two the meridian quadrant was finally selected, because it could be measured with greater accuracy. (The measurement of a meridian involves obser- vations of latitude, while the measurement of the equator involves observations of longitude ; and before the invention of the electric telegraph, longitude measures were subject to large errors.) In order to guard against possible differences in the lengths of the various meridian quadrants, it was decided to recommend that the new system of measures be based on the par- ticular meridian that passes through Paris. This length (about 6,000 miles) would be 14 THE METRIC SYSTEM. entirely out of the question as a practical unit for business purposes. However, a rough calculation showed that a standard having a length equal to one ten-millionth part of this quadrant would be convenient, and the METER (as the new unit was named) FIG. i. THE DEFINITION OF THE METER. was therefore defined to be the ten-millionth part of the distance from the equator to the north pole, measured along the sea-level, on the meridian passing through Paris. (Fig. i illustrates this definition of the meter very graphically.) HISTORY OF THE METER. 15 The report of the committee, embodying the points explained above, and dated March 19, 1791, was approved by the Na- FIG. 2. SHOWING THE LINE THAT WAS MEASURED. tional Assembly, and the work of measur- ing the meridian passing through Paris was begun. This operation involved immense l6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. labor, and seven years were required to complete it. The meridian through Paris is shown by the heavy vertical line in Fig. 2. It strikes the North Sea at Dunkirk, near the Strait of Dover, in latitude 51 02' 8.85", and the Mediterranean Sea at Montjouy (a small place in the suburbs of Barcelona, Spain), in latitude 41 21' 44.96". The northern half of this arc was measured under the direction of Delambre, and the southern half under Mechain. A brief account of the method of measurement employed, and of the subsequent computa- tions, will be found in the first chapter of Clarke's Geodesy ; and the operations and calculations are described in full in Mechain and Delambre's Base du Systeme metrique decimal, to which we have already refer- red. The unit of length used in measuring the meridian was the toise, and the final result of the seven years' work was, that the distance from the Barcelona end of the line to the Dunkirk end was 551,584.7 toises. It will be found from the data given above that the difference in latitude between the two ends was 9 40' 23.89". Now the latitude of the equator is o, and the latitude of the pole is 90 ; and there- fore if the earth were a true sphere the distance from the equator to the pole would be given by the simple proportion HISTORY OF THE METER. 17 9 40' 23.89" : 90 :: 551,584.7101568: distance required. The first term of this proportion, when reduced to degrees and decimals of a degree, is 9.6733 ; and if we substitute this value of it, and then solve the proportion by the ordinary rule-of-three, we find Distance from equator to pole = 5,131,922 toises. In the actual calculation a small allowance had to be made for the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere (the polar diameter being about 26 miles shorter than the equa- torial diameter). It was found that to take this into account it would be necessary to subtract 1,181 toises from the distance as calculated above. Hence, it was con- cluded that the true distance from the equator to the pole, along the meridian of Paris, is 5, 130,741 toises. One ten-millionth part of this is 0.5130741 of a toise, and this, therefore, was to be the length of the new unit, or meter. The next task was to prepare a bar of platinum which should have this length. When this had been done, the length of the bar was verified by the international commission referred to above, and the commission then proceeded in a body to the Palace of the Archives, in Paris, and there they formally deposited the bar of 1 8 THE METRIC SYSTEM. platinum which was to be ever afterward the standard meter of the world. UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. LONG MEASURE. The meter is theoretically equal to the ten-millionth part of the meridian-quadrant that passes through Paris ; but as all hu- man measurements are liable to error, we cannot suppose that Mechain and Delam- bre's determination of this length is abso- lutely exact, and therefore for practical purposes the meter is defined to be the length of the platinum bar that was deposited in the Palace of the Archives by the Interna- tional Commission. A comparison of this bar with -the units in use in this country shows that the meter is about 3^ inches longer than a yard-stick. A more exact comparison, made by Professor Rogers, indicates that the precise length of the standard meter is 39.37027 inches ; and a similar determination by General Comstock gave 39. 36985 inches. The average of these two determinations is 39. 37006 inches, which is the value adopted in this essay as the true length of the meter. To make the new system available for general purposes, it was decided to divide the meter into ten equal parts, which were called Ammeters. Each of these parts UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. 19 was further subdivided into ten parts, called centimeters, and each centimeter was also divided into ten parts, called ;;7//meters. (The italicised prefixes stand for "tenth," "hundredth," and "thou- sandth," respectively, just as the words "dime," "cent," and "mill" stand for the tenth, hundredth, and thousandth part of a dollar. We have a decimal system of coinage, and we realize its simplicity and general utility. Why not apply the same idea to our weights and measures ?) Fig. 3 is a DECIMETER. The decimeter is shown subdivided into ten CENTIMETERS, and each centimeter is further subdivided into ten MILLIMETERS. Ten of these decimeters, placed end to end, would make one meter ; and 100,000,000 of them, if laid end to end along the curved surface of the earth, would just reach from the equator to the north pole. For measuring big distances it was proposed to establish a special unit equal to 1,000 meters. To this unit the name KILOMETER was given (" kilo " being de- rived from a Greek word meaning "a thousand"). The meter being equal to 39.37006 inches, it follows that the KILO- METER is equal to 39,370.06 inches that is, to 3,280.838 feet, or 0.6213709 of a mile. 2O THE METRIC SYSTEM. LJ j UJ B sf -a B " a . S * x c ^ bJ3 o 53 O G ,Q o ._ -55 ^ M t/5 rt O rt rt o MUM C S ^ s 3 G .2 I O pG ? "^ T3 2^0 O . ^ ^ S *j -" rt -" & S '^ u a rt S .ti S & UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. 21 The table for long measure, in the Metric System, is very simple. It is as follows : 10 millimeters (mm.)* = i centimeter. 10 centimeters (cm.) = i decimeter. 10 decimeters (dm.) == i meter. 1,000 meters (m.) = i kilometer (km.). SQUARE MEASURE. The tables for square measure and cubic measure are easily derived from this table for long measure. The area of a rectangle or square, for example, is equal to the product of the length and breadth. A square i decimeter (or 10 centimeters) each way will therefore have an area of 100 square centimeters : hence i square deci- meter = 100 square centimeters. The rest of the table for square measure is con- structed in the same way, and hence we have the following table : loo square millimeters (sq. mm.) = i square centimeter. 100 square centimeters (sq. cm.) = i square decimeter. 100 square decimeters (sq. dm.) = i square meter. 1,000,000 square meters (sq. m.) = i square kilometer (sq. km.). * The letters in parentheses indicate the customary abbreviation for the units opposite which they stand. 22 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC MEASURE. The table for cubic measure is con- structed in the same way, by remembering that the volume of a cube is equal to the product of the length, breadth, and height. Thus a cubic meter, being 10 decimeters each way, will have the same volume as 1,000 cubic decimeters. Hence, we have the following table : i, ooo cubic millimeters (c. mm.) = i cubic centimeter. 1,000 cubic centimeters (c. c.) = i cubic decimeter. 1,000 cubic decimeters (c. dm.) = i cubic meter. 1,000,000,000 cubic meters (c. m.) = i cubic kilometer (c. km.). The cubic meter was formerly called a stere, and the units derived from it were called decisteres, centisteres, etc. These names are now practically out of use, those given in the foregoing table being gener- ally preferred. MEASURES OF MASS. The unit of mass, in the metric system, is the GRAMME. A gramme is the quantity of matter in a cubic centimeter of pure water, at the temperature of its maximum density (about 39 Fah.). It might seem more nat- ural to take, as the unit of mass, the quan- UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. 23 tity of matter in a cubic centimeter of water at the freezing point. There were two rea- sons why this was not done. In the first place, it is difficult, in experimenting with water at the exact freezing point, to make sure that the water does not contain minute needles of ice it certainly will contain them if any part of the water under exam- ination is exposed, even momentarily, to a temperature that is the least fraction of a degree below the freezing point and the presence of such particles of ice would modify the density of the water to such an extent that it would be impossible to deter- mine the value of the gramme with the requisite degree of precision. The second reason for preferring the temperature of maximum density in defining the gramme is, that at this point the coefficient of expan- sion of water is zero, so that a small change in temperature produces no sensible varia- tion in the density of the water. Other units of mass were derived from the gramme, in precisely the same way that other units of length were derived from the meter. Thus, the tenth part of a gramme was called a decigram, the hun- dredth part of a gramme was called a centigram, the thousandth part of a gramme was called a milligram, and a weight equal to a thousand grammes was called a kilo- 24 THE METRIC SYSTEM. gram. The kilogram is therefore theoreti- cally equal to the mass of a cubic deci- meter of pure water, at its temperature of maximum density. The weight of this quantity of water was determined experi- mentally by the Commission that prepared the standard platinum meter, and a stand- ard mass of platinum, having this same weight as nearly as the unavoidable errors of experiment would allow, was deposited in the Archives of France, by the Commis- sion, on June 22, 1799. For practical and legal purposes, therefore, the kilogram is defined as the weight, in vacuo, of this standard mass of platinum. Miller's com- parison of this weight with the equivalents used in our own country indicates that the KILOGRAM is equal to 2.20462125 AVOIRDU- POIS POUNDS. The avoirdupois pound be- ing equal to 7,000 troy grains, it follows that the GRAMME is equal to 15.43234875 TROY GRAINS. The table for weights in the Metric System is as follows: 10 milligrams (mgm.) = i centigram. 10 centigrams (cgm.) = i decigram. 10 decigrams (dgm.) = i gramme. i,ooo grammes (gm.) = i kilogram. 1,000 kilograms (kgm.) = i millier.* It will be noticed that we have preserved the French spelling in the case of the Also called "tonne, "or "tonneau.' UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. 25 gramme, although the final me has been dropped from the other words. This is in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee appointed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for considering the revision of the spelling of words used in chemistry. The me is dropped from the other words for the sake of simplicity, but it is preserved in the case of the gramme to avoid confusion with the word grain. The reader will see the importance of this if he will hastily write down the words gram and grain. LIQUID MEASURE. For measuring liquids the Commission provided a unit called a LITER, which is not greatly different from a United States liquid quart. The liter is defined as the volume occiipied by a kilogram of water at the temperature of maximum density. For all practical purposes this is equivalent to say- ing that the LITER is equal to ONE CUBIC DECIMETER. A comparison with the corre- sponding United States measures shows that the liter is equal to 1.0563 liquid quarts, or 0.9081 dry quarts. The table for liquid measure, in the Metric System, is derived from the liter in precisely the same way as 26 THE METRIC SYSTEM. the table for long measure is derived from the meter. Thus we have 10 milliliters (ml.) = i centiliter 10 centiliters (cl.) = i deciliter 10 deciliters (dl.) = i liter i, ooo liters (1.) = i kiloliter (kl.) There is no distinction, in the Metric System, between " wet " and "dry " meas- ure. LAND MEASURE. For convenience in measuring land, the unit called the ARE was proposed. The ARE is equal to the area of a square whose edges are each 10 meters long; and hence it is equivalent to 0.024711 of an acre. The table for land measure is as follows: 10 milliares (ma.) = i centare 10 centares (ca.) = i deciare 10 declares (da.) = i are 10 ares (a.) = i decare 10 decares (de.) i hectare (he.) The HECTARE, equal to 2.4711 acres, is the unit commonly employed in measuring tracts of land of any considerable size. MISCELLANEOUS UNITS. In addition to the units of measurement that have already been mentioned, certain compound units have been tabulated in the UNITS DERIVED FROM THE METER. 27 pages that follow. It is believed that these will be almost self-explanatory. The Eng- lish and American unit for the measure- ment of WORK is the FOOT-POUND, which is the work that must be done to raise a pound through a height of one foot. The corresponding metric unit is the KILOGRAM- METER, which is the work that must be done in order to raise a weight of one kilogram through a height of one meter. Since a kilogram is equal to 2.20462 pounds, and a meter is equal to 3.28084 feet, it fol- lows that one KILOGRAM-METER is equal tO 2.20462 X 3.28084 7.23300 FOOT-POUNDS. The other compound units are derived in the same simple way. The only units that still call for special mention appear to be those used for the measurement of heat and power. The English unit of heat, is the quantity of heat required to raise the tem- perature of one pound of water one degree on the Fahrenheit scale. The correspond- ing metric unit is the CALORIE, which is the heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water one degree on the Cen- tigrade scale. A kilogram being equal, to 2.20462 pounds, and a Centigrade degree being equal to 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees, it follows that the CALORIE is equal to 1.8 x 2.20462 = 3.96832 English heat units. The metric unit for meas- 28 THE METRIC SYSTEM. uring the power of a steam engine or other prime mover is the FORCE DE CHEVAL, which is defined as equal to the performing of 4,500 kilogram -meters per minute. A kilogram-meter being equal to 7.233 foot- pounds, it follows that the FORCE DE CHEVAL is equal to 4,500 x 7.233 = 32,549 foot-pounds per minute. The HORSE-POWER being equal to the performance of 33,000 foot- pounds of work per minute, it follows that the FORCE DE CHEVAL is equal to 32, 549 -=- 33,000 = 0.98633 of a HORSE-POWER. THERMOMETER SCALES. The Centigrade thermometer scale, though not properly a part of the Metric System, may be mentioned in this place. On the Fahrenheit scale the freezing point of water is defined as 32, and the size of the degrees is fixed by defining the differ- ence in temperature between the freezing and boiling points to be 180. This is a clumsy sort of scale, and little can be said in favor of it except that it is in use in England and the United States. The Centigrade scale was determined by defin- ing the freezing point of water to be o, and the boiling point to be 100. The fol- lowing rules result from these definitions: To convert a given reading on the Fahren- heit scale to its equivalent on the Centi- USE OF THE TABLES. 29 grade scale, subtract 32 and divide the re- mainder by 1.8. To convert a given read- ing on the Centigrade scale to its equiva- lent on the Fahrenheit scale, multiply it by 1.8 and to the product add 32. USE OF THE TABLES. The tables appended hereto are intended to facilitate the comparison of the metric system with the weights and measures used in this country. They are arranged in order, beginning with simple measures of distance, under which head centimeters are compared with inches, meters with feet, and kilometers with miles. The next set of tables refers to measures of area, and square inches, square feet, square yards, square miles, and acres, are compared with the corresponding metric measures. Cubic measure is next considered, and cubic inches, cubic feet, cubic yards, fluid ounces, dry quarts, liquid quarts, gallons, etc., are tabulated. Measures of weight come next, and in this set of tables we find grains, ounces, pounds, tons, etc. The last set of tables contains miscellane- ous complex units, such as foot-pounds, pounds-per-square-inch, etc., which are compared with the corresponding metric units. It is believed that these tables require 30 THE METRIC SYSTEM. but little further explanation. If we open at any part, we find a table for reduc- ing a given number of units in the met- ric system to the corresponding units em- ployed in this country-; and immedi- ately following we find a similar table for performing the converse operation namely, for reducing a given number of United States units to the corresponding metric equivalent. For example, if we wish to know how many square inches there are in 38 square centimeters, we turn to page 60, where we see at once that 38 square centimeters are equivalent to 5.89001 square inches. If we wish to know how many square centimeters there are in 26 square inches, we look in the immediately following table, and there we find that 26 square inches are equiva- lent to 167.742 square centimeters. It will be noticed that the tables run only to 100 units of any given kind. If we wish to know the value of a larger number of units than this, we may proceed as fol- lows : If the proposed number is com- posed entirely of ciphers, except for the first one or two figures, we can deduce the desired equivalent directly from the tables, by merely shifting the decimal point one place to the right for every cipher that follows the significant figures USE OF THE TABLES. 31 with which the proposed number begins. Thus, suppose we wished to reduce 980 cubic meters to its equivalent in cubic yards. The table that we have to use is given on pages 88 and 89. We find, here, that 98 cubic meters= 128. 1790 cubic yards; and hence 980 cubic meters =1281.- 790 cubic yards. If we were required to reduce 4600 cubic meters to cubic yards, we should find that 46 cubic meters=6o.- 1657 cubic yards, and hence 4600 cubic meters =6,01 6. 57 -cubic yards. Similarly, 54,000 cubic meters =70, 629. 2 cubic yards, and 770,000 cubic meters =1,007, 120. cubic yards. If the proposed number contains more than two significant figures, we may split it up into two or more other numbers, each of which consists of not more than two such figures, and then we can deduce the values of each of these partial numbers, and by adding the equivalent numbers so found, we can deduce the equivalent of the number originally proposed. Thus, sup- pose we wished to know how many inches there are in 4,189 centimeters. (The table that we have to use is given on pages 44 and 45.) We see that 4,189=4,100+89. Hence the operation is as follows : 4100 cm. = 1614. 172 in. 89 cm.= 35.03935 in. .\ 4189 cm. = 1649.21135 cm. 32 THE METRIC SYSTEM. As the table does not give us the equiv- alent of 4100 centimeters to more than three decimal places, the value of 4189 centimeters, as obtained above, cannot be regarded as correct to more than three places of decimals. Hence we reject the last two decimals in the result already found, and we have 4189 centimeters =1649. 21 1 inches. Of course we may divide up the proposed number in any way w r e please, for the pur- pose of resolving it into other numbers of two significant figures each. We wrote 4189=4100+89, merely because that is the easiest decomposition of this sort that can be found. But we might have decomposed it in any other manner. For example, we might split it up this way : 4189^3800+290+43+56. Then the work would be : 3800 cm. = 1496.062 in. 290 cm. = 114.1732 in. 43 cm.= 16.92913 in. 56 cm. - 22.04723 in. .-.4189 cm. -i 649.2 1 1 56 in. Here, as before, we must regard the last two figures as inaccurate, because the table does not give us the value of 3800 USE OF THE TABLES. 33 centimeters to more than three places of decimals. The result obtained by split- ting up a proposed number in different ways will sometimes differ among them- selves by a unit in the last decimal place. This arises from the fact that only a limited number of decimal places have been preserved in the tables. This source of apparent error can never be avoided in tabulating incommensur- able quantities, for no matter how many decimal places are preserved, the last one is necessarily too great or too small, and the sum of two or more numbers taken from the table is liable to be slightly in error in the last place. If the table is accurate the error thus introduced can never exceed one unit in the last place when two tabular numbers are added ; and, in general, it cannot exceed y^n units in the last place when n numbers are added. In the present tables, it is believed that the decimal places have been carried out far enough to ensure that errors of this sort, in practice, will have no important effect. The examples that have now been given will suffice to illustrate the use of all the tables except those on pages 188 to 189, where the Fahrenheit and Centigrade ther- mometers are compared. The engravings 34 THE METRIC SYSTEM. on pages 190 to 192 will give, at a glance, a good idea of how these two scales compare at different points; and the tables enable us to calculate, to the nearest hundredth of a degree, the reading on either one of these scales, which corresponds to a given reading on the other one. The rule for per- forming this calculation without the tables, has been given already, on page 28. It only remains to show how the calculation is facilitated by the use of the tables. The table on page 188 gives a direct comparison for every five degrees on the Centigrade scale up to 230, and then for every ten degrees up to 470. Suppose that a Fah- renheit thermometer and a Centigrade thermometer are exposed, side by side, to a given temperature. If the Centigrade instrument reads 170, we see from the table that the Fahrenheit instrument will read 338; if the Centigrade thermometer reads o, the Fahrenheit one will read 32; if the Fahrenheit one reads 212, the Centi- grade one will read 100; and if the Fah- renheit one reads 788, the Centigrade one will read 420. A given temperature on either scale may thus be translated directly into its equivalent on the other one, pro- vided the given temperature can be found in the table on page iS8. If it cannot be found there, we have to make use of the USE OF THE TABLES. 35 auxiliary table on page 1 89, as illustrated in the examples which follow. Suppose the Centigrade instrument reads 42, and we wish to know the corresponding reading on the Fahrenheit one. We do not find 42 in the Centigrade column, but we do find 40, and its equivalent in the Fahren- heit system is 104. Turning now to the auxiliary table on the next page, we see that a 2 interval on a Centigrade ther- mometer is equivalent to an interval of 3.6 on a Fahrenheit instrument. Hence we obtain the equivalent of 42 C., as follows: 40 C. = 104. Fahr. (p. 188). Correction for 2 C. = 3.6 " (p. 189). Hence, 42 C.= 107.6 Fahr. We might have based our calculation on any other reading in the main table, which is within 20 of the given temperature of 42 (the 20 being the greatest interval tabulated on page 189). Thus, we could base it upon the reading 55 in the first column. We note that 42 = 55 13, and the calculation is as follows : 55 C. = 131.0 Fahr.(p. 188). Correction for 13 C. = 23.4 " (p. 189). Hence, 42 C. = 107.6 Fahr. which is the same result as we obtained before. By way of completing the expla- 36 THE METRIC SYSTEM. nation of these tables, let us suppose that it is desired to reduce the Fahrenheit tem- perature 703.89 to its equivalent on the Centigrade scale. The work is as follows: 703.89 = 698 4- 5 + .8 + .09 Then 698. Fahr.= 370. C. (p.i88). Correction for 5. " = 2.78 C. (p. 189). " .8 " = .444C. " .09 " = .Q5oC. Hence, 703, 89Fahr.= 373. 27406. But since the correction for 5 Fahr. is only given to two places of decimals, the third decimal in the result cannot have any pre- tension to accuracy; so that, preserving the nearest unit in the second decimal place, our conclusion is, that when a Fahrenheit thermometer reads 703.89, a Centigrade thermometer, exposed to the same condi- tions, will read 373.27. DATA Used in Computing the Tables. THE METRIC SYSTEM. O moo co O O ~~ -n i->-o O oo co 1-1 co m o ^ O co O _ ' O co t^co ooo ^ M minor^'-iO omcor^mi-i o 6 o o o M o o o" 06 M 6 Oco O CO O O l-i N CO O oo O in N CO N en Ooo O^ N vnO CO N O vO M t^ inO M M r}- tNi O COO ** Oco r^o *-i O co co mo t-iCOTfrOCOCO NOOWCO O O co N OCOMOOO wO '- 9J Hj *J "qj J| || I 6fe l. e 4) OJ P 9 a BM^, UM_2 UCJU ^ 1^ h 1^ >- ^"g s3.2i.2. a^cr O-D^JIJIJI 553^3^ 3 8 DATA USED. 39 000000 CO O N CO O ID iDl^tONN \D ID W ^ ^ ^ O s ^" Ml CO O t^ *D O^ CO CO 01 f^ CO ID CO O O^ O O O Ml O ID Ml ID "" M O MO^^^COCO M o co o coo MI o c^ co t-^ r>- co M co t^ co w r^co M co o^co ID XDCO ^^tTT OMi-iiDtnO^ O]>^MI>DCOO ID'rJ-COMICOlD QNMMCOOO' cdo'c^MOCJ COO G>CO O^CO O Tt- M ID IDO _ 8 a tS 3 ry quar ushels. 8 2 &.2 -^ a js U. S. U. S. is is ( .3:3 v^ wi T3 T3 ^ S>i II HH rt cocoMio Oooo r^oo co ^ r>i o* MI iDCMMir\OMi OOCOWOCO M.MCOCOOCO co f> CO MI O O O^ f^^ t^-co O^ MI co N r^ co CO O Tf t^ rt W CO M O *^- CO COCO O CO COTfOWM OONWWO CO.^iDOCOO co M O O O O O 8^ co o5 fi e u -o>s^ ssas ^ a s 2 h i s c 3 II <3 . ' 1 8 S O 4) OJ S.9 a hn bJO o THE METRIC SYSTEM. O^ M rj- O CO co mo CO HI o r- co N oo M m s M O rt O m M 1-1 co co 11 ir> N M O ON TtO O co O O 1-1 r-^ r~- r>- m m O ^ O^ m O O o M d d 6* d - B OJ _ "5 2 a g i w ; S s ^ -oo ^ co cOvO vO ^n i ( O COCO O CO N O vO CO TfCO CO Tf O comrj-coot^ MinO^l^iHin d d i-.' o d o" ci 6 o o' o" TJ- d* o co H ^ i O co <* COO O rt ^t- OM-. Tj- O M Q u- "So 1- CO * s II H bi3 ii ^ x " s S 213^,5 2* cocfi *c*-3 cr 1 cr 1 P 3 S S ?J 'C 'C UUU U^DDpQCQ DATA USED. trj-co M M m s * CO O^CO O^ tOCO NMCOOOM Om rf mo co M T^- in o M & 6 oo CT> d^ o d m co t^oo co O O O - M co o^ O M N O N 0* M _. r i M ttfr* s g g S P R S B B .S.M is S 6 co O^ CTSCO O . . . _ Nr^mmw mNTfcod * "g;** CO M CO N N t^. OO m rt coco c^ rj- mco M O O CO O COCOWOCOM OCO OCO O M d o o* o tl 3 o o ^s-* M "" 1^ o ^| 4 cr '' 3 *o 'o ^" >?% eucufi tj ,11* 3 o - a c rt o P..5"- o c ^ T3 *^ 'e S3 M -S TABLES 44 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CENTIMETERS TO INCHES. Centimeters. Inches. Centimeters. Inches. I 2 0-39370 0.78740 26 27 10.23622 10.62992 3 4 i. 18110 i.5748o 28 2 9 11.02362 11.41732 5 1.96850 30 11.81102 6 7 2.36220 2.75590 31 32 12.20472 12.59842 8 9 3-14960 3-54331 33 34 12.99212 13-38582 10 3-93701 35 13.77952 ii 12 4-33071 4.72441 36 37 14.17322 14.56692 13 14 5.11811 5.51181 38 39 14.96062 15.35432 15 5-9 55I 40 15-74802 16 6.29921 17 6.69291 41 16.14172 42 16.53543 18 19 7.08661 7-48031 43 44 16.92913 17.32283 20 7.87401 45 17-71653 21 22 8.26771 8.66141 46 18.11023 47 18.50393 23 24 9-05511 9.44881 48 49 18.89763 19.29133 25 9.84252 50 19.68503 LONG MEASURE. 45 CENTIMETERS TO INCHES. Centimeters. Inches. Centimeters. Inches. 51 52 20.07873 20.47243 7 6 77 29.92125 30.31495 53 54 20.86613 21.25983 78 79 30.70865 3LI0235 55 21.65353 80 31.49605 56 57 22.04723 22.44093 81 82 31.88975 32-28345 58 59 22.83463 23.22834 83 84 32.67715- 33.07085 60 23.62204 85 33-46455 61 62 24.01574 24.40944 86 87 33.85825 34.25195 63 64 24.80314 25.19684 88 89 34.64565 35.03935 65 25.59054 90 35.43305 66 67 25.98424 26.37794 91 92 35.82675 36.22046 68 69 26.77164 27.16534 93 94 36.61416 37.00786 70 27.55904 95 37.40156 7i 72 27.95274 28.34644 96 97 37.79526 38.18896 73 74 28.74014 29.13384 98 99 38.58266 38.97636 75 29-52754 100 39.37006 4 6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. INCHES TO CENTIMETERS. Inches. Centimeters. Inches. Centimeters. I 2.5400 26 66 . 0400 2 5.0800 27 68.5800 3 7.6200 28 71.1200 4 10.1600 29 73 . 6600 5 12.7000 30 76 . 2000 6 15.2400 31 78.7400 7 17.7800 32 81.2800 8 20.3200 33 83.8200 9 22.8600 34 86.3600 10 25.4000 35 88.9000 ii 27.9400 36 91.4400 12 30.4800 37 93-9 8 oo 13 33-0200 38 96.5200 14 35-56oo 39 99.0600 15 38.1000 40 101.6000 16 40.6400 4i 104.1400 17 43.1800 42 106.6800 18 45 7 2 oo 43 109.2200 19 48.2600 44 III. 7600 20 50.8000 45 114.3000 21 53-3400 46 116.8400 22 55.8800 47 119.3800 23 58.4200 48 121.9200 24 60.9600 49 124.4600 25 63 . 5000 50 127.0000 LONG MEASURE. 47 INCHES TO CENTIMETERS. Inches. Centimeters. Inches. Centimeters. 51 52 129.5401 J32.080I 7 6 77 193.0401 195.5801 53 54 I34.62OI I37.I60I 78 79 I98.I20I 200.6601 55 I39-700I 80 2O3 . 2OOI 56 57 142 . 24OI 144.7801 81 82 205 . 7401 208.2801 58 59 147.3201 149.8601 83 84 210.8201 213.3601 60 152.4001 85 215.9001 61 62 154.9401 157.4801 86 87 2I8.440I 220.9801 63 64 I6O.O2OI 162.5601 88 89 223.5201 226.O6OI 65 I65.IOOI 90 228.6001 66 67 167.6401 170.1801 9i 92 23I.I40I 233.6801 68 69 172.7201 175 2601 93 94 236.2201 238.7601 70 177.8001 95 241 . 3OOI 7i 72 180.3401 182.8801 96 97 243.8401 246 . 3801 73 74 185.4201 187.9601 98 99 248.9201 251.4601 75 190.5001 100 254.OOOI 4 8 THE METRIC SYSTEM. METERS TO FEET. Meters. Feet. Meters. Feet. I 2 3.281 6.562 26 27 85.302 88.583 3 4 9.843 13.123 28 29 91.863 95.144 5 16.404 30 93.425 6 7 19.685 22.966 31 32 101.706 104.987 8 9 26 247 29.528 33 34 108.268 HI.548 10 32.808 35 114.829 ii 12 36.089 39-370 36 37 118.110 121.391 13 14 42.651 45-932 38 39 124.672 127-953 15 49.213 40 131-234 16 17 52.493 55-774 4i 42 I34.5I4 137-795 18 19 59-055 62.336 43 44 141.076 144-357 20 65.617 45 147-638 21 22 68.898 72.178 46 47 150.919 154.199 23 24 75-459 78.740 48 49 157.480 160.761 25 82.021 50 164.042 LONG MEASURE. 49 METERS TO FEET. Meters. Feet. Meters. Feet. 51 52 167.323 170.604 7 6 77 249.344 252.625 53 54 173.884 177.165 78 79 255.905 259. 186 55 180.446 80 262.467 56 57 183.727 187.008 81 82 265.748 269.029 58 59 190.289 193.569 83 84 272.310 275.590 60 196.850 85 278.871 61 62 200.131 203.412 86 87 282.152 285.433 63 64 206 . 693 209 . 974 88 89 288.714 291.995 65 213.254 90 295.275 66 67 216.535 219.816 9i 92 298.556 301.837 68 69 223.097 226.378 93 94 305.118 308.399 70 229.659 95 311.680 7i 72 232.939 236.220 96 97 314.960 318.241 73 74 239.501 242.782 98 99 321.522 324-803 75 246.063 100 328.084 THE METRIC SYSTEM. FEET TO METERS. Feet. Meters. Feet. Meters. I 2 0.3048 o . 6096 26 27 7.9248 8.2296 3 4 0.9144 1.2192 28 29 8-5344 8.8392 5 1.5240 30 9.1440 6 7 1.8288 2.1336 31 32 9.4488 9-7536 8 9 2.4384 2.7432 33 34 10.0584 10.3632 10 3.0480 35 10.6680 ii 12 3-3528 3-6576 36 37 10.9728 11.2776 13 14 3.9624 4.2672 38 39 11.5824 11.8872 15 4-5720 40 I2.I92O 16 17 4.8768 5.1816 4i 42 12.4968 12. 8016 18 19 5.4864 5-79!2 43 44 13.1064 13.4112 20 6.0960 45 13.7160 21 22 6.4008 6.7056 46 47 14.0208 I4o256 23 24 7.0104 7-3152 48 49 14.6304 I4.9352 25 7.6200 50 15.2400 LONG MEASURE. FEET TO METERS. Feet. Meters. Feet. Meters. 51 52 15.5448 15.8496 7 6 77 23.1648 23-4696 53 54 16.1544 16.4592 78 79 23-7744 24.0792 55 16.7640 80 24.3840 56 57 17.0688 I7-3736 81 82 24.6888 24.9936 58 59 17.6784 17.9832 83 84 25.2984 25.6032 60 18.2880 85 25.9080 61 62 18.5928 18.8976 86 87 26.2128 26.5176 3 ' 64 19.2024 I9-5072 88 89 26.8224 27.1272 65 19.8120 90 27.4320 66 67 20.II68 20.4216 9i 92 27.7368 28.0416 68 69 20.7264 21.0312 93 94 28.3464 28.6512 70 21.3360 95 28.9560 71 72 21.6408 21.9456 96 97 29.2608 29.5656 73 74 22.2504 22.5552 98 99 29.8704 30.1752 75 22.8600 100 30 . 4800 THE METRIC SYSTEM. METERS TO YARDS. Meters. Yards. Meters. Yards. L I 1.0936 26 28.4339 2 2.1872 27 29.5276 3 3 . 2808 28 30.6212 4 4-3745 29 31.7148 5 5-4681 30 32.8084 6 6.5617 31 33.9020 7 7-6553 32 34.9956 8 8.7489 33 36.0892 9 9.8425 34 37.1828 10 10.9361 35 38.2765 ii 12.0297 . 36 39-3701 12 13.1234 37 40.4637 13 14.2170 38 41-5573 14 15.3106 39 42.6509 15 16.4042 40 43-7445 16 17.4978 4i 44-8381 17 18.5914 42 45.9317 18 19.6850 43 47.0254 19 20.7786 44 48.1190 20 21.8723 45 49.2126 21 22.9659 46 50.3062 22 24.0595 47 5L3998 23 25.1531 48 52.4934 24 26.2467 49 53.5870 25 27.3403 50 54.6806 LONG MEASURE. 53 METERS TO YARDS. Meters. Yards. Meters. Yards. 51 52 55-7743 56.8679 7 6 77 83.1146 84.2082 53 54 57.9615 59-055I 78 79 85.3018 86-3954 55 60.1487 80 87.4890 56 57 61.2423 62.3359 81 82 88.5827 89.6763 58 59 63.4296 64.5232 83 84 90.7699 91-8635 60 65.6168 85 9 2 -957i 61 62 66.7104 67 . 8040 86 87 94-0507 95-1443 63 64 68.8976 69.9912 88 89 96.2379 97-33I6 65 71.0848 90 98-4252 66 67 72.1785 73-2721 91 92 99-5188 100.6124 68 69 74.3657 75-4593 93 94 101 . 7060* 102.7996 70 76.5529 95 103.8932 7i 72 77.6465 78.7401 96 97 104.9868 106.0805 73 74 79-8337 80.9274 98 99 107.1741 108.2677 75 82.0210 100 109.3613 54 THE METRIC SYSTEM. YARDS TO METERS. Yards. Meters. Yards. Meters. I 2 0.9144 1.8288 26 27 23-7744 24.6888 3 4 2.7432 3.6576 28 29 25.6032 26.5176 5 4-5720 30 27.4320 6 7 5-4864 6.4008 31 32 28.3464 29.2608 8 9 7.3152 8.2296 33 34 30.1752 31 .0896 10 9.1440 35 32.0040 ii 12 10.0584 10.9728 36 37 32.9184 33.8328 13 14 11.8872 12. 8016 38 39 34.7472 35.66I6 15 I3.7I60 40 36.5760 16 17 14.6304 15.5448 4i 42 37.4904 38.4048 18 19 16.4592 17.3736 43 44 39-3I9 2 40.2336 20 18.2880 45 41 . 1480 21 22 19.2024 20.II68 46 47 42.0624 42.9768 23 24 2I.O3I2 21.9456 48 49 43.8912 44.8056 2 5 22 . 86OO 50 45.7200 LONG MEASURE. 55 YARDS TO METERS. Yards. Meters. Yards. Meters. 51 52 46 . 6344 47.5488 7 6 77 69 . 4944 70.4088 53 54 48.4632 49.3776 78 79 71.3232 72.2376 55 50.2920 80 73.1520 56 57 5 i . 2064 52.1208 81 82 74 . 0664 74.9808 58 59 53-0352 S3-949 6 83 84 75.8952 76.8096 60 54 . 8640 85 77.7240 61 62 55.7784 56.6928 86 87 78.6384 79.5528 63 64 57.6072 58.5216 88 89 80.4672 81.3816 65 59.4360 90 82 . 2960 66 67 60.3504 61.2648 9i 92 83.2104 84.1248 68 69 62.1792 63.0936 93 94 85-0392 85.9536 70 64.0080 95 86.8680 7i 72 64.9224 65.8368 96 97 87.7824 88.6968 73 74 66.7512 67.6656 98 99 89.6112 90.5256 75 68.5800 IOO 91.4400 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOMETERS TO MILES. Kilometers. Miles. Kilometers. Miles. I 2 0.621 1.243 26 27 16.156 16.777 3 4 1.864 2.485 28 29 I7.398 18.020 5 3.107 30 18.641 6 7 3.728 4-350 31 32 19.262 19.884 8 9 4.971 5-592 33 34 20.505 21.127 10 6.214 35 21.748 ii 12 6.835 7.456 36 37 22.369 22.991 13 H 8.078 8.699 38 39 23.612 24.233 15 9-321 40 24.855 16 17 9 942 10.563 4i 42 25.476 26.098 18 19 11.185 u. 806 43 44 26.719 27.340 20 12.427 45 27.962 21 22 13.049 13.670 46 47 28.583 29.204 23 24 14.292 I4-9I3 48 49 29.826 30.447 25 15-534 50 31.069 LONG MEASURE. 57 KILOMETERS TO MILES. Kilometers. Miles. Kilometers. Miles. 51 52 31.690 32.3H 7 6 77 47.224 47.846 53 54 32.933 33-554 78 79 48.467 49.088 55 34-175 80 49.710 56 57 34-797 35.418 81 82 50.331 50.952 58 59 36 . 040 36.661 83 84 51-574 52.195 60 37-282 85 52.817 61 62 37.904 38.525 86 87 53.438 54.059 63 64 39.146 39.768 88 89 54.681 55-302 65 40.389 90 55-923 66 67 41.010 41.632 91 92 56.545 57-166 68 69 42.253 42.875 93 94 57.787 58.409 70 43.496 95 59.030 7i 72 44.117 44.739 96 97 59-652 60.273 73 74 45.36o 45.981 98 99 60.894 61.516 75 46 . 603 100 6I.I37 THE METRIC SYSTEM. MILES TO KILOMETERS. Miles. Kilometers. Miles. Kilometers. I 1.609 26 41.843 2 3.219 27 43-452 3 4.828 28 45.062 4 6.437 29 46.671 5 8.047 30 48.280 6 9-656 31 49.890 7 11.265 32 51-499 8 12.875 33 53.108 9 14.484 34 54.718 10- 16.093 35 56.327 ii 17.703 36 57-936 12 19.312 37 59.546 13 20.921 38 6I.I55 14 22.531 39 62.764 15 24.140 40 64.374 16 25.750 4i 65.983 17 27-35$ 42 67.592 18 28.968 43 69 . 202 19 30.578 44 70.8II 20 32.187 45 72.420 21 33.796 46 74.030 22 35.406 47 75.639 23 3.7 -oi 5 48 77.249 24 38 . 624 49 78.858 25 40.234 50 80.467 LONG MEASURE. 59 MILES TO KILOMETERS. Miles. Kilometers. Miles. Kilometers. 51 52 82.077 83.686- 7 6 77 I22.3IO 123.919 53 54 85.295 86 . 905 78 79 125.529 127.138 55 88.514 80 128.748 56 57 90.123 91.733 81 82 130.357 131.966 58 59 93-342 94-951 83 84 133.576 135.185 60 96.561 85 136.794 61 62 98.170 99-779 86 87 138.404 140.013 63 64 101.389 102.998 88 89 141.622 143.232 65 104 . 607 90 144.841 66 67 106.217 107.826 9i 92 146.450 148 . 060 68 69 109.435 in 045 93 94 149.669 I5L278 70 112.654 95 152.888 7i 72 114.263 II5-873 96 97 154-497 156.106 73 74 117.482 119.091 98 99 157.716 I59.3 2 5 75 120.701 100 160.934 6o THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE CENTIMETERS TO SQUARE INCHES. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. I 2 0.15500 0.31000 26 27 4.03001 4.18501 3 4 0.46500 . 62000 28 2 9 4.34001 4.49501 5 0.77500 30 4.65001 6 7 o . 93000 1.08500 31 32 4.80501 4.96001 8 9 I . 24000 1.39500 33 34 5.II50I 5.27001 10 1.55000 35 5.42501 ii 12 I . 70500 I . 86000 36 37 5.58001 5-73501 13 14 2.01500 2. I7OOO 38 39 5.89001 6.04501 15 2.32500 40 6.20001 16 17 2 . 48000 2.63500 42 6.35501 6.51001 18 2 . 79000 2.94500 43 44 6.66501 6.82001 20 3 . loooo 45 6.97501 21 22 3.25500 3.41000 46 47 7.13001 7.28501 23 24 3-56500 3 . 72000 48 49 7.44001 7-59501 25 3.87500 50 7.75001 SQUARE MEASURE. 61 SQUARE CENTIMETERS TO SQUARE INCHES. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. SI 52 , 7.90501 8.06001 7 6 77 11.78002 11.93502 53 54 8.2I50I 8.37001 78 79 12.09002 12.24502 55 8.52501 80 I2.4OOO2 56 57 8.68001 8.83501 81 82 12.55502 I2.7IOO2 58 59 8.99001 9.I450I 83 84 12.86502 13.02002 60 9.30001 85 13.17502 61 62 9-45501 9.6IOOI 86 87 13 . 33002 13.48502 63 64 9 76501 9.92001 88 89 13.64002 13.79502 65 10.07501 90 13.95002 66 67 10.23001 10.38501 91 92 14.10502 14.26002 68 69 10 54001 10.69501 93 94 14.41502 14.57002 70 10.85001 95 14.72502 7i 72 11.00501 i i. 16001 96 97 14 . 88002 15.03502 73 74 11.31501 11.47001 98 99 I5.I9OO2 I5-34502 75 11.62502 zoo 15 50002 62 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE INCHES TO SQUARE CENTIMETERS. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. I 6.452 26 167.742 2 12.903 27 174.193 3 19-355 28 180.645 4 25.806 29 187.097 5 32.258 30 I93-548 6 38.710 31 2OO.OOO 7 45-161 32 206.451 8 51-613 33 212.903 9 58.064 34 219-355 10 64.516 35 225.806 ii 70.968 36 232.258 12 77.419 37 238.709 13 83-871 38 245.I6I 14 90.322 39 251.613 15 96.774 40 258.064 16 103.226 4i 264.516 17 109.677 42 270.967 18 116.129 43 277.419 19 122.581 44 283.871 20 129.032 45 290.322 21 I35-484 46 296.774 22 I4L935 47 303.225 23 148.387 48 309.677 2 4 154.839 49 316.129 25 161.290 50 322.580 SQUARE MEASURE. SQUARE INCHES TO SQUARE CENTIMETERS. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. Square Inches. Square Centimeters. 51 52 329.032 335-484 7 6 77 490.322 496.774 53 54 341-935 ' 348.387 78 79 503-225 509.677 55 354.838 80 516.128 56 57 361.290 367.742 81 82 522.580 529.032 . 58 59 374.193 380.645 83 84 535.483 541-935 60 387-096 85 548.387 61 62 393.548 400 . ooo 86 87 554.838 561.290 63 64 406.451 412.903 88 89 567.741 574.193 65 419-354 90 580.645 66 67 425.806 432.258 91 92 587.096 593.548 68 69 438.709 445.161 93 94 599.999 606.451 70 451.612 95 612.903 7i 72 458.064 464.516 96 97 619 354 625.806 73 74 470.967 477.419 98 99 632.257 638.709 75 483.870 100 645.161 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE METERS TO SQUARE FEET. * Square Meters. Square Feet. Square Meters. Square Feet. I 10.764 26 279.861 2 21.528 27 290.625 3 32.292 28 301.389 4 43-056 29 312.153 5 53-820 30 322.917 6 64.583 31 333-681 7 75-347 32 344-445 8 86. in 33 355-209 9 96.875 34 365-973 10 107.639 35 376.737 ii 118.403 36 387-500 12 129.167 37 398 . 264 13 I39-93I 38 409.028 14 150.695 39 419.792 15 161.459 40 430.556 16 172.222 4 1 441 320 17 182.986 42 452.084 18 I93-750 43 462.848 19 204.514 44 473-612 20 215.278 45 484.376 21 226.042 46 495 139 22 236.806 47 505-903 23 247.570 48 516.667 24 258.334 49 527.431 25 269.098 50 538.195 SQUARE MEASURE. 65 SQUARE METERS TO SQUARE FEET. Square Meters. Square Feet. Square Meters. Square Feet. 51 52 548.959 559-723 7 6 77 818.056 828.820 53 54 570.487 581.251 78 79 839-584 850.348 55 592.015 80 86I.II2 56 57 602.778 613.542 81 82 871.876 882.640 58 59 624 . 306 635.070 83 84 893.404 904.168 60 645 834 85 914.932 61 62 656.598 667.362 86 87 925.695 936.459 63 64 678.126 688.890 88 89 947.223 957.987 65 699.654 90 968.751 66 67 710.417 72I.I8I 9i 92 979-5I5 990.279 68 69 731-945 742 . 709 93 94 1001.043 IOII.807 70 753-473 95 1022.571 71 72 764.237 775-001 96 97 1033 334 1044.098 73 74 785-765 796.529 98 99 1054.862 1065.626 75 807.293 IOO 1076.390 66 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE FEET TO SQUARE METERS. Square Feet. Square Meters Square Feet. Square Meters. I 2 0.09290 0.18581 26 27 2.41548 2.50838 3 4 0.27871 0.37161 28 29 2.60129 2.69419 5 0.46452 30 2.78709 6 7 0.55742 0.65032 31 32 2.88000 2.97290 8 9 0.74322 0.83613 33 34 3.06580 3.I587I 10 0.92903 35 3.25161 ii 12 I.02I93 1.11484 36 37 3.34451 3-43742 13 14 1.20774 I . 30064 38 39 3.53032 3.62322 15 1-39355 40 3.7I6I2 16 17 1.48645 1-57935 4i 42 3.80903 3.90193 18 19 1.67226 1.76516 43 44 3.99483 4.08774 20 1.85806 45 4.18064 21 22 1.95097 2.04387 46 47 4-27354 4.36645 23 24 2.13677 2.22967 48 49 4-45935 4.55225 25 2.32258 50 4.64516 SQUARE MEASURE. SQUARE FEET TO SQUARE METERS. Square Feet. Square Meters. Square Feet. Square Meters. 51 52 4-73806 4-83096 7 6 77 7 . 06064 7.15354 53 54 4.92386 5-OI677 78 79 7.24644 7-33935 55 5 10967 80 7.43225 56 57 5-20257 5.29548 81 82 7-525I5 7.61806 58 59 5.38838 5.48128 83 84 7.71096 7.80386 60 5-574I9 85 7.89676 61 62 5.66709 5-75999 86 87 7.98967 8.08257 63 64 5-85290 5.9458o 88 89 8.17547 8.26838 65 6.03870 90 8.36128 66 67 6.13161 6.22451 91 92 8.45418 8.54709 68 69 6.31741 6.41031 93 94 8.63999 8.73289 70 6.50322 95 8.82580 ?i 72 6 59612 6.68902 96 97 8.91870 9.01160 73 74 6.78193 6.87483 98 99 9-10450 9.19741 75 6.96773 100 9-29031 68 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE METERS TO SQUARE YARDS. Square Meters. Square Yards. Square Meters. Square Yards. I 2 I . 1960 2.3920 26 27 3I-0957 32.2917 3 4 3.5880 4.7840 28 29 33-4877 34.6837 5 5-9799 30 35.8797 6 7 7-1759 8.3719 31 32 37-0757 38.2716 8 9 9-5679 10.7639 33 34 39.4676 40.6636 10 11.9599 35 41.8596 ii 12 13-1559 I4-35I9 36 37 43.0556 44.2516 13 14 15-5479 16.7438 38 39 45.4476 46.6436 15 17.9398 40 47.8396 16 17 I9-I358 20.3318 4i 42 49-0355 50.2315 18 19 21.5278 22.7238 43 44 5L4275 52.6235 20 23.9198 45 53.8195 21 22 25-1158 26.3118 46 47 55-0155 56.2115 23 24 27.5077 28.7037 48 49 57.4075 58.6035 25 29.8997 50 59-7994 SQUARE MEASURE. 6 9 SQUARE METERS TO SQUARE YARDS. Square Meters. Square Yards. Square Meters. Square Yards. 51 52 60.9954 62.1914 7 6 77 90.8952 92.0912 53 54 63.3874 64.5834 78 79 93.2871 94.4831 55 65.7794 80 95.6791 56 57 66.9754 68.1714 81 82 96.8751 98.0711 58 59 69.3674 70.5634 83 84 99.2671 100.4631 60 71.7593 85 IOI.659I 61 62 72.9553 74.1513 86 87 102.8551 104.0510 63 64 75-3473 76.5433 88 89 105.2470 106.4430 65 77-7393 90 107.6390 66 67 78.9353 80.1313 91 92 108.8350 IIO.O3IO 68 69 81.3273 82.5232 93 94 IIJ.2270 112.4230 70 83.7192 95 113.6190 7i 72 84.9152 86.1112 96 97 114.8149 II6.0I09 73 74 87-3072 88.5032 98 99 117.2069 118.4029 75 89.6992 100 119.5989 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE YARDS TO SQUARE METERS. Square Yards. Square Meters. Square Yards. Square Meters. I 2 0.8361 1.6723 26 27 21-7393 22.5755 3 4 2.5084 3-3445 28 29 23.4116 24.2477 5 4.1806 30 25.0838 6 7 5.0168 5-8529 31 32 25.9200 26.7561 8 9 6.6890 7-5252 33 34 27.5922 28.4284 10 8.3613 35 29-2645 ii 12 9.1974 10.0335 36 37 30.1006 30.9367 13 14 10.8697 11.7058 i 38 39 31.7729 32 . 6090 15 12.5419 40 33-4451 16 13.3780 14.2142 41 42 34.2813 35-H74 18 19 15-0503 15.8864 43 44 35-9535 36.7896 20 16.7226 45 37.6258 21 22 17-5587 18.3948 46 47 38.4619 39-2980 23 24 19.2309 20.0671 48 49 40.1341 40.9703 25 20.9032 50 41 . 8064 SQUARE MEASURE. SQUARE YARDS TO SQUARE METERS. Square Yards. Square Meters. Square Yards. Square Meters. 51 52 42.6425 43-4787 7 6 77 63.5457 64.3819 53 54 44.3148 45-I509 78 79 65.2180 66.0541 55 45.9870 80 66 . 8902 56 57 46.8232 47-6593 8l 82 67.7264 68.5625 58 59 48.4954 49-33I6 83 84 69.3986 70.2348 60 50.1677 85 71.0709 61 62 51.0038 51.8399 86 87 71.9070 72.7431 63 64 52.6761 53-5122 88 89 73-5793 74-4I54 65 54.3483 90 75-25I5 66 67 55-I845 56.0206 9i 92 76.0877 . 76.9238 68 69 56.8567 57.6928 93 94 77-7599 78.5960 70 58.5290 95 79.4322 7i 72 59.3651 60.2012 96 97 80.2683 81.1044 73 74 61.0374 61.8735 98 99 81.9406 82.7767 75 62 . 7096 100 83.6128 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE KILOMETERS TO SQUARE MILES. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. I 2 0.3861 0./722 26 27 10.0386 10.4247 3 4 I.I5.83 1-5444 . 28 2 9 lO.SlOg 11.1970 5 1.9305 30 H.583I 6 7 2.3166 2.7027 3i 32 11.9692 12.3553 8 9 3.0888 3-4749 33 34 12.7414 I3-I275 10 ii 12 3.8610 4.2471 4-6332 35 36 37 13-5136 13.8997 14.2858 13 14 5-0193 5-4054 38 39 14.6719 15.0580 15 5.7915 40 15.4441 16 i? 6.1776 6.5637 4i 42 15.8302 16.2163 18 19 6.9498 7.3359 43 44 16 . 6024 16.9885 20 7.7220 45 17.3746 21 22 8.1081 8.4942 46 47 17.7607 18.1468 23 24 8.8803 9 . 2664 48 49 18.5329 18.9190 25 9-6525 50 19.3051 SQUARE MEASURE. 73 SQUARE KILOMETERS TO SQUARE MILES. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. 51 52 19.6912 20.0773 7 6 77 29.3437 29.7298 53 54 20.4634 20.8495 78 * 79 30.H59 30.5020 55 21.2356 80 30.8881 56 57 21.6217 22.0078 81 82 31.2742 31.6603 58 59 22.3939 . 22.7800 83 84 32.0464 32.4326 60 23. 1661 85 32.8187 61 62 23.5522 23-9383 86 87 33 2048 33.5909 $3 64 24.3244 24.7105 88 89 33-9770 34-363I 65 25.0966 90 34.7492 66 67 25.4827 25.8688 9i 92 35.1353 35.5214 68 69 26.2549 26.6410 93 94 35.9075 36.2936 70 27.0271 95 36.6797 7i 72 27.4132 27.7993 96 97 37-0658 37.4519 73 74 28.1854 28.5715 98 99 37.8380 38.2241 75 28.9576 100 38.6102 74 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SQUARE MILES TO SQUARE KILOMETERS. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. I 2 2.590 5.180 26 27 67.340 69.930 3 4 ' 7-770 10.360 28 29 72.520 75.110 5 I2.Q50 30 77.700 6 7 15.540 18.130 31 32 80.290 82.880 8 9 2O.72O 23.310 33 34 85.470 88.060 10 25.900 35 90.650 n 12 28.490 31.080 36 37 93.240 95-830 13 14 33-670 36.260 38 39 98.420 IOI.OIO 15 38.850 40 103 . 600 16 17 41.440 44.030 4i 42 106.190 108.780 18 19 46.620 49.2IO 43 44 111.370 113.960 20 51.800 45 116.550 21 22 54-390 56.980 46 47 119.139 121.729 23 2 4 59-570 62 . 160 48 49 124.319 126.909 25 64.750 50 129.499 SQUARE MEASURE. 75 SQUARE MILES TO SQUARE KILOMETERS. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. Square Miles. Square Kilometers. 51 52 132.089 134.679 7 6 77 196-839 199.429 53 54 137.269 139.859 78 79 202.019 204.609 55 142.449 80 207.199 56 57 I45-039 147.629 81 82 209.789 212.379 58 59 150.219 152.809 83 84 214.969 217-559 60 155-399 85 22O. 149 61 62 157.989 160.579 86 87 222.739 225.329 63 64 163.169 165.759 88 89 227 919 230.509 65 168.349 90 233.099 66 67 170.939 I73-529 91 92 235.689 238.279 68 69 176.119 178.709 93 94 240.869 243-459 . 7<> 181.299 95 246 . 049 7i 72 183.889 186.479 96 97 248.639 251.229 73 74 189.069 191.659 98 99 253.819 256.409 75 194.249 100 258.999 7 6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. HECTARES TO ACRES. Hectares. Acres. Hectares, Acres. I 2 2.471 4.942 26 27 64.247 66.718 3 4 7-4I3 9.884 28 2 9 69.189 71.661 5 12-355 30 74.132 6 7 14.826 17.297 31 32 76.603 79-074 8 9 19.768 22.239 33 34 81-545 84.016 10 24.711 35 86.487 ii 12 27.182 29-653 36 37 88.958 91.429 13 14 32.124 34-595 38 39 93.900 96.371 15 37.066 40 98.842 16 17 39-537 42.008 4i 42 101/313 103.784 18 19 44.479 46.950 43 44 106.255 108.726 20 49.421 45 III.I97 21 22 51-892 54.363 46 47 113.668 116.139 23 2 4 56.834 59-305 48 49 Il8.6lO 121.082 25 61.776 50 123-553 LAND MEASURE. 77 HECTARES TO ACRES. Hectares. Acres. Hectares. Acres. 51 52 I26.O24 128.495 7 6 77 187.800 190.271 53 54 130.966 133-437 78 79 192.742 195.213 55 135.908 80 197.684 56 57 138.379 140.850 81 82 200.155 202 . 626 58 59 143.321 145.792 83 84 205.097 207.568 60 148.263 85 210.039 61 62 150.734 I53-205 86 87 212.510 214.982 63 64 155.676 158.147 88 89 217-453 219.924 65 160.618 90 222.395 66 67 163.089 165.560 9i 92 224.866 227.337 68 69 168.032 170.503 93 94 229.808 232.279 70 172.974 95 234.750 71 72 175.445 177.916 96 97 237.221 239.692 73 74 180.387 182.858 98 99 242.163 244.634 75 185.329 IOO 247.105 THE METRIC SYSTEM. ACRES TO HECTARES. Acres. Hectares. Acres. Hectares. I 2 0.4047 O.0 9 4 26 27 10.5218 10.9265 3 4 I.2I4I 1.6187 28 2 9 11-3312 H-7359 5 2.0234 30 12.1406 6 7 2.4281 2.8328 31 32 12-5453 12.9499 8 9 3-2375 3.6422 33 34 13.3546 13.7593 10 4.0469 35 14.1640 ii 12 4.4515 4.8562 36 37 14-5687 14-9734 13 14 5 . 2609 5-6656 38 39 15-3781 15.7827 15 6.0703 40 16.1874 16 17 6.4750 6.8797 4i 42 16.5921 16.9968 18 19 7.2843 7.6890 43 44 17.4015 17.8062 20 8.0937 45 18.2109 21 22 8.4984 8.9031 46 47 18.6155 19.0202 23 24 9.3078 9-7125 48 19-4249 49 19.8296 25 10.1171 50 20.2343 LAND MEASURE. 79 ACRES TO HECTARES. Acres. Hectares. Acres. Hectares. 51 52 20.6390 21.0437 7 6 77 30.7561 31 1608 53 54 21.4483 21.8530 78 79 3L5655 3L9702 55 22.2577 80 32.3749 56 57 22.6624 23.0671 81 82 32.7795 33.1842 58 59 23.4718 23.8765 83 84 33.5889 33-9936 60 24.2811 85 34.3983 61 62 24.6858 25.0905 86 87 34.8030 35-2077 63 64 25.4952 25 . 8999 88 89 35.6124 36.0170 65 26 . 3046 90 36.4217 66 67 26.7093 27.1139 91 92 36.8264 37.23H 68 69 27.5186 27.9233 93 94 37.6358 38.0405 70 28.3280 95 38.4452 7i 72 28.7327 29-I374 96 97 38.8498 39- 2 545 73 74 29.5421 29.9467 98 99 39.6592 40.0639 75 30.3514 100 40.4686 8o THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC CENTIMETERS TO CUBIC INCHES. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. Z 2 O.o6lO2 0.12205 26 27 1.58662 1.64764 3 4 0.18307 o . 24409 28 29 I . 70866 1.76969 5 0.30512 30 1.83071 6 7 0.36614 0.42717 31 32 1.89173 1.95276 8 9 0.48819 0.54921 33 34 2.01378 2.07480 10 0.61024 35 2.13583 ii 12 0.67126 0.73228 36 37 2.19685 2.25788 13 M 0.79331 0.85433 38 39 2.31890 2.37992 i5 0.91535 40 2.44095 16 17 0.97638 1.03740 4i 42 2.50197 2.56299 18 19 1.09843 I-I5945 43 44 2.624O2 2.68504 20 I.22O47 45 2 . 74606 21 22 I.28I50 1.34252 46 47 2 . 80709 2.86811 23 2 4 1.40354 1.46457 48 49 2.92914 2.99016 25 1.52559 50 3.05118 CUBIC MEASURE. 8 1 CUBIC CENTIMETERS TO CUBIC INCHES. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. SI 52 3.II22I 3.17323 7 6 77 4.63780 4.69882 53 54 3-23425 3-29528 78 79 4.75985 4.82087 55 3-35630 80 4.88189 56 57 3.41732 3-47835 81 82 4.94292 5-00394 58 59 3-53937 3 . 60040 83 84 5.06496 5-12599 60 3.66142 85 5.18701 61 62 3-72244 3.78347 86 87 5.24803 5.30906 63 64 3-84449 3-9 55i 88 89 5.37008 5-43IH 65 3-9 66 54 90 5.49213 66 67 4-02756 4-08859 9i 92 5.55315 5.61418 68 69 4.14961 4.21063 93 94 5.67520 5 73622 70 4.27166 95 5-79725 7i 72 4.33268 4-39370 96 97 5.85827 5.91930 73 74 4-45473 4-5I575 98 99 5.98032 6.04134 75 4.57677 100 6.10237 82 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC INCHES TO CUBIC CENTIMETERS. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. I 2 16.387 32.774 26 27 426.064 442.451 3 4 49.161 65-548 28 29 458.838 475 225 5 81.935 30 491.612 6 7 98.322 II4.7IO 31 32 508.000 524-387 8 9 131.097 147.484 33 34 540.774 557.i6i 10 163.871 35 573.548 ii 12 180.258 196.645 36 37 589.935 606.322 13 14 213.032 229.419 38 39 622 . 709 639-096 IS 245.806 40 655.483 16 17 262.193 278.580 4i 42 671.870 688.257 18 19 294.967 3H.355 43 44 704.645 721.032 20 327.742 45 737.419 21 22 344.129 360.516 46 47 753.806 770.193 23 2 4 376.903 393.290 48 49 786.580 802.967 25 409.677 50 819.354 CUBIC MEASURE. CUBIC INCHES TO CUBIC CENTIMETERS. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. Cubic Inches. Cubic Centimeters. SI 52 835.741 852.128 76 77 1245.418 1261.805 S3 54 868.515 884.902 78 79 1278.192 1294.580 55 901 . 290 80 1310.967 56 57 917.677 934.064 81 82 1327.354 1343.741 58 59 950.451 966.838 83 84 1360.128 1376. 5 J 5 60 983.225 85 1392.902 61 62 999.612 1015.999 86 87 1409.289 1425.676 63 64 1032.386 1048.773 88 89 1442.063 1458.450 65 1065 . 160 90 1474.837 66 67 . 1081.547 1097.935 9i 92 1491.225 1507.612 68 69 1114.322 1130.709 93 94 1523.999 1540.386 70 1147.096 95 1556.773 71 72 1163.483 1179.870 96 97 I573.i6o I589-547 73 74 1196.257 1212.644 98 99 1605.934 1622.321 75 1229.031 100 1638.708 8 4 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC METERS TO CUBIC FEET. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. I 2 35-31 70.63 26 27 918.18 953-50 3 4 105.94 141.26 28 29 988.81 1024.12 5 176.57 30 1059.44 6 7 211.89 247 . 20 31 32 1094.75 1130.07 8 9 282.52 317.83 33 34 1165.38 1200.70 10 353-15 35 1236.01 ii 12 388.46 423.78 36 37 1271.33 1306.64 13 M 459.09 494.40 38 39 1341.96 I377.27 15 529.72 40 1412.59 16 17 565.03 600.35 4i 42 1447.90 1483.21 18 19 635.66 670.98 43 44 1518 53 1553.84 20 706.29 45 1589.16 21 22 74I.6I 776.92 46 47 1624.47 1659.79 23 24 812.24 847.55 48 49 1695.10 1730.42 25 882.87 50 1765.73 CUBIC MEASURE. CUBIC METERS TO CUBIC FEET. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. 51 52 1801.05 1836.36 7 6 77 2683.91 2719.23 53 54 1871.68 1906.99 78 79 2754-54 2789.86 55 1942.30 80 2825.17 56 57 1977.62 20I2.Q3 81 82 2860.49 2895.80 58 59 2048.25 2083.56 83 84 2931.11 2966.43 60 2118.88 85 3001.74 61 62 2I54-IQ 2189.51 86 87 3037.06 3072.37 63 64 2224.82 2260.14 88 89 3107.69 3143.00 65 2295.45 90 3178.32 66 67 2330.77 2366.08 9i 92 3213.63 3248.95 68 69 2401.39 2436.71 93 94 3284.26 3319.58 70 2472.02 95 3354.89 ?i 72 2507-34 2542.65 96 97 3390.20 3425.52 73 74 2577-97 2613.28 98 99 3460.83 3496.15 75 2648.60 100 353L46 86 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC FEET TO CUBIC METERS. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. I 2 0.02832 0.05663 26 27 0.73624 0.76456 3 4 0.08495 O.II327 28 29 0.79287 0.82II9 5 0.14158 30 0.84951 6 7 0.16990 0.19822 31 32 0.87782 0.90614 8 9 0.22654 0.25485 33 34 0.93446 0.96277 10 0.28317 35 0.99109 ii 12 0.31149 0.33980 36 37 I.OI94I 1.04772 13 14 0.36812 0.39644 38 39 1.07604 1.10436 15 0.42475 40 I.I3268 16 17 0.45307 0.48139 4i 42 I.I6099 1.18931 18 19 0.50970 0.53802 43 44 1.21763 1.24594 20 0.56634 45 I . 27426 21 22 0.59465 0.62297 46 47 1.30258 1.33089 23 24 0.65129 0.67961 48 49 I-3592I 1.38753 25 0.70792 So I.4I584 CUBIC MEASURE. CUBIC FEET TO CUBIC METERS. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. 51 52 1.44416 1.47248 7 6 77 2.15208 2.18040 53 54 I . 50079 I.529H 78 79 2.20872 2.23703 55 1-55743 80 2.26535 56 57 I-58575 1.61406 81 82 2.29367 2.32198 58 59 1.64238 1.67070 83 84 2.35030 2.37862 60 1.69901 85 2.40693 61 62 1.72733 L75565 86 87 2.43525 2.46357 63 64 1.78396 I.8I228 88 89 2.49189 2.52020 65 I . 84060 90 2.54852 66 67 1.86891 1.89723 9i 92 2.57684 2.60515 68 69 I.92555 I 95386 93 94 2.63347 2.66179 70 1.98218 95 2.69010 7i 72 2.01050 ,2.03882 96 97 2.71842 2.74674 73 74 2.06713 2.09545 98 99 2.77505 2.80337 75 2.12377 100 2.83169 88 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC METERS TO CUBIC YARDS. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. I 1.308 26 34.007 2 2.616 27 35.315 3 3-924 28 36.623 4 5.232 29 37-931 5 6.540 30 39.238 6 7.848 3 1 40.546 7 9-156 32 41.854 8 10.464 33 43.162 9 11.772 34 44.470 10 13.079 35 45.778 ii 14.387 36 47.086 12 15.695 37 48.394 13 17.003 38 49.702 14 18.311 39 5I.OIO 15 19.616 40 52.318 16 20.927 4i 53.626 17 22.235 42 54-934 18 23.543 43 56.242 19 24.851 44 57-550 20 26.159 45 58.858 21 27.467 46 60.166 22 28.775 47 61.474 23 30-083 48 62.782 24 31.391 49 64.090 25 32.699 50 65-397 CUBIC MEASURE. 8 9 CUBIC METERS TO CUBIC YARDS. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. 51 52 66.705 68.013 7 6 77 99.404 100.712 53 54 69.321 70.629 78 79 IO2.O2O 103.328 55 71.937 . 80 104.636 5 6 73-245 57 74.553 81 82 105.944 107.252 58 59 75-861 77.169 83 84 108.560 109.868 60 78.477 85 III.I76 61 62 79.785 81.093 86 87 112.484 H3.792 63 64 82.401 83.709 88 89 II5.IOO 116.407 65 85-017 90 II7.7I5 66 67 86.325 87.633 9i 92 119.023 120.331 68 69 88.941 90.248 93 94 121.639 122.947 70 91*556 95 124.255 71 72 92.864 94.172 96 97 125.563 126.871 73 74 95.480 96.788 98 99 128.179 129.487 75 98.096 100 130.795 9 o THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC YARDS TO CUBIC METERS. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. I 0.765 26 19.879 2 1.529 27 20.643 3 2.2Q4 28 21.408 4 3.058 2 9 22.172 5 3.823 30 22.937 6 4.587 31 23.701 7 5.352 32 24.466 8 6.II6 33 25.230 9 6.881 34 25.995 10 7.6 4 6 35 26.760 IZ 8.410 36 27.524 12 9.175 37 28.289 13 9-939 38 29.053 14 10.704 39 29.818 15 11.468 40 30.582 16 12.233 4i 3L347 17 12.998 42 32.112 18 13.762 43 32.876 19 14.527 44 33.641 20 15.291 45 34.405 21 16.056 46 35.I70 22 16.820 47 35.934 23 17.585 48 36.699 24 18.349 49 37.463 25 19.114 50 38.228 CUBIC MEASURE. CUBIC YARDS TO CUBIC METERS. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. Cubic Yards. Cubic Meters. 51 . 52 38.993 39-757 7 6 77 58.107 58.871 53 54 40.522 41.286 78 79 59.636 60.400 55 42.051 80 61.165 56 57 42.815 43-58o 81 82 61.929 62 . 694 58 59 44-344 45.109 83 84 63.458 64.223 60 45.874 85 64.988 61 62 46.638 47-403 86 87 65.752 66.517 63 64 48.167 48.932 88 89 67.281 68.046 65 49.696 90 68.810 66 67 50.461 51.226 9i 92 69.575 70.340 68 69 51.990 52.755 93 94 71.104 71.869 70 53.519 95 72.633 7i 72 54-284 55-048 96 97 73-398 74.162 73 74 55.813 56.577 98 99 74.927 75-69I 75 57.342 100 76.456 9 2 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC KILOMETERS TO CUBIC MILES. Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles, i Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles. I 2 0.2399 0.4798 26 27 6.2377 6.4776 . 3 4 0.7197 0.9596 28 2 9 6.7175 6-9575 5 I . 1996 30 7.1974 6 7 1-4395 1.6794 31 32 7-4373 7.6772 8 9 I.QIQ3 2.1592 33 34 7.9171 8.1570 10 2.3991 35 8.3969 ii 12 2.6390 2.8789 36 37 8.6368 8.8768 13 14 3.1189 3.3588 38 39 9.1167 9-3566 15 3.59 8 7 40 9-5965 16 i? 3-8386 4.0785 4i 42 9-8364 10.0763 18 19 4.3184 4-5583 43 44 10.3162 10.5561 20 4.7982 45 10.7961 21 22 5.0382 5.2781 46 47 11.0360 11.2759 23 24 5-5180 5-7579 48 49 11.5158 H.7557 25 5 9978 50 n.9956 CUBIC MEASURE. 93 CUBIC KILOMETERS TO CUBIC MILES. Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles. Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles.. SI 52 12.2355 12.4754 7 6 77 18.2333 18.4733 S3 54 12.7154 12.9553 78 79 18.7132 18.9531 55 13.1952 80 I9.I930 56 57 13.4351 13-6750 81 82 19.4329 19.6728 58 59 13.9149 14.1548 83 84 19.9127 20.1526 60 14-3947 85 20.3926 61 62 14.6347 14.8746 86 87 20.6325 20.8724 63 64 I5.H45 1 5- -3544 88 89 21.1123 21.3522 65 15*5943 90 21.5921 66 67 15.8342 16.0741 91 92 21.8320 22.0719 68 69 16.3140 16.5540 93 94 22.3119 22.5518 70 16.7939 95 22.7917 7i 72 17.0338 17.2737 96 97 23.0316 23.2715 73 74 17-5136 17-7535 98 99 23.5II4 23.7513 75 17-9934 IOO 23.9912 94 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC MILES TO CUBIC KILOMETERS. Cubic Miles. Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles. Cubic Kilometers. Z 4.168 26 108.373 2 8.336 27 II2.54I 3 12.505 28 116.709 4 16.673 2 9 120.877 5 20.841 30 125.046 6 25.009 31 129.214 7 29.177 32 133.382 8 33-345 33 137.550 9 37.5H 34 141.718 10 41.682 35 ' 145.886 zi 45.850 36 150.055 12 50.018 37 154.223 13 54-186 38 158.391 14 58.355 39 162.559 15 62.523 40 166.727 16 66.691 4i 170.896 i? 70.859 42 175.064 18 75-027 43 I79.232 19 79.196 44 183.400 20 83.364 45 187.568 21 87.532 46 191.737 22 91.700 47 195.905 23 95-868 48 200.073 24 100.036 49 204.241 25 104.205 50 208 . 409 CUBIC MEASURE. 95 CUBIC MILES TO CUBIC KILOMETERS. Cubic Miles. Cubic Kilometers. Cubic Miles. Cubic Kilometers. 51 52 212.577 216.746 7 6 77 316.782 320.950 53 54 220.914 225.082 78 79 325.118 329-287 55 229.250 80 333-455 56 57 233.418 237.587 81 82 337.623 34L79I 58 59 24L755 245.923 83 84 345-959 350.128 60 250.091 85 354.296 61 62 254.259 258.428 86 87 358.464 362.632 63 64 262 . 596 266.764 88 89 366.800 370.969 65 270.932 90 375-137 66 67 275.100 279.268 9i 92 379.305 383.473 68 69 283.437 287.605 93 94 387-641 391.809 70 291.773 95 395.978 7i 72 295.941 300.109 96 97 400.146 404.314 73 74 304.278 308.446 98 99 408.482 412.650 75 312.614 100 416.819 9 6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC CENTIMETERS TO U. S. FLUID OUNCES. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. I 0.0338 26 0.8789 2 0.0676 . 27 0.9127 3 o. 1014 28 0.9465 4 0.1352 2 9 0.9803 5 0.1690 30 I.OI4I 6 0.2028 31 1.0479 7 0.2366 32 1.0817 8 0.2704 33 I. U55 9 0.3042 34 I 1493 10 0.3380 35 I.I83I ii 0.3718 36 1.2169 12 0.4056 37 1.2507 13 0.4394 38 1.2845 14 0.4732 39 I.3I83 15 0.5070 40 I.352I 16 0.5408 41 1.3859 J 7 0.5746 42 I.4I97 18 0.6084 43 1-4535 19 0.6422 44 1.4873 20 0.6760 45 I.52II 21 0.7098 46 1-5549 22 0.7436 47 1.5887 23 0.7775 48 1.6225 24 O.8II3 49 1.6563 25 0.8451 50 1.6901 LIQUID MEASURE. 97 CUBIC CENTIMETERS TO U. S. FLUID OUNCES. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. 51 52 1.7239 1-7577 7 6 77 2.5690 2.6028 53 54 i.79 1 5 1.8253 78 79 2.6366 2.6704 55 1.8591 80 2 . 7O42 56 57 1.8929 1.9267 81 82 2.7380 2.7718 58 59 1.9605 1-9943 83 84 2.8056 2.8394 60 2.0281 85 2.8732 61 62 2.0619 2.0957 86 87 2 . 9070 2 . 9408 63 64 2.1295 2.1633 88 89 2.9746 3.0084 65 2.1971 90 3.0422 66 67 2 . 2309 2.2647 9i 92 3.0760 3.1098 68 69 2.2985 2.3324 93 94 3.1436 3.1774 70 2.3662 95 3-2II2 7i 72 2.4000 2.4338 96 97 3.2450 3.2788 73 74 2.4676 2.5014 98 99 3.3126 3.3464 75 2.5352 - 100 3.3802 THE METRIC SYSTEM. U. S. FLUID OUNCES TO CUBIC CENTIMETERS. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. I 2 29.6 59-2 26 27 769.2 798.8 3 4 88.8 118.3 28 29 828.3 857.9 5 147.9 30 887-5 6 7 177-5 207.1 31 32 9I7.I 946.7 8 9 236.7 266.3 33 34 976.3 1005 ..9 10 295.8 35 1035.4 ii 12 325.4 355-0 36 37 1065.0 1094.6 13 14 384.6 414.2 38 39 1124.2 II53-8 15 443-8 40 1183.4 16 17 473-3 502.9 42 1212.9 1242.5 18 19 532-5 562.1 43 44 1272.1 1301.7 20 59L7 45 I33L3 21 22 621.3 650.8 46 47 1360.9 1390.4 23 24 680.4 710.0 48 49 1420 . o 1449.6 25 739 - 6 50 1479.2 LIQUID MEASURE. 99 U. S. FLUID OUNCES TO CUBIC CENTIMETERS. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. Fluid Ounces. Cubic Centimeters. 51 52 1508.8 I538-4 7 6 77 2248.4 2278.0 53 54 1567.9 1597-5 78 79 2307.5 2337.1 55 1627.1 80 2366.7 56 57 1656.7 1686.3 81 82 2396.3 2425.9 58 59 I7I5.9 1745-5 83 84 2455-5 2485.0 60 1775.0 85 2514 -6 61 62 1804.6 1834.2 86 87 2544.2 2573-. 8 63 1863.8 64 1893-4 88 89 2603.4 2633.0 65 1923.0 90 2662.6 66 67 1952.5 1982.1 91 92 2692.1 2721.7 68 69 20II.7 2041.3 93 94 275L3 2780.9 70 2070.9 95 2810.5 7i 72 2IOO.5 2130.0 96 97 2840.1 2869.6 73 74 2159-6 2189.2 98 99 2899.2 2928.8 75 2218.8 100 2958.4 IOO THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERS TO U. S. LIQUID QUARTS. Liters. Quarts. Liters. Quarts. I 2 1.056 2.II3 26 27 27.464 28.520 3 4 3.l6 9 4-225 28 29 29-577 30.633 5 5.282 30 31.689 6 7 6.338 7-394 31 32 32-745 33-802 8 9 8.450 9.507 33 34 34.858 35.9H 10 10.563 35 36.971 ii '12 11.619 12.676 36 37 38.027 39-083 13 14 13.732 14.788 38 39 40.140 41.196 15 15.844 40 42.252 16 17 16.901 17.957 4i 42 43.308 44065 18 19 19-013 20.070 43 44 45.421 46.477 20 21.126 45 47-534 21 22 22.182 23.239 46 47 48.590 49.646 23 24 24.295 25.351 48 49 50.703 5L759 25 26.408 50 52.815 LIQUID 1 01 LITERS TO U. S. LIQUID QUARTS. Liters. Quarts. Liters. Quarts. 51 53.872 7 6 80.279 52 54.928 77 81.335 53 55.984 78 S2.392 54 57.040 79 83.448 55 58.097 80 84-504 56 59-153 81 85.561 57 60 209 82 86.617 58 61.266 83 87.673 59 62.322 84 88.730 60 63.378 85 89.786 61 64^35 86 90.842 62 65.491 87 91.898 63 66.547 88 92.955 64 67.603 89 94.OII 65 68.660 90 95.067 66 69.716 91 96.124 67 70.772 92 97.180 68 71.829 93 98.236 69 72.885 94 99.293 70 73-941 95 100.349 7i 74.998 96 101.405 72 76.054 97 102.461 73 77.110 98 103.518 74 78.166 99 104.574 75 79.223 100 105.630 THE ItfETRIC SYSTEM. U. S. LIQUID QUARTS TO LITERS. Quarts. Liters. Quarts. Liters. I O.Q47 26 24.614 2, 1.893 27 25.561 3 2.840 28 26.508 4 3.787 29 27-454 5 4-733 30 28.401 6 5.680 31 29.348 7 6.627 32 30.294 8 7-574 33 31.241 9 8.520 34 32.188 10 9.467 35 33-134 ii 10.414 36 34.081 12 11.360 37 35-028 13 12.307 38 35-975 14 13.254 39 36.921 15 14.200 40 37.868 16 15.147 4i 38.815 17 16.094 42 39.761 18 17.041 43 40.708 19 17.987 44 | 41-655 20 18.934 45 42.601 21 19.881 46 43.548 22 20.827 47 44-495 23 21.774 48 45-442 24 22.721 49 46.388 25 23.667 50 47-335 LIQUID MEASURE. 103 U. S. LIQUID QUARTS TO LITERS. Quarts. Liters. Quarts. Liters. SI 52 48.282 49.228 7 6 77 71.949 72.896 53 54 50.175 51.122 78 79 73.842 74.789 55 52.068 80 75-736 56 57 53-015 53 962 81 82 76.683 77.629 58 59 54-908 55.855 83 84 78 576 79-523 60 56.802 85 80.469 61 62 57-749 58.695 86 81.416 87 82.363 63 64 59-642 60.589 88 89 83.309 84.256 65 61-535 90 85.203 66 67 62.482 63.429 91 86.150 92 87.096 68 69 64.375 65.322 93 88.043 94 88.990 70 66.269 95 89.936 7i 72 67.216 68.162 96 90.883 97 Qi .830 73 74 69.109 70.056 98 92.776 99 93-723 75 71.002 100 94.670 104 THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERS TO U. S. GALLONS. Liters. U. S. Gallons. Liters. U. S. Gallons. I 0.264 26 6.866 2 0.528 27 7.130 3 0.792 28 7-394 4 1.056 29 7658 5 1.320 30 7.922 6 1.584 31 8.186 7 1.849 32 8.451 8 2.II3 33 8-715 9 2-377 || 34 8 979 10 2.641 35 9.243 ii 2.905 36 9-507 12 3.169 37 9.771 *3 3-433 38 10 035 H 3-697 39 10.299 15 3.961 40 10,563 16 4225 4 1 10,827 17 4,489 42 11.091 18 4-753 43 H-355 ' 19 5.018 44 11.620 20 5.282 45 11.884 21 5.546 46 12.148 22 5.810 47 12.412 23 6.074 48 12.676 2 4 6.338 49 12.940 25 6.602 50 13.204 LIQUID MEASURE. LITERS TO U. S. GALLONS. Liters. U. S. Gallons. Liters. U. S. Gallons. SI 13.468 7 6 2O.O7O 52 13.732 77 20.334 53 13.996 78 20.598 54 14.260 79 20.862 55 14.524 80 21.126 56 14.788 81 21.390 57 15.053 82 21.655 58 15.317 83 21.919 59 15.581 84 22.183 60 15.845 85 22.447 61 16.109 86 22.711 62 16.373 87 22.975 63 16.637 88 23-239 64 16.901 89 23.503 65 17.165 90 23.767 66 17.429 9 1 24.031 67 17.693 92 24.295 68 17-957 93 24-559 69 18.222 94 24.824 70 18.486 95 25.088 7i 18.750 96 25.352 72 19.014 97 25.616 73 19.278 98 25.880 74 19.542 99 26.144 75 19.806 100 26.408 io6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. U. S. GALLONS TO LITERS. U.S. Gallons. Liters. U.S. Gallons. Liters. I 2 3-79 7-57 26 27 98.46 102.24 3 4 11.36 15-15 28 29 106.03 109.82 5 18.93 30 113.60 6 7 22.72 26.51 31 32 117-39 I2I.I8 8 9 30.29 34-08 33 34 124.96 128.75 10 37.87 35 132.54 ii 12 41.65 45-44 36 37 13632 140.11 13 14 49-23 53-02 38 39 143.90 147.68 15 56.80 40 I5L47 16 i? 60.59 64.38 4i 42 155.26 I59-05 18 19 68.16 71-95 43 44 162.83 166.62 20 75.74 45 170.41 21 22 79-52 83-31 46 47 174.19 177-98 23 24 87.10 90.88 48 49 181.77 185.55 25 94.67 50 189.34 LIQUID MEASURE. 107 U. S. GALLONS TO LITERS. U.S. Gallons. Liters. U.S. Gallons. Liters. 51 52 193.13 196.91 7 6 77 287.80 291.58 53 200. 70 78 295-37 54 204.49 79 299.16 55 208.27 80 302.94 56 212.06 81 306.73 57 215-85 82 310.52 58 219.63 83 3I4.30 59 223.42 84 318.09 60 227.21 85 321.88 61 230.99 86 325.66 62 234.78 87 32945 63 238.57 88 333-24 64 242.35 89 337-02 65 246.14 90 340.8i 66 249-93 9i 344.6o 67 253.71 92 348.38 68 257.50 93 352.17 69 261.29 94 355-96 70 265.08 95 359-75 7 1 268.86 96 363.53 72 272.65 97 367-32 73 276.44 98 371.11 / J 74 280.22 99 374.89 75 284.01 ICO 378.68 io8 THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERS TO BRITISH LIQUID QUARTS. Liters. British Quarts. Liters. British Quarts. I 0.88 26 22.90 2 1.76 27 23.78 3 2.64 28 24.67 4 3-52 2 9 25-55 5 440 30 2643 6 5.29 31 27.31 7 6.I 7 32 28.19 8 7-05 33 29.07 9 7-93 34 2995 10 8.81 35 30.83 ii 9.69 36 3L7I 12 10.57 37 32.59 13 11-45 38 33-47 14 12.33 39 34-36 15 13.21 40 35.24 16 14.09 4i 36.12 '7 14.98 42 37-00 18 15-86 43 37.88 19 16.74 44 38.76 20 17.62 45 39.64 21 18.50 46 40.52 22 19.38 47 41.40 23 20.26 48 42.28 24 21.14 49 43.16 25 22.02 50 44.04 LIQUID MEASURE. 109 LITERS TO BRITISH LIQUID QUARTS. Liters. British Quarts. Liters. British Quarts. 51 52 44-93 45.81 7 6 77 66.95 67.83 S3 46.69 78 68.71 54 47-57 79 69.59 55 48.45 80 70.47 56 49-33 81 7L35 57 50 21 82 72.23 58 51.09 83 73-11 59 51.97 84 74-00 60 52.85 85 74-88 61 53-73 86 75.76 62 54.62 87 76.64 63 55-50 88 77-52 64 56.38 89 78.40 65 57.26 90 79.28 66 58.14 9 1 80. 16 67 59.02 92 81.04 68 59-9 93 81.92 69 60.78 94 82.80 70 61.66 95 83.69 7i 62.54 96 84.57 72 63.42 97 85.45 73 64.31 98 86.33 74 65.19 99 87.21 75 66.07 100 88.09 no THE METRIC SYSTEM. BRITISH LIQUID QUARTS TO LITERS. British Quarts. Liters. British Quarts. Liters. I 1. 14 26 29.52 2 2.27 27 30.65 3 3-41 28 31-79 4 4-54 29 32.92 5 568 30 34.06 6 6.81 31 35.19 7 7-95 32 36.33 8 9.08 33 37.46 9 IO.22 34 38.60 10 11-35 35 39-73 ii 12.49 36 40.87 12 13.62 37 42.00 13 14.76 38 43-14 M 15.89 39 44.27 15 17.03 40 45-41 16 18.16 4 1 46.55 17 19.30 42 47.68 18 20.43 43 48.82 19 21-57 44 49-95 20 22.71 45 51.09 21 23.84 46 52.22 22 2498 47 53-36 23 26.11 48 54-49 24 27.25 49 55.63 25 2838 50 56.76 LIQUID MEASURE, III BRITISH LIQUID QUARTS TO LITERS. British Quarts. Liters. British Quarts. Liters. SI 57-QO 7 6 86.28 5 2 59-03 77 87.41 53 54 60.17 61.30 78 79 88.55 89.69 55 62.44 80 90.82 56 63.57 81 91.96 57 64.71 82 93-09 58 65.84 83 94.23 59 66.98 84 95.36 60 68.12 85 96.50 61 69.25 86 97.63 62 70.39 87 98.77 63 71-52 88 99.90 64 72.66 89 101.04 65 73-79 90 102.17 66 74-93 9 1 103.31 67 76.06 92 104.44 68 77.20 93 105.58 69 78.33 94 106.71 70 79-47 95 107.85 71 80.60 96 108.98 72 8i.74 97 1 10. 12 73 82.87 98 IH.25 74 84.01 99 112.39 75 85.14 100 H3-53 112 THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERS TO BRITISH GALLONS, Liters. British Gallons. Liters. British Gallons. I 0.220 26 5.726 2 0.440 27 5.946 3 0.661 28 6.166 4 0.881 29 6.386 5 I.IOI 30 6.607 6 I.32I 31 6.827 7 1-542 32 7.047 8 1.762 33 7.267 9 1.982 34 7.487 10 2.202 35 7.708 ii 2.422 36 7.928 12 2643 37 8.148 T 3 2.863 38 8.368 14 3.083 39 8.589 15 3.303 40 8.809 16 3.524 4i 9.029 17 3-744 42 9.249 18 3.9 6 4 43 9.469 19 4.184 44 9.690 20 4.404 45 9.910 21 4.625 46 10.130 22 4.845 47 10.350 23 5.065 48 10.571 24 5.285 49 10.791 25 5.505 50 II. Oil LIQUID MEASURE. LITERS TO BRITISH GALLONS, Liters. British Gallons. Liters. British Gallons. 51 11.231 7 6 16.737 52 11.451 16.957 53 11.672 78 17.177 54 11.892 / 79 17.397 55 12. 112 80 17.618 56 12.332 81 17-838 57 12.553 82 18.058 58 12.773 83 18.278 59 12.993 84 18.498 60 13-213 85 18.719 61 13-433 86 18.939 62 13 654 87 I9-I59 63 13.874 88 19.379 64 14.094 89 19.600 65 14.314 90 19.820 66 14-535 91 20.040 67 14-755 92 20.260 68 14.975 93 .20.480 69 15.195 94 20.701 70 15.415 95 20.921 71 15-636 96 21.141 72 15-856 97 21.361 73 16.076 98 21.582 74 16.296 99 21.802 75 16.516 100 22.O22 THE METRIC SYSTEM. BRITISH GALLONS TO LITERS. British Gallons. Liters. British Gallons. i Liters I 4-54 26 118.07 2 *<* 27 I22.6I 3 13 62 28 127.15 4 18.16 29 5 22.71 30 136.23 6 27.25 31 140.77 7 31-79 32 145-31 8 36.33 33 149.85 9 40.87 34 154-39 10 45 41 35 158.94 ii 49-95 36 163.48 12 5449 37 163.02 13 59-03 38 172.56 14 63.57 39 177.10 15 68.12 40 181.64 16 72.66 4 1 1 86.18 17 77-20 42 190.72 18 8i.74 43 195.26 19 86.28 44 199.80 20 90.82 45 204-35 21 95.36 46 208.89 22 99.90 47 213-43 23 104 44 48 217.97 2 4 108.98 49 222.51 25 H3-53 50 227.05 LIQUID MEASURE. BRITISH GALLONS TO LITERS. British Gallons. Liters. British Gallons. Liters. 51 52 23L59 236.13 7 6 77 345-12 349.66 53 54 240.67 245-21 78 79 354-20 358.74 55 249.76 8a 363-28 56 57 254.30 258.84 81 82 36782 372.36 58 59 263.38 267.93 83 84 376.90 381.45 60 272.46 85 385-99 61 62 277.00 281.54 86 87 39- 53 395-07 63 64 28608 290.63 88 89 399.61 404-15 65 295.17 90 408.69 66 67 299.71 304-25 9i 92 413-23 417.77 68 69 308.79 313.33 93 94 422.31 426.86 70 317.87 95 431-40 71 72 322.41 326.95 96 97 435-94 440.48 73 74 33i 49 336.04 98 99 445-02 449 56 75 340.58 100 454-10 n6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERS TO U. S. DRY QUARTS. Liters. Dry Quarts. Liters. Dry Quarts. I 2 O.QI 1.82 26 27 23.61 24.52 3 4 2.72 3.63 28 29 25-43 26.33 5 4-54 30 27.24 6 7 5-45 6.36 31 32 28.15 29 06 8 9 7.26 8.I 7 33 34 29.97 30.87 10 9.08 35 31.78 ii 12 9.99 10.90 36 37 32.69 33.60 13 14 ii. 81 12.71 38 39 34 51 35.42 15 13.62 40 36.32 16 17 14-53 15-44 4i 42 37-23 38.14 18 19 16.35 17-25 43 44 39-05 3996 20 18.16 45 40.86 21 22 1907 1998 46 47 4i 77 42.68 23 24 20 89 21.79 48 49 43-59 44-50 25 22.70 50 45-40 DRY MEASURE. 117 LITERS TO U. S. DRY QUARTS. Liters. Dry Quarts. Liters. Dry Quarts. 51 46.31 76 69.01 52 47.22 77 69.92 53 48.13 78 70.83 54 49.04 79 7L74 55 49-94 80 72.65 56 50.85 81 73.55 57 51.76 82 74.46 58 52.67 83 75-37 59 53.58 84 76.28 60 54.48 85 77.19 61 55-39 86 78.09 62 56.30 87 79.00 63 57-21 88 79.91 64 58.12 89 80 82 65 59. 3 90 8i.73 66 59-93 9 1 82.64 67 60.84 92 83.54 68 6i.75 93 84.45 69 62.66 94 85.36 70 63-57 95 86.27 71 64.47 96 87.18 72 65-38 97 88.08 73 66.29 98 88.99 74 67.20 99 89.90 75 68.11 100 90.81 n8 THE METRIC SYSTEM. U. S. DRY QUARTS TO LITERS. Dry Quarts. Liters. ! Dry Quarts. Liters. I I. TO 26 28.63 2 2.20 27 29-73 3 3-30 28 30.83 4 4.40 29 31-93 5 5-51 30 33-04 6 6.61 3i 34.14 7 7-71 32 35-24 8 8.8r 33 36.34 9 9.91 34 37-44 10 II. 01 35 38.4 n 12. II 36 39.64 12 13 21 37 40.74 13 14.32 38 41.85 14 15-42 39 42.95 15 16.52 40 44.05 16 17.62 4i 45.15 '7 18.72 42 46.25 18 19.82 43 47-35 19 20.92 44 48.45 20 22.02 45 49-55 21 23-13 46 50.66 22 24.23 47 51.76 23 25-33 48 52 86 2 4 2643 49 53- 9 6 25 27-53 50 55-oe DRY MEASURE. U. S. DRY QUARTS TO LITERS. Dry Quarts. Liters. Dry Quarts. Liters. 51 56.16 76 83.69 52 57.26 77 84.79 53 58.36 78 85.89 54 59-46 79 86.99 55 60.57 80 88.10 56 61.67 81 89.20 57 62.77 82 90.30 58 63.87 83 91.40 59 64.97 84 92.50 60 66.07 85 93.6o 61 67.17 86 94.70 62 68.27 87 95.80 63 69.38 88 9691 64 70.48 89 98.01 65 7i-58 90 99.11 66 72.68 9 1 IOO. 21 67 73.78 92 ioi 31 68 74-88 . 93 102.41 69 7593 94 103.51 70 77.08 95 I04.6I 7i 78.19 96 105.72 72 79.29 97 106.82 73 80.39 98 107.92 74 81.49 99 I09.O2 75 82.59 100 110.12 120 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CUBIC METERS (Steres) TO U. S. BUSHELS. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. I 2 28.4 56.8 26 27 737.8 766.2 3 4 85.1 "3-5 28 2 9 794-6 823.0 5 141.9 30 851.3 6 7 170.3 198.6 31 32 879.7 908 i 8 9 227.0 255-4 33 34 936.5 964.8 10 283.8 35 993-2 ii 12 312.2 340.5 36 37 I02I.6 1050.0 13 368.9 397-3 38 39 1078.3 1106.7 15 425.7 40 II35-I 16 17 454-0 482.4 42 1163.5 1191.9 18 19 510.8 539-2 43 44 1220.2 1248.6 20 567.6 45 1277.0 21 22 595-9 6243 46 47 1305.4 1333-7 23 24 652.7 681.1 48 49 1362 I 25 709.4 50 I4I8.9 DRY MEASURE. 121 CUBIC METERS (Steres) TO U. S. BUSHELS. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. 51 1447-3 76 2156.7 52 1475-6 77 2185.1 53 1504-0 78 2213.5 54 1532.4 79 2241.8 55 1560.8 80 2270.2 56 1589-1 81 2298.6 57 16*75 82 23270 58 1645 9 83 2355-3 59 1^74.3 84 2383.7 60 1702.7 85 2412.1 61 1731.0 86 2440. 5 62 1759-4 87 2468.9 63 17878 88 2497.2 64 1816.2 89 2525.6 65 1844.5 90 2554-0 66 18729 9i 2582.4 67 1901.3 92 2610.7 68 1929.7 93 2639.1 69 1958.1 94 2667.5 70 1986.4 95 2695.9 7i 2014 8 96 2724.2 72 2043.2 97 2752,6 73 207T.6 98 2781.0 74 20999 99 2809.4 75 2128.3 IOO 2837-8 122 THE METRIC SYSTEM. U. S. BUSHELS TO CUBIC METERS (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) I 2 0.0352 0.0705 26 27 0.9162 09515 3 4 0.1057 0.1410 28 29 0.9867 1.0219 5 0.1762 30 1.0572 6 7 O.21 14 0.2467 31 32 1.0924 1.1276 8 9 o 2819 03172 33 34 1.1629 1.1981 10 0.3524 35 1-2334 ii 12 0.3876 0.4229 36 37 1.2686 1.3038 13 14 o 4581 0.4933 38 39 I-339I 1-3743 15 0.5286 40 1.4096 16 17 0.5638 0.5991 4i 42 1.4448 1.4800 18 *9 0.6343 0.6695 43 44 I.5I53 1.5505 20 0.7048 45 1.5858 21 22 o 7400 0.7753 46 47 1.6210 1.6562 23 24 0.8 [05 0.8457 48 49 1.6915 1.7267 25 0.8810 50 1.7620 DRY MEASURE. I2 3 U. S. BUSHELS TO CUBIC METERS (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) Bushels. Cubic Meters (Steres.) 51 1.7972 7 6 2.6782 52 1.8324 77 2 7134 53 1.8677 78 2.7486 54 1.9029 79 2.7839 55 I.938I 80 2.8191 56 1-9734 81 2.8544 57 2.0086 82 2.8896 58 2.0439 83 2.9248 59 2.0791 84 2 9601 60 2.1143 85 2-9953 61 2.1496 86 3-0306 62 2.1848 87 3.0658 63 2.22OI 88 3.IOIO 64 2.2553 89 3.1363 65 2.2905 90 3.I7I5 66 2.3258 9i 3.2067 67 2.3610 92 3.2420 68 2.3963 93 3.2772 69 2.4315 94 3.3I25 70 2.4667 95 3-3477 7i 2.5O2O 96 3-3829 72 2.5372 97 3.4182 73 2.5724 98 3-4534 74 2.6077 99 3 4887 75 2.6429 100 3.5239 124 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAMMES TO GRAINS. Grammes. Grains. Grammes. Grains. I 15.432 26 401.241 2 30.865 27 416.673 3 46 297 28 432.106 4 61.729 2 9 447.538 5 77 162 30 462 970 6 9 2 -594 31 478.403 7 108.026 32 493.835 8 123-459 33 509.268 9 138.891 34 524.700 10 154-323 35 540.132 ii 169.756 36 555.565 12 185.188 37 570.997 J 3 200.621 38 586.429 14 216.053 39 601.862 15 231.485 40 617.294 16 246.918 4i 632.726 17 262.350 42 648.159 18 277-782 43 663.591 J 9 293.215 44 679.023 20 308.647 45 694.456 21 324.079 46 709.888 22 339 512 47 725.320 23 354.944 48 74^-753 24 370.376 49 756.185 25 385.809 50 771.617 MEASURES OF MASS. 125 GRAMMES TO GRAINS. Grammes. Grains. Grammes. Grains. 51 787-050 76 1172 859 52 802 482 77 1188.291 53 817.914 78 1203.723 54 833.347 79 1219.156 55 848.779 80 1234.588 56 864.212 81 1250.020 57 879.644 82 1265.453 58 895.076 83 1280.885 59 9rt>.5<-9 84 1296.317 60 925.941 85 I3ti.750 61 94L373 86 1327.182 62 956.806 87 1342.614 63 972.238 88 1358.047 64 987.670 89 1373.479 65 1003.103 90 1388.911 66 1018.535 91 1404.344 67 1033.967 92 1419.776 68 1049.400 93 1435.208 69 1064.832 94 1450.641 70 1080.264 95 1466.073 71 1095.697 96 1481.505 72 1111.129 97 1496.938 73 1126.561 98 1512.370 74 1141.994 99 1527-803 75 1157-426 100 1543.235 126 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAINS TO GRAMMES. Grains. Grammes. Grains. Grammes. I 2 0.0648 0.1296 26 27 1.6848 1.7496 3 4 0.1944 0.2592 28 29 1.8144 1.8792 5 0.3240 30 1.9440 6 7 0.3888 0.4536 31 32 2.0088 2.0736 8 9 0.5184 0.5832 33 34 2.1384 2.2032 10 0.6480 35 2.2680 ii 12 o 71*28 o 7776 36 37 2.3328 2 3976 13 14 o 8424 0.9072 38 39 2.4624 2.5272 15 0.9720 40 - 2.5920 16 i? 1.0368 1.1016 4i 42 2.6568 2.7216 18 19 1.1664 1.2312 43 44 2.7864 2.8512 20 1.2960 45 2.9160 21 22 1.3608 1.4256 46 47 2.9808 3.0456 23 24 1.4904 1.5552 48 49 3.II04 3.1752 25 1.6200 50 3.2400 MEASURES OF MASS. 127 GRAINS TO GRAMMES. Grains. Grammes. Grains. Grammes. 51 52 3-3047 3.3695 76 77 49247 4.9895 S3 3-4343 78 5-0543 54 3-499 1 79 5.1191 55 3 5639 80 5-1839 56 3-6287 81 5-2487 57 3-6935 82 ' 5.3135 58 3.7583 83 5-3783 59 3-8231 84 5-4431 60 3 8879 85 5 5079 61 3 9527 86 5-5727 62 40175 87 5-6375 63 4.0823 88 5 7023 64 4.1471 89 5-7671 65 4^2119 90 5-8319 66 4-2767 91 5-8967 67 4.3415 92 5.9615 68 4-4063 93 6.0263 69 4.4711 94 6.0911 70 4-5359 95 6.1559 7 1 4.6007 96 6.2207 72 ' 4-6655 97 6.2855 73 4.7303 98 6.3503 74 4.7951 99 6.4151 75 4.8599 100 6.4799 128 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAMMES TO AVOIRDUPOIS OUNCES. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. I 2 0.035274 0.070548 26 27 0.917122 0.952396 3 4 0.105822 0.141096 28 29 o 987670 1.022944 5 0.176370 30 1.058218 6 7 0.211644 0.246918 31 32 I 093492 1.128766 8 9 0.282192 0.317465 33 34 1.164040 1.199314 10 0.352739 35 1.234588 ii 12 0.388013 0.423287 36 37 1.269862 1.305136 13 14 0458561 o 493835 38 39 1.340410 1.375684 15 0.529109 40 1.410958 16 17 0.564383 0.599657 4i 42 i 446232 1.481505 18 19 0.634931 0.670205 43 44 1.516779 1-552053 20 0.705479 45 I-587327 21 22 0.740753 0.776027 46 47 1.622601 1.657875 23 24 0.811301 0.846575 48 49 1.693149 1.728423 25 0.881848 50 1.763697 MEASURES OF MASS. I2 9 GRAMMES TO AVOIRDUPOIS OUNCES. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. 51 1.798971 76 2.680819 52 1.834245 77 2.716093 53 1.869519 78 2.751367 54 1.904793 79 2.786641 55 1.940067 80 2.821915 56 I-97534I 81 2.857189 57 2.010615 82 2.892463 58 2.045889 83 2 927737 59 2.081162 84 2.963011 60 2.116436 85 2.998285 61 2.15171^ 86 3.033559 62 2.186984 87 3.068833 63 64 2.222258 2.257532 88 89 3.I04I07 3.I3938I 65 2.292806 90 3.174655 66 2.328080 91 3-209929 67 2.363354 92 3.245202 68 2.398628 93 3.280476 69 2.433902 94 3.315750 70 2.469176 95 3.351024 7i 2.504450 96 3.386298 72 2.539724 97 3421572 73 2.574998 98 3.456846 74 2.610272 99 3.492120 75 2.645545 100 3.527394 130 THE METRIC SYSTEM. AVOIRDUPOIS OUNCES TO GRAMMES. Ounces. Grammes. , Ounces. II Grammes. I 28.350 26 737.088 2 56.699 27 765.438 3 85-049 28 793 787 4 H3.398 29 822.137 5 141.748 30 850.486 6 170.097 31 878.836 7 198.447 32 907-185 8 226.796 33 935-535 9 255.146 +J+J 34 963-884 10 283.495 35 992.234 ii 3H.845 36 1020.583 12 340.194 37 1048.933 13 368.544 38 1077.283 14 396.894 39 1105.632 15 425.243 40 1133-982 16 453-593 4 1 1162.331 17 481.942 42 1190.681 18 510.292 43 1219.030 19 538.641 44 1247.380 20 566.991 45 1275.729 21 595-340 46 1304.079 22 623.690 47 1332 428 23 652.039 48 1360.778 24 680.389 49 1389-127 25 708.738 50 1417.477 MEASURES OF MASS. AVOIRDUPOIS OUNCES TO GRAMMES. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. 51 52 1445.827 1474.176 7 6 77 2154.565 2182.915 S3 54 1502.526 1530.875 78 79 2211.264 2239.614 55 1559.225 80 2267.963 56 57 1587.574 1615.924 81 82 2296.313 2324.662 58 59 1644.273 1672.623 83 84 2353.012 2381.361 60 1700.972 85 2409.711 61 62 1729.322 1757.671 86 87 2438.060 2466.410 63 64 1786.021 1814.371 88 89 2494.760 2523.109 65 1842 720 90 255L459 66 67 1871.070 1899.419 9i 92 2579.808 2608.158 68 69 1927.769 1956.118 93 94 2636.507 2664.857 70 1984.468 95 2693.206 7i 72 2012.817 2041.167 96 97 2721.556 2749 905 73 74 2069.516 2097.866 98 99 2778.255 2806.604 75 2126.215 100 2834.954 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAMS TO AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. I 2.205 26 57-320 2 4.409 27 59.525 3 6.614 28 61.729 4 8.818 2 9 63.934 5 11.023 30 66.139 6 13.228 3 1 68.343 7 15.432 32 70.548 8 17-637 33 72.752 9 19.842 34 74-957 10 22.046 35 77.162 ii 24.251 36 79.366 12 26.455 37 81.571 13 28.660 38 83.776 14 30.865 39 85.980 IS 33.069 40 88.185 16 35.274 4i 90.389 17 37-479 42 9 2 -594 18 39-683 43 94.799 19 41.888 44 97-003 20 44.092 45 99.208 21 46.297 46 101.413 22 48.502 47 103.617 23 24 50.706 52.911 48 49 105.822 108.026 25 55.116 50 110.231 MEASURES OF MASS. 133 KILOGRAMS TO AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. 51 52 112.436 114 640 7 6 77 167.551 169.756 53 54 116.845 119.050 78 79 171.960 174.165 55 121.254 80 176.370 56 57 123459 125.663 81 82 178.574 180.779 58 59 127.868 130073 83 84 182.984 185.188 60 132.277 85 187.393 61 62 134.482 136.687 86 87 189.597 191.802 63 64 138.891 141 096 88 89 194.007 196.211 65 143 300 90 198.416 66 67 145.505 147.710 9i 92 200.621 202.825 68 69 149.914 152.119 93 94 205.030 207 234 70 154.323 95 209.439 71 72 156.528 158.733 96 97 211.644 213.848 73 74 160.937 163.142 98 99 216.053 218.257 75 165.347 100 220.462 '34 THE METRIC SYSTEM. AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS. Pounds. Kilograms. i Pounds. Kilograms. I 2 0.4536 0.9072 26 27 11-7934 12.2470 3 4 1.3608 1.8144 28 29 12.7006 13.1542 5 2.268o 30 13.6078 6 7 2.7216 3.1752 31 32 14.0614 14.5150 8 9 3-6287 4.0823 33 34 14.9686 15.4222 10 4-5359 35 15.8758 ii 12 4.9895 5-4431 36 37 16.3293 16.7829 13 14 5.8967 6.3503 38 39 17.2365 17.6901 15 . 6.8039 40 18.1437 16 17 7.2575 7.7111 4i 42 18.5973 19-0509 18 19 8.1647 8.6183 43 44 I9-5045 19-9581 20 9.0719 45 20.4117 21 22 9.5255 9.9790 46 47 20.8653 21.3189 23 24 10.4326 10.8862 48 49 21.7725 22.2261 25 H.3398 50 22.6797 MEASURES OF MASS. 135 AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. 51 23.1332 76 34-4731 52 23.5868 - 77 34.9267 53 24.0404 78 35.3803 54 24.4940 79 35.8338 55 24.9476 80 36.2874 56 25.4012 81 36.7410 57 25.8548 82 37.1946 58 26.3084 83 37.6482 59 26.7620 84 38.1018 60 27.2156 85 38.5554 61 27.6692 86 39 0090 62 28.1228 87 39.4626 63 28.5764 88 39-9162 64 29.0300 89 40.3698 65 29.4835 90 40.8234 66 29.9371 91 41.2770 67 30.39 7 92 41.7306 68 30.8443 93 42.1841 69 31.2979 94 42.6377 70 3L75I5 95 43.0913 7i 32.2051 96 43-5449 72 32.6587 97 43.9985 73 33.1123 98 44.4521 74 33.5659 99 44.9 57 75 34.0195 100 45-3593 i 3 6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAMMES TO TROY OUNCES. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. I 2 0.0322 0.0643 26 27 0.8359 0.8681 3 4 0.0965 0.1286 28 29 0.9002 0.9324 5 o. 1608 30 0.9645 6 7 0.1929 0.2251 31 32 09967 1.0288 8 9 0.2572 0.2894 33 34 r.o6io 1.0931 10 0.3215 35 1-1253 ii 12 0-3537 0.3858 36 37 I- 1574 i 1896 13 14 0.4180 0.4501 38 39 1.2217 i 2539 IS 0.4823 40 1.2860- 16 17 0.5144 o 5466 4i 42 1-3182 1.3503 18 19 0.5787 0.6109 43 44 1.3825 1.4146 20 0.6430 45 1.4468 21 22 0.6752 0.7073 46 47 1.4789 1.5111 23 2 4 0-7395 0.7716 48 49 1-5432 1-5754 25 0.8038 50 1.6075 MEASURES OF MASS. 137 GRAMMES TO TROY OUNCES. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. 51 52 1.6397 1.6718 7 6 77 2 4435 2.4756 53 54 1.7040 1.7361 78 79 2.5078 2 5399 55 I 7683 80 2.5721 56 57 1 . 8004 1.8326 81 82 2.6042 2.6364 58 59 1.8647 1.8969 83 84 2 6685 2.7007 60 1.9290 85 2.7328 61 62 1.9612 1-9933 86 87 2.7650 2.7971 63 64 2.0255 2.0576 88 89 2 8293 2.8614 65 2.0898 90 2.8936 66 67 2.1219 2.1541 9i 92 2 9257 2-9579 68 69 2.1862 2.2184 93 94 2.9900 3.0222 70 2.2505 95 3-0543 7i 72 2.2827 2.3149 96 97 3 0665 3 1186 73 74 2 3470 2 3792 98 99 3.1508 3.1829 V5 2.4II3 100 3-2151 "38 THE METRIC SYSTEM. TROY OUNCES TO GRAMMES. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. I 2 31- 1 62.2 26 27 808.7 839-8 3 4 93-3 124.4 28 29 8709 902.0 5 155.5 30 933-1 6 7 186.6 217.7 31 32 964.2 995-3 8 9 248.8 279.9 33 34 1026.4 1057.5 10 3H.O 35 1088. 6 zi 12 342.1 373-2 36 37 1119.7 1150.8 13 14 404.4 435-5 38 39 1182.0 1213.1 15 466.6 40 1244.2 16 17 497-7 528.8 42 1275-3 1306.4 18 19 559-9 591-0 43 44 1337-5 1368.6 20 622.1 45 1399-7 21 22 653-2 684.3 46 47 1430.8 1461.9 23 24 715.4 746.5 48 49 1493-0 1524.1 25 777-6 50 1555-2 MEASURES OF MASS. 139 TROY OUNCES TO GRAMMES. Ounces. Grammes. Ounces. Grammes. 51 1586.3 7 6 2363 9 52 1617.4 77 2395.0 53 1648.5 78 2426.1 54 1679 6 79 2457-2 55 1710.7 80 2488.3 56 1741.8 81 25194 57 1772.9 82 2550.5 58 1804.0 83 2581 6 59 1835.1 84 2612.7 60 1866.2 85 2643.8 61 1897-3 86 2674.9 62 1928.4 87 2706.0 63 1959.6 88 2737,2 64 1990 7 89 27683 65 2021.8 90 2799.4 66 2052.9 91 2830.5 67 2084.0 92 2861 6 68 2II5-I 93 2892 7 69 2146.2 94 2923 8 70 2177-3 95 2954.9 7i 2208 4 96 2986.0 72 2239-5 97 3017.1 73 2270.6 98 3048 2 74 2301.7 99 3079-3 75 2332.8 100 3II0.4 140 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAMS TO TROY POUNDS. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. I 2.68 26 69.66 2 5-36 27 72.34 3 8.04 28 75.02 4 10.72 29 77.70 5 13.40 30 80.38 6 16 08 3i 83.06 7 18.75 32 85.74 8 21-43 33 88.41 9 24.11 34 91.09 10 26.79 35 93 77 ii 29.47 36 96.45 12 32.15 37 99 13 13 34.83 38 101.81 14 37-51 39 104.49 15 40.19 40 107.17 16 42.87 4i 109.85 17 45-55 42 112.53 18 48 23 43 115.21 19 50.91 44 117.89 20 53.58 45 120.57 21 56.26 46 123.24 22 58.94 47 125.92 23 61.62 48 128.60 24 64.30 49 131.28 25 66.98 50 133.96 MEASURES OF MASS. 141 KILOGRAMS TO TROY POUNDS. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. 51 136.64 7 6 203.62 52 I39-32 77 206.30 53 142.00 78 208.98 54 144.68 79 2it.66 55 147 36 80 214.34 56 15004 81 217.02 57 152.72 82 219.70 58 155-40 83 222.38 +J 59 158.07 84 225.06 60 160.75 85 227.73 61 163.43 86 230.41 62 i66.ii 87 233.09 63 168.79 88 235-77 64 I7L47 89 238.45 65 174.15 90 241.13 66 176.83 9i 243-81 67 179-51 92 246.49 68 182.19 93 249.17 69 184.87 94 251-85 70 187.55 95 254-53 7 1 190.23 96 257-21 72 192.90 97 259.89 73 195.58 98 262.56 74 198.26 99 265.24 75 200. 94 IOO 267.92 142 THE METRIC SYSTEM. TROY POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. I 0-373 26 9.704 2, 0.746 27 10.077 3 1. 120 28 10.451 4 1-493 2 9 10.824 5 1.866 30 11.197 6 2.239 3 1 11.570 7 2.613 32 11.944 8 2.986 33 12.317 9 3-359 34 12.690 10 3-732 35 13-063 ii 4.106 36 13-437 12 4-479 37 13.810 *3 4.852 38 14-183 14 5-225 39 14.556 15 5-599 40 14.930 16 5-972 4i 15.303 17 6-345 42 15-676 18 6.718 43 16.049 19 7.092 44 16.423 20 7-465 45 16.796 21 7-838 46 17.169 22 8. 211 47 17.542 23 8-585 48 17.916 24 8.958 49 18.289 25 9-331 50 18.662 MEASURES OF MASS. TROY POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS. Pounds. Kilograms. Pounds. Kilograms. 51 I9-035 76 28.366 52 19.408 / 77 28.739 53 19.782 78 29.113 54 20.155 79 29.486 55 20.528 80 29-859 56 2O.QOI 81 30.232 57 21.275 82 30.606 58 21.648 83 30.979 59 22.O2I 84 3L352 60 22.394 85 3L725 61 22.768 86 32.099 62 23.141 87 32.472 63 23 514 88 32-845 64 23.887 89 33-218 65 24.261 90 33.59 2 66 24.634 9 1 SS^S 67 25.007 92 34.338 68 25.380 93 34-711 69 25-754 94 35-085 70 26.127 95 35.458 7i 26.500 96 35.831 72 26.873 97 36.204 73 27.247 98 36.578 74 27 620 99 36.951 75 27-993 100 37.324 144 THE METRIC SYSTEM. MILLIERS TO SHORT TONS, Milliers. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) Milliers. Tons (of 2000 Ibs ; I 2 I.IO2 2.205 26 27 28.660 29 762 3 4 3-307 4.409 28 2 9 30.865 31-967 5 5-512 30 33.069 6 7 6.614 7.716 31 32 34.172 35.274 8 9 8.8l8 9.921 33 34 36.376 37-479 10 11.023 35 38.581 ii 12 12.125 13.223 36 37 39-683 40.785 13 J 4 14.330 15.432 38 39 41.888 42 990 15 16 535 40 44-092 16 17 17.637 18.739 4i 42 45.195 46.297 18 19 19.842 20.944 43 44 47-399 48.502 20 22.046 45 49.604 21 22 23.149 24.251 46 47 50.706 51.809 23 24 25-353 26.455 48 49 52.911 54-013 25 27.558 50 55-116 MEASURES OF MASS. MILLIERS TO SHORT TONS. Milliers. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) Milliers. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) 51 52 56.218 57.320 7 6 77 83.776 84.878 53 54 58.422 59-525 78 79 85.980 87-083 55 60.627 80 88.185 56 61.729 81 89.287 J 57 62.832 82 90.389 58 63.934 83 91.492 w 59 65.036 84 92.594 60 66.139 85 93-696 61 67.241 86 94-799 62 68.343 87 95.901 63 69.446 88 97.003 4 70.548 89 98.106 65 71-650 90 99.208 66 72.753 9 1 100.310 67 73.855 92 101.413 68 74-957 93 102.515 69 76.059 94 103.617 70 77.162 95 104.720 71 78.264 96 105.822 72 i 79.366 97 106.924 73 80.469 98 108.026 74. 81.571 99 109.129 75 82.673 100 110.231 146 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SHORT TONS TO MILLIERS. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) Tons Milhers. ( o f 2000 Ibs.) Milliers. I 2 0.907 1.814 26 27 24.494 3 4 2.722 3-629 28 29 25.401 26.309 5 4.536 30 27.216 6 7 5-443 6.350 31 32 28.123 29.030 8 9 7-258 8.165 33 34 29-937 30.844 10 9.072 35 3L752 ii 12 9-979 10.886 36 37 32.659 33-566 14 11-793 12.701 38 39 34-473 15 13.608 40 36.288 16 17 14.515 . 15.422 42 37.195 38.102 18 19 16.329 17.237 43 44 39.009 39.916 20 18.144 45 40.824 21 22 19.051 19-958 46 47 4L73I 42.638 23 24 20.865 21.773 48 49 43-545 44.452 25 22.680 1 50 45.360 MEASURES OF MASS. 147 SHORT TONS TO MILLIERS. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) Milliers. Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) Milliers. 51 52 46.267 47-174 76 77 68.946 69.854 53 54 48.081 48.988 78 79 70.761 71.668 55 49.895 80 72.575 56 57 50.803 51.710 81 82 73-482 74-39 58 59 52.617 53.524 83 84 75.297 76.204 60 54-431 85 77.111 61 62 55-339 56.246 86 87 78.018 78.926 63 64 57-153 58.060 88 89 79.833 80. 740 65 58.967 90 81.647 66 67 59-875 60.782 9i 92 82.554 83-461 68 69 61.689 62.596 93 94 84-369 85.276 70 63.503 95 86.183 71 72 64.410 65.318 96 97 87.090 87.997 73 74 66.225 67.132 98 99 88.905 89.812 75 68.039 100 90.719 148 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER TO POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. Kilograms per Square Meter. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter Pounds per Square Foot. I o 205 26 5.325 2 0.410 27 5-530 3 0.614 28 5-735 4 0.819 29 5.940 5 1.024 30 6.144 6 1.229 3 1 6-349 7 1-434 32 6-554 8 1.639 33 6-759 9 1.843 34 6.964 10 2.048 35 7.169 ii 2.253 36 7-373 12 2.458 37 7.578 13 2.663 38 7.783 14 2.867 39 7.988 IS 3-072 40 8.193 16 3-277 4 1 8.397 17 3.482 42 8.602 18 3.687 43 8.807 19 3.892 44 9.012 20 4.096 45 9.217 21 4.301 46 9.422 22 4-506 47 9.626 23 4.711 48 9-83I 24 4.916 49 10.036 25 5.120 50 10.241 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 149 KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER TO POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. Kilograms per Square Meter. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter. Pounds per Square Foot. 51 10.446 76 15.566 52 10.650 77 15.771 53 10.855 78 15.976 54 I I. 060 79 I6.I80 55 11.265 80 16.385 56 11.470 81 16.590 57 11.675 82 16.795 58 11.879 83 I7.OOO 59 12.084 84 17.205 60 12.289 85 17.409 61 12.494 86 17.614 62 12.699 87 17.819 63 12.903 88 18.024 64 13.108 89 18.229 65 13.313 90 18.433 66 13.518 91 18.638 67 13.723 92 18.843 68 13.927 93 19.048 69 14.132 94 I9-253 70 14-337 95 19.458 7 1 I4.542 96 19.662 72 14.747 97 19 867 73 14.952 98 20.072 74 15.156 99 20.277 75 I5.36I 100 20.482 - '5 THE METRIC SYSTEM. POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT TO KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter. I 4.88 26 126.94 2 9.76 27 131.82 3 14.65 28 136.71 4 19-53 2 9 I4L59 5 24.41 30 146.47 6 29.29 31 I5L35 7 34.18 32 156.24 8 39-6 33 161.12 9 43 94 34 166.00 10 48.82 35 170.88 ii 53-71 36 175-77 12 58.59 37 180.65 13 63.47 38 185.53 14 68.35 39 19041 15 73.24 40 195.30 16 78.12 4 1 20O 1 8 17 83.00 42 205.06 18 87.88 43 209.94 19 92.77 44 214.83 20 97.65 45 219.71 21 102.53 46 224.59 22 107.41 47 229.47 23 112.30 48 234.36 24 117.18 49 239.24 25 122.06 50 244.12 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. '5* POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT TO KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter. Pounds per Square Foot. Kilograms per Square Meter. 51 249.00 7 6 371.06 52 253-88 77 375-94 53 258.77 78 380.83 54 263.65 79 385.71 55 26S.53 80 390.59 56 273.41 81 395-47 57 278.30 82 400.36 58 283.18 83 405.24 59 288.06 84 410.12 60 292.94 85 415-00 61 297.83 86 419-89 62 302.71 87 424.77 63 307.59 88 429.65 64 312.47 89 434-53 65 317.36 90 439-42 66 322.24 9 1 444.30 67 327-12 92 449.18 68 332.00 93 454.06 69 336.89 94 458.95 70 Mi- 77 95 463-83 ?i 346.65 96 468.71 72 351-53 97 473-59 73 356.42 98 478.48 74 361.30 99 483.36 75 366.18 100 488.24 '52 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER TO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. Pounds per Square Inch. I 14.22 26 369.81 2 28.45 27 384-03 3 42.67 28 398.25 4 56.89 29 412.48 5 71.12 3 426.70 6 85.34 31 44092 7 99-56 32 455-15 8 H3-79 33 469.37 9 128.01 34 483 59 10 142.23 35 497-82 ii 156.46 36 512.04 12 170.68 37 526.26 13 184.90 38 540.49 14 199 13 39 554-71 15 213 35 40 568.93 16 227.57 4i 583-16 17 241.80 42 597.38 18 256.02 43 611.60 19 270.24 44 625.83 20 284.47 45 640.05 21 298.69 46 654.27 22 312 91 47 668.50 23 327.14 48 682.72 2 4 341.36 49 696.94 25 355.58 50 711.17 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 153 KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER TO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. Pounds per Square Inch. 51 725.39 76 1080 97 52 739.61 77 1095.20 53 753-84 78 1109.42 54 768.06 79 1123.64 55 782.28 80 1137.87 56 796.5I 81 1152.09 57 810.73 82 1166.31 58 824.95 83 1 1 80 54 59 839 18 84 1194 76 60 853-40 85 1208.98 61 867.62 86 1223.21 62 881.85 87 1237.43 63 896.07 88 1251.65 64 910 29 89 1265.88 65 924.52 90 1280.10 66 938.74 9 1 1294.32 67 952.96 92 1308 55 68 967.19 93 1322.77 69 981.41 94 1336 99 70 995-63 95 1351.22 7i 1009 86 96 1365-44 72 1024.08 97 1379.66 73 1038.30 98 1393 89 74 1052.53 99 1408.11 75 1066.75 IOO 1422.34 THE METRIC SYSTEM. POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH TO KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. I 2 0.0703 0.1406 26 27 I 8280 1.8983 3 4 0.2IOQ 0.2812 28 29 1.9686 2.0389 5 0.3515 30 2.1092 6 7 0.4218 0.4921 31 32 2.1795 2.2498 8 9 0.5625 0.6328 33 34 2.3201 2.3904 10 0.7031 35 2.4607 ii 12 0-7734 0-8437 36 37 2-53" 2.6014 13 14 o 9140 0.9843 38 39 2.6717 2.7420 15 1.0546 40 2.8123 16 '7 I.I249 I.I952 4i 42 2.8826 2.9529 18 19 1.2655 1.3358 43 44 3.0232 3-0935 20 I.406I 45 3-1638 21 22 1.4764 1.5468 46 47 3-2341 3-3044 23 24 I.6I7I 1.6874 48 49 3-3747 3 4450 25 1-7577 50 3-5154 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 155 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH TO KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter Pounds per Square Inch. Kilograms per Square Centimeter. 51 52 3.5857 3-6560 7 6 77 5-3433 5.4I36 53 54 3.7263 3.7966 78 79 5.4839 5-5543 55 3.8669 80 5.6246 56 57 3-9372 4-0075 81 82 5.6949 5.7652 58 59 4.0778 4.1481 83 84 5.8355 5.9 58 60 4.2184 85 5.9761 61 62 4.2887 4.3590 86 87 6.0464 6. 1167 63 64 4.4293 4 4996 88 89 6.1870 6.2573 65 45700 90 6.3276 66 67 4.6403 4.7106 9i 92 6.3979 6.4682 68 69 4.7809 4-8512 93 94 6.5386 6.6089 70 4-9215 95 6 6792 71 72 4.9918 5.0621 96 97 6-7495 6.8198 73 74 5-1324 5-2027 98 99 6.8901 6.9604 75 5.2730 too 7.0307 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAM=METERS TO FOOT=POUNDS. Kilogram- Meters. Foot-Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. Foot-Pounds. I 7 233 26 188.058 2 14.466 27 195.291 3 21.699 28 202.524 4 28.932 29 209.757 5 36 165 30 216.990 6 43.393 3 1 224.223 7 50.631 32 23L456 8 57-864 33 238.689 9 65.097 34 245.922 10 72.330 35 253.155 ii 79-563 36 260 388 12 86 796 37 267.621 13 94.029 38 274.854 14 101.262 39 282.087 15 108.495 40 289.320 16 115-728 4i 296.553 17 122.961 42 303.786 18 130.194 43 311.019 19 137-427 44 318.252 20 144.660 45 325-485 21 151-893 46 332.718 22 159.126 47 339-951 23 166.359 48 347.184 24 I73.59 2 49 354-417 25 180.825 50 361.650 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 157 KILOGRAM=METERS TO FOOT-POUNDS. Kilogram- Meters. Foot-Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. Foot-Pounds. 51 368.883 76 549.709 52 376.116 77 556.942 53 383.349 78 564.175 54 39 -582 79 571-408. 55 397.815 80 578.641 56 405.048 81 585.874 57 412.281 82 593.107 58 4T9.5I4 83 600.340 59 426.747 84 607.573 60 433.98o 85 614.806 61 441,213 86 622.039. 62 448.446 87 629.272 63 455.679 88 636.505 64 462.912 89 643.738 65 470.145 90 650.971 66 477-378 91 658.204 67 484.611 92 665.437 68 491.844 93 672.670 69 499.077 94 679.903 70 506.310 95 687.136 7i 513.543 96 694.369 72 520.777 97 701.602 73 528.010 98 708.835 74 535 243 99 716.068 75 542.476 100 723.301 '58 THE METRIC SYSTEM. FOOT=POUNDS TO KILOGRAM=METERS. Foot- Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. Foot- Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. I 2 0.13826 0.27651 26 27 3.59463 3 73289 3 4 0.41477 0.55302 28 2 9 3.87114 4.00940 5 0.69128 30 4.I4765 6 7 o 82953 o 96778 31 32 4.28591 4.42416 8 9 I. 10604 1.24429 33 34 4-56242 4.70067 10 1.38255 35 4.83893 XI 12 1.52081 1.65906 36 37 4.97728 5-1*544 13 14 1.79732 i 93557 38 39 5-25369 5.39195 15 2 07383 40 5-53020 16 17 2.21208 2 35034 4i 42 5.66846 5 80671 18 19 2.48859 2.62685 43 44 5 94497 6 08322 20 2.76510 45 6.22148 21 22 2.90336 3 04161 46 47 6-35973 6.49799 23 24 3.17987 3-31812 48 49 6.63624 6.77450 25 3.45638 50 6.91276 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. FOOT-POUNDS TO KILOQRAM=METERS. Foot- Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. Foot- Pounds. Kilogram- Meters. 51 7.05IOI 76 10.50739 52 7.18927 77 10.64564 53 7.32752 78 10.78390 54 7.46578 79 10.92215 55 7-60403 80 11.06041 56 7.74229 ' 81 11.19866 57 7.88054 82 11.33692 58 8.01880 83 H.475I7 59 8.15705 84 11.61343 60 8.29531 85 11.75168 61 8.43356 86 11.88994 62 8.57182 87 12.02819 63 8.71007 88 12.16645 64 8.84833 89 12.30470 65 8.98658 90 12.44296 66 9.12484 91 12.58121 67 9.26309 92 12.71947 68 9.40135 93 12.85772 69 9.53960 94 12.99598 70 9.67786 95 13.13423 71 9.81611 96 13.27249 72 9-95437 97 13.41074 73 10.09262 98 13.54900 74 10.23088 99 13-68725 75 10.36913 100 13-82551 i6o THE METRIC SYSTEM. CALORIES TO BRITISH HEAT UNITS. Calories. British Heat Units. Calories. British Heat Units. I 2 3-97 7-94 26 27 103.18 107.14 3 4 11.90 15-87 28 29 III. II 115.08 5 19.84 30 H9.05 6 7 23-81 27.78 31 32 123.02 126.99 8 9 31-75 35-71 33 34 130.95 134.92 10 39-68 35 138.89 ii 12 43.65 47.62 36 37 142.86 146.83 13 14 5L59 55.56 38 39 I50.8o 154.76 15 59-52 40 158.73 16 17 63-49 67.46 4i 42 162.70 166.67 18 19 71-43 75-40 43 44 170.64 174.61 20 79-37 45 178.57 21 22 83.33 87-30 46 47 182.54 186.51 23 24 91.27 95 24 48 49 190.48 194-45 25 9921 50 198.42 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 161 CALORIES TO BRITISH HEAT UNITS. Calories. British Heat Units. Calories. British Heat Units. 51 202.38 76 301.59 52 206.35 / 77 305.56 53 2to.32 78 309.53 54 214.29 79 3I3.0 55 218.26 80 317.47 56 222.23 81 321.43 57 226.19 82 325.40 58 230.16 83 329.37 59 234.13 84 333-34 60 238.10 85 337-31 61 242.07 86 34L28 62 246.04 87 345.24 63 250.00 88 349-21 64 253-97 89 353-18 65 257-94 90 357-15 66 261.91 9 1 361.12 67 265.88 92 365-09 68 269.85 93 36905 69 273-81 94 373-02 70 277.78 95 376.99 71 281.75 96 380.96 72 285.72 97 384.93 73 289.69 98 388.90 74 293.66 99 392.86 75 297.62 100 396.83 162 THE METRIC SYSTEM. BRITISH HEAT UNITS TO CALORIES. British Heat Units. Calories. British Heat Units. Calories. I 0.252 26 6.552 2 0.504 27 6.804 3 0.756 28 7.056 4 1.008 29 7.308 5 1.260 30 7.560 6 I.5I2 31 7.812 7 1.764 32 8.064 8 2.016 33 8.316 9 2.268 34 8.568 10 2.520 35 8.820 ii 2.772 36 9.072 12 3.024 37 9.324 13 3 276 38 9-576 14 3-528 39 9.828 15 3.780 40 10.080 16 4.032 4i 10.332 17 4.284 42 10.584 18 4-536 43 . 10.836 19 4.788 44 11.088 20 5-040 45 11.340 21 5-292 46 11.592 22 5-544 47 11.844 23 5.796 48 12.096 24 6.048 49 12.348 25 6.300 50 12.600 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 163 BRITISH HEAT UNITS TO CALORIES. British Heat Units, Calories. British Heat Units. Calories. 51 12.852 7 6 19-152 52 13-104 77 19.404 53 13.356 78 19.656 54 13.608 79 19.908 55 13.860 80 20.160 56 14.112 81 20.412 57 14.364 82 20.664 58 59 14.616 14.868 83 84 20.916 21.168 60 15.120 85 21.420 61 15.372 86 21.672 62 15-624 21.924 63 15-876 *88 22.176 64 16.128 89 22.428 65 16.380 90 22.680 66 16.632 91 22.932 67 16.884 92 23-184 68 17.136 93 23.436 69 17.388 94 23.688 70 17.640 95 23.940 71 17.892 96 24.192 72 18.144 97 24.444 73 18.396 98 24.696 74 18.648 99 24.948 75 18.900 zoo 25.200 164 THE METRIC SYSTEM. CALORIES TO FOOT POUNDS. Calories. Foot Pounds. Calories. Foot Pounds. I 2 3,091. 6,183. 26 27 80,375. 83,467. 3 4 9.274- 12,365- 28 29 86,558. 89,649. 5 15,457- 30 92,741. 6 7 18,548. 21,640. 31 32 95.832. 98,924. 8 9 24,731. 27,822. 33 34 102,015. 105,106. 10 30,914. 35 108,198. ii 12 34,005. 37,096^ 36 37 111,289. 114,380. 13 14 40,188. 43,279- 38 39 117,472. 120,563. 15 46,370. 40 123,654. 16 17 49,462. 52,553. 4i 42 126,746. 129,837. 18 19 55,644. 53,736. 43 44 132,928. 136,020. 20 61,827. 45 139,111. 21 22 64,919. 68,010. 46 47 142,203. 145,294. 23 24 71,101. 74,193- 48 49 148,385. 151,477. 25 77,284. 50 154,568. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. CALORIES TO FOOT-POUNDS. Calories. Foot-Pounds. Calories. Foot-Pounds. 51 157,659. 76 234,943. 52 160,751. 77 238,035. 53 163,842. 78 241,126. 54 166,933. 79 244,217. 55 170,025. 80 247,309. 56 173,116. 81 250,400. 57 176,208. 82 253,492. 58 179,299. 83 256,583. 59 182,390. 84 259,674. 60 185,482. 85 262,766. 61 188,573. 86 265,857. 62 191,664. 87 268,948. 63 194,756. 88 272,040. 64 197,847. 89 ^ 275,131. 65 200,938. 90 * 278,222. 66 204,030. 9 1 281,314. 67 207,121. 92 284,405. 68 2IO.2I2. 93 287,496. 69 213,304. 94 290,588. 70 2l6,395. 95 293,679. 7i 219,487. 96 296,771. 72 222 578. 97 299,862. 73 74 225,669. 228,761. 98 99 302,953. 306,045. 75 231,852. [00 309,136. i66 THE METRIC SYSTEM. FOOT-POUNDS TO CALORIES. Foot- Pounds. Calories. Foot- : Pounds. Calories. I .000 323 26 .008 410 2 .000 647 27 .008 734 3 .000 970 28 .009 057 4 .ool 294 29 .009 381 5 .001 617 30 .009 704 6 .001 941 31 .010 028 7 .002 264 32 .010 351 8 .002 588 33 .010 675 9 .002 911 34 .010 998 10 .003 235 35 .on 322 ii .003 558 36 .on 645 12 .003 882 37 .on 969 J 3 .004 205 38 .012 292 14 .OO4 529 39 .012 616 15 .004 852 40 .012 939 16 .005 176 4i .013 263 17 .005 499 42 .013 586 18 .005 823 43 .013 910 19 .006 146 44 .014 233 20 .006 470 45 014557 21 .006 793 46 .014 880 22 .007 117 47 .015 204 23 .007 440 48 .015 527 2 4 .007 764 49 .015 851 25 .008 087 50 .016 174 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. I6 7 FOOT=POUNDS TO CALORIES. Foot- Pounds. Calories. Foot- Pounds. Calories. 51 .016 497 76 .024 584 %J 52 .016 821 77 .024 908 53 .017 144 78 .025 231 54 .017 468 79 025 555 55 .017 791 80 .025 878 56 .018 115 8z .026 202 *J 57 .018 438 82 .026 525 58 .018 762 83 .026 849 59 .019 085 84 .027 172 60 .019 409 85 .027 496 61 .019 732 86 .027 819 62 .020 056 87 .028 143 63 .020 379 88 .028 466 64 .020 703 89 .028 790 65 .021 026 90 .029 IT3 66 .021 350 9i .029 437 67 .021 673 92 .029 760 68 .021 997 93 .030 084 69 .022 320 94 .030 407 70 .022 644 95 .030 731 7i .022 967 96 .031 054 72 .023 291 97 .031 378 73 .023 614 98 .031 701 74 .023 938 99 .032 025 75 .024 26l 100 .032 348 i68 THE METRIC SYSTEM. FORCES DE CHEVAUX TO HORSE=POWER. Forces de Chevaux. Horse-power. Forces de Chevaux. Horse-power. I 2 O.g86 1-973 26 27 25-644 26.631 3 4 2-959 3-945 28 29 27.617 28.603 5 4.932 30 29.590 6 7 5.918 6.904 31 32 30.576 31 562 8 9 7.891 8.877 33 34 32.549 33-535 10 9863 35 34-521 ii 12 10.850 11.836 36 37 35.508 36.494 13 14 12.822 13 808 38 39 37.480 38.466 15 14-795 40 39-453 16 17 15.781 16.767 4i 42 40.439 41-425 18 19 17-754 18.740 43 44 42.412 43.398 20 19.726 45 44.384 21 22 20.713 21.699 46 47 45.371 46.357 23 24 22.685 23.672 48 49 47-343 48.330 25 24.658 50 49.316 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 169 FORCES DE CHEVAUX TO HORSE=POWER. Forces de Chevaux. Horse-power. Forces de Chevaux. Horse-power. 51 50.302 76 74-960 52 51.289 77 75-947 53 52.275 78 76.933 54 53.261 79 77.919 55 54.248 80 78.906 56 55-234 81 79.892 57 56.220 82 80.878 58 57-207 83 81.865 59 58.193 84 82.851 60 59-179 85 83-837 61 60.166 86 84.824 62 61.152 87 85.810 63 62.138 88 86.796 64 63.124 89 87.782 65 64.111 90 88.769 66 65.097 9 1 89-755 67 66.083 92 90. 741 68 67.070 93 91.728 69 68.056 94 92.714 70 69.042 95 93-700 71 70.029 96 194.687 72 71.015 97 95 673 73 72.001 98 96.659 74 72.988 99 97.646 75 73-974 IOO 98.632 170 THE METRIC SYSTEM. HORSE=POWER TO FORCES DE CHEVAUX. Horse- power. Forces de Chevaux. Horse- power. Forces de Chevaux. I I.OI4 26 26.361 2 2.028 27 27.374 3 3.042 28 28.388 4 4-055 29 29 402 5 5.069 30 30.416 6 6.083 3 1 3I-430 7 7.097 32 32.444 8 8.HI 33 33458 9 9-125 34 34-472 10 10.139 35 35.485 ii H.I53 36 36.499 12 12.166 37 37.513 13 13.180 38 38.527 14 14.194 39 39 54i 15 15.208 40 40.555 16 16.222 4 1 41.569 17 17-236 42 42.583 18 18.250 43 43.596 19 19.264 44 44.610 20 20.277 45 45-624 21 21.291 46 46.638 22 22.305 47 47-652 23 23.319 48 48.666 24 24333 49 49.680 25 25.347 50 50.694 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 171 HORSE=POWER TO FORCES DE CHEVAUX. Horse- Power. Forces de Chevaux. Horse- Power. Forces de Chevaux. 51 5L707 76 77-054 52 52.721 77 78.068 53 53-735 78 79.082 54 54-749 79 80.096 55 55.763 80 8i.no 56 56.777 81 82.123 57 57-791 82 83.137 58 58.804 83 84.151 59 59-818 84 85.165 60 60.832 85 86.179 61 61.846 86 87.193 62 62.860 87 88.207 63 63.874 88 89.221 64 64.888 89 90.234 65 65.902 90 91.248 66 66.915 9i 92.262 67 67.929 92 93-276 68 68.943 93 94.290 69 69-957 94 95.304 70 70.971 95 96.318 7i 71-985 96 97-332 72 72-999 97 98.345 73 74-013 98 99-359 74 75.026 99 100.373 75 76.040 100 101.387 172 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAMMES IN A CUBIC CENTIMETER TO OUNCES IN A CUBIC INCH. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a i r* ra mme. s Cubic Inch. ! ma Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. I 2 0.578 1.156 26 27 15-029 15-607 3 4 1-734 2.312 28 29 16.185 16.763 5 2.890 30 I7-34I 6 7 3468 4.046 3i 32 77.919 18.497 8 9 4.624 5 202 33 34 I9-075 19 653 10 5.780 35 20.231 ii 12 6.358 36 6.936 37 20.809 21.387 13 14 7.515 38 8.093 39 21.966 22.544 15 8.671 40 23.122 16 17 9.249 41 9-827 42 23.700 24.278 18 19 10.405 10.983 43 44 24-856 25.434 20 11.561 45 26.012 21 22 23 24 12.139 12.717 13-295 13-873' 46 47 48 49 26.590 27.168 27 746 28.324 25 14-451 50 28.902 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 173 GRAMMES IN A CUBIC CENTIMETER TO OUNCES IN A CUBIC INCH. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. 51 52 29.480 30.058 7 6 77 43-931 44.509 53 54 30.636 3L2I4 78 79 45.087 45.665 55 31.792 80 46.243 56 57 32 370 32.948 81 82 46.821 47-399 58 59 33.526 34-104 83 84 47-977 48.555 60 34.682 85 49-133 6z 62 35.260 35.838 86 87 49.711 50.289 63 64 36.417 36.995 88 89 50.868 51.446 65 37-573 90 52.024 66 67 38.151 38.729 9i 92 52.602 53.i8o 68 69 39.307 39.885 93 94 53.758 54.336 70 40.463 95 54.9U 71 72 41.041 41.619 96 97 55.492 56.070 73 74 42.197 42-775 98 99 56648 57-226 75 43-353 100 57.804 174 THE METRIC SYSTEM. OUNCES IN A CUBIC INCH TO GRAMMES IN A CUBIC CENTIMETER. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. I 1.730 26 44.980 2 3.460 27 46.710 3 5.IQO 28 48.440 4 6.920 2 9 50.1/0 5 8.650 30 5L900 6 10.380 31 53.630 7 12. IIO 32 55-360 8 13-840 33 57.090 9 . 15.570 34 58.820 10 17-300 35 60.550 ii 19.030 I 36 62.280 12 20.760 37 64.010 13 22.490 38 65.740 14 24.220 39 67.470 15 25.950 40 69.200 16 27.680 4 1 70.930 17 29.410 42 72.660 18 3LI40 43 74-39 19 32.870 44 76.120 20 34-600 45 77.850 . 21 36.330 46 79.580 22 38.060 47 81.310 23 39.790 48 83.040 24 4L520 49 84.770 25 43.250 50 86.500 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 175 OUNCES IN A CUBIC INCH TO GRAMMES IN A CUBIC CENTIMETER. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. Ounces in a Cubic Inch. Grammes in a Cubic Centimeter. 51 88.229 76 I3L479 52 89959 77 133.209 53 91.689 78 134939 54 93.419 79 136.669 55 95-149 80 138.399 56 96.879 81 140.129 57 98.609 82 141.859 58 100.339 83 143.589 59 102.069 84 145.319 60 103.799 85 147.049 61 105.529 86 148.779 62 107.259 87 150.509 63 108.989 88 152.239 64 110.719 89 153.969 65 112.449 90 155.699 66 114.179 9i 157.429 67 115.909 92 r59-I59 68 117.639 93 160.889 69 II9-369 94 162.619 70 121.099 95 164.349 7i 122.829 96 166.079 72 124.559 97 167.809 73 126.289 98 169.539 74 128.019 99 171.269 75 129.749 100 172.999 i 7 6 THE METRIC SYSTEM. KILOGRAMS IN A CUBIC METER TO POUNDS IN A CUBIC FOOT. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Kilograms Cubic Foot. m a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. I 0.0624 26 1.6231 2 0.1249 27 1.6856 3 0.1873 28 1.7480 4 0.2497 29 1.8104 5 0.3I2I 30 1.8728 6 0.3746 31 1-9353 7 0.4370 32 1.9977 8 0.4994 33 2.0601 9 0.5619 34 2.1226 10 0.6243 35 2.1850 ii 0.6867 36 2.2474 12 0.7491 37 2.3098 13 0.8116 38 2.3723 14 o. 8740 39 2-4347 15 0.9364 40 2.4971 16 0.9988 4i 2.5595 17 1.0613 42 2.6220 18 1.1237 43 2.6844 19 1.1861 44 2.7468 20 1.2486 45 2.8093 21 1.3110 46 2.8717 22 1-3734 47 2 9341 23 1.4358 48 2.9965 24 1.4983 49 3.059 25 I 5607 50 3.I2I4 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 177 KILOGRAMS IN A CUBIC METER TO POUNDS IN A CUBIC FOOT. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. 51 3.1838 76 4-7445 52 3-2463 77 4.8070 53 3.3087 78 4.8694 54 3-37II 79 4.9318 55 3-4335 80 4-9942 56 3.4960 81 5-0567 57 3.5584 82 5.1191 58 3.6208 83 5.I8I5 59 3-6833 84 5.2440 60 3-7457 85 5-3064 61 3.8081 86 5.3688 62 3-8705 87 5.4312 63 3-9330 88 5-4937 64 3-9954 89 5.5561 65 4.0578 90 5-6185 66 4.1202 9i 5.6809 67 4.1827 92 5-7434 68 4.2451 93 5-8058 69 4.3075 94 5.8682 70 4.3700 95 5.9307 71 4.4324 96 5-9931 72 4.4948 97 6.0555 73 4-5572 98 6.1179 74 4-6197 99 6.1804 75 4.6821 100 6.2428 I 7 8 THE METRIC SYSTEM. POUNDS IN A CUBIC FOOT TO KILOGRAMS IN A CUBIC METER. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. I 16.02 26 416.48 2 32.04 27 432.50 3 48.06 28 448.52 4 64.07 29 464.54 5 80.09 30 480. 56 6 96.11 31 496.57 7 H2.I3 32 512-59 8 128.15 33 528.61 9 144.17 34 544.63 10 160.18 35 560.65 ii 176.20 36 576.67 12 192.22 37 592.68 13 208.24 38 608.70 14 224.26 39 624.72 15 240.28 40 640.74 16 256.30 4i 656.76 17 272.31 42 672.78 18 288.33 43 688.80 19 304.35 44 704.81 20 320.37 45 720.83 21 336.39 46 736.85 22 352.41 47 752.87 23 368.43 48 768.89 24 384-44 49 784.91 25 400.46 50 800.92 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 179 POUNDS IN A CUBIC FOOT TO KILOGRAMS IN A CUBIC METER. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. Pounds in a Cubic Foot. Kilograms in a Cubic Meter. 51 816.94 76 1217.41 52 832.96 77 1233.42 53 848.98 78 1249.44 54 865.00 79 1265.46 55 881.02 80 1281.48 56 897.04 81 1297.50 57 913.05 82 1313.52 58 929.07 83 1329.54 59 945.09 84 1345.55 60 961.11 85 I36I.57 61 977-13 86 1377.59 62 993-15 87 1393.61 63 1009.17 88 1409.63 64 1025.18 89 1425-65 65 1041.20 90 1441.66 66 1057.22 9 1 1457-68 67 1073.24 92 1473.70 68 1089.26 93 1489.72 69 1105.28 94 1505.74 70 1121.30 95 1521.76 ?i H37.3I 96 1537.78 72 1153-33 97 1553-79 73 1169.35 98 1569.81 74 H85.37 99 1585.83 75 I2OI.39 xoo 1601.85 i8o THE METRIC SYSTEM. MILLIERS IN A CUBIC METER TO SHORT TONS IN A CUBIC YARD. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard I 2 0.843 1.686 26 27 21.912 22.755 3 4 2.528 3-371 28 29 23.598 24.441 5 4 214 30 25283 6 7 5-057 5.899 31 32 26.126 26.969 8 9 6.742 7,585 33 34 27.812 28.654 10 8.428 35 29.497 ii 12 9.271 10.113 36 37 30 340 31-183 13 14 10.956 n.799 38 39 32.026 32.868 15 12.642 40 33-711 16 *7 13.484 14-327 4i 42 34-554 35-397 18 19 15.170 16.013 43 44 36 239 37-082 20 16.856 45 37.9 2 5 21 22 17.698 18.541 46 47 38.768 39611 23 24 19-384 20.227 48 49 40-453 41.296 25 21.069 50 42.139 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 181 MILLIERS IN A CUBIC METER TO SHORT TONS IN A CUBIC YARD. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. 51 42.982 76 64.051 52 43.824 77 64.894 53 44.667 78 65.737 54 45-Sio 79 66.579 55 46353 80 67.422 56 47.196 81 68.265 57 48.038 82 69.108 58 48.881 83 69.951 59 49.724 84 - 70.793 60 50.567 85 71.636 61 51 409 86 72.479 62 52.252 87 73 322 63 53.095 88 74.164 64 53-933 89 75-007 65 54.78i 90 75.850 66 55-623 9 1 76.693 67 56.466 92 77.536 68 57 309 93 78.378 69 58.152 94 79.221 70 58.994 95 80.064 71 59-837 96 80.907 72 60.680 97 81.749 73 61.523 98 82.592 74 62.366 99 83435 75 63 208 100 84.278 182 THE METRIC SYSTEM. SHORT TONS IN A CUBIC YARD TO MILLIERS IN A CUBIC METER. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard Milliers in a Cubic Meter. I 1.187 26 30-850 2 2-373 27 32.037 3 3.560 28 33.223 4 4.746 29 34.410 5 5-933 30 35 597 6 7.II9 31 36.783 7 8.306 32 37-970 8 9.492 33 39- 1*56 9 10.679 34 40.343 10 11.866 35 41-529 ii 13 052 36 42 716 12 14.239 37 43 902 13 15-425 38 45.089 14 16.612 39 46.275 15 17.798 40 47.462 16 18.985 4i 48 649 17 20.171 42 49-835 18 21.358 43 51.022 19 22.544 44 52.208 20 23.731 45 53-395 21 24.918 46 54.58i 22 26.104 47 55.768 23 27.291 48 56.954 24 28.477 49 58.141 25 29.664 50 59-328 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 183 SHORT TONS IN A CUBIC YARD TO MILLIERS IN A CUBIC METER. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. Short Tons in a Cubic Yard. Milliers in a Cubic Meter. 51 60.514 76 90 178 52 61.701 77 91.364 53 62.887 78 92.551 54 64.074 79 93-737 55 65.260 80 94 924 56 66.447 81 96.111 57 67.633 82 97.297 58 68.820 83 98.484 59 70.006 84 99.670 60 7LI93 85 100.857 61 72.380 86 102.043 62 73.566 87 103.230 63 74-753 88 104.416 64 75939 89 105.603 65 77.126 90 106.790 66 78.312 91 107.976 67 79-499 92 109.163 68 80.685 93 110.349 69 81.872 94 in.536 70 83.058 95 112.722 71 84-245 96 113-909 72 85.432 97 H5.095 73 86.618 98 116 282 74 87-805 99 117.468 75 88.991 100 118.655 184 THE METRIC SYSTEM. MILLIGRAMS IN A LITER TO GRAINS IN A U. S. GALLON. Milligrams in a Liter. Grains in a Milligrams U. S. Gallon. in a Liter. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. I 0.058 26 I.5I9 2 0.117 27 1.578 3 0.175 28 1.636 4 0.234 29 1.695 5 0.292 30 1-753 6 0.351 31 1.812 7 0.409 32 1.870 8 0.468 33 1.929 9 0.526 34 1.987 10 0.584 35 2.045 ii 0.643 36 2.104 12 0.701 37 2.162 13 0.760 38 2.221 14 0.818 39 2.279 15 0.877 40 2.338 16 0-935 4i 2.396 17 0-993 42 2-454 18 1.052 43 2.513 19 1. 110 44 2.571 20 1.169 45 2.630 21 1.227 46 2.688 22 1.286 47 2.747 23 1.344 48 2.805 24 1.403 49 2.864 25 1.461 50 2.922 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 85 MILLIGRAMS IN A LITER TO GRAINS IN A U. S. GALLON. Milligrams in a Liter. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. Milligrams in a Liter. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. 51 2.980 7 6 4.441 52 3-039 77 ' 4-500 53 54 3-097 3.156 78 79 4-558 4.617 55 3.214 80 4675 56 3-273 81 4-734 57 3-331 82 4.792 58 3.390 83 4.851 59 3-448 84 4 99 60 3.506 85 4.967 61 3.565 86 5.026 62 3-623 87 5.084 63 3.682 88 5 143 64 3-740 89 5 201 65 3-799 90 5.260 66 3.857 91 5.318 67 3.915 92 5.376 68 3-974 93 5-435 69 4-032 94 5-493 70 4.091 95 5-552 7 1 4.149 96 5.610 72 4.208 97 5.669 73 4.266 98 5.727 74 4.325 99 5.786 75 4-383 IOO | 5.844 i86 THE METRIC SYSTEM. GRAINS IN A U. S. GALLON TO MILLIGRAMS IN A LITER. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. Milligrams in a Liter. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. Milligrams in a Liter. I 2 I7.I -34.2 26 27 444-9 462.0 3 4 51.3 68.4 28 29 479-1 496.2 5 85.6 30 513.4 6 7 102.7 119.8 31 32 530.5 5476 8 9 136.9 154.0 33 34 564-7 581.8 10 I7I.I 35 598.9 ii 12 188.2 205.3 36 37 616.0 633.1 13 14 222.5 239-6 38 39 6503 667.4 15 256.7 40 684.5 16 17 273.8 290.9 4i 42 701.6 718.7 18 19 308.0 325.1 43 44 735-8 752.9 20 342.2 45 770.0 21 22 359.4 376.5 46 47 787.2 804.3 23 24 393 6 410.7 48 49 821.4 838.5 25 427.8 50 855-6 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. I8 7 GRAINS IN A U. S. GALLON TO MILLIGRAMS IN A LITER. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. Milligrams in a Liter. Grains in a U. S. Gallon. Milligrams in a Liter. 51 52 872.7 889.8 7 6 77 1300.5 I3I7.6 53 54 906.9 - 924.0 78 79 1334-7 I35I.8 55 941.2 80 1369-0 56 57 958.3 975-4 81 82 1386.1 1403.2 58 59 992.5 1009.6 83 84 1420.3 1437-4 60 ' 1026.7 85 1454-5 61 62 1043.8 1060.9 86 87 1471.6 1488.7 63 64 1078.1 1095 2 88 89 1505.9 1523.0 65 1112.3 90 I540.I 66 67 1129.4 1146.5 9i 92 1557-2 1574.3 68 69 1163.6 1180.7 93 94 I59I-4 1608.5 70 1197.8 95 1625.6 7i 72 1215.0 1232.1 96 97 1642.8 1659.9 73 74 1249.2 1266.3 98' 99 1677.0 1694.1 75 12834 coo I71I.2 1 88 THE METRIC SYSTEM. COMPARISON OF THERMOMETER SCALES. Reading of Centigrade Thermometer. Reading of Fahrenheit Thermometer. Reading Of Centigrade Tliermometer. Reading of Fahrenheit Thermometer. Reading of Centigrade Thermometer. Reading of Fahrenheit Thermometer. 20 -4 105 221 230 ^446 15 + 5 1 10 230 240 464 10 14 H5 239 250 4 82 5 23 120 2 4 8 260 500 32 125 257 270 5i8 + 5 4i 130 266 280 536 10 50 135 275 2 9 554 15 59 I4O 284 300 572 20 68 145 293 310 590 25 77 150 302 32O 608 30 86 155 311 330 626 35 95 160 320 340 644 40 104 165 329 350 662 45 H3 170 338 360 680 50 122 175 347 370 698 55 131 1 80 356 380 716 60 140 185 365 390 734 65 149 190 374 400 752 70 158 195 383 410 770 75 167 200 392 420 788 80 176 205 401 430 806 85 185 2IO 410 440 824 90 194 215 419 450 842 95 203 220 428 460 860 100 212 225 437 470 878 COMPARISON OF THERMOMETER SCALES. 189 AUXILIARY TABLE. Centigrade. Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit. Centigrade. 0.0 0.00 I 1.8 I 0.56 2 3-6 2 I. II 3 5-4 3 1.67 4 7.2 4 2.22 5 9.0 5 2.78 6 10.8 6 3-33 7 12.6 7 3-89 8 14.4 8 4-44 9 16.2 9 5.00 10 18.0 10 5-56 ii 19.8 ii 6. ii 12 21.6 12 6.67 13 23.4 13 7.22 14 25.2 14 7.78 15 27.0 15 8-33 16 28.8 16 8.89 17 30.6 17 9 44 18 32-4 18 10.00 19 34-2 19 10.56 20 36.0 20 ii. ii CAUTION. In comparing readings on the -Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer scales, use the table on the opposite page. The table on this page is only a supplement- ary one. Its use is explained on page 35. 19 THE METRIC SYSTEM. Comparison of THERMOMETER SCALES. c. 60 20 C IO C Fahr. IT- I40 I20 C ioo c =- 8o c =_ 6o c COMPARISON OF THERMOMETERS. IQI C. Fahr. C. Fahr. 110 1 t 230 160 | tr- 320 - E- .= E~ E 220 ~ E 310 E- - = 100 E 150 zr- 210 E 300 ___ E~ _I ' E 200 I E 290 E 90__: 140 _ - = 190 '- E_ 280 - E E~~ "~Z E~ E- 180 ~ E- 2 7 80 L 130 -= = ~ i 7 o ~ 260 - - E 70 E~ 1 60 120 E 2 5 ~ _ . E- 150 _z = 240 - E" - ^ - 1 6, ( ' := 140 no 3 E- 230 C. 2IO C 200 C i8o c 170" THE METRIC SYSTEM. Fahr. c. Fahr. 410 260 500 = E ~ E 400 -= E- 490 f- 390 250 _, 480 |E _ zi =- 380 E- 470 E- 240 _Z E- EE- 370 E 460 1360 - it 450 ' ' 230-^ 1 350 1 440 1- 340 220 L 430 330 j L 420 E =^- 320 210 |_ 410 INDEX TO TABLES. Acres to hectares, 78. Avoirdupois ounces to grammes, 130. pounds to kilograms, 134. British gallons to liters, 114. heat units to calories, 162. liquid quarts to liters, no. Bushels, U. S., to steres, 122. Calories to British heat units, 160. to foot-pounds, 164. Centigrade. See Thermometer. Centimeters to inches, 44. Chevaux, forces de, to horse power, 168. Cubic centimeters to cubic inches, 80. to U. S. fluid ounces, 96. feet to cubic meters, 86. inches to cubic centimeters, 82. kilometers to cubic miles, 92. meters to cubic feet, 84. to cubic yards, 88. miles to cubic kilometers, 94. yards to cubic meters, 90. Dry. See Liters, Quarts, Bushels, and Steres. English. See British. Fahrenheit. See Thermometer. Feet to meters, 50. Fluid ounces to cubic centimeters, 98. (193) 194 TH E METRIC SYSTEM. Foot-pounds to calories, 166. to kilogram-meters, 158. Forces de chevaux to horse power, 168. Gallons, British, to liters, 114. U. S., to liters, 106. Grains to grammes, 126. in a U. S. gallon to milligrams in a liter, 186. Grammes to grains, 124. to avoirdupois ounces, 128. to Troy ounces, 136. in a cubic centimeter to ounces in a cubic inch, 172. Heat units, British, to calories, 162. Hectares to acres, 76. Horse power to forces de chevaux, 170. Inches to centimeters, 46. Kilogram-meters to foot-pounds, 156. Kilograms to avoirdupois pounds, 132. to Troy pounds, 140. in a cubic meter to pounds in a- cubic foot, 176. per square centimeter to pounds per square inch, 152. per square meter to pounds per square foot, 148. Kilometers to miles, 56. Liquid. See Quarts, Gallons, and Liters. Liters to British gallons, 112. to British liquid quarts, 108. to U. S. liquid quarts, 100. to U. S. gallons, 104. to U. S. dry quarts, 116. Meters to feet, 48. to yards, 52. Miles to kilometers, 58. INDEX TO TABLES. 195 Milliers to short tons, 144. in a cubic meter to tons in a cubic yard, 180. Milligrams in a liter to grains in a U. S. gallon, 184. Ounces, avoirdupois, to grammes, 130. U. S. fluid, to cubic centimeters, 98. Troy, to grammes, 138. in a cubic inch to grammes in a cubic cen- timeter, 174. Pounds, avoirdupois, to kilograms, 134. Troy, to kilograms, 142. per square inch to kilograms per square centimeter, 154. per square foot to kilograms per square meter, 150. in a cubic foot to kilograms in a cubic meter, 178. Quarts, British liquid, to liters, no. U. S. liquid, to liters, 102. U. S. dry, to liters, 118. Scales, thermometer, comparison of, 188, 189, 190. Short tons to milliers, 146. in a cubic yard to milliers in a cubic meter, 182. Square centimeters to square inches, 60. feet to square meters, 66. inches to square centimeters, 62. kilometers to square miles, 72. meters to square feet, 64. to square yards, 68. miles to square kilometers, 74. yards to square meters, 70. Steres to U. S. bushels, 120. Temperature. See Thermometer. Thermometer scales, comparison of, 188, 189, 190. Tonnes and Tonneaux. See Milliers. 196 THE METRIC SYSTEM. Tons, short, to milliers, 146. Tons in a cubic yard to milliers in a cubic meter, 182. Troy ounces to grammes, 138. pounds to kilograms, 142. United States bushels to steres, 122. dry quarts to liters, 118. fluid ounces to cubic centimeters, 98. gallons to liters, 106. liquid quarts to liters, 102. Yards to meters, 54. C/t-f .YA 03073 S 227910