he AculerBon Ito'OoIlBotlon of^Etchlngi and Enfrarlnn. ILKINoO>, and HODOB n .V. at their Houae, No. 11 Wellington- -lay. Jane 27. and 10 following dUy*. thi ion of KTVHhD and tNGRAVEI) WOKK8, by the bwl n, formed by Jamet Atxienun Koae, E*i., IlltutniMiix, tint, tbi y and Procrini o< Etching, by choice example* of the work* oi raudt, and oonUnucd to the PreMDt Oeoiury by MSA. Meryoo. Irr. a den. AC.; woood, the PrafivM of Eucnrinf a> dbplajed I hlKoncal portraiu, dated from 1500 to 1875, by Beatrizet, tine. BniMkni, fecil, CTOM, Dalea. Delff. DrereV EUtracka. VIM, Faiok, uitultier. Uoluhu, Uoceuhori. Hollar. Hnodlua, akM-Manbali. Nanteuil. C. and 8. de Paue, Potitioa. De Leo. 0, . W. Keynnlda. ijharp, J. Siuitb, Som|l. Suyiinrboef. VU >'onternuui, Vertue, Wleriz..WiUe, Ac. Illustrated caUlofuei lied by poai. price Sa. IK extensive collection of etchings and engrmvtd I raits formed by Mr. J. Anderson Rose, haa just been by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinaon, and Hodge, The sale ! zed 3.704/. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION .. OF ETCHED AND ENGRAVED WORKS BY THE BEST MASTEES, FORMED DURING THIRTY YEARS, BY JAMES ANDERSON EOSE, ESQ. ILLUSTRATING FIRST, THE HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF ETCHING, BY CHOICE EXAMPLES OF THE WORKS OF REMBRANDT AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT CENTURY, BY M. M. MERYON, HADEN, &c. INCLUDING THE MOST COMPLETE SERIES OF MR. WHISTLER'S WORKS YET FORMED. SECOND, THE PROGRESS OF ENGRAVING, AS DISPLAYED BY RARE HISTORICAL PORTRAITS, DATED FROM 1500 TO 1875, COMPRISING FINE MEZZOTINTS OF REYNOLDS'S "BEAUTIES," AND OTHER WORKS, BY BEATRIZET, BLOOTELING, BOISSARD, CECIL, CROSS, DALEN, DELFF, DREVET, ELSTRACKE, FAITHORNE, FALCK, GAULTIER, GOLTZIUS, HOGENBURG, HOLLAR, HONDIUS, Hoo- BRAKEN, MARSHALL, NANTEUIL, C. AND S. DE PASSE, PONTIUS, DE LEU, MASSON, S. W. REYNOLDS, SHARP, J. SMITH, SOMPEL, SUYDERHOEF, VISSCHER, VORSTERMAN, VERTUE, WIERIX, WILLE, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, auctioneers of Tttterare ^ropntp anH 32Rorfis illustraiibe of tf)t jfint ^rta, AT THEIK HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On TUESDAY, the 27th of JUNE, 1876, and Ten foUowing Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAT BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR, AND CATALOGUES HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. Davy and Sons, 137, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than 1*.; above five pounds, 2*. 6d. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10*. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTUEBY, WILKINSON and HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots a* are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. VIII. The whole to be sold with all faults and errors of description. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, 8OTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Wellington Street, Strand. CATALOGUE OF ETCHINGS, ENGKAVINGS, AND HISTORICAL PORTRAITS, THE PROPERTY OF JAMES ANDEKSON ROSE, ESQ., F.RS.L, E.B.G.S. PART I. ETCHINGS AND ENGBAVINGS. FIEST DAY'S SALE. LOT / 1 The Chapeau de Brigand, after T. Uwins, by L. Stocks. A Girl seated by the water, her head buried in her hands, a torn letter, and a miniature on the ground, after F. Danby, by C. G. Lewis. Leidenshaft und Liebe, after E. Eietschel, by G. Planer 3 2 The Gypsies, two young women and a child, after Octavius Oakley, by F. C. Lewis. Elizabeth, three-quarter length, turned to the right, after F. Winterhalter, by Weber 2 3 Landscape. Sea Port, after Claude, by E. Goodall. Shipping, &c. after Claude, by Le Keux, artist's proofs 2 4 The Mother of Gerard Dow, three-quarter length in oval. Eem- brandt's Mother, seated at table with scales, proofs 2 B 1127709 5 The Feast of Cana, after Tintoretto, by G. Volpato. St. John, St. Peter, St Mark and St. Paul, after Albrecht Diirer, by A. ReindeL St. Catharine, kneeling, landscape in distance, after Raphael, by J. Caspar 4 6 " Ecce Ancilla Domini," after H. Holbein, by C. Earth. A Lady, three-quarter length seated. The Children of Rubens, full-length standing, proof before letters 3 7 " MATER CASTISSIMA," after Franc Raibolini, il Francia, by Lecomte. A Female standing before a mirror. The Angel Gabriel, richly ornamented frame, after Paul de la Roche, by A. Blanchard 3 ^o 8 Saint Cecilia, after Ary Scheffer, by Jacopo Bemardi, proof. An Interior, a young woman cutting carrots, a child by her side, proof on Japanese paper. Portrait of a Woman, half-length, with hands clasped 3 ALDEGREVER (HENDRICH.) Born at Paderborn in 1502, died in 1558. 9 Adam and Eve (11, 12), 'brilliant impression, in perfect condition, with a rare first state of Eve, undescribed 3 10 The History of Lot (14-17), fine even set, in perfect condition 4 11 The History of Ammon and Tamar (B. 22-28), very fine even set, in perfect condition 7 12 Pyramusand Thisbe (102), /ne 1 ALLGEYER (JULIUS). Contemporary Artist. Born in 1829, at Haslach in Baden. Working in Rome 1850-1860. 13 Dante in Exile, after Feuerbach, proof before letters 1 ANDRIEU (BERTRAND JEAN PIERRE). Contemporary French Artist. 14 " Affaire de Chatillon, Septembre, 1870" 1 ANSDELL (RICHARD, R.A.) English Painter. ff .15 A Stag standing, listening. A group of three Donkeys and a foal lying on the ground, proofs on india paper, two on one mount 2 APPIAN (ADOLPHE). Born at Lyons, working in 1868. 16 Marine View, with shipping and a landing place on the left, pi-oof on Japanese paper 1 17 " Sources de 1'Abarmi," rare proof on Japanese paper 1 fo .18 Rochers a Mantua, rare proof on Japanese paper 1 ARNOLD (EDUARD VON). Contemporary Painter and Etcher of St. Petersburg. -b 19 Portrait of Caspar Netscher seated at a table writing, after Schult- heiss 1 AUFRAY (ALPHONESE EDOUARD). Contemporary Artist. Born at Paris. 20 Moulin Hollandais 1 BALDREY (JOHN K.) Born about 1750, worked in London and Cambridge, living in 1821 at Hatfield. 21 Evelina, after Hoppner, three-quarter length, landscape back- ground 1 BALLIN (AUGUSTE CHARLES ALFRED). Contemporary French Artist. Born at Boulogne- Ser-Mer. 22 The Song of the Skylark, after David Cox, brilliant proof I 23 French Troops under fire, after Godfrey Durand, proof 1 24 " Les Pontons," proof, with the artist's signature 1 25 The Seine from Rouen, proof on Japanese paper. A Village Roadway by night 2 26 Vignette with portrait of A. Durer. A Naval Engagement, proofs on Japanese paper 2 27 Interior with Tomb. Chapel of Mary at Westminster Abbey, very fine, with the artist's signature 1 28 Battle of La Hogue, 29 May, 1692, fine proof on Japanese paper, with the artist's signature 1 29 English Fort, with picturesque entrance on the right, fine proof on Japanese paper 1 30 Views of Greenwich and Gravesend from the river, proofs, with the artist's signature 2 31 "Six Etchings on the Thames," with title. Purfleet, Woolwich, From London Bridge, Greenwich, Tilbury Fort, Gravesend, proofs on Japanese paper 7 32 Edward the Confessor's Chapel, proof, with the artist's signature 1 33 Festivities on the Arrival of the Duchess of Edinburgh at Gravesend, 7 March, 1874," three views, proofs, with the artist's signature 3 -^ 34 Admiral Sir Edward Spragge and Admiral von Tromp at the Battle of the Texel, 1673, proof on Japanese paper I BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). Born at Florence in 1728 ; died at Lisbon in 1815. 35 Venus chiding Cupid, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, fine 1 / . & 36 The Seasons represented by four Girls, after R. Westall and F. Wheatley, on one mount 4 /37 BAUDRY (PAUL). Living in 1857. Leda and the Swan, in lithography BELLAY (CHABLES). Contemporary French Artist. 38 A set of Female Heads : Louisa, Stella, Antonia, Nunziatina, Nami and Pascuccia 6 BEHAM (HANS SEBALD). Born at Nuremburg in 1500 ; died in 1560. 39 Adam and Eve with the subject of Death (6), very fine. A winged Death seizing a young Female (150), on the same mount, fine 2 40 Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise (7), 'brilliant impression, with margin of half an inch. " Hascira," by Aldegrever (110), on the same mount, fine 2 41 The Prodigal Son leaving his home (31), brilliant impression 1 42 Christ and the Twelve Apostles (36-42), fine even set 7 BENUCCI (VICENZA). Contemporary Italian Artist. / b 43 The Fates, after Michael Angelo Buonarroti BERTHOUD (AuousTE-HENBi). Contemporary French Artist. Born at Paris. 44 Portrait of Overbeck, after J. Gigoux, proof I BODMER (KABL). Contemporary French Artist. 45 Set of Animals. Wood Scene, with peacock and hens. Two Etchings of Bears. Studies of Deer. Wood Scene. Eagle. Storks. Pigeons. Studies of Birds. Ducks, proofs on india paper 13 BOILVLN (EMILE). Living French Artist. ' 46 Camel and Arabs on the Bank of a River, after Fromentin. Nymphs. Triumph of Galatea, after Boucher. River Scene, after Wouvermans 3 47 Cavalry Bivouac. A Lady alighting from a Diligence, Orientals. The Arabian Ferry 4 48 Salome", after Henri Levy. Portrait of Eajon. Portrait of a Dutch Lady, after F. Hals, proofs 3 49 Set of Female Heads, proofs, signed ly the artist 12 BOL (FERDINAND). Dutch Painter and Engraver. Born at Dort, 1611 ; Pupil of Rembrandt ; died 168J. 50 The Sacrifice of Isaac, very fine 1 BONNAT (LEON JOSEPH F.) Contemporary Spanish Artist. 61 Madame Pasca, full-length, in fur-trimmed dress, her left hand resting on the back of a chair, proof 1 BONSONGE (DE). Contemporary Artist. Born at Paris. <^52 " Batterie de New York " 1 BORROMEO (GILBERT COMTE). Born at Milan. Working in Paris. 53 " Vue Prise aux iles Borrome'es " 1 BOSCOLO (LuiGi). Contemporary Italian Engraver. 54 The Magdalen, after N. Schiavoni, fine artist's proof I BRADLEY (JOHN HENRY). Contemporary Artist. . 55 Set of Landscapes. Murano. Ma^on. Southampton. Lantern. St. Budegund's Abbey. San Donnino. Twilight on the Arno. On the Arno. Trawling. On the Marches near Viareggio, &c. proofs 12 56 A larger set: Viareggio. Ringwood, New Forest. Old Oaks, Hampshire. On the Marshes near Pisa. Venetian Fishing Boats. Canal la Vena Chioggia. The Quay, Chioggia, proofs 7 BRANDARD (ROBERT). English Artist. Born in Birmingham, 1805 ; died 1862. 57 A set of Landscapes, proofs on india paper 16 58 Another set, proofs on india paper 16 BRACQUEMOND (CHARLES). Contemporary French Artist. 59 " Le Haut d'un battant de porte " 1 60 "Salle jt Manger, after Leys," very fine 1 61 " Ds s'en allaient de la tete et barytonnant du cul " (Rabelais), very fine 1 62 The Frightened Hare, proof 1 63 Portrait of Erasmus, after Hans Holbein, proof before letters, on Japanese paper, very fine 1 64 Portrait of Charles Me*ryon 2 A very rare etching only three impressions exist in this state. Another plate has been etched of the same portrait, half-an-inch shorter at the bottom. The portrait baa underneath it a facsimile of a sketch of Meryon in the Madhouse at Charenton, by Flameng. 65 Portrait of Charles Me*ryon, sitting, facsimile of the above by Bracquemond, half-length, fine impression, with large margin 1 66 Portrait of Alphonse Legros, proof before letters, very fine 1 67 The Partridges, fine 1 68 Portrait of Baudelaire, fine 1 69 Frontispiece to " Les Fleurs," a cancelled plate, published in Brussels 1 70 C. H. Meryon, profile Head, in a medallion, turned to the left 1 BRESCIA (GIOVANNI ANTONIO DA). Working at the commencement of the Sixteenth Century. 71 Soldiers bearing Trophies. Part of a Roman Triumph (B. 9) 1 BROWNE (MADAME HENRIETTE). Contemporary French Artist. 72 Joseph's Coat of Many Colours brought to Jacob, proof 1 73 A little Boy embracing his weeping Sister, proof 1 BRUNET-DEBAINES (ALFRED). Living French Artist. ; 74 Dutch River Scene, proof 1 75 The Hotel de Ville, Paris ; before and after the Commune, proofs on Japanese paper 2 76 The Burial of Sir David Wiikie ; from Turner's picture in the National Gallery, proof on Japanese paper 1 77 " Vue du Pont St. Louis." Landscape with well in the foreground on the right. View in a Cathedral Town, proof on Japanese paper 3 78 Marine View, after J. Dupre". Landscape, after Corot. Another, after J. Rousseau, all proofs 3 BEY (JAN DIKK DE). Born at Luttich in 1561 ; died in 1623. 79 Soldiers marching, the Ensign in the centre, after Titian (Le Blanc, 97), fine, in beautiful condition 1 BUEGMAIE (HANS). Born at Augsburg 1475 ; died in 1517. 6 80 Saint Maurice (one of the Set) : a crown of thorns over the hilt of his sword, the figure holding a standard, woodcut, proof before the text 1 CALAMATTA (Louis). Born at Civita-Vecchia in 1802. 81 Portrait of Bartolomeo Esteban Murillo, painted by himself, proof I CAMPAGNOLA (DOMENICO). Flourished at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. Working in 1518. 82 The Warrior and the Shepherd (8), fine 1 CALLOT (JAQUES). French Engraver. Born at Nancy, 1592 ; travelled in Italy ; returned to France ; died 1635. / ? 83 Life of the Prodigal Son (Meaume 53-63), a beautiful set with good margins 11 84 The Martyrs of Japan (M. 155), first state, very fine, with large margin 1 CAEAGLIO (GIOVANNI GIACOMO). Born at Verona in 1512 ; died at Palma about 1570. .85 "La Fureur ;" from a design by II Eossi, called the Maitre Eoux (B. 58}, fine 1 CAEEY (CHARLES PHILIPPE AUGUSTE). Contemporary Artist. 86 " La Vague et la Perle," after P. Baudry, proof on india paper 1 COMTE DE CAYLUS (PHILIPPE-CLAUDE-ANNE DE TUBIERES). Amateur Engraver. Born in Paris 1692, died 1765. 87 " Le Tendre Desir," after Greuze, very fine, not described by Le Blanc 1 CHATTOCK (RICHARD SAMUEL). English Amateur Etcher. Set of Etchings illustrating Eton, proofs on india paper. 88 Monkey Island. The Thames at Oakley. Chapel Steps. Maiden- head Bridge. Sheep's Bridge. Romney Lock. Chapel from the Clump. Upper Club. Long Walk. The College from the River. Sixth Form Bench. Surly Hall. Boveney Lock. The Brocas. The old Hall Moat,^roo/s 15 89 Wensleydale. Fourteen Etchings with descriptive text, proofs 14 CHIFFLART (FRANCOIS). Contemporary French Artist. 90 " Improvisations sur cuivre par F. Chifflart. Cadart et Luquet editeurs, Rue de Richelieu 79, Paris," twenty Etchings including title 20 CLAAS (ALAERT). Working at Utrecht 1520-1562. 91 Design for the upper portion of a dagger sheath, with subject of the Temptation (P. 126). An oval Design of arabesque ornament, by H. Tanson 2 CLAUDE GELLlSE DE LORRAINE. Born at Lorraine 1600, died in Italy 1682. 92 The Setting Sun (Dumesnil 15) 1 " This etching is remarkable for the inexpressible tenderness of its sky, and is in this respect undoubtedly the finest ever etched." Hamerton. " With ease and grace his needle has rendered the lucid water, the solid buildings, the leaves quivering in the wind, the air seems to pervade everything : he takes the inspiration direct from nature, and his poetic spirit does the rest. At no time has landscape been treated with such majesty, grace, and bold simplicity." Duplettis. first state before the number, and before letters C&SAR DE COCK. Contemporary Belgian Artist. 93 Woodland Scene, with avenue of trees overhanging a stream, proof 1 COLLYER (JOSEPH, A. E.) Born in London 1748, died in 1827. 94 Venus reclining on the ground, Cupid to the right, landscape in distance, after Sir J. Reynolds, fine proof, printed in brown ink I CONDE (JEAN). Working in London at the end of the 18th century. 95 Mrs. Tickell, after R. Cosway, E.A. A Venetian Courtezan " How different Beauty from itself appears, And checks Desire, where most it would invite." after Philip Mercier, by J Faber. A Jewess, three-quarter length, turned to front, after Eembrandt, by C. Corbutt 3 COKNILLIET (JULES). Contemporary Artist, born at Versailles. 96 " La Lec,on d' Anatomic," after Rembrandt 1 COROT (JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE). Born at Paris in 1796, died in 1875. f 97 Landscape, very fine 1 i 98 Landscape, very fine 1 COURTRY (CHARLES Louis). Contemporary French Artist. 99 Marguerite, after Tissot, proof on Japanese paper 1 100 Salome, the Daughter of Herodias, after Regnault, proof 1 101 " Alcibiade chez Aspasie," after Gerome, proof on india paper 1 102 " L'Almee," after Gerome, proof 1 - 103 " The Priest's Blessing," after Zamacois, proof 1 104 " Bain Maure," after Gerome, proof on india paper 1 105 " Un Marche d'Esclaves," after Gerome, another impression on india paper 2 106 Mill, with cattle, after Van Marcke, artist's proof 1 107 The Forest, cattle about to drink at a pool, after Van Marcke, artist's proof 1 108 Rope- walk, with cattle, after Van Marcke, artist's proof I 109 The Moor, after Van Marcke, artist's proof 1 COUSEN (JOHN). Contemporary Engraver. 110 The Day after the Wreck, after C. Staufield, artist's proof on india paper 1 C 10 COUSINS (SAMUEL, RA.) Contemporary Artist. 111 The Visionary, after Henry Leverseege, 1833, proof 1 112 Mater purissema, after Thomas Goodall, RA., artist's proof I CRANACH (LUCAS). Born at Cronach near Bamberg 1472, died at Weimar in 1553. 113 St. George (67), very fine and rare 1 CRESWICK (THOMAS, RA.) English Painter. Born at Sheffield 1811, died 1869. " Careful and complete in his finish, good taste prevailing in all his works, and conspicuously so in his charming contributions to the Etching Club." Redgrave. 114 Landscape Studies 6 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Living English Artist. " There is in Cruikshank an artist within or behind the caricaturist, and this artist is a personage of exceptional endowment His invention is vivid, and his power of drawing the figures invented is singularly sprightly and precise. There are etchings by Cruikshank which are as excellent artistically as they are notable for genius and wit, where the stroke of the needle is as happy as the thought." (The numbers in brackets refer to Mr. G. W. Reid's descriptive catalogue of the works of George Cruikshank). 115 Boney beating Mack (16), 1805. Boney Stark Mad (36) 2 116 Boney beating Mack (16), 1805. Symptoms of Courage (41), 1808. Spanish Patriots entering Madrid (46) 3 117 Boney receiving an account of the Battle of Vittoria (164), S. Knight. General Nap turned Methodist Preacher (177) 3 118 General Nap turned Methodist Preacher (177). Boney hatching a Bulletin (180), Knight, 1812. The Narrow Escape (206), S. Knight, 1813 3 119 The Narrow Escape (206), S. Knight, 1813. A Russian Boor, returning from his Field Sports (214), H. Humphrey, 1813. A Russian Peasant loading a dung cart (220;, H. Humphrey, 1813. Anticipation for Boney (221), S. Knight, 1813 4 120 Anticipation for Boney (221), S. Knight, 1813. French Conscripts (222), S. Knight, 1813. Boney Stark Mad (36) 3 121 French Conscripts (222), S. Knight, 1813. French Post Extraor- dinary from Moscow to Paris (223), H. Humphreys, 1813. Boney Hatching a Bulletin (180) 3 11 CRUIKSHANK continued. 122 Indelicate Investigations (224), S. Knight, 1813. Napoleon's Fame (233), H. Humphrey, 1813. Cool Summer Quarters (260), S. Knight, 1S13 3 123 Cool Summer Quarters (260), Knight, 1813. Boney under Cover (269), S. Knight, 1813. The Head of the Great Nation (275), S. Knight, 1813 3 124 The Head of the Great Nation (275), S. Knight, 1813. Repre- sentation of ye Gull Trap (308), H. Humphrey, 1814 Old Blucher beating the Corsican Big Drum (309), S. W. Fores, 1814 3 1 25 Old Blucher beating the Corsican Big Drum (309). The Corsican Whipping Top (311), H. Humphrey, 1814. The Last March of the Conscripts (314), S. W. Fores, 1814 3 126 The Last March of the Conscripts (314), S. W. Fores, 1814. Broken Gingerbread (315), H. Humphrey, 1814. The El Baronian Emperor (316), H. Humphrey, 1814 3 ^> . 127 Arms of Napoleon Bonaparte (317), R. Ackerman. Russian Con- descension (356), S. W. Fores, 1814. Twelfth Night, or What you WiU ? (454), H. Humphrey, 1815 3 128 The Blessings of Peace (459), S. W. Fores, 1815. The Scale of Justice Reversed (464), S. W. Fores, 1815. Boney 's return from Elba (465), H. Humphrey, 1815 3 129 The High Winds of March (472), M. Jones, 1815. The Genius of France (473), H. Humphrey, 1815. The Congress dissolved (474), S. W. Fores, 1815 3 130 The Congress dissolved (474), S. W. Fores, 1815. The Corsican's last Trip (475), H. Humphrey, 1815. The Phoenix of Elba (479), W. H. Jones, 1815. 3 131 The Phcenix of Elba (479), W. H. Jones, 1815. Preparing for War (485), M. Jones, 1815. The Pedigree of Corporal Violet (486), H. Humphrey, 1815 3 132 An Eruption of Mount Vesuvius (488), H. Humphrey, 1815. Buonaparte on the 17th June and 17th July, 1815 (499). Napoleon's Trip from Elba (502), M. Jones, 1815 3 133 Buonaparte on the 17th June and 17th July, 1815 (499). Return of the Paris Diligence (503), H. Humphrey, 1815. Boney's threatened Invasion (505), S. W. Fores, 1815. Napoleon's Trip from Elba (502), M. Jones, 1815 4 12 CRUIKSHANK continued. 134 Boney's threatened Invasion (505), S. W. Fores, 1815. The After- piece to the Tragedy of Waterloo (513), W. Hone, 1815. State of Politicks (515), M. Jones, 1815. Tirania (784), 1818 4 135 Life of Napoleon, 26 plates, 1814 (365-393), wanting Nos. 369, 381, 390. Portrait of George Cruikshank, London Journal 27 136 Life in London, Tom and Jerry and Logic, 1821, 36 plates (1001- 1023) 36 137 Peter Schlemihl, 1823 (1099-1106), mounted on cartridge paper 8 138 Points of Humour, IS plates (1107-1116, 1227-1236), 2 wanting 18 139 The Bee and the Wasp, 4 plates, 1832 (1563-1567), mounted. The Cat's Tale, with 3 illustrations, 1831 (1515-1517) 7 140 Don Quixote, 15 illustrations, 1833 (1595-1609), mounted 15 141 Scott's Novels, 1836 (1703-1736), Nos. 1702 wanting Ivanhoe, after G. Cruikshank, (4587) 35 142 Sketches by Boz, 28 plates, 1836-7 (1737-1764), set of proofs on india paper 28 143 Rookwood, W plates, 1836 (1765-1776), four mounted 10 k 144 Comic Almanac for 1846, and imperfect set of three for 1836, ten for 1839, twelve for 1840, two for 1841, three for 1842, two for 1843, ten for 1844, eleven for 1845, twelve for 1846 65 145 Oliver Twist, 24 plates, 1838 (1850-1873) 24 **' 146 Another set of the last mentioned 24 147 Sketches by Boz, thirty-nine mounted illustrations, 1839 (1942- 1981), 1968, one wanting (28), The Boarding House 39 (148 Jack Sheppard, 27 plates, 1839 (1982-2008) 27 Il49 Jack Sheppard (1982-2008), incomplete set, and some duplicates, 10 mounted 22 150 Guy Fawkes, 22 plates, 1840 (2038-2071) 22 151 Guy Fawkes, 1840, 1841 (2050-2069), wanting Nos. 2062, 2063, 2070, 2071 18 ( 152 Windsor Castle (2177-2190) 14 V153 Another set of the same, mounted on cartridge paper 14 154 The Miser's Daughter, 1842 (2191-2210) 20 155 Another set of the same, mounted 20 (, . 156 Cakes and Ale, 6 plates, 1842 (2211-2214) 6 13 CRUIKSHANK continued. 157 Arthur O'Leary, 1844 (2277-2286), seven plates and three duplicates. A Reverie, with Portrait of George Cruikshank, from Cruik- shank' s Table Book (2351). Fairy Songs and Ballads for the Young, the title with 12 vignettes in an illustrated border, popular fairy tales and ballads, 1849 (2425), in lithography 12 58 Irish Rebellion, twenty-one plates, 1845 (2324-2343) 26 159 The Illustrations of Hop o' my Thumb, six plates (2564-2569). Jack and the Beanstalk, six plates (2570-2575). Cinderella, six plates (2576-2581), mounted 18 160 Sir John Falstaff, set of 21 plates, 1857, including the woodcut (2609-2629) 21 161 Puss in Boots, six plates (2638-2643). The Exhibition of 1851 ; ten proof s on india paper 16 162 Philosophy in Sport, twenty-two small woodcuts, 1827 (3507-3527). The Good Genius, that turned everything into Gold, four etch- ings, and Jive glyphographs, 1847 (3701-3705-4998). Beauties of Washington Irving, 1834, twenty-two woodcuts (3801-3820) 53 163 Burford Cottage and its Robin Red Breast, two plates, 1835 (3836, 4932). S. Dunstan and the Devil, sevenplates, 1852 (4271-4277), the Pamphlet. Cinderella, woodcut after George Cruikshank, 1854 (4595) 10 164 Table Book, twelve numbers, for 1845, complete (4989) 12 165 Odd plates and portions of series. St. James ; or, the Court of Queen Anne, 3. Scott's Novels, 3. Frank Fairleigh, 15. Oliver Twist, 3. Guy Fawkes, 1. Windsor Castle, 2. Puck on Pegasus, 1. Clement Lorimer, 4. Paddy Carroll, 1. Windsor Castle, 5 plates. Tony Johannot, 1842 43 DAUBIGNY (CHARLES). Living French Painter. " All the etchings of Daubigny, depict with freedom the poetic aspects of nature, and describe with singular fidelity the peculiar features of the meadows, woods , and cultivated districts of central France." f0 -166 " Landscape, Eaux-fortes par Daubigny," and frontispiece, proofs on india paper 25 DAVIS (JOHN SCARLETT). Born at Hereford, living in 1832. 167 "Views in Florence and other parts of Italy, drawn on the spot, and etched by J. Scarlett Davis, 1834:," proof s on india paper, 12 14 DAWE (PHILIP). Born in London, died about 1780. 168 " The pretty Maid with her apron before the candle," H. Morland DELACROIX (FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE). Contemporary French Painter. 169 "Arabes d'Oran " 1 DELATRE (AuousTE). Living French Printer of Etchings and Etcher. 170 Landscape Etchings. Farm House, with chickens near a pond. A Straw Yard, with chickens near a shed, proofs on Japanese paper 2 171 Landscapes A Moonlight Scene, &c., Illustrations to Advertise- ments, &c. 7 172 Landscape Etchings. "Souvenirs six Pointes-seches par Aug. Delatre," 1871, proofs on indiapaper, 6. Six Pointes-seches par Aug. Delatre, 1873, 6. Sheet of 10 small studies 1875, proof before letters. A Farm Yard, and two other Land- scapes, 3 16 173 View of Paris, proof, Aug. Delatre, 1871. Landscape, three trees on the right, dry point on zinc, fifth proof, second state 2 DELAUNEY (ALFRED ALEXANDRE). Contemporary Artist, born at Gouville. 174 " Eglise Saint Pierre a Caen," fine 1 DESBROSSES (LEOPOLD). Contemporary French Artist 175 Waterloo. "A la Victor Hugo," very fine 1 DESCLAUX (M. VICTOR). Contemporary French Engraver. 176 " Hallebardier," " L' Amateur de Tableaux," both after Meissonier. "Le premier Jeu," after Plassan, by Baker. The Reader, after Meissonier, by Carrey. Spanish Girls 5 15 DETAILLE (EDOUARD). Contemporary French Painter. 177 " Un Uhlan," proof on Japanese paper. A Sheet of Sketches of Figures of Men of the First Eevolution, &c. 2 DOO (GEORGE, RA.) Contemporary English Engraver. 178 The Ecce Homo, after Correggio, artist's proof, 1850, on india paper 1 179 Portrait of Gevartius, in ruff, three-quarter length \from the picture in the National Gallery, after Van Dyck, proof with artist's names only. Mercy interceding for the Vanquished, after William Etty, R A., proof on india paper 2 DURER (ALBRECHT). Born at Nuremburg in 1471, died in 1528. /"f" 180 Adam and Eve (1), fair impression, but stained 1 181 Two Angels holding the Sudarium (25), brilliant impression, and copy reversed 2 182 The Prodigal Son (28), brilliant impression in perfect preservation 1 183 The Virgin and Child, with Monkey (42), in perfect condition 1 184 St. George with the Dragon at his feet (53), brilliant impression 1 185 Saint Anthony outside the City (5 8), Jine, and copy by Wierix 2 ' 186 The Sorceress (68), Jine, but injured 1 187 Apollo and Diana (67), brilliant impression, in beautiful condition, 1 188 The Little Courier (Sty, fine 1 189 The Standard Bearer (87), brilliant impression 1 ' 190 The Small Horse (96), fine 1 191 The Great Horse (97), very fine 1 192 Portrait of Philip Melanchthon (105), very fine I 193 The Knight of Death (98), copy A, brilliant impression 1 DURER WOODCUTS. 1 94 Samson killing the Lion (2), brilliant impression 1 195 Adam and Eve (17), one of the set of the small Passion, very fine, inlaid 1 16 196 One of the set of the Apocalypse of St. John (70), very fine, ivith Latin text I 197 Title to the same, with figures of the Virgin and Child (60), fine, with Latin text 1 198 The Coronation of the Virgin (101), brilliant impression 1 199 The Execution of Ten Thousand Martyrs of Nicomedia (117), brilliant impression 1 200 The Martyrdom of Saint Catherine (1 18), very fine 1 201 God appearing to St. Gregory during the celebration of Mass (123), brilliant impression 1 / 202 A Savage slaying a Knight, " Hercules " (127), fine 1 1 203 The Bath (128), very fine 1 SECOND DAY'S SALE. EDWARDS (EDWIN). LOT Contemporary English Amateur Etcher. Born at Framlingham. 204 A Fair on the River Bank, Winter Scene, large trees, &c. 14 205 Summer-time. Forest Trees in Winter. Eiver Scene, with tram- way, shipping, barges ; &c. 14 206 Waterloo Bridge and London, with the Building of the Thames Embankment. The Building of Blackfriars' Bridge, London. Chester, from the Gallery. The River Medway, cornfields in the front, with a bank beyond, &c. proofs on india paper 15 207 Cam Mellyn Pardenick. View of Paris from a house top ; &c. 15 EICHENS (FRIEDERICH EDUAED). Contemporary Artist of Berlin. ^208 Christ dismissing the Woman taken in Adultery, from Pordenone's picture in the Imperial Museum at Berlin 1 EVERSHED (DR. ARTHUR). Contemporary Amateur Etcher. 209 A set of Views in the Vicinity of Hampstead, and others, proofs 14 210 Another set, unpublished, proofs on Japanese paper 12 FEYEN-PERRIN (AUGUSTE). Living French Artist. Born at Bey-sur Seille. 211 Three Studies of Female figures : a woman reclining on the bank of a Stream. Another drying her feet after bathing. The third carried through the air, proofs on india paper on one mount 3 212 Spring Time, 1870. Meditation, a girl seated. A Study of a Dog, and four Studies of Men 7 FITTLER (JAMES), A.E. Born in London 1758 ; died at Turnham Green 1835. to 213 Spanish Officer, three-quarter length, landscape in distance, after Rubens, fine 1 D 18 FLAMENG (FRANCOIS). Contemporary French Etcher. 214 Old Woman spinning, proof on Japanese paper 1 FLAMENG (LEOPOLD). Contemporary Artist. Born at Brussels of French parents. 215 Etching of Carving in Spekstein, by Albert Durer, representing the Birth of St. John the Baptist The man near the bed is the Doctor. The father, Zacharias, is writing on a tablet the name of the newborn son, " John ; " the writings in Hebrew are legible. A man entering at the door is supposed to be Durer himself, whose monogram and the date, 1510, are cut on a tablet at the foot of the bed. Leop. Flameng sculp. 72, artist's proof on india paper 1 Thia carving was acquired by Richard Payne Knight, Esq., in the Netherlands, about the end of the last century, at a cost of 606., and by him bequeathed to the British Museum. The fingers of Elizabeth are broken ; it is otherwise in a wonderful state of preservation. 216 Christ Healing the Sick, proof on Japanese paper, with the artist's autograph, "Epreuve de Remarque" Leo. Flameng 1 Copy of the etching by Rembrandt, called " The Hundred Guilder Piece." An impression of the original etching by Rembrandt was bought by Mr. Charles Palmer, a London solicitor, for 1,180., at the sale of Sir Charles Price's prints. 217 SAINT SEBASTIAN, after Leonardo da Vinci A tablet hangs near his head, on the branch of a tree, with OVAM LJBENS, &c. inscribed upon it, fine impression, on india paper 1 218 The Earl of Bristol and Van Dyke, three-quarter lengths, in an oval, after Van Dyke's picture in the Prado, Madrid, proof on Japanese paper 1 219 Aug. Delatre, three-quarter length, in oval, the upper part only of the plate finished, inscribed L. Flaming, first state 1 220 Portrait of Mr. F. Seymour Haden, half-length, holding a paper. In right corner at bottom is written : " Londres, 27 Aout, 75, Leop. Flameng" brilliant proof 1 221 Portrait of Mme. E. Feydeau ; after a picture by Charles Duran, whole-length standing, raising curtain with right hand, small terrier at her feet, 1870, brilliant proof on india paper 1 222 Gavarni. Half-length, holding a lighted cigarette in his left hand, brilliant proof, unth large margin 1 19 223 Portrait of Mrs. Graham, after Gainsborough, whole-length, stand- ing, resting her left elbow on column to right, and holding feathers in right hand, brilliant proof , on Japanese paper 1 224 Portrait of M. Guizot, after Paul Baudry, half-length seated, his right arm resting upon a table on which writing materials are placed, aquafortis proof 1 225 Portrait of M. Ingres, three-quarter length, standing before easel, with a pencil in his hand. In the top corners is EFF. J. A. INGRES, P. or F. u Pa u . 1804 Leop. Flameng, del and sc. 69, aqua- fortis proof , on india paper. Portrait of F. Overbeck, after G. Hauser, inscribed NATUS LUBEC^E, 1789. Three-quarter length, holding book and pencil ; "L. Flameng sc. aquafortis " 2 226 Portrait of Madame Pasca, after Bonnat, artist's proof before addi- tional work, on Japanese paper. A Lady at a Bookcase, artist's proof on india paper 2 227 Dona Isabel of Bourbon, Consort of Philip IV. of Spain, full- length, right hand resting on the back of a chair, curtain behind, after Velasquez, proof on Japanese paper 1 228 " Alsace." A young Woman in mourning, full face half-length, holding one hand within the other, proof on india paper 1 229 A Lady, whole-length, standing, looking at her watch, couch behind, and on her right an Oriental screen, after Toulmouche, proof on Japanese paper 1 230 A Lady in a Straw Hat, standing, full-length, with greyhound beside her, curtain behind, proof on india paper, before all letters 1 231 Three Ladies reading a Letter, whole-length, leaning over a table, cabinet and rich drapery in background, after Toulmouche, brilliant proof on india paper 1 232 The Painter and Connoisseurs, after Meissonier, brilliant proof 1 233 " Jeune Fille Florentine/' three-quarter length, nearly profile, after Timbal, proof on india paper 1 234 Condemned to Death, after Munkacsy, brilliant proof on india paper. Tasso in Prison, after Eugene Delacroix, brilliant proof on india paper 2 235 The Night Watch, after the picture by Eembrandt at Amsterdam, brilliant proof on Japanese paper, with remark 20 236 La Halte, after Meissonier, 1862. " Imp. A. Salmon, L. Flameng sc- Gallerie de M. Le Due de Morny," proof on india paper 1 237 The Harem, after Eegnault, brilliant proof 1 238 Charge d'Artillerie, after Schreyer, very fine 1 239 AMAEYLLIS. A Young Shepherd reclining on a wall, a girl offering him some fruit, with a goat beside her, Landscape and ruins of a Temple, after A. Heullant ; " L. Flameng, aquafortis" proof on Japanese paper 1 240 LA SOURCE, Ingres pinx., Leop. Flameng sculp, first state, pure aqua- fortis, only three impressions taken, and the same in a finished state, on india paper 2 241 Les Secrets d' Amour, Baudry, L. Flameng, brilliant proof before letters, on india paper \ 242 " Fauconnier Arabe," after Eugene Fromentin, proof on india paper, Eug. Fromentin, L. Flameng sculp. 1 243 Andromeda chained to the rock, proof on india paper, Ingres pinx., L. Flameng 1 244 Coucher de Sapho, brilliant proof on india paper, Eleyre, L. Flawung 1 245 LA STRATOXICE, after Ingres, brilliant proof on india paper 1 FORBES (EDWARD). Contemporary American Artist. 246 Episode of the American War Artillery, fine 1 FOESTEE (FRANCOIS). Born at Locle in Switzerland in 1790 ; died at Paris in 1872. 247 The Three Graces, after Eaffaelle, proof before letters, &c. No. 40, on india paper, and print impression of the same 2 FOETUNY (MARIANO). Spanish Painter. Died in 1873. 248 " Arabe veillant le corps de son ami," fine print, very rare 1 249 Dead Arab, proof on Japanese paper, very rare 1 250 Famille Marocaine, proof on Japanese paper 1 251 " Garde de la Casbah a Tetuan," fine and early impression 1 252 Tireuse de Cartes. Arab of Tangier, seated, 2 on one mount 2 253 The Eeader, seated on a stool with his feet on a chair, artist's proof on Japanese paper I 21 FOURNIER (PAUL.) Contemporary French Artist. 254 The Reckoning, after Meissonier. Two men seated by a table, one putting his hand in his pocket, while a woman stands by him 1 FRANCK (JOSEPH). Contemporary Belgian Artist. 255 " Vierge au Lys," after Leonardo da Vinci, brilliant proof before all letters 1 256 "LA VIERGE DU PARMESAN ET LES BANDITS," after Van Eycken 1 FREY (JAN PIETER DB). Born at Amsterdam in 1770; living in 1830. 257 Portrait of Coppenol, Writing Master, after a picture in the Cassel Gallery 1 GAILLARD (CLAUDE-FERDINAND). Living French Artist. Born in Paris. 258 " CEdipe/' after J. D. Ingres, artist's proof on india paper 1 259 " L'Homme a 1'oeillet," after Van Eyck, three-quarters, proof before all letters, on india paper 1 The original picture was in the collection of M. Suermondt, now purchased by the Prussian Government. GAUCHEREL Living French Artist. Born in Paris. 260 Sleeping Soldier, seated on a bench, after Meissonier, proof 1 261 Portraits of French Actors : Coquelin aine", Madeleine Brohan, Marie Royer, Coquelin cadet, and Monrose 5 GOUDT (HEINRICH COUNT DE). Born at Utrecht in 1585. 262 Aurora : a small Landscape, very fine, photograph showing similar effect at sea, on the same mount 2 GAUTIER (D'AaoLY EDOUARD). Contemporary French Artist. 263 Nuns outside Convent Wall, proof 1 22 GEDDES (ANDREW, A.R.A.) Subject Painter. Born in Edinburgh, about 1789 ; died in London, 1844. (The numbers refer to " Etchings by Sir David "Wilkie, B.A., and Andrew Geddes, A.R.A., by David Laing, F.S.A.S., Edinburgh 1875.) " He was a good etcher, and some etched portraits by him showing much power were exhibited." Redgrave. 264 A Set of Etchings, given by Geddes to Sir Edwin Landseer. Portrait of Sir David Allan in Circassian dress (2). Colonel Phillips (11), half-length, turned to the front. Mr. and Mrs. Terry (12). Mrs. Geddes, fhe artist's Mother (14), three- quarters, seated. A Child seated on the ground with apple in its hand, the artist's niece Agnes Paul (15). Portrait of Van Dyke (16). An Old Woman looking at a ring which she holds in her hand (20). Two Landscapes : View of Peckham Eye (31). Trees in Hyde Park (37). Portrait of a Man in ruff, Eubens, proofs 10 GEORGE (ERNEST). Contemporary Artist. 265 Aries. Avignon. Blois. Cahors. Carcasonne, 2. Loches, 2. Narbonne. Tous. Blois. Loches. Trier. Schloss Elz. Orleans. Toulouse. Angers. Avignon. Chenanceaux, 2. Ambois. Amboise. Metz, 2, proofs 24 266 Sixteen Etchings : Alken. Berncastel, 2. Garden. Coblenz. Cochem, 2. Edicer. Ehrenburg. Guez. Miinster Maifeld. Moselkerne. Metz. Schloss Elz. Thionville. Trier, proofs 16 GEROME (JEAN-LlSoN). Living French Painter. 267 An Arab seated, smoking, proof on india paper I GIRARDET (ABRAHAM). Born at Locle 1761 ; died in 1823. 268 The Transfiguration, after Raffaelle (Le Blanc 1), pi'oof 1 269 Beatrice Cenci, after Paul De la Roche, artist's proof before all letters 1 GLOCKENTON (ALBRECHT). Born at Nuremburg in 1450 ; flourished at the end of the Fifteenth Century. 270 The Death of the Virgin, after Martin Schongauer (B. 17), very fine 1 23 GOLTZIUS (HEINRICH). Born at Mulbrecht in 1558 ; died at Haarlem in 1617. 271 The Temptation, after Bartholomew Spranger (B. 271), very fine 1 GEENAUD (HENRI) Living French Artist. 272 Portrait of Corot, Eminent French Painter, bust in small circle, looking to front, proof on Japanese paper 1 GOYA .(FRANCISCO). Spanish Painter and Etcher. Born 1746 ; died 1828. 273 Equestrian Portrait of Philip III, King of Spain, after Velasquez. Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain, married Philip III. of Spain in 1599 ; mother of Philip IV. and Anne of Austria, wife of Louis XIII., after Velasquez. Equestrian Portrait of Don Baltasar Carlos, Prince of Spain, son of Philip IV. and Isabel of Bourbon, after Velasquez 3 " Not the least valuable of the efforts of his graver are some of the earliest, his etchings of the great equestrian portraits of Velasquez." Stirling, Annals of the Artists of Spain. GUlSEAED (AMEDEE). Contemporary French Artist, born at Sens. 274 " La Servante indiscrete " 1 HADEN (FRANCIS SEYMOUR). English Amateur Etcher. " F. S. Haden is a London Surgeon in large practice, devoted to his profession, which he pursues actively and an artist of rare endowment and consummate practical skill." Hamerton. 275 " (Euvre de M. Francis Seymour Haden, Paris, 1865." The set of Etchings published by Mons. Burty, comprising 25 plates, and letter-press with 5 vignettes, and portfolio 276 CALAIS PIER. From Turner's picture in the National Gallery. Early proof selected by Mr. Haden, and with his signature. In oak frame and patent plate glass 1 277 The Breaking up of the Agamemnon, proof, very scarce 1 278 Two Etchings, Park Scene, and two Donkeys in a wood, very scarce proofs 2 HAUSSOULIEE (WILLIAM). Contemporary French Artist. 279 " L'Odaslisque et 1'Esclave," after Ingres, proof before letters 1 24 HENRIQUEL-DUPONT (Louis-PiERRE). Living French Engraver. 280 Portrait of Mirabeau, after Paul De la Eoche 1 281 The Marriage of St. Catherine, after Correggio, artist's proof I HERVIER (HENRY ADOLPHE). Contemporary French Artist. 282 Three Etchings of Peasant life, proofs on india paper 3 283 Two Shipping Scenes Study of Fishing Smack. Coast Scene, with vessel ashore 2 HESELTINE (JOHN POSTLE). English Amateur Etcher. 284 Twenty-one Etchings, Landscapes, on ten mounts, proofs 21 285 Twenty-six Etchings, 1873, unpublished series. LongashalL Black- down. Two River Scenes. Chiddinfold. Hambledon Brickfield. Two River Scenes. The Sea. River Scene, Aylmerton, Norfolk. Norwich. Longbridge, Salisbury. Troublesome Reach, Wood- bridge, proofs 26 HOLLAR (WENZEL). Born at Prague in 1607, died in London in 1677. 286 The Adoration of the Magi. (A Dutch Winter Scene), Aug. Braunnu, W. Hollar fait, Antuerpiae, A. 1646 (P. 97) 1 287 Interior of the Royal Exchange, inscribed, " Byrsa Londinensis vulgo," &c. (P. 907) 1 288 Small German Views with title, inscribed, Amorenissimae Aliquot Locoram (P. 695-718), &c., very fine 24 289 Views of Dordrecht (P. 839), and "Tot Antwerpen" (P, 261), both fine 2 HOOK (JAMES CLARKE), R.A English Contemporary Painter. 290 River Side, with man selling a duck to a housewife, proof on india paper 1 291 Three Scenes The Mother. The Shepherd. The Fisherman's Return, proofs on india paper, on one mount 3 292 Boy collecting Seabirds' Eggs, proof on india paper 1 25 HOUSTON (RICHARD). Born in Ireland, died in 1775 in London. 293 Domestic Employment : Needlework, Knitting and Washing, fine 3 294 THE FAIR NUN UNMASKED, after Henry Morland 1 " On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore, Which Jews might kiss and infidels adore." POPE. HUET (PAUL). French Artist, deceased. Born in 1804. Living in Paris 1855. 295 Landscape subjects, proofs on india paper, six plates 6 HUOT (ADOLPHE-JOSEPH). Contemporary French Artist. Born in Paris. 296 " La Cigale," after M. J. Lefebvre, artist's proof, on india paper 1 JACOB (Louis). Born in 1812 ; died in Paris in 1872. 297 St. John the Evangelist, after Alessandro Tiarini, presentation proof 1 JACQUET (JULES). Contemporary French Artist. 298 Portrait of a Man, three-quarters, looking to front, inscribed " Raphael in Gallery Doria, at Rome," artist's proof, on india paper 1 JACQUEMART (JULES). Living French Artist. Born at Paris in 1857. 299 Portrait of Willem van Heytuijsen, proof, with arms, three-quarter length, in large oval 1 300 Japanese place of Execution, proof on Japanese paper 1 301 Soldier seated, full length, in a chair, proof on Japanese paper \ 302 Arrival of the Empress Eugenie at Amiens, after a picture by Meissonier, excessively rare proof on Japanese paper 1 303 Bust of Henry III. from the bronze in the Louvre, proof 1 304 The Masqueraders, after Goya > KEENE (CHARLES). Living English Artist. 305 Set of Etchings : A Working Man standing, full length. A Man seated, reading. A Cottage. Boats by the side of some water. An Interior, a man standing with his back to the fire. A Man seated in an arm chair, his hat on the ground beside him. French Soldier on Horseback. Study of Man seated. Ladies Working. Figures, two Men and two Women, fancy dress. A E 26 Lady painting. A Lady with open book on her lap. Canal. Seaside. Interiors, Old England. France, &c. proofs on Japanese paper 20 MONOGRAM H. L. German Master of the 16th Century. 306 St. George and the Dragon (B. 3), very rare 1 LAN^ON (AUGUSTE). Contemporary French Artist. 307 An old Lion, walking towards the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 308 Lion and Lioness of Senegal, facing the front, fine proofs 2 LE KEUX (HENRY). Born in 1787 ; died at Booking in 1868. Worked in London. 309 A View in Venice, after Canaletti, published by the Associated Engravers, proof vrith the artists' natnes. Madame le Bran painting a portrait, " Raffaello libri " 2 LA GUILLERMIE (FREDERIC AUCJUSTE). Contemporary French Artist. 310 A Battle Scene : Arabs I 311 Portrait of a Lady, three-quarter length, with cap and muff, after Reynolds, proof on india paper 1 LALANNE (MAXIME). Contemporary French Artist. Native of Bordeaux. 312 View of Paris. Le Pont Royal, proof befoi-e all letters 1 313 Demolition (vieux Paris), pour le percement de la rue des Ecoles, very fine ] 314 View of Bordeaux 1 315 View of Paris, fine proof 1 LALAUZE (A.) Contemporary French Artist. 316 The Ambuscade, proof on Japanese paper before any letters. Le Chant du Calvaire, proof on india paper 2 LANDSEER (SiR E., R.A.) English Painter. Born 1802 ; died 1873. Set of Etchings by Sir Edwin Landseer. 317 The Lady's Pets : two Dogs in landscape. The Sweeps riding on a horse, a small dog walks in front of them. The Traveller's Rest : Highlander and Dog. Woburn Abbey Game Cards (2) 27 The Beggar: Dog begging, a child in a basket, rabbit skins near him. The Warren : two dogs, with two dead rabbits in foreground. The Frog, two dogs playing with it, landscape in distance, &c. Low Life. The Eagle. Eeturn from Deer Stalking, 1848. The Highland Shepherd's Dog, in landscape, a hat and stick on the ground in front. Four Dogs' Heads. Landscape. The Mountain Torrents : a Highlander's dog in the foreground. The Donkeys and Horses, in landscapes. A Shepherd's Dog watching some sheep : landscape in distance, all proofs on indict, paper 17 C. E. LEFEVEE (ADOLPHE Contemporary French Artist. 318 "Le Titien et la Duchesse de Ferrare," proof before letters, on india paper; and a Nymph 2 LEGEOS (ALPHONSE). Contemporary French Painter. Living in England. M. Legros, long resident in England, is a painter and etcher of great and weird capacity, whose rare powers and naturalistic genius are held in high and deserved estimation by artists and other competent judges. 319 A Landscape, rain falling, large upright subject 1 320 An old Beggar lying dead at the foot of a tree ; a storm raging, pure aquafortis and proof 2 321 Portrait of Victor Hugo, bust, the face seen nearly full, last state, the plate destroyed 1 322 Portrait of M. Delatre, French Printer of Etchings and Etcher, in three states, the first before the additional work on the necktie, second with the work described, third, the plate was destroyed 3 323 Study of a Monk's Head. Another study from the same, proof on Japanese paper 2 324 Study of a Head of a middle-aged Man wearing a long beard, the face seen nearly in profile and turned to the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 325 Portrait of a young Man wearing a short beard and moustache, the face three-quarter and turned to the right 1 326 A Study of an Old Man, half-length, seated, and resting his hands on his knees, portrait of the artist's father, proof on Japanese paper 1 327 A Study of an Old Man's Head, the face turned upwards and to the right, pi'oof on Japanese paper 1 328 The Philosopher Asleep, very rare, only eight impressions are known to exist, very fine on Japanese paper 1 28 329 The Lecturer : a Phrenologist with a collection of human skulls before him, very rare, only four impressions are knmvn to exist 1 330 The Tribunal, very rare, only Jive or six copies exist, on Japanese paper 1 331 The Procession of Monks from the doorway of a Church, descend- ing some steps, proof on Japanese paper 1 332 Old Monks at Church Service, proof on Chinese paper 1 333 The Sacrament : Women kneeling, very fine 1 334 The Funeral Procession : Women bearing lighted candles 1 335 Monks: Grace before Meat, proof on Japanese paper 1 336 The Violoncello Player, about to open a music book with his right hand, proof on Japanese paper 1 337 The Death of St. Anthony, fine proof on Japanese paper 1 338 Beliind the Barricades 1 339 Landscape, with a Lame Man resting upon the arm of his wife and walking towards the front, proof on Japanese paper 1 340 Ploughing, proof on Japanese paper 1 341 Scene from a tale by Edgar Poe : a prisoner bound, with the rats approaching him, pi'oof on Japanese paper 1 342 A group of Buildings on the outskirts of a Wood : a Man in the foreground, where two men are rowing a boat containing two Ecclesiastics, proof on Japanese paper 1 343 The Dying Mendicant, seated on a bench, his back resting against a stone wall, a pitcher by his side, in four states 4 344 A Man seated at a table reading, an open casement before him, a globe on the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 345 " La Mort et le Bucheron " 1 34G Two Allegorical Subjects : a Boy detected stealing in a pear tree ; and Death dropping a ripe pear on an old Man, proofs 2 347 Landscape, trees and pool in foreground, farmhouse in the distance on the hill, very fine on Japanese paper, the plate destroyed 1 348 Landscape, with man kneeling on the ground attending a sheep, a wallet and stick are beside him 1 349 Landscape, with ruin and waterfall on the right, a farm in the middle distance on the bend of the stream, very fine 1 350 Landscape, Night Scene, with a Poacher fishing in a pool in the foreground with a large landing net, very fine 1 351 Upright Landscape, Wayfarers Resting, to the left, in the foreground, on a bench 1 352 A Novice walking between two Monks, the figures half length, proof on Japanese paper 1 29 353 Landscape, Early Morning, a paling in the foreground, with the trunks of two trees at the edge of a pond, proof on Japanese paper 1 354 A Boy in a pear tree stealing the fruit, detected by an old man 1 355 Study of the Head of an Old Man, seen nearly full, he wears a skull cap, proof on Japanese paper 1 356 Head of an Old Man, who is wearing a broad-brimmed hat, the face in profile and turned to the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 357 Landscape, cottages and trees in the middle distance, pond in fore- ground, proof on Japanese paper. The same subject from a more distant point of view, and on a larger plate, proof on Japanese paper 2 358 Study of a Man's Head, merely in profile and turned to the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 359 Portrait of a Young Man, three-quarter length, nearly full face and inclining to the left, the throat bare 1 360 Portrait of an Old Man, three-quarter length, the face turned to the right, he wears an overcoat with large cape, very fine 1 361 Portrait of Victor Hugo, first state, on Japanese paper 1 362 Study of a Young Woman's Head, she wears her hair plainly dressed and combed behind her ears, the face seen nearly in full, proof on Japanese paper 1 363 A Priest standing in attitude of prayer, with open book before him, which he is reading, the face in profile and turned to the left, proof on Japanese paper 1 364 Study of a Priest, seated, and holding a rosary, profile turned to left, half-length 1 365 Portrait of Thomas Carlyle, in broad-brimmed hat, treated in a Rembrandt-like manner, the large plate, proof before all letters 1 366 Portrait of Thomas Carlyle, half-length, the face nearly full, the small plate, proof before any letters 1 367 Portrait of J. Barbey d'Aurevilly, three-quarter length, wearing braided morning coat, standing, resting against some books 1 368 Portrait of Mademoiselle Legros, full face, the hair flowing over her shoulders and combed away from the forehead, proof on Japanese paper 1 369 A Novice walking between two Monks, second plate, with the figures seen only to the shoulders, proof on Japanese paper 1 370 Portrait of Jourde, the head raised, and turned to the right, the face seen nearly in profile, dry point, very rare 1 30 371 Frontispiece, " fifty impressions of ten etchings by Alphonse Legros," in centre as a tablet, supported by a Carthusian Friar, who holds a torch in his left hand, proof on Japanese paper 1 372 Interior of a Church, Choir of Monks, &c., proof on Japanese paper 1 LE RAT (PAUL). Contemporary French Artist. 373 The Game at Cards, after Meissonier, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 LEVASSEUR (JEAN CHARLES). Born at Abbeville in 1757, died in 1804. 374 VILLANELLA knitting, landscape in distance, after Ch. Jalabert 1 LEWIS (CHARLES GEORGE). Contemporary English Engraver. 375 The Mothers, a set of eight etchings after Edwin Landseer, proofs on india paper 8 LEWIS (JOHN FREDERICK, R.A.) Contemporary English Painter. 376 The Cottage Door : Old Giles, a labourer ; etched from nature, with a sewing needle, at the Squirrel Inn, Wingfield, near Windsor. Jocko, from a sketch in the possession of Robert Holford, Esq. Ass and Foal, in a landscape. Mare and Foal, in a landscape. The Interior of a Shed. The Stable Door. The Wounded Deer. Horses ploughing, sheds on the right. Buck Shooting. Rattler, the head of a favourite Staghound. Spaniels : Land- scape, two dead rabbits on the right, a live one running away. A German Wild Boar : one of the animals belonging to Her Majesty in Windsor Great Park. A Lady, three-quarters in oval, nearly full face, from a miniature by Sir W. C. Ross, R.A. 13 LEYDEN (LUKAS VAN). Bora at Leyden in 1514, died in 1533. 377 Abraham taking leave of Hagar (18), brilliant impression \ 378 Joseph relating his dreams to Jacob (19), and copy reversed G. Valck excu. 1667. The Wife of Potiphar (20), copy reversed 3 379 The three Elders watching Susannah in the Bath (23) 1 31 380 Samson and Delilah (25), an early impression in perfect condition, with good margin 1 381 David playing on the Harp before Saul (27), fine impression of the rare print, in perfect condition, and with margin 1 382 The Triumph of Mordecai (32), fine 1 383 The Baptism of Christ (40), very fine 1 384 The Temptation of Christ (41) 1 385 Christ brought before the High Priest (59), one of the circles, brilliant impression, but without the border, very rare 1 386 Christ crowned with Thorns (68), early impression 1 387 Christ and the Magdalen (77), very fine ; from the Fountaine Walker Collection 1 388 The Eeturn of the Prodigal Son (78), fine, and in perfect condition 1 389 The Conversion of St. Paul (107), brilliant impression in perfect condition 1 390 The Poet Virgil suspended in a basket (136), very fine and clear impression, with margin 1 391 The Quack Dentist (157), fine 1 LEYS (BARON HENDRIK). Belgian Artist. Born at Antwerp in 1815 ; died 1869. 392 " Les Archers " 1 393 " Luther's House," proof 1 394 " La Conversation," proof 1 395 " Sonneurs de Tromp," proof 1 396 "La Kencontre." Le Choeur, proofs 2 LOUIS (ARISTIDE). Contemporary French Artist. 397 Innocence, after Greuze (Girl with lamb) ; and L' Amour fraternel, after W. Bauguereau, by G. Bertinot, artist's proof 2 MANTEGNA (ANDREA). Born near Padua in 1431, died at Mantua in 1506. 398 Jesus Christ descending into Hell, (B. 5) very fine 1 THIRD DAY'S SALE. MASSARD (JEAN-BAPTISTE, R U.) Born in 1775, worked in Paris. LOT 399 Homer Blind, on the sea shore, after F. Gerard 1 MARTIAL (ADOLPHE). Contemporary French Artist. 400 Cadart and Luquet's Shop in Paris. " Siege de la Societe des aqua fortis," very fine 1 401 Landscape. A rude wooden bridge across a stream which flows towards the front in a flat country, with mill in the extreme distance, after Rousseau 1 402 " Un Citoyen di 1'aynee Cinq :" Portrait of a Youth, three-quarters, seated, turned to the right, after Goupil, artist's proof 1 MATHAM (JAKOB). Born at Haarlem in 1571, died in 1631. 403 The Crucifixion, after Albrecht Diirer (B. 97) 1 MEISSONIER (EKNEST). Contemporary French Painter. Born at Lyons in 1815. 404 Group from Rabelais, one of the first proofs before the plate was out, very rare 1 405 Man seated, smoking, proof, very rare \ 406 Officer writing, soldier standing at table, proof on india paper 1 407 River Scene, pleasure grounds, with fountain dedicated to Venus, with a lady and gentleman in a boat, reclining under a canopy, four slaves row, very rare 1 408 Two young Men leaning against a wall talking, in lithography, from a drawing by Meissonier, by Alfred Robaut, proof on india paper 2 MERCIER (Louis). Contemporary French Artist. 409 Portrait of General Grant on horseback 1 33 MERCURI (PAOLO). Born in Italy, working in Paris 410 St. Amelie with three novices kneeling before an altar, landscape in distance, after Delaroche^roo/" before letters, on india paper, 1 411 Les Moissonneurs dans les marais Pontins, after Leopold Eobert, Rome, 1830, proof before letters, on india paper, rare 1 MilRYON (CHAKLES). Born at Paris, 1821, of English origin, the greatest etcher of modern times, whose works will, ere many years have passed, take rank next to Rembrandt ; a man of tender soul, probably derived from his mother. In 1837 he went to the Naval School at Brest. He made several voyages, and from 1842 to 1846 he circumnavigated the globe in the corvette Le Rhin. On account of his delicate constitution he gave up the sea-service. Whereon he writes : " A few words on my past life as a naval officer. I wore the epaulette but a short time. I laid it aside simply because I did not feel sufficiently strong, either physically or morally, to command in all circumstances men, the majority of whom I consider as the most devoted, the most honourable, the best that can be met with. It is with a profound sentiment of sincerity that I feel honoured in having spent the best part of my youth in the midst of such men, whether officers or sailors. The above-mentioned reason, joined to a natural inclination I have always had for the arts, has made me venture upon the path on which I now walk." Meryon returned to Paris, 1847; he painted pictures, in which he failed, for although he possessed in a consummate degree a knowledge of the relative value of light and shade, either his eyes did not appreciate, or his hands could not manipulate, colour. He thereupon acquired his first notions on the art of etching, of which he ultimately became the great master. To exercise himself in the etching point he made copies of the old masters. His genius was rapidly developing, and Victor Hugo wrote of his works : " These etchings are magnificent things ; this fine imagination should not be fettered in the great contest which it is waging now in contemplating the ocean now in contemplating Paris the breath of the infinite traverses the works of M. Meryon, and makes of his etchings more than pictures visions." Old Paris was being demolished ; the picturesque swept away; and monuments revered for their historical associations, ruthlessly destroyed, to be replaced by the monotonous and dreary productions of Imperial Communism. Meryon set to work to preserve, ere it was too late, records of the poetry of old Paris ; and produced, with his etching needle, the most marvellous series of works of our time: full of power, of truth, yet of tragic mystery: preserving the details of architecture, he filled up his works with the reflex melancholy of his own soul. But to live he must sell. He had not yet made taste to admire his works ; publishers and buyers would have nothing to do with them. Modest, nervous, tongue-tied and irritable, he tramped Paris, with his folios of etchings, but beyond placing a few impressions in the hands of dealers, who sold little and paid less, neither public nor private taste, nor patronage, did any- thing for him. In a fit of despair he destroyed the copperplates. Darker days set in upon him, and he passed into worse than the valley of the shadow of death the madhouse of Charenton ; whence he was released by death. (The Numbers refer to " L'Ouvre de Charles Meryon, Gazette des Beaux Arts," vol. xiv. xv., by M. Philippe Burty.) 412 "La Pavilion de Mademoiselle et une partie du Louvre a Paris," after Zeeman (B, 6) 1 413 "La Salle des Pas perdus," after Jacques Androuet Ducerceau (B. 15), second state 1 F 34 414 " Le Pont au Change, vers 1794," after a design of Nicolle (B. 19), very fine and rare 1 415 " Presentation au Roi Louis XI du Valere Maxime," copy of an old drawing, about 1475 (R 24), brilliant impression on Japanese paper, very fine 1 416 Another impression, on india paper, with large margin 1 417 "Passerelle du Pont au Change apres 1'incendie de 1621" (B. 26) 1 418 Part of Paris, on the Banks of the Seine, towards the end of the 17th century, from an old design (B. 27), fourth state, the address altered to " Au repentir Sobre resta Poisson, &c" 1 419 " Le Grand-Chatelet a Paris," after a design dated 1780 (B. 28) 1 420 Another impression of the same 1 421 " Le Stryge " (B. 35), third state, with the title " Le Stryge" no address 1 422 " Le Petit Pont " (B. 36) 1 423 " L'Arche du Pont Notre-Dame," 1850 (B. 37), third state, with the, initials C. M. in the upper corner 1 424 " La Galerie de Notre-Dame " (B. 38), third state 1 425 " La Tonr de 1'Horloge " (B. 40), third state, before the roof 1 426 " Tourelle, Rue de la Tixeranderie, demolie en 1851 " (B. 41), second state, (the drapery added to the figure in the doorway) 1 427 " St. Etienne-du-Mont, Paris " (B. 42), third state 1 428 " La Pompe Notre-Dame," 1852 (B. 43) 1 429 " La petite Pompe," C'en est fait, O porfait ! &c. (B. 44) 1 430 " Le Pont Neuf, 1850 " (B. 45), fourth state 1 431 "Le Pont au Change" (B. 46), second state (with single balloon, which was afterwards changed into a crescent moon, and a large flight of birds 1 432 " Le Pont au Change " (B. 46), third state, the balloon changed into a crescent moon, and with the flight of birds introduced 1 433 " La Morgue," 1850 (B. 48), fourth state, with the addition of " Ima- yerie religieuse exportation," on tJie house at the bottom 1 434 " L'Abside de Notre-Dame de Paris, 1853 " (B. 50), third state, the title re-written in small capitals followed by the date of 1853 1 435 "Le Tombeau de Moliere " (B. 51). Ancienne Porte du Palais de Justice (B. 31), two on one mount 2 35 436 " Tourelle dite de Marat," with figures in the sky (B. 53) 1 437 "Eue des Chantres, Paris, 1862" (B. 54), second state, with the placards sliaded and the initial letters at top 1 438 " La rue des Toiles, a Bourges," second state, with the group of figures (B. 56) 1 439 " Ancienne Habitation a Bourges," third state, with the title (B. 57) 1 440 " Voyage du Ehine Oceanic." " Hots a Uvea, Peche aux Palmes," 1845 (B, 63) 1 441 Whole length Portrait, Francois Vi6te, in robes, copy of an old print (B. 78) 1 442 Portrait of Pierre Nivelle, Evque de Luqon, ne a Troyesen, 1584, mort a Lu^on le 10 Fev. 1660, small oval (B. 79), copy of an old print 1 443 Portrait of M. Bizeul, nearly profile, directed to the left (B. 83) 1 444 Portrait of Benjamin Fillon, first state, with the name (B. 84) 1 445 " La Place de la Concorde," with mad fantasy in the sky, not described by Burty 1 446 " Bain-froid Chevrier dit de 1'Ecole," fifth state, with verses, " Et oui ! voila la poi," &c., not described by Burty. And another im- pression 2 447 College Henri Quatre, ou Lycee Napoleon (taken from the top of Pantheon), the sea at top afterwards taken out, and the View of Paris inserted. Not described by Burty, second state before the steamer, and the monogram of Meryon at the top 1 448 Third state of the same, with the steamer and monogram 1 449 Fifth state of the same, entitled, " Vue a Vol d'Oiseau du College Henry IV, ou Lycee Napoleon," the sea and sky in the former plate taken out, and the view of Paris inserted instead 1 450 Nouvelle Zelande, group of natives under some palms on the left, near the house, only 30 impressions taken, plate destroyed, not described by Burty 1 451 View on the Seine, with bridge in the foreground, proof before all letters, very rare 1 452 Portrait of M. Lecompte, half-length seated, holding hat and stick, after Gustave Boulanger, fortis 1856, proof on vellum, not described by Burty 1 453 Vue de 1'ancien Louvre du cote de la Seine en 1651, from the picture by Zeeman, and for the Chalcography of the Louvre, proof before any letters, rare and undescribed 1 36 MICHELTN (JULES). French Amateur Artist. Deceased. 454 " Pres le Pont de Crosne," 'proof. Croissy, proof on Chinese paper. Kiver Scene : Man fishing under a large tree on the left, proof 3 MICHETTI (PAOLO). Contemporary Etcher. 455 Portrait: Head of an Old Man with short grey hair, the face turned to the front 1 MIERIS (FRANS VAN). Born at Leyden in 1635, died in 1681. 456 Portrait of a Man, three-quarter length, Cupids holding a crown above his head, tablet below blank, proof 1 MILLER (WILLIAM). Contemporary Engraver of Landscapes. 457 Sunset at Sea after a Storm, after Danby, artist's proof 1 MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS). French Artist. Died in 1875. Millet was born in 1815 at Greville, in La Manche, and died January last year (1875), at Bar bison, near Fontainebleau. He was the son of a peasant, but early shewed genius for painting ; and the municipality of Greville subscribed 600 francs to send him to Paris, where he studied under Paul Delaroche. He became the pathetic and poet painter of nature and the peasantry of " Sowers," " Haymakers," " Reapers," " Shepherds," " Gleaners," " Knitters." Millet married young, had fourteen children, and lived the simplest life. He painted slowly, as he said he loved to see his pictures grow. They produced him little in his life-time, though they are a fortune to those who now possess them. With Corot, Rousseau, Frere and others, Millet founded a school on the love of nature and humanity. Solemn, not cynical ; subtle, not ascetic ; truthful, not flashy ; laborious for ever seeking a higher and a higher standard. " In his Art," said the Athenaeum, the week after his death, " Millet came nearer to Rembrandt than any of the Moderns in dealing sometimes with unbounded wealth of light, sometimes with worlds of shade now producing ineffable mysteries of tone, then seeming to meditate in a solemn paradise of colour." He did a few etchings of remarkable power, expression and pathos. The best are here in the finest and rarest states. 458 " La Couseuse," proof on india paper, with large margin 1 459 " La Batteuse de Beurre," rare proof, with broad margin 1 460 " Allant Travailler," proof before the address, very rare 1 461 " Les Glaneuses," artist's proof on green paper, very rare and fine 1 462 " Les B^cheurs," rare proof 1 463 "La Nourrice," rare proof, first state, before the plate was cut 1 464 " La Cardeuse," superb proof on Japanese paper, of excessive rarity, 1 37 MONGIN (AUGUSTIN). Contemporary French Artist, born at Paris. 465 The Officer reading a Letter : a Hussar waiting an answer, after Meissonier, artist's proof, on Japanese paper 1 MONGIEZ (Louis). Contemporary French Etcher. 466 " 1795." A Lady, full-length, standing, wearing large broad hat and feathers, she is holding her dress with her left hand, after Jules Goupil, brilliant proof on Japanese paper 1 467 Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, after Fantin. He is seated looking attentively at a print, which he has taken from a port- folio, while his wife stands by him 1 468 L' Amateur de Tableaux, artisfs proof 1 MOORE (H.) Living English Painter. 469 Upright Landscape composition, with waterfall. Dead Deer : his late companions in the distance, proofs on india paper 2 MORSE (AUGUSTE-ACHILLE). Contemporary Engraver, born at Paris. 470 Venus Anadyomene, after J. W. A. Ingres, proof before the border, and before all letters, on india paper 1 MULLER (FREDERICK). Born at Kreuznach in 1750 ; died in 1825. 471 Mater Dolorosa, after Solimene, proof, open letters 1 NEUVILLE (ALPHONSE DE). Contemporary French Artist. 472 "Mobiles a la Tranchee, Sige de Paris, 1 870-1," proof on india paper 1 NIEL (GABRIELLE, MDMLLE.) Contemporary Amateur Etcher. 473 " Ancienne Ecole de Medecine, Rue de la Bucherie, Paris," proof on india paper 1 474 Paris : Notre Dame, proof on india paper 1 475 Maison Rue des Bernardines, Paris, proof on india paper 1 38 476 Restes Gothiques de 1'Hotel Dieu de Paris, brilliant proof on india paper 1 477 Abside de St. Julien le Pauvre, proof on india paper 1 478 Ancienne Caserne des Janissaires a Constantine, proof on india paper 1 479 Oasis de Biskra (Sahara) 1 480 Rivoli Waterfalls 1 O'CONNELL (MADAME). Contemporary French Artist. 481 Portrait of a Eoyalist, half-length, wearing hat and large feathers, in Van Dyke dress 1 ORKY (ABEL). Contemporary French Artist. 482 Winter : Forest Scenery with crows in the snow 1 PALMER (SAMUEL.) Contemporary English Painter. 483 Landscapes : A Cornfield and Man with dog at a gate on the left. Sunset : Man with dog and oxen going home from work, villagers in the valley at their feet, proofs on india paper, before all letters 2 484 Landscapes : Shepherd reclining in foreground, man ploughing with oxen in distance. Moon rising above a Hill in the dis- tance, flock of sheep in the foreground resting, proofs on india paper 2 PERFETTI (ANTONIO). Contemporary Engraver. Working in Florence. 485 " La Bella," after Titian, proof, with arms, before tlie title 1 PENCZ (GEORGE). Bom at Nuremberg in 1500, died at Nenpgsberg in 1550. 486 Horatius Codes defending the Bridge (80). Tarquiu and Lucretia (78), both fine and on the same mount 2 487 Sophonisba drinking the poison (B. 32), fine 1 488 Thetis recommending to Chiron the education of Achilles (90), fine I 39 PILOTELL (GEORGE). Contemporary Italian Etcher. Working in London. 489 PORTRAIT OF THE EIGHT HON. B. DISRAELI, three quarter face turned to the left, proof on india paper 1 490 PORTRAIT OF THE EIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE (Bust), the face three-quarter and turned to the right, proof before letters, on Japanese paper, and finished impression, also on Japanese paper 2 491 Portrait of the Countess of Dudley, three-quarter and turned to the right, proof on Japanese paper 1 492 Portrait of Mr. Plimsoll, M.P. (Head), the face turned to the right in profile, proof on Japanese paper 1 493 Portrait of the Princess of Wales, three-quarter face, and turned to the right, dry point, proof 1 494 Portrait of Madame Patti (Bust), the face three-quarter and turned to the right (seven proofs taken before the plate was steeled, and only three taken on Japanese paper) 1 PUECELL (EICHARD). Born in Ireland in 1736 ; died in London in 1765. 495 The Maid, with her hand before the candle, after Henry Morland, fine 1 EAIMOKDI (MARC ANTONIO). Born at a Village near Padua in 1431 ; died at Mantva in 1506. 496 Apollo and Hyacinthus, with Cupids standing by his side (348), very fine and early impression of this rare print 1 497 The Apostle : St. John (128), and copies A and B 3 498 St. Bartholomew (130), in duplicate, and copy undescribed 3 499 St. Philip (129), and copies A and B 3 500 St. Matthew (131), fine; and copies A, B and C 4 501 St. Thomas (132), and duplicate. St. Simon (133) : copy B. St. Sebastian (166), marked with Indian ink 4 502 Cleopatra reclining on a couch (199), very fine, but the top mended, and drawn in 1 503 The Triumph of Titus (213), fine and rare 1 504 Venus after bathing wringing her hair (31 2),^?^ and very rare 1 505 Statue of Apollo in a niche (333), very fine 1 506 Mars, Venus and Cupid (345), second state, very fine 1 507 " L'homme et la femme aux boules " (377), fine and rare I 40 RAJON (PAUL ADOLPHE). Contemporary French Etcher, born at Dijon. Rajon is an etcher of distinguished ability : his work is inimitable in fineness and delicacy. He has the gift of rendering the very thought of the painter, and best when those painters are greatest. 508 Portrait of John Stuart Mill, three-quarter length, nearly full face, after the picture by Watts ; exhibited in the Royal Academy, in London, 1874, brilliant artist's proof 1 509 Portrait of Philip IV, King of Spain, three-quarter length, the face nearly full and turned a little to the left, after Velasquez, in the National Gallery, proof on Japanese paper 1 510 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons, half-length seated, with broad brimmed hat and feathers, after the picture by G. Gainsborough in the National Gallery, artist's proof, on Japanese paper 1 511 Portrait of Sir George Young, in oval, three-quarter length, after Reynolds, artist's proof, on Japanese paper 1 512 Portrait of Canova, three-quarter length, the face nearly full and turned a little to the left, after Jackson, R.A., artist's proof 1 513 Portrait of a Lady and Child, after Reynolds, artist's proof 1 514 The Chapeau de Paille, after the picture by Rubens, in the Peel Collection, National Gallery, artist's proof 1 515 Gevartius, after the picture by Van Dyck, in the National Gallery, artist's proof 1 516 Portrait of Henrietta Maria, after Vandyck, half-length, standing, artist's proof, on india paper 1 517 Portrait of an Old Lady, an oval in a square, in cap and ruff, after picture by Rembrandt in the National Gallery, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 518 Portrait of Al. Dumas Pere, half-length seated, face nearly full. Portrait of Guillemot, Dumas' Cook, half-length, seated, in a frieze cap, the face nearly full, artist's proofs 2 519 Portrait of Lecompte de Lisle, small head, the face nearly in profile, turned to the right. Portrait of Theophile Gauthier, half-length standing, the face turned to the left, artist's proofs 2 520 Portrait of Sully Prudhomme, the Poet, small head, nearly a pro- file, turned to the left. Portrait of M. Gail, (Bust), the face turned to the left, artist's proofs on Japanese paper 2 521 Portrait of Barbey d'Aurevilly, literary man (Head), the face seen nearly full. Portrait of Ivan Tourgueneff (Bust), the face three-quarter and turned to the left, artist's proofs 2 41 522 Head of a little Girl, in profile, turned to the right. Another little Girl, standing by an antique chair, after Charles Marshall, artist's proofs 2 523 Marie Stuart, half-length standing, holding a rose. Interior of the Audience Chamber, the Queen enthroned, surrounded by her courtiers, receiving guests, signed artisfs proofs on india paper 2 524 An Alsace Marriage, after Brion, proof on Japanese paper, before all letters 1 525 Reading the Scriptures, after Brion, very rare, first state before much additional work at the upper part, only six impressions taken on, india paper 1 526 The Plan of the Siege, after Detaille. Two men in a landscape, one is drawing with his stick on the ground, proof 1 527 The Eelay of Dogs in the Desert, after Gerome, proof on Japanese paper 1 528 Un Duel apres le Bal, after Gerome, proof on Japanese paper 1 529 Rembrandt in his Studio, after Gerome, proof on Japanese paper 1 530 " Corps de Garde D'Arnautes au Caire/' after Gerome, proof 1 531 Jeunes Grecs a la Mosquee, after Gerome, proof 1 532 A Woman holding a Child's hand and coming down some steps, another woman stands under a porch, in a passage leading to a cottage, artist's proof, after the picture of Peter de Hooghe, in the National Gallery 1 533 The Music Lesson, after Metzu, in the Peel Collection, National Gallery, artist's proof 1 534 Salome, after Regnault, artisfs proof on Japanese paper 1 535 The Old Temeraire, artist's proof, after Turner, in the National Gallery 1 536 The Quarrel, after Vautier, proof on Japanese paper, before all letters 1 537 Un Amour Platonique, after Zamacois, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 538 Un Hache- Faille Egyptien, after Gerome, artist's proof 1 539 Gentleman walking, after Meissonier, 1862, proof on Japanese paper 1 540 Man seated reading, after Meissonier, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 541 Man reading, standing at a window, after Meissonier, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 G 42 542 The Painter, seated before his easel, drawing, after Meissonier, proof on Japanese paper I 543 The Reader, seated in a chair, after Meissonier, proof on Japanese, paper, rare 1 544 The Smoker, whole-length seated at a table, after Meissonier, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 545 " Non Piangere :" A Boy stooping down to address a little Girl, after Bonnat, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 RAVENNA (MARCO DENTE DA). Born at Ravenna about 1496, living in 1529. 546 The Judgment of Paris (246), very fine ; from the Bathurst Col- lection 1 RAYMOND (J). Contemporary French Artist. 547 Jesus Christ et Le Mauvais Riche. A set of 6 plates, proofs on Chinese paper 6 REDGRAVE (RICHARD), R.A. Contemporary English Painter. 548 A Sylvan Scene : Forest Trees, with a pathway on the right, proof "before all letters 1 REINDEL (ALBRECHT CHRISTOPH). Born at Nuremburg in 1784 ; died in 1853. 549 The Virgin with the Infant Jesus, after Leonardo da Vinci, proof 1 REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. Born at Leyden in 1606 ,- died at Amsterdam in 1669. TJie References are to Wilson's Descriptive Catalogue. 550 Portraits of Rembrandt and his Wife (19), "brilliant impression of the first state 1 551 Portrait of Rembrandt leaning on a stone cill (21), beautiful im- pression of the second state 1 552 Portrait of Rembrandt drawing (22), very fine impression of the eighth state, with broad margin 1 553 Portrait of Rembrandt in an oval (23), third state, extremely rare, the angles effaced, and the plate quite an oval, very fine, in perfect condition 1 43 554 Abraham and his Son Isaac (38), beautiful impression, in perfect condition ; from Lord Aylesford's collection 1 555 Tobit Blind (46), very fine 1 556 The Tribute to Csesar (72), very fine, second state 1 557 Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple (73), second state before the lamp was taken out in the background, fine 1 558 The Eesurection of Lazarus, the small print (76), early and beau- tiful impression, in perfect condition, and with good margin 1 559 The Resurrection of Lazarus, a large print (77), fine impression of the sixth state, in perfect preservation, and with ample margin 1 560 Christ healing the Sick, " The Hundred Guilder " (78), brilliant impression of the second state, in perfect condition, and a good margin 1 561 The Descent from the Cross ( W. 84), brilliant impression 1 562 The Crucifixion, a small square plate (8&),fine, second state 1 563 Christ and his Disciples at Emrnaus (92), fine, second state 1 564 Christ and his Disciples at Emmaus, a small print (93), very fine, ivith good margin 1 565 Eeturn of the Prodigal Son (96), brilliant impression I 566 The Baptism of the Eunuch (103), very fine 1 567 The Death of the Virgin (104), very fine, second state; from the Collection of William Morley 1 568 The Three Trees (209), fine impression of the tindescribed copy, which is invariably taken for the original 1 569 St. Jerome, in Rembrandt's dark manner (110), brilliant impression, with good margin 1 570 A young Man musing (270), brilliant impression, in perfect condi- tion 1 571 Dr. Faustus (272), very fine, with ample margin 1 572 Clement de Jonghe (274), very fine, third state, before the buckle in the hat, with margin 1 573 Abraham Franz (275), fine impression of the fifth state 1 574 Jan Asselyn (279), second state, with traces of the easel in tlie back- ground, very fine, on Japanese paper ; from the collection of Prince Paar 1 575 Jan Cornelius Sylvius (282), fine early state, with the dry point work in the face 1 576 The Burgomaster Six (287), very fine impression of the third state, in perfect preservation 1 577 The Three Heads of Women (361), very fine 1 44 REYHER (R.) Contemporary Artist. 578 Princess Potocka, after the original, in the Berlin Museum, proof, with the artist's name only, R. Reyherfec. 1872 1 REYNOLDS (SAMUEL WILLIAM). Bora in 1774 ; died in 1835. 579 Madonna Col. Bambino, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, proof, open letters, on india paper, very fine 1 RIDLEY (W.) Contemporary English Artist 580 Durham. Durham Harbour, and North Dock, proofs, very jine 3 ROCHEBRINE (OCTAVE DE). Contemporary French Artist. 581 The Church of Notre Dame, Paris, artist's proof 1 ROLLS (CHARLES). Born in 1799. 582 The Taming of the Shrew (act IV. scene III.), after Charles Robert Leslie, R. A., proof before letters ; from the Royal Gallery of British Art I ROPS (FELICIEN). Living French Artist. 583 Et il fit pendre au Battant de la cloche, celui qui avait sonne ralanne : Man hanged from the tongue of a Bell, proof on india paper 1 584 De Lumey, fier Seigneur vivant en opulence, proof on india paper 1 585 " Son Altesse sera grande bruleuse d'he'retiques," proof on india paper 1 586 Eighteen small subjects illustrating French Life and Character, proofs on india paper 18 ROTA Born at Sebenico in Dalmatia about 1540 ; died about 1586. 587 The Flagellation of Christ, after Titian (R 7), very fine and scarce; and the Last Judgment, after Michel Angelo, copied by Gaul tier 2 45 EOUSSEAU (THEODORE H.) Contemporary French Artist. 588 Landscape with river and overhanging trees, a cottage in the dis- tance on the right, artist's proof on india paper 1 ROYBET (FERDINAND). Living Belgian Artist. 589 Backgammon Players, artist's proof on Japanese paper 1 590 A Troop of Italian Street Players, artist's proof before letters, on india paper 1 591 Le Joueur d'Echecs, artist's proof, on india paper 1 SAFFKEY (HENRI). Contemporary French Artist. 592 The Louvre after the Fire, proof on india paper. The Louvre, proof before letters 2 SANDYS (FREDERICK). Contemporary English Painter. 593 " A Nightmare," a satirical adaptation of a picture by Mr. Millais, exhibited in 1858, with metrical romance beneath, rare 1 SANGSTER (SAMUEL). English Engraver, died 1872. 594 The Deserted, after G. E. Newton, proof, open letters 1 SCHONGAUER (MARTIN). Born at Culmbach in 1453, died at Co]mar 1499. 595 Christ bearing the Cross (B. 21), very fine and early impression, but part of the sky drawn in 1 SELLE (E.) Contemporary French Artist. 596 Portrait of Thiers, a small head, proof on Japanese paper 1 SHARPLES (JAMES). Amateur Engraver. 597 The Forge, proof 1 46 SHENTON (HENRY CHAWNER.) Born at Winchester in 1803, died in 1866. 598 The Loan of a Bite, after W. Mulready, E.A., artist's proof I SHERBORN (C. W.) Contemporary English Artist, Etcher, and Engraver. 599 Northumberland House, Strand, (now demolished by the Metro- politan Board of Works). Chertsey Meadows. Putney Bridge. Battersea Bridge, and Turner's House, Chelsea. Putney. Chelsea Reach (2), Old Chelsea. Study of the Head of a Cat, proof s on Japanese paper 10 SIEDENTOPF (C. E.) Engraver of Francfurt, working 1843-1844. 600 Venus Sleeping, after Titian, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery, proof 1 SIEVIER (ROBERT WILLIAM). Born in London in 1794, died in 1865. 601 Venus descending. O, Venus in smiles on our earth re-appear Tis chilly and dark we have need of thee here, Sec. From a picture painted by W. Etty, R.A., proof before letters 1 SLOCOMBE (C. P., F. and E.) Living English Artists. Messrs. Slocombe made the following remarks about their etchings: " As it is not unfrequently assumed that etching is more fitted for slight sketches than for more complete renderings of the fulness of the effect seen in nature, some of the examples of this series may serve in a measure to illustrate the capa- bilities of the art, the whole of them being pure works of the etching point and aquafortis, untouched by the graver." 602 Etchings of English Landscape, by C. P., F. and E. Slocombe, London View of Rottingdean. Steephill Cove, Isle of Wight. Moonlight : St Ives, Pilchard boats unloading. Tintern Abbey and Valley of the Wye. Worcester, from the Diglis Locks on the Severn. Sylvan Shades High Beech, Epping Forest. Stonehenge, by Moonlight. In the New Forest : the Knyghtwood Oak, etched on zinc. The Thames at Chiswick. Steephill Cove, Isle of Wight. Lane Scene, Pinner, Middlesex : evening. Moonlight, Coast of Wales. Shipping in the Pool : Port of London. Artist's pi-oofs 14 47 603 Title Page and Circular : Landscape Etching by C. P. and F. Slo- combe. Shrinkle Haven : Coast of Pembrokeshire. Below London Bridge, from the Tower Wharf. View of Eouen. The Seine at Eouen. Old Buildings in Eouen. The Chateau of Dijon. Watch Towers, Walls of Lucerne. The Zeitglocken, Thurm, Bern. The Jungfrau, from Interlacken. Sunshine after Eain, Kensington Gardens. Sunset, Coast of South Wales, near Manorbrier. Lane at Penmaen Mawr, North Wales. Seven Ways Plain, Burnham Beeches. The Wye at Tintern. Artist's proofs 15 604 A Lane with high firs on each side, men and women carrying waste wood up the pathway, A Country Mansion, with trees on each side, reflected by a piece of water in the foreground, Wych Stree^, London. Effect of Moonlight, the moon rising above some trees in a lane, with men on horseback and carts loaded with hay passing along the road. A Lane, with high trees on each side, a group of figures in the middle distance. Interior of a richly furnished Apartment : a Lady seated by a fire reading, a cat is on the ground beside her. View of Margate Jetty from the Parade. Artist's proofs 7 FOUETH DAY'S SALE. SMITH (JOHN RAPHAEL). Born in 1752, died at Doncaster in 1812. LOT 605 The Fortune Teller, after Peters, very fine 1 606 The Calling of Samuel, after Sir Joshua Reynolds 1 607 An Old Lady admonishing her daughter, who is about to start on a journey with her lover, who is waiting at the door, after Morland, proof before letters. 1 STEINLA (MORITZ). Born at Hildesheim in 1791, working 1847. 608 Madonna and Child, with St. Catherine and St. John the Baptist, after Palma 1 STRANGE (SIR ROBERT). Born at Pomona, Orkney, 1721, died in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields 1792. 609 The Magdalen ; Cleopatra ; both after Guido Reni, fine 2 STOCKS (LUMB) R.A. Contemporary English Engraver. 610 Nell Gwynne, after Charles Landseer, proof with the artists' names 1 TAYLER (FREDERIC). Living English Painter. 611 Troopers on the march along the bed of a river. Hunting Scene : a Huntsman dragging his steed from a ditch, proofs on india paper, two on a mount 2 49 TEYSSONNIERES (PIERRE). Contemporary French Artist. Born at Albi. 612 The Murder of the Due d'Enghien, at Vincennes, by order of Napoleon Buonaparte, after Laurens, fine proof 1 THIBAULT (CHARLES). Contemporary Engraver. 613 "La Fille de Palma," after Palma Vecchio, proof on india paper, The Virgin of the Annunciation, artist's proof 2 THOMAS (PERCY). Living English Artist. 614 Prinnie Dear: a Dog. Portrait of a Man, 3 states. A Boy standing. Temple Bar. Homeward Bound. A Sculptor seated at a table. Portrait of Mr. Edmund Thomas in barrister's robes, two states, the pure aquafortis, and finished proof. Portrait of a Gentleman, half-length, reclining in a chair, some books on a shelf behind his head. Homeward Bound, a Portrait : a Young Lady seated in a railway carriage. A Farmer's own Boy. The Opera, a Portrait. On the Pier at Deal, a Portrait. Temple Bar at Three o'clock in the Morning, 1869. Moonlight : a Peasant Woman at the village pump, and View of a roadway past some cottages. The Wreck of the Garibaldi, Littlehampton ; proofs on Japanese paper 20 615 Railway Travellers : Two Ladies side by side in a first class carriage. Evening : Lovers at a window where two birds are cooing in a cage. Waiting for a Shower, Deal. By the Sea Shore, a young Lady leaning against a boat. Deal: a Capstan and shed. God speed You. A young Lady waving her handkerchief towards some one on a vessel in the distance. By the Sea : a young Lady reclining on the beach, Deal in the distance ; proofs on Japanese paper 7 616 Two Girls on a seat, view of the sea in distance through a window. Four persons in an opera box. A Lady walking in a garden, opening her sunshade, in two states. Portrait of Mr. Ralph Thomas. A Scotch Terrier Dog, seated on a lady's lap, pvre aquafortis, and finished state, proofs on Japanese paper 7 H 50 617 Study of a Child's Head. A young Lady seated by the sea side, vessels in the distance. A Street Scene, with people looking into the shop windows, in two states. A Village Lane, with cottages. A Girl seated in a boat on the beach at night, a vessel seen in the distance. Portrait of Henry Graham, Esq., proofs on Japanese paper 7 618 Steam Ploughing Machine, with men attending to it, in two states. Portrait of A. Delatre, the French Printer of Etchings, in two states. Portrait of Henry Irving, the Tragedian, half-length, seated, with an open book on his knees. A Happy New Year, four children dragging a companion in small wicker carriage. A Man selling chinaware from a stall, a crowd around him, proofs on Japanese paper 7 619 Two Girls at a sea-side residence looking out of window. A young Lady reclining on the beach reading ; vessels in the dis- tance. The Kitchen on board the lugger " Galatea," two states. A young Lady seated at window which overlooks a garden. Fishing Smacks off Brighton. Old Blackfriars' Bridge, proofs on Japanese paper 7 TOMPKINS (CHARLES). Contemporary English Mezzotint Engraver. 620 Portraits of two Nuns, after Sant, called "Easter Offerings," artists 's proof 1 TOURNY (JOSEPH GABRIEL). Contemporary French Artist. 621 Portrait of Masaccio, proof on india paper 1 TURNER (JOSEPH WILLIAM MALLORD), R.A. Born in Maiden Lane, 1775 ; died in 1851. 622 The Turner Gallery, sixty-one illustrations, inclusive of a Portrait of the Painter, engraved by J. Cousens, E. Goodall, W. Miller, J. B. Allen, &c., proofs before letters 61 UNGER (WILLIAM). Contemporary German Etcher. 623 The set of twenty Etchings, after Frank Hals, with a notice of the life and works of the Master by Mr. C. Vosmaer, with vignettes and portraits of Frank Hals and William Unger 20 51 624 The complete Works of William Unger, after the Old Masters, with Comments by C. Vosmaer (seven parts) UKWICK (WILLIAM HENRY). English Amateur. 625 View on Clapham Common, London ; three, impressions of the same etching. (TJie different effects are produced ~by printing only], on Japanese paper 3 VALENTIN (HENRI AUGUSTIN). Living French Artist. 626 Albanians playing at Draughts, after Ge"rome, proof on Japanese paper 1 VALEEIO (THEODORE). Contemporary French Artist. 627 Illustrative of the People of the Danubian Provinces. Berger Velaque des environs de Gros-Wardein. Fermier du Comitat d'Heves. Berger Slovaque des environs d'Appony. Paysan slovaque de Tyrnau. Femme marie e de Belgrade. Jeune Bachi-bouzoucq Arabe. Chef Albanais. Famille tsigane des montagnes du Matra. Tsikos des bords de la Koros. Chef Arabe 10 VAN DYCK (ANTHONY). Portrait and Historical Painter. Born in Antwerp 1599. 628 Christ crowned with Thorns, fourth state, with the word Regis after cum privilegio 1 629 Titian and his Mistress, fourth state, with the address of Bon Enfant 1 630 Portrait of Joannes Breugel, three-quarter length in ruff, nearly full -face, third state, with Gf. H. 1 VEYEASSAT (JULES JACQUES). Contemporary French Artist. 631 " Eaux Fortes par J. Veyrassat." A set of fifteen inclusive of title, as follows, artist's proofs on Japanese paper. The Ferry, 52 labourers returning from work, with a waggon filled with hay, drawn by four horses. A Woman holding a little child on a donkey. A Peasant Woman playing with her child. Men ploughing with a horse and donkey. Men load- ing a waggon with sheaves of corn. Horse towing a barge through the arch of an iron bridge. Cart Horses in a field, with a ditch between them. A Man with two horses, riding upon one. A Man with four horses, which draw a barge along a canal. Horses and Oxen drawing a waggon loaded with sheaves. Group of four horses round the stump of a tree. A Farmyard, two horses and a cart on the left. A Stable- yard, with men and horses. A Donkey and Chickens. A Horse in a stable feeding from a rack. 15 VISSCHEE (JAN). Born at Amsterdam in 1580. 632 The Moor, with bow and arrow ( W. 27) 1 WALKEE (ANTHONY). Born at Salisbury in 1726, died in 1766. 633 Law and Physick, after Ostade ; from the original pictures in the collection of William Beckford. The Country Attorney and his Clients, after Hans Holbein 3 WALTNEE (CHARLES). Contemporary French Artist. 634 Portrait of a Gentleman, after Eavesteyn, half-length in ruff, artist's proof. Portrait of a Lady, after Eavesteyn, half-length in ruff and fur-trimmed robe, holding gloves in right hand, which rests on the back of a chair, artist's proof. A Spanish Matador, full-length, standing against a wall, artist's proof 3 635 The Dead Christ with Angels. Samson and Delilah, after Henri Leys, artist's proofs, two on a mount 2 WAED (WILLIAM). Mezzotint Engraver, died 1826. 636 The Infant Hercules, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, very fine. Thoughts on Matrimony, after J. E. Smith, fine impression, but cut close 2 53 WATSON (CAROLINE). Born in London 1760, died at Pimlico 1814. 637 John Milton, in small oval, with drapery, and beneath on tablet a vignette of the Expulsion, from a miniature by Cooper 1 WATSON (JAMES). Born in Ireland in 1740 ; died in London 1790. 638 Lucinda, three-quarter length in large hat, holding a letter, after P. Falconet, brilliant impression 1 639 A Lady seated at a table, reading by lamplight, after Henry Morland. A Girl reading a paper by a light which she holds in her right hand, after Henry Morland 2 WEBEE (FEIEDRICH). Born at Liestal, near Basle, in 1813. Working in 1867. 640 " La Bella Visconta," artist's proof, inscribed " Fredk. Weber del sculp. 1867 " 1 WHISTLEE (JAMES ABBOT MCNEILL). Contemporary Painter and Etcher. [The numbers in brackets refer to Mr. Thomas's Catalogue of Wktetler's Etchings.] 641 The Title : on the top of the plate is inscribed " Douze Eaux Fortes d'apres Nature, par James Whistler," &c. The Artist himself is introduced, he sits sketching in the midst of a group of boys and girls (1) 1 642 Liverdun : An old Farm Yard, a cow to the right (2), early im- pression on Japanese paper 1 643 Another impression, on india paper 1 644 La Eetameuse : a French Woman, half-length in cap, with a spoon in her belt, her hands resting in her lap (3), an early impression on low toned paper 1 645 Another impression, on india paper 1 646 En Plein Soleil: a Lady sitting on the grass, holding a parasol over her head (4), impression on india paper 1 647 The Unsafe Tenement: a very old Farm House, two children are to be seen, one outside and the other inside the door (5), im- pression on india paper 1 54 648 La Mere Gerard : an elderly Woman, full-length standing, in cap and short cape, she holds up her dress with her left hand (6), first state, pure aquafortis before any background, inscribed " La Mire Gerard " I 649 Second state, with the background, the name erased and Deldtre's address introduced, on india paper. Another impression of the same, on india paper 2 650 Street at Saverne, by moonlight, to the right is a lamp, and in the middle the figure of a woman (7), an early impression on grey paper 1 651 Another, on india paper 1 652 Little Arthur (two states), whole-length, seated on a chair (8), first state showing the feet, on india paper, rare ; second state, with the plate reduced and Deldtre's name cut off 2 653 Duplicates of the same states, one on Japanese paper 2 654 Another impression of the second state, on india paper 1 655 La Vielle Aux Loques : an old French Woman seated, pans and bottles on the shelves at her back (9) 1 656 Annie : a little Girl, nearly full-length standing, holding up her dress with her right hand (10), first state, with less hair round the face ivhich is large and round. Second State, the name of the artist transferred to the left, and Deldtre's name and address introduced in place of the former signature 2 657 Another impression, of the second state. Fourth state, the name "Annie" erased 2 658 La Marchande de Moutarde : a young Girl standing in a doorway on the left, an old Woman in a cap at the back (11) 1 659 Fumette : a Girl sitting, front face, her hands in her lap (12), first state, without the shading in the background, on the left hand side printer's name. Second state, the shadow introduced 2 660 Another impression of the same, on Japanese paper. Another im- pression, on india paper 2 661 The Kitchen, a woman standing at the window (13), impression on india paper 1 662 Portrait of Delatre, the printer, three-quarter length, directed towards the left, looking to front (14) 1 55 663 Greenwich Pensioner, full-length, reclining on a grass slope, with a walking stick in his left hand (15), the plate destroyed 1 664 Another impression of the same 1 665 A little Boy in Scotch dress, sitting looking to the left, with his hands resting upon his knees (16) 1 666 Portrait, Little Seymour, in Scotch cap, standing against a large tree, looking to the left (17), first state, the face in pure aqua- fortis 1 667 Second state, the form of the face and features made more distinct with delicate dry point work 1 668 Third state, the drawing of the eyes, nose and mouth more strongly defined 1 669 Kensington Gardens: Landscape, two large trees, three figures seated between them (18), first state before the sky and additional work all over the plate. Second state, with an irregular line drawn right across the plate near the top 2 670 L'Isle St. Louis, Paris : View taken from the "Gallerie d'Appolon " of the Louvre, showing three bridges over the Seine, the objects of course are all reversed (19), the plate destroyed 1 671 A Dog on a rough bench, the same animal as that introduced in the " Unsafe Tenement " (20) 1 672 Nursemaid and Child, sitting on the right in a landscape (21), first state before the alteration in the woman's face 1 673 Second state, the nurse's face is entirely altered, the shape of the nose being changed 2 674 The Music Koom, three figures round a table reading by lamplight (22), first state, no indication of the fingers of the right hand holding the newspaper 1 675 Another, first state, with heavier effect of printing 1 676 " Paysage au Cheval," on the right a sawyer and a boy at work, two horses grazing in the middle distance (28), second state 1 677 Eeading by Lamplight : a Lady reading, cup and saucer on the table (24), first state, with less shading on the table, and before the nose was altered to a straight one 1 678 Second state, the table more shaded and the form of the nose differently indicated 1 5G 679 " Soup a Sous," five figures at tables, some sleeping (25) 1 680 Portrait of Bibi Valentia, the child is reclining on a bank to the right, leaning on the left hand (26), first state, without the left hand, rare impression, on Japanese paper 1 681 Second state, with the hand 1 682 Female figure reclining, originally commenced at the bottom of tJie plate (27), first state 1 683 Second state of the same I 684 A Wine Glass (28), second state 1 685 Eeading in Bed (29), first state before the alteration in the woman's face 1 686 Second state, the face entirely altered 1 687 Interior de Chiffonier (31), first state, no figures are seen, tJiere being only a table and a bed at the back 1 688 Second state, two figures are introduced, one sitting up in bed 1 689 Billingsgate, fishing smacks on the Thames, the market showing the large clock on the left, London Bridge in distance (34) 1 690 Black Lion Wharf, a man seated on a barge in front (35) 1 691 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 692 A third impression, on toned paper 1 693 The Houses of Parliament, with a view of Old Westminster Bridge, two men on horses to the left (36), first state, the sky executed in dry point, before four horizontal lines above the roof of the Houses of Parliament behind the tower 1 694 Second state, vntli the four lines above noticed and otlier work in the sky 1 695 Third state, tJie sky finished and much heavier 1 696 Old Hungerford Bridge, showing the old one, the new iron bridge for the railway to Charing Cross ; a barge sailing in the middle, and a post is seen in the right corner at the bottom (37) 1 697 The Lime-burners ; a lime-burner standing in the middle of the plate, two ladders are behind him, and the Thames is in the distance (38). Another impression, on Japanese paper 2 698 Limehouse ; on the right a man descending a plank and a woman ascending some steps (39), first state, before the work on the barges in the distance to the left, on Japanese paper 1 57 699 Second state, with the work described above, with a few strokes on the sky 1 700 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 701 Tyzack, Whiteley and Co., in front a boy sitting on a barge (40) 1 702 Another impression, on Japanese paper \ 703 Another impression, on toned paper 1 704 Eotherhithe, two men in front smoking long clay pipes (41), first state, before the hull of the unfinished ship was indicated 1 705 Another impression, with the hull partly drawn in 1 706 Second state, a little more work on the hull of tlie unfinished ship, dry point work on sky, and man's jacket 1 707 View of Thames from Thames Tunnel Pier, on the left is inscribed " Fredk. Vink & Co., Eope and Sail Makers " (42) 1 708 Another impression, on india paper 1 709 Another, on the white india paper 1 710 Another, on paper slightly toned 1 711 Thames Police, on the right is inscribed " Wapping Wharf " (43), first state, before the dry point work on the sky 1 712 Second state, with the sky darkened 1 713 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 714 View taken at Vauxhall, a man seated on a barge to the left (originally intended to have been standing), two men standing below (44), first state, with " The Works of James Whistler, Etchings and Dry-Points, &c." 1 715 Another impression, on Japanese paper I 716 Long Shore Men, four men, a woman and child seated at tables (45) 1 717 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 718 Vauxhall Bridge, view of the river, barge in the middle (46), second state, with the date, very rare 1 719 The Pool (47), a man in a boat to the left, on a barge to the right is inscribed "Jane, No. 6," first state before the dry point work on the sky 1 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 Another impression of the same, second state, with the sky, on Japanese paper 1 722 View up the Eiver from Rotherhithe, two figures on the left (48), first state, with the false lettering 1 723 Another impression 1 I 58 724 The Thames, a sketch ; on the right is a barge with two men, one of them standing (49) 1 725 Annie, a little girl seated, front face, right arm resting on the chair (50), first state, before the name "Annie" was introduced. Second state, with the name, and the leg taken out and more shadow in its place 2 726 Portrait of a young Lady, whole-length, standing in front of a curtain, in hat and cloak (51), dry point 1 727 Portrait of M. Axenfield, he is holding a cigarette, his face turned to the left, dated 1860 (52), first state, pure dry point, before name or background 1 728 Second state, the face more worked upon, the artist's name and the date 1860 introduced 1 729 Third state, more work on the figure, the background stronger 1 730 Another impression, on Japanese paper 1 731 Portrait of Monsieur Becquet, Violoncello Player, with his favorite instrument, at bottom some guns (54) 1 732 Portrait of Mons. Drouet, Sculptor, three-quarter length, turned to the right, his arms folded (55), impression on Japanese paper 1 733 Finette : A French Lady, full length, in velvet dress, with a view of Paris from the window (56), first state, dry point, before the balcony was introduced, on Japanese paper 1 734 Second state, ivith the balcony, but before the work on the background and table 1 735 Third state, with the work on the table, 8fc. 1 736 The Forge : on the left is the forge, a smith is holding the iron in the fire, and two hammermen are waiting (57), dry point, superb impression, the finest taken, only five or six good impressions were taken off the plate 1 737 Portrait of M. Riault, known as " Le Graveur," at work, the face seen in profile, (58), first state, before the dry point work on the fate and hair 1 738 Second state, with the work described 1 739 Portrait of Arthur Seymour, in velvet coat, seated on a chair, to the right on the floor is his hat (50), dry point, first state (2 im- pressions) 2 740 Second state, with the hand reversed on the back of the chair, and more work on the curtain (2 impressions) 2 741 Head of a Female, full face, with long flowing hair (60), first state, with less work on the hair and face 1 59 742 Second state, with the face and hair strengthened, with dry point 1 743 Female figure, full length, standing up, hands not showing (?61), on Japanese paper, first state 1 744 Another impression, on brown paper, second state 1 745 Interior of a Eoom, on the right hand side a figure of a little old woman seated at a window (62), first state, dry point, on Japanese paper 1 746 Another impression of the same, on toned paper 1 747 Eatcliffe Highway : the heads of a few figures, unfinished plate (63), 1 748 Another impression, on toned paper 1 749 Cadogan Pier : to the left in the distance is Battersea Bridge, and off the Pier a steamer (64), an impression on Japanese paper 1 750 Portrait of James Abbot McNeill Whistler, in large felt hat (65), first state, pure dry point I 751 Second state, the eyes and face more worked upon 1 752 Another impression of the same, on toned paper 1 753 Portrait of M. Davis, head and shoulders, thick beard and moustache, the right hand only is seen (66), first state, pure dry point, on Japanese paper 1 754 Second state, with dry point work on the face, on Japanese paper 1 755 Portrait of Eoss Winans : he is playing an accordion, a violin and bow are lying on the table (67) 1 756 A Lady reclining in a chair, her forehead being within an inch of the top of the plate, the face nearly a profile, with flowing hair (71) 1 757 Portrait of Mr. Mann, in wide-awake and cloak (72), the plate destroyed ; first state, the face unfinished 1 758 Second state, the face and hat more worked upon 1 759 A Male academical Figure, with a long pole in his hand, turned to the left (73), dry point, impression on Japanese paper 1 760 The Storm : on the left a man hurrying on (74), dry point 1 761 Chelsea Wharf, by the side of the Thames (75) 1 762 Portrait of a Lady, in velvet dress, full-length standing, directed to the right (76), dry point, proof in an unfinished state as left by the artist 1 763 Portrait of Miss Fanny Leyland, whole-length, seated in a chair, the face in profile turned to the left (77), dty point, impression on Japanese paper 1 764 Portrait of Miss Elinor Leyland, full-length, standing up with arms " a-kimbo " (78), dry point, impression on Japanese paper 1 60 765 Portrait of Miss Florence Leyland, full length, standing up with an indication of a hoop in the right hand (79), dry point impres- sion on Japanese paper 1 766 Study of a Woman standing up, full-length, draped, and with band on her hair (80), dry point, first state, before the Japanese mono- gram 1 767 Second state, with the monogram and more work in the background 1 768 Whole-length figure of a Lady, the face in profile and turned to the left, she stands in front of a curtain on which is a Japanese cypher, and wears a train, dry point very slight, impression on Japanese paper, undescribed 1 769 A Young Lady seated at a casement, in a contemplative attitude, with her hands one within the other in her lap, dry point, un- described 1 770 Whole-length nude figure of a Girl stooping, her face turned to the left, and her hands between her knees, very slight dry point, impression on Japanese paper, undescribed 1 771 Ship-builder's Yard (Hoyden's) Liverpool : a Man standing by a flagstaff in the foreground near some scaffolding, dry point, un- described 1 772 A Lady seated at a piano playing, she is seen full-length, her face being in profile and turned to the left, dry point, impression on Japanese paper, undescribed 1 773 The Thames from the Custom House, dry point, undescribed 1 WILKIE (SiR DAVID, R.A.) Born at Culls, in Fifeshire, in 1785, died at Malta in 1841. Set of his Etchings given by the Artist to Sir Edwin Landseer. 774 The Bandy Chair. A Boy eating from a bowl, two others sitting on the floor. A Woman with a Baby standing before a window where a man is reading a letter. Woman seated at a table, on which a Child is standing playing with her cap. Two Women at a cottage door. A Man seated at a table reading a paper to a group of persons (The Politicians). A Man and his Housekeeper trying to find some papers in the drawer of a writ- ing desk, an old man anxiously waiting, proofs on india paper 7 WILLMORE (JAMES TIBBETS, A.R.A.) Born at Erdington in 1800, died in 1863. 775 The Old Te"me"raire, after J. M. W. Turner, R.A., artist's proof an india paper 1 61 WILLE (JEAN GEOKGE). Born at Koningsburg in 1717, died in 1807. 776 Jeune joueur d'instrument, after Gerard Schalken. Petite Ecoliere, after Schenau (Le B. 69) 2 777 L'Observateur distrait, after Franz Mieris (Le B. 65). Tricoteuse Hollandoise, after Franz Mieris (Le B. 64). La Menagere Hollandoise, after Gerard Dow (Le B. 67) 3 778 Tante de Gerard Dow, after Gerard Dow (Le B. 60), proof with the arms before the inscription 1 779 Le petit Physicien, after Gaspar Netscher (Le B. 66). Death of Cleopatra, after Gaspar Netscher (Le B. 5). Tante de Gerard Dow, print impression 3 YOUNG (JOHN). Born in 1765, died in London 1825. 780 The Distressed Girl, after Eichard Morton Paye, proof 1 781 The Watercress Girl, after J. Zoffany. The Oyster Girl, after J. G. Huck. A Young Woman opening oysters at a stall 3 YVES (PHILIPPE). Contemporary French Artist. 782 Portrait of Saskia Uilenburg, Kembrandt's first wife, bust in hat and feather, the face turned to the right and seen in profile, after Eembrandt, proof on india paper 1 ZASINGEE (MARTIN). Born at Nuremburg in 1430, living in 1501. 783 The Martyrdom of St. Catherine (B. 8), brilliant and early impres- sion, but much repaired 1 ZEEMAN (REMY). Dutch Painter and Engraver, born at Amsterdam 1612. 784 Eight Etchings of Paris and its Environs (B. 55-62), very interest- ing views of old Paris, they were copied by Miryon 8 CARICATURES. 785 The Gates of Paris, or Brandy-Eumps detected, 1786. The Grand Monarch, 1791. The Vision of Nantes, J. Cruikshank del., 1791. The Wet Party, or the Bogs of Flanders, 1793. Eights of Man alias French Liberty, J. Cruikshank, 1791. Galic Perfidy, or the National Troops' Attachment to their General, 62 Gillray, 1792. The Genius of France extirpating Despotism, 1792. The New Prussian Exercise, 1792. [Reflections on the French Revolution, Burke, Gillray, 1793 9 786 The Martyr of Equality, 1793. The Solicitor-General, J. Cruik- shank, 1793. The Quality Ladder, 1793. A Second Jeanne D'Arc, 1793. French Gratitude for past Services, 1793. The Fruition of Nantes, or the Vision Interpreted, 1791. The Wet Party, or the Bogs of Flanders, 1793. Dumourier and his Aide-de-Camp on full March, 1793. False Liberty Rejected, 1793 9 787 A Peace Offering to the Genius of Liberty, &c. 1794. The British Neptune, J. Cruikshank del., 1794. Promis'd Horrors of the French Invasion, Gillray, 1796. Buonaparte at Rome giving Audience in State, J. Cruikshank, 1797. A Messenger from the Nile, 1798. The French Bugabo frightening the Royal Commanders, J. Cruikshank, 1797. Buonaparte in Egypt, 1798 7 788 A French Invasion, a Fashionable Dress of 1798, G. L. del. Property Protected a la Francoise, 1798. Anticipation, Ways and Means, 1798. The Gallant Nelson bringing two French Crocodiles, 1798. A Messenger from the Nile, 1798. The French Bugabo, J. Cruikshank, 1797. Buonaparte in Egypt, 1798. Buonaparte at Rome, J. Cruikshank, 1797 8 789 Fighting for the Dunghill, J. Gillray, 1798. Plunderer beating Duplicity, 1798. Bonne Fate raising a Southerly Wind, 1798. A Dose for Dumourier, 1798. Vive le Roi, Vive L'Empereur, Vive le Diable, 1798. A Charm for a Democracy, Rowlandson, 1799. The Ghost of Buonaparte, J. Cruikshank, 1799. General Mack scampering back, 1799. General Suwarrow towing the French Directory into Russia, 1799. General Suwarrow destroy- ing the French Army, T. Cruikshank, 1799 11 790 The Ghost of Buonaparte, T. Cruikshank, 1799. General Mack scampering back, 1799. General Suwarrow towing the French Directory into Russia, 1799. General Suwarrow destroying the French Army, J. Cruikshank, 1799. The Great Swallow All ! ! ! 1799. Exit Liberte' a la Franchise, J. Gillray, 1799. Satan's return from Earth, 1799 7 791 Satan's return from Earth, 1799. The Grand Consul of the Great Nation!!! perusing John Bull's Dispatches, 1800. Foreign Amusements, 1801. Bloody News, Bloody News ! ! ! 1801. 63 Northern Bears taught to dance, 1801. The Prince of Peace signing the Portugal Treaty, 1801. The Child and Champion of Jacobinism, 1801. The Balance of Power, 1801. The Corsican Cuckoo, J. Cruikshank, 1801. 9 792 The Magnanimous Minister chastising Prussian Perfidy, Gillray, 1801. The Prince of Peace, 1801. Preliminaries of Peace, J. Gillray, 1801. The Child and Champion of Jacobinism, 1801. The Balance of Power, 1801. Evacuation of Malta, Gillray, 1801. The Corsican Cuckoo, J. Cruikshank, 1801. The Preliminaries of Peace, 1801. The Grand Consul, pe- rusing John Bull's Dispatches, 1800 9 793 The Preliminaries of Peace, 1801. A Game at Chess, Boney and Cornwall, 1802. Cross Examination, 1802. A Trip to Paris, or John Bull and Spouse, 1802. Introduction of Citizen Volpone, J. Gillray, 1802. Facing the Enemy, Cruikshank fee., Woodward del. John Bull peeping into Brest, Eobert, 1803. The Political Cocks, 1803. John Bull listening to the Quarrels of State Affairs, 1803 9 794 A Game at Chess, Boney and Cornwall, 1802. Cross Examination, 1802. A Trip to Paris, or John BuU and his Spouse, 1802. Facing the Enemy, Cruikshank fee., Woodward del., 1803. John Bull peeping into Brest, 1803. The Eival Gardeners, 1803. Physical Aid, J. Gillray, 1803. The Political Cocks, 1803. The Governor of Europe, 1803 9 795 Lunar Speculations, 1803. Armed Heroes, J. Gillray, 1803. Maniac Eavings, J. Gillray, 1803. The Scare Crow's Arrival, J. Cruikshank, 1803, Britannia Correcting an Unruly Boy, 1803. The Bone of Contention, 1803. Olympic Games, or John Bull, J. Cruikshank, 1803. Boney in possession of the Millstone, 1603. Flags of Truth and Lies, 1803 9 796 Lunar Speculations, 1803. The Scare Crow's Arrival, J. Cruik- shank, 1803. Britannia Correcting an Unruly Boy, J. West, 1803. The Bone of Contention, 1803. Olympic Games, J. Cruikshank, 1803. The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver, Gillray, 1803. Boney in possession of the Millstone, 1803. Flags of Truth and Lies, 1803. The Consequence of Invasion, 1803 9 797 The Consequence of Invasion, or the Hero's Eeward, 1803. After the Invasion, or Britons Strike Home, 1803. Johnny Bull giving Boney a Pull, I. Cruikshank, 1803. John Bull and Bonaparte, J. Cruikshank, 1803. Boney at Brussels, J. Cruik- 64 shank, 1803. John Bull out of all Patience, Holland, 1803. Britannia Blowing up the Corsican Bottle Conjuror, 1803. The Corsican Mackheath, Woodward del., Cruikshank sc., 1803 8 798 After the Invasion, or Britons Strike Home, 1803. Johnny Bull giving Boney a Pull, 1803. John Bull and Bonaparte, Wood- ward del, 1803. Boney at Brussels, J. Cruikshank, 1803. The Hand-writing upon the Wall, J. Gillray, 1803. Johnny Bull on the Look-out, 1803. Trial of Napoleon Buonaparte, J. Cruikshank, Woodward del., 1803. The Corsican Macheath, Woodward del., 1803 8 799 Buonaparte's Soliloquy, Woodward, I. Cruikshank, 1803. The Grand Triumphal Entry of the Chief Consul in London, 1803. John Bull viewing the Preparations on the French Coast, Holland, 1803. The King's Dwarf plays Gulliver a Trick, 1803. The Little Princess and Gulliver, 1803. The Sentinel at his Post, or Boney's Peep into Walmer Castle, 1803. Boney in time for Lord Mayor's Feast, 1803. Boney's Journey to London, 1803. Selling the Skin before the Bear is Caught, 1803 9 800 Buonaparte's Soliloquy, J. Cruikshank, 1803. The Grand Tri- umphal Entry of the Chief Consul into London, 1803. The Sentinel at his Post, 1803. John Bull Guarding the Toy Shop, 1803. Boney in time for Lord Mayor's Feast, 1803. Boney's Journey to London, 1803. A Sacrifice to Ambition, J. Boyne del., J. Barth sc., 1803. Selling the Skin before the Bear is Caught, 1803 8 801 Evacuation of Malta, Gillray, 1803. The Contrast, 1804 The Coffin Expedition, 1804. The Cold Blooded Murderer, or the Assassination of the Duke D'Enghein, 1804. A Representation of the Present State of France, Mayer, 1804. Harlequin's last Skip, T. Cruikshank, Williamson, 1804. Boney's Inquisitions, 1804. A Genius of France nursing her Darling, T. B d lie del 1804. Napoleon's Apotheosis Anticipated, Woodward del., 1805 9 802 The Contrast, 1804. The Cold Blooded Murderers, 1804. Boney's Inquisitions, 1804 The Corsican Usurpers, 1804 Rainy Weather, Master Noah, 1804 A New Phantossmagoria for John Bull, Woodward del., 1805. The Plum-pudding in Danger, J. Gillray, 1805. St. George and the Dragon, J. Gillray, 1805. Napoleon's Apotheosis Anticipated, 1805 9 65 803 The Surrender of Ulm, J. Gillray, 1805. A Check to Corsican Assurance, Gillray, 1805. John Bull exchanging News with the Continent, Woodward del., 1805. Nap. Buonaparte in a Fever, 1805. Tiddy-Doll, the great French Gingerbread Baker, J. Gillray, 1806. Boney and the great State Secre- tary, GOlray, 1806. Pacific Overtures, or a Flight from St. Cloud, J. Gillray, 1806. Two Wonders of the World, 1806. The Evacuation of Hanover, or the Prussian Eagle at Feed, 1806 9 804 Nap. Buonaparte in a Fever on receiving the Extraordinary Gazette of Nelson's Victory, 1805. Tiddy-Doll, the great French Ginger-bread Baker, J. Gillray, 1806. Boney and the great State Secretary, Argus del., Gillray, 1806. Pacific Over- tures, or a Flight from St. Cloud, J. Gillray, 1806. Comforts of a Bed of Roses, J. Gillray, 1806. Two Wonders of the World, 1806. Diplomatic Dispatches, 1806. Bonaparte Block- ading John Bull, 1806. The Evacuation of Hanover, 1806 9 805 The Entrance into Poland, 1807. Bonaparte Regenerating Poland, G. Sanley del., 1807. The Imperial Embrace on the Raft, 1807. A New Dynasty, Gillray, 1807. An Imperial Bonne Bouche, 1807. Mutual Honors at Tilsit, 1807. Doctor Boney bringing the Powers to Pot, 1808. Perusing the State Papers, 1808. The Ghosts of the Old Kings of Spain, 1808. The Corsican Tiger at Bay, 1808 10 806 The Entrance into Poland, 1807. The Imperial Embrace, 1807. An Imperial Bonne Bouche, 1807. Mutual Honors at Tilsit ) 1807. Gulliver towing the Fleet into Lilliput, J. Cruikshank, 1807. The Continental Dockyard, 1807. Doctor Boney bringing the Powers to Pot, 1808. Perusing the State Papers, 1808. National Opinions on Bonaparte, 1808, Woodward del. C. W. sc. The Ghosts of the Old Kings of Spain, 1808. The Corsican Tiger at Bay, 1808. 11 807 Boney Bothered, or an Unexpected Meeting, 1808. A Spanish Bull-Fight, J. Gillray fee. and invt. 1808. The Noble Spaniards, Cruikshank del. 1808. Political Quadrille, 1808. Little Nap the Great in a Hobble, 1808. Spanish Flies, or Boney taking an immoderate Dose, 1808. Apotheosis of the Corsican Phoenix, J. Gillray invt. and del. 1808. Thieves Robbing ready Furnished Lodgings, 1808. A Senatus Con- sultum, A. M. invt. 1808 9 808 Little Nap the Great in a Hobble, 1808, Spanish Flies, or Boney taking an immoderate Dose, 1808. Spanish Patriots, J. Gill- K 66 ray, 1808. From the Desk to the Throne, 1808. Thieves Robbing Heady Furnished Lodgings, 1808. A Spanish Pass- port to France, Rowlandson, 1808. The Fox and the Grapes, Woodward del. Rowlandson sc. 1808. Prophecy Explained, 1808. A Senatus Consultum, A. M. invt. 1808. Napoleon the Little in a Rage with his Great French Eagle, 1808 10 809 Napoleon the Little in a Rage with his Great French Eagle, 1808. The Valley of the Shadow of Death, J. Gillray, 1808. Nap and his Friends in their Glory, 1808. L'Enfant Trouve", Gill- ray, 1808. The Spanish Bull Fight, Gillray, 1808. Design for a Monument, 1809. The Death of Boney, by Sir Wm. Biscuit, 1809. The Rising Sun, Rowlandson, 1809. Universal Murderer of Domestic Happiness, 1810. Boney attacking the English Hives, S. W. 1811 10 810 The Death of Boney, by Sir Wm. Biscuit, 1809. French Generals, Gillray, 1809. A Review of the New Grand Army, 1810, Monkey's Allowance, more kicks than Dumplings, 1810. A Gallic Idol, J. Boyne del., J. Barth sc. 1810. Universal Murderer of Domestic Happiness, 1810. Boney's Visions, 1811. Devils among the Flats, 1811. Boney attacking the English Hives, A. M. invt. 1811. A Scene at Boulogne, 1811 10 811 Napoleon Buonaparte, the little Corsican Monkey, 1811. Eng- lish Manners and French Prudence, a woodcut, 1811. Men of Bottom, or Members of the Tribunal, E. S. 1811. Imperial Bomb, or Nap the Great in a Hobble, 1812. A Sale of Fox Hounds, Holland, 1812. Which Drowns First, Holland, 1812. King Joey taking leave of his Capital, 1813. Polish Diet with French Deserts, 1812. Tom Thumb and the Giant, 1813. Cossacks returning from the Field of Battle, 1813. Blucherion Discipline, 1813 11 812 Planning the Grand Naval Expedition. Tom Thumb and the Giant, 1813. A Great Man on his Hobby Horse, 1813. Boney's return from Russia covered in Glory, 1813. The Oath of Allegiance, 1813. The Grand Bubble, 1813. Cossacks returning from the Field of Battle, 1813. The Wags of Paris, or Downfall of Nap, 1813. Blucherion Discipline, 1813. Boney and the Gay Lads of Paris, 1813 10 813 The Grand Emperor's Grand Campaign, Heath, 1813. Nap's Heroes, 1813. A Lecture on Heads, 1813. The Contrast, Holland, 1813. The Two Kings of Terror, Rowlandson, 1813.' 67 The Corsican Mad Dog, 1813. The Allies Shaving Shop, 1813. The Corsican Toad under a Harrow, Rawlandson, 1813. The Corsican Munchausen, Rowlandson, 1813. Funcking the Corsican, Rowlandson, 1813 10 814 A Lecture on Heads, delivered by Wellington and Blucher, 1813. The Two Kings of Terror, Rowlandson, 1813. The Daw Stript, 1813. Caterers, Boney dish'd, 1813. The Corsican Mad Dog, 1813. The Allies Shaving Shop, or Boney in the Suds, 1813. The Corsican Toad under a Harrow, Rowlandson, 1813. The Corsican Munchausen, Rowlandson, 1813. Funcking the Corsican, Rowlandson, 1813 9 815 Un Empire a Vendre, Un Emperor a Pandre, Une Emperatrice a Rendre, 1813. The Mock Phcenix, Rowlandson, 1813. Friends and Foes, Up he goes, Rowlandson, 1813. Political Chemist and German Retorts, 1813. Mock Auction, or Boney selling Stolen Goods, Rowlandson, 1813. Polar Star, 1813. Need's Must, when Wellington Drives, 1814. Boney Crossing the Line, Marks del., 1814. The Double Humbug, Rowlandson del. 1814 9 810 Un Empire a Vendre, 1813. The Mock Phoenix, Rowlandson, 1813. Friends and Foes, Rowlandson, 1813. Political Chemist and German Retorts, 1813. Mock Auction, or Boney selling Stolen Goods, Rowlandson, 1813. Polar Star, 1813. Le plus grand des Souverains, 1814. Need's Must, when Wellington Drives, 1814. Boney Crossing the Line, Marks del. 1814. The Double Humbug, Rowlandson, del. 1814. Death and Bonaparte, T. Rowlandson, 1814 11 817 Head Runner of Runaways from Leipzig Fair, 1814. Alexander, by W. Heath, 1814. Political Chess Players, or Boney Be- wildered, G. H. invt. 1814. Bernadotte, W. Heath, 1814. Bloody Boney the Carcass Butcher, Rowlandson, 1814. Coming in at the Death of the Corsican Fox, Rowlandson, 1814. The Affectionate Farewell, or Kick for Kick, Rowlandson, 1814. The Allies entering Paris, 1814. Boney Forsaken by his Guardian Genius, 1814 9 818 Head Runner of Runaways, Ackermann, 1814. Alexander, by W. Heath, 1814. Political Chess Players, G. H. invt, 1814. Bernadotte, W. Heath, 1814. John Bull bringing Boney 's Nose to the Grindstone, Elmes del. sc. 1814. Blucher the Brave, Rowlandson, 1814. Bloody Boney the Carcass Butcher, Rowlandson, 1814. Coming in at the Death of the Corsican 68 Fox, Rowlandson, 1814. The Affectionate Farewell, Row- landson, 1814. The Allies entering Paris, 1814. Boney For- saken by his Guardian Genius, 1814 11 819 Boney at Elba, or a Mad Man's Amusement, 1814 A Delicate Finish to a French Usurper, Asperne, 1814. The Tyrant of the Continent is Fallen, Rowlandson, 1814. The Cream of the Joke, 1814. A Scene in the Island of Elba, Heath, 1814. Boney and Maddy Gone to Pot, 1814. Retiring from Business, 1814. Hell Hounds rallying round the idol of France, Rowlandson, 1815. The Corsican and his Blood Hounds, Row- landson, 1815 9 820 The Tyrant of the Continent is Fallen, Rowlandson, 1814. The Cream of the Joke, 1814. A Scene in the Island of Elba, W. Heath, 1814. Boney and Maddy Gone to Pot, 1814. Retiring from Business, 1814. Alexander, Johnston, 1814 Boney and Wellington, set of 12 on one sheet, 1815. Hell Hounds rallying round the Idol of France, Rowlandson, 1815. Scene in a new Pantomime, Rowlandson, 1815. The Corsican and his Blood Hounds, Rowlandson, 1815. The Crown Candidates, S. T. Taw invt. 1815 11 82 1 Ackermaim's Transparency on the Victory of Waterloo, Rowlandson, 1815. Transparency, General Peace, Rowlandson, 1815. Blucher greeted by his numerous Friends in the Park, J. L. M. 1815. Exhibition at Bullock's Museum, Rowlandson, 1816. The Downfall of Despotism, 1820. A Hasty Sketch of Verona, 1823. The Three Gentlemen of Verona, Marks fee. 1823. The King Commander in Chief, Phillips fee. 1827. Spanish Emancipation, Marks fee. 1833 9 822 R. Ackermann's Transparency on the Victory at Waterloo, Row- laiidson, 1815. Transparency, General Peace, Rowlandson, 1815. A Hasty Sketch of Verona, Marks fee. 1823. The Three Gentlemen of Verona on a Legitimate Crusade, 1823. Prince Hilts' alias Duke Danglem's, 1823. The King Commander in Chief, Phillips fee. 1827. Le Ruses de Guerre, Phillips fee. 1827. Spanish Emancipation, Marks fee. 1833. Evacuation of Holland and Brabant 9 823 General Buonaparte, 1797. England Invaded, Rowlandson or Frenchmen Naturalized, 1798. The Battle of Leipsic, 1814. A Narrow Escape of Bonaparte from the Battle of Leipsic, coloured, 1814 Elba, 1814 5 824 General Buonaparte, 1797. A Narrow Escape of Buonaparte from the Battle of Leipsic, 1814. The Battle of Leipsic, the same coloured, 1814 Elba, 1814 4 [PART II. PORTRAITS AND HISTORICAL SUBJECTS. FIFTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 825 PIETRO ANDEKLONI, a head turned towards the right ; " Professore d'Incisione all Academia della Bella Arti Milano," private plate HENEIQUEZ DUPONT, bust, dessintpar Paul de la Roche et grav6 par Louis 2 826 MARIE ANTOINETTE, Eeine de France, three-quarter length, pearls in hair, lace scarf over shoulder ; imp. lithe de Delpech MARIE ANTOINETTE D'AUTRICHE EEINE DE FRANCE, three-quarter length in oval, feathers, &c. in hair, pearl necklace, and ear- rings ; arms at bottom MARIE ANTOINETTE, Archiduchesse D'Autriche, Eeine de France, three-quarter length in cap, directed towards right, looking to front 3 827 THE EMPRESS EUGENIE, S. M. L'IMPE'RATRICE DES FRANCAIS, half- length, seated, large hat, flowers in hair and on lap, peint par Winterhalter JEANNE D'ARC, in armour, on horseback, holding banner with Jhesus Maria inscribed upon it. E. Steine inv. et del., imp. Lemercier, Bernard et Ce. Whole-length Statue of Marcus Tullius Cicero, by Worlidge, fine 3 828 C. JULIUS CAESAR, large head, crowned with laurel, in oval medal- lion, at bottom " Wooddel" B. Baron sculp. 70 J. B. P. MOLIERE, three-quarter length, leaning on table and hold- ing pen in right hand, left hand turning up corner of paper ; in bottom corner at left M. 1850. Verlay v. Carl Mederin Berlin ; Druck v. Kom bei L. Sachse and Co. BUONAPARTE, whole-length standing, without hat, turned to the left, his hands in his pockets ; drawn from the life at Longwood, 5th June, 1820 3 829 LORD CRANWORTH, THE RIGHT HONOURABLE BARON ROLFE, a head turned to the left, after George Richmond, by Francis Holl JAMES SCARLETT, ESQ., M.P., three-quarter length turned to right, in robes, engraved by Benjn. Holl from a drawing by Chas. Penny ADMIRAL VAN TROMP, three-quarter length, in cap and cloak, turned to right, face looking to front, Rembrandt pinx., G. Graham sculp., proof 3 830 SIR ROBERT DUDLEY, born at Sheen, 1573, son of the Earl of Leicester by the Lady Douglas Sheffield ; whole length, in black armour, right hand resting on helmet ; engraved from a miniature of Milliard at Penshurst, exact size of original. Drawn by G. P. Harding, F.S.A., engraved by J. Brown, proof before letters HENRY CAREY, VISCOUNT FALKLAND, whole length, standing, richly dressed, hat with feathers, cloak over left shoulder and partly wrapped round him, right hand resting on table, left holding a glove. From a picture of Paul Vansomer ; G. P. Harding, F.S.A. del., J. Brown sculp. SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL, LORD RUSSELL OF THORNHAUGH, whole length, standing, large ruff, left hand on hilt of sword, holding baton with right ; dog in left corner at bottom. Attended Sir Philip Sidney in his last moments at Zutphen ; went to Holland with Leicester, made Governor of Flushing, Lord Deputy of Ireland. From an original picture at Woburn Abbey, painter unknown ; G. P. Harding, F.S.A. , W. Greatbach sculp., proofs before letters SIR ANTHONY BROWNE, master of the horse to King Henry VIII. and especial favourite to the close of his reign ; three-quarter length, in jewelled cap and rich dress, order of St. George hung from his neck, a long inscription at bottom, " He ended his lyfe the sixthe of May. . . . Edward and Thomas whych dyed both in theyre infancie." G. P. Harding, F.S.A. del. J. Brown sculp., artist's proof 4 71 831 CHARLES V. AND FRANCIS I., three-quarter lengths, side by side, in fur tippets ; Charles holds a sword and Francis a sceptre. Gar- lands of flowers above, two figures under an archway in back- ground. Drawn by G. P. Harding, F.S.A., engraved by J. Brown, proof before letters MR. SPEAKER LENTHAL, bust in an oval frame, with scarf, full face. Speaker of the Short Parliament, 1639 ; Speaker of the Long Parliament, 3 Nov. 1640 ; Master of the Bolls ; one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal; Chief Justice of Chester; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ; held many places of great emolument under Cromwell ; refused to act as one of the Commissioners on King Charles' trial. G. P. Harding, F.S.A. del., J. Brown sculp., proof before letters ANTHONY BROWN, Viscount Montague ; Ambassador from Queen Mary to Pope Julius III., Master of the Horse to Philip of Spain. Ambassador from Elizabeth to Spain, died in 1592. Whole-length richly dressed. J. Brown sculp., proof SIR THOMAS BROWNE, M.D., OF NORWICH, born in London, 19th Oct. 1605, died 19th Oct. 1682 ; author of Beligio Medici, Vulgar and Common Errors, Urn Burial, and Garden of Cyrus ; three-quarter length, with fur trimmed coat. G. P. Harding, F.S.A. del., J. Brown sculp., proofs before letters 4 832 CANOVA, three-quarter length in oval, directed to front, looking to left, light falling on the head, wears a large open coat. Peint par Gerard, dessine par Massard, grave par F. Weber, proof open letters FRANKLIN, three-quarter length, directed to left, looking to front, wears a fur trimmed cap and coat. Grave par Gve. Levy, proof open letters 2 833 JULIO EOMANO, Bust, directed to right, looking to front. Peint par Jules Romain, Paris, 1844, grave par Fred. Weber, proof 1 834 QUEEN ELIZABETH, half-length, hand on rainbow; wears a rich dress, figured with eyes and ears, india proof before any letters QUEEN ELIZABETH in a Book Title, with medallions round, con- taining portraits of Edward VI., Elizabeth, Joannes Checus, Joannes Sturmius, Guilelmus Cecilius Bare, D. Thomas Smith, Esq., Joannes Sleidanus, Joannes Edmarus, Janet Graya, and Maria Regina. M. Berg del. et fee. CHARLES I. in a Book Title, three-quarter length in oval of laurel, with eighteen portraits of contemporaries around. At top is inscribed : " These are ye cheife of them that came to David to 72 Ziglug, and they were among ye mighty men helpers of the Warr," Chron. I. xii. 1. On a tablet at bottom is a verse : " Behold a Monarch-Martyr Round beset . . . The present and amuse the Age to come." Sold by Samuel Speed att the Rainbow, between* tlw two Temple Gates, in Fleet streets 3 835 LATIMER, three-quarter length in an illustrated oval of leaves, cap and fur tippet, arms beneath with burning logs, proof be/ore letters JANE SEYMOUR, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval, turned to the left, in head dress and necklace of pearls, proof before letters 2 836 HENRY IV. of France, and MARIE DE MEDICI, with two children, whole lengths seated, Marie de Medici holds one of the children and the other stands by her father's knee ; a small dog in the foreground, view of Paris in distance on the left, proof before letters HENRY IV. and GABRIELLE, after Moreau, by Fosseyeux, proof before letters 2 837 FLORA MACDOXALD, daughter of John Macdonald, a branch of Clanronald, born in South-West Hebrides. Flora married in 1750 Alex. Macdonald, went to America, returned to Skye, died 5th March, 1790. Three-quarter length in oval, flowers in her left hand and at her breast. G. P. Harding, F.S.A., del., G. Greatbach sculp., proof before letters EDWAED VERE, Earl of Oxford, married daughter of Cecil, Lord Burghley, went with Leicester to Holland ; Lord Chamberlain at the trial of Mary Queen of Scots ; fitted out ships and joined the fleet against the Spanish Armada, Three-quarter length, hat on one side of his head, ruff and cloak over left shoulder, Painter unknown, picture at Welbeck, Nottinghamshire (Duke of Portland). G. P. Harding del., J. Brown sculp., proof before letters WILLIAM CAMDEN, half-length, seated, large ruff, and robes trimmed with fur : open book on table to right, he is turning over the leaves with his left hand. Born 1551, educated at Christ's Hospital, died at Chislehurst 1623, buried in Westminster Abbey, G. P. Harding del., J. Brown sculp., proof before letters 3 838 JAMES NORTHCOTE, R.A., painter and author of Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, head turned to right. Etched from the original sketch by Prince Hoare, Esq. 73 WILLIAM WOOLLETT, engraver to his Majesty, three-quarter length, at a table, with a plate before him. Drawn and engraved by J. K. Sherwin SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, late President of the Koyal Academy; three-quarter length, looking to left. W. C. Eoss del., printed by Rulm Mandel, in lithography J. M. W. TURNER, RA., whole-length standing, stirring a cup of tea, in lithography SIR DAVID WILKIE, ESQ., RA., three-quarters, turned to left a. H. H. del, 1812 5 839 WILLIAM OF ORANGE, COUNT OF NASSAU, oval, half-length, standing, baton in left hand, holding hilt of sword with right, helmet and gauntlets on table to right, arms on the left, with legend, JE MAIN TIENDRAY ; round the oval GUILELM. D. G. PR. AURAICLE COMES. NASSAULE, &C., Ml. AN. XLVHL A CIQLXXXI. SIR FRANCIS MORE, three-quarters, in an illustrated oval, A. Graff pinx., I. F. Bause sculp., 1793 The Authentic Speech of QUEEN ELIZABETH to her Army encamped at Tilbury, under the command of the Earl of Leicester in the year 1588, when these kingdoms were threatened with an In- vasion from Spain, &c., &c. ; coloured print, illustration from Eapin's History 3 840 SIR WALTER EALEGH, half-length, richly dressed, scarf round left arm, sword in left hand, baton in right ; small map with Cadiz introduced in the top corner on left, and on the right is 1598, seta. 44. Zucchero, R. Bell sc., from an original picture in the possession of James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., private plate ELIZABETH THROGMORTON, LADY EALEGH, half-length, in rich dress with high ruff and ear-rings, in top corner on left is yEtat. 35. Zucchero, R. Bell sc. From an original picture 'in the possession of James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., private 'plate 2 841 BEMBRANDT, when young, Bust, in black cap, directed to right looking to front. Dessine par Sandoz d 1 apres Rambrandt, im~ prime par Chardon aine & Aye, grave par Gustave Levy, proof EAPHAEL, three-quarter length, looking to front, resting head on hand. Raphael pinx., imprim6 par Chardin aine and Aye, Pannier, sculp., proof SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, three-quarter length, in oval, directed to left, looking to the front. Dessini par Sandoz d'api*es Vandyck, imprimd par Chardon et Aye, grave par Pannier, proof before letters 3 L 74 842 SIR ANTHONY SHIRLEY, Bust in oval, from a miniature, rich dress and large turban. One of his voyages in Hakluyt to Dominica, Jamaica, Honduras, Newfoundland. Went to Persia, visited Russia, illused by the King of Muscovy, entertained at Prague, Bohemia, by Rudolph II., at Nuremburg, Inspruck, Trent Rome, Morocco, settled in Spain, ordered home by James I., did not obey, living in Spain in 1630. G. P. Harding, F.S.A., del,, J. Brown sculp., proof before letters SIR CHARLES SCARBOROUGH, M.D., half-length, seated, left hand stretched out, in high hat and fur collar, arms in top corner to left ; from a picture at Barber-Surgeons' Hall. G. P. Harding, F.S.A., del., J. Brown sculp., proof before letters 2 843 CORREGIO, by Mandel, half-length, directed to left looking to front, richly dressed CATHARINE PARR, the last wife of Henry VIII., three-quarter length, seated, with folded hands, and wearing a cap. Etched by Edwards, from a picture by Holbein in the Collection of Daivson Turner, Esq. JANE SEYMOUR, QUEEN, large three-quarter length, folded hands, wearing a cap and necklace of large pearls 3 844 SNYDERS, bust, the face full, looking to front, Vandyke pinx. Iffecit 1805, No. 3, in right corner at bottom VAN DYCK, three-quarter length, in large ruif and chain. At bottom, A la Memoire, de Flllustre Vandick, Peintre de la Nature. Ant. Vandyck pinx, Ant. de Marcenay deghuy, 1763 HENRY IV Roi DE FRANCE, a large head, after Clouet, printed in colours 3 845 Andrea Vesaile, Belgian Physician and Anatomist. He is looking at a crucifix which overhangs a table, on which is a skull, E. Hamman pinx., Imp. Bertouts, Paris. In lithography Statue of ALBRECHT DURER at Nuremberg, Erfunden und modellirt von E. Eauch. Gez. und gestochen von A. Reindel Gustave Dore seated, directed to left, resting his elbow on table, Mouilleron del., J. Roberts sculp. A woodcut 3 846 THE MARQUESS OF WORCESTER, half-length in hat and feathers, cloak over right shoulder, right hand resting on table and a holding glove THOMAS LORD SEYMOUR of Sudeley, executed on Tower Hill 20 March, 1549, three-quarter length in cap, seen nearly full face ; from Lodge's Portraits, proof before letters 2 75 847 MR. PHILIP YORKE, whole-length, holding a bird on his left arm > a dog is seated before him looking up, landscape in distance, painted by Sir J. Reynolds, engraved by F Bartolozzi, R.A., 1788 WM. HOGARTH, died Oct. 26th, 1764, aged 67. Three-quarter length, directed towards right, looking to front. Hogarth pinx., etched by Samuel Ireland, from an original portrait in oil by Hogarth in his possession BENTIVOGLIO ? three-quarter length, directed towards right, painted by Vandyke, engraved by T. Holloway, fine 3 848 THE MOTHER OF WASHINGTON, large oval, three-quarter length, in cap, turned to right looking to front, proof before letters H.RH. THE PRINCESS FREDERIC WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA. Princess Royal of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Infant Prince Frederick William Albert, May 1859, R. J. Lane, A.E.A., in lithography LADY HAMILTON, three-quarter length, with veil thrown over head and shoulders, proof before letters 3 849 S. M. Nicholas I er - Empereur de toutes les Russies, whole-length standing, left hand holding helmet, by H. Panquet. Titian Head, in a small oval, proof before letters. Velasquez, Head, face nearly full, by Sandoz, proof. Portrait of a Man, half-length seated, cutting a quill. Gerard-Dow, three-quarters, proof, open letters. James Watt, bust profile turned to the left 6 850 ALEXANDRE FARNESE, Due DE PARME, three-quarter length in oval of oak leaves, snakes at top, sword, spear and baton bound together to support the oval, at bottom naval engagement in the distance. La france par trois fois me ceda la victoire, et feusse triomphe" du Belgique Lion, si le jaloux Philippe avoit voulu me croire, Plutot que ses soupgons et son Abition, Ad. wander Werffpinx., Pa. Gunst sculp. " The celebrated Portrait known by the name of TITIAN'S SCHOOL- MASTER," half-length, seated in arm chair, holding book in right hand, Moroni pinxit, James Fittler, A.R.A. sculpsit 1813, proof } open letters 2 851 DUCKINFIELD, BART. (SiR HENRY ROBERT) Vicar of St. Martin-in- the-Fields, Westminster, half-length seated, in canonicals, holding bible in right hand, left resting on arm of chair, curtain behind. " This portrait was engraved from a painting placed in the Vestry Eoom, by the Parishioners of St. Martin- in-the-Fields, as a testimony of the affectionate regard and well-deserved respect in which they held their excellent vicar ; ' 78 painted by Sir Martin Archer Shee, P.R.A., engraved by C. Jousiffe ; printed by McQueen, proof open letters WILLIAM GILPIN, ESQ., Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, 1859, three- quarter length, resting left hand on book, which is on a table before him ; from a painting presented to the Hospital by the Governors ; painted by George Richmond, engraved by J. Richard- son Jackson, proof, open letters, on india paper THOS. "WiATT, KNIGHT, three-quarter length, long beard, and wearing a flat cap ; in His Majesty's Collection ; from the original drawing by Hans Holbein, engraved by F. Bartolozzi, R.A., His- torical engraver to His Majesty, printed in colours 3 AKERSLOOT (WILHELM). Worked at Haarlem in 1626. 852 FREDERIC HENRY OF NASSAU. Prince of Orange, son of William the Silent, born 1584, Stadtholder, succeeded his brother Maurice, died 1647, after W. A. Vander Venne, whole length in armour, with lace collar and sash in right hand, left holding shields, helmet and feathers, and map on ground, city and battle in background, Akersloot sculp. (Le Blanc 4), brilliant impression, very rare ALDEGREVER (HEINRICH). Born at Paderbom in 1502. 853 IMAGO HENRICI ALDEGREVERS, &c., at the age of 35 in 1535. Bust, the face nearly full, and turned to the left (B. 189), very fine ALLERT OR ALLARDT (HUYCH). Engraver and publisher, flourished at Amsterdam 1690. 854 FAIRFAX, LORD THOMAS, father of Fernando Lord Fairfax, and grandfather of Thomas Lord Fairfax, the Parliamentary Com- manders. In armour, bust within an illustrated oval, with anagrams and Dutch motto, with cupids and festoons of fruit, tablet beneath, with " (Amsterdam, by Huych Allert ex." AMMAN (JOBST). Born at Zurich, 1539 ; died at Nnremburg, 1591. 855 GASPARD DE COLIGNY, the Admiral, .born 1517; Colonel-General of the French Infantry, 1547; Admiral of France, 1552; distinguished at the Battle of Renti, 1554; captured by the Spaniards at St. Quentin, 1557; defeated at Dreux, 1562; at Jarnac, 1569; at Moncontour, 1569; murdered in the 77 Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572. Oval half-length in armour, ornamental borders, description at top, Effigies Gaspario de Cologni. D. de Castilione. Amiral y Francice P. Underneath is a representation of the Massacre of S. Bartholomew, 1572. (B. 17), Fecit Norimbergce Hof Amman Figurinne, German type, admirable portrait, "beautifully engraved and most interesting ; from the Dillon collection Woodcut of the BAPTISM OF CHRIST, containing portraits of Luther, Melancthon, the Elector of Saxony, and others. The artist's initials I A on the ground, behind the figure of St. John. The Holy Spirit descending, an oval composition, with ornaments in the corners 2 ANDEKLONI (PIETRO). Born at Breoia in 1785. 856 JOSEPH LONGHI, Bust in medallion, turned to the left. Inscription round JOSEPH LONGHI EXIMIUS CELATOR; at bottom Pietro Anderloni diss. ed. incise. AGLIAMATORI DELLE BELLE ARTI. L'Effigie del Maestro incomparabile II Discepolo riconoscente, D.D.D., Milano, 1810 (Le Blanc 12), proof 1 ANNIS (W. T.) Flourishing in London in 1837. 857 Miss Cotton Daughter of the Dean of Chester, inscribed Melinda, after Northcote ANONYMOUS. 858 A Dutch Admiral, Bust in armour, swords entwined with laurel branches at the corners, and arms beneath, mezzotinto, proof before any letters, the tablet blank 859 Arabella, daughter of Charles Stuart Earl of Lennox and brother of Henry Lord Darnley, died 27th Sept. 1615 ; married Sir Wm. Seymour. Humble sculp, are to be sould in Popes head Ally. In oval, with inscription round, GRAUE PONDUS ILLA MAXIMA NOBILITAS PREMIT. Inscription at bottom on a tablet, com- mencing, " The picture of the most Noble and learned Ladye, &c" Length in oval, ornamented with scroll work and arms on sides, Anno 1619, very rare 860 THEODORUS BEZA, Theologian, IN THEODORI BEEZAE GENEVENSIS ECCLESIASTICS CELE' BERRIMI EFFIGIEM E. U. G. HEXASTICHON, Latin verses beneath 78 Small three-quarter in oval, a book in his left hand, Latin verses beneath on another plate : inscription round oval, " THEODORUS BEZA VEZELIUS MINISTER, VERBI DIUINE IN ECCLESIA GENE- VENSI, AN : M.D.XCI. AETAT Lxxn.," 6 lines beneath, commencing, " Si velut os oculosgue tuos, religuique figuram, &c." 861 Henry S. John Lord Bolingbroke, Head, drawing copied from one by Richardson 862 Mrs. Callender of Craigforth, after Sir Joshua Keynolds, painted in 1772 ; three-quarter length, sitting, in ermine lined cloak, left arm resting on a table, fine 863 Queen Catherine of Eussia, three-quarter length, in rich dress, trimmed with fur, with diadem of pearls, and heavy jewels about her neck, mezzotint, very rare 864 CHARLES L, with the names of His Majesty's ships their cap- tains, and catalogue of all the horse and foot raised out of every shire, in text, Dutch broadsheet. Tlie pourtraiture of the High and Mightie Monarch; whole-length, in armour and ermine cloak, standing, with sceptre in right hand, second state 865 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, two ovals side by side on one plate. Carolus D. G. Angliaz, Henrietta Maria Borbonna, &c., fine and rare 866 Charles de Gongault, Due de Biron, in 1594, Pair et " Mareschal de France, G. D. B." Beheaded at Paris, 31 July, 1602. In armour, galloping towards the right, a battle raging in the distance 867 CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN, three-quarter length, with curls, in oval, of laurel leaves, crown suspended from the top, undescribed, proof before any letters ; from the Bernal collection 868 Contemporary Portraits, published in Holland in 1649, in a work entitled Tragicum Theatrum, containing: 1. Charles I. 2. View of Whitehall, with his execution. 3. Charles II. 4. Stratford. 5. Archbishop Laud. 6. Fairfax. 7. Cromwell. 8. The Duke of Hamilton. 9. Lord Holland, in small ovals, very fine, brilliant impressions, made up from two fine copies 9 869 Oliver Cromwell nat. co. Hunts, 1599; of Sidney Sussex Coll. and the Temple ; M. P. Cambridge ; Lord Lieut. Ireland, ob. 1658, riding towards the right, view of London from the south bank of the Thames, a large print, very rare 79 870 THE POURTRAICTURE OF THE RIGHT EXCELLENT PRINCE HENRY Lo. DARNLEY, DUKE OF ALBANY, FATHER TO OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD JAMES, &c., Lord, Consort of Mary, Queen of Scots, born 1541 ; married 1565 ; with associates murdered David Rizzio, 1566 ; killed by an explosion at Kirk of Fields, 1567, in oval, with arms and devices ; not in the National collection, fine and very rare 1 871 DRAKE (SiR FRANCIS) Maritime Discoverer, born 1545 (date un- certain), commanded numerous expeditions to the West Indies, circumnavigated the Globe, took possession of California, one of the commanders against the Spanish Armada, died 1595, half-length, right hand on helmet, left holding baton, landscape in distance, seen through a window, at top " FRANCISCUS DRAECK NOBILISSIMUS EQUES ANGLLE ANO. MT SUE 43," Latin verse beneath, " Habes Lector Decem-anni, 1577 " 1 872 ESSEX, EGBERT DEVEREUX, Earl of, born 1592, only son of the Earl of Essex, the favourite of Queen Elizabeth ; married Lady Frances, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk, from whom he was divorced (when she married Robert Carr, afterwards Duke of Somerset, both infamous on account of the murder of Overbury) ', Essex married his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Paylett, from whom also he separated ; commanded the army of the Parliament against Charles I., for which he had a grant of 10,000 a year (30,000 of our money) ; he was set aside with Sir William Waller and others by the self-denying ordi- nance of the Long Parliament, which purported to prevent any Member from holding a military appointment, Cromwell and his party, however, continued to hold their places in Parlia- ment and their commissions in the army ; died 1646, entitled THE MOST NOBLE ROBERT EARL OF ESSEX AND Lo. GEN. OF THE FORCES FOR K. AND PARL., bust, in richly chased armour, small oval, very rare 1 873 FAIRFAX AND CROMWELL, Dutch broadsheet, ivith verses beneath, on one plate " De Bloedighe t'Samen-Spraak, van FAIRFAX en CROM- WELL " (Bloody conversation of Fairfax and Cromwell). Two portraits on one plate, printed on a broadside, with three columns of Dutch verse, in the form of a dialogue between the Generals, with numerous illusions to the heroes of the " Iliad," and the affairs of England at this period. Fairfax compares himself to Achilles, the Protector to Ulysses. The dialogue 80 comprises references to the execution of Charles I., to that of Strafford, Archbishop Laud, &c. 5 874 Sir Thomas, afterwards Lord Fairfax, born 1611, died 1671 ; com- manded the Parliamentary Forces at Marston Moor and at Naseby. " At the Siege of York, Fairfax was unceasing in his exertions to prevent York Minster being injured, and he saved the Bodleian at Oxford from destruction or injury." " Fairfax was a lover of learning, and had he not taken this special care, that noble library had been utterly destroyed." Aubrey's Lives : half-length, in hat and fur collar, S. Savry ex., inscription " LORD THOMAS FAIRFAX, &c." Lines commencing " FAIRFAX, staet an u de rust van Engelant, &c." 1 875 GEORGE II., bust in profile, the face turned to the left ; printed for Jno. Bowles and Son in Corrihill ; from an original painting in the possession of Thos. Jefferys' mezzotint \ 876 HENRY III., King of France, Duke of Anjou, born 1551, assassinated by Jaques Clement 1589, suitor to Elizabeth, son of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici, bust in a circle, French and German verses divided by arms on a separate plate beneath \ 877 LORRAINE (CHARLES DE) Due DU MEINE ET G.C.D.F., oval in armour. Duke de Mayenne, second son of Francis Duke of Guise, born at Soissons 1611, three-quarter length, the face turned a little to the left 1 878 The Gunpowder Conspirators, a sheet with four subjects, namely, the Conspirators assembled in Conversation, as follows : Bates (servant to Catesby), Robert Winter, Christopher Wright, John Wright, Thomas Percy, Guido Fawkes, Eobert Catesby, and Thomas Winter, with their names introduced above each figure : inscribed "Eygentliche Abbildung," &c. Three of the men drawn on hurdles. The Execution and Embowelling of one of them. And eight of their heads stuck on poles. At each side of the principal subject a long inscription in German, com- mencing " Ein Spruchwort ist v5 alters gsteltt " 879 Madame Hughes, Mistress to Prince Rupert, half-length, seated on a rock, landscape background, P. Lely pinxit, 1677, rare 1 880 PHILIP MELANCTHON, Reformer, born at Bretten, Lower Palatinate. 1497 ; Professor of Greek at Wittemburg, 1518 ; accompanied Luther to Leipzic Disputation, 1519; prepared Profession of 81 Augsbourg, 1530 ; held Disputation at Worms and Eatisbon, 1540-1 ; died at Wittemburg, 1560 ; three-quarter, turned a little to the left, inscription above, " VIEL IMAGO EEVERENDT VIRI D. PHILIPPI MELANCTHONIS," and fourteen beneath, com- mencing " Liet hier benunde leser Yroet Het beeldt Philippi Melanthons goet," &c. 1 881 Michael Angelo Buonarotti, profile head in a medallion, the face turned to the left, MDLXI. within the circle, inscribed round the border " MICHAELANGELUS " 1 882 IL CONTI ORLANDO PALADINO, bust in armour, the face turned to the right, large wood engraving, inscription on the top, " IL CONTE ORLANDO, PALADINO," verse at right side headed OR- LANDO, and commencing " Quel granconte di Brauer, e Tir d'An- glante," &c. 1 883 An Ecclesiastic in skull cap, broad neck bands on an ermine cloak, large oval, three-quarter length 1 884 Three-quarter length of a Gentleman richly dressed, goat's beard, in an irregular oval, with festoons of fruit on each side, tablet above, a scroll below, unfinished proof, before any inscription 1 885 Mrs. Siddons, bust in an oval, the face three-quarter and turned to the left, the hair falling in massive ringlets over the left shoulder, and tied with a veil, plain dress, showing a good deal of the bosom, in stipple almost resembling an aquatint, proof before any letters, exceedingly rare 1 886 Marquis Ambrose Spinola and Bucquoy, on horseback, besieged town in background, in top left corner, " Effigen generosi Mar- chionis Spinolce Capitoncei generalis Exercitus fereni fsimor Archidacum nee non Comitis de Bucquoy Marischalchi ejusdem" on a tablet ; beneath, Views of Sieges of Ostende, Oldensiel, Lingen, Wachtendunck, Krakow, Luchum, Grolia, Eheinberck The heads of Count de Bucquoy and the Marquis Spinola were afterwards changed to the Count and Ferdinand II. Emperor of Germany, and these again were obliterated and replaced by the Earl of Essex and Baron Willoughby. 887 THOMAS PERCY, three-quarter length in oval, with hat and feather, inscription round oval, " THOMAS PERCIUS NOBILJS ANGLUS CONSPIRATIONS Ao. MDCV. INIT,E PRINCEPS;" three tablets with verses, those at top commencing " Thomas Percy in Enge- land Eins edlen Gschleets, gar wol bekhadt ! " One at bottom commencing "Entibi ad vivum escpessani," &c. Percy and Catesby were shot at one discharge by John Street of Worcester, who had loaded his musket with two bullets, very rare 1 M 82 888 Early Italian Head of a Queen wearing the iron crown, the face is in profile and turned to the right, the dress open at the bosom, very fine, of the School of Marc Antonio 1 889 Funeral of Prince Maurice of Nassau at Delf in 1625, very rare and curious 1 890 WILLIAM HENRY, PRINCE OF ORANGE, to the left COMTE DE SCHOM- BERG, to the right Lieut. -Adm. Lord Herbert, foliage at top affixed to a piece of drapery, portraits in ovals 1 891 View : the Fleet which accompanied the Prince of Orange to England in 1688, with references to each vessel and its proper position 1 892 VIEW OF THE FIRE OF LONDON from the Surrey side, arms in top corner, with the legend " Honi soit qui Mai y pense " at top, and the city arms on the right scroll, with LONDON 1 893 The Entiy of William III. into London, with a View of the Thames in the distance: a Contemporary Dutch print, in- scribed " Intrede van zyn Koningt Hoogheid tot Londen," on a banderole 1 894 THOMAS WILLEBOIRTS BOSSCHAERTS, PICTOR, three-quarter length, enveloped in large cloak (W. 1), Martinus Vanden Enden excudit, very fine 1 Me AKDELL (JAMES). Born in Dublin about 1710, died in London in 1765. 895 Lady Mary Campbell, afterwards Coke, after Eamsay, full-length, holding a musical instrument, proof before the plate was cleaned, very fine 1 AUBRY (PIERRE). Engraver and Publisher. Born at Oppcnheim in 1596, worked at Strasbourg, died in 1666. 896 Anne of Austria, in widow's dress, black hood and gown, white cape. Verses beneath " Ce que 1'Espagne a de beaute Se rassemble dans ce visage Anne L'eut-pour son appearage Ausei bien que la Chastcte," three-quarter length, the face turned to the right (Le Blanc 4G), excessively rare 1 83 BENSEKANS (FRANZ VON). Flourished at Amsterdam and London in the middle of the Seventeenth Century. 897 William Henry Prince of Orange, when a Boy, afterwards Wil- liam III. of England, in armour, with truncheon, lace collar and scarf, cap and feathers, inscribed Francoys van Benrecom exc., fine and very rare 1 BENOIT ( AUDRAN, SEN.) Born at Lyons in 1661 ; died in 1721. 898 Henry de Beringhen, large oval Bust in armour, inscription round, HENRY DE BERINGHEN PREMIER LAWYER DU ROY ET CHEVALIER DE CES ORDRES GOUVERNEUR DES CITADELLES DE MARSEILLE (Le Blanc 242), Nanteuil delin. 1663, Benedo. Audran scul. 1710 1 899 Fenelon, Mre. Francois de Salignac De la Motte, Archeveque Due de Cambray, large, in oval, inscription round (Le Blanc 258), Josef Vivien pinxit, Bered. Audran sculpsit, 1714, very fine 1 BACON (FREDERICK). Born in 1808, worked in London 1840-1850. 900 Thomas Bewick, the Wood Engraver, standing in a roadway near Newcastle, whole-length, after James Ramsay, proof 1 BAILLIE (CAPTAIN WILLIAM). Amateur Etcher. Born at Killbride, died in 1810. 901 William Prince of Orange, Father of King William III, and his Equerry, on horseback (Le Blanc 50),/rom a painting by Gerard Terbiirg, first state, without the words "publish'd" &c. 1 BAILLIU (PETER VAN). Born at Antwerp in 1614, living in 1649; worked there and at Rome. Date of death unknown. 902 Albert Count Aremberg, Albertus Dei Gratia Princeps Comes Arembergha, princeps Barbarsoni, Comes Aygremontis, et Eupis in Ardenna, Vice-comes Danensis, Baro de la Buisgiere, &c. par Hannonia, et Cmitat: Leod: et Monti in Hannon : Advocatus perpetuus. Aurei Velleris ./Eques, et Regia Catho- lica Maiestatis lubricularius, &c. In armour, on horseback, landscape and cavalry in background (Le B. 29). Antonius Van Dyck pinxit, Petrus de Ballin fecit et excudit 1 84 BARLOW (THOMAS OLDHAM). Contemporary English Engraver. 903 A set of the most Eminent Inventors, after original Pictures. Cartwright, after Fulton. Herlman, from a picture in pos- session of the family. Jacquard, after picture painted in Lyons by Bonnefond. Kay, from original picture. Arkwright, after Gainsborough. Eoberts, after Eippingille. Eadcliffe, after Hugnaire. Samuel Crompton, Inventor of the Spinning Machine called the Mule, born at Fir wood, Co. Lane. 1753, died 1827, after Allingham. Busts in ovals, artist's proofs, all signed by the engraver, Thomas Oldham Barlow 8 904 Augustus Egg, K.A., English Painter, born 1816, died 1863 (at Algiers), after John Philips, E.A., half-length, seated, with favourite dog in his lap, proof, with signature 1 905 Sir Isaac Newton, England's great Philosopher, born in Lincoln- shire 25th December, 1642, educated at Cambridge discovered the method of fluxions discovered the composition of white light presented his Principia to the Royal Society, containing his theory of gravitation and refraction of light died at Ken- sington 1726, aged 84; after Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1689; three- quarter length, with flowing hair, and wearing a loose gown, proof with remark, very fine 1 BARNARD (WILLIAM). Working in London at the beginning of this Century. 906 Horatio, Lord Nelson ; nat. Burnham Thorpe, Norf. 1758 ; res. Merton, Surrey ; ob. Trafalgar Bay ; whole-length, standing on the sea-shore, left hand on drawn sword, wears a cocked hat, no right arm ; an engagement in the distance ; from the Young Collection 1 BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). Born at Florence in 1728; worked there and in London; died at Lisbon in 1815. 907 Sir Ralph Abercromby, after John Hoppner, R.A., three-quarter length, the face nearly full, and turned a little to the left (Le ~B. 454), proof before any letters 1 908 The Honourable Miss Bingham, youngest Daughter of Sir Charles Bingham, and Sister to Lavinia, Countess Spencer, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length, seated, wearing a large straw hat, 1786 (Le B. 474), fine I 85 909 Eobert, Lord Olive, born in Shropshire 1726 went to India in the Civil Service entered the army 1747 distinguished himself at siege of Pondicherry took Arcot captured Fort William won the battle of Plassey, 1757 created Lord Olive violently attacked and abused in England for his administration in India Parliamentary inquiry into his conduct great debate, and the House of Commons voted that he ' had rendered great and praiseworthy services to his country ' died by suicide 1774 ; half-length, in uniform ; battle in the distance ; after Nathaniel Dance, 1788 (Le B. 502), very fine I 910 Mary Queen of Scots, and her Son, afterwards James I, from a picture by Federigo Zuccaro (Le B. 515), proof twrdy, with the artist's names, brilliant and very fine 1 911 Miss Farren, afterwards Countess of Derby, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, whole-length (Le B. 519) 1 912 Frederick II. the Great, King of Prussia, born 1712, died August 17th, 1786, after Henry Eamberg, half-length, standing, in uniform (Le B. 592) 1 BAEY (HENDRICK). Born at Antwerp in 1625, worked at Amsterdam in 1659. 913 Jacobus Batelier, three-quarter length, in academical robes, ruff; Dutch verses beneath " De Gryse," &c., and fourth line, " De Spreak van Jacob en van Esau order soeken" (Le B. 9) ; /. Wes- terbaen pinx., H. Bary sculp., fine 1 914 Jerome van Bererningki, Bust, in an oval, illustrated with laurel, and arms beneath, after J. de Bane (Le B. 10), very fine 1 915 David Vlugh, Dutch Admiral, half-length, in uniform, with tro- phies (Le B. 40), H. Bary sc., Vanden Hoof exc., fine 1 916 Johan de Witt, after G. Netscher, unfinished proof , unique, the head only 1 BASIEE (JAMES). Born in 1730; died in 1802. 917 Sir James Burrow, whole-length, after Arthur Devis, in robes, 1 780, Master of the Crown Office, F.E.S. A.S., died in 1782 1 918 Alexander Monro, sen., M.D., Professor of Anatomy, &c., after Allan Eamsay, Bust in an oval (Le B. 59), frontispiece to his Works and Life, 1781 1 86 BAUSE (JOHN FREDERICK). Dutch Engraver. Born 1738, died 1814. 919 Frederick II, King of Prussia, Bust, in an oval frame of stone work (Le B, 189) 1 920 La Petite Russe'e, known also as " The Laughing Girl," after Sir Joshua Reynolds, the picture in the possession of Mr. Salting 1 921 Peter the Great, Bust in armour, oval (Le B. 204), Le Roy pinx., Paris, 1717; Bause sculp., Lipsice, 1786 ; very fine; from BernaVs Collection 1 BEATRIZET (NICOLAS). Born at Thionville, in Lorraine, about the year 1500 ; working in Rome 1540-1560. 922 HENRY II. of France, born 1519, died 1559, Bust, in oval, with allegorical figures of Fame and Minerva, &c. (B. 3), very fine, with margin, from the Marshall Collection 1 923 HIPPOLYTA, GONZAGA FERDINANDI FIL AN. XVIL, daughter of Ferdinand de Gonzague and Isabelle, daughter of the Duke of Modena ; she married Fabriu Colonne. A large oval bust, the face turned to the right, inscribed as above round the border (B. 4) 1 BEAUVARLET (JACQUES FIRMIN). Born at Abbeville in 1731 ; worked at Paris ; died 1797. 924 JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN DE MOLI^RE, celebrated French dramatist, author of "Tartuffe," bom at Paris 1622, died at Paris 1673; after Sebastian Bourdon. Half-length, seated at his secretaire, in a broad frame, enriched with symbolic emblems 1 BELLIN (SAMUEL). Contemporary English Engraver. 925 David Cox, celebrated English water-colour painter, after Sir J. Watson Gordon, half-length, seated, proof 1 926 Frederick Temple, D.D., Bishop of Exeter, bora 1821, half-length, seated, from a picture by Sydney Hodges, presentation proof } before all letters 1 87 BELL (EDWAKD). Flourished at the end of the Seventeenth Century. 927 Sir William Sidney Smith, K.G-., distinguished British officer, and the valiant defender of St. Jean d'Acre, son of Capt. S. of Midgham, Sussex, educated Tunbridge ; taken prisoner at Havre and confined in the Temple at Paris ; M. P. for Eochester ; pre- sented with the freedom of London and Plymouth; died at Paris 1840, aged 76. Half-length, after T. W. Chandler, proof, open letters I BETTELINI (PIETRO). Born at Lugano in 1763, died at Rome in 1825. 928 Galileo, seated, with telescope in right hand, Passignani dipinse, Tommaso Minardo disegno, Pietro Bettelini incise (Le B. 47), superb proof, before the letters 1 BEYER (DANIEL). Flourished in Berlin about 1777. 929 FREDEEICUS II., BOEUSSOEUM EEX., on horseback, large tree to right, landscape in distance. Daniel Chodowiecki pinx., Berolini ; Daniel Beyer sculpsit, 1777 1 BINCK (JACOB). Born at Cologne about 1490 ; worked at Nuremberg ; died 1568. 930 Christian III., King of Denmark, born 1480, died 1559 ; Bust in an archway, richly decorated with arms, described by Bartsch, with the works of Lautensack (Pas. iv. 95, 137), very fine, from the Marshall Collection 1 BLAKE (WILLIAM). Born in Broad Street, Golden Square, 1757 ; died in 1827. 931 Mrs. Quentin, a celebrated beauty of the time of George IV., a daughter of the Marquis Conyngham, half-length, seated, Eton College in the distance, drawn by Huet Villiers, partly printed in colours 1 BLANCHARD (AuausTE JEAN BAPTISTE, the younger). Born at Paris in 1792, working in 1828. 932 Catherine de Medicis, after P. P. Rubens, richly dressed, three- quarter length, the face turned a little to the right 1 88 /o 933 Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Spanish Painter, born at Seville 1618, studied under Velasquez at Madrid ; his last work was the picture of St. Catherine in the church of the Capuchins, at Cadiz ; while he was painting it he fell from the scaffold, which accident caused his death at Seville, 1682. Bust in a stone frame, after Murillo (Le B. 62), proof fine 1 fO 934 Ary Scheffer, Modern French Painter, born at Paris 1795, died 1858 ; three-quarter length, seated, not described by Le Blanc, proof, before any letters 1 BLANCHARD (PfeRE). Working in Paris in 1766. 935 The Wife of Rubens, painted by himself, in a square, not described by Le Blanc, fine proof, before the title 1 BLOIS (A. DE). Working at Amsterdam at the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. 936 CATHERINE, QUEEN OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, DAUGHTER OF JOHN IV. AND SISTER TO ALPHONSUO THE VI. KINGS OF PORTUGAL, &c. Bust in an oval of oak leaves, the face seen nearly full, and beneath D. a Floats pinx., not described by Le Blanc, at Amsterdam, by Nicholas Vischer, &c. 1 BLOOTELING (ABRAHAM). Born 1634 ; worked in Holland and London ; died about 1695. 937 A Gentleman, with flowing hair, wearing a broad collar and scull cap ; Bust in a plain oval frame with arms at bottom, proof before letters 1 938 D. Hieronymus Van Beverninck, celebrated Dutch Statesman, often employed and always with success, surnamed the Pacificator, born 1614, died 1690, after B. Vaillant; Bust in an oval with arms beneath, Latin motto in border, arms and description, with Latin verses beneath (Le B. 104), first state, before all letters, very fine 1 (o - 939 Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby, Lord High Treasurer of England, born 1631, created Earl of Danby, 1674, Duke of Leeds, 1694 ; a friend of Buckingham, to whom he mainly owed his elevation, and in return gave his aid in working the downfall of Clarendon ; impeached of high treason in 1678, committed to the Tower, 89 1679, where he remained five years, died 1712 ; Bust in an oval of laurel, after Sir Peter Lely, inscription on the tablet below (LeB. 117), fine I / - - . 940 The Right Hon. Charles Earle of Derby, Lord Stanley and Strange, &c. ; an oval Bust, in armour, hair parted on the forehead and falling on the shoulders (Le 2?. 118) 1 941 Constantinus Hugenius, after B. Valliant ; Bust in a plain oval frame, with arms beneath, the face seen nearly full and turned a little to the right (Le B. 138), brilliant proof of the same, before all letters 1 942 Egbert Meesz Kortenaer, Dutch Admiral, born 1600, killed in an engagement off Lowestoft with the English fleet, under the Duke of York (afterwards James II.) ; Prince Eupert, 1665, after Vander Heist ; bust in armour, the face nearly full and turned a little to the right, a plain oval with arms beneath, with a device at each angle, composed of a sword entwined with laurel, after Bartholomew Vander Heist ; a naval engagement in the distance, trophies of cannon, long inscription in Dutch (Le B. 143), brilliant proof before all letters 1 943 Christian Hugenius, three-quarter length, in an oval (Le B. 140), first state, before Constante's above 944 Franz Van Mieris, Dutch Painter, born at Ley den 1635, Scholar of Gerard Dow, died 1681 (Le B. 151), proof before letters, and, finished impression 3 945 Ed. Manhaften, Dutch Admiral, half-length, after L. de Jongh, large square, with sea-fight in background, not described, very rare, fine impression 1 946 Michael Adriensz de Euyter, Dutch Admiral, born 1607, defeated by Admiral Blake and by Monk, sailed up the Thames and Medway, surprised Sheerness and Chatham, defeated combined English and French fleets, killed in battle, 1 676 ; Bust, in oval, illustrated with military trophies, after Jan Lievens (Le B. 171) 1 947 Prince Eupert, Count Palatine of the Ehine, third son of Frederic, King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth daughter of James I. ; nephew of Charles I. ; bom at Prague 1619 ; passed his childhood in England, to which country he was so attached that once, in the hunting-field, he exclaimed to a friend, " I wish I could break my neck, for then I should at least leave my bones in England " (Letter from Mr. Gerard to Lord Strafford). At thirteen years N 90 of age he distinguished himself under Henry, Prince of Orange ; at eighteen he commanded a regiment of horse in the German wars ; at the battle of Vlota, in 1638, he was taken prisoner ; the Imperialists offered him freedom and military preferment if he would abjure Protestantism, he refused, and was kept a prisoner three years ; in the Civil War he sided with the King, and won his part of the battles at Edgehill, Newbury, Marston Moor, and Naseby. He was dismissed by Charles I. for the surrender of Bristol ; he then adopted the naval profession, and after the Restoration was second in command in the great sea- fight with the Dutch in 1665, and Admiral of the English fleets in the naval engagements of 1673 ; he died in Spring Gardens, 1682, in the sixty-third year of his age. After Sir Peter Lely, in robes of St. George ; Bust, in oval of laurel, arms and inscrip- tion beneath, " Rupertus . . . Comes Palatinus Rlieni " &c. (LeB. 173) 1 948 Augustus Stellingwerf, Dutch Admiral, after Lodewyk Vander Heist ; half-length, resting on a cannon, a naval engagement in the distance (Le B. 185), very fine 1 949 Cornelis do Wit, Dutch Statesman, born at Dort, 1623 ; distin- guished himself at battle of Schweringen, 1652, at Solebay, 1672 ; condemned to exile and murdered with his brother John at the Haghe, 1672 ; richly dressed Bust in an oval, mezzotint, 1680, after J. de Banck (Le B. 199) " Cornelisz de Witte, Vice-Admiral van Holland en West Friesland," half-length, right hand on globe to the left, in background sea-fight, to the right a castle, Dutch verses, 10 lines, beneath (Le B. 200), H. Sorch pinxit, A, Blotelingh sculpsit ; T Amsterdam, Gcdencht Inj Clemendt de Jonchc inde Calverstraat, inde Gclcroonde Const en Kaart Winckel 2 BOISSARD (ROBERT). French Engraver. Born at Valence towards 1590. 950 Captain Thomas Candish, Esq., born 1564; the second English navigator who went round the World. In 1791 he undertook a second voyage, in which he was less fortunate ; his five ships were much injured by a storm off Patagonia, and attacked and disabled by a Portuguese squadron off Brazil. He died on his way home of fatigue and chagrin, 1593 91 Captain Christopher Carleill, died 1593 ; a Cornish gentleman^ son-in-law to Sir Francis Walsingham, served under the Prince of Gciide" Sir Humphery Gilbert, Kt., born 1539 ; English navigator, half- brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, sailed to North America, 1583 ; established a settlement at Newfoundland ; wrecked and drowned off the Azores, 10th September, 1584 Sir John Hawkins, Kt., Admiral commanded against the Armada, born at Plymouth, 1520 ; commenced the Slave Trade, 1562 ; founded hospital at Chatham, died 1595 Sir Martin Frobisher, Kt., born 1536, died 1594, English navigator, all very rare 5 951 Robert, Earl of Essex, Earl Marshal of England ; Queen Elizabeth's Lieutenant and Governor-General of the kingdom of Ireland, born 1567 ; served under Leicester in the Netherlands, 1587 ; married the widow of Sir Philip Sydney, 1590 ; with Lord Howard of Effingham captured Cadiz, 1596 ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1599 ; marched into London and attempted to excite insurrection, tried and executed, 1601 ; equestrian portrait, description in a tablet, supported by figures of Minerva and Fame, " The most noble Robert Earle of Essex," and two lines of Latin beneath ; from John Young's collection 1 952 Henri II., Prince de Conde", HENRICUS BOKBONIUS REGII SANGUINIS INGALLIA PRIMVS PRINCEPS, ETATis siLE ix., AN Dii 1596 ; three- quarter length, the face nearly in full 1 . 953 Henri IV, King of France and Navarre, son of Antoine de Bour- bon, King of Navarre, and Jeanne d'Albret born at Pan, 1553 at battles of Jarnac and Moncontour married Mar- garet of Valois, sister of Charles IX, at Paris, 1572 narrowly escaped the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572 defeated Duke of Joyeuse at Coutras, 1587 succeeded Henry III, 1589 defeated Mayenne at Ivry, 1590 abjured Protestantism and became a Romanist, 1593 published the Edict of Nantes, 1598 marriage with Margaret of Valois annulled, 1599 married Marie de Medici, 1600 assassinated at Paris by Ravaillac, 1610 ; small Equestrian Portrait, Jean le Clcrc exc., in armour, high crowned hat and feather, sceptre, arms, crown, and orders of St. Michael and St. Espritin top right corner. Description beneath, " Henry IIII. par la grace de Dieu Roy de 92 France et de Navarre" Ag6 de 44, 1597," on a tablet. Above verses on both sides of description " Peuplc noy de Henry la naive peinture De ce Henry le grand ton legitime Roy Lappuy des bons francois & des meschas leffroy De la terre lespoin du ciel la chore cure. Considere attentif son uisage icy peint Et qu'an plas uif da lame itte demeure empraint Remerque tellement sa Maieste gverriere Que sans feinte laymert de le croignes aussi : Bref, croy quil est enseble & ton prince & ton pere Clement en sa molice & infte en sa merey." (Le B. 38), first undescribed state, before the name of the engraver to the left afr bottom, under the verses; (Lelong 19), where the second state is described, with the name and date 1599. TJiere is a third state in tJie National Collection, altered to " Ag6 de 51, 1603" 1 BOLSWEKT (BOETIUS A). Born at Bolswert, Friesland, in 1580 ; died at Antwerp in 1634. 954 JUSTE LIPSE, inscribed CLARISSIMUS JUSTUS LIPSIUS HISTORIO- GRAPIIUS REGIUS PROFESSOR coNSLJARius, ETC.; three-quarter length, holding book, half open, with left hand, ruff and fur- triinmed coat ( Weber 5) ; Ant. van Dyck pinxit, Mart, vanden Enden excudit, cum privilegio; first state, before the engraver's name, extremely rare 1 955 Louis William, Count of Nassau, after J. Mire veldt, half-length, in armour, holding his truncheon, helmet by his side 1 o 95G Margareta princeps Lotharingaa Ducissa Lere. Aurelianenis, after Vandyck (Weber S),fine, third state, with the G.H. 1 957 Maria Euthven, married 1st, Sir Anthony Vandyke, the celebrated Painter ; 2nd, Sir Kichard Pryse ; NATA IN ANGLIA VXOR AN- TONII VAN DYCK viCTORis, proof, with engraver's name 1 BONASONE (Giuuo). Born at Bologna about 1500; pupil of Marc Antonio; worked at Rome, where he died in 1580. ( , 958 Philip II, King of Spain, son of the Emperor Charles V. and Isabella of Portugal born 1527 married 1st, Maria of Por- tugal, 1543; 2nd, Mary of England, 1553; 3rd, Isabella, daughter of Henry II. of France (who had been engaged to Don Carlos, Philip's son) ; 4th, Anne, daughter of the Emperor 93 Maximilian died in the Escorial, 1598, which he built to commemorate the victory over the French at St. Quentin. Bust, the face three-quarter and turned to the right (B. 343) 1 959 Eaphael Sanzio, born 1483, died 1520, from a drawing by himself; Bust, the face seen nearly full (R 347) ; from the North and Esdaile Collections 1 - 960 Pope Marcellus II, born at Fano, in the Eoman States; succeeded Julius III, 1555 ; on the twenty-second day of his pontificate, (the 30th of April), he died; half-length, giving the Benediction ; in the margin at bottom, MAKCELLUS n. PONT. OPT. MAX. (B. 349), rare 1 " Fate permitted the world to have sight of him only for twenty-one days." Ranke. BOND (WILLIAM). Governor of the Society of Engravers, founded in 1803. 961 MARY MARCHIONESS OF THOMOND, born 1750, daughter of John Palmer, of Torrington, niece of Sir Joshua Keynolds; died 1820 ; after Sir Thomas Lawrence ; half-length, seated, fine proof before any letters 1 BOUTTATS (GASPARD). Born at Antwerp in 1610; died in 1703. - 962 Massacre de HENRY LE GRAND, Eoy de France, par Francois Eavaillac, le 14 May, 1610 ; Gasp. Bouttats fecit, Antwerpice, se trouve a Paris cliez Odieuvre rue Daujon pres la rue Dauphine., rare 1 BEEA (DE). French Engraver. /5_ , 963 Monsieur de Calonne, Ministre d'etat sous Louis XVI, half-length, seated at his secretaire, Mde. le Brun pinx., De Brea sc. publid a Londres en Decembre 1802, par W. Richardson, No. 31, Strand 1 BEIDOUX (FRANCOIS EUGE'NE AUGUSTE). Born in 1813, working in Paris. 964 Laura, friend of Petrarch, after Simon Memmi ; from a Manuscript in the Laurentienne Library, Florence 1 - , 6 965 LA BELLE FERRONNIERE, after L. DA VINCI, by some said to be Lucrezia Crevelli, Mistress of Ludovic Sforza, surnamed II Moro Duke of Milan ; but it may be the portrait of Isabel 94 d'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, which Crowe and Cavaleesale have found that Leonardo painted in 1500, see Mrs. Heatron's Life of Leonardo da Vinci, p. 15, and Academy, vol. I, p. 123 ; Bust turned to the left, the face seen nearly full; from the picture in the Louvre 1 BRY (JOHANNES THEODORE DE). Born at Luttich in 1561, died at Frankfort in 1623. 966 The Duke of Alva, small oval, in armour, with animals, birds and insects in Gothic ornamentation around, inscription in circle, DON FERDINANDE D. TOLEDO. D.G., DUX. ALB.E, &C. Rene* Gautaine de Laudonniere : an allegory of the Conquest of Floriuda by France, inscribed " Columnam a Prcefccto prima navigations locatam VIII ;" beneath is a long Latin inscrip- tion, " Cum Galli in Floridam provinciam par ens ejus Saturiona illam amplius nom attic/it" The Duke and a gigantic Chief witnessing a number of natives kneeling before a pedestal, ornamented with fleurs-de-lis, personifying the greatness of France ; a book-plate 2 907 Christopher Columbus, discoverer of the New World born near Genoa, about 1436 ; died 1506 (these dates uncertain) married at Lisbon, Felipa, daughter of Perestrello, an Italian navigator first offered his plans of discovery to Genoa under the patronage of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain sailed on his first expedition, 1492 discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola sailed on his second expedition, 1493 discovered Jamaica sailed on his third expedition discovered Trinidad sent back to Spain in chains sailed on his fourth expedi- tion, 1502 worried by his enemies returned to Spain died 1506 buried at Valladolid his remains afterwards removed to Havana in Cuba; Bust in a medallion, enclosed in a frame, richly ornamented with animals, flowers, &c., very fine and rare 968 Another impression of the same . 969 DE HOOPMAN VA NARHEIT, not described by Le Blanc LE CAPITAINE DBS FOLLIE, design for a salver of rich design, of grotesque ornamentation (Le B. 199) ORGUEILLE ET FOLLIE, two fantastic designs for plates, both very fine 5 95 970 Martin Luther, Bust, in small square, in cap and gown, Latin inscription above and below, " Martinus Lutherus, anno, eetatis 57, very fine 1 BUKGESS (WILLIAM C.) Flourished at the end of the eighteenth century; died at Fleet, Lincolnshire, 1813. 971 Christopher Columbus, half-length, seated, helmet and mace by his side, proof with signature 1 972 SIR JOHN MOORE, "a perfect soldier and a perfect gentleman," three-quarter length, full-face; Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.E.A., W. C. Burgess, proof before letters ] BEUYN (ABRAHAM DE). Born at Antwerp in 1538-40, died at Cologne. 973 CHARLES IX., whole-length standing, in cap and short cloak, left hand on sword hilt, right holding the order suspended from his neck, curtain on the left, arms in right corner at top, at bottom CAROLUS NONUS DEI GRATIA FRANCORUM EEX CHRISTIANISSIMUS, 4 Lieprinck ex. Ade JBruyn (Le Blanc 123), fine and very rare BEUYN (NICOLAS DE). Born at Antwerp in 1570, died about 1635. 974 GODFREY DE BOUILLON, Bust in small circle, richly ornamented, turned to right, hand raised, helmet with crown of thorns, small tablet at bottom, with Godefridus Bulonius, and beneath Nico de Bruin fecit Assuwerus van Londerseel excudit. 1594 (Le Blanc 214) CALAMATTA (Louis). Born at Civita Vecchia, 1802 ; working in Paris. 975 George Sand, proof, Paris Disegnato e inciso da me L. Calamatta, 1836, merely etched in 976 Guizot, born 4 October, 1787, after Delaroche, half-length leaning against a marble pedestal, proof 1 977 LISA MONA, called " La Joconde," after the picture in the Louvre by Leonardo da Vinci, 1837 (Le Blanc 9), artist's proof 1 CALLOT (JACQUES). French Engraver. Born at Nancy, 1592; travelled in Italy; returned to France, and died 1635. 978 Louis DE LORRAINE, Prince of Phalsburg, on horseback, was a natural son of Louis II. of Lorraine, Cardinal de Guise, and 96 Aymerie de Leschereune dame de Grimancourt ; died at Munich, childless, 1631. The battle in the background of the engraving is very interesting, showing the costume, arms and mode of fighting of the period, (Meaume 508), very fine 1 CARACCI (AGOSTINO). Painter and Etcher. Born at Bologna, 1558 ; died at Parma, 1601. 979 TITIAN, bora at Cador, in Friuli, 1477 ; died at Venice, 1576, of the plague, aged 99 (B. 154), three-quarter length, head covered with a skull cap, fine and rare 1 980 Cagliari, Paul Veronese, oval in an ornamental frame, fine and very rare ; from Young's collection 1 CARBON (ANTHONY). Born at Brussels in 1773 ; died in London 1813. . 981 Marie Anne Schotte, with hands joined in prayer, after A. van Dyck, from a miniature, in a frame of oak leaves, fine 1 CAS A (NiccoLO DELIA). Italian Engraver. Born at Rome, about the middle of the IGth century. "982 Bandinelli, Baccio, Florentine Sculptor, born 1487, died 1559 ; half-length, standing in his studio, his right hand placed on a small statue, inscribed, N. D. la Casa, and the address of Ant. Lareri beneath (Le Blanc 2) 1 983 Cosmo de Medici, half-length, in richly chased armour, his left hand resting on a spear ; on a scroll, to the left, " Bacius Bandinel Flos, 1544," and on a tablet on the right, COSMVS. MEDICIS. FLORENT. JAC. DUX. IL, M.D. LA. CASA. F., On a shell at bottom (Le Blanc 3), fine and very rare 1 CATHELIN (Louis JACQUES). Born at Paris in 1739, died 1804. 984 Etienne Francois Turgot, three-quarter in a square, peint par F. Dronais le fils, 1757, grave par L. J. Cathelin, 1764 (Le Blanc 27) 1 985 Marie Antoinette, daughter of Maria Teresa, Empress of Austria, born 2 Nov. 1755 ; married to Louis, Dauphin of France, 1770, afterwards Louis XVI ; guillotined 16th Oct. 1793 ; large oval, taken when young, flowers above, oak and lily and arms 97 beneath, description below, MARIE ANTOINETTE AECHID. D'Au- TRICHE REINE DE FRANCE, Scecula ! Qui tanti quce Te tarn Iceta tulerunt Talem genuere Parentes ! very interesting and rare portrait 1 CECIL (THOMAS). Worked in London from 1628 to 1635. 986 Queen Mary, with crown, sceptre and orb, from the Annales of England, 1630, three-quarter length, holding sceptre, inscribed, Fortissimi quique interfecti sunt ab ed Edward VI, King of England, born at Hampton Court, 1537 ; founder of numerous grammar schools ; died 1553 ; Bust, crowned with orb and sceptre BEGEM DEDI IRATUS EIS, in robes, three-quarter length, holding sceptre in right hand, globe in left, T. Cecill sculp. ; from the "Annales of England, 1630," inscribed, " Ve tibi Terra, Cuius Rex Puer est ; " very fine, with margin 3 987 The Countess of Provence, Bust in an oval, decorated with flowers above and arms beneath, richly dressed, proof before letters 1 988 Armstrong, Archibald, Jester to James I, died 1672, "Archee by kings and princes grac't of late jested him-selfe into a fayer estate, &c.," small whole-length, very rare, 1 CEEONI (M. L.). Contemporary French Engraver. 989 LES EMAUX DE PETITOT DU MUSEE IMPERIAL DU LOUVRE. PORTRAITS de personnages historiques et de femmes celebres du siecle de Louis XIV, Paris, 1862, containing the following portraits : (1) Jean Petitot 1607-1691 (2) Madame deMontbazon 1610-1657 (3) Ninon de L'Enclos ... 1616-1705 (4) Madame dc la Suze . 1618-1673 (5) Madame de Longueville 1619-1679 (6) Mademoiselle de Mont- pensier 1627-1693 (7) Madame de Sevigne ... 1627-1696 (8) Madame de Thianges 1631-1693 (9) Le Comte de Grignan 1632-1714 (10) Madame Deshoulieres 1633-1694 (11) Madame Scarron ... 1635-1719 (12) Madame de Montespan 1643-1709 (13) Mademoiselle deValiere 1648-1664 (14) LaDuchessedeMazarin 1646-1699 (15) Madame de Grignan . 1648-1705 (16) Mademoiselle de Valois 1648-1664 (17) M. de Malezieu ... 1650-1727 (18) Mademoiselle de Fon- tanges 1661-1681 (19) Marie-Louise d'Orleans 1662-1689 (20) Mademoiselle Dupre . 1662-1689 (21) Anne D'Autriche ... 1602-1666 (22) Madame de Combalet 1604-1675 (23) La Duchesse de Mont- pensier 1605-1627 (24) Marguerite de Lorraine 1615-1672 (25) Anne de Gonzague, Princess Palatine ... 1616-1684 (26) Colbert 1619-1683 (27) Christine de Suede ... 1626-1689 (28) La Princesse de Conde 1628-1694 o 98 (29) Madame dc Maintenon 1635-1719 (39) Claude Sarran . ... 1651 (30) Catinat 1637-1712 (40) Villarceaux 16 1690 (31) Marie-ThereseD'Autriche 1638- 1683 (41) Richelieu 1585-1642 (32) Louis XIV 1638-1716 (42) Gaston D'Orleans ... 1608-1660 (33) Monsieur, frere de (43) Turenne 1611-1675 Louis XIV 1640-1701 (44) La Rochefoucauld ... 1613-1680 (34) Tonrville. ... ... 1642-1701 (45) Madame de Sevigne ... 1627-1696 (35) Le Marquis de Lavardin 1643-1701 (46) La Comtesse D'Olonne 1633-1714 (36) Madame de Ludres ... 1648-172- (47) Louis XIV 1638-1715 (37) La Duchesse de Ports- (48) Henrietta d'Angleterre 1644-1G70 mouth 1651-1722 (49) Villars 1653-1734 (38) Le Marquis de Barbe- (50) Le Grand Dauphin ... 1G61-1711 zieux 1668-1701 'beautiful set of proofs before letters 50 CHAUL (WILLIAM). Contemporary English Engraver. 990 Miss Penelope Boothby, daughter of Sir Brook and Lady Boothby, born in 1783, died 1791 ; half-length, a little girl in a mob cap, seated in a landscape. From the picture in the possession of Earl Dudley, artist's pi'oof 1 CHIOSONNE (EDOARDO). Contemporary Engraver, working in Genoa. 991 Alighieri Dante, Italian Poet, born at Florence, 1265 ; died and buried at Kavenna 1321 ; three-quarters, holding book under left arm, branch of fruit tree in right hand (not in Le Blanc), proof befoi'e all letters 1 CHODOWIECKI (DANIEL NICHOLAS). Born at Dantzig in 1726, died at Berlin in 1861. 992 FREDERIC II Eoi DE PRUSSE, on horseback, attended by his staff, reviewing troops, landscape in distance. Daniel Chodowiecki ad naturam delineamt Berolini, 1778. Sould by Sayer and Bennett, 53, Fleet Street, London. Englemann 200, copy (2) 1 v 993 JOHANN JOACHIM VON ZEITHEN, celebrated Prussian General, born 1699, died 1786; whole-length, seated before Frederick II. of Prussia. The Prince of Prussia, Ferdinand, brother of the King, Duke Frederick of Brunswick, and Generals Mollen- dorf, Wurtemburg, Braun, Prittwitz, Schulenberg, Holzendorff, Dolfs, Wolfradt, Leuts, and Tempelhof, are around him (En- gelman 948), proof before any letters, most interesting print ; from tlw Brentano Collection 1 99 CIPRIANI (GALGANO). Designer and Engraver. Born at Sienna in 1775. Scholar of E. Morghen. Living in 1804. 994 Galileo Galilei, born at Pisa 1564; died 1642, engraved by Galga- nus Cipriani under the direction of Raphael Morghen, after Justus Sublermans, bust in square 1 CLERICI (FRANCESCO). Contemporary Engraver. Working in Italy. 995 Portrait of Lucas Cranach, three-quarter length, with divided beard, after Lukas Cranach, proof "before, letters, fine 1 CLINT (GEORGE). Born in London 1787 ; died in 1854. 996 William Pitt, unfinished trial proof , very fine Robert Haldane, Esq. : painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, published Nov. 1805, by Gf. Clint, Hind Court, Fleet Street : half- length standing, leaning on a staff, on the coast, fore finger pointing to the sea, ruffles at wrist 2 COCK (HERONIMUS). Born at Antwerp in 1510 ; died in 1570. 997 Three Satirical Subjects on the Intrigues and Cruelties of Alva. " Inquisiteur." " Rex Hispani." " Efeck:" lines at top and bottom, " Coninck Philips van Spaengien doer synen raet .... Comme fusitis de leur eglises et abaie," three whole-lengths, with Monks praying " lasma." " Granvello." " Alva." " Pius V. papa," lines at top and bottom, " Le pape a donne glayne au duck cruelle Douerhant ock met gewelt en met braut," four whole-lengths, with chest and bags full to the brim of coin near the Pope " Bubilon." " Alva," lines at top and bottom, Die Scepen veruallen die sciplieden connen . . . . Le ranson du duck et sc. pilieurs/' two whole-length figures, Alva seated embracing the Woman of Babylon, an oppressed Merchant at her feet 3 COINY (JOSEPH). Born at Paris 1795. Worked at Paris and Eome. Died in 1829. 998 ALIGHIERI DANTE, born at Florence 1265, exiled 1302 ; condemned to be burnt 1302; wanders in Italy, visits Paris 1308; died and buried at Ravenna 1321, head seen nearly in profile, turned to the left, after Raphael (Le Blanc 2), artist's proof, very fine 1 100 COLLAERT (ADRIAN.) Designer and Engrrver. Born at Antwerp in 1540 ; died in 15fi7. 999 Allegorical Subjects illustrating the History and Discovery of the New World, with portraits of Columbus Americanus, and Fernandes Mayerlanes, standing on the deck of their respec- tive vessels, allegorically treated. Title : with the Terrestrial Hemisphere supported by the Holy Spirit, enclosed in a canopy supported by Flora and Janus, with medallion portraits above of Vespasius and Columbus, and a tablet on which is inscribed " AMERICE KETECTIO ;" Mars and Neptune in their cars in the distance, view of Italy underneath, and below this an inscription " QUIS POTIS EST DIGNUM POLLENTI PECTORE CARMEN CONDERE PRO EERUM MAIESTATE, HISQUE REPERTIS ?" after Jan Stada, set of four prints (Le Blanc 372-375), 'brilliant impressions 4 COLLIN (RICHARD). Born at Luxembourg in 1G26. Worked at Rome, Antwerp and Brussels. <-{ . 1000 RAIMOXDO MONTECUCCOLI, Italian General, bora 1 608, died 1680 ; one of the greatest masters of the art of war; opposed to Turenne. They manoeuvred during a whole campaign, passing along the course of the Rhine, neither being able to obtain the advantage ; Turenne said he had done so when the Battle of Salzbach began, in which Turenne was killed, after which event the French retreated ; three-quarter length, crowned by Victory and Fame, in oval, after A. Smeyers, illustrated with allegories of war, very fine 1 1001 Murillo, three-quarter length in an oval, inscribed beneath, " BAR- THOLOMEWS MORILLUS HlSPALENSIS SE-IPSUM DEPINGENS PRO FILIORUM VOTIS AC PRECIBUS EXPLENDIS," &C. (Le Blanc 92) 1 CONRAD (ABRAHAM). Worked in the first half of the 17th century. 1 . / 1002 CHRISTOPHER LOVE, born at Cardiff in 1618; studied at Oxford and took Orders, but refusing to subscribe to the Canons re- lating to Prelates, he was ejected from the ministry of St. Peter- le-Bailey, at Oxford ; he came to London, and was appointed to minister at St. Mary, Aldennanbury, but gave great offence for preaching against the King's Commissioners at Uxbridge, and subsequently being detected by the vigilance of Cromwell plotting for the purpose of restoring Charles II. (" Love's Plot "), was executed on Tower Hill, 22nd August, 1651 ; half-length preaching, Dutch inscription and verses (Le Blanc 4) 1 101 COOPER (ROBERT). Exhibited with the Associated Engravers in 1821. Living in 1836. 1003 Anna Boleyn, after Holbein, R. Cooper sc., three-quarter length, richly embroidered dress, necklace, hat with feather, at top "ANNA REGINA;" inscription beneath, "Anna Boleyn, born anno 1503, married to Henry VIII., King of England, anno 1530; beheaded 19th May, 1536 James Stuart, Earl of Murray, half brother of Queen Mary Stuart, whom he deposed and became Regent of Scotland, born 1533, killed at Linlithgow 1570, from the original at Holyrood, richly dressed bust 2 COUSIN'S (SAMUEL), R.A. Contemporary Mezzotint Engraver. 1004 Mrs. Braddyl, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Private plate, bought before the fire at the Opera House and at Messrs. Graves, where most, if not all, the existing impressions were destroyed 1 a , 1005 Thomas Campbell, eminent modern Poet, born at Glasgow in 1 777 ; Rector of Glasgow University; died in 1844, half-length seated at a table, his left hand resting on a paper ; painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, engraved by Samuel and Henry Cousins, presentation proof to John Pye 1 1006 Rosa Bonheur : the Portrait, after Dubufe, the ox painted by herself, proof before letters Half-length of a Gentleman seated, holding an eyeglass, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1828, fine proof before the title 2 1007 Elizabeth Georgiana Duchess of Sutherland, daughter of the Earl of Carlisle, born 1806; with her daughter Lady E. Leveson- Gower, whole-length, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, brilliant proof before all letters, which were introduced on a separate plate 1 1008 Portrait of Sir Edwin Landseer drawing, with dogs, entitled " The Connoisseurs;" born 1802, died 1873 ; proof before any letters, with the engravers' signature ; and the Etching ; the picture exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1865, and Winter Exhibition, Burlington House, 1875 2 1009 Julia Lady Peel, daughter of Sir J. Floyd, Baronet, born at Trich- inopoly 1795, wife of the Premier, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, half length, in walking costume, fine proof 1 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. CRANACH (LUKAS). German Painter and Engraver. Born 1470 ; died at Wiemar, 1553. LOT 1010 A PRINCE OF SAXONY, three-quarter length, wearing cap and fur collar, a woodcut, very rare 1 1011 Frederick III. " the Wise," Elector of Saxony, born 1463 ; protected Luther both from the wrath of the Pope and the anger of the Emperor; died 1525, three-quarter length, standing under an archway decorated with arms, the date 1510 to the right, dressed in fur, arms in top corners, inscription beneath " Christo. Sacrum, llle. Dei verbo. Magna pietate. Favebat Perpetua Dignus. posteritate. coli. D. Fridr, Duci. Saxon. S. R Imp. Archim. Electori. Albertus. Durer nur faciebat. B. M. F. V. V. M.D.XXIIII." Friend of Luther during the Reformation, and of Durer ; born 1463, died 1525 Another Portrait of Frederick III. on a title page to Melancthon's " Ursach Varumt die Stende, 1546," both woodcuts 2 1012 Martin Luther : Woodcut of Luther as a Monk, a book illustration inscribed " Von der Babylonishchen gefengk nuss kirchen Dr. Martin Luthers," fine and rare 1 CROSS (THOMAS). English Engraver. Flourished about 1648. 1013 " The Effigies of Thomas Fidell, of Furnivall's Inne, Gent., one of the Attorneys of the Court of Comon-Bench," aged 56 years, half-length, seated at a table writing, T. Cross sculpsit. 1 1014 The Portraiture of Judge Littleton, the famous English Lawyer, Judge in the reign of Edward IV. ; born about 1421, died 1481, whole-length, in his chamber on his knees, excessively rare 1 103 1015 The true Portraiture of Eichard Plantagenet of England and of France, King Lord of Ireland, the third King Richard ; began to reign, 1483, killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field, 1485, three-quarter length in an oval, placing a ring on the little finger of his right hand, and above inscribed, " Royaulter me pie," brilliant impression, with wide margin, very rare 1 DALEN (CORNELLS VAN). Worked at Haarlem and Antwerp, 1613-1640. 1016 Charles II. King of England, son of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, born 1630, died 1685, half-length in armour, baton in right hand, crown, &c. on table by his side, landscape in back- ground, inscribed within the marginal line at top on the right, " R. Jaron pivuKit, G. V. Dalen, F. sculp;" proof, superb im- pression 1 1017 The Poet Aretino, after Titus Vecellio, three-quarter length, holding open book in his left hand, fine before inscription 1 1018 Giorgone the Painter, after Titian, three-quarter length, face turned to the front, in plain quilted silk robe, open at the neck, showing a little of the shirt, very fine before inscription 1 1019 Sebastian del Piombo the Painter, after Titian, three-quarter length bare headed, enveloped in an ample cloak, very fine before any inscription 1 1020 The Eight Honourable and Most Noble Algernon Percy, Earle of Northumberland, Lord Poynings, Fitzpayne and Brian, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Admirall and Generall of His Majesties Fleet for this Expedition, A 1 636 ; dismissed in 1642 ; married, as his second wife, Elizabeth Howard, daughter of Earl of Suffolk; born about 1602, 1668, three- quarter length in oval, open sea, with shipping in background, arms and figures in corners round oval, " HONORATISS. D'ALGER- NON PERCY COM. NORTHUMBERLAND ;" at bottom, inscription, " The right Honourable and most noble ALGERNON PERCY, Earle for this Expedition, A 1636," Cornelius Van Dalen sculp. 1 1021 William VI., Landgrave of Hesse, three-quarters in armour, in oval, surrounded with military trophies, arms at top, in the oval, " FIDE ET JUSTITIA ;" at bottom, " WILHELMUS VI. DEI GRATIA HASSIAE LANTGRAVIUS .... SCHAUMBURGO," &c., very fine 1 104 DARET (PIERRE). Engraver. Bora at Paris about 1610 ; worked in Paris and Italy ; and died about 1680. 1022 Anne of Austria, daughter of Philip III. of Spain, wife of Louis XIII. King of France, born 1601, died 1666 ; with her two sons, Louis, afterwards Louis XIV., and Philip, Duke of Orleans, one with sceptre and crown, the other with dog, under canopy, armed attendant behind balustrade, crown on cushion on floor, verses beneath 1 " Anne, dont la vertu nous assiste au besoin, Va ramener la calme apres tant de tempestes ; Et ses princes diuins, dont elle a tant de soin, De 1'Auroue au Couchant borneront leurs conquestes." 1023 Louis XIII. King of France, son of Henry IV. and Marie de Medici, born 1601 ; succeeded his father at the age of nine; married Anne of Austria ; father of Louis XIV. ; died 1643, in armour, on horseback, laurel wreath on his head, fortified city and battle in background (Le Blanc 52), French verse beneath " Ce grand Roy, dont voiry 1'adorable visage, Vainqueur de cc bas monde au Ciel est remonte\ A genoux done Mortels I que tout luy rende hommage, On redoutez sa foudre, on louez sa bonte." rare 1 DAULLE (JEAN). Born at Abbeville in 1703 ; died at Paris in 1763. 1024 LUDOVICUS JACOBUS DE CHAPT DE RASTTGNAC, Archbishop of Turonensis ; three-quarter, in an oval, with arms beneath 1 DELARAM (FRANCIS). Worked in London in the early part of the Seventeenth Century. Born 1590, died 1627. 1025 Elizabeth, Queen of England, born 1533, died 1603; three- quarter length, robed and crowned, with orb and sceptre ; an oval with arms above ; lines beneath commencing, " Havinge reformed Religion, established peace, reduced Coyne to ye iuste," &c. 1 1026 Sir Thomas Gresham, Founder of the Royal Exchange, 1567, died 1579 ; oval ornamented, arms in top corners, inscription round oval, "Viva Effigies Preclar 1 Domi Thomae Gresham Equi aura ; " inscription beneath commencing, " The lively portraiture of y e most worthy Cittizen, S r Thomas Gresham," &c., first state, " Are to be sould by Jo. Sudbu & G. Humb." 1 105 1027 Matthias de L'Obel, Botanist, born 1538, died 1616 ; Bust, in an oval ; with arms and architectural background, inscribed, " Pra- sentem monstrat Quselibet Herba Deum ; " round the oval, " Matthias de L'Obel Medicus and Botanographus Insuloanus, Anno Eeparatae Salutis 1615, setatis 76 ;" at bottom, " Candore Et spe Melius a limpidissimis," &c. This print engraved 1615. Francise Dellarame fecit et sculp. Anno 1615 1 1028 Mary I. Queen of England (born 1516, died 1558) ; holding the " suplication of Tomas Hongar." The mighty Princesse Marie by the Grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland, &c., in dress trimmed with fur and jewelled, petition in left hand, glove in right hand ; first state, before the plate was altered to an oval. Fran. Delaram sculp., Compton Holland exc., superb impression in beautiful condition, and excessively rare 1 BELLA BELLA (STEFANO). Designer and Etcher. Born at Florence in 1610 ; died 1664. 1029 Barnardino Eicci, on horseback, inscription, " Alia Ser" 1 * Princip Vettoria Urbino, Gran Due di Tosc." Buffoon at the Court of Ferdinand II. (Le B. 966), very fine, with margin ; from the Brentano collection 1 DEAN (JOHN). Born about 1750, died in London 1798. 1030 Lady Cadogan, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, 1787; Mary, daughter of Charles Churchill, Esq., married, 1777, Charles Sloane, from whom she was divorced in 1796 ; half-length, seated, with her hair powdered, and a veil over it, kerchief crossed over bosom, proof before the name 1 1031 Dr. Thomas Leland, Librarian of Trinity College, Dublin, died in 1785, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds ; half-length, an oval, in canoni- cals, wig and bands, proof before the title, the plate uncleaned 1 1032 King Edward VI., half-length, standing, richly dressed ; from the original picture ~by Hans Holbein in the Collection of the Earl of Egmont, proof 1 DELFF (WILLIAM JACOBSZ). Dutch Painter and Engraver. Born at Delff 1580, died 1638. Evelyn to Pepys, 1690 : " There is a Taille-douce of that mighty favourite (George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham), almost as big as the life, and nothing inferior to any of the famous Nanteuil's, engraved by one Jacob, of Delft, in Holland, from a painting of Miereveld, that were well worth the sending even into Holland for, and for whatever else is of this kind, of that incomparable workman's hand.'* 1033 Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I., daughter of Henry IV. King of France and Marie de Medici, sister of Louis XIII., born P 106 1609 ; she was said to be secretly married to Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, died at the Castle of Colombe, in France, 1669 ; buried at St. Denis. Bust, in large oval, after Daniel Mytens. Motto round oval, " Servir a Dieu C'est Kegner ; " inscription beneath, " Serenissima Potentissima, Excellentis- simae Principis Henrica Maria " (Le B. 9) 1 1034 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I., King of Eng- land, and sister of Charles I., born 1596 ; married Frederic, Count Palatine of the Rhine ; mother of Prince Rupert, and of Sophia Electress of Hanover (the mother of George I.), died 1662 ; very popular in England, called the " Queen of Hearts ;" died at Lord Craven's, Leicester House, north side of what is now Leicester Square. The descendants of Charles I. ended with the death of Queen Anne, and the present Royal Family is descended from Elizabeth, the sister of Charles I. Three- quarter length, richly dressed ; large oval, with motto, " Con- stantia et Alacritate ; " inscription beneath, " Elisabethse Dei gratia, Bohemia Reginse," &c. (Le B. 12) 1 1035 Frederic Henry, Prince, when a boy, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, King of Bohemia ; large oval, with motto round ; inscription beneath, " Fredericus Henricus Comes Pala- tinus Rheni," &c., after Mirevelt, by Delft (Le B. 13), superb impression 1 1036 Another copy, very fine, larger margin 1 1037 Christian, Duke of Brunswick, born 1599, died 1626 ; one of the romantic admirers of the Queen of Bohemia. He lost his arm at the Battle of Fleury, and wore an artificial one made of silver. He was said to have died of poison. Large oval, three-quarter length, in armour, " vincere aut mori." Inscription beneath, " Christiano D. G. Postulate Esp Halbi Estadiensi, Duci Brunsvicensi, et Luneburgensi, etc., hanc ipsius Herois effigiem a Mich. Job. Mireveldio ad vivum depictam, et Guilhelmo Jacobi Delphio ccelo hac forma expressam, dedicant conse- crantq ydem pictor ac sculptor, cum privilegio Illust. D. D. OrdinumGeneralium ad annos octo AnnoDom. ClQ.lQCXXIII." Not described by Le Blanc ; from BernaVs Collection 2 1038 Frederic, King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine ; born born 1596, married Elizabeth, daughter of James I., King of England ; died 1632. Three-quarter length, in richly em- broidered dress, and order of St. George, after Mirevelt ; large 107 oval, with motto, " Verbum Domini Manet in Sternum ; " in- scription beneath, " Frederico Dei gratia Bohemia Regi Comiti Palatino Rheni," &c. (Le R 14) 1 1039 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Bust, richly dressed ; large oval, with motto, " Fidei Coticula Crux ; " inscription beneath, " Georgio Villiers Due, Marchioni Comiti Buckinghamise," &c., after Mirevelt (Le R 15) 1 1040 Sir Dudley Carleton, English Statesman, Ambassador to Holland and Venice, born 1573 ; Viscount Dorchester, and Secretary of State in the reign of Charles I., 1630, died 1631-2 ; small oval, richly embroidered dress, double gold chain, and large ruff collar. Inscription round, "Constanter et Patienter, Anno ClQ.lQC.XX. ; " inscription beneath, " ILLust. Excell. ac prudent. Domino, Dn. Dudleyo Carleton Equiti Magna Britannia Regis apud Confederatarum Provinciarum in Belgio Ordinis, Legato, etc. pectoria artis non solum admiratori, sed etiam insignitur perito, sculptor dedicat" (LeB. 16) ; M. Miere- velt pinxit, W. Ddff sculpsit 1 1041 Louisa de Coligny, fourth wife of William I., Prince of Orange, daughter of Admiral Coligny, murdered in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew ; married first, Teligny who was also murdered, and lastly her second husband ; three-quarter length, in widow's dress, after Mirevelt (Le #19) 1 1042 Hugo Grotius, Dutch Statesman and Jurist, born 1583 ; friend of Olden-Barneveldt ; arrested by Maurice of Nassau, and con- demned to imprisonment for life ; escaped from Dordt in a box, his wife remaining in prison in his stead whilst a refugee in Sweden he wrote De jure Belli et Pacis appointed by Oxen- stiern Swedish Ambassador to France, died 1645. Bust, in an oval, illustrated with sprigs of laurel, &c. (Le B. 29) 1 1043 M. J. Miereveld, Dutch Painter, born 1568, died 1641, after A. Van Dyck; half-length, in cloak, with palette, burin, and stick on a table by his side (Le B. 34), proof before inscrip- tion 1 1044 Ernest Casimir, Count of Nassau, born 1573 ; celebrated General in the Thirty Years' War; killed before Ruremond, 1632. Three-quarter length, in armour ; large oval, with motto, " Con- stant JEtatis Suae liv ; " inscription beneath, " Ernesto Casimieo Comiti Nassauiae Cattimelibocii, Viandise, Dietzia," &c., &c., (not described by Le Blanc) 1 108 * 1045 Frederic Henry, the eldest son of the King of Bohemia, bora 1614 ; returning, with his father, from Amsterdam to Utrecht in the common passage-boat, the overladen vessel upset, in a thick fog ; the Palsgrave saved himself by swimming, but the Prince, clinging to the mast, was entangled in the tackling, and half drowned aud half frozen to death. His voice was heard for a moment exclaiming, " Save me, father ! Save me ! " He seems to have been a noble fellow, warm-hearted, religious, learned, generous, and brave. He was fifteen when he died, 1629 ; after Mirevelt. Three-quarter length, richly dressed (Le B. 38) 1046 Another impression of the same 1047 Henry Frederic, Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau, third son of William the Silent by his fourth wife, Louise de Coligny, born 1584 ; married Emilie de Solms, and was father of William II. of Orange, and grandfather of William III., who became King of England, died 1647 ; large square half-length, hat with feather, baton in right hand, armour and curtains, small figures (dogs), and view of town behind (Le B. 39) ; N. Venne inv., W. Ddplius sc., J. P. vande Venne exc. \ 1048 William I. of Nassau, Prince of Orange, born 1533 ; surnamed " The Taciturn," one of the great men Europe has produced freed Holland from Spain appointed Stadtholder of the United Provinces assassinated at Delft by Balthazar Gerard, 1584 ; three-quarter length, in armour, large oval (Le B. 40) 1 1049 William, Prince of Orange, three-quarter length, a large oval, in armour, after Corn. Vischer, by Delft, dedicated to Maurice and Henry his sons (not described by Le Blanc) ; very fine impression, from BemaVs Collection 1 1050 William I., Prince of Orange, Count Nassau, &c., large square, seated in a chair, wearing fur and embroidered robes, ruffs and hat, left hand on sword, baton in right hand, curtain behind, mailed gloves on table, figures, and distant view of tower at right top corner (not described by Le Blanc) ; J. P. Vande Venne exc., Middleb. 1623, A. Vande Venne pinxit, W. Delff scidpsit 1 1051 Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, son of William I. by his second wife, Anne of Saxony, born 1567 ; maintained the war with Spain ; opposed to Spinola, against whom he defended Ostend from 1601 to 1604 ; died at the Hague, 1625 (Le B. 41) 109 1052 John Maurice, Count Nassau, born 1604, died 1679, appointed Captain General of the possessions of the Dutch in Brazil, Lieutenant General of the Cavalry in the Netherlands ; large oval, three-quarter length, in armour, lace collar, Latin descrip- tion beneath, " J. Mauritius Comes Nassovia," &c., from life, by Miereveld 1 1053 Philip William, Prince of Orange, born 1554, died 1618 ; eldest son of William L, by his first wife, Anne of Egmont [Maurice was William's son by his second wife, Anne of Saxony, and Frederic Henry, son by his fourth wife, Louise de Coligny] abducted from the L T niversity of Louvain, lived afterwards in Spain, and became Spanish in heart, but would never hear a word said against his father's memory ; large oval, Latin des- cription beneath, after Mierevelt, by G. W. Delff (Le B. 42), fine impression, from BernaTs Collection 1 1054 Count Axel Oxenstiern, Swedish Statesman, born 1583 ; Minister of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and served him and his daughter Christina with consummate ability, died 1654; Bust, richly dressed, in a large oval, setatis 53 (Le B. 43) 1 1055 Count Johann Tzerclaes Tilly, or Tilli, Imperial General, born 1559, died 1632 ; small Head in an oval, proof I 1056 Henry Matthew, Count Turri, Bust in a large oval, in armour, after Mierevelt, by Delff (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1057 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, born 1594; succeeded his father, 1611 ; married Eleanora of Brandenburg, 1620 ; defeated Tilly at Leipzig, 1631 ; again on the Lech, 1632 ; defeated Wallenstein and was killed at Lutzen, 1632, ^Etat thirty-seven years. The greatest, wisest, purest prince the world has yet seen. Three-quarter length, richly dressed, after Mirevelt. Motto round oval, " Cum Deo et vic.tricibus Armis ; " inscrip- tion, " Serenissimus Potentissimusq Princeps, ac Dominus, Gustavus Adolphus, D. G. " (Le B. 50) 1 DEQUEVAUVILLEK (FRANQOIS JACQUES). French Engraver, working in Paris 1785. 1058 Nicholas Kratzer, Astronomer to Henry VIII, born in Bavaria about 1487, long resident in England ; erected a dial at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1550 ; after Hans Holbein, standing, holding a sphere in his left hand, fine artist's proof 1 110 DESNOYERS (Louis-AucusxE BOUCHER). Designer and Engraver. Born at Paris in 1779, died in 1857. 1059 Napoleon in his Imperial robes, whole-length, after Pierre Gerard (Le B. 67) ; first state, "before any inscription, with the circular tablet on which the eagle is introduced, very fine 1 1060 Franciscus Silvestre, three-quarter length, standing, with crayon in his right hand, and drawing before him ; J. Herault pinx., 7710, L. Desplaces sculp. 1 DESVACHEZ (M. DAVID- JOSEPH). Contemporary French Engraver. 1061 L Hemling, Flemish Painter, born near Bruges about 1425 ; some of his best works are still at the Hospital of St. John, at Bruges; died 1500 (both dates doubtful); Bust in an oval, border, Hemling pinx., Desvachez sculpt., proof, very fine 1 DICKINSON (WILLIAM). Mezzotint Engraver. Born in London about 1746; died at the close of the eighteenth century. 1062 Jane Duchess of Gordon, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1775, second Daughter of Sir John Maxwell, Bart., married 1767, Alexander, fourth Duke of Gordon, three-quarter length, in a ruff, chain and locket, and one row of pearls round her neck 1 1063 Dr. Percy, born 1728, at Bridgnorth, in Shropshire ; Chaplain in Ordinary to the King ; Dean of Carlisle, 1 778 ; Bishop of Dromore, 1782; Author of "Percy Relics," &c.; after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length, holding a parchment MSS. in his hand, in a velvet cap, gown and bands, fine proof before the plate was cleaned, and before any letters 1 1064 Miss Stephenson, afterwards Countess of Mexborough, after W. Peters, 1776, three-quarter length, with music and lyre, an oval, with black frame 1 1065 Lady Taylor, after Sir Joshua Reynolds: Elizabeth Gordon Houghton, daughter and heir of Philip Houghton, of the Island of Jamaica, half-length, in landscape, head-dress of feathers, a striped muslin dress, scarf over the shoulders, left hand holding up her dress, very fine impression, but cut 1 " Proofs of this fine engraving are rare." Hamilton. Ill 1066 Mary Darby, Mrs. Eobinson, daughter of an American Trader, a protegee of Hannah More ; she married at fifteen a profligate attorney; after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, three-quarter length, as " Perdita," black hat and feathers, her hands crossed, black ribbon round her neck, proof, open letters, very fine 1 DIXON (JOHN). English Mezzotint Engraver. Born about 1740; died in London 1780. 1067 Dr. Eobertson, Historian, born 1721 in Mid Lothian, wrote His- tories of Scotland, Charles Y, and America, died 1793 ; after Sir Joshua Keynolds, painted in 1771, half-length seated, wearing canonicals, a pen in his right hand, left arm resting on arm of chair, 1772 The Eight Hon. Charles Townshend, grandson of Charles Vis- count Townshend, born 1725 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1766, under Lord Chatham ; he proposed the fatal resolution of taxing the Colonies ; after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, three- quarters, in an oval, 1770, J. Dixon fecit. 2 DOO (GEORGE THOMAS), E.A., F.E.S. Contemporary English Engraver. Born 1800. 1168 The Daughters of Charles B. Calmady, Esq., of Langdon Hall, Devonshire, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, artist's proof, dated 1829 1 1069 Baron Cuvier, eminent French Naturalist, bom 1769, died 1832, Bust in a vignette, artist's proof , dated 1840 1 1070 Lord Eldon, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, half-length seated, " en- graved by Geo. T. Doo, 1827," fine artist' s proof 1 1071 Lady Selina Meade, born 1797, daughter of the third Earl of Clanwilliam, and wife of Count Clam-Martinitz, Chamber- lain to the Emperor of Austria ; after Sir Thomas Lawrence, three-quarter length, holding flowers, artist's proof on india paper, open, of the first fifty 1 DOUGHTY (WILLIAM). English Mezzotint Engraver, 1072 Ariadne, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, painted in 1778, three-quarter length, face turned to the right, hair disturbed by the wind, very fine 1 There is a print in the Buccleuch Collection of the same, inscribed " Madame Bicardo Circassienne," engraved by W. Ward. 112 1073 Dr. Samuel Johnson, seated, full-face, three-quarter length, "painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by Will. Doughty, mezz., published June 24, 1793, by John Jones, engraver" worn out impression 1 1074 The Honourable Augustus Keppel, English Admiral, born 1725, accompanied Anson round the world, died 1786 ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length, in uniform, right hand holding a walking stick, cocked hat under his left arm, the sea in the distance, artist's proof, with the letters merely etched in 1 DREVET (PIERRE, THE ELDEK). French Engraver. Born at Lyons in 1664 ; died in Paris in 1739. 1075 Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille, after Rigaud, half- length seated, richly dressed, arm beneath (Le B. 16), very fine 1 1076 Charles Jerome de Cisternay du Fay, Capitaine aux gardes Franchise, three-quarter length, in armour, a small oval, on a pedestal (Le B. 21), very fine 1 1077 Louis XV. when a Boy, large oval, with arms and crown, half- length, ermine robe, inscription round oval, " Ludovicus XV. Francise et Navarrse Rex Christianissimus (Le B. 27), Offerebat Claudius Franciscus de Monnier ; Hyacint. ? Rigaud pinx., P. ? Drevet sculp. 1 1078 Adrienne Lecouvreur, celebrated French Actress, born 1692, mis- tress of Marshal Saxe, died it is suspected by poison in 1730 ; in the character of Cornelie, in large oval with vase, after Coypel (Le B. 31), second rare state, before the final e was added to the word " model," equally beautiful and rare 1 1079 Ludovicus Dux Aurelianensium, after Coypel, three-quarter length in armour, a small oval with arms beneath (not mentioned by Le Blanc}, very fine 1 1080 Louis Duke of Orleans, son of Philippe Duke of Orleans (Regent of France), and Madlle. de Blois (daughter of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan), born 1703, married the Princess de Bade, died 1752 ; after Charles Coypel, three-quarter length, a large oval with arms beneath (Le B. 38) 1 1081 Louise Adelaide d'0r!6ans, Abbesse de Chelles, after Gobert, half- length, in ecclesiastic costume ; in oval frame with arms be- neath (Le B. 39), fine 1 113 1082 Louis Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Conde*, born 1692, Minister of Louis XV, died 1740, half-length in armour, large oval with arms beneath, Offerebat Fr. Claudius Franciscus Hernault de Monsiron Prcedicatur Andegavensis, Gober pinxit, P. Drevet seulpsit 1 1083 Another impression of the same 1 1084 Louis Auguste de Bourbon, natural son of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan, born 1670, died 1706, after De Troy, three-quarter length, large oval in armour, inscription round, " Ludovicus Augustus Borbonius Dux Cenomaversium Dom- barum princeps " (Le B. 49) 1 1085 Don Phelepe V, par la Gracia de Dios Eey de las Espanas, after H. Kigaud, three-quarter length, in an oval frame, arms beneath (Le B, 51), first state, before the words " Pre^ente a M. le Due de Baurgode, &c." very fine 1 1086 Louis Dauphin of France, son of Louis XIV. and Marie Therese, of Austria, father of Philip V. of Spain, born 1661, died of small pox 1711, three-quarter length, in armour, large oval, curtain on right, crown and arms beneath (Le B. 62), Hyacint. Eigaud pinx., P. Drevet sculp. I 1087 Charles Montague Earl of Halifax, Statesman and Poet, born 1661, died 1715, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, half-length, loose drapery and flowing wig (Le B. 68), first state, proof before letters 1 1088 Marcellin Holm Abbe", General de 1'Ordres des Chanoines Regu- liers de St. Rue, after Du Fourneau, half-length, in oval, with arms beneath (Le B. 103), P. Drevet sculp., fine 1 1089 Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de Toulouse, Gouverneur de Bretagne ; Admiral de France (from inscription round oval) ; natural son of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan ; legi- timatized 1681 ; at the age of twelve distinguished himself at the siege of Namur; defeated the English under Admiral Rooke, near Malaga ; friend of St. Simon ; born 1678, died 1737 ; half- length, in armour, large oval (Le B. 110), Offerebant Maria Claudius Augustinus et Henricus Teranciscus Duclos Bossart, H. Eigaud pinxit 1 1090 Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de Toulouse, born 1678 ; son of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan ; three-quarter length in armour, with arms beneath (Le B. Ill), very fine 1 Q 114 1091 Messire Arnold de Ville, after J. B. Santerre, three-quarter length in armour, an oval, with arms beneath (Le Blanc, 116), very fine 1 1092 Villars (Louis Hector, Due de) Pair et Marlchal de France, Prince de Martignes Vicomte de Melun, Commandeur des ordres du Roy, Chevalier de la Toyson d'or, Gouverneur des ville, fort et chateau de Fribourg, et du Briskaw, Gouverneur General des evesches et pays Messin, Gouverneur-General de Provence, Marseille, Aries et terres adjacentes, Generalissime des arme'es du Roy, son plenipotentiaire et ambassadeur extra- ordinaire pour les traitez de paix a Rastan, et chef de 1'am- bassade pour la signature de la paix generalle a Baden en Susses, president du Conseil de Guerre, du Conseil de Regence ; large half-length, richly habited, in armour, ermine cloak, lace and decorations, right hand resting on baton (Le Blanc, 115) ; pcint par Hyacint. Rigaud ; grave par P. Drevet 1 1093 Christine Caroline Margrave of Brandenburg, Duchess of Wurtem- burg, three-quarter length in a large oval, with arms beneath (Le Blanc, 118), Pierre Drevet 1 DROESHOUT (JOHN). English Engraver. Worked in England in the 17th century ; probably a relation of Martin Droeshout, who engraved the portrait of Shakespeare for the first folio edition of his plays. 1094 Richard Elton, Author of a work on military tactics, entitled, "A Com pleat Body of the Art Miltary," &c. three-quarter length in armour, small oval, ornamented with banners, trumpets and cannon in corners, arms above, motto " Artibus et Armis," inscription round oval, " Vera et accurata effigies Richardi Eltori Geuerosi Bristol nee non Artis Militaris Magistri Ano. 1649;" on drumhead beneath, " ^Etatis Suae 39;" inscription beneath " If Rome unto Her conquering Caesars raise Rich obelisks, to crowne their deathles Praise, What monument to Thee must Albion reare, To show the motion in a brighter Sphere ? This Art's too dull to do 'et tis only done Best by Thy Selfe, so light's the world the Snnne Wee may admire thy face, the Sculptor's Art, But we are extasi'd at th' inward part. " W. S. fee., John Droeshout sculp. 1 115 DUFLOS (CLAUDE AUGUSTUS). Born in 1701 ; died in 1784. 1095 Louise-Frangoise de la Baume-le-Blanc, Duchesse de Lavallire, in a nun's dress, with six verses in French beneath, three- quarter length, in an oval, with arms beneath (Le Blanc, 150), rare 1 DUNKARTON (ROBERT). Mezzotint Engraver. Born in London about 1744. 1096 The Right Honourable Richard Earl Howe, born 1725 ; known by sailors as " Black Dick," from his complexion. When he was presented to George II. His Majesty said, " Your life, my Lord, has been one continued series of services to your country ;" M.P. for Dartmouth ; relieved Gibraltar ; defeated the French fleet with tremendous loss, 1st June, 1794. This consummate seaman died 1799, aged 73 ; three quarter length, in uniform, after J. S. Copley, R.A., proof 1 1097 Linneus, Swedish Naturalist, born 1741, died 1778 ; whole-length, in his Lapland dress, after Hoffman ; from the original picture in the possession of Dr. Thornton, 1805 1 DURER (ALBRECHT.) German Painter and Engraver. Born at Nuremberg 1471. Worked in Germany and in Italy ; died 1528. 1098 Frederic III. Elector of Saxony (B. 104) 1 1099 Albert Durer, profile in a medallion, the face turned to the left, inscribed round the border, "ALBERTUS DURERUS NORICUS PICTOR EMINENTISS!" (B. 156). CopyA,fiue 1 In the Library of the Corporation of the City of London (Dutch books), there is a volume of autograph letters sent by the writers to Ortelius ; and with their letters several of the writers forwarded their portraits. The collection contains a letter of Albert Durer, who sends with his letter his portrait, the same as this. DURR (JOHN). English Engraver. Worked from 1625 to 1670. 1100 Alexander Erskein, Ambassador from the King of Sweden to the Congress of Munster, half-length, in ornamented oval, with arms beneath, lace collar, right hand resting on table, holding gloves, inscription round oval, eight lines below, " Gente Scotus, Patria Pomeranus Martis and Artis adsit et aptato Praxitelea loco ! " 1 His portrait is in Suyderhoef s engravings of Terburg's picture of the Treaty of Munster, given to the National Gallery by Sir Richard Wallace. 116 DUVAL (SEBASTIAN). French Engraver. Working in the second half of the 16th century. 1101 The Three Brothers, Odet, Gaspard and Francois Coligny, whole- lengths, standing together in a group and armed with swords, inscribed above "CoLLiGNEi FRATORES," with the copy with inscription in German beneath, commencing "Ab center pettung dreyer Bebrueder in Franckreych, des geschlechs Colligny," &c., and the name of each in Latin at his feet ; Odet de Coligny, Cardinal de Chatillon, Archbishop of Toulouse, &c., died at Canterbury in 1751. Gaspard de Coligny, second Sieur de Chatillon, Admiral de France, Colonel General d'Infanterie Fran^oise at Paris, at the Massacre of Bartholomew, 1572 (JEtat 56). Francois de Coligny, Sieur d'Andelot, Colonel General d'Infanterie Franchise, died at Saintes in 1569 , undescribed copy, very fine 1 DUYSEND (CORNELIUS C.) Engraver and Publisher at Amsterdam at the commencement of the 17th century. 1102 John Calvin, son of a Notary (Gerard Calvin), born at Noyon in Picardy, 10th July, 1509 ; died at Geneva, 27th May, 1564, aged 55, large oval with inscription, eight lines beneath, " Cal- vinum Assidue Comitata modestia vivum .... Doch doc doos Son opging, doc quam de voile klaashoit," rare, Duysend 1 EAELOM (RICHARD). English Mezzotint Engraver. Born 1728 ; died in London towards 1794. 1103 Sir Thomas Chaloner, born in London about 1515, died 1565, after Van Dyke, half-length standing, " in the Common Parlour at Houghton " 1 1104 A Portrait of a Lady, sitting with open book on her knees, after Ferdinand Bol, 1775 ; " in the Gallery at Houghton " (not men- tioned by Le Blanc} 1 EDELINCK (GERARD). Born at Antwerp 1610 ; worked in Paris ; died 1707. 1105 Charles, Due de Berry, son of Louis Dauphin of France and Mary Christine of Bavaria ; born 1686 ; married, in 1710, the eldest daughter of Philippe d'Orleans, Ptegent of France, died 1714 ; large oval three-quarter length, richly embroidered coat with lace, after De Troye (Dumesnil 147) 1 117 1106 Dean Paul Bignon, oval with arms below (D. 150), proof before any letters 1 1107 Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, three-quarter length, after H. Rigault, arms and Latin inscription beneath, commencing "Jacobus Benignus Bossuet Episcopus," &c. (D. 156) 1 1108 Louis, Due de Bourgoyne, eldest son of Louis, Dauphin of France, grandson of Louis XIV. ; born 1682 ; married Marie Adelaide de Savoie, 1697 ; died 1712, large oval, three-quarter length, richly embroidered coat with lace, after Detroy (D. 158) 1 1109 Berbier du Metz, French General, born in 1638, died 1690, oval with arms beneath, in a circular medallion, three-quarter length (Le Blanc, ~i$), fine proof before any letters 1 1110 Mre. Esprit Fle'chier, Evesque de Nismes, oval with arms beneath, in a medallion (D. 205), H. Rigaud pinx. 1 1111 Magdelene de Lamoignon, Fille de M re - Cretien de Lamoignon Pres. au mortier nee a Paris le 18 e Sep bre 1609, Morte le 14 e Avril, 1687, half-length, large oval with arms beneath (D. 234), De Seve pinx. 1 1112 Petri de Montarsis de bonis artibus optim^ meriti Effigies, &c. &c. half-length standing, with bust before him (D. 277) 1 1113 Mre. Blaise. In oval, arms at bottom, inscription round MRE. BLAISE PASCAL, NE" A CLERMONT EN AUVERGNE, MORT A PARIS LE 19ME AOUST 1662, AGE* DE 39 ANS. Desprez Typ. ex. (D. 289) 1 1114 Abram Teniers. Written under " Peintre de son Altesse Illus- trissime 1'Archiduc Leopol, Gouvern 1 ". des Pai's Bas. Seipse pinxit ; bust in a small oval, the name on a medallion beneath (D. 326) 1 EILLART (JAN). Working in Holland in the middle of the 17th century. 1115 Albert Archduke of Austria, three-quarter length, with large ruff, inscription beneath, commencing SERENISSIMO ET POTENTISSIMO ALBERTA AUSTRLE, &c., after P. Arlengensis 1 1116 Ambrosio Spinola, three-quarter length, in armour, large ruff, helmet and feathers on right, Latin inscription beneath, com- mencing " Illustrissimo, Generosijisimoq, Principi Ambrosio Spinolte," &c., after P. Arlengensis 1 118 ELSTRACKE (REYNOLD). Worked in London at the end of the 16th, and commencement of the 17th century. 1117 Barneveldt, Johan van Olden, born 1547; executed by Prince Maurice in 1619. The Pourtraictur of John of Oldenbarnevelt. Knight Co. of Berkley, Roderis, &c. Advocat and keeper of the Great Scale, and Records of Holland and West Freislande, &c., setatis sues 71, R. E. scul., bust in a small oval, rare 1 1118 William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, the great Statesman of Queen Elizabeth's reign ; born at Bourne, Lincolnshire, 1520 ; died 1598 ; in ornamental border, arms at the corners, motto round oval, " VIA UNA COR UNUM." Inscription below commencing, " The right Hon ble -Syr William Cecill Knight Baron of Burh- ley, &c.," extra fine, with margin 1 1119 The Right Honourable Sir Julius Caesar, Knight, Master of the Rowles, and one of his Ma"" 1 most hon ble 'privie Counsell friend of Lord Bacon appointed Master of the Court . of Requests, 1591 ; Knighted by James L, 1606 ; made a Privy Councillor in 1607; appointed Master of the Rolls, 1614; he died 1636, and was buried at St. Helen's, Bishopgate; his tomb is now in a good state of preservation ; oval, ornamented with arms above, HONORATISS D. ? JULIUS CAESAR EQUES AURAT MAGIST. SCRIMORUM ; beneath, " The Right Honorable S. Julius Caesar Knight, Master of the Rowles, and one of his Ma""' most hon ble - privie Counsel! E. Elstracke sculp., very rare proof 1 1120 Edward the Black Prince, born 1330; oval, ornamented with arms, &c. at corners, inscribed around POTENTISS : EDWARDUS PRINCEPS WALLLE Dux AQUITANLE ET CORNUBI^: co : CESTRLE ; and beneath, " The most Renowned Prince Edward (surnamed the Black Prince) He died the 49 of his age 1376 & lieth buried at Canterburie. R. Elstracke sculpsit 1121 Gustavus Adolphus, the Most Victorious Prince by the Grace of God, King of the Swethers, Goths, and Vandals, Great Prince of Finland, Duke of Esthonia and Carelia, Lord of Ingria, &c. Full-length in armour, with arms at top and motto, " Altissimo suse refugio gloria natus novem 30 anno 1594; description beneath, " The most Victorious Prince Gustavus Adolphus by the Grace of God, King of the Swethers, Goths and Vandals, 119 Great Prince of Finland, Duke of Esthonia and Carelia, Lord of Ingria, &c.," very rare Gustavus. Also two small circles from silver plates on the same mount, very rare 3 1122 The Right Honourable Lord Edmond Baron Sheffield, His M ties - Gouernour of y e Cittie and Countie of Yorke, and Presi- dent of his Counsell established in y e North, Knight of the Most noble order of the Garter, born 1566 (?), was knighted in 1588 for his distinguished bravery against the Spanish Armada, died 1646 ; oval, ornamented with arms above. Inscribed round, " Nobilissimus D. ? Edmondus Baro Sheffield Prsesid. Eboracensis," &c. At bottom, " The Right Honourable Lord Edmond Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter." Are to be sould by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble in Popes head Alley 1123 The Righte Honourable Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, Lorde Warden and Lorde Tresurer of England, and one of his Ma" 6 *- most hon ble - privie Counsell and Knight of the Most noble order of y e Garter, born 1553 ; one of the volunteers against the Spanish Armada, in 1588 ; died 1626 ; oval, ornamented with arms and cupids at top ; round oval, " Honoratiss. D. ? Thomas Howard Co. Suffolcise et Toti Ang. The savari." Be- neath, " The right Honorable Thomas Howard Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter." Are to be sould by Compton Holland ouer against the exchange 1124 Sir Thomas Sutton, born 1532; in ornamented oval, " EFFIGIES ILLUSTRIS MIRI THOM.E SUTTON ARMINGER, FUNDATOR Hos- PITALIS REGIS." Inscription beneath, " The pourtraiture of the most famous Mr. Thomas Sutton, Esquire who lived 79 yeeres, and died December an. 1611. Compton excudit. R. Elstracke sculp. \ 125 Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, 1397, 1406, 1419, died 1425 ; three-quarter length with Cat, ornamented oval, inscribed, " Vera Effigies Preclar mi Domine Richardi Whit- tington Equi Aurat." Inscription below commencing " The true portraiture of Richard Whittington, &c. &c." 1126 Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall, Archbishope of Yorke, and Chanceloure of England, born at Ipswich, 1471; died 1529-30. Profile turned to the left, his arms with supporters, eight Latin verses. On two distinct plates, by R. Comp. Holland ex., extremely fine and very rare 120 ELZEVIR (LuDWiG). Dutch Engraver, flourished at the end of the 17th century. 1127 Den E. Manhaften, Dutch Admiral, Jan Kralinge exc., 2 verses, ocean and sea fight in background ; inscription beneath and 8 lines, commencing " Dus Zietmen Cortenaer dien Waterleeuw naert leeven, &c." ; half-length standing, an engagement in the distance 1 FABER (JOHN THE YOUNGER). Born in Holland in 1684, died in 1756. 1128 Oliver Cromwell, after Sir Peter Lely, inscribed, " Olivar Rp. Ang. Sco. et Hib. Protector, &c." ; bust in armour (Le Blanc 28), very fine 1 FAITHORNE (WILLIAM). Bom in London 1616; worked in England and France; died in 169J. 1129 Charles I. King of England, born at DunfermKne, Scotland, 19th November, 1600 ; travelled through France as Mr. Smith, with the Duke of Buckingham, to Madrid to see the Infanta of Spain, 1623 ; King, 1625 ; married Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV., King of France, 1625 ; surrendered to the Scotch army, 1646 ; sold by the Scotch, and given up to the Com- missioners of the Parliament, for 400,000 (half down in cash, half credit), executed at Whitehall 30th January, 1647 ; bust in armour, inscribed, " Carolus D. G. Angliae Scotise Franciae et Hibernia Rex, &c.," oval in armour, brilliant impression 1 1130 Another impression of the same, and copy of very old print of execution of Charles, after Picart, by W. Greatbach 2 1131 Charles II., " Heire of y* Royall Martyr;" oval, in armour; the motto of the Order of the Garter above, and six lines beneath, commencing " The Second Charles, Heire of y e Royall Martyr." This impression, in the first state before the arms, considered the finest in existence, was found by Mr. Evans in a book ; it was sold to Mr. Crawhall in 1855, and afterwards passed into the hands of Mr. Marshall, at whose sale it was purchased in 1864 1132 Oliver Cromwell, Loi-d Protector, in armour, on horseback, in- scribed " Olivarius Britannicus Heros," a battle raging in the distance, brilliant impression, and very rare 1133 Queen Elizabeth, seated between Lord Burleigh and Sir F. Walsingham, frontispiece to " the compleat Ambassador," 1655, very fine 121 1134 Frances Brydges, Countess of Exeter, second wife of Thomas Cecil, first Earl of Exeter, who died 1621. She had by him one daughter, who died young and unmarried. In widow's dress, half-length seated, glove in her right hand, brilliant im- pression, but cut close 1 1135 Sir Thomas Fairfax, born 1611 ; eldest son of Sir Ferdinando Fairfax and Lady Mary Sheffield, married Anne daughter of Lord Vere, died 1671. Three-quarter length, in armour, an oval, with description beneath, " The portraicture of his Excel- lency S r Thomas Farfax, Generall of all the English forces for the Service of y e two houses of parliament." Robt. Walker pinxit ; are to be sould by Tho. Rowlett at his shop neare Temple barre 1 1136 Henry, Earl of Holland, Bust in armour, oval, with inscription around, " The Eight Honorable Henry Earle of Holland, Baron of Kensington, Chancellor of the Universitie of Cambridge, Lord General of His Ma ties Army in the North, &c., Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, &c. Are to be sould by Robt. Peake at his shopp neere Holborne Conduitt ; first state, before Peake 's name was altered to that of Stent 1 1137 The Eight Honouorable James Marquess Hamilton, Earle of Arran, born 1606 ; presided as Eoyal Commissioner at the memorable assembly of the Covenanters at Glasgow, in 1638, when the entire Episcopal Government and form of worship was abolished ; although distrusted by Charles I., he was one of his best friends in his misfortunes, and marching into Eng- land with a hastily equipped and badly drilled army to the relief of his Eoyal Master, was defeated at Preston by Crom- well, 17th August, 1646, and beheaded in Palace Yard on the 9th of March, 1647; in armour, an oval, with inscription beneath, " The Eight Hon ble James Marquess Hamilton Earle of Arran and Baron of Euen and Aberbroth in Scotland, Earle of Cambridge and Barron of Emerdale in Cumberland, M r of ye Horse and Gentleman of ye Bedchamber to our Soueraigne, Lord King Charles, one of his Ma ties Privy Councell and Knight of ye most Hon ble Order of the Garter," &c., first state 1 1138 William Harvey, Discoverer of the circulation of the blood, born 1578, died 1657 ; inscribed, " Gvilielmus Harveus," a bust on a pedestal, very fine 1 E 122 1139 Henrietta Maria, in widow's dress, Bust, in a small oval, proof 'before any letters, very fine 1 1140 Henry VIII. King of England, born 1491, died 1547 ; married first, Catherine of Aragon, his brother Arthur's widow, 1509, divorced 1533; second, Anne Boleyn, 1533, beheaded 1536; third, Jane Seymour, 1536, died in childbirth of Edward VI., 1537; fourth, Ann of Cleves, 1540, divorced same year; fifth Catherine Howard, 1540, beheaded 1542 ; sixth, Catherine Parr, 1543, who survived him. Richly dressed Bust in an oval ; inscribed " Henricus VIII. Anglise Rex," &c., fine im- pression, large margin 1 1141 Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury, born 1588, died 1679 ; three- quarter length, in an oval, inscribed around, " En quam Modice Habitat Phillosophia," and at bottom, " Aet. suae 76," W. Faithorne sculp. 1 1142 John Milton, born in London 1608, died 1674; Bust,- in an oval, inscribed at bottom, " Joannis Miltoni Effigies ^Etat. 62" (1670), Gul. Faithorne ad vivum del. et sc., brilliant impression 1 1143 Viscount John Mordaunt, celebrated adherent of Charles I. ; made several attempts to restore Charles II. ; father of the renowned Earl of Peterborough, died 1675. Bust, in armour, richly orna- mented oval, with arms round it, and at bottom, inscription commencing, " Illustrissimo Cavaliero Giovanni Viconte Mor- daunt," &c., very fine 1 1144 John Ogilvy, Poet, born 1600; translated Virgil and Homer, died 1676. Three-quarter length, oval, with arms at bottom, and inscribed, " Johannes Ogilvius," P. Lily pinx., Guil. Faithorne sculp. 1 1145 Sir John Ogle, Lieutenant Colonel to Sir Francis Vere ; three- quarter length, richly dressed in ruff, an oval, inscribed, " S r John Ogle, Lieutenant Colonel to S r Francis Vere." 1 1146 William Oughtred, said to be the man who died for joy at the Restoration ; half-length, holding book, six Latin lines beneath, commencing, " Haec est Oughtredi senis Labantis imago," &c. 1 1147 Prince Rupert, "the Most Illustrious and High Borne Prince Rupert, Prince Electour palatine of y e Righne, Second Sonne to Frederick King of Bohemia, Generall of y Horse of his ma ae * Army, Knight of y Most Noble Order of the Garter," &c., nephew of Charles I. Three-quarter length, in armour, the face turned to the left, an oval 1 123 1 1 48 William Sanderson, Bust in an oval, inscribed at bottom on a tablet, "G-uilemus Sandersonus," G-oufepinx. 1 1149 Sir Francis Vere, born 1554, died 1608; oval, with scroll and at top, " Medio et Tempore," Bust in profile, the face turned to the right 1 1150 Sir Horace Vere, younger brother of Sir Francis, born 1565, died 1635 ; three-quarter length, in armour, an oval, with scroll above, " Vero Nihil Verius ;" at bottom, " S r Horace Vere since Baron of Tilbury " 1 FAITHORNE (W., JUN.) Mezzotint Engraver. Born in London 1656, died 1686. 1151 William III. of Orange, King of England; born at the Haghe, 1650 ; grandson of Charles I., King of England, and great- grandson of William I., Prince of Orange, and of Henry IV., King of France. Mary, the daughter of Charles I., married William II., Prince of Orange ; Mary had a posthumous son, William III. Prince of Orange, who married his cousin Mary, daughter of the Duke of York, afterwards James II., King of England. Cromwell demands the exclusion of William from the stadtholderate of the United Provinces appointed stadt- holder opposes the invasion of Holland by the French de- feated by Conde, at Senef (when Conde" remarked " that the Prince of Orange had in all things borne himself like an old general, except in exposing himself like a young soldier." Macaulay). Invades England 1688, proclaimed Joint Sovereign with Mary, 1689 ; defeats James II. at the Boyne, 1690, died at Kensington, 1702, buried at Westminster. After Kneller. Bust, in the robes of the Garter, and wearing the order of St. George, inscribed, " Gulielmus Dei Gratia Anglice Scot Francise et Hibernice Hex." G. Kneller, Eques ad viviun pinxit. Cum privilegio Regis. Sold by E. Cooper at ye 3 Pidgeons in Bedford Street 1 FALCK (JEREMIAS). Born at Dantzig 1629, died in 1709. JL . 1152 William Blaeu, born at Amsterdam in 1571, died 1638 ; a cele- brated Dutch Geographer, an intimate friend of Tycho Brahe. Bust in an oval, name and motto in border, Latin verses beneath, commencing, " Hipparchos antiqua suos si preedicat setat." &c. J. Falck sculp. (Le B. 46) 1 124 1153 Tycho Brahe, celebrated Danish Astronomer; a Dane of noble birth, born at Knudsthorp, 1546 ; studied at the University of Copenhagen, intended for the law, but spent his time and money on astronomical pursuits and instruments went to Wittenburg in 1566 ; at Rostock fought a duel in which he lost his nose ; he always afterwards wore an artificial nose made of gold ; in 1569 he went to Augsburg, studied chemistry as well as astronomy; Frederic II., the Landgrave of Hesse Cassell, built him an observatory called Uraniberg, stocked with instruments, allowed him 2,000 dollars a-year, besides a fief and a canonry; here he pursued his splendid career as a mathematician and astronomer during the life of Frederic and under Christian IV., till 1596, when he was gradually deprived of his appointments, and in 1597 finally left the country. On the pressing invitation of Rudolph II., who gave him a pension of 3,000 dollars, Brahe" settled in Prague, and died there on the 24th of October, 1601, from the effects of a convivial party; he was buried at Prague, where his monument is still in the Cathedral. His name stands high in the list of illustrious men, as a philosopher, an inventor, and as one whose observa- tions form the first great step of the moderns in astronomy. Bust in an oval, rich dress, chain with order, ruff, cap and feather. Lines beneath, commencing, " Jucola terraram suinmis Gabitarit in Astris (Le B. 49), excessively rare unfinished proof, "before any letters, name on slab beneath, written in ink by Falck 1 This is a similar portrait to the whole-length figure of Tycho * * Brahe, in red marble, in the Cathedral of Prague. 1154 Frederic III., King of Denmark, born 1609, died 1670; three- quarter length in armour, with an ermine cloak over it ; Latin description beneath, " Serenissimo et Potentissimo Principi ac Domino . . . Consecratq Ri M a * Humillimus et Devotissimus Je Falck " (Le B. 55). [See Clarendon, favourable to Charles II., " not so much esteemed because not so much feared as his father."] Je Falck, R.S., Chalcographus sculp, et excu., Hamburgi, 1656 ; very fine impression from tJie Dillon Collection 1 1155 Nicolaus Copernicus, German Astronomer; born 1472 or 1473 at Thurm, in Prussia ; educated at the University of Cracow, where he became Doctor of Medicine ; went to Italy, and stayed some time at Bologna ; about 1500 he settled at Rome and gave public instructions there ; in a few years he returned to his native country ; having taken Orders, he held a Canonry in 125 the Church at Frauenburg; struck with the complexity and admitted defects of the Ptolemaic system (that the earth was stationary in the centre of the universe, and that the planets moved round it), he finally adopted his own system, which was published in 1543. Many of his propositions have long been rejected ; and the system he actually promulgated, and which bears his name, is not the system now called " Copernican ; " but he did contend that the earth was not the centre of the universe, and that the earth and the other planets had a motion round the sun. Immense additions have been made to his system by Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and others. He was a mathematician of the first order, a sincere lover of truth, a mind free from trammels to an extent then unknown. While Coper- nicus was in daily expectation of receiving a complete copy of his book from Nuremburg, he was seized with paralysis. The book came. He saw it, touched it, and died a few hours after, on the 23rd of May, 1543, and was buried in his Cathedral at Frauenberg. Bust in an oval, with verses below, commencing, "Naturae novus iste faber fuit cetlera terras" (Le B. 53), ex- cessively rare 1 1156 Daniel Dilgerus, Bust in an oval, description round oval " Theologian, born 1572, died 1645 ;" four lines beneath, com- mencing, " Ecce sacrum Gedani fulmen, Tonitruque beatum," &c. (Le B. 56), B. Wagener pinxit. 1 1157 Eupert Duglass, Swedish General of the Horse to Christina, Queen of Sweden ; three-quarter length, in armour, with scarf across the shoulder ; inscribed beneath, " Illustri ac Generoso Domino Dfio. Euperto Duglassio, L.E.M. Sueciae Militias Equestris Generali et Assesory Collegii Militaris Holmersis Libero Baroni Haereditario in Huittinham. Dno. in Schalby Zeven et Hoch- fatten, etc., Dno. Suo Gratioso dedicat et offert " (Le B. 57). Je. Falck, L.R.M., chalchographus ; D. B. pin. ; J. F. sculp, et excu. corneprio, E. S., Stockholmice, very fine 1 1158 Jaques de la Gardie, Count de Leckoo; Swedish General; fought with Gustavus Adolphus ; son of Pontus de la Gardie, father of Magnus Gabriel; three-quarter length, in armour, scarf across the shoulders, oval, inscription beneath, " Illustrissimus et Excellentissimus Heros Dno. Jacobi de la Gardie," &c. (Le B. 65), J. Falck sculp, et exc. 1652 1 1159 Gabriel de la Gardie, Comte d'Avensbourg, a Swedish Statesman, born 1622, died 1686, three-quarter length, in armour, an oval, 126 inscription beneath commencing, " Illustrissimo et Generosis- simo Dno. Dno. Magno Gabrieli de la Gardie, &c. &c." (not des- cribed by Le Blanc}, D. Beck pinx., J. Falck sculpt, et excu. 1649 1 1160 Pontus de la Gardie, Baron d'Eckholm, born about 1530, Captain- General and Governor of Livonia, drowned 1585, three-quarter length, in richly chased armour, an oval, with Latin description beneath, " Perillustris et Generosissimus Heros, Dominus Pontus et supremus Livonix Gubernator " (Le B. 66) 1 1161 Hammerstein, Swedish General, three-quarter length, in armour, oval, with inscription beneath, commencing " Excellentissimus ac Generosy Dny. Dny. Hammerstein, &c." (Le B. 71), D. Beck pinx., J. Falck sculp, et excud., 1651 1 1162 Gustavus Horn, Comte de Biornebourg, Swedish General, born 1592, died 1657; learned the art of war under Maurice of Nassau ; at Leipzig, he commanded the left wing of the Swedish army; Gustavus called him his right arm ; the soldiers did not like him on account of his discipline, but conquered peoples called him humane and magnanimous ; spoke several languages ; defeated with Duke Bernard at Nordlingen by the Imperialists ; three-quarter length, in armour, with scarf across the shoulders, an oval, inscribed beneath, " Perilludri ac Generosissimo Dno. Dno. Gustavo Horn . . ." Je Falck S. E. M. Suecice Chalcographus, D. Beck pinx., cum priv. Je S. Stock- holmice, 1651 1 1163 Comte d'Axel Oxenstiern, the Minister of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, born 1583, died 1654, three-quarter length, in an oval, Latin inscription beneath, " Perillustri ac Generosissimo Dno. Dno. Axelio Oxenstierna," . . . . Je. Fcdck S. B. M. Suecice Chal- cographus ; from the Collection of John Young 1 1164 Axelio Lillio, Swedish Senator and General, Bust in an oval, in armour, with richly embroidered scarf across his shoulders, inscription beneath commencing, " Illustri Generoso Dno. Dno. Axelio Lillio Libero Baroni in Kydes, &c." (Le B. 80), D. B. pinx., J. Falck sculpt, et excud. 1651 1 1165 Count Boguslaus Radzeuil, three-quarter length, in fur-trimmed coat, oval, with inscription commencing, " Illustrissimus et Excellentissimus Dno. Dno. &c." (Le B. 93), D. Schultz pinx., very fine, with large margin 1 1166 Christina, Queen of Sweden, only child of Gustavus Adolphus, and Marie Elinor de Brandenburg, succeeded her father with 127 Oxenstiern as Regent 1633; abdicated in favour of Charles Augustus 1654; joined the Roman Church ; born 1626, died 1689; three-quarter length, in ermine cloak, in an oval, in- scription beneath " Christina Aretouon Lydus Tibi cedit Eva Stella tuum numen Cynthia prona colit Quam tibi terrarum facilis Victoria Fantos Cum Tennis Superos fit superasse Labor." (Le B. 103), D. Beck pinx., J. Falck sculpt, et exc. cum priv. E. S., Stockholmice, 1653 1 1167 Adrian Spigelius, of Bruxelles, celebrated Surgeon, born 1578, died at Padua 1625. Bust in an oval, inscribed around " Adranus Spigelius Bruxellensis Eques. D. Marci in Gymnasio Palanino Anatomie et Chirurgise Professor Primarius, setat. XLVI.," with twelve lines beneath, commencing " Quem terris Bruxella dedit Pataviq Lycaeum " (Le B. 98), very fine, with large margin 1 1168 Leonhard Forstenson, Swedish General, born 1603, married a daughter of Pontus de la Gardie, died 1651, three-quarter length, in armour, scarf over shoulders ; an oval, with inscription beneath, " Perillustri ac Generosissimo Dno. Dno. Leonhardo Forstenstonio Comiti in Ontala, L. B. in Wirista Dno. in Forstena Redsta et Rasigk et S 89 . R 83 . M ti8 . Regnorsq Suecise Senatori Campi Mareschallo ac Test. Goth. Dal "Werm. Hallan- diaeq Gubernatori Generali, Dno. pro Renignissimo hanc s 88 . Exc 82 . effigiem ccelo ex sculptam, dedicat consecratq eiusdem Exc ttse . humilis eliers" (Le B. 106), D. Beck pinx., J. Falck sculp, et exc. cum priu. R. S. J. Falckius 1 1169 George Tyszkiewicz, Bishop, three-quarter length, in skull cap, square beard, in an oval, and beneath on a tablet " TUustris- simus ac Reuerendissimus Prselatus Domesticus, &c." (Le B. 108), J. Falck sculp., G-ewgius Forsterus exc. 1 1170 Arfwedo Wittemberg, Swedish General, Bust in an oval, in armour, scarf over shoulder, inscription beneath commencing " Perillustriae Generosissimo Dno. Dno. Arfwedo Wittenberg, &c." (Le B. Ill), David Beck pinx., J. Falck sculp, et exc., Stock- holm, 1651 1 FELSING (JACOB). Born in 1802; worked in Italy and Germany. 1171 " Italienerin mid der Mandoline," after A. Drager, 1843 (Le B. 9), artist's proof 1 1172 " II Sonnatore di Violino," after Eaffaelle (Le B. 11), proof before any letters 1 128 FEDANZA (PAOLO). Born at Camcrino in 1751; worked at Borne. 1173 Vittoria Collonna, the Marchioness Pescara, the friend of Michael Angelo, "a sacred affection." Eosave, from a drawing by Michael Angelo, in the possession of the late Eev. Henry Wellesley ; see Lord ffarford's Life of Michael Angelo, page 252 ; profile Head, turned to the right, proof on india paper 1 FILLIAN (JOHN). English Engraver; born about 1650. 1174 Thomas Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal, Vicar-General and Lord Chamberlain ; born about 1490 ; created Earl of Essex ; be- headed on Tower Hill 1540 ; three-quarter length, seated at a table, name above, fine 1 1175 William Faithorne, the Engraver, three-quarter length, in an oval, inscribed beneath, " Vara Effigies Guiliemi Faithorn Sculptoris," GuU. Faithorne pinx., Johes Fillian sculp., fine impression ; from the Martin Collection 1 FINLAYSON (JOHN). Born about 1730 ; died in 1776. 1176 Elizabeth Duchess of Argyll, Brandon and Hamilton (the beau- tiful Miss Gunning), in a lace cap, fitting close under the chin, a bust in an oval, after Catherine Read 1 1177 William Drummond, of Hawthornden, born 1585, died 1649; three-quarter length, in broad lace collar, after Cornelius Janson 1 1178 David Garrick, in the character of Kitely, cloak over his right shoulder, by Van Dyck, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three- quarter length (Le Blanc 6), proof before letters, very fine 1 1179 Lady Grandison, bust in an oval, in low necked dress, trimmed with lace. Published April 20th, 1773, and sold by J. Finlayson, Orange Street, Leicester Fields, artist's proof 1 1180 Miss Winyard, daughter of General Winyard, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length sitting, right arm resting on a cornice, and hand holding a scroll 1 FIQUET (ETIENNE). French Engraver. Born at Paris, 1731 ; died 1794. 1181 Pierre Corneille, French Dramatic Poet, born 1606, died 1684; bust in a small illustrated oval (Le B. 28), proof before all letters, very fine 1 129 1182 De la Motte Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, born 1651, died 1715 ; small oval, in richly ornamented border (Le B. 49), Vivien pinx., Fiquet sculp., fine 1 1183 Jean de la Fontaine, the inimitable Fabulist, born 1621, died 1695 ; small oval, in richly ornamental border; wolf and lamb drinking at a stream (Le B. 52), Rigault pinx., Ficquet sculp., proof, very fine 1 1 184 Lanfranc, Professor of Surgery, three-quarters length, in an oval, with tablet beneath, " Lanfranc, Professeur en Chirurgie de Paris au Treizieme Siecle " (Le B. 79) 1 1185 FranQoise D'Aubigne", Marquise de Maintenon, born 1635, married Scarron, the poet; when a widow, became governess to the children of Madame de Montespan and Louis XIV ; mistress of Louis XIV. 1685, and died 1719 ; small oval, half-length seated, peint par P. Mignard en 1694, grave" par E. Ficquet en 1759 (Le B. 84) 1 1186 Poquelin de Moliere, small square, with border, masks and devices, Ficquet sculp., Coypel pinx. (Le Blanc 95), proof, fine 1 1187 Michel de Montagne, the celebrated French Essayist, born 1533, died 1592 ; small oval, with emblematical border, Dumoustier pinx. 1578, Ficquet sculp. 1772 (LeB. 96), proof, fine 1 1188 Jean Baptiste Rousseau, French Poet, born 1670, died 1741; small oval, with ornamental border, Aved pinx. 1736, Ficquet sculp. 1763 (Le B. 125), proof, fine 1 1189 F. de la Mothe le Vayer, Preceptor to Monsieur Due d'Orleans, only brother of Louis XIV, three-quarters in oval, orna- mented with wreath, curtain at left side, books, &c. at bottom (Le B. 98) 1 FIEENS (PIERRE). Engraver and Publisher. Born at the commencement of the 17th century; worked in Paris. 1190 Anne of Austria, daughter of Philip III. of Spain, Queen of France, married Louis XIIL, 1615, mother of Louis XIV., Eegent of France during his minority, born 1602, died 1666 ; half-length, richly habited, crown on her head, sceptre in left hand, kerchief in right, cherub top and bottom corners, richly ornamented oval with flowers and fruit; inscription round, " D'Anna D'Austria Regis Christianissimi Sponsa Regina." Verses beneath Grande Royne, 1'neur de Castille, De nous descendant des Caesars, La France attend de petits Mars, Comme D'un Mars vous estes fille. Firens ex., superb impression, excessively rare 1 130 1191 Henry IV. of France "Touching for the King's Evil," "Cum privilegio Kegis," P. Firens excudit 1 1192 Henri le Grand, half-length, in regal attire, with crowned arms at the sides, 16 lines beneath, commencing, " A la fleche en Anjou Henry le grand conceu, Euta pau L'orient de sa viue lumiere, &c.," and above is inscribed, " Le pourtraict de Tres- hault," &c., three-quarter length 1 FISHER (EDWARD). English Mezzotint Engraver. Born about 1730; died about 1785. 1193 Lawrence Sterne, A.M., born at Clonmel, 1713; died in London, 1768, half-length seated Upon his gravestone in the burying-ground of St. George's, Hanover Square, his virtues as well as his talents are thus recorded : If a sound head, warm heart, and breast humane, Unsullied worth, and soul without a stain ; If mental powers could ever justly claim The well -won tribute of immortal fame, Sterne was the man. This is the white side. The black has been thus described by a kindred genius, William Makepiece Thackeray : " With his Sentimental Journey to launch upon the town, eager as ever for praise and pleasure ; as vain, as wicked, as witty, as false as he had ever been; death at length seized the feeble wretch, and, on the 18th March, 1768, that bale of cadaverous goods, as he calls his body, was consigned to Pluto." To this sentence Lawrence Sterne has supplied the obvious antidote : " The accusing spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in ; and the recording angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word and blotted it out for ever." Sterne'* Story of Le Fevre. SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. FLEMING (LEOPOLD). Contemporary French Artist. Born at Brussels of French Parents. LOT 1194 Caroline Queen of Naples, half-length, reclining on a sofa, small circle, proof before all letters of this exquisite engraving 1 1195 Marie Antoinette, three-quarter length, from a miniature, " Marie Antoinette Etat definitif avant toutes lettres," first state, unfinished trial 'proof, and pure aquafortis. This is a most beautiful portrait of the murdered Queen of France 2 1196 Alphonse Lamartine, French Poet, born 1792, died 1869, three- quarter length seated, proof before all letters, on india paper 1 1197 L'Imperatrice Marie Louise, after Prudhon, profile head from a cameo, proof, very fine 1 1198 Madame de Caylus, and Madame de Montespan. Two small upright ovals on one plate, proof "before all letters, most exquisitely engraved from miniatures by Petitot FORN (J.) Contemporary Engraver. 1199 Princess Victoria, three-quarter length, in fur muff and tippet, white cap and hat, small square, proof before al letters, on india paper, F. Forn sc. 1 FORSTEE (FRANCOIS). Swiss Engraver. Born 1790. Worked at Paris. 1200 Albrecht Diirer, half-length, from his own design ; with a short beard, 1822, fine proof on india paper, before letters, inscribed " Forster sculp. 1822 " 1 1201 Raffaello Sanzio Raphael, in a square ornamental border, fine india proof before letters, signed by the artist, with artists' nam<*s I 132 1202 "LA MAITRESSE DU TITIEN, DEDIEE ET PRENSENTEE A. S. A. S. Le Prince de Wagram et de Neuchatel, Vice Connetable," &c., &c., Le Titien pinx., Forster delt. & sc. ; Imprimee par Romboz. Ecrit par Picguet Jeune. A Manheim chez Artaria and Fon- taine. Par son ires humble, ires fidele et tres soumis sujet Forster 1 FRANgOIS (ALPHONSE). Contemporary French Engraver. 1203 Michel Angelo Buonarroti, born in Florence, 1475 ; died at Rome, 1564, aged 90 ; in border, by himself, artists proof on india paper 1 1204 Titian, from a picture by himself, three-quarter length, crayon in hand, in a frame, with name beneath on a tablet, artist's proof 1 FRANCOIS (JULES). Worked 1830-1853. 1205 Napoleon at Fontainbleau, after Paul De la Roche, proof before letters, very fine 1 FRYE (THEODORE). Born near Dublin in 1710 ; died in London 1206 Captain Cook, three-quarter length, face resting upon his hand 1 1207 Captain Cook's Wife or Sister, three-quarter length, in low neck dress, and fan, inscribed " T. Frye invt. & sculp. ; published Deer. 20, 1761 1 FURCK (SEBASTIAN). Born at Goslar 1589. 1208 James Ramsay, Scotch Soldier (JE&. 47-1636), three quarter length in armour, helmet by his side, an oval, inscribed around " IL- LUSTRIS ET GENEROSUS DOMINUS DOMINUS JACOBUS RAMSAY, SCOTUS, EQUE*S AVRATUS, GEN : MAI : ANNO UJTAT. 47. M.D.CXXXVI." lines in the oval, " Continu'd R Ando . . . . . . nomen habebis." Verses beneath, " Quseris, quern prsesens Saervaostendat imago ? Christus Jesus eum gaudia ad alta vehat \" Johann Cressiusfec. Sebast. Furck ad vivum sculp. 1 GAILLARD (M. FERDINAND-CLAUDE). Contemporary French Painter and Etcher. 1209 Giovanni Bellini, Italian Painter, 1426-1516, from a bust, proof before letters 1 133 1210 Jean Baptist Bauvier, Bishop of Mans, French Theological Writer, in .episcopal robes, a bust, proof before all letters 1 1211 Auguste Franc, ois Chateaubriand, after Gerard, three-quarter length, left arm resting on a bank, where ivy is growing, proof before letters, on india paper 1 1212 HENEI COMTE DE CHAMBORD, " Dessine d'apres nature et grave par F. Gaillard," bust in an oval, with arms beneath, proof before letters, on india paper 1 1213 Pros IX. PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, bust in an oval, with arms, "Des- sine d'apres nature a Rome en 1873, and Grave 1 au burin par F. Gaillard" fine proof on india paper 1 GALLE (CORNELIUS, JUN.) Born at Antwerp, 1600. 1214 The Emperor Ferdinand III. half-length, standing, in armour, with sword, orb and crown, after Van Dyck, " Corn. Galle, Junior sculpsit., Jo. Meijssens excudit, Antverpice Ao. 649 1 1215 Godfrey Henry, Comte de Pappenheim, distinguished German General ; served in the armies of Sigismund, King of Poland ; Maximilian, King of Bavaria; and the Emperor of Austria; distinguished himself at the siege of Magdebourg; rival of Count Tilly; born 1594; died 1632, half-length in armour, after Van Dyck, C. Galle sculpsit, Joan Meyssens excudit. (Le B. 70) 1 GAULTIER (LEONARD). Born at Mayence in 1552 ; died in 1641. 1216 ALEXANDRE BOUCHART VISCOMTE DE BLOSSEVILLE, CONSEILLEUR AU PARLEMENT DE ROUEN, "Age de 49, Ant. 1613," head in an oval, inscribed as above (Le Blanc, 92), D. Dumoustier pinx. 1 1217 Conde, Henry de Bourbon, Prince de ; born 1588 ; died 1646 ; re- nounced Protestantism ; three years in the Bastile ; father of the Great Conde*, " Age de 8, 1591," three-quarter length, in a small oval, ornaments in corners, motto above " NON VOLVISSE SATEST," verses beneath " Aux exploictes de ce Mars HercuTne peut atteindre Ny moins encor' Cesar de trofee"s vetu ; Mieux que ces deux Heros ce prince s'est fait peindre, Dans le .Temple Sacre a Honneur et de vertu.' L. Gaultier sculpsit, 1612 (Le Blanc 98); very Jine, ivith margin 1 134 1218 Conde. Henry de Bourbon, Prince de,at the age of sixteen, three- quarter length, in a small oval, with verses beneath " Dedans ces yeux et dessus ce visage Mille vertus portraites on peut voir Et Soubs 1'espoir d'un grand et fort courage Durer encore de ces Ayeulx 1'espoir." "J.P.S." (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1219 Henry IV. of France, whole-length in rich armour, drawn sword in right hand, helmet with feather on ground, printed across " Le Septre De Millice," at his feet a Hydra, from which the seven heads are cut off; French verses beneath " Apres 1'honneur des Mort aux combats Faire Justice et trancher les Debats Garder les bons et punir les Cantelles Des plaider aux Sont vertus immortelles." (Le B. 113), L. Gaultier fecit, very fine and rare; from the Dillon Collection 1 1220 Henry FV. and Marie de Medici, with two of their children and attendants, thirty-two lines beneath, commencing "O que" (Le Blanc, 119), J. Le, Clerc ex., fine and very rare 1 1221 Louis XIII. King of France, when a boy, crowns, arms, and the letter L in corners, round oval " L'OVYS XIII. ROY DE FRANCE ET DE NAVARRE," verse beneath ; " Sacre* gage du Ciel, Majeste" destinee Pour Et voz suiectz ne soient de troubles assailes, 1610 ;" in armour, half-length in small oval, with hat, frill and sash, arms in top corners, crown and initial in bottom corners, French verses beneath " Sacre" gage du Ciel, Majeste destinee Pour estre la deffence et le bon heur des lys La France soit par vous longuement dominee, Et voz suiectz ne soient et troubles assaillis." (Le B. 126), N. de Mathoniere ex., L. Gaultier sculp., very rare 1 1222 Marie de Medici, Princesse de Florence (when young), 1600 ; born 1573 ; died at Cologne 1642, aged 68, three-quarter length in a small oval, inscription round, " MARIE DE MEDICIS PRINCESSE 135 DE FLORENCE, 1600 ;" and in ink at the top is written, " Reyne de F. & N," French verses beneath " Princesse dont le nom honnora la naissance Le ciel ayant ton cceurs de sea graces vertu Augmente tellement le los de la vertu Qu'on te desire voir bein tost Royne de France." (not described by Le Blanc) ; J. Le Clere ex., L. Gaultier fecit 1 1223 Marie de Medici, Queen of France, whole-length, kerchief in right hand, left hand on table, crowns and arms embroidered on table cover, curtains, inscription at top, " MAEIE DE MED. ROYNE REG. DE FKANCE ET DE NAVARRE," (Le R 128), J. Le Clerc excud., exceedingly rare ; from the Dillon Collection 1 1224 Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, whole-length seated, en- throned, with the scales and sword of Justice, angels holding up the canopy, verses beneath (not described by Le Blanc}, fine with margin 1 1225 Michel de L'Hospital; born 1505; died 1573; Chancellor of France. L'Hospital was the greatest, worthiest and most learned chancellor ever known in France ; a lawyer profoundly versed in polite learning, very eloquent, and an excellent poet ; half-length seated at a table, turning over the leaves of a book, inscription beneath, " Michael Hospitalis. UrbanaB decus iste togae, caput iste Senatus Supremj, granis ingz foro, granis camcenis, J. Avratus 1586 " (Le B. 134) 1226 M. la Duch. de Nemours, three-quarter length in widow's dress, lines beneath 1 " 'Cette plante voiant une grande tempeste Qui faisoit Chancellor deca dela le lis Fleurit pour 1'appuyer, de trois genereux fils Sans le secours desquels il n'eust peu faire teste !" 1227 Celebrated Men, Princes, Warriors, Statesmen, Ecclesiastics, Philosophers, Men of Letters, and Discoverers, who flourished principally in France from 1500 to about 1600, called "Chronologic Collee," small heads, with the names beneath each. 1, Phil, de Commines, Sr. d'Argenton. 2, Charles d'Amboise, Sr. de Chaumont. 3, Gaston de Foix, Due de Ne- mours. 4, Arthus Gouffier, Sr. de Boisy. 5, Pierre du Terrail, Sr. de Bayard. 6, Loys de la Tremoille. 7, Jacques de Cha- banes, Sr. de la Palisse. 8, Guillaume Gouffier, Sr. de Bonnivet. t), Jean Jacques Triuulce, Marechal de France. 10, Charles de Bourbon, Conestable de France. 11, Odet de Foix, Sr. de Lau- 136 tree. 12, Loys de Lorraine, Comte de Vaudemont. 13, Theodore de Triuulce, Mare'schal de France. 14, Philippe de Villiers, GrandMe.de Ehodes. 15, Franc, de France, Daulphin, 16, Guillaume de Bellay, Sr. de Langey. 17, Philippe Chabot, Admiral de France. 18, Charles de France, Due d'Orleans. 19, Fra^ois de Bourbon, Due d'Anguyen. 20, Henry d'Albret, Roy de Navarre. 21, Jean de Bourbon, Comte d'Anguyen. 22, Pierre Strozzi, Mare'schal de France. 23, Charles de Cosse*, Sr. de Brissac. 24, Anthoine de Bourb. Eoy de Navarre. 25, Franc, de Lorraine, Due de Guyse. 26, Nicol de Brichant, Sr. de Beauvais Nangis. 27, Charles Tiercelin, Sr. de la Roche du Maine. 28, Anne de Montmorency, Conestable de France. 29, Jean de Valette, Grand Me. de Malte. 30, Timoleon de Cosse*, Sr. de Brissac. 31, FranQois de Colligny, Colonel de 1'Infanterie. 32, Loys de Birague. 33, Gaspar de Colligny, Admiral de France. 34. Blaise de Monluc, Mare'schal de France. 35, Philippe Strozzi, Colonel de 1'Infanterie. 36, Jacques de Savoye, Due de Nemours. 37, Guy de Laval. 38, Anne de Joyeuse. 39, Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Condd 40, Henry de Lorr, Due de Guyse. 41, Bern de la Valette, Admiral de France. 42, Francois de la Noud 43, Arman de Biron, Mare'- schal de France. 44, Anne d'Anglure, Sr. de Glury. 45, Loys de Gonzague, Due de Nevers. 46, Francois d'Espinay, Sr. de Sainct Luc. 47, Robert Guagin. 48, Georges d'Amboise, Car- dinal. 49, Charl. de Lorraine, Cardinal. 50, Charles de Bour- bon, Cardinal. 51, Odet de Colligny, Card, de Chastillon. 52, Rene* de Birague, Card, et Chanc. de Fra. 53, Pierre de Pinac, Archev. de Lyons. 54, Francois de Faucon, Evesq. de Carcas- sonne. 55, Guillaume Viole, Evesque de Paris. 56, Jean de Morvilliers, Evesque d'Orleans. 57, Jacques Amiot, Evesque d'Auxerre. 58, Nicolas de Thou, Evesque de Chartres. 59, Claude Despence. 60, Jacques de Billy, Abb^ de St. Mich, en 1'her. 61, Gentian Hervet. 62, Franqois Olivier, Chancelier de France. 63, Michel de 1'Hospital, Chancelier de France. 64, Philippe Hurault, Chancelier de France. 65, Franc, de Montholon, Garde des Seaux. 66, Gilles de Maistre, Premier President. 67, Christofle de Thou, Premier President. 68, Christofle de Harlay, President. 69, Pierre Seguier, President. 70, Guy de Faur, Sr. de Pybrac. 71, Jean de la Gueste, Presi- dent. 72, Barnabe' Brisson, President. 73, Jacques Faye, Sr. Despaisses, President. 74, Estienne Durantj, pre.-Presid. de Tholose. 75, Guillaume Bude'. 76, Franc, de Montholon, Garde 137 des Seaux. 77, Andre Tiraqueau. 78, Baptiste du Mesnil, Advocat-General. 79, Gilles Bourdin, Procureur-General. 80, Guy de Lesrat. 81, Philippe Dece. 82, Andre' Alciat. 83, Francois Duaren. 84, Eguinaire Baron. 85, Franqois Baldwin. 86, Jacques Cuias. 87, Anthoine le Conte. 88, Francois Hotto- man. 89, Hugues Doneau. 90, Jean Eobert. 91, Mathieu Chartier. 92, Charles du Molin. 93, Jean de Luc. 94, Pierre Pithou. 95, Franc. Grimaudet. 96, Antho. Matharel. 97, Jean Fernel. 98, Jacques Siluius. 99, Francois Rabelais. 100, Guill. Eondelet. 101, Jean de Gorris. 102, Louys Joubert. 103, Jacq. d'Alechamps. 104, Andre" Vesale. 105, Ambroise Pare. 106, Clement Marot. 107, Melin de St. Gelais. 108, Jean d'Aurat. 109, Pierre de Ronsard. 110, Joachim du Bellay. Ill, Louis de Mazures. 112, Estienne Jodelle. 113, Remy Belleau. 114, Robert Gamier. 115, Charles de Ste. Marthe. 116, Jean Antho. de Baif. 117, Maurice Seue. 118, Erasme de Roterd. 119, Christof. de Longueil. 120, Francois Vatable. 121, Jacques Tusan. 122, Guillaume Postel. 123, Oronce Find 124, Jacques le Febure. 125, I. Ce'sar Scaliger. 126, Pierre Ramus. 127, Adrian Turnebus. 128, Pierre Belon. 129, Mich. Nostradamus. 130, Guill. Philander. 131, Jean Stadius. 132, Gerard Mercator. 133, Abraham Ortelius. 134, M. Antho. Muret. 135, Franc, de Belleforest. 136, Andre Theuet. 137, Blaise de Vigenere. 138, Robert Estienne. 139, Christof. Plantin. 140, Claude Garamont. 141, Franqois Clouet, diet Janet. 142, Anthoine Caron. 143, Germain Pilon. 144, Aulbin Olivier 4 These are considered by some authorities to be engraved by Thomas de Leu, but both Dumesnil and Blanc consider them to be the work of Leonard Gaultier ; very rare collection. 1228 Title-page: LES REMONSTRANCES DE MESSIEE JACQUES DE LA GUESLE, Procureur-General du Roy dedjees a la Royne Regente, with portraits of Henry III. and Henry IV. at top (not des- cribed by Le Blanc), L. Gaultier sculp. 1611 GAVARNI (SULPICE CHEVALIER, CALLED). Born 1801 ; died 1866. Auguste Decamps in his Studio, whole-length standing, holding book, in lithography, proof on india paper 2 138 GAYWOOD (ROBERT). English Etcher ; pupil of Hollar. Born towards 1650. 1229 George Monk, Duke of Albennarle, born about 1608 ; died 1670; distinguished military commander ; restored Charles II. ; Ad- miral of the fleet in conjunction with Prince Eupert, obtained great victory over the Dutch under De Ruyter, in a battle which lasted three days ; married Anne Clarges, the daughter of a blacksmith ; half-length, in embroidered coat and sword belt, right hand on helmet, description beneath " The effigies of the most magnanimous and thrice puissant GEORGE Duke of Albemarle, Earle of Torrington ; Baron MONCK of Rother- idge ; Beauchamp, and Teyes ; Captaine-Generall and Com- mander in Chiefe of all his Ma ties Forces in his Kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland; Knight of the most noble order of y e Garter ; Master of his Ma tte8 Horse ; and one of the Lords of his Majesties Privie Councill," &c. Dedication on the plate above the head, " To the hon ble and eminent virtuoso "William Clark, Esq. of y Inner Temple and Chiefe Secretary to the Illustrious George Duke of Albemarle, &c. P. F. hanc sui domini effigien D D D." F. Barlow pinx., P. Stent excud. Sould by John Over ton at the White harse without Newgate 1 1230 HENRIETTA MARIA, Queene Mother, half-length, in widow's dress, standing; copied from the print by Gaywood, Hob. Wallton excudit, rare 1 1231 William Ley bourn, at the age of thirty, died about 1690; was originally a printer in London, afterwards an eminent author, and one of the greatest mathematicians of his time. Small Bust, in cloak and collar ; inscription beneath, " Vera effigies Gulielmi Leybourn Philom, anno setatis 30 " 1 GHEYN (JAKOB DE). Born at Antwerp 1565 ; pupil of Goltzius ; died 1615. 1232 Abraham Gorlseus, Flemish Antiquarian, Numismatist, and Author, born 1549, died 1609 ; small half-length, seated at a mosaic table, with miniatures, rings, and coins thereon, his cabinets for coins are made like books, but have drawers, arms at top, left beneath arms, "^Etatis suae 52, A no 1601;" Latin verses beneath by Grot, commencing, "Eorheus" (Le B. 118). J. D. Gheynfe. 1 139 1233 Hugo Grotius, when a boy aged fifteen, holding a medallion in his hand, with portrait of Henry IV. Three- quarter length in an oval, with inscription round ; and another beneath, com- mencing, "Quern sibi quindenis Astrastrsea" (Le B. 119), very fine 1 1234 Head of a Man in an oval medallion, inscribed, " T. Gae Loo Gool wil. RLV.D.OVT. 60, 1596," (Le B. 125) 1 1235 Henricus Borbonius, Bust in richly chased armour, a small oval ; inscribed around, " Henricus Borbonivs, D. . G. Eius Nois, 4 Francorum et Navarre Rex ; " " I. D. Gheyn F," introduced very small within the inner border at bottom (not described by Le Blanc) 1 GLOVER (GEORGE). Born about 1618 ; practiced in the middle of the 16th Century. 1236 Sir Edward Bering, three-quarter length, with crest above ; Latin inscription beneath, commencing, " Dns Edvardus Dering," &c., on each side of the arms 1 1237 John Pym, Parliamentarian Orator, born 1584, died 1643, the chief opponent of the Earl of Strafford. Bust in a square, inscribed beneath " The true Effigie of John Pym, Esquire, late Burges for Tauistocke, in Devonshire. " Reade in this Image him, whose dearest blood Hee thought noe price to buy his countryes good, Whose name shall flourish till the blast of fame Shall want a trumpet ; or true worth a name." Are to be sould by Ste. Bmotell, in Popes Head Alley, at the Bible, 1644. Ed. Bower pinx. 1 GODFREY (RICHARD B.) Born in London in 1728 ; practiced in the latter half of the 18th Century. 1238 SAMUEL FOOTE, celebrated Comedian, born at Truro in 1721, died at Dover in 1777, inscribed " Arm Miscuit Utile Dulci." Bust in an oval, with drapery above and underneath. Colson pinx., R. B. Godfrey sculp., very fine 1 GOLDING (RICHARD). Born in London 1785, died 1865. 1239 Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, born 1796, married Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg (afterwards King of the Belgians), 1816, died 1817. Half-length, standing, holding left hand to her bosom. Painted by Sir TJios. Lawrence 1 140 1240 Thomas Haminersley, Esq., three-quarter length, the face inclined a little to right; from an original picture by Hamilton, of Dublin. One of the finest specimens of the English School of Engraving, proof 1 1241 QUEEN VICTORIA, when Princess, three-quarter length, holding a hat and feathers, an oval. W. Fowler pinx., E. Golding sculp., 1830, proof before letters, fine 1 1242 QUEEN VICTORIA, in her ninth year ; a child in a garden sketching, after Westall, proof before any letters 1 GOLE (JAKOB). Born in Amsterdam 1660, died about 1730. 1243 Pope Innocent XL, born at Como 1611, died 1689 ; is said to have favoured the invasion of England by William III., origi- nally a soldier, opposed Louis XIV. and the Gallic church. Bust, in episcopal robes, in an oval of laurels, arms beneath, "Ex Formis Nicolai Vischer;" originally inscribed, "Inno- centius XI. Pontifex Maximus " (not described by Le Blanc}. I. Gole sculp. ; Cum. Privileg. Prcepotentis D. D. Ordinum General Belgii fcederati 1 1 244 Otto "VVillelm A. Koningsmarck, three-quarter length, in armour, an oval, arms beneath, Latin description, commencing, " Illus- trissimus Heros ac Comes," &c. (not described by Le Blanc). J. Golefe. I GOLTZIUS (HEINRICH). Painter and Engraver. Born in 1558; worked at Haarlem; died 1617. 1245 John Boll, Painter, of Malines, " Joannes Bollius Mechliniensi pictor;" with Latin inscription beneath, commencing," Ccelatam Vitrici effigiem Francisce tuere ; " Bust in oval, with emble- matical border (Bartsch 48), very fine 1 1246 Damoiselle Franchoyse D'Egmont, half-length, wearing rich jewels, hat and feather, and an embroidered glove on left hand, right hand on scull. H. Goltzius fecit, Harman Adolf z exeudit Saerlemensis (Bartsch 168) 1 1247 Philippe Galle, Engraver at Antwerp, half-length, standing at a table, unrolling a print ; seven lines beneath, commencing, " In sere Lector, ora scalpta quae vides," &c. (Bartsch 1 70) 1 141 1248 Henry IV., three-quarter length, in fur, wearing the Order of St. Michael and St. Esprit ; inscription beneath " Ce Grand Eoy que tu voys est remply de la Grace, De Mars et de Pallas ? de ces nobles ayeuxs II fuit de pas a pas les serties vertueux, Qui la dedans le ciel luy promettent une place." Avec priuil. du Roy. H. G-oltzius sculp., Paules de la Houue excudebat au Palais (Bartsch I 1 / '3), first state, before the address of Houue was effaced 1 1249 Henry IV., Bust in a small oval, wearing a high crowned hat, armour gorget, scarf over, and collar ; inscription round oval, "Henricus 4, D. G. Eex Francorun et Navserre, Aetat. 40, A 1592." From Bernal's Collection, very fine 1 1250 Eobert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, bom 1532, died 1588; small oval, in armour, cap and feather ; inscription round reversed, " Eobertus Comes Leycestriee locuteres General Sereniss. Eeg a Anglise in exercitu eius in Belgio Gubern general provincia unitaru A 86 " (Bartsch 175) ; engraved in 1586 on a silver plate, rare and very fine 1 1251 John Zurenus, holding a book and wearing fur robe, half length, after Hemskirk ; four lines below commencing, " Corporis effi- giem expressit quam Goltzius eere," &c. (Bartsch 189), first proof, before the arms at the top on the right 1 1252 Nicolas de Daventer, Mathematician, small square, half-length, measuring the globe with a compass; at top, "L'Homme propose, et Dieu dispose, A 1583 " (B. 204) Another Portrait of Deventer, in the same position, but with numerous variations, "Thornine," &c. "1595" (-6.204); the first portrait engraved in 1583 ; the second in 1595 2 1253 Small Head, in an oval, inscribed " Vrihness Maect Blyheit " (not in Bartsch), (Wiegel 333) Frederick II., small oval, in armour, with ruff and scarf ; inscrip- tion round, " Fredericus II., D. G. Danise, Norvegise, &c., Eex Obiit A 1588, die 4 Aprilis " (B. 165). H. G. fee. A 00 Gerbrand, Head in an oval of laurels, lines beneath, " Gerbrand Adriansz Brederodi Ams Toldaminer . . . zyns glo Coortes, tusselon on 10 udron's Voormiddages," by Gerrits 3 1254 Moderata Durant (Aetatis suce 32), Gysbrecht ja obsz van Duven- voorde; Bust in an oval, the face turned to the left; 1580 re- verse (B. 200). Godt Verzacht, three-quarter length, in an oval, the face nearly full and turned a little to the right; 1582 (B. 206). Gerrit Willemz Vries, Portrait let cito prima fugit, 142 &c. ; Head, in an oval, the face nearly full and inclined a little to the left ; 1581 reverse, town in background (B. 208), three on one mount 3 1255 Catherine Decker, foster-mother of Goltzius, half-length, seated, with her hands crossed ; Latin verse beneath " Damnosa quid non imminuit dies : Aetas parentum peior auis, tulit Nos nequiores : rnox daturos Progeniem vitisiorem." (R 210), very fine, 1 1256 Noel de la Faille, Governor of Antwerp during the siege; half- length, in small oval, richly dressed, breastplate, left hand on sword, right on helmet, soldiers in rear, warlike devices in corner. Inscription around oval, " Leges tueri, et Patriam Devendere, Armatus Adsto, et pro salute Civium, Fortis, Sanguineruque effmedere. Hac una virtus civis, et boni ducis." (3 B. 212). Harnian AdoJfz excudit, Harlem fc. 1 1257 Cornelia Capella de la Faille, wife of Noel de la Faille, half- length, small oval, left hand on skull, landscape with camels in background, ornamental figures and devices in corners ; inscrip- tion round oval, " Sequi parata, sive te Bello ducem seu pace civem postulabit patria, Rebecca Qualis, Qualis aut parens sara Hac malese est coringi viram sequi " (B. 213). H. Goltzius fecit, 1580 1 GOUPIL (M.) Eminent French Publisher. 1258 " Condottiere," Musee du Louvre, painted by Antonello da Messina, protogravure by Messrs. Goupil & Co., proof on india paper before all letters 1 GRANTHOME (JAKOB). Born at Heidelberg about 1560, worked in Italy and Paris. 1259 Frederick IV., Count Palatine of the Rhine, called " the Just ; " paternal grandfather of Prince Rupert; born 1574 fostered literature died 1610. His son Frederic, who succeeded him, married Elizabeth, daughter of James I., King of England. In armour, on horseback ; stag hunt in background ; arms and Latin description above, "Fredericus IV. D. G. Sacr. Rom. Imperi Septemvir Comes Pal. Rheni Dux Bavarise Prin. Sereniss ; " and Latin verses beneath " Impery Procezes armisg opibusg superbos . . . Temporibusg facit cedere prisca suis." (Le B. 33) 1 1260 Henry IV., King of France, small square, three-quarter length, in armour, gorget, collar, and scarf, high hat, and holding sword in right hand, description beneath, " Henricus 4, D. G. Rex Fran- corum & Navarrse, Atatis 42, anno 1594; " verses beneath " Cest auguste pourtrat decuuire la Vaillance De ce Roy foudroyant les monstres Inhumains, Qui oserent fouiller leurs paricides mains An sang Religieux de 1'leglise sousant" (not described by Le Blanc), from Bernal's Collection 1 1261 John, Count Palatine of the Rhine, on horseback, with city and river at back, arms at the side ; lines above, " Johannes D. G. Comes Palatinus Rheni, Tutoret . . . Dux Bavariee, Conies Veldentise et Sponhemii," &c. ; in right corner at top circle with arms and " Verbum Domini Manet in Sternum ; " two verses beneath " Si, veluti effigiem, voluisset pingere Apellis . . . Quantag sustineas munia, Fama canet." (Not described by Le Blanc}. Jacobii Ofranthome fecit et sculp., very fine 1 GRATELOUP (JEAN BAPTISTE). Amateur French Engraver. Born 1735, died 1815. 1262 Cardinal Polignac, born 1661, died 1741 : small oval Bust in silk robes and Order of the St. Esprit ; dedication beneath, " A Mon- sieur le Compte de Polignac, Marechal des Camps et Armees du Roi, &c., par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur Grate- loup " (Le B. 8). Eigaud pinx. This master's engravings are very rare 1 GRAVES (ROBERT, A.E.) Born in St. Pancras in 1798, died in 1873. 1263 Duchess of Devonshire, after Gainsborough, whole-length walk- ing, with flowers in her hand, proof before any letters, signed by the engraver 1 1264 The Duchess of Devonshire, after Gainsborough, half-length, seated on a couch, playing with child on her lap, landscape in distance, large vase with leaves to right, drapery behind, proof before any letters 1 1265 Mrs. Graham, after Gainsborough, whole-length standing, and reclining against the pediment of a pillar, holding a feather in her right hand, proof before any letters 1 1266 Mrs. Siddons, after Gainsborough, half-length seated, the face turned to the left, in hat and feathers, holding muff, artist's proof 1 144 GREEN (VALENTINE, A.E.) Mezzotint Engraver. Born at Hales Owen, Salop, in 1739; died in London in 1813. 1267 Catharine Clarke, when Miss Hunter, half-length, standing near a table, with writing materials (Le B. 76), E. F. Cabre pinx., Vol. Green fecit., published July 22nd, 1771, by J. Boydell, Cheapside, artist's proof, the names merely etched in 1 1268 Mrs. Cosway, half-length seated, arms folded, turban-like head dress (Le B. 78), painted by Maria Cosway, engraved by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to His Majesty and to the Elector Palatine, published by V. and E. Green, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, Sept. 1st, 1787 1 1269 Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, after Van Dyck, whole-length, in robes, from the picture formerly at Houghton, now in the Gallery of the Hermitage, St. Petersburgh 1 1270 Mrs. Green, wife of the Engraver, with her son Rupert (entitled a Mother and Child), after Falconet, half-length seated, proof, ivith the artists 1 names merely etched in 1 1271 Miss Martha Ray, murdered 1779 by the Rev. James Hackman; after Dance, half-length seated, and reclining against a square stone under some trees, an open music book in her lap (Le B. 114) 1 1272 General Washington, first President of the United States ; born in Virginia 1732; elected President 1789; re-elected 1793; died 1799 ; after C. Wale, three-quarter length, in uniform (Le B. \2Q\fine and rare 1 GRIGNON (JACQUES). Born in 1610; worked in 1698. 1273 Nicolas de Neufville, Due de Villeroy, Marshal of France, Governor of the King Louis XIV; born 1598, died 1685; three-quarter length, in armour, with lace collar and scarf ; an oval, arms beneath, inscription round, "Nicolas de Neufville Due de Villeroy pair et Mar* 1 , de france Gouv r . du Roy Louis XI 1 1 1. et des pro 068 , de Lionnois forets et Beavicollois" 1 GROZER (JAMES). Working in the last half of the eighteenth century. 1274 Viscountess Duncannon, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length, with roses in the bosom of her dress, very fine 1 1275 A Lady and Child (Mrs. Seaforth), after Sir Joshua Reynolds, whole-length, proof, open letters, very fine 1 145 1276 Francis Eugene, Prince of Savoy, one of the greatest Generals of the time of Louis XIV; born 1663 defeated the French at Carpi again at Chiari with Marlborough defeated the French at Blenheim again at Turin, and drove the French out of Italy with Marlborough defeated the French at Malplaquet the Turks at Peterwardein besieged Belgrade, and defeated the army sent to relieve it died 1 736 ; three-quarter length, in armour and flowing wig, an oval, with military trophies and drapery, inscribed below on a tablet, " Serenissimus Sabacidiae Princeps Heros," &c. 1 GUNST (PETER VAN). Engraver. Born at Amsterdam 1667. 1277 Charles I, King of England, after Van Dyck, painted in 1638, whole-length, in armour 1 1278 Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, after Van Dyck, painted in 1638, whole-length, in robes 1 1279 John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, born 1650 distinguished at Siege of Nimeguen 1672 at Siege of Maestricht 1673 commanded English army in Flanders 1689 in Ireland 1690 served under William III. in Flanders 1691 Com- mander-in-Chief in Holland 1701 drove French out of Venloo and Ruremonde 1702 captured Lie"ge 1702 captured Bonn, Huy, Limburg, &c. 1703 defeated Bavarians at Schel- lenberg 1704 with Prince Eugene defeats French at Blenheim 1704 entertained by the City of London 1705 defeated Marshal Villeroi at Ramilies 1706 gained all Brabant 1706 defeated the French at Oudenarde 1708 captured Tournay 1709 defeated French at Malplaquet 1709 took Montaigne, Douay, Venaut, Aire, 1710 drove Marshal Villars from Arleux 1711 returned to London 1711 persecuted, deprived of his appointments, and quitted England, 1712 returned 1714 died at Windsor 1722; half-length in armour, battle in the distance, proof before letters, fine 1 1280 Peter the Great, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bust in armour, an illustrated oval, inscribed, " Petrus Alexewitz Zaar et Magnus Dux Moscoviae " (not 'mentioned by Nagler), very fine 1 U 146 GUTTENBERG (CARL). German Engraver. Born at Nuremberg 1744; died 1792. 1281 John Paul Jones, a Naval Adventurer in the service of the revolted States of America during their war for Independence a Scotchman, born 1747 his name was John Paul; took the name of Jones in America, probably in consequence of pecuniary difficulties surprised Whitehaven with two boats and thirty-two men, burnt a ship and escaped without the loss of a man landed on St. Mary's Isle to kidnap the Earl of Selkirk, but as the Earl was gone to London, Jones's crew took the family plate with the Bon Homme Richard, of forty-two guns, assisted by the Alliance, of thirty-six guns, captured the Serapis, of forty -four guns, commanded by Captain Pearson, the Bon Hommt sinking immediately afterwards he boasted that by his conduct he forced Holland (a neutral) into the war with England entered the service of the Russians against the Turks died at Paris 1792 ; half-length standing (about to draw a pistol from his belt) on board his ship during an action, inscribed, "John Paul Jones, Commodore au Service des Etats Unis de I'Ame'rique," after C. J. Notte', a Paris chez Gruttenberg rue St. Hyacinthe la 2me. porte par la place St. Michel" 1 HAEN (WILLELM DE). Working in Cologne at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Five out of Twenty Portraits illustrating Adrian van Meerbeack's Chroni- cicke vande ganstche Werelt, Antwerpen, 1620, namely 1282 Ernest Archduke of Austria, three-quarter length, in ruff, with long moustache, in an illustrated oval frame, ornamented with fruit and foliage, eagle at top, inscription round oval, "Er- nestus D. G. Archdux Austriae Gubernator Belgii " -folio 789, jigura xni. Margarita of Austria, three-quarter length, in cap and ruff, in oval frame, of Gothic ornament, inscription round oval, " Mar- garita ab Austria D. G. Par. Mae. et Placentise Ducissa " folio 1 93, Jigura vi. Maria of Austria, three-quarter length, wearing cap and ermine collar, in oval frame, of Gothic ornament, enriched with fruit at bottom, inscription round oval, " Maria ab Austria D.G. Re- gina Hungarise " folio 88, Jigura mi. 147 Philip the handsome, married mad Joanna ; their son was the Emperor Charles Y; three-quarter length, wearing cap and fur tippet, order of the Golden Fleece, in oval frame of Gothic ornament, with fruit at bottom, inscription round oval, " Philippus I. D.G. Eex Castellse Archidux Austrise " Peter Ernest, Count Mansfelt, a general of Charles V, born July, 1517, died at Luxemburg 1604; a man of war and protector of fine arts, but said to be cruel and of unsatiable avidity; was at the battles of St. Quentin and Moncontour ; Ernest, his natural son, was the greatest general of the seventeenth century; three- quarter length, in armour and high ruff, in oval frame of Gothic ornament, inscription round, " Petrus Ernestus Comes a Mans- felt " 5 HAID (ELIAS). German Engraver. Born at Augsbourg 1739 ; died 1809. 1283 Marie Antoinette, Dauphine de France, Archduchesse d'Autriche; born at Vienna 2nd November, 1755 ; married Louis Dauphin of France 1770; Queen of France 1774; guillotined at Paris 16th October, 1793 ; Bust in oval frame, with arms on a tablet beneath, " Se vend cb Augsbourg dans le Negoce de I' Academic Impc. avec Priv. de S. M, Impl." 1 This is a German engraving of a portrait of Marie Antoinette, painted at Vienna by Millite, and engraved at Augsbourg by J. Elie Haid. HALBEECK (JOHN). Born at Copenhagen ; worked in Paris at the commencement of the seventeenth century. 1284 Henry IV, equestrian portrait in armour, wreath on his head, armour under horse's feet, battle in background, inscribed, "Henry de Bourba IIII. Eoy de Fra. et de Nav.," verses beneath " Tout cedde a la valeur du Phoenix des Monarques, Le Temple du Eenom est rernply de ses Faicte. Ces beaus gestes par tout ont Imprime leurs Marques, Ceux d'Alexandre auprix sont Juger Imparfaicts." J. le Clerc exc., Halbeeck fecit.; from the Young Collection 1 148 HARDY (J.) Flourished at the end of the eighteenth century. 1285 EDMUND BURKE, Statesman, born at Dublin 1730 ; lost his only son, Richard Burke, a loss from which he never recovered ; died 1797; after Sir J. Reynolds, three-quarter length, in a frame, the face turned to the right, " London, published Dec. 18, 1780, by J. Hardy, and to be had of J. K. Sherwin, in St. James's Street " 1 HARTMANN (CARL GOTTLIEB). Contemporary German Engraver. 1286 Catherine Bora, born at Loeben 1499 a nun at Ninepkchen ; left the convent and became the wife of Martin Luther in 1525 died at Torgau 1552 : three-quarter length, in square, orna- mented border, with arms and scroll work, with " Katharina Bora" inscribed at bottom; "und Gemalt v. H. Holbein- gestochen v. C. Hartmann Das Originalemalde befmdet sich in der koniglichen Gallerie zu Niirnberg," beneath the frame; engraved from the original by Holbein, in the Gallery at Nurem- berg 1 HELMAN (ISIDORE-STANISLAUS). Born at Lille in 1743; died in 1806. Events connected with the French Revolution, after C. Monnet. 1287 Assemble Nationale. Assassinat des Ple*nipotentiaires Fran- c,ais au Congres de Raftadt. Fe'de'ration ge'ne'rale des Franqais. Join-ne'e du l er . Prairial de Tan IIP. Join-ne'e du 10 Aout, 1792. La Fontaine de la Re'ge'ne'ration. Le IX Thermidor An. II. Ouvertures des Etats Ge'ne'raux. Pompe funebre en 1'honneur des Martyrs de la journee du 10. Prise de la Bas- tille. Serment du Jeu de Paume. Journee du XIII Vende- miaire, Tan IV. Journee de Saint Cloud, le 18 Brumaire, an 8. Journee du 16 Octobre, 1793. Journee du 21 Janvier, 1793 15 HENRIQUEL-DUPONT (Louis PIERRE). Contemporary French Engraver. 1 288 Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau, celebrated French Orator, born 1749, died 1791, Declaiming at the Tribune, after De la Roche (Le B. 25), presentation proof, very rare 1 1289 Peter the Great, after De la Roche, half-length, sword in his right hand, which rests on a cannon (Le B. 28), proof I 149 1290 The Prince Imperial, only son of the Emperor Louis Napoleon, when a Child, born 1856, three-quarter length, in the dress of the Guard, after Dubufe (not mentioned by Le J9.), artist's proof, very fine 1 1291 Elisa Felice Eachel, famous French Actress, born 1821, died 1858, after I. H. Lehmann, 1851, head seen nearly full, turned to the right (Le B. 37) 1 HENEIQUEZ (BLAIUS LUDWIG). French Engraver. Born at Paris 1732 ; died 1803. 1292 Louis XVI., King of France, born at Versailles, 23rd August, 1754 ; married Marie Antoinette, Archduchess of Austria, 1770; succeeded his grandfather, Louis XV., 1774; sentenced to death by the French Convention, 20th January, 1793 ; guillo- tined, 21st January, 1793. Louis XVI. was descended the sixth in generation from Charles I., King of England, and Henrietta Maria ; three-quarter length, in oval, with arms, at bottom, inscribed, " Louis SEIZE Eoi de France et Navarre ne a Versailles le xxiii Aoust, M.DCC.LIV." " Peint en 1785, par J. Boze. Grave 1 par L. Henriques, Graveur du Eoi et de S. M. Imp re de Russie, Membre de l'Acad ie Imp 1 * de St. Petersbourg. A Paris chez Boze, Rue du Sentier (Quartier Montmartre), Imprime' par d' Amour " 1 1293 Frs. Marie Arouet de Voltaire, born at Paris in 1694, died 1778 ; engraved from a picture by Barat, painted in 1774; three- quarter length in oval, open book in his hand, inscribed at bottom, " F. M. Arouet, de Voltaire," n^ a Paris en 1694. Peint a Fernaix par Barat en 1774, et grave" par B. L. Henri- quez, graveur de S. M. T. de toutes les Russies, de VAcademie Imperiale des Beaux Arts de St. Petersbourg, Tire" du Cabinet de Monsieur le Comte D'Argental, Ministre Plenipotentiaire de VInfant d'Espagne, Due de Parme, &c. aupres de sa Majeste. A Paris chez Henriquez, rue de la Vieille Estropade M on - de Mr. Moreau M tre Cliarpentier avec PriviUge du Roi, 1777 " 1 HODGES (CHARLES HOWARD). Born in 1774 ; died at Amsterdam 1837. 1294 Admiral de Winter, Dutch Admiral, defeated by Duncan at Camperdown, three-quarter length, the face nearly full, and turned a little to the right. " E. MansJcamp inv. et del. Hodges sculp. Uitgegeren dour E. Manskamp, Amsterdam, 1 796," proof 1 150 1295 Sir Abraham Hume, son of Sir Abraham Hume of Wormley- Bury. Virtuoso and Fellow of the Royal Society ; three-quarter length, turned to left, looking to front. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Engraved by C. H. Hodges, merely etched in 1 HOGARTH (WILLIAM). Born at London in 1697 ; died in 1764. 1296 John "VVilkes, Esq., whole-length seated, with the Cap of Liberty, drawn from the life and etched in aquafortis by William Hogarth. Price one shitting. Published according to Act of Parliament, May y* 16, 1 763 1 HOGENBERG (FRANZ). Born in England, worked at Cologne, and died in 1590 ; brother of Abraham and Remegius Hogenberg. 1297 Ferdinand Alvarez of Toledo, Duke of Alva, born 1508, Alva came to England in the train of Philip II, died 1582 ; bust in circle, with inscription around, " Ferdinandus Alvares Toletanus, Capitaneus Generalis," fine and rare 1 1298 Don Carlos, son of Philip II., King of Spain, by Marie of Por- tugal, born 1545 ; he was affianced to the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici, but on the death of Mary of England, Philip's wife, Philip himself married the Princess Elizabeth ; Don Carlos is supposed to have entered into various conspiracies against Philip ; imprisoned and, it is said, murdered by order of his Father, 1568. Lord John Russell wrote a tragedy on the subject, and entitled it, Don Carlos. Whole-length in armour, left hand resting on table, where his helmet is also seen, arms above and curtain, sword in right hand, Latin description beneath, " Carolus D. G. Hisp. infans, Philippus II. Angl. Regis filius. F. H." Hans Lie/rink excud. 1 1299 CHARLES PAR LA GRACIE DE DIEU ROY DE FRANCE ET DE ESCOTE 9 DECE NON ^ETATIS SILE. 17, 1569; whole-length in armour, standing under a canopy, left hand on hilt of sword, wreath on his head, arms, 3 fleur-de-lis, and crown at top. "Hans Liefrinck excudit " 1 1300 Sir Henry Brooke Cobham, Knight; small oval, arms in four corners, date in window 1582 ; modern copy 1 Lord Cobham was the principal witness against Sir Walter Raleigh. This is the date of the print mentioned, but that is called Lord Cobham. 1301 Elizabeth Queen of England, in a circle dated 1604; inscription round, " Elisabet Dei Gratia Regina, &c. 1604 ;" bust, with ruff and necklace ; before the printing on the bad', with title, large margin, brilliant impression, very rare 1 151 1302 Elizabeth Queen of England, inscribed, " Elizabeth Dei Gratia Eegina Angliee," whole-length, curtains and arms behind, embroidered dress, trimmed with fur, gloves in left hand, in a frame. " Liefrinck excud" 1 1303 Elizabeth Queen of England; three-quarter length, in oval, richly ornamented dress, inscription around, " Elizabeth Dei Gratia Angliae Franciae et Hiberniae Kegina Anno 1559. " Cock excud." very rare 1 1304 Francis II. King of France, son of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici, born 1543; married Mary, Queen of Scots, 1558; succeeded his father 1559, died 1560, aged 17. An attempt has been made to alter this plate to Charles IX. 1 The room at Orleans in which he died, in the presence of Catherine de Medici and Mary Queen of Scots, is still preserved, and is used now to celebrate mar- riages in. Set of twelve circular Portraits from De Leone Belgico, 1588 1305 Franciscus, Hercules, Henrici III., Francorum Eegis Frater, Due Alenc^onius, &c. Circle with the above inscription round, bust looking to front, large ruff Alexander Farnese, bust in circle, in armour, inscription round circle, " Alexander Farnesius Parmse et Placentise Princeps, Gubernator et Capitaneus Generalis Eegionum Belgicar, sub Philippe II. Hispa. Eege Catholico, ab anno M.D.LXXVIII. vsqzin Prsesentem Diem." Charles V., bust in a circle, hat and fur trimmed coat, inscription round, " Carolus V. Dei Gratia Eomanorum imperator semper Augustus : Caesar invictissimus" " Joannes Austriacus Caroli V., F. Philippi Eegis Catholici Nomine Apud Belgas Gubernator et Capitaneus Generalis." Circle with the above inscription ; bust, the face is profile, turned to right, order of the Golden Fleece " Ernestus, D. G. Archidux Austrise Dux Burgundie Comes Tirolis et Belgicarii Provinciaru Gubern." ; bust in a circle, directed to left, the face looking to front ; in armour and ruff. The above inscription round circle " Eobertus Dudleus Leycestriae Comes Eegina Anglia Missu Belgarum Preefectus, Anno M.D.LXXXVII." Circle with above inscription, bust in ruff, and cap with feather, looking to front, order of St. George The Duchess of Parma, natural daughter of Charles V., in circle with inscription, " Margareta Austriaca, Ducissa Parmse et 152 Placentise, Generalis Belgarum Ditionum, Philippi Hispaniaruni Regis Nomine Gubernatrix ; ab Anno M.D.LIX. vsq. ad annum 1567 ;" three-quarter length, in cap and run Matthias Archduke of Austria, bust in circle with ruff, the face profile turned to left. Inscription round, " Matthias Archidux Austria, Dux Burgundias Belgicarum Ditionum Pro Tempore Gubemator " Prince Maurice Count of Nassau, bust in armour in circle, with following inscription, " Mauritius D. G. Natus Avr Princ Comes Nassauie, Marchionehrae et uliss. Gub. Prouin Bel un Maris Praef." Philip II., bust in a circle, hat, ruff and fur trimmed coat. Inscription round, " Philippus II., Caroli V., Filius, Hispaniar, Indiarum Neapolis Sicilias Hierosolymae, &c., Rex Catholicus Mediolani Bribantiae Geldriae, &c., Dux Flandriae HoUandiae Hannoniag, &c. Comes aet. 59 " " Ludovicus Requesentius, Magnus Comendator Regni Castellaa Reg. Maiest Consiliarius Guberna et Captianeus Genera in Belgio," bust in a circle with above inscription, ruff, hat and fur collar to coat William of Nassau, bust in a circle, with following inscription, " Guilemus a Nassau, D. G. Princeps Aurangiae Comes a Nassau Dus De Breda, Guberna, Hollan Zeelan," &c. 12 1306 Henry II. King of France, born 1519 ; when Duke of Orleans married Catherine de Medici ; succeeded his father, Francis I. ; his army defeated by the Spaniards and English at the battle of St. Quintin ; his army, under the Duke of Guise, took Calais from the English, who had possessed it for 200 years; died 1559 from a wound at a tournament given in honour of the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth with Philip II. of Spain, and his sister Margaret to the Duke of Savoy ; whole-length in armour, with sword, right hand on hip, left hand with helmet, with feather on table, arms top right corner, inscription beneath, " Henricus II. Rex Francor." " F. H. Hans Liefrinck excud." fine and rare ; from the Young collection 1 1307 Marie Stuart Queen of Scots and France, born 1542, beheaded 1587; bust, in widow's dress, the face turned to the left ; circle, with inscription around, " Maria Stuart Scotiae ac Franconiae Regina " 1 1308 Philip II. King of Spain, Consort of Queen Mary of England, born 1527, died 1598 ; three-quarter length, in cap and chain, 153 ornamented oval. " Philippus II., Carol. V., Caes. F. Rex Angl. et Franc. Princ. Hispan. &c. 1555." " Nee Spe nee. metu." Cock excudebat, a beautiful facsimile drawing by Tiffin ; from the Tunno collection 1309 Desiderius Erasmus Roterodam, three-quarter length, standing at a table, with both hands resting upon a book, hour glass, &c., landscape in the back ground seen through a window; the name introduced ; at top, " Magnus Ille Erasmus Eoteradamus " and in right corner at top a tablet, on which is inscribed " Natus Roterodamus xxxv. H. Cock excudebat, 1555." At bottom, " Effigiem ad senium ..... Talis Erasmus erat," brilliant impression, with large margin, the finest known 1 1310 Henry III. and Henry IV. Kings of France, with representations of Jaques Clement assassinating Henry III., and his Majesty's death, ovals ornamented, verses beneath, " Konig Heinrich der dritt des Namen sein. qnad gluck heil und frid darbeij ; " inscription at top, " Qui Dedit Ante Duas : Tertiam Illi Dubit Coronam : " inscriptions at top of ovals, " Henricus Vallesius III. D. G. Franciae et Poloniae Rex.," and " Henricus Bourboni IIII. D. G. Francise et Navarre Rex./' with arms and foliage, very rare 1 1311 Mary I Queen of England, born 1516, died 1558. "Maria Henr. VIII. F. Dei Gratia Reglna Anglias et Francis et Hiberniae. Fidei Defensatrix, 1555." " Veritas Temporis Filia." Oval, in an ornamental frame, pendant to the Philip II., no address beneath ; three-quarter length, copy in pen and ink of the very rare print ; from the Corrie collection 1 A facsimile drawing by Tiffin, a superb work of art not to be distinguished from the finest engraving. 1312 Illustrations to " De Leone Belgico, by Michel Aitsingeri, Cologne, 1583," containing The Abdication of Charles V, and duplicate. Attempted assassination of Henry IV. of France, Audience of the King of Spain and the Flemish Nobles. Frederick of Wurtemberg at Stuttgart, Assembly of the States General at Blois in 1588, &c. &c.,fine impressions 10 X 154 HOLLAR (WENZEL). Born at Prague 1607, worked Germany, in England, and Antwerp, died 1677. " There came afterwards, you know, Lucas Vosterman, Hollar, Lombart, and other excellent artists ; but these were of later times, which yon do not enquire of. They wrought after Vandyke, the Arundelian Collection, the best painters. And now of late the skilful in mezzotint masters, who, for imitation of life, sometimes excel the burin itself ever so accurately handled." Evelyn to Pepyg, 1690. 1313 The true Maner of the Sitting of the Lords and Commons- of both Houses of Parliament upon the Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1641. At bottom refer- ences to the names of the most important persons present ; A, the Kings Mai tie . . . Z, the Countess of Arundell (Partlwy 551) 1 1314 The true Maner of the Execution of Thomas, Earle of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon Tower Hill, the 12th of May, 1641. Inscription at bottom, " Execution des Brafen Thomas von Stafford . . . 12 Maj 1641." A. Doct. Usher . . . D. Seine anverwanten und freiinde (P. 552) 1 1315 The manner and forme of the Arch-bishops Tryal in the House of Peers. At bottom, in type PROVERBS ii. 8 : " The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked commeth in his stead." A, the Arch-bishop of Canterbury. B, the Gentleman Usher, with his Black Eod . . . N, the Speaker of the Lords House. T, the Hangings of 88, S. Mich. Spark (P. 555) ; Hollar fecit I 1316 "A map or ground plot of the City of London and the Suburbes thereof, that is to say all which is within the jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor, or properlie call'dt Londo by which is exactly demonstrated the present condition thereof since the last sad accident of fire. The blanke space signifeing the burnt part and where the houses are exprest those places yet standlg. Published 1666" ; sould by John Ouerton at the white horse neere the fountaine tauern without Newgate (P. 1003) 1 1317 LONDON: FROM SOUTHWARK. " London, the glory of Great Britaines He, Behold her landschip here, and tru pourfile." . (P. 1012), Engraved by Hollar, 1657 ', for Howell's Londinopolis. very fine 1 1318 Anna BuUen, Queen of Henry VIII., born 1507, beheaded 1536 ; three-quarter length, in a circle. Inscription below, " Anna Bullen Regina Anglise Henrici VIII. Vxor 2d Elisabethe Regine Mater, fuit decoUata, Londini, ig Maij, A 1536 155 (P. 1342). "Holbein delineauit, W. Hollar fecit, ex Gollectione Arundeliana, A 1649" 1 " When she composed her hands to play, and voice to sing, it was joined with that sweetness of countenance that three harmonies concurred ; likewise, when she danced, her rare proportions varied themselves into all the graces that belong either to rest or motion." Park's Notes to Walpole. 1319 Pietro Aretino, Italian Satirical Poet, born at Arezzo 1492, died 1557; he had the modesty to style himself "the divine Aretino ; " originally a journeyman bookbinder at Perugia ; levied black mail by writing satires on most of the princes of Italy, Germany, and France. Bust ; " Questo e Pietro Aretino Poeta Tosco, che d'ogni un disse mal, eccelto. che di Dio, Scusan- dosi con dir, non lo conosco (P. 1346) \fine with margin, copy of the engraving by Marc Antonio from the picture by Titian 1 1320 Another impression of the same, equally fine 1 1321 Pietro Aretino, Bust, the face nearly in profile; inscription beneath, " Vera Effigie Del Poeta Petro Aretino Cavato da Titiano suo Amichissimo " (P. 1348). Titianus pinxit, W. Hollar 1649; Ex Collectione Johannis et Jacobi van VerTc. Franciscus vanden Wyngarde excudit, fine with large margin 1 1322 Albrecht Diirer's Father, half-length, wearing cap and loose coat ; at top is, " 1497, Albrecht Thurer der Elter. VI.ID. alt. 70, jor." "Nobili et Magnifico D no Dno Johanni Maximiliano Zum jungen Nobilisimae and Florentissimae . . . Anno 1644" (P. 1369). Albertus Durerus pinxit, W. Hollar fecit ; fine 1 1323 David Chambers, Physician to Henry VIII., Founder of the College of Physicians in London, Warden of Merton College, Oxford, died 1549, aged 88; after Hans Holbein. Three- quarter length, in cap and fur-trimmed cloak, holding his gloves with both hands ; inscribed at top, " D'l Chambers, Anno ^Etatis suae 88 ;" and at bottom, L. Holbein pinxit, Wenceslaus Hollar fecit, acquafori, Ao 1648, M. January. Ex Collectione Arunde- liana (P. 1372) 1 1324 Sir Antonie Van Dyck, three-quarter length, holding a sun-flower in right hand and chain in left, which passes over his right shoulder; " Dno Johanni Evelino Gene. Anglo, Artis Picturae Amatori et Admiratori Maximo, Amico . . . A 1644" (P. 1393). Ant. Van Dyck pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, Londini John Evelyn, three-quarter length in large cloak, hair falling on his shoulders ; TJw. Worlidge fecit, 1723 2 1325 Hans Holbein, celebrated Portrait Painter, employed by Henry VIII., born at Augsburg about 1495, and died 1543. It 156 has been recently ascertained that Holbein died about ten years before the date commonly given ; a discovery which very considerably modifies the alleged paternity of many so-called Holbeins. Bust in a circle, with " PH. JE. 4, 5, An 1543," within the border ; with inscription at bottom, " Vera Effigies Johannis Holbeinij Basuliensis Pictoris et delineatoris rarisimi" (P. 1418). Engraved 1641, after Holbein; Ipse Holbeinius pinxit, Wenceslaus Hollar aquaforti ccri insculpsit, ex Coll. Arundel, 1643 1 1326 Wenzel Hollar, born at Prague, 1607; he was taken prisoner at Basinghouse in 1645, with Faithorne and others went to Antwerp returned to England notwithstanding the most indefatigable exertions he lived in great indigence and distress, died 1677. Three-quarter length, holding his plate of St. Catherine, after Rafl'aello. Inscription beneath commencing, " Gentilhomme ne a Prage 1'an 1607, a est^ de nature fort inclin p r 1'art de meniature," &c. (P. 1419). Je. Meyssens pinxit et excudit, Jine with large margin 1 1327 Wenzel Hollar, Bust in a small ornamented oval, a gothic frame, with arms beneath, ^tatis 40 (1647), (P. 1420) Joachim Ottens cxecudit, Amstelodami 1 1328 Robert Devereux,Earl of Essex, with map descriptive of his military career ; in armour, on horseback. Arms in left corner at top, with legend, " Basis Virtutum Constantia ; " inscription at bottom, " Robert Devereux Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Herreford, Lord Ferryes of Chartley ; Boucheyer and Loveyne, his Excellency . . . King and Kingdome, &c., 9th October, 1643" (P. 1400). "Printed and sould by Peter Stent at the Crowne in giltspur Street twixt Newgate and py corner" 1 1329 Charles II., King of England, half-length, with stick in left hand, hat in right, curtain behind. " Carolus II. D. G. Magnse Bri- tannia Fra cie et Hiberniae Rex &c., natus A 1630. Hanc Maiestatis suse Effigiem ab Antonio Van Dyck Equite sic. prius depictam " (P. 1443). View of St. James's Park and Whitehall in the background. Humillimus Cliens Wenceslaus Hollar, Boh. aquaforti ceri insculpsit, Anno 1649; Ant. Van Dyck pinxit, Jo. Meyssens excudit, W. Hollar fecint. Fine and rare 1 *,* As this print is dated 1649, it must have been engraved imme- diately after the execution of Charles I. 1330 Charles Louis. By the death of his elder brother, Frederic Henry, who was drowned, became Count Palatine of the Rhine 157 second son of Frederick, King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth daughter of James I. and sister of Charles I., brother of Prince Eupert and Maurice born at Heidelburg, 1617 Charles Louis is said to have taken part with the Parliament against Charles I., in the hope of being chosen to succeed his uncle his only son, Charles Louis, was the last Protestant prince of the Palatinate, and his only daughter, Elizabeth Charlotte, became Duchess of Orleans and ancestor of Philip Egalite. Half-length, in armour, with lace collar ; inscription beneath, " Carolus Ludo- vicus, D. G-. Comes Palatinus ad Ehenum S. E. SM. Princeps Archidapifer & Elector Dux Bavariae Nobililissimi ordinis Garterij Eques," &c. (P. 1447). Ant. Vandyk pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, 1646 1 1331 Thomas, Earl of Arundell and Surrey, Earl Marshall and Lord High Steward of England, born 1592; employed in several embassies : collector of the Arundelian marbles ; died in Italy, 1646 (P. 1350) Henry, Baron Mowbray and Maltravers, eldest son of the Earl of Arundel (P. 1451), two small ovals in one plate, very fine im- pressions, rare 2 1332 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, born 1573, beheaded 1 645 ; three-quarter length, in episcopal robes ; " inscribed, " William, Lord Archbishop, his grace Primate of all England " (P. 1453), very fine 1 1333 Nicholas Lockyer, three-quarter length, holding book in left hand ; in an oval (P. 1461). W. Hollar fecit, 1643, very fine 1 1334 Martinus Luthserus, " Theologus germaniae Elias Natus Islebise, anno 1483, obijt in patria anno 1546;" three-quarter length, in cap and fur tippet, full face (P. 1462). Wenceslaus Hollar fecit, Joan Meijssens exc. Antuerpice, very fine with large margin 1 1335 John Malder, Bishop of Antwerp, after Van Dyck ; half-length, seated, holding book ; inscribed at bottom, " Perill ris et Ee- veren mus Dominus Joannes Malderus Episcopus Antuerpiensis," &c. (P. 1463). " Antonius van Dyck pinxit, W. Hollar fecit aguaforti, A 1645, Joannes Meysens excudit ; " very fine 1 1336 Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII. and Catherine of Aragon, Bust in a circle ; inscribed at bottom, " Princeps Maria Henrici VIII., Eegis Angliae Filia (P. 1465). Holbein pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, ex Collections Arundeliana 1 158 1337 Mr. Morett, wearing cap and fur-trimmed cloak, a circle (P. 1470). Holbein pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, ex Collectione Arundeliana, Ao 1640, 31 Dec. 1 1338 Peter Paul Rubens, born at Cologne, 1577 ; visited England in 1629 ; knighted by Charles I., died 1640 ; in broad brimmed hat and slashed dress, Bust in gothic frame, ornamented with palette, maulstick, &c. Inscription at bottom, " Excellentis, Dno D. Petrus Paulus Rubenius, pictorum . . . et ad Eegem Legaturn Extraordinarium misit " (P. 1498) 1339 Peter Paul Eubens, another finer impression 2 1340 Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governor of the Kingdome of Ireland, Lord President of the Councell established in the north parts of England, Lord Lieutenant of the County and Citty of Yorke, and one of his Ma 0es most honourable privy Councell, &c. ; born in London, 1593 ; impeached for high treason, but for want of proof impeachment abandoned for Bill of Attainder ; his rank, his power, his great abilities, rendered him in the highest degree obnoxious to the Parliamentarians, who perse- cuted him with relentless hatred ; Pym was his great enemy, and exhausted every effort to procure his destruction ; con- demned, but so illegal was his sentence that it was expressly provided it should not be a precedent for the future ; beheaded 1641. Strafford was lineally descended, as the preamble to his patent sets forth, from John of Gaunt. Half-length, in armour, baton in left hand, cavalry and tent in landscape to the right ; inscription beneath, " Sr. Thomas Wentworth Knight, Earl of Strafforde, Viscount Wentworth, Baron Wentworth of Went- worth, Woodhowse, Newmarch, Oversley and Eaby ; Lord Lieutennant Generall, and General Governor of the Kingdome of Ireland, Lord President of the Councell established in the north parts of England. Lord Lieutennant of the County and Citty of Yorke, and one of his Ma tie8 most honourable privy Councell," &c. (P. 1508). Ant. Van Dyck Eques Aur pinxit, Cum privilcgio Regis, W. Hollar fecit, 1640 1 1341 Lukas et Cornelias de Wael, French Painters ; half-lengths, one seated; inscription beneath, "Lucas et Cornelius de Wael Antv. . . . Conflictuum Reprsesentator" (P. 1517). Ant. Van- dyck Eques pinxit, J. Meysens exc., W. Hollar fecit, 1646 1 1342 Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII ; born 1522, married 1540, beheaded 1542. A small three-quarter length ; 159 in the top corners, " H. Holbein pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, 1646, ex Collections Arundelliana " (P. 1546); very fine, from the Bai^nard Collection 1 1343 Catherine of Aragon, born 1483 ; married to Arthur, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Henry VII., 1501 ; on the death of Arthur, betrothed to his brother, afterwards Henry VIII., 1505 ; married to Henry VIII. 1509, divorced 1533, died 1536 ; Bust in circle (P. 1549). H. Holbein pinxit, W. Hollar fecit, ex Collectionc Arundeliana, A 1647 1 HOLSTEYN (CORNELIUS). Painter and Engraver. Born at Haarlem in 1625, died in 1697. 1344 Portrait of a Lady, half-length, sitting, the face seen full, the eyes turned to the left, in an elaborate open-worked dress of twill cord ; female visitors passing through a doorway in the back- ground, after Julio Romano; proof before letters, from the Brentano Collection 1 HONDIUS (WILLIAM). Born at the Hague, 1601 ; worked there and at Dantzic. 1345 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, Bust in a large oval, with ruff and dress trimmed with beads ; legend round oval, " Constantia Alacritate;" at bottom inscription, " Elisabethae D. G. Bohemias . . . Lusatiee," &c. With. Hondius sculpsit, Hagce-Comit. Cum priml. Illust. D. D. Ordin. General, faed. Belg. cio.ioxxx 1 1346 Maria Eleonora, wife of Gustavus Adolphus, mother of Christina, born 1603 ; mourned madly for her husband Gustavus (killed at the Battle of Lutzen) ; kept his heart in a golden box ; died of grief, a few days after hearing the news of her daughter Christina's apostasy to Eome. JEtat 25. Inscription at bottom, "Maria Eleonora Suecorum Gothorumet Wandalorum . . . Ac Montium etc. Dux." Jacob Holefnagel pinxit, Hondius excudit, Hagce-Comit. Cum privilegio Illust, D, D. Ord. foed Belg. 1629 " 1 HONDIUS (HENRY, the Younger). Born in London about 1580; worked in England and Holland; died about 1648. 1347 Elizabeth, Queen of England, richly dressed in broad ruff, jewels and feather in hair, necklace of large pearls ; oval, with motto, " Possui Deum Adiutorem Meum. Nata 1533, ^Etat 48, Obiit 1602 1 160 1348 John Ernest, the younger, Duke of Saxony, three-quarter length, in a large oval, in armour, and lace scarf and collar ; motto round oval, "Sapienter et Constanter ;" inscription beneath, " Johannes Eornestus junior. Dux Sasconise, Guliaci, Cliviae, et Morteiisis Landtgnavius Thuringiaa Marchio Misniae, Comes Marcaa et Raversberg83, Dominus in Ravenstein." Mich. Joh. Mireveld pinxit, Wilhelmus Hondius sculpsit. Hagce ComAtis, Anno cio.io.c.xxx. Cum privileg. lllustr. D. D. Ordin. General, fcederat. Belg. &c., very fine 1 1349 Frederick, King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, large oval, with lace ruff, three-quarter length, legend round oval, " Verbum Domini Manet in Sternum ; " and beneath, " Fri- derico D. G. Bohemias Eegi Comiti Palatino Rheni S. Romani Imperi Principi Electori, Duci Bavarise, Marchioni Moravia3, Duci Silesiae et Licenburgi, Marchioni Utriuso Lusatiaa," &c. Hanc effigiem dedicatam schulptore Guillielmo Hondio, Cumprivil. . . . Belgio, &c. cioiocxxxi. 1 1350 The Emperor Ferdinand, Bust in a large oval ; legend around, " Per Obvia et invia Virtus ; " inscription beneath, " Serenis- simus Potentissimus Princeps, D.D. Ferdinandus Dei Gratia Romanor. Imperator Semp. Augusts. Germ. Hung. Bohem. Dalm. Croat. Slav., &c. Rex. Archidux Anst. Dux Burgund, &c., Com. Firdlis. Henr. Hondius fecit, Hagoe-Comit. 1634 1 1351 Guilielmus Hondius, by Himself, after Van Dyck ; three-quarter length, holding robe in left hand ; at bottom, " Guilielmus Hondius Calcographus Hagae Comitis." Guil. Hondius sculp., Ant. Van Dyck pinxit, cum privilegio, brilliant impression 1 1352 Isabella Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II. of Spain and Eliza- beth (daughter of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici), born 1566; married 1599, the Cardinal- Archduke Albert VI. of Austria ; left no children ; died at Brussels, 1633; three-quarter length, in a large oval; when old, dressed in habit of nun, legend round " VINCES ^ETATIS SU^E LXVII. UT SERVES ;" and beneath name, " Hanc ipsius Effigiem ad Anthony Van Dyck prototypum aeri incisam Guilhelmus Hondius sculptor Ser" 5 suse C ni humiliter dedicat HagaB Comit cio.io c.xxxiiii." 1 1353 Henricus Cornelius Longkius, after My tens, three-quarter length large oval, with legend, " VQOR GODES EERE, EN TVADERLANTS VRUHEIT ;" at bottom, inscription " Magnanimus Vir D. Hen- ricus Classis Strenuissimus ;" Isaacq, My tens pinxit Wilhelmus Hondius sculpsit Hagce-comit. cum privil. illust. D.D. Ord. General foed Belg. cio.io.cxxx, fine 1 161 1354 Philip William, Prince of Orange, eldest son of William I. Prince of Orange ; three-quarter length, in a large oval, with legend "SusxiNENDO PROGREDIOR OBIIT 1618, ^ETAT 63;" lace collar, order of the Golden Fleece, inscription beneath, " PHILIPPUS GUILIELMUS D. G. PRINCEPS ARAUSIONENSIUM, COMES NASSAUMB VELLERIS AURATI EQUES." Henr. Hondius fecit clolocxxviii. Hagce-Comit. cum privilegio 1 1355 Theodore de Weerdenburg, three-quarter in a large oval, lace collar and scarf, legend around, " Pro patria ac bona causa ; " description beneath, " Nobilissimo ac Magnanissimo Theo- doro ab Weerdenburgio Domino a Lent Tribuno Legionum societatis Indies occidentalis permissse Victori ac Gubernatori Pernambuci omniumque Castellorum eius et Consiliario ibi eiusdem Societatis primo." " Hanc effigiem dedicatam schulptore Guillemo Hondio. Cum privilegio illust. D. D. Ord ; General saed Belg" &c., very fine 1 HOOGHE (ROMYN DE). Worked at the Haghe 1630-1638. 1356 The Sufferings and Death of John de Witt ; two subjects, one inscribed above in the sky on a banderole, "De Eampzalige Doodt van Cornelis en Joan de Wit den 20 Augusti A 1672." 2 HOPFER (DANIEL). Engraver. Born about 1490. Worked at Augsburg. 1357 LEOPOLD DICK, JURISCONSULT, three-quarter length standing, richly dressed, in hat and fur tippet ; above the head, " Leopol- dus," &c., &c. ; beneath, " Soli opt : max utere fatisz " (B. 61), copy with the initials of I. H. 1 1358 The Emperor Maximilien I., half-length, the face in profile, in hat and cloak with fur cape, left hand raised, angels behind bear- ing banner, a shield and sword (B. 79), very fine 1 HOPFER (JEROME). Working at Augsbourg 1526-1530. 1359 The Emperor Charles V., three-quarter length, in hat and fur cloak, the face in profile, rich arabesque ornamentation in the back- ground, inscription at bottom, " Carolus von Gots Guad Tirol Ecz I. H.M.D.XX " (B. 58), Hopfer sculp. 1 Y 162 HOUBRAKEN (JACOB). Dutch Engraver. Born at Dordrecht, 1698 ; died at Amsterdam in 1780. The numbers refer to "Jacobus Houbraken et son (Euvre et Ver. Huell Arnhem 1875." 1360 JOHN FISHER, BISHOP OF ROCHESTER, three-quarter, in an illus- trated oval (5), fine proof before letters 1 1361 SIR THOMAS MORE, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval, (7), fine proof, with large margin 1 1362 CROMWELL, EARL OF ESSEX, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (8), no inscription round oval, very fine, with large margin 1 1363 ANN BULLEN, Queen of Henry VIII., illustrated oval (11). In the Collection of the late Earl of Bradford ; Impensis J. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1738, Holbein pinx. 1 1364 ANNE OF CLEEVES, the fifth wife of Henry VIII., three-quarter length, illustrated oval (12) ; Holbein pinxit. In the Collection of Thomas Barret, Esq. ; Impensis J. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1740, J. Houbraken sc., Amst. 1739, very fine 1 1365 CATHERINE HOWARD, Queen of Henry VIII., three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (13) ; J. Houbraken sculpsit., Amst. ; Hol- bein pinx. In the Collection of Mr. Richardson, very fine 1 1366 EDWARD SEYMOUR, DUKE OF SOMERSET, beheaded 1552, three- quarter length, in an illustrated oval (14) 1 1367 SIR NICOLAS BACON, Statesman, born 1510, died 1579, an illus- trated oval, inscribed " S. NICHOLAS BACON LORD KEEPER" (16). In the Collection of his Grace the Duke of Bedford ; Frederick Zucchero pinx., Houbraken sc., Amst. Impensis J. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1738 1 1368 Sir Nicolas Bacon (16), very fine proof before the inscription round the oval, and the address, &c. 1 1369 WILLIAM CECIL, LORD BURLEIGH, an illustrated oval (18), not any inscription round oval, very fine, with large margin 1 1370 JAMES DOUGLAS MORETON, Earl of, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (20), fine proof before Utters, with large margin 1 1371 SIR FRANCIS WALSINGHAM, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (21), proof before letters, very fine, with large margin 1 1372 CHARLES HOWARD, EARL OF NOTTINGHAM, three-quarter length, wearing cap and robes, in ornamental oval, ships at bottom and child pointing to crown (23), fine proof before letters 1 1373 HENRY, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James L, born at Stirling Castle, 1593 ; died 1612. Raleigh wrote the History of the 163 World for Henry, 1610; three-quarters in an illustrated oval. (29). In the, Collection of Dr. Mead ; Impensis I. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1738. J. Houbraken sculp., Amst., J. Oliver pinx., very fine GEORGE ABBOTT, Archbishop of Canterbury, an illustrated oval (30), no inscription round, proof, very fine, with margin 1 1375 SIR EDWARD COKE, Lord Chief Justice, born 1550, died 1634, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (33). In the posses- sion of Robert Coke, Esq. ; Impensis I. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1741. /. Houbraken sculps., Amst. 1741, very fine 1 1376 GEORGE VILLIERS, Duke of Buckingham, born 1592, the Mephis- topheles of Charles I. ; murdered by Felton at Portsmouth, 1628 ; an illustrated oval (34), proof before the letters round the oval 1 1377 WILLIAMS, Archbishop, Lord Keeper, born 1582, died 1650, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (35), fine, with large margin 1 1378 JOHN HAMPDEN, Statesman, born in London 1594, died 1643, three-quarters in armour, in an illustrated oval, inscribed " JOHN HAMPDEN ;" above " VINDEX LIBERTATIS " (39) 1 1379 JOHN THURLOE, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (53) 1 1380 JAMES STUART, Duke of Eichmond, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (55), very fine proof, with large margin 1 1381 GEORGE DIGBY, Earl of Bristol, three-quarter length, in an illus- trated oval (56), J. Houbraken sculps., proof before letters, very fine 1 1382 WILLIAM EUSSELL, Earl of Bedford, three-quarter length, lace collar, illustrated oval with drapery, child beneath seated, holding sword in one hand, resting other on crown (57), proof before inscription round the oval 1 1383 SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE, born in London 1628, died 1698, three- quarter length, in an illustrated oval (67), fine proof before letters, with large margin 1 1384 SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE (67), very fine, with large margin 1 1385 CHARLES MORDAUNT, Earl of Peterborough, celebrated commander by land and sea, born 1658 ; in the war of the Spanish suc- cession he succeeded in driving out of Spain the Duke of Anjou and the French army, though his own troops never amounted to half the number of the French; he was employed 164 in numerous embassies, and was said to have seen more kings and more postilions than any man in Europe ; three-quarters length, in an illustrated oval (76), fine, proof before letters, with large margin 1 1386 HENRY BOYLE, Lord Carlton, three-quarter length, in illustrated oval (77), proof before the letters round the oval, with large margin 1 1387 CATHERINE OF ARAGON, Queen of Henry VIII., three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (84). In the Collection of the Horible. Horace Walpole ; Impensis I. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1744 1 1388 Louisa de Coligny, Princess of Orange, daughter of Admiral de Coligny, born 1555, died 1620, Bust in an oval (87), proof before letters, very fine 1 1389 Sir Philip Sidney, born at Penshurst, 1554 ; died at Arnheim, after the Battle of Zutphen, 1586 ; buried in St. Paul's ; bust in an illustrated oval (88), proof before letters, with large margin 1 1390 Sir Philip Sydney. A duplicate impression (88), fine 1 1391 Eobert Carr, Earl of Somerset, three-quarter length, in an illus- trated oval (90), proof before letters, with large margin 1 1392 Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, in armour, an illustrated oval (95), proof before letters, very fine, with large margin 1 1393 Thomas Sydenham, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval, after Lely (99), fine proof before all letters, with large margin 1 1394 John Dryden, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (100), fine proof before letters, with large margin 1 1395 The Duke of Marlborough, bust, in an illustrated oval, with alle- gorical representation of Time revealing the portrait to Truth, a trophy of arms beneath, and a siege in the distance ; Hartog. F. Marlbourge (/), proof before all letters 1 1396 The Duke of Marlborough. Another (/), proof 'before letters, very fine, with large margin 1 1397 Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, three-quarter length, in illus- trated oval, (h), proof, very fine, with large margin 1 1398 Sir Robert Walpole, three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval (in), proof before letters, very fine 1 1399 Marie Elizabeth Josephine, Archduchess of Austria, three-quarter length, in large oval, arms at bottom, with coronet and festoons of foliage (286), proof before letters 1 165 1400 ALBERTUS SEBA, ETZELA OOSTERISIUS, half-length, standing between pillar and curtains, shelves with specimens behind; standing demonstrating from examples which are arranged on a Natu- ralist's table before him. " Pharmacopoeus Amstelaedamensis . .... Bononiensis Institutus sodalis (382) ; " QuinJchard pinx, Houbraken sculp. 1 1401 Francois van Aarsens. Heer van Sommelsdijk, French Ambas- sador, 1572-1641 (3). William Bentinck, Marquis of Portland, favourite of William III., 1648-1709 (24). Hugo de Groot, the celebrated Grotius, 1583-1645 (173). Jacob Cats, celebrated Poet, 1 577-1660 (175). Mcolaas Hasselaar, a Mayor of Amster- dam in 1626 (187). Johan vander Herde, Painter, 1637-1712 (192). Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, Historian and Poet, 1581- 1647 (217). Jan van Hout, Secretary to the City of Leyden, Poet, 1542-1609 (227). Frans. Banning Kok, Burgomaster of Amsterdam in 1654 (251). Gerardus Kulenkamp, a Dutch Minister, 1700-1775 (259). Maria Elizabeth Josepha, Arch- duchess of Austria (286). Albertus Seba, Apothecary of Amsterdam, Mi. 66, born in 1736 (382). Virgilus van Zuichem van Aytta, President of the Secret Council of Holland, 1507- 1577 (433), three-quarter lengths in oval, the small set, proofs before letters 13 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. HOUSTON (RICHARD). Mezzotint Engraver. Bom in 1725; died in 1775. LOT 1402 Miss Elizabeth Greenway, daughter of John Greenway, of Ports- mouth, married, 9th January, 1771, the Hon. James Napier, Lieut.-Colonel of Marines ; died 1831 ; after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, half-length seated, hands clasped, her left arm resting on a cushion on table, brilliant impression 1 1403 Miss Harriett Powell, afterwards Countess of Seaforth; after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; half-length, in the character of Leonora, in " The Padlock," dress lined with ermine, a goldfinch perched on her left hand, verses, " say, little foolish fluttering thing" 1 1404 Miss Harriet Powell, an Actress of considerable repute, married Kenneth Mackenzie, seventh Earl of Seaforth ; after Caroline Read, half-length seated, with guitar, proof, very fine 1 1405 Robinson, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland, died unmarried in 1794, half-length in canonicals, sitting at a table, turning over the leaves of a book, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, fine proof, with the arms 1 1406 Maria Countess of Waldegrave, and her daughter Lady Elizabeth Laura, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, half-length sitting, drawing an ermine cloak round her child, who is nestling in her lap 1 HOUTEN (JAN VAN). Dutch Engraver of the 17th century. 1407 Jan Evertz, Dutch Admiral, half-length, holding stick and glove in right hand, naval engagement in the distance, eight lines beneath 1 HOUVE (PAUL DE LA.) Worked in Paris at the commencement of the seventeenth century. 1408 Henrietta de Balsac d'Autriche, Marquise de Verneuil, second mistress of Henry IV. of France ; she obtained a written pro- mise of marriage from Henry IV. if she had a son within the year. Sully got this from her and tore it up. Henry gave her 167 a second written promise, which she would not give up till she obtained 20,000 crowns. This document is now in the Biblio- theque at Paris ; died 1633 ; three-quarter length in oval, with inscription "Henriettede Balsac ramo," lines beneath, "Qu'elle passe en beaute les plus belle de France ..... ainsi dit le destin le jour de ta naissance " 1 1409 Maximilien de Bethune, Due de Sully, French Statesman, born 1560, died 1641, three-quarter length, richly dressed, with lace ruff and scarf fastened by a large jewel 1 1410 Henry Due de Montpensier, three-quarter length in an oval, inscription round it, " Henry Due de Montpensier pair de France," verses beneath, "Lecteur voi ce grande Due sacre sang de noz Eois ..... Ordre des Cheualiers et prince auec 1'Enfance" (Le B: 17) 1 1411 Rudolph II, the Emperor, born 1552; reigned from 1576; died 1612; three-quarter length, with cap and ruff, in an oval; inscribed round it, "D. Raoul, second Caesar tres grand tres sacre et invin. Empereur des Rom. semper Augus.," with verse below, " De ce grand Empereur I'Effigie est bornee ....... C'el qui fera au Turc lamenter sa Journee " 1 HUMPHRYS (WILLIAM). Contemporary English Engraver. 1412 Madame Schinderlin, a German Singer, entitled " The Coquette," after Reynolds, three-quarter length, with lace cap tied under her chin, holding muff, an oval in a square, artist's proof, fine 1 HURET French Engraver. Born at Lyons 1610; worked at Paris; died 1670. 1413 An Allegory of Louis XIII. seated on a cloud, sceptre in left hand, The Virgin Mary in the sky on the left, with sword in her right hand pointing to a map, a child painting Louis' portrait on the lap of Minerva ; ships in the distance, Peace and Justice driving war from France 1 1414 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, half length, holding cross in left hand ; over her head in the sky, is inscribed " Conscius meus in excelsis. Job 16, 20 ; " inscription beneath, " Marise Stuartse France et Scot. Regina vera effigies;" her execution in the distance 1 168 ISAC (JASPER). Worked in Paris in the first half of the seventeenth century. 1415 Michel de Castelnau, Seigneur de Mauvissiere, Statesman, born 1520, died 1592 ; celebrated French Diplomatist, succeeded La Mothe Fenelon as Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth, 1576 ; a Politician of the Middle and Moderate Party, who had no love for the Pope, hated the Guises and Spain, regarded the English alliance as a guarantee for the quietude of France, and looked on a marriage between Alenqon and the Queen [Elizabeth] as the sure means of making the alliances " permanent." XI Froude, 48 ; Bust in an oval, richly embroidered coat and lace collar ; in corners, armour, &c. ; at bottom verses, " L'obiect de ce por- traict, fera veoir au Lecteur Luy fera beaucoup plus estimer sa memoire " 1 1416 Charles Loyseau, oval with wreath of oak leaves round, with ribbons entwined, and inscribed " Bonis Avibus ; " four lines beneath, commencing " Le Peintre a seulement icy le trait .... Fait voir son bel esprit dedans son docte ouvrage." Lam- berdiere 1 ISSELBERG (PETER). Born at Cologne in 1568 ; worked there and at Nuremburg, &c. 1417 Henry VI II, King of England, inscribed "Henricus VIII. Dei Gratia Angliae, &c. Rex, &c. Fidei Defensor, 1616;" three-quarter length, in oval, holding a scroll, the arms of England in the left top corner, and five Latin lines of inscription beneath, " a Clem. VII. Ponti Eom." Salute c. 6, b. XLVI ; rare; from the Corrie Collection 1 JACOBE (JOHANN). Born at Vienna in 1733; died in London in 1797. 1418 Omai, an Otaheitan Chief, brought to England by Captain Fur- neaux, whole-length in native costume, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, very fine 1 JESI (SAMUEL). Contemporary Engraver. Working at Milan. 1419 BENVENUTO CELLINI, Sculptor, Artist, Author, Musician; born 1500, died 1570 ; after Giorgio Vasari, three-quarter length, in hat and wearing long beard, proof, open letters 1 169 1420 Pope Leo X, Giovanni de Medici, born 1475 ; Pope 1513 ; died 1521 ; with Cardinals De Medici and De Eossi, from the picture by Kaffaello in the Pitti Palace, Florence, proof before any letters, very fine 1 JODE (ARNOLD DE). Born at Antwerp in 1636. 3421 Sir Peter Lely, Court Painter in the time of Charles II, born in Soest, Westphalia, 1617, died 1680 ; large three-quarter length, wearing wig ; inscription beneath, "Petrus Lely Pictor Caroli II. Magnge Britannia Regis " 1 1422 Justus Lipsius, Flemish Scholar and Critic, born 1547 ; secretary to Cardinal Granville; died 1606; three-quarter length, ruff and fur collar to coat ; inscribed in the top corners, " Nativitatis Anno LVIII." and " Moribus Antiquis ; " at bottom, " Justo. Lipsio Antverpiae M.IOCV." 1 1423 CHARLES GUSTAVUS WRANGEL, Swedish Commander, born 1613, died 1676 ; served under Gustavus Adolphus and Bernard of Saxe Weimar; opposed the Danes at sea; succeeded Ton- stenton ; joined Turenne at Giessen ; served a long time in the thirty years' war ; commanded the left wing at the battle of Varsovia, which lasted three days, 1656; Bust in armour, in lace collar and scarf, illustrated oval, with trophy of arms and richly ornamented, inscribed round, "Pacifera Victoria;" at bottom, " Carolus Gustavus Wrangel Dominus in Pom- meraniaa " 1 JODE (PETER DE, THE YOUNGER). Born at Antwerp 1606; worked at Paris and Antwerp. 1424 Gaspard de Coligny, Seigneur de Chastillon, Mareschal de France ; the father of the three brothers Coligny, (Odet, Gaspar and Franqois, called Dandelot) ; died 1522 ; half-length in armour, holding a miniature ; an oval, inscribed at bottom, " Gaspard Conte de Coligny , des Pais bas " 1 1425 Petrus A. Francavilla, three-quarter lengthen embroidered coat, an illustrated oval, ornamented at top with arms and cornu- copia of fruit, in tablet at bottom, " Cameracensis Gall, et M.V.XIII. Ae. 60 " 1 1426 Henry Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, Bust in armour, in small oval, supported by whole-length figures of Minerva and Truth, Prince of Wales' feathers above, and motto " Ich Dien ;" Z 170 verses beneath, " Eege sub hoc, iunctis quern viribus alma Minerua Inque quiete artes, quas colit ipse, colet.," bril- liant impression, excessively rare 1 1427 James VI. of Scotland, I. of England, born 1566, married Anne of Denmark, died 1625, three-quarter length, in jewelled hat and ermine trimmed cloak, arms and crown in right corner at top; in left corner, "A. 1603, JEtatis suae 37;" at bottom, " Jacobus VI. Scptise Eex Eex, &c. Ampliez. et optime pra3stantissimo " 1 1428 Johann Tzerclces, Count TiUy, born 1559, died 1632, half-length in armour, baton in right hand, at bottom, " Illust. mus. Joannes, Dynter, &c.," third state, ivith the G. H., very fine, with large margin 1 1429 Count Albrecht "Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland,born 1583; com- manded the Imperial army during the greater part of the thirty years' war ; assassinated at Egra 1634; half-length in armour, high rocks in background; at bottom is inscribed, " Albert Dux Fritland Com. Wallest., &c.," second state, very fine 1 JONES (JOHN). Born about 1740; died in 1797. 1430 The Honourable Thomas Erskine, afterwards Lord Chancellor, third son of the fifth Earl of Buchan ; having first served in the army and navy, was called to the Bar 1778 ; he was counsel for Tom Paine and for Admiral Keppel ; Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales ; made Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in 1806, and created Baron Erskine ; born 1750, died 17th Nov. 1823 ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds, half-length, right arm leaning on a table, the two hands together; to the right books on shelves, half concealed by a curtain ; to the left, inkstand and papers 1 1431 Mrs. Davenport, painted by Romney, three-quarter length, turned to the left, the head to the front, muff and dress lined with fur, straw hat and falling curls, proof, very fine 1 1432 The Right Hon. Charles James Fox, the celebrated Statesman ; third son of Henry, first Lord Holland; born 1749; educated at Eton and Oxford ; M.P. for Midhurst ; on the fall of Lord North 1782 was appointed one of the Secretaries of State; opposed Pitt during the whole of his administration ; in 1806 171 made Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, but died in the same year, aged 57 ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds, half-length standing, face towards left shoulder ; coat buttoned to the top, right hand on some papers ; " Bills for the better Regulations of the Affairs of India " on the table ; a column and curtain behind ; brilliant proof, but cut close \ 1433 Lady Emma Hamilton, after Roinney, three-quarter length, seated, in a contemplative mood, resting her chin on her left hand, and supporting her elbow with her right, very fine 1 1434 Samuel Lord Hood, son of a clergyman at Thorncombe, Devon- shire ; born 1724, became an Admiral in the Navy, was with Sir George Rodney, and commanded the Africa, created Lord Hood after victory over Comte de Grasse, April 12th, 1782 ; M.P. for Westminster, 1784, in opposition to Mr. Fox. In 1793 took Toulon and Corsica, created Viscount and appointed Governor of Greenwich Hospital, 1796 ; died 1816. Bromley, in " British Portraits," mistakes him for his brother, Alexander Hood, afterwards Lord Bridport, another distinguished Admiral, also painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Half-length, in naval uniform, leaning on rock, head turned over his right shoulder, hand holding a paper, two ships engaging in the distance ; clouds and smoke, rocks to right, proof, open letters 1 1435 Miss Kemble, sister to Mrs. Siddons, afterwards Mrs. Twiss, in a white dress, after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; three-quarter length turned to left, hair dressed with a ribbon, very fine 1 1436 Miss Kemble, three-quarter length, hair fastened with a ribbon, frilled lapet black dress, in a landscape, a second plate after Sir Joshua Reynolds, fine early proof 1 1437 Lady reading, nearly full face, seated, with her feet on a stool, a lighted candle on a table by her side ; after Romney ; exhibited recently at Burlington Souse, proof before letters 1 1438 The Right Hon. Sir James Mansfield, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ; three-quarter length in large oval, after L. Vaslet, very fine 1 1439 Lady Caroline Price, - daughter of George Carpenter, Earl of Tyrconnell, married Sir Evedale Price, died in 1826 ; three- quarter length, hair frizzed and powdered, dressed with lapet and buttons, turned to left, looking to front, painted by Sir J. Reynolds, very fine proof 1 172 1440 Eobert Adair, Esq., three-quarter length, " painted by F. L, Abbott, engraved by J. Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His RH. the Prince of Wales and principal Engraver to His E.H. the Duke of York," 'proof, open letters I JUDKINS (ELIZBAEEII). Practised in London in the second half of the 18th century. 1441 Mrs. Abington, after Sir Joshua Keynolds, three-quarter length, in an oval, wearing a Cardinal cloak, trimmed with lace, looking to the left, left hand clasping the right, very fine 1 KAISEE (JOHANN WILHELM). Contemporary Dutch Engraver. 1442 The Burgomaster Six, friend of Rembrandt ; engraved from the portrait of Six painted for him by Rembrandt and still (1876) in the house of the descendants of Six at Amsterdam. Half- length, pulling on glove, heavy cloak over his left shoulder. Beneath is inscribed, " Jan Six, ne 1613, mort 1700. Boug- mestre d' Amsterdam L'an 1691. Cabinet de M. Six de Hille- gom." " Imprime par J. F. Brugman, Rembrandt pinx., J. W. Kaiser sculp." proof 1 KILIAN (LUCAS). Born at Augsbonrg, 1579. Worked in Germany and Italy. Died 1637. 1443 Augustus, Duke of Brunswick ; inscription, " Serenissimus prin- ceps ac Domnius Dn. Augustus, dei Gratia, Dux Brunsvicensis et Lunseburgensis," &c. Three-quarter length, wearing em- broidered dress and lace collar, small oval, ornamented in corners with cannon and printing press, figures of Justice, &c. ; within the marginal line is inscribed " Expende," &c.,and verses beneath " Sic oculos, sic ora gerit pietatis Alumnus, Aonij cultor nemoris, cui doctus Apollo Assurgit, princeps Brunswigl, gloria nostri Prselustris ssecli Augustus dux, inclutus Heros. G. Remus, I.C." " Serenistf prindpi ac Dn. humilime consecrat Lucas Kilianus" MDCXXI. 1 1444 Christian IV. King of Denmark, brother of Anne of Denmark, wife of James L, King of England, born 1577, died 1648; three-quarters, in armour, with large ruff and lace scarf, an 173 illustrated oval, ornamented with arms at top. Inscription round oval, " Serenissimus ac Potentissimus Princeps ac Dominus, Dn-Christianus IV. Eex Danise et Norwegiae, &c. ; verses at bottom " Despicio Fatum, fortunam sperno sinistram, Spe patiens tumidas frango utrisqz minas. Fors fera mitescet flebile fatum : Excipient curas quadia longa meas." 1445 Albrecht Diirer, whole-length figures, standing against pillars, table between them ; inscribed, " Labore et Constantia ; " at bottom inscription, " Alberti Dureri Noribergensis . . . Anno C.N.MDXVII. Vivit Post Funera Virtus." Both figures are portraits of Albert Diirer, the left one as he was in 1509, and the other in 1517, engraved after a design by the Master himself 1 1446 Count Walter Leslie, Ambassador from Leopold, Emperor of Germany, to the Sultan Mahomet, died 1668 ; engraved from life, 1637. Illustrated oval, with three-quarter length in armour, lace collar and scarf; at bottom trophy of arms; inscription round oval, " Illustrissimus et Generosissimus Comes, Dn. Walter Leslie, S. Eomani Imperii Comes, Augustissimi Imperatoris, Serenissimi Regis Germanise, Ungariee, Bohemse et Camerarius, Equitum et Peditum Dux, Excubitorum Cen- turio " 1 1447 Hans Sachs, celebrated German Poet, son of a tailor, apprenticed to a shoemaker, born 1494 at Nuremberg, died 1576 ; three- quarter length, small square, with books, verses beneath on copperplate printed within the wood block, title page of book dated 161 7. Inscribed at top, " Engentliche Contrafactur . . . . actitzig Jahr ; " verses at bottom " Ex Sutore Deus Vatem, magnumqz Pdetam . . . Der neunzehende Jenner war." *#* " One of the cleverest men that Germany had yet produced, his prose full of force and richness." ] 1448 Johann Tzerclaes, Count Tilly, half-length, in armour, baton in right hand, glove in left, helmet on table, oval, tablet in right corner at top with " Caesar, iniove Victor Comes in sole Bellator ;" at bottom inscription, " Hl mu8 atque Excell mus D. D. Joannes . . . Camerarius," &c. Lucas Kilian Aug. sculpsit, A 1629 1 174 KINGSBUEY (HENRY). Working in London 1750-1780. 1449 Miss Stanley, three-quarter length, in an oval, veil over high dressing of hair, dress trimmed with swan's down; after R Smith 1 KOHL (ANDRIEAS). Born in 1G24, worked in Nuremberg, died in 1656. 1450 Frederick II., in illustrated oval richly ornamented, trophies of arms and the arts ; inscription on tablet in frame of ivy leaves, " Immortalis Cius Nomen Ubique," &c. 1 KOHL (CLEMENS). Born in Prague in 1754, died at Nuremberg in 1807. 1451 Gazerin, Prince de Serge, Bust in an illustrated circle, with a jewelled ribbon above, three-quarter length, the face in profile and turned to the right ; from a medal by L. Posch, 'proof before any letters 1 LAFRERI (ANTOINE). Engraver and Printseller. Born at Salins in 1512, died 1580. 1452 Giovanni de Valleta, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. He successfully defended Malta against the Turks, who lost 20,000 men in the siege; Valetta, was afterwards built by and named after him. Bust in armour, the head in profile and turned to the right. " In Venetia Alia libraria del S. Marco D.B." ; proof before the address, but Lafrerj fonnis Romce cum Privilegio 1 LANE (RICHARD, A.E.) Born in 1800, died in 1872. 1453 Prince Arthur, whole length, when a child, in uniform of the Grenadier Guards, in lithography ; Winterhalter, Hanhart impt. William Pitt, small Head, in lithography, after Sir Thomas Law- rence, the face turned to the right ; unfinished proof, on india paper, from the Bernal Collection The Rt. Hon. Lady Nugent, Bust, after Lawrence, the face turned upwards and inclined a little to the left, in an oval. " R. Lane sculp., drawn on stone by Richd. J. Lane, A.R.A., published October, 1830, by J. Dickinson, New Bond Street " 3 175 LAEMESSIN (NICOLAS DE, the Elder). Engraver. Born at Paris, 1640. 1454 Francoise Louise de la Baume le Blanc, Duchesse de la Valliere, Mistress of Louis XIV., born 1644, became a nun, died 1710 ; three-quarter length, in large illustrated oval, over which hangs a garland of leaves and scroll work, with title ; she wears a richly jewelled dress, feathers, and holds an apple as the Goddess of Love in her right hand ; at bottom arms and cornucopias of fruit (not in Le Blanc) 1 1455 Louis Cinquiesme du nom Vintiesme Dauphin de France, half- length, in large illustrated oval, with curtain to the right ; at left crown on a table ; in top corners two fleurs-de-lis, and at bottom arms with " Mon-ioye St. George," after Beaubran, very fine 1 LASNE (MICHEL). Engraver. Born at Caen, 1595 ; died at Paris, 1667. 1456 Jean Louis de la Vallette, Due d'Espernon, Statesman and Soldier of the time of Louis XIV. ; born 1554 ; Governor of Guienne and of the City of Metz, died 1642, engraved 1632, Three-quarter length in armour, large lace collar, in large illus- trated oval, with " Adversis Clarius " inscribed around, and " Jean Louis de la ballette . . . Ville de Metz et pais Messin," &c., at bottom 1 LAUTENSACK (HANS SEBALD). German Painter and Engraver. Born at Bamberg about 1507; worked at Vienna and Nuremberg ; died about 1560. 1457 Hans Sebald Lautensack, square three-quarter length, richly habited, holding glass in left hand, with date thereon, 1554 ; landscape and chateau seen at back. The scroll beneath has written in the name of Hannsz Lautensack Mahler, in very old faded ink. Bartsch, vol. g., p. 208, no. 1, describes this as " Un homme mi-corps ; " but Passavant, vol. iv., p. 260-1 particularly mentions this print, and says it is the portrait of Hans Sebald Lautensack hitnself; brilliant impression 1 1458 George Eoggenbach, Jurist in Nuremberg, engraved, 1554 ; half- length, seated, children and landscape in distance ; arms in top corner on left, at bottom " 1554, Anno JEtatis Suse xxxviii." Passavant, iii. 261, 9. Fine, with large margin 1 176 LAUWERS (CONRAD). Worked in Antwerp in the middle of the 17th century. 1459 Frere Lelio Blancatcio, Commander of Malta ; after Van Dyck ; half-length in armour, holding baton, helmet on right side, at bottom, " Freri, lelio, Blancatcio . . . Marschal 'C. ; " first state, with the address of Vanden Enden, fine, 1 LE BLON (CHRISTOPH.) Worked in the middle of the 17th century. 1460 Charles Louis, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, half-length in armour ; inscription beneath, " Sereniss m * et celsiss m * Princeps ac Dominus Don Carolus Ludovicus Cernes Palatinus Rheni, Sac. Rom. Imp. Archithesaurarius et Princeps Elector nee non Bavariae Dux," &c. Caved. Van Dyck pinx., serenis* Cels" Sum Dicat. C. Le Blan. 1652 1 LEFEVRE (ACHILLE-DE'SIRE). Born at Paris in 1798. 1461 Joanne of Aragon, Queen of Naples, three-quarter length, in hat with jewels, after Raffaello (Le B. 15), the picture was recently exhibited at Burlington House, 1870, proof before, letters, fine 1 LE1SNIER (NICOLAS AUGUSTE). Born in Paris 1787, living in 1855. 1462 Michel Cervantes de Saavedra, Spanish Novelist and Poet, born 1547 ; fought at the battle of Lepanto, where he lost his left arm ; author of Don Quixote ; died the same day that Shake- speare died, 1616 ; engraved after a picture by Velasquez. Three-quarter length, in square ornamented frame, with name on a tablet below (not described in Le Blanc). B. Desnoyers del., Leisnier sculp., Paris 1853, proof, very fine 1 1463 La Fornarina, Raphael's Mistress, three-quarter length, fur lined cloak over left shoulder, after Martinet (not described in Le Blanc], proof before letters I LENFANT (JEAN). Born at Abbeville about 1615, died at Paris 1C74. 1464 Michel Le Masie, Prior des Roches C. Le Fabure, three-quarter length in oval, arms beneath (Le B. 28) ; Verspronck pinxit, proof engraved 1661, second state, the date altered to 1661 ; from the collection of P. Mariette 1 177 LEU (THOMAS DE). Born at Paris 1562, worked at Paris and Amsterdam, died about 1620. 1465 Henri de Lorraine, Due de Guise, born 1550 ; assassinated at Blois, 1588 ; defeated the Huguenots at Chateau Thierry, where he was wounded in the face, and afterwards called " le BalafreV' He was the idol of the Parisians, and arranged all the preliminary details of the massacre of St. Bartholomew ; the murdered Coligny was flung from the window at the feet of Guise, who triumphantly kicked his dead body. Sixteen years later Motley thus describes Paris and Guise : " Engeance de 1'Herebe, et des Horreurs Nuitalles Ne pouuoient Hz flec- turtes vollontez fatalles." Three-quarter length in a small oval, wearing slashed dress with large stiff collar; French verse beneath. (Dumesnil 281) 1 1466 Pierre Arlensis de Scudalupis, Physician, Chemist, Astrologer, Alchemist, and Author, 1590 ; three-quarter length in an oval, inscribed around, " Don Petrus Arlensis de Scudalupis M.B.O. ;" and beneath, " Persequitur fortuna, tegit Constantia, fortis Inter utramque feror, sic data fata sequor (Dumesnil 299). Thomas de Leu sculpsit, Pierre Arlensis de Scudalupis 1 1467 Henri de Lorraine, Due de Bar, Marquis du Pont, called the Good, born 1563 ; married in 1599 Catherine de Bourbon, only sister of Henry IV. ; secondly, in 1606, Marguerite de Gonzague; died at Nancy, 1624; defeated the Germans in Lorraine. Three-quarter length, in an oval, wearing rich dress and collar, inscription round, " Harry de Lorrayne, Due de Bar, Marquis Pontse ; " verses beneath " A 1'vnicque princesse honneur de nostre france, Digne soeur d'un grand Koy ; ce prince genereux A faict, pour sa Lorraine, une double Alliace, Par u'n Sainct Hymenee, egallement heureux." (Dumesnil 307), brilliant impression 1 1468 Catherine de Bourbon, Duchesse de Bar, only sister of Henry IV. ; married the Due de Bar, born in Paris, 1558, married in 1599 ; died at Nancy, without children, 1604 ; a zealous Protestant. Three-quarter length, in an oval, richly jewelled dress and A A 178 head-dress, stiff collar; inscription around, "Catherine de Bourbon Soeur unicque du Roy ; " verses beneath " Qui void ce beau portrait cette Auguste aparence Void tout L'honeur du monde et labrege" des cieux, Cest le plaisir de Tame et le mirouer des yeux Princesse des vertus ausi bien que de France." (D. 311), Darlay pinxit, Thomas de Leu fecit. ; from the Young Collection, a superb engraving 1 1469 Catherine de Medicis, daughter of Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino, Queen of France, wife of Henry II. ; three-quarter length, in an oval, with inscription round, " Catharine de Medicis Reyne Mere du Roy ; " verses below "Tous les siecles passez des Royautez humeines . . . Qui par s4s grands efifetz, de pite sou Tombeau," (D. 332;, Tho. de F Fe. et ex. 1 %* This contemporary portrait, executed after the death of Henry II., and describes her as mother of the king; and three of her sons really were successively kings of France Francis II., Charles IX., and Henry III. In the reign of her son, Charles IX., she planned and executed the massacre of St. Bartholomew. 1470 Charles IX., Bust in a small oval, wearing a velvet cap and feather, and ear-rings ; inscription round, " Charles IX. du nom Roy de France ; " four lines beneath " Si tant de grands Guerriers, que la France seconde . . . Ton Septre, eut congueste, Tous les septres, du Monde." (D. 338) 1 1471 Fran9ois de Bourbon, Prince de Conti, died 1614; he was the second son of Louis I., Prince de Conde, and Eleonore de Boye, and left no posterity ; three-quarter length, in armour, in small oval, with scarf; monogram under a crown, engraved on both shoulder plates of armour ; verses beneath " Soubs on annet d'assier voy le filz de Bellone, Voy le pere bening de Justice et de foy, Qui generux guerrier combatant pour son Roy Augmentera les fins de sa double Corronne." (D. 348), Thomas de Leu sc. 1 1472 Princess de Jeanne de Coesme Conti, first wife of Francois de Bourbon, married 1582, died 1604 ; three-quarter length, in a 179 small oval; jewelled dress, lace ruff; pendant to the above, verses beneath " Ce portraict plain d'honneur de vertus et de gloire, Est le lustre et 1'esclat de ce siecle present, Le honte du passe car il a la victoire, De ce que la vertu alloit iadis prisant." (D. 350), Thomas de Leu sculp., Quesnel pinxit, very fine 1 1473 Elizabeth de Bourbon, eldest daughter of Henry IV. and Marie de Medici, born 1602 ; when an infant married to Philip IV. of Spain, mother of Marie Therese, wife of Louis XIV., died 1644- Represented in the engraving as an infant Louis XIII. King of France, born 1601, died 1643. Also repre- sented in this engraving as an infant. Whole-lengths, in ovals, {D. 361), very fine, but cut close 2 1474 Francis I. King of France, born 1494, had interview with Henry VIII. at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, made war with the Emperor Charles V, invaded Italy, defeated and taken prisoner at the battle of Pavia, taken to Spain, returned to France, persecuted the Protestants, married Princess Claude, eldest daughter of Louis XII. of France, and, after her death, Eleanor of Austria, sister of Charles V., patronized learning and arts, died 1547; three-quarter length, in a small oval ; inscription round, " Fran- coys I. D. V. Nom. Eoy de France ;" verses beneath, " L'ltalle creint Encor, o grand Eoy tes Alarmes : Les Monts tramblent encore, au bruit de ton grand nom : Mais L'univers entier, cherit ton grand Eenom : Grand Pere, et Grand suport, des Lettres, et des Armes." Thomas de Leu fee. et excudit (D. 372), brilliant impression ; from the Bernal collection 1 1475 Henry IV. King of France ; three-quarter length, in an oval, wearing richly ornamented cloak and dress, with order of Saint Esprit, hat with feathers and jewels ; corners ornamented with arms, crowns and monogram ; inscription round, " Henry IIII. Eoy de France et de Navarre." Verses beneath " Ce monarque que franqois tout graue de Victoire, Apres auoir chasse 1'ennemy de chez-soy Donne le paix, au peuple et puis haussant sa Gloire Vray Phoenix, de son san e , fait naistre un aultre Eoy." Thomas de Leufe., F. Quesnel pinxit (D. 409), very fine, with good margin ; from the Young collection 1 180 1476 Gentian Hervet, Canon of Eheims, born at Olivet, 1499 ; a dis- tinguished and most voluminous controversialist; translated Demosthenes; was tutor to Arthur Pole, and went to Rome with his brother, Cardinal Pole ; was at the Council of Trent, 1562-3, Cardinal Lorraine as one of the suite ; died at Rheims 1584; three-quarter length, in cloak and cap; oval, inscription round, " Gentianus Hervetus Aurelius Canonicas Rhemensis an LXXXV. ;" Greek inscription beneath. (D. 419), very beautiful portrait 1 1477 Jeanne d'Albret, mother of Henry IV., born 1528 ; reluctantly consented to her son Henry's marriage with Marguerite, sister of Charles IX. ; was cordially welcomed by the French Court, and died suddenly about a month before the marriage (it is generally supposed by poison), 1572 ; three-quarter length, in a small oval, inscription round, " Janne D'Albret Royne de Navarre mere de Henry IIII. Roy de France et Navarre," verses beneath " Voy le tyge sacre 7 d'une Race divine, Qui enfanta Jadis le pere des soldars, Le compagnon de Paix et 1'ennemy de Mars Dont nostre Roy Henry a prins son origine." (D. 422), from Young's collection 1 1478 Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre, mother of Henry IV., at a more advanced age; three-quarter length, in a square frame, inscribed at bottom, " Jana Elebveta Regis Mater," excessively rare, not described in Dumesnil 1 1479 Louis XIII. King of France as an infant, bora 1601, died 1643. " Portrait au Naturel de Monseigneur le Daulfin ne a Fontaine- blau le 27 Septembre a 10 Heures de Nuict 1601." " France cerchant son heur fut de vous desireuse Et le ciel accoupla vostre Mere a son Roy Aussi Dieu cognoissant son sainct Gele et sa foy A voulu dormant la rendre bien heureuse." Thomas de Leu fecit, Johannes Blasmez pinxit (D. 443) 1 1480 Louis XIII. King of France, when a boy, in armour on horse- back, with crown and sceptre, name, arms, crowns and initial at top, view of Paris in background. " Louis XIII. Du nom Roy de France et de Navarre," on a tablet above, with the arms and the letter L glorified below ; verses beneath " Sa Majeste", 1'esprit, la grace et le courage, De leurs diuins rayons animent cest ouvrage, 181 Puis qu'il est le portrait de Lovys ce grand Roy : De ce Roy nompareil dont 1'Avril promet rendre De plus braues Lauriers que tons ceux d'Alexandre, Et des fruicts les plus dous que produise la foy." Thomas de Leu sculpsit, avec privilege du Roy (D. 445), exces- sively rare 1 1481 Marie Stuart, Queen of Scots, half-length, turned to the right ; oval, inscribed around, " Marie Stewart Regne de Fran et Descosse." verse beneath, " Et les belles beautez, et les grandeur plus grandes Viene voir ceste Reyne, et lise les legendes" (D. 457), very fine 1 1482 Henry, first Due de Montmorency, Constable of France, Comte de Damville, born 1534; he was one of the suite of Mary Queen of Scots when she returned to Scotland as a widow in 1561 ; took Conde prisoner at the battle of Dreux ; was first devoted to Guise and the Catholics, but provoked by the con- duct of the Queen Mother Catherine, formed a league with the Protestants in 1575; he was married three times; died 1614; three-quarter length, in armour, scarf over, sword in right mailed hand, small oval, with inscription round, " Henry de Montmorensy Conestable de France, AAGE. de 64 ans.," verses beneath " Ce Pourtraict vray tesmoing d'une vertu supreme Nous represente an vif L'Anibal libyen Qui tient entre ses bras Mionneur et le moien Lespec des Francois feurte du diademe daigaliers." (D. 462), very fine 1 1483 Charles de Gonzague, Due de Nevers, born 1576, died 1637; married, in 1599, Catharine de Lorraine, sister of Henry, Duke of Mayenne, who died in 1618 ; three-quarter length in armour, in oval, inscribed, " Carolus Gonzaga Du Mvernensis et Rhetel- lensis. Par Francise et ca." ; beneath, " Anna, Genus : Probitas, virtus, Decus os que serenum Nil mortale sonant : Hunc decet effe Deum." Thomas de Leu sculpsit (D. 469), very fine; from the Bernal collection 1 1484 Antonie de Murat, Consilleur au Parlement de Paris, three-quarter length, in an oval, inscribed, "Antonius de Murat Patrit et Senator Parisiens Ann. setat xxxvi." verse " Quid cures Junonis opum, quid Apollinis optes Ecce Astraaa tibi, nullis quod Corruet annis." " Hodierna sunt muta." Thorn, de Leu fee. (D. 465), very fine, with large margin 1 182 1485 Marc Papillon, Seigneur de Lasphrise, born at Amboise in 1555 ; was a soldier at twelve, reached the rank of Captain, and fought by sea and land, always faithful to the royal cause ; he wrote poetry in his leisure hours, returned to his own province in 1589 ; small oval, in armour with helmet and branches, sword in right hand (D. 471) 1 1486 Christopher, Prince of Portugal, bust in oval, with " Christophorus Princeps D. Antonii Portugallae Eegis Filius " around ; at bottom two lines, " Viribus igenitis honores." Tlwmas de Leu sculp. (D. 477), JVM 1 1487 Denis de St. Germain, Conseiller du Roy, &c. ; three-quarter length, in oval, richly habited vest and sleeve, embroidered with oak leaves and acorns, gloves in left hand, verses beneath " Le Peintre en esgallant son art a la Nature, La tire d'un visage ouuert et gratieux, Indice trescertain qu'il est deuotieux Vers Dieu, et ses amys d'une volonte pure." Vultus grains Index animi grati, (D. 483), wry fine 1 1488 Henry Due de Montmorency et de d'Amuille, richly dressed, bust in a small oval, " Ces premiers ans presages tres certains D'une vertu en luy desia bien meure, Montrent au aray q'uinfaillible deuieure, De fere en fils la vertu des hnmains." Not the one described (Le B. 235), which is in armour ; this is undescribed, and with different verses 1 1489 Pierre de Gondi, Cardinal, born 1 533 ; was brother to the Marechal Due de Metz, Bishop of Langres, Confessor of Charles IX. Brantome calls him " cunning, corrupt, false, and blasphemous;" he died in 1616; inscribed, Digne de Prier, three-quarter length, in a small oval, with verses beneath " Voie'z Parisiens la face desirable Mon Here mes desirs, et mes vers et mon cceur." Thomas dt Leu fecit (D. 373), 'brilliant impression, ivith good margin 1 183 1490 Mre. Louis Servin, Counsellor of the King and his Council of State, born about 1555 ; he was indebted to his mother, Madeleine Deschamps, for his education and taste for litera- ture ; was appointed Avocat-Ge'ne'rale by Henry III., and maintained the same place during the reigns of Henry IV. and Louis XIII. ; he had an only son, who died in London ; died at Paris, 1626 ; three-quarter length, in a small oval, arms at top, and inscribed, " Conseiller du Eoy en son Conseil d'Estat, et son Aduocat General en sa cour de Parlement," (D. 486) LEVASSEUR (JEAN CHARLES). Contemporary French Engraver. 1491 Paul de la Roche, Eminent French Painter; three-quarter length seated, resting his right elbow on back of chair. Dessine par Buttura, Imprime et Publtt par Goupil et &* Paris, London, Berlin, New York, proof on india paper 1 LEWIS (CHARLES GEORGE). Contemporary English Engraver. 1492 Nicolas I. Emperor of Russia, born 1796, died 1855 ; half-length, turned to left, the face seen in profile ; after Sir Edwin Landseer Drawn at Gore House in 1842 during the Emperor's visit to England. The original drawing was the property of his Grace the Duke of St. Albans, and was presented by his Grace to the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1874. 1 1493 Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII., married 1536; died 1537, twelve days after the birth of her son, who was after- wards Edward VI. ; three-quarter length in cap and bodice, after Hans Holbein, very rare 1 LEYDEN (LUKAS VAN). Painter and Engraver. Born at Leyden 1494 ; died 1533. 1494 Lukas van Leyden, three-quarter length, in broad brimmed hat, the face turned to the left, inscribed, " Effigies Luca Leidensis propria manu incidere" (L. 1525) (B. 173) 1 1495 Lukas van Leyden, Portrait by himself, a young man, half-length, wearing a hat anfi feather, and pointing to a skull (B. 174) 1 1496 The Emperor Maximilien I, born 1459, married Mary of Burgundy at Ghent, 1477 (married his son Philip the Handsome to Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella) ; invaded Bur- gundy, and subsequently Italy ; held a diet at Augsbourg, died 1519, reverse copy of the excessively rare portrait by Lukas van Leyden, executed in 1520 1 184 LIEVENS (JAN). Bora at Leyden in 1607, died at Antwerp in 1663. 1497 Dr. Ephraim Bonus Medicus Hebreeus. " Alter patri." Half-length, seated, holding his hat in right hand, left hand resting on knee, pillar to the right. Joannes Lyvyus fecit (Le B. 8), very JVM 1 LIGNON (ETIENNE FREDERIC). French Engraver. Born at Paris 1779 or 1781 ; died at Paris 1833. 1498 Jerome Buonaparte, King of Westphalia, born 1784, died 1860 ; three-quarter length, in state dress, ruff, hussar jacket lined with fur over left shoulder, medallion in each corner; not mentioned by Le Blanc, fine proof before any letters 1 1499 Louis Philippe, King of the French, born 1773, died at Clare- mont, in 1850. He was eldest son of Philippe " Egalite " and Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon, daughter of the Due de Penthievre; after Gerard, 1814; three-quarter length, in an oval, arms beneath, in hussar uniform (Le B. 16). Proof with arms, before any letters I 1500 Talma, French Tragedian, born 1763, died 1826; three-quarter length, in a square, wearing velvet cap and fur trimmed cloak (Le B. 27), fine proof "before any letters 1 LISBETTEN (PlETER VAN). Born in Belgium 1610, worked at Antwerp. 1501 James Duke of Hamilton, three-quarter length, in armour; in- scription in ink beneath, which was afterwards engraved, " Jacques Due d'Hamilton, Chevalier de 1'ordre de la Jartiere, General de la Cavalerie de Charles I. Roy d'Angleterre, decapite* Londres Tan 1649 (Le B. 55), early state, large margin Another earlier impression of the same, ivithout any letters 2 LODEYCKE (HENDRICK). Dutch Engraver. Working in 1634. 1502 The Lutherans presenting their confession of faith to the Emperor Charles V. in 1550, hence called the Confession of Augsburg, inscribed " Aludrerde Confessie du evangelschen Protesterenden is overgreven werden, ' Ware-ende, Engentylycke, Afbeel- dinghe van de Hooch, Aensienlycke Vergurderinge Gehovdensut, Jan 1550,'" &c., excessively rare and curious, all portraits, ivith reference to names 1 185 LOGGAN (DAVID). Engraver. Born at Dantzig, 1630; died in London, 1693. 1504 Archibald Campbell, Earl of Argyle, attainted, 1681, ob. 1685 ; inscribed, " Archithaldus Comes Argallreliae Dnus, Kinture . . . Hospitii Magister;" three-quarter length, wearing robes and large wig, in an oval of laurel, arms beneath, with motto, " Ne Obliviscaris," fine with margin 1 1505 Charles II. King of England ; three-quarter length, in a large oval, at top, " Dieu et mon droit ;" at bottom, " Fidei Defensor," on banderoles, in wreath of leaves, lace cape, arms at bottom, with " Honi soit qui mal y pense " 1 1506 Charles II., King of England, first state of the last mentioned, before the two tassels attached to the lace collar, and before the feather was altered and made softer ; unique in this state 1 1507 Sir Edward Coke, three-quarter length, in official robes, arms and description beneath, " Vera Effigies Viri clariss. Edoardi Coke assignati" 1 1508 The Portraiture of the Right Honourable James Earle of Derby, Lord Stanley, Strange of Knoking, Lord Mohun, Burnel Bassett, and Lacy, Lord of Man and the Isles, Captain General, born 1596, died 1651 ; three-quarter length, in cloak, with star, in a plain oval frame, with arms beneath, a remarkably fine impres- sion, with margin, extremely rare 1 1509 Thomas Isham, of Lamport, Northamptonshire, Bart., eldest son of Sir Justinian Isham, Bart., of Lamport, and Vere, daughter of Thomas Lord Leigh. He was a young gentleman of great expectation, but died to the regret of all who knew him in 1681. Bust in a large illustrated oval, arms at bottom, with motto, " Ostendo non ostendo," and " In things transitory resteth no glory " 1 1510 Peter Mews, called the Fighting Bishop, bore arms for Charles I. ; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1673; Winchester, 1684; died 1706 ; three-quarter length, in canonicals ; an illustrated oval, ornamented with foliage, with devices in corners ; arms, with motto, " Honi soit qui mal y pense." Inscription at bottom, " Reverendus admodum Ecclesise." D. Loggan ad vivum deliniavit et sculpsit 1 T> T> f> JJ 186 1511 James, Earl of Ormond, born 1610, died 1688; three-quarter length, in lace cape, Star of the Garter, with the same motto, " Honi soit qui mal y pense," at bottom, and inscription, " Illus- trissimus et Potentissimus . . . Eea Pericelidis Eques," &c. 1 1512 James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews; born at Banff 1618, murdered at Magus Muir by the mob, 1679; three-quarter length in an oval, wearing canonicals, arms at bottom, inscription beneath, " Keverendiss mu88 in Christo Pater et Dnus, D. Jacobus Sharpius St. Andrese Archieps. Scotise Primas (Ano. Dni. 1675) ;" from the Young collection 1 1513 Robert Stafford, of Bradfield, Yorkshire. He was one of the sons of Sir Edward Stafford and Mary, only daughter of Sir William Forster ; three-quarter length, in illustrated oval of laurel leaves, arms and festoon beneath (Le B. 21), unfinished pi-oof before all letters 1 LOMBART (PIERRE). Engraver. Born at Paris in 1613 ; died in 1682. THE SET CALLED THE COUNTESSES. 1514 Elizabeth, Countess of Devon, half-length, holding flowers in right hand, curtain to right and landscape in distance to left, border of flowers and masks, &c. ; at bottom, " ELIZABETH COMI- TISSA DEVONLE," Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit, P. Lombart sculpsit et exc. Londini avec Priuileige du Boy (Le Blanc, 25) Elizabeth, Countess of Castlehaven, half-length, full face, in low- necked dress ; border of leaves at bottom, " Elizabeth Castle- haven Comitisa." Antonius Van Dyck pinxit., P. Lorribart sculpsit, Londini auec Privileige du Roy et ex parisis (Le Blanc, 26) Penelope, Lady Herbert, half-length in square, with border of roses, at bottom, " Penelope Domina Herbert," after Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lombart sculpsit., Londini avec Privileige du Roy et ex parisis (Le Blanc, 27) Lucy, Countess of Carlisle, half-length, in large square, with ornamented border of scroll work, holding right hand under fountain to the left, landscape in distance, at bottom, " Lucia Comitissa de Carlile." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lombart sculpsit., Londini auec Pri. du Roy, et ex parisis (Le Blanc, 28) 187 Anne, Countess of Morton, large square with border of leaves, half-length, hand on flowers before her ; landscape and trees in distance to the left, seen through a window. Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lombart sculpsit., Londini auec Privileige du Roy et ex parisis (Le Blanc, 29) Anne, Countess of Bedford, half-length, glove in left hand, curtain behind to the right, border ornamented with roses and other flowers, entwined with ribbon; at bottom, "Anna Comitissa de Bedford." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lombart sculpsit., 'Londini, auec Pri. du Roy et ex. parisis (Le Blanc, 30) Margaret Eussell, Countess of Carlisle, half-length, seated, with her Daughter standing by her knees, large square, with ornamented border of fruit and birds ; at bottom, " Margarita de Carlile Comitissa." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lom- bart sculpsit., Londini, auec Priuileige du Roy et ex. parisis (Le Blanc, 31) Rachel, Countess of Middlesex, half-length, holding flowers ; in ornamented border of entwined foliage; at bottom, "Rachel Middlesexia3 Comitissa." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., P. Lombart sculpsit., Londini, auec Privileige du Roy et ex. parisis (Le Blanc, 32) Anna Sophia, Countess of Carnarvon, half-length, holding flowers ; border ornamented with laurel in blossom ; at bottom, " Anna Sophia, Comitissa De Canaruaen." Anton. Van Dyck pinxit., auec Priuleige du Roy P. Lombart sculpsit. et parisis ex. Londini (Le Blanc, 33) Dorothy, Countess of Sunderland, half-length, pointing to plant in a vase, landscape in distance, ornamented border of entwined laurel, inscription at the bottom, " Dorothea Comitissa de Sun- derland." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., Londini, auec Pri, du Roy et ex. Parisis (Le Blanc, 34) Henry, Earl of Arundel, half-length in armour, helmet by his side and landscape in distance, beneath it " Droit et avant ;" at bottom, "Henricus Arundelliaa Comes." Antonius Van Dyck Eques pinxit., Londini, auec Privileige du Roy et ex. parisis (Le Blanc, 35) Philip, Earl of Pembroke, half-length, with sword and scarf, square border of oak leaves ; at bottom, " Philippus Comes Pem- brokiae, ^Etatis Suae 18," Anton. Van Dyck pinxit., P. Loin- 188 bart sculp., et ex. parisis, Londini, auec Privilcgio du Roi (Le Blanc, 36), brilliant impression, with ample margin, probably unique as regards condition and state 12 1515 Samuel Morlandius, three quarter length, in an oval, with arms beneath, and inscription " Samuel Morlandius Ser 1 D ni Pro- tectoris Commissarius" ; P. Lilly pinxit. (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1516 Oliver Cromwell, half-length in armour, with a page tying his sash, in a square border, soldiers assembled in distance waiting to em- bark to right, the arms and cypher beneath, Latin inscription before the word Republic was erased, inscription at bottom, " Oliverius Cromwell Exercituum Angliaa Republic Dux . . . .... Lombardus," brilliant impression, very rare (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1517 William Davison, Bust in an oval, with arms at bottom, inscrip- tion round oval, " Willielmus Davissonus Nobilis Scotis Regis Polonias Protomedicus ^Etat 69." D. Schull pin., P. Lombart sculp, parisis (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1518 The Emperor Charles V., three-quarter length, order of the Golden Fleece, " Progenies Dinum Quintus sic Carolus ille Imperii Caesar Lumina et ora tulit, ^Etat. suae XXXI. An. M.D.XXXI." " Impenum oceano ; famam qui lerminat astris ;" copied from the print by Bartel Beliam; Lombart sculps, a Londre (not described by Le Blanc) 1 LOMMELIN (ADMEN). Born at Ainiens in 1637 ; worked at Antwerp. 1519 D. Corde Nobelaeer, Tofarchae de Burgst, bust on a pedestal, in oval, arms at top, with figures of Peace and Plenty dropping fruit and coins to winged children at each side ; after Diepen- beck (Le Blanc 32) 1 LONGHI (ALESSANDRO). Born at Venice in 1733 ; died in 1804. 1520 Lady Burghers and her Infant Son, in a plain broad frame, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, inscribed at bottom, " Le Delizie Ma- terne," proof, very Jlne \ 189 1521 Napoleon I., born at Ajaccio, in Corsica, 1769, died at St. Helena, 1821 ; Bust in a medallion, the face in profile and turned to the left, inscribed " Gall. Imp. Ital. Eex." J. Ph. Longhi delin, et sculp. 1806 1 1522 Napoleon I., bust in a medallion, the face nearly full and turned a little to the right, with serpent, wearing the iron crown of Lombardy, the letter N beneath in rays of glory, 1812 (Le B, 33), De la Serie Bettoniance 1 LOECH (MELCHIOR). German Engraver. Born 1527 ; died after 1590. 1523 Albrecht Diirer, profile turned to the right, inscribed at top, "Al- brecht Dvrer;" at bottom " Cui sua phoebsese dona- runt Alberti Diireri." In right corner at bottom the monogram ML. 1550 (B. 10) 1 LOUIS (ARISTIDE). Contemporary French Engraver. 1524 Paul De la Roche, French Historical Painter, born 1797, died 1856, bust, the face nearly full ; Dessine par Paul de la Roche et Grave" par Aristide Louis, Imprimd par Chardon ain et Aye. Goupil et Vilert, Editeurs, Paris, London, proof on india paper 1 LOUYS (JACOB). Born at Antwerp 1600. 1525 Philip Duke of Burgundy, bust, wearing Order of the Golden Fleece, illustrated oval, with richly ornamented border, descrip- tion beneath, " Philippus Dictus Bonus Dux Burgundise et Belgarum," &c. P. Soutman effigiavit et excud. (Le B. 4) 1 1526 Philip IV. King of Spain, bust, with Order of the Golden Fleece, illustrated oval in wreath, richly ornamented border, des- cription beneath, " Philippus IV. Catholicus Hispaniarum Rex et Indiarum," &c. P. P. Rubens pinxit, P. Soutman effigia- mt et excud. (Le B. 6) 1 1527 Louis XIII. King of France, bust in ample frill ; large illustrated oval, richly ornamented with flowers and fruit, inscription at bottom, " Ludovicus XIII. Christianissimus Galliaram et Navame Rex Invictissimus." P. P. Rubens pinxit., P. Soutman et excud. (Le B. 8) 1 190 1528 Anne of Austria, bust, in large illustrated oval, richly ornamented with flowers, beneath, " Anna Ludouici XIII. Uxor Galliarum ct Navarre." P. P. Huberts pinxit, P. Soutman effigiauit et excud. (Le B. 9) 9 1529 Ambrose Spinola, born at Genoa, 1569, sent to assist the Arch- duke Albert, in the Netherlands ; took Ostend, after a siege of three years, 1604 ; conquered the Palatinate of the Rhine, 1620 ; governor of Milan ; died 1630 ; originally a banker of Genoa ; considered the greatest master of the art of war then in Europe, except perhaps Maurice, Prince of Orange; bust in armour, large ruff, Order of the Golden Fleece, large illus- trated oval, richly ornamented with fruits, &c., inscribed at bottom, " Ambrosius Spinola Princeps Prefectus." Ant. Van Dyck pinxit, cum PrivU, Sa C. M. (Le B. \ 0) 1 1530 Maria, daughter of Philip III., King of Spain, born 1606 ; married the Emperor Ferdinand ; died in childbed, 1646. (The object of the romantic expedition to Madrid of Charles I., when Prince of Wales), illustrated oval, jewelled dress, wreath of laurel leaves, richly ornamented border. P. Soutman effigiavit excud., Cum Priuil. Sa. C. M. (not mentioned by Le B.} 1 LUBIN (JACQUES). French Engraver. Born 1637 ; died at the end of the 17th century. 1531 Jean Baptiste Colbert, French Statesman and Financier, born 1619, died 1683, three-quarter length in an oval, lace collar, arms beneath, and inscribed " Jean Baptiste Colbert, Secretaire et Ministre d'Estat " (Le Blanc, 6) 1 1532 Armand Jeandu Plessis, Cardinal Ducde Richelieu, three-quarter length in oval, arms beneath (not described by Le Blanc}, very fine, with ample margin 1 LUPTON (THOMAS GOFF.) Born in London 1791 ; died in 1873. 1533 Sir Francis Philip, the reputed author of " Junius," three-quarter length, star on his left breast ; painted by Lonsdale from a picture in the possession of Lord Holland 1 1534 Erasmus Desiderius, after Holbein, half-length standing, hands resting on book Published by T. Brydone, Leicester, 1823, artist's proof on india. paper 1 191 LUYKEN (JAN). Born at Amsterdam in 1649 ; died in 1712. 1535 The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, inscribed "De Moort Van Parys gepleegt Anno 1572," " Op St. Bartholomeus Dag en volgende Dagen." on two sheets (Le B. 774), very rare 1 1536 The Murder of Prince William of Orange, by Balthazar Gerard, 1584, description below in MSS., "PrinsWillem July 1586." E. de Hoge invenit. 1 Me ARDELL (JAMES). Born about 1710 in Dublin ; died in London 1765. 1537 Miss Catherine Moore, wife of Sir William Chambers, E.A., the celebrated Architect, three-quarter length, wearing a Woffington hat which shades the upper part of her face, a ribbon round her neck, black lace cloak, bodice (Meyer 79) 1 1538 Helena Forman, second wife of Kubens, whole-length, standing in field, holding feather, landscape background, after Vandyck (Meyer 198), proof before letters 1 1539 Lady Fenhoulet, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length > in a white Woffington hat, nosegay in her bosom, the face half in shadow, hands in muff. Anne Day, wife of Peter Fenhoulet, Exon of the Guards, knighted at the Coronation of Geo. III. She sat for her portrait when Miss Day, S. J. Reynolds painted it 1760 (Meyer SB), fine proof before any letters 1 1540 Mr. Garrick in Hamlet, act 1 sc. 4 (B. Wilson pinxiC), in black velvet court suit, half-length, battlements and shipping in the background (Meyer 112) 1 1541 Rembrandt's Mother, half-length reading; from a picture in the Dresden Gallery (Meyer 189), very fine 1 1542 Griselda Hamilton, Countess of Stanhope, after Allan Ramsay, three-quarter length, in an oval, cap tied round the chin, fur trimmed cloak (Meyer 209) ; A. Ramsay pinxit, J. McArdell fecit 1 1543 Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart, sons of Esme, Duke of Lennox, distinguished Royalists, both killed in the civil war, whole-length, standing together near a pillar, after Van Dyck (Meyer 214), brilliant proof, before the plate was cleaned, and before all letters 1 192 MAILE (G.) Commencement of the 19th century. g- . 1544 WINDSOR CASTLE. A Daughter of the Marquis Coryagham, now Lady Strathaven (1829), half-length, seated at Piano, view of the Castle in the distance, printed in colours, and also tinted (not described by Le Blanc) ] MANDEL (EDUARD). Contemporary German Engraver ; born 1809. / . (o 1545 Charles I., after Van Dyck, half-length standing, lace collar, cloak with large Star of the Garter, gloves in left hand, right hand resting on hat, which lies on table, drapery to left, proof before Utters, very fine (not described by Le Blanc} 1 fo 1546 Raphael Sanzio, three-quarter length, resting his head on his right hand, E. Mandel fee. 1860, Mai. (not in B.} fine proof before letters 1 1547 Tiziano Vecellio, three-quarter length, in a square ornamental frame (Le B. 10), fine proof on india paper, with the engraver's name merely etched in 1 1548 Brilliant proof of the same, before the frame, on india paper, and before the light was Jieightened in the face 1 1549 La Bella de Tiziano, half length, in rich dress, and long gold chain around her neck. " E. Mandel fee. 1868," brilliant proof, with the artists name only, which is merely etched 1 MARCENAY DE GHUY (ANTOINE DE). Amateur Painter and Etcher. Born at Arnay-sur-Avon in 1722 ; died at Paris in 1811. 1550 Jeanne d'Arc, half-length, with a sword, cap and feathers, un- finished proof, graver trials in outer margin (Le Blanc, 5) 1 1551 Henry, Viscount de Turenne, born at Sedan, 11 Sept. 1611, son of Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, Duke of Bouillon, and Eliza- beth of Nassau, daughter of William of Nassau, first of that name ; Prince of Orange, and Charlotte de Bourbon Montpen- sier, after Philip de Champagne, three-quarter length in armour, reclining on a bank (Le Blanc, 29), unfinished proof 1 MARCHI (GuisEPPE FILIPPO LIBERATI). Born at Rome ; came to England in 1752, when about fifteen years of age ; died in London in 1808. 1552 Oliver Goldsmith, born in County of Longford, Ireland, 1728, author of " The Vicar of Wakefield," " She Stoops to Conquer," 193 " The Traveller," " The Deserted Village," died in London, 1774 at the age of forty-five ; three-quarter length, wearing fur collar, book partly opened in right hand, fine, impression, but cut close 1 " Who wrote like an angel, and talked like poor poll." 1553 Samuel Dyer, F.E,S., a well-known Scholar and Mathematician of the time ; he was at one time supposed to be " Junius," died 1772 ; three-quarter length in profile, fur cloak, left arm and hand resting on a book, one finger of the right hand on a paper on the table ; engraved in mezzotint. The picture -was painted in 1770 for Edmund Burke. Was in the possession of the late Lord Colborne. Sir Joshua Reynolds pinodt., G. Marchi fecit., very fine, 1 1554 James Harrington, born 1611, author of the " Oceana," Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles I., died 1677 ; three-quarters, in large oval, rich lace collar, and open worked dress, having mass of curly hair falling upon his shoulders. Engraved from an original picture in the possession of John Hudson, Esq., of Bessingby in Yorkshire, fine, \ MARSHALL (W. E.) Contemporary American Engraver. 1555 Abraham Lincoln, American President, assassinated April 14, ] 865, in the theatre : died the following day ; large Bust, the face three-quarter and turned to the right, in an oval of ivy and laurel, fine, 1 MARSHALL (WILLIAM). Born about 1616. Cf. . 1556 Sir Francis Bacon, second son of Sir Nicholas Bacon and his second wife, Ann, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke ; born 1561 ; created Lord Verulam 1618 ; Viscount St. Albans 1620 ; died 1626; engraved 1640 for his "Advancement of Learning;" half-length seated, writing, curtain on left side, books on shelf, and arms to right ; above, in a wreath of leaves, is " Tertius A. Platone Philosophise Princeps ; " at bottom, " Quod Feliciter 1ST. Karoli I. P.P. Aug. clolocxxvi " 1 1557 Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva, Viceroy of the Netherlands under Philip II. ; he died in Portugal, Anno Dni. 1582, in the 75th yeare of his Age ; Bust in armour, with the order of the Golden Fleece 1 CO 194 c /rr 7 1 1558 Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of the forces raised by the Par- liament, born 1611 ; eldest son of Sir Ferdinando Fairfax and Lady Mary Sheffield ; married Anne, daughter of Lord Vere ; died 1671; equestrian portrait, full-face, baton in right hand; small oval, with his title in corner at top ; beneath an army on the march ; printed for John Partridge, Edua. Bowers pinx., W. Marshall sculp. 1 1559 William Lilly, Astrologer, born 1602 ; consulted by both sides in the Civil War; died 1681 ; a great ally of Cromwell and the Parliament ; he tells us himself he " engaged body and soul in the cause of the Parliament;" Lilly, though known to be. an impostor, had however a pension of 100. a year conferred on him by the Council of State ; three-quarter length, seated at a table, right hand on globe, drapery to right, landscape to left ; at bottom is "Guilielmus lillius Astrologus Natus Comitat. Leicest. 1 May, 1602 " 1 1560 Robert Earl of Essex, three-quarter length, holding baton, curtain to left drawn up by a hand, soldiers in distance ; oval with in- scription round, "Robertus Illustiissimus & Excellentissimus Haeros Comes Essexiae Proq. Tutamine Coitorm. Angliae Nuper- rime dux Supremus ; " ten lines beneath, " I once resolu'd that nothing should be seen Yet but the Shaddows of his Excel- lence " 1 MARTIN (CHARLES). Born in 1730 ; worked in London ; and died in 1785. 1561 Jean Jacques Rousseau, born at Geneva 1712 ; went to Paris 1741 ; Secretary to Embassy at Venice 1742 ; quitted Paris 1762 ; in England 1766 ; returned to Paris 1770 ; died 1778 ; his remains removed to the Pantheon in Paris 1794 ; three- quarter length, in fur cap and collar, A. Rainsay pinx. (Le Blanc, 8) 1 MARTINET (ACHILLE). Contemporary French Engraver. 1562 Count Egmont, the night before his execution, after Louis Gal- lait, fine presentation proof before the title 1 1563 Counts Egmont and Horn ; The last honours paid to Counts Egmont and Horn, after Louis Gallait, presentation proof, very fine ; from the picture exhibited at the International Exhibition 1862, belonging to the Town of Tournai 1 195 MARCUARD (ROBERT SAMUEL). Born in 1751 ; died in 1792. 1564 Francisco Bartolozzi, the celebrated Engraver, born in Florence 1786, died in Portugal 1815 ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; half- length, in a coat trimmed with fur, crayon in right hand, bottom, " Francis Bartolozzi, Esq." 1 MASSARD (JEAN BAPTISTE). Born 1740; worked at Paris; died 1822. 1565 Napoleon I, born at Ajaccio, in Corsica, 1769 ; died at St. Helena 1821 ; Bust with laurel wreath, a circular medallion ornamented with stars, eagle at bottom, proof 1 1566 Napoleon I, duplicate impression, inscribed Boullion pinx. His Tomb at St. Helena, overhung with willow trees, drawn and engraved by W. Havell 2 1567 Roi de Rome, Head in circle of stars and rays of glory Napoleon II., entitled Due de Reichstadt, born 1811, died 1832 2 MASSARD (LEOPOLD). Contemporary French Engraver. Born at Crouy-et-Marne. 1568 Horace Vernet, French Painter, bom 1789, died 1863 ; half-length standing, with folded arms 1 MASSON (ANTOINE). Born at Loury in 1636; died in 1700. 1569 Peter Dupuis, Painter of Flowers, born about 1608, died in 1682; three-quarter length, in fur cap, and long chain with medal attached ; verse beneath, " Je Peins et Je suis Peint Par Mes Meilleurs Amis L'honneur, qui Est sans prix Est 1 prix De Louurage P. Dupuis " (D. 25) ; from the Bernal Col- lection 1 1570 Henri de Lorraine, Comte d'Harcourt, born 1601 ; Grand Ecuyer de France ; died 1666 ; after Nicolas Mignard, half-length, richly dressed, baton in left hand (Le R 20), very fine 1 1571 Peter Dupuis, French Antiquarian and Historian, born 1582, died 1651 ; three-quarter length, in large oval with branches of laurel, and arms beneath, lace collar, N. Mignard Auenionensis pinxit (Le B. 25), brilliant impression, before tJie name of Dupuis, &c. 1 196 1572 Alexander du Puy Chevalier Marquis de Saint Andre Montbnm, born 1600; a distinguished leader of the Calvinists; a Mar- shall's baton offered him by Mazarin on condition of his abjuring the reformed religion, which condition he refused ; served under Rohan in 1621, and under Gustavus Adolphus in 1631 ; died 1673 ; three-quarter length in a large oval, wearing armour, lace collar and scarf; arms beneath, inscription round oval, "Alexandre du Puy Chevalier Marquis de Saint Andre Montbrun, (Le B. 26), Ant. Masson faciebat 1670, cum pri. Regis 1 1573 Marie de Lorraine, Duchesse de Guise, Princesse de Joinville and Duchesse de Joyeuse ; daughter of Charles of Lorraine, fourth Duke of Guise, and Henriette of Joyeuse, and grand-daughter of " Le Balafre ; " born 1615 ; on the death of her great nephew, Francois Joseph, she became heiress of the title and fortune of the Guises; she never married, and with her the house of Guise became extinct; died at Paris 1688 ; three-quarter length in oval, inscription round, "Marie de Lorraine Duchesse de Guise, Princesse de Joinvil 1 * ; " motto beneath, " Succissas Dat conjecture superstes ; " landscape with a single tree amidst stumps, rabbit on left (Le B. 32), Petrus Mignard pinx., Roma, Ant. Masson delineavit et sculpsit, Parisijs, 1684; there are Jive states of this plate, this is the fourth state, with the word Roma and a rabbit 1 1574 Louis Due de Vandosme, born 1612; son of Ce*sar Due de Ven- dome, who was natural son of Henry IV. and Gabrielle d'Estr<$es; he bore the title of Due de Mercosur before his father's death ; distinguished himself at the siege of Arras, where he was wounded ; he married Laura Mancini, a niece of Mazarin's ; after her death, in 1657, he became an ecclesiastic, and was made Cardinal by Alexander VII. ; Clement IX. appointed him Legate in France, and as such he held the Grand-Dauphin at his baptism; died 1669; three-quarter length in a large oval, in armour, lace collar; arms, and flowers beneath, Mignard pinx., Ant. Masson sculp. (Le B. 67) 1 NINTH DAY'S SALE. MATHAM (JACOBUS). Born at Haarlem 1571; died 1631. His mother married Henri Goltzius, who taught him engraving. LOT 1575 Henry Goltzius, celebrated Dutch Engraver, born 1558 ; des- cended from a family of sculptors and painters ; a rich widow, the mother of Jacobus Matham, took a fancy to him and married him, though much his senior ; became ill and depressed, and was ordered by his physicians to travel, which he did } incognito, visiting Germany, Rome, Naples, and, being under an assumed name, constantly heard his own works praised ; died 1617 at Haarlem; Bust in an oval, figures and emblematical devices (Le B. 22) ; inscription round oval, " H. Goltzius Sculptor et Pictor. aet. LIX, obyt A. clo.lcl.xvii., IIan.;" at top, "Cum privil. sa Cse M tis . Jacobus Matham Goltzis Pruugnus sculpt, et excud. ; " verses beneath, " Idea magni spiritus, atque ingeni Spondent merenti posthuma fama viro J. Schrevelius ; " at bottom, "Anno 1617;" very fine 1 1576 Pope Leo XI, Alessandro de Medici, born at Florence 1535; son of Octavius de Medici and Francesco Salviati, niece of Leo X. ; created Cardinal 1583 ; sent as Legate in 1596 to France, to the satisfaction of Henry IV., where he remained two years ; unanimously chosen Pope in 1605, but only reigned twenty-six days ; died at Rome 1605 ; three-quarter length in cap and papal robes, right hand raised giving the Benediction ; arms in top corner to left, " Cum privil ; I. Maetham sculp." inscribed on a pillar to right ; at top is the legend, " Creatus Ao, 1605, 2 Apr s . Annum agens LXIX;" at bottom, "Leo XL Pont. Max." (Le B. 24) 1 198 MATHAM (THEODORE). Born at Haarlem 1589; worked in Holland and Rome. Was son and pupil of Jacques Matham; he was also a painter, and the Dae de Savoie commissioned him to paint for his palace at Turin, which was destroyed in the reign of Louis XIV.; the paintings however which decorated it are preserved to us by the engravings. Died about 1677. 1577 Catherine Charlotte, three-quarter length in a large oval, in small cap and lace cape, fastened with a jewel, drapery behind to right, circumscribed, " Timor domini omnium Eerum Pri- mum " 1 1578 William Wolfgang, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, born 1578, died 1614 ; three-quarter length in a large oval, in skull cap (Le B. 25) ; round oval, " In Deo mea Conso- latio ; " inscribed beneath, " Serenissimo Principi Wolfgango Wilhelmo D.G. Comiti Palatine Rheni dedicat Conse- cratq " 1 1579 Reinjer Paav, President over Holland, Zealand, and West Fries- land, born 1564, died 1636 ; half-length seated in an arm chair, with richly carved back, large hat and fur collar, right hand raised, book on table before him, arms in top corner on left, and " Deus pavit ; " inscription beneath, " Reinjer Paav Ridder Heerter Horst en van Rijnenburch, President in den hoogen Raade over Hollandt Zeelandt en West-Vrieslandt ; " Joan. Mytens pinx. (Le B. 46) 1 1580 Philip William, Count Palatine of the Rhine, after I. Spilberg^ three-quarter length in a large oval, with " Tandem " on top, bushy hair, lace collar, trees and sky behind to left, at bottom inscription, " Serenissimo Principi Philippe Wilhelmo Comiti Palatino Rheni dedicat Consecratq." (not described by Le Blanc) 1 1581 Cornelius de Witt, three-quarters in oval, with lace collar and large chain ; at top " Witte Cornelisz, de With, Vice-Admirael van Hollandt en West-frieslandt ; " beneath, "Hoc seer de Vittre Nydt haer fillepylen schiet Na aller helden aart, Stydt dees alleen om d'Eer ; " Tho. Matham sculp,, G. Dan- kertz excud. (not described by Le Blanc} 1 MATSFS (CORNELIS). Flemish Engraver. Bom about 1500 ; worked to 1560. 1582 Henry VIII, "Henricus Dei Gra. Rex Angliae," three-quarter length, in a jewelled hat with feather, and a broad fur tippet, gloved hands joined, arms in left corner at top, with motto and date 1548 (B. 58), /we and extra rare 1 199 MECHEL (CHRISTIAN VON). Swiss Engraver. Born at Bale 1737. Studied at Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Paris, where he was instructed by Wille ; went to Italy ; spent ten years in Vienna, and then returned to Bale. Died at Berlin 1817. 1583 Sir Thomas More, and his family, after the picture by Holbein. " Familia Thomse Mori angliaa Cancellarii. 1. Johannes Morus Pater An. 76 ... 10. Henricus Patensonus Thomas Mori Morio An. 40. Basilese apud Chr. de Mechel Chalcogr" (Le B. 166). in aquatint, fine 1 DE MEEKSMAK Contemporary Belgian Engraver. 1584 Gerard Edelinck, celebrated French Engraver, born at Antwerp 1640, died in Paris 1707 ; he revolutionised the art of engra- ving by the variety of his lines, distinguishing the materials, and giving colour to the engravings ; he signed all engravings ENTIRELY by him, " G. Edelinck," or " Edelinck eques," and " Edelinck " ONLY, in those in which he was assisted by his brother Gaspard or Pitau. Bust in an oval frame, ornamented with branches of laurel tied with a ribbon. Rigaud pinx., Oalamatta del., Bruxelles, 1853 ; De Meersman so., proof 1 MEUNIEE (JEAN BAPTISTE). Belgian Engraver ; working at Brussels 1860-1868. 1585 Louis XVII., au Temple, whole-length, seated, resting his head against the wall, his hands clasped, after Baron Gustave Wappers ; J. B. Meunier, artist's proof, very fine 1 MEECUEI (PAOLO). Italian Engraver. Born at Parma 1808, came early to Paris to study painting and engraving. 1586 Christopher Columbus, Head in a small square, the face turned a little to right (Le B. 2), from a contemporary picture, proof with the artists' names merely etched, very fine 1 1587 Madame de Franchise d'Aubigne Maintenon, Bust in a small oval, from a miniature by Jean Petitot (Le B. 3), proof before all letters, fine and very rare ; No. 83 of de Histoire de Main- tenon . . . par le Due de, Noailles, Paris, 1850 1 1588 Torquato Tasso, Italian Poet, born 1544, died 1595 ; Head, from a miniature, small oval, crowned with wreath of laurel, book in his hand ; proof on india paper, Mercuri fecit, 1841 1 200 METTENLEITER (JOHANN MICHAEL). Born in 17C5, died in Munchen 1813. 1589 La Femme de Rubens, L'original se trouve dans le galerie Imp. Roy a Vienne. Se vend a Vienne chez Mr. F. X. Stockl, M d d'Estampes, dans la Seizergasse vis a vis de la Chancellerie de Guerre. Full-length, undressed, after leaving the bath, but with a thick cloak with sleeves around her, and an Indian head-dress, an oval ; Peint P. P. Rubens, grave par J. M., rare 1 METZMACHER (PIERRE). Contemporary Engraver. Born at Paris. 1590 Alexander II., Emperor of Russia, three-quarter length, in uniform, india proof 1 Count Camillo Bersodi Cavour, Italian Statesman, born at Turin 1809, died 1861 ; Bust, wearing spectacles ; at bottom is in- scribed, " S. Exc. le Comte de Cavour " Monsieur Thiers, artist's proof before all letters 3 1591 Francis II., King of Naples, three-quarter length, in uniform, 1860, proof on india paper General Garibaldi, three-quarter length, 1859, india proof Isabelle II., Queen of Spain, three-quarters, in crown and pearl necklace, proof 3 1592 Charles Louis Napoleon Buonaparte, born at Paris 1808 ; attempted insurrection at Strasburg, 1 836 ; banished to America; returned to Europe, 1837 ; expelled from Switzerland and came to England, 1 838 ; landed at Boulogne and attempted insurrec- tion, 1840 ; sentenced to perpetual imprisonment, 1840 ; escaped from Ham, 1846 ; special Constable in London, 1848 ; elected deputy by six departments, 1848 ; elected President x of French Republic, 1848 ; coup d'ttat, 2 Dec., 1851 ; Emperor, 1852 ; married Eugenie Marie de Montijo de Teba, 1853 ; allied with England in the Crimean war, 1854 ; visited Queen Victoria, 1855 ; visited by Queen Victoria, 1855 ; Italian war against Austria, won Magenta and Solferino, 1860 ; acquired Savoy and Nice for France, 1860 ; joined England in Chinese war, 1860; Mexican expedition, 1861-7; declared war against Prussia, 19 July, 1870 ; yielded himself prisoner at Sedan, and confined at "Wilhelmshoe, 1 Sept. 1870; deposed in Paris, 4 Sept. 201 1870 ; arrived in England, 20 March, 1871 ; died at Chisel- hurst. Three-quarter length, in uniform, India proof Pope Pius IX., three-quarter length, etched by Metzmacher Victor Emmanuel II., three-quarter length, in uniform, india proof 3 MEUES (JACOB VAN). Born at Amsterdam about 1640. 1593 John Christopher, Comte de Konigsmark, Swedish General, born in Germany, 1600 ; served under Gustavus Adolphus ; dis- tinguished himself under Torstenson in 1650 ; assisted at the Coronation of Christina at Stockholm, and was created Count and Field-Marshal on that occasion ; several years a prisoner at Danteic, died at Stockholm 1663. Half-length in armour, with scarf; an oval with inscription round, "Joan. Christoph. Konigsmarchius Comes de Vesterwyck et Stegh. D. J. E. et N. S. E. M. Eegnor L'Sucise Senator Campi mareschal, Ac Dne. Bran, et Verd. Gubernator ; " verse beneath " Suspice quern coluit cum Tentone Gettus Atlantem Suspice campestris Sydera fixa Ducis. Si vultum, et frontem castris hostilibus offers Sola hac adversas pellet Imago manus." 1 MEYEE (HENEY). Born in London about 1783, died in 1847. 1594 Mrs. Huddersford, wife of Mr. Huddersford, the son of the Pre- sident of Trinity College, Oxford ; after Sir Joshua Eeynolds ; three-quarter length, cloak trimmed with fur, the face half turned to the spectator ; a black dog (the head only) looking up at her 1 1595 Horatio Lord Nelson, born in Norfolk, 1758 ; Post-Captain, 1779 ; defeated the French Fleet at the Battle of the Nile, 1798; Copenhagen, 1801 ; defeated the French and Spanish Fleet, and killed at Trafalgar, 1805, after John Hoppner, E.A. Whole- length, standing, resting against a rock, battle in the distance, proof open letters 1 MICHELIS (F.) Working in Italy at the latter end of the 18th century. 1596 William II., Prince of Orange, after Van Dyck; whole-length, standing, with dog, fine 1. D D 202 MONCORNET (BALTHASAR). French Engraver. Born at Rouen, died about 1670. 1597 Francois de Valois, Due d'Alenqon, son of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici; suitor of Queen Elizabeth ; born 1554; died unmarried, 1584. A Bust in small oval, in large ruff, cloak with ermine cape, arms and wreath in top corners 1 *** Very characteristic portrait, showing what was called his swollen double nose. The French used to say of him, " The man who wore two faces might be expected to have two noses." MORGHEN (RAPHAEL). Italian Engraver. Born at Florence 1758, died 1833. 1598 Ludovico Ariosto, illustrious Italian Poet, born 1474, died 1533, three-quarter length, in lace cape and wreath of olive leaves, holding paper, head turned almost to front, proof before any letters Ludovico Ariosto, Italian, Head in oval, proof, open letters Michel Angelo Buonarrotti, born in Florence 1495, died at Rome 1564, aged 90 ; three-quarter length, directed to left, looking to front, proof open letters 3 1599 Leonardo da Yinci, Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Engineer, &c., born at Vinci, Val d'Ariio, 1452; died in France, 1519; Head in cap and long beard. G. Bossi dis., P. Anderloni inc., also repetition by G. Gardini Michel Angelo Buonarotti, profile Head in a medallion, proof very fine, rare Alighieri Dante, born at Florence, 1265 ; exiled, 1302 ; con- demned to be burnt, 1302 ; wanders in Italy ; visits Paris, 1308 ; died at Ravenna and buried there, 1321. Three-quarter length, wearing laurel wreath, book in his right hand. Stefano Tofanelli delineo, Raffaello Morghen incisi in Firenze 3 1600 Alighieri Dante, three-quarter length, in a small oval, laurel wreath, holding book in his right hand, proof, open letters Lorenzo de Medici, " The Magnificent," son of Pietro Medici and Lucretia Forabuoni, and grandson of Cosmo, born 1448, married, in 1469, Clarice Orsini ; died 1492 ; three-quarter length, seated, wearing fur trimmed coat. Giorgio Vasari dip., Pietro Ermini disegno, Eaffaello Morghen inc., 1820, proof, open letters 203 George John Mayer, three-quarter length wearing coat trimmed with fur ; in corners at bottom is " Natus Augusta et 6 Februar, 1721. Natorum Benevolentia." Ettlinger Mectorif Bavaria aalae Pictor pinx., Raphael Moyhen sculpsit, Morentice, 1801, proof, open letters 3 1601 Napoleon I., born at Ajaccio, in Corsica, 1769 ; died at St. Helena 1821. Three-quarter length, in ermine cape, and cloak with flaps on it, wreath of laurel on his head, lace collar and scarf, chain of eagles with N in the centre, imperial robes, proof Francesco Petrarca, three-quarter length, crowned with laurel, in wreath and hood, book in left hand. Stefano Tofanello delineo, Raffaello Morghen incise in Mrenze, proof, open letters RafFaelo Sanzio Urbino, three-quarter length, looking to front, in cap 3 1602 Sappho, three-quarter length in wreath of laurel, and dress orna- mented with stars. Carlo Dolci dipinse, Pietro Ermini dis., Raffaello Morghen inc., proof with arms, fine 1 MORGHEN, LONGHI, AND PUPILS. 1603 ILLUSTKIOUS ITALIANS : Leo X. Cosmo de Medici Lorenzo de Medici Vittoria Alfieri Ariosto Boccaccio Dante Cellini Correggio Manuzio Pisani Giotto Michael Angelo Raphael Titian Guicciardini Maffei Metastasio Andrea Doria Dandolo Americus Vespuccio Marco Polo ; twenty- two heads in small ovals ; some, artist's proofs 22 MORIN (JEAN). Born commencement of the 17th century at Paris, where he died about 1666. 1604 Anne of Austria, daughter of Philip III. of Spain, wife of Louis XIII., King of France, born 1601, died 1666 ; three-quarter length wearing mourning ; inscription in octa,gon, "Anne D'Aus- triche Royne Regent de France et de Navarre," &c. Ph. CJiam- pagne pinx., J. Morin scul, et excu. cum priv. R. (2 D. 41) 1 1605 Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio, Man of Letters and Statesman; flourished in France during the reign of Louis XIII. ; born 1579, died at Rome 1644. One of the Cardinals who signed the decree of the Inquisition condemning Galileo. Bentivoglio wrote the history of the wars of Flanders, which was translated into English by the Earl of Monmouth. Three-quarter length in 204 octagon ; inscription around, " Guido Bentivolus, S. R E. Cardi- nalis, obiit Anno M.DCXIV. (2 D. 43), " Belle piece." Antaine Van Dyck pinx., J. Morin scul. cumpriu. Reg., an 1623 1 1606 Henry II., King of France, born 1519; when Duke of Orleans married Catherine de Medici ; succeeded his father, Francis I. ; his army defeated by the Spaniards and English at the battle of St. Quintin; his army, under the Duke of Guise, took Calais from the English, who had possessed it for 200 years ; died 1559 from a wound at a tournament given in honour of the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth with Philip II. of Spain, and his sister Margaret to the Duke of Savoy. Three-quarter in cap and rich dress in octagon (D. 59), Janet pinx., Morin scul., very fine 1 1607 Henry IV., King of France, three-quarter length, in an octagon, wearing armour, with scarf and collar, " Henry IIII. Roy de France et de Nauarre." Ferdinand pinx. (D. 59) 1 1608 Pierre Maugis des Granges, brother of the celebrated Abb de Saint Ambroise, who first collected engravings in France, and whose collection of prints was acquired by M. l'Abb4 de Marolles ; three-quarter length bare headed, in cloak, octagon border, with inscription, " Pierre Maugis S r des Granges Coin er et Maistre D'Hstel Du Roy " (D. 67) ; Champagne pinx. 1 1609 Dom Jean Gregoire Tarrisse, three-quarter length in octagon; at bottom, " R. P. D. Gregorius Tarrisse Superior General Cong. S. Mauri. Obijt An 1646, Die 25 Sept. ^Etatis suse 74" (D. 75), " Belle piece." F. Boustan pinx., brilliant 1 1610 Augustin de Thou, the first of the name; Historian and States- man, favourite and confidant of Henry IV., instrumental in bringing forward the Edict of Nantes 1598, born 1553, died 1617. Large oval, three-quarter length wearing cap, and coat trimmed with fur, full face ; inscription round oval, " Messire Augustin Thou, President au Parlement MDLXI." (D. 77), " Belle piece " 1 1611 Christophe de Thou, three-quarter length in large oval, wearing cap and fur trimmed coat ; inscription around, " Messire Chris- tophle de Thou, Premier President M.D.LXXXIL" (D. 78) 1 1612 Jacques August de Thou, President, Historian, Paris, 1617 ; born, 1553. Three-quarter length in large oval, wearing ruff and fur trimmed coat ; inscription around, " V. Illustr. Jacobus Augustus Thuanus in Supreina Regni Curia Prseses M.DC.XVII. Ferdinand pinx. (D. 79) 1 205 1613 Antonius Vitre, celebrated Parisian Painter in the Seventeenth Century, three-quarter length in robe, some printing type in front ; " Eegis et Eleri Gallicani Typographicus " (D. 88). P. Champagne pinx. 1 %* Vitro* printed a celebrated Polyglot Bible, and bought, by direction of Eichelieu for Louis XIV., 97 manuscripts for the Oriental types. MOUNTIN (GERRIT). English Engraver of the 17th century. 1614 Queen Elizabeth's Tomb, erected in Westminster Abbey by James I., eight lines beneath " Eliza that great Maiden Queene lyes heere . . . Subjects her good deedes Princes her imitation/' Are to be sould bi Roger Daniell at the angell in lumbard st. 1 MOUZYN (MICHEL). Dutch Engraver. 1615 Admiral de Michael Euyter, Dutch Admiral, born 1607 ; defeated by Admiral Blake and by Monk ; sailed up the Thames and Medway ; surprised Sheerness and Chatham ; defeated combined English and French fleets ; killed in battle, 1676. Half-length, standing, holding baton, ships engaged behind him, over his head is " Virtus Eepulsae Nescia ; " at bottom, " Den E. Man- haften Zee-Held Michiel Ad r de Euyter. Vice Admir 1 van Amsterd. en Wests," &c. Eight lines beneath " De Euyter zach de Dood den holle kaken in . . . Weins Helden Deught verduurt de Nyt, de Tyt, de Dood." G. vandeu Eeckhout delineamt ad minim, Cornells Darikertsz excudit, Danoker Danckertsz exc. 1 MULLEE (JEAN). Born at Amsterdam about 1570, worked from 1589 to 1625. 1616 Judoci Buyckij, three-quarter length, wearing cap and fur cape, paper with "Solatur Conscientia et finis" in his hand; at bottom, "Effigies Judoci Buyckij V. C. Senatoris, Consulis Amstel- redamen, etc. Ob. IIII. Jd. Feb. An. ClQ.lQ.LXXXVIII., Mt. LXXXI1." (B. 18) 1 206 1617 Joannes Fontanus (B. 20), curious undescribed state before any letters, the four buttons on the sleeve of the dress are left quite white, fine and rare 1 1618 Bartholomew Spranger, bust in oval, with richly ornamented border ; inscription around, " Bartholomaeus Spranger's Cses. M. Pictor Celeberrimus ; " at bottom, " Naturae Omniparenti Pnestan- tissimi eius aemuli imaginem, Invidia Gemente. D. D. Joannes ab Ach. S. item Cess. M. Pictor An> 1597" (B. 21). In per- petuam amid memoridon lubentig animo arri incidebat. Joan. Mullerus grato. 1 1619 Jan Beuckles, of Leyden, called the " King of the Anabaptists," born about 1500 ; headed the Revolt at Munster ; tortured and executed, 1536. His body was enclosed in an iron cage, which was suspended from the steeple of the Church of S. Lambert for many years. Three-quarter length square, richly habited with cap, orders, jewels and sceptre ; arms in top right corner ; inscription at top, " Johan van Leyden eyn Connick der Weder- doper Tho Monster waer Haeftich Conterfeyting ; " verse beneath, same as Van Leyden " En, 6 Leida, tuis memor hunc de civibus unum, . . . Eex fuit, ac vere rex tamen ille fuit." (B. 24) Copy of rare print by Aldegrever, very fine 1 1620 Waerhaftich Checonterfet Bernt Knipper Dolling Der XII. Thertogen Eyn Tho Munster." Three-quarter length, in cap, turned to left ; device in top corner on left ; verse at bottom, " Consul homo fuerat, populiqz in honore magister Sic bene carnificem carnificina necat," copy from Aldegrever (B. 25), very fine, ivith large margin 1 1621 Christian IV., King of Denmark, brother of Anne, Queen of Den- mark, born 1577, died 1648 ; half-length, richly dressed, hold- ing a baton ; inscription, " Christianus Quartus Dei Gratia Danias, Norwegiae, Vandalorum Gothorumque Eex ; Dux Schlesvici, Holsatise, Stonnariae et Dithmarsiae ; Comes in Oldenborch et Delmerhorst" (R 56). Ex Archetypo Petri Jsachs Maiestatis Regies Pictoris Joannes Muller sculpsit 1 1622 Maurice, Prince of Orange, second son of William I. ; born 1566, died 1625 ; large half-length, wearing richly ornamented armour, ruff and scarf, mailed glove on left hand, resting on table, baton in right hand ; at bottom, " Illustrissimo Mauritio Princij Arausionensium . . . publicarant clo.iiix." (B. 58) 1 207 1623 Ambrose Marquis Spinola, born 1569 ; sent to assist the Arch- duke Albert in the Netherlands ; took Ostend after a siege of three years, 1604 ; conquered the Palatinate of the Ehine, 1620; Governor of Milan, 1629 ; died 1630 ; half-length, in rich armour, after Mirevelt, Paris ; at bottom, " Illustrissimus et excellentissimus Princeps Ainbrosius Spinola clo.lo.c.xv.," very fine and rare (B. 59) 1 1624 Albrecht, Archduke of Austria, born 1559, died at Brussels 1621 ; Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, son of Maximilien II. ; married his cousin Isabella Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II. of Spain ; appointed Governor of Portugal ; afterwards with his wife Governor of the low Countries ; opposed in war by Maurice of Nassau; defeated at Nieuport by Maurice, 1600; besieged Ostend with Spinola 1601, for four years. Half-length richly dressed (B. 62). Joannes Muller sculptor devotionis ergo D. D. Ex Archetypo Petri Pauli Rubenij Serenitatis suce pictoris clo.lo.c.xv. 1 MULLER (JOHN GOTHARD VON). Born in 1747; pupil of Wille ; died 1830. 1625 John George Wille, Engraver, born in Germany, 1717 ; worked at Paris, died 1807 ; three-quarter length, in square with ornamental frame, very fine proof, before any letters 1 MURPHY (JOHN). Mezzotint Engraver. 1626 Captain George Farmer, killed 1779 ; half-length, leaning on left elbow, sword in right hand. G. Grignion jun. pinx. Published Feb. 14, 1780, by J. Boydell, Engraver, Cheapside, London; brilliant proof, with the artists' names, and line of inscription merely etched in 1 1627 Marie Antoinette (when a Prisoner in the Temple) ; half-length, seated, with book in right hand ; full-face, with miniature of the Dauphin hanging from her neck, bust of Louis XVI. to right ; at bottom " Marie Antoinette d' Autriche Reine de France." Copied the same size as the original picture in the gallery of the Duke of Aremburg at Brussels. M da - La M w - de Brehan pinxit 1 208 MUSI (LORENZO DE). Flourished in 1535. 1628 Barba-Rossa Soltan Charadin, Sovereign of Algiers, died 1546 ; three-quarter length, in armour, profile ; at bottom, " Re De Algieri Ditto Barba-Rossa Soltan Charadin, MLXXXV. Lorence. de Musi Venetiano-Faciebat LM. (B. 1) 1 NANTEUIL (ROBERT). Painter and Engraver. Born at Rheims in 1630; died at Paris 1678. 1629 Jacques Amelot, Premier President de la Cour des Aydes, three- quarter length, in oval, arms beneath. Inscription around, " Messire Jaques Amelot Chevalier Premier President de la Cour des Aydes, &c.," (D. 19), beautiful impression, very rare; from the Brentano collection 1 1630 Antoine Barberin, Cardinal, Archbishop of Rheims, born 1608, died 1671 ; in an oval border of oak leaves, arms beneath, R. Nanteuil ad vivum pin. et sculpebat 1663, cum privilegio Regis {D. 28), engraved from life, 1663 1 1631 FranQois de Vendome, Due de Beaufort, born 1616, died 1669 ; large square, with ornamental border of branches, at bottom, " Francois de Vandosme Due de Beaufort et pair de France," half-length in armour, left arm on helmet, baton in right hand, Nocroit pinxit. Se vendert chez le Blond, Nanteuil sculpebat (D. 33), first state; in the second state the name of Mariette was substituted for le Blond 1 1632 Philibert Emmanuel de Beaumanoir de Lavardin, Bishop of Mans, died 1677 ; three-quarter length in an oval border of oak leaves ; arms beneath. R. Nentueil ad vivum faciebat, 1660 ; first state, Nanteu-U spelt Nenteuil ; there are Jive states (4 D. 35), rare 1 1633 Pompone de Bellievre, President of the Parliament of Paris, Ambassador to Italy and England, born 1606, died 1657 ; three-quarter length, in furs ; first state, before the tablet (D. 67, No. 36), chef-d'oeuvre,. Champagne pinx., Nanteuil sculp. 1653, engraved 1653 1 1634 Gilles Boileau, the father of the celebrated Boileau Despreaux, three-quarter length, in an oval, R. Nanteuil, 1658 (D. 43), second state before the verses 1 209 1635 Frederic Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de Bouillon, the brother of the great Turenne, born 1605, died 1652 ; oval, three- quarter length, in armour, with scarf; arms beneath, engraved from life, 1649 (D. 48), second state 1 1636 Fre'de'ric Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de Bouillon, large oval, in armour, with white scarf and collar ; inscription round oval, " Fred. Maur ice de la Tour D'Auvergne RL.G-. De Dieu Souverain Due de Buillon, Due d'Albret et de Chanthierry C te - Dav& ne et d'Evreux, Vic te de Turenne," ten lines at bottom " Les cent voix de la Renommee On pleure celle au moins q'ua faitte en luy ton Roy." (D. 49) Nanteuil sculpebat, second state 1 1637 Godefroi Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de Bouillon, Grand Chamberlain of France (when a youth of twenty), son of Frederic Maurice, Due de Bouillon. Born 1641 ; married Marie Anne Mancini, niece of Cardinal Mazarin ; died 1721 ; three- quarter length, in large oval, wearing armour and scarf; arms beneath (D. 50), rare 1 1638 Marie de Bragelogne, widow of Claude le Bouthillier, Superin- tendent of Finance ; three-quarter length, wearing white cape, in oval of laurel leaves, arms beneath, surmounted by a crown, first state (D. 57), Nanteuil Faciebat ad vivum 1656, very rare 1 1639 Jacques, Marquis de Castelnau, Marshal of France, assisted at the Siege of Dunquerque, served under Turenne; three-quarters length, in oval, wearing armour, with lace collar and scarf; arms beneath (D. 58), Nanteuil ad viv. Faciebat, 1658 1 1640 Charles de Lorraine, Serenissimus princeps Carolus a Lotharingia, half-length, oval, in armour, lace collar and scarf; arms beneath, (D. 63), Nanteuil ad vivum faciebat, 1660, first state, before the, verses 1 1641 N. Chaubond, Counsellor to the Parliament of Toulouse, oval in border, arms beneath ; " Les bonnes epreuves de ce portrait sont tres-rares." Dumesnil. (D. 64) 1 1642 Comte de Leon le Bouthillier Chavigny, Minister of State, three- quarter length, in large oval, wearing lace collar, scarf, and badge of the order of Saint-Esprit (D. 66), Ph. Champaigne pinxit, R. Nanteuil sculpebat 1 E E 210 1643 Christina Queen of Sweden; oval, in laurel wreath ; inscription beneath " Christine peut dormer des Loix, Aux cceurs des Vainqueurs les plus braues, Mais la Terre a telle des Rois Qui soient dignes d'en estre Esclaues " De Scuderi. (D. 67), Bourdin pin., Nanteuil sculpebat 1684 1 1644 Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de Coislin, three-quarter length in oval, with arms beneath (D. 69), first state, 1658, superb im- pression, large margin, very rare ; from the Brentano collection. Nanteuil ad vivum faciebat, 1658 1 1645 Louis de Bourbon Conde, the great Conde, surnamed " Monsieur le Prince," born at Paris, 1621 ; distinguished himself by the most brilliant valour at the Siege of Arras, 1640 ; when twenty- one years of age appointed Commander-in-Chief of the army to defend Champagne and Picardy, and won the Battle of Rocroy, 1643 ; of 18,000 Spanish infantry, then deemed invin- cible, 9000 were killed and 7000 taken prisoners; reduced Thion- ville, at that time considered to be one of the best fortresses in Europe, terminating the most glorious campaign ever made by an officer of twenty-two; when twenty-three, in conjunction with Turenne, defeated Imperialists, under Mercy, at Fribourg, 1644 ; won the Battle of Nordlingen, 1645, where all his aides-de- camp were killed or wounded ; he himself had two horses killed under him, three wounded, a severe contusion of the thigh, a pistol-shot in the elbow, and more than twenty cuts and blows ; took Mardyck and Dunkirk ; compelled to raise the Siege of Lerida ; commanded the army in Flanders and took Ypres j not only defeated, but nearly destroyed, Spaniards at Lens, 1648. " A battle," said De Retz, " gained by that eagle eye which sees through everything in war, and is never dazzled there." (The Civil Wars of the Fronde). Imprisoned at Vin- cennes by order of Anne of Austria and Mazarin, 1650 ; after- wards at Havre ; liberated 1651 ; defeated Turenne and entered Paris, 1652. The whole history of Conde" is a proof that consummate genius in war is sometimes wholly unskilful in the conduct of a faction : the most intrepid man of his age fled before women, children, and donkeys ; tumults in the streets inspired him with deep disgust. Joined the Spaniards against France; defeated Prince of Orange at Seneff, 1674; drove 211 Montecuculi across the Rhine, 1675; died at Fontainebleau, 1686. Three-quarter length, in oval of laurel leaves ; ermine cape, lace collar, and order of Saint-Esprit ; arms at bottom, (D. 79), engraved 1662 1 1646 Francois de Bonne, Marechal de Crequi, in large oval, wearing armour, white scarf and collar ; arms beneath ; inscription below, " Francois de Bonne, de Crequy, d'Agoult, de Vesc de Montlaur et de Montauban, Comte de Sault, Due de Lesdiguieres, pair de France, cheuallier des ordres du Roy Gouuern r et lieutenant general pour sa Ma*" en Dauphine, fils de Charles sire de Cre'quy prince de Poix, due pair et Mareschal de France; lieutenat general en lad' prouince et petit fils et succes r de Francois de Bonne due de Lesdiguires pair et Conestable de France" (D. 81), Nanteuil ad vivum faciebat, 1662, brilliant second state, with the date 1662 1 1647 Ludovicus Donius D'Attichy Episcopus Eduensis Comes Sedeloci, &c., three-quarter length, wearing cross ; large oval, with arms beneath (D. 83), Nauteuil ad vivum Ping, et sculpebat 1665 1 1648 Jean Louis Charles d'Orleans Longueville, Comte de Dunois, when a youth; eldest son of Henry II. d'Orleans, Due de Longueville, and Louise de Bourbon, Comtesse de Soissons; born 1646, took Holy Orders 1669, died 1694 ; oval, arms beneath (D. 86), Ferdinand pinxit, R. Nantueil sculpebat, 1660; from Mariettas collection 1 1649 Bernard de Foix de la Valette, Due d'Espernon ; in large oval, wearing armour, with white scarf, arms beneath, second state before the inscription round the border (D. 91). Nantueil faciebat et excud. cvm priuiL 1650 ; from John Young's collection 1 1650 John Evelyn, three-quarter length in an oval, with large cloal^ ornamented with buttons ; at bottom on drapery, " Meliora Eetinete," and some Greek words, books on each side (D. 93). Nanteuil delinedbat scul. 1 1651 Basile Fouquet, Abbe" de Barbeaux et de Rigny, Chancelier des Ordres du Roi, brother of Nicolas Fouquet, the celebrated Minister of Finance ; three-quarter length, oval, in scarf, and order of Saint-Esprit, arms beneath (D. 97). Nanteuil ad vivum faciebat, 1658 ; first state 1 1652 Nicolas Fouquet, Chevalier Viconte de Melan et de Vaux, Con- seiller du Roy en ses Conseils Ministre d'Estat, Surintendant des Finances et Procureur General de sa Majeste ; born 1615, 212 died in prison 1680 ; displaced and prosecuted for his malver- sation in 1661, the trial lasted three years, and was an impor- tant event in the reign of Louis XIV. ; three-quarter length, in oval, arms beneath attached to ribbons (D. 102, 98). R. Nanteuil ad vivum pinx. et sculpebat, 1661 ; second state, rare, Messire spelt Missire, in first state, thei'e are 6 states 1 1653 Jean-Baptiste Budes, Comte de GueTsriant, Mare'chal de France J three-quarter length in oval of leaves, arms, devices, &c. at bottom ; patch on right cheek ; wearing armour, with lace collar and scarf (D. 104) ; from the Brentano collection 1 1654 Messire Pierre Jeannin, premier President au Parlement de Bourgogne, Surintendant des Finances Ministre d'Estat, &c. born 1540, died 1664; three-quarters length, in oval (D. 112). JR. Nanteuil faciebat 1 1655 Charles de la Porte, Due de La Meilleraye, Marshal of France, born 1602, died 1664; assisted at the Siege of La Rochelle; Captain of the Guard to Marie de Medicis, created Marshal by Louis XIII ; three-quarter length, in large oval, with inscription, " Charles de la Porte Due de la Melleraye Pair et Mareschal de France, Chevalier des Ord res du Roy," lace collar and scarf, arms beneath (D. 118), Justus pinxit, 1648, engraved 1662, brilliant impression 1 1656 Louis Phelypeaux de La Vrilliere, Secretary of State, died 1681, aged 83 ; three-quarter length, in large oval, with arms beneath ; wearing scarf, cloak thrown over his shoulders; inscription around, " Ludovicus Phelypeaux D. de Lavrilliere Regia Sanct. Cons Secretis et Mandat " (D. 123). Nanteuil ad vivum Ping, ct sculpebat, 1662 ; first state, rare, before the crochet, but after the date 1662 1 1657 Michel Le Masle, Prieur des Roches, Chantre et Chanoine de 1'Eglise de Paris ; three-quarter length, in large oval, with in- scription, " Michael le Masle Prior des Roches Praecentor et Canonicus Ecclesise Parisiensis," arms beneath (D. 126), Nan- teuil ad vivum faciebat 1658, first state before the date was altered to 1661 1 1658 Michel le Tellier, Minister of State, born 1603, died 1685, puis Chancelier et Garde des Sceaux de France ; three-quarter length, in square, wearing robes, with the order of Saint-Esprit. Ph. Champaigne pinx., Rob. Nanteuil sculpebat (D. 128) 1 213 1659 Francois de la Mothe Le Vayer, Counsellor of State, Tutor of Monsieur Due d'Orle'ans, only brother of Louis XIV., three- quarter length, robed, in oval; at bottom, "Franciscus Mo- theeus Vayerius Kegi a Consiliss Fratrique Eius Unico a Studiis 1661 " (D. 143). Chef d'ceuvre engraved from life, 1661. This is one of the few portraits wholly engraved by Nanteuil ; second state, with the parenthesis 1 1660 Rene de Longueil, Marquis de Maisons, Superintendant des Fi- nances, three-quarter length, in large oval, fur cloak wrapped about him, with following inscription : " Mess re Rene de Longueil Marquis de Maisons Ministre d'estat et President au Parlem 4 -," arms beneath. R. Nanteuil ad vivum faciebat, 1661. " Morceau de la Belle Maniere du Maitre " (D. 144), third state, with the date 0/1661 1 1661 Francois Mallier de Houssay, Bishop of Troyes, died 1678 ; in large oval ; robes and cross; arms beneath (D. 167), first state, 'before all letters 1 1662 Michel de Marolles, Abbe de Villebourg, Homme de Lettres et grand curieux d'estampes (He was one of the earliest and lar- gest collector of engravings). Three-quarter length, in robes ; at bottom, " Illustrissimi Viri L. H. Haberti Monmorij libello- rum Supplicum Magestri, Epigramma in Effigiem Michaelis de Marolles Abbatis de Villeboin. Nobilitas, Virtus, Pietas, Doctrina Marolli Debuerant Sacra cingere froude comam " (D. 171). Nanteuil ad mvum faciebat, 1657, second state 1 1663 Jules Mazarin, Cardinal, Statesman, born at Rome, 1602 ; entered Papal army, 1622 ; Nuncio to Paris, 1634 ; naturalised in France, 1639 ; Cardinal, 1641 ; Minister to Louis XIII., 1642, to Louis XIV., 1643 ; negociated Treaty of Westphalia, 1648 ; declared an enemy of the State, 1649 ; procured arrest of the great Cond6, 1650; escaped to the Netherlands, 1651 ; recovered his authority, 1652; again compelled to retire, 1652; reinstated, 1653; negotiated peace of the Pyrenees, 1659; died at Vin- cennes, 1661 ; in octagon, with devices, ducal crown, cardinal's hat, star and fascines beneath, monograms in bottom (D. 184). Nanteuil ad vivum del. et sculpebat, 1650, second state 1 1664 Jules Mazarin, Cardinal, Ministre d'Etat; born 1602; succeeded Richelieu as Prime Minister to Louis XIII., 1642; assisted Anne of Austria during the Regency, 1643 ; died March, 1661 bust in an oval, the face nearly full, after Mignard (187), first state, before the dedication 1 1665 Jules Mazarin, Cardinal, another impression of the same, inlaid, the margin false 1 214 1666 Edouard Mold, President au Parlement de Paris, the father of the celebrated Matthieu Mole, born 1540 ; imprisoned in the Bastille ; died 1614 ; in oval, inscription around, " Edoard Mote Conseilr du Roy en ses Conseils et President au Parlement;" inscription beneath, " Dedie a Messire Mathieu Mole*, Cheva- lier Premier President au Parlement et garde des sceaux de France par son tres humble serviteur ; " three-quarter length, wearing long beard, he is enveloped in a toga" (D. 193). E. NanteuU 1 1667 Matthieu Mole, celebrated French Statesman, son of the preceding, born 1584 ; President of the Parliament during the wars of the Fronde et Garde des sceaux; died 1656. In large oval, arms beneath (D. 194). R. NanteuU ad-vivum sculpebat, 1653 1 1668 Nicolas Potier de Novion, three-quarter length, in toga and wear- ing order of Saint Esprit ; in oval of laurels, arms beneath (D. 207). Engraved from life, 1664. R. NanteuU ad vivum Pinge et sculpebat ; second state, before the date of 1664 1 1669 Pierre Payen-Deslandes, Abbd of St. Martin, in large oval, wearing robes, with collar, inscription around, " Pet Payend Deslandes Senat. Cler. in Sup. Gal Curia Decanus ab Sti. Mart Prior et D. de Charitate," arms beneath (D. 210). NanteuU ad vivum faciebat, 1659. 1 1670 Francois Servien, Bishop of Bayeux, large, in octagon of oak leaves, arms beneath (4 D. 225). NanteuU sculpebat 13 Nov. A 1656, first state before the inscription 1 1671 Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, Marshal of France, born 1611, died 1675, three-quarter length, in oval, wearing armour, with white scarf and lace collar; arms beneath (D. 232). Champaigne pinxit, NanteuU sculpebat, 1665 ; brilliant impression, second state, rare, with the little upright line at the top 1 1672 Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, Princeps et Vicecomes, bust in armour, life-size, in an oval, after Regis, 1665 (D. 233). From life, 1665, fourth state before the three points were added 1 1673 Claude Thevenin, three-quarter length, in robes; arms beneath, inscription round oval, " Claudius Thevenin Insignis Ecclesise Parisiensis Candonicus " (D. 236). NanteuU ad vivum faciebat, 1657, second state, line 1 at top in centre 1 215 NATALIS (MICHAEL). Born at Li6ge in 1606 ; died in 1680. 1674 Jacob Cats " Eaed-Pension Van H. M. Heeren Staten van Hollant curat Van Leyds acad." three-quarter length, with cloak over left shoulder. Dubordieu pinx. 1 NEAGLE (JOHN). Born in London about 1760 ; worked in 1816. 1675 John Hutchinson, of Owthorpe, Colonel for the Parliament and Governor of Nottingham ; imprisoned in the Tower, died in 1667 ; half-length in armour, with boy carrying helmet ; arms beneath 1 NEEFS (JACOB). Born at Antwerp in 1630 ; year of his death not known. 1676 Antonius Van Dyck, bust on pedestal, on which is the following inscription : " Icones Principum Vivorum Doctorum Pictorum aeri incisae. Antuerpiae Gillis Hendricx excudit," third state, with the date 1645 erased 1 NELLI (NICCOLO). Born in 1530 ; worked in Venice. 1677 Maria I. Eeg. Angl. Franc, et Hib. Fidei Defensatrix, small oval, in a richly ornamented frame, three-quarter length ; rich dress, the face turned to the right 1 NOLPE (PETER). Engraver. Born at the Haghe; where he worked from 1630 to 1670. 1678 Marie de Medici, second wife of Henry IV. of France, whole- length seated, crown on cushion by her side, view on her right, angels with flowers at top, at bottom is " Sic ivit nostram grandis Medicea per Urbem, Sceptrorum Mater suspicienda trium " 1 NUTTEK (WILLIAM). Born in 1754 ; died in Somers Town 1802. 1679 Lady Beauchamp, Isabella Ann, daughter of Charles Ingram, tenth Viscount Irvine, married 1776, Francis, Viscount Beau- 216 champ, afterwards second Marquis of Hertford ; half-length, her hair in curls, falling over shoulder, a black lace scarf covers her right forearm ; after Sir. J. Reynolds 1 OKEY (SAMUEL). Awarded Premium at the Society of Arts, 1765-1767. 1680 Miss Nelly O'Brien, after Reynolds, half-length sitting, with a white poodle in her lap, her hands are crossed, wears a flat "Woffington hat, which casts a shadow over her face ; her dress, muslin over a quilted petticoat, black lace mantilla, pearl necklace. Picture painted 1760 ; in ihe, possession of Sir Richard Wallace, Bt., M.P., very fine 1 This famous courtesan and beauty was painted by Sir Joshua at least four times in different attitudes. She died in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, in 1768. OGBORNE (JOHN). Born in London about 1725 ; died in 1795. 1681 Mrs. Jordan, Actress, in the character of the Eomp born at Waterford, 1762 ; retired to France, where she died in great poverty at St. Cloud, 1816 ; after George Romney, whole- length, in white dress, directed to the left, looking to front, proof, open letters 1 OUTRIM (JOHN). Contemporary Engraver. 1682 Sir Anthony Panizzi, KG., late principal Librarian of the British Museum ; three-quarter length, seated, from a picture by G. F. Watts, R.A. ; the property of the Trustees ; proof 'before, letters 1 PARKES (ROBERT BOWYER). Contemporary Engraver in Mezzotint. 1683 Mrs. Abington Frances Barton, the celebrated Comic Actress ; married Abington, her music master ; made her first appear- ance in 1755 ; died in Pall Mall in 1815 ; half-length, leaning on back of chair, dog looking through the rails, proof before letters, and etching 2 217 PASSAROTTO (BARTOLOMEO). Born at Bologna ; died in 1592. 1684 Pope Gregory XIII., the portrait allegorically treated ; a double- headed figure, to the right, supports a terrestrial sphere, on which is inscribed " EN VIGIIIS GREMIO PRUDENTIA POSVIT ORBEM JUSTITIA ET CHARITES VT MODERENTOR CVM." on the left side, the Pontiff is enthroned, giving his benedic- tion, the name is plainly inscribed on the left at bottom, " B. Pasarotto I." (not described ly Nagkr) 1 PASSE (CRISPIN DE). Born in 1540. Worked in Holland, England and France. Died at Utrecht in 1629. 1685 Antonio Lotharingica D. G-. Ducissa Clivise, ivliaci Bergarum Corn. Marchise et Eavensburg, &c., three-quarter length, in small circle ; large ruff, hair in small curls ; at bottom, " Quse manus mentis imago fluit" C. de Passe, 1599, very fine, with large margin 1 1686 Captain Thomas Candysh; three portraits by Crispin de Passe, Hondius and Boissard ; three-quarter lengths in ovals, on one mount ; born in 1564 ; was the second English Navigator who went round the world. In 1791, he undertook a second voyage, in which he was less fortunate ; his five ships were shattered by a storm off Patagonia, and attacked and disabled by a Portuguese squadron off Brazil. He died on his way home of fatigue and chagrin, 1593. Inscription round that of Hondius, " Thomas Candyssh Nobilis Anglus ^Eta. suse XXVIII:" at bottom, "Hec ilia est Plimouth 15 Septemb. 1588;" round that of Crispin de Passe, "Thomas Candyssh Nobilis Anglus ^Eta. suse XXX. ;" and at bottom six lines, " Aemulus sequorei, admiratorque Draconis Oceanum, et viuet profitis inglorius armis ; " round that of Boissard, " Thomas Candyssh Nobilis Anglus ^Etatis suse XXXII." 3 1687 Charles I. when Duke of York ; three-quarter length in ornamented oval, with inscription, "Illustriss: et Poten: Pr: Carolus Magn: Britn: et Hib: Princ: Ebo : Etal: Dux. j" four lines at bottom, " Florentis regni columen flos aureus sevi Carolus hoc Isetse frontis honore cluit," very fine 1 1688 Charles I. and Maria of Spain ; Our Saviour joining the hands of the Prince and Maria of Spain; arms in top corners, two FF 218 hands holding a heart in centre over a scroll with "Rosa Hispani Anglice," &c. ; and beneath that, " Domini Benedictio Ditat ;" at bottom is " Austriaca est Virgo Regum fcedere cuncta beant ;" Crispin de Passe sc., curious and rare 1 1689 Ren de Menou Seigneur de Charnizay, Escuyer du Roy et Gouverneur de Monseigneur le due de Maienne; bust in armour, in small oval, with ornamented border, verse beneath " Si Ion doibt rendre a Pluuinel Merite un renom Eternel." Crisp, de Pas fecit ; proof before letters, 'brilliant, very rare in this state 1 1 690 Edward VI., half-length, in cap and feather, ermine trimmed coat, open down front ; at bottom inscribed " Eduardus Sextus Rex. Deluium populi .... non licurt." From Holland's Heroologia 1 1691 Elizabeth Queen of England, " Ang. Fran. Hib. et Virg, Regina," &c., with crown, sceptre and orb ; arms in the background ; at top, " Anglorum diaclema tenens Sceptramque paternu Hac forma insigni fortis Elisa nitet ;" and in left corner " Posui Deum Adivtorem meum ;" verses beneath " Tristia dum gentes circum omnes bella fatigant .... Sic Faciant tandem te Coelica Regna videre." By C. Passe ; from the Bernal collection, fine, and very rare 1 1 692 Elizabeth Queen of England, three-quarter length, in oval, with arms in the angles, " Elisabeth Dei Gr : Angl : Fran : Hiber : et Verginise Regina Auspicatissima ;" and within the oval, " Posui Deum Adivtore meum ;" at bottom six lines, " Tantse si vires, virtus mini quanta Marima est Me sibi vel Nereus properasset iungere sponsam." Elizabeth Queen of England, small Head in an oval, inscribed around, and reading the reverse way, " Elizabeth D. G. Ang. Fr. Hib. Regina," richly dressed and crowned ; from a gold or silver plate, probably by C. van Passe, both very rare 2 1693 Elizabeth Queen of England, whole-length, wearing the magnificent jewelled dress in which she went to St. Paul's to return thanks for the destruction of the Spanish Armada ; at top, " Posui Deum Adivtorem Meum ;" at bottom, " Elizabet D. G. Anglic Requiescens ; " twelve lines, " Virginis os habicumque geris, diuina virago, ut quondam fructa est, sic nunc clarescat alumna, P. B. M. Q. ludeb." Isaac Olivier ejfigiabat, Crispin van Passe incidebat, procurance Joanne Waldndio ; from the Dillon collection 1 219 1694 Ernest Casimir, Count of Nassau (cousin of Prince Maurice), half- length in armour, ruff and scarf, left hand on sword hilt, baton in right hand, helmet on table; at bottom, " Ernestus Casimirus, Comes Nassauise ordinum Marescallus," &c. ; Origebat ad vivum Paulus Morelse ultraiecti : ceri incidebat W, Swanen- burg Lugd. Batavor ; Crisp. Passe excud. Vltraiecti 1 1695 Frederick IV., Count Palatine of the Ehine, three-quarter length, wearing hat, curtain to left ; in small oval, fruit in top corners, inscription around, " Fridericus IV. D. G. Comes Palatinus Eheni, Utriusque Bavarise Dux Sac. Eom. Imperii Archidapifer. Elector Septemvir. A 1606;" motto within oval, " Eege me Domine Secundum Verbum tuum," inscription beneath " Stirpe Palatinus, summo Septemvir honore, Atqse ferens mensam Csesaris ante dapes, Sum Fredericus ouans felici nomine quartus : Cetera Complecti parma tabella nequit." 1696 Frederic, King of Bohemia, his Queen Elizabeth, and five children (Henry, Charles, Eupert, Maurice, and a daughter), whole- lengths ; the King and Queen at the sides, and the children between them in the centre; arms in top corners, at bottom," Fre- dericus D. G. Eex. Bohemige, Elisabet D. G. Eegina Bohemias," &c. The name of P. Mariette, 1646, written in front of the print, not described in Bromley or Granger 1 1697 Gualterus Devereus Com. Essexise, three-quarter length, wearing armour, ruff, cap and feather, in oval, with inscription at bottom, " Cui fauor a magna ..... meruit AB lud ;" in the oval is " Omni Fortunes Paratus." From Holland's Heroologia 1 1698 Sir John Hawkins, bust in a small oval; in gorget and lace collar, velvet hat, baton in right hand ; inscription round oval, " Joannes Hawkins;" beneath, " aduanncement by dilligence " " Qui Vicit totiens ins Fructis classibus hostes Hie vagis Havkins vitam relliquit in undis." From Holland's Heroologia 1 1699 Henry IV., King of France, three-quarter length, wearing ruff and scarf; in oval, with inscription around, " Henricus IIII. Dei Gratia Gallise Franciae et Navarrae Eex Christianissimus M.D.XCVI. ;" and within the oval, " De bon Eoy bonheur " 1 1700 Isabella Clara Eugenia, Wife of the Archduke. Albert ; three-quarter length in small circle; small hat with feathers, large ruff; in- scription around " Illustrissima Isabella Austriaca infans His- 220 paniae Albert! Archiducis et Gubern : Belgii Sponsa ;" four lines beneath, " Eegia progenies Hispano sanguine creta Ante alias sibime non sine honore petit ;" very fine with large margin 1 1701 Julian William, Duke of Juliers and Cleves, three-quarter length, wearing large ruff and fur trimmed cloak, in small circle, inscrip- tion around, " Joan Wilhelmus D. G. Ivl Cli. et Mon. Dux, Com. Marc et Rauensb,Dng; Ravenst. Mi. 37, 1599, Deus refrigium meum ;" at bottom, " HSBC est effigies Jani ore Patrem. Kar Utenhouig ludebat A 1599, 9 Julij ;" very fine, with large margin 1 1702 "Johan Sigismundis, D.G. Marchio Brandeb. sac. Rom. Impa Archicame elect. Dux Pruss," &c. ; three-quarter length, wearing armour, and scarf hanging from his shoulders; in oval, four lines in oval, inscribed, " Si vultus, index mentis est, veluti sophi est enim " 1 1703 James VI. before he was King of England, three-quarter length, wearing high hat with feather; an ornamented oval, with inscription round it, " Serenissimus Jacobus VI. Dei Gratia Scotorum Oread Rex ; " in the oval, " Quod sis, esse velis ;" and at bottom, " Afra Inbam tellus . . . terra tuum." 1 1704 Louis XIII. on Horseback, between kneeling figures of Fame and Peace, with arms, trumpet, laurel wreath, &c. ; heraldic shields at top corners, beneath view of La Rochelle, and battle of Bellegarde, &c. ; men in manacles at side ; beneath, " Domino Fratri Regis." Crisp, depas. invent, et fecit. 1 1705 Marchio Badensis, three-quarter length, in small circle ; large ruff; inscription around, " Illustrissimi Marchionis Badensis uxor nata Bruxellae Brabantinorum urbe ; " verse beneath " Belgia quam genuit illustri stirpe creatam Vincula coniugij mors nisi rumpat atrox." Very fine with large margin 1 1706 Philip Prince of Spain, afterwards Philip III. ; Bust in lace ruff and rich dress, within the oval is " Et Patri et Patriae ; " and round it, " Illustrissimus Philippus D. G. Princeps His- paniarum, Serenissimi Pliilippi Catholici Hisp. Regis Filius. Anno Domini M.D.XCIIII., very fine 1 1707 Sibylla, Princess of Juliers and Cleves; three-quarter length in small circle ; large ruff and chain ; inscription around, " Sibylla 221 Dei Gratia Illustrissimi Princ Guilhelmi Pise Mem. et Cliviae Ducis Filia 1598 ; four lines beneath " Quam pietas, quam virginitas, quam vita pudica Et pater illustris cui Guilhelmus erat." Very fine with large margin 1 1708 Generall Cecyll, sonne of the right Honorable y e Earle of Exceter ; employed by his Ma tie over his forces (y e South and North Brittannes in the ayde -of y e princes of Juliers and Cleve, &c.) ; second son of Thomas, first Earl of Exeter ; one of the greatest generals of his time ; served thirty-five years in the Nether- lands ; created Viscount Wimbleton by Charles I. ; died 1638 ; engraved 1618. Three-quarter length, wearing ruff and scarf, ornamented oval, with devices and arms ; inscription around, " Honoratiss : Dns Edwardus Cecil Exercit. Magnse Brit. Eeg. Prafec." PASSE (SIMON DE). Born at Utrecht or Cologne 1574-81; worked in Germany, England, and Denmark; died in 1644. 1709 Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice, born 1550, died 1643 ; three-quarter length, in an oval, ornamented books in bottom circles ; inscription, " Illustriss. D n Edouardus Cokus Eqv. aur. Quond A Toti Angl. Judex. et Just. ; " verses at bottom " Vultuin (clare) tuum sculptor cum incident, arti Quantum cius menti reris in esse decus.. A. H. can." From John Young's sale 1 1710 The Eight Honorable Eichard Sackville, Baron of Buckhurst, Earl of Dorset, born 1589, died 1624 ; small illustrated oval, in an ornamental frame, arms above, description beneath t " The Eight Honorable Eichard Sackvile, Baron of Buckhurst, and Earle of Dorset, Anno 1617 ;" inscription round oval, " Clarissimus D r Eichard Sackville Baro Buckhurstise Com 68 Dorcestriae." First state, Simon Passceus sculp. L. Are to lie sould in Popes Head Ally ty John Sudbury and Gfeor. Humble 1 " He was an accomplished gentleman, and an excellent judge and a munificent patron of literary merit." 1711 The Eight Honourable Charles Howard, Earle of Nottingham, Baron of Efnngham, Lord High Admirall of England and Ire- land, born 1536 ; Lord High Admiral, 1585 ; commanded the fleet against the Spanish Armada ; died 1624 ; three-quarter length, in his robes, right hand on a globe ; in ornamented oval, 222 with shield atbottom; inscription around, "Honoratiss D n Carolua Comes Notinghamiae Baro Effingh. Angl. Admiralty;" atbottom, " The Eight Honorable . . . and one of his Maj 068 most honor- able Privy Counsell " 1 1712 Count Lamoral, Prince de Gavre Egmont, bora 1522 ; accom- panied Charles V. to Algiers ; endeavoured to moderate the tyranny of the Spanish Government in the Low Countries ; imprisoned by the Duke of Alva ; married, in 1544, Sabine, Countess Palatine and afterwards Duchess of Bavaria ; beheaded with Count Horn, 1568. He left a son who remained faithful to Philip II., and insulted the memory of his father. Whole- length, helmet on table, arms beneath, town and river behind ; at bottom, " Lamoral Princeps de Gaver. Comes a Egmont," &c. Si Passceus sculp., very rare 1 1713 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, in small illustrated oval; half-length, feather fan in right hand, left hand on table, crown and jewels on hair ; inscription around, " Serenissima Dna. Elizabetha Mag. Brita. Ee Fi Bohem Eeg. Palatinus Eheni. Comatissa, S. R I. Elecrix ; " description underneath, " The most Illustrious Princesse Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of Bohemia," &c. The same portrait in every respect (reversed) as in the picture of Frederick and Elizabeth and five children. Sim. Pass sculp. ; are to be sould by John Hind ; very rare, from the Dillon collection 1 1714 Thomas Egerton, Baron of Ellesmer, a natural son of Sir Eichard Egerton, an eminent lawyer, born 1540 ; Solicitor-General, 1581 ; Attorney-General, 1592 ; Lord Chancellor, 1603 ; created Viscount Bracklig 1616, died 1617; the Wits of Westminster, who disliked his judgments, called him Viscount Breaklaw ; founder of the house of Bridgewater ; when he was Chancellor the contest began between the Common Law and Chancery. Three-quarter length, wearing ruff and chain ; in ornamented oval, with inscription around, " Honoratiss D n Thomas Egertonus Baro De Ellesmer Anglia3 Cancella ; " lines at bottom " Virtutis qui cunque oculo vis cernere formam . . . Mentitus nihil est pictor in arte sua." Compton Holland ex. ; rare 1 1715 James I., his Queen, Anne of Denmark, and their eldest son, Henry, Prince of Wales ; small ovals, three-quarter lengths ; inscription beneath, Anne of Denmark reversed, " Anna D. G. Mag. Britt. Hyb. Eegina ; " on arms beneath her, also reversed, "Anna Dei Gratia Magna; Britannige Francis et Hyberniae 223 Eegina ; " on arms beneath, James reversed, " Jacobus Dei Gratia Magnse Britanniaa Francige et Hiberniee Rex ; " round, Charles, also reversed is " Illustriss. et Poten. Princ. Carolus Magnae Britanniee et Hybernias Princeps Ebor et Alb Dux ; " impression from gold or silver plates 3 1716 Mary, second daughter of Philip III. of Spain, born 1606, died 1646. This was the Princess proposed by G-ondomar for Charles I., who went to Madrid to see her ; the intended match was broken off, and she married Ferdinand III. of Germany. Small oval, in rich ruff and dress, curled hair, with jewels ; inscription around, " Effigies S. D. Maria D r Austria Philippi III. D. G. Hispaniarum Regis Infantis ; " description beneath, " The most Illustrious Princesse Mary of Austria, daughter to the most puissant Prince Philip, the third King of Spaine and India," &c. Simon Passceus sculpsit. Are to be sould in Popes Head Ally Toy Jo. Sud. & G. Humble 1 1717 Mary, daughter of Philip III. of Spain ; three-quarter length, with large ruff and jewels in her hair ; in ornamented oval, inscription around, " Sereniss. Maria Philippi IIII. Hispaniarum Indiar. etc. Regis soror ; " at bottom, " Te Mariam excelsam magni pars orbis adorat . . . Ingentes meritis spondet Amor Thalamos." Crisp, de Pas excudit, Cum privilegio Eegis Christianissimi A 1628 ; Simon Pass sculp. 1 1718 Matthias, Archduke of Austria, and William, Prince of Orange; two small ovals on one plate, both in armour ; arms above both and between them French description ; beneath each, Latin and Dutch verses from Scripture, above and below emblematic devices 1 1719 Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral. Born 1536, M.P. for Surrey, Justice of Forests south of Trent, Admiral of the Fleet. Died 1624. Compton Holland excud., fine with large margin ; from John Young's Collection 1 1720 Antoine de Pluvenel, born 1555 ; Riding Master and equerry to Henry of Anjou, who took him to Poland with him ; was tutor to Ce"sar, due de Vendome ; a friend of Menon de Charnisay ; wrote a book on horsemanship for Louis XIII. which is still sought for and esteemed ; died at Paris 1620 ; three-quarter length, wearing ruff and scarf; in ornamented oval, proof before letters 1 See the celebrated book by Pluvenel on equitation, illustrated by Pass, and full of portraits of the time. 224 1721 Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, second son of Henry, Earl of Southampton, and Mary, daughter of Anthony Browne ; born 1573; friend of Shakespear, died 1624 ; inscription round oval, " Praenobil D r Henric Wriothesley Comes Southampton Bar-Titchfeildiae," &c. ; at the bottom, " The right Honourable and noble Henry . . . Ord. of ye Garter." Simon Pass sculp. Are to be sold by J. Sudbury & 0. Humble ; very rare 1 1722 Paul Vansomer, Flemish Portrait Painter, born 1576 ; died in England, 1621, and was buried at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields ; Bust, in ornamented oval, frame enriched with figures ; en- graved 1622 1 1723 Edward Somerset, Earl of "Worcester, one of the most accomplished gentlemen in the courts of Elizabeth and James I. ; sent as Ambassador to James VI. of Scotland, on the occasion of his marriage with Ann of Denmark; died at his house in the Strand, 1627-8. Three-quarter length, in ornamental oval; wears large ruff and rich dress, right hand resting on baton; with arms at top and Anno 1618 ; inscription around, "Nobiliss. D. Ed\vardus Somerset Com. Worcestiae Baro. Rbert de Ragl," &c. ; at bottom is " The Right Honorable and most noble Edward . . . Ordre of y e Garter." Are to be sould in Pope's head Ally by Joh. Sudbury & Ge. Humble 1 1724 William Knollis, Viscount Wallingford, son of Sir Francis Knolles and Catherine Gary, died 1632 ; three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval with arms; wears hat and ruff, and holds piece of music in his left hand ; at top, motto, " In utrumque Paratus ; " inscription around, " Honoratiss. D. Wilihel Knollis Vicecomes Walling Baro de Grayes ; " at bottom, " The righte Honourable William Knollis and Knight of the Garter." From Young's sale 1 See autograph letter of Knollis in Dillon's Catalogue, very interesting, about Queen Elizabeth. PASSE (WILLIAM DE). Son of Crispin de Passe the Elder. Born at Utrecht 1572 or 1580; pupil of his father ; worked in London. 1725 James I. seated on a throne, surrounded by his Family and that of the King of Bohemia ; containing full-length Portraits of James I., his Queen, Anne of Denmark, and their children : Prince Henry Frederick, died 1612 ; Prince Charles, afterwards Charles I. ; Princess Elizabeth, married Frederick of Bohemia ; 225 Princess Mary, Princess Sophia (both died young). Children of the King and Queen of Bohemia : Prince Frederick Henry, drowned at the age of fifteen, 1629 ; Prince Charles Louis, married, 1650, to Charlotte, daughter of William V., Landgrave of Hesse; Prince Eupert, died 1682; Prince Maurice, lost at sea ; Princess Louisa Hollandina, became an Abbess ; Prince Louis. At top is " Triumphus Jacobi Eegis Augustaeg. Ipsius Prolis." Park with deer to the left and right ; angels holding crowns on each side. Latin and English lines beneath. Scarce, no portrait of Robert the King's second son is introduced 1 PAUL (J. S.) Practised Mezzotint in the latter half of the 18th century. 1726 Georgiana Viscountess Spencer, and her daughter, the Honble. Miss Georgiana Spencer; daughter of the Et. Hon. Stephen Poyntz, of Midgham, Berks; married 1755, John Spencer, created 1761, Viscount Spencer, and 1765, Earl Spencer; after Sir Joshua Eeynolds, whole-length, the Viscountess in dress richly trimmed with lace, holding her arms round her daughter who stands on a table, a white poodle is jumping up at her ; drapery behind and top of a tree to be seen to the left 1 PAYNE (JOHN). Born about 1606 ; pupil of Simon Pass, considered the first artist of this country who distinguished himself by the graver ; dissipated, and died early in indigence. " That excellent engraver, John Payne," is supposed to have engraved a portrait of Shakespeare. " He executed some heads after Cornelius Janson, in a style so beyond the common embellishments of his time, that it is greatly indeed to be regretted that his Shakespere has disappeared, if he really engraved it. I confess I am half tempted to think it will yet be found." Bondini's inquiry into tJte authenticity of the portraits of Shakespear,p. 114. 1727 Sir Benjamin Eudyerd ; in oval, inscription around, " Sir Benjamin Eudyerd Surveyor of his Ma ties Court of "Wardes and Liveryes an dom 1 1632, ^Etatis 54, An 1627;" verse beneath on a tablet " Could we, as heere his figure, se his mynd As he doth lack a Foe even to forgive." D. Mytens pinxit 1 PEDEETTI. Contemporary, working in Paris. 1728 Diana of Poictiers, 1499-1566 ; Mistress of Henry II. of France ; Head from a bust in marble ; private plate engraved for Dibdin. L. Massard del. ; proof 1 G G 226 PENCZ (GEORGE). Painter and Engraver. Born at Nuremberg in 1500 ; worked in Italy and Germany ; died at Eonigsberg, 1550. 1729 John Frederic, Elector of Saxony, surnamed " The Magnanimous," born 1503; greatly aided the Reformation, died 1554 ; " three- quarter length in rich dress, fur cape ; border of shields ; inscribed at bottom, " Spes mea in Deo est Johannes . . . Manet in ^Eternum " (R 126), engraved in 1543 1 PENNOCK (W.) Publisher, and probably an Engraver. 1 730 The true effigies of the old Lord Wharton ; small whole-length, with long sword; at bottom seven lines, the first letter of each helping to form the name Wharton " When Turanny usurp'd Brittannia's Laws . . . None euer Did defend it more than he." Printed for W. Pennock, in Pannier Aley, Paternoster Row 1 PERSYN (REGMER). Born at Amsterdam 1600, died about 1667. 1731 Baldasar, Conte de Castillon, detto " II Corteggiano." Dedicated to Alphonso de Lopez. Three-quarter length, velvet cap, hands clasped ; eight lines beneath " Qui vedi il Balthasaro Castigglione ... La vista al vivo, di questa altra sorte ; " and " Illustrissimo Dno Alphonso de Lopez . . . L. M. Q. D. D." Joachimus Sandrart del. et ex., Raphael Urbinas pinx. 1 1732 " Piu Tostostar, Mai Maritato, Che Seguitar Amor Ingrato," in an oval, three-quarter length ; wears a broad brimmed large hat, and holds cloak with right hand. Joachimus Sand, delineabat ad vivum, Regnerus A. Persy n grati animi ergo amico sculpebat 1 PFEIFFER (CARL HERMAN). Born at Frankfurt 1769. 1733 Josepha Hortensia Fiiger, half-length in an oval, holding a book in her left hand, trees and landscape in distance ; Fuger pinxit 1 PHILIPPE (PlETEB). Dutch Engraver. Flourished at the Haghe about 1660. 1734 Charles II. at Supper at the Haghe, with Lucy Walters, after Hendrik van Vliet, fine 1 1735 Jacob Stormont, Dutch Theologian ; large oval in wreath of laurel, at bottom, " Jacobus Stermont Pastor ; " J. Mytens pinx., Peter Philippe sc., P. Tugaleus sculpsit 1 1736 William Henry Prince of Orange, afterwards William III, when young; large half-length in armour, holding baton in both hands, standing in a gallery; landscape and palace behind, curtains above ; left arm resting on a plumed helmet, on parapet ; arms and French description beneath, A. Ragueneau pinxit, P. Philippe sculpsit ; published at Amsterdam, ly Frederick de Wit, very rare 1 PICART (BERNARD). Born at Paris in 1663; died at Amsterdam in 1733. 1737 Algernon Sidney, miscalled a Patriot, but really a salaried Agent of France ; half-length, right hand on book, landscape in dis- tance on left, artist's proof 1 1738 Nicolas Tindal, three-quarter length, in an oval with arms beneath, curtain and shelves of books, G. Knapton pinxit, very fine 1 PICAET (ETIENNE). Born at Paris 1631; died at Amsterdam 1721. 1739 Franchise Athenaisce de Rochechouart Mar se . de Montespan, three- quarter length in oval, ornamented with bunches of lilies; arms beneath, Stephanus Picart Rom, fecit et excudit, cum pri. Regis* 1668, Rue St. Jean de Beauuais 1 PITAU (NlCOLAES). Born at Antwerp 1633. 1740 Maria Theresa of Austria, Wife of Louis XIV. of France, three- quarter length, wearing pearl necklace, in a plain oval frame with arms ; beneath, Baubrun pinxit, N~ Pitau sculp., 1662 ; engraved in 1662, two years after her marriage with Louis 1 1741 Oliver Cromwell, inscribed " Cromwel Vicegerent," three-quarters, wearing cap and fur collar, in illustrated and richly ornamented oval ; arms, and a view of the execution of Charles ; four lines beneath " De fils d'un marechal qui 1'eut jamais pu croire Voulez vous Facheter au inerne prix que moi." Adr. vander Werff pinx., Pitau sculp. \ 228 1742 Henry Louis Habert de Montmor, after P. de Champaigne, three- quarter length in full canonical robes, holding paper; large oval with arms beneath, inscription around, " Henricus Ludo- vicus Habert de Montmor Comes Consistor et Primus Libellorum Supplicum in Regia Magister;" N. Pitau sculp., 1667 1 PLACE (FRANCIS). Amateur. Born in Yorkshire; died at York in 1728. 1743 Nathaniel Crew, "Episcopus Dunelmensis," Vicar of Whitney, Hereford, ob. 1721 ; three-quarter length in canonical robes ; large oval, F. P. fecit, P. Tempest exc. 1 1744 Mr. Philip Woollrick, probably a private Gentleman of Mr. Place's acquaintance; three-quarter length in armour, long flowing wig, head turned over right shoulder to the front, F. P. fee., J. Grcenhill pinx. 1 PLANER (GUSTAVE G.) Contemporary French Artist. 1745 Eembrandt and his Wife, in square ; he is seated with his wife on his lap, and holds a drinking glass in his right hand, both faces are turned to front, " Dedie* a son Excellence le Baron Forth Rouen, Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipo- tentiaire de S. M. 1'Empereur des Francois ; after picture in Dresden Gallery 1 TENTH DAY'S SALE. POILLY (FRANCOIS). Born at Abbeville 1622; died at Paris 1693. LOT 1746 Louis XIV. when young ; bom at St. Germain 1638 ; succeeded his father, Louis XIII, under Regency of his mother, Anne of Austria, 1643 ; married Maria Theresa of Austria 1660 ; on death of Mazarin assumed the government 1661 ; Louis ac- quired for France, and France permanently retained until 1871, French Flanders, with Lille, Picardie, Lorraine and Alsace ; died at Versailles 1715 ; three-quarter length in armour, lace collar and sleeves, large scarf, after JSTocret, a large oval with arms beneath 1 1747 Louis XIV, three-quarter length, wearing armour, large lace collar and scarf; in large oval of laurels; arms surmounted with crown, P. Mignard pinx., De Poilly sculp., et ex cum privilegio Regis, 1660 1 1748 Michel le Tellier, Minister of State, afterwards Chancellor and Keeper of the Seals of France ; follower of Mazarin during the wars of the Fronde ; obtained the signature of Louis XIV. to the revocation of the edict of Nantes on the 2nd of October, 1685 ; born 1603, died 1685 ; three-quarter length, in scarf, and order of St. Esprit; large oval, wreath of laurel leaves ornamented, inscription above, " ^Eternae Excubise," surrounded by stars and a monogram ; lizards on fruit at top and bottom corners, Poilly s culpt. ; see E. Crowe's Hist, of France, 2nd, and Student's History 1 PONTIUS (PAUL). Born at Antwerp 1596. Pupil of Lucas Vostermans. 1749 Ambroise Conte de Homes et de Bassinij, Baron de Boxtel ; three- quarter length in oval, wearing armour, with collar and scarf over, inscription around, " Du Conseil du Guerre, Gnal. d'Artillerie, 230 Colonel d'un regiment d'Infanterie Haute Allemande, Gou- verneur et Capitain General de la Provinc. et Comte d'Artois ;" at bottom, " Ambroise Conte de Homes pais bas," &c. ; Paul Pontius sc., Frandscus de Nys pinxit, Jo. Meiissens excudit, very fine, with margin 1 1750 Don Alvaro Bazan, Marquis de Santa Cruz, Admiral under Philip II., Governor in Belgium ; died 1646 ; after Van Dyck, three-quarter length in armour, with large white scarf, baton in left hand, right hand on helmet in front of him ; at bottom, " Excell mas . D. Don. Alvar Bazan Gubern.," Paul Pontius sculp., Ant. van Dyck pinxit, cum privilegio 1 1751 Don Charles Colonne (or Coloma), Spanish General in the Low Countries, under the Archduke Albert and Archduchess Isabella Clara Eugenia ; died 1643 ; three-quarter length in armour, hold- ing baton in left hand, curtain on right ; at bottom inscription, " Dom Carolus Belg.," &c., Paul Pontius sculp., Ant. van Dyck pinxit, Mart, vanden Enden excudit, cum privilegio, very fine, with large margin 1 1752 Frederic Henry Prince of Orange, son of William I. Prince of Orange, born 1584 ; succeeded his brother Maurice as Stadt- holder ; besieged Herzogenbusch 1629 and 1630 (this remark- able siege greatly facilitated the conquests of Gustavus Adol- phus by engaging the whole Spanish forces in the Netherlands) ; took Maestricht 1632 ; recovered Breda 1637 ; defeated Pap- penheim; died 1647; father of William II. Prince of Orange, and grandfather of William III. King of England; three- quarter length in armour, baton in right hand, helmet on table at his left side ; at bottom, " Frederico Henrico D. G. Principi Aravsionensium Gravise," &c., Ant. van Dyck pinxit., Paulus Pontius sculpsit, C. vander Stock excudit, cum privilegio Ordinum Confcederatorum 1 1753 Don Diego Philippus de Gusman, three-quarter length in armour, baton in right hand, curtain above to left ; at bottom inscrip- tion, " Illust mn8 . et excell. Don. Diego Hispan Praefect.," Paul Pontius sculp., Ant. van Dyck pinxit, Mart, vanden Enden excudit, cum privilegio, first state, with Vanden Enderis address 1 1754 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, three-quarter length, with white scarf over armour, baton in left hand, curtain above his head ; at bottom, " Gustavus Adolphus D.G. Eex Dux," &c., Paul Pontius sculp., Ant. van Dyck pinxit, cum privilegio, very fine impression, second state, very rare 1 231 1755 Jacob Peter Hunter, Nobilis Scoto., three-quarter length in oval, inscription round, "Jacobus Petrus Hunter, Nobilis Scoto- Suecus, Longa Peregrinatione Eruditus et Varia Fortuna Per- politus ^Etatis suae LI ; " at bottom, " Lustrator Orbis coetera," Franc, de Nis pinxit, Paul Pontius sculpsit, very rare 1 1756 Marie de Medici, second "Wife of Henry IV, half-length, in square, crown on left side, drapery on right, flowers in hand, inscrip- tion beneath, "Maria de Medices Eegina Francise Trium. Eegum Mater," Paul Pontius sculp., Ant. van Dyck pinxit, Mart, vanden Enden excudit, cum privilegio, first state, large margin, with Vanden Enden' s address, very fine ; from Young's Collection 1 1757 Another impression, with the name of the painter, but Vanden Enden's address taken out 1 1758 Philippe le Eoy, Painter ; after Van Dyck, three-quarter length, right hand on dog's head, left holding sword ; at bottom, " Philippus le Eoy Cultor. Ao. 1631 " 1 1759 Philip IV. of Spain, born 1605, died 1665 ; after Eubens, Bust in an oval, illustrated with allegorical figures, very fine 1 1760 Paul Pontius, the Engraver, born at Antwerp 1596, Pupil of Lucas Vorsterman, friend of Eubens and Van Dyck ; after Van Dyck, three-quarter length, cloak thrown over left arm, Mart, vanden Enden ex., cum privilegio, second state, with the engraver's name, very fine 1 1761 Eaffaello de Urbino, three-quarter length, seated, wearing cap and fur cloak over right shoulder ; landscape in distance, at bottom Latin, lines, " Urbinum Urbs Orbe foret." Paulus Pontius fecit cum privilegio 1 1762 Peter Paul Eubens, three-quarter length, enveloped in large mantle, which he holds with his left hand ; after Van Dyck,^?n>0/ before the engraver's name. M. vanden Enden ex., very fine 1 1763 Francois Thomas de Savoye, Prince of Carignan, youngest son of the Duke Charles Emmanuel ; born 1596 ; fought first with Spain against France, but afterwards served Louis XIII., who gave him, in 1642, the command of the armies of Savoy and France in Italy ; three-quarter length, in armour, baton in right hand, left hand on helmet ; at bottom" Sereniss mus Princ .... General." Paul Pontius sculp., Vandyck pinx., Vanden Enden excudit, very fine Head of Socrates, from a bust, Paul Pontius sc., at bottom, 232 " Socrates Sophronisci Filius Atheniesis, Ex marmore antique." P. P. Rubens ddin., P. Pontius sculpsit, A" 1638, cum priwlegio Eegis Chriati aniss. Principum Bdgarum et Ord. Betanice 2 PORPORATI (CARLO ANTONIO). Born at Turin in 1740, worked in Paris; died at Turin in 1816. 1764 Marie Antoinette d'Autriche, Reine de France et de Navarre ; seated, her arms resting on a table, in an oval, 1796, fine and very rare 1 PEAET (STEPHEN DE). Flourished in Dantzig in the latter half of the seventeenth century. 1765 The Metropolit. Miletius Syrigus, born 1585, died 1662; half- length, with large white beard, holding a cross, and wearing small cap and long cloak, hat hanging against the w r all over a table, on which are writing materials and books, window behind ; Greek inscription at bottom, and " Guilielmus Hondius Hago Batavos ad vivum delin., Gedani, 1645, Steven de Praet fecit.," rare 1 PRESTON (CAPTAIN THOMAS). Flourished about 1730. 1766 Robert Blake, celebrated Naval Commander ; General and Admiral of the Forces of England, &c., Denatus, 17 August, 1657 ; setat. 59 ; defeated De Witt and De Ruyter on the Coast of Kent, October 22, 1652 ; surprised in the Downs by Van Tromp, November 29, 1652 ; defeated the Dutch on the Coast of Holland, July 29, 1653; commanded in the Medi- terranean ; captured or destroyed a Spanish fleet near Cadiz, 1656 ; born 1599, died 1657 ; three-quarter length, at top on scroll, "Vindex Commercii;" at bottom, Robert Blake, &c., and six lines, " Was heard in thunder through th' affrighted shores Unconquerable Blake ; " in oval, with vignettes, scarce 1 Done from a painting in the possession of Captain John Blake of Watcombe, in the parish of Brockenhurst, Hants, and dedicated to the Citizens of London. QUADT (MATHIAS). Born at Cologne in 1 575, working at Frankfurt in 1603. 1767 Charles de Gontault Due de Biron, in armour, small oval, descrip- tion round border, Latin inscription above, description in Dutch on either side ; with vignettes of his arrest at Fontaine- bleau and execution; born 1562, executed for conspiracy against Henry IV., 1602 1 233 QUEBOREN (CRISPIN VAN). Dutch Engraver. Born at the Haghe 1604; worked about 1630. 1768 William Brog, Scotch General, served under Frederic Henry, Prince of Orange, particularly at the seige of Bois le Due; three- quarter length in armour, wearing chain and miniature of Charles I., large collar, beard, ear-rings, and patch on nose, description beneath, " Heer Wilhelm Brog Eidder ende Coronel Generael vande Scotsche natie A no - 1635." Crispiaen van Queboren sculpsit 1 1769 Elizabeth, daughter of James I. of England, wife of Frederick Count Palatine, Queen of Bohemia; inscription round oval, " Sereniss a Domina Elisabetha Potentissimi Princ Jac, Dei Gra. Britannia Magna Gall, et Hib. Eeg. Fi,unia;" at bottom, " Elisabet. Haecest Frede, principe A 1613." Queboren fecit, very fine and very rare 1 1770 Frederic King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, wearing hat and feathers, lace collar; is girt with sword, and holds truncheon in right hand ; inscription beneath, " Serenissimus Princeps Frederics D. G. Bohemias Rex. Com. Palatinus Rheni. S. Rom. Imp. Elect. Dux Bavarise Silesise. Crisp. Quebornius delin. et sculp. A 1622, B.I. ex." 1 1771 Louisa, daughter of Frederic Henry Prince of Orange ; large head in an oval, with " ^Etatis suae XII. Anno M.D.C.XL. ;" at bottom, " Loisa Nassavio Auriaca, Filia Archilhalassi." Pinorit ad vivum sculpsit, excudit, et eidem Principi Loisce reverenter ac submise' dat, dicat, dedicat Crispianus a Queboren. Ab r van Waesbergen excud. Amsterdam 1 1772 Maurice, Prince of Orange; three-quarter length. Inscription round oval, " Mauritius D. G. Princeps Aur Comes Nass Meurs Bur Leerd, &c., Marchio Verge et Fliss Baro Bredae, Gubern Geld. Holl. Zel. W. Fr. &c." ; Dutch description below, Crisiaen vanden Queberon sculp. Jansen ex., fine 1 RABEL (DANIEL). Working in Paris in 1612, died in 1628. 1773 The Emperor Charles V, in a small oval ; is crowned with laurel, and wears armour and scarf ; inscription around, " Imperator Cses. Carolus V. Aug." 1 H H 234 REGNAULT (THOMAS-CASIMIR). Contemporary French Artist. 1774 Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, Eminent French Painter ; a small head painted by himself, T. C. Regnault sc., proof on india paper 1 REINDEL (ALBRECHT CHRISTOPH.) Born at Nuremburg in 1784, died in 1853. 1775 The Emperor Charles the Great; half-length, crowned and richly robed, holding a globe in one hand, and a sword in the other ; after Albrecht Durer 1 REINSPERGER (J. C.) German Engraver. Flourished 1747-1760. 1776 The Empress Marie Therese, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia^ born 1717, died 1780 ; Mother of Marie Antoinette ; large three- quarter length, in circle, verses beneath " Eleve'e au dessus de son sexe et du notre Elle unit les vertus et de 1'un et de 1'autre ; Sage dans ses Conseils, ferme dans ses projets Magnanime elle fait 1'amour de ses sugets. Son Ame est sans Orgueil, son coeur sans artifice : Femme sans passion, Reine sans injustice ; Employant tour a tour, et joignant quelquefois La douceur de son sexe a la fierte' des Rois." After Liotard. Grave" par I. C. Reinsperger 1 REYNOLDS (SAMUEL WILLIAM). Mezzotint Engraver. Born 1774; died 1835. 1777 Captain Forbes, three-quarter length, in square, wearing uniform, with plaid. Northcote pinx., S. W. Reynolds sculp. PuUisIied Jan. 1st, 1796, by the engraver, artist's proof, very fine 1 1778 The Right Hon ble - William Dundas ; three-quarter length, the head to the front. Painted by J. Hoppner, R.A. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds. London, published Jan. 31, 1801, by John Jeffryes, Clapharn Road and Ludgate Hill ; printed in colours 1 1779 Thomas Girtin, celebrated Water-Colour Painter, born 1775, died 1802 ; three-quarter length, holding crayon and sketch book. London, published May 16, 1817, byJ. Girtin, Engraver, Printer, (fee., No. 25, Old Compton Street, Soho, very fine 1 235 1780 John Opie, Painter ; born at Cornwall, 1761 ; died in 1807 ; three-quarter length, the face nearly full, and looking over the left shoulder, fine -proof before any letters 1 1781 James Watt, Engineer, Mechanician; born at Greenock, 1736; came to London, 1755 ; settled in Glasgow, 1756 ; patented his steam engine, 1769 ; partner of Boulton, 1773 ; term of patent extended, 1775 ; died 1819 ; after the bust by Chantrey. Pub- lished June 25th, 1825, by the Engraver, Baysiuater, very fine 1 1782 General West, three-quarter length, in a small square mezzotint proof. Sir Joshua Reynolds pinx., S. W. Reynolds sculp. Pub- lished by the Engraver, Bayswater, 1823 ; proof on india paper I 1783 The Right Honorable William Pitt, three-quarter length, trial proof, the head only, from the half-length by Sir T. Lawrence, P.E.A. Published by Colnaghi in 1837 1 1784 William Windham, Statesman, born in London, 1750; entered University College, Oxford, 1767; M.P. for Norwich, 1784; Secretary at War, 1794 to 1801; again 1806-7; died 1810; half-length, holding letter in left hand, which rests on a book, standing ; after Hoppner. S. W. Reynolds sculp., proof before any letters 1 1785 Charles Smith, Painter to the Great Mogul; three-quarter length, wearing turban and holding roll of paper. S. W. Reynolds sculp. Published by S. W. Reynolds, Oct. 1, 1795, very fine 1 RICHOMME (JOSEPH-THEODOR). Engraver. Born in Paris 1785. 17 86 Marc Antonio Eaimondi, Italian Engraver, born in Bologna, 1488; died 1527. Now justly considered the greatest of all engravers. Bust in a square frame, the face turned to the front. Peint a fresgue par Raphael. DessinA et grave par Tre Richomme, 1840, artist's proof on india paper 1 Single impressions, in fine state, realize extraordinary prices : a print of his portrait of Aretino, a small engraving, sold for upwards of 500 at the Brentano sale, at Leipzig, in 1871. ROBINSON (JOHN HENRY), A.R.A. Born at Bolton, Lancashire, in 1796 ; died at Petworth in 1871. 1787 The Duchess of Bedford, after Van Dyck ; half-length, from the picture at Petworth, proof, with remark, very fine 1 1788 Rubens, after Van Dyck, engraved ; half-length, standing, column and landscape behind, proof Sir Walter Scott, after Lawrence ; from a picture in Her Majesty's Collection 2 236 1789 Queen Victoria, seated, with letter in left hand, after Thorburn, artist's proof 1 ROBINSON (R.) Working in London 1790. 1790 The Seven Bishops sent to the Tower in 1688 by James II. Kenn (Thomas), Bishop of Bath and Wells. Lake (John), Bishop of Chichester. Lloyd (William), Bishop of St. Asaph. Sancroft (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. Trelawney (Sir Jonathan), Bishop of Bristol Turner (Francis), Bishop of Rochester. White (Thomas), Bishop of Peterborough. A group of seven ovals, with names beneath. Printed and sold by L Oliver on Liidgate Hill ; from tJie Tunno collection RODEN (W. J.) German Engraver. 1791 Peter Paul Rubens, three-quarter length, wearing large hat and cloak ; in a square, with ornamental border ; at bottom, " Pet. Paulus Rubens." From the picture in tlie Royal Collection at Windsor ; proof before any letters 1 ROSSI (GiACOMo). Born at Rome in 1680; working in 1722. 1792 Pope Innocent XIL, born 1615, elected Pope 1691, died 1700; in an oval, illustrated with historic scenes, events in the Pope's life ; round the oval is " Innocentius XII. Pignatellus Neapoli- tanus Pont. Max. Creatus die XII. July M.D.C.XCI.." Gio. Gia- como Rossi le Stampa in Roma alia Pace com P.S.P. 1 ROTA (MARTINO). Born at Sebanico, in Dalmatia, about 1540; died about 1586. 1793 Alexander and Cosmo de Medici, two small circles, Fame standing upon a lion, between them, holding a crown over each, arms above 1 This is a very curious print, and is very much in the style of Martino Rota. The city beneath is Florence. The print is signed at back, " P. Mariette, 1672, ?> ROULLET (JEAN Louis). Born at Aries, in Provence, 1645. 1794 Edouard Colbert, profile bust from a bas-relief by Girardon, in an oval, with drapery (N. 7) 1 237 1795 Jacques Louis, Marquis de Beringhen, Governor of the Citadel of Marseilles, born 1651, print collector, died 1723 ; half-length, standing, in Eoman costume, baton in right hand, pointing with left hand, landscape background, at bottom, " Jacques Louis, Marquis de Beringhen Chevalier des Ordres du Koy, Premier Escuyer de sa Majeste*, et Gouuerneur des Citadelles de Marseille." Petrus Mignard Eques pinxit, Joan Lud. Roullet dd. sculp, et ex. (N. 12) 1 ROGERS (WILLIAM). Bom in London about 1545 ; living in 1602. 1796 Maximilian of Austria, full-length, habited in the costume of the order of Knights of the Toizon D'or (Golden Fleece), standing under an archway, landscape background, brilliant impression, plate2,fol.77 1 SACHS (H.) Contemporary Engraver. 1797 Salvator Rosa, Neapolitan Painter, born 1615, died 1673. Three- quarter length, hololing small figure in right hand. H.Sachs fee.; artist's proof on india paper 1 SADELER ( Born at Antwerp, 1570 ; died at Prague 1629. 1798 Anna Catherine, daughter of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria, Consort of Mathias, Emperor of Germany. (The companion print to the next.) Serenissima Augustissima optima princeps Domina Anna Romanorum Imperatrix Germanise Hungariae Bohemias Dalmatiae Croatiae Sclavonic, &c., Regina Archiduc Austrise Due. Burgundiae, &c.-, Com. Tyrolis, &c. ; half-length, in her imperial robes, and holding crown, sceptre and ball, bottled windows. Sacrce Ccesarice Magistatis Sculptor Egidius Sadeler de facie eocpressit et in deuoti animi signum humilis obtulit Pragce Anno Christiano M.DC.XVI. cum priuil. sc. M**- Matthias, Emperor of Germany, son of Maximilien II., born 1557, died 1619; half-length under canopy, in his imperial robes, holding sceptre, ball and crown. Serenissimus Potentissimus Invictissimus princeps Dominus Dominus Matthias Dei Gratia Romanorum Imperators semper Angistus Germanise Hungariae Bohemias Dalmatiae Croatiae Sclavoniae, &c., Rex Archiduc Austriae Dux Burgundiae, &c., Comes Tyrolis, &c., P.P.P.F. Sacrce ejus Ccesarice Magistatis Sculptors Egidius Sadeler de facie eocpressit et in devoti animi signum humilio obtulit Pragce Anno Christiano M.DC.XVI. cum priuil. sc. M'"- 2 238 1799 Charles de Longueval, Count of Buquoy, Baro de Vaux, served under the Archduke Albert in the Netherlands, and commanded under Spinola at the Siege of Ostend and subsequent campaigns; three-quarter length, scarf across his shoulders ; a small illustrated oval, surrounded with allegorical figures, coronet above, men in chains, and arms, banners and cannon below, siege of Ostend in background ; at bottom, " Carolus de Longueval Comes de Buquoy Baro de Vaux Comitatusq Hannoniensis." S. C. M*" sculptor Eq. Sadeler ad vivum delineavit et D. D. Pragcc M.D.C.XXI. 1 SADELER (JAN). Born at Brussels 1550 ; died at Venice 1600. 1800 Sigismond Feyrabend, celebrated Book Publisher; born 1526 or 27, died 1585 ; three-quarter length, in cap and fur trimmed cloak, right hand on book inscribed, with the date 1587 ; at top is " Sigismondus Feyrabendius Alloquitur." In corner at bottom, " Honoris ipsius causa iaes incisus a I. Sadeler," engraved 1587, very fine, with good margin 1 He published works illustrated with wood engravings by the most eminent artists of the day: Solis, Jost-Amman, Boxberger, Stimmer, and Maurer. He himself illustrated the Bible of Zaplin, printed in 1561. The Fame with two trumpets, at the top of the portrait, was the trade mark of the books he published. 1801 Marie de Medici when young; three-quarter length, in ruff and necklace ; a small oval with inscription around, " La Serenissima Madama Maria de Medici, Eeina Christianiss. Di Francia. E. Di Navarra." Sadeler excudit Veretijs I SALLIER (Louis). Born in 1748 at Paris, worked there and in London ; died in 1795. 1802 William III. when a youth ; whole-length, after Gerard Honthorst. John Boydell excudit, 1781. Not described by Nagler, proof before the title 1 SALMON (ADOLPHE). Contemporary French Engraver. 1803 Sebastian del Piombo, Italian Painter, pupil of Bellini, afterwards of Giorgione, born 1485 ; painted the Raising of Lazarus, in the National Gallery ; assisted in the designs by Michael Angelo for competition with the Transfiguration by Raphael. Both pictures exhibited together in Rome, died 1547; half-length, richly dressed, holding papers in his left hand, artist's proof on india paper 1 239 SALOM. Italian Engraver. 1804 Menasseh Ben Israel, Hebrew Theologian and Philosopher ; three-quarter length, in oval, shield and book in top corners ; round oval, " Menasseh Ben Israel Theologus et Philosophus Hebreeus, Peregrinando Quaerimus;" at bottom four lines, " Doctrina hie voluit, voluitq Modestia pingi Ilia suos vultus dixit, et ilia suos O.I. ^Etatis suse Anno xxxvni. Anno MDCXLII." Salom Italia sculp. 1 SANDEAKT (JACOB). Worked at Eatisbon, 1653. 1805 John George, Duke of Saxony ; three-quarter length, in oval ; scarf over armour ; at bottom, " Sereniss', Princeps ac Dn. Dn. Jo- hannes Georgius Saxonise in Ravenstein." Jacob Sandrart sculp, et excudit Eatisponce, 1653. Cum privilegio S.C.M. I 1806 John Septimus Jorger, in armour inscription round oval, "Joannes Septimus Jorger S. Rom. Imp. Comes, Dominus in Toilet et Austria Super." In corner at bottom, " Jorgers faciem Pallas mortis erit." G. P. H. Stranch del Sandrart sculp. 1662, unfinished proof of same, before the back- ground, and before the allegorical illustrations, very fine, with large margin 2 SAUNDERS (JOSEPH). Miniature Painter and Engraver, 1772-1797. 1807 Miss Elliot in the character of Minerva, three-quarter length; an oval, in a square. E. Cosway pinxit, I. Saunders fecit. Pub- lished as the Act directs Feb. 24, 1772, and sold by J. Saunders, No. 24, Tichfield Street, Oxford Market, very fine 1 SAVAGE (E.) Contemporary American Engraver. 1808 George Washington, President of the United States of America; half-length, seated, consulting a plan ; E. Savage pinx. et sculp. 1 From the original picture, painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge, in Massachusetts, 1793. 240 SCHALKEN (GOTTFRIED). Born at Dordrecht in 1643 ; died in 1706. 1809 Rembrandt Van Ryn, bust in oval, the face turned to the front, inscribed at corners, " Gdov. Pictor Lugd. Batav. ;" at bottom, " Honoris ergo Praeceptorem suum-delineavit." G. Schalken 1 SCHIAVONETTI (Luioi). Born at Bassano in 1765; worked in London, and died there in 1810. 1810 William Blake, half-length seated, holding pencil ; painted by T. Phillips, R.A. London : published by E. H. Cromck, 64 Newman Street, May 1st, 1808, proof on india paper, very fine Unfinished proof of the same, before all letters, on india paper 2 SCHMIDT (GEORGE FRIEDRICH). Born at Berlin in 1712 ; died in 1775. The numbers refer to the " Catalogue raisonnd de L'oeuvre de feu George Frederic Schmidt, Londres, 1789." 1811 Marie de Rabutin Chantal Marquise de Sevigne*, Ne'e le 5 Fevr. 1626, Morte au Cha" de Grignan en Prov" en 1696; three- quarter length, in small oval, with arms beneath ; Ferdinand pinx. (28) 1 1812 Constantinus Scarlati Moldavia Princeps, inoval, with arms beneath ; three-quarters, in fur hat and fur trimmed robe ; at bottom, " Musas Augusti colit semulus ille volentes Per Populos dat jura, Viam que affectat Olympo " (39) 1 1813 Maurice Quentin de la Tour, Peintre du Roy et Conseiller en son Academic Royale de Peinture et sculp rc - ; in oval, on an easel; three-quarter length, wearing hat turned up one side, books and papers beneath (50), very fine, with large margin 1 1814 Dinglinger, three-quarter length in oval, Ant. Pasnepinx. (148) 1 SCHMUZER (JACOB VON). German Engraver. Born 1733. 1815 The Empress Maria Theresa, three-quarter length, in a large square ; arms and inscription at bottom, and " Maria Theresea Rom. Imperatrix Vidua Tyrolis," &c. 1 241 SCHUPPEN (PETER VAN). Flemish Engraver. Born at Antwerp 1623 ; pupil of Nanteuil ; died 1702. 1816 Hardinus de Perefixe de Beaumont, Archbishop, three-quarter length, wearing canonicals and order of the Grand Esprit ; in a large oval, with inscription around, " Harduinus de Perefixe de Beaumont," &c. ; C. Le Fefvre pinx., P. van Schuppen sculp. 1667, very fine, with large margin 1 1817 Louis XIV., in oval, wreath, crown above, trophies of arms beneath with military devices ; on scroll at top, " Quern sese ore .... esse deorum ;" on the sides of the oval of laurel, " Her- , cules Christianus ;" eight lines " Hie tibi Eex, prisci data non sunt Herculis ora ; Cordibus in nostris te bene sculpsit Amor" at bottom; Le Brun ad vivum pinx., Van Schuppen sculp. 1664, very fine 1 1818 Ludovicus Delphinus, Ludovici Magni filius ; in large oval, three- quarter length, wearing armour, and richly dressed; Francis de Troy ad vivum pinxit et excu., Van Schuppen sc. 1684 1 1819 "Max. Henrie D. G-. Archiep. Colon," &c., bust, in an oval, very fine and rare 1 SCHUETZ (CORNELIUS NICOLAUS). Flourished in Nuremburg between 1650-1690. 1820 Raimondo Comte de Montecuccoli, Austrian General and Tactician? 1608-1680, galloping to the front, in command, with baton in his right hand, battle in distance, inscription beneath, " Der Hoch und Wohlgebohrne Heir Herr Eeymund Graff von Montecuccoli Herr der freyen .... und General der Eaabe Zufinden bey Paulius Furst ; " equestrian portrait (Greutzen, cfec.) C. N. S. sc. 1 SCEIVEN (EDWARD). Born at Alcester in 1775 ; died in 1841. 1821 Lord Falkland, half-length seated, hat on table beside him, after Van Dyck, proof before letters Sir Thomas Moore, bust, in hat and fur collar Sir Thomas Moore and his Family, after Hans Holbein Sir William Russell (Lord EusseU) of Thornhaugh 4 I I 242 SHARP (WILLIAM). Born in London, 1749; died at Chiswick, 1824. An excellent Engraver; be- lieved in Joanna Southcott and Brothers the prophet He engraved the portrait of Brothers, and owing to the printer misplacing a comma, the inscrip- tion ran thus : " Believing him to be a man ordained, by God I engrave his portrait." The comma should have been after the word God, It may be said in defence of Sharp that his gullibility was respectable and innocent, com- pared with the gullibility of the present time, 1872. 1822 General Cathcart, three-quarter length, in square frame, wearing uniform, the face turned to the left ; Gulielmus Sharp sculpsit, Londini, Janiiarius 1, 1791, proof I 1823 Charles I., King of England, three-quarter length, in three posi- tions, after Van Dyck, proof, open letters 1 This is an engraving from the picture by Vandyck, to which Mr. D'Israeli refers in his Life of Charles I. 1824 Hart Davis, a Connoisseur, three-quarter length, in fur trimmed coat, the face turned to the front, after Sir Thomas Lawrence 1 Hart Davis sold ''The Claude" to Mr. Miles near Bristol, and it was exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. The original portrait by Lawrence, from which this is engraved, was also exhibited there. 1825 Dr. Burney, three-quarter length, enveloped in large cloak ; Will. Sharp sndp. ; published London, Deer. 1821, proof, with name and address merely etched in 1 1826 The Right Rouble. Robert Dundas, Lord President of the Court of Session, nat. 29 July, 1713, ob. 13 Deer. 1787; half-length in robes, seated, curtain above, arms beneath ; painted by If. Rce- burn, proof, open letters 1 1827 John Kemble, three-quarter length, resting right elbow on table, face turned to the left ; M. A. Shee, R.A., pinx., W. Sharp sculp. ; London: published by W. SJiarp, April 7, 1803, proof, open letters 1 1828 Professor Person, three-quarter length seated, drapery above, the face turned to the left ; J. Hoppner, R.A., pinx., proof, the ar- tists' names and line of publication merely etched in 1 1829 William Sharp, Engraver, 1817, three-quarter length, holding roll of paper. London: published May 12, 1817, by John Smith, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, proof, open letters, on a white tablet 1 1830 Johanna Southcote, three-quarter length, seated, with open Bible; at bottom, " Isaiah Ch. LXV. & LXVI. Jany. 1812." Drawn and engraved from life by W. Sharp, published by Jean Townley, London, proof before all letters excepting the quotation from Isaiah, on a white tablet 1 243 1831 Vittoria Cplonna, bust, in ornamented head dress, nearly profile, after Michael Angelo ; published March 1st, 1787, by William SJiarp, London, proof, names merely etched in 1 1832 George Washington, three-quarter length in square ; proof before all letters 1 SHERBORNE (C. W.) Contemporary Etcher and Engraver. 1833 Pius IX. (Pius nonus Pontifex Maximus), small circular portrait, engraved at Eome from a medal in the style of one of a series of Popes engraved, by Marc Antonio 1 SHERWIN (JOHN KEYSE). Flourished about 1775 ; died 1790. 1834 Mrs. Abington as Roxalana in the " SULTAN." Sultan (alone). " She's not handsome, that is, what is call'd a beauty ; yet her little nose cock'd in the air, her laughing eyes, & the play of her features, have an effect altogether Who is it that lifts the curtain there ? " Roxalana : " 'Tis I." After Sir Joshua Rey- nolds 1 1835 William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, born 1708, died 1778, half-length in his robes, speaking ; proof, open letters 1 Begun from a painting by Mr. Brompton, but corrected from a cast moulded from his lordship's face, by Joseph Wilton, Esq., Royal Academician. SICHEM (CHEISTOPH VAN). Born in Holland about 1580. Lived at Amsterdam ; worked from 1601 to 1637. 1836 SET OF WHOLE-LENGTH PORTRAITS BY W. SICHEM, OF GOVERNORS OF THE NETHERLANDS, AND OTHERS : Francis of Valois, Duke of Alen9on, clad in long cloak and holding sceptre; helmet and shield to left, landscape in distance; at bottom, " Franciscus Valerius D. G Belg." Don John of Austria, cuirass, helmet, shield, &c., by his side, shipping in distance, at bottom, " Joannes Austriacus General " Elizabeth Queen of England ; " D. G. Angliae Francias et Hibernise Virginise Reginaa," with crown, sceptre and orb, rich ornamented and jewelled dress, arms and book on table; sea coast and shipping behind; long German inscription beneath. C. V.S. (Sicheni) scul. et ex. 244 Hubert Dudley, Earl of Leicester ; in armour, arms and helmet on ground, shipping in the rear ; at bottom, " Robertus Dudleus Prsefectus," long German inscription beneath 1 Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Parma, standing, holding rosary ; landscape of castle and bridge behind ; at bottom, " Margarita Austriaca Vsque 1567 " Mary, Queen of Hungary, Governor of the Netherlands, sister of Charles V., standing, holding rosary in left hand, right hand on book, castle, &c , in distance ; at bottom, " Maria Regina Hongar Quinti" Matthias, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Netherlands, standing, wearing short cloak and sword ; tablet with arms and a broken column by his side, landscape with bridge, &c., in dis- tance ; at bottom, " Matthias Archidux Belgicae " William I., Prince of Orange, in cuirass, standing by table, on which are helmet and gauntlets, shield on ground to right, an army in distance ; at bottom, " Guilelmus D. G. Princ Belgica" Louis Requesens, Governor of the Netherlands, standing, in hat and short cloak, helmet by his side, landscape with view of castle, &c., behind j at bottom, " Ludovicus Requesen Mag .... . . . General " Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma, in armour, holding baton and shield, helmet and gauntlets by his side, shield beneath, an army manceuvering in the distance, " Alexander Farnesius Parma9 Belgicae " Maurice, Prince of Orange, in armour, left hand on shield, helmet on ground, a battle in the distance ; at bottom, " Mauritius D. G. Natus Gubern " Albert and Isabella, the Archdukes, in robes, with shield and arms, at bottom, " Albertus D. G. Archidux Guber," and " Isabella Austriaca Filia " Ferdinand Alvares, Duke of Alva, in armour, standing to front ; an execution in the distance, helmet on right with shield beneath, gauntlet on the ground to left ; at bottom, " Ferdinandus Alvares Capit Gener " Ernest, Archduke of Austria, in armour, standing, view of a city gate [and river in the distance, helmet and shield on stone beside him, baton in left hand ; at bottom, " Eruestus D. G. Archidux Austria dux Burg com Tirolis Belgi Prov. Guber. 15 245 SICHLING (LAZARUS GOTTLIEB). Born in 1812 at Nuremberg, worked in 1837. 1837 Morett, Jeweller to Henry VIII., half-length, wearing hat and rich dress, holding gloves in right hand, and in left a sheathed dagger, proof and fine, on india paper ; from the Holbein at Dresden 1 SIEVIEE (ROBERT WILLIAM). Born in London 1794, died in 1865. 1838 Lady Jane Grey, small square, the face turned to the right, in richly jewelled hat and dress, after Lucas de Heere. Published as the act directs by John Brydone at his picture-frame, and look- ing glass establishment in Leicester : the 4:th of June, 1822. ^En- graved ~by E. W, Sievier from the original picture by Hans Hol- bein in the Collection of Col 6 Elliot of Nottingham ; beautifully engraved; proof 1 SIMMONS (W. H.) Working in London in 1837-1841. 1839 William Shakespeare, Bust, an oval in a square, after the Chandos Portrait ; proof before any letters 1 SIMON (JOHN). Mezzotint Engraver. Born in Normandy about 1675 ; died in London about 1755. 1840 Elizabeth, Queen of England ; three-quarter length, royally attired, in an oval ; inscription " Eegina Elizabetha Turis ac Libertatum Populi Sui Semper Conservatrix ; et Afflictoram qua Patet Europa Vindex Nata Grenvici 1533. Sep* 7. Sorori Successit in Eegno 1558. Nov. 17, Obijt. 160 Mar. 24, Anno ^Etatis 70." F. Hilly ard pinx. m. 1 1841 Maria Stuart, D. G. Scotiae & Francise Regina; Bust, with fur collar, in an oval, ornamented with laurel ; arms beneath. Sold by E. Cooper at the 3 Pidgeons in Bedford Street 1 1842 Mr. Matthew Prior, three-quarter length, plainly dressed, the face turned to the left ; an oval in a square. J. Richardson pinx., 1718 1 1843 Mr. Steele, three-quarter length standing, the right arm resting on a coping. G. Kneller Eques pinxit, J. Simon fecit. 1 1844 Sir John Vanbrugh, three-quarter length, with a pair of com- passes in left hand. G. Kneller S. R. Imp. et Mag. Brit. Baronet pinx., Simon fecit. Sold by J. Jonson in the Strand, very fine 1 246 1845 William Shakespeare, three-quarter length, in an oval ; " Shake- speare, ob. A. D. 1616, .dStat. 53." Zoust pinx. Done from a capital Picture in the Collection of S. Wright, Painter in Covent Garden 1 SIMON (PETER). Born about 1750, died about 1810. 1846 Francis Isabella Ker Gordon, daughter of Lord and Lady Wm. Gordon, after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; when a child ; five cherub's heads in different positions. From the picture in the National Gallery 1 SIMON (PIERRE). French Engraver, resident at Paris about 1680. 1847 Antoine Pierre Alvarez Olaris, Marquis d'Astorga, three-quarter length, wearing armour, lace collar and spectacles; in illus- trated oval, with military trophies, arms beneath; in large oval ; arms and banners around and beneath, inscribed, Astorga (D. Ant P Alvarez Osorio Davila y Toledo Marg. De Velada Y Astorga). J. De la Borde pinxit, P. Simon sculpebat, Homes 1668 1 1848 Clemens Decimus, " Pont Max," three-quarter length in oval ; arms and the above inscription on a tablet beneath. Gio. Batta Gauth' del. pinx., P. Simon sculp. 1 1849 Louis de Bourbon, Due d'Enghien, Prince de Cond ; Bust life size, in an oval ; inscribed, " Ludovicus Borbonius, Princeps Condaeus. P. Simon ad vivum pingebat et sculps. 1678 " 1 1850 Due d'Orleans, Frere du Hoy Philippe de Bourbon, Bust, life size, in robes, fine 1 SMITH (DAVID). Working in London, died in 1847. 1851 Bust of John Hunter, placed on a large book ; proof 'before letters, excepting " David Smith sculp." which is merely etched in 1 SMITH (JOHN). Mezzotint Engraver. Born in London in 1654, living in 1727. 1852 Her Royal Highness Ann, Princess of Denmark, half-length, seated, dressed in robe trimmed with ermine. G. Kneller Eques pinx., 1692 ; brilliant impression 1 247 1853 The Eight Hon ble Arnolds Joost, Earl of Albemarle, Viscount Bury, Baron Ashford of Ashford, Captaine of the first Trope of Guards and Master of the Robes of his Majesty, Colonel General of ye Suisses and Grisons, in ye Service of ye United Provinces of ye Low Countries and Knight of ye most noble Order of the Garter, &c. Half-length, wearing armour, baton in right hand ; battle in the distance. G. Kndler, S. It. Imp. and Augl. Eques Aur. pinx. ; J. Smith fee. ; brilliant impression 1 1854 Anne, Queen of England, younger daughter of James II. and Ann Hyde, his first wife, born 1665 ; married Prince George of Denmark, 1683 ; became Queen on the death of her brother- in-law, William III., 1702 ; her husband died 1708 ; she had several children, but none survived her; died 1714. Three- quarter length in oval, royally attired ; inscription at bottom, " Serenissima et Potentessima Anna D. G. Anglise . . . Anno 1702." G. Kneller S. R. Imp. et Angl. Eques Aur. pinx. ; J. Smith fee., brilliant impression 1 1855 Catherine, Queen of Charles II., three-quarter length in an oval; inscription at bottom, " Catharina D. G. Mag. Brit. Fra. et Hib. Regina ; Filia Joannis IIII. Reg. Portuj." &c. Haysman pinx., J. Smith sc. 1 1856 The Right Hon ble Lady .Elizabeth Cromwell, full-length, drawn in landscape, with greyhound. G. Kneller, S. jR. Imp. et Angl. Eques Aur. pinx. 1 1857 Right Hon ble John, Earl of Exeter, half-length, seated ; figure of Minerva in the distance. G. Kneller Eques. pinx. 1 1858 George, Prince of Denmark, born 1653, died 1708; half-length, in armour, with baton in right hand. G. Kneller Eques pinx. ; brilliant and injine condition 1 1859 Right Hon ble Baron de Ginkel, created Earl of Athlone and Baron Antrim, in Ireland, 1691 ; Commander-in-Chief of all their Ma ties Forces in ye said Kingdome, and Gen 11 of ye Horse in Flanders, &c. Half-length, wearing armour, with baton in right hand and helmet in the left ; troopers' chargers seen in distance to left. G. Kneller Eques pinx., -very Jine 1 1860 Sir Godfrey Kneller, born 1648, died 1723 or 1726 ; three-quarter length, in large oval ; inscription beneath, " Godfridus Kneller Eques. Guilelmi & MariaQ Magnae Britannia Regis & Regina Pictorum Princeps." Offerebat Humillimus Servus Johannes Smith 1 248 1861 John Locke, bora 1632, died 1704, aetat. 72 ; three-quarter length, in oval, wearing loose robe, and shirt unbuttoned at the neck. Ex Autographo G. Kneller Baron* pro Ant. Collins Arms eodem Anno depicto. Fecit J. Smith A 1721 1 1862 Mary, wife of William III, born 1662, died 1694 ; three-quarter length, in oval, wearing jewelled stomacher and shoulder knots ; inscription at bottom, " Maria D. G. Angl. Scot. Franc. & Hiber. Regina," &c. Cum privilegio Regis; brilliant proof of the same before all letters 1 1863 John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, three-quarter length, in oval, clad in armour ; brilliant proof 1 1864 Sir Isaac Newton, three-quarter length, wearing oval, in loose robe, and shirt unbuttoned at the neck; inscription beneath, " Isaacus Newton Eq. Aur." G. Kneller Eques pinx., fine 1 1865 William III., King of England, three-quarter length, in oval, wear- ing robes of the Garter ; beneath is " Gulielmus Tertius D. G. Anglise . . . Rex," &c. G. Kneller Eques ad vivum pinx., very Jine 1 1866 W. Wycherley, ^Etatis suae 28; author of " Country Wife," &c. ; three-quarter length in an oval. P. Lely Eques pinx., J. Smith fee. 1703, very Jine 1 1867 Marshal Schomberg, on horseback ; black page holding helmet, battle of the Boyne in the distance ; inscription beneath, " Le Marechal de Schomberg ; " brilliant proof before all letters 1 1868 John Smith, three-quarter length, holding one of his prints, repre- senting himself in a wig, in his left hand, and wearing cap trimmed with fur. G. Kneller Eques pinx., 1696; very Jine 1 SMITH (JOHN RAPHAEL). Born 1752, died at Doncaster 1812. 1869 Lady Beaumont, Bust in oval, the face turned to the right; por- trait after Sir Joshua Reynolds 1 1870 The Hon. Frances Ingram, three-quarter length, in oval ; full face, Pompadour head-dress, ribbon in hair ; after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, scarce 1 1871 Mrs. Mordaunt, three-quarter length, in an oval, with broad plain border; a gauze veil entwined in her hair falls over each shoulder ; painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1 1872 Mrs. Morris, three-quarter length, sitting, head-dress of two feathers, resting on her left elbow, hand up to her face ; in oval with broad plain border ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds 1 249 1873 " S. Maria D. G. Ang. Sco. Fran, et Hib. Regina/' three-quarter length, richly dressed with jewelled stomacher, in small oval. G. KnelUr pinx., brilliant impression 1 1874 Abrahamus Hondius Pictor, three-quarter length, pointing ot a sketch on a canvass. Ipse pinx., very fine 1 1875 Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke of Orleans (the famous Egalite) born 1747, guillotined in 1793 ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds, whole- length, in Hussar uniform, a negro holding his horse ; proof, very fine; the picture exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1786, but since destroyed by fire 1 1876 The Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Compton, three-quarter length ; pearls and broad ribbon in hair, a large bow at her bosom, painted by W. Peters, R.A. 1 1877 Lord Philip, fifth Earl of Chesterfield, K.G., &c., of Bradley Hall, Derby, born 1775, died 1815 ; half-length; seated at a window, through which a park is seen 1 1878 Richard Robinson, D.D., Abp half-length, stick in right hand, wearing long coat and hat, landscape background, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, brilliant proof before letters 1 SMITH (JOHN THOMAS). Born at Hackney in 1766; died in 1838. 1879 View of London and Westminster; four lines at bottom; drawn and etched by J. T. Smith 1 SOMPEL (PETER VAN). Born at Antwerp about 1600. Working in 1653. 1880 Eleonora, Wife of the Emperor Ferdinand II., Head in large oval, with laurel wreath and richly ornamented border, inscription beneath, " Ferdinandi II. Uxor, Dei Gratia Imperatrix Semper Augusta, Germanise, Hungariae et Bohemiae Regina, Austriae Archidux, Burgundies Dux," &c., P. Soutman effiauit et excud. cum priuil. Sa. Cce. M. 1 1881 Ferdinand, brother of Philip IV. of Spain (son of Philip III. and Margaret of Austria) Cardinal and Governor of Belgium ; Head with lace collar and scarf, in oval with wreath, and richly ornamented border ; Latin description beneath, " Ferdinandus Philippi IV. frater Hispaniarum Infans Serenissimus S. R. E. Cardinahs et Belgarum Gubernator," Ant. Van Dyck pinxit 1 KK 25U 1882 John Baptiste Gaston, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIII ; Bust, wearing lace collar; in oval wreath, with richly ornamented border; at bottom, " Gasto Joannes Baptista Dux Aurelianensis Serenissiinus Ludovici XIII. frater," Ant. van Dyck pinxit, P. van Sompel sculp., cum privU. S. C. M. P. Soutman effigiauit et excud. 1 1883 Isabella Clara Eugenia, Widow of the Archduke Albert, Bust in large oval, with laurel-leaved wreath and richly ornamented border ; when old, dressed in the habit of a nun, inscribed, " Conjux Alberti, Hispaniarum Infans Serenissima et Poten- tissima, Belgarum et Burguudiorum princeps," Ant. van Dyck pinxit 1 1884 Margaret, Wife of Gaston John Baptiste, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIII. ; Head in riclily ornamented oval ; short hair, pearl necklace ; at bottom, " Margarita Conjux Gastonis Joannis Baptists Ducis Aurelianensis Ludovici XIII. fratris Serenissima," Ant. van Dyck pinxit 1 1885 Marie de Medici, Wife of Henry IV. ; Bust in large oval with wreath, and richly ornamented border, inscription at bottom, "Maria Conjux Henrici IV. Magn Galliarum et Nauarrae Regina Inuictissima," Van Dyck pinx. 1 1886 Maximilian II, the Emperor, son of Ferdinand I, three-quarter length, wearing armour, in large oval, richly ornamented border, description beneath, " Maximilianus II. Ferdinandi I. Fil Natus Kal. Sextil cioioxxvn. Bohemorum, deinde Roman, nee non Hungarorum Rex, Soceri Caroli V. vice prsefuit Hispaniis, Patri succedit Imperator VIII. Kal. sextil CIOIQLXIV, Turcarum vim elidit, obit iv, Id. Octob. CIOIQLXXVI " 1 SOUBEYRAN (PETER). Born at Geuf 1697; died in 1775. 1887 Peter the Great, three-quarter length in armour, and Imperial mantle, trimmed with ermine, holding crown and sceptre ; arms beneath, inscribed " Petrue Magnus Russorum Imperator Pater Patrias," dessine" d'apres nature 1723, deux ans avant la mort de sa Majestt Imperiale par Monsieur Caravac son Peintre 1 SOUMY (JOSEPH PAUL MARJUS). Born at Pay Amblay 1831 ; working at Lyons in 1863. 1888 Francis I, after Titian, three-quarter length in hat and feather, the face in profile turned to the right, fine artist's proof on india paper 1 251 SPOONER (CHARLES). Mezzotint Engraver. Born at Wexford; died in London 1767. 1889 Miss Nelly O'Brien, celebrated Courtesan and Beauty, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds ; half-length seated at a table, full-face, wearing a necklace of one row of large pearls, and pearls in her hair, Charles Spooner fecit 1 1890 George Bridges, Lord Rodney, of Rodney, Stoke, and Baronet; celebrated Admiral; Baron R. of Co. Somerset, nat. 1718; ob. 1792 ; educated at Harrow ; M.P. Saltash ; Governor Greenwich ; Res. at Alresford, Hants ; M.P. Northampton, Westminster, and Okehampton ; Knight of the most Hon. Order of the Bath, Admiral of the White, and Vice-Admiral of England ; half-length in uniform, standing, printed for and sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, published as the Act directs; both in this and the Museum impression part of the publication line is erased I ST. AUBIN (AUGUSTE). Designer and Engraver. Born in Paris in 1720, died in 1807. 1891 Adriene Sophie, Marquise de Breteuil; Bust in an illustrated oval, with music and guitar, the face in profile is turned to the left- " Sage oti folle a propos, tendre, enjouee on grave Apollon est son maitre et I'Amour son Esclave." Aug. de St. Aubin ad vivum delin. et sculp. 1 1892 Benjamin Franklin, Printer, born at Boston, New England, Jan. 17th, 1706 ; Bust, in a small oval, with spectacles and fur cap 1 1893 Mr. Necker, three-quarter length in oval, with plain border, and name on tablet beneath, A . de St. Aubin sculp., J. S. Duplessis pinx., very fine and rare 1 STOCK (ANDREW). Born in Holland 1590; resided chiefly at Antwerp, where he flourished about 1626. 1894 George William, Elector of Brandenburg, married the sister of Gustavus Adolphus ; on horseback, river and city behind, titles above in Latin, shield with numerous arms ; Latin verses ; below curtains and the motto " Dieu et mon Droicht ; " Bed. Flissier fecit, An. Stock sculp. 1 252 1895 Lucas van Leyden, Bust with cap, in oval ; inscription beneath, " Effigies Licaes de Leyda Pictoris et Sculptoris Imcomparabilis dum. esset Annor. XV. ad ectypum propria ipsius Manude- pictum Obyt. Lugd. Batav. Anno MDXXXIII, JEt&t. suse XXXIX," L. de Leyda pinx., And. Stokius fecit et excudit 1 STEANGE (SiR ROBERT). Born at Pomona, Orkney, 1721; died in London 1792. 1896 Sir Robert Strange, after J. B. Greuze, profile Head in a medal- lion 1 1897 Charles I, King of England, in his robes, after Sir Anthony Van Dyck, fine I 1898 "Sappho, Grata lyram possui tibi, Phcebe, poetria, Sappho" Ovid. Sappho, Phaoni, v. 183 " Sappho to Pho3bus consecrates her lyre " Pope. three-quarter length, with wreath of laurel, " E. Tabula Caroli Dolci in ^dibus Corsimensis Florentia3 ; " from the painting by Carlo Dolci in the Corsini Palace at Florence 1 SUSSNAPP (C.) Contemporary German Artist. 1899 The Emperor William, large three-quarter length, in uniform Prince Bismarck, three-quarter length, in uniform Prince Frederick Charles, three-quarter length, in uniform General Count von Moltke, three-quarter length, in uniform The Prince Imperial, three-quarter length, in uniform in lithography ; Druck v. Breideiiback and Co., i Dusseldorf 5 SUYDERHOEF (JONAS). Dutch Engraver. Born at Leyden about 1600; worked from 1630 to 1688. 1900 Augusta Maria, Daughter of Charles I, married William II, Prince of Orange ; mother of William III, who married his cousin Mary, daughter of James II ; a Bust, in oval border, orna- mented with groups of children, inscription beneath, " Augusta Maria Caroli Magnaa Brit, et Hib. Regis, filia primogenita guili. Aur. nat. Princip. Spons.," G. Hondtlwrst pinxit ( Wussin 7) 1 253 1901 Charles V, the Emperor, in armour; Head in a large oval of laurel leaves, richly ornamented border, motto above " ne plus ultra," inscription beneath, " Carolus V. Dei Gratia Imperator Semper Augustus, et Gloriosissimus Hispaniarum et Indiarum Kex, Nouiquae Orbis Monarcha Potentissimus," Titianus pinxit (W. 15) 1 1902 Charles I, Bust in oval border, ornamented with flowers, fruit, &c., " Carolus, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, Scotiae et Hibernias Kex Serenissimus," Ant. Van Dyck pinxit, P. Soutman effi- giauit (W. 16) 1 1903 Charles Duke of Burgundy, Head, in a large oval, in armour; wear- ing fur ; wreath of laurel leaves, richly ornamented border, in- scription beneath, " Carolus Dictus Bellicosus Sen. Pugnac Dux Burgundiae Princeps Potentissimus et Serenissimus," very fine (W. 17) 1 1904 Henry Goltzius, Head in a large oval, in ornamental border, inscription beneath, " Henricus Goltzius Sculptures et Picturae ambitum et amplitudinem pari celeritate et fcelicitate occupans," Soutman exc., very fine (W. 30) 1 1905 Daniel Heinsius, an eminent Scholar, born at Ghent about 1580, died at Ley den 1665 ; three-quarter length in large oval, inscription round border, Latin verses beneath, Merck pinx., Suyderhoef sculp., brilliant impression; from the Turner and Granger Collections (W. 35) 1 1906 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, Bust in oval, in richly ornamented border, inscription beneath, "Henrietta Maria Caroli Vxor Magna c . Britanniae Francia c . Scotia , et Hiberniaa Eegina Serenissima," Ant. Van Dyck pinxit ( W. 36) 1 1907 John Duke of Burgundy, called the " Intrepid," Head in a large oval, fur robe, jewelled hat, richly ornamented border, descrip- tion beneath, "Joannes Dictus Intrepidus Dux Burgundiae, Comes Flandriae et Arthesiae, etc. Potentissimus et Serenis- simus," P. Soutman effigiauit et excud., J. Suyderhoef sculpsit, cum priuil. Sa. Ce. M., very fine ( W. 43) 1 1908 Isabella Clara Eugenia, after Kubens. Head with wreath of laurel leaves, large oval, in richly ornamented border ( W. 44) 1 1909 John Count of Nassau, brother of William I, Prince of Orange, one whose memory will be remembered as long as the Nether- lands have a history, born 1604, died 1679, Bust, hi armour, lace collar, in an oval ; wreath of oak leaves, richly ornamented border, description beneath, " Joannis Comes Nassouiae, &c." Ant. Van Dyck pinxit (W. 58) 1 254 1910 Jacob Maestertius, three-quarter length, with lace collar, and richly dressed ; inscription below, " Jacobis Maestertios Jvriscon- svltos Belga et in Academia Lvgdvno Batava Ivrisprvdentiae Antecessor Ordinarivs," four Latin lines beneath, N. van Nagre pinxit, J, Suyderhoef sculp., first address, Charles I. (W. 51), very fine 1 1911 Mary, wife of the Emperor Maximilian II., daughter of Charles V., sister of Philip II. ; mother of sixteen children, including the Archdukes Ehodolph II., Ernest, Matthias, Albert ; Anne, her eldest daughter, married Philip II., who was her uncle ; Eliza- beth married Charles IX., King of France. Head in orna- mented oval border ; inscription beneath, " Maria Coniux Maxi- miliani Imperatoris semper Augusti Archidux Austriae, Dux Burgundiae et Belgarum Princeps Serenissima." P. Soutman cffigiauit ( W. 52) 1 1912 The Emperor Maximilian, Order of the Golden Fleece; head in fur velvet cap ; in a large oval, eagle above richly ornamented border ; description beneath, " Maximilianus Dei Gratia Im- perator Semper Augustus Archidux Austrise Dux Burgundiae et Belgarum princeps." L. Van Ley den pinxit., J. Suyderlwef sculpsit, P. Soutman effigiavit et excud. Cum priuil. Sa. C. M. ( W. 54) 1 1913 Francisco de Moncada, Count of Ossuna and third Marquis of Altona ; head in armour, in a large oval, with richly ornamented border, after Van Dyck ; inscription beneath, " Francisciis de Moncada, Marchio De Aytona, Comes de Ossona Illustrissimus et excellentissimus, in Prumcys Belgicis Terra 1 ". Marig Belli et Pacis Summurs Prefectiis." P. Soutman ejfigiauit, Cum. Privil. S. C. M. et excud. (W. 57), very fine 1 1914 Maurice, Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau, second son of William I. (the Silent) ; celebrated General ; studied mathe- matics four years for purposes of war ; first largely employed the spade in sieges, and artillery in war ; took command in the war with Spain on the assassination of his father, 1584 ; Stadt- holder, 1587 ; recovered Breda, 1590 ; took Nimeguen, 1591 ; defends Bergen op Zoom against Farnese and Spinola, 1622; defends Ostend against Spinola, 16 ; born 1566, died 1625. Head in armour in a large oval ; inscription beneath, " Mauritius Nassavius princeps Auriacus," &c. P. Soutman inuen. ( W. 58) 1 1915 Philip II., King of Spain; head with hat and lace ruff, in an oval, with richly ornamented border ; description beneath, " Philippus II., Catholicus Hispaniarum Rex et Indiarum," &c. Ant. Moro pinxit, P. Soutman effigiavit et excud. (W. 64), very fine 1 255 1916 Philip III., of Spain; he was the son of Philip II. by Anne of Austria ; the Moors were expelled from Spain in his reign ; he died a victim to court etiquette, from the effe'cts of a fire brasier which could not be moved in consequence of the absence of the proper officer. Head in an oval, with richly ornamented border; armour, ruff, and wreath ; description beneath, " Philippus III. Catholicus Hispaniarum Eex et Indiaruin," &c. P. Soutman effigiavit et excud., J. Suyderhoef sculpsit (W. 65), very rare \ " No feebler nor more insignificant mortal existed on earth than this dreaded sovereign," 4 Motley, 137. 1917 Eene of Nassau, Prince of Orange, was uncle of William the Silent, and dying without male issue left him the Principality of Orange and the other possessions of the House of Chalons in France. William already inherited great possessions in the Netherlands and Germany from his father, and this inheritance was considerably increased by the bequest of his uncle Eene. Bust in an oval, ornamented border; inscription beneath, " Eenatus Nassavius, de Chalon Princeps Auriacus," &c. P. Soutman inven., Gum Privil. J. Suyderhoef sculp, effigiavit et excud. ( W. 70) 1 1918 Andreas Eivetus, three-quarter length, in oval border, with in- scription round, " Non hie Silam Habemus. Futuram inquisimus. AIIAfiS. KAI. 2A4>n:s." Inscription beneath," Andreas Eivetus Picto Sammaxenunus . . . lo.c.xlvii." P. Dubardieu pinx. (W. 7 '2), very fine 1 1919 Sigismond III., King of Poland, head in a large oval ; with crown, lace collar ; wreath, richly ornamented border ; description be- neath, " Sigismundus III. Poloniae et Sreciae Eex," &c. P. Soutman pinx. effigiavit et excud. (W. 81), brilliant impression 1 1920 Frederic Spanhemius, Professor of Divinity at Leyden, born 1600, died 1649 ; favourite of the Prince of Orange and Corre- spondent of Christina of Sweden and Archbishop Usher. Three-quarter length ; inscription on top, " Semper Faciendvm qvod factvm vellemvs novissime ; " and at bottom, " Fridericus Spanhemivs s.s. Theol. Doctri et professor primo in gerneuansi post in Ivgdvno. Batava Academia, esvs. demqve P. T. Eector, aetat. XLVII. A clo.Io.cxlvii., C. Barclaavs ; " sixteen lines be- neath " Non satis est, divina loqui, et ccelestia . . . Hie Pacis vultus, hie Pietatis habes." P. Duborduie pinx., J. Suyderhoef sculp., C Banheinningh exc. (W.S3) 1 1921 The Treaty of Munster, after Geraert Terburg,/n>ra the picture now in the National Gallery ( W. 1 03} 1 256 1922 William III., King of England, when a boy, hat and feathers, armour, lace collar ; Head in a large oval, large border with children and animals ; inscription beneath, " Guilielmus Nassa- vius, Nat. Princeps. Auriacus," &c. Hondthorst pinxit, P. Sout- nian inven., Suiderhoef sculp. ( W. 98), very fine and rare 1 The original drawing of this head, same size, by Honthurst, in black and red chalk, is in the British Museum. SUAVIUS (LAMBERT). Designer and Etcher of Luttich. 1923 Antonio Perrenot, Cardinal Granville, born at Orans, in Burgundy, 1517; Bishop of Arras; Minister of Philip II. under the Duchess of Palma, in the Netherlands ; Envoy to Rome ; died at Madrid 1586 ; half-length, standing, holding a richly bound book with both hands ; a flight of steps and the pillars of a temple behind, dated 1556 ; and on a tablet is inscribed, "Effigies 111. Ac R ml . D. Antonii Perrenot Epi. Atrebatensis Imp. Caroli V. Primi Consiliarii et Sigillorum Custodis," very fine and rare 1 SWANENBURGH (WILLEM). Born 1581, died 1612. 1924 Maurice, Prince of Orange, full-length, in armour; fortifications, armies, the sea and ships in background ; at bottom, " Illustriss. Sereniss. P. Mauritius . . . Belg. Provinc. ; " eight lines, " Mauritio quam sit mens bellica gesta docebunt . . . Nosse, Animum ex gestis, stirpe, velora potes;" and Dutch inscrip- tion, "Den Dorluchtigen Hochgeboren vorst Maurits . . . Nederlandtsche Provintien." Sivanenburch sc., Janzoon ex. ; very rare 1 TANJ& (PlETER). Born at Amsterdam about the year 1706, died in 1760. 1925 Eugene, Prince of Savoy, the Duke of Marlborough and William, Prince of Orange, in three ornamented ovals, placed one above another on one plate, with trophies of arms, flags, and drums. Tange del. et sc. 1745, J. Van Schuppen, A. vander Werf and Volders pinx. 1 TASSAERT (JOHANN JOSEPH FRANZ). Born at Paris, died in 1812. 1926 Richard Parker, three-quarter length, in profile, turned to right ; inscription at bottom, " President du Comite insurectional des Matelots Anglais ... 30 Juin 1797." A Parisc hez Tassaert, Rue. Hyadnthe N 688 et chez Lemonnier peintre, Rue Sauveur N 22, rare 1 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. TAYLOE (WILLIAM DEAN). English Engraver. Born in 1794, died in 1857. LOT 1927 Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, born in or near Dublin, 1769; entered the army, 1789; served in Flanders, 1794-5; India, 1797 ; routed army of Dhoondia Waugh, 1800 ; defeated Scindia at Assay e, 1803 ; again at Argaum ; took command in the Peninsula, 1808; defeated Laborde at Relic, a; defeated Junot at Vimiera; passage of the Douro, 1809 ; defeated Victor at Talavera; defeated French at Busaco, 1810 ; lines of Torres Vedras ; defeated Massena at Fuentes de Onoro, 1811 ; took Ciudad Rodrigo by storm, 1812 ; took Badajoz by storm ; de- feated Marmont at Salamanca ; defeated Joseph at Vittoria, 1813 ; took San Sebastian by Storm ; defeated Soult at Orthez, 1814, and at Toulouse ; occupied Paris ; defeated Ney at Quatre Bras, and Napoleon at Waterloo, 1815 ; died 1852, and lies buried in St. Paul's. Three-quarter length, full face, in military cloak. Painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, London, published 1827 1 THEVENIN (CHARLES). Painter. Born at Paris 1760, died in 1836. 1928 Prise de la Bastille, le 14 Juillet, 1789; an etching. Dessinde ct gravde par C. Thevenin, rare 1 THEVENIN (J. CHARLES). French Engraver, living in 1847. 1929 The Children of Charles I. : Charles James, Prince of Wales ; James, Duke of York ; and Princess Mary ; after Sir Anthony Van Dyck. Whole-lengths, in rich dresses, the Prince to the left rests his hand on the head of a dog which is by his side, some flowers are on the floor, trees and drapery in background. From the Turin Gallery (plate 160), proof before letters 1 L L 258 TREVETHEN (W.) Date of birth not known. 1930 Martin Luther, whole-length, in his library, wearing gown, with book in his hand ; goose by his side ; chair, curtains, and books ; description beneath, "Martinus Luther Islebius Theologius vixit An LXIII. Obiit Islebii Anno 1546, Febr. 18;" Latin verse and English " Rome tam'd the world : but Rome the Pope ore-aw'd, The one by force, the other wrought by fraud : Greater then both was learned Luther, when Both this and that hee conquer'd with his pen." " Doctor Martin Luther was born at Isleben, in y e Countie of Mansfield, in the yeare 1483, 10 day of November, and was buried there February y e 18, 1546 ; " scarce 1 THOMSON (JAMES). Born at Mitford 1789, died in London, 1850. 1931 Portraits of Lady Bagot, Viscountess Burghersh, and Lady Fitz- roy Somerset, the three nieces of the Duke of Wellington; whole-lengths seated in a group ; after Sir Thomas Lawrence 1 TOWNLEY (CHARLES). Born in London 1746. 1932 Sir Joshua Reynolds, three-quarter length, in cap and gown, right hand holding a paper, left hand to his bosom, white cravat and frilled shirt ; from a painting by Reynolds, drawn and engraved ~by Charles Townley, rare 1 TROSCHEL (PETER). Working in Nuremberg 1640-1680. 1933 Paul TIL, Alessandro Farnese, born 1468; Pope in 1534; died 1549. Three-quarter length in illustrated oval, with drapery held by two winged females at top ; profile turned to right in cap and hood ; very rare and curious 1 " Easy, magnificent, and literal ; circumspect, watchful, and temporising." TURNER (CHARLES, A.E.). Bom at Woodstock in 1773 ; died in Warren Street, Fitzroy Square, 1857. 1934 Lord Castlereagh, half-length, standing, after Sir Thomas Law- rence ; presentation proof, before all letters, touched upon by the painter 1 259 1935 John Flaxman, Eminent Sculptor, born at York 1755, died in London 1826 ; three-quarter length, inclined to the left, the face turned to the front, after Jackson, proof before letters 1 1936 Lady Louisa Manners, half-length in a peasant's dress, walking, landscape background, painted by J. Hoppner, R.A., proof, very fine 1 1937 Sir John Moore, KB., Lieutenant-General, late Commander-in- Chief of his Majesty's forces in Spain, three-quarter length, in uniform ; painted by TJws. Lawrence, Esq., R.A., principal Painter in Ordinary to his Majesty, very fine, on india paper 1 1938 The Emperor Paul of Eussia, full-length, proof before all letters 1 1939 Edward Lord Thurlow, half-length, seated in a drawing room, right arm resting on a table, window to the right overlooking a garden ; painted by T. Phillips, R.A., proof, open letters 1 1940 The Eight Hon. Spencer Perceval, First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, born 1762, shot by Bellingham, llth May, 1812, in the lobby of the House of Commons ; three- quarter length seated, holding letter, curtain above, the face nearly in profile and turned to the left; painted by G. F. Joseph 1 1941 William Pitt, half-length standing, after Sir Thos. Lawrence, artist's presentation proof, before title 1 1942 William Pitt. Another impression of the same 1 1943 Mrs. Scott- Waring and Children, whole-length, with spaniel, after John Eussell, E.A., proof, open Utters I 1944 Thomas Young, M.D., F.E.S., Foreign Associate of the Eoyal Institute of Paris, half-length seated, spectacles in right hand ; painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, engraved by C. Turner, A.R.A., Engraver in Ordinary to her Majesty. London : published April 6th, 1830, by Messrs. Colnaghi, Son & Co., Printsellers to his Majesty, Pall Mall East 1 1945 Joseph Mallord William Turner, born in London 1775, died 1851, half-length, seated on a bank, sketching from the landscape, the face seen in profile and turned to the right ; painted and en- graved by C. Turner, A.E.R.A., artist's proof, with signature 1 1946 William I., Prince of Orange, whole-length standing, baton in right hand, left resting on table, on which are gauntlets and helmet, proof before letters 1 1947 Charles Earl Whitworth, half-length standing, holding a dispatch. after Sir Thomas Lawrence, presentation proof before all letters, very fine \ 260 1948 Richard Marquis Wellesley, half-length seated, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, presentation proof before all letters, very fine 1 1949 Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, half-length standing, his left hand resting on his drawn sword ; from an original picture, proof 1 ULLRICH (HHNDBICK). German Painter and Engraver. Flourished about 1590. 1950 Robert Cardinal Bellarmin, 1542-1621, half-length, seated at a table writing ; books beside him, his portrait on wall behind, view of city in distance seen through the window, " Robertus Bellarminus Politianus S.R.E. Card. Tit. S. Maria3 in via. Ar- chiepiscopus Capuanus. Ecclesiae Catholicae. Adversus. Haere- ticos Propugnator Acerrimus ^Etat-suse ami. LXII." 1 1951 Cosmo Medici and his Wife, Maria Magdaleua, Archduchess of Austria ; Cosmo II. de Medici, fourth Grand Duke of Tuscany, born 1590, was eldest son of Ferdinand de Medici and Chris- tine de Lorraine; married 1609, Marie-Madeline of Austria; died 1621 ; Busts, in small ovals, engraved together, with arms between and ornaments; inscription round oval of Cosmo, " Cosmus Medices Princeps Hetruriae ;" round that of his Consort, " Maria Magdalena Serenissima Archidux Austriae Sermi Cosmi Sponsa;" verses beneath, commencing " Priina dies, velut," &c. ; Heinri Ulrich sc. 1608, very fine and rare 2 In beautiful condition, and highly interesting portraits of the most popular Prince of the Medici family. 1952 George Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg, born 1603; lying in state in his coffin, dressed in rich robes, with sword and spurs 1 VALCK (GERARD). Born at Amsterdam 1626 ; pupil of Blooteling, with whom he came to London in 1672; died at Amsterdam 1720. 1953 Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg, in large oval, three-quarter length, wearing armour, and rich embroidered scarf; at bottom, " Serenissimo Principi ac Domino P. P. Irin Eroban," very fine with large margin 1 VALDOR (JOHN). Born at Luttich in 1602 ; worked in 1650. 1954 B. Ignatius Loyola Auctor. et Fundator Societatis Jesu, Obijt anno Dni. 1556, ^Etatis suse 65 ; three-quarter length, looking up, hands clasped, overhead is a cloud with figure of Christ, a castle to the right in the distance ; Leody Is. Walder in fecit et excud. 1 261 1955 Saint Ignatius, in small illustrated oval, wreath of leaves and pines, to the right " IHS." in the sky, Angels beneath bearing trophies and arms ; Leody I. Valdor sculpeb., O.P.S., very fine, with good margin 1 1956 Sir Thomas More, born 1480, beheaded 1535, three-quarter length, in small square, wearing robes, and holding roll of paper ; beneath, " Effigies Thomee Mori Supremi quondam Leod. Cancellario ;" Joannes Valdor S. R e humilis dies d. c. q. anno Dni. 1621 1 VAN AELST (NIKOLAUS). Born at Brussels in 1526. Working in 1689. 1957 Henry IL, Equestrian Statue on pedestal, arms in top corners, inscription above, " Visitur Eomae in Palatio ex familia Eucel- laia ;" inscription on scrolls at side of pedestal, " Effigies equi (Enei operis Danielis Eiccii Volterrani fieri jussit Eeg. Maria ob. Mem. Eeg. Henrici II. F. M. Sui. viri. qui obiit in tornia- mentis Illustrissimo et Eeverendissimo principi et Domino ac. Domino meo Carolo de Lothoringia Cardinali Amplissimo;" Nicolaus Van Aelst Bruxellensis del., very fine 1 VAN VEEN (GISBERT). Painter and Etcher. Born at Leyden in 1558 ; died at Amsterdam, 1628. Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma, born about 1552, Governor of the Netherlands, 1578, wounded and died at Arras 1592 ; wearing armour ; in an illustrated oval, allegorical figures and arms, with the thunder of Jupiter and flaming sword and trident protecting the Christian religion, beneath view of Antwerp and Tyre, in medallions, after Octavious Van Veen, proof before the name 1 VELDE (JAN VAN DE). Born at Leyden about 1595 ; died about 1677. 1958 Johannes Torrentius Amsterd. Pictor JEtat suse XXXIX. Anno. MDC. 28 ; bust, in ornamented oval, with festoons of fruit, palette, drapery, &c., with the above inscription ; Van de Velde sculp., proof 1 1959 Sir John Cattendyck, knighted by James I. at Theobalds June 5, 1624; in ruff and fur-trimmed cloak, three-quarter length in oval, ornamented with Gothic devices and arms ; inscription around, " Haysen Cattendyck Generalum, ^Etat 50, 1616," proof, before any inscription on tablet below, very rare and fine 1 262 1960 Lawrence Coster, a Sexton of Haarlem, for whom the Dutch have claimed the invention of printing ; a claim completely des- troyed by Chatto in his " Treatise on Wood Engraving," chap, iii., and later by Van der Liude with great force and earnestness. (See " The Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing by Laurens Janszon Coster, critically Examined by Dr. A. Van der Linde"). Bust, in a small square, printing type in his hand* at top is " Laurentius Costerus Harlemensis Primus Artis Typo- graphicae Inventor circa Annum 1440;" four lines beneath " Vana quid archotypos et prcela Moguntia jactas, Dissimulaire virum hunc dissimulaire Deum," &c. J. V. Oampen pinx., J. V. Velde sculp., a small and remarkable portrait 1 1961 Jacobus Zaffius, Prebendary of the Cathedral of Haarlem, half- length, seated at a table, with his left hand on a scull ; arms above, and ^Eta. 84; inscription beneath, "Ad m R dg Am- plissimusq' D. D. Jacobus Zaffius obijt An 1618 ;" six lines commencing " Cur Zaffi Rolligiog" Deum Mo- mento ^Eternitatis." J. J. Proost excudit., after Frans Hals 1 - VANDER BANCK (PIETER). Born at Paris 1649-1697. 1962 John Smith, Writing-master in London, bust, in oval of laurel, surmounted with wreath and feathers, after William Faithorne, very fine 1 " The head of John Smith, a writing-master, done from an original by Faithorne, is one of his best portraits." 1963 Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, born 1636, died 1715 ; founded a school and library in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields ; the library, books, and MSS. were sold by auction, 1864 ; three- quarter length in robes, arms beneath; at bottom, " Reverendiss: in Christo pater Thomas Tenison Consilijs ;" M. Beale pinx., P. Vandrebanc sculp. 1695 1 1 964 The Reverend and valiant Mr. George Walker, Governor of London- Derry, killed at the Boyne, 1690 ; three-quarter length, in oval formed of oak leaves, and with arms at bottom ; G. Kneller ad vivum pinx. Engraved in 1689 1 263 VANHAECKEN (ALEXANDER). A Fleming ; working in London 1701-1734:. 1965 Joannes Wiclif, S.T.P., Rector de Lutterworth, three-quarter length, standing, holding a pastoral staff, the face turned to the right ; an oval in a square ; at bottom, " A Tabulapenes No- bilissimum Ducem Dorsettise," very rare 1 VAZQUES (JOSEF). Spanish Engraver. Working at Madrid 1785-1810. 1966 Queen Mary I. of England, half-length, seated in chair, with ornamented back, holding flower and gloves, rich dress ; Antonio Mor. lo pinto. Augustin Esteve lo disbujo Josef Vasqz. lo grubo 1793, proof, very Jine 1 VAUGHAN (ROBERT.) English Engraver. Died about 1667. 1967 Sir Francis Drake, bust, in an oval ; he wears armour, with decorated shield ; by De Leu Same, with arms above in the sky, three-quarter length, by R. Vaughan, with verses " The worlds survaied bounds, brave Drake, on thee did gaze," &c. 2 VENEZIANO (AGOSTINO DE Musis, CALLED). Born at Venice about 1490. Worked at Florence and Rome ; died at Rome in 1546. 1968 Hayadin Barbarossa, died 1547: fortified Algiers, seized Tunis whilst in the service of the Porte ; three-quarter length, richly embroidered dress and turban, date 1535, "A. V." on the left; at bottom, "Ariadensis Barbarussa Cirthae Tunet I Q Rex. Ac Otomanicae Class 18 Praef " (B. 520), very rare 1 VENNE (JAN PIETERSE VAN DE). Native of Middeburg, Zeeland. Flourished 1618-1625. 1969 Allegorical Composition relating to the Duke of Alva's Cruelties in the Low Countries, 1569. The Duke of Alva is seated on a throne to the left, Cardinal Granville blowing with a bellows in his ear, Margaret of Palrna in the background fishing in blood. J. P. V&nnius exc., Middelburgi 1622 1 264 VERKOLJE (J). Born at Amsterdam about 1650 ; died 1693. 1970 Martinus von Boeckellen, "Nativitate Meclenburgicus," three- quarter length seated, with lines beneath, " Ex antiqua tamen prosapia Brabantina prope Antwerpiam, oriundus, Anno cloloclxxxiii. K: MEIBOMIVS." A. Bakker pinx. I VERMEULEN (CoRNELis). Born at Antwerp 1644 ; died 1710. 1971 Nicolas de Catinat, Marechal de France, born 1637, died 1712; three-quarter lengthen large oval; wearing armour, baton in right hand, arms beneath, inscription round the border, " Nicolas de Catinat, Marechal de France." C. Vermeulin sculpsit et ex. 1 1972 Joseph Roettiers, three-quarter length, in plain oval border, in- scription beneath, "Natif d'Anvers, Graveur General des M onoyes de France, et particulier de Paris ; . . . . des Medailles et Jettons ;" N. de Largilliere pinxit, very fine, 1 1973 Maria Louissa de Tassis, half-length, ruff and feathers, fan of feathers in left hand, after Van Dyck 1 1974 Another impression of the same 1 VERTUE (GEORGE). Born in London 1684 ; died 1756, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. 1975 Anne Queen of England; three-quarter length, in large oval, ermine trimmed dress, Order of St. George at her bosom ; at bottom, " Serenissima et Potentissima Anna Dei Mag : Britan- niae Francise et Hibernise Regina," &c., after Kneller 1 1976 Thomas Sackville Earl of Dorset, Baron of Buckhurst: died 19th April, 1603 ; three-quarter length, in illustrated oval, with ornamented arms beneath, and " Obt. XIX dle Apr. An M.D.C.VIIIL ;" at bottom, " Thomas Sackvill Earl of Dorset, Baron of Buckhurst, Lord High Treasurer of England, Chan- cellor of the University of Oxford, and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter. From an original at Knowle, in the possession of his Grace Lionel Duke of Dorset 1 1977 William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, three-quarter, richly dressed, wearing a broad lace collar ; an oval, title round the border, arms and military trophies ; A. Van Dyck Eq. pinxit, fine 1 265 1978 Geoffrey Chaucer, Poet, born 1328, died 1400, buried in West- minster Abbey; three-quarter length in oval, with border, arms beneath ; inscription on top, " Geffrey Chaucer, our Anctient and Learned English Poet, ^Etat. 72, 1400;" at bottom, "Angliae Chaucerum veneratur nostra Poetain Cui veneres debet petria lingua suas." G. Vertue sculp., Thos. Occleve Con- temporar, discipulus ejusdem Chauceri ad viv. delin. extra fine 1 1979 King Charles I. and the Heads of the Noble Lords and others who suffered for their loyalty in the Eebellion and Civil Wars in England. The frontispiece has Seven Portraits, in small ovals, James I., Charles I., Charles IT., Queen Anne, James II., Duke of Glocester, Queen Mary II. Then follows the regular series. Charles I., Archbishops Laud and Juxon, Earls of Strafford and Northampton ; Lord Hopton and Sr. Bevill Gran- ville, Lord Marquess of Montrose and the Hon ble James, Earl of Derby, The Hon ble - Earl of Lyndsey and Honble. Earl of Car- narvon, Sr. Harry Slingsby and Colonel John Penruddock, Lord Capel and Lord Viscount Faulkland, Earl of Kingston and Earl of Litchfield, Sr. George Lisle and Sr. Charles Lucas ; G. Vertue sculp. Published according to Act of Parliament, 1746, by S. Austen, in Newgate Street, London, on 10 sheets 10 1980 Hernani Cortes, three-quarter length, in hat and feather, with fur- trimmed coat; in oval, with border, inscription beneath, " Hernan Cortes, ex Pictura a Titiani in ^dibus praehon blis Domini D. Pauli Methuen ;" after Titian 1 1981 John Dryden, three-quarter length, holding a wreath of laurel in his left hand; in frame of stone work, with arms beneath. G. Kneller eques pinx. 1 1982 Franciscus Bacon Baro de Verveams, &c., whole-length, seated in niche, tablets beneath, with " Qui Postquam Omnia Naturalis ^Etat. LXVI." with " Tanti viri mem : Thomas H.P." inscribed upon them 1 1 983 King Henry VIII., three-quarter length, richly dressed, with jewelled hat and feather ; in oval, with medallions of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, and other ornaments ; motto on top, " Fidei defensor ;" after Holbein ; G. Vertue del. et sc. From a painting in the Hoyal Gallery at Kensington, fine impression 1 1984 Oliver Cromwell, three-quarter length, in armour, with baton in right hand, an oval, with border, arms and mask beneath, inscription " 1653 Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of England, MM 26ft Scotland and Ireland." From a most excellent limning done by Samuel Cooper, in the possession of the Horible. Sir Thos. Frank- land, Bart. 1 1985 Sir Walter Raleigh, Captain of the Queen's Guard, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, Lieutenant-General of Cornwall, Governor of Jersey ; half-length in armour, with baton in right hand, resting on a globe ; G. Vertue del. et sculp. From a picture formerly belonging to the Grandson of Sir Walter Raleigh Durham House, the residence of Ealegh, now the site of the Adelphi. Published May 31st, 1801, by W. Richardson, York House, No. 31, Strand 2 1986 William Shakespeare, Dramatist and Poet, born 15G4, died 1616 ; three-quarter length, in a plain oval, with arms beneath, and laurel wreath above, inscribed below 1 1987 Strafford and Sir Philip Mainwaring his Secretary, Thomas Went- worth, Earl of, both seated at table ; half-lengths, Earl of Strafford with letter in left hand dictating, and Sir Philip writing. Van Dyck pinx., Vertue sculp. 1 Viscount Wentworth, Baron Wentworth of Wentworth, Woodhouse, Newmarch, Overeley and Raby, Lord Lieutenant of the Kingdom of Ireland, and Lord President of the North of England, of his Majesty's most Hon ble Privy Council and Knight of the most noble Order of ye Garter, and S r Philip Mainwaring, Secretary of State. 1988 Rev. John Strype, Ecclesiastical Historian, born 1643, died 1737; half-length, seated at a table, left hand resting on three books ; arms beneath, inscription, "Johannes Strype M. Philalethes et Philarchaeus " 1 1989 John Thurloe, Secretary of State to the Protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell, born 1616, died 1668; half-length, seated, with letter directed to himself in right hand 1 From the original pictures in the possession of the descendants of Sec. Thurloe. 1990 Thomas Willis, M.D., an eminent Anatomist, Philosopher and Physician, born 1621, died 1675. His custom was to dedicate his Sunday fees to the relief of the poor. Three-quarter length, in illustrated oval, with devices around, in the possession of Browne Willis, Esq. G. Vertue sculp., 1742. Impensis 8. and P. Knapton, Londini, 1742 1 1991 Sir Ralph Wiuwood, principal Secretary of State and Privy Councellour to his Majesty King James I. ; born about 1564, died 1617 ; half-length, richly dressed, with ruff, and holding Lilt of sword in left hand, inscription beneath, " ^Etatis suae XLIX.." after Mierevelde pinx. A" 1613, extra fine 1 267 VICO (ENEA). Born at Pal ma about 1519, died about 1568. 1992 Cosmo de Medicis, Grand Duke of Tuscany, small bust in an illustrated oval, with figures of Religion and Minerva ; round oval, is inscribed, " Cosmos med. Flor. Dvx II.," and beneath "Opus-ffinese" 1 VISSCHER (CLAS JANSZ DE). Flourished at Amsterdam about 1660. 1993 Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford; inscription beneath, in Dutch and English, " Thos. Wentworth Bidder, grave van Strafford den Secreten raet van St. Mar*, van Groot Britannien. Sr. Thos. Wentworth Kt. Earle of Strafforde, Citty of Yorke and one of his Ma ties most hon ble privy CounceU, &c." 1 VISSCHER (CORNELIS). Born 1618 at Haarlem; died 1658 or 1670. The numbers refer to Mr. William Smith's Catalogue of the Works of Cornells Visscher. 1994 Cornelius Visscher, a celebrated Designer and Engraver; born about 1610-18, died 1658-70 ; (his own Portrait when young), three-quarter length, in high crowned hat, with broad brim; in the margin, Corn. Vischer fecit, An. 1649 (Smith 85) 1 1995 Jan de Paep, inscribed, " Aan Alle H. H., Cooplieden en Win- keliers, &c."; half-length, standing, pointing with his right hand to the background on the right, where is seen the Exchange at Amsterdam, filled with people; arms above, inscription beneath, "Aan Alle H. H. Cooplieden en Win- keliers pletbanck een ygelyck ten dienst." C. Vischer. (Smith 111) 1 1996 Petrus Scriverius, Dutch Historian and Poet, born 1576, died 1660; three-quarter length, holding book, title beneath, " Le- gendo et scribendo Petrus Scriverius, Harlemensis ;" verses beneath " Vitam quse faciant beatiorem Vitam quae faciunt beatiorem." Corn. Vischer sculp., P. Soutman ping, et exc. 1649 (S. 116) 1 1997 David Pieterz de Vries, Grand Master of Artillery to the States of Holland, half-length, leaning on staff with right hand ; in an oval, with title round border, " David Pieterz de Vries, Artillery- 208 meester Van de Staten, van West vrieslant en Noorder Ovartier seta 60 Anno M.D.CLIIL" ; a laurel wreath round the head ; in an illustrated oval, inscription beneath, " Das maalde een kloeeke haut ons David En vuer en Vlamgered de Wapen zorg bekomen." Corn. Vischer del. et sc., A" 1653 (S. 123), scarce, engraved 1653 1 1998 Joannes Wachtelaar, half-length, seated, holding book in his right hand, curtain to right, at bottom, " Admodum Reverendus et Amplissiinus Dominus, D. Joannes Wachtelaer, Ultraject S. Theol. Lie., &c. ;" eight lines " Reddidit ars fato extinctos in imagine vultus Pervigilem Pictas, Cura Fidesq dabunt." Corn, de Visscher sculpsit (S. 124) 1 1999 Franciscus Valdesius, Hispani dux exercitus ; half-length, richly habited, with sword, baton in left hand, curtain behind, and siege of Leyden in background ; eight lines beneath " Flectit in illustrem qui lumina blanda perellam, Vt feires, Marti quam fit arnica Venus." Com. Vischer sculpsit., 1649 (S, 130) 1 Domicella Magdalena Moornia, half-length, view of city of Leyden in the distance, with 8 lines beneath " Urbs obsessa semel, castris nunc cincta secundis, a 1573 " Extat pictura ad vivuin apud eundem dominum Advocatum Fisci Hagse Comitis," (S. 131), engraved 1649 1 2001 William I. Prince of Orange and his Family; and standing behind him are his sons Maurice and Philip; opposite are Frederic Henry and his Wife Amelie with their children William, Henriette, Amelie and Louisa; in the background Frederic King of Bohemia and Elizabeth with their children, and view of the Haghe ; at bottom references to the figures, eight lines commencing " Den ouden Wilhem heest de Doot ons wech gheruckt Of t' anders doende sal Godts seegen van u keeren." C. J. Visscher excudebat 1 2002 John Calvin, whole-length, standing, in furred robe and black cap, holding an open book ; in room with manv books, picture 269 of Noyon on wall ; inscription beneath, " Joannes Calvinus natus Norioduni Picardorum X Julij A 1509, et denatus Genevse XXVII May A 1564, ibidemque Sepultus." " Calvinum assidud comitata modestia vivum, Hoc vultu manibus finxerat ipsa suis Ipsa a quo potuit virtutem discere virtus : Eoma tuus terror maximus ille fuit. Siet hier een helder Licht een hooch begaefede Geeft, Vol wetensschaf en deucht, de ere van Geveven. Wiens vlugge pen een Schrick voor Eomen is geweeft, En haer verkeven Stoel deed waggelen en beven. Johannes Calvinus is geboren tot Nbyon in Picardyen den 10 July, 1509, en is inde Heere ortflaen tot Geneven den 27 May, 1564, ende aldaer begraven." C. Visscher excudit ; fine, from Young's collection 1 2003 William Archbishop Laud, wearing episcopal robes, in a small oval, with inscription around, " D. Wilhelmi Laudi Archie- piscopi Cantavariensis. Totius Anglise Primatis." Inscription beneath, " Willem Eertz, Bisschop van Cantelberg, Primaet van geheel Engelanten Metropolitaen en Cancel ier van de Univer- siteyt tot Oxford." William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, his grace Primate of all England and Metropolitane, and Chancellour of the University of Oxford, &c. 2 2004 Janus Dousa, or Jan Vander Does, a Dutch Critic and Writer of Latin Poetry, Lord of Noortwyk, born there in 1545 ; in 1575 appointed Governor of Leyden, which place he defended with great spirit and success during the famous Siege by the Spaniards ; died of the plague 1604. He had three sons, who distinguished themselves as men of letters. Half-length, stand- ing, wearing armour, cap and feather, with thick chain round neck, view of Leyden seen through a window ; eight lines beneath " Non folium dulces virtus Nordwicia Musas. Hie sacer est, Dousa conciliante, locus." Petrus Scriverius (S. 132) 1 2005 Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafforde, three-quarter length, in armour, titles round the oval, Dutch and English inscription beneath. C. Vischer exc., brilliant impression, large margin, in 270 perfect condition, very rare ; not by C. Vischer, nor is it mentioned by Smith 1 2006 William and Mary at the Hague ; whole-lengths, in gallery at the Hague ; William in velvet suit, long stick in right hand, table by his side, Mary with small crown on her head, watch pendant at her side, and holding rose to William in right hand ; view of the Hague, and water and figures in background, inscription at bottom, " Ivereenighd' Hof, door God, beplant met zulcke Spruyten.Gezeghant voedzel treckt,en groeit van hunne fruyten." Prudenter. C. Vischer excudit, very rare and fine 1 VISCHER (JAN). Born at Amsterdam 1636 ; was living in 1692. 2007 Abraham Vander Hulst, Vice- Admiral van Hollart ; three-quarter length, with trophies, and long inscription in Dutch (W. 8), fine 1 VISSCHER (LAMBERT). Born at Amsterdam in 1633 ; died in Florence in 1690. 2008 Mr. Cornelius de Witt, and Jan de Witt, with a view of their execution beneath, the whole enclosed in a frame of oak leaves 1 2009 John de Witt, half-length, standing, in the Stadthaus, the com- panion print to the last 1 2010 Cornelius de Witt, large oval in ornamental border, by L. Visscher, Verveer pinx. ad vivum, 1668; Impressions from a medal, with heads of John and Cornelius de Witt, inscribed "Geboren den 19 Jany. 1627, Gestorven den 20 August, 1672 ;" inscrip- tions round obverse and reverse of medal, " Cornelius de Witt Nat. A. 1623, Johannes de Witt Nat. A. 1625, et Nunc redeunt animis ministris ; " beneath are lines headed "Op de Helden-Beelden, and Op Beestelijkewoede " 2 VIVARES (FRANCIS). French Engraver. Born 1709; died about 1780. 2011 Francis Vivares, passed the greater part of his life in England, and is ranked among the English engravers ; in small oval supported by cupids, trees and columns of a building behind. On tablet in front, " Fran 8 Vivares Natus in Pago S d Johannis didicit " 1 271 VOET (ALEXANDER). Born at Antwerp in 1613. 2012 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria playing at Cards with Christian IV., King of Denmark, and the Duke of Buckingham ; six lines beneath " Prodigue Meurtrie de ton bien, . . . pour voir la fin de ton ouvrage." Cornelius de Vos pinxit, Alexander Voet sculpsit et excud., fine 1 2013 Joannes Von Kessel, ne dans la ville d'Anvers en Tan 1626, peintre tres-renomme en fleurs, petites animaux, etc., lequelles sont fort estimez pour leur Curieusite ; three-quarter length, holding flower in his right hand. E. Quellinus pinxit, Alex. Voet junior sculp. 1 VOEEST (EGBERT VAN). Born at Antwerp in 1596, working in London in 1635. 2014 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, half-lengths, side by side ; the Queen is presenting a crown of laurel to her Consort ; after Van Dyck 1 VORSTERMAN (LUKAS). Born at Antwerp 1578 ; died about 1640. 2015 Alvisio Contanini, Italian Statesman, died 1653, eques Patritius Orator Venetus, Ambassador from Venice to James I. ; three- quarter length, in ruff and fur trimmed coat ; in a large arch, arms in corners at top ; at top, " Regum et Populi Ingenium Nosse ; " at bottom, " Aloysius Contareno Eques Patritius Orator Venetus, A 1628 " 1 2016 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, born 1592 ; collected the Arundelian Marbles, which were given to the University by his son ; died 1646, in Italy. Three-quarter length, with Order of St. George, large cloak over his shoulders ; at bottom, " Illus- trissimus Dns D. Thomas Howardus, Comes Arundelise . . . et Laude " Another, after Hans Holbein 2 2017 Thomas a Beckett, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, born 1119 ; murdered in Canterbury Cathedral, 1170. Bust in canonical robes ; in small oval, at bottom, " Effigies S. Thome Cantua. Archchiepi. Mart.," fine 1 2018 Charles IV., Constable de Bourbon, Comte de Montpensier, born 1490 ; killed at Rome 1527; three-quarter length, in hat and fur trimmed coat, helmet in front of him ; at bottom, " Sereniss. Caroli Ducis Bourbonise " 1 272 2019 Charles I., three-quarter length, wearing collar ; in a square, after Van Dyck ; inscription at bottom, " L'Image de ce grand Roy ou la Maieste et la Vertu . . . trop profane." Lucas Vorsterman sculp., very fine 1 2020 Gerard Seghers Pictori Antuerpiano, three-quarter length, in cloak ; at bottom, " Quod, tabulis facris . . . erg6 L. Vorster- man LM.I.c.q.," very fine 1 2021 Thomas More, three-quarter length, holding letter, small dog on a table in front, after Holbein ; beneath, " Heroa Cernis ? Morus est, &c. . . . L. M. Dicat. lo.cxxxi.," very fine 1 2022 Constantin Hugenius, half-length in square ; wearing cloak, with lace collar, skull cap, holding letter in his hand ; at bottom, " Const. Hugenius Eq. Dom. A. Zuylichem Prin. Aur. a Cons, et seer.," and " Hie ille Auriacis . . . orbe tuos." Livius del., Vorsterman sc., Vanden Enden exc. 1 2023 Isaac Oliver, three-quarter length, enveloped in large cloak, nearly full face. Ant. Van Dyck pinx., fine proof, with painter's name only 1 2024 John, Count of Nassau, three-quarter length, in an oval, wearing armour, with Order of the Golden Fleece ; Latin inscription, "Excellentissimus Dominus D.Joannes . . . Equitum Generalis;" and beneath, " Illustrissimae Principi Ernestinae de Ligne Eiusdeni D. Comitis Uxori D. D." A. Van Dyck pinxit, Lucas Vorsterman exc. 1 2025 Nicolas Eockox, Town Councillor of Antwerp, born 1560, died 1640 ; half-length, seated, right hand on table, on which are two small busts, the larger one behind ; column and drapery, and view of Antwerp in the distance ; engraved by Vorsterman, after Vandyck. First state before the medals on the table, fine 1 2026 Lucas Vostermans Calcograpus, half-length seated in chair, hold- ing glove in left hand 1 WAGNER (FRIEDRICH). Contemporary German Engraver. 2027 Hieronimus Holzschuher, friend of Albert Durer, three- quarter length, wearing fur tippet ; in frame, ornamented, and at bottom, are arms on which the name is inscribed, "Hiero- nimus Holzschuher, Etatis suae 57 ; " and scroll with, " Muni- 273 ficentia . . . MDXXVI." Albert Durer pinx., Wagner sc., with border, very fine 1 The original portrait is in the possession of the descendants of Holzschuher, who are still living in Nuremberg, and who show the picture to any one visiting Nuremberg with unostentatious politeness. WALKEK (WILLIAM). Born at Thirsk in 1729, died in Clerkenwell 1793. 2028 Rev. Archibald Alison, LL.B. F.RS. L. & E., Prebendary of Sarum, Rector of Roddington, &c., and Senior Minister of St. Paul's Chapel, Edinburgh ; three-quarter length ; painted by Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. ; proof on india paper 1 2029 Anonymous Portrait of a Lady, after Gardener; large oval; looking up, hands crossed upon her bosom, eyes raised to heaven, hair flowing over her shoulders, veil upon her head ; proof before the title 1 2030 Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A., Painter to His Majesty for Scotland, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, &c., &c., born 1756, died 1823; three-quarter length ; painted by himself, W. Walker sc. 1 2031 Robert Burns, celebrated Scotch Poet, born 1759, died 1796, Bust in an oval frame, after Alexander Nasmyth ; presentation proof 1 WALTON. Early English Engraver. 2032 The Right Honourable Lord Deputy Fleetwood, small whole- length, in armour, very rare 1 WARD (JAMES). Born in London 1775. 2033 Richard Burke, obiit August 2, 1794, set. 36 ; three-quarter length, the face turned a little to the left ; four lines beneath " Precious gums are not for common fire . . . A short sweet odour at a vast expense." Doler Atque Decus, J. Reynolds pinx., very fine 1 2034 Arthur Murphy, Esq., whole-length, seated at a table, with open book before him ; from an original picture in the possession of Miss Thrales. Nath 1 Dance, Esq r R.A., pina? 1 WARREN (CHARLES). Born in London 1767, died at Wandsworth 1820. 2035 Ben Jonson, three-quarter length, looking to front; proof open letters, on india paper 1 N N L'74 WATSON (CAROLINE). Born 17GO, died 1814. 2036 Catherine II., Empress of Russia, daughter of Sophia Augusta of Anhalt of Zerbst, born 1729 ; married the Grand-Duke Peter, nephew of the Empress Elizabeth ; succeeded Peter III. 1762, died 1796 ; her son Paul I. succeeded her ; three-quarter length, in oval, seated royally attired, with crown and sceptre on table beside her ; after Rosselin. From the original picture in the Collection of Le Comte Woronzow, Ambassador from the Empress of Russia 1 2037 George Romney, R.A., three portraits by himself, all executed at Eartham, at different periods of his life, in oil, water colours and crayons ; oai one sheet fC f 2038 The Hon ble Mrs. Stanhope, as " Contemplation ;" wears a white dress, her arm rests on the chair, and she is looking up ; painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, fine 1 WATSON (JAMES). Born in Ireland in 1740, died in 1790. 2039 Sir Jeffery Amherst, K.C.B., half-length, in armour, leaning on a staff, helmet on map by his side, landscape in distance ; before him a plan of the City of Montreal ; in the distance his troops are passing the rapids of St. Lawrence in canoes ; J. Reynolds pinxt., brilliant proof before all letters, inclusive of the name on the plan 1 2040 Ann Courtney, Countess of Corke and Orrery, three-quarter length, the face seen in profile ; large oval in a square ; H. D. Hamilton delin., fine proof before letters 1 2041 Barbara, Countess of Coventry, second wife of George William, Earl of Coventry ; the first wife was Sarah Gunning, the cele- brated beauty, died in 1764; half-length, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1764 ; painted in 1758 1 2042 Edmund Burke, celebrated English Statesman, Orator, and Author, born 1730, died 1797 ; three-quarter length, in large circle, second state ; Sir /! Reynolds pinx. London : printed for Robt. Sayer, Map and Print Seller, No. 53 in Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs 1 May 1771 I 2043 Mary Heblethwaite, Lady Boynton, wife of Sir Griffith Boynton, after Francis Cotes, R.A., whole length, holding a sprig of honeysuckle, fine 1 275 3 2044 James Paine and his Son, half-length, the father sitting, the son leaning over him, looking at an architectural drawing, fine proof before all letters. Sir J. Reynolds pinx. 1 2045 The Eight Hon ble Hely Hutchinson, half-length, seated at a table, on which are papers and writing materials ; wears lace bands, and rests right hand and arm on a table. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, brilliant proof before the plate was cleaned 1 2046 Eichard Pearson, Captain of the Arethusa, three-quarter length, in uniform, standing ; C. Grignion jun r pinxit., brilliant proof before letters, very fine 1 2047 Sir Joshua Eeynolds, three-quarter length, the face turned to the front, a loose cloak thrown over his shoulders, his right hand on a portfolio ; painted by himself 1 /> 2048 George Bridges, Lord Eodney, Eear- Admiral of the Blue and Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's ships employed at the reduction of Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, &c., &c., 1762 ; half-length, in uniform, with embroidered waistcoat, standing under a rock, right hand resting on an anchor. Sir J. Reynolds pinxit, very fine 1 2049 Sir Christopher Wandesford, Deputy in Ireland, half-length, robed, seated in chair ; Van Dyck pinx., brilliant proof before all letters 1 I.. x, 2050 Mrs. Whatman, three-quarter length, in large circular frame ; wears a low necked dress, trimmed with lace, head plain ; F. Cotes, R.A. pinx., 1769, James Watson fecit 1 WATSON (THOMAS). Born in London 1748, died 1781. fo ' 2051 Madame de Barre, after Dronais ; three-quarter length, in oval, which is enclosed in a square ; powdered hair, dress open at the bosom, and trimmed with lace, fine 1 X- - , 2052 Francesco Bartolozzi, large, in square frame, dressed in a coat trimmed with fur ; looking to the left, with left hand resting upon his right arm, Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxit, brilliant proof, with the artist's name merely etched in 1 /Cf. /# 2053 Mrs. Frances Anne Crewe, daughter of Fulke Greville, after- wards Lord Crewe, after Sir Joshua Eeynolds ; whole-length, as " Saint Genevieve," seated reading, a dog at her feet and lambs near, very fine 1 276 A/ 2054 Mrs. Lucy Hardinge, after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; half-length, in a landscape with trees, head dress of ribbons and pearls, a loose scarf over shoulders, standing caressing a large dog,^7ie and rare 1 2055 Miss Lumsdon, large half-length, seated under a fine tree, reading a book, the face in profile turned to the left, George Willeson pinx., brilliant proof before any letters 1 ' 2056 Amelia, Countess of Ossory, after Sir Peter Lely, half-length, as a shepherdess, standing beneath trees, from the original pic- ture in His Majesty's Collection at Windsor, very fine 1 2057 Andrew Stewart, M.P. for Lanarkshire, three-quarter length, powdered hair and pigtail, an oval within a square. Sir Joshua Reynolds pinx., brilliant proof before the name 1 WAUMANS (CONRAET). Dutch Engraver. 2058 Emilia de Solms, Wife of Frederick Henry of Nassau ; he was son of William I, Prince of Orange, and Louise de Coligny ; three- quarter length, in rich dress ; at bottom, " Emeliae de Solms, D.G Diestae," &c., very fine 1 2059 " Frederick Henricus, D.G. Princeps Diestee," &c., half- length, in armour, holding a baton in his left hand, helmet on a table by his side, Antonius Van Dyck pinx., Conraet Wau- mans sculp., Joannes Meysens excud., very fine \ WEBEK (FRIEDRICH). Born at Leistal, near Basle, in 1813; working in 1859. 2060 Viet Amerbach, three-quarter length in a large square, tablet attached to a tree, inscribed " Picta Licet Facies VI XIX Prid-ide-Oct-Br.," Hans Holbein De Jeune pinx. ; grave d'apres le tableau original mime grandeur au Musee de Bale, very fine 1 2061 Hans Holbein, three-quarter length, inscribed, Geno. v. Hans Holbein, d. /., Gest. v. Fried. Weber, very fine 1 WEDGWOOD (JOHN TAYLOR). Worked in London; died in 1856. 2062 His Royal Highness Leopold George Christian Frederick, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe-Cobourg, Saalfeld; Bust with scarf, proof on india paper ; from the Bernal Collection 1 277 WELSH (E.) Mezzotint Engraver. Flourished at the end of the 17th century. 2063 Miss Sophia Baddeley, three-quarter length, pearls in her hair, and ear-rings of pearls ; a black ribbon round her neck, caressing a cat, which she holds in both hands ; an oval in a square ; painted by Sir Joshua Eeynolds, 1771, very fine and rare I WHITE (GEORGE). Born 1671; died 1734. 2064 Sir John Coke, Secretary of State to Charles I ; three-quarter length in robes; an oval, with arms beneath; White sculp., 1724, very fine 1 2065 William Dodson, born 1610; found in indigence by Van Dyck; recommended by him to Charles I. ; after Van Dyck's death appointed painter to the King ; fell into poverty and died 1646 ; Bust in oval, with drapery overhanging it, palette and brushes beneath, with name "W. Dobson ipse pinx.," White fecit, sold by Sam 1 . Sympson, in y e Strand, inscribed on a roll of paper 1 2066 Alexander Pope, the Poet, born in Lombard Street in 1668, died in 1744 ; three-quarter length, his head resting upon his left hand 1 WHITE (EGBERT). Born in London 1645; died 1704. 2067 Richard Baxter, celebrated Nonconformist Divine, born 1615, died 1691 ; three-quarter length, in canonicals, holding book, in oval with scroll at top, inscribed " Nos quoque," &c. ; in- scription around, " Vera effigies Eichardi Baxteri Min JStatis suse 62 ; " at bottom, eight lines, " Farewell Vaine World as thou hast bin to me But shalt not keep from Everlasting Rest," E. White delin. et sculp., very fine 1 2068 An Allegorical Subject representing Britannia seated weeping, a Jesuit prompted by the devil admonishing her, while at her feet are strewn a bloody axe, Magna Charta, and Insignias of Eoyalty, and emblems of religion; churches are burning in the distance, and the wrath of heaven is about to punish armies engaged in battle ; at bottom, " Printed for S. Mearne, T. Bring, B. Tooke, T. Sawbridge, and C. Mearne," R. White sculp., brilliant impression of a very rare print 1 278 2069 William Camden, Clarenceux Herald, a learned Antiquary and Historian, born in the Old Bailey 1551 ; died 1623 at Chisel- hurst, and buried at Westminster ; the " Camden " Professor- ship at Oxford was founded by him ; three-quarter length, wearing a tabard, in an oval ornamented with scrolls, arms beneath, and at the top ; inscription, " William Camden, Claren- ceux Obijt Ao. D. 1623, ^Etatis suse LXXIII-" R. White sculp., very fine 1 2070 "Carolus II. D.G. Mag. Brit. Fran. & Hiber. Rex.," &c., full- length standing, in robes of the Garter, globe, sceptre and plumed hat on a table to the right, R. White sculp, very fine 1 2071 Elizabeth, the Illustrious and most Eenowned Princesse, late Queene of England, enthroned in full state, with sceptre and globe in her hands, R. White sculp., brilliant impression 1 2072 Sir Matthew Hale, half-length, robed ; sold by J. Jordan, at the Golden Lion in Fleet Street, very rare and fine 1 2073 Prince Rupert, the most High & Mighty, Count Palatine of the Rhyne, Duke of Bavaria & Cumberland, Earl of Holdernesse Vice-Admirall of England, Constable of y e Castle Royall of Windsor, and K*. of the most Noble Order of the Garter; Obijt Nov. 29, 1682 ; three-quarter length, in ornamented . oval, arms beneath ; G. Kneller pinx., R. WJiite sculp., very fine 1 2074 Susanna Temple, the only daughter of Sir Alexander Temple; was Maid of Honour to Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I ; one of the greatest beauties at Court ; married first Sir Geoffrey Thomhust, and was drawn in her wedding habit by C 8 . Jansen ; second, Sir Martin Lister; three-quarter length, wearing ruff, and feathers in her hair, fine and very rare 1 2075 His Royall Highness James Duke of Yorke and Albany, K l . of the most noble order of the Garter, and sole brother to his sacred Maj ty . King Charles II, &c. ; full-length, in robes of the Garter, with plumed hat on the table to right ; arms in right hand corner at top 1 2076 Thomas Osborne, Duke of Leeds and Marquis of Carmarthan, Lord Treasurer to Charles II., died 1712, set. 81. R. White ad vivum delin. et sculp. 1 2077 Samuel Pepys, born at Brampton, Hunts., died at Clapham in 1703; inscribed, " Car et iac Angl. Regib. ;" bequeathed his Collection to Magdalen College, Cambridge ; proof before fetter- ing or scroll 1 279 2078 Right Hon. Anthony, Earl of Shafsbury, Baron Ashley of Shnftes- bury, Baron Ashley of Winbourne, Obigt Jan. 21st, 1683; half-length seated, in his robes 1 WIERIX (JAN). Born at Amsterdam in 1549; working in 1615. 2079 Catherine of Bourbon, sister of Henry IV., Duchess of Bar, died at Nancy, Feby. 13th, 1604. This forms the companion to a portrait of Henry III. Bust, richly dressed with tiara of large jewels; in the margin, at bottom, are four lines of French verse, commencing, " Qui void ce beau portrait cette auguste aparence," &c., inscribed, "Johan. Wierx scvlpsit 1600 avec privilege du roy." First undescribed state, with the address of Paul de la Houue, and before that of Harman Adolfz, very fine, with margin 1 WIERIX (JERONIMUS). Born at Amsterdam in 1552; living in 1619. 2080 Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues, Marchioness of Verneuil and Mistress of Henry IV. of France, bust, richly dressed, wearing a necklace of pearls ; in the margin at bottom are four lines of French verse, commencing, " Tout le beau des beautes des empyriques Dieux," &c. ; inscribed, " Hieronymus Wierx sculpsit in septembri anno 1600. Avec privilege du roi." Harman Adolfz excudebat Haerlemensis ; brilliant impression, with large margin 1 2081 Louis, King of Hungary ; inscribed, " Lvdovicvs Hvngariae et Bohemiae Rex in Prelio Contra Tvrcos Caesvs MDXXXVI ; " three-quarter length, in a small oval ; inscribed around, Order of the Golden Fleece; Hieroni. Wierix fecit 1 2082 Philippe Emanuel de Lorrayne, Due de Mercoaur, et de Penthevre, pair de France, Prince du Sainct Empire et de Martigues et Gouverneur de Bretaigne ; three-quarter length, in armour ; arms in top right corner " Mercurij Ducis ora vides, quo prasside tellus Armorica innumeris fulget decorata trophceis ; O decus Austrasiae pi etas tutata, fidesque ^Eternas Statuunt tua circum tempora lauros." Hieronymus Wierx sculp., fine, with margin 1 280 2083 Philippe Emanuel de Lorrayne, three-quarter length, his left hand on a skull, at top is "Joannis Goropii Begani Effigies," and " I H W" 1580 on the pedestal on which the skull is placed ; from, a book, very fine, with large margin 1 2084 Philippe Emanuel de Lorrayne, three-quarter length, coat trimmed with fur, gloves in left hand, inscription beneath, " Wilt . nv . raeen . en . vers . taen . min . sin . en . let . de . paen . te . gaen . so . hier siin . in," very fine, with good margin 1 2085 Louis d'Orleans, Bust, in small ornamented oval; above " In Nocte Lucerna eius ; " at bottom, " Lud. D'Orleans Eegius Teucris." Otho Vcenius pinxit, Hieronymm sculpsit, Joan Bap- tista Vrints donauit Antuerpice 1602, very fine 1 2086 William I. Prince of Orange ; Philip II. King of Spain ; Ru- dolph II. the Emperor ; Sigismund III. King of Poland ; Sir Francis Drake ; Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma. Six small ovals on one mount William Prince of Orange, small oval in armour, inscription round oval, " Guilelinus D. G. Princeps Auraicae Comes Nassauiae," &c., fine and rare ; from the Bernal collection Rudolphus II., small oval in armour, inscription around, " Rudol- phus II. D. G. Rom Burg," &c., very fine ; from the Bemal collection Sir Francis Drake, in richly decorated armour, with shield, small oval, inscription round oval, " Franciscus Draeck Nobillissimus Eques Angliae ^Etat suae XLIII. ;" and at bottom, " Hie est qui toto Dece," most brilliant impression ; from the Mariette collection Alexander Farnese, small oval, inscription, " Alexander Farne- sesius Belgicar " Philip II., small oval ; in ruff and high hat, inscription around, " Philippus II. Austriacus Hispaniarum Indiarum Neapolis Hierosolmae, etc. Rex." Hierony. Wierix sculp. Sigismundus III. Rex Poloniae Magn. Dux Lituaniae, etc. Princeps Sueciae, amall oval, three-quarters, in armour and crown. ffieronimus Wierix ; very fine, from the Bernal collection 6 2087 Margareta, Consort of Philip III., three-quarter length, oval, in lace ruff and rich dress, inscription around, "Margareta D. G. Philippi III. Hispa. Reg. VX. Archi. D. Austria* Anno 1561 ;" at bottom, " En Regina Potens Maere Pios " (A. 1969). Wierix Anno 1601 ; very fine 281 WIERIX (ANTON). Born at Amsterdam 1530. 2088 Albertvs D.G. Archidvx Avstriae, Bust, in raff and hat. Small Bust, in cuirass and ruff, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, with title around, " Albertvs dei gratia Archidvx Avstria dux Bvrgvndise Brabantiae, Comes Flandrise," &c. The companion print, "Isabel la Clara Evgenia Hisp. Infant Archid. Avstrise dvcis Bvrgvnd. Brabant. Com. Fland.," &c., in hat and feathers and ruff, title around. Anton. Wierix fecit et exc. (three on one mount) 3 2089 Bernardinus Philippus ; two Portraits in squares, that at top between two columns, with a Glory round his head, and above is " Beatus Philippus Fundator ; " below, " Obiit Romae VIII Octogesimo ; " in the other portrait he holds a rosary and baton ; at top is " In Domino gaudebo .... meo," and at bottom, " P. Bernardinus July 2." Wierix sculp., both fine 2 2090 Elizabeth, Queen of England, three-quarter length in small oval ; inscription- around, " Eliabeta Dei Gratia Anglias Franciea et Hiberniae Regina." H. Wierix sculp. Elizabeth, Bust in small oval, inscription "Elizabetha Dei G. Angliae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina " Elizabeth, Bust in small square, high ruff, inscription at bottom, " Elisabet D.G. Anglias Franciae Hibemiae et Virginias Regina." Anton. Wierix fecit et exc. 3 2091 Henry IV., wearing high hat, armour, neckpiece, collar and scarf, in a small oval, with inscription around, " Henricus Borbonius D.G. Navarre Rex. JEtat XL." Anton. Wierix fecit et excud. ; from Bernal's collection Marie de Medici, Royne de France et de Navarre, Bust, wearing ruff, in a small square. Anton. Wierix fecit et excud. fine and rare (two on one mount) 2 2092 Anonymous, three-quarter length, standing near a wall, on which a banner is resting, in ruff and large cloak, letters " D.C.E.N. A. P.O.H." in a monogram Anonymous, three-quarter length, standing at table, on which are square, compasses and wreath, holding with right hand a medal, which hangs by a ribbon round neck, two on one mount 2 O O 282 2093 William Count Palatine of the Rhine, wearing fur and order of the Golden Fleece ; in a small square, Latin description beneath. " Serenissimus Guilhelnms D. G. Comes Palatinus Rheni utrius- que Bavariae Dux," &c. Anton. Wierix fecit et exc. Bartoldvs Gvilhelmi Vanden Hvevel ^Etatis svae 39, Anno 1577, small oval, title around ; Wierix Doctor Feransois Madson, F.H.W., small square, seated, gloves in left hand and roll in right, inscription beneath, " Dus heeft men Maelsons Beelt in zilver uitgesneden." 3 WILKINS (CHARLES). Working in 1771 ; died in 1814. 2094 Viscountess Andover, three-quarter length, arms beneath ; painted by J. Hoppner ; engraved by C. Wilkins. Published May, 1799, by C. Wilkins, No. 19, Eaton Street, Pimlico ; proof, printed in brown ink 1 Lady Andover three-quarter length seated, wearing a black lace shawl; painted and engraved by C. Wilkins; published Jany., 1802, ly C. Wilkins, No. 19, Eaton Street, Pimlico ; proof, printed in brown 1 The Right Honble. Charlotte Viscountess St. Asaph, three-quarter length standing, hair loosely tied with a kerchief, plain close fitting dress ; painted and drawn by Hoppner, R.A. ; engraved by C. Wilkins ; proof, printed in brown The Rt Honble. Lady Charlotte Duncombe, three-quarter length, seated, wearing a broad ribbon in her hair ; arms beneath ; painted and drawn by J. Hoppner, R.A.; engraved by C. Wilkins; published as the act directs by J. Hoppner and C. Wilkins, March 1797 ; proof, printed in brown Lady Langham, three-quarter length, the left hand held to the bosom ; arms beneath ; painted by J. Hoppner, R.A. ; engraved by C. Wilkins; published as the act directs, June 2nd, 1800, by C. Wilkins, No. 19, Eaton Street, Pimlico ; proof, printed in brown Mrs. Parkyss, half-length, standing beneath a tree, wearing a cap and feather, landscape background ; J. Hoppner, R.A., pinx. ; C. Wilkins sculp. ; published as the act directs June 20th, 1795, by C. Wilkins, No. 19, Eaton Street, Pimlico ; proof, before the name 283 David Eizzio, three-quarter length, with guitar; the head only finished. From an original picture, painted in 1564, in the possession of H. C. Jennings, Esq. ; engraved with permission by C. Wilkins ; published Oct. 1, 1814, Robert Triphook, 37, St. James Street; proof 7 2095 Maurice de Saxe, Due de Curlande, &c. ; three-quarter length, in a frame of stone work. Peint par Hiacinthe Regaud 1 WILLE (JOHN GEORGE). Born at Koningsberg 1717 ; worked at Paris ; died 1807. 2096 Charles Prince of Wales, the young Chevalier, three-quarter length, in armour, large square, arms at bottom, and " Carolus WaUlse Princeps," &c., &c. Painted by Tocque, 1748, and engraved same year by J. G. Wille 1 2097 Cort Sivensen Adeler, Grand-Amiral de Denemarck, half-length, in a frame of interlaced ornamentation, with arms of Frederic III. and Oriental prisoners, first state, excessively rare, before the names on the shell, &c. 1 2098 Frederic the Great, three-quarter length wearing uniform, in oval, at bottom, " Frederic II. Eoi de Prusse Electeur de Brandebourg ;" Wille sc., superb impression 1 WILLIAMSON (PETER). An English Engraver. Flourished about 1660. 2099 Charles II., in a large oval, drapery and crown behind, arms and Cupids supporting festoons of fruit beneath ; at bottom, " Carolus II., D. G. Angliae Scotias Franciae & Hibernise Eex. ;" &c. and six verses in type, commencing "The Second Charles Heir of the Eoyal Martyr." London : printed for John Williams at the Crowne in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1661 ; brilliant impression 1 2100 Catherine, Queen of Charles II., King of England, daughter to John IV., and sister to Alphonso VI., Kings of Portugal, born 1638, died 1705 ; three-quarter length, in large oval of laurel, crown and drapery behind, arms at bottom, inscription on left, " Catharina Queene of Great Britaine Portugall," &c. ; similar inscription, only in Latin, on right. Engraved 1662 1 2101 Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland; in the beginning of the Civil War he sided with the King, but in 1643 declared for the Parliament, to which he afterwards adhered, died 1665 ; three- quarter length, in oval of laurel, with scroll at top, arms 284 beneath, and an army marching in the angles at bottom ; inscrip- tion, " The Efigies of the right Honnorable Mildmay Earl of Westmorland, Baron Le Despencer and Burghersh, and Knight of the Bath, &c." P. Williamson sculp. 1662, fine 1 WITDOECK (JAN). Born at Antwerp about 1604 ; working in 1642. 2102 Demosthenes, the Athenian Orator, large square, from bust, at bottom, inscribed " Demosthenes Demosthenis F. Athieniensis orator, Ex niarmore apud D. Nicolaum Rockoxium." WitJwne, &c. 1638. P. P. Rubens pinx. I WOLFGANG (GEORGE. ANDREAS). Born at Chemnitz in 1651 ; died at Augsburg in 1716. 2103 German Portrait, half-length, standing in Roman costume, left hand resting upon large bloodhound. B. Block pinx., G. And. Wolfgang f. Stugust., very fine, very early mezzotint, engraved 1668 1 WOOLLETT (WILLIAM). Born at Maidstone 1735; died in London 1785. Was a pupil of Vivares. 2104 George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c., eldest son of Frederic Prince of Wales and Augusta of Saxe Gotha ; born in St. James' Square, 1738 ; crowned, 1761 ; married Charlotte of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, 1761; died at Windsor Castle, 1820; three-quarter length, in profile, turned to the left, wearing richly embroidered coat and star of St. George. A. Ramsay pinx. W. Woollett sculp. 1 2105 Peter Paul Rubens, three-quarter length, looking from window, Vandyck pinx., W. Pether del., Woollett sculp., proof, the names and the address merely etched in 1 WORTHLNGTON (WILLIAM HENRY). Born about 1795; working in 1826. 2106 Sir Thomas Lawrence, three-quarter length, full face 1 2107 Thomas Stothard, Esq., R.A., three-quarter length; behind are drapery and a picture of the Canterbury Pilgrimage ; after Harlow, proof, very fine 2108 Mrs. Hannah More, half-length, seated, holding spectacles in case in right hand, table with writing materials by" her side. Painted "by H. W. Pickersgill, A.R.A., fine, proof before all letters 2 285 WRENK (FRANZ). Born at Strahain in Mahren in 1766; died at Vienna in 1825. 2109 Eembrandt van Rhyn, from a picture by Ferdinand Bol; three- quarter length, in a mazarine hat and coat, trimmed with fur, fine, but inlaid 1 YOUNG (JOHN). Born in 1755; died in London in 1825. 2110 Lady Charlotte Grenville, whole-length, kneeling, near a rivulet, caressing her dog, landscape background, with woodland scenery. Hoppner pinx. Engraved by J. Young, Engraver in mezzotints to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, fine proof, with the names merely etched in 1 2111 General View of the Fe'ddration, France ; Vue interieure de Paris. Cloquet del. 1 ADDENDA CONTAINING SOME OF THE CHOICEST EXAMPLES IN THE COLLECTION. ANDEKLONI (PIETRO). Born at Brecia in 1785. LOT 2112 Leonardo da Vinci, Head in an oval ; engraved for the "Vita di Leonardo da Vinci, by G. Bossi, Padova, 1814" ; artist's proof, fine, ami copy engraved by G. Gandini (Le B. 15) 2 ANONYMOUS. 2113 Queen Elizabeth, whole-length in rich attire, wearing a crown of pearls, and holding orb and sceptre ; she stands between pillars, surmounted with emblematical devices, and a view of the sea in the distance, with ships sailing ; inscribed, " Elizabeta D. G. AngliaB Franciae Fidei Vnicvm Propugnaculum ; " eight verses commencing, " Immortalis honos Kegum, cui non tulit setis ; " by J. Wontnelius, 1 596 ; very fine and in perfect condition, from the Young Collection 1 BARLOW (THOMAS OLDHAM.) Contemporary English Engraver. 2114 The Spanish Beauty, after John Phillip, K.A. 2115 The House of Commons, containing Portraits of Lord Palmerston, the Right Hon ble - Mr. Disraeli, and their Contemporaries, from a picture painted by John Phillip, R.A. ; artist's pi-oof \ signed by Phillip and Barlow 1 BLOOTELING (ABRAHAM). Born 1684, worked in Holland and London, died about 1695. 2116 D. Hieronymus van Beverninck, after B. Vaillant; proof before letters of Lot 938, with ample margin 1 287 BOISSARD (ROBERT). Born at Valance about 1590. 2117 " The Most noble Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Earl Marshall of England . . . Governour generall of the Kingdoms of Irlant 1600." In armour and on horseback, view of the sea in the distance, with ships of war in the offing, on the shore troops have been landed, they are formed in squares and marching to the right. The foregoing inscription on a tablet above, and a legend beneath commencing, " Hie Tw Ille Comes ; " fine, and very rare 1 BROMLEY (WILLIAM), A.E. Born at Carisbrooke 1769, died in 1842. 2118 The Right Hon. William Pitt, after Gainsborough; whole-length standing by a table, holding in his right hand a paper, inscribed " A Bill," his official robes thrown on a chair 1 BROMLEY AND PARKER. 2119 View of the Interior of the House of Peers during the Trial of Queen Caroline in 1820 ; containing Portraits of all the Persons engaged ; after picture by George Hayter ; in oak frame and glass 1 CLERC (JEAN LE). Living in Paris at the end of the 16th century ; published the prints by Briot and Boissard. 2120 Henry IV. of France, in armour on horseback, a tablet above on the right, inscribed, " Henry iiii par la grace de Dieu Roy de France et de Nau. age de 44, 1597 ; " at bottom four verses, on an escutcheon, commencing " Henry race des Dieux, le plus puissant des Roys . . . Jean le dec excu.;" brilliant impression 1 CONQUY (E.) Working in Paris 1839. 2121 Saint Catherine, after Carlo Dolci DALEN (CORNELIS VAN). Worked at Haarlem and Antwerp, 1613-1640. 2122 Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian Scholar and Poet, 1460-1518, after Tiziano Vecellio, fine proof before any inscription (Le B. 22) 1 288 BREVET (PlERRE-lMBERT). Born at Paris in 1697, died in 1789. 2123 Jacques-Benique Bossuet, Bishop of Meaiix, born 1627, died 1704, Philosopher, Theologian, and Historian ; whole-length, standing in his studio, wearing episcopal robes, richly trimmed with lace, and holding a book in his right hand ; brilliant impression, but cut close to the marginal line (Le B. 19) 1 2124 Armand-Gaston, Prince de Rohan, Cardinal and Archbishop of Strasbourg, born 1674, died 1749 ; three-quarter length, in oval, with collar of the Order of the S. Esprit ; inscribed around, " Ser. P R. Arm. Casto. De Rohan, S. R. E. Card," &c., with arms beneath and two verses, commencing, " Quo nihil ingenio virtu te ;" very fine (Le .#.41) 1 DREVET (PIERRE, the Elder). 2125 Louis Auguste, Prince de Dombes, in oval, after Francois Le Troy, inscribed " Ludovicus Augustus Borbonius Dux Cenomanesium Dombarum princeps ;" brilliant impression (Le .#.41) 1 DUFLOS (CLAUDE AUGUSTE). Born in 1701, died in 1784. 2126 Francois* de Laval, First Bishop of Quebec, 1673, died in 1708, aged 86; three-quarter length in an oval; inscribed around, " Franciscus de Laval Primus, Episcopus Quebecensis ; " and nine lines commencing, " Les Maisons de Laval et de Mont- morency " (not described by Le Blanc], very fine 1 DURER CALBRECHT). Painter and Engraver. Born at Nuremberg 1471, died in 1528. 2127 Albrecht Diirer, Bust in profile, turned to the left, woodcut Copy A, (Bartsch 156}, fine 1 EARLOM (RICHARD). Bom in London in 1743, died in Clerkenwell in 1822. 2128 A Lady reading, after Ferdinand Bol 1 FAED (JAMES). Contemporary English Engraver. 2129 Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, after a picture by John Faed ; with facsimiles of the signatures, in gilt frame, with patent plate glass 1 289 2130 Lord John Russell, after Sir Francis Grant ; unfinished proof , superb mezzotint, much finer than the finished proofs, in oak frame with patent plate glass \ FAITHORNE (WILLIAM). Born in London 1616, worked in England and France, died in 1708. 2131 "The Most Illustrious and High Borne Prince Eupert, Prince Electour Palatine of y e Rhine . . . Knight of y e Most Noble Order of the Garter," &c. ; three-quarter length, in armour, in an oval, with the above inscription. Ant. V. Dyck pinxit. Are to be sould by Robt. Peake at his shopp at Holborne Conduitt 1 FALCK (JEREMIAS). Born at Danzig 1629, died in 1709. 2132 Tycho Brahe, celebrated Dutch Astronomer, superb impression of this very rare portrait. See also Lot 11 53 for the unfinished state of same print 1 FRANgOIS (JULES). Working 1830-1853. 2133 Napoleon crossing the Alps, after Delaroche, unfinished proof on india paper, in oak frame, with patent plate glass 1 FIALETTI (ODOAEDO). Born at Bologna in 1573 ; died at Venice in 1638. 2134 Lucretia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara, died 1523 : inscribed " La famosa Lucrezia Borgia, chefiori in Roma nel principio del XVI, Secolo, di manod el Tiziano, in Casa Painfilj Doria," profile head, life size 1 FORSTER (FRANCOIS). Born at Locle in Switzerland in 1790 ; died at Paris in 1872. 2135 Her Majesty Queen Victoria, after picture by Winterhalter, half- length, standing, holding a rose in her left hand, and a scarf in the right, landscape background, low necked dress, proof, in frame with glass 1 HENRIQUEL DUPONT (Louis-PiERRE). Contemporary French Engraver. 2136 The Hemicycle, after Paul Delaroche, containing Portraits of all the great men in Art, on three plates, artist's proofs on india paper, uncut, in Italian frames, with glass, and key to the por- traits, also framed 2 P P 290 HOUBRAKEN (JACOB.) Born at Dordrecht in 1698 ; died at Amsterdam in 1780. 2137 George Villiers, Duke of .Buckingham, bora 1592, died in 1627 ; three-quarter length, in an illustrated oval, after C. Johnson (Hucll 34), fine, with ample margin 1 JONES (JOHN). Born about 1740 ; died in 1797. 2138 The Right Honorable Charles James Fox, half-length standing, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, finished impression of No. 1432, very fine 1 LAUGIER (JEAN-NICOLAS). Bora at Toulouse 1783. 2139 General Washington, First President of the American Republic ; whole-length, after Coignet, 1836. The head front, the original painting by Stuart, in the Athenaeum at Boston, in oak frame and glass 1 M&RYON (CHARLES). Born at Paris in 1821 ; died 1868. 2140 The large Bird's-eye View of San Francisco (Burty 21), proof, in oak frame, with patent plate glass 1 MEUXIER (JEAN-BAPTISTE). Contemporary. Working at Brussels 1850-1868. 2141 Louis XVII. an Temple, representing the little Dauphin in Prison, after Gustav Waffers, proof before all letters 1 MORGHEN (RAPHAEL). Born at Florence 1758 ; died in 1833. 2142 Madonna Laura, after Simon Memmi, three-quarter length, in laced boddice and pearl necklace, artists proof 1 2143 Torquato Tasso, Italian Poet, born 1544, died 1595 ; three-quarter length, holding a book in his right hand, proof before all letters, very fine 1 MULLER (JAN). Born at Amsterdam about 1670. Working from 1589 to 1625. 2144 Jan Bruckles of Leyden, called "the King of the Anabaptists," after Aldegrever (B. 24), duplicate of Lot 1619, very fine 1 2145 Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, half-length seated, richly dressed and holding a fan with both hands, after P. P. Rubens, companion print to Lot 1 624, inscribed " Serenissimae Isabella; Clarae Eugeniae," very fine 1 291 NANTEUTL (EGBERT). Born at Rheims in 1630 ; died in Paris 1678. 2146 Armand-Paul du Plessis, Cardinal Due de Richelieu, Bust, deco- rated with the Cross of the Saint-Esprit, in a square border of laurel (Dumesnil 218), second state, before the additional lines I PASSE ( SIMON DE). Born at Utrecht or Cologne 1574-81 ; died in 1644. 2147 Sir Francis Bacon, three-quarter length, in an oval, inscribed around " Honoratiss. D. Franciscus Bacon Eques au : Mag : Sigill Anglistos :" "are to ~be sould by John Sudbury," &c. fine 1 2148 The Eight Honorable and most Virtuous Lady Mary Sidney, wife to the late deceased Henry Herbert, Earle of Pembroke, &c., three-quarter length in an oval, richly dressed and holding the Psalmes of David in her right hand, in an oval frame ; are to be sould by William PeaJce, very fine, with large margin 1 2149 Count Gondamor, Ambassador from the King of Spain; three- quarter length, in an ornamental frame, on which is inscribed "Effigies eximij viri Dno Didaci," &c. with dedication to James I., very fine 1 " He spoke Latin with King James ; drank with the King of Denmark, his brother-in-law, and assured the Earl of Bristol, when he was Ambassador at Madrid, that he was an Englishman in his heart." Howlers Letters, p. 252. 2150 " The true and lively portraiture of the honourable and learned Knight, Sr. Walter Ealegh," three-quarter length, in an oval, inscribed around, " Vera Effigies Clariss mi Viri Dom nl Gualtheri Ealegh eqv. aut." Comp. Holland exc., very fine 1 2151 Sir Walter Eeleagh. Second state of the last mentioned. Comp. Holland's name erased, and the plate coarsely retouched 1 PILOTELL (GEOEGE). Contemporary Italian Etcher. Working in London 2152 Alexandra Princess of Wales, three-quarter length seated, the face nearly full and turned a little to the left, proof on india paper 1 POILLY (NICOLAS DE). Born at Abeville 1&26 ; died at Paris in 1696. 2153 Louis XIV. in ermine robe, and wearing the order of the Saint- Esprit; three-quarter length, in a large oval; inscribed around, " Ludovicus XIIII. Dei Gratia Francise et Navarrae Eex," after N. Mignard, arms beneath, very fine, with large margin 1 292 RAJON (PAUL-ADOLPHE). Contemporary French Etcher. Born at Dijon. 2154 French Soldier and Nurse: Lady and Gentleman seated, side by side, both after Boilvin 2 RAVENNA (MAKCO DENTE DA). Born at Ravenna about 1496 ; living in 1559. 2155 The Judgment of Paris, from a design by Raffaello (R 245), very fine 1 REYNOLDS (SAMUEL WILLIAMS). Mezzotint Engraver. Born 1774; died 1835. 2156 Sir Joshua Reynolds when young, three-quarter length, with left hand shading his eyes, in his right hand a palette, brushes and maul stick, brilliant proof, with the artists' names merely etched in 1 ROBINSON (JOHN HENRY), A.RA. Born at Bolton, Lancashire in 1796 ; died at Petworth, in 1871. 2157 Her Majesty Queen Victoria, half-length standing, her left hand resting upon a table, holding a fan and handkerchief in the right, after picture by John Partridge, R. A., proof , in frame and glass I RODTTERMONDT (AEGIDIUS PAUL). Working at Leyden and Utrecht 1643-1671. 2158 William Waller, "Knight, Sargeant-Maior Generall of y e Parlia- ment's Army, &c. 1643," in armour, three-quarter length, a battle raging in the distance, an oval with trophies of arms and Fame above, after C. Janssens, brilliant impression 1 ROTA (MARTINO). Born at Sebenico, in Dalmatia, about 1540 ; died about 1586. 2159 Rudolphus II., " Maxrailiani II. F. Rom. Hung. Bohem. Rex. zo MDLXXV.," three-quarter length, in Imperial robes, crowned, and holding a sceptre in his right hand (Bartsch 94), brilliant impression, from the Brentano collection 1 RUPERT (PRINCE). Born 1619; died in 1682 in Spring Gardens. 2160 Head of the Executioner of St. John the Baptist, early copy, very fine ; Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens, by W. J. Roden, finished impression of Lot 1791 2 293 RUTLINGER (JOHANNES). 2161 Queen Elizabeth, when comparatively young, half-length, in a large oval ; she is richly dressed in jewelled stomacher, wears a heavy necklace of pearls, and holds in her left hand a fan of ostrich feathers, most interesting and probably unique, in- scribed "Johannes Eutlinger fee." A name not to be found in any Dictionary of JUngravers ; the print however is not perfect, as a fragment of 'a curtain is pasted behind 1 SADELER (JAN). Born at Brussels in 1550 ; died at Venice in 1600. 2162 Martin Luther ; Bust, the face in profile and turned to the left, in a square frame, ornamented with symbolic devices, with a tablet above, inscribed " In Silentio et spe erit fortitude vestra " and another tablet beneath, very fine 1 SCHUPPEN (PETER VAN). Born at Antwerp. Pupil of Nanteuil ; died 1702. 2163 Marie Jeanne Baptiste de Savoye, Duchess de Savoye, Princess? de Piedmont, Reyne de Cypre, 1666. Bust, in an oval, wearing necklace and ear-rings of large pearls, with the above inscription around, arms in a medallion, fine 1 SIEGEN (LUDWTG VON). Supposed Inventor of the Mezzotinto Engraving. Born in 1609 ; died in 1680. 2164 The Landgravine of Hesse, inscribed "Amelia Elizabetha, D.G. Hessige Landgravia, etc. Comissa Hanoviee Muntzenb." Bust, in widow's dress, in a frame with arched top, first state before the alteration in the "braid of the, dress, this variation has not been noticed before, very fine and rare 1 SIMON (JOHN). Born in Normandy about 1675 ; died in London about 1755. 2165 Sir Isaac Newton, Geometrician and Philosopher, born 1642, died in 1727 ; three-quarter length in an oval, after Sir James Thornhill, inscribed " Isaacus Newton Eq. Aura." /. Simon fecit. Sold by J. Simon in New Street, Cov 1 Garden. Fine, with ample margin 1 294 SIVORDDTSMA (A). Working in Amsterdam 1650-1G65. 2166 William Prince of Orange (afterwards King of England), when a boy, standing with baton in hand playing with a dog, a crown on a table by his side, inscribed " I. Guilesmus Heuricus D. G. Princeps Auriacus Comes Nassavise," &c. ; A. Sivordtsma fecit, very fine and rare 1 SMITH (BENJAMIN). Pupil of Bartolozzi. Died in Judd Place, London, 1833. 2167 William Hogarth, Bust, in an oval, illustrated with a curtain, books and palette, his pug dog by his side. From tlie original picture in the collection of John and Joshua Boydell,fine 1 SMITH (JOHN). Mezzotint Engraver. Born in' London in 1654. 2168 James II. Bust, in robes of the Garter, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, an oval, inscribed "Jacobus Secundus Dei Gratia Anglias Rex," &c., brilliant impression 1 2169 Charles XII. King of Sweden; three-quarter length in armour, his flowing wig tied with a ribbon, an oval, inscribed beneath, " Carolus XII. D. G. Svecoram Marte ad hue Prosequi- tur." Johannes Smith Anglus fecit, Anno 170f, very fine 1 SMITH (JOHN RAPHAEL). Born 1752 ; died at Doncaster in 1812. 2170 Mrs. Elizabeth Meymott, entitled "Almeria"; half-length seated, with her hands clasped and resting them upon her knees; she wears a broad brimmed hat and her hair in rich masses of curls, falls over her shoulders ; after John Opie, R.A., proof, open letters, very fine and rare 1 2171 Miss Cumberland, in walking dress, wearing a Peg Womngton hat, and dress trimmed with frills ; after George Romuey, R.A., fine and rare 1 2172 Mrs. Robinson as " Perdita." Bust, wearing walking dress, her hands hidden in a muff; an oval in a square, very fine, but cut close, rare 1 295 2173 Mrs. Siddons in the character of " Zara ;" three-quarter length, wearing a waistband richly studded with jewels, and turban-like head dress; an oval in a square ; after Sir Thomas Lawrence, E.A. "Published June 18th, 1783, by T. Lawrence, Alfred Street, Bath, very fine 1 SOMPEL (PETER VAN). Born at Antwerp about 1600. Working in 1653. 1_. tz_ 2174 The Emperor Charles V. Bust, in armour, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, crowned with wreath of laurel; after P. Soutman, an oval, decorated with trophies of arms, eagles and naked boys, inscribed " Carolus V. Maximilian: Obit XI. Kal. Octob. CIOIOLVIIL," very fine 1 x . / . 2175 Philip VI. King of France (Philip the Bold) fought at Poictiers when only 16, and accompanied John King of France in his captivity to England ; governed France for Charles VI., and the deadly feud with the Duke of Orleans began with these Dukes. (See Murray's France from page 209 and his character 231. Rose says he died at 63, Murray says 73 the dates shew tliat he was 63). Bust, wearing a pilgrim's dress, an oval, richly ornamented with festoons of fruit and border of laurel, in- scribed " Philipus Dictus Audax Filius Joannis Eegis Francias Serenissimus et Potentissimus," after J. Van Eyck, brilliant impression 1 . SUKUGUE (PIERRE-LOUIS). Designer and Engraver. Born at Paris in 1717, and died there in 1771. - 2176 Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, Mistress of Louis XIV., born 1721, died in 1764 ; half-length seated, hold- ing a mask in her left hand ; entitled " Mad e de x x en habit de Bal.," after Charles Coypel, fine, with large margin 1 SUYDEEHOEF (JONAS). Born at Leyden about 1600. Working from 1630 to 1688. / -2177 Philip I., Duke of Burgundy, called Philip the Handsome, married Johanna of Castile, who was daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella. This is the father of the Emperor Charles V. Bust, in an oval of laurel, after P. Soutman, enriched with festoons of fruit and tablet supported by Boys, inscribed " Philippus I. Dictus Pulcha Eet Potentissimus et Serenissimus," he wears the order of the Golden Fleece, and a large jewel in his velvet hat (Wussin 63), very fine 1 296 2 178 Joanna, Queen of Philip I. of Spain, second daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, married Philip the Handsome, son of the Emperor Maximilian. They were father and mother of the Emperor Charles V. Johanna doated on her husband Philip, and went mad over his dead body, which she carried about with her, though it is said he never loved her. Bust, wearing a richly embroidered close fitting head dress and large jewel at her bosom, in an oval of laurel, decorated with festoons of flowers ; tablet beneath, on which is inscribed " Joannas Uxor Philippi I. Regina Potentissimus et Serenissimus," after Peter Soutman ( Wussin 43), very fine 1 X. 2179 " Renatus Descartes Nobilis Gallus . . . . Naturae Filius;" three- quarter length, wearing ample cloak, and holding his hat in his right hand ( Wussin 23). F. Hal pinxit, P. Goes excudit, first state, fine 1 2180 Martin van Tromp ; celebrated Dutch General, three-quarter length, wearing a massive chain over his shoulder, in an oval of oak with laurel, ornamented with canon and shot, a tablet beneath, inscribed " Martinus Trompius H.F. Hollandiae Viceprae- fectus" (Wussin 90), H. Pot pinxit, J. Suyderhoef sculp. ; from the Bernal Collection, very fine 1 TARDIEU (PIERRE-ALEXANDER). Born at Paris in 1756, and died there 1844. 2181 Napoleon when first Consul ; profile bust in a medallion, inscribed " Bonaparte I r C.," and beneath " Dessine d'apres nature par Isabey et grave 1 par Alex* 1 Tardieu. G r . de la Marine," proof, fine 1 TUENER (CHARLES), A.E. Born at Woodstock in 1773 ; died in 1857. 2182 The Right Hon ble - George Canning, Eminent Statesman and Orator. Born 1770 ; died 1827 ; after Sir Thomas Lawrence, R.R.A., in frame with patent plate, glass 1 2183 George Gordon, Lord Byron, Poet, born 1788, died in 1824; three quarter length, wearing an ample cloak, the neck of his shirt loose, showing his bare throat, proof before letters, very fine 1 2184 Mrs. Whitmore, three-quarter length seated, wearing low necked dress, trimmed with point lace, and Marie Stuart head dress enriched with pearls, after T. Phillips, proof, open letters, fine I 297 UNGER (WILLIAM). Contemporary German Etcher. 2185 Cattarina Cornaro, after Markart, in oak frame, with patent plate glass, proof 1 VALCK (GERARD). Born at Amsterdam in 1626, and died there in 1720. 2186 John, Duke of Lauderdale, died in 1682, aged 68 ; half-length, in robes of the Garter, his jewelled hat on a table by his side, "brilliant proof before all letters 1 VENEZIANO (AGOSTINO DE Musis, CALLED). Born at Venice about the year 1490, died at Rome 1540. /#. /o - 2187 Francis I., King of France, born at Coignac in 1494, died at Paris in 1547 ; three-quarter length, in armour and crown ; inscribed at bottom, " Franciscus Gallorum Rex Cristianissimus," very fine and rare 1 VERMEULEN (CoRNELis). Born at Antwerp in 1644, died in 1710. 1_ - 2188 Francois de Montmorency, Due de Luxembourg, half-length, in armour, holding his baton raised in his right hand, a battle raging in the distance, very fine I VERTUE (GEORGE). Born in London 1684, died in 1756. /0. / . 2189 John Milton, born 1608, died in 1674, one of the sets of the Poets; three-quarter length, in an oval of stonework, escutcheon of arms beneath, proof before all letters, very fine 1 /3. ^ , 2190 Ben Jonson, English Dramatic Author, born 1574, died in 1637, one of the set of the Poets ; three-quarter length, in an oval frame, with ribbon and wreath of laurel above, brilliant proof before all letters 1 /O- (o ^2191 William Shakespeare, the celebrated Dramatic Poet, born 1564, died 1616; three-quarter length, in plain oval frame, with laurel wreath and ribbon above, and shield of arms beneath ; proof before all letters, very fine 1 jfr - 2192 "A True and Exact Draught of the TOWER LIBERTIES survey 'd in the year 1597, by Gulielmus Haiward and J. Gascoyer." Bird's eye view, with the royal arms on the left above ; engraved for Vol. I. of the " Vetusta Monumenta," 174>7,fine, with ample margin 1 Q Q 298 o . . 2193 Sir Francis Drake, the plate as re-engraved by Vertue, the original engraver's name unknown. (See No. 871, where the pure state of the plate is described), fine Samuel Butler, died in 1680, Bust in an illustrated oval; one of the sets of the Poets, after Soert ; proof before all letters, with margin, very fine 2 VISSCHER (CoRNELis). Born at Haarlem in 1618, died in 1670. 2194 Gellius de Bovma, half-length seated, wearing a skull cap, close buttoned dress and broad ruff ; inscribed, " Gellius de Bovma ecclesiastes ... 55 Jaer van zyn Bedieninghe; " very fine, with ample margin, undoubtedly one of the finest of V'isscher's works (Smith 89) I VOERST (ROBERT VAN.) Born at Antwerp in 1596, working in London in 1635. 2195 Ernest, natural son of Peter Ernest, Count Mansfelt, legitimised by the Emperor Rodolph, served Austria, then joined the Reformers. In 1 609 marched to raise the siege of Prague, but was defeated by Wallenstein ; raised 20,000 men in the Palatinate, ravaged Franconia, opposed to Tilly ; joined by Frederic K. of B., and in April, 1622, defeated Tilly at Minigolsheim ; joined Maurice of Nassau, negotiated with Richelieu ; came to Eng- and got money from James I. to aid Frederic; defeated at Dessan by Wallenstein, one of the greatest and least cruel and avaricious of the generals of the 17th century, certainly as compared with Tilly the Catholic and Christian of Bruns- wick ; the Protestant ; died in his armour standing between his two friends. Three-quarter length in armour, after Anthony Van Dyck ; inscribed, " Ernesto Principi et Comiti . . . C. Generali, &c.," brilliant impression, with large margin 1 WALKER (WILLIAM). Born at Thirek in 1729, died in Clerk en well 1793. 2196 Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, the distinguished Writer, born at Edinburgh in 1771, died at Abbotsford 1832; three-quarter length, the face nearly full, wearing a massive gold chain, and watch in his waistcoat pocket, after Sir Henry Raeburn ; proof on india paper, before all letters, but with the royal arms 1 299 WALKEK (WILLIAM). Born in London, died in Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, 1867. ^ G 2197 The Aberdeen Cabinet, after John Gilbert, containing Portraits of Wood, Molesworth, Graham, Argyle, Clarendon, Gladstone, Lansdowne, Russell, Granville, Aberdeen, Cranworth, Palmers- ton, Grey, Sidney Herbert, and Newcastle, with facsimiles of their handwriting ; private plate, in frame with glass 1 WAED (JAMES). Born in London 1775. f ,2198 Marquis Cornwallis, after Sir William Beechey, R.A. ; whole length standing, in Peer's robes, pointing to a sealed public document, which is on a table by his side, brilliant impression 1 WATSON (JAMES). Born in Ireland in 1740, died in 1796. 2199 Miss Julia Bosville, second Daughter of Godfrey Bosville, Esq., of Gunhwaite, Yorkshire, married, 1780, William, third Viscount Dudley and Ward; three-quarter length, her right hand to her face, the elbow resting upon a table, pearls in her hair and at her waist ; brilliant proof, open letters, the plate partially undeaned 1 2200 Samuel Johnson, LL.D., the famous Lexicographer, and one of the most distinguished men of the 18th century; born at Litchfield in 1709, died in 1780. Three-quarter length, in loose dress, without his wig, eyes nearly closed, hands raised in a peculiar manner, after Sir Joshua Reynolds 1 , 2201 Edmund Burke, celebrated English Statesman, after Sir Joshua Reynolds ; duplicate of Lot 2042, very fine 1 WATSON (THOMAS). Born in London 1748, died 1781. 2202 David Garrick, celebrated Actor, born in 1716, died in 1789, and buried with much pomp in Westminster Abbey ; three-quarter length, in a square, with a paper inscribed, " Prologue," sitting at a table, hands together, with the thumbs raised and meeting each other, ruffles at wrists, brilliant impression 1 ( t- 2203 Warren Hastings, Esq., Governor-General of Bengal, &c., &c. ; half-length, sitting, right hand resting upon a table, left hand on arm of chair, wears coat and embroidered waistcoat, and knee breeches ; drapery, &c., very fine 1 R R 300 WHISTLER (JAMES ABBOT MCNEILL). Contemporary Painter and Etcher. 2204 The Lime Burners (T. 38). A Child seated upon a bank, undescribed 2 WHITE (ROBERT). Born in London 1645, died 1704. 2205 " The Right Hon ble S r George Geffreys Km & Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of England ; " Bust in an oval of laurel leaves, with arms on an escutcheon beneath, and devices in the angles; he wears his robes and chain of office. G. Kneller pinx., R. White sculpsit, fine \ WIERIX (ANTON). Born at Amsterdam 1530. 2206 Ernest, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Netherlands ; three- quarter length, wearing jewelled hat, ornamented with a feather, and the Order of the Golden Fleece, arms on the right at top ; inscribed, " Earnestus D. G. Archidux Austria Dux Burgundiaa . . . Gubernator ; " and four lines commencing, " En genus Imperio." Anton Wierx fecit et excud., 1594, very fine 1 2207 Sir Thomas More, Historian and Lord Chancellor of England, born 1480, died 1535 ; Bust in small square, inscribed, " Thomas Morus, Quondam supremus Totius Angliae cancellarius Digniss." Anton. Wierx fecit et excud. I 2208 James I. and Ann of Denmark, whole-length, richly dressed, standing side by side, the King on the left, the Queen on the right, landscape in background, with high rock and mountains, the King has arms and helmet by his side ; inscribed, " Jacobus et Anna ; Rex et Regnia Angliae Franciae Scotise et Hiberniae." Johan Wierx F. et excud., cumJ* Privil. Sig. de Buscher, very fine and rare 1 - 2209 Philip II., King of Spain, born 1527, died 1598; three-quarter length, wearing a very small hat and the Order of the Golden Fleece ; inscribed, " Philippus II. Caroli v films Hispaniarum . . . Aetatis suse 59, 1586," in an ornamental border, very fine and rare 1 l 301 ZUNDT (MATHIAS). Born at Nuremberg in 1498, and died there in 1586. /0 2210 Charles IX., King of France, born 1550, died 1574 ; half-length, wearing armour, the face in profile and turned to the right, with cushion before him, holding sceptre and orb, plumed helmet on a table by his side, in an oval, around which is inscribed, " Carolus IX. Galliarus Eex Anno ^tatis suse XXIII. ; " and within the oval, " Charles IX. Roy de Francois, Lan. de Grasse XVIII. M.D.LXVIIL, cum gratia, #c." Privi Imperiali Mathias Zundt ; fine and very rare, not described ty Bartsch. Nagler, however, gives an account of this portrait in his list of the Masters' Works (No. 2), which Passavant, has copied, vol. iv. p. 195, No. 8 1 2211 Napoleon at St. Helena, dictating his Memoirs to Count Montholon, after Karl Steuben ; large and fine print, in oak frame and glass ^ I 2212 Johnson and his Contemporaries, in frame and glass 1 2213 General View of the Federation. France, Cloquet del.; Vue in- terieure de Paris, 1782, " Le port au Ble"," &c., after C. de 1'Espinasse, grave par Berthault 2 2214 Four Portfolios, with flaps, half russia 4 2215. A similar lot 4 2216 A similar lot 4 2217 A similar lot 4 2218 A similar lot 4 C. DRYBEN PRESSI J. DAVY & SONS, 137, Long Acie. ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. Page No. 74 843 " Corregio " should be " Bella di Tizano." 77 856 For " turned to the left," read " turned to the right." 77 859 Add " three-quarter " to length. 80 880 For "viri," read " viva." 82 890-891 The descriptions belong to one print only. 83 898 Should be Audran (Benoit) Senr. 87 932 Described a second time ; see Lot 935. 95 970 This portrait of Luther is by R. Boiloin. 98 990 " Chaul " should be " Chant." 98 993 Omit " proof before any letters," and add " with key." 101 100 " Half-length of a gentleman " should be "tfcf -length of a lady." 102 1011 The inscription " Christo . . . Durer nur faciebat " belongs to Lot 1098. 102 1012 For " Loo Qool," read " Soo God." 103 1015 For " Royaulter me pie," read " Royaulte me lie." 103 10J7 For " Titus," read " Titian." 106 1035-6 Described a second time, 1045, 1046. 1 10 1060 Ought to have a heading, with Desplaces' name. 115 1095 Described a second time, 1454. 116 1099 (B. 156, Copy A.) does not apply to the print, but to the woodcut by Durer in the Addenda, No. 2127. 117 1112 For " Bust," read " book." 145 1276 The heading, " Gunst (Peter Van)" should be here instead of being placed above the next Lot 1277. 148 1288 This Etching is described before ; see Lot 280. 160 1299 Described a second time as Francis II., Lot 1304. 157 1332 For " inscribed," read " before the inscription." 165 1400 This print is included in the next Lot 1401. 174 1451 For " Prince," read " Princess." 175 1458 For " children," read " castle." 202 1699 Omit " G. Bossi dis.," &c 223 1719 Described before; see Lot 1711, 280. 259 1942 Described before ; see Lot 1783. 261 1957* For " beneath," read '.' above a." 269 2005 Described before; see Lot 1993. t S DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK University Research Library A 000084417 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below, INTERL1BRARY LOANS JAN 28 1975 fWO WEEKS FROM DATE NON-RENEWABLE REC'o I.D. FEB271975 Form L9-Series 444