Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcircuOOfreerich FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY CATALOGUE OF THE CIRCULATING DEPARTMENT, AND OF A PORTION OF THE BOOKS BELONGING TO THE INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT WORCESTER, 1884. WORCESTER, MASS. PRINTED BY CHARLES HAMILTON 311 Main Street. 1884. c> 6S~4^^ EXPLANATION, Z733 This catalogue includes all books on the accessions catalogue the first day of September, 1883, which can be taken home without obtain- ing special permission from the librarian. It has been prepared by Miss Sarah F. Earle, the head of the Catalogue department, from the rules of Mr. Cutter, of the Boston Athenaeum, as a basis. Books are entered first under the author, if known, or, if not, under the first word of the title, not an article. Stories, novels, plays, essays, e?c., are entered, also, under the first word of the title not an article, excepting where, as in a few instances, the title has been transposed ; as, Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of ; — Henry Esmond, History of; — Dombey and son. Dealings with the firm of ; — Mary Powell, Maiden and married life of. Histories and travels, the arts, philosophy, and science must be looked for under their specific subjects ; also books relating to the language and literature of the different couutries. For instance, under the heading France will be found sub-headings. Description ; History; Language; Literature; and many sub-headings Vill be found further divided, to obviate the necessity of looking through long lists for special books. Below will be found enumerated a few of the more important subject headings, which have many entries under them, while many more will be found in their proper places in the alphabet. The English language and literature not being the language or literature of a special country, books about these subjects will be found under the heads, Eng. ballads, Eng. drama, Eng. language, Eng. literature, Eng. poetry, etc. Many works relating to England relate to Great Britain, and must be looked for there ; noticeably in Biography, History, Laic, and Politics; while Art, Description, Ecclesiastical history , etc., are under England. The sub-headings are distinguished by italics. In making up the list for each author, not only his separate books have been enumerated, but every important work found in any collec- tion which the library contains, the abbreviated title and number of the book containing the work being given. For instance, among Dr. Holmes's books, will be found his lecture on The medical profession in Massachusetts, published by the Massachusetts Historical Society, in VI EXPLANATION. a volume of lectures. Following the author's works, will be found all the works or papers written about him which the library contains. People must be careful to consult the copious references. For instance, under Art there is a reference to Art education and to Arts, Fine ; and under the latter head, is a long list of references to kindred subjects under which there are many entries. It is thought that the abbreviations need no explanation, as, though freely used, they are of common words, and serve only to admit of a longer title. A list of corrections has been prepared, where will be found entries accidentally omitted or misplaced. SAMUEL S. GREEN, November 15, 1883. Librarian. PARTIAL LIST OF SUBJECT-HEADINGS. Persons, places, rivers, religions, and many subjects of smaller scope not included. Acoustics. Agriculture. Alcohol. Amusements. Ancient history. Archaeology. Architecture. Arctic regions. Arts, Fine. Astronomy. Banks and Banking. Bible. Bibliography. Biography. Biology. Blowpipe. Botany. Brain. / Business. Calculus. Carpentry. Chemistry. Chess. Children. Christianity. Civilization. Colleges aw(? Univer- sities. Color. Commerce. Convents. Cookery. Costume. Creation. Currency. Decoration, Orna- ment. Domestic economy. Domestic education. Drawing. Ecclesiastical history. Education. Elocution. Engineering. Entomology. Ethnology. Etiquette' a?i^ Man- ners. Evolution. Fairv tales. Faith. Fiction. Fishing. Food. Force. Free trade. Furniture. Future life. Game. Games. Gardening. Geography. Geology. Geometry. Gymnastics. Gypsies. Heat. Heredity. History! Household art. Hunting. Hydraulics. Hygiene. Immortality. Insanity. Jews. Labor and Laboring classes. Land tenure. Language. Law. Libraries. Literature. Logic. Machinery. Magnetism. Man. Manufactures. Materialism. Mathematics. Mechanics. Meteorology. Middle Ages. Mind and body. Mineralogy. Miracles. Missions. Money. Moral philosophy. Mormons. Music. Mythology. Natural history. Nature. Ocean. Optics. Ornithology. Painting. Pathology. Philosophy. Physics. Physiology. Political economy. Political science.' Popes. Positivism. Pottery. Poultry. Preachers, Preach- ing. Prayer. Printing. Prisons. Private theatricals. Protestantism. Psychology. Puritanism. Railroads. Reading. Reformation. Religion. Resorts. Rhetoric. Roads. Rowing. Science. Seamanship, Seamen. Sewerage, Sewers. Slavery. Socialism. Sociology. Spiritisrii, Spiritual- ism. Sports. Steam engine. Steel. Sugar. Sun. Sunday. Technical education. Telegraph. Temperance. Theatre. Theology. Trades-unions. Trigonometry. Ventilation. ' Violin. Voice. Warming. Whist. Woman. Wood carving. Wood engraving. Zoology. CORRECTIONS. Page. 10 Abbott, E. Hellenica. Foi' Thucididea read Thucydides. — Theology and ethics of Sophocles. (In his Hellenica.) 20099 49 Ancient history from the monuments. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Ancient history from the monuments. Omit the entnj, 64 Arctic regions. Wrangell, F. v. Narrative of an exp. to the Polar sea, 1820-23. 3756 70 Art. Insert, after Arts, Fine, and the references there. 73 Arts, Fine. In the references, for Arts useful read Arts, Useful. 78 Assyria. Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries; explor. and disc, on the site of Nineveh. *I 102 Barnby, J. Read Barmby. 142 Bismarck-Schoenhausen, C. E. L. (). Klaczko, J. {In his Two Chan- cellors.) 15886 143 Blackwell, E.; Blackwell, H. B.; Blackwell, I. A.; Blackwood, F. T. H. Transfer the entries to page 145. 145 Blackwell, E.; Blackwell, H. B.; Blackwell. I. A.; Blackwood, F. T. H. For entries under these names, see page 143. 162 Box, S. Bead Box, T. Box, T. Same author as above. 166 Bray, A. E. For Slothard read Stothard. 192 Burnes, A. Cabool ; journey and residence. 627 — Travels into Bokhara : voyage on the Indus. 2 v. 628-9 193 Burns, A. Bead Burnes. 199 Cabul. For Burns i^ead Burnes. 231 Charcoal drawing. Allonge, A. Charcoal drawing. 15782 — Carter, S. N. {In her Drawing in black and white.) 22182 — Ware, W. R. Charcoal drawing. (In Antefix papers.) 14186 — See also Drawing. 282 Canstantinus. Bead Constantinus. 292 Cosas de Espafia; illust. of Spain and the Spaniards; by Mrs. W. P. Byrne. 2 v. 6745-6 301 Crayon. Bead Crayon drawing. Crayon drawing. Carter, S. N. (In her Drawing in black and white.) 22132 — See also Drawing. 309 Cummings, G. D. Bead Cummins, G. D. 327 Decoration, Ornament. James, M. E. How to decorate our ceilings, walls, and floors. 22805 — Poynter, E. J. Some remarks on ancient decorative art. (In Poole, R. S. and others. Lect.) 22821 355 Dow, Jr., pseud. For Page read Paige. 357 Drawing. Allonge, A. Omit the entry. 358 — Ware, W. W. Omit the entry. — Insert, in the reference, Charcoal drawing. 370 Early Britain. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. 387 "Eliot, George, pseud. /See Lewes, M. E. Vlll CORRECTIONS. / 415 Evans, M. Insert {psetid. George EMot) . 417 Every boy's annual. See Routledge's Every boy's annual. Every boy's book. Entry misplaced. 436 Finance. Insert, in the reference, Property. 450 Forgiven at last ; by J. R. Hadermann. Omit the entry. 482 Gallus. AS'ee Rome. 489 Gearing. /S'ee Machinery ; — Valves. 521 Grandfather, The; by E. Pickering. Omit the entry. 521 Grangi, — . Bead Grange, E. and Mont^pin, X. 525 Great Britain. Biography. Insert, in the reference, Judges. 549 Hadermann, J. R. Forgiven at last. Omit the entry. 577 Health resorts. Yeo, J. B. Health resorts and their uses. 22720 589 Heyse, P. J. L. Gesammelte Werke. In the contents, for A.Y2ih\i\2kt2i read Arrabbiata. 590 — L'Arabbiata. Bead, in title and in contents, Arrabiata. 610 Hope, T. For Anastatius read Anastasius. 631 Hydraulics. For Box, S. read Box, T. 679 Jolly, Miss. Safely married. Omit the entry. 680 Jbnes, B. H. B. Bead Jones, H. B. 842 Miller's, A, story of the war. See Plebiscite. 911 Non-Christian religious systems. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowl- edge. Non-Christian religious systems, nameZy: Omit the entry. 983 Pickering, E. The grandfather. Omit the entity. 994 Polar sea. Omit the entry. 1016 Professions. Whately, R. Lecture on the intellect, and mor. infl. of the professions. {In his Elem. of rhetoric, p. 269.) 9756 — Insert, in the reference, — also. 1027 Rabelais, F. Works ; illust. by Dorc. Omit the entry. 1034 Reading. Under Porter, N. add Same ; with select catalogue of books. 21045 1045 Resorts. Yeo, J. B. Omit the entry. 1049. Rhys, J. Take off Soc. for Prom. Chr. Know!. 1053 Ridgeaway, H. B. Obedience better than sacrifice. (Iw Young Men's Chr. Ass.. Washington. Union pulpit. 6680 1081 Safely married; by Miss Jolly. Omit the entry. 1160 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Publications. Namely: Ancient history from the monuments : Birch, S.' Egypt. _ 14067 Smith, G. Assyria. 14068 — Babylonia. 17387 Yaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. 17541 — Persia. 14069 Early Britain : Allen, G. Anglo-Saxon Britain. . 21675 Rhys, J. Celtic Britain. 22541 Non-Christian religious systems : Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism. 17494 Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. 19215 Muir, W. The Coran. 19256 Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founders. 17504 Williams, M. Hinduism. 17510 1279 Union pulpit. See Young Men's Chr. Ass., Washington, D. C. CATALOGUE. A book with *' *I '' after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. A. L. O. E. pseud. See Tucker, C. A beau mentir qui vient de loin ; par P. Celiere. {In his En Scene.) 14601 A la baguette, comedie ; par J. Normand. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 A louer pour le terme ; comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 A I'essai ; comedie. par A. Cahen et G. Sujol. (Theatre de camp., ser. 7.) 14691 Abailard, Pierre. Brigham, C. H. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — and HeloTfse. Berington, J. History of Abeillard and Heloisa, with letters. 10953 Houssaye, A. {In his Philosophers, etc., v. 2.) 2006 Lamartine, A. de. H^loTse. (In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 1.) 13216 Wight, O. W. Romance of Abelard and Heloise. 10193 Abandoned; by J. Verne. (Mysterious island.) 15383 Abattoirs. See Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., v. 3. Abbe Aubain, L' ; par P. Merimee. {In his Nouvelles.) 9520 Abbe Constantin, L' ; par L. Halevy. 14712 — Same. Eng. trans. 21827 Abbe Tigrane, The ; by F. Fabre. 13943 Abbey, C. J., and Overton, J. H. The English Church in the 18th Cent. 2 v. 18725-6 Abbeys. Bourasse, J.J. Abbayes et monasteres. 9435 — Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of Eng. and Wales. 2 v. 9582-3 — See also St. Albans. Abbot, E. S. Abbot, E. H. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Abbot, E. h: Biog. of G. F. Hodges; E. S. Abbot. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1, 2.) 6492-3 Abbot, E. The authorship of the 4th gospel. {In Institute essays.) 19811 Abbot, F. E. Genius of Christianity and free religion. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 — Influence of philosophy upon Christianity. {In Institute essays.) 19811 — The Liberal League movement; its principles, objects, etc. {In Cen- tenn. Cong, of Lib. Rep., 18T6.) *I — The scientific method in religion. 16873 — joint author. See McQuaid, B. J. Abbot, G. D. Mexico and the U. S. ; their mutual relations, etc. Port, and maps. 13420 9 10 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Abbot, W. R. Profession of the teacher. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 3 874.) 16720 Abbot, The ; [by W. Scott]. 3805 Abbotsford ; by W. Irving, (/n /izs Crayon misc.) 2161 Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South, 1864-5. Illust. 6024 Abbott, B. A. and L., {pseud. Benauly). Cone Cut Corners; exper. of a conservative family. 924 — - Matthew Caraby. 2960 Abbott, B. V. American jurisprudence. {In Woolsey, T. D. 1st cent, of the rep.) 16000 — Judge and jury ; pop. expl. of leading topics in the law of the land. 20255 Abbott, C. C. Discovery of supposed Palaeolithic implements fr. the glacial drift. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Rept., V. 2.) 19624 — Primitive industry : or, Illustrations of the handiwork of native races of Amer. 20757 — Stone-age in New Jersey. (7?i Smithsonian Inst. Rep., 1875.) 12994 Abbott, E. Long Look house ; silhouette illust. 16560 — Out doors at Long Look; silhouette illust. 17323 — Paragraph history of the Amer. revolution. 15699 — Paragraph history of the U. S. fr. the discovery of the continent. 15772 — Revolutionary times ; sketches. ' 15779 — A trip Eastward. Illust. (Long Look books.) 20971 Abbott, E. G. Colburn, W. G. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Abbott, E. A. Bible lessops. 3d. ed. 11526 — Cambridge sermons, preached bef. the Univ. 15780 — How to tell the parts of speech; introd. to Eng. grammar. Amer. ed. rev. bv J. G. R. McElroy. 20460 — How to write clearly ; Eng. composition. 13539 — Introduction, notes, etc. (In Bacon, F. Essays.) 2 v. 18614-15 — Onesimus ; mem. of a disciple of St. Paul. 21519 — Philochristus ; mem. of a disciple of the Lord. 17619 — A Shakesperlan grammar ; differences bet. Elizabethiau and mod. English. *I — Through nature to Christ, or. The ascent of worship thr. illusion to the truth. 17567 — and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people. 9744 Abbott, E.,"ed. Hellenica ; coll. of ess. on Greek poetry, philosophy, history, and religion. 20099 Contents. Mvers, E. Aeschylus.— Abbott, E. Theology and ethics of Sophocles.— N^ettleship, R. L. theory of education in Plato's Repubhc— Bradlev, A. C. Aristotle's conception of the State.— Courtney, W. L. Epicurus.- Jebb, R. C. The speeches of Thucidides.— Dakyns, H. G. Xenophon.— Davidson, J. L. S. Polybius.— Myers, F. W. H. Greek Abbott, H. L. Palfrey, F. W. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Abbott, J. American history. 8 v. Contents. V. 1-2. Aboriginal Americans. Discovery of America. 52-3 3. Southern colonies. 5710 4. Northern colonies. ' 17 5. Wars of the colonies. 5544 6-8. Revolt of the colonies. Revolution. Washington. 5812-14 — August and Elvie. 9752 — Cousin Lucv among the mountains. 5647 — Florence stories. 6 v. 49-50; 14281-4 Contents. Florence and John.— Grimkie.— Orkney Islands.— English Channel.— Isle of "Wight.— Florence's return. — Force. (Science for the young.) 11266 — Franconia stories, namely : Agnes. 51 Beechnut. 3 Caroline. f>4 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 11 Ellen Lvnu. 55 Malleville. 56 Mary Bell. 57 Mary Erskiue. 58 Rodblphus. 59 Stuvvesaut. 60 Wallace. 23 - Gentle measures in the training of the young. 9833 - Granville valley. • 11263 - Harper's story books, v. 4. 22614 Contents. The Harper establishment.— Franklin, the apprentice boy.— The studio ; theory and practice of drawing. - Heat. (Science for the young.) 11265 - Historv of Alexander tlie Great. 1 - History of Alfred the Great. 2 - History of Charles I. 4 - History of Charles II. 5 - History of Cleopatra, Queeu of Egypt. 6 - History of Cyrus the Great. 8 - Historv of Darius the Great. 9 - History of Elizabeth. 10 - History of Genghis Khan. 72 - History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. • 12 - History of Julius Caesar. 13 - History of Margaret of Anjou. 5292 - History of Mary queen of ^cots. 14 - Historv of Nero. 15 - Historv of Peter the Great. 16 - Historv of Pvrrhus. 2316 - Historv of Richard I. of England. 14287 - Historv of Richard II. 14288 - History of Richard III. 18 - Historv of Romulus. 19 - History of William the Conqueror. 24 - History of Xerxes, the great. 5325 - Hoarvhead and M'Donner. 11 - Hunter and Tom. 9820 - Light. (Science for the young.) 11264 - Marco Paul stories, namely: Marco in Boston. 61 Marco in Maine. 62 Marco in New York. 63 Marco in Vermont. 64 Marco on the Erie canal. 65 Marco at the Springfield armory. 66 - Rainbow and Luckv iltories, namely : Handle. ' 67 Rainbow's journev. 68 Selling Lucky. ' 69 The three pines. 70 Up the river. 5494 Wav to do good. 4931 - The Rollo and Lucv Poetrv. 3 v. 9283-5 - Rollo at plav. 38 - Rollo at school. ' 39 - Rollo at work. 37 - Rollo learning to read. , 36 - Rollo learning to talk. 35 - Rollo's correspondence. 44 - Rollo's experiments. 41 - Rollo's museum. 42 - Rollo's philosophy : Water; Air; Fire; Sky, 4 v. . 45-48 - Rollo's tour in Europe. 10 v., namely : Rollo on the Atlantic. 25 Rollo in Naples. 26 Rollo in Geneva. 27 Rollo in Holland. 28 Rollo in London. 29 Rollo in Rome. 30 Rollo in Paris. 31 Rollo in Scotland. 32 Rollo in Switzerland, 33 12 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rollo on the Rhine. 34 — Rollo's travels. 4a — Rollo's vacation. 40 — The schooner Mary Ann. 10461 — A summer in Scotland. En^r. 20 — The teacher; or, Moral infl. in the instr. and government of the young; new ed. 21 — Water and land. 9871 — The young christian. 2d. ed. 22 Abbott, J. §. C. American pioneers and patriots; namely: Adventures of De La Salle, etc. 13739 Benjamin Franklin. 16088 Captain William Kidd. 13780 Christopher Carson. 6982 Daniel Boone. ' 16637 David Crockett. ' 127.51 Ferdinand de Soto. 11591 George Washington. 16638 Life of Christopher Columbus. 14131 Life of John Paul Jones. 13305 Miles Standish. 11272 Peter Stuyvesant. 12031 — Civil war iii America. 2 v. 5713-14 — The empire of Austria ; its rise and power. 75 — History of Frederick II. called Frederick the Great. 9611 — History of Henry, king of France and Navarre. 14285 — History of Hernando Cortez. 7 — History of Hortense. 14286 — History of Joseph Bonaparte. 7891 — History of Josephine. — Historv of King Philip. — History of Louis XIA^. — History of Louis Philippe. — History of Madame Roland. — Hikory of Maine, fr. the discovery. — History of Maria Antoinette. — History of Napoleon. 2 v. — History of Napoleon III. — History of the Empire of Russia. — Italy and the war for Italian independence ; incl. biog. of Pope Pius IX. — Italy ; fr. the earliest period. — Lives of the presidents of the U. S. — Same. Added, One hundred years' progress. — Napoleon at St. Helena. — Prussia, and the Franco-Prussian war. — Romance of Spanish history. Abbot, L. Henry Ward Beecher ; sketch of his career ; with analyses of his power, etc. — Hints for home reading. Contents. Sweetser, M. F. What the people read.— Warner, C. D. Why young people read trash.— Perkins, F. B. What to read; Plans of reading. — Hamlin, C. Plans of reading.— Mabie, H. W. Art of readino'. —Hall, E. E. Choice of books.— Cook, J. How to make dull boys read ; How to preserve the results of reading.— Abbott, L. Hints for people that do not read.— A symposium.— Putnam, G. P. Suggestions for house- hold libraries. — How to succeed ; essays, by Bayard, Edmunds, e^c. (Handy-book ser.) 22562 — Life of Christ, found, on the' gospels ; manners, customs, etc. of his times. Designs. 2d ed. 22008 Abbott, R. pseud. See Parker, R. A. Abdallah ; by E. R. L. Laboulaye. 8444 Abdel Kader. Churchill, C. H. Life of Abdel. 10975 A Becket, St. Thomas. See Thomas a Becket. A Beckett, A. G. Comic Blackstone ; illust. by Cruikshank. 7710 — Plays. See French's minor drama. Abeilard. See Abailard. Abeken, B. (j9se«<:L Ernst Andolt). Eine Nacht. (Dentscher Novellenschatz.) 16168 4928 9025 9723 78 14105 79 80-1 11994 10488 12005 228T 6678 20256 S2 8875 8152 *I 19847 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 13 Abel, C. Linguistic essays. 218.56 Abel; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. {In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Abelard. See Abailard. Abelard ; drame, par C. de Remusat. 14520 Abelin, H. Om vardeu af barn under de forsta lefuadsareu. 15000 Abell, L. E. Recollections of Napoleon, on St. Helena. 12186 Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mts. ; by R. H. Burton. 2 v. 7429-30 Aberdeen, Lord. See Gordon, G. Aberdeen. Black, A. and C. Picturesque guide to A. 3d. ed. *I Abernethy, J. Russell W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Abich, . Remarkable forms of hail-stones in Georgia. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Abinger. Lord. See Scarlett, J. Abkhasia. Palgrave, W. G. The Abkhasian insurrection. {In his Ess. on East, quest.) 12382 Abney, W. de W. Photography. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 1.) 17678 — Treatise on pliotograpliv. 17566 Aboard the Mavis ; by R. Markham. lUust. 20064 Abode, The, of snow; by A. Wilson. 14172 Abolition. See Slavery. Abou Ben Adhem, Morals of ; by D. R. Locke. 13966 About, E. F. V. Colonel Fougas' mistake ; tr. by J. E. Mait- land. 2 v. 18865-6 — The fellah. 10795 — L'homme k Toreille cass^e. 9469 — Same. Eng. Man with the broken ear. 6908 — Le nez d'un notaire. 9470 — Same. Eng. The notary's nose. 12929 — La question Roniaine. ' ^ 9471 — Le Roi des monta^'nes. "" 9472 •^ Rome of to-day. Illiist. 86 — Rouge -et noir; fr. the Freneh. 11502 — Trente et quarante. 9473 — Le Turco. 9474 — Le roraan d' un brave homnie. . 14643 — Same. Eng. Story of an honest man. 19909 — Germaiue. * 84 — Greece and the Greeks of the present dav. 85 — Tolla. * 88 About old story-tellers ; by D. G. Mitchell. 17346 About some fellows ; or. Odds and ends fr. my note-book. 18343 Above suspicion ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 15863 Above the clouds ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Handy dramas.) 16747 Abraham a Sancta Clara. On envy, {hi Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Abraham, E. Georges et Georgette, comedie. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc.. ser. 3.) 14498 Abram Van Zandt, the man in the picture ; by R. Lowell. {In /iis Story or two.) ' " 18012 Abrantes, La Dnchesse d'. See Junot, L. P. Absaraka. Carrington, Mrs. Absaraka, Home of the Crows ; exp. on the Plains. 7534 Absent le chat, les souris dansent ; by P. Celiere. {In his En Scene.) 14601 Absentee, The ; by M. Edge worth. 1330; 15292 14 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Abstinence. See Temperance. Abydenus. Fragments. {In Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 Abyssinia. Dye, W. McE. Moslem Egypt and Chr. Abys- sinia ; or Military service under the Khedive. 20221 — Hotten, J. C. Abyssinia and its people. [With a bibliography] . 7140 — Johnston, C. Travels in Southern Abyssinia. 2 v. 2374r-o — Mayo, Earl of. Sport in Abyssinia. 15858 — Parkvns, M. Life in Abyssinia. 2 v. 3378-9 Life in A. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Eej'baud, L. Voyage dans I'Abyssinie m6ridionale. {In his Marines et 'Voyages.) 9544 — Russell, M. Nubia and Abyssinia. 3743 — Wilkins, H. St. C. Reconnoitring in Abyssinia. 8719 — See also N^ile. Academic Fran^aise. See Paris. Institut. Academies. Arnold M. Literary influence of academies. {In his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — See also Colleges and Universities. Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Accidentally overheard ; by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stories, etc.) • 19896 Accidents. Dulles, C. W. What to do first, in accidents or poisoning. 19973 — Every day home advice rel. chiefly to household management. 22194 — Hope, G.'H. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. 9758 — Plain directions for accidents, emergencies, and poisons, etc. 15610 — Wilder, B. G. Emergencies, how to avoid them, and how to meet them. 18580 Accomplished gentleman, An ; by J. Sturgis. 18607 Accordeur, L' ; par N. de Villard. {Li Saynetes, etc., ser. 4. 14794 Achilles. Symonds, J. A. {In his Stud, of Greek poets, ser. 2.) 16543 Achsah : a New England life-study ; by P. Pennot. [W. M. F. Round]. 15761 Achsa's possibilities ; by I. G. Meredith. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Acids. Church, Prof. Manufacture of acids. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15468 Acis and Galatea ; serenata, by Handel. *I Ackroyd, W. How electricity is produced ^ The eye and its use ; Philosophy of a glance ; Getting warm ; Weighing the earth ; A shadow. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — Phosphorescence ; Fluorescence ; Some of the wonders of electrical induction ; The photophone ; Cohesion figures. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — What are the stars made of ? How the airs were discovered. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Whirlpools and whirlwinds ; Empty space ; The rainbow ; The colours of animals; Iridescent glass. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 Acland, Dr. Relation of mod. engineering to pub. health and local government. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I Acland, Lady H. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Aclaud-Troyte, J. E. Through the ranks to a commission. 20823 Acoustics. Bell, A. M. Sounds and their relations. *I — Blaserna, P. Theory of sound in its rel. to music. 16593 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 15 — Brinsmeade, E. Theory of sound. {In his Hist, of the piano.) 19754 — Donkin, W. F. Acoustics ; theoretical. Pt. 1. 11643 — Guillemin, A. Acoustics ; phenomena and laws of sound. {In his Appl. of phys. forces.) *I — Gurney, E. The power of sound. 20601 — Instruments for experiments on sound. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 2.) 1T679 — Lees, W. Elements of A., light, and heat. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12622 — Mayer, A. M. Sound. (Experimental sci. ser.) 18042 — Pepper, J. H. {In his Cyclopaedic science.) 8036 — Kadau, R. Wonders of A. ; ft-, the French; rev. by R. Ball. 8663 — Stone, W. II. Elementary lessons on sound. 19673 — Sound and music. (Sci. lect.) 17000 - — Taylor, S. Sound and music. 12071 — Tvndall, J. Sound; lectures. 7000 — - 'Same ; 3d. ed. . 15452 Transmission of sound bv the atmosphere. {In Estes, D. Hf-hr. rec, ser. 2.) ' 18864 — See also Music. Acquisition and illumination ; by F. D. Maurice. {In his Friendship of books.) * 12252 Across the peat-fields ; by Miss Thackeray. {In her Miss Williamson's divagations.) 20517 Across the zodiac ; by P. Greg. 2 v. 20936-7 Actaea, pseud. See Agassiz, E. C. Acteon ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques, v. 5.) *I Acting. See Theatre. Also Declamation. Actinism. What is actinism ? {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec. ser.,) 13114 Actionnaires, Les ; comedie- vaudeville, par E. Scribe. {In his Oeuvres, Ser. 2, v. 19.) • *I Acton, F. Annie Marshall's destiny. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 1.) 7223 — The boatman of Burton-on-the-Wve. {In Mt. Roval pop. tales, v. 4.) 7224 — 3Ir. Bantry's heir. {In Mt. Roval pop. tales, v. 3.) 7224 Acton, J. E. E. D., Lord. Reply, (/m Gladstone, W. E. The Vatican decrees.) *I Acton, R. Our colonial empire. 21671 Acton, T. C. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of rep. men.) 22315 Actors. Matthews, J. B. {In his Theati*es of Paris.) 19605 — Coquelin, C. The actor and his art. 20108 — Gaboriau, E. Les comediennes ador^es. 14665 — Houssaye, A. Philosophers and actresses. 2 v. 2005-6 — Hutton, L. Plays and players. 14326 — Lewes, G'. H. Actors and the art of acting. 14097 — Pascoe, C. E. The dramatic list : record of performances of living A. and actresses of the Brit, stage. 18545 — Pollock, W. H. The modern French theatre ; with notes on some French actors. 18547 — Russell, W. C. Representative actors. ' 10830 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Criterion.) 6244 — See also' American actor series ; — Theatre. Actors' art. The ; trea. on declamation, etc. ; by G. Garcia. *I Actresses. See Actors. Adam, A. C. Le postilion de Lonjumeau ; opera. *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 2.) *I Adam and Eve ; by [L. Parr]. 19891 Adam and the Adamite ; by D. M'Causlaud. 10779 Adam Bede ; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. • 1413 Adam Blair, Mr., Some passages in the life of; by [J. G. Lockhart]. 5514 Adam Brown, the merchant; by [H. Smith]. 12440 16 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adam Graeme of Mossgray ; by Mrs. Oliphaut. 3285 Adams, A. S. Goodrich, S. G. {In Ms Lives.) 1584 — Letters ; with mem. by C. F. Adams. 2d. ed. 2 v. 7908-9 — Letters, with memoir by C. F. Adams. 4th. ed. rev. and eul. with letters by J. Q. Adams. 102 Adams, A. L. Elephants. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Migrations of birds: The Irish elk and its Eug. contemporaries, (/w Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — N'otes of a naturalist in the Nile valley and Malta. 10829 — Wanderings of a naturalist in India. " 11044 Adams, A. Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. 10817 Adams, C. Great campaigns : acct. of military operations in Europe, 1796-1870 ; ed. by C. C. King. 18150 — Life sketches of Macaulay. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 19832 Adams, C. B.,joi7it author. See Gray, A. Adams, C. F. Leedle Yawcob Strauss and other poems. Illust. — The Earl of Chesterfield. (I7i Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) — Memoir of Mrs. Adams. (In Adams, A. S. Letters, v. 1.) Adams, C. F., Jr. The election of presidents. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) — The new departure in the common schools of Quincy, etc., 6th. ed. Contents. The public library and the public schools. — Fiction in public libraries, and educational catalogues. — The new departure, etc. — The development of tlie superintendency. — Notes on railroad accidents. — Protection of the ballot, (hi Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) — The public library and the common schools. Contents. The pub. library and the pub. schools. — Fiction in pub. libraries, and educational catarogues.— The new departure in the common sell, of (^uincv. — The pubhc library and the pub. schools, (hi preceding.) — Same. (In his New departure, etc.) — Same. (In Green, S. S. Lib. and schools.) — Railroads : their origin and problems. Adams, C. K. Democracy and monarchy in France, fr. the revolution to the overthrow of the 2d empire. — Manual of historical literature; descr. of histories in Eug., French, and German. — Relations of higher education to nat. prosperity. (Pps. on education.) Adams, F. Brown, J. Dr. Adams of Banchory. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) — The free school system of the United States. Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira ; or. The sovereign rule of South Carolina. 18058 18T90 7908 15732 20350 19197 15732 *I Adams, F. O. History of Japan. 2 v Adams, H. G. The weaver boy who became a missionary life of D. Livingstone. - Adams, H. A. Dawn. Adams, H. John Randolph. (Amer. statesmen.) *I 20350 22757 17880 13051 *I *I 22240 15825 6066 12892-3 7379 7293 22120 Documents rel. to New England federalism. Adams, H., ed. 1800-1815. Adams, H. C. Balderscourt. — Barford Bridge. — The boy cavaflers. (hi Tales of the civil wars.) — The boys of Westonbury. — College days at Oxford. ' Illust. — Friend or foe. — Same. (In Tales of the civil wars.) — The Indian boy. 17388 8436 8433 8437 17881 21199 14163 8437 9287 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 17 — Schoolboy honour. 8435 — Tales of the civil wars. • 8437 Contents. The bov cavaliers.— Friend or foe. — Wliite Brunswickers. 8434 — Who did it ? or, Hohnwood priory. Illust. 21200 — The Winborough bovs. 18695 — Wykehamica : a history of Winchester College and commoners. Illust. *I — joint author. /Vee Adams, W. Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of female biography. 7712 Adams, H. B. The Germanic origin of New England towns. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) 22436 — ed. Johns Hopkins Universitv Studies in hist, and polit. science. Namely : Adams, H. B. The Germanic origin of New England towns. 22436 Freeman, E. A. An introduction to American institutional history. 22448 Adams, J. Works, with life, etc. by C. F. Adams. 10 v. 92-101 — Letters ; addr. to his wife ; ed. bv C. F. Adams. 2 v. 493.3^ — Coe, J. Life, messages, etc. (In his True American, v. 2.) 5424 — Magoon, E. L. (Innis Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 — Parker, T. (7?i A/.s Hist. Amer.) 15407 — Quiucv, J. (/w A Ks Figures of the past.) 22480 — Tret^cot, W. H. Diplomatic hist, of the administrations of Washington and Adams." *I Adams, J. F. A. Malaria in New England. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c, v. 7.) *I Adams, J. G. Memoir of J. Moore; with select fr. his correspondence, etc. 104 — Memoir of T. Whittemore. 17389 Adams, J. Q. Introduction. {In Lovejoy, J. C. Mem. of E. P. Lovejoy.) 2761 — Letters to his son on the study of the Bible, (/w Adams, A. Letters.) 102 — Lives of Madifion and 3Ionroe; with hist. not. 4932 — Memoirs: compr. portions of his diarv, 1795-1848; ed. bv C. F. Adams. 12 V. ' 12528-31 ; 13840^7 — Weights and measures. {In Davies, C. Metric svstem.) 16596 — Morse, J. T. Jr. J. Q. Adams. (Amer. statesmen.) 21429 — Quincv, J. Memoir of Adams. 3575 — Seward, W. H. Life and pub. services of A.; with eulogy del. bef. the legishiture of X. Y. 3892 Adams, J. S. Town and country ; or, Life at home and abroad; [sketches]. 106 Adams, Mr.s. J. S. Branches of palm. 6292 Adams, Mrs. L. Aunt Hepsy's foundling. 8 v. 21672-4 — Georgie's wooer. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17704 — Madelon Lemoine. 19198 — Winstowe. 17183 Adams, Moses, pseud. See Bagby, G. W. Adams, N. John the Evangelist. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 — Vovaire round the world. 9741 — Walks to Enimaus ; ed. by W. H. Adams. 18664 — Why I am a trinitarian congregationalist. (In Pitts St. Chap, lect.) 20424 Adams, S. Magoon, E. L. {In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 — Wells, W. Y. Life and public services of A. ; with extr. fr. his cor- respondence, papers, etc. 3 v. • 6069-71 Adams, S. B. Amy and Marion's voyage around the world. 19 >90 Adams, T. Hood, E. P. Puritan Adams. {In his Lamps. etc.) 8155 Adams, W. Eternal associations connect, with the Bible. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 — Thanksgiving: memories of the day, etc. 7062 — The three gardens: Eden, Gethsemane, and Paradise; or, Man's ruin, redemption, and restoration. 7063 18 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Prayer for rulers; or. Duty of Christian patriots. (In Fast day sermons.) 1454 Adams, W. and H. C. Tales of Charlton School. 5935 Contents. The cherry stones.— The first of June. Adams, W. D. Lyrics of love ; fr. Shakespeare to Tennyson. 12714 Adams, W. H. D. Additions. {In Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures.) 13285 — The boy makes the man. [Biog. anecdotes.] 18696 — Curiosities of superstition, and sketches of some unrevealed religions. 22398 Contents. Buddhism, its origin and ceremonies. — Magianism : the Parsees. — Jewish superstitions. — Brahmanism. — Hindoo mythology, and the Vishnu Purana. — In China : Confucianism, Taouism, and Buddhism. — Among the Malays, the Slamatan Bromok, the Dyaks, the Papuan tribes, the Ahetas. — The savage races of Asia: the Samojedes; the Mongols; the Ostiaks ; in Tibet.— Some African superstitions.— The Zuluwitchtinders.— Zabianism and serpent worship.— Polynesian superstitions.— The Fiji Islanders.— The religion of the 3Iaories.— The N. Amer. Indians.— Among the Eskimos.— A mediaeval superstition: the Flaggellants.— Scottish super- stitions : Halloween.— Second sight : Divination : Universality of certain superstitions : Fairies in Scotland. — The Eastern archipelago. 20867 Contents. Introd. ; The Asiatic-Malay Islands; The Australo-Malay Islands; The Philipine Islands. — The land of the Nile. 11087 — Life in the primeval world. 11667 — Light-houses and light-ships. 8664 — Page, squire, and knight; romance of the davs of chivalry; [adapt, fr. the Franchise of 3/??ie. Colomb] . must. ' 22232 — The secret of success ; or. How to get on in the world. Amer. ed., ed. bv P. G. H. ' 18589 — Student's treasury of Eng. song; select, fr. poets of the present cent. With biog. and crit. notices, index of authorities, etc. 13272 — Temples, tombs, and monuments of anc. Greece and Rome. 9905 — Warrior, priest, and statesman; or, Eng. heroes in the 13th cent. 14132 Contents. Thomas k Becket.— Stephen Langton.— Simon de Montfort. — Woman's work and worth in girlhood, maidenhood, and wifehood. With hints on self-culture, and chap, on the higher education and emplojnnent of women. 19867 — Women of fashion and representative women. Biog. and crit. studies. 2 v. 18867-8 Contents. Vol. 1. Lady M. W. Montague.— The Duchess of Marl- borough.— Ladv Morgan.— Miss Berry. 2. Madame D'Arblay. Mrs. E. Inchbald.— The Countess of Blessington. —Charlotte Bronte.— H. Martineau. Adams, W. T. {pseud. Oliver Optic.) All aboard; or, life on the lakes. 89 — Bear and forbear. , 12637 — Bivouac and battle. 9135 — Boat club. ' 5807 — Brave old salt. 6348 — Break up. 7884 — Breaking away. 7031 — The coming wave. 12960 — Cringle and Cross-tree. 9134 — Cross and crescent. 11249 — Desk and debit. 9132 — Dikes and ditches. '^4:17 — The Dorcas club. 13306 — Down the Rhine. ' ^Olo — Down the river. ^^34 — Down South ; or. Yacht adventures in Florida. 20039 — Field and forest. 9133 — Freaks of fortune. "^338 — Going South ; or, Yachting on the Atlantic coast. -^-Qit — Going west; or, The perils of a poor bov. ^^^zk — Haste and waste. 6578 — Hope and have. «339 — In doors and out. Ill — In school and out. oo56 — Isles of the sea ; or. Young America homeward bound. 17324 — Lake breezes. 18055 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1^ — Lightniiiif express. — Little bobtail. — Make or break. — Money-maker. — Northern lands. — Ocean-born ; or, The cruise of th6 clubs. — On time. — Out west. — Outward bound. — Palace and cottage. — Plane and plank. — Red cross. — Rich and humble. 433 — Olmsted, F. L. Walks and talks of an Amer. farmer in England. 3291 — Pare, W. Cooperatiye agriculture. 8860 — QuincY, J. Essays on the sailing of cattle, and suggestions useful to farmers. ' 16985 — Robinson, S. Facts for farmers about domestic animals and domestic economy; farm buildings, e^c. Illust. 6690 — Stephens, ii. The book of the farm. 2 v. 12302-3 — Stevenson, D. On the reclamation and protection of agricultural land. 13293 — Tanner, H. First principles of agriculture. 4th ed. ^ 21846 — Thaer, A. D. Principles of agriculture. 4408 — Two years behind- the plougli ; or. Experience of a Pennsyh ania farm- bov. " 17585 — U. S. Patent Office. Report for 1860. 5332 — Ville, G. Six lectures on A. (High farming without manure.) 6355 — Waring, G. E. Book of the farm; rev. ed. of The handy-book of husbandry. * 17479 Elements of agriculture. 4668 N'iliaue inipro\ emeuts and farm villages. 17070 — Wells, 1). A. Year book of A., 1865-6. 7699 — See also Canada;— France;— United States. Agrippina. De Vere, M. S. The great Empress ; a portrait. 8481 Aguesseau, H. F. d'. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In AisCaus. lund., V. 3.) *I Aguilar, G. Days of Bruce. 118 — Essays and miscellanies; select, by S. Aguilar. 5748 — Home influence. " 120 — Home scenes and heart studies. 6627 — Tlie mother's recompense. 122 — The vale of cedars. 123 — Woman's friendship. 124 — The women of Israel. 2 v. 125-6 Ah-Chin-Le. Some observations upon the civilization of the western barbarians, particularly of the English ,* made dur. a residence of some years in those parts ; tr. b}^ J. Y. Smythe. 16133 Ahmed, Khan Bahador, Syed. Series of essays on the life of Mohammed, v. 1. 10897 Contents. Y. 1. Prefaceandintrod.— Historical geography of Arabia. ' —Manners and customs of the Pre-Islamic Arabians.— Yarious religions of the Pre-Islamic Arabs. — Question whether Islam has been beneficial or injurious to human society in general, and to the Mosaic and Christian dispensations. — 3Ioliammedan theological literature. — Mohammedan tradi- tions. — Holy Koran. — History of the holy Mecca. — Pedigree of Moham- med. — Prophecies respecting Mohammed as cont. in Old and Xew Testa- ment.— ^Shakki-sadaf and Meraj, that is, the splitting (open) of the chest of Mohammed ; and his night journey. — Birth and childhood of Moham- med. Ahmed, the cobbler : or. The astrologer. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 A-hunting of the deer ; by C. D. Warner. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 Aicard, J. La Venus de Milo : recherches sur I'histoire de la decouverte d'apres des do(;uments inedits. 9559 Ai'da ; opera ; di G. Verdi. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 27 Aide, H. The Marstons. 2 v. in 1.' — Mr. and 3Irs. Faulconbridge. — Penruddocke. — Ritjv Aiguilleur, L' ; par C. Debans. {In vapeur.) Aiken, G. E. Aiken, J. F. his Drames a toute Uncle Tom's cabin. {In mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) The history of liberty : paper bef . the New York Hist. Soc. Feb., 1866. Aiken, S. C. Lanier, S. Account of A. {In his Florida.) Aikin, J. Selections fr. the writings of A. ; with sketch of his life ; by S. J. Hale. {In Hale, S J. Juv. budget.) — Sir Bertrand; a frajiiuent. (In Hunt. J. H. L. Book for a corner.) Aikin, L. Correspondence [with] W. E. Channing, 1826- 1842 ; ed. by A. L. Le Breton. — Life of Joseph Addison. — Master and slave. {In Folleu, E. L. C. Home dramas.) — Mi'moir of Mrs. Barbauld. (In Barbauld, A. L. Works.) — Memoirs of the eourt of diaries L 2 v. — Memoirs of the eourt of Elizabeth. 2 v. — Memoirs of the eourt of James I. 2 v. Aileen Ferrers; by S. Morley. Ailes de courage. Les ; par George Sand. {In her Contes d'une grand'mere.) Ailieford. Ailments. Beale, L. S. Slight ailments ; their nature and treatment. 2d. ed. AimeS : by A. Giberne. Aims and obstacles ; by G. P. R. James. Aimwell, W. i^seud. See Simonds, W. Aimwell stories. See Simonds, W. Ainger, A. Charles Lamb. (Eng. men of letters.) Ainsi soit-il ! saynete ; par A. Mouselet. {In Saynetes, e^c, ser. 0.) Ainslie, H. Higher law. — The pilgrim and the shrine. Ainsworth, F. B. Dr. Wichern's paradox — "The strongest wall is no wall," illust. in the hist, of the Indiana House of Refuge. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) Ainsworth, W. H. Auriol ; or. The elixir of life. — Criehton. ■ — The flitch of bacon. — Guy Fawkes. — Jaiiies II.; or. The revolution of 1688; hist, romance, new ed. — The Lancashire witches. — Mervyu Clitheroe. — The miser's daughter. — Old St. Paul. — Ovingdeau Grange. — Rookwood. — Saint James's. — The spendthrift. — The star-chamber. — Tower of London. — Windsor Castle. — Home, R. H. (hi his Xew spirit of the age.) Air, Atmospheric. Abbott, J. Air. (RoUo's philosophy.) — Buckley, A. B. The aei-ial ocean in which we live. (In her Fairy-land.) 13677 13899 11060 3656 14653 11824 16758 20319 1720 2101 12795 5746 1488 *I 127-8 10946-7 10944-5 13344 9514 986 22125 10554 5257 21493 14795 10196 9985 *I 9695 8163 12794 12657 12793 8165 8168 8166 8167 9870 8164 12481 9794 8169 6296 10008 2000 46 18435 28 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Denton, J. B. (In his Sanitary eng.) — Flammarion, C. The atmosphere. — Fox, C. B. Sanitary examination of water.air, and food. — Hartley, W. ^. Air and its rel. to life. Lect. — Tyndall, J. Essays on the floating-matter of the air in rel. to putrefac- tion and infection. — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of household science; pop. acct. of heat, light, air, etc. Illust. Air-mothers, The ; by C. Kingsley. {In his Health and educa- tion.) Aird, T. Gilfillan, G. {In Ms Sketches, etc.) Airs of Palestine ; poem, by J. Pierpont. Airy, G. B. Notes on the earlier Hebrew scriptures. — Popular astronomy, (Lect.). Aisse, Mile. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Jiis Port, lit., v. 3.) Aitchison, W. Five years in China ; life and observations of A. ; by C. P. Bush. Aitkin, W. C. Guns, nails, locks, wood screws, railway bolts and spikes, buttons, pins, needles, saddlery, and electro- plate. (Brit, manuf. ind.) A Kempis. See Thomas a Kempis. Akenside, M. Poetical works ; with life by A. Dyce. Alabama. -Nordhoff, C. Alabama in 1875. {In his Cotton states.) Alabama, steamer. Hackett, F. W. The Geneva Award Acts ; with notes, and ref. to decisions of the Court of Com. of Alabama Claims. — Semmes, K. Cruise of the A. and Sumter. Alabaster, H. The modern Buddhist. — The wheel of the law : Buddhism illust. by The modern Buddhist, A life of Buddha, and An acct. of the Phrabat. Aladdin ; drama. {In mod. stand, dr., v. 25.) Alamance ; by C. H. Wiley. Alamontade ; by H. Zschokke. {In Tales fr. the German.) Alard, D. Conservatory methods for the violin. Alarming sacrifice ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's Min. dram., V. 33.) Alaska. Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources. — Elliott, H. W. Report upon cond. of aftairs in Alaska. — Jackson, S. Alaska, and the missions on the Xo. Pacific coast. • — Whymper, F. Travel and adventure in A. — See also West, The. Alban ; tale of the new world ; by J. V. Huntington. Albania. Clark, E. L. The modern Greeks and the Alba- nians. {Ii his Races of Europ. Turkey.) Albany, L. M. C, comtesse d'. Hayward, A. Countess of Albany and Alfieri. {In his Biog. and crit. essays, new ser., V. 2.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Xouv. lund., v. 5.) Albee, J. Literary art ; a conversation bet. a painter, a poet, and a philosopher. — Poetry. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) Albemarle, Earl of. See Keppel, G. T. Albert, Prince Consort of Gt. Britain. Bagehot, W. The Prince Consort. {In his Biog. studies.) 20441 — Martin, T. Life of the Prince Consort. Ports. 5 v. 13479-80; 17488-90 — Victoria, Queen. Early years of the Prince Consort ; comp. by C. Grey. 695S *r *r 18215 15443 21801 6284 12906 2255 3460 15826 15997 *I 6621 15467 130 1539a *I 8139- 8715 *r 11822 12409 4347 *I 7987 8573 12996; 19655 7652 2110 18402 12306 *I 20351 2250& CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 29 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. lead.) " " 11191 — Russell, W. H. The Priuce of "Wales' tour; diary hi ludia; with some acct. of his visits to the courts of Greece, Eg-ypt. Spain aud Portugal. 17916 Albert, P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. kind., v. 12.) *I Albert Hastings ; by M. S. Whltaker. 7408 Albert Lunel ; by Lord Brougham. 10916 Albert medal. Young, L. Warrant instituting the Albert medal. (7>i /iis Acts of gallantry.) 11460 Albert Nyanza. Baker, S. W. The Albert Nyanza, great basin of the Nile. Maps, illust., and port. 6438 Albert Savarus ; by H. de Balzac. {In Comedie humaine.) 19095 Albertis, L. M. d'. New Guinea : what I did and what I saw. 2d. ed. 2 y. *I Albery, J. Archer. W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Albinovanus, C. P. Elegiac de Maecenate. — Fragm. de navigatione German ici per oceanum septemtrionalem. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2, 3.) (Bib. class. Lat.) 8360-1 Alboni. M. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great siuirers. 2d. s.m-.) 20365 Albrechtsberger, J. G. Collected writings on thorough-bass, harmony, and composition with examples ; ed. by I. C. von Seyfried; tr. by S. Novello. (Novello's lib.) 3 v. in 1. ■ 11726 Albret, J. d*. See Jeanne dAlbret. Alcestis. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 12876 Alcestis II. ; tragedy ; by V. Alfieri. {In Ajs Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Alchemist. The, or. The House of Claes ; by H. de Balzac. 12001 Alchemy. Hitchcock, E. A. Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists. *I — Mackay, G. The alchemists. {In his Mem. of i)f)p. delusions, v. 1.) 2839 Alchemy of happiness; by M. Al-Ghazzali. *I Alcibiade ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser., 3, v. 1.) *I Alcibiades. Goodrich, 8. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591- Alcock, R. Art. and art industries in Japan. Illust. *I — The capital of the Tvcoon; uarr. of residence in JajKin. Maps and illust. 2 V. ' 5562-3 — Concluding chapter. {In Margarv, A. R. Journev fr. Shanghae to Bhamo, e^c.) ' * 16540 Alcohol. Aligny, H. F. Q. d'. Manufacture of beet-root sugar and alcohol. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. ^ 1867. Kept., V. 5.) ■ 9100 — Anstie, F. E. Stimulants and narcotics; with researches on A., aether, and chloroform. 10591 — Fiske^ J. Tobacco aud alcohol : It does pay to smoke.; The coming man will drink wine. 7597 — Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol : its use aud abuse. (Health primers.) 18300 — Hammond, W. C. The effects of A. ; addr. {In Tribune^ i)0]). sci.) 12943; *I — Hitchcock, H. O. Relations of excessive use of alcoholic drinks to the pub. health. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts.. v. 2.) *I — Hubbard, F. H. The opium habit and alcoholism : with sugg. for treat- ing painful complications. 21235 — Prescott, A. B. Chemical examination of alcoholic liquors. 13569 — Prescott, H. P. Strong drink and tobacco smoke; structure, growth, and uses of malt, hops, veast, and tobacco. Illust. 8153 — Richardson, B. W. Alcohol ; lecture. 18142 The temperance lesson book; short lessons on A. and its action on the body. 19583 30 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — See also Temperance. Alcoholic iDebriety ; by J. Parrish. 22898 Alcoran. See Koran. Alcott, A. B. Concord days; [April-September, 1869]. 11008 — New Comiectieut; autobiop-aphical poem. 20895 — Salutatory ; Personality ; The ascending scale of powers ; Individualism ; Immortality ; Valetlictorv. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Table-talk. ' ' 17245 — Tablets. New ed. 19200 Contents. Practical : The garden.— Recreation.— Fellowship.— Friend- ship.— Culture.— Books.— Counsels. Speculative : Instrumentalities.— Mind. — Genesis ^Metamorphoses. — Gladden, W. Was Alcott's school a type of God's moral government?; rev. of Joseph Cook's theorv of the atonement. 17271 — Peabody, E. P. Record of Mr.' Alcott's school. 3d. ed. rev. 12248 Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap bag ; Namely : Mv bovs, etc. ' ' 8379 Shawl-straps. 8380 Cupid and Chow-chow. 8.382 My girls. 17246 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. 19018 An okl fashioned thanksgiving, etc. 22070 Contents. An old-fashioned thanksgiving.- How it all happened.— The doll's journey fr. Minnesota to Maine. — Morning-glories.- Shadow-chil- dren. — Poppy's pranks.— What the swallows did.— Little Gulliver.— The whale's story. — A strange Island. — Fancy's friend. — Aunt Kipp." See Kitty's class day, below. — Camp and tireside stories. See Hospital sketches, heloio. — Eight cousins. 14024 — Hospital sketches, and Camp and fireside stories. Illust. 5825 — Jack and Jill ; a village story. Illust. 19868 — Kitty's class day ; Aunt Kipp ; Psyche's art. 15880 See also Proverb stor. — Little men. 9139 — Little women. 7515 — Moods. 5843 — Same ; new ed. 21287 — An old fashioned girl. 8378 — Proverb stories. 22009 Contents. Kitty's class day. — Aunt Kipp. — Psyche's art. — A country Christmas. — On picket duty.— The Baron's gloves'. — My red cap. — What the bells saw and said. — Psyche's art. See Kitty's class day, above. — Rose in bloom; seq. io Eight cousins. 16640 — Silver pitchers ; and Independence, a cetennial love story. 15781 Contents. Silver pitchers. — Anna's whim. —Transcendental wild oats. — The romance oX a summer day. — My Rococo watch. — By the river. — Lettv's tramp. — Scarlet stockings. — Inclependence. — Under the lilacs. 18002 — Work. 8381 — and others. ]N[erry times for boys and girls. 18088 Alcott, W. A. The young housekeeper ; or Thoughts on food and cookery. 20th ed. 6431 — The young man's guide. . 131 Aldegrever, H. Scott, W. B. (J?! ^^s Little masters.) 19227 Aldeu, E. K. The Sabbath and the Lord's day : their perma- nent elements and. legitimate union. {In Sabbath essays.) 19808 Alden, I. M. {pseud. Pansy.) The man of the house. 22740 — Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. 22043 — The pocket measure. 21266 Alden, J. The science of government in connection with Amer. institutions. 15582 — Studies in Brvant; with introd. bv B. 17435 Alden, L. C. Biography of P". Almy ; H. J. Doolittle. {In Higgiuson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 — Wright, J. E. {In Higginson, T. W., Harv. mem. biog., v. 2) 6493 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 31 Aldeii, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa; or, Cheap cruising and safe sailing. Illust. (Harper's, hf.-hr. ser.) — Christopher Cokimbus. (Lives of Amer. worthies.) — The cruise of the " Ghost." Illust. Alderbrook ; by Miss Chubbuck. 2 v. Alderman Ralph; by A. Hornbrook. 2 v. in 1. Alderney. Black, A. and C. Guide to Guernsey, incl. Alder- ney and Serk ; ed. by D. T. Ansted. Aldrich, M. A. History of the United States Marine Corps. Aldrich, T. B. Cloth of gold, and other poems. — Flower and thorn ; later poems. _^f ^f [if-Ol -^o ^t — Marjorie Daw, and other peppier tX^ * ' » /JlV'''*^ "ift *^ Contents. Marjn]-ie T){ji^T— A Rivermouth romance.— Quife so. — A Young desperaclo^^MissMehet able' s son.— A struggle for life. — The fi'iend 17824 21202 21288 5092 1996 *I 13540 13053 16641 11933 of mv Yout]j>;---^!3^ii«moisette'0}TTirpe.^^briski.-Pere Antoine's date-pal — Poeni^-""^^ -.P j.3^ — — - — -^ T840 — Prudence Palf rev. oAt\l ^ ^ 12752 — The queen of Sheba. *A^^2f t^r-^kt^is 1"247 .a,^ The Stillwater tragedy. J^'f^ '^^ ^ 19828 1 1 ^ — ^torv of a bad bo v. 8029 tW- — Good stories. Pts. 1 and 4. ^ 7023 ; 7463 " Contents. 1. De Quincey, T. The avenger. — Hawthorne, X. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure.— Winthrop, T. Love and skates.— Hood, T. The defaulter. — Vaughan, H. Coldstream. — Spicer, H. Madonna. 4, O'Brien, F. J. From hand to mouth. — Heyse, P. Count Ernest's home. — Little Peg O'Shaughnessy.— Thackerav, W.*M. A shabbv genteel story. — Xotice of A. {In Stoddard, E. H. Poets' homes.) 19286 Alec Forbes of Howglen ; by G. MacDonald. 7048 Alemany, J. S. Introduction. {In Domingo St. Life.) 16707 Alembert, J. C. R. d'. Brougham, H. (/n/i/.s Lives of philos.) 524 Alerte, L' ; poesie ; par Pontsevrez. (77i Saynetes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 Alethitheras, Travels by sea and land of. 7454 " Alex." pseud. As it should be. 12645 Alexander the Great. Abbott, J. History of Alexander the Great. 1 — Freeman, E. A. (/?i^<'s Hist, essays, ser, 2.) 11525 — Goodrich, S. G. {Inhis Famous nien, etc.) 1591 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Caesar and Alexander. {In his Course of lect. on mod. hist.) 22360 — Yonge, 0. 31. {In her Book of w^orthies.) 8118 Alexander I., Emp. of Russia. Joyneville, C. Life and times of A. 3 V. 13810-12 Alexander, of Abnotichus. Froude, J. A. A Cagliostroof the 2d cent. (In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 Alexander, 3Irs. pseud. See Hector, A. F. Alexander, A. W. Free labor theory of prison discipline. {In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I Alexander, J. E. Cleopatra's needle, the obelisk of Alex- andria ; its acquisition and removal to England described.) 19863 Alexander, J. W. The American mechanic. 133 Alexander, S. Three of Jupiter's satellites ; velocity of light in air and in vacuo. {In Tribune pop. sci.) *I Alexander, W. Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk. 4th ed. 21717 Alexander, Wm., D. D. Bp. The leading ideas of the gospels ; sermons, 1870-1871. 16801 — St. Augustine's ' Confessions '. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. Hfe.) 18849 — Sanderson, the judicious preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, iireach. of the Eng. Ch., ser. 2.) 18551 32 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Alexander, Wm., M. D. History of women. 3d. ed. 2 v. 275-6 Alexander's feast ; ode, by Handel. *I Alexandra Feodorowna, Emp. of Russia. Grimm, A. T. von. Alexandra Feodorowna ; tr. by Lady Wallace. 2 v. 14383-4 Alexandre le Grand ; tragedie ; par J. Racine. {In his Thea- tre comp.) 14399 Alexandria. Kingsley, C. Alexandria and her schools ; lect. 15712 Same. {In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 Alexis, Wilibald, pseud. *See Haering, G. W. H. Alexis, the Czarewitz ; tragedy, by A. Eustaphieve. {In his Reflections, etc.) 5028 Alfieri, V. co7ite. Life of A. (Memoirs) ; with essay by W. D. Ho wells. (Choice autobiog.) 17273 — M6moires. (Barric^re. Bib. des mem., v. 26.) 14546 — Tragedies, iucl. Ms posthmiious works ; tr. by E. A. Bowriiio;. 2 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Philip.— Polynices. — Antigone. — Virginia. — Aga- memnon.— Orestes.— Rosmunda.—Octavia.— Tunoleon. — Merope.— Mary Stuart. 2. Conspiracy of the Pazzi.— Don Grareia.— Saul.— Agis. — Soph- onisba.— The first Brutus.— Myrrha.— The second Brutus.— Antony and Cleopatra.— Abel.— A Icestis II. Alfieri. See Albany, L., Countess of. Alford, H. Fireside homilies. • 13941 — The Greek testament. 4 v. *I — How to study the New Testament : Gospels ; Acts. 6502 — Life, journals, and letters ; ed. by his widow. 2d. ed. 11877 — New Testament for Eng. readers ; with crit. and expl. comment. 2 v. in 4. New ed. 9958-61 — A plea for the Queen's English ; notes on speaking and spelling. 6293 — Poetical works. 12006 — Whitney, W. D. Alford's Queen's English. (In his Orient, and ling. stud., ser. 2.) 13263 Alfred Hagart's household ; by A. Smith. 5954 Alfred the Great. Abbott, J. History of Alfred the Great. 2 — Hughes, T. Alfred the Great. 8144 Alfred the Great ; hist, plaj^ ; by J. S. Knowles. (In his Dram. works.) 11888 Algae. Clarke, L. L. Common seaweeds of the British "coast and channel islands ; tinted plates. 6486 — See also Mosses. Algebra. Atkins, E. Pure mathematics. 12598 — Briot, C. Lecons d' algebre. 2 v. 14387-8 — Davies, C. New elementary algebra. 19066 University algebra. ' 19068 — Newcomb, S. A. for schools and colleges. 2d. ed. rev. 20901 — Phillips, A. W. a%(^ Beebe, W. Graphic A.; or. Geometrical interpre- tation of the theory of equations of one unknown quantity. 2d. ed, 22327 — Sergeant, L. Elementarv mathematics ; enibr. arithmetic, geometrv, and A. ' ' 12628 — Todhunter, I. Algebra. 4th ed. 8552 Algebra for beginners. 12949 — Wentworth, G. A. Elements of algebra. 20791 — Yose, G. L. Graphic method of solving certain algebraic problems. 14182 Alger, H. e/r. Ben, the luggage boy. 9210 — Ben's nugget. 22010 — Bound to rise. — Brave and bold. — Charlie Codman's cruise. — Fame and fortune. — From canal boy to President ; J. A. Garfield. — From farm boy to senator; D. Webster. — Helen Ford. — Herbert Carter's legacy. must. 13227 7420 7647 20972 21577 7422 16090 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 33 — Jack's ward ; or. The boy guardian. — Julius. — Luck aud pluck. — Mark, the match boy. — Paul Prescott's charge. — Paul, the pedler. — Phil, the tiddler. — Eagged Dick. — Eisen from the ranks. — Eufus aud Eose. — Sam's chance, and how he improved it. — Shifting for himself ; or. Gilbert Greyson's fortunes. ' — Strong and steady. — The telegraph boy. — The young adventurer. — The young miner : or, Tom ^JjJ^elson in California, — and Cheney, O. A. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Alger, W. R. Critical hist, of the doctrine of a future life. — The friendships of women. ' —'The poetrv of the East. —'The school of life. — Solitudes of nature and of man ; or. The loneliness of human life. Algeria and Algiers. Barclay, E. Mountain life in Algeria. Illust. — Blackburn, H. {In his Artists and Arabs.) — Campbell, T. Letters fr. the South, dur. a journey to A., etc. — Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba, Perii, Spain, and Algiers : leaves fr. the sketch-book of a traveller. — Cox, S. S. (In his Search for winter sunbeams.) — Edwards, M. B. (In his Winter with the swallows.) — The French in Algiers. — Fromentin, E. Une annee dans le Sahel. 5^ ed. — Herbert, 31. E. A search after sunshine; or, Algeria in 1871. — Knox, A. A. The new plav-ground; or wanderings in A. — Maximilian, F.'^I. J. (In his Eecoll. of my life. 3 v.) — Morell, J. E. Algeria; its topography, history, etc. — Xapheg>i, G. Among the Arabs : adventures' in A. — Otter, E. H. Winters abroad; places visited on acet. of health. — Eenan, E. La society* Berb^re. (In his Melanges d' hist.) — Eeybaud, L. Des colonies agricoles de I'Alg^Tie. (In his Marines et voyages.) — Wingtield L. Under the palms in A. and Tunis Algiers, the city. Seguin, L. G. Walks roundings. — See also Algeria. Alhambra. Irving, W. The Alhambra. — Prime, S. I. The Alhambra and the Kremlin. Ali and Gulhyndi ; by A. Oehlenschlager. German.) Ali-Baba ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuries, ser. 3, v. 2.) Alice; by [E. Bulwer Lytton]. Alice and her friends. (Prize ser.) Alice Brand ; by A. G. Riddle. Alice Dugdale ; by A. Trollope. {Li his Why Frau Froh mann, etc.) Alice Learmont ; a fairy tale ; by [Miss Muloch]. Alice Lorraine ; by R. D. Blackmore. Alice's adventures in Wonderland ; by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodg son]. Illust. Alicia Chamberlayne. jSee Memories of troublous times. Alicia Warlock, and other stories ; by W. Collins. Alide ; episode of Goethe's life ; by E. Lazarus. [Alif laila]. Arabian nights' entertainments. )i V. in A. and its sur- {In Tales fr. the 14106 12711 9316 9206 6109 9209 9212 7396 13054 9009 15771 16731 9318 19312 18060 19313 16903 7722 122: *I 134 20461 6729 *I 8845 675 *I 8369 7545 1158 14655 11708 21710 13528-30 3149 7519 22418 14516 9544 11050-1 20967 2140 7322 4347 *I 580 6581 13571 21782 3184 13741 7714 13744 12343 4938 34 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Same-, tr. by E. Forster; newed. Introd. by G. M. Bussey. *I — Same. Six ".stories, ed. by S. Eliot. ' 19648 — The thousand and one nights ; new ed. 4945 — Hale, E. E. {In his Crusoe in N. Y.> - 19799 — Lane, E. W. Arabian society in the Middle Ages ; studies fr. the Thou- sand and one nights. . 22531 — Mitchell, D. G. The Arabian nights. {In his About old story tellers.) 17346 Aligny, H. F. Q., d'. Manufacture of beet-root sugar and alcohol ; Manufacture of pressed or agglomerated coal ; Photographs and photographic apparatus ; Outline of the hist, of the Atlantic cables, {/n U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Re^jt., v. 5.) 9100 — and others. Mining and the mechanical preparations of ores. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1S61. Rept..\.4..) 9099 Aline, drama; by E. Sterling. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 17.) 11818 Alison, A., Prebendary of Sarmn. Essays on taste; cor- rected, etc., by A. Mills. 144 Alison, A., Bart. Address, Manchester Athenaeum, 1847. {In Lit. addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — History of Europe, 1789-1815. 4 v. . 135-8 — Same J" 1815-1852. 4 v. 139-42 — Miscellaneous essays. (Mod. Brit, essayists.) 143 Alkalies. Church, Prof. Manufacture of alkalies and alka- line salts. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15468 — Kingzett, C. T. History, products, and processes of the alkali trade, incl. recent inipi-oveinents. - 17233^ All aboard ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 89 All aboard for sunrise lands ; by E. A. Rand. Illust. 21250 All about hard words : diet, of difficulties in reading, etc., and epitome of explanations of difficult Eng. and foreign words, phrases, etc., with pronunciation. 13645 All alone ; fr. the French of A. Theuriet. (Appletons' new hand.-vol. ser.) 20287 All around the house ; by Mrs. Beecher. 18003 All for Jesus ; by F. W. Faber. 8931 All in the wrong ; by T. Hook. 15665 All quiet along the Potomac, and other poems ; by E. L. Beers. 19244 All around the year ; verses fr. Sky faim ; by E. and D. R. Goodale. 20112 All saints' day, and other sermons ; by C. Kiugsley. 17672 All-saints' eve : by A. B. Edwards. {In her Night, etc.) 22071 All sorts and conditions of men ; an impossible story ; by W. Besart and J. Rice. 22366 All Souls College. Burrows, M. Worthies of All Souls ; four cent, of Eng. hist. 12722 All that glitters is not gold ; by T. and J. M. Morton. (In French's min. dram., v. 5.) 11837 All the world's a stage, by G. Brookes. {In French's min. dram., v. 37.) 7989 All the world's a stage ; by M. A. Hoppus. 3 v. 19632-4 Allah. Arnold, E. Pearls of the faith ; or, Islam's rosary ; beautiful names of Allah, with comments in verse. 22365 Allan, D. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of British painters etc., V. 5.) 1057 Allan, W. Strength of beams under transverse loads. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 15357 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 35 — Tht^ory of arches. (Van Xostraucrs sci. .ser.) 14133 Allardyee, A. Edgar Wayne's escape. {In Tales fr. Black- wood, n. s., V. 13.) 19158 — Tlie Pundrapore re«denev. In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 6. 19151 Allart, M. G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. limd., v. 2.) *I Allary, ( '. Les lilas blaucs ; comedie. {In Saynetes, e^c, ser. 3.) 14793 Alldridge, L. By love and law. 3 v. 19280-2 — The world she awoke hi. 2 v. 19639-40 Allegro, L'. See Milton. Allegro ; by E. Gray. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6. 13935 Allegro, L', II pensieroso, ed II moderate ; by Handel. *I Allen, A. B. Management ot horses. {In Stewart, J. The stable book.) 6238 Allen, A, H. Practice of commerc. organic analysis. 2 v. 21810-11 Xote. V. 1 has title, Introduction to the practice, etc. Allen, D. O. India, ancient and modern; with acct. of the state and prospects of Christianity. 2d. ed. 6059 Allen, E. De Puy. H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green Mt. heroes of '76. , 1148 — Sketch of A. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. Kev.) ' 2122 — Sparks, J. (In his Lib. of Amer. hiog.. v. 1.) 4110 Same. (In Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) 2709 Allen, George. Life of Philidor, musician and chess-player ; with Essay on P. as chess-author, efc, by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa . 11332 Allen, Grant Anglo-Saxon Britain. (Early Britain.) 21675 — Colour-blindness. (In Brown. K. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — The colour-sense ; its oriirin and development ; essay in comp. psychology. 18433 — the colours of flow^ers as illust. in the British flora. ' Illust. (Xat. ser.) 22450 — Phvsiological aesthetics. 17362 — Yiguettes fr. nature. 21870 Contents. Fallow deer.— Sedge and wopdrush — Red campion and white. — Buttei-fly-hunting begins.— Red campion again. — The hedge hog's hole. — On Musbiiry Castle. — A big fossil bone. — Veronica. — Guelder rose. — The heron's hauiit.— A bed of nettles.— Loose strife and pimpernel. — Tlie cai-p pond.— A Welsh roadside.— Seaside weeds.— A mountain tarn.— Wild thvme. — The donkev's ancestors. — Beside the cromlech.— The fall of the leaf I— The fall of the year. Allen, H. B. The useful companion and artificer's assistant ; encyclopedia of valuable information. Illust. ' 21812 Allen, John. The blessed bees. 18400 Allen, John. State churches and the kingdom of Christ ; essay on the establishment of ministers, etc. by secular power. 147 Allen, John, M. D. Brougham, II. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 Allen, J. B. Elementary Latin grammar. 13698 Allen, J. H. Fruits of the wine cup. (/>^.Mod. stand, dr., V. 45.) 11832 Allen, J. W., Jr. Paul Dreifuss, his holiday abroad. 21813 Allen, Joseph, B.X. Battles with the British navy. 2 v. 145-6 Allen, Joseph, D.D. The Worcesters Association and its an- tecedents ; a hist. ; with biog. not. Portr. 7288 Allen, J. A. Westboro' State Reform school reminiscences. ,17248 Allen, J. H. Fragments of Christian history to the founda- tion of the Holy Roman Empire. 19864 — Hebrew men and times. 149 — Same ; 2d. ed. with introd. *I — Latin primer. *I 36 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Our liberal luovemeut in theology ; hi.st. of Unitarianism in Xew ETng. ; lect. " 21875 — Three phases of modern theology : Calvinism; Unitarianism, Liberalism. 21867 — and Greenough, J. B. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. *I — joint author. See Allen, W. F. Allen, J. Autocracy iu Poland and Russia. 148 Allen. L. F. American cattle; their hist., breeding, and man- agement. 7609 — joint author. See Allen. R. L. Allen, N. Perfection of structure in the human body, as a leading element of hygiene. {In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., etc., 1873.) • *I Allen, O. E. Sketch. {In Firth, F. R. Memoir.) 7258 Allen, R. L. and Allen, L. F. New American farm book. 16970 Allen R. H. New England tragedies iu prose : The coming of the Quakers ; The witchcraft delusion. 7582 Allen, S. M. {pseud. " Alpha.") The old and new Republican parties ; their origin, etc. ; fr. Washington to Hayes. 19869 — Religion and s,cience ; the letters of "Alpha" on the influence of spirit upon imponderable actienic molecular substances and the life forces of mind and matter. 13777 Allen, T. T. Sanitary improvements at Stratford-on-Avon. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and 8ur. Proc, v. 1. *I Allen, W. F. and J. H. Latin reader : select, fr. Caesar, Cur- tius, Nepos, Pliny, Tacitus, [Suetonius], etc. [particularly notices cone, early Christians] ; with notes and vocabu- lary. 3d. ed. *I — Ware, C. P., and Garrison, L. McK. Slave songs of the IT. S. 7606 Allen, Zachariah. Science of mechanics. 150 Allen, Zachariah. Solar light and heat ; the source and the supply ; gravitation ; with ex pi. of planetary and mole- cular forces. 19315 Allen Bay; by S. O. Stedman. 15996 Allerton Towers ; by A. Thomas [Mrs. Cudlip]. 22338 Alliance L' ; monologue ; par J. die Marthold. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Allies, E. H. Sewage disposal at West Derby. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 6.) *I Allingham, J. T. Plays. See French's minor drama. Allingham, W. The ballad book ; select, of British ballads. 8404 — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 AUon, Henry. Argument for the supernat. character of Christianity, fr. its. existeuce and achievements. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Moral teaching of the Xew Testament. (In Christ. Evid. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520 — The worship of the Church. (In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 Allong(\ A. Charcoal drawing; tr. by S. D. W. 15782 — See also Robert, K. Charcoal drawing. Alloys. Collins, J. E. Private book of useful alloys, etc. 10781 All's fair in love ; drama ; by J. Brougham. {In mod. stand. dr., V. 21.) 11820 All's well that ends well. See Shakespeare, W. AUston, W. Irving. W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 — Jameson, A. (In her Studies, etc.) 2330 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Record of impressions produced by A.'s pictures. (In her Papers on literature, etc.. pt. 2.) 3309 CATALOGUE OF BO^^IfOE^^ 37 — Sweetser, M. F. Allston. (Art. bio^.) . 18174r — Tiickerman, H. T. Sketch of A. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Ally Sloper. Some playful episodes in the career of Ally Sloper ; with casual references to Iky Mo. *I Almanacs. Whitaker, J. Almanack for 1878. 17592 Almar, G. Plays. See French's minor dram. ; — Stoddard E. Mod. stand, dram. Almeria; by M. Edgeworth. 1329 ; 15291 Almost a nun ; by J. McN. Wright. 13087 Almost a priest ; by J. McN. Wright. 13018 Almost an Englishman ; by M. L. Scudder, Jr. 17993 Almost faultless. 11921 Almy, P. Alden, L. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 649a Alnwick Castle ; with other poems ;• by F.-G. Halleck. 1744 " Aloha" ! by G. L. Chaney. 19323 Alone; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 1775 Along the way ; poems ; by M. M. Dodge. 1932& Aloys by B. Auerbach. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 16938 " Alpha," j)seitd. See Allen, S. M. Alphabets. Delamotte, F. Examples of mod. alphabets. *I — Hope, A. Silhouette alphabets*. {In his Sorrento work.) *I Alps. Rideing W. H. The Alpenstock ; alpine adventures. 19366 — Schmidt, H. and Stieler, K. The Bavarian Highlands, and the Salzkam- mergut. Illust. *I — Stephen, L. A bad five minutes in the Alps. (In his Ess. on free thinking, etc.) 19049 The plavground of Europe. 10173 — Tyndall, J. Alpine sculpture. (/7i /«is Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Hours of exercise in the Alps. 9263 — Waring, G. E. Jr. Tvrol and the skirt of the A. 19237 — Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps, 1860-9. 1106a — See also Davos ;— Engadine ;— Glaciers ; — Italy ;— Matterhorn ;— Switzer- land. Alroy ; by B. Disraeli. {In his Nov. and tales.) 5838 Alsace. Amour ou patrie ; souvenirs d' Alsace, 1870-71. 9465 Alsacian schoolmaster, The; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 11428 Alston, E. R. Moles and mole-hills. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Altavona ; life in the Highlands ; by J. S. Blackie. ' 21936 Altdorfer, A. Scott, W. B. {In his Little masters.) 19227 Althorp, Viscount. See Spencer, J. C. Alton Locke; by [C. Kingsley]. 2472" Alton Towers. Black, A. and C. Guide to A., etc. ; by L. Jewitt. Illust. *I Alton-Shee de Ligneres,'E., comte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Le mariage du due Pompee par M. le comte d' Alton-Shee. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 7.) *I Alva, F. A. de T., duque cV. James, G. P. R. {In his Mem., V. 1.) 2293 Alvarez, F. Frost, T. African explorations. {In his Hf.- hrs. with early explor.) 21074 Alwyn's first wife ; by [Miss Muloch]. {In her Nothing new.) 56S2 Alzog, John. Manual of univ. church hist. ; tr. with add. by F. J. Pabisch and T. S. Byrne. 3 v. *I SS FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Amabel ; by M. E. Wormeley. 4873 Amadas, P. Payne, E. J. Amadas and Barlow's voyage. {In his Voyages, etc.) 21899 Amandar ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Amaiiry ; by A. Dumas. 12451 Amant Bossu, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 8.) *I Amauts de Kandahar, Les ; by J. A. de Gobineau. {In his Nouv. Asiatiques.) 14480 Amants magnifiques, Les ; comedie-ballet ; by J. B. P. de Moliere. (Oeuvres, v. 6.) 14609 Amateur dominie. The ; by A. R. Hope. {In his Seven sto- ries.) 20275 Amateur poacher, The; by [R. Jefferies]. 19242 Amateur theatricals. See Privat'e theatricalsi Amateur work, illust. ; designs, sketches, and working draw- ings, etc. V. 1.) *I Amateurs and actors ; by R. B. Peake. {In French's Min. dram., v. 20.) 11846 Amazon River. Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the river A. 8788 — Brown, Ci B. (nid Lidstoue, W. Fifteen thousand miles on the A. and its tributaries. 17520 — Explorations of the A. {Bi Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. {In their Lite and nature under the tropics.) 17182 — Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. Illust. 8174 Smne ; 3d. ed. rev. 15890 — Stephens, C. A. On the Amazons. 12094 — A^erne, J. The jriant raft; I. 800 leagues on the Amazon. 21260 — Warren, J. E. Para; or. Adventures on the banks of the A. 4661 Amazon, The ; by F. Dingelstedt. 7528 Ambassadeur, L' ; comedie- vaudeville, par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, si'r. 2, v. 16.) *I Ambassadeur Chinois, L' ; par L. Halev3\ {In his Mariage d'amour.) 14790 Ambassadrice, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 6.) *I Amber. Hartwig, G. (In his Subterranean world.) 10145 Amber gods. The ; and other stories ; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. 5430 Amberley, Viscount. See Russell, J. Ambitieux, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 3.) *I Amblystoma. See Salamander. Ambos, B. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Ambrose Givinett, drama ; by D. Jerrold. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 24.) . 11822 Ambrosius, St.., Bp. of Milan. Brigham, C. H. {In 7i?*s Mem., etc.) 20560 Ambrosius, a play; by C. K. F. Molbech. 19124 Ameer Ali, Moulvi, Syed. Critical examination of the life and teachings of Mohammed. 15891 Amenities of home. (Appletons' home books.) 20724 America. Antiquities. — Abbott, C. C. Primitive industry; illust. of the handiwork of native races of the Atlantic seaboard. 20757 — Baldwin, J. A. Ancient America. 10078 — Short, J. T. The No. Americans of antiquity : their oriirin, miurations, etc. ' ^ 19372 — See also Indians. Eeligion. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 39 Description, etc. — Baxley, H. W. Wliat \ saw ou the we8t coast of So. and No. A., etc. 6129 — Burke, E. Accouut of the European settlements in Amer. • 614 — Dillon, J. B. Oddities of colonial legislation in Amer. ; with records of ori.uin and growth of pioneer settlements; also, hist, of the states and territories. .*I — Goodrich, 8. G. Lights and shadows of Amer. history. 1581 Discovery. — Anderson, R. B. America not discovered l>v Columbus. 13055 — Bow en, B. F. America disc, by the Welsh in 1170 A. D. 16095 — Ferraro, G. Relazione delle scoperte fatte da C. Colombo, da A. Vespucci, e da altri 1492-1506; tratta dai mau.oscritti della biblioteca di Ferrara. 15510 — Higginson, T. W. Book of Amer. explorers. (Young folks' ser.) 16893 — Kingsley, C. First disc, of America. (/« /^ks Lect. in A.) 14331 — Murray', J. O'K. The Catholic pioneers of America. 22282 — Robertson, W. History of the disc, and settlement of A. 13195 ^ — Simpson, T. Xarrative' of disc, ou the north coast of A., 1836-9. 3999 ' — See also Arctic regions. Ethnology and langnage. — Ethnography and philolog^• of Amer. {In Bates, H. W. Central A., etc.) ' 21931 — See also British America ; — Brit. Colonies in America ;— North America ; —South America;— Spanish America;— U. S. America revisited ; by G. A. Sala. 2 v. 22543-4 American, The ; by H. James, Jr. 16948 American Actor series. See Hiitton, L. American addresses. See Huxley, T. H. American Antiquarian Society. Archieologia Americana; Transactions and collections, v. 5-6. 15390-1 Contents. Thomas, I. History of printing in Amer., with biog. of printers, and acct. of newspapers'. 2d. ed., 2 v. American Baptist Missionary Union. Smith, S. F. Mission- ary sketches ; hist, of the Union ; brought to date by E. F. Merriam. 22768 American baro|i. The ; by J. De Mille. 9886 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Memorial volume of the first fifty years. 22772 Note. Contains Hopkins, 31. Historical discourse. — Tracy, J. History of the Board. {In Hist, of Amer. missions.) 5169 American boy's book of sports and games. 6696 American citizen's manual. See Ford, W. C. American classics for schools: Longfellow; [select fr. L.]. 21415 American colonies. See British colonies in America. American Colonization Society. See American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the U. S. American family, An, in Paris. Illust. 8011 American family Robinson ; by D. W. Belisle. 17850 American girl abroad. An ; by A. Traftou. 10058 American girl, An, and her four years in a boys' college ; by Sola [O. S. L. Anderson]. 17401 American grainer's hand-book ; pop. and pract. treatise. 11590 American health primers. See Keen, W. W. American Institute of Mining Engineers. Discussions ou technical education, 1876. 16556 American Iron and Steel Association. Directory to the iron and steel works of the U. S. 21872 American lady. Memoirs of an ; by Mrs. A. Grant. *I 40 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. American leaves ; by S. Osgood. 6571 American library of literature and science. See Lives of eminent individuals. American literature. See U. S. Literature. American loyalists. Ryerson, E. The loyalists of Amer. and their times, 1620-1816. 2 v. 22209-10 — Sabine, L. The American loyalists; biog. sk. of adherents to the Crown in the Revolution ; with hist, essay. 3757 — Ward, G. A. Biographical notices. {In Curwen, S. Journal, etc.) 1067 American men of letters. See Warner, C. D. American Metric Bureau. Bulletin, 1876-1878. 3 v. 17594-5; 18399 American mind, The ; by E. P. AVhipple. {In his Character.) 6546 American ministers abroad. (In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 American Normal School Association. Addresses and Journal of Proceedings. 1870. 11608 Lectures, etc. Ogden, J. Annual address. — Phelps, W. F. Course of study for normal schools. — White, S. H. Means of t>roviding teachers witli professional instruction. — Pickard, J. L. The human body a subject for study.— Lathrop, D. A. Object lessons.— Loomis, G. B. * Music in normal schools.— Dickinson, J. W. Application of mental science to teaching. American notes; by C. Dickens. 1181 American oratory ; or. Select, fr. speeches of Americans. 4959 Contents. J. Wilson.— P. Henry.— E. Randolph.— F. Ames.— E. Liv- ingston.— G. Morris,— J. A. Bayard.— J, Quincy.— J. Randolph.— J, C, Cal- houn.— W. Gaston.— W. Pinkuey.— D, Webster.— E. Everett.— J. Story. American pictures drawn with pen and pencil ; by S. Manning. *I American pioneers and patriots. See Abbott, J. S. C. American poems : Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes, Lowell, Emerson ; with biog. sk. and notes. 18947 American Poultry Association. American standard of excel- lence ; [with] descr. of the varieties of fowls. 18105 American prose : Hawthorne, L'ving, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Thoreau, Emerson. Introd, and notes. 19641 American Public Health Association. Public health reports and papers, v. 1-7. *I Contents. Vol.1. Smith, S. Limitations and modifying conditions of human longcvitv.— Walker, F. A. Relations of race and nationality to mortality in tlic" U, S.— Allen, X. Perfection of structure in the human body, as a leading element of hygiene. Clendenin, W. General causes of disease. — Beard, G. M. Longevity of brain-workers. — Barnard, F. A. P. The germ theory of disease aiid its relations to hygiene. — Judson, A. B. Hist, and course of the epizootic among horses on the N. A. continent, 1872-73. —Beekman, J. W. One of the first principles of hospital hygiene. —Hough, J. S. Relative influence of city and country life on morality, health, longevity, mortality, e^c- White,* A. D. Sanitary science in its relations to pub. instr.— Pfeiff"er, C. Sanitary relations to health princi- ples of architecture.— Blodget, L. •'Xon periodic changes of heat as an element in sanitary climatology."— Flint, A. Relations of water to the propagation of fever.— Janes, E. H. The practical lessons of the recent prevalence of small-pox, with reference to its ]>revention in the future. — Marsden, W. Plan of a hospital and cleansing establishment for the treatment of cholera, and guarding against its introd. at ports and places of entrance.— White, C. B. Cholera in New Orleans.— McClellan. E. Cholera during the sunnner of 1873, in Kentucky.— Judson. A. B. Cholera through towns and cities in the Miss. Yal'ley. — Tan Deman, J. H. Cholera in Chattanooga, Tenn., and cities south of Nashville, 1873. —Cholera in Little Rock, Ark.— Miller, B. C. Cholera as it prevailed in Chicago, 1873.— Jepson, S. L. Cholera in Wheeling, West Ya.— Sevier, W. R, Epidemic cholera at Jonesborough, Tenn.— Bailey, F. K. Cholera in Knoxville, Tenn., and vicinity.— Quiun, J. J. Cholera in Cincinnati, Ohio.— Snively, W. Report on Asiatic cholera.— Smith, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 41 S. Local measures of prerentiou aud relief during the prevalence of epi- demic cholera.— Pettenkofer, M. Yon. "Wliat we can do against cholera. — Peters. J. C. Origin and spread of Asiatic or Bengal Cholera.— Harris, E. Practical conclusions concern, cholera : Evidence respecting causes and preventive measures. — Toner, J. M. Distribution and nat. hist, of yel- low fever at difterent times in the L". S. — Erskine. J. H. Yellow fever in Memphis, Teun., 1873. — Gilmore, J. T. Yellow fever in Mobile, and vicinity, 1873 — Hartshorne, H. What to do against yellow fever.— Yan der Po'el, S. O. General principles aftecting the^ organization and practice of quarantine.— Lebby, K. Principles and^practice of quarantine at the port of Charleston, S.' C— Russell, S. C. Yellow fever in Xew Orleans, 1873.— Perry, A. W. Effectual external regulations without delay to com- mence. — AYoodworth, J. M. Some defects in the immitrration service ; suggestions of remedy therefor, with ref . to the sanitary interests of the country. — Smith, H. Sailors as propagators of disease,— Leas. C. A. San- itary care and utilization of the refuse of cities. — Waller, E. Report on disinfection and disinfectants. — Harris. E. General health laws aud local ordinances, consid. with ref. to state and local sanitary organization. — Russell, C. P. Uniform system of registration of causes "of death through- out the L". S. — Hunt, E. M. Need of sanitary organization in villages and rural districts.— Toner, J. M. Boards of health in the U. 8.— Cox, <'. C. Necessity for a national sanitary' bureau. — Chandler, C. F. The sanitary chemistry of waters, and suggestions with regard to the selection of the water supply of towns nnd cities. 2. Toiler, J. M. Leading public health questions in the U. S.— Report of committee on sanitary survey of the U. S.— Hartshorne, H. Sanitarv conditions of watering-places. — Busey, S. C. Gathering, packing, antt free marketing of fi-esh vegetables and fruits. — Kedzie, R. C. Poisons as insecticides in jigriculturfe and tests of their effects on food-vegetables. — Donaldson, F. Influence of city life and occupations in developing pulmonary consumption.— Janes, E. H. Health of tenement populations,— sanitary requirements of their dwellings.— Baker, H. B. Death-rate of each sex in Michigan, and a comparison with Dr. Farr's life tables of healthy districts in England.— Fryer, B. E. Influence of the high altitude and climate of the table-laud country of the Rocky Mt. region iipon health and disease.— Billings, J. S. Abstracts of reports' by army medical oflicers on the eftect of liiountain climates upon health.— Harris, E. Public health service in the principal cities, and sanitary works in the U. S. — Smith. S. Reciprocal relations of an eflicieut public" health service and the highest educational el in them.— Gihon, A. L. Sanitary re- form in ship-life.— Bell, A. N. Marine hygiene on board passenaer vessels.— Gardner, J. T. Relations of topographical survey and maps" to public health studies.— Harris, E. Preparation of a plan "for a sanitary survey of the U. S.— Shedd. J. H. Water-supplies for large institutions and small communities.— Hunt, E. M. Sanitary appointments and out- fitting of dwelling-houses.— Waring:, G. E., Jr. Sanitary condition of country-houses and grounds.— Harris, E. Laws, provision's, and methods for securing the benefits of ji^ene^ral vaccination throughout the countrv.— White, C. B. Disinfection in yellow fever, as practiced in New Orleans; Evidence of its efBcieucy.— Morris, J. Scarlatina in P>altiniore and Bel- air, Md.— Lewis, C. T. "Ancient and modern hygiene contrasted; Influ- ence of civilization on the duration of life.— Hougii. F. B. Health interests in the preservation of certain primeval forests and the cultivittiou of trees. — Segur, B. A. Privy vaults and cesspools.— Walker, J. Summer resorts for the debilitated children of our cities.— Pfeifter, C. Ventilation.- Brewer, W. H. The gases of decay and the harm they cause in dwellings, etc. — Horsford, E. X. A new profession in the service of hygiene.— Olaypole, E. W. The popularization of sanitary science in schools. — Leiite, F. D., Jr. Florida as a heahh resort. 4. Dexter. W. Public economy of sanitary measures. — Ranch, J. H. Sanitary problems of Chi- cago.— Chesbrough, E. S. Drainage and sewerage of* Chicago.— Harris, E. Sanitary survey of the L^. S. cow^.— Andrew, G. L. Saiiitary value of forests.— Brewer, W. H. Tree-planting for sanitary effects.— Smart. C. Sprhig, well, and river waters in the Dept. of the Platte, 1876.— Hit<:'hcock, E. Hygiene at Amherst College. — Gregory, J. M. Hygiene and higher education.— Ames, A. Removal and utilization of domestic excreta.— Hewitt, C. X. Work of hygiene in the education of children.— Lyman, H. M. Knowledge [of] causation of epidemic infectious diseases. —Turner, T. J. Air and moisture on shipboard.— Hereford, Dr. Pub- lic holidays and public health.— Dunott, T. J. Sanitary safety in railway travelling*.— Smart, C. Certain points in medical clima'tologv.— Le Coiite; J. L. Munici])al boards of health.— Harris, E. Records of deaths and the causes of death in the U. S.— Holliday, F. W. M. Addr. of welcome. —Cabell, J. L. Address.— Harris, E. * Significance of the recent epi- demic— Woodworth, J. M. Address.— Steiner, L. H. Objects of the as- sociation, and its claim upon the people for sympathy jind support.— Hunt. E. M. How to study an epidemic. — Choppin, S. History of the importation of yellow fever into the U. S. 1693-1878.— Report of the dele- gation fr. the Mississippi State Board of Health to the Am. Pub. Health Assoc. — Yandeman, J. H. Yellow fever iii Chattanooga, Teuu. ; its origin^ progress, e?c.— Jennings, R. G. The quarantine at Little Rock, Ark., 1878, agt. the yellow fever in Memphis and the Mississippi Yalley. — Hartshorne, H. On the geographical element in the etiology of yellow fever, e^c— Austin, W. G. The epidemic of 1839, (yellow fever) .—Holli- day, D. C. Is efficient quarantine possible or practicable?— Taylor, J. H. Refugee cases of yellow fever in Philadelphia, 1878. — Morris, j". History of the epidemic (yellow fever) in Baltimore in 1876. Lindslev, J. B. The yellow fever in Nashville, Tenn., 1878.— M'Clellan, E. Study of the yel- low fever epidemic of 1876 [in] Georgia. — Selden, W. Prevention of yellow fever.— Herrick, S.S. Etiology of vellowfever.- Hand.D. W. Epidemic of 1864.— Plunkett, J. D. Disinfection of sewers by ozone.— Hunt, E. M. Prophylactic treatment of individuals as a means of pre-venting epidemics. 5. Smith, S. History of the Assoc— Cabell, J. L. Annual address.— Clarke, E. C. City scavengering in Boston.— Thompson, H. M. Method for disposing of the garbage of Xew Orleans. — Waring. G. E., Jr. Sewer- age and drainage of cities.— Compton, J. W. Underground sewers.— Janeway, E. G. Xecessity for filing plans, etc. abt. matters of house con- struction ; Study of the origin of contagious diseases, etc. ; Uniformity in the publication of vital statistics.— Gihon, A. L. Protection fr. venereal CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 43 diseases, etc.— Brewer. W. H. Eottiuir wood.— Munroe, C. Action of vegetable acids on tin,— Jauewav, E. G. Post mortem examinations. — Plnnket, J. D. Cotton as a foniite.— Woodhull. A. A. May not yellow fcA er originate in the U. S. ?— Chandler. J. How to deal with a first case and earlv cases of yellow fever.— Thornton, G. B. Yellow fever epidemic in Memphis. 1879.— Jennings. K. G. Quarantine in Arkansas, 1879.— Cum- miugs, J. B. Inefficiency of quarantine in Arkansas, 1879. — Campbell. H. F. Yellow fe^ er quarantine of the future.— James B. ^y. International quarantine. — Tyner, T. J. Etiology of yellow fe\er with rem. on quaran- tine.— Cameron. J. F. Camps: Depopulation of Memphis: Epidemics. 1878-9. 6. Turner, T. J. Hvgieue of emigrant ships.— Wight, O. W. Management of contagious and infectious diseases in Milwaukee.— Hunt, E. M, Our knowledge of ei)idemics.— Baker, H. B. Relations of schools to diphtheria, e^c— Harris. E. Domestic pestilences viewed with ref. to the sanitary warfare against them.— Thomas, J. G. Dengaie.— Bell, A. N. Relations of certain filth diseases to cold weather.— Pope. J. H. Condi- tion of the 3Iexican population of Western Texas in rel. to public health. Horlbeck, H. B. Svnopsis of " Break-bone" or Dengue fever in Charles- ton. 1880.— Holliday D. C. Dengue or Dandy fever.— Crane, J. Pre- vention of contagious diseases by local Boards of Health. — Scales. T. S. Municipal sanitation in Mobile for yellow fever. — De Wolf, O. C. Spread of small-pox in Chicago. — Thornton, G. B. Memphis sanitation and quarantine, 1879 and 1880.— Piukham, J. G. Sanitary Assoc, of Lynn, Mass.— Storer. H. R. Sanitary protection in Newport.— Devron. G. Abbattoirs.— James. B. ^V. How abattoirs improve the sanitary condi- tion of cities.— Smith, J. R. Disease among Texas cattle.— Eaton, J. /Sanitation and education. — Keating, J. M. Value of sanitation fr. an economic stand-point. — Chaille, S. E. Consideration of the objections against sanitary laws, e?c.— Brooks, E. What the state owes the people.— Gallatin, J. Tenement-house reform in X. Y.— Atdiison, T. A. Disposal of our dead. — Moore, R. Storm-water and house drainage in sewers. Waring, G. E., Jr. Storm-water in town sewerage. — Dungan, D. H. Sug- gestions in regard to sanitation and the drainage of small cities and to\vns. —Brewer, W. H. Action of mudily water on sewage.— Gamgee. J. Sanitary urgency of the Florida ship-canal.— Herriek, S. S. Xumerical sanitation : a calculus of subsoil drainage in New Orleans. — Hargis, R. B. S. Yellow fever recognition and isolation. — Sternberg. G. M. Yellow fever and quarantine.— Gibl)s, B. F. Investigation into the causes of yel- low fever upon the basis of similar densities.— Lester, F. V>'. Rei)ort on yellow fever in Key West, Fla., 1880.— Porcher. F. P. Nature, cause, etc. of Dengue or bre;., v. 2.) Amphlett love-match. (7>i'Nov. and \Yords, V. 5.) Amusements. Artistic amusements ; instruct, for art work for home employment, etc. Illust. — Barber, J. Barber's American book of ready-made speeehe.s ; humorous and serious; added, Resolutions of compliment, etc., and Toasts and sentiments. — Bartlett, G. B. Parlor amusements. Sams. New ed. — Beard. D. C. What to do, and how to do it : the Amer. boy's handy book. — Beeton, S. O. Household amusements and enjoyments. — Bellew, F. The art of amnsini:-: aames, tricks. 'puzzles, and charades. — Caldor, M. T. Social charado and inu'lor operas. — Champney, L. W. Eutertainnicnts. — Cremer, AV. H. Hanky Panky ; book of conjurin;? tricks. — Gill, W. F. Home recreations. — Head, J. H. Home pastimes ; or. Tableaux vivants. — K., E. D. The Lawrence " Mother Goose " ; a delightful evening's enter- ■ tainment. — Mayne. L. D. "What shall we do to-night ? — Xuts and crackers for Christmas. — Phelps. A. Puritan theory of amusements ; Christian theory of amuse- ments; Is card-playing a Chr. amusement. (/« /n's My portfolio. ) — Rowley, H. More Puniana: or. Thoughts wise and other why's. — S., M. E. "W. Home Aimi><*nients. (Ai)i'letons' home books.) — Williams. H. T. and Fro>t. S. A. Eveninir A.; fireside games, tricks of conjuring, fortuuc-tcUiiig, charades, tableaux, etc. — See also Charades ;— Couuudi-ums ; — Pantomimes ;— Riddles ;— Tableaux ; —Tricks. Amy and Marion's voyage around the world ; by S. B. Adams. Amy Herbert ; by E. M. Sewell. Amyas Leigh. See Kingsley, C. Westward ho ! Amyot, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v Ana. Blismon, A. G. Tresor des anecdotes comiques. — Selections fr. the French anas. 2 v. Anabasis. See Xenophon. Anacreon. Anacreon in English, attempted in the metres of the original, by T. J. Arnold. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (7?i his Prem. lund., v. 1.) Antesthesia. See Chloroform ; — Ether. Analysis (in chemistry). Birnbaum, Z>>'. A laboratory guide for beginners in chemical A. — Eliot, C. ^y. and Storer, F. H. Qualitative chemical A. — Sutton, F. Systematic handbook of volumetric A. ; quantitative estima- tion of chemical substances by measure. Analysis (in mathematics). See Calculus. Anam, or Annam, o/- Cochin China. Corner, J. Account of A. (In her China.) — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Siam and Java, with descr. of Cochin China, etc. Illust. — Roberts, E. Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochin China, etc., 1832^. 3661 AnastasiUs ; or, Memoirs of a Greek ; by T. Hope. 2 v. 1989-90 Anatomy. Bell, C. Animal mechanics. 268 — Cutter, C. Anatomy and phvsiologv. 13215 Treatise on A., efo. Engr.' Rev.ed. 1073 — Gegenbaur, C. Elements of comp. anatomy. ' 20367 — Griscom, J. H. Animal mechanism and physiology. 1673 ^.) *I 14608 16844 14305 19482 20555 13425 20259 22001 12518 12953 11240 18761 11449 13325 1822 17613 7305 13415 22045 13521 21251 17481 19590 3898 *I 14496 17030-1 ♦I ♦I *I 9066 16857 976 48 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Harley, G. Histological demonstl•atioll^^ ; microscopical examination of anmial tissues : ed. by G. T. Brown. *I — Huxley, T. H. Anatoniy of vertebrated animals. 10059 — Lambert, T. S. Human anatomy, physiology, and liyg:iene. 2558 — Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the liumah body ; fr. the French. (111. lib. of wonders.) ' 8507 — Mace, J. The servants of the stomach. • 6766 — Martin, H. X. How skulls and backbones are built. {In Martin, H. X. and others. Lect.) • 22774 The human body. (Amer. Sci. ser.) *I — Masse, J. X. Pocket atlas of the descriptive A. of the human bodv: tr. and ed. by G. S. Pattison. ' 6336 — Mivart, St. G. Lessons in element, anatomy. 11642 — Richard, O. Structure of the skeleton and* teeth. {In Orr. M'. S. Cir. of the sci.) • 5184 — Robertson, A. Conversations on anatomy, etc. 2 v. 3666-7 — Smith, J. van C. Class book of anatomv". Illust. 4050 — Trail, R. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) 4485 — Wilder, B. G. Papers chiefly anatomical. *I and Gage, S. H. Anatomical technology as appl. to the domestic cat; introd. to human, veterinary, and comparative anatomy. Illust. 22493 — See also Animal locomotion:— Comparative anatomy; — Dissection. ADcien Pierrot ; monologue ; par T. De Bauville. {In Sayuetes, etc., ser. 2.) 14792 Ancien regime. See France. History. Ancient art. Knight, R. P. The symbolical language of anc. art and mytholooy. New ed., with introd., add., etc. ; tr. by A. Wilder. ^ *I Ancient classics for Eng. readers. See Collins, W. L. Ancient geography. Goodrich, S. G. Third book of history ; anc. hist, in connect, with anc. geography. Impr. ed. ; illust. "^ 6341 — Mitchell, S. A. Ancient geoffraphv. 3088 — Tozer, H. F. Classical geography! (Lit. priih.) 17096 Ancient histor3\ Ancient history ; fr. Rollin, and other sources. 4 v. 1450-3 Contents. \. 1. History of the Egyptians. 2. The Assyrians. Chal- deans, Medes, Lydians. and* Carthaginians. 3. The Persians. 4. The Macedonians, Seleucidte in Syria, and Parthians. — Brief historv of ancient peoples. (Barnes's one-term ser.) 20695 — Duncker, M*. History of antiquity : fr. the German, by E. Abbott. 6 v. 22662-7 — Formby, H. Compendium of the philosophy of anc. history. 22257 — Goodrich, S. G. Third book of hist. ; anc. hist, in connect, with anc. geography. Impr. ed. ; illust. — Hebbe, G. C. An universal historv, in a ser. of letters: Ancient hist. 2 v. — Keary, C. F. Dawn of history ; introd. to pre-historic study. — Lenormant, F. The beginnings of history ace. to the Bible and tradi- tions of oriental peoples: fr. the 2d.* French ed. Introd. by F. Brown. — Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. — Mahaflfy, J. P. Prolegomena to anc. history. Note' Contains Methods of teaching and writing anc. hist. — Maurice, J. F. D. Ancient history; Eng. history. {In his Friendship of books.) — Rawlinson. G. Manual of anc. hist. — Reed, J. J. Outlines of universal history: Part 1. Aaic. hist. — Rollin, C. Ancient hist, of the Eg>iJtians, Carthaginians, etc.: incl. a hist, of the arts and sciences of the ancients. 2 v. — Schlegel, K. W. F. On the beginning of our history, and the last revolu- tion of the earth, as the probable etiect of a coiuet. {In his Coiu'se of lect. on mod. hist.) — Smith, P. A historv of the world: v. 1-3. Anc. liist. Smaller anc. hist, of the East. Illust. — Strickland. A. True stories fr. anc. hist. fr. the Creation to the death of Charlemagne. 7172 — Thalheinier, M. E. Manual of anc. historv. 11274 6341 1835-6 18134 22276 8061 10106 12252 8614 5470 3691-2 22360 10032-4 10594 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 49 — Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of history. 6988 — See also Oriental history. Ancient History from the monuments, namely : Birch, S. Ejrvpt. 14067 Smith. G. A:ssTria. 14068 — Babylonia. 1T387 Yaux. W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. 17541 — Persia. 14069 Ancient philosophies for modern readers. See Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Ancillon, J. P. F. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Notices et port., V. 2.) 9574 Ancona, E. Historia de Yucatan, desde la epoca mas remota hasta nuestros dias. 4 v. *I Andalouse, L' ; com., par A. Billet. (Theatre de camp., ser. 5.) 14689 Andalusia. March, C. AY. Sketches and adv. in Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias. - 2854 Anderson, H. C. Ausgewahlte Werke. 26 v. in 5. 10413-17 Contents. Y. 1-4. Der Improvisator. 3 v. : Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. 5-11. Xur ein Geiger, 3 v. ; Xene MJirchen iind Geschichteu, 4 v. 12-15. Die Zwei Baroiiessen. 4 v. 16-21. Eines Dichters Bazar, 4 v. : Ahasue- rus, 2 V. 32-36. In Spanien, 2 v. : Gesammelte Gedichte, 3 v. — Sammtliche Miirclieu. Illust. 16346 — Eventvr os" historier. Illust. 2 v. 15001-2 — Xye Eventyr ojr historier. Illust. 3 x. 15003-5 — Good wishes for the children. *I . Contents. It is perfectly true. — The little match-girl. — The darnhig- needle.— Story of a mother." — The angel.— Only one other story. — The improvisatore. " ' 160 — In Spain and a Aisit to Portugal. 155 — O. T., a Danish romance. 156 — Only a tiddler. 157 — Picture book and other stories. 9839 — Pictures of travel in Sweden, among the Hartz mountains, and in Switz- erland, with a visit at C. Dickens's house. 162 — A poet's bazaar: travel in Germanv. Italv. Greece, and the Orient. 158 — The sand hills of Jutland. " " 9838 — Stories and tales. 1.54 — Stories for the household; tr. bv H. W. Dulcken. Illust. 2519 — Story of my life. ' 161 — The two baronesses. 153 — Wonder stories told for children. Illust. 159 — Taylor, B. {In his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) 4436 Anderson, Dr. . Sulphate of alumina process. (In Ass. of Muuic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc.^ v. 1.) *I Anderson, A. D. The silver country; rev. of the wealth of New Spain, compr. Mexico and the Mexican cessions to the U. S. in 1848 and 1853. 17410 — The Tehuantepec Inter-ocean railroad. 20141 Anderson, E. L. Six weeks in Norwa3\ 16760 — How to ride and school a horse ; with a system of horse gymnastics. 20733 Anderson, E. The sky light and the dark room. *I Anderson, E. G. How can children in a city be kept healthy. (7?i Baltimore. Thomas Wilson Sanitarium. Sanitary care, etc.) 20495 Anderson, G. and P. Guide to the Highlands and western islands of Scotland, incl. Orkne}" and Zetland. Maps and illust. 4th. ed. (Black's Guides.) *I Anderson, H. J. Susceptibility of criminals to reformatory^ agencies. {In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Rept., 1873.) *I 50 " FREE PUBLIC LIBKARY. Anderson, John. Reminiscences of T. Chalmers. *I Anderson, John, M.D. Maudalay to Momien : narrative of expeditions to western China, 1868 and 1875, under E. B. Sladen and H. Browne. 15827 Anderson, John, LL.D. Strength of materials and structures. 11327 Anderson, J. J. Grammar school history of the U. S. 8676 — Historical reader. 10587 — Pictorial school hist, of the U. S. 9694 Anderson, Joseph. Scotland in early Christian times. 2 ser. (Rhind lect. in archaeology, 1879-80. ) 21676-7 Anderson, Joseph, ,//•. How to collect butterflies and moths. {Til Housman, H. Story of our museum.) 21484 Anderson, M. B. Legislation to prevent the U. S. fr. being made a receptacle for foreign paupers. {In Confer, of Charities. Proc, 1876.) 16870 — Life of C. Dewey. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 Anderson, O. S. L. {pseud. Sola.) An American girl and her four years in a boys' college. 17401 Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus ; sketch of the disc, of Amer. by the Norsemen. App., Historical, linguistic, literary, and scientific value of the Scandinavian languages. 13055 — Introd. [Sketch of Ole Bull]. (7w Jensen, K. Spell-bound tiddler.) 19656 — Norse mytholog:y '; or. The religion of our fore-fathers ; cont. the myths /Of the Eddas. systematized and interpreted. * 14025' — and Bjarnson, J. ed. Yiking tales of the North. Sagas of Thorstein, Viking's son. and Fridthiof the bold; fi\ the Icelandic. Also, Tegn^r's Fridthjof's saga, tr. by G. Stephens. 16642 Anderson, R. Lightning conductors, their history, nature, etc. Illust. 19558 Anderson, R. P. Victories and defeats ; attempt to explain the causes which have led to them. 11851 Anderson, R. Foreign missions, their relations and claims. 8665 — History of the missions in India. (Am. Bd. of Comm. for For. 3Iiss.) 13541 — History of the missions to the Oriental churches. 2 v. 10505-6 — History of the missions to the Sandwich Islands. 3d. ed. (Am. Bd. of Comm. for For. Miss.) 13542 Anderson, T. S. My wanderings in Persia. Illust. and map. Routes, etc. 22097 Anderson, T. History of shorthand ; with a rev. of its present cond. in Europe and Amer. 21928 Anderson, T. M. The political conspiracies prec. the Rebel- lion ; true stories of Sumter and Pickens. 21876 Anderson, W. Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 Andersonville, Ga. Goss, W. L. Soldier's story of captivity. Illust. 6926 Same. With names of the Union soldiers who died at A. 20428 — Stevenson, R. K. The Southern side ; or, Andersonville prison. 16604 — See also U. S. Hist. Civil War. Prison life. Andersson, C.J. Lake Ngami ; or, Explorations and discoveries in S. W. Africa. Introd. letter by J. C. Fremont. Illust. 164 — Notes of travel in South-western Africa. 14312 — The Okavango river; travel, exploration, and adventure. Illust. and map. 121 Andes Mts. Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and nature under the tropics ; or, Sketches of travels among the A.., etc. 17182 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 51 — Orton, J. The A. imd the Amazon. Ilkist. 8174 — - Same. 3d. ed. rev. 15890 Andocides (In Oratenrs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Audolt, 'E.s 2:)seucl. See Abeken^ B. Andover Academy. Quincy, J. A pnritaD academy. (In his Figures of the past.) 22480- Andre, G. G. The draughtman's handbook of plan and map drawing, incl. instr. for the preparation of engineering, architectural, and mechanical drawings. *I — Rock bla^^ting: means empl. in bla>«ting for industrial purposes. 17655 Andre, J. Sargent. W. Life and career of A. 3772 — Spear, C. (In his Voices fr. prison.) ^leS" — Stanhope, P. H. Case of Maj. Andre. (In his Misc.) ^ ^ 10844 Andre del Sarto ; drame, par A. de Musset. (In his Comedies, V. 1.) *I Andrea del Castagno. See Castagno. Andrea del Sarto. See Sarto. Andreas Hofer ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6980 Andreinei, I. TroUope, T. A. (In his Decade of Ital. women, v. 2.) * 10989 Andrew, G. L. The sanitary value of forests. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts. and papers, v. 4.) *I Andrew, J. O. A warning to backsliders. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Andrew, J. A. Valedictory address, Jan. 5th, 1866. {In Browne, A. G. Sketch of A.) 7416^ — Same. {In Chandler, P. W. 3Iem.) 20042 — Browne, A. G. Jr. Sketch of the official life of A. 7416 — Chandler, P. W. 3Iemoir of A. with personal remin. Added, Two unpub. discourses and the Valedictory addr. 20042^ — Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biogr. sketches.) 17757 — Stowe, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) 7354 — Whipple, E. P. . {In his Success and its cond.) 10753 Andrew, W. P. India and her neighbours ; maps and app. 18124 Andrewes. See Andrews. Andrews, E.-B. Elementary geology ; designed for the inte- rior states. 18248 — Exploration of Ash cave in Hockin": Co.. 0.: Explorations of mounds in So.-East O. Illust. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Repts., v. 2.) 19624 Andrews, F. {pseud. E. Hay.) A family secret. 15783 — A mere adventurer. ' 18671 Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary treatise on agricultural engi- neering. Illust. 2 V. in 1. 165 Andrews, I. W. Manual of the constitution of the U. S. 19591 Andrews, J. N. Sermons on the Sabbath and law. 9160 Andrews, J. Each and all ; or. How the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood. 19443 — The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 19444 Andrews. J. Analysis of the princ. duties of soc. life ; in imitation of Rochefoucault. 167 Andrews or Andrewes, L. Barry, A. {In his Masters in Eng. theol.) 18702 — North, J. H. Andrewes the Catholic preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach., ser. 2.) 18551 — Woodford. J. R. The Devotions of Bishop Andrewes. {Li Kempe, J. E. Comp. for tiiedev. life.) " ' 18849- Andrews, S. The South since the war : fourteen weeks in Georgia and the Carolinas. 6345 52 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Andrews, S. P. The true coustitutiou of governmeot iu the sovereignty of the individual as the final development of protestantism, democracy, and socialism. 3d. ed. 4956 Andrews, W. The book of oddities. 21678 Andrews, W. A. A daring voyage across the Atlantic ocean. (The " Nautilus.") Introd. and notes by Dr. Macaulay. 20143 Andrew's fortune ; by S. O. Jewett. {In her Country by- ways.) 21032 Andria ; comoedia. See Terentius Afer, P. Andrieux, F. G. J. S. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Port. lit., V. 1.) *I Andromaque ; tragedie ; par J. Racine. {In his Theatre comp.) 14399 Andy Blake; by D. Boucicault. (/// French's min. dram.. V. 37.) ' 11843 Anecdotes. Arviue, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes. ' 244 — Buck, C. Anecdotes, religious, moral, and eutertainintr. 561 — Bverley, T. cnul Robertson, J. C. The Percy anecdotes. 11 v. 3426-36 — Cliit-cliat of humour, wit, and anecdote. 5155 — Coleman, G. Circle of anecdote and wit. 893 — Cyclopaedia of literary and scientific A. 2470 — Cvclopjedia of moral and religfious A. 1523 — Fbrnev, J. AV. Anecdotes of public men. 2 v. 11800 : 20231 — Hislop, A. Book of Scottish anecdote. 13710 — Hood, E. P. The world of moral and religious A. 9892 — Hood, T. and others. Book of modern anecdotes. 11416 — Jennino-s, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. Book of parliamentary A. 116^36 — The Laird of Louan; or, A. illust. of the wit and humour of Scotland. Xew ed. with add. 18404 — Railway anecdote book. 16552 — Timbs,' J. A century of anecdote, 1760-1860. *I Doctors and patients; or, A. of the medical world and curiosities of medicine. 2 v. 11514-15 — See also Ana : — Biography. Aneroid. See Barometer. Ange ; by F. Marryatt. 18762 Angel, Henry. Practical plane and solid geometry. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12596 — Practical plane geometry and projection. Text and plates. (Putnam's adv. sci. ser.) 2 y. ' " 20102-3 Angel, The, in the house : The betrothal ; The espousals ; by C. Patmore. 2 v. 3404-5 Angel, The, in the marble ; by G. T. Pentecost. 17709 Angel, The, of death ; by M.'^D. Conway. {In his Idols.) 16980 Angel of the attic; by T. Morton. {In French's Min. dram., V. 37.) ^ 7989 Angel unawares. The; by M. Howitt. (Magnet stories.) 10572 Angel visitor. The ; by F. E. Percival. 3423 Angelico da Fiesole. Fro G. Jameson. A. {In her Mem.) 2324 — Phillimore. C. 31. Fra Angelico. (Illust. bioi>-. of et. art.) 20113 — Sweetser, 31. F. Fra Anu-elico. (Art. bioir.) 18092 Angelina ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 15295 Angell, A. and Hehner, O. Butter ; its analysis and adultera- tions. ' 13857 Angell, G. T. Protection of animals in Great Britain. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour.. 1874.) 15734 Angell, H. C. Records of W. M. Hunt. Illust. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 5S Angell, H. G. How to take care of our eyes, with advice to parents and teachers. 17825 Angell, J. B. Progress of international law. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Angell, J. Elements of animal physiology, chiefly human. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12597 — Elements of magiietifVee also U. S. Xaval Academy. Anna's wedding cake ; by C. M. Yonge. (In /ier Bye-words.) 19611 Anna's whim ; "by L. M. Alcott. (In her Silver Pitchers, etc.) 15781 Anne, Queen of England. Ashton. J. Social life in the reign of A. llliist. 2 v. 22101-2 — Burton, J. H. History of the reign of A. 3 v. 19561-3 ' — Jameson, A. {In her Memoirs, v. 2.) 2327 — Morris, E. E. The age of Anne. Maps and plans. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 1T144 — Other side of the question : attempt to rescue the characters of Q. Mary and Q. Anne : l)y a woman of quality. 6063 — Stanhope. P. H. History of Enuland, compr. the reign of A. until the peace of Utrecht. ' 1701-13.^ 8853 — Thompson, K. Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborouirh, and of the court of A. 2 V. ^ 4437-8 Anne ; by C. F. Woolson. 21785 Anne Blake; pla}^ ; by J. W. Marston. (J?? Mod. stand, dr., V. 35.) ^ 11827 Anne Bolevn. Queen of Eng. Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. 4. v. * * 11935-6 ; 12489-90 — Hewitt, M. E. {In her Lives.) 1899 — Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Anne Boleyn ; drama; by T. Taylor. (In his Hist, dram.) 17386 Anne Boleyn ; trag. opera, by Donizetti. (In Tiyon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) ^ *I Anne Furness ; by Mrs. Trollope. 10678 Anne of Geierstein ; [by W. Scott]. 3806 Annee terrible, L' ; par V. Hugo. 14413 Annesley, J. Chambers, W. (In his Stories of remark. persons.) • 18069 Annesley case. The ; b}^ J. Paget. (In his Paradoxes.) 12732 Annette ; by C. Walsingham. 13470 Annie and her master. (/>i Tales fr. Blackwood, N. S., v. 16.) 19161 Annie at the corner ; by J. E. Cooke. (In his Pretty Mrs. Gaston.) 1232iB Annie Marshall's destiny ; by F. Acton. (In Mt. Roj^al pop. tales, V. 1.) "^ * 7223 Annual of scientific discovery, 1850-71. 5300-13; 5626-32 Annunciata ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Jlk9..) 20192 Ansel, the Schlemiel. (In Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Anselm, Abp. of Canterbury. Church, R. W. Saint Anselm. 8772 — Eule, M. Life and times of St. Anselm, 2 v. 22827-8 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. lund.. v. 6.) *I Anson, G., Lord. Kingston, W. H. G. Anson's Voyage to the So. sea. (In his Notable Voj^ages.) 19571 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Commodore Anson; the sailor. {Li her Hist. sketches.) ' 81.32 — Purves, D. L. Anson's voyage. {In his Eng. circumnavigators.) 14165 Ansted, D. T. The ancient world ; or, Picturesque sketches of creation. 168 — The earth's history ; or. First lessons in geologv. 3102 — Elementary course of geologv, mineralosrs', and physical geography. 1028 — Same ; 2d. ed. with notes and add, ' 12479 — In search of minerals, {^^at. Hist, ramb.) 19697 — Physical geography. {In Orr, TT. S. Cir. of the scl.) 5187 — The world we live in ; or, First lessons in phys. geography. 7677 56 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Anstey, F. Vice versa ; or, A lesson to fathers. 3d. ed. 22012 Anstie, F. E. Stimulants and narcotics ; with special researches on alcohol, aether, and chloroform. 10591 — The uses of wines in health and disease. 17491 Answers to prayer; or, Dorothea Triidel. 10064 Antar. Lamatine, A. de. {In hisMem. of celeb, char., v. 3.) 13218 Antarctic regions. Hale, E. E. The Antarctic continent. (In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Hartwig, G. The pohir world ; pop. descr. of man and nature in the Arctic and Antarctic regions; with add. chapters, and illust. 810& Antefix papers. Papers read at the meetings of the Mass. Art Teachers' Assoc. 14186 Contents. Smith, ^y. The cri'eatness of threat men. — Perkins, C. C. Fresco, encaustic, etc. — Color. — Harmouy and contrast of color. — Designs as applied to cast metal objects.— Wrought metal.— Carved objects'.— Printed fabrics. — Woven fabrics. — Colored materials. — Flat or surface decorations. — Water-color painting. — Tempera painting. — Fresco painting. —Oil painting.— Technical terms.— Structural botany.— Botany as applied to industrial art. — Application of ornament to industrial purposes. — Reproductive processes. — Application of ]>hotography to engraving. — Glass— cast, cut, and engraved.— Pottery and porcelain.— Historical ornar ment.— Historic schools of painting down to the ITth century.— Ware, W. R. Charcoal drawing. Anteros ; by G. A. Lawrence. 8986 Anthems. Novello's collect, of anthems by mod. composers. 10 V. *I Anthologia Griieca. Neaves, C. Greek Anthology. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.)' 12935 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Anthologie Grecque. {In his Xouv. lund., v. 7.) *I Anthologia Palatina. Translation. {In Hodgson, S. H. Outcast essays, etc.) 20808 Anthon, C. Manual of Grecian antiquities, Illust. 5885 — Manual of Roman antiquities. Illust. 588& Anthony, A. V. S. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Our Amer. artists.) *I Anthropology. Feuerbach, L. Gottheit, Freiheit, und Unster- blichkeit vom Standpunkte der Anthroi)ologie. 10318 — Powell, J. W. Limitations to the use of some anthropologic data. {In Smithsonian Inst. BiW. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) *I — Tvlor, E. B. Anthropologv': introd. to the studv of man and civiUza- ■ tion. Illust. " ' 20581 — See also Man. Anthropomorphism. Conway, M. D. {In his Idols and Ideals.) 16980 — Spencer, H. The use of A. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 Antietam, The. See V. S. Hist. Civil ivar. Antigone ; by Mendelssohn . *I Antigone; tragedy; by V. Alfiere. {In his Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Antilles. See Cuba. Antin, L. A. de P. de G., due d'. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 5.) *I Antiphon. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Antiquarian papers. 18411 Contents. Memorial of Gov. J. Eudecott.— Reception of Gov. J. Win- throp, at Salem, June 12th, 1630.— Presentation of the portrait of Pres. Salisburv to the Amer. Antiq. Soc, OQt. 21st, 1878— Removal of the tomb of Isaiafi Thomas, June 24:th, 1878. Antiquary, The ; by W. Scott. 3807 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 57 Antiquities. Burnoiif, E. Memoires sur I'autiquite. 14580 — Dawkius. W. B. Cave huuting, researches on the evidence of caves respect, the early mhabitants of Europe. 13614 — Jewitt, L. Half-hours among some Eng. antiquities. 16829 — Myers, P. Y. X. Remains of lost empires : ruins of PahmTa, Nineveh, " Babylon, and Persepolis. " 13466 — See also Christian antiquities. Also names of countries. Antisell, T. Manufacture of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils. 985 Antoine, the Italian boy. 12364 Antoinette ; by A. Theuriet. 18046 Antonia ; by George Sand. 8186 Antonina ; by Wilkie Collins. 5250 Antoninus, M. A. Thoughts ; tr. by G. Long. 5490 — Arnold, M. {hi his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Renan, J. E. (In his Eng. Conf.) 19767 Antonio di Carara. (In Tales fr. Blackwood^ v. 5.) 19144 Antonius. Long, G. (In his Civ. wars of Rome.) 2738 Antony and Cleopatra. See Shakespeare, W. Antony and Cleopatra ; by C. Selby. (In French's Min. dram., v. 27.) 7984 Antony and Cleopatra ; tragedy ; by V. Alfieri. (In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Antony Brade ; by R. Lowell. - 13001 Antony Waymouth ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 10614 Ants. Anecdotes of ants. (In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — Dver, S. Home and altroad; wonders of familiar objects. 22.^76 — Lubbock, J. The habits of ants. (7« Ai*- Scientificlect.) 19117 Ants, bees, and wasps. (Int. Sci. ser.) 21797 — McCook, H. C. Tlie honey ants of the Garden of the Gods, and the Occident ants of the Amer. plains. Illust. *I — Moggridice, J. T. Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders. 11448 — Treat. M. Chapters on ants. 18983 Antwerp. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Seige of A. ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. (In his Hist, of revolt, of Neth.) 3783 Apache Indians. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country, etc. 7588 — Cozzens, S. W. History of the A. tribe. (In his Marvellous countrv.) 16657 — Cremouy, J. C. Life amt>ng tlie Apaches. ' 7547 Ape. Proctor, R. H. The gorilla and other apes. (In his V Pleasant ways.) 18336 Appelles. Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Greenougli, H. Appelles and his contemporaries. 5005 Appeunines. Scott, L. A nook in the Appennines. Illust. 21307 Apgar, E. A. and A. C. Apgar's plant analysis ; adapt, to Gray's botanies. *I Aphanapteryx. See Mam'itius. Aphorisms, Apothegms. Ebner-Eschenbach, M. von. Apho- risms ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 22022 — Mill, J. S. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 1.) 5978 — Simmons, C. A laconic manual. 2d. ed. 3988 — Whately, R. Thoughts and apothegms fr. the WTitings of W. 4724 Apingi kingdom. My ; by P. B. Du Chaillu. 9020 Apocalypse. See Bible. New Testament. Revelation. Apocrypha. See Bible. Apocryphal gospels, etc. The apocryphal gospels ; tr. with notes, by B. H. Cowper. 8920 — Apocrvphal New Testament ; fr. last Lond. ed. 7702 5 58 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Cowper, B. H. The Apocrvphal gospels; lect. {In Clir. Evid. Soc. Striviu^-s, etc.) ' 16138 — Nicolas, M. Etudes siir les Evangiles Apocn-phes. *I Apollon du Reverbere, L' ; tableau populaire ; par E. Scribe. (In his Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 23.) *I Apollouius Rhodius. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. 5.) *I Apollouius Tyayicmis. Newman, J. H. ApoUonius of Tyana. {In his Hist, sk., v. 1.) 12916 — R^ville, A. Apollouius of Tyana, the Pagan Christ of the 3d. cent. 8836 Apologia pro vita sua ; by J. H. Newman. 5862 Apologists. Jackson, G. A. The Apostolic fathers and the A. of the 2d. cent. 18997 Apology, An, for idlers ; by R. L. Stevenson. {In his Virginibus, etc.) 22710 Apostate, The ; tragedy ; by R. L. Shiel. {In mod. stand, dr., V. 8.) 11810 Apostles. Fleetwood, J. Life of Christ, and lives of the A., etc. 1479 — Maitland, C. The Apostles' school of prophetic interpretation ; its history. 22228 — Reuan, J.' E. The Apostles. 6372 — Schaft*. P, History of the Apostolic Church, with a gen. introd. to ch. hist., tr. by E. D. Yeomans. 10608 Apostles' creed. Swainson, C. A. The Nicene and Apostles' creed ; their literary hist. ; with acct. of the growth and reception of the sermon on the faith, commonly called " The creed of St. Athanasius." 13887 Apostles, The, of Medieval Europe ; by G. F. Maclear. 8074 Apostolic Fathers. Hoole, C. H. The apostolic Fathers : Epistles of St. Clement, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas, St. Polycarp ; with The martyrdom of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp ; tr. into Eng. with introd. 10956 — Jackson, G. A. The Apostolic F. and the Apologists of the 2d. cent. 18997 Apostolica? Sedis ; by E. Deutsch. (Jw his Literary rem.) 12376 Apothegms. See Aphorisms. Apparatus. See Physics ; — So. Kensington Museum. Apparition of Monsieur Bodry. {In Nov. and tales fr. House- hold Words, v. 8.) 14308 Apparitions. Saville, B. W. Apparitions ; narrative of facts. 13291 — Symonds, J. A. Apparitions. (In his Misc.) 22835 Apple, The, of discord; by [C. M. Yonge]. 10575 Apple-blossoms ; by E. cmd D. R. Goodale. 18080 Apples. Warder, J. A. American pomology ; Apples. Ulust. 6768 Apples ; comedy, by J. Sturgis. {In his Little comedies.) 19770; 21907 Appleton, C. E. Appleton, J. H. and Sayce, A. H. Dr. Appleton : his life and literary relics. 20656 Appleton, J. H. and Sayce, A. H. Dr. Appleton ; his life and literary relics. 20656 Contents. Life. — ^Fragments of essay on development. — What is the Ego ?— American efforts after internat.'copyright.— Atheism.— Doubt.— Fragments. Appleton, T. G. Chequer-work. . 19019 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 59 Contents. The artist of Tauagra.— The love of the first-rate.— Una Replica. — May a moukey possess genius. — The gashed helmet. — The Philistine.— Kambliug in* England.— At the Pollards.— An ideal of the future.— The island of Bogussa.— Free-trade.- Ary Sehefter.— The luck of Yah Spendius. — Sight-seeing. — A Xile journal . 15784 — A sheaf of papers. 13736 Contents. Souvenirs of RouudsHill school. — The two monks. — Leaf from a journal. — The fly on the wheel. — A day with the French. — Touch and go. — The iconoclast of sensibility. — The flowering of a nation. — Cruise of the *' Alice." — Xearly a bandit. — Lost Pleiads.— -Art-chat. — The Xew Eflglaud conscience. — Temperament in painting. — Future of Ameri- ca. — .Jasmin.— Yankee-isms.— At the medium's.— Hours with the poets.— Tliree voung men. — Old Boston.— Provincialism. — Windfalls. 17325 Contents. Something about our good things. — A month in the Adiron- dacks. — A plea for ])hrenology. — Three months in the shadow. — The loom of the east. — Lavater; or. The two faces. — The kingdom of the commonplace. — Were the sla^e states a part of the nation? — American good-nature. — Our contemporaries. — A broken lieail. AppletoQs' European guide-book. 10486 AppletoDs' geu. guide to the U. 8. aijd Canada. Maps, plans, etc. 2 V. " l(S697-8 Contents. Y. 1. Xew England and Middle States and Canada. 2. Western and Southern states. — Same ; new ed. 2 v. - 20524t6 Appletons' handbook of American travel; namely: Northern and Eastern tour. 9232 Southern tour. 9234 Western tour. , 9233 Appletons' home books ; namely : Babcock, E. AV. Household hints'. 20831 Church, E. R. The home garden. 20468 — The home needle. 22134 — How to furnish a home. 20360 Oakey, A. F. Building a home. 20379 — Home grounds. " 20574 Rees, J. E. R. Home decoration. 22291 — Home occupations. 22174 S., M. E. W. Amenities of home. 20724 — Home amusements. 21251 Appletons' illust. hand-book of American cities. ' 15750 Appletons' illust. hand-book of Amer. summer resorts. 15892 Appletons' illust.^ hand-book of Amer. winter resorts; maps. 17313 Apres la noce ; saynete ; par A. Dreyfus. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 Aquarium. Hibbard, 8. The book of the aquarium. 12121 — Hughes, W. R. Principles and management of the marine aquarium. 14219 — Taylor, J. E. The aquarium; its inhabitants, structure, and manage- ment. " 18454 — Wood, J. G. The fresh and salt-water aquarium. Illust. 9261 Hints for an aquarium. {In his Common objects of the sea-shore.) 4845 Aquinas, St. Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas, St. Arab wife, The ; romance of the Polynesian seas. (Appletons' handy-vol. ser.) 17995 Arabella Stuart; by G. P. R. James. 5211 Arabesques ; by S. D. Greenough. 9796 Arabia and Arabs. Description, etc. — B., W. S. The Arabs and their horses. {In Blunt, A. Bedouin tribes.) 18271 — Bartlett, W. H. Forty days in the desert, on the track of the Israelites ; illust. 8143 — Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Syria. Africa, and A. {In Tavlor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) ' 4356 — Modern traveller, v. 9. 3099 60 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Myers, A. B. R. Life Avith the HamraD Arabs, 1874-5; with photo- ' g:raphs. — Olin, S. Travels in E^ypt, Arabia Petrea, etc. 2 v. — Palgrave, W. G. Narrative of a journev thr. Central and Eastern A., 1862-63. 2v. — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in EgTpt, Arabia Petrea, etc. 2 v. — Taylor, B. Travels in A. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) — Warburton, E. B. G. {In his Crescent and the cross.) Geography. — Blunt, A. Notes on the physical geography of No. A. {In her pil- grimage to Nejd, V. 2.) History. — Clark, E. L. The Arabs and the Turks. Their origin, history, etc. — Crichton, A. History of Arabia. 2 v. — Wright, T. Early Christianity in A. ; hist, essay. 3IisceUaneous. — Deutsch, E. Early Arabic poetry; Arabic poetry in Spain and Sicily. (//? /if/^ Literary rem.). • — Jessup, PI. H. The women of the Arabs. — Lane, E. W. Arabian society in the Middle Ages; studies fi*. the Thousand and one nights; ed. by S. L. Poole. — Stanhope, P. H. Arabicphilosophy in Mediaeval Europe. {In his Misc.) — See also Algeria; — Mohammed;"— Nejd; — Sinai. Also for Arabs in Spain see Moors. Arabia, Desert of. Upton, E. D. Gleanings fr. the desert of A. Arabian days' entertainments ; fr. the German of W. Hauff. Arabian nights. See Alif laila. Also New Arabian nights. Arabs. See Algeria ; — Arabia. Arago, D. F. J. Biographies of scientific men. 2 ser. 170 ; Contents. 1. The history of my youth. — Bailly. — Herschel. — La Place.— Joseph Fourier. 2. "Carnot.—Malus.—Fresnel.— Thomas Young. — James AVatt. — Eulogy on A. Yolta. {In Smithsonian lust. Rept., 1875.) — Eulogy on Ampere. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) — Eulogy on Herschel. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) — Eulogy on La Place. {In Smithsoniau lust. Rept., 1874.) — Eulogy on T. Young. (/// Smithsonian lust. Rept., 1869.) — History of my youth; autobiog. [Ix Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) — Popular lectiires on astronomy ; tr. by W. H. Reely. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his "Caus. liiud., v. 10.) Aragona, T. d'. Trollope, T. A. {Li his Decade of Ital. women, v. 2.) Ararat, Mt. Bryce J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. — Parrot, F. Journey to Ararat; tr. by W. D. Cooley. — West. M. A. The romance of missions; life etc. in A. Araucanians, The ; notes of a tour in So. Chili ; by E. R. Smith. Arbitration. Fletcher, B. Arbitrations : text-book for sm*- veyors, in tabulated form. Arblay, F. B., Mme. d'. Cecilia. — Diary and letters. 2 v. in 3 pts. — Evelina. — Adams, W. H. D. {In his Women of fashion, v. 2.) — Elwood, A. K, {l7i her Mem., v. 2.) — Kavanagh. J. {In her Eng. women.) — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit. hist., and misc. ess., v. 5.) Same.'^ {hi his Crit. and hist, ess.) Arborius, A. M. Ad Nympham nimis cultam. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) Arbousset, T. cmd Daumas, F. Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-east of the Cape of Good Hope ; tr. by J. C. Brown. *I 3281-2: 6494-5 4217-18 10063 4631 20444 15773 1021-2 6195 12376 7313 22531 10844 22000 4944 '52 12994 13103 11626 14377 1162.> 11626 4952 *I 10989- 17522 3381 15384 4039 13615 1279 1092-3 1095 18868 22791 7014 2790 20133 8360 533- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 61 Arbouville, S. d'. Three tales : Christine vau Amberg ; Res- ignation ; The village doctor ; tr. by M. B. Field. — The village doctor. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 3.) Arbuthnott, Mrs. — . The henwife : her experience in her poultry yard. Added, The henwife's later experience. 8th. ed. Arc, Joan of. See Dare. Arcadia. See Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Arch, J. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) Archaeology, Pre-historic. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations. — Berthet, E. The pre-historic world ; tr. by M. J. Safford. — Bryant, W. C. atid Gay, S. H. Sketch of the pre-historic period, and the age of the mound builders. (In their Hist, of the U. S., v. 1.) — Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting ; researches on the evidence of caves resp. the early inhabitants of Europe. — Donnelly, I. Atlantis ; the antediluvian world. Illust. — Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs. — Fergusson, J. Rude stone monuments in all countries ; their age and uses. Illust. — Figuier, L. Primitive man. — Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the U. S. of America. — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. — Hedo^e, F. H. Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. — Jewitt, L. Grave mounds and their contents : manual of A. Illust. — Lubbock, J. Introd. to the studv of pre-historic A. (In his Scientific lect.) Pre-historic times. 2d. Eng. ed. Same. Am. ed. — Norton, C. E. Essays on art and archaeology. — Rau, C. Early manin Europe. — Southall, J. C. The recent origin of man as illust. by geology and the mod. science of A. — Stanhope, P. H. Short essays in archaeology. (In his Misc.) — Stevens, E. T. Flint chips;* guide to pre-historic A., as illust. by the coll. in the Blackmore musuem, Salisbury. — See also Antiquities. Also International Congress of Pre-historic Archaeology ; — Peabody Museum of Amer. Arch»olo.g^' and Ethnology, Reports ; — Smith- sonian Institution, Reports. Also Man. Archbishops. See Canterbury. Archer, E. M. Christina North. — Under the limes. Archer, T. Asmodeus. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 26.) — The terrible sights of London. — Wm. E. Gladstone and his contemporaries. 3 v. — joint author. See Strauss, G. L. M. and others. Archer, T. C. Manufacture of paper. (Brit, manuf. ind.) — Wool, and its applications. (Brit, manuf. ind.) Archer, Wm. English dramatists of to-day. Archery. Thompson, M. The witchery of archery ; manual. Illust. Arches. Allan, W. Theor}^ of arches. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) — Cain, W. Practical theory of Voussoir arches. (Van Xostrand's sci. ser.) Theory of solid and braced elastic arches. Graphical aualvsis. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) — Hyde, E. W. Skew arches. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) — Robertson, F. Tables for arches. Arches, Court of. Phillimore, R. The principal ecclesiastical judgments delivered in the Court of Arches. 1867-1875. 171 19142 15828 13828 7669 18911 15951 13614 21.384 18965 8782 12014 10145 8022 10644 19117 8730 10187 19887 16125 17244 10844 10637 10924 13228 11823 10803 *I 15472 15469 22644 17919 14133 14141 19501 14154 10737 *I 62 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Archibald Blossom ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {In his Coupon bonds, etc.) 11228 Archibald Malmaison ; by J. Hawthorne. 19715 Archibald the cat, and other sea yarns. Illust. by F. S. Church. 18244 Archie Blake ; by E. Eiloart. 730G Ai'chimedes. Whewell, W. Archimedes ; Greek mathematics. {In Blomfield, C. J. and others. Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) G380 Architects. Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, etc. 21.30 — See also Vasari, Lives of the painters, etc. Architecture. Genercd icorks. — AtAvood, D. T. 3Ioclern Amer. homesteads. Ilkist. 15786- — Barry, A. Life and works of C. Barrv. 11313 — Barry, E. M. Lectures on A. ; del. at the Roval Acad. Port, and illust. 21681 — Beckett, E. Book on buildiuj^:, civil and ecci., incl. church restoration; theory of domes and the great pyramid, dimensions of churches, etc. 2nd. ed. ' 19701 — Bicknell, A. J. Detail, cottage, and constructive architecture. 11720- Supplement to Bicknell's village builder. 9932 Wooden and brick buildings with details. 2 v. *I — Bow, R. H. Economics of constr. m rel. to fi-amed structures. *I; 1.3505 — Bowen, J. H. Buildings^ building materials, and methods of building. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. 1867. Rept., v, 4.) 9099 — Burn, R. S. Building construction; employment of brick, stone, and slate in the constr. of buildings. Text and plates. 2 v. 12601-2 Building construction ; emplovment of timber, lead and iron work. Text and plates. 2 v. " 1260.3^ Illustrated architectural engineering and mechanical drawing book. 9124 Ornamental drawing, and architectural design. ' 9123 — Cuniniings, M. F. and Miller, C. C. Architecture; designs for street fi-onts, suburban houses, and cottages. Illust. 6211 — Davidson, E. A. Building construction and architectural drawing. 12609 — Eidlitz, L. Xature and function of art, more espec. of architecture. 21506 — Fowler, O. S. A home for all ; or. The gravel wall and octagon mode of building. 1514 — Gardner, E. C. Homes and how to make them. Illust. 12965 The house that Jill built ; home architecture. Illust. 22380 — Grammar of house planning. Illust. 6460 — Haskoll, W. D. and others. Architect's guide ; with exper. bv G. Rennie. . ' 8147 — Hattield, R. G. The American house carpenter. STh. ed. 20704 — Hobbs. I. H. and son. Hobbs's architecture; designs and ground plans. Illust. ^ 20274 — Horton, C. AY. Architecture for gen. students. 13239 — Jarves, J. J. Art hints. Architecture, sculpture, and painting. *I — Kerr, R. The gentleman's house ; or, How to plan Eng. residences. 3d. ed. Plans. 10724 — Lef^vre, A. Wonders of architecture ; tr. by R. Donald. Added, Chap- ter on Eng. architecture, by D. (111. lib. of wonders.) 7885 — Marcotte, C. Building safe-guide. 19412 — Mitchell, T. Rudimentary manual of architecture. 10S98 — Morris, W. The prospects of A. in civilization. {In his Hopes and fears.) 21343 — Moseley, H. Mechanical principles of engineering and A., with add. bv D. H. Mahan. 2147 — Parker, J. H. Concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic A. New ed. 7227 ^ — Peabodv, R. S. Note book sketches. *I — Richarclson, C. J. The Englishman's house ; pract. auide. 2d. ed. 10025 — Rogers, F. Architects' text book. 11088 — Rosengarten, A. Hand book of architectural stvles : tr. bv W. Collett- Sanders. ' * 15678 — Ruskin, J. Lectures on architecture and painting. 3720 Seven lamps of architecture. 3737 Stones of Venice. 3 v. 3733-5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 63 — Scott, G. G. and others. Examples. of mod. A., ecclesiastical and domestic: 64 views. ' *I — Sloan, S. Sloan's homestead architecture. Illust. 3d. ed. 20285 — Smith, T. R. and Slater, J. Architecture, classic and earlv christian. (Illust. hd. books of art hist.) * 22708 — South Kensington Museum. Committee of Council on Education. Xotes on building construction. 3 v. 14259-61 — Spencer, H. The sources of architectural tvpes. (In his Illust., etc.) 5623 — Tarn, E. W. The science of building. * 11053 — Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Discourses on A. ; tr. with introd. essay by H. Van Brunt. *I On restoration. *I The story of a house. *I — Vogdes, F. W. The architect's and builder's pocket companion and price book. 14185 — Waring, J. B. (In his Record of my artistic life.) 12111 — Wheeler, G. Homes for the people: the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, 4727 .— Wonders of science and art. ' 4330 — Woodward. G. E. Woodward's national architect. 17641 and Thompson, E. G. Woodward's National architect. 8985 History. — Bullock, J. History and rudiments of architecture. 579 — Ferguson, J. History of architecture in all countries. 2d. ed. 4 v. 12260-3 — Mitchell, T. Steppiiig-stone to A. ; questions and answers expl. the principles and progress of A. 13685 — Tuthill, L. C. History of architecture, its present cond. in Eurojie and the U. S. : with biog. of architects, and glossary of terms. 4543 — Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Habitations of man in all a^^es; tr. bv B. Bucknall. Illust. and map. ' *I PeriodicaZs. — The Year's Art; epitome of all matters rel. to architecture, etc. 1880-2. *I Architecture, Naval. *SW Ship building. Architecture, Rural. Atwood, D. T. Country and suburban houses. 9760 — Baker, Z. Cottage builder's manual. 315 — Barn plans and outbuildings. Illust. 21169 — Bicknell, A. J. Bicknell's vilhige builder. 9931 — Birch, J. Examples of laborers' cottsiges. 19778 — Bullock, J. American cott;ige builder ; designs, plans, and specifications ; with warming, ventilation, etc. Illust. 7052 — Cleveland, H. W. S. Landscape architecture as applied to the wants of the West. 12527 — Downing, A. J. Cottage residences. '..I 'rj/-iT< 1258 Rural architecture. {In his Treat, on landscape ^rdening.) 1261 — Emerson, G. B. Houses in the countrv for workmg men. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) "^ " 15733 — Harney, G. E. Stables, out-buildings, and fences. *I — Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and country, adapt, to Amer. wants and climate ; with treat, on furniture anil decorations. De- signs. *I — Hussey, E. C. National cottage architecture. 12473 — Lakey, C. D. Village and countiy houses. *I — Reed, S. B. House-plans for evervbodv; for village and countrv resi- dences, etc. Illust. » - - . 17976 — Ruskin, J. The poetry of architecture: cottjige, villa, e^c. Illust. 11593 — Vaux, C. Villas and cottages; ser. of designs. Illust. 4590 Same ; new ed. 10547 — Wlieeler, G. Homes for the people : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage. 4727 — AVoodward, G. E. and F. W. Woodward's country homes. 6005 — Woollett, W. M. Old homes made new ; plans and views illust. the alteration and remodelling of suburban residences. With expl. text. *I Villas and cottages ; or. Homes for all ; plans, elevations, etc. 16086 — See also Dwelling houses ;— Ecclesiastical architecture ;— Gothic archi- tecture ;— Homes ;— Ornament ;— School-houses ;— Steeples ;— Towers. Also Carpentery ;— Drawing ;— Engineering ; — Iron work ; — Shoring ; — Strength of materials ;— Underpinning. Also Europe ;— Italy. Architecture of birds. . 414 64 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Archy Moore, the white slave; by R. Hildreth. 1905 Note. First pub. as The Slave. Arctic Crusoe ; by P. B. St. John. 18170 Arctic regions. Babinet, J. The Northern seas. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 — Back, G. Arctic land expedition. {In Taylor, B. Cvcl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Barrow, J. Voyages of discovery and research within the A. regions. 21156 — Beechy, F. W. * Voyage of disc, towards the North Pole, 1818. 4971 — Blake, E. V. Arctic experiences; cout. G. E. Tyson's drift on the ice- floe, a hist, of the Polaris exped., etc. Added, A gen. arctic cliro- nology. 12941 — C, S. T. The little Fox ; or, Story of Capt. McClintock's A. expedition. 7369 — Danenhower, J. W. Narrative of the " Jeannette." Illust. 22021 — Franklin, J. Overland journey to the Polar Sea. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) * * 4356 — Gilder, W. H. Schwatka's search : sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin records. Maps and illust. ' 21016 — Hall, C. F. Arctic researches, 1860-62. Maps and illust. 5848 — Harting, G. The polar world ; pop. descr. of man and nature in the A. and Antarctic regions ; with add. chapters, and illust. 8105 — Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey, 1854. 1809 Cast away in the cold ; [story]'. 7527 The land of desolation. 9977 The open polar sea : narr. of a vovage of disc, towards the North Pole. 6595 — Hendrick, H. Memoirs. 1853-1876;* fr. the Eskimo language bv H. Rink. 18443 — Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations, 1853-55. 2 v. ' 2416-17 Grinnell expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin. 2418 — Kennedy, A. W. M. C. To the A. regions and back : summer tour to Lapland and Norway. 18626 — Holdewey, K. German A. expedition of 1869-70, and narr. of the wreck of the " Hansa " in the ice. 13509 — Lamont. J. Yachting in the A. seas ; sport and disc, in the neighborhood of Spitzbergen and Novava Zemlva. 15713 — Leslie, A. The arctic vovages of A.' E. Nordenskiold, 1858-1879. 19265 — Markham, A. H. Northward ho I 19121 A polar reconnaissance ; vovage of the " Isbjorn " to Novava Zemblya, 1879. Maps and illust. ' ' *I — Markham, C. R. Threshold of the unknown region. 12203 — Mason, J. Ice-world adventures; or. Voyages and travels in the A. regions; fi*. the disc, of Iceland to 1875. " 15857 — Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe : with hist, review of previous joumevs ; tr. bv A. Leslie. Port, maps., and illust. 2v. ' ' 21567-8 — Osborne, S. Strav leaves fr. an Arctic journal; search of Franklin, 1850-51. ' 3301 — Paver, J. New lands within the A. circle : narrative of the disc, of the 'Austrian ship " TegetthoftV 1872-1874. Maps and illust. 17027 — Proctor, R. A. Towards the North Pole. {In his Pleasant ways.) 18336 — Rae, E. Land of the north wind, or, Travels among the Laplanders, and the Samogedes. 13882 — Recent polar voyages ; adventure and disc. ; fr. the search after Franklin to 1875-6. 17155 — Richardson, J. Arctic searching expedition ; search of Franklin. 3650 — Simmonds, P. L. Sir J. Franklin and the A. regions ; with not. of ex- peditions in search of F. 3989 Same; Added, Acct. of the Amer. exped. under the patronage of H. Grinnell. 13192 — Smucker, S. M. Arctic explorations and discoveries dur. the 19th cent. 5533 — Tytler, P. F. and Wilson, J. Historical view of the progress of disc, on the more northern coasts of America, with sketches of nat. hist. 4819 — U. S. Navy Dept. Narrative of the North polar expedition: U. S. ship Polaris; ed. by C.H. Davis. ' *I — Whymper, F. Heroes of the Arctic and theii- adventures. 14350 — See^also Greenland ;— Hudson's bay territory :— Lapland. Also Polaris ; —Franklin, J. Arctic sunbeams; by S. S. Cox. 21610 Ardennes. Macquoid. K. S. In the A. ; illust. by T. R. Macquoid. 21165 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 65 Arene, P. A. Un drame a Cernay ; fantaisie. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 — Le marchand de marrons du coin de la place Saint-Placide. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 — Mon ami Naz. (In SaynHes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Aretino, P. Symonds, J. A. {Li his Renaissance in Italy, v. 5.) 1 7322 Argenson, R. L. de V. marquis d\ Memoires. (JnBarriere. Bib des mem., v. 1.) 14521 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 1 ; Cans, lund., v. 12, 14.) *I Argent des autres, L' ; par E. Gaboriau. 2 v. 14616-17 Argentine Republic. Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the A. Repub- lic in the days of the tyrants ; or, Civilization and barbar- ism ; fr. the Spanish, by Mrs. Maun. 7501 — Wilson, A. J. The river Platte, Chili, and Peru. (In his Resources of mod. count., V. 2.) • 17822 Argles, M. {pseud. The Duchess.) Faith and unfaith. 21315 — Molly Bawn. • 17925 — Mrs. Geoffrey. 22452 — Phvllis. ' 17056 — Portia. 22451 Argonauts, Tales of the ; and other sketches ; by Bret Harte. 14110 Argyle, A. Olive Lacy ; a tale of the Irish rebellion, 1798. 12753 Argyll. See Campbell. Argyll family. Chambers, W. (Jn ^is Stories of old families.) 18362 Ariadne; by H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 17835 Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso ; tr. by W. S. Rose. 2 v. 172-3 — Paladin and Saracen ; stories f r. A. by H. (I. H. Calthrop. 22782 — Tales fr. Ariosto retold for diildren ; by a ladv. lUust. 19391 — Hunt, J. H. L. Critical not. of life, etc. (tn his Stories fr. the Ital. poets.) 2105 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 4-5.) 17321-2 Aristides. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc) 1591 — Yonge, C. M. (In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Aristology, or the art of dining ; by T. Walker. * 20688 Aristophanes. Collins, W. L. Aristophanes. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 11175 — Frere, J. H. Translations fr. A. (In his Works, v. 2.) 11654 — Saint Victor, P. de. (In his Les deux masques, v. 2.) 14719 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Stud, of Greek poets, ser. 4.) 13730 Aristophanes' apology ; by R. Browning. 13742 Aristoteles. Blackie, J. S. (/?/. /ii.s Four phases of morals.) 12247 — Blakeslev, J. W. Aristotle. (In Blomfield and others. Hist, of Greek andilom. philos.) ' 6380 — Bradley, A. C. Aristotle's conception of the State. (In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Grant, A. Aristotle. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 17249 — Grote, G. Aristotle. 2 v. 10832-3 Ethics of A. ; Politics of A. (In ^^'s Fragments', etc.) 15625 — Harris, W. T. Aristotle's '' De Anima." (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Huxley, T. H. On certain errors resp. the structure of the heart attrib- uted to A. (In his Sci. and culture.) 21538 — Newman, J. H. Poetry with ref. to Aristotle's poetics. (In his Essays, crit. and hist., y. 1.)* 10126 — Wallace, E. Outlines of the philosophy of A. 2d. ed. 20595 Arithmetic. Atkins, E. (/« /iis Pure mathematics.) 12598 — Burritt, E. H. Logarithmic arithmetic. 6.39 — Nystrom, J. W. Duodenal arithmetic. (In his Xew trea. on mechanics.) 13443 — Sergeant, L. Elementary mathematics; embr. arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12628 Q6 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Wentworth, G. A. tmd Hill, T. A practical arithmetic. 21911 Arizona. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. Illust. 7588 — Cozzeus, S. W. The marvellous country; or. Three vears in A., etc. 16657 — Hod^e, H. C. Arizona as it is ; notes of travel, 1874-76. 17130 — Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora : geography, hist., and resources. 6095 — Pumpellv, R. Residence in A. (In his Across America.) 8031 — Rideing, W. H. (In his A-saddle in the wild west.) 18821 — See also West, The. Arkansas. Nordhoft", C. Arkansas in 1875. {In his Cotton states.) 15398 Arkwright, R. The triumphs of steam ; or. Stories fr. the lives of Watt, A., and Stephenson. 13303 — Balfour, C. L. (In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Coleridge, H. (In his Lives of northern worthies, v. 2.) *I — Cooper, T. (In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Howe, is. (In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Arkwright's wife ; drama*; by T. Taylor. {In his Historical dramas.) 1738& Arlincourt, V., viscomte d'. Sainte Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 1.) *I Arlot, — . Complete guide for coach painters. 9764' Armada. Hayward, A. The second armada. {In his Biog. and crit. ess , ser. 3.) 12266- — See also Spanish Armada. Armadale ; by Wilkie Collins. 6358 Armand, play; by A. C. Mowatt. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 27.) • 1182a Armeugaud, C, joint author. See Armengaud, J. E. Armengaud, J. E. and C, and Amouroux, J. The practical draughtsman's book of industrial designs. See Johnson, W. • Armenia. Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the campaign of 1877. Maps and plans. 17739* — Morier, J. Journey through Persia, Armenia, etc., 1808-9. 3154 — Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour thr. Armenia, etc. 2 v. 4086-T Armenian Church. Fortescue, E. F. K. The Armenian church ; sketch of [its] history, etc. 16825^ Ar misted, W. Tribute for the negro ; a vindication, illust. by biog. sketches, etc. Portr. and engr. 174 Armitage, E. S. The childhood of the Eng. nation, or, The beginnings of Eng. history. 17301 Armitage, R. Dr. Johnson ; his religious life and his death. 2372" Armitage, T. The Sabbath of the Old Testament ; its grounds and method of influence. (/>i Sabbath ess.) 19808 Armor. See Arms. Armory. See United States Armory. Armour, J. Iron and heat. 9129 — Power in motion. 10634 Arms and Armour. Demmin, A. Weapons of war ; hist, of arms and armour. *I — Jewitt, L. (7?i A «.s Half-hours among Eng. Antiq.) 1682^ — Lacombe, P. Arms and armour in antiquity and the Middle Ages ; als(t. Descriptive not. of mod. weapons ; tr.' with pref . and add. enap- ter, bv C. Boutell. 8518 Armsby, H. P. Manual of cattle-feeding. Illust. and tables. 21277 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 67 Armstroug, A. C. and Sod. Pubs. Primer of United States history. Maps. 2086^ Armstrong, G. F. A garland fr. Greece ; [poems]. 22098 Armstrong, J. Life of A. Wayne. {In Sparks, J., Lib. of Amer. Biog., v. 4.) 4113 — Same. {In Lives of em. Individ., v. 3.) 2710 — Life of R. Montgromery. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. Biog., v. 1.) 4110 — Same. (In Lives of em. individ., v. 3.) 2710 Armstrong, J. W. Additions. {In Baile, J. Wonders of electricity.) 10095 — Science in common schools. (In Xat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc. 1874.) 16720 Armstrong, Mrs. M. F. and Ludlow, H. W. Hampton and its students. With cabin and plantation songs, arr. byT. P. Fenner. 12319 Armstrong, R. Chimneys for furnaces, fire-places, and steam boilers. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14134 — Construction and manai'ement of steam boilers; apur. bv R. Mallett. 7tb. ed. " 14187 — Observations on the constr. of steam-boilers, rem. upon furnaces used for smoke prevention, and on explosions. ( With Campin, F. Pract. treat., e^c) 6516 Army life, .Journal of ; by R. Glisan. * 13432 Army of the Cumberland. See Cumberland, The, Army of. Army sacrifices ; by J. B. Fry. 18594 Araauld, Agn^s. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Csius. du luud., V. 14.) *I Araauld, Angelique. Martin, F. Angelique Arnauld ; abbess of Port Royal. 16841 Arnault, V. A. and Pauckoucke, C. L. F. Life and campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte ; fr. the French. New ed. Illust. 5140- — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, du lund., v. 7.) *I Arndt, E. M. Life and adventures of A. ; fr. the German ; with pref. by J. R. Seeley. 18574 Arne ; by B. Bjornson ; tr. by A. Plessner and S. R. Powers. 6498 Arnim, Mme. E., called Bettine (Brentano) von, and Gwen- derode, K. von. Correspondence 1016 Arnim, H. K. E. Count von. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead. 13830 Arnim, L. A. von. Der foUe Invalide auf dem Fort. Raton- neau. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16147 Arno. Ritchie, A. C. O. M. Overflow of Arno. {In her Italmn life.) 9027 Arnold, B. Arnold I. N. Life of A. ; his patriotism and treason. 19405 — Headley, J. T. (In his Washington, etc, v. 1.) 1828 — Lippard, G. In his Leirends of the Amer. revolution.) 16984 — Sparks, J. (In his Lib. of Amer. Biog., v. 3.) 4112. Arnold, E. Indian poetry. 21929 Contents. The Indian song of son^s. — Misc. oriental poems.— Two books fr. the '• Iliad of India.''— The night of slaughter. — The morning prayer.— Proverbial wisdom fr. the Shlokas of the Hitopadesa. — The light of Asia ; or, The great renunciation ; life and teachings of Gautama. 18906^ — Pearls of the faith; or, Islam's rosary; beautiful names of Allah, with comments in verse. ' 22365- — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. Poets.) 6158 68 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY — The poets of Greece. 11353 — Preface. (In Robinson. P. Under the sun.) 21865 — Hazeltine, M. W. Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia, (/n /? is Chats.) 22863 Arnold, E. L. Od the Indian hills ; or, Coffee-planting in Southern India. 2 v. 21473-4 Arnold, F. Burglaries, past and present. (In Christmas story-teller . ) 17662 — Turning points in life. 11501 Arnold, G. Drift, and other poems. 2 v. 8457-8 Arnold, G. M. B. Gainsborough; [Constable]. (lUust. biog. of gt. artists.) 20261 Arnold. H. P. Biography of C. J. Russel. (Li Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 — European mosaic. 5682 — Gleanings ft*. Pontresina and the Upper Engadine. 19695 — The great exhibition ; with continental sketches, pract. and humorous. 7243 Arnold, I. N. Life of Benedict Arnold : his patriotism and his treason. 19405 Arnold, M. Culture and anarchy ; essay in polit. and soc. criticism. 12890 — Essays in criticism. 59T1 Contents. Function of criticism at the present time. — Literary influ- ence of academies. — Maurice de Guerin. — Eugenie de Gu6rin. — H. Heine. — Pagan and mediaeval religious sentiment.— Joubert. — Spinoza. — Marcus Aurelius.— On translatiug Homer.— A French Eton. — A French Eton ; or. Middle class education and the state. 8960 — Friendship's garland; conversation, letters, etc., of Arminius, Baron Yon Thunder-Ter-Tronckh. 13043 — God and the bible; rev. of objections to '• Literature and dogma." 15.322 Contents. The God of miracles ; — of metaphysics ; — of experience.— The Bible canon.- Fourth gospel fr. without,— fr. within. — Higher schools and universities in Germany. 12715 — Irish essays ; and others. ' 21494 Contents. The incompatibles. — An unregarded Irish grievance. — Ecce, convertimur ad gentes. — The future of liberalism. — Speech at Eton. — The Frendi play in London.— Copyi'ight.— Preface to poems. — Isaiah XL-LXYI, Avith the' shorter prophecies allied to it; ed., with notes. 18249 — Last essays on church and religion. 16907 Contents. A psychological parallel.- Bishop Butler and the Zeit- Geist.— The church of England.— A last w'ord on the burial bill. — Life and genius of M. de Guerin. {In Trebutien, G. S. Jour, of de Guerin.) 14150 — Literature and dogma ; essay. 11498 — Mixed essays. 18465 Contents'. Democracy.— Equality.— Irish Catholicism and British liber- alism. — " Porro unum est necessariiim."— A guide to English literature.— Falkland.— A French critic on Milton.- A French critic on Goethe.— George Sand. — New poems. 6944 — Poems. 2 v. 280-1 — Poems ; Compl. ed. 18056 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Passages fr. the prose writings of A. 19833 — The popular education of France; with not. of that of Holland and Switzerland. ^ 176 — St. Paul and protestanism ; with an essav on Puritanism and the Church of England. 2d. ed. * 12556 — Six chief lives fr. Johnson's " Lives of the poets,'" with Macaulav's " Life of Johnson." ' 18101 Contents. Preface.— Life of Johnson.— Milton.— Dryden. — Swift.— Addison .—Pope .—Grav . — Nadal, E. S. Mr. M. Arnold. {In his Essavs.) 21897 — Stedraan, E. C. {In his Vict, poets.) ' 14121 — Swinburne, A. C. Arnold's new poems. {In his Ess. and stud.) 14246 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 6^ Arnold, R. A, From the Levant, the Black sea, and the Danube. 2 v. 10806-7 Arnold, 8. J. My Aunt. {In French's miu. dram., v. 38.) 7990 Arnold, S. G. History of Rhode Island. 2 v. 177-8 — Life of Patrick Henry. 179 Arnold, 8. J. Plays. See French's minor drama. Arnold, Thomas, D.D. Credibility of early Roman history. {In Pococke, E. Hist, of Roman Repub.) 182 — History of Rome. 3 v. in 1. 2522 — History of the later Eoman commonwealth, to the death of Caesar ; and of the reign of Augustus ; with a Life of Trajan. 180 — History of the Roman empire. See Pococke, E. — HistorV of the Roman republic. See Pococke, E. — Life of Hannibal. 185 — Moztev, J. B. (In his Essays, hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306- — Stanley, A. P. Death of A.' {In his Scripture portr.) 8955 Life and correspondence of A. 181 Arnold, Thomas, M.A. Chaucer to Wordsworth; short hist.- of Eng. lit. 6017 — English literature, .^90-18;^2. (Appleton's haud.-vol. ser.) 18057 — English poetiy and prose : illust. passages fr. the writings of Eng. authors; with notes and indexes. 21679 — Lectures on modern history. 9828 — Manual of English literature, hist, and crit. ; with app. on Eng. metres. 4:th. ed. rev. .17658 Arnold, T. J. Auacreon in English, attempt in the metres of the original. *I Arnold, W. The life and death of the Sublime Society of Beefsteaks. 10632. Arnold, VV. T. The Roman system of provincial administra- tion to the accession of Constantine the Great. (Arnold prize ess.. 1879.) 19090 Arnold and Andre ; hist, drama ; by G. H. Calvert. 15775 Arnot, W. Fleming, Mrs. A. Autobiography of A., and memoir. 17185 Arnott, N. Elements of physics : 7th ed., ed. by A. Bain and A. 8. Taylor. " 16643 — Keith, M. S. " Questions and notes in phvsics; covering parts I. and II. of A.'s Elements. ■ ' 18719 Arnould, J. Memoir of Thomas, 1st Lord Denman. 2 v. 12557-8 Arnould, S. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (/« /?w Great singers.) 20364 Armoux, L. Pottery. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15471 Around a spring; by G. Droz. 9704 Around the world in eighty days ; by J. Verne. 12173 Around the Yule log ; by R. Markham. Illust. 20065 AiT, E. H. pseud. See Rollins, E. H. Arrabiata, L', and other tales ; by P. Heyse. 11032 Arrah Neil ; by G. P. R. James. ' 12433 Arrom, C. B. de F. {pseud. F. Cabellero.) Elia ; or, Spain fifty years ago ; and Consolation in death. 73.i8 — La gaviota; tr. by J. L. Starr. oiWi — Spanish fairv tales ; tr. bv J. H. Ingram. 20978 — Edwards, M'. B. {In her Six life studies.) 11)835 Arrowsmith, J. The paper-hanger's companion. 187 Arsene Guillot ; par P. Merimee. (/n /i/s Nouvelles.) 9520 Arsenic. See Poisons. 70 FKEK PUBLIC LIBRATiY. Art. See Art education ; — Arts, Fine. Art: a dramatic tale ; by C. Reade. {In his T.rue love.) 8743 Art and artifice, drama ; by J. Brougham. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 28.) 11824 Art and life ; lect. ; by J. G. Holland. {In Jus Plain talks.) 6015 Art at home series. Namely: Garrett, R. a^id A. House decoration in painting, woodwork and furniture. 16887 Glaister, E. Needlework. 19534 Lang, A. The library. 20709 Leland, C. G. The minor arts. 19884 Lottie, 3Irs. The dining-room. . 17675 Loftie, W. J. Plea for art in the house. 16888 Oliphant, 31. O. W. Dress. 18408 Pollock, W. H. and Lady. Amateur theatricals. 19790 Art education. Antefix papers. Papers read at the meetings • of the Mass. Art Teachers' Assoc. 14186 — Langl, J. Modern art education : part of the Austrian off. rept. on the Vienna World's Fair, 1873 : tr. by S. R. Koehler. 14041 — Moody, F. W. Lectures and lessons on art. *I — Nichols, G. W. Art education applied to industry. *I — Perkins, C. C. Art education in America; art sctools. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. Journ., 1871.) 15733 — Smith, W. Art education, scholastic and industrial. *I — See also Arts, Fine;— Arts, Useful. Art hints ; Architecture, sculpture, and painting; by J. J. Jarves. *I Art in ornament and dress ; by C. Blanc. Fr. the French. 16620 Art methods. Conversations on ; by T. Couture. 18669 Art of conversation, with direct, for self-education. 5681 Art of tea blending ; handbook for the tea trade. 22231 Artemus Ward, pseud. See Browne, C. F. Arte veld, P. Van. Hutton, J. James and Philip Van Arte veld ; episodes in the hist, of the 14th cent. 22528 Artful dodger ; by E. L. Blanchard. {In French's Min. dram., V. 31).) 7990 Arthur, King; Janfry the Knight, and the fair Brunissende ; tale of the times of A. ; fr. the Fr. of M. Lafon, by A. Elwes. Illust. 2531 — Lanier, S. The boy's King Arthur; Mallory's Hist, of A. and his Knights. Illust. ' ' 19934 — Mallory, T. Morte Darthur; orig. ed. of Caxton; rev,, with introd. by E. Strachey. 7455 — Preston, H. M'. The Arthuriad, {In her Troubadours, etc.) 16687 — See also Hergest, Red book of. Arthur, T. S. Advice to young men. 220 — Cedardale, or, The peacemakers. 208 — Debtor and creditor. 197 — The debtor's daughter. 11864 — The good time coming. 4942 — Hayen't time, and Don't be in a hurry : and other stories. 199 — Home heroes, saints, and martyrs. 11855 — Idle hands. ' 9818 — The iron rule. 11866 — The last penny, and other stories. 205 — Lessons in life. " 190 — Light on shadowed paths. . 203 — Lights and shadows of real life. 223 — Lizzy Glenn. 210 — The lost bride. 11863 — The lost children ; and other stories, 2523 — Loye in a cottage. 11924 — Loye in high lite. 11861 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 71 — Lucv Sanford. 11|69 — Making haste to be rich. '^1- — The martyr wife : and other stories. ^^» — Nothing but money. 22o — OflF-hand sketches. 195 — The old man's bride. ^^■' — Orange blossoms. ^^'^ — Our little Harry ; and other stories. 198 — Our neighbors "in the corner house. 6638 — Out in the world. 221 — Pierre, the organ boy; and other stories. 118o4 — The poor woodcutter ; and other stories. 20 < — Retiring from business. 213 — Riches have wings. ^11 — Rising in the world. ^ 222 — Seed time and harvest. 188 — Six nights with the Washingtonians ; and other temperance tales. 22 < — Steps towards Heaven. " 216 — Stories for parents. , 192 — Stories for young housekeepers. 194 — Ten nights in a bar room. 224 — The three eras of a woman's life. 229 — The tried and the tempted. 193 ^ The two merchants. 11^9 — The two wives. 189 — Uncle Ben's Xew Year's gift; and other s"tories. 202 — Ways of Providence. 217 — "VVliat came afterwards. 6234 — Who are happiest?; and other stories. 204 — Who is greatest''; and other stories. 206 — Woman's trials. 196 — Words for the wise. 219 — Young lady at home. 228 — and Carpenter, W. H. ed. Lipi)incott's Cabinet histories : Connecticut. 234 Georgia. 240 Illinois. 239 Kentucky. 231 Massachusetts. 230 !N^ew Jersey. 237 New York.' 233 Ohio. 232 Pennsylvania. 238 Tennessee. 241 Vermont. 235 Virginia. 236 Arthur, W. Italy in traDsitiou. 243 — The successful merchant ; life of S. Budgett. 475 Arthur ; by E. Sue. 12439 Arthur Aruudel ; by [H. Smith.] 12403 Arthur Blane ; by J. Graut. 10774 Arthur Bonnicastle ; by J. G. Holland. 11898 Arthur O'Leary ; his wanderings and ponderings ; by C. Lever. 13209 Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of ; by C. Lever. 2621 Note. Diflfers fr. above. Article II, L' ; monologue par Mile. Delaporte. (Theatre de comp., ser. 8.) 14692 Article 47 ; by A. Belot. 11963 Articles, Thirty-nine. See Church of England. Artillery. See Munitions of war. Artillery tactics, U. 8. Army ; assimilated to the tactics of In- fantry and Cavalry. 16139 Ai'tiugale Castle ; by T. A. TroUope. 3 v. 10983-5 Artisan. Byrne, O. Handbook for the artisan, efc. lUust. 6517 — Wiseman, X. Lecture on the identification of the artisan and the artist. (In Smithsonian lust. Kept., 1870.) 11626 72 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Artist-biographies. See Sweetser, M. F. Artist -life; or, Sketches of American painters; by H. T. Tuckerman. 4522 Artist, The, of Tanagra ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer- work.) lOOlO- Artist wife, The ; and other stories ; by M. Howitt. 5757 Artiste; by M. M. Grant. 11550 Artiste, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 8.) *I Artistic amusement : instructions for art work for home employment, etc. lllust. 19482 Artists. Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in Europe. With illust. *I — The jjrinces of art ; painters, sculptors, and engravers ; fr. tlie French, by S. R. Urbino. 8786 — Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects ; tr. with notes, etc., by Mrs. J. Foster. 5 v. 20393-T — See also Illust. Biog. of the Great Artists ;— Sweetser, M. F. Artist- biographies. Also Woman. Artists anil Arabs ; by H. Blackburn. 8845 Artman, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. 1737 Artois, H. C. F. M. D., L'. Dkc de Bordeaux. King, E. (In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Arts, Fine General works. — Barnard G. Lectures on art. (/« /h's Drawing from nature.) *! — Bcujaniin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in Euroite. Illust. *I What is art ; or. Art theories and methods stated. 17250 — Chambers, W. Historical and miscellaneous questions with answers. 20925 — Dwight, M. A. Introduction to the study of art. 1304 — Eastlake, C. L. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts. *I *S'«7ne ; 2d. ser. 10735 — Eidlitz, L, The nature and function of art. 21506 — Gautier. T. Tableaux a la plume. 1464T — Hamerton, P. G. Thoughts about art. • 9631 — Hazlitt, W. Essavs on the fine arts. 11741 — Hulme, F. E., Glaisher, J„ Mackie, S. J., Hunt, R. Art studies fr. nature. *I — Hunt, W. M. Talks on art. 135S6 Same; 2d. ser. compl. by H. M. Knowlton. 22470 — James, H. The principle of universalitv in art. {In his Lect. etc.) 2321 — Jameson, A. Sketches of art. etc. ^ 2329 — Jarves, J. J. Art hints; architecture, sculpture, and painting. *I; 2333 The art-idea : Confessions of an inquirer, pt. 2. 5679 Art thoughts ; exp. and obs. of an American amateur in Europe. 8101 — Johnson, E. W. The studio arts. 18083 — Leslie, F. Fine arts. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. j 1867. Kept., V. i.) 9096 — Long, S. P. Art : its laws and the reasons for them. 9226 — Moody, F. W. Lectures and lessons on art ; introd. to a pract. and com- prehensive scheme. With diagrams to illustrate compositions, etc. *I — Mueller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains; new ed. Avith add.; tr. by J. Leitch. *I — Nieriker, M. A. Studying art abroad, and how to do it cheaply. 19037 — Norton, C. E. Essays' on art and archteology. 1988T — Paget, J. Elements'of drawing; Day at Antwerp : Rubens and Ruskin; George Cruikshank ; John Leech.' (I>i /^i^- Paradoxes, etc.) 12732 — Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. 65.31 — Ruskin, J. Political economy of art. 3761 Works of art; by Kata Phiisin. ( With his Poetry of architecture.) 11593 — Samson, G. W. Elements of art criticism. ' 6557 — Scott. W. B. Half-hour lect. on the hist, and prac. of the fine and orna- mental arts. 13522 — Seele\, J. R. Elementarv principles in art. {In his ^om. imperialism, etc.) " 10499 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 73 — South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks. *I — Taine, H. A. The ideal in art; tr. by J. Durand. 8443 Lectures on art; tr. hj J. Durand. 2d. ser. 21444 The philosophy of art. 11352 — Torrey, J. A theory of fine art. 13094 — Tyrwiiitt, R. St. J. Greek and Gothic ; progress and decay in the three arts of architecture, sculpture, and painting. 20594 — Vignv, A. de. Reflexions sur la verite dans Part. (In Ms Cinq Mars.) 14714 — Wyatt, M. D. Fine art ; its hist., theory, and appl. to industry. 10892 Galleries. — Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of painting; app. on The principal galleries of Europe. Illust. 16124 History. — D'Anvers, N. Elementary hist, of art. *I — De Forest, J. B. A short history of art. Illust. *I — Luebke, W. Outlines of the hist, of art; new trans, fi'. 7th. German ed. ; ed. by C. Cook. Illust. *I — Reber, F. yoii. History of ancient art ; tr. and aug. by J. T. Clarke. Illust. and glossary. 22600 Periodicals. — The year's art ; comp. by M. B. Huish and D. C. Thompson, 1880-3. *I — See also Art education ; — Arts useful ; — Caricature ; — Clu'istian art ; — Dec- oration ; — Etching ; — Household art ; — Imitatiye art ; — Modeling ; — Painting ; — Pictures. Also Artists ; — Portraits ; — Sculpture. Also XyX at home sjpr. ; — Putnam's art handbooks, Christiana; — Copen- hagen ; — Europe ; — Greece ; — Italy ; — Japan ; — Moscow ; — Nether- lands ;— Russia ; — St. Petersburg ;— Stockliolm ;— United States. Arts, Useful. Dictionaries, — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. Illust., fr. 2d. Loud. ed. * 4912 Recent improyements in arts, etc.: supp. to his dictionary. Illust. 6603 History. — Maskell, W. Industrial arts. Historical sketches, with illust. 16636 Miscellaneous loorks. — Barnard, F. A. P. Report on machinery and processes of the industrial arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. (Paris Univ. Expos., 1867.) 8154 Same {In U. S. Comm. to Paris J5^r/>.. Rept., v. 3.) 9098 — Bigelow, J. The useful arts in connexion with the appl. of science; engr, 2y. 14367-8. ^ Burty, P. Chefs-d'oeuyre of the industrial arts; pottery and porcelain, glass, enamel, metal, goldsmiths' work, jewelry, and t"apestry. Illust. ; ed. by W. Chafters. — Busy hiyes around us; trips and visits to the mine, the workshop, and the factory. — Day, L. F. Every-day art; essays on the arts not fine. Illust. — Fine arts appl. to "the useful arts.' {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, y. 1.) 9096 — Leland, C. G. Industrial art in schools. 22514 — Mason, C. G. Application of art to manufactures. Illust. 2957 — Morris, W. Hopes and fears for art ; [lectl . 21343 The lesser arts of life. {In Poole, R. S. Lect.) 22821 — Nichols, G. W. Art education applied to industi-y. Illust. *I — Novelties, inventions, and curiosities in arts and manufactures. 3271 — Potter, A. The principles of science appl. to the domestic and mechanic arts, and to manufactures and agriculture. 3519 — Samson, G. W. Elements of art criticism. 6557 — Smith, W. Industrial art education consid. economically. {In Penn. Mus. and Sch. of Indust. Art. Proc, 1877.) 16956 — South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks. *I — Timbs, J. Stories of inventors and discoverers in science and the useful arts. Illust. 6258 — Whewell, W. General bearing of the Great Exhibition on. the progress of art and science. {In Soc. for Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 6 74 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — ^8ee also Handbooks of Practical art. Also Art education. Periodicals. — Amateur work, illust., V. 1. *I — Year-book of facts iu science and tlie arts, 1870-18TT. 9191-9 Arundell, T. Historical reminisceuces of London and its livery companies. 22515 Arundel motto, The ; by M. C. Hay. 16728 Arundel Society. Ancient and mediaeval carved ivories. Photos, of examples of carved ivories in the So. Kensing- ton mus. ^ *I Arundines cami sive musarum Cantabrigiensium lusus canori ; ed. by H. Drury. 8705 Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes. 244 Aryans. Cox, &. W. Mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 v. 5833-4 and Jones, E. H. Tales of the Teutonic lauds. ' < 11466 — Hearn, W. E. The Aryan household, its structure and its development ; introd. to comp. Jurisprudence. 18534 — Kearv, C. F. Outlines of primitive bel. amon^ the Indo-European races. 21625 — Pezzi, D. Aryan philology : remarks hist, and crit. 19126 As it may happen ; by Trebor. 18242 As it should be ; by " Alex." • 12645 As long as she lived ; by F. W. Robinson. 16920 As you like it. See Shakespeare, W. • As you like it, comedy ; by Shakespeare. (/)/ Mod. stand. dr., V. 9.) 11811 Asbjoernsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales ; tr. by H. L. Braek- stad. Introd. by E. W. Gosse. 22122 — Norske folke- og huldre-eventye. Illust. 15006 — and Moe. Popular tales fr. the Xorse : ed. by G. W. Dasent. 1101 Tales from the Fjeld : f r. the Xorse, by G. W. Dasent. 12568 Asbury twins ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 15324 Ascanio ; by A. Dumas. * 6044 Ascension. Gill, Mrs. Six months in Ascension. 18441 Ascham, R. Coleridge, H. {In /ws Lives of northern worthies, V. 2.) *I — Quick, E. H. {In his Essays on education, reformeji's.) 12175 Aschenbroedel ; [by K. Carrington]. (No-name ser.) 21630 Ashango-land. Forsyth, W. A journey to Ashango-land. (J?i his Essays crit. and narr.) 12723 Ashantee. Congreve, R. The Ashantee war. {In his Essays.) 13048 — Low, C. R. The Ashantee war. (In his Mem. of Wolseley, v. 2.) 18889 — Reade, W. Storv of the A. campaign. 12912 — Skertchley, J. A.' The Ashantee s. (In his Dahomey .) 12744 — Wright, C. Superstitions of the Ashantees. (In his Lect. on India.) 4876; 4877 Ashburnham, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of A. {Li Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I Ashburton, Lady. See Baring, H. Ashby Sterry, J. See Sterry, J. A. Ashenhurst, T. R. Practical treat, on weaving and designing of textile fabrics ; with chap, on the principles of constr. of the loom, calculations, and colour. Illust. 19091 Asheton, F. A modern Cressida. 13076 Ashley, Lo7'd. See Cooper, A. A., 7th. Earl of Shaftsbury. Ashley, E. Life of H. J. Temple, Viscount Palmerston, 1846- 1865 ; with select, fr. his speeches and correspondence. 2d. ed. 2 v. 15829-30 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 75 J^shmead, F. Draiuage of the city and coimty of Bristol. {In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) *I Ashton, F. T. Theon^ and pract. of the art of designing fancy cotton and woolen cloths fr. sample. *I Asliton, J. Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. Illust. 2 V. 22101-2 Ashton, Mrs. S. G. Mothers of the Bible ; introd. by A. L. Stone. 6138 Ashwell. A. R. The Theologia Germanica. {In Keinpe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — arwnvilberforee, R. G. Life of S. Wilberf oree : with select, fr. his ■ diaries aud corre;spoudence. 3 v. 19817-19 Note. V. 2 aud 3 by W. Ashworth. H. Recollections of Richard Cobden. aud the anti- corn law league. 17371 Ashworth, J. Strange tales from humble life. 5 ser. 14087-91 Asia. Description, etc. — Ball, B. L. Rambles iu Eastern A. [184H-501. 317 — Buruaby, F. A ride to Khiva : travels and adv. in Central A. 17057 — Cutts, E. L. Christians under the crescent in Asia. (See. for Pro. Chr. Knowledge.) 22518 — Eanies, J. A.' Another budget [of letters] . 1313 — Helhvald, F. von. The Russians iu Central A. 12811 — Keane, A. H. Asia; with ethnological appendix; ed. by R. Temple. Maps aud illust. (Stanford's compend. of geog. and travel.) 22227 — Ker, D. On the road to Khiva. 12813 — Letters fr. three continents. 2620 — Mateaux, C. L. Peeps abroad for folks at home. 19499 — Miller, O. T. Little people of Asia. 22039 — O- Donovan, E. The Merv Oasis ; travels and adv. east of the Caspian, 1879-81. Portr., mai)s, etc. 2 v. 22285-6 — Pumi>elly, R. Across America and Asia. 8031 — Rawlinsou. H. England and Russia in the East; polit. and geog. coud. of Central A. 2d. ed , 14099 — Tavlor, B. Central A>ia; travels in Cashmere, Little Thibet, aud Cen- tral A. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) 12239 — Yambery, A. Central A. and the Anglo-Russian frontier question; polit. papers. ,, , 12594 Sketches of Ceutral A. ; add. chapters of my travels, etc. 7342 Travels in Central A., fr. Teheran to Samarcand, 18(33. 5931 — Van Wert. R. Rip Van Winkle's travels in Asia and Africa. 22184 — Warburtou, E. The crescent and the cross; or, Romance and realities of Eastern travel. *I — Wood, J. Jouniev to the source of the river Oxus: with essav on the Geography of tlie valley of the Oxus, by H. Yule; new ed. !Nlaps. 11659 HisUn-y. — Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of Asiatic history. 1.583 Second book of history. ' 6340 — See also Asia Minor;— Assyria;— Beluchistan;— Bokhara;— Cabul;— Cashmere ;— Caspian Sea ;— Caucasus ;— Ceylon :— Chaldea ;— China ;— Corea ;— Formosa ;— Hiudostan ; — India : — .Japan ; — Kurdistan ; — Ma- lay Archi|)elago ;— Manchuria ; — Mesopotamia :— Oriental hist. ;— Ori- ental literature;— Palestine;— Palmyra: Persia ;— Philippine Islands; — Siam :— Siberia ;— Syria ;— Tartary ;— Thibet ; — Turkey. Asia Minor. Charles, E. R. Damascus, Baalbec, and the coast of Asia Minor. {In her Wanderings.) 6249 — Durbin, J. P. {In his Obs. in the East.) 2 v. 1299-1300 — Modern traveller, v. 3. 3093 — Morier, J. Journey thr. Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, 1808-9. 3154 — I^ewton, C. T. Greek sculptures fr. the west coast of A. Minor. (In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 — Roberts, R. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. (Eastern question.) 17066 — Stevenson, 3Irs. A. S. Our ride through Asia Minor. 21844 — Taylor, B. The lands of the Saracen. 4360 — Yan Lennep, H. J. Travels in little known parts of A. Minor. 2 v. 8822-3 76 FREK PUBLIC LIBRARY. {In U. S. In Ass. Mun. Cumulative 1872.) — Vaiix, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of A. Minor. (Auc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) Askaros Kassis the Copt. ; romauce by E. De Leon. Askja. Morgan, E. D. A visit to A. {In Coles, J. Sum- mer trav. in Iceland.) Aslauga's knight ; by De la Motte Fouque. {In his Undine, etc.) Asmodeus, drama ; by T. Archer. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 26.) Aspasia. Dall, C. H. {In her Hist, pictures.) Aspendale ; by H. W. Preston. Asphalt. Beckwith, A. Asphalt and bitumen. Conim. to Paris Expos. ^ 1867, Rept., v. 4.) — Clark, E. B. E. Asphalte and its appl. to street paving. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proe., v. 6.) Asphodel ; [by A. Fields]. Asphodel; by M. E. Braddon. (Fr. Sq. Lib.) Aspinwall, C ; Lawrence, E., and Rathbone, S. G. punishments. {In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., Aspirations of nature ; by I. T. Hecker. Aspirations of the world ; by L. M. Child. Assailants of Christianity ; lect. by O. B. Frothingham. Assassinations. Towle, G. M. Memorable assassinations. {In his Glimpses of hist.) Assaying. Lieber, O. M. Assayer's Guide. — Miteliell, J. Manual of practical A., ed. by W. Crookes. ith. ed. Same; 5tli. ed. — Phillips, J. S. (In his Explorers', miners', and metallurgists' companion.) — See also Blowpipe. Assisi, San Francesco di. See Francesco. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. Proceedings. Ed. by L. Angell, v. 1-8. Contents. Y. 1. 1873-4. Angell, L. President's address.— Lemon, J. Building and san. by-laws. — Jones, C. Sanitary legislation and it* pract. exponents.— Clark, "E. B. E. Yentilation of sewers.— Monson, E. The sewage dithculty.— Angell, L. Treatment of sewage.— Prange, F. C. Witthread process for treat, of sewage.— Anderson, Dr. Sulphate of Alum, process.— Jones, Col. Sewage farming.— Tanner, Prof. Descrip. of the phos. sewage process. — Scott, H. Y. D. The sewage lime and cement process. — Skelton, T. A. Gas street lighting. — Davidson, R. Descrip. of the Leamington sewage pumping station. — Allen, T. T. Sanitary im]3rovements at Stratford-on-Avon. — Bettridge, E. Disposal of sewage!^ a question for legislation. — Monson, E. The separate syst. of drainage. — The Mersey tunnel. — Deacon, G. F. Waste of water and constant service. — Hall, J. A. Formation of streets and highways. — Thorburn, T. C. Sewer ventilation. — Fowler, A. M. Utilization of sewage water and water of polluted streams.— Leicester water works. — Stephens, E. L. Descrip. of the Leicester sewage works.— Bell, G. A. Descrip. of Chester sewerage works. 2. 1874-5. Lynde, J. G. President's address.— Leigh, Dr. Disposal of excreta in 31auchester.— Fowler, A. M. Descrip. of self-acting water-closets as constructed in Salford.— Elcock, C. Protitable utilization of town refuse. — Scott, H. Y. D. Modem intercep- tion system and Manchester sewage. — Goodall, R. Leeds Borough sewage w^orks.— Jacob A. Stone-breaking machinery.— Royle, H. Descrip. of a stone-dressing machine.— Bailey, W. H. Bursting of w ater-supply pipes in winter.— Clark, E. B. E. Increased death-rate in towns, and some of its causes. — Yawser, R. Artizans' and laborers' dwellings. — Skelton, T. A. Street lighting.— Fowler, A. M. Salford main drainage. — Parry, A. W. Street watering. — Purnell, E. J. Descrip. of Coventry water works.— Pidcock, J. H. Xorthampton and its sewage.— Parry,' A. W. Reading sewage and water works.— Clark, E. B. E. The average meter syst. for determining the consump. of gas in pub. street-lamps; Statistics of gas lighting. — Angell, L. Table of hours for lighting and extinguishing, 1754r 8479 22651 11901 11823 1080 11914 9099 *I 6350 20407 *I 6187 17884 18565 13478 10085 12731 21188 16602. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 77 pub. lamps throughout the vear. 3. 1875-6. — Lemou, J. President's address.— Coghlan, P. B. Street tramways.— Greatorex. J. E. Constant water-supplv^- Royle, H. Street pavements, as adopted in 3Iauehester. — Clark, E. B. E. "Constr. and maintenance of pub. higlnvays. — Morant, A. W. Leeds sewage works.— Buckham, E. Removal of exere. matter in towns in connect, with sewage disposal. — Grindle. T. VT. Construe, and cost of sewage works.— Humphries. D. J. San. dcAclop. of Chelteu- ham.— Wliite. W. H. Oxford main drainage.- Downing. R. Descrip. of citv waterworks, Oxford.— Acland. Dr. Relation of mod. engineering to pub. health and local government. — Pritchard, E. Warwick water- supplv ; Information respect, the water-supply by gravitation of various towns and districts in the U. Kingdom.— Griiidle, T. Plans of Hertford sewage tanks. 4. 187T-S.— Lemou. J. President's address.— Ashmead, F. Drainage of the citv and county of Bristol. — Stoddard, W. AV. "N^^ater-bearing strata of Bristol.— Pearson. H. M. Principal features of the Bristol watenvorks. — Davies, D. Popular eh'ors in connect, with san. matters.— Parry, A. AV. Report on the maintenance of highways, scavenging and watering of roads, and collection of house refuse. — Masters, H. Appliances for ventilating houses, and excluding sewer gas. —Comber, A. Sanitary works at Kidderminster.— Cole, G. Draiuaf^e. water-supply, and cleansing of Hereford.— Augell, L. Drainage of the borough of "Portsmouth. — Greatorex, J. Portsmouth drainage: subsi- diary sewers.— Smethurst, J. H. Sinking of cylinders for Ijridge piers at Lowerby bridge. — Discussion on the model bye-laws. — West Kent, main sewerage works; descrip. — The model bye-laws.— Descrip. of Brad- ford sewage works.— Rawlinson, R. Letter.— Thorns. G. E. Memoran- dum as to Wolverhampton sewerage. — Corporation waterworks at Tetten- hall.— Corporation sewage farm. — Crabtree, W. Descrip. of the main outfall sewer of the l)orough of Southi)ort.— Thursby, P. Excavating machine, or steam navvy, in Hesketh Bank Cutting.— Boulnois, H. P. Exeter canal.— Clark, E.B. E. Notes on the model bye-laws.— Applica- tion of steam on the Exeter canal. 5. 1878-9.— Deacon, G. F. President's address. — Deacon, G. F. Notes as to certain munic works in Liverpool. — Lvster, G. F. Letter.— Taylor, J. S. Court and cellar dwellings in Liverpool. — Reade, T. M. Geology of Liverjjool in relation to engineering work.— Hewson. T. Manufacture of manure fr. town re fus(%— Clark, E. B. E. Ventilation of sewers.— Vawser, R. Sul>urban house drainage - and water supply.— Clark, E. B. E. Remarks on the programme of the San. Inst, of Gt. Brit.— Shone, I. Pneumatic sewage syst.— Col. Jones's sewjige farm. 6. Smith, O. Sluices and penstocks.— Shoolbred, J. N. Electric lighting.— Angell, L. Separate system of town drainage.— Clark, E. B. E. Asphalte, and its apj)!. to street i)aving.— AVoods, V. F. Rock- concrete tubes ;^ their manufacture and use.— Butler, J. W. Manufacture and appl. of silicated stone for sewer tubes.— Doulton, H. Manufacture of stoneware for sanitary and art purix)ses.— Craggs, J. Junction l)locks in pipe sewers.— Crimp, *W. S. Sewerage works for the Croydon Rural .Sanitary Authority. — Smith, G. Xotes on ironworks. — Allies, E. H. Sewage' disjxtsal at West Derliy.- Cross, B. C. Sanitary condition of Dewsl»ury and its sewerage works.— Hewson. T. Town sewers.— A'aw- ser, R. Separate system and economical drainage. — Lo])ley, J. Highways and locomotives act, 1878.— Smith, G. Effect of sulphates' on lime mortar. — Batt^'U, W. Sewer ventilation. 7. Craggs, J. Disposal of the sewage at Shildon. — Bell, G. Sanitary appliances.— Hall. J. Roadways.— Roun- thwaite. R. S. Wood pavements. — Lobley. J. Hanley sewage works. — Taylor. J. H. Barnsley sewage works. — Angell, L. Sanitary supervision of dwellings.— Yawser", R. The Rivers conservancy and floods prevention bill.— Buckham, E. Steam road rolling.— Memoirs' of deceased members. 8. Tomes, C. Shone's ejector system. — Hall, J. Lustrum Beck drainage scheme. — McKie, H. U. Private sewer connections and house drainage works. — Thorrold, S. E. The sewer gas nuisance and its remedy.— Styan, G. York, and its public works. — Escott, E. R. S. Dwellings for' the labouring class.— Laws, W. G. Street lighting of the futur**.- Hall, J. Apportionments of private improvement works : Relative cost of macad- amised roads and paved streets.— Taylor, J. H. Extraordinary tratfic on highways by traction engines, and the loads they draw. — Smith. H. O. Private" streets and the lo2d section of the Public "health act. — Hanson, J. Sewage process and patent automatic machine. — Sugg, W. Gas as an illuminating^ agent comp. with electricity. — Shoolbred. J. N. Illumination by electricity by municipal and other bodies. — Jerram. G. B. Sanitary legislation. — Cox, J. H. Bradford tramways. — Memoirs of deceasetl members : G. Cole ; H. Altv. 78 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Association. See Communism. Assolant, J. P. A. The fantastic hist, of Pierrot ; written by the magician Alcofribas, and tr. fr. the Sogdian ; tr. by A. G. Mnnro. 13504 Assyria. Assyrian relics : copies at the Smithsonian Inst. {In Tribune pop. science.) 12943 ; *I — Rawlinson, G. {In his Five great monarchies, v. 1, 2.) 8908-9 — Smith, G. Assyria to the fall of Nineveh. (Anc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) 14068 — Society of Biblical Ai(*haiolog:y. Records of the past: Eng. trans, of the Assyrian and Ei;y]»tian monuments, v. 1-12. *I — See also Nineveh. Astie, J. F. Louis XIV., and the writers of his age ; lect. tr.' by E. N. Kirk. 245 Astor, J. J. McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 8988 — Parton, J. {In his Fam. Americans.) 6677 Astoria ; or, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mts. ; by W. Irving. 2141 Astors, The. Chambers, W. (In his Stories of remark. persons.) 18069 Astrampsychus. De somniorum judiciis. (7/^ Maximus, V. De dictis, v. 3.) " 8349 Astrology. Proctor, R. A. Thoughts on A. (In his Our place among infinities ) 15347 Astronomical lantern. Clarke, J. F. Descr. of the astronom. lantern, etc. {In his How to find the stars.) 17492 Astronomy. General and miscellaneous works. — Airy. G. B. Popular astronomy. Arago, D. F. J. Popular lect. on astronomy ; tr. by W. H. Reely. — Ball, R. S. Astronomy; rev. for. Amer. by S. Xewcomb. — Blake, S. F. Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's " Hist, of the heavens." — Bouvier, H. M. Familiar astronomy, with illust. and dictionary. — Breen, H. Practical and phys. astronomy. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) — Brewster, D. More worlds than one. 15997 4952 18061 861 5190 8881 — Brown, R. {In his Science for all.) 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Carpenter, W. B. Mechanical philosophy, horology, and astronomy — Chambers, G. F. Descriptive astronomv. — Chauvenet. W. Manual of spherical antl practical A. (Univ. ed.) 2 v. — Clarke, J. F. How to tintj the stars. — Denison, E. B. Astronomv without mathematics; ed., with corr,, efc, by P. E. Chase. — Dick, T. Practical astronomer ; Solar system with moral and religious reflections. {In his AYorks, v. 9, 10.) — Ennis, J. Origin of the stars and the causes of their motions and their light. — Ferguson, J. {In his Lect.) 2 v. — Flammarion. C. Himlens under; kaserier i popular astronomi; fi'dn tredje Franska upplagan. — Fovs ler, L. F. Familiar lessons on astronomy. — Gall, J. Easy guide to the constellations; with atlas. — Gillet, J. A. and Rolfe, W. J. The heavens above; hand book of A. Plates and engr. — Guillemin, A. The heavens; illust. hand-book of pop. A.; ed. b^ J. N. Lockyer. f — Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of astronomy. — Hind, J. R. The solar system; descr. treatise. — Ideler, L. Untersuchungen iiber den Ursprung und die Bedeutuug der Sternnamen. Ein Beytrag zur Geschiclite gestirnteu Himmels. — Lardner. D. {In his Pofj. lect. on science and art.) — Lockyer, J. X. Astronomy. Illust. Eleinentary lessons in astronomy. Stargazing; iiast and present. — Main, R. Rudimentary astronomv. 715 11634 16075-^ 17492 8451 1179 6526 5038-9 15019 1512. 8558 21.N89 8475 1890 1924 *I 2572-3 13673 ^ 10846 *I 286a CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 79 — Miller, R. K. The roinauoe of astronomy. 2d. ed. 14381 — Mitchell, O. M. The astronomy of the Bible. 3003 Planetary and stellar worlds. ' 3086 Popular "astronomy ; element, treatise. 7th. ed. 3087 — Myths and marvels of astronomy. 18409 — Xewcomb. S. Popular astronomy. 17472 and Holden. E. S. Astronomv'for schools and colleges. 19359 — Nichol, J. P. The stellar universe. 3247 Views of the architectiure of the heavens. 3246 — Norton, W. A. Elementary treatise on astronomy. 3270 — Olmstead, D. Letters on astronomy ; elements of the science : engr. 3287 — '' Parallax." pseud. Zetetic astronomy. Earth not a globe; experiment- al inquiry into the true figure of tlie earth, proving it a plane. 2d. ed. *I — Peirce, B. From nebula to star; Planet, comet, and meteor. {In his Ideality, etc.) 20554 — Pickering,' E. C. Practical A. (In his Elements of phvs. manipulation, V. 2.) - " 16040 — Pilkington, J. Artist's and mechanic's repository, and working man's informant. 3470 — Plummer, J. I. Introduction to astronomy. 12626 — Proctor, K. A. Easy star lessons. New ed. 21570 Essays on astronoiiiy. 10845 The "expanse of heaven. * 12708 Flowers of the skv. ' 18844 Half-hours with the stars. 8779 Half-hours w ith the telescope. 9072 Lectures on A. (In Tribune pop. science.) 12943; *I Light science for leisure hours. 2 ser. ' 9266; 11892 New star atlas. *I The new star which faded into star-mist; Star-grouping, star-drift, and star-mist. (In his Pleasant wavs.) 18336 The orbs around us. ' 11177 Other worlds than ours. 8774 Our place among iutinities. 15347 Poetrv of a*«trbuomv ; essavs. 20248 — - (In h'is Mysteries, etc.) * 22822 — Rambosson, J. Astronomv : tr. bv C. B. Pitman. 13820 — Shoedler, F. (In his Book of nature.) 3799 — Searle, A. Outlines of astronomy. 13252 — Striimer, N. H. En fiird genom "verldsrymden; populara fciredrag. Bi- hang : Astronomi«'ns historia. 15053 — Swetlenborg, E. The earths in our solar system, and in the starry heav- ens ; acct. of their inhabitants, etc. ' 4314 — AVatson, J. C. Theoretical A. rel. to the motions of the heavenly bodies. 16131 — Webb, T. W. Celestial objects for common telescopes. 2d. ed.,*rev. and enl. 11146 — Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics with ref . to nat. theology. — AVhitney, AV. D. T]w luiiar zodiac of India, Arabia, and China. (In his Oriental and liniruistic studies, ser. 2.) 13263 — AVilkins, J. H. Elements of A. 4781 — Wincliell, A. Geology of the stars. (In Pistes, D. Hf .-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 History. — Lewis, G. C. Historical survey of the astronomy of the ancients. *I — Rothmau, R. AV. Historv of astronomv. (In Soc. Did". Usef. Kn. Lib. usef. kn.) * " 5109 — Todhunter, I. History of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth, fr. Newton to La Place. 2 v. 12834-5 — See also Comets; — Earth: — Meteorites; — Meteors; — Moon; — Nautical almanac ; — Nautical astronomy ; — Planets ; — Plurality of worlds ; — Sun ;— Venus. At a high price ; fr. the German of E. Werner [E. Buersten- binder]. 18579 At the back of the north wind ; by G. MacDonald. Illust. 18773 At Chrighton Abbey ; by M. E. Braddon. {In her My sister's confession.) 15893 At eve ; by G. Erode. {In Stories and sketches.) 68«3 At her mercy ; by J. Payn. • 12765 At his gates ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 11189 4730 80 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. At home and abroad ; by B. Tayloi*. 2 v. 4435-6 At home and abroad ; by M. F. Ossoli. 12350 At last : a Christmas in the West Indies ; by C. Kingsley. 9657 At last; by Marion Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 9344 At odds ; by Baroness von Tautphoeus. 4073 At our best ; by 8. Ellis. 12012 At the altar ; by E. Werner [E. Buerstenbinder] . 11009 At the councillor's ; by E. Marlitt [E. Johns] ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 15963 At the court of King Edwin ; drama ; by W. Leighton, Jr. 17339 At the seaside, and other stories ; by M. C. Hay. 20635 At the sign of the savage ; by W. D. Howells. (In his Fear- ful responsibility, etc.) 20637 At the sign of the silver flagon : by B. L. Farjeon. 13490 Atalanta in Calydon ; tragedy, by A. C. Swinburne. 6111 Atcherley, R. J. A trip to Boerland ; or, a year's travel, sport, and gold-digging in the Transvaal and colony of Natal. ' 19777 Atchison, T. A. Disposal of our dead. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c:., v. 6.) *I Athalia ; by J. H. Greene. 9336 Athalie ; by Mendelssohn. *I Athalie ; tragedie, par J. Racine. {In his Th'atre comp.) 14399 Athanasian creed. Swainson, C. A. Acct. of the growth and reception of the sermon on the faith, commonly called "The creed of St. Athanasius." (In his Nicene and apostles' creeds.) 13887 — Swedenborg, E. Athauasian creed fr. the Apocalypse. 4312 Atheism. Appleton, C. E. Atheism. (In Appleton, J. H, Dr. Appleton.) 20656 — Buchanan, J. Modern atheism. 5618 — Cobb, F. P. Magnanimous atheism, (hi her Peak in Darien.) 21882 — Hutton, R. H. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — Lamartlue, A. M. L. de P. de. Atheism among the people ; [tr. bv E. E. Hale and F. Le Baron] . 797f — Parker, T. Sermons of theism, atheism, etc. 3d. ed. 3375 — Patterson, R. Fables of infidelity, and facts of faith ; ser. of tracts on the absurdity of A., etc. ' 6491 — Porter, N. The newest A. ; its enfant terrible fW. K. Cliftbrd] . {In his Sci. and sentiment.) ' 22173 Athelings, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 5201 Athenagoras. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers, etc.) 18997 Athenian captive, The ; tragedy ; by T. N. Talfourd. (In his Tragedies, etc.) 5870 Athens and Attica. Bancroft, G. Economy of Athens. {In his Literary and hist, misc.) 299 — Beule, C. E. L- acropole d' Ath^nes. Nou^'. ed. 14656 — Boeckh, A. The public economy of the Athenians. *I — Capes, W. W. Uniyersity life in ancient Athens. 17010 — Colton, W. Laud and lee in the Bosphorus and ^gean; or. Views of Constantinople and Athens ; ed. by H. T. Cheeyer. 907 Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 903 — Dyer, T. H. Ancient Athens; its hist., topography, and remains. *I — Eddy, D. C. Walter's tour in the East : Athens. ' 19492 — Freeman, E. A. First impression of A. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Houssaye, H. Athenes, Rome, Paris : 1* histoire et les nuvurs. 14592 — Lyttou.'E. G. E. L. B. Athens: its rise and fall. 2 v. 4984-5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 81 — Thackeray, ^y. 31. Notes of a journey fr. Cornhill to Grand Cairo. (In his Irish sketch book.) 44f>4 — See also Greece. Here and hereafter. 246 Katherine Morris. 3206 Atherton, G. W. Relation of the general government to edu- cation. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addi\ and Proc, 1873.) 17753 Atherstone priory; by L. N. Comyn. 12868 Athol, Mass. Horr, G. W. History of A. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) • *I Athol; byM. R. H. 11941 Atkins, E. Pure mathematics, incl. arithmetic, algebra, geom- etry, and plane trigonometry. (Collins' adv. sci. ser.) 12598 Atkinson, E. Commercial development. {In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — The elements of national prosperity. (Eeonom. tracts.) 22013 — Inefficiency of economic legislation. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) ■ 15733 — Labor and capital allies not enemies. (Harper's hf.-lir. ser.) 18907 — What is a bank? AVhat service does a bank perform? (Eeonom. tracts.) 20144 Atkinson, J. B. An art tour to northern capitals of Europe. 12716 — Overbeck. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 22072 Atkinson, J. J. Practical treat, on friction of air in mines. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14179 — Practical treat, on the gases met with in coal mines. (Tan Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14135 Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the regions of the Qpper and lower A moor. • 249 Atkinson, W. P. Liberal education of the 19th. century. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 1873.) 17753 — On the right use of books : lect. 18401 Atlanta. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 215S1 Atlantic coast guide. The. 11701 Atlantic essays ; by T. W. Higginson. 12372 Atlantic monthly, v. 1-51. Boston, 1857-1882. 7781-7821 ; 7914-7923 Atlantic Ocean. Abbott, J. Polio's tour in Europe : Atlantic. 25 — Andrews, AV. A. Daring voyage jicross tlu' Atlantic. (The "Nautilus.") 20143 — Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 17827 — Thompson, C. AV. The Atlantic : prelim, acct. of results of the expl. voyage of H. M. S. '' Cliallenger," 1873, 187G. 2 v. 17622-3 Atlantis. Donnelly, I. Atlantis : the antediluvian world. 21472 Atlas essays : Biog. and crit. (Atlas ser.) 18294 Contents. Freeman, E. A. Macaulay. — AVhipple, E. P. George Tick- nor. — Ernst Curtius. — P. G. Hamerton. — H. AV. Longfellow.— AA'. C. Bryant.— Ingram, J. H. Edgar A. Poe.— C. (T.) Turner.— E. A. Free- man.— C. Sumner.— Porter, X. John Stuart 3Iill; J. S. Mill as a religious philosopher. Atlas essays : Labor. — The Republic. (Atlas ser.) 18292 Contents. Hughes, T. The working classes in Europe.— Brassey, T. Labor in England. — Wharton, F. Granarerism. — The Grange and the Potter law: reply. — Sigel, F. The Amer. republic. — AA^alker, F. A. Indian citizenship. — Manstield, E. D. The Chinese question. — Cooley, T. M. The guarantee of order and repub. gov. in the States: Some checks and balances in government.— Freeman, E. A. Difficulties of republicanism in Europe. Atlas series ; namely : Atlas essays. Biog. and crit. 18294 Atlas essays. Labor. — The republic. 18292 82 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Collins, (W.) W. Shocking story. 18264 Gindriez, C. and Hart, J. M. International exhibitions. 18.S11 Smith, J. y. C. Buried millions. 1828^ Walker, A. The national currency and the nionev problem. 18309- Walker, F. A. World's fair, Phila., 1876. ' 17508 Atmosphere. See air. Atmospheric ; — meteorology. Atoms. Clifford, W. K. Atoms. (/>i /i/s Lect. and ess., v. 1.) 19515 — Same. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Herschel, J. F. W. On atoms ; dialoonie. {In his Fam. lect.) 6523 — Holland, R. A. Atomism. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — McCosh, J. Ideas in nature overlooki?d bv Dr. Tvndall ; exam, of T.'s Belfast address. ' ' 13564 — Wurtz, A. The atomic theory; tr. by E. Cleminshaw. 20239 Atonement. Ballon, H. Treatise on atonement. 6th. ed. 7650 — Bushnell, H. The vicarious sacrifice grounded in principles of universal obligation. 616T — Crawford, T. J. The doctrine of the atonement. 17527 — Dale, R. W. The atonement ; lect. 1875. 17528 — Gess, W. F. Scriptural doctrine of A. {In Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780^ — Gladden, W. Was Bronson Alcott's school a type of God's moral gov- ernment?; rev. of J. Cook's theorv of the A. 17271 — Hedge, F. H. The wav of historic A'. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 1736T — Martin, H. The atonehient. 9111 — Stewart, S. J. Sin and the atonement. ( Jw his Gospel of law.) 22178 — Worcester, N. The atoning sacrifice, a display of love— not of wrath. 4860 Atonement, The, of Learn Diiudas ; by E. L. Linton. 15887 Atterbnry, F. Macanlay, T. B. {In Ms Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 6.) 2791 — Same. {In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803- Atterbnry, W. VV. The natural law of weekly rest. — Sunday obs. in N. Y. and in Europe. (/>i- Sabbath ess.) 19808 Attic orators, The ; by R. C. Jebb. 2 v. 15710-11 Attic philosopher. An, in Paris; fr. the Fr. of E. Souvestre. 19048- Attila. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 Attila ; by G. P. R. James. 2 v. in 1. 6202: Attorney, An, in search of practice, Adventures of ; by G. Stephen. 12508- Attraction. Todhunter, I. History of the mathematical theo- ries of A., and the figure of the earth fr. Newton to La Place. 2 V. 12834-5- Attwell, H. Pensees of Joubert ; select, and tr., with the orig. French appended ; [with sketch of the life of J.] 17612 Attwood, F. G. joint author. See Wheelwright, J. T. *I Attwood, G. Practical blow-pipe assaying ; woodcuts. 20257 Atwater, E. E. History and significance of the sacred taber- nacle of the Hebrews. 20759 Atwood, D. T. Country and suburban houses. 9760 — Modern American homesteads. Illust. 15785 Atwood, E. S. The American Sabbath. {In Sabbath essays.) 19808 — Memorial address on J. L. Dhnan. 20432: An, E. d\ joint author. See Sonnois, J. Aubanel, T. Preston, H. W. Theodore Anbanel : a mod.. Provencal poet. ( (n her Troubadours, etc.) 16687 Auber, D. F. E. Crown diamonds. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand. ed. of opera lib., v. 1.) *I — Le domino noir. (II domino nero.) *I — Les diamants de la couronne, "*I - Fra Diavalo. op. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 8a — Sftme. {In Tryoii, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I *I *I — Ferris. G. T. Boieldieii and Auber, {In his Great It. and Fr. eomp.) 1870T Auberge. L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oenvres. ser. 2, v. 1.) *I Aubert Dubayet ; or. The two sister republics ; by C. Gayerre. 22253 — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) iSoieldieu and Auber, {In his Great It. and Fr. eomp.) Aubertin, J. J. Aubigne, J. H, AubigDe, T. A. V. 10.) Aubrey ; by A. Auburn. Mass. Wor. Co., A flight to Mexico. Illust. Merle d'. See Merle d' Aubigne. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. lund. 21930 *I 12425 History of A. (In Hist. Marsh-Caldwell. Stock well, G. A. Aucassin and Nicolette. See Lovers of Provence. Auchincloss, W. S. The practical appl. of the slide valve and link motion to engines, with new methods for proi>ortion- ing the parts. 5th. ed. rev. and enl. — Steam engineering. {In IT. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. 1867, Rept., v. 4.) Audiffret-Pasquier, Due d' King, E. (InhisFv. Polit. lead.) Audin, J. M. V. History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Luther ; tr. by W. B. Turnbull. 2 v. 22761-2 — Life of Henry A'lIL, and Hi>!8avs, moral, economical, and political. 1st. Am. ed. 632-1: — Same. Xew ed. Added, Apothegms, Select sentences, Chr. paradoxes, Conf . of faith, and Essay on death. 0759 — Essavs ; or, Counsels, civil and moral, and "Wisdom of the ancients ; ed. bv B. Montague. ' 266 — Essays ; with annot. by R. AVliately. 6760 — Same. 5th. ed. 11166 — Essavs, with introduction, notes, and index by E. A. Abbott. 3d. ed. 2 v. 18614-15 — Letters and life. (Occasional works) collect', by J. Spedding. 7 vols. 12827-33 — Xovum organum. 269 — Of the proiicience and advancement of learaing; ed. by B. Montagu. 265 — Selections. {In Montagu, B., Select, from the works of Taylor, etc.) 5759 — Thoughts on Holy Scripture ; comp. by J. G. Hall. ' 5442 — Brougham, H. Account of Bacon's Xovum organum. (Lib. Usef. Knowl.) 268 — Dixon, W. H. Personal hist, of B. 1237 — Doherty, J. Flaws in the philosophy of B. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) " *I — Fowler, T. Bacon. (Eng. philosophers.) 20871 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men.) 1592 — Macaulav, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. es»., v. 3.) 2788 Same.' {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — iladcintosh, J. Philosoi)hical genius of B. and Mr. Locke. {In his Misc. works.) 2825 — Mueller, F. M. Bacon in Gennanv. {In his Chipa.^x. S.) 9116 — Spalding, W. Bacon. {In Xew biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Spedding, J. Account of the life and times of B. 2 v. 18172-3 Evenings with a reviewer: or, Macau lay and B. 2 v. 21740-1 Bacon, F. Civilization and health. (/// Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. .Jour., 1871.) 1.5733 — Hammond, W. A., a7i(f Lincoln, D. F. Vaccination. {In Ajiier. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 Bacon, F. W. Formulas and rules. (In Porter, C. T. Treatise, etc.) 13568 Bacon, G. B. Siam, as it was and is. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) 11479 — Six sermons on the Sabbath question. In Bacon. L. W. Sabbath quest. 21578 Bacon, Jiev. Henry. Memoirs of C. A. Gerauld. 285 — Bacon, E. A. Memoir of B. 286 Bacon, Henry. Parisian art and artists. Illust. *I — A Parisian year. Illust. 21579 Bacon, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 3.) ^ 1055 Bacon, L. The genesis of the New England churches. 13057 — The Hebrew Theocracy. {In Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 — Thirteen hist, discourses of the lirst church in Xew Haven. *I Bacon, L. W. Biographical sketch of Father Hyacinthe. (In Hyacinthe. Discourses.) 8013 Bacon, L. W. The law of rest for all necessary to the liberty of rest for each. (In Sabbath ess.) 19808 — Memorials of E. B. Gould. 18590 — The Sabbath question: Sunday observance and Sunday laws; sermon and speeches ; [with] Sermons, by G. B. Bacon. * 21578 Bacon, N. Howitt, M. Bacon addressing the Council. (In /ler Vignettes.) 7679 — Ware, W. Life of B. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 13.) 4122 Bacon, T. The Oriental annual. * 11110 Bacteria. Magnin, A. The Bacteria ; tr. by G. M. Sternberg. *I Bad case, A ; by J. Magnus and H. C. Bunner. (In Mathews, J. B., comedies.) 19355 Bad speculation, A; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. (In her Dead sin, etc.) 11481 92 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Same, {In her Seen and heard.) 11160 ■> Baddeck, aud that sort of thiog ; by C. D. Warner. 12634 Badeau, A. Military hist, of U. S. Grant. 1861-1865. 3 v. 7151-3 — The vagabond. 287 Baden. Trollope, T. A. Baden and Allerheiligen. {In Mur- phy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 Baden-Powell, W. See Powell, W. B. Badger, A. S. Paper. (/7i Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12253 Badger, C. N. The teacher's last lesson ; mem. of M. Whiting. 288 Badges. Palisser, F. C. Historic devices, badges, and war- cries. 8880 Badham, CD. Prose halieutics : or. Ancient and modern fish tattle. 22645 — Treatise on the esculent funguses of England. *I Baer, K. E. von. Reden gehalten in wissenschaftlichen Ver- sammlungen und kleinere Aufsatze vermischten Inhalts. 3 v. 10419-21 Contents. V. 1. Reden. 2. Studien aus dem Gebiete der Xatur- wisseuschaften. 3. Historisehe Fragen mit der Naturwisseusehaften beantwortet. Baffin's Bay. Markham, A. H. Whaling cruise to Baffin's bay, etc. 12729' Bagby, G. W. {pseud. M. Adams). How "Ruby" played; 8k. of B. {In Waterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 — What I did with my fifty millions. 12939- Bage, R. Scott, W. {In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2 ; and Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3851 ; 3837 Bagehot, W'. i\rticles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connect, with it. 17206 — Biographical studies; ed. by R. H. Button. 20441 Conten ts . Sir R. Peel. — Lord Brougham. — Mr.Gladstone. — Wm. Pitt. — Bolinbroke. — Sir G. C. Lewis. — A. Smith. — Lord Althorp and the Re- form act of 1!!<32. Addenda. The prince consort.— What Lord Lvndhurst really was. — The tribute at Hereford to Sir G. C. Lewis.— Mr. Cobden.— Lord Palmer- ston.— The Earl of Clarendon.— Mr. Lowe as Chancellor of the Echequer.— Guizot.— Prof. Cairnes.— Disraeli as a member of the House of Commons. — Economic studies ; ed. by R. H. Hutton. 19698^ Contents. Postulates of Eng. political economy. — Preliminaries of polit. economy.— Adam Smith and our modern economy.— Malthus. — Ricardo.— The growth of capital. — Cost of production. — Appendix. — The English constitution. 12138 — Lombard street ; essay, 11962 — Physics and politics ; or, Thoughts on the appl. of the princ. of "Natural "^selection" and "Inheritance" to polit. society. (Int. sci. ser.) 11269^ — Xadal, E. S. Journalism as exemplified by B. (in his Ess.) 21897 Bagenal, P. H. The American Irish, and their influence on Irish politics. 21496 Bahama islands. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic islands.) 17827 — Ives, C. The Isles of summer. Illust. 20481 Baile, J. Wonders of electricity ; fr. the French ; add. by J. W. Armstrong. (111. lib. of wonders.) 10095 Bailey, A. The succession to the English crown ; hist, sketch. 19699 Bailey, F. K. Cholera in Knoxville, Tenn. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Bailey, G. W. . A private chapter of the war. (1861-5.) 19872= Bailey, J. M. England fr. a back-window ; with views of IScotland and Ireland. 18153- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 93 — Life in Daiiburv. 11688 — Mr. Phillips' goneness. . 18909 ^Bailey, J. E. Life of T. Fuller, with not. of his books, his kinsmen, and his friends. . *I Bailey, J. M. The book of ensilage ; or. The new dispensation for farmers. 19873 Bailey, I*. J. The age ; a colloquial satire. 7060 — Festus. , , 290 — The mystic ; and other poems. 7059 Contents. The mvstic— A spiritual legend.— A fairy tale. — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Home, R. H. H. Tavlor and the author of "Festus." {In his New spirit of the age.) * ^ 2000 Bailey, S. Essays on the formation and publication of opin- ions, etc. 1406 — Essays on the formation and publication of opinions, the pursuit of truth, etc. * new ed. 289 — Ribot.T. (7w A ?*^Eng. psychology.) 12355 Bailey, W. H. Bursting of water-supply pipes in winter. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I !Bailey, W. W. The botanical collector's handbook. (Natu- ralists' hand, ser.) *I Bailey-Denton. See Denton. Bailiff's maid. The ; from the German of E. Marlitt [E. Johns]. 20485 Baillie, Mrs. A sail to Smyrna ; or, An English woman's journal ; incl. impress, of Constantinople, a visit to a Turkish harem, and a railway journey to Ephesus. 13045 Baillie, Lady G. Chambers, W. {In his Stories of old families.) 18362 — Watson, H. C. (7n his Heroic women.) 4676 Baillie, J. Complete poetical [and dramatic] works. 4961 Contents. Bai- and antiquities of New Eng., New York, and New Jersey. 305 — Thrilling incidents in Amer. history ; new ed. * 6996 Barber, J. Grammar of elocution. 4964 Barber, J. Barber's American book of ready-made speeches ; added. Resolutions of compliment, etc., and Toasts and sentiments. 20555 — Crumbs fr. the round table ; a feast for epicures. 6634 Barber, The, of Bantry ; etc., by G. Griffin. {In his Works.) 5403 Barber of Seville. See Barbiere di Siviglia. Barberiue ; par A. de Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 1.) *I Barbier, H. A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Port, cont., v. 2.) *I Barbiere di Siviglia ; com. opera ; by G. Rossini. *I • — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Barbou, A. Victor Hugo ; his life and works ; fr. the French by F. A. Shaw. (Gt. citizens of France.) 20354 Barbour, G. M. Florida for tourists, invalids, and sellers. Map and illust. 20973 Barcarolle, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 12.) *I Barchester Towers ; by A. Trollope. 8460- Barclay, E. Mountain life in Algeria. Illust. *I Barclay, J. The Talmud. Illust. 17797 102 FKEE PUBLIC LIBBARY. Barclay, R. Apology for the true Christian divinity ; expla. and vindication of the Quakers. 306 Barclay, S. Personal recollections of the Amer. Revolution. 307 Barclays, The, of Boston ; by Mrs. H. G. Otis. 3313 Bardeen, C. W. Roderick Hume. 18295 Bardsley, C. W. Our English surnames ; their sources and significations. ^ 12187 Bareith, Margravine, de. See Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Barendsz, W. Frost, T. Voyage in search of a north-east passage to China. {In his Hf.-hrs. with early explor.) 21074 Barentz, W. See Barendsz, W. Bareve de Vieuzac, B. Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 5.) 2790 Bareuth. /(See Bareith. Barff, F. S. Chemistry of a colour-box. {In Brown, R. Sci- ence for all, ser. 3. 20526 — Flint. (In Brown, K. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Glass and silicates. (Brit, manuf . ind.) 15471 — Rust; Can science conquer rust? (Tn Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Barford Bridge ; by H. C. Adams. 8433 Barham, R. H. D. Cousin Nicholas. 308 — Ingoldsbv legends; with Memoir of the author; fr. the 10th. Eng. ed., 2 V. Illust. 2128-9 — Jerry Jarvis's wig. (In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — The Lady Rohesia. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Life and remains of T. E. Hook. New ed. *I — Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13352 — Home, R. {In his Ncav spirit of the age.) 2000 — Timbs. J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 1, 2.) 12592-3 Baring, H. Milnes, R. M. {In his Monographs.) 11605 Baring-Gould. S. See Gould, S. B. Barker, A. Lincoln, A. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Barker, G. F. Correlation of vital and physical forces. (Half- hours with mod. sci., v. 1.) 9821 — Text-book of elementarv chemistry: theoretical and inorganic. 21155 Barker, M. A., Lady. '{Mrs. F.'N. Broome). Boys. 13274 — First lessons in the principles of cooking. 12320 — Life in South Africa. 16908 — Station amusements in New Zealand. 4824 — Station life in Xew Zealand. 11218 Barker, W. B. Lares and Penates ; or, Cilicia and its gov- ernors ; ed. by W. F. vVinsworth. 309 Barkley, H. C. Bulgaria before the war. 17596 — My boyhood. 18062 Barkouf ; opera bouffe, par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4., v. 19.) *I Barlow, A. Payne, E. J. Amadas and Barlow's voyage. {In his Voyages, etc.) 21899 Barlow, C. How to make money by patents ; or. Hints and sugg. to inventors, etc. 3rd. ed. *I Barlow, J. On man's power over himself to prevent or con- trol insanit}^ {In Small books on great sub., v. 1.) 4014 Barlow, P. and Lunn, F. Greek physics. {In Blomfield, C. J. Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) 6380 Bar-maid, The, at Battleton ; by F. W. Robinson. 18982 Barnby, J. Gregory the Great. (Fathers for Eng. readers.) 19450 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 103 — Plavs for Touncf people, with sjongs and choruses; music adapt, etc., by T. Roo-ers. " 18434 Contents. Beauty aud the beast. — Cinderella. — Rosebud ; or. The sleeping beauty. — The princess. — Rumpelstiltskiu. — A charade. Barn plans and outbuildings. Illust. 21169 Barnabas, St. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers.) 18997 Barnaby Rudge ; by C. Dickens. 1182 Barnard, C. F., Jr. (^pseud. Jane Kingsford.) Camilla ; a tale of a violin ; artist life of Camilla Urso. 13059 — Co-operation as a business. 20500 — Gardening for monev ; how it was done, in flowers, strawberries, vege- tables. ' 11006 — Money and music ; art story ; seq. to Tlie Soprano. 12646 — The Soprano ; a musical story. 8084 — The tone masters. Illust. ; namely: Bach and Beethoven. 9010 Handel and Haydn. 9011 Mozart and Mendelssohn. 8461 — joint author. See 3Iayer, A. Barnard, F. A. P. The exact sciences. {In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — The germ theorv of disease and its rel. to livgieue. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept.,*v. 1. 1873.) *I — 3Iachinery and processes of the indust. arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. (Paris Univ. Expos., 1867.) 8154 — Same. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Exp. Rept., v. 3.) 9098 — Metric svstem of weights and measures. 2d. ed. 15821 — Same. *3d. ed., with adt. 19032 — On earlv mental trainins: and the studies best fitted for it. {In Youmans, E. L. Culture demand, by mod. life.) 6952 Barnard, G. Drawing fr. nature : instruct, in sketching. Ap- pended, Lectures on art del. at Rugby school. Illust. New ed. *I Lectures. Drawing fr. nature in i)ul)lic schools. — Hints on general study. — Use of water colors. — Five minutes solitude with a glass of water. — The art of lithography. — The study of rocks.— Modem painters as teachers. Barnard, H. Educational development ; incl. free schools, special schools, supplementary educational agencies, etc. ; [with Hist, and progress of different denominations]. (First, cent, of nat. existence.) 17930 — National education in Europe. 2d. ed. 560 — Normal schools. 311 — School architecture. 310 Barnave, A. P. J. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. lund., V. 2.) *I Barnes, A. Introductory essay. {In Butler, J. Analogy.) 6428 — Lectures on the evidences of Christiauitv in the 19th. cent. (Elv Foun- dation.) ' ■ 7182 — Notes on the Gospels. 2 v. 346-7 — Notes on Acts. 20th. ed. 848 — Notes on Ist. Corinthians. 3d. ed. 850 — Notes on 2d. Corinthians aud Galatians. 851 — Notes on Ephesians, Philippiaus, and Colossians. 352 — Notes on Hebrews. 3.54 — Notes on James, Peter, John, and Jude. 355 — Notes on Psalms. 3 v. 378-6 — Notes on Revelation. 856 — Notes on Komans. 7th. ed. 849 — Notes on Thessalonians, Timothv, Titus, and Philemon. 353 — Phelps, A. The preaching of B.' {In his My portfolio.) 22045 Barnes, H. The Guerilla bride ; poem. 312 Barnes, W. Poems of rural life. 18032 Barnes, W. H. History of the 39th. Congress. 7341 104 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bai'Des's one-term series, namely : Brief history of ancient peoples. 20695- Brief history of France. 20696 Brief history of the U. S. 20697 Barnett, M. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dram. Barneveldt, J. van Olden. See Oldenbarneveld. Barney the Baron. {In French's Min. dram., v. 23.) 7982 Barnum, P. T. Life of B. ; written by himself. 19449 — Struggles and triumphs; forty years recollections. 4981 Barny O'Reirdon the navigator ; by S. Lover. {In Little class., V. 9.) 12980 Barometer. Plympton, G. W. The aneroid barometer, its constr. and use. 18104 Baron de Fourchevif , Le ; comedie ; par E. M. Labiche. {In hU Theatre comp., v. 3.) 14560 Baron de Trenck, Le ; comedie vaudeville, par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 18.) *I Baron Munchausen, Travels and surprising adventures of. 9190 Barons of the South. See Reynolds, E. W. Baron's gloves. The ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Proverb stories.) 2200^ Barque Future, The : by J. Lie. • 18468- Barr, E. E. The young people of Shakespeare's dramas. 22014 Barrack room; by T. H. Bayly. {In French's Min. dram., V. 2.) 11834 Barren honour; by [G. A. Lawrence]. 1732 Barren lands. See United States. Barrett, Prof, Sensitive flame as illustrative of sympathetic vibration. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679" Barrett, B. F. . Beauty for ashes ; or. The old and the new doctrine cone, the state of infants after death, contrasted. 313 — Introduction. {In White, W. Life of Swedenborg.) 6614 — Swedenborg ; with a compend. of his teachings. (Swedenborg lib., v. 12.) 22356 — True basis of Christian union. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339- Barrett, E. The Carlyle anthology; select, and arr. 16561 Barrett, E. B, See Browning, E. B. Barrett, G. C. The administration of criminal justice. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 Barrett, J. Sketch of revolutions in Greece, Poland, etc. {With Koch, C. W. and Schoell, M. S. F. Hist, of revo- lutions.) 2514 Barrett, L. Edwin Forrest, lllust. (Amer. actor ser.) 20833^ Barrett, S., Jr. Principles of grammar; treat, on the lan- guages ; rev. ed. 314 Barrett, W.^ pseud. See Scoville, J. A. Barrett, W. A. English church composers. (Gt. musicians.) 21680 — Flowers and festivals ; or, Directions for the floral decoration of churches.) 9322 Barrett, W. F. Geysers. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) . ' 20445 — Glaciers; How glaciers move. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446- Barricre, J. F. Bibliotheque des memoires relatifs a 1' histoire de P'rance pendant le 18^ siecle. 30 v. 14521-50 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 105 Contents. V. 1. Mme. de Staal Delaimay.— Marq. d' Argeusou.— Madame m^re du Regent. — Extraits des M6m. de Saint-Simon. 2. M^m. secrets sur le regne de Louis XIV., la regenee et le r^gne de Louis XY. : par Duclos. 3. Mme. du Hausset.— Bacliaumont. 4. Baron de Besem al.— La verity dans le vin, com. ; par Colle. 5. Marmontel. 6. Mile. Clairon, Lekain. Pr^ville, Dazincourt, Mole, Garriek, Goldoni. 7. Weber. 8. Mme. Roland. 9. Olery. — Due de Montpensier.— Rioufte. 10. Mme. Campan. 11. Gen. Ch.' Fr. Dumouriez. 12. Dumour- iez.— Louvet.— Daunon. 13. Comte de Taublanc. 14. Souvenirs de Felicie, par Mme. de Genlis.— Souvenirs et portraits, par le Due de Lt^vis. 15. Mme. de Genlis. 16, 17. Due de Richelieu. 18. M6moires sur les .iourn^es de Septembre, 1792. 19, 20. Comte de S^gur. 21. Marquis de Bouill^. 22. Mem. secrets sur la Russie, par Masson. 23, 24. Souvenirs de vingt ans. de s^^jour a Berlin, par D. Thi^^bault. 25. Due de Lauzun.— Comte de Tilly. 26. Allieri. 27. Souvenirs des cours de France, d" Espagne,de Prusse, et de Russie, par Lord Holland.— Journal de Mistress Elliott. 28. Linguet.— De Latude. Doc. divers sur la Bastille.— Captivite du Baron de trenck. 29,30. Lettresde la marquise Du Deffand k Walpole, 1766-80, etc. Nouv. ed. Barriers burned away ; by E. P. Roe. Barrili, A. G. The eleventh commandment, fr. the Italian, by C. Bell. — A whimsical wooing; fr. the Italian, by C. Bell; rev. in the U. S. Barring out ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336; 11261 21915 Barringer, M. M. Dixie cookery. Barrington, J. Historic records 15296 7008 and secret memoirs of G. Britain and Ireland. New the ed. {In his Ora- (Ih Kempe, J. E. Class. legislative union bet. Portrs. — Personal sketches of his own time. Barrington ; by C. Lever. Barron, A. Foot notes on walking as a fine art. Barrot, C. H. O. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. tors of France.) Barrow, F. The fairy night-caps. — The little night-cap letters. Barrow, I. Selections. {In Montagu, B. Select, fr. the works of Taylor, etc.) — Wace, H. Barrow, the exhaustive preacher. preach.) Barrow, J. Life and correspondence of Admiral W. S. Smith. 2 V. — Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions from 1818. Barrows, W. What is Sabbath-keeping? (/>i Sabbath ess.) Barry, A. The " Christian year." {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) — The Church and education. (In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 1.) — Jeremy Taylor, the Eng. Chrysostom. {Li Kempe, J. E. Class, preach., etc., ser. 2.) — Life and works of Barry. — Masters in Eng;. theology : King's College lect. with hist, pref . Contents. Richard Hooker.— Lancelot Andrewes.— "Wm. Chillingworth. —Benjamin TVTiichcote.- Jeremy Taylor.— John Pearson. — Perfection of the human character of Jesus. {In Christ. Evid. Soc, Pop. obj., etc.) Barry, C. Barry, A. Life and works of B. Barry, E. M. Lectures on architecture ; del. at the Royal Acad. ; ed., with mem. by A. Barry. • Portr. and lUust. 21681 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 8 *I 478 2625 15359 5012 8257 8256 5759 17464 323-4 21156 19808 18849 8627 18651 11313 18702 12520 11313 106 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Barry, J. Cunningham, A. {In Ms Lives of Brit, painters, V. 2.) 1054 Barry, J. S. History of Massacliusetts. 3 v. 325-7 Barry, J. W. Railway appliances ; descr. of details of rail- way constr. subsequent to the compl. of the earth works and structures ; incl. a not. of rolling stock. 15786 Barry, P. The fruit garden. 5876 Barry, S. Plays. /See French's minor drama. Barry, T. A. and Patten, B. A. Men and memories of San Francisco. 11931 Barry Lyndon, Memoirs of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 9971 Barry, W. J. Up and down ; or. Fifty years' colonial exp. in Australia, California, New Zealand, etc. ; life hist, of B. Portr. and illust. 20796 Barrymore, W. Wallace. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 33.) 11826 Barstow, N. S., Jr. Stackpole, J. L. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Bart Ridgeley ; by A. G. Riddle. 11396 Barter, C. The Dorp and the Yeld ; or. Six months in Natal. 328 Barth, A. The religions of India; tr. by J. Wood. (Eng. and For. Phil, lib.) 21269 Barth, H., joint author. See Richardson, J. Barthelemy, J. J., 1' abbe. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) *I Barth^4emy Saint Hilaire, J. Le Bouddha et sa religion. 9453 Bartholdy. See Mendelssohn. Bartholomew, W. N. Linear perspective explained. 7249 Bartholomew fair. Morley. H. Memoirs of Bartholomew fair. *I Bartholomew's day. See St. Bartholomew's day. Bartlett, A. E. Until the day break. 17108 Bartlett, F. L. Mines of Maine ; present cond. of the mines, etc. 19419 Bartlett, G. B. Mrs. Jarley's wax statuary. Added, A novel coll. of antique marbles. *I — Kew games for parlor and lawn. 22237 — Parlor amusements for the voung folks. 13425 — Same. New ed. ' 20259 Bartlett, J. Familiar quotations. 6100 Bartlett, Mrs. J. M. D. See Bartlett, A. E. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine thr. Sinai, the Wil- derness, and the South country ; spec, ref . to the hist, of the Israelites. Maps and illust. 18556 — Life and death eternal ; refutation of the theory of annihilation. 17605 Bartlett, W. F. Palfrey, F. W. Memoir of B. 17635 Bartlett, W. H. Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles in Syria, Greece, and Italy. 6th. ed. Illust. 8141 — Forty days in the desert, on the track of the Israelites. Illust. 8143 — The Nile'boat ; or, Glimpses of the land of Egypt ; new ed. 8142 Bartley, G. C. F. The schools for the people ; hist., develop- ment, etc., of Eng. schools for the poorer classes. 11767 — Toys. (Brit, manuf . ind.) 15472 Bartol, C. A. Church and congregation ; a plea for their unity. 330 / CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 107 — Discourses on the Christian body and form. 331 — Pictures of Europe, framed in iHeas. 5516 — Principles and portraits. 19741 Contents. Definition. — Education. — Deity. — Science.— Art.— Love.— Life. — Business.— Beasts. —Politics. —Play.— The personality of Shak- speare. — Channing, the preacher.— Bushnefl, the theologian.— The genius of Weiss. — Garrison, the reformer.— Hunt, the artist. — Reason and Rome in education ; sermon, 1879. 19316 — The rising faith ; essays. 7096 — Radical problems. ' " 9974 Contents. Open questions. — Individualism. — Transcendentalism. — Radicalism. — Theism.— Naturalism.— Materialism. — Spiritualism.— Faith. —Law.— Origin.— Correlation. — Character. — Genius : Father Taylor.— Experience. — Hope. — Idealitv. Bartol, M. Honor May. * 6804 Bartolommeo, Fra. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 — Scott, L. Fra Bartolommeo. (lUust. biog. of gt. artists.) 20386 Barton, D. Letters. {In Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar.) 18194 Barton, W. Williams, C. R. {In her Biog.^f Rev. heroes.) 4794 Barton experiment, The; by J. Habberton. ^ 16714 Bartsch, K. Das Nibelungenlied ; iibers v. B. ^ 16459 — Deutsche Ditchtungen des Mittelalters. Namely: Konig Rother; hrsg. v. H. Riickert. 16246 Reinke de Vos ; hrsg. v. K. Schroder. 16242 Das Rolandslied ; hrsg. v. K. Bartsch. - 16308 — Untersuchungen iiber das Xibelungenlied. 16414 Bascom, J. Esthetics ; or. The science of beauty. New ed., rev. and enl. 21157 — Ethics ; or, Science of duty. 18954 — Natural theologv. 20145 — Paper. {In HoWe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12258 — Philosophy of Eng. literature. 12321 — Philosophy of religion ; or. The rational grounds of relig. belief. 15889 Base-ball. The base-ball player's pocket companion ; rules and regulations. Illust. ,2282 — Chadwick, H. The game of base-ball. ' 7511 Basedow, J. B. Quick, R. H. Basedow and the Philan- thropin. {In his Ess. on education, reformers.) 12175 Bashan. Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan. 6723 Bashful lover. The ; by P. Massinger. {In his Plays, v. 3.) 5130 Basil ; by W. Collins. 10981 Note. Rev. ed. of The crossed path. Basildon ; by Mrs. A. W. Hunt. 18673 Basis of faith. The ; by E. R. Conder. 18619 Basket of chips ; sketches ; by J. Brougham. 521 Basket woman. The ; by M. Edge worth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336; 15296 Basque language and literature. Sallaberry, J. D. J. Chants populaires du pays Basque ; paroles et musiqile originales. *I — Vinson, J. Essav on the Basque language. {In Webster, W. Basque legends.) ' 19585 — Webster, W. Basque legends : coll. chiefly in the Labourd. 19585 Bassano, J. See Ponte, G. da. Bassnett, T. Outlines of a mechanical theory of storms, cont. the true law of lunar influence. 332 Bastian, H. C. The beginnings of life ; acct. of the nature, modes of origin, and transformations of lower organisms. 2 V. 11015-16 — The brain as an organ of mind. Illust. • 19794 — Origin of lowest organisms. • 9240 108 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bastiat, F. Essays oo political economy. 7097 — Sophism!"! of protection. 13260^ Contents. Sophisms of protection. — Spoliation and law.— Capital and interest. Bastile. Dusaulx, J. De Tinsurrection Parisienne et de la prise de la Bastille. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 28.) 14548 — Linguet, S. N. H. Memoires sur la Bastille. (Barriere. Bib. des m6m., V. 28.) 14548' — Masers de La Tude, H. Le despotisme d6voiK% ou M6moires. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 28.) 14548 Bataille de dames; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 7.) *I — Same; Eng. tr. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of French plays, v. 1.) 9419' Bataille de princesses ; comedie : par L. de Neuville. {In Saynetes, ete., ser. 7.) 14797 Batard de Manleon, Le ; par A. Dumas. 3 v. 9484-6- Batavian anthology. See. Holland. Literature. Batchelder, G. W. Batchelder, M. W. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493^ Batchelder, J. Biography of E. M. Tebbets. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493- Batchelder, M. W. Biography of G. W. Batchelder. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493- Batchelder, S., Jr. Manual of the laws of Massachusetts in rel. to manufacturing corporations ; with summary of the laws affecting corporations generally. • 7735 Batchelor, G. Ethical law and social order. {In Institute essays.) 19811 Bateman, F. Fiske, J. Dr. Bateman on Darwinism, {In his • Darwinism, efc.) 18991 Bateman, Mrs. S. F. Self. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 21.) 11820 Bates, C. F. The Longfellow birthday-book. 2026O Bates, CD. Child lore ; its classics, traditions, and jingles. Illust. • *I Bates, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on land and water ; or. Four years on the Pacific coast. 333^ Bates, E. Savage, J. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Bates, E. Doctrines of Friends. 334 Bates, E. K. Nile days ; or, Egyptian bonds. 1920^ Bates, H. W. Central America, the West Indies, and So. America; with ethnol. app. by A. H. Keane. Maps and illust. (Stanford's com p. of Geog.) 21931 — Naturalist on the river Amazons. 8788^ Bates, I. C. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. (7^ Speeches, etc.) 5183 Bates, J. Autobiography ; with acct. of the advent movements, 1840-44. 915^ Bates, J. Lectures ou the Christian character. 335- Bates, J. C. Quest. 5743 Bates, L. B. The Cunard line's Sabbath policy. {In Sabbath essays.) " 19808 Bates, S. P. The battle of Gettysburg. 1540^ Bates, S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture. 336 Bates's toi^-. {In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 14.) 19159 Bath, Marquis of. See Thynne, J. A. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 109 Bath, Eng. Doran, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Bathing. See Baths. Bathometer. Siemaus, C. AY. The bathometer. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 Baths and Bathing. Baths and bathing. (Health primers.) 18464 — Duraut, G. Sea-bathiuu: its use and abuse. 17854 — Parsons, C. 8ea-air an^ sea-bathing; their influence on health. 17055 Bathurst, H. Earl Bathurst. Thornton, P. M. {In his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 Battel, A. Frost, T. ATanderiugs in Western Africa. {In Ms Hf. hrs. with early explor.) 21074 — Kingslev. H. (In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Battell. See Battel. Batten, W. Sewer ventilation. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Snr. Proc, v. 6.) *I Battey, T. C. Life and adventures of a Quaker amona^ the Indians. ' 14188 Battle of the books ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 8430 Battle of the books ; by J. Swift. {In his Works.*) 4323 Battle of Dorking, The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, u. s., v. 3.) 19148 Battle of Fontenoy, The ; poem, fr. the French of Voltaire. 4602 Battle summer, A; by M. Harlaud [M. V. Terhune]. {With Helen Gardner's wedding-day.) 5489 Battles. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 8741 — See also Boston ;— Bunker Hill ;— Concord :— Lexington. Battles at homes ; by M. G. Darling. 9621 Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap ; also, the localities where game abounds. 17826 — Practical taxidermy', and home decoration ; with gen. information for sportsmen. lUiist. *I Baucher, F. New method of horsemanship, inol. the breaking and training of horses, with instr. for obtaining a good seat. Illust. 17437 Baudelaire, C. Gautier, T. {In his Fusaius et Eaux-fortes.) 14037 and others. {In their Fam. Fr. authors.) 19026 — Harrison, J. A. (Jn /i?'.s- Group of poets.) 13752 — James, H., Jr. (In his French poets and nov.) 17578 Bauderon, A. Sienr de Senece. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 12.) *I Bauer, A. Organic bases. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Bauer, K. {pseud. Carl Detlef.) Dead to the world. 13746 — Must it be? Illust. 11712 — Valentine, the countess. 12756 Bauerman, H. Text-book of systematic mineralogy. 20698 — Treatise on the metallurgy of iron; with app. on the 3Iartin process for making steel, fr. the rept. of A. S. Hewitt. Illust. 7502 Baur, F. A philological introd. to Greek and Latin for stu- dents ; tr. by C. K. Paul and E. D. Stone. 17218 Baur, F. C. Church hist, of tlie 1st. three cent. ; tr. by A. Meuzies. 3d. ed. 2 v. (Theol. Trans. Fund Lib.) *I — Paul, his life and works, his epistles and teachings. 2d. ed. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — Same ; rev. by A. Menzies. v. 1. *I Bautain, M. Art of extempore speaking. 338 Bavaria. Doran, J. Ludwig, the lover. {In his Monarchs, etc., V. 1.) 1248 110 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Mansfield, R. B. (In his Log of the Water Lily.) 12202. — Schmidt, H., and Stieler, K. The Bavarian Highlands, etc. Illust. *I Bawr, A. S. de C. cle C, Mme. de. The maid of honour ; or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew. 4823 Bax, B. W. The Eastern seas ; narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. "Dwarf," in China, Japan, and Formosa ; With descr. of the coast of Russian Tartary and Eastern Siberia. Map. and illust. 15618 Baxley, H. W. Spain ; Art-remains and art-realities, painters, priests, and princes. 2 v. 13543-4 — What I saw on the west coast of S. and N. America, and at the Hawaiian Islands. 6129 Baxter, R. The saints' everlasting rest ; abgd. by B. Fawcett. 7731 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Sketch of B. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Stephen, J. {In his Essays, v. 2.) 8976 — Stephen, J. Life and times of B. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 — French, R.C. Baxter and " The saints' rest." ( Jti Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Whittier, J. G. {In his Old portr., etc.) 4763- Baxter, R. D. National debts. 11055 — National income ; the United Kingdom. 11054 Bay, W. V. N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Mis- souri ; app., biog. sketches; with letters of Washington, Burr, and others, on the Burr conspiracy. 18194 Bay path, The ; by J. G. Holland. 1945 Bayard, G. D. Bayard, S. J. Life of B. 12532 Bayard, J. A. Speech. {Iii Amer. oratory.) 4959 Bayard, S. J. Life of G. D. Bayard. 12532 Bayard, T. F. How to succeed ; in public life. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 Bayard or Bayart, Pierre du Terrail, chev. de. Walfprd, E. Story of the Chevalier Bayard, fr. the French of De Ber- ville and others ; with notes and introd. 3d. ed. 8495 — Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Bayard series. See Friswell, J. H. Bayer, R. von. {pseud. R. Byr.) The struggle for existence. 12101 Bayle, P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1.) *I Baylies, F. Historical mem. of New Plymouth. 2 v. in 1. 4978^ Bayly, T. H. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. Stand, dr. Bayne, P. The chief actors in the Puritan revolution. 18020 — The days of Jezebel ; hist, drama. 10941 — Lessons from mv masters, 'Carlvle, Tennyson, and Buskin. 18910 — Life and letters of Hugh Miller^ 2 v. 10159-60 Baynes, R. E. Lessons on thermodynamics. (Clarendon press ser.) 18952 Baynes, R. H. English lyrics ; collect, of Eng. poetry. 10861 Bazaars. Lady's bazaar and fancy fair book ; sugg. on the getting-up of bazaars, etc. 22431 Bazar book of decorum. • 9262 Bazar book of health. 11956 Bazar book of the household ; [by R. Tomes]. 13471 Bazley T. S. Notes on the Epicycloidal cutting frame. Illust. 10957 Beach, Mi's. — . The Puritan and the Quaker ; story of colo- nial times. 1 8584 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Ill Beach, C. A. Pitzmaroon or the magic hammer. 7098 Beach, E. T. P. Pelayo : an epic of the oldcD Moorish time. 5545 Beacon Hill. See Boston. History. Beacons. The illumination of beacons and buoys. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, B. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah ; or. Mysteries and crimes of mor- monism. 8652 Beagle, ship. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. 19056 Beal, S. A catena of Buddhist scriptures fr. the Chinese. *I — The romantic legend of SSkya Buddha : fr. the Chinese Sanscrit. 13859 — Texts fr. the Buddhist canon, known as Dhammapada, with narratives fr. the Chinese. 17882 — Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist pilgrims, fr. China to India. 8712 Beale, A. Rose Merwyn, of Whitelake. 19060 Beale, L. S. Bioplasm ; introd. to the study of physiology and medicine. 11148 — How to work with the microscope. *I — Life theories ; their infl. upon relig. thought. 9893 — On slight ailments, their nature and treatment. 2d. ed. 22126 Beames, J. Outlines of Indian philology, with map showing the distribution of Indian languages. 2d. ed. *I Bear and forbear ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 12637 Bear hunters. The, of the Rocky Mts. ; by A. Bowman. 9008 Beard, D. C. What to do and how to do it ; the Amer. boy's handy book. 22001 Beard, G. M. American nervousness ; its causes and conse- quences ; suppl. to Nervous exhaustion. 20623 — Eating and drinking. 10065 — Hay-fever, or Summer catarrh : its nature and treatment. 15961 — The longevity of brain-workers. {In Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Repts., V. 1, 1873!) *I — Practical treatise on sea-sickness, its symptoms, nature and treatment. 19751 — Psychology of the Salem witchcraft excitement, 1692 : its appl. to our own tune. 21757 — Scientific basis of delusions ; new theory of trance, and its bearings on human testimony. ' 18296 — Stimulants and narcotics. 9862 Beard, J. R. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture. 2521 Beardslee, L. A. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and chain-cables. Rept. of Comm. of U. S. Board ; rev. and abrgd. by W. Kent. 19556 Beardsley, E. E. Life and correspondence of S. Seabury. 20104 — Life and times of W. S. Johnson. 16704 Bear hunter. The ; by B. Bjornson. {In his Bridal march, etc.) 21758 Bears of Augustusburg ; by G. Nieritz. 3254 Bearse, A. Reminiscences of Fugitive-slave law days in Bos- ton. 19939 Beaseley, — . Is he jealous? {In French's min. dr., v. 18.) 11845 Beaten paths ; by E. W. Thompson. * 12636 Beatitudes. Chapin, E. H. Discourses on the beatitudes. 796 Beatrice ; by C. Sinclair. 4028 Beatrice ; by J. Kavanagh. 5959 Beatrice Cenci ; by F. D. Guerazzi. 6268 112 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Beatrice's mirror ; by Mrs. A. D. Perkins. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 3.) 13932 Beattie, J. Poems ; Sketch of his life, {hi Hudson, H. N. Text-book of poetry.) 14038 — Poetical works ; with mem. by A. Dacc. 339 — Forbes, W. Account of the life and writings of B. ; incl. letters. New ed. 2y. 22792-3 Beattie, W. Life and letters of T. Campbell. 2 v. 5703-4 Beau Narcisse, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 6.) *I Beau-strategem, The ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. {Li Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Beauchamp ; by G. P. R. James. 12423 Beauchampe ; by W. G. Simms. 19075 Beauchamp's career ; by G. Meredith. 3 v. 19433-5 Beauchesue, A. H. du B. Louis XVII. ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 2 v. 13021-2 Beauclercs, The ; by C. Clarke. 13536 Beauclerk, D. de V. True love. 8466 Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines, incl. a visit to Palmyra. 13699 Beaufort, F. Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657 ; 16744 Beauharnais, E. de. Beauharnais. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Beaulieu ; [by R. A. Wood]. 20129 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de. Besaut, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 — Brachvogel, A. E. Beaumarchais; hist, novel. Illust. 7407 — Lom^nie, L, L. de. B. and his times. 2734 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (/w his Caus. lund., v. 6.) *I Beaumont, C. G. L. A. d' E. de. Fairholt, F. W. The Cheva- lier d' Eon. {In his Ecc. and remark, characters.) 5058 — Russell, W. The Chevalier d' Eon. (In h is Eccen. personages.) 6265 Beaumont, F. The elder brother. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 9.) 11811 — and Fletcher, J. Works ; with notes and biog. mem. by A. Dyce. 2 v. 6294-6 — See also Fletcher, J. Beaumont, G. H., Bart. Cunningh^am, A. {Li his Lives of Brit, painters, e^c, v. 5.) 1057 Beaumont, L. E. de. See Elie de Beaumont, L. Beauseincourt, Romance of ; by C. A. Warfield. 12782 Beaute du diable. La ; opera-comique, par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4, V. 20.) *I Beautiful, The. Cousin V. Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good ; tr. by O. W. Wight. 17493 — Schlegel, K. "NY. F. On the limits of the beautiful. {In his JEsthet. and misc. works.) 22359 See also Esthetics. Beautiful book, The, for little children. 13361 Beautiful Edith, the child woman. 17297 Beautiful homes ; by H. T. Williams and Mrs. C. S. Jones. 17418 Beautiful Snow ; and other poems ; by J W. Watson. 8448 Beautiful wretch. The ; by W. Black. 20700 Beauty. See Esthetics. Beauty (Personal). Cazenave, A. Female beauty. 12670 — Fevdeau, E. Art of pleasing. 12670 — Headley, J. T. The power of beauty. 1827 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 113 — Jacques, D. H. Hints toward physical perfection : or. The philosophy of human beauty. 2273 — Spencer, H. Personal beauty. {I7i his Essays.) 5863 — Svmonds, J. A. Principles of beautv. {In his Misc.) 22835 Beauty draught, The. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Beauty and religion ; by T. S. King. (In his Patriotism.) 5721 Beauty and the beast. (In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 Beauty and the beast. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) 7223 Beauty and the beast ; by A. I. Thackeray. (In her Writings.) 8668 Beauty and the beast ; by B Taylor. 10101 Beauty and the beast : by J. R. Blanche. [In his Extravagan- zas, V. 2.) *I — Same. (In French's min. dr., v. 2.) 11834 Beauty and the beast ; by N! P. Willis. (In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Beauvoir, L., comte de. Conclusion of a voyage round the world (Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco.) 10800 Beauvoir, R. de. Safia ; or, The magic of Count Cagliostro. 4822 Beaver, The. Dyer, S. Home and abroad ; wonders of famil- iar objects. 22576 — Morgan. L. H. The American beaver and his works. 7346 Beazely twins, The ; bv R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukes- borough tales.) " 22894 Beazley, S. The steward. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 35.) 11827 Becher,H. C. R. A trip to Mexico; notes of a journey fr. Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back ; with paper about the anc. nations and races, and the anc. stone and other structures and ruins. *I Becker, B. H. Adventurous lives. 2 v. 18730-31 Contents. 1, A princess of tlie 1st. empire. — Count Saint-Germain.— Cagliostro. — Casanova. — Count de Bonneval. — John Law. — W. Caxtou. — Odd members of Parliament. 2. Yille-Hardouin. — Joinville.— Rubru- quis.— Marco Polo.— Mandeville.— A "V^'andering Jew.— A travelled Moor. — A learned ambassador. — The last of the Valois. — A free lance. — A buc- caneer. — Wm. Dampier. — Some eminent pirates. — Barentz and Heems- kerck. — A tine old English gentleman.— A saint of the revolution. — Disturbed Ireland; letters written, 1880-81. Maps. 20556 — Scientific London. 13604 Contents. The Koynl Society.— The Royal institutions. — The Society of Arts. — The Institutioii of Civil Engineers. The Chemical Society. — The Department of Science and Art.— The London Institution.— The Birkbeck Institute.— The Gresham Lectures. — The Society of Telegraph Engineers. —The Museum of Practical Geologj-. — The British Association for the Advancement of Science. — The Stati'stical Society.— The Royal Geogra- phical Society. Becker, W. A. Charicles ; private life of the anc. Greeks; fr. the German. 732 — Gallus ; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus ; tr. by F. 3Ietcalfe. 10837 Becket, Thomas a. See Thomas a Becket. Beckett, E. A book on building, civil and ecclesiastical ; incl. Church restoration ; theory of domes and the great pyra- mid, and dimensions of many churches, etc. 2d. ed., enl. 19701 — Rudimentarv treatise on clocks, and watches and bells. 6th. ed., rev. and enl. " U189 Beckett, Gilbert Abbott a. See A Becket, G. A. Beckford, W. History of the Caliph Vathek ; fr. 1st. ed., with orig. pref. and notes by Henley ; [biog. not.] 2d. ed. (Bayard ser.) 8498 — Yathek : an Arabian tale. Notes [and mem. by W. North] . 7507 — Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 114 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Beckman, J. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins ; tr. by W. Johnston. 4th. ed., rev., and enl. by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. 2 v. 4974-5 Beck with, A. Ashphalt and bitumen ; with obs. on macadam- ized streets and roads, (/w U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. 1867, Kept., V. 4.) 9099 — Majolica and f ayence. Illust. 2149T Beckwith, Miss A. L. Constance Winter's choice. 19388 Beckwith, G. C. Peace manual. 344 Beckwith, L. F. Beton-coignet ; its fabrication and uses, etc. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. 1867, Rept., v. 4. 9099- Becquerel, A. C. Forests and their climatic influence. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Bed-time stories ; by L. C. Moulton. 12023^ — See also More bed-time stories ; — New bed-time stories. Beda, or Bede Venerabilis. Conflictus veris et hiemis. {In Lemau-e, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 835^ Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, E. Bedford, Duke of. See Plantagenet, J. ; Russell, J. Bedford family. Chambers, W. {In his Stories of old fam- ilies.) 18362 Bedolliere, E. G. de la. See La Bedolliere. Bede's charity ; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 993» Bedouins. Blunt, A. Bedouin ti'ibes of the Euphrates. Pref. and acct. of the Arabs and their horses by W. S. B. 18271 — Lascaris, P. L. de. Secret mission among the B. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 43oS Bee, The, and the orange tree ; by J. R. Planche. {In his Ex- travaganzas, V. 3.) *I Beebe, W.^Joi7it author. See Phillips, A. W. Beech, tree. Heath, F. G. Burnham beeches. 19521 Beechcroft ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4891 Beecher, A. E., Ed. Recitations and readings; humorous, seri- ous, dramatic. 13426 Beecher, C. E. Appeal to the people in behalf 'of their rights as interpreters of the Bible. 357 — Domestic economy. 358 — Domestic receipt book. 359 — Educational reminiscences and suggestions. 13482 — Miss Beeclier's housekeeper and health-keeper. 11692 — Religious training of children. 5930 — Truth stranger than fiction ; a narr. [cone. Miss Deha Bacon] . 362 — Woman's profession as mother and educator, with views in opposition to woman suffrage. 10462 — and Stowe, H. E. B. The American wom^in's home. 784T Note. Enlarged ed. of Principles of domestic science. Principles of domestic science. 8509 Beecher, C. Spiritual manifestations. 18269 Beecher, E. Concord of ages ; or. Harmony of God and man. 364 — Conflict of ages ; or. Moral rel. of God and man. 363^ — History of opinions on the Script, doct. of retribution. 17545 — Papal conspiracy exposed, and Protestantism defended. 365 Beecher, E. W. All around the house ; or. How to make homes happy. 18003 — Letters from Florida. 18557 — Motherly talks with young housekeepers. 11506. Beecher, H. E. See Stowe, H. E. B. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 115 Beecher, H. W. Eyes and ears. 925 — Five hundred ninety-five pulpit pungencies. 6377 — Freedom and war; discourses, 1863. 5433 — Lecture room talks. 8478 — Lectures to voung men. 367 Contents. ' Industrv and idleness.— Twelve causes of dishonesty.— Six wamings.— The portrait gallery.— Gamblers and gambling.— The strange woman.— Popular amusements. — Same, with additions. 8414 Add. contents. Relative duties.— Religious rectitude. — Same. New ed. 11238 Contents add. to No. 367. Practical hints.— Profane swearing.— Vulgar- itv. — Happiness. — Life of Jesus, the Christ. 9648 — Life thoughts, gathered fr. extemp. discourses ; by [E. D. Proctor] . 368 — New Star papers : or. Views and experiences of relig. subjects. 371 — Norwood ; or, Yillagelife in New Eng. " 7265 — Notes fr. Plymouth pulpit ; [with a sketch of Beecher] by A. Moore. 36^ — Same; new'ed. 13211 — Plans of reading. (In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) 19847 — Peace, be still. (I7i Fast day sermons.) 1454 — Plain and pleasant talk about fruit, flowers, and farming. 366 — Same; new ed. See Pleasant talk. — Pleasant talk about fruits, flowers, and farming ; new ed. 12482 — Royal truths. 6423 — Sermons. 2 v. 7543-4 — Sermons ; fr. verb, repts. bv T. J. Ellinwood ; ''Plvmouth pulpit." 1868- 1875, 14 V. ' ' 9045-56; 15240-1 — Star papers ; or. Experiences of art and nature. 370 — A summer parish ; sabbath discourses, etc., at White Mts., N. H. 14001 — "Una and her paupers;" mem. of A. E. Jones, by her sister. Introd. bv Florence Nightingale ; supp. on Hospital nursing and training in the U. S. 9972 — Woman's influence in politics ; address. (Worn. Suft'. Tr.) 14359 — Yale lectures on preaching; ser. 1-3. 11003; 12082 ;13002 — Abbott, L. H. W. Beecher ; a sketch of his career ; with analysis of his power, etc. *I — Bungay, G. {In his Traits of representative men.) 22315- — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 8988 — Parton, J. Beecher and his church. (In his Famous Americans.) 6677 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Beecher, ^frs. H. W. See Beecher, E. W. Beecher, L. Autobiography, correspondence, etc., ed. by C. Beecher. Illust. 2 v. 5589-90 Beechnut ; by. J. Abbot. 8 Beechwood ; by R. R. Springer. 11409 Beechy, F. W. Voyage of disc, towards the North Pole, 1818. 4971 Beedy, M. E. Girls and women in Eng. and Amer. {In Brackett, A. C. Education of Am. girls.) 12327 Beef. Macdonald, J. Food fr. the far west ; or, Amer. agri- culture with ref . to the beef production and importation of dead meat fr. Amer. to G. Britain. 17973 Beef bonanza. The ; by J. S. Brisbin. Illust. 19983 Beekman, J. W. Remarks upon one of the first princ. of hos- pital hygiene. {Li Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Beer. Pasteur, L. Studies on fermentation ; the diseases of beer, their causes, and the means of preventing them. Tr. of "Etudes sur la Mere," with notes, illust., etc., by F. Faulkner and D. C. Robb. 19512 — Vezitellv, H. The beers of Europe. {In his Wines of the world.) 16933^ — Yogel, M. On beer; statistical sketch. 12211 Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia ; or. Life among the ostrich hunters. (Leis. hr. ser.) 18591 116 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Beers, E. L. All quiet along the Potomac, aud other poems. 19244 Beers, H. A. A century of American literature, 1776-1876. (Leis. hr. ser.) 18155 Beers, W. G. Lacrosse : the national game of Canada : new ed. *I Bees. Allen, J. The blessed bees. 18400 — Buckley, A. B. Bees in the hive. {In her Fairy-land.) 18435 — Langsti'oth, L. L. Practical treat, on the hive and honey bee. 2566 — Lubbock, J. Ants, bees, and wasps. (Int. Sci. ser.) ' 21797 — Phelps, E. W. Phelps' bee-keeper's chart. {In Saxtou's rural hand books, ser. 3.) 5694 — Quinby, M. Mysteries of bee-keeping expl. 6272 and Root, L. C. New bee-keeping ; the mysteries of bee-keeping expl. ; guide to bee-culture. ' 18810 — Weeks, J. M. Manual : or, Easy method of managing bees. {In Sax- ton's rural hand books, ser. 3.) ^ 5694 — Wood, J. G. Bees : their habits, management, and treatment. 4852 Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. Map. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 18125 — Sir John Franklin. ^ (The new Plutarch.) 20870 Beesly, E. S. Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius, [Necker and Calonne]. 18126 Beesly, Mrs. — . Stories from the history of Rome. 18063 Beet. Aligny, H. F. Q. d'. Manufacture of beet-root sugar. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, Rept.) 9100 — Crookes, W. The manufacture of beet-root sugar in Eng. and Ireland. 17222 Beethoven, L. van. Engedi ; or, David in the wilderness. *I — Fidelio, op. *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — Letters. 1790-1826: fr. the coll. of L. Nohl. Also, of L. von Kochel ; tr. by Lady Wallace. 2 v.) • 6533-4 — Mass in C. *I — Missa Solennis. (in D.) *I — Barnard, C. F. The tone masters; Bach and B. 9010 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Germ, compos.) 18050 — Grove, G. Beethoven's Xiutli svmphonv, (choral.) 21419 — Huefler, F. Thayer's Beethoven. (/?i ^. The mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk islands. Illust. 9299 Belcher, J. Life and writings of J. Bunyan. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Wm. Gary ; biogr. 1009- Beldazzle's bachelor •' studies." 12517 Beleaguered city, A ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 19788 Belfast. Black, A. and C. Guide to Belfast, Giant's Cause- way, and the North of Ireland. *I — Doran J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17808: Belfast meeting. Tyndall, J. Address bef. the British Asso- ciation at Belfast ; rev. with add. 13102 Same. With 2d. pref . replying to critics, and article on scientific mate- rialism. 13442 Belford Regis ; by M. R. Mltford. 3089 Belgium. Art. — Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts and works of Rubens, etc. Illust. 16178 — Fromentin. E. Les maltres d' autrefois : Belgique— Holland. 1447& Same. Old masters of Belgium, etc. ; tr. by M. C. Bobbins. *I Description. — Belgium. {In Rapid transit abroad.) 18585- — Gibbons, P. E. French and Belgians. ^ 18919 — Stevenson, R. L. An inland voyage. ' 18340 — Tripp, A. (J?i ;^ is Crests from the ocean-world.) 449^ — Wilson, A. J. France and Belgium. {In his Resources of mod. coun- tries, V. 1.) 17821 — See also Waterloo. Belhaven, Lord. Hazlett. W. {In his Eloquence, etc.^ v. 1.) 1812 Belief. Balfour, A. J. A defence of philosophic doubt ; essay on the foundations of bel. 19417 — Clarke, J. F. Steps of belief . 9295- ■ — Gibson, S. T. Religion and science; their rel. to each other; grounds of relig. bel. 15624 — Gould, 8. B. Origin and development of relig. bel. 2 v. 8062; 9271 — Kearv, C. F. Outlines of primitive bel. among the Indo-European races. 2162* 118 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Russell, J. Analysis of relig. belief. 2 v. 16802-3 — Taylor, I. The restoration of bel. New ed., rev. with add. 16007 — See also Truth. Beliefs of the unbelievers. See Frothingham, O. B. Belinda ; by M. Edge worth. 2 v. / 15284-5 — Same; another copy. 15289 Belisarius. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Stanhope, P. H. Life of B., by Lord Mahon, 15856 Belisle. D. W. American family Robinson. 17850 — History of Independence Hall : emb. biographies of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence ; with hist. sk. of relics. 5447 Bell, A. N. Marine hygiene on board passenger vessels. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Perils of the school-room. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Relations of certain filth diseases to cold weather. (I7i Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., etc., v. 6.) *I Bell, Acton, pseud. See Bronte, A. Bell, A. G. Researches in electric telephony ; lect. (8oc. of Tel. Eng.) 17719 Bell, A. M. Sounds and their relations ; illust. by means of visible speech. *I — Whitney, W. D. Bell's Visible speech. (In his Orient, and ling, stud., ser 2.) 13263 Bell, C. D. Hope Campbell ; or, Know thyself. 6737 Bell, C. Animal mechanics. (Lib. of Use. Knowl.) 268 — The hand ; its mechanism and vital endowments. 377 Bell, C. D. Henry Martyn. (Heroes of Chr. hist.) 21333 Bell, C. U. The general statutes of Massachusetts, etc., red. to questions and answers. 13265 Bell, Currer, pseud. See Nicholls, C. B. Bell, F. J. Digestion : Sharks and sturgeons ; Germs. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — The hand ; Touch. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Taste ; The starfish and its relatives. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Bell, G. Sanitary appliances. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I Bell, G. A. Description of Chester sewerage works. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) *I Bell, G. H. Guide to correct language ; pract. grammar, punctuation, use of capitals. 22846 Bell, H. G. Address, Glasgow Athenaeum, 1851. (/?? Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 v. 3579 Bell, I. Construction of La Corbiere lighthouse and the St. • Helier's harbour, built in concrete at Jersey. *I Bell, J. L. Chemical phenomena of iron smelting. 11000 Bell, J. Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Bell, J. Life of C. Rollin. {In Rollin, C. Anc. hist., v. 1.) 3691 Bell, John. A drawing book, fr. the flat, and fr. the round. *I — Drawing book of the Society of Arts. 9243 Bell, John, of Tenn. Savage, J. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Bell, Mrs. M. Julia Howard. • 5817 Bell, R. The ladder of gold. 6175 — Temper. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 119 Bell, R. Lilies and violets ; [coll. of] prose and verse. 2d. ed. 5926 Bell, W. A. New tracks in North America. 2 v. 8820-1 Bell, W. E. Carpentry made easy ; or. Science and art of framing ; compr. also system of bridge building. — Same; 2d. ed., eul. Bell-the-wolf ; by F. Gerstacker. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.) Bell-tower, The; by H. Melville. {In Little class., v. 3.) ^'Bellah;" by O. Feuillet. Bound V'ith Led astray. Bellamy, C. J. The Breton mills. Bellamy, E. Six to one ; a Nantucket idyl. Bellamy, G. A. Bellamy. {In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) — Fitzgerald, P. {In his Roman of the Eng. stage.) Bellamy, Mrs. PI W. {pseud. Kamba Thorpe.) The little Joanna. Bellamy, J. History of all religions. Belle and the boys ; by C. F. Corbin. Belle au bois dormant, La ; par A. E 3, v. 1.) Belle Helene, La ; opera bouffe ; by G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v Belle mere, La ; comedie vaudeville, par A. E ser. 2, v. 15.) Scribe. Offenbach. . 1.) Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. {In Tryon, (Oeuvres, 9762 *I 7224 12974 13455 18802 17927 17924 13430 15399 4983 19324 *I Belle Scott ; or. The crisis of freedom. Bellehood and bondage ; by A. S. Stephens. Belleisle-en-Mer. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Is.) Belles and ringers ; by H. Smart. Belles-lettres. Rollin, C. Methods of teaching and studying 4 V. comedy, by H. Cowley. {In Mod. private acting ; the belles-lettres. — See also Literature. Belle's stratagem. The stand, dr., v. 36.) Bellevue Dramatic Club, Newport. Plays for fr. the Fr. and Italian. (Leis. hr. ser.) Contents. Droz, G. The registered letter; The cardinal's illness.— Sollohub, "\V. His hat and cane.— Legouv^', E., and Merim^e, P. The flower of Tlemeen.— Theuriet, A. The old homestead.— Hervilly, Ed' The soup tureen ; Silence in the ranks.— Xarry, C. Sophronisba..".. oh —He and she.— Guillemot, J. The unlucky star.— Gastineau, O. Lelia — Sollohub, W. The serenade.— Goetschy, G. The professor of elocution — Monselet, C. A trip through my pockets. —Cros, C. A journey to *** — Hervillv, E. d'. From Calais to Dover. — Durandeau, E.' Sargent Bri dell's letter.— Biez, J. de. The first love letter.— Marthold, J. de. On the eve of the wedding. — Supersac, L. The door is locked.— Normaud, J. The invitation to the christening.- Legouv^, E. By the cradle. Bellevue Hospital. White, V. Manual of nursing ; for the training school for nurses attached to B. Hospital. Bellew, F. The art of amusing ; coll. of graceful arts, games, tricks, puzzles, and charades. Bellew, H. W. Afghanistan and the Afghans ; spe. ref. to the present crisis and war with the Amir Sher Ali Khan, 1879. Bellew, J. C. M. Poet's corner ; manual for students in Eng. poetry. With biog. sketches. *I 379 12043 17827 20182 3701-4 11828 17926 17511 12953 18732 11748 120 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bellinghausen, E. F. J. v.M. Ingomar. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 12.) Bellini, J. G. and G. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) Bellini, V. Norma. — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) — I puritani. (The puritans.) — La sonnambula. — Some. (/% Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) — Ferris, G. T. Donizetti and B. {In his Gt. Ital. and Fr. comp.) Bellman, C. M. Harrison, J. A. A Swedish improvisatore. {In his Gronp of poets.) Bellows, A.J. How not to be sick; seq.toPhilosophy of eating. — Philosophy of eating. Bellows, H. W. Break bet. mod. thought and anc. faith. {In Christ, and mod. thought.) — The crisis of our national disease. {In Fast day sermons.) — Influence of theological theories upon the pra^ct. conduct of life. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) — Introduction. {In Brockett, L. P. and Vaughan, Mrs. Woman's work.) — John Howard; his life, character, and services. {In Inter. Pen. Cong., 1872.) — The old world in its new face ; impress, of Europe, 1867-S. 2 v. Bellows, R. N. The Channing centenary in Amer., Gt. Brit., and Ireland ; rept. of meetings. Bellows-mender of Lyons, The. {In Fam. stories, v. 1.) — Same. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) Bells. Beckett, E. Treatise on clocks, watches, and bells. — Denison, E. B. Rudimentary tr. on clocks, watches, and bells. Illust. — Gatty, A. The bell; its oritcin, hist., and uses. — North. T. The church bells of Leicestershire; their inscriptions, etc.; with chapters on bells and the Leicester bell founders. — Troj-te, C. A. W. Change ringing; introd. to the early stages of church or hand bell ringing. Bells, The ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. Bells of Botreaux. {In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., vol. 1.) Bells, The, of Corneville ; comic opera ; by R. Planquette. Bells, The, of Peuraven ; by B. L. Farjeon. Beloochistan. See l^eluchistan. Belot, A. Article 47. — The woman of lire. Belphegor, the mountebank, drama ; by C. Webb. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 43.) Belsham, T. Summary view of the evidence of the Christian revelation. Belt, T. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. Belt and spur ; ' stories of the Knights of the Middle Ages fr. the old chronicles ; with illuminations. Belting. Cooper, J. H. Treatise on the use of B. for the transmission of power. Belton estate. The ; by A. Trollope. Beluchistan. Floyer, E. A. Unexplored B. ; survey with obs. astronomical, geographical, botanical, etc. Illust. and map. — Eraser, J. B. Historical and descr. acct. of Persia; incl. descr. of B. Illust. — Macgregor, C. A. "Wanderings in Balochistan. Beloe, C. H. On the construction of catch- water reservoirs in mountainous districts. 11814 2324 *I *I *I *I *I 18707 13752 7565 7185 10188 1454 533^ 717^ *I 7411-12; 20557 18148 7223 14189 7403 11882 11021 1914G *I 19422 11963 13545 11831 381 12559 22721 17570 6101 22670 2171 22813 10995 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 121 Belzoni, Cx. B. Explorations in Egypt. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Sketch of B. (hi Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Bement, C. N. American poulterer's companion. 382 — The rabbit fancier. (In Saxton's rur. hd.-bks., ser. 3.) 5694 Bemis, G. Report of the case of J. W. Webster for the murder of G. Parkman. 495 Bemrose, W., Jr. Fret cutting and perforated carving. *I — Manual of buhl work and marquetry. *I — Manual of wood<'arving. *I Ben Bolt, drama; by J. B. Johnstone. {In Mod. stand, dr.. V. 20.) 11820 Ben Milner's wooing ; by H. Lee [H. Parr]. 168d4 Ben the boatswain ; nautical drama; by T. E. Wilkes. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 19.) 11819 Ben, the luggage boy ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9210 Ben's nugget ; by H. Alger, Jr. 22010 Benauly, pseud. See Abbott, B. A. and L. Bench and Bar. See Lawyers. Bender, C. Proportions of pins used in bridges. (Van Nos- trand's sci. ser.) 14136 Beneath the wheels; by [Mrs. Notley]. 5571 Beneden, P. J. Van. Animal parasites and messmates. Illust. (Int. sci. ser.) 15680 Benedict, F. L. John Worthington's name. 12647 — Miss Dorothy's charge, 10154 — Miss Van Kortland. 5282 — The price of a dream. (In Rouge-gorge, etc.) 8711 Benedict, J. Weber. (The great musicians.) 20501 Benedict, Sir. J. Lily of Killarney ; opera. *I Benedictines. Stephen, J. The French Benedictines. {In hisl^ss., V. 1.) 8975 Benedictus, St. Newman, J. H. Mission of St. Benedict ; Benedictine schools. {In his Hist, sk., v. 2.) 12917 Beuedix, — . Is lying easy ? Comedy ; tr. and adapt, by A. Wall. *I Benefactor's portrait. The : by A. Moritz. {In Michel, F. and Moritz, A. A will and a way.) • 4789 Benevolence — or beneficence?; by Mrs. Craik. {Bi her Sev- mons, etc.) 14029 Bengal. Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo to parts of B., etc, 2 V. 8733-4 — Day, L. B. Govinda Samauta; or. The hist, of a Bengal RAivat. 2 v. 1370&-4 — Life in the Mofussil : or. The civilian in Lower B. 2 v. ' 18900-1 Bengal tiger ; by C. Dance. {In French's Min. dram., v. 25.) 7983 Benham, W. Catharine and Craufurd Tait, wife and son of Archbishop Campbell ; memoir. Portr. 19479 Ben-Hur ; Tale of the Christ ; by L. Wallace. 20077 Benigna; by B. Auerbach. (/yi ^/s German tales.) 7889 Benjamin, Mrs. M. G. The missionary sisters : mem. of S. H. Everett and H. M. Hamlin. 384 Benjamin, P. Wrinkles and recipes, comp. fr. the Scientific American; pract. suggestions, processes, etc. Illust. 15360 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. Illust. 17827 9 122 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Art in America ; crit. and hist, sketch. Illust. *I Note. For 2d. ser. see Our Amer. artists, belong. — The choice of Paris ; romance of the Troad. 8667 — Contemporary art in Europe. Illust. *I — The multitudinous seas. Illust. (Appletons- hand.-vol. ser.) 18297 — Our American artists. 2d. ser. *I Note. 1st. ser, entitled Art in Amer. — Trov ; its legend, history, and literature ; with sketch of the topography of the Troad. Map. (Epochs of anc. hist.) ' 19940 — The Turk and the Greek. . 7127 — T^Tiat is art ; or. Art theories and methods. 17250 Ben-na-Groich. (/?i Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 4.) 19143 Bennet, G. Montgomery, J. Journal of voyages and travels, 1821-29. 3 V. 3107-9 Bennet, J. H. Winter and spring on the shores of the Med- iterranean. 129 Bennett, C. W. National education in Italy, France, Ger- many, Eng., and Wales. (Amer. lib. of education.) 18716 — History of the philosophy of pedagogics. (Pps. on education.) *I Bennett, E. The border rover. 386 — Clara Moreland. ' 759 — Ella Barnwell. 11616 — Ellen Xorbury. 385 — The fair rebel. 11618 — The female spy. 11617 — The heiress of Bellefont ; and Walde- Warren. 11739 — Kate Clarendon. 11620 — The pioneer's daughter; and The unknown countess. 11740 — The prairie flower. 11710 — Rosalie Du Pont. 11619 — The unknown countess. See Pioneer's daughter, above. — Yiola. 388 — Walde- Warren. See Heiress of Bellefont. above. Bennett, J. C. Poultrv book. 389 Bennett, J. G. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 — Memoirs of B. and his times. 890 — Parton, J. Bennett and the IS". Y. Herald. (In his Fam. Americans.) 6677 — Sketch of B. (In Fam. boys.) 5036 Bennett, W. C. Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) . 6158 Bennett. W. J. E. Stephens, A. J. Argument in the case of T. B. Sheppard against W. J. E. Bennett, Clerk. 11133 Bennigsen, R. von. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Bennoch, F. Poems, lyrics, songs, and sonnets. Amer. ed. 21354 Benny, P. B. The criminal code of the Jews ace. to the Tal- mud. • 19753 Benoni Blake, M. D. 9238 Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. 22123 — Gaspara Stampa; with a select, fr. her sonnets, tr. by G. Fleming. 21133 Benson, E. W. Boy-life ; Its trials, its strength, its fulness ; Sundaysin Wellington college, 1859-1873 ; [sermons]. 13691 Benson, J. W. Time and time-tellers. 15831 Benson, W. Manual of the science of colour. 18182 Bent, J. T. A freak of freedom ; or. The republic of San Marino. 19560 — Genoa ; how the republic rose and fell. Illust. 20585 — Life of Garibaldi. Illust. S1204 Bentham, J. Introduction to the principles of morals and legis- lation. 18955 — Usury laws. (Econ. tracts.) 21167 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 123 — Mill, J. S. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 1.) 5978 Bentinck, G. Disraeli, B. Lord G. Bentinck ; a polit. biog. 21278 — Francis, G. H. {In his Orators.) 1526 "Bentivoglio, G. Sieges of Leyden and Osteud. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc) 5105 Bentley, R. Coleridge, H. {In his Lives of Northern worthies, V. 1.) *I — Jebb, R. C. BentleJ^ (Eng. men of letters.) 21589 Bentley, R. Manual of botany. 1457 Benton, T. H. Thirty years view ; history of the working of the Amer. government, 1820-50. 2 v. 391-2 — Magoon, E. L. {In his Liv. orators in Amer.) 2857 ^entzon, T.^ psei(d. >iSee Blanc, T. Benvolio ; bj^ H. James, Jr. (In his Madonna, etc., v. 2.) 20810 13eowulf . Anglo-Saxon poems : The Scop or Gleeman's Tale, and The Fight at Finnesburg ; lit. tr., with notes, glos- sary, etc.. by B. Thorpe. • *I — BeoAvulf ; tr. into mod. rhymes, bv H. W. Lumsden. 21980 — Beowulf; and The fight at Finsburg: tr. bv J. M. Garnett. 22494 — Gibb, J. Beowulf. (J?i /its Gudrun. e?c.) 22358 Beppo, the conscript ; by T. A. Ti'ollope. 7255 Bequest, The ; fr. E. B. Lytton. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Beranger, P. J. de. Two hundred lyrical poems ; done into Eng. verse by AV. Young. 393 — Besant, W. {In his French humorists.) 13061 — Gautier, T. and others. {In their Fam. Fr. authors.) 19026 — Harrison. J. A. (In his Group of poets.) 13752 — Pollock. W. J. {In his Lect. on Fr. poets.) 18638 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cout., v. 1; Nouv. luud., v. 1; Caus. lund., V. 2, 15.) *I Berber, The ; by W. S. Mayo. 11482 Berchoux, J. La gastronomic ; poeme. (In Physiologic du gout.) 14596 Berengaria of Navarre. Queen of Richard I. Hewitt, M. E. {In / 21498 19096. 21932 16904 18.S69' 11561 19455- 17568 20974 21877 21682 1909T 18221 16931 19096- 15361 14190 14524 *I 20511 15067 15069> 20463 8689' 17398. 16881 5143 1826- 14797 9996 12937 3441 1469tl CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. UiTIVSRSITY' 7* ^ iiiB,Miii r-^ g^ 127 (/?i /ier Six life studies.) 19835 Reicl, T. W. {In his Cabinet .13883 Phineas Stowe, and Bettiel work. 12487 8932 The ghost of Gairy- 6.) Diff. Betham, M. Edwards, M. B Bethell, R., Lord Westbiiry. portr.) Bethel work. Cooke, H. A. Bethlehem ; by F. W. Faber. Bethune, A. The ghost of Howdycraigs burn. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, \ — The warning. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 8.) Bethune, G. W. Van Nest, A. R. Memoir of B. Bethune, J. The bewildered student. (Li Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 5.) Bethune, J. E. D. Life of Galileo ; of Kepler. (In Soc Usef. Kn. Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) Bethune, M. de.. Due deSully. See Sully. Beton-coiguet. Beckwith, L. F. B^ton-coignet ; its fabrica- tion and uses, etc. {InJJ. S. Comm.to Paris Expos.^ 1867. Rept., V. 4.) Betrothal, The. See Angel in the house. Betrothed, The ; by A. Manzoni. Bethrothed, The ; by W. Scott. " Betsey and I are out ;" by N. S. Emerson. {In her Thanks- giving story.) Betsey Baker; by J. M. Morton. {In French's Min. dram., V. 24.) Better Samaritan, The ; by J. P. Quincy. {In his Protection of majorities.) Better than good ; by A. E. Ridley. Bettine ; par A. de 5lusset. {In his Comedies, v. 2.) Bettridge, E. Disposal of sewage, a question for legislation. {In Ass. of Muriic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) Betty, W. H. W. Doran, J. About Master Betty. {In his In and ab. Drury Lane, v. 1.) — Fitzgerald, P. The young Roseius. {I)i his Rom. of the Eng. stage.) Betty's bright idea ; by H. B. Stowe. Between friend and sweetheart. See Hope mills. Between the cliffs ; by E. Marshall. Between the gates ; by B. F. Taylor. Beugnot, J. C., co^nte. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 11.) Beulah ; by A. J. Etans. Beule, C. E. L' acropole d' Athenes. Beust, F. F. Count von. Count Beust. Bevan, G. P British industries. Namely: — Burbidge, F. W. Horticulture. — Holdsworth, E. TT. H. Sea fisheries ; Salmon fisheries, by A. Young. — British manufacturing industries. 14 v. " 15465-76 ; Contents. Y. 1. Williams, W. M. Iron and steel.— Phillips, J. A Nouv. ed. {In Dip. sketches.) 8046 8048 7183 8045 5104 9099 2897 3808 11687 7983 15417 20179 *I 21399 13430 15349 12525 17621 *I 1412 14656 18832 17097 17098 16804-6 building.— Sabine, R. Telegraphy.— Wright- son, Prof. Agricultural machinery.— Clark, D. H. Railways* and tram- ways. 11. Wallis, G. Jewellery.— Boutell. C. Gold working.— Brit- ten", F. J. Watches and clocks.— Rimbault, E. F. Musical instruments.— CaUis, F. Cutlery. 12. Manley. J. J. Salt, preservation of food, bread and biscuit.- Gill, C. H. Sugar refining.— Evans. M. Butter and cheese.— Pooley, T. A. Brewing, distilling. 13. Bevan, G. P. The industrial classes, and industrial statistics: Mining, metals, chemicals, ceramics, glass, and paper. 14. Bevan, G. P. The industrial classes, and indus- trial statistics : Textiles and clothing, food, sundrv industries. — Handbook to the industries of the Brit. Isles and'the U. S. 21933 — Primer of the indust. geography of the U. S. 20442 Bevan, W. L. Students' manual of anc. geography. 10663 — Students' manual of mod. geography. 10664 Beveridge, W., Bp. Clark, W. R. Beveridge, the scriptual preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach.) 17464 Beyle, M. H. (pseud. De Stendhal) . Life of Haydn ; Life of Mozart, with obs. on Metastasio, aud the pres. state of music in France and Italy ; with notes by W. Gardiner. 2520 Note. The life of Haydn is fr. the Ital. of Guiseppe Carpani, that of Mozart, fr. the Germ. ofSchlichtegroll; they were first published under the pseudonvm of L. A. C. Bombet. — Hayward, A. (In fiis Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 — Paton, A. A. Beyle ; crit. and biog. study. 12915 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (/n /n's Cans. luud.,*v. 9.) *I Beyond the breakers ; by R. D. Owen. 8173 Bezold, W. von. Theory of color in its rel. to art and art industry; tr. by S. R. Koehler. Introd. and notes by E. C. Pickering. Illust. ' 16094 Bhagavad gita. Hiudu philosophy ; the Bhagavad gita ; or. The sacred lay; tr., with notes, by J. Davies. (Eng. and For. phil. lib.) 22309 — Harris, W. T. Philosophv of the Bhagavad gita. (In Bridgmau, R. L. Concord lect.) * 22506 Bianca, Grand Duchess of Florence. Trollope, T. A. (In his Decade of Ital. women, v. 2.) 10989 Biard, L. d' A. Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg. 3*" ed. Illust. 14598 Biart, L. Adventures of a voung- naturalist [in Mexico] ; ed. and adapt, by P. Gillmore.^ Illust. 21326 — The two friends : tr. bv M. de Hauteville. 19283 Bible. — The child's Bible. 11422 Anali/sis. — Higginson, E. Spirit of the Bible. 2 v. 9112-13 Antlqidties. — Cox, F. A. Biblical antiquities. 999 BihUography. — Clarke, D. The revision of the Eng. version of the Bible; address. 12754 — Conaut, H. C. The English Bible : hist, of the trans, of the Holy Scri])tures into Enalish. 923 — Loftie, W. I. A centurv of Bibles. *I — Storrs, E. S. J. Wvclitt'^e and the first Eng. Bible. , . *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 129 Biography. Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times : fi\ the Patriarchs to the Messiah. 14S Ashton, S. G. Mothers of the Bible. 6138 Boston Young Men's Christian Ass. Young men of the Bible; lect. 4914 Headley, P. C. The girls of the Bible. 6137 Stanley, A. P. Scripture portraits, etc. 8965 Canon. Arnold, M. The Bible canon. {In his God and the Bible.) 15322 • Catechism. Abbott, E. A. Bible lessons. 11526 Hall, E. H. Fii-st lessons on the Bible. 22153 Commentaries. Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., and Brown, D. Commentary on the Old and Xew Testaments. 2 v. 8765-6 Oort, H. and Hoovkaas, I. The Bible for learners: [tr. by P. H. Wick- steed]. 3v. ' 22287-9 Concordance. Taylor, T. Concordance to the Scriptures. 4378 Criticism. Boston lectures, 1871. 12134 Chadwick, J. The Bible of to-day. 18029 Fairbairn, P. The typology of Scripture ; viewed in conn, with divine dispensations. 2 v. ' 16527-8 Greg, W. R. The creed of Christendom. 2 v. 12194-5 Porter, J. S. Principles of textual criticism with their appl. to the Old and Xew Testaments. *I Stewart. S. J. The Bible : The Old Testament ; The Xew Testament. {In his Gospel of law.) 22178 "Worcester. X. Bible news. 4th. ed. 4861 Dictionaries. Smith, ^y. Concise dictionarv of the Bible. 8723 - Dictionarv of the Bible. 3 v. 8592-^ - Smaller dictionary of the Bible. 8709 Ei'idences, Authority, etc. Bissell, E. C. The historic origin of the Bible. 11477 • Clarke, J. F. The Bible: lect. (In his Essentials in relig.) 17391 Faunce, D. W. A young man's difficulties with his Bible. 16711 Halev, J. AV. Exaniinatiou of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible. Introd. bv A. Hovev. 13075 - Huntiu^ou. \\\ R. The oneness of Scripture. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 ■ Liber librorum : its structure, limitations, and purpose. 6897 • Rawlinson, G. Historical evidences of the Scripture records. 5165 Rogers, H. The superhuman origin of the Bible inferred fr. itself. 12586 ■ Sleiuh, W. AV. The Christian's defensive dictionarv: refutation of obj. to the Bible. ' 6344 • Sunderland, J. T. What is the Bible V " 18713 -Taylor, I. History of the transmission of anc. books to mod. times; "with the Process of historical proof; inch rem. on relative strength of the evidence of the Holy ScriiJtures. 11380 ■ Titcomb, J. H. Combination of unity with progressiveness of thought in the Bible: argument in favour of Divine Revelation. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 Watson, R. Apology for the Bible; letters to T. Paine. 4677 Geography. ■ Coleman, L. Historical text-book and atlas of Biblit-al geographv. 16933 -Foster, C. T. Geogi*aphv of the Bible. {With Grant, A. R. Lessons fr. the Bible.) " 10938 - Headley, J. T. The sacred mountains. Illust. 1830 - Kitto, J. Scripture lands; hist., geog., and topog. sketches. Atlas. 2494 Hermenextics. - Arnold, M. Literature and dogma ; essav. 11498 - Beecher, C. E. An a])peal to the people in behalf of their rights as interpreters of the Bible. 357 - Fairbairn. P. The typology of Scripture: viewed in conn, with divine dispensations. 2V. "" • 16527-8 130 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Geikie, C. Hours with the Bible ; or, The Scriptures in the light of mod. discovery and knowledge. Illust., v. 1-4. 20611-14 History. — Ellwood, T. Sacred history. 2 v. 1376-T — Glei^, G. R. History of the Bible. 2 v. 6047-8 — Hughes, E. Outlines of Scripture geography and history. 5942 — Lenormant, F. Les origines de I'histoire d'apres la Bible"^ et les traditions des peuples orientaux. De la creation de I'homme au deluge. 2^ ed. 14665 — Rawlinson, G. Alleged hist, difficulties of the Old and New Testaments, and the light throw^n on them by mod. discoveries. {In Chris. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 — Russell, J. Holy books, or Bibles. {In his Anal, of relig. bel., v. 2.) 16803 — Sellon, W. A concise hist, of the Scriptures. 3890 Inspiration. — Bannerman, J. Inspiration ; the infallible truth and div. authority of the Scriptures. 6712: — Clarke, J. F. The Bible. {In Unitarian affirmations.) 1858& — CurtiSjT. F. The human element in the inspiration of the Scriptures. 6967 — Greg, W. R. {In his Creed of Christendom. 2 v.) 12194-5 — Higginson, E. {In his Spirit of the Bible. 2 v.) 9112-13 — Livermore, A. A. The Bible, inspired and inspiring. {In his Romans.) 270T Introductions. — Goulburn, E. M. Introduction to the study of the Scriptures. 627T — Harman, H. M. Introd. to the study of the Scriptures. 21294 Miscellaneous illustrative works. — The Biblical reason why ; family guide to Scripture readings. Illust. 1769' — Bowes, G. S. Illustrative gatherings. 2 ser. 21221-2 — Davies, T. L. O. Bible English. Chapters on old and disused expre*- sions. Illust. fr. contemp. literature. 16819 — Dunn, H. Liber librorum : its structure, limitations, and purpose. 6897 — Grant, A. R. Lessons fr. the Bible. 10938 — Haven, E. 0. The voung man advised; or. Illustrations of hist, facts of the Bible. " 1794 — Here a little and there a little ; or. Scripture facts. 187T — Ide, G. B. Bible pictures. 7181 — Kip, W. I. Unnoticed things of Scripture. 7521 — Macmillan, H. Bible teachings in nature. 22474 — Mai-tineau, H. Guide to the study of the Scriptures. {In her Devo; tional exercises.) ' ' 2933- — Xewton, R. H. The right and wrong uses of the Bible. 22738 — Palmer, H. L. Home-life in the Bible ; ed. by J. W. Palmer. Illust. 22042 — Plumptre, E. H. The Bible educator. 4 v. 12277-80 — Spring, G. The obligations of the world to the Bible; lect.; new ed. 1605^ — Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam; The Bible and the Koran. 17020 — Swinton, W. Bible word-book ; glossary of terms which have changed their pop. meaning, etc. 15463^ — Van-Lennep, H. J. Bible lands ; their modern customs and manners, illust. of Scripture. 14349^ Natural history. — Wood, J. G. Bible animals; descr. of every creature mentioned in the Scriptures; designs. ' 8134 Science and the Bible. — Brunton, T. L. The Bible and science. 20836 — De Quincev, T. True rel. of the B. to merely human science. {In his Note book.) 1188 — Gladstone, J. H. Points of supposed collision bet. the Scriptures and nat. science. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Smith, J. P. On the relation bet. the Holy Scriptures and geolog. science. 4048 — See also Creation. Selections. — Bacon, F. Thoughts on Holy Scripture ; comp. by J. G. Hall. 5442 — Chalmers, T. Daily Scripture readings. (Posthumous works.) 3 v. 747-9' — Peloubet, F. X. a;«f? M. A. Select notes on the Interuat. S. S. lessons for 1878. 1728a — Pettingell, J. H. Homiletical index; hand-book of texts, themes, and authors, embr. citations of texts, and discourses founded thereon. *I Spiritualism. — Beecher, C. Spiritual manifestations. 1826^ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 131 Bible, Old Testament. — Deutsch, E. Book of Jasher ; On the Targums. (In /n's Literary rem.) 12376"- Biography. — Thayer, W. >I. Soldiers of the Bible. 5569' — Wilberforce, S. Heroes of Hebrew history. 10108 — Williams, H. L., Jr. Boys of the Bible. ' 6112 CoYiimentaries. — Bonar, H. Light and truth ; or, Bible thoughts and thenjes. 7375- — See also Talmud. Criticism. — Airv, G. B. Xotes on the earlv Hebrew Scriptures. 15826 — Boiiltree, T. P. Alleged moral difficulties of the Old Testament. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879- — I^icolas, M. fitudes critiques sur la Bible, ancien testament. 14613- — Smith, W. R. The Old Testament in the .Jewish church. 2049*. — Roberts, A. Old Testament revision : hand-book for readers. 22874 Evidences. — Cooper, W. R. Corroborative evidence of Old Testament hist., fr. the Egypt, and Assy, monuments. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879' History. — Smith, W. The O. T. hist. ; fr. the creation t6 the return of the Jews fr. captivity. (Student's Scrip, hist.) 6373 — Toy, C. H. History of the religion of Israel; Old Testament primer. 2218a — Wheeler, J. T. Analysis and summary of Old Testament hist, and the laws of Moses, with a connexion bet. the old and new Testaments. 12888 Introduction. — Davidson, S. Introduction to the Old Testament, 3 v. 8899-901 Miscellaneous works. — Adler, F. Authorship and authenticity of books of the 0. T. (In Tribune pop. sci.) ' 12943 : *I — Airv, G. B. Xotes on the earlier Hebrew scriptures. 15826 — The Gospel of the O. T. 2190' — Guthrie, T. Studies of character fr. the Old Testament. 7620' — Hutton, R. H. Poetry of the O. T. (In his Essays, v. 2.) 10129 — Line upon line ; or, Religious instr. [for] the infant mind. 2679 — Rawlinson, G. Historical illust. of tlie old Testament. Additions bv H. B. Hackett. ' 12148 — Walworth, C. The gentle skeptic; or. Essays and conversations on the authenticity and truthfulness of the 0. T*. records. 5919- Selections. — See Todd, J. E. ; Riddle, M. B. ; Peloubet, F. X. and M. A. Notes on the Internat. S. S. lessons. Pentateuch. — Colenso, J. W. Lectures on the Pentateuch and the Monbite stone. 11774 The Pentateuch and book of Joseph, crit. examined. 7 v. *I — Deutsch, E. On the Samaritan Pentateuch, (/ri ^ is Literary rem.) 12376 — Green, W. H. The Pentateuch vindicated fr. the aspersions of Colenso. 6681 — Kuenen, A. The Pentateuch and book of Joshua crit. examined; tr., with notes, by J. W. Colenso. *I — Stebbins, R. P. 'A study of the P. for popular reading. 21257 — Taylor, I. Considerations on the Pentateuch. *I (Ten commandments.) — Washburn, E. A. The social law of God: sermons on the ten com- mandments. 2d. ed. 15571 Genesis. — Critical and exegetical commentftiT on Genesis, by J. G. Murphv ; pref , by J. P. Thompson. ' ' 6279 — Jacobus, M. W. Xotes on the book of Genesis. 2 v. in 1. 11267 — Rawlinson, G. Ethnic affinities in the anc. Avorld; or, Toldoth Beni- Xoah; comment, on the 10th. chap, of G. (In his Origin of nations.) 17474 — Robertson, F. W. Notes oh Genesis. 16983^ — Smith, G. Chaldean acct. of G. : cont. the descr. of the Creation, fall of man, etc. Babylonian fables and legends of the Gods ; fr. the Cunei- form inscriptions. Illust. *I Same; new ed., rev. etc., by A. H. Sayce. Illust. 20414 — Sw^edenborg, E. The heavenly arcana. 10 v. 8750-9* — See also Creation. 132 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Exodus. — Cumming, J. {In his Sabbath morniusr readings.) 1042 — Underwood, F. H. True storv of the Exodus of Israel, etc. ; eom))!. fr. Dr. H. Brugsch-Bey, 16676 Leviticus. — Cumming, J. (In his Sabbath morning readings, v. 3.) 1043 Joshua. — Colenso, J. W. The Pentateuch and book of J., crit. examined. 7 v. *I — Kuenen, A. The Pentateuch and boolv of J., crit. examined; tr. with notes by J. W. Colenso. *I Kings. — See Elijah. Chronicles. . — Keil, C. F. Biblical commentary on the books of the Chronicles. 11743 Job. — New translation of J. : with introd. and notes, by G. R. Xoyes. 4th. ed. 8529 — Evvald, G. H. A. von. Commentarv on the Book of J. ; tr. bv J. F. Smith. (Theel. Tr. Fund Lib.) ' * - *I — Froude, J. A. Book of Job. (In his Short studies, ser. 1.) 6963 — Mozley, J. B. Book of Job. (Jw /n's Ess., hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306 Psalms. — New translation of the book of P. : introd. and notes : bv G. R. Xoves. 4th. ed. . . ^^ — The psalter J or, Psalms of David in Eng. verse; by J. Keble. 4th. ed. *I — Hebrew lyrical history ; or. Select psalms; introd. and notes by T. Bui- finch. ■ • * g-g — Barnes, A. Notes on Psalms. 3 v. 373-6 — Ewald, A. H. A. v. Commentarv on the Psalms. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) ' *I — Murray, T. C. Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms. 19666 Proverbs. — New trans, of Proverbs; introd. and notes; bv G. R. Noves. 4th. ed. 8530 — Trench, R. C. The lessons in Proverbs. ' ' 4493 Ecclesiastes. — New trans, of Ecclesiastes; introd. and notes: by G. R. Noyes. 4th. ed. 8529 filo7iff of Solomon. — New trans, of the Canticles ; introd, and notes ; by G. R. Noyes. 4th. ed. 8529 — Reville, A. The song of songs, commonlv called" the Sons'' of Solomon. or, The Canticle. ' ^ 16848 Prophets. — New trans, of the Hebrew prophets; introd. and notes; bv G. R. Noves. 4th.. ed. 2 V. " " 8527-8 — Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentarv on the prophets ; tr. bv J. F. Smith. V. 1-5. Theol. Trans. Fund Lib.) " *I — Maurice, F. D. Prophets and kings of the G. T. 2972 Isaiah. — The prophecies of Isaiah: tr. with comm. and app. ; bv T. K. Chevne. 2d. ed. 2 V. ' * 21555-6 — Isaiah XL-LXVI, with the shorter prophecies allied to it: with notes, bv M. Arnold. ' 18249 ^ible. Xew Testament. — The Good News of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed; fr. the text of Titt- mann ; bv N. N. AVhitiuff. 4755 — New Testament : comp. and rev.. 1881. 20427 — New Testament; tr. fr. the Greek, by L. A. Sawyer. 3244 — New Testament: tr. fr. the Greek text of Tischendorf : by G. R. Noyes. 7765 — New Testament: with introd., etc. by C. Tischendorf; Tauchnitz ed. 8531 — The Sinai and comparative N. T. ; author. Eng. version by Tischendorf; with the various readings inserted in the text, by E. Leigh. 21627 Canon. — Stowe, C. E. Origin and hist, of the books of tlie New Testament. 6921 — Westeott. B. F. General survev of the hist, of the Canon of the N. T. 4th. ed. ■ 13890 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 133- « Commentaries. — New Testament; authorized version; incl. marginal readings and paral- ' lei texts; commentary and crit. notes; by A. Clarke, ^ew ed. v. 5. 85^ — Commentary on the New" Testament ; bv L. R. Paige. 6 v. 3330-5 Contents.' \.\. Matthew : Mark. 2. Luke; John. 3. Acts. 4. Romans. 5. 1st. and 2d. Corinthians. 6. Galatians to Jude. — The Greek Testament ; with a crit. rey. text : digest of yarious read- ings; marginal ref. to verbal and idiomatic usage; prolegomena; and a crit. and exeg. commentary ; by H. Alford. 4 y. 6th. ed. *I — International Revision Commentary on the 2s. T., based upon the rev. version of 1881 ; ed. bv P. Schalf, v. 1-3, 5. Namely: Acts ; expl. bv J. S. Howson and H. D. M. Spence. 22201 Luke ; expl. by M. B. Riddle. 22900 Mark ; expl. bV M. B. Riddle. 20881 Matthew ; expl. bv P. Schaff. 21534 — New Testament for Eng. Readers ; with crit. and expl. comment : by H. Alford. 2 V. in 4. Xew ed. 9958-61 — Mever, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical commentary on the N. T. 16 v. 12690-12705 — Schmidt, P. W. and Holzendorft", F. von. Short Protestant commentary on the N. T. ; with introd. Tr. fr. 3d. ed. by F. H. Jones, v. 1, 2. *I — Three hundred outlines of sermons on the X. T. (Clerical Lib.) 2152T Criticism. — Hammond, C. E. Outlines of textual criticism. 2d. ed. 18992 — Row, C. A. Alleged difficulties in the moral teaching of the N. T. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138- — Trench, R. C. On the authorized version of the X. T. in connect, with some recent proposals for its revision. 4490- On the authorized version of the X. T. 10661 Eschatology. — Davidson, S. The doctrine of last things cont. in the N. T., comp. with the notions of the Jews, etc. 22658 Evidences, — Merrill, G. E. The story of the manuscjipts. 20830 History. — Smith. \V. New Testament hist. ; with introd. Maps and wood-cuts. 655& — Wheeler, J. T. Analysis and summary of N. T. hist. ; with notes, hist., geog. and antiquarian. 12889 Introduction. — Davidson, S. Introduction to the study of the N. T. 2 v. 8902-3 — - Same; 2d. ed. 2 v. 21686-7 Language. — Buttmann, A. Grammar of the New-Testament Greek. 15819 — Trench, R. C. Synonyms of the New Testament. 2 v. 4495; 13181 Miscellaneous. — Bernard, T. D. Progi*ess of doctrine in the N. T. (Bampton lect.) 7186 — Hedge, F. H. The mythical element in the N. T. {In his Ways of the spirit.) * 17367 Bevision. — EUicott, C. J. Considerations on the rev. of the Eng. version of the N. T. 10842 — Lightfoot, J. B., Trench, R. C, and EUicott, C. J. Revision of the Eng. version of the N. T. ; introd. by P. SchalT. 11509 — Moon, G. W. The revisers' English; a ser. of criticisms. Photographs. *I — Roberts, A. Companion to the Rev. version of the N. T. ; expl. the rea- sons for the changes; Avith suppl. bv a member of the Ajner. Com- mittee. ' 2049O Selections. — Maurice, J. F. D. Unity of the N. T.; synopsis of the 1st. three gos- pels, the epistles of St. James, Jude, Pet^r, Paul. Added Commen- tary on the epistle to Hebrews. 18235 — See also Todd, J. E. ; Riddle, M. B. ; Peloubet, F. N. and M. A. Notes on the Internat. Sl S. lessons. Gospels. — Christ in literature; treasury of readings fi*. writers of all ages, illust. the acts and words of Jesus ; with the gospels arranged in one con- tinuous narrative; by E. Eggleston. 14354 134 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, — The four Gospels ; fr. the Greek text of Tischeudorf ; with various read- ' ings ; notes by N. S. Folsom. — The four Gospels ; with comment, by A. A. Livermore. New ed. 2 v. — Literal trans, of the Gospels fr. the Peschito; by J. ^Y. Etheridge. (In Jiis Syrian churches, 1846.) — Notes on the Gospels ; bv A. Barnes. 2 v. — The Syrian churches ; with trans, of the Gospels fr. the Peschito ; by J. W. Etheridge. Ha7'monies. — Gardiner, F. A harmony of the four Gospels in English. — Greenleaf, S. The testimony of the Evangelists, exam, by the rules of evidence adm. in courts of justice. App. cont. hist, of the most anc. ms. copies of the N. T., and a comp. of their text with that of the King James' Bible of Tischendorfl". r— Robinson, E. Harmony of the four Gospels in English. Biography. — Chapin, E. H. Characters in the gospels. — Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. Commentaries^ etc. — Alexander, W. The leading ideas of the Gospels : Sermons. — Alford, H. How to study the Xew Testament. — Birks, T. R. Variations of the Gospels in their rel. to the evidences of Christianity. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) — Cummings, J." Sabbath evening readings on the N. T. 4 v. — Greg, W. R. The prophetic element in the Gospels. {In hisMi^c. essays.) — Nichols, I. Hours with the evangelists. 2 v. — Renan, (J.) E. Les Evangiles, et la Seconde g6n6ration Chretienne. — Sandy, W. The gospels in the 2d. cent. ; exam, of a work entitled Super- natural religion. — Tischendorf , L. F. C. von. Origin of the four Gospels; tr. by W. L. Gage. — Trench, R. C. Studies in the gospels. — Wueusche, A. Neue Beitrage zur Erlauteruug der Evangelien aus Tal- mud und Midrasch. • Evidences. Unconscious truth of the four Gospels. Authenticity of our Gospels. {In Heagle, D. Bremen 8449 '2704-5 *I 346-7 10520 13326 9902 796 20348 16801 6502 16138 1044-7 21480 3249-50 *I 15928 7352 19004 16417 — Furness, W. H. — Tischendorff , C lect.) History. Criticism and the Gospel hist. {In his Short studies, — Froude, J. ser. 1.) — Stanhope. P. H. Chronology of the Gospels; The year of the Passion. {In his French retr., etc.) Introduction. — Westcott, B. F. Introduction to the study of the Gospels. {Jliracles.) — Macmillan, H. Our Lord's three raisings fr. the dead. — Smith, T. F. The metaphysical miracles of the N. T. — Trench, R. C. Notes on the miracles of our Lord. {Parables.) — Brock, 3Irs. C. Sunday echoes in week-day hours; tale illust. the P. — Frothingham, O. B. Stories fr. the lips of the Teacher. — Trench, R. C. Notes on the parables. Select io7is. — The words of Christ, fr. the N. T. {Lord's Prayer.) — A\Tiitman, J. Discourses on the Lord's prayer. 3Iattheic. — The Gospel ace. to Matthew, expl. bv P. Schaff. (Internat. Rev. Comm. Version of 1881, v. 1.) — See also X. T. Commentaries ; above. 3Iark. — The Gospel ace. to Mark, expl. bv M. B. Riddle. (Internat. Rev. Comm. Version of 1881. v. 2.) — See also N. T. Commentaries, above. 7518 9780 17953 14253 15577 10884 4976 15559 6623 8856 4782 21534 20881 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS.. 135 Luke. The Gospel ace. to Luke, expl. bv M. B. Eiddle. (Interuat. Rev. Comm., Yersion of 1881, v. 3.) ' 22900 Maurice, J. F. D. Gospel of the klugdora of heaveu ; lect. ou the gospel of St. Luke. 10801 Smith, J. Dissertations on the life and writings of St. Luke. {In his Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul, etc.) 17539 Van Doren, TT. H. Suggestive commentary on St. Luke; with notes. 2v. 7233^ John. Notes on John ; by A. Barnes. 355 Arnold, M. The fourth gospel fr. without : The fourth gospel fr. within. (In his God and the Bible.) 15322 Huttou, R. H. Historical problem of the 4th. Gospel. (In his Ess., v. 1.) 10128 Sears, E. H. The fourth gospel the heart of Christ. 10565 Tayler, J. J. Attempt to ascertain the character of the 4th. Gospel. 8717 Tholuck, A. Commentary on John ; tr. by A. Kaufman. 4432 Acts. Acts ; with a commentary by A. A. Livermore. 2706 Acts of the Apostles : expl. bv J. S. Howson and H. D. M. Spence. (In- ternat. Rev. Comm.) * 22201 The apostolical acts and epistles, fr. the Peschito; by J. W. Etheridge. ♦! Notes on Acts ; bv A. Barnes : 20th. ed. 348 Alford, H. How to study the Xew Testament. 6502 Goulburn, E, M. The acts of the deacons : lect., crit. and pract. on Acts TI.-YIII. and XXL, 8-15. 10166 Howson, J. S. The evidential value of the Acts of the Ajjostles. (Boh- len lect., 1880.) 21805 - Zeller, E. Contents and origin of the Acts of the apostles, crit. investi- gated. Pref., Overbeck's iutrod. to the Acts. fr. De Wette's hand- book. 2 V. *I • See also N. T. Commentaries, above. Epistles. ■ The apostolical acts and epistles, fr. the Peschito. Added, The remaining epistles, etc.. after a later Syrian text; by J. W. Etheridge. *I ■Epistle to the Hebrews, Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude, etc.; with commentary and essays, by A. A. Livermore. 21832 Epistles of Paul. ■ The epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalouians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon; with in- trod. and commentary, by A. A. Livermore. 21831 • Leathes, S. Evidential value of St. Paul's epistles. (In Chris. Ev. Soc. Mod. Scepticism.) 9747 - Lorimer, P. Evidential value of the early epistles of St. Paul viewed as hist, documents. (In Chr. Evid. Soc* Strivings, etc.) 16138 ■ See also Paul, St. Bomans. ■ Epistle of Paul to the Romans : with commentary and introd. essays, by A. A. Livermore. ' - • ^^^^ - Notes on Romans ; by A. Barnes. 7th. ed. 349 ■ Hodge, C. Commentary on Romans. 18th. ed. 6427 Corinthians. ■ Notes on Corinthians ; by A. Barnes. 2 v. 350-1 ■ Robertson, F. W. Sermons on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians. 2059 Galatians. ■ Notes on Galatians ; by A. Barnes. 351 Ephesians. Notes on Ephesians; by A. Barnes. 352 Phili2)pia7is. ■ Notes on Philippians ; by A. Barnes. 352 Colossians. ■ Notes on Colossians ; by A. Barnes. 352 Thessalonians. ■ Notes on Thessalonians ; by A. Barnes. 853 - Liinemann^ G. Critical and exegetical handbook to the Thessalonians. (Meyer, H. A. W. Comm.) 12700 136 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Timothy. — Notes on Timothy; by A. Barnes. 35$ Titus. — Notes on Titus ; by A. Barnes. 353. Philemon. — Notes on Philemon ; by A. Barnes. 353- ffebreics. — Epistle to the Hebrews, etc.; with commentary and essavs, bv A. A. Livermore. ' * 21832. — Notes on Hebrews ; by A. Barnes. 354 — Nicholson, E. B. The gospel ace. to the Hebrews ; it* fragments tr. and annot. with a crit. analysis of the evidence rel. to it. 19674 James. — Notes on James ; by A. Barnes. 365- Peter. — Notes on Peter; by A. Barnes. 365, Jude. — Notes on Jude ; by A. Barnes. 355. Bevelation. — The revelation, after a Syrian text; tr. by J. W. Etheridge, {In Apos- tolic acts and epistles.) " *! — The revelation; with commentary and essays, by A. A. Livermore. {In Epistle to the Hebrews, etc.) ' • . 21832: — Notes on Revelation; bv A. Barnes. 356- — Bleek. T. Lectures on 'the Apocalypse. (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib.) *I — Bliss, S. Commentary on the Apocalypse. 424 — Bush, Gt. The millennium of the Apocalypse. 64T — Swedenborg\ E. Apocalypse revealed. 2 v. 8760-1 — Trench, R. C. Epistles to the seven churches. 9888- Apocrypha. — *S'ee Apocryphal Gospels, etc. Bible. Music of the ; by J. Stainer. 19672 Bible educator, The ; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. 4 v. 12277-80- Bible, The, in the counting house ; by H. A. Boardman. 426^ Bible, The, in the family ; by H. A. Boardman. 8077 Bible in the public schools. The Bible in the public schools ; opinions of individuals and of the Press, and judicial de- cisions. {In Lib. of education, v. 5.) 8868 — Cincinnati. Superior Co^trt. The Bible in the pub. schools ; arguments in the case of J. B. Minor et al. versus the Board of Education of the Citv of Cincinnati et al. : with opinions and decision of the Court. 8535 — Clark, R. W. The question of the hour; the Bible and the school fund. 8984 — Fox, W. J. Proper use of the Bible in Schools. {In his Mem. ed. of coll. Works, V. 12.) *I — Spear, S. T. Religion and the state : or, The Bible and the public schools. 16081 — Vickers, T. Three lectures. {In Lib. of education, v. 6.) 8868- Bible, The, in the workshop ; by J. W. Mears. 2994 Bible lore ; by J. C. Gray. 10062 Bible teachings in nature ; by H. Macmillan. 22474 Biblical reason why: family guide to Scripture readings. Illust. 1769 Biblical studies ; by E. H. Plumptre. 10660' Bibliography. Bihliograjphy . — Sabin, J., A bibhographv of bibliographv ; or, A handv-book abt. books wh. relate to books. ' ' , 19895 General and miscellaneous works. — Emerson, C B. Studies for pract. men. {In Sullivan, W. (Polit. class book.) 4302: — Jones, L.E. The best reading: priced and classified bibliography, ser. 2. 22080- — Moore, C. H. What to read and how to read: cla*fs. lists. 9105 — Perkins, F. B. The best reading: hints on the select, of books; with class, bibliog. for easy ref . 4th. rev. ed., cont. to Aug. 1876. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 137 — Porter, N. Books and reading ; with select catalogue of books. ^ 21046 — Power, J. Handv book about books. ' 9772 — Putnam, G. P. and Perkins, F. B. The best reading; hints on the select. of books, etc.. with bibliog. for easy reference. 8589 ; 10026 — Tavlor, I. Transmission of auc. books to mod. times. 11380 — Yan B.hyn, G. A. F. What and how to read, cont. class, list of books pub. "in Eng. and Amer. 14062 — See also Cell doctrine ;—Soc. for Polit. Ed. Economic tr., v. 2. Bibliotheca Classica Latina. See Lemaire, N. E. Bickers teth, E. Domestic portraiture ; mem. of three children of Leigh Richmond. 5th. ed. 3652 Bickersteth, E. H. Milton's Paradise Lost. (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — The reef, and other parables. 12523 — Yesterday, to-day, and forever; poem. 7664 Bickersteth, H., '1st. Baron Langdale. Biography; Memoirs of Lord Langdale. (In Ess. fr. the London Times.) 9693 Bickerton ; or. The emigrant's daughter. 399 Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. 7642 Bicknell, A. J. Bicknell's village builder. 9931 — Supplement to above. 9932 — Detail, cottage, and constr. architecture. 11720 — Wooden and brick buildings with details. 2 v. *I Bicycle. Chandler, A. D. Bicycle tour in Eng. and Wales, 1879 ; with Use of the bicycle in Europe and U. S. Maps and illust. 20562 — Pratt, C. E. The American bicvcler. 18685 — Spencer, C. The modern bicvcfe. 18162 Bid me discourse ; by M. C* Hay. 22583 Biddle. N. Nolte, V. N. Biddle and the U. S. Bank. (In his Fifty years, etc.) 3263 Biddlecombe, Sir G. Autobiography.. Portr. and obit. not. 18616 Bidwell, C. T. The Balearic islands. Illust. 17219 Bid well, G. H. Treatise on the imposition of forms. 16559 Bierstadt, A. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of B. (In his Am. Art life.) 7225 Biez, J. de. Le premier billet ; monologue. (In Sayntes, etc., sh'. 1.) . 14791 — Same-, The first love letter. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Big Brother, The ; story of Indian war ; by G. C. Eggleston. 14294 Bigelow, E. B. The tariff-policy of Eng. and of the U. S. con- trasted. 17253 Bigelow, H. J. History of the disc, of mod. anaesthesia. (In Clarke, E. H. Cent, of Amer. medicine.) . 16710 Bigelow, J. Florula Bostoniensis ; coll. of plants of Boston and its vicinity. 3d. ed., enl. 5634 — History of the cemetery of Mount Auburn. *I — Nature in disease ; disc, and essays ; added, Misc. writings on medical subjects. 401 — The useful arts in conn, with the appl. of science. Engr. 2 v. 14367-8 Bigelow, J. Jamaica in 1850 ; or. The effects of sixteen years of freedom on a slave colony. 4993 — Franklin, a sketch. 18473 — Life of Benj. Franklin; ed. fr. orig. mss., e^c. 3 v. 13036-8 — Molinos, the Quietist. 21608 A book with "'♦I " after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 10 138 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar : digest of the wit, humor, as- perities, and amenities of the law. Portr. and illast. New ed., enl. 9626 Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation, and other typographical matters. 20699 Bigg, J. S. Gilfillan, G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 Bigg-Wither, T. P. See Wither, T. P. B. Biggar. Brown, J. Biggar and the House of Fleming. (In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Bigland, J. Letters on the study and use of history. 403 — A natural history of birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects. lUust. 5756 Biglow papers; by [J. R. Lowell]. 2 ser. 6247-8 Bignon, Baron L. P. E. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Notices et portr., v. 2. 9574 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. Lund., v. 9.) *I Dlgordi, D. di T. di C, called II Ghirlandaio. See Ghirlandaio. Bigot, Madame. See Healy, Mary. Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras ; remin. of a Chiote merchant dur. the war of independence ; fr. the Greek by J. Gennadius. 20355 Bilboquet, Le ; par C. Cros. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 Bild, S. Schauspiele. (Deut. dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) 16356 Bilguer, P. R. v. Handbuch des Schachspiels. *I Bilhaud, P. Premier amour. (In Saynetes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Bill, L. A winter in Florida. 10625 Bill Whyte ; by H. Miller. (In his Tales, etc.) 2557 Billee Taylor ; or, The reward of virtue ; naut. com. opera ; by H. P. Stephens and E. Solomon. *I Billet, A. L'Andalouse ; com. (In Theatre de camp., ser. 5.) 14500 Billet de faire part ; par J. Normand. (In Saynetes, etc., ser. 2.) 14792 Billet-doux ; by C. Mathews. (In French's Min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Billet rose, Le ; comedie ; par A. Duru. (Zti Saynetes, e^c, s^r. 6.) 14796 Billets doux, Les ; comedie ; par R. de la Villeherve. (In Say- netes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 Billings, J. D. History of the 10th. Mass. Battery of Light Artillery in the war of the Rebellion, 1862-1865. *I Billings, J. S. Abstracts of reports by army med. officers on the effects of mountain climates upon health. (In Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Bibliography of cholera. (In U. S. Cholera epidemic of 1873.) 17929 — Literature and institutions. (In Clarke, E., Cent, of Amer. medicine.) 16710 — Notes ou hospital construction. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Prefatory remarks. — Causes of disease. —Jurisprudence of hygiene. (In Buck, A. H. Tr. on hygiene, v. 1.) ' 19451 — Rights, duties, and privileges of the community in rel. to those of the in- dividual in regard to health. (In Am. Pub.' Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Billings, Josh, i)seud. See Shaw, H. W. Billings, R. W., joint author. See Haskell, W. D. Billington, E. Clayton, E. C. (Inher Queens of Song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. E. Billington and her contemporaries. (In his Gr. singers.) 20364 Billy Grimes' favorite ; by May Mannering [H. P. H. Nowell]. 7094 Bimbi; stories for children ; by Ouida [L. de La Rame]. 21838 Bi-metallism. McCuUoch, H. Bi-metallism ; lect., 1879. 22163 Binck, J. Scott, W. B. (In his Little masters.) 19227 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 139 JBinfonl, J . H. Relation bet. school boards and superintendents. {In Nat. P:d. Ass. Add. and Proc, 1873.) Bingham, D. A. The marriages of the Bonapartes. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Bingham, J. F. The Christian marriage ceremony. Binkherd, A. D. The mammouth cave and its denizens. Binney, H. Inquiry into the formation of Washington's fare- well address. Binney, T. Hood, E. P. {In Ms Lamps, etc.) Binns, R. W. Guide through the Worcester Royal Porcelain Works. Binns, W. Elementary treatise on orthographic projection ; new method of teaching the science of mechanical and engi- neering drawing. Illust. 7th. ed. — Second course of orthographic projection. Binny, J. ^ joint author. See Mayhew, H. Bio-geology. Kingsley, C. On bio-geology. {In his Health and educ.) Biography. — Carlyle, T. Biography. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 3.) Bioffraphies. — Adams, W. H. D. The boy makes the man. — Arago, F. Biographies of dist; scientific men. 2 ser. — Barry, A. Masters in English theology. — Becker, B. H. Adventurous lives. 2 V. — Biography and criticism. — Biography of self-taught men. 2 v. 17753 21349 11118 *I *I 8155 16545 16546 12906 18696 170; 7752 18702 18730-31 7911 410-11 15511 760-9 *I Bosio, F.' Kecordi personali. — Chambers, W., and R. Miscellany of useful tracts. 10 v. — Coleridge, H. Lives of northern worthies. — Craik, G. L., and Knight, C. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties; rev. ed. 2 v. " 4687-8 — Field, M. B. Memories of many men, and of some women. 7257 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 11800 — Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of anc. times. 1591 Famous men of mod. times. 1592 — Hall, S. C. {In his Retrospect.) 22893 — Hall, S. T. Biographical sketches of remark, people. 11652 — Hay ward, A. Biographical and critical essays. 3 ser. 5 v. 17946-7; 12305-6; 12266 — Heroes and hunters of the West. * 1887 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Lennox, W. P. Celebrities I have known. 2 v. 15913-14 Mv recollections, 1806-1873. 2 v. 15917-18 {In his Drafts on my memory. 2 v. 15915-16 — Lives of eminent men."^ 2 ser. * 2 v. in 1. 2714 — Macaulav, T. B. Biographical and hist, sketches. 2785 — Mason, J. Great triumphs of great men 14161 — Peirce, E. W. (Zw ^ is Contributions biographical, eic.) *I — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, 4026 — Spraguc, W. B. Visits to European celebrities. 4184 — Stowe, H. E. B. Men of our times. Illust. 7354 — Taylor, W.C. The modern British Plutarch; lives. 4385 — Thomson, K., and J. C. Queens of society. 4718 Wits and oeaux of society. 4719 — Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark; living celebrities. 20075 — Willis, N. P. People I have met. 4810 — Wilson, H. and Caulfield, J. Book of wonderful characters. Illust. 1193 — See also Actors ;— Amer. loyalists ; — Artists ; — Authors— Bible ;— Blind ; — Friends ; — Inventors ;— jews ;— Lawyers ;— Mechanics : — Merchants ; Methodists ; — Philosophers ;— Preachers ; — Singers ;— Soldiers— States- men ;—Yiolinists— Women. Also Classical biog. ;— Ecclesiastical biog. ; — Militarv biog. Also France ;— Gt. Brit. ;— Hollis, N. H. ;— U. S. 140 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dictionaries. — Hole, C. Brief biog-. dictionary; add. by W. A. W lieeler. 6426 — Martin, F. Hand book of contemporary'^ biography. 8538 Biography and criticism; 2d. ser., of "Eminent men and popular books." 7911 Contents. James Watt.— Mrs, Elliott's narrative of the first French revolution. — Family vicissitudes. — Memoirs of Sir Robert I'eel. — Doran's Queens of the House of Hanover. — Meadows's Chinese empire. — Lord Coekburn's Memorials of his time. — Mrs.. Fitzherbert. — The southern counties of England.— Englishwomen in America.— Mediaeval London. — Russell's Indian diary. Biography of self-taught men ; introd. essay. 2 v. 410-11 Note. Vol. I ed. by B. B. Edwards. Contents. V. 1. R. Sherman. — C. G. Hevne. — W. Whipple. — A. Murray. — S. Hopkins. — Prof. Lee. — W. Gifford. — T. Baldwin. — D. Rittenhouse. — S. Huntington.— W. Edwards.— T. Scott.— L. Cary. — J.. Opie. — ISr. Smith. — J. G. von Herder. — J. B. Belzoni. — W. Caxton. — R.. Baxter. — A. Young. — C. G. Haines.— C. Niebuhr. — J. King. — H. Davy. — A. Clarke. — Count Rumford. 2. N. Bowditch. — J. Cook. — W. Falconer.. J. Hunter. — ]Si . Smith. — J. Ferguson. — J. Watt. — E. Whitnev. — J. Leyden. R. Stephens. — H. Stephens.— B. West. — P. Horberg. — A\ Wilson.— R. Bloomfiekl. — J. Milner.— Sir W. Jones. — P. Henry. Biology. Bastian, H. C. Beginnings of life. 2 v. 11015-1^ Origin of lowest organisms. 9240' — Beale, L. S. Life theories; their infl. upon relig. thought. 9893 — Chapman, H. C. Evolution of life. 11801 — Clark, H. J. Mind in nature; or, The origin of life, and the mode of devel. of animals. Illust. - 6214 — Cook, J. Biology. (Bost. Mond. lect.) 17104 — Grindon, L. H. Life; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. 7372 — Huxlev, T. H. {In his Sci. and culture.) 21538 Study of biology. {In Amer. addr.) 17136 and Martin, H. N. Course of elementary instr. in pract. biology. 18977 — Letourneau, C. La biologic. ' 14385 Same; tr. by W. Marcall. 17466 — Lewes, G. H. The physical basis of mind. (Prob. of life, etc., ser. 2.) 18710 — Mac Ginley, T. C. Introduction to the study of general B. 12817 — Murphy, j". J. Habit and intelligence ; ess. bn the laws of life and mind. 18891 — Naphevs, G. H. Transmission of life ; nature and hygiene of the masculine function. 12466 — Papillon, F. Nature and life ; facts and doctr. rel. to the constitution of matter, the new djuamics, and the philosophy of nature. 13971 — Semper, K. Animal life as afiectedby the natural cond. of existence. 20387 — Spencer, H. Principles of biology. 2 v. 6374-5 — Stevenson, S. H. Bovs and girls in B. ; or. Simple studies of the lower forms of life. " 13660 — Wallace, A. R. By-paths in the domain of B. {In his Trop. nat.) 17818 — AYilson, A. Leisure-time studies, chiefly biological. Illust. 18397 — See also Evolution. Also Ocean. Bioplasm. Beale, L. IS. Bioplasm; introd. to the study of physiology and medicine. 11148 Biot, J. B. Life of Newton. {In Soc. Diff. Usef. Kn. Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his 5^ouv."lund., v. 2; Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Birch, J. Examples of labourers' cottages, with plans for im- proving the dwellings of the poor in large towns. 19778 Birch, S. Adopted child. {In French's min. dr., v. 28.) 7985 Birch, S. Egypt to B. C, 300. (Anc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) 14067 Bird, E. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 2.) ^ * 1054 Bird, F. S. The land of dykes and wind-mills ; or, Life in Holland ; with anecdotes of noted persons, etc. 21934 Bird, G. Natural philosophy. 4967 Bird, H. E. Chess practice ; record of openings in the finest games; with index. 21935 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 141 Bird, I. L. A lady's life in the Rocky Mts. Illust. 19317 — Six months among the palm groves, etc., of the Sandwich Is. Ilkist. (The Hawaiian archipelago^ 13700 — Same; 4th. ed. 20502 — Unbeaten tracks in Japan ; travels on horseback. 2 v. Maps and illust. 19981-2 Bird, J. Protection against fire. 11566 Bird, M. A. Winifred's jewels. 12322 Bird, R. M. Calavar. ' , 412 Bird, The, and the bell ; poem, by C. P. Cranch. 14200 Bird-bolts ; shots on the wing ; by F. Tiffany. ' 21847 Bird of passage. The ; by J. S. Le Fanu. 17896 Bird songs of New England ; by H. E. Paine. 21544 Birds. Buist, K. A. Birds, their cages and their keep. 13702 — Flagg, "W. Birds and seasons of K. England. 13907 — Malmg, E. A. Song birds. {In his Handbook for ladies.) 10877 — Eeiche, C. Bird fancier's companion. *I ; 10151 — Samuels, E. A. Among the birds. 7088 — Select poems on birds. {In Wonders of Science and art.) 4330 — See also Ornithology. Birds and poets, with other papers ; by J. Burroughs. 16939 "Birds, The," of Aristophanes; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 3.) *I Birds'-nesting. Ingersoll, E. Birds'-nesting : handbook of instr. in gathering and preserving nests and eggs, 21587 Birkenhead, Eng. Black, A., and C. Guide to Liverpool, Birkenhead, etc. *I Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism and the doctr. of evo- lution, incl. an exam, of H. Spencer's First principles. 16644 — riiilosophv of human responsibilitv. {In Christ. Evid. Soc. Faith and free thought.) ' 15879 — Variations ot the Gospels in their relation to the evidences and truth of Christianity. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 Birmingham, Eng. Burritt, E. Walks in the black country and its green borderland. 7460 — Doran, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 — Timmins, S. Resources, products, and industrial hist, of B. and the midland hardware distr.) 10816 Birnbaum, Dr. A laboratory guide for beginners in chemical analysis. *I Birney, F. Cutler, E. J. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Birth and education ; by M. S. Schwartz. 8943 Birth of the war-god ; poem by Kdliddsa ; fr. the Sanskrit, by R. T. H-. Griffith. 18884 Birthday mottoes ; fr. the writings of E. P. Roe, by L. Abbott. 22294 Birthday present, The ; by M. Edge worth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336; 15296 Birthdays. Bates, C. F. The Longfellow birthday book. 20260 — Hayward, A. L. Illust. birthday book of Amer. poets. 20863 Birthmark, The ; by N. Hawthorne. {In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 Birthright, The ; by Mrs. Gore. 4294 Bishop, G. Every woman her own lawyer. 415 Bishop, J. L. Hist, of Amer. manufactures, 1608-1860. Added, Statistics of manufacturing centres, etc. 2 v. 6519-20 Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box ; boat voyage down the Ohio and Miss, rivers, and along the Gulf of Mexico. 19211 142 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — The Pampas and Andes ; walk acr. So. Amer. ; with introd. by E. A. Samuels. 7531 — Voyage of the paper canoe ; geographical journey fr. Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico. 17630 Bishop, W. H. Detmold ; a romance. 18657 — The house of a merchant prince. 22367 Bishop, The, astray ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little comedies. New ed.) 21907 Bishops. See Church of England. Bismarck-Schoenhausen, C. E. L. O., Furst von. Letters to [his] wife, sister, and others, 1844-1870 ; tr. by F. Maxse. 18064 — Busch, M. Bismarck in the Franco-German war. 2 v. 18375-6 — Gorlach, W. Prince Bismarck ; biog. sk. f r. the German by M. E. von Gleghn. 14036 — Ilayward, A. {In his Sketches, etc., v. 1.) 20602 — Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of B.; with descr. not. of his ancestry; tr. and ed. by K. R. H. Mackenzie. Illust. 8504 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistingen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 — Towle, G. M. {In his Certain men of mark.) 20075 — Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 — Wilson, J. {In his Studies of mod. mind.) 21197 Bissell, E. C. The historic origin of the Bible. 11477 Bisset, A. Essays on historical truth. 10107 — History of the struggle for parliamentary government in Eng. 2 v. 16806-7 Bissett, R. History of the reign of George III., [1760-1801, in contin. of Hume and Smollett]. 3 v. 416-18 Biter, The, bit; by W. Collins. (In Ms Mad Monkton, etc.) 443 Bits and bearing-reins ; by E. F. Flower. 17700 Bits of talk about home matters ; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 11350 Bits of talk, in prose and verse, for young folks; by H. H. [H.M.Jackson]. 16573 Bits of travel ; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 9962 Bits of travel at home ; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 17761 Bitter, C. H. Life of J. S. Bach; abgd. tr. fr. the German, by J. E. Kay-Shuttleworth. Pref. by J. Benedict. 11765 Bitter-sweet; poem; by J. G. Holland. 1949 Bittinger, J. B. Responsibility of society for the causes of crime. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans. 1870.) *I Bitumen. Beck with, A. Asphalt and bitumen. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 Bitzius, A., (pseud. Jeremias Gotthelf). Kurt von Koppigen. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16158 Bivouac and battle ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 9135 Bizet, G. Carmen ; opera ; with Eng. and Ital. words. *I — Hueffer, F. Bizet's " Carmen." {In his Mus. stud.) 19852 Bjarnason, J., joint author. See Anderson, R. B. Bjoerling, C. F. E. Meteoriter och kometer : populara fore- drag. 15011 — Solen ; populara f oredrag. 15008 Bjoernson, B. Arne ; sketch of Norwegian country life ; tr. by A. Plessner and S. R. Powers. 6498 — The bridal march, etc., tr. by R. B. Anderson. 21758 Contents. The bridal march.— Throud.— A dangerous wooing.— The ' bear hunter.— The father. — The eagle's nest. — Blakken. — Fidelity.— A problem of life. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 143 — Captain Mansana, etc. ; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 22016 Contents. Captain Mansana.— The railroad and the churchyard. — Dust. — The fisher-maiden. (Leis. hr. ser.) 7839 — Fortaellmger. 2 v. ^ 15009-10 Indhold. \. 1. Arne ;— Synnove Solbakken. — Jaembanen og Kirke- gaarden. — Smaastvkker. S/ En glad gut. — Fiskerjenten. — Brude.— Slaatten. — The happy boy ; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 8023 — Love and life in Xorwav; tr. bv A. Bethell, and A. Plesner. 14137 — Magnhild ; tr. bv R. B. 'Anderson. 22368 — The railroad an^ the churchvard ; The eagle's nest ; The father. 9290 — Synnove Solbakken; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 20624 Blachford, Lord, pseud. See Rogers, Frederick. Black well, E. Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children. 19245 Blackwell, Henry B. Woman suffrage a polit. reform. {In Worn. Suff. Tr.) 14359 Blackwell, I. A. Northern antiquities. See Mallet, P. H. Blackwood, F. T. H., Baron Dujferin. Letters fr. high lati- tudes, 1856. (A yacht voyage.) 1283 — Speeches and addresses ; ed. by H. Milton. 21970 — St. John, M. The sea of mountains ; Lord D.'s tour thr. British Colum- bia. 2v. 17382-3 Black, Adam and Charles, pub. Black's Guides; namely: , *I Aberdeen, Deeside, and Braemar. 3d. ed. Alton towers, etc. ; by L. Jewitt. Illust. Belfast, Giant's Causeway, and the North of Ireland. Brighton and vicinity. Buxton and its environs; ed. by L. Jewitt. Channel islands ; ed. by D. T. Ansted. 4th. ed. Cheltenham and its environs. Cornwall. Map and illust. Derbyshire. Illust. New ed. Devonshire. Maps and illust. Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall. Maps and illust. Dorsetshire. 6tli. ed. Maps and illust. Dublin and the Wicklow mountains. Edinburgh and environs. England and Wales. 10th. ed. The English lakes. Same. 16th. ed. Galway, Connemara, the Shannon, and Lough Erne. Glasgow and its environs. Gloucestershire. Guernsey, Alderney, and Serk; ed; by D. T. Ansted. Harrogate and vicinity. Hereford and 3Ionmo'uth. The Hit^hlands and western islands of Scotland ; by G. and P. Anderson. Maps and illust. 4th. ed. Ireland. Illust. 12th. ed. Isle of Wight. 4th. ed. Jersey, etc. ; ed. by D. T. Ansted. Kent.' Xew ed. Map and illust. Killarney, and the South of Ireland. Leamington and its environs. Leeds and vicinity. Liverpool, Birkenhead, etc. London and its environs. 4th. ed. Illust. Manchester and Salford. Scarborough, Whitbv, and vicinitv. Scotland. 19th. ed. ' Surrey. Map and illust. Sussex, and its watering places; new ed. with add., illust. and map. The Trossachs, Stirling, Loch Katrine, and Loch Lomond. Wales. Warwickshire. Illust. Where shall we go ? guide to watering places in the British Is. 7th. ed. 144 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Black, C. A Sussex idyl. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) Black, J. R. Influence of hereditary defects on health ; their prevention and eradication. (7?i Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) — The ten laws of health. Black, J. Brougham, H. (In his Lives of philos.) Black, W. The beautiful wretch. (Franklin Sq. lib.) — A daughter of Heth. — A tight for a wife. (Treas. trove ser., v. 3.) — The four Mae Nicols. Illust. — Goldsmith. (Eng. men of letters.) — In silk attire. — Kilmeny. — Macleod of Dare. — Madcap Violet. — The maid of Killeena, and other stories. — Marriage of Moira Fergus. — The monarch of Mincing lane. — A princess of Thule. — Shandon bells. Illust. — The strange adventures of a phaeton. — Sunrise. — Three feathers. — White wings : a yachtmg romance. — and another. Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black and blue. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 2.) Black and white. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) Black and white ; by A. R. Hope. (In Ms Seven stories.) Black Bass. Henshall, J. A. Book of the Black Bass. Illust. Black cat, The ; by E. A. Poe. (In his Tales.) Black cottage, The ; by W. Collins. (In his Mad Monkton, etc.) Black diamonds. See Coal. Black dwarf, The ; by W. Scott. Black eagle, The ; by G. P. R. James. See Ticonderoga. Black-eyed Susan ; drama ; by D. Jerrold. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 30.) Black Forest. Seguin, L. G. The Black Forest, its people and legends. — Wood, C. W. In the Black Forest. Black Forest village stories ; by B. Auerbach. Black Hawk. Life of Black Hawk (Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. ) , Black Hills. Dodge, R. I. The Black Hills ; descr. of routes, scenery, soil, etc. Black hills. Live boys in the ; [by] A. Morecamp. Black ivory ; by R. M. Ballautyne. Black robe. The ; by W. Collins. Black robes ; or, Sketches of missions and ministers ; by R. P. Nevin. Black tulip, The ; by A. Dumas. Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs ; or. Sketching in sunshine. — The Harz mts. ; tour in the toy country. — Normandy picturesque. — The Pyrenees. Blackburn, W. M. College days of Calvin. — Young Calvin in Paris. 17631 *I 11271 524 20700 9705 14268 21420 18270 11919 8697 18019 16645 13483 13958 9701 12174 22564 11206 20142 ■13851 19848 17326 14302 7224 20275 20771 5144 443 2636 11825 19441 22556 7751 *I 15530 20069 6598 21951 10479 11611 8845 12062 10811 8850 6906 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 145 career. 13605 2 V. 18870-1 13605 Blackburne, E. Life of F. Blackburne ; pub. and polit. Blackburne, E. O. Illustrious Irishwomen ; memoirs. Blackburne, F. Blackburne, E. Life of B. Blackford, Mrs. — . Scottish stories. Blackie, J. S. Altavona ; life in the Highlands. — Four phases of morals ;— Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism. — Greek and English dialogues ; for schools and colleges. 2d. ed. — Homer. {In New biog. of ill. men.) — Homer and the Iliad. 4 v. Contents. \. 1. Homeric dissertations. 2, 3. The Iliad in English verse. 4. I^otes philological and archaeological. — Lay sermons. Contents. The creation of the world.— The Jewish Sabbath and the Christian's Lord's day. — Faith. — The utilisation of evil. — Landlords and land laws. — The politics of Christianity. — The dignity of labour. — The Scottish Covenanters. — On symboUsm, ceremonialism, formalism, and the new creature.— 3Ietaphysics"of Genesis I. — On self-culture. — Prussia in the 19th. cent. {In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc, v. 1.) — Songs of religion and life. • * Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine. — Christowell ; a Dartmoor tale. — Clara Vaughan. — Cradock Xowell. — Cripps, the carrier. — Erema ; or, My father's sin. — Lorna Doone ; " a romance of Exmoor. — The maid of Sker. — Mary Anerley. (Fr. Sq. Lib.) Blacksmith, The, of Antwerp ; by G. Fullerton. {In her Rep- aration.) Blacksmiths, The, of Holsby. {In Fam. stories, v. 1.) Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the laws of England. 3 v. — Same: abgd. by E. M. Kerr. (Student's Blackstone.) — Same: unimportant matter eliminated: by M. D. Ewell. Blackstone, Comic ; b}^ G. A. a Beckett. Blackwell, A. B. The island neighbors. — The sexes throughout nature. Contents. Sex and evolution. — Alleged antagonism bet. growth and reproduction.— Sex and work.— Building of a brain.— Trial by science. — Studies in general science. Blade-o-grass ; by B. L. Farjeon. Blades, W. Biography and typography of Wm. Caxton. 2d. ed. Blaikie, A. V. in 1. Blaikie, W. Blaikie, W. History of Presbyterianism in New England. 2 How to get strong and how to stay so. G. Personal life of D. Livingstone ; chiefly fr. his journals and correspondence. Portr. and map. Blaine, D. P. Encyclopaedia of rural sports. New ed., rev. and corrected. Illust. Blair, H. Foster, J. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) Blaise, J. L. M. Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) Blake, Lady — . The lady of Lyndon. — Euth Maxwell. Blake, E. V. ed. Arctic experiences ; cont. G. E. Tyson's drift on the ice-floe ; a hist. of the Polaris exp., etc. Added, A gen. arctic chronology. Blake, J. B. Memorial of B. 419 21936 12247 15479 2803 *I 20975 12219 17645 15558 13741 21205 20146 11679 15994 17302 11029 19742 13962 18148 554-6 22024 7710 9769 13784 7667 9925 21475 21209 18665 20041 *I 1502 6265 11026 11684 12941 9225 146 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Blake, J. Grant, J. (In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 1076O Blake, J. F. Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's " History of the heavens." 16909' Blake, J. H. Notes on a coll. fr. the anc. cemetery at the bay of Chacota, Peru. Illust. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Repts., V. 2.) 19624 Blake, M. A successful secession. (In Gilman, A. Magna Charta stories.) 21890 Blake, M. E. On the wing ; trip to the Pacific. 22722 — Poems. 2187& Blake, M. A centurial hist, of the Mendon Association. 421 Blake, R. Dixon, W. H. R. Blake, Admiral and general at sea. 11311 Blake, W. Cunningham, A. [In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 2.) 1054 — Gilchrist, A. -Life of B. ; with select, fr. l;is writings. 2 v. 10717-18^ Blake, W. P. Engineering and public works. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Precious metals, statistical notices, etc. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Ex- pos.. 1867. Kept., V. 2.) 909T — Reports of the United States Comm. to the Paris Univ. Exposition, 1867. 6 V. 9096-9101 Blakesley, J. W. Aristotle. (In Blomfield C. J. and others. Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) 6380 Blakey, R. Hints on angling ; with Sugg, for angling excur- sions in France and Belgium ; by P. Hackle. 1715 — History of the philosophy of mind. 4 v. 6162-^ Blakiston, J. R. The teacher ; hints on school management. 18953 Blakken ; by B. Bjornson. (In his Bridal march, etc.) 21758 Blameless prince. The ; and other poems, by E. C. Stedman. 7682. Blamire, J. C. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worthies of Cumber- land, V. 4.) 13720 Blamire, S. Lonsdale, H. (In Ms Worthies of Cumb., v. 4.) 13720' Blamire, W. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worthies of Cumb., v. 1.) 13717 Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress ; fr. the French. Illust. 16620 — The grammar of painting and engraving. *I Blanc, J. J. L. History of ten years, 1830-40; or, France undei Louis Philippe ; tr. by W. K. Kelly. 2 v. 422-3 Blanc, T. (pseud. Th. Bentzon.) L' obstacle. 14579 — Remorse. (Coll. of for. authors.) 18066- — La vocation de Louise : Madelette. 14630 — Yette ; histoire d' une ieune Creole. 14674 Blanc, Mont. Smith,' A. The story of Mont. Blanc. 5887 — See also Alps ; — Switzerland. Blanchard, E. L. Artful dodger. (In French's min. dr., V. 39.) 7990 Blanchard, H. The religion of fear and the relig. of love. (In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 Blanchard, L. Life and lit. remains of L. E. L[andon]. 2 v. 2561-2 Blanchard, T. Howe, H. (In his Mem. of Amer. mechanics.) 2012 Blanche, A. The bandit : tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. 10049 — Bilder ur verkligheten. 5 v. in 2. 15012-15 Innehffll. Y. 1—2. Hp-kuskens beriittelser.— En prestmans anteck- ningar. 3—5. En skiidespelares iifventyr.— Strodda anteckningar.— Utgi- fven efter forfattarens dod. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 147 — Sumlade arbeten. 3 v. in 2. 15014-15 Innehfill. V. 1—2. Romaner : Sonen af socler och nord. 3. Smsirre skrifter: Poetiska forsok; Strodda uppsatser; Tal och riksdags-autor- anden. Blauche of Braudywine. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 26.) 11823 Blanche Seymore. 8865 Blanchecotte, A. M. S. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {Bi his Cans. lund., V. 15.) *I Bland, T. A. Life of Benjamin F. Butler. 18474 Blanford, W. T. Zoology and geology of Persia. Ilust. {In India. Council of India. Eastern Persia, etc., v. 2.) *I Blanid ; by R. D. Joyce. 18998 Blaserna, P. The theory of sound in its rel. to music. Wood- cuts. (Int. sci. ser.) 16593 Blast furnace. Bell, I. L. Chemical phenomena of iron smelting. 11000 — Gruuer, M. L. Studies of blast furnace phenomena. 12526 Blasting. See Rock blasting. Blavignac, J. D. Histoire des enseignes d'hotelleries. d'au- berges, et de cabarets. *I Bleaching. Kingzett, C. T. Historical notes on the B. indus- try. {In his Alkali trade.) 17233 — Sims, T. Dyeing and bleaching. (Brit, manuf . ind.) 15470 Bleak House ; by C. Dickens. 1184 Bleek, F. Lectures on the Apocalypse. Ed. by L. P. Hoss- bach ; fr. the German ; ed. by S. Davidson. (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib., v. 5.) *I Blessed Saint Certainty; by [W. M. Baker]. ' 20408 Blessington, M., Countess of. See Gardiner, M. Blighted being; by T. Taylor. {In French's Min. dram., V. 31.) 7986 Blind, M. George Eliot. (Fam. women.) 22852 Blind. Artman, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achieve- ments of the blind. , 1737 — Prescott, W. H. Asylum for the Blind. (In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 Blind fijrandfather. The ; by Trauermantel. (/n The pearls, etc.) 3441 Blindpits ; by [E. Taylor]. 7578 Blismon, Ana-Gramme, (psewd. ?). Tr6sor des anecdotes comiques. 14496 Contents. ' Art de ne par s' ennuyer. — Fontenelliana. — Scarroniana. Bliss, S. Commentary on the Apocalypse. 424 — Memoir of Wm. Miller. 425 Bliss, W. R. Paradise in the Pacific. 11569 Blithedale romance ; by N. Hawthorne. 1798 Blochwitz, J. Brief Hist, of Turkey ; tr. by Mrs. M. Wessel- hoeft. Maps. 3d. ed. (Eastern question.) 17008 Block Island. Lanman, C. {In his Recollections.) 22403 — Livermore, S. T. History of Block Is., 1514-1876. 19033 Blockade, The ; and the cruisers ; by J. R. Soley. 22877 Blockade runners, The ; by J. Verne. ( With his Floating city.) 13014 Blocus, Le ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9415 Blodget, L. "Non periodic changes of heat as an element in sanitary climatology." {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept. V. 1, 1873.) *I 148 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — "Waste of existing social systems. (In Amer. Soc, Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Blodgett, J. H. Claims of English grammar in common schools. (Li Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) 11608 Blomfield, C. J., IJ.D. The chorus in ancient tragedy. (In Talfourd, T. N. and others. Hist, of Greek lit. 6381 — Socrates. (In his Hist, of Greelv and Rom. pliilos.) 6380 — and others. History of Greeli and Roman philosophy and science. (Encyelopiedia Metropolitana.) 6380 Contents, ^sop.— Blomfield, C. J. Socrates.— Lownder, W. Plato; Seneca. — Blakesley, J. W. Aristotle.— Findlater, A. Epicurus.— New- man, J. H. Cicero.^ — Jeremie, J. A. Sextus Em])iricus; Plotinus. — Whewell, W. Archimedes. — Barlow, P. and Lunn, F. Greek physics. — Fox, W. J. National education : crit. on B. (In his Mem. ed. of Coll. Works, V. 12.) *1 — Martineau, H. ( (In her Biog. sk.) 7657 ;16744 Blood of the Sundowns, The. {In Nov. and tales fr. House- hold Words, V. S.) 14308 Bloody chasm. The ; by J. W. De Forest. 20843 Bloomer, The ; by C. Reade. {In Ms True love.) 8743 Bloomer costume; by E. Stirling. {In French's Min. dram., V. 6.) 11838 Bloomfield,Il. Thehorkey; a ballad, lllust. by G. Cruikshank. 22239 Bloomfield, R. Sketch of B. {Ii Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Blossoming of an aloe. The ; by C. Hoey. 13559 Blot, P. Hand-book of practical cookery. 7007 — What to eat, and how to cook it. 6334 "Blow up with the brig!" by W. Collins. {In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 — Sanfi'e. {In his Miss or Mrs.?) 11533 Blowpipe. Attwood, G. Practical blowpipe assaying; wood cuts. 20257 — Blow-pipe apparatus of Hawkins and Wale. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1872.) 13103 — Brush, G. J. Blow-pipe analysis. {In his Man. of det. mineral.) 13485 — Cornwall, H. B.. Manual of blowpipe analysis, with compl. system of det. mineralogy. * ' 22374 — Nason, H. B. Elderhorst's manual of qual. blow-pipe analysis. 16034 — Plympton, G. W. The blow-pipe; guide to its use in the determination ' of salts and minerals. 13494 — Boss, W. A. Alphabetical manual of blow-pipe analysis. 20096 — Scheerer, T. Introduction to the use of the mouth-blow-pipe ; with a descr. of the blowpipe characters of the more important minerals, bv H. F. Blanford. ' *I Bloxam-, C. L. Metals ; their properties and treatment. 4th. ed. 22750 Blue bell of Red Neap. 9859 Blue cabinet, The; by L. H. Hooper. (7/i Short stories.) 6965 Blue devils, comedietta ; by G. Colman the younger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 9.) 11811 Blue dragoon. The. (/n Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 18.) 19163 Blue glass. See Blue light. Blue laws. See Connecticut. Colony. Blue light. Pleasonton, A. J. and others. Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky, in develop, life, etc. 16748 Blue ribbon. The ; by E. Tabor. 12362 Blue roses ; by C. L. H. Dempster. 2 v. 18127-8 Blue-stocking, A. ; by A. Edwardes. 17446 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 149' Blue stockings. Doran, J. A lady of the last century. 11447 Bluebeard; by J. R. Planche. (//? /iis Extravaganzas, v. 2.) *I Bluebeard. {In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 Bluebeard's ghost ; by W. M. Thackeray. (/>< Little class., V. 9.) 12980 Bluebeard's keys, and other stories ; by A. I. Thackeray. 13977 Bluffton ; a story of to-day ; by M. J. Savage. 17770 Blumauer, A. Gesammelte Schriften. 2 v. 10243-4 Blunderer, The; or. The mishaps; comedy; by J. B. P. de Moli^re. {In his Dram, wks., v. 1.) 16843 Blunt, Lacly A. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates ; pref. and acct. of the Arabs and their horses by W. S. B. Map. 18271 — A pilgrimage to Nejd; A visit to the court of the Arab Emir, and *' Our Persian campaign.'' Map, portr. and illust. 2d. ed. 2 v. 204.13-1 Blunt, J. J. Sketch of the Reformation in P^ng. lutrod. by C. Geikie. lUust. Bluntschli, J. C. Lieber's service to polit. science and internat. law. {In Lieber, F. Misc. writ., v. 2.) Blyth, A. W. Manual of pract. chemistry ; analysis of foods and detection of poisons. Blythe, J. A. St. J. A lonely life. Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni. Hewitt, M. E. {In her Lives.) Boarding-school days ; by Vieux Moustache [C. Gordon]. Boardman, G. D. Studies in the creative week ; lect. — Studies in the model prayer. Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the counting house. 5th. ed. — The Bible in the family ; or, Hints on domestic happiness. 2d. ed. — He that overcometh. Boardman, W. E. Faith work under Dr. Cullis in Boston. Boat club ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. Boatman, The, of Burton-on-the-Wye ; by F. Acton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) Boats. Ballantyne, R. M. Man on the ocean : book about boats and ships. — Davis, G. C. Practical boat sailing for amateurs. Illust. — Folkard, H. C. The sailing boat; treat, on Eng. and foreign boats and yachts. — Frazar, D. Practical boat-sailing; trea. on the management of small boats, etc. — Grosvenor, J. du V . Model yachts and boats : their designing, making, and sailing. Illust. — See also Rowing. Boatswain's son, The ; by W. H. G. Kingston. Bobbin boy. The ; by W. M. Thayer. Bocage, H. Venus. (TheAtre de camp., s^r. 6.) — joint author. See Najac, E. de. Boccaccio, G. The Decameron ; tr. by W. K. Kelley. 22516 20135 18525 11183 1899 11119 17785 19456- 426 807T 7888 12323 5807 7224 13273 20447 5340 21728 10566 4410 14690 *I 13752; — Harrison, J. A. An aquarelle of Boccaccio. {In his Group of poets.) B6cher, F. College ser. of French plays, with English notes. 2 V. 9419-2a Contents. V. 1. Girardin, Jfwie. La joie fait peur.— Scribe, A. E. and Legouv^. G. J. B. E. W. La Bataille de dames ; ou, Un duel en amour.— Sandeau, J. La maison de Penarvan — Labiche, E. M. and Martin, E. ' La poudre aux yeux.— Vacquerie, A. Jean Baudry. 2. Labiche, E. and Delacour, A. C. L. Les petits oiseaux.— Sandeau, J. Mile, de la Seigliere.— Feuillet, O. Le roman d'un pauvre jeune homme. —Scribe, A. E. and Legouv^, J. W. E. Les doigts de fee. 15Q FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bock, C. The head-hunters of Borneo ; narr. of travel up the Mahakkam, and down the Barito ; also, Journeyings in Sumatra. Cold, plates, maps,' etc. *I Boddam-Whetham, J. W. See Whetham, J. W. B. Bodily strength and skill. Russell, C. Wonders of bodily strength and skill ; tr. and enl. fr. the French of G. Depping. 9874 Bodine, J. L. Management of the insane without mechanical restraints. {In Confer, of Charities. Proc, 1876.) 16870 Bodines ; or, Camping on the Lycoming ; by T. S. Up de Graff. 1883 5 Bodley, Mr., abroad; by [H. E. Scudder]. • 19830 Bodley family. The, in town and country. Doings of ; by H. E. Scudder. 14128 Bodley grandchildren. The, and their journey in Holland ; by H. E. Scudder. 22054 Bodleys, The, afoot; by H. E. Scudder. 19040 Bodleys on wheels ; by H. E. Scudder. 18017 Bodleys telling stories; by H. E. Scudder. 17171 Body and mind. See Mind and body. Boeckh, A. The public economy of the Athenians. *I Boehme, J. Translations. (J?i Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Boehmer, E. Spanish reformers of two cent. fr. 1520 ; their lives and writings ace. to B. B. Wiffen's plan and with the use of his materials, v. 1. (Bibliotheca Wiffeniana.) 13791 Contents. \. 1. Republication of Reformistas Antiguos Espauoles.— Wiffen, M. I. W. Memoir of B. B. ^Viffeii. Boelte, A. Madame de Stael ; hist, novel. 7633 Boerland, Trip to; by R. J. Atcherley. 19777 Boerne, L. Gesammelte Schriften. 12 v. 10230-41 — Saiute-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover, and trap shooting ; ed. by C. J. Foster. 13063 Boggs, R. Ricardo il falcone. {In Short stories.) 6965 Bogle, G. Markham, C. R. Mission to Tibet ; Life of B. {In his Narr. of Bogle and Manning.) *I Bohemia. History. — Doran, J. The winter king. (In his Monarchs, etc.. \. 1.) 1248 LiteraMire. — Bowring, J. Cheskian anthology : hist, of the poetical lit. of B. *I — Wratislaw, A. A. The native literature of B. in the 14th. cent. Lect. 17740 Bohemian girl. The ; opera ; by Balfe. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Boh^mienue, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 2.) *I Bohemiens, Les ; par P. Merimee. {In /ws Nouvelles.) 9520 Bohlen lectures. Namely : Brooks, F. The influence of Jesus. 18914 Bohn, H. G. Chronicles of the Crusades. 2383 Contents. B,ichsivdus Divisiensis (Riclmrd of Devizes). Chronicle cone. Richard I. ; tr. by J. A. Giles.— Galfridus ae Vinosalvo (Geottrey de Yinsauf). Chronicle of Richard I.'s crusade. — Joinville, J. Memoirs of Louis IX. ; tr. by Johnes. — Extracts fr. an Arabian ms. by Al Makrisi, containing the Saracenic acct. of the crusade under Louis IX. — Guide to the knowledge of pottery and porcelain. 427 — Handbook of proverbs; repub. of Ray's coll., with add. ' 429 — Pictorial handbook of mod. geography. 2527 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 151 Boiardo, M. M. Hunt, J. H. L. Critical not. of life, etc. {In his Stories fr. the Ital. poets.) 2105 — S^^Ilond8, J. A. Pulci and B. (I?i ^ is Renaissance in Italy, v. 4.) 17321 Boieldieu, F. A. La dame Blanche. (Li Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of opera lib., v. 1.) *I — Ferris, G. T, Boieldieu and Auber. (In his Gt. Ital. and Fr. comp.) 18707 Boies, A^ J. Record of the 33rd. Mass. Vol. Infantry, 1862- 1865. • *I Boigne, E. A. de O., comtesse de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I Boileau Despreaux, N. Oeuvres completes ; accom. de notes historiques et litteraires, et precedees d'une etude sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par A. Ch. Gidel. 4 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Vie de B. — Prefaces. — Discours au roi. — Satires. 2. Satires. — Epitres. — Art poetique. — Le lutrin. 3. Discours sur Pode. — Odes, epigrammes, etc. — Fragment d'un prologue d'op6ra — Poesies latines. — Pieces attribuees a B. — Remarques sur d'autres pieces attribuees a B.— Chapelain decoifte. — La metamorphose de la perruque de Chapelain en com^te. — Une satire in6dite de B. — Oeuvres eu prose. — Reflexions critiques sur quelques passaoes du rlieteur Longiu. — Traite du sublime. ou, du merveilleux dans le discours; tr. du Grec de Longiu. 4. Traite du sublime, ou du merveilleux dans le discours ; tr. du Grec de Longin. (Suite) .—Remarques sur Longin.— Remarques sur Longin, par Dacier. — Lettres de B. a diverses personues. — Lettres de B. h Racine et de Racine a B.— Lettres de B. a Brosette. — Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Poet, lit., v. 1; Cans, lund., v. 6.) *I Boissier, M. * L. G. La religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonius. 2 v. 14451-2 Boissonade, J. F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 6.) *I Boissonas, Mme. B. Un vaincu ; souvenirs du G^n^ral R. Lee. 9560 Boissy, T. G., marquise &q^ formerly contessa Guiccioli. My recollections of Byron. 7668 Boito, A. Mefistofele ; opera ; tr. and adapt, by T. T. Barker. *I Boker, G. H. Konigsmark ; Legend of the hounds; and other poems. 7873 — Plays and poems, v. 2. 432 — Poems of the vs'ar. 10600 Bokhara. Burnes, A. Travels into Bokhara ; voyage on the Indus. 2 V. 628-9 — Grover, J. The Bokhara victims. 1691 — Meyendorff. G. Jouruey to B. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Yiimbery, A. History of Bokhara. ' ' 11660 Bol, F. Gower, R. ' (Jw his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Bolanden, C. von. The progressionists and Angela. 11594 Bold dragoons, comic drama ; by M. Barnett. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 18.) 11819 Boleyn, Anne. Queen of England. /iSee Anne Boleyn. Bolingbroke, H., Viscount. See St. John, H. Bolivar y Ponte, S. Larrazabal, F. Life of B., v. 1. 6903 Bolivar. /See Venezuela. Bollaert, W. The wars of succession of Portugal and Spain. 2 V. 10964-5 Boiler, A. P. Treatise on the constr. of iron highway bridges. 16808 Boiler, H. A. Among the Indians, 1858-66 ; sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. 7350 152 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BoUes, A. S. Chapters in political economy. 13064 — The financial hist, of the U. S. 1774-1860. 2 v. 22111 5 — Industrial hist, of the U. S.; survey of Amer. industries; with descr. of Canadian indust. . lUust. 18466 Bolley, p. A. Manual of technical analysis, founded upon the 'Handbuch' of B., by B. H. Paul. 433 Bologna. Burton, R. F. Etruscan Bologna ; a study. 16813 — Dall, C. H. Women of Bologna. {In her Hi^t. pictures.) 1080 Bolton, S. K. The present problem. 19906 Bolton, Mass. Marvin, A. P. Hist, of B. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) ^ *I Bolts. Aitkin, W. C. Railway bolts and spikes. (Brit. manuf. ind.) 15467 Bombastes Furioso ; by T. B. Rhodes. {In French's Min. dram., V. 5.) 11837 Bombaugh, C. C, ed. Gleanings fr. the harvest fields of literature. 11093 — The literature of kissing, gleaned fr. historv, poetrv. Action, and anecdote. 15335 Bombay Shirley's cure ; by E. E. Hale! (Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Bombet, L. A. C, pseud. See Beyle, M. H. Bon Gaultier, pseud. See Martin, T., and Aytoun, W. E. Bon papa, Le ; par A. PI Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 10.) *I Bon renom vaut un heritage ; par P. Celi^re. {In his En sc^ne, S. V. P.) 14601 Bonald, L. G. A. de, le vieomte. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, kind., v. 4.) *I Bonaparte, C. L. J. L., Prince of Canino. Memoir; by him- self. V. 1. *I Bonaparte, E. P., Madame. Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Madame Bonaparte. Portr. fr. the studies by G. Stuart. 18765 Bonaparte, J. Sack of Rome, 1527. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Bonaparte, J. Saffell, AY. T. R. The Bonaparte-Patterson marriage in 1803, and the secret correspondence on the subject. 1141& Bonaparte, J. N., /i7»^ of Spain. See Joseph [Bonaparte], Ki7ig of Spain. Bonaparte, N. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte, N. J., Prince Napoleon. McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 Bonaparte, Prince P. Morse, J. T., jr. Prince Pierre Bona- parte. {In his Fam. trials.) 12868 Bonaparte family. Bingham, D. A. The marriages of the Bonapartes. 21349 Bonar, H. Light and truth ; or, Bible thoughts and themes, 7373 — Morning of joy. 435 Bond, A . L. Tiny's natural history in words of four letters. Illust. 19318 Bond, H. M. Balch, F. V. {In His^ginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) ^ 6493 Bond, J. W. Minnesota, and its resources. 437 Bond, R. Handbook of the telegraph. App. Questions on magnetism, electricity, and pract. telegraphy ; by W. McGregor. Illust. 13606 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 153 Bond and free. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 2.) 14302 Bondmaid, The ; by F. Bremer. 491 Bondman, The ; by P. Massinger. {In his Plays, v. 1.) 5128 Boner, C. Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria, and in the Tyrol. Illust. New ed. 6468 Bonfadio, J. Malleson, G. B. {In his Stud, of Genoese hist.) 13876 Boniface, J. X., {called Saintine). Dame Nature and her three daughters. 8009 — The m^'ths of the Rhine ; tr. bv M. Scheie de Vere. Illust. bv Dore. *I — Picciola. ' 802 — Woman's whims; tr. by F. Robinson. 3764 — See also Sauveur, L. Contes merveilleux. Boniface ; fr. Farquhar. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Bonington, R. P. Cunningham. A. {In his Lives of Brit. painters, etc., v. 4.) 1056 Bonitz, H. The origin of the Homeric poems ; fr. the German, by L. R. Packard. 19454 Bonn. Reunion Conference. Reusch, Prof. Report of proc. at the Reunion Conference held at Bonn, Sept., 1874 ; tr. by E. M. B. Pref. by H. P. Liddon. *I Bonne, La ; sayn^te ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 Bonne femme, La; par E. Laboulaye. {In his Contes bleus.) 9526 Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. History of France, to the Revo- lution of 1848 ; ed. by S. O. Beeton, fr. 13th. ed. 2 v. 7397-8 — Jean Hus et le Coneile de Constance. 2 v. 3^' M. (R^formateurs avant la reforme, XY«^- siecle.) 9561-2 Bonnefon, D. Les ^crivains modernes de la France ; ou, Bio- graphies des principaux ^crivains dep. le premier empire. 14400 Bonne-Marie ; by A. F. Durand. 18486 Bonner, J. Child's history of Greece, v. 2. 5727 — Child's hist, of the U. S. 3 v. 6364r-6 Bonner, R. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 Bonner, S. psend. See McDowell, Mrs. K. 8. B. Bonnet, V. The example of France ; essays on the payment of the indemnity and the management of the currency since the German war, 1870-74. 13785 Bonneval, C. A., conite de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 5.) *I Bonneville, B. L. E. Adventures of Capt. B. in the Rocky Mts. and the far West ; fr. his journal by W. Irving. 2139 Bonneville de Marsangy, M. Criminal registers as a means of knowing the antecedents of persons charged with crime. {In Nat. Con. on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Bonney, T. G. Burnt-out volcanoes ; A piece of whinstone. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — A piece of serpentine ; Wanderings of a pebble : The cheese-grotto of Bertrich-Baden. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Story of a volcano as told in historv. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) ' 20446 Bonny Kate ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 17856 Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces ; the disc, of Botta and Layard appl. to the elucidations of " Holy Writ." 440 — Some. 2d. ed., rev. 13212 Bonstetten, C. V. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lundis., V. 1 ; Cans, lund., v. 14.) *I 11 154 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Book about dominies ; [by R. H. Moncrieff]. 7604 Book hunter, The ; by J. H. Burton, with notes by R. G. White. 5706 Book of Common Prayer. Luckock, H. M. Studies in the hist, of the Book of Common Prayer. 22410 — See also Church of Englaud. Book of days ; misc. of pop. antiquities : ed. by R. Chambers. 2 V. in 4. 6306-9 Book of gold, and other poems ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 19378 Book of golden deeds; by [C. M. Yonge]. 6121 Book, The, of the East, and other poems ; by R. H. Stoddard. 9629 Bookbinding. Hatton, J. Printing and bookbinding. 15472 — Zaehnsdorf , J. W. Art of bookbinding. Ulust. *I — See also Marbling. Book-keeping. Comer, G. N. Book-keeping. rationalized. *I — Eaton, W. H. Book-keeping. 1323 — Packard, S. S., and Bryant, H. B. The new Bryant & Stratton counting- house book-keeping. ' 22311 — Waggener, D. B. Book-keeping simplified; double-entry sy.stem, with rules and tables. ' ' 13446 Books. See Bibliography; — Book-binding; — Libraries; — Literature ; — Reading. Booksellers. Curwen, H. History of booksellers, the old and the new. 12193 Boon, Story of; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 13335 Boone, D. Abbott, J. S. C. D. Boone, the pioneer of Ken- tucky. 16637 — Peck, J. M. Life of B. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 23.) 4132 — Simmons, W. G. {In his Yiews and reviews.) 5749 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Ess., biog. and crit.) 4523 Booth, — . On the infl. of examination as an instrument of education. (In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Booth, A. A. Garfield, J. A. Life and character of B. (In Hinsdale, B. A. Pres. G. and education.) 21233 Booth, D. Glossary ; Index. (In Soc. Diff. Usef . Kn. Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 Booth, E. Bungay, G. (In Ms Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Clarke, A. B. (7w A er Elder and vounger Booth.) 21334 — McCabe, J. D. {In his Gr. fortunes.) 8983 Booth, J. B. Ugolino. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 15.) 11817 — Clarke, A. B. (In her Elder and younger Booth.) 21334 — Clarke, J. F. J. B. Booth': an incident in his life. {In his Mem. and biog. sk.) 17757 Booth, M. L. History of the city of New York. lUust. *I ; 19678 — New and compl. clock and watchmaker's manual. 983 Boots at the " Holly Tree Inn ;" by C. Dickens. Designs by J. C. Beard. 22140 Boots at the Swan ; by C. Selby. (In French's Min. dram., v. 1.) 11833 Bordeaux, Due de. See Artois, H. C. F. M. D. L'. Border and bastille; by [G. A. Lawrence]. 5934 Border beagles; by W. G. Simms. 19076 Border reminiscences ; by R. B. Marcy. 9841 Border rover. The ; by E. Bennett. 386 Bordoni, F. Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. singers.) 20364 Borel, T. The Count Agenor de Gasparin ; fr. the French. 18956 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 155 Bores, The ; corned}^ ; by J. B. P. de Moli^re. {In his Dram. wks., V. 1.) 16843 Borges de F. Henriques, M. Trip to the Azores. 6895 Borgia. L,.^ dnchessa di Ferrara. Gilbert, W. Lucrezia Bor- gia ; biography. 2 V. 11381-2 Borgia family. Symouds, J. A. (Inhis Renaissance in Italy.) 15451 Borlum. See Macintosh, AV. Born to good luck ; by T. Power. (In French's Min. dram., v. 0.) 11838 Borneo. Burbidge, F. W. The gardens of the sun ; a natu- ralist's journal in B. 20657 — Bot'k, C. Tlie head-hunters of B. ; uarr. of travel up the Mahakkam, and down the Barito. *I — Helms, L. Y. (In his Pioneeriuji'. etc.) 21974 — Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo! 2461 — Knox, T. W. (In his Adv. in a journey, etc.) 21097 Bornier, H. de. Le cage du lion ; comedie. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., .ser. 3.) 14498 — Un cousin de passage: comedie. (In Saynetes, etc., s^r. 8.) 1479S — Le monde renvers6; comedie. (In Leaoiive, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) " 14482 Borrom^o, C, St. Brigham, C. H. (In his Mem., etc.) 20560 Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. 442 — Lavengro. 446 — Romano Lavo-Lil : Word-book of the Romany ; or, Eng. gypsy language. *I — Romany Rye. * ' ' 5278 — Zincali ; acct. of the gypsies of Spain. 434 Bosco, G. Compendium of Italian hist. fr. the fall of the Ro- man Empire ; tr. and compl. by J. D. Morell. 21476 Boscobel. 21170 Boscobel. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 8.) 14308 Bosio, A. Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 Bosio, F. Ricordi personali. 15511 Bosnia. Evans, A. J. Through B. and the Herzegovina, 1875 ; with hist, review of B. 17224 — Ranke, L. Sketch of the insurrection in B. (In his Hist, of Servia.) 3595 Bosom friend. The; by [Mrs. Grey]. 12450 Bosporus. Cox, S. S. (In his Orient sunbeams.) 21611 — Newton, C. T. Greek art in the Kimmerian Bosporos. (In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 Bossuet, J. B., Bj). Farrar, H. S. Bossuet and his contem- poraries. 13644 — Lamatine, A. de. (In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 3.) 13218 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Mondav chats.) 17345 (In his Nouv. lund., v. 2: Cans. luhd.. v. 10. 12.) *I — Scherer, E. Les sermons de B. (In his Etudes crit. de litt.) 14600 Boston, Mass. Public Library. Proceedings at the dedication of the building, Jan. 1, 1858. 16030 Biography. — Loring, J. S. The hundred Boston orators, 1770-1852. *I — True, C. K. (In his J. Winthrop and the great colony.) 15430 Description, etc. — Abbott, J. Marco in Boston. 61 — Boston illustrated : Guide thr. B. and vicinity. 11847 — Brown's new guide-book and map forB., 1872. *I — Drake, S. A. Old land-marks of Boston. 11226 — Lander, S. W. Boston. (Spectacles for young eyes.) 5702 — Savage, E. H. Police records, and recollections of B. bv daylight and gaslight. * 11998 — Shurtleff, N. B. Topographical and hist, descr. of Boston. 10627 156 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. History. { To um and City.) — Butterworth, H. Younir folks' hist, of Boston. TUust. 20977 — Dearborn, N. Boston notions; an aect. of ' that village,' 1630-1847. 1128 — Stark, J. H. Illustrated history of Boston harbor. Map. *I — Wheildon. W. W. Curiosities of history; Boston, 1630-1880. 20078 — Winsor, J. Memorial hist, of Boston, inch Suffolk Co., 1630-1880. *I History. ( Toitm.) — Drake, S. A. Around the Hub : a boys' book about B. Illust. 20995 — Frothingham, R. History of the siege of B., and of the battles of Lexing- ton, Concord, and Bunker Hill. *I — Scudder, E. Boston town. Illust. 20780 — True, C. K. J. "NVinthrop and the great colony : or. Sketches of the set- tlement of B., etc. ' 15430 — Wheildon. W. W. Sentry or Beacon hill; the beacon and the monument of 1635 and 1790. Illust. *I History. (City.) — Coffin, C. C. Story of the great fire in B., 1872. «I — Conwell, R. H. History of the great fire in B., 1872. *I — Frothingham, F. E. The Boston fire, 1872. *I — Gilmore, P. S. History of the national peacejubilee and musical festiyal in B., 1869. ' 1002a Natural History. — Bigelow, J. Florula Bostoniensis : collection of plants of B., etc. 5634 King's Chapel. — Foote, H. W. Annals of King's Chapel, v. 1. *I Old South Church. — History of the Old South Church. 17419 — Longfellow, H. W. and others. Poems of the " Old South." Illust. *I Industrial School Association of B. — "Wood-working tools ; how to use them ; manual. 20498 Boston, game. Description and laws of the game of Boston. 22903 Boston book, The ; Specimens of metropolitan literature ; [4th. coll. J. 4990 Boston lectures: Christianity and scepticism. 1870-2. 3 v. 8641 ; 12134 ; 8988- Contents. 1870. Harris, S. Doctrine of human progress contrasted with the naturalistic— Herrick, J. R. Positiyism as rel. to the deyelop. and destiny of the indiyidual. — 3Iead, C. M. Uncertainties of natural and of relig. science.— Woolsey, T. D. Equilibrium bet. phys. and mor. truth.— Peabody, A. P. Soyereignty of law.— Seelye, J. H. ' Miracles.— Fisher, G. P. Rationalism.— Smytli, E. C. From Lessing to Schleier- macher, or, From rationalism to ifaith. — Diman, J. L. Historical basis of belief. — Porter, X. Argument for Christianity, complex and cumulative. 1871. Phelps, A. Relations of the Bible to' the civilization of the fu- ture. — Mead, C. M. Primeyal reyelation. — Thompson, J. P. Moses. — Tyler, W. S. Joshua and Judges ; or, The heroic age of Israel. — Bacon, L! The HebrcAv theocracy. — Lord, J. The prophet Isaiah. — Cheeyer, G. B. Gospel of the Hebrew prophets.— Fisher, G. P. The apostle Paul. — Thayer, J. H. Criticism confirmatory of the Gospels.— Talcott, D. S. Jesus Christ himself the all-sufficient evidence of Christianity.— Hopkins, M. Exclusive traits of Christianity. 1872. Magoun, G. F. Adjust- ment bet. the nat. law of progress aiidthe Christian law.— Kitchell, H. D. Christian doctrine the mold of Christian character.— Warren, "\Y. F. Christian consciousness ; its apologetical value. — Fairchild, J. H. Moral law as revelation.- Post, T. M. The Incarnation.— Dwight, T. The fourth Gospel ; rec. and test, of the inner life of its author.- Peabody, A. P. Testimony of the apostles.— Twining, K. Evidence of the resurrec- tion of Jesus' Christ.- Merriman, W. E. Limitations of the personal work of Christ in the world. Boston Monday Lectures, 1880-81 : Christ and modern thought. 20467 Contents. Cook, J. Prelim, lect. : Methods of meeting mod. unbelief. —Clark, T. M. The seen and the unseen.— Robinson, E. G. Moral law in its rel. to phys. science and to pop. religion. — Guard. T. Christianity CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 157 tind the mental activity of the a^e. — Hopkins, M. The place of conscience. — McCosh, J. Development. — Crosby, H. Calm view of the temperance question.— rCrooks, G. R. Old and new theologies. — Dike, S. W. Facts as to divorce in K'ew England.— Thomas, J. B. Significance of the his- toric element in Scripture.— Smith, J. C. The theistic basis of evolution. — See also Cook, J. Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for science-teach- ing. Namely: Agassiz, E. C. First lesson in nat. history. Goodale, G. L. Cone, a few common plants. Pt. 1 and 2. Hyatt, A. About pebbles. —'Sponges. — Common hydroids. corals, and echinoderms. — Oyster, clam, and other mollusks. — Worms and Crustacea. Boston Society of the New Jerusalem. the origin and rise of that society Reed, with S. Account of mem. addr. b}^ J. Reed. Boston Young Men's Christian .\ssociation. Young men of the Bible ; lect. Contents. Eastburn, M. Value of the Bible.— Eddv, D. C. Joseph.— Stockbridge, J. C. Moses.— Haven, E. O. David.— Randall, G. M. Ab- salom. — Warren, H. W. Solomon.— Clark, T. M. John the Baptist. — Stopi^, A. L. The voung ruler. — Murdock, J. X. The prodigal sou. — Kirk. E. X. Paul the Apostle.— Twombly, J. H. Timothy.— Adams, X. John the Evangelist. Boswell, J. Fitzgerald, P. Croker's Boswell and Boswell ; studies in the '• Life of Johnson." — Life of S. Johnson. 4 v. . — Carlvle, T. Boswell's Life of Johnson. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., V. 3.) — Waller, J. F. Boswell and Johnson ; their comp. and Botanical gardens. See Kew. Botany. — Botany as appl. to industrial art. {In Autefix papers.) ' — Henfrey, A. On the educational claims of botanical science, man's, E. L. Culture demand, by mod. life.) General irorks. — Apgar, E. A. and A. C. Apgar's plant analysis; adapt, to Gray's botanies — Bailey, W. W. The botanical collector's handbook. (Naturalists' hand. ser.) — Baillon, H. Natural history of plants; tr. by M. M. Hartog. — Baily, W. L. Trees, plants, and flowers; where and how — Balfour, J. H. First book of botany. Manual of botany. Second book of botany. — Bentley , R. Manual of" botany. — Berkeley, M. J. Introduction to cryptogamic botany. — Bessey, C. E. Botany for high schools and colleges.' — Breck, J. The flower garden. New book of flowers. lUust. — Carpenter, W. B. Systematic botany ; ed. by E. Lankester. — Congdon, J. W. Systematic botany.' {In Green, F.H. Anal, class-book.) — Cooke, M. C. Freaks and marvels 'of plant life ; or, Curiosities of vegta- tioii. — D'Anvers, N. Vegetable life. — Figuier, G. L. The vegetable world : hist, of plants. — Goodale, G. L. Concerning a few common plants. (Guide for sci.-teach.) — Gray, A. Botanical text book. Same. 6th. ed. First lessons in botany. First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology. How plants behave. How plants grow. Introduction to structural and systematic B. and vegetable physiology. 5133 18427 18428 18429 19601 19602 21766 19581 4914 contemporaries. {In You- V. 1-4. they grow 19914 447-50 698 20610 14186 6952 *I *I 8024 12599 1635 12799 1457 *I 20463 471 6330 714 5539 21479 21763 5284 18427 1638 18768 10851 10850 12334 158 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. School and tield-book of botany. 12333 — Green, F. H. Anahtical class-book of botany. 5539 — Hibberd, S. Handv-book for the rambling botanist ; cont. Field flowers ; The fern garden. Illust. 11887 — Hooker, J. D. Botany. Illust. 1590& General system of B., descr. and analytical. *I — Jiissieu, A. de. Elements of B. ; tr.. with add. by J. H. Wilson. Illust. 2413 — Lincoln, A. H. Familiar lect. on botany. ' 2673 — Lindley, J. Ladies' B. ; or, A familiar introd. to B. Illust. New ed. 2680 — Karr, J. B. A. A tour round mv garden. 6480 — Manton, W. P. Field B. ; handbook for the collector. Illust. 21518 — Nuttall, T. Introduction to systematic and physiological B. 3273 — Rus'chenberger. W. S. W. Botanv; the nat. hist, of plants. (In his Elements of nat. hist., v. 2.) ' 3723 — Sachs, J. Textbook of B., morphological and physiological; tr. and annot. bv S. W. Bennett, assist, by M. T. T. Dyer. *I — Schoedler, F. (In his Book of nature.) * 3799 • — Smith, E. Botany. 2 y. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5185-6 — Thome, O. AY. Text-book of structural and physiological B. Illust. 21280 — Torrey Botanical Club. Bulletin, y. 8. ' 21922 — Twining, T. {In his Science made easy.) 18851 — Wood, A. Class book of botany ; pts. i-3. 4843 Same ; with a flora of the United States and Canada. 12405 Leayes and flowers ; or, Object lessons in B. ; with a flora. Illust. 5195 — Youmans, E. A. First book of botany. 8517 Second book of botany. ' 11983 Geography. — Wallace, A. R. Island life; or. The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras. 20186-- Physiology, — Carpenter, W. B. Vegetable physiology ; ed. by E. Lankester. 714 — Darwin, 1 . R. The diflerent forms of flowers on plants of the same species. 17259 Efifects of cross and self-fertilization in the yegetable kingdom. 16883 Insectiyorous plants. 14033- 3Ioyements and habits of climbing plants. 15395 Variation of animals and plants under domestication ; pref . by A. Gray. Illust. 2y. • ' . ' 5558-9 Same. 2d. ed., rey. 2 y. 15754-5 - — and F. Power of moyemeut in plants. Iliust. 20152 — Gray, A. See General icorJts, above. — Grindon, L. H. The phenomena of plant life. 6120 — Introduction to yegetable physiology. {I7i Small books on great sub., y. 3.) 4016 — Kerner, A. Flowers and their unbidden guests, with pref. by C. Darwin. 18365 — Lubbock, J. British wild flowers consid. in rel. to insects, 'illust. 13422 On flowers and insects ; On plants and insects, (//i ^is Sci. lect.) 19117 — Main. J. Illustrations of yegetable physiology. 2d. ed. 6198 — Phipson, T. L. Plant motion. (/??// is Famil. letters.) 16631 — Soc. for the Promotion of Pop. Instruction. Pop. treat, on vegetable physiology. 4591: — Vines,' S. H^ Apparatus rel. to vegetable phvsioloirv. (In So. Kensing- ton Sci. Lect., v. 1.) ' "' 17678 — See also Ferns ;— Floriculture ;— Flowers ;— Fungi ;— Gardening ; — Grass ; —Orchids. Also Boston Soc. of Xat. Hist. Also Boston ;— Ocean. Biology;— JJ. S. Botany. Bothwell ; by W. E. Aytoun. 1407a Bothwell ; by J. Grant. 1075e Bothwell; a tragedy ; by A. C. Swinburne. 12838 Botta, A. C. L. Hand-book of universal literature. 457 Botta, C. G. G. History of Italy dur. the consulate and em- pire of Napoleon ; tr. fr. the Ital. 458 — History of the war of the independence of the U. S. ; tr. bv G. A. Otis. 3 \. ' 459-61 Botta, V. Dante as philosopher, patriot, and poet ; with analy- sis of the Divina comedia. 6018- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 159 Bottiger, C. W. Lefnadsteckning. (In Tegner, E. Samlade skrifter, v. 1.) 15056 Bottle, The ; by T. P. Taylor. {In French's Min. dram., v. 3.) 11835 Bottomley, J. T. Electroineters. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 1.) 17678 Botts, J. M. Savage, J. (In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Boucicault, D. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — joint author. See Reade, C. — "Sketch of B. (/% Dram, of the present day.) • 10138 Bouflers-Rouvrel, M. C. H. comtesse de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 4.) *I Bouille, F. C. A., marquis de. Memoires. (Barriere. Bib. desmem., v. 21.) 14541 Boulden, J. E. P. An American among the Orientals. 4982 Bouldin, P. Home reminiscences of J. Randolph. 17697 Boulevard Bonne-nouvelle, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 6.) *I Bouley, H. Hydrophobia ; means of avoiding its perils and preventing its spread. *I Boulger, D. C. History of China, v. 1, 2. 21937-8 — Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar. Map and app. 18617 Boulnois, H. P. Exeter canal. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. , Eug. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) *I Boulton, M. Howe, H. (J?i /lis Mem. of Am. mechanics, e^c.) 2012 — Smiles, S. Lives of Boulton and Watt. 8739 Same. {In his Lives, etc.) *I Boulton, S. B. The Russian Empire ; its origin and develop- ment. • 21634 Boultree, T. P. Alleged moral difficulties of the Old Testa- ment. (In Chris. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 Bound down ; by A. M. Fitch. 9281 Bound in honor ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 17402 Bound to rise ; by H. Alger, Jr. 6984 Bounty, shij). Belcher, Lady D. The mutineers of the Bounty. 9299 — Mutineers of the -VBounty." {In Yerne. The begum's fortune.) 19478 Bouquets, Les ; comedie ; par E. Cellier.) (Theatre de Camp., ser. 6.) ^ . 14690 Bourasse, J. J. Abbayes et monasteres. ' 9435 Bourbon, Duke of. See Montpensier, C. Bourbon lilies ; story of artist life ; by L. W. Champney. 17440 Bourchier, Lady — . Memoir of the life of Admiral Cod- rington. 2. v. 11763-4 Bourcicault, D. See Boucicault. Bourdaloue, L. Bungener, L.L. F. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV. 13117 — Saint-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 9.) *I Bourgeois, X. The passions in their rel. to health and dis- ease; fr. the French. 11573 Bourgeois gentilhomme, Le ; comedie-ballet ; par J. B. P. de Moliere. (Oeuvres, v. 7.) 14610 Bourgogne, Duchesse de. See Savoie, M. A. de. Bourgogne, L. due. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 2.) *I 160 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bourke, R. S. 6th. earl of Mayo. Hunter, W. W. Life of the Earl of Mayo. 2 v. ' 15628-9 Bourne, B. F. The captive in Patagonia ; or. Life among the giants. Illust. 462 Bourne, G. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 5142 Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. Illust. 7853 Contents. R. Whittintcton.— T. Gresliam. — E. Osborne.— "W. Herrick. — T. Smvthe.— H. Garwav.— D. North.— T. Guv.— W. Beckford.— H. Thornton.— N. M. Rothschild.— S. Gurney.— G. Peabody. — Life of J. Locke. 2 v. * 16648-9 — The romance of trade. 11646 Bourne, J. Catechism of the steam-engine in its appl. to mines, mills, navigation, etc. 13116 — Handbook of the steam-engine ; key to the Catechism of the steam- engine. * 13229 — Recent improvements in the steam-engine. 13115 Bouse, Sir Lyon, pseud. Adventures of B. in America dur. the civil war. 6894 Boussingault, J. B. J. joint author. See Dumas, J. B. Boutell, C. Gold working. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15475 Boutelle family. Muzzey, A. B. (Jii his Reminis.) " 22390 Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish literature ; tr. by T. Ross, with notes. 463 Bouton, J. B. Round the block. 5503 Boutwell, G. S. Speeches and papers rel. to the rebellion and the overthrow of slavery. 7056 — Thouglits on educational topics and institutions. 464 Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B. See Pusey, S. E. B. B. Bouverie, W. P. , Lord Radnor. Francis, G. H. {In his Orators. ) 1525 Bouvier, H. M. Familiar astronomy, with illust. and dic- tionary. 861 Bovee, C. N. Intuitions and summaries of thought. 2 v. 669-70 Bow, R. H. Economics of construction in rel. to framed structures. *I ; 13505 Bowden, J. History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 V. 465-6 Bowden, liev. J. Norway and its people. 10812 Bowden, J. E. Life and letters of F. W. Faber. 8125 Bowditch, H. J. Public hygiene in America ; centennial disc, Phila., 1876 : with.extr. fr. correspondence fr. the States ; Digest of Amer. sanitary law, by H. G. Pickering, [and Louis's estimate of J. Jackson, Jr.]. 17327 Bowditch, N. Sketch of B. (In Biog. of self-taught men, V. 2.) 411 — Sketch of B. (In Famous boys.) 7707 Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk surnames. 1851 Bowditch, W. I. Woman suffrage a right, not a privilege. 18715 Bowditch, W. R. Analysis, technical valuation, purification, and use of coal gas. *I Bowdoin, J. Winthrop, R. C. Washington, Bowdoin, and Franklin, as portrayed in occ. addresses. 15546 Bowen, B. F. America discovered by the AVelsh, 1170, A. D. 16095 Bo wen, C. W. The boundary disputes of Connecticut. *I Bowen, F. American political economy. 8613 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 161 — Application of metapliysical and ethical science to the evidences of religion. (Lowell lect.) 14074 — Gleanings fr. a literary life. 1838^0. 19941 Contents. Contest bet. the ancients and moderns. — Classical and utili- tarian studies. — Minority rept. on the silver question, 1877.— Perpetuity of national debt, 1868.— Financial conduct of the war, 1865. — Utility and Hmitations of the science of polit. economy, 1838. — Dualism, materialism, or idealism, 1878.— The idea of cause, 1879.— Latest form of the develop- ment theory. 1860. — Diseases and malformations not hereditable, 1861.— Psvchical effects of etherization, 1873. — Buckle's Historv of civilization, 1861.— J. S. Mill's Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy, 1869.— The • human and the brute mind, 1880.— Malthusianism, Darwinism, and pessi- mism, 1879. — Blaise Pascal, 1845. — Essays and reviews : The Oxford cler- gyman's attack on Christianity, 1861.— Restoration of the text of Shake- speare : the battle of the commentators. 1854. — Life of B. Lincoln. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 23.) 4132 — Life of Baron Steuben. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 9.) 4118 — Life of J. Otis. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 12.) 4121 — Life of Sir W. Phips. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 7.) 4116 — The metaphysics of Sir W. Hamilton, abgd. 726 — Modern philosophy, fr. Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. 17186 Contents. Philosophy of the 17th. cent.— Descartes.— Idea of God in the soul of man.— Spinoza.— Malebranche.— Pascal. — Leibnitz.— Reahsm, nominalism, and conceptionaUsm. — Berkleyanism. — Kant.— Critique of pure reason.- Groundwork of ethics.— Positivism.— Fichte.—Schelling. — Hegel.— Schopenhauer.— Hartmann. — Outlines of universal hist.; fr. the German of G.Weber, byM. Behr; rev. and corr., with a Hist, of the U. S. 3d. ed. ' 4695 Eowen, H. C. The Sbakspeare reading-book; plays, abgd. 21720 Note. For contents see Shakespeare. — joint author. See Morris, R. Bowen, J. H. Buildings, building materials, and methods of building. {In U. 8. Comm. to Paris Exp., 1867, Rept., v. 4.) 9099 Bower, G. W. David Hartley and James Mill. (Eng. Phi- losophers.) ' 20464 Bower, J. A. A soap bubble; Science fr. penny toys. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Bowes, G. S. Illustrative gatherings ; manual of anecdotes, facts, proverbs, etc., adapt, for Christian teaching; fr. 3d. Lond. ed. 2 ser. 21221^2 Eowles, C. A, Correspondence of R. Southey with B. 22661 Eowles, E. In the Camargue. 13546 Eowles, S. A summer vacation in Colorado. 7686 — A summer's journey to the Rocky Mts., the Mormons, and the Pacific • states, with Speaker Colfax. (Across the continent.) 6134 Bowman, A. The bear hunters of the Rocky Mts. Illust.. 9008 — The bov foresters ; tale of the davs of Robin Hood. 9007 — The boy voyagers. " * 9005 — The castaways ; or. Adventures of a family in Africa. Illust. 2286 — The kangaroo hunters. ' 972 — New cookerv book. 2d. ed. 7739 — The young exiles ; or. The wild tribes of the Xorth. Illust. . 9006 — The young vachtsmen. 9004 Bowman, E. C. McCarthy, E. D. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6498 Bowman, F. H. The structure of the cotton fibre in its rel. to technical applications. Illust. 2d. ed. 21683 Bowman, J. F. Verses. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Eowman, S. M. and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his campaigns. (3159; *I Bowme, B. P. Metaphysics ; study in first principles. 21350 Eowring, J. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain ; Select. and tr. *I 162 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. -Jepthah's {In his Add. Chr. sto.) {In her Bye- words.) — Cheskian anthology : hist, of the poetical lit. of Bohemia; with trans. specimeus. — Matins and vespers ; with hATnns and devotional pieces. 2d. ed. — Minor morals for young people ; tales and travels. With engr. by G. Cruikshank and" W. Heath. 3 v. — Poetry of the Magyars, prec. by a sketch of the lang. and lit. of Hun- gary and TransVlvaiiia. — Proper purpose of prison discipline. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans.. 1870.) — Servian popular poetry. — Specimens of the Polish poets ; with notes and obs. on the lit. of Poland. — Specimens of the Russian poets ; with prelim, rem. and biog. not. 2 v. — Think of the slave; poem. {In Liberty bell.) — and Yan Dyk, H. S. Batavian anthology; spec, of the Dutch poets, with rem', on the poetical lit. and lang. of the Netherlands to the end of the 17th. cent. — Francis, G. H. {In his Orators.) Box, 8. Practical hydraulics. Box, T. Pract. treat, on heat, as appl. to tiie useful arts. Box and Cox ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's Miu. dram., v. 3.) Box and Cox married and settled; by J. S. Coyne. {In French's Min. dram., v. 7.) Box tunnel, The ; by C. Reade. {In Little class., v. 9.) — Same. {Bd. with Propria quae maribus.) Boxer, J. Sacred dramas. Contents. Naaman the Syrian. — The finding of Moses, daughter. Boxes, The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 4.) Boxing. See Pugilism. Boy, The, at Mugby ; by C. Dickens. Boy Bishop, The ; by C. M. Yonge. Boy cavalier. The ; by H. C. Adams. Boy colonists, The ; by E. S. El well. Boy emigrants. The ; by N. Brooks. Boy engineers. The ; by J. Lukin. Boy foresters. The ,•' by A. Bowman. Boy hunters. The ; by M. Reid. Boy joiner. The, and model maker ; by E. A. Davidson. Boy, The, makes the man ; by W. H. D. Adams. Boy martyrs; drama; by C. W. Tayleure. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 32.) Boy slaves. The ; by M. Reid. Boy tar. The ; by M. I^eid. Boy traders ; by H. Castlemou [C. A. Fosdick]. Boy trapper. The ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. Boy travellers in the far East. See Knox, T. W. Boy voyagers. The ; by A. Bowman. Boy, The, with an idea ; by E. Eiloart. Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn holidavs of a country parson. — Early Christian Scotland. 400-1093. "(/w St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) — The every-day philosopher in town and country. — Leisure hours in town. — Our little life ; essays. — Recreations of a country parson ; 2 ser. Boyd. C. R. Resource's of south-west Virginia. Illust. Boyeseu, H. H. Falconberg. — Goethe and Schiller, their lives and works, inch a (commentary on Goethe's Faust. — Gunnar. *I *I *I *I *I *I 5101 *I 1525^ 9989 7764 11835 1183^ 1298a 1065^ 18065 1914a 13202 19611 843a 21401 16562 17580 9007 3619 13262 18696 1182& ■5892 3620 17390 18004 9005 12037 5882 20753 4640 463» 22004 4636-7 21536 18558 18272 12961 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 163 — Ich Is of Norway ; and other poems. 22126^^ — Ilka on the hill-top : and other stories. 20192 Contents. Ilka on the hill-top.— Annuuciata. — Under the glacier.— A knight of Dannebrog-.- Mabel and I.— How Mr. Storm met his destiny. — A Norseman's pilgrimage. 14002 — Queen Titania. 20834 Contents. Queen Titania.— The mountain's face. — A dangerous virtue. — Tales fi'om two hemispheres. 16650 Contents. The man who lost his name. — Story of an outcast. — A good- for-nothing.— A scientific vagabond. — Truls, the nameless. — Asathor's vengeance. Boyington, C. R. S. Spear, C. (Znhis Voices fr. prison.) 4162" Boylaud, G. H. Six monttis under the red cross with the French army. 12007 Boyle, F. Camp notes ; sport and adv. in Asia, Africa, and America. 12560 — Chronicles of No-man's land ; third ser. of " Camp notes." 19779 Boyle, I. Historical view of the Council of Nice. {In Euse- bius. Class, hist.) 1411 Boyle, R. Cooper, T. {In Ms Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 Boyle lectures. See Merivale, C. ; — Wace, H. Boyntou, C. B. History of the navy dur. the rebellion. Illust. 2 V. 7432-a Boynton, H. Van N. Sherman's historical raid ; the memoirs in the light of the record ; fr. the files in the War office. 14319 Boynton, W. P. Jenks, H. F. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Boys. Barker, Lady. Boys. 13274 — Beard, D. C. What'to do and how to do it; the Amer. boy's handy book. 22001 — Benson, E. W. Bov life : its trials, etc. ; seraions. 13691 — Hall, J. Familiar talks to bovs. 16039 — Moncrieff, R. H. Books aboiit boys. 7493 Stories about boys. ' 11707 Boys and girls in biology ; by S. H. Stevenson. 13660 Boys, The, and I ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 22164 Boys at Chequasset. by A. D: T. Whitney. 18693 Boy's book of mod. travel and adventure ; by M. Johnes. 2365 Boy's ideal, A ; by F. E. Cooke. 22569 Boy's mabinogion ; by S. Lanier. 20918 Boys of Grand Pr^ school ; by J. De Mille. 8634 Boys of other countries ; stories for Amer. boys ; by B. Taylor. 16127 Boys of '61, The ; by C. C. Coffin. 20912 Boys of '76, The ; by C. C. Coffin. 16740 Boys of Westoubury ; by H. C. Adams. 17881 Brace, C. L. Economy in preventing crime. {la Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I — Free trade, as promoting peace and good will among men. (Econ. monographs.) 18475 — Gesta Christi ; or, A histon^ of humane progress under Christianity. 2d. ed. ' * 22369 — Home life in Germany. > 469 — Humanitarian progress. {In Woolsev, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — Hunirarv in 1851. ' 470 — The New West : or, California in 1867-8. 7757 — The Xorse-folk : visit to Norway and Sweden. 4987 — Placing out homeless children. \ln Confer, of Char. Proc, 1876.) 16870 — Prevention of juvenile crime in large cities. (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., LS72.) • *I — Races of the Old World ; manual of ethnology. 5523- Brace of boys ; by F. H. Ludlow. {In his Little brother.) 6884 164 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brace bridge Hall ; by W. Irving. 2143 — Same. Uliist. " *I Bracelet, Le ; sayn^te ; par E. Hamm. {In Sayu^tes, etc.^ ser. 4.) 14794 Bracelets, The ; by M. Edge worth. {In her Parent's assist- ant.) 1336; 15296 Brachet, A. Historical grammar of the French tongue. 13701 — Morceaux choisis des grands 6crivaius du XVI^ siecle, acQ. d'line gram- maire et d'uu diet, de la laujrue du XVP siecle. 9563 Brachvogel, A. E. Beaumarchais ; hist, novel ; tr. by T. J. Radford. Illust. . 7407 Brackenridge, H. M. Recollections of persons and places in the West. 2d. ed. 7614 Brackett, A. C. The education of Amer. girls ; essays. 12327 Contents. Brackett, A. C. Education of Amer. girls; review of "Sex in education."— Cheney, E. D, A mother's thought.— Dall, C. H. The other side.— Stone, L. H. Effects of mental growth.— Beedy, M. E. .Girls and women in England and America.— Jacobi, M. P. Mental action and physical health.— Hamlin, S. D. Michigan University.- Nutting, M. O. Mt. Holyoke Seminary.— Johnston, A. A. F. Oberlin College.— Avery, A. C. vassar College.— Antioch College. — Rood, Mrs. 0. X. Letter fr. a German woman.— Appendix. — and Eliot, I. M. Poetry for home and school. 15787 Brackett, G. E. Farm talk. 7450 Bradbury, W. F. The Cambridge High School ; hist, and cat- alogue ; with its early hist., by E. Smith. Illust. 22073 Braddock, E. Expedition against Fort Du Quesne. See Sargent, W. Br addon, E. Life in India. 11145 Braddon, M. E. Asphodel. (Fr. Sq. Lib.) 20407 — Charlotte's inheritance. 4344 — The cloven foot. 18476 — Dead men's shoes. 15685 — The doctor's wife. . 6732 — Eleanor's victory. ' 6731 — Henry Dunbar. ' 6734 — Hostages to fortune. 15334 — John Marchmont's legacy. ' 6733 — Lady Audlev's secret. ' 6730 — Lost for love. 13427 — Mv sister's confession, and other stories. 15893 Oontents. My sister's confession.— Old Rudderford Hall. — At Chrigh- ton Abbey. — Col. Benyon's entanglement. — The scene painte)''s wife. — The dreaded guest. — Old Rudderford Hall. (7% Satchel ser., v. 1.) . . 13980 — Only a clod. • 6439 — Publicans and sinners. 12220 — Sir Jasper's tenant. 7216 — A strange world. 13484 — Strangers and pilgrims. 11676 — Taken at the flood. 12879 — To the bitter end. 11471 — Weavers and weft. 17025 Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts, 1764-75. 5476 Bradford, G. Financial administration. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — Financial policy of Gt. Britain and the U. S. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the northwest ; or, Valle}^ of the upper Mississippi. 11113 Bradford, Eng. Doran, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 165 Bradlaugh, C. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick. 13230 — Hinton. R. J. {In hisEng. rad. lead.) 13828 Bradley, A. C. Aristotle's conception of the State. (I7i Ab- bott, E. Kellenica.) 20099- Bradley, E. {pseud. Cuthbert Bede.) Adventures of Mr. Ver- dant Green. lUust. - 345 — A tour in Tartan-land. 7208 Bradley, G. G. Recollections of A. P. Stanley ; lect. 22565 Bradley, M. E. Douglass farm. 5194 Brady, J. T. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 89S3 Brady, W. N. The kedge anchor. 9869 Brsemar. Black, A. and C. Picturesque guide to Aberdeen, Deeside, and B. *I Braes of Yarrow ; by C. Gibbon. 21014 Braganza, pseud. See Bragg, H. A. Braggadocio ; fr. Congreve. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Brahe, Tyge or Tycho. Brewster, D. {In his Martyrs of sci.) 8884 Brahmanism. Mozley, J. B. Indian conversion. {In his Ess. hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306 — Mueller, F. M. (In his Chips., v. 1.) 7664 — tSee also India. Beligion. Brahmo Somaj. Cobbe, F. P. {In her Hours of work and play.) 6709 — Keshub Chunder Sen. Four lectures ; with pref . by S. D. Collet. 8946 Braid, J. Neurypnology ; or. The rationale of nervous sleep, consid. in rel. with animal magnetism ; relief and cure of disease. *I Brain. — Bastian, H. C. The brain as an organ of mind. Illust. 19794 — Brown-Sequard, C. E. Have we two brains? lect. {In Trib. pop. science.) 12943; *I — Calderwood, H. The relations of mind and brain. 18969 — Carpenter. W. B. Unconscious action of the B. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. recser. 1.) 13114 — Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. 12962 — Cobbe, F. P. Unconscious cerebration ; Dreams, as illust. of involun- tary cerebration. (Jw ^e/' Darwinism, e^c.) ' 10835 — Luys, iJ. The brain and its functions. Illust. 21366 — Morgan. X. The skull and B. ; their indications of character and ana- tomical relations. < 14229 — Wood, H. C. Brain work and overwork. 19545 Pathology. — Hammond, W. A. Cerebral hyperaemia, the result of mental strain or emotional disturbance. ' 17459 — Wyuter, A. Brain enigmas. {In his Borderlands of insanity.) 14255 — See also Insanitv. Brainerd. D. Peabody, W. B O. Life of B. {In Lives of em. individ., v. 1.). 2708 — Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. "biog., v. 8.) 4117 — Youge, C. M. {In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Brainerd, T. A day at Stratford-on-Avon. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Bramah, J. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Brame, C. M. Tales fr. the diary of a Sister of Mercy. 7380 Bramleighs, The, of Bishop's Folly ; [by C. J. Lever]. 753a Bramley, H. R., and Stainer, J. Christmas carols, new and old. *I Bramston, M. Ralph and Bruno. 15480' 166 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bramwell, F. J. The steam-engiue. (Sci. lect.) 16987 — Same. {In So. Kensiugton Sei. lect., v. 1.) 17678 Branch, O. PL The Hamilton speaker. 18592 Branches of palm ; by Mrs. J. S. Adams. 6292 Brande, W. T., and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. 16809 Brandt, H. von. Chesney, C. C. Brandt, a German soldier of the first empire. {In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 Brant, J. {Indian Thayendanegea) . Eggleston, E., and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket, incl. an acct. of the early wars of the six nations, etc. 19329 — Stone, ^y. L. Life of B. 2 v. 7284-5 Brant, S. Das Narrenschiff. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 7.) 16361 Brass. Graham, W. Brass founding. '(Brit, manuf.' ind.) 15465 — Larkin, J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide. 5th. ed. 8472 Brassey, A. Around the world in the yacht "• Sunbeam." lUust. 17869 — Sunshine and storm in the East ; or, Cruises to Cyprus and Constanti- nople. Illust. * 19457 Brassey, T. Foreign work and Eng. wages ; consid. with ref . to the depression of trade. 19420 Contents. Depression of trade.— Fall in prices.— The cotton trade.— The iron trade.— The agricultural interest. — Forei«ii competition.- The mercantile marine. — Comparative efficiency of English and foreign labour.- Trades unions.— Labor statistics.— Co-operatiou.—Socialism.— Colonization. — Accumulation of capital, and the law of wages.— Impro^'ed condition of the people.— §ocial and moral condition of the people.— Mr. Chaplin's motion for a Royal Commission on agricultural depression. — Lectures on the labour question. 17659 — Work and wages, practically illust. — Helps, A. Life and labours of Mr. Brassey. — Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) 11755 Braun, — . Uncle Curioso's tales ; tr. by Cousin Fannie. 4568 Braun, A. The glacical epoch of our globe. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Braunschweig, Herzogs H. J. von. Schauspiele. (Deut. Dich- ter d. 16 Jahrh., v. 14.) 16368 Contents. Susanna ;— Buhler u. Buhlerin ;— Yon einem Wirthe ;— Yon einem Edelman;— Yon Yincentis Ladislao ;— Yon einem ungerathenen Sohn ; — Yon einem "VVeibl. Bravais, A. Beaumont, E. de. Memoir of B. {In Smithso- nian lust. Kept., 1869.) 11625 Brave and bold ; by H. Alger, Jr. . 13227 Brave coucou driver. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household words, V. 6.) 14306 Brave fight,. A; narrative of trials of W. Lee; by E. N. Hoare. 22401 Brave hearts ; by R. Gray. 12039 Brave lady, A ; by D. M. M. Craik. 9982 Brave old salt ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. ' 6348 Bravo ; by J. F. Cooper. 940 Brawnville papers ; by M. C. Tyler. 7680 Bray, A. E. (R. S.) Joan of Arc, and the times of Charles VII., King of France. 12257 — Life of T. Slothard, with pers. reminiscences. Illust. *I Braybrooke, R., 3d. Baron. See Griffin. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 167 Brayley, E. W. ed. Journal of the Plague year, London, 1665, by D. DeFoe ; rev. with hist, notes. Illust. Also, Some acct. of the great fire, 1666, b}^ G. Harvey. 10670 Brazer, J. Sermons [with a memoir]. , 105 Brazil. Agassiz, L. and E. C. Journey in Brazil. 7155 — The empire of Brazil at the Universal Exhib., 1876, in Philadelphia. 15950 — Ewbank. T. Life in Brazil. 7431 — Fletcher, J. €. and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. 7721 — Hartt, C. F. Geology auti physical geogTaphy of Bi'azil. 8629 — Modern traveller, v". 4, 5. * ' 3094-5 — Smith, H. H. Brazil ; the Amazons and the coast. 19414 — Wilson, A. J. Mexico and Brazil. [In his Res. of mod. count., v. 2.) 17822 — Wither, T. P. B. Pioneering in So. Brazil: forest and prairie life in Parana. 2 v. 18549-50 Breach of promise, The; by [Mrs. Smythies]. 5222 Breach of promise. The, comedy ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand." dr., v. 35.) 11827 Bread. Manley, J. J. Bread and biscuits, (Brit, manuf. ind.) " 15476 Bread-and-cheese and kisses ; by B. L. Farjeon. 11346 Bread-fruit tree, The, Parable of ; by J. A. Froude. (In his Short stud., ser. 1.) " 6963 Bread upon the waters ; by [Miss Muloch]. 3184 Break up ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7884 Breakfast, dinner, and tea : viewed classically, poetically, and practically. 6283 Breakfast, luncheon, and tea ; by Marion Haiiand [M. V. Terhune]. 13921 Breaking a butterfly; by [G. A. Lawrence]. 7729 Breaking away; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7031 Breathing of the better life ; ed. by L. Larcom. 19034 Breck, J. The flower-garden ; or. Book of flowers. 471 — New book of flowers. Illust. 6380 Breckinridge, J. C. Savage, J. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 BreckiAridge, R. J. Memoranda of foreign travel ; cout. not. of France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. 472 — The Union to be preserved, (/w Fast day sermons.) 1454 — Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 Bred in the bone ; by [J. Payn]. 10682 Bredif, L. Political eloquence in Greece. Demosthenes ; with extr. fr. his orations, and a crit. disc, of the Trial on the crown ; tr. by M. J. MacMahon. 20558 Bree, C. R. History of the birds of Europe, not obs. in the British Isles ; [cold, plates]. 4 v. 8208-11 Breed, W. P. Presbyterians and the revolution. 15697 Breen, H. Practical and phys. astronomy. {In Orr, W. S. arcl. of the sci.) ' 5190 Breezie Langton ; by H. Smart. 7145 Brehm, A. E. Bird-life ; tr. by H. M. Labouchere and W. Jesse. Illust. with cold, plates. *I — Thierleben. 10 v. *I Inhalt. V. 1-8. Die Saugethiere. 4-6. Die Vogel. 7. Die Kriech- thiere und Lurche. 8. Die Fische. 9. Tasehenberg, E. P. Die Insek- ten. 10. Schmidt, O. Die niedereu Thiere. Breholles. See Huillard-Breholles. 168 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brekelenkamp, Q. Wedmore, F. Ostade, Teniers, and B. {In his Masters of genre paint.) 1947^ Bremen lectures. See Heagie, D. Bremer, F. Aj:el and Anna. 49& — The bondmaid. 491 — Brothers aud sisters. 489- — The butterfly's j^ospel, and other stories. 7683- Contents. ' The butterfly's gospel.— TEe rose of Jericho.— The little girl worth her weight in gold. — Father and daughter. 483^ — The H. family. 48& — The home. " 494 — The homes of the new world. 2 v. ' 473-4 — Hopes, aud other stories. 487 Contents. Hopes.— The twins.— The solitary.— The comforter. A let- ter about suppers. — Letter, (/w Downing, A. J. Rural ess.) 126^ — Life, letters, and posthumous works; ed. by C. Bremer; tf. by F. Milow [and] E. Nonnen. ^ 735& — Life in the old world. >2 v. 479-80 — The midnight sun. 1206 — The neighbors. 485 — New sketches of evervdav life. 492 — Nina. ' ' 12444 — The president's daughters. See below; Teckningar, etc. — The rectory of Mora. ^J — Strife aud peace. 482 — Teckningar ur hvardags-lif vet ; Presidentens dottrar. 15016 — Same. Eng. tr. The president's daughters. 490 Bremner, D. A piece of rock salt. (/?? Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 2044& Brenndecke, F. Meteorites. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 Brentano, C. von. Geschichte vom braven Kasperl nnd dem scbonen Annerl, (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16147 Brentano, L. History and development of gilds, and the ori- gin of trade-unions. 862S Brenton, J. J. Voices fr the press ; coll. of sketches, essays, etc.^ by practical printers. 4601 Bresse, J. A. C. Water-wheels ; or. Hydraulic motors ; tr. fr. the '"Conrs de mecanique appliquee," byF. A. Mahan ; rev. by D. H. Mahan. New ed. , 16092 Breton mills. The ; by C. J. Bellamy. 18802 Brevia; short essays and aphorisms ; by [A. Helps]. 10500 Brewer, E. C. Guide to Roman history, to the close of the western empire. 18th. ed. 16810 — Guide to the scientific knowledge of things familiar. 49T Brewer, J. S. English studiesj or, Essays in Eng. hist, and literature ; ed. with mem. by H. Wace. 20734 Contents. Memoir. — List of Mr. B.'s publications. — Sermon, The psalmist of Israel.— New sources of English history.— Green's Short his- tory of the English people. — Hatfield House.— The 'Stuarts. — Shakspeare. —The royal supremacy.— JPassages from the life of Erasmus.— Study of history.— Study of English history.— Ancient London. Brewer, W. H. On the action of muddy water on sewage. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *r — Agricultural progress. {In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — The gases of decav, the harm ther cause in dwellings, etc. {In Arn. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 3.) * *I — Practical suggestions cone, tree planting for sanitary effects. (7?i Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts. and papers, v. 4.) * *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 169 — Rotting wood. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 5.) *I Brewing. Byrn, M. L. The complete practical brewer. Illust. 15568 — Pooley, T. A. Brewing, distilling. 15476 Brewster, A. H. M. Compensation. 4991 — St. Martin's sermons. 6601 Brewster, C. W. Rambles about Portsmouth ; sketches of persons, localities, etc. ; with biog. sk. of the author, by W. H. Y. Hackett. 2. ser. 22887-8 Brewster, D. Address. Edinburgh Philos. Inst., 1851. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — The kaleidoscope. 8883 — Life of Sir Isaac Xewton. 498 — Martyrs of science; lives of GaHleo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 8884 — More worlds than one. * 8881 — Optics; double refraction and polarisation of light. {In Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil., V. 1.) 4331 — The stereoscope. 8882 — Treatise on optics. 499 — Gordon. M. M. Home life of B. 2d. ed. 8885 Brewster, G. Letters on education. 500 Brewton, Mrs. — » Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Breymann, H. Proven9al poetry in old and mod. times. {In Owens College Ess. and addr.) 12926 Brezina, A. Explanation of the principles of crystallography and crystallophysics. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Brian Boroihme ; drama ; by J. S. Knowles. {In Mod. stand. dr., y. 15.) 11817 Brian O'Linn. {In French's Min. dram., v. 8.) 11840 Brie a brae. Cousin, C. Voyage dans un grenier. ♦! — Hall, H. B. The bric-a-brac hunter ; or, Chapters on chinamania. 14215 Bric-a-brac series. See Stoddard, R. H. Brick moon. The ; by E. E. Hale. {In His level best, etc.) 11209 Bricklaying. Davidson, E. A. Drawing for bricklayers. 12608 — Hammond, A. Rudiments of pract. bricklaying. 13871 Bricks without straw ; by A. ^Y . Tourjee. 19827 Bridal, The ; tragedy ; by J. S. Knowles. (/?iMod. stand, dr., V. 6.) 11808 Bridal march. The ; and other stories ; by B. Bjornson. 21758 Bride of Lammermoor ; drama ; by J. W. Calcraft. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 23.) 11821 Bride of Lammermoor ; by AY. Scott. 3820 Bride of Landeck, The ; by G. P. R. James. 17554 Bride of Messina ; by J. C. F. von Schiller. {In his Works.) 3784 Bride, The, of Roervig ; by W. Bergsoe. 18021 Bride, The, of the Rhine ; by G. E. Waring, Jr. 17404 Bridegroom, The, of Barna. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 6.) 19145 Brides and bridals ; by J. C. Jeaffreson. 2 v. 15850-1 Bridge, C. History of French literature ; adapt, fr. the Fr. of M. Demogeot. (Hist, handbooks.) 12524 Bridge, J. F. Counterpoint. (Music prim.) 18413 Bridge, A, of glass ; by F. W. Robinson. 10675 Bridges. Baker, B. Long span railway bridges. 11777 — Bell, W. E. Bridge building. (7?? /««'s Carpentry, e^c.) *I A book with "*!■' after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be .secured only by asking an attendant for it. 12 * 170 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bender, C. Proportions of pins used in bridges. 14136 Boiler, A. P. Treatise on the coustr. of iron highway B. 16808 Cain, W. Maximum stresses in framed bridges. ' 18067 Greene, C. E. Bridge-trusses. (In Jiis Trasses, etc.) 18608 Herschel, C. Continuous revolving, with espec. ref. to the designing of continuous panel guides, *I Jenkin, F. Bridges ; element, trea. on their constr. and hist. 17231 Merrill, VT. E. Iron truss bridges for railroads. 9297 Roads and railroads; modes of travelling; with aeets. of bridges, etc. 5652 Shreve, S. H. Treatise on the strength of B. and roofs. 15941 Smethurst, J. H. Sinking of cylinders for piers at Sowerby Bridge. (In Ass. Mun. and San. En^. and Sur., Proc, v. 4.) *I Smiles, S. Bridges. (In his Lives of the eng., v. 2.) *I Tower, Gr. B. N. Instructions on mod. Amer. bridge building. 12370 Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Criterion.) ' 6244 Whipple, S. Elementary and pract. trea. on bridge ])uilding. 15698 Wood, De Y. Treatise on the theory of constr. of B. and roofs. 11528 See also Suspension bridges. ~ ' ' 3 V. Vocal sounds of L. B. 18024-6 {In his 20134 17971 17119 Bridget ; by M. B. Edwards. Bridgman, L. D. Lieber, F. Misc. writ., v. 1.) — Lamson, M. S. Life and education of L. D. Bridgman. Bridgman, M. F. Mosses; [poems]. Bridgman, Raymond L., ed. Concord lectures on philosophy; outlines, 1882 ; with hist, sketch. 22506 Contents. Alcott, A. B. Salutatory.— Sanborn, F. B. Poem.— Harris, W. T. Socrates and the pre-Socratic philosophy.— Jones, H. K. Premises, predications, and outlines of Christian philosophy. — Ho wison, G. H. Pres- ent aspects of philosophy in Germany. — Alcott, A. B. Personality. — Howi- son, G. H. State of philosophy in Germany. — Albee, J. Poetry. — Harris,W. T. Aristotle's "De Anima.'"— McCosh.'j, Scottish philosophy.— Howe, J. W. Idols and iconoclasts.— The Emerson commemoration.— Jones, H. K. Relation bet. common sense and pliilosophy.— Harris, W. T. Gnos- ticism and Neo-Platonism.— Jones, H. K. Relation bet. science and phi- losophy.— Sanborn, F. B. Hebrew, Greek, Persian, and Cliristian oracles. — Holland, R. A. Relation of philosophy to agnosticism and religion. — Harris, W. T. Christian mysticism; Bonaventura and Meister Eckhart. — Garman, C. E. Dr. Hickok's philosophy. — Hazard, R. G. Man as creative power.— Jones, H. K. Relation bet. experience and philosophy. Hazard. R. G. Practical utility of metaphysical pursuits. — Alcott, A. B. The ascending scale of powers. — Cheney,' E. Xature.— Harris, W. T. Philosophv of the Bhagavad ghita. — Jones, H. K. Genesis of the ''Maya." —Harris, W. T. Historical epochs of art.— Peabody, E. P. Childhood.— Sanborn, F. B. Readings from Thoreau's manuscript ; Oracles of New England.— Alcott, A. B. Individualism.— Jones, H. K. Philosophy of religion and the law of the supernatural. — Watson, J. Schelling's rela- tions to Kant and Fitchte.— Harris, W. T. Landscape painting: Tur- ner. — Watson, J. Schelling's early treatises, transcendental idealism and philosophy of identity.— Wilder, A. Alexandrian Platonism. — Jones, H. K. Communitv of the faiths and worships of mankind.— Alcott, A. Immortalitv.— Lathrop, G. P. Symbolism of color.— Harris, W. T. Fitchte's '^Destination of man;" Fitchte's Wissenschaftslehre ; theo- retical. — ^Watson, J. Schelling's later philosophy and transition to Hegel. —Jones, H. K. The Symposmm.— Holland, R.' A. Atomism.— Harris, W. T. Fitchte's Wissenschaftslehre ; practical. — Alcott, A. Valedictory. Brief biographies. See Higginson, T. W. Brief honors ; romance of the Great Dividable ; [by M. L. Scud- der, Jr.] Brigadier Frederic ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. Brigand, The ; by Y. Hugo. Brigand, The ; by G. P. R. James. Brigand; drama; by J. R. Planch^. {In Mod. stand, dr., Y. 24.) 11822 Brigandage. Mafifei, A. Brigand life in Italy. 2 v. 16928-9 — Van Lennep, H. J. Ten days among Greek brigands. 12686 17298 14108 13854 11038 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 171 Briggs, G. N., Gov. of Mass. Richards, W. C. Great in goodness ; mem. of B. Illust. 6509 Briggs, G-. W. Man ; discourse. {In Unit, affirmations.) 18586 Brigham, A. Remarks on the infl. of mental cultivation and mental excitement upon health. 3d. ed. 502 Brigham, C. H. Memoir [by E. B. Wilson] ; and papers. 20560 Papers. Ambrose.— Augustine.— Symbolism.— Gregory the Great.— Mohammed.— Hildebraud.—Abelard.— St. Dominic and St. Francis.— Copernicus.- Martin Luther.— St. Theresa.— Loyola.— St. Charles Boro- m^o.— The Sociui.— The puritans of England. — L^nitarian principles. — Characteristics of the Jews.— Christianity the universal religion. Brigham, W. Colony of New Plymouth and its rel. to Mass. {In Mass. Hist. 8oc. Lect.) 7869 Bright, H. A. The English flower garden with illust. notes. 20735 Bright, J. F. English history for the use of public schools. Maps and plans. 3 v. 17208-10 Note, Title of Vol. 1. A history of England. Bright, J. Speeches on the American question ; introd. by F. Moore. • 5970 — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Higginson, T. W. (In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — McCarthy, J. The liberal triumverate of Eng. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — McGilchrist, J. Life of B. 7694 — Keid, T. W. (In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of B. (In Polit. portr.) 11693 — Smith, G. B. Life and speeches of B. 21256 — Towle, G. M. (In his Cert, men of mark.) 20075 (In his Glimpses of hist.) 13478 Bright, M. A. {pseud. Lyndon.) Margaret; story of life in a prairie home. 7409 — Oxley. 11483 Bright, W. Chapters of early English Church history. 19484 — Notes on the canons of the first four general councils. *I Bright days in the old plantation time ; by M. R. Banks. 21858 Brighton, Eng. Black, A., and C. Guide to Brighton and vicinity. *I — Doran, J. (In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Brightly's orphan; by T. Winthrop. {In Jus Life in the open air.) 15936 Brigitta ; by B. Auerbach ; tr. by C. Bell. 19870 Brillat-Savarin, A. Physiologic du gout. Avec une notice sur I'auteur ; Traite des excitants modernes par H. de Balzac. Recettes, etc. ; La gastronomic ; i>ar Berchoux ; L'art de diner en ville ; par Colnet, etc. 14596 Brindley, J. Balfour, C. L. {Li her Moral Heroism.) 6740 — Howe, H. (In his Mem. of Amer. mechanics, etc.) 2012 — Smiles, S. Life of Brindley. (In his Lives of the eng., v. 1.) *I Bringing home the May. {In Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 Brink, B. ten. Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur. y. 1. 16249 — Same. Early Eng. literature to Wiclif ; tr. by H. M. Kennedy. 22459 — See also Hart, J. M. Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon literature. Brinsmead, E. History of the pianoforte, with acct. of the theory of sound and of the music and mus. instruments of the ancients. Illust. 19754 Brinton, D. G. American hero-myths ; native religions of the western continent. 22314 — The religious sentiment, its source and aim ; contrib. to the science and phil. of religion. . 15555 172 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Briot, C. Lemons d'alg^bre. 2 v. ' 14387-^ Brisbin, J. S. The beef bonanza ; or, How to get rich on the plains ; clescr. of cattle-growing, sheep-farming, horse- raising, and dairying in the West. Illust. 19983 Brisebarre, E. and Nus, E. Les pauvres de Paris ; drame. 14555 Bristed, C. A. Five years in an Eng. university ; [Cambridge]. 3d. ed., rev. 11351 — The inteference theory of government. 7076 Bristol, Bp. of. ^See EUicott, C.'J. Bristol, Eng. Doran, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Bristol, B. I. Diman, J. L. The settlement of Mt. Hope. {I7i Jiis Orations, etc.) 21211 — Munro, W. H. Historj- of B. Story of the Mount Hope lands, from the visit of the Northmen. Illust. ' *I Britannicus ; trag^die ; par J. Racine. {In 7«/s Theatre comp.) 14399 British. For many subjects under British see Gt. Britain. British America. Butler, W. F. The great lone land ; travel and adv. Illust. ' 11989 — Murray, H. Historical and descr. acct. of B. Amer. 2 v. 3195-6 British and Foreign Unitarian Association. The Priestly me- morial at Birmingham, Aug., 1874. 21447 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Mathe- matical and Physical Section. Inaugural presidential address, 1869; by J. J. Sylvester. 21995 Bel. with The laws of verse. British Colonies in America. Burke, E. American taxation ; conciliation with the colonies. {In his Sel. works, v. 1.) 18130 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain; record of travel in English-speaking countries. Illust. ' 7616 — Dillon, J. B. Oddities of colonial legislation in Amer. ; with records of the origin and growth of pioneer settlements. *I — Doyle, J. A. The English in America (Virginia, Marvland, and the Carolinas). * 22520 — Lodge, H. C. A short history of the Eng. colonies in Amer. 20483 — Sabine, L. Historical essay. ' (/» /?«'8 Amer. loyalists.) 3757 — Smith, G. On the foundation of the Amer. colonies. {In his Lect.) 6413 — French and Indian War. Johnson, R. History of the French War, etc. 22155 — See also U. S. colonies-, — West Indies. British Columbia. Lord, J. K. The naturalist in Vancouver Is. and B. C. 2 v. 6724-5 — St. John, M. The sea of mountains; acct. of Lord Dufleriu's tour thr. Bri. C. 2 V. 17382-3 British eloquence of- the 19th. cent. ; Literary addresses ; ser. 1, 3. 7725; 7727 — Political oratory. 2 ser. 7723-4 British Guiana. Trollope, A. The West Indies, and the Spanish Main. 10990 — Whetham, J. W. B. Koraima and Brit. G. 19814 British manufacturing industries. See Bevan, G. P. British Museum. Edwards, E. Lives of the founders of the Br. M. 2 V. 8949-50 — Newton. C. T. Arrangement of the coll. of art and antiquities in the Bt. Mus. {In his Essays on art, etc.) 19887 British poets. For lives of poets, see English poetry.* History. Brittan, S. B. Man and his relations : illust. the infl. of the mind on the body ; the rel. of the faculties to the organs, etc. 5718 — The spiritual telegraph. 4 v. 5326-9 Note. V. I, has the title Telegraph papers. • CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 173 — and Richmond, B. W. Discussion of the facts and philosophy" of anc. and mod. spiritualism. ' 506 Brittany. Jerrold, W. B. Trips to Normandy and B. {In his On the Boulevards, v. 2.) 7003 — Macquoid, K. S. Throui^h B. : South Brittanv. Illust. bv T. R. Mac- quoid. ' 17381 — Macquoid, T. R., aiid K. S. Pictures and legends fi\ Xormandv and B. 18634 — Palliser, F. B. Brittanv and its bvwavs. 8813 — Popular legends of Brittanv. 2601 — Trollope, T. A. Summer in Brittanv. 2 v. 4503-4 — Waring, G.W. Jr. (/;* /«'s Farmer's Vacation.) 15330 Britten, F. J. Watches and Clocks. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15475 Britton, T. A. Treatise on dry rot in timber ; with rem. on the means of preserving wood fr. destr. by sea worms, etc. 14192 Britton, W. Memoirs of the rebellion on the border. 1863. 22615 Brizeux, J. A. P. Sainte-Beuve. C. A. [In his Portr. cont., V. 2, 3.) *I ^'Bro." ; by C. F. Woolson. (In her Rodman the keeper.) 19610 Broad Church, The; by L. Stephen. (In his ess. on free- thinking, etc.) 19049 Broad grins ; by G. Colman. *I Broadley, A. M. The last Punic war ; Tunis, past and pres- ent. 2 V. 22646-7 Brock-Arnold, G. M. See Arnold, G. M. B. Brock, Mrs. C. Sunday echoes in week-day hours ; tale illust. the parables. 15559 — Wishing and choosing. 7377 Brock, S. A. Kenneth, my king. 11323 Brockett, L. P. Our western empire ; or, The new west beyond the Mississippi. Illust. and maps. 20914 — The silk industry in America ; hist. prep, for the Centeuuial Exposition, 1876. ' *I Note. Contains ann. rept. of the Silk Assoc, of America. — Walter Powell, merchant, philanthropist, and Christian. 11270 — aM(f Vaughan. M. C. Woman's work in the civil war; with iutrod. by H. W. Bellows. 7178 Brocklesby, J. The amateur microscopist. 9944 — Elements of meteorology. * 510 Brockley Moor ; by J. W. L. 12780 Brockway, Z. R. Prisoners and their reform. (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) n — Reformation of prisoners, (hi Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 —Reformatory prison discipline. (In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I — True prison svstem for a state. (In Nat. Cong, on Peri, and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Brod6, G. At eve. {In stories and sk.) 6883 Broderip, 3Irs. F. F. (H.) Memorials of T. Hood ; with pref. and notes by his son. 2 v. 1976-7 — Peter Drake's dream; Wee Maggie. (Magnet stories.) 10571 Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. 8th. ed. 7215 Brodhead, J. R. History of the state of N. Y. Rev. ed. 2 v. 14085-6 Brodie, B. Mind and matter. 11604 JBrodix, C. R., ed. The great West: its attraction and re- sources ; scenery, phys. geog., etc., and expl. in the Yellow- stone Park, by F. V. Hayden ; also, Information cone. ' climate, health, mining, husbandry, education, Indians, Mormonism, the Chinese ; with homestead, etc. , laws. Illust. 20087 174 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brodribb, W. J. Demosthenes. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 16878 —joint mithor. See Church, A. Brodrick, G. C. Law and custom of primogeniture. {In Cob- den Club ess., ser. 2.) *I — Same. {In Cobdeu Club. System of Id. teu.) 16008 Broglie, A. C. L. V. due de. Saint-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. lund.,v. 2.) *I Broglie, J. V. A. due de. King E. {In Ms Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Broken blossom, A ; by F. Marryat. 3 v. 20092-4 Broken chains ; by E. Werner. [E. Buerstenbinder]. 13357 Broken columns ; [by Rev. — Dixon]. 5461 Broken hyacinth ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 4.) 3958 Broken idols; by R. Wolcott. {In Stories and sketches.) 6883 Broken lights ; by F. P. Cobbe. 5722 Broken sword ; drama ; by W. Dimond. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 22.) 11821 Bromell, Gr. D. Phonetic spelling. {In Pitman, I. Plea for spell, ref.) 18516 Bromfield, E. T. Picturesque journeys in America of the Junior United Tourist Club. Illust. 22127 Bromwell, W. J. History of immigration to the U. S. 568 Bronchitis. Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. 9001 Bronson, C. P. Elocution. Illust. 567 Bronson, S. A. John Sherman ; life and pub. services of S. 22616 Bronte, A. {pseud. Acton Bell.) Agnes Grey. (With Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights.) 8080 — Poems. ( TFM Xieholls, C. B. The professor.) 511 — The tenant of Wildfell Hall. 51Q — Bronte, C. Biographical notice. (/7i Bronte. E. Wuthering Heights.) 8080 Bronte, C. See Nicholls, C. B. Bronte, Emily. Poems. ( TFiWi Nicholls, C, B. The prof essor. ) 511 — Wuthering Heights. Illust. 515 — Wuthering Heights : and Agnes Grev, by A. Bronte : with pref . and mem. of authors by C. Bronte. " 8080 — Bronte, C. Biographical notice. {Li Bront6, E. Wuthering Heights.) 8080 — Robinson, A. M. F. Emily Bronte. (Fffm. women.) 22875 Brontes, The. Smith, G. B. {In his Poets and novelists.) 15378 Bronzes. Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes ; with wood cuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hdbks.) *I Brook, The, and other poems ; by W. B. Wright. 11338. Brookdale, Annals of. 20584 Brooke, C. Evidence afforded by the order and adaptations in nature to the existence of a God. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879- Brooke, H. The fool of quality. 2 v. 517-18 Brooke, J. Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo ; with extr. fr. the journal of B. 2461 Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. 10061 — English Literature. (Lit. prim'.) 16031 — Faith and freedom ; [sermons]. 20262" — The fight of faith ; sermons. 3rd. ed. 17519- — Life and letters of F. W. Robertson. 2 v. 6026-7 — Milton. (Class, writers.) 18803 — Sermons. 2. ser. 7865; 17730 — Theology in the English poets. 12796^ Brooke, W. Eastford ; or, Household sketches. 51^' CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 175 Brooke, W. G. Six judgments of the Judicial Comm. of the Pi'iyy Council in Eccl. Cases, 1850-72 ; with introd. notes and index. 11360 Brookes, G. Plays. See French's minor drama. Brookes of Bridlemere, The ; by G. J. W. Melville. 11011 Brookfield, Mass. Marvin, A. P. Hist, of B. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I Brooklyn, JV. Y. Stiles, H. R. History of the city of B. 3 v. *I Brooklyn, ^. Y. Plymouth Church. — The Brooklyn Coimcif of 1874. Letter-missive, statement, and documents; with ReiDt. of Proc., etc. *I — Moore, A. Xotes fr. PhTnouth pulpit. 13211 — Thompson, X. L. History of Plymouth Church. 11386 — See also Beecher, H. "VT. Sermons. Brooks, B. A. Those children and their teachers. 22128 Brooks, C. S. Amusing poetry ; a selection. 12717 — How one ghost was laid. {In Christ, story-teller.) . 17662 — The Xaggleton's ; and A'iolet and her "" offers." 16701 — Sooner or later. 7343 — Wit and humour; poems fr. "Punch." 14191 Brooks, C. T. German lyrics. 520 — The river Mosel and its old Roman poet. ( With Waring, G. E. Bride of the Rhine.) 17404 — Songs and ballads; tr. fr. Uhland, Korner, Burger, and other German poets ; with notes. 2784 — Wm. Ellery Channing: a centenn. mem. lUust. 19592 Brooks, E. What the people owe to the state. (7?i Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 7.) *I — What the state owes the people. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., v. 6.) *I Brooks, E. G. Our new departure ; or. The methods and work of the Universalist church of Amer. 12140 — Brooks, E. S. Life-work of B. 20465 Brooks, E. S. The life-work of E. G. Brooks. 20465 Brooks, F. Biography of G. P. Stevens. {In Higginson, T. W. (Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 — Sermons. 15361 Brooks, G. For plays by B. see French's min. dr. Brooks, J. J. Whiskey drips ; sk. illust the operations of whiskey thieves. Added, Acct. of his attempt, murder. 11492 Brooks, N. The boy emigrants. 16562 — Brougham in his club life. {In Brougham, J. Life, etc.) 20366 — The Fairport nine. 19970 Brooks, P. The candle of the Lord ; and other sermons. 20836 — Influence of Jesus. (Bohlen lect., 1879.) 18914 — Introduction. {In Stanley, A. P.' Thoughts, etc.) 22607 — Lectures on preaching. (Yale lect. 1877.) 17120 . — Sermons. 17969 Brooks, S. See Brooks, C. S. Brooks, W. K. Handbook of invertebrate zoology. 21609 — On some methods of locomotion in animals. {In Martin. H. X. and others. Lect.) 22774 Broom, H. Philosophy of the law ; notes of lect. 16032 Broome, Mrs. F. N. See Barker, M. A. Brophy, C. A., joint author. See Saint Clair, S. G. B. Brosamer, H. Scott, W. B. {In his Little masters.) 19227 Broskovano ; opera comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4, V. 18.) *I Brosses, C. de. Saint-Beuve, C. A. (//6 7h's Cans, lund., v. 7.) *I 176 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brother Bartholomew, Extracts fr. the diary of ; by [E. R. Charles]. {In her Tales, etc.) 5795 Brother Jacob ; by G. Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 17572 Brothers and sisters ; by F. Bremer. 489 Brother's bet, The ; by E. F. Carlen. 6699 Brothers in arms ; by H. W. Herbert. {In his Cavaliers of Eng.) 5071 Brothers of Common Life, Society of. See Thomas a Kempis. Brough, J. C, joint author. See Strauss, G. L. M. Brough, R. B. Plays. See French's minor drama. Brough, W. Plays. See French's minor drama. Brougham, H., Lord. Works. 11 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Lives of philosophers of the time of George III. : Black; Watt; Priestly; Cavendish; Davy; Simsou; Adam Smith; Lavoisier; Sir J. Banks; D'Alembert. 2. Men of letters of the time of George III. : Voltaire ; Rousseau ; Hume ; Robertson : Johnson ; Gibbon. 3-5. Statesmen of the time of George III. and lY. : George III.: Ld. Chatham; Ld. Xorth; Ld. Loughborough; Ld. Thurlow; Ld. Mansfield.— Sir Y. Gibbs.— Sir AY. Grant:— E. Burke.— C. J. Fox.- W. Pitt.— R. B. Sheridan.— W. Windham.— Dundas.—Erskine.—S. Per- ceval.— Ld. Grenville.- H. Grattau.— W. Wilberforce. — G. Canning.— Sir S. Romilly.— Effects of party.— B. Franklin.— Frederic II.— Gustavus III.— Emperor Jose]>h.— Empress Catherine.— George lY. (including Sir J. Leach and others). — Ld. Eldon.— Sir Wm. Scott, Ld. Stoirell.—Lnu- rence. — Sir P. Francis.— Home Tooke.— Ld. Castlereagh.— Ld. Liverpool. — Tierney.— Ld. St. Yincent.— Ld. Nelson.— Horuer.—Ld. King.— D. Ri- cardo, aiid the currency question. — Xote on Curran. — C. Carroll. — Xeck- ar. — Mme. de Stael. — Mirabeau family. — Carnot. — Lafayette. — Prince Tal- leyrand. — Napoleon. — Washington.— French revolutioii. — Robespierre. — Danton.— Camille Desmoulins.— St. Just.— Sieves.— Fouche (afterwards) Duke of Otranto.— John, 4th. Duke of Bedford.— Earl Camden.— J. Wilkes.— Demagogue arts.— Ld. Ellenborough, — Lord Chief Justice Bushe. — T. Jefferson.- American democracy.— 3Iarquess Wellesley. — Ld. Holland.— John Allen.— Sir. R. Walpole.—Ld. Bolingbroke. 6. Natural theology. Dialogues on instinct: Observations on the structure of the cells of bees ; Fossil osteology. 7. Dissertations and addresses, rhetor- ical and literary. 8. Dissertations, hist, and political. 9, 10. Speeches. 11. The British Constitution : its hist, structure, and working. — Account of Lord Bacon's Novum organon. (Lib. Usf . Knowl.) 268 — Albert Lunel. 10916 — Discourse of natural theology. 522 — Historical sketches of statesmen in the time of George III. 2d. ser., v. 1. 8814 Crmtents. Same as 1st, part 0^626, belov\ — Historical sketches of statesmen in the time of George III. Ser. 1-3; 3 v. 525-7 Contents. See Works, v. 3-5, above. — Immediate emancipation of Negro apprentices, (/n Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Life and times : written by himself. 3 v. 9214-16 — Lives of men of letters of the time of George III. 623 Contents. See Works, v. 2, above. — Lives of philosophers of the time of George III. 524 Contents. See Works, v. 1, above. — Objects, advantages, and pleasures of science; Hvdrostatics. {In Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) ' 4331 — Opinions of B., as exhib. in his speeches and misc. writings, v. 1. 528 — Preface. {In Plunket, D. Life, letters, etc., v. 1.) 7399 — Bagehot, W. {In his Biog. studies.) 20441 — Forsvth, W. Speeches of Lord Brougham. {In his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2255 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1786 — McGilchrist. J. Life of B. ; with extr. fr. his speeches, etc. 8066 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Miller, H. Letter to Lord B. (In his Witness papers.) 5619 — Nicoll, H. J. {In his Great movements.) 21442 — Sketch of B. {In Famous boys.) 5036 — Sugden, E. B. Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lyudhurst and Brougham corrected. * 18337 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 177 Brougham, J. A basket of chips ; sketches. 521 — Life, stories, and poems ; ed. by W. Winter. " 20356 — Plavs. iS'ee French's minor dr.*; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — «?if? Elderkin. J. Lotos leaves; Orig. stories, ess. and poems, by W. Reid, W. Collins, and others. *I Brought home; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 14345 Brought to the front ; by E. Kellogg. 15327 Broughton, F. W. Archer, W. {In JusEng. dramatists.) 22644 Broughton, R. Good bye, sweetheart. 10150 — Nancy. ' 7104 — Second thoughts. 2 v. 19773-4 — Tales for Christmas eve. 11630 Broughton, T. Tyermau, L. (//i /^/s Oxford Methodists.) 11955 Broussais, F. J. V. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Not. et portr. , v. 1 .) 9573 Brouwer, A. Gower, R. {In Ms Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Brown, A. G. Savage, J. (In his Ouv living rep. men.) 3777 Brown, A. Practical tr. on the constr. of the power loom and art of weaving. Illust. New ed., rev. 16906 Brown, A. Brown, J. Dr. Brown and Sydenham. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3. 22240 Brown, B. The soul and future life. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current discuss., v. 2.) 17646 Brown, C. B. and Lidstone, W. Fifteen thousand miles on the Amazon, etc. Map and engr. 17520 Brown, C. B. Prescott, W. H. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 Same, (hi Sparks. J. Lib. of Am. biog.. v. 1.) 4110 — Tuckerman, C. B. (In his Essavs, biog. and crit.) 4523 Brown, C. B. Burrage, W. W. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Brown, D. The late J. Duncan ; In the pulpit and at the com- munion table ; with biog. suppl. 12802 — joint author. See Jamieson, R. Brown, E. E. Life and public services of J. A. Garfield ; with extr. fr. his speeches and letters. 22566 — Spare minute series ; namely: Gladstone, W. E. The might of risrht. 22580 Hughes, T. True manliness. " 22586 Kingsley. C. Living truths. 22589 MacDoiiald, G. Cheerful words. 22590 Stanley, A. P. Thoughts that breathe. 22607 Brown, E. E. Boston Whittling Schools ; Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind ; The Children's Hour at the Old South ; In the Boston public schools (Sewing.) {In Some curious schools.) 20401 Brown, F. M. Palgrave, F. T. Exhibition of B. (In his Ess. on art.) 6581 Brown, F. H. General principles of hospital construction. (In Buck, A. H. (Trea. on hygiene, etc., v. 1.) 19451 Brown, G. Mackenzie, A. Life and speeches of B. 22688 Brown, G- L. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of B. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Brown, G. T. Histological demonstrations ; microscopical ex- amination of animal tissues ; substance of lect. by G. Harley. 2d. ed. *I Brown, H. E. Yellow fever on the Dry Tortugas. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) *I 178 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brown, H. A. Hoppin, J. M. Memoir of B., with hist, ora- tions. 1939S Brown, H. F. Higginson, T.W. {In his Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 649^ Brown, H. T. Five hundred and seven mechanical movements. 7447 Brown, H. N. Sunday stories. 19320 Brown, I. Balfour, C. L. Wife of the Scotch covenanter. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Brown, J. B. The '^ religious life" and Christian society. {In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 Brown, J. The forester ; prac. tr. on the planting, rearing, ete., of forest trees. 4th. ed. 15585- Brown, Bev. J. Life of a, Scottish probationer; mem. of T. Davidson, with poems and extr. fr. his letters. 2d. ed. 18526> Brown, J., M. D. Marjorie Fleming. {In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 — Same. {In Ms Spare hours, ser. 2.) 6425- — Rab and his friends. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Same. {In his Spare hours, ser. 1.) 562 — Spare hours. 3 ser. 562 ; 6425 ; 22240 Contents. Ser. 1. Rab and his friends.—'' With brains, sir."— The mastery of black and tan. — Her last half-crown. — Our dogs. — Queen Mary's child-garden. — Presence of mind and happy guessing. — Sly father's rnenioir.— Mystifications.-" Oh, I'm wat, wati"— A. H. Ha 11am. —Educa- tion through the senses. — Vaughan's poems. — Dr. Chalmers. — Dr. G. Wilson.— St. Paul's thorn in the flesh.— The black dwarf's bones.— Js^otes on art. 3. John Leech. — Marjorie Fleming. — Jeems the door-keeper. — Minchmoor.— The Enterkin.— Health.— Duke of Athole.—Struan.— Thack- eray's death.— Thackeray's literary career.— More of '' Our dogs." — Plea for a dog-home.—*' Bibliomania."—" In clear dream and solemn vision." —A Jacobite family. 3. Locke and Sydenham.— Dr. A. Combe.— Dr. H. Marshall and military hygiene.— Art and science.— Our Gideon Grays.— Dr. A. Brown and' Sydenham.— Free competition in medicine.' — E. Forbes.— Dr. Adams of Banchory.— Excursus ethicus.— Dr. J. Scott.— Mr. Syme.— Sir R. Christison.— Miss Sterling Graham of Duntrune.— Landseer's picture " There's life in the old dog yet."— Halle's recital.— Biggar and the House of Fleming.— Sir H. Raeburn. Brown, Ca/i^t. J. of Ossawattomie. Life and letters ; ed. by R. D. Webb. 10820 — Kapp, F. {In his Aus und iiber Amerika. v. 2.) 16221 — Redpath, J. Public life of B. : with autobiog. of his childhood and youth. 361ft — Thoreau, H, D. Plea for B. ; Last days of B. {In his Yankee in Cana- da, etc.) ' 6464 Brown, Bev. J. of Bothbiiry. Estimate of the manners and principles of the times. 2 v. 6054-5 Brown, J. C. The ethics of George Eliot's works. 19098 — Reboisement in France ; or. Records of the replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the P^Tcnees with trees. 15702- Brown, J. J. American angler's guide ; manual for the U. S. 5th. ed. 16010 Brown, J. P. The dervishes ; or. Oriental spiritualism. Illust. 7137 .Brown, J. History and present cond. of St. Domingo. 2 v. 4969-70 Brown, M. Formation of discharged prisoners' aid societies. {In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I Brown, R. The countries of the world ; pop. descr. of the va- rious continents, islands, people, etc. of the globe. 6 v. 21379-84 — The races of mankind. Illust. 4 v. in 2. 17121-2 — Science for all. Illust. 4 ser. 20445-6; 20526-1 Contents. Ser. 1. Proctor, R. A. The man in the moon: Mechanism of the heavens : The mainspring of the celestial mechanism ; The ruler of the solar system.— Nicholson, H. A. A piece of limestone ; A piece of coal; Petrifactions and their teachings ; Flying reptiles: A piece of slate. — AYilson, R. Hunger; Sleep.— Brown, R.' A fallen leaf; A Highland CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 17^ glen; How plants feed.— Gordon, J. E. H. lee, water, and steam; Air and gas. — Ackroyd, W. Whirlpools and whirlwinds ; Empty space ; The rainbow; The colours of animals: Iridescent glass.— Hepworth, T. Cf The light of the future ; The sounds we hear ; The telephone ; Something about gases. — Ferguson, W. B. Chemistry of a brewer's vat. — Murie, J. A piece of sponge. — Woodward, B. B. A visit to a quarry; A pond and what is in it. — Wilson, A. Some animal histories; Xerves,'or no nerves?; The cousinship of animals ; What is an animal? — Duncan, P. M. Hills, dales and valleys: Rivers, their work, and cafion-making ; Lakes, and how they have been formed. — Lowe, F. R. E. Milk; Fresh air and foul air: Chemistry of a plain breakfast; Chemistry of the dinner-table. — Mayer, J. Striking a light. — Adams, A. L. Migrations of birds; The Iris'h elk and its English contemporaries.— Cooke, C. W. Optical illusions. -Durham, W. The tides; A thunder-stonn. — Yerney, E. H. Ocean sig-n-posts.— Barrett, W. F. Geysers.— Espin, T. E.' Double stars. — White, F. B. Flesh-feeding plants. — Collins J. H. A piece of granite. — Thompson, J. Taking a photograph. — Dickie, G. How plants grow. — Mann, R. J. Why the wind blows.— Slack, H. J. A nettle sting, and other plant hairs.— Gerstl, R. The caudle flame. 2. Tunzelmann, G. W. von. The Northern lights; A piece of Iceland spar. — Dickie, G. The mathematics of plants. — Mann, R. J. How the wind changes ; How sun- shine warms the earth; Why the rain falls.— Wilson, R. Dreams.— Lloyd, W. A. Why the sea "is salt ; A fish in the water. Wilson, A. Anatom} of a lobster : Teeth ; Growth ; Animal colonies and co-opera- tion ; Lodgers and boarders in loAver life.— Barff, F. S. Rust : Can sci- ence conquer rust?— Lowe, F. R. E. A glass of wine; The physics of music— Hepworth, T. C. Voyages in Cloudland,— King. J. F. Chemistry of water. — Lebour, G. A. Xuggets and quartz.— Proctor, R. A. The suii our fire, light, and life.— Kesteven. W. H. A microscopical biography. — Pritchard, H. B. Firing a shot; Modern explosives.— Moncrie^'. W. D. S. What is "power?"; AVhat is •''work?'-— Brown, R. History of our refuse heaps ; A primrose. — Durham, W. What is in the interior of the earth?; The mariner's compass.— Ackroyd, W. What are the stars made of?; How the airs were discovered.— Wallace, A. R. Protective colours of animals; Protective mimicr}' in animals. — Nicholson, H. A. Great sea reptiles.— Denning, W. F. ' Shooting stars.— Duncan, P. M. Conti- nental islands; Oceanic islands.— Callawav, C. How the river Severn cut through Wenlock Edge.— Alston, E. R. 'Moles and mole-hills.— Butler, A. G. Spiders' webs. — Barrett, W. F. Glaciers ; How glaciers move.-^ Rudler, F. W. Diamonds; Rubies and sapphires.— Dunmau, T. History of a hen's egg.— Thompson, J. The magic lantern.— King, C. C. A can- non shot.— Bonnev, T. G. Storv of a volcano as told in historv.— Bell, F. J. The hand: Touch.— Williamson, W. C. Dust.— Bremner, D. A piece of rock salt.— Allen, G. Colour-blindness.— Woodward, B. B. The ^•avel on the garden path.— Jones, T. R. A peat-bog.— Moss, E. L. Polar ice.— Dallas, W. L. Weather telegraphy. 3. Duncan, P. M. Corals and their poh-pes ; Coral islands ; Table-lands and how they were formed. — Bonney, T. G. Burnt-out volcanoes ; A piece of whinstbne.- Denning, W. F. Celestial objects viewed with the naked eve; 3Iars; Jupiter: Comets.— Wild, J. J. Colour of the sea : Rivers of tlie sea.— Brown, R. Flowering; Flowers and insects.— 3Iann, R. J. Why the clouds float, and what the clouds say ; Dew and hoar-frost ; How a snow-flake is formed : How hailstones are forged in the clouds ; How electricity is gen- erated in the air : How lightning is kindled in the thunder-storm.— Martin, J. H. Hairs and scales.— Callaway, C. An old continent in the Atlantic Ocean; Some very old rocks.— Ackroyd, AV. How electricity is produced: The eye and its use : The philosophv of a glance ; Getting warm : Weigh- ing the earth ; A shadow.— Bower,' J. A. A soap bubble ; Science fi*. penny toys.— Butler, A. G. A buttei-flv.- Carpenter, P. H. The bottom of the sea; Deep sea life.— Lowe, F. 'R. E. Visible sound.— Pritchard, H. B. The torpedo.— Bell, F. Jefli-ev. Taste; The starfish and its rela- tives.— Lebour, G. A. A lead mine.— Lapworth, C. Scenerv of the shore; A piece of puddingstone.— King, C. C. The sun telegraph.— Wil- son, A. A frog; How we classifv living beings: A cuttlefish.— Llovd, W. A. Why a top spins.— Wilson.'R. The cessation of life.— Smith, W. G. A diseased potato.— Rudler, F. W. Emeralds and beryls.— Durham W. Fall of a stone : Bending a bow.— Woodward. B. B. Snails and slugs. — Moncrief, AV. D. S. A water-wheel.— Barfi", F. S. Chemistrv of a colour-box.— Tunzelman, E. AV. von. Saliva.— Wright, E. P. A fed sea weed.— AATiite, F. B. A cockroach. 4. Brown, R. How plants were distributed over the earth; A fruit.— Denning. W. F. An eclipse of the sun ; Saturn ; The minor planets ; A supposed new planet.— Rudler, F.. 180 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. W. A clod of clay ; A piece of amber.— Hammond. A. A house flj' ; A gnat.— Rodwell, G. F. Meteoric .stones.— 3Iann, R. J. Why lightning is seen as a flash, and heard as thunder ; Fogs : How buildings are protected against lightning: How the intensity and duration of sunshine are measured.— Martin, J. H. An earthworm. — Tunzelmann, G. W. von. What is an element? — Ackroyd. AV. Phosphorescence; Fluorescence; Some of the wonders of electrical induction; The photophone ; Cohesion figures.— Callaway, C. Biography of a trilobite; Ancient horn-shells; Cracks in the earth's crust.— Wilson. A. Sea-squirts; Movements of living beings; Sea-anemones: A mussel.— Duncan. P. M. Earthquakes; How earthquakes are caused; Animals old and new.— Lapworth, C. Old sea pens.— Bell, F.J. Digestion; Sharks and sturgeons; Germs.— Hunter, J. A piece of paraffin.- Tunzelmann, E. W. von. Animal heat.— Williamson, W. C. A w'rain of sand.— Durham. W. Connecting mechanism of the universe; Cooling; A pinch of salt.— White, F. B. The earwig; Locusts and grasshoppers.— Bonney, T. G. A piece of serpentine; Wanderings of a pebble; The cheese gi'otto of Bertrich- Baden.— Watkins, M. G. Origin of our domesticated animals.— King, J. F. •Coal gas.— Farn, A. B. The silkworm disease.— Lowe, F. R. E. A chemical laboratory.— Plummer, J. I. The zodiacal light.— Moseley, H. X. Life on the surface of the ocean.— Moncrief, W. D. S. Heat power.— Parker, T. J. Hearing.— Gadow. H. A. feather.— Lawson. W. A sun-dial.— Langlev, S. P. Venus and the transit of 1882. — Woodward, B. B. The crag.— Shaw, J. Right-handedness.- Barft", F. S. Flint.— Wood, H. T. Optics of a lighthouse.— Adams, A. L. Elephants. Brown, R. Vetenskap for alia efter Browns Engelska original ; utgifven af T. M. Fries. Illust. 3 v. 15074-6 Brown, R., Jr. The unicorn; a mythological investigation. *I Brown, S. G. Life of R. Choate. 2d. ed. 687 Brown, S. A. Book of forty puddings. 22129 Brown, S. H. Manual of commerce. 9957 Brown, T. Anecdotes of the animal kingdom, pt. 2. 4977 Brown, T. The taxidermist's manual. 529 Brown, T., redivivus Exposition of vulgar and common er- rors. {In Small books on great sub., v. 2.) 4015 Brown, T. N. Life and times of Hugh Miller. 536 Brown, U. M. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 Brown, W. H. History of the first locomotives in America. 9885 Brown, W. Civil service reform in the N. Y. Custom house. (Civ. Ser. Ref. Ass. Pub.) 22130 Brown, W. New Zealand and its aborigines. 539 Brown, W. W. Narrative ; written by himself. 637 — The negro in the American rebellion. 6620 — The rising sun ; or. The antecedents and adv. of the colored race. 12074 — Sketches of places and people abroad : with mem. of the author. 538 Brown, Jones, and Robinson, Foreign tour of ; b}^ R. Doj^le. *I Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Treatise on the constr. and use of universal milling machines. 22074 Brown-Sequard, C. E. Lectures on the nerves ; Have we two brains? (Z?i Tribune pop. sci.) 12943 ; ♦! Brown family. Muzzey, A. B. (Jrt /i/8 Reminis.) 22390 Brown papers; by A. Sketchley [G. Rose]. 7040 — Same; 2d. Her. 18796 Browne, A. G., Jr. Sketch of the official life of J. A Andrew ; added. Valedictory addr. of Gov. A. 1866. 7416 Browne, C. F. {psend. Artemas Ward.) Complete works. 10836 — Artemas Ward ; his travels. Illust. 6189 — Haweis. H. R. Artemas AVard. {In his Amer. humorists.) 22504 — Hingstou. E. P. The srenial showman ; reminis. of A. Ward. 8692 — IS'adal, E. S. Artemas Ward. (In his Es^.) ' 21897 Browne, Dunn. See Dunn Browne. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 181 Browne, E. H. Christ's teaching and infl. on the world. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 — Exposition of the Thirty-nine articles, hist, and doet. 10th ed. *I Browne, F. The orphans of Elfhohn ; The poor cousin ; The young foresters. (Magnet stories.) 10583 Browne, F. E. Poems. 540 Browne, F. F. Golden poems by Brit, and Amer. authors. 22016 Browne, G. L. Narratives of state trials in the 19th. cent., 1801-80. 2 V. 21499-500' Browne, G. Institutes of Eng. grammar. Browne, H. Expedition to China, 1875. See Anderson, J. Browne, I. Humorous phases of the law ; new ed. — Law and lawyers in literature. — Short studies' of great lawyers. Browne, J. B. Memoir of John Howard. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country Arizona and Sonora ; with notes on the silver Nevada. lUust. — An American family in Grermany. Illust. — The land of Thor. Illust. — Report of debates in the Convention of California on the form, of the state constitution. — Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky Mts. — Yusef ; crusade in the East. Browne, Matthew, pse^id. 531 22512 22370 ; tour thr. regions of 532 7588 6608 See Rands, W. B. 641 8109 *I 20147 17935 12797 1422 535 4758 5759 14194 16866 19458 Browne, P. What girls can do ; book for mothers and daugh- ters. Browne, R. W. History of Greek class, literature ; new ed. — History of Roman classical literature. Browne, R. Correspondence bet. E. Hyde, Earl of Claren- don, and B. {In Evelyn, J. Diary, etc.^ v. 4.) Browne, T. Miscellaneous works ; with acct. of the author and his writings. — Reliifio medici ; Letter to a friend ; Christian morals ; Urn-burial ; and other papers. — Selections. {In Montague, B. Select, fr. the works of Taylor, etc. — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. {In his C^uar. essays.) — Stephen, L. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 2.) Browne, ^Y. H. The art of pryotechny ; instr. for the manuf . of fireworks ; for the use of amateurs. Browne, W. K.^ joint author. See Johnston, R. M. Browne, W. R. Autobiography of J. S. Mill. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 Browning, E. B. (B.) Poetical works. 2 v. 544-5 — Poetical works, compl., with mem. 2 v. 13213-14 — Aurora Leigh. 647 — Earlier poems, 1826-1833. 17646 — The Greek Christian poets and the English poets. ' *I ; 6850 — Lady Geraldine's courtship. (Mod. classics.) 20295 — Last poems; with a memorial, bv T. Tilton. 659 — Letters addr. to R. H. Home ; with comments on contemporaries ; ed. bv S. R. T. Mayer. 2 v. ' 16811-12 — Home, R. H. {In his New spmt of the age.) 2000 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Miss Barrett's poems. {In her Papers on lit., etc., pt.2.) 3309 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Smith, G. B. {In his Poets and novelists.) 15378 — Stedman, E. C. E. B. Browning. (Mod. Classics.) 20296 {In his Yict. poets.) 14121 182 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Browning, O. Historical handbooks ; namely: Bridge, C. History of Freueh literature; adapt, fr. the Freucli of 31. Demogeot. ' 12524 Curtis, A. M. History of the Roman empire, A.D., 395-800. 15410 Pearson, C. H. English hist, in the 14th. cent. 16775 Smith, P. Y. History of the Eng. institutions. 13577 Willert, P. F. Reigu of Lewis XI. 16861 Wilson, R. K. History of mod. Eng. law. 16791 — Introduction to the hist, of educational theories. 21452 — Modern England. (Epochs of Eng. hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18156 — Modern France. Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 20106 Browning, R. Aristophanes' apology ; incl. a transcript of Euripides ; being the last adv. of Balaiistion. 13742 — Balaustion's adventure. 9324 — Dramatic idvls. 18828 — Same. 2d. ser. 20027 — Dramatis persona?. 5709 — Favorite poems. (Mod. classics.) 20295 — Ftfine at the fair, and other poems. 10860 — The inn album ; [poems.] 15408 — LaSaisiaz; The two poets of Croisic. 18358 — Lyrical and dramatic poems, select, fr. B. ; with extr. fr. Stedman's " Victorian poets ; " ed. bv E. T. Mason. 22460 — Lyrics of Life. ' 13548 — Men and women. 542 — Pacchiarotto, and how he worked in distemper; with other poems. 20263 — Poems. New ed. 2 v. 1402-3 — Red cotton night-cap country ; or, Turf and towers. 11562 — The ring and the book. 2 v.* 7732 — Selections from [his] poetical works. 4th. ed. 18214 — Selections fr. [his] poetry ; introd. by R. G. White. 22854 — Sordello, Strafford, Christmas-eve. and Easter-day. 13649 — Holland. F. M. Sordello ; story fi-. Browning. * 21273 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Hutton, R. H. (hi his Essavs, v. 2.) 10129 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. (In her 'Papers on lit., etc., pt. 2.) 3309 — Stedman, E. C. (/w his Yict. poets.) 14121 — TVTiite, R. G. The poetry of B. (In Browning, R. Select., etc.) 22854 — and E. B. Tavlor, B. The Brownings. (In his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) ' 4436 Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenots; new ed. 548 Brownings, The ; tale of the great rebellion ; by J. G. Fuller. 7089 Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of the rise and decline of seces- sion. 558 Brownlows, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 7246 Brownrigg, W. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 Brown's new guide-book and map for Boston, 1872. *I Brown's peccadillo ; by H. King. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., No. 24.) 19169 Brown son, O. A. The American republic ; its constitution, tendencies, and destiny. 6131 — Conversations on liberalism and the Church. 488 — Essays and reviews, on theologv, politics, and socialism. 6923 Bruce, A. B. Chief end of revelation. 21341 Bruce, C. Book of adventure and peril ; heroism and endur- ance. 14138 — Book of noble Englishwomen. 16866 Bruce, E. M. A thousand a year. 6352 Bruce, E. C. The century ; its fruits and its festival. Hist. and descr. of the centennial exhibition ; with outline of mod. progress. Illust. 16721 — The Tiber and the Thames : their associations, past and present. 16703 Bruce, J. IMartineau, H. (In her B\og. sk.) 7657; 16744 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 183 — Oliphaut, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's jnission to China and Japan. 3283 — Walrond, T. Letters and journals of James, Earl of Elgin. 10752 Eruce, W. The Hudson ; illust. by A. Fredericks. *I Bruecke. See Ziir Bruecke. Bruges. Scudder, H. E. The sleepy old town of B. {In his Stories fr. my attic.) 7897 Brugsch, H., Bey. The Exodus and the Egyptian monuments ; fr. the French. {In Underwood, F. H. True story.) 19676 Bruhns, K. Life of A. von Humboldt. 2 v. 11600-1 Brummell, G-. B., ccdied Beau. Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 — Sketch of B. {In Montrose, etc.) 4780 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Brune, G. M. A. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., y. 2.) 1826 Brunehaut. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Brunei, I. Life of I. K. Brunei. 10158 — Systems of ecclesiastical Law. {In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) ^ 10823 Brunei, I. K. Brunei, I. Life of Brunei. 10158 Brunhild ; tragedy fr. the Nibelung saga ; by E. Geibel ; tr. by G. T. Dippold. 18767 Bruno, G. Wilson, J. Bruno and Galileo. (In his Stud, of mod. mind.) . 21197 Brunswick, House of. Bradlaugh, C. Impeachment of the House of B. 13230 Brunton, L. Apparatus for physiological chemistry. (I7i So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 Brunton, M. B. Self-control. 12442 — Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Brunton, T. L. The Bible and science. Illust. 20836 Brush, G. J. Appendix. (In Dana, J. D. App. to the 5th. ed. of D.'s Mineralogy.) 22377 — Manual of determinative mineralogy, with introd. on blow-pipe analysis. 13485 Brush, M. E. Paul and Persis ; or, The Revolutionary strug- gle in the Mohawk Valley.) 22241 Brutus, M. J. Long, G. (In his Civ. wars of Rome.) 2738 Brutus ;' tragedy ; by J. H. Payne. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 8.) 11810 Brutus, The first ; tragedj^ ; by V. Alfieri. (In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Brutus, The second ; tragedy ; by Y. Alfieri. (In his Trage- dies, V. 2.) n Bruiin, F. Prison discipline in Denmark. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Bryan, H. Letters. 4966 Bryan, M. E. Manch. 19548 — Wild work : story of the Red river tragedy. 20760 Bryan Maurice ; or, The seeker ; by W. Mitchell. 7080 Bryant, E. What I saw in California. 549 Bryant, H. B., joint author. See Packard, S. S. Bryant, J. D. The Immaculate Conception a dogma of the Catholic Church. 550 Bryant, W. C. Letters fr. the East. 7893 — Letters of a traveller. 2 ser. 551-2 — Life, character, and genius of W. Irving, {hi Warner, C. D. Stud. of I.) ^ 19609 184 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Poems. — Poetical works. Household ed. — Thirty poems. — The Iliad of Homer; tr. into Eng. blank verse. 2 v. — Library of poetry and song. — The Odyssey of Homer; Eng. blank verse. — Picturesque' America; picturesque features of our country. Illust. Note. Bound in 27 thin books. — and Gay, S. H. Popular hist, of the U. S. to the end of the civil war. Precl by a sketch of the pre-historic period, etc. Illust. 4 v. — Alden, J. Studies in Bryant. — Biog. sketch of Brvant. ' {In Atlas ess.) — Biographical sketch and selections. {In Amer. poems.) — Godwin, P. Biograpv of B. ; with extr. fr. his correspondence. 2 v. — Hill, D. J. ^Y. C. Bryant. — Nadal, E. S. W. C. Bryant. (7w his Essays.) — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) — Sketch of Brvant. {In Gflman, A., etc. Poets' homes.) — Symington, A. J. Bryant ; a biog. sk. with select, fr. his writings. — Wilkinson, W. C. Mr. Bryant's poetry; Iliad. {In his Free lance, etc.) Bryant, W. M. Leigh's method of teaching reading. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 1873.) Bryce, J. Constantinople. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) — The holy Roman empire. — The judicature act of 1873 in its rel. to the hist, of the judic. system in Eng. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) — Transcaucasia and Ararat ; vacation tour, 1876. Map. 3d. ed. Bubble reputation. The ; by K. King. Bubbles fr. the Brunneu of Nassau ; by an old man. 7th. ed. Buccaneers. Exquemelin, A. O. History of the B. of America. — Hale, E. E. The buccaneers. {In his Stories of the sea.) — History of the B. {In Lives and voyages of Drake, etc.) Buccleuch and Queensberry, Da'ke of. Scott, W. {In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) Buccleuch family. Chambers, W. {In Jus Stories of old families.) Buchan, D. Markham, A. H. Voyage of Buchan and Franklin. {In his Northward hoi) Buchan, AV. P. Plumbing. With suppl. on house drainage. Illust. Buchanan, C. Buchanan, G. {In his Rocks ahead.) sons of divine death. Pearson, H. Memoirs of B. Kiugsley, C- George Buchanan, scholai*. {In his Health and educ.) Buchanan, James. Mr. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion. — Greg, R. W. Three men and three eras Buchanan, J. Modern atheism. Buchanan, E. Balder the beautiful — Ballads of life, love, and humour. — A child of nature. — God and the man ; — The Hebrid Isles. — The land of Lome — Poems. — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) — Poetical works. 3 v. — The shadow of the sword. — Smith, G. B. {In his Poets and novehsts.) — Stedman, E. C. {In his A^'ict. poets.) Buchheim, C. A. Deutsche Lyrick [von Luther bis zur Gegen warts] ; with notes and literary introd. — German classics ; with English notes, etc. v. 6. Contents. Y. 6. Lessing, G. E. Xathan der Weise. romance. Xew ed. ; or, A poet's adv. in the Scottish Hebrides. 55$ 1815T 5546 8373-4 *I 9590 ♦I 15951-4 17435 18294 1894T 22763-4 1848» 2189T 3522 19289 19962 13358 17753 17569 11442 12926 17522 18084 1152(> 557 20054 1264 3838 18362 19121 16621 3440 1290ft 6166 1350T 5618 17372 21940 20625 21501 2277» 9748 6151 6158 12648-50 1687T 15378 14121 10427 22844 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 185 Buck, A. H., ed. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 v. 19451 Contents. Vol. 1. Billings, J. S. Prefatoiy remarks ; Causes of dis- ease; Jurisprudence of hygiene.— Jacobi, A. Infant hygiene. — Tyson, J. Food and drink. Xichols, ^V. R. Drinking water *and public water supplies.— Ball, A. B. Physical exercise.— Van Harlingen, A. The care of the person.— Ford, W. H. Soil and water. — Lincoln, D. F. The atmosphere. — Brown, F. H. General princ. of hospital constr. 2. Tracy, E. S. Hygiene of occupation. — Smart, C. Hygiene of Camps. — Turner, T. J. Hygiene of the naval and merchant marine. — Sheaf er, H. C. Hygiene of coal mines. — Raymond, R. "VV. Metal mines.— Curtis, T. B. Infant mortality.— Sharpies, S. P. Adulteration of food. — Tracv, R. S. Public nuisances'.— Vanderpoel, S. O. Quarantine (sea-port towns) . — Herrick, S. S. Inland quarantine.— Hamilton, A. McL., and Emmett, B. McE. Small-pox and other contag. diseases. — Sturgis, F. R. The hygiene of syphilis. — Waller, E. Disinfectants. — Tracy, R. S. Village sanitary associations.— Lincoln, D. F. School hygiene. Buck, C. Anecdotes, religious, moral, and entertaining. Buck, E. Massachusetts ecclesiastical law. — Same; rev. ed. Buck, J. H. W. Construction of large tunnel shafts. Buck, J. 8. Pioneer hist, of Milwaukee ; with a topographical descr. Illust. Map. 2 v. Buckalew, C. R. Proportional representation ; representation of successive majorities in elections ; with app. ; ed. by J. R. Freeze. Buckeye abroad ; or. Wanderings in Europe and the Orient ; by S. 8. Cox. Buckham, E. Removal of excre. matter in towns in connect. with sewage disposal. {In Ass. of Munic. and 8an. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) — Steam road-rolling. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) Buckham, H. B. Relative contribution of scholarship and methods to the power of the teacher. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 1873.) Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. See Grenville, R. P. T. N. B. C. Buckingham, 2d. Duke of. See Villiers, G. Buckingham, J. T. Personal memoirs and recollections of editorial life. 2 v. — Sfjecimens of newspaper literature, with mem. and reminiscences. 2 v. Buckingham, W. A. Stowe, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) Buckland, F. T. Curiosities of natural history ; fr. 4th. Lond. ed. — Same; new ed., ser. 1-3. 4 v. — Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. Illust. — Natural historv of Brit, fishes; then- struct., economic uses, and capt. by net and rod ; Cultivation of fish-ponds ; artificial breeding of Salmon. — Notes and jottings fr. animal life. Illust. Buckle, H. T. Essays. Contents. Biographical sk. of B.— Mill on Liberty. — Influence of women on the progress of knowledge. — History of civilization in England. 2 v. — Miscellaneous and posthumous works ; biog. not. by H. Taylor. 3 v. — Bowen, F. Buckle's History of civilization. {In his Gleaiaings.) — Fiske, J. Mr. Buckle's fallacies; Postscript on B. {In his Darwinism, etc.) — Glennie, J. S. S. Pilt,'rim memories; or. Travel and disc, in the birth- countries of Christianity with B. Add. pers. details concern. B. pers. — Huth, A. H. Life and writings of Buckle. Buckley, A. B. The fairy-land of science. 13 Illust. 561 9335 *I 19702 *I *I 1000 *I *I 17753 563-4 565-6 7354 4989 11436-9 14027 20920 21941 6335 569-70 11307-9 19941 18991 15363 19745 18435 186 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Life and her children: animal life fr. the Ama^ha to the insects. lUust. 20106 — Short history of nat. science and of the progress of disc. fr. the time of the Greeks. Illust. 15666 — The winners in life's race ; or, The great backboned family. 22242 Buckley, J. M. Christiaus and the theatre. 21290 Buckmaster, J. C. Elements of mechanical physics. 6514 Buckminster, J. Lee, E. B. Memoirs of B. 2593 Buckmmster, J. S. Lee, E. B. Memoirs of B. 2593 Buckminster, W. The practical farmer. 571 Bucknill, J. C. The care of the insane, and then- legal control. 20622 — Habitual drunkenness and insane drunkards. 18129 Buckstone, Gr. B. Memoir of George Colman, the younger. {In Colman, G. Broadgrins.) *I Buckstone, J. B. Plays. See French's minor dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Buddha ancZ Buddhism. Alabaster, H. The modern Buddhist. 8715 The wheel of the law ; Buddhism illust. by the modern Buddhist, a life of Buddha, and an acct. of the Phrabat. * *I — Arnold, E. The light of Asia; or, The Great renunciation; life of Gautama. 18906 — Barthelemy Saint Hilaire, J. La Bouddha et sa religion. 9453 — Beal, S. A catena of Buddhist scriptures fr. the Chinese. *I The romantic legend of Sakya Buddha : f r. the Chinese-Sanscrit. 13859 Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India. 16' g.^2 — Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism ; sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama. (JSTon-Chr. relig. systems.) 17494 Lectures on the origin and growth of relig. as illust. in Indian Buddliism. 21352 — Edkins, J. {In 7w's Religion in China.) 17445 — Hardy, R. S. {In his Eastern monachism.) 11883 The legends and theories of the Buddhists. 11884 — Johnson, S. {In his Oriental religions.) 17039 — Mills, C. D. B. The Indian saint; or, Buddha and Buddhism; sketch, hist., and crit. 15882 — Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 1.) 7664 Buddhist nihilism; Buddha's Dhammapada. {In his Lect. on the sci. of relig.) 9840 — Russell, J. {In h is Anal, of relig. bel., v. 1, 2.) 16802-3 — See also India. Beligioyi. Budget d'un jeune manage, Le ; comedie-vaud., par E. Scribe, etc. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 22.) *I Budgett, S.. Arthur, W. The successful merchant ; life of B. 475 Buds and bird voices ; by N. Hawthorne. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 Buds, briers, and berries [poems] ; by S. P. Goddard. *I Bu^, H. Hachette's illust. French primer. 19713 Buechner, F. K. C. L. Aus Natur und Wissenschaft ; Studien, Kritiken, und Abhandlungen. 10250 — Kraft und Stoff ; empirisch-natur-philosophische Studien. 10268 — Same. Force and matter ; ed. by J. F. Collingwood. 10841 — Man in the past, present, and future ; fr. the German, by W. S. Dallas. 10913 — Mind in animals ; tr. fr. the 3d. rev. ed. bv A. Besant. (Int. Lib. of Sci., , etc.) 21946 — Physiologische Bilder, v. 1, 2. 16430-1 — Fiske, J. Dr. Biichner on Darwinism. {In his Darwinism, etc.) 18991 Buel, J. Farmer's companion; or, American husbandi-y. 572 — Farmer's instructor. 2 v. 578-4 Buel, R. H. Safety-valves. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 15481 —joint author. See Long, J. H. Buelow, B. E. von. Gen. von Billow and the Danish question. {In Diplomatic sk.) 18552 Buelow-Marenholz. See Marenholz-Buelow. Buenos Ayres. Modern traveller, v. 5. 3095 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 187 Buerstenbinder, E. {pseud. E. Werner.) Am. Altar. 2v. inl. 10349 — Same. At the altar. 11009 — At a hiofh price ; f r. the German bv M. S. Smith. 18579 — GartenlaubenbKithen. ' 10350 — Gesprenorte Fesseln. 16239 — Same. Broken chains ; tr. bv F. A. Shaw. 13357 — Gluck auf . ' 10412 — Same. Good luck ! tr. bv F. A. Shaw. 12514 — Same. Success, and how he won it ; tr. bv C. Tvrrell. 3 v. 17087-89 — A hero of the pen ; tr. bv F. A. Shaw. * ' 14252 — Under a charm ; tr. by C. Tyrrell. 3 v. 17315-17 Note. Same story as " Yineta." — Vineta, the phantom; tr. bv F. A. Shaw. 17044 Buffet, L. J. King, E. \ln his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Buffets ; by C. H. Doe. 14019 Buffon, G. L. L. de, comte. Buffon's natural hist, of man, the globe, and of quadrupeds ; with add. fr. Cuvier, Lacepede, etc. Illust. 2 V. 6924-5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 4, 10, 14.) *I Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland. 8008 Bug, Carpet. See Carpet beetle. Bug-Jargal ; par V. Hugo. 14414 Bugbee, J. M. Origin and development of local self-govern- ment in Eng. and the U. S. ; address, 1880. *I Buhl work. Bemrose. W., Jr. Manual of buhl work and mar- quetry. *I Buhler u. Buhlerin ; tragoedia ; v. H.J. v. Braunschweig. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh.) 16368 Building. See Architecture. Building associations. Wrigley, E. How to manage building associations ; with forms for keeping the books, etc. 15522 — The working man's way to wealth. 15547 Building in silence, and other sermons ; by J. A. Jacob. 14221 Building the nation ; by C. C. Coffin. " 22247 Building materials. Bo wen, J. H. Buildings, building mate- rials, and methods of building. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Kept., v. 4.) 9099 — Gillmore, Q. A. Compressive strength, specific gravitv, and ratio of • absorption of the building stones in the U. S. ' 15485 Practical treat, on coignet-beton, and other artificial stone. 16486 — See also Iron work ; Stone ; Strength of materials ; Wood. Buist,K. A. Birds, their cages and their keep. ; pract. manual of bird-keeping, etc. 13702 Buist, R. Family kitchen-gardener. 575 Bulfinch, S. G. The Holy Land and its inhabitants. 4644 — Lays of the Gospel. 576 — Studies in the evidences of Christianitv. 8088 — joint author. /See Bulfinch, T. Bulfinch, T. The age of chivalry ; King Arthur, and his knights ; The Mabinogeon ; or, Welsh popular tales. 577 — Age of fable ; or, Stories of gods and heroes. 933 — Hebrew lyrical history ; or, Select psalms ; with introd. and notes. 578 — Legends of Charlemagne ; or, Romance of the Middle Ages. 934 — a7ia S. G. Shakespeare ; for reading classes, etc. 6889 Contents. Midsummer night's dream.— Romeo and Juliet.— Merchant of Venice.- Henry TV., pt. 1.— Hamlet.— King Lear.— Macbeth.— The tempest. Bulgaria. Barkley, H. C. Bulgaria before the war. 17596 188 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. mittee. Bullock, C. Bullock, J. — Forbes, A. The Russians, Turks, and Bulgarians. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc, y. 1.) 17645 — St. Clair, S. G. B. and Brophy, C. A. Twelve years' study of the eastern question in B. • ' 17241 — Thynne, J. A. Observations on Bulgarian affairs. 19919 — Toivle, Gr. M. Account of Bulgaria, compl. fr. Mackenzie and Baker. Bound vnth Brief history of Montenegro. 17046 Bull, G., Bp. Warburton, W. P. Bull, the primitive preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, pr. of the Eug. Ch., ser. 2.) 18551 Bull. 0. Anderson, R. B. Sketch of B. {In Janson, K. Spell-bound fiddler.) 19656 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great violinists and pianists.) 20470 — Bull, S. C. O. Bull; a memoir; with [his] " Yiolin notes, etc:' 22212 — "VYillis, [^T. P. Ole Bull's Jviagara. (7% ^2S Fam. persons, e^c.) 4804 Bull, S. C. Ole Bull; a memoir; with Ole Bull's "Violin notes," and Dr. Crosby's "Anatomy of the Violinist." 22212 Bull Run. Cox, J. D. The second battle of Bull R. as con- nect, with the F. J. Porter case. 21636 Bullard, A. Fifty years with the sabbath schools. 16647 — The Sabbath and the children. {In Sabbath ess.) 19808- Bullet and shell ; by G. F. Williams. 22771 Bullock, A. H. Address. {In Worcester. Monument Corn- Bed, of Sold. Monument.) 14020 Our bishops and clergy. 22780 American cottage builder ; designs, plans, and specifications ; with warming, ventilation, etc. Ulust. 7052 — History and rudiments of architecture. 579 Bulls, The, and the Jonathans ; by J. K. Paulding. 700^ Billow. See Buelow. Buloz, F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Buloz et le Messager de Paris, {In Jiis Prem. lund., v. 3.) *! Bulwer, E. G. E. L. See Lytton. Bulwer, H. L., Lord Dolling. France, social, literary, political. — Historical characters : Tallyrand — Mackintosh — Cobbet — Canning. 2 v. — Life of H. J. Temple, Yiscount Palmerston. 3 v. — Sir Robert Peel ; historical sketch. — Hayward, A. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 2.) Bumstead, J. On the wing ; book for sportsmen. Illust. Bunce, J. T. Additions. {In Hall, W. Biog. of D. Cox.) — Fairytales; their origin and meaning; with acct. of dwellers in Fairy- land. Bunce, O. Love in '76. {In French's min. dr., v. 14.) Bunch of herbs ; by J. Burroughs. {In his Pepacton.) Bundle, A, of letters ; by H. James, Jr. BuDgay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes, orig. and select. — Traits of representative men. [sketches]. Bungener, L. L. F. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV ; or, The preacher and the King. Introd. by G. Potts. New ed. ; with sketch of the author. — Louis XY. and his times ; or, The priest and the Huguenot. Bunker Hill battle. Drake, S. A. Bunker Hill: letters fr. the battle field by British oflScers ; introd., and sketch of the battle. — Ellis, G. E. Hist, of the battle ; with map. — Frothingham, R. {In his History of the siege of Boston, etc.) — Pulsifer, D. Account of the battle. — Swett, S. Historical and topog. sketch of B. H. battle. ( With Hum- phreys, D. Life of I. Putnam.) 605 9114-15 9087-8; 13417 13804 1230e 20896 21020 18250 11843 20466 19471 8482 22315 13117 13106 *I 13750 *I 10487 2095 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 189 Bunker Hill Monument Association. Proceedings at the annual meeting, 1875 ; with oration of C. Devens, Jr., and acct. of the centennial celebration, 1875. *I — Warren, G. AV. History of the ass. dur. the 1st. cent, of the U. S. *I Bunn, A. My neighbor's wife. {In French's min. dr., v. 11.) 11841 Bunner, H. C. Courtship with variations. {In Matthews, J. B. Com. for amateur act.) 19355 — joint author. /S'ee Magnus, J. Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von. Life of M. Luther, with an estimate of L.'s character and genius, by T. Carlyle, and app. by. W. Hamilton. 20976 — Bunsen, F. Memou'S of B. ; bv his widow. 2d. ed., abgd. 2 v. 16096-7 — Mueller, F. 31. (7% his Chips,' v. 3.) , 9116 Bunsen, F., Baroness. Memoirs of Baron Bunsen. 2d. e'd., abgd. 2 V. /16096-7 — Hare, A. J. C. Life and letters of Baroness B. 2 v. 18431-2 Bunyan, J. Divine emblems ; or. Temporal things spiritual- ized. Pref. by A. Smith. 18733 — The holy war: with Life of B. 608 — Pilgrim's progress ; [with life] . 607 — Same ; [with life by himself] . 13205 — Same; with life by Southey. 13222 — Same ; with notes', and life by T. Scott. 13203 — Same ; with notes bv Scott, a'nd introd. bv J. Montgomerv. 13204 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) ' ' 6740 — Belcher, J. Bunyan. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Cuyler, T. L. Jo'lm Bunyan. (I?i Homes and haunts, efc.) 1973 — Froude, J. A. Bunyan. (Eng. men of letters.) 19533 — Giltillan, G. Neale "and Bunyan. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Hall, A. M. Birth-place of B. {In Homes and haunts', etc.) 1973 — Howson, J. S. The ' Pilgrim's progress.' {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Life of B. {In Bunyan, J. Holy war.) 608 — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc: ess., v. 6.) 2791 Bunyan. {In Xew bio^. of ill. men.) 2803 — Mitchell, D. G. How a tmker wrote a no^el. {In his About old storv- tellers.) ' 17346 — Punshou, W. M. {In fiis Lect., etc.) 11802 — Southey, R. Select lives of Cromwell and B.) 12208 — Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 — Whittier, J. G. Bunyan. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 {In his Old portraits.) 4763 Buonaparte. See Bonaparte. Buonarroti, Michael Angelo. Sonnets of M. A., and Campa- nella; tr. by J. A. Symonds. 17798 — Clement, C. 3iichelangelo. (Illust. biog. of gt. art,) 19756 — Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Duppa, R. Life of Michael Angelo. 1297 — Fairholt, F. W. {In his Homes, haunts, etc.) 10178 — Gautier, T. Copie du Jugement dernier de M. ; Statues de M. {Ii his Fusains et Eaux-fortes.) 14637 — Grimm, H. {In his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Leben Michelangelo's. 2 v. 10306-7 Same. J^ite of M. A. : tr. bv F. E. Bunn^tt. 2 v. 5982-3 — Jameson, A. (/w her Mem.) 2324 — Owen, A. C. (In her Art schools, etc.) 15926 — Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michaelanirelo : crit. and biog. ess. Illust. *I — Roscoe, T. Life of 3Iichael Angelo. {In Lib. usef. kn., lives.) 5104 — Springer, A. Raffael und Michelangelo. Illust. ^ *I — Sweetser, M. F. Michael Auarelo. (Ai-t. biog.) 18103 — Symonds, J. A. Life of Michael Angelo; Michael Angelo's sonnets. {In his Renais. in Italv, v. 3.) 17320 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Raftael and Michael Angelo. {In his Christian art, etc.) 11076 — Wilson, C. H. Life and works of Michelangelo. *I 190 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAHY. Buoys. The illumination of beacons and bouys. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Burbadge, R. Burbadge and other originals of Shakespeare's characters, (/n Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 Burbank, A. P. Collection of humorous, dramatic, and dialect select, for reading. 18066 Burbidge, F. W. The gardens of the sun ; or, A naturalist's journal in Borneo and the Sulu archipelago. lUust. 20657 — Horticulture. (British industries.) 1709T Burbury, Mrs. E. J. Florence Sackville. 12448 Burchett, R. Practical geometry. 16988 Burckett, F. WildmoorT 13428 Burckhar^t, J. The cicerone : or, Art guide to painting in Italy. *I — Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien; Ein Versuch. 3^ auf. bes. v, L. Geiger. 2 v. 16309-10 Same ; Civilization of the period of the R. ; tr. by S. G. C. Middlemore. 2 v.) 18106-7 Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Syria, Africa, and Arabia. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) . 4356 — Memoir of B. (In Schomburgk, R. H. Fishes of Guiana.) 7166 Burden, The, and the blessing ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. {In her Sussex stories, v. 1.) 20546 Burdett, C. Three per cent, a month ; or. The perils of fast living. 612 Burdett-Coutts. See Coutts. Burdette, R. J. Rise and fall of the mustache, and other " Hawk-eyetems." Illust. 17123 — Wm. Penn, 1644-1718. (Amer. worthies.) 21879 Burdo, A. The Niger and the Benueh ; trav. in cent. Africa ; fr. the French by Mrs. 'Sturge. [Illust.] 20922 Burdon-Sanderson. See Sanderson. Bureau of Education. See United States. Bureau of Education. Burg, M.., joint author. See Koch, R. Burges, A. The American kennel and sporting field. 15560 Burgess, A. Memoir of G. Burgess. 8773 Burgess, D. M. Practical experiences in reg. to the infection of vessels with yellow fever at Havana. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) . *! Burgess, G., Bp. Burgess. A. Memoir of B. 8773 Burgh, N. P. The indicator diagram pract. considered. 5th. ed. 18734 — Link-motion and expansion-gear, pract. considered. Illust. *I — Modern marine compound engines ; supp. to Modern marine engineering. *I — Modem marine engineering. *I Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, W. Burgomaster's family. The ; by C. Muller. ' 731^ Burgomaster's wife. The ; by G. Ebers. 21438 Burgon, J. W. The prayer book a devotional manual and guide. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 Burgoyne, *S'/?' John. De Fonblanque, E. B. Political and military episodes in the 18th. cent. ; fr. the life and corresp. of B. 15703 — Howitt, M. Gen. B. and the Indians. {In her Vignettes.) 7670 Burgoyne, Gen. Sir John F. Head, F. Life and death of Burgoyne. 10935- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 191 — Wrottesley, G. Life and correspondence of B. 2 v. 11687-8 Burgraves, Les ; by V. Hugo. {In his Theatre, v. 4.) 14440 Buried alive ; by F. Dostoyeftsky. 20362 Buried city of the East : Nineveh. Illust. 3261 Buried millions ; by J. V. C. Smith. 18286 Buried treasure, The ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 17608 Burke, B. Family romance. 11879 Burke, C. Rip Van Winkle. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 22.) 11821 Burke, E. P. Life of E.Coke. (/?iLib. of Usef.Kn., Lives, e^c.) 5104 Burke, E. Works. 3 v. 615-17 — Account of the European settlements in America. 614 — Letters, speeches, and tracts on Irish afiairs ; coll. by M. Arnold. 20761 — Select works; ed. with introd. and notes bv E. J. Payne. Xew ed., with add. andcqrr. 3 v. " ' 18130; 18957-« Contents. Y. 1. Thoughts on the present discontents, two speeches on America. 2. Reflections on the revolution in France. 3. Four letters on the proposals for peace with the Regicide Directory of France. — Speeches. * , 5832 — Speeches. {In Celebrated speeches.) 5007 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist. sk.. ser. 1.) 525 — Dilke. C. \V. (In his Papers 6t a critic, v. 2.) 14204 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men.) 1592 — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Hazlitt, W. {In his Eloquence, etc., x. 2.) 1812 — Macknight, T. Life and times of Burke. 3 v. 16835-7 — Maurice, J. F. D. {In his Friendship of books.) 12252 — Morley, J. Burke. (Eng. men of letters.) 18927 Edmund Burke ; an historical study. 7193 — Prior, J. Life of Burke. ' 613 — Rogers, S. {In his Recollections.) 3688 — Taylor, W. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Timbs, J. {In his Anecdote biog., ser. 1.) 8914 Burke, J. Abridgement of the History of England by Lin- gard ; with cont. fr. 1688 to the reign of Victoria ; added, Marginal notes and questions, by M. J. Kerney. 2651 Burke, Mrs. L. Miniature language of flowers. Illust. 9178 Burke, P. Romance of the forum ; or. Narratives, scenes, and anecdotes from courts of justice. 11878 Burke, S. H. Historical portraits of the Tudor dynasty and the reformation period, v. I, 2. 18872-3 — Men and women of the Eng. reformation. 2 y. 10480-1 Burke, T. N. Ireland's case stated in reply to Mr. Froude. 11378 Burke, T. Sermon at Glasnevin. (In Pop. life of O'Connell.) 15421 Burleigh, Lord. See Cecil. W. Burleigh, C. Wm. H. Burleigh. {In Burleigh, W. H. Poems.) 9729 Burleigh, C. C. Thoughts on the death penalty. 2d. ed., rev. 618 Burleigh, J. B. American manual ; cont. outline of the origin and prog, of political power ; Commentary on the consti- tution of the U. S., etc. 3d. ed. 619 Burleigh, W. H. Poems ; with sketch of his life by C. Burleigh. 9729 Burlesques. See Amusements. Burlesques ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5380 Burlingame, E. L. Art life and theories of Richard Wagner ; selected fr. his writings, and trans. 13743 — Current discussion; English ess. on questions of the time. 2 v. 17645-6 192 FREE PUBLIC LIBKARY. Contents. V. 1. luternatioualpolitics: Forbes, A. Eusisians, Turks, and Bulgarians.— Redclifl'e, Viscount de. Turkey.— Gladstone, "W. E. Montenegro.- Smith, G. Political destiny of Canada.— Blackie, S. J. Prussia in the 19th. cent.— Dicey, E. Future of Egypt.— Smith, G. The slave owner and the Turk.— Owen, S. J. Stability of the British empire in India.— Freeman, E. A. Relation of the Eng. people to the Russo- Turkish war. S. Questions of belief: Harrison, F. The soul and future life. — A modern symposium : Hutton, R. H. ; Huxley, Prof. ; Blachford, Lord:, Js^oel, R. ; Selborne, L. ; Greg, W. R. ; Brown, B.; Ward, W. G. ; The soul and future life. — A modern symposium : Stephen, J. ; Selborne, Lord; Martineau, J. ; Harrison, F. ; The Dean of St. Paul's ; Duke of Argyle ; Cliftbrd, Prof. ; Ward, W. G. ; Huxley, Prof. ; Hutton, R. H. ; Influence upon morality of a decline in relig. belief.— Lewes, G. H. Course of modern thought.— Hughes, T. Condition and prospects of the church of England.- Malloch, W. H. Is life worth living. Burmah. Corner, J. Ava and the Burmese. {In her China.) 976 — Forbes, C. J. F. S. British Burma and its people. 18880 — Knowles, J. D. History of the Amer. Baptist mission in the Burman empire. {In his Memoir of A. H. Judsou.) 13219 — Knox, T. W. Descr. of B. (In his Adv. in a. journey to^'eylou.) 21097 — Shwav Yoe. The Burman; his life and notions. 2 v.' 22560-1 — Wylie, Mrs. M. The Gospel in Burmah. 4883 — Wheeler, J. T. Short hist, of India, etc. Maps and tables. 20037 Burn, J. James Burn ; autobiography ; glimpses of Eng. his- tory, 1802-1882. 22911 Burn, R. Rome and the Campagna. *I Burn, Col. R. Naval and military technical diet, of the French language. 5th. ed. 11223 Burn, R. S. Building construction ; employment of brick, stone, and slate in the constr. of buildings. Text and plates. 2 V. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12601-2 — Same ; emplovment of timber, lead, and iron work. Text and plates. 2 V. (Collins' elem. sci. ser!) 12603-4 — Illustrated architectural engineering and mechanical drawing book. 9124 — Illustrated drawing book. 9122 — Mechanics and mechanism. 620 — Ornamental drawing, and architectural design. 9123 — Practical ventilation. 621 Burnaby, F. A ride to Khiva ; travels and adv. in cent. Asia. Maps, and app. cont. march routes. 17057 Burnand, F. C. Chikkin Hazard ; a novel, by Charles Readit and Dion Bouuceycore. 21947 — A day in the academy. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Happy thoughts. 7509 — My health. 11005 — New historv of Sandford and Merton. 11325 — "No rose without a thom." Illust. (In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 — One-and-three ; by Fictor Nogo. 21948 — Romance under d'ifliculties. (In French's min. dr., v. 14.) 11848 — Time works wonders. (In Christmas story-teller.) 17662 — To Buddlecome and back. * 15788 — A treble temptation. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 — Archer, W. (In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 — joint author. See Morton, J. M. — Sketch of B. (In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Burnap, G. W. Christianity ; its essence and evidence. 622 — Life of L. Calvert. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 19.) ^ 4128 Burnell, G. R. Hydraulic engineering. See Clark, D. K. Burnet, G., Bjj. Bishop Burnet's history of his own time; fr, the restoration of Charles II. to the treaty of peace at Utrecht. New ed. 10115 — History of the reformation of the Church of England. 3 v. ^ 623-5 Burnet, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters. etc., V. 5.) 1057 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 193 Burnett, C. prim.) H. Hearing and how to keep it. (Am. health Burnett, F. H. Dolly ; a love story. — A fair barbariau — Haworth's. — JarPs daughter, aud other storie^;. Contents. Jarl's daughter.— The meu who loved Elizabeth.— Wanted,— a young person. — Kathleen. — Lindsay's luck. — Louisiana. — Miss Crespigiiy. — Pretty Polly Pemberton. — Surlv Tim/aud other stories. Contents, Surlv Tim.— Le monsieur de la petite dame.— Smethurstses.— One day at Arle.-^Esmeralda.— Mere Giraud's little daughter.— Loduskj.— " Seth." — That lass o'Lowrie's. — Theo. . — Through one administration, Burnett, G. Life of Sir Matthew Hale. Life of Rev. H. Hammond, by J. Fell. New ed. Burnham, G. P. History of the hen fever. — Memoirs of the United States secret service. — New poultrv book ; selecting, housing, and breeding domestic fowls. Ulust. 4th. ed. Burnham, S. M. History and uses of limestones and marbles. Burnham beeches ; by F. G. Heath. Ulust. Burning their ships ; by B. Phillips. Burnouf, E. Memoires sur.rantiquite. Contents. L'age de bronze. — Troie.— Santorin. — D61os. — Myc^nes. — Le Parthenon.— Les Cburbes.— Les Propylees.— Un Faubourg d'Ath^nes. Burns, A. Cabool ; journey and residence. — Travels into Bokhara ; voyage on the Indus. 2 v. Burns, G. S. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion. {In St. Lect., ser. 2.) Memoir of W. C. Burns. Life and works ; by R. Chambers. 4 v. Sketch of his life. (In Hudson. H. N. Text-book of poetry.) 3v. with a memoir. 3 v. in 1. Giles' Burns, I. Burns, R. — Poems ; — Poetical works. — Poetical works : 18703 17252 20357 18916 18273 17439 18158 19638 17755 17328 17184 16879 17211 22855 *I 626 10024 17607 *I 19521 19039 14580 627 628-9 22211 8626 631-4 14038 10540-2 20358 — Carhie, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1.) — Cunningham, A. The life and land of B. : with contrib. by T. Campbell ; pref. The genius and writings of Burns, by T. Carlyle. — Giles, H. (I?iV«i's Ulust. of genius.) — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men.) — Howitt, TV. (In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) — Kiiigsley, C. Burns and his !. Works; pref., Life of the author, by Dr. Kippis ; with acct. of his character and writings bv S. Halifax. 2 v. ^ ' 651-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 197 — Aualogj' of relig. to the consititutiou aud course of uature ; iutrod. by A. Barnes. 20tli. ed. — Arnold, M. Bishop Butler and the Zeit-g:eist. {In hisljast essays, etc.) — Collins, W. L. Butler. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) — Goulburn, E. M. Butler, the ethical preacher. (Li Kempe, J. E. Class. preach.) — Kippis, A. Life of B. (/?? Butler, J. Works, v. 1.) — Rogers, H. Butler. (In New bio^. of ill. men.) — Steplieu. L. Butler's ' Analogy.' (in his Hist, of Eng. thought, etc., v. 1.) Butler, J. W. Manufacture and appl. of silicated stone for sewer tubes. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 6.) Butler, R. Irish tutor. {In French's min. dr., v. 2.) Butler, S. Poetical works. 2 v. — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) Butler, S. Life and habit. 2d. ed. T. B. Philosophy of the weather, and guide to its 6428 16907 2026e 17464 651 280a 16794 *I 11834 654-5 2040 18829 {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) Butler, changes. Butler, W. Grant, J. Butler, W. A. Poems. — Nothing to wear. Illust. Butler, W. A. Lectures on the hist, of ancient philosophy; ed., with notes, by W. H. Thompson. 2 v. 6319-20 — Sermons, doct., and practical; ed., with the author's life, by T. "Wood- ward. 9th. ed. 2 v. Butler, W. F. Ventilation of buildings. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) Butler, Wm. F. The great lone land ; travel and adv. in the N. W. of Amer. Illust. and map. — Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. — The wild north land ; (Northern No. America.) Illust. Butt, B.M. Delicia. (Leis. hr. ser.) — Eugenie. (Leis. hr. ser.) — Geraldine Hawthorne. (Leis. hr. ser.) — Hester. — Miss Molly. (Leis. hr. ser.) Butt, G. Dieudonnee. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) — The time of the roses. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) Butter. Angell, A. and Hehner, O. Butter ; its analysis and adulterations. — Evans, M. Butter and cheese. (Brit, mauuf . ind.) Butterfield, C. W. History of the disc, of the Northwest by J. Nicolet, 1634 ; with sketch of his life. Butterflies. Anderson, J., Jr. How to collect butterflies and moths. (/)? Housman, H. Story of our museum.) — Coleman, W. S. British buttei*flies. Illust. — Morris, F. O. History of British butterflies. — Scudder, S. H. Butterflies, their structure, changes, etc., with spec. ref. to Amer. forms; appl. of the •' Doctrine of Descent." — Weismann. A. Seasonal dimorphism of butterflies. {In his Stud, in the theory of descent.) Butterfly hunters. The ; by H. S. Conant. Butterfly's gospel. The, and other stories ; by F. Bremer. Butterworth, H. Young folks' history of America ; [compl. mostly fr. McKenzie's Hist, of the F. S.]. Illust. — Young folks' history of Boston. Illust. — Zigzag journeys in classic lands ; or, Tommy Toby's trip to Mount Par- nassus ; [Spain, Sicily, France, Italy. Greece] . [Illust.] — Zigzag journeys in Europe ; vacation rambles in historic lands. — Zigzag journeys in the Occident ; the Atlantic to the Pacific. Illust. — Zigzag journeys in the Orient ; the Adriatic to the Baltic. 656 10760 9738 6748 16814-15 14139 11989 22017 12149 18760 17009 2261T 18912 1666T 17079 17078« 13857 15476 21533 21484 6395 10891 21356 19925 7484 7683 20561 30977 19874 19212 22131 20829 198 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Buttmann, A. Grammar of the New Testament Greek. Au- thorized trans. With add. and correct. 15819 Buttons. Aitkin, W. C. Buttons. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 Buxton. Black, A. and C. Guide to Buxton and its environs ; ed. by L. Jewitt. *I Buxton, B. H. Jennie of " The Princes." 3 v. 19276-8 — Sceptre and ring. 20S97 — Won! 3v. 19806-8 Buxton, C. Memoirs of T. F. Buxton. 657 Buxton, E. N. The A B C of free trade ; address, 1882. (Cobden Club.) 21545 Buxton, H. J. W. English painters ; with Amer. painters, by S. R. Koehler. (Illust. hd. bks. of artliist.) 22461 Buxton, T. F. Buxton, C. Memoirs of T. F. Buxtoii. G57 Buy a broom : by C. M. Yonge. (In her Bye- words.) 19611 By Celia's arbor ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 17629 By his own might; by W. von Hillern. 10749 By love and law ; by L. Alldridge. 3 v. 19280-2 By proxy; by J. Pay n. ■• 17636 By still waters ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 12948 By the cradle ; by E. Legouve. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 By the river ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Silver pitchers, etc.) 15781 By the sea ; by K. S. Macquoid. 16839 By the Tiber ; [by M. A. Tincker]. (No name ser.) 20431 Byerley, T. and Robertson, J. C. The Percy anecdotes, origin- al and selected. 11 v. 3426-36 Byerly, W. E. Elements of the differential calculus, with ex- amples, etc. 20837 — Elements of the integral calculus, with a key to the solution of differ- ential equations. 20838 Byers, A. G. District prisons, under state control for persons convict, of minor offences. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Byford, W. H. Philosophy of domestic life. 7558 Bynner, E. L. Damen's ghost. (Round rob. ser.) 20839 — Nimport. 17100 — Tritons. 17883 Byr, R., pseud. See Bayer, R. von. Byrn, M. L The complete practical brewer. Illust. 1566S Byrne, O. Essential elements of pract. mechanics. 2d. ed. 11041 — Handbook for the artisan, mechanic, and engineer. Illust. 6517 — Mechanics. 668 Byrne, Mrs. Wm. P. Cosas de Espaiia ; illust. of Spain and the Spaniards as they are. 2 v. 6745-6 Byron, A. I. M. Lady. Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657 ; 16744 — Stowe, H. B. Lady B. Tindicated ; hist, of the Byron controversy. 8162 Byron, G. G. N., Lord. Letters and journals; with not. of his life by T. Moore. 2 v. 13945-6 — Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Poetical works. . 8701 — Poetical works. 10 v. 7972-81 — Poetry of B., chosen and arranged by M. Arnold. 20658 — Boissv, T. G. Mv recollections of Bvron. 7668 — Castelar, E. Life of Lord Bvron. " 15338 — Elze, K. Life of Lord Byron. 10072 — Gait, J. Life of Bvron. 2199 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 199 — Gardiner, M., Countess of Blessingtmi. Journal of conversations with B. 6636 — Giles, H. Moral philosophy of B.'s life ; Moral spirit of B.'s genius. {In Ms Lect. and ess., v. 1.) 22.52 — Giimian, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Goodrich, S. G. (hi his Famous men.) 1592 — Harrison, J. A. Italian haunts of B. {In his Group of poets.) 13752 — Havward, A. Bvron and Tennyson. {In his Sketches, etc., v. 2.) 20603 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., y. 1.) 2040 — Jeaftreson, J. C. The real Lord Byron; new views of tlie poet's life. 22940 — Kinjrslev, C. Thoughts on Shellev and B. {In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) " ' 21362 — Macaulay, T. B. Moore's life of B. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — Morlev, J. {In his Crit. misc.) 11123 — Nadal", E. S. Byron. {In his Essays.) 21897 — Paget, J. Eecolleetions of Bvron and his calumniators. {In his Para- doxes, efc.) ' 12732 — Nichol, J. Bvron. (Eng. men of letters.) 19841 — Scott, W. {in his Biog. mem., v. 2.) 3838 — Swinburne, A. C. {I7i his Essavs, etc.) 14246 — Tavlor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the last davs of Shellev and B. 4489 Records of Shelley, B., and the author. 2 v. 18120-21 Byron, H. J. Archer, W. {In his Eog. dramatists.) 22644 Byzantine empire. See Eastern empire. C, H. G. Gift for young students. 2251 Contents. Anticipation.— Leaves fi\ the autobiog. of a governess.— The wanderer's return. — Patchwork. — Reminiscences of school life. — Seq. to Reminiscences- of school life. C, H. J. The art of furnishing on rational and aesthetic prin- ciples. 15894 €., S. O. Stories fr. Waverley for children. 11644 Contents. Ivanhoe. — The monastery.— The abbott. — Queutin Durward. —Rob Rov. — The talisman. €.,S. T. The little Fox; or, Story of Capt. McClintock's Arctic expedition. 7369 €aballero, F., pseud. See Arrom, C. Bohl de F. Cabanis, P. J. G. Mignet, F. A. A. (In his Notices et portr., V. 2.) 9574 Cabarus, T. See Tallien, Mme. €abell, J. L. Address. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., etc., V. 4, 5.) " *I — Rise and progress of internat. hvgiene. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.,\.l.) ' *I — Testimony of mod. science to the unity of mankind : introd. by J. W. Alexaiider. 2d. ed. * ' 5851 Cabinet work. Stokes, J. Cabinet maker's and upholsterer's companion. 4256 Cable, G. W. Old Creole days. 18666 — The Grandissimes. 19829 — Madame Delphine. 20626 Cable. See Telegraph. ^ Cabot, G. Lodge, H. C. Life and letters of C. 17040 Cabot, S. Frost, T. Re-discovery of America. (In his Hf.- hrs. with early explor.) 21074 — Hayward, C. Life of C. {In Lives of em, Individ., v. 2.) 2709 S^ame. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 9.) 4118 Cabul. Burns, A. Cabool ; journey and residence. 627 Cachemire, X. B. T., Le ; com. ; par E. M. Labiche. (Li his Theatre compl., v. 6.) 14570 Cadell, H. M. Ida Craven. (Leis. hr. ser.) 15895 Cadet button, The ; by F. Whittaker. 17640 200 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cadilhac, M. di G. See Galletti di Cadilhac. Cadwalader, J. Sketch of C. {In Lives of heroesof Amer. Rev.) 2122 Cady, D. R. Biography of J. P. Burrage. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6495 Csedmon. Morley, H. The opening of Csedmon's paraphrase. {In Ms C. Marot, etc., v. 2.) 1082& — Watson, R. S. Cjedmon, the first Enjr. poet. 15645 Caesar, C. J. Opera ; ed. N. L. Achaintre et N. E. Lemaire. 4 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8225-8 — Commentarii ; with notes by G. Long. New ed. *I — Commentarii ; with ref . to Latin grammars ; synonvmes ; notes, etc. ; by J. H. Hanson. ' 22316 — Commentaries ; with diet, and notes by E. A. Andrews. 9696 — Commentaries ; with the supp. books attributed to Hirtius. 894 — Abbott, J. History of Juhus Caesar. la — Froude, J. A. Divus Caesar. {In his Short studies, etc., ser. 3.) 17016 Ciesar ; a sketch. 18660 — Herbert, H. W. (In his Captains of Rom. Repub.) 1871 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Liddell, H. G. Life of Caesar. 2658 — Long, G. {In his Civ. wars of Rome.) 273& — Napoleon III. History of Julius Caesar. 2 v. 6450-1 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Cfesar and Alexander; hist, comparison. {In his Course of lect. on mod. hist.) 22860 — Suetonius Tranquillus, C. {In his Opera, v. 1.) 8336 — Trollope. A. The commentaries of Ca-sar. (Anc. Class.) 8771 — Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Caesarism and ultramontanism ; by H. E. Manning. {In his Misc.) 17190 Caesars, The; De Quincey, T. The Caesars. 1150 — Freeman, E. A. The Flavian Caesars. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 2.) 11526 — Renau, E. {I7i his Melanges d' hist.) 14516 — Seutonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the twelve Caesars. 4300 (In his Opera.) 2 v. 8335-6 Cafe des varietes, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2., v. 3.) *I Cage du lion. La ; comedie ; parH. de Bornier. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 Caged lion, The ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4894 Cagliostro, A., conte (h\ pseud. See Balsamo, G. Cagliostro ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 12.) *I Cagnotte, La, com. -vaudeville ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre compl., v. 5.) 14562 Cahen, A. and Sujol, G. A I'essai. (Theatre de camp., ser. 7.) 14691 Cahun, L. Adventures of Captain Mago ; or, A Phoenician expedition. B. C, 1000 ; tr. by E. E. Frewer. Illust. 16563 Cailliaud, F. Journey to the Libyan oases, Etheopia, and Sennaar. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Cain, W. Maximum stresses in framed bridges. (Van Nos- trand's sci. ser.) 18067 — Practical theory of Youssoir arches. (Yan Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14141 — Theory of solid and braced elastic arches; Graphical analysis. (Yan Nostrand's sci. ser.) 19501 Caine, T. H. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 22243 Caird, E. Hegel. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 22751 Caird, J. Prairie farming in America ; with notes by the way on Canada and the L. S. 7709 Caird, J. Corporate immortality ; Union with God. (Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19903 — Introduction to the philosophy of religion. 19771 — Religions of India: Brahmanism ; Buddhism. (In his Oriental relig.) 21880 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 201 — Same. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) — and others. Oriental religions. (Humboldt Lib.) Contents. Caird, J. Religious of India: Brahminism ; Budhism.— Matheson, G. Religion of Chiua : Confucianism.— Milne, J. Religion of Persia : Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta. Cairnes, J. E. Character and logical method of polit. economy. — Essays in polit. economy, theoret. and applied. — Some leading principles of polit. economy newly expounded. — Bagehot, W. {In his Biog. studies.) Cairns . H . MacC . , Lord Cairns. Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet poitr.) — Sketch of C. {In Polit. portr.) Cairns, J. Unbelief in the 18th. cent., as contrasted with its earlier and later history. Cairo. Whately, M. S. Scenes fr. life in Cairo. Caissier, Un ; com^die ; par A. Gill et G. Richard. {In Say- netes, etc.^ ser. 6.) Cains Gracchus ; by J. S. Knowles. {Li his Dram, works.) Caius, J. See Kaye, J. Cakes and ale ; by D. Jerrold. (In his Works, v. 2.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine ; by Barry Gray [R. B. Coffin]. Cal Culver and the devil ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Some- body's neighbors.) Calavar ; by R. M. Bird. Calbot's rival ; by J. Hawthorne. {In his Laughing mill, etc.) Calcraft, J. W. Bride of Lammermoor. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 23.) Calculations. Allen, H. B. The useful companion and arti- ficer's assistant ; incl. mathematical calculations. Calculus. Church, A. E. Elements of difif. and integ. calcu- lus ; rev. ed., cont. elements of the calculus of variations. — Davies, C. Differential and integral calculus. Bd. with Elements of Analvt. Geometry. — DeMorgan, A. The differential and integral calculus. (Lib. of usef . knowl.) — Sturm, C. Cours d' analyse de I'^cole polytechnique. 2 v. — Todhunter, I. Researches in the calculus of variations, princ. on the theory of discontinuous evolutions. Differential. — Byerly, W. E. Elements of the differential calculus, with examples, etc. 'See also Intregal, heloif. — Todhunter, I. Treatise on the differential calculus. — Williamson, B. Elementary treat, on the diff. C. ; cont. the theory of plane curves, with examples. Integral. — Byerlv, W. E. Elements of the integ. C. ; with a key to the solution of dtft". equations. — Todhunter, I. Treatise on the integ. C, and its applications. — Williamson, B. Elementary treat, on the integ. C ; cont. appl. to plane curves and surfaces, with examples. — See also Probabilities. Calcutta. Minturn. R. B., Jr. {In his From N. Y. to Delhi.) Caldas ; a story of Stonehenge ; by J. Corner. Calder, A. Miriam's heritage. 22211 21880 14028 11T66 21794 20441 13827 13883 20559 22840 14796 11888 7244 20267 412 20805 11821 21812 19061 19062 *I 14392-3 14103 20837 8548 15607 Calderon de la Barca, F. E. I. Life in Mexico. 2 V. 20838 8647 15608 3076 10581 17829 2664-5 A book with "*!*' after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 14 202 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Prescott, W. H. Mme. Calderon's Life in Mexico. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 Calderon de la Barca, P. Hasell, E. J. Calderon. 19264 — Trench, R. C. Calderon ; his life and genius ; with spec, of his plays. 4401 Calderon, the courtier; by [E. B. Lytton]. 12457 Calderwood, H. Handbook of moral philosophy. 11458 — On teaching ; its ends and means. 13608 — Philosophy of the infinite. 10162 — The relations of mind and brain. » 18959 — The relations of science and religion. (Morse lect., 1880.) 20762 Calderwood secret, The ; by V. W. Johnson. 14039 Caldor, M. T. Social charades and parlor operas. 11240 Caldwell, A. C. See Marsh-Caldwell. Caldwell, W. W. Poems. 660 Caleb Field; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. 11312 — Same ; ( With The orphans.) 11577 Caleb Ki'inkle ; by C. C. Coffin. 13310 Caleb Williams, Adventures of ; by [W. Godwin]. 6700 Calendar of the Prayer-Book ; illust. ; with Chief Christian emblems, fr. early and medievel monuments. 8859 Calendars. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan calendars. (In Ms Measures, weights, etc.) 4694 Calf love ; by A. R. Hope. (In his Seven stories. 20275 Calhoun, J. C. Works. 6 v. 661-6 — Letters. {In Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar.) 18194 — Speech. {In Amer. oratory.) 4959 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Hoist, H. von. J. C. Calhoun. 21585 — Magoon, E. L. {In his Liv. orators in Amer.) 2857 — Parton, J. {In his Fam. Americans.) 6677 Calhoun, L. G. Introduction. (In Modern women.) 7523 Caliban ; the missing link ; by D. Wilson. 11522 Calico printing. Calvert, F. C. Dyeing and calico printing ; incl. acct. of manufacture and use of aniline colours Illust. *I California. Geological Survey. — Contributions to barometric hjipsometry; with tables. *I 3IisceUaneous works. — De Quincey, T. California and the gold mania. {In his Letters, etc.) 1163 — Dunbar, E. E. Romance of the age; or, The discovery of gold in C. 6915 — Stockton, R. F. Despatches rel. to the military and naval operations in C, 1847. {In his Life, etc.) 4254 — Thornton, J. Q. Oregon ^nd C. in 1848 ; with recent information on the fold mines of C. 2 v. 4457-8 . Board of Gommissio7iers on the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento valleys. Report. 12997 Sotany, — Rattan, V. A popular California flora ; with lessons adapt, to the Pacific Coast. 4th. ed. 22629 Description. — Brace, C. L. The New West ; or, California in 1867-8. 7757 — Bryant, E. What I saw in California. 549 — Codman, J. {In his Round trip.) 18704 — Colton, W. Deck and port ; or, Incidents of a cruise in the U. S. frigate Congress; [1845-6]. 904 Three vears in California. Illust. 908 — Dall, C. H. My first hohday ; or. Letters home fr. Colorado, C, etc. 20992 — Farnham, E. W. B. California, in-doors and out. 1446 — Fremont, J. C. Explorations of the Rocky Mts. and C. {In Tavlor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) ' 4356 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 203 — Greeley, H. An overland journey fr. N. Y. to San Francisco, 1859. — Hamilton, L. Border states of 3iexico ; with sketch of Lower C, etc. — Helms, L. Y. Journevs to C, in 1849. (In his Pioneering, etc.) — Hittell, J. S. Eesourc^s of California. — Lawrence, G. A. (In his Silverland.) — Mayer, B. (In his Mexico, etc.. v. 2.) — Minturn, W. (In his Travels west.) — Nordhoff, C. California; for health, pleasure, and residence. Same. New ed. ; giving aects. of culture of the grape, orange, etc. — Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Is. — Parkman, F. The Oregon Trail. — Band, E. A. (In his All aboard for sunrise lauds.) Illust. — Taylor, B. Eldorado: or. Adventures in the path of empire. (Li his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) — Taylor, B. F. Between the ^ates. Illust. — Wliitney, J. D. The Yosemite guide-book; descr. of the Y. valley and the region of the Sierra Nevada, and the big trees of C. New ed. Maps. History. — Browne, J. E. Report of debates in the Convention of C. on the forma- tion of the state constitution. — Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and C. ; hist, and pers. narrative, — Norman, L. Youth's hist, of California. — Tuthill, F. History of Cahfornia. — See also San Francisco ;— West, The. California and Oregon trail. See Oregon trail. €alifornian verses ; by C. H. Phelps. Californians, The ; by W. M. Fisher. ■Caligula. See Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Caliphs. Muir, W. Annals of the early caliphate ; fr. orig. sources. Map. Caliphs and sultans ; by 8. Hanley. Calkins, N. A. Primary object lessons. — Teaching color; notes fr. leet. (Pps. on education.) —joint author. See Kiddle, H. Call at Number 1-7 ; by J. Triplet. {In French's Min. dram., V. 36.) Callaway, C. Biography of a trilobite ; Ancient horn-shells ; Cracks in the earth's crust. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) — An old continent in the Atlantic ocean ; Some verv old rocks. (In Brown, E. Science for all, ser. 3.) — How the river Severn cut thr. Wenlock edge. (In Brown, E. Science for all, ser. 2.) •Callaway, J., tr. Yakkun Nattannawa. Cingalese poem. Appended, The practices of a Capua or Devil priest ; Kolan Nattannawa. Cingalese poem. Illust. Callcott, J. W. Musical grammar. Callemard de Lafayette, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 2.) Callender, E. B. Thaddeus Stevens, commoner. Callis, F. Cutlery. (Brit, manuf. ind.) Callot, Jacques. Houssaye, A. {In his Philosophers, e^c, v. 1.) Calmet, A. The phantom world; hist, and philosophy of spirits, apparitions, etc. ; with pref. and notes by H. Christmas. Calomnie, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 4.) Calonne, C. A. de. Beesly, E. S. Necker and Calonne. {In his Catiline, etc.) Calpurnius Flaccus. See Flaccus. 1643 20315 219T4 2436 11850 2985 17810 11059 21750 12679 10474 21250 4357 4436 17621 21374 541 17547 7038 10818 21926 16768 22922 8138 6108 *I 7989 20527 20526 20446 *I 667 *I 21685 15475 2005 5009 *I 18126 204 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Calpurnius Sicidus, T. Ecloga?. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. class. Lat.) SSS^* Calthrop, G. The gradual unfolding of revelation. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520' Calthrop, H. C. H. Paladin and Saracen ; stories fr. Ariosto. Illust. 22782 Calthrop, S. R. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. {In Institute essays.) 19811 — The life eternal ; heaA^en and hell, (/w Unitarian affirmations.) 18586 Calvinism. Allen, J. H. (In his Three phases of theology.) 21857 Calvary, The, of St. Sebastian ; by [K. S. Macquoid]. {In her Pict. across the channel, v. 1.) 11937 Calverley, C. S. Fly-leaves. (Leis. hr.-ser.) 10908 Calvert, F. C. Dyeing and calico printing; incl. account of manufacture and use of aniline colours ; ed. by J. Sten- v house and C. E. Groves. 3d. ed. Illust. *I Calvert, G. H. Arnold and Andr^ ; hist, drama. 15775 — Charlotte von Stein ; a memoir. 17124 — The gentleman. 1066 — Life of Rubens. 16098 — The 3Iaid of Orleans ; hist, tragedv. 12551 — Notice of Joubert. [In Joubert, J. Some of the Thoughts.) 16611 — Scenes and thoughts m Europe. 671 Calvert, 3., joint author. See Williams, T. Calvert, L. Burnap, G. AV. Life of C. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 19.) 4128^ Calvin, J. " De usuris responsum." {In Soc. for Polit. Ed. Econ. tr.) 21167 — Bancroft, G. (In his Lit. and hislt. misc.) 299 — Blackburn, W. M. College days of Calvin. 6906 Young Calvin in Paris. 6907 — Channing, W. E. The moral argument against Calvinism, {hi his Works. V. 1.) 787 — Froude, J. A. Calvinism. 9143 Same. {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 — Guizot, F. P. G. Saint Louis and Calvin. 8069 — Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Historv of the reformation in Europe in the time ofC. 8 v. ' 5416-19; 15943-6^ — Osgood, S. John Calvin and the refomied svstem. {In his Studies.) 7189 — Renan, J. E. (In his Studies, etc.) ^ 5636 — Tulloch, J. {Ill his Leaders of the Reform.) 452T Camaraderie. La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 3.) *I Cambodia. Helms, L. Y. {In /us Pioneering, etc.) 21974 — Knox, T. W. (In his Adventures in a journey to Siam, etc.) Illust. 19882 Cambridge, A. My guardian. 18222: Cambridge, G. W. F. C, Duke of. McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. Lead.) 11191 Cambridge, W. G. Mechanic's bride. 672 Cambridge, Eng. Doran, J. (Jn his Mem., etc.) 17803^ Cambridge, 3Iass. Bradbury, W. F. The Cambridge High School hist, and catalogue; with its early hist., by E. Smith. Illust. 22073 Cambridge University. Bristed, C. A. Five years in an Eng. university. 11351 — Cambridge trifles, or, Splutterings fr. an undergraduate pen. 21132 — Everett, W. Lectures on the University of Cambridge. 6105 — Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge boat races. 8617 Cambridge trifles ; or, Splutterings fr. an undergraduate pen. 21132 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 205 •Camden, C, Earh See Pratt, C. Camden, J. J., Marquess. See Pratt, J. J. Cameron, C. A. The stock-feeder's manual ; The chemistry of food in rel. to the breeding and feeding of live stock. 13689 'Cameron, Mrs. H. L. Deceivers ever. 17698 — Juliet's guardian. 16940 Cameron, J. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 •Cameron, J. F. Camps : Depopulation of Memphis ; Epidem- ics, 1878-1879. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.. V. 5.) *I Cameron, M. E. The House of Achendaroch. 19564 Cameron, S. Savage. J. {In Jiis Our living rep. men.) 3777 Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. Illust. 2 v. 17523-4 Cameron pride. The ; by M. J. Holmes. 6918 Camilla's husband ; drama : bv W. Phillips. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 29: 41.) ^ 11824; 11830 'Camille; adapt, fr. French of A. Dumas. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 17.) 11818 Camoens, L. de. Os Lucia«las : Eng. by R. F. Burton. 2 v. 21942-3 — Burton. E. F. Camoen* ; his life and his Luciads : a commentary. 2 v. 21944-5 — Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Camorristi, The : and other tales ; by M. Galletti di Cadilhac. 22781 Camors ; by O. Feuillet. 8445 Camp, H. W. Trumbull, H. C. The knightly soldiers ; biog. of C. » 5956 Camp, The, and barrack room. 673 Camp and fireside stories : by L. M. Alcott. 5825 Camp, The, at the Olympic: by J. R. Planch^. {In his Ex- travaganzas, V. 4.) *I Camp, court, and siege : by W. Hoffman. 17305 Camp cure ; by S. W. Mitchell. ( With his Nurse and patient. 17216 Camp-fire and cotton-field ; Southern adventure in time of war ; by T. W. Knox. 22202 Camp life in the woods : by AV. H. Gibson. Illust. 20872 Camp notes : sport and adventure ; by F. Boyle. 12560 Campagne, Le : par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2., v. 8.) *I Campaigns. Adams, C. Great campaigus ; acct. of military operations in Europe, 1796-1870. 18150 Campaigns of the Civil War: namely: Cist. H. M. The Armv of the Cumberland. 21503 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 21581 — The march to the sea ; Franklin and Xashville. 22020 Doubledav, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 21335 Force, M. F. From Fort Henrv to Corinth. 21012 Greene, F. Y. The Mississippi. 22149 Humphi'eys,.A. A. The Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. 22942 Nicolay, J. G. The outbreak of rebellion. 21044 Palfrey, F. "^. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. 21305 Pond, G. E. The Shenandoah Yallev in 1864. 22478 Eopes, J. C. The armv under Pope. ' 21048 Webb, A. S. The peninsula; McClellan's campaign, 1862. 21127 •Campan, J. L. H. G. Memoires sur la vie de Marie Antoinette. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 10.) 14530 — Memoirs of the private life of Marie Antoinette. Added, Recollections, sketches, etc., illust. the rei2:n of Louis XIY., XY.. and XYI. 3d. ed. 2v. 16989-90 206 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Campanella, T. Sonnets of Michael Angelo and C. ; tr. by J. A. Symonds. 17798^ Campaner Thai, The, and other writings ; by J. P. F. Richter. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 16896^ Campbell, A. Tales. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 1-9.) 8041-9 Campbell, C. History of the colony and anc. dominion of Virginia. 674 Campbell, C, Lord Clyde. Low, C. R. {In his Soldiers of the Victorian age, v. 2.) 20031 — Wilson, J. G. {I7i his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Campbell, D. R. The glory of Christ, the Christian's life. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Campbell, D., ed. Memorials of J. McL. Campbell ; select, fr. his correspondence. Portr. 2 v. 17799-800 Campbell, G. The philosophy of rhetoric. 12002 Campbell, io?TZ G. Log-letters fr. " The Challenger." 5th. ed. 17375 Campbell, Si7^ G. Tenure of land in India. {In Cobden Club. Syst. of Id. ten.) 16008 — White and black ; outcome of a visit to the U. S. 19099 Campbell, G. D., Duke of Argyll. Address, Glasgow Athe- naeum, 1851 ; Address, Univ. of Glasgow, 1855. {In Literary addr., ser. 1,3.) 7725 ; 7727 — The Eastern question, 1856-1878. 2 v. 18727-8 — Influence upon morality of a decline in relig. bel. {In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc . , v . 2 . ) 1 7646 — Introduction. {I?i Schmid, R. Theories of Dai*win.) 22.333 — Primeval man. 7687 — The reign of law. 5th. ed. 6888 — Higginson, T. W. (hi his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. {In h is Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of C. {in Polit. portr.) 11693 Campbell, H. Self devotion. 9929 Campbell, H. The housekeeper's year-book. 22630 — The problem of the poor; record of quiet work in unquiet places. 22244 Campbell, H. F. Yellow fever quarantine of the future. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., efc, v. 5.) *I Campbell, J. L. The "Kankakee;" a sanitary problem of Indiana. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., efc, v. 7.) *I Campbell, J. Medic^val Scotland, 1093-1513. In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 Campbell, J. F., ef?. Popular tales of the west Highlands. 4 y. *I Campbell, 3.^ Baron Camphell. Life; autobiography, diary, and letters ; ed. by Mrs. Hardcastle. 2d. ed., with portr. 2 V. ~ 20530-1 — Lives of the chief justices of England. 4 v. 12543-6^ — Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Eng. 7 v. 5359-65 — Same: ed. by J. A. Mallory, v. 10; [with lives of Ld. Lyndhurst and Ld. Brougham] . ' ' • 7970 — Ballantine, W. {In his Some experiences, etc., v. 1.) 21553 — Bovd, A. K. Lord C. {In his Our little life.) 22004 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sketches.) 7657j 16744 — Sugden, E. B. Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham corrected. ' 18337 — Towle, G. M. Lord Chancellor Campbell. {In his Glunpses of hist.) 1347^ Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S., Marquis of Lome. Guido and Lita ; tale of the Riviera. Illust. 15362 — Clan Campbell and the Marquis of Lome ; Storv of the House of Argvll. Illust. ' ' 9242- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 207 Campbell, J. McL. Memorials ; select fr. [Ws] correspondence ; ed. by his son. 2 v. 17799-800 Campbell, L. Sophocles. (Class, writers.) 19607 — and Garnett, W. Life of J. C. Maxwell; with correspondence, writings, etc. Portr., plates, etc. 22648 Campbell, L. J., ed. Young folks' book of poetry. 20979 — and Boot. 0. Jr. The Columbian speaker; pieces for declamation and reading. . 12887 — Joint aiUhor. >S'ee Soule, R. Campbell, T. Letters fr. the South, dur. a journey to Algiers, etc. 675 — Life of Petrarch. 676 — Same. {In Petrarchus ; Sonnets, etc.) 3447 — Poetical works ; with notes and biog. sk. by W. A. Hill. 677 — Beattie, W. Life and letters of C. 2 v. 5703-4 — Fox, W. J. Campbell's life of Mrs. Siddons. {In his Mem. ed. coll. works, V. 6.) *I — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2255 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Irving, W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 — Personal recollections of C. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14122 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Essays, biog. and crit.) 4523 Campbell-Walker, A. See Walker, A. C. Campbell, Clan of. The clan Campbell and the Marquis of Lome ; story of the House of Argyll. 9242 Campden wonder, The ; by J. Paget. ( J71 his Paradoxes and puzzles.) 12732 Camphausen, O. Tuttle, H. (In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Campin, F. Practical treat, on mechanical engineering, with analysis of iron and iron ores. Added, Obs. on the constr. of steam-boilers, etc., by R. Armstrong; Rules for calculating the change wheels for screws on a turning lathe, etc., by J. La Nicca ; Management of steel, by G. Ede. Illust. 6516 — Treatise on iron bridges, girders, roofs, etc. 9851 Campin, F. W. Law of patents for inventions ; with notes on the law as to the protection of designs, etc. *I Camping. Gould, J. M. How to camp out. 16926 — Henderson, H. Practical hints on camping. 22263 — Up de Graff, T. S. Bodines ; or, Camping on the Lycoming. 18815 Camping out; by C. A. Stephens. 11074 Campion, J. S. On foot in Spain. Illust. *I — On the frontier ; reminiscences of wild sports, personal adv., etc. Illust. 2d. ed. 17660 Camporese, V. Clayton, E. C. (/?i ^er Queens of song.) 5873 Camus, M. Treatise on the teeth of wheels. 10092 Can you forgive her? ; by A. TroUope. 10787 Canada. Agriculture. — Caird, J. {In his Prairie farming in America.) . 7709 Copyright. — Dawson, S. E. Copyright in books ; its origin, and acct. of the law in C. 22075 Descriptio7i. — Appletons' general guide to the U. S. and C. v. 1. Maps and illust. 18697; 20524 — Appleton, D. and Co. {In their Illustrated hand-book of Amer. cities.) 15750 — Grant, G. M. Ocean to ocean; exp. thr. C, 1872; rev. ed. Illust. 17016 — Hardy, Lady D. {In her Through cities and prairie lands.) 20915 — Jameson, A. (M.) TTinter studies and summer rambles in C. 3 v. 18535-7 — Kingston, TV. H. G. Western wanderings ; or, A pleasure tour in C. v. 2. 2483 — Molmari, G. de. Lettres sur les Etats-Unis et le C. 14475 — Moodie, S. S. Life in the clearings ; versus the bush. 3111 208 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Morford, H. {In his Short-trip guide.) *I — Rae, W. F. Columbia and Canada; notes. 18141 Newfoundland to Manitoba through Canada. Maps and illust. 20903 — Russell, W. H. Canada; its defences, condition, etc.; third vol. of My diary north and south. ' 5967 Hesperothen; ramble in the U. S. and Canada, 1881. 21522 — Stephens, C. A. (In his Knockabout Club in the woods.) Illust. 21115 — Thoreau, H. D. A Yankee in Canada. 6464 History. — Christie, R. History of Lower Canada. 6 v. 7200-6 — Jones, C. H. History of the campaign for the conquest of C, 1776. 21239 — Leg-go, W. History of the administration of F. Temple, Gov. Gen. of C. 20333 — Parkman, F. Desancieu regime in C. 10440 France and England in N. Amer. See Parkman, F. — Rov, J. Historv of Canada. 17747 — Warburton, G. ' Conquest of Canada. 2 v. 4629-30 — See also Bruce, J. Industries, etc. — Bolles, A. S. The industries of Canada. {In his Indust. hist, of the U. S.) 18466 — Wilson, A. J. Canada and South Afi'ica. {In his Resources of mod. count., V. 2.) 17822 Natural history. — Nuttall, T. Manual of the Ornithologv of the U. S. and Canada : Land birds. 3274 Same: Water birds. 3275 — Vennor, H. G. Our birds of prev; or. The eagles, hawks, and owls of Canada. Illust. ' *I Politics. — Smith, G. Political destinv of C. {In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc, V. 1.) ' 17645 Political destinv of C. ; with a replv bv F. Hinks, etc. 18724 Canadian Crusoes ; by C. P. Traill. 4484 Canals. Account of C. {In Roads and railroads, etc.) 5652 — Ammen, D. American inter-oceanic canal question. 19483 — Davis, C. H. Report on inter-oceanic canals and railroads bet. the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. *I — The inter-oceanic canal and Monroe doctrine. 19547 — Ward, E. A ship-canal, connect, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans ; its value to commerce. {In his Speeches.) *I Candahar. See Kandahar. Cand^ze, E. Curious adventures of a field cricket; tr. by N. D'Anvers. Illust. 18527 Candish, T. See Cavendish, T. Candle of the Lord, The ; and other sermons, by P. Brooks. 20835 Candles. Williams, W. M. Oils and candles. (Brit, manuf. iud.) 15468 Candolle, A. de. A dominant language for science ; with notes by J. E. Gray. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) ^ 14377 — Probable future of the human race; Report on Trans, of Soc. of Phys. and Nat. Hist, of Geneva, 1873-74. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) 12994 Canning, A. S. G. Philosophy of the Waverley novels. 18878 Canning, E. Fairholt, F. W. {In his Eccen. and remark. characters.) 5058 — Paget, J. {In his Paradoxes and puzzles.) 12732 Canning, G. Select speeches ; with biog. sketch. 680 — Speech on moving the consid. of the King's message on the relations bet. Great Britain and Portugal. {In Speeches, of em. Brit, states- men, ser. 1.) 7723 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Bulwer, H. L. {In his Hist. char., v. 2.) 9115 — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1786 — Mackintosh, J. Character of C. {In his Misc. works.) 2825 — Havward, A. Canning as a man of letters. {In his Biog. and crit. ess. ^ "new ser., v. 1.) 12305 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 209 — Stapleton, A. G. Canniug and his times. 18145 Political life of Cauuiug. 3 v. *I — Tavlor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Thornton, P. M. G. Canning. (In his For. secretaries, r. 1, 2.) 22744-5 — Timbs, J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Canning, J. Kit Kelvin's kernels. 2493 Canning, S. See Stratford de Redcliffe. Canoe and camera ; tour thr. the Maine forests ; by T. S. Steele. 20122 Canoe and saddle ; by T. Winthrop. 5367 Canoes. Alden, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa. 17824 — Crawley, Capt. Rowing, sculling, and canoeing. 18342 — Kingston, W. H. G. Snow-shoes and canoes. 16723 — Powell, W. B. Canoe travelling; log of a cruise on the Baltic, and pract. hints on building and fitting canoes. Illust. and map. 11058 Canon's, The, clock. {Li Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 10.) 14310 Canova, A. Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Everett, A. H. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 Cantacuzene-Altieri, Princess Olga. In the spring of my life ; tr. by E. Klaus. 18735 — Poverina. (Appletons' new hand. v. ser.) 20359 Canterbury, T., Archhp. of. See Thomas a Becket. Canterbury {Province). Hook. W. F. Lives of the arch- bishops of C. 11 V. *I — Newman, J. H. Convocation of Canterbury. (In his Hist, sk., v. 8.) 12918 Canterbury chimes ; or. Chaucer tales retold for children ; by F. Storr and H. Turner. 18453 Canterbury tales ; by H. Lee. 2 v. 2597-8 — See Chaucer. Canton. Gray, Mrs. Fourteen months in C. Illust. 19553 Cant-wall, E. {jyseud.'f). Ireland under the land act; with leading cases under the act. 21814 Canuche ; insanite ; par Quatrelles. (In Sayn^tes, etc.^ ser. 8.) 14798 Cap de la Trentaine, Le ; com. par E. Verconsin. {In Legouve, G. J. B. E. W. Th^.4tre, s^r. 5.) 14689 Cape Breton island. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Islands.) 17827 Cape Cod. See Cod. Cape Cod and all along shore ; [sketches], by C. Nordhoff. 7532 Cape Cod folks ; by S. P. McLean. 20648 — Same. [Xew ed., with names of people and places changed]. 21173 Cape Colony. Literature. Theal, G. McC. Kaffir folk lore ; traditional tales, with notes. 22713 Cape of Good Hope. Arbousset, T. and Daumas, F. Narra- tive of an expl. tour to the north-east of the Cape ; tr. by J. C. Brown. 533 Capecelatro, Alfonso. Life of St. Philip Neri ; tr. by T. A. Pope. 2 V. ^ 22649-50 Capel, T. J. Reply to Gladstone's Political expostulation. *I Capen, N. The history of democracy ; or. Political progress, historically illust. v. 1. 13500 Caper-sauce ; by Fannv Fern [S. P. Partou]. 10865 Capes, J. M. To Rome and back. 12120 Capes, W. W. Livy. (Classical writers.) • 19804 210 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — The Romau empire of the 2d. cent. ; or, The age of the Antonines. Maps. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 18377 — Roman history ; the earlv empire ; the assassination of Caesar to that of Domitian ; maps. (£pochs of anc. hist.) 16099' — Stoicism. (Anc. phil. for mod. readers.) 20322; — University life in anc. Athens. (Har. hf.-hr. ser.) 1701(V Capiiaine Fracasse, Le ; par T. Gaiitier. 2 v. 9373-4 Capitaine Martin, Le ; par L. Reybaud. {In his Nouvelles.) 9547 Capital. Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. 21583 — Howell, G. Conflicts of capital and labour; hist, of the trade unions of Gt. Brit. 181ia — Jervis, J. B. The question of labour and capital. 17137 — Larned, J. N. Talks about labor, and cone, justice bet. laborers and capitalists. 16006- — See also Labor a7id Laboring classes. Capital punishment. Burleigh, C. C. Thoughts on the death penalty. 618 — Cheever, G. B. Punishment bv death ; its authority and expediency. 2319- — Emmet, W. Y. Thoughts on the death penalty. ' 1405^ — Guizot, F. P. G. On the punishment of death. ( With his Gen. hist, of ci\., etc.) 6052 — Hugo, V. M. Capital punishment : Claude Gueux ; Last day of a con- demned man. ' 8053^ — Massachusetts. Senate committee to consider the expediency of abolish- ing the punishment of death. Report, 1837. 2528 — Meredith, W . Punishment of death. {In Lib. useful kn.) 5109- Capitaliste, Le ; monologue ; par C. Cros. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 3.) 1479a Cappello, Bianca. See Bianca, Grand Duchess of Florence. Capper, J. Old Ceylon ; sketches of Ceylon, life in the olden time. Illust. 20924 Capri. Gregorovius, F. The island of C. ; fr. the German. 19338 Caprice ; comedy ; by O. S. Leland. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Caprice, Un ; par A. de Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 2.) *I Caprices de Marianne, Les ; par A. de Musset. {In his Com- edies, V. 1.) *I Captain Fracasse ; by T. Gautier ; tr. by E. M. Beam. 19630 — Same ; fr. the French by M. M. Ripley. Illust. by Dore. 19631 Captain Hatteras, Voyages and adventures of ; by J. Verne. 14125 Captain Horace ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 12658 Captain Kyd ; drama; by J. S. Jones. (/?i Mod. stand, dr., V. 35.) 11827 Captain Mago, Adventures of: by L. Cahun. 16563' Captain Mansana ; and other stories ; by B. Bjornson. 22015 Captain Nelson ; by S. A. Drake. 18276 Captain Sam; by G. C. Eggieston. 16101 Captain Tom: a resurrection ; by C. Nordhoff. (J/i ^is Gape Cod.) 7532 Captain of the guard ; by J. Grant. 10768 Captain of the watch ; by J. R. Planche. (J?i French's Min. dram., v. 2.) 11834 Captain's children. The ; by E. B. Sandford. 19369 Captain's daughter ; by A. S. Poushkin. {In his Russian ro- mance.) 19669» Captain's not a-miss ; by T. E. Wilks. {In French's min. dram., V. 20.) 11846 Captain's roqm. The ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 21498 Captain's story. The ; by R. H. Davis. {In Little class., v. 2.) 12975 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 211 Captive's daughter, The ; by W. H. Hillyard. 10582" Capture, The, and escape ; or, Life among the Sioux ; by S. L. Larimer. 279 Captured scout, The ; by A. C. Trumbull. 755(> Capturing a locomotive ; by W. Pittenger. 21598^ Caracciolo. F. Paget, J. Nelson and Caracciolo. {In Ms Paradoxes and puzzles.) 12732 Caradoc of Llancarvcm. History of Wales ; tr. by Dr. Powell ; aug. by W. Wynne ; added, Description of Wales, by J. Price. New ed. 2251^ Caradoc and Deva ; by the author of " Ruth and her friends." (Jti Days of Old.) 19448 Carafa, A. St. John, Mrs. H. R. The court of C. 10885^ Car-building. Master Car-builders' Association. The car-build- er's dictionary. Illust. ; vocabulary, comp. by M. N. Forney. 20434 Card-drawer, The ; by G. Griffin. {In his Works.) 5402 Card, A, for Lady Roedale ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little com- edies, new ed.) 21907 Carder, P. Kin^sley, H. {In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Cardinal's daughter. The ; by C. A. Warfield. 1695a Cardinal's illness ; by G. Droz. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Cards. Cheney, E. D. Patience ; ser. of games [solitaire] . 15965 Social games. 9793- — Heather, H. E. Cards and card tricks ; cont. a history of playing cards ; instructions for plaving all games, etc. 194:69 — Hoffman, L. Tricks w'ith cards. {In his Modern magic.) 16722 — Jones, H. Round games at cards. 13872; — See also Boston :— Ombre ; — Whist. Cardwell, E. Reid, T. W. {Inhis Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of C. (J^i Polit. portr.) ^ 11698 Career of a capitalist ; by J. B. Harrison. {In his Certain dangerous tendencies.) 19612 Carew, B. M. Russell, W. (J/i 7i?*s Eccen. personages.) 6265 Carew, H. Mary and Charles Lamb ; poems, letters, and re- mains ; with remin. and notes. 12577 Carew, R. Tangled. 17034 Carey, A. Threads of knowledge, drawn from a cambric hand- kerchief ; a Brussels carpet ; a print dress ; a kid glove ; a sheet of paper. 14140 Carey, H. C. The unity of law. 11291 — Manual of social science : condensation of the '.'. Principles of social sci- ence" of C, by K. McKean. 284 — Principles of social science. 3 v. 6390-2^ — The slave trade, domestic and foreign. 686» Carey, L. .See Cary, L. Carey, R. N. Queenie's whim. 20264 Carey, Mrs. S. Gerald Marsdale. 12484 Carey, W. Belcher, J. Wm. Carey ; biog. 1009 — Culross, J. Wm. Carev. (Heroes of Chr. hist.) 21502- — Marshman, J. C. Life and labours of C, etc. 6898 — Yonge, C. M. (In her pioneers and founders.) 1012O Caribbee Islands. Ober, F. A. Camps in the C. ; adv. of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. 19270" Caricature. Parton, J. Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. Illust. *I 512 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Wright, T. Historv of caricature and grotesque iu literature aud art. lUust. * 6920 Caring for no man ; by L. B. Porter. 13973 CarM ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 17165 Carlen, E. S. F. The brother's bet. 6699 — Gustavus Liudoru. ' 690 — Ivar; or, The Skjuts-boy ; fr. the Swedish, by A. L. Krause. 5275 — Woman's life ; or. The trials of caprice. 1444 — Lavinia ; or, One year. 11260 ■Carleton. pseud. See Coffin, C. C. Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba, Peru, Spain, and Algiers ; leaves fr. the sketch book of a traveller, 1864-1868. *I •€arleton, W. Farm ballads. 11564 — Farm festivals. Illust. • 20627 — Farm legends. Illust. 15323 — Neal Malone. (hi Little class., v. 5.) 12976 — Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. 5 v. (v. 4, 5. wanting.) 7572-6 Carli, D. de. Kiugsley, H. Wanderings of a Capuchin. {In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Carlino ; by G. Ruffini. 9341 Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, G. W. F. Carlisle, Bj). of. See Goodwin, H. Carll, M. M. * Child's book of natural history. / 267 Carlo Broschi ; nouvelle historique ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5., v. 2.) *I •Carlos, Don, so7i of Philip II. St.-Beuve, C. A. Don Carlos et Philippe II., par M. Gachard. {In his Xouv. lund, v. 5.) *I Carlton. C. Thank God for rain, (/w Out-croppings, etc.) 6122 Carlyle, A. Autobiography ; cont. memorials of men and events of his time : [ed. by J. H. Burton]. 692 Garlyle, J. Carlyle, T. James Carlyle of Ecclefechan. In his Reminiscences.) 20233 Carlyle, J. W. Letters and memorials ; prep, by T. Carlyle ; ed. by J. A. Froude. 2 v. 22618-19 — Carlyle, T. {In his Reminiscences.) 20233 -Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 4 v. 696-9 Contents. Y. 1. Richter.— State of German literature.— Life and writings of Werner.— Goethe's Helena.— Goethe.— Burns.— Life of Heyne. — German playwrights.— Preface and introductions to the 'German 'Ro- mance' : Preface ; Musiius ; Fouqu6 ; Tieck : Hoffman : Richter ; Goethe. —Tragedy of the night-moth.— Cui bono.— Four Fables.— The sower's son^. — Aclieu.— The beetle.— To-day.— Fortuna. 2. Yoltaire.— XovaUs. — Sig-ns of the times.— Richter a^ain. — On history.— Luther's psalm.— Schiller.— The Nibelungeu Lied.— German literature of the 14tli. and 15th. cent. — Taylor's Historic survey of German poetry. — Richter's Review of Mme. de Stael's Allemagne.' ' 8. Characteristics. — Goethe's portrait. — Biography. — Boswell's Life of Johnson. — Death of Goethe. — Goethe's works. — Corn-law rhymes. — On history again. — Diderot. — Count Caglios- tro. — Death of Edward Irving. — Xovelle. — Schiller, Goethe, and Mme. de Stael.— The Tale. 4. The diamond necklace.— Mirabeau.— Parlia- mentary hist, of the French Revolution. — Sir TT. Scott. — Yarnhagen von Ense's memoirs. — Petition on the copyright bill. — On the sinking of the Yengeur. — Baillie the Covenanter.— Dr. Francia. — An election to the Long Parliament.— Two-hundred-aud-lifty years ago.— The opera.— Pro- ject of a national exhibition of Scottish portraits.— The Prinzenraub.— Index. — Same. 695 Contents the same, with a fev; exceptions, as in the preceding ed. — Critical essav on the uenius and writings of Burns. {In Cunningham, A. Life and "land of Burns.) 1058 — Cromwell's letters and speeches. 2 v. 1029-30 — Early Kings of ;N'orway ; Portraits of John Knox. 13902 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 213^ — Estimate of Luther's character and genius. ( With Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of L.) 20976 — The French revohition. 3 v. 12176-8 — Heroes and hero worship and the heroic in history. ^ 703 — History of Frederick II. called Frederick the Great. 6 v. 705-8 ; 6022-3 — Latter-dav pamphlets. 5802 Conteyiis. The present time.— Model prisons.— Downing Street.— The new Downing Street.— Stump orator.— Parliaments.— Hudson's statue. — Jesuitism. — Life of Schiller : f r. 2d. Lond. ed. 700 — Same ; with supplement of 1872. 11490 — Life of John Sterling. 709 — On the choice of books. (Scot. Univ. Addr.) {In Lib. of education, v. 4.) 8867 — Passages fr. the writings of C. ; with biog. mem. by T. Ballantyne. 6507 — Past and present ; Chartism ; Sartor resartus. ' 711 — Reminiscences ; ed. by J. A. Froude. . 20233 Contents. James Carlyle of Ecclefechan.— Edward Irving.— Lord Jef- frey.— Jane Welsh Carlyle.—App. : Southey; Wordsworth. — Reminiscences of mv Irish iournev, 1849. 21760 — Tales by Musaeus, tieck, RichterVfi'. the German. 2. v. 13121-2 . Contents. Y. 1. Musaeus: Dumb love; Libussa; Melechsala. Tieck: The fair-haired Eckbert ; The trusty Eckart : The Runenberg. 3. Tieck : The elves ; The goblet. Richter : Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz ; Life of Quintus Fixlein." — a/ic? Emerson, R. W. Correspondence, 1834-1873; [ed. by C. E. Nor- ton]. 2v. 22462-3 — Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels ; fr. the German. 3 v. 13118-20 — Ballentyne, T. Biog. mem. {In Carlvle, T. Passages, etc.) 6507 — Barrett, E. The Carlyle anthology. 16661 — Bavne, P. Lessons from mv masters, Carlyle, etc.) 18910 — Cohwav, M. D. T. Carlvle.' Illust. 20628 — Froude, J. A. T. Carlvle; hist, of the first forty years of hie life. 2 v. 21470-1 — Giles, H. Carlvle. {fn his Lect. and essavs, v.'2.) 2353 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc., and Third Gallery, etc.) 3255, 2257 — Guernsey, A. H. Thomas Carlyle : his life,— his books, — his theories. 18386 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — LoAvell, J. R. {In his Mv studv windows.) 10522 — Mead, E. D. The philosophy of C. 20712 — Morley, J. {In his Crit. misc.) 11125 — Mozley, J. B. Carlyle's Cromwell. (7?i ^is Essavs, v. 1.) 18305- — Thoreau, H. D. Carlyle and his works. {In his Yankee in Canada, etc.) 6464 — See also Cromwell, O'. Letters and speeches. CarmagQola; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 4.) *I Carmen ; par P. Merim^e. (In his Nouvelles.) 9520 — Same. Eng. tr. ' 18166- Carmen ; opera ; by G. Bizet. *I Carmosine ; par A. cle Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 2.) *I Carnarvon, Earl of. See Molyneux, H. H. Carne, L. M., co7nte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. 2.) *I Csirnegie, J., earl of Sou thesk'. Saskatcliewan and the Rocky mts. ; Diary and narrative of travel, sport, etc., thr. the Hudson's Bay companj^'s territories, 1859-1860. 13822" Carnival, A story of ; by M. A. M. Hoppns. 22864 Carnot, L. N. M. Arago, F. {In his Biog. of scientific men, ser. 2.) 7752 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 Carnota, Conde, da. Memoirs of the Duke de Saldanha ; with select, fr. his correspondence. 2. v. 22752-3 Caroline ; by J. Abbott. (Fran. sto. ) 54 Caroline ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 4.) *I Caroline W. D., Queen consort. Oliphant, M. O. W. {I71 her Hist, sketches.) ' 8132^ Carpantier, M. P. See Pape-Carpantier. 214 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Carpathians. Hutchinson, A. H. Try Cracow and the Car- pathians. 11052 Carpenter, F. B. Inner life of Abraham Lincoln ; six months at the White House. 18211 — Six months at the White House. See Inner life, etc, above. Carpenter, F. de Y. G-eographical surveying, its uses, meth- ods, and results. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 17985 Carpenter, 3.^ joint author. See Nasmyth. J. Carpenter, J. E. Life and work of M. Carpenter. 19446 — Penny readings in prose and verse. 8 v. 1549-51 — Popular readings in prose and verse. 6 v. 8815-19 Carpenter, M. English reformatory and certified indust. schools ; their princ. and results. {In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I — Juvenile delinquents, their condition and treatment. 11048 — Our convicts. 2 v. 10638-9 — Reformatory prison discipline, as devel. by Crofton, in the Irish convict prisons. *I; 6178 — Reformatory schools. ' 712 — Reformatorv schools and prison discipline ; obs. made in U. S. (In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I *- Responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their childi-en in reform- atories, etc. (In Xat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) ' *I — Treatment of life-sentenced prisoners. {In Xat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Rept., 1873.) *l — Carpenter, J. E. The life and work of M. Carpenter. 19446 Carpenter, P. H. The bottom of the sea : Deep sea life. (In Brown, R. (Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Carpenter, S. H. English of the 14th. cent, illust. by notes on Chaucer's prologue, and Knight's tale, etc. 17960 Carpenter, W. B. Animal physiology. New ed. 713 — Mechanical philosophy, horology ," and astronomy. 715 — Mesmerism, spiritualism, e^c, hist, and scientifically consd. ; Lect. with pref. and app. ' 17058 — The microscope and its revelations. 13609 — Physiology of temperance and total abstinence. 6663 — Principles' of mental physiology. 12654 — Unconscious action of the brain : Epidemic delusions. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) . 13114 — Vegetable phvsiologv and systematic botanv : ed. bv E. Lankester. 714 — Zoology. 2v. ' ' ' 716-17 Carpenter, W. H. History of Massachusetts. (Lippincott's Cab. hist.) 230 — History of Tennessee. (Lippincott's Cab. hist.) 241 — The regicide's daughter. 719 Carpenter of Rouen ; drama ; by J. S. Jones. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 16.) 11818 Carpentry. Bell, W. E. Carpentry made easy ; or, Science and art of framing. Illust. 9762 Same. 2d. ed. *I — Davidson, E. A. Drawing for carpenters and joiners. 12801 — Gould, L. D. Carpenters and builder's assistant. 12469 — Holly, H. W. Carpenters' and joiners' hand book. 8159 — Newlands, J. The carpenter's and joiner's assistant. *I — Riddell, R. The modern carpenter and builder. 6957 — Silloway, T. W. Text book of mod. carpentry; compr. a treat, on build- ing timber, etc. 2289 — See also Architecture. Also Hand-railing ;— Stair building. Carpet beetle. Lintner, J. A. The new carpet beetle. 17872 Carpets. Dresser, C. Carpets. (Brit, manuf. iud.) 15470 Carr, A., zvife of Comyns. Lucrezia ; and other tales. 22785 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 215 Contents. Lucrezia.— The last day of carnival.— La Madonna del Rosa- ric— St. Silvestre's luck. — North Italian folk; sketches of town and country life. lUust. 17661 — A story of autumn. 21949 Carr ; Mrs. C. See Carr. A. Carr, E. S. Child culture. (Pps. on education.) I* Carr, F. Business ; by a merchant. 12595 Carr, M. F., {pseud. Launcelot Cross). Characteristics of Hunt, as exhibited in " Leigh Hunt's London Journal; " Illust., notes. 18363 Carr, L. Explorations of a mound in Lee Co., Va. Illust. ; Observations on the crania fr. the stone gravel in Ten- nessee ; Measurements of crania fr. California. {In Pea- body Mus. of Arch. Rept., v. 2.) 19624 Carr. T. S. Manual of Roman antiquities. 720 €arrel, J. B. N. A. History of the counter-revolution in Eng. under Charles II. and James II. ; also, History of the reign of James II. ; by C. J. Fox. 721 — Mill, J. S. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 1.) 5978 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, hind., v. 6., and Prem. lund., v. 3.) *I Carriages. Coach makers' illust. hand book : cent, instruct, in carriage building. 2d. ed. 14082 Carrington, H. B. Battle maps and charts of the American revolution, with notes and school history references. *I — Battles of the Amer. revolution : 1775-1781 ; hist, and military criticism, with topographical illust. * 16653 Carrington, R. Aschenbroedel. (No name ser.) 21630 Carrington, Mrs. M. J. Absaraka, Home of the Crows : expr. of an officer's wife on the plains. 7534 Carroll, A. L. Hygiene in schools and colleges. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Carroll, A. E. The great American battle : or, The contest bet. Christianity and polit. Romanism.) 722 Carroll, C, of Carrollton. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) ' 526 Carroll, Jj.^ pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. Carroll, M. How Marjory helped. 12655 Carrosse du Saint-Sacrement, Le ; par P. Merimee. {In his Theatre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Carrots ; just a little boy : by E. Graham [Mrs. Molesworth]. Illust. 17394 Carry's confession ; by F. W. Robinson. 602 Carson, C. Peters, DeW. C. Life and adventui'es of C. 3444 Pioneer life and frontier adventures; hfe and expl. of C, fr. his own narrative. 21900 Carstares, W. Story, R. H. W. Carstares ; a character and career of the revolutionary epoch. 12745 Carstens, J. A. Grimm, H. {Li his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Carter, E. Edwards, M. B. {In her Six life studies.) 19835 — EUwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 Carter, F. Introd. and notes. {In Goethe, J. W. von. Iphi- genie auf Tauris.) 16349 Carter, R. M. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Carter, S. N. Drawing in black and white. (Putnam's art hd. bks.) 22132 216 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Introduction. {In Puffield, Mrs. Art of flower-painting.) 1806S — Putnam's hand-books, namely: Carter, S. X. Drawing in black and white. 22132 Duflield, Mrs. W. Flower painting. 18068 - Penley, A. System of water color painting. 1925T Eowb'otham, T. Art of sketching fr. nature. 17711 Warren, H. Artistic treatise on the human figure. 2090& Wei£;all, C. H. Art of figure drawing. 18578- Williams, W. Landscape painting in oil colors. 18581 Carter, T. T. Fenelon's ' CEuvres spirituelles.' {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 1884^ Carter Quarterman : by W. M. Baker. 15527 Carthage. Davis, N. • Carthage and her remains. 1144 — Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Carthaginians. 2d. ed. 18611 — Rome and Carthage ; the Punic wars. 20225 Carthusian desert. See Grande Chartreuse. Cartier, J. Frost, T. Discovery of Canada; Explorations of the St. Lawrence. {In his Hf.-hrs. with early expl.) 21074 Cartoons ; by M. J. Preston. 14241 Cartouche ; by F. M. Peard. 2 v. 19015-1& Cartwright, E. Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Howe. H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Cartwright, J. J. Memoir and notes. {In Wentworth, T. Wentworth papers.) 22839 Cartwright, J. Mantegna and Francia. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 20840 Cartwright, P. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8988 Cartwright, W. C. Papal conclaves. 17525 Carus, W. Memorials of C. P. Mcllvaine. 21158 Caruthers, W. A. The knights of the horseshoe. 22018 Carving. Handbook of carving, with hints for the dinner- table. Illust. 9182 Carving. ^S^ee Fret cutting : — Wood. Cary, A. Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. 6611 — Clovernook. 682 — Hagar. 68a — My grandmother— that might have been. (In Rouge gorge, etc.) 8711 — Pictures of country life. . 685 — Snow-berries; book for vouug folks. Illust. 7027 — (md Phtebe. Ballads for little folks ; ed. by M. C. Ames. 12075 Last poems : ed. by M. C. Ames. ' . 11621 Ames, M. C. Memorial of A. and P. Cary, with their later poems. 1128S See also Cary, P. L. Cary, L. Sketch of C. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Cary, L., Viscount Falkland. Arnold, M. (/>? 7i is Mixed ess.) 18465 — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Pvm versus Falkland. {In his Quar.-ess.) 14194 — Tullock, J. {In his Rat. theology, etc., v. 1.) 11456 Gary, P. Poems of faith, hope, and love. 707S Cary, P. See also Cary, A. above. Casanova de Seingalt, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 2.) *I Casas, B. de las, Bp. of Chiapa. Helps, A. Life of Las Casas, " the apostle of the Indies." 11760 Casaubon, I. Pattison, M. I. Casaubon. 13723 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 14.) *I Case, The, of Mr. Lucraft ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 19096 Casella ; by M. Finley. ' 14180 Cashmere. Knight, H. W. Diary of a pedestrian in C. 6475 Casimir Maremma ; by A. Helps. 8399 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 217 Casper Hauser. See Hauser, C. Caspian Sea. Holmes, W. R. Sketches on the shores of the C. 1968 — O'Donovan, E. The Merv Oasis; travels and adv. east of the C, 1879-81. 2v. 22285-6 Cass, L. Magoon, E. L. {In his Living orators.) 2857 Cassell, J. Frost, T. J. Cassell and his literary staff. {In his Forty years' recol.) 21403 Cassell's book of indoor amusements, card games, and fireside fun. Illust. 20985 Cassell's book of sports and pastimes. Illust. 20984 Cassell's history of the war bet. France and Germany, 1870-71. 2 V. 12258-9 Cassell's illust. readings. See Hood, T. Cassian ; by [Mrs. Gore], (/n /le?' Hungarian tales, v. 1, 2.) 21560-1 Cassius Parmensis. Orpheus. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 JVote. Since discovered to be bv A. Thvlesius. Cassy; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. * 13853 Cast away in the cold ; by I. I. Hayes. 7527 Cast up by the sea ; by S. W. Baker. 7577 Castagno, A. del. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Castaways, The ; by A. Bowman. 2286 Caste. Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 2.) 7665 Caste ; by S. A. Story, Jr. [M. H. Pike]. 4264 Castelar, E. Life of Lord Byron and other sketches ; tr. by Mrs. A. Arnold. 15338 Contents. Life of Byron.— Victor Hugo. — Alexandre Dumas.— Emile Giradin. — Daniel Manin.— Adolphe Thiers. — Old Rome and new Italy (Recuerdos de Italia) ; tr. by Mrs. Amoto. 11856 — Towle, G. M. {In his Certain men of mark.) 20075 Castellani. Newton, C. T. The bronze head in the Castellani coll. {In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 Castle and town ; by F. M. Peard. 21523 Castle Blair; by F. L. Shaw. 18185 Castle builders, The; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4892 Castle Daly; by A. Keary. 14114 Castle Dangerous : Ijy W. Scott. 3811 Castle Ehrensteiu, The ; by G. P. R. James. 5235 Castle Hohenwald ; by A. F. K. Streckfuss. 18511 Castle Nowhere ; by C. F. Woolson. 13585 Castle Rackrent ; by M. Edgeworth. 1326 ; 15288 Castle Richmond ; by A. Trollope. 10785 Castle specter, dramatic romance ; by M. G. Lewis. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 27.) 11823 Castlemon, H. pseud. See Fosdick, C. A. Castlereagh, Viscount. See Stewart, R. Castles. Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of Eng. and Wales. 2 v. 9582-3 Same; reed., rev., and enl. bv A. Gunn. 3 v. *I Castle's heir, The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 9991 Castleton, D. R. Salem. 13066 Castriot, G. See Scander-Beg. Casualties. See Accidents. 15 218 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Casuistry. De Quiocey, T. (In his Theol. ess., v. 1.) 1160 Cat, The. The clau of the cats ; true stories. lUust. 20251 — Cust, Hon. Lady. The cat ; its hist, and diseases. 9201 — Mivart, St. G. The cat; introd. to the studv of the backboned animals. 20676 — Ross, C. H. The book of cats. ' 13288 — Stables, W. G. '' Cats," their points and characteristics ; with curiosties of cat life, and a chap, on feline ailments. 15604 — Wilder, B. G. and Gage, S. H. Anatomical technology as appl. to the domestic cat, etc. 22493 Cat, Story of a ; by E. G. de la BedoUi^re. Silhouettes. 18154 Cat, The, and battledore ; by H. de Balzac. 19092 Catalani, A. Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (In his Great singers.) 20364 Cataract of the Ganges ; drama ; by W. T. Moncrieff . (Li Mod. stand, dr., v. 23.) 11821 Cataracts. Holly, G. W. The Falls of Niagara ; with chapt. on other famous cataracts. Illust. 22264 Catarina in Venice ; romance on the lagoon ; by J. Skelton. (In his Ess. in romance.) 18752 Catarrh. See Autumnal catarrh. Catechism. Clark, D. "Saying the catechism " seventy-five years ago. 18378 — Higginson, E. A catechism without questions. 11462 — Paterson, A. S. Concise hist, of theology on the basis of the Shorter C. 12522 Catechism of common things. Child's ; by J. D. Champlin, Jr. 19459 Catel, C. S. Treatise on harmony; tr. by Mrs. C. Clarke. (Novello's lib.) 11725 — Treatise on harmony; with notes by L. Mason. 2965 Caterina, St.^ of Sienna. Trollope, T. A. (In his Decade of Ital. women, v. 1.) 10988 Caterpillars. Weismann, A. Origin of the markings of caterpillars. (In his Stud, in the theory of descent.) 19925 Cathara Clyde. 727 Catharine I., Empress of Bussia. Hewitt, M. E. (In her Lives.) 1899 — Watson, H. C. (In Ms Heroic women.) 4676 Catharine 11., Emjyr ess of Bussia. Memoirs; with pr^f. by A. Herzen. 1895 — Brougham, H. (Jn Ms Hist, sk., ser. 1.) « 525 — Jameson, A. (In her Memoirs, v. 2.) 2327 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 2.) *I Catharine de'Medici. Trollope, T. A. The girlhood of Catha- rine de'Medici. 10987 Catharine of Aragon. Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. 4 V. " ' 11935-6; 12489-90 Catharine, St. of Sienna. See Caterina. Cathay. See China. Cathedral, The ; by J. R. Lowell. 8160 Cathedrals. Howson, J. S. ed. Essays on cathedrals : by various writers. 10165 — Walcott, M. E. C. Church work and life in English minsters. 2 v. 19920-1 Cathedrals and beer ; or. The immorality of religious capitals : by J. Parton. (In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Rept., 1876.) *I Catherine. See Catharine. Catherine ; by W. M. Thackeray. 8079 — Same. (In his Miscellanies.) 13353 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 219 ■'Catherine's lovers ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. ( With The forest house.) 9168 Catherine's suitors ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 13276 'Catherwood, M. H. Craque o'doom. lUust. 20986 — The Hammer of the Saracens. (I7i Gihnan, A. Magna Charta stor.) 21890 — Eoe.kyFork. Ilhist. 21859 Catholic art and protestant culture ; by H. Giles. (In Ms Lect. and ess.) 7850 Oatholic Church. MisceJlaneoiis works. — About, E. La question Eomaine. 9471 — Haulleville, P. C. A. baron de. The future of Catholic peoples ; essay contrasting Protestant and Catholic efforts for civilization ; notes by Cardinal Manning, etc. ' ' 19342 — Spalding, J. L. {In his Ess. and rev.) 18575 Doctrine, etc. — Balmes, J. European civilization : Protestantism and Catholicity com- pared. 13424 — Brownson, O. A. {In his Essays, etc.) 6923 Conversations on liberalism arid the Church. 438 — Brvant, J. D. The Immaculate Conception a doffma of the Catholic 'Church. 550 — Capes, J. M. To Rome and back. 12120 — Channing, W. E. On Cathohcism. {In his Works, v. 2.) 788 — Cortes, J. D^ Essays on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism. 18312 — Edgar, S. The variations of popery ; ed. by C. Sparry. 6058 — Fisher, G. P. {In his Discussions.) ' ' 19650 — Formby, H. Safeguards of Divine faith in the presence of sceptics, freethinkers, and atheists. 22258 — Froude, J. A. Philosophy of Catholicism. {In his Short stud., ser. 1.) 6963 — Hogan, W. Popery, as it\vas and is, etc. 1938 — Hornihold, — . The commandments and sacraments explained. 20707 — Liguori, A. M. de St. Instructions on the commandments and sacra- ments. *I — Loysou, J. M. Catholic reform: letters, fragments, etc.; bv Father 'Hyacinthe. ' 13508 — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles. (Notabuno e societate Jesu.^ 16136 — Murray. N. Letters to II. B. Taney; by Kirwan. (Romanism at home.) 5950 — Quinet, E. The Roman Church and m«)dern society : ed. by C. E, Lester. 5755 — Roussell, X. Catholic and Protestant nations compared. ' 3718 — Spalding, M. J. Evidences of Catholicity ; lectures. 18462 — Stone, J. K. The invitation heeded : reasons for a return to Catholic unity. 9003 — Waters,' N. R. Through Rome on ; mem. of Christian and extra-Clu'ist- ian experience. 17865 — Wiseman, X. The real presence of the bodv and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. ' 11389 — See also Fessler, J. True and false infallibility of the Popes. History. — Boissier, M. L. G. La religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonius. 2 v. 14451-2 — Darras, J. General hist, of the Catholic Church. 4 v. 11184-7 — Killen, W. D. The Catholic church: hist., doctr., worship, and polity of the Christians fr. the apostolic age to the establishment of the pope as a temporal sovereign. 16833 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies. 21670 — Theodorus. The new reformation ; narrative of the Old Catholic move- ment f r. 1870 ; with hist, introd. 14250 — See also Popes ;— Vatican Council. Catholic Church in France. Quinet, E. The religious revolu- tion of the 19th. cent. 20412 Catholic Church in Gt. Britain. Faber, F. W. Tracts on the Church and her officers. 8962 — Manning, H. E. {hi his Miscellanies.) 17190 Catholic Church in the U. S. Carroll, A. E. The great Amer- ican battle ; or, The contest between Christianity and polit. Romanism. 722 220 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Catholic pioneers of America; by J. O'K. Murray. 22282 — Ma^uire, J. F. The Irish in America. ^ 7254 — Smith, S. B. Elements of ecclesiastical law; compl. with ref. to the Syl- labus, the "Const. Apostolicae 'Sedis'" of Pius IX., etc.; adapt, to the Church in the U. S. 4th. ed., rev. 2 v. *l Catholicism. See Catholic Church. Catiline. Beesly, E. S. Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. 18126 Catinat, N. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 8.) *I Catlin, G. Last rambles among the Indians of the Rocky Mts. and the Andes. 7128 — Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the N. Amer. Indians. 2 v. 729-30 — Lifted and subsided rocks of Amer. ; with their influence on currents and the distrib. of races. 8857 — Notes of eight years' travels and residence in Europe, with his N. Amer. Indian collection, etc. 2 v. 1442-5 Catlin, G. L. Among the Biscayans. {In Murphy, B. and other.s. On the Rhine.) ■ 19935 Catlow, M. E. Popular British entomology. 2d. ed. 731 Cato, M. P. Long, G. [hi fiis Civ. wars of Rome.) 2738 Cato, V. Dirae. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360' Caton, J. D. A summer in Norway; [with] an acct. of the red-deer, reindeer, and elk. 13959- Cats' Arabian nights. See King Grimalkum. Cat's pilgrimage. The ; by J. A. Froude. {In his Short Studies, ser. 1.) 6963- Catskill fairies ; The ; by V. W. Johnson. 14328 Cats-paw, The; comedy; by D. Jerrold. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 11.) 118ia Cattermole, R. The great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell. *L — Literature of the Church of Eng.. select, fr. the writings of eminent divines ; with mem. of their hves, etc. 2 v. *I Cattle. Allen, L. F. American cattle ; their hist., breeding, and management. 7609 — Armsby, H. P. Manual of cattle-feeding. Illust. and tables. 21277 — Brisbin, J. S. The beef bonanza; descr. of cattle-growing, etc., in the A^^est. Illust. 1998a — Gould, J. S. Texas cattle disease. (Iii Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 — Harting, J. E. British wild white cattle. {In his Brit, animals.) 21359 — Martin, W. C. L. Cattle ; their breeds and management. ' 2929 — Quincy, J. Essays on the soiling of cattle, and suggestions useful to farmers. ' 16985 — Youatt, W., and Martin, W. C. L. Cattle: their breeds, management, etc., ed. by A. Stevens. Illust. ^ 4915 Catullus, Quintus {or Caius) V. Catullus, ex. ed. F. G. Doeringii cui adnot. adj. J. Naudet. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8229 — Davies, J. Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 16595 — Translation fr. C. {In Hodgson, S. H. Outcast ess., etc.) 20808 Caucasus. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat ; vacation tour, 1876. 17522 — Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the eastern Caucasus. 1165T — Grove, F. C. ' The frosty C ; acct. of a walk thr. part of the range, and of an ascent of Elbruz in 1874. Illust. and map. 15593 — Roberts, R. Asia minor and the Caucasus. (Eastern question.) 17066 — Wolley, C. P. Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus. 22930 Caucus. Whitridge, F. W. Caucus system. (Econom. tracts.) 22432 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 221 •Caulfeild, S. F. A., and Saward, B. C. The dictionary of needlework; encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework. Illust. *I €aulfield, J., joint avthor. See Wilson, H. Caunter, H. India. (Romance of history.) Illust.- 11432 Causation. Bowen, F. The idea of cause. {In his Glesimngs.) 19941 — Mozlev, J. B. The principle of causation. In his Ess., hist, and theol., V. 2.) 18306 Principle of causation consid. in opposition to atheistic theories. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 Cause, A, worth trying. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 20.) 19165 Causerie ; by W. A. Hovey. 19345 Causes of the Afghan war ; select, of the papers laid before parliament, with a connect, narrative and comment. 18757 Cavalcaselle, G-. B., joint author. See Crowe, J. A. Cavalier, The ; by G. P. R. James. 2283 Cavaliers of England, The ; by H. W. Herbert. 5071 Cavaliers of fortune ; by J. Grant. 10760 Cavallius, R.^ joint author. See Stephens, G. Cavalry tactics, U. S. Army, assimilated to the tactics of Infantry and Artillery. 1 6 1 40 Cav^, E. M. (B.) Color ; (Cave method ; pt. 2) ; from 3d. Fr. ed. 7755 — Drawing from memory. 9826 " Cavendish," j^sei^f?. See Jones, H. Cavendish, G. Henry VIII. of Eng. and Catharine of Aragon bef. the Legatine Court, 1527. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Cavendish, H. Brougham, H. {In his Lives of philos.) 524 Cavendish, S. C. Marquess of Hartington. Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T.W. (/w Ms Cabinet portrait.) 13883 Cavendish, or Candish, T. Kingston, W. H. G. Voyage of C. round the world. {In his Notable voyages.) 19571 — Life and voyages. (In Lives and voyages of Drake, etc.) 1264 — Pa>Tie, E. J. Cavendish's first vovage; Last voyage. (In his Voyages, 'etc.) " 21899 Cavendish; by W. J. Neale. 916 Caves. See Antiquities. Caverly, R. B. Heroism of Hannah Duston ; The Indian wars of New Eng. 12861 Cavour, C. B., conte di. Dicey, E. Cavour ; a memoir. *I — Hayward, A. (In his Sketches, etc., v. 1.) 20002 — La Kive, W. de. Reminiscences of the life and character of C. 15632 — Mazade, C. de. Life of Count Cavour. 17193 — Towle, G. M. (Li his Glimpses of hist.) 13478 Cawnpore. Field, H. M. The tragedy of C. {In his From Egypt to Japan.) 17334 Caxton, L., psend. See Comins, L. B. Caxton, P^ pseud. See Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. ^Caxton, W. Blades, W. Biography and typography of C. 2d. ed. 21475 — Hall, A. M. The printing office of C. (In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Rhoads, J. Wm. Caxton. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Sketch of C. (In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Stephenson, — . Life of C. : with acct. of the invention of printing. (I7i Lib. usef. kn., Lives.) 5104 222 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Caxtoniana ; essays on life, literature, and manners ; by E. B. Lytton. 1730^^ Caxtons, The ; by [E. B. Lytton]. 582 Caylus, A. C. P. de T., coriite de. Septimus. {In Old-fash. fairy tales, ser. 2.) 19938 Caylus, M. M. de V. de M., marquise de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 3.) *I. Gazelles, M. E. Outline of the evolution-philosophy ; by O. B. Frothingham ; appendix by E. L. Youmans. 13679 Cazenave, A. Female beauty ; or. The art of human decoration. 12670 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat ; tr. and ed. by E. Rich. (111. lib. of wonders.) 7541 Cazotte, E. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic woman.) 4676 Ce monsieur; comedie ; par Quatrelles [E. L. V. J. L'Epine]. {In Sayn^tes, etc.. s^r. 8.) 14798 Ce que veut ma femme ! comedie ; par H. Lafontaine. {Bi Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 4.) 14794 Cecil, E. Life of Lafayette. 736 — Life of Washington. 737 Cecil, R. A. T. G., Marq. of Salisbury. Higginson, T. W. {Ill his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Beid, T.W. T/w ;i*s Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of C. {In Polit. portr.) 11693 Cecil, W., 1st. Baron Biirghley or Burleigh. Life of C. {In Lardner, D. Lives of Brit, statesmen.) 1388 — Macaulav, T. B. Burleigh and his times. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., V. 3.) 2788- Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Cecilia; by Mme. d'Arblay. 1279 Cecils, The. Chambers, W. {In his Stories of old families.) 18362 Cecil's tryst; by [J. Payn]. 10099 Cedardale ; by T. S. Arthur. 208 Celebrated claimants, anc. and mod. 12214 Celebrated saloons ; by Mme. Gay. 738 Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine ; added, Argument of Mr. Mackintosh, in the case of Peltier. 5007 Celesia, E. Conspiracy of G. Fieschi ; or, Genoa in the 16th. cent. 10982 Celesta ; by M. E. Berry. 6940 Celibacy. Lea, H. C. Historical sketch of sacerdotal C. in the Chr. church.) *I C^li^res, P. En sc^ne, S. V. P. ; proverbes. (Le theatre chez soi.) 14601 Contents, Tel oiseaii tel nid. — Petite etincelle engendre grand feu. — II n'est si petit qui ne compte. — Bon renom vaut un heritage. — Ou la chevre est liee. — Tout est bien qui finit bien. — II n'est chance qui ne retourne.— Loin des yeux loin du coeur.— Absent le chat, les souris dan- sent.— Dire et faire sont deux. — Qui aime Parbre aime la branch*.- A beau mentir qui vient de loin. C^limare le bien-aim^ ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre comp., v. 3.) 14560 Cell doctrine. See Cellular pathology. Cellier, E. Les bouquets. (Th^^tre de camp., ser. 6.) 14690 Cellini, B. Harrison, J. A. Benevenuto. {In his Group of poets.) 13752 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 223 — Memoirs, by himself; with notes, etc., of G. P. Carpani ; tr. by T. Roscoe. 6535 — Spear, C. \ln his Voices from prison.) ' 4162 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 3.) 17320 Cellular pathology. Tyson, J. The cell doctrine ; its hist. and present state, for students in medicine and dentistry ; also, bibliography of the subject. 18471 Celsus, A. C. Froude, J. A. Origen and C. {In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 Celtic Church. Warren, F. E. The liturgy and ritual of the Celtic church. 20750 Celts. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances; fr. the Gaelic. 19657 — Maclear, G. F. The Celts. (Conversion of the West.) 19118 — Nicholas, T. British ethnology; pedigree of the Eng. people; argument, hist, and scientific, on the formation and growth of the nation, etc., with espec. ref . to the incorporation of the Celtic aborigines. 13819 — Wright, T. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon; hist, of the early inhabitants of Britain to the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity. 14083 Cements. Gillmore, Q. A. Practical treat, on limes, hydraulic cements, and mortar. 8776 — Smith, C. G. {In his Engineering papers.) 13637 Cemeteries. See Mount Auburn. Cenci, Beatrice. Hewitt, M. E. {In her Lives.) 1899 — Sketch of C. ; from the Italian. (In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 C^nis, Mont. Forsyth, W. Tunnel through the Alps. {In his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 Census. See United States. Cent per cent ; by B. Jerrold. 8713 Centennial Congress of Liberals. Report ; and organization of the National Liberal League, 1876. > Introduction and appendix. *I Chief contents. Abbot, F. E. The Liberal League movement. — Kilgore, C. B. Democracy.— Parton, J. ' Catliedrals and beer.— Under- wood, B. F. Practical separation of Church and state.— Paige, C. E. Is Christianity part of the Common law V— Kilgore, D. Y. Ecclesiasticism in American politics and institutions.— Fretwell, J. Persecution of T. Hofferichter.— Mills, C. D. B. Sufficiency of natural morality as the basis of civil society. — Resolutions on the' Paine bust. Centeola ; and other tales ; by D. P. Thompson. 4447 Centlivre, S. The wonder. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 37.) 11828 Central America. Antiquities. — Holden, E. S. Studies in Cent. Amer. picture writing. {In Smithsonian Inst. B^^r. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879^0.) *I — Valentini, P. J. J. Katunes of Maya history; tr. by S. Salisbury, Jr. 19696 Bound with Mexican copper tools. Description, etc. — Bates, H. W. Central Amer., the "West Indies, etc.; with ethnol. app. by A. H. Keane. Maps, etc. (Stanford's comp.) 21931 — Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches ; rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Cent. Amer. Illust. 19890 — Squier, E. G. The states of Cent. America. Maps and illust. 4194 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Cent. America, etc. 2 v. 4219-20 — Trollope, A. The West Indies, and the Spanish Main. 10990 — Whetham, J. W. B. Across Central America. 17819 Beligion. — Lang, J. M. Ancient religions of Central America. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Central government. See Gt. Britain. Constitution. Centres. McMaster, J. B. Bridge and tunnel centres. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 15373 224 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Century, The. v. 1-25. 19988-20012 Note. V. 1-22 issued as Scribners' monthly. Monthly copies of the Century given out for circulation, as soon as published. Century of American literature, 1776-1876 ; by N. A. Beers. (Leis. hr. ser.) 18155 Century of dishonor; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 20165 Centz, P. C. The republic of republics ; or, Amer. federal liberty. 4th. ed. *I Ce qu'on pent voir dans une rue ; par L. Reybaud. 9535 Ceramics. See Pottery. Cereals. Ruggles, S. B. and Hazard, G. S. Cereal products. {In U. S. Comni. to Paris Exjyos., 1867, Rept., v. 5.) 9100 Cerebral hyperiemia ; by W. A. Hammond. 17459 Ceremonial institutions ; by H. Spencer. (Princ. of sociology, pt. 4.) 17781 Cerise ; by G. J. W. Melville. 6461 Cernuschi, H. Monetary diplomacy in 1878. 18478 Certain dangerous tendencies in American life, and other papers; by J. B. Harrison. 19612 Certainty. White, E. Tone and teaching of the New Testa- ment on Certainty in religion. 21198 Certitude ; fantaisie en prose ; par C. de Livry. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 7.) . 14797 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quijote de la Mancha [in Spanish]. 15521 • — Same ; fr. the Spanish. Illust. 741 — Galatea; pastoral romance; tr. bv G. W. J. Gyll. 22099 — Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. * 22019 — Giles, H. Cervantes ; Don Quixote. (In his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men.) 1592 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Cervantes. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 20174 — Preseott, W. H. (/w /i/s Bio^. and crit. misc.) 3541 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Don Quichotte. (In his ISouv. lund., v. 8.) *I — Thompson, E. Cervantes. {In Cervantes. Wit and wisdom, etc.) 22019 C^sar Birotteau, Greatness and decline of ; fr. the French of H. de Balzac, by O. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich. 322 Cesar Falempin ; par L. Reybaucl. 9536 Gesarine Dietrich ; by George Sand. 8188 C^sette ; histoire d'une paysanne ; par E. Pouvillon. 14673 — Same ; f r. the French. 22393 Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus ; its anc. cities, tombs, and tem- ples ; narj'. of researches and excavations. Maps and illust. *I C'etait ^crit ! sayn^te. {In Sa3^n^tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 Cetywayo. Haggard, H. R. Cetywayo and his white neigh- bors ; recent events in Zululand, Natal, and the Trans- vaal. 22524 — Ludlow , W. K. Zululand and Cetewayo. 22411 — Vijn, C. Cetshw^ayo's Dutchman; private Journal of a white trader in Zululand dur. the British invasion. 20219 C^vennes. Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the C. 18691 Ceylon. Description. — Baker, S. W. Eight vears in C. ; new ed. Illust. 7829 — Capper, J. Old C. ; sketches of life in the olden time. Illust. 20924 — Ceylon; gen. descr. of the island, hist., phvs., statistical. 2 v. Map. 15874-5 — De Quincey, T. (In his Letters, etc.) ' 1163 — Forbes, J. Eleven years in Ceylon. 14S0 CATALOGUE OF BWMM/' Vv^^-s -wtV i>!^' 225 '^FO'B.tW — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a joumey~^6 C. and India, etc. (Boy travs., etc.) ' 21097 — Merewether, H. A. (In his By sea and by land.) 12730 — Rifle and hound in Ceylon ; new ed. Illust. 7763 — Selkirk, J. Recollections of Ceylon ; with acct. of the church Miss. See. operations, etc. 3S89 Literature. — Oriental Translation fund. Yakkun Nattannawa; Cingalese poem. Appended, The practices of a Capua or Devil priest; and Kolan Nattanuawa ; Cingalese poem ; tr. by J. Callaway. Illust. *I Chace, G. I. Oxygen and its combinations. (In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1855.) 14037 Chactas et Atala ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 3.) *I Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct. 10066 — Lectures on natural theologv ; or, Nature and the Bible fr. the same author. ' 6716 — Strength of men and Stability of nations ; Baccalaureate discourses. 17304 Contents. Strength of the'inward man.— Him that overcometh.— The law of service. — The tree by the rivers of water. — The stability of nations. — Waste of labor in the work of education. (Pp. on Education.) *I Chadwick, E. Preventive police organization. (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I Chadwick, H. The game of base ball. 7511 €hadwick, J. W. The Bible of to-day ; lect. 18029 — A book of poems. 16651 — The faith of reason. 19322 Contents. Agnostic religion; The nature of religion. — Concerning God; immortalitv; praver; morals. — The idea of God. (/w" Institute essays.) 19811 — Lib6rtv and the church in America. " (In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 — Life of N. A. Staples. (/« Staples, X. A. Way, truth, efc.) 8524 — The man Jesus ; lectures. 20841 — Sermons. 17724 Contents. Self-respect. — The higher reverence. — God on our side. — The best use of Sunday.— Economy and waste.— Immortal life.— Ideal- izing the real.— The coining man.— The moral aspects of belief in immor- tality.— The essential piety of modern science.— A rational church. — Some aspects of religion.* 19246 Contents. The smplicity of true religion. — The rising faith. — Fate and freedom. — The child Jesus.— The angel song. — Future punishment. — The sacred Scriptures. — The morals of belief .—The faith of the doubters.— Religion and morality.— The state of the nation.— Comfort in religion.— Rational sacraments.— The art of life.— The earthward pilgrimage.— The infinite life of man. Chains, S. E. Consideration of the objections against sani- tary laws, etc. (In Am. Pnb. Health Ass. Repts., etc., V. 6.) *I Chain-bearer ; by J. F. Cooper. 941 Chain-cables. Beardslee. L. A. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and of chain-cables ; Rept. of the Comm. of the U. S. Board. 19556 €haine, Une ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 5.) *I Chaldea. Rawlinsou, G. (7n Jds Five great monarchies, v. 1.) 8908 — See also Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag. Chalet, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiqiies, v. 5.) *I Chalk-stream studies; by C. Kingsley. (In his Prose idj^lls.) 3951 Challenger, shij). Campbell, G. Log-letters fr. '^The Chal- lenger." 5th. ed. 17375 — Reade, T. M. Geological significance of the Challenger discoveries. (In /^is Chemical denudation.) 19670 — Thompson, C. W. The Atlantic ; prelim, acct. of results of the explor- ing voyage of H. M. S. " Challenger."' 2 v. 17622-^ 226 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Challis, F. My wife's husband. {In French's miu. dr., v. 16.) 11844 Chalmers, T. Application of Christianity to the commercial and ordinary affairs of life ; discourses. 746 — Posthumous works, ed. by W. Hanna; Daily Scripture readings. 3 v. 747-^ — Power, wisdom, and goodness of God, in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectural constitution of man. 751 — Anderson, J. Reminiscences of Chalmers. *I — Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 1.) 562 — Fraser, D. T. Chalmers. (Heroes of Christ, hist.) 2122T — GilfiUan, G. {In his Sketches, etc., and Third gallery, etc.) 2255; 2257 — Hanna, W. Memoirs of the life and writings of C. 4 v. 742-5 — Sketch of C. {In Famous boys.) 770T Chalybaeus, H. M. Historical survey of speculative philoso- phy, fr. Kant to Hegel. 752 Chamberlain, B. H. The classical poetry of the Japanese. 20597 Chamberlain, C. W. Malaria in Connecticut. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 7.) *I Chamberlain, J. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Chamberlain, J. L. Maine; [manual]. 22371 Chamberlain, N. B. Low, C. R. {In his Soldiers of the Vict, age, v. 2.) 20031 Chamberlain, W. Manuela Parades. (No name ser.) 2049& Chamberliu, E. joint author. See Colbert, E. Chamberliu, E. M. The sovereigns of industry. 1403O Chambers, G. F. Descriptive astronomy. 11634 Chambers, R. Book of days : misc. of pop. antiquites. 2 V. in 4. 6306-9 — Cyclopgedia of English literature. 2 v. 778-9 — Select writings. 4 v. 770-3 Contents. .V. 1-2. Essays, familiar and humorous. 3. Essays, moral and economic. 4. Essays, philosophical, sentimental; and Histori- cal sketches. — Chambers, W. Memoir of R. Chambers. 10073 —joint author. See Chambers, W. Chambers, T. W., ed. Hours of prayer in the noon prayer meeting, Fulton St., N. Y. 13400' — The noon prayer-meeting of the i^Torth Dutch Church, Fulton St., N. Y. : its origin, character, etc. 5434 Chambers, W. France, its history and revolutions. 11778 — Historical and misc. questions with answers ; embr. history, science, literature arts etc. ' 20925' , — History of St.Giles' Cathedral Church. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 — Memoir of R. Chambers. 10073 — Stories of old families. 18362 Contents. The Setons. — Lady Jean Gordon. — Countess of Xithsdale. —Lady Grisell Baillie.— GriseJl Cochrane. — The Keiths.— Lady Grange. — Lady Jane Douglas. — Wedderburn. — Erskine. — Susannah, countess of Eglintoun. — Lady Forbes. — Kitty, Dutchess of Queensberry. — The Dal- rymples. — The Cecils. — Marquis of Montrose. — The Buccleiich family. — The Argyll family.— Baroness Burdett-Coutts. — The TValpoles. — The Bedford family.— Concluding sketches. — Stories of remarkable persons. 18069 Contents. The Herschels.— Mary Somerville.— Taylor, the water poet. — William and Dorothy AVordswortli.— Story of old Bob.— Glencairn.— The Astors. — Rob Graham. — Camille Desmoulins. — The Fairbairns.- The Banffshire naturalist. — Sir Walter Scott and his dogs. — Window Willie. — Jack Scott and Bessy Surtees. — Horace Greeley. — Sarah Martin. — F. de Lesseps. — A. T. Stewart. — J. D. Forbes. — jubilee singers. — James Anneslev. — Miss Stirling Graham. — Borlum. — Story of a long and busy life. 21719 — Things as they are in America. 1364 — and R. Chambers's information for the people; new ed., 1842. 2 v. 5529-30 Sajne : new ed. 2 v. 8412-13 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 227 Miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts. 10 v. {v. 3 wanting.) ^ 760-9^ Chambers's encyclopaedia. 10 v. 9675-84 Chambers's papers for the people. 12 y. in 6. 753-8 Chambliss, J. E. Life and labors of D. Livingstone. 16142 Chambord, Comte de. See Artois, H. C. F. M. D. L'. Chambre a coucher, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques.) *r Chambre bleue, La ; par P. Merim^e. {In his Derni^res nouv.) 9555 Chambrun, A. de. The executive power in the L^. S. : study of constitutional law : tr. by M. Y. Dahlgren. 13802 Chamfort, S. R. N. de. Houssaye, A. (In his Philosophers, etc., V. 2.) 2006 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Cans, lund., v. 4.) *! Chamisso, L. V. A. von. Peter Schlemihl's wundersame Geschichte. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16163 — Same. Wonderful hist, of Peter Schlemihl; [with biog. sk.]. (In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria, and in the Tyrol. Illust. New ed. 6468 Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry ; with woodcuts. (So. Ken- sington Mus. Art. hd. bks.) *I Champion of her sex ; play; byG. M.Baker. (/wteExhib.dr.) 13308 Champlain, S. de. Parkman, F. Champlain and his associates. {In his Pioneers of France.) 5984 Champlin, H. L. The American fireman ; essays, lurid leaves, sketches, sparks. 13670^ Champlin, J. T. Constitution of the U. S. with brief comments ; and incident, comments on the constitutions of Eng. and France. 19530 Champlin, J. D., Jr. The child's catechism of common things. 19459 — Young folks' history of the war for the Union. Illust. 2098T Champney, L. W. * All around a palette. Illust. by J. W. Champney. 17254 — Bourbon lilies ; story of artist life. 17440 — Entertainments. " 18761 — In the sky-garden. Illust. by J. W. Champney. 16652 — Three Vassar girls abroad: France and Spain." Illust. 2213S — Two immortal names. (In Oilman. A. Magna charta stories.) 21890 Chance acquaintance, A ; by W. D. Howells. 11555 "Chance acquaintance," A new; trifle served up on tw^elve plates ; by J. T. Wheelwright and F. G. Attwood. *1 Chance child, A : by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. {In her Dead sin, e^c.) 11481 — Same. {In her Seen and heard.) 11160' — Same. (With The quiet Miss Godolphiu.) 9602 — Same. {In Little class., v. 11.) ' 12982 Chance for himself, A ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 11073 Chance medley of light matter: by T. C. Colley. 12428 Chance question. The ; by A. Leighton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Chancellor, R. Frost, T. Discovery of the White Sea. {In his Hf.-hrs. with early explor. 21074 — Hale, E. E. The Chancellor voyage. {In his Stor. of the sea.) 20054 Chancellors, Lord. Campbell, J. Lives of the Lord Chan- cellors of England. 7 v. 5359-65 Same: ed. bv J. A. Mallorv, v. 10. 7970 228 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hayward, A. Lives of the Lord C. of Ireland. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., ser. 3.) 12266 Chancellors ville. Dodge, T. A. The campaign of C. 20564 — Doubleday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. (Camp, of the civ. war.) ^ ' 21335 — See also U. S. Hist. Civil vmr. -Chandelier, Le ; par A. de Musset. {In Ms Comedies, v. 2.) *I Chandeneux, Mme.C. de. L'automne d'une femme. 14'i42 Chandler, A. D. A bicycle tour in Eng. and Wales, 1879 : with app. on the use of the bicycle in Europe and U. S. Maps and illust. 20562 Chandler, C. F. Germ theory of disease. (In Tribune pop. sci.) 12943; *I — The sanitary chemistry of water, and suggestions with regard to the select, of the water supply of towns and cities. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., 1873.) *I — joint author. ^S'ee IS^ason, H. B. Chandler, J. How to deal with a first case and early cases of Yellow fever. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 5.) *I Chandler, J. R. Question of a prison newspaper. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Chandler, M. G. Elements of character. 2d. ed. 777 Chandler, P. W. American criminal trials, v. 1. 801 Note. Compl. work, 2 v., to be seen in Reference Dept. — Memoir of Crov. Andrew, with personal reminiscences. Added. Two unpub. discourses, and the Valedictory address. 20042 "Chauey, Mrs. C. I. William Henry : dramatized fr. the books of Mrs. Diaz. 13312 Chancy, G. L. " Alo'ha !" A Hawaiian salutation. . 19323 — Biography of F. C. Hopkinson. {In Higginson. T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 — F. Grant «fe Co. 13311 — Tom; a home story. 17255 Change of base ; [by A. W. Curtis]. ( With Spirit of seven- ty-six.) 7272 •Changing base ; by W. Everett. 7552 Changing year. The ; poems and pictures of life and nature. Illust. *I Channel Islauds. Benjamin, S. G. W. (7/i his Atlantic Is.) 17827 — Black, A. and C. Guide to the Channel Is. : ed. bv D. T. Ansted. *I — Waring, G. W., Jr. {In his Farmer's vacation.) ' 15330 Channing, B. H. The sisters abroad : or. An Italian journey. 780 Channing, E. T. Lectures [on rhetoric and oratory]. 6618 — Life of W. Ellery. {In Lives of em. Individ., v. 3.) 2710 — Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 6.) 4115 Chauuing, W. A physician's vacation ; summer in Europe, [1852]. ^ 781 — Clarke, J. F. W. Channing and some of his contemporaries. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 Channing, W. E., Z>.Z>. Works. 3d. ed. 6 v. 787-92 Contents. \. 1. Character and writings of Milton.— Life and charac- ter of Napoleon.— Character and writings of Fenelon.— Moral argument against Calvinism. — National literature. — Associations. — The L'^nion. — Education. 2. Slavery. — Abolitionists, etc. — Annexation of Texas to the U. S. — Catholicism, etc. — On Creeds. — Address on temperance. — Self- culture. 3, 4. Discourses. 5. Remarks on the slavery question. — Lecture on war. — Elevation of the labouring portion of the community. — Discourse, death of Dr. Follen. — Charge or(iination of C. Barnard, F. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston, J. S. Dwight.— Miscellanies.— App. 6. Eman- cipation.— Life and character of J. Tuckermau.— The present age.— The Church.— Duty of the free states.— Address. Lenox. Aug. 1st., 1842. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 22^ — Correspondence [with] L. Aikin ; ed. by A. L. LeBreton. 12795 — Discourses. 13210 — Discourses, reviews, and miscellanies. 782 — The perfect life : discourses ; ed. bv W. H. Channing. 11289- — Slavery. 3d. ed. 786 — Bancroft, G. In memory of C. {In his Literary and hist, misc.) 299 — Bartol, C. A. Channing^ the preacher. (In his Princ. and portr.) 19741 — Bellows. R. N. The Channing centenarj^ in Amer., Gt. Brit., and Ire- land; meetings in honor of C. 2055T — Brooks, C. T. Wm. Ellery Channing; a centennial memory. lUust. 19592^^ — Channing, W. H. Memoir of C, with extr. fr. his correspondence, etc. 3 V. 783-5 — Clarke, J. F. (In his Mem. and biog. sketches*) 1775T — Fisher, G. P. Channing as a philosopher and theologian. {In his Dis- cussions.) 19650 — Fox, W. J. Channing's " Self-culture." {In his mem. ed. of Coll. Works, V. 12.) *I — Holland, E. G. {In his Reviews, etc.) 1948 — Muzzev, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 — Peabody, E. P. Reminiscences of Channing. 19606 — Renan, J. E. {In his Studies, etc.) 5636 Channing, W. E. Thoreau ; the poet naturalist. 11912 — The wanderer; poem. 9742 Channing, W. F. Notes on the medical appl. of electricity. 793 Channing, W. H. Memoir of W. E. Channing, with extr. fr. his correspondence, etc. 4th. ed. 3 v. 783-5> — Religions of China ; address. *I — joint author. *S'ee Emerson, R. W. Channings, The ; by Mrs. Wood. 4833 Chanson de Ferizade, La ; par A. Eynaud. (In his Scenes de la vie orientale.) 9512 Chansons des rues et des bois, Les ; par V. Hugo. 14415^ Chanteuse voil^e. La ; opera comique, par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 4, V. 15.) *I Chantrey, F. Cooper, T. (In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 Chants du crepuscule, Les ; par V. Hugo. 14431 Chapeau bleu, Le ; com^die ; par L. Duvauchel. (In Saynetes, eic, s^r.4.) 14794 Chapeau Chinois, Le ; par M. Villiers de I'lsle-Adam. (In Saynetes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Chapeau de paille d'ltalie, Un ; com^die ; par E. M. Labiche. (In his Theatre compl., v. 1.) 14558 Chapelle, C. E. L. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., V. 11.) *I Chapelle, Paul Aim6 (^sewd. Laurencin.) Envacances ! com^die. (In Saynetes, etc.. s^r. 7.) 14797 Chaperon, Le ; com^die-vaudeville ; par E. vScribe. (Oeuvres, 8h\ 2, V. 23.) *r Chaperons blancs, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, V. 6.) *I Chapin, E. Olney, P. B. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Chapin, E. H. Characters in the Gospels. 795 — Discourses on the beatitudes. 796 — Extemporaneous discourses ; 1st. ser. 797 — Humanity in the city. 798 Contents. Lessons of the street.— Man and machinery.— The strife for precedence.— Symbols of the Republic— Springs of social life.— Allies of the tempter. — Children of the poor.— The help of religion. — Living words. 79^ 230 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Tendencies of the age to larger viewH of Christianity. (Iw ReUg. aspects, — Ellis, S. Life of Chapin. Portr. and illust. 22023 Ohapin, J. B. Duty of states toward their insane poor. {In Amer. 8oc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Chapin family. Proceedings at meeting of C. family, Spring- field, Mass., 1862. 18135 Chaplain, The, in the field of war; by B. Rogge. 10672 Chaplain, The, of the Fleet ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 21932 Chaplet of pearls; by [C. M. Yonge]. 7663 Chaplin, Mrs. The colonel's opera cloak. (No name ser.) 18658 Chaplin, J. Life of Henry Dunster. 10068 Chaplin, J., ec?. Chips fr. the White house; select, fr. the speeches, diaries, e^c, of the presidents of the U. S. 20265 Chapman, A. W. Flora of the southern U. S. ; ferns by D. C. Eaton. *I Chapman, C. All about ships. 11776 Chapman, E. T., joint author. See Wanklyn, J. A. Chapman, F. R. Co-operation of the laity in parochial coun- cils. (In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) 10823 Chapman, H. C. Evolution of life. 11801 Chapman, J. E. C. Easter hymns. 15669 Chapman, J. A. M. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of rep. men.) 22315 Chapman, J. G. The American drawing-book. New ed., rev. 14291 — Elementary drawing-book. 14292 — Tuckermah, H. T. Sketch of C. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Chapman, M. W., ed. Harriet Martineau's autobiography. [Also] Memorials of H. Martineau. 2 v. 16756-7 Chapman, W. Life of J Wiclif. 22567 — Life of M. Luther. 22568 Chapone, Mrs. H. (M.) Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 Chappell, W. The ballad literature and pop. music of the olden time; hist, of anc. songs, etc., with anecdotes and ballads. 2 v. *I — History of music; Art and science, v. 1. *I Contents. Y. 1. To the fall of the Roman empire. Character, ('handler, M. G. Elements of character. 777 — Foster. J. On decision of character. (7% /i/s Essavs.) 1501; 7688 Same. ( With his Gems, etc.) ' 1504 — Hawes, J. Lectures to voung men on the formation of character, etc. 1795 — Smiles, S. Character. " 9909 — Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 6546 — See also Moral philosophy. Character sketches ; by N. Macleod. 10839 Characteristics; by T. ('arlyle. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., V. 3.) ^ ' 698 Characteristics ; by W. Hazlitt. ( IVith The round table.) 10745 Charades. Follen, E. L. C. Charades. {In her Home dramas.) 1488 — Frost, S. A. The parlor stage : coll. of charades and proverbs. 7584 — Keating, E. H. Charade dramas for the drawing room. 2 pts. 11925; 11927 Charade plays for the parlour. 2 pts. 11926; 11928 — Pickering, E. Charades for acting. 11929 — See also Amusements ;— Private theatricals. Charbonni^re, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 13.) *I Charcoal-burner, The ; drama ; by G. Almar. {In Mod. stand. dr.. y. 41.) 11830 CATAJLOGUE OF BOOKS. 231 Charcoal-drawing. Robert, K. Le fusain sans maitre ; traite pratique et compl. sur I'etude du paysage au fusain. *I Same; Charcoal drawing; without a master: pract. treatise : followed by lessons on studies after Allonge : tr. by E. H. Appleton. 19816 CJbardenal, C. A. First French course. 15424 — French exercises for advanced pupils. 15426 — Second French course. (Collins' school ser.) 15425 — The standard French primer. 15423 Chardin, J. B. S. Wedmore, F. Chardin. {In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 Charette. 14159 Charge a payer, La ; ou. La mere intrigante ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2. v. 14.) *I Charge with Prince Rupert, A. ; by T. W. Higginson. {In his Atlantic ess.) 12372 Charities. Conference of Charities. Proceedings, Saratoga, 1876. 16870 — Button A. Streets and lanes of a city. 2 v. 1073^; 11278 — Gurteen, S. H. Handbook of charity organization. 21357 — Homes and hospitals ; or. Two phases of woman's work. (Amy Button and A. E. Jones.) ' 11278 — Hospitals and sisterhoods. 2d. ed. 10144 — Mass. Board of State Charities. Ann. rept., 1865-7; 1871-6. 15261-3; 15267-72 — Conference of Charities. Proceedings, Saratoga, 1876. 16870 — See also Amer. Soc. Sci, Assoc. Jour, passim; also London. Charity. Colwell, S. Notes on the literature of C. (In his New themes.) 13206 — Hill, O. Our common land, and other essays. 20029 — Liefde, J. de. The romance of charity. * 9345 Charity Green ; by T. Hartmann. 1789 Charlatanisme, Le ; comedie-vaud. : par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, V. 14.) *I Charlemagne. Bulfinch, T. Legends of C. ; or, Romance of the Middle Ages. 934 — Cutts, E. L. Charlemagne. (Home lib.) 21953 — De Quincv, T. (In his Theol. ess., v. 2.) 1161 — James, G. P. E. History of Charlemagne. 2284 — Masson, G. Episodes of Fr. historv; C. and the Carloviugians. 20742 — Mullinger, J. B. The schools of Charles the Great, and the restoration of education in the 9th. cent. 20674 — Stanhope, P. H. Legends of C. (Zw /u's French retreat, e^c.) 17953 Same. {In his 3Iisc.) 10844 Charlemont ; by W. G. Simms. 19077 Charles I. of England. Private correspondence bet. C. and his Secretary of State. (In Evelyn, J. Diary, etc., v. 4.) 1422 — Abbott, J. History of Charles I. . 4 — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of Charles I. 2 v. 127-8 — Cordery, B. M. and Phillpotts, J. S. King and Commonwealth; hist, of C. and the great rebellion. 15670 — Gardiner, S. E. The fall of the monarchy of C, 1637^9, v. 1, 2. 21697-8 Personal government of Charles I. 2 v. 17665-6 — Mackintosh, J. Refutation of the claim on behalf of C. to the authorship of the EIKflX BASIAIKH. {In his Misc. works.) 2825 — Memorials of the Eng. attairs fr. the betr. of the reign of C. to the restor- ation of Charles 11. New ed. 4 v. 16787-90 — Spear, C. {In his Voices from prison.) 4162 — See also Gt. Brit. History. Charles 11. of J^ngland. Abbott, J. History of Charles II. 5 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of R. Cromwell, and the reatoration of Charles II. 2y. • 19467-8 Charles y. of France. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 3.) *I 232 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Charles VII. of France. Bray, A. E. Joan of Arc, and the times of C. 12257 Charles VIII. of France. Symonds, J. A. (/nA.ts Renaissance in Italy, v. 1.) 15451 Charles IX. of France. Merim^e, P. Chronique du regne de C. 9518 — White, H. Massacre of St. Bartholomew; prec. by a hist, of the relig. wars hi the reign of C. lUust. 7275 Charles II. of Spain. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. hind., V.' 2.) *I Charles V. of Germany. Doran, J. (In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) 1248 — Robertson, W. History of the reign of C. ; with an acct. of the Em- peror's life after his abdication, bv W. H.Prescott. 2 V. 3545-S — Stirling, W. Cloister life of Charles V. 18220 Charles XII. of Siceden. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles. " 9404 Same; Eng. tr. 460$ — Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Chailes XIV., John (Bernadotte), o/>S»w;ede?i. Bernadotte. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — Headley J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826 Charles II. ; comedy ; by J. H. Payne. (JriMod. stand, dr., v. 3.) 11805 Charles XII. ; drama; by J. R. Planche. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 6.) 11808 Charles de Bernard. See Bernard, J. Charles the bold, Duke of Burgundy. Freeman, E. A. {Iti his Hist. ess.,ser. 1.) ' 9835 — Kirk, J. F. History of Charles. 3 v. 7374r-6 Charles the Fat. Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) 1248 Charles, E. R. Against the stream. 12033 — The Bertram family. 14313 — Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. 6605 — The cottage bv the cathedral, and other parables. 10994 — The cripple of Antioch. 5685 Contents. The cripple of Antioch.— The false Christ.— Wayside not€S in the days of Chrysostom. — Draytons and Davenants. 6257 — The earlv dawn; or, Sketches of Chr. life in Eng. in the olden time. (In- trod. bv H. B. Smith,) 5698 — Joan the maid. 1858a — Lapsed, but not lost. 17256 — Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. 5953 — On both sides of the sea; story of the Commonwealth and the Restoration. 7120 — Tales and sketches of Christiain life, 5795 Contents. Maia and Cleon.— History of the Reformation in Italy.— Ex- tracts fr. the diary of Brother Bartholomew. — United Brethren of Bo- hemia and Moravia, — The victory of the vanquished. 9033 — Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. 6249 — Winifred Bertram. 6128 — Women of the Gospels ; The three wakings ; and other poems. 7854 Charles Auchester ; by E. Berger [E. S. Sheppard]. 396 Charles O'Malley ; by C. Lever. 2622 Charles Seymour's jealousy, {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) 7223 Charles Tyrrell : by G, P, R, James. 2285 Charleston, S. C. Lanier, S. Account of Charleston. (7?i his Florida.) 20319 Charlestown, Mass. Whitney, L. The burning of the Con- vent ; destr. of the Ursuline School on Mt, Benedict, 17011 Charlestown, N. H. Saunderson, H. H, History of C, the old No. 4, embr. the part borne by its inhabitants in the CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 233 Indian, French, and revolutionary wars, etc. Also^ Gene- alogies, and sketches of families. 16555 Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children. 19284 — Ministering children; a sequel. 19285 — Oliver of the mill. 19565 Charley, W. T. Flax and linen. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15469 Charley and Eva Roberts' home in the west ; by L. M. Thurs- ton. 8586 Charley Bell ; by E. Kellogg. 8095 Charley Laurel ; by W. H. G. Kingston. • 15368 Charley Roberts series. See Thurston, L. M. Charlie Codman's cruise ; by H. Alger, Jr. 7420 Charlie Hathaway ; and other stories ; by C. M. Sedgwick. 7370 Charlotte, Countess of Derby. See Stanley, C. Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales. Weigall, R. Brief memoir of C, with select, fr. her correspondence, and . other unpub. papers. 12841 Charlotte Elizabeth, pseud. See Tonna, C. E. Charlotte Elizabeth de Baviere, duchesse d'Orleans. See Eliza- beth Charlotte. Charlotte Temple. Dall, C. (W.) H. Romance of the asso- ciation ; or. One last glimpse of C. T. [Charlotte Stanley], etc. 13649 Charh)tte's inheritance ; by M. E. Braddon. 4344 Charlton, Mass. Stockwell, G. A. History of C. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I Charm, A, of birds ; by C. Kingsley. (In his Prose idylls.) 3951 Charms and counter charms ; by M. J. Mcintosh. 2829 Charri^re, I. A. E. van T. van S. van Z. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. de femmes, 1876 ; Portr. lit., v. 3.) *I Charron, P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, land., v. 11.) *I Charterhouse School. Daldy, F. F. Charterhouse ; the school life. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Charteris, A. H. The Church of the 19th. cent., to 1843. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 Charteris ; by M. M. Meline. 13003 Chartism. Carlyle, T. Chartism. ' 711 — Frost, T. The Chartist movement. (In his Forty years' recollect.) 21403 — Lovett, W. (In his Life and struggles.) ' 17809 Chartreuse, LaGrande. See Grand Chartreuse. Chase, D. P. A first logic book. 15438 Chase, E. B. Teachings of patriots and statesmen ; or, The 'founders of the Republic' on slavery. 800 Chase, F. E. and Goodridge, J. F. Ballads in black ; shadow pantomimes, with silhouette illust. *I Chase, H. S. Causes of the degeneracy of the teeth. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. ^ec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Familiar lectures about the teeth. 13647 Chase, S. P. Savage, J. ( Iii his Our living rep. men.) 3777 — Schuckers, J. W. Life and public services of Chase. *I — Stowe, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) 7354 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 16 234 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — "Warden, R. B. Account of the private life and pub. services of C. 12958 Chase, T. Hellas ; her monuments and scenery. 13231 Chase Loring. 3738 Bound with Russell and Sydney. Chasles, V. E. P. Anglo-American literature and manners. 2278 Chasot. Mueller, F. M. (Jn/m Chips, v. 3.) • 9116 Chasse aux corbeaux, La ; com. vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In Us Theatre compl., v. 8.) 14572 Chasseur de Sauvagine, Le ; par A. Dumas. 9487 Chaste Suzanne, La ; monologue ; par J. de Marthold. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 4.) 14794 Chastelard ; a tragedy ; by A. C. Swinburne. 12837 Chat bott6, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 5.) *I Chateau de Pictordu, Le ; par George Sand. {In her Contes d'une grand'm^re.) 9514 Chateau D'Or ; by M. J. Holmes. 20855 Chateau de la poularde, Le ; comedie vaud., par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 13.) *I Chateau Morville, The ; or. Life in Touraine ; fr. the French. 11027 Chateau, The, of Prince Polignac ; by A. Trollope. {In his Tales of all countries.) 10955 Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomte de. The genius of Christi- anity. New and compl., tr. with pref., biog. notices of the author, and notes by C. J. White. — The martyrs. — Sketches of Eng. literature ; with considerations on the spirit of the times, etc. 2 V. in 1. — Foster, J. Chateaubriand's Christian martyrs. (In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) — Prescott, W. H. Chateaubriand's English literature. (In his Biog. and crit. misc.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 1 ; Prem. lund., v. 3 : Nouv. lund., v. 3; Cans, lund., v. 1, 2, 10.) Chateaubriand et son groupe litteraire sous I'empire. Nouv. ed. 2 v. — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Ess., biog. and crit.) Chatelain, Mme. de. Truly noble. Chatfield, P. The tin trumpet. Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, W. Chatrian, A., joint author. See Erckmann, E. Chats about books, poets, and novelists ; by M. W. Hazeltine. Chats with the little ones ; by L. Sauveur. Chatsworth ; by R. P. Ward. Chattanooga. Reed, S. R. The Vicksburg campaign^ and the battles about C, 1862-63 ; hist, review. Chatte metamorphos^e en femme. La ; com^die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s<^r. 2, v. 16.) Chatterbox, The. 1882. Chatterton, T. Poems. 2 v. — Dix, J. Life of Chatterton. — Foster, J. Dix's life of C. (In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) — Giles, H. Chatterton. (In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) — Howitt, W. (I?i his Homes, etc., v. 1.) — Wilson, D. Chatterton ; biog. study. Chatterton ; romance of literary life [by J. R. Dix] . ( With his Pen and ink sk.) Chatterton ; a story of the year 1770 ; by D. Masson. 16616 803 6043 1603 3541 *I *I 4523 14142 11986 22863 15348 5^14 21651 *I 21923 804-5 5601 1503 2253 2040 8145 *I 13409 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 235 Ohaucer, G. Canterbury tales, and other poems ; ed. by D. L. Purves. 8801 — Chaucer for schools ; by Mrs. H. R. Haweis. 20429 — Legende of goode women ; ed. with introd. and notes, by H. Corson. *I — The par lament of foules ; ed. with introd., etc., by S. R.* Lounsbury. 17360 — Poetical works ; ed. by R. Bell. 5 v. " 6862-6 — Poetical works ; appended, poems attributed to C. ; ed. bv A. Oilman. 3 V. ' 19247-9 — The prioresses tale; Sire Thopas; The monies tale; The clerkestale; The squieres tale ; fr. the Canterbury tales ; ed. by W. W. Skeat. 14244 — Prologue and Knight's tale. (In Carpenter, S. H. English of the 14th. cent.) 17960 — The prologue; The knightes tale; The nonne prestes tale; from the Canterbury tales ; rev. text, ed. by R. Morris. 14230 — The tale of the man of lawe ; The pardoneres tale ; The seconct nonnes tale ; The chanouns vemannes tale ; from the Canterbury tales ; ed. by W. W. Skeat. ' 17077 — Child, F. J. Observations on the language of Chaucer. 8858 — Clark, C. W. Riches of Chaucer : with notes and new mem. of the poet. 16991 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Lowell, J. R. (In his My study windows.) 10522 — Rands, W. B. The poet of the Canterbury tales. (In his Chau(?er's England, v. 1.) ' *I — Storr, F., and Turner, H. Canterbury chimes; or, Chaucer tales retold for children. 18453 — Ward, A. W. Chaucer. (Eng. men of letters.) 19964 <^haulieu, G. A. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, limd., V. 1.) *I •Chauncey, C. Discource, July, 1766. (In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the Amer. Rev.) *I Chauveau, A. (Comparative anatomy of domesticated animals. *I Ohauvenet, W. Manual of spherical and pract. astronomy. 5th. ed. (Univ. ed.) 2 v. ' 16075-6 — Treatise on elementary geometry. 11019, Chauvin, — . Le commencement de la fin ; com^die. (In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 — Les consciences ; conf«'^rence-monologue. (In SaynHefi, etc., s^r. L) 14794 — Les conventions; monologue; L'homme a l'(^chelle; monologue. (In Saynetes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 — Ruses et trues; conf. non politique. (In Sayni^tes, etc., s<^r. 1.) 14791 — Sous bois ; operette. (/w Saynetes, e^c, ser.' 2.) 14792 dhavasse, P. H. Physical training of children ; prelim, disser- tation, by F. H. Getchell. 16709 Chawner, E. Gleanings fr. the German and French poets. 18618 Ohazel, P. Avantle bal ; comedie. (lu Legouve, J. TV. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 Oheadle, W. B. My hunt of the silver fox. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 19.) 19164 Cheales, A. B. Proverbial folk-lore. 2d. ed. 20797 Cheape, D. Betsey Brown ; poem. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 7.) 19152 Checkmate ; by J. S. Le Fanu. 14045 Cheerful words. See MacDonald, G. Cheerfulness ; by E. P. Whipple. (In his Success, etc.) 10753 Cheese. Evans, M. Butter and cheese. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Cheetham, S., joiiit author. See Smith, W. Cheever, G. B. Gospel of the Hebrew prophets. (In Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 — The journal of the Pilgrims at PljTnouth, 1620; reprint., with illust. of providences, principles, and persons. 236 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Punishment by death ; its authority and expediency. 2319'^ — Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mt. Blanc. 806 Cheever, H. T. Autobiography and memorials of Capt. O. Congar. 13184 — Autobiography and memorials of I. Washburn. 18151 — The island world of the Pacific ; narrative and results of travels through the Sandwich Is., and other parts of Polynesia. 13183 — Life in the Sandwich Is. ; or. The heart of the Pacific, as it was and is. 13186 — Memoir of W. Colton. {In Colton, W. Sea and sailor.) 906 — Memorials of a youthful Christian in pursuit of health ; biog. of N. Cheever. 13187 — The pulpit and" the pew ; struggle for justice between the two. 80T — A reel in a bottle, for Jack in the doldrums; adv. of two of the king's seamen in a voyage to the celestial country ; fr. the ms. of an old salt. 13185 — The w^hale.and his' captors. New ed. 808 Cheever, N. Cheever, H. T. Memorials, etc. ; biog. of N. Cheever. 13187 Chellis, M. D. The temperance doctor. 7440 Chelmsford, Lord. See Thesiger, F. A. Chelonia. Martin, H. N., and Moale, W. A. How to dissect a chelonian. {In Ms Handbook of vert, diss., pt. 1.) 21363 Chelsea, E}}g. L'Estrange, A. G. The village of palaces ; or, Chronicles of Chelsea. 2 v. 22407-8 Chelsea householder, A. (Leis. hr. ser.) 22882 Cheltenham. Black, A., and C. Guide to Cheltenham and its environs. ^ *I Chemistry. History. — Rodwell, G. F. The birth of chemistry. 13412 — Smith, J. L. Progress and cond. of industrial chemistry. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, Rept., v. 2.) 9097 — Thomson, T. History of chemistry. 2 v. *I — Wurtz, A. Historv of chemical theorv from the age of Lavoisier; tr. and ed. by H. Watts. 20320 Analysis. — Beilstein, F. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis. 1279S — Birnbaum, Dr. A laboratory guide for beginners in chem. analysis. *I — Blyth, A. W. Manual of pract. C. ; analysis of foods and detection of ' poisons. 18525 — Bollev, P. A. Manual of technical analvsis, founded upon the Handbuch of Ji., bv B. H. Paul. " 433 — Elliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Qualitative chemical analysis. 9066 — Fresenius, C. R. Quantitative chemical analysis. *I — Galloway, R. Manual oi" qualitative analysis. 14211 — Harcour't, A. G. V., and Madan, H. G. Exercises in pract. chemistry. 11496 — Hart, E. Handbook of volumetric analysis. 17577 — Normandv, A., and Noad, H. M. Commercial hand-book of chemical analysis. 14098 — Sutton, F. Systematic handbook of volumetric analysis. 16857 — Terreil, A. Atlas de chimie analytique. ' 9436 — Thorpe, T. E., and Muir, M. M. P. Qualitative chemical analysis and laboratory practice. . ' 18548 General and miscellaneous works. — Barker, G. F. A text-book of elementarv C. ; theoretic, and inorganic. 21155 — Brande, W. T., aiid Tavlor, A. S. Chemistry. 16809 — Brown, R. {In his Science for all.) 4 v. 20445-6 ; 20526-7 — Cooke, J. P. First principles of chemical philosophy. 439 The new chemistry. 12146 Principles of chemical philosophy. 10521 — Cotting, J. R. Introduction to chemistry. 899 — Dauiell, J. F. Chemistry. (7w Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 — Draper. J. W. Text book on chemistry. 1269 — Eliot, C. W., and Storer ,.F. H. Elementary manual of chemistry. 10641 Manual of inorganic chemistry. ' * 10020 — Faraday, M. Chemical manipulation. , *I — Fownes, G. Rudimentary chemistry. 2177 — Fyfe, A. Elements of chemistry. ' 2197 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 237 - Graham, T. Elements of inorganic C. ; ed. bv H. Watts and R. Bridges. must. ' 4061 ■ Hinricks, G. Principles of C. and molecular mechanics. {In his Princ. of phys. sci., v. 2.) ^ *I - Hooker, W. Science for the school and family ; chemistry. 5543 - Howard, J. Practical chemistry. " " 12621 - Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays. 13212 Johnston, J. F. W. The chemistry of common life; new ed., rey. by A. H. Church. " " 18795 ■ Kemshead, W. B. Inorganic chemistry. 12814 ■ Liebig, J. Complete works on chemistry. 12096 Nichols, W. E. Eelementary manual ofC. abgd. from Eliot and Storer's manual. * 10611 Odling, W. Outlines of chemistry. 12503 ■ Pepper, J. H. (In his Cyclopaedic science.) 8036 Pilkington, J. (In his Artist's and mechanic's repository.) 3470 Eegnault, M. Y. Elements of C. ; tr. by T. F. Betton, and ed. with notes, by J. C. Booth and W. L. Faber. 2y. 7742-3 Eemsen, J. Principles of theoretical C, with spec. ref. to the constitu- tion of chem. compounds. 17105 Eoscoe, H. E. Chemistry. Illust. 10190 - Lessons in element, chemistry. 8655 - a/i(? Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chemistry, y. 1-3. 17743-5; 21319 Schoedler, F. (In his Book of nature.^ ' 3799 Scoffern, J. Elementary chemistry. (Bi Orr, W. S. Giro, of the sci.) 5189 Sibson, A. Every day chemistry.' 5778 SilUman, B., Jr. First principles of chemistry. 3985 Thorpe, T. E. Manual of inorganic chemistry. 2 y. 12629; 17227 Twining, T. (In his Science made easv. * 18851 Williamson, A. W. ChemistrV for students. 11645 Youmans, E. L. Classbook of chemistry. Illust. 5961 - Class-book of chemistry on the basis of the new system. 14064 Orf/anic chemistry. Alien, A. H. Practice of ,commercial organic analysis. 2 y. 21810-11 I^ote. Y. 1 has Introduction to the practice, etc' Bell, J. Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) ^ 4735 Dumas, J. B. awf^Boussingault, J. B. J. D. Chemical and physiological balance of organic nature; ed. by D. P. Gardner. * 5018 Fittig, E. Wohler's outlines of orgiinic C. ; tr. with add., by I. Eemsen. 18188 Introduction to pract. organic C. (In Small books on great'subjects, v. 1.) 4014 Liebig, J. J. yon. Chemistry in its apppl. to agriculture and physiology; ed. by L. Playfair. 4th. Am. ed. by J. W. Webster. ' ' 5100 Schorlemmer, C. Manual of the C. of the carbon compounds. 15603 Strecker, A. Short text^book of organic C. ; by J. Wishcenus; tr. and ed. by W. H. Hodgkinson and A. J. Greenaway. 21311 Twining, T. (In his Science made easy.) ' 18851 Watts, W. M. Organic chemistry. " 12632 Technical chemistry. Girardin, J. Lemons de chemie elementaire appl. aux arts industries. 5 y. , 9429-33 Playfair, L. Chemical principles involyed in the manufactures of the Exhib. as indicating the necessity of industrial instruction. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Eoscoe, H. E. Technical chemistry. 16996 - Same. (In So. Kensington Sci. Lect., v. 2.) 17679 Wagner, E. Handbook of chem. technology; tr. and ed. with add., by W. Crookes. * 11102 Dictionaries. Muspratt, S. Chemistry, as appl. and rel. to the arts and manufactures. 2 y. in 4. 6466-7 Storer, F. H. First outlines of a diet, of solubilities of chemical sub- stances. 17314 See also Agricultural chemistry ;— Assaying ;— Atoms ;— Dyeing ;— Metal- lurgy ;— Photoj^raphy ;— Pyrology ;— Solar chemistry. Also Sulphuric acid. Also Fresenius. Chemistry and natural religion. ■ Cook, J. P. Eeligion and chemistry. 2d. ed. 12179 238 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Same. I^ew rev. ed. 19971' Chemistry of the earth. — Hunt, T. S. Chemistry of the earth. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 • — Lockyer, J. N. Why the earth's chemistry is as it is. Illust. 19507 — Roscoe, H. E. What the earth is composed of. Illust. 19508 Same. {In Half-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 CMnedolle, C. J. L. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Chateau- briand, etc.) *1 Cheney, E. D. The child of the tide. 13232 — Faithful to the light, and other tales. 9069 Contents. Faithful to the light. — Nelly and her good fairy. — The wor- shipper of Minerva. — The favorite of Venus. — Squirilibus. — A mother's thought. {In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Am. girls.) 12327 — Nature. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Patience ; ser. of games with cards [solitaire] . 2d. ed. 15965 — Religion as social force. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 — Sallv Williams, the mountain girl. 13367 — Social games [with cards] . 9793 - Cheney, H. B. A peep at the pilgrims. 809 Cheney, O. A., joirit author. See Alger, H., Jr. Chenier, A. M. Harrison, J. A. {I71 his Group of poets.) 13752 — Houssaye, A. The death of C. {In his Philosophers, etc v. 2.) 2006 • — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 5; Portr. lit., v. 1; Nouv. lund., V. 3; Caus. lund.. v. 4.) *I Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. Stories of the saints. Illust. 20043 Contents. St. George.— St. David.— St. Christopher.— St. Denis.— St. Catherine. — Hermit saints.— St. Francis of Assisi.- St. Elizabeth of Hun- garv.— St. Patrick. Chequer-work; by T. G. Appleton. 19019 Cherbuliez, V. L'Allemagne politique depuis la paix de Prague, 1866-1870. 14470 — L'aventure de Ladislas Bolski. 14469 ■ — Un cheval de Phidias ; causeries Ath^niennes. 14453 — Le comte Kostia. 14454 — Same; Eng.tr. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11487 — L' Espagne politique, 1868-1873. 14455 — Etudes de litterature et d' art. 14456 Contents. Un Allemand d' autrefois (Lessing) :— Un AUemand d' au- jourd' hui (Da^id Strauss) .—Les poetes militants du nouvel empire Ger- manique. — Lettres sur le salon de 1872. — Le fiance de Mile. Saint Maur. 14457 — Le grand oeuvre. 14458 — L' idee de Jean T^terol. 14551 — Same ; Eng. Jean Teterol's idea. 18070 — Meta Holdenis. 9522 — Same. Eng. trans. 17257 — Miss Rovel. 14460 — Noirs et rouges. 14658 — Same ; Saints and sinners ; tr. bv M. jS". Sherwood. 20989 — Paul Mere. ' 14461 — Le Prince Vitale ; essai et r^cit h propos de la folic du Tasse. 14462 — Prosper Randoce. 14463 — Same ; Eng. ; tr. by C. Benson. 12222 — La revanche de Joseph Koirel. 14464 — Same; Enq. Joseph Noirel's revenge. (Leis. hr. ser.) 11066 — Le roman d' une honnete femme. ' 14465 — Same ; Eng. Romance of an honest woman. 13550 — Samuel Bi'ohl et Cie. 14486 — Same ; Eng. trans. . 17075 — A stroke of diplomacy. (Appletons' new hand. vol. ser.) 19593 — Schmidt, J. {In Ai8 Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 Ch^ri-Montiguy. Une innocente ; comedie. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ ser. 4.) 14794 Cherry, A. Soldier's daughter. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 Cherry and Fair Star. {In French's Min. dram., v. 12.) 11842; CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 239 Cherry and Violet ; by [A. Manning]. 6626 Cherry orchard, The ; by M. Edgeworth. (In her Works.) 15297 Cherubini, M. L. C. Z. 8. Treatise on counterpoint and fugue ; tr. by Mrs. C. Clarke. (Novello's lib.) 11721 Cherubini, L. C. Z. S. M. Ferris, C T. Cherubini and his predecessors. (7w /ws Great It. and Fr. comp.) 18707 Chesapeake, Tales of the ; by G. A. Townsend. 19608 Chesbrough, E. S. The drainage and sewerage of Chicago. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kept , v. 4.) *I Chesebro', C. Children of light. 810 — Dream land by daylight. 811 — Isa ; a pilgrimage." 812 — Peter Carradine ; or, The Marti udale pastoral. 6297 — The record of Dorcas Bentley. (In Short stories.) 6965 — Victoria; or the world overcome. 814 Cheshire, Eng. Croston, J. Nooks and corners of Lanca- shire and Cheshire ; notes historical, legendary, genealogic- al, and descriptive. 22399 Cheskian anthology. See Bohemia. Literature. Chesney, C. C. Essays in mod. military biography. 12256 Contents. De Fezensac's recollections of the grand army. — Henry von Brandt, a German soldier of the first Empire.— Cornwallis and the Indian services. — A Carolina loyalist in the revolutionary war.— Sir William Gor- don, of Gordon's battery. — Chinese Gordon and the Taiping rebellion. — The military life of Gen. Grant. — Admirals Farragut and Porter, and tlie navy of the Union.— A northern raider in the civil war. A memoir of Gen. Lee. — Military view of recent campaigns in Virginia and Maryland. *I — Waterloo lectures ; study of the campaign of 1816. ^ 12800 — and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and France. 10729~ Chess. Allen, G. Life of Philidor, musician and chess- player ; with essay on P. as chess-author and chess-player by Tassilo yon Heydebrand und der Lasa. 11332 — Bilguer, P. R. V. Handbuch des Schachspiels. *I — Bird, H. E. Chess practice ; record of openings in the tinest games ; index. 21935 — Exploits and triumphs in Europe, of P. Morphy ; incl. hist. acct. of clubs, biog. sketches of players, etc. 3158 — Forbes, D, History of chess.' / *I — Loewenthal, J. Morphy's games of chess ; with notes by L. 2772 — Pardon, G. F. Handbook of chess ; new ed. * 5397 — Proctor, E. A. Mechanical chess plavers. (Jw ^is Rough ways.) 19539 — Sayen, W. H. The Grand Internatioiial Chess Congress, Phila., 1876. 16793 — Staunton, H. Chess-player's companion. 4200 Chess-player's handbook. 4201 Chess-praxis ; suppl. to the Chess-player's handbook. 4202 Chess tournament ; col. of games played. 4203 Chester, H. M. Russia, past and present ; adapt, fr. the Ger- man of Laiikenau and Oelnitz. Map and illust. 21398 Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, P. D. Chestnut Street Radical Club. See Radical Club. Chetwynd, Mrs. H. W. Life in a German village. 2d. ed. 19703 Chetwyndes. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Cheval de bronze, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 3, V. 6 ; Operas comiques, v. 5.) *I Cheval de Phidias, Un ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14453 Cheval fou, Le ; par C. Debans. {Tn Ms Drames a tonte va- peur.) 14653 Chevalier, C. Promenades pittoresques en Tour^ine. 9452 240 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chevalier, H. E. Thirty-nine men for one woman. 5443 Chevalier, M. Society, manners, and politics in the U. S. ; tr. by T. G. Bradford. 815 Chevalier, The ; by A. Dumas. 11612 Chevalier D' Harmental ; by A. Dumas. 5229 Chevallier, 'E., joint author. See Lenormant, F. Chetallier, P. (pseud. Gavarni.) Gautier, T. and others. (In their Famous Fr. authors.) 19026 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Xouv. lund., v. 6.) *I Cheverus, J. L. A. M. L., Cardinal de. Hammond, Vahhe. Life of C. ; by J. H. Doubourg 5 tr. by R. W. Walsh. 1254 Chevreul, M. E. Principles of harmony and contrast of colours ; tr. by C. Martel. 3d. ed. Illust.) 816 Cheyne, T. K. The prophecies of Isaiah ; tr. with comm. and appendices, 2d. ed. 2 v. 21555-6 Chez la cliente ; monologue ; par P. Ferrier. (In Saynetes, etc., ser. 1.) 14791 Chiapas. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central Amer., Q.,etc. 2v. 4219-20 Chicago, III. Colbert, E. and Chamberlin, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. 9911 Chicago Historical Society. Fort Dearborn ; address ; added, Notes and app. by J. Wentworth. (Early Chicago.) *I Note. Appendix cont. Biographical notices. Chickering, J. McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 8983 Chicot, the jester ; by A. Dumas. 9300 Chidlaw, B. W. Ohio reform farm school ; its principles, methods and results. (I71 Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Chief -Justices. Campbell, J. Baron C. Lives of the Chief Justices of Eng. 4 v. 12543-6 —Flanders, H. Lives and times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. 2 v. 14146-7 Chikkin Hazard ; by F. C. Burnand. 21947 Child, F. J. Biography of J. J. Lowell. (I71 Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — English and Scottish ballads. 8 v. 4998-5001 ; 5345-8 — Observations on the language of Chaucer ; Observations on the language of Gower's Confessio amantis. 8858 Child, G. C. Benedicite ; illust. of the power, wisdom, and goodness of God. 6713 Child, L. M. (F.) Aspirations of the world; a chain of opals ; with introd. 17884 — Biographies of Lady Russell and Mme. Guyon. 820 — Biographies of Mme. de Stael and Mme. Roland. 826 — The f reedmen's book ; [what colored people have accomplished] . 6108 — History of the condition of women in the various ages and nations. 2 v. 819 — Isaac T. Hopper ; a true life. 823 — Letters ; with biog. introd. by J. G. Whittier, and app. by W. Phillips. 22245 — Letters from New York. 2 v. 821-2 — Looking toward sunset; [collect, of sketches and poems]. 5790 — A new flower for children ; [stories] . 817 — Philothea. 826 — Rainbows for children ; [fairy stories] . Illust. 7026 Child, A, of nature ; by K.^ Buchanan. 20625 Child life ; coll. of l^oems ; by J. G. Whittier. 9736 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 241 The sanitary care and treat- Illust. Child-life in Europe ; by [E. H. Watson]. Child-life in Italy ; by [E. H. Watson]. Child-life in Japan ; by C. Ayrton. Child, The, of the cavern ; by J. Verne. Child, The, of the island glen ; by E. Kellogg. Child of the tide ; by E. D. Cheney. Child, The, of thirty-six fathers ; fr. the French. 2 v. Child wife. The ; by M. Reid. Child world ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 2 pts. 11248 Childe, E. L. Life and campaigns of Gen. Lee ; tr. by G. Litting. Childers, H. 0. E. Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) Childhood. Peabody, E. P. Childhood. (7n Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) — Perkins, F. B. Childliood ; a study. (In his Devil puzzlers.) — See also Little classics. Childhood of the English nation ; by E. S. Armitage. Childhood, The, of the world ; by E. Clodd. Children. Abelin, H. Cm varden af barn under de forsta lefnadsaren. — B., E. V. A new child's-play. — Baltimore. Thomas Wilson' Sanitarium. ment of children and their diseases. — Bates, C. D. Child lore; its classics, traditions, and jingles. — Beautiful book. The, for little children. — Cary, A. Snow-berries ; book for young folks. — Champlin, J. D., Jr. Child's catechism of common things. — Chavasse, P. H. Physical training of children. — Coates, H. T. The children's book of poetry. ^ — Diaz, A. M. Story-book for the children. — Dickens, C. J. H. ' Child pictures. — Dodge, M. A. Child world. — Dupanloup, F. A. P. The child. — Hopkiuson, Mrs. C. A. Hints for the nursery. — Ingelow, J. Stories told to a child. 2d. ser. * Illust. — Johnson, H. K. Tears for the little ones ; poems and passages inspired by the loss of children. — Kriege, M. H. The child, its nature and relations ; Frobel's principles of education; fr. the German of the Baroness Marenholtz-Buelow. — Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for children; ed. and pref. by R. H. Shepherd. — Larcom, L. Childhood songs. — Lilliput lectures. — Lilliput levee; poems of childhood, child-fancy, and child-like moods. — Mackarness, M. A. Children of the olden time. Illust. — Maun, M. P. and Pealwdy, E. P. Moral culture of infancy, and kinder- garten guide; with miisic. 2d. ed. — Mass. State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity. The minor wards of the state. (Extr. fr. 2d. rept.) — Meyer, B. Aids to family government. — My young days ; illust. by P. Kouewka. — Neal, J. Great mysteries and little plagues. — Newell, W. W. Games and songs of Amer. children. — Piatt, S. M. B. Poems in company with children. — Power, 3Irs. S. D. Children's etiquette. — Spencer, H. Essay on the rights of children. {In Meyer, B. Aids to family government.) — Stork, T, The children of the New Testament. 6th. ed. — Tuthill, L. C. Nursery book for young mothers. — West, C. How to nurse sick children. — Whittier, J. G. Child life; collect, of poems. Child Hf e in prose ; [collection] . — Combe, A. The management of infancy. — See also Domestic education. 13111 6276 *I 17542 9669 13232 827 7738 7107 14197 13827 22506 17111 17301 11913 15000 *I 20495 *I 13361 7027 19469 16709 19213 14202 7267 11248 13748 5579 10050 17164 11097 10076 18588 11532 9852 12088 8054 20440 18407 20252 8028 *I 17558 22598 18407 4261 4548 7268 9736 8747 9627 242 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Children in the wood ; by T. Morton. {In French's min. dram., V. 16.) Children of Amity Court ; by L. M. Thurston. Children of light ; by C. Chesebro.' Children of the Abbey ; by R. M. Roche.- Children of the new forest ; by Capt. Marryat. Children, The, of the public ; by E. E. Hale, (/n Little class., V. 12.) Children, The, with the india-rubber ball ; by F. Montgomery. Bound ivith The town crier. Children's crusade. The ; by G. Z. Gray. Children's treasury of English song ; by F. T. Palgrave. Child's Bible, The ; consec. arrangement of portions of the Holy Scripture. Illust. Child's, A, dream of a star ; by C. Dickens. {In Little class., V. 10.) Child's play ; by R. L. Stevenson. (In Ms Virginibus, etc.) Child's play, A new ; by E. V. B. Chile con carne ; or, The camp and the field ; by S. C. Smith. Chili. Markham, C. R. The war between Peru and Chile, 1879-1882. — Smith, E. R. The Araucanians; notes of a tour in So. Chili. — Wilson, A. J. The river Plate, Chili and Peru. (In his Resources of mod. count., v. 2.) Chilling worth, W. Barry. A. {Li Ms Masters in Eng. theol.) — Tullock, J. {In his Hat. theology, etc., y. 1.) Chimay, T. C, princesse de. Watson, H. C. (In Ms Heroic women.) Chimes and rhymes for holiday times ; ed. by A. L. Hay ward.) Chimes of Normandy. See Bells of Corneville. Chimney-corner, The ; domestic drama ; by H. T. Craven. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 44.) Chimneys. Armstrong, R. Chimneys for furnaces, fire- places, and steam boilers. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) — Wilson, R. Boiler and factory chimnies, their draught-power and sta- bility. China. Descriptiqn^ etc. — Adams, N. In his Voyage round the world. — Anderson, J. Mandalav to Momien : narr. of expeditions to western China, 1868, 1875. — Ball, B. L. {In his Rambles in Eastern Asia.) [1848^0] . {In his Eastern seas. Map and illust.) 11844 8588 810 7740 7744 1298^ 18027 8878 1537& 11422^ 12981 22710 I* 404O 22817 \In his Conclusion of a voyage round the world.) •"ive vears in China: life and obs. of W. Aitchison. — Bax, B. W. — Beauvoir, L. — Bush, C. P. Five — Cooper, T. T. (7w his Mishmee hills.) — Corner, J. China, pictorial, descriptive, and historical. — Davis, J. F. The Chinese. 2 v. — Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. Illust. 2 v. — Douglas, D. K. China. Map. — Eden, C. H. China, historical and descrip. Illust and map.) — Everett, A. H. Chinese manners. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) — Fortune, R. Journeys to the tea-countries of C. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) — Grav, J, H. China ; hist, of the laws, manners, and customs of the peo- ple; ed. by W. G. Gregor. Illust. 2 v. — Helms. L. Y. {In his Pioneering, etc.) — Hue, E. R. Journey thr. the Chinese empire. 2 v. Recollections of a "Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China. Same. Travels in TartarV, etc. : tr. bv W". Hazlitt. 3d. ed. 17822 18702 11456; 467& 22154 11832 14134 1760a 9741 15827 317 15618 1080a 6221 12562 976 1119-20 6147-8 21885 20930 1424 4356 *I 21974 2051-2 1299» 205a CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 243: Same; -Abridged. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4366: — Huebner, J. A. von. (In his Rambles "round the world, 1871.) 13240 — Johnston, J. D. China and Japan ; narr. of the cruise of the U.S. steam- frigate Powhatan, 1857-60. Ulust. 2377 — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two vouths in a journev to Japan and China. ' ' 19351 — Margary, A. R. Journey fr. Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne. 16540 — Martin, R. M. China; political, commercial, and social. 2 v. 2927-8'' — Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese ; their education, philosophv, and letters. 20372 — Medhurst, W. H. The foreigner in far Cathav. ' 11415 — Minturn, R. B., Jr. (In his From N. Y. to Delhi.) 3076 — Montgomerv, J. Journal of voyages and travels bv D. Tyerman and G. Bennet, 1821-29. 3 v. ' 3107-^ — Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. Illust. 772& — Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. 3283- — Pidgeon, D. (In his Engineer's holidav.) 22419 — Prime, E. D. G. ,(/n, his Around the world.) 10074' — Pumpelly, R. Residence in China. (In his Across America, etc.) 8031 — Rand, E.' A. (In his All aboard for sunrise lands.) 21250 — Speer, W. The oldest and the newest empire; China and the U. S. 8642 — Spiess, G. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ostasien, 1860-1862 : Reise- Skizzen aus Japan, China, Siam, und der indischen Inselwelt. Illust. 10267 — Taylor, B. Visit to India, China, etc., 1853. . 4358 — Thomson, J. (Bi his Straits of Malacca, etc.) 13580' — Walworth, E. H. (I7i his Old world, as seen through young eyes.) 17024 — Williams, S. W. The middle Kingdom ; geography, goVernmeht, educa^ tion, soc. life, etc., of the Chinese Emp. 2 v. ' 4800-1 — Wilson, A. J. China and Japan. (In his Resources of mod. countries, V. 1.) 17821 — Wood, W. M. Fankwei ; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China, etc. 4857 Education. — Renan, E. L'instruction publiflue en Chine. (In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516- History. — Boulger, D. C. History of China, v. 1, 2. 21937-8 — Chesnev, C. C. Chinese Gordon and the Taiping rebellion. (In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — De Quincey, T. China. (In his Avenger, etc.) 1164 — Eden, C. H. China, hist, and descriptive. Illust. and map. 20930 — Gutzlaff, C. Sketch of Chinese hist., anc. and mod. 2 v. 1706-7 — Loomis, A. W. Brief outline of Chinese hist, to the times of Confucius and Mencius. (In his Confucius, etc.) 7065 . — Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Miss, to C, etc., 1857-59. 3283 — Whitney, W. D. China and the Chinese; China and the West. (In his Orient, and ling, stud., ser. 2.) 13263- — See also Tai-ping-wang. Language. — See Pidgin-English. Literature. — Loomis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics. 7065- ( Collections and Specimens) . — Stent, G. C. Entombed alive; and other songs, ballads, etc.; from the Chinese. *i; Beligion. — Beal, S. A catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese. *I — Channing, W. H, Religions of China ; address. *I — Edkins, J. Religion in China ; acct. of the relig. of the Chinese ; (with obs. on the prospects of Chr. conversion.) ' ' 17445 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions, and their rel. to univ. religion.; 17039> — Matheson, G. Religion of Clyna ; Confucianism, (/w Caird, J. Orient. religions.) 21880> Same. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — See also Confucius ; — Laou-tsze. China. See Pottery. China painting. Ayres, Gc. B. {In his How to paint photo- graphs.) 21154 244 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. {In his Great West.) (In Some curious scliools.) our emigration and commerc. intercourse with tlie (In Atlas Ess.) -^ Hancock, E. C. Amateur pottery and glass painter. Illust. — Leland, C. G. The minor arts. — McLaughlin, M. L. China painting; manual for the use of amateurs in decoration. ChiDa Sea. Collingwood, C. Rambles of a naturalist on the China Sea. Chinch-bug. Thomas, C. The Chinch-bug ; its hist., etc., and the means, of destroying it. (U. S. Entomol. Comm. Bulletin. Chinese immigration. Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration, in its soc. and economical aspects. — U. S. Congress. 44tli. Cong., 2d. sess. Senate Joint Special Committee. Report. — Williams, 8. W. Chinese immigration. Chinese in America. Brodix, C. R. — Codman, J. (In his Round trip, etc.) — Gibson, O. The Chinese in America. — Harris, A. B. A Chinese Mission School — Knox,T. W. John Cielestial Empire. — 3Iansfield, E. D. The Chinese question. — Minturn, W. (In his Travels west.) — Townsend, L. T. The Chinese problem. Chips fr. a German workshop ; by F. M. Miiller. 5 v. 7664-5 ; 9116-18 Chiromancy. Craig, A. R. Modern palmistry ; with acct. of the Gipsies. Illust. Chisholm, H. W. Balances. (7n So. Kensington Sci.lect.,r. 2.) — Science of weighing and measuring, and standards of measure and weight. (Nat. ser.) Chit-chat by Puck ; fr. the Swedish of RT. Gustafsson. Chit-chat of humour, wit, and anecdote. Chitty, J. Pract. treat, on medical jurisprudence. 1st. Amer. ed., with add. Chivalry. Adams, W. H. D. Page, squire, and knight ; ro- mance of the days of chivalry ; [adapt, fr. the Franchise of Mme. Colomb]. Illust. — Bulfinch, T. The age of chivalry. — Evans, R. M. Tales of chivalry; or. Evenings with the chroniclers. — Mills, C. History of chivalry ; or. Knighthood and its times. — Scott, W. Essay on chivalry, (hi his Misc. works, v. 6.) Chloroform. Anstie, F. E. (//i Ms Stimulants and narcotics.) 10591 Choate, R. Brown. S, G. Life of R. Choate. 687 — Bungay, G. (7« /as Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Parker, E. G. Reminiscences of Choate. — Whipple, E. P. Some recollections of Choate. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) Choice autobiographies. See Howells, W. D. Choice of Paris, The ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. 21563 19884 17279 7401 20894 20181 17877 19260 20087 18704 16889 20401 18598 18292 17810 15967 7004 17679 17221 22206 5155 828 22232 577 1418 5136 3840 18099 8667 Sainte-Beuve, C A. (In his Cans. {In his Theatre {In C. u. s. Choisy, F. T., Vabhe de. lund., V. 3.) Choix d'un gendre, Le ; par E. M. Labiche. compl., V. 5.) Cholera. Billings, J. S. Bibliography of President. Cholera epidemic of 187o.) — Macnamara, C. History of Asiatic cholera. — Papillon, F. Great epidemics, — Asiatic cholera. (In his Nat. and life.) — Peters, J. C, a?i(^McClellan, E. History of the travels of Asiatic Cholera. (Bi U. S. President. Cholera epidemic of 1873.) — United States. President. Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the U. S. — See also Amer. Public Health Ass. Rept. passim. Oholmondeley Pennell, H. See Pennell, H. C. *I 14562 17929 16772 13971 17929 17929 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 245 Choosing a bride ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) Chopin, F. F. Ferris, G. T. {In his Gr. Germ, comp.) The Schumanns and Chopin. (In his Great violinists, etc.) — Hueffer, F. (In his Mus. stud.) — KarasoAvski, M. F. Chopin, his life, letters, and works ; tr. by E. Hill. — Liszt, F. Life of Chopin ; from the French, by M. W. Cook. — Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music.) Choppin, S. History of the importation of yellow fever into the U. S., 1693-1878. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) Chops the dwarf ; by C. Dickens. {In Little class., v. 2.) Chordal, pseud. See Lee, J. W. Chorley, H. F. Autobiography, memoir, and letters ; comp. by H. G. Hewlett. 2 v. 2549 — Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. — Modern German music. Contents. Brunswick in 1839.— In the Harz, 1839.— Glimpses of Berlin, 1839^:0.— Glimpses at Dresden, 1839-40.— Weimar and Leipsic— Spohr's music— A glance at Vienna. — Music in the Rhine land.— Last days of Mendelssohn. — Music and manners in France and Germany. 3 v. — The national music of the world ; ed. by H.' G. Hewlett. — Personal recollections. (Bric-a-brac ser.) Chotteau, L. La guerre de I'ind^pendance (1775-1783). Les Fran^ais Amerique. Pref. by E. Laboulaye. Choules, J. O. Cruise of the North Star ; narr. of the excur- sion of Mr. VanderlSilt's party to England, Russia, etc. Chris and Otho ; by J. P. Smith. Christ. See Jesus Christ. 14360 18050 20470- 19852 19115^ 5293. 2284T *I 1297a -50 *I 8406- *I 19704 12681 14467 831 9601 {In his Essentials 17391 16594 Christ and Christianity ; by J. F. Clarke, and non-essentials.) Christ and his salvation ; sermons ; by H. Bushnell. Christ and modern thought ; Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. 20467 Christ in the life ; sermons by E. H. Sears. 16691 Christabel. See Coleridge, S. T. Christel. Sainte-Beuve, C A. (/?i ^isPortr. de femmes, 1876.) *I Christian antiquities. Smith, W., and Cheetham, vS. Dic- tionary of Chr. antiq. 2 v. 14362-3: Christian art. Clement, C. E. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. — Didron, A. N^. Christian iconography ; tr. by E. J. Millington, v. 1. — Jameson, A. The history of our Lord as exempl. in works of art. 2 v. Sacred and legendary aft. 2 v. — Kingsley, C. The poetry of sacred and legendary art. (Li his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) — Otis, C. N. Sacred and constructive art ; essays. — Owen, A. C. Art schools of mediaeval Christendom. — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism. Illust. Christian art. See also Arts, Fine. Christian aspects of faith and duty ; discourses by J. J. Tayler. Christian belief and life ; sermons ; by A. P. Peabody. Christian character. Bates, J. Lectures on the Christain character. Christian days and thoughts ; by E. Peabody. Christian Evidence Society. Faith and free thought ; lect. Contents. Mozley, J. B. Principle of causation consid. in opposition to atheistic theories*.— Brooke, C. Evidence atibrded by the order and adaptions in nature to the existence of a God.— Birks, T. R. Philosophy of human responsibility.- Gladstone, J. H. Points of supposed collision bet. the Scriptures and iiat. science. — Boultree, T. P. Alleged moral dtffi- 9121 1221 6220-1 5871-2 21362 7756 15926 1107& 17150 1356& 335 3414 1587^ 246 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. cultios of the Old Testament.— Cooper, W. R. Corroborative evidence of Old Testament hist, from the Egypt, and Assyr. monuments.— Allon, H. Argument for the supernat. character of Christianity, from its existence and achievements.— Frere, B. Christianity suited to all forms of civili^ia- tion. — Merrivale, C. Contrast bet. Pagan and Chr. societv.— Shaw, B. Force imparted to the evidence of Christianity from the manner in which a number of distinct lines of proof converge in a common centre.— Angus, J. Man a witness for Christianity. — Modern scepticism ; lect. ' 9747 Contents. Thomson, W. Design in nature.— Rigg, J. H. Pantheism.— Jackson, W. Positivism.— Smith, R. P. Science and revelation.— Stough- ton, J. Nature and value of the miraculous testimony to Christianity.— Goodwin, H. Gradual development of revelation.— Rawlinson, G. Al- leged historical difficulties of the Old and New Testaments, e^c- Row, C. Mythical theories of Christianity.— Leathes, S. Evidential value of St. Paul's epistles.— Browne, E. H. Christ's teaching and infl. on the world. —Cook, F. C. Completeness and adequacy of the evidences of Christianity. Ellicott, C. J. Explanatory paper. — Popular objections to revealed truth; lect. 3d. ed. 12520 Contents. Harrison, A. J. Secularism and atheism. — Row. C. A. Human responsibility.— Gritton, J. Christianity is not the invention of impostors or credulous enthusiasts.— Cooper, B. *H. Facts of Christianity historically true.— Henslow, G. Science and scripture not antagonistic— Titcomb, J. H. Moral teaching of the O. T. vindicated.— Girdlestone, R. B. Metaphorical language appl. to God in the O. T.— Gladstone, J. H. Miracles as credentials of a revelation.— Row, C. A. Historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. — Allon, H. Moral teaching of the N. T. — Calthrop, G. Gradual unfolding of revelation. Barry, — . Perfection of the human character of Jesus. — Strivings for the faith; lect. • 16138 Contents. Maclear, G. F. Difficulties in accounting for historical Christianity.— Birks, T. R. Variations of the Gospels in their rel. to the evid. and truth of Christianity.— Cowper, B. H. The Apocryphal Gospels. — Lorimer, P. Evidential value of the epistles of Paul viewed as hist, documents.— Gritton, J. Lord Lyttleton on the conversion of Paul.— Row, C. A. Alleged difficulties in the moral teaching of the N. T. — Titcomb, J. H. Combination of unity with progressiveness of thought in the books of the Bible; argument in favour of divine Revelation. — Brown, W. R. Autobiography of J. S. Mill. Christian experience ; lect. ; by J. F. Clarke. {In Ms Essen- tials and nou essentials.) 17391 Christian Gellert's last Christmas ; by B. Auerbach. {In his German tales.) 7889 Christian, The, in the world; essay; by D. W. Faunce. 13269 Christian institutions ; essays, by A. P. Stanley. 20286 Christian painter of the 19th. cent. (Hippolyte Flandrin) ; by H. 8. Farrar. 14070 Christian physiologist; by G. GrifRn. {In Ms Works.) 5407 Christian slave, The, Extracts from ; by H, B. Stowe. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Christian truth and modern opinion ; sermons. 13496 Contents. Henry, C. S. Christian doct. of Providence.— Thompson, H. M. Christian doct. of prayer.— Washburn, E. A. Moral responsi- bility and physical law. — Rylance, J. H. Relation of miracles to the Chr. faith.— Huntington, W. R*. Oneness of scripture.— Clarke, T. M. Im- mortality.— Smith, J. C. Evolution and a personal Creator. Christian union: Sullivan, T. R. Sermons on Chr. communion ; by living ministers. 4156 Christian views ; or, Discourses, doctrinal, etc. ; by the author of the Christian layman. 5006 Christian year, The ; thoughts in verse, for Sundays and holy days. New ed. 21747 Christiania. Art. Atkinson, J. B. {In Jiis Art tour to Northern capitals.) 12716 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 247 Christianity. Christianity and other religions. — Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals ; Socrates, Aristotle, Christianitv. Utilitarianism. * 12247 — McCosh, J. Christianity and positivism. 9619 — Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam; The Bible and the Koran. 17020 Evidences. — Allon, H. Argument for the supernat. character of C, fr. its existence and achievements. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Angus, J. Man a witness for C. {In Ch. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Barnes, A. Lectures on the evidences of C. in the 19th. cent. 7182 — Belsham, T. Evidence of the Clir. revelation. 381 — Bowen, F. The Oxford clergyman's attack on C. (Jw ^is Gleanings.) 19941 — Brigham, C. H. Christianity the universal religion. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Belsham, T. Summary view of the evid. and importance of the Chr. revelation. ' 381 — Bulfinch, S. G. Studies in the evidences of Christianity. 8088 — Burnap, G. W. Christianity; its essence and evidence! 622 — Chateaubriand, F. A. R. de.' The genius of Christianity; tr. with notes, etc., by C. J. White. 16616 — Christian Evidence Societv. Popular objections to revealed truth. 12520 StriviiTgs for the faith. ' 16138 — Collier, R. L. Meditations on the essence of Christianity. 15790 — Conder, E. R. The basis of faith; crit. survev of the grounds of Chr. theism. ' 18619 — Cook, F. C. Completeness and adequacy of the evid. of C. {In Chris. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) ' 9747 — Cook, J. P. Religion and diemistrv. 19971 — Everett, E. Defence of Christianitv against G. B. English. 1463 — Fisher, G. P. {In his Discussions,' e^c.) 19650 Essays on the supernatural orijrin of Christianity. 6180 — Gregory, O. Letters on the evidences, doctr., and duties of the Chr. religion. 8071 — Griffin, G. The Gospel its own advocate. 1665 — Gurney, J. J. Hints on the portable evidence of Christianitv. 1702 — Howson, J. S. The evidential value of the Acts of the Apos'tles. 21805 — James, H. Christianitv. {In his Lect., etc.) 2321 — Keith, A. Evidence of the truth of the Chr. religion. 2440 — King, T. S. The idea of God and the truths of Chr. {In his Patriotism.) 5721 Spiritual Christianity, (//i Pitts.-St. chap, lect.) 20424' — Leathes, S. The Gospel its own witness. 12910 — Maclear, G. F. Difficulties on the side of unbelief in account, for hist. C. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — Muzzey, A. B. Man a soul ; or, Inward evidences of Christianity. 3201 — Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. • 13264 Christianity the religion of nature. 5597 — Perry, J. T. Sixteen Saviours or one ? [Criticism on the w^orks of K. Graves, and replies fr. G.] . 18683 — Rawlinson, G. Historical evidences of the Scripture records. 5165 — Row, C. Mythical theories of Christianity. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) ' 9747 — Savage, M. J. Christianity the science of manhood. 11980 — Shaw, B. Force imparted to the evid. of C. fr. the manner in which a number of distinct lines of proof converge in a common centre. {In Clir. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) ' 15789 — Ullmann, C. The sinlessness of Jesus ; an evidence for Christianity. 19005 — Vaughan, R. B. Lectures on the reasonableness of C. and the shallow- ness of unbelief. 19380 — Wace, H. Christianitv and moralitv ; or. The correspondence of the gos- pel with the moral nature of man. 20457 — Whately, R. Lessons on morals, and Chr. evidences. 9876 — Williams, J. The world's witness to Jesus Christ. 21394 — Wright. G. F. The logic of Chr. evidences. 19589 — Christianity. See also Moral philosophy :— Religion ;— Theology. — For the history of C, also for its influence, see Ecclesiastical historv. Christianity, Principles of ; by A. P. Stanley. (In his Addr. etc., del. at St. Andrews.) 19477 Christianity, Ultramontanism and ; by H. E. Manning. (In his Misc.) 17190 248 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Christianity and antichristianism, by H. E. Manning. {In his Misc.) 17190 Christianity and humanity. Sermons by T. S. King. 17138 Christianity and modern thought. 10188 Contents. Bellows, H. W. Break bet. modern thought and ancient faith and worship. — Clarke, J. F. A true theology the basis of human progress.— Coquerel, A. Rise and decline of the Roinish Church.— Dewey, O. Selfhood and sacrifice.— Everett, C. C. Relation of Jesus to the pres- ent age.— Hed^e, F. H. Mythical element in the N. T.— Martineau, J. The place of mmd in nature' and intuition in man.— Peabody, A. P. Re- lations of ethics and theology.— Smith, G. V. Christianity : what it is not, and what it is.— Stearns, O. " The aim and hope of Jesus.' Christianity and scepticism. . See Boston Lectures. Christianity and science. Holland, J. G. {In his Every-day topics.) 16106 Christianity the logic of creation ; by H. James. 2320 Christians. Allen, W. F. Selections fr. Tacitus, Pliny, and [Suetonius, cone, early C.]. (/n Ms Latin read.) ■ *I Christians under the crescent in Asia ; by E. L. Cutts. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge ) 22518 Christian's mistake ; by D. M. Muloch. 5929 Christie, A. J. Philosophy of Christianity. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. andlit., ser. 3.) *I Christie, R. C. Etienne Dolet, the martyr of the renaissance ; a biography. 20148 Christie, R. History of Lower Canada. 6 v. 7200-5 Christie Carew ; by M. Laffan. 19683 Christie Johnstone ; by C. Reade. 3610 Christie's faith ; by F. W. Robinson. 12785 Christina, Queen of Sweden. Hawthorne, N. Queen Chris- tina. {In his True stories.) 13445 — Jameson, A. (In her Mem., v. 2.) 232T — Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Christina North ; by E. M. Archer. 10924 Christine van Amberg ; by the Countess d'Arbouville. {In her Three tales.) 171 Christine's fortune ; by Mrs. H. B. Goodwin. 20634 Christison, R. Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Christlieb, T. Best methods of counteracting mod. infidelity. 7333 — Modern doubt of Chr. belief; lectures; tr. bv H. U. Weitbrecht; ed. by T. L. Kingsbury. ' 12396 — Protestant foreign inissions ; their present state ; tr. by D. A. Reed. 19876 Christmas. Broughton, R. Tales for Christmas eve. 11530 — Kingsley, C. At last; Christmas in the W. Indies. 9657 — Lorimef, G. C. Under the evergreens; or, A night with St. Nicholas. 7315 — Nuts and crackers for Christmas. 13415 — Thackeray, W. M. The Christmas books. {In his Misc.) 13363 Christmas, A, at sea; by E. Shippen. 21255 Christmas at Thompson Hall; by A. Trollope. 17021 Christmas banquet, The ; by N. Hawthorne. {In Fam. stor., v. 2.) 18149 Christmas carol. A; by C. Dickens. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 Christmas carol; play; by G. M. Baker. {In 7i/.s Exhib. dr.) 13308 Christmas carols ; new and old ; by H. R. Bramley, and J. Stainer. *I Christmas child, A ; by Mrs. Moles worth. Illust. 20067 Christmas day and all the year ; stories ; [ed. by F. B. Ames]. 22011 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 249 Christmas eve ; by R. Browniog. ^ 13549 Christmas eve and Christmas day ; by E. E. Hale. 11247 Christmas evergreens ; by R. Porter. 16777 Christmas, First, of New England ; by H. B. Stowe. ( With Hetty's bright idea.) 15349 Christmas gambol, A ; comedy, (i^i Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Christmas guest, The ; by J. Hawthorne. (In his Laughing mill, etc.) 20805 Christmas morning ; little stories for little folks ; by A. M. Diaz. Illust. 20981 Christmas rose. The ; by H. J. Wood. 10572 Christmas stories; by C. Dickens. 1190 Christmas story-teller, The ; medley for the festive season. Illust. 17662 Contents. Asking a blessing. — Lemon, M. What came of killing a rich uncle one Christmas thne; A coat with a fur lining; The small house over the water.— Robertson, T. W. Mr. Dawbarn.— Yates, E. The lady of Laleham Ferry.— Baldwin, A. H. The Christmas Samaritan.— Lemon, M. What might have happened last Christmas.— How I lost my whiskers. —Merry games for Christmas time.— Christmas the avenger. — Clifford, Mrs. H*. Cousin Geoffrey's chamber.— Leigh, H. S. Did I offend? — Three remarkable christmas-days. — Halliday A. Christmas smiles and Christmas tears ; or, The story of the pantaloon's daughter. — Christmas at Sunny- meade Hall ; or. Country cousins at home.— Grant, A. H. The Christmas rose.,— Brooks, S. How one ghost was laid.— Halliday, A. My Christmas piece.— Arnold, F. Burglaries, past and present.— Ashby Sterry, J. The magic pitcher. — A nice mince pie. — Mummers and drolls.— Thornbury,W. Ghost of Lawford Hall.— Young, C. L. A debt of honour.— Crowquill, A. WTiat I saw after eating my Christmas pudding. — Hood, T. Full fathom live.— Suggestions for a christmas-day costume.— A christmas-tree party.— Fitzgerald, P. A shy man's difficulties.- Burnand, F. C. Time works wonders. Christmas waits in Boston ; by E. E. Hale. (In Daily bread, etc.) 8689 Christmas with the Baron. (In Fam. stor., v, 2.) 18149 Christmas with the poets ; collection of songs, carols, etc.^ rel. to Christmas. Illust. by B. Foster. *I Christopher Kenrick ; by J. Hatton. 8117 Christowell ; by R D. Blackmore. 21205 Christ's hospital. Pascoe, C E. Historical acct. of Christ's H. (In his Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Christus ; by H. W. Longfellow. 3 v. *I ; 11083-5 Chromatics. See Color. Chronicles of Carlingford ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 2556 Chronicles of Clovernook ; by D. Jerrold. 5231 — Same. (In his Works, v. 4.) *I Chronicles of Dustypore. 15731 Chronicles of Gotham. 14021 Chronicles of merry England ; by Mrs. Manning. 19785 Chronicles of No-man's land ; 3d. ser. of "Camp notes;" by F. Boyle. 19779 Chronicles of the Canongate ; by W. Scott. 2 v. 14365-6 Chronicles of the Crusades. See Bohn, H. G. Chronology. Mackay, A. Facts and dates ; or, Leading events in hist., etc. 8921 — Putnam, G. P. The world's progress ; dictionary of dates. 5370 — Kudimentarv chronology of civil and eccl. hist., art, literature, and civil- ization, to 1856. 4691 Chrysostomus, Dio. See Dio Chrysostomus. 17 250 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chrysostomus, J., St. Hood, E. P. (7?i ^*s Lamps, etc.) 8155 — Newman, J. H. (In his Hist, sk., v. 2.) 12917 — Osg:ood, S. Chrysostom and the ancient pulpit. (In his Studies.) 7189 — Stephens, W. R.'W. Saint Glirvsostom. his life and times. 10704 Same ;' 2d. ed. ' 20250 Chubb, G. H. Protection fr. fire and thieves in the constr. of locks, safes, etc. Also, Lists of patents for locks and safes. 15439 Chubbuck, E. See Judson, E. C. Chumming with a savage ; by C. W. Stoddard. (Little class., V. 18.) 20167 Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo to parts of Bengal and Upper India. 2 v. 8733-4 Church, — . Prof. Manufacture of acids, alkalies, soda, ammonia, and soap. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15468 Church, A. E. Elements of analytical geometry. 8680 — Elements of descr. geometry, with plates. 8681 — Elements of difF. and integ*. calculus; rev. ed., cent., elements of the calculus of variations. 19061 Church, A. J. Ovid. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 16056 — Stories fr. Homer. Illust. 17851 — Stories fr. Livy. Illust. 22868 — Stories from the Greek tragedians. Illust. 19460 — Stories of the East fr. Herodotus. Illust. 20044 — Stories from Virgil. Illust. • 18436 — Story of the last days of Jerusalem ; fr. Josephus. 20587 — Story of the Persian war : f r. Herodotus. Illust. 21477 — A traveller's true tale ; after the Greek of Lucian. Illust. 19755 — and Brodribb, W. J. Plinv's letters. (Anc. class, for. Eng. readers.) 10029 Church, A. H. Colour. ' 12605 — Food ; acct. of its sources, constituents, and uses. 16816 Church, E. R. The home garden. (Appletons' home books.) 20468 — The home needle. (Appletons' home books.) 221.34 — How to furnish a home. (Appletons' home books.) 20360 Church, Florence M. (formerly Miss Marryat). Ange. 18762 — A broken blossom. 3 v. 20092^ — Gup ; sketches of Anglo-Indian life. 10831 — Life and letters of Captain Marryat. 2 v. 11202-3 — A luckv disappointment. 15774 — Mv own child. 16550 — Newton Forster. . 2920 — " No intentions." 12345 — Open I sesame ! 13968 — Out of his reckojiing. 18587 — The poison of asps. 9340 Church, F. E. Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Church, Mrs. R. See Church, F. M. Church, R. W. The beginning of the Middle Ages. Maps. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 17526 — Dante ; an essay. Added, Translation of De Monarchia, by F. J. Church. 18274 — Influence upon morality of a decline in relig. bel. {In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc, v. 2.) 17646 — On some influences of Christianity upon national character. 12124 — The ' Pens^es ' of Pascal. (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — The sacred poetry of early religions. 12896 — Saint Anselm. 8772 — Spenser. (Eng. men of letters.) 18763 Church. For Church architecture, art, biography, discipline, history, polity, etc., see Ecclesiastical. Church, The ; discourse, by W. E. Channing. (Jn his Works, V. 6.) 792 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 251 Church, The, and civilization ; pastoral letters for Lent ; by Card. Pecci. 17723 Church and religion, Last essays on ; by M. Arnold. 16907 Church and state. Allen, J. State churches and the kingdom of God ; essay on the establishment of ministers, etc., by secular power. 147 — Conder, E. R. The relation of the church to the state. {In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) * 10027 — Gladstone, W. E. The state in its rel. with the church. *I — Hovev, A. Religion and the state ; protection and alliance ? taxation or exemption? 12672 — Paige, C. E. Is Christianity part of the common law ? {In Centeun. Cong, of Lib., Report, 1876.) *I — Stanley, A. P. Essays chietly on questions of church and state, 1850-1870. 10698 — Underwood, B. E. ' Practical separation of church and state. {In Centenn. Cong, of Lib., Report, 1876.) *I — Wood, W. C. Five problems of state and religion. 17294 Church, The, and worship ; lect. ; by J. F. Clarke. {In his Essentials and non-ess. in relig.) 17391 Church architecture. See Ecclesiastical architecture. Church decoration ; practical manual of ornamentation ; ed. by a pract. illuminator. Illust. *I Church history. See Ecclesiastical history. Church-idea, The ; essay towards unity ; by W. R. Huntington. 8515 Church of England. Confession. — Cobbe, F, P. Auricular confession in the Ch. of Eng. {In her Darwin- ism, etc.) 10836 Liturgies and Ritual. — Burgon, J. W. The praver book, a devotional manual and guide. {In Kempe, J. E. Corap. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Calendar of the Prayer-Book; illust.; with Chr. emblems, fr. early and medieval monuments. * 8859 — Conington, J. The annotated Book of Common Prayer on the Com- munion service. {In his Misc. writ., v. 1.) * 11124 — Davies, T. L. O. Bible English ; chapters on old and disused expressions in the Scriptures and Book of Common Praver. Illust. 16819 — Goulburn, E. M. Otfice of the holy communion. 10011 — Keble, J. The Christian vear ; thoughts in verse for Sundays and holidays. ' ' 21747 Thirty-nine articles. — Browne, E. H. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles, hist, and doct. *I — Conington, J. Bishop Forbes on the Articles. {In his Misc. writings, V. 1.) . , 11124 — Hardwick, C. History of the articles; added, documents 1536-1615; , with illust. fr. contemp. sources. 16828 Biography. — Cattermole, R. Memoirs of lives of divines. {In his Lit. of Ch. of Eng.) *I — Hook, W. F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 11 v. *I Clergy. — Bullock, C. Our bishops and clergy. 22780 Doctrine. — Stephens, A. J. Argument in the case of T. B. Sheppard, against W. J. E. Bennett, Clerk. 11133 Government. — Anglican deaconesses ; or, Is there no place for women in our parochial system ? . 10164 History and description. — Abbey, C. J. and Overton, J. H. The English Church in the 18th. cent. 2 V. 18725-6 — Arnold, M. {In his Last ess. on ch. and relig.) 16907 Puritanism and the Ch. of Eng. {In his St. Paul.) 12556 252 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Cattermole, R. Literature of the Ch. of Eng., select, fr. the writings of divines; with mem. of their lives, etc. 2 v. *r — Dixon, R. W. History of the Ch. of Eng. fr. the abolition of the Roman iurisdiction. v. 1,"2. 21957-8 — Elliot, A. The State and the Church. (The Eng-. Citizen.) 22216 — Hughes, T. Condition and prospects of the Ch. of Eng. (In Burlin- game, E. L. Current disc, v. 2.) , 17646 — Huntington, G. The Church's work in our large towns. 2d. ed. 9891 — Lorimer, P. John Knox and the Ch. of Eng. ; his work in her pulpit, etc. 13875 — Newman, J. H. Prospects of the Anglican Ch. (In his Ess. crit. and hist.,v. 1.) 10126 — Perrv, G. G. Historv of the English Church. 21486 — Soutiiev, R. The book of the Church. 6910 — Stanley, A. P. Essays chiefly on questions of Ch. and state, 1850-1870. 10698 — Weir, A. awe? Maclagen, W. D. The Church and the age; ess. on the principles and position of the Anglican Ch. 2 ser. 8627 ; 1082S — iSee ahr) England. Ecclesiastical history. Also Church and state;— Clergy. Church of Ireland. Stanley, A. P. The three Irish Churches. {Li his Ess. on Ch. and state.) 10698 Church of Scotland. Elliot, A. The State and the Church. (The Eng. Citizen.) 22216 — Stanley, A. P. The Church of Scotland. 10697 Church, the, of the household ; sermons by C. H. Hall. 17395 Church-rate imposition ; by W. J. Fox. {In his Mem. ed. of Coll. Works. V. 7.) *I Church season, The ; by A. H. Grant. *I Church seasons. Loftie, W. J. The Latin year; collect, of hymns for the seasons of the Ch. Illust. 14004 — Powers, H. ^. Through the rear; thoughts rel. to the seasons of nature and the church. " 13929 Churchill,!. Poetical works. 3 v. 832 ; 4996-7 Churchill, C. H. Life of Abdel Kader. 10975 Churchill, J. Duke of Marlborough. Coxe, W. Memoirs of the Duke of M. ; with his orig. correspondence. 3 v. 6840-2 — James, G. P. R. (In his Mem., v. 2.) 2294 — Paget, J. Lord Macaulav and the Duke of M. {In his Paradoxes and puzzles.) ' 12732 — Stanhope, P. H. The Duke of Wellington on the Duke of M. (In his Misc.) 6599 — Wilson, J. G. (In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Churchill, S. (J.), Duchess of Marlborough. Adams, W. H. D. (In Ms Women of fashion, v. 1.) 18867 -r Thomson, K. Memoirs of Sarah. Duchess of M., and the court of Queen Anne. 2 v. 4437-^ — - and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Churchyard literature ; by J. R. Kippax. *I Churton, H. jjseud. See Tourjee, A. W. Cibber, C. G. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit. painters, e^c, v. 3.) ' 1055 Cibber, Colley. Apology for the life of C. ; by himself ; new ed., with not. by E. Bell-Chambers. 833 — Talfourd, T. N. Colley Cibber's Apology for his life. {In his Crit. and misc. writings.) ' 4351 — Hamilton, W. {In his Poets laureate of Eng.) 18533 Cibbers,The. The Cibbers. (/n Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 Cibola. See Coronado, V. de. Cicero, M. T. Opera omnia. 19 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8230-48 Contents. V. 1-2. Opera rhetorica et oratoria; rec. add. J. W. Rinn. — 3-8. Orationes; ed. J.-T. Leclerc, cur. et emend. N. E. Lemaire.— 9-14. Opera philosophica; ed. J. Y. Leclerc, cur. et emend. M. N. Bouillet. — 15-17. Epistolae; ed. J. V. Leclerc, cur. et emend. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 253 ^. E. Lemaire. — 18. Fragmenta. — ^N^otitia literaria de Cicerone ex Fabricii bibliotheca.— Ciceronis vita a L. Aretino.— 19. Indices ; ex edit. J. V. Leclerc, ed. et aug. N. E. Lemaire. — Aratea phaenomena. (J% Lemaire, X. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 6.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8364 — Correspondence; rev. of the text, comment., etc., by R. Y. Tyrrell, v. 1. 19309 — Offices; Cato Major; Laelius; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream;' Letters to Quintus; lit. tr. with notes, by C. R. Edmonds. , 1033 — On oratorv and orators ; tr. bv J.' S. Watson. 839 — Orations ; 'tr. by C. D. Yonge.' 4 v. - 835-8 Contents. Y. 1. Orations for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius; against Quintus Caecilius; against Yerres. 2. On the Agra- rian law; against Catiline; for Rabirius, Muraena, Sylla, Archias, Flaccus, Scaurus. 3. For his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc. 4. Against Marcus Antonius. App. Treatise on rhetorical inven- tion; The orator; Topics; On rhetorical partitions, eic. — Orationes ; with comment . by G. Long. 4 v. 8916-19 Contents. Y. 1. Yerrinae. '2, Oratio pro P. Qnintio.— Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino,— Pro Q. Roscio comoedo.— Pro M. Tullio. — Pro M. Fonteio.— Pro A. Caecina.— De imperio Cn. Pompeii. — The province Asia.— Pro A. Cluentio Habito.— De lege agraria contra P. Servilium RuUum.— Pro C. . Rabirio.— Index. 3. In L. Catilinam.— Pro L. Murena.— Pro P. Sulla. — Pro A. Lincinio Arehia. — Pro L. Yalerio Flacco. — Quum Senatui gratias egit. — Quum populo gratias egit. — De domo sua.— De haruspicum respon- sis. — Pro P. Sestio. 4. In P. Yatinium testem. — Pro M. Caelio. — De pro- vinciis consularibus.— Pro L. Cornelio Balbo.— In L. Calpurnium Piso- nem.— Pro Cn. Plancio.— Pro C. Rabirio Postumo.— Pro T. Annio Milone. — Pro M. Marcello.— Pro Q. Ligario.— Pro rege Deiotaro.— Orationum Philippicarum liber II-XIY. — Index to notes. — Treatises; lit. tr. by C. D. Yonge. 21815 Contents. The nature of the gods. — Divination. — Fate.— The common- wealth.— The laws.— Standing for the consulship. — Collins, W. L. Cicero. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 9604 — Everett, A. H. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) • 1424 — Forsnh, W. Life of Cicero. 2 v. Illust. 5910-11 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Fam. men, etc.) 1591 — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Lamatine, A. de. {In Ms Mem. of celeb, char., v. 1.) 13216 — Life and letters ; new trans, of the letters in Watson's select. ; with hist. and crit. notes.) 20061 — Long, G. {In his Civ. wars of Rome.) 2738 — Middleton, C. History of the life of Cicero. ^ 3033 — Newman, J. H. Cicero, {hi Blomtield, C. J. aiid others. Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) 6380 {In his Hist, sk., v. 1.) 12916 — Trollope, A. Life of Cicero. 2 v. 20184-5 Cicero, Q. Epigrammata astronomica. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. miu.. v. 5.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8363 Cicerone, The ; or, Art guide to painting in Italy ; by J. Burck- hardt. *I Cid, Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bivar, called the. Frere, J. H. Translations fr. the "Poem of the Cid." {In his Works, V. 2.) 11654 Cid, Le : tragedie, by P. Corneille. {Li his Chefs-d'oeuvre, v. 1.) 14398 Ciel, et I'enfer ; par P. Merimee. {In his Theatre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Cigale, chez les fourmis. La ; comedie. (7?i Labiche, E. M. Theatre compl., v. 10.) 14574 Cilley, J. Hawthorne, N. {In his Fanshawe, etc.) 15903 Cimabue, G. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Cimarosa, D. II matrimonio segreto ; [opera] . *I — Ferris, G. T. Piccini, Paisiello, and C. {In his Great It. and Fr. Comp.) 18707 Cinchona. Markham, C. R. Peruvian bark ; pop. acct. of the introd. of C. cultivation into' Brit. India, 1860-1880. 20337 254 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cincinnati. The Bible in the public schools ; arguments ; J. B. Minor, et al. vs. the Board of Education of Cincinnati et al. ; with the opinions and decision of the Court. 8535 — Mchols, G. W. The Cincinnati organ; with descr. of the Cincinnati Music Hall. 1778T Cincinnati, Society of the. .Muzzey, A. B. (In Ms B,emmis.) 22390 Cinderella. (7n Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales.) 19660 Cinderella ; by A. I. Thackeray. (In her Writings.) 8668 Cinderella; opera. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 21.) 11820 Cinematics. See Kinematics. Cingalese literature. jSee Ceylon. Cinq-Mars ; par A. de Vigny. 14714 — Same ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 12ie Cipher. Plum, W. R. The military telegraph dur. the civil war in the U. S. ; with expos, of anc. and mod. means of communication, cipher systems, etc. 2 v. 22047-8 Cipher; by J. G. Austin. 7864 Circassian boy, The ; by M. Lermontoff. 13340 Circassienne, La ; opera comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4., V. 19.) *I Circe ; by B. White. _ 6904 Circle. Parker, J. A. Quadrature of the circle ; cont. demon- strations of the errors of geometers.) 12391 Circourt, A. Conclusions historiques. (In Bancroft, G. His- toire des Etats-Unis.) *I Circuit rider. The ; by E. Eggleston. 12465 Circulation. See Physiology. Circumnavigation. See Voyages round the world. Circumstance ; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. (In her Amber gods, etc.) 5430 Circumstances alter cases ; by W. J. Hoppin. (In French's Min. dram., v. 37.) 7989 Circus. Frost, T. Circus lifQ and circus celebrities. 13808 Cist, H. M. The army of the Cumberland. (Camp, of the Civ. War.) 21503 Cite Menard ; par H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 14646. Citerius Sidonius. Epigramma. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. Min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Citizen Bonaparte. . See Story of a peasant. Citizen of Prague, The. 11672 Citizenship. Morse, A. P. Treatise on citizenship, with ref. to the law of nations, Roman civil law, law of the U. S., of France, etc. 21246 Citoyenne Jacqueline ; by S. Tytler [Miss Keddie]. 7219 City clerk. The. See Charlie Hathaway. City Madam, The ; by P. Massinger. (In his Plays, v. 2.) 5129 City of Dreadful Night, and other poems ; by J. Thomson. 20456^ City poems ; by A. Smith. 4032 Civil disobedience. Thoreau, H. D. (In his Yankee in Canada, etc.) 6464 Civil Engineering. See Engineering. Civil liberty. See Liberty. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. '255 Civil or Roman law. Gaius. lostitutionum juris civilis com- mentarii quatuor ; or, Elements of Roman law. With trans, and comment., by E. Poste. *I — Hadley, J. Introduction to Roman law. 11857 — Hunter, W. A. Introduction to Roman law. 20216 Civil servant, A ; by E. E. Hale. {In Ms Crusoe in N. Y.) 19799 — Same. {In Tales for trav., v. 5.) 13934 Civil service reform. Beginning of the "Spoils" system in the National government, 1829-30 ; repr. fr. Parton's "Life of A. Jackson." 20227 — Coxe, B. Von Mohl on modes of filling civil offices. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour.,, 1871.) 15733 — Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Gt. Britain; history of abuses and reforms, and their bearing on Amer. politics. " 19327 — Eliot, S. Civil service reform. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 — Ford, W. C. {In his American citizen's manual.) 22028 — Rosengarten, J. G. Civil service reform. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — See also Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour. ;— Civ. Serv. Ref . Ass. Publica- tions ; — U. S. J.?so " Spoils " system. Civil Service Reform Association. Publications ; Namely : Beginning of the " Spoils" system in the National government, 1829-30.) 20227 Brown, W. Civil-service reform in the X, Y. Custom-house. 22130 Documents rel. to the removal fr. office of Gen. Curtis, and to his Eaton, D. B. The "Spoils" system in the Custom-house and Post- office in New York. ' 20317 — The term and tenure of office. 22142 indictment for levving and receiv. polit. assessments. 22193 Purposes of the association. 20224 Civil Service Reform Associations. Record of conference, Newport, R. I., 1881. 20726 Civil wars. The, Tales of ; by H. C. Adams. 8437 Civilization. Bancroft, G. Necessity, reality, and promise of the progress of the human race. {In his Lit. and hist, misc.) 299 — Buckle, H. T. Hisforv of civilization in England. 2 v. 569-70 — Burckhardt, J. Civilization of the period of the renaissance in Italy. 2 v. 18106-7 — Duncker, M. History of antiquity ; f r. the German, by E. Abbott. 6 v. 22662-7 — Freeman, F. Civilization and barbarism ; illust. by espec. ref. to Meta- comet and the extinction of his race. " 18266 — Geiger, L. Contributions to the hist, of the development of the human race. 20667 — Goodrich, S. G. Enterprise, industry, and art of man. 1588 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of cizilization [in Europe and in France] . 4 v. 5052-5 — Henry, C. S. Considerations on some of the elements and cond. of soc. welfare and human progress. 1856 — Kalisch, M. M. Path and goal : discussion on the elements of C, and the cond. of happiness. 19917 — Lubbock, J. Origin of civilization, and the prim. cond. of man. 8721 Same ; 4th. ed. 21520 — Mahaffy, J. P. Twelve lect. on primitive civilizations. 10960 — Maurice, J. F. D. Christian civilization. {In his Friendship of books.) 12252 — Mill, J. S. {In his Dissertations and disc, v. 1.) 5978 — Rawlinson, G. Early civilizations. {In his Origin of nations.) 17474 — Renan, E. Peuples S6mitiques dans I'histoire de la. civilisation. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 Same. The part of the Semitic people in the hist, of C. ; tr. by O. B. Frothingham. {In his Studies, etc.) ' 5636 — Smith, H. B. Draper's Intellectual development of Europe. {In his Faith and philosophy. 18186 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture; researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom. 2 v. 9880-1 Researches into the early hist, of mankind and the development of C. *I — Wikoflf, H. The four civilizations of the w^orld : hist, retrospect. 12515 256 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — See also Europe ;— Gt. Brit. Const, history. Civilization ; play ; by J. H. Wilkins. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 13.) 11815 Clacy, E. (psei^d. Cycla). Pattie Durant ; tale of 1662. 7536 Claeson, G. Ofversigt af Svenska sprakets och literaturens historia. 15054 Claiborne, J. F. H. Life and correspondence of J. H. Quit- man. V. 2. 841 Claimants. Celebrated claimants, anc. and mod. 12214 Clairon, J. H. L. de L. called Mile. de. Memoires. (Rarri^re. Bib. des memoires, v. 6.) 14526 — Sketch of C. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 Clairville, C. La gastrite ; monologue. {In Sayn^tes, efc, ser. 7.) 14797 —^ joint author. See Depr6, E. Clairvoyance. Davis, A. J. Memoranda of persons, places, and events ; embr. facts, visions, e^c, in magnetism, clair- voyance, spiritualism. 7383 — See also Spiritualism. Clan of the cats ; true stories about the feline animals. Illust. 20251 Clan Campbell, The, and the Marquis of Lome ; story of the House of Argyll. 9242 Clandestine marriage ; comedy ; by G-. Colmau, the elder. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 5.) 11807 Clap, Roger. Memoirs. {In Young, A. Chronicles. 4911 Clapham sect. The; by J. Stephen. {In his p]ssays, v. 2.) 8976 Clapp, H. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Clapp, H. A. Biography of G. Weston. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Clapp, H. C. Is consumption contagious? and can it be trans- mitted by means of food? 20107 Clapp, T. Autobiographical sketches dur. residence in New Orleans. ' 843 Clapp, W. W., Jr. A record of the Boston stage. 5600 — Plays. See French's minor drama; Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Clapperton, H. Second journey to Sackatoo. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — joint author. See Denham, D. Claquers, Les ; idylle, par J. Normand. (Th^^tre de camp., s^r. 8.) 14692 Clara : by Mme. Guizot. 1695 Clara Moreland ; by E. Bennett. 759 Clara Saville. See Latheby Towers. Clara Stephens ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 4.) 3958 Clara Vance, pseud. See Denison, M. A. Clara Vaughan ; by R. D. Blackmore. 20146 Clare, J. De Quiucey, T. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) 1154 Clare and B^U ; by E. W. Kirk. 18714 Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, E. ;— Villiers, G. W. F. Clare tie, A. A. dit Jules. La maltresse. 14644 — Le million. 14715 — Valentin; comMie. {In 8a.ym'tes, etc., ser. S.) 14793 Clari; drama; by J. H. Payne. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 33.) 11826 Clarissa Harlowe ; by S. Richardson. 4 v. 8870-3 — Same; condensed by C. H. Jones. 12772 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 257 Clark, A. Starting out ; story of the Ohio hills. Clark, C. H. {pseud. Max Adeler.) Out of the hurly-burly; or, Life in an odd corner. — Random shots ; illust. Clark, D. K. Construction of roads and streets ; Art of con- struct, common roads ; by H. Law ; rev. and cond. ; Re- cent pract. in the constr. of roads and streets, incl. pave- ments of stone, wood, and asphalte. Illust. — Elementary treatise on steam and the steam engine, stationary and porta- ble ; extension of treatise of J. Sewell. Illust. — Railway locomotives. Text and plates. 2 v. — Railways and tramways. (Brit, manuf . ind.) — Recent'praetice of tunnelling, as exemplified by the St. Gothard, Mont Cenis, and other mod. works. {In Simms, F.' W. Pract. tunnelling.) — Rudiments of civil engineering, by H. Law ; incl. a treatise on hydraulic engineering, by G. R. Burnell;'6th. ed., rev., with additions on recent practice. — Tramways ; their constr. and working : with spec, ref . to the tramways of the United Kingdom. Engr. and plates. Clark, D. W. Mental discipline, with ref. to the acquisition and communication of knowledge ; appended. Topical course of theological study. Clark, E. B. E. Numerous papers. See Association of Munici- pal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. Proceedings. Clark, E. L. The Arabs and the Turks ; their origin, history, etc. ; With chap, on the other non-Christian tribes of Western Asia. — Races of European Turkey; their history, cond., and prospects. Contents. The Byzantine empire. — The modern Greeks and the Alba- nians.— The Turkish" Slavonians, "Wallachians, and Gypsies. Clark, F. E. Our vacations ; where to go, how to go, and how to enjoy them. Clark, H. J. Mind in nature ; or. The origin of life, and the mode of development of animals. Illust. Clark, L. G. Knicknacks fr. an editor's table. Clark, M. R. joint author. See Swift, F. Clark, N. G. Outline of the elements of the Eng. language. — The Sabbath in foreign missions. (In Sabbath essays.) Clark, R. W. Lectures to young men. — The question of the hour; the Bible and the school fund. Clark, S. D. Memoir of .John Woodbridge. (The New Eng. ministry sixty years ago.) Clark, S. W. A practical grammar. Illust. — Key to Clark's grammar. Clark, S. Antiquities, historicals, andgraduates of Northampton. Clark, T. Spear, C. (In his Voices fr. prison.) Clark, T. M. Bp. The dew of youth, and other lectures on early discipline and culture. — Immortality, (bi Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) — The important choice. {In Union pulpit.) — John the Baptist. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) — Primary truths of religion. — The seen and the unseen. {In Boston Mond. Lect., 1880-81) Clark, W. R. Beveridge, the scriptural preacher ; lect. (In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach.) — The Church and science. {In Weir. A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) . — Savonarola; his life and times. — Why I am a Methodist. {In Pitts-St. chap, lect.) 13551 13850 19199 17598 14198 *I 15474 *I 20503 17801 6430 15773 18402 12877 6214 844 16750 19808 845 8984 17125 22765 22766 *I 4162 12008 13496 6680 4914 7852 20467 17464 10823 18359 20424 258 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Clarke, A. Etheridge, J. W. Life of Clarke. 1408 Clarke, A. B. The elder and the younger Booth. (Amer. actor ser.) 21334 Clarke, J. B. B. Account of the infancy, relig. and literary life of C. 5603 — Pratt, A. {In her Dawnings of genius.) • 3524 — Sketch of C. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Clarke, C. The Beauclercs. 13536 Clarke, C. C. Riches of Chaucer ; with notes and new mem. of the poet. 2d. ed., rev. 16991 — Shakespeare characters ; chiefly those subordinate. 21950 — arid M. C. Recollections of writers. 18005 Contents. General recollections.— John Keats. — Charles Lamb and his letters. — Mary Lamb.— Leigh Hunt and his letters.— Douglas Jerrold and his letters.— Charles Dickens and his letters. Clarke, CM. {pseud. C. M. Clay.) Baby Rue; her adven- tures, etc. (No name ser.) 20647 — How she came into her kingdom. 17720 ■ — The modern Hagar. (Kaaterskill ser.) 2 v. 22464-5 Clarke, D. " Saying the catechism" seventy-five years ago. 18378 — Revision of the Eng. version of the Bible ; [address] . 12754 Clarke, E. H. The building of a brain ; [education of girls]. 12962 — Same, {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., etc., 1874.) 16720 — Sex in education ; or, A fair chance for the girls. 12009 — Visions; study of false sight {pseudopia) ; with introd. and mem. sketch by O. W. Holmes. 17756 — Bigeiow, H. J., and others. A century of American medicine, 1776-1876. 16710 Contents. Clarke, E. H. Pract. medicine. — Bigeiow, H. J. Hist, of the discovery of mod. anaesthesia.- Gross, S. D. Surgery.- Thomas, T. G. Obstetrics, and gjnjecology .—Literature and institutions. — Blackwell, A. B. Tlie building of a brain. {In her Sexes through, nat.) 13784 Clarke, E. C. City scavengering in Boston. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass., Rept.,/V. 5.) *I Clarke, G. S. Practical geometry and engineering drawing. 14379 Clarke, H. S. Story of a garden party. {In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 — ^he white camellia. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Clarke, H. J. W., due de Feltre. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 Clarke, J. F. The Bible ; discourse. {In Unitarian affirma- tions.) 18586 — Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin ; essay. 846 — Common sense in religion. " 1965 — Essentials and non-essentials in religion ; lect. 17391 Contents. Faith and belief .—Christ and Christianity. — The bible. — The church and worship.— Christian experience.— The future life. — Events and epochs in religious history ; lect. 21073- — Go up higher; or. Religion in common life; sermons. " 17331 — The hour which cometh, and now is ; sermons. 7428 — How to find the stars ; with an acct. of the astronomical lantern, and its use. 17492 — The legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. 20348 — Memorial and biographical sketches. 1775T Contents. J. JC. Andrew.— J. Freeman.— C. Sumner.— T. Parker. — S. G. Howe. — W. E. Channing. — W. Channing and some of his contempo- raries.— E. S. Gannett.— S. J. May. — S. Dimock.— G. Keats,— R. J. Breck- inridge. — G. D. Prentice. — J. B. Booth, the elder.— Washington and the secret of his influence. — Shakespeare.— J. J. Rousseau. — Heroes of one countrv town. — William Hull. — The Old South speaks. {In Longfellow, H. W. Poems of the " Old South.") ' *I — Orthodoxy, its truths and errors. 1604 — Self-culture; phj^sical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual; lect. 2d. ed. 19942 — Steps of belief. 9295 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 259 — Ten great religions. 9882 — Same; pt. 2 ; a comparison of all religions. 22889 — A true theology the basis of human progress. {In Christ, and mod. thought.) ' 10188 — and Lilian. Exotics ; attempts to domesticate them. 13901 Note. Poems tr. f r. various authors. — joint author. See Emerson, R. W. Clarke, Mrs. J. S. See Clarke, A. B. Clarke, J. T. History of anciejit art. See Reber, F. von. Clarke, L. L. Common sea-weeds of the British coast and channel islands ; tinted plates. 6486- Clarke, M. His natural life. 15454 Clarke, M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines ; tales. 3 v. 6855-7 — The iron cousin. 849 — A rambling story. 13429 — The trust and tlie remittance. (Two love stories in metred prose.) 12324 — joint author. See Clarke, C. C. Clarke, N. H. Br Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. C/larke. R. S. (j^seucl. Sophie May). The asbury twins. 15324 — Aunt Madge's story. 978T — Captain Horace. (Little Prudv stor.) 12658 — Cousin Grace. (Little Prudv stor.) 12659 — Doctor papa. (Flaxie Frizzle stor.) 21039 — The doctor's daughter. 9788 — Dotty Dimple. (Little Prudy stor.) 12660 — Dottv Dimple at her grandmother's. , 9328 — Dottv Dimple at home. 9329- — Dottv Dimple at plav. . 9330 — Dottv Dimple at school. . 9331 — Dotty Dimple out west. 9332 — Dottv Dimple's flvaway. 9327 — Fairv book. (Little Prudv stor.) 12661 — Flaxie Frizzle. ' 16564 — The horn of plenty of home poems and home pictures ; poems by L. M. Alcott, Miss Muloch, J. Ingelow, etc. Illust. 15336 — Janet, a poor heiress. ' 22280 — Little folks astrav. (Little Prudv's Flvawav ser.) 12662 — Little grandfather. (Little Prudv's FlvawaV ser.) 11570 — Little grandmother. (Little Prudv's Flvawav ser.) 1266a — Little pitchers. (Flaxie Frizzle stor.) ' * 18071 — Little Prudv. (Little Prudv stor.) 12664 — Miss Thistledown. ' 7304 — Our Helen. 13313 — Prudy keeping house. (Little Prudy's Flvawav ser.) 12665 — Qwiunebasset girls. ' " 17332 — Sister Susie. (Little Prudy stor.) 12666 — The twin cousins. Illust. (Flaxie Frizzle stor.) 2203T Clarke, W.^ joint author. See Lewis, M. Clarkson, T. History of the rise, progress, and accomplish- ment of the abolition of the African slave trade by Parliament. 850 — Letter from C. to Wm. Lloyd Garrison. (In Stebbins, G. B. Facts and opinions.) 4205 — Letter to Mrs. H. G. Chapman. (In Libertv bell.) 5101 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) * 6740- Class of" '71 ; by Mrs. J. Q. Smith. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 2.) 13931 Classic preachers of the Eng. church ; by J. E. Kempe. 17464 Classical (i. e., Greek and Roman) antiquities. Rich, A. Dictionary of the Greek and Roman antiquities. 12137 — Smith, W. A. Smaller dictionarv of Greek and Roman antiquities. 8710- — See also Mythology. Classical biography. Smith, W. Classical dictionary of bio- graphy, mythology, and geography. 8708- 260 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 v. 8724r-6 Tie, T. Art of conversation. {In his Ess. in mosaic.) 10878 — De Quiiicev. T. {In his Letters, etc.) 1163 — Giles, H. (in his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Peabody, A. P. Conversation ; its faults and its graces. 743S — See also Talking. Conversation, The, of Eiros and Charmion ; by E. A. Poe. {In his Tales.) 5144 Conversation on nature and art. 926 Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health ; with other pieces; by [E. B. Lytton]. 581 Conversers, The great ; and other essays ; by W. Mathews. 12760 Conversion, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, v. 1.) *I Conversion de la veuve. La ; sayndte. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 4.) 14794 Conversion of the West. See Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Convict, The ; by G. P. R. James. 5238 Convict life ; or, Revelations cone, convicts and convict prisons ; by a Ticket-of-leave man. 20098 Convictions de papa ; comedie ; par E. Gondinet. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G.. Th^^tre, etc., ser 2.) 14686 Convicts. Carpenter, M. Our convicts. 2 v. 10638-9 — See also Prisons. Convicts and their children ; by B. Auerbach. 16875 Conway, C. L. Life's promise to pay. 15896 Conway, D., pseud. See Inglis, H. D. Conway, G. Treatise on versification. 19100 Conway, H. J. Plays. See French's minor drama. Conway, J. Forays among salmon and deer. 10856 Conway, M. D. Demonology and devil-lore. Illust. 2 v. 18380-1 — The earthward pilgrimage. 114:25 — Emerson at home and abroad. 22248 284 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY., — Idols and ideals, etc- 16980 Contents. Consequences.— Growing superstitions.— Faith, fact, and fairy tale.— The praying machine.— The Pre-Darwinite and Post-Darwinite world.— Footprints' of the great.— Anthropomorphism.— The dream of Socrates,— Flower and thorn.— Real and ideal.— The angel of death.— Christianity. — The rejected stone; or, Insurrection vs. resurrection in America. 5372 — Republican superstitions as illust. in the polit. hist, of America. 15746 — The sacred anthology ; a book of ethnical scriptures. 12375 — Thomas Carlyle. Illust. 20628 — Tracts for to-day. 15584 — Travels in South Kensington ; with notes on Decorative art and architec- ture in England. Illust. 22199 — The Wandering Jew. 20842 Conway, T. Headley, J. T. {In his Washingtou, etc.^ v. 1.) 1828 — Sketch of C. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 Conwell, R. H. History of the great fire in Boston, Nov., 1872. *I — Life, speeches, etc., of J. A. Garlield; introd. by M. Hopkins. 19795 Conybeare, W. J. Perversion ; or, The causes and consequences of infidelity. 930 — and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 2 v. 5614-15 Conyngham, D. P. The O'Donnells of Glen cottage. 13023 — Sherman's march through the South. 6136 Cook, B. F. History of the 12th. Mass. Volunteers. *I Cook, C. The house beautiful ; essays on beds and tables, stools and candle-sticks. *I — Introduction, and biog. sk. of A. S. Gibbs. {In Goethe, C. E. Goethe's mother. Correspondence, etc.) 21171 — " What shall we do with our walls?" *I Cook, D. Book of the play ; studies and illust. of histrionic story, life, and character. 2 v. 16817-18 — Doubledav's children. 17441 — Hours with the players. 2 v. ' 22103-4 Contents. Will Mouutford and Lord 31ohun.— Mistress Woffington.— Poor Perdita.— " Sir Peter Teazle."'— "Ladv Teazle."'-*' Joseph Surface." —"Charles Surface."' — '• Sir Benjamin Backbite." — ''Mr. Crabtree." — "Mrs. Candour."— '"Sir Oliver Surface.*' S. Mr. and Mrs. Baddeley. — "Married beneath her." — "A gentleman of the name of Booth."' — Miss Smithson. — " Old Farren."' — Mrs. Glover. — " Sir Charles Coldstream." — Charlotte Cushman.— Rachel Felix.— Charles Kean.— A note on Fechter. Cook, E. Poems. 931 — Poetical works ; complete. ( " Chandos poets." ) 13207 Cook, F. C. Completeness and adequacy of the evidences of Christianity. {In Chris. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 Cook, G. H. The drowned lands of Orange county, N. Y., and Sussex Co., N. J. ; their drainage. {In Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) *I Cook, Capt. J. A sea voyage, and an adventure by the way. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Kingston, W. H. G. Voyages of C. {In his Notable voyages.) 19571 — Coleridge, H. {In his Lives of Xorthern worthies, v. 3.) *I — Jones, M. Story of Capt. Cook's voyages. Illust. 10929. — Kippis, A. Narrative of the voyages by C. ; with acct. of his life. 2486 — Purves, D. L. Cook's vovages.' {Bi his Eng. circumnavigators.) 14165 — Sketch of C. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 — Taylor. W. O. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Cook, Joel. Brief summer rambles near Philadelphia. 21206 — Holiday tour in Europe. 18261 Cook, Jos. Boston Monday lectures ; with preludes on current events ; namely : Biologj. 17104 Conscience. 18159 Hereditv. 18275 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 285 Labor. 19643 Marria.ae. 18479 Orthodoxy; [with rev. of Theodore Parker.] 17442 Transceucleutalism. ^ 17258 Socialism. 20980 — How to make dull bovs read ; How to preserve the results of readiug. {In Abbott, L. Hibts for home reading.) 19847 — Methods of meeting mod. unbelief. {In Bost. jN^ond. Lect.) 20467 — Phvsical, intellectual, and economic advantages of the Sabbath. {In 'Sabbath ess.) " 19808 — Gladden, Vf, Was Bronson Alcott's school a type of God's moral gov- ernment? rev. of Cook's theory of the atonement. 17271 Cook, M. W , ed. The unclivine comedy, and other pOems, by Count S. Krasinski ; his Polish annotators : A. and L. Mickiewiz ; Polish poetry in the 19th. cent., by J. Klaczko ; short biog. of the poet. 13965 Cook, T. P. Life and pub. services of S. J. Tilden. Added, Sketch of T. A. Hendricks. Portr. 16565 Cooke, C. A. Young folks' speaker ; prose and poetry. Illust. 22373 Cooke, C. W. Optical illusions. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 Cooke, Frances E. A boy's ideal ; story of a great life ; [Sir T. More]. Illust. 2'2:im — True to himself; storv of Savonarola. 22570 Cooke, C F. Fitzgerald, P. {In his Rom. of the Eug. stage.) 13430 — G. F. Cooke. {In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) ' 17924 Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson; his life, writings, and philsophy. 20990 Cooke, G. AV. Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2 y. *I Cooke, H. A. Phineas Stowe, and Bethel work. 12487 Cooke J. E. Doctor Vandyke. 12638 — Fairfax ; or. The master of Greenway Court. 7468 — Henry St. John, Gentleman. " 932 — Mr. Grantley's idea. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18667 — Pretty Mrs. Gaston, anU other stories. Illust. 12326 Contents. Prettv 3Irs. Gaston.— Annie at the corner.— The wedding at Duluth. — Professor Pressensee; materialist and inventor. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17961 — Stories of the Old Dominion, to the end of the revolution. 18668 — The Virginia Bohemians. 19849 — The Virginia comedians ; or. Old days in the Old Dominion. 22571 Cooke, J. P. First principles of chemical philosophy. 439 — The new chemistry. (Int. Sci. ser.) 12146 — Principles of cheniical philosophy. 10521 — Religion and chemistrv ; or, Proofs of God's plan in the atmosphere, etc. ; lect. 2d. ed. ' 12179 — Religion and chemistry ; restatement of an old argument ; new ed. 19971 — Sceutific culture, and other essays. 20756 Contents. Scientific culture.'— The nobility of knowledge.— Elementa- ry teaching of phys. science.— The radiometer.— Memoir of T. Graham.— Memoir of W. H. Miller. •Cooke, M. C. Freaks and marvels of plant life ; or, Curiosi- ties of vegetation. 21479 — Fungi; their nature and uses; ed. by M. J. Berkeley. (Int. Sci. ser.) 13648 — Plain and easy acct. of the British fimgi. " 8961 — Same. 3d. e(i. rev. ; cold, plates. 16623 — Ponds and ditches. (S^at. hist, ramb.) 19706 — Rust, smut, mildew, and mould; introd. to the studv of microscopic fungi. 3d. ed. * 16622 — The woodlands. (Xat. hist, ramb.) 19297 Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and California ; hist, and pers. narrative. 17547 286 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cooke, R. T. Somebody's neighbors. 20267 Contents, Eben Jackson. — Miss Lucinda. — Dely's cow. — Squire Paiue's « conversion.— Miss Beulali's bonnet.— Cal Culver and the devil.— Aman- dar.— Polly Mariner, tailoress.— Uncle Josh.— Poll Jenning's hair.— Free- dom Wheeler's controversy with Providence.— Mrs. Flint's married expe- rience. Cooke, S. Sermon, 1770. ^ {In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the Amer. rev.) *I Cookery. Alcott, W. A. The young housekeeper ; or. Thoughts on food and cookery. ' 6431 — Babcock, E. W. Household hints. (Appletons' home book.) 20831 — Baker, M. A. First lessons in the principles of cooking. 12320 — Barringer, M. M. Dixie cookery. " 7008 — Beecher, C. E. Domestic receipt book. 359 — Beecher, E. W. All around the house. 18003 — Blot, P. Hand-book of practical cookery. 7007 What to eat, and how to cook it. 6334 — Bowman, A. New cookery book. 7739 — Breakfast, dinner, and tea;" viewed classically, poetically, and practically. 6283 — Brillat-Savarin, A. Phisiologie du gout. ^ 14596 — Brown, S. A. Book of forty puddings. 22129 — Cooking receipts fr. Harper's Bazar. 17154 — Corson, J. Cookin"- school text book ; and housekeepers' guide. 18382 Twenty-five cent dinners for families of six. 17885 — Every day home advice rel. chiefly to household management. 22194 — Ewiiig, E. P. Cooking and castle building. 20110 — Fothergill, J. M. and Wood, H. C. Food for the invalid; the convales- . cent, the dyspeptic, and the goutv. - 20052 — Francatelli, C. E. The modern cook. 10476 — German national cookery for Eng. kitchens. 12216 — Gouffe, J. The royal book of pastry and confectionery ; adapt to Eng. use. " " *I The royal cookery book ; tr. and adapt for Eng. use by A. Goufl'^. 9836 — Haskell, E. F. Housekeeper's encyclopaedia of receipts. 1792 — Henderson, M. F. Practical cooking and dinner giving. 17129 — Hooper, M. Little dhmers : how to ser\ e them. 13042 — Howard, Mrs. B. C. Fifty years in a Maryland kitchen; [receipts]. 12163 — Ice-cream and cakes; standard, fresh, and original receipts; bv an American. ' 22496 — Jeaffreson, J. C. A book about the table. 2 v. • 13619-20 — Kirwan, A. V. Host and guest ; book about dinners, efc. 12579 — Ladies of the Presbvterian Church, Paris, Ky. ISTew and pract. cook book. ' 19397 — Leslie, E. New receipts for cooking. 12501 Seventy-five receipts for pastry, etc. 2609 — Lillie, L.' C. W. Lady Betty's cooking school. {In Some curious schools.) 20401 — 31., Mrs. E. A. Xoripareil' practical cook book. 22325 — Mann, M. Christianity in the kitchen ; physiological cook-book. 3124 — Nantucket receipts. ' 13093 — National Training school for Cookery. Ofiicial handbook ; course of in- struction, utensils, etc. " 17737 — New Century Cooking School, Phila. How we made a nine cent dinner; with other economies. 21871 — Pabke, M. One hundred recipes. 22476 — Parloa, M. The Appledore cook book ; new ed. 17618 First principles of hous(?hokl management and cookerv. 19038 — -Same. New ed. ' 22167- Miss Parloa's new cook-book. Illust. 19954 — Peterson, M. E. Preserving, pickling, and canning fruit manual. 19447 — Putnam, E. H. Receipt book, and young kousekeeper's assistant. 3568 — Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 21525 — Soyer, A. Culinary campaign of the Crimean war. 4109 — Stowe, H. E. B. House and home papers. 5819 — Tegetmeier, W. B. Scholar's handbook of household management and cookerv. 16900 — Terhune, M. Y. Breakfast, luncheon, and tea. 13921 Common sense in the household. 9651 The dinner year-book. 18095 — Westminster Presbvterian Church, Keokuk, Iowa. Cook book of the Northwest. ' 14318 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 287 — Whitnev, A. D. T. Just how ; key to the cook-books. — Woodman, M. S. Choice receipts. 13088 Cooking and castle-building; by E. P. Ewing. 20110 Cool as a cucumber ; by W. B. Jerrold. {In French's Min. dram., v. 30.) 7986 Coolbrith, I. D. Verses. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Cooley, A. J. Cyclopoedia of 6000 pract. receipts. 935 Cooley T. M. Notes and additions. {In Story, J. Commen- taries on the Constitution of the U. 8., etc.) ' *I , — The guarantee of order and repub. government in the States; Some checks and balances in government. (I?i Atlas ess.) 18292 Cooley, T. M. Sketches of the life of L. Haynes. 936 Cooley, W. D. Physical geography ; or, The terraqueous globe, and its phenomena. Illust. 15835 Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical receipts ; incl. medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy. 5th. ed., rev. by R. V. Tuson. ' 11089 Coolidge, S.^ pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. Coolie. Jenkins, E. The Coolie ; his rights and wrongs. 12019 Coomassie and Magdala ; Brit, campaigns in Africa ; by H. M. Stanley. 12836 Cooper, A. A., 3d. Earl of Shaftshury. Fowler. T. Shafts- bury and Hutcheson. (Eng. philosophers.) 22219 — Stephen, L. Shaftsbury's 'Characteristics.' (/% Ais Ess. on freethiuk- ing, etc.) 19049 Coo\>ei\ A. A.,* 7th. Earl of Shaftsbury. Home, R. H. Lord Ashley and Dr. S. Smith. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Cooper, C. H. Memoir of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. 18620 Cooper, E. Sermons. 937 Cooper, H. J. The art of furnishing on rational and aesthetic principles. 15894 Cooper, H. S. Coral lands. Illust. 2 v. 20240-1 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore. 939 — Bravo. 940 — Chain bearer. 941 — The crater; or, Vulcan's peak. 942 — Headsman. 945 — Heidenmauer, 944 — History of the navy of the United States. 3219 — Home as found ; seq. to Homeward bound. 946 — Homeward bound. 947 — Jack Tier ; or, The Florida reef. 948 — Leather stocking tales ; namely: Deerslayer. 943 Last of 'the Mohicans. 950 Pathfinder. 966 Pioneers. 958 Prairie. 959 — Lionel Lincoln. 949 — Mercedes of Castile ; or. The vovage to Cathav. 951 ^ 3Iiles AVallingford ; seq. to Afloat and ashore. ' 952 — Monikins. 953 — Ned Myers. 954 — Oak openings. 955 — Pilot. 957 — Precaution. 960 — Red Rover. 961 — Redskins. 962 — Satanstoe. 963 288 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Sea lions. 964 — Spy. 938 — Stories of the prairie. 7611 — Stories of the sea. 5551 — Stories of the woods. • 5554 Note. Tliree collections of "Stories" select, fr. his novels. — Trayelliu^ bachelor; or, Notions of the Americans. 965 — Two admirals. 966 — Water witch. 967 — Wavs of the hour. 968 — Wept of the Wish-ton-Wish. 969 — Wing and wing. 970 — Wyandotte. 971 — Lounsburv, T. E. J. F. Cooper. (Amer. men of letters.) 22386 — Parkman,'F. J. F. Cooper. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {I7i Ms Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I — Simms, W. G. Writings of Cooper. {In his Tiews and rev.) 5749 Cooper, J. H. Treatise on the use of belting for the trans- mission of power. 17570 Cooper, J. W. Game fowls; their origin, hist., etc.; with descr. and treatment of diseases. 15557 Cooper, Peter. Zachos, J. C. Sketch of the life and opinions of C. 16084 Cooper, S. F. Rural hours. 17643 Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee hills ; journey to Thibet fr. Assam. 12562 Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance and enterprise ; [biog- raphy]. 6741 — Sketch of C. {In Famous boys.) 5036 Cooper, T. V., and Fenton, H. T. American politics*to date ; hist, of parties ; speeches, etc. *I Cooper, V. K. Tales fr. Euripides; namely: Iphigenia. — Andromache. — Alcestis. — Hecuba. — Helen. — Medea. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18784 Cooper, W. R. Corroborative evidence of Old Testament hist. fr. the Egypt, and Assyr. monuments. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Faith., etc.) 15879 Cooper, W. (pseud. Vanderdecken.) The yacht sailor; tr. on pract. yachtsmanship, cruising, and racing ; with notes and add. chapters, by a Clyde yachtsman. 5th. ed. 16557 Co-operation. Barnard, C. Co-operation as a business. 20500 — Brassey, T. Foreign work and English wages. 19420 — Hale, E. E. and others. Essays and stories on the homes of men who work in large towns. ' ' 12495 — Holyoake, G. J. History of C. in Eng. ; its literature, and its advocates. 2 v. 14077-8 — Richter, E. Co-operative stories. 6991 — See also Agriculture ;— Building Associations. Coopers, The ; by A. B. Haven. 20522 Cope, E. D. On the hypothesis of evolution. (Zn Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists.) 9821 Copeland, R. M. Country life ; handbook of agriculture, horti- culture, and landscape gardening. 973 Copenhagen. Art. Atkinson, J. B. (In his Art tour to North- ern capitals.) 12716 Copernicus or Kopernik. Brigham, C. H. (In Ms Mem... etc.) 20560 Copleston, R. S. ^schylus. (Anc. class, for. Eng. read.) 10045 Copley, J. S., R. A. Amory, M. B. Domestic and artistic life of C. ; with notices of his works, etc. 21417 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 289 — Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit, painters, v. 4.) 1056 — Perkins. A. T. Sketch of the life, and list of the works of C. *I — Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of C. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Copley, J. S. Ld. Lyndhurst. Speech on the war with Russia. {In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Amorv, M. B. Eeminiscences of Ld. Lvndhurst. (In her Domes, and art", life of Copley.) ' 21417 — Bagehot. W. "Wliat Lord Ljnidhurst really was. {In his Biog. studies.) 20441 — Francis, G. H. (In Ai's Orators.) ' 1525 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Sugden, E. B. Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham corrected. ' 18337 Copp^e, F. Poesies, 1864-1878. 3 v. 14754-6 Copp^e, H. History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab moors ; with sk. of [their] civilization. 2 v. 20150-1 — Life and services of U. S. Grant. , 7446 Copper. Phillips, J. A. Copper smelting. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15465 — U. S. General Land O^ce. Geological rept. on the copper lands of Lake Superior land ctist., Mich. pt^l. 1508 — Yalentini, P. J. J. Mexican copper tools : use of copper bv the Mexicans bef . the conquest ; tr. by S. Salisbury, Jr. ' 19696 Bound loith Katunes of 31aya history. Copyright. Appleton, C. E. American efforts after iuternat. C. {In Appleton, J. H. Dr. Appleton.) 20656 — Arnold, M. (7m /? is Irish ess.) 21494 — Carhie, T. Petition on the copvright bill. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., V. 4.) ' 699 — Dawson, S. E. Copvright in books; its origin; and acct. of the law in Canada. ' 22076 — Putnam, G. H. International C. consid*. in its rel. to ^thics and polit. economv. 18501 — ^Shaler, N. §. International property in patents and copyrights, {hi his Thoughts on the nature of intel.'prop., etc.) ' 17644 — Talfourd, T. X. (7?*^/.** Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 — White, R. G. American view of the copyright question. 20206 Coq du clocher, Le ; par L. Reybaud. 9538 — Same. {In his Romans.) 9549 Coquelin, C. The actor and his art ; tr. by A. L. Alger. 20108 Coquerel, A. J.,Jils. Fine arts in Italy. 10494 — First hist, transformations of Christiauitv; fr. the French, bv E. P. Evans. ' * 18344 — Rise and decline of the Romish church. {In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 Coquerel, A. L. C. Protestantism in Paris. 974 Coquette, The ; or. Life and letters of Eliza Wharton ; by a lady of Mass. [Hannah Foster]. 13682 Note. Eliza Wharton's real name was Eliz. "VThitman. Coral. Cooper, H. S. Coral lands. lUust. 2 v. 20240-1 — Dana, J. D. Corals, and coral islands. 10544 Same ; extracts only. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Duncan, P. M. Corals and their polvpes ; Coral islands. (7?* Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) * 20526 Coraline ; by [M. A. Mackarness]. 10585 Coraly ; ou. La soeur et le fr^re ; comedie vaude. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 13.) *I Coran. See Koran. Corbeille de mariage, La ; comedie ; par G. de L^tori^re. {In Legouv<^, J. W. E. G. Th^Atre, etc., ser. 4.) 14688 Corbet, Miss. The miller of the Calder. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Corbet, R. St.J. The holiday camp. 10874 Corbin, C. F. Belle and the boys. 19324 — His marriage vow. 12010 290 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cord and creese ; by [J. De Mille]. 5622 Cordage. Simmons, P. L. Fibres and cordage. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15473 Corday d'Armont, M. A. C. de. Hewitt, M. E. (In her Lives.) 1899 — Sketch of C. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 — Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Corde au cou, La ; par E. Gaboriau. 14619 Cordery, B. M. Struggle against absolute monarchy, 1603- 1688. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17012 — mid Phillpotts, J. S. King and Commonwealth; Charles I. and the great rebellion. 15670 Cordier, — , joint author. See Mendel, E. Cordoba. See Cordova. Core, T. H. Djstance of the sun fr. the earth. (In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 Corea. Eden, C. H. (In his China, hist., etc.) 20930 — Griffis, W. E. Corea, the hermit nation. 22151 — Oppert, E. A forbidden land ; voyages to the C. ; with acct. of its geog., hist., productions, comm. capabilities, etc. Charts and illust. 19668 — Ross, J. History of Corea anc. and mod., with descr. of manners and customs, lang'nage and geography. Maps and illust. 19718 Corfield, W. H. A digest of facts rel. to the treatment and utilization of sewage. 12563 — Dwelling houses ; their sanitary coustr. and arrangements. 21160 — Public health. See Hart, E. — Water and water supply. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14144 — Water supply, sewage, and sewageaitilization. Lect. *I Corilla, La. See Fernandez, M. M. M. Corinne ; par M^ne. de Stael. 9405 — Same. Eng. trans. 1165 Coriolanus. See Shakespeare, W. Coriolanus ; tragedy; byAY. Shakspeare. (7?i Mod. stand, dr., V. 40.) ' 11830 Corkran, Alice. Bessie Lang. (Leis. hr. ser.) 16881 — Latheby Towers. 3 v. 19101^ Note. The running title of the book is Clara Saville. Cormenin, L. M. de la H,, viscomte de (pseud. Timon). The orators of France ; introd. ess. by J. T. Headley ; ed. by G. H. Colton. 4th. ed. Illust. 5012 Corn-law rhymes. See Elliott, E. Corn-laws. Ash worth, H. Recollections of R. Cobden and the Anti-Corn-Law League. 17371 — Cox. S. S. Free land and free trade; lessons of the Eng. corn laws appl. to the U. S. 22375 — Frost, T. {In his Forty years recollect.) 21403 — Fox, W. J. Anti-corn-iaw speeches ; Letters on the corn laws ; Moral view of the corn law question. {In his Mem. ed. of Coll. Works, V. 4, 5, 8.) *I — Nicoll, H. J. Repeal of the corn-laws, R. Cobden, J. Bright, C. P. Villiers. {In his Great movements.) 21442 Corne, M. A. Duty of society to indemnify the citizen unjustly imprisoned. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans.. 1870. *I Corneille, P. Chefs-d'oeuvre ; v. 1 : Le Cid ; Horace. 14398 — Horace; ed., with introd. and notes, by G. Saintsbury. 22912 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {Li his Xouv. luhd., v. 7; Fortr. lit., v. 1.) *I — Trollope, H. 31. Corneille and Racine. (For. class, for Eng. read.) 20493 Cornelius, Mrs. Young housekeeper's friend. 975 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 291 Cornelius, P. von. Grimm, H. Berlin imd P. von Cornelius ; Die Cartons of C. {In his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Cornell, W. M. Life and pub. career of H. Greeley. 22572 Cornelius Nepos. See Nepos. Corner, J. China, pict., descr., and hist. ; with acct. of Ava and the Burmese, Siam, and Anam. 976 — India, pictorial, descriptive, and historical. 977 — The shepherd lord; Hereward the brave; Caldas; a story of Stonehenge. (Magnet stories.) 10581 — Wallace, the hero of Scotland. (Magnet stories.) 10573 Corner cupboard. The. 978 Cornish, F. W. Life of Oliver Cromwell. (Hist, biog.) 21816 Cornish, S. W. Waverley manual : hand-book of characters, incidents, etc.^ in Waverley novels ; with crit. bi'eviates. *I Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Proctor, B. W. Cornwall, C. M. Free, yet forging their own chains. 15791 Cornwall, H. B. Manual of blowpipe analysis ; with compl. system of determinative mineralogy. Illust. 22374 Cornwall, Eng. Black, A. and C. Guide to the counties of Dorset, Devon, and C. Maps and illust. 5th. ed. *I — Black, A. and C. Guide to the Duchy of C. Map and illust. *I — Mueller, F. M. Cornish antiquities ; Insulation of St.Michael's Mount. (In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 — Tregellas, I. T. Peeps into the haunts and homes of C. Illust. 19791 Cornwallis, C, Lord. Chesney, C. C. Cornwallis and the Indian services. {In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Mackintosh, J. Character of C. (/-^i /* is Misc. works.) 2825 Coronado, V. de. Hale, E. E. Fra, Marco and Coronado. {In hisStoY. of adv.) 20849 — Simpson, J. H. Coronado's march in search of the " Seven Cities of Cibola," and disc, of their probable location. (In Smithsonian Inst. Eept., 1869.) 11625 Coronation ; by E. P. Tenney. 17353 Coroner's inquisition ; by A. O. Hall. {In French's Min. dram., v. 15.) • 11843 Corporal Bruce ; by G. B. Perry. 17768 Corpulence. Banting, W. Letters on corpulence. 8790 — Griffith, M. M. Corpulence; treated without starvation. 17188 Corrafin. 2 v. 18652-3 Correggio, A. A. called II. Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Heaton, M. C. Correggio. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 22032 — Jameson, A. (In her Mem.) 2324 Correggio, a tragedy ; by A. G. Oehlenschlager. 3279 Corsair; by W. Brough. (In French's Min. dram, v. 17.) 11844 Corsica. Cox, S. S. {In his Search for winter sunbeams.) 8369 — Forde, G. A lady's tour in C. 2 v. 20932-8 — Gregorovius, F. Corsica; picturesque, hist., and soc, 1852; tr. by E. J. 3Iorris. 3159 — Doran, J. (In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) 1248 — Malleson, G. B. Studies fr. Genoese history. 13876 Corsican brothers. The ; romance"; by Dumas ; adapt, by Grang^ and Mont^pin. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 Corsincon, psend. See Dalziel, H. Corson, H. Chaucer's Legeude of goode women. *I — Elocutionary manual ; with introd. ess. on the study of literature, and on vocal culture in its rel. to an appreciation of poetry. 15686 \ 292 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Corson, J. Cooking school text book, and housekeepers' guide to cookery and kitchen management. 18382 — Twenty-five cent dinners for families of six. 17885 Cortambert, R. Retour de voyage (Thefitre decamp., ser. 8.) 14692 Cortes, H. Despatches to Charles V. dur. the conquest; tr., with introd. and notes, by G. Folsom.) 989 — Letters. {In Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure.) 20849 — Abbott, J. S. C. History of Cortez. 7 — Adventures of C. ; bv the author of " Uncle Philip's conversations." 5008 — Helps, A. Life of Cortez. 9632 — Howitt, M. Cortez approaching Mexico. {In her Vignettes.) 7679 — Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Mexico, and the life of C. 8th. ed. 3 v. ^ 3538-40 — Simms, W. G. Cortes and the conquest of Mexico. (Zw ^is Views and rev.) 5749 Cortes, «J. D. Essays on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism ; fr. the Spanish, by W. M'Donald. 18312 Contents, Catholicism. — Problems and solutions rel. to order in general. — Problems and solutions rel. to order in humanity. Corthell, E.L. History of the jetties at the mouth of the Mis- sisippi river. 20194 Corvin, O. In France with the Germans. 2 v. 10814-15 Corvinus, J. {pseud. W. Raabe). AbuTelfan ; oder, DieHeimkehr vom Mondgebirge. 16453 — Der Hungerpastor. 16454 — Das letzte Recht. (DeutscherXovelleuschatz.) 16167 Corwin, T. Magoon, E. L. {In his Living orators in Amer.) 2857 — Russell, A. P. Thos. Corwin; a sketch. 21061 Corey, I. P. Ancient fragments. iSee Hodges, E. R. Cory, W. Guide to modern Eng.. history. 2 v. 19780-1 Contents. Pt. 1. 1815-1830. 2. 1830-1835. Cosima ; ou. La haine dans I'amour ; drame ; par George Sand. {In her Theatre comp., ser. 1.) 14510 Cosmetics. Cazenave, A. {In his Female beauty.) 12670 Cosmic emotion ; by W. K. Clifford. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) 19516 Cosmo de' Medici ; tragedy ; by-R. H. Home. 14095 Cosmogony. Pierce, B. Cosmogony. {In his Ideality, etc.) 20554 Cosmography. Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Cosmos ; tr. b}^ E. C. Otte, etc. 5 v. 2074-8 Cosmos. See Cosmography. Cosnac, D. de, Abj^. ofAi.i'. Sainte-Beuve. C. A. {In his Cans. lund., V. 6.) ' *I Cossa, L. Guide to the study of polit. economy ; fr. the 2d. Ital. ed. Pref. by W. S.*^ Jevons. " 20195 Cossacks, The ; tale of the Caucasus ; by L. Tolstoy. 17920 Cost and compensation : lect. ; by J. G. Holland. {In /jl'oung, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Cotton. Bowman, F. H. The structure of the cotton fibre in its rel. to tech. applications. Illust. 2d. ed. ^ 21683 — Geldard, J. Hand-book of cotton manufacture ; or, Guide to machine- building, spinning, and weaving.- 6999 — Leigh, E. Science of mod. cotton spinning. *I -r- Lyman, J. B. Cotton culture; with chapter on cotton seed bv J.R. Sypher. 14000 — Mudge, E. K. and Nourse, B. F. Cotton. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos.. 1867. Kept., v. 6.) 9101 — Olmsted, F. L. The cotton kingdom; obs. on cotton and slavery in the Amer. slave states. 2 v. 5375-6 — Simmonds, P. L. The cotton manufacture. {In his Scl. and commerce.) 18644 — Watts, 1. Cotton. (Brit, manuf. ind.) • 15469 — Webber, S. Historical sketch of the C. manuf. in the U. S., to 1876. {In his Manual of power, etc.) 19085 Cotton insects. Comstock, J. H. Report upon C. insects. (U. S. Dept. ofAgric.) . 22907 Cotton states. The, in the spring and summer of 1875 ; by C. Nordhotf. 15398 Couch, J. History of the fishes of the British Islands ; cold. plates. 4 V. 8191-4 Coucher de monsieur, Le ; monologue ; par G. Nadaud. {In Saynetes, ^^c, ser. 7.) 14797 Coues,E. Field ornithology : manual of instr. for procur.,prep. and preserv. birds ; and a check list of No. Amer. birds. 12301 — Key to the No. Amer. birds; species north of the Mexican and U. S. boundary. Illust. *I — New England bird life; manual of X. E. ornithology; rev. and ed. fr. the ms. of W. A. Stearns. 2 v. 20784-5 Note. For contents see Stearns, W. A. Coughs and colds ; by W. W. Hall. 10525 Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city ; study on the relig., laws, etc., of Greece and Rome. 12534 Coulmann, — . Sainte-Beuve,C. A. (7>i toNouv. lund., v. 9.) *I Coulson, J. G. A. The Clifton picture. 17849 294 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Flesh and spirit. 15817 — Harwood. 13940 — The Lacy diamonds. 14071 — The odd trump. • 13776 Coulyng castle ; by A. Giberae. 14149 Council of four ; game at definitions ; by W. Lunn. {In his Misc.) 2776 Councils. Lawrence, E. Ecumenical councils. {In his Hist. stud.) 21670 — See also Brooklyn, N. Y. ;— Constance. Also Ecclesiastical history;— Vatican. Count Alarcos ; tragedy ; by B. Disraeli. 5839 Count Ernest's home; by P. Heyse. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stor.) 7463 — Same; (Im Fam. stor., v. 2.) 18149 Count Kostia ; by V. Cberbuliez. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11487 Count Mirabeau ; by T. Mundt. 7143 Count of Monte Christo ; by A. Dumas. 1288 Count Robert of Paris ; by W. Scott. 3813 Count Silvius ; fr. the German of G. Horn. 21586 Count of Talavera ; fr. the Dutch of J. van Lennep. 21281 Counterfeit presentment, A ; comedy ; by W. D. Howells. 17163 Counterparts; by E. Berger [E. S. Sheppard]. 397 Counterplot, The ; by W. B. Fowle. {In hisFsirlov dramas.) 1513 Countess de Charny, The ; by A. Dumas. 9304 Countess Felicita's discovery ; by J. Hawthorne. {Li his Prince Saroni's wife.) ' 22801 Countess Gisela ; fr. the Germ, of E. Marlitt [E. Johns]. 7846 Countess Kate ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 6113 Countess, The, of Escarbagnas ; by Moliere. {Iii his Dram. wks., V. 3.) 16845 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia ; by P. Sydney ; with notes and iutrod. by H. Friswell. 7006 Countess of Rudolstadt, by George Sand [Mme. Dudevant]. 1281 Countess Ruby; by J. Hawthorne. {In his Ellice Quentin, etc., V. 1.) ^ 20806 Countess, The, of Monte-Cristb, by J. Du Boys. 18482 Country by-ways ; by S. O. Jewett. 21032 Country Christmas, A. ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Prov. stor.) 22009 Country cousins ; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dram.) 1513 Country curate. The ; by G. R. Gleig. 1536 Country house, The; farce; by J. Vanbrugh. (/?i Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Country house essays ; by J. Latouche. 15852 Country life. Fillet, E. F. Country rambles. 1357 — Jefferies, R. The amateur poacher. 19242 The game-keeper at home. 18288 Wild life in a southern county. • 18515 — Milner, G. Country pleasures'. 21041 — Taylor, J. E. Half-hours in the green lanes. 18846 — Wilmott, R. A. Journal of a summer time in the country. 4815 — AYood, J. G. Common objects of the country. 4844 — See also Sports. Country living and country thinking ; by Gail Hamilton [M.A. Dodge]. 1273 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 295 Country parson. See Boyd, A. K. H. Country squire, The ; comedy ; by C. Dance. {In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 39.) 11829 Country of the dwarfs, The ; by P. B. Du Chaillu. 9806 Country wife, The ; comedy ; by W. Wycherley. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Country year-book ; by W. Howitt. 5075 Count's secret. The ; fr. the French of E. Gaboriau. 20566 Coup de pistolet, Le ; par P. Merimee. {In his Derui^res nouv.) 9555 Coup de rasoir, Un ; sayn^te ; par E. Labiche. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Coup6 jaune, Le ; comedie ; par H. Dupin. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 Coupland, S. Personal appearances in health and disease. (Health prim.) 18593 Coupon bonds, and other stories ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 11228 Cour d'assises. La ; tableau-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. {In his Oeuvres, s6r. 2., v. 20.) *I Courage. Smiles, S. Duty; with illust. of courage, etc. 20072 Courcillon, E. de. Le cur6 manqu^ ; or. Social and religious customs in France. 980 Courier de M6re, P. L. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. lund., V. 6.) *I Course au baiser. La ; comedie ; par P. Ferrier. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 Course of true love never did run smooth. See True love never did run smooth. Coursen, C. H., and Crosby, E. R. From daybreak to twi- light; [poems]. • 21925 Court and camp of Bonaparte. 5143 Contents. Napoleon's family; Brothers; Sisters; Wives; Ministers; Marshals and generals. Court cards ; by J. P. Simpson. {In French's Min. dram., v. 41.) 7991 Court fools. See Fools. Courting and farming ; by J. P. Smith. 14344 Courtney, J. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Courtney, W. L. Epicurus. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 — The metaphysics of J. S. Mill. 19010 Courtois, A. Political economy in one lesson ; lect. ; tr. by W. C. Ford. (Econom. tr.) 21414 Courtship and marriage ; by C. L. Hentz. 1858 Courtship in 1720 and 1860 ; by H. Smart. 16921 Courtship, The, of Susan Bell; by A. Trollope. {In his Tales of all count.) 10955 Courtship with variations ; by H. C. Bunner. {In Matthews, J. B. Com. for amat. act.) 19355 Cousin, C. Voyage dans un grenier. *I Cousin, V. Introduction to the hist, of philosophy, tr. by H. G. Linberg. *I — Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. App. on Fr. art ; tr. by O. W. Wight. 17493 — Eeport on Public instruction in Prussia. 982 296 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — La soci6t6 Fran^aise au XVIP* siecle d'apres le Grand Cvrus de Mile, de Scud6ry. 2 v. . 14473-4 — The youth of Mme. de Longueville. 981 r — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 3; Nouv. kind., v. 10; Cans. lund., V. 1, 6.) *I — Jouffrov, T. S.,and Constant, B. Philosophical miscellanies; tr. with not.' by G. Ripley. (Jw Ripley, G. Spec, of for. stand, lit.) 2 v. 3054-5 CousiD Alice. See Haveu, A. B. Cousin Cicely, pseud. Lewie ; or, The bended twig. 2647 Cousin Davis's wards ; by M. Howitt. (Magnet stories.) 10574 Cousin de. passage, Un, com^die ; par H. de Bornier. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 Cousin Fannie. {In French's Min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Cousin Geofery ; by T. Hook. 15653 Cousin Grace ; by S. May [R. 8. Clarke]. 12659 Cousin Henry ; by A. Trollope. 19377 Cousin John's property. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 13.) 19158 Cousin Lucy among the mountains ; by J. Abbott. 5647 Cousin Maude; by M. J. Holmes. 1957 Cousin Nicholas ; by R. H. D. Barham. 308 Cousin Paul ; by J. Glenn. 7469 Cousin Phillis and other tales ; by Mrs. Gaskell. 11668 Cousin Folly's gold mine ; by A. E. Porter. 18011 Cousin Simon ; by Mrs. Marsham. 19494 Cousin William ; by T. Hook. • • 15654 Cousins ; by L. B. Walford. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 18781 Cousins, The; by Mrs. Fraser. ( TF^YA Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Coutts family. Chambers, W. The Baroness Burdett-Coutts. {In his Stories of old families.) 18362 Couture, T. Conversations on art methods. (Methode et entretiens d'atelier) ; fr. the Fr. by S. E. Stewart ; introd. by R. S. Gifford. ' 18669 Covenanters. Blackie, J. S. {In his Lay sermons.) 20975 — Simpson, R. Traditions of the C. 3d. ed. 3998 — Taylor, J. The Scottish C. (Cassell's monthly lib.) 20609 Coverly, Sir Roger de, pseud See Addison, J. Covode investigation. United States. Congress. 36th. Cong., 1st. Sess. House. Report. The Convode investigation. 984 Cow, ICdwards, K. B. How every one may keep a cow. 10980 Cowan, Frank. C'urious facts in the hist, of insects, incl. spiders and scorpions ; Legends, superstitions, etc. 6000 Coward conscience ; by F. W. Robinson. 18502 Cowdin, E. C. Silk and silk manufactures. (/?iU. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 6.) 9101 Cowen, J. Hinton, R. J. (/// his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Cowie, B. M. Toleration. {In Weir, A. The church and the age, ser. 2.) 10823 Cowley, A. Essays ; with life. Notes, etc. 2d. ed. (Bayard ser.) 8113 — Thoughts on a garden ; fr. a letter to Evelyn. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner. 2101 — Howitt, VV. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 Cowley, C. Illustrated hist, of Lowell. Rev. ed. *I — Leaves from a lawyer's life, afloat and ashore. ' *I Cowley, H. The belle's stratagem. (7>i Mod. stand, dr., v. 36.) 11828 CATALOGUE OF »pOHd.- 297 Cowper, B. H. The Apocryphal Gospels with notes. ^•s^5::=r-_Z.^ig,^p- 3920 — The Apocryphal Gospels ; lect. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — The facts of Christianity historically true. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) ' ' 12520 Cowper, S. Paget, J. S. Cowper's case, (//i Ms Paradoxes, ete.) 12732 Cowper, W. Works ; eel. byR. Southey. 8 v. (v. 5, Q^tcanting.) 5517-22 Contents. Y. 1. Life. 2. Life and letters. 3, 4. Letters, etc. 5, 6. wanting. 7. Iliad of Homer. 8. Odyssey of Homer. — Didactic poems of 1782, with select, fr. the minor pieces 1779-1783; ed., with introd. and notes, by H. T. Griffith, v. 1. • 18322 — Poems. 2 v. 994r-6 — Poetical works. 3 v. 996-8 — The task. {In Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D. Annot. poems.) 18396 — The task, with Tirocinium, and select, fr. the minor poems ; ed. with life, etc., by H. T. Griffith, v. 2.) 12806 Note. Probably v. 2 of " Didactic poems." above. — Havlev, W. Life and posthumous writings of C. 1722 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. du lund., v. 11.) *I Same. Eiig. tr. {In his Eng. portr.) 13635 — Smith, G. Cowper. (Eng. men of letters.) 19769 — Stephen, L. Cowper and Rousseau. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 3.) 18645 — Taylor, T. Life of C. 4379 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Modem Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Cox, C. 0. .Necessity for a national sanitary bureau. (In Am. Pui). Health Asso. Kept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Cox, D. Hall, W. Biography of C. ; with rem. on his works and genius ; ed. with add., by J. T. Bunce. 21020 — Wedmore, F. (7m his Studies in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20458 Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 12942 — Same. {In Hand books of good soc.) 22191 Cox, F. A. Biblical antiquities. 999 Cox, G. V. Recollections of Oxford. 8068 Cox, G. W. The Athenian empire, with maps. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 16655 — The crusades. Map. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 12966 — General hist, of Greece ; to the death of Alexander the Great; with sk. of subsequent hist. 15752 — The Greeks and the Persians. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 15752 — History of Greece. 2 v. 12564-5 — Introduction to the science of comparative mytholog}' and folklore. 20598 — Latin and Teutonic Christendom. ' ' 10778 Contents. The papacy: its growth and its supporters.— Mahomet. — Eastern and western monachism. — Teutonic Christianity. — Manual of mythology ; question and answer. 7535 — Mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 v. 583:3-4 The tale" of the gi*eat Persian war ; fr. the hist, of Herodotus. New ed. 8924 — Tales of Ancient Greece. 8923 — Whitney, W. D. Cox's Aryan mythology. {In his Orient, and ling. stud'., ser. 2.) * ' 13263 — and Jones, E. H. Popular romances of the middle ages. 9901 — Tales of the Teutonic lands. 11466 Contents. Introduction. — Stories of the Volsungs. — The Nibelung story.— Walter of Aquitaine.— Story of Hugdietrich and Hildeburg. — The Gudrun lay.— Story of Frithjof and In^ebjorg.— Grettir the strong. — Gunnlaug and the fair Helga.— ^Bumt Njal. — and Sankey, C. Epochs of anc. history, namely. Beesly, A'. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 18125 Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy; its legend, hist., and literature. 19940 Capes, W. W. The Koiiian empire of the 2d. cent. ; or, The age of the Antonines. 18377 Capes, W. W. Roman history ; the early empire. 16099 A book with "*I-' after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 20 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cox, G. VV. The Greeks and the Persians. 15752 Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. 19834 Ihne, W. Early Rome. 18009 Merivale, C. Tlie Roman triumvirates. 18136 Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage. 20225 Cox, J. H. Bradford tramways. {In Assoc, of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sarv. Proc, v. 8.) *I Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 21581 — The march to the sea ; Franklin and Nashville. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 22020 — The second battle of Bull Run, as connect, with the Fitz John Porter case. 21636 Cox, S. Sv Arctic sunbeams ; or, From Broadway to the Bos- phorus by way of the North Cape. 21610 — A Buckeve abroad ; or, Wanderings in Europe and the Orient. 1000 — Free land and free trade ; lessons of the English Corn Laws appl. to the U. S. 22375 — Orient sunbeams ; or, From the Porte to the pyramids, bv way of Pales- tine. ' 21611 — Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers, and Spain. Illust. 8369 — Why we laugh. [Essays on humor] . 15561 Cox and Box ; by J. M. Morton and F. C. Burnand. {In French's Min. dram., v. 41.) 7991 Coxe, A. C, Bp. ('haracteristics of the American Church. {In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) 10823 — Introduction. {In Guett6e, R. F. The papacy.) ' 6715 Coxe, B. Von Mohl on modes of filling civil offices. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) - 15733 Coxe, E. B. Mining legislation. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Coxe, M. Claims of the country on American females. 2 v. 1001-2 Coxe, W. History of the House of Austria, 1218-1792. 3 v. 1003-5 — Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his correspondence. 3 v. 6840-2 Cox's diary ; by W. M. Thackeray. {In his Burlesques.) 5380 Coyne, J. S. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia ; or, A month with the blue noses. 1006 — Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and other learned men. 6939 — The Sparrowgrass papers. 9626 Cozzens, S. W. The marvellous country ; or. Three years in Arizona and New Mexico ; with a hist, of the Apache Indians. 16657 — The young trail hunters. 16656 Crabb, G. English synonymes. New ed. 6217 — Giles. H. {In his Lect. and essays, v. 1.) 2252 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Mod. lit. etc.) 2256 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Life ; bv his son. 1010 — Life and poetical works; by his son. New ed., with portr. and engr. *I — Pratt, A. (In her Dawnings of genius.) 3524 Crabbe, George. Stephen, S. Crabbe's poetry. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 2.) 16856 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Crabbe, G., the son. Life of G. Crabbe. 1010 — Life of his father. (In Crabbe, G. Life, etc.) *1 Crabbed age and youth ; by R. L. Stevenson. {In his Virgini- bus, etc.) 22710 Crabtree, W. Description of the main outfall sewer of the borough of Southport. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 299 Crace-Calvert, F. See Calvert, F. C. Crackers for Christmas ; stories by E. H. K. Hugessen. 12907 Cracow. Hutchinson, A. H. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. 11052 Cradle of the Christ, The ; by O. B. Frothingham. 16886 Cradle of liberty ; by S. E. Glover. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Cradock, M. Letter to J. Endicott. (/7i Young, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Cradock Nowell ; by R. D. BJackmore. 11679 Crafts, W. F. ed. Talks and stories about heroes and holidays ; illust. sermons by preachers of the U. S. and Great Brit. 22466 Craggs, J. Disposal of the sewage at Shildon. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I — Junction blocks in pipe sewers. {In Ass. of 3Iun. and San. eng. and sur. Proc, V. 6.) *I Craig, A. R. Modern palmistry ; with acct. of the gipsie^. Illust. 7004 Craig, T. On the motion of a solid in a fluid, and the vibra- tions of liquid spheroids. (Elements of the mathemati- cal theory of fluid motion.) (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 19485 — Wave and vortex motion. (Elements of the mathematical theory of fluid motion.) (Van Nostrand's sci. ser., No. 43.) ' 18764 Craigin, L. T. {pseud. Ellis Gray). Allegro. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. <;.) 13935 — Long ago : a year of child life. 16672 Craik, D. Practical Amer. mill-wright and miller. 9125 Craik, D. M. (Muloch.) Adventures of a brownie. 11014 — Agatha's husband. 9955 — Avillion, and other tales. 5274 — A brave lady. Illust. 9982 — Christian's mistake. 5929 — Domestic stories. 10799 Contents. The last of the Ruthvens.— The Italian's daughter.— The two homes.— Minor trials. — Philip Armytage; or, The blind girl's 'love. — Adelaide; fragments fr. a young wife's *diary.—The old mathematician.— The half-cast.— Miss Letty's experiences.- A bride's tragedv.— 'Tis useless trying.— The only son.— The doctor's family.— All for the best. — Fair France : impressions of a traveller. ' 9953 — The fairy book. 5568 — A garden party. (7w Parr, L. The blue bell of Redneap.) 9859 — Hannah. 9699 — The head of the familv. 9956 — A hero ; Bread upon the waters ; Alice Learmont. 3184 — His little mother, and other tales and sketches. 20361 Contents. His little mother.— Poor Prm.— Two little tinkers.— The postman's daughter. — About travelling and travellers. — Save the children. — Sinless sabbath-breaking. De mortuis. — Is it true? Tales curious and wonderful. 10870 — John Halifax, gentleman. 3186 — The laurel bush. 16100 — A legacy : life and remains of John Martin. 2 v. 18217-18 — A life for a life. 3187 — The little lame prince. 18314 — Mistress and maid. 3462 — My mother and I. 12763 — A noble life. 6226 — Nothing new ; tales. 5082 Contents. Lord Erhstoun.— Alwj-n's first wife.— M. Anastasius.— The water cure.— The last house in C-street.— A family in love.— A low mar- riage.— The double house. — The OgiMes. 9954 -gjiye- ,. 9952 — Plam-speaking. 21582 Contents. The tide at the flood.— Victims and victimizers.— " Odd " people.— A little music — Conies.— Decayed gentlewomen.— Novels and 300 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. novel-makers.— Light iu darkness.— An island of the blest.— How she told a lie.— A ruined palace. — Poems. 3188 — Poems. 12897 — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Romantic tales. New ed. 10798 Contents. Avillion; or, The happy isles.— The self-seer.— The sculp- tor of Bruges.— The daughter of Heremon.— King Tolv.— Erotioa.— Cleomenes the Greek. — The story of Hyas.— The cross on the snow mountains.— The Rosicrueian. — Aiitonio JV^^elidori.- The story of Elisa- betta Sirani. — A life episode. — The Rosicrueian. (In Little class., v. 7.) 12978 — Sermons out of church. 14029 Contents. What is self-sacrifice?— Our often infirmities. — How to train up a parent in the way he should go. — Benevolence; or beneficence? — My brother's keeper. — Gather up the fragments. — Songs of our vouth. *I — Studies fr. life\ 3189 — Thirty years ; poems ; new and old. ^ 20109 — Twenty years ago. 10052 — Two marriages. 6602 — The unkind word, and other stories. 8172 — The woman's kingdom. 7568 — A woman's thoughts about women. 3190 — Young Mrs. Jardine. 19008 Craik, G. L. Compendious hist, of Eng. literature and Eng. lang. fr. the Norman conquest ; with specimens. 2 v. 6072-3 — The English of Shakespeare; illust. in comment, on his Julius Caesar; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 6687 — Manual of Eng. literature; and of the hist, of the Eng. lang., fr. the Xorman Conquest. 8401 — aiid Knight, C. The pursuit of knowledge under difiiculties; rev. ed., with pref . and notes by F. Wayland. 2 v. 4687-8 — and MacFarlane, C. Pictorial hist, of England. 4 v. 1011-14 Craik, G. M. Dorcas. , 18817 — Faith Unwin's ordeal. 6610 — Fortune's marriage. 22876 — Hard to bear. 17513 — Lost and Von. 5391 — Miss Moore. 12762 — Sydney. 20768 — Svlvia's choice. 13068 Craik, Henry. Life of Jonathan Swift. Portr. 22787 Crane, J. Prevention of contagious diseases by local boards of health. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Eepts., etc.^ v. 6.) *I Cr^ne sous une temp^te, Un ; saynete par A. Dreyfus. (Th^d- tre de campagne, ser. 6.) 14690 Cranford ; by E. C. Gaskell. 2211 Cranmer, T.,.%). Le Bas, C. W. Life of Archbishop C. 2 v. 2589 — Lee, H. F. Life and times of C. 1015 — Life of C. (In Lardner, D. Cab. of biog. Lives of Brit, statesmen.) 1888 — Myers, F. (In his Lect. on gt. men.) 12956 Cranz, D. Ancient and mod. hist, of the Brethren ; or, A succinct narr. of the Protestant Ch. of the United Breth- ren ; tr. with notes, by B. La Trobe. *I Crapsey, E. The nether side of New York. 10681 Craque o'doom ; by M. H. Catherwood. Illust. 20986 Crater, The ; by J. F. Cooper. 942 Craven, M7ne. A., nee P. La Ferronnays. Adelaide Capece Minutolo. 9417 — Eliane : fr. the Fr. bv G. FuUerton. 21817 — Fleurange ; tr. by Ml P. T. 11163 — Same; tr. hj M. M. Ripley. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11295 — Le mot de I'enigme. 2 v. 9564r-5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 301 — Same. Eng. Jettatrice ; or, The veil withdrawn. 13552 — Natah'e Narischkin ; tr. bv Ladv G. Fullerton. 2 v. 18022-3 — Eecit d'une soeur. 2 v. ' 9387-8 — Same. Eng. A sister's story. 13903 Crake, A. D. The rival heirs ; third and last chronicle of JEscendune. 21795 Cranberry. White, J. J. Cranberry culture. 13547 Cranbrook, J. The founders of Christianity ; or, Discourses upon the origin of the Chr. relig. ; lect. 14199 Cranch, C. P. The ^niad of Virgil. *I — The bird and the bell, with other poems. 14200 — Satan; a libretto. 12168 Crane, A. M. See Seemuller, A. M. Crane, W. The baby's bouquet ; a fresh bunch of old rhymes and tunes arranged and decorated. *I — The baby's opera : book of old rhymes with new dresses, etc. *I — Illustrations. See Molesworth, Mrs. The tapestrv room. Crane, W. D. Cudworth, W. H. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Craven, H. T. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Crawford, F. M. Mr. Isaacs ; tale of modern India. 22433 — Dr. Claudius. 22937 Crawford, J. C. Recollections of travel in New Zealand and Australia. Maps and illust. 20799 Crawford, J. M. Mosby and his men. 6667 Crawford, M. S. Life in Tuscany. 1017 Crawford, T. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of C. {In Ms Am. art. life.) 7225 Crawford, T. J. The doctrine of Holy Scripture respect, the atonement. 2d. ed. 17527 Crawford, O. Portugal, old and new. Maps and illust. 19875 Crawley, Caj^f. R. Rowing, sculling, and canoeing : by a member of the London Rowing Club. Sailing and yacht- ing ; by a member of the Thames Yacht Club. 18342 — Lawn tennis, Badminton, Croquet, etc. 19644 Crawley, W. J. C. Handbook of competitive examinations for admission to her Majesty's service. 3d. ed. 21684 Crayfish. Huxley, T. H. The crayfish. (Int. Sci. Ser.) 19570 Crayon, Geoffrey, j^seud- See Irving, W. Crayon. Ayres, G. B. How to work in crayon. {In his How to paint photographs.) 21154 Crayon miscellany ; by W. Irving. 2161 Crayon reader. The ; compr. select fr. the writings of W. Irving. 9830 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 8741 — History of England, v. 1, 2. 10719-20 — History of the Ottoman Turks. 17126 — Imperial and colonial constitutions of the Britannic empire. 11354 — Kise and progress of the Eng. constitution. 1019 Creation. Ansted, D. T. The ancient world ; or. Picturesque sketches of creation. 168 — Boardman, George D. Studies in the creative week ; lect. . 17785 — Dawson, J. W. Origin of the world, ace. to revelation and science. 17260 — Gosse, P. H. Omphalos ; attempt to untie the geological knot. 13041 — Haeckel, E. History of C. ; pop.-expos. of the doct. of evolution in general. and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular. 2 v. 15396-7 — Hartwig, G. The harmonies of nature : or. The unitv of creation. 6556 — James, H. The laws of creation. {In his Lect., etcl) 2321 302 PKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — M'Causland, D. Adam and the Adamite ; or, The harmony of scripture and ethnology. 3d. ed. 10779 — Morris, H. W. Science and the Bible ; or, The Mosaic creation and mod. discoveries. 13270 — Mozley, J. B. Argument of design. {In his Essays, hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306 — Murphey, J. Creation; or, The Bible and geology consistent. 3194 — Powell, B. The philosophy of creation. {In his Unity of worlds, etc.) 10948 — Rhind, W. G. The six days of creation. ' 3644 — Simmons, H. M. The unending Genesis; or, Creation ever present. 224M — Turner, S. Sacred hist, of the world. 3 v. 4534-6 — Vestiges of the natural hist, of creation. 4595 — Same. 11th. ed. Ulust. *I — Winchell, A. Sketches of creation. Illust. 8510' — See also Cosmogony;— Development; — Earth; — Man. ♦! Creation, The ; oratorio ; by Haydn. *I Creator, The, and the creature ; by F. W. Faber. 8926 Credit. Colwell, S. Ways and means of payment; analysis of the credit system. 2d. ed. *I Credit Mobilier. United States. Congress. Housed Select Comm. to investigate the Credit Mobiliei' bribery. Report. 1873. 1170^ Creed and conduct, and other discourses; byO..B. Frothing- ham. 17422 Creed and deed ; by F. Adler. 17409 Creed, The, of Christendom ; by W. R. Greg. 2 v. 12194-5 Creed, The, of science ; by W. Graham. *I Creeds. Brigham, C H. Symbolism. (In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Channing, W. E. On Creeds. {In his Works, v. 2.) — Schatt", P. The creeds of Christendom, with a hist., and crit. notes. 3 v. 17200-202^ Harmony of the reformed confessions, as rel. to the present state of evangelical theology ; essay, 1877. — See also Apostles' creed ; — Athanasian creed ; — Nicene creed ; — Sects. Creek Indians. Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle, and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. Creighton, L. England a continental power, fr. the Conquest to Magna Charta, 1066-1216. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) — Life of Edward, the Black Prince. 3Iaps and plans. — Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Portr. and maps. — Stories f r. Eng. history. Illust. Creighton, M. The age of Elizabeth. Maps and tables. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) — Half-hour hist, of Eng. ; introd. vol. to '^Epochs of English history." (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) — History of Rome. (Hist, prim.) — History of the Papacy dur. the reformation. 2 v. — Life of Simon de Moiitfort, Earl of Leicester. Maps. — The Tudors and the Reformation, 1485-1603. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) — Epochs of English historv. Namely: Browning, O. Modern England, 1820-1874. Cordery, B. M. Struggle against absolute monarchy, 1603-1688. Creighton, L. England a continental power. Creighton, M. The Tudors and the Reformation. 1485-1603. Powell, F. Y. Early England, up to the Norman conquest. Rowlev. J. Rise of the people, and growth of parliament, 1215-1485. — Settlement of the Constitution. 1689-1874. Tancock, O. W. England dur. the Amer. and European wars, 1766-1820. Cremailleve, La ; vaudeville ; par E. Depr^ et C. Clairville. (Theatre de campagne, ser. 8.) Cremation. Eassie, W. Cremation of the dead ; its hist, and bearings on pub. health. 1736a 18160 16941 16764 18996 22914 15753 1867a 14003 22137-8 16765 17018 1815& 17015^ 16941 17013 17018 17860 17875 14692 1386a CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 303 Cremer, H. Reason, conscience, and revelation. {In Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 Cremer, W. H. Magic no mystery : conjuring tricks with cards, balls, and dice ; magic writing, performing animals, etc. 15620 — Hanky Pankv ; a book of conjuring tricks. 11449 — The secret out; or, One thousand tricks in drawing-room or white magic. 12898 Cremony, J. C. Life among the Apaches. 7547 Creole, ship. Channing, W. E. Duty of the free states ; or, Remarks suggested by the case of the Creole. {In his Works, V. 6.) 792 Crequi, R. C. de F., marquise de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 12.) *I Crescent, The, and the cross ; or, Romance and realities of Eastern travel ; by E. Warburton. , 4631 — Same. 17th. ed. ' ^ *I Cressonnois, Lucien. IJn monsieur qui ne veut plus fumer ; monologue en vers, (/n Saynetes, etc., s4r. 5.) 14795 — joi7it author. See Trutfies^ J. Cresswell, R. Ya.^ joint author. See Fry, K. Crete. Howe, S. G. The Cretan refugees and their American helpers. 7382 — Stillman, W. J. The Cretan insurrection of 1866-7-8. 12680 — Taylor, B. Excursion to Crete. {In his Travels.) 4362 Crew, The, of the Dolphin ; by Hesba Stretton [H. Smith]. 15812 Crew of the "Sam Weller ;" by J. Habberton. 17892 Creyton, Paul, pseud. See Trowbridge, J. T. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. 2 v. 1021-2 Crichton, J. Irving, D. Crichton. {In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 Crichton ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 8163 Cricket. Candeze, E. Curious adv. of a field cricket. Illust. 18527 — U. S. Entomol. Comm. The Western cricket. {In their Kept., 1878-9.) 20891 Cricket, game. The cricket field ; or, History and science of C. 1023 Cricket, The, on the hearth ; drama ; by A. Smith. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 43.) 11831 Cries of London. See London. Trades. Crime. Dugdale, R. L. "The Jukes ;" study in crime, pauper- ism, disease, and heredity, etc. Introd. by E. Harris. 16942 — Pike, L. O. History of C. in Eng., illust. the changes of the laws in the prog, of civilization. 2 v. 11948-9 — Simpson, J. Hints on the treatment of criminals. ( J?i his Necess. of pop. education.) 3996 — See also Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. 3o\xy. passim; — International Penitentiary Congress. Also Trials. Crime de Jasper, Le ; par C. Dickens et W. Collins. 2 v. 14563-4 Note. Seq. to Mystery of Edwin Drood. Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, Le ; par A. France. 14713 Crime d'Orcival, Le ; par E. Gaboreau. 14620 Crimea. Grey, T. Journal of visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, etc., in the suite of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 8467 — Koch, K. H. E. The Crimea and Odessa; acct. of the climate and vege- tation ; tr. by J. B. Horner. 2609 — WoUey, C. P. Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus. 22930 Crimean war. Hayward, A. The Crimean campaign. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 2.) 17947 304 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea; its origin and its progress to the death of Lord Raglan, v. 1-4. 12286-9 — Russell, W. H. The war ; fr. the landing at Gallipoli to the death of Lord Raglan. *I — Russell, W. H. The war : f r. the death of Lord Raglan to the evacua- tion of the Crimea : add. and correct. *I — Soyer, A. Culinary campaign of the war. 4109 — Stevens, N. The Crimean campaign with "The Connaught rangers," 1854-56. Map. 18370 — See also Sebastopol. Crimes which the law does not reach. 10714 Criminal, The, fr. lost honour ; by F. Schiller. {In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 ; 5217 Criminal law. Barrett, G. C. The administration of criminal justice. (7n Amer. Soc. Sci. Asso. Jour., 1870.) ' 15732 — Forsyth, W. Criminal procedure in Scotland and England. (In his Essays crit. and narr.) ' 12723 — Livingston, E. Complete works on criminal jurisprudence. 2 v. *I — On the principles of criminal law. (In Small books on great sub., v. 3.) 4016 — Torrev, H. W. Some topics in criminal law. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Asso. Jour., 1869.) 15732 Cringle and cross-tree ; by Oliver Optic [W.' T. Adams]. 9134 Crimp, W. 8. Sewerage works for the Croydon Rural Sanitary I Authority. {Li Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 6.) *I Crinoline ; by R. B. Brough. (In French's Min. dram., v. 28.) 7985 Cripple of Antioch ; by Mrs. Charles. 5685 Cripps, W. J. College and corporation plate ; handbook to the reproductions of silver plate in the So. Kensington Mu- seum. (So. Kensington Mus. Art handbooks.) *I Cripps, the carrier ; by R. D. Blackmore. 15994 Cris and Otbo ; by J. P. Smith. 9601 Crises de Monseigneur, Les ; comedie ; par G. Droz. (In Le- gouv6, J. W. E. G. TheMre, etc., ser. 2.) 14686 Crispino e la comare ; opera ; by L. and F. Ricci. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Criterion, by J. Balmes. 18461 Critic, The ; by R. B. Sheridan. (In his Works.) 13290 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7. 11809 Critical and social essays ; fr. The Nation. 6992 Contents. The glut in the fiction market. — Critics and criticism.— Clergymen's salaries. — Popularizing science. — The good old times. — Why we have no Saturday reviews. — Tinkering hymns. — American ministers abroad. — Horse-racing. — Some of our social philosophers. — Waste. — Dress and its critics.— Social influence of the national debt.— Hints for Fourth of .July orations.— American reputations in England.- European and Amer. 'order of thought.— Roads.— Pews.— A Conn, village. — Voyages and travels. — Verse-making. — Something about monuments. — Our love of luxury. — A plea for culture. — Curiosities of longevity. Critical miscellanies. See Morley. Criticism. Arnold, M. Function of criticism at the present time. (In his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Critics and criticism. (In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 — Home, H. Elements of criticism. 1754 — Maurice, J. F. D. Critics. (In his Friendship of books.) 12252 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Short essay on critics. (In her Papers on literature, etc., pt. 1.) 3309 Critique de I'ecole des femmes. La ; comedie ; by J. B. P. de Moliere. (Oeuvres, v. 3.) 14606 Critiques and addresses ; by T. H. Huxley. 11635 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 305 Crittenden, J. J. Coleman, A. M. Life of C. 2 v. in 1. 10483 — Savage, J. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Crochet. Lady's book of knitting and crochet; cont. patterns. 15385 Crocker, G. W. Biography of J. L. Fenton. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 9973 Crockett, D. Abbott, J. S. C. Crockett ; his life and adventures. 12751 — Sketch of C. Anecdotes, etc. (In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 Crofton, W. Irish system of prison discipline. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — Points consid. in Congress of London. (In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Kept., 1873.) *I — Treatment of prisoners. (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I — Carpenter, M. Eeformatory prison discipline, as devel. by C. 6178 Crofton boys ; by H. Martiueau. 8067 Croisic, The two poets of ; by R. Browning. 18358 Croker, J. W. Fitzgerald, P. Croker's Boswell and Boswell ; studies in the " Life of Johnson." 19914 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Johnsoniana ; or. Supplement to Boswell ; anecdotes and sajings of Dr. Johnson. 2369 Croll, J. Climate and time in their geological relations : theory of secular changes of the earth's climate. ' 14107 Croly, G. Life and times of George IV. 1025 — Poetical works ; with etchings by Dagley fr. antique gems. 2 v. in 1. *I — Salathiel, the immortal ; new ed. ' 19517 — Gilflllan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Herring, R. A few personal recollections of C. ; with extracts from his speeches and writings. *I Croly, J. C. (pseud. Jennie June). Jennie Juneiana : talks on women's topics. 5726 Crome, J. Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Crommelin, M. Orange Lily. 18705 Crompton, G. Address. { In Worceater. Monument Committee. Ded. of Soldiers' monument.) 14020 Crompton, S. Howe, H. (InhisMem. of Am. mechanics, e^c.) 2012 — Sketch of C. (7w Famous bovs.) 6036; 7707 Cromwell ; by V. Hugo, (in his Th^Atre, v. 1.) 14437 Cromwell, O. Letters and speeches with elucidations by Car- lyle. 2 V. 1029-30 — Same ; [3d. ed.] 5 v. 12538-42 — Cornish, F. W. Life of C. (Hist, biog.) 21816 — Forster, J. {In his Statesmen, etc.) 1498 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of C. and the Eng. Commonwealth. 2 v. 1700-1 — Hawthorne, N. (In his True stories.) 13445 — Hazlitt, W. {In his Eloquence, etc., v. 1.) 1812 — Headley, J. T. Life of C. 5063 — Herbert, H. W. O. Cromwell; or, England's great Protector. 1876 — Hugesseu, E. H. K. Life, times, and character of C. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 16951 — James, G. P. R. (In his Mem., v. 1.) 2293 — Jesse, J. H. {In his Memoirs of the Court of England, v. 2.) 2360 — Lamartine, A. de. Life of C. ' 2544 Same. {In his Mem. of eel. char., v. 2.) 13217 — Myers, F. {In his Lect. on gt. men.) 12956 — Picton, J. A. O. Cromwell; the man and his mission. Portr. 22694 — Russell, M. Life of C. 2 v. 5452-3 — Smith, G. {In his Three Eng. statesmen.) 7187 — Southey, R. Life of C. 4082 Same. {In his Select Uves.) 12208 — Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 — See also Gt. Brit. Histoi'y. 306 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cromwell, R. Guizot, F. P. G. History of C, and the res- toration of Charles II. ; tr. by A. R. Scoble. 2 v. 19467-8 Crooked branch, The ; by E. C. Gaskell. {In her Right at last, etc.) 2216 Crooked places ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 12038 Crookes, W. The manufacture of beet-root sugar in Eng. and Ireland. 17222 — Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism. 13610 — and Roehrig, E. Pract. treat, on metallurgy. 3 v. 8803-5 Crookit Meg, The ; by J. Skelton. 21193 Crooks, G. R. Old and new theologies. (/% Boston Mond. Lect.) 20467 — and Hurst, J. F. Library of theological and biblical literature ; namely : Harmon, H. M. Introduction to the study of the Scriptures. 21294 Croquemitaine, Legend of. See L'Epine, E. Croquet. Croquet ; as played by the Newport Croquet Club. 11288 Croquis ; par H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 14633 Crory, W. G. East London industries. 16624 Cros, C. L'ami de la maison ; L'homme qui a trouv^ ; L'homme propre ; Le pendu. (Th^^tre de campagne, s^r. 7.) 14691 — Autrefois; L'homme raisonable; monologue. {In SajTietes, etc., s6r 4.) 14794 — Le capitaliste ; monologue : Le hareng saur ; f antaisie ; Le maltre d'armes ; monologue. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 — La famille Dubois ; L' affaire de la Beaubourg. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 1.) 14791 — L'homme aux pieds retourn6s; L'homme perdu. (Theatre de camp., ser. 6.) 14690 — L'homme qui a reussi ; monologue. (7n Sayn^es, e^c, s6r. 6.) 14796 — Lajournte verte; monologue. (Jii Saynetes, efc, ser. 7.) 14797 — A journey to ***. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — L'obsessibn ; monologue en prose ; L'homme qui a voyage. ( J?i Sayn^tes, etc., s6r 5.) 14795 — Le violon. (Th^nitre de campagne, s6r. 8.) 14692 — Le vovage k trois-etoiles ; Lebilboquet; La bonne; saynete. {In Say- netes, etc., s6r. 2.) 14792 Crosby,A.B. Anatomy of the violinist. (7nBull,S.C. O.Bull.) 22212 Crosby, Edith ^.^ joint autlior. See Coursen, C. H. Crosby, H. Calm view of the temperance question. {In Boston Monday Lect., 1880-81.) 20467 — The Christian preacher. Yale lectures, 187^-80. 19680 — Moderation vs. Total abstinence; or, Dr. Crosby and his reviewers. 20430 Crosland, C. Stories of the city of London retold for youthful readers. Illust. 20662 — Hubert Freeth's prosperity. 12328 Crosland, Mrs. N. See Crosland, C. Cross, B. C. Sanitary condition of Dewsbury and its sewer- , age works. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 6.) *I Cross, J. G. Electric short-hand : writing by principles in- stead of arbitrary signs. 3d. ed. 21628 Cross, Launcelot, pseud. See Carr, F. Cross, The, above the crescent; by H. Southgate. 17365 Cross and crescent ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 11249 Cross of Beruy ; by E. de Girardin, T. Gautier, J. Sandeau, and M^ry. 8746 Cross Patch, and other stories ; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 21207 Cross purposes ; by C. Findlay. 19796 Crossed in love. Illust. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 307 Crossed path, The ; or, Basil ; by W. Collins. 890 Note. Rev. ed. pub. as Basil. Crossing the line ; by G. Almar. {In French's Min. dr., v. 12.) 11842 Cross-purposes. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Croston, J. Nooks and corners of Lancashire and Cheshire ; notes historical, legendary, genealogical, and descriptive. 22399 Crotch, W. Elements of musical composition. 3d. ed. (Novello's lib.) 11728 Crotchet castle ; by T. L. Peacock. {In his Works, v. 2.) 13880 Crochets and quavers ; by M. Maretzek. 2900 Crouch, A. M. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Crouch, Julia. Three successful girls. 10195 Croucher, J. H. Plain directions for obt. photographic pictures ; with hints on the daguerreotype. 1032 Crowding the season ; by E. T. Hardy. {In French's Min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Crowe, C. (S.) The advocate's wedding-day. {In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 — Light and darkness. 1445 — Niffht side of nature; or, Ghosts and ghost seers. 1034 — Storv of Martha Guinnis and her son. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Crowe, E. E. History of France. 3 v. 1035-7 — Same ; Later ed. 5 v. *I Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. The early Flemish painters. 6222 Raphael ; his life and works ; partic. ref . to recent, discovered records, v. 1. 22652 Crowell, H. G. Sanitary regulations rel. to abattoirs. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Crowfield, C, pseud. See Stowe, H. E. B. Crown, A, from the spear. 10464 Crown, The, of life ; discourses ; by I. D. Williamson. 1038 Crown of wild olive ; lect. ; by J. Ruskin. 6408 Crown prince ; by T. E. Wilks. {In French's Min. dr., v. 13.) 11842 Crowned Hippolytus, The. See Euripedes. Crowninshield, F. W. Walley, W. P. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Crowquill, A. What I saw after eating my Christmas pudding. {In Christmas story-teller.) 17662 Crows, Indians. See Absaraka. Croxall, S. Fables of ^sop and others ; with instruct, ap- plications. Illust. 1039 Cruikshank,G. Illustrations. (7/iBowring, J. Minor morals.) *I — Jerrold, W. B. Life of 0. Illust. 2 v. *I — Paget, J. (In his Paradoxes and Puzzles.) 12732 — Palgrave, F. T. (In his Essavs on art.) 6531 — Wedmore, F. (In his Studies in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20468 Cruise of the Betsey ; by H. Miller. 1040 Cruise, The, of the Casco ; by E. Kellogg. 9666 Cruise of the Dashaway ; by H. P. H. Nowell. 14048 Cruise, A, under six flags ; by O. A. E. 22620 Cruise of the Frolic ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 6097 Cruise of the " Ghost ;" by W. L. Alden. Illust. 21288 Cruise of the Midge ; by M. Scott. 18144 308 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cruises with Captain Bob on sea and land ; by B. P. vShillaber. 19371 Cruising. Alden, W. L. The' canoe, and the flying proa; or, Cheap cruising and safe sailing. 17824 Crumbs fr. the round table ; a feast for epicures ; by J. Barber. 6G34 Crumbs swept up ; by T. DeW. Talmage. 11286 Crusades. Bohn, H. G. Chronicles of the C. 2383 — Cox, G. W. The crusades. Map. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 12966 — Gray, G. Z. The children's crusade : Episode of the 13th. cent. 8878 — Mackay, C. The crusades. (I7i his Mem. of popular delusions, v. 2.) 2840 — Michaud, J. F. Historv of the C. 3 v. 3020-2 — Mills, C. History of the crusades. 3049 — Procter, G. History of the C. ; their rise, progress, and results. Illust. 3547 Crusoe, Robinson, 2)seud. See DeFoe, D. Crusoe in New York ; by E. E. Hale. 19799 Crust, The, and the cake ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 11511 Crustacea. White, A. Popular hist, of British Crustacea. 5906 Cruttwell, C. T. History of Roman literature to the death of Marcus Aurelius. 18252 — and Banton, Peake. Specimens of Roman literature ; fr. the works of . Latin authors to the times of the Antonines. 19287 Cruvelli, S. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (In his Great singers, ser. 2.) 20365 Cryptogram, The ; by J. Verne. (Giant raft, II.) 22064 Crystallography. Dana, E. S. {In his Text book, etc.) 17053 — Mitchell, W. Crystallography. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5187 — Ruskin, J. Ethics of the dust ; lect. on the elements of crystallisation. 6232 Cuba. Description. — Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba, etc. ; leaves fr. the sketch-book of a traveller, 1864-1868. *I — Dana, R. H., Jr. To Cuba and back. 1087 — Gallenga, A. The pearl of the Antilles 12083 — Howe, J. H. A trip to Cuba. 2014 — Hurlbut, W. H. Gan-Eden ; or, Pictures of Cuba. 2115 — O'Kellev, J. J. Mambi-land ; or. Adventures in Cuba. 12764 — Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. 21114 — TumbuU, D. Cuba, etc. (Travels in the West.) 4531 — Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M. My winter in Cuba. 9843 History. — Ballon, M. M. History of Cuba. 4965 — See also Antilles. Cuckoo clock. The; by E. Graham [Mrs. Molesworth]. Illust. 18260 Cud jo's cave ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 5538 Cudlip, A. (/ormeW?/ Miss Thomas.) Allerton Towers. 22338 — The Dower house. 7481 — Maud Mohan. 10620 — On guard. 12455 — Onlv herself. 4412 — Our set; coll. of stories. . 21659 — Played out. 6601 — Plaving for high stakes. ' 7230 — Theo Leigh. 5975 — Walter Goring. 6653 Cudworth, R. Fox, W. J. Cudworth's Intellectual system. {In his Mem. ed. of Coll. Works, v. 6.) *I — Tullock, J. {In his Rat. theology, etc., v. 2.) 11457 Cudworth, W. H. Biography of W. D. Crane. {In Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Culley, R. S. Hand book of pract. telegraphy. 4th. ed. 8516 Cullis, Dr. C. Boardman, W. E. Faith work under C. in Boston. 12323 Culprit Fay, The ; by J. R. Drake. 10142 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 309 Cnlross, J. William Carey. (Heroes of Chr. hist.) 21502 Culture. Giles, H. The cost of a cultivated man. {In his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Greenwood, J. G. Eelations of culture to pract. life. {In Owens Col- lege. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Hittell, J. S. A brief history of culture. 13332 — Huxley, T. H. Science and culture. 21538 — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Hints on mental culture. (In his Caxtoniana.) 17309 — Morley, J. Popular culture. (In his Crit. misc., ser. 2.) 17635 — Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. . 9126 — Youmans, E. L. The culture demanded by mod. life. 6952 — See also Primitive culture ;— Self culture. Culture and anarchy ; essay ; by M. Arnold. 12890 Culture of pleasure ; or, The enjoyment of life in its soc. and relig. aspects. 2d. ed. 10784 Culverwel, N. Tulloch, J. (In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Cumberland, R. Foster, J. Mudford's life of C. (In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) • 1503 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2.) 3851 Same. {In his Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3837 Cumberland, The, Army of. Cist, H. M. The army of the C. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) " 21503 — Van Home, T. B. History of the Army of the C. 2 v., and atlas. 15392-3 Cumberland Co., Eng. Lonsdale, H. Worthies of C. 6 v. 13717-20; 13814-15 Cumming, C. F. At home in Fiji. Map and illust. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20663-4 — Fire fountains; Hawaii, its volcanoes, and the hist, of its missions. illust. 2v. 22656-7 — A lady's cruise in a French man-of-war. New ed. Map and illust. 21818 Cumming, J. Sabbath evening readings on the New Testa- ment. 4 V. 1044-7 — Sabbath morning readings on the Old Testament. 2 v. 1042-3 Cumming, R. G. A hunter's life among the wild animals of South Africa; with introd. by B. Taylor. 2 v. in 1. 1048 Cumming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts ; or, Scenes in camp and jungle. (Illust. lib. of trav., etc.) 9867 Cummings, G. D. Attractive power of the cross. , (In Union pulpit.) 6680 Cummings, J. B. Inefficiency of quarantine in Arkansas, 1879. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.. v. 5.) *I Cummings, M. F. and Miller, C. C. Architecture ; designs for street fronts, suburban houses, and cottages. Illust. 6211 Cummings, W. H. Purcell. (Great musicians.) 21351 — Kudiments of music. (Music prim.) 18415 Cummins, M. S. El Fureidis. 1052 — The lamplighter. 1051 — Mabel Vaughan. 1050 Cumnock, R. McL. Choice readings ; with elocutionary advice. 17610 Cundall, J. Every-day book of natural history. Illust. 6481 Cundall, 3.., joint author. See Woltmann, A. Cuneiform writing. Hodges, E. R. Origin, progress, and results of hieroglyphic and cuneiform decipherment. (In his Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 — Mahafiy, J. P. Cuneiform inscriptions. {In his Prolegom. to anc. hist.) 10106 Cunitz, M. Dall, C. H. Marie Cunitz, the mathematician. (In her Hist, pictures.) 1080 Cunningham, A. The haunted ships. (In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 310 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — The king of the Peak. {In Little class,, v. 7.) — The life and laud of Burns; with coutrib. by T. Campbell; pref., The genius and writings of Burns, by T. Carlyle. — Lives of British painters and sculptors. 5 v. Contents. V. 1. The early painters.— Wm. Hogarth.— R. Wilson.— Sir J. Reynolds.— T. Gainsborough. 2. B. West.— J. Barry.— Wm. Blake.— J. Opie.— G. Moreland.— E. Bird.— H. Fuscli. 3. G. Gibbons.— C. G. Cibber.— L. F. Roubiliac— J. Wilton.— T. Banks.— J. Nollekens.— J. Ba- con. — A. Darner. — J. Flaxman. 4. Jamesone. — Ramsay. — Romney. — Ruuciman. — Copley. — Mortimer. — Raeburn. — Hoppner. — Owen. — Har- low.— Bonington. ' 5. Cosway.— D. Allan.— Northcote.— Beaumont.— Lawrence.— Jackson.— Liverseege.-Burnet. — De Quincey, T. (In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) — Gilfillan, G. A. Cunningham and the rural poets. (In his Sketches, etc.) Cunningham, J. Episcopacy, Presbytery, and Puritanism in Scotland, 1572-1660. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) — Home-spun religion ; The religion of love. (Sotch sermons, 1880.) — New theorv of knowing and known j with some speculations on the bor- der-land of psychology and physiology. Cunningham, W. " Growth of Eng. industry and commerce. Cunynghame, A. T. My command in vSo. Africa, 1874-1878 ; travel in the colonies and independent states. Maps. — Travels in the eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black seas, espec. in Daghestau, and on the fi-ontiers of Persia and Turkey, 1871. Illust. Cupid, M. D. ; by A. M. Swift. Cupid and Chow-chow ; by L. M. Alcott. (Aunt Jo's scrap- bag, V. 3.) Cupid and the sphinx ; by H. Flemming. Cupper, R. A. The universal stair builder. Cupples, G. The deserted ship. — The green hand. — The sunken rock ; tale of the Mediterranean. (Harper's lif .-hr. ser.) Cupples, Mrs. G. Driven to sea. Curate, The, in charge ; by Mrs. Oliphant. Curate, The, of Orsi^re ; by O. Roquette. Curate's discipline. The ; by E. Eiloart. Curate's widow. The ; byS. S.Ellis. {In her Pict. of priv. life.) Cure for the heartache; comedy; by T. Morton. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) Cure for the fidgets ; by T. J. Williams. (In French's Min. dram., v. 39.) Cur6 manque, Le ; or, Social and relig. customs in France ; by E. de Courcillon. Curiosities of entomology. Cold, illust. Curiosities of longevity. (Li Crit. and soc. ess.) Curious case. {In French's Min. dram., v. 41.) Curiosities of ornithology. Illust. Curley, E. A. Nebraska ; its advantages, resources, and draw- backs. Illust. Curran, J. P. Speeches. {In Speeches of Phillips, etc.) — Speeches ; ed. with mem. and hist. not. by T. Davis. 3d. ed. — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) — Curran, W. H. Life of C. — Foster, J. Speeches of C. {In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) — Giles, H. {In his Lect. and essays.) — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em! orators, etc.) — Phillips, C. CuiTau and his contemporaries. — Sketch of C. {In Famous boys.) — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) Ourran, W. H. Life of J. P. Curran. 12978 1058 1053-7 1154 2255 20753 19903 13803 21721 18520 11657 22337 8382 18073 *I 11252 12435 19486 588 15462 17915 6960 1369 11804 7990 980 9727 6992 7991 9728 15440 5170 5829 526 1071 1503 7850 1785 5382 5036 12o92 1071 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 311 Currency. Bonnet, V. The example of France ; essays on the payment of the indemnity and the management of the currency, 1870-74. 13785 — Fullarton, J. Regulation of currencies. 8854 — Hughes. R. W. Popular tr. on the currency question, fr. a southern point of view. * 18491 — Mill, J. S. The currency juggle. (7?i Ms Diss, and disc, v. 1.) 5978 — Price, B. Currency and banking. 14382 — Robertson, E. W. Standard of the past in weight and currency. (In his hist, essays.) ' 15927 — Ropes, J. S. Restoration and reform of the currency. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) ' 15733 — Royall, W. L. Discussion of the C. question. (In Ms And. Jackson, etc.) 19368 — Sumner, W. G. Hist, of American C. ; English bank restriction, and Aus- tralian paper money. App., "Bulletin report" [Gt. Brit.]. 12395 — See also Banks ;— Money ;— Paper money;— tJ. S. Also Political economy.* Current discussion. See Burlingame, E. L. Currier, E. Political text book ; cont. the Declaration of Independence, with the Lives of the signers ; Constitution ; Inaugural addresses, messages, etc. 1070 Curry, D. Life of Wesley ; and rise and progress of Method- ism ; by R. Southey ; with notes by S. T. Coleridge and rem. on W. by A. Knox ; ed. by C. C. Southey. 2d. Am. ed. 2 V. 4080-1 Curse of gold; by A. S. Stephens. 7708 Curteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire, A. D. 395-800. (Hist, hand books.) 15410 — Rise of the Macedonian empire. (Epochs of anc. hist.) Maps. 19834 Curtin, J. C. Catholic view of education in the U. S. (Pps. on education.) *I Curtis, A. W. The spirit of seventy-six ; or, The coming woman ; drama ; — A change of base ; and Doctor Mond- schein. ' 7272 Curtis, B. R. Dottings round the circle. *I Note. Brief glances at the Yosemite, Japan, China, India, Africa, and Europe. Curtis, Mrs. C. P. {pseud. Carroll Winchester). From Madge to Margaret. 21531 Curtis, G. T. History of the origin, formation, and adopt, of the const, of the U. S. ; with not. of its princ. framers. 2 v. *I — Life of Daniel Webster. 2 v. 8387-8 Curtis, Gr. W. Equal rights for women ; Fair play for women. {In Worn. Suff. Tr.) 14359 — Howadji in Syria. 1059 — Lotus-eating ; a summer book. 1064 '- Memoir, (in Downing, A. J. Rural ess.) 1262 — My chateaux. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Nathaniel Hawthorne. {In Rice, A. T. Essavs, etc.) 18790 — Nile notes of a Howadji. * 1060 — Opening address. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 16734 — Our new livery, and other things. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Potiphar papers. 1061 — Prue and I. ' 1062 — Trumps. 1063 Curtis," M. F. Tanagra figurines. *I Curtis, N. M. Documents rel. to the removal fr. office of C. ; and to his indictment for levying and receiving political assessments. (Civ. Serv. Ref. Ass. Pub.) 22193 312 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Curtis, T. B. Infant mortality — Vital statistics. {In Buck, A. H. Tr. on hygiene and pub. health, v. 2.) 19452 Curtis, T. F. The human element in the inspiration of the Scriptures. 6967 Curtis, W. H. Disposal of the dead. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 7.) *I Curtius, E. History of Greece ; tr. by A. W. Ward. 5 v. 9153-7 — Same. Eng. ed. 5 v. *I — Biog. sketch of C. {In Atlas ess.) (Atlas ser.) 1&294 — Grimm, H. E. Curtius liber Kunstmuseen. {In his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Curtius, G. Smaller grammar of the Greek language. 10740 Curtius Rufus, Quintus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri superstites cum suppl. J. Freinshemii quibus notas add. N. E. Lemaire. 3 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) • 8251-3 Curwen, H. History of booksellers, the old and the new. 12193 Curwen, J. Tonic sol-fa. (Music prim.) 18414 Curwen, J. C. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 1.) 13717 Curwen, J. S. Studies in worship-music, chiefly as regards congregational singing. 20323 Curwen, S. Journal and letters, 1775-84; Added, biog. not. of Amer. loyalists, etc., by G. A. Ward. 1067 Curzon, R. Monasteries of the East. 1068 Cusack, M. F. Student's manual of Irish history. 10696 Gushing, C. The social condition of woman. {In Rice, A. T. Essays fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — The treaty of Washington. 11605 — Savage, J. (In his Our living rep. men.) . 3777 Gushing, L. S. Manual of Parliamentary practice; rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies. 1069 Gushing, W. Flanders, H. {In his Lives of the Chief Justices, V. 2.) 14147 Cushman,C.S. Clement, C.E. C.Cushman. (Amer.actorser.) 21580 — Stebbins, E. C. Cushman; her letters, and memories of her life. 17771 Cusins, W. G. Songs fr. the pub. writings of Tennyson, set to music ; portr. and illust. *I Cussans, J. E. Hand-book of heraldry. 8886 Gust, Hon. Lady. The cat; its hist, and diseases. 9201 Gust, R. N. Pictures of Indian life, 1852-1881. Maps. 21952 Custer, G. A. My life on the plains ; or, Personal experiences with Indians. 13233 — Victor, r. F. Life of C. (In her Eleven vears in the Rockv Mts., etc.) 19396 — Whittaker, F. Life of C. ' 16608 Custine, A., Marquis de. Russia [in 1839]. 1132 Custis, G. W. P. Mary Washington. {In Women of worth.) 1219 — Recollections and private mem. of Washington ; with mem. of the author; notes by B. J. Lossing. 4673 Customs. See Manners and customs. Custozza. Adams, C. {In his Great camp.) 18150 Cuthbert,.J. H. Life of R. Fuller, D.D. 18720 — The prophet and the king. (In Union pulpit.) 6680 Cutler, E. J. Biography of F. Birney. {In Higginson, T. W. Harvard mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Cutlery. Callis, F. Cutlery. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15475 Cutter, C. Anatomy and physiology. 6th. ed. 13215 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 313 — Treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Engr. Rev. ed. . " 1073 Cutter, W. Life of Israel Putnam. 1074 Cutting tools. Smith, R. H. Cutting tools worked by hand and machine. Plates, etc. 22834 Cuttle-fish. Kent, W. S. Gigantic cuttle-fish. {In Estes, D. Half-hr. rec. in pop. sci., ser. 2.) 18864 Cutts, E. L. Charlemagne. (Home lib.) 21953 — Christians under the crescent in Asia. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knovs^ledge.) 22518 — Constantine the Great : the union of the State and the Church. (Home lib.) • 21954 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., baron. The animal kingdom. 1075 — Lee, Mrs. S. Memoirs of C. 5103 — Pratt, A. (In her Da\ynings of genius.) 35^24= Cuyler, T. L. From the Nile to Norway, and homeward. 211o3 — John Bunyan. (In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Thought-hives. 10485 Cuyp, or Kuyp, A. Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Fairholt, F. W. {In his Homes, haunts, etc.) 10178 Cuzzoni, F. Clayton, E. C. {Li her Queens of song.) 5873 Cycla, pseud. See Clacy, E. Cyclopaedia of literary and scientific anecdotes. 2470 Cyclopaedia of moral and religious anecdote. 1523 Cyclopedia of religious denominations : accounts of creeds and systems; by members of the respective bodies. 8072 Cyclopaedias. See Encyclopaedias. Cymbeline. See Shakespeare, W. Cymon and Iphigenia ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extrava- ganzas, V. 4.) *I Cymry, The, Tales of ; by J. Motley. 22818 Cyprus. Baker, Sir S. W. Cyprus in 1879. 19416 — Brassey, A. Sunshine and storm in the East; or, Cruises to C, etc. 19457 — Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus : its auc. cities, tombs, and temples. Maps and illust. *I — Dixou, W. H. British Cyprus. 19288 — Lang. R. H. Cyprus : its hist., present resources, and future prospects ; illust. 18329 — Newton, C. T. Researches in C. (I7i his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 — Oilier, E. (In his Illustrated history of the Russo-Turkish war, v. 2.) 18840 Cyrano de Bergerac, S. See Bergerac, S. C. de. Cyril Thornton, Youth and manhood of ; by T. Hamilton. 3 v. 4462-4 Cyrilla ; by Baroness Tautphoeus. 8696 Cyrilla Maude's first love ; by E. P. Wood. 14351 Cyrus, King of Persia. Abbott, J. History of C. 8 Czar. See Tsar. Czar, The ; tale of the time of Napoleon. 22883 Czarina, The ; by Mrs. Hofland. 9928 Czarine, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 7.) *I D., M. J. M. Art and nature under an Italian sky. 2d. ed. 728 Dab Kinzer ; by W. O. Stoddard. 20389 Dabney, R. L. The Christian's best motive for patriotism. {In Fast-day sermons.) 1454 Da Capo ; by Miss A. E. Thackeray. 17507 — Same. (In her Miss Williamson's diyagations.) 20517 Dach, S. Gedichte ; hrsg. v. H. Oesterlcy. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16471 21 314 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dacier, ^Mme. A. L. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 9.) *1 Dadd, G. H. Modern horse doctor. 1078 Daddow, S. H. and BaDoan, B. Coal, iroD, and oil ; or, The practical AmericaD miner. 8402 Daddy Goriot ; by H. de Balzac. 17728 Daguerreotype. /See Photography. Daouesseau. See Aouesseau. Daguin, P. A. Traits el6mentaire de physique. 4 v. 9410-13 Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir of Uli'ic Dahlgren. 10028 — Dahlgren, M. Y. Memoir of D. Portr. and illust. 22139 Pahlgreu, M. V. Etiquette of social life in Washington. 5th. ed. 20563 — Memoir of J. A. Dahlgren. Portr. and illust. 22139 — South-Mountain magic ; a narrative. 21761 — South sea sketches ; [South America] . 20991 Dahlgren, U. Chesney, C. C. A northern raider in the civil war. (In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir of D. 10028 Dahn, F. A struggle for Rome ; tr. by L. Wolffsohn. 3 v. 20926-8 Dahomey. Skertchley, J. A. Dahomey as it is ; App. on Ashautee, and glossary of Dahoman words and titles. 12744 Daily bread and other stories. 8689 Contents. Hale, E. E. Daily bread.— The oiled feather.— The man who kept himself in repair.— Lowe, M. P. Bessie Grey.— Hale, E. E. Christmas waits in Boston. — Jessica's first prayer. Daily News. See War Correspondence. Daily praise and prayer; by R. R. Shippen. 15353 Dairyman's daughter, The ; by L. Richmond. {In his Annals of the poor.) , 3651 Daisies and buttercups ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 22330 Daisy; by [S. Warner]. 2 ser. 7477; 9951 Daisy Brentwell ; by I. Widdemer. 15581 Daisy Burns ; by J. Kavanagh. 2426 Daisy chain. The ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 5844 Daisy Miller : by H. James, Jr. 18082 "Daisy Miller," An English ; by V. W. Johnson. 21646 Daisy Thornton ; by M. J. Holmes. 20856 Dakota. See West, The. Dakyns, H. G. Xenophon. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 Daldy, F. F. Charterhouse ; the school life. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Dale, J. W. An inquiry into the usage of BAIITlZg^, and the nature of Judaic baptism. 2d. ed. 10716 Dale, R. W. The atonement; lect., 1875. 6th. ed. 17528 — The doctrine of the Real Presence and of the Lord's Supper. (In Rey- nolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) ' 10027 — Impressions of America. (Appletons' new hand.-vol. ser.) 17886 — - Nine lectures on preaching, at Yale College. (Yale lect., 1877.) 19645 Dall, C. W. H. The college, the market, and the court ; or, Woman's relation to education, labor, and law. 6771 — My first hohday; or. Letters home from Colorado, Utah, and California. 20992 — Historical pictures retouched ; miscellanies. 1080 Contents. Aspasia.—Hypatia.— Countess Matilda.— Cassandra Fedele. —Women of the House of Montefeltro.— Women of Bologna. — Contribu- tions of women to medical science.— Duties and influence of womeu.— CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 315 Marie Cunitz, the mathematician. — Mme. de Stael. — M. Fuller.— "The Great lawsuit : " Mary Astell ; M. Wollstonecraft ; M. Fuller.— Lono- Lane. — Pepperell House.— How to make children happy.— Sketch fr. real life.— The country parish.— Autumn leaves.— Dr. Lowell and his ministry. — Paper. {In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) " 12253 — Romance of the association ; or, One last glimpse of Charlotte Temple [Charlotte Stanley] and Eliza Wharton [Elizabeth Whitman], a curiosity of literature and life. 13649 — The other side. (In Brackett, A. C. Education of Amer. girls.) 12327 — Woman's ri^ht to labor. 1081 — Woman's right under the law. 1085 Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources. 8573 Dallas, G. IVI. Savage, J. {In his^Our living rep. men.) 3777 Dallas, W. L. Weather telegraphy. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) ' " 20446 Dallas, W. S. Entertaining naturalist. See Loudon, J. W. — Zoology. 2 V. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci. : Sys. of nat. hist.) 5185-6 Dallas Galbraith ; by IVIrs. R. H. Davis. 7539 Dalliu, T. F.^ joint author. See Sargent, J. F. Dair Ongaro, F. Novelle vecchie e nuove. 15507 Contents. Storia d'un Garofano.— La Rosa Bianca.— La Pianella Per- duta.— La Rosa Dell' Alpi. — Due Madri.— II pegiio.— II pozzo d'amore.— I Colombi di S. Marco. — Geremia del Venerdi. — Racconti. 15506 Dalmatia. Wilkinson, J. G. Dalmatia and Montenegro, with a journey to JVIostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Slavonic nations ; Hist, of Dalmatia and Ragusa ; The Usees, etc. 2 V. *I Dalmon, H. IVIetrical pocket-book ; or, IVIanual of weights, measures, and coins. 17591 Dalrymple, J., Viscount Stair. Graham, J. M. Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and 1st. and 2d. Earls of Stair. 2 v. . 14212-13 Dalrymple, J., 1^^ Earl of Starr. Graham, J. IVI. Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and 1st. and 2d. Earls of Stair. 2 v. 14212.-13 Dalrymple, J., 2d. Earl of Stair. Graham, J. M.. Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and 1st. and 2d. Earls of Stair. 2 v. 14212-13 Dalrymple, J. S. The naiad queen. {In IVIod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Dalrymples, The. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of old families.) 18362 Dalton, J. Lonsdale, H. (/?i /iis Worthies of Cumb. v. 5.) 13510 Dalton, J. C. Origin and propagation of disease. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 — Treatise on human physioloofy. 13486 — Treatise on phvsiologv and hvgiene. 13553 Dalton, The ; by C. J. Lever. 5260 Daly, A. "Frou Frou." {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 45.) 11832 Dalyell, T., of Binns. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) 10760 Dalziel, H. {pseud. "Corsincon.") British dogs; their varie- ties, hist., breed., etc. Illust. 20242 Damascus. Eddy, D. C. Walter's tour in the East; Damascus. 19490 — McGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Jordan. 10501 — Mackintosh, Mrs. Damasciis and its people ; sk. of mod. life in Svria. Illust. ' 22814 — Porter, J. L. Five years in Damascus. 8969 Dame Blanche, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 2.) *I 316 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dame Blanche, La ; Opera ; by Boieldieu. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) . *I Dame de Monsoreau, La ; par A. Dumas. 3 v. 9488-90 Dame de Niort, La ; par Quatrelles. {In Saynetes, efc, s^r. 3.) 14793 Dame de pique, La; par P. M^rimee. {In his Nouvelles.) 9520 Dame de pique, La ; opera com. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4, V. 15.) *I Dame du chateau mure. La ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9475 Dame Nature, and her three daughters ; by X. B. Saintine [J. X. Boniface]. 8009 Damon's ghost ; [by E. L. Bynner]. 20839 Damer, A. S. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, paint- ers, efc, V. 3.) 1055 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {hi their Queens of soc.) 4718 Dames de comptoir ; par L. Forain. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Damnation of Faust ; dram, legend ; by H. Berlioz. *I Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. Illust. 18480 Damon and Pythias ; play ; by J. Banim. {In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 5.) 11807 Damoreau, L. C. M. Clayton, E. C. (7n /ier Queens of song.) 5873 Dampier, W. Kingston, W. H. G. Voyages and adventures of D. (7?i /it.s Notable voyages.) 19571 — Life and voyages. {In Lives and voyages of Drake, etc.) 1264 — Piirves, D. L. Dampier's voyage. '{In his English circumnavigators.) 14165 Dampmartin, A. H., viscomte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Damrosch, L. How to succeed as a musician. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 Dams. McMaster, J. B. High masonry dams. 15798 Dana, C. A. Household book of poetry. 8106 Dana, E. S. Appendix. {In Dana, J. D. App. to 5th. ed. of D.'s Mineralogy.) 22377 — Text book of elementary mechanics. 2d. ed. 21860 — and J. D. Text book o*f mineralogy. With an extend, treat, on crys- tallography and phys. mineralogy. 17053 Dana, J. D. Appendixes to the 5th. ed. of Dana's Mineralogy.) 22377 Contents. Brush, G. J. Appendix I.— Dana, E. S. Appendix II., and III. — Corals, and coral islands. 10544 — Corals, and coral islands. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 Note. Substance of a small portion, only, of above. — The geological storv briefly told ; introd. to geologA". 13745 — Manual of geology.' ' 1238 — Manual of geology ; spec, ref . to Amer. geological history. 12927 — Manual of mineralogy. ' 1086 — Manual of mineralogy and lithology. 3d. ed., re-arr. and re-written. 18253 — System of mineralogy. ' 9326 — Text book of geology. Illust. 5586 — Text book of mineralogy. See Dana, E. S. Dana, R. H. Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 — Notice of D. {In Stoddard, E. H. Poets' homes.) ' 19286 Dana, R. H., Jr. The seaman's friend. 9975 — Speech, 1867, on the repeal of the usurv laws. (Soc. for Polit. Ed. Econ. tr.) 21167 — To Cuba and back. 1087 — Two years before the mast. 1088 Dana, Mass. Horr, G. W. History of D. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 317 Danbury, Life in ; by J. M. Bailey. 11688 Dance, C. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — joint author. See Planehe, J. E. Dance, C. D. Recollections of Venezuela. Map and illust. 22100 Dancing. Ball-room guide. ^ 9180 — The German; how to ffive it, how to lead it,' how to dance it. 18289 — Sause, M. J. Art of dancinp:; descr. of dances, with etiquette, benefits and hist, of dancing-. 19500 Danenhower, J. W. Narrative of the "Jeannette." Illust. 22021 Danesbury House : by Mrs. H. Wood. 21745 Dangeau, P. de C, marquis de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his ■ Caus. lund., v. 11.) *I Dangerfield's rest ; [by H. Sedley]. 6094 Dangerous game, A ; by E. Yates. 12866 Dangerous wooing. A; by B. Bjornson. (In his Bridal march. etc.) ^ 21758 Dangerous virtue, A ; by H. H. Boyesen. ( With his Queen Titania.) 20834 Danican, F. A., called ThilidoY . Allen, G. Life of Philidor, musician and chess-player ; with Essay on P. , as chess- author and chess-player, by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa. 11332 Daniel, Mrs. M. The heu-ess in the family. 11964 Daniel Dennison ; by Mrs. Hoflaud. 5234 Daniel Deronda ; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 2 v. 15796-7 Daniel in Babylon ; by W. M. Punshon. {In his Lect., etc.) 11802 Daniell, J. F. Chemistry. {In Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 Daniell, W. H. The voice, and how to use it. 8745 Daniels, G. F. The Huguenots in the Nipmuck country ; or, Oxford prior to 1713 ; introd. by O. AV. Holmes. 19058 Daniels, W. H. Memorials of G. Haven. Introd. by B. K. Peirce. 19944 Dannenberg, G. {pseud. Golo Raimund.) From hand to hand ; fr. the German, by Mrs. Wister. 21650 — A new race ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 19765 Danseuse de Shamakha, La; by J. A. de Gobineau. {In his Nouv. Asiatiques.) 14480 Danson, J. T. Lectures on the polit. economy of daily life, 1875-6. 18364 Dante Alighieri. Dante, tr. by I. C. Wright. 4th. ed. Illust. 1091 — De Mouarchia ; tr. by F. J. Church. (In Church, R. W. Dante.) 18274 — Divine comedy; the Inferno; prose tr. ; text, and notes by J. A. Carlyle. 1089 . — Divine comedy: tr. l>y C. B. Cayley. 4 v. ' " 20532-5 — Divine comedy ; tr. by H. W. Lou^ellow. [Notes and illust] . 3 v. 9150-2 — Sonnets. {In Tomlinson, C. The sonnet.) 19135 — The vision; or. Hell, Purgatorv, and Paradise : tr. bv H. F. Carv; with Life of D., notes, etc. Illust. ' ' 1090 — Vita nuova; tr.. with introd. and notes by T. 3Iartin. 12816 — Botta, V. Dante as philosopher, patriot/aud poet ; with analysis of the Divina Commedia. ' 6018 — Church, R. TT. Dante ; an essav. 18274 — Hunt, J. H. L. Critical not. of life, etc. {In his Stor. fr. the Ital. poets.) 2105 — Lowell, J. R. {In his Amon,i!: my books, ser. 2.) 15406 — Macaulav, T. B. (hi his Crit.. hist., and misc. ess., v. 1.) 2786 — Oliphant. 31. (O. W.) Dante. 17196 {In her Makers of Florence.) Illust. *I 318 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Ritchie, A. C. O. M. (In her Italian life.) 9027 — Rossetti, D. G. Dante and his circle ; collect, of lyrics. 13587 — Rossetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante. , 10125 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund:, v. 11.) *I — Scherer, E. Dante et Goethe. (In his Etudes crit. de litterature.) 14600 — Symonds, J. A. Introduction to the study of Dante. 16634 Dante and Beatrice fr. 1282 to 1290 ; romance ; by R. Lothian. 2 V. • 15716-17 Danton, G. J. Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. (hi his Orators of France.) 5012 — Gilflllan, G. (Li his Third gallery, etc.) . 2257 Danube. Arnold, R. A. From the Levant, the Black sea, and the D. 2 V. 10806-7 — King, E. Along the Danube ; Danubian davs. (In Murphy, B., etc. On the Rhine.) " 19935 — Fiske, J. Races of the D. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 18991 Danvers, H. Fascinating individual. (In French's min. dr., V. 21.) 11846 D'Anvers, N. Elementary hist, of art ; introd. to anc. and mod. architecture, sculpture, painting, music. *I — Raphael. (Illust. biog. of the gt. art.) 18916 — Science ladders ; namely : Forms of land and water. 21762 Lowest forms of water animals; illust. nat. hist, reader. 22437 Vegetable life. 21763 Daphnis et Chlo^ ; par C. A. Sainte-Beuve. (In his Nouv. lund., V. 4.) " *I Da Ponte. See Ponte L. da. D'Arblay, Mme. F. B. See Arblay, F. B. d'. Darby, J. Botany of Southern states. 1096 Darby and Joan ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. (InherSussex stor., v. 3.) 20548 Dare, Jeanne. Bray, A. E. Joan of Arc, and the times of Charles VII. of France. 12257 — Calvert, G. H. The Maid of Orleans ; hist, tragedy. 12551 — Charles, 3Irs. E. Joan the maid; story of the iStli. cent. 18583 — De Quincev, T. (In his Misc. ess.) 1157 — Goodrich. S. G. (In his Lives.) 1584 — Grimke, S. M. Joan of Arc. 6615 — Hewitt, M. E. (In her Lives.) 1899 — Lamartine, A. de. (In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 2.) 13217 — The Maid of Orleans. 5249 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) *I — Sketch of D. (In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 — Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc, '' the maid." 19693 — Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 — Yonge, C. D. (In his Seven heroines of Christendom.) 18848 Darien ; by E. Warburton. 5815 Darius I., King of Persia. Abbott, J. History of Darius. 9 Dark ages. See Middle Ages. Dark and fair; by C. Rockingham [Count de Jarnac]. 3 v. 22824-6 Dark continent. See Africa. Dark doings ; by A. R. Hope. {In his Seven Stories.) 20275 Dark hour before dawn ; play ; by J. Brougham and F. B. Goodrich. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Dark inheritance, A ; by M. C. Hay. 18595 Dark scenes of history ; by G. P. R. James. 2296 Darkest hour before dawn, 'Tis the ; by R. E. Mack. {In French's Min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Darkness and daylight ; by M. J. Holmes. 5659 Darley, F. O. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. 7542 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 819 Darling, C. R. Confessions of prisoners. {In Grinuell, C. E. Points of law, Guiteau's case.) *I Darling, M. G. Battles at home. 9621 — In the world; seq. to " Battles at home." 9622 Darlington, W. American weeds and useful plants. 1097 Darnfey ; by G. P. R. James. 2288 Darragh, L. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Darras, J. E. IJahhe. General hist, of the Catholic Church. 4 v. 1 1 184-7 Darryll Gap ; by V. F. Townsend. 6693 Daru, Count. Life of Volney. {In Volney, C. F. The ruins.) 12051 Daru,P. A. N. B. Sainte-Beuve,C. A. (J?^^^■sCaus. lund., v. 9.) *I Darwin, C. R. The descent of man, and selection in rel. to sex. 2 V. 9089-90 -f- The difterent forms of flowers on i)lants of the same species. 17259 — Ettects of cross and self-fertilisation in the ve.u-etable kingdom. 16883 — Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 11279 — The formation of vegetable mould, thr. the action of worms, etc. Illust. 20993 — Insectivorous plants. 14033 — Journal of researches into the nat. hist, and geologv of countries visited dur. the voyage of H. AJ. S. Beagle. 2 v. ' 1099-1100 — Movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d. ed., rev. 15395 — On the origin of species by means of natural selection. 1098 — Prefatory notice. {In Weismann, A. Stud, in the theory of descent.) 19925 — Preliminary notice. {In Krause, E. E. Darwin.) 19474 — Variation of animals and plants under domestication; pref. bv A. Gray. lUust. 2 v. ' 5558-9 — Same. 2d. ed. 2 v. 15754-5 — The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 2d. ed. 16884 — What Darwin saw in his voyage in the ship " Beagle." 19056 — and F. The power of movement in plants. Illust. 20152 — Charles Darwin; memorial noticiBs repr. fr. "Nature."' (Nature ser.) 22318 — Cobbe, F. P. Darwinism in morals, etc. 10835 — Conwav, M. D. Pre-Darwinite and post-Darwinite world. {In his Idols and Ideals.) 16980 — Fiske, J. Darwinism, and other essays. 18991 — Gray, A. Darwiniana; essays and reviews pert, to Darwinism. 15959 — Hoc^e, C. What is Darwinism!" 12468 — Huxley, T. H. More criticisms on Darwin. 9845 — Laing, F. H. Darwinism brought to book. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig., etc., ser. 3.) *I — Lankester, E. R. {In his Degeneration.) 19853 — Mueller, F. M. My reply to Mr. Darwin. {In his Chips, v. 4.) 9117 — Proctor, R. A. Newton and Darwin. {In his Mvsteries, etc.) 22822 — Schmid, R. The theories of I)., and their rel. to phil., relig., and morality. 22333 — Schmidt, O. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 17170 — Stephen, L. Darwinism and divinitv. {In his Ess. on freethinking, etc.) 19049 — Wright, C. {In his Phil, disc.) 16903 Darwin, E. Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin. 19474 Dasakumaracharitam. Hindoo tales ; tr. fr. the Sanscrit by P. W. Jacob. 11670 Dasent, G. W. Jest and earnest; ess. and reviews. 2 v. 13611-12 Contents. V. 1. A fortnight in Faroe.— Wildbad and its water.— England and Norway in the 11th. cent.— Origin of the English language. 2. Latham's '' Johnson's dictionary."- The Greek and English quarrel. —The story of free trade.— How we were all vaccinated.— Magnus the Good, and Harold Hardrada.— Harold Hardrada, King of Norway.— Pickings from Poggio. — Lady Sweetapple. 11348 — Popular tales from the Norse. 1101 — Story of Burnt Njal; or. Life in Iceland at the end of the lOthTcent. ; fr. the Icelandic of the Njals Saga. 2 v. *I — Story of Gisli, the outlaw; fr. the Icelandic. Illust. *I — Vikings of the Baltic ; tale of the North in the 10th. cent. 3 v. 15586-8 — See also Asbjoernsen. Dashiell, T. G. A pastor's recollections. 14034 320 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dates. See Chronology. Daubign(^, J. H. M. See Merle d'Aubign^. Daudet, A. L'^vangeliste. 14750 — Same ; tr. bv M. N. Sherwood. 22573 — Jack ; tr. b^ M. N. Sherwood. 17060 — Kings in exile ; tr. by \. Champlin. 19453 — Lettres de mon moulin ; impressions et souvenirs. S^- ed. * 14659 — Tlie little good-for-nothing; fr. the French ; bv M. X. Sherwood. 18006 — The nabob ; tr. by L. H. Hooper. ' 17443 — The new Don Quixote ; or. The wonderful adv. of Tartarin of Taraseon ; tr. by C. Roland. . 13979 — Les prunes ; poesie. {In Leirouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14498 — Hazeltine, M. W. (7?i /ris Chats.) 22863 — Les rois en exil ; roman Parisieu. 14597 — Mauris, M. {In his French men of letters.) 19854 Daudet, E. Dolores. 14645 — Henriette ; fragments f r. the diary of the Marquis de Boisguerny. 17853 — Zahra Marsy. ' *I Dauge, H. A fair philosopher. 21883 Daughter, The ; byT. H. Bayley. (/^iFrench's Min. dram., v. 15.) 11843 Daughter, The ; play ; by J. S. Knowles. (In /i/sDram. works.) 11888 Daughter of an empress ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6569 Daughter, A, of Bohemia ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 12389 Daughter, A, of Heth ; by W. Black. 9705 Daughter, The, of night ; by S. W. Fullom. 1194 Daughter of the regiment. See Figlia del reggimento. Daumas, Y.^ joint autlior. See Arbousset, T. Daunou, P. C. F. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 12.) 14532 — Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Xotices et portr., v, 1.) 9573 — Saihte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cout., v. 4.) *I Dauphiny. France. See Waldenses. Davault's mills ; by C. H. Jones. 15671 Davenant, W. Hamilton, W. (/w his Poets laureate of Eng.) 18533 Davenport, S. Engraving. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15472 Davenport Dunn ; by C. Lever. 2626 David, King of Israel. Keble, J. The psalter ; or. Psalms of David, in P^ng. verse. 4th. ed. *I — Krummacher, F. W. David; tr. bv 31. G. Easton. 7489 — Taylor, W. N. David ; his life and its lessons. 15427 — Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 — See also Jews. History. David, C. G. Positivist primer. 9912 David, W. H. Winchester ; the school life. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 David Armstrong ; or, Before the dawn. 19810 David Copperfleld ; Personal hist, and experience of ; by C. Dickens. 1191 David Copperfleld ; drama, adapt, fr. Dickens ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 16.) ' 11818 David Elgiubrod ; by G. MacDonald. 9022 David Leslie ; by S. S. Thornburn. 2 v. 19635-6 David Swan ; by N. Hawthorne. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Davidge, W. The drama defended. {In French's min. dram., v. 22.) 7982 — Footlight flashes ; [Autobiography] . 6379 Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism ; sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama. (Non.-Chr. relig. syst.) 17494 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 321 — Lectures on the origin and growth of relig. as illust. in Indian Buddhism. (Hibbert lect. 1881.) ^ 21352 David's little lad ; by L. T. Meade. ^ 17557 Davidson, D. Connexion of sacred and profane history. 3 v. in 1. 1108 Davidson, E. A. The boy joiner and model maker : pract. direct, for making numerous articles ; mechanical toys, models, etc. ; with descr. of tools and method of using them. 13262 — Dra\ying for brick layers. 12608 — Drawing for cabinet-makers. 12611 — Drawing for carpenters and joiners. 12801 — Drawing for machinists and engineers. 12610 — Drawing for metal plate workers. 12612 — Drawing for stone masons. 12613 — Elements of building constr. and architectural drawing. 12609 — Elements of practical perspective. 12617 — Gothic stonework; hist, and priuc. of church architecture, arrangement of ecclesiastical edifices, e^c. 12614 — Linear drawing; appl. of prac. geometry to trade and manufactures. *I ; 12615 — Manual of house-painting, graining, marbling, and sign-writing. Illust. 16932 — Model drawing. 12616 — Orthographic and isometrical projection. Rev. and enl. *I; 12618 — Painting in sepia, water-colours, "and oils; with hist, and characteristics of various styles of ornament. Diagrams and engr. {In Field, G. Granunar of colourinu-.) 15482 Davidson, J. L. 8. Polybius. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 Davidson, L. M. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Lives.) 1584 — Sedgwick, C. M., Life of D. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 7.) 4116 Davidson, M. M. Goodrich. S. G. {In his Lives.) 1584 — Irving, W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 Davidson, R. Description of the Leamington sewage pumping station. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 1.) *I Dayidson, R. Biographical sketches of members of the Synod of Philadelphia. ( TF^Y/i Patterson, R. M. Hist, sketch.) *I Davidson, Samuel. The doctrine of last things cent, in the New Test., comp. with the notions of the Jews, etc. 22658 Davidson, S. Introduction to the Old Testament. 3 v. 8899-901 — Introduction to the New Testament. 2 v. 8902^ — Same. 2d. ed. 2 v. 21686-7 Davidson, T. Brown, J. Life of a Scottish probationer ; mem. of D. 18526 — Life of A. Rosmini ; Bibliographv ; Introd., etc. {In Rosmiui-Serbati, A. Philosophical system.) ' 21902 — The Parthenon frieze ; and other essays. 21955 Contents. Subject of the Parthenon frieze.— Subject of the group of gods on the front of the base of the Phidian Zeus at Olympia.— The Pelasgic wall of Atheus.— Oidipous Tvrannos, Davie, W. R. Hubbard, F. M. " Life of I). {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 25.) 4134 — Sketch of D. {In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 Davies, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch nation, fr. the 10th. cent, to the 18th. ; incl. the rise and prog, of the Protestant reform, in Holland, 3 v. *I Davies, C. Elements of analyt. geometry, and of the diff. and integ. calculus. 19062 — Elements of geometry and trigonometry ; with appl. in mensuration. 19063 — Elements of geometry and trigonometry, from the works of A. M. Le- gendre; adapt, to inathemat. instr. in'the U. S. 19064 — Elements of surveying and levelling. 19065 — The nature and utilitv of mathematics, with methods of instruction expl. and illust. 18792 322 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — New elementary alj^ebra. 19066 — Practical mathematics; with drawing and mensuration, appl. to the mech. arts. 19067 — University al.) 11843 Declamation. Garcia, G. The actor's art ; trea. on declama- tion, etc. *I DeConcilio, J. Elements of intellectual philosophy. 18562 Decoration, Ornament. Barrett, W. A. Flowers and festivals ; or. Directions for the floral decoration of churches. 9322 — Batty, J. H. Practical taxidermy, aud home decoration, etc. Illust. *T — Blanc, C. General laws of ornament, (/w Ais Art in ornament, e^c.) 16620 — Church decoration ; practical manual of appropriate ornamentation; ed. bv a practical illuminator. Illust. *I — Cook, C. " What shall we do with our walls •"' *I — Davidson, E. A. History and characteristics of the var. styles of O. {In Field, G. Gram.' of colouring.) ' 15482 — Edis, K. W. Decorations and furniture of town houses. Illust. *I — Flat or surface decoration. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Garrett, R. and A. Suggestions for house decoration in painting, wood- work, and furniture. 16887 — Haweis. H. R. The art of decoration. Illust. 211G3 — Hav. D. R. The interior decorator. ll60T — Hollv, H. H. Treatise on furniture aud decoration. {In his Mod. dwell., etc.) *I — Jones, Mrs. C. S. and Williams, H. T. Household elegancies. 14317 — Leland, C. G. The minor arts: porcelain painting, wood carving, sten- cilling, etc. 19.S84 — 3Iorris, W. The decorative arts; their rel. to mod. life and progress. 17470 — Ornament as appl.to indust. purposes; Historical ornament — Middle Age styles, (/w Antefix pps.) 14186 — Rees, J. E. Ruutz. Home decoration; art needle-work and embroidery; painting on silk, satin, and velvet; panel-painting; and wood-carving. Designs. 22291 — Ruskin, J. The two paths; lect. on art and its appl. to decoration aud manufacture. 3736 — Scott, W. B. Half-hour lect. on the hist, and pnict. of the fine and ornamental arts. 13522 — Ware, W. R. Greek ornament ; illust. with plates printed in the orig. colors. 17982 — Wornum, R. N. Analysis of ornament; characteristics of styles : introd. to the hist, of ornamental art. 13642 — See also Arts, Fine; — China painting; — Ecclesiastical furniture; — Pottery. Decorative sisters. The ; a mod. ballad ; by J. Pollard. Illust. *I Decorum. See Etiquette. De Costa, B. F. Hiawatha ; story of the Iroquois sage in prose and verse. *I — Mount Desert and the New England coast. 9231 Decourcelle, A. Marie Duval; com^die. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., s^r. 4.) 14499 — La part du lion; com. {In Legouv6, G. J. B. E. W. Theatre de camp., ser. 5.) 14500 Deems, C. F. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Deep, deep sea ; by J. R. Planch^. {In /ii.s Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Deep down ; tale of the Cornish mines ; by R. M. Ballantyue. 7635 Deep waters ; by A. H. Drury. 12880 Deephaven ; by S. O. Jewett. 16949 Deer. Caton, J. D. Account of the red-deer, reindeer, and elk. {In his Summer in Norway.) 13959 328 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Deerbrook ; by H. Martineau. 10783 Deerings of Medbury, The ; by V. F. Townsend. 9753 Deevslayer ; by J. F. Cooper. (Leather stocking tales.) 943 Deerstalkers, The ; by H. W. Herbert. (In his Frank Fores- ter's sport, scenes, v. 2.) 9031 Deeside. Black, A. and C. Picturesque guide to Aberdeen, Deeside, etc. *I Defaulter, The ; by T. Hood. (In Fam. stories, v. 1.) 18148 — Sa7ne. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7023 Defence of Guenevere, and other poems ; by W. Morris. 13759 Defence of philosophic doubt; by A. J. Balfour. 19417 Deffand, Mme. See Du Defeand. D^fil6, Le ; par L. Halevy. (Jn his Mariage d'amour.) 14790 De Foe, D. Aventures de Robinson Crusoe ; illust. par J. J. Grandville. *I — Journal of the Plaji:ue vear, London, 1665; rev., with hist, notes, by E. W. Bravley. Illust. 10670 — Life and adv. of Robinson Crusoe ; incl. mem. of the author, and ess. on his writings. 1134 — Novels and misc. works. 1133 Contents. Life and adv. of Duncan Campbell.— New vo5;age around the world.— Political tracts rel. to the Hanoverian succession. — Robinson Crusoe ; introd. bv W. Lee. Illust bv E. Griset. 13196 — Selections fr. Robinson Crus^oe. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Minto, W. Daniel Defoe. " . 18497 — Mitchell, D. G. Robinson Crusoe. {In his About old story-tellers.) 17346 — Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 — Scott, W. In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) 3838 — Spear, C. {In his Voices fi". prison.) 4162 — Stephen, L. De Foe's novels. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) 13942 — Tuckerman, H. T. (7?i /?/s Ess. biog. and crit.) 4523 De Foublanque, A. A family tree. 16612 — How we are iroverned; or, The crown, the senate, and the bench. Hand-book of the constitution, government, etc., of Gt. Brit. 12th. ed. 15747 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 De Fonblanque, E. B. Political and military episodes in the latter half of the 18th. cent. ; fr. the life and correspond- ence of J. Burgoyne. Portrait and illust. 15703 De Forest, E. L. Additions to Memoir on methods of inter- polation applicable to the graduation of irregular series. (In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1873.) ', 11104 De Forest, J. W. The bloody chasm. 20843 — European acquaintance. 1135 — History of the Indians of Connecticut to A. D. 1850. *I — Honest John Vane. 13315 — Kate Beaumont. 9936 — The Lausou tragedv. (/w Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Overland. ' 9717 — Plaving the mischief. 13904 — Sea'cliff. 1136 — The Wetherell affair. 12224 De Forest, J. B. A short history of art. Illust. *I Deformed, The ; by M. F. Tytler. {With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Deformity. Flower, W. H. Fashion in deformity as illust. in the customs of nations. 20846 Degeneration ; a chapter in Darwinism ; by E. R. Lankester. (Nat. ser.) 19853 Degenerations in man, On ; by C. Elam. {In his Physician's prob. 8087 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 329 Dehon, A. Holmes, O. W., Jr. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Dehors trompeurs, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 3.) *I Deirdr^ ; by R. D. Joyce. (No Dame ser.) 16135 Deism. Stephens, L. (//i/i2s Hist, of Eng. thought, efc, v. 1.) 16794 De Kalb. See Kalb. De Koven, J. Dorchester Polytechnic Academy ; Dr. Nevera- sole, principal. , 19463 — Sermons ; introd. bv M. Dix. 19250 De Kroyft, Mrs. S.'H. Little Jakey. 11585 — Same. {In Little classics, v. 10.) 12981 — A place in thy memor5\ 1137 De la Beche, H. T. Mining, quarrying, and metallurgical pro- cesses and products. {In Soc. for theEnc. of Arts,e^c. Lect.) 4735 Delacour, A. C. L., called.^ joint author. See Labiche, E. M. Delafield, J. Biographies of F. and M. Lewis. 2 v. 18035-6 Delair, P. Une femme bien pleurae ; La vision de Claude. (Th^cAtre de campagne, s^r. 6.) 14690 — Le sergent Lazare; recit en vers; La messe de Pane; r^cit en vers. (In* Saynetes, etc., ser. 6.) 14796 Delamer,' E. S. The flower garden. 1141 — The kitchen garden. 1142 Delamotte, F. The embroiderer's book of design. *I — Examples of modern alphabets. *I Delamotte, P. H., joint author. See Wheatley, H. B. Delannoy, L. E. E. Un monsieur qui n'arrive jamais ! mono- logue. {In Saynetes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Delany, M. G. (P.) Autobiography and correspondence; rev. fr. Lady Llanover's ed., and ed. by S. C. Woolsey. 2 V. 19262-3 — Elwood, A. K. {I?i her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 Delaporte, Mile. L' article II. (Th^dtre de campagne, s^r. 8.) 14692 De la Rive, A. A. See La Rive, A. A. de. Delaroche, H., called Paul. Nolte, V. {In his Fifty years, etc.) 3263 — Eees, J. E. Paul Delaroche. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 19766 Xote. Bound with Horace Yernet. Delaumosne, Vahhe. The art of oratory, system of Delsarte ;• fr. the P>ench, by F. A. Shaw. 21820 Delavigne, J. F. C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 5. ) *I Delavoye, A. M. Life of T. Graham, Lord Lynedoch. 20208 Delbrueck, M. F. R. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Delecluze, E. J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Du romau intime ; ou. Mademoiselle de Liron. {In his Portr. de femmes, 1876.) *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Xouv. lund., v. 3.) *I De Leon, E. Askaros Kassis, the Copt ; romance of mod. Egypt. 8479 — Egypt under its Khedives. Illust. 22378 D^leou, L'ahbe. Under the ban ; fr. the French. 5913 Delesdernier, E. P. Fannie St. John ; romantic incident [in the life of G. Fellowes]. 12550 — Headland home. 7478 Delhi. Miuturu, R. B., Jr. {In his From N. Y. to Delhi.) 3076 — See also India. * A book Avith "•*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured onlv bv asking an attendant for it. 22 330 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Delicate ground ; by C. Dance. {In French's Miu. dram., v. 5.) 11837 Delicia. By B. M. Butt. 18760 De Liefde, J. /See Liefde, J. de. Delille, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In hisTortr. lit., v. 2.) *I Delly's cow ; by R. T. Cooke. (In her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Delorme, J. 8aiute-Beuve, C. A. {I71 his Prem. kind., v. 1.) *I Delsarte, F. The art of oratory. See Delaumosue, Tabbed. Deluge, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvves, s^r., 2, v. 6.) *I Delusions. Beard, G. M. Scientific basis of delusions. 18296 — Mackay, C. Memoirs of extraordinary pop. delusions. 2 v. 2839-40 — See also Hallucinations; — Humbug; — Imposture; — Superstitions. Demande en mariage. La. (In Sayn4tes, etc., s^r. 8.) 14798 Demetz, M. School for training officers at Mettray. (7n Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Kept., 1873.) *I De Mille, J. The American baron. 9886 — Among the brigands. 9789 — The "B. O. W. C." Illust. 8038 — The babes in the wood. 13234 — Boys of Grand Pre school. 8634 — A %omedv of terrors. 11158 — Cord and' creese. Illust. 5622 — The Dod^e Club ; or, ftaly in 1859. Illust. 8130 — Helena's household; tale of Rome in the 1st. cent. 8431 — Ladv of the ice. 8666 — The lilv and the cross. 13070 — The living link. . 12869 — Lost in the fog. 11.349 — An open question. 11318 — Picked up adrift. 9866 — The seven hills. 11161 — The winged Hon; or, Stories of Venice. Illust. (The young Dodge club.) 19407 Deming, L. Collection of useful, inter., and remark, events. 1143 Demiug, P. Adirondack stories. 19758 Contents. Lost.— Lida Ann.— .John's trial.— Joe Baldwin.— Willie.— Benjamin Jacques.— Ike's wife.— An Adirondack neighborhood. Demmin, A. Weapons of war ; hist, of arms and armour. *I Democracy. Arnold, M. (In his Mixed ess.) 18465 — Capen, N. Historv of democracy : or. Political progress, v. 1. 13500 — Gillet, R. H. Democracy in the tl. S. 7444 — Harwood, G. The coming democracy. 22382 — Ingersoll, C. Fears for democracy regard, fr. the Amer. point of view. 13657 — James, H. Democracy and its issues. (In his Lect., etc.) 2321 — Kilgore, C. B. Democracy. (In Cent. Cong, of Lib. Rept., 1876.) *I — Mallock, W. H. Social equality ; study in a missing science. 21895 — May, T. E. Democracy in Europe ; a history. 2 v. 17532-3 — Tocqueville, A. de. De la democratic en Arn^rique. 3 v. *I The Republic of the U. S. of Amer. and its political institutions. 4471 Democracy ; a novel. 19613 Democratic party. Republican or Democrat? a retrospect with its lesson for the [U. S.] citizen of 1880. 19904 — "Ward, E. Nationality of the democratic party, and its importance to the Union. (Li his Speeches, 1877.) * *I Democritus. Goodrich, S. G. (Bi his Famous men. etc.) 1591 Democritus Junior, .^sewcZ. Doctor Ben. (Rd. robin ser.) 22068 Demogeot, J. C. History of French literature. See Bridge, C. Demoiselle, La, et la dame ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 9.) *I Demoiselle a marier,^La ; ou. La premiere entrevue, par A. E. Scribe. (In his Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 15.) *I Demoiselle qui a des absences ; par C. Monselet. (In Say- netes, etc., s^r. 8.) 14798 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 331 Demon du foyer, Le ; comedie ; par George Sand. {In her Theatre comp., ser. 2.) 14511 Demon lover ; by J. Brougham. {In French's Min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 Demon of Cawnpore, The; by J. Verne. (Steam house, pt. 1.) 20290 Demonology. Conway, M. D. Demouology and devil-lore. Illust. 2 V. 18380-1 — Scott, W. Letters on Demonolofiy and witchcraft. 3841 — Spalding, M. J. Demonology and the reformation, (/w ^is Miscellanea.) 18463 — Tonna, 0. E. Principalities and powers in Heavenly places. {Inker ' Works, V. 2.) ' ■ 4475; 4477 De Morgan, A. A budget of paradoxes. 13275 — The ditlerential and integi-al calculus. (Lib. of usef . knowl.) *I — Study and ditficulties of mathematics. {In Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 — De Morgan, S. E. Memoir of De M. ; with select, fr. his letters. 22105 De Morgan, M. The necklace of princess Florimonde ; and other stories. Tllust. 20047 — On a pincushion, and other fairy tales. Illust. 20083 De Morgan, 8. E. Memoir of A^ De Morgan ; with select, fr. his letters. 22105 Demosthenes, ^schines and D. The two orations on the Crown ; new tr. by G. W. Biddle. 20758 — Orations ; tr. by C. R. Kennedy. 6586 Contents. Against Macartatus; Leochares; Stephanus I.; Stephanus XL; Euergus and Mnesibulus; Olympiodorus; Timotheus; Polycles. — For the naval crown.— Against Callippus; Nicostratus; Conon; Callicles; Dionysodorus ; Eubulides; Theocrines; Neiera.— Funeral oration. — The erotic oration. — Exordia. — Epistles. — Orations ; tr. by C. R. Kennedy. 4 v. 2452-3 ; 2451 ; 2458 Contents. V. 1. Olynthiac and other pub. orations. 2. On the crown, and on the embassy. 3. Against the Law of Leptines, Midias, Androtion, and Aristocrates. 4. A*i:ainst Timocrates, Aristo^ton, Apho- bus, Onetor, Zenothemis, Apaturuis, Phormio, Lacritus, Pantasnetus, Nausimachus, Ba^otus, Spudias, Phasnippus, and for Phormio. — Bredif , L. Political elo(]^uence in Greece. Demosthenes, with extr. fr. his orations, and a cnt. discuss, of the Trial on the crown. 20558 — Brodribb, W. J. Demosthenes. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 16878 — Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes. (Classical writers.) 21759 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 Dempster, C. L. H. Blue roses ; or, Helen Malinofska's mar- riage. 3d. ed. 2 v. 18127-8 — Iseulte. 13924 — Within sound of the sea. 18384 Dendy, W. C. The philosophy of mystery. 1145 Dene Hollow ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 14297 Dengue. See Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6. Denham, D. and Clapperton, H. Expedition to Central Africa. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 Denier, A. Parlor pantomimes. *I Denis, F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In /izs Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Denis Duval ; by W. M. Thackeray. 6014 Denise ; by M. Roberts. 18896 Denison, Mrs. — . Among the squirrels. Illust. 7220 Denison, C. Rocky Mt. health resorts ; analyt. study of high altitudes in rel. to the arrest of chronic pulmonary disease. *I Denison, C. W. Illustrated life, campaigns, and pub. services of P. H. Sheridan. 6157 Denison, E. Letters, etc. ; ed. by B. Leighton. 17005 — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) 11755 332 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Denison, E. B. Astronomy without mathematics ; fr. 4th. Lond. ed. ; ed., with corr., etc.^ by P. E. Chase. 8451 — Rudimentary treatise on clocks, watches, and bells. Illust. 5th. ed. 740? Denison, M. A. {pseud, C. Vance.) The music-master. 1129 — Old slip warehouse. 17962 — Victor Norman. 11121 Denman, T., Lord. Arnould, J. Memoir of Lord D. 2 v. 12557-8 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Denmark. Gen. von Biilow and the Danish question. {In Diplomatic sk., 2.) 18552 Description. — Cox. S. S. {In his Arctic sunbeams.) 2161(> — Inglis. H. D. Personal narr. of a journey thr. IS'orway, part of Sweden, and Denmark. " ' 2125 — Macgregor, J. {M his Rob Rov on the Baltic.) 7039 — Narjoux, F. {In his Notes and sketches of an architect.) 17145 — Taylor, B. Northern travel. 4861 Education. — Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique dans les etats du nord, Suede-Nor- W(>ge-Danemark. *I History. — See Schleswig-Holstein. Literature. — See Andersen, H. C. — See also Jutland-Scandinavia. Denne-Baron, P. J. R. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 10.) *I Denning, W. F. Celestial objects viewed with the naked eye ; Mars. ; Jupiter ; Comets. {In Brown, R. 8ci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — An eclipse of the sun; Saturn; the minor planets; A supposed new planet. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Shooting stars. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Dennis, G. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 2 v. *I Dennis, J. Talfourd, T. N. (/?i his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Denny, J. W. Wearing the blue in the 25th. Mass. Vol. In- fantry. *I Denominations. See Sects. Densel, M. Lloyd Dalan. 13368 Denton, E. F. B. Hand book of house sanitation. See Den- ton, J. B. Denton, E. M. F., joint author. See Denton, W. Denton, J. B. Hand book of house-sanitation; enl. and rev. by E. F. B. Denton. 21724 — Intermittent filtration thr. natural soil. *I — Sanitarv engineering; lect. before the School of 3Iilitarv Engineering at Chatham, 1876. ' *I Contents. Air.— Water.— The dwelling.— The town and the village- Disposal of sewage. • — Sewage disposal ; ten years' experience in works of intermittent down- ward filtration; with notes on sewage farming. 20599 Denton, Rev. W. Montenegro ; its people and their history. 17376 Denton, W. Our planet, its past and future ; or, Lectures on geology. 2d. ed. 7592 — Radical discourses on religious subjects. 11284 — and E. M. F. The soul of things; or, Psychometric research and disc. 5563 Depit amoureux, Le ; comedie ; par Moli^re Oeuvres, v. 1.) 14604 De Ponte, Mrs. S. A night of terror. {In Thirteen good stor.) 11874 — Same. In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 Depping, G. See Russell, C. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 333 Depre, Ernest. Amour platonique ; faDtaisie en vers. {In Say- n^tes, etc.^ ser. 7.) — La demande en maria^e. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 8.) — Froid! monoloj^ue. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 6.) — and Clairville. C. La er6maill^re. (Theatre de camp., ser. 8.) Depret, L. C'etait ecrit ! sayn^te. {In Saynetes, etc., s^r. 8.) — Le marquis Ernest ; sayn^te ; Monsieur Cambrefort ; saynete. ( In Say- netes, etc., ser. 3.) ' Depute de Gamsche, Le ; par L. Halevy. {In his Mariage d'amours.) De Puy, H. W. Ethan Allen, and the Green Mt. heroes of '7G. De Quincey, 'Thomas. The avenger ; and other papers. Contents. The a venc^er.— Additions to the Confessions of an opium- eater ; De Quincey ; Barbara Lewthwaite ; The daughter of Lebanon. — The Essenes. — ^'lius Lama. — China. — Traditions of the Eabbins. — The avenger. {In Aldrieh, T. B. Good stories.) — Same. {In Fam. stories, v. 1.) — Beauties fr. the writings of De Quincey. — Biographical essays. Contents. Shakspeare.— Pope.— Charles Lamb.— Goethe. — Schiller. — The Csesars. — Confessions of an Eng. opium-eater, and Autobiographic sketches. — Confessions of an Eiiji-. opium-eater; and Suspiria de profundis. — Fliy-ht of a Tartar tribe. {In Little class., v. L) — Klosterheim; or, The masque; with biog. pref. by S. Mackenzie. — Letters to a young man, and other papers. Contents. " Letters to a young man. — Theory of Greek tragedy. — Con- versation. — Language.— French and English manners. — California and the gold mania.— Ceylon.— Presence of mind. — Life and manners ; autobiography. — Literary reminiscences. 2 v. Contents. V. 1, Literary novitiate. — Sir H. Davy. — Mr. Godwin. — Mrs. Grant.— Recollections of C. Lamb.— Walladmor.— S. T. Coleridge.— W. Wordsworth. 2. Wordsworth and Southey.— Southey, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. — Eecollections of Grasmere. — The Saracen's Head. — So- ciety of the lakes. — Charles Loyd. — Walking Stewart. — E. Irving. — Wordsworth. — Talfourd. — The London Magazine. — Junius. — Clare. — Cunningham.— Libellous attack by a London journal.— DuelHng. — Logic of political economv ; and other papers. Contents. Logic of polit. economy. — Life of Milton. — The Suliotes. — The fatal marksman. — The incognito. — The dice. — ^The king of Hayti. — Memorials and other papers. 2 v. Contents. V. 1. Explanatory notices.— The orphan heiress.— Oxford.— The Pagan oracles. — Revolution of Greece. 2. Klosterheim. — The Sijhinx's riddle. — The Templars' dialogues. — Miscellaneous essays. Contents. On tlie knocking at the gate, in Macbeth.— Murder, consid- ered as one of the fine arts.— Joan of Arc- TheEnglish mail-coach.— The vision of sudden death.— Dinner, real and reputed.— Orthographic muti- neers. — Murder considered as one of the fine arts. {In Little class., v. 2.) — Same. {In his Misc. ess.) — Xote book of an English opium eater. Contents. Three memorable murders. — True relations of the Bible to merely human science.— Literary hist, of the 18th. cent.— The Antigone of Sophocles. — The Marquess Wellesley. — Milton vs Southey and Landor. — Falsification of Eng. hist.— A peripatetic philosopher.— On suicide.— Su- perficial knowledge —English dictionaries.— Dry den's hexastich.— Pope's retort upon Addison. — Theological essays, and other papers. 2 v. Contents. V. 1. On Christianity as an organ of political movement. — Protestantism. — On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity. — Judas Iscariot.— On Hume's argument against miracles.— Casuistry.— Greece under the Romans. 2. Secession fr. the Church of Scotland. — Toilette of the Hebrew lady. — Milton. — Charlemagne. — Modern Greece. — Lord Carlisle on Pope. — The vision of sudden death. (7n Little class., v. 3.) — Same. {In his Misc. ess.) — Giles, H, {In his Illust. of genius.) 14797 14798 14796 14692 14798 14793 14790 1148 1164 7023 18148 1658 1149 1150 14008 1159 12972 1151 1163 1152 1153-4 1162 1155-6 1157 12973 1157 1188 1160-1 12974 1157 6001 334 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — GiMllan, G. (In his Sketches, etc.) 2265" — Hodgson, S. H. (In his Outcast essays.) 20808 — Japp, A. Thomas De Quincey; his life and writings; with unpublished correspondence. 2 v. ' 17166-7 — Martineau, H. (In her Bioo;. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Masson, D. De Quincey. (Eng. men of letters.) 21242 — Stephen, L. (In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) 13942. Derby, Countess of. See Stanley, C. Derby, Earl of. See Stanley. Derby, G. Inquiry into the influence of anthracite fires upon health ; with rem. upon artificial moisture, and upon the best modes of warming houses. 2d. ed. . 7637 Derby, G. H. {pseud. John Phoenix) . Phoenixiana. SMS' Derby, Siege of ; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4474 ; 4476 Derbyshire. Black, A., and C. Tourist's guide to Derbyshire. New ed. Ed. by L. Jewitt. *I Derington, T. J. How to row. 9927 Dermody, T. Giles, H. Savage and D. {In his Lect. and essays, v. 2.) 2253 Dernier cles commis voyageurs, Le ; par L. Reybaud. 9539 — Same. (In his Nouvelles.) 9547 Dernier jour de fortune, Un ; par A. E. Scribe. Oeuvres, ser. 2, V. 11.) *I Dernier klephte, Le ; pochade Grecque ; par F. Mons. {In Sayu^tes, etc., ser. 1.) 14791 Derni^res pages ; par George Sand. 14507 De-Rohan ; by E. Sue. 12417 De Ros, W. L. L. F., Baron. Memorials of the Tower of London. Illust. 7546 Des Roseau, A. Le rigollot. (Th^Atre de campagne, ser. 8.) 14692 — La souris. (Tli«nltre de campagne, sier. 7.) 14691 D^roul^de, P. Le sergeut. (Theatre de campagne, s^r. 6.) 14690 Derrick, F., pseud. See Notley, Mrs. Derrick and drill ; by [E. Morris]. ' 5920 Derry and Raphoe, Bishop of. See Alexander, W. Dervis, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 1.) *I Dervishes. Brown, J. P. The dervishes ; or, Oriental spirit- ualism. Illust. ' 7137 Desaix de Voygoux, L. C. A. Desaix. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 D^saugiers, M. A. Chansons compl. et poesies. Nouv. ed. Une not. sur I'auteur, etc., par A. de Bougy. 14412 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 5.) *I DesbaiToUes, — . Two French artists in Spain ; tr. by C. MacFarlane. 4554 Desbeaux, E. Forte nageuse ! monologue. {In Sayn^tes, etc.. ser. 5.) ^ 14795 — L'invention de mon grand-oncle I'archeveque de B6ziers. (Theatre de campagne, ser. 7.) 14691 — Vingt mille francs. (Theatre de campagne, ser. 6.) 14690 Desbordes-Valmore, M. J. F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Poitr. cont., V. 2 ; Nouv. lund., v. 12 ; Cans, kind., v. 14.) *I Madame Desbordes-Valmore ; sa vie et sa correspondance. *I Memoirs of D. ; with select, fr. her poems ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 11236 Descartes {Lat. Cartesius) , R. Oeuvres ; publi^es par Victor Cousin. 11 V. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 335 Contents. V. 1. Eloge de Descartes par Thomas. — Discours de la methode. — MMitations metaphysiques. — Objectioiifs et r^-ponses. 2. Objections and r^ponses. 3. 'Principes de la philosophie. 4. Les passions de I'ame. — Le monde, ou, Traite de la luinirre.— L'homme.— De la formation du foetus. 5. La dioptrique.— Les meteores.— La geometric. — De la meehanique.— De la musique. 6-10. Lettres, 1629-1647. 11. Lettres de Descartes a Gisbert Yoet.— Regies pour la direction de Tesprit. —Recherche de la verite par les lumi^res naturelles. — Premi^Tes pens^es sur la g^-neration des animaux.— Extrait des manuscrits de Descartes. — Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason, and seeking truth in the sciences; fr. the French, with introd. 5th. ed. 13705 Note. Bd. with this is The meditations and selections from the Principles of philosophy ; fr. the Latin. Xew ed. — Bowen, F. (/w /i is Mod. philosophy.) -17186 — Huxley, T. H. The hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history. {In his Sci. and culture.) 21538 — Mahaflfy, J. P. Descartes. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 20246 Descent. See Evolution ;— Generation ;— Inheritance ;— Species. Descent, A, into the Maelstrom ; by E. A. Poe. {In his Tales.) 5144 Deschamps, E. Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 Deschanel, E. A. E. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund.,v. 9.)' *I Deschanel, P. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. 4 v. 10596-9 Contents. V. 1. Mechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics. 2. Heat. S. Electricity and magnetism. *4. Sound and light. Description and laws of the game of Boston. 22903 Des Echerolles, A. Une famille noble sous la Terreur. 14631 Desellem, S. S. Convict clothing. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Deseret deserted. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 27.) 11823 Desert. See Sinai. Desert, The, of the Exodus ; by E. H. Palmer. 2 pts. 9915-16 Desert home, The ; by M. Reid. 3623 Desert sands; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. (In her Amber gods, etc.) 5430 Deserted ship, The ; by G. Cupples. 11252 Deserter, The ; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4475 ; 4478 Des Houli^res, A. du L. de la G., and A. T. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes, 1876.) *I Deshler, C. D. Afternoons with the poets. 18917 Design. The application of principles of D. to cast metal objects ; D. as applied to wrought metal, carved objects, printed fabrics, etc. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Dresser, C. Principles of decorative design. *I — Hope, A. Manual of Sorrento and Inlaid work for amateurs, with orig. designs. *I — Introduction in wood-carving for amateurs ; with hints on design. 13643 — Morris, W. History of pattern designing. (In Poole, R. S. Lect.) 22821 — Redgrave, R. Maniuil of design. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I — Rimmer, W. Elements of design. *I — See also Decoration ; — Drawing. Also Textile fabrics. Designs and instructions for decorating pottery in imitation of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and other styles of vases. 16049 Desk and debit ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 9132 Desmond hundred. The; by [J. G. Austin]. (Round-robin ser.) 21789 Desmoulins, C. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 — Chambers, W. (In his Stories of remark, persons.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 3.) 336 frep: public library. Desmoulins, L. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 De Soto, H. Abbott, J. S. C. Ferdinand De Soto. Illust. 11591 — Irving, T. Conquest of Florida under De Soto. 2138 De Soyres, J. Montanism and the primitive church ; study of the eccl. hist, of the 2d. cent. (Hulsean prize ess.) 18831 Despard, M. Kilrogan cottage. 17887 Desperate act, A ; by A. Leighton. (InMt Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) 7223 Desperate remedies ; by T. Hardy. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 12335 Despotism ; or, The last days of the Amer. republic ; by Invisi- ble Sam. 1218 Despotism in America ; inquiry into the nature and results of the slave-holding system in the U. S. ; by [R. Hildreth]. 1906 Destiny ; by M. Ferrier. 13277 Destiny ; by R. M. Murphy. 7218 Destruction and reconstruction ; by R. Taylor. 18507 Destruction of Lisbon ; poem, fr. the French of Voltaire. 4602 Destutt de Tracy, A. L. C, Comte. Mignet, F. A. A. {In Ms Not. et portr., v. 1.) 9573 Desultory sketches and tales of Barbadoes. 4011 Des Ursins. See Ursins. Detlef, Q.^ pseud. See Bauer, K. Detmold ; by W. H. Bishop. 18657 Detraction ; fr. Wycherly. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Detraction displayed ; by A. Opie. 3295 Detroit, Mich. Parkman, F., Jr. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac. 3377 Dettingen " Te Deum ; " by Handel. *I Deus homo ; by T. Parsons. 6901 Deutsch, E. (O. M.) Literary remains ; with mem. 12376 Contents. The Tahnud.— Islam.— Xotes of a lecture on the Talmud.— Lecture delivered at the Midland Inst., Birmingham.— (The Talmud).— Notes of a lecture on Semitic palaeography.— Notes of three lectures on Semitic culture.— Egypt, ancient and modem.— Hermes Trismegistus.— Judseo.— Arabic metaphysics.— Les Apotres. — Five letters on the CEcu- menical council. — Apostolica Sedis. — The Roman passion drama. — Semitic languages. — The Targums. — The Samaritan Pentateuch.— Book of Jasher.— Early arable poetn*.— Arabic poetry in Spain and Sicily. Deutsch, S. Practical and grammatical course for self -instruc- tion in the German language. 2 v. 20228-9 Deutsche Classiker des Mittelalters. See Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Dicktungen des Mittelalters. See Bartsch, K. Deutsche Dichter des 16, 17, Jahrh. See Goedeke, K., and Tittmann, J. Deutscher Novellenschatz. See Heyse, P., and Kurz, H. Deux fr^res, Les ; par George Sand. 14397 Deux Marguerite, Les ; par Mme. C. Reybaud. 9451 Deux maris, Les; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 4.) *I Deux masques, Les. See Saint- Victor, P. de. Deux merles blancs ; com.-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his The.4t. compl., v. 8.) 14572 Deux nuits, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his Operas com., v. 3.) *I Deux papas tr^s-bien, comedie-vaudeville ; par E. M. Labiche. , {In his Theatre compl., v. 1.) 14558 Deux pr^cepteurs, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 2.) *I CATALOGUK OF BOOKS. 337 Deux sous-pr^fets de X***, Les ; sayo^te, par J. Guillemot. {In Legouv^, G. J. B. E. W. TheMre de camp., s^r. 5.) 14689 Deux timides, Les ; com^die-vaudeville ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^^tre compl., v. 4.) 14561 Development {in science). Appleton, C. E. Development. {In Appleton, J. H. Dr. Appleton.) 206.56 — Bowen, F. Latest form of the theory, {hi his Gleanings.) 19941 — McCosh, J. The development hypothesis : is it sufficient? 16771 Development : its nature ; what it can do and what it cannot do. {In Boston Monday Lect . , 1880-81 . ) 20467 — Spencer, H. Tlie development hypothesis. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 — See also Biology ;— Evolution. Development {in theology). Mozley, J. B. Theory of devel- opment; crit. on Dr. Newman's essay. 18366 Deveus, C. Address. (/^Worcester. Monument Committee. Ded. of Sold, monument.) 14020 — Oration, June 17, 1875. {In Bunker Hill Mon. Ass. Proc, June, 1875.) *I De Vere, A. The foray of Queen Meave ; and other legends of Ireland's heroic age. 22106 — The legends of St. Patrick. 22660 — St. Thomas of Canterbury; dram. poem. 18314 — Sonnets. New ed. " 16524 De Vere, A. T. Picturesque sketches of Greece and Turkey. 5017 De Vere, M. S. Additions. {In Tissandier, G. Wonders of water.) 9834 — Americanisms; the Eng. of the J^Tew World. 9749 — Tlie great Empress ; a portrait. ^ 8481 — Modern magic. 11592 — Romance of Amer. history. 11170 — Stray leaves fr. the book of nature. 1168 — Studies in English ; or, Glimpses of the inner life of our language. 3d. ed. 6707 — Wonders of the deep. * " 7892 De Vere ; or. The man of inde])endence. 4633 Devereux ; by [Sir E. Bulwer Lytton]. 583 De V^ricour, L. R. Modern French literature ; rev., with notes, by W. S. Chase. 4593 Devices. See also Emblems. Devil, The. Cobbe, F. P. {In her Darwinism, etc.) 10835 — Hall. F. T. The pedigree of the Devil. Illust. *I — Masson, D. The three devils; Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's. 13516 — Reville, A. The devil, his origin, greatness, and decadence. 12735 — Stewart, S. J. Satan, or the devil. {In his Gospel of law.) 22178 — See also Demonology. Devil puzzlers; by F. B. Perkins. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 — Same. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13036 — and other studies ; ])y F. B. Perkins. 17111 Devilish good joke ; by T. Higgle. {In French's Min. dram., v. 34)7988 Devil's chain ; by E. Jenkins. 15687 Devil's frills. The. (7/? Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 15.) 19160 Devil's mark. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 8.) 14308 Devine, E. Russell, W. Monsieur le docteurDevine. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Devise, Une ; comedie ; par J. Truffier el L. Cressonnois. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 6.) 14796 De Voe, T. F. Market assistant ; descr. of food sold in the markets ; curious incidents and anecdotes. 6688 Devon. Black, A and C. Guide to the counties of Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall. Maps and illust. 5th. ed. *I 338 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Devonshire. Black, A. and C. Guide to Devonshire. Maps and iUust. *I — Hamilton, A. n. A. Quarter sessions from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Anne ; illu.st. of local irovernment and history. 18532 Devos, A. E., mere. Herbert, M. E. Life of the venerable Mere D. (Zn 7ier Three phases.) 6885 Devotional exercises. Aguilar, G. Essays and miscellanies ; select, by 8. Aguilar. 5748 — Dewey, J. Helps to devout living. 21208 — F(5n61on, F. de S. de L. Christian counsels select, fr. the devotional works of F. ; tr. by A. M. James. 1234a — Fran('ois (de Sales) . Introduction to the devout life. 15847 — Martineau, H. Devotional exercises. 298S — Schefer, L. The layman's breviary ; or, Meditations for every day in the year; fr. the German, by C. T'. Brooks. • 11475 — Shippen, R. R. Daily praise and prayer. 15353 — Tholuck, A. Hours of Christian devotion ; tr. by R. Menzies. 2d. ed. 13768 — Voltaire, F. M. A. Prayers, sermons, and religious thoughts ; tr. by J. E. Johnson. 18613 Devrient, E. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his letters to me ; fr. the German by N. Macfarren. 11204 Devrient, W. S. See Schroeder-Devrient, W. Devron, G. Abattoirs. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ V. 6.) *I Dew, T. R. On slavery. {In Pro-slavery argument.) 3561 Dew. Proctor, R. A. {Bi his Pleasant ways in science.) 18336 Same. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec. in pop. sci., ser. 2.) 18864 Dew, The, of youth ; and other lectures on early discipline and culture ; by T. W. Clark. 12008 Dewall, — van. A great lady ; fr. the German. 12106 Dewees, F. P. The Molly Maguires ; origin, growth, and char- acter of the organization. 16910 Dewey, C. Anderson, M. B. Life of D. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 Dewey, J. Helps to devout living ; select. 21208 Dewey, M. E. Life and letters of C. M. Sedgwick. 9746 Dewey, O. Discourses on human life. 1171 — The old world and the new; or. Journal of reflections made on a tour in Europe. 2 v. 1169-70 — Self-hood and sacrifice. {In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 — The two great eonnnandments ; sermons. 16597 — Why I am a Unitarian, {In Pitts-St. chap, lect.) 20424 Dewhurst, W. W. History of St. Augustine, Florida ; with acct. of the early Spanish and French attempts at explor- ation and settlement in F., etc. Added, Descr. of climate, etc., of St. A. 20220 Dewing, M. R. {formerly Miss Oakey) . Beauty in dress. 20640 — Beautv in the household. 21916 De Wint', P. Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eug. art.) 16860 De Witt, Madame. See Witt, Mme. de. De Witt, H. See Witt, H. de. De Witt, T. The Christian's confidence. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 De Witt, W. C. Liefde, J. de. {In his Great Dutch admirals.) 11761 De Wolf, O. C. Results of attempting to check the spread of small-pox in Chicago. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., V. 6.) *I De Worms, H. England's policy in the East. 6th. ed. 17937 Dexter, G. T.^ joint author. See Edmonds, J. W. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 339 Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism : what it is ; whence it is, etc. 13071 — As to Roger Williams, and his banishment fr. the Mass. plantation; with a few words cone, the Baptists, the Quakers, and religious liberty; a monograph. *I — Street thoughts. 1172 Dexter, S. Sargent, L. M. Reminiscences of D. 1173 — Story, J. {In his Misc. writings.) 4262 Dexter, W. Public economy of sanitary measures. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts. and papers, v. 4.) *I Dextrine o?- Dextrose. See Sugar. Dhammapada. Beal, S. .Texts from the Buddhist canon, known as Dhammapada, with accompanying narratives ; tr. fr. the Chinese. 17882 — Miiller, F. M. Translation of the D. ( With Lect. on the sci. of relig.) 9840 Dhu, H. Stanhope Burleigh ; the Jesuits in our homes. 4195 Diable a I'ecole, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. {In Jiis Operas com- iques, v. 10.) *I Diakka Davis, A. J. The Diakka and their earthly victims ; expl. of false and repulsive in spiritualism. 11990 Dialect tales ; by S. Bonner [Mrs. K. S. B. McDowell]. 22853 Dialogues. JSee English literature. Select, for reading and speaking. Dialogues from Dickens ; arranged by W. E. Fette. 8090 Diamagnetism. Tyndall, J. Researches on diamagnetism and magnecrystallic action. 10648 Diamants de la couronne,, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques,v. 9.) *I Diamants de la couronne ; opera ; by Auber. *I — Same. (In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Diamond bracelet, The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13016 Diamond cut diamond ; by T. A. Trollope. , 12144 Diamond eyes, The ; by A. Leighton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 1.) 7223 Diamond necklace. The ; by T. Carlyle. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 — See also Marie Antoinette. Diamonds. Babinet, J. The diamond and other precious stones. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones ; a pop. acct. of gems. (111. Lib. of wonders.) 12115 — Rudler, F.W. Diamonds. (7w Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Streeter, E. W. The great diamonds of the world; their hist, and ro- mance ; ed. and annot. by J. Hatton and A. H. Keane. 22117 — See also Precious stones. Diana. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. La Diana. {In his Vrem. land., v. 3.) *I Diana; by S. Warner. 17113 Diane ; by K. S. Macquoid. 2 v. 19572-3 Diapason, Le ; com^die ; par E. Frisch. {In Sayn^tes. etc.^ s^r. 7.) . ' 14797 Diary, The, of a late physician. Passages fr. ; by S. Warren. 4663 Diary of a man of fifty ; by H. James, Jr. {In his Madonna, etc., V. 2.) . 20810 Diary of a woman ; by O. Feuillet. 18255 Diary of an ennuyee ; by A. Jameson. 2325 Diary of an old doctor ; by J. A. Maitland. 11559 ^40 FREE PUBLIC LIBRA IIY. Diary of Anne Rodway. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 2.) 14302 Dias, B. Frost T. Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. {In his Hf.-hrs. with early explor.) 21074 Diaz, A. M. Christmas morning ; little stories for little folks. Illust. 20981 — A domestic problem. Work and culture in the household. 13861 — The Jimmyjohns, and other stories. 17261 — King Grinialkum and Pussyauita; or, The cats' Arabian nights. Illust. 21161 — Lucv Maria. 12081 — Polly Cologne. . 21210 — The schoolmaster's trunk : papers on home-iife in Tweenit. Illust. 12964 — Story-book for the children. 14202 — William Henrv and his friends. 9745 — The William Henry letters. 9018 — iSee Chaney, Mrs. C. I., for dramas fr. D. Diaz, B. See Dias, B. Dibdin, T. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Dibdins, The; by J. Doran. {In his In and about Drnry Lane, v. 2.) 21400 Di Cary ; by M. J. Thornton. 19232 Dice, The ; by T. De Quincey. {Li his Logic of polit. econ.) 1162 Dicey, E. Cavour ; a memoir. *I — The future of Eg^T)t. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current discussion, v. 1.) 17645 — The morning land [Turkey, Holv Land, Egypt] . 2 v. 8824-5 — The Schleswig-Holstein war. 2 v. ' 9264-i6 — Six months in the federal states, 1862. 2 v. in 1. 6479 — Victor Emmanuel. (The new Plutarch.) 21688 Dick, R. Smiles, S. Robert Dick, baker of Thurso, geologist and botanist. Portr. and illust. 18240 Dick, T. Works. Illust. v. 1-6 ; 9, 10. 1176-9 Contents. V. 1. Philosophy of a future state. 3. Christian philos- opher. S. Philosophy of religion. 4. On the improvement of society. 5. On the mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind. 6. Essay on thC sin and the evils of covetousuess. 9. Practical astronomer. 10. ' Solar system; with moral and religious reflections. Note. Each work has a separate title page. — The practical astronomer. Illust. 1179 Contents. Light.— Telescopes.— Astronomical instruments. Dick, W. B. Recitations and readings. Nos. 1-9. 16733-4; 16971-7 Dick Cheveley ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 19949 Dick Dallington. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 2.) 14302 Dick Duncan ; by F. Forrester [D. Wise]. 1494 DickNetherby; byMrs. Walford. 21314 Dick Rodney; by J. Grant. 5510 Dick Sands ; by J. Verne.. 18206 Dick the sailor ; by Mrs. H. B. Paull. 18842 Dick Turpin and Tom King ; by W. E. Suter. {In French's Min. dram., v. 36.) 7989 Dickens, C. (J. H.) Additional Christmas stories. 13202 Contents. Somebody's luggage.— Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings.— 3Irs. Lir- riper's legacy.— Dr. Marigold.— Two ghost stories.— The boy at 31ugby.— Seven poor travellers. — The Holly-Tree. — American notes. ' 1181 — Barnabv Rudge. 1182 — Bleak House. 1184 — Boots at the Hollv Tree Inn ; designs bv J. C. Beard. 22140 — Child pictures. " ' 7267 — A child's dream of a star. (In Little class, v. 10.) 12981 — Child's hist, of England. 1189 — Same. Illust. 12192 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 341 - Chops the dwarf . (/n Little class,, v. 2.) 12973 -A Christmas carol; condensed. (/?i Little class., v. 5.) 12976 - Christmas stories. Illust. 1190 Contents. Christmas carol.— The chimes.— The cricket on the hearth.— Battle of life.— The haunted man. - David Coppertield, Personal hist, and experience of. 1191 - Dialogues fr. Dickens ; arranged bv W. E. Fette. 8090 - Dr. Marigold. (Treas. trove ser., v. 3.) 14268 - Same. (Little classics, v. 18.) 20167 - Same. {In Add. Chr. stories.) 13202 - Dombey and son ; Dealings with the firm of. 1195 - Great expectations. 1210 - Hard times. 1196 - Holiday stories. 7999 Contents. A house to let.— The perils of certain English prisoners.— Wreck of the Golden Mary. - In memoriam. {In Taylor, T. Thackeray.) 6271 - Letters ; ed. bv his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter. 3 v. 19088-9 ; 20994 Contents. V. 1. 1833-1856. 2. 1857-1870. 3. 1836-1870. - Little Dorrit. Illust. 1199 - Martin Chuzzlewit, Life and adventures of. 1200 - Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi; ed. by ''Boz." 12040 - Mr. Nightingale's diary; a farce. [Vest-pocket ser.] . 17262 - The Mudfog papers, etc. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 19851 Contents. The Mudfog papers. The pantomime of life. Some particu- lars cone, a hon.— Mr. Robert Bolton. - The mystery of Edwin Drood, tmd some uncollected pieces. 8624 C'07i^ew^s.* Some memories of Dickens.— The mystery of Edwin Drood.— George Silverman's explanation.— Holiday romance.-^Sketches of young couples.— New uncommercial samples. — Will of Dickens. Note. For Sequel to Edwin Drood, see John Jaspar's secret. — Edwin Drood has been completed in French, by Wilkie Collins, under the title of "Le Crime de Jasper." - The mystery of Edwin Drood ; complete. 12050 Note^. This work claims to be completed by the spirit of D., thr. T. P. James, medium. - Nicholas Nickleby, Life and adventures of. 1202 - The noble savage*. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 - Old curiosity shop. Illust. 1203 - Oliver Twist. 1204 - Same ; aus dem Englischen. 10423 - Our mutual friend. 1213 -Same', (condensed classics.) 16108 - Pickwick Club, The, Posthumous papers of. Illust. 1209 - Same. Die Pickwicker ; aus dem Englishen. 10422 - Pic-nic papers. 1205 - Pictures f r. Italy. 1211 - Readings ; condensed by himself. Illust. 7273 - Reprinted pieces ; [short sketches] . 11142 - The signal-man. {In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 - Sketches by Boz. 9107 Contents. Sketches fr. our parish. — Scenes.— Characters.— Tales. - Same. Added, Public life of Mr. Tulrumble.— The pantomime of life. 1212 - Sketches of voung ladies, young gentlemen, and young couples ; (drawn fr. life.) ' ' 14293 - Speeches, letters, and sayings of D., with sketch by G. A. Sala, and ser- mon bv Dean Stanlev. 8811 - Tale of two cities. * 1215 - The uncommercial traveller. Illust. 1180 - Will of Dickens. {In his Mvsterv, etc.) 8624 -Works. Household ed. Illust. Last vol. 7759 Contents, Master Humphrey's clock.— Additional Christmas stories: Seven poor travellers ; The Holly-Tree Inn ; Somebody's luggage ; Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings ; Mrs. Lirriper's legacy ; Dr. Marigold's prescriptions ; Mugby Junction. — Gen. index of characters ; Index of fictitious places, pop. say infers, etc. - and Collins, (W.) W. Le crime de Jasper. 2 v. 14563-4 JVote. Sequel to Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Dickens. - - The lazv tour of two idle apprentices. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 6.) 14306 - Andersen, H. C. Visit at Dickens's house. {In his Pict. of trav.) 162 - Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 12934 M2 FRKE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Clarke, C. and M. C. Dickens and his letters. (In their Recoil, of writers.) IbOOo — Dickens and Thuckerav : David Copperfield and Arthur Pedennis. (hi Ess. fr. the Lend, times.) 9693 — Fields, J. T. In and out of doors with Dickens. 16569 — Forster, J. Life of Dickens. 3 v. 9732^ — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the a^e.) 2000 — Hotten, J. C. Charles Dickens; story of his life. Illust. 8654 — Jerrold, B. The best of all good company : a day with D. 11551 Same. Bd. with other sketches. ' " 12085 — Jones, C. H. Short life of D., with select, fr. his letters. 196^2 — Kent, C. Charles Dickens as a reader. 20332 — Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Dickens. 8653 — Pemberton, T. E Dickens's London; or, London in the works of D. 15720 — Perkins, F. B. Charles Dickens ; sketch of his life and works. 8672 — Rimmer, A. About En. Household ed.) 7759 Dickens, C, the yoimgev. Life of C. J. Mathews, chief, auto- biog., with select, fr. his correspond, and speeches. 18999 Dickie, G. How plants grow. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — The mathematics of plants. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Dickinson, A. E. A paying investment. 15483 — A ragged register (of people, places, and opinions.) 18819 — What answer ? 7492 Dickinson, D. S. Savage, J." {In his Our living rep. n^en.) 3777 Dickinson, E. E. The flower school at Corlear's hook ; The Training School-ship "Minnesota." (Jii Some cur. schools.) 20401 Dickinson, J. W. Account of the Prussian school system. {In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) 11608 — Application of mental science to teaching. (In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Addr., etc.) 11608 — Elementary and scientific knowledge. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., etc., 1873. 17753 — What Froebel's system of education is, and how it can be introduced into public schools. (7w Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., efc, 1873.) 17753 Dickinson, M. L. Edelweiss ; Alpine rhyme. 16706 Dickinson, R. W. Introductory essay. {In Dixon, W. H. J. Howard, etc.) 1235 Dick's wandering ; by J. Sturgis. 21657 Dictionary. For dictionaries of any language, see the name of the language ; of any other subject, see the name of the subject, as Christian Antiquities ; — Fiction. — See also Encyclopoedias. Dictionary of every-day difficulties. See All about hard words. Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell? by J. S. Coyne. {In French's Min. dram., v. 39.) 7990 Diddle, Dumps, and Tot ; by L. C. Pyrnelle. 22479 Diderot, D. Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 3.) 698 — Gautier, T. and others. (In their Famous Fr. authors.) 19026 — Sainte-Bueve, C. A. (In his Portr. lit., v. 1; Prem. lund., v. 1; Caus. lund., V. 3.) *I Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Mme. Bonaparte. Portr. fr. the studies by G. Stuart. 18765 Didron aine., A. N. Christian iconography ; tr. by E. J. Millinston. v. 1. 1221 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 343 Diet. Jacobi, A. Infant diet; Rev., enl., and adapt, to pop. use by M. P. Jacobi. 13374 — Trail, E. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) 4485 Dieu et la Bayadt^re, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, V. 1.) . *I Dieu Octave, Le ; par R. Halt. 14648 Dieudonnee ; by G. Butt. 17079 Dieulaf ait, L. Diamonds and precious stones, acct. of gems ; tr. by F. Sanford'. (111. lib. of wonders.) ' 12115 Digby, K. Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Ess., biog. and crit.) 4523 Digby, K. E. Introduction to the hist, of the law of real property, with orig. authorities. *I Digby, AY. The famine campaign in So. India, 1876-78. 2 v. 21558-9 Digby Heathcote ; by.W. H. G. Kingston. 9260 Digestion. Combe, A. Physiology of digestion. 910 Dignities. See Heraldry. Dike, S. W. Facts as to divorce in New England. {In Boston Mond. Lect.) 20467 Dikes and ditches ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7417 Dilemma, The. 15816 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain ; record of travel in Eng.- speaking countries, 1866-7. lUust. 7616 — The papers of a critic : select, fr. [his] writings; with biog. sk. bv C. W. Dilke. 2v. ' 14203-4 Contents. V. 1. Memoir. — Pope's writings. — Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.— Swift, etc. 2, Junius.— Wilkes.— Grenville, e^c— Burke. — Hinton, R. J. (Tn his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Dillon, J. B. Oddities of colonial legislation in Amer. ; with records of the origin and growth of pioneer settlements ; also, History of the states and territories. *I Dillon, W. The dismal science ; criticism on mod. Eng. polit. economy. 21956 Diman, J. L. Historical basis of belief. {In Bost. lect., 1870.) 8641 — Orations and essays; with select, sermons; mem. vol. 21211 Contents. Murray. J. O. Commemorative discourse.— The alienation of the educated class fr. politics. — The method of academic culture. — Ad- dress; unveiling of monument to Roger Williams, Providence, 1877.— The settlement of Mt. Hope.— Sir H. Vane.— Religion in Amer., 1776- 1876.— University corporations.— Sermons. — The theistic argument as atfect. by recent theories ; lect. 20565 — At wood, E. P. Memorial address on Diman. 20432 Dimitri Roudine ; by I. S. Turgeneff. 11786 Dimitry, C. The house in Balfour-street. ' 7610 Dimmock, W. R. Biography of N. B. Shurtleff, Jr. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Dimock, S. Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 Dimond, W. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Dimorphism. See Butterflies. Dimplethorpe; by [P:. Tabor]. 3 v. 21996-8 Dinarchus. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Dincklage, A. E. S.W. von. Der Striethast. (Dent. Novellen.) 16162 Diner sur I'herbe, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, y. 12.) *I Dingelstedt, F. The Amazon. 7528 Dingy house, The, at Kensington. 21345 Dining. De Quincey, T. Dinner, real and reputed. {In his Misc. ess.) 1157 344 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hand-book of carving ; with Hints for the dinner table. Illust. 9182 — Kirwan, A. V. Host and guest; book about dinners. 12579 — Loftie, 3Irs. The dining-room. 17675 — Walker, T. Aristology, or the art of dining. Pref . and notes by F. Summerly. ' 20688 — Dinners in the provinces. {In Sk. and ess. fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 Dinorah ; opera ; by Meyerbeer. *I — Sajne. {In Tyron, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Dinsmore, K. Whittier, J. G. {In his Old portr., etc.) 4763 Dio {or Diou) Chrysostomus. ( J?i Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Diogeues Laertius. Lives and opinions of philosophers ; lit. tr. by C. D. Yonge. 1223 Diogenes Sinopensis, the Cynic. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Fam. men, etc.) 1591 Dion and the sibyls ; by M. G. Keon. 18317 Diognetus. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostol. fathers, etc.) 18997 Diphtheria. Baker, H. B. Relations of schools to D. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 6.) *I — Trail, R. T. Diphtheria; its nature, hist., causes, prevent., and treatment. 6664 Diplomacy. Home, T. H. Diplomacy. {With Poison, A. Princ. of the law of nat.) 3228 Diplomate, Le ; com^die vaude ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s(n'. 2, V. 16.) *I Diplomatic sketches; by "an outsider." 3 v. 18882; 18r)52; 19137 Contetits. Y. 1. Count Beust. 2. Gen. von Billow and the Danish question. 3. Mr. Gladstone and the Greek question. Dippold, G. T. Brunhild ; tragedy, fr. the Nibelung saga, by E. Geibel ; tr. by D. [with] brief acct. of the Nibelung epics and sagas. 18767 — The great epics of mediaeval Germany ; their contests and history. 21884 Dircks, H. Life, times, and labors of the 2d. Marq. of Wor- cester, with repr. of his Century of inventions, etc. 11205 — Perpetual motion. 9224 Dire et faire sont deux ; par P. Celi^re. {In his En sc^ne.) 14601 Disciple, The, and other poems ; by G. MacDonald. 8968 Discipline of life; [by E. Ponsonby]. 2899 Discoveries {in geography). Frost, T. Half-hours with the earl}" explorers. Illust. 21074 Modern explorers. 22671 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery told by discoverers. 22262 — See also Verne, J. Exploration of the 'world. Also America. Discoveries {in science and the arts) . See Inventions ; — Science. Discreet princess. The ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extrava- ganzas, v. 5.) *I Disease. See Pathology. Disease germs. See Germ theory. Dishonoured. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Disinfection. Varona, A. de. Sewer gases ; and How to protect our dwellings. 21313 — Waller, E. Disinfectants, {In Buck, A. H. Trea. on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) 19452 Dismal science. See Political economy. Disorder, Laws of ; by T. S. King. {In his Subst. and show, etc.) 17277 Disowned, The ; by [Sir E. Bulwer Lytton]. 584 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. '345 Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield. Address, Manchester Athenaeum, 1844. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Couingsby. 5836 — Endvmion. 19984 N(jte. A " Key to Endvmion" was pub. in Notes and queries, Dec. 18, 1880, and Mav 21, 1881. — Henrietta Temple. 13188 — Ixion in Heaven ; The infernal marriage; Popanilla; Count Alarcos; a tragedv. 5839 — Life and writings of Mr. DTsraeli, {In D'Israeli, I. Curiosities of lit., v. 1.) 1227 — Lord George Bentinck ; polit. biography. 9th. ed. 21278 — Lothair. 8559 — Novels and tales : Svbil ; Alrov. New^d. 5838 — The rise of Iskauder. {In Little class., v. 6.) 12077 — Selected speeches; introd. and notes, by T. E. Kebbel. Portr. 2 v. 21707-8 — The voung duke ; and Contarini Fleming. 5835 — Venitia; Tancred. 5837 — Yivian Grey. 11143 — Wit and wisdom of D. ; collect, f r. his writings and speeches. 20764 — Bagehot, W. Disraeli as a member of the House of Commons. {In his Biog. stud.) 20441 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Greg, W. R. The great twm brethren [Disraeli and Louis Napoleon]. {In his Misc. ess.) 21480 — Hazeltine, M. W. Lord Beaconsfield's Endvmion. {In his Chats.) 22863 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Life of Disraeli. 17986 — Memorials of Lord B. ; rep. fr. The Standard. Portr. 20844 — O'Connor, T. P. Lord Beaconslield ; a biography. 18744 — Political adventures of Lord Beaconsfield. * 18033 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of Disraeli. {In Polit. portr.) 11693 — Stephen, L. Disraeli's novels. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 2.) 1()856 — Towle, G. M. {In his Certain men of mark.) 20075 D'Israeli, I. Amenities of literature ; sketches and characters of Eng. literature; new ed., ed. by B. Disraeli. 2 v. 6170-1 — Calamities of authors. 2 v. 1225-6 — Curiosities of literature, and the literarv character illust.; with Curiosi- ties of Amer. liter., by R. W. Griswold. 1233 — Curiosities of literature ; Vith view of life and writings of the author, by his son. 4 v. 1227-30 — Disraeli. B. Life and writings of D. {In D'Israeli, I. Curios, of lit., v. 1.) 1227 — The literary character ; or, History of men of genius ; Literary miscel- lanies ; and Inquirv into the character of James I. ; ed. bv B. Disraeli. 8468 — Quarrels of authors. ' 2 v. ' 1231-2 Dissection. Martin, H. N. and Moale, W. A. How to dissect a chelonian. 21363 — See also Anatomy. Disselhoff, J. Christianity and culture. (Li Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 Dissenters. Wilson, W. History and antiq. of the Dissenting churches in London, Westminster, etc. 4 v. 21375-8 Dissertation, A, upon roast pig; by C. Lamb. (In Little class.. V. 5.) 12976 Distilleries. Brooks, J. J. Whiskey drips ; sketches illust. the operations of whiskey thieves. 11492 Distilling. Poolej, T. A. Brewing, distilling. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Distracted young preacher, The ; by T. Hardy. 18921 District school as it was ; [by W. Burton]. 2525 Disturbing element. The ; by C. M. Yonge. 18287 Disturnell, J. Influence of climate in No. and So. America. 9146 Dita ; by M. Majendie. * 17344 Ditson, G. L. Para papers on France, Egypt, and Ethiopia. 6317 23 346 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dius. Fragments of Tyrian annals. {In Hodges, E. R. Cory's auc. frag.) . 16535 Diversions of Parley. See Tooke, J. H. Divine comedy. See Dante. Divine emblems ; or, Temporal things spiritualized, etc. ; by J. Bunyan. 18733 Divine teacher, The ; recorded doings of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15574 Divine tragedy. Longfellow, H. W. The divine tragedy. 9771 Same. {In his ClwiHin^.) *I; 11083 Diving. Siebe, H. The conquest of the sea. 12207 Divorce. Dike, S. W. Facts as to divorce in New Eng. {In Boston Monday Lect.) 20467 — Woolsey, T. D. Essay on divorce, and divorce legislation: spec. ref. to the U. S. 7858 Divorce ; by M. Lee. 22323 Dix, J. Life of Thomas Chatterton. 5601 Dix, J. R. Pen and ink sketches. Added, Chatterton, a romance of lit. life. *I Dix, M. Introduction. {In DeKoven, J. Sermons.) 19250 — Lectures on the calling of a Chr. woman, and her training to fulfil it. 2d. ed. 22754 — Sermons doctrinal and practical. 18131 — Bungay, G. {In Ms Traits of repr. men.) . 22315 Dix aus de la vie d'une femme ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, V. 2.) *I Dixie, Lady F. Across Patagonia ; illust. 20243 — In the land of misfortune [Africa] ; Sketches bv Maj. Fraser and C. F. C. Beresford. ' *I Dixon, Rev. — . Broken columns. 5461 Dixon, C. Rural bird life ; ess on ornithology ; with instr. for preserv. objects. Illust. 19912 Dixon, E. H. Back-bone ; photographed fr. " The Scalpel." 6665 Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England fr. the abolition of the Roman jurisdiction, v. 1, 2. 21957-8 Dixon, W. H. British Cyprus. 19288 — Free Russia. 8669 — Her Majesty's Tower. 2d. ser. 7691 — History of two queens : Catharine of Aragon ; Anne Boleyn. 4 v. 11935-6 ; 12489-90 — John Howard. {In New biog. of ill. men.) * 2803 — Same ; with introd. bv. R. W. Dickinson ; abgd. 1235 — New America [U. S. in 1866]. Illust. 3d. ed. 6676 — Personal hist, of Lord Bacon. 1237 — Robert Blake, admiral and general at sea. 11311 — The Switzers. 10728 — William Penn ; hist. biog. 1236 Djoumane ; par P. Merim^e. (7n /^-^s Derni^res nouv.) 9555 Doane, G. H. To and from the Passion Play. 9782 Dobell, S. Life and letters ; ed. byE. J. Portr. and illust. 2 v. 18621-2 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Poetical works; introd. not. and mem., by J. Nichol. 2 v. 13891-2 Dobson, A. Vignettes in rhyme, and Vers de soci^t^. 3d. ed. 15837 — Fielding. (Eng. men of letters.) 22856 — Hogarth. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 19325 — Illustrated books. {In Lang, A. The library.) 20709 Dobson, E. Pioneer engineering ; trea. on operations connect. with the settlement of waste lands in new countries. Plates. *1 — Rudiments of masonry and stone cutting; princ. of masonic projection. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 347 and their appl. to the constr. of curved wing walls and domes, oblique bridges, and Roman and Gothic vaulting. Plates. 9th. ed. App. on causes of decay, and preservation of stone. 18437 Dobson, H. A. Handbook of Eng. literature. 2d. ed., correct., e^c. 19913 Dobson, W. T. Literary frivolities, fancies, follies, and frolics ; [extracts]. • 20736 — Poetical ingenuities and eccentricities ; [selected] . . 21723 Doctor, The ; by R. Soiithey. 4084 Doctor Aar ; by K. P. Kereven. {In Short stor.) 6965 Doctor Antonio ; by G. Rufflni. 3721 Doctor Basilius ; by A. Dumas. 9303 Doctor Ben ; [by Democritus Junior]. (Rd. Rob. ser.) 22068 Doctor l>reen's practice ; l)y W. D. Howells. 21096 Doctor Claudius ; by F. M. Crawford. 22937 Doctor Dilworth ; by J. Oxenford. {In French's Miu. dr., v. 32.) 7987 Doctor Faustus ; by C. Marlowe. {In Ward, A. W. Old Eng. dram:) 18263 Dr. Gilbert's daughters; by M. H. Matthews. lUust. 21U37 Doctor Grimshawe's secret; by N. Hawthorne. 22213 Doctor Hildreth ; by A. L. White. 19442 Dr. Howell's family ; by H. B. Goodwin. 7569 Dr. Huger's intentions ; by L. C. Moulton. (/>* Stor. and sk.) 6883 Doctor, The, in spite of himself ; comedy ; by Moli^re. (Dram. wks., V. 2.) 16844 Doctor Jacob ; by M. B. Edwards. 7508 Doctor Johns ; by Ik Marvel [D. G. Mitchell]. 2 v. 6453-4 Doctor Marigold; by C. Dickens. {In his Add. Chr. stor.) 13202 — Same. (Treasure trove ser., v. 3.) 14268 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions ; by C. Dickens. {Tn his Works.) 7759 Doctor Mondschein ; [by A. W. Curtis]. ( With Spirit of sev- enty-six.) 7272 Doctor, The, of Alcantara ; comic opera, by J. Eichberg. *I Doctor Ox, and other stories ; by J. Verne. 12875 Doctor Papa ; by Sophie May [R. S. Clarke]. 21039 Doctor Thorne ; by A Trollope. 4500 Doctor Vandyke ; by J. E. Cooke. 12638 Dr. Wainwright's patient ; by E. Yates. 2 v. 11361-2 Dr. Wortle's school ; by A. Trollope. 20183 Dr. Zay ; by E. S. Phelps. 22095 Doctors. Tuckerman, H. T. (7w /ws Criterion.) 6244 Doctors, Book about; by J. C Jeaffreson. 2318 Doctors and patients ; by J. Timbs. 2 v. 11514-15 Doctor's daughter. The ; by Sophie May [R. S. Clarke]. 9788 Doctor's wife, The ; by M. E. Braddon. 6732 Dodd, H. P. The epigrammatists ; select, fr. the epigram- matic literature of anc, mediaeval, and mod. times; with notes, illust., and inlrod. 10705 Dpdd, W. Spear, C. (7?i ^^s Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Dodd family abroad ; by C. J. Lever. 5266 Doddridge, P. Rise and progress of relig. in the soul ; with sermon on the care of the soul, and addr. to the master of a family. 1243 — Sermons. 4 v. 1239-42 348 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Stanford, C. Philip Doddridge. (Heroes of Chr. hist.) 2007a Dodds, J. Religion of Anc. Egypt. (/>iSt. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Dodge, A. W. Dodge, M. A. Divine guidance; memorial of D. 21021 Dodge, J. R. Wesf Virginia ; its farms and forests, mines and oil-wells, etc. 6104 Dodge, M. A. {pseud. Gail Hamilton). A battle of the books. 8430 — Child world. 2 pts. 11248 ; 7107 — Country living and country thinking. 127* — Divine guidance ; memorial of A. W. Dodge. 21021 — First love is best. 17035 — Gala-days. 5482 Contents. Gala days.— A call to my country women.— A spasm of sense.— Camilla's concert.— Cheri.— Side-glances at Harvard class-day.— Success in life.— Happiest days. — New atmosphere. 6768 — Our common school system. 1965* — Red-letter days in Applethorpe. 7562 — Sermons to the clergy. 15403 — Skirmishes and sketches. 5938 »— Stumbling blocks. 5657 — Woman's worth and worthlessuess. 9849 — Woman's wrongs. 7131 — Wool-gathering. . 692^ Dodge, M. E. See Dodge, M. M. Dodge, M. M. Along the way ; [poems]. 19326 — A few friends, and how they amused themselves ; pastimes and games. 7787 — Hans Brinker, or, The silver skates. lUust. 15400 — The insanity of Cahi. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Irvington stories. Illust. 4th. ed. 7133^ Dodge, N. 8. Charles Babbage. (J?i Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 — Stories of a grandfather about Amer. history. 7108 Dodge, p. Sculpture and the plastic art. ^ 3865 Dodge, R. I. The Black Hills ; descr. of routes, scenery, soil, climate, timber, geology, zoology, etc. Map, drawings, etc. 1553Q — Our wild Indians; experience, amg. the red men of the West; with adv. on the plains, etc. Introd. by Gen. Sherman. Illust. *I — The plains of the great West, and their inhabitants; descr. of the plains, game, Indians, etc. Introd. by W. Blackmore. 16766 Dodge, T. A. The campaign of Chancellorsville. 20564 Dodge, W. E. Rewards of Sabbath-keeping ; The Sabbath, and railroads and steamboats. {In Sabbath ess.) 19808 Dodge Club, The ; or, Italy in 1859 ; by J. De Mille. 8130 Dodgson, C. L. {pseud. L. C arroll). Alice's adv. in Wonder- land. Illust. New ed. 7714 — Doublets; a word-puzzle. 3d. ed. 19911 — The hunting of the snark; agonv in eight fits. Illust. 157S9 — Through the looking-glass. ' 9802 Dodiugton, G. B. Thomson, K. and J. C {In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Dods, J. B. Spirit manifestations exam, and expl. ; Judge Edmunds refuted. 1244 Doe, C. H. Buffets. 14019 Doellinger, J. J. I. von. The church and the churches; or, The papacy and the temporal powder ; hist, and polit. rev. *I — Fables respecting the popes of the Middle Ages. 10114 — The first age of Christianity and the church ; tr. by H. N. Oxenham. *I — The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the temples of Christ; introd. to the hist, of Christianity. *T — A history of the church. 4 v. *I — Lectures' on the reunion of the churches ; with pref . by H. N. Oxenham. 11200 — Prophesies and the prophetic spirit in the Christian era. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 349 — La R^forme ; son d^veloppement int^rieur, et les resultats qu'elle a pro- duits dans le sein de la soci6t6 lutherienne ; tr. par E. Perrot. 3 v. 14589-91 Doering, H. Life and characteristics of Beethoven. {In Mo- scheles, I. Life of B.) 11192 Doesticks, pseud. See Thomson, M. Doesticks' letters ; by Q. K. P. Doesticks [M. Thomson]. 17430 Dog Crusoe ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 10006 Dog, A, of Flanders ; by L. de la Rame. {In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 Doggett, D. S. The Christian minister and his work. {Li Union pulpit.) 6680 Dogmatic theology. See Theology. Dogs. Burges, A. The American kennel and sporting field. 15560 — Cobbe, F. P. The consciousness of dogs ; Dogs whom I have met. (In her False beasts.) 15833 — Dalziel, H. British dogs; their varieties, history, breeding, e?c. Illust. 20242 — Dog life; narratives exhib. instinct, intelligence, Udelitv, svmpathv, e^c. 13297 — Hammerton, P. G. Dogs. (Little class., v. 17.) " ' ' 20166 — Hammond, S. T. Practical dog training; or. Training vs. breaking. 22078 — Hibberd, S. Clever dogs, horses, etc. 10175 — Hutchinson, W. N. Dog breaking; with odds and ends for those who love the dog and gun. *I — Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs. Illust. 5015 — Jesse, G. R. Researches into the hist, of the British dog; anecdotes, and illust. of the dog, fr. the poets, etc. *I — Morris, F. O. Dogs and their doings. *I — Stables, W. G. Dogs in their rel. to the public. 17742 — Tileston, W. M. Points for judging the ditf. varieties of dogs. 17774 — Walsh, J. H. The dog in health and disease. 11344 and others. The dogs of Great Britain, America, etc. 18932 — Webb, H. ed. Dogs; their points, whims, instincts, peculiarities, etc. Illust. 15606 Dog's mission, A, and other stories ; by H. B. Stowe. Illust. 21117 Doherty, J. Flaws in the philosophy of Bacon. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I Doherty; by E. 8 Phelps, (/n /ier Sealed orders.) 19224 Doigts de f^e, Les; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1., v. 8.) *I — Same. (In Bocher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2.) 9420 Doing and dreaming; by P2. Garrett [1. F. Mayo]. 13915 Doing his best; by J. T. Trowbridge. 12029 X)oit-on le dire?; com; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Thedt. compl., V. 9.) 14o73 Dolbear, A. E. Art of projecting ; exper. in physics, chemistry, and nat. hist, with the porte lumi^re and magic lantern. 16885 — The telephone ; acct. of electricity, magnetism, and sound; with direct. for making a telephone. ' 17127 Dolce Napoli; by W. J. A. Stamer. , 18897 Dole, N. H. History of the Turko-Russian war of 1877-78. {Li Rambaud, A. and Dole, N. H. Pop. hist, of Russia. *I — Young folks' history of Russia. Illust. 21224 — joint author. See Rambaud, A. Dolet, E. Christie, R. C. Etienne Dolet, the martyr of the Renaissance. 20148 Dollars and cents; by A. Lothrop [A. B. Warner]. 2 v. 4652 Dollie, and the two Smiths ; by L. Oliphant. {In his Traits, etc. 22692 — Same. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 11.) 19156 Dolliver romance, etc. ; by N. Hawthorne. 15904 Dolly; a love story ; by F. H. Burnett. 17252 Dolomites. Edwards, A. H. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys ; midsummer ramble in the D. 12064 Dolores ; par E. Daudet. 14645 350 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The hearth-stone ; thoughts 4th. ed. E. Domestic economy. Dombey and son, Dealings with the firm of ; by C. Dickens. Dombey and son ; fr. Dickens; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 16.) Domestic animals. Cole, S. W. The American veterinarian. — Domestic animals. {In New illust. rural manuals.) — Robinson, S. Diseases and cures of domest. animals. {In his Facts, etc.) — See also Domestication. Domestic duties. Osgood, S. upon home-life in our cities. Domestic economy. Beecher, C. Miss Beecher's house-keeper and health-keeper. and Stowe, H. E. B. Principles of domest. science. American woman's home. — Beecher, E. W. All around the house ; or, How to make homes happy. Motherly talks with young housekeepers. — Browne, P. What girls can do. — Campbell, H. The housekeeper's year-book. — Cornelius, Mrs. Young housekeeper's friend. — Diaz, A. M. The school-master's trunk. — Ever^' day home adv. rel. chief, to household management. — Inquire within ; or. Facts worth knowing. — Kitchen-garden Assoc. Household economy. — Nichols, T. L. How to live on a dime and a half a day. — Oakey, Mrs. From attic to cellar ; book for young housekeepers. — Our farm of four acres, and the money we made by it. — Putnam, E. H. Receipt book, and young housekeeper's assistant. — Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. — Robinson, S. Facts for farmers ; also for the family circle, about domest. animals and domest. economy. How to live ; saving and wasting. — Southgate, H. Things a lady would like to know cone, domest. manage- ment, etc. — Spofford, H. E. P. The servant girl question. — Stockton, F. R. and M. The home ; where it should be, and what to put in it. — Stowe, H. E. B. House and home papers. — Tegetmeier, W. B. The scholars' handbook of household management and cookery. — Terhune, M. Y. Common sense in the household ; man. of housewifery. — Walsh, J. H. Manual of domest. econ. ; incl. direct, for the nursery and sick room. Illust. — Warren, Mrs. E. How to furnish and adorn a house on small means. — Williams, H. T. and Eyebright, D. Household hints and recipes. — See also Cookery;— Dining;— Family;— Receipts. Also Appletons''home books. Domestic education. Abbott, J. Gentle measures in the train- ing of the young. — Advice to young mothers on the phys. educ. of children. — Bickerstetii, E. Domestic portraiture; memoirs of three children of L. Richmond. — Browne, P. What girls can do. — Coggeshall, W. T. My mother. — Fireside education, (in Wonders of sci. and art.) — Goodrich, S. G. Fireside education. — Humphrey, H. Domestic education. — Kitchen Garden Association. Advanced lessons in kitchen garden, with songs and occupations. — Martineau, H. Household education. — Meyer, B. Aids to family government; or. From the cradle to the school ; tr. by M. L. Holbrook. Added, Essay on the rights of chil- dren, etc., by H. Spencer. — Muzzey, A. B. ' The Christian parent. The fireside; aid to parents. — Taylor, I. Home education. — Wilson Indust. School. Little lessons for little housekeepers. Same ; new ed. Domestic life. Bazar book of the household. 1195 11818 5GG7 5650 3302 358 11692 • 8509 7847 i80oa 11506 20147 22()30 975 12964 22194 2134 21803 11023 19073 3314 3568 21525 6696 7070 13582 20223 11493 5819 16900 9651 4608 7557 17509 9833 4919 3652 20147 865 4330 1601 2097 22622 2941 18407 320a 3202 4370 15386 18605 13471 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 351 — Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the f amilv ; or, Hints on domest. happiness. 8077 — Byford, W. H. Philosophy of domestic' life. 7558 Domestic pictures and tales ; by M. Gatty. 11373 Domestic problem, A ; by A. M. Diaz. 13861 Domestic relations. >See Sociology. Domestic stories ; by D. M. Craik. 10799 Domestication. Darwin, C. R. Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. 5558-9 Domingo (de Guzman), St. Brigham, C. H. St. Dominic and St. Francis. (In Ids Mem., etc.) 20560 — Lawrence, E. Dominic and the Inquisition. {In his Hist, studies.) 21670 — Life of St. Dominic; and sketch of the Domin. order. Introd. bv J. S. Alemany. * 16707 Dominic. See Domingo (de Guzman), St. Dominies, Book about; [by R. H. Moncrieff]. 7604 Dominique ; par E. Fromentin. 14477 Domino noir, Le ; opera ; by Auber. *I Domino noir, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiq., v. 6.) *I Don Caesar de Bazan ; drama. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Don Carlos ; by J. C. F. von Schiller. (In his Works.) 3784 Don Carlos ; op^ra ; par G. Verdi. *I Don Garcia ; tragedy ; by V. Alfieri. (In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Don Garcie de Navarre ; com^die h^roique ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 2.) 14605 — Same. Eng. tr. {In his Dramatic works, v. 1.) 16843 Don Giovanni ; opera ; by W. A. Mozart. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Don John ; [by J. Ingelow]. 20189 Don Juan ; ou, Le festin de Pierre ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 3.) 14606 — Same. Eng. tr. {In his Dram, works, v. 2.) 16844 Don Paddy de Bazan ; by J. H. Grover. (In Frenches Min. dram., v. 38.) 7990 Don Pasquale ; opera ; by Donizetti. *I Don Quixote de la Mancha. See Cervantes Saavedra, M. Don Quixote, The new ; or. The wonderful adv. of Tartarin of Tarascon ; by A. Daudet. 13979 Don S^bastien, Roi de Portugal ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, V. 4.) *I Dona Blanca of Navarre ; by F. N. Villoslada. 5026 Doiia Perfecta ; by B. P. Galdos. , 22400 Donald, R. Chapter on English architecture. (In Lef^vre, A. Wonders of architecture.) 7885 Donald's school days ; by O. O. Howard. Illust. 18197 Donaldson, F. Influence of city life and occupations in devel. pulmonary consumption. In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2. *I Donaldson, J. Rudimentary treat, on clay lands and loamy soils. 1245 Donaldson, J. W. The theatre of the Greeks ; treat, on the hist, and exhib. of the Greek drama ; with suppl. on the language, metres, and prosody of the Gr. dramatists. *I 352 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Donaldson, W. Principles of constr., and efficiency of water- wheels. 16767 — Tables for plate layers. 9897 Donatello, Donato di Betto Bardi, called. Scott, L. Ghiberti and Donatello, etc. 21779 Donati, G. B. Phenomena manifested in telegraph lines dur. the aurora borealis ; and origin of northern lights. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Doncaster. Doran, J. Doncaster, 1860. {In his Mem. ^ etc.) 17803 Donizetti, G. Anne Boleyn. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of opera lib., v. 1.) *I — Don Pasquale ; opera. , *I — La f avorita ; opera. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — La figlia del reggimento ; opera. *I — Same; Daughter of the regiment. (In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., V. 1.) ' *I — Linda di Chamounix. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Lucia di Lammermoor ; operal *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Lucretia Borgia ; opera. *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Ferris, G. T. Donizetti and Bellini. {In his Gt. Ital. Comp.) 18707 Donkin, W. F. Acoustics ; theoretical, pt. 1. 11643 Donna Quixote ; by J. McCarthy. 19432 Donne, J., Dean of St. Paul. Poetical works ; with mem. 1246 — Lightfoot, J. B. Donne, the poet, preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class. preach.) 17464 — Walton, I. Life of Donne. {In his Lives, etc.) 4625 ; 12284 Donne, W. B. Euripides. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 10992 — Tacitus. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 12011 Donnelly, I. Atlantis ; the antediluvian world. Illust. 21472 — Ragnarok; the age of fire and gravel. Illust. 22249 Donnelly, N. Self defence ; or. The art of boxing; ed. by J. M. Waite. Illust. * 18736 Do not even the publicans the same? by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor. and rom.) 19896 Don't forget your opera-glasses ; by B. E. Woolf . {In French's Min. dram., v. 27.) 7984 Doolittle, H. J. Alcleu, L. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. Illust. 2 v. 6147-8 Doomed chief. The ; by D. P. Thompson. 4445 Door, The, is locked ; by L. Supersac. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Dora Deane ; by M. J. Holmes. 1958 Doran, J. Annals of the English stage, fr. Betterton to Kean. ("Their majesties' servants.") 2 v. 5874-5 — Book of the princes of Wales. 15441 — Habits and men. 6616 Contents. Between you and me. — Men, manners, and a story with a moral to it.— Adonis at home and abroad.— Remnants of stage dVesses.— Three acts and an epilogue. — The tiring-bowers of queens. — ''La Mode" in her birthplace.— Hats.— Wigs and their wearers.— Beards and their bearers.— Swords.— Gloves, b—s, and buttons.— Stockings. — ''Masks and faces."— Puppets for §rown gentlemen.— Touching tailors. — Why do the tailors choose St. William for their patron?— The tailors measured by the poets. — Sir J. Hawkwood, the heroic tailor. — G. Dorfling, the martial tailor. — Admiral Hobson, the naval tailor. — J. Stow, the antiquarian tay- lor.— J. Speed, the antiquarian tailor.— S. Pepys, the official tailor.— R. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 353 Evan, the theatrical tailor.— P. Whitehead, the poet tailor.— Mems. of "imerchant tailors." — Chapters on beaux. — Beaux of the olden time. — Beau Fielding. — Beau Nash. — Prince de Ligne. — Beau Bruinmell. — Doctors ready dressed. — Odd fashions. — History of court fools. 14380 — In and about Drury Lane ; and other papers. 2 v. 21399-400 Contents. V. 1. In and about Drury Lane. — About Master Betty. — C Young and his times. — W. C. Macready. — Private theatricals. — The smell of the lamps. — A line of French actresses. — Some eccentricities of the French stage. — Northumberland House and the Percys. — Leicester Fields. — A hundred years ago. 2. Life in the 19th. ceiit.— The post- man's knock.— The twenty-thousand pound widow. — To Brighton and back again.— On some club's, and. their ends. — Through the parks.— Some Scotswomen.— The Dibdeus.— H. Xelson and E. Hamilton.— E. W. Mon- tague. — Royal and imperial jokers. — Knights and their days. 6300 — A lady of the last cent. (Mrs. E. Montagu) ; illust. in her letters; with biog. sk., and chap, on Blue stockings. 2d. ed. 11447 — London in the Jacobite times. 2 v. 17663-4 — ' Mann' and manners at the court of Florence, 1740-1786; found, on the letters of H. Mann to H. Walpole. 2 v. 15622-3 — Memories of our great towns, with anec. gleanings cone, their worthies and oddities. 17803 Contents. Doncaster.— On the road.— Cambridge. — Bath.— Birming- ham. — Nottingham. — Dundee. — Norwich. — Exeter. — Leicester. — Liver- pool. — Edinburgh. — Brighton. — Bradford. — Belfast. — A trip to London- derry. — Bristol. — Glasgow. — Plymouth. — Monarchs retired from business. 2 v. 1248-9 — New pictures and old panels. "■ 14205 — Doran's Queens of the House of Hanover. {In Biog, and crit.) 7911 — Saints and sinners ; or, In church and about it. 2 v. 14206-7 — Table traits with something on them. 1260 Dorcas; by G. M. Craik. 18817 Dorcas club, The ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 13306 Dorchester, D. The problem of religious progress. 20629 Dorchester Polytechnic Academy ; Dr. Nerverasole, principal ; by J. De Koven. 19463 Dore, P. G. Legend of the wandering Jew ; twelve designs ; with explanatory introd. *I — See also Boniface, J. X. ;— Gautier, T. ;— L'Epine. Dor^ ; by a stroller in Europe [W. W. Wright]. 1251 Doria, The. Malleson, G. B. (/n ^ts Stud. fr. Genoese hist.) 13876 Doris Barugh ; by K. S. Macquoid. 3 v. 18330-2 Dorner, I. A. Dorner on the future state ; trans, with introd. and notes by N. Smyth. ^ 22467 — History of the devel of the doct. of the person of Christ; tr. by W. L. Alexander and (notes) D. W. Simon. 5 v. (Clarke's For.* Theol. Lib.) 15838-42 Dorothea; by Mrs. V. H. Patchin. 21861 Dorothy ; a country story in elegiac verse ; [by A. J. Munby]. 21346 Dorothy Fox; by [L. Parr]. ' ' 9012 Dorothy's venture; by M. C. Hay. 21765 Dorp, The, and the Veld ; by C:. Barter. 328 Dorr, J. C. R. Expiation. 11258 — Friar Anselmo, and other poems. 19504 — Sibyl Huntington. 11503 Dorr, L. S. The Mannerings. {In Short stories.) 6965 Dorset. Black, A. and C. Guide to the counties of Dorset, etc. Maps and illust. *I Dorsetshire. Black, A. and V. Guide to Dorsetshire. Maps and illust. *I Dorsey, J. O., Gatschet, A. S., and Riggs, S. R. Illustration 354 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. of the method of recording Indian languages. (In Smith- son. Inst. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) *I Dorsey, S. A. {pseud. Filia). Lucia Dare. 7144 Dosia; par H. Gr^ville [A. Durand]. 14518 — Same. Eng. tr. 17727 Dossier no. 113, Le ; par E. Gaboriau. 14625 Dostoyeffsky, F. Buried alive ; or, Ten years' penal servitude in Siberia ; fr. the Russian, by M. V. Thilo. 20362 Doten. E. Hesper, the home-spirit. 1253 Dottiugs round the circle ; by B. R. Curtis. *I Dotty Dimple ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 12660 Dotty Dimple at her grand-mother's ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 9328 Dotty Dimple at home ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 9329 Dotty Dimple at play ; by S. Mav [R. S. Clarke]. 9330 Dotty Dimple at school ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 9331 Dotty Dimple out west ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 9332 Dotty Dimple's flyaway ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 9327 Doty D. Rules and hints on the theory and pract. of teaching. (Papers on education.) *I Dou, G. Gower, R. {In his Figure paint, of Holland.) 19535 Double aveu, Un ; sc^ne ; par G. Nadaud. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 2.) 14792 Double-bedded room ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's Min. dram., v. 22.) 7982 Double dealer, The ; comedy ; by W. Congreve. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Double family ; by H. de Balzac. {In The cat., etc., v. 3.) 19094 Double ghost. The ; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dram.) 1513 Double house, The ; by [Miss Muloch]. {In her Nothing new.) 5082 Double meprise. La ; par P. Merim^e. ( With Chronique du r^gne de Charles IX.) 9518 Double play ; by W. Everett. 7553 Double-runner Club, The ; by B. P. Shillaber. 21254 Double story, A ; by G. MacDonald. 13914 Note. Since pub. under the title Princess Rosamond. Double wedding, A ; by C. A. Warfield. 13922 Doul)reday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. (Cam. of the civ. war.) 21335 — Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie, 1860-61. 1533^ Doubleday, T. The murderer's last night. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 4.) 19143 Doubleday's children ; by D. Cook. 17441 Doubles and quits : by L. W. M. Lockhart. Illust. 20671 Doublets; word-puzzle; by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodgson]. 19911 Doubly false ; by A. S. Stephens. 7437 Doubourg. See Du Bourg. Doubt. Appleton, C. E. Doubt, {In Appleton, J. H. Dr. Appleton.) 20656 Doubting heart, A ; by A. Keary. 19426 Doubts and fears ; by T. Hook. ( With Man of many friends.) 15663 Doudney, S. Janet Darney. 12225 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 355 Dougall, J. D. Shooting ; its appliances, practice, and purpose. 15843 Dougherty ; by M. A. Tincker. (In her Winged word, etc.) 11595 Douglas, A. M. Claudia. 7239 — Drifted asunder ; or, The tide of fate. 15422 — From hand to mouth, 17330 — Home nook. 7109 — Hope mills ; or. Between friend and sweetheart. 19464 — In trust. 6389- — Lost in a great city. 20268 — Lucia : her problem. 9818 — Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. 16566 — Seven daughters. 12491 — Svdnie Adriance ; or, Trying the world. 7529 — Stephen Dane. ' 6767 — With fate against him. 9292 — Whom Kathie married. 22939 Douglas, Lady J. Chambers, W. (In his Stor. of old families.) 18362 Douglas, J. C. (Manual of telegraph construction.) 13588 Douglas, M..^ pseud. See Green, A. D. Douglas, R. K. China. Map. 21885 — Confucianism and Taouism. Map. (Non-Chr. relig. sys.) 19215 Douglas, Mrs. S. Life and select, fr. the correspondence of VVm. Whewell. Portr. 20600 Douglas, S. A. Savage, J. (In his Our liv. rep. men.) 3777 Douglas; tragedy; by Home. (7?i Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 Douglass, A. Ostrich farming in So. Africa. • 21969 Douglass, F. Life and times of D., written by himself; introd. by G. L. Ruffin. 21291 — My bondage and my freedom ; introd. by J. M'C. Smith. 1266 — Bungay, G. (In his Traits of repr. men.) 2231& — Stowe,' H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) 7354 Douglass farm ; by M. E. Bradley. 5194 Doultou, H. Development of the manuf. of stoneware for sanitary and art purposes. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 6.) *I Douruof ; by A. F. Durand. 18563 Doutney, T. W. Life-struggle, fall, and reformation ; [Tem- perance narr.]. 13747 D'outre mort ; by H. P. Spofford. (In Little class., v. 2.) 12973 Dove, H. W. The circulation of the waters on the face of the earth. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 Dove, The, in the eagle's nest; by [C. M. Yonge]. 6387 Dover, Baron. See Ellis, G. J. W. A. Dove's nest. The ; by J. Hatton. (In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Dow, C. H. Newport ; four epochs in her history. 21866 Dow, S. H. Artistic singing. 22141 Dow, Jr., pseud. See Page, E. G. Dowager, The ; by C. Mathews. (In French's Min. dram., v. 32.) 7987 Dowden, E. Poems. 2d. ed. 17223. — Shakspeare. (Lit. Prim.) 1726a — Shakspeare; crit. studv of his mind and art. 5th. ed. 20028 — Southey. (Eng. Men of letters.) 19531 Dowell, S^ Sketch of the hist, of taxes in Eng., v. 1. : To the Civil war, 1642. 16525 Dower House, The ; by Mrs. Cudlip. 7481 Down, J. L. and others. Health primers. Namely : Baths and bathing. 18464 8r>6 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Coupland, S. Personal appearances in health and disease. 1S593 Greenfield. W. S. Alcohol ; its use and abuse. 18300 The heart and its function. 20190 The house and its surroundings. 18301 The nervous system. 22067 Premature death ; its promotion or prevention. 18290 Ralfe, C. H. Exercise and training. 18247 The skin, and its troubles. 19054 Down by the sea ; by H. T. Griswold. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Down South ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 20039 Down the bayou ; and other poems ; by M. A. Townsend.) 22340 Down the RhiDe ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 8015 Down the river ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7634 "* Down the road ' ; or, Reminiscences of a gentleman coach- man ; by C. T. S. B. Reynardson. 17239 Downes, H. H. Hurd, S. H. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Downing, A. J. Cottage residences. 1258 — Fruits and fruit trees of America. 1259 — Same. With add. bv C. Downing. 6761 — Rural essays : ed. by G. W. Curtis. 1262 Contents. Memoirs. — Letter fr. Miss Bremer. — Horticulture. — Land- scape gardening. — Rural architecture. — Trees. —Agriculture.— Fruit.— Letters fr. England. — Treatise on the theory and pract. of landscape gardening : with rem. on rur. architecture. 4th. ed. 1261 Downing, C. Additions. {In Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit trees of Amer.) 6761 Downing, S. Elements of practical hydraulics. 12377 — Same. 3d. ed., rev. and enl. 13862 Downing, R. Description of city waterworks, Oxford. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I Dowson, J. P^., and A. Tramways ; their constr. and working. 14208 Doyle, J. Giles, H. {In his Lect. and essays.) 78 oO Doyle, J. A. The English in America. (Virginia, Maryland, and theCarolinas.) 22520 Doyle, J. A. History of the U. S. Maps by F. A. Walker. (Hist, course for schools.) 15562 Doyle, R. The foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson ; hist, of what they saw and did in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Jtsdy. *I Drainage. For drainage of towns and buildings, see Sewers. Drainage of land. Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Public health reports and papers, 1874-5. *I — Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surveyors. Proceedings. *I — Denton, J. B. Sanitary engineering; iect., 1876. *I — French, H. F. Farm drainage; principles, processes, and elFects of draining land with stones, tiles, etc.; incl. tables of rain-fall, etc. 5580 — Smiles, S. Early works of embankments and draining. (In his Lives of the engineers, v. 1.) *I — Wilson, J. Drainage for health. 20139 Drake, C. F. T., joint author. See Burton, R. F. Drake, Sir F. Frost, T. Voyage round the world. {In his Hf.-hrs., etc.) # 21074 — Hale, E. E. {In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Kingston, W. H. G. Yovage of D. round the world. (In his Notable voyages.) ^ ^^^1\ — Life and vovages. (In Lives and voyages of D., etc.) 1264 — Payne, E. J. Drake's famous voyage; Second great voyage. (In his 'Voyages, etc.) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 357 Drake's voyages. {In his Eng. circumnavigators.) Drake, the*Sea-King of Devon. (Young Folks' Her. of Life and correspondence of H. Knox. The culprit fay. Around the Hub ; a boy's book about Boston. 14165 22878 11934 10142 20995 *I 18276 18481 7336 *I 11226 1267 19801 16539 3309 *I 13821 — Purves, D. L — Towle, G. M. Hist.) Drake, F. S. Drake, J. R. Drake, S. A. lllust. — Bunker Hill ; the story told in letters fi*. the battlefield by Brit, officers ; introd. and-sketch of the battle. — Captain Nelson. — Florida ; its history, condition, etc. Map. — Historic fields and'mansions of Middlesex. — ;^fooks and corners of the New England coast. — Old landmarks of Boston. Drake, S. G. Biography and hist, of the Indians of No. Amer. 11th. ed. Drama. Hase, K. Miracle plays and sacred dramas ; hist, survey. — Kingsley, H. The father of irregular drama. {In his Fireside stud., v. 2. ) — 0*;soli, S. M. F. d'. The modern drama. {In /ter Papers on lit., etc., pt. 1.) — Richardson, A. S. Songs fr. the old dramatists. — Simpson, E. The dramatic unities in the present day. — ^S'ee «^so English drama ;— France. Literature. Drama. For the history of the drama see Theatre; for collections of Eng. plays see Eng. clrama. Drama at home ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 2.) *I Drama in the air, The ; by J. Verne. (In his Doctor Ox, etc.) 12875 Drama's lev^e, The ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extravagan- zas, V. 2.) * *I Dramatic idyls, by R. Browning. 18828 Dramatis personae ; by R. Browning. 5709 Dramatists of the present day. 10138 Contents. The drama of the present dav. — Lord L\'tton. — Dr. W. Marston. — F. C. Burnand. — D. Boucicault. — J. Oxehford.— T. W. Robertson. — Tom Taylor. — C. Reade. Drame a Cernay, Un ; fantaisie ; par P. Ar^ne. (7/i Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 Drame de quatre-vingt-treize, Le ; par A. Dumas. 3 v. 9491-3 Drames a toute vapeur, Les ; par C. Debaus. 14653 Draper, J. W. History of the American civil war. 3 v. 8469-71 — History of the conflict bet. religion and science. (Int. sci. ser.) 13365 — History of the intellectual development of Europe. 1286 — Human physiology, statical and dynamical. 1270 — Text book on chemistry. 1269 — Thoughts on the future civil policy of America. 5986 — Smith, H. B. Draper's Intellectual development of Europe. {In his Faith and philosophy.) 18186 Draper, W. Life of Adam Smith. (/?i Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 Drapier, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3., v. 4.) *I Draughts. Pardon, G. F. Handbook of draughts. 5400 Drawing. Abbott, J . The studio ; theory and practice of drawing. (Harper's story books.) 22614 — Allonge, A. Charcoal drawing. 15T82 — Andre, G. G. Draughtman's handbook of plan and map drawing. *1 — Barnard, G. Drawing f r. nature ; instr. in sketching. *I — Bell, J. A drawing book, fr. the flat, and fr. the round. *I Drawing book of the Society of Arts. 9243 — Binns, W. Elementary trea. on orthographic projection ; new method of teaching the sci. of mechan. and eng, drawing. lllust. 16545 Second course of orthographic projection. Remarks on the teeth of wheels; projection of shadows; princ. of shading and drawing for machinery, lllust. 16546 358 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Burn, R. S. Illustrated arcliitectural eng. and meeh. drawing book. 9124 Illustrated drawing book. 9122 Ornamental drawing, and architectural design. 9123 — Carter, S. N. Drawing in black and white ; charcoal, pencil, cravon, and pen-and-ink. ' 22132 — Cav6, M. E. Drawing from memory. 9826 — Chapman, J. G. The American drawing-book. 14291 Elementary cti-awing-book, 14292 — Clarke, G.S' Practical geometry and engineering- drawing. 14379 — Davidson, E. A. Building construction and architectural drawing. 12609 Drawing for bricklayers. 12608 Drawing for cabinet-makers. 12611 Drawing for carpenters and joiners. 12801 Drawing for machinists and engineers. 12610 Drawing for metal plate workers. 12612 Drawing for stone masons. 12613 Gothic stone work. 12614 Linear drawing. 12615 Model drawing. 12616 Orthographic and isometrical projection. 12618 — Ilaupt, L. M. Working drawings and how to make and use them. 20567 — Johnson, W. Practical draughtsman's l)ook of iudust. design and ma- chinist's and engineer's drawing companion ; f r. the French of MM. Armengaud and Amouroux; with add. and plates, select., etc. *I; 6209 — Knowlton, H. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting, illust. by must, by T. L. Rowbotham : *I *I 17711 3727 12627 *I 11076 by R. W. M. Hunt. — Rimmer, W. Elements of design. — Row botham, T . Art of sketching f r. nature. rev. by S. N. Carter. — Ruskin, J. Elements of drawing. — Ryan, C. Systematic drawino- and shading. — Smith, W. Teacher's manual of free-hand drawing and designing. — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism^ with hints on th^ study of landscape. Illust. Our sketching club ; letters and studies on landscape art. — VioUet-le-Duc, E. E. Learning to draw ; or. The story of a young designer ; tr. by V. Champlin. Illust. — Walker, W. Handbook of drawing. Woodcuts, etc. — Ware, W. R. Charcoal drawing. (In Antefix papers.) — Whitaker, W. J. Progressive course of inventive drawing. — See also Charcoal drawing. Also Figure drawing ; — Geometrical drawing ; — Perspective. Prayson, A. W. The art of practical whist. Drayton, I). Persoual memoir. Drayton, M. Complete works ; introd. and notes Hooper. 3 v. Draytons and Davenants ; by Mrs. Charles. Dreaded guest. The ; by M. E. Braddon. ( With My sister's confession.) Dream-children ; by C. Lamb. {In Little class., v. 4.) Dream children; by [H. E. Scudder]. Dream land by daylight ; by C. Chesebro*. Dream life ; by Ik Marvel |_D. G. Mitchell]. Dream numbers ; by T. A. Trollope. Dream of Socrates, The ; by M. D. Conway. {In his Idols, etc.) 16980 Dream story, A ; by K. S. Macquoid. {In her Evil eye, etc.) 15598 Dream at sea. The ; drama ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 35.) 11827 Dreams. Maudsley, H. Sleep and dreaming. {In his Path- ology of mind.) 19122 — Seafield, F. Literature and curiosities of dreams. 2 v. 6899-900 — See also Sleep. Dreams of delusion ; by J. P. Simpson. {In French's Min. dram., v. 32.) 7987 19902 18457 14186 4739 18825 1271 *I 6257 15893 12975 5487 811 3079 8032 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 359 Dreamthorp ; essays ; by A. Smith. 5552 — Same. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Dred. See Nina Gordon. Dred ; play ; fr. Mrs. Stowe's novel ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 18.) 11819 Dredge, J. Electric illumination ; by C. Cooke, J. Dredge, M. F. O'Reilly, 8. P Thompson, and H. Vivarez ; fr. "En- gineering ;"with Abstr. of specifications, by W. L.Wise, v. 1. *I Dredging. Thompson, C. W. The depths of the sea. 11445 Dresden. Adams, C. {In his Great campaigns.) 18150 — Chetwynd, 3Irs. H. W. (In her Life in a German village.) 19703 — Jameson, A. The Dresden gallery and the Italian school. {In her Sketches.) 2329 Dress. See Costume. Dresser, C. Carpets. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15470 — Japan; its architecture, art, and art manufactures. 22250 — Principles of decorative design. *I Dressmaking. Grand' homme. E. Cutting-out and dress- making. Diagrams. 19339 Drew, B. Pens and types ; or. Hints and helps for those who write, print, or read. 10014 Drew, C. The lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20702 Drew, D. McCabe, J. I). {In Us Great fortunes.) 8983 Drew, J. Practical meteorology. 2d. ed. ; ed. by F. Drew. 8429 Drew, S. Sketch of D. (/n Famous boys.) 5036 ; 7707 Dreyfus, A. Apr^s la noce ; sayn^te. (/?i Sayn^tes, eic, s^r. 5.) 14795 — Le donf essionnal ; f antaisie. (/w Legouv^. Th<''atre de camp.. s6r. 5.) 14500 — Un crane sous uue tempete. (Theatre de camp., S(^>r. 6.) 14690 — La gifle ; comedie. (7?i Legouve. Theatre, e^c, ser. 3.) 14498 Drift, and other poems ;'by G. Arnold. 2 v. 8457-8 Drift from two shores ; by B. Harte. 17836 Drift from York Harbor, Maine ; by G. Houghton. 18231 Drifted and sifted ; domestic chronicle of the 17th. cent. 14183 Drifted asunder; by A. M. Douglas. 15422 ^'Drifting about ;" by S. C. Massett. 1633 Drifting and steering ; by Lynde Palmer (M. L. Peebles]. 7099 Drifting round the world ; by C. W. Hall. lUust. 20055 Drift-weed ; by C. Thaxter. 18178 Drinking. See Temperance. Driven from the path ; by C. Smart. 11951 Driven to sea ; by Mrs. G. Cupples. 588 Drop too much ; play ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Temperance dr.) 7095 Dropped fr. the clouds ; by J. Verne. 14316 Droste-Hiilshoff, A. E. Freiin von. Die Judenbuche. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16170 Drowning. Young. L. Acts of gallantry ; acct. of bravery in saving life fr. drowning. 11460 Droz, F. X. J. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Not. et portr., v. 2.) 9574 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 3.) *I Droz, G. Around a spring. 9704 — Babolain. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11686 — Bertha's baby. 20996 — Les crises de Monseigneur ; com^die. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., s6r. 2.) 14483 — Les etangs. 14394 — The registered letter ; The cardinal's illness. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 360 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Drucourt, Madame de. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Druids. See Great Britain. History; — Religions. Drummond, J. Spiritual religion ; sermons on Chr. faith and life. 21448- Drummond, R. B. Erasmus, his life and character. 2 v. 11880-1 Drummond, T. McLennan, J. F. Memoir of D. 21566 Drummoud, V^ .^ of Haifthornden. Poetical works. *I — Masson, D. Drummond of Ha wthomdeu ; life and writings. 12267 Drunkard, The ; drama ; by W. H. Smith. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 11.) 11813 Drunkard's doom, The ; rom. dr. ; by G. D. Pitt. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 44.) 11832 Drunkard's warning. The ; temperance dr. ; by C. W. Taylor. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 45.) ^ 11832 Drunkenness. See Temperance. Drury, A. H. Deep waters. 12880 — Misrepresentation. ' 5252 — The story of a shower. 10920 Drury, E. J. CJomical French grammar. 18737 Drury, H., ed. Arundines cami sive musarum cantabrigiensium lusus canori. 8705 Drury Lane theatre. Doran, J. In and about Drury Lane, and other papers. 2 v. 21399-400 Dry rot. Britton,T. A. Treatise on the origin, prog., prev., etc.^ of dry rot in timber. 14192 Dryden, J. Dramatick works. *I — Poetical works ; [with Life by J. Mitford] . 5 v. 1274-8 — Stanzas on the death of O. Cromwell; Astraea Redux; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel ; Religio Laici : The hind and the panther ; ed. by W. D. Christie. 2d. ed. (Clarendon pr. ser.) 18962 — De Quiucey, T. Dryden's hexastich. (In his Xote-book.) 1188 — Hamilton, 'W. (hi his Poets laureate.) 18533 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Johnson, S. Dryden. ( 7w Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 — Lowell, J. B. (jTw /iis Amon^ my books, ser. 1.) 8428 — Macau lay. T. B. {hi his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 1.) 2786 — Masson, D. Drvden and the literature of the restoration. {In his Three devils.) ' 13516 — Saintsburv, G. Drvden. (Eng. men of letters.) 20385 — Scott, W. Life of D. {In his Misc. prose works, v. 1.) 3835 Drysdale, J. aiid Hay ward, J; W. Health and comfort in house building ; or, Ventilation with warm air. 10959 Dual consciousness ; by R. A. Proctor. {In his Rough ways.) 19539 Dualism and optimism ; by F. H. Hedge. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 Du Bellay, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {Inhis Nouv. lund., v. 13.) *I Dublin. Black, A. and C. Guide to D.. etc. *I Duboc, C. E. {pseud. Robert Waldmiiller.) Es ist nicht gut, das der Mensch allein sei. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16156 Du Bois, A. J. Elements of graphical statics, and their appl. to framed structures ; with plates. 2 v. 15356 Du Bourg or Doubourg, ,J. Yln^n, pseud. See Hamond, I'abb^. Du Boys, J. The Countess of Moute-Cristo. 18482 Dubus-Preville, P. L Memoires. (Barriere. Bib. des mem.,v.6.) 14526 Du Camp, M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 12.) *I Du Chaillu, P. B. The country of the dwarfs. 9806 — The land of the midnight sun : summer and winter journeys through Swe- den, I^orway, Lapland, and No. Finland. Map and il'lust. 2 v. 20982-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 361 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. 10.) Dram. — Lost in the Jungle. — My Apingi kingdom. — Stories of the gorilla country. ' — Wild life under the equator. Du Chatelet, G. E. de T. de B., marquise {In his Caus. lund., v. 2.) ♦ Due d'Olonne, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas com. DucM, J. Discourses on various subjects. Duchess, The, pseud. See Argles, M. Duchess de la Valliere, The ; by Lord Lyttou. {In works.) Duchess, The, of Mansfeldt ; com. dram. {I7i Home plays for ladies.) Duchess of Rosemary lane ; by B. L. Farjeon. Ducis, J. F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 4 ; Caus lund., v. 6.) Du Clesieux, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {Jnhis'Prem. lund., v. 2.) Duclos, C. P. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV. et XV. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 2.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. kind., v. 9.) Du Coudray-Holstein, H. L. V. Memoirs of La Fayette. Xote. 5o?.) *I Dunglison, R. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 Dunham, S. A. History of Poland. 12913 — History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 521-5 Dunlavy, J. The manifesto ; doctr. and pract. of the Church of Christ. 1296 Dunlop, J. History of fiction. 3 v. *I — History of Roman literature to and during the Augustan age. 3 v. *I Dunman, T. History of a hen's egg. {In I^rown, R. Sci- ence for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Dunn, H. Liber librorum ; its structure, limitations, and pur- pose. 6897 Dunn, H. S. Dunn, J. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Dunn, J. B. Moody's talks on temperance ; with anec. and inc. in connect, with the Tabernacle temp, work in Boston. 16953 366 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dunn, Jj C. Biography of H. S. Dunn. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. Mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Dunn Browne, j9sei^cZ. ^ee Fiske, Capt. S. Dunning, J. Tobacco. Brit, manuf. ind.) 15473 Dunott, T. J. Advantages of small hospitals or infirmaries for manuf. and min. towns. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I — Sanitary safety in railway travelling. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., V. 4. *I Dunraven, Earl of. See Quin, W. T. W. Dunsmuir, A. Vida ; study of a girl. 20324 Dunster, M. Chaplin, J. Life of Dunster. 10068 Dunton, L. What must be the spec, work of normal schools to be called professional? {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., efc, 1874.) 16720 Dupanloup, F. A. P. Bp. of Orleans. The child. 13748 — King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Dupetit-Thouars, A. Voyage autour du monde ; occupation des lies Marquises et des lies de la Societe. {In Reybaud, L. Marines, etc.) 9544 Dupin, A. M. J. J. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) 5012 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. kind., v. 2.) *I Dupin, H. Le coup^ jaune ; comedie. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14498 Du Plessis, A. J., Card, de Richelieu. See Richelieu. Duplessis, G. Wonders of engraving. (111. lib. of wonders.) 15563 Dupont, P. Hayward, A. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 4.) *I Duppa, R., and Quatrem^re de Quincy, A. C. Lives and works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Illust. 1297 Note. Life of M. Angelo; by Duppa; of Raphael; by Q. Dupre, A. ^ joint author. See Thudichum, J. L. W. Du Pr^, W. Series of earthquakes in North Carolina, 1874 ; with notes by J. Henry. (Jh Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 Du Quesne, Fort. Sargent, W. History of exp. against Fort Du Q., 1755, under Maj. Gen. Braddock. . *I Durand, A. B. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of D. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Durand, A. F. {pseud. Henry Greville.) L'amie. 14595 — Same ; A friend ; tr. bv H. Stanlev. 18161 — Ariadne. (Coll. of for. authors.) 17835 — Bonne-Marie ; tale of Normandy and Paris ; from the Fr. by M. N. Sher- wood. 18486 — Cit6 Menard. 14646 — Croquis. 14633 — Dosia. 14518 — Same ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 17727 — Dournof ; Eussian storv; fr. the Fr. by M. Stewart. 18563 — Gabrielle ; fr. the French. 17834 — Les Koumiassine. 2 v. 14492-3 — Les mariages de Philomeue. 14582 — Sa7ne ; Philomene's marriages ; fr. the Fr. by H. Stanley. 18278 — Marier sa tille. " ' 14565 — Same; Marrving off a daughter; tr. bv M. N. Sherwood. 18037 — 3Iarkof, the Eussian violinist; fr. the Fr. by H. Stanley. 18706 — La Niania. 14566 — Pretty little countess Zena; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 18226 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 367 — La Priuces^e Ogherof . • 14519 — 8ame\ Eng. ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 19974 — Eose Rozier. 2 v. 14788-9 — Saveli's expiation ; tr. bv M. N. Sherwood. 17965 — Sonia ; tr. bv M. N. Sherwood. 18038 — Svlvie's betrothed; tr. bv M. X. Sherwood. 22030 — The trials of Raissa; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 20082 — Un violin Russe. 2 v. 14627-8 — Zenie's inheritance ; tale of Russian life ; tr. bv L. E. Kendall. 20409 Durand, Sir H. M. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the Vict. age, V. 2.) 20031 Durandeau, E. La lettre du fusilier Bridet. {In Sayndtes, etc., ser. 2.) 14792 — Same; Eng. trans. {In Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Durant, G. Horse-back riding, fr. a med. point of view. 17830 — Hygiene of the voice ; its physiology and anatomy. New ed. 19275 — Sea-bathing ; its use and abuse. * * 17854 Duras, C. L., duchesse de, nee Kersaint. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {I7i his Port, de femmes, 1876.) *I — The same. Eng. trans. {In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 Durbin J. P. Observations in the East, chief, in Egypt, Pales- tine, Syria, and Asia Minor. 2 v. 1299-1300 Diirer, A. See Dnerer, A. Durfee, J. Complete works, with mem. ; ed. by his son. 10156 Contents, memoir.— Poems : Whatcheer; or Roger Williams in ban- ishment.— School of Queen Mab.— Summons to the country.— Hymn by twilight.— Life's voyage. Lectures : History of the subjection and exter- mination of the Narra^hansets ; The idea of the supernatural amg. the In- dians.— Discourse, deliv. before R. I. Hist. Soc— Oration, deliv. before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Brown University.— The Panidea.— C'^r/?*^es to the Grand Jury : Law of treason ; Perjury ; Moral duty of obeying the law ; Relative duties of court and jury ;' Character of Chief Justice Eddy. Durham, W. Connecting mechanism of the universe ; Cool- ing ; A pinch of salt. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Fall of a stone ; Bending a bow. {In Brown. R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — The tides; A thunder-storm. ' {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — What is in the interior of the earth?; The mariner's compass. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Durivage, O. F. Plays. See French's minor drama. Durnton Abbey ; by T. A. Trollope. 9837 Durrie, D. S.^jomt author. See Tuttle, C. R. Duru, A. Le billet rose; com^die. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ ser. 6.) 14796 Duryea, J. T. The sacredness of the Sabbath essential and eternal. {In Sab. ess.) 19808 Dusaulx, J. De I'insurrection Parisienne et de-la prise de la Bastille. (Barri^re, Bib. des mem., v. 28.) 14548 Dust. Tyndall, J. On dust and disease. {In his Frag, of sci., V. 1.) 19303 Dust; or. Ugliness redeemed. (In Home narratives.) 1197 Dust ; by J. Hawthorne. 22582 Duston, H. Caverly, R. B. •Heroism of H. Dustou. 12861 Dusty pore, ('hronicles of ; tale of modern Anglo-Indian society. New ed. 15731 Dutch Guiana. Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. 16685 Dutch literature. Bowring, J. and Van Dyk, H. S. Batavian anthology ; spec, of the Dutch poets ; with rem. on the poet. lit. and lang. of the Netherlands, to the end of the 17th. cent *I 368 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dutchman's fireside, The ; by J. K. Paulding. 7237 Dutchman's ghost; by S. Barry. (7w Fi*ench's Min. dram., V. 19.) 11845 Du Terrail, P. See Bayard. Dutiful son. The ; fr. Sheridan. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas.) 20582 Dutt, T. Ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan. Introd. mem. by E. W. Gosse. 22215 Dutton, A. Streets and lanes of a city. 2d. ed. 10738 — Same. {In Homes and hospitals.) 11278 Duty. Smiles, S. Duty ; with illust. of courage, patience, and endurance. 20072 Duty of American women to their country. 4935 Duval, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Duval, E. R. King, E. {In Jiis Polit. lead.) 13829 Duvauchel, L. Le chapeau blue ; comedie. {In Saynetes, etc., s6r. 4.) 14794 — Un samedi soir. (In Saynetes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 Duveyrier, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I Duveyrier, H. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 9.) *I Duyckinck, E. A. Philip Frenau. {In Frenau, P. Poems.) 6206 — and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American literature. 2 v. 1301-2 Supplement "^to above. 6152 Duyckinck, G. L., joint author. See Duyckinck, E. A. Dwellers in Five-Sisters court ; by H. E. Scudder. 15864 Dwight, H. O. Turkish life in war times. 20469 Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Rom. mythology ; introd. by T. Lewis. Illust. 3d. ed. 1303 — Introduction to the studv of art. 1304 Dwight, E. E. (W.) Biography of H. Dwight ; of W. Dwight. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — Life and letters of Wilder Dwight. 7179 Dwight, H. Dwight, E. A. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Dwight, T. Character of Thomas Jefferson. 1305 — History of the Hartford Convention ; policy which led to the war of 1812.) 1306 Dwight, T. W. Public charities of the state of N. York. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 Dwight, Timothy, D.D. The fourth Gospel, — the record and testimony of the inner life of its author. {Bi Boston lect., 1872.) 8988 — Travels in New England and New York. 4 v. 1307-10 — Sprague, ^Y. B. Life of D. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 14.) 4123 Dwight, Prof. Timothy. Yale College ; thoughts respect, its future. 11305 Dwight, W. Dwight, E. A. Biog. of D. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) , 6492 — Dwight, E. A. Life and letters of D. 7179 Dwyer, F. On seats and saddles, bits and bitting, and prev. and cure of restiveness in horses. 8452 Dyce, Alexander. Handbook of the Dyce and Forster coll. in the So. Kensington Mus. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.- books.) *I — Life of Pope. {In Pope, A. Poetical works, v. 1.) 3508 — Memoir. {I7i Shakespeare, ^V. Poems.) 3937 — Memoir of Beattie. {In Beattie, J. Poetical works.) 339 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 369 — Notes and memoir. (In Beaumont, F., mid Fletcher, J. Works.) 2 v. Dyce, W. Palgrave, F. T. Dyce and Wm. Hunt. (In his Ess. on art.) Dyck or Dijck, A. van. Davis, J. P. (Bi Ms thoughts on gt. painters.) — Fairliolt, F. W. Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, etc. Illust. — Head, P. R. Van Dyck. — Houssaye, A. (In his Philosophers, etc., v. 2.) — Sweetser, M. F. Tan Dyck. (Art. biog.) Dye, W. McE. Moslem Egypt and Chr. Abyssinia ; or, Mili- tary service under the Khedive. Dyeing. Calvert, F. C. Dyeing and calico printing ; incl. acct. of manuf. and use of aniline colours. — Napier, J. Manual of dyeing and dyeing- receipts. A system of chemistry* appT. to dyeing. — Schiitzenberger, M. P. Matit'res colorantes. 2 v. — Simmons, P. L. Dyes and colouring stuff's. (In his Sci. and commerce.) — Sims, T. Dyeing and bleaching. (Brit, manuf. ind.) Dyer, M. Watson, H. C. Mary Dyre, the Quaker martyr of New England. {Tn his Her. wom.) Dyer, S. Black diamonds ; curiosities of coal. «— Great wonders in little things. — Home and abroad ; wonders of familiar objects. Dyer, T. F. T. British pop. customs ; illust. soc. and domestic manners. — English folk-lore. Dyer, T. H. Ancient Athens; its hist., topography^ and remains. — History of Modern Europe, 1453-1857. 4 v. its princ. and prog. ; prelim, rem. on beauty, sublimity, (/)i French's Min. dram., Circ. of — On imitative art. and taste. Dying for love ; by J. M. Morton V. 33.) Dymond, J. Essays on the principles of morality. Dynamics. Imray, J. Dynamics. (In Orr, W. S. the sci.) — Cliflbrd, W. K. Elements of dynamic ; pt. 1 : Kinematic. — Nystrom, J.W. New treatise' on elements of mechanics, estab. strict precis, in the mean, of dynamical terms. — Tait, P. G., and Steele, W.'J. Treatise on the dynamics of a particle, with examples. — See also Thermo-dynamics. Dynevor Terrace; by [C. M. Yonge]. Dyre, Mary. See Dyer, M. Dyspepsia. Hall, W. W. Dyspepsia, and kindred diseases. E., A. L. O. pseud. See Tucker, C. E., O. A. A cruise under six flags. Each and all ; by J. Andrews. Eadie, J. Early oriental history : Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Lydia, Phrygia, and Phamicia. Eads, J. B. McCabe, J. D. {In his Gt. fortunes.) Eagle pass ; by C. Montgomery. Eagle's nest, The ; by B. Bjoernson ; tr. by S. and E. Hjerlaid. Note. Bd. with other stories. — 8ame\ tr. by R. B. Anderson. (In his Bridal march, etc.) Eames, J. A.* Another budget [of letters]. — The budget closed. — Letters from Bermuda, 6294^ 6531 6530 10178 18920 2006 18013 20221 *I 14240 9589 9427-^ 18644 15470 4676 22574 22575 22576 17804 18438 *I 8177-80 22521 7987 1311 5192 19549 13443 8554 4893 16891 22620 19443 1312 8983 3105 9290 21758 1313 1314 13749 370 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ear. Biiruett, C. H. Hearing, and how to keep it. 1870S — Rood, O. N. Mysteries of the voice and ear. {In Hf.-hr. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 Earle, A. L. Our revenue system and the civ. serv. ; shall they be reformed? pref. by W. G. Su.nner: (Econ. mon.) 17699 Earle, J. Book for the beginner in Anglosaxon ; grammar, select., etc. 2d. ed. 21689 Earle, J. M. Report cone, the Indians of the Commonwealth, 1861. (Mass. Senate, No. 96.) 19353 Earl's Dene; by R. E. Francillon. 10687 Early chroniclers of Europe. See vSociety for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Early and late papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 6869 Early dawn, The ; or. Sketches of Chr. life in Eng. in the olden time ; by [Mrs. Charles]. 5698 Early majority. The, of Mr. Thomas Watts ; by R. M. John- ston. {In his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Early spring in Massachusetts ; fr. the jour, of H. D. Thoreau. 20288 Earnest trifler. An ; by M. A. Sprague. 19087 Earning one's own living. (In Magician's show box.) 1507 Earth. — Dawkins, W. B. Limits of our know!, of the earth. (In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. 13285 — Matteucci, C. Electrical currents of the E. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) • 11625 — Reclus, E. The earth. 9722 — Roscoe, H. E. What the earth is comp. of. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Weighing the E. in a coal-pit. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Figure. . — " Parallax," pseud. Zetetic astronomy. Earth not a globe ; experimental inquiry. ' *I — Todhunter, I. History of the math, theories of attract, and the iigure of the earth. 2 v. 12834-5 " Theory.'" — Clifford, W. K. The first and last catastrophe. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 1.) 19515 — Daw^soii, J. W. Story of the earth and man. 16548 — See also Astronomy ; — Chemistry of the earth ; — Physical geography. Also Creation. Earth, The, and the mech. arts ; by F. S. King. {In his Subs. and show, etc.) 17277 Earth, The, as modified by human action ; by G. P. Marsh. *I Earth without heaven ; by G. Fullerton. {In her Reparation, etc.) 13962 Earthen ware. See Pottery. Earthly paradise. The ; by W. Morris. 3 v. 11781-3 Earthquakes. Brown, R. {In his Science for all.) 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Du Pre, W. Series of earthquakes in No. Carohna, 1874; notes bv J. Henry. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) ' 14377 — Hartwig, G. {In his Subterranean world.) 10145 — Herschel, J. F. W. About volcanos and earthquakes. {In his FsLm. lect.) 6523 — Phipson, T. L. Earthquakes. {In his Fam. letters.) 16631 — Ponton, M. Earthquakes and volcanoes; hist., phenomena, and causes. 8453 Same ; new ed. 20100 — Smithsonian Inst. Report, passim. Earthward pilgrimage, The ; by M. D. Conway. 11425 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 371 Eassie, P. G. Wood and its uses ; handbook for the use of contractors, builders, etc. ; with information for drawing- designs and estimates. Illust. 15484 Eassie, W. Cremation of the dead; its hist., and bearings upon pub. health. 13863 — Sanitary arrangements for dwellings. 1352& East. See Egypt ; — Levant ; — Turkey. East Indies. See Malay Archipelago. East Lynne ; by Mrs. Wood. 4196 Eastburn, J. H. History of banks. 1315 Eastburn, M., B}^. of Mass. Value of the Bible. {In Bost. , Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 Easter. Chapman, J. E. C. Easter hymns. 15669 — W., S. L. Now is Christ risen ; poems for Easter tide. 15681 Easter-day ; by R. Browning. 13549 Easter trip, The, of two ochlophobists. {In Tales fr. Black- wood, n. s., V. 17.) 19162 Eastern archipelago. The. See Adams, W. H. D. Eastern Christians; by W. G. Palgrave. {In his Essays on Eastern quest.) 12382 Eastern Church. Holy Eastern Church; outline of its hist., doctr., liturgies, etc. ; by a priest of the Eng. Church. Pref. by R. F. Littledale. 1571& — See also Greek Church. Eastern Empire. Clark, E. L. Byzantine Empire. {In his Races of Europ. Turkey.) 18402 — Doran, J. The Eastern empire. (In his Monarchs, c^c, v. 2.) 1249 — Freeman, E. A. Tlie Byzantine empire. (In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 Eastern hospitals and Eng. nurses ; by a lady volunteer. 3d. ed. 1316 Eastern question. — Butterworth. H. (In his Zigzag journeys in the Orient.) 20829 — Campbell, G. D. The Eastern qiiestion'from 1856 to 1878, and to the 2d. Afghan war. 2 v. 18727-8 Eastern question. Namely : Blochwitz, J. Brief hist, of Turkey. 17008 Roberts, R. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 17066 Shaw, F. A. Brief hist, of Russia. 17019 Towle, G. M. History of Montenegro. 17046 — Modern Greece. ' 17045 — Principalities of the Danube : Servia and Roumania. 17047 — Froude, J. A. The Eastern question. (In his Short, stud., ser. 2.) 9686^ — Keay, J. S. Spoiling the Eg\'ptians ; a tale of shame from the British blue books. ' 22034 — Poole, S. L. The people of Turkey; residence amg. Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians; by a consul's daughter and wife. 2 V. 18118-19- — St. Clair, S. G. B., and Brophy, C. A. Twelve years' study of the East. quest, in Bulgaria. ' • 17241 — Scudamore, F. 1. France in the East; contrib. tow. consideration of the Eastern question. 22703 — See also Armenia;— Herzegovina;— Montenegro;— Russo-Turkish War. Eastern questions, essays ; by W. G. Palgrave. 12382 Eastford ; or, Household sketches ; by W. Brooke. 519 Eastlake, Sir C. L. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts. *I — Same; 2d. ser.; with mem. by Lady Eastlake. 10733- — Materials for a history of oil painting. 12245 Eastlake, C. L., the younger. Hints on household taste. *I — Same; ed. with notes, by C. C. Perkins. 9104 Eastlake, Lady E. (R.) History of our Lord. See Jameson, A. M. 372 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Life of J. Gibson. 8846 — Livonian tales. 5369 — Mrs. Grote ; a sketch. 2d ed. 20325 Eastman, M. F. A glance at the situation. (Worn. Suff. Tract.) 14359 Eastman, S. C. White Mountain guide book. 4748 Easton, R. Letters. (In Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar.) 18194 Eastward, ho ! or, Adventures at Raugeley lakes ; by C. A. J. Farrar. 19743 Eastwood, F. Geoff ry the Lollard. 9291. Easy Warren and his contemporaries ; by W. T. Coggeshall. 864 E^ton, C. A. Rome in the 19th. cent. 2 v. 1320-1 Eaton, D. C. Ferns. (In Chapman, A. W. Flora of the U. S.) *I Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Gt. Britain ; hist, of abuses and reforms ; their bearings on American politics. 19327 — Essential cond. of good sanitar}- administration. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) ^ *I — Experiment of civ. serv. ref. in the U. S. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 — Municipal government. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15733 — The " Spoils " system and civ. ser. ref. in the Custom-house and Post- office in N. Y. (Civ. serv. Ref. Ass. Pub.) 20317 — The term and tenure of office. (Civ. Serv. Ref. Ass.) 22142 Eaton, J., Jr. Relation of the nat. government to pub. educa- tion. (In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) 11608 Eaton, J. Sanitation and education. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c, v. 6.) *I Eaton, J. R. T. The permanence of Christianity. (Bampton lect.) 11775 Eaton, W. Felton, C. C. Life of E. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., V. 9.) 4118 — Life of E. ; princ. collections fr. his correspondence, etc. 1322 Eaton, W. H. Book-keeping. 1323 Eaux du Mont Dore, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2., V. 9.) . *I Ebb-tide, and other stor. ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 11002 Eben, C. T. A comparative German primer. • 22205 Eben Jackson ; by R. T. Cooke. (In her Somebody's neigh- bors.) 20267 Ebenezer Venture ; by L. La Bree. (In French's Min. dr., v. 22.) 7982 Ebers, G. The burgomaster's wife; fr. the Germ., by M. J. Safford.) " 21438 — An Egyptian princess. 2 v. 11899-900 — Die Fran Biirgemeisterin. 16461 — Homo sum; fr. the German by C. Bell. 2 v. 18439-40 — Der Kaiser. 2 v. 16421-2 — Same. The emperor; tr. by C. Bell; rev. and correct. in the U. S. 2 v. 21504-5 — A question ; idvl of a picture bv Alma Tadema ; f r. the Germ, by M. J. Safford. ' " 20630 — The sisters ; tr. by C. Bell. 2 v. 19595 — TJarda, Roman aiis dem alten Aegvpten. 3 v. 16352-4 — Same ; tr. by C. Bell. 2 v. ' 19646-7 — iS'awe; rev. correct., and enl. 2 v. 21225-6 — Ein Wort. 16462 — Same. A word, only a word ; f r. the Germ, by 31. J. Safford. 22021 Ebner-Eschenbach, M.. Freifrau von. Aphorisims : tr. by Mrs. Wister. ' 22022 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 373" Ecart6, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 10.) *I Ecce coelum ; or, Parish astronomy; by [E. F. Burr]. 6946 Ecce Deus ; essays on ttie life and doctr. of Christ ; with notes on 'Ecce Homo ;' [by J. Parker]. - 6714 Ecce Homo ; [by J. R. Seeley]. 6346 Ecce spiritus ; statement of the spiritual princ. of Jesus as the law of life ; [by E. Hayward]. 21267 Eccentricities of the animal creation ; by J. Timbs. 7601 Eccentricity. * Timbs, J. English eccentrics and eccentricities. 2 V. 6911-12 Ecclesia ; church problems ; ed. by H. R. Reynolds. 10027 Ecclesiastical architecture. Beckett, E. Book on building, civ. and eccl. ; incl. church restoration ; theory of domes and the great pyramid, and dimensions of churches, etc. 19701 — Davidson, E. A. Gothic stonework; Cont. the hist, and princ. of Ch. architecture. iJlust. of the characteristic feature of each period, ar- rangement of eccl. edifices, e?c. 12614 — Gardner, E.G.. Common sense in church building. 1940& — Holly, H. H. Church architecture. ♦! — Micklethwaite, J. T. Modern parish churches, their plan, design, and furniture. 12820 — Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church building in the Middle Ages. 19888 — See also Cathedrals; — also Florence; — Holy Land; — Siena: — Venice. Ecclesiastical art. See Christian art. Ecclesiastical biography. Stephen, J. Essays in eccl. biogra- phy. 2 V. 8975-6 Ecclesiastical councils. See Councils ; — Eccl. history. Ecclesiastical fasts and feasts. Grant, A. H. The church sea- sons, histor. and poet. lUust. *I Ecclesiastical furniture. Barrett, W. A. Flowers and festi- vals ; direct, for the flor. decor, of churches. 9322 Ecclesiastical history. Allen, J. H. Fragments of Chr. hist. 19864 — Alzog, J. Manual of univ. ch. hist.; tr. with add. bv F. J. Pabisch and T. S. Bvrne. 3 v. ' *I — Baur, F. C. Church hist, of the 1st. three cent. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — Bright, W. Notes on the canoiis of the first four general councils. *I — Brook, W. G. Six judgments of the Judic. Comni. of the Privy Council in Eccl. Cases, 1850-72 j introd., notes, etc. 11360 — Christian doctr. and prac. m the 2d. cent. (In Small books on gt. sub., v. 2.) 4015 — Church, R. TV. Influences of Christianity upon nat. character. 12124 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in relig. history. 21073 — Conway, M. D. Essav on Christianity. (In his Idols and ideals.) 1H980 — Coquerel, A. S.fils. First historical transformations of Christianitv ; fr. the Fr. by E. P. Evans. ^ 18344 — Cox, G. W. Latin and Teutonic Christendom ; hist, sketch. • 10778 — Cranbrook, J. The founders of Christianity. 14199 — De Quincey, T. On Christianitv as an org'an of polit. movement. {In his Theol. ess., v. 1.) ' 1160 — De Soyres, J. Montanism and the prim, church : eccl. hist, of the 2d. cent. 18831 — Doellinger, J. J. I. von. First age of Christianitv and the church; tr. bv H. N. Oxenham. * ' *I The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the temple of Christ ; introd. to the hist, of Christianity. *I A history of the church. 4 v. *T — Eaton, J. R, T. The permanence of Christianity. 11775 — Eusebius. Ecclesiastical history ; tr. bv C. F. Crus6. 1411 — Farrar, F. W. The earlv davs of Cbristianitv. 22025 — Fisher, G. P. The beginnings of Christianity? with state of the Rom. world at the birth of Christ. 17128 The Christian religion. 22145 — Frere, B. Christianity suited to all forms of civilization. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Frothiugham, O. B. The assailants of Christianity; lect. 18565 374 FREE PUBLIC LIBKAKY. The cradle of the Christ ; stud, in prim. Christianity. 168S6 — Gieseler, J. C. L. Text-book of Ch. hist. ; ed. by H. B. Smith. 5 v. 2240-50 — Glennie, J. S. S. Pilgrim memories; or. Travels, etc., in the birth- countries of Christianity. 15363 — Guizot, r. p. G. The awakening of Christianity in France in the 19th. cent. (In his Meditations.) ' 6964 Meditations on the act. state of Christianity, and on the attacks made upon it. 6964 — Hagenbach, K. R. History of the Church, 18th. and 19th. cent. ; with add. by J. F. Hurst. 2 v. * 8135-6 — Hall, E. H. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Chr. church; lect. 13405 — Hanson, R. D. The apostle Paul and the preaching of Cliristianity in the prim, church. ' 15649 — Hardwick, C. History of the Chr. church; Middle Age. 12726 History of the Chr. churcli dur. the reformation. 12727 — Hase, C' History of the Chr. church ; tr. by C. P. Wing. 5178 — Hatch, E. Organization of the early Chr. churches. (Bampton lect., 1880.) 20449 — Hedge, F. H. The uniyersal and tlie spec, in Christianity ; disc. {In tJnit. aflirma.) * 18586 — Hebberd, S. 8. The secret of Christianity. 19409 — Hedge, F. H. The way of historic Christianity. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 — Hennell, C. C. Inquiry cone, the origin of Christianity; Cliristian theism. *I — Kip, W. I. Early conflicts of Christianity. 2484 — Kurtz, J. H. History of the Chr. church to the reformation. Emend. and add. by A. Edersheim. 2517 For vol. 2 see Text-book of Church history. Text-book of ch. history ; from the reformation. 2518 Vol. 2 of History of the'Ch. Church. — Lea, H. C. Studies in church history. 22759 — Lucas, E. Christianity in rel. to ciy!^ society. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. andlit., seV. 3.) ' *I — Mackay, R. W. Sketch of the rise and progress of Christianity. 15921 — Matheson, G. Growth of the spirit of Christianity to the dawn of the Lutheran era. 2 y. ' 18333-4 — Meriyale, C. Conyersion of the Northern nations. 6410 — Milman, H. H. History of Christianity to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman empire. 3050 Same; new and rey. ed. 3 y. 6682-4 History of Latin Christianity. 8 y. ' 3056-63 — Mosheim, J. L. V. Ecclesiastical hist., anc. and mod.; fr. the Latin; notes, etc., by A. Maclaiue; cont. to 1826 by C. Coote; with dissert, on the state of the prim, church, by G. Glei^. 2 y. 3164-5 Historical comment, on the state of Christianity dur. the first 325 years; tr. by R. S. Vidal and J. Murdock. 2 v. ' 15579-80 — Mossman, T. W. History of the church of .Christ fr. tlie death of St. John to the middle of 'the 2d. cent. 12269 — Mozley, J. B. Theory of deyelopment ; crit. of Dr. Newman's essav on the deyel. of Chr. doctrine. ' 18366 — Neander, A. General liist. of tlie Chr. relig. and church. 5 v. 3229-33 — Newman, J. H. Primitiye Christianity, (iti his Hist, sk., y. 1.) 12916 The Reformation of the 11th. cent. \ln his Ess. crit. and hist., v. 2.) 10127 — Pressens^, E. de. The early years of Christianity; hist, of the 1st. three cent, of the Chr. church'; tr. by A. Holmden.' 4 v. 19576-9 — Pullen, H. W. Modern Christianity a civilized heathenism. 13019 — Ilenan, J. E. L'antechrist. ' 14602 L'6glise chr^^tienne. 14603 Rome and < hristianity. {I7i his Eng. Conf.) 19767 — Robertson, J. C. History of the Chr. ch., fr. the apostolic age to the re- formation. 8 y. ' 12736-43 — Schaflt", P. History of the Apostolic church, with a gen. introd. to ch. hist. ; tr. by E'. D. Yeomans. 10608 History of the Chr. church. New ed. y. 1. 22631 — Shedd, W. G. T. History of Christian doctrine. 2 y. 5612-13 — Smith, H. B. Faith and philosophy; disc, and ess. 18186 — Smith. P. History of the Chr. church dur. the 1st. ten cent. 17952 — Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the hist, of the Eastern Church; with study of eccl. hist. ' 5609 The relations of ciy. and eccl. hist. ; Aids to the study of eccl. hist. {In his Script, portr.) ' 8955 — Stephens. W. R. W. St. John Chrysostom: his life and times; sk. of the Church and Enip. in the 4th. cent. 20250 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 375 — Stoughtou, J. Primitive Ecclesia; its authoritative princ. and its modern representations. {In Eevnolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 — Taylor, E. The Diegesis ; disc, of the origin, evidences, and early hist, of Christiauitv. 4377 — Thompson, J. R. The idea of the Church regard, in its hist, development. (/n Revnolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 — Tulloch, J. Rational theologv and Chr. philosophv in Eng. in the 17th. cent. 2 V. ' 11456-7 — Uhlhorn, G. The conflict of Christianitv with heathenism; ed. and tr. bv E. C.Smith and C. J. H. Ropes. ' 19259 Same. rev. ed. 21783 — Waddington, G. Historv of the Church, to the Reformation. 4604 — Waite, C. B. History of the Chr. relig. to A. D. 200. *I .— Wilberforce, H. W. The church and the empires ; hist, periods. 12840 — See also Celibacy. Also Archbishops ;— Brooklyn Council;— Erasmus;— Plymouth Church; —Popes ;— Presbyterian Church in Chicago ;— Reformation ; — Russ ;— Sixtus v.; — Thoinas Aquinas; — Tyng, S. H. Also the names of the various Christian churches, sects, and countries ; particularly England. Ecclesiastical law. Phillimore, R. The principal eccl. judg- ments del. in the Court of Arches, 1867-1875. *I — Smith, S. B. Elements of eccl. law: compl. with ref. to the Syllabus, the "Const. Apostolicae Sedis" of Pius IX., etc. ; adapt, to the* Church in the U.S. 2v. *I — See also Massachusetts. Ecclesiastical polity. Bartol, C. A. Church and congregation ; plea for their unity. 330 — Cheever, H. T. The pulpit and the pew ; hist, of a struggle for justice bet. the two. ' ' 807 — Doellinger, J. J. I. von. Lectures on the reunion of the churches. Pref. bv H. N. Oxenham. 11200 — Hooker, R. The laws of eccl. polity; book 1 ; ed. by It. W. Church. 18969 — Strong, W. Two lectures on the rel. of civ. law to ch. polity, discipline, and property. ' 15381 — AVard, W. G. The ideal of a Chr. church considered in comparison with exist, pract. ; defence of articles in the British Critic in rep. to rem. on them in Mr. Palmer's "Narrative." 12386 — See also Church and state. Ecclesiasticism in Amer. politics and institutions ; by D. Y. Kilgore. (In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Rept., 1876.) *I Echo club, The, and other literary diversions ; by B. Taylor. 16128 Echo of passion, An ; by G. P. Lathrop. 21593 Echoes from mist-land ; or, The Nibelungen lay ; by A. Forestier. 17890 Echoes of the foot-hills ; poems ; by Bret Harte. 13421 Eckardt, J. Modern Russia. 10958 — Russia before and after the war ; tr. by E. F. Taylor. 19922 Eckermann, J. P. Gesprache mit Goethe. 3 v. 16216-18 — Same. Conversations with Goethe; tr. by S. M. Fuller. 1325 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund.,' v. 3.) *I Eckford, H. Howe, H. H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 Eckstein, E. Quintus Claudius ; rom. of imp. Rome ; fr. the German, by C. Bell ; rev. in the U. S. 2 v. 22251-2 Eclectic short-hand. Cross, J. G. Eclectic short-hand ; writ- ing by principles. 21628 Eclipse of faith. See Rogers, H. Eclipse totale, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 6.) *I Eclipses. Brown, R. (In his Science for all.) 4 v. 20445-6 ; 20526-7 — Tyndall, J. Voyage to Algeria to obs. the eclipse. {In his Frag, of sci., V. 1.) 19303 Ecole des femmes, L' ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 2.) 14605 Ecole des maris, L' ; comedie ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 2.) 14605 376 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Economic monographs, namely : Brace, C. L. Free trade, etc. 18475 Codman, J. Free ships, etc. 22135 Earle, A. L. Our revenue svstem and the civil service. 17699 Hawlev, R. Essav on free trade. 18196 McCulioch.H. Bi-raetallism. 22163 Moore, J. S. Friendly sermons to the protectionist manuf . of the U. S. 22165 Powers, F. P. Labor-making machinery. 19364 Putnam, G. H. International copyright. 18501 Royall, W. L. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the U. S. 19368 Scliurz, C. Honest monev and labor. 18504 Scudder, M. L. Nationalbanking. 18721 Sterne, S. Hindrances to prosperity. 18521 — Sufirage in cities. . 17714 Sumner, W. G. Protection and revenue in 1877. . 17772 Wells, D. A. The silver question. 17416 — Whv we trade and how we trade. 17415 White,' H. The tariff question. - 17417 Economic tracts. See Society of Polit. Education. Economics. See Political economy. Economy. Sedgwick, T. Public and private economy. 3 v. 3879-81 Economy, The, of the invective ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Success, etc.) 10753 Ecran bleu, L' ; comedie ; par J. de Marthold. {In Sayn^tes, etc.. s^r. 8.) 14798 Ecrevisses, Les ; fantaisie en vers ; par J. Normand. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 6.) 14796 Edda. Edda of Saemund the learned ; fr. the Icelandic [by B. Thorpe] ; 2 pts. in 1. *I — Norse stories retold fr. the Eddas ; by H. W. Mabie. 22162 — Songs fr. the elder Edda. See Voelsiinga Saga. — Kearv, C. F. The mvthologv of the Eddas. 22530 — Lock', C. G. W. Home of tlie Eddas. 19659 Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the missionary enterprise. 5032 — Joseph. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 — Walter's tour in the East ; namely : Athens. 19492 Constantinople. 19491 Damascus.' 19490 Egvpt. 19487 Jerusalem. 19488 Samaria. 19489 — The young man's friend. 11622 Eddy, H. T. Thermodynamics. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 18766 Eddy, S. Durfee, J. Character of E. {In Jiis Works.) 10156 Ede, G. Management of steel, incl. forging, etc. { With Campin, F. Pract. treat., etc.) 6516 Edelweis ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. {In their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 Edelweiss; by B. Auerbach. 7660 Edelweiss ; by M. L. Dickinson. 16706 Eden, C. H. China, hist, and descr. ; appendix on Corea. Illust. and map. 2d. ed. 20930 — Frozen Asia : sketch of mod. Siberia with acct. of native tribes. 19784 — Japan, historical and descriptive. Illust. 20997 — The West Indies. ' (For. countries, etc.) 20363 Eden, Hon. E. The semi-detached house ; ed. by T. Lewis. 2650 Eden, L. S. My holiday in Austria. 8842 Eden, An, in England ; by C. Tucker. 13581 Edersheim, A. Miriam Rosenbaum. 11421 Edgar, S. Variations of popery ; 1st. Am. ed. ; by C. Sparry. 6058 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 377 Edgard et sa bonne ; com^die ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre comp.) 14558 Edgewood, My farm of ; by [D. G. Mitchell]. 5468 Edgewood, Wet days at; by [D. G. Mitchell]. 5798 Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical psychics ; appl. of mathe- matics to the moral sciences. 21821 — New and old methods of ethics; or, "Physical ethics" and "methods of ethics." * 18132 Edgeworth, Maria. Works. (13 v. (v. 4 wanting.) 15287-99 Contents. Y. 1. Practical education. 2. Letters to literary ladies. — Castle Rackrent.—Lenora.— Essay on Irish bulls. 3. Belinda. 4. Want- ing. 5. Tales of fashionable life: Ennui; Almeria; 3Ime. de Fleury; The dun ; Manoeiivring. tt. Tales of fashionable life : Vivian ; Emilie de Coulanges ; The absentee. 7. Patronage. 8. Harrington; Ormond. 9. Modern Griselda.— 3/orffZ tales : Forester ; The Prussian vase ; The good aunt; Angelina; The good French governess; Mile, Panache, pt. 2; The knapsack. 10. Parents assistant : Simple Susan; Tarlton; The false key; Lazy Lawrence ; The orphans ; The basket woman ; The birthday pres- ent; Mile. Panache, pt. 1 ; Barring out; Old Poz; The little merchants; Eton Montem; Waste not, want not; Forgive and forget; The white pigeon; The bracelets ; The mimic. — Comic dramas : Love and law; The two guardians ; The rose, thistle, and shamrock. 11. Early lessons : Address to mothers: Little dog Trusty; The orange man; The cherry orchard; Harry and Lucy : Rosamoucl. 12. Early Lessons: Frank; Sequel to Frank. 13. Harrv and Lucv concluded. — Belinda. 2 v. ' 15284-5 — Same. (In her Works, v. 3.) 15289 — Comic dramas. 7367 Contents. Love and law. — The rose, thistle, and shamrock. — Same. (In her Works, v. 10.) 15296 — Same. (In her Nov. and tales, v. 8.) 1333 — Frank. 14009 — Same. (In her Works, v. 12.) 15298 — Harrington ; Thoughts on bores. 7779 — Same. (In her Nov. and tales, v. 9.) 1384 — Leonora. 15286 — Same. (^In her Works, v. 2.) 15288 — Same. (In her Nov. and tales, v. 7.) 1332 — Murad the unluckv. (In Little class., v. 12.) 12983 — Same. (In her Nov. and tales, v. 3.) 1328 — Novels and tales. 10 v. (v. 6 wanting.) 1326-35 Contents. V. 1. Castle Rackrent.— Essay on Irish bulls.— Essay on self-justification.— J/oraZ tales : Forester ; Tlie Prussian vase ; The good aunt. 2. Moral tales: Angelina; The good French governess ; Mmlle. Panache, 2d. pt.; The knapsack. — Popular tales: Lame Jervas; The will; The Limerick gloves; Out of debt out of danger; The lottery; Rosanna. 3. Popular tales: Murad the unlucky ; Tbe manufacturers ; The contrast; The grateful negro; To-morrow.— Ta^es of fashionable life: Ennui; The dun. -t. Tales of fashionable life: jfanoeuvring ; Almeria; Vivian. 5. Tales of fasKionable life: The absentee; Mme. de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges.-^The modern 'Griselda. 6. Wanting. 7. Leonora.— Letter fr. a gentleman to his friend, upon the birth of a daughter.— Answer to the preceding letter.— Letters of Julia and Caro- line.— Patronage. 8. V-dtronage.— Comic dramas: Love and law ; The rose, thistle, and shamrock. 9. Harrington. — Thoughts on bores. — Ormond. 10. Helen. — Old Poz ; Dumb Andy ; The grinding organ. (In FoUen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 — Orlandino. 5033 — Parent's assistant. New ed. 1336 Contents. Lazy Lawrence.— Tarlton.— The false key.— The birthday present.— Simple Susan.— The bracelets.— The little merchants.— Old Poz. —The mimic— Mile. Panache.— The basket woman.— The white pigeon. —The orphans.— Waste not, want not.— Forgive and forget.— Barring out.— Eton 3Iontem. See also Novels and tales ; and Works, above. — - Popular tales. 7778 Contents. Lame Jervas. — The will.— The Limerick gloves.— Out of 25 378 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. debt out of danj^er.— The lottery.— Rosauua.—Murad the unluckj'.— The manufacturers.— The contrast.— The grateful negro.— To-morrow'. See also Novels and tales ; and Works, above. — joint author. See Edgeworth, R. L. — Hayward, A. Maria Edgeworth : her life and writings. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 1.) 12Si05 — Kavanagh, J. (In her Eng. women.) 7014 — Mitchell, D. G. An Irish storv-teller. (In his About old storv-tellers.) 17346 — Oliver, G. A. A study of M. Edgeworth. ' 22169 Edgeworth, R. L. Oliver, G. A. ^Notice of E. {In her Study, etc.) 22169 — Memoirs ; completed by M. Edgeworth. 1344 Edina ; or, Missiug since midnight; by E. P. Wood. 16589 Edinburgh. Black, A. and C. Guide to Edinburgh and environs. *I — Cockburn, H. (In his Memorials of his time.) 862 — Doran, J. (In his Mem., etc.) 17803 — Guthrie, T. Sketches of the Cowgate. (In his " Out of harness.") 6694 Edinburgh Review. Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Review. 2349 — Napier, M. Correspondence rel. to the Review. (In his Select., etc.) 18892 — Stephen, L. The first Edinburgh reviewers. (In his Hrs. in a lib. , ser. 3.) 18645 Edinburgh tales; by Mrs. Johnstone, v. 1, 3. 2379-80 Edis, R. W. Decoration and furniture of town houses. Illust. *I Edison, T. A. How to succeed as an inventor. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 — McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions. 18612 — See also Electric light. Edith Lyle ; by M. J. Holmes. 15758 Editor's life. See Sanctum. Edkins, J. Religion in China ; acct. of the relig. of the Chinese ; with obs. on the prospects of Chr. conversion. 2d. ed. 17445 Edmond, C. Un salon d'attente ; comedie. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^tre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 Edmond Dantes ; by A. Dumas. 9187 Edmonds, J. W. Thoughts on a reform, prison disc. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — An appeal to the public on spiritualism. 1346 — and Dexter, G. T. Spiritualism. 2 v. 507-8 Edmonds, S. E. E. Nurse and spy in the Union army. 5922 Edmunds, F. Traces of history in the names of places ; vocab. of roots. New ed. *I Edmunds, G. F. How to succeed in public life. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 Edna Browning ; by M. J. Holmes. 10548 Edom. Lindsay, A. W. C. Letters on Egypt, Edom, etc. 2678 Edouard Mongeron ; par L. Reybaud. 9540 Education. Abbott, J. The teacher ; or. Moral infl. in instruc- tion and government. . 21 — Adams, C. F., Jr. The new departure in the common schools of Quincy, etc. 20350 The public lib. and the common schools. *I — Adventure schools ; Private schools ; Public schools ; Metropolitan schools. (In Sketches and ess. fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 — American Normal School Association. Addresses and Proceedings, 1870. 11608 — Bacon, F. Of the proficience and adv. of learning; ed. by B. Montagu. 265 — Bain, A. Education as a science. * 18374 — Baldwin, J. Art of school management. 20462 — Barnard, H. Educational development ; incl. free schools, spec, schools, etc. (In First cent, of nat. exist.) 17930 — Bartol, C. A. Reason and Rome in education. 19316 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 379 Beecher, C. E. Educatiomil reminiscences and suggestions. 13482 Blakiston, J. K. The teacher; hints on school management. 18953 Boutwell, G. S. Thoughts on educational topics ami institutions. 464 Bowen, F. Gleanings fr. a literary life, 1838-80. 19941 Brackett, A. C. The education of American girls ; essajs. 12327 Brewster, G. Letters on education. 500 Browning, O. Introduction to the history of educational theories. 21452 Calderwood, H. Teaching; its ends and 'means. 13608 Channiug, W. E. On education. (In his Worlcs, v. 1.) 787 Combe, G. Education; its principles and practice; ed. by W. Jolly. 18960 Congreve, R. (In his Essays, political, social, and religious.) * 13048 Coningtou, J. A liberal education. {In his Misc. writings, v. 1.) 11124 Dodge, M. A. Our common school system. 19()53 Dupanloup, F. A. P. The child. ' 13748 Edgeworth, M. and R. L. Practical education. {I7i Edgeworth, M. Works.) 15287 Eggleston, G. C. How to educate yourself. 11172 Emerson, G. B. (In his Reminiscences.) 17574 Everett, E. Importance of practical education and usef . knowledge ; select, fr. his orations, etc. 5030 Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching, 1880. 20403 Freese, J. R. School-houses, and the means of promoting popular edu- cation. (In U. S Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., y. 5.) 9100 Froude, J. A. Education. (In his Short studies, ser. 2.) 9686 Garfield. J. A. (In his Speeches and addr.) (Li Hinsdale, B. A. Presi- dent G. and educ.) 21233 Gill, J. Systems of education; hist, and criticism of principles, meth- ods, etc. 20801 Haeckel, E. Freedom in science and teaching ; f r. the Germ. ; pref . note by T. H. Huxley. 18885 Hart, J. S. In the school-room; philosophy of education. 7505 Hill, T. The true order of studies. ' 15489 Hoose, J. H. On the province of methods of teaching. 20705 Hovt, J. W. Education. ( In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 6.) ' ' 9101 Huntington. F. D. Unconscious tuition. 18460 Identification of the artisan and artist the proper object of Amer. educ; illust. by a lect. of Card. Wiseman; with Essay on Froe- bePs reform of iprimary educ. ; by E. P. Peabody. 8131 Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching. * 17858 Kennedy, J. The school and the family ; ethics of school relations. 17766 Kiddle, H., Harrison, T. F., aiid Calkins, N. A. Manual of methods for a graded course of instruction. 12231 Lessing, G. E. The education of the human race ; tr. by F. W. Robertson. 15634 Lowell, A. C. Theory of teaching. 2766 Lubbock, Sir J. The present system of pub. school educ, 1876. (In his Addr., polit., etc.) " 19116 McQuaid, B. J. Christian free schools. *I Mueller, M. Public school education. 10912 3Iullinger, J. B. The schools of Charles the Great and the restoration of educ. in the 9th. cent. 20674 IS^ational Ed. Ass. Addresses and proceedings, passim. National Teachers' Association. Addresses and Jour, of Proc, 1870. 11608 Northrop, B. G. Education abroad, and other papers. 12135 Owens College, Manchester. Essays and addr. by professors and lecturers. 12926 Phelps, A. H. L. The fireside friend; adv. to young ladies on education. 3449 Porter, N. American colleges, and the Amer. public ; with afterthoughts on college and school educ. 18090 Pursuit of knowledge under ditficulties; illust. bv anecdotes; with pref. and notes by F. Wayland. 2 v. ' 4687-8 Quick, R. H. "Essays on educational reformers. 12175 Quincy, J. P. Coercion in the later stages of E. (In his Protect, of maj.) 15417 Randall, S. S. First principles of pop. education and pub. instruction. 7486 Renan, E. Lettre sur la liberty de I'enseigneraent sup6rieur. (In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 Report of N. York City Council of Polit. Ref., upon compulsory educ. ( With Tuckerman, J. Elevation of the poor.) 12777 Richter, J. P. F. Levana ; or. The doctrine of education. 6459 Roscoe, H. E. Original research as a means of educ. (I7i Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 Rosenkranz, K. Pedagogics as a system. 12080 380 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Rousseau, J. J. Erailius ; 01% A treatise on education. 3 v. 6047-9 — Rugby School. The book of Rugby School; its hist., and daily life. *I — Russell, W. Principles and mothods of human culture. ' 17784 — Saint-Beauve, C. A. De la liberte de Penseignement. *I — Schopenhauer, A. {In his Select essays.) 2071S — Seelev, J. R. Liberal education in universities ; English in schools. {In his Rom. imperialism, etc.) 10499 — Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. 9126 • — Simpson. J. ISTecessity of popular education, etc. 3996 — Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Lectures in connect. with the Educ. Exhib. 5S55 — Spencer, H. Education; intellectual, moral, and physical. 7290 — Swett, J. Methods of teaching ; hand-book for comiinon-school teachers. 19862 — Thompson, C. O. Handicraft in school; address. 19513 — Thompson, D'A. "W. Dav dreams of a schoolmaster. 11040 (Inh is Wavside thoughts.) 11314 — Todd, J. Student's manual. 4473 — Todhunter, I. {I7i his Conflict of studies.) 6705 — Virginia. Sypt. of Pvh. hist. Annual report, 1874. 17746 — Walsh, 31. McN. The lawyer in the school-room; laws of the States on educ. subjects. " 6914 — Year-book of education, 1878; ed. by H. Kiddle and A. J. Schem. 17876 — Youmans, E. L. The culture demanded by modern life ; acMr., etc. 6952 — See also Denmark; — England; — Gt. Brit.; — Italy: — Mass.; — Norway; — Sweden; — U.S.; — Worcester, 3/«8s. Also, Art education; — Classical education; — Co-education; — Colleges;— Domestic education ; — Education of women ; — Kindergarten ; — Moral education ;— Music ;— Pedagogics ;— Physical education ;— Schools ; — Technical education. Also, Library of Education ;—Xormal schools :— Object lessons ;— Papers on education ;— Reform schools ;— Some curious schools. Also, Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour. ;— Brougham, H.;— Fox, W. J. — Mann, H. Education library. See Magnus, P. Education, Library of. See American Library of Education. Education in Japan ; letters addr. by Americans to A. Mori. [Added, Whitney, W. D. On the adopt, of the Eng. lang. in Japan. — On education m the U. 8.]. 11488 Education of women. Clarke, E. H. The building of a brain. 12962 — Harvard University. Examinations for women. *I — Hiifginson, T. W. Higher educ. of woman. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. ^Jour., 1873.) 15733 — Kingslev, C. Nausicaa in London; or. The lower educ. of woman. {In his Health, etc.) 12906 — Lord, J. Life of Emma Willard. • 12041 — Lowell, A. C. Thoughts on the education of girls. 2767 — Maudsley, H. Sex in mind and in education. 20066 — Sewell, E. M. Principles of educ, drawn fr. nat. and revelation, and appl. to female educ. in the upper classes. 2 v. in 1. 6617 — Stodart. M. A. Principles of educ. pract. consid. ; with espec.ref. to the present state of female educ. in Eng. ^ 4255 — Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. * 17639 Edward L of Ey) gland. Life and reign of Edward I. 10155 Edward II. of England. Spear, C. {In Jus Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Edward III. of England. Freeman, E. A. Reign of Edward III. {I}}' Jus Hist, ess., ser. 1 .) 9885 — Longman, W. Historv of the life and times of Edward III. 2 v. 15919-20 — Warburton, W. Edward III. Maps. 13582 i:.dwsird. tJie BlacJt Prince. Creighton, L. Life of Edward. 16764 — Stanley. A. P. {In his Scripture portraits.) 8955 Edward, T. Chambers, W. The Banffshire naturalist. (In his Sto. of remark, persons.) 18069 — Smiles, S. Life of a Scotch naturalist. 16800 Edw^ardes A. See Edwards, A. 17855 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 381 Edwardes, Sir H. Low. C. R. (In Ms Sold, of the Vict, age, V. 2.) 200.31 Edwards, A. B. BarbaiVs history. 5728 — Debenhara's vow. 8571 — The four-fifteen express. (In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 — Half a million of money. * 6172 — Hand and glove. ' 6497 — In the davs of mv vouth. 12143 — The ladder of life. ' 4166 — Lord Brackenbury. 20521 — Miss Carew. ' 6655 — My brother's wife. 6012 — A night on the borders of the Black Forest. 22071 Contents. A night on the borders of the Black Forest. — The story of Salome.— In the confessional.— The tragedy in the palazzo Bardello.— The four-fifteen express.— Sister Johanna's story.— All-saints' eve. — Summary of En2:li«h historv fr. the Xorman conquest. 12569 — Susan Fielding. " * 8002 — A thousand miles up the Nile. Illust. *I — Untrodden peaks and unfrequented vallevs ; midsummer ramble in the Dolomites. ' 12064 Edwards, A. A blue-stocking. 17446 — Estelle. 13369 — Jet : her face or her fortune? (Appletons' hand-vol. ser.) 17855 — Ought we to visit her? 9784 — Steven Lawrence, yeoman. Illust. 7406 — A vagabond heroine. 11587 Edwards, B. B., and Park, E. A. Selections fr. German lit- erature. 1348 Contents. Tholuck, A. Life, character, and style of Paul.— Koester, F. Tragical quality in the friendship of David and' Jonathan.- Rueckert, L. J. Gifts of prophecy and of speaking with tongues in the prim, church.— Tholuck, A. Sermons.— Park, E. A. Sketch of Tholuck's life. etc. — Rueckert, L. J. Doctr. of the resurrection. — Lange, J. P. Resur- rection of the body.— Tennemann, W. G. Life of Plato.— Edwards, B. B. *Sketch of the biographers of Plato and of the commentators upon his w^ritings. — Ullmann, C. The sinless character of Jesus. Edwards. C. Di Vasari ; tale of Florence. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 4.) 19143 Edwards, C. History and poetry of finger rings. l.'U7 Edwards, Edward. Life of Walter Raleigh ; with his letters. 2 v. 273-4 — Lives of the founders of the British museum. 2 v. 8949-50 Edwards, Emory. Practical steam engineer's guide in the design., constr., and management of engines. Illust. 21822 Edwards, F., J?*. Our domestic fire-places. 8690 Edwards, H. S. History of the opera, fr. its origin in Italy; with anecdotes of composers, etc. 2 v. 16992-3 — Life of Rossini ; portr. by Dore. 8521 — The lyrical drama; essays onsubjects,composers,e#c. of mod. opera. 2 v. 21090-91 — » Rossini and his school. (The great musicians.) 20506 — The Russians at home, and the Russians abroad; Russianlifeunder Alex- ander II. 2v. 19518-19 Edwards, J. History of the work of redemption. 1349 — Observations cone, the Scripture oeconomy of the Trinity and covenant of redemption. Introd. and app. bv E."^ C. Smvth ' 19S36 — Fisher, G. P. The philosophv of J. Edwards. {In h is Disc.) 19650 — Miller, J. Life of E. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 8.) 4117 — Osgood, S. J. Edwards,^ and the new Calvinism. (In his Stud.) 7189 — Stephen, L. (/?i Ai8 Hours in a lib., ser. 2.) 16856 — Tracy, J. The great awakening. 21660 — "Wynne, J. Life of Edwards, (hi his Lives, etc.) 4885 Edwards, J. F. Malaria; what it means, and how avoided. 21162 Edwards, K. B. Fowls, and how to make them pay. 10854 — How every one may keep a cow. 10980 382 rilEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Edwards, M. B. Bridget. 3 v. 18024-6 — Doctor Jacob. 7508 — Exchange no robbery. • 21612 — Forestalled ; or, The" life-quest. 2 v. 20665-6 — Holidavs in eastern France. 19104 — Kitty. ' • 8809 — Six life studies of famous women. Portr. 19835 Contents. Fernan Caballero. — Alexandrine Tinn^. — Caroline Her- schel.— Marie Pape. — Carpantier. — Elizabeth Carter. — Matilda Betham. — The Sylvestres. 9860 — Through Spain to the Sahara. 10808 — A winter with the swallows. 7545 Edwards, R. Duties and dangers of normal schools ; How much culture shall be imparted in our free schools? {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17753 Edwards, 8. See Edwards, H. S. Edwards, W. iialfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 — Sketch of E. (In Biog-. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Smiles, S. Memoir of E. {In his Lives of the engineers, v. 2.) *I Edwards. See also Edwardes. Edwin Brothertoft ; by T. Winthrop. 5366 Edwin Drood. See Mystery of E. D. Eells, S. H. Higginson, T. W. {In Ms Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Effie's friends ; or, Chronicles of the woods and shore. 15590 Egg farm. An ; by H. H. Stoddard. 15811 Eggiestou, E. Christ in literature : readings fr. writers of all ages, illust. the acts and words of Jesus ; with the gos- pels arr. in continuous narrative. 14354 — The circuit rider. 12465 — The end of the world. 11071 — The hoosier schoolmaster. 9863 — The mystery of Metropolisville. 11586 — Koxy.* 17932 — The schoolmaster's stories for boys and girls. 13316 — and G. C. Famous Amer. Indians : viz : Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket. 19329 Montezuma and the Conquest of Mexico. 19877 Pocahontas. 19216 — and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket; incl. acct. of the early wars of the six nations, and the border warfare of the Revolution. (Fam. Amer. Ind.) 19329 Montezuma and the Conquest of 3Iexico. (Fam. Amer. Ind.) 19877 Pocahontas; incl. acct. of the settl. of Virginia, and of the adventures of Capt. J. Smith. (Fam. Amer. Ind.) 19216 — Bungay, G. ( Tn his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Eggleston, G. C. The big brother; a story of Indian war. 14294 — Captain Sam ; or, The boy scouts of 1814. 16101 — How to educate yourself.' 11172 — How to make a living. 13651 — A man of honor. 7256 — A rebel's recollections. • 13317 — Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. 18160 — The signal bov ; or. Captain Sam's company. 17303 — The wreck of the Red Bird. 22143 Eglantine ; by E. Tabor. , 13978 Egleston, N. H. Villages, and village life ; with hints for their improvement. 17963 Egleston, T. Scheme for the qualitative determination of subs. by the blow-pipe. {In Smithsonian Inst., Rept., 1872.) 13103 Eglintou. See Eglintoun. Eglintoun, Countess of. See Montgomerie, S. K. Eglintoun, Ea7i of. See Montgomerie, A. H. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 383 Egmond, L., comte d'. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Trial and exec. of Counts Egmont and Horn ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. {In his Hist, of the rev. of Neth.) " 3783 Egmont. See Egmond. Egmont; by J. W. von Goethe. {In his Dram, works.) 1552 Egoist, The; by G. Meredith. 19438 Egypt. Antiquities and Arts. — 3Iariette-Bev, A. The mouuments of upper E. ; tr. of the Itinerate de la Haute'Egvpt : by A. Mariette. 17676 — Poole, R. S. Tiie Eevptian tomb and the future state. {In Poole, R. S. and others. Lect.) 22821 — Underwood, T. H. True story of the Exodus of Israel ; with Brief view of the hist, of monumental E. : compl. fr. the work of Brugsch-Bey. 19676 — See also Pyramids. Description, etc. — Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine, etc. 18556 — Bartlett, W. H. The Nile boat ; or. Glimpses of Egjpt ; new ed. 8142 — Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian sepulchres, and Syrian shrines. 13699 — Belzoni, G. B. Explorations in E. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — Charles, E. R. {In her Wanderings over Bible lands and seas.) 6249 — Cox, S. S. {In his Orient, sunbeams. 21611 — Cuyler. T. (/yi /lis From the Jsile to Norway.) 21153 — Deiitsch, E. Egypt, anc. and mod. (/n /u's Literary rem.) 12376 — Dicey, E. {In his Morning laud. 2 v.) * 8824-5 — Ditson, G. L. {In his Para papers.) 6317 — Durbin, J. P. {In his Observations in the East.) 1299 — Dve, W. McE. Moslem Egypt and Chr. Abyssinia; or, Military service ' under the Khedive. * ' 20221 — Fames, J. A. Another budget [of letters] . 1313 — Eddy, B. C. Walter's tour m the East : Egypt. 19487 — Fetridge, W. P. Harper's hand-book for trayellers. 8879 — Field, Henry M. (I?i his From Egypt to Japan.) 17334 — Glennie, J. "S. S. {In his Pilgrim memories.) 15363 — Gordon, L. A. D. Last letters from Egypt. *I — Grey, T. Journal of a visit to E., e^c'in the suite of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 8467 — Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight over E. and Syria. Illust. 22152 — Handbook for travellers in lower and upper E. 2 v. 20728-9 — Kinglake, A. W. Eothen; or. Traces of travel. 2471 — Klunzinger, C. B. Upper EgjT)t; its people and its products. 17337 — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to E., eic. Illust. 22203 — Lane, E. W. The modern Egyptians. 2 v. 10651-2 — Lauoye, F. de. Rameses thi^ (jreat ; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. 8104 — Leech, H. H. {In his Letters of a sentimeiital idler.) 7684 — Leland, C. G. The Egyptian sketch book. 12087 — Lenoir, P. The Fayoum ; or. Artists in Egypt. 11762 — Lepsius, K. R. Letters fr. E., etc. ; rev. tr.* by L. and J. B. Horner. 2606 — Lindsay, A. W. C. Letters on Ii^gvpt, etc. 2678 — McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. Map. 17106 — McGregor, J. {In his Rob Roy on the Jordan.) 10501 — Manning, S. The land of the Pharaolis ; EgjiDt and Sinai ; illust. by pen and pencil. ' ^ *I — Martineau, H. Egypt and its faith. (Iw her East, life.) 2934 — Merewether, H. A. {In his By sea and by land.) 12730 — Moore, J. {In his Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient.) 20200 — Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, etc. 2 v. 3381-2 — Oliphant, L. The land of Khemi ; up and down the middle Nile. Illust. 21898 — Otter, R. H. Winters abroad; places yisited on acct. of health. 22418 — Pfeiffer, I. Visit to the Holv Land, E., etc. ; tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 3387 — Poole, R. S. The cities of Egypt. 22537 — Poole, S. The Englishwoman in Eg^-pt, 1842-44. 3505 — Potter, H. C. {In /lis Gates of the East ) 16778 — Prime, E. D. G. (/?i /i^s Around the world.) Illust. 10074 — Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 3550 — Randall, D. A. The handwriting of God in Egypt, etc. Illust. 7863 — Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temples and tombs of Egypt, etc. 2 v. 3705-6 — Russell, M. View of anc. and mod. Egypt. Maps and erigr. 3742 — Russell, W. H. Diary in the East dur. the tour of the Prince and Prin- cess of Wales. ■ 8891 384 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Prince of Wales' tour. 17916 — Senior, N. W. Conversations and journals in E., etc. ; ed. bv M. C. M. Simpson. 2 v. ' 22830-1 — Spencer, J. A. Egypt and the Holy Land. 4163 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in E., etc. 2 v. 4217-18 — A strange journey ; or, Pictures fr. Egvpt and the Soudan. 22093 — Swift, J. F. (In his Going to Jericho.) - 7453 — Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 13267 — Walworth, E. H. (In his Old world as seen through voung eyes.) 17024 — Warburton, E. B. G. (In his Crescent and the cross.) 4681 — Whately, M. L. Among the huts in Egypt. 10143 — Wilkinson, J. G. Popular acct. of the anc. Egyptians. 2 v. 4783-4 — Wilson, A. J. Turkey and Egypt. (In his Resourc. of mod. countries, V. 1.) * 17821 — Wilson, E. The Egypt of the past. Illust. 21853 — Zincke, F. B. Egypt of the Pharaohs, and of the Kedive. 10700 Histoi'y. — Clement, C. E. Egypt. Illust. 20045 (Ancient.) — Birch, S. Egypt B. C. 300. (Anc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) 14067 — Lubbock, Sir J. (In his Addr., polit., etc.) 19116 — Renan, E. L'ancienne Egypte. (In his Mdlanges d'hht.) 14616 — Sharpe, S. History of E. till the conquest bv the Arabs, A.D., 640. 3940 Same. 6th. ed. 2 v. * 16852-3 — Society of Biblical Archaeology. Records of the past ; Eng. trans, of the Assyr. and Egyptian monuments, v. 1-11. *I — See also Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag. (Modern.) — De Leon, E. Egypt under its Khedives. Illust. 22878 — Dicev, E. The future of Egypt. (In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 — Field, H. M. On the desert ; with rev. of recent events in Egypt. 22449 — Jerrold, W. B. Egypt under Ismail Pacha ; chap, of contemp. history. 19425 — Keay, J. S. Spoiling the Egyptians ; a tale of shame fr. the British blue books. * 22034 — Malortie, Baron de. Egjpt; native rulers and for. interference. 22816 Literature. — Mahafly, J. P. General surv. of old Egypt, literature. (In his Prolegom. to anc. hist.) * 10106 Beligion. — Dodds, J. Religion of Ancient E. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Renouf , P. L. P. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illust. bv the religion of anc. Egvpt. ' 19815 — Tiele, C. P. History of the Egyptian relig. (Comp. hist., v. 1.) 21602 Slpp nl,^o j^iIg Egj^ptian princess. An : by G. Ebers. 2 v. 11899-900 Ehlert, L. Letters on music ; tr. by F. R. Ritter. 7643 Ehrard, A. Madame Limeray? (Th^Mre de camp., s^r. 7.) 14691 Eichberg, J. The doctor of Alcantara ; comic opera. *I Eichendorff, J. K. B. Freiherr von. Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts. 10332 i^:— Die Glucksritter. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16149 Eichhofs, The ; fr. the German of M. von Reichenbach. 20575 Eidlitz, L. Nature and funct. of art, more espec. of architec- Blhture. 21506 Eight cousins ; by L. M. Alcott. 14024 Eighth commandment, The ; by C. Reade. 3606 Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon ; by J. Verne. (Giant raft, pt. 1.) 21260 Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. See Eiloart, E. Eiloart, E. Archie Blake. 7306 — The boy with an idea. 12037 — The curate's discipline. 6960 — The dean's wife. 20163 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 385 — Ernie Elton. 7308 — From thistles-grapes? 11922 — Woman's wrong. 11403 — The young squire. 12493 Eirene ; or, A woman's right ; by M. C. Ames. 9333 Ekert, G. Description of the cellular prison at Bruchsal (Ba- den.) (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., Is72.) *I Ekkehard; by J. Y. Scheffel. 2 v. 11908-9 Ekin, C. Potable water ; how to form a judgment on the suit- ableness of water for drinking purposes. 2d. ed. 20269 El Dorado ; by R. L. Stevenson, (in his Virginibus, etc.) 22710 El Fureidis ; by M. S. Cummins. 1052 Elam, C. A physician's problems. 8087 Contents. Natural heritage.— On degenerations in man.— On moral and criminal epidemics.— Body v. mind. — Illusions and hallucinations : The demon of Socrates ; The jimulet of Pascal.— On somnambulism. — Revery and abstraction. Elcock, C Profitable utilization of town refuse. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) Elder, W. Biography of E. K. Kane. — Questions of the day ; economic and social. Elder brother, The ; play ; by Beaumont and Fletcher. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 9.) Elderhorst, W. Manual of qualitative blow-pipe analysis and determinative mineralogy ; ed. by H. B. Nason and C. F. Chandler. Oth. ed. Elderken, J. The turf and trotting horse of America. {In Every horse owner's cycl.) — joint author. See Brougham, J. Eldon, Earl of. See Scott, J. Eldorado ; by B. Taylor. Eldridge, M. L. History of the Mass. Naut. Reform School. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., IHIO ) Eleanor Clare's journal for ten years. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 6.) Eleanor Maitland ; by C. E. Clement. Eleanor's victory ; by M. E. Braddon. Election {in politics.) See Ballot; — Representation ; — U. S. Elective affinities ; by J. W. v. Goethe. — Same; {In his Novels, etc.) Electric light. Day, R. E. Electric light arithmetic. — Dredge, J. Electric illumination ; by C. Cooke, J. Dredge, M. F. O'- Reilly. S. P. Thompson, and H. Vivarez; fr. ''Engineering;" with abstr. of specitications, i>y W. L Wise. v. 1.) — Du Moncel, T. a7id Preece, W. H. Incandescent electric lights. *I 1350 9644 11811 16034 12474 4357 *I 14306 2098S 6731 11082 1556 22788 *I 22388 19114 19539 — Higgs, P. The electric light in its pract. application. — Proctor, R. A. Electric lighting. {In his Rough ways.) — Shoolbred, J. N. Electric lighting. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 6.) *I — Tyndall, J. The electric light. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 2.) 19304 — Urquhart. J. W. Electric light; its production and use; ed. bv F. C. Webb. must. ' 21574 Electric telegraph. See Telegraph. Electricity. Angell, J. Elements of magnetism and E. vvith instr. for experiments and constr. of cheap apparatus. 13603 — Baile, J. Wonders of E. ; fr. the French; add. bv J. W. Armstronir. 10095 — Brown, R. {In his Science for all. 4 v.) ' 20445-6; 20526-7 — Channing, W. F. Notes on the medical appl. of electricity. 793 386 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Day, R. E. Exercises in elect, and magnetic measurement; with answers. 16625 — Faraday, M. Experimental researches in electricity. 3 v. *I — Foster,' C. Electrical measurements. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 — Gordon, J. E. H.' Four lect. on static electric induction. 20271 — Greer, H. The storage of electricity. Illust. 22845 — Guiilemin, A. Magnetism and E. \ln hi)^ Appl. of phvs. forces.) *I — Hospitaller, E. The modern appl. of E. ; tr. and enl. by J. Maier. Illust. 21829 — Huff, G. Electro-phvsiology ; treat, on the preventionj causes, and cure of disease. Illust. ' 2066 — Induction coils ; how made and how used. 20692 — Jenkin, F. Electricity and magnetism. 14184 Electricity. (Man. of element, sci.) 21407 — Kempe, H. R. Handbook of electri(!al testing. 15912 — Langdon, W. E. Application of electricity to railway w^orking. 17531 — Lardner, D. Common E. : Voltaic E. (In his Hd.-bks.'of nat. philos. etc.) 2569 — McGregor, W. Questions on magnetism, E., etc. {In Bond, R. Hd.-bk. of the telegraph.) — Maxwell, J. C. Elementary treatise on E. ; ed. by W. Garnett. 21339 Treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2 v. *I — Niaudet, A. Elementary trea. on elect, batteries ; tr. by L. M. Fishback. 19855 — Pepper, J. H. (/n his Cyclopaedic science.) — Phipson, T. L. Marvels of E. appl. ; Amospheric E. {In hisFam. letters.) 16631 — Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the electric telegi-aph. Illust. 22049 — Pynchon, T. R. The chemical forces, heat, light, electricity. 9754 — Spencer, H. What is electricity? {In his Rec. discuss.) 11388 — Sprague, J. T. Electricity ; its' theory, sources, and applications. 13823 — Thompson, S. P. Elemeiitarv lessons' in E. and magnetism. 21492 — Tvndall, J. The Copley medalist of 1870. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Lessons in E. at the Royal Institution, 1875-6. 17022 Light and electricity. ' 9757 {Ill his Researches on diamagnetism, etc.) 10648 — See also Electric light ;— Electrometers ;— Electro motors ;— Induction ;— Lightning ;— Telegraph ;— Telephone. Electro-metallurgy. P^lectro-metallurgy. 9930 — Gore, G. Art of electro-metallurgy, iucl. processes of electro deposition. 17090 Electro-metallurgy. {In Orr, W". S. Circ. of the sci. ; Pract. chem.) 5188 — Smee, A. Elements of electro-metallurgy. 4024 Elements of Electro-metallurgy. (7w 0., E. M. Memoir of S.) 19132 — See also Electro-plate :— Electrotype. Electro-physiology. Huff, G. Electro-physiology. Illust. 2066 Electro-plate. Aitkin, W. C. Electro-plate. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 — Roseleur, A. Galyanoplastic manipulations ; pract. guide for the gold and siher plater, etc., tr. by A. A. Fesquet. 11500 — Urquhart, J. W. Electro-plating; practical handbook. ' 19721 Electrometer. Bottomley, J. T. Electrometers. 17729 Same. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., t. 1.) • 17678 Electro-motors. Urquhart, J. W. Electro-motors. Illust. 22428 Electrotype. Wilson, F. J. F. Stereotyping and electrotyping. 20459 — Urquhart, J. W. Electro-plating; pract. handbook, incl. the pract. of electrotyping. 19721 Elementary spirit, The ; by E. T. Hoffman. {In Tales fr. the Germ.) . 4347 Elena; by L. N. Comyn. 12667 Eleonore ; by E. von Rothenfels. 10901 Elephant club. The, history and record of; by Doesticks [M. Thomson]. 17429 Elephants. Adams, A. L. Elephants. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Sanderson. G. P. Modes of capturing and taming elephants. {In his Thirteen years amg. the beasts of India.) *I Eleventh commandment, The; by A. G. Barrili. 21915 El^ves du conservatoire, Les ; comedie vaud. par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2., v. 16.) *I Elgin, J^arl of. See Bruce, J. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 387 {In {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr, 17753; Eli Perkins (at large) ; his sayings and doings ; by M. D. Lan- don. 'E\\2i, pseud. xSee Lamb, C. Elia ; by C. B. de F. Arrom. Elian a ; by C Lamb Elian e ; by Mme. Craven. Elie de Beamnont, J. B. A. L. L. Memoir of A. Bravais. Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) Elijah. Taylor, W. M. Elijah the prophet. Elijah ; oratorio ; by Mendelssohn. Elinor Dryden ; by K. S. Macquoid. Eliot, C. W. A national university. etc., 1873, 1874.) — and Storer, F. H. Elementary manual of chemistry. — Manual of inorganic chemistry. — Qualitative chemical analysis.' Eliot, I. ^i., joint author. See Brackett, A. C. Eliot, Sir J. Forster, J. {In his Statesmen, etc.) Eliot, Rev. J. Francis, C. Life of E. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 5.) — Howitt, 31. Eliot preaching to the fndians. {In her Vignettes.) — Yonge, C. M. {In her Pioneers and founders.) Eliot, S. Biography of M. Ritchie. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) — Civil service reform. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) — Early relations with the Indians. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) — History of liberty. Pt. 1. Tlie anc. Romans. New ed. 2 v.) — Manual of United States history. — Poetry for children. Authorized for use in the Boston Public Schools. — Relief of labor. {In Amer. Soc. S*ci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) — Six stories : Arabian nights' entertainments. Authorized for use in the Boston public schools. Eliot, W. G. Western university education. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., etc., 1873.) Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the doctrines of Christianity. — Early relig. educ. consid. as the di^inelv appointed wav to the regenerate life. — Treatment of the guilty. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) Eliza Wharton. Dall^ C. (W.) H. The romance of the asso- ciation. — Whitman, E. Locke, J. E. Historical preface. {In Foster H. The coquette.) Eliza Wharton, Life and letters of. See Coquette, The. Eliza Woodson ; by E. W. B. Farnham. Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. Strickland of the Queens of England, v. 8.) Elizabeth, Queen of England. Abbott, J. — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of E. 2 v. — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Lives.) — Jameson, A. {In her Memoirs, v. 1.) — Creighton, M. The a§e of E. Maps and tables. — Spear, C. {In his Voices from prison.) Wiesener, L. Tlie vouth of E., 1533-1558; ed. by C. M. Yonge A. {In her Lives History of E. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) ^ 2v. Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI. Watson, H. C. {In his M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. Heroic women.) Elizabeth-Charlotte, of Bavaria. des mem., v. 1.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 6, 9.) 14044 7358 576T 21817 11625 15464 *I 18234 16720 10611 10020 9066 1498 4114 7679 10120' 6492 15732 7869 1852-3 8770 19511 15733 19648 17753 1355 1356 15735 13649 13682: 5607 5344 10 10946-7 1584 2326 15753 4162 18650-1 4676 14521 *I 388 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Elizabeth ; or, The exiles of Siberia ; by Mme. Cottin. 991 JElizabeth, Story of ; by Miss Thackeray. 5695 — Same. {In her Writings.) 8668 Elizabethan art aud literature. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the literature of the Age of Elizabeth ; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 13197 — Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 7879 Elizabethines, The; by [Mrs. Gore]. {In her Hungarian tales, V. 2.) 21561 Elkanah Brewster's temptation ; by C. Nordhoff. {In his Cape Cod.) 7532 Ella, J. Musical sketches, abroad and at home ; with music by Mozart, Czerny, Graun, etc. 3d. ed. ; ed. by J, Belcher. 17928 Ella ; by W. Aimwell [W. Simonds]. 5288 Ella Barnwell ; by E. Bennett. 11616 Ellen Eskdale ; by S. S. Ellis. {Iri her Pict. of priv. life, ser. 1 .) I:i69 Ellen Lynn; by J. Abbott. (Fran, stor.) 55 Ellen Montgomery's book-shelf ; by [S. aud A. B. Warner] . 2 v. 4655-6 Ellen Norbury ; by E. Bennett. 385 Ellen Parry ; or. Trials of the heart. 1285 Ellenborough, Lord. See Law, E. Ellery, W. Channing, E. T. Life of E. {In Lives of em. Individ., v. 3.) . 2710 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 6.) 4115 Ellery family. Muzzey, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 Ellet, E. F. (L.) Country rambles. 1357 — Court circles of the Republic ; or, The beauties and celebrities of the nation, fr. Washington to Grant; sketches by Mrs. R.E.Mack. Portr. 8126 — Pioneer women of the West. ' 1359 — Women artists in all ages and countries. 1360 — Women of the American Revolution. 3 v. 1361-3 Ellice-Clark, E. B. See Clark, E. B. E. Ellice Quentin, and other stories ; by J. Hawthorne. 2 v. 20806-7 Ellicott, C. J., Bj). Considerations on the revision of the Eng. version of the New Testament. 10842 — Course and direction of mod. religious thought. {In Weir. A. The Church and the age, ser. 1.) 8627 — Explanatory paper. {In Chris. Ev. Soe. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 — joint author. /(S'ee Lightfoot, J. B. Elliot, A. The State and the Church. (The Eng. Citizen.) 22216 Elliot C. L. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of E. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Elliot, C. S. Songs of Yale : new collect, of college songs. 3d. ed. *I Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. New ed. 21823 — Diary of an idle woman in Sicily. 2 v. 21692-3 — The Italians. 13905 — Old court life in France. 2 v. 11758-9 — Pictures of Old Rome. New ed. 22217 Elliot, G., earl of Minto. Life and letters, 1751-1806 ; ed. by the Countess of Minto. 3 v. 15844-6 — Sequel to above; 1807-1814. 19649 Elliott, Mrs. Charles. Watson, H. C. {In his Her. women.) 4676 Elliott, 0. W. {2)seud. Mr. Thom. White). Wind and whirl- wind. . 7388 Elliott, Charles W. Pottery and porcelain from early times to 1876. Illust. " *I — Remarkable characters and places of the Holy Laud. Illust. 7051 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. , 389 Elliott, E. Carlyle, T. Coru-law rhymes. {In his Crit. an(J misc. ess., v. 3.) 698 — Giles, H. (In his Lect. and essays, v. 1.) 2252 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Sketches, etc.) 2255- — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 Elliott, F. R. Handbook of practical landscape gardening. 2d. ed. 20765 Elliott, Mme. G. D. Journal pendant la revolution frangaise. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 27.) 14547 - — IVIrs. Elliott's narrative of the first French revolution. (In Biog. and criticism.) 7911 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 15.) *! Elliott, H. W. Condition of affairs in Alaska. 12996 Elliott, J. W. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs. *I — Bently, J. M., and others. The "little folks" album of music; songs, and rhymes. *I Ellis, A. J. Practical hints on the quantitative pronunciation of Latin. 13706 — Speech in song. (Music prim.) 18416 — Summary of " Plea for phonetic spelling." (In Pitman, I. Plea for spelling reform.) 18516 Ellis, Mrs. C. A summer in Normandy with my children. Illust. 18326 Ellis, G. Specimens of early Eng. metrical romances. Pref., Hist, introd. on the rise and prog, of romantic comp. in France and Eng. ; rev. by J. O. Halliwell. 1365 Ellis, G. A. Work done by, and power req. for fire streams, as determined by exp. in Springfield by A. P. Leshure ; tables and inform, rel. to hydraulics. 17573 Ellis, G. E. Aims and purposes of the founders of the Mass. Colony ; Treatment of intruders and dissentients by the founders of Mass. (-/li Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) 7869 Ellis, George E. History of the battle of Bunker's (Breed's) Hill, June 17, 1775 ; fr. authentic sources. 13750 — Memoirs of B. Thompson, Count Rumford; with not. of his daughter. 9661 — Life of A. Hutchinson. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog.. v. 16.) 4125 — Life of J. Mason. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 13.) 4122 — Life of W. Penn. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 22.) 4131 — The red man and the white man in N. America fr. its discoverv. 21637 Ellis, G. J. W. A. Life of Frederic II., King of Prussia. 2 v. 1256-7 Ellis, G. A. Memoir, letters, and select, from the writings of Mrs. Barbauld. 2 v. 12226-7 Ellis, R. The church ; the society which Jesus gathered ; dis- course. (In Unit, affirmations.) 18586 Ellis, S. (S.) The beautiful in nature and ajt. 6532 — Chapters on wives. 1366 Contents. Isabel.— Self-devotion.— Forest Farm.— George Milbank.— The secret, — Hearts and homes ; or. Social distinction. — Pictures of private life. 2d. ser. Contents. Misanthropy. — Pains of pleasing. — Same. 2 ser. (In her Select, works.) Contents of ser. 1. The hall and the cottage.- curate's widow. — Marriage as it may be. — Self-deception. — Select works. Contents. The poetrj- of life— Pictures of private life, the vintage. — Temper and temperament ; or. Varieties of character. 1368 — Women of England. 1371 6637 1358 -Ellen Eskedale.— The 1369 ite life.— A voice from 6395 1369 S^O FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY . Ellis, S. At our best. 12012 — Life of E. H. Chapin. Portr. and illust. 22023 Ellis, T. J. Od a raft and Through the desert ; artist's journey thr. No. Syria and Kurdistan, and return across the desert. Illust. 2 V. *I Contents. V. 1. On a raft. 2. Through the desert. Ellis, W. On economic science. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Ellis. W. Polynesian researches. 4 v. 1372-5 Ellis family. Titcomb, S. E. Account of the E. and allied families. {In her Early N. E. people.) Ellis Gordon, of Bolton farm ; by E. Taylor. 10570 EUiston, G. S.^ joint author. See Buckham, E. EUiston, R. W. Fitzgerald, P. {In his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 — Raymond, G. Life and enterprises of E. 3601 pjUsworth, O. Flanders, H. {In his Lives, etc., v. 2.) 14147 Ellsworth, W. W. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In Speeches, etc.) 5183 F^llwanger, H. B. The rose ; cultivation, etc., of roses. 21638 EUwood, T. Autobiography ; with essay by W. D. Howells. (Choice autobiog.) 17552 — Sacred history ; or, The hist, part of the Scriptures digested; fr. 1st. Am. ed. 2v. 1376-7 — Webb, M. Incidental notices of E. (In her Penns and Peningtons.) 7084 — Wliittier, J. G. (In his Old portr., etc.) 4763 Elmore, M. A. Paper. {In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12253 Elocution. Ballantyne, T. Art of reading. {In his Ess. in mosaic.) 10878 — Barber, J. Grammar of elocution. 4964 — Bantain, M. Art of extempore speaking. 338 — Bronson, C. P. Elocution. Illust. ■• 567 — Corson, H. Elocutionary manual ; introd. essay on the study of literature, and on vocal culture In its rel. to aesthetic appreciation of poetry. 15686 — Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 12942 — Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings, with elocutionary advice. 17610 — Frobisher, J. E. Selected readings, serious and humorous, with app. on E . 13600 — Hows, J. W. S. The practical elocutionist. 2047 — Legouvc, G. J. B. E. W. Art of reading; tr. with notes, by E. Roth. 18610 La lecture en action. 14684 Reading as a fine art ; tr. bv A. L. Alger. 18232 — Mitchell, M. S. Manual of E. found, upon the phil. of the human voice. — Plumptre, C. J. King's College lectures on E. New illust. ed. 20451 — Potter, H. L. D. Manual of reading in four pts. ; orthophony, E., etc. 19907 — Russell, F. T. The use of the voice in reading and speaking. 22482 — Russell, W. Orthophony, or vocal culture ; elementary exercises. 22051 — Pulpit elocution. ^ 15578 — Townsend, L. T. Studies in eloquence. (/?i /iis Art of speech, v. 2.) 20788 — Vandenhott', G. Art of reading aloud. 17954 — See also Declamation ;— Gesture ;— Oratory ;— Reading ;— Rhetoric. Eloquence. See Elocution ; — Oratory. Elsa. By A. C. Hogbin. 18770 Elsa and her vulture ; by AV. von Hillern. 15924 Elsdale, H. Studies in the idylls ; ess. on Tennyson's *' Idylls of the king." 18327 Elsie; by A C. M. 13683 Elsie ; a story of fisher life ; by J. Skelton. {In his Ess. in romance, etc.) 18752 Elsie Dinsmore ; by M. [Finley]. 7384 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 391 Elsie Magoon ; by F. D. Gage. 7294 Elsie Yenuer ; by O. W. Holmes. 1964 Note. Previously pub. in the Atluutic Monthly as " Professor's story." Elsie's children ; by M. Fiiiley. 17160 Elsie's girlhood ; by M. Finley. 17159 Elsie's motherhood ; by M. Finley. 16102 Elsie's widowhood ; by M. Finley. 22256 Elsie's womanhood ; by M. Finley. 14145 Elster's folly ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 9995 Elton, C. Origins of English history. 21694 Elton, J. F. With the French in Mexico. 7250 Elves, The ; fr. the German of J. L. Tieck, by T. Carlyle. 12446 - Same. {In Carlyle, T. Tales, etc., v. 2.) 13122 Elwell, E. S. The boy colonists ; or, Eight years of col. life in Otago, N. Z. 21401 Elwes, A. Swift and sure. 13236 Elwes, J. Fairholt, F. W. {In Ms Eccen. and remark, characters. 5058 Elwood, A. K. Memoirs of literary ladies of Eng. 2 v. 22790-1 Elwyn, A. L. Glossary of supposed Americanisms. 1378 Ely, BiJ. of. See Browne, E. H. ;— Woodford, J. R. Ely Volume : or. The contributions of our for. missions to sci., etc. ; by T. Laurie. 21329 Elze, K. Essays on Shakespeare ; tr. by L. D. Schmitz. 13401 — Life of Lord Byron. 10072 Emancipation. See Slavery. Emancipation; by Mrs. Sherwood. (/?? /ier Works, v. 5.) 3959 Embarras du choix, L' ; monologue ; par W. Sollohub. (Th^dtre de camp., ser. 6.) 14690 Emblems. Christian emblems and symbols. {In Calendar of the Prayer-Book.) 8859 — Palisser, F. B. Historic devices, badges, and war-cries. 8880 Emblems, The, of life ; by [E. M. Sewell]. {In /ler.Sketches.) 3914 Embrassons-nous, Folleville ! com^die vaud., par E. M. Labiche. {In his Thetitre complet. v. 4.) 14561 Embroidery. Delamotte, F. The embroiderer's book of design. *I — Hale, L. P. More stitches for decorative embroidery. 19070 — Harrison, C. C. Woman's handiwork in mod. homes. lUust. *I — Lady's bazaar and fancy fair book ; sui^g. on the getting-up of bazaars, and instr. for articles in embroidery, etc. 22431 — M^s6, E. Art-needlework for decorative E. ; instr. and diagrams. Also, . hist, of E. : ed. by L. P. Hale. 18081 — See also Needlework. Embryology. Balfour, F. M. Treatise on comp. embryol- • ogy. 2 V. ' 20352-3 — Foster, M. and Balfour, F. M. Elements of embryology. 16663 — Packard, A. S., Jr. Life hist, of animals, incl. man. ' 15567 Emergencies. See Accidents. Emerson, G. B. P^lucation in Mass. ; early legislation and history. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) 7869 — Houses in the countrv for working men. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) ^ 15733 — Reminiscences of an old teacher. 17574 — Report on the trees and shrubs in the forests of Mass. (Mass. Comm. on the Zoolog. and Botan. Surv. of the State.) 5034 Same. 2d. ed. 2 v. *I — The schoolmaster. ^In The school and the schoolmaster.) 3518 — Studies for pract. men; not. of books suited to their use. {In Sullivan, W. Polit. class book.) 4302 392 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — a7id Flint, C. L. Manual of agriculture. 5662 Emerson, N. S. A Thanksgiving story ; poems. 11687 Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. 1385 Contents. Fate.— Power.— Wealth.— Culture.— Behavior.— Worship. — Considerations by the wav. — Beauty. — Illusions. — Correspondence [with] Oarlvle, 1834-1872; [ed. by C. E. Norton]. 2 v. 22462-3 — English traits. 1379 — Essays. 2 ser. 1380-1 Contents. Ser. 1. History. — Self-reliance. — Compensation. — Spiritual laws. — Love. — Friendship. — Prudence. — Heroism. — The over-soul. — Circles. — Intellect. — Art. S. The poet. — Experience. — Character. — Man- ners.— Gifts.— Nature.— Politics.— Nominalist and realist.— New England reformers. — Fortune of the republic ; lect., 1878. 17888 — Introduction. {In Plutarchus. Morals, v. 1.) 9091 — Poems. 1383 — Preface. {In Saadi, M. H. S. GulHstan.) 14242 — Representative men; lect. 1384 Contents. Uses of great men.— Plato. — Swedenborg. — ^Montaigne. — Shakspeare. — Napoleon. — Goethe. — Selected poems. New and rev. ed. 16568 — John Milton, (J7i Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Amer. Rev.) 18790 — Letters and social aims. 14378 Contents. Poetry and imagination.— Social aims.— Eloquence.— Re- sources.— The comic— Quotation and originality.— Progress of culture.— Persian poetry.— Inspiration.— Greatness.— Immortality. — May-day and'other pieces. ' 6718 — Nature ; Addresses and lectures. 1382 Contents. Nature.— The American scholar, 1837.— Address, Divinitv College, 1838.— Literary ethics, 1838.— The method of nature, 1841.— Man the reformer. 1841.— Introductory lect. on the times, 1841.— The conserva- tive, 1841.— The transcendentalist, 1842.— The young American, 1844. — Parnassus ; [coll. of poems] . " 13419 — Society and solitude. 8175 Contents. Society and solitude. — Civilization. — Art. — Eloquence. — Domestic life. — Farming. — Works and days. — Books. — Clubs. — Courage. — Success.— Old age. — Channing, W. H., and Clarke, J. F. Memoirs of Margafet Fuller Ossoli. Portr. 2v. 12351-2 — Biograpical sketch and selections. {In Amer. poems.) 18947 — Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Burroiighs, J. .{In his Birds and poets.) 16939 — Conwav, M. D. Emerson at home and abroad. 22248 — Cooke, 'G. W. R. W. Emerson ; his life, writings, and philosophy. 20990 — The P^merson commemoration. {In Brido-man, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Giltillan, G. R.W.Emerson, [three notices], (//i /i/s Sketches, e^c. ; Mod. lib., etc. : Third gallery, etc.) 2255-7 — Guernsey, A. H. R. W. Emerson; philosopher and poet. 20767 — Ireland, A. R. W. Emerson : his life, genius, and Avritings ; biog. sketch ; added, Pers. recol., extr. fr. letters, etc. 2d. ed, Portr. *I — Lowell, J. R. Emerson, the lecturer. {I7i hisMx studv windows.) 10522 — Muzzey, A. B. (/7i /?is Reminiscences.) ' * * 22390 — Notice'and selections. {In Am. prose.) 19641 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 — Sketch of Emerson. {In Gilman, A., etc. Poets' homes, ser. 2.) 1^289 Emerson, 8. G. Wriglit, J. E. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Emerson, W. A. Hand-book of wood engraving, with pract. instruction ; also, History of the art. Illust. new ed. 20845 — Practical instr. in wood engraving. Also, History of the art. *I Emerton, J. H. Life on the sea-shore; or. Animals of our coasts and bays. Illust. (Naturalists' hand. -ser.) 20049 — Structure and habits of spiders. 17831 Emery, Miss E. B. Queens. 11324 Emery, S. H. Ministry of Taunton ; with introd. not. by F. Baylies. 2 v. • 1386-7 Emery, 8. A. Reminiscences of a nonagenarian. Illust. 22623 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 20931 15732 8785 16576 Emigrant ships. Turner, E. J. Hygiene of emigrant ships. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 6.) "*! Emigrant's story, The, and other poems ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 13258 Emigration, Immigration. Bromwell, W. J. History of Immi- gration to the U. S. 568 — Busey, S. C. Immigration ; its evils and consequences. 618 Note. Bound with Burleigh, C. C. Thoughts on the death penalty. — Farrar, M. The emigration question. {In his Five years in 3Iinnesbta.) — Kapp, F. Immigration. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc'. Jour., 1870.) Immigration and the commissioners of emigration. — Lippincott's general guide for settlers in the U. S. ; with descr. of the climate, soil, etc. , — U. S. Treasury Dept. Letter in rel. to the space allotted to each steerage immigrant on board ship. — See also Chinese immigration. Emigration ; or. The township in Maine ; by [H. F. Lee]. {In her Tales.) Emili, P. Herbert, H. W. {In his Captains of Rom. Repub.) Emilia Galotti ; Trauerspiel ; v. G. E. Lessing. — Same. Eng. tr. (With H'J'athan the Wise.) Emilie de Coulanges ; by M. Edge worth. 1330 ; Emilius ; or, A treatise of educ. ; fr. the Fr. of J. J. Rous- seau. 3 V. Emily Chester ; by A. M. Crane. Emma; by J. Austin. — Same. {In her Novels.) Emmet, R. Patriotic speech. {In Speeches of Phillips, etc.) — Madden, R. K. {In his United Irishmen, ser. 3.) Emmet, T. A. Madden, R. R. {In his United Irishmen, ser. 3.) — Magoon, E. L. (7m his Orators of Amer. Rev.) — Story. J. {In his Misc. writings.) Emmet, W. Y. Thoughts on the death penalty ; also^ Ess. on prison discipline. Emmett, B. McE., joint author. See Hamilton, A. McE. Emmons, E. Manual of geology. Emmons, N. Smith, H. B. Theological system of E. {In his Faith and phil.) Emory, W. H. Notes of a military reconnoisance fr. Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cal., incl. part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers. (U. S. Cong. Ex. Doc.) Emotions. See Feelings ; — Moral philosophy. Empedocles. Symonds, J. A. {In his Stud, of Greek Poets, ser. 1.) Emperor, The ; by G. Ebers. 2 v. 21504-5 Emperor of the East ; by P. Massinger. {In Ms Plays, v. 3.) 5130 Emperors. Peake, E. History of the German Emp. and their contemporaries. Illust. Emperor's picture. The ; by W. Hauff. {In his Three tales.) Empiriques d'autrefois, Les ; com^die,-vaud. par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 14.) Empress Josephine ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. En vacences ! com^die ; par Laurencin [P. A. Chapelle]. 2596 1871 10430 11906 15292 6047-9 5723 252 733 5170 ia5i3 13513 2858 4262 1405 1392 18186 1393 13730 13010 11904 *I 6978 14797 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Librarv, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 26 ' 394 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Enander, J. A. Foreuta Staternas historia. 4 v. 20824-7 Enault, L. The woman of honor. 13961 Enchanting and enchanted ; by F. W. Hacklander. 9282 Enchh'idion. See Epictetus. Encore une nuit de la garde nationale ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 1.) *I Encounter, An, with an interviewer; by Mark Twain [S. L. Clemens]. 14266 Encyclopaedia Britannica. Napier, M. Correspondence rel. to the encyclopsedia. (J/i his Select., etc.) 18892 Encyclopaedias, t^hambers's Encyclopaedia. 10 v. 9675-84 — Every horse owner's cyclopedia. 12474 — Goodrich, C. A. Family encyclopaedia. 1579 — Hallock, C. Sportsman's gazetteer and general guide. *I — Knight, C. Cyclopedia of London. 2502 Cyclopaedia of the industry of all nations. 2503 — Wilbur, H. A lexicon of useful knowledge. 4776 End, The, of a coil ; by [S. Warner]. 20085 End of Fordyce, Brothers. (Bi Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 8.) 14308 End of the Church ; by T. Parsons. (In Ms Ess., ser. 3.) 6141 End, The, of the holidays ; (In Sketches and ess. fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 End, The, of the world ; by E. Eggleston. 11071 End of the world ; by W. H. Holcombe. 21297 Endeavors after the Chr. life ; by J. Martineau. 282 Endecott, J. Gov. of Mass. Memorial of Gov. E. (In Antiq. papers.) 18411 — Salisbury, S. A memorial of Gov. Endecott. 12713 Endowments. Mill, J. S. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) 14356 Right and wrong of state interfer. with corporation and ch. property. (In his Diss, and disc, v^. 1.) 5978 Endurance. Smiles, S. Duty; with illust. of endurance. 20072 Endymiou ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield [B. Disraeli]. 19984 Note. A kev to Endvmion was pub. in Xotes and queries for Dec. 18, 1880, and May 21, 1881. Energy. See Force. Enfant prodigue, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 5.) *I Enfants avant tout ! Les ; comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. (Th6- dtre de camp., s6r. 6.) 14690 Engadine, The. Arnold, H. P. Gleanings fr. Pontresina and the Upper E. 19695 — Lloyd, F. Physiography of the Upper E. Maps and diagrams. 21409 Engedi ; sacred drama ; by Beethoven. *I Engel, C. Introduction to the study of national music ; compr. researches into pop. songs, traditions, and customs. 11661 — The music of the most anc. nations. 8925 — Musical instruments. "With woodcuts. (So, Kensington, Mus. Art hd.-bk.) *I Engelbach, A. H. Two campaigns ; tale of old Alsace. 15442 Engelhardt, F. J. The American rowing almanac, and oars- man's pocket companion, *I Engine-driver, The, to his engine ; poem ; by W. J. M. R. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 22.) 19167 Engineering, Civil. Blake, W. P. Engineering and public works. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Byrne, O. Handbook for the artisan, mechanic, and engineer. Illust. 6617 — Campin, F. Practical trea. on mechanical engineering. 6516 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 395 — Clark, D. K. Rudimeuts of civ. eng., by H. Law; incl. a treatise on hydraulic eng. by G. R. Burnell ; with add. on recent pract. in civ. eng. — Cotton, C. P. Manual of railway engineering. — Dobson, E. Pioneer engineering ; trea. on the eng. operations connect. with the settlement of waste lands in new countries. Plates. — Fairbairn, W. Useful information for engineers. 2 ser. — Haskoll, W. D. The practice of en^. field-work appl. to land and hydraulic, hydrographic and submarine surveying and levelling. — Haswell, C. H. Engineer's and mechanic's pocket book. 22d. ed. Same. 41st. ed. — Haupt, L. M. Manual of engineering specifications and contracts. — Hensman, H. On civil engineering, etc. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) — Mahan, D. H. Treatise on civil eng.; rev. and ed., with add., etc, bv DeV. Wood. — Moselev, H. Mechanical principles of eng. and architecture ; with add. by D. H. Mahan. — Phillips, J. S. Explorers', miners', and metallurgists' companion. — Pickering, E. C. Mechanical engineering. (In his 'Elements of phys. manip., v. 2.) — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of civil en^ineerino;. 6th. ed. — Rennie, J. Autobiography ; compr. hfst. of his professional life, with remin., etc. — Robertson, F. Engineering notes. — Shelley, C. P. B. "Workshop appliances ; descr. of instruments and tools. — Shunk, W. F. The field engineer; handy book of pract. in the survey, location, and track-work of railroadsj etc. — Stevenson, D. Principles and practice of canal and river engineering. — Stuart, B. How to become a successful engineer. — Trautwine, J. C. The civil engineer's pocket-book. The field practice of laying out circular curves for railroads. — Watson, E. P. The modern practice of Amer. machinists and engineers. — Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechanics of Eng., and constr. of ma- chines; tr. by E. B. Coxe, and A. J. Du Bois. v. 1, 2. — See also Centres ;— Drainaj^e ;— Foundations ;— Hygiene, ^oi' Sanitary eng. ; — Levelling ; — Machinerv ; — Sewers ; — Strains ;— Water supply. Also Trevithick, R. ; Van Nostrand's sci. ser Engineering, Military. Ernst, O. H. engineering. Engineering papers ; by C. G. Smith. Engineer's holiday, An ; by D. Pidgeon. Engineers. Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers. Same. New and rev. ed. 5 v. Engines. See Gas engines ; — Steam engines. England. Antiquities. — Davis, E. Mythology and rites of the Brit. Druids; app. cont. anc. poems and extract^, with remarks on anc. British coins. — Evans, J. Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Gt. Brit. — Timbs, J. (In his Things not generally known.) Architecture. — Conway, M. D. Decorative art and architecture in Eng. (In his Trav. in So. Kensington.) — Micklethwaite, J. T. English parish churches. (In Poole, R. S. aiid others. Lect.) — See also Castles. Art. 20503 *I 6521-2 *I 7191 21917 *I 4735 2147 16602 16040 8536 15448 11315 11970 1985a *I 8532 15542 15541 11417 9060-2 Manual of pract. mil. 8792 13637 22419 8727-9 11201 5479 22199 22821 (/w his Contemp.art, etc.) (In his Trav. 5v. — Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in En^ — Buxton, H. J. W. English painters. — Conway, M. D. Decorative art and architecture in Eng. in So. Kensington.) — Cunningham, A. Lives of British painters and sculptors. — Hulme, F. E. Art instruction in England. — Palgrave, F. T. On the position of sculpture in Eng. ; The Albert Cross, and Eng. monumental sculpture, (hi his Ess. on art.) — Shepherd. G. H. A short history of the Brit, school of painting. — Wedmore, F. Studies in English art. Same. 2d. ser. *I 22461 22199 1053-7 22224 6531 22706 16860 20458 396 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Costume. — Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England ; l\ist. of dress to close of 18th. cent. must. 6224 Description, etc. — Appleton, T. G. Rambling in E. {In his Chequer work.) 19019 — Bailey, J. M. England fr. a back-window. 18153^ — Black, A. and C. Guide to England and Wales. *I — Burritt, E. A walk fr. London to John O'Groat's ; with notes by the way. 6504 A walk fr. London to Land's End ; with notes by the way. Ulust. 6505 — England. (In Rapid transit abroad.) ' 18585 — English and Scottish sketches ; by an American. 1397 — P^scott, T. H. S. England; her people, polity, and pursuits. 19465 — Goadby, E. The England of Shakespeare. 21508 — Green, J. R. Strav studies fr. England and Italy. Ip793 — Guild, C. Abroad again. 16945 — llaeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. 7590 — Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp. 6892 — Haven, G. The pilgrim's wallet ; or. Scraps of travel in Eng., etc. 6156 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home ; English sketches. 5294 Passages fr. the Eng. note-books of H. 2 v. 6444-5 Notes in England and Italy. 8056 — Hoppin, J. M. Old Enirland; its scenerv, art, and people. 6881 — Howitt, W. Rural life m England. ' 2044 Visits to remarkable places. 1st. ser. 2046 — Jenkins, E. Glances at inner Eng. ; lect. in U. S. and Canada. 12812 — Kohl, J. G. England and Wales. 2511 Bd. with other sketches by K. Same; tr. by T. Roscoe. 2510 — Mackenzie, A. S. The American in England. 2 v. 4957-8 — 3IcLellan, H. B. Journal of a residence in Scotland, and tour thr. Eng., etc. 2846 — Manning, S. and Green, S. G. English pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I — Mason, C. M. The forty shires ; their history, scenery, arts, and legends. 20741 — 3Iat6aux, C. L. Around and about old Eng. Illust. 21243 — Miller, H. First impressions of Eng. and its people. 3041 — Morford, H. (In his Oyer-aea, etc.) Illust. 6913 — Nevin, W. W. Vignettes of travel ; compr. sketches in Eng. and Italy. 20070 — Raumer, F. L. G. von. England in 1835; tr. by S. Austen and H. E. Llovd. * 3600 — The Southern countries of England. (In Bio^. and crit.) 7911 — Stowe, H. B. (In her Sunnv memories. 2 v.) 4270-1 — Taine, H. A. Notes on Eng". ; tr. with introd. bv W. F. Rae. 10504 — Thornburv, W. A tour round England. 2 v. 10966-7 — Tripp, A.' Crests from the ocean-world. 4499 — Walford, E. Holidays in home counties. 20036 Pleasant days in pleasant places. 2d. ed. 18756 — Wallace, Mrs. E. D. (hi her Woman's experiences in Europe.) 10809 — White, R. G. England without and within. 20583 — Willis, N. P. (I7i his Fam. persons and places.) 4804 — Winter, W. The trip to England. Illust. • 20127 — See also Lakes. Also names of counties and towns. Ecclesiastical history. — Briirht, W. Chapters of early Eng. Ch. hist. 19484 — Elliot, A. The State and the Church. (The Eng. citizen.) 22216 — Wilson, W. Appendix on the origin, progress, and present state of Christianity in Britain. (In his Hist., etc. of Dissent, churches, v. 4.) 21378 — See also Church of England;— Dissenters. (Iieformatio7i.) — Blunt, J. J. Sketch of the ref . in Eng. Introd. by C. Geikie. 21516 — Burke, S. H. Men and women of the English Reformation. 2 v. 10480-1 — Burnet, G. History of the reformation of the Ch. of Eng. 3 v. 623-5 — Cobbett, W. Hist. 'of the reform, in Eng. and Ireland. 21223 — Froude. J. A. The Oxford counter-reformation. (In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22679 — Geikie, C. The English reformation. 18666 — Robinson, H. Zurich letters ; the corresp. of Eng. bishops, etc., with Helvetian reformers [1558-79] . 11109 — Spencer, J. A. History of the Reformation in Eng. ^ 4164 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 397 {Monasticism.) — Walcott, M. E. C. Church work and hfe in Eng. minsters. 19920-1 Education. — Arnold, M. A French Eton; or, 3Iiddle class, educ. and the state. 8960 Same. (In his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Bartley, G. C. F. The schools for the people; hist., devel., etc. of schools for the poorer classes. 11767 — Bennett, C. W." National education in Italy, France, Germany, England, and Wales, popularly considered. 18716 — Cobden, K. (In his Speeches, v. 2.) 10963 — Fearson, D. R. School inspection. 16712 — Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique en Angleterre. *I — Kay, J. See forward. National character, etc. — Staunton, H. Great schools of Eng. ; acct. of the foundation, endow- ments, and discipline. 6477 — Wiese, L. German letters on Eng. educ, 1876; tr. anded. by L. Schmitz.) 18213 National character. Social life, etc. — Ah-Chin-Le. Observations upon the civiliz. of the west, barbarians, par- ticularly of the Eniilish : tr. by J. Y. Smythe. 16133 — Burn, J. James Burn: autobiography; glimpses of Eng. hist., 1802-1882. 22911 — Charles, E. R. The early dawn; or, Sketches of Cln\ life in Eng. in the olden time. * 5698 — Dyer, T. F. T. British popular customs, present and past; illust. the ' manners of the people. 17804 — Emerson, R. AY. English traits [1^33-1846] . 1379. — Goodman, W. Social hist, of Gt. Brit, during the reigns of the Stuarts, y. 1. 6068 — Hayward, A. Eng. and France; their nat. qualities, manners, etc. (In "A,is Biog. and crit. ess , ser. 3.) 12266 — Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people in Eng. 2270 — Laugell, A. England, political and social : tr. by J. M. Hart. 12499 — Murray, E. C. G. Side-lights on Eng. society; or. Sketches fr. life, soc. and satirical. 2 y. ' 21189-90 — Nicholas, T. Pedigree of the Eng. people; argument, hist, and scientific, on the form, and growth of the nation, etc., with espec. ref. to the incorporation of the Celtic aborigines. 13819 — Oliphant, T. L. K. Was the old Eng. aristocracy destroyed by the Wars of the Roses y (/u /n's Duke and the scholar.) * * 14164 — Rands, W. B. Chaucer's p]ngland. 2 v. *I — Rodenberg, J. England, literary and soc. fr. a German point of yiew. 15723 — Timbs,J. English eccentrics aiid eccentricities. 2 y. 6911-12 Nooks and corners of Eng. life, past and present. Illust. 10810 — Wright, T. History of domestic manners and sentiments in Eng. 8896 — See also Anne, Queen of Eng. ;— George III. Philosojihi/. — Stephen, L. History of English thought in the 18th. cent. 2 y. 16794-5 England, Bank of. See Bank of England. England and Norwaj^ in the 11th. cent. ; by G. AV. Dasent. {In Ms Jest and earnest, v. 1.) 13611 England's forgotten worthies ; by J. A. Froude. {In his Short studies, ser. 1.) 6963 England's war ; by J. A. Froude. {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 English and Scottish sketches ; by an American. 1397 English, T. D. American ballads. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 19330 — Mormons. (In Mod. stand, dr., y. 26.) 11823 English ballads and songs. Collections. — Adams, W. H. D. Student's treas. of Eng. song. 13272 — Allingham, W. The ballad book. 8404 — Baker, G. M. Ballads of home. Illust. *I — Bramley, H. R., and Stainer, J. Christmas carols, new and old. *I — Chappell, W. The ballad literature and pop. music of the olden time. 2 y. *I — Child, F. J. English and Scottish ballads. 8 \. 4998-5001 ; 5345-8 — Crane, W. The baby's bouquet. *I The baby's opera. *I — Gosse, E. W. English odes. 21181 — Halliwell, J. O. Nursery rhymes of old Eng. 6th. ed. 12954 398 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hattou, J. L. New standard and pop. humorous songs ; symphonies and accompaniments. • *I Songs of Eng. ; symphonies and accompaniments. *I — Hiles, J. Sacred songs, anc. and mod. *I — Holy songs, carols, and sacred ballads. 19389 — Lanier, S. The bov's Percv; ballads fr. Percy's Reliques, eic. 22160 — Lodge, H. C. Ballads and lyrics. 19933 — 3IcCabe, W. G. Ballads of battle and bravery. 18495 — Our children's songs. ' 17584 — Palgrave, F. T. Children's treasury of Eng. song. 15375 Golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 6608 — Percv, T. Rehques of anc. Eng. poetrv; heroic ballads, songs, etc, by R. A. Willmott. * 13735 — Stoddard, R. H. Melodies and madrigals, fr. the old Eng. poets. 6246 — Whittier, J. G. Songs of three centuries. • 14376 — See also Eng. poetry. Also, U. S. Literature. Poetry. English Citizen, The ; Namely : Elliot, A. The State and the Church. 22216 Jevons. W. S. The State in rel. to labour. 22226 Traill, H. D. Central government. 21849 Walpole, S. The electorate and the legislature. 21851 — Foreign relations. 22089 Wilson, A. J. The national budget; national debt, taxes, and rates. 21607 English colonies. See British colonies in America. English Channel, The ; by J. Abbott. . • 14282 English composition. Bain, A. Eng. composition and rhetoric. 975a — Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 12942 — Day, H. 'N. Art of English composition. 15529 — Keii, S. Elements of composition and rhetoric. 10546 — Kingsley, C. On Eng. composition. (/?i his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Niciiol, J. English composition. 20573 — Parker, R. G. Aids to Eng. composition. 3376 — See also Rhetoric. English conferences of E. Eenan : Rome and Christianijty ; Marcus Aurelius ; tr. by C. E. Clement. 19767 English drama. — Archer, W. English dramatists of to-day. 22644 — Fitzgerald, P. Romance of the English s'tage. 13430 History. — Hudson, H. N. Historical sketch of the drama in England. (In his Shakespeare, v. 1.) — Ward, A. W. History of Eng. dram, literature to the death of Queen Anne. 2 v. 15869-70 — White, R. G. Account of the rise and progress of the Eng. dr. (In his Mem. of Shakespeare.) The library has -plays by the following authors-. Congreve, W. ;— Farquhar, G.;— Greene, R. ;— Knowles, J. S.;— Marlowe, C.;— Sheridan, R. B.;— Tavlor, T.;— Tennvson, A.;— Tupper, M. F. :— Vanbrugh, J.;— Webster, Jl;— VVycherly, W. Collections. — Baker, G. M. The exhibition drama. The temperance drama. — French's minor drama. 41 v. in 24. — Home plays for ladies. — Morley, H. English plays, selected, edited, etc. Illust. — Sargent, E. Modern standard drama. 45 v. in 30. — Venable, W. H. Dramas and dramatic scenes. — See also Private theatricals. English eloquence. Goodrich, C. A. Select British eloquence ; embr. speeches, sketches of lives, etc. — Hazlitt, W. Eloquence of the Brit. Senate; speeches; with notes, biog., crit., and explanatory. 2 v. English fiction. Lanier, S. The English novel and the princ. of its development. — Masson, D. British novelists and their styles. 10070 5985 13308 7095 11833-46; 7982-91 14360 18446 11803-32 20582 1578 1812 22867 *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKf?. 399 — Tuekerman, B. History of English prose fiction. 22183 — See also Fiction. English folk-lore. Dyer, T. F. T. EDglish folk-lore. 18438 English forests and forest trees, hist., legendary, etc. 1398 English governess in Egypt. See Lott, E. English history in short studies. 16590 English hnmor. See English wit and humor. English language. Dialects. — See Americanisms. Dictionaries. • ^ De Quincev, T. English dictionaries. {In his Note-book.j 1188 — A lift for the lazy. *I — Oswald, J. Etymological diet, of the Eng. lang. ; rev. by J. M. Keagy. 6266 Same. Appended, Key to the Latin, Greek, and other roots. 3312 — Skeat, W. W. Concise etymolog. diet, of the Eng. language. 21655 Etymology. — Haldeman, S. S. Affixes; et^^llolog. struct, of Eng. words. 6987 — - Word building. ' ^ 20899 — French, R. C. On the study of words. 9617 — Wedgewood, H. Contested etymol. in the diet, of W. W. Skeat. • 22342 — See also Dictionaries, above. General and miscellaneous works. — Abbot, E. A. HoAV to write clearly. 13539 A Shakespearian grammar ; attempt to illust. the diff. bet. Elizabethan and mod. Eng. *I and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for Eng. people. 9744 — Alford, H. ' Plea for the Queen's Eng. ; notes on speaking and spelling. 6293 — All about hard words ; diet, of every day difficulties ; and e^pitome of expl. of difficult Eng. and for. phrases, etc., with pronunciation. 13645 — Ayres, A. The verbalist ; discussions of the use of words. 21203 — Carpenter, S. H. Eng. of the 14th. cent, illust. by notes on Chaucer's Prolo^e and Knight's tale, etc. 17960 — Clark, N. G. Outline of the elements of the Eng. language. 16750 — De Vere, M. S. Studies in Eng. ; or, Glimpses of the inner life of our lang. 6707 — Drew, B. Pens and tvpes ; or, Hints for those who write, print, or read. 10014 — Gilmore, J. H. The English language and its early literature. 19336 Outlines of the art of expression. 21825 — Gould, E. S. Good English; or. Pop. errors in language. 6719 — Hall.F. Modern English. 12114 — Harrison, M. Rise, prog., and present struct, of the Eng. language. 6033 — Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of English. 21709 — Mackay, C. Lost beauties of the Eng. language. 12296 — March, F. A. Method of philolog. study of the Eng. language. 5990 — 3Iarsli, G. P. Lectures on the Eng. language. 2926 — Moon, G. W. The Dean's English. 4th ed.; 8th ed. 6416; 11472 The revisers' Eng. ; a series of criticisms. *I — Oliphant, T. L. K. The sources of standard English. 12123 — Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of Eng. words and phrases. 6230 — Sprague, H. B. Masterpieces in Eng. literature, and lessons in the Eng. language. 13026 — Townsend, L. T. The art of speech. 2 v. 20787-8 — Trench, R. C. On the Eng. language; past and present. 4492 — White, R. G. Every day English. 19860 Words and their uses ; study of the Eng. language. , 10497 — Whitney, W. D. How shall we spell? Elements of Eng. pronunciation; Rel. of vowel and consonant. {In his Orient, and ling, stud., ser. 2.) 13263 — A word to the wise; hints on improprieties in writing and speaking. 21641 Grammar. — Abbott, E . A. How to tell the part* of speech : rev. by J. G. R. McElroy. "20460 — Bell, G. H. Guide to correct lang. ; pract. grammar, punctuation, etc. 22846 — Brown, G. Institutes of English grammar. 531 — Clark, S. W. A practical grammar. 22765 Key to Clark's grammar. ' 22766 — Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 12942 Same. (In Hand-books of good society.) 22191 — General principles of grammar. (In Small bks. on gt. sub., v. 3.) 4016 — Greene, H. R. The Eng. language; its gram, and log. principles. 18996 — Morris, R. Historical outlines of Eng. accidence. 11647 400 niEE PUBLIC LIBliARY. Elementary lessons in hist. Eug. grammar, cont. accidence and word- formation. 13411 V English grammar. (Lit. prim.) 13721 ana Bowen, H. C. English grammar exercises. 18304 — Peabody, A. P. (In his Conversation ; its faults and its graces.) 7438 — Tancock, O. W. Enghsh grammar and reading book. *I — Whitney, W. D. Essentials of Eng. grammar. 19017 — /See also Gen. and misc. v^ks., above. History. — Craik, G. L. Compendious hist, of Eng lit. and lang. from the Norman Conquest. 2 v. 6072-3 Manual of Eng. literature and of the hist, of the language. 8401 — Dasent, G. W. Origin of the Eng. lang. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 1.) 1.3611 — Lounsbury, T. R. History of the English language. 18926 — Marsh, G.' P. Origin and hist, of the Eng. lang., etc. 3862 — Spalding, W. Outline of the origin and growth of the Eng. lang. (hi his Hist, of Eng. Lib.) 11799 -— Welsh, A. H. Development of Eng. lit. and language. 2 v. 22186-7 Pronunciation and spelling. — Merington, M. H. English pronunciation and accent, pt. 1. 11890 — Mueller, F. M. On spelling. (In his Chips, v. 5.) 9118 — Soulcj R., and Campbell, L. J. Pronouncing handbook of words often mispronounced. 11953 — See also H. ;— Spelling-reform. Prosody. — Arnold, T. English metres. (In his Man. of Eug. lit.) 17658 — Conway, G. Treatise on versihcation. 19100 — Hodgson, S. H. English verse. (In his Outcast ess.) 20808 — Hood, T. The rhymester ; or. Rules of rhvme, etc. ; ed., with add. bv A. Penn. ' 21422 — Lanier, S. Science of English verse. 19658 — Merington, M. H. Englisli pronunciation and accent, pt. 1. 11890 — Sylvester, J. J. The laws of verse ; princ. of versification exemplified in metrical trans. ; with annot. repr. of the inaugural address to the Mathemat. and Phys. Sect, of the British Assoc, at Exeter. - 21995 Punctuation. — Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation. 20699 — Hill, A. S. General rules for punct. (In his Princ. of rhet.) 17760 Punctuation and the use of capital letters. 13366 — Wilson, J. Treatise on Eng. punctuation. 4825 Bhymes. — Hood, T. The rhvmester; with a diet, of rhvmes, etc.; ed., with add., by A. Penn. * * 21422 Synonyjns. — Crabb, G. English synonymes. 6217 — Whately, R. A selection of English synonpus. 4721 — See also Rhetoric ; — Talking. ^Zso, Chaucer;— Gower. English literature. History^ etc. — Arnold, M. A guide to Eng. literature. (In his Mixed ess.) 18465 — Arnold, T. Chaucer to Wordsworth. 6017 English literature, 596-1832. 18057 Manual of Eng. literature, hist, and crit. 17658 — Azarias, Brother. The development of Eng. lit. : Old Eng. period. 18908 — Bascom, J. Philosophy of Eng. literature. 12321 — Brewer, J. S. English studies; essays on Eng. hist, and literature. 20734 — Brink, B. ten. Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur, v. 1. 162^ Same; Earlv Eng. lit. I^o Wiclif ; tr. bv H. M. Kennedv. 22459 — Brooke, S. A.' English literature. ' " 16031 — Carpenter, S. H. English of the 14th. cej^t.. illust. by notes on Chaucer's Prologue and Knight's tale, etc. ' 17960 — Chateaubriand, F. A. R. Sketches of En^. literature. 6043 — Craik, G. L. Compendious hist, of Eng. lit., etc. ; with specimens. 2 v. 6072-3 Manual of Eng. lit., fr. the Norman Conquest. 8401 — Day, H. N. Introduction to the study of Eng. literature. 7625 — D'Israeli, I. Amenities of literature : sk. and characters ; ed. bv B. Disraeli. 2 v. " 6170-1 — Dobson, H. A. Handbook of Eng. literature. 19913 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 401 — Gilman, A. First steps in Eng. literature. 8682 — Gilmore, J. H. The Eng. lang. and its early literature. 19336 — Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the lit. of the age of Elizabeth; and Charac- ters of Shakespeare's plavs. 1811 Same ; new ed., ed. by "W.'C. Hazlitt. 13197 — Kingsley, C. On Eng. literature. (In his Lit. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Lawrence, E. Modern period. (Eng. lit. prim.) 18492 Romance period. (Eng. lit. prim.) 17555 — Maertz, L. New method for the study of Eng. literature. 22591 Key to N'ew method for the study of Eng. literature. 22692 — Mars'h, G. P. Origin and hist, of the Eng. Ian., and of the early literature. 3862 — Mills, A. Literature and literary men of Gt. Britain and Ireland. *I — Morlev, H. English for Englishwomen; lufl. of the Celt, on Eng. lit. {In his C. Marot, etc., v. 2.) 10826 English writers, v. 1, 2, pt. 1. *I A first sketch of Eng. literature. 11751 Of Eng. lit. in the reign of Victoria ; with a Glance at the past. 21369 and Tyler, M. C. Manual of En^. literature. 1-8798 — Nicoll, H. J. Landmarks of Eng. literature. 22595 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Literarv hist, of Eng., 18th.-19th. cent. 3 v. 21773-5 — Perry, T. S. English literature in the 18th. cent. 22597 — Reed, H. Lectures on Eng. lit. fr. Chaucer to Tennyson. 8488 — Scherr, J. A history of English literature; tr. by 31. V. — Shaw, T. B. Complete man. of Eng. lit. ; ed., with notes, etc., bv W. Smith. ' 8398 History of Eng. literature. 10665 — Smith, W. and Tuckerman, H. T. Smaller hist, of Eng. and Amer. literature. 8505 — Spalding, W. History of Eng. literature. 11799 — Sprague, H. B. Masterpieces in Eng. lit., etc. 13026 — Taine, H. A. History of Eng. literature. 2 v. 9724-5 Historv of Eng. lit.; abgd. fr. trans, of H. Van Laun, and ed. bv J. Fiske. ' 11162 — Welsh, A. H. Development of Eng. lit. and language. 2 v. 22186-7 — Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of Eng. literature. 10089 — See aZ«o Anglo-Saxon literature;— -Elizabethan art and literature ;—U. S. Literature. Also Eng. Ballads ;— Eng. Drama :— Eng. fiction ;— Eng. folk-lore ;— Eng. poetry ;— Eng. poet, romances ;— Fairies ;— Quotations. ^ Collections. This includes collections of Eng. authors; for American authors see Select 10718 for reading and speaking, heloir. Also U. S. — Arnold, T! English poetry and prose ; illust. passages. 21679 — Ballantyne, T. Essays in mosaic. 10878 — Bombaiigh, C. C. Gleanings fr. the harvest-fields of literature. 11093 — Chambers, W. and R. 3Iiscellany of entertaining and useful tracts. 10 v. 760-9 — Knox, V. Elegant extracts, v. 1, 2; 4-6. 5147-51 — Lemon, M. The jest book; anecdotes and sayings. 9286 — Mackay, C. A thousand and one gems of Eng. prose. 11650 — Morris, R. Specimens of early Eng. ; new ed. ; pt. 1. 1150-1300. 22200 — Morris, R. and Skeat, W. W. Specimens of earlv Enghsh. pt. 2. 1298-1393. ' 10996 — Shaw, T. B. and Smith, W. Choice specimens of Eng. literature ; bv B. N. Martin. * 10561 — Skeat, ^Y. W. Specimens of Eng. literature, 1394-1579. . 12392 — Tales and selections fr. the Eng. souvenirs for 1828. 4346 — Tales of Eng. and Scotland ; f r. Chambers's miscellanv. 1394 — Tauchnitz, B. Five cent, of the Eng. lang. and literature [1324-1771] . 7013 — Typical select, fr. Eng. authors. 11639 — See also English ballads; — English poetry. Also Aphorisms. Also Selections, below. Letters. ( Collections.) — Green, M. A. E. Letters of roval and illust. ladies of Gt. Brit. [1103-1558] . 3 V. ' 4854-6 — Scoones, W. B. Four cent, of En^. letters: select, fr. the period of the Paston letters to the present day. 19956 3Ianuals, etc. — Chambers, R. Cyclopjedia of English literature. 2 v. 778-9 402 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Minto, W. Manual of Eng. prose lit. ; biog. and crit. to 8how character- istics of style. 20964 Selections for reading and speaking. This includes collections which contain both Eng. and Amer, pieces. — Alger, H. Jr. and Cheney, O. A. Seeking his fortune ; and other dialogues. 16093 — American school dialogue book. Nos. 1, 2. 13597-8 — Anderson, J. J. Historical reader. 10587 — Baker, G. M. The reading club and handy-speaker. No. 1-10. 14369-73 ; 19201-& — Beecher, A. E. Recitations and readings'. 13426 — Bell, R. Lilies and violets ; prose and verse. 5926 — Branch, O. E. The Hamilton speaker. 18592 — Brougham, J. and Elderkin, J. Lotos leaves ; original stories, essays, and poems, by W. Reid, W. Collins, and others. ♦I — Burbank, A. P. Collection of humorous, dram., and dialect selections. 18066 — Campbell, L. J. Columbian speaker. 12887 — Carpenter, J. E. Penny readings in prose and verse. 3 v. 1649-61 Popular readings in prose; and verse. 5 v. 8815-19 — Clarke, R. S. Horn of plenty. 15336 — Clouston, W. A. Literary curiosities and eccentricities ; anecdote, laconic sayings, etc. 16832 — Cooke, C. A. Young folks' speaker. 22373 Cumnock, R. L. Choice readings ; with elocutionary advice. 17610 9036-43; 14231-9: — Dick, W. B. Recitations and readings. Nos. 1-9. — Emerson, R. W. Parnassus. — Fletcher, A. B. Advanced readings and recitations. — Frobisher. J. E. Selected readings. — Garrett, P. One hundretl choice select. Nos. 1-21. — Gilman, S. Contributions to literature. — Hood, T. Cassell's illust. readings. 2 v. — Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner. — Jelliffe, W. M. Good selections in prose and poetry. — Johnson, R. Play day poems, — Jones, C. H. Vers do soci»'t<^. — Larcom, L. Breathings of the better life. — Larkin, M. Rival collect, of prose and poetry. — Leffingvv^ell, C. W. Reading book of Eng. classics. — Liberty bell ; by friends of freedom. — Little folks' reader. — Longfellow, H. TV. and others. Laurel leaves ; orig. poems^ stories, and essays. — Lowell,' A. C. Seed grain for thouglit and discussion. 2 v. — McGuffey, — . New eclectic speaker. New juvenile speaker. — Martine, A. Droll dialogues and laughable recitations. — Monroe, A. Model Sunday School speaker. — Monroe, L. B. Public and parlor readings : dialogues and dramas. Humorous. Miscellaneous. Young folks' readings for soc. and pub. entertainment. — Monteith, J. Popular science reader; nat. philosophy, botany, and history. — Morris, G. 1 America. — Nortliend, C. Memory gems for the young, fr. difF. authors. — Oxford, W. Oxford's junior speaker. Oxford reading book. 2 pts. Oxford's senior speaker. — Parsons, L. S. The gem of dialogues. — Peaslee, J. B. Graded select, for memorizing. — Penney, L. Readings and recitations. Nos. 1, 2. — Philbr'ick, J. D. American Union speaker. Same ; [New ed.] . — The playmate. — Porter, E. Rhetorical reader. — Potter, H. L. D. Manual of reading. — The Olio ; or. Speaker's companion. {In French's min. dram., v. 34.) — The sapphire; coll. of tales, poems, and essays. — Sargent, E. Intermediate standard speaker.' Standard speaker. — School festival ; dialogues, recitations, songs, etc* and Willis, N. P. Prose and poetry of Europe and 16733-4; 16971-7 13419 20270 13600 15300-3 2264 8806-7 2101 13.'i99 17837 15458 19034 18562 18669 5101 22513 ♦I 2764-5 19951 19952 10534 10535 11572 9144 9978 16683 20776 3498 17414 11239 11959-60 12024 13598 19975 18137-^ 10186 14358 3478 3511 19907 7988 14243 20725 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 40S — Scndder, H. E. The children's book; stories and poems. 21052 — Strohm, G. Word pictures ; thoughts and descr. fi\ pop. authors. 15352 — Thurston, E. A. 3Iosaics of human life. 6635 — Townsend, G. H. Everv dav book of mod. literature. 8834 — Underwood, F. H. Handbook of Eng. literature. 2 v. 9149 ; 11230 — Warner, C. D. The book of eloquence ; in prose and verse. 16922 English mail-coach, The ; by T. De Quincy.) {In his Misc. ess.) 1157 English men of letters. See Morley, J. English men of science ; their nature and nurture ; by F. Gal- ton. 13807 English mind, The ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Character.) 6546 English municipal institutions ; statistically illust. ; by J. R. S. Vine. 19584 English orphans, The; by M. J. Holmes. 1959 English philosphers. See Mueller, I. English poetical romances. Collections. — Ellis G. Specimens of early Eno-. metr. romances ; pref., hist, introd. on the rise and prog, of romantic comp. in France and Eng. ; new ed. rev. by J. O. Halliwell. 1365 English poetry. — Hodgson, S. H. The supernatural in Eng. poetrv; Shakspere; Milton; Wordsworth; Tennyson. (Jn /h'8 Outcast ess'.) 20808 History. — Hamilton, W. The poets laureate; hist., biog. not., satires, epigrams, and lampoons against them. 18533 — Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the Eng. poets and comic writers. 10742 — Howitt, ^. Homes and haunts of British poets. 2 v. 2040-41 Same ; rev. ed. 11225 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Modern Brit, poets. {In Tier Papers on lit., etc., pt. 1.) 3309 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. 2 v. 8490-1 — Stedman,E. C. Victorian poets [1835-1875] . 14121 — Warton, T. History of Eng. poetry. 4 v. 10116-19 Collections. — Adams, W. D. Lyrics of love; fr. Shakespeare to Tennyson. 12714 — Austin, E. M. Little people of God, and what the poets have said of them. 6986 — Bates, C. D. Child lore ; its classics, traditions, and jingles. Illust. *I — Baynes, R. H. English lyrics; collect, of Eng. poetry. 10861 — Beilew, J. C. M. Poets' corner; man. for students in Eng. poetry; with biog. sk. of the authors. 11748 — Brackett, A. C. and Eliot, I. M. Poetry for home and school. • 15787 — Brooks, S. Amusing poetry. 12717 — Browne, F. F. Golden poeins, by Brit, and Amer. authors. 22016 — Brvant, W. C. Librarv of poetrv and song. *I — Cainpbell, L. J. Young folks' book of poetry. 20979 — The changing vear ; poems and pict. of life and nature. Illust. *I — Christmas with the poets; songs, carols, and descr. verses, rel. to Christ- mas. Illust. *I — Coates, H. T. The children's book of poetry. 19213 — Comstock, J. L. Poetic readings. Amer. ed., with add. 921 — Dana, C. A. Household book of poetry. 8106 — Eliot, S. Poetry for children; authorized for use in the Boston public schools. " 19511 — Estes, D. The home book of poetrv; Eng. and Amer. poets. Illust. 22006 — Gatty, M. The mother's book of poetry. 9824 — Griswold, E. W. Poets and poetry of England. 1677 Poets and poetry of Eng. in the 19th. cent. ; add. by R. H. Stoddard. *I — Hales, J. W. Longer English poems, with notes. 11662 — Hannah, J. The courtly poets fr. Raleigh to Montrose. 13709 — Hayward, A. L. Chimes and rhymes for holiday times. Illust. 22154 — Higginson, T. W. and Longfellow, S. Thalatta"; a book for the seaside. 1904 — Hudson, H. N. Text-book of poetrv ; fr. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Goldsmith, and Thomson. 14038 — Hunt, J. H. L. Imagination and fancy; select, fr. the Eng. poets, illust. of those requisite of their art. ' 12901 — Jenks, J. W. Rural poetrv of the English language. 2351 — Johnson, R. Little classics, v. 13-15. 12984-6 404 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Single famous poems. 17359 — Kenorick, A. C. Our poetical favorites. 3 ser. 9825 ; 14329 ; 22156 — Larcom, L. Roadside poems for summer travellers. 16014 — Lear, H. L. Five minutes daily readings of poetry. 22533 — Lilliput levee; poems of childhood, child-fancy, and child-like moods. 9852 — Linton, W. J. Rare poems of the 16th. and 17th. cent. ; with notes. 22277 16960-8; 17897-907 2750 *I 8035 22690 15818 6744 — Longfellow, H. W. Poems of places. 31 v. 16016-25: Poets and poetry of Europe. Same ; new ed. " — Mackay, C. Thousand and one gems of Eng. poetry. — Morris, M. Poet's walk ; introd. to Eng. poetry. — The mountains. — Palmer, J. W. The poetry of compliment and courtship. — Parton, J. Humorous poetry of the Eng. lang. fr. Chaucer to Saxe. — Patmore, C. The children's garland. . 8533 — Phillips, W. F. M. The book of Eno:lish elegies. 18637 — Playtime with the poets ; select, of Eng. poetry for the use of children. 10970 — Poems of home life. ' 9868 — Quiet hours. ' 13101 — Southey, R. Select works of the Brit, poets f r. Chaucer to Jouson ; with biog. sketches. 6316 — Standard poetry book, fr. the best authors. 8555 — Stevens, E. T. and Morris, D. Annotated poems of Eng. authors. 18396 — Stoddard, R. H. The late English poets. 6158 — Studies in poetry. 3500 — Tileston, M. W. Sunshine in the soul. 2 ser. 16701; 22303 Tender and true. 21259 — Trench, R. C. Household book of Eng. poetry; with notes. 8835 — W., S. L. Now is Christ risen; poems for Easter tide. 15681 — Ward, T. H. The English poets; select., with crit. introd.; and a gen. introd. by M. Arnold. 4 v. 20417-20 . — Willmott, R. A. The poets of the 19th. cent. New ed. 19382 — See a^soEng. ballads;— Eng. literature;— Eng. Sonnets. Also U. S. Literature, Poetry. — The library has also poems by the following authors : Akenside, M. ;— AUingham, W. ;— Armstrong*, G. F.;— Arnold, E.;— Arnold, M. ;— Ay- toun, W. E. ;— Bailey, P. J.;— Baillie, J. ;— Barbauld, A. L.;— Barnes, W.; Beattie, J. ;— Bennett, W. C.;— Benuoch, F.;— Blackie, J. S.:— Bo- ker, G. H. ; — Bowring, J. ; — Brooke, S. ; Browning, E. B.; — Browning, R. ;— Buchanan, R.:— Burns, R.;— Butler, S.;— Calverlv, C. S.;— Camp- bell, T.;— Carroll. L. ;— Charles, E. R. ;— Chatterton, T.; Chaucer, G.;— Churchill, C.;— Clarke, M. C.;— Clough, A. H. ;— Coleridge, H.;— Cole- ridge, S. T. :— Cook, E. ;— Cowper, W. ;— Craik, D. M. M. ;— Croly, G. ;— De Vere, A. ;— Dexter, C. ;— Dobell, S. ; Dobson, A. ;— Donne, J. ;— Dow- den, E. ;— Drummond, W. ;— Dryden, J. ;— Faber, F. W. ;— Falconer, W. ; — Gascoigne, G. ;— Gav, J. ;— Goldsmith, O. ;— Gosse, E. W. ;— Graves, A. P. ; Grav, D. ;— Grav, T. ;— Greenwell, D. ;— Hallam, A. H. ;— Halpine, C. G.;— Herbert, G.;— Herrick, R.;— Hewlett, H. G.;— Home, R. H.;— Howard, H. ;— Ingelow, J.;— Keats, J. ;— Keble, J. ;— Kemble, F. A. ;— Kingsley, C. ; — Lamb, C. and M. ; — Landor, W. S. ; — Lazarus, E. ; — Leigh- ton, R. ;— Lewes, M. G. E. {George Eliot) i—ljockev, F.;— Lover. S.— Lytton, E. R. B. {Owen J/i^ref??Y/0 ;— MacDonald, G.;— Mackay, C.;— Marvell, A. ;— Massev, G. ;— Meredith, G. ;— Milues, R. M. ;— Milton, J. ;— Moore, T. ;— More, H. ;— Morris, W. ;— Mvers. F. W. H. ;— Xoel, C. M. ;— Palgrave, F. T. :— Parnell, T. ;— Patmore, C. ;— Peacock, T. L. :— Plumptre E. H. ;— Praed, W. M. ;— Prior, M. ;— Proctor, A. A. ;-Robinson, A. M. F. ;— Rossetti. C. G. ;— Rossetti, D. G. ;— Ruskin, J. ;— Scott, W. ;— Skelton J. ;— Smith, A. ;— Smith, J. and H.;— Southey, R.;— Spenser, E.;— Suck- ling, J. ;— Swift, J.;— Swinburne, A. C. ;— Symonds, J. A. ;— Tennyson, A. ;— Tennvson, F. ;— Thackerav, W. M. ;— ^Thomson, J. ;— Thornburv, G. W. ;— Tlckell, T.;— Turner, C. (T.) ;-TrYaughan, H. ;— WesleA-, C.;— Westwood, T. ;— Wordsworth, W.;— Wyatt, T.;— Young, E. English poetry; Stories fr. old ; by A. S. Richardson. 9633 English political leaders, namely : Trollope, A. Lord Palmerston. 22717 English sonnets. Waddiugton, S English sonnets by living writers, select, etc. ; with note on the hist, of the 'sonnet.' 20687 English stage. >6'ee English drama. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 405 English thoiiajht in the 18th. cent., History of ; by L. Stephen. 2 V. " 16794-5 English traits ; by R. W. Emerson. 1379 English verse. See English Language. Prosody. English victories, sea stories, tales of enterprise and school- life ; by S. O. Beeton. 13790 English wit and humor. Chit-chat of humour, wit, and anecdote. 5155 — L'Estrange, A. G. History of Eng. humour ; with introd. upon anc. hu- mour. 2 V. 17673-4 — Prentice, G. D. Prenticeana; or. Wit and humor in paragraphs. 353() — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the 18th. cent. 4398 — Same. {In his Works, v. 23.) 19968 Englishman, The, and the Scandinavian ; by F. Metcalfe. 20814 Englishwoman, The, in Russia, 1855. 1399 Englishwomen in America. (/?? Biography and criticism.) 7911 Engravers. Clement. C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, engr., and their works. 2150 Engraving. Blanc, C. Grammar of painting and engr. *I — Davenport, S. Engraving. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 16472 — Duplessis, G. Wonders of engraving. (111. lib. of wonders.) 15563 — Gonse, L. L'oeuvre de Jules Jacquemart. *I — See also Wood engraving. Enigmas. See Amusements. Enigmas of life ; by W. R. Greg. 11397 Enlisted for the war ; play ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Exhib. dr.) 13308 Ennemoser, J. History of magic ; tr. by W. Howitt ; app. by M. Howitt. 2 V. 1400-1 Ennis, J. The origin of the stars, and the causes of their mo- tions and light. 6526 Ennius. Fragmentum. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Ennui ; by G. Bancroft. {In his Lit. and hist, misc.) 299 Ennui ; by M. Edge worth. 1328 ; 15291 Ennui, L' ; par A. PL Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 5.) *I Enoch Arden, &c. ; by A. Tennyson. 5701 Enquirer, The ; reflect, on education, manners, and literature ; by W. Godwin. 1543 Ensilage. Bailey, J. M. The book of ensilage ; or, The new dispensation for farmers. 19873 Enterprise. Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance and ent. ; [biog.]. 6741 Entertainments. See Amusements ; — Conundrums ; — Riddles. Also Private theatricals. Enthusiasm. Taylor, I. Natural history of enthusiasm. 11369 Entombed alive. See Stent, G. C. Entomology. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives ; or. Born in prison. 19208 — Bigland, J. {In his Natural hist, of birds, fishes, etc.) 5756 — Brown, R. {In his Science for all. 4 v.) 20445-6; 20526-7 — Cowan, F. Curious facts in the history of insects, iucl. spiders and scor- pions; Legends, superstitions, e^c* 6000 — Curiosities of entomology. Colored illust. 9727 — Duncan, P. M. The transformations (or metamorphoses) of insects. 12339 — Figuier, G. L. The insect world ; pop. acct. of the orders of insects, with descr. of the habits, etc., of species. 7516 — Karr, J. B. A. {In his Tour round my garden.) 6480 — Kirby, W. and Spence, W. Introduction to entomology. 2488 — Lubbock, J. Origin and metamorphoses of insects. 12199 — Michelet, J. The insect. Illust. by Giacomelli. *I — Packard, A. S. Jr. Guide to the study of insects. 10706 406 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Half-hours with insects. 16708 Our common insects. 12025 — Rennie, J. Insect architecture; Added, Miscellanies; ravages, preser- vation, and classification. 6639 Insect transformations. 2135 — Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Insects, and their habitations. 6126 — Swinton, A. H. Insect variety ; its propagation and distribution. *I — Treat, M. Injurious insects of the farm and garden. Illust. 21910 — Van Bruyssel, E. The population of an old pear tree. Illust. - 8670 — Weismann, A. Studies in the theory of descent ; notes and add. by the author; tr. and ed., with notes bv R. Meldola. Pref. by C. Darwin. Cold, plates. ' 19925 — Willet, J. E. Wonders of insect life, illust. the wisdom, power, and goodness of God. 22610 — iVee also Ants;— liees;— Carpet beetle ;— Chinch-bug ;— Cotton insects;— Insect collecting; — Pine moth; — Potato bug; — Wasps. Also Gt. Brit. Entomology. Entr'acte, Ao. {In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 Entre la soupe et les l^vres, soliloque en vers ; par E. d'Her- villy. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., s6r. 4.) 14688 Eoline ; by C. L. Hentz. 1859 Eon, Chevalier d'. See Beaumont, C. G. L. A. Eothen ; or. Traces of travel ; by A. W. Kingiake. 2471 Epaminondas. Yonge, CM. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Ephesus. Newton, C. T. Discoveries at E. {In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 —Wood, J. T. Discoveries at E., incl. the site and rem. of the Temple of Diana; illust. *I Epics. See Germany. Literature. Epictetus. Works : Discourses ; Enchiridion ; and Fragments ; tr. by T. W. Higginson. 6092 — The Enchiridion. (In Talbot, T. The Enchiridion, etc.) 21212 Epicurus. Courtney, W. L. Epicurus. {In Abbott, E. Hel- lenica.) 20099 — Findlater, A. Epicurus. (In Blomfield, C. J. and others. Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) 6380 Epicycloidal cutting frame. Bazley, T. S. Notes on the Epi- cycloidal catting frame. Illust. 10957 Epidemics. Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Reports, passim. *I — Simon, J. Filth diseases, and their prevention. 15612 Epigrams. Dodd, H. P. The epigrammatists ; select, fr. the epigrammatic lit. of anc, mediaeval, and mod. times; with notes, illust., etc. 10705 Epinay, Mme. L. F. P. de la Live d'. Sante-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) *I Epipsychidion series. V. 1. New and not new ; miscellaneous pieces. 12366 Episcopal Church in the U. S. See Protestant Episcopal Church. Episcopal Church in Scotland. De Quincey, T. Secession fr. the Church of Scotland. {In his Theol. ess., v. 2.) 1161 Episodes in an obscure life. 9289 Epitaphs. Kippax, J. R. Churchyard literature ; coll. of Amer. E., with rem. on monumental inscr., etc. *I — Northend, C. Book of epitaphs. 11510 Epizootic diseases. Judson, A. B. History and course of the epizootic among horses upon the No. Amer. continent, 1872-73. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Epochs of ancient history. See Cox, G. W. and Sankey, C. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 407 Epochs of modern history. See Morris, E. E. and Phillpotts, J. S. Equality. Arnold, M. {In his Mixed essays.) 18465 — Stephen, J. F. Liberty, equality, fraternity. 11575 Equations. Todhunter, I. Elementary treat, on the theory of E. 8549 Erasmus, D. Brewer, J. S. (In his Eng. studies.) 20734 — Drummond, R. B. Erasmus, his Hfe and character. 2 v. 11880-1 — Milman, H. H. (7?i ^2S Savonarola, e^c.) 10732 — Pennington, A. R. Life and character of E. ; pref . by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. 16542 — Seebohm, F. Oxford reformers ; Colet, Erasmus, and More. 13423 — Wilkinson, W. C. Character and literary influence of E. (In his Free lance, etc.) * 13358 Eratosthenes. Canon of the kings of Thebes. (In Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. The Alsacian schoolmaster. 11428 — The bells. 11021 — Leblocus. 9415 — Brigadier Frederic. 14108 — Confidances d'un joueur de clarinette. 9391 — Same ; Eng. Confessions of a clarionet player. 13276 — Same; and other tedes. ' 13276 Contents. Confessions of a clarionet player. — Hostelry of the Mayence Ham.— Catherine's suitors. — Contes des bords du Rhin. 9414 — Contes de la Montagne. 14657 — . Contes populaires. 9394 — The forest house ; and Catherine's lovers. 9168 — Friend Fitz. 11750 — La guerre. 9393 — Histoire d'un consent de 1813. 9401 — Same. Eng. The conscript ; story of French war, 1813. 8082 — Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ' 9396 — Histoire d'un pavsan. 1789. 93*7 — Same. Eng. Story of a peasant, 1789. 10899 — Histoire d'un pavsan, 1792. 9398 — Same. Eng. Story of a peasant, 1792. 10900 — Histoire d'un pavsan, 1793. 9399 — Same. Eng. Storv of a peasant, 1793. 16821 — Histoire d'un paysan, 1794-1815. 9400 — Same. Eng. Storv of a peasant, 1794-1815. 16820 — L'illustre docteur Math6us. 9390 — L'invasion, ou, Le fou Yi^got. 9389 — Same. Eng. [with mem. of Erckman and Chatrian] . 9720 — Madame Th^rese. 9403 — Same ; tr. [by C. L. Forten. Pref. by T. W. Higginson : mem. of E.— C] . 7555 — La maison forestiere. ^ 9392 — Same. Eng. The forest house. 9168 — Maltre Daniel Rock. 9395 — The plebiscite. 10493 — Strange stories. (Contes fantastiques.) (Appletons' hand.-vol. ser.) 19878 — Waterloo : suite du Conscrit de 1813. 9402 — Same. Eng. trans. . 8083 — Biog. sk. {In their Invasion.) 9720 — Higginson, T. W. [Sketch of E.—C] . (InE.—C. Mad. Th^r^se.) 7555 — Schmidt, J. Erckmann-Chatrian. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) 16311 Erdmutha ; by B. Auerbach. (In his German tales.) 7889 Erechtheus ; tragedy ; by A. C. Swinburne. 15643 Erema ; by R. D. Blackmore. 17302 Eric ; by F. W. Farrar. 1448 Eric Walderthorn. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 2.) 14302 Ericsson, J. Headley, P. C. The miner boy, and his Monitor. 6082 Erie canal. Abbott, J. Marco on the Erie canal. (Marco Paul stories.) 65 408 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Erling the Bold ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 8078 Erma's engagement. 11262 Ermenonville, — d'. Kingsley, H. D'E.'s acclimatization ad- venture. {In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Ermina ; by Mrs. Sherwood. (Jti i^er Works, v. 5.) 3959 Ernani ; op^ra ; par Verdi. *I — Same. (Zw Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Erne, Lough. Black, A. and C. Guide to Gal way, Conne- mara, the Shannon, and Lough E. *I Ernest Carroll ; by [H. Greenough]. 1404 Ernest Linwood ; by C. L. Hentz. 1860 Ernest Maltravers ; by E. B. Lytton. 5207 Ernest Maltravers ; drama ; by L. Medina. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 18.) 11819 Ernest Quest; by S. R. Ford. 17550 Ernestine; by [W. von Hillern]. 2 v. 20214-15 Note. DiflFerent translation of Only a girl. Ernestine; drama; by W. Robertson. {In Mod. stand dr., V. 14.) 11816 Ernie Elton ; by P:. Eiloart. 7308 Ernest, O. H. Manual of pract. military engineering. 8792 Erreurs de la guerre, Les ; com^die ; par P. Giffard. {In Say- n^tes, etc.^ ser. 5.) 14795 Erring, yet noble ; by I. G. Reed, Jr. 7324 Errors, Popular. Brown T. redivivus. Exposition of vulgar and common errors. {In Small books on gt. sub., v. 2.) 4015 Ersilia ; by E. F. Poynter. 15531 Erskine, J. H. Yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn., 1873. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1, 1873.) *! Erskine, R. C. Lady Grange. Chambers, W. Lady Grange. {In his Sto. of old families.) 18362 Erskine, T. Letters, 1800-1840 ; ed. by W. Hanna. 22255 Erskine, T., Baron. Speeches. {In Celebrated speeches, etc.) 5007 — Speeches ; with mem. by E. Walford. 2 v. 10668-9 — Brougham, H. (7?i Ais Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Chambers, W. Erskine. {In his Sto. of old families.) 18362 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Rogers, S. (In his Recollections.) 3688 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Erskine, Mrs. Thomas. Wyncote. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 13906 Erslev, Ed. Allman geografi ; tredje upplagan, ombesorjd af J. P. Velander. 15018 — Larobok i geogTafl ; tredje upplagen ; ombesorjd af J. P. Yelander. 15031 Erville, H. d'. Les peches de Mamette. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 Esau Hardery ; by W. O. Stoddard. 21433 Esau Runs wick ; by K. S. Macquoid. 21336 Eschatology. Dorner, I. A. Dorner on the future state ; tr. with introd., etc., by N. Smyth. . 22467 — Farrar, F. W. Mercy and judgment ; Christian E. with ref . to Dr. Pusey's " TVTiat is'of faith?" ' 20703 Eschenbacii, O. The pearls. > 3441 Eschenbach, W. See Wolfram von Eschenhach, Esclaves de Paris, Les ; par E. Gaboriau. 2v. 14621-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 409 Escott, E. R. S. Dwellings for the labouring class. {In Assoc. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Escott, T. H. S. England ; her people, polity, and pursuits. 19465 Esfira. {In Two Russian idyls.) 19861 Eskimos. Rink, H. Tales and traditions of the E. ; with sketch of their habits, relig., lang., and other peculiari- ties ; by R. Brown ; illust. by the Eskimo. 15639 Esmeralda ; by F. H. Burnett. {In her Surly Tini.) 17184 Esmeralda, La; by V. Hugo. {In his ThMtre, v. 4.) 14440 Esmeralda ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. (JnMod. stand, dr., v. 19.) 11819 Espagnols en Danemarck, Les ; par P. Merimee. {In his Theatre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Esperance'; by M. W. Lawrence. 6262 Espin, T.E. Double stars. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 Espousals, The. See Angel in the house. Essay on transcendentalism. 4487 Essays. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Essay-writing in general, and these ess. in particular. {In his Caxtoniana.) 17309 Essays and marginalia ; by H. Coleridge. *I Essays and studies ; by A. C. Swinburne. 14246 Essays fr. the London Times. 2d. ser. 9693 Contents. Captain Peel in the Xubian desert. — Biograph)^: Memoirs of Lord Langdale. — Tennyson : The poetry of sorrow.— History of Span- ish literattire. — Arctic expeditions. — Life'of Sterling, by T. Carlyle. — Lord Chancellor Clarendon and his friends.— Dickens and Thackeray: David Copperfield and Arthur Pendennis.— Grote's Hist, of Greece.— Our antipodes.— Lord Holland and his Foreign reminiscences.— Autobiog- raphy of a chartist.— Uncle Tom's cabin. — The Blithedale romance. Essays in romance, and stud. fr. life ; by J. Skelton. 18752 Essenes. De Quincey, T. TheP^ssenes. (in ^ts Avenger, e^c.) 1164 — Ginsburg, C. D. The Essenes ; their hist, and doctrines. »I Este, Leonora d'. Hewitt, M. E. {In her Lives.) 1899 Estelle ; by A. Edwardes. 13369 Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in pop. science. 2 ser. 13114; 18864 Contents. Ser. 1. Proctor, R. A. Strange disc, respt. the aurora; Recent solar researches.— Virchow, R. The cranial affinities of man and the ape. — Schellen, Young, Roscoe, Lockyer, Huggins, and others, Spec- trum analysis expl. and its uses to science illust. — Schellen, H. and others. Nebulae, comets, meteoric showers.— Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. —Carpenter, W. B. Unconscious action of the brain; Epidemic delu- sions.— Scientific miscellany.— Winchell, A. Geology of the stars. — Hux- ley, T. H. On yeast.— Tice, J. H. The relations bet. matter and force. — Tylor, E. B." The stone age, past and present. — Richardson, Z>n Theory of nervous ether.— Toads in the hole.— Hunt, T. S. Origin of metalliferous deposits.— Rotundity of the earth.— Richardson, Dr. The phenomena of sleep.— Animal life at great depths in the sea.— Russian metallurgical works.— Hunt, R. Coal as a reservoir of power. — Meade, H. Hot springs in New Zealand.— Clifibrd, Prof. Atoms.— Dove, H. W. The circulation of the waters on the surface of the earth. — What is actin- ism. 2. Tyndall, J. Transmission of sound by the atmosphere.- Kent, "W. S. Gigantic cuttle-fish.- Braun, A. The glacial epoch of our globe. —Stewart, B. The sun and the earth.— Phelps, J. W. Force electrically exhibited.— Weighing the earth in a coal-pit.— Influ. of violet-light on the growth of animals and plants.— Geikie, J. The ice age in Britain. — Perceptions of the lowest animals.— Chase, H. S. Causes of degeneracy of the teeth.— The great pyramid of EgviJt.— Photographv.— Knv, L. The ilkmiination of beacons and buoys.— Garbit, F. J. The telephone; The phonograph.— Proctor, R. A. The use and abuse of food; Ozone- Williamson, W. C. The succession of life on the earth.— Roscoe, H. E. What the earth is composed of.— Proctor, R. A. Dew.— Lovering, J. Sympathetic vibrations as exhibited in ordinarv machinerv. — Grav, A. 27 ... 410 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Notes on tree growth.— Pritchard, H. B. Science and war.— Hitchcock, C. H. Existence of glacial act. upon the summit of Mt. Washington, iV". ^.—Proctor, R. A. The levelling power of rain. — The home book of poetry; Eng. and Amer. poets. Illust. 22006 Esther ; trag^die ; par J. Racine. {In his Th^^tre comp.) 14399 Esther Pennefather ; by A. Perry. 17767 Esther, To ; by A. I. Thackeray. (In her Writings.) 8668 Estimate of the manners and princ. of the times ; [by J. Brown]. 2 v. 6054-5 Estr^es, Gabrielle d'. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. land., V. 8.) *I Estvan, Mathilde. Harry Delaware. 11069 Etangs, Les ; by G. Droz. 14394 Etching. Gautier, T. Un mot sur I'eau-forte. {In his Tab- leaux k la plume.) 14647 — Hammerton, P. G. The etcher's hand-book. 10015 Etching and etchers. Illust. *I Eternal hope ; sermons ; by F. W. Farrar. 17549 Eternity. De Quincey, T. On the supposed scrip, expr. for eternity. {In his Theol. ess., v. 1.) 1160 — Zschokke, J. H. D. Meditations on death and eternity. 4929 Ethan Brand ; by N. Hawthorne. {In Little class., v. 1.) 12972 Ethel Mildmay's follies. 10933 Ethelind, the fair ; by E. M. Stewart. {In her Cloister legends.) 12789 Ethel's book ; or, Tales of the angels ; by F. W. Faber. 8938 Ethelyn's mistake ; by M. J. Holmes. 7836 Ether. Anstie, F. E. (In his Stimulants and narcotics.) 10591 ~ Bo wen, F. Psychical effects of etherization. (In his Gleanings.) 19941 Etheridge, Sir J. W. The apostolical acts and epistles, fr. the Peschito. Added, The remaining epistles, and the book of Revelations, after a later Syrian text. *I — Jerusalem and Tiberias ; Sora and Cordova ; surv. of the relig. and scholastic learning of the Jews. *I — Life of Rev. A. Clarke. 1408 — The Syrian churches ; with lit. trans, of the Gospels fr. the Peschito. *I Ethical law and social order ; essay, by G-. Batchelor. {Li Institute ess.) 19811 Ethics. See Moral philosophy. Ethics of popularity ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Success, etc.) 10753 Ethics of the dust ; by J. Ruskin. 6232 Ethiopia. Cailliaud, F. Journey to the Libyan oases, etc. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — Ditson, G. L. Para papers on France, Egypt, and Ethiopia. 6317 — Harris, W. C. The highlands of Ethiopia. 6267 — Lepsius, K. R. Letters fr. Egypt, Ethiopia, etc. ; rev. trans, by L. and J. B. Horner. 2606 Ethnography. Latham, R. Gr. Opuscula ; essays, chief, philo- logical and ethnographical. 17950 Ethnology. Brace, C. L. Races of the old world ; manual of E. 5523 — Brown, R. The races of mankind. 4 v. in 2. 17121-2 — Catlin, G. Lifted and subsided rocks of Amer., with their infl. on currents and the distr. of races. 8857 — Featherman, A. Social history of the races of mankind : Aramaeans. 21004 — Fontaine, E. How the world was peopled; ethnolog. lect. 10185 — Freeman, E. A. Race and language. (Zw M*s Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Keane. A. H. Philology and E. of the mteroceanic races. (In Wallace, A.'R. Australasia.) 20819 — Knox, R. Races of men; phil. enquiry into the infl. of race over the destinies of nations. 6506 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 411 — Latham, R. G. Man and his migrations. 2581 Varieties of the human race. {In Orr, W. S. Cir. of the sci.) 5184 — Nicholas, T. British E.; pedigree of the Eng. people; argument, hist., and sci., on the formation and growth of the nation, etc., with espec. ref . to the incorporation of the Celtic aborigines. 13819 — Peabodv museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Reports, V. 1,'^2. 17434; 19624 — • Peschel, O. The races of man, and their geog. distribution. 16686 — Pickering, C. The races of man; and their geographical distribution. 3457 — Rawlinson, G. Ethnic affinities in the anc. world. {In his Orig. of nat.) 17474 — Reid, M. Odd people ; singular races of man. 3626 — See also America;— Danube, Races of the;— Man. Also Smithsonian Institution. Repts. ; ana Bureau of Ethnology. Etienne, C. G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (/?i A^sCaus. lund., v. 6.) *I Etiquette and Manners. Bazar book of decorum. 9262 — Dahlgren, M. V. Etiquette of social life in Washington. 20563 — Duffey, E. B. Our behavior; manual of etiquette and dress. 16567 — Etiquette for gentlemen. 9185 — Etiquette for ladies. 9184 — Every dav home advice rel. chief, to household management. 22194 — '' Eyebright, D." Manual of etiquette. 8987 — Gow, A. 31. Good morals and gentle manners. 18008 — Habits of good society. 1714 — Same. {In Hand-books of good soc.) 22191 — Hale, S. J. Manners; or, Happy homes and good society all the vear round. * 7196 — Kirkwood, A. M. Rules of politeness ; prep, for the "Wilson Indust. Sch. {In Little housekeeper.) 18605 — Manners and tone of good society. 19445 — Moore, C. J. Sensible etiquette of the best society. 17868 — Power, Mrs. S. D. Children's etiquette. 22598 — Sause, M. J. Chapters on etiquette. {In his Art of dancing.) 19500 — Social etiquette and home culture. 20911 Etna. Rodwell, G. F. Etna ; hist, of the mountain and its eruptions. Maps and illust. 18368 Etoile du Nord, L' ; op^ra com. ; par G. Meyerbeer. *I Etoile du nord, L' ; op^ra comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 4, V. 16.) *I Eton boy ; by E. Morton. {In French's Min. dram., v. 26.) 7984 Eton College. A day of my life ; or. E very-day experiences atE. 17051 — Leathes, S. M. Eton; life in college. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at E. etc A ' 21777 — Lyte, H.'c. M. History of Eton College, 1440-1875. Illust. *I — Oliphant, T. R. Eton; life among the Oppidans. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at E., etc.) 21777 — Recollections of Eton ; by an Etonian. Illust. 10684 Eton Montem ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336; 15296 Etourdi, L' ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 1.) 14604 Etruria. Dennis, G. Cities and cemeteries of E. 2 v. *I Etruscan Bologna ; a study ; by R. F. Burton. 16813 Ettrick Shepherd, pseud. See Hogg, J. Etymology. See P^nglish language. Eucalyptus. Kingzett, C. T. Nature's hygiene ; spec. ref. to the chemistry and hygiene of the Eucalyptus. 20090 Eucheria. Carmen. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 Eucken, R. The fundamental concepts of mod. philosophic thought crit. and hist, considered; tr. by M. S. Phelps. Introd. by N. Porter. 21440 412 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Eucleides. Elements ; first six books, and portions of the eleventh and twelfth ; with notes, app., and exercises ; by I. Todhunter. 12924 Eudes, Jean. Montzey, C. de. Father Eudes, apostolic missionary and his foundations. 13472 Eudiometer. Macleod, Pro/. On eudiometers. (Jn So. Kens- ington Sci. lect., V. 2.) 17679 Euemerus. Fragments. (Jii Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 Eugene, Prince^ i. e., F. E. de Savoie-Carignan. James, G. P. R. {In his Mem., v. 2.) 2294 — Mundt, C. Prince Eugene and his times. ^ 13488 — Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Eugene Aram; by [E. B. Lytton]. 5205 Eugene Oneguine ; by A. Pushkin. 22424 Eugene Pickering ; by H. James, Jr. {In his Passionate pilgrim.) 13460 — Same. (In his Madonna, etc., v. 2.) 20810 Eugenie, Empress of the French. McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 Eugenie ; by B. M. Butt. 17009 Eugenie Grandet ; by H. de Balzac. 18850 Eunice Lathrop, spinster ; by A. L. Noble. . 21337 Eunuchus ; comoedia. See Terentius Afer, P. Euphorion C/iaZcidensis. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Voxtx. cont., V. 5.) *I Euripides. The crowned Hippolytus ; tr. by A. M. F. Rob- inson. 21988 — Medea; with notes and introd. bv F. D. Allen. ^ 16759 — Tragedies ; lit. tr., with notes bvT. A. Buckley. 2 v. 1409-10 — Browning, R. Aristophanes' apology ; incl. a transcript from Euripides. 13742 — Cooper, V. R. Tales from E. ; Iphigeriia; Andromache : Alcestis ; Hecuba; Helen; Medea. ' 18784 — Donne, W. B. Euripides. (Anc. class, for Eng. readers.) 10992 — Mahaffy, J. P. Euripides. 19255 —Saint Victor, P. de. {In his Les deux masques, v. 2.) 14719 Europe. Agriculture. — Colman, H. European agriculture and rural economy. 2 v. 895-6 Antiquities. — See Antiquities. Architecture. — Narjoux, F. Notes and sketches of an architect dur. a I'ournev in the northwest of E. ; tr. by J. Peto. Illust. ' ' 17145 Art. — Viardot, L. Wonders of European art. 9873 Civilization, etc. — Draper, J. W. History of the intellectual development of Europe. 1286 Description and travels. — Appletons' European guide-book. 10486 — Arnold, H. P. European mosaics. 6682 — Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe framed in ideas. 5616 — Bellows, H. W. The old world in its new face; impressions of E., 1867-8. 2 V. 7411-12 — Brown, W. W. Sketches of places and people abroad. 538 — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller. 2 ser. 551-2 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Europe. 19212 — Calvert, G. H. Scenes and thoughts in Europe. 671 — Channing, W. A physician's vacation; a summer in E., [1852]. 781 — Colman, H. European life and manners. 2 v. 897-8 — A continental tour of eight days for forty-four shillings ; by a journeyman. 18758 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 413 • Cook, J. Holiday tour in Europe. ■ Coxj S. S. A Buckeye abroad; or, Wanderings in Europe, etc. ■ Darley, F. Sketches* abroad with pen and pencil. ■ De Forest, J. W. European acquaintance. ■ Dewey, O. The old world and the new. 2 v. Fames, J. A. The budget closed ; [letters] . Felton, C. C. Familiar letters fr. Europe. Fetridge, W. P. Harper's hand-book for travellers in Europe, etc., 1870. - Same. 1882. 3 v. Field, H. M. From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. Fisk, W. Travels in Europe. Forney, J. W. Letters fr. Europe. Fuller, H. {In his Sparks fr. a locomotive.) Fulton, C. C. Europe viewed through American spectacles. Goodrich, S. G. Balloon travels of Robert Merry and his young friends. Greeley, H. Glances at Europe. Hale, E. E. Ninety days' worth of Europe. Holden, L. L. A summer jaunt thr. the old world. Howe, J. W. From the oak to the olive. Kirkland, C. M. Holidays abroad. 2 v. Knox, T. W. Pocket guide for Europe, etc. Lester, C. E. My consulship. 2 v. Letters fr. three continents. Lippincott, S. J. Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe. Loomis, L. C. Index guide to travel and art-study in E. Illust. McCabe, J. D. Our young folks abroad. Illust. ' Mateaux, C. L. Peeps abroad for folks at home. Mitchell, D. G. Fresh gleanings; continental Europe. Moore, J. Outlving E. and the nearer Orient ; narr. of recent travel. Morford, H. Appletons' short-trip guide to E., [1868] . - Paris, and half Europe in '78. Moulton, L. C. Random rambles. Nasr-ed-Din. Diary of H. M., the Shah of Persia, 1873; tr. by J. W. Redhouse. Osgood's complete pocket-guide to Europe. Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of European travel. Pennington, T. Journey into various parts of Europe, 1818-21. 2 v. Pitman, M. J. European breezes. Salm-Salm. A. zu. Ten years of my life. 2 v. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in E., 1872. - Same. 1881. Silliman, B. Visit to Europe, 1851. 2 v. Sweat, M. J. M. Highways of travel; a summer in Europe. Sweetser, M. F. Europe for ^2, a day; notes, with pers. remin. of travel. Taylor, B. By-ways of Europe. - (in his At home and abroad.) - Views a-foot. Terhune, M. V. Loiterings in pleasant paths. Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in Europe. Walworth, E. H. An old world as seen through young eyes. Warner, C. D. Saunterings. Watson, E. Journals of travels in E., 1777-1812. (In his Men, etc., of the Rev.) Wert, R. Van. Rip Van Winkle's travels in foreign lands 18261 1000 7542 1135 1169-70 1314 6769 8879 *I 16713 1476 7061 4157 12155 1600 1641 1718 18806 7456 2490-1 21588 2616-17 2620 2700 21595 21240 19499 20200 7457 19069 20572 13633 22749 7479 6052-3 21524 15724^ 11420 20400 3986-7 4311 14059 7672 4435-6 4368 19654 4618 17024 10492 0064 21128 — Willis, N. P. — Barnard, H. Pencillings by the way ; residence and travel in E. Education. National education in Europe. Geography. Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, past and present, manual. Historical geography. Freeman, E. A. The historical geography of E. 2 v. Text and plates. 20539 History. Alison, A. Historv of Europe, 1789-1852. 8 v. Dyer, T. H. History of mod. Europe, 1453-1857. 4 v. Freeman, E. A. General sketch of European hist. Note. Am. ed. entitled Outlines of history. - History of Europe. (Hist. Prim.) - Practical bearings of gen. European historv. {In his Lect.) Fyffe, C. A. Historv of mod. Europe, v. 1, 1792-1814. 4570 139-142 8177-80 11212 16018 22147 20158 414 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Gentz, F. On the state of E., before and after the French revolution. 222^ — Glimpses of the Dark Ages; or, Sketches of the social cond. of E. 6th.- 12th. cent. 1537 — Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of European history. 1589' Second book of history. 6340- — Guizot, F. P. G. History of the origin of representative government in E. ; tr. by A. R. Scoble. 13809 — Hale, E. The fall of the Stuarts, and western E., 1678-1697. 16104: — Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of E. ; biog. outline of European hist., 700- 1700. 1896 — Koch, C. W. and Schoell, M. S. F. History of the revolutions in E., to 1815. Added, Acct. of revolutions in 1848. 2514 — Mackenzie, R. The 19th. century. 19686 — Pradt, D. D. de. Europe after the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle ; seq. to the Congress of Vienna; tr. with notes, by G. A. Otis. 3523 — Russell, W. History of anc. Europe. 2 v. 3745-6 History of mod. Europe ; with acct. of the decl. and fall of the Roman Empire, etc. 5 v. 3747-51 Russell's History of mod. Europe epitomized ; by G. Townsend. 3755 — Sewell, E. M. and Yonge, C. M. European history; ser. of hist, select., 1003-1228. 2 V. 11134-5 — Ungewitter. F. H. Europe, past and present; manual. 4570 — See also Middle Ages ;— Thirty Years' War. Also. Names of countries in Europe, Literature. — Hallam, H. Introduction to the literature of E., 15th.-17th. cent. 2 v. 1741-2 Politics. . — Grund, F. J. Thoughts and refl. on the present position of Europe. 1693 — Yassall, H. R. F. Foreign reminiscences ; ed. by his son. 1953 Ornithology. — Bree, C. R. History of the birds of Europe, not obs. in the British Isles ; [cold, plates] . 4 v. 8208-11 Europe, North of. Description, etc. — Yincent, F. Jr. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn ; travel tracings. 20884 — Baird, R. Visit to Northern Europe. 2 v. 476-T Literature. — Goddard, J. Wonderful stor. of Northern lands ; introd. by G. W. Cox. 10693^ Europe, South of. Literature. Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Historical view of the literature of the So. of E. • tr. by T. Roscoe. 2 V. 4005-6 Europe, Child-life in ; by [E. H. Watson]. 13111 European and American order of thought. (In Crit. and Soc. ess.) 6992 European civilization ; Protestantism and Catholicism com- pared ; by J. Balmes. 13424 Europeans, The ; by H. James, Jr. 18010' Eusden, L. Hamilton, W. (In his Poets laureate.) 18533 Eusebius Ccesariensis. Ecclesiastical history ; tr. by C. F. Crus^ ; and Historical view of the Council of Nice, bv I. Boyle. " 1411 Eustace diamonds, The; by A. Trollope. 11103 Eustache Baudin ; drama ; by J. Courtney. {Li Mod. stand. dr., V. 18.) 1181» Eustachio, G. T. Life. (Mod. saints and serv. of God.) 8939 Eustaphieve, A. Reflections, notes, etc., illust. the character of Peter the Great ; added, Tragedy : Alexis, the Czarewitz. 2d. ed. 5028 Eutaw ; by W. G. Simms. 15805 Euthanasy ; or, Happy talk towards the end of life ; by W. Mountford. 3175- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 415 Eutropius. Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius ; lit.tr., with notes, by J. S. Watson. 5157 Evadne; play; by R. Shell. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 Evangelical Alliance Conference. Schaff, P. and Prime, S. I. History, essays, orations, efc, of the 6th. Gen. Conf. 12299 Evangelical succession. The; by J. Stephen. (Jti /l^s Essays, V. 2.) 8976 Evangeliste, L' ; par A. Daudet. 14750 — 8ame ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 22573 Evangiles, Les ; par E. Renan. *I Evans, A. S. Our sister republic; gala trip thr. tropical Mexico, 1869-70 ; with reminiscences of the empire, etc. 13370 Evans, A. J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina, 1875 ; with hist. rev. of Bosnia ; rev. and enl. ; and A glimpse at the Croats, Slavonians, and the anc. republic of Ragusa. Map and illust. 2d. ed. 17224 Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, A. J. Evans, C. Hood, E. P. Christmas Evans, the preacher of wild Wales ; his country, times, and contemporaries. 22676 Same. {In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 Evans, F. W. Shakers ; origin, history, etc., with biographies. 1644 — Tests of divine inspiration. 1417 Evans, G. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In Speeches, etc. 5183 Evans, H., {pseud. Noblesse Oblige) . Our old Nobility. 2 ser. 18655; 19566 Evans, J. Ancient stone Implements of Great Britain. 11201 Evans, M. See Lewes, M. E. Evans, M. J. Practical theology, by J. J. van Oosterzee ; tr. and adapt, to the use of Eng. readers. 18576 Evans, M. Butter and cheese. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Evans, O. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 — Sketch of E. (In Famous stories.) 7707 Evans, R. M. Tales of chivalry ; or, Evenings with the chroniclers. 1418 Contents. Battle of Ottorboume. — Wars of Ghent.— Philip van Arta- velde. — Jacquehne of Holland. Evans, T: Exposition of the faith of the Soc. of Friends ; with acct. of the rise of the society. 1416 —joint author. See Evans, W. Evans, T. W. Instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgery, hygiene, etc. (/n U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., V. 5.) 9100 Evans, W. F. Mental medicine ; treatise on med. psychology. 12013 Evans, W. R. Plea for spelling reform. {In Pitman, I. Plea for spell, ref.) 18516 Evans, W., and T. Piety promoted, in a collection of dying sayings of Quakers. 4 v. 3464-7 Evarts, W. M. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Eva's adv. in shadow land ; by M. D. Nauman. {In Adv. in shadow laud.) 20512 Eveleen Wilson ; drama ; by J. Pilgrim. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 40.) 11830 416 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Evelina'; [by Mme. d'Arblay]. 1095 Evelyn, J . Diary and correspondence ; [with] the private correspondence bet. Charles I. and E. Nicholas, and bet. Sir E. Hyde and Sir R. Browne ; ed. by W. Bray. New ed. 4 V. 1419-22 Evelyn, W. M. The young priest. (In Short stories.) 6965 Evelyn Marston ; by A. Marsh-Caldwell. 11920 Evenings with a reviewer; by J. Spedding. 2 v. 21740-1 Everard, R. Kingsley, H. Sufferings of E. (In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Everett, A. H. Critical and misc. ess. Added, Poems. 1424 Essays. 3Ime.de S6vigne.— Wlio wrote Gil Bias ?— Life of B. de St. Pierre.— Life and writings of Schiller.— Geoffroy on French dram, litera- ture.— Private life of Voltaire.— Art of being happy.— Life and works of Canova. — Sir J. Mackintosh. — Cicero on government. — Dialogue on gov- ernment, bet. Franklin and Montesquieu. — Chinese manners. — The Sabbath. — Critical and misc. essays, ser. 2. 13208 Contents. Harro Harring. — Mme. de Stael. — Musaeus's Popular tales. — Irving's Columbus.— De Gerando's History of philosophy.— Greenough's statue of Washington.— Stewart's PhilosophV.— Lif e of Jean Jacques Rous- seau.— Havana.— History of intellectual philosophy. — Lord Vapourcourt. — Life of J. Warren. {In Lives of em. Individ., v. 2.) 2709 — Same. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. Biog., v. 10.) 4119 — Life of P. Henry. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 11.) 4120 Everett, C. C. Relation of Jesus to the present age. (In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 — Relation of mod. philosophy to liberalism. (In Institute ess.) 19811 — Religions before Christianity ; manual for Sundav Schools. 22890 — Science of thought; system of logic. ' 8052 Everett, E. Biographical mem. of Webster. (In "Webster, D. Works, V. 1.) 4704 — Defence of Christianity against G. B. English. 1463 — Importance of pract. education and usef . knowledge ; from his orations, etc. (School Librarv.) 5030 — Life of J. Stark. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 1.) 4110 — Same. (In Lives of em. indiv., v. 1.) 2708 — Life of Washington. 1426 — Mount Yernon papers. 1426 — Orations. (In Amer. oratory.) 4959 — Orations and speeches. 4 v. ' 1427-9 : 7570 — Selections fr. the works of E., with sketch of his life. 14:^0 — Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. (In Speeches, etc.) 5183 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Magoon, E. L. (In his Living orators in Am.) 2857 — Savage, J. (In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 — Wliipple, E. P. (In his Character.) 6546 Everett, J. D. Illustrations of the ceutimetre-Gramme-Second (C. G. S.) system of units. 15955 — joint aiithor. See Schott, C. A. Everett, S. H. Benjamin, Mrs. M. G. (In her Mission sisters.) 384 Everett, W. Changing base. Illust. 7552 — Double play. 7653 — Lectures on the Univer. of Cambridge in Eng. (On the Cam.) 6105 — School sermons, preached at Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. 21353 Everlasting punishment. See Future punishment. Evers, H. Elementary treatise on nautical astronomy. (Col- lins' elem. sci. ser.) 12619 — Steam and the locomotive engine. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12639 — Steam and the steam engine : land and marine. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12640 — Same ; Land, marine, and locomotive. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 11977 • — Theory and pract. of navigation. (ColUns' elem. sci. ser.) 11940 Evertsen, J. Liefde, J. de. (In his Gt. Dutch admirals.) 11761 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 417 Every man his own poet ; by W. H. Mallock. 18582 Everybody's friend ; comedy ; by J. S. Coyne. {In Mod. stand. . dram., v. 44.) 11832 Every boy's book ; by E. Routledge. 9028 Every day. 10530 Every day home advice rel. chief, to household management. 22194 Every day philosopher, The, in town and country ; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 4640 Every day topics ; by J. G. Holland. 16106 Every horse owner's cyclopedia. Engr. 12474 Contents. Walsh, .J. H. Diseases and how to cure them. — Harvey, E. The American trotting horse, efc— Elderken, J. The turf and trotting horse of America. — McClure, R. The Percheron horse ; List of stallions ; Tables of pedigrees. — Same; Add., Walsh, J. H. The horse in the stable, etc. 7711 Evil. The rise and the fall ; or. The origin of moral evil. 6540 Evil eye ; by J. B. Phillips. {In French's Min. dram., v. 17.) 11844 Evil eye. The, and other stories ; by K. S. Macquoid. 15598 Evil genius, The ; comedy ; by B. Bernard. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 20.) 11820 Evolution. Allen, G. The colours of flowers as illust. in the British flora. Illust. 22450 — Bastian, H. C. Beginnings of life ; nature, modes of origin, and trans- formations of lower organisms. 2 v; 11015-16 — Birks, T. R. Modern phvs. fatalism and doctr. of E. 16644 — Brunton, T. L. The Bible and science. Illust. 20836 — Burr, E. F. Pater Mundl ; or, Doctr. of evolution. , 11478 — Cazelles, M. E. Outline of the evolution philosophv. 13679 — Chapman, H. C. Evolution of life. ' 11801 — Cope, E. D. On the In-pothesis of E. (In. Hf .-hrs. with mod. sci.) 9821 — Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophv, based on the doctr. of evolution, etc. 2v. * 13225-6 — Guthrie, M. Mr. Spencer's formula of evolution. 19520 — Haeckel, E. History of creation ; poj). exp. of the doctr. of E. in general, and af that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular. 2 v. 15396-7 — Henslow, G. Theorv of E., and the appl. of the prmc. of E. to relig. 12197 — Huxley, T. H. Evoiution in biology. {In his Sci. and cult.) 21538 Lectures on E., 1876. (In his Amer. addr.) 17136 — Mivart, St. G. Contemporary evolution ; ess. on recent soc. changes. 16600 On the genesis of species. * 9120 — Pusey, S. E. B. B. Permanence and E. ; supposed mutabilitv of animal types. * 22423 The religion of evolution. 16078 — Romanes, G. J. The scientific evidences of organic evolution. 22331 — Savage, M. J. The morals of evolution. 22484 Same. (In Jiis Sermons, v. 1.) 22507 — Scudder, S. H. Butterflies, their struct., changes, and life-hist. ; appl. of the " Doctr. of Descent." 21^56 — Smith, J. C. Evolution and a personal Creator, (hi Chris, truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 The theistic basis of E. (In Boston Mond. Lect., 1880-81.) 20467 — Spencer, H. Mr. Martineau on evolution. (In his Rec. discuss.) 11388 — Strauss, D. F. The old faith and the new. 11742 — Tyndall,J. Professor Virchow and evolution. (77i A/sFrag.of sci., v.2.) 19304 — Virchow, R. The freedom of science in the mod. state. 18518 — Weisman, A, Studies in the theorv of descent. 19925 — Wilson, A. Chapters on evolution. Illust. 22344 — Wilson, D. Caliban : the missing link. 11522 — Winchell, A. The doctrine of evolution. 12516 — Wright, C. (In his Phil, disc.) 16903 — See also Darwin, C. ;— Huxley, T. H. :— Man. Also Bible. Bible and science. Evolution of the social sentiment ; by F. P. Cobbe. {In her Hopes of the human race.) 13506 418 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Evremond. See St. Evremond. Ewald, A. C. The crown and its advisers ; or, Queen, ministers, lords, and commons. 17^18 — Life and times of A. Sydney, 1622-1683. 2 v. 11512-13 — Life and times of Prince Charles Stuart, commonly called the Young pretender; from state papers, etc. 2 v. 16591-2 — Reference book of EngUsh history. 1354 Ewald, G. H. A. von. Antiquities of Israel : tr. by H. S. Solly. 15776 — Commentary on the book of Job ; tr. by J. F. Smith. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — Commentary on the prophets of the O. T.; tr. by J. F. Smith. 5 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — Commentary on the Psalms ; tr. by E . Johnston. 2 v. (Theol, Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — History of Israel ; fr. the German by R. Martineau (v. 1 and 2) , and J. E. Carpenter (v. 3-5), v. 1-5. 15251-5 Contents. V. 1. Introductory and prelim, history, 2. Moses and Theocracy. 3. Rise and splendour of the Hebrew monarchy. 4. ^vom the disruption of the monarchy to its fall. 5. History of Ezra and of the Hagiocracy in Israel ; To the time of Christ. Ewald, H. F. Story of Waldemar Krone's youth ; fr. the Danish. 7085 Ewbank, T. Descriptive and hist. acct. of hydraulic and other machines for raising water ; anc. and mod. ; with obs. on subjects connect, with the mechan. arts, etc. 1432 — Life in Brazil. . 7431 — The world a work shop ; or, Physical relationship of man to the earth. ' 1433. Ewell, M. D. Blackstone's commentaries ; obsolete and unim- portant matter eliminated. 22024 Ewing, E. P. Cooking and castle-building. 20110 Ewing, J. H. A great emergency, and other tales. 17264 CoTdents. A great emergency.— A very ill-tempered family. — Our field.— Madam Liberality. — Jan of the Windmill. 16658 — Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. Illust. 20913 Examen de conscience d'une jeune fille, L' ; par G. Nadaud. (In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 1.) 14791 Examinations. Latham, H. On the action of E. consid. as a means of selection. 18627 Excellent opportunity. (In Home narr.) 1197 Exchange no robbery; by M. B. Edwards. 21612 Excursions ; by H. D. Thoreau. 5458 Executors. Stow, M. L. B. Probate confiscation. (Unjust laws which govern women.) 17518 Exeter, Eng. Doran, J. (In Ms Mem., etc.) 17803 Exhibitions. >iS'ee London. International Exhibition ; — Paris; — Philadelphia ; — Vienna. Exile. See Little classics. Exile, The ; by F. Fontaine. 17987 Exile- world of London ; by J. McCarthy. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 Exiles of Berezov ; by F. M. Wilbraham. . 10584 Existence and life; by T. S. King. (In his Substance, etc.) 17277 Exodus. See Bible. Exotics ; by J. F. C. and L. C. 13901 Expedition nocturne ; par X. de Maistre. (In his Oeuvres compl.) 14614 Expensive treat. The, of Col. Moses Grice ; by R. M. John- ston. (Jn /ws Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Experiences of a barrister ; by W. Warner. 4667 Experts. Washburn, E. Expert testimony and the pub. serv. of experts. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 419 Expiated. H795 Expiation ; by J. C. R. Dorr. 11258 Exploration. Phillips, J. S. Explorers', miners', and metal- lurgists' companion. 2d. ed. 16602 — See also Discoveries {in geographif). Exploration of the world. See Verne, J. Explorers. See Discoveries (m geography). Explosions. See Steam-boilers. Explosives. Williams, W. M. Explo^sive compounds. (Brit. manuf. ind.) 15466 Express. Stimson, A. L. History of the express business, etc. 20349 Expression. See Rhetoric. Exquemelin, A. O. History of the buccaniers of America. New ed. 557 Extradition. Spear, S. T. Law of extrad., internat. and in- ter-state. App. Extrad. treaties and laws of the U. S., sec- tions of Eng. extrad. act of 1870, and extrad. regulations and forms. 18788 Eye. Ackroyd, W. The eye and its use. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — An^el], H. C. How to take care of our eves. - 17826 — Harlan, G. C. Eyesight aud liow to care for it. 19030 — Jeffries, B. J. The eye in health and disease. . 9910 — Williams, A. W. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye. 21264 Our eyes, and how to take care of them. 9606 — See also Opthalmoscope. Also Vision. Eye for an eye ; by A. Trollope. 18308 Eyebright; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 19022 '*Eyebright, Daisy," psettc?. Manual of etiquette. (Putnam's hand-bk. ser.) 8987 Eyes and ears ; [papers on various subjects] ; by H. W. Beecher. 925 Eynaud, A. Scenes de la vie orientale : La montagne Kurd; La chanson de F^rizade ; La maison du Bey. 9512 ^y^^yggja Saga. Abstract of the Eyrbyggja ; by Sir W. Scott. {In his Misc. prose works, v. 5.) 3839 — Same. (In Mallet, P. H. Northern autiq.) 6114 Eyi-e, Sir V. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the vict. age, v. 1.) 20030 F., M. A. A spinster's story. 6099 F., W. The simple ailments of horses ; their nat. and treatment. 21746 F. Grant & Co. ; by G. L. Chaney. 13311 Faber, F. W. All for Jesus. 8931 — Bethlehem. 8932 — The blessed sacrament ; or. The works and ways of God. 8933 — The creator and the creature: or, The wonders of Divine love. 4th. ed. 8926 • — Same. 5th. Amer. ed. with introd. 6921 — Ethel's book ; or. Tales of the angels. 8938 — The foot of the cross ; or. The sorrows of Mary. 8930 — Growth in holiness, 8934 — Hymns; with sketch of his Hfe. 14036 — The precious blood ; or, The price of our salvation. 8928 — The rosar\', and other poems. 8937 — Sights and thoughts in foreign churches, etc. 8935 Contents. Paris and Avignon.— Cisalpine Gaul.— The Adriatic and ^gean. — Sir Lancelot ; legend of the Middle Ages. 2d. ed. 8927 — Spiritual conferences. 3d. ed. 8929 — The Styrian lake, and other poems. — Tracts on the Church and her offices. Contents. I believe in one Catholic and apostolic chjirch.— The ane. things of the Cath. Church in England.— The Church, a safeguard against 420 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAKY. modern selfishness.— Church doctrine, a witness against worldly times.— The unfulfilled glory of the Church.— A churchman's politics in disturbed times.— The Prayer-book, a safeguard against religious excitement.— The Church calendar, a help against time.— The Church catechism, a model of church education.— Confirmation, a witness for obedience and unity.— The burial «eryice, its doctr. and consolations.— The dignity of little children. — Bowden, J. E. Life and letters of F. 8125 — Manning. H. E. Father Faber. {In his Misc.) 17190 Fabiola ; or, The church of the catacombs ; by N. Wiseman. 19196 Fables, ^sop, G. W. Fables ; illust. by F. S. Church. 18267 — Bussey, G. M. Fables; orig. ancVselected ; with introd. on the hist, of fable, etc. Illust. 6922 — Froude, J. A. Fables ; The lions and the oxen ; The farmer and the fox. {In his Short stud., ser. 1.) . 6968 — La Fontaine, J. de. Fables ; tr. by E. Wright, Jr. 2 v. in 1.) 8989 — Phaedrus. Fabulse ^sop'iae. See Phaedrus. — Ralston, W. R. S. Krilof and his fables. 7768 — Scudder, H. E. The book of fables ; chief, f r. ^sop. Illust. 22085 — See also Fabulists. Fables in song ; by Robert, Lord Lytton. 12371 Fabre, A. Golden dreams. {In Short stories.) 6965 Fabre, F. The Abbe Tigrane ; candidate for the papal chair ; tr. by L. W. Bacon. 13943 Fabre, V. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Vortr. cont., v. 5.) *I Fabrics. JSee Textile. Fabulists. Collins, W. L. La Fontaine, and other French fabulists. 21430 Face illumined, A ; by E. P. Roe. . 18169 F^cheux, Les ; com^die-ballet ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 2.) 14605 Factories. Garvin, L. F. C. Sanitary requirements in fac- tories ; Injurious effects of cotton factories upon the health of operatives. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Facts and dates ; by A. Mackay. 8921 Facts and fancies ; by C. M. Sedgwick. 11602 Faded hope, The ; by L. H. Sigourney. 9697 Faded leaf of history, A ; by R. H. Davis. (In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 Fadette, pseud. See Rodney, M. L. Faerie queen. The, and other poems ; by E. Spenser. 8800 Fagan, L. Life of Sir A. Panizzi. Illust. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20244-5 Fagan, W. Life and times of D. O'Connell. 2 v. *I Faience. See Pottery. Faint heart never won fair lady ; comedy ; by J. R. Planche. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 6.) 11808 Fair, L. D. Morse, J. T. Jr. Mrs. Fair. {In his Fam. trials.) 12368 Fair barbarian, A ; by F. H. Burnett. 20357 Fair Else, and other tales ; by [M. Roberts]- 17544 Fair face, The, in the yellow chariot. {Li Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 Fair god. The ; by L. Wallace. 11916 Fair-haired Eckbert, The ; by Tieck. {In Carlyle, T. Tales, etc., V. 1.) ' 13121 Fair Harvard ; story of Amer. college life [by W. T. Washburn]. 8001 Fair Lusitania ; by C. C. Jackson. *I Fair maid of Perth ; or, St. Valentine's day ; by W. Scott. 2 v. 3814 Fair one. The, with the golden locks ; by J. R. Planche. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 2.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 421 Fair philosopher, A ; by H. Dauge. 21883 Fair puritan, The ; by H. W. Herbert. 13558 Fair rebel. The ; by E. Bennett. 11618 Fair Saxon, A ; by J. McCarthy. 11497 Fair to see ; by L. W. M. Lockhart. 9926 Fairbairu, P. The typology of Scripture ; viewed in connect. with divine dispensations. 6th. ed. 2 v. 16527-8 Fairbairn, W. Application of cast and wrought iron to build- ing purposes. 10853 — Principles of mechanism, and machinery of transmission. 7177 — Useful information for engineers. 4th. ed. 2 ser. 6521-2 — Pole, ^y. Life of F. partly written by himself, Portr. 17092 Fairbairns, The. Chambers, W. {In MsStor. of remark, persons.) 18069 Fairbanks, G. R. History of Florida, to close of Florida war, 1842. 12533 Fairchild, J. H. Moral law as revelation. (Boston lect., 1872.) 8988 Fairchild family. The, History of ; by Mrs. Sherwood. (In her Works, V. 2.) 3956 Fairfax, T. Sd Baron. Coleridge, H. (In his Lives of north, worthies, v. 1.) *I Fairfax ; by J. E. Cooke. 7468 Fairfield, C. E. Our Bible class. 1435 Fairfield, F. G. The clubs of New York. 11343 — Ten vears with spiritual mediums. 13489 Fairfield, S. L. Poetical Works. 1436 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England ; hist, of dress until the close of the 18th. cent. Illust. 2d. ed. 6224 — Eccentric and remark, characters ; biog. mem. Illust. 5058 Contents. E. Canning.— A. Magliabechi. — Peter, the wild boy.— T. Topham, the strong man.— G. Watson, the Sussex calculator.— J. Hud- son.— M. Hopkins, the witch-finder.— Count Ankarstroem.— Chevalier d'Eon.— John Elwes. — Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, Yandvke, Rembrandt, and Cuyp ; the Dutch genre-painters ; Michael Angelo and Raffaelle ; art-rambles in Belgium, Holland, and Italy. Illust. 10178 — Tobacco ; its hist, and associations. • 1437 Fairlie, R. F. Railways or no railways ; narrow gauge v. broad gauge. • *I Fairmount Park. Pompeian Museum. Description of Pom- peian ruins, etc.^ exhibited at the Museum. 18994 Fairport nine. The ; by N. Brooks. 19970 Fairs. Frost, T. The old showmen and old London fairs. 13708 Fairy bells, and what they tolled us ; fr. the Germ., by S. W. Lander. Illust. 7368 Fairy-finder, The ; by S. Lover. {In Little class., v. 12.) 12983 Fairy godmothers. The, and other tales ; by M. Gatty. 11371 Fairy gold ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. {In her Sussex sto., v. 2.) 20547 Fairy, The, of the fountain ; musical play ; by G. M. Baker. (Plays for little folks.) 19793 Fairy-land, The, of science ; by A. B. Buckley. 18435 Fairy Queen. See Spenser, E. Fairy tales. — Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales ; their origin and meaning, etc. 18250 — Mitchell, D. G.* Fairy realm. (In his About old story-tellers.) 17346 — Yardley, E. The supernatural in romantic fiction. 22559 422 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Single stories and collections. — AiToni, C. P. de F. Spanish fairy tales. — Austin, J. G. Mooufolk. — Bache, R. M, American wonderland. — Child. L. M. Rainbows for children. — Clarke, R. S. Fairy book. — Coleridge, S. Phantasmion. — Cone, S. W. The fairies in America. — Craik, D. M. The fairy book. Is it true?; tales curious and wonderful. — De Morgan, M. Necklace of princess Florimonde ; and other stories. On a pincushion, and other fairy tales. — Fairy bells, and what they tolled us ; fr. the Germ, by S. "W. Lander. — Famous fairy tales of all nations. — Gustafsson, R. Chit-chat by Puck; fr. the Swedish by A. Alberg. — Hamerton, E. The mirror of truth, and other marvellous histories. — Hauff, W. Little Mook, and other fairy tales. Tales of the caravan, inn, and palace. " — Hawthorne, J. Yellow cap, and other fairy stories. — Hugessen, E. H. K. Higgledy-piggledy ; or, Stories for everybody and everybody's children. Moonshine. Tales at tea time. Whispers from fairyland. — Hugessen, L. K. History of Prince Perrypets. — Ingelow, J. Mopsa, the fairy. — Kavanagh, B. and J. The pearl fountain, and other fairy tales. — Keary, E. The magic valley; or. Patient Antoine. — Laboulaye, E. R. L. Fairy tales; tr. byM. L. Booth. — Lemon, M. Legends of Number Nip. — Lilliput legends. — Mabie, H. W. Norse stories retold fr. the Eddas. — Morley, H. Oberon's horn. — Old-fashioned fairy tales ; 2 ser. — Pabke, M. and Pitman, M. J. Wonder-world stor. from the Chinese, French, etc. ; collect, and translated. — Perrault, C. ana others. Fairy tales ; tr. by J. R. Planche. — Prince of Argolis ; story of the' Greek fairy time. Illust. — Stephens, G. and Cavallius, H. Old Norse fairy tales. — Stockton, F. R. The floating prince, and other fairy tales. — Stokes, M. Indian fairy tales. — Tuscan fairy tales ; taken down fr. the mouths of the people. — Wentworth, M. Fairy tales fr. gold lands. — See also Germany. Literature ;— Wales. Folklore. Also Grimm.- Fairs. See Bazaars. Faith. Boardman, W. E. Faith work under Dr. Cullis. — Brooke, S. A. The fight of faith; sermons. — Clarke, J. F. Faith and belief . (jn^is Essentials, eic.) — Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism. — Hare, J. C. The victory of faith; sermons. — Kimball, J. W. Encouragements to faith. — Newman, F. W. Phases of faith; or, Passages fr. the hist, of my creed. — Porter, N. The collapse of faith. {In his Sci. and sentiment.) — Smith, H. B. Faith and philosophv ; discourses and essays. — Savage, W. H. Intellectual basis of F. (With Savage, M. J. Bel. in God.) — Smyth, N. The religious feeling. — Tayler, J. J. Christian aspects of faith and duty. — Wace, H. The foundations of faith. — Welch, R. Bi Faith and modern thought. Faith, Nemesis of ; by J. A. Froude. Faith and free thought. Christian Evidence Society. Lectures. Faith and unfaith ; by the Duchess ; [M. Argel]. Faith, fact, and fairy tale ; by M. D. Conway. (In ^is Idols, etc.) Faith Gartney's girlhood ; by A. D. T. Whitney. Faith, The, of reason ; discourse ; by J. W. Chadwick. 20978 13056 9608 7026 12661 12485 4995 6568 10870 20047 20083 7368 12276 22206 13330 21022 21217 20586 14325 11357 11181 13241 11356 8027 16675 17336 6576 10873 12519 22162 22109 19937-8 17333 10880 17350 21843 21116 20097 20694: 7028 12323 17519 17391 18564 13406 12145 3241 22173 18186 20282 21780 17150 20237 15572 2186 15879 21315 16980 2646 19322 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 423 Faith Unwiii's ordeal ; by G. M. Craik. 6610 Faith White's letter book, 1620-1623, [by M. H. Whiting]. 6397 Faithful to the light, and other tales ; by E. D. Cheney. 9069 Falcon, C. Clayton, E. C. {In Aer Queens of song.) 5873 Falconberg ; by H. H. Boyesen. 18558 Falconer, E. Plays. See French's Minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. Stand, dr. Falconer, W. Poetical works ; with life, by J. Mitford. 1439 — Sketch of F. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Faliscus, G. Cynegeticon. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 1.) (Bib. Class Lat.) 8359 Falk, A. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Falkenburg ; tale of the Rhine. 4896 Falkland, Loi'd. See Cary, L. Fall, The. The rise and the fall ; or, The origin of moral evil. 6540 Fall, The, of the House of Usher ; by E. A. Poe. {In Ms Tales.) 5144 — Same. (7w Little class., v. 2.) 12973 Fallen fortunes ; by J. Payn. 16579 Fallen leaves. The ; by W. Collins. 1st. ser. 3 v. 20659-61 Falloux, A. F. P. comte de. Madame Swetchine, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 2 v. 9408-9 — Same ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 7021 — Sainte-Beuv'e, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Fallows, F. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 False beasts and true ; by F. P. Cobbe. 15833 False Christ, The ; by Mrs. Charles. {In her Cripple of Anti- och.) 5685 False friend. The ; by J. Vanbrugh. {Bi Hunt, J. H. L. Dram. works, etc.) 4889 False key, The ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336; 15296 False start, A ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little comedies, new ed.) 21907 Falsehood and truth; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4475 ; 4478 Falsely accused, (/w Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 6.) 19151 Falstaff, Sir John. Giles, H. {Inhis Lect. and ess., v. 1.) 2252 Fame and fortune ; by H. Alger. 7647 Familiar talks to boys ; by J. Hall. 16039 Familiar things. See Science, Familiar. Families. Chambers, W. Stories of old families. 18362 — W^lford, E. Tales of our great families. 2 v. 18458-9 — See also Charlestown, N. H. ;— Newbury port, Mass.;— Rindge, N. H. Also Biography. Also Paine ; Walpole. Famille de Carvajal, La ; par P. M^rim^e. {In his Th^^tre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Famille du Baron, La ; vaud. ^pisodique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 18.) *I Famille Dubois, La ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes. etc.^ s6r. 1.) 14791 Famille noble sous la Terreur, Une ; par A. Des Echerolles. 14631 Famille Riquebourg, La ; ou, Le mariage mal assorti ; comedie vaud., par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 21.) *I Family. Tomes, R. Bazar book of the household. 13471 — See also Domestic. 424 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Family Christmas, A, in Germany ; fr. the German. (In Fam. stories, v. 2.) 18149 Family failing; by J. Oxenford. (In French's Min. dram., V. 28.) 7985 Family feud, A ; by L. Harder. 17029 Family feud. The ; by A. Hornbrook. 1997 Family flight. A, over Egypt and Syria ; by E. E. and S. Hale. 22152 Family flight, A, thr. France, Germany, etc. : by E. E. and 8. Hale. 21075 Family fortunes ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. • 21368 Family, A, in love ; by [Miss Muloch]. (In her Nothing new.) 5082 Family jars. (7n French's Min. dram., v. 15.) 11843 Family pride. See Agatha Beaufort. Family romance ; by B. 13urke. 11879 Family secret; by F. Andrews [E. Hay]. 15783 Family secret. The ; by W. Collins. (In his Mad Monkton, etc.) 443 Family secrets. 5847 Family tree, A ; by A. De Fonblanque. 16612 Family vicissitudes. (Jii Biography and criticism.) 7911 Famine. See India. Famine abroad. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 7.) 14307 Famous American Indians. See Eggleston, E. and G. C. Famous boys ; and how they became great men. London. 5036 Contents. H. Greeley. — J. G. Bennett.— George Stephenson and his son Robert.— Lord Brougham.— J. Kitto.— H. Miller.— S. Drew.- T. Cooper.— W. Jay.— J. P. Curran.- S. Crompton. — E. Burritt.— D. Jer- rold.— D. Livingstone.- J. Morrison.— T. Kelly.— J. Sturge. Famous boys ; and how they became great men. New York. 7707 Contents. D. Webster.— S. Drew.— B. Franklin.— R. Burns.— E. K. Kane.— H. Clav.— J. Leyden.— J. Montgomery. — N. Bowditch. — H. Havelock.— D. Livingstone.— O. Evans.— S. T. Coleridge.— R. Fulton.— J. Kitto —H. Davy.— A. Lawrence.— S. Girard.- S. Crompton.— T. Chal- mers.— J. Lafitte.— J. J. Audubon.— W. Jay. — R. Sherman. Famous fairytales of all nations. lUust. by R. Doyle. 12276 Famous stories. Illust. 2 v. 18148-9 Contents. V. 1. De Quincey, T. The avenger.— Hawthorne, N. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. — Winthrop, T. Love and skates. — Hood, T. The defaulter.— Vaughan, H. Coldstream.— Spicer, H. Madonna.— Macnish, R. The metempsychosis. — The uninvited.— The bellows- mender of Lyons.— The Smallchange family.— Lee, H. The Scotsman's tale.— The bfacksmiths of Holsby.— A penitent confession. 2. Christ- mas with the Baron.— Davis, R. B. H. Stephen Yarrow.— A family Christmas in Germany.— Hawthorne, N. The Christmas banquet. — O'- Brian, F. J. Three of a trade.— Zschokke, H. Adventures of a New- Year's eve.— O'Brian, F. J. From hand to mouth. — Heyse, P. Count Ernest's home.— Little Peg O'Shaughnessy. — Thackeray, W. M. A shab- by genteel story. Famous women, name?!/-' Blind, M. George Eliot. 22862 Robinson, M. F. Emily Bronte. 22875 Fanaticism. Taylor, I. Fanaticism. 4369 Fanchette. (Round-rob. ser.) 22748 Fanchon, the cricket ; by George Sand. 9673 Fanchon, the cricket ; domestic dr. ; tr. by A. TTaldauer. (In Mod. Stand dr., v. 42.) 11831 Fancy dress. See Costume. Fancy work. See Household art. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 425 Fankwei ; or, The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China, and Japan ; by W. M. Wood. Fannie St. John ; by E. P. Delesdernier. Fanning, J. T. Practical trea. on water-supply eng. ; rel. to the hydrology, e^c, of water works in N. America. Fanny. ' See Feydeau, E. A. Fanny's fancies ; by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Fanshawe, Lady A. (H.) Watson, H. C. (Inhis Her. women.) Fanshawe ; by N. Hawthorne. Fantasio ; par A. de Musset. (In Ms Comedies, v. 1.) Far from the madding crowd ; by T. Hardy. Faraday, M. Chemical history of a candle. -^ Chemical manipulation. — Experimental researches in electricity. 3 v. — Observations on the educ. of the judgment. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult. demand, by mod. life.) — On the var. forces of nature ; ed. by W. Crookes. Illust. yote. Amer. ed. has the title, Co^urse of six lect. on the var. forces of matter. — Gladstone. J. H. M. Faraday. — Jones. H. B. Life and letters of F. 2 v. — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) — Tyhdall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. Life and letters of 'F. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) Farcy, J. G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1.) Farina, S. Love blinded ; tr. by Marcellina. Farinelli ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 2.) FarjeoQ, B. L. At the sign of the silver flagon. — The bells of Penraven. — Blade-o-grass. — Bread-and-cheese and kisses. — Duchess of Rosemary Lane. — Golden grain. — Griff. — An island pearl. -r- Jessie Trim. — Joshua Marvel. — King of No-land. — London's heart. — Love's victory. — Shadows on the snow. Farm ballads ; by W. Carleton. Farm festivals ; by W. Carleton. Farm legends ; by W. Carleton. Farm-yard club, The, of Jotham ; by G. B. Loring. Farman, E. {pseud, D. A. Shepherd.) How two girls tried farming. — A white hand. Farmer Bassett's romance; by Saxe Holm. {In his Stor., ser. 2.) Farmer boy. The ; by Uncle Juvinell ; ed. by W. M. Thayer. Farmer's daughter. See Goodale, E. Farming. See Agriculture. Farm, A. B. The silkworm disease. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) Farnese, A., Duke of Parma. illust. soldiers.) Wilson, J. G. {In Ms Sk. of 4857 12550 17054 10578 4676 15903 *I 13261 12191 *I *I 6952 1441 10997 8795-6 11755 7445 19303 *I 20800 *I 13490 19422 9925 11346 16911 12152 10677 14322 13319 9718 13320 11738 13555 16735 11564 20627 15323 16618 18811 13454 17894 5549 20527 12537 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 28 426 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Farnese marbles. Palgrave, F. T. The Farnese marbles. {In his Ess. on art.) 6531 Farnham, E. W. B. California, in-doors and out. 1446 — Eliza Woodson. 5607 — Life in prairie land. 1447 — Woman and her era. v. 2. 5792 Farnham, G. L. Primary reading ; the thought and sentence method. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., etc., 1873.) 17753 Faroe Islands. Dasent, G. W. A fortnight in F. (In his Jest and earnest, v. 1.) 13611 — Kneeland, L. IS'otes on the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe Is. (In his Amer. in Iceland.) 15370 Farquhar, G. Dramatic works. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram. works, etc.) • 4889 Contents. Love and a bottle.— The constant couple.— Sir Harry Wild- air.— The inconstant.— The twin-rivals. — The recruiting officer. — The beaux-stratagem. — The inconstant. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Farquharson, M. See Finley, M. Farquharson of Inverey, Story of ; by T. D. Lauder. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Farragut, D. G. Chesney, C. C. Admirals F. and Porter, and the navy of the Union. (In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Farragut, L. Life of F. ; journal and letters. 19423 — Headley, P. C. Life of Farragut. 6081 — Montgomery, J. E. Our Admiral's flag abroad; cruise of F., 1867-8, in the flag-ship Franklin. 8063 — Sketch of F. (In Our great captains.) 5962 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Farragut, L. Life of D. G. Farragut ; journal and letters. Portr., maps, etc. 19423 Farrar, A. S. Critical hist, of free thought in ref. to the Chr. relig. (Bampton lect.) 10741 Farrar, C. A. J. Eastward, ho ! or. Adventures at Rangeley lakes. 19743 Farrar, E. (R.) Recollections of seventy years. 5988 Farrar, F. W. The 'De imitatione Christi.' (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — The early days of Christianity. 22025 — Eric ; or, Little by little. 1448 — Essay on the origm of language. 8838 — Eternal hope ; sermons preached in Westminster Abbey. 17549 — Families of speech. 8839 — " In the days of thy youth " ; sermons. 16659 — Julian Home. " 1449 — Life and work of St. Paul. 2 v. 18963-4, — Mercy and judgment ; Christian eschatology with ref. to Dr. Pusey's " What is of faith ? " 20703 — Preface. (In Hershon, P. I. Talmudic misc.) 19948 — St. Winifred's ; or. The world of school. 5555 — Saintly workers ; lect. 18225 — Seekei-s after God. 3676 — The silence and the voices of God ; with other sermons. 12177 — Talks on temperance. 18074 — Wilson, the saintly preacher. (Iw Kemp, J. E. Class, preach.) 17464 — The witness of history to Christ. (Hulsean lect., 4th. ed.) 17225 Farrar, H. S. Bossuet and his contemporaries. 13644 — A christian painter of the 19th. cent. ; life of Hippoine Flandrin. 14070 Farrar, M. Five years in Minnesota ; sketches of life. 20931 Farrell, J. The dumb girl of Genoa. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 33.) 11826 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 427 Farren, W. Lewes, G. H. {In his Actors and acting.) 14097 Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith, 1723-1790. (Eng. philosophers.) 20154 — Primitive maimers and customs. 18965 — Zululand and the Zulus ; their hist., I^eliefs, etc. 3d. ed. 19105 Farrer, T. H. Free trade versus fair trade. (Cobden club.) 21695 Fascinating individuals ; by H. Danvers. (In French's Min. dram., v. 21.) 11846 Fashion; comedy; by A. C. Mowatt. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 27.) 11823 Fashion ; lect. ; by J. G. Holland. (In his Plain talks.) 6015 Fashion and famine; by A. S. Stephens. 4212 Fashion in deformity ; by W. H. Flower. 20846 Fashionable scrambles in country-houses. (In Sketches and ess. fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 Fast day sermons. ' 1454 Contents. Thomwell, J. H. Our national sins. — Palmer, B. M. Slavery a divine trust.— Dabney, R. L. The Christian's best motive for patriotism.— Breckinridge, R. J. The Union to be preserved.— Yan Dyke, H. J. Character and influence of abolitionism. — Lewis, T. Patriarchal and Jewish servitude no arg:ument for American slavery.— Raphall, M. J. Bible view of slavery.— Vinton, F. Fanaticism rebuked.— Beecher, H. W. Peace, be still.— Bellows, H. W. Crisis of our national disease.— Adams, W. Prayer for rulers ; or, Duty of Christian patriots. Fast friends ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 13095 Fast in the ice ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 18700 Fast life. A, on the modern highway ; by J. Taylor. 12683 Fasting. Hammond, W. A. Fasting girls ; their physiology and pathology. 18467 Fasts. See Ecclesiastical fasts and feasts. Fat contributor, The ; by W. M. Thackeray. 4403 Fatal cradle. The ; by W. Collins. (In his Miss or Mrs. ?, etc.) 11 533 — Same. (In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 Fatal dowry, The ; by P. Massinger. (In his Plays, v. 3.) 5130 Fatal marksman. The ; by T. De Quincey. (In his Logic of polit. econ.) 1162 Fatal repast. The. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Fatalism. Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism and the doctr. of evolution. 16644 Fate, The ; by G. P. R. James. 12415 Fated to be free ; by J. Ingelow. 13893 Father, The ; by B. Bjornson. 9290 — Same. (In his Bridal march, etc.) 21758 Father and daughter ; by F. Bremer. 483 Father arfd son ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 25.) 11822 Father Brighthopes ; by J. T. Townsend. 4509 Father Darcy ; by A. Marsh-Caldwell. 5276 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; by S. R. Calthrop. (In Inst, ess.) 19811 Father Tom and the Pope ; [by S. Ferguson]. 6588 — Same. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 — Same. (In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 Note. Also attributed to J. F. Murray. Fathers. Jackson, G. A. Fathers of the 3d. cent. 20478 — Newman, J. H. Church of the fathers. (In his Hist, sk., v. 2.) 12917 — See also Apostolic Fathers. 4'28 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fathers, The, for English readers. See Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Fathers and sons ; by I. 8. Turgen 436 . » FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Figurante, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 7.) *I Figure drawing. Warren, H. Artistic treatise on the human figure. (Putnam''s art hd.-bks.) 20908 — Weigall, C. H. Art of figure drawing; illust. 18578 Figures of the past ; fr. the leaves of old journals ; by J. Quincy. 22480 Figlia del reggimeuto ; com. opera ; by Donizetti. ' *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Fiji Islands. Cooper, H. S. (7ri /m Coral lands.) Illust. 2 v. 20240-1 — Cummings, C. F. G. At home in Fiji. Map and illust. 2 v. 2066^-4 — Oliver. J. Wreck of the Glide; with recollections of the Fijiis. 4875 — Williams, T., and Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians ; ed. by E. S. Roe. 4S02 File No. 113 ; by E. Gaboriau. 13963 Filia, pseud. See Dorsey, S. A. Filial love ; by A. Linden. (In his Titania.) *2677 Filippo Neri, St. Capecelatro, A. Life of St. Philip Neri ; tr. by T. A. Pope. 2 v. 22649-50 Fille bien gard^e. La ; com^die-vaudeville ; par E. M. Labiche. (In Ms Theatre compl., v. 1.) 14558 Fille de trente ans. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 9.) *I Filleul d'Amadis, Le ; roman par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, V. 6.) *I Fillmore, M. Savage, J. (In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Fils de Cromwell, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 1, v. 5.) *I Fils de la veuve, Le ; po^sie dramatique ; par C. Gilbert-Martin. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 Fils du format, Le. See Mons. Coumbes. Fils du prince, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 5.) *I Fils Maugars, Le ; par A Theuriet. 14751 Filtration. See Sewerage. Final causes. Janet, P. Final causes ; tr. by "W. Affleck. Pref. by R. Flint. 18741 Finance. Bradford, G. Financial policy of Gt. Brit, and the U. S. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 — Kelley, W. D. Speeches, addresses, and letters on indust. and financial questions. *I — McAdam, G. An alphabet in finance. 18031 — Newcomb, S. The A. B. C. of F.; or, The money and labor questions expl. in short and easy lessons. 17310 — Wells, D. A. Robinson' Crusoe's money; remarkable financ. fortunes and misfortunes of a remote island community. 15573 — See also Currency ;— Money ;— Stock exchange. Also the dixision Finance under names of countries. Fina ; Fina's aunt ; by Miss Thackeray. (Li her Miss William- son's divagations.) • 20517 Finding of Moses ; by J. Boxer. (In his Sacred dr.) 13065 Findlater, A. Epicures. (In Blomfield, C. J. Hist, of Greek * and Rom. philos.) 6380 Findlay, C. Cross purposes. 19796 Fine arts. See Arts, Fine. Finger rings. Edward, C. History and poetry of linger rings. 1347 — Jones, W. Finger-ring lore. " 16769 Finland. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun. 2 v. 20982-3 — See also Europe, North of. Literatu7'e. — See Topelius, Z. Finlason, W. F. History, const., and character of the Judicial CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 437 Committee of the Privy Council, considered as a judicial tribunal ; espec. in eccl. cases, with spec, ref . to the right and duty of its members to declare their opinions. 17805 — History of hereditary dignities. 11056 — Notes and introd. ; dissertation. (JwEeeyes, J. Hist.of theEng. law.) 3y. 15822-4 Finley, ^l.^ formerly Miss Farquliarson. Casella. 14180 — Elsie Dinsmore. 7384 — Elsie's children. 17160 — Elsie's girlhobod. 17159 — Elsie's motherhood. 16102 — Elsie's widowhood ; seq. to " Elsie's children." ' 22256 — Elsie's womanhood. 14145 — Grandmother Elsie. 22144 — Holidays at Roselands ; seq. to Elsie Dinsmore. 7474 — Mildred and Elsie. 21270 — Mildred Keith. 19217 — Mildred at Roselands. 19218 — Mildred's married life. 22027 — Signing the contract, and what it cost. 18277 Finn, E. A. A home in the Holy Land ; tale illust. customs and incidents in mod. Jerusalem. 21887 Finney, C. G. Memoirs ; written by himself. 15456 Fior d'Aliza ; by A. de Lamartine ; tr. by G. Perry. 2534 Fiorella ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques, v. 3.) *I Firdusi, Abu-1 Kasim. Renan, E. Le Schahnameh. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 1.) *I Fire ; by J. Abbott. (Rollo's philos.) 47 Fire and flame ; by L. Schiicking. 15993 Fire brigade, The ; or, Fighting the flames ; by R. M. Ballan- tyne. 7362 Fire-flies ; by J. Sturgis. {Li his Little comedies.) 19770 ; 21907 Fire fountains. See Hawaii. Fireman, The ; drama ; by S. D. Johnson. {In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 33.) 11826 Firemen, American ; essays, etc. ; by H. L. Champlin. 13G70 Fire-places. Edwards, F., Jr. Our domestic fire-places. 8690 — Putnam, J. P. The open fire-place in all ages. 19955 Fire-works. See Pyrotechny. Fireside games. 7673 Fireside homilies ; by H. Alford. 13941 Fireside saints, and other papers ; by D. Jerrold. 12020 Fireside studies ; by H. Kingsley. 2 v. 16538-9 Fireside travels ; by J. R. Lowell.. 5708 Firestones. Phipson, T. L. Firestones. {In his F am. lettera.) 16631 Fires, Fire extinction. Bird, J. Protection against fire. 11566 — Chubb, G. H. Protection from fire and thieves. 15439 — Colbert, E. and Chamherlm, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. 9911 — Ellis, G. A. Work done by, and power req. for fire streams, as deter- mined by experiments in Spring-field by A. P. Leshure. 17573 — Haryey, G. Some acct. of the gt. fire in London, 1666. {In Brayley, E. W.* Jour, of the Plague year.) ' ' 10670 — Eockwell, A. P. Great fires' and fire extinction. 18201 — Shaw, E. M. Fire surveys ; princ. to be obs. in est. the risk of buildings. 10972 Fires in theatres. ' 15865 Fire protection ; organization, machinery, efc, of the fire brigade of London. 17248 — Young, C. F. T. Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades. *I — See also Boston ; — Chicago. 438 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Firm ground ; thoughts on life and faith [poems] ; by G. Mc- Knight. 17593 Firmament, The; by J. Ruskin. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 Firmianus Symposius, C. De fortuna ; De livore. {In Le- maire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) ^nigmata. {In V. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 ; 8365' First, The, and last kiss. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 First century of the Republic. See Woolsey, T. D. First friendship. 1217 First love and last love ; by J. Grant. 10758 First love is best ; by G. Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 17035 First love-letter ; by J. de Biez. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 First night, (/w French's Min. dram., v. 26.) 7984 First violin. The ; by J. Fothergill. 18078 First Walpurgis-night ; by Mendelssohn. *I Firth, F. R. Memoir, with sketch of O. E. Allen ; introd. by E. E. Hale. [Portr.] 7258 Firth, J. F. B. Municipal London ; or London government as it is, and under a munic. council. 16529 Fischart, J. Dichtungen. (Deut. Dicht. des 16 Jahrh.) 16369 Fischer, K. Essay on Nathan the Wise. {In Lessing, G. E. Nathan. 7241 — Life and character of Spinoza ; lect. ; tr. by F. Schmidt. {In Knight, W. Spinoza.) 22682 Fischer, P. Scientific labors of Edward Lartet. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Fischer. See also Fisher. Fish. See Pisciculture ; — Icthyology. Fish tattle. Badham, C. D. Prose halieutics ; or, Anc. and mod. fish tattle. 22645 Fisher, C. M. Farm land and land laws of the U. S. {In Cobden Club. Syst. of Id. ten.) 16008 Fisher, F. C. (psewd. Christian Reid). After many days. 17028 — Bonny Kate. 17856 — A daughter of Bohemia. 12389 — Ebb-tide and other stories. 11002 Contents. Ebb-tide.— Miss Inglesby's sister-in-law. — Story of a scar.— A doubt. — A gentle belle. 19258 — Heart of steel. ' 22329 — Hearts and hands. 13467 — " The land of the sky ;" or, Adv. in mountain by-ways. 15763 — Morton house. ' 9670 — Nina'8 atonement, and other stories. Illust. 11950 Contents. Nina's atonement. — Hugh's vendetta.— Miss Cheriton's rival. — My story.— The painter's dream. — ^Powell Vardray's life.— Ber- nard's invention. — A question of honor. 13974 — A summer idyl. (Appleton's hand.-vol. ser.) 17977 — Yalerie Avlmer. 10621 Fisher, G. P. The apostle Paul. (J/i Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 — The beginnings of Christianity ; with view of the Roman world at birth of Christ. 17128 — The Christian religion. 22145 — Discussions in history and theology. 19650 Contents. Massacre of St. Bartholomew.— Infl. of the old Roman . spirit and relig. on Latin Christianity.— Temporal kingdom of the Popes. —Council of Constance and Councifof the Vatican.- Office of the Pope and how he is chosen. — Relation of Protestantism and Romanism to mod. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 439 civilization. — Relation of the Ch. of Eng. to other Protestant bodies. — Philosophy of J. Edwards. — Channiug as a philosopher and theologian. — System of Dr. N. W. Taylor in its connect, with prior New Eu^. theology. — Augustiniau and Federal doctr. of original sin. — Sketch of tne hist, of the doctr. of future punishment. — Rationalism. — The unreasonableness of Atheism.— The apostle Paul.— The four gospels : rev. of "Supernatural religion." — Early Chr. lit. primers ; ed. bv F. ; Namely: Jackson, G. A. The Apostolic fathers. 18997 — Fathers of the 3d. cent. 20478 — Essays on the superuat. origin of Christianity. 6130 C.onteyits. Nature of the conflict of Chr. faith with skepticism and un- belief.— Genuineness of the fourth Gospel.— Recent discuss, upon the origin of the first three Gospels. — Baur on parties in the apostolic Ch., and the character of the book of Acts. — Baur on Ebionitism and the origin of Catholic Christianity. — Mythical theory of Strauss. — Strauss's re- statement of his theory. — Legendary theory of Renan. — Crit. and theolog. opinions of Theodore Parker.— Examination of Baur and Strauss on the convers. of St. Paul.— Nature and function of the Chr. miracles.— Testi- mony of Jesus cone, himself. — Personality of God ; in reply to the positivist and the Pantheist. — Faith and rationalism ; with ess. on related topics. 18564 Contents. Teaching of theology on the moral basis of faith. — Doctr. of nescience respect. God. — Doctr. of evolution in its rel. to the argument of design. — Reasonableness of the Chr. doctr. of prayer.— Jesus was not a relig. enthusiast.— Moral and spirit, elements in the atonement. — Unity of bel. among Christians. — LifeofB. Silliman. 2 v. 6325^ — Rationalism. {In Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 — The reformation. 11330 Fisher, H. N. Biography of M. A. Rea. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Fisher, J., Bp. of Rochester. Coleridge, H. {In to Lives of no. worthies, v. 2.) *I Fisher, Jos. History of land-holding in England. 16626 Fisher, M. W. Philadelphia school of reform. {In Some cur. schools.) 20401 Fisher, O. Physics of the earth's.crust. 21696 Fisher, R. S. The book of the world ; acct. of republics, em- pires, etc. Illust. 2 V. 1474-5 Fisher, W. M. The Californians. 16768 Fisher. See also Fischer. Fisher boys of Pleasant cove ; by E. Kellogg. 12497 Fisher life on the Cornish coast; by W. H. G. Kingston. 12862 Fisheries. Bertram. J. G. The harvest of the sea. 6409 — Holdsworth, E. W. H. Sea fisheries. 17098 — Proctor Brothers. Fishermen's own book ; list of men and vessels lost fr. Gloucester, Mass., 1874-1882; statistics of the fisheries, etc. 22495 — Roosevelt, R. B. and Green, S. Fish hatching and fish catching. 18777 — Youn^, A. Salmon fisheries. 17098 — See also Mackerel ;— Trout. Also \].^. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Bept. Fisher-maiden ; by B. Bjornson. 7839 Fisherman, The, of Auge ; by K. S. Macquoid. 17842 — Same. {In her Pict. aer. the channel, v. 1.) 11937 Fishes. See Fisheries ; — Icthyology ; — Pisciculture. Fishing, l^lakey, R. Hints on angling; with Suggestions for excursions in Fr. and Belgium; by P. Hackle. 1715 — Brown, J. J. American angler's guide ; manual for the U. S. 16010 — Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. The modern practical angler. 10855 — Conway, J. Forays among salmon and deer. 10856 — Davy, H. Salmonia ; or, Days of fly-fishing. 1136 — Francis, F. Book on angling. ' 11049 — Garlick. T. Directions for angling. {In his Trea. on artif . prop, of fish.) 2209 440 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hallock, C. The fishing tourist. 11489 Instructions in shooting, fishing, etc. (In his Sportsman's gazetteer.) *I — Henderson, W. My life as an angler. 20089 — Henshall, J. A. Treatise on anghng and fly fishing ; descr. of tools, etc. (In his Book of the Black Bass.) 20771 — Herbert, H. W. Frank Forester's Fish and fishing of the U. S. and Brit. Provinces. Illust. ; with suppl. 1874 ■ Same. With Fly-fishing by "Dinks." 21172 — Keene, J. H. Practical fisherman; nat. hist., legendary lore, capt. of Brit.fresh water fish, etc. ' 20812 — Norris, T. American angler's book ; nat. hist, of sporting fish and art of taking them. 7053 — Prime, W. C. I go a fishing. 11696 — Roosevelt, R. B. and Green, S. Fish hatching and fish catching. 18777 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. 12635 — Senior, W. Travel and trout in the antipodes ; (Tasmania and New Zea- land.) 20345 — Walton, I. and Cotton, C. Complete angler. 4628 Fisk, W. Travels in Europe. 1476 Fisk University. See Jubilee Singers. Fiske, D. T. Faith working by love ; life of Fidelia Fiske. 20155 Fiske, F. Fiske, D. T.* Faith working by love ; life of F. F. 20155 Fiske, J. Darwinism and other essays. 18991 Contents. Darwinism verified.— Mr. Mivart on D.— Dr. Biichner on D.— A crumb for the ''Mod symposium."— Chauncey Wright.— What is inspiration V— Dr. Hammond "and the table-tippers.— Mr. Buckle's falla^ cies.— Postcrlpt on Buckle. — The races of the Danube.— A librarian's work. — Myths and myth makers. 11232 (Contents. Origins of folk-lore. — The descent of fire. — Werewolves and and swan-maidens. — Light and darkness. — Myths of the barbaric world.— Juventus mundi. — The primeval ghost-world. — Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctr. of evolution, with crit. on the positive philosophv. 2 v. * 13225-6 — Tobacco and alcohol : 1. It cloes pay to smoke. 2. The coming man will drink wine. 7597 — The unseen world, and other essays. 15533 Contents. The unseen world.— The to-morrow of death.— The Jesus of history. — The Christ of doiiina. — A word about miracles. — Draper on science and relig. — Nathan the wise. — Historical difticulties. — The famine of 1770 in Bengal. — Spain and the Netherlands. — Longfellow's Dante. — Paine's "St. Peter." — A philosophy of art. — Athenian and American life. Fiske, N. W. Humphrey, H. Memoir of F. ; with select. fr. his sermons, etc. 2098 Fiske, S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in the army. 6146 Fitch, A. M. Bound down ; or. Life and its possibilities. 9281 Fitch, G. W. Outlines of physical geography. Illust. 8th. ed. 5495 Fitch, J. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 — Westcott, T. Life of Fitch. 3208 — Whittlesey, C. Life of F. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 16.) 4125 Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching del. in the Univ. of Cam- bridge, 1880. 20403 Fitchburg, Mass. Torrey, R. C. History of F., compr. also a hist, of Lunenburg to 1764. *I Fittig, R. Wohler's outlines of organic chemistry ; tr. with add., by I. Remsen. 18188 Fitts, J. F. Myra's mirror. {In Rougegorge, etc.) 8711 Fitzball, E. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Fitz-Boodle, Confessions of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5464 Fitzgerald, A. A. Waiting for the rain. {In Out-croppings, etc.) 6122 Fitzgerald, E. Agamemnon ; tragedy fr. ^schylus. *I — EubsUyat of Omar Khayyam, the astronomer-poet of Persia; rend, into Eng. verse. *I — Madden, E. R. (In his United Irishmen, ser. 2.) 13512 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 441 Fitzgerald, P. Croker's Bos well and Bos well ; stud, in the ^'Life of Johnson." 19914 — The great canal at Suez ; its polit. engineering andfinanc. hist. ; with acct. of the struggles of De Lesseps. 2 v. 16627-8 — Life and adventures of Alexander Dumas. 2 v. 11443-4 — Life of David Garrick. 2 v. 8826-7 — Komance of the English stage. 13430 — The roval dukes and princesses of the family of George III.; view of court life, 1760-1830. 2 v. 22668-9 — A shy man's difficulties. {In Christmas atory-teller.) 17662 Fitzgerald, R. The shadow of fate, (in Rougegorge, etc.) 8711 Fitzherbert, M. A. Mrs. Fitzherbert. {In Biog. and crit.) 7911 Fitzmaurice, E. (G.), lord. Life of William, Earl of Shel- burne, afterw. 1st. marq. of Lansdowne ; with extr. fr. his papers and correspondence. 1737-1805. 3 v. 13949-51 Fitzmaurice, W. Marq. of Lansdowne. Fitzmaurice, E. (G.) Life of William, earl of Shelburne ; extr. fr. his papers and correspondence. 1737-1805. 3 v. 13949-51 Fitzmaurice. See also Petty-Fitzmaurice. Fitzosborue's letters ; by W. Melmoth. 2996 Fitzpatrick, W. J. Life of Charles Lever. 2 v. 19107-8 Fivas, V. de. Introduction to the French lang. ; cont. fables, select tales, etc. ; with dictionary. 14588 Five Dials. Stanley, M. A. Work about the Five Dials. 18338 Five gateways, The, of knowledge ;, by G. Wilson. 4818 Five hundred majority ; or, The days of Tammany ; by W. Niles. ■ 10465 Five hundred and ninety-five pulpit pungencies ; [by H. W. Beecher]. 6377 Five little Peppers and how they grew ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. 21310 Five Nations. See Iroquois. Five thousand a year ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13098 Five weeks in a balloon ; by J. Verne. 7666 Five years penal servitude. 18184 Fixed period. The ; by A. Trollope. 21661 Flaccus, C. Declamjvtiones. {In Quintilianus, M. F. De insti- tutioue oratoria, v. 6.) 8317 Flag, The, of distress ; tale of the South sea; by M. Reid. 15539 Flag ship, The ; or, A voyage around the world, v. 2. 4366 Flagg, E. Venice, 1797-1849. Map. 2 v. 1477-8 Flagg, W. C. Farmers' movement in the Western states. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Flagg, W. A good investment. 10917 Flagg, W. J. Three seasons in European vineyards ; vine culture, etc. 8075 Flagg, W. Birds and seasons of New England. 13907 — The woods and by-ways of Xew England. Illust. 11156 Flags. MacGeorge, A, Flags ; their history and uses. 22535 — See also United States. Flaminio ; com^die ; par George Sand. {In her Th^^tre corap., s6r. 3.) 14512 Flaminius,T. Q. Herbert, H. W. (7>i /wsCapt. of Rom. Repub.) 1871 Flammarande ; par George Sand. 14395 29 442 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Flammarion, C. The atmosphere. *I — Himlens under; kAserier i popular astrouomi; frdn tredje Frauska upplagan. 15019 — Stories of infinity : Lumen— Historv of a comet— In infinity ; tr. by S. R. Crocker. 11987 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I — joint author. See Glaisher, J. Flanders, H. Exposition of the Constitution of the U. S. 3d. ed., rev.' 16912 — Lives and times of the Cliief Justices of the U. S. 2 v. 14146-7 Contents. Y.l. John Jay ;— John Rutledge. 2. William Cushing;— Oliver Ellsworth ;— John Marshall. Flanders. Crowe, J. A. and Cavalcaselle, G. B. The early Flemish painters. 6222 — Hutton, J. James and Philip van Arte veld ; episodes in the hist, of the 14th. cent. 22528 Flandrin, J. H. Farrar, H. S. Christian painter of the 19th. century. 14070 — Palj^a-ave, F. T. (In his Essays on art.) 6531 Flanigen, J. R. Methodism ; old and new ; with sketches of early preachers. lUust. 19333 Flattering tales ; by A. E. Hake. 22222 Flaubert, G. James, H., Jr. Charles -de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert. {In his Fr. poets, etc.) 17578 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 4: Cans, lund., v. 13.) *I — Schmidt, J. (In his Bilder aus deni Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 Flauto magico ; opera ; by Mozart. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Flax. Charley, W. T. Flax and linen. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15469 Flaxie Frizzle ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 16564 Flaxman, A. Sketch of A. Flaxman. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Flaxman, J. Illustrations. (In Church, A. J. Stor. fr. the Gr. tragedians; Stud. fr. Homer.) 19460; 17851 — Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., v. 3.) 1055 — Wedmore, F. (In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Fl^che, Une ; com^die ; par L. Laluy^. (Th^^tre de camp., s^r. 8.) 14692 Fl^chier, E., Bp. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., V. 5 ; Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Fleeing to Tarshish ; by F. H. Ludlow. (In his Little brother.) 6884 Fleetwood, J. Life of Christ ; and the lives of the apostles, etc. 1479 Fleming, Mrs. A. Autobiography of W. Arnot, and memoir. 17185 Fleming, M. A. Kate Danton ; or. Captain Danton's daughter. 16739 Fleming, George. Horse shoes and horse shoeing. 10852 — Manual of veterinary sanitary science and police ; [with] the Contagious Diseases (animals) act and regulations. lUust. 2 v. 13805-6 Fleming, G., pseud. See Fletcher, Julia. Fleming, P. Gedichte ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16464 Fleming, S. Grant, G. M. Ocean to ocean ; Fleming's exped. thr. Canada, 1872. 17016 Fleming, W. Student's manual of moral philosophy. 10662 Flemming, H. Cupid and the sphinx. 18073 Flesh and spirit; by J. G. A. Coulson. 15817 Fletcher, A. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 443 Fletcher, A. Fox, W. J. Andrew Fletcher. (Bi Ms Mem. .qxsed. of coll. wks., v. 6.) *I Fletcher, A. B. Advanced readings and recitations. 20270 Fletcher, B. Arbitrations ; text-book for surveyors, in tabu- lated form. 13615 Fletcher, E. D. Autobiography ; with letters and other BXa family memorials ; ed. by [Lady Mary Richardson]. 14210 Fletcher, J. P. Notes fr. Nineveh ; and travels in Mesopota- mia, Assyria, and Syria. 1481 Fletcher, J. History of Poland. 1480 Fletcher, J. C. and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. 7721 Fletcher, J. The elder brother, (hi Mod. stand, dr., v. 9.) 11811 Fletcher, J. and Beaumont, F. Kingsley, H. Fletcher and Beaumont. {In his Fireside stud., v. 2.) 16539 — and Shakespeare. W. The two noble kinsmen; ed., with notes, bv. W. J. Eolfe. * 22604 — joint author. See Beaumont, F. Fletcher, Julia {pseud. G. Fleming.) The head of Medusa. 20050 — Kismet. (No name ser.) 16737 — Mirage. (No name ser.) 17485 Fletcher prize essay. Namely: Faunce, D. W. The Christian in the world. 13269 The light ; Is it waning? • 18209 Fleur de Lys, The. {fn Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 11.) 14311 Fleur de Tlemcen, La ; com^die ; par E.Legouv^ et P. M^rim^e. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^Atre, etc., s4r. 1.) 14685 Fleurange ; by Mme. A. Craven ; fr. the French. 11163 ; 11295 Fleurette ; roman ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, v. 8.) *I Flight of a Tartar tribe ; by T. De Quincey. {In Little class., V. 1.) 12972 Flint, A. Food in its rel. to pers. and pub. health. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Medical and sanitary progress. {In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — Relations of water to the propagation of fever. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., V. 1, 1873.) "^ *I Flint, A., J?-. Physiology of man. v. 1. 6216 Contents. Introduction.— The blood.— Circulation.— Respiration. Flint, C. L. Grasses and forage plants. 1482 — joint author. See Emerson, G. B. Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maximilian. 13556 Flint, R. Anti-theistic theories. (Baird lect., 1877.) 18879 — Christianity in rel. to other relig. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — The Covenant, 1660-1690. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20763 — Philosophy of history in France and Germany. 13278 Flint, T. Condensed geography and hist, of the Western states and Mississippi valley. 2 v. 1485-6 — Recollections in the valley of the Mississippi. 1484 Flip ; by B. Harte. 22031 Flipper, H. O. The colored cadet at West Point ; autobiog, 18256 Flirtation camp ; or. Rifle, rod, and gun in California ; by T. S. Van Dyke. 20289 Flitch of bacon ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 12794 Flitters, tatters, and the counsellor ; by M. Laffan. 18807 Floating beacon ; drama ; by E. Ball. {InMod. stand, dr., v. 23.) 11821 444 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, — Ritehie, A. C. (M.) Florence and John ; Florence Sackville ; Floating beacon, The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 1.) Floating city, A ; by J. Verne. Floating prince, The ; and other fairy tales ; by F. R. Stockton. Flood, H. Lecky, W. E. H. {In his Lead, of pub. opin., etc.) Flore et Zephyre ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 1.) Floredice, W. H. Memories of a month among the mere Irish. Florence. Description^ etc. — Doran, J. Mann and manners at the court of F. 1740-1786. 2 v. — Punshon, W. 31. Florence and the Florentines. {In his Lect., etc.) -r- Horner, S. and J. Walks in Florence. 2 v. — Taine, H. A. Italy : Florence and Venice. — Ware, W. (In his Sk. of Europ. capitals.) Ecclesiastical architecture. — Norton, C. E. Florence and St. Mary of the Flower. {Li his Hist. stud. of Ch. building). History. — Macchiavelli, N. Florentine histories ; tr. by C. E. Lester. 2 v. — History of Florence, etc. ; new trans. — Napier, H. E. Florentine historv to the accession of Ferdinand III. 6 v. — Oliphant, M. (O. W). The makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savon- arola, and their city. Illust. — Symonds, J. A. Florentine historians. {In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 1. — Trollope, T. A. History of the Commonwealth of F. 4 v. JliscellaneoKS. {In her Italian life, etc.) by J. Abbott, by Mrs. Burbury. Florence's return ; ,by J. Abbott. Florestan, Prince^ of Monaco. Fall of Prince Florestan. Florian, J. P. C. de. Sainte-Beuve, ('. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 3.) Floribel. . {In Magician's show-box.) Floriculture. Beecher, H. W. Plain and pleasant talk about fruit, flowers, etc. — Breck, J. The flower garden : or. Book of flowers. New book of flowers. — Bright, H. A. The English flower garden; with illust. notes. — Delamer, E. S. The flower garden. * — Gilmaa, M. My ten-rod farm. — Henderson, P. 'Practical floriculture; guide to the cultivation of plants. — Rand, E. S. Jr. Flowers for parlor and garden. Garden flowers : how to cultivate them. — See also Gardening. Florida. Description., etc. — Adams, W. T. Down South ; or, Yacht adv. in F. — Barbour, G. M. Florida for tourists, invalids, etc. — Beecher, 3Irs. E. W. Letters from Florida. — Btill, L. A winter in Florida. -■ Drake, S. A. Florida; its hist,, cond.,and resources. — Guide to Florida ; hist, sketch, statistics, routes, etc. — Hallock, C. Camp life in Florida. — Lanier, S. Florida ; its scenery, climate, etc. Same; with papers on fruit-culture. — Lente, F. D. Jr. Florida as a health resort. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 3.) — Nox, O. Southern rambles. — Robbins, Mrs. S. S. One happy winter; or, A visit to Florida. History. — Fairbanks, G. R. Historv of Florida to 1842. — Giddings, J. R. The exiles of Florida. — Irving, T. Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto. — Parkman, F. Huguenots in Florida. {In his Pion. of France.) — See also St. Augustine. 19140 13014 21116 9979 *I 21971 16622-S 11802 11631-2 7772 4647 19888 5932-8 5127 *I *I ) 15451 8785-8 9027 49 12448 14284 12842 *I 1507 366 471 6330 20735 1141 7753 7655 6331 6886 20973 18557 10625 18481 11292 15412 15371 20319 *I 20877 17351 12633 2245 2138 5984 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 445 Florida, In the wilds of ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 19950 Florida pirate, The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Florinde ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 5.) *I Florio ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little comedies ; new ed.). 21907 Florus, L. A. Carmina. {In Leraaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 2.) De rosis. {Li v. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 ; 8365 — Epitome rerum Romanum ; item L. Ampelii Liber memorialis quibus sel. notas. subj. N. E. Lemaire. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8254 — jSee also Sallustiiis Crispus, C. Floss; byT. Hall. 17^36 Floss Silverthorn ; by A. Giberne. 13601 Flotow, F. von. Marta. *I — Martha; Stradella. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — L'ombre. *I Flower, E. F. Bits and bearing-reins ; with obs. on horses and harness. 2d. ed. 17700 Flower, E. Fox, W. J. Funeral service for E. F. (^In Jus Mem. ed. of coll. wks., v. 12.] *I Flower, P. W., ed. History of the trade in tin ; descr. of tin mining and metallurgy ; hist, of the origin and prog, of the tin-plate trade ; descr. of the anc. and mod. processes of manufac. tin plates. lUust. 19651 Note. Cont. Biog. of J. Haubury and A, Yarrautou. Flower, W. H. Fashion in deformity as illust. in the customs of races. (Nat. ser.) Illust. 20846 — Introduction to the osteology of the mammalia. 16660 Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces ; by J. P. F. Richter. 2 v. 546.6-7; 12572-3 Flower and thorn ; by M. D. Conway. {In /i/s Idols and Ideals.) 16980 Flower and thorn ; poems, by T. B. Aldrich. 16641 Flower garden. The ; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4474; 4477 Flower, The, of Bernay ; by K. S. Macquoid. {In her Evil eye, etc.) 15598 Flower, The, of the family ; byG.M. Baker. {In /ws Handy dr.) 16747 Flower, The, of Tlemcen ; by E. Legouv^ and P. Merimee. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Flowers. Allen, G. The colours of flowers as illust. in the British flora. 22450 — Barrett, W. A. Flowers and festivals; floral dec. of churches. 9322 — Buckley, A. B. The life of a primrose ; Bees and flowers. (In her Fau'j-land.) 18435 — Burke, Mrs. L. Miniature language of flowers. 9178 — Goodale, E. and D. R. in Berkshire with the wild flowers. 19337 — Hassard, A. Floral dec. for the dwelling house; pract. guide to the home arrangement of plants and flowers. 15626 — Ildrewe, 3Iiss. The language of flowers. Introd. fr. T. Miller. Illust. 8640 — Maling, E.A. Flowers for ornament. (/>i ^i« Hd.-bk. for ladies.) 10877 — Meeham, T. Wayside flowers. *I — Taylor, J. E. Flowers; their origin, shapes, perfumes, and colours. 19084 — See also Botany;— Floriculture;— Gardening. Flowers, The, of the Forest ; drama ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) . 11829 Flowers of the forest ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {Bi her Works, v. 5.) 3959 Flowers of the sky ; by R. A. Proctor. 18844 Floyd, C. {pseud. N. Forrest). Mice at play. (Some other babies.) 16745 446 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Floyd, T. A midshipman's narr. of a polar voyage, 1773. {In Markham, A. H. Northward ho !) 19121 Floyd, W. R. Handy Andy. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 42.) 11831 Floyer, E. • A. Unexplored Baluchistan ; survey, with obs. astronomical, geographical, botanical, e^c. Illust. and map. 22670 Fluids. Froude, W. The laws of fluid resistance. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Stanley, W. F. Experimental researches into the properties and motions of fluids. 22709 — See also Hydrodynamics (fluid motion) . Fly-fishing in Maine lakes ; by C. W. Stevens. 20123 Fly-leaves ; by C. S. Calverley. 10908 Flying. See Animal locomotion. Flying doctor. The ; farce ; by Moli^re. {In /l^sDram. wks.,v. 1.) 16843 Flying Dutchman ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 14.) 11816 Flying mail. The ; by M. Goldschmidt. 9290 Flying proa. Alden, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa. 17824 Foca or Phocas. De historia, prefatio, ad vitam Virgilii. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 Fo'c's'le yarns ; incl. Betsey Lee, and other poems. 21867 Fodder. See Cattle-feeding. Fodor, J. M. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Foe, Daniel de. See De Foe, D. Fog. Phipson, T. L. Electric fogs. {In his Fam. letters.) 16631 Fog-signals. Tyndall, J. Recent experiments on fog-signals. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Foggy night. The, at Offord ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13584 Folger, C. J. Bungay, G. {In his Tr. of repr. men.) 22315 Folio, Fred. Lucy Boston. 2774 Folk-lore. Conway, M. D. The Wandering Jew. 20842 — Cox, G. W. Introduction to the science of comparatiye mythology and folk-lore. ' 20598 — Kelly, W. K. Curiosities of Indo-European tradition and folk-lore. 11355 — Mueller, F. M. (In his Chips, y. 2.) 7665 — See also Eng. folk-lore. Also Europe, Xorth of; — Lancashire;— Russia;— Scotland;— Seryia; — Wales. Folkard, C. W. Potable water ; relative efficiency of diff. methods of detecting impurities. (Van Nostrand's Sci. Ser.) 22146 Folkard, H. C. The sailing boat ; trea. on boats and yachts. 5340 — The wild-fowler; trea. on fowling, anc. and mod. ; descr. also of decoys and flight ponds. 13616 Follen, C. T. C. Channing, W. E. Discourse, death of Dr. F. {In his Works, v. 5.] 791 Follen, E. L. (C), ed. Home dramas. 1488 Contents. Follen, E. L. C. Mrs. Peck's pudding.— Oliye merchants of Bagdat.— Aiken, L.Alfred (u-aiiting) .—The svrord, (impei'fect) .—Ahmed, the cobbler.- Edoeworth,31. Old Poz; Dumb Andy; The grinding organ. — Jameson, A. M. Much coin, much care. — The little gleaner. — Pulsky, Mrs. The sleeper awakened.— Stowe,H.B. Extracts fr. Christian slaye.— Honesty is the best policy.— Charades.— Aikin, Miss. Master and slaye. —Life and writings of Feiielon. 1489 — Little songs. Illust. 13322 — Song for the friends of freedom. (In Liberty bell.) 5101 Follies of a night ; comedy ; by J. R. Planche. {In Mod. stand.. dr., V. 6.) 11808 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 447 "Following the drum" ; by Mrs. Viele. 4597 Following the flag ; by C. C. Carleton. 5779 Folly as it flies ; hit at by Fanny Fern [S. P. Parton]. 7452 Folsom, C. F. Prevention of insanity. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., V. 7.) *I Fonblanque, A. Life and labours ; ed. by E. B. de Fonblanque. 12574 Fonblanque, A., Jr. Rights and wrongs ; manual of household law. 5916 — The tangled skein. v 12881 Fonblanque, E. B. de. See De Fonblanque. Fonde de pouvoirs, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 12.) *I Fonds perdus, Les ; par H. de La Madelene. In his Contes Comtadins.) 9517 Fontaine, E. How the world was peopled ; ethnolog. lect. 10185 Fontaine, F. The exile, a tale of St. Augustine ; [poem]. 17987 Fontanes, L., marquis de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., V. 2.) *I Fontaney, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (J/i MsPrem. lund., v. 2.) *I Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Blismon, A. G. Fontenelliana. {In his Tr^sor des anecdotes com.) 14496 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 10; Caus. lund., v. 3.) *I Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and lightning ; ti'. and ed. by T. L. Phipson. (111. lib. of wonders.) • 7125 — Joint author. See Glaisher, J. Food. Alcott, W. A. The young housekeeper ; or, Thoughts on food and cookery. 6431 — Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking. 10066 — Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick ; seq. to Philosophy of eating. 7565 Philosophy of eating. 7185 — Bevan, G. P. {In his Industrial classes and indust. statistics.) 16805 — Church, A. H. Food ; its sources, constituents, and uses. 16816 — De Voe, T. F. Market assistant ; descr. of food sold in the markets. 6688 — Flint, A. Food in its rel. to pers. and pub. health. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Eept., v. 3.) *I — Fox, C. B. Sanitary examinations of water, air, and food. 18215 — Houghton, S. Address on the rel. of food to work, and its bearing on medical practice. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 18700 11626 — Johnstone, W. E. Preparation of food. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos.,imi. Kept., V. 5.) 9100 — Lankester, E. On food ; lect. ' 6457 — Lindley, J. Substances used as food, illust. bv the Great Exhibition. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc., Lect.) ' 4735 — Manley, J. J. Preservation of food. (3Ianuf. ind.) 15476 — Moleschott, J. A. W. Chemistrv of food. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci. ; Pract. chem.) " 5188 — Proctor, R. A. Use and abuse of food. {In his Pleas, ways.) 18336 Same. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Smitl>, E. Foods. (Int. sci. ser.) 11798 — Smith, J. Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man. 4059 — Thompson, H. Food and feeding. 19051 — Youmans, E. L. {In his Hand-book of household science.) 6284 — See also Adulterations. Also Cookery. Fool of quality ; by H. Brooke. 2 v. 517-18 Foolish girl, A ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy of the unexpected.) 19857 Fools. Doran, J. History of court fools. 14380 Fool's errand, A ; by one of the fools [A. W. Tourgee]. 19261 448 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fool's revenge, The ; drama ; by T. Taylor, (In his Hist, dr.) 17386 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 42.) 11831 Foot notes ; by A. Barron. 15359 Foot-paths ; by J. Burroughs. (In his Pepacton.) 20466 Foot, The, of the cross ; by F. W. Faber. 8930 Foote, A. H. Hoppin, J. M. Life of Foote. 13238 Foote, C. C. Importance and power of relig. forces in prisons. (I7i Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — A noble testimony. (In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Rept., 1873.) *I Foote, H. S. The bench and bar of the south and southwest. 15792 Foote. H. W. Annals of King's Chapel from the Puritan age of New Eng., v. 1.) *I Foote, M. H. The Led-Horse claim. Illust. 22857 Footfalls on the boundary of another world ; by R. D. Owen. 3322 Footlight flashes ; by W. Davidge. 6379 Footprints in the snow ; by D. Russell. 17845 Footprints of the Creator ; by H. Miller. 3042 Footprints of the great ; by M. D. Conway. (In his Idols, etc) 16980 For a woman's sake; by H. Wachenhusen. « 13991 For a woman's sake ; by W. Phillips. 12004 For cash only ; by J. Payn. 21836 For her dear sake ; by M. C. Hay. 20568 For husks, food. 12788 " For Percival ; ". by M. Veley. 18075 For summer afternoons; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 15836 For the king ; by C. Gibbon. • 11194 For the king's dues ; by A. Macdonell. 13462 Forain, L. Dames de comptoir. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Foray of Queen Meave ; by A. De Vere. 22106 Forayers, The : by W. G. Simms. 15806 Forbes, A. Glimpses thr. the cannon-smoke ; sketches. 20051 — The Russians, Turks, and Bulgarians. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc, V. 1.) 17645 — Soldiering and scribbling ; sketches. 11876 Forbes, C. J. F. S. British Burma and its* people ; sketches of manners, customs, etc. 18880 Forbes, Lady C. Chambers, W. Lady Forbes. (Li his Stor. of old fam.) 18362 Forbes, D. The history of chess. *I Forbes, E. Brown, J. (In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Forbes, G. Radiation. (In So. Kensington sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 — Thermal conductivity ; Thermo-dynamics ; The velocity of light. (In So. Kensington sci. lect., v. 2.) * * 17679 — Transit of Venus. (I^ature ser.) 13371 Forbes, H. Manual for the patriotic volunteer. 2 v. 1491-2 Forbes, J. D. Sir Humphry Davy. (In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Chambers, W. (In his Stor. of remark, persons.) 18069 Forbes, J. Eleven years in Ceylon. ' 1490 Forbes, R. B. Personal reminiscences ; [seamanship]. 18076 — Life-boats, projectiles, and other means of saving hfe. 11379 Forbes, W. Account of the life and writings of J. Beattie ; incl. letters. New ed. 2 v. 22792-3 Forbidden fruit. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 3.) 14303 Forbidden fruit; by F. ^Y. Hacklauder. 17272 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 449 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 21.012 Force. Abbott, J. Force. (Sci. for the young.) 11266 — Bain, A. Correlation of nerv. and mental forces, (in Stewart, B. Conserv. of energy.) 12238 — Barker, G.F. Correlation of vital and physical forces. (Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists, v. 1.) ' 9821 — Biichner, L. Kraft und Stoff ; empirisch-naturphilosophische Studien. 10268 Same ; Eng. Force and matter. 10841 — Faraday, M. On the var. forces of nature ; lect. ; ed. by W. Crookes. 1441 Note."^ Amer. ed. has the title. Course of six lect. on the var. forces of matter. — Helmholtz, H, L. F. Interaction of the nat. forces ; Conservation of force. {In his Pop. lect.) 11772 — Herschel, J. F. W. On the origin of force. (In his Fam. lect.) 6523 — Leconte, J. Correlation of vit. with chem. and phvs. forces. {In Stewart, B. Conserv. of energy.) ' 12238 — Parker, J. A. Non-existence of proiectile forces in nature ; lect. ( With his Quad, of the cir.) ' 12391 — Phelps, J. W. Force electricallv exhibited. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) ' 18864 — Stewart, B. The conservation of energv. 12238 — Tait, P. G. {In his Lect. on phys. sci.) 15956 — Taylor, W. B. Nature and origin of force. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1870.) 11626 — Tice, J. H. Relations bet. matter and force. (Jw Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Tyndall, J. Matter and force. {In his Frag; of sci., v. 2.) 19304 On force. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 — Youmans, E. L. Correlation and conservation of forces. 9148 Force des femmes, La ; comedie ; par H. Meilhac. (In Legouv^, J. W. P:. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 Force of truth ; by T. Scott. 3857 Forced marriage. The ; comedy ; by Moli^re. (In his Dram. wks., V. 2.) 16844 Forces. See Physics. Ford, C. R. Prevention of juv. crime. In Internat. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872. *I Ford, H. A. The long holidays ; or, Learning without lessons. lUust. 7221 Ford, H. J. Will it be? 16943 Ford, J. Swinburne, A. C. (In his Ess. and stud.) 14246 Ford, S. R. Ernest Quest; or, The search for truth. 17550 — Grace Truman ; or. Love and principle. 1493 Ford, W. H. Soil and water. (In Buck, A. H. Trea. on hygiene, e^c, v. 1.) 19451 Ford, W. C. American citizen's manual. Questions of the day. 2 v. 22904-5 Contents. V. 1. Governments, the electorate, the civil service. S. Functions of 2:overnment. Forde, G. A lady's tour in Corsica. 2 v. 20932-3 Fore and aft; by Webfoot [W. D. Phelps]. 9800 Foregone conclusion, A ; by W. D. Howells. 13334 Foreign classics for Eng. readers. See Oliphant, M. (O. W.) Foreign Countries and British colonies. See Pulling, F. S. Foreign library. 2511 Contents. Kohl, J. G. Russia and the Russians, 1842; Austria; Eng- land and Wales; Scotland. Foreign marriage, A ; by V. W. Johnson. 19614 Foreign relations. See tlie division Politics under Gt. Brit. and U. S. 450 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Forest days ; by G. P. R. James. 5208 Forest exiles, The ; by Mayne Reid. 3624 Forest Farm; by S. S. Ellis. {In her Chap, on wives.) 1366 Forest Glen ; by E. Kellogg. 17276 Forest house, The ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 9168 Forest leaves ; by L. J. Peirson. 3458 Forest life ; by [C. M. Kirkland]. 2489 Forest rose, The ; drama ; by S. Woodworth. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 41.) 11830 Forestalled ; by M. B. Edwards. 2 v. 20665-6 Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester, T. Paris and its environs. 1496 — Norway and its scenery ; journal of a tour by E. Price ; and Road-book for tourists. I497 Forester ; by M. Edgeworth. 1326 ; 15295 Foresters, The ; by B. Auerbach. 19871 Forestier, A. Echoes fr. mist-land ; or. The Nibelungen Lay revealed. 17890 — an(^ Anderson, R. B. The JiTorway music album; Folk-songs, dances, national airs, and recent compositions. *I Forestiers, The ; by A. Dumas. 1287 Forestry. Hough, F. B. Elements of forestry. 21804 Forests. Beequerel, A. C. Forests and their climatic influence. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 — Browm. J. The forester ; management of forest trees. 15585 — English forests and forest trees, hist., legend., and descriptive. 1398 — Hou^h, F. B. Health interests in the preserv. of forests and the cultiva- tion of trees. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Springer, J. S. Forest life and forest trees. 4185 — United States. Congress. House. Committee. Cultivation of tim- her, and preserv. afforests. Report. 12989 — See also Trees. Forget-me-nots ; by J. Kavanagh. 3 v. 18834-6 Forgive and forget; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336 ; 15296 Forgiven at last ; by J. R. Hadermann. 9279 Forgiveness. Bushnell, H. Forgiveness and law. 12653 — Clark, J. F. Christian doctr. of forgiveness. 846 — Reynolds, H. R. Forgiveness and absolution of sins. {In his Ecclesia.) 10027 Forlorn hope of Mona ; fr. Mason. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Forman, H. B. Introduction and notes. {In Keats, J. Let- ters to F. Brawne.) 19410 Formby, H. A compendium of the philosophy of anc. hist. ; with a dissert, by E. von Lasaulx on the study of the classics. ' 22257 — Safeguards of divine faith in the presence of sceptics, freethinkers, and atheists; essays. 22258 Formosa. Bax, B. W. {In his Eastern seas.) 15618 Forms. See Printing. Forms {in Imv). Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 9973 Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 2 v. 11800 ; 20231 — Letters fr. Europe. 7061 — The new nobility ; a story of Europe and America. 20232 Forney, M. N. The car-builder's dictionary ; illust. vocabulary ; compl. for the Master Car-builders' Association. 20434 — Catechism of the locomotive. 13652 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 451 Forrest, E. Barrett, L. E. Forrest. 20838 — Rees, J. Life of Forrest. 12250 Forrest, G. Handbook of gymnastics. 1765 — Handbook of swimming and skating. » 1T6T Forrest, Neil, pseud. See Floyd, C. Forrest house ; by M. J. Holmes. 20857 Forrest-race romance. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 4.) 19143 Forrester, ¥., pseud. See Wise, D. Forster, C. T. and Daniell, F. H. B. LiTe and letters of Ogier GMselin de Busbecq. 2 v. 20537-8 Forster, J. Handbook of the Dyce and Forster coll. in the So. Kensington Museum. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I — Life of Charles Dickens. 3 v. 9732-4 — Life of Jonathan Swift, v. 1. . 15340 —.Life and times of Goldsmith. 2 v. 10112-13 — Statesmen of the commonwealth of Eng. ; with trea. on the pop. prog. in Eng. history; ed. bv J. O. Choules. 1498 Contents. J. Eliot.— T.' Wentworth.— J. Pvm.— J. Hampden.— Sir H. Vane, the younger.— H. Marten.— O. Cromwell. — Walter SaVage Landor ; a biography. 7855 Forster, S. A., Joint author. See Sandys, W. Forster, AY. E. Hi^ginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of F. (In Polit. portr.) 11693 Forster. See also Foster. Forsyth, W. Essays crit. and narrative. 12723 Contents. Speeches of Lord Brougham. — Criminal procedure in Scot- land and England.— The kingdom of Italy.— The judges of England.— Literary style. — Progress of legal reform. — An election in France. — A journey to Ashango Land. — Eugene de Gu^rin. — Tunnel thr. the Alps. — The Hudson's Bay Company ; its history.— Visit to Russia and the Great Fair of Nijni Novogorod.- Visit to Portland prison.— Three days in Sark.— William Cobbett.— Historical evidence. — History of lawyers, ancient and modern. 13751 — History of trial bv jury. Xew ed. ; bv J. A. Morgan. 14148 — Life of Cicero. 2 v. Illust. ' 5910-11 — Miller, H. The Scotch merchant of the 18th. cent. {In his Tales, etc.) 2557 — Novels and novelists of the 18th. cent. 9609 Fort, G. F. Medical economy dur. the Middle Ages ; hist, of European morals. 22858 Fort Dearborn ; address ; by J. Wentworth. (Chicago Hist. Soc.) *I Forte nageuse ! monologue ; par E. Desbeaux. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 5.) 14795 Fortescue, E. F. K. The Armenian church ; sketch of [its] history, liturgy, etc. ; with app. by S. C. Malan. 16825 Note. Appendix contains Confession of faith of the Armenian church with rite of holv baptism; tr. bv S. C. Malan. Fortescue ; by J. S. KnowW. 1208 Fortieth French ascension. The, of Mont Blanc ; by J. Verne. (In his Doctor Ox, etc.) 12875 Fortifications. Mahau, D. H. Descriptive geometry, as appl. to the drawing of fortification and stereotomy. 16122 — Viollet-Le-Duc, E. Annals of a fortress ; tr. by B. Bucknall. *I Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes, with wood-cuts. (So. Ken. Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I — Maiolica; with wood-cuts. (So. Ken. Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I Fortoul, H. ;^. H. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 2.) *I 452 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fortress Monroe ; by T. Winthrop. {In his Life in the open air.) 15936 Fortunate Isles. Piatt, S. M. B. Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, etc. 12766 Fortunatus. {hi Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 Fortune, R. Journeys to the tea-countries of China. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 Fortune. See Little classics. Fortune d'Ang^e, La ; par A. Theuriet. 14552 Fortune of the Republic; lect. by R. W. Emerson. 17888 Fortune telling. Miller, D. P. {In his Life of a showman.) 11930 — Thomson, M. The witches of Xew York. 17433 Fortune's frolic; by Allingham. {In French's Min. dram., V. 18.) ~ 11845 Fortune's marriage ; by G. M. Craik. 22376 Fortunes, The, of Glencore ; b}" C. J. Lever. 5*272 Fortunes, The, of Miss Follen ; by Mrs. H. B. G. Talcott. 15766 Fortunes of Nigel ; by W. Scott. 3815 Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck ; by [Mrs. Shelley]. 5152 Fortunio, and his seven gifted servants; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 2.) *I Forty-seven Rdnins, The; by A. B. Mitford. {In Little class., V. 11.) 12982 Forty and fifty; by T. H. Bayly. {In French's Min. dram., V. 30.) 7986 Forty winks ; by G. Roberts. {In French's Min. dram., v. 41.) 7991 Forty thieves. The; romance. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 15.) 11817 Forwood, W. S. Historical and descr. narr. of Mammoth cave ; with details of the eyeless fishes. Illust. 8622 Fosdick, C. A. (p^ei^rf. Harry Castlemon) . The boy traders. (Frank Nelson ser.) 17390 — The bov trapper. 18004 — The buried treasure : or, Old Jordan's " haunt." 17608 — Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. 12858 — Frank before Yicksburg. (Gunboat ser.) 6086 — Frank in the woods. (Gunboat ser.) 6085 — Frank Nelson in the forecastle ; or. The sportsmen's club among the whalers. ' 16661 — Frank on a gunboat. (Gunboat ser.) 6084 — Frank on the lower Mississippi. (Gunboat ser.) 6087 — Frank on the prairie. (Gunboat ser.) 7499 — Frank the young naturalist. (Gunboat ser.) 6083 — George at the wheel ; or, Life in the pilot house. 21159 — George in camp. 19321 — Go ahead. 7560 — The mail carrier. (Boy trapper ser.) 18477 — No moss. 7561 — Snowed up; or, The sportsman's club in the mountains. 16547 — The sportsman's club afloat. 12656 — The sportsman's club among the trappers. 13653 — The sportsman's club in the saddle. 11682 — Tom Newcombe. 7559 Foss, E. The judges of England. 9 v. *I Fossett, F. Colorado ; its gold and silver mines, farms and stock ranges, etc. ; tourist's guide to the Rocky Mts. *I Fossil men and their modern representatives ; by J. W.Dawson. 19850 Fossils. See Palaeontology. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 453 Foster, E. Serv. Foster, F. Foster, C. T. Geography of the Bible. (With Grant, A. R. Lessons fr. the Bible. 10938 Foster. C. Electrical measurements. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 1.) 17678 Foster, C. J. Biographical sketch. {In Woodruff, H. The trotting horse.) 7585 — The white horse of Wootton. 18077 Foster, C. Le N. Across the Bursting-sand (Sprengisandr) in 1876. {In Lock, C. G. W. Home of the Eddas.) 19659 Municipal organization of the Amer. Pub. Health {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I A. Francis Deak, Hungarian statesman ; mem. Pref . by M. E. G. Duff. 19820 Foster, F. P. Public vaccination. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. Jour., 1873.) 15733 Foster, H. The coquette ; or. Life and letters of Eliza Whar- ton ; novel found, on fact; hist, pref., and mem. of the author. 13682 Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the U. S. of Amer. 12014 Foster, J. The death of Christ as a sacrifice. {In Noyes, G. R. Coll. theol. ess.) 7701 Foster, J. Critical ess. contrib. to the Eclectic Rev. ; ed. by J. E. Ryland. 2 v. 1502-3 Contents. Y. 1. Travel writing.— Memoir writing.— Thoughts on af- fectation.— Future of England and America.— Blair's life and w^ritings. — Hume.— Hindoo idolatry and Christianity. Vindication of the Baptist missionaries.— Poetical criticism. — Personal virtue in its rel. to polit. emi- nence. — Statesmen. — Memoirs of Sir T. More. — Christianity in India. — Paley as a theologian. — America bef . the Revolution. — The Peninsular war. — Siclney Smith's sermons.— Paley's memoirs.— Rose on Fox's hist. — Theatrical amusements.— Characters of Fox.— Education in ref . to relicr- ion. — Sanscrit literature. — Morality of works of tiction.— Cruelty to ani- mals. — Southey's Curse of Kehama. — Vindication of Fox's hist.— Jesse's sermons. 2.' Coleridge.— Highland superstitions.— Grecian architec- ture.— Richard Cumberland.— G. Whitefield.— Junius. — H. Grattan.— Zollikofer's sermons.— Irish society. — H. Tooke.— Biography.— Public worship of nonconformists.— Relation of man to nature.— Wilberforce on Christian missions.— R. Hall on the East India charter. — Chateaubriand's Christian martyrs. — Life of M. de l'H6pital. — Mungo Park. — Hobhouse's Albania.— Curfan.—Britton's Cathedral antiquities.— Jeremy Taylor. — Astronomy and the Christian revelation. — A. Fuller. — B. Franklin. — J. Fawcett.— J. Ryland. — Recollections of Coleridge. — Modem Egypt. — Chatterton. — Dahiell's Oriental scenery. — Mr. Hall's character as a preacher. (In Hall, R, Misc. works.) — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc., and Mod. lit., etc.) — Essays. Contents. On a man's writing memoirs of himself. — On decision of character.— On the appl. of the epithet romantic— On the causes by which evangelical relig. has been rendered less acceptable to persons of culti- vated taste. — Same ; with essay on popular ignorance. — Gems of beauty ; from the writmgs of F. ; with his ess. on decision of character. Portr. — Life and correspondence; ed. by J. E. Ryland; with not. of Mr. F., by J. Sheppard. 2 v. — The Mississippi valley; its phys. geography. Illust. — and "Whitney, J. D. * Report on the geology and topographv of a portion of the Lake Superior land district, pt. 1. Copper lands. (U.S. General Ld. Office.) Foster, M. Physiology. Illust. (Sci. prim.) — and Balfour, F. M. The elements of embryology. — aiid Langley, J. N. Elementary practical physiology. 2255: 1731 2256 1501 7688 1504 1505-6 7835 1508 13073 16663 454 FREE PUBIJC I^IBRARY. Foster, P. Le N. Photography. (Brit, manut'. ind.) 15472 Poster, R. S. Fruits a test of systems. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Foster, W. E. Libraries and readers. 22756 — Relation of lib. to the school system; Plan of systematic training in read- ing at school. {In Green, "S. S. Lib. and schools.) 22767 Foster brothers. The ; hist, of the school and college life of two young men. 1500 Fothergill, J. The first violin. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 18078 — Kith and kin. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 21174 — ''One of three" and Made or marred. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20766 — Probation. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 19334 — The Wellflelds. (Leis.-hr. ser.) , 19945 Fothergill, J. Coleridge, H.{In his Lives of no. worthies, v. 3.) *I Fothergill, J. M. Animal physiology, for schools. 20898 — Maintenance of health ; medical work for lay readers. 13864 — and Wood, H. C. Food for the invalid, the' convalescent, the dyspeptic, and the gouty. ' 20052 Fou de Peronne, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 4.) *I Fou rire, Le ; monologue ; par J. Normand. (Th^^tre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Foucaud, E. Book of illustrious mechanics of Europe and Amer. ; fr. the French ; ed. by J. Frost. ^ 2183 Foucault, N. J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (77i /tisNouv. lund., v. 3.) *I Fouche, J. A. Memoirs'; fr. the French. 1510 — Brougham, H. In Ins Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 Foul play ; by C. Reade and D. Boucicault. 3605 Fould, Mjiie. W. J. S. Le clou au couvent-aimez-vous. 14581 Found at Blazing Star ; by B. Harte. ( With his Flip.) 22031 Foundation of duty ; by T. Parsons. {In his Ess., ser. 2.) 6140 Foundations. Gaudard, J. Foundations. 17496 Foundations of a creed ; by G. H. Lewes. 2 v. 12200-1 Founding. Overman, F. The moulders' and founders' pocket guide. Add., Suppl. on statuary and ornamental mould- ing, f;^c., by A. A. Fesquet. 19750 — West, T. D. American foundry practice; loam, dry sand, and green sand moulding; and treat, upon the management 'of cupolas and the melting of iron. 22395 Fountain of youth ; by F. Paludan-Miiller. 6775 Fountain, The, of youth ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little come- dies, new ed.) , 21907 Fouque, F. H. K., Freiherr yon. See La Motte-Fouqu^. Fouquet, L. M. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *r Fouquet, N. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 5.) *I Four bells, The, of Chartres ; by F. Wedmore. {In his Past. of France.) 18122 Fourberies de Scapin, Les ; comedie ; par Moliere. (Oeuvres, • V. 7.) 14610 Four-fifteen express. The ; by A. B. Edwards. {In her Night, etc.) 22071 — Same. (In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 Four Georges, The ; by W. M. Thackeray. 4405 P'our gold pieces. The ; by Mile. J. Gouraud. 14094 Four irrepressibles ; or, The tribe of Benjamin. 17114 Four Mac Nicols, The ; by W. Black. 21420 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 455 Four years at Yale. ' 9270 Foui'-leaved clover, A; bj^ SaxeHolm. {In his Stor., ser. 2.) 17894 Fourier, J. Arago, F. Biography of F. {In his Biog. of disting. sci. men, ser. 1.) 170 Fournier, M. R. Comedv and tragedy. (7« French's min. dr., V. 19.) " 11845 Fourquet, J., surnommee Hachette. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Fourth gospel, The, Authorship of ; by E. Abbot. {In Inst, ess.) 19811 P^wle, T. W. The poor law. 21639 Fowle, W. B. Parlor dramas. 1513 Contents. Woman's rights.— Country cousins. — The will. — The fugitive slave.— The pedant. — Love at sight.— Wm. Tell.— The counterplot. — The well of St. Keyne.— The oddity.— The tables turned.— The double ghost.— The tea party.'— The tear,— The Jesuit in America. Fowler, A. M. Papers on drainage, etc. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. P^ng. and Sur. Proc. Passim.) *I Fowler, E., Bp. of Gloucester. Tulloch, J. {In his Rat. theo- logy, V. 2.) 11457 Fowler, L. F. Familar lessons on astronomy. 1512 Fowler, M. F. Horse-cars and the Sabbath. (7n Sabbath ess.) 19808 Fowler, O. S. Fowler's practical phrenology. 1516 — Hereditary descent. 1515 — A home for all ; or, The gravel wall and octagon mode of building. 1514 — Physiology, animal and mental. 1517 — Self -culture, and perfection of character. 7780 — and L. N., and Kirkham, S. Phrenologv proved, illust.,' and appl. 13th. ed. 13221 Fowler, T. Bacon. (Eng. philosophers.) 20871 — Elements of deductive logic. 6th. ed. 18906 — Elements of inductive logic. 3d. ed. 18967 — Introduction, notes, etc. {In Locke, J. Cond. of the understanding.) 20510 — Locke. (Eng. men of letters.) 20053 — Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. (Eng. philosophers.) 22219 Fowler, W. Present aspect of the land question. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I Fowlers and Wells' Water-cure Library. 7 v. 9918-24 Contents. V. 1. Shew, J. Hydropathy or the water-cure. 2. Nichols, T. L. Introduction to the water-cure.— Nichols, M. S. G. Experience in the water-cure.— Pendleton, H. The parents' guide. 3. Trail, R. T. Hydropathy for the people ; — Curiosities of common water. 4. Shew, J. Water-cure manual ; Cholera and bowel diseases. 5. Lambe, W. Water and vegetable diet ; with notes and add. by J. Shew.— Shew, J. Tobacco ; its nature and effects. 6. Rausse, J. H. Water-cure in every disease ; Errors in the water-cure. 7. Shew, J. Water-cure in con- sumption ; Water-cure in pregnancy. Fowling. Folkland, H. C. The wild-fowler; tr. on F., anc. and mod. ; descr. also of decoys, etc. 13616 — Modern wild fowling. *I Fowls. See Poultry. Fownes, G. Rudimentary chemistry. 2177 Fox, C'aroline. Memories of old friends ; extr. fr. journals and letters, 1835-71 ; ed. by H. N. Pyra. 21385 Fox, C. J. History of the early part of the reign of James II. 1519 — Same. (7?i Carrel, J. B. X. A. History, e^c.) *I — Memorials and correspondence, ed. bv J. Russell. 4 v. *I — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser! 1.) 525 — Foster, J. Rose on Fox's hist. ; Character of F. ; Vindication of Fox's hist., by S. Hevwood. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Harsha, D. A. {In his 3Iost em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Hazlitt, W. {In his Eloquence, etc., v. 2.) 1812 456 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Pitt and Fox. {In his Quar. ess.) 14194 — Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox ; the opposition under George III. 12771 — Rogers, S. (Bi his Recollections.) 3688 — Russell, J. Life and times of F. 3 v. 11149-51 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Thornton, P. M. C. J. Fox. {In his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 — Trevelyan, G. O. The early history of Fox. 19963 Fox, C. B. Sauitary examioations of water, air, and food. Illust. 18215 Fox, G. Osgood, S. George Fox and the Eng. spiritualists. {In his Studies.) 7189 Fox, G. V. Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the mission to Rus- sia, 1866 ; fr. jour, and notes of L. ; ed. by J. D. Champ- lin, Jr. *I Fox, H. R., Lord Holland. See Vassal!, H. R. F. Fox, J. Kingsley, H. (In his Tales of travel.) 8065 Fox, T. B. Biography of G. Whittemore. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — Biography of T. B. Fox, Jr. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Fox, T. B., Jr. Fox, T. B. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Fox, W. J. Letters to the working classes. 3 v. 1520-2 — Memorial ed. of the coll. works of F. 12 v. *I Contents. Vol. 1. Letters on the sacrifice of Christ.— Comparative tendency of Unitarianism and Cah inisni to promote love to God and love to man.— Reply to pop. obj. agt. Unitarianism.— Sermon of free inquiry in matters of religion.— The spread of Unitarianism a blessing to society. — Voice of re\ elation.— Lect. on subjects connect, with the corruption^ re- vival, and future infl. of genuine Christianity.— Duties of Christians towards Deists.— Funeral sermon for Caroline, 'queen of England.— Ser- mon after recovery fr. illness.— The hist, of Christ a testimonv to the sole deity of the Father, and the conn. bet. div. and human philanthropy, a. Christ and Christianity : sermons. 3. The apostle John a Unitarian.— Spirit of Unitarian Christianity. — Sermon at settlement of Rev.E.Tagart, Norwich.— Public principle ess. to the excellence of private character. — Providence of God in the prog, of relig. liberty.— Pract. importance of the Unitarian controversy.— Moral cautions on the* anticipated approach of tlie cholera. — Claims of the poor on the followers of Christ. — Discourse on occ. of the death of Rajah Rammohun Roy. — Christian morality : ser- mons. — The Church Establishment inconsistent with the spirit of Christi- anity and the well-being of society. 4. Anti corn law speeches. — National education. — True spirit of reform — on being returned 31. P. 5. Letters on the corn-laws.— Extr. fr. letters by "Publicola."' 6. Misc. essays: Andrew Fletche*-.— Cudworth's InteH'ectual system.— Witchcraft.— 3len and things in 1823.- Representative reform.— Letters to — , Unitarian min- ister. — A victim. — Local logic. — Rule Britannia. — Tennyson's poems. — Pauline.— Story without an end.— Retzsch's fancies.— Adam the gar- dener. — "Mrs. Thomson, you are wanted." — The Revolutionary epic. — Campbeirs life of Mrs. Siddons. — Paracelsus. — Warnings to the tories. — On organic reforms.— C. R. Pemberton.— Biog. sketch" of Wm. C. Mac- ready.— Dramatic criticisms.— Poetry. 7. Morality as mod. by the various classes into which soc. is divided ; lectures.— Church rate imposition. — Inquiry into the history of opinion cone, death, and the mental state in- duced by its approach."— Right and expediency.— The three ideas of Chris- tianitv.— What constitutes a saint. 8. Coronation of Queen Victoria. — Moral power. — Recent attempts to stimulate a spirit of fanaticism and per- secution in the Ch. of Eng. — Religious equality. — Moral view of the corn- law question. — XatU education. — The relig. ideas. 9. The causes and infl. which modify the devel. of the relig. ideas. — Objections to " The relig. ideas." — History of relig. thought. — The true life of Christ, and its mor. significance. 10. Scripture express, of the relig. ideas. — Moral philoso- phy as illust. by the relig. ideas. — Exposition of Chap. 13, Corinthians I. — Moral unity of God. — Health of mind. — Read your Bible. — The glory of God the rule of human action. — Expos", of 2dl and 3d. Chap, of Genesis. 11. Truth. — Chalmer's Defence of Establishments. — Cain and Abel. — Anc. mythology and mod. theology. — Seven ages of Christianity. — Doctrine CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 457 of obedience to civil powers. — Expos, of 107th. Psalm. — On the belief in a devil. — Temptation in the wilderness. — Prayers for the dead. — Evils of poverty. 12. Beauties of the Bible.— The state in its rel. with the church.— Philosophy of relig.— Province of reason in relig.— Channing's "Self-culture."— On the observ. of lent.— Duty of a nation tow. its intel- lectual benefactors.— Wm. Eoscoe.— Destiny of humanity.— Duties of the pres. time, and of all time.— Proper use of the Bible in schools.— Truth of Scripture.— Relig. worship.— Nation, education: crit. on Bishop Blomfield. — Christ a natural reformer. — Whit-Sunday. — Pract. evils of sectarian- ism. — The book of Ecclesiastes. — Funeral serv. of Eliza Flower. — In memo- riam,W. J. Fox. — In memoriam. (7w Fox, W. J. Mem. ed. of coll. Wks., v. 12.) Fox, ship. See Arctic regions. Foxton, E., psewd. See Palfrey, S. H. Foy, M. vS. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) Foyer du gymnase, Le ; prologue ; par E. Scribe, etc. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 21.) Fra Angelico. See Angelico. Fra Bartolommeo. See Bartolommeo. Fra diavolo ; opera ; by D. F. E. Auber. — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) Fra diavolo ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 4 Fracastoro, G. Alcon, sive de cura canum venaticorum. Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) Fragoletta ; by "Rita." Fragonard, N. Wedmore, F. Fragonard. genre painting.) Fraise, La ; com^die ; par Mme. L. Figuier. Fraises, Les ; com^die ; par A. E. Theuriet. W. E. G. ThMtre, etc., s^r. 4.) Framley parsonage ; by A. Trollope. Francatelli, C. E. The modern cook. France, A. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. France, A. de. The prisoners of Abd-el-Kader. French in Algiers. France. Colonies in America. — See Canada. (In (Bib. Class. Lat.) (In his Mast, of (In Legouv^, J. (In The AgricuUtire. Richardson, G. G. Corn and cattle prod, distr. of France. See also Industry, below. Army. Chesney, C. C, and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and France, Hazen, W. B. The school and the army in Germany and Fr. ; with diary of siege life at Versailles. Art. Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in France. {In his Contemp. art in Europe.) Head, E. Hand-book of the hist, of the Spanish and Fr. schools of painting. Heine, H. Kunstberichte aus Paris. (In his Werke, v. 11.) Biography. Bonnefon, D. Les ecrivains modernes de la France. Cormenin, L. M. de la H.de. The orators of France ; ed. by G. H. Colton. Cousin, Y. La soci^te Franoaise au 17^ siScle d'apr^s Le grand Cyrus de Mile, de Scud^ry. 2 v. Gaboriau, E. Les comediennes adorees. Gautier, T., etc. Famous French authors. 5012 *I *I ♦I *I 8359 20909 19479 9571 14688 4505 10476 14713 1158 18367 10729 10909 *I *I *I 14400 6012 14473-4 14665 19026 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured onlv bv asking an attendant for it. 30 . ^ = 458 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. 18109 King, E. French polit. leaders. 13829 Men of the third repubHc. 11703 Michelet, J» The women of the Fr. Revolution. 3032 Roland, M. J. P. Portrait et anecdotes. (Barri^re. Bib. desm<^m., v. 8.) 14528 Young, A. Historical sk. of the Fr. bar; withbiog. not. of the princ. ad- vocates of the 19th, cent. 12748 See also the divUionH Drama ; History; Literature. Also Paris. Institut. Also St. Beuye, C. A, Commerce. Commercial policy of Fr., and the treaty with Eng. of 1860. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I Description, etc. Breckenridge, R. J. Memoranda of foreign travel. 472 Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in France, etc. 8008 Butterworth, H. {In his Zigzag journeys in class, lands.) 19874 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls abroad. 22133 Chorley, H. F. Music and manners in Fr., etc. 3 v. *I Coltonj W. Notes on F., etc. {In his Sea and sailor.) 906 Craik, D. M. Fair France. 9953 Ditson, G. L. Para papers on F., etc. 6317 Edwards, M. B. Holidays in eastern France. 19104 Elliot, F. Old court life in France. 2 v. 11768-9 Field, 3Irs. H. M.^ Home sketches in France. 13826 France. {In Rapid transit abroad.) . 18585 Froissart, J. The boys' Froissart, adv., battles, etc., ed. by S. Lanier. 19352 George, W. C. {In fiis A vear abroad.) 2225 Gibbons, P. E. French an'd Belgians. 18919 Green, S. G. French pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I Haeseler, C. H. {In his Across the Atlantic.) 7590 Hale, E. E., aiid S. A familv flight through France, etc. 21075 Hall, F. W. {In his Rambles in Europe.) . 1727 Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp. 6892 - Round my house ; rural life in France. 15488 Haven, G. ' {In his Pilgrim's wallet.) 6156 Hawthorne, N. Passages fr. the Fr. and Itahan note-books. 2 v. 10079-80 Hillebrand, K. France and the French in the 2d. half of the 19th. cent. 20668 Inglis, H. D. South of France in 1830. {In his Switzerland, etc., v. 2.) 2127 Jackson, C. C. The French court and society; reign of Louis XVI., and Ist. empire. 2 v. 21405-6 Lippincott, S. J. (C.) Stories and sights of F. and Italy. 19506 McLellan, H. B. {In Jiis Journal of a residence in Scotland, etc.) 2846 Miller, W. Notes of travel in Italy and France. {In his Wintering, etc.) 20963 Molloy, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. 18775 Moore, J. Journal dur. a residence in France, 1792. 2 v. 6050-1 Morford, H. (I?i /m Over-sea.) Illust. 6918 Morlev, J. France in the 18th. cent. {In his Crit. misc., ser. 2.) 17535 MurraV, E. C. G. Round about France. 18117 Nasr-e'd-Din, Shah of Persia. {In his Diary, 1878.) 20968 Sterne, L. Sentimental journey thr. France, eic. (Jw Ais Works.) 4228 Stevenson, R. L. An inland voyage. 18340 Stowe, H. B. {In her Sunny memories, v. 2.) 4271 Tocqueville, A. de. On the state of soc. in Fr. bef . the Revolution of 1789. 11779 Tripp, A. {In his Crests from the ocean world.) 4499 Urbino, Mrs. S. R. {In her American woman in Europe.) ' 7861 Wallace, 3Irs. E. D. {In her Woman's experiences in Europe.) 10809 Winter, W. {In his Trip to England.) 20127 /See a?so Dauphiny ; — Normandy. Ecclesiastical history. Jervis, W. H. The Gallican Ch. and the Revolution; seq. to Hist of the Ch. of France. - History of the Ch. of France, fr. the Concordat of Bologna, 1516, to the revolution. 2 v. 11518-19 See also Huguenots ; and for the history of Fr. protestants see France, Eglises B^formees de. Education. Arnold, M. Popular education of France, etc. Bennett, C. W. National education in Italy, F., etc. pop. considered. 176 18716 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 459 Hazen, "W. B. The school and the army in Germany and France. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. De la liberty de I'euseignement. '(In hisVrem. kind., v - Instruction generale sur l'ex6cution du Plan d'Etudes ; par M. Fortoul. (In his Cau>i.]m\d.,v. 11.) - Sur I'ecole Francjaise d'Athenes. {In his Portr. lit., v. 3.) Finance. Bonnet, V. The example of France ; essays on the payment of the in- demnity and the management of the currency since the German war, 1870-74. White, A. D. Paper money inflation in France. - Same ; rev. ed. History, General. Adams, C. K. Democracy and monarchy in France. Bonuechose, F. P. E. B. de. Historv of F. to the revolution of 1848; ed. by S. O. Beeton. 2 v. Brief history of France. (Barnes's one term ser.) Chambers, W. France, its history and revolutions. Crowe, E. E. History of France!! 3 v. - History of France. 5 v. Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) Guizot, F. P. G. Historv of France. Illust. 8 v. Kitchiu, G. W. History of France, v. 1-3. Lacombe, P. Petite histoire du peuple frangais. Masson, G. Episodes of French history. 5 v. Morley, J. {In his Crit. Misc., ser. 2.)" Penrose, E. History of Fr. fr. the conq. of Gaul to the reign of Lojiis Philippe; prep, for the use of schools, by J. Abbott. Ritchie, L. France. (Rom. of history.) Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Histoire des Fran^jais. 31 v. - Stephen, J. Lectures on the historv of France. 2 v. The student's France ; hist, of Fr. to 1852. Illust. White, J. History of France to 1848. Wikoft", H. The four civilizations of the world ; hist, retrospect. Wright, T. History of France. 3 v. Yonge, C. D. Histbry of France under the Bourbons. 4 v. Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte's stor. of Fr. hist, for the little ones. Note. Am. ed. is entitled Young folks' history of France. - History of France. (Hist, prim.) - History of France. (Freeman, E. A. Hist. Course for schools.) - Young folks' history of France. See Aunt Charlotte's stor. above. - Parallel hist, of France and Eng. ; outlines and dates. History. {Before the revolution.) Burton, J. H. The ancient league with France. {In his Scot abroad.) ■ Froissart, J. Chroniques. 6 v. - Same. Eng. trans. Godwin, P. History of France, v. 1. Ancient Gaul. Kingsley, C. Lectures on the ancien regime on the continent bef. the Fr. revolution. Martin, B. L. H. Decline of the Fr. monarchy; fr. 4th. Paris ed., by M.L. Booth. 2v. - Histoire de France, depius les temps les plusrecul^s, jusqu'en 1789. 17 v. Masson, G. Early chroniclers of France. - Outlines of the "hist, of Fr. to the outbreak of the rev. ; abgd. fr. Gui- zot's Pop. hist. Mi<;helet, J. Historv of Fr. [to the death of Louis XL] ; tr. by G. H. Smith. 2v. Ranke, F. L. von. Civil wars and monarchy in Fr., 16th. and 17th. cent. ; tr. by M. A. Garvey. ■ Taine, H. The ancient regime. ■ Trollope, T. A. Sketches fr. French history. • Wilson, J. The old regime, and its fall. {In his Stud, of mod. mind.) See also Charles VII. ; Charles IX. ; Louis XIV. Also Brit. Colonies in Amer. French and Indian icar. Histoi-y. {Hevolution.) ■ Brougham, H. The French revolution. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) - Burke, E. Reflections on the rev. in F. (In his Select wks., v. 2.) - Carlyle, T. The French revolution. 3 v. - - Parliamentary hist, of the rev. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) - Des Echerolles, A. Une famille noble sous la Terreur. 10909 ,3.) *I *I *I 13785 15935 13051 7397-8 20696 11778 1035-7 *I 1248 10886-90; 19708-10 12580; 17234-5 9527 20742-5; 20947 17535 2905 11434 *I 8830-1 1487 4743 12515 8595-7 9966-9 16S63 21437 19386 13734 21397 *I 2180 1540 15960 6974-5 *I 19496 19776 3024-5 3588 15679 19675 21197 527 18957 12176-8 699 14631 460 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. * — Fersen, J. A., comte de. Le comte de Fersen et la cour de Fr. ; pub. par le baron R. M. de Klinckowstrom. 2 v. *I — Gardiner, B. M. The French revolution, 1789-1795. 22794 — Jjockroy, E. The fjreat Fr. revolution, 1785-93; letters of Mme. J., of the Jacobin party. 21408 — Martin, H. Popular hist, of Fr. fr. the Ist. rev. ; tr. by M. L. Booth and A. L. Alger, v. 1, 2. 17615-16 — Michelet, J. Historical view of the Fr. rev. ; new ed., tr. bv C. Cocks. 3023 — Mignet, F. A. A. History of the Fr. revolution, 1789-1814. ' 3034 — Mill, J. S. Observations on the Fr. revolution. {In his Diss, and disc, V. 1.) 5978 — Miot, A. F. (In Ais Memoirs.) 21344 — Morris, "W. O'C. The French revolution and the first empire. 13284 The French rev. and first empire ; hist. sk. ; with bibliog. and course of stud. ; bv A. D. White. 13565 — Pagt^s, F. X. Secret hist, of the revolution. 2 v. 332&-7 — Quinet, E. La revolution. 2 v. " 14390-1 — Rowan, F. M. History of the revolution. 2 v. 3719 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Campagnes de la revolution fran^aise dans les Pyrenees orientales, par M. Fervel. (Li his Nouv. lund., v. 2.) *I Deux revolutions ; de la France en 1789, etde la France en 1830. {In his Prem. lund.. v. 1.) *I Memoires relatifs a la revolution franyaise. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I — Smyth, W. Lectures on the hist, of the Fr. revolution. 2 v. 13884r-6 — Stiiel, Baronne de. Considerations on the prin. events of the Fr. revo- lution. 2 V. 5019-20 — Stanhope, P. H. The English friends of the Fr. revolution. {In his Misc. ) ' 10844 — Svbel, H. K. L. von. Historv of the Fr. revolution. 4 v. 9080-3 — Taine, H. A. . The French revolution ; tr. by J. Durand. 2 v. 21194-5 — Thiers, M. J. L. A. Historv of the Fr. revolution: tr., with notes, bv F. . Shoberl. 4 v. in 2. ' ' 5840-1 — Wilson, J. {In his Studies of mod. mind.) 21197 — See also Girondists. Also Napoleon. > History. {Since the revolution.) — Barrit're, J. F. Bibliothdque des mem. rel. a I'histoire de Fr. pend. le 18^ siecle. 30 V. 14521-50 — Blanc, J. J. L. Historv of ten vears, 1880-40; or, France under Louis Philippe; tr. by W.K. Kelly. 2 v. 422-3 — Browning, O. Modern France. 20105 — Burke, E. Four letters on the prop, for peace with the Regicide direct. of PYance. {In his Select wks., v. 3.) 18958 — Chesney, C. C. Waterloo lectures; stud, of the campaign of 1815. 12800 — Hoffman, W. Camp, court, and siege; narr. of pers. adv. and obs. dur. two wars, 1861-1865, 1870-1871. 17305 — Lamartine, A. de. Historv of the restor. of monarchv in France. 4 v. 2545-8 — Martin, B. L. H. Popular hist, of F. fr. the 1st. revolution, v. 1, 2. 17615-16 — Pardoe, J. Episodes of Fr. hist. dur. the Consulate and 1st. empire. 3350 — Rosenthal, L. America and Fr. ; influence of the U. S. on F. in the 18th. cent. 21799 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Deux revolutions ; I'Angleterre en 1688, et la France en 1830. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Histoire de la Restauration, par M. de Yiel-Castel. {In his Cans, du lund., V. 14; Nouv. lund., v. 4.) *I — Stanhope, P. H. The French retreat fr. Moscow. 17953 — Thierrv, A. Histoire de France, 1817-1827. {In his Dix ans dVtudes.) 9578 — Thiers,' M. J. L. A. Historv of the Consulate and Emp. of F. under Napo- leon : tr. bv D. F. Campbell. 20 v. in 10. 12052-61 Same ; tr. bv D. F. Campbell and H. W. Herbert. 5 v. (Yol. 2 ivanting.) 4422-6 — Towle, G. M.' Modern France ; brief hist. fr. the coup d'etat of 1851. 18512 — See also Louis Philippe. Also Peninsular War;— Waterloo. History. {BevoUition of 1848.) — Garnier-Pages, L. A. Histoire do la revolution de 1848. 10 v. 9441-50 — Lamartine, A. de. Historv of the Fr. revolution of 1848. 2535 — Mill, J. S. Vindication of the Fr. rev. of 1848 ; in rep. to Lord Brougham and others. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 3.) 5980 — Mitchell, D. G. Battle summer; pers. observation in Paris. 1848. 3078 — Rush, R. Glance at the court and govermnent of Louis Philippe and the rev. of 1848. {In his Occasion, product.) 3724 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 461 {Franco-Prussian war.) — Abbott, J. S. C. Prussia, and the Franco-Prussian war. 8875 — Cassell's history of the war bet. Fr. and Germany. 2 v. 12258-9 — Congreve, E. Papers on the war of 1870-71. {tn his Ess.) 13048 — Corvin, O. In France with the Germans. 2 v. 10814-15 — Klein, Pastor. The pastor's narrative : or, Before and after the Battle of Worth, 1870 ; tr. bv Mrs. F. E. Marshall. 22812 — PuUen, H. W. Fight at Dame Europa's school. , 9605 — Russell, W. H. My diary dur. the last great war. 2959 — Riistow, W. The war for the Rhine frontier, 1870 ; polit. and mil. hist. ; tr. bv J. L. Needham. 3 v. 10103-5 — War correspondence of the Daily News, 1870. 2 v. 9067 ; 9079 — Wilson, J. Prevost-Paradol and the F.-G. war. (In his Stud, of mod. mind.) 21197 — See also Metz. Lidustjy. — Wilson, A. J. France and Belgium. (In his Res. of mod. countr., v. 1.) 17821 — Wilson, J. The laud question in France. (In his Stud, of mod. mind.) 21197 Institut. — See Paris. Language. (History.) — Ampere. J. J. A. Histoire de la formation de la langue frauc^aise. 9422 — Renan, E. Les origines de la langue francaise. (In ^ i« M^'langes d' hist.) 14516 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Origines de la langue. (hi his Prem. Tund.^ v. 3.) *I Language. (Dialects.) — Amero, J. L'auglomanie dans le fran^ais et les barbarismes anglais usites en France. , 14670 (Dictionaries.) — Brachet, A. Morceaux choisis des grands ^'crivains du XYIc si^cle, ace. d'une grammaire et d'un dictionnaire de la langue du XYF si^cle. 9563 — Burn, R. Naval and military technical diet, of the Fr. language. 11223 (Exercises.) — Berger, F. New method of learning the language. 22238 — Bue, H. Hachett's illust. Fr. primer. 19713 — Chardenal, C. A. French exercises for adv. pupils. 15426 — Marcel, C. Rational method to learn French. 15461 — Monsanto, H. M. Manual of commerc. correspondence in French. 20571 — Peyrac, Mme. de. French children at home; iutrod. to Comment on parle a Paris. 15429 — Prendergast, F. Mastery series : French. 8182 — Rosenthal, R. S. The Meisterschaft system. 21541 — Sauveur, L. Causeries avec les enfants. 15525 Same. ( With his Introd., etc.) 13091 Petites causeries. 15526 — Williams, F. S. Getting to Paris; book of practice in Fr. conversation. 14063 (Grammars.) — Brachet, A. Historical grammar of the Fr. tongue. 13701 Morceaux choisis des grands ecrivains du XVI^ sit^cle, ace. d'une gram- maire et d'un dictionnaire de la langue du XYI^ si^cle. 9563 — Chardenal, C. A. First French course; or. Rules and exerc. for beginners. 15424 Second French course ; or, French svntax and reader. 1.5425 Standard French primer. ' 15423 — Drury, E. J. Comical French grammar. 18737 — Sauveur, L. Contes merveilleux ; suivis d'une ^tude sur I'etymologie et la synonymic des mots. 20795 Entreteins sur la grammaire. 14120 (Headers.) — Chardenal, C. A. Second French course ; or, P'rench svntax and reader. 15425 — Fivas, V. de. Introd. to the Fr. language ; fables, select tales, etc. 14588 — Sauveur, L. Contes merveilleux des freres Grimm, C. Perrault, et X. Saintine. 20795 (Spelling.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 11.) *I Law. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. De la loi sur la presse ; discourse, 1868. *I — Same. (In his Prem. lund., v. 3.) *I 462 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Literature. {History, etc.) ' Besant, W. French humourists. Bridge, C. History of Fr. literature, adapt, fr. the Fr. of M. Demogeot. De YMcour, L. R. Modern Fr. literature; rev., with notes, by w. S. Chase. Geruzez, E. Histoire abr^gee de la litt6rature fran^aise. 3d. ed. - Histoire de la litt^rature fr. dep. ses origines jusqu '^ la r6volution. 2 v. James, H. Jr. French poets and novelists. Marcillac, F. Manual d'histoire de la litt^rature fran?. dep. sou origine. Nisard, J. M. N. D. Histoire de la litt6rature fran^'aise. 4 v. Roche, A. Histoire des principaux 6crivains frany. jusqu'a nos jours. 2 v. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1, 2, 3. ; Nouv. lund., v. 4; Cans, du lund., v. 8.) Saintsbury, G. Primer of French literature. - A short history of French literature. Van Laun, H. History of French literature. 3 v. Vinet, A. History of Fr. Ht. in the 18th. cent. ; tr. by J. Bryce. Collections of prose or of prose and poetry. Blismon, A. G. Tr6sor des anecdotes comiques. Brachet, A. Morceaux choisis des grands 6crivains du XVI«* si^cle. Kastner, V. Anecdotes historiques et litt6raires. Poitevin, P. Extraits des auvres les plus remarquables des 6crivains mod. (Illust. Iitt6. de la Fr., XIX^- si^cle.) Selections fr. the French anas. 2 v. 13061 12524 9581 *I 17578 14603 *I *I ♦I 20116 22642 16583-5 5441 14496 9563 14494 14604 17030-1 21494 21399 17578 21038 *I *I 14497 14495 Drama and Theatre. {History.) - Arnold, M. . The French play in London. {In his Irish ess.) - Doran, J. A line of French actresses; eccentricities of the Fr. stage. {In his In and abt. Drury Lane, v. 1.) - James, H., «7r. The theatre' frangais. (^In his Ft. ^oets, etc.) - Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of the 19th. cent. - Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Le mvstere du si^ge d'0rl6ans. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 3.) - - Tableau hist, et crit. de la poesie, et du th^jitre au 16<^* si^cle. Drama. { Collections.) ■ B6cher, F. College ser. of French plavs. 2 v. 9419-20 - Legouve, G. J. B. E. W. Th<:-atre de campagne, s^r. 1-5. 14482-3; 14498-500 - Narbel, C. Nouveau r^cueil de com^^dies, proverbes, et charades drama- tiques. - - R^cueil de comedies, proverbefe, et charades dramatiques. The library has dramatic works in collections or otherwise by Brise- barre, E., and Nus, E.;— C61i^res, P. ;— Debans, C. ;— Dudevant, A. L. A. D. {pseud. George Sand) ;— Figuier, Mme. G. L. ;— Labiche, E. M. ; — Legouve, E. ; — Musset, A. de ; — Racine, J. de ;— R^musat, C. de ; — Sandeau, L. S. J. ;— Voltaire, F. M. A. de. And works of fiction by About, E. ;— Blanc, T. {pseud. Th. Bentzon) ; — Chaudeneux, C. de. ;— Cherbuliez, V. ;— Claretie, J. A. ;— Daudet, A. ; — Daudet, E. ;— Debans, C. ;— Droz, G. ;— Dudevant, A. L. A. D. ;— Dumas, A. D.;— Erckmann-Chatrian;— Durand, A. F. {pseud. H. Gr^ville) ; — Eynaud, A. ;— Feuillet, O. ;— Figuier, Mme. G. L. ;— Fould, Mme. W. J. L. ;— France, A.— Fromentin, E. ;— Gaboriau, E. ;— Gautier,F. ;— Glouvet, J. de ; — Gobineau, J. A. ; — Goncourt, E. de ; — Gualdo, L. ; — Halevy, L. ; — Haller, G. ;— Halt, R.;— Laboulaye, E. R. L. ;— La Madelene, H. de; — Lavigne, E. ;— Malot, H. ;— M^rimee, P. ;— Musset, L. C. A. de ;— Pouvillon, E. ;— Reybaud, M. R. L. ;— Reybaud, Mme. ;— Sacher-Masoch, L. v. ; — Saint-Mars, N. ;— Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de ;— Sandeau, L. S. J. ;— Sehur6, E. ;— Sue, E. ;— Theuriet, A. ;— Toepflfer, R. ;— Uchard, M. ;— Ulbach, L. ;— Vigny, A. de. - and a trans, of Robinson Crusoe, fr. DeFoe. Poetry. {History.) - Besant, W. Studies in early French poetry. - Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Poesie*; Les poetes franc^ais. {In his Prem. lund., V. 2, 3; Nouv. lund., v. 3.) - - Tableau hist, et crit. de la poesie fr., etc., au 16e- si^cle, suiv. de portr. des princ. po6tes. - See also Collections, beloio. Poetry. {Collections.) - Chawner, E. Gleanings from the German and Fr. poets. - French lyrics ; select, and annot. by G. Saintsbury. 17251 *I *I 18618 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 463 — Masson, G. La lyre frau(;aise. 9323 — Mixer, A. H. Manual of Fr. poetry, with hist, introd. and biog. not. 12676 — Parton, J. A book of Fr. poetry from 1550. (Le Parnasse fi-an^ais.) 14515 Note. For poetry by French* authors see also Beranger, P. J. de;— Copp6e, F. ;— D^saiigiers, 31. A. ;— Gautier, T.;— La Fontaine, J. de;— Musset, A. de. The library has also the collected loorks o/Bergerac, C. de;— Boileau- Despr6aux. N. ;— Descartes, R. ;— La Bruy^re*;— La Rochefoucauld, F. de ; — Maistre, X. de ;— Malebranche, N. de;— Moli^re, J. B. P. de;— Scribe, A. E. ; — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. and separate miscellaneous icorks by the following authors whose names do not appear in the two preceding lists : Amero, J. ; — Ampere, A. M., and J. J.;— Balzac, H. de ;— Bergerat, E.; — Beul6, C. E. ;— Biard, L. d'Aunet;— Boissier, M. L. G. ;— Boissonas, J/?ne. ;— Bonuefon, D.;— Brachet, A. ; — Brillat-Savarin, A. ;— Briot, C. :— Chotteau, L. ; — Colombier, M. ;— Corneille,P. ;— Cousin,V. ;— DesEcherolles, A. ; — Fialho,A. ;— Fivas, V. de;— Geruzez, N. E. ;— Hovelacque, A.; — Houssaye, A.;— Hubbard, G. ;— lung, T.;— Joret, C. ; — Kastner, V. ;— Lacombe,* P. ;— Lanfrey, P.; — Lebrun, M. L. E. Y. ;— Lenormant, F. ;—Marcillac, F.;— Martin,* B. L. H. ;— Mignet, F. A. A. ; — Molinari, G. de ; — Montesquieu ; — Musset, P. E. de;— Narbel, C; — Nicolas, M.: — Pascal; — Quinet, E. ;— Rambaud, A.; — Renan, J. E.; — Ribbe, C. de; — Roche, A.; — Saint Simon, L. de R., due de; — Scheres, E. ;— Simonds de Siraondi, J. C. L. ; — Simonin, L. L. ; — Sturm, C. C.;— Talleyrand P6rigord, C. M. de ;— Tourneux, M. M.;— Val- lery-Radot; — Vernes, M. Police. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Quinze ans de haute p.olice. ( J?i his Prem. lund., V. 2.) *I Political economy. — See Industry. Politics. — Forsyth, W. An election in France. {In his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 — Heine, H. Das Biirgerkonigthum im Jahr 1832 ; Die parlamentarische Periode der Biirgerkonigthums. {In his Werke, v. 8-10.) *I — Macdonell, J. France since the 1st. empire. 19522 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Le s6natus-consulte. (In his Prem. lund., v. 3.) *I — Townsend, G. A. {In his New world comp. with the old.) 8381 — Vassall, H. R. F. Souvenirs des cours de France, etc. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 27.) 14547 Public works. — Brown, J. C. Reboisement in France ; or, Records of the replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, etc., to arrest the consequences and effects of torrents. 15702 Social life, National character, etc. — Bulwer, H. L. France, social^ literary, political. 605 — Cousin, V. La 80ci^t6 Franc^^aise au XVII^* si^cle d'apr^s le Grand Cyrus de Mile, de Scud^ry. 2 v. 1447^-4 — Jackson, C. C. The French court and society ; reign of Louis XVI., and 1st. empire. 2 v. 21406-6 — Lamartine, A. M. L. de. My mother's manuscript. 16724 — Marshall, F. French home life. 11784 — Michelet, J. The people; tr. by G. H. Smith. 3030 — Reybaud, L. M«'urs et portraits du temps. 9546 — Rhodes, A. The French at home. * 14055 — Ribbe, C. de. Les families et la soci6t6 en Fr. avant la revolution. 2 v. 14650-1 — Tocqueville, A. de. On the state of soc. in Fr. before the revolution of 1789. 11779 France, Eglises R^formees de. Smedley, E. History of the reformed relig. in France. 3 v. 4020-22 France and England. Congreve, R. The combination of France and Eng. ; The settlement of France. {In his Ess., polit., etc.) 13048 Frances Hildyard ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13944 Franceschi-Delonne, J. B. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *1 464 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Francesco cV Assist^ St. Brigham, C. H. St. Dominic and St. Francis. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Francis of Assist. ' 10122 — Stephen, J. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 8975 Francia, F. (Francesco Raibolini caUed II Francia) . Cartwright, J. Mantegna and F. (111. biog. of gt. art.) 20840 — Jameson, A. (In her Mem.) 2324 Francia, J. G. R. Carlyle, T. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 Francillon, R. E. A dog without a tail. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 12.) 19157 — Earl's Dene. 10687 — Grace Owen's engagement. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 4.) 19149 — Left-handed Elsa. 15885 — Same. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 23.) 19168 — A story of Euienburg.^ (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 15.) 19160 — Strange waters. 3 v. 18881-3 — Under Slieve-Ban. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20156 — Veni, vidi, vici. Illust. (In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 Franciman, Le ; parMme. L. Figuier. (Nouv. Languedociennes.) 9569 Francis I., of France. Pardoe, J. Court and reign of F. 2 v. 3354-5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. lit., v. 3.) *I — See also Masson, G. Episodes of French history. Francis of Assisi, St. See Francesco d' Assist. Francis of Sales, Saint. See Francois de Sales. Francis, C. Life of J. Eliot. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., V. 5.) 4114 — Life of S. Rale. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amerl biog., v. 17.) 4126 Francis, F. A book on angling. 11049 — Hot pot; or, Miscellaneous papers. 22891 Francis, G-. H. Orators of the age ; portr. crit., biog., and descriptive. 1525 Francis, J. History of the Bank of England. 2 v. 11215-16 Francis, J. W. Old New York ; or. Reminiscences of the past sixty years ; with mem. by H. T. Tuckerman. 6205 Francis, P. Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 ; 8814 — See also Junius. Frangois (de Sales). Introduction to the devout life. 15847 — Selection from piis] spiritual letters ; tr. by JNIrs. Lear. 19109 — Goulburn, E. M. St. Francis of Sales' Introduction to the devout life. (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 7.) *I Francois le Champi ; comedie ; par George Sand. (In her Th^^tre comp., ser. 1.) 14510 Fran9oise ; comedie ; par George Sand. (In her Th^dtre comp., s6r. 4.) 14513 Franconia, Germany. See Nuremberg. Franconia stories. See Abbott, J. Frank ; by M. Edgeworth. 14009 Frank ; seq. to Frank ; by M. Edgeworth. (Li her Works.) 15298 Frank at Don Carlo's rancho ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fdsdick] . 12858 Frank before Vicksburg ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 6086 Frank Hilton ; by J. Grant. 10772 Frank in the woods ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 6085 Frank Mildmay ; by Capt. Marryat. 6436 Frank Manly, the drummer boy ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 15382 Frank Nelson in the forecastle ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. . 16661 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 465 Frank on a gunboat; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 6084 Frank on the Lower Mississippi ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 6087 Frank on the prairie ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 7499 Frank the young naturalist ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick], 6083 Frank Warrington; by [M. Harris]. 5420 Frank Wylde ; by J. B. Matthews. {In his Comedies for amat. acting.) 19355 Frankel, J. Practical treatise on.the manuf. of starch, glucose, starch-sugar, and dextrine ; based on the Germ, of L. von Wagner, etc. ; ed. by R. Hutter. lUust. 21274 Frankenstein ; by M. W. Shelley. 7646 Frankfort, Germany. Jameson, A. (In her Sketches.) 2329 Franklin, B. Autobiography; with notes and introd. by J. Bigelow. 7355 — Autobiography; with his public life, etc., by H. H. "Weld. 4710 — Life, written by himself ; ed. by J. Bigelow'. 3 v. 13036-8 — Select works; incl. autobiog, ; with notes and mem. by E. Sargent. 4332 — "Works ; with notes and life by J. Sparks. 10 v. ' 1526-35 — Abbott, .r. Franklin, the apprentice bov. (Harper's storv books.) 22614 — Abbott, J. S. C. B. Franklin. ' ' 16088 — Bigelow, J. Franklin, a sketch. 18473 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) _ 525 — Everett, A. H. Dialogue on government, bet. Franklin and Montesquieu. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Foster, J. (In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) 1503 — Hawthorne, N. (In his True stories.) 13445 — Holly, O. L. Life of Franklin. 1955 — Howe, H. (In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 — Kapp, F. (In his Axis und iiber Amerika, v. 1.) 16220 — Mignet, F. A. A. Vie de Franklin. (/» Ais Not. et portr., v. 2.) 9574 — Parker, T. (In his Hist. Amer.) 15407 — Parton, J. Life and times of Franklin. 2 v. 5676-7 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) *I (In his Eng. portr.) 13635 — Sketch of FrankUn. (In Famous bovs.) 7707 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Ess., biog., and crit.) 4523 — Winthrop, R. C. Washington, Bowdoin, and F., as portr. in occ. addr. 15546 — "Wynne, J. Life of Franklin. (In his Lives, etc.) 4885 Franklin,* /Sm- J. Beesley, A. H. Sir J. Franklin. 20.S70 — Hall, C. F. Arctic researches : narr. of expd. in search of F., 1860-62. 5848 — M'Clintock, F. L. Narrative of the disc, of the fate of F. and his com- panions. 2805 — Markham, A. H. Yovage of Buchan and F., 1818. (In his Northward hoi) * 19121 — Overland journey to the Polar Sea. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Richardson, J. "Franklin. (In New biog.'of ill. meii.) 2803 — Simonds, P. L. Sir J. Franklin and the Arc. reg. ; with not. of the exp. in search of F. 3989 ; 13192 — See also Arctic regions. Franklin (Tenn.), Battle of. Cox, J. D. (Jn /ws March to the sea.) 22020 Franklin ; drama ; by J. Brougham. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 21.) 11820 Franks, The, and the Gauls ; by E. A. Freeman. (In his U\st. ess., ser. 1.) , 9S35 Franz, A. Bertrand du Guesclin ; The lilac and the elder. (TFi'^/i Nieritz, G. Bears of Augustusburg.) 3254 — The rivals ; The friends ; The best dowrv. (In The pearls, etc.) 3441 Franz, R. B'erris, G. T. (In his Gt. Germ, compos.) 18050 Franzos, K. E. The Jews of Baruow ; stories ; tr. by M. W. Macdowall. 22379 466 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fraser, Mrs. — . The cousins. (With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Fraser, A. C. Berkeley. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 20366 — Introduction and notes. (7w Berkeley, G. Select., eic.) 13707 Fraser, D. Thomas Chalmers. (Her. of Chr. hist.) 21227 Fraser, J. B. Historical and descr. acct. of Persia ; incl. descr. of Afghanistan and Beloochistan. Illust. 2171 — Winter's journey (Tatar) fr. Constantinople to Tehran ; with Trav. thr. var. parts of Persia. 2 v. 2172-3 — The Zuzzilbash ; a tale of Khorasan. 3 v. 19567-9 Fraser. See also Frazar ; — Frazer. Fraser-Tytler, C. C. (See Tytler, C. C. F.) Fraser miscellanies ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Misc.) 13353 Fraternity, Stephen, J. F. Liberty, equality, fraternity. 11575 Frau Domina, The ; by C. von Gluemer. 166 70 Frau Luna and her voyages ; by O. Wildermuth. 6119 Fraud and its victims; drama; by J. S. Coyne, (/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 39.) 11829 Frauenstadt, J. Schopenhauer-Lexikon. Ein philosophisches Worterbuch, sammtlichen Schriften und handschriftlichem. 2 V. *I Frazar, D. Practical boat-sailing ; trea. on the management of small boats, etc., with chap, on ordinary sea manoeuvres, etc. ; suppl. vocabulary of naut. terms. 18659 Frazer, P. Tables for the determination of minerals, based on the tables of Weisbach. 17212 Frazer. See also Fraser. Freak, A, of freedom ; by J. T. Bent. (The republic of San Marino.) 19560 Freaks of fortune ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7338 Freaks on the fells ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 5821 Fred and Maria, and me ; [by E. Prentiss]. 7176 Fred Bradford's debt; by J. H. Mathews. 22279 Fred Markham in Russia ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 21445 Freda, by the author of " Mrs. Jerningham's journal." 3 v. 18902-4 Frederic I. King of Italy. Freeman, E. A. (In his Hist, ess., ser. 1.) 9835 Frederic II. Em]}eror of Germany. Freeman, E. A. (Li his Hist, ess., ser. 1. 9835 Frederic II., the Great. King of Prussia. Abbott, J. S. C. History of F. 9611 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Carhie, T. History of Frederic. 6 v. 705-8; 6022-3 — Ellis; G. J. W. A. Life of Frederic. 2 v. 1256-7 — Longman, F. W. Frederic and the Seven Years' War. 20484 — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Same. ' {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 5.) 2790 Life of Frederic. 2799 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 3, 7, 12.) ♦I (In his Monday-chats.) 17346 — Spear, C. (In Jiis Voices from prison.) 4162 — Timbs, J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 — Wilson, J. G. (In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Frederic, Duke of York. Scott. W. (In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) 3838 Frederic AVilliam IV. King of Prussia. Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657 ; 16744 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 467 Frederica Sophia Wilhelmiua. Memoirs of F. ; with ess. by W. D. Howells. (Choice autobiog.) 2 v. 17134-5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, kind., v. 12.) *I Frederick the Great and his court ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6561 Frederick the Great and his family ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6565 Fredericskburg, Fa. Palfrey, F. W. The Antietam and Fred- ericksburg. 21305 Free court of Aarau. See Veronica. Free lance in the field of life and letters ; by W. C. Wilkinson. 13358 Free land and free trade ; by 8. S. Cox. 22375 Free religious Association. Freedom and fellowship in religion ; ess. and addr. 13778 Contents. The religious outlook.— Wasson, D. A. Nature of relig.— Longfellow, S. Unity and universality of the relig. ideas. — Johnson, S. Freedom in relig.— Weiss, J. Relig. aiad science.— Potter, W. J. Chris- tianity and its definitions.— Abbot, F. E. The genius of Christianity and free religion. — Frothingham, O. B. The soul of protestantism. — Chadwick, J. W. Liberty and the church in America. — Higginson, T. W. The word Philanthropy. — Cheney, E. D. Relig. as soc. force. — Voices fr. the platform. — How shall we keep Sundav ? An answer by C. K. Whipple, M. J. Sav- age, C. E. Pratt, and W. C. Gannett. • 16755 Free thought. Farrar, A. S. Critical hist, of free thought in ref. to the Chr. relig. 10741 Free-trade. — Appleton, T. G. {In his Chequer-work.) 19019 — Roscher, W. {I7i his Principles of polit. econ., v. 2.) 18192 In favor of free trade. — Bastiat, F. Sophisms of protection. 13260 — Brace, C. L. Free trade as prom, peace and good will. 18475 — Buxton, E. N. The A B C of free trade ; address. (Cobden Club.) 21545 — Cobden, R. {In his Speeches, v. 1. j 10962 — Cox, S. S. Free land and free trade ; lessons of the Eng. Corn Laws appl. to the U. S. 22375 — Earle, A. L. Our revenue system and the civ. serv. ; shall they be re- formed? (Econ. mon.) ' 17699 — Farrer, T. H. Free trade versus fair trade. (Cobden Club.) 21695 — Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection. 19243 — Hawley, R. Essay on free trade. 18196 — Medley, G. W. England under free trade : address. (Cobden Club.) 21276 — Mongredien, A. Pleas for protection examined. (Cobden Club.) 21396 Wealth-creation; introd. by S. Sterne. 22870 — The western farmer of America. (Cobden Club.) 19775 — Moore, J. S. Friendly serm. to the protectionist manuf. of the U. S. (Econ. mon.) 22165 — Price, B. {In his Chap, on polit. econ.) 18448 — Sumner, W. G. Protection and revenue in 1877. 17772 — Bigelow, E. B. The tariff policy of Eng. and the U. S. contrasted. 17258 — Greeley, H. Essays to elucidate the sci. of polit. economy. 8372 — Hayes, J. L. Protection a boon to consumers : address. ' 19620 The protective question at home ; rept. of the Comm. on Manufactures to the 40th. Cong., by D. J. Morrell of Penn., with suppl. notes. 19623 — The protective question abroad, and rem. at the Indianapolis Exposition, 1870. 19619 — Wharton, J. International indust. competition. {In Jour, of Soc. Sci., no. 4, 1871.) 15733 — See also Gt. Brit. ;— Political economy ;— U. S. Free trade, Story of ; by G. W. J)asent. (In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) 13612 Free will. See Liberty of the will. Free, yet forging their own chains ; by C. M. Cornwall. 15791 Freedley, E. T. Common sense in business. 18484 468 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Legal adviser; orj How to diminish losses, avoid law-suits, etc. 2175 — Philadelphia and its manufactures, 1857. 5446 — Practical treatise on business. 2176 Freedmen. Child, L. M. The freedmen's book ; [what col- ored people have accomplished]. 6108 Freedom. Gilmau, A. Magna Charta stories. 21890 — Mueller, F. M. On freedom. (In his Chips, v. 5.) -9118 Freedom Wheeler's controversy with Providence ; by R. T. Cooke, (/n /ler Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Freedom and fellowship in religion ; ess. and add. ed. by a committee of the Free Relig. Association. 13778 Freedom and war ; discourses, 1863 ; by H. W. Beecher. 5433 Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics ; lect. ; with The unity of history. 12264 Contents. Range of comparative sciences. — Greek, Roman, and Teu- tonic. — The state. — The king. — The assembly. — Miscellaneous analogies. — Rede Lect. : The unity of history. — The diflaculties of republicanism in Europe. (In Atlas ess.) 18292 — General sketch of European history. (Hist, course for schools.) 11212 Note. Amer. ed. entitled Outlines of history. — Growth of the English constitution. * 10780 — Historical and architectural sketches; chief. Italian. Illust. 16570 Contents. The Venetian march.— Ravenna and her sisters.— Central Italy.— Rome.— Southern Italy.— Lombardy.— The Burguudian march. — Historical course for schools ; Namely : Doyle, J. A. History of the U. S. 15562 Freeman, E. A. Gen. sketch of European historv. 11138 Hunt, W. Historv of Italv. ' 13034 Macarthur, M. Historv of Scotland. • 11139 Sirae, J. Historv of Germany. 12928 Thompson, E. Historv of England. 11971 Yonge, C. M. Historv of France. 19386 ~ Historical essays, 3 ser. 9835; 11525; 19219 Contents. Ser. 1. Mythical and rom. elements in earlv Eng. hist.— Continuity of Eng. hist.— Relations bet. the Crowns of En^^.'and Scotland. —Saint Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers.— Reign of Edward III.— Holy Roman empire.— The Franks and the Gauls.— Early sieges of Paris.— Frederick I., King of Italy.— Emperor Frederick IL— Charles the Bold.— Presidential go\ernraent.* 2. Ancient Greece and medaevial Italy.— Gladstone's Homer and Homeric age.— The historians of Athens. — The Athenian democracy.— Appendix on Curtius' Hist, of Greece.— Alexander the Great. — Greece dur. the Macedonian period. — Mommsen's Hist, of Rome.— App. fr. Sat. Review.— Lucius Cornelius Sulla.— The Flavian Cresars. 3. First impress, of Rome.— The Illyrian emperors and their land.— App. : Diocletian's place in architectural hist.— Augusta Tre- verorum.— App. : The Panegyrists of the 4th. cent.— The Goths at Raven- na.— Race and language.— App. : The Jews in Europe. —The Byzantine empire.— First impress, of Athens.— Mediaeval and mod. Greece.— The southern slaves.— Sicilian cycles.— The Normans at Palermo. — Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. Text and plates. 20539 — History and conquests of the Saracens. *I — Same ; 3d. ed. ; with new pref . 16617 — History of Europe. Maps. (Hist, prim.) 16013 — History of fed. government, fr. the found, of the Achaian league to the disruption of the U. S. [of Amer.] , v. 1. 17938 — Historv of the Norman conq. of Eng. : its causes and results ; with index. 6v. 8951-4; 15898-9 — Introduction to Amer. institutional hist. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud.) 22448 — Lectures to American audiences. 22147 Contents. The Eng. people in its three homes.— Practical bearings of , gen. European history. — Lord Macaulav. {In Atlas ess.) 18294 — Old-English history. Maps. New ed. 22069 Note. Rev. ed. of Old Eng. historv for children. — Old English history for children. * 8688 See preceding entry. — Origin of the Eng. nation. (Harper's lif.-hr. ser.) 19025 — The Ottoman power in Europe ; its nature, growth, and decline. Maps. 17036 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 46^ — Outlines of history. See General sketch, etc., above. — Reign of William Ruf us and the accession of Henry I. 2 v. 21725-6 — Relation of the Eng. people to the Russo-Turkish war. . {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17646 — Short history of the Norman Conq. of England. 19931 — Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of Venice. lUust. 21213 — Some impressions of the U. S. 22892 — The Turks in Europe. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 17014 — Unity of history. 11127 — Same. {With'his Com^.\^o\\\\G».) 12264 — Biog. sketch of Freeman. {In Atlas ess.) 18294 FreemaD, F. Civilization and barbarism, illust. by espec. ref. to Metacomet and the extinction of his race. 18266 — History of Cape Cod. 2 y. *I Freeman, J. Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sk.) 17757 Freemasonry. Greene, S. D. The broken seal ; or, Pers. rem. of the Morgan abduction and murder. 7533 — Stewart, K. J. Freemason's manual. Illust. 4298 Freese, J. R. School-houses and the means of promoting pop. educ. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos.., 1867. Rept., v. 5.) 9100 Freethinking and plain speaking, Essays on; by L. Stephen. 19049 Freewill Baptist Foreign Mission Society. Mack, E. History of the society. (Jw Hist, of Amer. miss.) 5169 Freiligrath, F. Poems. 11902 Freischiitz, Der ; roman. opera ; by C. M. von Weber. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Frelinghuysen, T. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In Speeches, etc.) 5183 Fremont, J. (B.) Stpry of the guard ; chronicle of the war. 2187 — A year of American tray el. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 17832 Fremont, J. C. Exploration of the Rocky Mts. and Califor- nia. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — Introductory letter. {In Anderson, C. J. Lake Ngami.) 164 — Report of the Expl. Exp. to the Rocky Mts., 1842 ; and to Oregon and North California, 1843-44. (U. S. Senate.) 2178 — Sayage, J. {In his Our liying rep. men.) 3777 — Upham, C. W. Life, explorations, and public seryices of F. 4572 Frenan, P. Poems, rel. to the Amer. revolution. Introd. mem. and notes by E. A. Duyckinck. 6206 French, H. W. Nuna, the Bramin girl. Illust. 21214 — Our boys in India ; young Americans in Hindustan. Illust. 22259 French, H. F. Farm drainage; princ, processes, and effects of draining land with stones, tiles, etc. ; incl. tables of rain-fall, etc. Illust. 5580 French, R. C, Joint author. See Lightfoot, J. B. French experience, A. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 French heiress, A, in her own chateau. Illust. 2d. ed. 19792 French spy. The ; drama ; by J. T. Haines. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 20.) 11820 French and Belgians ; by P. E. Gibbons. 18919 French and Italian note-books ; by N. Hawthorne. 2 v. 10079-SO French country family, A ; by Mme. De Witt. * 7242 French country house. A, Week in ; by A. Sartoris. 10796 French eggs in an English basket ; fr. the orig. of Souvestre. 14093 French Eton, A ; by M. Arnold. 8960 French men of letters ; by M. Mauris. 19854 French, The, in Algiers. 1158 Contents. Lamping, C. The soldier of the foreign legion.— France, A. de. The prisoners of Abd-el-Kader. 470 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. French, The, in Mexico, With ; by J. F. Elton. French infidelity ; by the Archbp. of Westminster. {Li Ms Misc.) French pictures in English chalk; by [E. C. G. Murray]. 2 ser. 16866 ; French school life. Stories of ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncriefif] . French war. See British colonies in America. French wines and politics ; by H. Martineau. Frenchman of two wives. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household 7250 17190 18373 11677 2935 14303 41 vols, in 24. Bernard, B. Irish attorney.— Seiby, C. Hoots at How to pay the rent.— Planche. J.*R. Loan of a B. The dead shot.— Bernard, W. B. His last The invisible prince.— Webster, B. The golden Words, V. 3.) French's minor drama. Contents. Vol. 1. the Swan. — Power, T. lover.— Buckstone, J. legs.— Planch6, J. R. farmer. " " 11833 2. Planch6, J. R. The pride of the market.— Mathews, C. Used up.— Butler, R., Earl of Glengall. The Irish tutor.— Bay Iv, T. H. The bar- rack room.— Buckstone, J. B. Luke the labourer.— Planche, J. R. Beauty and the beast.— Power, T. St. Patrick's eve.— Planch6, J. R. The cap- tain of the watch. 11834 3. The secret.- Lover, S. The white horse of the peppers.— Planch6, J. R. The Jacobite.— Tavlor, T. P. The bottle.— Morton, J. M. Box and Cox.— Wilks, T. E. Bamboozling.— Selby, C. The widow's victim; Robert Macaire. 11836 4. Blanche, J. R. Secret Service.— The omnibus.— Buckstone, J. B. The Irish lion.— Gore, Mrs. C. The maid of Croissey.— The old guard.— Kenney, J. Raising the wind.— Morton, J. M. Slasher and Crasher.— Dance, C. Naval engagements. 11836 5. Coyne, J. S. Cocknevs in California.— Dance, C. Who speaks first?— Rhodes, T. B. Bombastes Furioso.— Northall, W. K. Macbeth travestie.— Kenney, J. The Irish ambassador.— Dance, C. Delicate ground.— Allingh;im, J. T. The weathercock.— Morton, T. and J.M. All that glitters is not ^old. 11837 6. Buckstone, J. B. The rough diamond. — Morton, J. M. Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw.— Stirling, E. The bloomer costume.— 3Iortou, J. M. The two Bounycastles.— Power, T. Born to good luck.— Buckstone, J. B. A kiss in the dark. — Poole, J. 'Twould puzzle a conjurer. — Dance, C. Kill or cure. 11838 7. Coyne, J. S. Box and Cox married an4 settled.— Jerrold, D. St. Cupid.— Morton, T. Go-to-bed Tom.— Lawrence, S. The lawyers.— Buck- stone, J. B. Jack Sheppard.— The Toodles.— Paul, H. The mob cap.— Ladies beware. 11839 8. 9. Dance, C. A morning call. — Buckstone, J. B. Popping the question.— Poole, T. Deaf as a post.— Selby, C. The new footman.— Planche, 3Irs. E. A pleasant neighbor.— Pilgrim, J. Paddy the piper.— Brian O'Linn. — Irish assurance and Yankee modesty. — Brougham, J. Temptation.— Power, T. Paddy Carey.— The two Gregories.— Planch6, J. R. King Charming.— Brougham, J. Pocahontas.— The clock-maker's hat.— Selbj'_, C. The married rake.— Brougham, J. Love and murder. 11840 10, 11^ Ireland and America.— Morton, T. A pretty piece of busi- ness.— Wood, C. A. F. The Irish broom-maker.— Morton, J. M. To Paris and back for five pounds.— Moore, J. G. That blessed babv.— John- son, S. D. Our Gal.— Bayly, T. H. The Swiss cottage.— Rodwell, T. G. The young widow.— Brougham, J. A recollection of O'Flannigan and the fairies.— Planch^, J. The Irish post. — My neighbor's wife.— Morton, J. M. The Irish tiger.— Parry, T. P. P. or, The man and the tiger.— Tavlor, T. To oblige Benson.— State secrets.— Brougham, J. The Irish Yankee. . 11841 12, 13. Walcot, C. M. A good fellow.— Cherry and Fair Star.— John- stone, J. B. Gale Breezely.— Conway, H. J. Our Jemimy.— Saville, J. F. The miller's maid.— Coyne, J. S. An awkward arrival. — Almar, G. Crossing the line.— Wilkins.'E. G. P. Mv wife's mirror.— Brougham, J. Life in Xew York.— Barnard, W. B. Tlie middy ashore.— Wilks, T. E. The crown prince.— Buckstone, J. B. The two queens. — Morton, J. M. A thumping legacv.— Selbv, C. The unfinished gentleman.— Higgle, T. The house dog. ' ' 11842 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 471 14, 15. Brougham, J. The demon lover.— Keuney, J. Matrimony.— Johnson, S. D. In and out of place.— McLachlin, C." I dine with * my mother.— TTaleot, C. M. Hiawatha.— Boucieault, D. Andy Blake.— Bunce, O. Love in '76. — Burnand, F. C. Romance under difficulties.— "Wal- €ot, C. M. One coat for two suits.— Brougham, J. A decided case. — Bay- ly. T. W. The daughter.— No. —Hall, A. O. A coroner's inquisition.— Payne, J. H. Love in humble life.— Family jars.— Kemble, Mrs. C. Per- sonation. ' 11843 16, 17. Morton, T. The children in the wood.— Macfarren.— Win- ning a husband.— Somerset, G. A. Day after the fair.— Mayhew, E. and Smith, G. Make your wills.— Ayton, E. The rendezvous.— Challis, F. My wife's husband.— Moncrief.— Monsieur Tonson.— Kenney, F. The illustrious stranger. — Buckstone, J. B. Mischief-making. — "Old Block." A live woman in tlije mines. — Brough, W. The corsair. — Talfourd, F. Shylock.— Hoare, P. The spoiled child.— Phillips, J. B. The evil eye.— Walcot, C. 31. Nothing to nurse.— Boucieault, D. and Seymour, C. Wanted — a widow, with immediate possession. 11844 18, 19. Buckstone, J. B. The lotterv ticket.— Allingham, J. T. For- tune's frolic— Beaseley.— Is he jealous?— O'Callaghan, P. P. The married bachelor.— Buckstone,' J. B. A husband at sight.— Macready. The Irish- man in London.— Inchbald, 3Irs. Animal magnetism.— Webster, B. Highwavs and by-ways.— Brougham, J. Columbus el iilibustero ! ! — Har- lequin blue beard, the great bashaw. — Millengen, J. G. Ladies at home. — Brough, W. A phenomenon in a smock frock. — Fournier, M. R. Come- dy and tragedy.— Paul. J. H. Opposite neighbors.— Barry, S. The Dutch- man's ghost.— The persecuted Dutchman. 11845 20, 21. Brougham, J. The Musard ball.— Tlie great tragic revival.— Planch^, J. R. and Dance, C. High, Low, Jack, and the ^ame.— O'Brien, F. A gentleman fi-ora Ireland.— Moncrief.— Tom and Jerry.— The vil- . lage lawyer.— Wilks, T. E. The captain's not a-miss.— Peake,*R. B. Ama- teurs ancl actors.— Planche, J. R. Promotion.— Danvers, H. A fascinating individual.— Stirling, E. Mrs. Caudle's curtain tecture.— Brougham, J. Shakspeare's dream ;— Neptune's defeat,— The ladv of the bed-chamber.— Brougham, J. Take care of little Charlev.— Garrick, D. The Irish widow. ' 11846 22, 23. Barnett, M. Yankee peddler.— Conway, H. J. Hiram Hireout.— Morton, J. M. The double-bedded room.— i)avidge, W. The drama defended.— Vermont wool-dealer.— La Bree, L. Ebenezer Ven- ture.— Wehner, J. H. Principles form character.— Thomson. M. The lady of the lake.— Moore, J. Mad do»;s.— Barnev the baron.— Webster, . B. The Swiss swains.— Mathews, C. The bachelor's bedroom.— Morton, T. A Roland for an Oliver.— Rodwell, T. G. More blunders than one.— Bernard, B. The dumb belle.— Pilgrim, J. The Limerick bov. 7982 24, 25. Nature and philosophv.— Rodwell, G. H. Teddy the tiler.— Moncrieff, W. T. The spectre bridegroom.— Oxberrv, W. H. Matteo Falcone.— Reach, A. B. Jenny Lind at last.— Morton,' J. M. The two buzzards.— Lover, S. The happv man.— Morton, J. M. Betsy Baker.— Brough, W. Number one round the corner.— StirHng, E. Teddy Roe.— Stocqueler, J. H. An object of interest. -Oxenford, J. My fellow clerk.— Dance, C. The Bengal tiger.— Webster, B. The laughing hyena.— Dance, C. The victor vanquished.— Morton, J, M. Our wife. 7983 26, 27. Clapp, W. W. Jr. Mv husband's mirror.— Logan, C. A. Yankee land.— Stirling, E. Norah Creina.— Buckstone, J. B. Good for nothing.— The first night.— Morton, E. The Eton-boy.— Mayhew, H. The wandering minstrel.— Coyne, J. S. Wanted, one tho'usand spirited young milliners, for the gold diggings.— Morton, J. M. Poor Pi llicoddy.— Ber- nard, W. B. The mummy.— Woolf, B. E. Don't forget your opera- glasses.- Wooler, J. P. Love in liverv.— Selbv, C. Anthonv and Cleo- patra.— Brough, W. Trying it on.— Durivage', O. E. The stage-struck Y'ankee.— Webster, B. My young wife and mv old umbrella. 7984 28, 29. Brough, R. B'. "Crinoline.— Oxenford, J. A familv failing.— Birch, S. Tlie adopted child.— A Becket, G. A. The turned head.— Dance, C. A match in the dark.— Lancaster, C. S. Advice to husbands.— A Beckett, G. A. The Siamese twins.— Morton, J. M. Sent to the tower.— Planche, J. R. Somebodv else.— The ladies' battle.— The art of acting.- Durivage, O. F. The lady of the lions.— Leland, O. S. The rights of man.- Morton, J. M. My husband's ghost.— Pierron, E. and Lafferriere, A. Two can play at that game.— Kenney, J. Fighting by proxy. 7985 30, 31. Covne, J. S. A scene in the life of an unprotected female. — Buckstone, J. B. The pet of the petticoats.— Bayly, T. H, Forty and 472 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. fifty.— Morton, J. 31. Who stole the pocket-book?— Harris, A. My son Diana.— Morton, J. M. A most unwarrantable intrusion.— Ravmond, R. J. Mr. and Mrs. Peter White.— Suter, W. A quiet family.— Jerrold, W. B. Cool as a cucumber.— Wilks, T. E. Sudden thoughts.'— Jumbo-Jum! —Taylor, T. A blighted being.— Mathews, C. Little Toddlekins.— Bouci- cault, D. A lover by proxy.— Buckstone, J. B. The maid with the milk- ing-pail.- Selby, C- A lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament. ' 7986 32, 33. Oxenford, J. Doctor Dilworth.— Williams, T. Out to nurse.— Paul, H. A lucky hit.— Mathews, C. The dowager.— Brougham, J. Metamora.— Simpson, J. P. Dreams of delusion.— Johnson, S. D. The Shaker lovers.— Morton, J. M. Ticklish times.— Twenty minutes with a tiger.— Ballou, M. M. Miralda.— Poole, J. A soldier-s courtship. — Pilgrim, J. Servants by legacy.— Morton, J. M. Dying for love.— Buck- stone, J. B. An alarming sacrifice.— Selby, C. The' valet de sham.— Stir- ling, E. Nicholas Nickleby. * 7987 34, 35. Selby, C. The last of the pig-tails.— Herz, H. King Ren6's daughter. — Thaxter, A. W. The grotto nymph.— Higgle, T. A devilish good joke. — Wooler, J. P. A twice told tale.— Coyne, J. S. Pas de fasci- nation. — Jaimson, G. The revolutionary soldier.— Wooler, J. P. A man without a head.— The Olio ; or Speaker's companion.— Coyne, J. S. The trumpeter's daughter.— Morton, T. Seeing Warren.— Jones, J. S. The Green mountain boy. Woolf , B. E. That nose.— Bayly, T. H. Tom Noddy's secret. ' 7988 36i, 37. Buckstone, J. B. Shocking events.— Morton, J. M. A reg- ular fix.— Suter, W. E. Dick Turpin and Tom King.— Stirling, E. The young scamp.— Lancaster, E. The manager's daughter.— Triplet, J. Call at number 1—7.— Webster, B. One touch of nature.— Dance, C. The two b'hovs.— Brookes, G. All the world's a stage.— Quash.— Williams, T. J. Turn him out.— The pretty girls of Stillberg.— Morton, T. The angel of the attic. — Hoppiu, W. J. Circumstances alter cases.^Pilgrim, J. Katty O'Sheal.— Triplet, J. A supper in Dixie. 7989 38, 3'9. Williams, T. J. Ici on parle franyais.- Mathews, C. Who killed Cock Robing— Howe, C- E.B. Signing the declaration of Independ- ence.— Simpson, J. P. Heads or tails>— Arnold, S. J. My Aunt.— The obstinate family.— Grover, J. H. That rascal Pat ;— Don Paddy de Bazan. —Falconer, E. Too much for good nature.— Williams, T. J. A cure for the fidgets. — Rogers, W. Jack's the lad. — Much ado about a merchant of Venice. — Blanc hard, E.L. The artful dodger. — Wooler, J. P. A winning hazard.— Morton, J. H. A day's fishing.— Coyne, J. S. Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell?* ' 7990 40, 41. An Irishman's maneuvre.— Cousin Fannie.— Mack, R. E. " 'Tis the darkest hour before dawn" ;— The masquerade.— Hardy, E. T. Crowding the season. — Gore, Mrs. C. A good night's rest. — Beckett, G. A. The man with the carpet bag. — Williams. T. J. A terrible tinker. — Mathews, C. The billet doux.— Suter, W. E. The lost child.— Simpson, J. P. Court cards.— Morton, J. M. aiicl Burnand, F. C. Cox and Box.— Roberts, G. Forty winks.— Dance, C. A wonderful woman.— A curious case.— W^illiams, T. J. Tweedleton's tail-coat. 7991 — Same. Y. 1. 6056 Contents. Same as v. 1 above: add. W., F. C. Memoirs of J. Sefton; wanting Selby, C. Boots at the Swan. French's Standard Drama. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. Frere, H. B. E. Christianity suited to all forms of civiliza- tion. {In Chris. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Indian missions. {In Weir, A. The Ch. and the age, ser. 1.) 8627 — Introduction and notes. {In Frere, M. Old Deccan days.) 7619 Frere, John Hookman. Works in verse and prose, with mem. • by W. E. and B. Frere. 2 v. 11653-4 Contents. V. 1. Memoir.— Miscellanies.— Contributions to the Anti- .Jacobin. 2. Trans, fr. Aristophanes. — Theognis.— "Poem of the Cid."— Misc. translations. — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Frere, M. Old Deccan days ; or, Hindoo fairy legends current in S. India ; collect, fr. oral tradition ; with introd., etc., by B. Frere. 7619 Freres, The ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 21416 Fr^res invisibles, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 1.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 473 Fr^res Zemganno, Les ; [par] E. cle Goncourt. 14587 Fresco. See Mural decoration. Fresenius, C. R. Manual of qualitative chem. analysis ; ed. by S. W. Johnson. *I — Sarae : tr. into the '' new system" and newly ed. by J. *I — System of instr. in quantitative chem. analysis. *I Freshwater fisherman, The ; by Miss Mitford. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Fresnel, A. J. Arago, F. Biography of F. {In his Biog. of disting. sci. men, ser. 2.) 7752 Fret cutting. Bemrose, W. Jr. Fret cutting and perforated carving. *I — Sawyer, G. A. Fret-sawing and wood-carving for amateurs. 13469 — Seatbn, Sir T. Manual of fi-et cutting and- wood-sawing. 16717 Fretwell, J. Jr. Persecution by the Prussian government of T. Hofferichter ; addr. (In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Re- port, 1876.) *I Frey, J. Das erfiillte Versprechen. (Deut. Novellenschatz.) 16169 Freytag, G. Die Ahnen. 6 v. 16200-5 Contents. Y. 1. Ingo and Ingraban. 2. Das Xest der Zaunkonige. 3. Der Briider vom deutschen Hause. 4. Marcus Konig. 5. Die Geschwister. 6. Aus einer kleinen Stadt. — Same : v. 1. Eng. trans. See Our forefathers, below. — Debit and credit ;" tr. by L. C. C. 5035 — The lost manuscript. 7838 — Our forefathers (Die Ahnen) : Ingo; tr. by Mrs. 3Ialcolm. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11791 Ingraban; tr. bv Mrs. Malcolm. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 12015 — Pictures of Gerni. life in the 15th.-17th. cent. ; tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. 2 v. *I Contents. Y. 1. Introduction.— Scenes fr. the Hussite war, 1425.— Martin von Bolkenhain. Narrative. — A German lady of the royal court, 1440.— Kottenner, T. Narration.— A travelling studl^ut, 1509.— Platter, T. Narrative.— The mental struggles of a youth, and his entrance into a mon- astery, 1510.— Myconius, F. ISarrative.'— Out of the cloister into the strug- gle. 1522.— Blaurer, A. Narrative.— Kessler, J. Narrative. — Dr. Luther, 1517^6.— Letter of Luther to the Elector Friedrich the Wise, Mar. 1522.— German princes at the imperial Diet, 1547.— Sastrow, B. Narrative. — A Burgher family, 1488.— Sastrow, B. Family history.— The marriage and housekeeping of a young student, 1557.— Platter, F. Narrative. — A patrician house, 1526-98.- Freherin, U. Letters of a lady of the Glauberg family. — German nobility in the 16th. cent. 1500. — Berlichingen, Goetz von. Extract fr. his autobiography. — Schartlin. Narrative. — Schweini- chen.— Narrative. — German ideas of the devil in the 16th. cent. 1500. — Ag- ricolas, 31. S. Satan exorcised from one possessed. 2. Introduction. — The thirty years war, 1618-50.— Junghans, A. Description of a soldier's life before the war. — Pastor Boetziiiger. Extracts fi*. his autobiography, 1627-48. — Wilmersdorft',— . Dialogue bet. the King and the envoy of Brandenbourg. — German Brutus : a flying sheet. — Sutorius. The ladies of Lowenberg.— Truemper. Festive fair in aThuringian village.— Rogues and adventures.— Garzoni. Description of strolling players. — Engage- ment and marriage at court, 1661.— Charlotte, Electress Palatine. Letter to the Emperor.— Homes of German citizens, 1675.— Lucae, F. Narra- • tive.— Schulte, Burgomaster. Letter to his son in Lisbon. — ^German life at the baths.— Poggio, F. Bath life in 1417.— Pantaleon. Bath life, 1580.— Merveilleux, de. Bath life, 1739.— Hess. Bath life in the 18th. cent.— Jesuits and Jews.— Abeles, S. Story.— The Wasunger war, 1747. — Rauch, Lieut. Diary. — Conclusion. — Soil und haben. 2 v. 10245-6 — Die verlorene Handschrift. 2 v. 10319-20 Friant, J. F. comte. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., V. 14.) *I Friar Anselmo, and other poems ; by J. C. R. Dorr. 19504 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay ; by R. Greene. {In Ward, A. W. Old Eng. drama.) 18263 31 474 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ♦ Friars wood post-office ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4904 Frick, Dr. J. Physical technics ; or, Practical instr. for exp. in physics, and the constr. of apparatus ; tr. by J. D. Easter. Illust. 17857 Friction of air in mines, Practical trea. on ; by J. J. Atkinson. 14179 Fridthjof , the bold ; saga ; tr. by R. B. Anderson. {In Viking tales of the North.) 16642 Friedel ; an autobiography ; by W. O. von Horn. 3780 Friedland. Adams, C. {In his Great campaigns.) 18150 Friedrich, F. The lost despatch ; tr. by L. A. Williams. 9612 Friend, A. ; by H. Gr^ville [A. Durand]. 18161 Friend and lover ; by I. D. Hardy. 3 v. 20327-9 Friend Fritz ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 11750 Friend, A, of Gioberti's ; by C. Lever. (Treas. trove ser., v. 3.) 14268 Friend, The, of my youth ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In his Marjorie Daw.) 11933 Friend, The, of the family ; by T. Hook. ( With Man of many friends.) 15663 Friend or foe ; by H. C. Adams. 14163 — Same. (In Tales of the civ. wars.) 8437 Friendless; by [F. M. Baker]. 5477 Fr;ends ; a duet ; by E. S. Phelps. 20642 Friends, Society of. Allen, R. H. The coming of the Qua- kers. {In Ms N. E. trag.) 7582 — Barclay, R. Apology for the true Chr. divinitv ; expl. and vind. of the Quakers. ' 306 — Bates, E. Doctrines of Friends. 334 — Bowden, J. History of the Soc. of Friends in America. 2 v. 465-6 — Dexter, H. M. Few words cone, the Quakers. (In his As to Roger Williams.) *I — Evans, T. Exposition of the faith of the F. ; with acct. of the rise of the society. 1416 — Evans, W. and T. Pietv promoted, in a coll. of dving sayings of Qua- kers. 4v. ' 3464-7 — Gurney, J. J. Observations on the views, etc., of the Societv. 1704 — Hallo well, R. P. The Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. 2^. ed. 22860 — Hicks, E. Defence of the doctrines of the Friends. 1900 — History of the rise and progress of the Quakers. 2 v. in 1. 3896 — Hodgson, W. Select historical mem. of the Quakers. 6774 Society of Friends in the 19th. cent. ; hist. view. 2 v. 17908-9 — Kelty, M. A. Memoirs of the primitive Quakers. 2445 — Penn, W. No cross, no crown. 3442 — Tract association of Friends. Biographical* sk. and anecdotes of mem- bers of the Society. 15583 — Woolman, J. Journal. 4888 — See also Pike, J. S. The new Puritan. Friends, The ; by A. Franz. {In The pearls, etc.) 3441 Friends in council. See Helps, A. Friends in need; by C. T. Guernsey. 11406 Friendship. Alger, W. R. Friendships of women. 7122 Friendship of books, and other lectures ; by T. D. Maurice. 12252 Friendship, The, of David and Jonathan, Tragical quality in ; by F. B. Koester. {In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Select.) 1348 Friendship's garland ; by M. Arnold. 13043 Fries, T. M. Vetenskap for alia ; efter Rob. Browns Engelska original ; Svensk upplaga. Illust. 3 v. 15074-6 Frileuse, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 9.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 475 Frisch, E. Le diapason; com^die. {In Saynfetes, efc, ser. 7.) 14797 Frisette, vaudeville ; par E. M. Labicbe. {In his Tb^^tre compL, V. 3.) 14560 Friswell, J. H. Bayard series ; namely : Ballantvne, T. Essays in mosaic. 10878 Beckfoi'd, W. History of the Caliph Vathek. 8498 Berville, — , de, and others. Story of the Chev. Bayard. 8495 Bonaparte, N. Table talk and opinions of B. " 7494 Buchanan, R. Ballad stories of the aftections. 8114 Coleridge, S. T. Christabel, and the Ivrical and imaginative poems of C. 8116 Cowlev, A. Essays. 8113 Hazlitt, W. The round table. - 8497 Johnson, S. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. 7750 Joinville, J. de. Saint Louis, King of France. 8119 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Abdallah; or. The four leaved shamrock. 8444 Stanhope, P. D. Lord Chesterfield's letters, sentences, and maxims. 8496 Wellesley, A. Words of Wellington. 8120 Fritbiof s saga. See Tegner, E. Frivolous "girl, A, Confessions of ; by R. Grant. 19744 Frobisber, J. E. Selected readings, ser. and humorous, witb app. on elocution. 13600 Frobisber, M. Frost, T. Voyages in searcb of a nortb-west passage to Asia. {In his Hf.-brs. with early explor.) 21074 — Jones, F. Life of Frobisber. 18886 — Payne, E. J. Frobisher's 1st., 2d., 3d. voyage. (In his Voyages, etc.) 21899 Frocbot, N. T. B. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *I Froebel, F. Marenboltz-Buelow, B. vou. Tbe new educ. ace. to Froebel's method. 16599 Reminiscences of F., with sketch by E. Shirreff. 17063 — Meyer, B. Aids to family government. ' 18407 — Mother-play, and nurserv songs, illust. ; with notes to mothers. 18079 Frog. Mivart, St. G. ' Tbe common frog. 13410 Froid ! monologue ; par E. Depr^. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 6.) 14796 Froissart, J. Chroniques. 6 v. *I — /Same; Chronicles of England, France, Spain; tr. by T. Johnes; pref., Life of the author, ess. on his works, and crit. on his hist. ; with ess. on the character and soc. of the Middle Ages ; by J. Lord. 2180 — The boys' Froissart ; Froissart's chron. of adv.; ed. with introd. by S. Lanier, illust. by A. Kappes. 19352 — La Curne de Sainte Palaye, J. B. Memoir of F. ; Essay on his works, etc. {In Froissart, J'. Chronicles.) ' 2180 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 9.) *I From an island ; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Writings.) 8668 From cadet to colonel ; by T. Seaton. 16692 From Calais to Dover ; by E. d'Hervilly. 17926 From death into life ; by W. Haslam. 21828 From dreams to w^aking ; by E. L. Linton. 16919 From exile ; by J. Payn. 20515 From farm boy to senator ; by H. Alger, Jr. 21577 From first to last. {In Nov. fr. Household Wds., etc., v. 11.) *14311 From hand to band ; fr. the Germ, of G. Raiftiund [G. Dan- nenberg]. 21650 From hand to mouth ; by A. M. Douglas. 17330 From hand to mouth ; by F.-J. O'Brien. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7463 — Same. {In Family stor., v. 2.) " 18149 From haytime to hopping. 2181 From jest to earnest ; by E. P. Roe. 14119 476 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. From Madge to Margaret ; by C. Winchester [Mrs. C. P. Curtis]. ' 21531 Prom May to Christmas at Thorne Hill ; by E. B. Sanford. 22052 From ocean to sea ; by C. Kingsley. {In his Prose idylls.) 3951 From the clouds to the mountains ; by J. Verne. 12874 From the earth to the moon, and a trip round it ; by J. Verne. 10470 From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn ; by H. M. Field. 16713 From thistles — grapes? ; by E. Eiloart. 11922 Fromberg, E. O." Essay on the art of painting on glass. 2182 Fromentin, E. Dominique. 14477 — Un eU' dans le Sahara. 14479 — Les maltres d'autrefois ; Belgiqne— Holland. 14478 — Same ; The old masters of Belgium and Holland : tr. by M. C. Bobbins. *I — Une annee dans le Sahel. 14655 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund.. v. 7.) *I Fronteuac, L. Parkman, F. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. (Fr. and Eng. in No. Amer.) 17103 Frontin, mari-garyon ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 7.) *I Frost, H. F. Schubert. (Great musicians.) 20157 Frost, S. A. Art of dressing well. 9277 — Book of tableaux and shadow pantomimes. 8064 — Dialogues for voung folks. 7022 — Humorous and exhibition dialogues. 9276 — The parlor stage; coll. of charades and proverbs. 7584 — joint author. See Williams, H. T. Frost, T. Circus life and circus celebrities. 13808 — Forty years' recollections, literary and political. 21403 Contents. Fifty years Ji^o.— The Owenian Socialist movement.— The Anti-Corn-law League and the Chartists.—The Concordium.— The com- munist propaganda.— Popular literature forty years ago.— The Chartist movement.— The great petition.— The new organization.— O'Connor and the " Northern Star."— Papers for the peoiile.— A new phase of the Reform movement.— Mission work in Bethnal Green.— J. Cassell and his literary staff.— Pro\incial journalism and journalists. — The Hyde Park riots.— The last years of Palmerston's dictatorship. — Dawn of anew era. — Story of the Hycle Park railings.— Popular literature of the present day.— Fall "of the Gladstone ministry. — Half-hours with the earlv explorers. Illust. 6th. ed. 21074 — Life of Thomas, Lord Lyttleton. 17226 — Lives of the conjurors. ' 15704 — Modern explorers. 22671 Contents. Armiuius Vamberv in Central Asia.— S. Baker's expl. of Africa. — Livingstone and Stanley in Central Africa. — Nordenskiold's expl. of Arctic Asia.— Paul MarcoV in the valleys of Lower Peru.— Lieut. Cameron's journey across Africa. — Old showrnen, and old London fairs. 13708 Frothingham, A. L.^ Joint author. See PVothingham, E. L. Frothingham, E. L. and A. L. Philosophy as absolute science, V. 1. 6176 Frothingham, F. E. The Boston fire, Nov., 1872. *I Frothingham, O. B. The assailants of Christianity ; lect. 18565 — Beliefs of the unbelievers, and other disc. 15564 Contents. Beliefs of the unbelievers.— The theist's faith. — Thoughts about God.— The living God.— Allegiance to faith.— The despotism of faith. — Interests material and spiritual. —Pharisees. — The Cardinal's Berretta.— The great hope.— Eeasonable religion. — A child's book of relisrion. New ed. 16669 — The cradle of the Christ ; stud, in prim. Christianity. 16886 — Creed and conduct, and other discourses. 17422 Contents. Creed and conduct.— Responsibility for disbelief.— Modern irreligion.— The whole duty of man.— The power of the immortal hope. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 477 17412 22029 16103 11329 21640 12330 13778 6623 6622 12331 15756 18403 — The prophetic soul.— Duties and dreams. — The three peutecosts.— Dreams and duties.— Waste and saying-.— The martyrdom of man. — The threefold radicalism. — Gerritt Smith ; a biography. — George Ripley. (Amer. men of letters.) — Knowledge andfaitli, and other discourses. Contents. Knowledge and faith. — Infidelity .—Eeligion and childhood. — The sermon on the mount. — Materialism.— Irreverence. — Rights and duties.— Authority in religion.- Moral narcotics. — New wine in old bot- tles. — The natural man.— The glorified man. — Proper treatment of the infidel tendencies of our day. {In Eelig. aspects, etc.) — The religion of humanity. — The rising and the setting faith ; and other disc. Contents. Mission of the radical preacher.— The rising and the setting faith. — The unbelief of the unbelievers.— Why does the pop. religion pre- vail?— Formal religion and life.— The sectarian spirit.— The dogma of Hell. — The higher sentiments. — Attitudes of unbelief. — Oflice of prayer. — The Amer. gentleman. — The Amer. lady. — The safest creed, and other disc. Contents. The safest creed. — The radical belief. — The radical's root. — The joy of a free faith.— Living faith. The gospel of to-day.— The gospel of character.— Scientific aspect of prayer.— The naked truth.— The dying and the living God.— The infernal and the celestial love.— The immortalities of man. — Tlie victory over death. -5- The soul of protestantism. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom, etc.) — Stories from the lips of the Teacher. — Stories of the patriarchs. — Theodore Parker; a biography. — Transcendentalism in New England; a history. — Visions of the future, and other discburses. Contents. Life as test of creed.— The inspiration of Scripture. — Morals and religion.— Religion and immortality.— Consolations of ration- alism. — Demand of the age on religion. — Demand of relig. on the age. — Practical value of bel. in God. — The real God. — The pop. religion.— The new song. — Visions of the future. — Savage, M. J. {In his Sermons, v. 3.) — Stedman, E. C. O. B. Frothingham and the new faith. Frothingham, R. History of the siege of Boston, aud of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. — Life and times of J. Warren. — Rise of the republic of the United States. — Sketch of T. S. King. {In King, T. S. Patriotism, etc.) — A Tribute to Starr King. *' Frou Frou ; " comedy ; by A. Daly. (//? Mod. stand dram., V. 45.) Fronde, J. A. Bunyan. (Eng. men of letters.) — Caesar, a sketch. — Calvinism. — The English in Ireland in the 18th. cent. 3 v. 11164; — lland-wbrk bef. head-work. (Scot. Univ. Addr.) {In Lib. of educ, v. 4.) — History of Eug. ; fr. the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 v. — Life and times of Thomas Becket. — Thomas Carlvle ; first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. 2 v. — Lectures. >^ee McGee, J. A. Fronde's slanders. — • Nemesis of faith. 2186 — Short studies on great subjects. 4 ser. 6963; 9686; 17015; 22579 Contents. Ser. 1. Science of history.— Times of Erasmus and Luther. — Infl. of the ref . on Scottish character.— Philosophy of Catholicism.— Plea for the free disc, of theolog. difliculties.— Criticism" and the gospel hist. — Book of Job.— Spinoza.— Dissolution of the monasteries.— England's for- gotten worthies.— Homer.— Lives of the Saints.— Representative men.— Reynard the fox.— The cat's pilgrimage.— Fables : The lions and the oxen; The famer and the fox.— Parable of the bread-fruit tree.— Compensation. 2. Calvinism.— A bishop of the 12th. cent. -Father Newman on " The grammar of assent.''— Condition and prospects of protestantism. — England and her colonies.— A fortnight in Kerry.— Reciprocal duties of state and subject. — The merchant and his wife.— On progress —The colonies once more.— Education.— England's war.— Eastern question.— Scientific method appl. to history. 3. Annals of an English abbey.— Revival of Romanism. 16582 *I 6102 11096 6721 5794 11832 19533 9143 12804-5 8867 8416-27 18485 21470-1 478 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Sea studies. — Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman republic. — Lucian. — Divus Caesar. — On the uses of a landed gentry.— Party politics. — Leaves fr. a South African journal. 4. Life and times of T. Becket. — The Oxford counter-ref ormation.— Origen and Celsus. — A Cagliostro of the 2d. cent.— Cheneys and the House of Russell. — A siding at a railway station. — Kingsley, C* England fr. Wolsey to Elizabeth. (In his Sir w. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 Froude's Hist, of England. (In his Plays, etc.) 11641 — McCarthy, J. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 Froude, R. H. Stephen, J. Life of F. (Bi his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 Froude, W. The laws of fluid resistance. {In So. Kensing- ton sci. lect., V. 2.) 17679 Frozen Asia ; by C. H. Eden. 19784 Frozen deep. The ; by W. Collins. 13069 Fruit and Fruit trees. BaiTy, P. The fruit garden, 5876 — Beecher, H. W. Plain and pleasant talk about fruit, etc. 366 Same I new ed. 12482 — Bernard, 3Irs. B. Our common fruits. Illust. 6459 — Busey, S. C. The gathering, packing, and free marketing of vegetables and fruits. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Cole, S. W. American fruit book. 867 — Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit trees of America. 1259 Same ; add. bv C. Downing. 6761 — Fuller, A. S. Small fruit culturist. 6887 — Jaques, G. Practical trea. on the management of fruit trees ; descr. lists. 2332 — Kenrick, W. New American orchardist. 2459 — Manning, R., and Ives, J. M. New Eng. fruit book; descr. catalogue. 2170 — Peterson, M. E. Preserving, pickling, and canning fi'uit manual. 19447 — Rivers, T. The miniature fruit garden; culture of pyramidal and bush — Thomas, J. J. American fruit culturist. 6769 — See also Apples. Fruit between the leaves ; by A. Wynter. 2 v. 14256-7 Fruit d^fendu, Le ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9476 Fruit, flower, and thorn pieces ; by J. P. F. Richter. 5466-7 Fruits of the wine cup. The ; drama ; by J. H. Allen. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 45.) 11832 Fry, C. The Gospel of the Old Testament. 2190 — The listener; essavs. 2 v. 5041-2 Fry, E. (G.) Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Fry, K., and Cressw^ell, R. E. Memoir of E. Fry; extr. fr. her journal and letters. 2 v. 2188-9 — Sketch of E. Fry. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Fry, J. B. Army sacrifices ; sk. illust. the services, etc., of the reg. army of the U. S. on the Indian frontier. 18594 Fry, K., and Cresswell, R. E. Memoir of E. Fry ; with extr. fr. her journal and letters. 2 v. 2188-9 Fryatt, F. E. The Children's hour ; a novel art school. {In Some cur. schools.) 20401 Fryer, B. E. Influence of the high attitudes and climate of the table-land of the Rocky Mt. reg. upon health and disease. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Fryer, W. J., Jr. Architectural iron works; pract. work for iron workers, architects, engineers, etc. Illust. 16035 Fuchs, M. Miracles. {In Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 Fucini, R. Napoli a occhio nudo ; lettere ad un amico. 15513 Fudge doings ; by Ik Marvel [D. G. Mitchell]. 2 v. 3081-2 Fuel. Derby, G. Inquiry into the iufl. of anthracite fires upon health ; with best modes of warming houses. 7637 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 479 — Siemens, C. W. Fuel. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14175 — Wormwald, J. Value of artifi. fuel as comp. with coal. ( With Siemens, C. W. Fuel.) 14175 Fuentes, M. A. Lima; sketches, hist., statist., commerc, etc. *I Fugitive slave. The ; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dr.) 1513 Fugitive slaves. Bearse, A. Reminiscences of Fug. Slave Law days in Boston. 19939 Fugitives, The ; by M. O. W. Oliphant. 19360 FuUerton, J. Regulation of currencies. 8854 Fuller, A. Foster, J. (In Jiis Crit. ess., v. 2.) 1503 Fuller, A. S. The forest tree culturist. 6539 — Grape culturist. 6538 — Small fruit culturist. Illust. 6887 Fuller, A. B. Fuller, R. F. Chaplain Fuller ; life sketch. 5547 — Higginson, T. W. (In his Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Fuller, H. Sparks fr. a locomotive. . 4157 Fuller, J. G. The Brownings ; tale of the great Rebellion. 7089 Fuller, L. Mistaken ; or. The seeming and the real. 8787 Fuller, M. V. Mormon wives. 2193 Fuller, R. The new commandment. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 — Cuthbert, J. H. Life of Fuller. 18720 Fuller, R. F. Chaplain Fuller ; life sketch. 5547 Fuller, S. Margaret, afterwards Ossoli. See Ossoli. Fuller, T. Holy and profane states. 2191 — Selections. {In Montague, B. Select., etc.) 5759 — Bailey, J. E. Life of F., with not. of his books, his kinsmen, etc. *I — Thomas Fuller, and his descendants. {In Ossoli, S. M. F. Mem., v. 1, Appendix.) 12351 FuUerton, Lady G. C. Constance Sherwood. 10559 — Lady Bird. 11297 — Mrs. Gerald's niece. 8501 — Reparation and other tales. 13962 Contents. Reparation. — The blacksmith of Antwerp.— The beggar of the steps of St. Roch. — Earth without heaven. — Rosemary; a tale of the fire of London. 12790 — A stormy life. 7180 — Too strange not to be true. 6299 Fullom, S. W. The daughter of night. 1194 — The great highway. 2195 — History of woman and her connex. with relig., civilization, and domestic manners. 2d. ed. 2 v. 7426-7 Fulton, C. C. Europe viewed through American spectacles. 12155 Fulton, R. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 — McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 — Reigart, J. F. Life of Fulton. 3638 — Renwick, J. Life of F. {In Lives of em. indiv., v. 1.) 2708 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 10.) • 4119 — Sketch of Fulton. {In Fam. boys.) 7707 — Tuckerman, H. T. (7w ^, is Ess*., biog., and crit.) 4523 — Wynne, J. Life of Fulton. {In /iis Lives, etc.) 4885 Fulton, R. Illustrated book of pigeons ; with stand, for judg- ing ; ed. by L. Wright. Illust. *I Fulton St. prayer meeting. Chambers, T. W. Hours of prayer in the noon prayer-meeting, Fulton St., N. Y. 13400 — Prime , S . I. Praver and its answer illust. in the Fulton St. prayer meeting. 22083 Fun jottings ; by N. P. Willis. 4805 Functions. Todhunter, I. Elementary trea. on La Place's, Lame's, and Bessel's functions. 15644 — See also Logarithms ;— Trigonometry. Funeral rites. Tegg, W. The last act ; funeral rites of nations and individuals. 16785 480 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fungi. Badham, CD. Treatise on tlie esculent funguses of England. *I — Cooke, M. C. Account of British fungi. 16623 Fungi ; their nature and uses. 13648 Plain and easy acct. of the Britisli fungi. 8961 Rust, smut, mildew, and mould; introd. to the stud, of microscopic F. 16622 Funkelin, J. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) 16356 Fur. Backus, M. M. Fur and the fur trade. 18472 — Robinson, H. M. Tlie great fur land; life in Hudson's Bay tenitory. 18688 Fur country, The ; by J. Verne. * ' 12078 Furnace. Schinz, C. Researches on the action of the blast furnace. 9109 Furness, W. H. History of Jesus. 2196 — Jesus. 9710 — Introd. and notes. {In Schenkel, D. Character of Jesus.) 6553-4 — Self-denial. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 — Unconscious truth of the four Gospels. 7518 — The veil partly lifted and Jesus becoming visible. 5693 Furniture. Church, E. R. How to furnish a home. 20360 — Collinson and Lock. Sketches of artistic furniture. *I — Cook, C. The house beautiful ; ess. on beds and tables, stools and can- dlesticks. *I — Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing on rational and aesthetic principles. 15894: — Davidson, E. A. Drawing for cabinet-makers. 12611 — Edis, R. W. Decoration and furniture of town houses. *I — Holly, H. H. Treatise on F. and decoration. {In his Mod. dwell., etc.) *I — Jacquemart, A. History of furniture ; ed. by Mrs. Bury Palliser. *I — Loftie, Mrs. The dining-room. * ' 17675 — Pollen, J. H. Ancient aiid mod. furniture, etc. (So. Kensington Mus. Art. hd.-bk.) *I Furniture and woodwork. 15471 — Sloan, S. Sloan's homestead architecture ; cont. ess. on furniture, e^c. 20285 — Spofford, H. P. Art decoration appl. to furniture. *I — Stokes, J. Cabinet maker's and upholsterer's companion. 4256 — Wilhams, H. T. and Jones, 3Irs. C. S. Beautiful homes; or, Hints in furnishing. 17418 — See also Decoration. Fusains et eaux-fortes ; par T. Gautier. 14637 Fuseli, H. F. J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit. painters, v. 2.) 1054 — Timbs, J. {I7i his Anecdote biog,, ser. 2.) 8915 Future life. Alger, W. R. Critical hist, of the doctr. of a future life. 7722 — Clarke, J. F. Future life ; lect. (In /zis Essentials and non-essentials.) 17391 — Dick, T. Philosophy of a future state. {In his Works, v. 1.) 1176 — Figuier, G. L. The to-morrow of death ; or. The fut. life ace. to science. 9942 — Hovey, A. State of the impenitent dead. 17370 — Hudson, C. F. Debt and grace, as rel. to the doctr. of a future life. 2054 — Phelps, A. What do we know of the heavenlv life? (J7i Ats 31 v port- folio.) ' 22045 — Stephen, J. Physical theory of another life. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 — Tait, G. and Stewart, B. The unseen universe ; Phvsical speculations on a fut. state. * 13779 — Weiss, J. The immortal life. 19813 — Whately, R. View of the script, revelations cone, a fut. state. 4723 — White, E. {In his Life in Christ.) 17820 — Wood, G. Future life; or, Scenes in another world. 4846 — Wood, J. G. Man and beast here and hereafter. 13775 — See also Eschatology. Also Immortality. Future punishment. Oxenham, F. N. What is the truth as to everlasting punishment? 21191 — Whiton, J. M. Is " eternal" punishment endless?; restatement of Scrip- tural doctrine. 17480 Future retribution. See Retribution. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 481 Fyfe, A. Elements of chemistry. 2197 Fyfe, L. R., joint author. See Sinclair, A. C. Fyffe, C. A. History of Greece. (Hist, prim.) 13654 — History of modern Europe, v. 1 : 1792-1814. . 20158 G., E. A. Saints and their symbols ; companion in the churches and picture-galleries of Europe. 21537 G. T. T. ; wonderful adv. of a Pullman ; by E. E. Hale. 17061 Gaberlunzie's wallet, The ; by J. Ballantine. *I Gaboriau, E. L'affaire Lerouge. 14615 — L'argent des autres. 2 v. 14616-17 — Same. Eng. Other people's mouey. 13431 — La clique dor6e. ' 14618 — Same. Eng. The clique of gold. 12930 — Les comediennes adorees. b^ ed. 14665 Contents. Sophie Arnould.— Mile. Eaucourt.— Mile, de Camargo. — Mrae. Du Gazon. — Mile. Contat. — Mme. Saint-Huberty. — Les comediennes de Moliere. — La corde au cou. 14619 — The count's secret. 20566 — Le crime d'Orcival. 14620 — Le dossier, No. 113. 14625 — Same. Eng. File No. 113. 13963 — Les esclaves de Paris. 2 v. 14621-2 — Same. Eng. Slaves of Paris. 21888 — Les ^ens de bureau. 14666 — Manages d'aventure. 14667 — Monsieur Lecoq ; fr. the French. 19652 — Le petit vieux des batignolles. 14669 — La vie infernale. 2 v. 14623-4 — The widow Lerouge. 19797 — Within an inch of his life. 12931 Gabriel ; story of the Jews in Prague ; fr. the German. 11910 Gabrielle; by H. Greville [A. Durand]. 17834 Gabrielle Andre. See In exitu Israel. Gabrielle de Bourdaine ; by Mrs. J. K. Spender. 22486 Gabrielli, C. Clayton. E. C. {In her Queens of song.) • 5873 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great singers.) 20364 Gaddings with a primitive people ; by W. A. B. Grohnjan. 17891 Gadow, H. A feather. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Gadsden, C. Sketch of G. {In Lives of her. of the Amer. rev.) 2122 Gaertner, C. The art of singing. 9913 Gaffer Grey's legacy ; comedy. {In Home plays for. ladies.) 14360 Gage, F. D. Elsie Magoon. 7294 — Steps upward. 9293 Gage, S. U., joint author. See Wilder, B. G. Gage, W. L. Life of Carl Ritter. 6772 — Palestine, historical and descriptive. lUust. 22007 Gagneur, M. L. A Nihilist princess. 20632 Gaieties and gravities ; by H. Smith. 4042 Gail Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Gain, The, of a loss ; [by CM. Yonge]. 7671 Gainsborough, T. Arnold, G. M. B. Gainsborough. 20261 — Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, v. 1.) 1053 — Timbs, J. {In his Anecdote biog., ser. 2.) 8915 — Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Gairdner, J. England. (Early chroniclers of Europe.) 19552 — History of the life and reign of Richard III. Added, Storv of Perkin Warbeck. " 18108 — The Houses of Lancaster and York with the conq. and loss of France. Map. (Ep. of mod. hist.) 13324 — and Spedding, J. Studies in English historj'. 21727 482 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. *I 1507 5482 11401 6885 22099 Gaius. Institutionum juris civilis commentarii quatuor ; or, Elements of Roman law ; with trans, and comment., by E. Poste. 2d. ed. Gala day, The. {In Magician's show box.) Gala-days ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. Galama ; or, The beggars ; by J. De Liefde. Galard Terraube, V. de. Herbert, M. E. Life of V. de Galard Terraube. (/ti /ier Three phases.) Galatea ; pastoral romance ; by M. Cervantes Saavedra. Galdos, B. P. Doiia Perfecta ; tale of mod. Spain ; tr. by D. P. W. 22400 — Gloria ; fr. the Spanish ; by C. Bell : rev. and correct, in the U. S. 2 v. 22612-13 — Marianela; fr. the Spanish; by C. Bell; rev. and corr. in the U. S. 22859 Gale, E. C. Hints on dress. x 11159 Gale, G. Upper Mississippi ; Historical sk. of mound-builders, Indian tribes, etc. 7264 Gale Breezely ; by J. B. Johnstone. {In French's Min. dram., V. 12.) * 11842 Galen, P. Der griine Pelz. 4 v. in 2. 16443-4 Galenga, A. South America. 2d. ed. • • 20326 Galfridus (or Gaufridus or Gaulterus) de Vinosalvo. cles of Richard I.'s' crusade. {In Bohn, H. G of the crusades.) — Hale, E. E. Geoffrey de Vinsauf. {In his Stor. of adv.) Galiani, F., il abbate. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Cans. lund., V. 2.) {In his Monday-chats.) Galilei Galileo. Bethune, J. E. D. Life of G. usef. kn.) — Brewster, D. {In his Martyrs of sci.) — Gebler, K. von. Galileo and the Roman curia; tr. by Mrs. G. Sturge. — Private life of G. ; fr. his correspondence and that of his daughter. — Ritchie, A. C. O. M. Galileo's villa. {In her Ital. life.) — Wilson, J. Giordano Bruno and G. {I7i his Stud, of mod. mind.) Gall, J. Easy guide to the Constellations ; with atlas of stars. Gall, J. U. L. von. Eine fromme Liige. Dent. Novelenschatz.) Gallantry. Young, L. Acts of gallantry ; acct. of bravery in saving life fr. drowning ; 1830-71. Gallatin, J. Tenement-house reform in New York. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) Chroni- Chron. (Lib. of 2383 20849 *I 17345 5104 8884 18788 8140 9027 21197 8558 16152 11460 Gallaudet, E. M. Deaf mute college at Washington. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) Gallenga, A. The pearl of the Antilles. Galletly, A. Coal. (Brit, manuf. ind.) Galletti di Cadilhac, M. The Camorristi ; and other tales. Contents. The Camorristi.— Altofiori.— The Bambino.— The Vergaro. Galilean Church. See France. Ecclesiastical history. Gallison, J. Channing, W. E. Memoir of G. {In his Works, V. 5.) Gallop, A, among American scenery ; by A. E. Silliman. Gallop for life. {In Home narr.) Galloway, R. Manual of qualitative analysis. 5th. ed. Illust. Galloway, R. L. History of coal mining in Gt. Britain. Gallus, C. A. C. Elegia et epigrammata tria. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) *I 15734 12083 15466 22781 791 10904 1197 14211 22723 8360 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 483 Galpin, Mrs. The two ghosts of New London turnpike. {In Stor. and sk.) 6888 Gait, J. Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller. (77i Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Life of Lord Bvron. 2199 — Life of Cardinal Wolse3^ 2198 — Southeunan. 2 v. 2200-1 — The wearyf ul woman. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 Gal ton, F. The art of travel ; Shifts and contrivances in wild countries. 5th. ed. 12575 — English men of science ; their nature and nurture. 13807 — Hereditary genius ; inq. into its laws and consequences. New ed. 916S Galway. Black, A. and C. Guide to Galway, Connemara, etc. *I Gama, Vasco da. Frost, T. Voyage to India. {In his Hf.- hrs. with early explor.) 21074 — Hale, E. E. Da Gama and the East. (In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Kingston, W. H. G. (In his Notable voyages.) 19571 — Towle, G. M. Voyages and adv. of Vasbo da Gama. 17716 Gambetta, L. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 — Towle, G. M. (In his Certain men of mark.) 20075- Gambler's fate ; drama ; by H. M. Milner. {In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 24.) 11822 Gambling. Steiumetz, A. The gaming table, its votaries and victims. 2 v. 8828-9 Gambold, J. Tyerman, L. {In his Oxford Methodists.) 11955 Game. Dodge, R. I. Plains of the great West, and their in- habitants ; game, Indians, etc. 16766 — Gillmore, P. (pseud. Ubique). Prairie and forest; game of No. Amer. 17002; — Hall'ock, C. Sportsman's gazetteer and gen. guide ; animals, birds, and fishes of No. America. *I — Herbert, H. TV. American game in its seasons. 11392 — Jefferies, R. The gamekeeper at home. 18288 — Murphy, J. M. American game bird shooting. . 21835- — Roosevelt, R. B. Game-birds of the coasts and lakes of No. America. 6337 — See also Hunting. Game of love ; comedy ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 14.) 11816 Game of life ; comedy ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 15.) 11817 Games. American boy's book of sports and games. 6696 — Bartlett, G. B. New games for parlor and lawn. , 2223T — Cassell's book of indoor amusements, card games, and fireside fun. 20985 — Cassell's book of sports and pastimes, 20984 — Crawley, R. Lawn tennis. Badminton, Croquet, Troco, Racquets, etc. 19644 — Dodge, M. M. A few friends and how they amused themselves. 773T — Fireside games. 7673 — Macgregor, R. Pastimes and players. 20940 — Newell, W. W. Games and songs of Amer. children. *I — Peverelly, C. A. Book of Amer. pastimes; hist, of base ball, cricket, rowing, and yachting clubs of the U. S. 7068 — Plays and songs for kindergarten and family. 20754 — See also Amusements ; — Sports. Also Backgammon ;— Boston ;— Cards ;— Chess ;— Cricket ;— Draughts ;— Twenty questions ;— AYhist. Gamester, The; tragedy; by E. Moore. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 2.) 11804 Gamgee, A. Science and medicine. {In Owens College. Ess. andaddr.) 12926 Gamgee, J. Sanitary urgency of the Florida ship-canal. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., ete., v. 6.) *I Gaming. See Gambling. 484 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gammell, W. Life of R. Williams. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 14.) 4123 — Life of S. Ward. (7w Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 19.) 4138 Gammer Grethel. See Grimm, J. L. K. Gan-P:den ; or, Pictures of Cuba ; [by W. H. Hurlbut]. 2115 Gangooly, J. C. Life and relig, of the Hindoos ; with sk. of my life and experience. , 2202 Gamot, A. Elementary treat, on physics. 9827 Gandar, E. Sainte-Beuve, 0. A. {In his Nouv. kind, v. 12.) *I Gannett, E. S. Clarke, J. F. {Li his Mem. and biog. sk.) 17757 Gannett, W. C. Ezra Stiles Gannett ; unitarian minister in Boston. 13457 — The working-man's Sunday in large cities ; plea for rest, recreation, edu- cation. {In Fre6 Reli^. Assoc. How^ shall we keep Sunday?) 16755 — A year of miracle ; poem m four sermons. " 21178 Ganot, A. Introductory course of nat. phil., ed. fr. G.'s pop. physics by W. G. Peck ; rev. by L. S-. Burbank and J. I. Hanson. 21228 Garbit, F. J. The telephone ; The phonograph. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Garcia, G. The actors' art ; treat, on declamation, e^c. lUust.. *I Garcia, P. V. See Viardot, Mme. Gar9on de chez Very, Un ; comedie ; par E. M. Labiche. {In. his Th^titre compL, V. 4.) 14561 Garden, My ; by A. Smee. ^ *I Gardener's daughter. The ; by A. Moritz. {In Michel, T. and Moritz, A. A will and a way.) 4789 Gardening. Barnard, C. Gardening for monej^ ; how it was done in flow-ers, etc. 11006 — Buist, R. Family kitchen-gardener. 575 — Church, E. R. the home garden. 20468 — Delamer, £. S. The kitchen garden. 1142 — Fessenden, T. G. Xew American gardener. 1467 — The garden. (In New illust. rur. manuals.) 5650 — Harris, J. Gardening for voung and old; garden vegetables. 22381 — Heath, F. G. My garden wild and what I grew there. 21360 — Henderson, P. Gardening for pleasure; fruit, vegetable, and flower gar- den ; with direct, for the greenhouse, conservatorv, etc. 14323 Gardening for profit. " * 6630 iSame. New ed. 21631 — Johnson, L. Every lady her own flower gardener. 2388 — Kemp, E. How^ to' lay out a garden. 11413 — Kenrick, W. New Anier. orchardist; app. on vegetables, ornamental trees, shrubs, etc. 2459 — Loudon, J. W. Gardening for ladies; and Comp. to the flower-garden; ed. by A. J. Downing. 1260 — Roe, E. P. Plav and profit in mv garden. 11568 — Schenck, P. A. ' The gardener's text-book. 5666 — Watts, E. Vegetables and flowers. 6449 — Wood, J. G. Our garden friends and foes. 51&7 — See also Floriculture ;— Flowers ;— Landscape gardening ;— Parlor gar- dening. Gardens of the sun ; naturalist's journal in Borneo, etc. ; by F. W. Burbidge. " 20657 Gardian de Camarge, Le ; par Mme. L. Figuier. 9566 Gardiner, A. F. Yonge, C. M. {In her Fioneers, etc.) 10120 Gardiner, B. M. The French revolution, 1789-1795. (Ep. of mod. hist.) 22794 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 485 • Gardiner, F. A harmony of the four Gospels in English. 10520 — The life of our Lord. 9877 Gardiner, M. (P. F.) Countess of Blessington. Journal of con- versations with Ld. Byron ; with life of the author. 6636 — Adams, W. H. D. (In his Women of fashion, etc., v. 2.) 18868 — Madden, R. R. Literary life and correspondence of Countess of B. 2 v. 2850-1 — Personal recollections of Countess of B. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14122 — Willis, N..P. Death of Lady Blessington. (In his Fam. persons, etc.) 4804 Gardiner, S. R. English history for young folks ; B. C. 55- A. D. 1880. Ed. rev. for Amer. students, [fr. Outline, etc.^. 20847 Note. Same as Outline of Eng. history. — The fall of the monarchv of Charles L, 1637-49, v. 1, 2. 21697-8 — The tirst two Stewarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660. Maps. (Ep. of Mod. Hist.) 16530 — Outline of Eng. historv. See Eng. history above. — Personal government of Charles I. : historv of England, 1628-1637. 2 v. 17665-6 — The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 12967 — OMd MuUinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of Eng. historj'. 21180 Contents. Pt. 1, Introd. to Eng. hist. 2.' Authorities. Gardiner, W. The music of nature ; attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in singing, speaking, etc., is de- rived fr. the sounds of the animated world. Illust. 11237 Gardner, A. K. Old wine in new bottles ; or, Spare hours of a student in Paris. 2203 Gardner, D. P. Farmer's dictionary. Illust. 2204 Gardner, D. Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo ; narr. of the campaign in Belgium, 1815. 21613 Gardner, E. C. Common sense in church building. Illust. 19408 — Home interiors. Illust. 17431 — Homes, and how to make them. 12965 — The house that Jill built, after Jack's had proved a failure; home archi- tecture. Illust. 22380 — Illustrated homes ; real houses and real people. 16869 Gardner, F. B. Carriage painter's manual. 9700 — How to paint; for the tradesmen, mechanic, eic. 9th. ed. 22357 Gardner, H. C. Rosamond JDayton. 7602 Gardner, J. T. Relations of topographical surveys and maps to public health studies. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 3.) *I Gardner, J. Longevity ; means of prolonging life. 13557 Gardner, W. J. A history of Jamaica. 12119 Gardner, Mass. Glazier, L. History of G., 1785-1860. 1576 Gareth and Lynette ; by A. Tennyson. 11081 Garfield, J. A. The American census. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 — Garfield's words : passages fr. the writings of G. ; comp. by W. R. Balch. 20848 — Alger, H., Jr. From canal bov to President. ' » 20972 — Balch, W.R. Life of G. ' 20917 — Brown, E. E. Life and pub. ser. of G. ; with extr. fr. his speeches," efc. 22566 — Conwell, R. H. Life, speeches, and pub. serv. of G. Introd. by M. Hop- kins. 19795 — Hinsdale, B. A. President G. and education. Hiram College memorial. 21233 — Hoar, G. F. Eulogy upon G. ( Worcester. City Council.) 21286 President Garfield's New England ancestry. 22773 — Thayer, W. M. From log-cabin to the White house. 20719 — Worcester, Mass. Public schools. Superintendent. Directions to teach- ers ; on the exercises commemorative of G. 20710 Garibaldi, J. G. Garibaldi ; autobiography ; ed. by A. Dumas ; tr. by W. Robson. 1289 — Life of G., written by himself; tr. by T. D wight ; with portr. 2205 486 FREE PUBLIC LIBRi^RY. — Bent, J. T. Life of Garibaldi. 21204 — Manuinj^, H. E. Visit of G. to England. {In his Misc.) 17190 Garland, A. C. Paper. (In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12253 Garland, H. A. Life of J. Randolph of Roanoke. 2206 Garland, A, fr. Greece [poems] ; by G. F. Armstrong. 22098 Garlick, T. Treatise on the artif. propagation of fish, with descr. and habits of kinds most suitable for pisciculture ; also, direc. for angling. 2209 Garman, C. E. Dr. Hickok's philosophy. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Garnett, A. Y. P. Observations on the Potomac marshes at Washington, D. C. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., V. 7.) *I Garnett, Wm., joint autlior. See Campbell, L. Garnier-Pag^s, E. J. L. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Or ators, etc.) 5012 Garnier-Pagds, L. A. Histoire de la revolution de 1848. 10 v. 9441-50 Garrett, E., pseud. See Mayo, I. F. Garrett, P. One hundred choice selections. No. 1-21. 9036-43; 14231-9; 15300-3 Note. No. 1 ed. by Richardson, N. K. Garrett, R. and A. Suggestions for house decoration in paint- ing, woodwork, and furniture. (Art at home ser.) 16887 Garrett, R., pseud. See Mayo, I. F. Garrick, D. Irish widow. {In French's min. dr., v. 21.) 11846 — Fitzgerald, P. Great d6but8 : Garriclc— Siddons— Kean. {In his Roman. of the Eng. stage.) . 13430 Life of Garrick. 2 v. 8826-7 — Memoires. (Barriere. Bib. des m^m., v. 6.) 14526 — The modern Roscius. {In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 Garrison, W. P. Biography of W. Y. Gholson. {In Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Garrison, W. L. Fight on ! poem. (J>i Liberty bell.) 5101 — Introduction. {In 3Iazzini, J. J. Mazzini.> 10589 — Selections fr. the writings and speeches of G. 2210 — Bartol, C. A. Garrison, the reformer, (/n his Princ. and portr.) 19741 — Johnson, O. Wm. Lloyd Garrison and his times. Introd. by J. G. WTiittier. 19348 Same. New ed. *I — Spear, C. {In ?iis Voices fr. prison.) 4162 — Stowe, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) 7354 Garth; by J. Hawthorne. 17026 Garvin, L. F. C. Sanitary requirements in factories ; Inju- rious effects of cotton factories upon the health of opera- tives. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Garway, H. Bourne, H. R. F. {In Ms Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 Gas. Atkinson, J. J. Practical trea. on the gases in coal mines. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14135 — Nystrom, J. W. New treat, on steam engineering, phys. properties of permanent gases, and of diff. kinds of vapor. * 17195 Gas, Illuminating. Bowditch, W. R. Analysis, technical valua- tion, purification, and use of coal gas. *I — Gas-consumer's guide : hand-book of instruction. 9325 — Hughes, S. Treatise on gas works, and the pract. of manuf . and distrib. coal gas. 15444 — Nicoll, H. J. Introduction of gas, Murdoch, "Winsor, Clegg, and others. {In his Gt. movements.) ' " 21442 — Patterson, R. H. Gas and lighting. 15468 — Richards, W. The gas consumer's handy book. 22394 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. • 487 — Stevenson, R. L. A plea for gas lamps. {In his Yiraiuibus, etc.) 22710 — Wood, E. S. Illuminating gas in its rel. to healtli. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 3.) *I Gas engines. Clerk, D. The theory of the gas engine. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 22372 Gascoigne, G. Complete poems ; with mem. and notes, by W.C. Hazlitt. 2 V. 10863-4 Gascoyne ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 7658 Gashed helmet, The ; by T. G. Appleton. (In his Chequer- work.) 19019 Gaskell, E. C. (S.) Cousin Phillis, and other tales. 11668 Contents. CouSin Phillis.— Company manners — Mr. Harrison's con- fessions.— The sexton's hero. — Cranford. 2211 — Life of C. Bront6. 2212 — Mary Barton. 12453 — Moorland cottage. 2215 — My Lady Ludlow. 5203 — Same. {In Xov. and tales fr. Household Words.) 14309 — North and South. 5269 — Ri^ht at last ; and other tales. 2216 Contents. Right at last. — The Manchester marriage.— Lois, the witch.— The crooked branch. — Ruth. 2217 — Wives and daughters. 2214 Gasparin, comte A. E. de. America before Europe ; principles and interest. 3d. ed., tr. by M. L. Booth. _ 1621 — Uprising of a great people ; the U. S. in 1861 ; fr. the Fi*., bv M. L. Booth. 2218 — Borel, T. Count de Gasparin ; fr. the French. 18956 Gasparin, V. (B.) comtesse de. Les horizons celestes. 9407 — Les horizons prochains. 5^ 6d. 9406 Contents. Le souge de Lisette.— Les trois roses.— La Tuilerie.—L'H6ge- lien. — Les sources. — Un pauvre garyon. — Le format. — Un pigeonnier. — Marietta. — Le sculpteur.— La tonnelle de Cormier. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 9.) *I Gaspey, T. History of England, 1760-1852; cont. to 1859, by H. Tyrrell, v. 4 : Victoria. [Bound in 3 pts.] 7769 Gassendi, P. G. Rogers, H. Gassendi. {In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 Gastineau, O. L^lia ; com^die. (7n Sayn^tes, efc., s^r. 1.) 14791 — Same', Eng. trans. (Plays for priv. acct.) 17926 Gaston, W. Speech. {In Amer. oratory.) 4959 Gastrite, La ; monologue ; par C. Clairville. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Gastronome sans argent, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 7.) *I Gastronomy. Berchoux, J. La gastronomic. {In Physiologic dugout.) 14596 Gates, H. Headley, J. T. {InUs Washington, etc., v. 1.) 1828 — Sketch of G. {In Lives of her. of Amer. rev.) 2122 Gates ajar ; by E. S. Phelps. 7645 Gates wide open. See Wood, G. Future life. *'Gath,"psewd. See Townsend, G. A. Gather up the fragments ; by Mrs. Craik. {In her Serm. out of church.) 14029 Gatschet, A. S., joint author. See Dorsey, J. O. Gatty, A. The bell ; its origin, hist., and uses. 11882 Gatty, Mrs. A. See Gatty, M. 488 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gatty, M. Aunt Judy's Christmas volume, v. 8-10 ; 1870-72. 11538-40 10867 10868 11534-7 11373 11371 11372 11375 9824 8638-9 8656 11374 11370 V. Har court. 17496 19095 4442 9373-4 19630 19631 9378 13908 9375 14637 — Aunt Judy's letter — Aunt Judy's tales. — Aunt Judy's yearly volume. 4 v. — Domestic pictures and tales. — The fairy godmothers, and other tales. — The human face divine, and other tales. — The hundredth birthday, and other tales. — The mother's book of poetry. — Parables from nature, ser. 1-4. 2 v. — Same', with notes on nat. history. Illust., ser. 3, 4. — Proverbs illustrated ; Worlds not realized. — Waifs and strays of nat. history. Gaudard, J. Foundations ; fr. the Fr., by L. F (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) Gaudeamus ; humorous poems fr. the German ; by C. G. Leland. 10019 Gaudissart II., or, The Selim shawl; by H. de Balzac. {In his ComMie humaine.) Gaut Gurley ; by D. P. Thompson. Gautama. See Buddha ; — Gaudama. Gautier, T. Le capitaine Fracasse — Same ; tr. by E. M. Beam. — Same; tr. by M. M. Ripley. Illust. (Leis. hr. ser.) — Caprices et Zigzags. Contents, ifn tour en Bel^lque et en Hollande. — Une journee h Lotidres. — Pochades, zigzags et paradoxes.— Gastronomic britannique.— Les races d' Ascot. — En Chine.— L'Inde.— Voyage hors barrieres. — Chiens et rats. — Paris futur.-^Une visite chez Merodach.— Baladan.— Les bayaderes. — Constantinople; tr. by R. H. Gould. — Emaux et camees. — Fusains et eaux-fortes. Contents, Un buste de V. Hugo.— L'originalt^ en France.— Scenes populaires de H. Monnier.— Voyages litt^raires.— Excellence de la po6sie. — Sculpteurs contemporains : A. Moine. — Au bord de I'ocean. — Decora- tions de Stradella.— Les danseurs Espagnols.— Un feuilleton a faire.— Vente de la galerie de I'Elysee.— Bourbon.— Copie du judgment dernier de Michel-Ange.— Statues de Michel-Ange.— Les ^ventails de la princesse H^leue.— Les Concours de 1837.— Les f^tes de Juillet vues de Montmartre. — Le chemin de fer.— Illustrations de Paul et Yirginie.— Utility de la poesie.— La Turquie, par C. Rogier.— La republique de Tavenir.- L'atelier de M. Ingres en 1848.— A propos de liallons.- De Tincommodit^ des loge- ments modernes.— Theophile de Yiau.—Saint-Amant.— Charles Baude- laire.— Les aventures de Baron de Munchhausen. — My household of pets; tr. by S. Coolidge. Illust. — Nouvelles. ConteMts. Fortuuio.— La toison d'or.— Omphale.— Le petit chien de la Marquise.— Le nid de rossignols.— La morte amoureuse.— La chaine d'or; ou, I'Amaut partage. — Une nuit de Cleopatre.— Le roi Candaule. — Premieres poesies, 1830-45. — Romans et contes. Contents. Avatar. — Jettatura. — Arria Marcella. — La mllle et deuxi^me nuit.— Le pavilion sur I'eau.— L'enfant aux souliers de pain.— Le chevalier double.— Le pied de momie.— La pipe d'opium.— Le club des Hachichins. — Romance of a mummy; tr. by A. McC. Wright. — Spirite ; uouvelle f antastique.* — Same ; Eng. Spirite. (Coll. of for. authors.) — Tableaux a la plume. Contents. Etudes sur les musees.— Les cinq nouveaux tableaux espag- nols du Musee du Louvre.— Exposition de tableaux modernes. — Une esquisse de Velazquez. — Un mot sur I'eau-forte. — Envois de Rome. — Adrien Guignet.— Salon de 1869. — Les vacances du lundi ; tableaux de montagnes. Contents. Les Vosges. — Vues de Savoie et de Suisse.— La f^te des vignerons a Vevey. — Une visite dans la montagiie. — Voyage d'exploration sur la Meuse par le Chaland La Beaute. — Le mont Blanc— Le mont Cervin. — Voyage en Espagne. — Voyage en Russie. 2 v. — A winter in Russia. 52260 9524 9377 9528 21614 9525 17109 14647 14668 9370 371-2 13074 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 489 — joint author. »S'ee Gi — Bei'w'erat, E. Gautier; entretiens, souvenirs, et coiTesponclence. Pr6f. cle E. de Goncourt. 14629 — Gautier, T. and others. Famous French authors. 19026 — James, H., Jr. (In his French poets and novelists.) 17578 — Mauris, M. {In /lis French men of letters.) 19854 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 2; Portr. cont., v. 5; Nouv. lund., v. 6.) *I — Mirecourt, Eugene de, etc. Famous Fr. authors; biog-. portr. of disting. Fr. writers. Illust. 19026 Gavarni, pseud. See Chevallier, P. Gavazzi, A. Lectures iu New York ; also, his life, correct, by himself, etc. 2219 Gaviota, La ; by Fernan Caballero [C. B. de F. Arrom] ; tr. by J. L. Starr. 5643 Gay, D. See Girardin, Mme. Gay, J. D. Plevna, the Sultan, and the Porte ; remin. of the war in Turkey. 19011 Gay, J. Poetical works ; with life, by Dr. Johnson. 2 v. 2220-1 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Thackeray, W. M. (Zw ^ is Eng. humourists.) 4398 Gay, M. F. S. N. de L. Celebrated saloons; also, Parisian letters, by Mme. Girardin ; tr. by L. Willard. 738 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 6.) *I Gay, S. Yi . ^ joint author . See Bryant, W. C. Gayarr^, C. E. A. Aubert Dubayet ; or. The two sister republics ; [hist, romance] . 22253 — Louisiana; its hist, as a French colonv. 3d. ser. of lect. 6597 — Philip II. of Spain ; introd. h\ G. Bancroft. 6655 Gayler, C. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Gayworthys, The ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 5957 Gazza ladra. La ; by Rossini. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., V. 1.) *I Geant Y^ous, Le ; par George Sand. {In her Contes d'une grand' m^re.) 9514 Gear wheels. Willis, R. Practical treat, on the teeth of gear wheels. 22119 Gebler. K. von. Galileo Galilei and the Roman curia; tr. by Mrs. Sturge. 18738 Geddes, J. History of the administration of J. de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, v. 1. ^ 19597 Geddes, AY. D. Problem of the Homeric poems. 18054 Geddie, J. The lake regions of Centr. Africa. Illust. 21342 — The Russian Empire ; historical and descriptive. 22672 Gee, G. E. The practical gold- worker ; goldsmith's and jew- eller's instructor. 16826 Gegenbaur, C. Elements of comp. anatomy ; tr. by F. J. Bell ; trans, rev., and pref. by E. R. Lankester. 20367 Geibel, E. Brunhild ; tragedy fr. the Nibelung saga ; tr. by G. P. Dippold ; [with] acct. of the Nibelung epics and sagas. 18767 Geier-wally ; tale of tbe Tyrol ; by W. von Hillern. 14324 Geiger, J. L. A peep at Mexico ; journey across the republic, 1873, 1874. *I A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 32 490 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Geiger, L. Contributions to the hist, of tlie devel. of the human race; by D. Asher. (Eng. and For. Phil. Lib.) 20667 Contents. Language and its importance in the hist, of development. The earliest hist, of the hum. race in the lijt^ht of language, with spec, ref . to the origin of tools.— On color-sense in prim, times, and its development. —The origin of writing.— The discovery of fire. — The primitive home of the Indo-Europeans. Geijer, E. G. Forelasningar ofver raenniskans historia ; redi- gerade och utgifna af S. Ribbing. 15020 — History of the Swedes. 2222 Geikie, A. Elementary lessons in physical geography. 19027 — Geographical sketches at home and abroad. Illust. 21972 — Geology. Illust. (Sci. prim.) ' 12332 — Life of' Sir E,. I. Murchison; based on his journals and letters, with not. of his scientific contemp., and sk. of the rise and growth of palajo- zoic geology in Britain. Illust. 2 v. 13865-6 — Outlines of field-geology. (Sci. lect.) 16994 — Same. 2d. ed. 19028 — Physical geography. Illust. (Sci. prim.) 11494 — Text-book of geology. Illust. 22522 Geikie, C. The English Reformation. 18566 — Hours with the Bible ; or. The Scriptures in the light of mod. disc, and knowledge. Illust., v. 1-4. 20611-14 — Life and words of Christ. 17266 Geikie, J. The great ice age, and its rel. to the antiq. of man. 12808 — The ice age in Britain. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Geldard, J. Hand-book of cotton manufacture ; machine- building, spinning, and weaving. 6999 Geldart, E. M. Modern Greek lang. in its rel. to anc. Greek. 19466 Gelee, Claude, le Lorraine. Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Sweetser, M. F. Claude Lorraine. 17559 Gemini. (No name ser.) 17627 Gemma ; by T. A. TroUope. 7136 Gems. Croly, G. Gems fr. the antique ; etchings by R. Dag- ley. {I7i his poet, works.) *I — Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones; pop. acct. of gems; gem cutting and engrav. ; artificial product, of gems. 12115 — Westropp, H. M. Manual of precious stones and antique gems. 13824 — See also Tourmaline. Genealogy. See Families. Gen. Grant ; play ; by Anicetus. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 44.) 11832 Generals. Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis- ting. generals. 6570 Generalship ; or, How I managed my husband ; by G. Roy. 13495 Generation. Weismann, A. Studies in the theory of descent ; tr. and ed., with notes by R. Meldola. Pref. by C. Darwin. 19925 — See also Spontaneous generation. Geneva. Abbott, J. RoUo's tour in Europe : Geneva. 27 Geneva Award Acts. Hackett, F. W. The Geneva Award Acts ; with notes, etc. *I Genevieve, /St. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Genevieve : by A. De Lamartine. 2868 Genevieve de Brabrant ; opera bouft'e ; by t)ffenbach. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Genghis Khan. Abbott, J. History of Genghis Khan. 72 Genial showman. The ; by E. P. Kingston. 8692 G^nin, F. Introduction et notes, {hi Roland, La chanson de.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 491 Genius. Galton, F. Hereditary genius ; inq. into its laws and consequences. 9163 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius. 6001 — Schopenhauer, A. {In his Select essavs.) 20718 — Whipple, E. P. Genius. (In his Lect.) 4737 •Genlis, S. F. D. de St. A., comtesse de. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Lives.) 1584 — Souvenirs de Felicie. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 14.) 14534 — 31emoires. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., v. 15.) 14535 — Russell, W. (In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 3; Pram, lund., v. 1.) *I Genoa. Bent, J. T. Genoa ; how the republic rose and fell. 20585 — Celesia, E. Conspiracy of Gianluigi Fieschi ; or, Genoa in the 16th. cent. 10982 — Malleson, G. B. Studies fr. Genoese history. 13876 Gens de bureau, Les ; par E. Gaboriau. 14666 Gentle belle, A ; by F. C. Fisher. 19258 Gentle savage, The ; by E. King. 22811 Gentleman. Calvert, G. H. The gentleman. 1066 Gentleman beggar, The. {In Home narr.) 1197 Gentleman dancing-master, The ; comedy; by W. Wycherley. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Gentleman from Ireland ; by F. O'Brien. {Bi French's min. dr., V. 20.) 11846 Gentleman, The, of the old school ; by. G. P. R. James. 11037 Gentry, T. G. The house sparrow at home and abroad. 17871 — Life-histories of the birds of Eastern Pennsylvania. 2 v. 15990-1 Gentz, F. von. On the state of Elurope bef. and after the French revolution. 2224 — Hayvvard, A. (/« At*' Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 12305 Geoffrey de Vinsauf . See Galfridus. Geoffrey Monctou ; by S. S. Moodie. ' 3110 Geoffrey the Lollard ; by F. Eastwood. 9291 Geoffrin, M. T. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 2.) *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {bi his Monday chats.) 17345 Geoftroy, J. L. Everett, A. H. Geoffroy on French dramatic literature. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 Geoffry Hamlin, Recollections of ; by H. Kingsley. 2479 Geography. Bevan, W. L. Student's manual of mod. geog- raphy. 10664 — Bohn, H. G. Pictorial handbook of mod. geography. 2527 — Brown, R. The countries of the world ; pop. descr. of the continents, islands, people, etc., 6 v. 21379-84 — Collegiate atlas ; maps of mod. geography and hist, geography, with index. 604 — D'Anvers, N. Forms of land and water. (Sci. ladders.) 21762 — Erslev, E. Allman geograti ; Liirobok i geografl ; tredje upplagen; ombe- sorjd af J. P. Velander. 15018; 15031 — Fay, T. S. Great outline of geography ; text book and atlas. 8679 — Ferguson, J. (In his Lect.) 5038-9 — Fisher, R. S. The book of the world; acct. of republics, empires, etc. lUust. 2 v. 1474-5 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial geography of the world. 21st. ed. 2 v. 1605-6 The world and its inhabitants. 1598 — Grove, G. Geography. (Hist, prim.) 17017 — Guyot, A. Common school geogi-aphv. 8683 — Hunt, F. W. Practical class book of the hist, of the world. (J. H. Col- ton's Hist, atlas.) 6385 — Johnston, A. K. Physical, hist., polit., and descr. geography. 19865 — Johonnot, J. Geographical reader. 21769 — LavalK'C, H. Phvsical, hist., and militarv geographv ; ed. with add., etc., by Capt. Lendy. * ' 9346 ■^ Malte-Brun, C. Universal geography. 6 v. 2870-5 492 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Mason, C. M. Geographical readers for elementary schools. 2 v. 21185-6 — Ritter, K. Geographical studies; tr. by W. L. Gage. 5594 — Scribner's geographical reader and primer; (based upon Guyot's In- trod., etc.) 21619 — Strabo. Geography; tr., with notes, by H. C. Hamilton and W. Fal- coner. 3 V. 11^6-1 — What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage in the ship " Beagle." 19056 — See also Ancient geography ;— Bible geography ;— Physical geography ;— Geographical readers. Also Discoveries. Geological time. See Geology. Geology. Agassiz, L. J. R. Geological sketches. 2 ser. 6269 ; 15401 — Andrews, E. B. Elementarv geology. 18248 — Ansted, D. T. The earth's history. 3102 Elementary course of geology. 1028 Elementary course of geology, mineralogy, and phvsical geography. 12479 — Bakevvell, R' Introduction to'geology ; ed! by B. Silliman. * 376 — Barbee, W. J. Phvsical and moral aspects of geologj^. 5745 — Brown, R. (7^i Ais Science for all.) 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Catlin, G. Lifted and subsided rocks of Amer., with their infl. on cur- rents and the distrib. of races. 8857 — Comstock, J. L. Elements of geology. 920 — Dana, J. D. The geological story briefly told. 13745 Manual of geology. 1238 Same ; spec, ref . to Amer. geolog. history. 12927 Text book of geology. lUust. 5586 — Darwin, C. Journal of researches into the nat. hist, and G. of countries, during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. 2 v. 1099-3100 — Dawson, J. W. The chain of life in geolog. time; origin and succession of animals and plants. . 20448 — Denton. W. Our planet; its past and future. 7592 — Davis, W. S. First book of geolo^ry. 12150 — Dawson, J. W. Story of the earth and man. 16548 — Donnelly, I. Ragnarbk; the age of fire and gravel. 22249 — Emmons, E. 3Ianual of geologv. 1392 — Figuier,.G. L. The world bef. the deluge ; tr. fr. 4th. French ed. 6218 — Fisher, O. Physics of the earth's crust. 21696 — Geikie, A. Geological sketches at home and abroad. 21972 Geologv. Illust. (Sci. prim.) 12332 Outlines of field-geology. ' 16994 Same ; 2d. ed. 19028 Rise and growth of palajozoic geologv in Britain. (In his Life of Mur- chison.) 13865 Text-book of geology. 22522 — Giberue, A. The world's foundations ; or, Geology- for beginners. 21404 — Gosse, P. H. Omphalos; attepipt to untie the geologic, knot; [geolog., chronologv, and prochronism in creation] . 13041 — Grav, A. arid Adams, C. B. Elements of geology. 5501 — Green, A. H. Physical geology. 16532 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10145 — Hitchcock, E. Elementary geology. 1927 The religion of geology and its connected sciences. 5444 — Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays. 13242 — Jukes, J. B. Student's manual of geologv. 5782 Same; ed. by A. Geikie. * 10847 — Kinahaii, G. H. Handv-book of rock names, with descr. of the rocks. 11770 — Kiugsley, C. Town geology. 11061 — Le Conte, J. Elements of geologj'. 17413 — Lee, C. A. Elements of geology.' 7171 — Lyell, C. Elements of geology.' 2777 Geological evidences of the antiq. of man. 2d. Amer. ed. 2660 — - Same ; 4th. ed. 13267 Principles of geoloav. 1st. Amer. ed. 2 v. 2778 Same: 11th. rev. ed' 2 v. 10490; 13563 Second visit to the U. S., 1845-6. 2 v. 6435-^ Student's elements of geologv. 9239 Travels in North America, 1841-2. 2 v. 2779-80 — Mantell, G. A. Medals of creation ; or. First lessons in geolog>-. 2 v. 2891-2 Wonders of geologv. 2 v. " 2894r-5 — Miller, H. Old red s'andstone. 3044 Popular geology. 3045 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 493 Testimony of the rocks ; or, Geology iu its beariugs on the two theolo- gies, natural and revealed. — Milton, J. L. The stream of life on our globe. 2d. ed. — Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. — Nicholson, H. A. Text-book of geology. — Pa^e, D. Geology for general readers ;' pop. sketches. — Phillips, J. Treatise on geology. — Phillips, J. S. (Ifi ^is Explorers', miners', and metallurgists' companion.) — Peirce, B. The cooling of the earth and the sun. {In his Ideality, etc.) — Plues, M. Geology for the million; ed. by E. Wood. — Portlock, J. E. Rudimentary treatise on o-eology. — Prestvvich, J. The past anci fut. of geology. \ln Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) — Reade, T. M. Chemical denudation in rel. to geological time. — Richardson, G. F. Introduction to geologv, etc, ; new ed., rev. and enl. by T. Wright. — Ruschenberger, W. S W. Geology: the nat. hist, of the earth's struct. (In his Elements of nat. hist., v. 2.) — Schoedler, F. (In his Book of nature.) — Southall, J. C. The recent origin of man as illust. by geology, etc. — Spencer, H. Illogical geology. (I7i his Illust., etc.)' — Tavlor, J. E. Geolosfical stories. — Tehnant, J. Geology. (In Orr, W. S. Circle of the sci.) — Wallace, A R. The oeographical distrib. of animals; study of the rel. of living and ext. faunas as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surface. 2 v. — WinchelKA. Sparks^ fr. a geologist's hammer. — See also Jamaica ;— Oxford, J5;?i^. ;— Thames River;— U. S.;— Wight, Isle of. • Also Creation ;— Development ;— Earth ; —Man ;— Mountains. — Palaeon- tology. Geometrical drawing. Binns, AY, Elementary treatise on orthographic projection. Second course of orthographic projection. — Clarke, G. S. Practical geometry and engineering drawing. — Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing. — Davies, C. Practical mathematics, with drawing and mensuration, appl. to the mechanic arts. — Mahau, D. H. Industrial drawing. — Maxton, J. Engineering drawing. — Minnitie, W. Text book of geometrical drawing. — Pigot, T. F. Geometrical and engineerinii: drawmg". (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) — Thompson, C. O. Industrial drawing. (In Amer. Soc. Sci, Assoc. Jour., 1871.) — Warren, S. E. Drafting instruments and operations : text-book. Elementary projection drawing; theory and practice. Geometry. General icorks. — Angel, H. Practical plane and solid geometry. Practical plane geometry and projection. Text and plates. 2 v. — Atkins, E. (In his Pure mathematics.) — Burchett, R. Practical geometry. — Chauvenet, W. Treatise on elementary geometry. — Davies, C. Elements of geometry and trigonometrv. with appl. iu men- suration. Elements of geometry and trigonometry ; f r. the works of Legendre ; adapt, to instruction in the IT. S. — Helmholtz, H. L. F. On the origin and signiticance of geometrical axioms. (In his Pop. lect. etc., ser. 2.) ,— Hill, G. A. Geometry for beginners. '— Hill, T. First lessons' in geometrv. — Jardine, A. (In Orr. W. S. Circ. of the sci.) — Xewcomb, S. Elements of geometry. — Sergeant, L. (In his Elementarv mathematics.) — Spencer, W. G. Inventional geometrv. — Smith, W. The child's practical geometrv. — Tarn, E. W. Practical geometry. — Todhunter, I. Treatise on plane co-ordinate geometrv as appl. to the straight line and the conic sections. 7253 11122 11045 9832 6524 3454 16602 20554 5665 3237 12994 19670 3647 3723 3799 17244 5623 11769 5187 15957-8 21265 16545 16546 14379 12615 19067 *I 9854 3075 17679 15733 22491 20292 12596 20102-3 12598 16988 11019 19063 19064 20368 20475 18319 5191 20875 12628 17085 11137 11126 8545 494 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Analytic geometry. — Church, A. E. Elements of analytical geometry. — Davles, C. Elements of analytical geometry. — Howison, G. H. Treatise on analytic geometry, espec. as appi. to the properties of conies. — Peck, W. G. Treatise on analytical geometry. — Salmon, G. Treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions. — Todhunter, I. Examples of analytical geometry of three dimensions. Descriptive geometry. — Church, A. E. Elements of descr. geometry, with plates. — Mahan, D. H. Descriptive geometry, as appl. to the drawing of fortifi- cations and stereotomy. — Warren, S. E. Elements of descrip. geometry; text and plates. 2 v. Geometry and faith ; frag, suppl. to the 9th. Bridgewater treatise ; by T. Hill. George II. of England. Oliphant, M. O. W. Historical sketches of the reign of G. George III. of England. Bissett, R. History of the reign of G. [1760-1801]. 3 V. " 416 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) Lives of philosophers and statesmen in the time of G. (In his "Works, V. 1, 3-5.) — Fitzgerald, P. The royal dukes and princesses of the f amilv of G. ; view of court life, 1760-1830. 2 v. — Grenville, R. P. T. N. B. C. Memoirs of the court and cabinet of G. 4 v. — Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox; the opposition under George III. — Scott, W. (In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) — Smith, E. The story of the Eng. Jacobins ; acct. of the persons impl. in the charges of High Treason, 1794. — Thackeray, W. M. George III. (Little class., v. 18.) — Wraxall, N. W. (In his Posthumous memoirs of his own time.) George IV. of England. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526; Statesmen of the time of George III. and IV. (In his Works, v. 3-5.) — Croly, G. Life and times of G. — Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs ; journal of George lY., and William IV. Journal of the reigns of George IV., and William IV. ; by H. Reeve, v. 1. George, A. Annals of the Queens of Spain, v. 2. Isabel the Catholic. 19062 13046 17974 12920 8544 8681 16122 20291 13373 8132 -18 526 *I 22668-9 *I 12771 3838 20782 20167 4874 8814 *I 1025 13441 13402 5057 21624 19528 George, H. The Irish land question. — Progress and poverty ; inc^. into the cause of indust. depressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth; the remedy. George, W. C. A year abroad ; or. Sketches of "travel in Gt. Britain, France, and Switzerland. ' 2225 George at the wheel ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 21159 George Bardwell ; tragedy ; by Lillo. {Li Mod. stand, dr., v. 11.) 11813 George Dandin ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 5.) 14608 — Same. (In his Dram., works, v. 2.) 16844 George de Barnwell ; by W. M. Thackeray. (Treas. trove ser., V. 2.) 14267 George Geith of Fen Court ; by F. G. Trafford [Mrs. J. H. Riddell]. 5900 George in camp ; by C. A. Fosdick. 19321 George, Lake. Stoddard, S. R. Lake George, illustrated. *I George Milbank ; by S. S. Ellis. (In her Chap, on wines.) 1366 George Ready ; by R. O'Liucoln. 2674 George Ross, the Scotch agent ; by H. Miller. {In his Tales, etc.) 2557 George Silverman's explanation ; by C. Dickens. {In his Mys- tery of E. Drood, etc.) 8624 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 495 George Vanbrugh's mistake ; by H. B. Pritchard. 22741 Georges. Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges. 4405 — Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges. 8707 Georges et Georgette ; com^die ; par E. Abraham. (In Le- gouv^, J. W. E. G. The.4tre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 George's enemies; by A. R. Hope. [R. H. Moncrieff]. 14152 Georgia. Description. — Andrews, S. The South since the war. 6345 — Kemble, F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, 1838-9. *I — Nordhoff, C. Georgia in 1875. (In his Cotton states.) 15398 History. — Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H. Georgia. 240 — Avery, I. W. History of G., 1850-81 ; with portraits. *I Georgia, Queen of. Watson, H. C. (In his Her. women.) 4676 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. Thomson, K., and J. C. (In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Georgians, The ; by Mrs. E. H. Hammond. 20649 Georgie's wooer; by Mrs. L. Adams. 17704 Gerald Aymer's loves. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) 7223 Gerald Fitzgerald ; by C. J. Lever. 12420 Gerald Marsdale ; by Mrs. S. Cary. 12484 Geraldine ; souvenir of the St. Lawrence ; [poem]. 20887 Geraldine and her suitors ; by M. C. M. Simpson. 22055 Geraldine Hawthorne ; by B. M. Butt. 22617 Gerando, J. M. de, le haron. Everett, A. H. De Gerando's History of philosophy. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 Gerard, E. D. Reata ; what's in a name. 19760 Gerard, M. A. See Saint-Amant. Gerard's marriage ; by A. Theuriet. 17172 Gei-auld, C. A. Bacon, H. Memoir of Mrs. Gerauld. 285 Gerbet, O. P., Vahbe. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans. lund.,v. 6.) *I Gerhardt, P. Gedichte ; hrsg. v. K. Goedeke. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16474 Germ theory of disease. See Pathology. Germain barbe-bleu ; par H. De La Madelene. (In his Contes Comtadins.) 9517 Germaine ; by E. About. * ' 84 German, The ; how to give it, how to lead it, how to dance it. 18289 German archives, Curiosities of ; by A. Hayward. (In his Biog. and crit. ess., ser. 3.) 12266 German classics. See Buchheim, C. A. German classics for American students. See Hart, J. M. German element in war of Amer. independence ; by G. W. Greene. 15344 German emigrants. The, Recreations of ; by Goethe. (In his Novels, etc.) 1556 German fairy tales. See Germany. Literature. German home life ; repr. fr. Eraser's Magazine. 2d. ed. 16635 •German journalism ; essay ; by J. L. Spalding. (In his Ess., e^c.) 18575 German national cookery 'for Eng. kitchens. 12216 German Philosophic Classics. See Morris, G. S. 496 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. German principia, The, on the plan of Dr. Smith's " Principia Latina." 2 pts. 19006-7 Contents, Pt. 1. A first German course ; grammar, delectus, exercise- book, etc. S. A first Germ, reading book; anecdotes, tables, nat. hist., German hist., etc., with dictionary. German romance ; by T. Carlyle. See Germany. Fiction. German tales ; by B. Auerbach. 7889 Germanicus Caesar. Aratea phsenomena. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 6.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8364 Germany. Art. — Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in G. {In his Contemp. art in Europe.) *I Biog7'a2)hp. — Tuttle, H. German political leaders. 13830 — For lives of German authors, see Germany. Liteimture. History. Description. — Andersen, H. C. A poet's bazaar. 158 — Brace, C. L. Home life in Germany. 469 — Breckenridge, R. J. {In his Memoranda of foreign travel.) 472 — Browne, J. R. An American family in Germanv. 6508 — Buflfum, E. G. {In his Sights and sensations, etc.) 8008 — Chetwynd, 3/rs. H. W. Life in a German village. 19703 — Chorley, H. F. Music and manners in Fr. and Germanv. 3 v. *I — Cuyler, T. {In his From the :S^ile to Norway.) ' 21153 — Germany. {In Rapid transit abroad.) ' ' 18585 — Gould, S. B. Germany, present and past. 21386 — Green, S. G. Pictures"^ fr. the German father-land drawn with pen and pencil. *I — Guild, C. Abroad again. 16945 — Haeseler, C. H. {Bi his Across the Atlantic.) 7590 — Hale, E. E., and S. {In their Family flight thr. France, etc.) 21076 — Haven, G. {Bi his Pilgrim's wallet.) 6156 — Head, F. B. Life in Germany. 1821 — Howitt, W. German experie'nces. 2038 — Hurst, J. F. Life and literature in the father-land. 13243 — Jameson, A. {I7i her Sketches.) 2329 — Johnson, A. C. Peasant life in Germanv. 2366 — McLellan, H. B. (In his Journal of residence in Scotland, etc.) 2846 — Mansfield, R. B. {In his Log of the Water Lily.) 12202 — Narjoux, F. (In his Notes and sketches of an architect.) 17145 — Nasr-ed-Din, mah of Persia. {In his Diary, 1878.) 20968 — Ruggles, H. Germany seen without spectacles ; random sketches. 22948 — Sketches of Germany and the Germans, etc., 1834^6. 2317 — Stael Holstein, A. L. G. de. Germany. 2 v. 1166-7 — Stowe, H. B. {In her Sunny memories, v. 2.) 4271 — Urbino, 3Irs. S. R. {Li /. of liberty. — True manhootl.— The pulpit.— Patriotism.— Eiconomies.-Mu- sic- The young nuisician. — A day m Springtield. — Chatterton. — Carlyle. — Savage and Dermody. — Lectures and essavs' on Irish and other subjects. 7850 Contents. Spirit of Irish history.— Ireland and the Irish in 1848.— D. O'Connell. — Curran. — Irish emigration. — Irish bom citizens. — Irish char- acter, mental and moral.— Irish soc. character.- Gerald GritHn.- Dr. Doyle. — Goldsmith. — Catholic art and protestant cultun*. — The cost of war.- Wit and humor in S' of lit. portr.) 2265 — A third gallt-rv of portraits. * 2257 Content!<. f'rencli revolutionists. — Sacred authors. — New poets. — Moil- eru critics.- Miscellaneous sketches. Gilks, T. Art of wood engraving. . 10736 Gill, Mrs. — . Six months in Ascension ; unscientific acct. of a scientific expedition. Map. 18441 Gill, A. and Richard, G. Un caissier; com^die. {In Say- n^tes, e^c, s6r. 6.) 14796 Gill, C. H. Sugar refining. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Gill, J. Systems of education ; hist, and crit. of principles, methods, etc. 20801 Gill, T. Natural science. (h\ Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 Gill, W. F. Home recreations. 13325 — Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. 9590 Gill, W. W. Life in the Southern isles ; or. Scenes and inci- dents in the So. Pacific, and New Guinea. 16827 — Myths and songs from the So. Pacific ; pref . by F. M. Muller. 16531 Gillespie, E. Prayer answered in cases recorded in the Old Testament. 2259 Gillespie, T. Tales. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 1, 3-9.) 8041 ; 1843-9 Gillespie, W. M. Manual of the^ princ. and pract. of road- making and railroads. 10th.* ed. ; ed. by C. Staley. 16925 — Treatise on land surveying. 9634 — Treatise on levelling, topography, and higher surveying. 11098 Gillet, J. A. and Riolfe, W. J. The heavens above; hand- book of astronomy ; plates and engr. 21889 504 FRY.E PUBLIC LIBKAKY. Gillet, R. H. Democracy in the United States. 7444 Gillett, E. H. Life and times of J. Huss. 2 v. 6179-80 — Same. 3d. ed. 2 v. 9217-18 Gillies, J. History of anc. Greece, its colonies and conquests. 2260 — Same \ another copy. 4 v. 5043-6 — Memoirs of G. Whitefleld; rev., with add. Introd. by C.E. Stowe; app. Collect, of his sermons, etc. ' 2261 Gillies, R. P. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 15328 Gillmore, P. (pseud. ''Ubique.") Accessible field sports; ex- periences of a sportsman in No. America. 12922 — The great thirst land; ride through Natal, Orange, Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. ^ 17808 — Gun, rod, and saddle. 7623 — Prairie and forest; descr. of the game of No. America, with pers. adv. 17002 — Travel, war, and shipwreck. 19251 Gillmore, Q. A. Compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorp. of building stones in the U. S. 15485 — Practical treat, on coiguet-b^ton. and other artificial stone. 16486 — Practical treat, on limes, hydraulic cements, and mortars. 8776 — Practical treat, on roads, streets, and pavements. 16036 Gilly, W. S. Memoirs of Felix Neff ; fr. the London ed., with notes. 2262 Gilman, A. First steps in English literature. 8682 — First steps in general history. 12494 — Seven historic ages ; or, Talks nbout kings, queens, and barbarians. 7259 Contents. — Golden age of Greece. — Golden age of Rome. — The dark ages.— Age of Leo 10th.— Age of Charles 6th.— Golden age of England.— Golden age of France. — Magna Charta stories. Tllust. 21890 Contents. McKenzie, H. D. S. The great paper.— Harris, A. B. Ho- ratius at the bridge. — Blake, M. A. Successful secession. — Gilman, A. Miltiades at Marathon ; In the German woods long ago ; Out of the dark. — Champney, L. W. Two immortal names. — ^oolsey, S. C. At the toe of the big boot.— Sherwood, J/rs. M. E. W. Triumph of an , idea.— Dawes, A. L. The Hammer of the Gentiles.— Lathrop, R. H. The barbarian's overthrow.— Catherwood, M. H. The Hammer of the Sara- cens. — Shakespeare's morals; suggestive select., with collateral readings and scrip, references. 19335 — and others. Poets' homes; pen and pencil sk. of Amer. poets and their homes. [2d. ser.l . 19289 Contents. O. vV. Holmes.— Walt Whitman.— Joaquin Miller.— E. S. Phelps.— W. C. Brvant.— Nora Perrv.— R. W. Emerson.— P. H. Havne.— J. B. O'Reilly.— Dr. S. F. Smith. Note. For 1st. ser. of Poets' homes see Stoddard, R. H. Gilman, C. (H.) Recollections of a New Eng. bride, and a Southern matron. 2263 — and Jervey, C. H. Stories and poems, by mother and daughter. 11013 Gilman, D. C. James Monroe, in his rel. to the pub. service. (Amer. statesmen.) 22725 Gilpian, M. My ten-rod farm ; or, How I became a florist. 7753 Gilman, S. Contributions to literature; descr., crit., humor- ous, biog., philosophical, and poetical. 2264 — Memoirs of a New Eng. village choir ; by a member. 5110 Gilmore, J. H. The English lang., and its early literature. 19336 — Outlines of the art of expression. 3d. ed. 21825 Gilmore, J. T. Yellow Fever in Mobile and vicin., 1873. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Gilmore, J. R. (pseud. E. Kirke.) Among the pines. 2370 — Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Richmond. 5711 — My southern friends. 4074 Gilmore, J. Storm warriors ; or. Life-boat work on the Good- win sands. 12265 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. • 505 Gilmore, P. S. History of the national peace jubilee and great musical festival, Boston, 1869. 10023 Gindriez, C. and Hart, J. M. International exhibitions. (At- las ser.) 18311 Contents. Gindriez, C. Paris International Exhibition.— Hart, J. M. Vienna and the Centennial. Ginevra. Ritchie, A. C. O. M. {In her Italian life.) 9027 Ginsburg, CD. The Essenes ; their hist, and doctrine. *I Ginx's baby ; by E. Jenkins. 9269 Giorgione {called Barbarelli.) Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Giotto fully Ambrogiotto di Boudone. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 — Oliphant, M. (O. W.) {In her Makers of Florence.) I* — Quilter, H. Giotto. (Illust. biog. of the gt. art.) 21391 Gipsies. See Gypsies. Gipsy, The ; by G. P. R. James. 5717 Gipsy king, A. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Girac, E. Appendix and notes. {In Marx, A. B. Theory and pract. of musical comp.) 2952 Giraffe hunters. The ; by M. Reid. 7653 Girard, S. McCabe, J.D. (/« to Great fortunes.) 8983 — Parton, J. Girard and his college. {In his Famous Americans.) 6677 — Sketch of G. {In Famous boys.) 7707 Girard College. Lieber, F. Suggestions for Girard C. {In his Misc. writ., v. 2.) 20135 — See also Girard, S. Giralda, on, La nouvelle Psych^ ; par E. Scribe. {In his Oeuvres, s6r. 4, v. 14.) ♦! Girardin, Mme. D. G. Clockmaker's hat. {In French's min. dr.,v. 9.) . 11840 — La joie fait peur ; comMie. (In Bdcher, F. Coll. ser. of French plays, v. 1.) 9419 — Parisian letters ; tr. by L. W illard. 738 — Stories of an old maid; tr. by A. Elwes. 4260 Contents. Noemi.— The isfe of cooks. — The metamorphosis.— Mr. Mar- tin de Montmartre.— Mons. de Philomela. — The fairy Grignotte. — La dause, u'est pas ee ciue j'aime.— The tlyinj; dog.— The palace of vanity. — Gautier, T. and others. {In their Famous French authors.) 19026 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans. Lund., v. 3.) *I Girardin. E. de. Castelar, E. {In his Life of Lord Byron, etc.) 15338 — Gautier, T., Sandeau, J., and M^rv, J. Cross of Berny; or, Irene's lovers. ' 8746 — Sainte-Beuve. C. A. (/;* his Nouv. lund., v. 7.) *I Girardin, J. Lemons de chimie elim^ntaire appliqu^e aux arts industriels. 5 v.) 9429-33 Girardin, M. called Saint-Marc. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 1.) *I Giraudeau, F. {jpseud. Andr6 Raibaud). Tout chemin mene ^ Rome ; com^die. {In Legouv^, G. J. B. E. W. Theatre de camp., ser. 5.) 14500 Girding on the armor; by [S. C. Robbins]. 7389 Girdlestone, R. B. The metaphorical lang. appl. to God in the Old Testament. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520 Girl, The, he married; by J. Grant. 8658 Girls. Brackett, A. C. The education of Amer. girls. 12327 — Lewis, D. Our girls. 13033 — Kuskin, J. Letters to young girls. - 19129 — Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. 17639 33 506 free' public library. — See also Domestic economy ; — Domestic education ; — Woman. Girl's own treasury : for amasement and instruction. Illust. 9029 Girondists. Lamartine, A. de. History of the G. ; tr. by H. T. Ryde. 3 v. 2536-8 Girtiu, T. Wedmore, F. {In A*s Stud, in Eng. Art.) 16860 Gisippus ; tragedy; by G. Griffin, (/w ^is Works.) 5408 Same. {In Mod. stand, dram., v. 9.) 11811 Gisli's saga. Story of Gisli, the Outlaw ; from the Icelandic ; by G. W. Dasent. Illust. *I Gisors, L. M. due de. See P'ouquet. Giulio Malatesta ; by T. A. Trollope. 636 Glaicers. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) American glaciers. {In Tri- bune pop. sci.) *I Geological sketches. 2 ser. 6269 ; 15401 — Barrett, W. F. Glaciers: How Glaciers move. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) * 20446 — Baum, A. The glacial epoch of our globe, (/w Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Ice "and glaciers. {In his Pop. lect.) 11772 — Hitchcock, C. H. Existence of glac. act. upon Mt. Washington. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Tyndall, J. Glaciers of the Alps. 4556 Glad tidings ; sermons, etc. ; by D. L. Moody. 15820 Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living. 7490 — Was Brouson Alcott's school a type of God's moral government? rev. of J. Cook's theorv of the atonement. 17271 Gladiators, The ; by G. J. W. Mellville. 18542 Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday. 10997 — Miracles as credentials of a revelation. [In Chr. Evid. Soc. Pop.obj., etc.) 12520 — Points of supposed collision bet. the Script.' and nat. science. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Spelling reform, fr. an educational point of view. 17944 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, 1843-1878. 7 v. 18528-31; 18623-4; 18861 Contents. V. 1. The throne and the Prince Consort; the cabinet and constitution. 2, Personal and literarv. 3. Historical and speculative. 4. Foreign. 5-6. Ecclesiastical, ^i Miscellaneous. — Homer. (Lit. prim.) 17964 — Homeric synchronism ; enq. into the time and place of Homer. 16037 — Juventus mundi, the gods and men of the heroic age. 7887 — Montenegro, a sketch, {In Burlineame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17646 — Preface. {In Mackenzie, G. M. and Irbv, A. P. Trav. in the Slav. prov.. etc.) ' 17237 — Preface. {In Schliemann, H. Mycenas.) • *I — The might of right; fr. the writings of G. ; bv E. E. Brown. Introd. bv J. D. Long. (Spare min. ser.) * ' 22580 — The state in its relations vmn the church. 2 v. . *I — The Vatican decrees in their bear, on civ. allegiance. With the replies of Archbishop Manning and Lord Acton. *I — Vaticanism ; answer to reproofs and replies. *I — Archer, T. W. E. Gladstone and his contemporaries. 3 v. *I — Bagehot, W. (7?i ^I's Biog. studies.) 20441 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Jones, C. H. Short life of G. ;' with extr. fr. his speeches and writings. 19803 — McCarthy, J. The liberal triumvirate of England. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Macaulay, T. B. Gladstone on Church and state. {In his Crit. and hist. ess.) 20133 — McGilchrist, J. Life of Gladstone. 7693 — Mr. Gladstone and the Greek question. (Dipl. sketches, 3.) ' 19137 — Newman, J. H. Letters to the Duke of Norfolk on Gladstone's rec. ex- postulation. *1 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of Gladstone. {In Polit. portr.) 11693 — Towle, G. M. {In his Certain men of mark.) 20075 — See also Fessler, J. True and false Infallibility of the popes. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 507 Glaisher, J. Philosophical instruments and processes, as repr. in the Great Exhibition. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc.. lect.) 4735 — Flammarion, C, Fouvielle, TT. de, and Tissaudier, G. Travels in the air. *I Glaister, E. Needlework. Illust. (Art at Home ser.) 19534 Glance at New York; drama. (J7iMod. stand, dr., v. 27.) 11823 Glanvill, J. TuUoch, J. {In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Glasgow. Black, A. and C. Guide to G. and its environs. *I — Doran, J. (/w A is Mem. of our great towns.) 17803 Glass. Barif, F. 8. Glass and silicates. 15471 — Bevan, G. P. Industrial classes and industrial statistics. 16804 — Glass; cast, cut, and enjrraved. (In Antetix papers.) 14186 — Jewitt, L. (In his Hf.-hrs. anig. Eng. aiitiq.) 16829 — Nesbitt, A. Glass. (So. Kensinsrton Mus. Art. hd.-bks.) •! — Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. ^ 8383 — Simmonds, P. L. The glass manufacture. (In his Sci. and commerce.) 18644 Glass Painting. Fromberg, E. O. Essay on the art. 2182 — Hancock, E. C. Amateur ijottery and glass painter. 21563 Glazier, L. History of Gardner, Mass., 1785-1860. 1576 Glazier, W. Battles for the Union. 13444 Gleanings of past years, by W. E. Gladstone. 7 v. 18528-31 ; 18623-4 ; 18861 Gleig, G. R. The country curate. 1536 — History of the Bible. 2 v. , * 5047-8 — Life of Robert, tlrst Lord Clive. 12889 — The li^ht dragoon. 2281 — Memoirs of Warren Hastings. 3 v. 2267-9 — A subaltern in America; campaigns of the Brit, armv at Baltimore, etc.y 1814-15. ^ ' 4299 Glen of the echoes ; by H. Martiueau. 2936 Glen Roy. Tyndall, .J. Parallel roads of Glen Roy. {In his Frag., V. 1.) 19303 Glencairn ; dramatic story ; by W. Chambers. {In his Stor. of remark, persons.) 18069 Glencoe ; tragedy ; by T. N. Talfourd. {In his Tragedies, etp.) 5870 Glengall, Earl of. See Butler, R. Glenn, J. Cousin Paul. 7469 Glennie, J. S. S. Pilgrim memories ; travel and disc, in the bii'th-countries of Christianity with H. T. Buckle. 15363 Contents. Egypt. — Sinai. — Idumaea. — Palestine. — Lebanon. — Add. pers. details concern. Buckle. Glide. Oliver, J. Wreck of the Glide, etc, 4875 Glimpse of the world ; by [P3. M. Sewell]. 5573 Glimpses of Nineveh, B. C. 690. 3260 Glimpses of the Dark Ages ; or. Sketches of the soc. cond. of Europe, 5th. -12th. cent. 2d. ed. 1537 Glimpses thr. the cannon-smoke; sketches; by A. Forbes. 20051 Glisan, R. Journal of army life. 13432 Glo'du^ pseud. Breech-loaders. 11984 Gloria; by B. P. Galdos. 2 v. 22612-13 Glossology. See Language. Gloucester, Bp of. See EUicott, C. J. Gloucester, Duchess of. See Mary, Duchess of Gloucester. Gloucester, Eng. Marshall, E. Memories of troublous times. 20095 Gloucestershire. Black, A. and C. Guide to Gloucestershire. *I 508 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Glouvet, J. de. Le berger. Glover, C. H. Vernon Grove. Glover, S. E. Cradle of liberty. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) Gloverson and his silent partners ; by R. Keeler. Gluck, C. W. von. Iphig^nie en Aulide. — Iphig^nie en Tauride. — Orpheus; with orig. words, and Eng. paraphrase, by H. F. Chorley; ed. by C. Hall^. — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Germ, compos.) Glucose. See Sugar. Gluemer, C von. The Frau domina. — A noble name ; or, Donninghausen ; tr. bv Mrs. Wister. — Reich zu reich und arm zii arm. (DeutscterNovellenschatz.) Glum, Viga. Viga Glum's saga ; fr. the Icelandic, with notes and introd. byE. Head. Glut in the fiction market. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) Glycerine, uses. Gneist, R. Gnosticism. Hartshorne, H. Monograph on glycerin and its {In Saynetes, etc., Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) Harris, W. T. Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) — Mansel, H. L. Gnostic heresies of the 1st. and 2d. cent. Go ahead;' by Harry Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. Go up higher ; or, Relig. in common life ; by J. F. Clarke. Goadby, E. The England of Shakespeare. Gobineau, J. A., comte de. Nouvelles Asiatiques. Contents. La danseuse de Shamakha. — L'illustre magician. — Histoire de Gamber-Aly.— La guerre des Turcomans.— Lesamants de Kandahar.— La vie de voyage. — Same; Romances of the East. (Coll. of for. authors.) — Les Pleiades. Goblet, The ; by Tieck. {In Carlyle, T. Tales, etc, v. 2.) Goblins. Sikes, W. I^ritish goblins ; Welsh folk-lore ; fairy mythology, legends, and traditions. Goby, E. La petite marieuse ; fantaisie ser. 6.) God. Arnold, M. God and the Bible. — Brooke, C. Evidence alford. bv the order and adapt, in nat. to the exist. of a God. {In Chr. Evid., Soc. Faith, etc.) — Burr, E. F. Pater Mundi ; or. Mod. sci. testifying to the Heavenly Father. — Chadwick, J. W. Idea of God. {In Institute ess.) — Faber, F. W. The Creator and the creature. Same; 5th. Amer. ed. — Hedge, F. H. Critique of proofs of the being of God ; The God of relig. ; or. The human God. {In his Ways of the spirit.) — James, H. God. {In his Lect. etc.) — King, T. S. Idea of God and truths of Christianity. {In his Patriotism.) — Leonard, W. Discourse on inspiration and revelation, etc. — Manning, H. E. Fourfold sovereigntj' of God. — Martineau, J. Ideal substitutes for God. — Mulford, E. The republic of God ; an institute of theology. — Peabody, A. P, God. {In Unitarian affirmations.) — Read, H. The palace of the Great King; or, The power, wisdom, and goodness of God, illust. in his works. — Savage, M. J. Belief in God ; examination of problems. Talks about God. {In his Sermons, v. 2.) — Stewart, S. J. {In his Gospel of law.) — See also Anthropomorphism ;— Nature. God and the man ; romance ; by R. Buchanan. God with men ; or. Footprints of providential leaders ; by S. Osgood. 14716 1539 11829 7600 *I *I *I 18050 16670 22148 16165 15848 6992 13112 13830 22506 13627 7560 17331 21508 14480 1739S 9572 13122 20033 14796 15322 15879 8432 19811 8926 5921 17367 2321 5721 5113 9884 19294 20480 18586 3602 20282 22508 22178 21501 3303 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 509 God with us ; by A. Hovey. 9935 Goddard, J. Wonderful stor. fr. Northern lands ; introd. by G. W. Cox. Illust. 10693 Goddard, S. P. Buds, briers, and berries ; [poems]. *I Godfrey, E. K. The island of Nantucket ; what it was. and what it is. , *I Godfrey, Mrs. G. W. Unspotted from the world. ' 22726 Godkin, E. L. Legislation and soc. science. {In Amer. Soc. 8ci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Godkin, G. 8. Life of Victor Emmanuel II. 2 v. 19291-2 Godolphin ; by [E. Bulwer Lj^ton]. 586 God's word thr. preaching ; lect. ; by J. Hall. 13655 Godson, The, of a marquis ; by A. Theuriet. 17792 Godwie-Castle ; [v. A. von Paalzow]. 3 v. 10352-4 Godwin, Mary W. Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Godwin, P. Biography of W. C. Bryant ; with extr. fr. his correspondence. 2 v. 22763-4 — History of France, v. 1. Ancient Gaul. 1540 Godwin, W. Adventures of Caleb Williams. 6700 — The enquirer; reflections on education, manners, and literature. 1543 — St. Leon. 1544 — De Quincev, T. (In his Lit. remin., v. 1.) 1153 — Gilfillan, G. (I7i his Sketches, etc.) 2256 — Paul, C. K. Godwin; his friends and contemporaries. 2 v. 15446-7 — Talfourd, T. N. (Ifi his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Goedeke, K. Goethes Leben und Schriften. 16523 — a7id Tittmann, J. • Deutsche Dichter des 16 Jahrh. v. 1-17. 16355-69 Contents. V. 1. Goedeke. K. und Tittmann. J. Liederbuch. 2, 3. Tittmann, J. Schauspiele. 2 v. 4-6. Goedeke, K. Dichtungen von Hans Sachs. 3 v. 7. Goedeke, K. Das Narrenschiff von Sebastian Brant. 8, 9. Goedeke, K. Froschraenseler von Georg RoUenhagen. 2 V. 10. Goedeke, K. Teuerdank. 11. Goedeke. K. Die Xarrenbesch- w^orung von Thomas Murner. 12. Goedeke, K. Schwiinke. 13. Goedeke. K. u. Tittman, J. Deutsche Dichter, etc. Die Schauspiele der Englischen Komodianten in Deutschland. 14. Die Schauspiele des Her- zogs H. J. von Braunschweig. 15. Dichtungen v. J. Fischart, genannt Menzer. 16, 17. Waldis, B. Esopus. Deutsche Dichter des 17 Jahrh, v. 1-14. 16463-76 Contents. \. 1. Opitz, M. Ausgewjihlte Dichtungen. 2. Flem- ing, P. Gedichte. 3. Logan, F. von. Sinngedichte. 4. Gryphius. A. Dramatische Dichtun^m. 5. Weckherliri, G. R. Gedichte. 6.' Guen- ther, J. C. Gedichte. 7, 8. Grimmelshausen, - H. J. C. von. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus. 9. Dach, S. Gedichte. 10, 11. Grim- melshausen, H. J. C. von. Simplicianische Schriften. 12. Gerhardt, P. Gedichte. 13. Spe, F. Trutz-Nachtigal. 14. Gryphius. A. Lyrische Gedichte. Georgei, A. My life and acts in Hungary. 1615 Goerlach, William. Prince Bismarck ; biog. sk. ; fr. the Ger- man ; by M. E. von Gleghu. 14036 Goethe, C. E. Goethe's mother ; Correspondence of C. E. Goethe with Goethe, Lavater, Wieland, and others ; fr. the Germ., with add. of biog. sk., etc. ; by A. S. Gibbs. Introd. by C. Cook. 21171 Goethe, J. W. von. Ausgewahlte Werke. 36 v. in 18. *I Contents. V. 1. Lieder.— Aus Wilhelm Meister.— Balladen.— Antiker Form sich njihernd. — Ele^ien.— Episteln.— Epigramme — Weissagungen des Bakis.— Yier .Jahreszeiten. 2. Sonette.— Yermischte Gedichte.— Kunst. — Parabolisch. — Epigraramatiseh . — Politica. — Gott und Welt. — Ehinesisch-Deutsclie Jahres-und Tages-Zeiten. — Aus fremden Sprachen. — Noten. 3. Hermann und Dorothea.— Achilleis.—Reineke Fuchs. 4. Gotz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand.— Egmont. — Clavigo. 5. 510 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Faust. 6. Iphigenie auf Tauris. — Torquato Tasso. — Die natiirliche Tochter.— Elpenor. 7. Leiden des jungen Werthers.— Brief e aus der Schweiz.— Brief eines Landgeistlichen. — Zwo biblische Fragen.— Die WalilAerwandtschaften. 8, 9. Welhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, 10. Welhelm Meisters Wanderjahre.— Reise der Sohne Megaprazons.— Die guten Weiber.— Novelle. 11, 12. Aus meinem Leben.— Wahrlieit und Dichtung. 13. Spriiche in Reimen.— Spriiclie in Prosa.— Ethisclies. 14. West-ostlicher Divan. 15. Loge.— Festgedichte.— An Personen.— Invectiven.— Gedichte zu Bildern.— Maskenziige.— Im Namen der Biir- gerschaft von Carlsbad.— Einzelne Seenen zu festlichen Gelegenheiten.— Theaterreden. 16. Die Laune des Verliebten.— Die Mitschuldigen.— Das Jahrmarktsfest zu Plundersweilern.— Das Neueste von Plunders- weilern.— Ein Fastnachtspiel.— Satyros.— Bahrdt.— Gotter, Helden, und Wieland.— Prometheus.— KiinstlersErdewallen.— KiinstlersApotheose.— Triumph der Empfind-samkeit.— Die Vogel. 17. Claudine von Villa Bella. — Erwin und Elmire. — Jeri und Bateli. — Lila.— Die Fischerin.— Scherz, List und Rache.— Die ungleichen Hausgenossen.— Zauberflote, Zweiter Theil.-Cantaten. 18. Stella.— Die Gesehwister.— Der Gross- Cophta.— Der Biirgergeneral.- -Die Aufgeregten.— Des Epimenides Er- w^achen.- Pandora. 19. Italianische Reise. 20. Italien.— Ueberltalien. 21. Campagne in Frankreich. — Belagerung von Mainz.— Unterhaltungen Deutscher Ausgewanderten. 22. Schweizerreise, 1797.— Reise am Rhein^ Main und Neckar, 1814-15. 23. Annalen oder Tag-und Jahreshefte, 1749-1822.— Biographische Einzelnheiten. 24. Cellini. 25. Cellini.— Rameaus Neffe.— Anmerkungen. — Naehtriigliches zu Rameaus Nefle.— Diderots Versuch iiber die Malerei. 26. Winckelmann.— Hackert.- - Enleitung in die PropylJien.— Ueber Laokoon.— Der Sammler und die Seinigen.— Ueber Wahrheit und Wahrseheinlichkeit der Kunstwerke.— Philostrats Gemiilde.- Antik und modern.— Nachtriigliches zu Philostrats Gemiilden. 27. Ferneres iiber Kunst. 28. Deutsche Literatur. 29. Ausvviirti^'e Literatur und Volkspoesie. 30. Gottfried von Berlichin- gen.— Iphigenie in Prosa.— Erwin und Elmire in der friihesten Gestalt.— Claudine von Villa Bella, desgl. — Zwei iiltere Seenen aus dem Jahrmarkts- fest zu Plundersweilern. — Hanswursts Hochzeit. — Paralipomena zu Faust. — Zwei Teufelchen und Amor.— Fragmente einer Tragodie. — Die natiirliche Tochter. Schema der Fortsetzung.— Pandora, desgl.— Nausikaa. 31. Gotz von Berlichingen fiir die Biihne.— Die Wette.— Mahomet. — Tancred.— Theater und dramatische Poesie. 32. Morphologic.- Beitriige zur Optik. 33,34. Zur Farbenlehre. 35. Materialien zur Geschichte der Farbenlehre. 36. Naturwissenschaftliche Einzelnheiten.— Minera- logie und Geologic.- Meteorologie.— Zur Naturwissenschaft im Allge- meinen. — Ausgewahlte Prosa. (Germ. Class, for Amer. students.) 16146 — Autobiography ; Truth and poetry f r. my life ; tr. by J. Oxenford. Also, Letters fr. Switzerland and trav. in Italy; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 2 v. ' * 1645-6 — Correspondence bet. Schiller and G., 1794-1805; tr. bv G. H. Calvert, V. 1. ' 1559 — Correspondence with a child. 175 — Dramatic works ; tr. by A. Swanwick and W. Scott. 1552 Contents. Faust.— I'phigenia in Tauris.— Torquato Tasso.— Egmont.— Goetz von Berlichingen. — Elective affinities. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11082 — Faust ; Mit Einleitung und erkliirenden Anmerkungen von G. von Loe- per. 2 V. 16350-1 — Faust ; pt. I. ; text, with Eng. notes, ess., and verse trans., by E. J. Tur- ner and E. D. A. Morshead. ' 22220 — Faust; pt. I. Introd. and notes, by J. M. Hart. (Germ, class, for Am. students.) — Faust ; tr. by A. Hayward. — Faust ; tr. bv A. Swanwick. — Faust; tr. by B. Tavlor. 2 v. — Faust; tr. bv C. H. Bowen. — Faust; tr. by C. T. Brooks. — Faust; tr. by T. Martin. — Herman and Dorothea; introd., comm., etc., by J. 31. Hart. (Germ. class, for Am. students.) — Sams ; tr. by E. Frothingham. — Iphigenie auf Tauris; introd. and notes by F. Carter; ed. by W. D. TThitney. (Whitney's Germ, texts.) — Iphigenia in Tauris ; tr." by G. J. Adler. CATALOGUE OF BOORS. 511 — Nachtrage zu Goethe's Werken; Gesamm. uiid hersg. von E. Boas. 3 V. in 2. — Naturwissenschaftliche Correspondenz, 1812-1832 ; hersg. v. F. H. Bra- tranck. 2 v. — Die neue Melusine. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) — The new Paris. {In Tales fr. the German.) — Novels and tales. Contents. Elective aflanities. — Sorrows of young Werther.— Recrea- tions of the German emigrants. — The good women. — A tale. — Poems and ballads ; tr. by W. E. Aytoun and T. Martin. — Roman elegies ; tr. into Eng. prose by L. Noa. — Torquato Tasso, ein schauspiel. — Translations fr. G. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) — Truth and poetry fr. my own life ; or, Autobiog. of G. ; ed. by P. God- win. 2 V. ' — West-easterly divan ; tr. with introd. and notes, by J. "Weiss. — Wilhelm Mefster's apprenticeship and travels ; f r. the Germ. 2 v. New ed. — Same; tr. by T. Carlyle. 3 v. — Arnold, M. A French critic on G. {In his Mixed ess.) — Austin, S. Characteristics of Goethe; fr. Falk Von Miiller, etc.; with notes illust. of Germ, literature. 3 v. — Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller ; their lives and works, inch comm. on Faust. — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1, 3.) i — De Quincey, T. {In his Biog. ess.) — Der junge Goethe ; Seine Briefe und Dichtungen, 1764r-1776. Einleitung v. M. Bernavs. 3 v. 10436-« — Eckermann, J. P. Gesprache mit Goethe, 1823-1832. 3 v. 16216-18 *I *I 16147 4347 1556 9664 16578 10429 1841 1547-8 16697 , 1557-8 13118-20 18465 269-61 18272 1149 Mit einer Same ; Conversations with G. ; tr. by S. M. Fuller. — Emerson, R. W. {In his Representative men.) — Goedeke, K. Goethes Leben und Schriften. — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men.) — Grimm, H. Goethe. Yorlesungen gehalten an der Kgl. Univ. zu Ber- lin. 2 V. in 1. Goethe's Yerhaltniss zur bildenden Kunst. {In his Zehn ausgewahlte ess.) Life and times of Goethe ; tr. by S. H. Adams. — Hayward, A. Goethe. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Goethe's scientific researches. {In his Pop. lect.) — Hosmer, J. K. {In his Hist, of Germ, lit.) — Hutton, R. H. Goethe and his influence. {In his Ess., v. 2.) — Jameson, A. Goethe and his daughter-in-law. {In her Sketches.) — Lazarus, E. Alide; an episode of Goethe's life. — Lewes, G. H. Life and works of Goethe. 2 v. Story of Goethe's life; (abgd. fr. ''Life and works of G.") — Masson, D. Shakespeare and Goethe. {In his Three devils.) — Mendelssohn-Bartholdv, K. Goethe and Mendelssohn. (1821-1831.) — Sainte-Beuve. C. A. (in his Nouv. lund., v. 3; Cans, lund., v. 2. 11.) — Scherer, E. Dante et Goethe; Goethe. {In his Etudes crit. de lit.) — Schmidt, J. Goethe und Suleika. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) — Taylor, B. {In his Studies in Germ, literature.) — and Schiller, J. C. F. von. Select minor poems; fr. the German; with notes by J. S. Dwight. Goethe and Schiller ; hist, romance ; by C. Mundt ; tr. by C. Coleman. Goetschy, G. Professeur de declamation ; pr^f-monol. (In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 1.) — Same; The professor of elocution. (Plays for priv. act.) Goetz von Berlichingen, with the iron hand ; tragedy ; Goethe. (In his Dram, works.) Gogol, N. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In Ms Prem. lund., v. Going home ; by A. R. Hope. (In his Seven stories.) Going somewhere ; by M. Quad. (In Satchel ser., v. 1.) Going South ; by W. T. Adams. 1325 1384 1592 16247 10304 by 3.) Going west ; by W. T. Adams. 17754 11772 18259 10129 2329 12343 2640-1 12021 13516 11365 *I 14600 16311 19003 1560 6981 14791 17926 1552 20275 13980 19314 15321 512 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gold. Horton, S. D. Silver and gold, and their rel. to the problem of resumption. 17632 — Phillips, J. A. The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver. *I — Smith, J. V. C. Buried millions. Where do the gold and silver go? 18286 — See also Metallurgy. Also Goldsmith's vrork. Gold and dross ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Maj^o]. 12228 Gold and name ; by M. S. Schwartz. 8862 Gold brick, The ; by A. S. Stephens. 6934 Gold-bug, The ; by E. A. Poe. {In his Tales.) 5144 — Same. (In Little class., v. 12.) 12983 Gold Elsie ; fr. the German of E. Marlitt [E. Johns]. 7506 Gold foil ; by J. G. Holland. 1950 Gold mines. See California. Gold of Chickaree, The ; by S. and A. Warner. 16592 Gold robin ; by A. Putnam. 6117 Goldammer, L. Auf Wiedersehen ! ; Eine Hochzeitnacht. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16167 Golden age. The, of New York ; by W. Irving. (Treas. trove ser., V. 1.) 14266 Golden autumn ; by T. Miller. 10576 Golden branch. The ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extravagan- zas, V. 3.) *I Golden butterfly ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 16904 Golden clew ; by Mrs. Slierwood. (/n her Works, v. 4.) 3958 Golden dreams ; by A. Fabre. {In Short stor.) 6965 Golden dreams and leaden realities ; by Ralph Raven. 5164 Golden eagle ; drama ; by J. B. Howe. {lyi Mod. stand, dr., V. 22.) 11821 Golden farmer ; by B. Webster. {In French's Min. dr., v. 1.) 11833 — Same. Another copy. 6056 Golden fleece, The ; by J. R. Planche. {In his Extravaganzas, V. 3.) *I Golden grain ; by B. L. Far j eon. 12152 Golden legend ; by H. W. Longfellow. 2743 Golden lion, The, of Granpere ; by A. Trollope. 10922 Golden lotus, The ; and other legends of Japan ; by E. Greey. 22261 Golden poems ; ed. by F. F. Browne. 22016 Golden-rod ; an idyl of Mt. Desert ; by C. C. Harrison. 19546 Golden shaft. The ; by C. Gibbon. 22468 Golden sorrow, A ; by Mrs. C. Hoey. 10939 Golden verses. JSee Pythagoras. Golden wedding, A ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilley. {In her Sussex stories, v. 1.) 20546 Goldoni, C. Commedie. 41 v. in 21. *I Contents. Y. 1. II teatro comico.— La bottega del caffe.— L'avventu- riere onorato. 2. La locandiera. — Pamela fanciulla. — Pamela maritata. 3. La vedova scaltra. — La famiglia dell' antiquario. — II vero amico. 4. L'avvocato veneziano. — II padre di famiglia. — II cavaliere e la dama. 5. II bugiardo. — Gli amori di Zelinda e Lindoro.— La ^elosia di Lindoro. 6. Le inquietudini di Zelinda. — II ventaglio. — L'osteria della posta. 7. Le smanie per la villeggiatura. — Le avventure della villeggiatura. — II ritoruo dalla villeggiatura. 8. La cameriera brillante. — L'avaro fastoso. — La serva amorosa. 9. La moglie saggia. — II feudatario. — La tintaammalata. 10. Le bourron bienfaisant. — 11 burbero benetico. — Gl'innamorati. 11. La guerra. — II tutore. — L'adulatore. 12. Le femmine puntigliose. — II CATALOGUE OF BOOKb. 513 cavalieTe di buon gusto. ~ II servitore di due padroni. 13. L'amore paterno. — II prodigo.— La Scozzese. 14. La donna volubile.— La donna di maneggio.— La figlia unbiddiente. 15. II matrimonio per concorso. —La burla retrocessa.— L'avaro. — II frappatore. 16. II raggiratore. — I mercanti. — La donna strava^ante. 17. La donna di garbo.— Le donne curiose. — L'apatista ossia I'indifferente. 18. II poeta f anatico. — II vecchio bizzarro. — La donna sola. 19. Uneurioso accidente. — Labuonafamiglia. — La donna forte. 30. La villeggiatura. — La donna di testa debole. — II cavaliere di spirito. 21. UnadelTeultimeseredicarnevale.— Irusteghi. — Le massere. 22. Chi la fa I'aspetta.— Le morbinose.— I morbinosi. 33. Sior Todero Brontolou.— Le barutfe ebiozzotte.— Le donne di casa soa. 24. I due gemelli.— I pettegolezzi delle donne. — La madre amo- rosa. 25. La donna vendicativa. — L'erede fortunata. — La donna di Governo. 26. L'amante militare. — I malcontenti. — La sposa Persiana. 27. L'impostore.— La banca rotta.— Ircana in Julfa. 28. La Castalda. — II geloso avaro. — Ircana in Ispaan. 29. II contrattempo.— L'uomo di mondo. — La Peruviana. 30. L'impresario delle Smirne.— L'uomo pru- dente.— La Dalmatina. 31. La dama prudente. — II giuocatore. — La pupilla. 32. II buon compatriotto. — I puutigli domestici. — II ricco insidiato. 33. L'inco^nita. — Le donne di buon umore. — La vedova spiri- toso. 34. Gli amanti timidi.— Le donne gelose.— II medico Olandese. 35. La putta onorata.— La buona moglie.— II festino. 36. La casa nova. — La buona madre. — La bella selvaggia. 37. La Griselda. — II lilosopho inglese.— II campiello. 38. La donna bizzarra.— L'amante di s^ medesimo.— La scuola di ballo. 39. II padre per amore. — La sposa sagace.— Don Giovanni tenorio. 40. II cavalier giocondo.— Lo spirito di contraddizione.— Rinaldo di Mont Albans. 41. II terenzio.— II Tor- quato Tasso.— II Moliere.— La Metempsicosi. — Commedie scelte. 15502 — Diversi componimenti poetici. *I Bound with his Memorie. ^ — Memorie per servire alia storia di sua vita. 3 v. *I — Memoires. (Barric-re. Bib. des mem., v. 6.) 14526 — Memoirs 5 fr. the Fr. by J. Black; with ess. by W. D. Howells. (Choice autobiog.) " * 17274 Goldschmidt, Mme. J. (L.) Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (In ^is Great singers, ser. 2.) 20365 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Essays, biog., and crit.) 4523 — Willis, N. P. {In his Famous persons, etc.) 4804 Goldschmidt, M. The flying mail,— Thoresen. M. Old Olaf. — Bjornsen, B. The railroad and the churchyard ; [The eagle's nest; The father]. 9290 Goldsmid, F. J. Introduction. (In India, Council of India. Eastern Persia, ete., v. 1.) *I — James Outram ; biography. Illust. and maps. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20212-13 Goldsmith, O. Works I'with Life and notes. 4 v. 1566-9 Contents. Y. 1. Life of G.— Poems.— Plays.— Letters. 2. Vicar of Wakefield.— Essays.— Criticism. 3. Citizen of the world.— Letters. 4. Inquiry into the present state of polite learning. — The Bee.— Prefaces and introd.— Appendix. — The deserted village. {I71 Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D. Annot. poems.) 18396 — History of the earth and animated nature. Illust. New ed. 4 v. 1562-5 — *S'ame ; with notes. Illust. 2 v. 6762-3 — Life of Thomas Parnell. {In Parnell, T. Poet, works.) 3380 — Miscellaneous works ; with acct. of life and writings ; ed. by W. Irving. 1571 Contents. Memoirs of the life and writings of G.— Vicar of Wakefield.— Inquiry into the present state of polite learning.— Miscellaneous poems.— Dramatic : The ,^ood-natured man ; She stoops to conquer ; Oratorio. — Prefaces and criticism.— Citizen of the world.— The Bee.— Essavs. — Poems. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) ' 18385 — Poems ; Sketch of his life. {In Hudson, H. N. Text-book of poetry.) 14038 — Select poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe ; [biog. not. bv T. B. Macaulay.] 14342 — She stoops to conquer. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 — The traveller, (/w Stevens, E. T., ««f? Morris, D. Annot. poems.) 18396 — Vicar of Wakefield. 1570 — Black, W. Goldsmith. (Eng. men of letters.) 18270 — Forster, J. Life and times of G. 2 v. 10112-13 514 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Giles, H. {In his Lcct. and essays, v. 1.) 2252 Same. Another copy. 7850 — Goldsmith's Clubs. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Irving, W. Goldsmith ; biog. 2142 — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Goldsmith. (In his Quart, essays.) 14194 — Maeaulay, T. B. (In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 6.) 2791 Same. (In New biog. of illust. men.) 2803 — Mitchell, D. G. Goldsmitli's work. (In his Abt. old story-tellers.) 17346 — Prior, J. Life of G. 3559 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of novelists, v. 2; and Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3851 ; 3837 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Thackeray, W. M. (In his Eng. humorists.) 4398 Goldsmith's daughter, The ; by E. M. Stewart. (In her Cloist. legends.) 12789 Goldsmith's wife, The ; by Mme. C. Reybaud. 17914 Goldsmith's work. Boutell, C. Gold working. 15475 — Collins, J. E. Private book of useful alloys and memoranda for gold- smiths, etc. 10781 — Gee, G. E. Practical gold-worker ; or, The goldsmith's and jeweller's instructor. 16826 — Pollen, J. H. Gold and silversmith's work. *I — "Wheatley, H. B., and Delamotte, P. H. Art work in gold and silver: mediaeval. (Hd.-bks. of pract. art.) *I Golovnin, V. M. Captivity in Japan. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, 1811-13; with obs. on the country, etc. 2d. ed. 3 V. 1572-4 Golownin. See Golovnin. Gommeux devant son conseil de famille, Le ; fantaisie en vers ; par N. de Villard. (In Sayn^tes, s^r. 6.) 14796 Gomorrah. See Sodom. Goneourt, E. Le A. H. de. Les fr^res Zemganno. 14587 — and J. A. H. de. Madame de Pompadour. Nouv. ed., rev. et aug. de lettres et documents in^dits. 14567 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 7, 10.) *I Gondinet, E. Les convictions de papa ; comedie ; Le mari qui dort; comedie. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^dtre, etc., ser. 2.) 14483 Gonsalvo. See Gonzalvo. Gonse, L. L'a?nvre de Jules Jacquemart. *I Gonzalvo de Cordova. James, E. P. R. (In his Mem., v. 1.) 2293 — Wilson, J. G. (In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Good, J. M. The book of nature ; pref. Sketch of the author's life. 1575 Good, The. Cousin, V. Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. 17493 Good aunt ; The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1326 ; 15295 Good fellow ; by C. M. Walcot. (In French's Min. dr., v. 12.) 11842 Good for nothing ; by G. J. W. Melville. 9130 Good for nothing ; by J. B. Buckstone. (In French's Min. dram., v. 26.) 7984 Good French governess. The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 15295 Good Hope, Cape of. Otter, R. H. Winters abroad ; places visited on acct. of health. 22418 Good hour, The ; by B. Auerbach. 15358 Good investment, A ; by W. Flagg. 10917 " Good luck ! " by E. Werner [E. Buerstenbinder] . 12514 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 515 ; 1571 7991 17396 6992 1663 10558 20859 ;8635 4942 Good luck ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Country by-ways.) 21032 Good match, A ; by A. Perrier. 12042 Good Mr. Bagglethorpe ; by O. Logan. 8572 Good-natured man, The; comedy; by O. Goldsmith. (In his Works.) 1566: Good night's rest ; by Mrs. C. Gore. (In French's Min. dram., y. 40.) Good old times ; by E. Kellogg. Good old times. The. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) Good society ; by Mrs. Grey. Good stories for young people; fr. "Good words for the young." Good talking as a fine art ; by F. D. Huntington. Good things for the young of all ages, 1873-7. 7 v. 8565-70 Xote. Continuation of Good words for the young. Good time coming. The ; by T. S. Arthur. Good wishes for the children ; [stories] ; by H. C. Anderson. Good woman. The, in the wood ; by J. R. Planche. (In his Extravaganzas, v. 4.) *I Good women. The ; by J. W. v. Goethe. (In his Novels, etc.) 1556 Good words ; ed. by N. Macleod. Vols. 1-3, 5, 6. 6753-5 ; 6757-8 Good words for the young. 1868-72. 4 v. 8561-4 Note. For continuation see Good things. Goodale, E. Journal of a farmer's daughter. — and D. R. All round the year ; verses fr. Sky farm ; inch "In Berkshire with the wild flowers." lUust. Apple-blossoms ; verses. In Berkshire with the wild flowers ; illust. by W. H. Gibson. Same. {In their All round the year.) Goodale, D. R.^ joint author. See Goodale, Goodale, G. L. Concerning a few common for sci. -teach.) Goodall, R. Leeds borough sewage works, and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) Goodbye, sweetheart ; by R. Broughton. Goodell, W. Prime, E. D. G. Forty years in the Turkish em- pire ; mem. of G. Goodeve, T. M. Elements of mechanism ; for students of appl. mechanics. 2d. ed. Goodman, L. R. Verses. (In Outcroppings, etc.) Goodman, W. Social hist, of Gt. Brit. dur. the reigns of the Stuarts, V. 1. 2d. ed. Goodrich, A. History of the character and achievements of Columbus. Goodrich, C. A. Family encyclopedia. — Select British eloquence; speeches of orators, sketches of their lives, etc. Goodrich, F. B. and Warden, F. L. Romance after marriage. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 24.) Goodrich, F. E. Life and pub. serv. of W. S. Hancock. In- trod. by F. O. Prince. Goodrich, J. W. Phrenological organs, etc. ; poems, and .prose writings. Portr. Goodrich, J. F. Higginson, T. W. (In his Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) E. plants. (Guides (Li Ass. of Mun. 20472 20112 18080 19337 20112 18427 *I 10150 15487 9775 6122 6068 *I 1579 157& 11822 19798 9692 6492 516 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. •Goodrich, S. G. Balloon travels of Robert Merry and his young friends ; ed. by Peter Parley. lUust. 1600 — Curiosities of human nature. 1585 — Enterprise, industry, and art of man. 1588 — Famous men of anc. times. 1591 Contents. Mohammed.— Belisarius.—Attila.— Nero.— Seneca.— Virgil. — Cicero.— Julius Caesar.— Hannibal. —Alexander. — Aristotle.— Demos- thenes.— Apelles.— Diogenes.— Plato.— Socrates.— Alcibiad^s.— Democri- tus.— Pericles. — Famous men of mod. times. 1592 Contents. Sir W. Scott. —Ld. Byron.— N. Bonaparte. — Goethe. — Burns.— E. Burke.- S. Johnson. — Milton. — Shakspeare.—Ld. Bacon.— Cervantes. — Fireside education. 1601 — Book of history, 1st, comb, with geography: Western hemisphere. Illust. ; rev. ed. ' 6339 — Book of history, 2d, comb, with geography; Europe, Asia, and, Africa. Illust. ; rev. ed. ' ' 6340 — Book of history, 3d, anc. hist, in connect, with anc. geography. Impr. ed.; illust. ' 6341 — A glance at philosophy, mental, moral, and social. 1596 — History of all nations'; rev. ed. Illust. 2 v. 1602-3 — History of the Indians of No. and So. America. 1593 — Illustrative anecdotes of the animal kingdom. ' 1582 — Lights and shadows of Amer. history. 1581 — Lights and shadows of Asiatic history. 1583 — Lights and shadows of European history. 1589 — Literature, anc. and mod., with specimens. 1594 — Lives of celebrated women. 1584 Contents. L. and M. Davidson. — Mrs. Adams.— Mrs. Washington.— Mme. de Stael.— Lady H. Stanhope.— H. More.— Mrs. Barbauld.— Mme. de Genlis.— Josephine. — Marie Antoinette. — Mme. Roland. — Mme. de Sevigne.— Mary, Queen of Scots.— Elizabeth, Queen of Eng.— Isabella, of Spain.— Joan of Arc. — Manners and customs of nations. 1587 — Manners, customs, and antiquities of the Indians of No. and So. America. 1586 — Political geography of the world. 21st. ed. 2 v. 1605-6 — Recollections of a'life time. 2 v. 1607-8 — The^vorld and its inhabitants. 1598 Goodwin, C. W. On the Mosaic cosmogony. {In Hedge, F. H. Rec. inq. in theol.) 5174 Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. Christine's fortune. ' 20634 — Dr. Howell's family. 7569 — Mad^e ; or, Night and morning. 1696 — Sherbrooke. 6360 Goodwin, H. Gradual development of revelation. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 Goodwin, Mrs. L. M. Biography of R. C. Goodwin. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Goodwin, R. C. Goodwin, Mrs. L. M. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Goodwin, W. W. Plutarch's morals ; trans, correct, and rev. Introd. by R. W. Emerson. 5 v. 9091-5 Goodwin Sands. 'See Life-boat. Goody gracious! and the forget-me-not; by J. Neal. {In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 Goodyear, C. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 — Parton, J. (In his Famous Americans.) 6677 Goosepond school. The ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Dukes- borough tales.) 22894 Gordon, A. J. The religious character and uses of the Sab- bath. (7h Sabb. ess.) 19808 Gordon, C. (pseud. Vieux Moustache) . Boarding-schooldays. Illust. 11119 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 517 — That good old time. 6544 Gordon, C. G. Colonel Gordon in Centr. Africa. 1874-79 ; fr. orig. letters and docs. ; ed. by G. B. Hill. Portr. and map. 20605 Gordon, G. Thornton, P. M. Lord Aberdeen. {In his For. secretaries, v. 2.) 22745 Gordon, G. H. History of the 2d. Mass. regiment of infantry. *I — History of the campaign of the Armv of Virginia, under Pope ; fr. Cedar Mt. to Alexandria, 1862. ' *I — War diary of events in the war of the Rebellion, 1863-^. 21509 Gordon, H. Lovers and thinkers. 5918 Gordon, J. E. H. Four lectures on static electric induction. 20271 — Ice, water, and steam ; Air and gas. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20446 Gordon, Lady J. Chambers, W. (In his Stor. of old fam.) 18362 Gordon, Jane, Duchess of. Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Gordon, J. T. Address, Glasgow Athenaeum, 1852. {In Lit. addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Gordon, Lady L. A. Duff. Last letters fr. Egypt. Add., Letters fr. the Cape. With mem. by Mrs. Ross. *I Gordon, M. M. Home life of Sir David Brewster. 2d. ed. 8885 Gordon, M. Christopher North ; mem. of J. Wilson. Introd. by R. S. Mackenzie. 2310 Gordon, T. History of the Greek Revolution. 2d. ed. 2 v. 1609-10 Gordon, T. F. History of anc. Mexico ; to its destruction by the Spaniards. 2 v. in 1. 1611 — History of New Jersey, to the adopt, of the Federal Constitution. 1612 Xj^ordon, W. Chesney, C. C. Sir W. Gordon of Gordon's battery. {In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Discourse, {hi Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the Amer. Rev.) *I Gordon Baldwin : by R. Lindau. • 17839 Gore, C. G. F. (M.) The birthright. 4294 — Heckington. 5389 — Hungarian tales. 3 v. 21560-2 Contents. Y. 1. Cassian. 2. Cassian.— The Tziganv.— The Taver- nicus.— The Elizabethines.— The ferry on the Danube. 3". The balsam- seller of Thurotzer. — Festival of the three kings. — The Infanta at Presbur^. — The maid of honour. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 — Peers and parvenus. 12398 — Plays. See French's minor drama. — Progress and prejudice. ~ 1614 — The Queen of Denmark. 12445 — The royal favorite. 5227 — Self. 6177 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000- Gore, Mrs. C, See Gore, C. G. F. Gore, G. Art of electro-metallurgy ; incl. electro-deposition. 17090 — Electro-metallurg}\ {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci. : Pract. chem.) 5188 Gorgas, A. C. Effects of tobacco on youths. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I Gorilla. Du Chaillu, P. B. Stories of the Gorilla country. 7190 {In his Expl. and adv. in equa. Africa.) 1131 — See also Ape. Gorilla hunters. The ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 10007 Gortchakof , A. M. Klaczko, J. Two chancellors ; Gortchakof and Bismarck. 15886 Gorton, S. Mackie, J. M. Life of G. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 15.) 4124 51b FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Goshen, G. J. The cultivation of the imagination ; addr. 19012 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 Gospel, The, its own witness ; by S. Leathes. (Hulsean lect.) 12910 Gospel, The, of John ; ess. by F. Tiffany. (In Inst, ess.) 19811 Gospel of law ; discourses ; by ^. J. Stewart. 22178 Gospels. See Apochryphal gospels ; — Bible. N. T. Goss, W. L. Soldier's story of captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, and other rebel prisons. lUust. 6926 — Same. With names of Union sold, who died at A., etc. 20428 Gosse, E. W. English odes ; selected by G. 21181 — Gray. (Eng. men of letters.) 21824 — Tntrbductory memoir. {In Dutt, T. Anc. ballads.) 222/6 — New poems. 19821 — On viol and flute ; select poems. 22581 Gosse, p. H. Evenings at the microscope ; minuter organs and forms of life. 6285 — The ocean. Ulust. 1617 — Omphalos : attempt to untie the geological knot. Ulust. 18041 — A year at the shore ; cold, illust. 6228 Gostick, J. Trade-unions, and the rel. of capital and labour. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I Gostwick, J. German culture and Christianity ; their contro- versy, 1770-1880. 22221 — and Harrison, R. Outlines of German literature. 11695 Gotham, Chronicles of. 14021 Gothic architecture. Davidson, E. A. Gothic stonework; hist, amd princ. of Ch. arch. ; characteristic features of each period, etc. ■ 12614 — Kingslev, C. Grots and groves. (7w Ms Lit. lect. and" ess.) 21362 — Parker^ J. H. A B C of Gothic architecture. 2d. ed. 21569 Concise glossary of terms. New ed. 7227 Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture ; rev. and enl. 7074 — Schleg:el, K. W. F. Principles of Gothic arch. {In his Aesthet. and mfsc. works.) 22359 Goths. Freeman, E. A. The Goths at Ravenna. (In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 Go-to-bed Tom ; by T. Morton. {In French's min. dr., v. 7.) 11889 Gottfried, G. Sketch of G. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 Gottfried vo7i Strasshurg. Tristan. 2 v. (Deut. Class, des Mittelalters.) 16259-60 — Kroeger, A. E. {In his Minnesinger of Germany.) 11306 Gottheil, G. Monotheism and the Jews. {In Inst, ess.) 19811 Gotthelf, A. Der Notar in der Falle. (Deut. Novellenschatz.) 16153 Gotthelf, J., pseud. See Bitzius, A. Gottschalk, L. M. Notes of a pianist ; prec. by a biog. sketch, etc. ; ed. by C. Gottschalk ; tr. by R. E. Peterson. 21017 — Ferris, G. T. Thalberg and Gottschalk. {In his Gt. violinists, etc.) 20470 — Hensel, O. Life and letters of Gottschalk. 9205 Gouff6, J. The royal book of pastry and confectionery ; adapt. by A. Gouffe. *I — The royal cookery book ; tr. and adapt, by A. GoutFe. 9836 Gouge, H. A. New system of ventilation. 4th. ed. enl. Illust. 21229 Gouget, E. Le portefeuille ; sc^ne dramatique. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Gough, Sir H. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the Vict, age, v. 1.) 20030 Gough, J. B. Autobiography and personal recollections. 8124 — Sunlight and shadow ; gleanings fr. my life work. Eugr. and portr. 20230 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 519 Goulburn, E. M. The Acts of the deacons ; lect. on Acts vi.- viii. and xxi. 8-15. 2d. ed. 10166 — Butler, the ethical preacher; lect. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach.) 17464 — The idle word; short essays upon the gift of speech, etc. 10010 — Introduction to the dev. study of the Holy Scriptures. Ist. Amer. ed. 6277 — Office of the communion in the Book of Common Prayer; lect. 10011 — The pursuit of holiness ; seq. to " Thoughts on pers. religion." 9686 — St. Francis of Sales' ' Introduction to the dev. life.' {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Thoughts on personal religion. 9635 Gould, A. A. The naturalist's library ; sci. and pop. descr. fr. the works of Cuvier, etc. 1618 — joint author. See Agassiz, L. J. R. Gould, B. A. Astronomical observatory at Cordova, Argen- tine Repub. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 Gould, E. S. Good English ; or, Pop. errors in language. 6719 Gould, E. B. Bacon, L. W. Memorials of E. B. Gould. 18590 — Trollope, T. A. A wreath of stray leaves to the mem. of E. B. Gould. 16671 Note. Miscellaneous contributions fr. G. P. 3Iarsh, M. Arnold, W. and M. Howitt, etc. Gould, E. P. Biography of S. S. Gould. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Gould, H. F. Poems. 2 v. 1619 — Youth's coronal ; poems. 1620 Gould, J. T. Marjorie's quest. 11072 Gould, J. M. How to camp out.' 16926 Gould, J. S. Texas cattle disease. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 Gould, L. D. Carpenter's and builder's assistant, and wood- worker's guide. 12469 Gould, S. B. Curious myths of the Middle Ages. 2 ser. 6891 ; 7192 — Gabrielle Andr^. See In exitu Israel, beloic. — Germany, present and past. 21386 — In exitu Israel. 8684 Note. The Amer. ed. is called Gabrielle Andre. — Legends of the patriarchs and prophets, and other Old Testament char- acters. 9934 — Lives of the saints. 15 v. *I — Origin and development of religious belief. 2 v. 8062 ; 9271 Contents. V. 1. Heathenism and Mosaism. 2. Christianity. — Silver store ; fr. mediaeval, Chr., and Jewish mines. 22523 — The vicar of Morwenstow ; life of R. S. Hawkes. New ed. 15901 Gould, S. S. Gould. E. P. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Goulding, F. R. Marooner's island. 8709 Gounod, C. F. Faust. *I — Same. (In T/yon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — Mirella. *I — Same. (In Trj-on, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — The mock doctor. (Le m^decin malgr6 lui.) *I — The redemption. »I — Romeo et Juliette. *I — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. It. and Fr. comp.) 18707 — Hueflfer, F. Gounod's "Polyeucte." {In his Mus. stud.) 19852 Gouraud, J. The four gold pieces ; story of Normandy. 14094 Gourville, J. H. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, kind., V. 5.) *I Goutte d'eau ; com^die ; par J. Normand. {Li Sayn^tes, efc, s^r. 8.) " 14798 Government. See Political science. 520 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Govinda 8dmanta ; by L. B. Day. 2 v. 13703-4 Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners. 18008 Gower, G. G. L. 2d. Earl Granville. Higginson, T.W. (In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) . 13883 — Sketch of G. (In Polit. portr.) 11693 Gower, J. Confessio araantis ; ed. by R. Panli. 3 v. *I — Child, F. J. Observations on the lang. of G's Confessio amantis. 8858 Gower, R. The figure painters of Holland. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) 19535 — Romney and Lawrence. (Illust. bioy. of gt. artists.) 21764 Gowrie ; by G. P. R. James. 5240 Gozzoli, Benozzo. Jameson, A. (In her Mem.) 2324 Grabham, M. C. Climate and resources of Madeira. 10813 Gracchi, The. Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 18125 Grace Lee; by'J. Kavanagh. 2427 Grace Truman; by S. R. Ford. 1493 Gracefulness. Spencer, H. Gracefulness. (Li his Ess.) 5863 Graciosa and Percinet ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extrava- ganzas, V. 2.) *I Graff, J. F. "Graybeard's" Colorado ; notes on the centennial state, 1881-82. 2203S Graffiti d'ltalia ; poems; by W. W. Story. 12128 Grafigny, Mme. F. d'l. d'H. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 2.) *I Grafton, J. I. Higginson, T.W. {In /iisHarv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Grafton, Mass. Pierce, F. C. History of Grafton, 1647-1879 ; genealogies of families. *I Graham, A. J. Handbook of standard, or Amer. phonography. 10022 — Standard phonographic dictionary. 10021 — Synopsis of standard phonography. New ed. 10041 Graham, Ennis, pseud. See Moles worth, 3Irs. Graham, G. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 Graham, H. G. Rousseau. (For. Class, for Eng. readers.) 22439 — Francis, G. H. {In his Orators.) 1525 Graham, J. R. G. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 2.) 13718 Graham, J. Life of Gen. D. Morgan. 3150 Graham, J. Marquis of Montrose. Chambers, W. (In his Stor. of old families.) 18362 — Sketch of G. {In Montrose, etc.) 4780 Graham, J. M. Annals and correspondence of the Viscount, and 1st. and 2d. Earls of Stair. 2 v. , 14212-13 Graham, Miss S. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of remark. persons.) 18069 Graham, S. Lecture to young men. 1622 — Lectures on the science of human life. 2 v. 1623-4 Graham, T. Elements of inorganic chemistry; ed. by H. Watts and R. Bridges. 2d. ed. Illust. 4061 — Cooke, J. P. Memoir of Graham. {Bi his Sci. culture.) 20756 Graham, T. Lord Lynedoch. Delavoye, A. M. Life of G. 20208 Graham, T. J. Modern domestic medicine ; pop. trea. Add. A domestic materia medica, prescript., etc., with app. on the cold water system. *I Graham, W. Brass founding, tin plate and zinc working. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15465 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 521 Graham, W. The creed of science, relig., moral, and social. *I Grahame, J. History of the United States till 1688. 2 v. 1625-6 Grahame ; or, Youth and manhood. 1627 Grahams, The, of Invermoy, by M. C. Stirling. 18505 Grail. Bergmann, F. G. The San Greal ; origin and signifi- cation of the romances. 10876 Grammaire, La ; com^die-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. (/)i his Theatre compl., v. 2.) 14559 Grammar. Barrett, S. Principles of grammar; English, Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, and French. 314 — Comic Eton grammar. Illiist. *I Grammar-land ; or. Grammar in fun for the children of school- roomshire; by M. L. Nesbitt. 17738 Grammar of house planning. Illust. 6460 Grammar, The, of life ; by B. F. Taylor. (In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Grammont, P. comte de. Thomson, K. and J.C. {In their 'Wii^ and beaux of soc.) 4719 Granada. Irving, W. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 2148 Granbery, J. C. Progress in sin. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Granby, Marquis of. See Manners, J. Grand oeuvre, Le ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14458 Grande aventure. La ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 24.) *I Grande duchesse de Gerolstein, La ; opera ; par Offenbach. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Grande Chartreuse. Pardoe, J. The river and the desert; or. Recollections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse. 2 v. 3359-60 Grandfather, The ; by E. Pickering. 5216 Grandfather Whitehead ; drama ; by M. Lemon. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Grandfather's chair ; by N. Hawthorne. {In his True stories.) 13445 Grand'homme, E. Cutting-out and dressmaking ; fr. the Fr. Diagrams. 19339 Grandidiers, The ; by J. Rodenberg. 3 v. 20679-81 Gran.dissimeS, The ; by G. W. Cable. 19829 Grand'm^re, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 4.) *I ' Grandmother dear' ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 18261 Grandmother Elsie ; by M. Finley. 22144 Grange, Lady. See Erskine, R. C. Grangeneuve, — . Un ivrogne ; sc^ne dramatique. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 5.) ^14795 Granger, G. Letters. {In Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar.) *18194 Grangi, — . The corsican brothers ; fr. Dunlas. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 Grant, Miss — . One May day ; sketch in summer time. 21510 — The sun-maid. 18299 Grant, A. C. Bush-life in Queensland ; or, John West's colon- ial experiences ; new ed. 21703 Grant, A. R. Lessons fr. the Bible. Added, Geography of the Bible, by C. T. Foster. 10938 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 34 522 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Grant, Sir A. Aristotle. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 17249 — Xenophon. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 9603 Grant, A. H. The Christmas rose. (Jn Christmas story-teller.) 17662 — The church seasons, hist, and poetically illust. *I Grant, A. Love in letters ; correspondence of eminent per- sons, with biog. sk. 7082 Grant, A. (M.) Letters fr. the mountains, 1773-1803. 3 v. 7598 — Memoirs of an American lady [Mrs. Schuyler]. 1632 — Same; with mem. of Mrs. G., by J. G. Wilson. *I — De Quincev, T. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 1.) 1163 — Elwood, A'. K. (In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Grant, A. The Nestorians ; or. The lost tribes. 5527 Grant, G. M. Ocean to ocean ; Sandford Fleming's exped. thr. Canada, 1872. Enl. ed. Illust. 17016 Grant, H. Penmanship. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Grant, J. Arthur Blane. 10774 — Bothwell ; or. The days of Mary, .Queen of Scots. 10756 — The captain of the guard. 10768 — The cavaliers of fortune ; or, Brit, heroes in for. wars. 10760 Contents. Arthur, Count de Lally.— John Cameron.— Admiral Greig.— Ulysses, Count Brown. — Marshal Lacy.— Count Lacy, Marshal of the imjperial armies.— Count Lacy, Capt. Gen. of Catalonia.— Louis Lacy, Mariscal de Campo.— Col. Butler.— Marshal Clarke.— Gen. Kilmaine.— Counts O'Reilly, O'Donnel, and the Irish in Spain.— Baron Loudon.— Count O'Reillv. — Count O'Connell. — Marshal Macdonald. — Thomas Dalyell. — The constable of France. 10754 — Dick Rodney. 5510 — First love and last love. 10758 — Frank Hilton. 10772 — The girl he married. ■ ^ 8658 — Jane Seton. ' 10755 — The King's own borderers. 10762 — Lady Wedderburn's wish. 10766 — Laura Everingham. 10770 — Legends of the black watch. 10767 ■ — Lettv Hyde's lovers. 10771 — Lucy Arden. 10776 — Mary of Lorraine. New ed. 10761 — Metropolitan weekly and prov. press. See below. — The newspaper press; its origin, progress, etc. 3 v. 10093-4; 12725 Note. Vol. 3 entitled Metropolitan weekly and provincial press. — Oliver Ellis. ' . 10775 — The phantom regiment. 10764 — Philip Hollo ; or, The Scottish musketeers. 1631 — The romance of war. 1630 — The Scottish cavalier. 10757 — Second to none. 10769 — Sketches of London, v. 2. 1629 — The white cockade. 10765 — The vellow frigate ; or. The three sisters. 10759 Grant, J. H. Low, C. R. (Jn /m Sold, of the Vict, age, v. 2.) 20031 Grant, M. M. Artiste. 11550 Grant, R. Confessions of a frivolous girl. Illust. 19744 — The lambs ; a tragedy. Illust. 22254 — The little tin gods-on-wheels ; or, Societv in our modern Athens. Illust. bv F. G. Atwood. 2d. ed. ' *I Grant, tl. S. Badeau, A. Military hist, of G. 3 v. 7151-3 — Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Chesney, C. C. Military life of G. {hi his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Coppee, H. Life and services of Grant. 7446 — Keating, J. M. With General Grant in the East. 19427 — McCabe, J. D. Tour around the world by G. ; [With Biog. sk. of G] . 19555 — Shanks, W. F. G. {In his Pers. recollections.) 6570 — Sketch of G. (In Our gt. captains.) 5962 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 523 insane ; rep. of the 75-7, for Middlesex, — Stovve, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) — Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. sold.) Grant, W. Brougham, H. {In Ms Hist, sk., ser. 1.) Granville, Earl. See Gower, G. G. L. Granville, J. M. Care and cure of the Lancet coram, on lunatic asylums, 1^ London, and Surrey, etc. 2 v. — Common mind-troubles. ' — How to make the best of life ; [hygiene] . — The secret of a clear head. Contents. Temperature.— Habit.— Time.— Pleasure.— Self-importance.— Consistency.— Simplicity.— The secret of a clear head. Grape, Grapes, Grape vine. See Vine. — Wines. Grape, A, from a thorn ; by J. Payn. Gras, J. D. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) Grass. Flint, C. L. Grasses and forage plants. Grassini, G., afterwards Mine. Ragani. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) Grasso the carver. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) Grateful Indian, The; by W. H. G. Kingston. Grateful negro. The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1328 Gratius Faliscus. See Faliscus. Grattan, H., the elder. Speeches. Added, Letters on the Union ; with Comment, on his career and character, by D. O. Madden. 2d. ed. — Speeches. {In Speeches of Phillips, etc.) — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) — Foster, J. Grattan's speeches. {In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) — Harsha, D. A. {In his Most em. orators, etc.) — Lecky, W. E. H. {In his Lead, of pub. opin.) — Rogers, S. {In his Recollections.) — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) Grattan, T. C. A chance medley of light matter. — History of the Netherlands. — Reminiscences of Hannah More. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) Grave-mounds and their contents ; by L. Jewitt. Gravelotte. Adams, C. (In his Great campaigns.) Graves, A. P. Songs of Killarney. Graves, K. Perry, J. T. Sixteen Saviours or one? on the works of G. and repl. fr. G.] Graves, R. P. Life of Wm. R. Hamilton ; incl. select, fr. poems, correspondence, efc, v. 1. Gravitation. Allen, Z. Solar light and heat ; Gravitation ; with expl. of planetary and molecular forces. Gray, Mrs. — . Fourteen months in Canton. Illust. Gray, A. Elements of natural philosophy. — and Adams, C. B. Elements of geology. Gray, Asa. Botanical text book. — Same; 6th. ed. pt. 1. Structural botany; or. Organography on the basis of Morphology. Added, Prin. of Taxonomy and Phytography, and a glossary. — Darwiniana; ess. and rev. pertaining to Darwinism. — Field, forest, and garden botany ; plants of the U. S. east of the Mississippi. — First lessons in botany. — First lessons in botany and veg. physiolog^^ ; added, glossary. Bd. in his Manual of the botany of the ifo. U. S. rev. ed.' Illust. — Gray's school and field book of botany forest, and garden botany." — How plants behave. 7354 12537 525 *I 19340 21446 19293 22168 5873 1482 5873 7224 10566 7778 5828 5170 525 1503 1785 [Crit. 'Lessons in botany," and "Field, 12428 1634 1973 10644 18150 12576 18683 22795 19315 19553 1637 5501 1638 18768 15959 7825 1639 1636 12333 10861 524 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — How plants grow. * 10850' — Introduction to struct, and systematic botanv and veg. physiology. 12334 — JohnTorrev. (/m Smithsonian Inst. Rept.,* 1873.) ' 14104 — Manual of the botany of the No. U. S. 5th. ed., 1874. 13084 — /S'ame;Rey. ed., 1859. 1636 Bound with First lessons, etc. — I^atural sci. and relig. ; two lect. : Scientific beliefs ; Relations of scientific to relig. belief. 19536 — Xotes on tree growth. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Gray, D. Poems. (7^ Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 Gray, Ellis, pseud. See Cralgin, L. T. Gray, G. Z. The children's crusade. ' 8878 Gray, J. C. Bible lore. 10062 Gray, J. E. Notes. {I7i CandoUe, A. de. A dominant lang. for science.) (Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 Gray, J. H. China ; laws, manners, and customs ; ed. by W. G. Gregor. lllust. 2 v. *I Gray, R. Brave hearts. 12039 Gray, Mrs. R. Lottie's half-sovereign ; Music fr. the moun- tains ; My longest walk. (Magnet stories.) 10580 Gray, T. Elegy in a country cliurchyard. {In Stevens, E. T. and Morris, D. Annot. poems.) 18396 — Elegy in a country churchyard ; and Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. ' ' 18968 — Letters ; Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College ; A long story ; Elegy in a country church-yard. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for' a corner.) " 2101 — Poetical works. 278 — Select poems ; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Engr. 16038 — Gosse, E. W. Gray. ' 21824 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Johnson. S. Gray. {In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 — Litton, E. G. E. L. B. Gray's works. {In his Quar. essaA s.) 14194 Gray^ W. Life of Sir P. Sidney. {In Sidney, P. Misc. works.) 3979 Gray, W. H. History of Oregon, 1792-1849. *I Gray. See cdso Grey. Graziella ; story of Italian love ; by A. de Lamartine. 15372 Grazebrook, H. S. The heraldry of Smith. *I Great awakening, The ; by J. Tracy. 21660 Great bonanza, The ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams] and others. lllust. 15332 Great Britain. Geological survey. — Memoirs of the geological suryey, Reports on the geology of Jamaica; or, Part 2 of the West Indian suryey. By J. G. Sawkins. With con- trib. fr. G. P. Wall, L. Barrett, A. Lennox*, and C. B. Brown, and app. by R. Etheridge. ^ *I Agriculture'. — Wilson, J. Our farm crops. 2 y. 1646-7 Antiquities. — See England. Antiquities-^ — Scotland. Architecture. — See England. Architecture. Army. — Griffiths, A. The Eng. army ; its history, present condition, etc. 1911(V — Majendie, Y. D. Arms and ammunition of the British service. 12819 Art. — See England. Art. Biography. — Brougham, H. Historical sk. of statesmen in the time of George III. 3 V. 525-7 Lives of men of letters of the time of George III. 623 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 525 Lives of philosophers of the time of George III. 524 Statesmen of the time of George III. and TV. {In his Works, v. 3, 5.) *I — Bruce, C. The book of noble English women. 16866 — Elwood, A. K. Memoirs of literary ladies of England. 2 v. 22790-1 — Forster, J. Statesmen of the commonwealth of Eng., etc. ; ed by J. O. Choules. 1498 — Higginsou, T. W. English statesmen. 13827 — Hi'nton, R. J. English radical leaders. - 13828 — Lardner, D. Cabinet of biography ; Lives of British statesmen, v. 1. 1388 — Low, C. R. Soldiers of the Victorian age. 2 v. 20030-1 Political portraits. 11693 — Reid, T. W. Cabinet portraits; sketches of statesmen. 13883 — Strickland, A. Lives of the Queens of England. 12 v. in 7. 4281-7 — Thornton, P. M. Foreign secretaries of the 19th. cent, to 1834. 2 v. 22744-5 — Timbs, J. School days of eminent men. 4467 — See also Chancellors -—Chief Justices. Also England. Art; for biog. of artists. Botany. — Lowe, E. J. Ferns ; British and exotic. 8 v. 8195-202 Natural hist, of British grasses ; cold, illust. 8206 Our native ferns ; or, History of the Brit, species ; cold, plates. 2 v. 8203-4 and Howard, TV. Beautiful leaved plants in, cultivation in [Gt. Britain] ; added, catalogue ; cold, illust. 8207 — Prior, R. C. A. Popular names of British plants. 18895 — Stark, R. M. Popular hist, of British mosses ; cold, illust. 2d. ed. 5904 — Thomson, S. Wild flowers; how to see, and how to gather them. Illust. 4729 Colonies. — Acton, R. Our colonial empire. - 21671 -^ Froude, J. A. England and her colonies ; The colonies once more. (In his Short, stud., ser. 2.) 9686 — Rogers, J. E. T. The colonial question. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I — See also British colonies in America. Commerce. — Cunningham, W. Growth of Eng. industry and commerce. 21721 — Levi, L. History of British commerce (1763-1870.) 10751 Competitive ex ami nations. — Crawley, W. J. C. Handbook of competitive examinations for adm. to her Majesty's serv. 21684 Constitution. — Bagehot, W. The English constitution. 12138 — Brougham, H. The Brit, constitution ; its hist , structure, and working. {In his Works, v. 11.) *I — Creasy, E. S. Imperial and colonial constitutions of the Britannic empire. 11354 — De Fonblanque, A. How we are governed ; hand book of the const., eic. 16747 — Ewald, A. C. The crown and its advisers ; or, Queen, ministers, lords, and commons. 17318 — Introductory lessons on the British constitution. 10875 — Russell, J. Essay on the Euir. government and const, fr. the reign of Henry VII. " 12272 — Svme, D. Representative government in Eng. ; its faults and failures. 21490 — Townsend, G. A. {In his New World comp. with the Old.) 8391 — Traill, H. D. Central government. 21849 — Walpole, S. The electorate and the legislature. 21851 — Whateley, R. Introductory lessons on the British constitution. 10875 — See also Gt. Britain. House of Commons. Reform. Constitutional history. — Amos, S. Fifty years of the English constitution, 1830-1880. 19752 — Creasy, E. S. Rise and progress of the English constitution. 1019 — Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. 10780 — Hallam, H. Constitutional hist, of Eng. fr. the ace. of Henry VII. to the death of George II. ' 1740 Same. New ed. 3 v. *I — Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the hist, of Eng., with ref. to the origin and prog, of the const. 1755 — Langmead, T. P. T. Eng. const, history fr. the Teutonic conquest. 21118 — May, T. E. Constutional hist, of England. 2 v. 342-3 — Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. 2 v. 11948-9 526 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Rannie, D. W. Historical outline of the Eng. const. 21192 — Routledge, J. Chapters in the hist, of .pop. prog.,chief. in rel. to the free- dom of the press and trial by jurv, 1660-1820; with appl. to later years. 16849 — Rowley, J. Settlement of the constitution, 1689-1874.- 17860 — Russell, J. Essay on the history of the Eng. goyernraent. 12272 — Smith, P. V. History of the English institutions. 1.3577 — Stubbs, W. The constitutional hist, of Eng. in its origin and devel- opment, y. 1-3. 13639-41 Select charters, etc., illust. of Eng. const, hist. .to the reign of Edward I. *I — Yonge, C. D. Constitutional history of England, 1760-1860. 21532 — See also Municipal history. Costume. — See England. Costume. Description and travels. • — George, W. C. {In his A year abroad.) 2225 — Hall, F. W. {In his Rambles m Europe.) 1727 — Our own country. Illust. y. 1-5. 19730-4 — Scott, C. W. Round about the islands; or. Sunny spots near home. 129;19 — Seymond, — . Journal of a tour and residence in Gt. Brit., 1810-1811. 2 v. 1395-6 — Walworth, E. H. An old world as seen through young eyes. 17024 , Ecclesiastical history. — See England. Ecclesiastical history. Education. — See England. Education. Entomology. — Catlow, M. E. Popular British entomology. 2d. ed. 731 Families. — Eyans, H. Our old nobility. 18655 Finance, etc. — Baxter, R. D. National income; the United Kingdom. 11054 — Cobden, R. {In his Speeches, y. 1.) 10962 — Dowel], S. Sketch of the hist, of taxes in Eng. y. 1. To the civil war, 1642. 16525 — Leslie, T. E. C. Financial reform. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I — Wilson, A. J. The national budget ; nat. debt, taxes, and rates. 21607 — See also Bank of England. Foreign relations. — See Politics, below. Geography. — Green, J. R. and A. S. Short geography of the British islands. • 19548 — Mason, CM. The British Empire, e?c.* (Geog. Readers.) 22108 History. For the history of the cities, counties, colonies, etc. of Gt. Britain, see the names of those cities, counties, etc. History. {Bibliography of History.) — Mullinger, J. B. Authorities of history. {In Gardiner, S. R. and Mul- linger, J. B. Introduction, etc.) 21180 History. {General and miscellaneous u^orks.) — Annals of England ; epitome of Eng. history. 15873 — Bailey, A. The succession to the English crown. 19699 — Brewer, J. S. English studies ; or. Essavs in Eng. history and literature. 20734 — Bright, J. F. English hist, for public schools, 449-1837. 3 v. 17208-10 Note. Title of Vol. 1, A history of England. — Burnet, G. Bishop Burnet's hist, of his own time ; f r. the restoration of Charles II., to the treaty of peace at Utrecht. 10115 — Burke, J. Abridgement of the hist, of Eng., by Lingard; with contin. fr. 1688 to the reign of Victoria; added. Marginal notes and questions, by M. J. Kerney. 2651 — Burt, L. C. Synoptical hist, of Eng. with the contemp. sovereigns and events of gen. hist. 13860 — Clinton, H. R. Compendium of Eng. hist, to 1872. 13039 — Craik, G. L. and MacFarlane, C. Pictorial hist, of Gt. Britain. 4 v. 1011-14 — Creasy, E. S. History of England, v. 1, 2. 10719-2^ — Creigiiton, L. Stories fr. Eng. history. Illust. 22914 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 527 — Creio^hton, M. Half-hour history of England. 18670 — Davies, E. Mytholoiry and rites* of the Brit. Druids. *I — De Quincev, T. Falsification of Eng. history. {In his Xote-book.) 1188 — Dickens, C. Child's hist, of England. 1189 — - Same. Illust. 12192 — Doran, J. (In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) 1248 — Edwards, A. B. Summai*y-of English history. 12569 — English history in short stories. 16690 — Ewald, A. C. Reference book of English history. 1354 — Freeman, E. A. Continuity of Eng. history ; Relations bet. the Crowns of Eng. and Scotland. (In his Hist, ess., ser. 1.) 9836 The English people in its three homes. (In his Lect.) 22147 — Froude, J. A. History of England fr. the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 v. ' 8416-27 — Gairdner, J., and Spedding, J. Studies in English history. 21727 — Gardiner, S. R. English hist, for young folks ; B. C. 55-A. D. 1880 ; ed. rey. for Amer. students. 20847 Note. Same as Outline of English history. Outline of Eng. hist. See aboye. and Mullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of Eng. history. 21180 — Gaspey, T. History of England, 1760-1862; cont. to 1859 by H.' Tyrrell, y. 4: Victoria. ' 7769 Bound in three pts. — Green, J. R. History of the Eng. people, y. 1-4. 447-1815. 17447-50 Readings from English history. 18785 Short history of the English people. 13372 — Guest, M. J. ' Lectures on the history of England. 18794 — Hozier, H. M. The inyasions of England. 2 y. 17229-30 — Hume, D. History of England, to 1688. 6 y. 2088-93 Same. 4 y. ; y. 2 wanting. 2084r-7 Same ; abgd. and cont. to 1858. (Student's Hume.) 2118 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England, from 1688 to the death of George II. 3 y. 13692-4 — Knight, C. Half hours of Eng. hist. fr. the Roman period to the death of Elizabeth. 6629 Popular hist, of England. 8 v. 4336-43 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th. cent., v. 1-4. 17514-17 — Lingard, J. History of Eng. fr. the 1st. inyasion to 1688. 13 y. 2681-93 — Lodge, E. Illustrations of Brit, hisf., biog., etc., Henry VIII. — James I. 3 y. 2731-3 — Lossing, B. J. A history of England. 22440 — Lupton, W. M. A concise Epglish history. 22731 — Macaulay, T. B. History of f:ng. fr. the accession of James II. 5 v. 2793-7 — Macf arlane, C. Cabinet "hist, of England, to 1846. 26 y. in 13. 2808-20 — Macintosh, J. History of England, 3 y. 5497-9 — Neele, H. England, 'illust. (Romance of hist.) 11431 — Penrose, E. C. History of Eng. fr. the. inyasion to Victoria; rey., with (luestions, by E. Robbins. 5943 — Ranke, F. L. yon. History of England princ. in the 17th. cent. 6 y. 13724-9 — Smith, W. Smaller hist, of England, to 1862. 7345 — Stanhope, P. H. (In his Miscellanies.) 6599; 10844 — Tales from English history. 7175 — Thalheimer, M. E. History of England. 14061 — Thierry, A. Histoire de PAngleterre. (In his Dix ans d'6tudes hist.) 9578 — Thompson, A. B. The Victoria hist, of England, B. C. 54 to A. D. 1863. 6376 — Thompson, E. History of Eng, ; adapt, for Amer. students. (Freeman, E. A. Hist, course for schools.) 11971 — Thompson, J. Essay on English municipal history. 7194 — Vaughan, R. Reyoliitions in English history, y. 1 : Revolutions of race. 4588 — White, J. History of England to 1858. 4745 — Wikolf, H, The four ckilizations of the world; hist, retrospect. 12515 — Yonge, C. M. Parallel hist, of France and Eng, ; outlines and dates. 13734 Young folks' history of England. ' 19384 History. (Early history, previous to 11th. cent.) — Allen, G. An^lo-Saxon Britain. (Early Britain.) 21675 — Armitage, E. S. The childhood of the Eng. nation. 17301 — Burke, S. H. Historical portr, of the Tudor dynasty and the reform, period, y, 1. 2. ^ ^ 18872-3 — Creighton, M. The Tudors and the reformation, 1485-1603. 17013 528 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman conquest ; its causes and results. 6 V. 8951-4; 15898-9 Old-English history. Maps. New ed. 22069 Old English history for children. 8688 The origin of the English nation. 19025 Short history of the Norman conquest of Eng. 19931 — Froissart, J. Chroniques ; pub. pour la Societe .cte I'Histoire de France par S. Luce. 6 v. *I Same; Chronicles of Eng. 2180 The boys' Froissart ; chronicles ; ed. by S. Lanier. 19352 — Gairdner, J. England. ' 19552 The Houses of Lancaster and York with the conq. and loss of France. ^ 13324 — Green, J. R. The making of England [449-8291. 21421 — Green, M. A. E. Letters of roy. and illust. ladies of Gt. Britain [1103- 15581. 3v. . 4854-6 — Lappenberg, J. M. History of En^ under the Anglo-Saxon kings ; tr. bv B. Thorpe; new ed., rev. by E. C. Ott6. 2 v. 20606-7 — Origins of English history. 21694 — Pal^rave, F. History of 'England : Anglo-Saxon period. 5480 History of Normandy and of England. 4 v. 12107-10 — Pearson, C. H. English history in the 14th. cent. 16775 History of Eng. dur. the early and Middle Ages. 2 v. 12204-5 — Rhys, J. Celtic Britain. 22541 — Robertson, E. W. Chapters of Eng. hist, before the conquest. {In his Hist, ess.) 15927 — Stubbs, W. The early Tlantaganets. 16783 — Thierry, J. N. A. History of the conquest of England. 2 v. 4419-20 — Wright, T. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 14083 — Yeatman, J. P. An introduction to the study of early Eng. hist. 13826 History. {Vlth.-lWi. cent.) — Browning, O. Modern England. 18156 — Carlyle, T. An election to the Long Parliament. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., V. 4.) 699 — Carrel, J. B. N. A. History of the counter-revolution in England under Charles II. and James II. ; also. History of the reign of James II., bv C. J. Fox. ' 721 — Cattermole, R. The great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell. *I — Chesney, C. C. Waterloo lectures ; study of campaign of 1815. 12800 — Cory, W. Guide to mod. Eng. history. '2 v. 19780-1 — Gaspey, T. See General uKjrks, above. — Guizot, F. P. G. Historv of Cromwell and the Eng. Commonwealth. 2 v. 1700-1 History of the Eng. revolution, 1640 ; f r. the ace. to the death of Charles I. 1698 — McCarthy, J. History of our own times, fr. tlie ace. of Victoria to the Berlin Congress. 4 v. 18628-31 — Mackintosh, J. Revolution of 1688. (7w ^,/s Misc. wks.) 2825 — Martiueau, H. History of the Peace; England, 1816-1854; with introd., 1800-1815. 4v. . 5864-7 — Moleswortli, W. N. History of England, 1830-1874. 3 v. 13005-7 — Porter, G. R. Progress of the nation fr. the beginning of the 19th. cent. 3 V. 3512-14 — Ranke, F. L. v. See General works, above. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Deux revolutions: TAngleterre en 1688, eic. {In his Prem. luiid., v. 1.) " *I — Stanhope, P. H. Historv of England fr. the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Paris ; ed. bv H. Reed. 2 v. . 5118-19 — Towle, G, M. A cent, of Eng. hist., 1760-1860. {In his Glimpses of hist.) 13478 — Wraxall, N. W. {In his Posthumous memoirs.) 4874 — Yonge, C. D. History of the Eng. revolution of 1688. 12839 — For history of different periods see names of sovereigns : Anne ;— Charles II. ;— Edward III. ;— Elizabeth ;— George III. ;— James II. Also Cromwell, O.;— Cromwell, R. • Also Cameos f r. Eng. hist. ;— Epochs of Eng. hist. ;— Spanish Armada. Also Puritans ; — Quarter-sessions^. Also Gladstone, W. E. ;— Milton, J. ;— Walpole famliy. Befo7'm. — See Gt. Brit. House of Commons. Beform. House of Commons. {History.) — Maurice, F. D. The workman and the franchise; Eng. hist. on the rep- resentation and educ. of the people. " 7054 House of Commons, {Beform.) -r McCarthy, J. The epoch of reform, 1830-50. 21616 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 529 4v. - Mill, J. S. Thoughts ou parliamentary reform ; Recent writers on reform. {In his Diss, and disc., v. 4.) - Spencer, H. Parliamentary ref . ; the dangers and the safeguards, (hi his Ess.) ■ Stanton, H. B. Sketches of reforms and reformers of Gt. Brit, and Ireland. House of Lords. {History.) ■ Fifty years of the House of Lords [1831-1881] ; fr. " Pall Mall Gazette." Ichthyology. Buckland, F. Natural history of British fishes. Couch, J. History of the fishes of the Brit. Islands : cold, plates. Industries. See Gt. Brit. Political economy. Insanity. Tuke, D. H. Chapters in the hist, of the insane in the Brit. Isles. Law. Arnold, M. Last word on the Burials bill. (In his Last ess. on church and religion.) Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the laws of England. 3 v. - Same ; (The student's Blackstone) ; abrgd. by R. M. Kerr. Bryce, J. Judicature act of 1873 in its rel. to the hist, of the judic. sys- 'tem in Eng. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) Fonblanque, A. Rights and wrongs ; manual of household law. Forsyth, W. Progress of legal reform. (In his Ess., crit., and narr.) Reeves, J. History of the Eng. law, to the end of the reign of Elizabeth ; with notes, etc., by W. F. Finlason. 3 v. Star Chamber cases ; what cases prop, belong to that court. "Wilson, R. K. History of modern English law. (Hist, hd.-bks.) See also Constitution, above. Also Patents. Manufactures. Meade, R. Coal and iron industries of the United Kingdom. Ure, A. Philosopliy of mauuf . ; exposition of the factory system of Gt. Britain. Mines. Galloway, R. L. History of coal mining in Gt. Britain. National character. See England. National character. Natural history. Coleman, "W. L. Our woodlands, heaths, and hedges ; trees, shrubs, etc. ; insect inhabitants. See also Ichthyology \— Ornithology ',— Zoology . Nary. Allen, J. Battles with the British navy. 2 v. Kingston, W. H. G. History of tlie British navy. Numismatics. Davies, E. Remarks upon anc. British coins. (In his Mvthol. of the Bt. Druids.) , Or7iithology. Laishley, R. Popular hist, of British birds' eggs; [cold, illust.] Morris, F. O. History of British birds ; cold. engr. 6 v. - Natural hist, of the nests and eggs of Brit, birds; cold, plates. 3 v. Mudie, R. The feathered tribes of the Brit. Islands ; rev. by W. C. L. 14355 5863 4198 21402 20920 8191-4 Illust. 22552 16907 554-6 Martin. 2 v. Bisset, A. History England. 2 v. ' Hayward, A. The Brit, parliament ; its history and eloquence. (In his Blog. and crit. ess., ser. 3.) Jennings, G. H, Anecdotal hist, of the Brit, parliament; with not. of parliament men, etc. See also Ireland. Land question. Also House of Commons-,— House of Lords. Heform. See Gt. Brit. House of Commo7is. Beform. 12926 5916 12723 16822-4 21325 16791 21712 5160 22723 Parliament. of the struggle for parliamentary government in 145-6 16832 5903 8215-20 8212-14 3177-8 16806-7 12266 20199 530 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Peerage, baronetage, etc. — Oliphant, T. L. K. Tlie long uuiou bet. the Eng. Lords and Commons. {hi his Duke, etc.) 14164 — Sanford, J. L.,and Townsend, M. The great governing families of Eng. 2 V. 11578-9 Political economy. — Bevan, G. P. Handbook to the indust. of the British Isles and the U. S. 21935 — Cunningham, W. Growth of Eng. industry and commerce. 21721 — Dillon, W. The dismal science; crit. on mod. Eng. polit. econ. 21956 — Greg, W. R. Economic rock. {In his Rocks ahead.) 13507 — Howell, G. Conflicts of capital and labour; trade unions of Gt. Brit. 18113 — Jeyons, W. S. The State in rel. to labour. 22226 — Wilson, A. J. The West Indies and other min. Brit, possessions. {In his Res. of mod. countr., v. 2.) 17822 — iSee also Finance, above. Politics. ^ — Burrows, M. Imperial England. 20923 — Cobden, R. {In his Political writings, v. 1.) 6751 {In his Speeches, v. 2.) 10963 — Congreve, R. {In his Ess., political, etc.) 13048 — De Worms, H. England's policy in the East. 17937 — Foster, J. Statesmen. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Frost, T. Fort}- years' recollections [1880] . 2140a — Greg, W. R. Political rock. {In his Rocks ahead.) 13507 {In his Miscellaneous essays.) . ' 21480 — Haliburtou, T. C. Rule and misrule of the Eng. in America. 1724 — Lubbock, Sir J. The imperial policy of Gt. Brit. {In his Addr., polit., etc.) 19116 — McCarthy, J. English toryism and its leaders. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Rawlinson, H. England and Russia in the East. 14099 — Russell, J., Earl. Recollections and suggestions., 1813-1873. 13468 — Walpole, S. Foreign relations. 22089 — iSee also Bentinck, G. ;— Gt. Britain. Biography. Also English citizen. Privy Council. — Finlason, W. F. History, const., and character of the judicial comm. of the Privy Council, considered as a judic. tribunal. 17805 Peform. — See Gt. Brit. House of Commons. Beform. Religion. — Greg, W. R. Religious rock. {In his Rocks ahead.) 13507 Statistics. — Vine, J. R. S. English munic. institutions ; growth and development, 1835-1879, statistically illustrated. 19584 Tajiation. — See Finance, above. Trade Unions. — See Political economy, above. Trials. — Ballantine, W. Some experiences of a barrister's life. 2 v. 21553-4 — Browne, G. L. I^arratives of state trials, 1801-1830. 2 v. 21499-500 Watering Places. — Black, A. and C. Where shall we go ? Guide to watering places in the Brit. Is. *I Zoology. — Harting, J. E. British animals extinct within hist, times, e^c. 21359 Great Divide, The ; travels in the upper Yellowstone ; by W. T. W. Quin. 15707 Great duke, The, of Florence ; by P. Massinger. {In his Plays, V. 1.) 5128 Great earthquake at Lisbon. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 23.) 19168 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 531 Great emergency, A, and other tales ; by J. H. Ewing. 17264 Great expectations ; by C. Dickens. 1210 Great Hoggarty diamond, The ; by W. M. Thackeray. 12454 Great highway, The ; by S. W. Fullom. 2195- Great inventors ; sources of their usefulness, and results of • their efforts. Illust. 6743 Great lady, A; fr. the German of Van Dewall. 12106 Great match, The, and other matches ; by Miss Wells. 16905 Great musician. The. See Hueffer, F. Great shipwrecks ; perils and disasters at sea, 1544-1877. 17312 Great thirst land. The ; by P. Gillmore. 17808 Great Tontine, The ; by H. Smart. 22707 Great tragic revival ; by J. Brougham. {In French's Min. dram., v. 20.) 11846 Great triumphs of great men ; [biog. sketches] ; by J. Mason. 14161 Great truths by gt. authors ; diet, of aids to reflection, etc. 1640 Great unknown. The ; by A. R. Hope. {In his Seven stor.) 20275 Greatest heiress in England ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 19688 Greatness. King, T. S. True greatness. {In his Patriotism.) 5721 — Stanley, A. P. The study of greatness. (In his Addr. and sermons.) 19477 — Smith, X. • Greatness of "great men. (In Antelix papers.) 14186 Greatorex, E. Summer etchings in Colorado. Introd. by Grace Greenwood. *I Greatorex, J. E. Constant water-supply. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. "Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I — Portsmouth drainage ; subsidiary sewers. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) " *I Greece, Ancient. Antiquities. — Anthon, C. Manual of Gr. antiquities. Illust. 5885 — Becker, W. A. Charicles ; private life of the anc. Greeks. 732 — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city; religion, laws, andinstit. of Greece and Rome. * 12534 — Hase. H. Public and private life of the anc. Greeks. 1791 — Mahafty. J. P. Old Greek life. 16043 — Stuart, J. and Revett, N. Antiquities of Athens, and other monuments of Greece. 4297 — Wachsmuth, W. Historical antiq. of the Greeks; tr. by E. Woolrych. 2 v. 11114-15 — See also Classical antiquities. Aixhceology. — Davidson, T. The Parthenon frieze ; and other essays. 21955- Architecttire. — Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs, and mon. of anc. Greece and Rome. 9905 Art. — Taine, H. A. Art in Greece. 9660 Philosophy of art in G. (/w his Lect. on art, ser. 2.) 21444 — See also Tanagra. Education. — Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. 21388 Geographij. — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2 v. 9236-7 Histoi-y. — Bonner, J. Child's history of Greece. 2 v. 5727 — Cox, G. W. General hist.' of Greece : to the death of Alexander; with sketch of subsequent hist. 16033 The Greeks and the Persians. 15752 History of Greece ; to the close of the Peloponnesian war. 2 v. 12564-5 — Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 19834 ^32 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Curtius, E. History of Greece. 5 v. *I; 9153-7 — De Quincey, T. Greece under the Romans. {In his Theol. ess., v. 1.) 1160 — Felton, C. C. Greece, anc. and mod. ; lect. bef. the Lowell Inst. 2 v. 6592-3 — Freeman, E. A. (In his Hist, essavs, ser. 2.) 11525 — Fyflfe, C. A. History of Greece. " 13654 — Gillies, J. History of Anc. Greece, its colonies and conquest. 2260 Same \ Another copy. 4 v. 5043-6 — Grote, G. History of Greece. 12 v. 1678-89 — Hamilton, W. D. and Levien, E. Outlines of the hist, of Greece. 1756 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ancient Greece ; fr. the Germ., bv G. Bancroft. 1842 — Keightley, T. History of Greece [B. C. 825-183] ; add., Chronological table of contemp. hist., by J. T. Smith. 2434 — Lloyd, W. W. The age of Pericles; politics and arts of G. fr. the Per- sian to the Peloponnesian war. 14046 — Mill, J. S. Early hist, and legend. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 2.) 5979 — Pennell, R. F. Ancient Greece; to 146 B. C. 22641 — Pococke, E. and others. Early hist, of Greece. 2d. ed. 5049 History of Greece, Macedonia, and Svria. 5050 — Sewell, E. M. First history of Greece'. 10495 — Smith, W. History of G. to the Roman Conquest; rev. by G. W. Greene. 4057 History of Greece to the Roman conquest ; cont. to the present time ; by C. C. Felton. 13189 Smaller hist, of Greece ; to the Roman conquest. 6994 — Society for the Diff. of Useful Knowledge. History of Greece; [B.C. 1080-1471. ' * 5051 — Thirlwall, C. History of Greece; [to B. C. 146]. 2 v. 4429-30 — Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece. 2 v. 20390-1 — Yonge, C. M. Young folks' history of Greece, [to 1875] . 18016 — See also Pericles ;— Thucydides. For mythological historj', see Religion. InscrixMons. — Newton, C. T. On Gr. inscriptions; Greek inscr. fr. Halikarnassos. {In his Ess. on art, etc.) • 19887 Language. — Bauer, F. A. A philological introd. to Gr. and Latin. 17218 — Blackie, J S. Greek and English dialogues. 15479 — Curtius, G. Smaller grammar of the Greek language. 10740 — Geldart, E. M. The modern Greek language in its rel. to anc. Greek. 19466 — Madyig, J. N. Syntax of the Greek language. *I — Mure, \y. Critical hist, of the lang. and literature of anc. Greece. 5 v. *I — Renan, E. Les grammairiens Grecs. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 — Walker, J. Key to the class, pronunciation of Gr. proper names. 4611 — Wright, R. S. and Shadwell, J. E. L. A golden treasury of Greek prose. 277 Literature. { Collections. ) — Paley, F. A. Greek wit; coll. of smart sayings and anec. fr. Gr. prose writers, ser. 1, 2. ' 20588:21536 Literature. {Drama.) — Church, A. J. Stories fr. the Greek tragedians. 19460 — De Quincey, T. Theory of Greek tragedy. {In his Letters, etc.) 1163 — Donaldson, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks ; treat, on the hist, and exhib. of the dr., with treat, on the lang., metres, and prosody of the Gr. dramatists. ' *I — Thompson, D'A. W. Sales Attici; maxims witty and wise of Athenian tragic drama. ' *I Literature. {Poetry.) — Arnold, E. The poets of Greece. 11353 — Coleridge, H. N. Introd. to the stud, of the Gr. class, poets. Pt. I : General introd. ; Homer. 869 — Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets, ser. 1, 2. 18730; 16543 » — Thompson, D'A. W. Ancient leaves; trans, and paraphrases fr. poets of G. and Rome. *I — Tyler, W. S. Theology of the Greek poets. 7184 Literature, {History, etc.) — Browne, R. W. History of Greek classical literature. 17935 — Jebb, R. C. The Attic orators fr. Antiphon to Isjeos. ^ v. 15710-11 Greek literature. 17763 — Jennings, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Gr. and Latin authors, with biog. not. 21031 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 533 — Lawrence, E. Primer of Gr. literature. 17081 — Mueller, K. O. History of the lit. of Anc. Greece; tr. by G. C. Lewis and J. ^y. Donaldson 3183 — Mure, ^y. Critical hist, of the lang. and lit. of anc. Greece. 5 v. *I — Neaves. C. The Greek anthology. 12935 — Saint Victor, P. de. Les deux masques ; les antiques, 2 v. 14718-19 — Saint e-Beuve, C. A. Authologie Grecque. {In his J^ouv. lund., v. 7.) *I — TaUomxhT. :S. and othei's. History of Gr. literature. (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.) 6381 — Wilkinson, W. C. Preparatory Gr. course in English. (After-school ser.) 22343 — See also Classical literature. Mythology. — See Religion, below. Philosophy. — Brief view of Gr. philosophy. {In Small books on gt. sub., v. 2.) 4015 — See also Aristoteles ;— Epicurus ;— Plato ;— Xenophon. Also Philosophy. • • . Beligion and mythology. — Berens, E. M. Mnhs and legends of Ancient Greece and Rome. Tllust. 21793 — Cox, G. W. Tales of Anc. Greece. 8923 — Dwight, :M. a. Grecian and Rom. mythology ; introd. by T. Lewis. 1303 — Keightlev, T. MAthologv of Ancient Greece and Italv. 2437 — Kingslev, C. The heroes. 2476 — Milligan, W. Religion of G. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Xiebuhr, B. G. Greek hero-stories. Illust. 18490 ^ Ruskin, J. The Queen of the air ; studv of the Gr. myths of cloud and storm. " 7849 — Scull, S. A. Greek mj-thology systematized. 19898 — Seeman, O. Mrthologv of Gr. and Rome ; with ref . to its use in art ; ed. by G. H. Bianchi. ' *I — Smith, W. Classical dictionary of biogi-aphy, m^^hology, etc. 8708 Dictionary of Greek and Roman biog. and mythology. 3 v. 8724-6 — Witt, C. Classic mythol. ; tr. by F. Younghusband, etc. ; with glossary. 22902 — See also Oracles. Social life. — Mahafty, J. P. Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. 13408 Greece, Modern. Description^ etc. — About, E. Greece and the Greeks of the present day. 85 — Andersen, H. C. A poet's bazaar. 158 — Bartlett, W. H. {In his Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles.) 8141 — Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and Greek. 7127 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in classic lands. 19874 — Chase, T. Hellas; her monuments and her scenery. 13231 — Clark, E. L. The modern Greeks, etc. {In hisRiices of Europ. Turkey.) 18402 — Cox. S. S. {In his Buckeye abroad.) ' 1000 — Cuvler, T. {In his From "the Nile to Norwav.) 21153 — De'Quincey, T. {In his Theo]. efis.. v. 2.) ' . 1161 — De Vere, A. T. Picturesque sketches of Greece. - 5017 — Fetridge, W. P. {In his Harper's hand-book, v. 2.) *I — Grey, T. (In his Journal of a visit to E^ypt, etc.) 8467 — Harrison, J. A. Greek vignettes ; a sail in the Greek seas, 1877. 18805 — Herve, F. Residence in Greece and Turkey. 2 v. 1897-8 — Howard, G. W. F. Diarv in Turkish and Greek w^aters. 698 — Kinglake, A. W. {In his Eothen.) 2471 — Leech, H. H. {In his Letters of a sentimental idler.) 7684 — Mahatly, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece. *I — 3Iaximilian, F. M. J. {In his On the win«\) *I — Pitman, E. R. Mission life in Greece and Palestine. 21247 — Russell, W. H. The Prince of Wales' tour. 17916 — Sergeant, L. Greece. Illust. 20388 — Snider, D. J. A walk in Hellas. 22364 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Greece, etc. 2 v. 6180-1 — Symonds, J. A. Sketches in Italy and Greece. 13888 — Tavlor, B. Travels in Greece and Russia. 4362 — Tuckerman, C. K. The Greeks of to-day. 11136 — Warburton, E. B. G. {In his Crescent and the cross.) 4631 — Wordsworth, C. Greece; pictorial, descriptive, and historical. *I — Wyse, T. Impressions of Greece. 10172 534 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY . History. ^— Bonner, J. Child's history of Greece, v. 2. 5727 — Cox, G. W. General history of G. ; with sketch to the present time. 10033 — De Quincey, T. The revolution of Greece. (7n ^?6- Memorials, e^c, v. 1.) 1155 The Suliotes. {In his Logic of polit. econ.) 1102 — Felton, C. C. Greece, anc. and mod. ; lect. bef. the Lowell Institute. 2 v. 6592-3 History of Greece, continuation. )See. Smith, W. helov\ — Freeman, E. A. Mediaeval and mod. Greece. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Gordon, T. Histoi-y of the Greek Revolution. 2 v. 1609-10 — Jebb, R. C. Modern Greece; lect. 19H02 — Mr. Gladstone and the Greek queston. (In Diplomatic sk. 3.) 19137 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. La Grcce en 1863, par M. Grenier. (In his Nouv. lund., V. 5.) *I — Smith, W. History of Greece to the Roman conq. ; cont. to the present time, by C. C. Felton. 13189 — Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece. 2 v. 20390-1 — Towle, G. M. Modern Greece. Map. 17045 — Yonge, C. M. Young folks' history of Greece. 18016 Language. , • * " — Geldart, E. M. The mod. Greek language in its rel. to anc. Greek. 19466 Literature. — Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras; remin. of a Chiote merchant dur. the war of independence ; f r. the Gr. by J. Gennadius. 20355 Greek. For many titles begiuniug Greek, See under the sub- ject Greece. Greek Church. Lawrence, E. The Greek Church. {In his Hist, stud.) 21670 — Littledale, R. F. The holv East. Church ; hist.,*doct., liturgies, and vest- ments. 15715 Greek girl. The, and the barbarian ; fr. Ingomar ; tr. by M. Lovell. (In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Greek goddesses, The ; by T. W. Higginson. (7"n Ms Atlan- tic ess.) 12372 Greek, The, and English quarrel ; by G. W. Dasent. (Ii his Jest, etc.. V. 2.) 13612 Greek and Gothic ; prog, and decay in architecture, sculpture, and painting; by R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. 20594 Greeley, H. The American conflict ; hist, of the gt. rebellion in the U. S., 18G0-65 ; with drift and prog, of Amer. opin- ion resp. human slavery fr. 1776. Illust. 2 v. 5739-40 — Art and industry as repr. in the Exhibition, Crystal Palace, New York, 1853-4. 7517 — The Christian spirit of reform. (In Relig. aspects, etc.) 6339 — Essays to elucidate polit. econ., to explain and defend protection to home industry. 8372 — Glances at Europe. 1641 — Introduction, f/w Con^don, C. T. Tribune essays.) 7685 — Introduction, (in Headley, P. C. Life of Kossuth.) 1832 — Method of diffusing knowledge. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 — An overland journey f r. New York to San Francisco, 1859. 1613 — Recollections of a busy life ; new ed. ; with mem. 7689 — Gough, J. B., and others. Great industries of the United States. 10077 — Chambers, W. (In his Stories of remark, persons.) 18069 — Cornell, W. M. Life and public career of Greeley. 22572 — Ingersoll, L. D. Life of Greelev. 11975 — Memoir. (In Clav, C. M. Writings.) 852 — Parton, J. Life of Greeley. 3394 — Sketch of Greelev. (In Famous bovs.) 5036 — Stowe. H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Green, A. H. Physical geology. 16532 Green, A. S., joint author. See Green, J. R. Green, A. K. The Leavenw^orth case. 18318 — A strange disappearance. 19341 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 535 — The sword of Damocles. 20473 Green, A. D. (pseud. Marian Douglas). Peter and Polly; or, Home-life in New Eng. a hundred years ago. Green, F. H. Analytical class-book of botany. Contents. Green, F. H. Elements of vegetable struct, and physi- ology.— Congdon, J. W. Systematic botany. — The mechanic. Green, J. R. Classical writers. Namely: Brooke, S. A. Mihon. Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes. Campbell, L. Sophocles. Capes, W. W. Livv. Mahaffv, J. P. Euripides. Xettleship. H. Vergil. — History of the Eng. people ; with maps, v. 1-4. — History primers. Namely : Creighton, M. History of Rome. Freeman, E. A. History of Europe. Fyffe, C. A. History of Greece. GVove, G. Geography. Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek life. (Class, antiq., y. 1.) Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquities. (Class, antiq., y. 2.) Yonge, CM. History of France. — Literature primers. Xamely : Dowden, E. Shakspere. Gladstone, W. E. Homer. Jebb, R. C. (ireek literature. Morris, R. English grammar. - and Bo wen. H. C. English gramniar exercises. Nichol, J. Eng. composition. Peile, J. Philology. Tozer, H. F. Classical geography. — The making of England Maps. — Readings fr. Eng. History ; select, and ed. — A short history of the Eng. people. — Stray studies from Eng. and Italy. Contents. A brother of the poor. — Sketches in sunshine : Cannes and St. Honorat ; Carnival on the Cornice ; Two pirate towns of the Riy- iera ; The winter retreat ; San Remo.— The poetry of wealtli.— Lambeth and the archbishops.— Children by the sea.— The* Florence of Dante. — Buttercups.— Abbot and town.— Hotels intheclouds.— ^Eneas;aVirgilian study.— Venice and Rome.— Venice and Tintoretto.— The district visitor. — Early history of Oxford.— The home of our Angevin kings.— Capri.— Car pri and its Roman remains.— The feast of the coral-fishers. — and A. S. A short geography of the British islands. Maps. Green, J. H. Spiritual philosophy ; found, on the teaching of S. T. Coleridge ; ed. with mem. by J. Simon. . 2 v. 6314- Green, M. A. E. (W.) Letters of royal and illust. ladies of Gt. Britain. [1103-1.558]. 3 v. 4854 Green, R. John Wesley. Green, S. G. French -pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Illust. — Pictures fr. the German fatherland drawn with pen and pencil. Green, S. S. Biography of T. J. Spurr. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) • — Libraries and schools. Contents. C. F. Adams, .//'. The public library and the pub. schools.— Green, S. S. Relation of the pub. library to the' pub. schools; Libraries as educational institutions ; extr. fr. rept.— Metcalf . R. C. The public lib. as an auxiliary to the pub. schools.— Foster, W. E. Relation of libraries to the school system ; Plan of systematic training in reading at school. — Relation of the pub. library to' the pub. schools. {In his Lib. and schools.) * ' * . — Sensational fiction in pub. libraries ; and Personal rel. bet. librarians and readers; papers. 19057 Green, S. Trout culture. 8122 15897 5539 4738 18803 21759 19607 19804 19255 19544 17447-50 14003 16013 13654 17017 16043 17355 21437 17263 17964 17763 13721 18304 20573 17091 17096 21421 18785 13372 15793 19543 15 -6 21018 *I *I 6492 22757 22757 536 FREE PUBLIC LTBRARY. Green, W. C. The similes of Homer's Iliad, tr., with introd. and notes. 17667 Green, W. H. The Pentateuch vindicated fr. the aspersions of Bp. Colenso. 6681 Green gate. The; byE. Wichert ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 13856 Green hand, The ; by G. Cnpples. 12435 Green Mountain. See Vermont. Green Mountain boy; by J. S. Jones. {In French's min. dr., V. 35.) . 7988 Green Mountain boys. The ; byD. P. Thompson. 4441 Green pastures and Piccadilly; by W. Black. 17326 Greenaway, K. Under the window ; pictures and rhymes for children. Engr. and print, by E. Evans. *I Greene, C. E. Graphical analysis of roof trusses. Illust. 16913 — Trusses and arches analyzed and discussed bv graphical methods, V. 1,2. ^ ' 16913; 18608 Contents. V. 1. Roof-trusses. 2. Bridge-trusses. Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 22149 — The Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey, 1877-78. Atlas. 2 v. *I — Sketches of army life in Russia. ' 19837 Greene, G. W. The (German element in the war of Amer. In- dependence. 15344 Contents. Baron von Steuben.— Gen. John Kalb. — German mercenaries. — Historical view of the Amer. Revolution. 5940 — History and geography of the Middle Ages. 3163 — Life of I^athaniel Greene. 3 v. 7156-8 — Life of N. Greene. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog.,y. 20.) 412» — A short history of Rhode Island. 22077 Greene, H. R. The English language ; its gram, and logical principles. 18996 Greene. J. H. Athalia. 9336 Greene, N., Maj. Gen. Greene, G. W. Life of Green, 3 v. 7156-8 Life of G. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 20.) 412» — Headley, J. T. (In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 — Sketch of G. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 Greene, R. Honourable hist, of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. (/n Ward, A. W. Old Eng. drama.) 18263 Greene, S. D. The broken seal ; or, Pers. reminiscences of the Morgan abduction and murder. 7533 Greene, T. W. Old words and modern meanings. 17945 Greener, W. W. The gun and its development ; with notes on shooting. Illust. *I Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol; its use and abuse. 18300 Greenland. Hawks, F. L. The lost Greenland ; or, Uncle Philip's conversations abt. the lost colonies of G. 5944 — Haves, 1. 1. The land of desolation ; narr. of obs. and adv. in G. Illust. 9977 Pictures of arctic travel. 21218 — Rink, H. Danish G. : its people and its products. *I — Stephens, C. A. (In his Knockabout Club alongshore.) 22177 Greenleaf, S. The testimony of the evangelists exam, by the rules of evid. adm. in courts of justice. App., Hist, of the most anc. ms. copies of the New Testament, and a comp. of their text with that of the King James' Bible by Tischendorff. Also, Review of the trial of Jesus. 13326 Greenough, H. Apelles and his contemporaries. 5005 — Ernest Carroll ; or, Artist life in Italy. 1404 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 537 Greenough, H. Everett, A. H. Greenough's statue of Wash- ington. {In his Grit, and misc. ess.) 13208 — Tuckerman, H. T. Memorial of Greenough. 4524 — - Sketch of G. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Greenough, J. *C. Instruction in nat. science in normal schools. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 1873.) 17753 — Training schools in connect, with normal schools. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr. and Proc, 1874.) 16720 Greenough, J. ^.^ joint author. See Allen, J. H. Greenough, Mrs. R. S. See Greenough, S. D. Greenough, S. D. Arabesques. 9796 — In extremis. 11157 Greenough, W. W. Some conclusions rel. to pub. libraries. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Greenwell, D. JohnWoolman. 10123 — The patience of hope ; Introd. by J. G. Whittier. 1130 — Poems. 11046 Greenwood, F. Margaret DenziFs history. 9213 Greenwood, Grace. See Lippincott, S. J. Greenwood, J. G. Relations of culture to practical life. {In Owens Coll. ess., etc.) 12926 Greenwood, J. Adventures of Reuben Davidger among the Dyaks of Borneo. 6318 — Curiosities of savage life. 6638 — A night in a workhouse. (In Little Class., v. 1.) 12972 Greenwood, W. H. Manual of metallurgy. 2 v. (Collins' Adv. sci. ser.)- 15238-9 Contents. V. 1. Fuel, iron, steel, tin, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and platinum. 2. Copper, lead, zinc, mercury, silver,'gold, nickel, cobalt, and aluminum. Greenwood leaves ; by Grace Greenwood [S.J. Lippincott] . 2 v. 2697-8 Greer, Henry. The storage of electricity. lUust. 22845 Greey, E. The golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. 22261 — Young Americans in Japan ; adv. of the Jewett family and Oto Nambo. must. 21019 Greg, P. Across the zodiac ; story of a wrecked record. 2 v. 20936-7 — Guy Neville's ghost. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 17.) 19162 — Ivv ; cousin and bride. 21016 Greg, W. R. The creed of Christendom. 3d. ed. 2 v. 12194-5 — Enigmas of life. 11397 — Literary and social judgments. 12016 — Miscellaneous essays. 21480 Contents. Rocks ahead and harbours of refuge. — ^Foreign policy of Gt. Britain, imperial or economic?— The echo of the Antipodes. — A grave per- plexity before us.— Obligations of the soil.— The right use of a surplus ; or. Remission of taxes an abuse of revenue. — The great twin brethren. — Is the popular judgment in politics more just than that of the higher orders?— H. Martineau.— Verify your compass. — The prophetic element in the gospels.— F. Harrison on tlie future life.— Can truths be apprehended which could not have been discovered? — Mistaken aims and attainable ideals of the artizan class. 16533 Contents. Laing on peasant proprietorship.— Unsound social philoso- phy. — Mary Barton.— English socialism.— Progress and hopes of social- ism. — The proletariat on a false scent. — Rocks ahead; or. The warnings of Cassandra. 2d. ed. 13507 Contents. — Political rock. — Economic rock. — Religious rock. Appen- dix : The mistake of honest democrats. — Unionist restrictions on labor.— Three men and three eras.— United States in recent years. — The soul and future life. (In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies ; journal of a Santa F6 trader, dur. exped. across the prairies, and residence in No. Mexico. 2d. ed., v. 1. 1654 35 538 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAEY. Gregorovius, F. Corsica; picturesque, hist., and soc. ; with early life of Napoleon, and acct. of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Pozzo di Borgo, and other families, 1852 ; tr. by E. J. Morris. . . 3159 — The island of Capri; tr. by L. Clarke. 19338 Gregory I., Pope the Great. Barmby, J. Gregory the Great. 19450 — Brigliam, C. H. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 Gregory VII. [Hildebrand] , Pope. Brigham, C. H. (In Ms Mem., etc.) 20560 — King, T. S. Hildebrand. {In his Substance and show, etc.) 17277 —Stephen, J. {I7i his Essays, v. 1.) 8975 Gregory, D. S. Christian ethics ; text-book. 22150 Gregory, O. Brief mem. of R. Hall. {In Hall, R. Misc. wrks.) 1731 — Letters on the evidences, doctr., and duties of the Chr. religion. 9th ed. 8071 — Mathematics for pract. men ; common-place book of pure and mixed mathematics. 2d. Amer. ed. 1666 Gregory, W. Letters on animal magnetism. 1657 Greig, S. Grant, J. (In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 Grellet, S. Seebohm, B. Memoirs of the life and labours of Grellet. 2 v. 3882-3 Grenier, Voyage dans un ; par C. Cousin. *I Grenville, G. N. T., Baron Nugent. Memorials of J. Hamp- den, his party, and his times. 3272 Grenville, R. Hale, E. E. (In his Stor. of the sea.) 20054 Grenville, Lord. See Grenville, W. W. Grenville, R. P. T. N. B. C. Memoirs of the court and cabi- net of George III. 4 v. *I — Francis, G. H. {In his Orators.) 1525 Grenville, W. W., Baron. Brougham, H. (In his Hist. sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Rogers, S. {In his Recollections.) 3688 — Thornton, P. M. Lord Grenville. {Iji his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 Grenville papers ; by C. W. Dilke. (In his Papers of a crit- ic, V. 2.) 14204 Gresham, T. Bourne, H.R.F. (7^ 7m Fam.Lond. merchants.) 7853 — Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 Gresset, J. B. L. Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Fortr. cont.,Y. o.) *1 Gretchen's joys and sorrows ; by C. Helm. 17189 Grettis saga ; story of Grettir the strong ; tr. by E. Magnusson and W. Morris. *I Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs ; jour, of the reigns of George IV. and William IV. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13441 — Same ; ed. by H. Reeve. 2d. ed. 3 v. 13402^ Greville, H., pseud. See Durand, A. F. Gr6vy, J. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Grey Abbey. (Star ser.) 17408 Grey, Charles, Lieut. Gen. Early years of the Prince Consort. 6953 Grey, Charles, Vise. Hoivick. Speech on the reform bill for Eng. and Wales. (In Speeches of em. Bt. statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Thornton, P. M. Lord Howick. {In his For. sec, v. 1.) 22744 Grey, E. C. . The bosom friend. 12450 — Good society ; or, Contrasts of character. 1663 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 539 Grey, H. G., Sd. Earl Grey. Francis, G. H. (In Ms Orators.) 1525 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 Grey, Lady J. See Dudley, Lady J. G. Grey, T. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece, etc., in the suite of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 8467 Grey Nunnery at Montreal. Kichardson, S. J. Life in the Grey Nunnery. 5296 Greylock, G., pseud. See Smith, J. E. A. Gridiron, The; by S. Lover. (In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 Griff ; by B. L. Farjeon. 10677 Griffin, George. The Gospel its own advocate. 1665 Griffin, Gerald. Works. 10 v. 5401-10 Contents. Y.l. The collegians. 2. Tales of the Munster festivals : The carddrawer; The half sir; Suil Dhuv, the coiner. 3. Tales of the Munster festivals: The Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer ; The hand and wordj The barber of Bantry, etc. 4. Tales of the Munster festivals : The rivals ; Tracy's ambition. 5. Talis qualis ; or, Tales of the jury- room. 6. The Duke of Monmouth. 7. Tales of the five senses, etc. 8. Poetical vrorks and Tragedy of Gisippus. 9. The invasion. 10. Life of G. Griffin ; by his brother. — Gisippus. {In Mod", stand, dr., v. 9.) 11811 — Fitzgerald, P. {In his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 — Mr. Tibbot O'Learv, the curious. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 — The swans of Lir. ' {In Little class., v. 1.) . 12972 — Giles, H. {In his Lect. and ess.) 7850 Griffin, H. Spear, C. (Li his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Griffin, J. Memoirs of J. Wilson. 2d. Amer. ed. ; app., Re- sults of the South Sea Mission. 1667 Griffin, J. J. Scientific handicraft ; catalogue of apparatus . for elementary exp. in physics, v. 1. Mechanics, hydro- statics, hydro-dynamics, and pneumatics. *I Griffin, R. Life of S. Pepys. (In Pepys, S. Diary, etc., v. 1.) 3419 Griffis, W. E. Corea, the hermit nation. 22151 — Japanese f airv-world ; stor. fr. the wonder-lore of Japan. Illust. 19879 — The Mikado's* empire. 16011 Contents. Historv of Japan.— Personal experiences, observ., and stud, in Japan, 1870-1874. " Griffith, C. Victory Deane. 3 v. 20802-4 Griffith, G. S. Penal and reform, inst. of Maryland. (In In- , ternat. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I Griffith, H. T. Introduction and notes. (In Cowper, W. Didactic poems.) 18322 Griffith, M. M. Corpulence ; treated without starvation ; or, how to get lean. 17188 Griffith Gaunt ; by C. Reade. 3604 Griffiths, A. The English army ; its past hist., present cond., and fut. prospects. 19110 — Lola. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 17037 Griffiths, J. W. The progressive ship-builder. 2 v. *I Grillparzer, F. Der arme Spielmann. (Deut. Novellenschatz.) 16151 — Sappho ; a tragedy. (In Oehlenschliiger, A. G. Correggio.) 3279 — /iS'ame; tr. by E.Frothinghara. 16677 — Schmidt, J. {Iii his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Grimaldi, J. Dickens, C. Memoirs of G. ; ed. by "Boz." 12040 Grimaldi, The. Malleson, G. B. (In his Stud. fr. Genoese hist.) 13876 Grimaldi ; drama ; by D. Boucicault. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 20.) 11820 540 FREE PUBLIC LIBKARY. Grimes, J. S. Etherology and phreno-philosophy of mesmer- ism, etc. ; ed. by W. G. Le Due. "i^Q^ Grimes, J. W. Salter, W. Life of Grimes. 15804 Grimke, S. M. Joan of Arc. 6615 Grimkie ; by J. Abbott. 50 Grimm, A. T. von. Alexander Feodorowna, Empr. of Russia; .tr. by Lady Wallace. 2 v. 14383-4 Grimm, F. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In ?iis Cans, lund., v. 7.) *I Grimm, H. Goethe. Vorlesungen gehalten an der Kgl. Univ. zu Berlin. 2 v. in 1. 16247 — Das Kind. (Deut. Novellenschatz.) 16162 — Leben Michelangelo's. 2 v. 10306-7 — Same. Life of Michael Angelo ; tr. by F. E. Bunnett. 2 v. 5982-a — Life and times of Goethe ; tr. by S. H. Adams. 19969 — Das Leben Raphaels von Urbino ; Italianischer. Text von Vasari, 10305 — Zehn ausgew^iihlte Essavs zur Einfuehrung in das studium der modemen Kunst. ' 10304 Contents. Die Venus von Milo.— Raphael und Michelangelo.— Carlo Saraceni.— Albrecht Diirer.— Goethe's Verhiiltnisszurbildenden Kunst. — Jacob Asmus Carstens.— Berlin und Peter von Cornelius.— Die Cartons von Peter von Cornelius.— Schinkel.—E. Curtius iiber Kunstmuseen. — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 3.) 16313 Grimm, J. L. C. and W. K. German pop. tales and household stor., ser. 1. Illust. 18905 German pop. stor. and fairy tales as told by Gammer Grethel. Rev. trans., bv E. Taylor. Illust. fr. designs by G. Cruikshank and L. Grimm. * 14214 Grimm's goblin's ; select, fr. Household words. Illust. 7025 Household stories ; tr. by L. Crane ; pict. by W. Crane. *I See also Sauveur, L. Contes merveilleux. Grimm, W. K. Die Deutsche Heldensage. 16248 — joint author. See Grimm, J. L. K. Grimmelshausen, H. J. C. von. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissi- mus ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 2 V. 16469-70 — Simplicianische Schriften ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 2 v. 16472-3 Contents. V. 1. Trutz Simplex.— Der seltzame Springinsfeld.— Anhang : Der erste Barnhiiuter.— Gaukel-Tasche. 2. Das wunderbarliche Vogel- nest. Grimm's goblins ; by J. L. C. and W. K. Grimm. 7025 Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 6.) 11838 Grimshawe, T. S. Memoir of L. Richmond. 1672 Grinding organ. The ; by M. Edgeworth. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Griudle, T. W. Construction and cost of sewage works. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *T. — Plans of Hertford sewage tanks. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. Proc, V. 3.) *I Grindon, L. H. Life ; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. 7372 — The little things ofnature consd. espec. in rel. to the Divine benevolence. 6404 — The phenomena of plant life. 6120 — Sexuality of nature; that sex and marriage are universal. 7351 Gringe family. {In Nov. and tales fr. household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Gringo, Harry, pseud. See Wise, H. A. Grinnell, C. E., ed. Points Of law suggested by Guiteau's case. *I Contents. Thompson, S. D. Challenge to the array.— Hill, E. B. In- sanitv as a defence. — Robinson, J. H. Jurisdiction in Guiteau's case. — Smitt, R. D. Another view of the jurisdiction in Guiteau's case.— Mer- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 541 riam, E. G. Opinions of jurors.— Darling, C. E. Confessions of prison- ers. — General notes by the editor. Grinshaw, R. Saws; hist., development, action, classif., and compar. of saws of all kinds ; with app. Illust. *I Oriscom, J. H. Animal mechanism and physiology. 1673 — The use of tobacco. 7476 Grisettes, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 11.) *I Grisi, G., wife of Guiseppe, called Mario. Clayton, E. 0. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great singers, ser. 2.) 20365 Grisons. M'Crie, T. Sketch of the hist, of the reformation in the Grisons. (In his Works, v. 3.) 21367 Grist of the mill ; comic drama ; by J. R. Planch^. (/?i Mod. stand, dr., v. 33.) 11826 Griswold, H. T. Down by the sea. {In Stor. and sketches.) 6883 Griswold, R. W. Curiosities of Amer. literature. ( With D'Israeli, I. Curiosities, etc.) 1233 — The female poets of America. 1674 — Poets and poetry of America. 1676 ; *I — Poets and poetry of England. 1677 — Poets and poetry of En":, in the 19th. cent. ; add. by R. Stoddard. *I — Prose writers of America. ' 1675 Grit; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Success, etc.) 10753 Gritton, J. Christianity is not the invention of impostors or of credulous enthusiasts. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520 — Lord Lvttleton on the conversion of St. Paul.) In Chr. Ev. Soc. Striv- ings', etc.) 16138 Groceries. Simmonds, P. L. The grocery and allied trades ; The commerce in groceries. (7n his Sci. and comm.) 18644 Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies ; life on the fron- tier, sport in the Rocky Mts., etc. Map. 21826 — Gaddings with a prim, people ; sk. of Tvrolese life and customs. (Leis.- hr. ser.) ' 17891 — Tyrol and the Tyrolese ; people and land in their social, sporting, and mountaineering aspects. 15705 Groome, F. H. In Gipsy tents. 20540 Gros mot, Un ; com^die-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre compl., v. 5.) 14562 Grosart, A. B. Prose works of Wm. Wordsworth ; add. fr. unpub. mss. Pref., notes, and illust. 3 v. 15646-8 Gross, S. D. The factors of disease and death after injuries, parturition, and surg. operations. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I — John Hunter and his pupils. 20196 — Surgery. (In Clarke, E. H. Cent, of Amer. medicine.) 16710 Grosse, J. W. Vetter Isidor. (Deutsch. Novellenschatz.) 16166 Grossi, T. Marco Visconti ; fr. the Ital., by A. F. D. 21358 — Marco Visconti, storia del trecento.— Ildegonda.— La fugitiva.— Ulrico e Lida; novelle. 15508 Grosvenor, J. du V. Model yachts and boats ; designing, mak- ing, sailing. Illust. " 21728 Grote, G. Aristotle. 2 v. 10832-3 — Fragments on ethical subjects; select, fr. his posthumous papers. 15625 Contents. Origin and nature of ethical sentiment.— Philosophv of morals.— Ancient systems of moral philosophy.— Idea of ethical philoso- phy.— Ethics of Aristotle. Politics of Aristotle. — History of Greece. 12 v. 1678-89 — Life, teachings, and death of Socrates; fr. G.'s Hist, of Greece. 1690 542 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Minor works ; with crit. rem. on his intellectual character, writings, eic, by Bain. 1219& — Plato and other companions of Sokrates. 3 v. 6288-90 — Grote, H. The personal life of Grote. 11658 — Grote's History of Greece. {I7i Ess. fr. the Lond. Times.) 969a — Mill, J. S. Grote's Aristotle. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) 14356 Grote's History of Greece. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 3.) 5980 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I Grote, H. L. The personal life of George Grote. 11658 — Eastlake, E. R. Mrs. Grote; a sketch. . 20325 Grotius (or de Groot), H. Osgood, S. Hugo Grotius and the Armenians. (In Ms Studies, etc.) 7189 Grots and groves ; by C. Kingsley. {In his Health, etc.) 12906 Grotto nymph; by A. W. Thaxter. (In French's min. dram., V. 34.) 7988 Grouchy, E., marquis de. Grouchy. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826- Ground and lofty tumbling. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., V. 11.) 14311 Grout, L. Zulu-land; life amg. the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-land. Map,, e^c. 19111 Grove, F. C. 'The frosty Caucasus'; acct. of a walk thr. part of the range and ascent of Elbruz. 1874. lUust. and map. 15593 Grove, G. Beethoven's Ninth symphony. 21419 — Geography. (Hist, prim.) 1701T Grover, J. H. Plays. See French's minor drama. Grover, John. The Bokhara victims. 1691 Grube, A. W. Charaktersskildringar ur historien och sagan, samlade, bearbetade och sammaustallda of versattning fran Gustaf Thomee. 3 v. 15021-2a Innehcill. Y. 1, Egyptier. Assyrier. Phenicier.— Grekernas heroer: Hercules och Theseus.— Gemensamma foretag af heroer. (Argonauternas tag. Trojanska kriget.)— Charaktersteckningar ur Persernas historia. Cyrus, Kambyses, Darius,— Charaktersteckningar ur Grekernas historia. —Rom under "Konungar.— Rom sasom repubUk. 2. Germaniska gudar och hjeltar. — Romerska kejsarne och Christendomen. — Folkvandringen. — Verldsomhviilf vande religioner.— Bildandet af stater : Franker, Sachser, och Normander. — Tyska kejsare och konungar.— Svenska f rihetshjeltar : Engelbrecht och Sturarne. — Medeltideus Hjelte-och Riddareperiod. — Medeltideus cultur. 3. Upptinnin^ar och Upptiickter. — Kyrkoreforma- tionen. — Adeln och Hansan i deras sista Strider. — Tyska Konstnarer vid Reformationstiden. — Statsforhallaudenas Ombilduiiig ^enom Reforma- tionen. — Oinskriinkta Konungar. — Frihetsmjin. — Revolutioner. Grumbler, The ; by E. Pickering. 521^ Grund, F. J. Americans in their moral, soc, and polit. rela- tions. 1692 — Thoughts and refl. on the pres. position of Europe, and its consequence to the U. S. 169a Grundy, 8. Archer, W. (J?6 /i*s Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Gruner, M. L. Manufacture of steel ; tr. by L. Smith ; with The Bessemer process in the U. S., by the translator. Illust. 11199 — Studies of blast furnace phenomena. 12526 Gruter, O. F. M. Trollope, T. A. {In his Decade of Ital. women, v. 2.) 10989 Gryll grange ; by T. L. Peacock. {In his Works, v. 2.) 13880 Gryphius, A. Dramatische Dichtungen ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16466 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 543 — Lyrische Gedichte ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16476 Gualdo, L. Un mariage excentrique. 14632 Guard, T. Christianity and the mental activity of the age. {In Boston Monday Lect., 1880-1881.) 20467 Guardian. The ; new ed. 2 v. 5059-60 Note. Essavs, chiefly bv R. Steele and J. Addison. Guardian angel, The fby O. W. Holmes. 7079 Guatemala. Guatemala. {In Modern traveller, v. 7.) 3097 — Mueller, F. M. Popol Yuh. {In his Chips, v. 1.) 7664 Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological mythology. 2 v. 11452-3 "Gude conceit o' oursels." {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., v. 8.) 14308 Gudrun. Kudrun ; herausg. von K. Bartsch. 16240 Gudrun and other stories ; fr. epics of Middle Ages ; by J. Gibb. 22358 Guenther, A. C. L. G. Introduction to the study of fishes. *I Guenther, J. C. Gedichte : hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16468 Guerilla bride, The ; poem ; by H. Barnes. 312 Gu^rin, E. de. Journal ; ed. by G. S. Trebutien. 8157 — Arnold, M. {In his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Parr, H. Maurice and Eugenie de Gu^rin ; a monograph. 8539 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. kind., v. 3, 9; Caus. lund., v. 12.) *I — Forsyth, W. (In his Essays crit. and narr.) 12723 Guerin, G. M. de. Journal ; with essay by M. Arnold, and mem. by Sainte-Beuve ; ed. by G. S. Trebutien ; tr. by E. T. Fisher. 14150 — Arnold, M. (In his Ess. in crit.) < 5971 — Gautier, T. and others. (In their Fam. Fr. authors.) 19026 — Parr, H. Maurice and Eugenie de Gu(^rin ; a monograph. 85939 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 3; Nouv. lund., v. 3; Caus. lund., V. 15.) *I Guerndale; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. 21722 Guernsey, A. H. Ralph Waldo Emerson ; philosopher and poet. (Appletons' new hand. -vol. ser.) 20767 — The Spanish Armada, for the invasion of Eng., 1587-88. (Harper's hf.- hr. ser.) 17575 — Thomas Carlyle; life, books, theories. (Appletons' new hand.-vol. ser.) 18386 Guernsey, C. F. Friends in need. 11406 — The last witch, (/w Hale. E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13936 — The merman and the figure-head. (In Adv. in shadow-land.) 20512 — Tutor and team*'ter; seq. to Friends in need. 11405 Guernsey, L. E. Story of a Hessian ; tale of the revolution in New Jersey. 18709 Guernsey. Black, A. and C. Guide to Guernsey, etc. ; ed. by D. T. Ansted. *I Guernsey Lily, A ; or. How the feud was healed ; by S. Cool- idge [S. C. Woolsey]. " 20046 Gu^roult, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 4.) *I Guerrazzi, F. D. Beatrice Cenci ; tr. by L. Monti. 6268 — Isabella Orsini ; tr. bv L. Monti. 1694 — Manfred; or. The battle of Benevento. 13909 Guerre, La ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9393 Guerre des femmes. La ; par A. Dumas. 2 v. in 1. 9495 Guerre des Turcomans, La ; by J. A. de Gobineau. {In his Nouv. Asiatiques.) 14480 Guest, M. J. Lectures on the hist, of England. Maps. 18794 544 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Guettee, R. F., Abbe. The papacy ; its historic origin, and prim, relation with the Eastern churches ; tr., and biog. not. In- trod. by A. C. Coxe. 6715 Guglielmo Tell ; opera ; by Rossini. *I — /Same. William Tell. ( 7^^ Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Guhl, E. and K. W. Life of the Greeks and Romans, descr. fr. antique monuments ; tr. by F. Hueffer. *I Guiana. See Dutch Guiana. Guiard, E. La mouche ; monologue. {In Legouve, G. J. B. E. W. Th^^tre de camp., s^r. 5.) • 14500 — Volte-race, comMie. (In Legouv6, G. J. B. E. W. Theatre, etc., s6r. 4.) 14499 Guicciardini, F. Wilson, J. (In Ms Studies of mod. mind.) 21197 Guiccioli, T. G., Countess. See Boissy. Guide to Florida; cont. hist, sketch, statistics, routes, etc. 11292 Guide to the stage ; by L. T. Rede. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Guide books. See the names of the countries or places to which the guide books refer. Guides for science-teaching. See Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Guido and Lita ; by the Marquis of Lome. 15362 Guido et Genevra ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 3.) *I Guienne. Taylor, A. Guienne ; notes of an autumn tour. 19918 Guignet, A. Gautier, T. {In Ms Tableaux a la plume.) 14647 Guild, C. Abroad again ; [England, Italy, Germany, Holland] . 16945 — Over the ocean. 9244 Guild Court ; by G. MacDonald. 7245 Guildford. See Guilford. Guilds. Brentano, L. History and development of gilds, and origin of trade-unions. 8628 Guilford or Guildford, F., 2d. Earl of. See North, F. Guilhand, G. Reponse A la lettre du fusilier Bridet. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 6.) 14796 Guillemin, A. Applications of phys. forces ; tr. by Mrs. Lockyer ; add. and notes, by J. N. Lockyer ; cold, plates and illust. *I — The forces of nature; tr. by Mrs. Lockyer; add. and notes, by J. N. Lockyer. Illust. 2d. ed. ' ' *I — The heavens ; illust. hand-book of pop. astronomy ; ed. by J. N. Lockyer. 8475 — The sun ; fr. the French, by A. L. Phipson. (111. lib. of wonders.) * 8385 — Wonders of the moon; tr. by M. G. Mead; add. by M. Mitchell. (111. lib. of wonders.) ' • 11473 — The world of comets ; tr. and ed. by J. Glaisher. Illust. *I Guillemot, J. Les deux sous-pr^fets de X*** ; sayn^te. {In Legouv6, G. J. B. E. W. Theatre de camp., s^r. 5.) 14500 — L'heure de la liberty. (Theatre de camp., ser. 7.) 14691 — Une mauvaise 6toile ; saynete. {In SaynMes, etc., ser. 2.) 14792 — The unlucky star. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Guilt and innocence ; by M. S. Schwartz. 9165 " Guilty, or not guilty." 2975 Guilty, or not guilty ; by Mrs. G. Smythies. 7222 Guinand, — . Howe, H. {In Ms Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Guitarrero, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 9.) *I Guiteau, C. J. Grinnell, C. E. Points of law suggested by G.'s case. *I Guizot, Mme. E. C. P. (de M.) Clara. 1695 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 545 — Popular tales ; tr. b}- Mrs. Burke. 1734 — The young student. 1697 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes.) *I The same. (In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 Guizot, F. P. G. Essay on the character and infl. of Wash- ington in the revolution. 1699 — Faith and science. (In Noyes, G. R. Coll. theol. ess.) 7701 — General hist, of civilization in Europe; also, Treatise on death punish- ments, V. 1. « 5052 Note. See also Hist., etc., below. — History of civilization [in Europe and of civilization in France] ; tr. by W.'Hazlitt, V. 2^. 5053-5 Note. For contents of vol. 1, see preceding work. — Historv of France. See Masson, G. Episodes. — History of France to 1789; tr. by R. Black. Illust. 5 v. ■ 10886-90 Note. For v. 6, continuation of this work, see Historv to 1848. — History of France to 1848 ; ed. by Mme. DeWitt. Illust., v. 6-8. 19708-10 Note. Continuation of Hist, to 1789. — History of Oliver Cromwell and the Eng. Commonwealth. 2 v. 1700-1 — History of R. Cromwell and the restoration of Charles II. ; tr. by A. R. Scoble. 2v. 19467-8 — History of the Eng. revolution of 1640; fr. the ace. to the death of Charles I. . 1698 — History of the origin of representative government in Europe ; tr. bv A. R. Scoble. « ^ ^ • 13g09 — Meditations on the act. state of Christianity, etc. 6964 Contents. The awakening of Christianity in France in the 19th. cent. — Spiritualism.— Rationalism. •— Positivism. — Pantheism. — Materialism. — Skepticism. — Impiety, recklessness, and perplexity. — Meditations on the essence of Christianity, etc. 5858 Contents. Natural problems.— Christian dogmas.— The supernatural. — The limits of science. — Revelation.— The inspiration of the Scriptures. — God according to the Bible.— Jesus Christ according to the Gospel. — Note. — Popular hist, of France ; abridgment. See Masson, G. — Saint Louis and Calvin. (Great Chr. of France.) 8069 — Bagehot, W. (In his Biog. studies.) 20441 — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. (In his Orators of France.) 5012 — Mill, J. S. Guizot's essays and lect. on historv. (In his Diss, and disc, V. 2.) ' • 5979 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Monday-chats.) 17345 (In his Nouv. lund., v. 1, 9; Cans, lund., v. 1.) *I — Wilson, J. Guizot's ' Own time.' (In his Stud, of mod. mind.) 21197 — Witt, Mme. de. Monsieur Guizot in private life, 1787-1874; tr. by M. C. M. Simpson. 19972 Gulf, The, Dept. of. See Butler, B. F. Gulistan. See Sadi. Gulliver Joi ; by E. Perce. 3459 Gulliver's travels; by J. Swift. 4319; 17289 Gun, rod, and saddle ; by Ubique [P. Gillmore]. 7623 Gunboat series. See Fosdick, C. A. Gunmaker of Moscow ; drama ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 21.) 11820 Gunn, A., joint author. See Timbs, J. Gunnar ; by H. H. Boyesen. 12961 Gunnery. Gloan breech loaders. 11984 — See also Munitions of War. Guns. Aitkin, W. C. Guns. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 — Greener, W. W. The gun and its development ; with notes on shooting. *I — Whitworth, J. Guns and steel. 12254 Gup ; sketches of Anglo-Indian life ; by F. M. Church. 10831 Gurley, P. D. Christ the way, the truth, and the life. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Gurney, E. The power of sound. 20601 546 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gurney, J. J. Address on the right use and appl. of knowl- edge. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 — Hints on the portable evidence of Christianity. -^ 1702 — Memoirs. 9691 — Observations on the views, etc., of the Society of Friends. 1704 — A winter in the West Indies. " 1705 Gurney, S. Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 Gurney married ; ]|^y T. Hook. 15659 Gurowski; A. G. de. Diary, 1861-2. 1708 Gurteen, S. H. Handbook of charity organization. 21357 Gusman d'Alfarache ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 2.) *i Gustafson, Z. B. Genevieve Ward ; biog. sketch. Portr. 21215 Gustafsson, R. Chit-chat by Puck ; fr. the Swedish by A. Alberg. 3d. ed. 22206 Gustave HI. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 2.) *I Gustavus III., King of Sweden. Brougham, H. {In Ms Hist. sk., ser. 1.) 525 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Gustavus Adolphus II. , King of Sweden. Topelius, Z. Gustave Adolf, and the Thirty Years' War ; hist, novel. 10473 Times of Gustaf Adolf; fr. the Swedish. (Sergeon's stor.) 22609 Gustavus Lindorn ; by E. F. Carlen. 690 Gutenberg, J. Hessels, J. H. Gutenberg ; was he the inventor of printing ? hist, investigation ; crit. on Van der Linde's "Gutenberg." 22223 — Lamatine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 2.) 13217 Gutenberg ; drame historique ; par Mme. Figuier. 9571 Guthrie, D. K., and C. J. Memoir of Thomas Guthrie. {In Guthrie, T. Autobiography, v. 2.) 12180-1 Guthrie, J. Savage, J. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Guthrie, M. On Mr. Spencer's formula of evolution as an exhaustive statement of the changes of the universe ; with a resume of crit. of Spencer's " First principles." 19520 Guthrie, T. Autobiography; and mem. by his sons. 2 v. 12180-1 — Life; compl. from his own words. 11596 Out of harness; " sketches, narrative and descriptive. Contents. The Edinburgh original ragged school.— New Brighton.— A inter gale.— Streets of Pans.— Sunday in Paris, and French protestantism. -Skett*hes of tlie Cowgate. — Winter.'— Autumn.— The pest, Providence, and prayer. — Watch-night. — The Rechabites. — Unforgiving and unfor- given. — Studies of character fr. the Old Testament. 7520 — See also Sunday Magazine. Gutta-percha. Collins, J. Gutta-percha and india-rubber. 15473 Gutta-percha Willie ; by G. MacDonald. 11788 Guttinguer, U. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 2.) *I Gutzkow, K. F. Hohenschuangau. 5 v. 10261-5 — Die neuen Serapionsbriider. 3 v. 16M5-7 — Die Ritter xom Geiste. 9 v. 10252-60 — Same ; 6th. ed. 4 v. 16432-6 — Through night to light. 11903 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 Gutzlaff, C. Sketch of Chinese hist., anc. and mod. 2 v. 1706-7 Guy, T. Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 547 Guy, W. A. The factors of the uusonnd mind ; with spec. ref. to the plea of insanity in crim. cases, and the amendment of the law. — On the use of common-place books in self -education. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) Guy Fawkes ; by W. H. Ainsworth. Guy Livingstone ; [by G. A. Lawrence]. Guy Mannering ; by W. Scott. Guy Mannering ; play ; by D. Terry. {In Mod. stand, dram., V. 10.) Guy Rivers ; by W. G. Simms. Guy Vernon, a novelette in verse. {In Masque of poets.) Guyard de Berville, — . Story of the Chevalier de Bayard. See Walford, E. Guyon, J. M. B. de La M. Child, L. M. Biographies of Lady Russell and Mme. Guyon. — Spear, C. {In his Voices from prison.) — Upham, T.C. Life and relig. opinions and expr. of Mme. Guyon. 2 v. Guyot, A. Common school geography. — The earth and man ; phvs. geography in rel. to history. — Same; tr. by C. C. Felton. 6th. ed.V — Physical geography. Guzla, La ; par P. M^rimee. ( With Chronique du r^gne de Charles IX.) Guzman, G. de. James, G. P. R. {In his Lives, etc.) Gwen ; drama in monologue ; by L. Morris. Gwendoline's harvest. Gwinneth Vaughan ; drama ; by M. Lemon. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 39.) Gwynne, P. A word to the wise. {In Peabody, A. P. Conversation.) — Same; hints on improprieties in writing and speaking; rev. Gwynne, T. The school for fathers. Gymnastics, Manly exercises. Forrest, G. Handbook of gymnastics. — Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and gymnastics. — Hunt, L. B. Hand-book of light gymnastics. — Lewis, D. The new gymnastics. The new gymnastics ;' with a tr. of Prof. Kloss's Dumb-bell instructor, and Prof. Schreber's Pangymnastikon. — Maclaren, A. System of phys. educ, theoretical and practical. — Putnam, J. J. School gymnastics. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) — Ravenstein, E., and Hulley, ,f. The gymnasium and its fittings; illust. descr. of gjmnastic apparatus. Hand-book of gymnastics and athletics. — Trail, R. T. The illustrated family gymnasium. — Walker, D. British manly exercises. — Welch, F. G. Moral, intellectual, and physical culture. — See also Physical education. Gypsies. Borrow, G. Romano Lavo-Lil ; word-book of the Romany. Zincali ; acct. of the Gvpsies of Spain. Same. {In his Bible in Spain.) — Clark, E. L. The Turkish Slavonians, the Wallachians, and the Gypsies. {In his Races of Europ. Turkey.) — Groome, F. H. In Gipsy tents. — Leland, C. G. English gipsies, and their language. The G\"psies. and others. English gipsy songs ; In Romany, with metr. Eng. trans. 21182 5855 12657 170^ 38ie 11812 19079 18246 820 4162 4573-4 8683 1710 *I 11965 9518 6764 18654 8695 11829 7438 21641 1711 1765 9899 21298 2568 4267 11891 15735 18219 15638 4486 4610 8877 *I 434 442 18402 20540 12086 21649 1387a 548 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Simson, W. History of the Gipsies; with spec, of the language; ed., with pref., etc., by J. Simson. 6672 — Smith, G. Gipsy life; acet. of our gipsies and their children; with sugg. for their improvement. 20034 — Smith, H. Tent life with English gipsies in Norway. 14102 — See also Chiromancy. Gypsies of the Dane's Dike ; by G. S. Phillips. 5732 Gypsy Breyntou ; by E. S Phelps. 9013 Gypsy's cousin Joy ; by E. S. Phelps. 9014 Gypsy's sowing and reaping ; by E. S. Phelps. 9015 Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent; by E. 8. Phelps. 9016 H., C. G. Constance Lyndsay. 5247 — Norman Leslie ; [tale of Scotland in the 16th. cent.] 3264 H., C. R. Janet et ses amis. 16699 H., H., pseud. See Jackson, H. M. H., J. The Laird of Darnick Tower. (In Wilson. J. M. Tales, V. 4.) 8044 H., M. ^.^ joint author. See S., J. R. H., M. R. Athol. 11941 H., S. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 H. Leach, A. The letter H, past, present, and future ; treatise. 22404 H. family. The ; by F. Bremer. 486 Habberton, J. The Barton experiment. 16714 — The crew of the Sam " Weller." 17892 — Helen's babies. 15942 — The Jericho road ; story of western life. 16719 — Mrs. Mayburn's twins.' 21543 — Other people's children. 17038 — Who was Paul Gravson ? Illust. 20474 — The worst boy in town. 19838 Habermeister, The ; by H. Schmid. , 7831 Habersham, A. W. My last cruise. 11178 Habit. Butler, S. Life and habit. 18829 — Symonds, J. A. Habit. (J/i/mMisc.) 22835 Habit and intelligence ; essays ; by J. J. Murphy. 18891 Habitations, The, of man in all ages ; by E. E. Viollet-Le-Duc. *I Habits and men ; by J. Doran. 6616 Habits of good society. 1714 — Same. (In Hand-books of good soc.) 22191 Hachette, J. See Fourquet, J. Hachette's illust. French primer ; ed. by H. Bue. 19713 Hack, D. Higginson, T. W. (In his Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Hackett, F. W. The Geneva Award Acts ; with notes, and ref. to decis. of the Court of . Commissioners of Alabama Claims. *I Hackett, H. B. Christian memorials of the war ; with hist. notes. 5669 Hackett, Wm. H. Y. Biographical sketch. (In Brewster, C. W. Rambles about Portsmouth, ser. 2.) 22888 Hacklaender, F. W. Werke. 60 v. in 33. 10271-303 Contents. V. 1-3. Namenlose Geschichten. 4. Das Soldatenleben im Frieden.— Wachtstubenabenteuer. 5. Wachtstubenabenteuer. 6. Kleinere Erziihlungen und humoristische Skizzen. 7. Handel uud Wandel. 8-9. Reise in den Orient. 10-13. Eugeu Stillfried. 13. MJirchen. 14. Der Pilgerzug nach Mekka. 15. Der geheime Agent ; Lustspiel. 16-;S0. Euro})aisches Sklavenleben. 21. Per Augenblick des Gliicks. 32-34. Ein Winter in Spanien. 35-36. Erlebtes : Eiu Geheimniss.— Reise- Abenteuer. — Ein Schicksal.— Gef iihrliche Blumen- The Church, etc., ser. I.) Against the world. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS strausse.— Familien-Conzert. — Zwei Nachte.— Im Bivouak. — Die erste Wache. — Yenetlig. — Die erste Yersammlung deutsclier bildender Kiinstler. — Der Clubb fiir unbeg:ranzte Freiheit.— Anonyme Briefe.— Zeitungsar- tikelinaufsteigendcrPotenz. 27. ZurRuhesetzen; Lustspiel. S8-S9. Bilder aus dem Soldatenleben im Kriege. 30-34 . Der neue Don Quixote. 35-36. TagundNacht. 37. DerTannhiiuser; eineKiinstlergeschichte. 38-39. Krieg und Frieden. 40. Tagehuchhlcitter: Ueber den St. Gotthard; Venedig; Paris im Winter, 1851; Ungarn im Jahre 1857. 41-4S. Der Wechsel des Lebens. 43. Der verlorene Sohn ; Lustspiel. 44-48. Die dunkle Stunde. 49-51. Fiirst und Kavalier.—iVa^es Mwdl Femes: Die Spuren eines Romans ; LTnterdenpapstlichenZuaven. — Neue Oeschichten: Der Toreador; Ein Eisenbahn-Abenteuer ; AmHerdfeuer; Reiselust. 52-55. Kiinstlerroman. 56. Kiinstlerroman.— Der Ktinst- lerhof von Granada. 57. Zwolf Bettel. 58-60. Das Geheimniss der Stadt. — Behind blue glasses ; tr. by M. A. Robinson. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) — Behind the counter. — Enchanting and enchanted; [tr.] by Mrs. Wister. — Forbidden fruit; tr. by R. Kaufman. — Zwei Nachte. (Deut/Novellenschatz.) Hackle, V., pseud. See Blakey, R. Haddacl-Ben-Ahab the traveller ; by J. Gait. {In Little class., V. 9.) Haddan, A. W. English divines of the 16th. and 17th. cent. {In Weir, A. Hadermann, J. R. — Dead men's shoes — Forgiven at last. — Heavy yokes. Hades. Morris, L. The epic of Hades Hadley, H. Lessons in language. Hadley, J. Essays philological and crit. — Introduction to Roman law. Hadrianus, P. Translation from H. {In Hodgson, S. H. Outcast ess., etc.) Haeckel, E. The evolution of man ; pop. exp. of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny ; from the German. ' 18739-40 — Fi-eedom in science and teaching; pref. by T. H. Huxley. 18885 — History of creation ; pop. exp. of the doctr. of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck, in particular. 2 v. Haering, G. W. H., {pseud. Wilibald, Alexis.) Herr von Sacken. (Deutsch. Novellenschatz.) — Schmidt, J. Alexis Willibald. {In his Bilder aus dem geist. Leben, v. 3.) Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic ; France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and England. Haeusser, L. The period of the Reformation, 1517-1648 ; ed. by W. Oncken. Hagar, D. B. Annual address. (Jn Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) Hagar ; by A. Gary. Hagenbach, K. R. History of the Church in the 18th. and 19th. cent. ; tr., with add. by J. F. Hurst. 2 v. 8135-G Hagarene ; by G. A. Lawrence. 13492 Hagberg, C. P. Hogmasso predikningar. 2 v. in 1. 15024 Hageman, S. M. Silence. [A poem.] 16927 Hagen, F. H. von der. Minnesinger; Deutsche Liederdichter des 12-14 Jahrh. 5 v. in 4, and Atlas. *I Note. V. 5 and atlas cont. Bildersaal altdeutscher Dichter ; Bildnisse und Darstellungen mit geschichtlichen Erlauterungen. fr. the papers of H. 18039 11365 9282 17272 16169 12980 8627 11480 10090 9279 15900 22415 10927 11606 1185T 20808 15396-T 16156 16313 7590 15413 11608 683 550 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Haggard, H. R. Cetywayo and his white neighbours ; recent events in Zululand, Nat^l, and the Transvaal. 22524 Hague, W. Discourse on the life and character of R. H. Neale. 20197 Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. G., Grdjinn, Hayward, A. The count- ess Hahn-Hahn. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 Haig, J. Symbolism ; or, Mind, matter, language, as the elements of thinking and reasoning, and as the necessary factors of hum. knowledge. 13448 Hail. Abich, — . Remarkable forms of hail-stones in Georgia. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Haile, E. Hazel-nut and her brothers. 21025 Haine d'une femme, La ; ou, Le jeune homme a marier ; com6- die vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 13.) *1 Haines, C. G. Sketch of H. (7n Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Haines, J. T. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dram. Hair. Wilson, E. Healthy skin ; treat, on the skin and hair ; preserv. and management. 16924 Hajji Baba. See Morier, J. Hake, A. E. * Flattering tales. ■ 22222 Hal, the story of a clodhopper ; by W. M. F. Round. 19747 Haldeman, S. S. Affixes ; etymologic, structure of Eng. words. 6987 — Analytic orthography; iiivestio:atiou of tlie sounds of the voice; incl. the mechanism of speecli, and its bearing upon etymologj. 6956 — Word-building ; for the use of classes in etymology. ' 20899 Hale, E. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678- 1697. Maps and plans. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 16104 Hale, E. E. Back to back. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17576 — The children of the public. (In Little class., v. 12.) 12983 — The choice of books. (In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) 19847 — Christmas eve and Christmas day. Illust. 11247 — Crusoe in New York, and other tales. 19799 Contents. Crusoe in New York. — Alif-Laila. — A civil servant. — Nico- lette and Aucassin. — The lost palace. — The western Ginevra.— Max Kees- ler's horse-car. — The modern Psyche. — Daily bread ; Christmas waits iii Boston. (In Daily bread, etc.) 8689 — From Thanksgiving to Fast ; sermons. ' 19252 — G. T. T. ; or, The wonderful adventures of a Pulhnan. 17061 — His level best, and other stories. 11209 Contents. His level best.— The brick moon.— AVater talk.— Mouse and lion.— The modern Sinbad.— Tale of a salamander. — The Queen of Cali- fornia. — Confidence. — How to do it. 9613 — If, yes, and perhaps ; [tales] . 7522 — In his name. 7299 — The Ingham papers. 7715 — Kauzas and Nebraska. 1716 — The Kingdom of God, and other sermons. 21327 Contents. The kingdom of God.— Time and grief .—The centennial of the Constitution.— Public worship.— Aggressive Christianity.— 3Iary Mag- dalene.— The shiftless.— God's love.— Where will sect go ?— Conscience and will.— Exaggeration.— Spirit, letter, and tradition.— Palm Sunday.— Life and its enemies.— Union and communion.- The Channing centennial.— Doing the will.— Is life worth living?— Purity and temperance.— Many- sided. — The measure of life. — The life in common, and other sermons. 21328 Contents. The life in common.— Body, mind, and soul.— Bodily train- ing. — Mental discipline. — Candor in the pulpit. — Spiritual exercises. — Happy homes.— Daily bread.— The seventy returned.— The later Pharises. —Thanksgiving.— Bread alone. — Heart, mind, soul, and strength.— The pattern in the mount. — Peace on earth. — Exaggeration. — Mary 3Iagda- lene.— The Bible.— King James's version. — The revision of the Bible.— The future of New England. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 551 - The man without a country. {In Little class., v. 1.) 12972 - Margaret Percival in America ; seq. to Margaret Percival. 1T17 - Mrs. Merriam's scholars ; story of the original ten. 18227 - Ninety davs' worth of Europe. 1T18 -The ""Old South" meeting-house. {I7i Longfellow, H. W. Poems of the " Old South." *I - One hundred years ago ; how the war began. ^j^}^ ' Our new crusade. • 13329 - Philip Nolan's friends. 16673 - Puritan politics of Eng. and New England. (In Mass. Hist. Soe. Lect.) 7869 - The skeleton in the closet. (In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 - Stories of adv. told bv adventurers. 20849 Contents. Marco Polo.— Sir J. Mandeville and the crusades.— Bertran- don in Palestine.— Geoffrey of Yinsauf.— Hernando Cortes's letters.— Era Marco and Coronado.— The Jesuit relations.— Northern discoveries. — Humboldt's travels.— A young man's voyage.— The Northwest.— Siberia and Kamtschatka. - Stories of disc, told by discoverers. 22262 Contents. Introduction : the first voyage of Columbus. — Da Gama and the East.— Magalhaens and the Pacific— Sir Francis Drake.— The Atlantic coast. — Voyages in the Pacific— The Northwest passage.— The source of the Nile.— The mouth of the Niger.— West of the Mississippi.— The Ant- arctic continent. - Stories of the sea, told by sailors. 20054 Contents. Columbus's' return fr. his first voyage.— The Chancellor voyage. — The Spanish Armada. — The battle of Lepanto. — Sir Eichard Grenville,— Alexander Selkirk.— The buccaneers.- Paul Jones and Rich- ard Pearson.— Nelson and Trafalgar.— The English navy.- Pitcairn's Island. — Naval battles. — Shipwrecks. - Stories of war, told by soldiers ; [U. S. Civil war] . 21023 - A summer vacation ; sermons. 12336 - Sybaris and other homes. 8483 'Contents. My visit to Sybaris.— How they lived at Naguadavick.— How they live in Yineland.— How they live in Boston, and how they die there.— Homes for Boston laborers. — Appendix. - Tales for travellers. 7 v. 7299; 13931-6 Contents. Y. 1. Hale, E. E. In his name. 2. Hale, E. E. Ten times one is ten.— Smith, Mrs. J. Q. The class of '71. 3. Stand and wait.— Perkins, F. B. The man-ufactory.— Perkins, Mrs. A. D. Bea- trice's mirror. — Papendiek, E. — " Against time." — Scudder, R. A contri- bution to the conscience fund. — Meredith, I. G. A tress of hair. 4. A tale of the Simplon. — Hale^ L. P. Felicie Mordaunt's world. — Penwyn, M. J. Pilchards. — The survivor's story.— Loring, F. W. Two song and dance men. 5. Nicolette and Aucassin.— W., K. and S., M. S. Tom Haliburton's quandary.— Hale, E. E. A civil servant; They saw a great light. 6. Hale, E. E. The lost palace. — Gray, E. Allegro.— Guernsey, C F. The last witch.— Meredith, I. G. Ach.sa's possibilities. — Osborne, T. M. Jack Maynard's call.— Smith, Y. G. The New England sphinx. — Hale, L. P. Which is the actress? Bombay Shirlej's cure. 7. Per- kins, F. B. Devil-puzzlers. — The pole's story.— Loring, F. W. The im- provisatore and the heeler.— Hale, E. E. The two princes.— Federhohn, T. In the wide world. — Loring, F. W. Rebecca's ma. — What happened to the Klian and the poor man's son. — Miles, H. A. The companion of paradise. — A Tartar fauy tale literally translated.— Severance, M. S. Spoons in a wherry. — Moore, A. WaveUne, The little mermaid.— De Ponte, Mrs. S. A night of terror.— The housekeeper's story. - Ten times one is ten; the possible reformation. ' 8789 - The two princes ; story for children. {In Thirteen good stor.) 11874 - Ups and downs. ' 11557 - What career? papers on the choice of a voc*ation, and the use of time. 17457 Contents. The leaders lead.— The specialties. — Noblesse oblige. — The mind's maximum. — A theological seminary.— Character. — Responsibili- ties of young men.— Study outside school.— The training of men.— Exer- cise. - and S. A family flight over Egypt and Syria. Illust. 22152 - - A family flight thr. France, Germany, Norwav, and Switzerland. Illust. 21075 - and others. Essays and stor. on the homes of men who work in large towns. 12495 Contents. Co-operative homes.— The Quincy association.— The village in Dedham.— Cheap trains in Massachusetts.— Homes for Boston laborers. 552 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Boston Co-operative society. — Sibaris and other homes. — How they lived at Naguadaviek. — How they live in Yineland. — How they live in Boston, and how they die there.— Appendix ; Const, of a Co-operative Society for Building. Hale, L. P. The art of knitting. (Tilton's needle-wk. ser.) 21024 — F61icie Mordaunt's world. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 4.) 13933 — Xhe Lord's supper and its observance. 6173 — More stitches for decorative embroidery. Illust. (Tilton's art needle- wk. ser.) " 19070 — The Peterkm papers. Illust. 19946 — Plain needlework, knitting, and mending. (Tilton's needlework ser.) 18398 — Point lace ; guide to lacework. Illust. ; ed. with assist, of Eng. manuals. (Tilton's needlewk. ser.) 18519 — The struggle for life. 1719 — Which is the actress? (Iw Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Hale, M. Burnett, G. Life of Hale. *I Hale, N. Sketch of H. {In Lives of her. of Amer. rev.) 2122 Hale, P. M. The woods and timbers of No. Carolina. 22624 Hale, S. J. (B.) Complete diet, of poet, quotations. Illust. 5656 — Juvenile budget opened; select, fr. the writings of J. Aiken, with sk. of his life. 1720 — Manners ; or, Happy homes and good society. 7196 Sketches of Amer. character. 4th. ed. ' 5069 Hale, S., joint author. See Hale, E. E. Halen, J. van. Memoirs. 2d. ed. 2 v. 11111-12 Hales, J. W. Introduction and notes. {In Milton, J. Areopa- gitica.) 15902 — Longer English poems, with notes. 11662 Hales, J. Tulloch, J. {In his Rat. theology, etc., v. 1.) 11456 Hal^vy, J. F. F. E. The Jewess. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand. ed. of opera lib., v. 1.) *I — Ferris, G. T. M^hul, Spontini, and Hal6vy. {In his Gt. It. and Fr. comp.) 18707 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {hi his Xouv. lund., v. 2.) *I Hal^vy, L. L'abb^ Constantin. 14712 — iSame ; fr. the Fr. by E. H. Hazen. 21827 — IJn mariage d' amour. 14790 Contents. Un mariage d'amour.— Mariette.— Les trois sMes de Mme. de Chateaubrun.— Le mattre de danse.— Le depute de Gamache.— L'h6ri- tage.— Souvenirs de theatre. — L'ambassadeur Chinois.— Le defil^.— Le petit Max. — Matthews, J. B. {In his French dramatists, etc.) 21038 Haley, J. W. Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible. Introd. by A. Hovey. 13075 Half a million of money; by A. B. Edwards. 6172 Half-hour recreations in pop. science. See Estes, D. Half-hours in the green lanes ; by J. E. Taylor. 12209 Half hours in the Temple Church ; sermons ; by C. J. Vaughan. 12952 Half hours with modern scientists. 2 ser. 9821 ; 12131 Contents. Ser. 1. Huxley, T. H. On the physical basis of life. — Bar- ker, G. F. Correlation of vital and physical forces.— Stirling, J. H. As regards protoplasm ; reply to Huxley.— Cope, E. D. On the h\i)othesis of evolution.— Tyndall, J.' Scientific addresses. 2. Wallace, A.'E. The action of natural selection on man.— Koscoe, Prof., Huggins, W. and Lockyer, N. Spectrum analysis ; three lectures.— Young, C. A. The sun and the phenomena of its atmosphere.— Mayer, A. M. Half-hours with modern scientists. — The earth a great magnet; a lecture. — Rood, O. N. Mysteries of the voice and ear. Half -hours with my girls ; by Lady A. Baker. 18523 Half-hours with the animals ; narratives exhib. thought, sym- pathy, and affection. Illust. 20253 Half sir. The ; by G. Griffin. {In his Works.) 5402 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 653 Half-way to Arcady ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little com.) 19770'; 21907 Haliburton, T. C. {pseud. Sam Slick.) The clockmaker ; say- ings and doings of Samuel Slick. 6697 — Nature and human nature. 17213 — Rule and misrule of the English in America. 1724 — Sam Slick in England; or, The attache. 17161 — Wise saws ; or, Sam Slick in search of a wife. 17214 Halieutica. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) • 8359 Halieutics. Badham, CD. Prose halieutics ; or, Anc. and mod. fish tattle. 22645 Halifax, S. Preface ; acct. of Dr. Butler. {In Butler, J. Works, V. 1.) 651 Halifax, Lord. See Wood, C. Halifax, M. C. Among the Welsh hills. 18442 Hall, A. C. Miss Leighton's perplexities. 22320 Hall, A. O. Coroner's inquisition, (/n French's min. dr., v. 15.) 11843 Hall, A. M. (F.) Midsummer eve. 12430 — The printing office of Wm. Caxton ; Birth-place of J. Bunyan ; Burial- place of J. Hampden ; Residence of H. More ; The house of A. Marvel ; Residence of Dr. Watts ; The grave of Wm. Penn. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Union Jack ; Mamma Millv ; Fannv's fancies. (Magnet stories.) 10578 — The Whiteboy; a story ofIreland,*1822. 11675 — Woman's trials. 12460 — joint author. See Hall, S. C. Hall, A. Life and character of S. Judd. 2406 Hall, C. F. Arctic researches ; expedition in search of Sir J. ^ Franklin, 1860-62. Maps and illust. 5848 Hall, C. H. The church of the household; [sermons]. 17395 Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-field. 17270 — Drifting round the world; boy's adv. by sea and land. Illust. 20055 — Twice taken; hist. rom. of the maritime British provinces. 6868 Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. 1726 Hall, E. H. First lessons on the Bible. 22153 — Orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church ; lect. 13405 Contents. Paul and the apostolic church. — Views of the early church concerning Christ. — Arianism and the Council of Nice. — The Nestorian controversy. — The Pala^ian controversy. — The Catholic church. — The Lutheran heresy.— Trinitarian heresies.* — Unitarian heresies.— Keligion and dogma. Hall, F. W. Rambles in Europe ; tour through France, Italy, Switzerland, Gt. Britain, and Ireland, 1836. 2 v. in 1. 1727 Hall, F. Modern English. 12114 — Recent exemplifications of false philology. 11377 Hall, F. Life of Maximilian I. ; with sketch of Carlota. 7117 Hall, F. T. The pedigree of the Devil. Illust. *I Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. 20272 Hall, H. B. The bric-a-brac hunter ; or. Chapters on chinamania. 14215 Hall, H. W. Hall, N. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Hall, J. A. Formation of streets and highways. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) *I Hall, James, Judge. Legends of the West. 1728 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 36 654 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Life of T. Posey. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 19.) 4128 — Romunec of western history; hist., Ufe, and manners in the West. 1729 Hall, James. Lustrum Beck drainage scheme ; Apportionments of private improvement works ; Relative cost of macadam- ised road and paved streets. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eug. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I — Roadways. (In Ass. of 3Iun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I Hall, J. Familiar talks to boys. 16039 — God's word through preaching. [Yale lect., 1875 J 13655 — How to succeed as a minister. (In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 — Papers for home reading. 9245 — and Stuart, G. H. The American evangelists. Moody and Sankey, in Gt. Britain and Ireland. 13753 — Bungay, G. (In his Traits of repr. men.) -22315 Hall, J. C. Analytical synopsis of the nat. hist, of man. (In Pickering, C. Races, etc.) 3457 Hall, Joseph. Selections. (In Montagu, B. Select, fr. the wks. of Taylor, etc.) 5759 Hall, L. A. Which was the bravest?; Story of a pebble; Prejudice lost and love won. (Magnet stories.) 10567 Hall, L. J. (P.) Joanna of Naples. 3215 — Miriam, a dramatic poem. . 5111 — Same ; 2d ed. 9077 Hall, L. v., joint author. See Artman, W. Hall, N. Biography of H. W. Hall. (In Higginson. T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Hall, Newman. From Liverpool to St. Louis. 8034 — The reasonableness and efficacy of prayer. 13077 — Sermons ; with history of Surrey Chapel, etc. 7415 Hall, R. Balfour, C' L. (In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Dix. J. R. A pulpit portrait. (In his Pen and ink sk.) . *I — Gilfillan, G. (In his Sketches, etc., and Third gallery, etc.) 2255; 2257 — Hood, E. P. R. Hall. (Heroes of Christian hist.) 21234 — Miscellaneous works and remains of H. ; with his Life by O. Gregory ; and Estimate of his character and writings, bv J. Foster. 1731 — Rogers, H. Hall. (In New biog. of ill. men.) ' 2803 Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a long life, 1815-1883. 22893 Hall, S. C, and A. M. Ireland ; its scenery, character, etc.^ 3 v. *I Hall, Mrs. S. C. See Hall, A. M. Hall, Mrs. S. L. Years ago ; or. Boys and girls of olden times. 22321 Hall, S. T.. Biographical sketches of remark, people ; with misc. papers and poems. 11652 Hall, T. O. Her mother's fancy. 13327 Hall,T. Floss ; an adventurer in the regions of Australia. Illust. 1736 Hall, W. Biography of D. Cox ; with rem. on his works and genius ; ed. with add. by J. T. Buuce. 21020 Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. 9001 — Consumption. ' ' 1739 — Coughs and colds. 10525 — Dyspepsia, and its kindred diseases. 16891 — The guide board to health, peace, and competence. 9337 — Health by good living. 8370 — Sleep ; or. The hygiene of the night. 1192 Hall, The, and the cottage ; by S. S. Ellis. (In her Pict. of priv. life, ser. 1.) 1369 Hall, The, and the hamlet ; by W. Howitt. 2 v. in 1. 5750 Hallahan, Mother M. M. Ltfe ; with pref. by the Bishop of Birmingham. 3d. ed. 8722 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 555 Hallam, A. H. Remains in prose and verse ; with pref . and mem. 5616 — Same; new ed. Portr. 8704 — Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 1.) 562 Hallam, H. Constitutional hist, of Eng., from Henry VH. to George II. ; fr. 5th. Lond. ed. 1740 — Same. 3 v. New ed. *I — Iiitroduetion to the literature of Europe, 15th.-17tli. cent. 2 v. 1741-2 — View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages ; fr. 6th Lond. ed. 1743 — Same; with add., etc., hx W. Smith. (Student's hist.) 9829 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Macaulay, T. B. Hallam's Const, history. (In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) ' 7657; 16744 Halle, C. Brown, J. Halle's recital, (/n/m Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Halleck, Fitz-G. Alnwick Castle; with other poems. 1744 — Political writings. 8869 — Powell, T. (In his Living authors.) 3522 — Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of Halleck. _ 7631 Halleck, H. W. Elements of military art and science. 9296 Haller, G., pseud. See Fould, W. J. S. Halliday, A. Christmas smiles and Christmas tears ; My Christmas piece. {In Christ, stor. -teller.) 17662 Halli well-Phillips, J. O. Illustrations of the life of Shakes- peare in a ser. of ess. on subjects connect, with [his] pers. and lit. hist. *I — Nurserj' rhymes of England. 12954 Note.' Piib. before the author changed his name. Hallock, C. Camp life in Florida ; handbook for sportsmen and settlers. 15412 — The fishing tourist. 11489 — Sportsman's gazetteer and gen. guide ; the game animals, birds and fishes of N. America; habits and methods of capture. Instr. in shooting, fishing, taxidermy, woodcraft, etc. ; with a directory to the princ. game resorts of the country. Illust., with maps. *I Hallowell, R. P. The Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. 2d.ed. 22860 Hallowell, S. C. On the church steps. 13076 Hallucinations. Elam, C. Illusions and hallucinations ; The demon of Socrates ; The amulet of Pascal. (/ti his Physician's problems.) 8087 Halm, Y.^ijseud. See Muench-Bellinghausen, E. F. J. von. Halpine, C. G. (pseud. Miles O'Reilly). Life and adv., songs, services, and speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly. Illust. 5625 — Poetical works ; with biog. sk. and notes ; ed. by R. B. Roosevelt. 7607 Halt, L. C, dit Robert. Le dieu Octave. 14648 Halves ; by J. Payn. 15495 Hamann, J. G. The merchant. (In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Hambleton, F. H. A plea for sanitary engineering. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Hamerton, E. The mirror of truth and other marvellous histories; [Fairy stories] . Illust. 13330 Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on animals. 12671 — )S'awe; with etchings. *I — Dogs. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 — The etcher's hand-book. 10015 — Etching and etchers. New ed. Illust. *I — Harry Blount ; passages in a boy's life on land and sea. 13656 — The mtellectual life. 11669 — Life of J. M. W. Turner. Illust. 18279 556 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Modern Frenchmen. 18109 Contents. Victor Jacquemont. — Henri Perreyve. — Franc^ols Rude. — Jean Jacques Ampere.— Henri Regnault. — A painter's camp; England, Scotland, France. 6892 — Round my house ; rural life in France in peace and war. 1548& — The sylvan year ; leaves from the note book of Raoul Dubois. "With etchings. *I — The sylvan year; leaves from the note book of Raoul Dubois; The unknown river; An etcher's voyage of discovery. 15794 — Thoughts about art. 9631 — Wenderholme ; storv of Lancashire and Yorkshire. 16105 — Sketch of H. {In Atlas ess.) 18294 Hamilton, A. Baldwin, J. G. Jefferson and H. {In his Party leaders.) *I — Hamilton, J. A. Reminiscences ; or, Men and events at home and abroad. 7890 — Hamilton, J. C. History of the U. S. as traced in the writings of H. and "^?r his cotemporaries. 4 v. 1748-51 Life of A. Hamilton. 2 v. 1752-3. — Lodge, H. C. Alex. Hamilton. 21594 — Magoon, E. L. {In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 — Morse, J. S., Jr. Life of Hamilton. 2 v. 15613-14 — Renwick, J. Life of H. (Lives of Jav and Hamilton.) 15694 — Riethmiiller, C. J. Life and times of H., illust. the hist, of the U. S. dur. the first years of Am. independence. 14100 — Schmucker,'S. M. Life and times of Hamilton. 4066- — Shea, G. Life and epoch of Hamilton; historical stud3\ *I — See also Federalist. Hamilton, A. H. A. Quarter sessions fr. Queen Elizabeth to Anne ; illust. of loc. government and hist. fr. orig. records. 18532 Hamilton, A. McL., and Emmett, B. McE. Small pox and other contagious diseases. {In Buck, A. H. Treatise on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) 19452 Hamilton, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 1.) *I Hamilton, C. Y., formerly Miss DaJcin. My bonnie lass. 17069 — Ropes of sand ; and other stories. 11792 Contents. Ropes of sand.— A woman's story.— Mrs. Gordon's confes- sion.— Every string broken.— A domestic tragedy.— Mr. John.— Drinkers of ashes. — Woven of many threads. 10048- Hamilton, C. Sketches of life and sport in southeastern Africa. 8844 Hamilton, Elizabeth. Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Hamilton, Lady E. (L.) Doran, J. H. Nelson and E. Hamil- ton. {Li his In and about Drury Lane, v. 2.) 21400 — Paget, J. Lady Hamilton. (In his Paradoxes and puzzles.) 12732 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, J. A. Reminiscences ; Men and events at home and abroad. 7890 Hamilton, J. C. History of the U. S., as traced in the writings of A. Hamilton and his cotemporaries. 4 v. 1748-51 — Life of A. Hamilton. 2 v. 1752-5 Hamilton, L. Border states of Mexico : Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, and Durango ; with sk. of the Rep. of Mexico, Lower California, Coahuila, New Leon, and Tamaulipas. 20315 Hamilton, R. British fishes ; [with mem. of W. Rondelet and Baron A. von Humboldt]. 2 v. (Nat. lib.) 7162-5 Hamilton, T. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. 3 v. 4462-4 Hamilton, W. The poets laureate of England ; hist, of poet laureate, biog. not., coll. of the satires, epigrams, and lampoons direct, against them. 18533 Hamilton, W. Appendix. {In Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of Luther.) 20976 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 557 — Discussions on philosophy and hterature, etc. 1760 — Lectures on metaphysics' and logic ; ed. by H. L. Mansel and J, Veitch. 2 V. * 1758-9 — Metaphysics of H. collect., arranged, ed., and abgd. by F. Bowen. 726 — Preface', notes, and supplementary dissertations. {In Reid, T. Works. etc.) ' ' *I — Mill, J. S. Examination of H.'s philosophy and phil. questions disc, in • his writings. 2 y. ' 5968-9 — Monck, W. H. S. Sir Wm. Hamilton. 20377. — Smith, H. B. Hamilton's theory of knowledge. {In his Faith and philosophy.) ' 18186 — Yeitch, J. Memoir of H. ^ 8848 Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the hist, of Eng., with ref. to the origin and prog, of the Eng. constitution. 2d. ed. Illust. 1755 — aw(? Leyien, E. Outlines of the hist, of Greece. 1756 Hamilton, W. R. Elements of quaternions ; ed. by W. E. Hamilton. 15849 — Poems, correspondence, and misc. writings. {In Grayes, R. P. Life, etc.) 22795 — Graves, R. P. Life of Hamilton, etc., v. 1. - 22795 Hamilton speaker. The : by O. E. Branch. 18592 Hamlet. See Shakespeare, W. Hamlet ; opera ; par A. Thomas. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., y. 1.) *I Hamlet; tragedy; by W. Shakspeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 3.) 11805 Hamley, C. The light on the hearth. (Li Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 10.) 19155 — Wassail. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 18804 — The same. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., y. 12.) 19157 Hamley, E. B. Lady Lee's widowhood. 10157 — The last French hero ; by Alexandre Sue-Sand, fils. {In Tales fr. Black- wood, n. s., V. 8.) " • 19153 — Lazard's legacy ;— Legends of Gibraltar. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 1.) 19140 — The operations of war expl. and illust. 13617 — A recent confession of an opium-eater. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, u. s., y. 1.) 19146 — Shakespeare's funeral, {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 2.) 19147 — Voltaire. 17275 Hamley, W. G. The House of Lys. 18786 Hamlin, A. C. The tourmaline'. *I Hamlin, C. Among the Turks. 17215 — Plans of reading. {In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) 19847 Hamlin, H. M. Benjamin, Mrs. M. G. (In her Mission, sisters.) 384 Hamlin, H. A. L. Lawrence, M. W. Light on the dark river; memorials of H. 8051 Hamlin, S. D. Michigan University. (In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Am. girls.) 12327 Hamm, E. Le bracelet; sayn^te. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 4.) 14794 Hammer and anvil; by F. Spielhagen. 8411 Hammersmith; by M. S. Severance. 17748 Hammond, A. Rudiments of practical bricklaying. 13871 Hammond, A. A house fly ; A gnat. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Hammond, C. E. Outlines of textual criticism ; appl. to the New Testament. 2d. ed. (Clarendon pr. ser.) 18992 Hammond, Mrs. E. H. The Georgians. (Round rob. ser.) 20649 Hammond, H. Fell, J. Life of H. (With Burnett, G. Life of M. Hale.) *I Hammond, J. H. Letters on slavery. (In Pro-slavery argument.) 3561 558 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 377T Hammond, S. H. "Wild Northern scenes ; sporting adv. with the rifle and the rod. 1762 Hammond, S. T. Practical dog training; or, Training vs. breaking. 22078 Hammond, W. A. Cerebral hyperaimia, the result of mental strain or emotional disturbance. 17459 — The effects of alcohol; address. {In Tribune pop. sci.) 12943; *I — Fasting girls ; their physiology and pathology. 18467 — Insanity in its rel. to crime. 11690 — Sleep and its derangements. 7898 — Spiritualism, and allied causes and cond. of nervous derangement. 15757 — joint author. /S'ee Bacon, F. — Fiske, J. Dr. Hammond and the table-tippers. {In his Darwinism, etc.) 18991 Hammond, W. G. Legal education in the North-west. (Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Hamond, — . I'abbe {pseud. J. H. Doubourg.) Life of Cardi- nal de Cheverus ; tr. by R. W. Walsh. 1254 Hampden, J, Forster, J. (Li his Statesmen, etc.) 1498 — Grenville, G. N. T. Memorials of H., his party, and his times. 3272 — Hall, A. M. Burial-place of H. (In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Macaulay, T. B. Lord Nugent's Memorial of H. {In his Cnt. and hist. ess.) 20133 — Rhoads, J. J. Hampden. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Hampden, R. D., Bp. Life of Thomas Aquinas; disser. of the scholastic phil. of the Middle Ages. (Encycl. Metrop.) 1763 Hampdens, The ; by H. Martineau. 19524 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Report. {Bi Virginia. Supt. of Pub. Inst. Repovt, 187 A.) 17746 — Armstrong, M. F. and'Lud\o\\, H. W. Hampton and its students. 12319 Hanaford, P. A. (C.) Life of George Peabody ; introd. by J. H. Hanaford. 21511 — Women of the century. 16797 Hanbury, J. Biography. (In Flower, P. W. Hist, of the trade in tin.) 19651 Hancock, E. C. Amateur pottery and glass painter ; with direct, for gilding, etc. ; 4th. ed. ' Illust. 21563 Hancock, J. Magoon, E. L. (In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 Hancock, T. Principles of peace exemplified in the Soc. of Friends in Ireland, 1798. 1764 Hancock, W. S. Goodrich, F. E. Life and pub. services of H. Introd. by F. O. Prince. 19798 Hand, D. W. Epidemic (yellow fever) of 1864. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.), - *I Hand. Bell, C. The hand ; its mechanism and vital endow- ments. 377 Hand and glove ; by A. B. Edwards. 6497 Hand, The, and word ; by G. Griffin. (In his Works.) 5403 Hand in hand ; by [M. A. Tincker]. (In ^er Winged word, etc.) 11595 Hand of Ethelberta ; by T. Hardy. 15795 Hand-railing. Riddell, R. New elements of hand-railing. 8778 Handbook for travellers in lower and upper Egypt. 6th. ed., rev. Maps, plans, etc. 2 v. 20728-9 Handbook of carving, with Hints for the dinner table. Illust. 9182. Handbook of the Spanish and French schools. See Head, E. W. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 559 Handbooks. For handbooks of places described see the names of the places. Handbooks of good society. New ed. 3 v. in 1. 22191 Contents. The art of conversation.— Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking.— The habits of good society. Handbooks of practical art. See Wheatley, H. B. and Dela- motte, P. H. Handel, G. F. Acis and Galatea. *I — Alexander's feast. *I — L' Allegro, II Pensieroso, ed II Moderato, etc. *I — Deborah ; oratorio. *I — Dettin^en " Te Deum ; " " Zadock the Priest." *I — Israel m Egypt. *I — Jepththa. *I — Joshua. *I — Judas Maccabaeus. . * *I — The Messiah. *I — Ode on St. Cecelia's day. ♦! — Samson. *I — Saul. ' *I — Solomon. *I — Barnard, C. The tone masters. Handel and Haydn. 9011 — Cooper, T. (In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 ■ — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Germ, compos.) 18050 — Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music.) 22847 — Ossoh, S. M. F. d'. Lives of the gt. composers. (In her Papers on lit., etc., pt. 2.) 3309 — Schoelcher, Y. Life of Handel. 451 'Handicapped; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 20645 Handicraft in school ; address ; by C. O. Thompson. 19513 Handle ; by J. Abbott. 67 Hands and machinery. See Hill and valley. Hands not hearts ; by J. W. Wilkinson. 12422 Handsome Lawrence ; by George Sand. 9652 Handy Andy ; by S. Lover. 5744 Handy Andy, drama ; by W. R. Floyd. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 42.) 11831 Handy-book series. See Putnam's. Hanky Panky ; book of conjuring tricks ; by W. H. Cremer. 11449 Hanley, 8. Caliphs and sultans; Arabian Nights' entertain- ments re-written. 8138 Hanna, W. The life of our Lord. 6 v. 5383-8 Contents. The earlier years. — Ministry in Galilee. — Close of the min- istry. — Passion week. — Last day of our Lord's Passion.— The forty days after the Resurrection. ♦ — Memoirs of the life and writings of T. Chalmers. 4 v. 742-5 Hannah, J. The courtly poets from Raleigh to Montrose. 13709 Hannah; by [Miss Muloch]. 9699 Hannah Thurston ; by B. Taylor. 5481 Hannay, t>. Ned Allen. 7147 Hannay, J. History of Acadia ; fr. its disc, to its surrender to Eng. 18487 — Satire and satirists. 1770 — Singleton Fontenoy. 12427 Hannibal. Abbott, J. History of the Carthaginian Hannibal. 12 — Arnold, T. Life of H. 185 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Hennebert, E. Histoire d'Annibal. v. 1. 9437 Hannibal's man ; and other tales ; by L. Kip. 21796 Hanno. Periplus. (^In Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 560 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hanover, M. D. Treatise on the law of horses ; law of bar- gain, sale, and warranty of horses, etc. ; the rule as to unsoundness and vice, etc. 2d. ed. *I Hanover. Chetwynd, Mrs. H. W. {In her Life in a German village.) 19703 Hanover, House of. De Foe, D. Political tracts rel. to the Hanoverian succession. {In his Novels, etc.) 1133 Hans Breitman. See Leland, C. G. Hans Brinker, or. The silver skates ; by M. M. Dodge. 15400 Hans d'Islande ; par V. Hugo. 2 v. 14418-19 Hanson, J. Sewage process and patent automatic machine. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Hanson, J. H. References, notes, etc. {In Caesar, J. C. Commentarii.) 22316 Hanson, J. W. Witnesses to the truth ; passages fr. disting. authors, devel. .the truth of universal salvation. 1771 — Historical sketch of the old 6th. Reg. Mass. Vol., 1861-4. Illust. 6231 Hanson, R. D. The apostle Paul and the preaching of Christi- anity in the prim, church. 15649 — The Jesus of history. 15434 Hap-hazard ; by K. Field. 11689 Happiness. Culture of pleasure ; or. The enjoyment of life in its soc. and relig. aspects. 10784 — Everett, A. H. The art of being happy. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Kalisch, M. M. Path and goal; discuss, on the elements of civilization and the cond. of happiness. 19917 — Spencer, H. Social statics ; or, Cond. ess. to human happiness. 5895 Happy boy. The ; by B. Bjornson. 8023 Happy days ; by L. C. Tuthill. 4542 Happy man; by S. Lover. {In French's min. dram., v. 24.) 7983 Happy thoughts ; by F. C. Burnand. 7509 Happy transformation. The ; or. The history of a London ap- prentice ; pref . by W. H. Pearce. 3439 Harbison, M. Elements of Zoology. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12620 Harbors. Smiles, S. Harbours. {Li his Lives of the eng., V. 2.) *I — Stevenson, T. Design and construction of harbours^ *I Harbour bar. The ; tale of Scottish life [by Mrs. Prestwick]. 13537 Exercises in practical » 11496 Harcourt, L. F. V. Foundations ; by J. Gaudard ; fr. the Harcourt, A. G. V. and Madan, H. G. chemistry. French. Harcourt, W. G. G. V. Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) Hard bargain, A Hard church. The Hard struggle, A Mod. stand, dr., v. 39.) Hard times ; by C. Dickens. Hard to bear ; by G. M. Craik. Hardenberg, F. L. F. von. {pseud. Novalis). {I7i Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) — Carlyle, T. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 2.) by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor. and rom.) by R. H. Hutton. {Inhis Ess., v. 1.) domest. dram. ; by J. W. Marston. {In Translations. 17496 13827 19896 10128 11829 1196 17513 1841 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 561 Harder, L. A family feud ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 17029 Hardinge, E. Moderu American spiritualism. 8137 Hardman, F. Adventures in Texas ; abgd. fr. the Germ, of Sealsfield ; Christine ; a Dutch story ; My friend the ' Dutchman. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 3.) 19142 — The great unknown. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 17.) 19162 — Major Moss. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 6.) 19146 — My English acquaintance ; Sigismund Fatello. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, V. 4.) 19143 — The smuggler's leap. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Hardwick, C. History of the articles of religion ; add., docu- ments fr. 1536 to 1615 ; with illust. fr. contemp. sources. 3d. ed., rev. by F. Proctor; appendix. 16828 — History of the Chr. church ; dur. the reformation. 12727 — .S'ame; Middle Age. Maps. 3d. ed. ; ed. by IV. Stubbs. 12726 — Mueller, F. M. Christ and other masters. (In his Chips, v. 1.) 7664 Hardwick, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of H. {In Hist. of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I — Paige, L. R. History of H. ; with genealog. register. *I Hardwicke, P. A bachelor of arts, (/ti Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Hardwicke's Science-Gossip, v. 1-18. 8990-9000; 17682-8 Note. y. 1-7 edited by M. C. Cooke ; 8-18 by J. E. Taylor. Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman. 22861 Hardy, Lady Dufifus. Through cities and prairie lands ; sk. of an Amer. tour. 20915 Hardy, E. T. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Hardy, G. Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. (In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of Hardv. (In Polit. portr.) 11693 Hardy, I. D. Friend and lover. 3 v. 20327-9 Hardy, J. G. Story of a noble life ; or, Zurich and its reformer, Ulric Zwingle. 14151 Hardy, R. S. Eastern monachism. 11883 — The legends and theories of the Buddhists. 11884 Hardy, T. Desperate remedies. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 12335 — The distracted young preacher. 18921 — Far from the madding crowd. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 13261 — The hand of Ethelberta. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 1579.") — Fellow-townsmen. 19761 — A Laodicean ; or, The castle of the De Stancys. Illust. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 21230 — A pair of blue eyes. (Leis.-hr. ser.) ' 11796 — Return of the native. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 18228 — The trumpet-major. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20056 — Under the greenwood tree. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11685 Hare, A. J. C. A. P. Stanley. (In Stanley, A. P. Thoughts, etc.) 22607 — Cities of Northern and central Italy. 3 v. 15672-4 — Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily.' 22862 — Days near Rome, ' 13456 — Life and letters of Frances, Baroness Bunsen. 2 v. 18431-2 — Memorials of a quiet life. 2 v. 11516-17 — yiS'ame; suppl. number. With photographs. *I — Records of a quiet life ; rev. for Amer. readers, bv W. L. Gage. 12017 — Walks in London. 2 v. ' 17668-9 — Walks in Rome. 2 v. 9127-8 — Wanderings in Spain. 11334 Hare, J. C. The victory of faith ; sermons ; 3d. ed. ; ed. by E. H. Plumptre ; introd. by Prof. Maurice and Dean Stanley. 13406 — Stanley, A. P. (In his Ess. on Church and State.) 10698 5G2 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hare, R. Experimental investigations of the spirit manifes- tations. 1595 Hare, T. Ttie election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal. 4th. ed. 11942 — Minorit}' represent, in Europe. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15788 Harem. Leonowens, A. H. The romance of the harem. 11231 — Lott, E. Harem life in Egypt and Constantinople. 7010 Hareng sauer, Le ; fantaisie ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, ser. 3.) 14793 Hargis, R. B. S. Yellow- fever recognition and isolation. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c, v. 6.) *I Hargreaves, J. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Hargreaves, W. Our wasted resources ; the missing link in the temperance reform. 15364 Harlan, G. C. Eyesight, and how to care for it. (Am. health primers.) 19030 Harland, J. and Wilkinson, T. T. Lancashire folk-lore. 9945 Harland, M.^ pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harlay-Chanvallon, F. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his'Sonv. lund., V. 5.) *I Harlequin Blue Beard. {In French's Miu. dram., v. 19.) 11845 Harley, G. Histological demonstrations, microscopical examin- ation of animal tissues ; ed. by G. T. Brown. 2d. ed. *I Harlow, G. H. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Bt. painters, etc., V. 4.) 1056 Harman, H. M. Introduction to the study of the Scriptures, 3d. ed. (Lib. of Theol. and Bib. Lit.) 21294 Harmon, D. W. Journal of voy. and trav. in the interior of No. Amer. ; added, Descr. of the country ; [ed. by D. Haskell]. 1779 Harmonies, The, of nature ; by G. Hartwig. 6556 Harmony. Catel, C. S. Treatise on harmony ; notes by L. Mason. 2955 — Johnson, A. N. Practical instr. in harmony on the Pestalozzian system. 2367 Harness, W. Personal reminiscences (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13352 — L'Estrange, A. G. Literary life of Harness. 10109 Harness. Philipson, J. Harness ; as it has been, is, and should be, etc. 22820 Harney, G. E. Stables, outbuildings, and fences. *I Harold Hardrada, King of Norioay. Dasent, G. W. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) 13612 — Stanhope, P. H. {In his French retreat, etc.) 17953 Harold ; drama ; by A. Tennyson. 16693 Harold, the last of the Saxon kings ; by [E. B. Lytton]. 587 Haroun Alraschid. Manning, A. Adventures of H, 19786 — Palmer, E. H. The Caliph Haroun Alraschid. 20175 Harper, J. McCabe, J. D. {In his Gt. fortunes.) 8983 Harper, W. Memoir on slavery. {In Pro-slavery argument.) 3561 — Vindication of slavery. ( Jn Pulszkv, F. A. and T. White, red, and black, V. 2.) ' ' 3564 Harper establishment. The ; by J. Abbott. (Harper's story books.) 22614 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 563 Harper's hand-book for travelers in Europe and the East ; by W. P. Fetridge, 1870. Maps, etc. 8879 — Same-, 1882. 3 v. *I Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 1-66. 6778-6829 ; 15976-8a — Monthly copies given out for circulation as soon as published. Harper's story books. See Abbott, J. Harper's young people, 1881-1882. 21077-8 Harring, H. P. Everett, A. H. Harro Harring. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 Harrington, G. F. Inside ; chronicle of secession. Illust. 6420 Harrington, H. F. What should be the leading object of Amer. free schools? {In Nat. ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17753 Harrington, J. Spear, C. {In hisVoices of the prison.) 4162 Harringtons by M. Edge worth. 1334; 7779; 15294 Harrington ; by [W. D. O'Connor]. 3278 Harris, A. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E., Mod. stand, dr. — joint author. See Williams, T. Harris, A. B. A Chinese Mission School. (In Some cur. schools.) 20401 — Horatius at the bridge. {In Gilman, A. Magna Charta stor.) 21890' Hams, E. Domestic pestilences viewed with ref . to the sani- tary warfare against them. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *I — Health laws, and their administration. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 — Papers on sanitary subjects. See Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Kept., passim. Harris, G. W. Sut Lovingood ; Sk. of H. {In Watterson, H. Oddities in So. life.) 2230& Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus ; Sk. of H. {In Watterson, H. Oddities in So. life.) 22306 — Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings ; folk-lore of the plantation. Illust. 20057 Harris, J. Mammon; prize essay. 1780 Harris, J. Gardening for young and old ; garden vegetables. Illust. 22381 — Talks on manures. 1798& Harris, M., formerly Miss Cole. Frank Warrington. 5420 — Louie's last term at St. Mary's. 6583^ — Missv. 19800 — A perfect Adonis. 13671 — Richard Yandermarck. 9711 — Rutledge. 3764 — The Sutherlands. 3753 Harris, S. Christian doctr. of hum. prog, contr. with the nat- uralistic. (i?i Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 Harris, T. M. Biographical mem. of J. Oglethorpe. 1782 Harris, T. W. Treatise on insects of New Eng. injurious to vegetation. 1783 Harris, T. Life and serv. of Com. Bainbridge. 1781 Harris, W. C. The highlands of Ethiopia. 6267 — Mission to Shoa. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Harris, W. C. Prison life in the tobacco warehouse at Rich- mond. 1738 Harris, W. T. Moral education in the pub. schools. (Pps. on education.) *I — A national university. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720- -564 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Socrates and the pre-Socratic philosophy; Aristotle's " De Anima;" Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism ; Christian mysticism: Bonaventura and Meister Eckhart ; Philosophy of the Bhagavad Ghita; Historical epochs of art; Landscape painting: Turner; Fichte's "Destination of man ;" Fichte's Wissenschaf tslehre. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Theory of Amer. education. {In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) 11608 Harrison, A. J. Secularism and atheism. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520 Harrison, C. C. Golden-rod ; idyl of Mt. Desert. (Harper's. hf.-hr. ser.) 19546 — Story of Helen Troy. 21284 — Woman's handiwork in mod. homes. Illust. *I Harrison, F. Influence upon morality of a decline in relig. bel. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 — Order and progress : Thoughts on government; Stud, of polit. crises. 13869 — The soul and fut. life. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 — joint author. See Spencer, H. — Greg, W. R. Mr. Harrison on the fut. life. {In his Misc. ess.) 21480 Harrison, G. Life and writings of J. H. Payne. *I Harrison, G. L. Prison ref . in Pennsylvania. {In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Rept., 1873.) *I Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. *I Harrison, J. A. Glimpses of Sweden. {In Murphy, B. On the Rhine.) 19935 — Greek vignettes ; a sail in the Greek seas. " 18805 — A group of poets and their haunts. 13752 Contents. The sorrows of Heine.— Italian haunts of Lord Byron.— An aquarelle of Boccaccio.— The Rome of the Marble faun.— In Tasso's gar- den.— Benevenuto; a leaf from a diary.— A Venice of the Vikings.— A Swedish improvisatore.— Jasmin, the' troubadour. — B^ranger.— Andr6 Cheuier.— Alfred de Musset.— Baudelaire. — Spain in profile ; a summer among the olives and aloes. 18797 Harrison, J. H. Spain. Illust. 21216 Harrison, J. B. Certain dangerous tendencies in Amer. life, and other papers. 19612 Contents. Certain dangerous tendencies. — The Nationals, their origin and their aims. — Three typical workingmen. — Workingmen's wives. — The career of a capitalist.— Study of a New Eng. factory town.— Preach- ing.— Sincere demagogy. — Methods of dealing with soc. questions. {In Institute ess.) ]9811 Harrison, J, Jr. Essay on the steam boiler; added. Report of Committee, Franklin Inst., on the Harrison boiler, etc. 6861 Harrison, M. Rise, progress, and struct, of the Eng. language. 2d. Am. ed. 6033 Harrison, R., joint author. See Gostwick, J. Harrison, T. ¥.^ joint author. See Kiddle, H. Harrison, W. B. The mechanic's tool book ; with pract. rules and suggestions. 7448 Harrison, W. G., Jr. Alcoholic drinks in rel. to life-insurance. {In Am. Pub Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Harrison, W. H. Mother Shipton investigated. 20934 Harrisse, H. Ernest Renan. (7?^ Renan, J. E. Studies, efc.) 5636 Harrogate. Black, A. and C. Guide to Harrogate, etc. *I Harrow School. Rendall, M. J. Harrow ; the school life. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life, etc.) 21777 Harrowby, Lord. See Ryder, D. Harry; [poem]. 2d. ed. 14053 Harry Blount ; by P. G. Hamerton. 13656 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 565* Harry Bolton's curacy, {hi Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Harry Delaware ; by M. Estvan. 1106^ Harry Heathcote of Gangoil ; by A. TroUope. 12240 Harry Joscelyn ; by Mrs. Oliphant • 20652" Harry Lorrequer ; by C. Lever. 2624 Harry and Lucy ; by M. Edgeworth. {Li her Works.) 15297 — Same ; concluded. 15299- Harsha, D. A. Life and choice works of I. Watts. 1784 — Most eminent orators and statesmen. 1786- Contents. Demosthenes.— Cicero. — Ld. Chatham.— E. Burke. — H. Grattan.— C. J. Fox.— Ld. Erskine.— J. P. Cur'ran.— R. B. Sheridan.— Wm. Pitt.— G. Canning.— Ld. Brougham.— P. Henrv.— F. Ames.— Henry Clay.— J. C. Calhoun.— D. Webster.— E. Everett. Hart, Mrs. — ..formerly Miss Smedley. Mrs. Jerningham's journal. 845& Hart, E. Handbook of volumetic analysis. 17577 Hart, E. Manual of pub. health ; by W. H. Michael, W. H. Corfield, and J. A. Wanklyn. 16534 Hart, G. The violin ; its makers and their imitators. Engr. fr. the works of Stradiuarius, Guarnerius, and others. 1421ft Hart, J. M., ed. German class, for Amer. students. Namely: Goethe. J. W. von. Ausgewiihlte Prosa. 16146" — Faust, V. 1. 16265 — Hermann und Dorothea. 16144 Schiller, J. C. F. Die Piccolomini. 16145- — German universities ; pers. experience, with statist, information, pract. sugg., and a comp. of the German, Eng., and Amer. systems of high- er education. " 13078 — A syllabus of Anglo-Saxon literature ; adapt, fr. B. ten Brink's Geschi- chte der Eng. Litteratur. 20314 Hart, J. 8. Additions. {In White, H. Elements of univ. hist.) 5182 — In the school-room ; chap, in the philosophy of education. 7506 — Manual of American literature. ' 11340' — Shakspeare's minor poems. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1978- Harte, J. C. Miriam Coffin ; or. The whale fishermen. 12116 Harte, F. Bret. Condensed novels. 10523 — Drift from two shores. • 17836 -^ East and west poems. 9709- — Echoes of the foot-hills. 13421 Contents. Spanish idvls.— In dialect.— Miscellaneous poems. — Flip; and Found at Blazing Star. 22031 — The luck of Roaring Camp. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — The luck of Roaring Camp ; and other sketches. 8523 Contents. Sketches.— ^S^on'e.s : Mliss ; The right eye of the commander ; Notes by flood and field.— Bohemian papers. — Mr. John Jenkins. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 1426T — Mrs. Skaggs's husbands and other sketches. 11243 Contents. How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar. — The princess Bob and her friends.— The Iliad of Sandy Bar.— Mr. Thompson's prodigal. — The romance of Madrono Hollow.— The poet of Sierra Flat. — The Christmas gift that came to Rupert.— Urban sketches. — The outcasts of Poker Flat. {In Little Class., v. 1.) 12972 — Poems. 975& — The story of a mine. 17460" — Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches. 14110- Contents. The Rose of Tuolumne.— A passage in the life of Mr. John Oakhurst.— Wan Le*, the pagan.— How old man Plunkett went home.— The fool of Five Forks.- Baby Sylvester.— An episode of Fiddletown.— A Jersey centenarian. — Thankful Blossom ; romance of the Jerseys, 1779. 16892 — The twins of Table Mountain, and other stories. 19220 Contents. The twins of Table Mt.— An heiress of Red Dog.— The great Deadwood mystery.— A legend of Sammtstadt.— Views from a Ger- man spion. 56Q FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Haweis, H. R. Bret Harte. (In his Amer. humorists.) 22504 — Hazeltiue, M. W. (In his Chats.) 22863 Hartford, Comi. ScsebsL, pseud. Hartford in the olden time ; ed. by W. M. B. Hartley. lUust. 6547 Hartford Convention. Dwight, T. History of the convention. 1306 — Lodge, H. C. (In his Life and letters of G. Cabot.) 17040 Harting, J. E. British animals extinct within hist, times ; with acct. of Brit, wild white cattle. Illust. 21359 — joint author. See Mosenthal J. Hartington, S. C. Marquess. See Cavendish, S. C. Hartley, B. Guide to collodio-etching. Illust. *I Hartley, C. B. Life of H. Lee ; added, Life of T. Sumter. Illust. 1786 Hartley, D. Observations on man. 1788 — Bower, G. S. David Hartley and James Mill. 20464 Hartley, D. Ribot, T. (In his Eng. psychology.) 12355 Hartley, W. N. Air, and its relations to life. 15443 Hartmann, A. Das Oberammergauer Passionsspiel in seiner iiltesten Gestalt. 16428 Inhalt. Augsburger Passionsspiel aus St. Ulrich und Afra. — Sebastian Wild's Passionsspiel.— Der Oberammergauer Passionstext vom Jahre • 1662.— Johann Aelbl's Passionsspiel. Hartmann, E. von. Bowen, F. Hartmann's Philosophy of the unconscious : Metaphysics of the unconscious. {In his Mod. phil.) 17186 Hartmann, M. Last days of a king ; hist, romance ; tr. by M. E. Niles. 6877 — Das Sehloss im Gebirge. (Deut. No.vellenschatz.) 16157 Hartmann, T. Charity Green ; or, The varieties of love. 1789 Hartmann ^'on der ^we. 3 v. (Deut. Class, des Mittelalters.) 16256-8 Contents. V. 1. Eree der Wunderaere. 2. Lieder.— Gregorjus. — Der arme Heinrich. 3. Iwein. Hartner, E. Severa ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 21295 Hartshorne, H. Papers. (Bi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., passim.) *1 — Monograph on glycerin and its uses. 13112 — Our homes. (Am. health prim.) 19600 Hartt, C. F. Geology and phys. geography of Brazil. 8629 Hartwell farm; by L. Caxton [L. B. Comins]. 9801 Hartwig, G. The aerial world. 13527 — The harmonies of nature ; or, The unity of creation. 6556 — The polar world ; descr. of man and nature. Illust, 8105 — The subterranean world. 10145 — The tropical world. 10146 Hartz Mountains. Andersen, H. C. (In Ms Pictures of trav.) 162 — Blackburn, H. The Harz mts. ; tour in the toy country. 12062 Harvard, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of H. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I Harvard Advocate. Verses fr. the Harvard Advocate. 16050 Harvard Boat-Club. Principles of rowing at Harvard. 11614 Harvard register, The ; ed. by M. King, v. 3, 1881. 20755 Harvard University. — Tripp, G. H. Student life at Harvard. 16610 Alumyii. — See Biography, beloio. Biography. — Higginson, T. W. Harvard memorial biographies. 2 v. ,6492-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 567 — Palmer, J. Necrology of the alumni of Harvard College, 1851-63. 5700 — Sibley, J. L. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard. 2 v. 11715 ; 21629 Examinations. — Examinations for women, 1874-5. *I — Leighton, E. F. Harvard examination papers. 1873 ; 1877. *I History^ — Quincy, J. {In his Figures of the past.) 22480 Overseers. — Ware, W. R. Application of Mr. Hare's system [minority repr.] to the nomination of overseers of H. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Harvest Queen, The : comedy, by E. H. Keating. (In Home plays.) ^ 14360 Harvey, E. The American trotting horse, etc. (In Every horse owner's cyclopedia.) 12474 — Same. (In Walsh, J. H. The horse, etc.) 7711 Harvey, G. Morley, H. (In his C. Marot, etc., v. 2.) 10826 Harvey, Gr. Some acct. of the great fite in London, 1666. (In Brayley, E. W. Journal.) 10670 Harvey, P. Reminiscences and anecdotes of D. Webster. 17335 Harvey, W. H. Marine algje. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1855.) 14087 Harveys, The ; by H. Kingsley. 11012 Harwoocl, E. On the causes which prob. conspired to prod. our Savior's agony. {In Noyes, G. R. Coll. theolog. ess.) 7701 Harwood, G. ' The coming democracy. 22382 Contents. The democracy and for. politics. — The democracy and home politics.— The democracv and religion. Harwood ; by J. G. A. Coulson. 13940 Hase, H. Public and priv. life of the anc. Greeks ; fr. the German. 1791 Hase; Karl. History of the Chr. Church ; tr. by C. P. Wing. 5178 — Miracle plays and sacred dramas ; hist. surv. ; fr. the Germ, bv A. W. Jackson; ed. by W. W. Jackson. * 19801 Contents. The mysteries of the Middle Ages. — Polemic plays and echoes of the mystery. — Revival of the sacred drama in Spain. — Occa- sional traces of the relfg. drama in the French class, tragedy.— Hans Sachs and Lessing's Nathan.— The church and thetheatre. Hasell, E. J. Calderon. (For. classics for Eng. readers.) 19264 — Tasso. [For. Class, for En^. read.) 22383 Hasheesh eater. The; by [Fitz-Hugh Ludlow]. 1793 Haskell, E. F. Housekeeper's encyclopaedia of receipts. 1792 Haskoll, W. D. Practice of eng. field-work appl. to land and hydraulic, hydrographic, and submarine surveying and levelling ; suppl. on waterworks. 2d. ed. *I — a7i(l others. Architect's guide ; with exper. by G. Rennie. 8147 Haslam, W. From death into life : twenty years of my ministry. 21828 Hasluck, P. N. Lathe-work ; pract. trea. on tools, processes, etc. Illust. 20604 Hassall, A. H. Food ; its adulterations, and the methods for their detection. 15706 Hassard, A. Floral decorations for the dwelling ; guide to the arrangement of plants, etc. Illust. 15626 Hassard, J. R. G. History of the United States ; introd. by J. L. Spalding. 18567 — A Pickwickian pilgrimage. 21026 Hassaurek, F. Four years among Spanish-Americans. 7198 — The secret of the Andes, a romance. 18488 boo FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Has8elmann,W. Tuttle, H. (/t? 7m Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Haste and waste ; by* Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 6578 Hastings, H. L. Additions. {In Taylor, D. T. The voice of the Church, etc.) 4364 — Future punishment ; compr. Pauline theology, The destiny of the wicked, The old paths, Retribution, and Will' all men be 'saved ? (Bible student's lib.) 6487 — The great controversy bet. God and man ; its origin, prog, and end. (Bible stud, lib.) 6489 — The signs of the times ; a glance at Christendom. (Bible stud, lib.) 6488 — Thessalonica ; or, The model church, and reasons for my hope. (Bible stud, lib.) 6490 Hastings, S. S., Countess of Huntingdon. Newman, J. H. {In Ms Ess., crit. and hist., v. 1.) 10126 Hastings, W. Gleig, G. R. Memoirs of Hastings. 3 v. 2267-9 — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 5.) 2790 Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20183 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Trotter, L. J. W. Hastings ; a biography. 19720 Haswell, C. H. Engineer's and mechanic's pocket book. 22d. ed. 7191 — Same. 41st. ed. 21917 Hatch, E. Organization of the early C'hr. churches. (Bamp- ton lect.) 20449 Hatcher, J. E. Extracts fr. H. ; sk. of FI. {In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 Hatfield, R. G. The American house carpenter. 8th. ed., ed. by O. P. Hatfield. 20704 Hatfield House. Brewer, J. S. {In /ws Eng. studies.) 20734 Hathaway Strange. 9186 Note. Bound with Irene. Hathercourt ; by E. Graham [Mrs. Moles worth]. 17843 Hatherley, Lord. See Wood, W. P. Hatch, C. L. V. Discourses on religion, morals, philosophy, and metaphysics, v. 1. 6065 Hats. Thomson, J. Treatise on hat-making and felting. 7485 Hatton, J. L. New, standard, and popular humorous songs ; symphonies and accompaniments. *I — The songs of England; symphonies and accompaniments. *I Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick ; his life and adventures. 8117 — The dove's nest. (7n Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 — Journalistic London ; sketches. Illust. 22525 — Kites and pigeons. Illust., by L. Sambourne. {In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 — Printing and bookbinding. (Brit. Manuf. Ind.) 15472 — To-day m America; stud, for the old world and the new. 21013 Hauch, J. C. Robert Fulton ; hist, novel ; tr. by P. C. Bind- ing. 8060 Hauff, W. Arabian days' entertainments ; tr. by H. P. Curtis. 4944 — The cold heart; Nose, the dwarf. {In Tales fr. the German.) 5217 — The cold heart; Nose, the dwarf; The severed hand. {In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 — Little Mook, and other fairy tales. 21022 — Phantasieen im Bremer Rathskeller. (Deut. Novellenschatz.) 16150 — Tales of the caravan, inn, and palace; illust. ; tr. by E. L. Stowell. 21217 — I'hree tales. 11904 Contents. The beggar girl of the Pont des Arts. — The emperor's pic- ture. — The cold heart. Hang, M. Essays on the sacred lang., writings, and relig. of the Parsis. 2d. ed. ; ed. by E. W. West. 17847 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 569 Haughton, S. Address on the rel. of food to work, and its bearing on medical practice. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Six lect. on physical geography. 20738 Haulleville, P. 0. A., haron de. The future of Catholic peoples ; ess. contrasting Protestant and Catholic efforts for civiliz- ation. Pref. by Cardinal Manning, Cardinal Dechamps, and Pius IX. ; appendix. 19342 Haunted, The, and the haunters. {In Tales from Blackwood, V. 5.) 19144 Haunted crust, The ; by K. Saunders. (Jai Little class., v. 5.) 12976 Haunted enghenio. The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 21.) 19166 Haunted hotel, The ; by W. Collins. Illust. 2 v. 18360-1 Haunted rooms ; by C. Tucker. 15576 Haunted shanty. The ; by B. Taylor. {In his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) 4436 Haunted ships, The ; by A. Cunningham. {In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 Haunted tower. The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 10003 Haupt, L. M. Manual of engineering specifications and con- tracts. *I — Working drawings and how to make and use them. 20567 Haupt, M. Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Hauser, C. Feuerbach, A. von. Account of Hauser. *I Hausrath, A. History of the New Test, times ; tr. by C. T. Poynting and P. Quenzer. v. 1, 2. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I Contents. Y. 1, 2. The time of Jesus. Haussonville, G. P. O. de C. Vicomte d\ The salon of Mad- ame Necker ; tr. by H. M. Trollope. 2 v. 22673-4 Havana. Everett, A. 11. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 — Kapp, F. (In his Aus und iiber Amerika, v. 2.) 16221 Harvard, H. The dead cities of the Zuyder Zee ; tr. by A. Wood. Illust. . 15627 — The heart of Holland ; tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey. Illust. 19714 — Histoire de la faience de Delft ; planches, dessius, etc. *I Havelock, H. Marshman, J. C. Memoirs of Havelock. 10731 — Sketch of H. {In Famous boys.) 7707 Haven, A. B. The Coopers. 20522 — Cousin Alice; memoir of A. B. Haven. 20523 Haven, E. O. David. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 — The young man advised; illust. of historical facts of the Bible. 1794 Haven, G. The pilgrim's wallet; travel in Eng., France, and Germany. 6156 — Our next-door neighbor ; a winter in Mexico. 13754 — and Kussell, T. Incidents and anecdotes of E. T. Taylor. 10543 — Daniels, W. H. Memorials of Haven. 19944 — Prentice, G. Life of Haven. ' 22945 Haven, J. A history of philosophy, anc. and mod. 15565 — Mental philosophy ; inch the intellect, sensibilities, and will. 8556 — Moral philosophy'; incl. theoret. and pract. ethics. 22096 Haven, S. C. Peabody, A. P. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Haven, S. F. History of grants under the Great Council for New Eng. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) 7869 37 570 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Haven, S. F. Jr. Davis, W. 8. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Have n't time, and don't be in a hurry ; by T. 8. Arttiur. 199 Havergal, M. V. G. Memorials of F. R. Havergal. 22384 Haverholme ; by E. Jenkins. 17989 Havering Hall ; by G. E. Sargent. 10568 Havers, D. {pseud. T. Gift). A matter-of-fact-girl. (Leis.- hr. ser.) 20471 — Visited on the children. 20633 Haverty, M. History of Ireland, anc. and mod. ; with notes. 7720 Hawaiian Islands. Anderson, R. History of the mission (Am. Bd. of Com. For. Miss.) to the Sandwich Is. 13542 — Baxlev, H. W. What I saw at the Hawaiian Is. 6129 — Bird, I. L. The Hawaiian archipelago. 13700 Six mos. amg. the palm groves, coral reefs, etc. of the Sandwich Is. 20502 — Bliss, W. R. Paradise in the Pacific. 11569 — Campbell, G. {In his Log letters fr. "The Challenger.") 17375 — Chancy, (x. L. "Aloha !" a Hawaiian salutation. 19323 — Cheever, H. T. The island world of the Pacific. 13183 Life in the Sandwich Is. 13186 — Coan, T. Life in Hawaii ; 1835-81. 21635 — Cumming, C. F. G. Fire fountains; Hawaii, its volcanoes, and the hist. •of its missions. 2 v. 22656-7 — Jarves, J. J. Historv of the Hawaiian Is. 5431 — Newell, CM. Kalani of Oahu ; hist, romance. 20876 — Nordhoff, C. {In Ms Northern California, etc.) 12679 — Stewart, C. S, Residence in the Sandwich Islands. • 4233 Haweis, H. R. American humorists. 22504 Contents. W. Irving.— O. W. Holmes. — J. R. Low ell,— Artemas Ward.— Mark Twain.— Bret Harte. — Music and morals. 10069 — Pet ; or. Pastimes and penalties. Illust. 12337 — Sermons. 11167 — Speech in season. 12810 Contents. The instinct of worship qnd praise.— The priesthood is mag- netic and spiritual. — The secret of concourse and concord. — Christ's hard sayings. — The worth and unworth of dogmatic theology. — Prayer-book forms. — What is the use and meaning of baptism? — What is the use and meaning of the Lord's supper? — The action of prayer explained in a new way. — Insanity.— Hell. — Immortality. — Spirit life. — The prodigal. — Alms- giving.— 'Dedicatory. Haweis, Mrs. H. R. The art of decoration. Illust. 21163 — Chaucer for schools. 20429 Hawes, B. Francis, G.H. {In his Orsitors.) 1525 Hawes, J. Lectures to young men on the form, of character, etc. 9th. ed. ; with Lect. on reading. 1795 Hawes, Mrs. J. Memoir of M. E. Van Lennep. 4584 Hawker. R. S. Gould, 8. B. The vicar of Morwenstow : life of R. 8. Hawker. 15901 Hawkesbury, Lord. See Jenkinson, R. B. Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean. 2 v. 11885-6 Hawkins, J. Payne, E. J. Hawkins' first, second, third voy- age. {In his Voyages, etc.) 21899 Hawkins, J. H. W. Hawkins, W. G. Life of Hawkins. 1796 Hawkins, W. G. Life of J. H. W. Hawkins. 1796 — Lunsford Lane; [a memoir], 5509 Hawks, F. L. The lost Greenland ; Uncle Philip's conversa- tions with the children. 5944 Hawkshead Inn ; by J. Heiton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 3.) 7224 Hawks vie w ; by Holme Lee [H. Parr]. 2600 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 571 Hawley, F. B. Capital and population ; economic effects of their relations. Hawley, R. Essay on free trade. (Econom. monographs.) Haworth's ; by F. H. Burnett. Hawthorne, J. Archibald Malmaison. . —Dust. — Ellice Qiientin, and other stories. 2 v. Contents. V. 1. Ellice .Quentin.— The Countess Ruby.— A lover in spite of himself. 3. Kildhurm's oak.— The new Endymion. — Garth. — The laughing mill, and other stories. Contents. The laughing mill.— Calbot's rival. — Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds.— The Christmas guest. — Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. (Appletons' hand.-vol. ser.) — Prince Saroni's wife ; and other stories. New ed. Contents. Prince Saroni's wife.— Constance.— The Countess Felicita's discovery. — Pauline. — Saxon studies. Contents. Dresden environs.— Of Gambrius.— Sidewalks and road- ways. — Stone and plaster. — Dresden diversions. — Types civil and uncivil. — Mountaineering in miniature. — Yellow-cap, and other fairy-stories. Hawthorne, N. The birthmark. (In Little class., v. 8.) — The Blithedale romance. — Buds and bird voices. (Little class., v. 17.) — The Christmas banquet. (In Fam. stories, v. 2.) — David Swan. (In Little class., v. 4.) — Same. (In his Twice-told tales, v. 1.) — Doctor Grimshawe's secret ; pref . and notes by J. Hawthorne. — Dolliver romance and other pieces. Contents. Dolliver romance.— Sketches fr. memory.— Fragments fr. the journal of a solitary man.— My visit to Niagara.— The antique ring.— Graves and goblins. — Dr. Bullivant. — A book of autographs. — An old woman's tale. — Time's portraiture; address. — "Browne's folly." — Ethan Brand. (In his Snow image.) — Same. (In Little class., v. 1.) , — French and Italian note-books. 2 v. — House of the seven gables, and The snow image. Contents. House of the seven gables. — The snow image. — The great stone face. — Main st. — Ethan Brand.— A hell's biography.— Sylph Ether- edge —The Canterbury pilgrims.— Old news.— The man of adamant.— The devil in manuscript.— John Engletield's Thanksgiving.— Old Ticon- deroga. — The wives of the dead.— Little DaffydowndiUy.— Major Moli- neux. — Life of F. Pierce. — Fanshawe ; and other pieces. Contents. Fanshawe. — Biographical sketches: Mrs. Hutchinson; Sir Wm. Phips; Sir Wm. Pepperell; Thomas Green Fessenden; Jonar than Cilley. — The marble faun ; or, The romance of Monte Beni. 2 v. — Mosses fr. an old manse. — Our old home ; English sketches. — Passages fr. the Amer. note-books of H. 2 v. — Passages fr. the English note-books of H. 2 v. — Passages from the note-books of H. ; introd. by M. D. Conway. — Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. (In Aldrich, T.* B. Good stor*) — Same. (In Fam. stories, v. 1.) — Same. (In Hawthorne, N. Twice-told tales, v. 2.) — The scarlet letter. — Septimius Felton. — Tanglewood tales ; a second wonder-book. Illust. Contents. The Minotaur.— The pygmies,— The dragon's teeth.— Circe's palace.— The pomegranate seeds.— The golden fleece. — The threefold destmy. (In Little class., v. 12.) — Same. (In his Twfce-told tales, v. 2.) — True stories fr. history and biography. Contents. Grandfather's chair.— ^lo^'ropAicaZ stones : Benjamin West ; Sir Isaac Newton ; Samuel Jolmson ; Oliver Cromwell ; Benjamin Franklin ; Queen Christina. 21583 18196 18915 19715 22582 20806-7 17026 20805 17966 22S01 15345 20586 12979 1798 20166 18149 12975 1805 22213 15904 1799 12972 10079-80 1799 1800 1801-2 1803 5294 6442-3 6444^ 10139 7023 18148 1805 1804 10905 6446 12983 1806 13445 572 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Twice-told tales. New ed. 2 v. 1805-6; Contents. V. 1. The gray champion. — Sunday at home. — The wed- ding knell.— The minister's black veil.— The ma.y-p'ole of Merry Mount.— The gentle boy.— Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe.— Little Annie's ram- ble.— Wakefiefd.— A rill fr. the town pump.— The great carbuncle.— The prophetic pictures.— David Swan.— Sights fr. a steeple.— The hollow of three hills.— Toll-gatherer's day.— The vision of the fountain.— Fancy's show^ box.— Dr. Heidegger's experiment. 2. Legends of the Province . . House: Howe's masquerade; Edw\ard Randolph's portrait; Lady Elea- nore's mantle; Old Esther Dudley.— The haunted mind.— The village uncle.— The ambitious guest.— The sisteryears.— Snow flakes.— The seven vagabonds.— The white old maid.— Peter Goldthw aite's treasure.— Chip- pings with a chisel.— The Shaker bridal. -^Night sketches.— Endicott and the red cross. — The lily's guest. — Foot-prints on the seashore. — Edward Fane's rosebud. — The threefold destiny. — Wonder-book for girls and boys. 180T Contents. The gorgon's he'ad.— The golden touch.— The paradise of children. — The three golden apples. — The miraculous pitcher. — The chi- maera. — Wakefield. (In Little class., v. 2.) 1297$ — Same. {In his Twice-told tales, v. 1.) 1805 — The Blithedale romance. (In Ess. fr. the London Times.) 9693 — Curtis, Geo. W. Nathaniel Hawthorne. (/% Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) . 18790 — Gil«'s, H. The scarlet letter. (In his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Harrison, J. A. The Rome of the Marble faun. (In his Group of poets.) 13752 — Hazeltine, M. W. (In his Chats.) 22863 ~ Higginson, T. W. (In his Short stud, of Am. authors.) 19269 — Hutton, R. H. (In his Ess., v. 2.) 10129 — James, H. Jr. Hawthorne. (Eng. men of letters.) 19472 — Lathrop, G. P. A study of Hawthorne. 16015 — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 898$ " — Notice and selections. (In Am. prose.) 19641 — Phelps, A. The theologv of " The marble faun." (In his Mv portfolio.) 22045^ — Smith, G. B. (In his Poets and novelists.) ' 15378 — Stedman, E. C. Hawthorne, and other poems. 17286 — Stephen, L. (In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) . 13942 — Whipp,le, E. P. (In his Character.) 654^ Hawthorne, 8. (P.) Notes in England and Italy. 8056 Hawthornden. Black, A. and C. Guide to Edinburgh and its environs. . *I Hay, C. The club and the drawing room ; pict. of mod. life. 2v.ini. . ■ 10834 Hay, D. R. The interior decorator. 11607 Hay, E., pseud. See Andrews, F. Hay, J. Pike county ballads, and other pieces. 11993 — and others. Not pretty, but precious ; and other stories. 11144 Hay, M. C. Among the ruins ; and other stories. 21512 Contents. Among the ruins.— One terrible Christmas-eve. — Kate's en- gagement.— Mrs. Duncan's will.— ''Ploughed by moments." — "'Mid pleas- ures."— On and oft' the line?- Told by a comprador.— Staire Manor.— Co. ! — The Arundel motto. 16728 — At the seaside, and other stories. 20635 Contents. At the seaside.— One winter day.— Pennie's choice.— Wliere- unto is money good?— Atholl.— "A littleaversion."— Upon the waters.— How I met Alplionzo's ghost.— London pride.— After the lessons. — Back to the old home. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17893 — Bid me discourse. 22583 — A dark inheritance. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser. ) 18595 — Dorothy's venture. ' 21765 — For her dear sake. 20568 — Hidden perils. 15905 — Into the shade, and other stories. 20411 Contents. Into the shade. — Larry's hut.— Stop thief.— The house- keeper's story. — By-and-by. — He stoops to conquer. — A father's story. — One winter night.— On a monument.— What our advertisement brought. —Sir Rupert's room.— By the night express.— Guy Newton's revenge.— Ricardo's benefit. — Hamilton Brothers. — We four. — Bertha's Christmas box.— Locked in. — Dolf's big brother. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 573 — Missing. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 20058 — Nora's love test. 16946 — Old Middleton's money. 13491 — A shadow on the threshold. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17551 — The sorrow of a secret. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18230 — The squire's legacy. 15535 — Under life's key, and other stories. 20273 Contents. Under life's key.— By a leap.— A few days.— Bart Banna- tyne's cityhouse.— Through tJiebreakers.-Tlie end of a' fairy tale.— Told in the picture gallery.— My only novel.— In the Christmas fire-light.— Notes from a German band.^One summer month. — A midnight meeting. — Two Hallow eves.— Well done. — Victor and vanquished. 15457 — Robinson, F. W. and McCarthv, J. Ladv Carmichael's will, and other Christmas stories. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.)" 18229 Contents. Hay, 31. C. Lady Carmichael's will.— Robinson, F. W. Romance on four wheels. — McCarthy, J. The commander's statue. Hay- fever. >8'ee Autumnal catarrh. Haydee ; ou, Le secret ; opera comique, par E. Scribe. (Oeu- vres, ser. 4, v. 14.) *I Haydeu, F. V. Annual report of the U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the territories. See U. S. Geol.., etc. — The great West. {In Brodix, C. U. Gt. West.) 20087 — and Selwyn, A. R. C. North America. Maps and illust. (Stanford's compeiid.) 22917 Haydn, F. J. The Creation. *I — Masses. *I — The seasons. ' ♦! — Barnard, C. The tone masters. Handel and Havdu. 9011 — Boyle, H. M. Life of Haydn, etc. " 2520 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Lives of the gi'eat composers. {Inker Papers on lit., etc., pt. 2.) 3309 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Germ, comp.) 18050 — Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music.) 22847 Haydou, B. R. Correspondence and table-talk,; with mem. by F. W. Haydon. Facsimile .illust. fr. his journals. 2 v. *I — Stoddard, R. H. Life, letters, and table talk of H. 15765 Haydon, F. W. Memoir of B. R. Haydon. {In Haydon, B. R. Correspondence, etc.) *1 Hayes, A. A., t/r. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. Illust. 19880 Hayes, C. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey, 1854. 1809 — Cast away in the cold ; [arctic story] . 7527 — The landof desolation; obs. and adv. in Greenland. Illust. 9977 — The open polar sea; narr. of a voyage of discovery. 6595 — Pictures of arctic travel : Greenland^ * 21218 Hayes, J. L. American textile machinery; its early hist., characteristics, contr. to the indust. of the world, etc. 19617 — Notes upon indigo. 19618 — Protection a boon to consumers ; address. 19620 — The protective question abroad, and rem. at the Indianapolis Exposition, 1870. . 19619 — The protective question at home : rept. of the comm. on manufactures to the 40th. Cong., by D. J. Morrell ; with notes. 19623 — Sheep husbandry in the South. 17759 — The solidarity of the industries as illust. by the relations of the woolen manufacture. ' 19621 — Tapestry and its relations to decorative art. 19622 —joint author. See Mudge, E. R. Hayes, R. B. Howells, W. D. Life and character of H. Portr. 15999 — Howard, J. Q. Life, pub. serv., and select speeches of Hayes. 15995 Haygood, A. G. Our brother in black ; his freedom and his future. 21513 574 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hayley, W. Life and posthumous writings of Wm. Cowper. 2 V. in 1. 1722 Hayne, I. Sketch of H. {In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 Hayne, P. H. Memoir of H. Timrod. (/n Timrod, H. Poems.) 11339 — The mountain of the lovers; with poems of nature and tradition. 13910 — Bungay, G. {In his Traits of rep. men.) 22315 — Sketch of Hayne. {In Gilman, A., etc. Poets' homes.) 19289 Haynes, G. Pictures fr. prison life; hist. sk. of the Mass. State Prison ; with narratives, etc. • 7639 Haynes, L. Cooley, T. M. Sketches of the life of H. 936 Hays, G. P. Intermediate (or upper) schools. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Hays, J. Reid, S. C. (In his Scouting expeditions.) 2807 Hayti. Beard, J. R. (In hisLite of Toussaint L'Ouverture.) 2521 — Hazard, S. {In his Santo Domingo, past and present.) 11341 — Redpath, J. Guide to Hayti. 3900- Hayward, A. Biographical and critical essays. 2 v. 17946-7 Contents. Vol. 1. Sydney Smith.— Samuel Rogers.— James Smith.- George Selwyn. — Lord Chesterfield. — Lord Melbourne. — General von Radowitz.— Countess Hahn-Hahn.— De Stendhal.— Pierre Dupont.— Lord Eldon and the chances of the bar. 2. The Crimean campaign.— American orators and statesmen. — Journalism in France.— Note on the English newspaper press.— Parisian morals and manners.— The imitative powers of music— British field sports.— The science and literature of etiquette.— The art of dining. — /S'ame ; new ser. 2 v. 12305-6- Contents. Y. 1, The pearls and mock pearls of history.— Fi-ederic von Gentz.— Maria Edgeworth : her life and w^ritings.— George Canning as a man of letters.— Marshall Saxe.— Sylvain van de Weyer.— Alexander Dumas.— Salons.— Whist and whist-players. 2. Varieties of history and art.— Edward Livingstone.— Richard the Third.— Queen Marie Antoinette. —The countess of Albany and Alfieri.— Sir HenryfHolland's recollections.— Lady Palmerston.— Lord Lansdowne.— Lord Bailing and Bulwer.— More about Junius. — Same; 3d. ser. 12266 Contents. The British parliament ; its history and eloquence.— Curio- sities of German archives.— England and France': their national qualities, manners, morals, and society. — Lanf rev's Xapoleon. — Vicissitudes of families; English, Scotch, Irish, and continental nobility. — Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland. — The second Armada. — The purchase system. — Goethe. (For. class, for English readers.) ' 17754 — Sketches of statesmen and writers, with other essays. 2 v. 20602-3 Contents. V. 1. Thiers. — Prince Bismarck. — Count Cavour. — Prince Metternich.— Charles, Comte de Montalembert.— Lord Melbourne.— The Marquess Wellesley. 2. Mme. de Sevigne.— Saint-Simon. — Mme. du Dettand and her correspondents.— Holland House.— Strawberrv Hill. — Byron and Tennyson.— Republic of Venice; its rise, decline, and fall. Hayward, A. L. Chimes and rhymes for holiday times, lllust. 22154 — Illustrated birth-day book of Amer. poets. 20853 Hayward, C, Jr. Life of S. Cabot. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 9.) . 4118 — Same. (In Lives of em. indiv., v. 2.) 2709 Hayward, E. Ecce spiritus ; statement of the spiritual princ. of Jesus as the law of life. 21267 Hayward, J. W., joint author. See Drysdale, J. Haywarde. R. Prismatics. lllust. [Sketches, and poems.] 1008 Hazard, G. S. Quality and characteristics of cereal products exhibited. {InV. S. Comm. to Pan's Exjkjs., 1867, Rept., V. 5.) 9100 Hazard, R. G. Freedom of mind in willing. 12969 — Man as creative power ; Practical utilitv of metaphvsical pursuits. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) ' ' 22606- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ^ 575 Hazard, S. SaDto Domiugo, past and present ; with a glance atHayti. 11341 Hazard, T. R. Miscellaneous essays and letters. 22675 Hazelnut and her brothers ; by E. Haile. 21025 Hazeltine, M. W. British and American education ; the uni- versities of the two countries comp. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 19762 — Chats about books, poets, and novelists. 22863 Contents. George Eliot.— Victor Hugo.— Two Amer. novels.— Swin- burne.— A. Daudet.— Longfellow. — Zola.— Wliittier.— Ld. Beaconsfleld's Endymion.— N. Hawthorne. — Wm. Morris's epic poem. — Bret Harte. — E. Arnold's Light of Asia. — C. Reade. — Jules Verne's didactic fiction. — H. James, Jr. Hazen, W. B. Our barren lands ; the interior of the U. S. west of the 100th. merid., and east of the Sierra Nevadas. *I — The school and the armv in Germanv and France ; with diarv of siege life at Versailles. ' ' ' 10909 Hazlitt, W. Eloquence of the British Senate; select, of speeches; with notes, biog., crit., and explanatory. 2 v. 1812 Contents. V. 1. Cromwell. — Whitlocke. — Lord Belhaven. — Mr. Pulteney.— Ld. Chesterfield. — Sir J. St. Aubin. — Sir R. Walpole. S. Ld. Chatham.— Ld. Mansfield. — Ld. Camden.— Mr. Burke. — Mr. Fox. — Mr. Pitt. — Essays on the fine arts. 11741 — Lectures on the Eng. poets, and the Eng. comic writers. 10742 — Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth, and Characters of Shakespeare's plavs. 1811 — Same; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 13197 — Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 v. in 2. *I — Same. 4 v. (V. 1 missing.) 1814^16 — Personal recollections of H. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14122 — The plain speaker; opinions on books, men, and things; ed. bv W. C. Hazlitt. ' 10743 — The round table. (Bayard ser.) , 8497 — The round table. Northcote's conversations. Oharacteristics. [Also Commonplaces, and Trifles light as air] ; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 10746 — Table talk; essays on men and manners. 10744 — Table talk; opinion on books, men, and things. 2 ser. 1817-18 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Sk«4ches, etc., and Third gallery, etc.) 2255 ; 2267 — Stephen, L. {In his Hours in a library, ser. 2.) 16856 — Talfourd, T. A. Hazlitt's Lectures on the drama; On the intellectual character of H. {In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Hazlitt, W. C. History of the Venetian republic. 4 v. 11152-5 — Memoir and notes. {In Gascoigne, G. Complete poems.) 10863-4 He and she. (Plays for priv. act.) • 17926 He Cometh in clouds ; by T. Parsons. {In his Ess., ser. 3.) 6141 He knew he was right ; by A. TroUope. 7662 He that will not when he may ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 20205 He would be a gentleman ; by S. Lover. 9637 Head, E. Viga Glum's saga ; the story of Viga Glum ; from the Icelandic, with notes and an introd. 15848 Head, E. W. Hand-book of the hist, of the Spanish and French schools of painting. *I Head, F. Life and death of J. Burgoyne. 10935 Head, F. B. Faggot of French sticks ; or, Paris in 1851. 1820 — Life in Germany. 1821 Head, J. H. Home pastimes ; or. Tableaux vivants. 1822 Head, P. R. Van Dyck [and] Frans Hals. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 18920 Head of Medusa, The ; by G. Fleming [J, Fletcher]. 20050 Head of the family ; by [Miss Muloch] . 9956 576 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Headaches. Wright, H. G. Headaches, then- causes and then- cure. 19980 Headland Home ; by E. P. Delesdernier. 7478 Headless horseman. The ; by M. Reid. 7090 Headley, J. T. Achievements of Stanley and other African explorers. Illust. 18346 -— The Adirondack ; or, Life in the woods. 1823 — Chaplains and clergy of the revolution. 5653 — Letters from Italy. ' 1824 — Life of O. Cromwell. 5063 — Life of VV. Scott. 1831 — Mountains and mountain climbing. {In Mountain adv., etc.) 9766 — Kapoleon and his marshals. 2 v. 1825-6 Contents. Y. 1. Napoleon.— Berthier. — Angereau. — Davoust.— St. Cyr.— Lannes. — Moncey.— Macdonald. — Mortier.— Soult. 3. Murat.— Lefebvre.—Massena.—Marmont.— Victor.— Brune.—Oudinot.—Bessleres. — Jourdan.— Bernadotte.— Suchet.— Poniatowski.— Grouchv.— Nev. — The power of beauty. " ' 1827 Contents. Esther.— Ruth.— Alfieri.—Beautv. — Rise and fall of eloquence in the Fr. i-evolution. {In Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. Orators of France.) 5012 — The sacred mountains. Illust. 1830 Contents. Ararat.— Moriah.— Sinai.— Hor.—Pisgah.— Horeb.— Carmel.— Lebanon.— Zion.— Tabor.— Mount of Olives.— Calvarv.— Mount of God. — Washington and his generals. 2 v. ' 1828-9 Contents. V. 1. Washington.— Putnam.— Montgomery.— Arnold.— Stark.— Schuyler.— Gates.— Steuben.— Wavne.— Conwav and Mifflin.— Ward and Heath. 2. Greene. Moultrie.— Knox.— I^incoln.— Lee.— Clinton.— Sullivan.— St. Clair.— Marion.— Stirling.— Lafavette.—De Kalb. —Thomas and McDougall.— Wooster, Howe, and Parsons.— Jones.— The brigadier generals.— Morgan. Headley, P. C. The girls of the Bible. 6137 — The island of fire ; or, A thousand vears of the old northmen's home ; [Iceland.] ' 13458 — Life of D. G. Farragut. 6081 — Life of L. Kossuth ; incl. not. of the men and scenes of the Hungarian revolution; added. Speeches, etc. lutrod. by H. Greelev. 1832 — Life of Maj. Gen. Sherman. * 6003 — Life of the Empress Josephine. 1833 — The miner boy, and his Monitor; [J. Ericsson]. 6082 — Public men of todav; biog., LT. S. Portr., ser. 1. 21584 Headlong hall ; by T. L. Peacock. {In his Works, v. 1.) 13879 Heads of the people, drawn by K. JVIeadows ; with essays by disting. writers. 2993 Heads or tails? by'J. P. Simpson. (Lt French's Min. dram., V. 38.) 7990 Headsman ; by J. F. Cooper. 945 Headsman, The ; a tale of doom. (Li Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 Heagle, D., ed. Bremen lectures ; with introd. by A. Hovey. 9780 Contents. Zockler, O. Biblical acct. of creation and nat. science. — Cremer, H. Reason, conscience, and revelation.— Fuchs, M. Miracles. — Luthardt, C. E. The person of Jesus Christ. — Uhlhorn, G. The resur- rection of Christ, as a soterio-logico-hist. fact.— Gess, W. F. Scriptural doctr. of atonement.— Tischendorf, C. Authenticity of our Gospels.— Lan^e, J. P. The idea of the kingdom of God as perfected, and its significancy for hist. Christianity.— Disselhoff, J. Christianity and culture. Heald, Mrs. — . Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Healings of the nations ; by C. Linton. 509 Health. See Hygiene. Health and education ; essays by C. Kingsley. 12906 Health primers. See Down, J. L., etc. . Health resorts. Howe, J.' W. Winter homes for invalids. Acct. of localities suitable for consumptives and other CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 577 invalids dur. the winter months, with spec, ref . to climatic variations, and their infl. on disease. 13333 — Madden, T. M. Principal health-resorts of Europe and Africa for chrou. diseases. 16840 — Otter, R. H. Winters abroad ; places visited on acct. of health. 22418 — Wilson, W. S. The ocean as a health resort. 20080 — See also Resorts. Healthy houses ; by F. Jenkin. 18513 Healy, M., lately Mme. Bigot. The home theatre. 9797 Contents. A lost game. — " Yes— or No?" — A flirtation. — Weather- bound.— An unexpected guest.— The skeleton in the closet. — Storm-driven. 18040 — A summer's romance. 11067 Heaps of money; by W. E. Norris. 17042 Heard, F. F. Curiosities of the law reporters. 2d. ed., rev. 21028 — Oddities of the law. 21027 Heard, 1. V. D. History of the Sioux war and massacres of 1862-3. Portr. and illust. . 5572 Hearing, Sense of. See Ear. Hearn, W. E. The Aryan household, its -struct, and develop. ; introd. to comp. jurisprudence. 18534 Heart. Huxley, T. H. On certain errors resp. the struct, of the heart attrib. to Aristotle. {In his Sci. and culture.) 21538 — The heart and its function. (Health prim.) 20190 Heart and cross ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 2364 Heart of Mid-Lothian ; by W. Scott. 3817 Heart of Mid-Lothian ; romance ; by T. Dibdin. (In Mod. stand, dram., v. 22.) 11821 Heart of steel ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 22329 Heart of the Andes ; by T. Winthrop. (In his Life in the open air.) 15936 Hearth-stone, The ; thoughts upon home-life in our cities ; by 8. Osgood. 3302 — Same ; [later ed.] . 15691 Hearts and faces ; by T. A. Trollope. 4508 Hearts and hands; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 13467 Hearts and homes ; or. Social distinction : by Mrs. Ellis. 6637 Heart's problem, A; by C. Gibbon. 21507 Heartsease ; by [C. M. Yonge.] 4895 Heat. Abbott, J. Heat. 11265 — Box, T. Practical treat, on heat, as appl. to the useful arts. 7764 — Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat : tr. and ed. by E. Rich. 7541 — Forbes, G. Thermal conductivity ; Thermo-dvnamics. (In So. Ken- sington Sci. Lect., V. 2.) * " 17679 — Guillemin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. (In his Appl. of phvs. forces.) * *l — Hood, C. Inquiry into the laws of radiant and conduct, heat. (In his Treat, on warming. 18405 — Lardner, D. Heat. (In his Handbooks of nat. philos., ser. 2.) 2569 — Lees, W. Elements of acoustics, light and heat. 12622 — Ogg, — . Heat. (In Lib. of Us. Knowl. Nat. phil., v. 1.) 4331 — Pepper, J. H. (7n ^is Cyclopedic science.) 8036 — Pynehon, T. R. (In his Chemical forces.) 9754 — Stewart, B. Elementary treatise on heat, 9823 — Tait, P. G. (In his Lect. on phvs. science.) 15956 — Tetrt, L. B. Curiosities of heat.' 22608 — Trowbridge, W. P. Heat as a source of power; with appl. of gen. princ. to the coustr. of steam generators. 12393 — Tyndall. J. Contributions to molee. phvs. in the domain of radiant heat. 11128 The Coplev medalist of 1871. (In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 578 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 7058 Same. 6th. ed. 224^7 — Weisbacli, P. J. Heat, steam, and steam engines. {In his Manual, etc., V. 2.) 9062 — Youmaus, E. L. {In his Hand-book of household science.) 6284 — /See also Thermodynamics. Heath, F. G. Burnham beeches. Illust. 2d. ed. 19521 — The English peasantry. 12809 — The fern paradise ; plea for the culture of ferns. 15594 — My garden wild, and what I grew there. 21360 Heath, R. Edgar Quinet ; early life and writings. Portr., illust., etc. 20768 Heath, R. F. Aibrecht Diirer. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) 20769 — Titian. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) 18769 Heath, W. Headley, J. T. (In his Washington, etc., v. 1.) 1828 Heather, H. E. Cards and card tricks ; hist, of playing cards ; instr. for playing games, etc. 19469 Heather, J. F. Mathematical instruments. 10141 Heather ; by J. Sturgis. (In Ms Little comedies.) 19770 ; 21907 Heating. See Warming. Heaton, M. C. Correggio. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 22032 Heaton, M. M. Concise hist, of painting. *I Heaven. Jones, J. H. Kingdom of heaven, what it is, etc. 13107 — Swedenborg, E. Concerning heaven and its wonders. 4316 Heavenly union; by W. H. Porter. 3517 Heavy yokes ; by J. Iladermann. 15900 Hebbe, G. C. An universal history ; ser. of letters ; Ancient history. 2 v. 1835-6 Hebberd, S. S. The secret of Christianity. 19409 Heber, A. (S.) Life of R. Heber ; select, fr. his correspond- ence, poems, etc. ; Journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, . Russia ; and Hist, of the Cossaks. 2 v. 1837-8 Heber, R. Narrative of a journ. thr. the upper provinces of India, 1824-25 ; Journey to the southern provinces, 1826 and Letters written in India. 2 v. 1839-40 — Selections fr. correspondence, etc. See Heber, A. S. above. — Heber, A. Life of H. ; with select, f r. his correspondence, etc. 2 v. 1837-8 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Yonge, C. M. (In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Hebrew literature. Etheridge, J. W. Jerusalem and Tiberias ; Sova and Cordova ; introd. to the study of Heb. literature. *I — Herder, J. G. von. Spirit of Hebrew poetrv ; f r. the German, by J. Marsh. 2 v. ' 5106-7 — Taylor, I. Spirit of the Hebrew poetry. 11366 — Heilprin, M. Historical poetry of the anc. Hebrews ; tr., and crit. exam- ined. 2 V. 21514-15 — See also Bible ;— Talmud. Hebrew Tabernacle. See Jews. Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrides. Buchanan, R. The Hebrid Isles. 22779 — - The land of Lome : adv. in the Scottish Hebrides. 2 v. in 1. 9748 Hecker, I. T. Aspirations of nature. 6187 Heckethorn, C. W. The secret societies of all ages and coun- tries. 2v. • 15708-9 Heckiugton ; by Mrs Gore. 5389 Hector, A. F. (j^seud. Mrs. Alexander). The Freres. (Leis.- hr. ser.) . 21416 — Her dearest foe. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 15394 CATAI.OGUE OF BOOKS. 579 — Heritage of Langdale. (Leis.-hr. sser.) 16874 — Look before you leap. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 21874 — Maid, wife, or widow? (Leis.-hr. ser.) 18759^ — Ralph Wilton's weird. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 13678 — Which shall it be? 12172 — The wooing o't. 1191T Rector, of Homer's Iliad. Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Hector ; by F. L. Shaw. 21111 Hector Servadac ; by J. Yerne. , 17543 Hedge, F. H. Mythical element in the New Testament. {In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 — Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. 8022 — Prose writers of German} , [with notices] . Illust. 1841 Contents. Luther. — Boehme. — Abraham a Sancta Clara.— Moser. — Kant. — Lessing. — Mendelssohn. — Hamann. — Wieland. — Musiius. — Claud- ius.— Lavater. — Jacobi. — Herder. — Goethe. — Schiller. — Fichte. — Eichter. — A. W. von. Schlegel. — Schleierraacher. — Hegel. — Zschokke. — F. von Schlegel.— Novalis.— Tieck.— Schelling. — Hofmann.— Chamisso. — Reason in religion. 6955 — Recent inquiries in theology ; "Essays and reviews." 5174 Contents. Temple, F. 'The education of the world.— Williams, R. Bunsen's Biblical researches. — Powell, B. On the study of the evidences of Christianity. — Wilson, H. B. Seances historiques de Geneve. — The National Church. — Goodwin, C. W. On the Mosaic cosmogonv.— Pattison M. Tendencies of relig. thought in England, 1688-1750.— Jo wett, B. On the*interpretation of Scripture. — The universal and the spec, in Christianity. {In Unitarian affirm.) 18586 — Ways of the spirit and other essays. ' 17367 Contents. The way of history ;— of religion ; — of hist. Christianity ;— of hist, atonement.— The nat. hist, of Theism.— Critique of proofs of the being of God. — On the origin of things. — The God of relig., or, The hu- man God. — Dualism and optimism. — Pantheism. — The two religions. — The mythical element in the New Testament.— Incarnation and transub- stantia'tion.— The human soul. Hedged in ; by E. S. Phelps. 8171 Hedges, J. N. Sedgwick, A. G. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Hedley, W. Reynolds. M. Hedley and the plain rails: {In his Model loc. engineer.) 19128 Hedwig, Queen of Poland. Historical legend. {In Trauer- mantel. Love of country.) 2760 Heemskerck, J. Liefde, J. de. (/n ^isGt. Dutch admirals.) 11761 Heeren, A. H. L. Ancient Greece ; fr. the German, by G. Bancroft. 2d. Am. ed. 1842 — Historical treatises : Political consequences of the Reformation ; Rise, progress, and pract. influence of polit. theories ; Rise and growth of the continental interests of Gt. Brit. ; f r. the German. 1843^ Heermans, A. A. and Cogswell, C. B. Hieroglyphic geography of the United States, pt. 1. 13379 Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the phil. of history ; tr. by J. Sibree. 1 844 — Translations. (7w Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Bowen, F. Hegel : Alt resolved into one ; One developed into all. {In his Mod. philosophv.) 17186 — Caird, E. Hegel. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 22751 — Schmidt, J. Hegel im Licht der Gegenwart. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) 16311 — See also Germany . Philosophy. Hegesippus Atheniensis. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Hehner, O., joint author. See Angell, A. Heidenmauer ; by J. F. Cooper. 944 580 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Heidelberg ; by G. P. R. James. 11848 Heighway, O. W. T. Leila Ada, the Jewish convert ; mem. ; added, her diary and correspondence. 3d. Am. ed. 1845 Heighway, W. The esthetics of photography. 19424 Heilprin, M. Historical poetry of the anc. Hebrews; tr.,and crit. examined. 2 v. 21514-1^ Heimburg, W. Lottie of the mill ; fr. the German, by K. S. Dickey. Heine, P. Liefde, J. de. (/n /lis Gt. Dutch admirals.) Heine, H. Sammtliche Werke, 18 v. Contents. V. 1, 2. Reisebilder. 3. Englische Fragmente, und Shakespeare's Miidchen und Frauen. 4. Novellistiche Fragmente. 5- 7. Ueber Deutschland : Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland ; Die romantische Schule ; Elementargei;?ter und Diimonen. 8-11. Franzosische Zustiinde. 13. Ludwig Borne. 13-14. Ver- mischte Schriften. 15-18. Dichtungen. — Poems ; tr. by E. A. Bo wring. — Poems and ballads; tr. by E. Lazarus; prel., Biog. sk. of H. — Prose miscellanies; tr. by S. L. Fleishman. ' Contents. "The salon." — The exhibition of paintings in Paris, 1831. — Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski.— History of religion and philoso- phy in Germanv. — Religion and phil. in Germany ; a fragment ; tr. by J. Snodgrass. — Scintillations fr. the prose works of H ; Florentine nights ; excerpts ; tr. byS. A. Stern; [chapter on Heine] . — Trip to the Brocken ; tr. by R. McLintock. — Wit, wisdom, and pathos fr. [his] prose; with pieces from the "Book of songs;" select, and tr. by J. Snodgrass. — Arnold, M. {In his Ess. aiid crit.) — Harrison, J. A. The sorrows of Heine. (Zn Ais Group of poets.) — Hosmer, J. K. (In his Hist, of Germ, lit.) — Milnes, R. M. Last days of H. (In his Monographs.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (Jn his Prem. lund., v. 2.) — Schmidt, J. (In his Bilder aus den Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) — Stigand, W. Life, work, and opinions of H. 2 v. Heir at law ; comedy ; by G. Colman the younger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) Heir, The, of Hardington. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 10.) Heir of Redclifte ; by [C. M. Yonge]. Heir, The, of Rougemain ; by E. M. Stewart. (7n her Cloister legends.) Heiress, The ; by A. S. Stephens. Heiress, The, in the family ; by Mrs. JM. Daniel. Heiress, The, of Bellefont ; by E. Bennett. Heiress, The, of Sweetwater; by J. T. Randolph. Heiton, J. The Hawkshead Inn. (/« Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.) Helen ; by JVE. Edge worth. Helen and Arthur ; by C. L. Hentz. Helen Charteris ; by H. Ward. Helen Erskine ; by ]Mrs. IVi. H. Robinson. Helen Ethinger ; by E. L. Whittlesey. Helen Fleetwood; by IMrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4474 Helen Ford ; by H. Alger. Helen Gardner's wedding-day ; or, Colonel Floyd's wards ; by IVI. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. Helen of Troy [poem] ; by A. Lang. 21642 11761 *I 1918 20770 14295 21643 11560 21704 19112 5971 13752 18259 11605 *I 16312 15641-2 11814 14310 4897 12789 4213 11964 11739 11790 7224 1335 1861 5760 8439 9949 ; 4477 7422 5489 22159 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 581 Helen Troy, Story of; by [C. C. Harrison]. * 21284 Helena Mathewson. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v.. 5.) 14305 Helena's duties; by [M. A. Mackaruess]. 10585 Helena's household ; [by J. De Mille]. 8431 Helen's babies ; by J. Habberton. 15942 Hell. Swedenborg, E. Concerning Heaven and its wonders, and Hell. 4316 Hellas ; her monuments and scenery ; by T. Chase. 13231 Hellborn, H. K. von. Life of F. Schubert; tr. by A. D. Coleridge, with app. by G. Grove. 2 v. 11207-8 — See also Wilberforce, E. Franz Schubert. Hellenica ; coll. of essays; ed. byE. Abbott. 20099 Hellwald, F. von. The Russians in central Asia ; crit. exam. of the geog. and hist, of cent. Asia ; tr. by T. Wirgman. Map. 12811 — See also Stanford's comp. of geog. and travel. Hellyer, S. S. The plumber and sanitary houses; pract. tr. on the princ. of internal plumbing. 2d. ed. 20507 Helm, Mrs. — . Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Helm, C. Gretchen's joys and sorrows ; fr. the German by H. M. D. Slack. 17189 Helmholz, H. L. F. Later views of the connect, of electricity and magnetism ; rev. of mathematical theories. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 — Popular lect. on scientific subjects; introd. by Prof. Tvndall. 11772^ Contents. Relation of nat. sci. to science in general. — Goethe's scien- tific researches.— Physiological causes of harmony in music— Ice and glaciers.— Interaction of the nat. forces.— Recent prog, of the theory of vision.— Conservation of force.— Aim and prog, of phys. science. — Popular lect. on scientific subjects ; tr. by E. Atkinson, ser. 2. 20368 Contents. Gustav Magnus: in memoriam. — Origin and signif. of geometrical axioms. — Relation of optics to painting. — Origin of the planetary system.— Thought in medicine.— Academic freedom in German universities. — Sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music ; fr. the 3rd. German ed. with add. notes and app. by A. J! Ellis. 14217 Helmore, T. Plain song. (Music prim.) 18417 Helms, L. V. Pioneering in the far East, and journeys to California in 1849, and to the White Sea in 1878. Illust. 21974 H^loise. See Abailard. Heloise ; by Talvi [T. A. L. Robinson]. 4001 Helper, H. R. The impending crisis of the South. 1848 — and others. The Three Americas railway ; an international and inter- continental enterprise. ' 20650 Helps, A. Brevia ; short essays and aphorisms. 10500 — Casimir Maremma. 8399 — Companions of my solitude. 1766 — Essays written in the intervals of business. Added, On organization in daily life. 10527 — Friends in council. Book 1. 703T — /S'ame; book 1, 2. 2v.ini. 11991 Contents. V. 1. Truth. — Conformity. — Despair. — Recreation. — Greatness.— Fiction.— Art of living with others.— Education.— Unreason- able claims in soc. aflections and relations.— Public improvements.— History.— Reading.— Giving and taking criticism.— Art of living. 2. Improvement of the condition of the rural poor.— Government.— Slavery. — Same. New ser. 2 v. in 1. 11992 Contents. Worry.— War.— A love story. — Criticism.— Biography.— Proverbs. — Arts of self-advancement. — EUesmere's plan for a new essay. 582 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Miserfes of human life. — Life not so miserable after all. — Pleasantness. — Lovers' quarrels.— Rowing down the river Moselle. — Government. — Despotism. — The farm-vard. — Chiefly showing the need for tolerance. — Ivan de Biron. ' , 12338 — Life and labours of Mr. Brassev. 10999 — Life of Columbus. * 7621 — Life of Hernando Cortes. 9632 •^ Life of Las Casas, " the apostle of the Indies." 2d. ed. 11760 — Life of Pizarro. 7856 — Realmah. 7580 — Social pressure. , 13459 — Some talk about animals and their masters. 11749 — The Spanish conquest in America. 4 v. 1852-3 ; 7471-2 — Thoughts upon government. 10075 Heist, B. Vander. Gower, R. (In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Hemans, C. I. Historic and monumental Rome ; hd.-bk. of classical and Chr. antiquity. 19113 Hemans, F. D. (B.) Works; ed. by her sister ; with Ess. on her genius, by Mrs. Sigourney. 3 v. 5799-801 — Chorlev, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. *I — Elwood, A. K. (In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Hughes, Mrs. Memoir of Mrs. Hemans. 1855 Hemenway, A. M. Poets and poetry of Vermont ; rev. ed. 5450 Henault, C. J. F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., V. U.) *I Henderson, H. A. M. The political econ. of higher and techni- cal education. (Pps. on educ.) *I Henderson, H. Practical hints on camping. 22263 Henderson, M. F. Practical Cooking and dinner giving. 17129 Henderson, P. Gardening for pleasure ; with direct, for the greenhouse, conservatory, etc. 14323 — Gardening for profit ; cultivation of the market and family garden. Illust. 6630 — Same ; new ed. " 21631 — Practical floriculture ; guide to the cultivation of florists' plants. Illust. 7655 Henderson, W. My life as an angler. Portr. and woodcuts. 20089 Hendrik, H. Memoirs, 1853-1876, written by himself ; fr. the Eskimo lang, by H. Rink ; ed. by G. Stephens. 18443 Hendricks, T. A. Cook, T. P. Sketch of the life of H. ( With Life of S. J. Tilden.) 16565 Hendricks the hunter ; by W H. G. Kingston. 19350 Heness, T. Guide for instr. in German without grammar and diet. ; with Eng. introd. 3d. ed. 15888 Henfrey, A. ICarth, plants, and man ; by J. F. Schouw ; and Sketches fr. the mineral kingdom ; by F. von Kobell. 3803 — Educational claims of botanical science. (In Youmans, E. L. Culture demand, of mod. life.) 6952 • — Relations of botan. sci. to the other branches. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Henfrey, H. W. Guide to English coins. 10656 Henley, Dr. — . Notes. (In Beckford, W. History of Yathek.) 8498 Henley, J. W. Reid, T. W. (In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of H. {In Polit. portr.) 11693 Hennebert, E. Histoire d'Annibal, v. 1. 9437 Hennell, C. C. Inquiry cone, the origin of Christianity. Add., Christian theism. 3d. ed. *I Henriade, The ; fr. the French of Voltaire. 4602 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 683 Henrietta Temple ; by B. Disraeli. 13188 Henriette ; by E. Daudet. 17858 Henriette the forsaken ; drama ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand, dr.,. V. 18.) 11819 Henriette Anne (VAngleterre^ duchesse d' Orleans. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 6.) *I Henry I. , King of England. Freeman, E. A. Reign of William Rufus and the accession of H. 2 v. 21725-6 Henry IV. ; tragedy ; by Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 Henry V., King of England. James, G. P. R. {In his Mem., V. 1.) 2293 — Towle, G. M. History of Henry. " 6219 Henry VIII., King of England. Audin, J. M. V. Life of H., and hist, of the schism of Eng. ; tr. by E. G. K. Browne. 250 — Cavendish, G. Henry YIII. of Eng. and Catherine of Aragon bef. the Legatine Court, lo27. (In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 Henry VIII. play ; by Shakspeare. (J/rMod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 Henry YIII. and his court ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6566 Henry IV. ; V. ; VI. ; VIII. See Shakespeare, W. Henry IV. of France. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Henry IV. 14285 — James, G. P. R. Life of Henry. 2 v. 2297-8 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 11, 13.) *I Henry IV. of Germany. Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc.^ V. 1.) ' ' 1248 Henry, Prince of Portugal. Major, R. H. Life of Prince « Henry, surnaraed the Navigator. *I Henry, C. S. The Christian doctr. of Providence. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — Considerations on some of the element*i and cond. of soc. welfare and hum. prog. ; discourses. 1856 — Historv of the United States. ( With Taylor, W. C. Man. of ant-, and mocl. hist.) ' 4384 Henry, J. Eulogy on A. D. Bache ; On a physical observa- tory. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Organization of local scientific societies. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) 12994 — Garfield, J. A. J. Henry. (In Hinsdale, B. A. Pres. G. and educ.) 21233 Henry, M. Life of P. Henry ; correct, and enl. by J. B. Williams ; add. The pleasantness of religion, and sermons. 6061 Henry, P. Speeches. {In Amer. oratory.) 4959 — Arnold, S.G. Life of Henry. 179 — Everett, A. H. Life of H. \ln Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 11.) 4120 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Magoon, E. L. (In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 — Sketch of H. (In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 — Wirt, W. Sketches of the life and character of H. 4836 Henry, P. Diaries and letters ; ed. by M. H. Lee. 22802 — Henry, M. Life of H. ; and sermons. 6061 Henry and Henrietta, Stories of ; by A. Dufresne. . 1284 Henry Courtland ; or. What a farmer can do ; by A. J. Cline. 8534 Henry Dunbar ; by M. E. Braddon. 6734 Henry Edward, Archbp. of Westminster. See Manning, H. E. Henry Esmond, History of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5496 Henry Milner, History of ; by Mrs. Sherwood ; pts. 1-3 ; 4. {In her Works, v. 1 ; 15.) 3955 ; 3969 Henry St. John, Gentleman ; by J. E. Cooke. 932 Hensel, O. Life and letters of L. M. Gottschalk. 9205 584 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hensel, S. The Mendelssohn family, 1729-1847; fr. letters and journals. Portr. 2d. ed. ; tr. by C. Klingemann ; not. by G. Grove. 2 v. 21219-20 Henshall, J. A. Book of the Black Bass ; with pract. treat, on angling and fly fishing, etc. lUust. 20771 Henslow, G. Science and Scripture not antagonistic. (In Chr. Ev., Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) 12520 — Theory of evolution, and the appl. of the princ. of evol. to religion. 12197 Henslow, J. S. Jenyns, L. Memoir of Henslow. 15907 Hensman, H. On civil engineering and machinery generally. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Hentz, C. L. (H.) Aunt Patty's sd'ap-bag. 15365 — The banished son ; and other stories. 1869 — Courtship and marriage. 1858 — Eoline. 1859 — Ernest Linwood. I860 — Helen and Arthur. 1861 — Linda. 1862 — The lost daughter; and other stories. 1863 — Love after marriage ; and other stories. 1864 — Marcus Warland. 1865 — The planter's northern bride. 1866 — Rena. 1867 — Robert Graham. 1868 Heutznerus, P. Mueller, F. M. A German traveller in Eng. (Jn his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 Hepworth, G. H. Rocks and shoals ; lect. to young men. 2010 '— Starboard and port; the "Nettie" along shore. 15949 — The whip, hoe, and sword; or, The Gulf-Department in '63. 5566 Hepworth, T. C. The light of the future ; The sounds we hear; The telephone ; Something about gases, (/ti Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — Voyages in cloudland. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Her crime. (No name ser.) 22195 Her dearest foe : by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 15394 Her face. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 10.) 14310 Her first appearance. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Her ladyship ; [by T. C. Minor]. 19831 Her mother's fancy ; by T. O. Hall. 13327 Her picture. (No name ser.) 21423 Her sacrifice ; by X. ' 17050 Herald of Freedom; by H. D. Thoreau. (In his Yankee in Canada, etc.) 6464 Heraldry. Cussans, J. E. Hand-book of heraldry. 8886 — Finlason, W. F. History of hereditary dignities. 11056 — Planch6, J. R. The pursuivant of arms; or, Heraldry found, on facts. 12206 — See also Smith family. Herbfermann, C. G. Business life in ancient Rome. 19763 Herbert, E. Is^ Baron Herbert. Autobiography; with ess. by W. D. Flowells. (Choice autobiog.) 17552 — and Herbert, a. Ossoli, S. E. F. d*. The two Herberts. (In her Tps. onlit., e?c., pt. 1.) 3309 Herbert, G. Works ; with rem. on his writings, and sk. of his life by W. Jerdan. 1094 — Poetical works ; with mem. of the author, and notes bv R. A. Willmott. 1870 — Walton, J. Life of H. {In his Lives, etc.) ' 4625 ; 12285 — See also Herbert, E. above. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 585 Herbert, H. H. M. Work, life, and character [of H. L. Man- sel]. (/7i Mansel, H. L. Gnostic heresies.) 13627 Herbert, H. W. (pseud. Frank Forester). American game in its seasons. 11392 — The captains of the Roman repubhc, comp. with mod. strategists. 1871 — The cavaliers of England ; times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1688. 5071 — Complete manual for young sportsmen. 10057 — The fair puritan. * . 13558 — Field sports of the U. S. and British Provinces. 2 v. 1872-3 — Fish and fishing of the U. S. and Brit. Provinces. lUust. With suppl. 1874 — Same. Xew ed. with a treatise on fly-fishing, by " Dinks." 21172 — Frank Forester's sporting scenes and characters, v. 2. Illust. 9274 Contents. AVarwick woodlands.— Tom Draw's visit to Pine brook.— The Quorndon hounds. — Same. New, rev. and enl. ed. 2 v. 9030-1 Contents. V. 1. The Warwick woodlands.— My shooting box. 2. The Quorndon hounds.— The deerstalkers. — flints to horse-keepers ; manual for horsemen ; and chapters on mules and ponies. Illust. ' 1875 — Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great Protector. 1876 Herbert, J. R. Palgrave, F. T. Herbert's "Delivery of the law." {In his Ess. on art.) 6531 Herbert, M. E. Lady. Impressions of Spain [1866]. 12171 — A search after sunshine ; or, Algeria in 1871. 11708 — Three phases of Christian love. 6885 Contents. St. Monica. — Victorine de Galard Terraube.— Venerable Mere Devos. Herbert, M. (S.) Countess of Pembroke. Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Herbert, S. Baron Herbert of Lea. Martineau, H. {In her Biog.sk.) 7657; 16744 Herbert Carter's legacy ; by H. Alger. 16090 Herder, J. G. von. Sammtliche Werke. 27 v. 10197-223 — Spirit of Hebrew poetry; fr. the German, by J. Marsh. 2 v. 5106-7 — Translations. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Hosmer, J. K. {In his Hist, of Germ, lit.) 18259 — Sketch of H. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Taylor, B. Klopstock, Wieland, and Herder. {In his Stud, in Germ, lit.) 19003 Here a little and there a little ; or, Scripture facts. 1877 Here and hereafter ; by A. Athern. 246 Here and there ; quaint quotations ; select, by H. L. S. Lear. 22406 Hereditary piety; by F. P. Cobbe. {In 7ier Darwinism, etc.) 10835 Heredity. Bagehot, W. Physics and politics ; or. The appl. of ''natural selection" and "inheritance" to polit. society. 11269 — Black, J. R. Intluence of hereditary defects on health ; their prevention and eradication. (7?i Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Bowen, F. Diseases and malformations not hereditable. {In his Gleanings.) 19941 — Cook, J. Hereditv. (Bost. Mond. lect.) 18275 — Dugdale, R. L. " The Jukes" ; study in heredity. 16942 — Elam, C. Natural heritage. { In ^is Physician's problems.) 8087 — Fowler, Q. S. Hereditary descent. 1515 — Galton, F. English men of science ; their nature and nurture. 13807 Hereditary genius ; inq. into its laws and consequences. 9163 — Law, J. Hereditarv entailments in domest. animals and the hum. fam- ily. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Papiilon, F. Hereditv in phvsiologv, in medicine, and psvchology. {In ^zsXat. and life.;' ' ' ' 13971 — Proctor, R. A. Hereditary traits. (7m his Rough ways.) 19539 — Ribot, T. Heredity ; a psychological study of phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Librarv, and can be secured onlv by asking an attendant for it. 38 ^ ' 586 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Heredity ; by A. Penn. {In Matthews, J. B. Comedies for amat. act.) 19355 Hereford, Rev. Dr. Public holidays and pub. health. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I Hereford. Black, A. and C. Guide to the counties of H. and Monmouth. *I Heresy. Hall, E. H. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Chr. church ; lect. 13405 Heretic, The ; by Lejetchnikoff . • 5213 Hereward, the brave ; by J. Corner. 10581 Hereward, the last of the English ; by C. Kingsley. 6093 Herford, B. Jesus Christ ; discourse, (iw Unitarian affirm.) 18586 — Story of relig. in England ; book for young folk. 18216 — Travers Madge ; a memoir. 15617 Hergest, Red Book of. Lanier, S. The boy's mabinogion ; Welsh tales of King Arthur ; with introd. Illust. 20918 Il^ricourt, jifme. d'. A woman's philosophy of woman ; or. Woman affranchised ; answer to Michelet, Proudhon, etc. ; tr. fr. Paris ed. 5692 Heritage, L' ; par L. Hal^vy. {In his Mariage d'amour.) 14790 Heritage of Langdale ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 16874 Heriti^re, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 12.) *I H^ritiers de Crac, Les ; vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 19.) *I Herman; or. Young knighthood; by E. Foxton [S. H. Pal- frey]. 2 V. 6144-5 Hermann Agha ; by W. G. Palgrave. 10928 Hermann and Dorothea ; by J. W. von Goethe. 8487 Hermas. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers.) 18997 Hermes Trismegistus ; by E. Deutsch. (/ri ^is Literary rem.) 12376 Hermit, The ; by T. Parnell. 18979 Hermits, The ; by C. Kingsley. 7488 Hernani ; by V. Hugo. {In his Th^^tre, v. 2.) 14438 Hero, A; by [Miss Muloch] . 3184 Hero, A, and a martyr ; by C. Reade. 13347 Hero Carthew ; by L. Parr. 11681 Hero, The, of Cowpens ; a centennial sketch. 20821 Hero, A, of the pen ; by E. Werner [E. Buerstenbinder] . 14252 Herodes the Great. Hausrauth, A. {In his Hist, of the N. T. times, V. 1, 2.) (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib.) *I Herodotus. New and literal version with index ; by H. Cary. 11576 — Battle of Thermopylae. B. C. 480. (In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 — History; new version, ed., with notes, by G. Kawlinson, H. Eawlinson, and J. G. Wilkinson. 4 v. Maps an& illust. 1883-6 — Stories fr. the East fr. Herodotus ; by A. J. Church. Illust. fr. anc. fres- coes end sculptures. 20044 — Story of the Persian war, fr. H. ; by A. J. Church. Illust. fr. the antique. 21477 — Swayne, G. C. Herodotus. (Anc. class, for Eng. readers.) 5687 Heroes.' Balfour, C. L. Moral heroism ; trials and triumphs. 6740 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero worship, and the heroic in history. 703 Heroes, The ; or, Greek fairy tales for my children ; by C. Kingsley. 2476 Heroes and hunters of the West; [biog.]. 1887 Heroes of Christian history ; namely : Bell, C. D. Henry Martyn. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 587 Culross, J. William Carev. 21502 Eraser, D. Thomas Chalmers. 21227 Hood, E. P. Robert Hall. 21234 Stanford, C. Philip Doddridge. 20073 Stoughton, J. Wm. Wilberforce. 19979 Heroes of history. /S'ee Towle, G.'M. Heroines. Steele, E. R. Heroines of sacred history. 4206 — Yonge, C. D. Seven heroines of Christendom. 18848 Heroines in obscnrity ; by [Miss Keddie]. 20818 Heroism. Kingsley, C. {In Ms Health and education.) 12906 — See also Little classics. Herold, L. J. F. Zampa ; opera comique. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Herpetology. See Reptiles. Herr Baby, Adventures of; by Mrs. Molesworth. Illust. 21244 Herrick, J. R. Positivism as rel. to the development and des- tiny of the individual. (In Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 Herrick, R. Hesperides ; [also, Noble numbers]. 2 v. 1888-9 Herrick, S. 8. Comparative vital movement of the white and colored races in the U. S. ; Railroad sanitation, its objects and advantages. (Tti Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c, V. 7.) *I — Inland quarantine. (In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) 19452 — Numerical sanitation ; a calculus of subsoil drainage in New Orleans. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) * *I — Propositions rel. to the etiologj' of Yellow fever. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kepts., y. 4.) ' *I Herrick, W. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Fam. Lond. mer- chants.) 7853 Herring, R. A few pers. recollections of George Croly ; with extr. fr. his speeches and writings. *I Hersch, H. Die Anna-Lise. See Kroeh, C. F. Herschel, C. L. Edwards, M. B. (In her ^ix life studies.) 19835 — Herschel, M. C. Memoir and correspondence of H. ; portr. 15536 — Sketch of C. L. Herschel. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Herschel, C Continuous, revolving drawbridges, with espec. ref. to the designing of continuous panel guides. *I Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Address, Windsor and Eton Library, 1833. (//i Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Familiar lect. on scientific subjects. 6523 Contents. About volcanos and earthquakes.— The sun.— On comets.— The weather and weather prophets. — Celestial measurings and weigh- ings. — On light. — On sensorial vision. — The yard, the pendulum, and the metre.- On atoms.— On the origin of force.— On the absorption of light by coloured media, viewed in connection with the undulatory theory. — On the estimation of skill in target-shooting. — Manual of scientific inquiry. 4th. ed. 10734 — The metric system. (In Davies, C. Metric system.) 16596 — Outlines of astronomy. 1890 — Physical geography. ' 1892 — Same. 4th. ed. 13618 — Preliminary disc, on the study of nat. philosophy. 1891 — Martineau,'H. (J?i her Biog. sk.) 16744 Herschel, J. M. C. Memoir and correspondence of C. Her- schel ; portr. 15536 Herschel, W. Arago, F. Biography of H. (In his Biog. of disting. sci. men, ser. 1.) 170 Same. (In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1870.) 11626 — Cooper, T. (In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Holden, E. S. Sir Wm. Herschel, his life and works. 20198 588 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Herschels, The. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of remark. persons.) 18069 Hersey, C. History of Worcester, Mass., 1836 to 1861 ; with remin. of pub. men. {In Lincoln, W. History of W.) 5596 Hershon, P. I. A Talmudic miscellany ; extr. fr. the talmud, the Midrashim, and the Kabbalah ; pref. by F. W. Far- rar ; notes and indexes. 19948 Hertz, H. King Rene's daughter; drama; tr. by T. Martin. 1893 Herve, F. Residence in Greece and Turkey. 2 v. 1897-8 Harvey, A. B. Sea Mosses ; collector's guide, and introd. to the study of Marine algae. 20706 Hervey, E. Eddy, D. C. {In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 Hervey, G. W. System of Christian rhetoric. 12018 Hervey, J., Loixl Hervey. Thomson, K., and J. C. {In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Hervey, J. Tyerman, L. {In his Oxford Methodists.) 11955 Hervey, Lady M. (L.) Thomson, K., and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Hervey, N. The memory of Washington ; with biog. sk. of his mother and wife ; Relations of Lafayette to W., etc. 4674 Hervilly, M. E. d'. A louer pour le terme ; com^die. {In Sayn^tes, etS., s^r. 8.) 14798 -De Calais k Douvres; monologue en vers. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14498 — Same. From Calais to Dover. {In Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — Les enfants avant tout ! (Thefitre de camp., ser 6.) 14690 — Entre la soupe et les levres ; soliloque en vers. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. TlK'^atre, etc., ser. 4.) 14499 — La laitiere et le p6t aux roses. (Theatre de camp., s^^r. 8.) 14692 — La Marquise de Crac. (Theatre de camp., ser. 7.) 14691 ' — Notre cher insensibilisateur I comMie. (/w Legouve, J. W. E. G. The- atre, etc., ser. 4.)« 14499 — Les Revanches de I'escalier ; comedie. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. The- atre, etc., ser. 3.) * 14498 — Scrupules ; comedie. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 5.) 14500 — Le secret d'une vaincue. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 6.) ^ 14690 — Silence dans les rangs! comedie. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 — Same. Silence in the ranks. {In Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — La soupiere; comedie. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. TM-atre, e^c.,ser. 1.) 14482 — Same. The soup tureen. {In Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — Yent d'ouest ; comMie. {In Legouv^', J. ^\. E. G. Th^jitre, etc., ser. 2.) 14483 Herz, H. King Rent's daughter. {In French's Min. dr., v. 34.) 7988 Herzegovina, The. Evans, A. J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on foot, 1875. 17224 — Stillmau, W. J. Herzegovina and the late uprising. 16998 — See also Eastern question. Hesba Stretton, pseud. See Smith, H. Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bismarck ; with descr. not. of his ancestry ; tr. and ed. by K. R. H. Mackenzie. Illust. 8504 Hesiodus. Georgicks of Hesiod ; tr. by G. Chapman. {In. Homerus. Hymns and epigrams.) 2065 ; *I — Davies, J. Hesiod and Theo^nis. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 12957 — Symonds, J. A. {In his Stud, of Greek poets, ser. 2.) 16543 Hesper, the home-spirit; by E. Doten. 1253 Hesperides ; by R. Herrick. 2 v. 1888-9 Hesperothen ; ramble in the U. S. and Canada; by W. H. Russell. 21522 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 589 Hesperus ; by J. P. F. Richter. 2 v. 6074-5 Hesse- Wartegg, E. von. The Chevalier. Tunis ; the land and the people. Illust. 21975 Hessels, J. H. Gutenberg; was he the inventor of printing? hist, investigation embodying t» criticism on Dr. Van der Linde's "Gutenberg." 22223 Hessey, J. A. Sunday. (Bampton lect., I860.)- *I Hessian, A, Story of ; by L. E. Guernsey. 18709 Hester ; by B. M. Butt. 18912 Hester Kirton ; by K. S. Macquoid. 10792 Hester Morley's promise ; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 12027 Hester Stanley at St. Marks ; by H. M. Spofford. 22176 Hetherington, W. The seer's cave. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 3.) 8043 Hetty; by H. Kingsley. 8025 Hetty's strange history. (No name ser.) 17052 Heure de la liberty, L ; sayn^te ; par J. Guillemot. (Theatre de camp., s^r. 7.) 14691 Hewins, C. "M. Books for the young. 22758 Hewitt, A. S. The production of iron and steel. {In Bauer- man, H. Treat, on the metal, of iron.) 7502 — Production of iron and steel in its econ. and soc. relations. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Kept., v. 2.) 9097 Hewitt, C. N. The works of hygiene in educ. in the common schools, in families, etc. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., V. 4.) *I Hewitt, M. E. Lives of illustrious women. 1899 Contents. Semiramis.— Nictoris.— Zenobia.— Boadicea. — Berengeria. — Laura. — Joan of Arc. — Isabella of Castile. — Beatrice Cenci. — A. Boleyn. — Lady J. Gray. — Lenora d' Este.— Catherine Alexiewna.— Maria Theresa. — C. Corday.— Josephine. Hewitt, R. Jr. Coffee; its hist., cultivation, and uses. 11302 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe ; biog. outline of Euro- pean hist., 700-1700. 1896 Hewson, T. Manufacture of manure fr. town refuse. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 5.) *I — Town sewers. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc. v. 6.) *I Heydebrand und der Lasa, T. von. Essa}'^ on Philidor as chess-author and chess-player. ( With Allen, G. Life of Philidor.) 11332 Heyden, F. A. von. Der graue John. (Deutscher Novellen- schatz.) 16159 Heylli, G. d', pseud. See Poinsot, A. E. Heyne, C. G. Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Carlyle, T. Life of H. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1.) 696 — Sketch of H. {In Biog. of self-tauirht men, v. 1.) 410 Heyse, P. J. L. Gesammelte Werke, v. 1-10 ; 13-14. 10386-95; 16323-4 Comtents. V. 1. Gedichte. 2, 3. Novellen in Yersen : Urica.— Margherita Spoletina.— Die Briider.— Idyllen yon Sorrent.— Die Furie.— Rafael.— Michelangelo Buonarotti.— Konig und Priester.— Thekla.— Ein Gedicht in neun Gesangen. — Die Brant von Cj^pren. — Syritha. — Die Hochzeitsreise an den Walchensee. — Schlechte Gesellschaft.— Das Feenkind. — Der Salamander. 4-8. Novellen : L'Arabbiata. — Anfang und Ende. — Marion. — Am Tiberufer. -^Erkenne dich s,elbst. — Das Bild der Mutter* — Im Graf euschloss. — Unheilbar. — Das Miid- 590 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. chen von Treppi. — Die Blinden. — Maria Francisca. — Barbarossa. — Die Reise nach dem Gliick. — Andrea Delfin. — Der Weinhiiter. — Die Einsa- men.— Der Kreisrichter. — Die kleine mama. — Kleopatra. — Die Wittwe von Pisa.— Der Kinder Siindc der Yiiter Fluch.— Die Pfadfinderin.— Die beiden Schwestern. — Franz Alzeyer. — Helene Morten. — Geoftroy und Garcinde. — Das schone Rathchen.— Lorenz und Lore. — Der letzte' Cen- taur.— Lottka.—Auferstanden.—Annina.— Mutter und Kind.— Yetter Ga- briel.- Die Stickerin von Treviso.— Beatrice.— Am todten See.— Auf der Aim.— Ein Abenteuer.— Der verlorene Sohn. 9-10. Dramen: Die Sabinerinnen.—Melea^er. — Hadrian. — Maria Moroni. — Die Pfiilzer in Irland. — Die Gottin der Vernunst. — Elisabeth Charlotte.— Ludwig der Baier.— Hans Lange.— Tolberg. 11, 12 wanting. See Kinder der Welt, below. 13-14. InParadiese. — L'Arabbiata, and other tales ; f r. the Germ, by M. Wilson. 11032 Contents. L'Arabbiata. — Count Ernest's home. — Blind. — Walter's little mother. — Count Ernest's home. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7463 — Count Ernest's home.— Little Peg O'Shaughnessy. {In Fam. stor., v. 2.) 18149 — The Dead Lake, and other tales. 11905 Contents. A fortnight at the Dead Lake. — Doomed. — Beatrice. — Beginning and end. — Das Ding an sich ; und andere Novellen. 16322 Inhalt. Das Ding an sich.— Zv^ei Gefangene. — Die Tochter der Excel- lenz.— Beppe der Steruscher. — Frau von F. und romische Novellen. 16448 Inhalt. Frau von F.— Die talentvolle Mutter.— RomulusenkeK— Die Hexe vom Torso. — Kinder der welt. 3 v. 16440-2 Note. This novel forms v. 11, 12 of the Gesammelte Werke. — The lonely ones. 19071 — Moralische Novellen. 10242 Contents. Yetter Gabriel. — Die beiden Schwestern. — Lorenz und Lore;--Am todten See.— Der Thurra von Ronza. — Neue moralische Novellen. 16321 Inhalt. Jorinde.— Getreu bis in den Tod.— Die Kaiserin von Spinetta.— Das Seeweib.— Die Frau Marchesa. — Neue Novellen. 10424 Contents. Er soil dein Herr seiu. — Die ungarische Griifin. — Ein Martyrer der Phantasie. — Judith Stem.— Nerina. — Troubadour-Novellen. 16338 Inhalt. Der lahme Engel. — Die Rache der Yizgriitiu. — Die Dichterin von Carcassonne.— Der Monch von Montaudon.— Ehre iiber Alles. — Der verkaufte Gesang. — Unvergessbare Worte ; und andere Novellen. 16337 Inhalt. Unvergessbare Worte.— Die Eselin.— Das Gliick von Rothen- burg. — Getlieiltes Herz. — Der Weinhiiter von Meran. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16163 — and Kurz, H. Deutscher Novellenschatz. 24 v. 16147-70 Contents. Y. 1. Einleituug. — Goethe, J. W. von.— Die neue Melusine. — Kleist, H. von. Die Yerlobung in St. Domingo.— Brentano, C. von. Geschiclite vom Braven Kasperl und schonen Annerl.— Arnim, A. von. Der folle Invalide auf dem Fort Ratoneau.--Hoffman, E. T. W. Das Frsiuleinvon Scuderv. 2. Tieck, L. Die Gemiilde.— Rumohr, C. D. L. F. von. Der letzte Savello.— Stifter, A. Brigitta.— Wolf, A. Der Stern der Schonheit. 3. Tieck, L. Des lebens Ueberfluss.— Eichen- dorif, J. von. Die Glucksritter. — AMdmann, A. Die Katholische Miihle. —Keller, G. Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe. 4. Berthold, F. Irr- wisch. — Fritze. — Hauff, W. Phantasieen im Bremer Rathskeller. — Kinkel, G. Margret.— Morike, E. Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag. 5. Kopisch, A. Ein Carnevalsfest auf Ischia.— Lohmanu, F. Die Ent- scheidung bei Hochkirch. — Immerinann, K. Der Carneval und die Somnambiile. — Grillparzer, F. Der arme Spielmann. 6. Kruse, L. Nordische Freundschaft.— Gall, L. von. Eine fromme Liige.— Meissner, A. Der Miiller vom Hoft.— Grimm, H. Das Kind. 7. Gotthelf , Jt. Der Notar in der Falle.— Auerbach, B. Diethelm von Buchenberg.— ■ Wilbrandt, A. Johann Ohlerich. 8. Spindler, K. Die Engel-Ehe.— Riehl, W. H. Jorg Muckenhuber.— Kompert, L. Eine Yerlorene. 9. Reich, M. Mammon im Gebirge.— Meyr, M. Der Sieg des Schwachen. —Storm, T. Eine Malerarbeit. 10. "Schreyvogel, J. Samuel Brink's letzte Liebesgeschiehte.— Alexis, W. Herr \*on Saken.— Waldmiiller, R. Es ist nicht gut, das der Mensch allein sei. 11. Kiihler, L. A. Die drei Schwestern. —Zschokke, J. H. D. Der todte Gast.— Hartmann, M. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 591 Das Schloss im Gebirge.— Kiirnberger, F. Der Drache. IS. Gotthelf, J. Kurt von Koppigen.— Holtei, K. E. von. 's Muhme.— Lieutnant.— Saloppel.— Hoefer, E. Rolof, der Eekrut. 13. ^liigge, T. Am Malanger Fjord.— Heyden, F. A. von. Dergraue John.— Pichler, A. DerFliicht- ling. 14.* Kopiscli, A. Der Tniumer.— Lewald, F. Die Xante. — Wichert, E. Ansas und Grita. 15. Yarnhagen von Ense, K. A. L. P. Eeiz und Liebe.— Kugler, F. T. Die Incantada. — Wallner, F. Der arme Josy.— Schiicking, C. B. L. Die Sehwester. 16. W., F. von. Gemtith und Selbstsucnt.— Schmid, H. Mohrenfranzel.— Dinckla^e, A. E. S. W. von. Der Striethast.— Roquette, O. Die Schlangen-konigen, 17. Chamisso, C. L. A. de. Peter Schlemihl's wundersame Geschicnte. — Kinkel, J. Musikalische Orthodoxie.— Ileyse, P. Der Weinhiiter von Meran. 18. Miiller, W. Debora.— Kurz, H. Die beiden Tubus. 19. Schefer, L. Die Diivecke.— Tesche^ W. Der Enten-Piet.— Seheflfel, J. Y. Hugideo.— Gliimer, C. von. Reich zu reieh, und arm zu arm. 20. Sternberg, A. F. von U. Scholastika.— Grosse, J. W. Yetter Isidor. — Ludwig, J. Das Gericht im Walde. 21. Halm, F. Die Marzipan.— Lise. — Gerstacker, F. Germelshausen. — Traun, J. von der. Der Gebirgspf arrer.— Goldammer, L. Auf Wiedersehen ! ; Eine Hochzeit- nacht.— Raabe, W. Das letzte Recht. 22. Wild, H. Eure Wege sind nicht meine Wege. — Andolt, E. Eine nacht. 23. Frev, J. Das erfiillte Yersprechen. — Hacklander, F. "W. Zwei Niichte. — Wildermuth, O. Streit in der Liebe und Liebe im Streit.— Horner, H. Der Siiugling. 24. Lorm, H. Ein adeliges Friiulein.— Droste. — Hulshoff, A. E. F. von. Die Judenbuche.— Ziegler, F. W. Saat und Enite.— Sacher-Masoch, L. R. Don Juan von Kolomea. — Schmidt, J. (In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1, 4.) 16311 ; 16314 Hiawatha ; story of the Iroquois sage ; by [B. F. de Costa.] *I Hiawatha; by C. M. Walcot. (In French's Min. dr., v. 14.) 11843 Hibbard, S. The book of the aquarium. 12121 — Clever dogs, horses, etc. 10175 — The fern garden. 8874 — Same, (in his Handy-book.) 11887 — Handy-book for the rambling botanist : Field flowers ; The fern garden. must. 11887 — The ivy. 10848 — Rustic adornments for homes of taste. 10849 Hibernia Venatica ; by M. O. C. Morris. *I Hickey, W. Constitution of the U. S. ; Articles of confedera- tion, etc. 4th. ed. 5070 Hickey, Y. Cooperation of friends of the Sabbath. {In Sabb. essays.) 19808 Hickling, W. The rector of Roxburgh. 11410 Hickok, L. P. Empirical psychology ; or. The human mind as given in consciousness. 14084 — The logic of reason, universal and eternal. 13331 — Garman, C. E. Dr. Hickok's philosophv. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect. * 22506 Hicks, E. Defence of the doctr. of the Soc. of Friends. 1900 Hidatsa Indians. Matthews, W. Ethnography and philology of the H. Indians. (U. S. Geol. and Geog. Sur. Misc. Pub., no. 7.) 17751 Hidden path. The ; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 1776 Hidden perils ; by M. C. Hay. 15905 Hidden power ; secret hist, of the Indian ring ; by T. H. Tibbies. 20580 Hide and seek ; by W. Collins. 888 Hield, M. Living pages from many ages. Illust. (Biog. and hist.) '' 19343 Hieronymus Sophronius, Eusebius, Strido^iensis, {Eng. St. Jerome. Osgood, S. Jerome and his times; Jerome and his works. {In his Studies.) 7189 Higgle, T. Plays. See French's minor drama. 592 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Higgins, W. M. The entertaining philosopher ; familiar expl. of phenomena. Illast. 1901 Higginson, E. A catechism without questions. 11462 — Spirit of the Bible. 2 v. 9112-13 Higginson, F. Journal of his voyage ; New England's Planta- tion. (In Young, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Higginson, M. T. Room for one more. 19221 Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment. 7874 — Atlantic essays. 12372 Contents. A plea for culture.— Literature as an art.— Americanism in literature.— Letter to a youn^ contributor.— Ought women to learn the alphabet?— A charge with Prince Rupert.— Mademoiselle's campaigns.— The puritan minister.— Fayal and the Portuguese.— The Greek goddesses.— Sappho. — On an old Latin text-book. — A book of American explorers. (Young folks' ser.) 16893 — Brief biographies. Namely : Higginson, T. W. English statesmen. 13827 Hinton, J. R. English radical leaders. ' 13828 King, E. French political leaders. 13829 Tuttle, H. German political leaders. 13830 — Common sense about women. 21231 — Harvard memorial biographies. 2 v. 6492-3 Contents. Y. 1, Lowell, J. R. Ode, recited at the Harvard commem- oration.— Hoppin, W. J. J. S. Wadsworth.— Hillard, G. S. F. Webster. —Welch, C. A. C. H. Wheelwright.— Higginson, T. W. J. Richardson; C. F. Simmons; W. L. Rodman; A. B. Fuller; J. F. Goodrich; L. M. Sargent; D. Hack; S. G. Perkins; S. H. Eells.— Ward, G. C. P. A. Porter.— Thayer, J. B. E. Riplev.— Eliot, S. M. Ritchie.— Parker, H. G. E. H. R. Revere.— Loring, C. G., Jr. W. O. Stevens.— Peabodv,F. H. E. Peabody.— Sedgwick, Mrs. L. T. W. D. Sedgwick.— Hurd, S. H. H. H. Downes.— Davis, W. S. S. F. Haven, Jr.— Thorndike, S. L. W. S. Hooper.— Lee,W. R. P. J. Revere.— Stedman, C. E. R. Ware.— Willard, J. S. Willard.— Dwight, Mrs. E. A. W. D wight; H. Dwight.— Goodwin, Mrs. L. M. R. C. Goodwin.— Peirce, J. M. C. R. Lowell.— Rogers, E. J. Savage.— Abbot, E. H. G. F. Hodges.— Burrage, W. W. C. B. Brown. —Ropes, J. C. J. A. Perkins.— Fox, F. B. G. Whittemore, Jr.— Child, F. J. J. J. Lowell.— Mason, W. P. E. B. Mason.— Pond, G. E. H. L. Patten.— Tobey, G. C. H. A. Richardson.— Green, S. S. T. J. Spurr. 3. Batchelder, M. W. G. W. Batchelder.— Balch, F. V. H. M. Bond.— Chancy, G. L. F. C. Hopkinson.— Schouler, J. H. J. How.— Fisher, H. N. M. A. Rea. — Dimmock, W. R. N. B. Shurtleff, Jr. — Batchelder, J. E. M. Tebbets.— Swan, W. W. S. Yincent; W. J. Temple.— Colburn, W. G. E.G. Abbott.— Palf rev, F. W. H. L. Abbott.— Stackpole, J. L. N. S. Barstow, Jr.— Fox, T. B'. T. B. Fox, Jr.— Hall, ]S". H. AY. Hall.— Jarves, H. D. C. J. Mills.— Morse, J. T. C. R. Mudge; W. M. Rogers. — Fernald, J. C. E. M. Newcomb.- Ware, D. E. W. D. Russell.— Shaw, S. B. R. G. Shaw.— Clapp, H. A. G. Weston.— Wright, J. E. L. C. Alden; S. G. Emerson. — Alden, L. C. P. Almv; H. J. DooHttle.— . Holmes, O. W., Jr. A. Dehon.— Crocker, G. W.* J. L. Fenton.— Gar- rison, W. P. W. Y. Gholson.— Higginson, T. W. T. J. Leavitt; J. I. Grafton; H. F. Brown; S. Storrow.— Davis, J. C. T. R. Robeson.— McCarthv, E. D. E. C. Bowman.— Cadv, D. R. J. P. Burrage.— Pea- bodv, A.'P. S. C. Haven.— Hodges, T. D. J. Hodges.— Parker, W. W. A. C. Parker.— Rogers, H. M. H. Ropes.— Hopkins, L. P. G. A. Stone. —Cotton, J. W. J. H. Tucker.— Lincoln, A. A. Barker ; E. L. Stevens.— Jenks, H. F. W. P. Bovnton.— Cudworth, AY. H. AA^. D. Crane.— Dunn, J.C. H.S. Dunn.— Gould,E.P. S. S. Gould.- Brooks,F. G.P.Stevens. —Abbott, E. H. E. S. Abbott.— Cutler, E. J. F. Birnev.— Olnev, P. B. E. Chapin.— Wallev, W. P. F. AA". Crowninshield.— Sedgwick,' A. G. J. N. Hedges. — Richardson, W. L. A. G. Thurston. — Paine, F. C. S. Paine.— Arnold, H. P. C. J. Russel.— App.— Biog. index. — Higher education of woman. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 — Same. (Wom. Suff. Tr.) 14359 — Malbone ; an Oldport romance. 7832 — The nonsense of it; short answers to common obj. agt. woman suttrage. {In Wom. Suff. Tr.) 14359 — Oldport davs. 11943 — Ought wornen to learn the alphabet? (AYom. Suff. Tr.) 14359 — Out-door papers. 2308 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 593 Contents. Saints and their bodies.— Physical courage. — Letter to a dyspeptic. — Murder of the innocents. — Barbarism and civilization. — Gym- nastics. — I^ew counterblast. — Health of our girls. — April days. — My out- door study. — Water-lilies. — Life of birds. — Procession of the flowers. — Snow. — Paper. {In Howe, J. "W. Sex and education.) 12253 — Preface ; memoir of Erckmann-Chatrian. {In Erckmann-Chatrian. Mad. Therese.) 7555 — The rationale of spiritualism ; lect., 1858. 2302 — A ride through Kanzas, 1856; Scripture idolatry. 1902 — Short studies of American authors. ". 19269 Contents. Hawthorne.— Poe. — Thoreau.—Howells.— Helen Jackson. — Henry James, Jr. — To Wm. Lloyd Garrison; sonnet. (7n Liberty bell.) 5101 — Woman and her wishes; essay. (Woman's rights tracts.) 1908 — Woman in Christian civilization, {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 — The word philanthropv. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellow- ship.) ' 13778 — Young folks' history of the United States. 13433 — and Longfellow, S., eds. Thalatta; a book for the sea-side. 1904 Higgledy-piggledy; by E. H. K. Hugessen. 14325 Hlggs, J. Fugue. (Music primer.) , 18418 Higgs, P. The electric light in its pract. application. 19114 High Mills, The ; by K. Saunders. 9887 High life and low life ; lect. ; by J. G. Holland. {In his Plain talks.) 6015 High, low, Jack, and the game ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I High, low. Jack, and the game ; by J. R. Planch^, and C. Dance. {In French's Min. dram., v. 20.) 11846 High spirits ; by J. Payn. 19363 High- water-mark ; by F. Jerome. 18568 Higher law; by [H. Ainslie]. 10196 Higham, M. R. Cloverly. ' 15366 Higher than the church ; art and legend of anc. times ; by W. von Hillern. 21232 Highland widow ; by W. Scott. 13220 Highland treason. The; drama; by E. G. Holland. {In his Ess., etc.) 1947 Highlands of Scotland. Blackie, J. S. Altavona ; life in the Highlands. 21936 — Campbell, J. F. Popular tales of the west Highlands. 4 v. *I — Conway, J. Forays among salmon and deer. 10856 — Lees, J. C. Stroniburv; or. Hanks of Highland varn. 21718 — Maxwell, W. H. Sports and adv. in the highlands and islands of S. 2978 — Mueller, F. M. Tales of the West Highlands. {In his Chips, v. 2.) 7665 — Reid, J. T. Art rambles in the highlands and islands of S. *I — St. John, C. Sketches of the wild sports and nat. hist, of the Highlands. 18449 — Victoria, Qveen of Gt. Britain. Leaves fr. the journ. of our life in the Highhuids, 1848-61 ; ed. by A. Helps. " 7139 High ways and by-ways ; by B. Webster. {In French's Min. dram., v. 19.) 11845 Hilda. Gibb, J. Hilda. {In his Gudrun, etc.) 22358 Hildebertus Cenomanensis^ Bp. of Tours, St. De urbis Romae ruina. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat., v. 4.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8362 — Hymn of Hildebert; and other mediaeval hvmns; with trans, bv E. C. Benedict. ' * 7274 Hildebrand. See Gregopy VII., Poj^e. Hildebrand, H. H. Folkens tro om siua doda. 15025 594 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hildenbrand, W. Cable making for suspension bridges ; with reference to the cables of the East river bridge. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 17364 Hildreth, R. Archy Moore, the white slave ; or, Mem. of a fugitive ; with introd. 1905 Note. First pub. as The slave ; or, Mem. of Archy Moore. — Despotism in America ; nature and results of slave-holding in the U. S. 1906 — History of the U. S. to end of 16th. Congress. 6 v. 1907-12 — Japan, as it was, and is. 1913 — Theory of politics ; inq. into the foundations of governments. 1914 Hiles, J. Sacred songs, anc. and mod. ; coll. of vocal music. *I Hilgard, J. E. Tides and tidal action in harbors. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 Hill, A. F. Secrets of the sanctum ; inside view of an editor's life. 13587 Hill, A. S. General rules for punctuation, and the use of capital letters. 13366 — Principles of rhetoric and their appl. ; with rules for punctuation. 17760 Hill, B. A. Liberty and law under federative government. ~ 12102 Hill, D. J. Washington Irving. Portr. (Am. authors.) 18302 — Wm. Cullen Bryant. Portr. (Am. authors.) 18489 Hill, E. B. Insanity as a defence. {In Grinnell, C. E. Points of law, Guiteau's case.) *I Hill, E. Criminal capitalists. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — Criminal capitalists. {In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I Hill, F. S. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dram. Hill, F. British prisons. {In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I — In what kinds of work should prisoners be enppl., and what inducement should be offered for steadv industrv? (In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) - > . ^ J Hill, G. Pleasures and profits of our little poultry farm. 18553 Hill, G. A. A geometry for beginners. 20475 Hill, G. C. {pseud. Uncle Philip). Adventures of Capt. John Smith. 4046 — Gen. Israel Putnam ; biog. 1917 Hill, H. A. Relations of business meri to national legislation. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Hill, J. M. Boarding out of pauper children. {In Nat. Con. on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Hill, M. D. Objections to sentences of imprisonment for lim- ited periods. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — Hill, R. andF. D. The recorder of Birmingham; mem. of M. D. Hill; with select, from his correspondence. 18837 Hill, O. Our common land and other essays. 20029 Contents. Our common land.— District visiting.— A few words to vol- unteer visitors among the poor.— A more excellent way of charity.— A word on good citizenship.— Open spaces.— Effectual charity.— The future of our commons. Hill, R. and F. D. The recorder of Birmingham ; mem. of M. D. Hill ; with select, fr. his correspondence. 18837 What we saw in Australia. 14218 Hill, R. Village dialogues. 38th ed. 7210 — and G. B. Life of Sir R. Hill, and history of pedny postage. 2 v. 20541-2 Hill, T. First lessons in geometry. Rev. ed. 18319 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 595 — Geometry and faith ; frag* suppl. to the 9th. Bridgewater treatise. 13373 — The true' order of studies. 15489 — joint author. See Wentworth, G. A. — Timbs, J. " Tom Hill." {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Hill, W. A. Biographical sk. of T. Campbell. (In Campbell, T. Poet, works.) • 677 Hill, W. H. Elements of philosophy, compr. logic and ontol- ogy. 4th. ed. 18001 — Ethics ; or, Moral philosophy. 18000 Hill and valley ; by H. Martineau. 2937 Hill and valley ; or, Wales and the Welsh ; by C. Sinclair. 16855 Hillard, G. S. Biography of F. Webster. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — Life and adv. of Capt. J. Smith. {In Lives of em. individ., v. 1.) 2708 — Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 2.) 4111 — Six months in Italy. 6th. ed. 1920 Hillebrand, K. France and the French in the 2d. half of the 19th. cent. ; fr. the German. 20668 — German thought from the seven years' war to Goethe's death. 19987 Hillern, W. von. Aus eigener Kraft. 8 v. in 1. 16238 — Same. Eng. By his own might. 10749 — Elsa and her vulture ; tr. bv Ladv Wallace. 15924 — Ein Arzt der Seele. 4 v. iii 2. * 16236-7 — Ernestine. 2 v. 20214-15 Note. Different translation of Only a girl. — Geier-wally ; tale of the Tyrol. 14324 — Higher than the church ; art legend of anc. times ; fi\ the German by M. J. Safford. 21232 — The hour will come ; tale of an Alpine cloister ; fr. the German by C. Bell. 20569 — Only a girl ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 7636 See also Ernestine. — A twofold life. 11319 Hilliard, H. W. Speeches and addresses. 1923 Hills, The, of the Shatemuc ; by E. Wetherell [S. Warner]. 4654 Hillyard, W. H. The captive's daughter ; The little trapper ; The planter's son. (Magnet stories.) 10582 Hillyer, S. The Marable family. 18922 Hillyers, The, and the Burtons ; by H. Kingsley. 5896 Himalaya Mts. Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires ; ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, with notes on India and the Cashmerian Himalayas. 13466 — Wilson, A. The abode of snow ; upper vallevs of the Himalava. 14172 Himes, J. A. Study of Milton's Paradise Lost. ' 17701 Hincks, F. The political destiny of Canada. See Smith, G. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula. 2 v. 6471-2 Hind, J. R. The solar system ; descr. treat. 1924 Hindley, Charles. History of the cries of London, anc. and modern. 21705 Hindoo tales ; tr. fr. the Sanscrit, by P. W. Jacob. 11670 Hindoos. See India. Hindostan. See India. Hinds, H. M. Silhouette illust. See Abbott, E. Long Look books. Hindu. See India. Hines, G. Life on the plains of the Pacific ; Oregon ; its hist., cond., etc., with pers. adv. ; notes of a voyage around the world. 1925 596 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hingston, E. P. The genial showman ; reiftinis. of Artemus Ward. 8692 Hinrichs, G. Principles of phys. science demonst. by the stu- dent's own exper. and obs. 2 v. *I Contents. V. 1, pt. 1. Method of quantitative induction. 2. Prin- ciples of chemistry, and molecular science. Note. PubHcation discontinued. Hinsdale, B. A. President Garfield and education ; Hiram College memorial. 21233 Contents. Memorial of G. in Hiram. — G.'s speeches and addresses on education, etc. Hinton, J. Life and letters ; ed. by E. Hopkins. Introd. by W. W. Gull. 2d. ed. 18112 — Man, and his dwelling place. 10361 — The mystery of pain. 11094 — Philosophy and religion ; fr. the mss. of H. ; ed. by C. Haddon. 21713 — Physiology for pract. use. Introd. by E. L. Youmans. 12870 Hinton, P. J. English radical leaders. (Brief biog.) 13828 Hints about business. 11176 Hints for Fourth of July orations. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Hints on household taste ; by C. L. Eastlake. *I — Same ; ed. by C. C. Perkins. 9104 Hints to young tandem drivers, by an old hand. 16867 Hippeau, C. L'instruction public aux Etats-Unis. *I — L'instruction publique en Allemagne. *I — L'instruction publique en Angleterre. *I — L'instruction publique en Italic. *I — L'instruction publique dans les 6tat8 du nord, Suede— Norw6ge — Dane- mark. *I Hippolyte ; monologue; par L. Supersac. {In Sayn^tes, ete., s^r. 2.) 14792 Hiram Greg ; by J. C. Hirst. 3 v. 21976-8 Hiram Hireout ; by H. J. Conway. {In French's Min. dram., V. 22.) 7982 Hirell ; by J. Saunders. . 6702 Hirst, J. C. Hiram Greg. 3 v. 21976-8 Hirtius, Aulus. See Caesar, C. J. His last legs ; farce ; by W. B. Bernard. {In French's Min. dram., v. 1.) 6056 His grandmothers ; a summer salad. 17115 His hat and cane ; by W. SoUohub. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 His inhentance ; by A. Trafton. 17775 His last legs ; by W. B. Bernard. {In French's Min. dram., V. 1.) 6056; 11833 His level best, and other stories ; by E. E. Hale. 11209 His little mother, and other tales ; by [Miss Muloch]. 20361 His majesty, myself ; by W. M. Baker. 19271 His marriage vow ; by C. F. Corbin. 12010 His natural life ; by M. Clarke. 15454 His two wives ; by M. C. Ames. 13307 His young wife ; by J. P. Smith. 17425 Hislop, A. Book of Scottish anecdote ; humorous, social, leg- endary, etc. 13710 Histoire d'une Parisienne ; par O. Feuillet. 14664 Histoire *d'un tremblement de terre ; par C. Debans. {In his Drames a toute vapeur.) 14653 CAI^LOGUE OF BOOKS. 597 Historic Americans ; by T. Parker. 15407 Historical acct. of the circumnavigation of the globe. 1538 Historical dramas ; by T. Taylor. 17386 Historical fields and mansions of Middlesex ; by S. A. Drake. 7336 Historical handbooks. See Browning, O. Historical parallels ; [by J. H. Malkin]. 2 v^ 16003-4 Historical sketches. See Newman, J. H. Histoire d'un conscrit de 1813 ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9401 Histoire d'un homme du peuple ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9396 Histoire d'un pauvre musicien (1770-1793) ; par X. Marmier. 9416 Histoire d'un paysan, 1789 ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9397 Histoire d'un paysan, 1792 ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9398 Histoire d'un paysan, 1793 ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9399 Histoire d'un paysan, 1794-1815 ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9400 History. See Ancient history. — Ancient History. Miscellaneous icorks. — Adams, C. R. Manual of historical literature, compr. descr. of histories in Eng., Fr., and Germ. ; with sugg. as to hist, study. *I — Bigland, J. Letters on the study and use of history. * . 403 — Bisset, A. Essays on historicartruth. 10107 — Brougham, H. Historical and polit. dissertations. {In his Works, v. 8.) *I — Carlyle, T. On history. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1, 2.) 69&-7 — Chambers, W. Historical and misc. questions with answers. 20925 — Davidson, D. Connexion of sacred and profane history. 3 v. in 1. 1108 — Deming, L. Collection of useful, interesting, and remark, events. 1143 — Forsyth, W. Historical evidence. {Bi his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 — Freeinan, E. A. Historical essavs. 2 ser. -9835; 11525 Unity of history. * ' 11127; 12264 — Gilman, A. Seven historic ages. 7259 — Hedge, F. H. The way of history. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 — Heeren, A. H. L. Historical treatises : Political consequences of the Reformation; Rise, prog., and pract. infl. of polit. theories; Rise and growth of the continental interests of Gt. Brit. ; fr. the German. 1843 — Hield, M. Living pages fr. many ages. Illust. 19343 — Moncrieff, R. H. Famous hist, scenes fr. three cent. ; celeb, events fr. the reform, to the end of the Fr. revolution. 14162 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Entretiens sufr I'histoire. {In his Xouv. lund., v. 9.) *I — Smith, G. On the study of history, .(/w his Lect.) 6413 — Taylor, I. History of the transmission of anc. books to mod. times ; with the Process of hist, proof. 11380 — Timbs, J. Historic ninepins ; book of curiosities. 11426 — Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history. 13478 — Wells, D. A. Things not generally known ; hand-book of facts. 4713 Modern history. — See Modern history. Philosophy of history. — Comte, A. Social dynamics. {In his Syst. of pos. polity, v. 3.) *I — Flint, R. Philosophy of hist, in France' and Germanv. 13278 — Gilbart, J. W. The philosophv of historv. (Zw /lis Lect. and ess.) 19290 — Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures ; f r. 3d. German ed., bv J. Sibree. 1844 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Philosophy of history. ' 3789 — Shedd, W. G. T. Lecture upon the philosophy of history. , 5663 — Sullivan, W. Historical causes and effects, 476-1517. ' 4301 Universal history. — Fisher, R. S. Book of the world; acct. of all republics, empires, etc. Illust. 2 V. 1474-5 — Goodrich, S. G. History of all nations. Illust. 2 v. 1602-3 — Gilman, A. First steps in general history. . 12494 — Hunt, F. W. Practical class-book of the hist, of the world. 6386 — Labberton, R. H. Hist, ktlas ; cont. chron. ser. of maps fr. the dawn of hist. *I Historical questions ; companion-book to Outlines of hist. *I —J - Outlines of hist. ; with tables, chron., general, and literary. *I 598 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Lardner, D. Outlines of history, fr. the earliest per. Am. ed., with add. 5639 — Lord, J. Points of H. for schools and colleges [in questions and answers] . 20773 — Maunder, S. The treasury of history. 2 v. 2965-6 — Millot, C. F. X. Elements of general history. 5 v. 5120-4 — Mueller, J. von. History of the world. 4 v. 2312-15 — Stoddart, J. Introduction to the study of univ. history. 6382 — Swinton, W. Outlines of the world's hist., anc, medieval, and mod., with spec. rel. to the hist, of civilization, etc. 13256 — Taylor, W. C. Manualof anc. and mod. history; rev. by C. S. Henry. 4384 — Thalheimer, M. E. Outline of general history." ' 19050 — Tytler, A. F. Elements of general history. * 4557 — Universal hist., to the beginning of the 18th. cent. 2 v. 4558-9 — Weber, G. Outlines of univ. hist. ; fr. the German by M. Behr ; rev. and corr. * 4695 — White, H. Elements of univ. hist, to the treaty of Vienna. 5182 — Worcester, J. El. Elements of history, ancient and modern. 4859 — See also Bible : — Civilization ; — Liberty. Also Middle Ages ;— Nineteenth century ; and the names of countries. Also Epochs of history.— Historical handbooks ;— History primers. History of a crime, The ; by V. Hugo. 17461 History of a miracle. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., V. 8.) 14308 History of a Parisienne ; by O. Feuillet. 20631 History of a ship fr. her cradle to her grave ; with acct. of mod. steamships and torpedoes. New ed. 21324 History of American missions. 5169 Contents. Tracy, J. History of the Amer. Board. — Peck, S. Mis- sions of the Baptist Gen. Convention. — Mudge, E. Missions of the Meth. Episc. Church. — Cutter, W. Missionary eftbrts of the Prot. Episc. Church in the U. S.— Mack, E. Freewill i3aptist Foreign Missions Soc— Board of Foreign Missions of the Gen. Assembly of the Presbvterian ^ Church in the U. S. History of an acre ; by C. Reade. {In his Multum in parvo.) 22084 History of my pets ; by Grace Greenwood [S. J. Lippincott]. 2701 History of Sir R. Whittington and his cat. {In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 History of the next French- revolution ; by W. M. Thackeray. {In his Burlesques.) 5380 History of wonderful inventions. IHust. 5081 History. For other anonymous titles beginning with ' History,' see the name of the person, place, or subject to which the works relate. History primers. See Green, J. R. History, Stories from ; by A. Strickland. 7174 Hitchcock, C. H. Existence of glacial action on Mt. Wash- ington. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Hitchcock, E., i).i). Elementary geology. 1927 — Historv of a zoological temperance convention ; held in Centr. Africa, 1847. - 1933 — Power of Christian benevolence ; life of M. Lyon. 1929 — ^ Religion of geology and its connected sciences ; new ed. 5444 — Religious lect. on peculiar phenomena in the four seasons. 1930 — Religious truth, illust. fr. science; sermons and addresses. 1931 — Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Mass. 1928 — A wreath for the tomb ; Extr. on death and eternity ; with ess. and ser- mon on lessons taught by sickness. ' 1932 Hitchcock, E., Prof. Hygiene at Amherst College. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 4.) *I Hitchcock, E. A. Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists. *I Hitchcock, H. O. Relations of excessive use of alcoholic drinks to the pub. health. {Bi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 599 Hitchcock, R. Synopsis of the fresh- water rhizopods ; condsd. acct. of genera and species, founded upon Prof. Leidy's " Fresh- water rhizopods of No. Amer." 20669 Hitchcock. R. D. Introduction. (In Tauler, J. Hist.) 4353 — Socialism. 18258 Hitherto ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 8014 Hittell, J. S. Bancroft's Pacific Coast guidebook. Maps and illust. *I — Brief history of culture. 13332 — Resources of California. 2436 Ho ! le vert ! bouffonnerie ; par C. Narrey. (In Legouv^, G. J. B. E. W. Theatre, ser. 5.) 14689 Hoar, G. F.. Eulogy upon J. A. Garfield, Dec. 1881. (Wor- cester. City Council.) • 21286 — President Garfield's New England ancestry. 22773 — Woman suffrage essential to the true republic ; address. Woman's right and the pub. welfare. (Wom. Suff. Tr.) 14359 Hoare, C. The slide-rule and how to use it ; with a slide-rule. . *I Hoare, E. N. A brave fight ; narrative of W. Lee, inventor. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge.) 22401 Hoare, P. Spoiled child. (In French's min. dr., v. 17.) 11844 Hoaryhead ; by J. Abbott. 11 " Hobah," pseud. The game of modern ombre. 7328 Hobart, N. Life of Swedenborg ; with acct. of his writings. 4th. ed. 8762 Hobbs, I. H., and son. Hobbs's architecture; designs and ground plans. Illust. 20274 Hoblush's statement. {Bi Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 9.) 14309 Hocknell, J. Evans, F. W. {I71 his Shakers.) 1644 Hodder, G. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13352 Hodge, A. A. Life of Charles Hodge. 19881 Hodge, C. Commentary on Romans. 18th. ed. 6427 — What is Darwinism? . 12468 — Hodge, A. A. Life of Charles Hodge. 19881 Hodge, H. C. Arizona as it is ; notes of travel, 1874-1876. 17130 Hodge and his masters ; by R. Jefferies. 2 v. 20330-1 Hodges, E. R., ed. Cory's anc. fragments; notes and introd. 16535 Contents. Origin, progress, and results of hieroglyphic and cuneiform decipherment.— Phoenician literature. — Sonchoniathbn.— Tyrian annals ; fr. Dius and Menander.— Periplus of Hanno.— Chaldaean history; fr. Berosus, Abydenus, and Megasthenes. — Chaldaean fragments. — Egyptian histories : Old Chronicle ; Manetho ; and the Laterculus of Eratosthenes ; Misc. fragments. — Indian fragments; fr. Megasthenes, e^c— Atlantic and Panchiean fragments; fr. Marcellus and Euemerus.— Miscellaneous fragments. Hodges, G. S. The quarrel of the flowers ; Christmas drama. {I71 Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Hodges, G. F. Abbott, E. H. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Hodges, H. B. A course in scientific German. 17162 Hodges, J. Hodges, T. D. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Hodges, T. D. Biography of J. Hodges. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 600 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hodgins, J. G. System of pub. instr. in Ontario. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders, 376-476. 2 v. 19915-16 Hodgson, F. Hodgson, J. T. Memoir of H. ; with letters fr. Lord Byron and others. 2 v. 18387-8 Hodgson, J. T. Memoir of F. Hodgson; with letters. 2 v. 18387-8 Hodgson, 8. H. Outcast essays and verse translations. 20808 Contents. Essays : Genius of De Quincey.— De Quincey as political economist: or, De Q. and Mill on supply and demand.— 7'Ae supernatural in English poetry : Sliakspere ; Milton ; Wordsworth ; Tennyson.— Note ; On the true symbol of Christian union. — English verse. — Translations: Lucretius; Horace; Catullus; Homer; Anthologia Palatina; Hadrian. Hodgson, W. Select hist. mem. of the Quakers. 2d. ed. 6774 — The Society of Friends in the 19th. cent. ; hist. view. 2 v. ' 17908-9 Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of English. 3d. ed. 21709 — On the importance of the studv of economic science. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult, demand, by mod. 'life.) 6952 Hoe, R. M. McCabe, J. D. {In Ms Great fortunes.) 8983 Hoefer, E. The old countess ; tr. by Mrs. Elgard. ^ 8647 Hoerberg, P. Sketch of H. (J/iBiog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. The blossoming of an aloe. 13559 — A golden sorrow. ' 10939 — A house of cards. 7705 — Kate Cronin's dowry. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17080 — The question of Cain. 21296 Hoey, J. C. Memoir. (J?? Plunket, W. C. Speeches.) 5831 Hoefer, E. Rolof, der Rekrut. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16158 Hofer ; drama; by E. Fitzball. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 21.) 11820 Ho Fi of the yellow girdle ; by T. T. T. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 Hofferichter, T. Fretwell, J., Jr. Persecution by the Prus- sian government of H. {In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Re- port, 1876.) *I Hoffman, C. F. Life of J. Leisler. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 13.) 4122 — The man in the reservoir. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Hoffman, W. Camp, court, and siege ; narr. of pers. adv. andobs., 1861-1865, 1870-1871. 17305 Hoffmann, E. T. A. Das Fraulein von Scudery. (Deut, Novel- lenschatz.) 16147 — The golden pot. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Nachtstiicke. 10321 — The sandman. {In Tales fr. the German.) 5217 — The sandman ; The elementary spirit ; The Jesuits' Church in G— . {In Tales fr. the German.) ' 4347 — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1.) 696 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Frem.\uiid.,Y.l.) *I Hoffmann, H. Kindergarten toys, and how to use them. 12886 Hoffmann, L. Modern magic ; treat, on the art of conjuring. Illust. 16722 — Secrets of conjuring and magic, by R. Houdin; tr. with notes. Illust. » 17529 Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Hofland, B. The Czarina ; hist. rom. of the court of Russia. 9928 — Daniel Denuison. 5234 — The son of a genius. 1936 Hofmann, C. Practical treat, on the manuf. of paper. *I Hogan, W. Popery, as it was and is ; also. Auricular confes- sion, and Popish nunneries. Illust. 1938 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 601 Hogan, M. P. ; by [M. Laffan]. 21565 Hogarth, W. Works. Illust., [with descriptions]. 8557 — Works; with life and descr. of his pictures, by J. Ireland and J. Nichols. 3 ser. *I — Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., v. 1.) 1053 — Dobson, A. Hogarth. (Illust. biog. of gt. artO 19325 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Hogarth; the painter, {in her Hist, sketches.) 8132 — Thackeray, W. M. {In his Eng. humourists.) 4398 — Timbs, J.' {In his Anecdote biog., ser. 2.) 8915 — Wedmore, F. Hogarth. Wilkie and Leslie. {In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 Hogbin, A. C. Elsa. 18770 Hogg, J. The microscope; its hist., constr., and application. Illust. 5th. ed. 7069 — The ophthalmoscope; its mode of application expl., and value shown. *I Hogg, James. Poetical works ; with autobiog. Illust. 5 v. 5084-8 — A singular letter fr. So. Africa. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 3.) 19142 — Tales and sketches. 6 v. v. 2 wanting. 1939-44 — Winter evening tales ; collected in the south of Scotland. 2 v. in 1. 2275 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 Hoheulohe, S. C. C. V. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Hohensteins, The ; by F. Spielhagen. 8410 Hohlfield, — . Howe, H. (In JiisMem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Holbeach, H., pseud. See Rands, W. B. Holbein, H. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Diirer and Holbein. {In his Chr. art, etc.) 11076 — Woltmann, A. and Cundall, J. Hans Holbein. 19023 Holbrook, J. H. Ten years aniong the mail-bags ; or. Notes fr. the diary of a spec, agent of the P. O. Dept. 1946 Holcombe, J. P., ed. Literature in letters ; or, Manners, art, criticism, biog., hist., and morals, illust. in the corres. of em. persons. 6223 Holcombe, W. H. The end of the world ; with new interpre- tations of history. 21297 Holcroft, T. The road to ruin. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 llolden, E. S. Sir Wm. Herschel, his life and works. 20198 — Studies in Cent. American picture-writing. {In Smithsonian Institution. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) *I — joint author. See Newcomb, S. Holden, L. L. A summer jaunt thr. the old world ; excursion by the Tourj^e party, 1878. 18806 Holden with the cords ; by W. M. L. Jay [J. L. M. Woodruff]. 12971 Holdich, C. Wothorpe-by-Stamford. 21891 Holdsworth, E. W. H. Sea fisheries. (British industries.) 17098 Hole, C. Brief biographical dictionary ; add. by W. A. "Wheeler. 6426 Hole, S. R. Nice and her neighbors. *I Holiday camp. The ; by R. St. J. Corbet. 10874 Holiday engagement ; or. The Campbells are coming ; by C. M. Yonge. {In her Bye-words.) 19611 Holiday rambles in ordinary places ; fr. the Spectator. 19677 Holiday romance ; by C. Dickens. {In his Mystery of E. Drood, etc.) 8624 Holiday stories ; by C. Dickens. 7999 Holiday time at Forest House. Illust. 21576 Holiday^. Neale, E. V. Feasts and fasts; rise, prog., and present state of the laws rel. to Sunday, etc. *I 39 602 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Criterion.) 6244 Holidays at Roselands ; by M. Farquharson. 7474 Holidays in eastern France ; by M. B. Edwards. 19104 Holidays in home countries ; by E. Walford. 20036 Holiness. Faber, F. W. Growth in holiness. 8934 — Goulburn, E. M. Pursuit of holiness ; seq. to Thoughts on pers. religion. 9636 Holland, E. G. Essays, etc. . 1947 Contents. Essays: American scenery; The central nation; Mystery; Language ; Symbolism ; Inspiration. Drama : The Highland treason. — Reviews and essays. 1948 Contents. Reviews : Confucius ; Channing ; Natural theology. — Essays: Genius; Beauty; Rising of thought; The infinite harmony; Sorrow ; The immortal life ; Human freedom and rights ; Justice ; Supre- macy of heart; Life an original power. Holland, F. M. The reign of the Stoics ; history, religion, maxims of self-control, self -culture, benevolence, etc. Cita- tions of authors quoted. 18596 — Sordello ; story fr. R. Browning. 21273 Holland, H. Recollections of past life. 9980 — Hayward, A. Holland's recollections. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., V. 2.) 12306 Holland, H. R. F., Lord. See Vassall, H. R. Holland, J. Treatise on manufactures in metal : Iron and steel. 2 V. (Lardner. Cab. of use. arts.) 21621-2 Holland, J. G. (j9sei^(Z. Timothy Titcomb). Arthur Bonnicastle. 1189S — The Bay path; a tale. 1945 — Bitter-sweet ; poem. 1949 — Garnered sheaves ; poet, works. 11268 — Complete poetical writings. Illust. 20854 — Every-day topics. A book of briefs. • 16106 Contents. Culture.— Literature and literary men.— Criticism. — The popular lecture.— Personal dangers.— Personal "development.— Preachers and preaching. — Christianity and 'science. — Revivals and reforms. — Christian practice.— The church of the future.— The common moralities. —Woman.— Woman and home.— Amusements.— The temperance ques- tion. — Social intercourse. — Town and country. — The rich and the poor. — Politics and political men. — American life and manners. — Gold foil. 1950 — History of western Massachusetts, [1602-1854] . 2 v. *I — Kathrina ; poem. * 7017 — Lessons in life ; familiar essays. 5th. ed. 5377 — Letters to the Joneses. 5484 — Life of A. Lincoln. 6025 — The marble prophecy, and other poems. 11080 — Miss Gilbert's career ; an Amer. story. 1951 — The mistress of the manse. 13079 — Nicholas Minturn. 17102 — Plain talks on familiar subjects. 6015 Contents. Self-help.— Eashion.— Work and play.— Working and shirk- ing.— High life and low life. — The national heart.— Cost and compensa- tion.— Art and life. — The popular lecture. — Sevenoaks ; story of to-day. 14111 — Titcomb's letters to young people. 1952 Holland, R. A. Relation of philosophy to agnosticism and religion ; Atomism. (Bi Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Holland, S. (S.), Lady. Memoir of Sydney Smith; with select, fr. his letters ; ed. by Mrs. Austin. 2 v. 6041-2 — Talfourd, T. N. {In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Holland, T. E. The Institutes of Justinian ; ed. as a recen- sion of the Institutes of Gains. 5591 — Lecture on the treaty rel. of Russia and Turkey, 1774-1853; with treaties. 21706 Holland. Art. — Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, etc. Illust. 10178 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 603 — Fromentin, E. Les maltres d'autrefois : Belgique— Holland. 14478 Same. The old masters of Belgium and H. ; tr. by M. C. Bobbins. *I Description. — Abbott, J. Bollo's tour in Europe : Holland. 28 — Amicis, E. de. Holland and its people; tr. by C. Tilton. 19930 — Bird, F. S. The land of dykes and windmills; with anecdotes of noted persons, etc. ' 21934 — Cox, S. S. {In his Arctic sunbeams.) 21610 — Guild, C. Abroad again. 16945 — Havard, H. The dead cities of the Zuvder Zee. Illust. 15627 The heart of Holland; tr. bv Mrs. Hoev. Illust. 19714 — Mansfield. R. B. (In his Log of the Water Lily.) 12202 . — Narjoux, F. (In his Notes and sketches of an architect.) 17145 — Scudder, H. E. The Bodley grandchildren and their journey in H. 22054 EducatioJi. — Arnold, M. The popular educ. of France ; with not. of Holland, etc. 176 History. — Davies, C. M. History of H. and the Dutch nation, 10th.-18th. cent., incl. the rise and prog, of the Protestant reformation. 3 v. *I — Motley, J. L. The rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 v. 3170-2 Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland. 2 v. *I ; 12677-8 — See also Witt, J. de. Language and Literature. — See Dutch literature. Holland House. Hayward, A. (In his Sketches, etc.^ v. 2.) 20603 Hollands, The ; by V. F. Townsend. 7844 Holley, G. W. The Falls of Niagara ; with chapt. on other cataracts. Illust. 22264 Holley, M. Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I. ; Saman- tha at the centennial. 17795 — Miss Richards' boy ; and other stories. Illust. 22727 — Mv opinions and Betsev Bobbet's ; bv Josiah Allen's wife. 13032 Holley, Myron. Wright, E. M.' Holley. 21395 Holley, O. L. Life of B. Franklin. 1955 Holliday, D. C. Dengue or Dandy fever. (/?i Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., etc., v. 6.) *I — Is efficient quarantine possible or practicable? {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 4.) * *I Holliday, F. W. M. Address of welcome. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Reports, e^c, v. 4.) *I Hollis, N. H. Worcester, S. T. History of Hollis, to 1879 ; with biog. sk. of settlers, etc. *I Hollister, G. H. Kinley Hollow. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 21892 — 3Iount Hope ; or, Philip, King of the Wampanoags ; hist, romance. 4058 Hollister, O. J. The mines of Colorado. 6773 Holloway, L. C. The ladies of the White house ; or. In the home of the presidents, 1789-1880. Portr. *I Hollway-Calthrop, H. C. See Calthrop, H. C. H. Holly, H. II. Church architecture. *I — Modern dwellings adapted to Amer. wants and climate ; with treatise on furniture, etc. Designs. *I Holly, H. W. Art of saw-filing. 8158 — Carpenters' and joiners' hand book. 8159 Holly and mistletoe ; tales, by R. Koch. 1954 Holly-Tree, The ; by C. Dickens. (In his Add. Chr. stor.) 13202 Holly-Tree Inn ; by C. Dickens. (In his Works.) 7759 Holm, Saxe, pse?^c?. Stories. 2 ser. 12136; 17894 Contents. Ser. 1. Draxy Miller's dowry.— The elder's wife.— Whose wife was she?— The one-legged dancers.— How one woman kept her hus- 604 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. band. — Esther Wynn's love-letters. 2, A four-leaved clover.— Farmer Bassett's romance*.— My tourmaline.— Joe Hale's red stockings.— Susan Lawton's escape. Holmby House ; by G. J. W. Melville. 4488 Holmes, E. Mozart's life ; incl. his correspondence. 1956 Holmes, M. J. The Cameron pride. 6918 — Chateau D'Or ; Nora ; and Kitty Craig. 20855 — Cousin Maude ; and Rosamond. * 1957 — Daisy Thornton, and Jessie Graham. 20856 — Darkness and daylight. - 5659 — Dora Deane ; and Maggie Miller. 1958 — Edna Browning. 10548 — Edith Lyle. 15758 — The English orphans. • 1959 — Ethelyn's mistake. 7836 — Forrest house. 20857 — The homestead on the hillside ; and other tales. 2018 — Hugh Worthington. 5901 — 'Lena Rivers. 1960 — Marian Gray. 2050 — Meadow Brook. 5608 — Mildred. 20858 — Millbank. 9167 — Rose Mather. 7651 — Tempest and sunshine. 1961 — West Lawn ; or, The rector of St. Marks. 18082 Holmes, N. The authorship of Shakspeare. 3d. ed. 5924 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 1962 — Same. Der Tisch-DespOt ; Deutsch von L. Abenheim. 16219 — The brave " Old South." {In Longfellow, H. W. and others. Poems of the '-Old South.") • *I — Currents and counter currents in medical science. 1963 — Elsie Veuner. 1964 JVote. Previously published in the Atlantic Monthly as "The Professor's story." — The guardian angel. 7079 -T Introduction, etc. (In Clarke, E. H. Visions.) 17756 — Iris. (In Little class., v. 7.) 12978 — The iron gate, and other poems. 19839 — Mechanism in thought and morals ; address. 9743 — The mechanism of vital actions. (In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) • 18790 — The medical profession in Mass. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) 7869 — Poems. 1966 — The poet at the breakfast table. 11068 — Poetical works. 17131 — The Professor at the breakfast table. 1967 — The Professor's storv. See Elsie Venner, above. -r- Songs of many seasons, 1S62-1874. 13083 — Soundings from the Atlantic. 5483 Contents. Bread and the newspaper. — My hunt after "The Captain."— The stereoscope and the stereograph. — Sun-painting and sun-sculpture, etc. — Doings of the sunbeam. — The human wheel, its spokes and felloes. — Visit to the autocrat's landlady.— Visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters.— The great instrument. — The inevitable trial. — Visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 — Same. In Soundings fr. the Atlantic, above. 5483 — Biographical sketch and selections. {In Amer. poems.) 18947 — Haweis, H. R. (7?2 /i is Amer. humorists.) 22504 — Kennedy, W. S. O. W. Holmes, poet, litterateur, scientist. * 22866 — Notice and selections. {In Am. prose.) 19641 — Sketch of H. {In Gilman, A. Poets' homes, ser. 2.) 19289 Holmes, O. W., Jr. Biography of A. Dehon. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog.", v. 2.) 6493 — The common law. 20636 Holmes, W. R. Sketches on the shores of the Caspian. 1968 Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and polit. hist, of the U. S. ; tr. by J. J. Lalor, A. B. Mason, and P. Shorey, v. 1-3. 16052-4 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 605 Contents. V. 1. 1750-1833. State sovereignty and slavery. 3. 1828- 1846. Jackson's administration.— Annexation of Texas. 3. Ann. of Tex.— Compromise of 1850. — John C. Calhoun. (Amer. statesmen.) 21585 Holt, A. Gentlemen's fancy dress ; how to choose it. Illust. 22803 Holtei, Karl E. von. 's Muhme-Lieutnant-Saloppel. Deut. Novellenschatz. 16158 — Die Yagabimden. 3 v. in 1. 16439 Holtzapffel, J. J. Turning and mechanical manipulation, v. 4. *I Note. Continuation of the work by C. Holtzapffel, which is in Green Library. *I Holub, E. Seven years in So. Africa ; travels, researches, and hunting adv., 1872-79 ; tr. by E. E. Frewer. Illust. and map. 2 v. *I Holy Comforter, The ; by J. P. Thompson. 18181 Holy (^rail. The ; and other poems ; by A. Tennyson. 8086 Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy songs, carols, and sacred ballads. 19389 Holy wells, and Druid relics ; by W. Collins. {In Satchel ser., V. 1.) ' 13980 Holy and profane states ; by T. Fuller. 2191 Holy war. The ; by J. Bunyan. 608 Holyoake, G. J. Among the Americans. 20938 — History of co-operation in Eug. : its literature and advocates. 2 v. 14077-8 — Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng, rad. lead.) 13828 Holyoake, M. The conservation of pictures. 8959 Holzendorff, F. von, joint editor. See Schmidt, P. W. Homans, S. Life insurance. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 — A new plan of life insurance. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Homberger, II. {pseud. Heinrich Horner). Der Siiugling. Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16169 Home, D. D. Incidents in my life. 2 ser. 17377-8 Home, H. Lord Karnes. Elements of criticism. 1754 — Tytler, A. F. Memoirs of the life and writings of H. 3 v. 11100-8 Home. See Domestic. Home; by Douglas. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 Home; by [C. M. Sedgwick]. 594 Home, The ; by F. Bremer. 494 Home again I {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., v. 11.) 14311 Home and abroad ; wonders of fam. objects ; by S. Dyer. 22576 Home and college ; address ; by F. D. Huntington. 2108 Home and social philosophy ; Chapters on every-day topics ; fr. • " Household Wds." (Putnam's lib. for the people.) 1198 Contents. Dreams. — Ice. — Some acct. of chloroform.— Mrs. Meeks, of a son.— Atlantic waves.— German advertisements.— The Methusaleh pill.— Mr. Van Ploos on penmanship.— Mysteries of a tea-kettle. — The magic crystal.— Private hist, of the palace of glass.— Physiology of intem- perance. — Sleep. — Chemistry of a pint of beer. — The rational doctor. — Somnambulism. — The world of water.— The wind and the rain.— Work of the world. — Chemistry of a candle. — A Paris newspaper. — Balloon- ing.— Fate days.— Tea.— Winged telegraphs.— Three "detective" anec- dotes. — The way I made my fortune.— Disappearances.— The Nineveh Bull.— A witch in the nursery.— Liberty, equalitv, fraternity, and mus- ketry.— My uncle.— English 'songs.— The first time, and the last way, of asking. — Wonders of nails and screws. Home, The, and the synagogue of the modern Jew. 11414 Home as found ; by J. F. Cooper. 946 606 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Home at Greylock, The, by E. Prentiss. 16580 Home ballads ; by J. G. Wbittier. 4760 Home friend, The ; a weekly miscellany. 4 v. 5437-40 Home heroes, saints, and martyrs ; by T. S. Arthur. 11855 Home idyl, A, and other poems ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 21123 Home influence ; by G. Aguilar. 120 Home interiors ; by E. C. Gardner. lUust. 17431 Home library. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Home life ; by C. A. Soule. 4071 Home life ; by J. F. W. Ware. 5664 Home life in Africa; by [M. B. Merriam]. 7129 Home narratives; stories fr. " Household Words." (Putnam's lib. for the people.) 1197 Contents. The serf of Pobereze.— The loaded dice.— The ghost of the late Mr. James Barber.— The young Jew of Tunis.— An excellent oppor- tunity.— The gentleman beggar.— The other garret.— The ghost that ap- peared to Mrs. Wharton.— Judge not.— The right one.— A gallop for life.— The modern Haroun-al-Raschid.— Dust; or, Ugliness redeemed.— A peni- tent confession. Home nook ; by A. M. Douglas. 7109 Home on the deep ; or. The mariner's trials. 5775 Home pastorals, ballads, and lyrics ; by B. Taylor. 14247 Home plays for ladies. 5 pts. in 1. 14360 Contents. Lawler, D. and Lacv, T. H. The school for* daughters ; comedy.— Souvestre, E. Mrs. Willis's will ; comic drama; — The duchess of Mansfeldt ; comic drama.— Suter, W. Slighted treasures ; petite com- edy. — Souvestre, E. A slight mistake ; comedy. — La rosiere; comedy. — Who is to hiherit? comedy.— A Christmas gambol; comedy.— Keating, E. H. The harvest queen ; comedy.— Gaffer Grey's legacy ;' comedy.— The mystery of Muddlewitz ; comedy.— Lina and Gertrude ; drama.- X won- derful cure ; farce.— My aunt's heiress ; comedy.— Hodges, G. S. The quarrel of the flowers ; Christmas drama.— Choosing a bride ; comedy. — My daughter's daughter; comedy. Home scenes and heart studies ; by G. Aguilar. 6627 Home scenes and home sounds ; by H. M. Stephens. 4167 Homerus. Stories from Homer ; by A. J. Church ; illust. fr. Flaxman's designs. 17851 — Translations fr. H. {In Hodgson, S. H. Outcast essays, etc.) 20808 — Arnold, M. On translating Homer; lect. {In his Ess', in crit.) 5971 — Blackie, J. S. Homer, (/w New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Bonitz, H. Origin of the Homeric poems ; fr. the Germ, by L. R. Packard. 19454 — Freeman, E. A. Gladstone's Homer and the Homeric age. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 2.) 11525 — Froude, J. A. {In his Short studies, ser. 1.) 6963 — Geddes, W. D. Problem of the Homeric poems. 18054 — Gladstone, W. E. Homeric synchronism ; enq. into the time and place of H. 16037 Homer. (Lit. prim.) 17964 Juventus mundi, the gods and men of the heroic age. T88T — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Hadley, J. On Bekker's digammated text of H. {In his Ess.) 11606 — Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 2.) 13217 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 5.) *I — Salisbury, S. {In his Troy and Homer.) 14130 — Scherer, E. La question homerique. {In his Etudes critiques.) 14600 — Svmonds, J. A. The women of Homer. {In his Stud, of Greek poets., ser. 2.) 16543 Iliad and Odyssey. — Iliad and Odyssey; tr. by W. Cowper. {In Cowper, W. Works, v. 7,8.) 5521-2 Iliad. — Epitome Iliados, incerto auctore. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8361 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 607 — Iliad ; with Eng'. notes ; by F. A. Paley. *I — Iliad; done into Eng. prose bv A. Lang, W. Leaf, and E, Mvers. 22584= — Iliad lit. tr., with notes, by T. A. Buckley. ' 1969 — Iliad ; rend, into Eng. blank verse ; by Edward. Earl of Derbv. 2 v. 5908-9 — Iliad ; tr. into blank verse by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. ' 8373-4 — Iliad ; tr. bv A. Pope ; with obs. on H. and his works ; notes by J. S. Watson^ Illust. 1971 — IHads; tr. bv G. Chapman; introd. and notes by R. Hooper, v. 2. 2062 — Same. 2 v.* *I — The similes of H.'s Iliad, tr., with introd. and notes, by W. C. Green. 17667 — Collins, W. L. Iliad. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 4227 3Iino7' poems. — Batrachomyomachia, hymns, and epigrams ; with Hesiod's Works and days, etc. ; tr. by G. Chapman. Introd. and notes by R. Hooper. 2065 — Hj'mris and epigrams ; with trans, f r. Hesiod, etc. ; tr. by G. Chapman. *I — Coleridge, H. N. Introd. to the stud, of the Greek class, poets ; pt. 1 : Gen. introd. ; Homer. 869 — Homer. Odyssey; books 1-24; introd., notes, etc., by W. W. Merry. 2 v. *I — The Phajacian episode of the O.; introd., notes, and app. bv A. C. Merriam. Illust. 19772 — Odyssev, hvmns, epigrams, etc. ; lit. tr. bv T. A. Buckley. 1970 — Odyssey of Homer; by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. ' 9590 — OdysseV of Homer done into Eng. prose bv S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 18298 — The Odysseys; tr. by G. Chapman. 2 v. ' 2063-4; *I — Odyssey of H. done into Eng. prose, by S. H, Butcher and A. Lang. 3d. ed. 21332 — Collins, W. L. Odyssey. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 4226 — Harrison, J. E. Myths* of the Odyssey in art and literature. *I Homeopathy. Laurie J. and McClatchey, R. J. Homeopathic domest. medicine. *I Homes. Gardner, E. C. Home interiors. lUust. 17431 Homes and how to make them. Illust. 12965 Illustrated homes ; papers descr. real houses and real people. 16869 — Hale, E. E. and others. Essays and stor. on the homes of men who work in large towns. 12495 — Oakey, A. F. Building a home. (Appletons' home books.) 20379 — Hartshorne, H. Our homes. (Am. liealth prim.) 19600 Homes and hospitals ; or, Two phases of woman's work. (Amy Button and A. E. Jones.) 11278 Homes and haunts of the wise and good ; visits to remark. places. Illust. 1973 Contents. Rhoads, J. — Wm. Caxton; John Hampden; H. More. — Hall, 3Irs. S. C. The printing office of Wm. Caxton; Birth-place of J. Bunyan; Burial-place of J. Hampden; Residence of H. More; The house of A. Marvel; Residence of Dr. Watts.— The grave of Wm. Penn. — Howitt, W. Shakspeare. — Brainerd, T. A day at Stratford-on-Avon. — Hart, J. S. Shakspeare's minor poems. — Belcher, J. Life and writ- ings of J. Bunyan.— Cuyler, T. L. Bunyan.— Whittier, J. G. Bunyan. — Grattan, T. Reminiscences of H. More.— Parker, J. Life and genius of Dr. Watts. Homes of the new world ; by F. Bremer. 2 v. 473-4 Homes without hands ; by J. G. Wood. 6394 Homespun ; or. Five and twenty years ago ; by T. Lackland. 6720 Homespun stories; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. 22469 Homestead on the hillside ; and other tales ; by M. J. Holmes. 2018 Homeward bound ; by J. F. Cooper. 947 Homicide. Redfield, H. V. Homicide, north and south ; * comp. view of crime in pts. of the U. S. 20138 Homiletics. See Preachers, Preaching. Homme k I'echelle, L' ; monologue ; par Chauvin. {In Say- n^tes, e^c, s6r. 5.) 14795 Homme a I'oreille cass^e, L' ; par E. About. 9469 608 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Homme automate, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 6.) *I Homme aux pieds retourn^s, L' ; monologue par C. Cross. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 6.) 14690 Homme de neige, L' ; par George Sand. 3 v. 9381-3 Homme noir, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 6.) *I Homme perdu, L' ; monologue ; par C. Cros. (Th^dtre de camp., s6r. 6.) 14690 Homme propre, L' ; monologue ; par C. Cros. "(Th^dtre de camp., s^r. 7.) 14691 Homme qui a r^ussi, L' ; monologue ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 Homme qui a trouv^, L' ; monologue ; par C. Cros. (Theatre de camp., s^r. 7.) 14691 Homme qui a voyag^, L' ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s^r. 5.) 14795 Homme raisonnable, L' ; monologue ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 4.) 14794 Hommes de fer, Les ; par A. Dumas. 9496 Homo sum ; by G. Ebers ; fr. the Germ, by C. Bell. 2 v. 18439-40 Homoselle. (Round-rob. ser.) 20792 Honest John Vane ; by J. W. DeForest. 13315 Honesty is the best policy ; proverb. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Honeyman, W. C. Third-class to Edinburgh. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Honeymoon, The ; by Count de Medina-Pomar. 2 v. 12932-3 Honey-moon, The; play; by J. Tobin. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 1.) . 11803 Honor bright. 635 Honor May ; by M. Bartol. 6304 Honorable Miss Ferrard ; by M. Laffan. 17562 Honthorst, G. van. Gower, R. {In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Hooch, P. de. Gower, R. {I71 Ms Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 — Wedmore, F. De Hooch, and Yauder Meer and ISTicholas Maes. (In his Mast, of genre paint.) 19479 Hood, C. Practical treat, on warming buildings by hot water, steam, and hot air ; ventilation, etc. Added, Inq. into the laws of radiant and conducted heat, chem. constitu- tion af coal, and combustion of coal. 5th. ed. lUust. 18405 Hood, E. P. Christmas Evans, the preacher of wild Wales ; his country, times, and contemporaries. 22676 — Isaac Watts ; his Kfe and writings, his homes and friends. 15877 — Lamps, pitchers, and trumpets ; lect. on the vocation of the preacher. 8155 — Robert Hall. (Heroes of Christian hist.) 21234 — The world of moral and religious anecdote. 9892 Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat ; pers. exper. in the U.S. and Confederate States armies. 19498 Hood, T. The defaulter. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stor.) 7023 — Same. (In Famous stories, v. 1.) 18148 — Hood's Own. 1975 — The parish revolution. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Poems ; with some acct. of the author. 4 v. 1978^1 — Rainbow's rest. (Magnet stories.) 10571 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 609 — Tvlnev Hall. 1982 — . Up the Rhine. 1983 — Walton Redivivus. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 — Whims and oddities, in prose and verse. 1984 — Broderip, Mrs. F. F. Memorials of H.; pref. and notes by his son (T.Hood). 2v. 1976-7 — Gimrian, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Stedman, E. C. (In his Vict, poets.) 14121 — Timbs, J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Hood, T., the younger. Cassell's illust. readings. 2 v. 8806-7 — The days of chivalry ; or. The legend of Croquemitaine : f reelv tr. f r. the Fr. of L'Epine. ' . *I — Full fathom five. (In Christmas story-teller.) 17662 — Love and valor. 10907 — The rhymester; guide to Eng. versification; with a diet, of rhymes, etc.; ed. with add., by A. Penn. 21422 — and others. Book of modern anecdotes. 11416 Hood's OwD ; by T. Hood. 1975 Hook, T. E. AH in the wrong. 15665 — Cousin Geoflry. 15653 — Cousin William. 15654 — Fathers and sons. 15660 — Gervasse Skinner. 15656 — Gilbert Gurney. 15658 — Gurney married. ' 15659 — Jack Brag. 15652 — The man of manv friends : Doubts and fears : The friend of the f amilv. 15663 — Maxwell. (3 v. in 1.) * 15662 — Merton ; The Sutherlands. 15656 — The parson's daughter. 15651 — Passion and principle ; Martha the gjpsv. 15664 — Peregrine Bunce. " ' 15661 — The widow, and The marquess. 15657 — Barham, R. H. D. Life and remains of Hook. *I — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Thomson, K. and J. C. (In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Hook, W. F. Anglican principles. (In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 1.) . 8627 — Lives of the archbishoi)s of Canterbury. 2 ser. 11 v. *I — Same;\.S. Reginald Pole. " 8740 — Stephen, W. R. W. Life and letters of H. 2 v. 18451-2 Hooker, J. Shanks, W. F. G. (In his Pers. recollections.) 6570 Hooker, J. D. Botany. Illust. (Sci. prira.) 15906 — General system of botany, descr. and analytical. *I Hooker, R. The laws of ecclesiastical polity. Book 1 : ed. by R. W. Church. 2d. ed. 18969 — Barrv, A. (In his Masters in Eng. theol.) 18702 — Walton, 1. Life of H. (In his Lives, etc.) 4625; 12285 Hooker, W. Child's book of nature. 1987 — First book in physiology. 9662 — Science for the school and family ; pt. 2. Chemistry. Illust. 5543 Hookham, M. A. Life and times of Margaret of Anjou, and of her father, Rene "the Good ;" with Mem. of the Houses of Anjou. Portr. and illust. 2 v. 10821-2 Hoole, C. H. The apostolic Fathers : Epistles of St. Clement, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas, St. Polycarp ; with The mar- tyrdom of St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp ; tr., with introd. 10956 Hooper, Mrs., ne'e Stoughton. The tsar's window. (No name ser.) 20402 Hooper, H. The lost model. 12970 Hooper. J. J. Simon' Suggs; Sk. of H. (In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 610 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hooper, L. H. The blue cabinet. The photographer's story. {In Short stories.) 6965 — Snow upon the waters. {In Rougegorge, etc.) 8711 Hooper, M. Little dinners ; how to serve them with elegance and economy. . 13042 Hooper, R. Introductions and notes. {In Drayton, M. Works.) *I Hooper, W. S. Thorndike, S. L. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Hoorne or. Hoorn, P. van M., Graaf^ van. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Trial and execution of Counts Egmont and Horn ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. {In Us Hist, of rev. of Neth.) 3783 Hoose, J. H. Address. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — On the province of metliods of teaching ; professional studv ; introd. by C. W. Bennett. ' 20705 — Vindication of the school systems as they exist in the state of N. Y. (Pps. on educ.) - *I Hoosier schoolmaster, The ; by E. Eggleston. 9863 Hooykaas, I, ^ joint author. See Oort, H. Hop o' my thumb. {In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 Hope, Mrs. — . Life of Thomas a Becket ; pref . by Father Dalgairus. 11221 Hope, A. Manual of Sorrento and inlaid work for amateurs, with orig. designs. ■ ' *I Hope, A. R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R. H. Hope, C. Seabury Castle. 7618 Hope, G. George Hope of Fenton Barns ; life, compl. by his daughter. 22402 Hope, G. H. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. 9758 Hope, J.' Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Hope, S. * A new Godiva. 15759 Hope, T. Anastatius ; or. Memoirs of a Greek. 2 v. 1989-90 Hope and have ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7339 Hope Campbell ; by C. D. Bell. 6737 Hope Darrow ; by V. F. Townsend. 8442 Hope deferred ; by E. F. Pollard. 11028 Hope deferred ; by S. Wood. 10577 Hope Leslie ; by C. M. Sedgwick. 2 v. 10083-4 Hope Meredith ; by E. Tabor. 13579 Hope mills ; by A. M. Douglas. 19464 Hope on, hope ever ; by M. Howitt. 2019 Hopeless case, A ; by E. Fawcett. 19759 Hopes, and other stories ; by F. Bremer. 487 Hopes and fears ; by [('. M. Yonge]. 4901 Hopes of the human race ; essays ; by F. P. Cobbe. 13506 Hopfen, H. Verdorben zu Paris. 16449 Hopkins, E. J. and Rimbault, E. F. The organ, its hist, and construction. *I Hopkins, E. Rose Turquand. 15992 Hopkins, J. H. Life of H. ; by one of his sons. 11978 Hopkins, L. P. Biography of G. A. Stone. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Hopkins, M. Exclusive traits of Christianity. {In Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 611 — Historical discourse. {In Am. Bd, Comm. For. Miss. Memorial vol.) 22772 — The law of love and love as a law ; moral science, theoret. and practical. 7608 — Outline study of man. 12036 — The place of conscience. {In Boston Mond. Lect.) 20467 — Prayer and the prayer ffauge. 12757 — Strength and beauty ; discussions for young men. 13237 Hopkins, M. Fairholt, F. W. M. Hopkins, the witch-finder. {In his Eccen. and remark, characters.) 5058 Hopkins, S., of Newport. Whittier, J. G. {In his Oldportr., etc.) 4763 Hopkins, 8., of Northampton. The Puritans ; or. The church, court, and parliament of Eng. dur. the reigns of Edward VI., and Elizabeth. ^ v. 1991-3 Hopkins, S. Sketch of H. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Hopkinson, Mrs. C. A. Hints for the nursery. 5579 Hopkinson, F. C. Chaney, G. L. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Hopkinson, J., & Co. The engineer's pract. guide; and The working of the steam engine expl. by use of the indicator. 7th ed. 17228 Hopkinson, J. Working of the steam engine expl. by the use of the indicator. *I Hopper, I. T. Child, L. M. I. T. Hopper ; a true life. 823 Hoppin,J. M. Homiletics. 21271 — Life of Andrew H. Foote. 13238 — Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown; with four historical orations. 19398 — Old England; its scenery, art, and people. 6881 Hoppin, W. J. Circumstances alter cases. {In French's min. dr., V. 37.) 7^89 Hoppin, W. J. Biography of J. S. Wads worth. {In Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Hoppner, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, paint- ers, efc, V. 4.) 1056 Hoppus, M. A. All the world's a stage. 3 v. 19632-4 — A story of Carnival. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 22864 Horace. See Horatius. •Horace; by P. Corneille. {In his Chefs-d'oeuvre, v. 1.) 14398 Horace, Corneille's ; ed., with introd. and notes, by G. Saints- bury. ■ 22912 Horse lyricae and divine songs ; by I. Watts. 4681 Horge Paulinse ; by W. Paley. 3341 Horatius Flaccus, Q. Opera omnia ; cur. N. E. Lemaire. 3 Y. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8255-7 — Opera omnia; comment, by A. J. Macleane. 2d. ed., rev. by G. Long. *I — Works ; with comment, by E. C. Wickham. v. 1. *I Contents. V. 1. Odes, carmen seculare, and epodes. — Works ; tr. bV C. Smart. 1994 — - Works ; tr. into Eng. verse, with life and notes, by T. Martin. 2 v. 21482-3 — Odes; metrical paraphrase; by E. M. Hovenden. 21873 — Odes; tr. into Eng. verse, by T. Martin. 6437 — Odes and carmen seculare ; tr. into Eng. verse by J. Conington. 7th. ed. 16762 — Odes and epodes; metr. trans., with introd. and comment., "by Lord Lyt- ton ; with Latin text. "^ ' *I — Odes, epodes, and satires of H. ; tr. into En^ verse, by T. Martin. 13515 — Satires, epistles, and art of poetry: tr. into Eng. verse, by J. Conington. 4th. ed. 16763 — Translations from H. {In Hodgson, S. H. Outcast ess., etc.) 20808 — Horace's life and character ; epitome of his satires and epistles ; by R. M. Hovenden. 22585 612 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Martin, T. Horace. (In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 Horace. (Anc. class, for Eng, read.) 9024 Hordynski, J. History of the late Polish revolution. 1995 Horizons celestes, Les ; par [Mme. de Gasparin.] 9407 Horizons prochaius, Les; [par Mme. de Gasparin]. 9406 Horkey, The; a ballad; by R. Bloomfield. lllust. byG. Cruik- shank. " 22239 Horlbeck, H. B. Brief synopsis of "Break-bone," or Dengue fever in Charleston, 1880. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) , *I — Scarlet fever in Charleston, ^S*. C. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass.* Rept., v. 7.) *I Horn, G. Count Silvius ; fr. the Germ., by M. J. Safford. 21586 Horn, P. van, Graaf van. See Hoorne. Horn, W. O. von. Friedel, an autobiography; fr. the Germ., by C. M. Sawyer. 2d. ed. 3780 Horn, Van, pseud. See Oertel, P. F. W. Horn, Cape. MacMichael, M. 3d. A land-lubber's log of his voyage around Cape Horn. 22473 Horn of plenty; by S. May [R. 8. Clarke.] 15336 Hornbrook, A. Alderman Ralph ; or, The hist, of the borough and corporation of Willow-acre. 2 v. in 1. 1996 — The family feud. 1997 Horne, R. H. Cosmo de' Medici ; hist, tragedy ; and other poems. 14095 — Letters of E. B. Browning, addressed to H. ; with comments on contem- poraries; ed. by S. R. T. Mayer. 2 v. 16vSll-12 — A new spirit of the age. 2000 Contents. C. Dickens.— Ld. Ashley and Dr. S. Smith.— T. Ingoldsbv.— W. S. Landor.— W. and M. Howitt.— Dr. Pusev.— G. P. R. James, Mrs. Gore, Capt. Marryatt, and Mrs. Trollope.— T. X. Talfourd.— R. M. Milnes and H. Coleridge. — S. Smith, A. Fonblanque, and D. Jerrold. — AV. Words- worth and L. Hunt.- A Tennyson, T. B. Macaulay.— T. Hood and T. Hook. — H. Martineau and Mrs. Jameson. — S. KnoAvles and W. Macready. — E. B. Barrett and Mrs. Norton. — Banim and the Irish novelists. — R. Browning and J. W. Marston.— E. L. Bulwer.— W. H. Ainsworth.— Mrs. Shelley.— R. Montgomery.- T. Carlyle.— H. Taylor, and the author of "Festiis." Horne, T. H. Diplomacy. ( With Poison, A. Princ. of the law of nations.) 3228- Horner, F. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 Horner, H., pseud. See Homberger, H. Horner, J., joint author. See Horner, S. Horner, S. a7id J. VValks in Florence. 2 v. 11631-2 Hornihold, Iiei\ Dr. The commandments and sacraments ex- plained ; discourses. 20707 Horology. See Timekeepers. Horr, G. W. History of* Athol ;— Dana. (In Hist, of Wor Co., V. 1.) • *I — History of Petersham: Phillipston; Rovalston. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 2\) ' *I Horrors of Paris ; by A. Dumas. 13488 Horse. Brisbin, J. S. The beef bonanza ; descr. of cattle- growing, horse-raising, etc.^ in the West. lllust. 19983 — Dwyer, F. On seats and saddles, bits and bitting, and the prev. and cure of restiveness. 8452 — Every horse owner's cyclopedia. 12474 — Flower, E. F. Bits arid bearing-reins ; with obs. on horses and harness. 17700 — Hanover, M. D. Treatise on the law of horses; law of bargain, sale, and warranty of horses, etc. ; rule as to unsoundness and vice, etc. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 613 — Harvey, E. The American trotting- horse. 7711 — Hibbei-d, S. Clever do.irs, horses, etc. 10175 — Howden, P. Horse warranty ; guide to the var. points to be noted. 21830 — Linsley, D. C. Morgan horses; ess. on the origin, hist., and characteris- tics; add. Hints for breeding, breaking, use, and management of horses, etc. 2696 — Lupton, J. I. The horse ; as he was, is, and ought to be. 22920 — Marsh, O. C. The horse in America; Prof. Marsh's discoveries in fossils. (7w Tribune pop. sci.) 12943;*! — Miles, W. The horse's foot, and how to keep it sound. {In Saxtoi\'s rur. hd.-bks., ser. 3.) — Murray, W. H. H. The perfect horse. — Nevile, G. Horses and riding. Illust. — Oliphant, G. H. H. The law of horses; law of innkeepers, veterinary surgeons, etc., and hunting, racing, wagers, and gaming. 3d. ed., by G. R. Ryder. — Stewart, Jrf The stable book ; treat, on the manag:ement of horses. Illust. — Walsh, J. H. The horse in the stable and the field. Illust. — Woodruff, H. The trotting horse in America; ed. bv C. J. Foster. — Ypuatt, W. The horse. — See also Harness. Anatomy, Pathology, etc. — Dadd, G. H. Modern horse doctor. — F., W. The simple ailments of horses; their nature and treatment. — Judson, A. B. History and course of the epizootic among horses upon the No. Amer. cont. (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., 1873.) — Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse-doctor. Illustrated horse management. Horse-back riding. Durant, G. Horse-back riding fr. a medi- cal point of view. Horse-breaking. Moreton, R. On horse-breaking. Horsemanship. Anderson, E. L. How to ride and school a horse ; with a system of horse gymnastics. — Baucher, F. New method of horsemanship, incl. the breaking and train- ing of horses, with instr. for obtaining a good seat. " , — Herbert, H. W. Hints to horse-keepers ; manual for horsemen. — Lady's equestrian manual. Illust. — Melville, G. J. W. Riding recollections. — O'Donoghue, N. P. Ladies on horseback; learning, park-riding, and hunting, with hints on costume, etc. — The saddle-horse ; guide for riding and training. Illust. Horse-racing. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) Horse-shoe Robinson ; by J. P. Kennedy. Horse-shoeing. Fleming, G. Horse shoes and horse-shoeing. 10So2 — Jennings, R. Hints upon shoeing. {In his Horse-training.) 6353 Horse-training. Jennings, R. Horse-training made easy. 6;^53 Horseshoe Robinson ; drama ; by C. W. Tayleure. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 27.) Horsford, E. N. A new profession in the service of hygiene. {In Am. Pub. Health. Asso. Rept., v. 3.) Horsley, S. Woodford, J. R. Horsley, the scholarly preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach., ser. 2.) Hortense, Queen of Holland. Abbott, J. S. C. History of H. Hortensia ; by H. Zschokke. {In Davis, A. J. Memoranda.) Horticulture. Burbidge, F. W. Horticulture. — Copeland, R. M. Countrv life ; hd.-bk. of agriculture, horticulture, etc.) — Bolles, A. S. {In his Industrial hist, of the U. S.) Horton, C. W. Architecture for general students. Horton, E. A. Spirit and truth ; sermon. (Jn Savage, M. J. Sermons, v. 3.) Horton, S. D. Silver and gold, and their rel. to resumption. New ed. 5694 11947 17600 16632 6238 7711 7585 10601 1078 21746 *I 7348 7349 17830 17534 20733 1743T 1875 502^ 19664 2074e 21285 6992 2456 11323 18551 14286 7383 17097 973 18466 13239 22509 17632 614 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ilosack, J. On the rise and growth of the law of nations, to the treaty of Utrecht. 22677 Hosidius Geta. Medea. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 Hosiery. Felkin, W. Hosiery and lace. 15470 Hoskins, T. H. What we eat ; acct. of the most common adulterations. 1998 Hoskyns, C. W. Land laws of England. {In Cobden Club. Syst. of Id. ten.) 16008 — Talpa; or, Chronicles of a clay farm. 2265 Hosmer, J. K. Co-education of the sexes in universities. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — The color-guard ; notes of military serv. in the 19th. Army Corps*. 5506 — Short history of German literature. ' 18269 — The thinking bayonet. 5897 Hosmer, M. The Morrisons. -5963 Hospital sketches ; by L. M. Alcott. 5825 Hospital transports. See U. S. Sanitary Commission. Hospitaller, E. The mod. appl. of electricity ; tr. and enl. by J. Maier. Illust. 21829 Hospitals. Beekman, J. W. Remarks upon hospital hygiene. {In Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I — Brown, F. H. General princ. of hospital constr. {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, etc., v. 1.) 19451 — Eastern hospitals and English nurses ; by a lady volunteer. 1316 — Jenkins, J. F. Tent hospitals. {In Anier. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — Pepper, W. The sanitary rel. of hospitals. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., V. 2.) ' *T — Wylie, W. G. Hospitals; their hist., organization, and construction. 17153 Hospitals and sisterhoods. 2d. ed. 10144 Hostage to fortune ; by M. E. Braddon. 15334 Hostelry of the Mayence Ham ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 13276 Hot plowshares ; by A. W. Tourg^e. 22952 Hot pot ; by F. Francis. 22891 Hotel des bains, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 6.) *I Hotel des Quatre-nations, L' ; par. A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 4.) ' *I Hotel life. Rogers, R. V., Jr. The law of hotel life ; wrongs . and rights of host and guest. 18930 Hotspur. Twenty questions ; treat, on the game. 21644 Hotspur ; by M. T. Walworth. 9698 Hotten, J. C, ed. {pseud. T. Taylor) . Abyssinia and its people. [App., Bibliography of works rel. to Abyssinia]. 7140 — Charles Dickens ; story of his life. Illust. 8654 — Thackeray the humorist and the man of letters; story of his life, etc.\ inch select, fr. his speeches. Added, In memoriam, by C. Dickens, and a sketch, by A. Trollope. 6271 — joint author. See Sadler, L. R. Houdiu, J. E. R. See Robert- Houdin. Hough, F. B. Elements of forestry. 21804 — Health interests in the preserv. of forests and the cultivation of trees. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Hough, J. S. Relative infl. of city and country life on morality, health, fecundity, longevity, and mortality. {In Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Houghton, G. Drift from York Harbor, Maine. 18231 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 615 Houghton, R. M. M., Baron. See Milnes, R. M. Houghton, W. Country walks of a naturalist with his children. Illust. * 8541 — Gleanings from the nat. hist, of the ancients. Illust. 19344 — Sea-side walks of a naturalist with his children. Illust. 12951 Houli^res. See Des Houli^res. Hour, The, and the man ; by II. Martineau. 3 v. 2938-40 — Same. 2 v. 5471-2 Hour, The, which cometh, and 6ow is ; sermons ; by J. F. Cla,rke. Hour, The, will come ; tale ; by W. von Hillern. Hours in a library. See Stephen, L. Hours of thought on sacred things ; by J. Martineau. 2 ser. 16773; Hours of work and play ; by F. P. Cobbe. House, E. H. Japanese episodes. House, The, and its surroundings. (Health primers.) House, The, and the brain ; by Lord Lytton. (In Little class., V. 2.) House beautiful. The ; by C. Cook. House by the Works, The ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. House dog ; by T. Itiggie. (In French's Min dram., v. 13.) House, The, in Balfour-strcet ; by C. Dimitry. House, The, of a merchant prince ; by W- H. Bishop. House, A, of Achendaroch ; by M. E. Cameron. House of cards ; by Mrs. C. Hoey. House, A, of entertainment ; by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor. and roman.) House, The, of Lys ; by W. G. Hamley. House of the seven gables ; by N. Hawthorne. House, The, of Yorke ; by M. A. Tincker. House, The, on the beach ; by G. Meredith. House, The, on the moor; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. House, The, on the shore of eternity ; allegory ; by F. P. Cobbe. (In her Peak in Darien.) House that Jack built ; by [M. A. Tincker]. (Li her Winged word, etc.) House that Jill built ; by E. C. Gardner. House to let ; by C. Dickens. {In his Holiday stories. — Same. (In Novels and tales fr. Household Words, v. 10.) Household. For many works pertaining to the household, see Domestic. Household art. Artistic amusements ; instr. for art- work for home employment, etc. Illust. — Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress ; f r. the French. — Dewing, M. B. Beauty in the household. — Eastlake, C. L. Hints *on household taste. Same ; 'ed., with notes, by C. C. Perkins. — Girl's own treasury : for amusement and instruction. — Harrison, C. C. Woman's handiwork in modern homes. — Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste. — Jones, Mrs. C. S., anct Williams, H. T. Household elegancies. Ladies' fancy work. — Lady's bazaar and fancy fair book ; sugg. on the getting-up of bazaars, and instr. for articles in embroidery, knitting, etc. — Urbino, L. B.; Day, H., and others. Art recreations. 7428 20569 20638 6709 21029 18301 12973 *I 18257 11842 7610 22367 19564 7705 19896 18786 1799 18316 17083 21283 21882 11595 22380 7999 14310 19482 16620 21916 *I 9104 9029 *1 10849 14317 15760 22431 11491 616 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Williams, H. T., and Jones, Mrs. C. S. Beautiful homes. 17418 — See also Appleton's home books ; — Art at home ser. Household economy. Amateur work, illustrated ; with designs, sketches, and working drawings, etc. *I Household, The, of Bouverie ; by C. A. Warfield. 2 v. in 1. 2002 Household of Sir Thomas More ; by [A. Manning]. 2004 Housekeeper's story; by E. E. Hale. (Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 Housekeeping. See Domestic econ'omy. Housekeeping in the Blue grass ; cook book ; by Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Paris,. /i^/. 19397 Houses. See Architecture. Housewifery. See Domestic economy. Housman, H. The story of our museum ; how we formed it, and what it taught us ; appendix. 21484 Contents of Appendix. Arrangement of nat. hist, collections. — An- derson, J., Ji'. How to collect butterflies and moths. Houssaye, A. Histoire du 41™^- fauteuil de I'Acad^mie Fran- yaise. 14471 — Life in I'aris; letters on art, literature, and society. 13964 — Philosophers and actresses. 2 v. ' 2005-6 Contents. V. 1. The House of Scarron. — Voltaire.— Voltaire and Mile, de Livry.— Republic of Plato.— Mile. Gaussin,— J. Callot. — Raoul and Gabrielle!— The hundred and one pictures of Tardif, the friend of Gillot.— Mile, de Marivaux. — La Tour.— The whims of the marchioness. —Romance on the banks of the Lignon. 2. Chamfort.— Three pages fr. the life of Mme. de Parabere.- Abelard and Heloise.— Death of A. Chenier. —The Marquis de Sainte-Aulaire.— Colle.— The daughter of Sedaine. — Prudhon.— Blangini.— An unknown sculptor.— Vandvck.— A lost poet. —Hands full of roses, full of gold, and full of blood.— The mistress of Cornelius Schut.— Marie de Joysel.— The tree of knowledge. — Gautier, T., and others. {In their Famous French authors.) 19026 Houssaye, H. Ath^nes, Rome, Paris, I'histoire et les moeurs. 14592 Houston, E. J. Elements of physical geography. . 20276 Houston, S. Life of Flouston. 2007 — Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 PTovelacque. A. La linguistique. 14386 Hovell-Thurlow, T. J. See Thurlow, T. J. H. Hovenden, R. M. Odes of Horace in a metrical paraphrase. 21873 Hovey, A. God with us. 9935 — Memoir of the life and times of I. Backus. 14357 — Religion and the state. Protection or alliance? Taxation or exemption. 12672 — The Sabbath in Jewish history. {In Sabb. ess.) . 19808 — The state of the impenitent dead. 17370 — Letters from the West Indies. 2008 Hovey, W. A. Causerie ; fr. the Boston evening transcript. 19345 How, H. J. Schouler, J. {In Higginson, T. W. Harvard mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 How, W. W. Private life and ministrations of the parish priest. (771 Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 1.) 8627 How Charley Roberts became a man ; by [L. M. Thurston]. 8585 How could he help it? by A. S. Roe. 3682 How Eva Roberts gained her education ; by L. M. Thurston. 8587 How I set about paying my debts. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 How it all happened ; by L. Parr. 9640 How Marjory helped ; by M. Carroll. 12655 How Mr. Bill Williams took the responsibility ; by R. M. John- ston. {In Ms Dukesborough tales.) . 22894 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 617 How Mr. Storm met his destiny ; by H. H. Boyesen. {In Ms Ilka.) 20192 How one ghost was laid. {Li Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 How she came into her kingdom ; by C. M. Clarke. 17720 How the old love fared. {In Nov. and tales from Household Words, V. 5.) 14305 How to boil peas. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 10.) 19155 How to do business. 2009 How to do it ; by E. E. Hale. 9613 How to dress well. 9179 How to get strong, and how to stay so ; by W. Blaikie. 18665 How'to keep a store ; by S. H. Terry. 22179 How to make a living ; by G. C. Eggleston. 13651 How to pay the rent ; farce ; by T. Power. {In French's Min. dram., v. 1.) 6056 ; 11833 How to read character ; illust. hand-book of phrenology and physiology. 7718 How to train up a parent in the way he should go ; by Mrs. Craik. {In her Sermons out of church.) 14029 How we got married. {In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 How we saved the old farm ; by "A young farmer." 18291 How we were all vaccinated ; by G. W. Dasent. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) 13612 Howard, Mrs. B. C. Fifty years in a Maryland kitchen ; [receipts]. 12153 Howard, B. W. Aunt Serena. 20935 — One summer, 33895 — One year abroad. 17132 Howard, B. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Howard, G. W. F.^ Viscount Morpeth. Address, Manchester . Athenseum, 184*6. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 693 — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Howard, H., Earl of Surrey. Poems. 9200 — Poetical works ; ed., with life, by F. J. Child. 5358 Howard, J, Practical chemistry. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12621 Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and gymnastics. 9899 Life, pub. serv., and select speeches of R. Howard, J. Q. B. Hayes. Howard, J. M. Howard, John. — Browne, J. B. 15995 Bungay, G. {Inhis Tr. of repr. men.) 22315 Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Memoirs of Howard. 532 — Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Dixon, W. H. Howard, (in New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 John Howard, and the prison-world of Europe ; abgd. 1235 — Nicoll, H. J. (In his Great movements.) 21442 — Osgood, S. John Howard and prison reform. (In his Stud.) 7189 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Howard, Gen. O. O. Donald's school-days. Illust. 18197 — Nez Perce Joseph; his ancestors, lands, confederates, etc. 20476 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Howard, S. Sermon, 1780. {In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the Am. Rev.) *I A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Librarv, and can be secured onlv by asking an attendant for it. • 40 ' 618 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Howard, W.^ joint author. See Lowe, E. J. Howard family. Lonsdale, H. The Howards. (In his Worth. of Cumb., V. 3.) 13719 Howard and his teacher ; by M. Leslie [Mrs. Baker]. 2611 Howden, P. Horse warranty ; guide to the various points to be noted. 2d. ed. 21830 Howe, C. E. B. Signing the Declaration of Independence. {In French's min. dr., v. 38.) 7990 Howe, E., Jr. McCabe, J. D. (In his Gt. fortunes.) 8983 Howe, J. B. The common sense, the mathematics, and the metaphysics of money. 20873 — Mono-metalism and bi-metalisin ; science of monetary values. 18672 Howe, J. Burdette. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Howe, J. W. Winter homes for invalids ; localities in Europe and Amer. suitable for invalids dur. the winter ; with spec, ref. to the climatic variations and their iufl. on disease. 13333 Howe, Julia W. From the oak to the olive ; [trav. in Europe]. 7456 — Idols and iconoclasts. ( Jti Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Later lyrics. 6155 — Memoir of Dr. S. G. Howe ; with other mem. tributes. 16572 — The " Old South." (In Longfellow, H. W. and others. Poems of the " Old South.") *I — Sex and education ; repl. to Dr. E. H. Clarke's " Sex in education." Introd. 12253 Contents. Papers by T. W. Higginson ; — Mrs. H. Mann ; — A. S. Badger ; — C. H. Dall;— E. S. Phelps ;—" Boston Daily Advertiser ";—>! . B. Jack- son;— Prof. Bascom;— A. W. May;— M. A. Elmore;— A. C. Garland.— Testimony fr. colleges. — A trip to Cuba. 2014 — Words for the hour ; [poems] . 2015 Howe, H. Memoirs of Amer. mechanics ; also, Lives of European mechanics, with anecdotes, etc. 2012 Howe, R. Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 Howe, S. G. The Cretan refugees and their American helpers. 7382 — Clarke, J. F. The chivalry of to-day ; illust. in the life of H. (In his Mem. and biog. sk.) ' ' 17757 — Howe, J. W. Memoir of Dr. Howe. 16572 Howe, W. W. Memoir of Frangois-Xavier Martin. {Bi Martin, F. X. Hist, of Louisiana.) *I Howell, G. Conflicts of capital and labour ; hist, of the trade unions of Gt. Brit. 18113 Howell, J. The fortunes of William Wighton ; Major Weir's coach ; The Palantines ; John Square's voyage to India ; The beggar's camp ; The packman's journey to London ; The imprudent marriage ; The Scottish veteran ; The seven years' dearth ; The man-of-war's man ; Legend of Calder Moor ; The prisoner of war. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 1, 3-9.) . 8041 ; 8043-9 Howell, J. W. The economy of the electric light by incan- descence, {hi Du Moncel, T. and Preece, W. H. Incandescent electric lights.) 22388 Howells, W. D. A chance acquaintance. 11555 — Choice autobiographies ; namely : Alfieri, Y. Life ; with ess. by H. 17273 Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, of Prussia. Memoirs; with ess. bv H. 2 V. ' 17134^ Goldoni, C. Memoirs: tr. bv J. Black; ess. by H. 17274 Herbert, E., 1st. Baron Herbert of Cherhury] and Ellwood, T. Lives ; ess. bv H. ■ 17562 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 619 Marmontel, J. F, Memoirs ; with ess. by H. 2 v. — A counterfeit presentment ; comedy. — A day's pleasure, and other sketches. Illust. (Mod. class.) Contents. A day's pleasure.— Buying a horse.— Flitting.— The mouse. — A year in a Venetian palace. — Doctor Breen's practice. — Essays, See Choice autobiographies ; above. — A fearful responsibility, and other stories. Contents. A fearful responsibility.— At the sign of the savage.— Tonelli's marriage. — A foregone conclusion. — Introduction. {In Kingsley, C. Living truths.) — Italian journeys. — The ladv of the Aroostook. — Life of K. B. Hayes; also, Biog. sk. of W. A. Wheeler. — A modern instance. — Out of the question ; comedy. — The parlor car ; farce. — Poems. — A romance of real life. {In Little class., v. 4.) — The sleepin;^-car ; farce. — Their weddmg journey. — The undiscovered country. — Venetian life. 2d. ed. — Higginson, T. W. {In his Short stud.) — Notice. {In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) Ho wick, Lord. See Grey, C. Howison, G. H. Present aspects of philosophy in Germany ; State of philosophy in Germany. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.j — Treatise on analvt. geometry, espec. as appl. to the properties of conies. Howitt, A. M. See Watts, A. M. H. Howitt, M. Cousin Davis's wards. (Magnet stories.) Howitt, M. (B.) The angel unawares. (Magnet stories.) — The artist wife; and other stories. Contents. The artist wife. — Leaves fr. the diary of a poor school- master. — The Hunnybuns at the sea-side. — Some love-passages in the lives of every-day people. — The hunt. — The two squires. — The poacher's progress. — The Mosspits.—" Vanity and vexation of spirit." — The Wood- Nook wells ; or, Neighbors' quarrels ; imperfect. — Birds and flowers, and other country thmgs. — Hope on, hope ever. — Midsummer flowers for the young. Illust. — No sense like common sense'. — Pictorial calendar of the seasons. — Popular hist, of the United States. Illust. 2 v. — Some passages from the poetry of life. {In Liberty bell.) — The two apprentices. — Vignettes of Amer. history. Contents. Columbus. — Cortez approaching Mexico. — Pocahontas inter- ceding for J. Smith.- Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers.— Meeting of the Assembly in Virginia. — Roger Williams' departure fr. Salem. — Eliot preaching to the Indians.— Rhode Island receives its charter. — The sheriff ejected in N. H.— Bacon addressing the Council. — Wm. Penn and Penn- sylvania.— Penn's treaty with the Indians.— Penn's departure.— White- field preaching.— Death of Gen. Wolfe. — Stamp act riots. — The Boston tea-party. — Gen. Burgoyne and the Indians. — ^Washington's reception in N. Y. — Washington takes leave of the army. — Who shall be greatest ? — Work and wages ; or. Life in service ; cont. of " Little coin, much care." — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) Howitt, W. Country year-book ; or. The field, the forest, and the fireside. — German experiences. — The hall and the hamlet. 2 v. in 1. — History of priestcraft. — Homes and haunts of Brit, poets. Illust. 2 v. 17702-3 17165 20477 21096 20637 13334 22589 7628 18412 15999 21918 16947 16676 11944 12975 22728 9781 19739 6673 22506 13046 10574 10572 5757 2031 2019 2035 2023 2029 5101 2026 7679 2027 2028 2000 5075 2038 5750 2039 2040-1 620 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contents. V. 1. Chaucer.— Spenser.— Shak>;peare.— Cowley.— Milton. — Butler.— Dryden.— Addison.— Gay .—Pope.— Swift.— Thomson.— Shen- stone.— Chatterton.— Gray.— Goldsmith.— Burns.— Cowper.— Mrs. Tighe. — Keats.— Shelley.— Byron. 2. Crabbe.— Hogg.— Coleridge.— Mrs. He- mans.— L. E. L.— Scott.— Campbell.— Southey.—Baillie.— Wordsworth.— Montgomery .—Landor.— Leigh Hunt.— Rogers.— Moore.— Elhott.— Wil- son.— Procter.— Tennyson. — Same ; rev. ed. " 11225 — Johnny Darbyshire. {In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Same. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 — Land, labor, and gold ; Two years in Victoria, etc. 2 v. 2042-3 — Life and adventures of Jack of the mill. , 12437 — Onward ! right onward ! poem. {In Libertv bell.) 5101 — Rural life of England. ' 2044 — Shakspeare. {In Homes and haunts of the wise, etc.) 1973 — Student life of Germany. *I — Visits to remarkable plaees. 1st. ser. 2 v. in 1. 2045 — Home, R. H. {In his Kew spirit of the age.) 2000 Howland, H. J. The Heart of the Commonwealth ; or, Wor- cester as it is. 2046 Howlett, H. G. A sheaf of verse. 17670 Hows, J. W. 8. The practical elocutionist. 2047 Howson, C.^ joint autlior. See Howson, H. Howson, H. Our country's debt to patents. {In U. S. Pat. Ass. Pub., V. 1.) 13896 Howson, H. and C. Brief treat, on U. S. patents, for inven- tors and patentees. 16598 Howson, J. S. The character of St. Paul. (Hulsean lect.) 3d. ed. 15908 — Companions of St. Paul. 9731 — Deaconesses. 9339 — Essays on cathedrals ; by various writers. 10165 Contents. Goodwin, H. Recollections of a Dean.— Norris, J. P. Ca- thedral canons and their work.— MacDonnell, J. C. Cathedrals in Ire- land; their past and future.— Hope, A. J. B. B. Cathedrals in their mis- sionary aspect.— Westcott, B. F. Cathedral foundations in rel. to relig. thought. — Freeman, E. A. Cathedral churches of the old foundation. — Massingberd, F. C. Cathedral reform ; past, present, future. — Perowne, J. J. S. Welsh cathedrals. — Ouseley, F. A. G. Education of choristers in cathedrals. — Benson, E. W. Relation of the chapter to the bishop. — Durham, T. C. Cathedral schools.— Venables, E. Architecture of the cathedral churches of England considered historically. — Evidential value of the Acts of the Apostles. (Bohlen lect.) 21805 — Metaphors of St. Paul. 9730 — The ' Pilgrim's progress.' {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — and Spence, H. D. M. The Acts of the Apostles : explained. (Inter- mit. Revision Comm.). 22201 — joint author. See Conybeare, W. J. Hoyt, J. W. Education. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., V. 6.) 9101 — Preliminarv rept. on an Amer. university. {In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) ' ' 11608 Hozier, H. M. The invasions of Eng. ; hist, of the past, with lessons for the future. 2 v. 17229-30 — The seven weeks' war; its antecedents and its incidents; [Prussia and Austria] . *I Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Davie. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 25.) 4134 Hubbard, F. H. The opium habit and alcoholism ; with sugg. for treat, painful complications. 21235 Hubbard, G. Gr. American railroads. (Bi Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Hubbard, G. Histoire de la litt^rature contemp. en Espagne. 14660 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 621 Hubbard, L. L. Summer vacations at Moosebead Lake and vicinity ; guide-book. Illust. Map. *I Hubbard, W. Narrative of tbe disc, and planting of the Mas- sachusetts. {In Young, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Hubbell, G. B. Reformatory disc, as appl. to adult criminals. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Hubbell, M. S. The shady side. 3450 Huber, F. Scudder, H. E. {In his Stor. fr. my attic.) 7897 Huber, V. A. The Pope and the Council ; by Janus ; fr. the German. 8400 Hubert Freeth's prosperity; by Mrs. Crosland. 12328 Hue, E. R. Vabhe. Journey through the Chinese Empire. 2 v. 20ol-2 — Kecollections of a iourney thr. Tartarv, Thibet, and Ohina. 12999 — Travels in Tartarv, Thibet, and Chma ; tr. by W. Hazhtt. 3d. ed. 2053 — Travels in Tartarv, Thibet, and China. {In Tavlor, B. Cvcl. of mod. trav.) ' ' ' 4356 Huddart, J. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 3.) 13719 Hudson, C. F. Debt and grace, as rel. to the doctr. of a fut. life. 6th. ed. 2054 Hudson, E. H. History of the Jews in Rome, B. C. 160, — A. D. 604. 22678 — Life and times of Louisa, Queen of Prussia; introd. sk. of Pruss. hist. 2d. ed. 2 v. 16536-7 Hudson, F. History of jourualism in the U. S., 1690-1872. 11273 Hudson, H. Adventures of H. ; by the author of "Uncle Philip's conversations." 1857 — Cleveland, H. R. Life of H. (I)i Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) 2709 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 10.) 4119 Hudson, H. N. ^ Introd., note^, etc. See Shakespeare, W. — Life of Shakespeare. {In Shakespeare, W. Much ado about nothing.) 19957 — Plays of Shakespeare, select, and prep, for use in schools, etc., 3 v. 9594-6 — Sermons, 12496 — Shakespeare; his life, art, and characters; origin and growth of the drama in England. 2 v. 10070-1 — Text-book of poetr}^ ; fr. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Gold- smith, and Thomson ; with sk. of the authors' lives. 14038 Hudson, J. Fairholt, F. W. {Li his Eccen. and remark. characters.) 5058 Hudson River. Bruce, W. The Hudson ; illust. *I Hudson's Bay Company. Forsyth, W. The Hudson's Bay Company; its history. {Li his Ess. crit. and uarr.) Hudson's Bay Territory. Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's -Bay ; or, E-very day life in the wilds of No. America. — Robinson, H. M. Great fur land : sketches of life in the territory. — See also Arctic regions. Huebner, J. A. von. Life and times of Sixtus V. 2 v. — A ramble round the world ; [U. S. ; Japan ; China] . Hueffer, F. The great musicians ; namely : Barrett, W. A. English church composers. Benedict, J. Weber. Cummings, W. H. Purcell. Edwards, H. S. Rossini and his school. Frost, H. F. Schubert. Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner. Poole, R. L. Sebastian Bach. 21837 — Musical studies ; ser. of contributions. 19862 Contents. Thayer's Beethoven.— Chopin. — Foreign schools of music- Arthur Schopenhauer. — Richard Wagner and his "Ring of the Nib- lung."— Wagner festival at Baireuth. — Three French operas: Bizet's 12723 320 18688 11756-7 13240 21680 20501 21351 20506 20157 622 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. "Carmen" ; Gounod's "Polyeucte" ; Massenet's "Roi de Lahore".— Chances of English opera. — Richard Wagner and the music of the future ; history and aesthetics. 12578 — The troubadours ; hist, of provenc-al Hfe and literature in the Middle Ages. 18114 Huet, P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. coDt., v. 2.) *I Hiiet, P. D., Bp. of Avranches. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Caus. lund., v'. 2.) *1 Huff, Gr. Electro-physiology; treat, on theprev., causes, and cure of disease ; electricity as a curative agent. 2d. ed. lUust. 2066 Hugessen, E. H. K. Crackers for Christmas ; stories. 12907 — Higgledy-piggledy ; or, Stories for everybody. 14325 — Life, times, and character of Oliver Cromwell. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 16951 — Moonshine ; fairv stories. 11357 — Queer folk ; stories. 12908 — Stories for va.j children. 12909 — Tales at tea time ; fairy stories. 11181 — Whispers from fairy land. 13241 Hugessen, L. K. History of Prince Perrypets; fairytale. 11356 Huggins, W. Spectrum analysis ; lect. (In Hf .-hrs. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 — joint author. ^tVee Schellen, H. Hugh Melton ; by K. King. 14330 Hugh Worthington ; by M. J. Holmes. 5901 Hughes, Mrs. — . Memoir of Mrs. Hemans ; by her sister. 1855 Plughes, E. Outlines of Scripture geography and history. 5942 Hughes, J. The kindergarten ; its place and purpose. (Pps. on educ.) *I Hughes, J. The magic lay of the one-horse chay ; poem. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) . 19141 Hughes, R. W. Popular treat, on the currency question, fr. a southern point of view. 18491 Hughes, S. Treatise on gas works and the pract. of manuf. and distrib. coal gas. 5th. ed. 15444 — Treatise on water-works for the supply of cities and towns. *I Hughes, T. Alfred the Great. ^ 8144 — Condition and prospects of the Church of Eng. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 • — The manliness of Christ. 19470 — Memoir of a brother. 11398 — Memoir of D. Macmillau. 22033 — Mental furniture ; or. Adaptation of knowledge to men. 2067 — Rugby, Tenn. ; acct. of the settlement on the Cumberland plateau ; with a rept. on the soil, by F. W. Killebrew. 20708 — School days at Rugby. See Tom Brown's school days, helovj. — Scouring of the White Horse. 2069 — Tom Brown at Oxford. 2 v. 4926-7 — Tom Brown's school days. 2068 Note. Amer. ed. called School days at Rugby. — True manliness ; fr. the writings of "H., by E. E. Brown. Introd. by J. R. Lowell. (Spare min. ser.) 22586 — The working classes in Europe. {In Atlas essavs.) 18292 — Hinton, R. J. {In his Eug. rad. lead.) ^ 13828 Hughes, W. R. Principles and management of the marine aquarium. 14219 Hugh's vendetta; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. (In her Nina's atonement, etc.) 11950 Hugo, J. A. (F.) Victor Hugo ; by a witness of his life ; tr. by C. E. Wilbour. 5298 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 623 Hugo, V. M. comte. L'annee terrible. 14413 — Bug-Jargal. 14414 — Same. Jargal ; tr. by C. E. Wilbour. 6298 — Capital punishment ; Claude Gneux ; La^^t day of a condemned man. 8053 — Les chansons des rues et des bois. 14415 — Les contemplations. 2 v. 14416-17 — Hans d'Islande. 2 v. 14418-19 — Same; Eng.tr. The brigand. 13854 — The history of a crime. 17461 — La l^gende des si^cles. 14420 — Same ; nouv. ser. 2 v. ^ 14488-9 — Litterature et philosophic Melee's. 2 v. 14421-2 Contents. V. 1. But de cette publication. — Journal des idees, des opinions et des lectures d'un jeune Jacobite de 1819.— Journal des idees et des opinions d'un revolutionnaire de 1830. 2. Fragment d'histoire. — M. Dovalle.— Guerre aux d^molisseurs. — Ymbert Galliox.— Mirabeau. — Choix d'ceuvres oratoires: Academic Fran(;aise. — Conseil d'etat. — Dls- cours et rapports.— Discours prononces a des funerailles. — The man who laughs ; tr. by W. Young. 7842 — Les miserables. 5 v. ' 14423-7 — Same\ Eng. tr. 2117 — Napoleon the Little. 2070 — Same. The destrover of the 2d. republic ; being Napoleon the little. 9065 — Notre dame de Paris. 3 v. 9361-3 — Same. Another copy. 2 v. 14428-9 — Same. The hunchback of Notre dame ; tr. "by H. L. Williams, Jr. 13560 — Odes et ballades. ' 14430 — Les Orientales ; Les feuilles d'automne ; Les chants du crepuscule. 14431 — Les quatre vents de I'esprit. 2 v. 14661-2 Contents. Y. 1. Le livre satirique ; Le livre dramatique. 3. Le livre lyrique ; Le livre epique. — Quatrevingt-treize. 9464 — Same. Another copy. 2 v. 14432-3 — Same. Eng. tr. Ninety-three. 12312 — Le Rhin ; lettres 5\ un ami. 3 v. 14434-6 — Same. The Rhine ; tr. bv D. M. Aird. 12758 — Theatre. 4 v. * 14437-40 Contents. Y. 1. Cromwell. 2. Hern ani.— Marion de Lorme. — Le roi s'amuse. 3. Lucr^ce Borgia.— Marie Tudor. — Angelo. 4. La Es- meralda. — Ruy Bias. — Les Burgraves. — Torquemada ; drame. 7^ 6d. 14787 — La tour de Nesle. {In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr., v. 14.) 11816 — Les travailleurs de la mer. 2 v. 14441-2 — Same. Eng. tr. The toilers of the sea. 6297 — Yictor Hugo en Zelande. 14445 — Les voix interieures ; Les rayons et les ombres. 14444 — William Shakespeare. * 14443 — Barbou, A. Yictor Hugo ; his life and works. 203.54 — Castelar, E. (Zw Tit's Life of Lord Byron, e«c.) 15338 — Gautier, T. Un buste de H. {In his Fiisains et eaux fortes.) 14637 and others. {In their Famous French authors.) 19026 — Hazeltine, M. W. {In his Chats.) 22863 — Hugo, J. A. F. Yictor Hugo ; by a witness of his life ; tr. by C. E. Wilbour. 5298 — King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 — Matthews, J. B. {In his French dramatists, etc.) 21038 — Mauris, M, {In his French men of letters.) 19854 — Pollock, W. H. {In his Lect. on Fr. poets.) 18638 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 1, and Prem. lund., v. 1, 3.) *I — Swinburne, A. C. L'homme qui rit; L'annee terrible. {In his Ess. and studies.) 14246 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 — Towle, G. M. {In his Certain men of mark.) 20075 Hugo de Avalon^ Lincolniensis. Froude, J. A. A bishop of the 12th. cent. (In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 Hugueuot exiles, The ; or, The times of Louis XIV. ; hist. novel.) 2071 Hugueuot family ; by S. Tytler [Miss Keddie]. 7138 Huguenots. Baird, H. M. History of the rise of the H. of France. 2 v. 19020-1 624 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY — Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenots ; new ed. — Daniels, G. F. The H. in the Nipmuck country ; or, Oxford prior to 1713. — Lawrence, E. The Huguenots. {In his Hist.' stud.) — Lee, H. F. The Huguenots in France and America. 2 v. — Marsli-Caldwell, A. C. The Protestant Reform, in France ; or, History of the H. 2 V. — Marteilhe, J. The Huguenot galley-slave ; autobiog. of a Fr. protestant. — Masson, G. The Huguenots ; hist.' fr. the beginning of the reformation to the death of Louis XIV. — Parkraan F. Huguenots in Florida. {In his Pioneers of France.) — Punshon, W. M. {In his Lect., etc.) — Smiles, S. The Huguenots in Eng. and Ireland; with app. rel. to the H. in America. The Huguenots in France after the rev. of the Edict of Nantes. — iSee also tJgonotti. 548 19058 21670 2072-3 2924-5 6671 21732 5984 11802 7112 12139 Huguenots, Les (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 3.) *I 18030 par A. E. Scribe. Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Rome. B. C. 76 to A. D. 140. Huillard-Br^holles, J. L. A. Oliphant, T. L. K. Life of H. (In his Duke aud the scholar.) Huish, M. B., and Thomson, D. C. The year's art, 1880-3; painting, sculpture, and architecture. Hulda ; by F. Lewald ; tr. by Mrs. Wister. Hull, Prof. Quarries and building stones. (Brit, manuf. ind.^ 15466 Hull, W. Clarke, J. F; (In Ms Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 HuUah, J. Cultivation of the speaking voice. — History of modern music. — The song book ; words and tunes f r. poets and musicians. — joint autho7\ See Ravenstein, E. G. Hulme, F. E. Art instruction in England. — Flower painting in water colours. — Glaisher, J., Mackie, S. J., and Hunt, R. Art. stud. fr. nature. Human face divine, The, and other tales ; by M. Gatty. Human follies ; by J. Noriac. Human form. The ; by T. Parsons. (In Jiis Ess., ser. 1.) Human life ; by H. C. Wright. Humane progress. Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi ; hist, of humane progress under Christianity. Humber, W. Handy book for the calculation of strains in girders, e^c, and their strength. Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Cosmos ; tr. by E. C. Otte, etc. 5 v. 2074 — Letters to Varnhagen von Ense, with extr. fr. V.'s diaries, and letters fr. Y. and others to Humboldt. Authorized trans. . — Same ; tr. by F. Kapp. — Personal narr. of trav. to the equinoctial regions of America, 1799-1804; tr. by T. Ross. 3 v. — Same, condensed. See beloni. Travels, etc. — Travels and researches; condsd. narr. of journeys in the equin. reg. of America and in Asiatic Russia, etc. ; by W. Macgillivray. — Views of nature ; or, Contemplations on the phenomena of creation ; tr. bv E. C. Otte, and H. G. Bohn. — Bruhns, K. Life of H. 2 v. — Hale, E. E. Humboldt's travels. {In his Stor. of adventure.) — Klencke, P. F. H. Alex, von Humboldt; a biog. monument; tr. by J. Bauer. — Lieber, F. Alex. v. Humboldt. {In his Misc. writ., v. 1.) — Life and travels of H. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) — Martineau, H. {In he)' Biog. sk.) ' 7657 — Memoir of H. {In Hamilton, R. British fishes.) — Milnes, R. M. Humboldt at the court of Berlin. {In his Monographs.) Humboldt, K. W., Freilierr von. Letters to a lady ; from the German, with introd. by C. G. Leland. — Religious thoughts and opinions ; [f r. Brief e an eine Freundin] . — Sphere and duties of government ; tr. by J. Coulthard, Jr. 14164 *I 12779 10943 12390 8403 22224 *I *I 11372 5949 6139 4878 22369 13035 8 *I 2420 2079-81 2082 11600-1 20849 5027 20134 4356 16744 7163 11606 5635 2083 15748 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 625 — Schlesier, G. Life of H., tr. and abgd. by J. Bauer. ^ 5027 Humboldt Library. Namely: Caird, J., and others. Oriental religions. ^ 21880 Humbug. See Delusions. Hume, D. History of England, to 1688. 6 y. 2088-93 — Same. 4 v. \. 2 wanting. 2084-7 — History of England to 1688 ; abgd. and eont. to 1858. Illust. (Student's Hume.) 2118 — Philosophical works. 4 v. *I Contents. Y. 1, Life of the author.— Letter from A. Smith to W. Strachan and latter-will and testament of Hume. — Acct. of controversy betw. Hume and Rousseau. — List of Scotticisms. — Treatise on humaii nature: Of understanding. 2. Of passions.— Of morals. — Dialogues cone, natural religion. 3. Essays, moral, polit., and literary. 4. In- quiry cone, human understanding."— Inquiry cone, principles of morals.— App'., Nat. hist, of religion. — Add, essays. — Brougham, H. (/% /iis Lives of men of letters.) 523 Same. {In his Works, v. 2.) *I — Burton, J. H. Life and correspondence of H. 2 v. *I — Foster, J. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Huxlev, T.H. Hume. (Eng. men of letters.) 18280 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Hume; the sceptic. {In her Hist, sk.) 8132 — Rogers, H. Hume. (/?i Xew biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Stephen, L. {In his Hist, of Eng. thought, v. 1.) 16794 Hume, J. Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk») 7657 ; 16744 Humming-birds, Wallace, A. R. Humming-birds, as illust. the luxuriance of trop. nature. {In his Trop. nat.) 17818 Humor. -See English humor ; — Wit. Humorous phases of the law ; by I. Browne. 22512 Humphrey, H. Domestic education. 2097 — Essays on the Sabbath. 2096 — Memoir of N. "W. Fiske ; with select, from his sermons, etc. 2098 Humphrey, L. B. Designs. {In Knox, W. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?) 16574 Humphrey, W. Necessary attitude of catholic laymen towards scholastic philosophy. Constituents of the personal. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I Humphreys, Andrew A. The Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. (Camp, of the Civ. War.) 22942 Humphreys, D. Essay on the life of I. Putnam ; notes and add. App. cont. hist, and topog. sketch of Bunker Hill battle, by S. Swett. 2095 Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector's manual. 2 v. 2099-100 Humphreys, T. D. Student's guide to coat cutting. 22526 Humphris, D. J. Sanitary develop, of Cheltenham. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I Humphry, W. G. Jeremy Taylor's Holy living and dying. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev..life.) 18849 — Tillotson, the pract. preacher. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach, of the Eng. Ch., ser. 2.) 18551 Humphry Clinker ; by T. Smollett. Illust. 4064 — Same; with mem. of author, by T. Roscoe. 13191 Hunchback, The; play; by J. S. Knowles. {In his Dram. works.) 11888 — Same {In Mod. stand, dram., v. 2.) 11804 Hunchback of Notro-Dame ; by V. Hugo. 13560 Hundredth birthday. The, and other tales ; by M. Gatty. 11375 Hungarian tales ; by [Mrs. Gore]. 3 v. 21560-2 626 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hungary. Description . — Brace, C. L. Hung:ary in 1851. 470 — Gorgei, A. My life and acts in H. 1616 — Hacklaender, F. W. - TJngarn im Jahre 1857. {In his Werke, v. 4.) 102»4 — Jokai, M. Hungarian sketches; with not. by E. Szabad. 2384 — King, E. Hungarian tvpes and Austrian pictures. (In Murphy, B., and others. On the Rhine.) "' 19935 — " Magyarland ; " trav. thr. the highlands and lowlands of H. 2 v. •! — Mansfield, R. B. (In his Log of the Water Lily.) 12202 — Paget, J. Hungary and Transylyania. 2 v. 3328-9 — Pardoe, J. City of the Magyar, 1839-40. 3 v. 3347-9 — Patterson, A. J. The Magyars. 2 v. 10135-6 — Pictures of Hungarian life. Illust. 8714 — Sketches of Germany, etc. 2d. ed. . 2317 History. — Doran, J. The four deposed kings of Hungary. (In his Monarchs, etc., V. 1.) ' 1248 — Klapka, G. Memoirs of the war of independence in Hungary; tr. by O. Wenckstern. 2 y. 2495-6 — Teflft, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth. 3d. ed. 4391 Literature. — Bowring, J. Poetry of the Magyars, prec. by a sk. of the lang. and lit. of H. and Transylyania. *I Political economy. — Wilson, A. J. Austro-Hungary and Germany. (In his Res. of mod. countries, y. 1.) ' ^ 17821 Hunnicutt, J. W. The conspiracy unveiled ; or, The horrors of secession. • 2304 Hunt, Mrs. A. W. Basildon. 18673 — The leaden casket. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20234 — The posy ring. 20164 Hunt, A. De Vere. See De Vere, A. Hunt, C. H. Life of E. Livingston ; introd. by G. Bancroft. 5588 Hunt, C. E. The Shenandoah ; or. The last Confederate cruiser. 6668 Hunt, ¥j. M. Contagious diseases of dom. animals. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I — Our knowledge of epidemics. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc. y. 6.) *I — Papers on sanitary subjects. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., passim.) *I Hunt, F. W. Practical class-book of the hist, of the world. (J. H. Colton's Hist, atlas.) 6385 Hunt, F. Worth and wealth ; maxims, morals, and miscella- nies. 6009 Hunt, H. Palgrave, F. T. Recent works by H. (In his Ess. on art.) 6531 Hunt, Mrs. H. Children at Jerusalem ; modern life in Syria. 21361 Hunt, H. G. B. Concise hist, of music, fr. the commence- ment of the Chr. era. 2d. ed. 17807 Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner. 2 v. in 1. 2101 Contents. JJ^ature of the work.— Talbot, C. Letter to a new-born child.— Shenstone, W. The schoolmistress.— Walpole H. Grown school- boys.— Pope, A. Ode on solitude.— Aikin, J. Sir Bertrand.— De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe.— Pultock, R. Peter Wilkius's discoyery of the flying woman.— LeSage, A. R. Gil Bias and the parasite.— Radchffe, A. Ludoyico in the haunted chamber.— Inchbald, E. The warning.— Amory, T. John Buncle, (incomplete). — Delights of books of trayels (incomplete) : W. de Rubriquis ; Marco Polo ; Ledyard : Muugo Park,— A shipwreck, sea voyage, etc. : C. Redding; J. Cook.— Business books, etc. : Wm. Hutton, Passages fr. his autobiog.— Barbauld, A. L. Against inconsistency in our expecta- tions. — Thomson, J. The enchantments of the vyizard Indolence, etc. — Steele, R. Stories, fr. the "Tatler," etc. ; The Spectator's Club ; Club of the CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 627 Tatler.— Goldsmith, O. Goldsmith's Clubs.— Smollett, T. G. Count Fath- om's adventure in the lone cottag^e.— Parnell, T. The hermit.— Fielding, H. Peter Pounce's dialogue with Parson Adams.— Shenstone, W. Yerses written in an inn at Henley.— Gray, T. Letters ; Ode on a distant pros- pect of Eton College ; A long story. — Richardson, J. Advantages of cul- tivating a taste for pictures. — Addison, J. Sir Roger de Coverley. — Pincknej^ Col. Manners of the French. — Cowley, A. Thoughts on a garden. — Temple, W. Thoughts on retirement ; An old English garden of the 17th. cent. — Winchilsea, Lady. Petition for an absolute retreat. — Mackenzie, H. An old country house and an old lady; Love of the country in the decline of life.— Warton, T. Two sonnets, and Inscription on a Spring.— Macpherson, J. Descriptions of night. — Trotter, J. B. Retirement and death of a statesman.— Gray, T. Elegy in a country church-yard. — A day by the fire ; and other papers. Contents. A day by the fire. — On commonplace people. — A pop. view of the Heathen mythology. — Genii of the Greeks and Romans. — Genii of antiquity and the poets.— Fairies. — Genii and fairies of the East, the ALrar bian Nights, e^c— The satyr of mythology and the poets. — Nymphs of antiquity and of the poets.— Sirens and mermaids of the poets.'— Tritons and men of the sea.— Giants, ogres, and Cyclops.— Gog and Mago^, and the wall of Dhoulkarnein. — Aeronautics, real and fabulous. — Talking of nonsense. — A rainy day. — The true enjoyment of splendor. — Retrospective review ; Men wedded to books ; Contest bet. the nightingale and musi- cian.— The murdered pump.— Christmas eve and Christmas day.— New Year's gifts.— Sale of the late Mr. West's pictures.— Translation 'fr. Mil- ton into Welsh.— The bull-fi^ht.— Love and will. — Dramatic works of Wycherley, Cougreve,Yanbrugh, and Farquhar ; with biog. and crit. notices. — Imagination and fancy ; selec. fr. the Eng. poets ; and essay in answer to thequestion " What is poetry?" — A jar of honey from Mount Hybla. Illust. by R. Doyle. New ed. — Men, women,*and books; sketches, ess., and crit. memoirs. — Poetical works. 2 v. — The religion of the heart ; manual of faith and duty. — Stories fr. the Italian poets. Contents. Dante.— Pulci.—Boiardo.—Ariosto. — Tasso.— Appendix. — Table-talk. Added, Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift. — A tale for a chimney corner, and other essays ; ed. by E. Oilier. — The town ; its memorable characters and events. — The wishing-cap papers. — Carr, F. Characteristics of L. Hunt. — Clarke, C. and M. C. Hunt and his letters. (In their recollections.) — Gilflllau, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) — Ho Witt, W. (In his Homes, etc. v. 2.) — Macaulay, T. B. (I7i his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 4.) Same.' {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) — Taylor, B. (In his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) — Timbs. J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) — Towle, G. M. (In ^is Glimpses of hist.) Hunt, L. B. Hand-book of light gymnastics. Hunt, R. Coal as a reservoir of power. (/iiEstes, D. Hf.-lir. rec, ser. 1.) — Elementary physics; introd. to the study of nat. philosophy. — On classes for scientific observation in naechanics' institutions ; On famil- iar methods of instruction in science. (In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect. — The poetry of science ; or, Studies of the phys. phenomena of nature. 1st. Amer. ed. Hunt, S. B. Soil drainag^e and atmospheric humidity. (In Soil drainage and atmospheric humidity. Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays. — Chemistry of the earth. (Iw Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) — The development of our mineral resources. (In Woolsev, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) — Origin of metalliferous deposits. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) Hunt, W. Sketch of Hunt. {In Polit. portr.) 12901 12902 12903 2102-3 2104 2105 12904 12900 7498 11404 18363 18005 2256 2000 2041 2789 20133 4436 12593 13478 21298 13114 5067 5855 5068 *I 13242 11625 16000 13114 11693 628 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hunt, William. Palgrave, F. T. Dyce and Wm. Hunt. {In his Ess. on art.) . 6531 — Wedmore, F. Wm. Hunt and Prout. {In his Stud, in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20458 Plunt, William. History of Italy. (Freeman's hist, course.) 13034 Hunt, W. M. Illustrations fr. charcoal drawings. {In Knowl- ton, K. M. Hints for pupils, etc.) , *I — Talks on art ; [ed. by H. M. Knowlton] . 13586 — Same: 2d. ser. 22470 — Angell, H. C. Records of Hunt. Illust. *I — Barto], C. A. Hunt, the artist. (Tn his Princ. and portr.) 19741 Hunter, John. A piece of paraffin. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Hunter, John, b. 1728. Gross, S. D. John Hunter and his pupils. 20196 — Sketch of H. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Hunter, R. M. T. Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 Hunter, W. W. England's work in India. 20939 — Life of the earl of Mayo, 4th. viceroy of India. 2 v. 15628-9 Hunter, W. A. Introduction to Roman law. 20216 Hunter and Tom : by J. Abbott. 9820 Hunter and trapper in No. America ; fr. the Fr. of B. R^voil ; by W. H. D. Adams. 13271 Hunter's feast. The ; by M. Reid. 3625 Hunting. Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. 17826 — Conway, J. Forays among salmon and deer. 10856 — Gumming, R. G. A hunter's life among wild animals of So. Africa ; in- trod. by B. Tavlor. 2 v. in 1. 1048 — Gumming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) 9867 — Knox, T. W. The young Nimrods around the world. Illust. 21648 The voung Nimrods in No. America. Illust. 20479 — Melville, G. J. W. Riding recollections. 19664 — Meunier, V. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. 8103 — Morris, M. O'G. Hibernia venatica; with photographs. *I — Stephens, G. A. Fox-hunting. 12028 Lvnx-hunting. 11954 — Van Dvke, T. S. The still-hunter. 22304 — Watson, A. E. T. Sketches in the hunting field. Illust. *I — See also Trapping: Sports. Hunting sketches ; by A. Trollope. 10857 Huntingdon, Countess of. See Hastings, S. S. Huntington, D. Tuckerman, II. T. Sketch of H. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Huntington, F. D., Bp. Christ in the Chr. year and in the life of man; sermons. 17358 — Ghristian believing and living; sermons. 2107 — Good talking a fine art. 2d. ed. 20S59 — Helps to a holy lent. 12229 — Home and college ; address. 2108 — Sermons for the people. 4th. ed. 2109 — Unconscious tuition. 18460 Huntington, G. The Church's work in our large towns. 2d. ed. 9891 Huntington, J. W. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In Speeches, etc.) 5183 Huntington, J. V. Alban ; tale of the new world. 2110 — Lady Alice. 2113 — Rosemary; or. Life and death. 2111 Huntington, S. Sketch of 11. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Huntington, W. R. The Church-idea; essay towards unity. 8515 — Gonditional immortalitv : sermons. 17692 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 629^ — The oneness of Scripture. (In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) • 1S496 Hurd, J. C. Theory of our nat. existence, as shown by the action of the government of the U. S. since 1861. 20860 Hurd, S. H. Biography of H. H. Downes. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Hurlbut, E. P. Essays on human rights, and their polit. guar- anties ; notes by G. Combe. 2114 Hurlbut, W. H. Gan-Eden ; or, Pictures of Cuba. 2115 Hurrah for New England ; by L. C. Tuthill. 4544 Hurry-graphs ; or, Sketches of scenery, celebrities, and soci- ety ; by N. P. Willis. 4806 Hurst, J. F. Life and literature in the fatherland. 13243 — Rehgious development. (In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the republic.) 16000 — jointed. ,S'ee Crooks, G. E. Hus, J. Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. Jean Hus et la Concile de Constance. 2 v. 9561-2 — Gillett, E. H. Life and times of Hus. 2 v. 6179-80 Same ; 3d. ed. 2 v. 9217-18 — Theobald, Z. Death of Huss, 1415. (In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 — Wratislaw, A. H. John Hus. 22190 Husband at sight ; by J. B. Buckstone. (In French's min. dram., v. 18.) . 11845 Husband, The, in Utah; by A. N. Ward. 4632 Husband, The, of an hour ; drama ; by E. Falconer. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Husbandry. See Agriculture. Husbands and homes ; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 5899 Huskisson, W. Select speeches; with biog. sketch; ed. by R. Walsh. 4826 — Speech on the motion for a select comm. on the silk trade. (In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 Husmann, G. American grape growing and wine making ; contrib. fr. grape growers, etc. Illust. 19681 Huss, J. See Hus, J. Hussard, Le ; par P. Merim^e. (/ti 7i/s Nouvelles.) 9520 Hussey, E. C. National cottage architecture ; or. Homes for every one. 12473 Hutcheson, F. Fowler, T. Shaftesbury and H. (Eng. phil- osophers.) 22219 Hutchinson, Mrs. In tents in the Transvaal. 19822 Hutchinson, A. H. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. 11052 — Trv Lapland. 10804 Hutchinson, A. Ellis, G. E. Life of H. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 16.) ■ 4125 — Hawthorne, N. Sketch of Mrs. H. (In his Fanshawe, etc.) 15903 Hutchinson, OoL J. Hutchinson, L. Memoirs of Hutchinson. 2119 Hutchinson, J. Brief narrative of the Hutchinson family. 12644 Hutchinson, L. (A.) Memoirs of the life of Col. Hutchinson ; fr. the ms. by J. Hutchinson ; pref. Life of Mrs. H. by herself. 7th. ed. Added, Siege of Latham House. 2119 — Sketch of L. Hutchinson, (In Wom, of worth.) 9121 Hutchinson, T. History of the Colony of Mass. Bay, v. 2. 1691-1750. 2120 Note. For complete work see Hutchinson, T. History of Mass., 1628- 1750, 2 v., in Reference Dept. 630 FREE PUBLIC LTBltARY. of its 13280-1 for *I Hutchinson, T. J. Two years in Peru, with explor antiquities. 2 v. Hutchinson, W. N. Dog breaking ; with odds and ends those who love the dog and gun. Hutchinson family. Hutchinson, J. Brief narr. of the H. family. 12644 Huth, A. H. Life and writings of H. T. Buckle. 19745 — On the employment of women. 22527 — The marriage of near kin, consd. with respt. to the laws of nations, results of experience, and teachings of biology. 14220 Hutter, R. Pract. tr. on the manufact. of starch, etc. See Frankel, J. Hutton, J. James and Philip van Arteveld ; episodes in the hist, of the 14th. cent. 22528 Hutton, Lawrence. American actor series; namely: Barrett, L. Edwin Forrest. 20833 Clarke, A. B. The elder and the vounger Booth. 21334 Clement, C. E. Charlotte Cushman. 21580 Field, K. C. A. Fechter. 22026 Ireland, J.N. Mrs. Duff. 21767 Winter, W. The Jeffersons. 21129 — Plays and players. 14326 Hutton, R. H. Essays ; theological and literary. 2 v. 10128-9 Contents. V. 1. Moral significance of atheism. — Atheistic expl. of religion. — Science and theism. — Popular pantheism.— What is revelation ? — Historical problems of the 4th. Gospel, — The Incarnation and principles of evidence.— Kenan's ' Christ.'— Renan's ' St. Paul.'— The Hard Church. — Romanism, Protestantism, and Anglicanism. 2. Goethe and his influence.— Wordsworth and his genius.— Shelley's poetical mysticism.— Mr. Browning. — Poetry of the O. T.— George Eliot. — Arthur Hugh Clough. — Nathaniel Hawthorne. — The Incarnation, and principles of evidence ; essay. Introd. by S. Osgood. 10602 — Influence upon moralitv of a decl. in relig. bel. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) ' 17646 — Sir Walter Scott. (Eng. men of letters.) 17969 — The soul and fut. life. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 Hutton, W. Passages fr. the autobiog. of H. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Huxley, T. H. American addresses ; with a Lect. on the study of biology. 17136 Contents. Lectures on evolution, 1876.— Address on the opening of the Johns Hopkins university.- Lecture on the study of biology. — Anatomy of vertebrated animals. 10059 — The craj fish ; introd. to the stud, of zoology. Illust. (Int. sci. ser.) 19570 — Critique's and addresses. 11635 — Evidences as to man's place in nature. 2307 — Hume. (Eng. men of letters.) 18280 — Influence upon moralitv of a decline in relig. bel. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.') 17646 — Introductory. (Sci. prim.) 19746 — Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. 8781 — Lessons in elementary physiology. New ed. 22225 — Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. 17462 — Menniskokroppens byggnad och f orriittningar ; ofversatt af C. Lov6n. 15026 — More criticisms on Darwin ; and Administrative nihilism. 9845 — On the method of studving zoology. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult, demand. by mod. life.) ' 6952 — On the phvs. basis of life. {In Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists, v. 1.) 9821 — On yeast. ' {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Origin of species. 6287 — Physiography : introd. to the study of nature. Illust. 2d. ed. 17553 — Prefatory note. {In Haeckel, E. ' Freedom in science, etc.) 18885 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 631 — Principles and methods of palaeontology. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) — Science and culture; and other essays. Contents. Science and culture.— Universities : actual and ideal. — Technical education.— Elementary instr. in physiology.— J. Priestley.— On the method of Zadig.— Border territory bet. the animal and vegetable kingdoms.— Certain errors respect, the struct, of the heart, attrib. to Aristotle. — Hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history. — Sensa- tion and the^mity of struct, of the sensiferous organs. — Evolution in biology.— The coming of age of the ''Origin of species."— Connect, of the biological sciences with medicine. — The soul and future life. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) — and Martin, H. X. Course of elementary instr. in pract. biology. iS^ew ed. — and Youmans, W. J; Elements of physiology and hygiene. lUust. — Roscoe, H. E., and Stewart, B. Science primers : namely: Foster. M. Physiology. Geikie, A. Geology.' — Physical geography. * Hooker, J. D. Botany. Huxley, T. H. Introductory. • Jevons, W. S. Logic. — Political economy. Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. Spencer, W. G. Inventibnal geometry. Stewart, B. Physics. Taylor, F. Pianoforte playing. — Congreve, R. Huxley on cbmte. {In his Ess., polit., soc, and relig.) — Porter, N. Prof. Huxley's exp. of Hume's philosophy. {In his Sci. and sentiment.) Hyacinthe, Father {previously C. Loyson). Catholic reform; letters, fragments, discourses. Pref. by A. P. Stanley. — Discourses; tr. by L. W. Bacon; with biog. sketch. Hyatt, A. About pebbles. (Guides for sci. -teach.) — Commercial and other sponges. (Guides for sci.-teach.) — Common hydroids, corals, and echinoderms. (Guides for sci.-teach.) — The oyster, clam, and other common mollusks. (Guides for sci.-teach.) — TVornis and Crustacea. (Guides for sci.-teach.) Hyde, A. M. American boy's life of Washington. Hyde, E. W. Skew-arches ; advantages and disadvantages of diff. methods of constr. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) Hyde, E., \st Earl of Clarendon. Lord Chancellor Clarendon and his friends. {In Ess. fr. the Lond. Times.*) — and Browne, Sir R. Correspondence. {In Evelyn, J. Diary, etc., v. 4.) Hyde, E. History of Winchendon, Mass. Hydraulics. Box, S. Practical hydraulics. — Bresse, J. A. C. Water-wheels* or. Hydraulic motors; tr. fr. the " Cours de m6canique appliquee," by F. A. Mahan; rev. by D. H. Mahan. — Downing, S. Elements of pract. hydraulics. Same; 3d. ed., rev. and enl. — Ellis, G. A. Tables and inf. rel. to hydraulics. {In his Work, etc.) — Ewbank, T. Descriptive and hist. acct. of hjdraulic and other machines for raising water. — Ferguson, J. Hydraulic engineering. {In his Lect.) — Jackson, L. D. A, Hvdraulic manual. 2 pts. in 1 v. — Millington, J. Hydraulics. {In Lib. Use. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) — Neville, J. Hydraulic tables, coefficients, etc., for tinding the discharge of water, etc. — Templeton. W. Practical rules in hydraulics. {In his Workshop com- panion.) — Weisbach, P. J. Hydraulics and hydraulic motors. {In his Manual, etc., V. 2.) Hydrodynamics. Hydromechanics. 11625 21538 See Hydromechanics. Besant, W. H. Elementary hydrostatics. — Brougham, H. Hydrostatics. {In Lib. Use. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 17646 1S97T 445 13073 12332 11494 15906 19746 16002 17764 13673 10190 17085 10191 17560 13048 22173 13508 8013 18428 18429 19601 19602 21766 6995 14154 9693 1422 2121 9989 16092 12377 13862 17573 1432 5038-9 17735 4331 *1 14248 9061 14190 4331 632 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Craig, T. Motion of a solid in a fluid, and the vibrations of liquid spheroids. Wave and vortex motion. — Ferguson, J. Hydrostatics. {In his Lect.) — Templeton, W. Practical rules in hydraulics and hydrodynamics. {In his Workshop companion.) Hydrogen. Reynolds, J. E. Hydrogen as a gas and as a metal. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) Hydropathy. Shew, J. The hydropathic family physician. — Trail, R. T. The hydropathic encyclopedia. 2 v. in 1. Hydrophobia. Bouley, H. Hydrophobia ; means of avoiding its perils, and preventing its spread. Hydrostatics. See Hydromechanics. Hygeia, a city of health ; by B. W. Richardson. Hygeiolatry. Cobbe, F. P. Hygeiolatry. {In her Peak in Darien.) Hygiene. Bazar book of health. — Blaikie, W. How to get strong and how to stay so. — Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking. — Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick: seq. to Philosophy of eating. — Black, J. R. The ten laws of health. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 v. Hints on health : with instr. for the treatment of the skin. Hygeiolatry. {In her Peak in Darien.) Dwelling houses; their sanitary constr. and arrange- — Buck, A. H. — Coale, W. E, hair, etc. — Cobbe, F. P. — Corlield, W. H, ments — Cutter, C. Treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. — Dalton, J. C. Treatise on physiology and hygiene. — Davis, I. P. Hygiene for girl's. — Eassie, W. Sanitary arrangements for dwellings. — Egleston, N. H. Villages and village life, with hints for their improve- ment. — Evans, T. W. Instruments of medicine, surgery, hygiene, etc, {In U. S. Coram, to Paris Expos., 1867, Rept., v. 5.) — Every day home adv. rel. chief, to household management. — Fothergill, J. E. The maintenance of health. — Graham, S. Lectures on the science of human life, v. 2. — Granville, J. M. How to make the best of life. The secret of a clear head. — Hall, W. W. Health by good living. The guide boaf d to health, peace, and competence. — Huxley, T. H. and Youmans. AY. J. Elements of physiology and H. — Jenkiri, F. Healthy houses; adapt, to Amer. cond. bv G. E. AYaring, Jr. — Kingsley, C. Scieiice of health. {In his Health and education.) — Lambert, T. S. Human anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. — Lewis, D. Our girls. Talks about people's stomachs. Weak lungs, and how to make them strong. — Martin, H. K. The human body; cond. of its healthy working. — Mussey, R. D. Health ; its friends and foes. — Parkes, E. A. Manual of practical hygiene. — Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary engineering. — Richardson, B. W. Hygeia, a city of health. A ministry of healthjl and other addresses. — Sanitary economy ; its principles and practice. — Smith, E. Health ; hand book for households and schools. — Trail, R. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) — Waring, G. E. The sanitary cond. of city and country dwelling houses. — Welch, F. G. Moral, intellectual, and physical culture. — The youth's health-book. Public hygiene. — Amer. Public Health Ass. Public health reports and papers. — Ass. of Munic. and San. Engineers and Sur. Proceedin^js. — Bowditch, H. I. Public hygiene in Amer.; centennial disc, Phila., 1876; with extr. fr. corresp.'fr. the states; Digest of Amer. sanitary law, by H. G. Pickering, etc. 19485 18764 5038-9 14248 11626 3971 4485 16553 21882 11956 18665 10065 7565 11271 19451-2 859 21882 21160 1073 13553 22938 13526 17963 9100 22194 13864 1624 21446 19293 8370 9337 445 18513 12906 2558 13033 8798 1440 *I 3141 13519 20549 16553 19225 3768 13575 4485 17203 8877 17718 17327 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 633 — Buck, A. H. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 v. 19451-2 — Denton, J. B. Sanitary engineering; lect., 1876. *I — Hart, E., ed. Manual of public health; bv W. H. Michael, W. H. Cor- field, and J. A. Wanklyn. ^ 16534 — Mass. Commissioners for a Sanitary Survey of the State. Eeport of a plan for the prom, "of pub. and pers. health. 17651 — Slagg, C. Sanitary work in the smaller towns and villages. 16781 — See also Health primers ;— Keen, W. W. Am. health primers ;— Manuals of health. Also Mental hygiene ;— Physical education. Also Children ;— Eye ; — Food ; — Medicine ; — Passions ; — Plumbing ; — Water-cure ;— "Woman. Also Mass. State Bd. of Health. Hymn of praise (Lobgesaog) ; symphonia cantata, by Men- delssohn. *I Hymenoptera. See also Ants ; — Bees ; — Wasps. Hymns. Alford, H. (7n Ms Poetical works.) 12006 — Bowring, Sir J. Matins and vespers ; with hyms and devotion pieces. *I — Chapman, J. E. C. Easter hvmns. 15669 — Faber, F. W. Hymns. ' 14035 — Hildebertus, St. Hymn of H. ; and other mediaeval hymns ; with trans. by E. C. Benedict. 7274 — Loftie, W. J. The Latin year; coll. of hymns for the seasons of the Church; select, fr. mediaeval and mod. authors. 14004 — McCaskey, J. P. Franklin square song collection. 20774 — 3Iarch, F. A. Latin hymns, with Eng. notes. 13247 — Neale, J. M. Mediaeval hymns and sequences. *I — Palmer, R. Book of praise; fr. J]ng. hymn writers. 8405 — Sears, E. H. Sermons and songs of the Christian life. 13253 — The seven great hymns of the mediaeval Church. 14800 — Tileston, M. W. Sursum corda; hymns for the sick and suffering. 17177 —See also Songs. Hypatia. Dall*, C. H. Hypatia, a sketch and review. (Jn ^er Hist, pictures.) • 1080 Hypatia ; by C. Kingsley. 2474 Hyperides. Hyp^ride. (7w Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Hyperion, Book I. ; by J. Keats. 19014 Hyperion ; by H. W. Longfellow. 2744 Hyperion, The new ; by E. Strahan \^Earl Shinn]. 13350 Hypocrite, The; comedy; by S. Smith. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 14.) 11816 Hypsometry. California. Geological survey. Contributions to barometric hypsometry ; with tables. *I I dine with my mother ; by C. McLachlan. {In French's min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 I will be a soldier ; by L. C. Tuthill. 4553 Ibn-Batuta, Abu-Abdallah Muhammad. Renan, E. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 Ice. Buckley, A. B. The two great sculptors — water and ice. ( In her Fairy-land . ) 1 8435 Ice age. Geikie, J. The great ice age. 12808 The ice age in Britain. {In Estes, D. Hf .-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Ice-cream and cakes; standard, fresh, and orig. receipts; by an American. 22496 Iceland. Description, etc. — Blackwood, F. T. H. Letters fr. high latitudes, 1856. 1283 — Burton, R. F. Ultima Thule; A summer in I.; historical introd., maps, and illust. 2 v. 17373-4 — Coles, J. Summer travelling in I.; with hist, introd., etc. Maps and illust. 22651 41 634 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Kneeland, S. An American in I. ; acct. of its scenery, people, and hist., with descr. of its millennial celebration, 1874. 15370 — Lock, C. G. W. The home of the Eddas; with a chap, on the Spren- gisandr ; by C. L. N. Foster. 19659 — Miles, P. Nofdurfari; or. Rambles in Iceland. 3037 — Mueller, F. M. The Norsemen in Iceland. (In his Chips, v. 2.) 7665 — Oswald, E. J. Bv fell and fjord ; or, Scenes and studies in I. lUust. 22417 — Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 18257 History. — Headley, P. C. The island of fire; or, A thousand years of the old northmen's home. 13458 Literature. — Anderson, R. B. Viking tales of the North. 16642 — Dasant, G. W. The story of Burnt Njal. 2 v. *I — Grettis saga; the story of Grettir the strong; tr. bv E. Magnusson and W.Morris. ' *I — Icelandic sagas. (In Coles, J. Summer trav. in I.) 22651 — Kormak; an Icelandic romance of the 10th. cent. 2513 — Magnusson, E. and Morris, W. Three northern love stories, etc. 14226 — Thorpe, B. Edda of Siemund the learned ; fr. the Icelandic. *I — Yiga Glum's saga; tr. by E. Head. 15848 — See also Eyrbiggia Saga. Ice-making machines. Ledoux, — . Ice-making machines ; theory of the action of cold-producing machines. 19253 Ice-pack and tundra; by W. H. Gilder. 22724 Ichthyology. Balfour, F. M. Monograph on the develop- ment of Elasmobranch fishes. 20832 — Bigland, J. A natural history of birds, fishes, etc. 5756 — Guenther, A. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the Brit. Museum. *I — Jardine, W. Naturalist's library, v. 35-40. 7161-6 — Wood, J. G. Illustrated natural history. ' 6184 — See also Black Bass. Ici on parle Fran^ais ; by T. J. Williams. (In French's min. dr., V. 38.) 7990 Iconoclasts. See also Idols. Iconography, Christian. See Christian art. Ida Craven ; by H. M. Cadell. 15895 Idaho. Codman, J. (In his Round trip, etc.) 18704 — U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Territories. Annual report, 1877; by F. Y. Hayden. * . 20436 ~ See also Northwest ;— West. Ide, G. B. Bible pictures; or. Life-sketches of life-truths. 7181 Ideal, The. Adler, F. Priest of the ideal ; Form of the new ideal. {In Ms Creed and deed.) 17409 Ideal, The, in art ; by H. A. Taine. 8443 Ideal of the future ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer- work.) 19019 Idealism. Biichner, L. {In his Aus Natur und Wissenschaft.) 10250 Ideality in the physical sciences ; lect., by B. Peirce. 20554 Id^e de Jean T^terol, L' ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14551 Ideler, L. Unterschungen iiber den Ursprung und die Bedeu- tung der Stern namen. Ein Beytrag zur Geschichte ges- tirnten Himmels. *I Identification of the artisan and artist the proper obj. of Amer. Educ. ; illust. by a lect. of Card. Wiseman ; with Essay on Froebel's reform of primary educ. ; by E. P. Peabody. 8131 Identity; by L. Lequel. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 44.) 11832 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 635 Idioms. Nixon, J. E. Parallel extr. arranged for trans, into Eng. and Latin, with notes on idioms. *I Idiot witness ; drama ; by J. T. Haines. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 31.) . 11825 Idle hands ; by T. S. Arthur. . 9818 Idle word, The ; short relig. ess. upon the gift of speech, etc. ; by E. M. Goulburn. 10010 Idler, An, Reminiscences of ; by H. Wikoff. 20079 Idler, The ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 15.) 3969 Idler, The ; by S. Johnson. 5083 Idler and poet [poems] ; by R. Johnson. 22266 Idlewild. See Willis, N. P. Idoles d' argile, Les ; par L. Reybaud. {In Ms Nouvelles.) 9547 Idols and iconolasts ; by J. W. Howe. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Idols and ideals ; by M. D. Conway. 16980 Idumtiea. Glennie, J. S. S. {In his Pilgrim memories.) 15363 Idyl, An, of the honey-bee ; by J. Burroughs. {In his Pepac- ton.) 20466 Idyl, An, of work ; by L. Larcom. 13927 Idyls of Norway, and other poems ; by H. H. Boyesen. 22126 Idyls of the King ; by A. Tennyson. 4394 If, yes, and perhaps; [tales] ; by E. E. Hale. 7522 If I had a father : by G. MacDonald. {In his Gifts of the child Christ, v. 2.) 22413 Ignatius Aritiochenus, Bp. Jackson, G.. A. Ignatius of An- tioch. {In his Apostolic fathers.) 18997 — Newman, J. H. Theology of St. Ignatius. {In his Ess., crit. and hist., V. 1.) ' 10126 Ignazio de Loyola, St. Brigham, C. H. {In his Mem. etc.) 20560 — Lawrence, E. Loyola and the Jesuits. {In his Hist, studies.) 21670 — Rose, S. IgnatiusLoyola and the early Jesuits. 10725 — Stephen, J. Ignatius Loyola and his associates. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) * 4351 — Taylor, I. Loyola; and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 11368 Ignorance. Foster, J. On popular ignorance. {In his Ess.) 7688 Ihne, W. Early Rome, fr. the found, of the city to its destruc- tion by the Gauls. Map. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 18009 — History of Rome, v. 1-3. 9347-9 Ike Partington ; or. The adventures of a human boy and his friends ; by B. P. Shillaber. 18171 II faut qu' une porte soit ouverte ou ferm^e ; II ne faut jurer de rien ; par A. de Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 2.) *I II n'est si petit qui ne compte ; II n'est chance qui ne retourne ; par P. Celi^re. {In his En sc^ne.) 14601 II Penserosa. See Milton, J. Udrewe, Miss. The language of flowers. Introd. fr. T. Miller. Illust. 8640 He de feu, L' ; par C. Debans. {In hisDrames a toute vapeur.) 14653 Ilios. See Troy. Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories ; by H. H. Boyesen. 20192 Ill-gotten gold ; fr. Milman. {In Yenable, W. H. Dramas, etc) 20582 Illinois. History. — Arthur T. S. and Carpenter, W. H. Illinois. (Lippincott's Cab. hist.) 239 636 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, — Washburne, E. B. Sketch of E. Coles, Gov. of 111., and of the slavery struggle of 1823-4. 21263 Illuminatiou. Chemistry of artificial illumination. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5189 Elumination (of mss. and books). Ward, M. Practical treat. on the art of illuminating. *I Illusions ; a psychological study ; by J. Sully. 20786 Illustrated biographies of the gt. artists. Namely : Arnold, G. M. B. Gainsborough ; Constable. 20261 Atkinson, J. B. Overbeck. 22072 Cartwright, J. Mantegna and Francla. 20840 Clement, C. Michelangelo. 19756 D^\nvers, ]S^. Raphael. 18916 Dobson, A. Hogarth. 19325 Gower, R. Figure painters of Holland. 19535 — Romnev and Lawrence. 21764 Head, P. R. Van Dvck [and] Frans Hals. 18920 Heath, R. F. Albrecht Durer. 20769 — Titian. 18769 Heaton, M. C. Correggio. 22032 Kett, C. W. Rubens. 19349 Minor, E. E. Murillo. 21340 Mollett, J. W. Meissonier. 21389 — Rembrandt. 18774 — Wilkie. , 20374 Monkhouse, W. C. Turner. 19036 Osier, W. R. Tintoretto. 19125 Phillimore, C. M. Fra Angellco. 20113 Pulling, F. S. Sir Joshua Revnolds. 19893 Quilter, H. Giotto. ' 21391 Rees, J. R. Vernet; Delaroche. 19766 Richter, J. P. Leonardo. 19540 Scott, L. Fra Bartholommeo ; Andrea Del Sarto. 20386 — Ghiberti and Donatello, etc. 21779 Scott, W. B. The little masters. 19227 Stephens, F. G. Sir Edwin Landseer. 19960 Stowe, Edwin. Velasquez. 20578 Woltmann, A. and Cundall, J. Hans Holbein. 19023 Illustrated book of Scottish songs; 16th. to 19th. cent. 4077 Illustrated handbooks of art history. Namely : Smith, T. R. cmd Slater, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. 22708 Illustrated lib. of travel, etc. See Taylor, B. Illustrated Library of Wonders ; namely : Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. 10095 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. 7541 Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones. 12115 Duplessis, G. VV^onders of engraving. 15563 Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and lightning. 7125 Guillemin, A. Wonders of the moon. 11473 — The sun. 83s5 Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures. 9765 Lanoye, F. de. Rameses the Great. 8104 — Tlie sublime in nature. 8384 Lefebre, — . Wonders of architecture. 7885 Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 8507 Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation. 10507 — Wonderful balloon ascents. 8784 — Wonders of optics. 7126 Menault, E. Intelligence of animals. 8012 Meunier, V. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. 8 103 Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii, 8102 Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics. 8663 Russell, C. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 9874 Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making. 8383 Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea. 9158 Tissandier, G. Wonders of water. 9>34 Viardot, L. Wonders of Italian art. 8450 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 637 — Wonders of European art. 9873 — Wonders of sculpture. 15496 Whiteing, Jl. Wonderful escapes. • 9864 Zlircher and MargoUe. Meteors, aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phenomena. 15683 Illustrative gatherings; manual of anecdotes, etc.. adapt, for Cbr. teaching; by G. S. Bowes. 2 ser. 21221-2 Illustre docteur Math^us, L' ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9390 Illustre magicien, L' ; by J. A. de Gobineau. {In his Nouv. Asiatiques.) 14480 Illustrious stranger; by J. Kenney. (T7i French's min. dram., V. 16.) 11844 Illyria. Freeman, E. A. The Illyrian emperors and their land. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 Imaginary conversations. See Lander, W. S. Imaginary invalid. The ; comedy ; by Moli^re. (In his Dram. wks., V. 3.) 16845 Imagination. Goshen, G. J. Cultivation of the imagination. 19012 — Tyndall, J. Scientific use of the imagination. {Iii his Frag, of sci., v.2.) 19304 Imagination and fancy ; select, by Leigh Hunt. 12901 Imitatione Christi, De. Farrar, F. W. ''De Imitatione Christi." {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 Imitative art. Dyer, T. H. On imitative art, its principles and progress. 22521 Immermann, K. L. Der Carneval und die Somnambiile. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16151 — Wonders in the Spessart. (/n Tales fr. the German.) 4347; 5217 Immigration. See Emigration. Immisch, M. The balance spring and its isochronal adjust- ments. ^ 11316 Immortal life, The ; essays, by J. Weiss. 19813 Immortality. Adler, F. Immortality. {I7i his Creed and deed.) ' 17409 — Alcott, A. B. Immortality. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Bartlett, S. C. Life and death eternal ; refut. of the theory of annihilation. 17605 — Burlingame, E. L. (In his Cur. discussion, v. 2.) * 17646 — Clark, T. M. (In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — Clittbrd, W. K. The unseen universe. (In his Lect. and ess., v. 1.) 19515 — Cobbe, F. P. The life after death. (In her Hopes of the human race.) 13506 — Huntington, W. R. Conditional immortality. 17692 — King, T. S. Plato's views of immortalitv. '(In his Patriotism.) 5721 — Mead, C. M. The soul here and hereafter. 18680 — Sears, E. H. Fore^leams and foreshadoNvs of immortality. 15494 — Stewart, B. and Tait, P. G. (In their Paradoxical philos'ophv.) 18321 — Stewart, S. J. Immortality. (In his Gospel of law.) * 22178 — See also Future life, for the character of the future life. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick ; by C. Bradlaugh. 13230 Imperial England ; by M. Burrows. 20923 Impiety, recklessness, and perplexity; by F. P. Guizot. ^{In A /s Meditations.) 6964 Impostures, The, of Scapin ; farce ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram, wks., v. 3.) 16845 Impressions et souvenirs ; par George Sand. 14505 — Same. Impressions and reminiscences ; by George Sand. 16581 Impromptu, The, of Versailles ; comedy ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram, wks., v. 1.) 16843 Improvisatore, The ; by H. C. Andersen. 160 638 FllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Improvisatore, The, and the heeler ; by F. W. Loring. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 Imray, J. Dynamics ; Hydrostatics ; Hydro-dynamics ; Pract. mechanics ; The steam-engine. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of * the sci.) 5192 In a cellar ; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. {In her Am- ber gods, etc.) 5430 In a street car ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy, etc.) 19857 In and out of place ; by S. D. Johnson. {In French's min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 In change unchanged; by L. Villari. 17023 In doors and out ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 1 11 In duty bound. 10685 In exitu Israel ; by S. Baring-Gould. 8684 Note. The Am. ed. of this work is called Gabrielle Andr6. In extremis; by Mrs. R. 8. Greenough. 11157 In his name ; by E. E. Hale. (Tales for trav., v. 1.) 7299 In honor bound ; by C. Gibbon. 13328 In my Indian garden ; by P. Robinson. 18750 Note. Substantially repr., with add., in Under the sun. In prison and out ; by H. Smith. 19230 In-promptu de Versailles, L'. ; comedie ; parMoli^re. (Oeuvres, V. 3.) 14606 In school and out ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 5556 In search of the castaways ; by J. Verne. 11713 In silk attire ; by W. Black. 11919 In the brush ; old-time life in the southwest ; by H. W. Pierson. 20879 In the Camargue ; by E. Bowles. 13546 In the confessional ; by A. B. Edwards. {In her Night, etc.) 22071 In the cotton country ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Rodman the keeper.) 19610 In the days of my youth ; by A. B. Edwards. 12143 ''In the days of thy youth." Sermons ; by F. W. Farrar. 16659 In the distance ; by G. P. Lathrop. 21427 In the Eastern seas; by W. H. G. Kingston. 10613 In the greenwood; by [M. A. Tincker]. {In her Winged word, e^c.) 11595 In the harbor; by H. W. Longfellow. (Ultima thule, pt. 2.) 21771 In the hemlocks ; by J. Burroughs. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 In the ice ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {In his Coupon bonds, etc.) 11228 In the meshes ; by C. McKenzie. 17341 In the meshes ; by W. R. Thayer. 20646 In the mist ; by R. Porter. 18604 In the red room ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy, etc.) 19857 In the Schillingscourt ; by [E. Johns]. 19085 In the spring of my life ; by Princess O. Cantacuzene. 18735 In the toils ; by Mrs. A. G. Paddock. 18808 In the wide world ; by T. Federhohn. {In Thirteen good stor.) 11874 In the world ; by M. G. Darling. 9622 In the year '13 ; tale of Mecklenburg life ; by F. Renter. 7298 In three heads ; by L. Kip. {In his Hannibal's man.) 21796 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 639 In trust ; by A. M. Douglas. 6389 In trust ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 3 v. 21736-8 In war time ; and other poems ; by J. G. Whittier. 5691 Ina; by K. Valerio. 9173 Incarnation. Hedge, F. H. Incarnation and trans-substanti- ation. (J7i /lis Ways of the spirit.) 17367 — Hutton, R. H. The Incarnation, and princ. of evidence. 10602 Same. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — White, E. Life in Christ; Scripture doctr. on the nature of man, the ob- ject of the Incarnation, etc. 17820 Incas. See Peru. Inchbald, Mrs. E. (S). Plays. See French's minor drama; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — A simple story. 11673 — The warning ; from "Nature and art." {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Adams, W. H. D. {In his Women of fashion, etc., v. 2.) 18868 — Elwood, A. K. {InherMem.,\.l.) 22790 — Kav^nagh, J. {In her Eng. women.) 7014 Incognito, The ; by T. De Quincey. {In his Log. of polit. econ.) 1162 Income, Public. See Finance. Inconsolables, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 2.) *I Inconstant, The ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, wks.) 4889 — Same. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) ^ 11824 Indecision; monologue; par C. de Sivry. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 3.) 14793 Ind^pendants, Les; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 3.) *I Independence ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Silver pitchers, etc.) 16781 Independence Hall. Philadelphia. Belisle, D. W. History of Independence Hall. 5447 India. Council of hidia. — Eastern Persia; acct. of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commis- sion, 1870, 71, 72. 2v. *I Contents. V. 1. Geo^aphy with narr. by Majors St. John, Lovett, and Euan Smith ; introd. bv F.J. Goldsmid. 2. Zoology and geology, by W. T. Blandford. II lust. Cojnmerce and manufactures. — Mackay, A. Western India ; Keports to the Chambers of Commerce. 2838 — Rovle,'j. F. Arts and manufactures of I. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, 'etc. Lect.) 4735 • Description and Travels. — Arnold, E. L. On the Indian hills ; or. Coffee-planting in So. India. 2 v. 21473-4 — Ball, Y. Jungle life in India. 20919 — Braddon, E. Life in India. 11145 — Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee hills ; acct. of a journey. 12562 — Corner, J. India, pictorial, descriptive, and historical. 977 — Cust, R. N. Pictures of Indian life, 1852-1881. Maps. 21952 — Dike, C. W. {In his Greater Britain.) 7616 — Field, H. M. {In his From Egypt to Japan.) 17334 — French, H. W. Our boys in India ; young Americans in Hindustan. 22259 — Heber, R. Narrative of "a journey thr. the upper provinces of I., 1824-25 ; Journey to the southern provinces, 1826; and Letters written in I. 2 V. 1839-40 — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two vouths in a jour, to Cevlon and I., etc. 21097 — Macleod, N. Days in North India. ' 8646 — Margary, A. R. {In his Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo.) 16540 — Matheson, J. England to Delhi; narr. of Indian travel. 8972 — Merewether, H. A. {In his Bv sea and bv land.) 12730 — Minturn, R. B., ,//•. {In his From N. Y. to Delhi.) 3076 — Murray, H., and others. Historical and descr. act. of Brit. Ind. 3 v. 503-5 640 FREE PUBLIC LIBHARY. — Orlich, L. Y. Travels in India, incl. Sinde and the Punjab. 2 v. 4585-6 — Pidgeon, D. (In his Engineer's holiday.) 22419 — Prime, E. D. G. {In his Around the world.) 10074 — Roberts, E.' Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, v. 2. 3663 — Robinson, P. In my Indian garden. 18750 Note. Reprinted, with changes and add. in Under the sun. Under the Punkah. 22540 — Russell, W. H. Mv diary in India, 1858-9. 2 v. *I The Prince of Wales' tour. 17916 — Tavler, W. Thirtv-eight vears in India. 2 v. . 22836-7 — Taylor, B. Visit to India', 1853. 4358 — Urwick, W. Indian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I — Vincent, ¥., Jr. The land of the white elephant; travel and adv. in Farther India, 1871-2. 12274 (In his Through and through the tropics.) 15497 — Wood, J. Personal narr. of a journey to the source of the river Oxus, 1837-8. 4851 — Wood, W. M. Fankwei; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, etc. 4857 — Wright, C. Lectures on India. 4876; 4877 History. — Gaunter, H. India. (Romance of historv.) 11432 — Digby, W. The famine campaign in So. India, 1876-78. 2 v. 21558-9 — Elliot, G. (In his Life and letters, 1807-1814.) ' 19649 — Goldsmid, F. J. James Outram ; biog. 2 v. 20212-13 — Hunter, W. W. Life of the Earl of Mayo, viceroy of I. 2 v. 15628-9 — Lake,E. Sir Donald McLeod ; record of serv. in I. 1258J — Macfarlane, C. History of British India. . 2821 — Marshman, J. C. Historv of India to the close of Lord Dalhousie's ad- ministration. 3 V. ' 13590-2 — Mill, J. History of Brit. India; notes and contin. by H. H. Wilson. 9 v. *I — Muir, J. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India. 5 v. *I — Murray, H., and others. Historical and descr. acct. of Brit. India. 3 v. 503-5 — Robertson, W. Historical disquisition cone, the knowledge which the ancients had of I,, etc. 3669 — Taylor, M. Student's manual of the historv of India. 10739 — Wheeler, J. T. Short hist, of India. Maps and tables. 20037 — See also Clive, R. Language. ' — Beames, J. Outlines of Indian philology, with a map showing the distrib. of Indian lang. * *I — Renan, E. La primitive grammaire de I'Inde. (In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 — Schlegel, K. W. F. On the language and philosophy of the Indians. (In his Aesthet. and misc. works.) ' 22359 Lav\ — Maine, H. S. Village-communities in the East and West. 10167 Legends. — Dutt, T. Ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan. 22215 — Frere, M. Old Deccan days ; or, Hindoo fairy legends current in So. I. ; coll. fr. oral tradition; "introd. and notes by B. Frere. 7619 — Hindoo tales ; tr. from the Sanscrit of the Das'akumaracharitam bv P. W. Jacob. 11670 Literature. — Arnold, E. Indian poetry. 21929 — Saint Victor, P. de. Kalidasa; le thetUre Indien. (In his Les deux masques, v. 2.) 14719 3Iissions. — Anderson, R. History of the Missions of the Am. Bd. C. F. M. in India. 13541 — Marshman, J. C. Life and labours of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, the Serampore missionaries. 6898 — Montgomerv, J. (Li his Journal of vovjiges and travels bv D. Tverman and G. Bennet, v. 3.) ' * 3109 — Narrative of the Orissa mission. 3300 National character, social life, etc. — Hodges, E. R. (In his Corv's anc. frag.) 16535 — Lutfullah. Autobiographv of L. ; a Mohamedan gentleman ; ed. by E. B. Eastwick. ' 10824 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 641 Natural history. — Adams, A. L. Wanderings of a naturalist in India. 11044 — Shakespeare, H. Wild sports of India. 4749 Philosophy. — Hindu philosophy; the Bhagavad Geta: or, The sacred lav; tr., with notes, by J. Davies. 22309 — Schlegel, K. W. F. On the language and phil. of the Indians. {In his Aesthet. and misc. works.) . 22359 Politics. — Cobden, E. {In his Political writings, v. 2.) 6752 — Congreve, R. {In his Ess., polit.. etc.) 13048 — Hunter, W. W. England's work in India. 20939 — Owen, S. J. Stability of the Brit, empire in I. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, V. 1.)* 17645 — Routledge, J. English rule and native opinion in I. ; fr. notes, 1870-74. 17602 — Torrens, W. M. Empire in Asia ; how we came bj' it. 10730 ^ — Wilson, A. J. Economic position of I. {In his Res. of mod. count., v. 1.) 17821 * — Wvllie, J. W. S. Essavs on the external policv of I. ; ed., with a life by 'W.W. Hunter. ' " 18649 Peligion. -Barth, A. The religions of India. . 21269 — Caird, J. Religions of I. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Religions of India; Brahmanism; Buddhism. {In his Orient, reli^.) 21880 — Cobbe, F. P. ReUgion and literature of I. {In her Darwinism, etc!) 10835 — Gangooly, J. C. Life and religion of the Hindoos. 2202 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. religion. 11017 — Mozley, J. B. Indian conversion, (/n /i/8 Ess. hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306 — Mueller, F. M. Origin and growth of relig. as illust. bv the religions of I. 18283 — Williams, M. Hinduism. * 17510 — See also Brahmanism ; — Buddha and Buddhism. Zoology. — Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India; their haunts and habits fr. pers. obs. ; with acct. of the modes of capturing and taming elephants. *I "Miscellaneous. — Allen, D. O. India, anc. and mod. : with acct. of the state and prospects of Christianity. 6059 — Andrew, W. P. India and her neighbors. 18124 — Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo to parts of Bengal and Upper I. 2 v. 8733-4 — Feudge, F. R. India. Illust. 22578 — Maine, H. S. The eflfects of obs. of India on mod. European thought. 13967 — Manning, C. Ancient and mediaeval India. 2 v. 10649-50 — Mueller, F. M. India ; what can it teach us ? - 22819 — Murray, H., and others. Historical and descr. acct. of Brit. India. 3 v. 503-5 — 31 vers,' P. V. N. (7w /u".s' Remains of lost empires.) 13466 — Temple, R. India in 1880. 20590 — See also Bengal ;— Kashgar ;— Nepaul. India-rubber. Collins, J. Gutta-percha and India-rubber. 15473 Indian boy, The ; by H. C. Adams. 9287 Indian club. Kehoe, S. D. Indian club exercise. 9900 Indian pilgrim ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {Inker Works, v. 4.) 3958 Indiana; by George Sand [Mme. Dudevant]. 5780 Indians, North American. General and misceUaneous. — Battey, T. C. Life and adv. of a Quaker among the I. 14188 — Catliri, G. Last rambles among the I. of the Rocky Mts. and Andes. 7128 Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the I. 2 v. 729-30 Notes of eight years' travels and residence in Europe, with his No. Am. Indian collection. 2 v. 1442-3 — Custer, G. A. Personal exper. with I. {In his My life on the plains.) 13233 — Dodge, R. I. Our wild I. ; pers. exper. among the* red men of the West. *I Plains of the great West and their inhabitants ; description of the plains, game, Indians, etc. 16766 — Duffee, J. Idea of the supernatural among the I. {In his Works.) 10156 — Earle, J. M. Report cone, the Indians of the commonwealth ; [Massa- chusetts] . 19353 642 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Goodrich, S. G. ^Manners, customs, and autiq. of the I. of N. and S. Amer. 1586 — Jones, C. C, Jr. Antiquities of the southern Indians, partic. the Georgia tribes. *I — Keim, De B. R. {In his Sheridan's troopers on the borders.) 8649 — Manypennv, G. W. Our Indian wards; [U. S.] 19663 — Miller, C. H. Shadows of Shasta. 20570 — Otis, E. S. The Indian question. 17788 — Ploughed under; story of an Indian chief told by himself. 20425 — Schoolcraft, H. R. Personal mem. of thirty years with the Indian tribes, 1812-42. ^ 3802 — Speeches on the passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, del. in the Cong, of the U. S., 1830. 5183 — Tibbies, T. H. Hidden power; secret history of the Indian ring, etc. 20580 — United States. Commissioner of Indian affairs. Annual report, 1874. 13937 — Walker, F. A. Indian citizenship. (In Atlas ess.) 18292 History. — De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecticut, 1850. *I — Drake, S. G. Biography and history of the Indians of No. America. 1267 — Ellis, G. E. The red man and the white man in No. Am. fr. its discovery. 21687 — Gale, G. Upper Mississippi ; historical sketch of the mound-builders, Indian tribes, etc. 7264 — Goodrich, S. G. History of the Indians of No. and So. Amer. 1593 — Jackson, H. M. A ceutiiry of dishonor y sketcli of the U. S. government's dealings with the Indian tribes. 20165 — Lewis, R. B. Light and truth; collect, from the Bible and hist.; univ. hist, of the colored and Indian race. 2648 — Mcintosh, J. The origin of the No. Am. Indians. 2826 — Trumbull, H. Indian wars. 4511 Beligion. — Brinton, D. G. American hero-myths; native religions of the western continent. 22314 — See also Apache;— Creek;— Crows;— Eskimos;— Hidatsa;— Iroquois;— Narraghansett ;— Navajo ;— Nez.Perces ;— Poncas ;— Sioux ;— Utes. Also Black Hawk;— Brant, J. ;—Metacomet ;— Pocahontas ;— Red Eagle; —Red Jacket ;— Winema. . Also Montana ;— New England. Also Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Also Eggleston, E., and G. C. Fam. Am. Ind. Indicator. Burgh, N. P. The indicator diagram practically considered. 18734 — Hopkinsou, J. Working of the steam engine, expl. by the use of the I. *I — Porter, C. T. Treatise on the Richards steam en^. indicator. 3d. ed. *I Same ; with notes, etc.. as devel. bv Amer. practice ; formulas and rules bv F. W. Bacon. 2d. ed. ' 13568 Same. 3d. ed. 19694 — Roper, S. {In Ms Engineer's handvbook.) 20280 — Pray, T., Jr. Twenty years with the indicator, v. 1. 22639 Indigo. Hayes, J. L. * Notes upon indigo. 19618 Individualism. Alcott, A. B. Individualism. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Indo-China. Tomson, J. The straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China. 13580 Indo-European nations. Keary, C. F. Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races. 21625 — Kelly, W. K. Curiosities of Indo-European tradition and folk-lore. 11365 Induction. Liebig, J. von. Induction and deduction. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 Induction coils ; how made and how used ; repr. from the 8th. Eng. ed. (Van Nostraud's sci. ser.) 20692 Note. Eng. ed. entitled " Intensity coils," by Dyer. Inductive sciences. Whewell, W. History of the inductive sci- ences. 3d. ed., with add. 2 v. 4733-4 Industrial arts. See Arts, Useful. Industrial conciliation and arbitration ; by C. D. Wright. 22505 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 648 Industrial drawing. See Drawing ; — Geometrical drawing. Industrial history of free nations ; by W. T. McCuilagh. 2 v. 5115-16 Industrial schools. Wilson Industrial School. Little lessons for little housekeepers. 18605 Inds Parker ; par M. Uchard. 14654 Inez ; by A. J. Evans. 5585 In^z Mendo, ou, Le prejug^ vaincu par P. M^rim^e. {In his Th^^tre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 In^z Mendo, ou, Le triomphe du pr^jug^, par P. M^rim^e. (In his Theatre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Infant diet; by A. Jacobi. 13374 Infant mortality in cities ; by H. Hartshorn. {In Amer. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) *I Infant salvation. Barrett, B. F. Beauty for ashes ; old and the new doctr. cone, the state of infants after death con- trasted. 313 Infanta, The, at Presburg, by [Mrs. Gore]. {In her Hungarian tales, V. 3.) 21562 Infanterie et cavalerie ; par E. Veixjonsin. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s^r. 3.) * 14793 Infantry. U. 8. War Dept. Infantry tactics ; by W. Scott. 3 v. 3859-61 — Upton, E. Infantry tactics : double and single ranks ; adapt, to Amer. topography and improved fire-arms. 15878 Infant's progress. The. (/n Sk. and ess. fr. the Sat. Review.) 12749 Infant's progress, The ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, V. 5.) 3959 Infection. See Pathology. Infelice ; by A. E. Wilson. 15331 Infernal marriage. The ; by B. Disraeli. 5839 Infidelity. Christlieb, T. Best methods of counteracting mod. infidelity. 7333 — Manning, H. E. French infidelity. {In his Misc.) 17190 Infinite. Calderwood, H. Philosophy of the infinite. 10162 — Parsons, T. The infinite and the finite. 9981 Infinity. Flammarion, C. Stories of infinity ; tr. by S. R. Crocker. 11987 Influences. King, T.S. Indirect influences, (/n /iis Patriotism.) 5721 Ingelow, J. Don John. (No name ser.) 20189 — Fated to be free. 13898 — Mopsa, the fairy. 8027 — Oft' the skelligs. 11120 — Poems. 5512 — Poems. 2. v. 12462-3 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Poor Matt ; or, The clouded intellect. ' 6590 — /Same. {In A sister's bye-hours, belovj.) 6354 — Sarah de Berenger. * 18923 — The shepherd lady, and other poems. *I — A sister's bye-hours. 6354 Contents.' Prejudice; or, The black polyanthus.— Laura Richmond.— Poor Matt ; or, the clouded intellect.— Widow Maclean ; or, lending to the Lord.— Ups and downs of life.— Marked.— " Muschachitomio." — Storv of doom ; and other poems. 7044 — Studies for stories. 5797 Contents. The cumberers.— Mv great aunt's picture.— Dr. Deane's governess.— The stolen treasure.— Emily's ambition. Ingemann, B. S. Historiska romaner ; Svensk ofversattning. 4v. 15027-30 644 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Innehall. Y. 1. Waldemar Seier. 2, Erik Menveds bariidora. 3. Konung Erik och de Fredlose. 4. Prins Otto of Danmark och hans samtid. Ingemisco. 7042 Ingersoll, C. Feai's for democracy regarded fr. the Amer. point of view. 13657 — Birds'-nesting; hdbk. of instr. in gathering- and preserv, nests and eggs. 21587 — Friends worth knowing ; American nat. history. Illust. 20059 — Knocking round the rockies. Illust. 22265 — Old ocean. Illust. 22587 Ingersoll, L. D. History of the War Department of the U. S. ; with biog. sk. of the secretaries. 18978 — Life of Horace Greeley. 11975 Ingham, B. Tyerman, L. (In Ms Oxford Methodists.) 11955 Ingham, F., pseud. /See Hale, E. E. Ingham papers ; by E. E. Hale 7715 Inglis, H. D. Personal narr. of a journey thr. Norway, part of Sweden and Denmark. 4th ed. 2125 — Switzerland, South of France, and the Pyrenees in 1830 ; by D. Conway. 2 v. 2126-7 Inglis, J. {pseud. "Maori.") Our Australian cousins. 20737 — Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier. 18264 Ingo ; by G. Freytag. (Our forefather^.) 11791 Ingoldsby, T. Flood;— Grattaur—O'Connell;— Patrick, St.;— Swift. Description and travels. — Bailev, J. M. {In his England fr. a back-window.) 18153 — Becker, B. H. Disturbed Ireland; letters, 1880-81. 20556 — Black, A. and C. Guide to Belfast, Giant's Causeway, and the north of I. *I Guide to Killarney and the south of Ireland. *I Picturesque tourist of Ireland. Illust. 12th. ed. *I — Burritt, E. Walk f r. London to John O'Groat's ; with notes by the way. 6504 — Carlyle, T. Reminiscences of my Irish Journey, 1849. 21760 — Floredice, W. H. Memories of a montli among the mere Irish. 21971 — Hall, F. W. {In his Rambles in Europe.) 1727 — Hall, S. C. ana A. M. Ireland; its scenerv, character, etc. 2 v. *I — McGrath, T. Pictures fr. Ireland. * 20162 — Thackeray, W. M. The Irish sketch book. 4404 — Willis, N.' P. {In his Famous persons and places.) 4804 Ecclesiastical history. {Beformation.) — Cobbett, W. History of the reformation in Eng. and Ireland. 21223 A book with "*!" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 42 650 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Education. Arnold, M. An unregarded Irish grievance. {In his Irish ess.) 21494 History. — Amory, T. C. Transfer of Erin; or, The acquisition of I. by England. 16937 — Barririgton, Sir J. Historic records and secret memoirs of the legislative union bet. Gt. Brit, and I. *I — Burke, T. N. Ireland's case stated in reply to Mr. Froude. 11378 — Cusacli:, M. F. Student's manual of Irish historv. 10696 — Duflfy, C. G. Four years of Irish history, 1845-1849. 22765 Young Ireland : frag, of Irish historv, 1840-1850. 20048 — Froude, J. A. The Enghsh in Ireland in thel8th. cent. 3 v. 11164; 12804-5 — Giles, H. Spirit of Irish history. (In his Lect., etc., v. 1.) 2252 — Haverty, M. History of Ireland, anc. and mod. ; with notes. 7720 — Lawrence, E. The Conquest of Ireland. (In his Hist, stud.) 21670 — McDonnell, J. The Ulster civil war of 1641 ; with the hist, of the Irish brigade under Montrose, 1644-46. 19523 — McGee, J. C. Fronde's slanders on I. and Irishmen; lect., 1872. Pref. and notes, and W. Phillips's views. 11385 — McGee, T. D'A. Popular hist, of T. ; to the emancipation of the Catho- lics. 2v. 15490-1 — Madden, R. R. The United Irishmen, their lives and times. 4 ser. 13511-14 — Meehan, C. P. The Irish Hierarchy in the 17th. cent. ( With his Rise and fall, etc.) 22229 — Mitchel, J. History of I., fr. the treaty of Limerick; cont. of the hist. of the Abb6 Macgeoghegan. 7500 — Moore, T. History of Ireland. 2 v. 2861-2 — O'Callaghan, J. C. The Irish brigades in the service of France. 12864 — O'Couor, W. A. History of the Irish people. 2 v. 22923-4 — Spalding, J. L. Amid Irish scenes ; English rule in Ireland. ,( With his Relig. miss, of the Irish.) 22299 — Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. 17506 — Thebaud, A. J. The Irish race in the past and the present. 11697 — Walpole, C. G. Short history of the kingdom of Ireland. 22065 — Wingfield, L. My Lords of Strogue; chronicles of I. fr. the Convention to the Union. 3 v. 20124-6 — Wright, T. History of Ireland. 3 v. 9084-6 — See also Drummond, T. ;— Fifty years of the House of Lords ;— O'Con- nell, D. Land question. — Arnold, M. The incompatibles. (In his Irish ess.) 21494 — Cant- Wall, E. Ireland under the land act ; with leading cases. 21814 — George, H. The Irish land question. 21624 — Jones, W. B. The life's work in Ireland of a landlord who tried to do his duty. 20277 — King, D. B. The Irish question. 22157 -^Mill, J. S. Chapters and speeches on the Irish land question. , 8965 — O'Brien, R. B. The parliamentary hist, of the Irish land question, 1829- 1869 : and the origin and results of the Ulster custom. 20545 — Richev, A. G. The Irish land laws. 20226 — Russell, C. "New views on Ireland;" or, Irish land; grievances, remedies. 20281 — Tuke, J. H. Irish distress and its remedies ; visit to Donegal and Con- naught, 1880. 20346 Language. — Windisch, E. A concise Irish grammar; with pieces for reading; fr. the German, by N. Moore. 22719 Literature. (Ballads. Collections.) — Joyce, R. D. Ballads of Irish chivalry ; songs and poems. 9737 — Molloy, J. L. Songs of Ireland, with new symphonies and accompani- ments. *I Literature. (Legends.) — De Vere, A. The foray of Queen Meave ; and other legends, of Ireland's heroic age. 22106 — Joyce, R. D. Legends of the wars in Ireland. (Imperfect.) 7132 — Kennedy, P. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts. 11461 Literature. (Poetry.) — Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of I. ; with hist, and crit. notes. 20885 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 651 National character, social life, etc. — Carleton, ^\. Traits and stor. of the Irish peasantry, v. 1-3. 7572-4= — Giles, H. Ireland and the Irish. {In his Lect. and ess., y. 2.) 2253 — Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. 7767 Politics. — Baj^enal, P. H. The American Irish, and their infl. on Irish politics. 21496 — Burke, E. Letters, speeches, and tracts on Irish affairs ; coll. by M. Arnold. 20761 — Cobden, R. (In his Political writings, v. 1.) 6751 — Congreve, R. (7w ^,zs Ess., polit., soc, and relig.) 13048 — Manning, H. E. Ireland ; letter to Earl Grey, 1868. (In his Miscellanies.) 17190 — Pigott, R. Personal recoil, of an Irish national journalist. 22420 Prisons. — Carpenter, M. Reformatory prison discipline as developed by TV. Crofton. *I Sports. — Morris, M. O'C. Hibernia venatica. *I General and Miscellaneous works. — Giles, H. Lectures and essavs on Irish and other subjects. 7850 — Tonna, C. E. Letters fr. Ireland. {In her Works.) 4474; 4476 Ireland and America. {In French's min. dram., v. 10.) 11841 Ireland as it is ; drama ; by J. A. Amherst. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 15.) 11817 Irene ; and Hathaway Strange. 9186 Irene Macgillicuddy. See Tender recollections. Ireno the missionary. 19390 Iris ; by O. W. Holmes. {In Little class., v. 7.) 12978 Irish ambassador ; by J. Kenney. {In French's min. dram., V. 5.) 11837 Irish assurance and yankee modesty. {In French's min. dram., V. 8.) 11840 Irish attorney; by B. Bernard, (/n French's min. dram., v. 1.) 6056; 11833 Irish broom maker ; by C. A. F. Wood. {In French's min. dram. , V. 10.) 11841 Irish bulls. Essay on ; by M. Edgeworth. 1326 ; 15288 Irish Catholicism and Brit, liberalism, by M. Arnold. {In his Mixed ess.) - 18465 Irish essays ; and others ; by M. Arnold. 21494 Irish in America. Bagenal, P. H. The American Irish and their infl. on Irish politics. 21496 — Maguire, J. F. The Irish in Amer. 7254 — Spalding, J. L. The religious mission of the Irish, and Catholic colonizar tion. 22299 Irish lion ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 4.) 11836 Irish post; by J. R. Planch^. {In P'rench's min. dram., v. 11.) 11841 Irish tiger ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 11.) 11841 Irish tutor; by R. Butler. {In French's min. dram., v. 2.) 11834 Irish widow ; by D. Garrick. {In French's min. dram., v. 21.) 11846 Irish yankee ; by J. Brougham. {In French's min. dram., V. 11.) 11841 Irishman in London ; by Macready. {In French's min. dram., V. 18.) * 11845 Irishman's manoeuvre. {In French's min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Iron (in mineralogy, mining, and metallurgy). Bauerman, H. Treatise on the metallurgy of iron. 7502 — Beardslee, L. A. Experiments on the strength of wrought iron and of chain-cables; rept. of Comm. of U. S. Board; rev. and abgd. bv W. Kent. ' . 19556 652 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Bell, I. L. Chemical phenomena of iron smelting. — Campin, F. Analysis of iron and iron ores. (Jn his Pract. treat, on mech. eng.) — Hewitt, A. S. Production of iron and steel in its economic and soc. relar tions. (In U. S. Comm to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 2.) — Larkin, J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide; add., Recent im- provements in the manuf. of iron, steel by the Bessemer process, etc. 5th. ed. — Meade, R. Coal and iron indust. of the United Kingdom. — Osborn, H. S. Metallurgy of iron and steel, theor. and pract., with spec. ref . to Amer. materials, etc. — Overman, F. Manufacture of iron. — Simmonds, P. L. The iron manufacturer. (In his Sci. and comm.) — Styffe, K. Elasticity,' extensibility, and tensile strength of iron and steel. — Truran, W. The iron manufacture of Great Britain. — Van Buren, J. D., J>'. Investigations of formulas for the strength of the iron parts of steam machmery. — Williams, W. M. Iron and steel. — See also Iron work;— Metal work. Also U. S. Manufactures. Iron bridges. See Bridges. Iron cage ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {Inher Works, v. 4.) Iron chest, The ; play ; by T. Colman, the younger, (/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 6.) Iron cousin. The ; by M. C. Clark. Iron gate, The ; and other poems ; by O. W. Holmes. Iron hand. The ; by A. Dumas. Iron horse, The ; by R. M. Ballantyne. Iron mask, The ; by A. Dumas. Iron rule, The ; by T. S. Arthur. Iron shroud. The ; by W. Mudford. {In Little class., v. 3.) Iron-work. Armour, J. Iron and heat; beams, pillars, and iron .smelting. — Campin. F. Treatise on iron bridges, girders, roofs, etc. — Fairbaini, W. Application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. — Fryer, W. J., Jr. Architectural iron work; pract. work for iron workers, ^etc. — Pole, W. Iron as a material of construction — Smith, C. (i . ( Tn his Engineering papers.) Irons, W. J. The Christian tradition. Church and the age, ser. 2.) — The state, the Church, and the synods of the future The Church, etc., ser. 1.) Ironthorpe ; by J. T. Trowbridge. Iroquois Indians, or Five Nations, or Six Nations. craft, H. R. Notes on the Iroquois. Irrigation. Haskoll, W. D. {In his Waterworks. Eng. field-work, v. 2.) — Stewart, H. Irrigation for the farm, garden, and orchard. Irving, D. James Crichton. {In New biog. of ill. men.) Irving, E. Carlyle, T. {In his Reminiscences.) Death of I. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 3.) — De Quincey, T. (In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) — Gilfillan, G. (hi his Sketches, etc. and Third gallen', etc.) — Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of Irving. Irving, F. B. Six girls. Irving, P. M. Life and letters of Washington Irving. 11000 6516 9097 8472 21712 *I 3319 18644 9110 *I 21575 15465 3958 11808 849 19839 11582 10073 10993 11866 12974 9129 9851 10853 16035 *I; 10735 13637 {In Weir, A. The (In Weir, A. School- Pract. of 10823 8627 4507 3801 *I 17086 2803 20233 Irving, T. 1154 2255; 22.57 5454 21236 4 V. 2290-2; 2295 Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto. .2138 — " More than conqueror " ; or. Memorials of J. H. Kitching. Irving, W. Adventures ville, B. L. E. — Alhambra. of Capt. Bonneville. See Bonne- 11277 2140 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 653 — Astoria ; or, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rockv Mts. 2141 — Braeebrid^e hall. 2143 — Same. Illust. ♦! — Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 2148 — Crayon miscellany. • 2161 Contents. Tour on the prairies. — Abbotsford. — Newstead Abbey. — The Cravon reader ; select from Irving. 9830 — The golden age of New York. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — History of New- York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2149 — Life and voyages of Chrfstopher Columbus. 3 v. 2144-6 — Same ; abridged. 2163 — Life of Washmgton. 5 v. 2151-5 — Mahomet and his successors. 2 v. 2156-7 — The northmen. (/w Rice, A. T. Ess. from the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Oliver Goldsmith ; biog. 2142 — Rip Van Winkle ; with designs and photographs of Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. *I — Salmagundi. See Salmagundi. — Sketch-book. 2159 — Spanish papers ; ed. by P. M. Irving. 2164 Contents. Same as V. 1. below. — Spanish papers, and other misc. ; ed. by P. M. Irving. 2 v. 5868-9 Contents. V. 1. Legend of Don Roderick. — Legend of the subjuga- tion of Spain.— Legend of Count Julian and his family.— Legend of Pel- ayo.— Abderahman : the founder of the dynasty of the Ommiades in Spain.— Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez, Count of Castile.- Chronicle of Fernando, the saint.— Spanish romance. 2. Letters of Jonathan Old- style, Gent.— Biographical sketches.— Reviews and miscellanies. — Student's life of Washin^on. 10498 — Tales of a traveller ; by Geoffrey Crayon. 2160 Contents. Strange stories by a nervous gentleman.— Buckthorne and his friends.— The Italian banditti.— The money-diggers. — Wolfert's Roost ; and other papers. ' 2162 — Everett, A. H. Irvine's Columbus. [In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 — Haweis, H. R. (In his Amer. humorists.) 22504 — Hill, D. J. Washington Irving. Portr. 18302 — Irving, P. M. Life and letters of W. Irving. 4 v. 2290-2; 2295 — Notice and selections. {In Am. prose.) 19641 — Prescott, W. H. Irving's conquest of Granada. (In his Biog. and crit, misc.) 3541 — Warner, C. D. Studies of Irving. 19609 W. Irving. 21126 IrviDgton stories ; by M. E. Dodge. 7133 Irwin, R. B.^ joint author. See Bowman, S. M. Is he jealous? by Beaseley. {In French's min. dram., v. 18.) 11845 Is he Popenjoy? ; by A. Trollope. 17861 Is life worth living? by W. H. Mallock. 18662 — Same. (In Little classics, v. 18.) • 20167 Is lying easy? comedy; tr. and adapt, fr. the Germ, of Bene- dix, by A. Wall. *I Is that all. (No name ser.) 16698 Isa; a pilgrimage ; by C. Chesebro'. 812 Isaacs, I. S., ed. Friday night; tales illust. Hebrew life. 8459 Contents. Anschel, the Schlemiel.— The Sabbath eve.— A tale of the Inquisition.— Rachel's sleigh ride. — Unable to die.— The Tephilin. — The Rabbi's daughter. Isabel ; by J. C. Jeaffreson. 2338 Isabel ; by S. S. Ellis. (In her Chap, on wives.) 1366 Isabel of Bavaria, queen of France ; by A. Dumas. 13960 Isabella, Queen of Castile and Aragon. George, A. (In her Annals, etc.^ v. 2.) 5057 — Goodrich. S. G. (In his Lives.) 1584 — Hewitt, M. E. (In her Lives.). 1899 — Jameson, A. (iro her Memoirs, v. 1.) 2326 — Sketch of Isabella the Catholic. (In Worn, of worth.) 1219 — Yonge, C. D. (In his Seven heroines of Christendom.) 18848 654 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Isabella Orsini ; by F. D. Guerazzi. 1694 Isabelle ; drama; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 22.) 11821 Isacus. Is^e. (Jn Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Is^e. See Isacus. Iseulte ; by C. L. H. Dempster. 13924 Islam. See Mohammedanism. Island neighbors, The ; by A. B. Black well. 9769 Island pearl. An ; by B. L. Farjeon. 14322 Island, The, of Bogussa ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer-work.) 19019 Island of fire. See Iceland. Island of jewels ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, V. 4.) *I Islands. Wallace, A. R. Island life ; phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras ; incl. a revision and attempt. solution of the prob. of geolog. climates. 20186 — See also Atlantic Ocean. Isle of Wight. See Wight. Isles of Shoals. See Shoals. Isles of summer. See Bahama Islands : — Nassau. Isles of the sea ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 17324 Ismailia; by S. W. Baker. 13309 Isocrates. Isocrate. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Isolina; by E. O. S. 11092 Israel. See Jews ; — Palestine. Israel, The, of the Alps ; by A. Muston. 3200 Israel, The house of; by [S. Warner]. 20204 Israel in Egypt ; oratorio, by Handel. *I Israel Mort, overman ; by J. Saunders. 10053 Israelites. See Jews. Isthmus of Panama. See Panama. It is never too late to mend ; by C. Reade. 3608 It is the fashion ; by A. von Adelheid. 10904 It was a lover and his lass ; by M. O. W. Oliphant. 22596 Italian girl, The ; by K. S. Washburn. 12359 Italians, The ; by F. Elliot. 13905 Italy, Ancient. Keightley, T. Mythology of Anc. Greece and Italy. 2437 — See also Etruria. Italy, Modern. Architecture. — Freeman, E. A. Historical and architectural sketches ; chief. ItaUau. 16570 — Street, G. B. Brick and marble in the Middle Aees : tours in the No. of I. *I Army. — Amicis, E. de. Military life in Italy; sketches ; tr. by W. W. Cady. 22233 Art. — Burckhardt, J. The cicerone ; or, Art g;uide to painting in Italy. *I Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien. Ein Yersuch; bes., v. L. Gei- ger. 2v. 16309-10 — Coquerel, A. J. Fine arts in Italy. 10494 — Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts,* and works of Eubens, etc. 10178 — Jameson, A. Memoirs of the early Italian painters. • 2324 — Lanzi, A. L. History of painting in I. ; tr. by T. Roscoe. 3 v. 5524-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 655 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 3.) 17320 — Taine, H. A. Philosophy of art in I. {In His Lect. on art, ser. 2.) 21444 — Yiardot, L. Wonders of Italian art. 8450 — See also Sculptors. Biography. — Gregorovius, F. Account of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Pozzo di Borgo, and other families. (In his Corsica.) 3159 — Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women. 2 v. 10988-9 Description and Travels. — Andersen, H. C. A poet's bazaar. 158 — Arthur, W. Italv in transition. . 243 — Bartlett, W. H. \ln his Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles.) 8141 — Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. 22123 — Breckenrid^e, R. J. (In his Memoranda of foreign travel.) 472 — Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag journeys in classic lands.) 19874 — Brewster, A. H. M. St. Martin's summer. 6601 — Carr, A. North Italian folk; sk. of town and country life. 17661 — Channing, B. H. The sisters abroad ; or. An Italian Journey. 780 — Colton, W. Notes on France and I. (In his Sea and" sailor.) 906 — D., M. J. M. Art and nature under an Italian sky. 728 -♦- Dickens, C. Pictures fr. Italv. * 1211 — Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. 21823 — Figuier, 3/me. G. L. L'ltalie d'apres nature. 9567 — Freeman, E. A. Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of Venice. 21213 — Goethe, J. W. von. Letters fr. Switzerland and trav. in I. (In his Autobiog., etc., v. 2.) 1546 — Green, J. R. Stray studies fr. Eng. and Italy. 15793 — Guild, C. Abroad "again. 16945 — Hacklaender, F. W. (In his Ein Winter in Spanien, v. 1.) 10283 — Haeseler, C. H. (In his Across the Atlantic.) 7690 — Hall, F. W. (In his Rambles in Europe.) 1727 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of northern and central Italy. 3 v. 15672-4 Cities of Southern Italy. 22862 — Hawthorne, N. Notes in England and Italy. 8056 Passages fr. French and Italian note-books. 2 v. 10079-80 — Headley, J. T. Letters from Italy. 1824 — Hillard, G. S. Six months in Italv. 1920 — Howells, W. D. Italian journeys. 7628 — Italy. (In Rapid transit abroad.) 18585 — Jameson, A. Diary of an ennuyee; [travels in Italy]. 2325 — Jarves, J. J. Italian sights and papal princ. seen thr. Amer. spectacles. *I — Lippincott, S. J. (C.) Stories and sights of France and Italy. 19506 — McLellan, H, B. (In his Journal of a residence in Scotland, etc.) 2846 — McLoud, R. A. The Italian lakes. (In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 — Manning, S. Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I — Maximilian, F. M. J. Recollections of my life, 3 v. 13528-30 — Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters fr. Italy, etc. ; tr. by Ladv Wallace. 5859 — Miller, W. Notes of trav. in I. and Fr. (In his Wintering in the Riviera.) 20963 — Moore, J. Views of societv and manners in Italv. 3121-2 — Nevin, W. W. Vignettes of travel ; Sketches in'Eng. and Italy. 20070 — Norton, C. E. Notes of travel and studv in Italv. 19889 — Prime, E. D. G. (In his Around the world.) 10074 — Sterne, L. Sentimental journey thr. Fr. and Italy. (In his Works.) 4228 — Stowe, A. B. (Ill her Sunuv memories, v. 2.) ' • 42T1 — Street, G. E. Brick and marble in the Middle Ages ; tours in the no. of I. *I — Symonds, J. H. Sketches in Italy and Greece. 13888 Sketches and studies in Italy. ' 19719 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R. (In her American woman in Europe.) 7861 — Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and I. ; tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 3387 — Wallace, Mrs. E. D. (In her Woman's experiences in Europe.) 10809 — Ware, W. The Italians of middle I. (In his Sk. of Europ. capitals.) 4647 — Watson, E. H. Child-life in I. ; storvof six vears abroad. 6276 — Winter at the Italian lakes. ' * 12750 — Wordsworth, C. Journal of a tour in Italy. 2 v. 9584-6 — See also names of places, as Bologna; — Florence; — Venice, etc. Ecclesiastical history. — M'Crie, T. History of the reformation in Italy in the 16th cent. 21367 Education. — Bennett, C. W, National educ. in Italy, etc., popularly considered. 18716 656 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique en Italie. *I History. — Abbott, J. S. C. Italy ; fr. the earliest period. 2287 Italy and the war for Italian independence ; incl. biog. sk. of Pius IX. 12005 — Boscd, G. Compendium of Ital. hist. fr. the fall of the Roman Empire ; tr. and compl. bv J. D. Morell. 21476 — Botta, C. G. G. History of I., consulate and empire [1799-1814] . 458 — Burckhardt, J. Civilization of the period of the renaissance in I. 2 v. 18106-7 — Charles, E. R. History of the Reformation in Italy. {In her Tales, etc.) 5795 — Forsyth, W, The kingdom of Italy. {In his Ess. crit. and uarr.) 12723 — Freeman, E. A. Ancient Greece,' and mediaeval I. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 2.) 11525 — Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. 376-476. 2 v. 19915-16 — Hunt, W. History of Italy. 13034 — Legge, A. O. Pius IX. ; story of his life to 1850; with glimpses at the national movement in I. 13715 — Mac Farlane, C. Italy. Illust. 11433 — Meaffei, A., conte. Brigand life in I. ; hist, of Bourbonist reaction. 2 v. 16928-9 — Mignalty, M. A. Sketches of the hist, past of I. ; fr. the fall of the Roman empire to the revival of letters, etc. 16842 — P6p6, G. Memoirs, compr. principal events, [1743-1848] . 3 v. ' 34165-18 — Sforzosi, L. Compendious hist, of I. ; tr. by A. Greene. w76 — Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. History of the Italian Republics. 8010 — Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian islands. 3 v. 5946-8 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italv. 5 v. 15451; 17319-22 — TroUope, T. A. Filippo Strozzi ; last days of the old Italian liberty. 10986 Literature, — Prescott, W. H. Italian narr. poetry ; Poetry and rom. of the Italians. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 — Stampa, G. Sonnets; tr. by G. Fleming. {In Benson, E. Stampa.) 21133 — Symonds, J. A. {In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 4-5.) 17321-2 Literature. {Drama.) — See Goldoni, C. Commedie scelte. Literature. {Fiction.) — The Library has works by the following authors : Azeglio, M. P. Marq. d' ;— Dall'Ongaro, F.;— Grossi, T. ;— -Manzoni, A. Literature. {Poetry.) — Hunt, J. H. L. Stories f r. Italian poets ; summary in prose of poems of Dante, Pulci. Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso ; with comments, lives, etc. 2105 — Stebbing, H. Lives of the Italian Poets. 7005 The Library has poems by the following authors : Buonarotti, M. A. ; — Campanella, T. ;— Dante ;— Goldoni, C. Also other works by Bosio, F. ;— Colombi, Marchesa ;—Fucm\, R. ;— Pellico, S. National character, Social life, etc. — Ritchie, A. C. M. Italian life and legends. Illust. 9027 Political Economy. — Wilson, A. J. {In his Resources of mod. countries, v. 2.) 17822 See also Florence ;— Venice, etc. lung, T. Bonaparte et son temps, 1769-1799. 3 v. 14638-40 Ivan, the Terrible. Stanley, A. P. {In his Script, portr.) 8955 Ivan de Biron ; tj A. Helps. 12338 Ivanhoe ; by W. Scott. 3818 — Same. (Condensed classics.) 16107 Ivanhoe : or. Templar and Jewess ; opera ; by H. ]Marschner. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Ivanhoe ; romantic melo-drama ; by T. Dibdin. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 40.) 11830 Ivar ; by IMiss Carlen. 5275 Ives, C. The Isles of summer ; or, Nassau and the Bahamas. Illust. 20481 Ives, J. M.., joint author. See JManning, R. Ivors ; by [E. M. Sewell]. 2 v. 3902-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 657 Ivory. Arundel Society. Ancient and mediaeval carved ivor- ies. Photos, of examples of ivories in the So. Kensing- ton museum. *I — Haskell, W. Ivories anc. and mediaeyal. (So. Kensingion Mus. Art hdbks.) *I Ivrogne, Un. ; sc^ne dramatique ; par Grangeneuve. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 5.) 14795 Ivy. Hibberd, S. The ivy. 10848 Ivy ; cousin and bride ; by P. Greg. 21015 Ixion in Heaven ; by B. Disraeli. 5839 Izram ; a poem ; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4475 ; 4477 J., R. The gamekeeper at home ; sketches of nat. hist, and rural life. 3d. ed. 18288 Jack ; by A. Daudet. 17060 Jack and Jill ; a village story, by L. M. Alcott. 19868 Jack and the bean-stalk. {Li Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales.) 19660 Jack and the bean-stalk ; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Blue- beard's keys.) 18977 Jack Brag ; by T. Hook. 15652 Jack Granger's cousin ; by J. A. Mathews. 17110 Jack Hazard and his fortunes ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 9751 Jack Hinton ; by C. Lever. 2628 Jack in the box ; by G. M. Fenn. 16087 Jack Maynard's call ; by T. M. Osborne. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Jack of the mill. Life and adventures of ; by W. Howitt. 12437 Jack Sheppard ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 7.) 11839 Jack the giant-killer. {In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales.) 19660 Jack the giant-killer; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Writings.) 8668 Jack Tier ; by J. F. Cooper. 948 Jack's sister ; by D. Navers. 13362 Jack's the lad ; by W. Rogers. {In French's min. .dram., v. 39.) 7990 Jack's ward ; by H. Alger, Jr. 14106 Jack's wife. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Jackson, A. Proclamation and Nullification message. {In Coe, J. The True American, v. 2.) 5424 — Baldwin, J. G. Jackson and Clay. {In his Partv leaders.) *I — Bancroft, G. Oration comniem. of J. {In his Lit. and hist, misc.) 299 — Gregr, W. R. Three men and three eras. {In his Rocks ahead.) 13507 — Muzzey, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 — Parton, J. Life of Jackson. 3 v. 3391-3 — Qiiincy, J. Jackson in Mass. (/w Ms Fig. of the past.) 22480 — Royall, W. L. (Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the U. S.) 19368 — Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a public man. 21908 — Walker, A. Life of Jackson. 4609 Jackson, C. C, Xa^i/. Fair Lusitania ; [Portugal]. lUust. *I — The French court and society; reign of Louis XVI., and 1st. empire. 2 v. 21405-6 Jackson, Sir G. Diaries and letters ; fr. the peace of Amiens to the battle of Talavera ; ed. by Lady Jackson. 2 v. 17733-4 — A further selection fr. [his] diaries and letters, 1809-1816 ; ed. by Lady Jackson. (Bath archives.) 2 v. 17731-2 Jackson, G. A. The Apostolic fathers and the apologists of the 2d. cent. (Early Chr. lit. prim.) 18997 — Fathers of the 3d. century. (Early Chr. lit. prim.) 20478 658 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jackson, H. M., formerly Mrs. Hunt, {pseud. H. H.) Bits of talk, in verse and prose, for young folks. 16573 — Bits of talk about home matters. • 11350 — Bits of travel ; by H. H. 9962 — Bits of travel at home. 17761 — A o.enturv of dishonor : sketch of the U. S. Government's dealings with Indian tribes. 20165 — Letters from a cat ; by H. H. Illust. 19346 — Mammy Tittleback and her family ; true story of 17 cats. Illust. 20874 — Nellie's silver mine. " 17996 — The story of Boon. 13335 — Verses. New^ ed. 7300 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Short stud, of Am. authors.) 19269 Jackson J., M. D. Memoirs of J. Jackson, Jr. ; with extr. fr. his letters. 2271. Jackson, J., Jr. Bowditch, H. I. Louis's estimate of J. {In his Pub. hygiene in Amer. 17327 — Jackson, J. Memoirs of Jackson ; with extr. f r. his letters. 2271 Jackson, J. C. Consumption ; how to prevent it, and how to cure it. 5783 — How to treat the sick without medicine. 13870 Jackson, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 5.) 1057 Jackson, J., joint author. See Trueman, G-. Jackson, J. P. The Ober Ammergau Passion Play ; origin of play, hist, of the village and people, descr. of scenes and tableaux, and songs. *I Jackson, L. D'A. Aid to survey-pract. for ref. in surveying, levelling, and setting out ; and in route-surveys of travel- lers by land and sea. Table, illust. and records. 19716 — Hvdraulic manual. 2 pts. in 1 v. 17735. Oo7itents. Working tables and explanatory text ; a ^uide in hydraulic calculations and field operations. Hydraulic and Indian meteorological statistics, for the use of engineers. — Simplified weights and measures, on a natural system. 18625 Jackson, M. B. Paper. {Li Howe, J. W. Sex and educa- tion.) 12253 Jackson, S.. Alaska, and missions on the No. Pacific coast. Illust. 19655 Jackson, T. Stories about animals. 6th. ed. [Illust.] 21237 Jackson, T. J. Randolph, S. N. Life of Jackson. 15803 Jackson, W. Madden, R. R. {In his United Irishmen, ser. 2.) 13512 Jackson, W. Doctrine of retribution. (Bampton lect.) 15630 — Positivism. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) ' 9747 Jacob, A. The designing and constr. of storage reservoirs. (Van Nostrand's sci.-ser.) 14156 — Practical designing of retaining walls. (Van Nostrand's sci.-ser.) 14155 — Stone-breaking machinerv. {m Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 20 " *I Jacob, J. A. Building in silence, and other sermons. 14221 Jacob, P. W. Hindoo tales; tr. from the Sanscrit of the Dasakumaracharitam. 11670 Jacob ; sacred cantata ; by H. Smart. *I Jacob Faithful ; by Capt. Marryat. 2919 Jacobi, A. Infant diet; rev., enl.,' and adapt, to pop. use by M. P. Jacobi. 13374 — Infant hygiene. (7wBuck,A.H. Trea. on hygiene and pub. health, v. 1.) 19451 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 659 — On the improvement of the cond. of poor and sick children. (In Balti- more. Thomas Wilson Sanitarium. Sanitary care, ete.) 204:95 Jacobi, F. H. Translations. (J?i Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Jacobi, M. P. Mental action and phys. health. (In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Amer. girls.) 12327 — Question of rest for women during menstruation. (Boylston prize essav of Harv. Univ.) ' 16981 — The value of life; reply to Mr. Mallock's essay "Is life worth living?" 18941 Jacobins. See George III. Jacobite, The ; by J. R. Planch^. (In French's Min. dr., v. 3.) 11835 Jacobites. Doran, J. London in the Jacobite times. 2 v. 17663-4 Jacobus, M. W. Notes on the book of Genesis. 2 v. in 1. 11267 Jacoby, J. Tattle, H. (In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Jacotot, J. Quick, R. H. (In his Ess. on educ. ref.) 12175 Jacox, F. Aspects of authorship. 11459 — Shakespeare diversions ; a medley of motley wear. 14178 Jacquard, M. J. Lamartine, A. de. (In his Mem. of celeb. char., V. 2.) 13217 Jacquemart, A. History of furniture ; ed. by Mrs. B. Palliser. Illust. *I Jacquemart, J. F. Gonse, L. L'oeuvre de Jacquemart. *I Jacquemont, V. Hamerton, P. G. (In his Modern French- men.) 18109 Jacquerie, The ; by G. P. R. James. 2 v. 2299-300 Jacques, D. H. Hints towards phys. perfection ; philosophy of human beauty. 2273 Jacques Bonneval ; [by A. Manning]. 7041 Jacques Cartier, river. Lanman, C. Salmon-fishing on the Jacques Cartier. (In his Recoil.) 22403 Jaeger, B. Life of No. American insects ; illust. fr. specimens. 2274 Jaffier and Belvidera ; from Otway. (In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. 14222 Jahn, O. Life of Mozart ; tr. by P. D. Townsend ; pref . by G. Grove. 3 v. 22679-81 J'ai compromis ma femme ; com^die vaud. (Li Labiche, E. M. Th^^tre compl., v. 10.) 14574 J'aime les femmes ! fantaisie en prose. (I71 Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 Jaimson, G. Revolutionary soldier. (In French's Min. dr., V. 34.) 7988 Jainism. See India. Religion. Jakob van der Nees ; [v. A. von Paalzow]. 3 v. 10355-7 Jamaica. Bigelow, J. Jamaica in 1850; effects of freedom on a slave colony. 4993 — Gardner, W. J. History of Jamaica. 12119 — Great Britain. Geological Survey. Mem. of the geolog. survey. Rept. on the geologv of J. *I — Handbook of Jamaica, 1882 ; by A. C. Sinclair and L. R. Fyfe. *I — Phillippo, J. M. Jamaica; its* past and present state. 12399 James l.ofGt. Britain (previously VI. of Scotland). Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of J. 2 v. 10944-5 — D'Israeli, I. Inquiry into the character of J. (In his Lit. character, etc.) 8468 James II. of Ot. Britain. Fox, C. J. History of the early 660 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. part of the reign of J. ; with introd. ( With Carrel, J. B. N. A. History of counter rev., etc.) 721 — Same; with appendix: Correspondence, etc. 1519 James the second; hist, romance; by W. H. Ainsworth. 12793 James I. of Scotland. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 James, A. P. Eddy, D. C. (In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 James, B. W. How abattoirs improve the sanitary cond. of cities. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *I — International quarantine. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 5.) *I James, G. P. R. Agincourt. 12404 — A^nes Sorel. 6766 — Aims and obstacles. • 6267 — Arabella Stuart. 6211 — Arrah Neil. 12488 — Attila. 2 V. in 1. 6202 — Beauchamp. 12428 — The black eagle; or, Ticonderoga. 5716 — The bride of Landeck. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17554 — The brigand. 11038 — The castle Ehrenstein. 5286 — The cavalier. 2288 — Charles Tyrrell. 2286 — The commissioner. 12402 — The convict. 6288 — Dark scenes of history. 2296 — Darnlev ; or, The field of the cloth of gold. 2288 — The fate. 12416 — Forest days. 6208 — The gentleman of the old school. 11037 — The gipsy. 6717 — Gowrie. 5240 — Heidelberg. 11848 — History of Charlemagne. 2284 — The Jacquerie. 2 v. 2299-300 — The King's highway. 2301 — The last of the fairies. 5239 — Leonora D'Orco. 12421 — Life of Henry lY. 2 v. 2297-8 — Life of Richard Coeur de Lion. 2 v. • 6455-6 — A life of vicissitudes. 7146 — Lives of the Cardinal de Richelieu ; Count Oxenstiern ; Count Olivarez ; and Cardinal Mazarin. 6764 — The man in black. 17721 — Margaret Graham. 12410 — Memoirs of great commanders. 2 v. 2293-4 Contents. V. 1. Henry V.— John Plantagenet. — G. de Cordoba.— Duke of Alva.— Cromwell.— G. Monk. 2. Marshal Turenne.— Conde.— J. Churchill.— Prince Eugene.— Earl of Peterborough. — J. Manners.— Gen. Wolfe. — Morley Ernstein. 11671 — The old dominion. 5271 — The old oak chest. 6816 — Pequinillo. 6261 — Philip Augustus ; or. The brothers in arms. 2311 — Richelieu ; a tale of France. 5093 — The robber. 11039 — Rose D'Albret. 5215 — Russell. 7148 — Sir Theodore Broughton. 12441 — The smuggler. 5221 — The stepmother. 12447 — A whim and its consequences. 6241 — The woodman. 5280 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 James, Henry. Christianity the logic of creation. 2320 — Lectures and miscellanies. 2321 Contents. Lectures : Democracy and its issues.— Property as a svmbol.— The principle of universality in art.— The old and new theolog}%— Scientific CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 661 accord of nat. and revealed religion. Miscellanies : The laws of creation. —Berkeley and his critics.— God. — Man.— Responsibility.— Morality. — A very long "letter.— Spiritual rappings.— Intemperance.— Christianity. — Society the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God's omnipotence in human nature. 18469 — Substance and shadow ; morality and relig. in their rel. to life. 2381 James, Henry, Jr. The American. 2d. ed. 16948 — A bundle of letters. 19471 — Confidence. - 19537 — Daisy Miller. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 18082 — The Europeans. 18010 — French poets and novelists. 17578 Contents. Alfred de Musset. — Theophile Gautier. — Charles Baude- laire.- Honore de Balzac— Balzac's letters. — George Sand.— Charles de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert.— Ivan Turgenieff. — The two Amperes. — Madame de Sabran. — M^rim^^e's letters. — The theiitre fran^*ais. — An international episode. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18320 — The madonna of the future, and other tales. 2 v. 20809-10 Contents. V. 1. The madonna of the future. — LongstafT's marriage. — Mme. de Mauves. 2. Eugene Pickering.— Diary of a man of fifty.— Benvolio. — A passionate pilgrim, and other tales. 13460 Contents. A pt^ssionate pilgrim.— The last of the Valerii.— Eugene Pickering.— The madonna of the future.— The romance of certain old clothes.— Madame de Mauves. — The portrait of a lady. v 21030 — Roderick Hudson. " 14327 — The siege of London, The pension Beaurepas, and The point of view. 2d ed. 22588 — Transatlantic sketches. 13756 Contents. Chester. — Lichfield and Warwick.— North Devon.— Wells and Salisbury.— Swiss notes.- From Chambery to Milan.— From Venice to Strasburg.— The Parisian stage.— A Roman" holidav.— Roman rides.— Roman neighborhoods.— The after-season in Rome.— F"rom a Roman note- book.— A chain of cities.— The St. Gothard.— Siena.— The autumn in Florence.— Florentine notes.— Tuscan cities.— Ravenna.— The Spliigen.— Homburg reformed.— Darmstadt.— In Holland.— In Belgium. — Washington Square. 20060 , — Watcli and ward. 17762 ' — Hawthorne. (Morlev, J. Eng. men of letters.) 19472 — Hazeltine, M. W. (/w his Chats.) 22863 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Short stud, of Amer. authors.) 19269 James, H. A. Communism in America. (Yale. J. A. Porter prize essay.) 18597 James, M. E. How to decorate our ceilings, walls, and floors. Diagrams and cold, illust. 22805 James, M. E. What shall we act? plays ; with hints on scene- painting, etc. 2d. ed. 21481 James, S. B. Morals of mottoes. 14223 James, The, Army of. See Virginia. James Braithwaite, the super-cargo ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 22158 James Montjoy ; by A. S. Roe. 3683 James Renfew. See Unseen hand. Jameson, A. (M.) Characteristics of women. 10564 — Diary of an ennuy^e ; [travels in Italy] . 2325 — The history of our Lord as exempl.* m works of art; compl. bv Lady Eastlake. 2d. ed. 2 v. ' ' 6220-1 — Juliet. (Little class., v. 18.) 20167 — Legends of the monastic orders. 6125 — Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. 2 v. 2326-7 Contents. V. 1. Semiramis.— Cleopatra.— Zenobia.— Joanna I., Q. of Naples.— Joanna IL of Naples.— Isabella of Castile.— Marv, Q. of Scots.— Queen Elizabeth. 2. Christina.- Anne.— Maria Theresa.— Catherine II. — Memoirs of the early Italian painters. 2324 — Memoirs of the loves of the poets; biog. sk. of women celeb, in anc. and mod. poetry. 10563 662 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Much coin, much care ; dram, proverb. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 — Sacred and legendary art. 2 v. 5871-2 — Sisters of charity, Catholic and Protestant. 2328 — Sketches of art, literature, and character. 2329 — Studies, stories, and memoirs. 2330 — Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. 3 v. 18535-7 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Kingsley, C. The poetry of sac. and legend, art. {In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 — MacPherson, G. Memoirs of Anna Jameson. 18086 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Jamesone, G. Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 4.) 1056 Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., and Brown, D. Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. 2 v. 8765-6 Jan of the windmill ; by J. H. Ewing. 16658 Jane, Countess of Montfort. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Jane Eyre ; by C. Bronte [Nicholls]. 512 Jane Eyre ; drama; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 17.) 11818 Jane Seton ; by J. Grant. 10755 Jane Shore ; tragedy ; by N. Rowe. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 Janes, E. H. Abattoirs and slaughtering business in New York. {In Am. Pub. Health Assoc. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Health of tenement population ; Sanitary requirements of their dwellings. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I — Practical lessons of the rec. prevalence of small-pox, with ref . to its prev. in the future. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Janet, P. Final causes ; tr. by W. Affleck , pref. by R. Flint. 18741 Janet, a poor heiress ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 22280 Janet Darney ; by S. Doudney. 12225 Janet et ses amis ; par C. R. H. 16699 Janet Strong ; by V. F. Townsend. 5966 Janet's home ; by A. Keary. 15596 Janet's repentance ; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 17306 — Same. {In her Scenes fr. clerical life.) 11923 Janeway, E. G. Necessity for filing plans, etc., abt. matters of house constr. ; Study of the origin of contag. dis- eases ; Necessity for uniformity in the pub. of vital sta- tistics ; Post-mortem examinations. {In Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Repts., etc., v. 5.) *I Janin, J. G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, du lund., V. 2, 5.) *I Jansmin, or Jansemin, J. Harrison, J. A. Jasmin the trou- badour. {In his Group of poets.) 13752 — Preston, H. W. Jacques Jasmin. {In her Troubadours and Trouv^res.) 16687 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 3; Caus. land., v. 4.) *I Jansemin, Jaquou. See Jansmin, J. Janson, K. The spell-bound fiddler ; Norse romance ; tr. by A. Forester; introd. [sketch of Ole Bull] by R. B. Anderson. 19656 Note. Cont. also The miller boy; poem by J. S. Welhaven. Januarius, St. Liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius at Naples. 10067 January and June ; by B. F. Taylor. 5936 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 663 Janus, pseud. See Huber, V. A. Janvier, C. A. Practical keramics for students. Janvrin, M. W. Who shall separate us? {In Short stor.) Japan. Architecture. — Dresser, C. Japan ; its architecture, art, and art manufactures. Art. — Aleock, Sir R. Art and art industries in Japan. — Dresser, C. Japan ; its architecture, art, and art manufactures. — Jarves, J. J. A glimpse at the art of Japan. — Palgrave, F. T. Japanese art. {In his Ess. on art.) Biography. — Lanman, C. Leading men of Japan. Description and Travels. — Aleock, R. The capital of the Tycoon ; narr. of residence in J. 2 v. — Ayrton, C. Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-stories. — Bax, B. W. {In his Eastern seas.) — Beau voir, L. {In his Conclusion of a voyage round the world.) — Bird, I. L. Unbeaten tracks in J.; trav. in the interior, incl. visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikko and Is^. 2 v. — Campbell, G. {In his Log-letters fr. " The Challenger.") — Eden, C. H. Japan historical and descriptive. — Field, 11. M. From E^ypt to Japan. — Golovnin, V. M. Captivity in J. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) Memoirs of a captivity in J., 1811-13; wfth obs.on the counti-y, etc. 3 v. — Greey, E. Young Americans in Japan. — Helnis, L. V. {m his Pioneering, etc.) — Hildreth, R. Japan, as it was, and is. — House, E. H. Japanese episodes. — Huebner, J. A. von. {In his Ramble round the world.) — Johnston, J. D. China and Japan ; narr. of the cruise of the U. S. steam- frigate Powhatan. — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to J. and China. — MacFarlaue, C. Japan ; account geog. and hist. — Mossman, S. Japan. Illust. New Japan. — Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and J. — Pidgeon, D. {In his Engineer's holiday.) — Prime, E. D. G. {In his Around the world.) — Pumpelly, R. Residence in Japan. {In his Across America, etc.) — Rand, E. A. {hi his All aboard for sunrise lands.) — Spiess, G. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ostasien, 1860-1862 : Reise- Skizzen aus Japan, etc. Illust. — Steinmetz, A. Japan and her people. — Taylor, B. Japan in our day. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) {In his Visit to India, etc.) — United States. JVacy Dept. Report, with correspondence rel. to the naval expe. to J. (U. S. 33d. Cong., 2d. sess,, Ex. doc. 34.) — Walworth, E. H. {In his old world as seen thr. voung eves. — Wood, W^. M. {In his Fankwei.) Education. — Education in Japan; letters addr. by prom. Americans to A. Mori. History. — Adams, F. O. History of Japan, v. 1, 2. — Lanman, C. The Empire of J. {In his Leading men of J.) — Mounsey, A. H. The Satsuma rebellion; episode of mod. Japanese hist. — See also Misc. works, below. Literature. — Chamberlain, B. H. Classical poetry of the Japanese. — Greey, E. The golden lotus; and other legends of J. — Griffis, W. E. Japanese fairv world; stor. f r. the wonder-lore of Japan. — Mitford, A. B. Tales of old' Japan. 2 v. — Murasaki Shikib. Genji Monogatari. Miscellaneous ivorks. — Eden, C. H. Japan, hist, and descriptive. Illust. — Griffis, W. E. The Mikado's empire; Hist, of Japan 660 B. C— 1872; Personal experiences in Japan, 1870-1874. 21164 6965 22250 *I 22250 *I 6531 22472 5562-3 *I 15618 10800 19981-2 17375 20997 17334 4356 1572-4 21019 21974 1913 21029 13240 2377 19351 2822 20378 12585 3283 22419 10074 8031 21250 10267 4211 9819 4:358 3297 17024 4857 11488 12892-3 22472 18838 20597 22261 19879 9645-6 21973 20997 16011 664 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Reed, E. J. Japan; its hist., traditions, and religions; with narr. of visit, 1879. 2 v. 20452-3 Natural history. — Adams, A. Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. 10817 Trade. — Wilson, A. J. China and Japan. {In his Res. of mod. countries, v. 1.) 17821 Japanese in America ; Lanman, C. The Japanese in America. 10472 Japanese indemnity. Shippen, E. Release of unpaid Japa- nese indemnity by the U. S. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., etc., 1873.) 17753 Japhet ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 4.) *I Japhet in search of a father ; by Capt. Marryat. 2907 Japp, A. (pseud. H. A. Page). Golden lives. 11755 Contents. Faraday, the philosopher.— E. Denison, the philanthropist. ~W. Pow^ell, the man of business.— G. Cotton, the bishop.— T. Brassey, the organizer of labour. — W. Burns, the missionary. — H. Miller, the man of science. — A. Jones, the hospital nurse. — F. Perthes, the patriot pub- lisher.— J. Keble, the hymn writer. — Thomas De Quincey : his life and writings; with unpub. correspondence. 2 V. 17166-7 — Thoreau; his life and aims; a study. 17348 Jaquerie, La ; par P. M^rim^e. (In Ms TheMre de Clara Gazul.) 9521 Jaques, G. Practical treat, on the management of fruit trees ; with descr. lists. 2332 Jar of honey from Mt. Hybla ; by Leigh Hunt. 12902 Jardine, A. Practical geometry. (In Orr, W. 8. Cir. of the sci. : Math, sci.) 5191 Jardine, W. Additions, and notes, etc. See Jesse, E. Nat. hist, of Selborne. — Fishes of the perch family; [with mem. of Sir J. Banks]. (Nat. lib.j 7164 — Naturalist's library, v. 35^. 7161-6 Contents. Icthyology : Bushnan, J. S. Fishes, their structure and economical uses; with mem. of H. Salviani. — Hamilton, R. British fishes : with mem. of W. Rondelet and Baron A. von Humboldt. — Jardine, W. Fishes of the perch f:imily; with mem. of Sir J. Banks.— Scliom- burgk, R. H. Fishes of Guiana; with mem. of the author and J. L. Burckhardt. Jargal; by V. Hugo. 6298 Jars, G. Researches and obs. etc. {In Flower, P. W. Hist. of the trade in tin.) 19651 Jarley. See JNlrs. Jar ley. Jarl's daughter ; by F. H. Burnett. 18273 Jarnac, Count de {pseud. Sir Charles Rockingham) . Dark and fair. 3 v. 22824-6 Jarousseau, J. Pelletan, E. The pastor of the desert ; fr. the French. 10550 Jarreti^re de la marine. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, V. 2.) *I Jarves, H. D. Biography of C. J. Mills. {In Higginson, T.. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Jarves, J. J. Art hints ; architecture, sculpture, and paint- ing. *I; 2333 — The art-idea; pt. 2 of Confessions of an inquirer. 5679 — Art thoughts ; experiences and obs. of an American amateur in Europe. 8101 — A glimpse at the art of Japan. *I — History of the Hawaiian, or Sandwich Islands. 3d. ed. 5431 — Italian sights and papal principles seen thr. American spectacles. *I — Parisian sights and French principles, seen thr. Amer. spectacles. 2 ser. *I — Tricolored sketches in Paris, 1851-3. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 665 Jarvis, E. Vital statistics of different races. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Jasmin. See Jansmin, J. Jasmine Leigh ; by C. C. Fraser-Tytler. 11048 Jasper St. Aubyn ; by H. W. Herbert. {In his Cav. of Eng.) 5071 Jasper Lyle ; by H. Ward. 4638 Jaufry the Knight, and the fair Brunissende ; tale of the times of King Arthur ; fr. the Fr. of Mary Lafon, by A. Elwes. Illust. 2531 Java. Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in Siam and Java. 18882 Javel, Y.^ joint author. Jay, E. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Jay, H. Madge Dunraven. 3 v. 19824-6 — My Connaught cousins. 22497 — The queen of Connaught. 14352 Jay, J. Flanders, H. {In his Lives and times of Chief Jus- tices, V. 1.) 14146 — Jay, W. Lif.- of J. Jav. 2 v. 2335-6 — Kenwick, H. B. Life of J. (Lives of Jay and Hamilton.) 15694 — See also Federalist. Jay, W., LL.D. Life of J. Jay. 2 v. 2335-6 — Review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican War. 2337 Jay, W., of Bath. Memoh-s of C. Winter. 1st. Am. ed. 2334 — Sket<;h of Jay. (7n Famous boys.) 5036; 7707 Jay, W. M. L!, pseud. See Woodruff, J. L. M. Jeaffreson, C. A young squire of the 17th. cent. ; fr. the pa- pers of J. ; ed. with biog. aud hist, mem., by J. C. Jeaffre- son. 2 V. 17948-9 Jeaffreson, J. C. Annals of Oxford. 2 v. 10180-1 — Book about doctors. 2318 — Book about lawyers. 7083 — Book about the clergv. 2 v. 10968-9 — Book about the table. 2 v. 13619-20 — Brides and bridals. 2 v. 15850-1 — Isabel. 2338 — Live it down. 6648 — Lottie Darling. 12341 — Olive Blake's good work. 2352 — The real Lord Byron; new views of the poet's life. 22940 — A young sc^uire of the 17th. cent.; fr. the papers of C. Jeaffreson; ed., [with biog. and hist, mem.] . 2 v. 17948-9 Jealous wife, The ; comedy ; by G. Colman. {In Mod. stand. dr., v. 4.) 11806 Jealousy. See Teverino. Jealousy of Le Barbouill^ ; farce ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram. wks., V. 1.) 16843 Jeames's diary ; by W. M. Thackeray. {In his Burlesques.) 5380 Jean ; by Mrs. Newman. 13970 Jean Baudry ; com^die ; par A. Vacquerie. {In Bdcher, F. Coll. ser. of French plays, v. 1.) 9419 Jean de La Roche ; par George Sand. 9516 Jean des baumes ; par II. DeLaMadelene. {In his Contes Comtadins.) 9517 Jean et John ; r^cit en vers ; par G. Nadaud. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 43 666 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jean T^terol's idea; by V. Cherbullez. 18070 Jeanie's quiet life ; by [E. Tabor]. 7366 Jeanne d' Albret. Watson, H. C. The Queen of Navarre. {In his Heroic women.) Jeanne Dare ; drama ; by T. Taylor, (In his Hist, dramas.) Jeanne Dupont ; by [K. S. Macquoid]. (In her Pict. acr. the channel, v. 2.) Jeanne la folle ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 3, v. 4.) Jeannette ; by C. F. Woolson. (In her Castle Nowhere.) Jeannette ; story of the Huguenots ; by F. M. Peard. "Jeannette," vessel. Danenhower, J. W. Narrative of .the J. lUust. — Gilder, W. H. Ice pack and tundra; acct. of the search for the J., etc. Jeannette's cisterns ; by L. Palmer [M. L. Peebles] . Jeannin, P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 10.) Jeans, G. E. The life and letters of Cicero ; new trans, of the letters in Watson's select. ; with hist, and crit. notes. Jeans, J. S. Jubilee memorial of the railway system. His- tory of the Stockton and Darlington railway, and a record of its results. Jebb, R. C. The Attic orators, fr. Antiphon to Isaeos. 2 v. 15710-11 — Bentley. (Eng. men of letters.) 21589 — Greek literature. (Lit. Prim.) — Modern Greece ; lect. bef . the Philosoph. Inst, of Edinburgh. — The speeches of Thucydides. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) Jeddo. See Japan. Jefferies, R. The amateur poacher. — The gamekeeper at home. — Hodge and his masters. 2 v. — Kiss and try. (In Soc. nov., v. 1.) — Out of the season. (In Soc. nov., v. 2.) — Round about a great estate. — Wild life in a southern county. — Wood magic : a fable. Jefferson, J. McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) Jefferson, Thomas. Writings ; with notes, e^c, by H. A. 4676 17386 11938 *I 13585 22170 22021 22724 21248 *I 20061 15595 17763 19802 20099 19242 18288 20330-1 22935 22936 18515 21768 8983 Washington. 9 v. Notes on the state of Virginia. Baldwin, J. G. Jefferson and Hamilton. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) {In his Party leaders.) Coe, J. Life, messages, etc. {In his True American, v. 2.) — Dwight, T. Character of Jefferson. — Linn, W. Life of Jefferson. — Morse, J. T., J>'. T. Jefferson. — Parker, T. (In his Hist. Amer.) — Parton, J. Life of Jefferson. — Pierson, H. W. Jefferson at Monticello ; the private life of J. — Randall, H. S. Life of Jefferson. 3 v. — Randolph, S. F. Domestic life of J., fr. letters and reminiscences. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) — Schmucker, S. M. Life and times of Jefferson. — Tucker, G. Life of Jefferson. 2 v. Jeffersons, The ; by W. Winter. Illust. Jeffery, R. Elder Knapp and his ministry. (In Knapp, J Autobiog.) Jeffrey, F., Lord: Contributions to the Edinburgh Review.) — Carlyle, T. (In his Reminiscences.) — Cockburn, A. J. E. Life of F. Jeffrey. — Giltillan, G. (In his Sketches, etc., and Third gallery, etc.) — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Essays, biog. and crit.) 2340-8 2339 *1 527 5424 1305 2695 22643 15407 12353 3437 3585-7 14056 *I 4075 4617-18 21129 7289 2349 20233 11545 2255; 2257 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 667 Jeffries, B. J. Color blindness ; its dangers and its detection. 18674 — Control of defective vision on land and sea. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I — The eye in health and disease ; anat. and phys. ; surg. and med. treatment. 9910 Jehl, F. The Edison electric light meter, (in Du Moncel, T. and Preece, W. H. Incandescent elec. lights.) 22388 Jelliffe, W. M. Good selections, in prose and poetry. 13599 Jena. Adams, C. {In his Great campaigns.) 18150 Jenkin,' F. Bridges ; element, treat, on their constr. and hist. 17231 — Electricity. (Man. of element, sci.) 21407 — Electricity and magnetism. 2d. ed. 14184 — Healthv houses ; adapt, to Amer. cond. ; bv G. E. Waring, Jr. Illust. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) ' 18513 Jenkin, Mrs. VV. C. Jupiter's daughter. (Leis. hr. ser.) 12230 — Madame de Beaupre. 7594 — A Psyche of to-day. 7480 — Skirmishing. • 6942 — Who breaks— pays. 6943 — Within an ace. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 13911 Jenkins, E. The Coolie ; his rights and wrongs. 12019 — The devil's chain. - 15687 — Ginx's baby. 9269 — Glances at inner England ; lect. in U. S. and Canada. ' 12812 — Haverholme ; or, the apotheosis of Jingo ; satire. 17989 — Little Hodge. 11337 — Lord Bantam. 9822 — A paladin of finance ; contemporary manners. 21645 Jenkins, J. F. Tent hospitals. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Jenkinson, A. Frost, T. Travels in Cent. Asia. (In his Hf.- hrs. with early explor.) 21074 Jenkinson, C. C. C., Earl of Liverpool. Speech on moving an address on the treaties of 1815. {In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 Jenkinson, H. I. Epitome of Lockhart's Life of Scott! 12728 Jenkinson, R. B., Lord Hawkeshury ; 2d. Earl of lAverpool. Brougham, li. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 ; 8814 — Thornton, P. M. (In his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 Jenks, H. F. Biography of W. P. Boynton. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Jenks, J. W. Rural poetry of the Eng. language. 2351 Jenner, E. Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Jenness, J. S. The Isles of Shoals. 11691 Jennie Juneiana ; by Jennie June [J. C. C'roly]. 5726 Jennie of " The Princes ;" by B. H. Buxton. 3 v. 19276-8 Jennings, G. H., ed. Anecdotal hist, of the Brit, parliament, with not. of parliamentary men, etc. 20199 — and Johnstone, W. S. Book of parliamentary anecdote. 11636 Half -hours with Greek and Latin authors ; with biog. not. 21031 Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians ; their rites and mysteries. 10657 Jennings, H. J. Cardinal Newman; story of his life. 21735 Jennings, L. J. Eighty years of republican government in the U. S. 1st. Am. ed. . 7199 — Field paths and green lanes ; country walks chief. In Surrey and Sussex. Illust. * 17463 Jennings, R. G. Quarantine, and its results in Arkansas, 1879. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., eic, v. 5.) *I — The quarantine at Little Eock, Ark., 1878, agt. the Yellow fever epidemic. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kepts., v. 4.) *I 66S FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jennings, R. Horse-training made easy. App., Essay on shoeing, etc. 6358 Jennings, Mrs. V. Rahel ; her life and letters ; portr. 21183 Jennison, L. W. {pseud. Owen Innsly.) Love poems and sonnets. . 21387 Jenny Bell ; op^ra comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4, V. 17.) *I Jenny Lind at last ; by A. B. Reach. (In French's min. dram., V. 24.) 7983 Jenyns, L. Memoir of J. S. Henslow. 16907 Jephson, J. M. Shakespeare's Tempest ; with notes. 3d. ed. 15909 Jephthah's daughter; by J. Boxer. (In his Sacred dram.) 13065 Jepson, S. L. Cholera in Wheeling, West Va., 1873. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Jeptha ; oratorio ; by Handel. *I Jerdan, W. Personal reminiscences, (i^ric-a-brac ser.) 13578 — Remarks on writings, and sketch of life of G. Herbert. (In Herbert, G. Works.) 1094 Jeremie, J. A. History of the Roman empire. See Pococke, E. — Sextus Empiricus : the sceptical philosophy ; Plotinus : the eclectics, or later Platonists. {In Blomfield, 0. J. and others. Hist, of Gr. and Rom. philos.) 1B38() Jericho, Going to ; travel in Spain and the East ; by J. F. Swift. 7453 Jericho road. The ; by J. Habberton. 16719 Jerningham, H. E. H. To and from Constantinople. 12065 Jerome, St. See Hieronymus. Jerome (Bonaparte). Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., V. 3.) *I Jerome, C. History of the Amer. clock business, and life of J., by himself; Barnum's conn, with the clock business. 18787 — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 8983 Jerome, F. High-water-mark. 18568 Jerome Paturot a la recherche de la meilleure des r^publiques ; par L. Reybaud. 9541 Jerome Paturot a la recherche d'une position sociale ; par L. Reybaud. 9542 Jerram, G. B. Sanitary legislation. (Li Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Jerrmann, E. Pictures fr. St. Petersburg ; or, St. Petersburg, its people, their character, etc. ; tr. by F. Hardmann. 2353 Jerrold, D. W. Works ; with life by W. B. Jerrold. 5 v. *I Contents. V. 1. St. Giles and St. James.— Punch's letters to his son. 2. Story of a feather.— Cakes and ale. 3. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lect. — Men of character. — Punch's complete letter writer. 4. A man made of money .^-Sketches of the EngHsh. — Chronicles of Clovernook. — The sick giant and the Doctor Dwarf. 5. Memoir by W. B. Jerrold. — Chronicles of Clovernook. 5231 — Fireside saints ; Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk, and other papers. 12020 Contents. Fireside saints. — Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk. — An old house in the city.— Some acct. of the last parachute.— My husband's "win- nings."— Midnight at Mme. T.'s— The tutor-tiend and his three pupils. — The little great, and the great little.— Pope Gregory and the pear tree. — Some acct. of a stage devil.— The castle-builders of Padua.— The " Lord of Peiresc."— Brevities.— Pigs.— Silas Fleshpots; a respectable man.— True hist, of a great paciticator.— Michael Lynx :" the man who knew himself ."—Recollections of Guy Fawkes.— The Hedgehog letters. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 669 — Men of character : Titus Trumps, the man of many hopes ; Jack Runny- mede, the man of many thanks ; Job Pippins, the man who couldn't help it ; Isaac Cheek, the man of wax. 2355 — Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. 6698 — Plays. See French's minor drama. — Clarke, C. and M. C. Douglas Jerrold and his letters. {In their Rec- ollect.) 18005 — Jerrold, W. B. {In his Best of all good company.) 12085 Douglas Jerrold. {In Xovels and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Life and remains of D. Jerrold. 2354 — Home, R. H. {In his New Spirit of the age.) 2000 — Sketch of J. {In Famous bovs.) 5036 — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits', etc., v. 1.) 12592 Jerrold, W. B. The best of all good company ; a day with Dickens. 11551 — The best of all good company : Dickens, Scott, Thackeray, Douglas Jer- rold. ' ' 12085 — A brage-beaker with the Swedes ; or, Notes fr. the North in 1852. Illust. 2357 — Cent per cent. « 8713 — E^ypt under Ismail Pacha ; contemp. history. 19425 — Filial reliques of Father Prout. ' *I — Life and r.emains of D. JeiTold. 2354- — Life of G. Cruikshank. Illust. 2 y. *I — Life of Napoleon III. ; from state records, unpub. family correspon- dence, and pers. testimony. 4 y. 13711-14 — On the bouleyards, 1853-66 ; with trips to Normandy and Brittany. 2 v. 7002-3 — Plays. See French's minor drama. Jerry; by W. Aimwell [W. Simonds]. 5528 Jerry Jarvis's wig ; by R. H. Barham. (In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Jersey. Black, A. and C. Guide to Jersey, etc. ; ed. by D. T. Ansted. Map and illust. *I Jerusalem. Description and Travels. — Eddy, D. C. Walter's tour in the East : Jerusalem. 19488 — Finn, E. A. A home in the Holy Land. 21887 — Hunt, Mrs. H. Children at Jerusalem. 21361 — Ingraham, J. H. The Prince of the House of Dayid; or, Three years in the Holy City. 2130 — Kinglake, A. W. {In his Eothen.) 2471 — Prime, E. D. G. {In his Around the world.) 10074 — Thackeray, W. M. (/n ^is Notes of a journey.) 4404 — Warren, I. P. Jerusalem, ancient and modern. *I Histoi-y. — Besant, W. and Palmer, E. H. Jerusalem, the city of Herod andSaladin. 18524 — Conder, F. R. Child's history of Jerusalem. ' 12718 — Josephus, F. Story of the last days of Jei'usalem; fr. Josephus, by A. J. Church. , " 20587 — Lawrence, E. The Church of Jerusalem. {In his Hist, studies.) 21670 — Morrison, W. Recoyery of Jerusalem. 9623 — Tonna, J/rs. C. E. Judea Capta. 12400 — See also Palestine; Syria. Jerusalem delivered. See Tasso, T. Jervey, C. Yi.^ joint author. See Oilman, C. Jervis, J. Brougham, H. (In his U'lst. sk., ser. 2.) 526; 8814 Jervis, J. B. The question of labor and capital. 17137 Jervis, W. H. The Galilean Church and the revolution ; seq. to 'Hist, of the Ch. of France.' 22529 — History of the Church of France, from the Concordat of Bologna. 1516, to the reyolution. Portr. 2 y. 11518-19 Jessamine ; by M. Harland. 12084 Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs. Illust. 5015 — Natural hist, of Selborne ; by G. AVhite ; with add. and notes by W. Jar- dine; ed. with illust., bio'g. sketch of the author, and index.' 4740 670 FREE PUBLTC LIBRARY. Jesse, G. R. Researches into the hist, of the Brit, dog ; with orig. anecdotes, and illust. of the nature of the dog, fr. the poets and prose writers of anc, mediaeval, and mod. times. 2 V. *I Jesse, J. H. George Selwyn and his contemporaries. 4 v. *I — London; its celebrated characters and remarkable places. 3 v. 13674-6 — Memoirs of the Court of Eng. dur. the reign of the Stuarts, incl. the Protectorate ; new ed. 3 v. 2359-61 — Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. 2362 — Memoirs of the Court of Eng. from the revolution, 1688, to the death of George II. 3 v. 13692^ Jesse, W. Foster, J. Jesse's sermons. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) . 1502 Jessica's first prayer. (In Daily bread, etc.) 8689 Jessie; by W. Aimwell [W. Simonds]. 5291 Jessie Brown ; drama; by D. Boucicault. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 26.) , 11823 Jessie Graham ; by M. J. Holmes. ( With Daisy Thornton.) 20856 Jessie Trim ; by B. L. Farjeon. 13319 Jessopp, A. One generation of a Norfolk House ; contrib. to Elizabethan history. 2d. ed. 19347 Jessup, H. H. Syrian home-life. See Riley, I. — The women of the Arabs. 7313 Jessy Allan ; by G. Kennedy. 7207 Jest and earnest ; sketches ; by W. Lunn. (In his Misc.) 2776 Jest and earnest; essays, etc. ; by G. W. Dasent. 2 v. 13611-12 Jest book, The ; by M. Lemon. 9286 Jesuit in America ; by W. B. Fowle. (In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Jesuits. — Clausing, L. Treatise on the Jesuits. (In Morse, S. F. B. Proscribed Germ, stud.) 1342 — Dhu, H. Stanhope Burleigh; the Jesuits in our homes. 4195 — Nicolini, G. B. History of the J. ; their origin, prog., doctr., and designs. 3245 — Steinmetz. A. History of the Jesuits. 2 v. 4209-10 The novitiate; or, A' year among the Eng. J.; pers. narr., with ess. on the constitutions, hist., etc. of the Jesuits. 4208 — F^val, P. The Jesuits ; from the French by A. L. Sadlier. 18313 — Parkman, F. Jesuits in No. Amer. in the 17th. cent. (France and Eng. in No. Amer.) 6689 — Rose, S. Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits. 10725 — Stephen, J. The founders of Jesuitism. (In his Ess., v. 1.) 8975 — Taylor, I. Loyola; and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 11368 Missio7is. — Hale, E. E. The Jesuit relations. (In his Stor. of adv.) 20849 — Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit missionaries in No. America. 2485 Historical scenes from old Jesuit missions, ' 15369 Jesuits' Church, The, in G— ; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. (In Tales fr. the Germ.) 4347 Jesus Christ. Biography. — Abbott, L. Life of Christ, found, on the gospels; manners, customs, beliefs, and polit. inst. of his times. 22008 — Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus, the Christ. 9648 — Chadwick, J. W. The man Jesus. 20841 — Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didymus. 20348 — Clodd,E. Jesus of Nazareth. 19594 — The divine teacher ; recorded doings of Christ. 15574 — Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. 2 v. 12554r-5 — Fleetwood, J. Life of Christ, etc. 1479 — Furness, W. H. Historv of Jesus. 2196 — - Jesus. ' 9710 The veil partly lifted and Jesus becoming visible. 5693 — Gardiner, F. The life of our Lord. 9877 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 671 - Geikie, C. Life and words of Christ. 17266 - Greenleaf , S. Account of the trial of Jesus. {In his Testimony, etc.) 13326 - Hanna, W. The life of our Lord. 6 v. " 5383-8 - Hanson, R. D. The Jesus of history. 15434 - Hausrauth, A. The time of Jesus. 2 v. (77i^*s Hist, of the N.T. times.) *I - ]ngraham, J. H. The Prince of the house of David ; letters relat. scenes, etc., in the life of J. 2130 - Keim, T. Jesus of Nazara. 6 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I - MacMillan, H. Our Lord's three raisings fr. the dead. 15577 - Neander, J. A. W. Life of Jesus Christ ; tr. by J. M'Clintock and C. E. Blumenthal. 3236 - Philochristus ; mem. of a disciple of the Lord. 17619 - Pressens6, E. de. Jesus Christ; his times, life, and work. 455 - Rabbi Jeshua ; an eastern story. 20520 - Renan, J. E. Vie de J^sus. * *I - - Same; Life of Jesus ; tr. by C. E. Wilbour. 5595 - Seelev, J. R. Ecce Homo ; siirv. of the life and work of Jesus. 6346 - Smith, H. The wonderful life. 13499 - Smith, H. B. Renan's Life of Jesus. {In his Faith, etc.) 18186 - Strauss, D. H. New life of Jesus. 2 v. 1164&-9 ■ Thompson, J. P. Jesus of Nazareth ; his life for the voung. 15355 - Wallace, L. Ben Hur ; tale of the Christ. ' 20077 ■ Wuensche, A. Der lebensfreudige Jesus der synoptischen Evangelien im Gegensatze zum leidenden Messias der Kifche. 16416 Birth. ■ Miles, H. A. The birth of Je'sus. 17399 Character. ■ Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. 10061 ■ Brooks, P. The influence of Jesus. 18914 Browne, E. H. Christ's teaching and infl. on the world. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 Hay ward, E. Ecce spiritus; statement of the spirit, princ. of Jesus as the law of life. 21267 Hughes, T. The manliness of Christ. 19470 King, T. S. The harmony of opposite qualities in the Savior's character and teachings. (In his Patriotism.) 5721 Livermore, A. A. Personality of J. ; Character of J. {In Bible. iV. T. Hebrews.) 21832 Merriam, G. S. The character of Jesus. {In his Wav of life.) 21428 Newman, F. W. Moral perfection of Jesus. {In Rogers, H. Defence, etc.) 5593 Row, C. A. The Jesus of the Evangelists ; his histor. char, vindicated. 7741 Savage, M. J. Talks about Jesus. {In his Sermons^ v. 1.) 22507 Schenkel, D. The character of Jesus portr. ; tr. with introd. and notes by W. H. Furness. 2 v. ' • 6553^ Ullmann, C. The sinless character of Jesus. {In Edwards, B. B., and Park, E. A. Select.) 1348 - The sinlessness of Jesus ; an evidence for Christianity. 19005 Death. Stroud, W. Treatise on the phys. cause of the death of Christ. 12591 Deity, Divinity. Bushnell, H. The vicarious sacrifice, grounded in principles of universal obligation. ' 6167 Liddon, H. P. Divinity of Jesus Christ. 9878 Liddoft's Bampton lect. on the div. of Jesus Christ, examined. 9879 Parsons, T. Deus homo ; God-man. 6901 Smiley, S. F. Who is He? appeal to those who doubt the name of Jesus. 7667 Kingdom. Taylor, D. T. The voice of the church on the coming and kingdom of the Redeemer; add. by H. L. Hastings. 4364 See }ilso Second advent. Names. Spear, C. Names and titles of Christ. 4158 Person and offices. Adler, F. The Founder of Christianity. {In his Creed and deed.) 17409 Dorner, J. A. History of the devel. of the doctrines of the person of Christ; tr. by W. L. Alexander. 5 v. 15838-42 Herford, B. Jesus Christ. {In Unitarian affirmations.) 18586 672 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Huntington, F. D. Christ in the Christian vear and in the life of man. 17358 — Luthardt, C. E. The person of Jesus ChristI {In Heagle, D. Brem. lect.) 9780 — Pressense, E. The Redeemer ; sk. of the hist, of redemption ; tr. by J. H. Meers. 7114 — Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ, from his own words. 18212 Besiirrection. — Morrison, C. R. Proofs of Christ's resurrection ; fr. a lawyer's standpoint. 22207 Woi'ds. — Eggleston, E. Christ in literature; treasury of readings, illust. the acts and words of J. ' 14354 — Frothingham, O. B. Stories from the lips of the Teacher. 6623 — The words of Christ, fr. the New Testament. 4863 Worshij). — Johnson, S. The worship of Jesus in its past and present aspects. 7706 3IisceUaneous. — Renan, J. E. The critical historians of Christ. {In his Stud., etc.) 5636 — Savage, M. J. Talks about Jesus. 21373 — Schlesinger, M. The historical Jesus of Nazareth. *I — Stewart, S. J. Jesus. (In his Gospel of law.) 22178 Jet ; her face or her fortune? by A. Edwardes. 17855 Jettatrice ; by Mme. A. Craven. See Veil withdrawn. Jetties. /See Mississippi river. Jeune, M. S. My school days in Paris. * 13282 Jeune AUemagne, La ; roman ; par A. E. Scribe. Oeuvres, ser. 5, V. 7.) *I Jeune docteur, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, v. 1.) *I Jeune et vieille ; ou, Le premier et le dernier chapitre ; comedie vaud., par E. Scribe, etc. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 21.) *I Jeune hoinme bl^me, Le ; monologue ; par Pirouette. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s6r. 4.) 14794 Jeune homme presse, Un ; vaudeville ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^^tre compL, v. 1.) 14558 Jeune Siberienne, La ; par le comte X. de Maistre. {In his Oeuvres.) 14614 Jevons, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic; deduct, and induct. ; with questions, examples, and vocab. of log. terms. 5th. ed. 14224 — Logic. Illust. (Sci. prim.) 16002 — Money and the mechanism of exchange. (Int. sci. ser.) 14113 — Political economy. (Sci. prim.) 17764 — The principles of science ; treat, on logic and scientific method. 2 v. 15910-11 — The railways and the state. (I?i Owens College. Ess., etc.) 12926 — The state in rel. to labour. (The Eng. citizen.) 22226 Jew, The ; by C. Spindler. 12438 Jewel, A, of a girl. 17428 Jewelry. Collins, J. E. Private book of useful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. 10781 — Wallis, G. Jewellery. 15475 Jewell, J. O. Among our sailors ; with extr. from the laws and consular regulations governing the U. S. merchant service. , 12342 Jewess, The ; historical drama ; by W. T. Moncrieff. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 17.) 11818 Jewess, The ; opera ; by Hal^vy. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand. ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I Jewett, C. Speeches, poems, etc., on subjects connect, with temperance. 6186 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 673 J«wett, S. O. Country by-ways. 21032 Contents. Kiver driftwood.— Andrew's fortune.— An October ride. — From a mournful villager. — An autumn holiday. — A winter drive.— Good luck.— Miss Becky's pilgrimage. — Deepliaven. 16949 — Old friends and new. 19031 Contents. A lost lover.— A sorrowful guest. — A late supper. — Mr. Bruce. — Miss Sydney's flowers. — Lady Ferry. — A bit of shore life. — Play days ; a book of stories for children. ^ 21033 Jewitt, L. Grave mounds and their contents ; manual of arch- aeology. Illust. 10644 — Half hours among some Eng. antiquities. 16829 — Handbook of English coins. *I Jews. Antiquities., Manners and customs. — De Quincev, T. Toilette of the Hebrew ladv. {In his Theol. ess., v. 2.) 1161 — Ewald, H.* Antiquities of Israel; tr. by H. "S. Solly. . 15776 — Fenton, J. Earlv Hebrew life; studv in sociologv. 21279 — Huidekoper, F. 'Judaism at Rome; JB. C. 76 to A. D. 140. 18030 Biography. — Morris, H. S. Eminent Israelites of the 19th. cent. 19687 — See also Bible. Biography. History. — Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times. *I — Barring-Gould, S. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets, and other Old Testament characters. 9934 — Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine thr. Sinai, etc. ; jour, made with spec, ref . to the hist, of the Israelites. " 18656 — Clodd, E. Jesus of Nazareth : embr, sk. of Jewish hist, to his birth. 19594 — Conder, C. R. Judas Maccab.TUS and the Jewish war of independence. 18961 — Ewald, G. H. A. von. History of Israel; from the Germ, by R. Marti- neau, and J. E. Carpenter, v. 1-5. 15251-5 — Hudson, E. H. Historv of the Jews in Rome, B. C. 160-A. D. 604. 22678 — Ingraham, J. H. The throne of David. 2133 — Josephus, F. Jewish war; tr. by R. Traill. 2392 — Lawrence, E. The Jews and their persecutors. 17143 — Milman, H. H. Historv of the Jews. 3 v. 3051-3 Same ; rev. ed. 3 v. ' 12470-2 — Newman, F. W. History of the Hebrew monarchy, from Samuel to the Babylonish captivity. * 8840 — Prideaux, H. The Old" and New Testament connected in the hist, of the Jews, etc. 2 v. 3548-9 — Renan, J. E. History of the people of Israel. (7w ^is Stud., e?c.) 5636 — Salaman, C. K. Jews as they are. 22701 — Smith, W. R. The prophets of Israel and their place in historv. 21841 — Tonna, Mrs. C. E. Judea Capta. ' 12400 — - Same. {In her Works.) 4475; 4478 — See also Bible. O. T. Histoid/. Also Palestine. Histoid/. {Judaisjn and Christianity.) — Sorlev, W. R. Jewish Christians and Judaism ; studv in the hist, of the first two cent. ' 21994 Law. — Benny, P. B. The criminal code of the Jews accord, to the Talmud. 19753 Beligion. — Adler, F. Evolution of Hebrew religion; Reformed Judaism. {In his Creed and deed.) 17409 — Atwater, E. E. History and significance of the sacred tabernacle of the Hebrews. 20759 — Des doctrines religieuses des Juifs pend. les deux si^cles ant^rieurs a I'^re chr^tienne. *I — Etheridge, J. W. {In his Jerusalem and Tiberias : Sora and Cordova.) *I — Knappert, J. The religion of Israel; a manual; from the Dutch by R. A. Armstronoj. . 17530 — Kuenen, A. Religion of Israel to the fall of the .lewish state. 3 v. *I — Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the hist, of the Jewish church, v. 1-3. 5610-11 ; 16026 — Taylor, M. C. Judaism. {In St. Giles' lect., ser.2.) 22211 — See also Talmud. 674 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Miscellaneous works. — Brighara, C. H. Characteristics of the Jews. {Inhis'Keva.., etc.) 20560 — The home and the synagogue of the modern Jew. 11414 — Ingraham, J. H. The pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ' 2131 — Kompert, L. Scenes f r. the ghetto ; stud, of Jewish life. 22683 Jews in America. Collyer, R. The new German crusade ; lect. 20193 Jews in England. Macaulay, T. B. Civil disabilities of the Jews. {In Ms Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 —Mueller, F. M. Are there Jews in Cornwall ? {In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 Jews in Europe. Freeman, E. A. (Inhis Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 Jews, The, of Barnow ; by K. E. Franzos. 22379 Jewsbury, G. E. Constance Herbert. 12413 — Zoe. 12419 Jezebel's daughter ; by W. Collins. 20207 Jilt, The ; by C. Reade. 17043 Jilt, The; by [Mrs. Smythies]. 12434 Jimmyjohns, The, and other stories ; by A. M. Diaz. ' 17261 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. ; by L. M. Alcott. 19018 J'invite le colonel ! comedie, par E. M. Labiche. {In his The- atre compL, V. 3.) 14560 Joachim v. Kamern ; diary of a poor young lady ; by M. Na- thusius. 11907 Joan, reputed Pope. vSketch of Joan. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 Joian of Arc. See Dare, J. Joan Merryweather, and other tales ; by K. Saunders. 11875 Joan the maid ; by E. Charles. 18583 Joanna I., Queen of Naples. Jameson, A. (iii/ier-Mem., v. 1.) 2326 Joanna II. , Qwee?i 0/ A^op^es. Jameson, A. (Jw^erMem., v. 1.) 2326 Joanna Darling ; by V. F. Townsend. 7603 Joanna of Naples ; by L. J. Hall. 3215 Joanna's inheritance; by E. Marshall. 16952 Jocelyn's mistake ; by Mrs. J. K. Spender. 13917 Joe Hale's red stockings ; by Saxe Holm. {In his Stor., ser. 2.) 17894 Johannes Olaf ; by E. DeWille. 11484 John St. Yonge, C. M. Pupils of St. John, the divine. 10121 John III. [Sobieski], King of Poland. Sketch of S. {In Trauermantel. Love of country.) 2760 John ; by [M. A. Tincker]. {In her Winged word, etc.) 11595 John ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 8693 John ; or, Our Chinese relations ; by T. W. Jinox. 18598 John-a-Dreams ; by J. R. Sturgis. 18051 John Andross ; by R. H. Davis. 12488 John Barlow's ward. (Trans- Atlantic novels.) 21136 John Brent ; by T. Wiuthrop. 5335 John Hull on the Guadalquiver ; by A. Trollope. {In his Tales of all countries.) 10955 John Caldigate ; by A. Trollope. 18789 John Dorrien ; by J. Kavanagh. 13913 John Fax ; by A. W. Tourgee. 21434 Note. Bound with this is Mamelon. John p:ndicott ; by H. W. Longfellow. {In his N.E. tragedies.) 2752 John Godfrey's fortunes ; by B^. Taylor. 5773 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 675 John Godsoe's legacy ; by E. Kellogg. 11945 John Halifax, gentleman; by [Miss Muloch]. 3186 John Hatherton. 15876 John Inglesant ; by J. H. Shorthouse. 21443 John Jasper's secret ; seq. to Pkiwin Drood. 9947 John Marchmont's legacy ; by M. E. Braddon. 6733 John Marten, History of ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, V. 16.) 3970 John Rintoul. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 6.) 19145 John Thompson, blockhead ; by L. Parr. 9804 John Whopper. 10529 John Worthington's name ; by F. L. Benedict. 12647 John of Barneveld. See Barneveldt, J. van O. John of Procida ; tragedy ; by J. S. Knowles. {In his Dram. works.) 11888 Johnes, M. Boy's book of mod. travel and adventure. 2365 Johnny Darbyshire ; by W. Howitt. {Bi Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Same. ( With Tieck, J. L. The Elves.) 12446 Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk ; [by W. Alexander]. 21717 Johnny Ludlow. See Wood, E. P. Johnnykin and the goblins ; by C. G. Leland. 16682 Johns, E. {pseud. E. Marlitt). At the councillor's; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 15963 — The bailift''s maid ; f r. the German by A. L. Wister. 20485 — Das Geheimnis.s der alten Mamsell. 2 v. in 1. 10327 — Same; The old Mam'selle's secret; after the German by Mrs. Wister. 7360 — Goldelse. 10326 — Same ; Gold Elsie ; f r. the German. 7606 — Das Haideprinzesschen. 2 v. 10328-& — Same ; The little moorland princess. 9941 — In the Schilliugscourt; fr. the German by Mrs. Wister. 19035 — Magdalena. 19072 — Over vonder ; f r. the German. 14193 — Keichsgratin Gisela. 2 v. 10324r-5 — Same : Countess Gisela ; fr. the German, by Mrs. Wister. 7846 — The second wife ; tr. by A. L. Wister. 12873 — Thiiringer Erzahlungen. 10330 Contents. Die zwolf Apostel.— Der Blaubart. Johns, K., Jr. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In his Speeches.) 5183 Johns Hopkins University Studies. See Adams, H. B. Johnson, Col. — . The white fawn. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Johnson, Miss — . Yesterday ; an American novel. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 21920 Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe. Maps. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 18162 Johnson, A. Speeches; with Biog. introd., by F. Moore. 5987 — Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 Johnson, Anna (or Nancy) C. {i^seud. Minnie Myrtle). Peas- ant life in Germany. 2366 Johnson, A. N. Practical instr. in harmony on the Pestaloz- zian system. 2367 Johnson, C. F. Lucretius on the Nature of things. 10528 Johnson, C. W. Farmer's encyclopaedia. 2368 Johnson, E. The judge's pets. 10911 676 * FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Johnson, E. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Johnson, E. A. Winter greeneries at home. lUust. 17970 Johnson, E. R. See Johnson, R. Johnson, E. W. Tlie studio arts. 18083 Johnson, K. Constantine and the Sabbath. (jTiSabb. ess.) 19808 Johnson, H. K. Our familiar songs and those wlio made them ; with piano accompaniment. *I — Tears for the little ones ; poems and passages insp. by the loss of children. 17164 Johnson, J. and J. H. The patentee's manual ; treat, on the law and practice of letters patent. 3d. ed. *I Johnson, J. E. The monks bef. Christ ; their spirit and their history. 8526 Johnson, L. Every lady her own flower gardener. 2388 Johnson, M. S. Memorials of C. Stoddard. 15380 Johnson, O. Wm. Lloyd Garrison and his times ; sk. of the Anti-slavery movement in Amer., etc. Introd. by J. G. Whittier. 19348 — Same. New ed. - *I Johnson, R. B. Very far west indeed ; a few rough exper. on the no. -west Pacific coast. 11754 Johnson, R. W. Memoir of G. H. Thomas. 20508 Johnson, R. Condensed classics. Namely : Dickens, C. Our mutual friend. 16108 Scott, W. Ivanhoe. 16107 — History of the French war; with acct. of the strugicles for the possession of the continent. Illust. " 22155 — History of the war of 1S12-'15, U. S. and Gt. Brit. Illust. (Minor wars of U. S.) 22865 — Idler and poet. 22266 — Little classics, v, 1-18. 12972-87; 20166-7 Contents. V. 1. Exile: Hawthorne, N. Ethan Brand.— Griffin, G. The swans of Lir.— Greenwood, J. A night in a workhouse.— Harte, B. The outcasts of Poker Fhvt.— Hale, E. E. The man without a country.— DeQuincev,T. Flight of a Tartar tribe. 2. Intellect: Buhyer-hxtlon, E. The house and the brain.— Spofford, H. P. D'Outre mort.— Poe. E. A' The fall of the House of Usher.— Dickens, C. Chops the dwarf.— Hawthorne, N. Wakefield.— DeQuincey, T. Murder considered as one of the fine arts.— Davis, R. H. The captain's story. 3. Tragedy: Foe, E. A. The murders in the Rue Morgue —DeForest, J. AV. The Lauson tragedy.— Mudford, W. The iron shroud. Melville, H. The bell-tower. — Judson, E. C. The Kathayan slave.— Mackenzie, H. The story of La Roche. — DeQuincey, T. The vision of sudden death. 4. Zi^e: Brown, J. Rab and his friends. — Howells, W. D. Romance of real life. — Harte, B. The luck of Roaring Camp. — Barham, R. H. Jerry Jarvis's wig. — Willis, N. P. Beauty and the beast. — Hawthorne, N. David Swan.— Smith, A. Dreamthorp. — Mitchell, D. G. A bachelor's revery, — Taylor, B. F. The grammar of life.— Curtis, G. W. My chateaux.— Lamb, C. Dream-children.— Hoffman, C. F. The man in the reservoir.— Addison, J. Westminster Abbey.— Macaulay, T. B. The puritans.— Lincoln, A. Gettysburg. 5. Laughter: Dickens, C. A Christmas carol.— Saunders, K. The haunted crust.— Lamb, C. A dissertation upon roast pig. — Walker, Mrs. E. A. The total depravity of inanimate things.— Hale, E. E. The skeleton in the closet.— Miller." H. Sandy Wood's sepulchre. — Holmes, O. W. A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters.— Griffin, G. Mr. Tibbot O'Leary,' the curious.— Carleton," W. Neal Ma- lone. 6. Loi-e : Winthrop, T. Love and skates.— Bulwer-Lvtton, E. The maid of Mahnes.— Bible. The story of Rutli,— Disraeli, B. 'The rise of Iskander. 7. Bomance : Holmes, O. W. Iris.— Craik, D. 31. 31. The Rosicrucian.— Spofford, H. P. The South breaker.— Wilson. J. The snow-storm.— Cunningham, A. The king of the peak. 8. Mystery: O'Connor, W. D. The ghost.— Edwards, A. B. The four-fifteen express. — Dickens, C. The signal-man. — Cunningham, A. The haunted ships. — Lowell, R. T. S. A raft that no man maile.— O'Connor, F. The invisible CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 677 princess. Crowe, C. The advocate's wedclin2:-day.— Hawthorne, N. The birth-mark. 9. Cowed?/ : Lover, S. Barney O'Rierdou, the navigator. Gait, J. Hadad-Ben-Ahab the traveller.— Thackeray. W. M. Bluebeard's ghost.— Smith, H. The picnic party.— Ferguson, S. Father Tom and the Pope.— Hovvlitt, W. Johnny Darbyshire.— Lover, S. The gridiron. Reade, C. The box tunnel. lO. Childhood: l^ame, L>. de la. A dog of Flanders.— Ruskin, J. The king of the Golden river.— I*helps, E. S. The ladv of Shalott. Brown, J. Marjorie Fleming.— De Kroyft, Mrs. S. H. Little Jakey.—Kingsley, H. The lost child.— Neal, J. Goody gra- cious ! and forget-me-not.— Davis, R. H. A faded leaf of history. — Dick- ens, C. A child's dream of a star. 11. Heroism: Ludlow, F.H. Little Briggs and I.— Spofford, H. P. Ray.— Taylor, B. F. Three November days.— Mitford, A. B. The forty-seven Ronins.— Mayo, I. F. A chance child. — RameL.de la. A leaf in the storm. 12, Fortune: Voe,!!. A. The gold-bug.— Lover, S. The fairy-tinder. — Edgeworth, M. Murad the unlucky.— Hale, E. E. The children of the public— Banim, J. The ri- val dreamers.— Hawthorne, N. The three fold destiny. 13. Poems narrative. 14. Poems lyrical. 15. Minor poems. 16. Authors. 17. Nature : Warner, C' D. A-hunting of the deer. — Hamerton, P. G. Dog^.— Burroughs, J. In the hemlocks.— Thoreau, H. D. A winter walk.— Hawthorne, N. Buds and bird voices.— Kingsley, C. The fens. Whymper, E. Assent of the IMatterhorn.- King. C. Ascent of Mt. Tyn- dalK— Ruskin, J. The tirmament. 18. Humanity: Stoddard, C. \V. Chumming with a savage.— Dickens, C. Marigold.— Ludlow, F. H. A brace of boys. -Thackeray, W. M. George III.— Jameson, A. Juliet. — Mallock, W. H. Is life worth living? — Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy life. Illust. 20850 — Play-day poems. (Leis.-hr. sef .) 17837 — Single famous poems. 17359 Johnson, 8., LL. D. Works ; with ess. on his life and genius. by A. Murphy. ' 8d. Amer. ed. 2 v. 5090-1 — The idler. 5083 — Johnsoniana; or, Suppl. to Boswell: anecdotes and sayings of J., ed. bv J. W. Croker. ' 2369 — Life of J. Gav. (7w Gav, J. Poet, wks., v. 1.) 2220 — Life of Tickell. (In Tickell, T. Poetical works.) 3380 — Lives. See Arnold, M. Six chief lives. — Rasselas, Prince of Abvssinia. « 2378 — Same. Introd. by W. West. (Bayard ser.) 7750 — Sermons attributed to J. ; pub. by S. Hayes. 5th. ed. 5089 — Vanity of human wishes; ed. with notes, by E. J. Payne. 2d. ed. 18970 — Armitage, R. Dr. Johnson; his relig. life and his death. 2372 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) OT-IO — Boswell, J. Life of Johnson. 4 v. 447-50 — Brougham, H. {In his Lives of men of letters.) 523 {In his Works, v. 2.) *I — Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Fitzgerald, P. Crocker's Boswell and Boswell ; stud, in the •' Life of Johnson." 19914 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men.) 1592 — Hawthorne, N. {In his True stories.) 13445 — Macaulav, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 6.) 2791 Same.' {In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 Same. {In New biog. of ill. men.) 2H03 Crocker's ed. of Boswell's life of J. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — Maine, A. Life and conversations of J., found, chiefly upon Boswell. 12582 — 3Iurphy, A. Life and genius of J. (7w Johnson, S. Works, v. 1.) 6090 — Scott, W. {In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2; and Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3851; 3S37 — Sketch of J. {In Montrose, etc.) 4780 — Stephen, L. Dr. Johnson's writings. {In his Hrs. in a library, ser. 2.) 16856 Samuel Johnson. 17846 — Waller, J. F. Boswell and Johnson ; their comp. and contemporaries. 20610 Johnson, Eev. S., of Salem. Freedom in religion. (In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 — Lectures, essays, and sermons ; with mem. bv S. Longfellow. 22729 — Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. religion : China. 17039 — Same ; India. 11017 — The worship of Jesus in its past and present aspects. 7706 — Longfellow, S. Memoir. {In Johnson, S. Letters, etc.) 22729 678 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Johnson, S. D. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Johnson, S. W. How crops feed; illust. 8519 — How crops grow ; chem. comp., struct., and life of the plant. Illust. . 7504 Johnson, V. W. The Calderwood secret. 14039 — The Catskill fairies. • 14328 — An English " Daisy Miller." 21646 — A foreign marriage ; or, Buying a title. 19614 — Miss Nancy's pilgrimage. 16950 — The Neptune vase. 20772 — A sack of gold. 13244 — Two old cats. 21647 Johnson, W. vStone, W. L. Life and times of J. 2 v. 7282-3 Johnson, W., ed. Practical draughtsman's book of indust. de- sign, and machinist's and engineer's drawing comp. ; fr. the Fr. of MM. Armengaud and Amouroux ; with add. and plates, select., etc. *I ; 6209 Johnson, W. S. Beardsley, E. E. Life and times of Johnson. 16704 Johnson manor. The ; by J. Kent. 17062 Johnston, A. A. F. Oberlin College. {In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Am. girls.) 12327 Johnston, A. History of American politics. 18924 — Same. 2d. ed. 21590 Johnston, C. Travels in southern Abyssinia. 2 v. 2374-5 Johnston, E. B. Visit to the cabinet of the U. S. mint at Phila. 16141 Johnston, H. P. The Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. Illust. *I Johnston, J. D. China and Japan ; cruise of the U. S. steam- frigate Powhatan, 1857-60. Illust. 2377 Johnston, J. F. W. The chemistry of common life ; new. ed. rev. to tlie present time, by A. H. Church. 18795 — Instructions for the analysis of soils, limestones, and manures. 2378 — Lectures on the appl. of chemistry and geology to agriculture. New ed. with app. 17423 Johnston, J. Manual of natural philosophy ; new ed. 2376 Johnston, J. E. Military operations dur. the late war bet. the states. 13912 Johnston, K. Africa ; with ethnolog. app. by A. H. Keane. Maps and illust. (Stanford's comp. based on Hellwald's Die Erde und Ihre Volker.) 17671 — Physical, historical, political, and descriptive geography. 19865 — B., H. W. Biographical notice. {In Thomson, J. To the centr. Af. lakes, V. 1.) 20720 Johnston, R. M. {pseud. Philemon Perch). Dukesborough tales. Illust. 22894 Contents. The Goosepond school.— Judge Mike's court.— How Mr. Bill Williams took the responsibility. — The pursuit of Mr. Adiel Slack. — The early majority of Mr. Thomas Watts, — The organ-grinder. — Mr. Williamson Slippey and his salt. — Investigations cone. Mr. Jonas Lively. — Old friends and new. — Mr. Neelus Peeler's conditions. — The expensive treat of Col. Moses Grice. — Puss Tanner's defence. — The Beazely twins. — The various languages of Billy Moon. — The Jonce Trammell compro- mise. — King William and his armies. — and Browne, W. H. Life of Alexander H. Stephens. 18085 — Dukesborough tales ;— Sk. of J. {In his Watterson, H. Oddities hi South, life.) 22306 Johnstone, Mrs. — . Edinburgh tales, v. 1,3. 2379-80 Johnstone, C. Scott, W. {In his Lives of the novelists, v. 1 ; Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3850; 3837 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. '679 Johnstone, H. A. M. B. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. Map and illust. 15631 Johnstone, J. B. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Johnstone, W. E. Preparation of food. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, Rept., v. 5.) 9100 Johnstone,. W. S., joint author. See Jennings, G. H. Johonnot, J. Geographical reader. 21769 — Principles and practice of teaching. 17858 Joie fait peur, La ; com^die ; par Mme. E. de Girardin. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 1.) 9419 Joinville, J., Sire de. Memoirs of Louis IX. ; tr. by Johnes. {In Bohn, H. G. Chron. of the crusades.) 2383 — Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 — Saint Louis, King of France; tr. by J. Hutton. (Bayard ser.) 8119 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his CausI lund., v. 8.) ' *I Joinville, Lord de. See Joinville, J., Si7'e de. Jokai, M. Hungarian sketches ; with not. by E. Szabad. 2384 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Jolie Boh^mienne, La ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9477 Jolly, Miss — . Colonel Dacre. 12476 — Safely married. 13672 Jolly, W. Life of John Duncan, Scotch weaver and botanist; with sk. of his friends and not. of the times. Portr. 22809 Jolly fellowship, A ; by F. R. Stockton. 19845 Jolly good times ; or. Child-life on a farm ; by P. Thorne [M. P. W. Smith]. 14347 Jolly good times at school ; by P. Thorne [M. P. W. Smith]. 17291 Jolly rover. The : by J. T. Trowbridge. 22303 Jomini, A. FL, baron de. The art of war. 13407 Le gc'-n^Tal Jomini ; etude. *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 18.) *I Jonathan ; by C. C. F. Tytler. . 15569 Jonathan Bradford ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 19.) 11819 Jonathan in England; comedy. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 41.) 11830 Jonce Trammell compromise, The ; by R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Jones, A. E. Homes and hospitals ; or. Two phases of woman's work. 11278 — Memorials. (In Beecher, H. W. " Una and her paupers.") 9972 — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) 11755 Jones, B. D. A Tallahassee girl. (Rd.-rob. ser.) 21424 Jones, Burne. Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20458 Jones, C. Sanitary legislation, and its pract. exponents ; Sewage farming. {In Assoc, of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 1.) *I Jones, C. C. Religious instr. of the Negroes in the U. S. 2385 Jones, C. C, Jr. Antiquities of the so. Indians, partic. of the Georgia tribes. *I Jones, C. H. Africa, the hist, as given in explor. and adv. fr. Herodotus to Livingstone. 13461 — Clarissa; by S. Richardson; condensed. (Leis. hr. ser.) 12772 680 rilEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Vers de societe; select, fr. recent authors. (Leis. hr. ser.) 15458 — Short life of Dickens ; with select, fr. his letters. (Appletons' new hand-vol. ser.) 19682 — Short life of W. E. Gladstone, with extr. fr. his speeches and writings. Jones, C. H. Davault's mills. 15671 — History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada, 1776. 21239 Jones, Mrs. C. S., Joint author. See Williams, H. T. — a?id Williams, H. 'I\ Household elegancies ; sugg. in household art and home decorations. (Williams' Household ser.) 14317 Ladies' fancy work. (Williams' Household ser.) 15760 Jones, E. H.., joint author. See Cox, G. W. Jones, F. Life of M. Frobisher, cont. a narr. of the Spanish Armada. 18886 Jones, G. Dick Libby. {In Rougegorge, etc.) 8711 Jones, H. A. Archer, W. (In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Jones, H. C. Cousin Sally Billiard ; Sk. of J. {In Watter- son, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 Jones, H. I. School hygiene. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I Jones, H. The regular Swiss round. 6250 Jones, H. {pseudi "Cavendish"). Laws and princ. of whist. 10th. ed. 13418 — Pocket guide, laws and rules for leading at whist. 13178 — Round games at cards. . 13872 Jones, B. H. B. Life and letters of Faraday. 2 v. 8795-6 — The Royal Institution ; its founder and its first professors. 10124 Jones, H. K. Premises, predications, and outlines of Chr. philosophy ; Relation bet. common sense and philosophy ; Relation bet. science and philosophy ; Relation bet. experi- ence and philosophy p Genesis of the "Maya" ; Philoso- phy of religion and the law of the supernatural ; Com- munity of the faiths and worships of mankind ; The symposium. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Jones, J. B. The monarchist. 9776 Jones, J. H. The kingdom of heaven ; what it is, etc. 13107 Jones, J. R. The Quaker soldier ; or, The British in Philadel- phia. 5156 Jones, J. P. Life and correspondence of J., incl. his narr. of the. camp, of the Liman ; [ed. by R. Sands]. 4373 — Abbott, J. S. C. Life and adventures of Jones. 13305 — Hale, E. E. Paul Jones and Richard Pearson. {In his Stor. of the sea.) 20054 — Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 Jones, J. S. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Jones, J. Virginia Graham. 7696 Jones, L. E. The best reading ; priced and class, bibliogra- phy. 2d. ser. 22080 Jones, M. Story of Capt. Cook's voyages. Illust. 10929 Jones, P. My Uncle Hobson and I. 2389 Jones, R. Modern discoveries by the microscope. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Jones, T. R. A peat-boy. {Ii Brown, R. Sci, for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Jones, T. R. General outline of the organization of the ani- mal kingdom, and manual of comp. anatomy. . 4th ed. Illust. 16629 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 681 Jones, W. B. The life's work in Ireland of a landlord who tried to do his duty. 20277 Jones, Sir W. Cooper, T. (/w Ms Triumphs of per sev.) 6741 — Life of J. (In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — Sketch of J. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Jones, W. Finger-ring lore; hist., legend., and anecdotal. 16769 Jongh, L. J. de. The three kinds of cod liver oil compara- tively considered. 2390 Jonson, B. Hamilton, W. (In his Poets laureate.) 18533 Jonveaux, E. Two years in East Africa ; adv. in Abyssinia and Nubia, with a journ. to the sources of the Nile. 13336 Jordan, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 12.) *I Jordan, D. S. Manual of vertebrates of the north. U. S., incl. the district east of the Mississippi, and north of N. C. and Tenn. ; excl. of marine species. 15948 Jordan, D. Mrs. Dora .Jordan. (In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 Jordan, W. Nibeluuge. 2 v. 16450-1 Inhalt. V. 1. Sigfridsage. 2. Hildebrants Heimkehr. Jordan (river). Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the U. S. exped. to the J., and the Dead Sea. 2781 — See also Palestine. Joret, C. La litt^rature allemande au 18™^ si^cle dans ses rap- ports avec la litt^rature fran9aise et avec la litt^rature an- glaise. 14481 Joseph, son of Jacob. Eddy, D. C. (In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 Joseph, Nez Perce. See Nez Perces. JcTseph II., Roman Emperor. Brougham, H. (In his Hist. sk., ser. 1.) 525 Joseph II. and his court; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6560 Joseph [Bonaparte], King of Sx)ain. Abbott, J. S. C. His- tory of J. ' 7891 — Joseph. {In Court and Camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — Woodward, E. M. Bonaparte's park, and the Murats. *I Joseph and his friend ; by B. Taylor. 9171 Joseph Andrews, Adventures of; by H. Fielding. 1471 Joseph Balsamo ; by A. Dumas. 17548 Joseph in the snow ; by K. Auerbach. 7378 Joseph Noirel, La revanche de ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14464 — Same. Joseph Noirel's revenge. 11066 Joseph the Jew. 7381 Josephine, M. R. T. de la P., Empress of the French^ Abbott, J. S. C. History of J. 76 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Lives.) 1584 — Headley, P. C. Life of Josephine. 1833 — Hewitt, M. E. {In her Lives.) 1899 — Josephine. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — Le Norraand, M. A. A. Plistorical and secret mem. of J. ; tr. by J. M. Howard, v. 1. 5880 Note. Vol. 2, iranting; can be seen in Green Library. — Memes, J. S. Memoirs of Josephine. 16726 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 44 6S2 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Mundt, E. The Empress Josephine; novel; by L. Miihlbach. 6978 Joseph's coat; by D. C. Murray. 21348 Josephus, F. Works ; tr. by W. Whiston. 4 v. 2395-8 Contents. V. 1. Life, by himself.— Antiquities. 2. Antiquities. 3. Antiquities.— The Jewish war. 4. The Jewish war.— Against Apion.— Extr. of discourse concerning Hades.— Dissertations.— Table of Jewish weights and measures.— Table of Jewish months.— Index. — Same. 2 v. 2393-4 — Jewish war ; tr. by R. Traill. 2392 — Story of the last days of Jerusalem; fr. J., by A. J. Church. 20587 Josh Billings, pseud. See Shaw, H. W. Joshua. Yonge, C. M. (In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Joshua ; oratorio, by Handel. *I Joshua Davidson, True history of ; by E. L. Linton. 11849 Joshua Marvel ; by B. L. Farjeon. 9718 Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I. ; Samantha at the Centennial ; by M. HoUey. 17795 Josselyn, Mrs. C. R. The south shore ; or, "As the twig is bent the tree is inclined." 21034 Jouau, E. La perle fausse. (Th^^tre de camp., s6r. 6.) 14690 Joubert, B. C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Joubert, J. Pens6es ; select, and tr., with the orig. Fr. append- ed ; [with sketch of the life of J.] by H. Attwell. 17612 — Some of the "Thoughts" of J. : tr bv G. H. Calvert; Prec. by a not of J. 16611 — Arnold, M. {In his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Monday chats.) 17345 {In his Portr. lit., v. 2 ; Caus. lund., v. 1.) *I Jouffroy, T. S., called Theodore. Introduction to ethics, incl. a crit. surv. of moral systems ; tr. by W. H. Channing. 2 V. 2399-400 — Philosophical miscellanies ; tr., with not. bv G. Ripley. {In Riplev, G. Spec, of for. stand, lit., 2 V.) ' ' 3054-5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1, and Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Jouhaud, A. Tue-toi le premier ; pochade. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 2.) 14792 Jouin, L. Evidences of religion. 17497 Joule, J. P. Tyndall, J. The Copley medalist of 1870. (In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Jouons la com^die ! com^die ; par J. de Marthold. (In Say- netes, etc., s^r. 6.) 14796 Jourdan, J. B., comte. Headley, J. T. (In his Napoleon, etc., V. 2.) 1826 — Jourdan. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Jourdan, A. G. A. Declaration. (In M^moires sur les journees de Sept. 1792.) (Barri^re. Bib. des mem., v. 18.) 14538 Jourgniac de Saint-M^ard, F. Mon agoniede trente-huit heures. (In M^moires sur les journ6es de Sept., 1792.) (Barri^re. Bib. des mem., v. 18.) 14538 Journal de Tr^voux. Mueller, F. M. (In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 Journal des savants. Mueller, F. M. (In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 Journal d' un volontaire d' un an au 10^ de ligne ; par R. Val- lery-Radot. 14568 Journal d' une femme, Le ; par O. Feuillet. 14556 Journal of a farmer's daughter ; by E. Goodale. 20472 Journal, The, of a home life ; by E. M. Sewell. 3913 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 683 Journal of a tour and residence in Gt. Britain. 1310-1311 ; by a French traveller ; with rem. on the country, its arts, lit- erature, e^c, 2 V. 1395-6 Journal of Social Science. See Am. Soc. Sci. Association. Journalism. Congdon, C. T. Reminiscences of a journalist. 19943 — Nadel, E. S. Journalism as exempl. by W. Bagehot. {In his Essays.) 21897 — Oldcastle, J. Journals and journalism, 1880. 22691 — See also London. Journ^e verte, La ; monologue; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, ser. 7.) 14797 Journey round my room ; by X. de Maistre ; fr. the French. 19475 Journey, A, round the world, Narrative of ; by F. Gerstaecker. 2229 Journey to *** ; by C. Cros. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Journey to London ; comedy ; by J. Vanbrugh. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc) 4889 Journey to the centre of the earth ; by J. Verne. 11429 Journey, A, to the north pole ; by J. Verne. 13378 Jowett, B. Doctrines of the atonement ; Righteousness by faith ; Imputation of the sin of Adam ; Conversion, and changes of character ; Casuistry ; Connection of immo- rality and idolatry ; The Old Testament ; Quotations fr. the O. T. in the New ; Character of St. Paul ; St. Paul and the twelve ; Evils in the Church of the apostolical age ; Belief in the coming of Christ in the Apostolic age. (/n Noyes, G. R. Coll. theolog. ess.) 7701 — On the interpretation of Scripture. {In Hedge, F. H. Rec. Inq. in theol.) 5174 — See also Plato ;— Thucydides. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances ; fr. the Gaelic. 19657 Joyce, R. D., M.D. Ballads of Irish chivalry; songs and poems. 9737 — Legends of the wars in Ireland. {Imperfect.) 7132 Joyce, R. D. Blanid. ' 18998 — Deirdr6. (No name ser.) 16136 Joynes, E. S. Classical studies. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17758 Joyneville, C. Life and times of Alexander I. 3 v. 13810-12 Joynson, F. H. Mechanic's and student's guide in the design. and constr. of machine gearing, etc. 10633 Jubilee memorial of the railway system ; by J. S. Jeans* 15595 Jubilee singers. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of remark, per- sons.) 18069 — Marsh, J. B. T. Storv of the Jubilee singers ; with their songs. 19686 — Pike, G. D. The jubilee singers; [Also Jubilee song^. 11393 The singing campaign for ten thousand pounds ; or, The Jubilee singers in Gt. Britain. 15538 Judaea capta ; by Mrs. Tonna. {Bi her Works.) • 4475 ; 4478 Judah's Lion ; by Mrs. Tonna.. {In her Works.) 4475 ; 4478 Judaism. See Jews. Judas Iscariot. De Quincey, T. {In his Theol. ess., v. 1.) 1160 Judas Maccabseus. Condor, C. R. Judas Maccabseus, and the Jewish war of Independence. 18961 — Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) ' 8118 Judas Maccabseus ; by H. W. Longfellow. {In his Three books of song.) 10586 684 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Judas Maccabaeus ; oratorio, by Handel. *I Judd. J. W. Valcanoes ; what they are and what they teach. Illust. 2d. ed. 20811 Judd, S. Margaret; a tale of the real and the ideal. 2 v. 2402-3 — Philo ; an evangeliad. 2404 — Richard Kdney and the Governor's family. 2405 — Hall, A. Life and character of Judd. 2406 Judea. See Palestine. Judge and jury ; by B. Y. Abbott. 20255 Judge Mike's court ; by R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukesbor- ough tales.) 22894 Judge not. {In Home narr.) • 1197 Judges. Forsyth, W. The judges of England. (In his Ess., crit. and narr.) 12723 — Foss, E. The judges of England. 9 v. . *I — Washburn, E. Limitations of judicial power. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Judge's pets, The: by E. .Johnson. 10911 Judicial dramas ; or, The romance of French criminal law ; by H. Spicer. 12588 Judith; historiette ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, v. 1.) ♦! Judgment. Swedenborg, E. Account of the last judgment, and the Babylon destroyed. 4317 Judgment of Paris ; a masque ; by W. Congreve. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Judson, A., J?\ Wayland, F. Memoir of the life of J. 2 v. 4685-6 Judson, A. B. History and course of the epizootic among horses upon the No. Am. continent, 1872-73. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 1.) *I — Report upon the course of cholera thr. towns and cities in the Mississippi vallev. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Judson, A. H. Eddy, D. C. {In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 — Knowles, J. D. Memoir of A. H. Judson. 2505 Judson, E. C. {2:>seud. Fanny Forrester). Alderbrook. 2 v. 5092 — The Karthayan slave. (In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Memoir of Sarah Boardman Judson. 2407 — Eddv, D. C. (In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 — Kencirick, A. C. Life and letters of Mrs. Judson. 2450 Judson family. Yonge, C. M. {In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Judson, L. C. The moral probe ; ess. on the nat. of men and things. 2408 Judson, S. B. Eddy, D. C. (Inhis Heroines, etc.) 5032 — Judson, E. C. Memoir of S. B. Judson. 2407 — Sketch of S. B. Judson. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Juif errant, Le ^ par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 5.) *I Juif errant, Le ; par E. Sue. 4 v. 14583-6 Juive, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 3.) *I Jukes, J. B. Student's manual of geology. 5782 — Same; new ed., ed. by A. Geikie. 10847 Jukes. Dugdale, R. L. ''The Jukes" ; study in crime, pau- perism, disease, and heredity. 16942 Julia de Roubign6 ; by H. Mackenzie. {In his Miscel. works.) 2842 Julia Howard ; by Mrs. Bell. 5817 Julian, Conde. Irving, W. Legend of Count Julian and his family. (Zn /u's Span, papers.) 2164; 5868 Julian ; or. Scenes in Judea ; by W. Ware. 2 v. 4649 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 685 Julian Home ; by F. W. Farrar. 1449 Juliana Oakley; by Mrs. Sherwood. {Bi her Works, v. 5.) 3959 Julianus, F. C, Emperor. Kendall, G. H. The Emperor Jul- ian ; Paganism and Christianity ; with genealog., chrono- log., and bibliog. appendices. 19582 — Taylor, I. (In his Logic in theol., etc.) 11367 Juliet; by Mrs. Jameson. (Little class., v. 18.) 20167 Juliet's guardian; by Mrs. H. L. Cameron. 16940 Julius; by H. Alger, Jr. . 12711 Julius Caesar. See Shakespeare, W. Julius Caesar; tragedy; by Shakspeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 11.) 11813 Julius Speratus. Laus Philomelae, etc, {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 Jumbo- Jum. (In French's min. dram., v. 31.) 7986 Juncker, E. Margarethe ; or. Life-problems; fr. the Germ. by Mrs. Wister. 17838 June, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, J. C. Jung-Stilling, J. H. Autobiography ; tr. by S. Jackson. 4251 Jungle, peak, and plain ; by G. Stables. 17174 Junius. Junius, incl. letters under other signatures; add., Correspondence with Wilkes and Woodfall ; with prelim. essay, etc. 2 v. 13176-7 — De Quincey, T. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) 1154 — Dilke, C. W. (In his Papers of a critic, v. 2.) 14204: — Foster, J. Woodfall's J. (Jw /lis.Crit. ess., v. 2.) 1503 — Havward, A. More about J. {In his Bio^. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 2.) 12306 — Wilson, J. Junius and Francis. {In his Studies of mod. mind.) ^1197 Junius, Jr., pseud. See Du Jon, F. Junker, E. Lucy ; or, Married fr. pique ; fr. the Germ, by J. A. Sigmund. 12706 Junot, A., Due d'Abrantes. Junot. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Junot, L. P., duchesse d'Abrantes. Memoirs of Napoleon. 2v. 2411-12 Jupiter, the god. See Ammon. Jupiter, the planet. Denning, W. F. Jupiter. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — Proctor, R. A. {In Our place among infinities.) 15347 Jupiter's satellites. {In his Mysteries, etc.) 22.S22 Jupiter's daughters; by Mrs. W. C. Jenkin. 12230 Jurisprudence. See Law. Jury. Durfee, J. Relative duties of court and jury. (In his works.) 10156 — Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. 14148 Jussieu, A. de. Elements of botany ; tr., with add., by J. H. Wilson. Illust. 2413 Just one day. . 18816 Just his luck. 17300 Justine's lovers. 17778 Justinianus I. , F. A. , Einp. of Rome. Holland, T. E. The Insti- tutes of Justinian ; ed. as a recension of the Institutes of Gains. 5591 686 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Justinus. Historiae Philippicse ; textum Wetzelianum ; illust. N. E. Lemaire. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8258 — Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius; lit.tr., with notes, by J. S. Watson. 5157 Justinus Martyr. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers, etc.) 18997 Jutland, Sand-hills of; by H. C. Andersen. '9838 Juvenalis, D. J. Satil'se ; cum not. Rupertianis subj. add. N. E. Lemaire. 3 v. " 8259-61 Note. V. 3 is Persius Flaccus, A. Satirae, etc. — Fifth satire j tr. by G. Chapman. {In Homerus, Batrachomyomachia.) 2065 — Juvenal's Fifth satire ; tr. by G. Chapman. {In Homerus. Hymns and epigrams.) *I — Flaccus, A., Sulpicia, and Lucilius, C. Satires; lit. tr. by L. Evans. Added, The metrical version of Juvenal and Persius, by W. Gifford. 2414 — ' Walford, E. Juvenal. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 11018 Juvenile delinquency. Allen, J. A. Westboro' State Reform School reminiscences. 17248 — Carpenter, M. Juvenile delinquents, their cond. and treatment. 11043 — Peirce, B. K. A half cent, w^ith juvenile deUnquents ; or. The New York House of Refuge and its times. 8476 — See also Reform Schools. Juventinus, A. O. Philomela. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 Juventus mundi ; by W. E. Gladstone. 7887 K., A. H. Our two lives ; or, Graham and I. 12878 K., E. D. The Lawrence "Mother Goose" ; a delightful even- ing's entertainment. 17613 K. N. Pepper, and other condiments ; by J. Maurice [J. W. Morris]. 2504 Kaehler, L. A. Die drei Schwestern. (Deutscher Novellen- schatz.) 16157 Kaffir. See Cape Colony. Kaffraria. Ward, H. The Cape and the Kaffirs. 4635 Kalani of Oahu ; hist, romance of Hawaii ; by C. M. Newell. 20876 Kalb, J., -F^rei/ie/T von. Greene, G. W. (/71 ^is Germ, ele- ment.) 15344 — Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) ^ 1829 Kaleidoscope. Brewster, D. The kaleidoscope. 8883 Kaleidoscope pictures. See Putnam, A. Kalid and Kittie ; by A. Putnam. 6114 Kdlidilsa. The birth of the War-God, a poem ; tr. into Eng. verse by R. T. H. Griffith. 2d. ed. 18884 — Saint Victor, P. de. Kalidasa ; le theatre Indien. {In his Les deux masques, v. 2.) * 14719 Kalid's friends ; by A. Putnam. (Kaleidoscope pict.) 6115 Kalisch, M. M. Path and goal ; discussion on the elements of civilization and the cond. of happiness. 19917 Kaloolah ; or, Journeyings to the Dj^bel Kumri ; autobiog. of J. Romer; ed. by W. S. Mayo. 2991 Kalulu, My ; prince, king, and slave ; by H. M. Stanley. 7327 Kames, H., Lord. See Home, H. Kamtchatka. Hale, E. E. Siberia and Kamschatka. {In his Stor. of adv.) 20849 Kandahar. Le Messurier, — . Kandahar in 1879 ; diary. 20091 Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations, 1853-55. 2 v. 2416-17 — Grinnell expedition in search of J. Franklin. 2418 CATALOGUE OF BOO: — Elder, W. Biography of Kane. — Sketch of Kane. {In Famous boys.) Kane, H. H. Opium-smoking in Amer. and China. Kangaroo hunters ; by A. Bowman. Kansas. Description. — Greelev, H. (In his Overland journev from New York to San Francisco.) 1643 — Higginson, T. W. A ride through Kanzas, 1856. 1902 — Mehne, J. F. (In his Two thousand miles.) 7195 — Robinson, S. T. L. Kansas, its interior and exterior life. 3678 History. — Hale, E. E. Kanzaa and Nebraska. 1716 — Phillips, W. The conquest of K. by Missouri and her allies. 3456 — See also West, The. Kant, I. Critique of pure reason ; tr. by F. M. Muller ; in- trod. by L. Noire. 2 v. 21893-4 — Critique of pure reason ; tr. by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. 2419 — Eeligion within the boundary of pure reason ; tr. by W. Semple. 14225 — Text-book to Kant; Critique of pure reason; trans., reproduction, etc, with biog. sketch, bv J. H. Stirling. 21489 — Theory of ethics ; tr. by T. K. Abbott. 12311 — Translations, (iw Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Bowen, F. Kant; his life and character; Critique of pure reason; Groundwork of ethics. (In his Modern philosophy.) 17186 — Morris, G. S. Kant's Critique of pure reason; crit. exposition. - 21772 — Porter, N. The Kantian centennial. (In his Science and sentiment.) 22173 — Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Life of Kant. 22061 — Wallace, W. Kant. 21662 — Watson, J. Kant and his English critics ; a comparison of critical and empir. philosophy. 22305 — See also Germany. Philosophy. Kapp, F. Aus und iiber Amerika. 2 v. 16220-1 Contents. V. 1. Geschichtliche Ruckblicke: George Washington; Benj. Franklin; Die Unabhangigkeits-Erklarung ; Die Monroe-Doktrin. — Zur Auswanderungsfrage. 2. Kommunal una kirchliche Angelegenhel- ten.— Cotton is King. — Ein Tagebuch.— Spanisch. Amerikanisches. — Immigration. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 — Immigration and the commissioners of emigration. 8785 — Life of F. W. von Steuben. 2421 Karasowski, M. Frederic Chopin, his life, letters, and works ; tr. by E.Hill. 19115 Karelia. {In his White sea peninsula.) 21987 Karif language. See Carib. Karl and Gretchen's Christmas ; by L. W. Tilden. Illust. 19376 Karr, J. B. A. A tour round my garden ; rev. and ed. by J. G. Wood. New ed. Illust. 6480 — Sainte-Beuve, C.'A. (In his I'rem. lund., v. 2.) *I Kashgar. Boulger, D. C. Life of Yakoob Beg, Ameer of K. 18617 Kaspar's summer dream ; by C. M. Yonge. {In her Bye- words.) 19611 Kastner, V., ed. Anecdotes historiques et litt^raires. 14494 Kata Phusin, psewd. >iS'ee Ruskin, J. Kate Beaumont ; by J. W. De Forest. 9936 Kate Clarendon ; by E. Bennett. 11620 Kate Comerford ; by T. A. Thornet. 21393 Kate Cronin's dowry ; by Mrs. C. Hoey. 17080 Kate Danton ; by M. A. Fleming. 16739 Kate Stanton. 5095 Kate Weathers ; by F. Vaughan. 17793 Kater, H., and Lardner, D. Treatise on mechanics. 2423 Katerfelts ; by J. G. W. Melville. 13493 688 FREK PUBLIC LIIJKARY. » Katharine Ashton ; by [E. M. vSewell]. 2 v. 3904-5 Katharine Seward ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 4.) 3958 Katharine Walton ; by W. G. Simms. 3990 Katharine and Petruchio ; comedy ; by Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 Katharine. See also Katheriue. Kathayan slave, The ; by E. C. Judson. {In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 Katherine Earle ; by A. Trafton. 13013 Katherine Morris ; by A. Athern. 3206 Katherine's trial ; by Holme Lee [H. Parr]. 11735 Kathie Brand ; by Holme Lee [H. Parr]. 5735 Kathleen; by F. H. Burnett. 17439 Kathleen Mavonrneen ; domestic drama. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 44.) 11832 Kathrina ; poem; by J. G. Holland. 7017 Katie Stuart ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 5262 Katrine, Loch. Black, A., and C. {In their Guide to the Trossachs, etc.) *I Katsch, A. E. Under the storks's nests ; fr. the German by E. R. Steinestel. 14157 Katy O'Sheal ; by J. Pilgrim. {In French's min. dr., v. 37.) 7989 Katunes of Maya history. See Central America. Kauffman, A. Sketch of K. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 Kaufman, R. The Queens of England ; abrgd. and adapt, fr. Strickland's " Queens of England." Illust., v. 1. (Young folks' hist.) 22267 Kaufmann, D. George Eliot and Judaism ; attempt to appreciate Daniel Deronda ; tr. by J. W. Ferrier. 18133 Kaufmann, J. Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen - Leben, v. 3.) 16313 Kaufmann, M. Socialism ; its nature, dangers, etc. Found. on " Kapitalismus und Socialismus," by Dr. A. E. F. Schaffle. 18115 — Utopias; or, Schemes of soc. improvement, fr. Sir T. More to K. Marx. 18887 Kavanagh, B., and J. The pearl fountain, and other fairy tales. Illust. by J. M. Smith. 16675 Kavanagh, J. Adele. 2425 — Beatrice. ' • 5959 — Daisy Burns. 2426 — The earnest Christian ; Mrs. E. Eowe. (In Women of worth.) 1219 — Enghsh women of letters ; biog. sketches. 7014 — Forget-me-nots. 3 v. 18834-6 Contents. V. 1. By the well.— Sister Anne.- The story of Monique. —Annette's love-story. 2. Phyllis and Corydon.— The miller of Manne- ville.—R6n('^e.— Charlotte Morel.'— Mimi's sin.— My brother Leonard. 3. Nina, the witch.— Silvie's vow.— Cousin Jane.— The countess's story.— A young girl's secret. — The broken charm. — Clement's love. — Grace Lee. 2427 — John Dorrien. 13913 — Madeleine. 2428 — Nathahe. • 2424 — Rachel Gray. 2429 — Seven years, and other tales. 2430 -Silvia.' 16586 — Two lilies. 16914 — Woman in France during the 18th. cent. 2431 Kavanagh ; by H. W. Longfellow. 2745 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 689 Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. Humorous dramas. 18087 Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. (For. countries, etc.) Maps and illust. 20369 Kay, J. Social cond. and educ. of the people in England. 2270 Kay Spen, pseud. True of heart. 7491 Kaye {Lat. Caius), J. De canibus Britannicis. {In Lemau'e, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Kaye, J. W. History of the war in Afghanistan. *I — Life and correspondence of Sir John Malcolm. 2 v. *I Kay-Shuttleworth, J. E. See Shuttleworth, J. E. Kay. Kean, C. Lewes, G. H. (In his Actors and acting.) 14097 Kean, E. Fitzgerald, P. Great debuts : Garrick-Siddons- Kean. {In his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 — Hawkins, F. W. Life of E. Kean. 2 v. 11885-6 — Edmund Kean. (In Lights of the old English stage.) 17924 — Lewes, G. H. (In his Actors and aetinir.) 14097 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Ess., biog. and crit.) 4523 Keane, A. H. The African races philolog. classified. (In Johnston, K. Africa.) 17671 — Asia; with ethnological appendix; ed. by R. Temple. Maps and illust. (Stanford's compend. of geog. and travel.) 22227 — Ethnography and philology of America. (In Bates, H. W. Centr. Am., etc?) 21931 — Philology and ethnology of the interoceanic races/ {In Wallace, A. R. Australasia.) 20819 Keane, J. F. My journey to Mediuah ; pilgrimage to M. dis- guised as a Mohammedan. 21979 Keay, J. S. Spoiling the P'gyptians ; tale of shame from the Brit, blue books. (Quest, of the day.) 22034 Keary, A. Castle Daly ; story of an Irish home. 14114 — Clemency Franklyn. 15414 — A doubting heart. - 19426 — Janet's home. . 15596 — The nations around ; [Palestine] . 4697 — Oldbury. 15597 — A York and a Lancaster rose. 16715 — Keary, E. Memoir of A. Keary. 22385 Keary, C. F. The dawn of htstory ; introd. to pre-historic study. 18134 — The mythology of the Eddas. 22530 — Outlines of prim, belief among the Indo-European races. 21625 Keary, E. The magic valley; or, Patient Antoine ; illust. 17336 — Memoirs of Annie Keary. 22385 Keating, E. H, Charade dramas for the drawing room. 2 pts. 11925; 11927 — Charade plays for the parlour. 2 pts. 11926; 11928 — Dramas for the drawing-room. See Charade dramas, above. — The harvest queen; comedv. (7?i Home plavs for ladies.) 14360 — Plays for the parlour. ' * 11928 Keating, J. M. Value of sanitation from an economic stand- point. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *I — With Gen. Grant in the East. Illust. 19427 Keats, G. Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 Keats, J. Hyperion. Book I. ; ed. with notes, [by] W. T. Arnold. (Clarendon press ser.) 19014 — Letters to Fanny Brawne, 1819-20; introd. and notes by H. B. Forman. 19410 — Life, letters, and literary remains ; ed. bv R. M. Milnes. 3065 Contents. Life and letters.— Otho the great. — King Stephen.— The cap and bells. — Misc. poems. — Sonnets. — Poetical works. 12418 Contents. Life of K. — Endvmion. — Lamir. — Lsabella. — Eve of St. 690 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Agnes. — Hyperion —Misc. poems.— Epistles. — Sonnets. — Posthumous poems. — Poetical works. 2432 — Poetical works of Coleridge, Shelly, and K. 874 Note. Contents for these last two are identical for Keats. — Clarke, C, and M. C. Recollections of K. {In their Recoil, of writers.) 18006 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2255 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Lowell, J. R. {In his Among my books, ser. 2.) 15406 — Masson, D. The life and poetry of K. {In his Wordsworth, etc.) 13877 — Owen, F. M. John Keats ; a study. 20338 Kebbel, T. E. The agricultural labourer. 8861 Keble, J. The Christian year ; thoughts in verse for Sundays and holy days. New ed. 21747 — Miscellaneous poems. 8005 — The psalter ; or, Psalms of David in Eng. verse. 4th. ed. *I — Barry, A. The Christian year. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Coleridge, J. T. Memoir of Keble. 2 v. 8006-7 — Newman, J. H. {In his Ess., crit. and hist., v. 2.) 10127 — Shairp, J. C. {In his Stud, in poetry and phil.) 10489 — Stanley, A. P. {In his Essays on Church and State.) 10698 — Taylor, I. {In his Golden hves.) 11755 — Yonge, C. M. Musings over the " Christian year, and ' Lyra innocentium,' " with recollections of K. 9145 Keddie, H. (pse^^d. Sarah Tytler). Citoyenne Jacqueline. 7219 — Heroines in obscurity. ' 20818 — Huguenot family. 7138 — Modern painters and their paintings. 12513 — Musical composers and their works. 13664 — " Noblesse oblige." 9939 — The old masters and their pictures. 12273 — Scotch firs. 2 v. 18753-4 — and Watson, J. L. The songstresses of Scotland. 2 v. 9815-16 Kedge anchor, The ; by W. N. Brady. 9869 Kedzie, R. C. Poisons as insecticides in agriculture and tests of their effects on food vegetables. {Jn Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., V. 2.) *I — Ventilation of the dwelUngs of the poor. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Keel and saddle ; by J. W. Revere. 11180 Keeler, H. A. Language lessons in elementary schools. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Keeler, R. Gloverson and his silent partners. 7600 — Vagabond adventures. 10524 Keeley, R., and Mrs. — . Lewes, G-. H. The two Keeleys. {In Ms Actors and acting.) , 14097 Keen, W. W. American health primers. Namely : Burnett, C. H. Hearing. 18703 Cohen, J. S. The throat and voice. 19214 Harlan, G. C. Eyesight. . 19030 Hartshorne, H. Our homes. 19600 Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hygiene. 19932 • Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. 19223 White, J. W. The mouth and teeth. 19381 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork. 19545 Keene, J. H. The practical fisherman ; Brit, freshwater fish, tackle and tackle making. Illust. 20812 Kehoe, S. D. Indian club exercise. 9900 Keightley, T. History of Greece [B. C. 825-B. C. 183] ; add. Chrouolog. table of coutemp. hist, by J. T. Smith. 2434 — History of Rome, [B. C. 753-B. C. 27] . 2439 — History of the Roman empire ; contin. of the Hist, of Rome. 2438 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 691 — Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 2437 Keil, C. F. Biblical commentary on the books of the Chronicles. 11743 — and Delitzsch, F. Biblical comm. on the Old Testament; Books of the Chronicles bv C. F. Keil ; tr. by A. Harper. 11743 Keim, DeB. R. 'San Domingo. 8650 — Sheridan's troopers on the borders ; a winter campaign on the plains. 8649 Keim, T. History of Jesus of Nazara ; consid. in its connect. with the national life of Israel ; tr. by A. Ransom and E. M. Geldert. 6 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I — Same. Another copy. 2d ed., v. 1. *I Keith, A. Evidence of the truth of the Chr. religion. 2440 Keith, C. P. Memoir ; ed. by W. C. Tenney. 6274 Keith, M. S. Questions and notes in physics ; pts. 1 and 2 of Arnott's Elements. 18719 Keiths, The. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of old families.) 18362 Keller, G. Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16149 Kelley, H. Sculling, rowing, and yachting. 10624 Kelley, W. D. Speeches, addresses, and letters on indust. and financ. quest. *I Kellogg, A. O. Shakespeare's delineations of insanity, imbe- cility," and suicide. 6405 Kellogg, Edward. Labor and other capital ; rights of each secured. 2443 — A new monetary system ; rev. fr. " Labor and other capital," with add. ; ed. by M. K. Putnam. 2444 Kellogg, Elijah. Brought to the front ; or, T^e young defenders. 15327 — Burying the hatchet. 18163 — Charley Bell. 8095 — The child of the island glen. 9669 — The cruise of the Casco. 9666 — The fisher boys of Pleasant Cove. 12497 — Forest Glen ; or, The Mohawk's friendship. 17276 — Good old times. 17396 — John Godsoe's legacy. 11945 — Lion Ben of Elm Island. 8094 — The Liye Oak bovs. Illust. 22273 — The mission of Black Rifle. 16678 — Sowed by the wind. 13337 — The spark of genius. 9665 — A stout heart. 7314 — A strong arm, and a mother's blessing. Illust. 20062 — Turning of the tide. 8632 — The unseen hand ; or, James Renfew and his boy helpers. Illust. 21299 — The whispering pine. 9668 — Winning»his spurs. 11254 — Wolf Run : or, The boy of the wilderness. 14040 — Young deliyerers of Pleasant Cove. 9189 — The young ship-builders. 809S Kellogg, S. W. The Livelies, and other short stories. 13245 Contents . The Livelies.— Deshler and Deshler.— When I was a boarder.— Her chance. — Mr. Twitchell's inventions. Kelly, M. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac, ser.) 14058 — Timbs, J. Reminiscences of K. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Kelly, T. Sketch of K. (Bi Famous boys.) 5036 Kelly, W. K. Collection of the proverbs of all nations. 8537 — Curiosities of Indo-European tradition and folk-lore. 11355 — History of Russia. 2 v. 2441-2 Kellys, The, and the O'Kellys ; by A. Trollope. 10786 Kelty, M. A. Memoirs of the primitive Quakers. 2445 Kemble, A. Jameson, A. {In her Stud., etc.) 2330 692 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kemble, F. A., for a time Mrs. Butler. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, 1838-39. *I — Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays. '22810 Contents. Macbeth.— Henry VIII.— The tempest.— Romeo and Juliet. — Poems. 2446 — Records of a girlhood. 18281 — Records of later life. 3 v. 21729-31 — A year of consolation. 2 v. in 1. 653 — Jameson, A. {In her Sketches.) 2329 — Talfourd, T. N. First appearance of F. Kemble. {In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Kemble, J. Kemble. (/w Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 Kemble, M. T.(DeC.) Plays. See French's minor drama; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Kemp, E. How to lay out a garden. 11413 Kempe, A. B. How to draw a straight line ; lect. on linkages. lUust. (Nature ser.) 17379 Kempe, H. R. Handbook of electrical testing. 15912 Kempe, J. E. The classic preachers of the English church. 2 ser. 17464; 18551 Contents. Ser. 1. Lightfoot, J. B. Donne.— Wace, H. Barrow.— Lake, W. C. South.— Clark, W. R. Beveridge.— Farrar, F. W. Wilson. — Goulburn, E. M. Butler. 2. Warburton, W. P. Bull.— Woodford, J. R. Horsley.— Barrv, A. Jeremy Taylor.— Alexander, W. Sander- son.— Humphry, W. G. Tillotson.— Xorth, J. H. Andrewes. — Companions for the devout life : lectures, with a pref . New ed. 18849 Contents. Farrar, F. W. The " De imitatione Christi."- Church, R. W. Pensees of Pascal.— Goulburn, E. M. St. Francis of Sales' Introd. to the dev. life.— French, R. C. Baxter and " The saint's rest."— Alex- ander, W. St. Augustine's confessions.— Humphry, W. G. J. Taylor's *' Holy living and dying."- Ashwell, A. R. Tlie '* Theologia Germanica." —Carter, T. T. Fenelon's' " (Euvres spirituelles."— Woodford, J. B. "Devotions" of Bp. Andrewes.— Barry, A. The "Christian year."— Bickersteth, E. H. Milton's "Paradise Lost." — Howson, J. S. The "Pilgrim's progress."— Burgon, J. W. The prayer book a devotional manual and guide. Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Kemshead, W. B. Inorganic chemistry. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12814 Kendall, A. Autobiography ; ed. by W. Stickney. 10827 Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition. 2 V. 2448-9 Kendall, W. A. Verses. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Kendrick, A. C. Life and letters of Mrs. E. C. Judson. 2450 — Our poetical favorites; a selection. 3 ser. 9825; 14329; 22156 Kenedy, A. New Zealand. . 13621 Kenelm Chillingly; by [E. Bulwer Lytton]. 11474 Kenilworth. Black, A. and C. {In their Guide to Leaming- ton, etc.) *1, Kenilworth ; by W. Scott. 3819 Kennan, G. Tent life in Sibei'ia. 9021 Kennaway, C. E. Consolatio. 10163 Kennedy, A. B. W. The kinematics of machinery. lUust. by the, Berlin coll. of kinematic models. (Sci. lect.) 16995 — Same. {In So. Kensington sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 Kennedy, A. W. M. C. To the Arctic regions and back ; tour to Lapland and Norway, with notes on sport and uat. hist. Map and illust. 18626 Kennedy, B. H. Commentary and appendices. {In Virgilius. Bucolica, etc.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 693 Kennedy, G. Dunallau. 5733 — Philip Colville; Anna Ross; Jessy Allan, the lame girl. 7207 Kennedy, J. The school and the family ; ethics of school re- ' lations. 17765 Kennedy, J. P. Uorse-shoe Robinson ; rev. ed. 2456 — Memoirs of Wm. Wirt. 2 v. 2454-6 — Rob of the Bowl ; legend of St. Inigoe's. 2457 — Swallow Barn, or, A sojourn in the 01^ Dominion ; rev. ed. Illust. 5374 — Tuckerman, H. T. Life of Kennedy. 9674 Kennedy, P. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts. 11461 Kennedy, W. S. Henry W. Longfellow; biog., anecdotes, letters, criticism. Portr. and illust. 21551 — John Greenleaf Whittier ; life, genius, and writings. 22274 — Oliver Wendell Holmes, poet, litterateur, scientist. 22866 Kenneth; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4902 Kenneth, my king ; by S. A. Brock. 11323 Kennett, Story of ; by B. Taylor. 6263 Kenney, C. L. Memoir of M. W. Balfe. 13858 Kenney, J. Plays. jSee French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Kenrick, J. Phoenicia. Maps and illust. 17380 Kenrick, W. New American orchardist ; with app. on veg- etables, ornamental trees, shrubs, e^c.,-3d. ed. 2459 Kent, Duchess of. See Maria Louisa Victoria, Duchess of Kent. Kent, C. Charles Dickens as a reader. 20332 Kent, J. E. Chemistry applied to agriculture. 2415 Kent, J. The Johnson manor ; tale of olden time in New York. 17062 — Sibyl Spencer. 17990 Kent, W. Revision. See Beardslee, L A. Experiments. — The strength of materials. (Van Nostrand's Sci.-ser.) 18771 Kent, W. C. The vision of Cagliostro. (I7i Tales fr. Black- wood, V. 5.) 19144 Kent, W. S. Gigantic cuttle-fish. {In Estes, 1). Half-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Kent. Black, A. and C. Guide to Kent. *I Kentish, T. Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide- rule. 2460 Kentucky. Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, ,W. H. History of Kentucky. 231 Kentucky's love ; by E. King. 11321 Keon, M. G. Dion and the sibyls. 18317 Kepler {or Keppler) , J. Bertrand, J. Kepler ; his life and works. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 — Bethune, J. E. D. Life of K. {In Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Brewster, D. {In his Martvrs of sci.) 8884 Keppel, G. T., 6^^ Earl of Albemarle. Fifty years of my life. 16089 Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo ; with extr. fr. the journal of J. Brooke. 2461 Kept in the dark ; by A. Trollope. 22182 Ker, D. On the road to Khiva. 12813 Keramics. See Pottery. Keramos, and other poems ; by H. W. Longfellow. 17614 Keratry, E., Comte de. Rise and fall of the Emperor Maxi- millian ; narr. of the Mexican empire, 1861-7 ; with the imperial correspondence. *I 694 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kereven, K. P. Doctor Aar. (In Short stories.) 6965 Kerl, S. Elements of compositioD and rhetoric. 10546 Kern, G. M. Practical landscape gardening. 2d. ed. 2464 Kerner, A. Flowers, and their unbidden guests ; with pref. letter by C. Darwin ; tr. and ed. by W. Ogle. , Illust. 18365 Kerr, Orpheus C. (pseud.) See Newell, R. H. Kerr, R. W. History of the Government printing office ; with record of the pub. printing, r789-1881. 2d. ed. Illust. *I Kerr, R. The gentleman's house ; or. How to plan Eng. resi- dences. 3d. ed., rev. Plans. 10724 Kerr, W. C. Geological and sanitary rel. of drainage and wa- ter supply in No. Carolina. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I Kerry. Froude, J. A. A fortnight in K. (In his Short stud., ser. 2.) . 9686 Keshub Chunder Sen. Four lectures ; with pref. by S. D. Col- let. (The Brahmo Somaj.) 8946 Kessler, J. Introduction to the lang. and literature of Mada- gascar. *I Kester's evil eye. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 3.) 14303- Kesteven, W. H. A microscopical biography. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Kett, C. W. Rubens. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) 19349 Kett, H. Flowers of wit., 2465 Kettle, R. M. Lewell pastures. 2638 — Lord Maskelyne's daughter. 20670 Kettlewell, S. Thomas a Kempis and the Brothers of Common Life. 2 V. 21591-2 Kew. Oliver, D. Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens and pleasure grounds. *I Key, A. and Retzius, G. Ur var tids forskning. See Abelin, H. ;— Hildebrand, H. H. Keyes, E. R. Wesley and Swedenborg. 12549 — Keyes' hand-book of northern pleasure travel. 12959 Keyser, C. S. Penn's treaty with the Indians. 22081 Khayydm, O. Rubdiydt ; rendered into Eng. verse [by E. Fitzgerald] . *I Khemi. See Egypt. Khiva. Burnaby, F. A ride to Khiva. 17057 — Ker, D. On the road to Khiva. ' 12813 — MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva. 13086 Khiva and Turkestan ; [relations with Russia] ; fr. the Russian, by H. Spalding. 13292 Khorassan. MacGregor, C. M. Narrative of a journey thr. K., etc., 1875. 2 v. 18632-3 Kidd, W., Capt. Abbott, J. S. C. Capt. W. Kidd. 13780 Kidder, D. F., joint author. See Fletcher, J. C. Kiddle, H. Common school teaching ; lect. (Pps. on educa- tion.) *I — and Schem, A. J. Year-book of education, 1878. 17876 — Harrison, T. F. and Calkins, N. A. Manual of methods for a graded course of instruction. 12231 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 695 Kildhurm's oak ; by J. Hawthorne. {In Ms Ellice Quentin, ete.,v. 2.) 20807 Kilgore, C. B. Democracy ; essay. (7n Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Report, 1876.) *I Kilgore, D. Y. Ecclesiasticism in Amer. politics and institu- tions ; address, (/n Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Report, 1876.) *I Kill or cure ; by C. Dance. {In French's min. dram., v. 6.) 11838 Killarney. Black, A. and C. Guide to Killarney and So. of Ireland. *I — Graves, A. P. Songs of Killarney. 12576 Killebrew, F. W. Report on the soil of Rugby. {In Hughes, T. Rugby. 20708 Killen, W. D. The old Catholic church ; hist., doctr., wor- ship, and polity of the Christians, A. D. 755. 16833 Kilmaine, C. J. Grant J. (7n /i^s Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 Kilmeny ; by W. Black. 8697 Kilpatrick, H. J. Moore, J. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. 5973 Kilrogan cottage ; by M. Despard. 17887 Kimball, J. W. Encouragements to faith. 12145 Kimball, J. H.^ joint author. iS'ee Thome, J. A. Kimball, R. B. In the tropics ; by a settler in Santo Domingo ; with introd. by K. 5582 — Romance of student life abroad. 2467 — St. Leger. 2468 — To-day, a romance. 5845 — Undercurrents. 7110 — Was he successful ? 5581 Kinahan, G. H. Handy-book of rock names, with descr. of the rocks. 11770 Kindergarten. Hoffmann, H. Kindergarten toys, and how to use tliem. 12886 — Mann, M. P. and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy, and kinder- garten guide ; with music. 8054 — Peabody, E. P. Plea for Froebel's kindergarten. {In Identification of the artisan, etc.) 8131 — Plays and songs for kindergarten and family. 20754 — See also Children. Also Froebel. Kindness. Mayhew H. and A. Magic of kindness ; or, The wonderful story of the good Huan. 2986 Kinematics. See Dynamics ; — Machinery. Kinetic theory of gases. Watson, H. W. Treatise on the Kinetic theory of gases. 17001 King, C The colonel's daughter ; or, Winning his spurs. 22471 King, C. Ascent of Mt. Tyndall. (Little class., v. 17.) 20166 — Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevjida. 9943 King, C. C. A cannon shot. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — The sun telegraph. (7/4 Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 King, D. B. The Irish question. 22157 King, E. French political leaders. (Brief biographies.) 13829 — The gentle savage. 22811 — The great South: journeys in Louisiana, Texas, etc. 16680 — Hungarian types and Austrian pictures; Odd corners of Austria; Along the Danube; Danubian Days. {In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 — Kentucky's love. ' 11321 — My Paris ; French character sketches. 7596 696 FIJEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. King, H. Brown's peccadillo ; an idyll of the Temple. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 24.) 19169 King, H. M. The sabbath and the family. {In Sabb. ess.) 19808 King, J. F. Chemistry of water. {In Brown, R. Sci: for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Coal ^as. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 King, J. Sketch of K. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 King, K. The bubble reputation. 18084 — Hugh Melton. 14380 — Off the roll. 15367 — Our detachment. 13756 — The queen of the regiment. 12673 King, P., Itli Baron King. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 King, T. S. Christianity and humanity; sermons; ed. with mem. by E. P. Whipple. 2d. ed. 17138 — Patriotism, and other papers. 5721 Contents. Biographical sk.— Patriotism.— Washington, or Greatness.— Beauty and religion.— Great principles and small duties.— Plato's views of immortality.— Thought and things.— True greatness.— Indirect influ- ences,— Life more than meat.— Inward resources.— Natural and spiritual Providence.— Philosophy and theology.— Natural and revealed religion.— The idea of God and the truths of Christianity. — Harmony of opposite qualities in the Savior's character and teachings. — The chief appeal of re- ligion. — Substance and show, and other lectures; ed. by E. P. Whipple. 17277 Contents. Substance and show. — The laws of disorder.— Socrates. — Sight and insight. — Hildebrand.— Music. — Existence and life.— The earth and the mechanic arts. — Daniel Webster. — Books and reading.— The priv- ileges and duties of patriotism. — Intellectual duties of students in their academic years. — Spiritual Christianitv. {In Pitts-St. chap, lect.) 20424 — The White hills. ' 9338 — Frothingham, R. A tribute to Starr King. 5794 — Whipple, E. P. {In his Character.) 6546 King, W. H. Lessons and pract. notes on steam, the steam engine, propellers, etc. ; rev. by J. W. King. 19th. ed. 22767 King, W. R. United States Congress. Obituary addresses on the death of K., 1853. . 2469 King and Commonwealth; by B. M. Cordery and J. S. Phill- potts. 15670 King, The, and the deserter ; drama ; by J. M. Maddox. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 39.) 11829 King, The, and the cloister; by E. M. Stewart. 12509 King Charming; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, V. 4.) *I — Same. {In French's min. dr., v. 9.) 11840 King Christmas ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, V. 5.) *I King David ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Rodman the keeper.) 19610 King Edwin, At the Court of ; drama ; by W. Leighton, Jr. 17339 King Grimalkum and Pussyanita ; or, The cats' Arabian nights ; by A. M. Diaz. 21161 King Henry. See Henry. King John ; tragedy ; by W. Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 5.) 11807 King John. See Shakespeare, W. King Lear; tragedy; by W. Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 9.) 11811 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 697 King Lear. See Shakespeare, W. King of Hayti ; by T. De Quincey. {In his Logic of polit. econ.) 1162 King of No-land ; by B. L. Farjeon. 13320 King of the commons ; play ; by J. White. {Bi Mod. stand. dr., V. 4.) 11806 King, The, of the golden river ; by J. Ruskin. (In Little class., V. 10.) . 12981 King, The, of the Hurons ; by P. H. Myers. 2116 King of the Peacocks ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extrava- ganzas, V. 3.) *I King, The, of the Peak : by A. Cunningham. (In Little class., V. 7.) 12978 King Rent's daughter; drama; by H. Hertz. 1893 — Same. {In French's min. dr., v. 34.) 7988 King William and his armies ; by R. M. Johnston, (j^ his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Kingdom, The, of God, and other sermons ; by E. E. Hale. 21327 Kinglake, A. W. Eothen ; or. Traces of travel brought home fr. the East. New ed. 2471 — Invasion of the Crimea ; its origin and its prog, to the death of Lord Raglan, v. 1-4. 12286-9 Kings. See Norway. King's Chapel. See Boston. Ecclesiastical organizations. King's Cope. 12885 King's highway ; by G. P. R. James. 2301 Kings in exile ; by A. Daudet. 19453 King's missive, The, and other poems ; by J. G. Whittier. 20297 King's own, The ; by Capt. Marryat. 2922 King's own borderers. The ; by J. Grant. 10762 King's rival, The; drama; by T. Taylor and C. Reade. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 16.) 11818 King's servants; The; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 12510 Kingsford, Jane^ pseud. See Barnard, C. Kingsley, C. Alexandria and her schools ; lect. 15712 — All saints' day, and other sermons ; ed. by W. Harrison. 17672 — Alton Locke.* * 2472 — Amyas Leigh. See Westward ho I below. — At last ; Christmas in the West Indies. 9657 — The fens. (Little class., v. 17.) ' 20166 — Glaucus ; or. The wonders of the shore. 2473 — Health and education. 12906 Contents. The science of health.— The two breaths.— The tree of knowledge.— Nausicaa in London ; or, The lower education of woman. — The air-mothers.— Thrift.— The study of nat. history.— Bio-geology . — Heroism.— Superstition.— Science.— Grots and groves.— George Buchanan, scholar.— jRondelet, the Huguenot naturalist.—Vesalius, the anatomist. — Hereward, the last of the English. 6093 — The hermits. 7488 — The heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales. Illust. 2476 — Hypatia. 2474 — Lectures in Amei-ica, 1874. 14331 Contents. Westminster Abbey.— The stage as it was once.— First dis- covery of America.— The servant of the Lord.— Ancient civilisation. — Lectures on the Ancient Regime as it existed on the continent before the French revolution. 15960 — Letters and memories of his life ; ed. by his wife. 3rd. ed. 2 v. 16830-1 — Literary and general lectures and essay's. 21362 Contents. The stage as it was once.— Thoughts on Shelley and Byron.— 45 698 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. A. Smith and A. Pope.— Tennyson. — Burns and his school. — The poetry of sacred and legendary art. — On English composition. — English litera- ture.— Grots and groves. — Hours witn the mystics. — F. D. Maurice. — Phaethon; or, Loose thoughts for loose thinkers, 1852. — Living truths ; from the writings of K. ; by E. E. Brown. Introd. by W. D. Howells. (Spare minute ser.) — Madame How, and Lady Why. — Plays and Puritans, and other hist, essays. Contents. Plays and Puritans. — Sir Walter Raleigh and his times. — Fronde's History of England. — Poems. . {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) — Poems; incl. The saints tragedy, Andromeda, songs, ballads, etc.; collect, ed. — Preface. (In Tauler, J. Hist.) — Prose idylls, new and old. Contents. A charm of birds; Chalk-stream studies.— The fens.— My winter garden.— From ocean to sea.— N^orth Devon. — Sir Walter Raleigh and his time ; with other papers. Contents. Sir W. Raleigh and his time.— Plays and Puritans.— Bums and his school.— Hours with the mystics : (Imper/ec«.)— Tennyson; {Im- perfect.)— Poetry of sacred and legendary art.— North Devon.— Phae- thon.— Alexandria and her schools.— My winter-garden. — England from Wolsey to Elizabeth. — Town geology. — Two years ago. — The water babies ; a fairy tale. Illust. — Westward ho ! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. — Yeast ; a problem. — McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. lead.) — Stephen, L. {In his Hours in a library, ser. 3.) Kingsley. F. J. Tt^e disestablishment of the Eng. alphabet. (In Pitman, I. Plea for spell, ref.) Kingsley, H. Austin Elliot. — Fireside studies. 2 v. Contents. Y. 1. The fathers of the Spectator.— Two old Sussex worthies. — An old-fashioned member. — The master of the "Mermaid." 2. The father of irregular drama.— Fletcher and Beaumont. — Sir Philip Sidney. — The Harveys. — Hetty. — The ilillvars and the Burtons. — The lost'child. {In Little class., v. 10.) — Old Margaret. — Ravenshoe. — Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. — Silcote of Silcotes. — Stretton. — Tales of old travel re-narrated. Contents. Marco Polo.— Shipwreck of Pelsart.— Wonderful adven- tures of A. Battel.— Wanderings of a Capuchin.— Peter Carder.— Preser- vation of the "Terra Nova."— Spitzbergen.— D'Ermenonville's acclimati- zation adventure. — The old slave trade. — Miles Philips. — Suflferings of Robert Everard. — John Fox. — Alvaro Nunez. — Foundation of an empire. Kingsley, J. S. The naturalist's assistant ; with a bibliography of works for the zoologist. Kingsley, J. L. Historical discourse del. bef. the citizens of New Haven. — Life of E. Stiles. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 16.) Kingston, W.H. G. Antony Wayriiouth. — Charley Laurel ; story of adventure by sea and land. — The cruise of the Frolic. — Dick Cheveley ; his adv. and misadventures. Illust. — Digby Heathcote. — Fisher life on the Cornish coast. — Fred Markham in Russia ; or. The boy travellers in the land of the czar. Illust. — Hendricks the hunter ; tale of Zululand. Illust. — History of the British navy. 22589 6966 11641 6158 12198 4363 3951 2475 11061 2477 5770 638 2478 11191 18645 18516 2608 16538-9 11012 8025 5896 12981 10746 2507 2479 7046 7833 8065 22214 *I 4125 10614 15368 19949 9260 12862 21445 19350 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 699 — In New Granada; or. Heroes and patriots. 19473 — In the eastern seas. ^ 10613 — In tlie wilds of Florida; tale of warfare and hunting. 19950 — James Braithwaite, the supercargo. Illust. 22158 — Little Ben Hadden. 10616 — Mark Seaworth. 10619 — Marmaduke Merry, the midshipman. 5570 — Notable voyages, fr. Columbus to Parry. Illust. 19571 Contents^ Columbus. —Vasco da Gama. — Fernando Magalhaens. — Sir Francis Drake.— Cavendish. — Schoaten and Le Maire.— Dampier. — Anson.— Capt. Cook.— Capt. Perrv. — Oflftosea. ' 10617 — Peter the whaler. Illust. 2480 — Peter Trawl ; or, The adventures of a whaler. Illust. 21036 — The rival Crusoes. Illust. 18328 — Round the world. 2481 — Salt water. 3207 — Schoolboy days. 10618 — Snow-shoes and canoes. 16723 — Stories of animal sagacity. 13338 — The story of Nelson ; The grateful Indian ; The boatswain's son. (Mag- net stories.) 10566 — The three commanders ; or, Active service afloat in modern days. 14158 — Three hundred vears ago; or. The martvr of Brentwood. 7620 — The three lieutenants. ' 13339 — Voyage of the " Steadfast." 17278 — Washed ashore. 10615 — Western wanderings ; or, A pleasure tour in the Canadas, v. 2. 2483 — The western world ; picturesque sk. of nature and nat. history in No. and So. America. ' 13283 — The young Llanero ; story of war and wild life in Venezuela. 17139 Kingzett, C. T. History, products, and processes of the alkali trade, incl. recent improvements. 17233 — Nature's hygiene; ess. on pop. sci. subj. with spec. ref. to the chemistry and hygiene of the Eucalyptus and the Pine. Kinkel, G. A family feud. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 21.) 19166 — Margret. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16150 Kinkel, J. MusikalischeOrthodoxie. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16163 Kinley Hollow ; by G. H. Hollister. 21892 Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-Bun. 11699 Kiosque, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 11.) *I Kip, L. The dead Marquise. 11966 — Hannibal's man; and other tales. 21796 Contents. Hannibal's man.— In three heads.— Ghosts at Grantley. — Secret of Apollonius Septrio.- Prior Polycarp's portrait. — St. Nicholas and the gnome. — Nestlenook. (Knickerbocker novels.) 20278 Kip, W. I., Bp. Christmas holidays in Rome. 7587 — Early conflicts of Christianity. 2484 — Early Jesuit missions in North America. 2485 — Historical scenes fr. the old Jesuit missions. 15369 — Unnoticed things of Scripture. 7521 Kippax, J. R. Churchyard literature ; Amer. epitaphs, with rem. on monumental inscriptions, etc. *I Kippis, A. Life of Dr. Butler. {In Butler, J. Works, v. 1.) 651 — Narrative of voyages by Capt. Cook ; with acct. of his life. 2486 Kirby, W. Power, wisdom, and goodness of God as mani- fested in the creation of animals, etc. ; new ed. with notes, by T. R. Jones. 2487 — and Spence, W. Introduction to entomology. 2488 Kirk, E. N. Charity. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 — Paul the Apostle. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 — Hears, D. 0. Life of Kirk. 17280 700 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kirk, E. (pseud. Nellie Ames) . Up Broadway, and its sequel ; a life story. 8465 Kirk, E. W.^ formerly Miss Olney. Clare and B6b6. 18714 Kirk, J. Mother of the Wesleys ; biography. 6613 Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 3 v. 7374-6 Kirke, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. Kirkham, S., joint author. See Fowler, O. S. Kirkland, C. M. {pseud. Mary Clavers). Forest life. 2489 — Holidays abroad. 2 v. 2490-1 — Memoirs of Washington. < 2492 — Our new home in the west ; [Michigan] . Illust. 10560 — Western clearings. 1641 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 Kirkland, S. Lothrop, S. K. Life of K. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 25.) 4134 Kirkland family. Muzzey, A. B. (In his Reminis.) 22390 Kirkwood, A. M. Rules of politeness ; Rules for sewing. (In Wilson Indust. School. Little lessons.) 18605 Kirkwood, A. W. Series of lessons. (In Wilson Indust. School. Little lessons.) 18605 Kirkwood, D. Comets and meteors. 11795 — Meteoric astronomy; treat, on shooting-stars, fire-balls, and aerolites. 6947 Kirwan, pseud. See Murray, N. Kirwan, A. V. Host and guest ; book about dinners, etc. 12579 Kismet ; [by J. Fletcher]. 16737 Kiss and be friends ; by J. P. Smith. 21839 Kiss and try ; by R. Jefferies. (In Soc. nov^, v. 1.) 22935 Kiss in the dark; by J. B. Buckstone. (In French's min. dram., v. 6.) 11838 Kissing. Bombaugh, C. C. The literature of kissing. 15335 Kit ; a memory ; by J. Payn. 22392 Kit Kelvin's kernels ; [by J. Canning]. 2493 Kitchel, H. D. Christian doctr. the mold of Chr. character. (Jti Boston lect., 1872.) ^ _ 8988 Kitchen garden Association. Advanced lessons in kitchen garden, with songs and occupations. 22622 — Household economy. • 21803 Kitchin, G. W. A history of France, v. 1-3. 12580 ; 17234-5 Kitching, J. H. Irving, T. ''More than conqueror" ; mem. of K. 11277 Kites and pigeons ; by J. Hatton. (In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 Kith and kin ; by J. Fothergill. 21174 Kitto, J. Illustrated hist, of Palestine ; fr. the patriarchal age. 5753 — Scripture lands; hist., geog., and topog. sketches. Atlas. 2494 — Sketch of Kitto. (7w Famous boys!) 5036; 7707 Kitton, F. The polariscope. (In Lankester, E. Half-hours with the microscope.) 12118 Kitty ; by M. B. Edwards. 8809 Kitty Craig ; by M. J. Holmes. ( With Ciiateau D'Or.) 20855 Kitty's choice ; by R. H. Davis. 10484 Kitty's class day ; by L. M. Alcott. . 15880 — Same. {In her Proverb stor.) 22009 Klaczko, J. Polish poetry in the 19th. cent. (In Cook, M. W. The undivine comedy, etc.) 13965 — Two chancellors : Prince Gortchakof and Prince Bismarck ; tr. bv F. P. Ward. ' 15886 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 701 Klapka, Gen. G. Memoirs of the war of independence in Hungary ; tr. by O. Wenckstern. 2 v. 2495-6 Kleber, J. B. Kleber. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Klein, Pastor. The pastor's narrative ; or, Before and after the Battle of Worth, 1870; tr. by Mrs. F. E. Marshall. 22812 Kleist, H. von. Michael Kohlhaas. {In Tales fr. the German. )5217 — Michael Kohlhaas ; St. Cecilia. {In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 — Die Yerlobung in St. Domingo. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16147 — Lloyd, F. Prussia's representative man. 13874 — Schmidt, J. Kleist's " Prinz von Homburg." {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) 16311 Klemm, L. R. Poesie fiir Haus uud Schule ; select, and arr. 16348 Klencke, P. F. H. Alexander von Humboldt ; a biog. monu- ment ; tr. by J. Bauer. 5027 Kletzinsky, Prof. — . Nitrogen bodies of mod. chemistry. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Klopstock, F. G. Hosmer, J. K. {In his Hist, of German literature.) 18259 — Der Messias. 10322 — Taylor, B. Klopstock, Wieland, and Herder. (In his Stud, in G«rm. lit.) 19003 Klosterheim; by T. De Quincey. 1153 — Same. (In his Memorials, etc., v. 2.) 1156 Kluckhohn, A. Louise, Queen of Prussia ; a memorial ; tr. by E. H. Denis. 21036 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt : its people and its products ; with pref. not. by G. Schweinfurth. 17337 Knapen, D. M. Mechanic's assistant. 2497 Knapp, J. Autobiography ; with essay by R. Jeffery. 7289 Knapp, S. L. Biographical sk. of lawyers, statesmen, etc. 2498 Knapp, W. H. Autobiography; with essays. 11331 Essays. Processes of life. — Man and nature. — Human consciousness. — Beginning and ending.— Social or common-wealth. Knapp, W. J. Grammar of the mod. Spanish language. 22322 Knappert, J. The religion of Israel, a manual ; fr. the Dutch by R. A. Armstrong. 17530 Knapsack, The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 15295 KnatchbuU-Huguessen. See Huguessen. Kneeland, S. An American in Iceland ; acct. of its scenery, people, and hist., with descr. of its millennial celebration, 1874 ; notes on the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe islands, and the eruption of 1875. 15370 Knickerbocker, D.^ pseud. See Irving, W. Knicknacks fr. an editor's table ; by L. G. Clark. 844 Knight, A. G. Life of C. Columbus. 17579 Knight, C. Cyclopaedia of London. 2502 — Cyclopaedia of the industrv of all nations. 2503 — Half-hours of En^. hist. ff. the Roman period to the death of Elizabeth. 6.529 — Half-hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. 10642 — Knowledge is power ; view of the prod, forces of mod. societv, and the results of labour, capital, and skill. Illust. ' 2500 — Lecture, Sheffield AthenaBum, 1847. (In Literarv addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Passages from Riis] life ; [autobiographv] . * 12674 — Popular hist, of England. 8 v. " 4336-43 — Studies of Shakspere. 6371 — William Shakspere : a biog. 2501 —joint author. See Craik, G. L. Knight, Cornelia. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13766 702 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Knight, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. 3 v. 16752-4 — Mechanical progress. (In Woolsey, T. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 Knight, H. W. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. 6475 Knight, R. P. The symbolical lang. of anc. art and myth- ology. New ed. ; introd., add., etc. ; tr. by A. Wilder. *I Knight, W. Colloquia peripatetica ; notes of conversations by Duncan with K. 4th. ed. 12719 — Conservation and change ; continuity and devel. of relig. (In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 1990a — The English lake distr. as interpreted in the poems of Wordsworth. 18444 — Philosophical classics for English readers ; namely: Adamson, R. Fichte. 20732 Caird, E. Hegel. 22751 Collins, W.L. Butler. Eraser, A. C. Berkeley. Mahaffy, J. P. Descartes. Wallace, W. Kant. 21662 — Spinoza. 22682 Contents. Knight, W. Introductory note. — Land, T. In memory of S.— Fischer, K. Life and character of S.— Vloten, J. van. Spinoza.— Renan, E. Spinoza, 1677-1877. Knight, A, of Dannebrog ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Ilka.) 20192 Knight-errantry in the 19th. cent. ; by L. Oliphant. (In his Traits, etc.) ' 22692 Knight of Gwynne ; by C. Lever. 2 v. 2629-30 Knight, A, of the 19th. century ; by E. P. Roe. 17147 Knighton, W. On the training system of educ, partic. as adapt, for large towns. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 — Private life of an Eastern king [Nussir-ud-Deen] . 3560 Knights and their days ; by J. Doran. 6300 Knights, The, of the horseshoe ; by W. A. Caruthers. 22018 Knightsbridge mystery. The ; by C. Reade. (In his Multum in parvo.) 22084 Knitting. Hale, L. P. The art of knitting. 21024 — Lady's book of knitting and crochet; cont. patterns. 15385 Knitting sale-socks; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. (In her Amber gods, etc.) 5430 Knockabout Club alongshore; by C. A. Stephens. 22177 Knockabout Club in the woods ; adv. in Maine and Canada ; by C. A. Stephens. 21115 Knott, J. P. Duluth speech ; — Sk. of K. {In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 Knowing and known, New theory of ; by J. Cunningham. 13803 Knowledge. Allen, H. B. The useful compan. and artificer's assistant; encyc. of information. 21812 — Bacon, F. The advancement of learning; ed. bv W. A. Wright. 18951 — Cooke, J. P. The nobility of knowledge. (In his Sci. culture.) 20766 — Goodrich, C. A. Family encyclopaedia. 1579 — Haig, J. Symbolism ; or. Mind, matter, language, as the elements of thinking' and reasoning, and as the necessary factors of human knowl- • edge. 13448 — Hughes, T. Mental furniture ; or. Adaptation of knowledge to men. 2067 — Hume, D. (Li his Philos. works, v. 1.) *I — Smith, H. B. Sir Wm. Hamilton's theory of K. (In his Faith and philosophy. 18186 — Symonds, J. A. Knowledge. (In his Misc.) 22835 — Wilbur, H, Lexicon of useful knowledge. 4776 — See also Intellect;— Science. Knowledge and faith, and other discourses ; by O. B. Frothing- ham. 16103 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 703 Knowles, J. D. Memoir of A. H. Judson ; [incl. a hist, of Amer. Baptist Mission in the Burman Empire]. 2505 — Same; 8th. ed., with continuation of the hist, of the mission. 13219 — Memoir of R. Williams. 2606 Knowles, J. S. Dramatic works. 11888 Contents. Caius Gracchus. — Yirg-inius. — "William Tell. — Alfred the Great; or, The patriotic king;— The hunchback, — The wife.— Beggar of Bethnal Green.— The daughter. — The love-chase.— Woman's wit; or, Love's disguises. — Maid of Mariendorpt.- Love.— John of Procida; or, The bridals of Messina. — Old maids. — Rose of Arragon.— The Sec- retarv. — Fortesque. 1208 — Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Hofne, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Knowlton, H. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting illust. fr. charcoal drawings, by W. M. Hunt. *I Knox, A. Life and character of J. Wesley. {In Curry, D. Life of W., V. 2.) 4081 Knox, A. A. The new playground ; or, Wanderings in Algeria. 21710 Knox, H. Drake, F. S. Life and correspondence of K. 11934 — Headley, J. T. (In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 Knox, J. Carlyle, T. Portraits of Knox. ( With Early kings of Norway.) 13902 — Lorimer, P. John Knox and the church of England. 13876 — M'Crie, T. Life of K. ; cont. illust. of the hist, of the reformation in Scotland. 16630 — Tulloch, J. {In his Leaders of the Reform.) 4527 Knox, R. Races of men ; phil. enq. into the infl. of race over the destinies of nations. 2d. ed. 6506 Knox, T. W.' Boy travellers in the far East ; namely: Adventures in a journey to Japan and China. Illust. 19361 Adventures in a journey to Siam and Java; with deser. of Cochin China, Cambodia, Sumatra, and the Malay archipelago. Illust. 19882 Adventures in a journev to Ceylon and Inclia, with descr. of Borneo, the Phillipine Is., and Burmah. Illust. 21097 Adventures in a journey to Egypt and the Holy Land. 22203 — Camp-fire and cotton-field; Southern adv. in tinie of war. Illust. 22202 — How to travel ; hints, advice, and suggestions. 20370 — John ; or. Our Chinese relations ; stud, of our emigration and commer- cial intercourse with the Celestial empire. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 18598 — Pocket guide for Europe, etc. 21588 — The young Nimrods in No. America. Illust. (Hunting adventures.) 20479 — The young Nimrod around the world. Illust. (Hunting adventures.) 21648 Knox, V. Elegant extracts ; passages fr. Eng. authors and . translations; new ed., with engr., v. 1, 2, 4-6. 5147-51 Knox, W. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Designs by L. B. Humphrey. 16574 Kny, L. Plant life in the sea. (Hf.-hr. rec. pop. sci., ser. 2.) 18864 Kobell, F. von. Sketches fr. the mineral kingdom ; ed. by A. Henfrey. {With Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants, etc.) 3803 Koch, C. W., and Schoell, M. S. F. History of the revolutions in Europe to 1815. Added, Sketch of revolutions in Greece, etc. ; by J. Barrett ; with acct. of revolutions in 1848. • 2514 Koch, K. H. E. The Crimea and Odessa ; tr. by J. B. Horner. 2509 Koch, R. Holly and mistletoe ; tales tr. by Trauermantel. 1954 Contents. Augusta.— Christmas eve.— The vouiigguest.— Greengreen.- Oda's gift.— Castle Hill. . *=*= — and Burg, M. Seedtime and harvest tales ; tr. by Trauermantel. 3897 Contents. Koch, R. Thepicthre; Country cousins ; The little ragman.— Burg, M. The inquisitive boy. 704 FREE PUBLIC LIBUARY. Kock, C. P. de. Gautier, T., and others. (In their Famous French authors.) 19026 Koehler, S. R. Painting in America. 22461 Bound with Buxton, H. J. W. Eng. painters. Koenig Rother ; hrsg. v. H. Riickert. (Deutsche Dicht. des Mittelalters.) 16246 Koeniggratz. Adams, C. (In his Great campaigns.) 18150 Koenigsmark ; tragedy ; by G. H. Boker. 7873 Koerner, K. T. Sammtliche Werke. 10323 — Life of K., written by his father; with select, fr. his poems, tales, and dramas; tr. by G. F. Richardson. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20739-40 — Tuckerman, H. T. (I7i his Essays, biog. and crit.) 4523 Koester, F. B. Tragical quality in the friendship of David and Jonathan. (In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Selections.) 1348 Kohl, J. G. Austria ; England and Wales ; Russia and the Russians, 1842 ; Scotland. (Foreign lib.) 2511 Note. Four separate works bound in 1 vol. — Travels in England and Wales ; tr. by T. Roscoe. 2610 Kohlrausch, F. Introduction to phys. measurements ; with app. on absolute electrical measurement, etc. ; tr. by T. H. Waller, and H. R. Procter. 12304 Kohlrausch, H. F. T. History of Germany. 2512 Koldewey, K. German arctic expedition, 1869-70, and narr. of the wreck of the "Hansa" in the ice; tr. and abgd. by L. Mercier. Illust. 13509 Kolff, D. H., Jr. Voyages of the Brig Dourga thr. the Moluc- can Archipelago, and along the coast of New Guinea ; tr. by G. W. Earl. 2508 Komensky (Lat. Comenius), J. A. Quick, R. H. (In his Essays on education, reform.) 12175 — Laurie, S. S. J. A. Comenius; his life and educ, works. 22532 Kompert, L. Eine Verlorene. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16154 — Scenes fr. the ghetto ; studies of Jewish life. 22683 Koner, Wilhelm, Joint author. See Guhl, E. Kopsisch, A. Ein Carnevalsfest auf Ischia. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16151 — Der Triiumer. (Deutscher N^ovellenschatz.) 16160 Koran, The. jSee Mohammed. Kormak ; an Icelandic romance of the 10th. cent. 2513 Kossovo. Mijatovich, E. L. Kossovo ; attempt to bring Serbian nat. songs into one poem. 21984 Kossuth, L. Memories of my exile ; tr. by F. Jausz. 19764 — Headley, P. C. Life of K. ; incl. not. of the men and scenes of the Hun- garian revolution; added, his Speeches, etc. 1832 — Kossuth in New England ; acct. of the Governor's visit to Mass. ; with his Speeches, etc. 2516 — Tetft, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth. 4391 — Willis, N. P. {In his Famous persons, etc.) 4804 Kotzebue, A. F. F. von. The stranger. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 2.) • 11804 Koumiassine, Les ; par H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 2 v. 14492-3 Koven, J. de. See DeKoven, J. Kramer, J. W. Manual for visitors of the poor. 16770 Krasinski, Z. N. See Cook, M. W. The undivine comedy. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 705 Kraus-Boelte, M. The Kindergarten and the mission of wo- man. (Pps. on education.) *I Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin ; fr. the German, by W. S. Dal- las ; with a not. by C- Darwin. Portr. 19474 Kremlin. Prime, S. I. The Alhambra and the Kremlin ; the south and north of Europe. 7322 — See also Moscow;— Russia. Kriege, M. H. The child ; its nature and relations ; Froebel's principles of education ; fr. the Germ, of thfe Baroness Mareuholtz-Buelow. 11097 Krilof, I. A. Ralston, W. R. 8. Krilof and his fables. 7768 Kroeger, A. E. The minnesinger of Germany. 11306 Kroeh, C. F. Die Anna-Lise ; play, by H. Hersch ; with an interlinear trans., and direct, for learning to read German. (Kroeh's German course.) 21615 Kruedener, B. J. (de W.) Mme. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. de femmes, 1876 ; Portr. lit., v. 3.) *I {In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 Krueger, B. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 3.) 16357 Kruesi, H. Pestalozzi ; his life, work, and influence. 13561 Krummacher, F. A. Parables of K. ; fr. 7th. German ed. lllust. 2515 Krummacher, F. W. Autobiography ; ed. by his daughter ; tr. by M. G. Easton ; with pref. by Prof. Cairns. 8108 — David, the king of Israel ; tr. by M. G. Easton. 7489 Kruse, L. Nordische Freundschaft. (Deutscher Novellen- schatz.) 16152 Kudrun. See Gudrun. Kuenen, A.* Bible for learners. See Oort, H. — National religions and universal religions. (Hibbert Lect., 1882.) 21806 — The Pentateuch and book of Joshua critically examined; tr. and ed., with notes by J. W. Colenso. *I — Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state; tr. bv A. H. Ma^'. 3 V. (Theol. Trans. Fund Lib.) ' *I Kuernberger, F. Der Drache. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16157 Kugler, F. T. Die Incantada. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16161 Ku Klux conspiracy. United States. Congress. Joint select co7nm. to inquire into the condition of affairs in the insur- rectionary states. Report, 1872. 11624 Kulman, L. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) 16356 Kurdistan. Ellis, T. J. On a raft and Through the desert; jour. thr. No. Syria and Kurdistan. 2 v. *I — Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour thr. Armenia, Kurdistan, etc. 2 v. 4086-7 Kurtz, J. H. History of the Chr. church to the reformation. Emend, and add. by A. Edersheim. 2517 For V. 2 see Text-book of Church history. — Text-book of church historv ; f r. the reformation. 2518 Vol. 2 of History of the Chr. Church. Kurz, H. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur mit ausgewahlten Stiicken aus den Werken der yorzuglichsten Schriftsteller. Elust. 4v. *I Kurz, H. Die beideu Tubus. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16164 — joint author. See Heyse, P. Kuzzilbash, a tale of Khorasan ; by J. B. Eraser. 3 v. 19567-9 Kymry. See Wales. 706 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 10788 18154 14499 14793 14483 L., J; W. Brockley moor. 12780 L., L. E., pseud. See Maclean, L. E. L. L., L. R. A French reform school. {In Some cur. schools.) 20401 L.,R. Spear, C. (Jn 7m Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Labberton, R. H. Historical questions ; companion-book to Outlines of hist. *I — Historical atlas; ser. of maps at successive periods, fr. the dawn of hist. 6th. ed. *I — Outlines of history ; with tables, chron., general, and literary. 4th ed. *I Lab^, L. See Perrin, L. La Beata ; by T. A. Trollope. La B^dolli^re, E. G. de. Story of a cat ; tr. by T. B. Aldrich ; with designs in silhouette by Hopkins. Labiche, E. M. L'amour de I'art, com^die. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^^tre, etc., ser. 4.) — Un coup de rasoir; sayuMe. (In Savn^tes, etc., s6r. 3.) — La lettre eharg6e ; f antaisie. ( Jn Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, e«c., ser. 2.) — Theatre complet; pr^f. par E. Augier, v. 1-10. 14658-62; 14570-74 Contents. V. 1. Un chapeau de paille d'ltalie.— Le misanthrope et I'auvergnat.— Edgard et sa bonne.— La fille bien gard^e.— Un jeune homme pres86. — Deux papas tres-bien.— L'affaire de la rue de Lourcine. 2. Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon.— La grammaire.— Les petits oiseaux. —La poudre aux yeux.— Les vivacites du capitaine Tic. 3. C^limare le bien-aime.— Un monsieur qui prend la mouche.— Frisette.— Mon Ismenie. — J'iuvite le colonel.— Le baron de Fourchevif.— Le club Champenois. 4. Moi.— Les deux timides.— Embrassons-nous, Folleville !— Un gar(,'on de Chez Very.- Maman Sabouleux.— Les suites d'un premier lit.— Les mar- quises de la Fourchette. 5. La Cagnotte.— La perle de la Canebiere.— Le premier pas.— Un gros mot.— Lechoix d'un gendre.— Les 37 sous de M. Montaudoin. 6. Le plus heureux des trois.— La commode de Vic- torine.— L'avare en gants jaunes.— La sensitive.— Le Cachemire X. B. T. 7. Les trente millions de gladiator.— Le petit voyage.— 29 de^es a I'ombre.— Le major Cravachou.— La main leste.— Un pied dans le crime. 8. Les petites mains.— Deux merles blancs.— La chasse aux corbeaux. — Un monsieur qui a brul^ uue dame.— Le clou aux maris. 9. Doit-on le dire ? — Les noces de Bouchencoeur.— La station Champbaudet. — Le point de mire. 10. Le prix martin.— J'ai compromis ma femme.— La cigale chez les fourmis.— Si jamais je te pince I— Un mari qui lance sa femme. — ant^ Delacour, A. C. L. Les petits oiseaux; com^die. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2. — and Martin, E. La poiidre aux yeux ; comMie. {In Bocher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v.l.) — Matthews, J. B. \ln his French dramatists, etc.) Labitte, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit, v. 3.) La Bo6tie, E. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. • {In his Cans, lund., V. 9.) Labor and Laboring classes. Atkinson, E. Labor and capital allies, not enemies. — Bergstedt, C. F. Arbetet och dess wilkor; foredrag. — Brassey, T. Lectures on the labour question. Work and wages practically illust. — Chamberlin, E M. The sovereigns of industry. — Channing, W. E. Elevation of the laboring portion of the community. {In his Works, v. 5.) ' 791 — Congreve, R. {In his Ess. political, etc.) 13048 — Cook. J. Labor. (Bost. Mond. lect.) 19643 — Douglas, A. M. Hope mills. 19464 — Elder, W. Questions of the dav ; economic and so«'ial. * 9644 — Eliot, S. Relief of labor. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Fawcett, H. The economic position of the Brit, labourer. 11147 — Fox, W. J. Letters to the working classes. 3 v. 1520-2 — Greg, W. R. Mistaken aims and attainable ideals of the artizan class. 16533 — Heath, F. G. The English peasantry. 12809 9420 9419 21038 18907 15007 17659 10998 14030 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 707 — Jervis, J. B. Question of labour and capital. • 17137 — Jevons. W. S. The State in rel. to labour. v 22226 — Kebbel, T. E. The agricultural labourer. 8861 — Kellogg, E. Labor and other capital ; rights of each secured. 2443 A new monetary system; rev. fr. " Labor and other capital." 2444 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power; view of the prod, forces of mod. soci- ety, etc. 2500 — Larned, J. N. Talks about labor, and cone, justice bet. laborers and cap- italists. 16006 — Lovett, W. Life and struggles. 17809 — Manning, H. E. Dignity and rights of labour, lect., 1874. {In his Misc.) 17190 — Memoirs of a working m"an. 7142 — Mill, J. S. The claims of labor. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 2.) 5979 Thornton on labour and its claims. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) 14356 — Moffat, R. S. Principies of a time policy; exp. of a method of settling disputes bet. emplovers and labourers; with re-criticism of the theo- ries of Ricardo and J. S. Mill. 18335 — Moody, W. G. Our labor difficulties ; the cause, and the way out. 17469 — Newcomb, S. The A B C of finance ; money and labor quest, expl, 17310 — Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages. 18265 — Northrop, B. G. (In his Education abroad.) 12135 — Peck. A. T. Fortunes for working men; new and sure way to accumu- late property. ' 7496 — Price, B. {In his Chap, on polit. econ.) 18448 — Ruskin, J. Time and tide. l>v Weare and Tvne; letters on the laws of work. ' * 7252 — Samuelsou, J. The German working man ; his institutions, and his unions. 8966 — Schurz, C. Honest money and labor. 18504 — Stubbs, C. W. Village politics: addr., etc., on the labour question. 18646 — Thornton, W. T. On labour. 2d. ed. 8718 — Wade, J. History of the middle and working classes. 4605 — Walker. F. A. The wages question : treat, on wages and the wages class. 15814 — Ward, J. Workmen and wages at home and abroad: effects of strikes, combinations, etc. ' 7197 — Wasson, D. A. The International. (In Amer. Soc. 8ci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 — Weeden, W. B. The social law of labor. 21529 — Wright, C. D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 22505 Relation of polit. econ; to the labor question. 21786 — See also Atlas essays. Also Co-operation ;— Homes ;— Land tenure;— Poor; — Social science;— Trades-unions; — 3Iass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Labor-making machinery ; ess. by F. P. Powers. 19364 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Abdallah ; or, The four-leaved shamrock ; tr. by M. L. Booth. (Bayard ser.) 8444 — Contes bleus. 9526 Contents. Yvon et Finette.— La bonne femme.—Poucinet.— Contes boh^mes. — Les trois citrons. — Pif Paf . — Fairy tales ; tr. by M. L. Booth. 6575 — Paris in America; tr. by M. L. Booth. 2309 — Le prince-caniche. ' 9385 — King E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Labour stands on golden feet ; by H. Zschokke. 10532 Labrador.. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the interior of the L. peninsula. 2 v. 6471-2 — Noble, L. L. After icebergs with a painter; summer voyage. 3262 LaBree L. Ebenezer Venture. {In French's min. dr., v. 22.) 7982 Labruuie, G. (pseud. Gerard de Nerval.) Mauris, M. (In his French men of letters.) . 19854 La Bruyere, J. de. Oeuvres. Nouv. ed. ; aug. par G. Servois. 3 V. 14730-2 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1.; Nouv. lund., v. 1, 10.) *I Lac des f^es, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 3, v. 3.) *I Lace. Felkin, W. Hosiery and lace. 15470 — Hale, L. P. Point-lace ; guide to lace-work. 18519 — Pallisser, F. B. Historv of lace. *I 708 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lackington, J. Cooper, T. (hi /i^s Triumphs of persev.) 6741 Lackland, T. Home-spun ; or, Five and twenty years ago. 6720 Lacombe, P. Arms and armour in antiquity and the Middle Ages ; also. Descriptive not. of mod. weapons ; tr. with pref. and add. by C. Boutell. 8518 — Petite histoire du peuple frangais. 9527 Lacon ; or. Many things in few words ; by C. C. Colton. 900 Laconic manual ; by C. Simmons. 3988 Lacordaire, J. B. H. D., Fabbe. Hood, E. P. (In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 — Lear, H. D. F. Henri Dominique Lacordaire ; biog. sketch. 22405 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 4; Cans, lund., v. 1, 15.) *I Lacretelle, H. de. Lamartine and his friends ; tr. by M. E. Odell. 19554 Lacrosse, l^eers, W. G. Lacrosse ; the nat. game of Canada. *I Lactantius, F. Carmen de Phoenice. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 La Curne de Sainte Palaye, J. B. Memoir of Froissart ; ess. on his works, e^c, tr. by T. Johnes. {In Froissart, J. Chronicles.) 2180 Lacy, F. A., Count de. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) 10760 Lacy, J. F. M., Count. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) 10760 Lacy, L. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) 10760 Lacy, P. Grant, J. {In hisCsiv. of fortune.) 10760 Leicj, v., Marshal. Grant, J. (Jn /m Cav. of fortune.) 10760 Lacy, R. The two friends. {InMod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 Lacy, T. H., joint author. See Lawler, D. Lacv diamonds ; by J. G. A. Coulson. 14071 Ladder of gold ; by R. Bell. 6175 Ladder of life ; by A. B. Edwards. 4166 Ladies at home ; by J. G. Millengen. {In French's min. dram., v. 19.) 11845 Ladies battle. {Iti French's min. dram., v. 29.) 7985 Ladies beware! {In French's min. dram., v. 7.) 11839 Ladies Lindores, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 22944 Ladies, The, of one hundred years ago. {In Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Paris, Ky. New and pract. cook book. (Housekeeping in the Blue grass.) 19397- Ladoinski, A. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Lads and lasses of Langiey ; by C. M. Yonge. 21715 Lady Alice; by E. Marshall. 17468 Lady Alice ; [by J. V. Huntington]. . 2113 Lady, The, and the devil ; drama ; by W. Dimond. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 30.) 11825 Lady, The, and the priest; by Mrs. Maberly. 11674 Lady Anna; by A. Trollope. 12641 Lady Audley's secret ; by M. E. Braddon. 6730 Lady Beauty ; by A. Muir. 21834 Lady Bell. 12099 Lady Bird ; by Lady G. Fullerton. 11297 Lady Carmichael's will ; by M. C. Hay. 18229 Lady Clancarty ; drama; by T. Taylor. {In his Hist, dram.) 17386 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 70J> Lady Clara de Vere ; by F. Spielhagen. 20416 Lady Ernestine ; by C. A. Warfield. 16129 Lady Hester ; or, Ursula's narrative ; by C. M. Yonge. 14258 Lady Huckleberry enlarges on her husband's follies ; by J. R. S., and M. B. H. 18238 Lady Intellata. {In Magician's show box.) 1507 Lady Jane ; by Mrs. Oliphaut. 22166 Lady Judith ; by J. McCarthy. 9716 Lady Kitty ; by W. Besant, and J. Rice. (In their Case of Mr. Lucraft.) 19096 Lady Lee's widowhood; by [E. B. Hamley]. 10157 " Lady Maud," The ; schooner yatch ; by W. C. Russell. 21903 Lady of La Garaye ; by Mrs. Norton. 5719 Lady, The, of Launay ; by A. Trollope. 17921 Lady, The, of little fishing ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Lady of Lyndon ; by Lady Blake. 11026 Lady of Lyons ; by Lord Lytton. {In his Dram, works.) 11889 — Same. {In Mod. stand, dram., v. 1.) 11803 Lady of Milan ; by Mrs. Thomson ^ 5226 Lady of Shalott, by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 — Same. In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 Lady, The, of the Aroostook ; by W. D. Howells. 18412 Lady of the bed-chamber. {In French's min. dram., v. 21.) 11846 Lady of the ice ; by J. De Mille. 8666 Lady of the lake; by M. Thomson. {In French's min. dr., V. 22.) 7982 Lady of the lake ; romance ; by T. Dibdin. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 34.) 11827 Lady of the lions ; by O. F. Durivage. {In French's min. dr., V. 29.) 7985 Lady of the manor ; by Mrs. Sherwood. 4 v. {In her Works, V. 9-12.) 3963-6 Lady of the wreck ; by G. Colman. {In Broad grins.) *I Lady Rohesia, The ; by R. H. Barham. 14266 Lady-rustic ; by A. S. Poushkin. {In his Russian romance.) 19669 Lady superior. The ; by E. F. Pollard. 13928 Lady Susan ; by J. Austen. {In Leigh, J. E. A. Memoir of J. A.) 9914 Lady Sweetapple ; by G. W. Dasent. 11348 Lady Wedderburn's wish ; by J. Grant. 10766 Lady's book of knitting and crochet ; cont. patterns. 15385 Lady's bazaar and fancy fair book ; sugg. on the getting-up of bazaars, and instr. for articles in embroidery, knitting, etc. 22431 Lady's cruise. A, in a man-of-war ; by C. F. G. Gumming. 21818 Lady's equestrian manual. Illust. 5029 La Fare, C. A., marq. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {InhisCaus. lund., V. 10.) *I Lafayette, M. J. P. R. Y. G. de M., marquis de. Memoirs; with biog. not. 253a — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 52& — Cecil, E. Life of L. 736. 710 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. V.39.) (In his Prem. lun^i., com^die. (Li Say- — Complete history of Lafayette. — Cormenin, L. M'. de la H.' de. (In his Orators of France.) — Du Coudray-Holstein, H. L. Y. Memoirs of Lafayette. Bound ivith Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Memoirs. — Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) — Hervey, N. Relations of L. to Washington. (7?i ^ii's Mem. of W.) — Muzzey, A. B. (In his Reminis.) — Quinc}', J. (In his Figures of the past.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. lit., v. 2.) (In his Portr. de ferames, 1876.) Same. Eng. (In his Portr. of celebr. women.) — Sketch of L. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) — Spalding, M. J. Lafayette and Prof. Morse. (In his Misc.) LafPan, M. Christy Carew. (Leis.-hr. ser.) — Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor. — Ilogan, M. P. — The honorable Miss Ferrard. (Leis.-hr. ser.) Laffeiii^re, A., joint author. See Pierron, E. La Fiammina ; by W. W. Clapp. (In Mod. stand, dr Lafitte, J. Sketch of L. (hi Famous boys.) — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Ess., biog. and crit.) La Flesche, S. (Bright eyes). Ploughed under; story of an Indian chief told by himself ; introd. by Inshta Theamba Lafon-Labatut, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. ~ V. 3.) Lafontaine, H. Ce que veut ma femme ! n^tes, etc.^ s^r. 4.) La Fontaine, J. de. Fables ; par L. Sauveur. — Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) — Fables ; illust. by J. J. Grandville ; tr. by E. Wright, Jr. 2 v. in 1. — Collins, W. L. La Fontaine, and other French fabulists. (For. class, for Eng. Read.) — Gautier, T., and others. (In their Famous Fr. authors.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. lit., v. 1 ; Caus. lund., v. 7.) — Scherer, E. (In his Etudes crit. de litt^rature.) La Giroui^re, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines; from the French. La Harpe, J. F. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (Bi his Caus. lund., V. 5.) Laid, Le ; par L. von vSacher-Masoch. Laing, C. H. B. The heroes of the seven-hills. Laing, F. H. A reassuring thought at the ape's encroachment on our own likeness ; Darwinism brought to book. (In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) Laing, S. The Heimskringla ; or. Chronicle of the kings of Norway ; from the Icelandic of S. Sturleson, with prelim. dissertation. 3 v. Laird, The^ of Logan ; or. Anecdotes and tales illust. wit and humour of Scotland. New ed., with add. Laird, The, of Norlaw ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 2 v. in 1. Laishley, R. Popular hist, of Brit, birds' eggs ; [cold, illust.]. Laiti^re et le pot aux roses. La ; fable ; par E. d'Hervilly. (Th?- ^tre de camp., s6r. 8.) Lake, E. Sir Donald McLeod ; record of service in India. Lake, W. C. South, the rhetorician; lect. (In Kempe, J. E. Class, preachers.) Lake breezes ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. Lake George. See George, Lake. 13180 5012 *I 1829 4674 22480 *I *I 7410 2122 18463 19683 18807 21565 17562 11829 7707 4523 20425 14794 14514 13061 of 21430 19026 *I 14600 1138 *I 14593 12498 *I 17652-4 the 18404 11024 5903 14692 12581 17464 18055 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 711 (Nat. hist, ramb.) Guide to the English Lake shore, The ; by E. Souvestre. Lakes and rivers ; by C. O. G. Napier. Lakes of England. Black, A., and C. lakes. Same ; inch the geology of the district by J. Phillips. — Knight, W. The English' lake district as interpreted in the poems of Wordsworth. * Lakey, C. D. Lakey's village and country houses. Lalla Rookh ; by T. Moore. Lally, A., Count cle. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) Lalor, J. J., joint author. See Mason, A. B. Laluye, L. Une fl^che. (Theatre de camp., ser. 8.) La Madelene, H. de. Conies Comtadins : Les fonds perdus ; Germain Barbe-Bleue ; Jean des Baumes. La Marck, A. M. R., comte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 4.) Lamartine, A. M. L. de P. de. Atheism among the people ; [tr. by E. E. Hale, and F. LeBaron]. , — Fior d'AIiza; tr. by G. Perry. — Genevieve. — Graziella; story of Italian love; tr. by J. Runmon. — History of the French revolution of 1848. — History of the Girondists ; tr. by H. T. Ryde. 3 v. — History of the restoration of «n6narchy in France. 4 v. — History of Turkey. 3 v. — Life of Columbus. — Life of Cromwell. — Life of Fenelon. (In Wright, O. W. Adv. of Telemachus.) — Mary Stuart. — Memoirs of celebrated characters. 3 v. Contents. Vol. 1. Nelson.— Heloise. — Christopher Columbus. — Ber- nard de Palissy, the potter.— Roostam.— Marcus Tullius.— Cicero. 2. Socrates. — Jacquard. — Joan of Arc. — Cromwell. — Homer.— Gutenberg. — Fenelon. 3. William Tell.— Madame de SiWigne.- Milton.— Antar.— Bossuet. — My mother's manuscript ; pict. of the priv. life of a Fr. family dur. the ' 19th. cent. Annot., etc.; tr. by M. L. Helper. — Raphael ; or, Pages in the book of life at twenty. — The stone-mason of Saint Point. — Twent3'-five years of my life. 2 v. — Same ; tr. by Lady Herbert. (Bric-a-brac ser.) — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) — Gautier, T. and others. {In their Famous French authors.) — Lacretelle, H. de. Lamartine and his friends ; by M. E. Odell. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 1; Prem. lund., v. 1; Cans. lund., V. 1 ; Nouv. lund., v. 4.) — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) La Maupin, Mme. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) Lamb, A., Viscountess Palmer ston. Hayward, A. Lady Pal- merston. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 2.) Lamb, C. (Ponsonby). Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) Lamb, C. Complete works in prose and verse. — Works ; Pref., letters, and sketch of his life, by T. N. Talfourd. 2 v. — Adventures of Ulysses. (Harper's lif.-hr. ser.) — A dissertation upon roast pig. {In Little class., v. 5.) — Dream-children. {In Little class., v. 4.) — Eliana ; the uncollected writings of L. Contents. Essays and sketches: Table-talk. — The gentle giantess.— The Reynolds gallery.— Guy Faux. — A vision of horns.— John Kemble, and Goodwin's tragedy of The good clerk, a character; with some acct. of "The complete Eng. tradesman." — Reminiscence of Sir J. Dunstan. — On a passage in "The tempest."— The months.— Biographical mem. of 4108 19300 *I *I 18444 *I 3134 10760 14692 9517 7971 2534 2868 15372 2535 2536-8 2545-8 2539-41 2542 2544 1458 2543 13216-8 16724 2869 2867 10701-2 13090 5012 19026 19554 *I 16312 5873 12306 4718 *I 4349^0 18303 12976 12975 5767 712 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAKY. Mr. Liston. — Autobiography of Mr. Mimden.— The illustrious defunct.— The religion of actors.— The ass.— In re squirrels.— Estimate of De Foe's secondary novels.— Postscript to the "Chapter on ears."— Elia to his corres- pondents. — Unitarian protests. — On the custom of hissing at the theatres. — Lamb's Autobiog. — On the death of Coleridge. — The old actors. — Capt, Starkey. — A popular fallacy, that a deformed person is a Lord. — Letter to an old gentleman whose education has been neglected. — On the ambiguities arising from proper names. — Elia on his "Confessions of a*drunkard." — The last peach. — Reflections in the pillory. — A Saturday's dinner. — A charac- ter of the late Elia; by a friend. — The pawnbroker's daughter ; a farce. — The adventures of Ulysses. — Tales: Reminiscences of Juke Jenkins, Esq. of Birmingham.— Cupid's revenge.— The defeat of time; or, A tale of the fairies.— Maria Howe; or,'Theeftect of witch stories.— Susan Yates; or First going to church. — Arabella Hardy ; or, The sea voyage. — Poems. — Letters. — Essays of Elia. 2 ser. 2553 Contents. Ser. 1. The South-Sea House.— Oxford in the vacation.— Christ's Hospital five-and-thirty years ago.— The two races of men.— isTew Year's eve. — Mrs. Battle's opinions on whist. — Chapter on ears. — All Fools' day. — A Quakers' meeting. — The old and the new schoolmaster. — Imperfect sympathies. — Witches, and other night fears. — Valentine's day. — My relations.— Mackery End, in Hertfordshire. — My first play. — Modern gallantry. — The old benches of the Inner Temple. — Grace before meat.— Dream-children. — Distant correspondents. — The praise of chimney- sw^eepers.— A complaint of the decay of beggars in the metropolis.— Dis- sertation upon roast pig. — A bachelor's complaint of the behavior of mar- ried people.— On some of the old actors.— The artificial comedy of the last cent.— The acting of Mundon. 2. Blakesmoor inH shire.— Poor relations.— Detatched thoughts on books and .reading.— Stage illusion.— To the shade of Elliston.— Ellistoniana.— The old Margate Hoy.— The con- valescent.— Sanity of true genius.— Capt. Jackson.— The superannuated man.— The genteel style in writing.— Barbara S.— The tombs in the Ab- bey.— Amicus redivlvus.— Some sonnets of Sir P. Sydney.— Newspapers thirty-five years ago. — Barrenness of the imaginative faculty in the pro- duction of modern art. — The wedding. — Rejoicings upon the New Y'ear's coming of age. — Confessions of a drunkard. — Old china. — The child angel. — Popular fallacies. — Literary sketches and letters ; final mem. of L. ; by T. N. Talfourd. , 2554 — Mrs. Battle's opinion on cards. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — Ainger, A. Charles Lamb. 21493 — Clarke, C. and M. C. Lamb and his letters. {In their Recollections.) 18005 — DeQuincey, T. {In his Biog. ess.) 1149 Recollections of L. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 1.) 1153 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2256 — Lvtton, E. G. E. L. B. Lamb and some of his companions. {In his ' Quar. ess.) 14194 — Personal recollections of Lamb. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14122 — Proctor, B. W. C.Lamb; memoir. *I — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 — and Marv. Poetry for children; ed. and pref. by R. H. Shepherd. 10076 Same :' added, Prince Dorus, and uncoil, poems by.C. L. 17338 Tales fr. Shakspere. . 5686 Contents. The tempest.— Midsummer night's dream.— Winter's tale. — Much ado about nothing.— As you like it.— Two gentlemen of Verona.— Merchant of Venice.- Cymbeline.— King Lear,— Macbeth.— All's well that ends well. — Taming of the shrew.— Comedy of errors. — Measure for measure.— Twelfth night.— Timon of Athens.— Romeo and Juliet.— Ham- let. — Othello.— Pericles. Same; ed. withintrod. by A. Ainger. 18406 See also Lamb. M., helow. Lamb, M.J. Spicy. 11298 Lamb, M. Clarke, C. and M. C. {In their Recollections.) 18005 — joint author. /S'eeLamb, C. — and Charles. Poems, letters, and remains; coll. with reminis. and notes by W. C. Hazlitt. 12577 Lamb, W., Viscount Melbourne. Speech on the penny postage bill. {In Speeches of em. statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Havward. A. Lord Melbourne. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 — Torrent, W. M. Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne. 2 v. 17816-17 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 713 Lamb, W., 2d Viscount Melbourne. Hay ward, A. (In Ms Sketches, etc., y. 1.) 20602 Lamballe, M. T. L. de S. C, princess de. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Lambe, W. Water and vegetable diet. (Water-cure Lib., V. 5.) 9922 — Water and vegetable diet in chronic diseases ; notes and add. by J. Shew. 2551 Lambel, H. Erzahlungen und Schwanke. (Deutsche Class. des Mittelalters, v. 12.) 16261 Contents. Der Pfaffe Amis ; Daz Bloch ; von dem Strieker.— Meier Helmbreht, von Wernher dem Gartner.— Der verkerte Wirt, von Herrant, von Wildonie. — Der Wiener Mervart, von dem Freudenleeren. — Otte mit dem Barte : Daz Maere von der Minue, oder daz Herzemaere ; von Konrad von Wiirzburg.— Daz Maere von dem Sperwaere. — Yrouwenzuht, von Sibote. Lambert, A. T. de M. de C. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 4.) *I Lambert, T. S. Human anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 2558 Lambert Simnel ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 11.) *I Lambs, The ; a tragedy ; by R. Grant. 22254 Jjambton, J. G., Earl of Durham. Speech against the alien bill of 1818. (In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 Lame Jervas ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 7778 La Mennais, H. F. R. de, Uahhe. Newman, J. H. The fall of La Mennais. (In his Ess., crit. and hist., v. 1.) 10126 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (/w his Portr. cont., v. 1 : Nouv. lund., v. 1, 11.) *I Lamentation, A ; by (7. Colman. (In his Broad grins.) *I La Motte Fouqu^, F. H. C, Freiherr de. Undine. 10403 — Same', from the German. 1511 — Undine, and other tales ; tr. by F. E. Burnett. 11901 Contents. Undine.— The two captains.— Aslauga's knight.— Sintram and his companions. — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1.) 696 Lamon, W. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln to his inauguration. Illust. 10777 Lamont, J. Yachting in the Arctic seas ; sport and disc. ; Spitzbergen and Novaya Zemlya. 15713 L' amour de I'art ; com^die ; par E. Labiche. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^dtre, etc., s^r. 4.) 14499 Lampadius, W. A. Life of F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy ; with suppl. sk. ; ed. and tr. by W. L. Gage. 5898 Lampe merveilleuse, La ; monologue interrompu ; par J. de Marthold. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Lamping, C. The soldier of the foreign legion. (In The French in Algiers.) 1158 Lamplighter; by M. S. Cummins. ' 1051 Lamson, M. S. Life and education of L. D. Bridgn\an. 17971 Lancashire, Eng. Croston, J. Nooks and corners of L. etc. ; notes hist., legend., genealog., and descriptive. 22399 — Harland, J. and Wilkinson. T. T. Lancashire folk-lore. 9945 Lancashire witches, The ; by W. H. Aiusworth. 8165 Lancaster, C. S. Plays. See French's minor drama. A book with "■'*!" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Librarv, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 4(3 714 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lancaster, E. Plays. See French's minor drama. Lancaster, Mass. Marvin, A. P. Hist, of L. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) — Willard, J. Address : 200th. anniversary of the incorporation of L. Lancaster, House of. (^airdner, J. The Houses of L. and York, with the conq. and loss of France. — See also Great Britain. History. Lances, The, of Lynwood ; by [CM. Yonge]. Lancret, N. Wedmore, F. Lancret and Pater. {In his Mas- ters of genre painting.) Land, J. or T. In memory of Spinoza ; lect. ; tr. by A. Men- zies. {In Knight, W. Spinoza.) Land, The, of desolation ; by I. I. Hayes. Land, The, of Lome ; or, A poet's adv. in the Scottish Heb- rides ; by R. Buchanan. Land of misfortune. JSee Africa. Land of the lion ; adv. among the wild animals of Africa. Illust. Land, The, of the sky ; by Christian Reid [F. C. Fisher]. Land question. See Ireland ; — Roumania. Land tenure. Blackie, J. S. {In his Lay sermons.) — Cobden Club. Systems of land tenure in various countries. — Fisher, J. History of landholding in England. — Fowler, W. Present aspect of the land question. (In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) — Leslie, T. E. C. Land systems and indust. econ. of Ireland, Eng., and continental countries. — Mill, J. S. Papers on land tenure; Prof. Leslie on the land question. (I7i his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) — Robertson, E. W. Historical ess. in connex. with the land, etc. — Thornton, W. T. Plea for peasant proprietors ; with plan for their es- tablishment in Ireland. — Wallace, A. R. Land nationalisation, its necessities and its aims ; compar. of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying owner- ship. 2d. ed. — See also Ireland. Lander, R. L. and J. Journal of an expedition to the Niger. 2 V. 2559-60 Landed gentry. Froude, J. A. On the uses of a landed gen- try. {In his Short studies, etc., ser. 3.) Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes ; namely: Berlin. Boston. Moscow. New York. Pekin. Rome. St. Petersburg. Zurich. Landermann, H. {pseud. H. Lorm). Ein adeliges Fraulein. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) Landlubber's log, A ; by M. MacMichael, Sd. Landolin ; by B. Auerbach. Landon, L. E. See Maclean, L. E. L. Landon, M. D. Eli Perkins (at large) : his sayings and doings. 14044 Landor, W. S. Cameos fr. the works of L., by E. C. Stedman and T. B. Aldrich. 12151 — Imaginarv conversations. 6 ser. 2563; 16575; 17140-2 Contents. Ser. 1. Greeks and Romans. 2. Dialogues of sovereigns *I 4792 13324 4903 19479 22682 9977 9748 20254 15763 20975 16008 16626 10131 14356 15927 12746 J2718 17015 19400 5702 19401 19402 19403 6076 19404 5673 16170 22473 17694 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 715 and statesmen. 3. Dialogues of literary men. 4. Literary men {cont.). — Dialoo:ues of famous women. — Miscellaneous dialogues. 5. Mis- cellaneous dialogues. — Index. — Selections from the writings of L. ; arr. and ed. bv S. Cohin. 22035 — Colvin, S. Landor. (Eng. men of letters.) ' 20701 — Forster, J. W. S. Landor ; biog. 7855 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) • 2255 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, v. 2.) 2041 — Martineau, H. (/w Tier Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Milnes, R. M. {In his Monographs.) 11605 — Stedman, E. C. {In his Vict, poets.) 14121 — Stephen, L. Landor's imaginary conversations. {In his Hrs. in a lib., ser. 3.) ' 18645 — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Landrin, H. C, Jr. Treatise on steel. 9315 Landscape art. See Drawing. Landscape gardening. Copeland, R. M. (In his Country life.) 973 — Downing, A. J. Treatise on the theory and pract. of landscape gardening. 1261 — Elliott, F. R. Hand book of pract. landscape gardening. 20765 — Kern, G. M. Practical landscape gardening. 2464 — Oakey, A. F. Home grounds. 20574 — Scott, F. J. Art of beautifying home grounds. *I — Sloan, S. Sloan's homestead' architecture; with ess. on landscape garden- ing, etc. 20285 — See also Architecture, Rural. Landscape painting. See Painting. Landseer, E. Ballantine, W. {In his Some experiences, etc., V. 2.) . 21554 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 16744 — Stephens, F. G. Landseer. 19960 — Sweetser, M. F. Landseer. 18175 Lane, E. W. Arabian society in the Middle Ages ; stud. fr. the Thousand and one nights ; ed. by S. L. Poole. 22531 — The modern Egyptians. 2 v. 10651-2 — Poole, S. L. Life of Lane. 17601 Lane, J. Savage, J. (In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 Lane, J. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Lane, L. M. My sister's keeper. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18675 Lane, L. Hawkins, W. G. L. Lane; [a memoir]. 5509 Lane and field; by J. G. Wood. (Nat. hist, ramb.) 19298 Laneton parsonage; by [E. M. Sewell]. 3 v. 3906-8 Lanfrey, P. Histoire de Napoleon I., v. 1-5. 9423-6 ; 14401 — Same. Eng. trans. History of N. 4 v. 10709-12 — Hayward, A. Lanfrey's Napoleon. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., ser. 3.) 12266 Lang, A. Helen of Troy [poem]. 22159 Lang, A. The library ; with a chap, on Mod. Eng. illust. books, by A. Dobsou. (Art at home ser.) 20709 — The poetry of Edgar A. Poe. {In Poe, E. A. Poems.) 21485 Lang, J. M. Ancient religions of Centr. Amer. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Lang, J. D. Historical and statistical acct. of New So. Wales. 2 V. 13623-4 Lang, R. H. Cyprus ; its hist., pres. resoiirces, and fut. pros- pects. Illust. ; maps. 18329 Langdale, H. See Bickersteth, H. Langdon, M., pseud. See Pike, M. H. Langdon, S. Government corrupted by vice, and recovered by righteousness ; Election sermon, 1775 ; Reprint. (In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of Amer. rev.) *I 716 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Langdon, W. E. Application of electricity to railway working. 17531 Lange, F. A. History of materialism and crit. of its pres. importance ; tr. by E. C. Thomas. 3 v. 17072-4 Lange, H. New German method. 3 v. 16915-17 Contents. Y. 1. The Germans at home. — Conversation; with the Essentials of Germ, grammar. S. Grammar. 3. German manual. Lange, J. P. The idea of the kingdom of God as perfected, and its significancy for hist. Christianity. {In Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 — Resurrection of the body. {In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Select.) 1348 Langl, J. Modern art education ; part of the Austrian official report on the Vienna world's fair, 1873 ; tr. with notes, by S. R. Koehler. 14041 Langland, W. The vision and ci'eed of Piers Ploughman ; ed., with introd., notes, and gloss, by T. Wright. 2 v. 2d. ed. *I — The vision of William cone. Piers the Ploughman ; ed. by W. W. Skeat. 2d. ed., rev. 18993 Langley, J. N.^joiiit author. See Foster, M. Langley, 8. P. Venus and the transit of 1882. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Langley, W. See Langland. Langley manor; by C.tJ. Newby. 12348 Langmead, T. P. T. English constitutional hist. fr. the Teu- tonic conq. 2d. ed., rev., with add. 21118 Langstroth, L. L. Practical treat, on the hive and honey bee. 2566 Langton, S. Adams, W. H. D. {In his Warrior, etc.) 14132 — Maurice, C. E. Stephen Langton. 13628 Language. Abel, C. Linguistic essays. 21856 — I)e Quincey, T. {In his Letters, etc.) 1163 — Farrar, F. W. Essav on the origin of language. 8838 Families of speech.' 8839 — Freeman, E. A. Race and lanpi age. (7n ^is Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Greene, T. W. Old words and mod. meanings. , 17945 — Hadley, J. Essays philological and critical. 11606 Lessons in language. 10927 — Haldeman, S. S. Anah'tical orthography ; investigations of the sounds of the voice; incl. the mechanism of speech, and its bearing upon etymology. 6956 — Hall, F. Recent exemplifications of false philology. 11377 — Hovelacque, A. La linguistique. ' 14386 — Keane, A. H. Philologv and ethnologv of the interoceanlc races. {In Wallace, A. R. Australia.) ' 20819 — Latham, R. G. Opuscula: ess., chief, philological and ethnographical. 17950 — Mueller, F. M. Essays on the science of language. . {Bi his Chips, v. 4.) 9117 Lectures on the science of language. 2 ser. 3166; 5857 — Peile, J. Philology. 17091 — Powell, J. W. Evolution of language; fr. a study of Indian languages. {In Smithson. Inst. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) *I — Sayce, A. H. Introduction to the science of language. 20404 ^Principles of comparative philology. 17538 , — Schlegel, K. W. F. I'hilosophv of language; tr. bv A. J. W. Morrison. {In his Philos. of life.) ' 3790 — Spencer, H. Philosophy of style ; essay. 9844 — Stoddart, J. Glossology ; or. The hist, relations of languages. 7212 — Tooke, J. H. Eiiea litepocuta; or. The diversions of I'urley; with add. Annexed, Letter to J. Dunning; rev., etc., by R. Taylor. 4479 — Wedgwood, H. Origin of language. ' " 15934 — Whitney, W. D. Language, and the study of language. 6961 The life and growth of language. ' 13773 Science of language. {In his Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 1.) 11095 — Wilkins, A. S. Historical results of the sci. of L. {In Owens College Ess. and addr.) 1292ft CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 717 Method of Study. — Lieber, F. On the stud}^ of foreign languages. {In his Misc. writ., v. 1.) 20134 — Marcel, C. The study of languages brought back to its true princ. ; or, The art of thinking in a for. language. 7681 — Sauveur, L. Introduction to the teaching of living languages without grammar or dictionary. 13091 — See also America. Also Classical philology ; — Komance language ; — Semitic languages;— Sign language. Also Aryans ;— Indians. La Nicca, J. Rules for calculating the change wheels for screws on a turning lathe, and for a wheel-cutting machine. {With Campin, F. Pract. tr.) 6516 Lanier, S. The boy's King Arthur ; Sir Thomas Malory's hist, of King Arthur and his Knights. Illust. 19934 — The boy's mabinogion ; Welsh tales of King Arthur in the Red Book of Hergest: with iutrod. Illust. 20918 — The boy's Percy; ballads fr. Percy's Reliques, etc. ; with introd. Illust. 22160 — The English novel and the princ. of its development. 22867 — Florida; its scenery, climate, and hist.; with acct. of Charleston, Savan- nah, Augusta, and Aiken, and a chap, for consumptives. Illust. 20319 — Same ; with papers on fruit-culture. 15371 — Poems. 16681 — The science of English verse. 19658 Lankenau, H. von, and Oelnitz, L. v. d. Russia, past and present. See Chester, H. M. • Lankester, E. R. Degeneration ; a chapter in Darwinism. (Nat. ser.) 19853 — Preface. {In Gegenbaur. Elements of comp. anatomy.) 20367 Lankester, E. Half-hours with the microscope ; new ed. Illust. 6483 — Same ; new ed. ; with chapt. on the polariscope, bv F. Kitton. 12118 — On food ; lect. ' 6457 — Uses of animals in rel. to the industry of man; lect. 6458 Lanman, C. Dictionary of the U. S. Congress, compl. as a manual of reference. 3d. ed. 8791 — The Japanese in America. 10472 Contents. The Japanese embassy.— Japanese students ; [essays writ- ten by them] . — Mori, A. Life and resources in America. — Leading men of Japan ; with hist, summary. 22472 — Octavius Perinchief ; his life of trial and supreme faith. 21770 — Private life of D. Webster. 2567 — Recollections of curious characters and pleasant places. 22403 Contents. Modes of Amer. travel. — The wizard of Anticosti. — Forest recollections. — The hunters of the sea elephant. — Peter Pitchlynn. — Around Cape Horn.— Montauk Point.— Salmon-fishing on the Jacques Cartier. — Stratford-on-Housatonic. — The boy-hunter of Chicoutimie. — Pushmatahaw. — The Potomac fishermau. — Phases of Amer. life. — Sword- fish fishing. — Newfoundland. — Block Island. — Story of a modern mariner. Lannes, J., marechal de France. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, e^c, v. 1.) 1825 — Lannes. {hi Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Lanoye, F. de. See Tugnot de Lanoye, F. Lansdell, H. Through Siberia. Illust. and maps. 2 v. 21425-6 Lansdowne, Sd. Marquis of. See Petty Fitz Maurice, H. Lanzi, A. L. History of painting in Italy ; tr. by T. Roscoe. New ed. 3 v. 5524-6 Laocoon, Laokoon. See Lessing, G. E. Laodicean, A. ; by T. Hardy. Illust. 21230 Laou-tsze. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. 19215 — Elkins, J. Religion in China; brief acct. of the three religions of the Chinese. 17445 — Johnson, S. Tao-te-King. (7w Ziis Oriental religions, e^c, China.) 17039 — Russell, J. Holy books, or Bibles. {In his Anal, of relig. bel., v. 2.) 16803 718 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. La Perichole ; opera bouffe ; by Offenbach. {In Tryou, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I La Place, P. S., Marquis de. Arago, F. Biography of La P. (In Ms Biog. of sci. men, ser. 1.) 170 Eulogj' on La Place. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 Lapland. Cox, S. S. {In his Arctic sunbeams.) 21610 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun. Map and illust. 2 v. 20982-3- — Hutchinson, A. H. Try Lapland. 10804 — Kennedy, A. W. M. C. To the Arc. regions and back ; summer tour. 18626 — Mackinnon, D. D. Lapland life; or. Summer adv. in the Arc. regions. 18541 — Rae, E. The land of the north wind; travels among the Laplanders, etc. 13882 The White Sea peninsula ; journey in Russian Lapland, etc. 21987 — See also Europe, North of. La Plata. See Argentine Republic. Laporte, L. Sailing on the Nile. 10914 Lappenberg, J. M. A history of Eng. under the Anglo-Saxon kings ; tr. by B.Thorpe ; new ed. rev. by E. C.Ott^. 2 v. 20606-7 Laprade, P. M. V. R. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 1.) *I Lapsed, but not lost ; by Mrs. Charles. 17256^ Lapworth, C. Old sea pens. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all., ser. 4.) 20527 — Scenery of the shore; A piece of puddingstone. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Larcom, L. Breathings of the better life ; ed. by L. 3d. ed. 19034 — Childhood songs. Illust. 18588 — An idvl of work. 13927 — Poems. 7549 — Roadside poems for summer travellers ; ed. by L. 16014 Lardner, D. Cabinet of biography : Lives of British states- men, V. 1. 1388 Contents. Y. 1. Mackintosh, J.— Sir T. More.— Cardinal Wolsey. — Archbishop Cranmer.— Wm. Cecil, Lord Burleigh. — The electric telegraph popularised. 13813 — Hand-books of nat. philosophy and astronomy. 2d. ser. 2569- Contents. Heat. — Magnetism. — Common electricity. — Voltaic elec- tricity. — Mechanics; Pneumatics. {In Lib. Use. Kn. Kat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 — Outlines of history. 1st. Am. ed., with add. (Cab. of hist.) 5639- — Popular lect. on science and art. 2 v. 2572-3 — Railway economy. 2571 — The steam engine ; with hist, sketch. Add. and notes by J. Renwick. Illust. 2574 —Joint author. /iS'ee Kater, H. Lares and Penates ; or, Cilicia ; by W. B. Barker. 309 Larimer, S. L. The capture and escape ; or. Life among the Sioux. 279 La Rive, A. A. de. Report on the trans, of Soc. of Physics and Nat. Hist, of Geneva, 1872, 1873. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 — Dumas, J. B. Eulogy on La Rive. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377' La Rive, W. de. Reminiscences of the life, etc.. of Count Cavour ; tr. by E. Romilly. 15632 Larkin, J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide ; added, Recent improvements in the manuf. of iron, steel by the Bessemer process, etc. 5th. ed. 8472' Larkin, M. The rival collection of prose and poetry. 13562* Larme d' Auvergnat, Une ; par P. Ferrier. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 1.) ' 14791 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 719 Lamed, J. N. Talks about labor, and codc. justice bet. labor- ers and capitalists. 16006 La Roche, Story of; by H. Mackenzie. (In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 La Rochefoucauld, B. A. F. le T. de L. de M. Mme. de. Life of Mme. de La Rochefoucauld. 17979 La Rochefoucauld, F., 6th. due de. Oeuvres. Nouv. ^d. ; par D. L. Gilbert. 2 v. *I Contents. Y. 1. Portrait, fait par lui-m^me (1669).— Portrait par le Cardinal de Retz.— Portrait de Retz par La Rochefoucauld (1675). — Re- flexions, ou Sentences et maximes morales.— Maximes posthumes. — ^Re- flexions diverses. S. Memoires. — Apolo^ie de M. le Prince de Marcillax. — Maximes ; not. sur sa vie, par Suard. (In Maximes du due, etc.) 9533 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. de femmes, 1876: Nouv. lund., v. 5; Caus. lund.,v. 11.) *I — Thomson, K. and J. C. (In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 La Rochejaquelein, M. L. V. D., marquise de. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 La rosiere ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 LaiTabee, W. C. Lectures on the scientific evid. of nat. and rev. relig. ; ed. by B. F. Tefft. 6338 Larrazabal, F. Life of Simon Bolivar, v. 1. 6903 Lars; pastoral of Norway; by B. Taylor. 11391 Lartet, E. A. I. H. Fischer, P. Scientific labors of L. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1872.) 13103 Larwood, Jacob, pseud. See Sadler, L. R. Larwood, J. Story of the London parks. 2 v. 10133-4 La Salle, R. de. Abbott, J. S. C. Adventures of La Salle. 13739 — Parkman, F. (In his Disc, of the Gt. West.) 7886 La Salle and the disc, of the great west. (Fr. and Eng. in No. Amer., pt. 3.) 18928 — Sparks, J. (In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 11.) 4120 Lasaulx, E. von. On the study of the Gr. and Rom. classics. {In Formby, H. Compend. of the philos. of anc. hist.) 22257 Lascaris, P. L. de. Secret mission among the Bedouins. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Las Casas, B. de. See Casas, B. de las. Las Cases, E. A. D. M. J., marquis de. Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of Napoleon ; portr. and illust. 4 V. 2576-9 Lascine ; by an Oxford' man . 12105 Lasker, E. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Lassay, Marquis de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {'In his Caus. lund., V. 9.) *I Last Aldini, The ; by George Sand. 8189 Last Athenian, The ; by V. Rydberg. 8440 Last chronicle of Barset ; by A. Trollope. 7841 Last day of a condemned man ; by V. Hugo. 8053 Last days of a king ; by M. Hartmann. 6877 Last days of Pompeii; by [E. Bulwer Lytton]. 601 — Same; fr. Bulwer; by Miss L. Medina. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 19.) 11819 Last house in C — Street ; by [Miss Muloch]. {In her Noth- ing new.) 5082 Last inhabitant of an old house ; or. The recollections of grandmother Mus. Illust. 11245 Last loaf; play; by G. M. Baker. {Iii his Temperance dr.) 7095 720 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Last love, A, at Pornic ; by F. Wedmore. {In his Pastorals of Fr.) 18122 Last man, The ; drama ; by G. D. Pitt. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 34.) 11827 Last of her line ; by E. Tabor. 18514 Last of the barons : by [E. Bulwer Lytton] . 589 Last of the fairies ; by G. P. R. James. 5239 Last of the II addons ; by Mrs. Newman. 17583 Last of the Mohicans ; by J. F. Cooper. 950 Last of the Mortimers; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. 3451 Last of the pigtails; by C Selby. {Li French's min. dram., V. 34.) 7988' Last of the Valerii ; by H. James, Jr. {In his Passionate pil- grim.) 13460 Last penny, and other stories ; by T. S. Arthur. 205 Last tournament. The ; by A. Tennyson. 9817 Last witch, The ; by C. F. Guernsey. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Last words ; by E. B. Lytton. {In Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 Late for the train. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 3.) 19148 — Same. (In Portr. in mj^ uncle's dining-room.) 10679 Latena, N. V. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 3.) *I Latham, B. Sanitary engineering ; guide to the constr. of works of sewerage and house drainage. *I Latham, H. On the action of examinations consd. as a means of selection. 18627 Latham, R. G. Man and his migrations. 2581 — Opuscula: ess., chief, philological and ethnographical. 17950 — Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus, and of Shakes- peare. *I — Varieties of the human race. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5184 Latham House. Siege of Latham House. {In Hutchinson, L. Memoirs.) 2119 Latham's "Johnson's dictionary" ; by G. W. Dasent. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) 13612 Lathe. Bazley, T. S. Notes on the Epicycloidal cutting frame. lUust. - 10957 — Hasluck, P. I^. Lathe-work ; pract. treatise on turning. lUust. 20604 — Holtzapftel, J. J. Turning and mechanical manipulation, v. 4. *I Mote. Continuation of the work by C. Holtzapftel ; to be seen in Refer- ence dept. — The lathe and its uses ; art of turning wood and metal. Illust. 7513 — Northcott, W. H. Treatise on lathes and turning. 10726 — The turner's companion ; cont. instr. in concentric, elliptic, and eccentric turning ; also plates, etc. 13020 Lathe, The, and its uses : art of turning wood and metal. Illust. 7513 Latheby Towers ; by A. Corkran. 3 v. 19101-3 Note. The running title of the book is Clara Saville. Lathrop, D. A. Object lessons ; their value and place. {In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Add., e^c.) 11608 — Training schools : their place in normal school work. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr..l873.) 17763 Lathrop, G. P. Afterglow. (No name ser.) 17006 — An echo of passion. 21593 — In the distance. 21427 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 721 — Rose and roof-tree ; poems. 16404 — Somebody else. 17796 — Spanish vistas ; illust. by C. S. Reinhart. *I — A study of Hawthorne.' 16015 — Symbolism of color. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Lathrop, R. H. The barbarian's overthrow. {In Gilman, A. Magna Charta stor.) 21890 Latimer, H., Bp. of Worcester. Select sermons ; with acct. of the author and his writings. 5102 — Selections. {In Montagu, B. Select, fr. the works of Taylor, etc.) 5759 — Tullock, J. {In his Leaders of the reform.) 4527 Latin inscriptions. Wordsworth, J. {In his Fragments and specimens.) *I Latin language. Composition. — Nixon, J. E. Parallel extr. arr. for trans, into Eng. and Latin, with notes on idioms. Pt. 1. Hist, and epistolary. *I — Sargent, J. Y. and Dallin, T. F. Materials and models for Latin prose comp. 14101 Dictionaries. — White, J. T. A Latin-Eng. diet.; abgd. fr. the work of White and Riddle. Grammar. — Allen, J. B. Elementary Latin Grammar. — Allen, J. H. Latin primer. *I and Greenough, J. B. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. *I — Gildersleeve, B, L. Latin Primer. 17999 — Thompson, D'A. W. Scalae Novae ; or, A ladder to Latin. *I — Wordsworth, J. {In his Fragments and specimens.) *I Pronunciation. — Ellis, A. J. Practical hints on the quantitative pronunciation of Latin. 13706 — Walker, J. Key to the class, pronunciation of Greek, L., and Script. proper names. 4611 Headers. — See Latin literature. Selections. — See also Classical philology. Latin lesson, The ; by J. Stnrgis. {In Ms Little comedies.) 21907 Latin literature. History. — Conington, J. {In his Misc. writings, v. 1.) 11124 — Cruttwell, C. J. History of Roman literature, to the death of Marcus Aurelius. * 18252 and Banton, P. Specimens of Roman lit. 19287 — Dunlop, J. History of Roman literature to and during the Augustan age. 3 V. *I — Lawrence E. Primer of Latin literature. 17082 — Schraitz, L. A history of Latin literature. 17384 — Simcox, G. A. Historv of Latin literature fr. Ennius to Boethius. 2 v. 22605-6 — Teuffel, W. S. History of Roman literature. 2 v. 12072-3 Collections. Lemaire, N. E. Bibliotheca classica Latina. Note. For contents see Lemaire. 142 v. 8225-8366 Selections. — Allen, W. F. and Allen, J. H. Latin reader. — Cruttwell, C. T. and Banton, P. Specimens of Roman literature. — Jennings, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Gr. and Latin authors ; with biog. not, — Sauveur, L. Talks with Caesar de hello Gallico. — Wordsworth, J. Fragments and spec, of earlv Latin ; with introd. and notes. — See also Classical literature. Latin poetry. Collections. — Clarke, J. F. and L. Exotics ; attempts to domesticate them. 13901 — Lemaire, N. E. Poetje Latini minores, ex. rec. Wernsdorfiana. 7. v. 8359-65 — Thompson, D'A. W. Ancient leaves ; trans, and paraphrases fr. poets of Greece and Rome. ♦! *I 19287 21031 17917 *I 722 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Trench, R. C. Sacred Latin poetrv, chiefly lyrical. Notes and introd. 2d. ed. ' *I Same ; 3d. ed. *I Latin year, The ; [hymn] ; by W. J. Loftie. 14004 Latin and Teutonic Christendom ; by G. W. Cox. 10778 Latitude. Warren, T. R. Simple .methods for finding the L. {In Ms Yachtman's prim.) 13838 Latouche, H. T. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., V. 3.) *I Latouche, J. Country house essays. 15852 Contents. Horses and riders.— Birds and beasts in captivity. — English flower gardens. — Trout fishing. — Lawn tennis. — Travels in Portugal. Illust. by T. S. Estcourt. 14096 La Tour, M. A. M. de F. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 2.) *I La Tour, C. St. E., Sieur de la Tour. La Tour in Boston. {In Montrose, etc.) 4780 La Tour. See also Madame La Tour. La Trobe, B. Notes. {In Cranz, D. Anc. and mod. hist. of the Brethren.) *I Latrobe, C. J. The rambler in Mexico. 2582 Latter-day pamphlets .; by T. Carlyle. 5802 Latter days, The ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 2.) 3956 Latude, H. M. de. See Masers de la Tude, H. Laud, W., xirchhp. of Canterbury. Mozley, J. B. {In his Ess., hist, and theol., v. 1.) 18305 Lauder, T. D. Story of Farquharsou of Inverey. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Laugel, A. England political and social ; tr. by J. M. Hart. 12499 — The United States dur. the war, [1861-5] . 6416 Laughing hyena ; by B. Webster. {In French's min. dram., V. 25.) 7983 Laughing mill. The ; and other stories ; by J. Hawthorne. 20805 Laughter. Spencer, H. The physiology of laughter. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 — See also Little classics. Laughton, J. K. Air temperature ; its distribution and range. {In Meteorolog. Soc. Mod. meteorology.) 18899 Launay, Mile. de. See Staal. Launay, A. de. Le premier roman. (Th^dtre de camp., s^r. 8.) 14692 Laura Everingham ; by J. Grant. 10770 Laura Richmond ; by J. Ingelow. {In her Sister's bye-hours.) 6354 Laurea Tullius. Carmina. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 4.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) ' 8362 Laurel bush. The ; by Mrs. Craik. 16100 Laurel leaves ; poems, stories, etc. ; by H. W. Longfellow and others. Illust. *I Laurence, F. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 ; 8814 Laurencin, pseud. See Chapelle, P. A. Laurens, J. Sketch of L. {In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 Laurens. See also Du Laurens. Laurent de I'Ard^che, P. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 723 Laurentiiis, Lydus J. Deostent is fragmenta. {In Maximns, V. De dictis, v. 3.) 8349 Laurie, J. and McClatchey, R. J. Homeopathic domestic medicine. *I Laurie, S. S. Johu Amos Comenius ; his life and educ. works. (Educ. lib.) 22532 Laurie, T. The Ely volume ; or, The contributions of our for. missions to sci. and hum. well-being. , 21329 Lauson tragedy. The ; by J. W. DeForest. {In Little class., V. 3.) 12974 Lautrec ; a poem ; by J. Payn. 18745 Lauzun, A. L. de Gr., due de. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 25.) 14546 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 4.) *I Lavater, J. C. Essays on physiognomy ; abrgd. fr. Holcroft's translation. 2584 — Translations. (In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Lavall^e, H. Physical hist., and military geography; ed., with add. and correct., by Capt. Lendy. 9346 La Valli^re, F. L. de la B. le B., duchesse de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 3.) *I JjSLYSiWete, Countess de. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Lavater the physiognomist ; comic drama; by J. R. Planch^. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 40.) 11830 Laveleye, E. de. Land system of Belgium and Holland. {In Cobden Club. Syst. of Id. ten.) 16008 — Oni the causes of war and the means of reduc. their number. {In Cobden Club ess.i ser. 2.) I* Lavengro ; by G. Borrow. 446 Lavigne, E. Le roman d'une Nihiliste. 14612 Lavinia; by [G. Ruffini]. 10797 Lavinia; or. One year ; by E. F. Carlen. 11260 Lavoisier, A. L. Brougham, H. {In his Lives of philos.) 524 Law, E., 1st. Baron Ellenhorough. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 Law, H. Construction of roads. {In Clark, D. K. Constr. of roads, etc., and streets.) 17598 — Kudiments of civil engineering. See Clark, D. K. Law, J. Hereditary entailments in domest. animals and in the hum. family ; Report on malignant anthrax in herds and malignant pustule in man. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I Law, J. Wood, J. P. Memoirs of Law ; inch acct. of the Mississippi system. *I Law, W. Overton, J. H. Wm. Law, non juror and mystic ; his life, character, and opinions. 20596 ' — Stephen, L. {In his Hours in a library, ser. 2.) 16856 Law. Amos, S. The science of law. 12963 — Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar; wit, humor, asperities, and amenities of the law. — Broom, H. Philosophy of the law. — Browne, I. Humorous phases of the law. 22512 Law and lawyers in literature. 22370 — Carey, H. C. The unity of law. 11291 — Durfee, J. Moral duty of obeying the law. {In his Works.) 10156 724 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Ewe]], M. D. Blackstone's commentaries; obsolete and unimportant matter eliminated. 22024 — Freedley, E. T. Legal adviser ; how to diminish losses, avoid lawsuits, etc. 2175 — Lieber, F. Legal and polit. hermeneuties ; princ. of interpretation and constr. in law, etc. 5193 — Maine, H. J. S. Ancient law ; its connect, with the early hist, of society, and its rel. to modern ideas. Introd. by T. W. Dwight. ' 6132 Dissertations on early law and custom. ' 22869 Village communities in the East and West. 10167 — Mill, J. S. Austin on jurisprudence. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 4.) 14355 — Pollock, F. Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. 22421 — Stow, M. L. B. Probate confiscation. (Unjust laws which govern woman.) 17518 — Strong, W. Two lect. upon the rel. of civil law to church polity, etc. 15381 — "Washburn, E. Lectures on the study and practice of law. " 9628 — iSee also Civil law ;— Common law ;— Criminal law ;— Household law ; — International law ;— Maritime law ; — Municipal law. Also Great Britain; — Massachusetts ;—U. S. Also Extradition ; — Jews ; — Horses ;— Schools ; — Patents. Law, The, Oddities of ; by F. F. Heard. 21027 Law, The reign of ; by the Duke of Arg-yll [G. D. Campbell]. C888 Law, The, and the lady; by (W.) W. Collins. 13503 Law of nature ; poem ; fr. the Fr. of Voltaire. 4602 Law reporters. Head, F. F. Curiosities of the law reporters. 21028 Law, A, unto herself; by R. H. Davis. 17444 Lawler, D. and Lacy, T. H. The school for daughters ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Lawn tennis. Crawley, R. Lawn tennis, Badminton, etc. 19644 Lawrence, A. Extracts fr. the diary and correspondence of L. ; acct. of his life ; ed. by W. R. Lawrence. 2585 — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 898,3 — Sketch of Lawrence. (Iji Famous boys.) 7707 Lawrence, E. Colonial progress ; Educational progress. (In Woolsey, T. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — Historical studies. 21670 Contents. The bishops of Rome.— Leo and Luther. — Loyola and the Jesuits. — Ecumenical councils. — The Yaudois.— The Huguenots. — The Church of Jerusalem. — Dominic and the Inquisition. — Conquest of Ire- land.— The Greek Church. — History of Rome. See Smith, W. — The Jews and their persecutors. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17143 — Modern periods. (Eng. lit. primers.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18492 — Primer of Greek literature. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17081 — Primer of Latin literature. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17082 — Primer of mediaeval literature. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17725 — Romance period. (Eng. lit. prim.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17555 Lawrence, G. A. Anteros. 8986 — Barren honour. 1732 — Border and bastile ; [the South in the rebellion] . 5934 — Breaking? a butterfly ; or, Blanche Ellerslie's ending. Illust. - 7729 — Guv Livingstone. 1709 — Hagarene. 13492 — Maurice Dering; or. The Quadrilateral. 5761 — Sans merci; or. Kestrels and falcons. 6654 — Silverland [Utah, California, etc.] . 11850 — Sword and gown. 4329 Lawrence, James. Irving, W. (In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 — Niles, J. M. {In his Life of O. H. Perry.) 3259 Lawrence, J., Lord Lawrence. Smith, R. B. Life of Lord Lawrence. Portr. and maps. 2 v. 22832-3 Lawrence, M. W. (pseud. Meta Lauder). Esperance. 6262 — Light on the dark river; mem. of Mrs. Hamlin. 8th. ed. 8051 — Marion Graham. 5112 Lawrence, S. The lawyers. (In French's min. dr., v. 7.) 11839 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 725- Lawrence. Sir T. CuDningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit. painters, etc.^ v. 5.) 1057 — Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530- — Gower, R. Romney and Lawrence. 21764 — Timbs, J. (In his Anecdote biog., ser. 2.) 8915 Lawrence, Sir Wm. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the nat. hist, of man. 2586 Lawrence, W. R. Extracts fr. the diary and correspondence of A. Lawrence ; acct. of his life. 2585 Lawrence. See also Laurence. Lawrence "Mother Goose" ; by E. D. K. 17613 Lawrences, The; by C. Turnbull. 11256 Lawrence's adventures ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 9019 Laws, W. G. Street lighting of the future. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Lawson, E. Verses. (In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Lawson, H. Manual of popular physiology. 11589 Lawson, Wilfred. Hinton, R. J. (In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Lawson, W. A sun-dial, (hi Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Lawyer abroad ; by H. Day. 12710 Lawyers. Ballantine, W. Some experiences of a barrister's life. 2 V. 21553-4 — Brown, I. Law and lawyers in literature. 22370 Short studies of great lawyers. 18049 — Forsyth, W. History of lawyers, ancient and modem. ' 13751 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about lawyers. 7083 — Knapp, S. L. Biograpical sketches of eminent lawyers, etc. 2498 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Criterion.) 6244 — See also France;— Ireland;— Missouri;— U. S.; — Worcester Co., Mass. Lawyers, The ; by S. Lawrence. (In French's min. dram., V. 7.) 11839 Lawyer's life. A, afloat and ashore, Leaves from ; by C. Cowley. *I Lawyer's story. The ; by J. A. Maitland. 5371 Lay sermons, addr., and reviews; by T. H. Huxley. 878] Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. 2587 — Explorations at Nineveh and Babylon. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356^ — Inaugural addr., Marischal Coll. and Univ. of' Aberdeen, 1855. {In Liter- ary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Lays of ancient Rome ; by T. B. Macaulay. 11171 Lays of my home ; and other poems ; by J. G. Whittier. 4761 Lays of the Gospel ; by S. G. Bulfinch. 576 Lazarus, E. Admetus and other poems. 13852 — Alide ; an episode of Goethe's life. 12343 Lazarus, and other poems ; by E. H. Plumptre. 8618 Lazy Lawrence ; by M. Edge worth. (In her Parent's assist- 'ant.) 1336; 15296 Lazy man's work, A ; by F. C. Sparhawk. 20415 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices ; by [C. Dickens and W. Collins]. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds.,'v. 6.) 14306 Lea, H. C. Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Chr. church. *I — Studies in Church history. 22759 Conterits. The rise of the temporal power.— Benefit of clergy. — Ex- communication.— The early Church and slavery. — Superstition and force; essays on the wager of law, the wager of battle, the ordeal, torture. 6558 — Same; 3d. ed. 17895 726 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lea, J. W. Christian marriage ; its open and secret enemies in England. 21564 Lea. See also Lee. Leach, A. The letter H, past, present, and future ; treatise. 22404 Leach, J. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 ; 8814 Lead. Percy, J. Metallurgy of lead. ' ' 9202 Jliead pipe. Collection of reports (condensed), and opinions of chemists in regard to the use of lead pipe in the distrib. of water for cities. *I Leaden casket. The ; by Mrs. A. W. Hunt. 20234 Leader, J. D. Mary, Queen of Scots, in captivity ; narrative, 1569-84. ' *I Leading cases done into English ; by an apprentice of Lin- coln's Inn. 2d. ed. 16591 Leaf, A, in the storm ; by L. de la Rame. (I7i Little class., V. 11.) 12982 Leah, or. The forsaken ; by Dr. Mosenthal. 6703 Leahy, — ., Sergeant. The art of swimming in the Eton style; pref. by Mrs. Oliphant. 14043 Leamington. Black, A. and C. Guide to Leamington, etc. *I Leap year ; comedy; by J. B. Buckstone. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 11.) 11813 Lear, E* Nonsense songs, stories, botany, and alphabets. Illust. 10055 Lear, H. D. F. Fenelon ; biog. sketch. (Christ, biog.) 21184 — Five minutes daily readings of poetry. 22533 — Henri Dominique Lacordaire; biog. sketch. 22405 — Here and tliere ; quaint quotations. 22406 Lear, Mrs. H. L. S. See Lear, H. D. F. Lear, A, of the Steppe. " 12685 Bound with TurgeneflC, I. S. Spring floods. Leared, A. Morocco and the Moors ; travels, etc. Illust. 15633 Learned women. The; comedy; by Moli^re. (/n /lis Dram. wks., V. 3.) 16845 Learning. See Education ; — Knowledge. Learning to draw ; story of a young designer ; by Viollet-le- Duc. 19902 Leas, C. A. Sanitary care and utilization of the refuse of cities. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v.,1.) *I Leather. Simmonds, P. L. The leather trade and tanning substances; The leather manufacture. {In his Sci. and comm.) 18644 — See also Tanning. Leathes, S. Evidential value of St. Paul's epistles. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 — The gospel its own witness. (Hulsean lect.) 12910 Leathes, S. M. Eton ; life in college. (In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Leavenworth case, The ; by A. K. Green. 18318 Leaves from the tree Igdrasyl ; by M. Russell. 3740 Leavitt, T. J. Higginson, T. W. {In his Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Lebanon, Mount. Glennie, J. S. L. Pilgrim memories ; Trav- el, etc. ; disc, in the birth-countries of Christianity. 15363 — Oliphant, L. The land of Gilead, with excursions in the L. 20514 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 727 Le Bas, C. W. Life of Archbishop Cranmer. 2 v. 2589 — Life of Wiclif . 2590 Lebby, R. Principles and pract. of quarantine at Charleston, S. C. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Lebour, G. A. A lead mine. {Bi Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) ^ 20526 — Nuggets and quartz. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Le Breton, A. L. Correspondence of W. E. Channing and Lucy Aiken, 1826-1842. 12795 — Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld, incl. letters and not. of her familv and friends. 12500 Le Brun, M. L. E. (Vigee). Souvenirs. 2 v. ' 9579-80 — Same. Eng. trans. 2 v. 18538-9 Lebrun, P. A. Sainte-BeuVe, C. A. (Tnhis Portr. lit., v. 1 ; Portr. cont., v. 3 ; Nouv. lund., v. 6.) *I Le Brun, P. D. E. (Le Brun-Pindare.) Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 5.) *I Lebrun's lawsuit. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 6.) 19145 Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th cent., V. 1-4. 17514-17 — History of European morals fr. Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 v. 7827-8 — History of the rise and infl. of rationalism in Europe. 2 v. 6029-30 — Leaders of pubic opinion in Ireland ; Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell. 9979 Le Clerc, J. V. Renan, E. {In /m Melanges d'hist.) 14516 Leclercq, T. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 3.) *I L'Ecluse, L'abbe de. Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune. An- nexed, Trial of Ravaillac for the murder of Henry the Great. 5 v. *I Lecocq, C. The little duke ; comic opera ; tr. and adapt, by F. Williams and T. R. Sullivan. *I LeConte, J. L. Sanitary problems ; the proper and rational method in which municipal boards of health should be or- organized. (/n Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I LeConte, J. Correlation of vital with chemical and phys. forces. {In Stewart, B. Conserv. of energy.) 12238 — Elements of geology. 17413 — Sight; monocular and binocular vision. Illust. (Internat. sci. ser.) 20482 LeCouvreur, A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 1.) *I Lecture room talks ; by H. W. Beecher. 8478 Lectures. See Bampton lectures; — Bohlen lectures; — Boyle lectures ; — Yale lectures. Also, names of authors or of subjects of lectures. Led astray ; by O. Feuillet. 13455 Led-Horse Claim, The ; by M. F. Foote. 22857 Ledderhose, C. F. Life of Melancthon. 2591 Ledoux, — . Ice-making machines ; theory of the act. of cold- producing machines. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 19253 Ledyard, J. Praise of women. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Sparks, J. (In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 24.) 4133 Lee, A. Evans, F. W. {In his Shakers.) 1644 Lee, B. Cost of a great epidemic to a city. {Bi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Lee, Maj. Gen. Charles. Memoirs of the life of L. Added, His polit. and military ess., etc. 2d. Amer. ed. *I — Sketch of L. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. Rev.) 2122 728 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAHY. — Sparks, J. {In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 18.) 4127 Lee, Charles. Guide to the breeding, feeding, rearing, etc., of the Houdan fowl. 16613 Lee, C. A. Elements of geology. 7171 Lee, D. K. The master builder ; or. Life at a trade. 2592 Lee, E. B. Life of J. P. F. Richter ; prec. by his autobiog. 3d. ed. 5736 — Memoirs of Rev. J. Buckminster, and of J. S. Buckminster. 2598 — Parthenia; or. The last days of paganism. 2d. ed. 2596 Lee, F. G. More glimpses of the world unseen. 17736 Contents. Introduction.— Warnings of coming danger or death, and dreams. — Apparitions and spectral appearances at the time of death. — Angelic aid and intervention.— Modern necromancv.— Appendix. — The other world; or, Glimpses of the supernatural. Facts, records, etc, rel. to dreams, etc. 2 v. 13947-8 Lee, H. F. (S). The Huguenots in France and America. 2d. ed. 2 V. 2072-3 — Life and times of Thomas Cranmer. 1015 — Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave in St. Domingo. 2d. ed. 5683 — Tales. 2596 Contents. The true and the false.— Emigration; or. The township in Maine.— Patronage and friendship.— A sketch of fashionable life. Lee, Harriet. Canterbury tales. 2 v. 2597-8 — The Scotsman's tale. [In Fam. stories, v. 1.) 18148 Lee, Maj. Gen. Henry. Memoirs of the war in the southern dept. of the U. S. ; new ed., with biog. of the author by R. E. Lee. 8149 — Headlevy J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829- — Hartley, C. B. Life of Lee. 178& Lee, H. The avenger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 30.) 11825 Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, H. Lee, M. Divorce. 22323 Lee, Mrs. R. The African Crusoes ; or. Adventures of Car- los and Antonio. 18676 — The Australian wanderers ; or. Adventures of Captain Spencer. 18677 Lee, R. H. Magoon, E. L. {In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 Lee, Robert E. Biography of H. Lee. {In Lee, H. Mem. of the war, etc.) 8149 — Boissouas, Mme. B. Un vaincu ; souvenirs du G(5neral R. Lee. OoGO- — Chesney, C. C. Memoir of Lee. {In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Childe,'E. L. Life and campaigns of Gen. Lee. 14197 — McCabe, J. D. Life and campaigns of Lee. 7055 — Taylor, W. H. Four years with Lee ; with statement of the strength of the army which he commanded. 17426 — Wilson, J. "G. {In his Sketch of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Lee, S. Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Sketch of Lee. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410- Lee, S., wife of li. Lee. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. 5103 Lee, V. The Prince of the hundred soups ; puppet-show in narrative. Illust. 22684 Lee, W. Evans, F. W. {In his Shakers.) 1644 Lee, Wm. Hoare, E. N. A brave fight; narrative of L. 22401 Lee, W. R. Biography of P. J. Revere. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Lee. See also Lea. Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Greece, Turkey, etc. 7684 Leech, J. Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 2.) 6425 — Paget, J. {In his Paradoxes and puzzles.) 12732; CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 729 Leech club, The ; by G. W. Owen. ' 13009 Leedle Yacob Strauss, and other poems ; by C. F. Adams. 18058 Leeds, J. W. History of the United States. 17465 Leeds, L. W. Lectures on ventilation ; 1866-67. 7402 — Treatise on ventilation ; lee. 1866-68. Illust. 2d. ed. 17590 Leeds. Black, A., and C. Guide to Leeds and vicinity. *I Lees, F. R. Text-book of temperance. 17722 Lees, J. C. Heathen Scotland to the introd. of Christianity. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) ^ 20753 — Mahommedanism. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Strombury; or, Hanks of Highland yarn. 21718 Lees, W. Elements of acoustics, light, and heat. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12622 Le Fanu, J. S. The bird of passage. (Appleton's new hand.- vol. ser.) . 17^96 — Checkmate. 14045 — A lost name. 10152 — The tenants of Malory. 10691 Lefebvre, A. E. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Nouv. lund., V. 10.)^ *I Lefebvre, Marshal F. J. Headley, J. T. (In his Napoleon, etc., V. 2.) 1826 — Lefebvre. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) • 5143 Lefebvre, R. See Laboulaye, E. R. L. Lefebvre. See also Lefevre. Lef^bre, A. See Lefevre, A. Lefevre, A. Wonders of architecture ; tr. by R. Donald. Added, Chapter on Eng. architecture, by D. (111. lib. of wonders.) 7885 Lefevre, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 2.) *I Lefevre d'Ormesson. See Ormesson. Leffel, J. J., and C. Construction of mill dams ; also, building of race and reservoir embankments and head gates, meas- urement of streams, gauging of water supply, etc. *1 Leffingwell, C. W. Reading book of Eng. classics for young pupils. 18569 Left, and never called for. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 3.) 14303 Left-handed Elsa ; by R. E. Francillou. 15885 — Same. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., no. 23.) 19168 Left on Labrador; by C. A. Stephens. 11246 Left over fr. the last century ; by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor., etc.) 19896 Legacy, A; Life and remains of J. Martin; by Mrs. Craik. 2 V. 18217-18 Legal tender. See Money. Legend of Jubal, The, and other poems ; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 12669 Legend of Montrose ; [by W. Scott]. 3810 Legend of my native town. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 7.) 14307 Legend of the hounds ; poem ; by G. H. Boker. 7873 47 730 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Legend, A, of the Rhine ; by W. M. Thackeray. {In his Bur- lesques.) 5380 Legende des si^cles, La ; par V. Hugo. 14420 — /Same ; nouv. ser. 2 v. 14488-9 Legendre, A. M. Elements of geometry and trigonometry ; adapt, to the course of mathematical instr. in the U. 8., by C. Davies. 19064 Legends. Clodd, E. The childhood of religions ; birth and growth of myths and legends. 13926 — Mahaffy, J. P. Value of legends in crit. hist. {In his Prolegom. to anc. history.) 10106 — Saxe, J. G. Fables and legends of many countries. « 10604 — Thornbury, W. Historical and legendary ballads and songs. *I — See also Folk-lore ;— Middle A^es ;— Mythology. Also Names of countries, as Brittany ;— Wales. Legends and lyrics ; by A. A. Procter. 2 v., 11467-8 Legends of Number Nip ; by M. Lemon. 10873 Legends of the black watch ; by J. Grant. 10767 Legerdemain. Sachs, E. Sleight of hand. 19476 Legge, A. O. Pius IX. ; story of his life to 1850 ; with glympses at the national movement in Italy. 2 v. 13715-16 Legge, J. Chinese classics, v. 1. 6418 Content^. Confucian analects.— The great learning. — The doctrine of the mean. Legge tt, W. An old reefer's yarn. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 1.) 7223 — Political writings ; ed. by T. Sedgwick. 2 v. 2602-3 — Whittier, J. G. (In his Old portr., etc.) 4763 Leggo, W. History of the administration of F. Temple, Gov. Gen. of Canada. 20333 Legislation. Atkinson, E. IneflSciency of economic L. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Bentham, J. Introduction to the princ. of morals and legislation. 18955 — Godkin, E. L. Legislation and soc. science. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Spencer, H. Over-legislation. (In his Essays.) 5863 — See also United States. Le Goff, F. Life of L. A. Thiers ; tr. fr. unpub. manuscript, by T. Stanton. 18599 Legouv^, J. W. E. G. The art of reading ; tr. with notes by E. Roth. 18610 — By the cradle. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — La lecture en action. 4e- 6d. 14684 — The moral hist, of women. . 2604 — Reading as a fine art ; tr. by A. L. Alger. 18232 — Theatre de campagne. Ser. 1-8. 14685-92 Contents. Ser. 1. Legouve, J. W. E. G. Ma fille et mon bien.— Meilhac, H. Paturel.— Bornier, H. de. Le monde renvers6.— Hervilly, E. d'. La soupit'^re.— Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Autour d'un berceau.— Normand, J. Les petits cadeaux.— Hervilly, E. d'. Silence dans las rangs !— Legouve, E., et Merimee, P. La fleur de Tlemcen.— Chazel, P. Avant le bah— Edmond, C. Un salon d'attente. 2. Labiche, E. La lettre charg^e.— Droz, G. Les crises de Monseigneur.— Gondinet, E. Le mari qui dort.— Sollohub, W., comte. La canne et son chapeau.— Hervillv, E. d'. Vent d'ouest.— Theuriet, A. La vieille maison.— Sollohub, W., comte. Une serenade. — Gondinet, E. Les convictions de papa. 3. Dreyfus, A. La Gifle.— Bornier, H. de. La cage du lion.— Hervillv, E. d'. De Calais k Douvres.— Normand, J. A la baguette.— Dupin, H. Le coupe jaune.— Abraham, E. Georges et Georgette.— Narrey, C. O mon Adelaide I— Daudet, A. Les prunes.— Hervilly, E. d'. Les Revanches de Pescalier. — Meilhac, H. La force des femmes.' 4. Labiche, E. L'amour de Part.— Hervilly, E. d'. Entre la soupe et les l^vres.— Guiard, E. Volte- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 731 Face.— Yerconsin, E. Retour de Bruxelles.— Letoriere, G. de. La cor- beille de mariage.-^Hervilly, E. d'. Notre cher insensibilisateur ! — Millaud, A. Le collier d'or. — Decourcelle, A. Marie Duval. — Theuriet, A. Les f raises. 5. Narrey, C. Ho! le vert! bouftbnnerie. — Decourcelle, A. La part du lion. — Najac, E. de, et Bocage, H. Le valet de cours; com. — Giraudeau, F. Tout chemin m^ne k Rome. — Guiard, E. La mouche. — Sonnois.J. et Au, E. d'. Aux arrets. — Guillemot, J. Les deux sous-pr6fets de X. — Verconsin, E. Le cap de la Trentaine. — Billet, A. L'Andalouse.— Hervilly, E. d'. Scrupules.— Dreyfus, A. Le confes- sional. 6. Legouve, E. L'agrementd'ctrelaide.— Dreyfus, A. Un crane sousunetempete.— Delair,P. Une femme bien pleuree.'— Ferrier, P. Com- me on fait son lit. — Dcroulede, P. Le sergent.— Yerconsin, E. Le secret de Theodore.— Cros, C. L'homme aux pieds retournes.— Hervilly, E. d\ Les enfauts avant tout! — Sollohub, W. L'embarras du choix. — Bocage, H. Y^nue.— Desbeaux, E. Yingt mille francs.— C611ier, E. Les bou- quets. — Hervilly, E. d'. Le secret d'une vaincue. — Seguin, A. Une pluie de vaisers. — Delair, P. La vision de Claude. — Jouau, K. La perle fausse. — Cros,C. L'homme perdue. 7. Legouv6,E. La matinee d'une etoile. — Cros, C. L'ami de la maison.— Des Roseaux, A. La souris.— Normand, J. Le fou rire.— LetoritH-e, G. de.— La part de butin.— Sollohub, W. Le premier pas. — Yerconsin, E. Adelaide et Yermouth.— Cros, C. L'homme propre.— Hervilly, E. d'. La marquise de Crac— Desbeaux, E. L'inven- tion de mon Grand Oucle I'archeveque de Bcziers. — Mendel, E., et Cordier. La bete noire. — Cros, C. Le pendu. — Cahen, A., et Sujol, G. A I'essai. — Solluhub, W. Le feu fol let.— Guillemot, J. L'heure de la liberte.— Cros, C. L'homme qui a trouv6.— Ehrard, A. Madame Limeray? 8. Yer- consin, E. Le rideau.— Liquier, G. Un amour electrique.— Manuel, E. Traitement thermal. — Launay, A. de. Le premier roman. — Delaporte, 31lle. L'artide II. — Yilletard, A. Le theme russe. — Cortambert, R. Retour de voyage.— Depre, E., et Clairville, C. La creraaillcre.— Marthold, J. de. Un proverbe de salon.— Cros, C. Le violon.— Hervilly, E. d'. La laiti^Te et le pot aux roses.— Fey deau, G. Notre future.— Laliiye, L. Une fleche. — Des Roseaux, A. Le rigollot. — Normand, J. Les claqueurs. — and Merim^e, P. La fleur de Tlemcen ; comMie. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 — Same. Eng. trans. (7w Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — joint author. See Scribe, A. E. Leibnitz, G. W. Bowen, F. {In Ms Mod. philosophy.) 17186 Leicester, Earl of. See Montfort, S. de. Leicester, Eng. Dorau, J. (In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Leicester, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of L. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 1.) *I — Washburn, E. Historical sketches of L., during the 1st. cent, from its settlement. 4669 Leicester; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 1.) *I Leicester du Faubourg, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. . 2, V. 12.) *I Leicestershire. North, T. The church bells of Leicestershire ; their inscriptions, etc. , *I Leifchild, J. R. The higher ministry of nature ; viewed in the light of mod. science. Introd. by H. Crosby. 11182 Leigh, — . Disposal of excreta in Manchester. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Leigh, E. Elementary reading ; The phonetic method with pronoun, orthography in its rel. to other methods. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17753 — See Bible. N. T. Sinai and comp. N. T. Leigh, E. Science of modern cotton spinning. *I Leigh, H. S. Did I offend? (In Christmas story-teller.) 17662 Leigh, J. E. A. Memoir of Jane Austen. 8621 — Same; 2d ed. Added, Lady Susan, and fragments. 9914 Leighton, A. The chance question. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 732 FREE PUBLIC LIIJIJAKY. — The conscience-stricken ; Duncan Sclmlebred's vision of judgment; The somnambulist of Redcleugh; Geordie Willison, and the heiress of Castle Gower. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 3.) 8043 — The contrast of wives ; Tlie suicide ; Mike Maxwell and the Gretna green lovers: The three letters: The glass back. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 6.) 8046 — Death of James I. ; The case of evidence ; The clerical murderer ; Death of James Til.; Mr. Samuel Ramsav Thriven. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 8.) 8048 — A desperate act; the diamond eyes. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 1.) 7223 — Hognianay ; The bereaved ; The condemned ; Hume and the Governor of Berwick; The bride of Bramblehaugh ; The monomaniac; Laird Robinson's will. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 9.) 8049 — Kate Kennedv; Prescription; Lord Durie and Christie's will; The cured ingrate. '{In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 1.) 8041 — Legend of fair Helen Kirconnel ; The abduction; Christie of the cleek; Romance of the siege of Perth; Caleb Crabbin; The crooked Comyn. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 5.) 8046 — The long slippers ; The white scalp, (/m Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 3.) 7224 — Trials of Menie Dempster ; Roseallan's daughter ; The Prince of Scotland ; Legend of Holyrood. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 7.) 8047 Leighton, J. Paris under the Commune. 9616 Leighton, R. Poems. 8703 Leighton, R. F. Harvard examination papers, 1873 ; 1877. *I — History of Rome; maps, plans, etc. (Anderson's hist, ser.) 19428 Leighton, W. The subjection of Hamlet ; motives of thought and action of Shakespeare's Prince of Denmark. Introd. by J. Crosby. 22275 — At the court of King Edwin; drama. 17339 — The sons of Godwin; tragedv. 17207 Leila; by [Sir E. Bulwer Lytton]. 593 Leila Ada. Diary and correspondence. (In Heighway, O. W. T. Leila A.) 1845 Leisler, J. Hoffman, C. F. Life of L. (hi Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. Hiog., V. 13.) 4122 Leisure-day rhymes ; by J. G. Saxe. 13765 Leisure hour series For books in this series see the following names of authors : About, E.;—Auerbach, B. ;— Beerbohm, J.;-Beers, H. A.;— Besant, W.;— Bjornson, B.;-Butt, B. M.;— Cadell, il/ns. H. M, ;— Calverley, C. S.;— Corkran, A. ;— Cherbuliez, V.;— Craven, 3/me. A.;— Dickens, C.;— Drew, C.;— Droz, G.;— Erskine, 3Irs. T.;— Fothergill, J.;— Tytler, C. C. F. ;— Francillon, R. E. ;— Fretag, G. ;—Gautier, T.;- Goethe, J. W.;— Griffiths, A.;— Grohman, W. A. B.;— Hardy, T.;— Havers, B. {pseud. T. Gift.) ;— Hector, A. F. {pseud. 3Irs. Alexander.) ;— Heine, H.; -HoUis- ter, G.H.;— Hoppus, 31. A. M.;— Hunt, Mrs. A. W. ;— Jenkins, i\frs. C; —Johnson, 31iss R.;— Jones, C. H.;—Laffan, M.;—LUcy, W. H.;— Mc- Grath, T. ;— Majendie, M.;— Maxwell, C. A. ;^Molesworth, Mrs. {pseud. E. Graham.) ;— Norris, W. E.;— Oliphant, M. O. W. ;— Palgrave, W. G.; —Parr, L. ;— JPovnter, E. F.;— Richardson, S.;— Richter, J. P. F.;— Rob- erts, M. ;— Schniid, H. ;— Smith, H. & J. ;— Sparhawk, F. Cj— Spielhagen, F.;— Stevenson, R. L. ;— Thackerav, W. M. ;— Turgenieff, I.;— Villari, L. ;— Walford, L. B. ;— Winthrop, t. Leisure hours in town ; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 4639 Leisure-time studies; by A. Wilson. 18397 Leitch, R. P. A course of painting in neutral tints. Plates. *I — A course of sepia painting. Plates. *I Leith-Adams, Mrs. See Adams, Mrs. L. Lejetchnikoff, — . The heretic. 5213 Leieune, L. Trouville. (l7iM{irphj, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 Lekain or Cain, H. L. M^moires. (In Barri^re. Bib. des m^m.,v. 6.) 14526 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 733 Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the U. S. (The new Plutarch.) 18925 — The Egyptian sketch book. 12087 — Englisn gipsies, and their language. 12086 — The gypsies. 21649 — Hans Breitraan in church; Hans Breitman in politics. 8802 — Hans Breitman's party; with other ballads. New ed. 8039 — Industrial art in schools. (U. S. Bur. of Ed. Circ.) 22514 — Johnnykin and the goblins. 16682 — Meister Karl's sketch book. 2606 — Same ; 2d. ed. 6452 — The minor arts ; porcelain painting, wood-carving, stencilling, modelling, mosaic work, &c. (Art at Home ser.) 19884 — The music lesson of Confucius ; and other poems. 10018 — Pidgin-English sing-song, or. Songs and stor. in the*China-Eng. dialect; with vocab. ' 17786 — Palmer, E. H. and Tuckey, J. English-Gvpsv songs. In Eommany, with metr. Eng. trans. . ' ' • * 13873 Leland, O. S. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. L^lia ; comedie ; parO. Gastineau. (In Sajm^tes, etc., ser. 1.) 14791 — Same; Eng. trans. (Plays for priv. acting.) 17926 Le Maire, J. Kingston, W. H. G. Cape Horn first doubled by Schouten and Le Maire. {In his Notable Voyages.) 19571 Lemaire, N. E. Bibliotheca classica Latina. 142 v. Namely: Caesar, C. J. Opera; ed. N. L. Achaintre et N. E. Lemaire. 4 v. 8225-8 Catullus, C. V. Catullus, ex. ed. F. G. Doeringii cuiadnot. adi. J. Naudet. 8229 Cicero, M. T. Opera omnia. 19 v. 8230-48 Claudianus, C. Opera omnia; rec. N. L. Artaud. 2 v. 8249-50 Curtius Euf us, Q. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri superstites cum suppl. J. Freinshemii quibus notas add. N. E. Lemaire. 3 v. 8251-3 Florus, L. A. Epitome rerum Romanum ; item L. Ampelii Liber mem- orialis quibus sel notas subj. N. E. Lemaire. 8254 Horatius Flaccus, Q. Opera ofnnia; cur. N. E. Lemaire. 3 v. 8255-7 Justinus. Historiae Philippicae; textum Wetzeliauum illust. N. E. Le- maire. 8258 Juvenalis, D. J. Satirae; cum not. Rupertianis subi. add. X. E. Le- maire. 2 V. ■ 8259-60 Livius Patavinus, T. Opera omnia; item suppl. J. Freinshemii, cur. N. E. Lemaire. 12 v. 8262-73 Lucanus, M. A. Pharsalia, cum adnot., quibus suas add. P. A. Lemaire. 3 V. 8274-6 Lucretius Cams, T. De rerum natura; cum adnot. ; quibus suas adj. P. A. Lemaire. 2 v. " 8277-8 Martialis, M. V. Epigrammata; illust. quinque Parisiensis '. 18001 — Jevons, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic ; deduct, and induct. 14224 Lo^ic. Illust. 16002 Prmciples of science ; treat, on logic and scientific method. 2 v. 15910-11 — McGregor, P. A svstem of logic. • 1027 — Mill, J. S. Svstem'of logic. 30.38 Same. 7th. ed. 2 v. 10747-8 — Read, C. On the theory of logic ; an essay. 18641 — Swinburne, A. Picture logic ; attempt to popularize the sci. of reasorflng by the combination of humorous pictures, etc. 139.54 — Townsend, L. T. Studies in logic. (In his Art of speech, v. 2.) 20788 — Whately, R. Easy lessons on reasoning. 4720 Elements of logic ; new ed. 8610 Logic in theology, and other essays ; by J. Taylor. 11367 Lohengrin ; opera ; by R. Wagner. *I Lohmann, (E.) F. (S.) Die Entseheidung bei Hochkirch. Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16151 Loin des yeux, loin du coeur ; par P. Celi^re. {In his En sc^ne.) 14601 Lois Carrol ; by S. S. Vance. 12687 Lois, the witch ; by E. C. Gaskell. (In her Right at last, etc.) 2216 Loison, O. Loison. (Bi court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Loiterings in pleasant paths ; by M. V. Terhune. 19654 Lokis ; par P. Merimee. (In his Derni^res nouv.) 9555 Lola ; by A. Griffiths. 17037 Lombard, H. C. Report on the trans, of the Soc. of Phys. and of Nat. Hist, of Geneva. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept.. 1869.) • 11625 Lombard street ; essay; by W. Bagehot. 11962 Lomenie, L. L. de. Beaumarchais and his times. 2734 Lommel, E. The nature of light, with acct. of phys. optics. Illust. (Int. sci. ser.) ; 15405 Lomond, Loch. Black, A., and C. {In their Guide to the Trossachs, etc.) *I London. School Boar cl. Examiner of Needlework. Plain nee- dlework ; arranged in standards or stages, as required by the educ. code of 1878-9. • 18656 Clubs. — See Clubs. Description. — Abbott, J. Rollo's tour in Europe : London. 29 — Archer, T. The terrible sights of London. 10803 — Black, A., and C. Guide to London and its environs. *I — Crorv, W. G. East Loudon industries. 16624 — Grant, J. Sketches of London, v. 2. 162fl — Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. 2 v. 1766S-9 — Hunt, J. H. L. The town; its mem. characters and events. 7498 — Jesse, J. H. London; celeb, characters and remark, places. 3 v. 13674r-6 — Knight, C. Cvclopsedia of London. 2502 — Larwood, J. The story of the Loudon parks. 2 v. 10133-4 — Lemon, M. Up and down the London streets. 6750 — Miller, T. Picturesque sketches of London. 3048 — Pemberton, T . E. Dickens's London : or, London in the works of Dickens. 15720 — Raikes, T. Portion of the journal bv R.. 1831-47; soc. and polit. life in L.. etc. 2 V. ' 6469-70 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 757 — Rush, E. Memoranda of a residence at tlie court of L. 3725 — Tliornbury, W., and Walford, E. Old and new London ; its hist., people, and places. 6 v. *I — Timbs. J. London and Westminster; strange events, characteristics, etc. 2v. 8977-« — Ware, W. {In his Sk. of Europ. capitals.) 4647 — Wheatly, H. B. Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall. 8720 — See also Poor; — Trades. Gov eminent . — Firth, J. F. B. Municipal London ; or, London government as it is, and London under a municipal council. 16529 Histonj. — Arundell, T. Historical remin. of L. and its livery companies. 22515 — Brewer, J. S. Ancient London. (In his Eng. studies.) 20734 — Crosland, Jlrs. C. Stories of L. retold for youthful readers. 20662 — De Foe, D. Journal of the Plague vear, 1665; rev., vs^ith hist, notes by E. W. Bray ley. ' 10670 — Mediaeval London. (In Biography and criticism.) 7911 — Norton, G. Commentaries on tlie historv, constitution, and chartered franchises of L. ' 12821 — Timbs, J. Curiosities of London. 8895 Romance of London. 3 v. 8892-4 — See also London, Tower of. - International ExJiibitions. — Account of proc. at dinner given to Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, 1851. ' 9690 — Timbs, J. Year-book of facts in the Gt. Exhibition, 1851. " 8944 The International Exhibition of 1862. 8945 — Whewell, W. General bearing of the Gt. Exhib., 1851, on the progress of arts and science. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Joiirnalism. — Hatton, J. Journalistic London ; sketches. 22525 Poor. — Mayhew, H. London labour and the London poor. 3 v. 2987-9 — Rowe, R. Picked up in the streets; struggles for life amongst the L. poor. 20344 Prisons. — Mavhew, H., and Binnv, J. Criminal prisons of L., and scenes of prison life. * 6528 Social life. Customs, etc. — • Davies, C. M. Heterodox London : phases of free thought. 2 v. 12720-1 Mystic London ;' phases of occult life. 13613 Orthodox London ; phases of religious life in the Ch. of Eng. 12122 Unorthodox London ; phases of religious life in the Metropolis. 12255 — Doran, J. London in the Jacobite times. 2 v. 17663-4 — London characters and the humorous side of L. life. 11213 — Mayhew, H., and others. London character; humour, pathos, and pecu- liarities of L. life. — Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London social life, etc. 14118 — See also Poor. Trades, etc. — Hindley, C. History of the cries of L., anc. and modem. 21705 Associations. — London Dialectical Society. Report on spiritualism. 11132 — Becker, B. H. Scientitic London ; sketches of associations. 13604 — Low, S., Jr. The charities of London. *I — Young, L. Acts of gallantry ; acct. of bravery in saving life fr. drowning, for which the medals of the Royal Humane Soc. have been awarded. 11460 London, Tower of. Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower. 7691 — De Ros, W. L. L. F. Memorials of the Tower of London. 7546 London assurance ; comedy ; by D. L. Boucicault. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 4.) 11806 London characters and the humorous side of London life. Illust. 1 1213 London lyrics ; by F. Locker. 10862 758 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. London society, v. 2-7, 9-10. 6831-6 ; 6838-9 Londonderry, Marquis of. See Vane, C. S. Londonderry. Doran, J. A trip to Londonderry. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 London's heart; by B. L. Farjeon. 11738 Lonely life, A ; by J. A. St. J. Blythe. 11183 Lonely ones, The ; by P. J. L. Heyse. 19071 Long, C. Sir Roland Ashton. 2736 Long, G. The civil wars of Rome ; select lives fr. Plutarch ; with notes ; ser. 3-5. 2738 Contents. Pompeius.— C. Caesar.— Cato.— Cicero. — Brutus.— Antonius. — Decline of the Roman republic. 5 v. 11627-30; 13304 Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems illust. old truths. (Eug. and For. Phil. Lib.) 20851 Long, J. D. Introduction. {In Gladstone, W. E. The might of right.) • 22580 Long, J. H., and Buel, R. H. The cadet engineer ; or, Steam for the student. 6135 Long, S. P. Art; its laws and the reasons foi'^them. 9226 Long ago ; by E. Gray [L. T. Craigin]. 16672 Long holidays ; or. Learning without lessons ; by H. A. Ford. 7221 Long, long ago ; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Long look ahead ; by A. S. Roe. 3684 Long Look. See Abbott, E. Long Look house ; by E. Abbott. Illust. 16560 liOng slippei-fe. The ; by A. Leighton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.)* 7224 Long time ago, A ; by M. Orred. 16601 Longbeard ; or. The revolt of the Saxons ; by C. Mackay. 2841 Longevity. Beard, G. M. The longevity of brain -workers. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I — Collins, M. The secret of long life. 19139 — Gardner, J. Longevity : means of prolonging life after middle age. X3557 — Thoms, W. J. Human longevity ; its facts and its fictions. 11893 Longfellow, H. W. Aftermath. 11946 — A ballad of the French fleet, 1746. (Iw Longfellow, H. W., and others. Poems of the " Old South.") *I — Ballads; and other poems. 2740 — Christus; a mystery. 3v. . *I; 11083-5 Contents. The divine tragedy.— The golden legend.— New England tragedies. — Defense of poetrv. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — The Divine comedy of Dante Alighierl. 3 v. 9150-2 — The divine tragedv. 9771 — Same. {In his C)ir\^\M^.) *I; 11083 — The golden legend. 2743 — Same. (7w /iis Christus.) *I; 11084 — Hyperion ; a romance. 2744 — In the harbor. (Ultima thule, pt. 2.) 21771 — Kavanagh. 2746 — Keramos, and other poems. 17614 — The masque of Pandora, and other poems. 14116 — The New-England tragedies. 2752 Contents. John Endicott.— Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. — Same. {In his Christus.) ' *I ; 11085 — Outre-mer. 2746 — Poems. 2747 — Poems of places ; ed. by L. 31 v. 16016-25 ; 16960-8 : 17897-907 Contents. \. 1-3. England. 4. England and Wales. 5. Ireland. 6,7. Scotland. 8. Scotland, Denmark, Iceland. Norway, Sweden. 9. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 759 France. 10. France and Savoy. 11-13. Italy. 14. Spain. 15. Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland. 16. Switzerland and Austria. 17. 18. Germany. 19. Greece and Turkey in Europe. 20. Russia. 21-23. Asia. 24. Africa. 25-27.' America: Xe%y England; Middle States. 28-30. America: Western states, Southern states; British Amer., Danish Amer., Mexico, Central Amer., So. America, West Indies. 31. Oceauica. — Poetical works. Boston, 1871. — Poetical works. [Centennial ed.] — Poetical works'. Household ed. — Poets and poetry of Europe. — Same; new ed.' — The seaside and the fireside ; [poems] . — Selections. (Amer. class, for schools.) — Tales of a wayside inn. — Three books of song. Contents. Tales of a wayside in.— Judas Maccabaeus. — Translations. — Ultima thule. — Voices of the night. 5th. ed. — and others. Laurel leaves; orig. poems, stories, and essays. Illust. — - Poems of the ''Old South." Illust. — Bates, C. F. The Longfellow birthday book. — Biographical sk. and select. (In Amer. poems.) — Bungay, G. (7?i his Traits of repr. men.) — Fields, J. T. The poet Longfellow ; lect. (/?i Tribune pop. sci.) — Gilfillan, G. ( Tn his Mod. lit., etc.) — Hazeltine, M. W. (In his Chats.) — Kennedy, W. S. H. W. Longfellow ; biog., anecdote, letters, crit. — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) — Notice. (Jw Stoddard, R. n. Poets' homes.) — Notice and selections. (In Am. prose.) — Powell, T. (In his Living authors.) — Sketch of L. (In Atlas ess.) — Stoddard, R. H. H. W. Longfellow ; a medlev in prose and verse. — Underwood, F. H. H. W. Longfellow; biog. 'sketch. LoDgfellow, S. Memoir. (In Johnson, S. Letters, etc^) — Unity and universality of the relig. ideas. (In Free Relig. Assoc. Free- dom and fellowship.) — joint editor. See Higginson, T. W. Longfellow family. Titcomb, S. E. Account of the Long- fellow and allied families. {In her Early N. E. people.) Longfield, M. Tenure of land in Ireland. {In Cobden Club Syst. of Id. ten.) Longinus, D. Traits du sublime, ou du merveilleux dans le discours. {In Boileau Despr^aux, N. Oeuvres, v. 3, 4.) — Same. On the sublime; with notes and obs., and acct. of the life, etc., of L. by W. Smith. 5th. ed. Longitude. Warren, T. R. Simple methods for finding the latitude and longitude. {In his Yachtman's primer.) Longley, E. Pronouncing vocabulary of geographical and pers. names. Added, List of scriptural names. Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) Longman, W. History of the life and times of Edward III. 2 V. 15919 Longstaff' s marriage ; by H. James, Jr. {In Ms Madonna, etc.^ V. 1.) Longstreet, A. B. Georgia scenes ; Sk. of L. {In Watter- son, H. Oddities in South, life.) Longstreth, T. ^.^ joint author. See Truman, G. Longstrike, The ; drama ; by D. Boucicault. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 45.) 1389 16120 20852 2750 *I 4232 21415 2751 10586 19840 4345 *I *I 20260 1S947 22315 12943; *I 2256 21551 89S3 19286 19641 3522 18294 21800 21604 22729 13778 16008 8407 13838 6384 20484 -20 20809 22306 11832 760 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Longueville, A. G. de B. C, duchesse de. Cousin, V. Madame de L. {In Ms ^oc. Fran?., v. 1.) 14473 The youth of Madame de L. ; f r. the French by F. W. Ricord. 981 — Sainte-Beiive, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes.) *I Longworth, N. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 Lonsdale, H. The worthies of Cumberland. 6 v. 13717-20; 13814-15 Contents. V. 1. J. C. Curwen; W. Blamire. 2. J. R. G. Graham. 3. The Howards; R. Matthews; J. Rooke; J. Huddart. 4. W. Wordsworth; S. Blamire; T. Tickell; J. C. Blamire; The Loshes of Woodside ; T. Addison ; H. L. Pattinson. 5. J. Dalton. 6. G. Gra-: ham; A.Fletcher; W. Brownrigg; E. Troughton; W. Pearson; F. Fal- lows; R. Rigg; J. F. Miller; J. Williamson; W. Woodville; J. Walker; R. Dunglison ; M. L. Watson. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora ; a biography. 19603 Loo-choo Islands. Explorations of Loo-choo. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Look before you leap ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 21874 Look before you leap ; comedy ; by G. W. Lovell. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 5.) 11807 Look to the end ; by S. S. Ellis. 5219 Lookout Mountain. Taylor, B. F. Mission Ridge and Look- out Mt. 9848 Looking around ;. by A. S^ Roe. 6002 Looking back ; by M. A. Wackerbath. 20035 Looking toward sunset ; by L. M. Child. 5790 Loom. Ashenhurst, T. R. Chapters on the princ. of constr. of the loom, etc. {In his Treat, on weaving, etc.) 19091 Loomis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics ; or. Read- ings in Chinese literature ; [with Brief outline of Chinese hist, to the times of Confucius and Mencius]. 7065 Loomis, E. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry. 25th: ed. 21807 — Treatise on meteorology ; with tables. 7482 Loomis, G. B. Music in normal schools. {In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Addr., etc.) 11608 Loomis, L. C. Index guide to travel and art-study in Europe. Illust. . 21595 Lora ; by Paul Pastnor. 21617 Lord, D. N. f.ouis Napoleon ; is he to be the imperial chief of the ten kingdoms and the Antichrist? 7113 — Visions of Paradise ; an epic. 7115 Lord, H. F. How to influence little children. (Pps. on educ.) *I Lord, J. L. Romance of a Western trip. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Lord, J. Ancient states and empires : for colleges and schools. 8061 — Character and society of the Middle Ages. ( With Froissart, J. Chron- icles.) ' 2180 — Life of Emma Willard. 12041 — The old Roman world ; grandeur and failure of its civilization. 7057 — Points of history for schools and colleges, [in questions and answers] . 20773 — The prophet Isaiah. (In Boston lect., 1871.) ^ 12134= Lord, J. K. The naturalist in Vancouver Is. and British Columbia. 2 v. 6724-5 Lord, The, and the vassal ; the feudal system in the Middle Ages. 2753 Lord Bantam ; by E. Jenkins. 9822 Lord Brackenbury ; by A. B. Edwards. 20521 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 761 Lord Chancellors. See Chancellors. Lord Erlistoun ; [by Miss Muloch]. {In her Nothing new.) 5082 Lord Hope's choice ; by A. S. Stephens. 11552 Lord Kilgobbin ; by C. Lever. 10551 Lord Maskelyne's daughter ; by R. M. Kettle. 20670 Lord Oakburn's daughters ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 9998 Lord of himself; by F. H. Underwood. 12778 Lord Vapourcourt ; by A. H. Everett. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 Lord's prayer. See Bible, N. T. Lord's supper. Hale, L. P. The Lord's supper and its ob- servance. 6173 Loreley ; unfinished opera ; by Mendelssohn. *I Lorenzaccio ; par A. deMusset. {In his Comedies, v. 1.) *I Lorgnette, The ; by Ik. Marvel [D. G. Mitchell]. 2 v. 3083-4 Lorgues, R. de. Life of Columbus ; fr. the French by J. J. Barry. 8107 Lorimer, G. C. Under the evergreens ; or, A night with St. Nicholas. 7315 Lorimer, P. Evidential value of epistles of St. Paul viewed as hist, documents. {In Chris. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — John Knox and the Ch. of Eng. ; his work m her pulpit, and his infl. upon her liturgy, etc. 13875 Lorimer Littlegood, Esq. ; by F. E. Smedley. 4023 Lorin, G. J'aime les femmes ! fantaisie en prose. {In Say- u^tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 Loring, C. G. Biography of W. O. Stevens. {In Higginson," T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Loring, F. W. The improvisatore, and the heeler ; Rebecca's ma. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 — Same. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Two college friends. 9586 — Same. (JwXov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 1.) 14301 — Two song and dance men. (7w Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 4.) * 13933 Loring, G. B. The farm-yard club of Jotham ; acct. of the families and farms of that famous town. Illust. 16618 — How to succeed in farming. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 — Treatise on agriculture and the horse. {In Murray, W. H. H. The per- fect horse.) 11947 Loring, J. 8. The hundred Boston orators, 1770-1852. *I Lorley and Reinhard ; by B. Auerbach. 16876 Lorm, Hieronymus, pseud. See Landesmann, H. Lome, J., Marquis of. See Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S. Lome, Land of. See Hebrides. Lorna Doone ; by R. D. Blackmore. 13062 Lorrain, Claude. See Gel^e, C. Losh family. Lonsdale, H. The Loshes of Woodside. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 4.) ' 13720 Losing to win ; by T. Davies. " 13235 Lossing, B. J. Biographical sk. of the Signers of the Decla- ration of Independence. 2759 — Common school hist, of the U. S. [to 1864] . 6185 — Same; to [1869]. 8678 — Descriptive sketch of West Point. {In Strong, G. C. Cadet life.) 987 — A history of England. 22440 49 762 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — History of the U. S. [to 1857] . Ulust. 2755 — The home of Washmgton. 8783 — Life and times of Philip Schuyler. 2 v. 11303-4 — Notes. (In Custis, G. W. P. Recollect, of Washington.) 4673 — Our countrymen; or, Brief mem. of em. Americans. lUust. 2766 — Pictorial field book of the revolution. 2 v. 2757-8 — Pictorial field book of the war of 1812. 7876 — Pictorial hist, of the Civil war in the U. S. 3 v. 6321-3 — Story of the U. S. navy. Illust. 20063 Lost Alice. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., v. 8.) 14308 Lost and saved ; by Mrs. Norton. 3946 Lost and won ; by G. M. Craik. ' 5391 Lost bank note; by Mrs. Wood. 10001 Lost bride, The ; by T. S. Arthur. 11863 Lost children, The ; and other stories ; by T. S. Arthur. 2523 Lost cause, The ; by E. A. Pollard. 10595 Lost cause, The, regained ; by E. A. Pollard. 10607 Lost child ; by W. E. Suter. {In French's min. dram., v. 41.) 7991 Lost child, The ; by H. Kingsley. {In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 Lost daughter. The ; and other stories ; by C. L. Hentz. 1863 Lost despatch. The ; by ^. Friedrich. 9612 Lost farm. The ; and other poems ; by J. J. Piatt. 17198 Lost for love ; by M. E. Braddon. 13427 Lost Gip; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 12590 Lost in a great city ; by A. M. Douglas. 20268 Lost in the fog ; by J. De Mille. 11349 Lost in the wood ; by Mrs. A. Gilchrist. 10573 Lost inheritance. The; by [E. M. Sewell]. (/?i her Sketches.) 3914 Lost manuscript. The ; by G. Freytag. 7838 Lost model, The ; by H. Hooper. 12970 Lost name, A ; by J. S. Le Fanu. 10152 Lost palace. The ; by E. E. Hale. {In his Crusoe in N. Y.) 19799 — Same. (In his Tales for trav., v. 6.) 13935 Lost secret of the Cocos group. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 14.) 19159 Lost ship. The ; by W. J. Neale. 12424 Lost ship. The ; nautical drama ; by T. Townsend. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 39.) 11829 Lost tales of Miletus, The ; by Lord Lytton. ( With New Timon.) *I Lost treasures ; by F. T. Palgrave. {In his Essays on art.) 6531 Lost will. The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 10000 Loth, C. E. The practical stair builder. 8777 Lothair ; by B. Disraeli. 8559 Lothian, R. Dante and Beatrice fr. 1282 to 1290 ; romance. 2 V. 15716-17 Lothrop, A. ^ pseud. See Warner, A. B. Lothrop, H. M. {pseud. M. Sidney). Five little Peppers, and how they grew. 21310 — The Pettibone name ; a New Eug. story. 21601 — What the seven did ; or, The doings of the "Wordsworth Club. Illust. 22175 Lothrop, S. K. Life of S. Kirkland. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 25.) 4134 Lotos leaves; Original stor., ess., and poems; ed. by J. Brougham and J. Elderkin. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 763 Lott, E. Harem life in Egypt aDd Constantinople. ("Eng. governess in Egypt.") 7010 Lottery, The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 7778 Lottery ticket ; by J. B. Buckstone. (In French's min. dram., V. 18.) ' 11845 Lottie Darling ; by J. C. Jeaffreson. 12341 Lottie of the mill; fr. the German of W. Heimburg. 21642 Lottie's half-sovereign ; by Mrs. R. Gray. 10580 Lotus-eating ; by G. W. Curtis. 1064 Louage, A. History of Greek and Roman literature. 11979 Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the mission to Russia, 1866, of G. V. Fox ; fr. journal and notes of L. ; ed. by J. D. Champlin, Jr. *I Loudon, G. E., Baron. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 Loudon, J. W. Entertaining naturalist; descr., tales, etc.; new ed., rev. and enl., by W. 8. Dallas. 2748 — Gardeninj^ for ladies ; and Companion to the flower-garden ; ed. by A. J. Downing. 1260 Loughborough, Lord. See Wedderburn, A. Louie's last term at St. Mary's ; by [M. C. Hams]. 5583 Louis II. de Bourbon. Prince de Conde. See Cond6. Louis IX. of France. Al Makrisi. Extracts fr. an Arabian ms. cont. the Saracenic acct. of the crusade under L. (In Bohn, H. G. Chron. of the crusades.) 2383 — Guizot, F. P. G. Saint Louis and Calvin. 8069 — Joinville, J. sire de. Saint Louis, Kin^ of France; tr. by J. Hutton. 8119 Memoirs of L. ; tr. bv Johnes. {In Bohn, H. G. Chron. of the crusades.) * 2383 Louis XI. of France. Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XI. 16861 Louis XIV.' of France. Abbott, J. S. C. History of L. 9025 — Astit';, J. F. Louis XIV. and the writers of his age; lect., tr. by E. N. Kirk. 245 — Bungener, L. L. F. Bourdaloue and L. 13117 — Campan, J. L. H. G. (In her Memoirs, v. 1.) 16989 — Duclos, C. P. Memoires secrets sur les rcgnes de L. (Barri^re. Bib. des mom., v. 2.) 14522 — Dumas, A. D. Louis XIV. et son si^cle. 4 v. in 2. 9497-8 — Martin, B. L. H. Age of Louis XIV., tr. by M. L. Booth. (Martin's Hist, of France.) 2 v. 6007-8 — Pardoe, J. Louis XIV. and the court of France in the 17th. cent. 2 v. 3352-3 — Saint-Simon, L. de R. de. Louis XIV. et sa cour; portr., jugements, et anecdotes. 9575 Memoirs on the reign of Louis XIV. and the regency ; tr. by B. St. John. 3v. 15600-2 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {Jn his Nouv. lund., v. 2; Caus. lund., v. 5.) *I Lewis XIV. {In his Monday-chats.) 17345 Louis XV. of France. Bungener, L. L. F. Louis XV. and his times. 13106 — Campan, J. L. H. G. {In her Memoirs, v. 1.) 16989 — Duclos, C. P. M^moires secrets sur les r^gnes de L. (Barri^re. Bib. des m6m., v. 2.) 14522 — Dumas, A. D. Louis XV. et sa cour. 2 v. in 1. 9499 — Saint-Simon, L. de R. de. Le regent et la courde France, sous la minority de L., portraits, jugements, et anecdotes. 9576 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A." {In his Portr. lit., v. 3; Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I Louis XVI. of France. Campan, J. L. H. G. (Inker Memoirs. 2v.) • . 16989-90 — Dumas, A. D. Louis XVI. et la revolution. 2 v. in 1. 9500 — Fersen, J. A. Le comte de F. et la cour de France ; pub. par le baron R. M. de Klinckowstrom. 2 v. *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 15.) *I 764 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Louis XVII. of France. Beauchesne, A. H. du B. Louis XVII. , his life, his suffering, his death; tr. and ed. by W. Hazlitt. 2 V. 13021-2 — Tomes, R. The Bourbon prince ; hist, of the Royal dauphin. 13030 Louis XVIII. of France. Correspondence of Prince Talleyrand andL. dur. the Congress of Vienna ; fr. mss. in the archives at Paris ; pref., etc., by M. G. Pallain. 20579 Louis Philippe, King of the French. Abbott, J. S. C. History of L. 9723 — Poore, B. P. Rise and fall of L. 3506 — Rush, R. Glance at the court and government of L. and the Freneh revolution of 1848. {In his Occasional productions.) 3724 Louis de la Valli^re ; by A. Dumas. 11871 Louis' school days ; by E. J. May. 2981 Louisa, Queen of Prussia. Hudson, E. H. Ijife and times of L. 2 V. 16536-7 — Kluckhohn, A. L. Louise, Q. of Prussia ; a memorial ; tr. by E. H. Denio. 21036 Louisa of Prussia and her times ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6567 Louisa Murray ; aud other tales ; by F. M. Baker. 5478 Louise ; ou. La reparation ; com. -vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 20.) *I Louisiana. — Gavarre, C. Louisiana; its hist, as a French colony. 6597 — Martin, F. X. History of L.; app. Ajinals of L., 1815-61, by J. F. Condon. * *I — ^N^ordhott", C. Louisiana in 1875. (Jw ^is Cotton states.) 15398 Louisiana; by F. H. Burnett. 19638 Louison ; par A. de Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 2.) *I Loukis Lavas ; by D. Bikelas. ' " 20355 Lounger, The. 1785-6. 4th. ed. 3 v. 5097-99 Lounger, The. Mackenzie, H. Papers fr. the Lounger. . (In his Misc. works.) 2842 Lounsbury, T. R. History of the Eng. language. (Hand- books for students, etc.) 18926 — James Fennimore Cooper. (Amer. men. of letters.) 22386 Loup-garou, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 3.) *I Louverture, F. D. Toussaint. Beard, J. R. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture. 2521 Louves de Marchecoul, Les ; par A. Dumas. 3 v. 9501-3 Louvet de Couvray, J. B. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., V. 12.) 14532 Louvois, F. M. le T., marq. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., V. 1,7.) *I Love, A. H. Prisoners and prison discipline. {In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I — Thoughts on prison treatment. (I7i Xat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Rept., 1873.) *I Love, W. De L. St. Paul and the Sabbath. {In Sabb. ess.) 19808 Love. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Influence of love upon litera- ture and real life. (In his Quar. ess.) 14194 — Michelet, J. Love ; fr. the French, by J. W. Palmer. 3028 — Schopenhauer, A. Metaphysics of love. {In 'his Sel. ess.) 20718 — Swedenborg, E. Angelic wisdom cone, the Divine love and wisdom. 4313 — See also Moral philosophy. Also Little classics. Love; play; by J. S. Knowles. {In his Dram, works.) 11888 Love afloat ; story of the Amer. navy ; by F. H. Sheppard. 13787 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 765 • Love after marriage ; and other stories ; by C. L. Hentz. 1864 Love and a bottle ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Love and fortune ; by J. R. Planche. {In his Extravaganzas, V. 5.) * *I Love and law; drama; by M. Edge worth. . 1332; 7367; 15296 Love and liberty ; by A. Dumas. 12668 Love and life ; by C. M. Yonge. 20081 Love and loyalty ; play ; by W. J. Robson. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 32.) 11826 Love and mesmerism; by [H. Smith]. 5449 Love and murder ; by J. Brougham. {In French's min. dram., V. 9.) 11840 Love and skates ; by T. Winthrop. {Li his Life in the open air.) 15936 — Same. (In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7023 — Same. (In Fam. stories, v. 1.) 18148 — Same. (In Little class., v. 6.) 12977 Love and valor ; by T. Hood. 10907 Love at sight; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Love blinded ; by 8. Farina. 20800 Love-chase, The ; comedy ; by J. S. Kuowles. {In his Dram. works.) 11888 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 3.) 11805 Love finds the way ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. {In their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 Love for love ; comedy ; by W. Congreve. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Love in a cottage ; by T. S. Arthur. 11924 Love in a lift. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Love in a wood ; or, St. James's Park ; comedy ; by W. AYycherley. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Love in high life ; by T. S. Arthur. 11861 Love in humble life ; by J. H. Payne. {In French's min. dr., V. 15.) 11843 Love in letters ; with biog. sk., by A. Grant. 7082 Love in livery ; by J. P. Wooler. {Li French's min. dr., v. 27.) 7984 Love in '76 ; by O. Bunce. {In French's min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 Love in the 19th century ; by H. W. Preston. 11745 Love is enough ; by W. Morris. 11333 Love is the best doctor ; comedy ; by J. B. P. de Moli^re. {In his Dram, works, v. 2.) 16844 Love-knot, The ; comedy ; by J. S. Coyne. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 40.) 11850 Love-letters. Richardson, A. S. Old love-letters ; letters of sentiment, by persons em. in Eng. lit. and hist. 22292 Love me little, love me long ; by C. Reade. 3607 Love of a prince ; drama ; by C. Gayler. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 21.) 11820 Love, The, of the first-rate ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer- work.) 19019 Love-play; by J. S. Knowles. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 9.) 11811 766 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Love poems and sonnets ; by Owen Innsly [L. W. Jennison]. 21387 Love stories, Book of ; by N. Perry. 20713 Love the debt. 21517 Lovejoy, E. P. Lovejoy, J. C, and O. Memoir of E. P. L. 2761 — Tanner, H.' Account of the life, trials, etc., of Lovejoy. *I Lovejoy, J. C. Memoir of C. T. Torrey. 2762 — and O. Memoir of E. P. Lovejoy; introd. by J. Q. Adams. 2761 Lovejoy, O., joint author. See Lovejoy, J. C. Lovel, the widower; by W. M. Thackeray. 10100 Lovelace, R. Spear, C. (7n his voices from prison.) 4162 Lovell, A. A. Worcester in the war of the revolution ; acts of the town, 1765-1783. 15822 Lovell, G. W. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dram. Lovenjoul, C. de. Histoire des oeuvres de H. de Balzac. *I Lover, S. Barny O'Reirdon the navigator. (In Little class., V. 9.) 12980 — Handy Andy. 5744 — He would be a gentleman. ~ 9637 — The fairv-finder. {hi Little class., v. 12.) 12983 — The gridiron. {In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Plays. See French's minor drama ;— Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Poetical works. 18198 — Rory O'More. 9638 — Bernard, B. Life of L., with select, fr. his unpub. papers, etc. 13060 — Symington, A. J. Lover; biog. sk., with select, fr. his writings, etc. 19809 Lover by proxy ; by D. Bourcicault. {In French's min. dram., V. 31.) 7986 Lover, A, in spite of himself ; by J. Hawthorne. {In his Ellice Quentin, etc., v. 1.) • 20806 Lovering, J. Sympathetic vibrations as exhibted in ordinary machinery. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Lovers and thinkers ; by H. Gordon. 5918 Lovers of Provence, The ; Aucassin and Nicolette ; a ms. song- story of the 12th. cent. rend, into mod. Fr. by A. Bida ; tr. into Eng. by A. R. Macdonough. Illust. 20130 Lovers' quarrels ; comedy ; by J. B. P. de Moli^re. {In his Dram, works, v. 1.) 16843 Lover's tale. The ; by A. Tennyson. 18779 Love's crosses ; by F. E. M. Notley. 18200 Love's labour's lost. See Shakespeare, W. Love's labour's lost ; comedy ; by Shakespeare. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Love's sacrifice ; play ; by G. Lovell. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Love's victory ; by B. L. Farjeon. 13555 Lovett, B. Narrative of a journey in Baluchistan, 1870-71. {In India, Council of India. Eastern Persia, etc., v. 1.) *I Lovett, W. Life and struggles in pursuit of bread, knowledge, and freedom ; with acct. of the associations he belonged to,e^c. 17809 Low, C. R. Memoir of G. J. Wolseley. 2 v. 18888-9 — Soldiers of the Victorian age. 2 v. 20030-1 Contents. Y. 1. Sir T . Willshire.—Whitlock.— Pearson.— MacGregor. —Clifford.— Gough.— Wood.— Eyre. 2. Edwardes.—Durand.— Chelms- ford.— Outram.—Stratlmairn.— Chamberlain.— Grant.— Napier.— Clyde. Low, S., Jr. The charities of London. *I Low marriage, A ; by [Miss Muloch]. {In her Nothing new.) 5082 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 767 Lowcler, C. Charles Lowder ; biog., by the author of "The life of St. Teresa." 4th. ed. 21790 Lowe, E. J. Ferns ; British and exotic ; [cold, plates]. 8 v. 8195-202 — Natural hist, of British trasses ; cold, illust. 8206 — Natural hist, of new and rare ferns ; cold, illust. 8205 — Our native ferns ; or, History of the British species ; cold, plates. 2 v. 8203-4 — Practical meteorology. {In Orr, W. S. Cir. of the sci.) 5190 — and Howard, W. Beautiful leaved plants in cultivation in [Gt. Britain] ; added, Catalogue ; cold, illust. 8207 Lowe, F. R. E. A chemical laboratory. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — A glass of wine ; The physics of music. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Milk ; Fresh air and foul air ; Chemistry of a plain breakfast ; Chemistry of the dinner-table. (In Brown, R.' Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — Visible sound. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Lowe, M. p. Bessie Grey. {In Daily bread, etc.) 8689 — The story of chief Joseph. Illust. *I Lowe, R. Bagehot, W. Mr. Lowe as Chancellor of the Exchequer. {In his Biog. stud.) 20441 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. (In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of L. (In Polit. portr.) 11693 Lowell, A. C. J. Posies for children. 9017 — Seed grain for thought and discussion. 2 v. 2764-5 — Theory of teaching. 2766 — Thoughts on the education of girls. 2767 — Three letters of a N. E. ladv. (In Pulszkr, F. A., and T. White, red, and black, v. 2.) * 3564 Lowell, Mrs. C. R. See Lowell, A. C. Lowell, Mev. C. Dall, C. H. Dr. Lowell and his ministry. {In her Hist, pict.) . 1080 Lowell, C. R., Jr. Peirce, J. M. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Lowell, J. J. Child, F. J. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Lowell, J. R. Among my books. Ser. 1 and 2. 2 v. 8428 ; 15406 Contents. Ser. 1. Dryden.— Witchcraft.— Shakespeare once more. — New England two centuries ago.— Lessing.— Rousseau and the sentiment- filists. 3. Dante.— Spenser.— Wordsworth.-Milton.-Keats. — The cathedral. 8160 — Fireside travels. 5708 Contents. Cambridge thirty years ago.— A Moosehead journal.— Leaves from my journal in Italy and "elsewhere. — Melibdiis-Hipponax ; the Biglow papers : ed. by H. Wilbur. 2 ser. 6247-8 — My study windows. " 10522 Contents. My garden acquaintance. — A good word for winter. — On a certain condescension in foreigners.— A great public character.— Carlvle. —Abraham Lincoln.— Life and letters of J. G. Percival.— Thoreaii.— Swinburne's tragedies.— Chaucer.— Librarv of old authors.— Emerson, the lecturer.- Pope. — Ode recited at the Harvard commemoration, 1865. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — Poems. 2 V. . , 2768-9 — Poetical works. Household ed. 16121 — Poetical wor^s. Household ed. ; [with Three memorial paems] . 19927 — Shakespeare once more. (In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) ' 18790 — Thomas Hughes. (In Hughes, T. True manliness.) 22586 — Under the willow ; and other poems. 7548 — Biographical sketch and selections. (In Amer. poems.) 18947 — Bungay, G. (In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Haweis, H. R. (In his Amer. humorists.) 22504 (In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) — Notice. — Notice and select. (In Am. prose.) ' 1964i — Underwood, F. H. J. R. Lowell; biog. sketch. 21435 768 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Wilkinson, W. C. Mr. Lowell's poetry, "Cathedral"; prose. {In his Free lance, etc.) ' 13358 Lowell, M. The slave mother. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade. 13001 — The new priest in Conception Bay. 2 v. 2770-1 — A raft that no man made. {In I^ittle class., v. 8.) 12979 — A story or two from an old Dutch town. 18012 Contents. Stories from a Dutch town. — Abram Van Zandt, the man in the picture. — Mr. Schermerhorn's marriage and widowhood. — Master Yorhagen's wife. Lowell, Mass. Cowley, C. Illustrated history of Lowell. *I Lowndes, W. Plato ; Seneca ; the stoical philosophy. {In Blomfield, C. J. and others. Hist, of Gr. and Rom. phil.) 6380 Lowth, G. T. Around the Kremlin ; pictures of life in Moscow. 10940 Loy, J. B. A. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. 3.) *I Loyal unto death. 11973 Loyalists, American. See American loyalists. Loyd, C. De Quincey, T. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) 1154 Loyola, St. See Ignazio de Loyola, St. Loyson, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 3 ; Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *I Loyson, C. J. M. See Hyacinthe, Father. Lubbock, J. Addresses, political and educational. 19116 Contents. The imperial policy of Gt. Brit.— Bank act of 1844.— Pres- ent system of pub. sch. education, 1876. — Present system of elementary education. — Income tax. — National debt. — Declaration of Paris. — Marine insurances. — Preservation of our anc. nat. monuments. — Egypt. — Ants, bees, and wasps. (Int. Sci. ser.) 21797 — Fifty years of science; address, 1881. 2d. ed. 21441 — On British wild flowers consid. in rel. to insects. Illust. (Nat. ser.) 13422 — Origin and metamorphoses of insects. 12199 — Origin of civilization, and the primitive cond. of man. 8721 — Same ; 4th. ed. 21520 — Prehistoric times. 2d. ed. Lond., 1869. 8730 — Same. New York, 1872. 10187 — Scientific lectures. 19117 Contents. Flowers and insects. — Plants and insects. — Habits of ants. — Introd. to the study of prehistoric archaeology.— Address to the Wilt- shire Archffiol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. — Social and relig. cond. of the lower races of man. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 — Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 — McLennan, J. F. "Communal marriage." {In his Studies in anc. hist.) 16838 Lubeck. Chetwynd, Mrs. H. W. {In her Life in a Germ. village.) 19703 Lubomirski, Prince. Safar-Hadgi ; or, Russ and Turcoman. (Coll. of for. authors.) 17931 Lucanus, M. A. Pharsalia, cum adnot., quibus suas add. P. A, Lemaire. 3 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8274-6 Lucas, E. Mr. IVJill upon liberty of the press ; Christianity in rel. to civil society. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I Lucas, T. J. The Zuhis and the Brit, frontiers. 18772 Lucas, W. J. Man with the iron mask. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 29.) 11824 Luce, S. B. Seamanship ; compl. and illust. with designs, for the use of the U. S. Naval Academy. 4th. ed. , 8503 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 769 Lucia ; her problem ; by A. M. Douglas. 9813 Lucia Dare ; by Filia [8. A. Dorsey]. 7144 Lucia di Lammermoor ; opera ; by Donizetti. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Lucianus Samosatensis. A traveller's true tale ; after the Greek of L., by A. J. Church. Illust. 19755 — Collins, W. L. Lucian. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 7106 — Froude, J. A. Lucian. (Zw ^is Short studies, eic, ser. 3.) 17015 Lucie; com^die ; par George Sand. {In her Th^^tre compl., s^r. 3.) 14512 Lucile ; by Owen Meredith [E. E. B. Lyttou]. 7423 Lucilius, C. Fragmenta. {In Persius Flaccus, A. Satirse.) 8261 Lucilius Junior. JEtna ; cum fragmentis. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Class.Lat.) 8361 Luck and pluck ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9316 Luck of Roaring Camp ; by B. Harte. 8523 — Same. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Luckey, J. Life in Sing Sing State Prison. 2773 Lucknow. Field, H. M. The story of Lucknow. {In his From Egypt to Japan.) 17334 Luckock, H. M. Studies in the hist, of the Book of Common Prayer ; with app. 2d. ed. 22410 Lucky disappointment ; by F. Church. 15774 Lucky hit; by H. Paul. {In French's min. dram., v. 32.) 7987 Lucky leg, The. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 11.) 14311 Lucr^ce Borgia : by V. Hugo. {In his Theatre, v. 3.) 14439 Lucrece. See Shakespeare, W. Lucretia; by [E. Bulwer Lytton] . 5233 Lucretia Borgia ; drama ; by J. M. Weston. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 32.) 11826 See also Lucrezia. Lucretius Carus, T. De rerum natura ; cum adnot. ; quibus suas adj. P. A. Lemaire. 2 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8277-8 — Same. Nature of things; tr. into Eng. verse, by C. F. Johnson. 10628 — Translations from L. (in Hodgson, S. H. Outcast essays, etc.) 20808 — Mallock, W. H. Lucretius. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 18041 — Scherer, E. Lucrece. {In his Etude^^ crit., etc.) 14600 Lucrezia; and other tales ; by Mrs. C. Carr. 22785 Lucrezia Borgia ; trag. opera ; by G. Donizetti. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Lucy, H. W. Gideon Fleyce. (Leis. hr. ser.) 22730 Lucy ; by E. Junker. 12706 Lucy ; by J. P. Smith. 21S40 Lucy Arden ; by J. Grant. 10776 Lucy Boston ; by Fred Folio. 2774 Lucy Crof ton ; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. 2775 Lucy Forrester's triumph ; by H. B. McKeever. 7364 Lucy Marian by A. M. Diaz. 12081 Lucy Sandford ; by T. S. Arthur. 1 1869 Ludicrous side of life ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Led.) 4737 Ludlow, F. H. A brace of boys. {In Little class., v. 18.) 20167 — The hasheesh eater. 1793 — The heart of the continent ; trav. across the Plains and in Oregon, with an exam, of the Mormon principle. Illust. 8513 770 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Little Briggs and I. {In Little class., v. 11.) 12982 — Little brother ; and other genre-pictures. 6884 Contents. Little brother.— Fleeing to Tarshish.— Little Briggs and I.— A brace of boys. — The loan of a'lyre. (Treas. trove ser., v. 3.) 14268 — The proper use' of grandfathers. {In Stories and sketches.) 6883 Ludlow, H. Yf.^ joint author. >S'ee Armstrong, M. F. Ludlow, J. M. The war of Amer. independence, 1775-1783. Maps. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) 19604 — Woman's work in the church. 9853 Ludlow, P. The red shanty boys. 9707 Ludlow, W. R. Zululand and Cetewayo. 22411 Ludovic and Gertrude ; by H. Conscience. 14031 Ludwig, J. Das Gericht im Walde. (Deutscher Novellen- schatz.) 16166 Ludwig, O. Zwischen Himmel und Erde. 16452 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Luebke, W. Outlines of the hist, of art ; new trans, from 7th. Germ. ed. ; ed. by C. Cook. lUust. 2 v. *I Luenemann, G. Critical and exegetical handbook to the Thes- salonians ; tr. fr. the 3d. ed. by P. T. Gloag. (Meyer, H. A. W. Crit. Comm.) 12700 Lui ! ! ! par J. Normand. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s^r. 8.) 14798 Luke the labourer ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 2.) 11834 Lukin, J. Amongst machines; descr. of mechan. appliances used in the manuf. of wood, metals, etc. 16134 — The boy engineers ; what they did, and how they did it. 17580 — The young mechanic. ' ' 9219 Lulu's novel ; by E. Polko. 12770 Luminous animals ; by T. L. Phipson. {InMs Fam. letters.) 16631 Luminous historian, The ; by G. Colman. {In his Broad grins.) *I Lummis, H. Obligation of one rest-day in seven. (In Sabb. ess.) 19808 Lumsden, H. W. Beowulf ; tr. into modern rhymes. 21980 Lune de miel, La ; com^die vaudeville ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres compL, ser. 2, v. 15.) *I Lunenburg, Mass. Torrey, R. C. History of Fitchburg, Mass., compr. also Hist, of L. to 1764. *I Lunn, F., joint author. See Barlow, P. Lunn, W. {pseud. A. Wallbridge). Miscellanies. 2776 Contents. Jest and earnest : sketches. — The world as it goes : stories. — Torrington Hall.— The Council of Four. Lunt, G. Old New England traits. 11704 — Origin of the late war; [U. S. Civil war] . 6259 Lupton, J. I. The horse ; as he was, is, and ought to be. 22920 Lupton, N. T. Elementary princ. of scientific agriculture. 19662 Lupton, W. M. A concise English history. 22731 Lutaniste, The. of St. Jacobi's ; by C. Drew. 20702 LutfuUah. Autobiography of L., a Mohamedau gentleman; ed. by E. B. Eastwick. 10824 Luthardt, C. E. Kompeudium der Dogmatik. 16460 — The person of Jesus Christ. {In Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 Luther, I). Statistics as conn, with insanity, med. charities, and out-door relief. {In Confer, of Charities, Proc, 1876.) 16870 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 771 Luther, M. Life, written by himself ; coll. etc. by M. Miche- let ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 3027 — Life, from his own writings, by M. Miclielet; tr. by G. H. Smith. 9203 — Translations. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Watchwords for the warfare of life ; tr. and arr. by FE. R. Charles] . 7583 — Audin, J. M. V. History of the life, writings, and cloctr. of L. ; tr. by W. B. Turnbull. 2 v: 22761-2 — Brigham, C. H. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of L., with estimate of L.'s character by Carlvle, and app. by Sir W. Hamilton. ' 20976 — Carhie, T. Luther's psalm. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 2.) 697 — Chapman, W. Life of Luther. 22568 — Freytag, G. {In his Pict. of Germ, life, etc.) *I • — Lawrence, E. Leo and Luther. {In his Hist, stud.) 21670 — Marheinecke, P. Appearance of L. bef . the Diet at Wonns, 1521. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 — May hew, H. Boyhood of Luther. 5507 — Myers, F. {In his Led. on great men.) . 12956 — Mozley, J. B. {In his Essays, hist, and theol., v. 1.) 18305 — Scott, J. Luther and the Reformation. 2 v. 3854-5 — Stephen, J. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 8975 — Stoughton. J. Homes and haunts of Luther. 15867 — Table talk or familiar discourse of L. ; tr. bv W. Hazlitt. 6591 — Treadwell, J. H. Martin Luther and his work. 21122 — Tulloch, J. {In his Leaders of the Reform.) 4527 Luthier de Lisbonne, Le ; anecdote coutemporaine ; par E. Scribe. [In his Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 23.) *I Luttrell of Arran ; by C. Lever. 5923 Luttrells, The ; by F. Williams. 12408 Luynes, C. P. d'A., due de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 14.) *I Luynes, H. T. P. J. d'A., duke de. Oliphant, T. L. K. (Bi his T>uke, etc.) 14164 Luys, J. The brain and its functions. Illust. (Internation. Sci. ser.) 21366 Lyall, E. Won by waiting. 19823 Lyall, W. R. History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. See Pococke, E. Lycurgus, the Attic orator. Lycurgue. (In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Lycurgus, the SpaHan legislator. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Fam. men, etc.) 1591 Lydus, J. L. See Lauventius Lydus, J. Lyell, C. Elements of geology. 2777 — Geological evidences of the antiq. of man; with rem. on the origin of species. Illust. 2d. Amer. ed. 2660 — Same', with outline of glacial and post-tertiarv geologv, etc. 4th. ed. 13267 — Life, letters, and journals of L. ; ed. bv Mrs. Lyell. Portr. 2 v. 21410-11 — Principles of geology. 1st. Amer. ed.' 2 v. 2778 — The same. 11th rev. ed. 2 v. 10490; 13563 — Second visit to the United States, 1845-6. 2 v. 5435-6 — Student's elements of geologv. 9239 — Travels in North America, 1841-2. 2 v. 2779-80 Lykewake, The ; by H. Miller. {In his Tales, etc.) 2557 Lyman, H. M. Review of the present state of exact knowl- edge regard, the causation of epidemic infectious diseases. {In Am. Pnb. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I Lyman, J. B. Cotton culture : with chap, on cotton seed and its uses, by J. R. Sypher. 14000 Lynam, R. Paley, W. Memoirs. {In Paley W. Nat. The- ology, V. 1.) 3339 772 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lynch, T. J. Rose of Ettrick Vale. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 17.) Lynch, T. T. The moral of accidents, and other discourses. Lynch, W. F. Exploration of the Dead Sea. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) — Narrative of the U. S. exped. to the Jordan and Dead Sea. Lynde, J. G. President's address. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proceed., v. 2.) Lyndhurst, Lord. See Copley, J. S. Lyndon, pseud. See Bright, M. A. Lyndon Hall. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 7.) Lynch, W. T. Narrative of the U. S. exped. to the Jordan and Dead Sea. Lynedoch, Lord. See Graham, T. Lyon, M. Hitchcock, E. Power of Chr. benevolence illust. Lyon, N. Last political writings ; with a sk. of his life and military services. Lyrics of life ; by R. Browning. Lyrics of love; by W. D. Adams. Lysias. Lysias. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) Lyster, G. F. Letter, [on docks, etc.~\. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 5.) Lyte, H. C. History of Eton college, 1440-1875. Illust. Lyte, H. F. Sketch of H. Vaughan. {In Vaughan, H. Sacred poems.) Lyttleton, T., Lord. Frost, T. Life of Lyttleton. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. {pseud. Pisistratus Caxton.) Alice ; seq. to Ernest Maltravers. — Athens ; Its rise and fall. 2 v. — Calderon, the courtier. — Caxtoniana; essays on life, literature, and manners. Contents. Increased attention to outward nature in the decline of life. —Differences bet. the urban and rural temperament.— Monotony in occu- pation as a source of happiness.— Normal clairvoyance of the imagina- tion.— Intellect, conduct as distinct fr. moral : the " superior man."— Shy- ness.— Management of money.— Rhythm in prose as conducive to precision and clearness.— Style and diction.— Hints on mental culture.— Moral effect of writers.— Distinction bet. active thought and reverie.— Spirit in which new theories should be received.— Essay-writing in general and these essays in particular. — The sanguine temperament. — The organ of weight. — The sympathet. temperament.— Faith and charity ; or, The union in pract. life of sinceritv and conciliation. — Efficacy of praise. — Self-control. —The mod. misanthrope.— Motive power.— Certain principles of art in words of imag. — Posthumous reputation. — On some authors in whose writings knowledge of the world is eminently displayed.— Readers and writers. — Spirit of conversation. — The Caxtons. — The coming race. — Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health, etc. Contents. Conversations.— The knowledge of the world in men and books. — A comparative view of the social life of England and France, fr. the restoration of Charles II., to the French revolution.— De Lindsay.— Monos and Daimonos.— Too handsome for any thing. Manuscript found in a mad-house. See also The student, below. — Devereux. — The disowned. — Dramatic works. New ed. Contents. The duchess delaValli^re.-Richelieu.— The lady of Lyons .— Money.— Not so bad as we seem. — Ernest Maltravers; or. The Eleusinia; pt. 1. 2 v. — Eugene Aram. 11818 7317 4356 2781 14307 2781 1929 6010 13548 12714 14490 *I *I 4587 17226 580 4984-5 12457 17309 582 9587 581 583 584 11889 5207 5205 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 77a Hi ints to women on the care 5233 12977 17862 603 592 *I 600 *I 12221 15537 595 585 591 14194 5206 590 -775 — Godolphin. 586 — Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. 587 — The house and the brain. (In Little class., v. 2.) 12973 — Kenelm Chillingly. ^ 11474 — The last days of Pompeii. 601 — The last of the barons. 589 — Leila ; or, The siege of Grenada: — Lucretia. — The maid of Malines. {In Little class., v — Management of money. (In Walker, A. of property.) — My novel. — The new Timon. — The New Timon ; St. Stephen's ; and The Lost tales of Miletus. — Kight and morning. — Odes and epodes of Horace ; metr. trans., with Latin text. — The Parisians. — Pausauias, the Spartan; an unfinished hist, romance. — Pelham. — The pilgrims of the Rhine. — Plays. See Sargent E. Mod. stand, dr. — Poetical works. New ed. — Quarterly essays. Contents. The reign of terror.— Goldsmith.— Charles Lamb and some of his companions.— Gray's works. — Sir Thomas Browne. — Pitt and Fox. — Pym versus Falkland.— Influence of loye upon lit. and real life. — Kienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. — A strange story. — The student ; ser. of papers. Contents. On the difl'erence bet. authors and the impression conveyed of them by their works.— The world as it is.— Kneb worth .—The departure of youth.— Infidelity in love.— Fi-ho-ti ; or, The pleasures of reputation. — Tale of Kosem-Kesamim, the magician. — Lake Leman. — True ordeal of love.— Want of sympathy.— Passion for the universal.— Ill health, and its associations.— Law of arrest.- Satiety.— Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health.— Knowledge of 'the world in men and books. — View of the social life of England and France. De Lindsay. — Monos and Dai- monos. — Too handsome for anything. — A manuscript found in a mad- house. See also Conversations, etc., above. — What will he do with it? 598 — Zauoni. 599 — Ballantine, W. (In his Some experiences, etc., v. 1.) 21553 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit. etc., and Third gallery, etc.) 2255; 2257 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — McCarthy, J. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 — Sketch of L. {In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Lytton, E. R. B. {pseud. Owen Meredith). Fables in song. 12371 — Last words. {In Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 — Lucile. 7423 — National songs of Servia; tr. by Owen Meredith. 17064 — New poems. 2 v. ' 8018-19 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Poetical works. *I; 20373 — The ring of Amasis. 5504 M., A. C. Elsie ; A lowland sketch. 13683 M., Mrs. E. A. Nonpareil practical cook book. 22325 M., E. H. Mariamne ; or, The Queen's fate. 2904 M., E. S. Sly ballads in Harvard China. 22387 Ma fille et mon bien ; comedie ; par Legouve. (Th^dtre de camp., ser. 1.) 14685 Mabel and I ; philos. fairy tale ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Ilka.) 20192 Mabel Lee. 10096 Cummins. 1050 (In his Little com- 19770; 21907 Mabel Vaughan ; by M. S. Mabel's holy day ; comedy ; by J. Sturgis. edies.) 774 FREE PUBLIC LIBKARY. Mabel's mistake ; by A. S. Stephens. 7632 Mabel's progress ; by Mrs. T. A. Trollope. ' 12126 Maberly, K. C. The lady and the priest. 11674 — Leontine. 5232 Mabie, H.W. The art of reading. (/>i Abbott, L. Hints, ete.) 19847 — Norse stories retold fr. the Eddas. 22162 Mabinogion. See Lanier, S. Boy's mabinogion. McAdam, G. An alphabet in finance ; introd. by R. R. Bowker. 18031 Macalister, A. Zoology of the vertebrate animals ; rev. for Amer. students, by A. S. Packard, Jr. 18430 Macara, M. Address, Mercantile Lib. Assoc, Hamilton, Canada W., 1855. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Macaria; by A. P^. Wilson. 15389 Macaronic poetry. Morgan, J. A. Macaronic poetry; collect., with introd. 9805 Macarthur, M. History of Scotland, 1873. (Freeman, E. A. Hist, course for schools.) 11139 Macassey, L. L. Hints on the water supply of small towns and villages. 17236 Macaulay, T. B., \st. Baron. Biographical and hist, sketches, [chief, extr. fr. his Hist, of England]. 2785 — Critical and hist. ess. coutrib. to the Edinburgh Review. ^ 20133 Contents. Milton.— Machiavelli. — Hallam's Constitutional history* — Southey's Colloquies on society.— Montgomery's poems.— Southey's ed. of the Pilgrim's progress.— Civil' disabilities of 'the Jews.— Moore's Life of Lord Bp-on.— Croker's ed. of Boswell's Life of Johnson.— Lord Xugent's Memorials of Hampden.— Burleigh and his times.— War of the Succes- sion in Spain. — Horace Walpole.— Pitt, Earl of Chatham.— Sir James Mackintosh. — Lord Bacon.— Sir Wm. Temple.— Gladstone on Church and state.— Lord Clive.— Von Ranke.— Leigh Hunt.— Lord Holland.— Warren Hastings.— Frederic the Great.— Mme. D'Arblay.— Life and writings of Addison.— Earl of Chatham. — Critical, historical, and miscel. essays. 6 v. 2786-91 Conte7its. V. 1. Biograpical sk. of M. — Fragments of a Roman tale. — The Royal Soc. of Literature. — Scenes fr. ^* Athenian revels." — Criti- cisms on the principal Italian writers : Dante; Petrarch.— The great law- suit bet. the parishes of St. Dennis and St. George in the Water. — Con- versation bet. A. Cowley and J. Milton touching the great civil war. — The Athenian orators.— Prophetic acct. of a great national epic poem, to be entitled "The Wellingtoniad," and to be pub. A. D. 2824.— Mitford's Hist, of Greece.— Milton .— Machia velli. — Dry den . — History. — Hallam's Constitutional hist. 2. Mill on Government. — Westminster's Reviewer's defence of Mill.— Utilitarian theory of government.— Southey's Colloquies ^ on society. — Montgomery's poems.— Sadler's Law of population. — Southey's 'ed. of the Pilgrim's progress.— Sadler's refutation refuted.— Civil disabilities of the Jews.— Moore's Life of Byron.— Croker's ed. of Boswell's Life of Johnson.— Ld. Nu^ent's Memorials of Hampden. 3. Burleigh and his times.— Mirabeau.— War of the Succession in Spain.— H. Walpole.— Wm. Pitt, Earl of Chatham.— Sir J. Mackintosh.— Ld. Hacon. 4. Sir Wm. Temple.— Gladstone on Church and state.— Ld. Clive.— Von Ranke.— Leigh Hunt.— Ld. Holland. 5. Warren Hastings. —Frederic the Great.— Mme. D'Arblay.— Life and writings of Addison. — Bar^re. 6. The Earl of Chatham'.— F. Atterbury. — Bunyan.— Gold- smith.— S. Johnson.— Wm. Pitt.— Appendix: The West Indie's.— London University. — Social and industrial capacity of negroes. — The present administration. Index. — Essays, critical and miscellaneous. (Mod. Brit, essayists.) 2792 Contents. Substantially the same as in Crit., and hist., ess., above. — Francis Atterbury; John Bunyan; Oliver Goldsmith; Samuel Johnson. (In New Biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Genius and character of Milton. ( With Masson, D. Life of Milton.) 2800 — History of England fr. the accession of James II. 5 v. 2793-7 — Lays of ancient Rome, and other poems. 11171 — Life of Frederick the Great. 2799 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 775 — Life of S. Johnson. (In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 — Life of Wm. Pitt. (Household lib.) 2798 — Oliver Goldsmith. (In Goldsmith. O. Sel. poems.) 14342 — A prophetic account of a future epic. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 — The puritans. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Selections fr. [his] writings ; ed. with notes by G. B. Trevelyan. - 16749 — Speech on the repeal of the union with Ireland. (In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Speeches. 2 v. 2801-2 — Adams, C. Life sketches of Macaulay. 19832 — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Freeman, E. A. Lord 3Iacaulav. 18294 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Sketches, etc. ; Mod. lit., etc. ; and Third gallery, etc.) 2255-7 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Morison, J. C. Macaulay. (Eug. men of letters.) 22389 — Morley, J. {Bi his Crit. misc., ser. 2.) J. 7535 — Paget,* J. The new " examen" ; inq. into the evid. relat. to certain pas- sages in M.'s historv. {In his Paradoxes, etc.) 12732 — Punshon, W. M. {In'hisLect.. etc.) 11802 — Spedding, J. Evenings with a reviewer; or, Macaulay and Bacon. 2 v. 21740-1 — Stephen, L. {In his Hours in librarv, ser. 3.) ' 18645 — Trevelvan, G. O. Life and letters of Lord Macaulav. 2 v. 15615-16 McAuley, C. Life; introd. by R. B. O'Brien. 6711 Macbeth. See Shakspeare, W. Macbeth ; tragedy ; by Shakspeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 Macbeth ; travestie ; by W. R. Northall. (In French's min. dram., v. o.) 11837 McBride, H. E. McBride's all kinds of dialogues. 13375 — McBride's comic dialogues. 7334 McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, and how they were made. lUust. 8983 Note. Biographies of Anier. merchants, capitalists, inventors, etc. — Life and campaigns of R. E. Lee. 7055 — Our young folks abroad ; jouru. thr. Europe to Constantinople. [Illust.] 21240 — Our young folks in Africa; adv. in Algeria, and So. Cent. Africa, 22036 — Paris by sunh^ht and gaslight. Illust. 8520 — A tour around the world by Gen. Grant ; narr. of incidents and events ; descr. of cities and countries, manners and customs of the people, e«c. [with biog. sk. of G.]. Illust. 19555 McCabe, W. G., ed. Ballads of battle and bravery. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) ' 18495 MacCarthy, D. F. Shelley's early life. 11633 McCarthy, E. D. Biography of E. C. Bowman. (In Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 McCarthy, J. The comet of a season. 21241 — The commander's statue. ( With Lady Carmichael's will.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18229 — Dear Ladv Disdain. 15459 — Donna Quixote. 19432 — The epoch of reform, 1830-50. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 21616 — A fair Saxon. 11497 — Historv of our own times, fr. the accession of Victoria to the Berlin Congress. 8th. ed. 4 v. 18628-31 — Ladv Judith. 9716 — Linlev Rochford. 13246 — Miss Misanthrope. 17633 — Modern leaders ; biog. sketches. 11191 Contents. Queen Victoria and her subjects. — The real Louis Napoleon. —Eugenie, Empress of the French.— The Prince of Wales. — The King of Prussia.— Victor Emanuel, Kint,' of Italy.— Louis Adolph Thiers.— Prince ISTapoleon.— Duke of Cambridge.— Brigham Young.— The Liberal Triumverate of England.— English positivists.— English toryism and its leaders.— " George Eliot" and George Lewes.— George Sand.— Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton.- *' Par nobile fratrum— The two Newmans." — Archbishop Manning.— John Ruskin.— Charles Reade.— Exile- world of London.— Rev. C. Kingsley.— J. A. Froude.— Science and Orthodoxy in England. 776 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Paul Massie. 13758 — Prohibitory legislation in the U. S. 10176 — joint author. See Hay, M. C. McCaskey, J. P., ecL Franklin Square song collection. 20774 M'Causland, D. Adam and the Adamite; or, The harmony of script, and ethnology. 3d. ed. 1077& Macchiavelli, N. Florentine histories ; tr. by C. E. Lester. 2 v. 5932-3 — History of Florence; with The Prince, and hist, tracts. 5127 — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 1.) 2786 Same/ (In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Same, (in his Essays, etc.) 2792 — Mackintosh, J. Writings of M. (In his Misc. works.) 2825 — Scherer, E. Machiavel. (In his Etudes crit. de lit.) 14600 — Svmonds, J. A. The prince of Machiavelli. {In his Renaissance in , ^ Italy, V. 1.) 15451 — Villari, P. Machiavelli and his times ; tr. by L. Yillari. 2 v. 18465-6 McClatchey, R. J. ^ joint author. See Laurie, J. McClellan, E. Account of the epidemic of cholera, 1873, in Kentucky. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I — History of the cholera epidemic of 1873 in the U. S. {In U. S. Presi- dent. Cholera epidemic.) - 17929 — Study of the yellow fever epidemic of 1876, Georgia. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts. and papers, v. 4.) *I — joint author. See Peters, J. C. McClellan, G. B. The armies of Europe; descr. of military systems, 1855-5G. Jllust. *I ; 5381 — Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana. See Marcy, R. B. McClellan, J. E. Robbins, G. The Christian patriot. 7271 M'Clintock, F. L. Narrative of the disc, of the fate of Sir J. Franklin and his companions. Maps and illust. (Voy- age of the 'Fox' in the Arctic seas.) 2805 — C, S. T. The little Fox ; or. Story of Capt. M'Clintock's Arc. exp. 7369 McClintoek, J. Love the sum of Christianity. (/?i Union pulpit.) 6680 McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions. 18612 McClure, R. The Percheron horse ; List of stallions imported into America ; Tables of pedigrees of celebrated trotters, etc. (/^i Every horse owner's cyclopedia.) 12474 — The horse. See Walsh, J. H. McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. Map. 17106 McCook, H. C. The honey ants of the Garden of the Gods, and the Occident ants of the Amer. plains. Illust. *I MacCord, C. W. Practical treat, on the movement of slide valves by eccentrices. Illust. *I McCormick, R. C, Jr. Visit to the camp before Sevastopol. 6067 McCosh, J. Christianity and positivism. 9619 — Development ; its nature ; what it can do, and what it cannot do. {In Bost. Mond. Lect.) 20467 — The development hvpothesis ; is it sufficient ? 16771 — The emotions. ' 19538 — Ideas in nature overlooked by Dr. Tyndall ; exam, of Dr. Tyndall's Bel- fast address. " ' " 13564 — Intuitions of the mind inductively investigated. 2806 — Scottish philosophy. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — The Scottish philosophv, biog.,expositol"v, crit., fr. Hutcheson to Hamil- ton. ' ' 13266 — Upper schools. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17753 — Wright, C. McCosh on Tyndall ; McCosh on Intuitions. {In his Phil, disc.) 16903 M'Crie, T., History of the Reformation in Italy in the 16th. cent. New ed. 21367 — History of the Reformation in Spain in the 16th. cent. New ed. 21367 Bound with the above. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 777 — Life of J. Knox, cont. illust. of the hist, of the reformation in Scotland. New ed. 16630 McCullagh, W. T. Industrial hist, of free nations. 2 v. 5115-16 McCulloch, B. Reid, S. C. {In his Scouting expeditions.) 2807 McCulloch, H. Bi-metallism ; lect., 1879. (Econ. monographs.) 22163 McCulloch, J. R. Life and writings of Ricardo. {In Ricardo, D. Works.) ' 10647 — Principles of political economy. 8851 M'CuUoch, the mechanician ; by H. Miller. {In his Tales, etc.) 2557 McDanield, H. F. and Taylor, N. A. The coming empire ; or. Two thousand miles in Texas on horseback. 17498 Macdermots, The, of Ballycloran ; by A. Trollope. 637 Macdonald, A. Hiuton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13H28 Macdonald, E. J. J. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 — Headley, J. T. (In his Napoleon, etc., v. 1.) 1825 — ' Macdonald. (In Court ancl camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Macdonald, F. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 — Yonge, C. D. (In his Seven heroines.) 18848 Macdonald, Frederika. Nathaniel Vaughan ; priest and man. 20084 MacDonald, G. Adela Cathcart. 9164 — Alec Forbes of Howglen. 7048 — Annals of a quiet neighborhood. • 9147 — At the back of the north wind. 18773 — Cheerful words ; fr. the writings of M., by E. E. Brown. Introd. by J. T. Fields. (Spare min. ser.) ' 22590 — David Elginbrod. 9022 — The disciple, and other poems. 8968 — A double story. 13914 Note. Since pub. as Princess Rosamond. — The gifts of the child Christ; and other tales. 2 v. 22412-13 Contents. V. 1. The gifts of the child Christ.— History of Photogen and Nycteris.— The butcher's bills. 2. Stephen Archer.— Port in a storm.— If I had a father. -^ Guild Court. 7245 — Gutta percha Willie. 11788 — Malcolm. 13342 — The Marquis of Lossie. 17342 — Mary Marston. 20114 — Paul Faber, sui^eon. 18493 — Phantastes. 9140 — The portent. 9247 -- The princess and Curdle. Illust. 22687 — The princess and the goblin. 9846 — Princess Eosamond ; a double story. Illust. See Double story, above. — Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. 10531 — Robert Falconer. 8623 — St. George and St. Michael. Illust. 14181 — Seaboard parish. 7719 — Sir Gibbie. 18345 — Thomas Wingfold, curate. 15962 — Unspoken sermons. 10838 — The Vicar's daughter. 10926 — Warlock o' Glenwarlock. 20711 — Same. (Ih Wide awake, v. 12.) 21142 — Weighed and wanting. 21981 — Wilfred Cumbermede. 9858 — Within and without. 10182 Macdonald, J. Food fr. the far west ; or, Amer. agriculture with ref. to the beef prod, and import, of dead meat fr. Amer. to Gt. Brit. 17973 Macdonald, J. A. Bungay, G. (Jri /l^s Traits of repr. men.) 22315 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 50 778 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Macdonell, A. For the king's dues. • 13462 — Quaker cousins. 18494 Macdonell, J. France since the 1st. empire ; ed. by his wife. 19522 McDonnell, J. The Ulster civil war of 1641 and its conse- quences ; with hist, of the Irish brigade under Montrose in 1644-46. . 19523 MacDonnell, J. C. Difficulties of a disestablished Church. {In Weir, A. The Church, etc., ser. 2.) 10823 M'Donner ; by J. Abbott. 11 McDougall, A. Headley, J. C. (/?i 7ws Washington, ete., v. 2») 1829 McDougall, N. Relative merits of simple and compound engines as appl. to ships of war. Appendix. 22625 McDowell, Mrs. K. S. B. {pseud, S. Bonner). Dialect tales. Illust. 22853 Contents. The gentlemen of Sarsar.— On the Nine-mile. — Hieronymos Pop and the baby.— Sister Weeden's pra^^er.— Aunt Anniky's teeth.— Dr. Jex's predicament.— In Aunt Mely's cabin.— The case of Eliza Bleylock. — The bran dance at the Apple settlement. — Lame Jerry.— Jack and the mountain pink. — Like unto like. 18034 M'Duffle, G. Magoon, E. L. {In Ms Living orators in Amer.) 2857 McEUigott, J. N. The American debater ; with law and pract. of parliamentary assemblies, debates, e^c. Rev. and enl. ed. 21982 Mac^, J. History of a mouthful of 'bread ; and its effect on the organization of men and animals ; tr. by Mrs. Gatty. 6572 — The servants of the stomach. 6766 Macedonia. Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. 19834 — Pococke, E., and others. History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. 5050 M'Farlan, W. L. Authority ; The things which cannot be shaken, (/ti Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19903 MacFarlane, C. Cabinet hist, of England, to 1846. 13 v. 2808-^0 — History of British India. 2d. ed. Illust. 2821 — Italy. (Romance of history.) Illust. 11433 — Japan; account geog. and hist. 2822 — joint anthor. /Nee Craik, G. L. MacFarlane, J. American geolog. railway guide, giving for- mation at every station ; notes and descr. of each forma- ~ tion. 18199 — Coal-regions of America. Maps and illust. 11565 Macfarren, G. F. Winning a husband. {In French's min. dram., v. 16.) 11844 M'Fingal ; epic poem ; by J. Trumbull. 5668 MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva. 13086 McGee, J. E. Fronde's slanders on Ireland and Irishmen ; lect. in New York, 1872 ; pref . and notes, and W. Phillips's views. 11385 McGee, T. D'A. Popular hist, of Ireland ; to the emancipa- tion of the Catholics. 2 v. 15490-1 Macgeorge, A. Flags ; their history and uses. 22535 McGilchrist, J. Life of J. Brightv 7694 — Life of Lord Brougham ; with extr. fr. his speeches, etc. Portr. 8066 — Life of W. E. Gladstone. 7693 — Public life of Queen Victoria. 7692 — Richard Cobden; his polit. career and pub. services. 6142 Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt ; condsd. narr. of his journ. in the equin. reg. of Amer., etc. 2823 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 779 MacGinley, T. C. Introduction to the study of gen. biology. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12817 McGrath, T. Pictures from Ireland. 20162 MacGregor, C. M. Narrative of a journ. thr. Khorassan and on the n. w. frontier of Afghanistan, 1875. lUust. 2 v. 18632-3 — "Wanderings in Balochistan. 22813 Macgregor, G. H. Low, C. R. (In his Sold, of the Vict. age, V. 1.) 20030 Macgregor, James. The Church of the present day. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 — Religion of Ancient Rome. (In St. Giles' Lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Macgregor, John. The Rob Roy on the Baltic; canoe cruise thr. Norway, Sweden,' Denmark, Sleswig Holstein, the North Sea, ek. Illust. 3d. ed. 7039 — The Rob Rov on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth, etc.; canoe cruise. Maps and illust. 10501 — The vojage alone in the yawl ''Rob Roy." 2d. ed. 7371 McGregor, P. A system" of logic 1027 Macgregor, R. Pastimes and players. 20940 McGregor, W. Questions on magnetism, electricity, and pract. telegraphy. (In Bond, R. Hand-bk. of the telegraph.) 13606 McGuffey, — . New eclectic speaker. 1 9951 — New juvenile speaker. 19952 McGuffey, W. H. Reed, D. Address in memory of McG. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) 17753 Machiavelli, N. See Macchiavelli, N. Machinery. Babbage, C. Economy of machinery and manu- factures. *I — Colyer, F. Hydraulic, steam, and hand power lifting and pressing machinery. *I — Davidson, E. A. Drawing for machinists and engineers. 12610 — Fairbairn, W. Principles of mechanism, and machinery of transmission. 7177 — Harrison, W. B. Mechanic's tool book ; with pract. rules and suggestions. 7448 — Hayes, J. L. American textile machinery; its early hist., characteristics, etc. 19617 — Hensman, H. ^ On civil engineering and machinery generally. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) * 4735 — Joynson, F. H. Mechanic's and student's guide in the design, and constr. 'of machine gearing, efc.) 10633 — Kennedy, A. B. W. The kinematics of machinery; illust. by the Berlin coll. of kinematic models. (Sci. lect.) * 16995 Same. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 — Ledoux, — . Ice-making machines; theory of the act. of cold-produc- ing machines. 19253 — Lukin, J. Amongst machines ; descr. of mechan. appl. used in the man- ufacture of wood, metal, etc. 16134 — Nicholson, P. Mechanic's companion. 7464 — Norris's hand-book for locomotive engineers and machinists. 6513 — Powers, F. P. Labor-making machinery. 19364 — Reuleaux, F. Kinematics of machinery ; outlines of a theory of machines. 18723 — Richards, J. Treatise on the constr. and operation of wood working machines. *I; 11358 — Rose, J. Complete pract. machinist ; embr. lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, tools, etc. 16085 The pattern maker's assistant; embr. lathe work, etc., pract. gear constr., prep, and use of tools. 21546 — See, J. W. Extracts from Chordal's letters ; from the Amer. Machinist. 21252 -- Tomkins, E. Machine constr. and drawing. Text and plates. 2 v. 12630-1 — Unwin, W. C. Elements of machine design. 21802 — Warren, S. E, Elementary projection drawing; theory and practice. 20292 Elements of machine constr. and drawing: text and plates. 2 v. 10192 — "Watson, E. P. The modern practice of Amer. machinists and engineers. 11417 — "Webber, S. Manual of power for machines, shafts, and belts. 19085 780 FREE PL'BLIC LIBKARV. — Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechanics of engineering, and constr. of machines ; tr. by E. B. Coxe and A. J. Du Bois, v. 1, 2. 9060-2 — Willis, R. On machines and tools for working in metal, wood, and other materials. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Principles of mechanism. 9071 — Wrightson, Prof. — . Agricultural machinery. 15474 — 8ee also Manufactures. Also Milling machines ; Sewing machines ; Wood-working machines. Also Strength of materials. Machonochie, A. Alex. Machonochie and his princ. of prison discipline. {In U. S. Commis. to the Internat. Penitentiary Cong, of London^ 1871. Rept.) 17749 Mcllvaine, C. P. The tender mercy of God. (/n Union pulpit.) 6680 — Carus, W. Memorials of Mcllvaine. 21158 Mcintosh, J. The origin of the North American Indians. 2826 Mcintosh, M. J. Aunt Kitty's tales. * 2828 — Charms and counter charms. 2829 — Praise and principle. 2831 — Two lives ; or, To seem and to be. 2833 — Violet; or, Cross and crown. ■ 2834 — Woman an enigma. 2835 — Woman in America ; her work and her reward. 2836 Macintosh, W. ChajnberS, W. Borlum. {In his Stories of remark, persons.) 18069 Macintosh. See also Mackintosh. Mack, R. E. Plays. See French's minor drama. Mackarness, M. A., formerly Miss Blanche. Children of the olden time. Pref. by J. R. Planch6. Illust. 12088 — A mingled varn. 2 v. in 1. 12170 — Sunbeam stories. 4 ser. 11129-31 : 22118 Contents. Ser. 1. Trap to catch a sunbeam.— Old JoliflFe.— Sequel to Old Jolifte. — The star in the desert. — "Only."— A merry Christmas. 2, The cloud with the silver lining. — Amy's kitchen. — "doming home." — The house on the rock. 3. The dream chintz. — Sibert's wold. 4. Minnie's love.— Married and settled. — When we were young ; Coraline ; Helena's duties. (Magnet stories.) 10585 Mackay, Miss. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Mackay, A. Facts and dates; or, Leading events in hist., etc. . . 8921 •— Manual of mod. geography, mathematical, phys., and political. 2837 — Western India ; Reports to the Chambers of Commerce of Manchester, Liverpool, Blackburn, and Glasgow; ed. by J. Robertson; pref. by T. Bazley. • 2838 Mackay, C. Ballads and lyrics. Illust. 5820 — Longbeard ; or, The revolt of the Saxons. 2841 — Lost beauties of the Eng. language. 12296 — Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. Illust. 2v. 2839-40 Contents. V. 1. Mississippi scheme. — The South-Sea bubble. — Tulip- omania.— The alchymists.— Modern prophecies.— Fortune-telling.— Mag- netisers.— Influence' of politics and religion on the hair and beard. 2. The crusades.— Witch mania.— The slow poisoners.— Haunted houses.— Popular follies of great cities.— Popular admiration of great thieves. — Duels and ordeals.— Relics. — Thousand and one gems of Eng. poetry. 8035 — Thousand and one gems of Eng. prose. 11650 Mackay, R. W. Sketch of the rise and prog, of Christianity. 15921 — The Tubingen school, and its antecedents; hist, and pres. cond. of mod. theology. 14227 McKean, K. Manual of social science; condensation of the ''Principles of soc. science" of H. C. Carey. 284 McKeen, P. F. Thornton Hall. 11322 McKeever, H. B. Lucy Forrester's triumph. Illust. 7364 — Twice crowned. 11407 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 781 Mackellar, T. The American printer ; manual of typography ; with useful tables, etc. *I McKenzie, A. Address. {In Sabbath essays.) 19808 — Life and speeches of G. Brown. 22688 Mackenzie, A. 8. The American in England. 2 v. 4957-8 — Life of S. Decatur. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 21.) 4130 Mackenzie, C. F. Yonge, C. M. (In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 McKenzie, C. In the meshes. 17341 Mackenzie, E. The Roua Pass ; or, Englishmen in the High- lands. 6959 Mackenzie, G. M. and Irby, A. P. Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe ; pref. by W. E. Glad- stone. 2d. ed., rev. 2 v. 17237-8 McKenzie, H. D. S. The great paper. (In Gilman, A. Mag- na Charta stor.) 21890 Mackenzie, H. Miscellaneous works. 2842 Contents. Scott, W. Memoir of M. — Man of feeling.— Papers from the lounger. —Man of the world.— Julia de Roubign6.— Papers fr. the Mirror. — An old country house and an old lady ; Love of the country in the decline of life : from the "Lounger." (In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — The story of La Roche. (In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2 ; aiid Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3851 ; 3837 Memoir of M. (In Mackenzie, H. Miscel. works.) 2842 — Talfourd, T. N. (In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Mackenzie, R. The 19th. century; a history; [Europe and the U.S.]. ' 19685 Mackenzie, R. S. Biographical not. of De Quiucey. {In De Quincey, T. Klosterheimi) 1151 — Introduction. (In Gordon, M. Christopher JiTorth.) 2310 — Life of Charles Dickens. 8658 — Life of Sir Walter Scott. 9860 — Tressilian and his friends. 2843 Mackerel fishery. Rich, S. Mackerel fishery of N. y^merica ; its perils and its rescue. 18285 McKie, H. U. Private sewer connections and house drainage works. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc.,v. 8.) *I Mackie, J. M. Life of S. Gorton. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 15.) 4124 — Life of Tai-ping-wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection. 2844 Mackinnon, D. D. Lapland life ; or, Summer adv. in the Arc- tic regions. 2d. ed. 18541 Mackintosh, — . Lady. Sketch of Lady M. {In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Mackintosh, Mrs. — . Damascus and its people ; sk. of mod. life in Syria. Illust. 22814 Mackintosh, J. General view of the prog, of ethical philoso- phy. 2d. ser. 2827 — History of England. 3 v. 5497-9 — History of the revolution in Eng. 1688. Pref., Notice of the life, writ- ings, and speeches of M. 2824 — Life of Sir T. More. (In Lardner, D. Cab. of biog. Lives.) 1388 — Miscellaneous works. 2825 Contents. Philosophical genius of Ld. Bacon and Mr. Locke.— Law of nature and nations.— Life of Sir T. More.— Kefutation of the claim on behalf of King Charles I. to the authorship of theElKilN BASlAlKH.— 782 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Process of ethical philosophy.— Partition of Poland.— Administration and fall of Struensee. — Case of Donna Maria da Gloria, as a clairiiant to the crown of Portugal.— Character of Charles, 1st. Marquis Cornwallis.— Character of G. Canning.— Preface to a reprint of the Edinburgh Review of 1755. — Writings of Machiavel. — Mr. Godwin's Lives of E. and J. Philips, e^c— Rogers' poems.— Mme. de Stael's "De I'Allemagne."— Causes of the Revolution of 1688.— Memoir of the affairs of Holland, 1667-86.— Discourse read at the openingof the Literary Soc. of Bombay. — Vindicae Gallicae: a defence of the French Revolution, e^c— Reasons against the French war of 1793.— State of France in 1815.— Right of par- liamentary suffrage. — Speeches. — Speech on moving for a comm. to inq. into the criminal law. {In Speeches of eminent Brit, statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 — Speech on the trial of M. Peltier. {In Celebrated speeches, etc.) 5007 — Bulwer, H. L. {In his Hist, char., v. 2.) 9115 — Everett, A. H. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 3.) 2788 Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — Ossoli, S..M. F. d'. Life of M. {In her Papers on literature.) 3309 — Pratt, A. {In Aer Dawnings of genius.) 3524 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Mackintosh, W. The law of moral continuity ; The renovat- ing power of Christianity. (In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19908 Mackintosh. See also Macintosh. Macklin, C. (In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 McKnight, D. Electoral system of the U. S. ; crit. and hist. expos, of its principles, etc. 17467 McKnight, G. Firm ground ; thoughts on life and faith ; [poems]. 17593 Macknight, T. History of the life and times of E. Burke. 3 v. 16835-7 Mackworth, H. Science in the mines. (In Soc. for Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) , 5855 McLachlan, C. I dine with my mother. (In French's minor dr., V. 14.) 11843 MacLagan, W. D. The Church and the people. (In Weir, A. TheCh. and the age, ser. 1.) 8627 — joint author. See Weir, A. McLain, M. W. Wedding garments. 13464 Maclaren, Alexander. Sermons preached in Manchester. 3 ser. 12182-4 Maclaren, Archibald. New system of physical education. lUust. 11891 McLaughlin, M. L. China painting ; manual for the use of amateurs in the decoration of hard porcelain. 17279 M'Lean, J. Savage, J. (Inhis Our living repr. men.) 3777 Maclean, L. E. (Landon). Blanchard, L. Life and lit. re- mains of L. E. L. 2 v. 2561-2 — Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 McLean, S. P. Cape Cod folks. 20648 — Same ; [new ed. with names of people and places changed] . 21173 — Towhead ; story of a girl. 22094 Maclean, N. N. Life at a northern university. 15445 Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 8074 — The Celts. Maps. (Conversion of the West.) 19118 — Difficulties on the side of unbelief in accounting for hist. Christianity. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — The English. Map. (Conversion of the West.) 19119 — The Northmen. Map. (Conversion of the West.) 19120 McLellan, H. B. Journal of a residence in Scotland, and tour thr. Eng., Fr., Germ., Switzerland, and Italy ; with mem. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 783 of the author, and extr. fr. his relig. papers by I. McLel- lan, Jr. 2846 McLellaD, I., Jr. Memoir of H. B. McLeilan. {In McLellan, H. B. Journal.) 2846 M'Lennan, J. F. Memoir of T. Drummond, 1835-40. 21566 — Studies in anc. hist. ; reprint of Primitive marriage, etc. 16838 Contents. Primitive marriage.— Kinship in anc. Greece.— Classifica- tory syst. of relationships.— Bachof en's '^Das Mutterrecht."— Communal marriage. — Diversions of the anc. Irish family* McLeod, Prof. — . On Eudiometers. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 2.) 17679 Macleod, D. Memoir of Norman Macleod. 2 v. 15854-5 — The Reformation, 1559-1572. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 McLeod, Sir D. Lake, E. Sir Donald McLeod. 12581 Macleod, H. D. Elements of banking. 15853 — Elements of economics. 21300 Macleod, N. Ayrshire curling song. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 9.) 19154 — Character sketches. 10839 — Days in North India. 8646 — The old lieutenant and his son. 6239 — Parish papers. 7217 Contents. Thoughts on Christianity. — On the final judgment. — On future life.— Future punishment.— What after death?— Moments in life. — " Labourers together with God."— Revivals. — The Christian congrega- tion. — The cure of schism. — The union of man with man. — The mystery of sorrow.- The beginning of a vear. — Close of a year. — The starling. ' 11527 — Wee Davie. 11548 — Macleod, D. Memoir of N. Macleod. 2 v. 15854-5 McLeod, R. A. The Italian lakes. {In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 Macleod, X. D. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2847 Macleod of Dare ; by W. Black. 18019 Maclise, D. O'Driscoll, W. J. Memoir of M. 18893 MacMahon, M. E. P. M. de. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 18829 McMaster, J. B. Bridge and tunnel centres. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 15373 — High masonry dams. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 16798 McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the U. S. fr. the revolution to the civil war. 2d. ed., v. 1. 22732 MacMichael, M., Sd. A landlubber's log of his voyage around Cape Horn. 22473 Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge boat races. 8617 McMillan, D. C. Elective franchise in the United States. 17581 Macmillan, D. Hughes, T. Memoirs of M. 22033 Macmillan, H. Bible teachings in nature. New ed. 22474 — Our Lord's three raisings fr. the^dead. 15577 McNair, F. Perak and the Malays ; " Sarong " and " Kris." 21187 Macually, L. Madden, R. R. {Li his United Irishmen, ser. 2.) 13512 Macnamara, C. History of Asiatic cholera. 16772 M'Neile, H. Francis, G. H. {In his Orators.) 1525 Macneven, W. J. Madden, R. R. {In his United Irishmen, ser. 3.) 13513 Macnevin, T. Memoir of R. L. Shell. {In Shell, R. L. Speeches. 5830 784' FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Macnish, R. The metempsychosis, (/n Fam. stor., v. 1.) 18148 — Same. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 1.) 19140 — Philosophy of sleep, and Anatomy of drunkenness. 7688 Macomber, E. Eddy, D. C. {In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 Ma^on, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 2.) *I Ma90udi. Eenan, E. Les prairies d'or de Ma^oudi. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 MacPherson, G. Memoirs of Anna Jameson ; [with biog. sketch of Mrs. MacPherson, by Mrs. Oliphant]. Portr. 18086 Macpherson, J. Descriptions of night ; fr. Notes to Ossian. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Ossian and the Clyde ; Fingal in Ireland, Oscar in Iceland; or, Ossian, . hist, and authentic ; by P. H. Waddell. *I — Ossianic ballads ; Ossianic controversey. (7w Campbell, J. F. Pop. tales of the west Highlands, v. 3, 4.) *I — Poems of Ossian ; new ed. 2 v. 6858-9 — Same; pref.. Preliminary disc, and dissert, on the sera and poems of Ossian. 3304 McQuaid, B. J. Christian free schools. *I — and Abbot, F. E. The public school quest, as understood by a Catholic Amer. citizen, and bv a liberal Amer. citizen. (Free Relig. Assoc. Tracts.) ' 16675 Macquoid, K. S. The awakening. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18389 — The Berkshire lady. 19866 — Beside the river. 20511 — By the sea. • 16839 — Diane. 2 v. 19572-3 — Doris Barugh ; a Yorkshire story. 3 v. 18380-2 — Elinor Drvden. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18234 — Esau Runswick. 21336 — The evil eye, and other stories. 15598 Contents. The evil eye.— A dream story.— Aunt F61icit6.— In the rue froide.— Marie Famette. — Nicole Vagnon. — The flower of Bernay.— Berthe's wedding day. — The fisherman of A"^uge. (Appletons' new hand. vol. ser.) 17842 — Hester Kirton. 10792 — In the Ardennes; illust. by T. R. Macquoid. 21165 — The mill of St. Herbert. " (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17041 — Miriam's marriage. 3 v. 12378-80 — My story. 13436 — Patty. 10044 — Pictures across the channel. 2 v. 11937-8 Contents. V. 1. The fisherman of Auge.— "Notre Jean."— The street- sweeper of St. Roque.— "Poor dear Chuquet."— The Calvary of St. Sebastian.— The beginning of Mimi's love. 2. Jeanne Dupo'nt.— The widow Merand. — Victoire's faith. — Mme. Gerder's husband. — Story of Fran^'oise. — The mother of Jacques. — Through Brittanv : South Brittany. Illust. ; bv T. R. Macquoid. 17381 — Through Normandv. * 13684 — Too soon. " 12003 — Wild as a hawk. 12818 — joint author. See Macquoid, T. R. Macquoid, T. R. and K. S. Pictures and legeuds fr. Nor- mandy and Brittany. Illust. 18634 Macready, — . Irishman in London. {In French's min. dram., V. 18.) 11845 Macready, W. C. Macready's reminiscences, and select fr. his diaries and letters. 13567 — Doran, J. (In his In and about Drury Lane,;v:. 1.) 21399 — Fox, W. J. Biographical sk. of M. (Iii his Mem. ed. of coll. Works, v. 6.) *I — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Lewes, G. H. (In his Actors and acting.) 14097 M'Sherry, P. El Puchero ; or, A mixed dish fr. Mexico, embr. Gen. Scott's campaign, with Sk. of military life, etc. 5758 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 785 Macturk, J. Physical geography. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12623 Macy, W. H. There she blows ! or, The log of the Arethiisa. 17343 Mad dogs ; by J. Moore. {In French's min. dram., v. 23.) 7982 Mad Monkton ; and other tales ; by W. Collins. 443 Madagascar. Kessler, J. Introduction to the lang. and lit. of M. *I — Madagascar, past and present, [1810-45] ; by a resident. 2849 — Pfeiffer, I. Last travels. 5331 — Sibree, J. Madagascar and its people. 8970 The ^reat African island; with illust. of Script, and early Ch. hist. fr. native habits, etc. ■ 19671 Madam How, and Lady Why ; by C. Kingsley. 6966 Madam Liberality; by J. H. Ewing. {In /le?- Great emergency.) 17264 Madame Boulard ; conte en vers ; par G. Nadaud. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 8.) 14798 Madame Bovary. See Flaubert, G. Madame de Beaupre ; by Mrs. C. Jenkin. 7594 Madame de Fleury ; by M. Edgeworth. 1330 ; 15291 Madame de Mauves ; by H. James, Jr. {In his Passionate pilgrim.) 13460 — Same. {In his Madonna, etc., v. 1.) 20809 Madame de Sainte- Agnes ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. vScribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 19.) *I Madame de Stael ; hist, novel ; by A. Boelte. 7633 Madame Delphine ; by (4. W. Cable. 20626 Madame Firmiani ; by H, de Balzac. {In The cat and battle- dore, etc.. V. 3.) 19094 Madame Gerder's husband; by [K. 8. Macquoid]. {Inker Pict. acr. the channel, v. 2.) 11938 Madame Gosselin ; par L. Ulbach. 14752 — Same. Eng. trans. . (Coll. of for. authors.) 17625 Madame Gr^goire ; opera-comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 4, V. 20.) *I Madame La Tour, The fate of ; by Mrs. A. G. Paddock. 20828 Madame Limeray? com^die ; par A. Ehrard. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Madame Th^r^se ; par Erckmaun-Chatrian. 9403 — Same. Eng. trans. 7555 Madan, H. iy..^ joint author. See Ilarcourt, A. G. V. Madcap Violet ; by W. Black. 16645 Maddalena. 15969 Madden, D. O. Memoir of H. Grattau. {In Grattan, H. Speeches.) 5828 Madden, R. • R. Literary life and correspondence of the countess of Blessington. 2 v. 2850-1 — The Mussulman. 2 v. 2S52-3 — The United Irishmen, their lives and times. Portr. 4 ser. 13511-14 Contents. Ser. 1. Historical. 2. Theobald Wolfe Tone.— Hamilton Rowan.— Arthur O'Connor.— Edward Fitzgerald.— William Jackson.— Leonard Macnally.— Roger O'Connor. 3. Thomas Addis Emmet.— Wm. James Macneven.— Robert Emmet. 4. Samuel Neilson. — Henry and John Sheares. — AYexford Leaders. Madden, T. M. Principal health-resorts of Europe and Africa, for treatment of chronic diseases. 16840 Maddox, J. M. The king and deserter. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 39.) 11829 786 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Madeira. Description. — Baker, C. A. {In his Summer in the Azores.) — Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Islands.) — Colton, W. Ship and shore in Madeira, etc. — Graham, M. C. Climate and res. of M. ; necessities of consumption, and welfare of invalids. — March, C. W. Sketches and adv. in Madeira, etc. — Rendell, J. M. Concise hand-book of M. map. — Taylor, E. M. flowers, etc. MadelaiDe ; drama. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 33.) Madeleine ; by J. Kavanagh. Madeleine ; by J. Sandeau. Madelon Lemoine ; by Mrs. L. Adams. Made or marred ; by J. Fothergill. ( Withher ^^One of three.") Madelette ; par T. Bentzon [T. Blanc]. Mademoiselle, Jllle de Gaston. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 3.) Mademoiselle de la Seigli^re ; comedie ; par J. Sandeau. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2.) Mademoiselle Guignon ; par A. Theuriet. Mademoiselle Justine de Liron. See Del^cluze, E. J. Mademoiselle Merquem ; by George Sand [Mme. Dudevant]. Mademoiselle Mori. T. B. Aldrich. {In his with plan of Funchal and Madeira; its scenery, and how to see it; with trees, 21766 17827 906 10813 2854 21413 22712 11826 2428 18202 19198 20766 14630 *I 9420 14553 7451 2902 Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski ; by Marjorie Daw.) Mademoiselle Panache ; by M. Edgeworth. pt. 1. — Same. pt. 2. Mademoiselle's campaigns ; by T. W. Higginson. Atlantic ess.) Madge, T. Herford, B. Travers Madge ; a memoir. Madge ; by Mrs. H. B. Goodwin. Madge Dunraven ; by H. Jay. 3 v. 1336; (In 11933 15296 1327; 16295 his 12372 15617 1696 19824-6 Madison, James. Adams, J. Q with feist, not. Rives, W. C. History of the life and times of Madison. Lives of M., and Monroe; 3v. — See also Federalist, Madonna; by H. Spicer. (In Fam. stor., v. 1.) — Same. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) Madonna Mary ; by Mrs. Oliphant. Madonna, The, of the future ; by H. James, Jr. (In his Pas- sionate pilgrim.) — Wawe; and other tales. 2 v. Madrigal, A, and other stories ; by F. M. Peard. Madvig, J. N. Syntax of the Greek language. Mae Madden ; by M. M. Mason. Maertz, L. New method for the study of Eng. literature. 2d. ed. — Key to the new method for the study of Eng. ^iterature. Maes,'N. Gower, R. (In his Figure painters of Holland.) — Wedmore, F. De Hooch and Van der Meer and Maes. {In his Masters of genre painting.) Maffei, A., conte. Brigand life in Italy; hist, of Bourbonist reaction. 2 v.. Mag ; a story of to-day 4932 6280-2 18148 7023 6646 13460 20809-10 18028 *I 15374 22591 22592 19535 19479 16928-9 18048 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 787 Magalhaens, F. de. Hale, E. E. Magalhaens and the Pacific. {In Hale, E. E. Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Kingston, W. H. G. Yoyage of M. round the world. {In his Notable voyages.) 19571 — Towle', G. M. Magellan ; or, the first voyage round the world. 19234 Maga's birthday ; poem. {lyi Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 3.) 19148 Magdalen Hepburn ; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. 3284 Magdalen of France^ 1st. Queen of James V. Strickland, A. {In her Lives of the Queens of Scotland, v. 1.) 4288 Magdalen Islands. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Islands.) 17827 Magdalena; by [E. Johns]. 19072 Magellan. See Magalhaens. Magenta. Adams, C. {In his Gt. campaigns.) 18150 Maggie and the sparrowe. 7442 Maggie Miller ; by M. J. Holmes. ( With Dora Deane.) 1958 Magic. De Vere, M. S. Modern magic. 11592 — Ennemoser, J. History of magic ; tr. by W. Howitt ; app. bv M. Howitt. 2 V. * 1400-1 — Natural magic. (In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — Kobert-Houdin, J. E. Robert Houdin, wizard, French conjuror, author, and ambassador. 7263 The secrets of conjuring and magic ; tr. and ed. by Prof. HoflEinann. 17529 — Rydberg, Y. The inagic of the iSliddle Ages ; f r. the Swedish bv A. H. Edgren. * 19226 — YardleV, E. The supernatural in romantic fiction. 22659 — iSee also Sleight of haiid. Magic flower-pot. The, and other stories ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 18007 Magic flute. See Flauto magico. Magic lantern. Dolbear, A.E. The art of projecting ; manual of exper. in phys., chemistry, etc., with the porta lumi^re, etc. ] 6885 — Pickering, E. C. (In his Elements of phys. manipulation, v. 2.) 16040 — Thomson, J. The magic lantern. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Wilson, E. L. Lantern journeys ; descr. of journeys for use with views. 1542& Magic of kindness ; by H. and A. Mayhew. 2986 Magic staff, The ; autobiog. ; by A. J. Davis. 1115 Magic valley. The ; by E. Keary. 17336 Magician's show-box. 1507 Contents. The magician's show-box.— The violet flame.— Floribel. — Lady Intellata.— Venus's dove.— The gala day.— Earning one's own living. Magill, M. T. Pantomimes ; or. Wordless poems, for elocution classes. *I Maginn, W. Bob Burke's duel with Ensign Brady. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 — The Odoherty papers ; annot. by S. Mackenzie. 2 v. 2855-^ — A story without a tale. (Treas*. trove ser., v. 3.) 14268 — Same. (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1.) 19140 — Timbs, J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Magliabecchi, A. Fairholt, F. W. {In his Eccen. and remark. characters. 5058 Magna Charta, The pope and ; by H. E. Manning. {In his Misc.) , 17190 Magna Charta stories ; ed. by A. Gilman. 21890 Magnet stories ; namely : Browne, T. The orphans of Elfholm; The poor cousin: The young foresters, 10585 788 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Corner, J. The shepherd lord ; Hereward the brave ; Caldas ; a storv of Stonehenge. ' ' 10581 Gilchrist, Mrs. Lost in the wood.— Lemon, M. The pedlar's hoard.— Corner, J. Wallace, the hero of Scotland. 10573 Gray, Mrs, R. Lottie's half-sovereign ; Music from the mountains ; Mv longest walk. ' 10580 Hall, L. A. Which w^as the bravest?; Story of a pebble; Prejudice lost and love won. ' 10567 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Union Jack; Mamma Millv; Fannv's fancies. 10578 Hillyard, W. H. The captive's daughter;' The little trapper; The planter's son. 10582 Hood, T. Rainbow's rest. — Broderip, Mrs. Peter Drake's dream; Wee Maggie. 10571 Howitt, M. The angel unawares.— Wood, H. G. The Christmas rose.— Peard, F. M. Margie's remembrances. 10572 Kingston, W. H. G. Story of Nelson; The grateful Indian; The boat- swain's son. 10566 Mackarness, M. A. When we were young; Coraline; Helena's duties. 10585 Miller, T. No man's land ; Sweet springtime ; Golden autumn. 10576 Piper, E. M. The clockmaker of Lyons.— Wood, •§. The self-helpers.— Howitt, M. Cousin Davis's wards. 10574 Sargent,, G. E. Sea shell island ; Havering Hall ; Willv and Lucv. 10568 Taylor, E. Dear Charlotte's boys ; Ellis Gordon, of Bolton farm ; Purplfes and blues. 10570 Wilbraham, F. M. Not clever; Adventure on the Black mountain; Exiles of Berezov. 10584 Wood, S. The town of toys; Hope deferred; The Merivales. 10577 Yonge, C. M. The mice at play; The apple of discord; The straved falcon. ' 10575 — The sea spleenwort ; The mice at play ; The strayed falcon. 10579 — See also Peebles, M. L. Magnetism. Angell, J. Elements of M. and electricity, with instr. for exper. and constr. of cheap apparatus. 13603 — Day, R. E. Exercises in electr. and magn. measurement; with answers. 16625 — Guillemin, A. Magnetism and electricity. {In his Appl. of phys. forces.) *I — Jenkin,F. Electricity and magnetism.' ' 14184 . — Lardner, D. Magnetism. {In his Hand-books of nat. phil., etc., ser. 2.) 2569 — McGregor, W. Questions on M., etc. {In Bond, R. Hand-book of the telegraph.) 13606 — Maxwell, J. C. Treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2 v. *I — Mayer, A. M. The earth a great magnet. {In Half .-hours with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 — Parker, J. A. Polar magnetism. ( With his Quad, of the circle.) 12391 — Pepper, J. H. {In his Cyclopajdic science.) 8036 — Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. 21492 — Tyndall, J. Elementary magnetism. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Researches on diamagiietism and ma^necrystallic action ; [with letters, ess., and rev. rel. to M. and electricity]. ' 10648 — See also Electricity. Magnhild ; by B. Bjornson. 22368 Magnificent lovers, The ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram. wks. , v. 3. ) 16845 Magnin, A. The bacteria; tr. by G. M. Sternberg. *I Magnin, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In^iis Nouv. lund., v. 5; Portr. cont., v. 3.) *I Magnum bonum ; or. Mother Carey's brood; by C. M. Yonge. 20128 Magnus, H. G. Life and labors of M. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11G26 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. {In his Pop. lect., etc., ser. 2.) 20368 Magnus, J. A trumped suit. {In Matthews, J. B. Com. for am. acting.) 19355 — and Bunner, H. C. A bad case. {In Matthews, J. B. Com. for am. acting.) ^ 19355 Magnus, P. The education 'library ; namely : Laurie, S. S. John Amos Comenius. 22532 — Lessons in element, mechanics ; introd. to the study of physical science. Emend, and introd. bv DeV. Wood. 2d. ed. rev. * 16549 CATALOGUE OF Magnus the Good and Harold Hardrada ; by G. W. Dasent. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) Magnusson, E., arid Morris, W. Grettis saga ; story of Grettir the bold. Story of the Yolsungs and the Niblungs, with songs fr. the elder Edda; fr/the Icelandic. Three northern love-stories, and other tales; from the Icelandic. — and Palmer, E. H. Johan Ludwig Runeberg's lyrical songs, idylls, and epigrams done into English. Magoon, E. L. Living orators in America ; [with portr.]. Contents. D. Webster.— E. Everett.— H. Clay.— J. C. Calhoun.— G. McDuffee.— L. Cass.— T. H. Benton.— W. C. Preston.— T. Corwin. — Orators of the American revolution [with portr.] . 3d. ed. Contents. The battle-fields of early American eloquence. — J. Otis. — S. Adams. — J. Quincy. — J. Hancock.— J. Warren. — J. Adams. — Patriotic pietv of '76.— P. Henrv.— R. H. Lee.— A. Hamilton.— F. Ames.— W. Pinkney.— W. Wirt.— T. A. Emmett.— J. Randolph. Magoun, G. F. Adjustment bet. the natural law of progress and the Christian law. (In Boston lect. 1872.) Maguire, J. F. Father Mathew ; biog. — The Irish in America. " Magyarland ; " travels through the highlands and lowlands of Hungary. Illust. 2 v. Magyars. See Hungary. Mahaffy, J. P. The decay of mod. preaching. — Descartes. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) — Euripides. (Green, J. R. Class, writers.) — Old Greek education. — Old Greek life. (Hist, prim.) — Prolegomena to anc. historv. Contents. On the methods of teaching and writing anc. hist. : Herodotus and Thukydides. — Value of legends in critical history.- Egyptian hiero- glyphics.— Cuneiform inscriptions.— Survey of old Egyptian literature. — Rambles and studies in Greece. — Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. — Twelve lect. on primitive civilizations, etc. Mahan, A. Modern mysteries explained and exposed. Contents. Clairvoyant revelations of A. J. Davis. — Phenomena of spiritualism explained and exposed.— Evidence that the Bible is given by inspiration of the spirit of God, as compared with the evidence that these manifestations are from the spirit of men.— Clairvoyant revelations of Swedenborg. Mahan, D. H. Additions. {In Moseley, H. Mechan. princ. of eng.) — Descriptive geometry, as appl. to the drawing of fortification and stereoto- my ; for the use of the cadets of the U. S. military academy. New ed. — Industrial drawing. — Treatise on civil engineering; rev. and ed., with add., etc., by DeV. Wood. — Water wheels. See Bresse, J. A. C. Maher, W. H. On the road to riches ; hints for clerks and young business men. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahometan. See Mohammedanism. Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, P. H. Mahony, F. S. {pseud. Father Prout). Final reliques ; collect. and ed. by B. Jerrold. — Timbs, J. Reliques of Father Prout. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) Mahala's drive ; by F. R. Stockton. {In short stories.) Maia and Cleon ; tale ; by [E. R. Charles]. {In her Tales, etc.) Maid Marian ; by T. L. Peacock. {In his Works, v. 2.) 789 13612 *I 1085& 14226 18635 2857 2858 8988 10694 7254 21711 20246 19255 21388 16043 10106 *L 13408 2859 2147 16122 *I 15460 *I 12593 6965 5795 13880 790 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Maid of Croissey ; by Mrs. Gore. (Jn French's min. dram., v. 4.) 11836 Maid, The, of honour ; by Mrs. Gore. With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Maid, The, of honour; by P. Massinger. {In his Plays, v. 1.) 5128 Maid, The, of honour ; or. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew ; [by Mme. de Bawr]. 4823 Maid, The, of Killeena ; by W. Black. 13483 Maid, The, of Malines ; byE. B. Lytton. (I7i Little class., v. 6.) 12977 Maid, The, of Mariendorpt ; play; by J. S. Knowles. (Li his Dram, works.) 11888 Maid, The, of Orleans. 5249 Maid, The, of Orleans ; by G. H. Calvert. 12551 Maid, The, of Orleans; by J. C. F. von Schiller. (In his Works.) 3784 Maid, The, of Sker ; by R. D. Blackmore. 11029 Maid, The, of Stralsund ; by J. B. de Liefde. 18383 Maid, wife, or widow ; by Mrs. Alexander. [A. F. Hector]. 18759 Maid with the milking pail ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 31.) 7986 Maidment, J. The cateran of Lochloy ; Mortlake. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 4.) 8044 — The heir of lushannock. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 6.) 8046 Maier, J. Modern appl. of electricity. See Hospitaller, E. Mail carrier. The ; by C. A. Fosdick. 18477 Mai Hard, A.M. Miles Tremenhere. 5171 Maiile de Br^z^, C. C. de. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Mailly, E. Eulogy on Quetelet. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 — Recent estimates of the population of the world. {In Smiths. Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 Main, A. Life and conversations of Dr. Johnson, (found. chief, upon Boswell). 12582 Main, J. Illustrations of vegetable physiology. 2d. ed. 6198 Main, R. Rudimentary astronomy. 2863 Main de fer, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 10.) *I Main leste, Le ; com. vaud ; par E. M. Labiche. (In his Th^At. complet., v. 7.) ^ 14571 Maine, H. J. S. Ancient law ; its connect, with the early hist. of society, and its rel. to mod. ideas. Introd. by T. W. Dwight. 6132 — Dissertations on early law and custom. 22869 Contents. Sacred laws of the Hindus. — Religion and law. — Ancestor- worship. — Ancestor- worship and inheritance. — Royal succession and the Salic laws. — The King, in his rel. to early civil justice. — Theories of primitive society. — East European house communities.— Decay of feudal property in France and England.— Classifications of property.— Classifi- cations of legal rules.— Index. — The eftects of obs. of India on mod. European thought. (Rede lect.) 13967 — Lectures on the early history of institutions. 13473 — Village-communities in the East and West; lect. 10167 — Mill, J. S. Maine on village communities. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) 14356 Maine. Description. — Abbott, E. A trip Eastward. Illust. 20971 — Abbott, J. Marco in Maine. (Marco Paul stories.) 62 — Hubbard, L. L. Summer vacations at Moosehead Lake ; guide-book. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 791 — Steele, T. S. Canoe and Camera; tour thr. the Maine forests. 20122 Paddle and portage, fr. Moosehead Lake to the Aroostook river. 21656 — Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout Club in the woods; adventures. 21115 Fly-fishing in Maine lakes ; or. Camp-life in the wilderness. 20123 History. — Abbott, J. S. C. History of Maine. 14105 — Yarnev, G. J. The vouiig people's historv of Maine. 12147 — Whitman, W. E. S. and True, C. H. Maine in the war for the Union. ^2091 Mines. — Bartlett, F. L. Mines of Maine ; present cond. of the mines, etc. 19419 Miscellaneous. — Chamberlain, J'. L. Maine; [manual]. 22371 Maine de Birao, Y. P. G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 13.) *I Maine woods, The ; by H. D. Thoreau. 5661 Maintenon, F. d'A., Mme. Scarron, afteriv. marquise de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 1, and Caus. du lund., v. 4, 11.) *I — Thompson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Maiolica. See Pottery. Maisch, J. M. Pharmacy in its sanitary relations. (/?i Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) *I Maison du Bey, La ; par A. Eynaud. (In his Scenes de la vie orientale.) 9512 Maison de Penarvan, La ; com^die ; par J. Sandeau. {In i^6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 1.) 9419 Maison foresti^re, La ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9392 Maistre, J. M., comte de. Morley, J. {In his Crit. misc.) 11123 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 2, Caus. lund., v. 4, 15.) *I Maistre, Xavier de. Oeuvres completes ; notice sur I'auteur par Sainte-Beuve. 14614 Contents. Voyage autour de ma chambre. — Expedition nocturne. — Le 16preux de la cite d'Aoste.— Les prisonniers du Caucase.— La jeune Siberjpnne. — A Journey round my room ; f r. the Fr. with not. of author's life by H. A. 19475 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 3.) * *I Maitland, C. The Apostles' school of prophetic interpretation ; its history. 22228 Maitland, J. A. Diary of an old doctor. 11559 — The lawyer's story. 5371 — The old patroon. 6721 — Sartaroe. 1524 — The three cousins. 11558 Originally pub. as '' The cousin; or, The Captain's ward." — The wanderer. 4626 Maitre Daniel Rock ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. 9395 Maitre d'armes, Le ; monologue ; par C. Cros. {In Sayntos, etc., s6r. 3.) 14793 Maitre de danse, Le ; par L. Hal^vy. {In his Mariage d'amour.) 14790 Maitre Favilla, drame ; par George Sand. {In her Th^dtre compl., ser. 3.) 14512 Maitres Mosaistes, Les ; par George Sand. 9380 Maitresse, La ; par J. Clar^tie. 14644 Maitresse anonyme, La ; nouvelle ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, V. 2.) *I Maitresse au logis, La; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 11.) *I Majendie, Lady M. Dita. ("Leis.-hr. ser.) 17344 — Giannetto. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 15964 792 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — A railway journey. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 11.) 191.56 Majendie, V. D. Arms and ammunition of the British service. 12819 Majolica. See Pottery. Major, R. H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, sur named the Navigator. *I Major Cravachon, Le ; com.-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^at. compl., v. 7.) 14571 Major Gahagan, Some passages in the life of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5464 Major Gahagan, Tremendous adventures of ; by W. M. Thack- eray. {In his Burlesques.) 5380 Major Jones's courtship ; by W. T. Thompson. 11190 Majorities. See Political science. Make or break ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 13104 Make your wills ; by E. Mayhew and G. Smith. {In French's min. dram., v. 16.) 11844 Makrisi, Taki-ad-Din Abu-1-Abbas Ahmad Bin Ali, called al. Extracts fr. an Arabian ms. cont. the Saracenic acct. of the crusade under Louis IX. {In Bohn, H. G. Chron. of the crusades.) 2383 Making haste to be rich ; by T. S. Arthur. 212 Making merry ; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Writings.) 8668 Mai du pays, Le ; ou, La bateli^re de Brienz ; tableau-vaud. par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 17.) *I Malacca. See Malay Peninsula. Malade imaginaire, Le ; com^die-ballet ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, V. 8.) 14611 Malaria. Edwards, J. F. Malaria ; what it means, and how avoided. 21162 Malay Archipelago. Adams, W. H. D. The Eastern Archi- . pelago. • 20867 — Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. 7642 — Wallace, A. R. The Malav Archipelago ; narr. of trav. [1854-62] . 7859 (In his Australasia.) * 20819 — See also Philippine Islands. Malay Peninsula or Malacca. Knox, T. W. {In his Adv. in a journey to Siam and Java.) 19882 — Thomson, J. The straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China. 13580 — See also Perak. Malbone, E. G. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of M. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Malbone ; an Oldport romance ; by T. ^W. Higginson. 7832 Malcolm ; by G. MacDonald. 13342 Malcolm, J. Kaye, J. W. Life and correspondence of M. 2 v. *I Malebranche, N. de. Oeuvres; nouv. M., pr^c. d'une introd. par J. Simon. 4 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Entretiens sur la metaphysique. 2, Meditations Chr6- tiennes. 3, 4. Recherche de la verity. — Bowen, F. {In his Mod. philosophy.) 17186 Malepeyre, M. F., ed. Practical treat, on the manuf. of colors for painting by Riffault, Vergnaud, and Toussaint, rev. tr. by A. A. Fesquet. lUuSt. 12944 Malesherbes, C. G. L., sieur de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 793 Malet, A., Bart. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation, 1866. 10640 Malet, L. Mrs. Lorimer ; a sketch in black and white. 22475 Malherbe, F. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 13; Cans, lund., v. 8.) *I Malheurs heureaux, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, V. 2.) *I Malibran, M. F. G. Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (In his Great singers, ser. 2.) 20365 Maling, E. A. Handbook for ladies on in-door plants, flowers for ornament, and song-birds. 10877 Malkin, J. H. Historical parallels. 2 v. 16003-4 Mallalieu, W. F. Corporations and the Sabbath, (/n Sabb. ess.) 19808 Mallery, G. Sign language amg. the N. Amer. Indians comp. with that amg. other peoples and deaf mutes. {In Smithson. Inst. Bur. of Ethnol Ann. rept., 1879-80. *I Malleson, F. A. The Lord's prayer and the Church ; letters to the clergy by J. Ruskin, with repl. fr. clergy and laity, and epilogue by R., with ess. and comments. 2d. ed. 20550 Malleson, G. B. The founders of the Indian Empire : Lord Clive. Portr. and plans. 22815 — History of Afghanistan to the outbreak of the war of 1878. 18636 — Studies fr. Genoese history. 13876 Contents. Conspiracy of Gianluigi de' Fieschi.— Jacopo Bonfadio. — Sampiero da Bastelical — Conspiracy of Vachero. — The Doria. — The Fieschi.— The Grimaldi.— The Spinola. — Appendix. Mallet, A. Compound engines. (Van Nostrand's sci.-ser.) 14160 Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities ; or, Acct. of the manners, customs, etc.^ of the anc. Scandinavians ; tr. by Bp. Percy ; new ed., rev., with trans, of the prose Edda by I. A. Black- well. Add. Abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga, by Sir W. Scott. 5114 Mallet du Pan, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund. , v. 4.) *I Malleville ; by J. Abbott. 56 Mallock, W. H. Every man his own poet; or, The inspired singer's recipe book, by a Newdicate prize-man. 18582 — Is life worth living? 18662 — Same. (In Burlinghame, E. L. Current discuss., v. 2.) 17646 — Same, (in Little chuss., v. 18.) 20167 — Lucretius. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 18041 — The new Paul and Virginia ; or, Positivism on an island. 18116 — The new republic; or, Culture, faith, and philosophy in an Eng. country house. 2 V. 17656-7 — Social equality ; study in a missing science. 21895 — Jacobi, M. P. The value of life ; repl. to M.'s ess. " Is life worth living?" 18941 Mallory, P. Quincy, E. Phoebe Mallory ; the last of the slaves. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 Malone, E. Prior, J. Life of M. ; with select, fr. his ms. anecdotes. *I Malortie, Baron de. Egypt ; native rulers and foreign interfer- ence. 2d. ed. 22816 Malory, T. History of King Arthur. See Lanier, S. — Morte Darthur; orig. ed. of Caxton, rev., with introd. by E. Strachey. 7455 Malot, H. Romain Kalbris ; his adv. by sea and shore ; tr. by J. McN. Wright. Illust. 1462 — Sans famille. 2 v. 14671-2 51 794 ' FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — 8ame. No relations ; fr. the Fr. by [M. Laffan] . 22326 Malouet, P. V., baron. SaiDte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *I Malta. Adams, A. L. Notes of a naturalist in the Nile valley and M. 10829 — Charles, E. R. (In his Wanderings over Bible lands.) 6249 — Senior, N. W. Conversations and journ. in Egypt and M. ; ed. bv M. C. M. Simpson. 2 v. ' 22830-1 Malte-Brun, C. Universal geography. 6 v. 2870-5 Malthus, D. Bagehot, W. Malthus. (In his Econom. stud.) 19698 Malthus, T. R. Essay on the principle of population. 2 v. 2877-8 — Principles of political economy. 2876 Malus, S. L. Arago, F. Biography of M. {In his Biog. of disting. sci. men., ser. 2.) 7752 Malvina ; ou, Un mariage d'inclination ; com^die-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 18.) *I Mambi-land ; or, Adventures in Cuba ; by J. J. O'Kelley. 12764 Maraan Sabouleux ; com. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^dtre compl., V. 4.) 14561 Mamelon ; by A. W. Tourgee. 21434 (Bound with John Eax.) Mamma .Milly ; by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 10578 Mammalia. Figuier, G. L. Mammalia. 8511 — Flower, W. H. Introduction to the osteology of the mammalia. 16660 — White, A. Popular hist, of mammalia. 5907 — Wood, J. G. (In his Illustrated natural history.) 6182 Mammon ; prize essay ; by J. Harris. 1 780 Mammoth Cave. Binkherd, A. D. The Mammoth Cave and its denizens. *I — Forwood, W. S. Historical and descr. narr. of M. Cave ; with details of the eyeless fishes. 8622 — Packard, A. S., Jr. and Putnam, F. W. Mammoth Cave and its inhabit- ants. 10805 — Tavlor, B. (In his At home and abroad, ser. 1.) 4435 Mammy Tittleback and her family ; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 20874 Man. General and miscellaneous works. — Briggs, G. W. Man. (In Unitarian affirmations.) 18586 — Candolle, A. de. Probable fut. of the human race. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) 12994 — Combe, G. Constitution of man. 912 ; 7688 — Ewbank, T. The world a workshop ; or, Phys. rel. of man to the earth. 1433 — Galton, F. English men of science; their nature and nurture. 13807 — Geijer, E. G. Foreliisningar ofver menniskans historia; redigerade och utgifna af S. Ribbing. 15020 — Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. 1585 — Hall, J. C. Analvtical svnopsis of the nat. hist, of man. (In Pickermg, C. Races, etc.) ' ^ 3457 — Hartley, D. Observations on man; his frame, his duty, and his expecta- tions. 1788 — Hinton, J. Man, and his dwelling place. 10161 — Hopkins, M. Outline study of man. 12036 — Huxley, T. H. Evidences as to man's place in nature. 2307 — James, H. (In his Lect., etc.) 2321 — Lawrence, W. Lectures on physiology, zooloo:y, and the nat. hist, of man. 2586 — Lubbock, J. Social and relig'. cond. of the lower races. (In Smithson- ian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 — Page, D. Man; where, whence, and whither? man in his nat. hist. rel. 7435 — Parker, T. Lessons fr. the world of matter and of man; fr. notes by R. Leighton. ' 6359 — Quatrefages de Br6au, J. L. A. de. The human species. 18929 Natural hist, of man; element, lect. ; tr. bv E. A. Youmaus. 13650 - Savage, M. J. Beliefs about man. 21372 — Smith, C. H. Natural hist, of the human species. 4036 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 795 Same; with prelim, abstr. of the views of Blumenbach, Prichard, etc., by S. Kneeland, Jr. 13193 — Tvndall, J. Science aud mau. (In his Frag-, of sci., v. 2.) 19304 — Virchow, K. Cranial affinities of man and the ape. (In Estes, D. Hf.- hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — AVhite, E. Life in Christ; study of the Script, doctr. on the nature of man, etc. 3d. ed., rev. and enl. 17820 — Wood, J. G. Natural hist, of man; acct. of the manners and customs of the uncivilized races : Africa. Same; Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia, and Anc. Europe. Origin, Unity, Antiquity, etc. — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics ; or, Thoughts on the appl. of the princ. of " natural selection" and "inheritance" to polit. society. 11269 — Buechner, L. Man in the past, present, and future. ' 10913 — Cabell, J. L. Testimony of mod. sci. to the unity of mankind ; introd. not. bv J. W. Alexander. 5851 — Campbell", G. D. Primeval man. 7687 — Cloddy E. The childhood of the world. 11913 — Darwin, C. R. On the origin of species by means of nat. selection. 1098 The descent of man, and selection in rel.' to sex. 2 v. 9089-90 — Dawson, J. W. Fossil men and their mod. representatives. 19850 — Geikie, J. The great ice-age, and its rel. to the antiquity of man. 12808 — Haeckel, E. The evolution of man; pop. expos, of the princ. points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. 2 v. 18739-40 — Laing, F. H. A reassuring* thought at the ape's encroachment on our own likeness. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig;, etc., ser. 3.) *I — Latham, R. G. Man and his migrations. 2581 — Lesley, J. P. Man's origin and destiny, fr. the platform of the sciences. 7386 — Lester, A. H. The Pre- Adamite ; Script, and science in unison. 13786 — Lvell, C. Geological evidences of the antiquitv of man, etc. 2660 'Same. 4th. ed. ' 13267 — Mivart, St. G. Man and apes : struct, resemblances and diff. bearing upon questions of affinity and origin. 12142 — Murphy, J. J. Habit and intelligence ; ess. on the law^s of life and mind. 18891 — Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where? origin, nature, and destiny of man. 22594 — Schmidt, O. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 17170 — Thompson, J. P. Man in Genesis and in geology. ■ 7877 — Tuttle, H. Origin and antiquity of phys. man scientifically considered. 6512 — Yirchow, R. Freedom of science in the modern state. 18618 — Williams, G. W. The unity of the human family. (In his Hist, of the Negro race in Amer., v.'l.) ' 22307 — Wilson, D. Prehistoric man : origin of civilization. 2 v. 15871-2 — Wiuchell, A. Adamites and pre- Adamites ; remote representatives of the hum. species, and their rel. to the Biblical Adam. 17994 Preadamites; existence of men bef. Adam; with study of their cond., antiquity, etc. 21530 — See also Anthropologv ;— Archaeology, Prehistoric; — Civilization; — Ethnology ;— Physiology. Man and apes ; by St. G. Mivart. 12142 Man and beast here and hereafter ; by J. G. Wood. 13775 Man and his dwelling place ; ess. towards the interpretation of nature. 2879 Contents. Science.— Philosophy.— Religion. — Ethics. Man and his relations ; by S. B. Brittan. 5718 Man and nature ; by G. P. Marsh. 5637 Man and wife ; by W. Collins. . 8612 Man, The, in black ; by G. P. R. James. 17721 Man, The, in the bell. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 3.) 19142 Man, The, in the crowd ; by E. A. Poe. (In his Tales.) 5144 Man, The, in the reservoir ; by C. F. Hoffman. (In Little class., V. 4.) • 12975 Man of feeling; by H. Mackenzie. (In his Miscel. works.) 2842 Man, A, of honor ; by G. C. Eggleston. 7256 Man, A, made of money ; by D. Jerrold. (In his Works, v. 4.) *I 796 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Man, The, of many friends ; by T. Hook. 15663 Man, The, of the house ; by Pansy [I. M. Alden]. 22740 Man of the world ; by H. Mackenzie. {In his Miscel. works.) 2842 Man on the ocean ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 13273 Man proposes ; a novel. 21912 Man the reformer; lect., 1841 ; by R. W. Emerson. {In his Nature, etc.) 1382 Man, The, who laughs ; by V. Hugo. 7842 Man, The, who owned he was a fool. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 1.) 7223 Man, The, who kept himself in repair. {In Daily Bread, etc.) 8689 Man, The, who stole a meeting-house ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {In his Coupon bonds.) 11228 Man, The, whose life was saved. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Man, The, with the broken ear ; by E. About. 6908 Man with the carpet bag ; by G. A. ABeckett. {In French's min. dram., V. 40.) 7991 Man with the demijohn ; play ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Temp, dr.) 7095 Man with the iron mask ; adapt, fr. the French ; by W. J. Lucas. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 29.) 11824 Man, The, without a country ; by E. E. Hale. {In Little class., V. 1.) 12972 Man without a head; by J. P. Wooler. (/n French's min. dram., v. 34.) 7988 Manager's daughter; by E. Lancaster. {In French's min. dram., v. 36.) 7989 Manch ; by M. E. Bryan. 19548 Manchester, Eng. Black, A. and C. Guide to Manchester, etc. *I Manchester marriage. The ; by E. C. Gaskell. {In her Right at last, etc.) 2216 Manchuria. Adams, A. Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. 10817 Mandalay to Momien ; by J. Anderson. 15827 Mandeville, B. de. Stephen, L. Mandeville's Fable of the bees. {In his Ess. on freethinking, etc.) 19049 Mandeville or Maundevile, J. Frost, T. Travels of M. {In his Hf.-hrs. with early explor.) 21074 — Hale, E. E. . Sir J. M. and the crusades. (In his Stor. of adv.) 20849 Manetho. Fragments. (7n Hodges, E. R^. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 Manfred ; by F. D. Guerrazzi. 13909 Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures ; add. by W. H. D. Adams. 13285 — Mysteries of the ocean ; tr. by [W. H. D. Adams] . lUust. 8477 Manhood, -True ; by H. Giles. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) 2253 Manie des places. La ; com^die-vaudeville ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2., v. 17.) *I Manifesto, The ; doctr. and pract. of the Church of Christ ; by J. Dunlavy. 1296 Manilla. Ball, B. L. {In his Rambles in Eastern Asia.) 317 Manin, D. Castelar, A. {In his Life of Lord Byron, etc.) 15338 Manitoba. Rae, W. F. Newfoundland to M. thr. Canada. 20903 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 797 Manilius, M. Astronomicon. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 6.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8364 Manley, J. J. Salt, preservation of food, bread, and biscuits. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Manly exercises. See Gymnastics. Mann, H. Ancient and mediaeval republics ; review of their institutions, etc. 19059 Mann, H. Annual reports on education. 12022 Contents. 1839. Qualifications of teachers, etc. 1841. EflFects of edu- cation upon the worldh' fortunes of men. 1842. Study of physiology in the schools. 1843. Visitation and description of European schools ; Deaf- mutes taught to speak successfully. 1845. Duties of the future ; School motives and school vices ; Equality of school privileges. 1846. Common- school system of Mass. 1847. Power of common-schools to redeem the state from social vices and crimes. 1848. Capacity of the common-school system to improve the pecuniary condition, and elevate the intellectual, moral, and religious character of the Commonwealth. — A few thoughts for a young man. 2882 — Lectures, and Annualreports on education. 8793 Contents. Means and objects of common-school education.— Special f)reparation a prerequisite to teaching. — Necessity of education in a repub- ican government. — What God does, and what lie leaves for man to do, in the work of education. — Historical view of education ; showing its dignity and its degradation. — District-school libraries.— School punishments.— Annual reports, etc. — Slavery ; letters and speeches. 2881 — Study of physiology in schools, (/w Lib. of educ, v. 3.) 8867 — Thoughts select, from the writings of Mann. 6609 — Twelve sermons, delivered at Antioch College. 7064 — Life of M. {In Lib. of education, v. 3.) 8867 — Mann, M. Life of H. Mann. 5976 — See also Common school Journal. Mann, H. Dorau, J. Mann and manners at the court of Florence, 1740-1786 ; found, on the letters of Mann to H. Walpole. 2 v. 156-22-3 Mann, I. J. River bars; causes of their formation, and their treatment by induced tidal scour ; with descr. of the reduc- tion of the bar at Dublin. 20450 Mann, J. B. Life of Henry Wilson. 11030 Mann, Mrs. M. Biographical sketch of Sarmiento. {In Sar- miento, D. F. Life in the Argentine Republic.) 7501 — Christianitv in the kitchen ; physiological cook-book. 3124 — Life of H. Mann. 5976 — Paper. {In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) ^ 12253 — and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy, and kindergarten guide ; with music. 2d. ed. ' ' 8054 Mann, R. J. How the wind changes ; How sunshine warms the earth; Why the rain falls. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Phvsical properties of the atmosphere. {In Meteorologv Soc. Modern metebrologv.) * 18899 — Why the clouds float, and what the clouds say; Dew and hoar-frost; How a snow-flake is formed; How hail-stones are forged in the clouds; How electricity is generated in the air ; How lightning is kindled in the thunder storm. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) . 20526 — "Why lightning is seen as a flash and heard as thunder ; Fogs ; How build- ings are protected against lightning ; How the intensity and duration of sunshine are measured. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Why the wind blows. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 *'Mann" and manners at the court of Florence, 1740-1786; byDr. Doran. 2 v. 15622-3 Mannering, May, x>seud. See Nowell, H. P. H. Mannerings, The ; by L. S. Dorr. {Iri Short stor.) 6965 798 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Manners, Lord J. Address, Manchester Athenaeum, 1844. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 1388S — Sketch of M. {In Polit. portr.) 11693^ Manners, J. Marquis of Granhy. James, G. P. R. {In his Mem., V. 2.) 2294 Manners and customs. De Quincy, T. French and English manners. {In his Letters, etc.) 1163 — Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs. 18965 — Goodrich, S. G. Manners and customs of nations. 1587 — Hay, C. The club and the drawing-room ; pict. of mod. life. 2 v. in 1. 10834 — Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 2.) 7665 — See also Etiquette. Also the division Description, under the names of various countries. Manners and fashion ; by'H. Spencer. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 Manners and tone of good society ; or. Solecisms to be avoided ; by a member of the aristocracy. 3d. ed. 19445 Manning, Anne. Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. 19786 — Cherry and Violet ; tale of the Great Plague. 662^ — Chronicles of merry England. 19785 — Compton Friars. 12307 — Deborah's diary. 7875 — An English girl's acct. of a Moravian settlement in the Black Forest. 4088 — The household of Sir Thomas More. 2004 — Jacques Bonneval ; or, The days of the dragonnades. 7041 — Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. • 3521 — One trip more, and other stories. 14177 Manning, C, formerly Mrs. Spier. Ancient and mediaeval India. 2 v. 10649-50 Manning, E. Six months on a slaver ; true narrative. (Har- per's hf.-hr. ser.) 18496 Manning, H. E., Cardinal. Essays on relig. and literature; by various writers, ser. 3. *I Contents. Manning, H. E. Inaugural address.— Christie, A. J. Phi- losophy of Christianity.— Ay 1 ward, J. D. Mystical element in religion, and ancient and modern sjiiritism. —Patterson, M. Religious condition of Germany.— Lucas, E. Mr. Mill upon libertv of the press ; Christianity in relation to civil society (cout. fr. 2d. ser.). — Mivart, St. G. One point in controversy with the Agnostics.— Laing. F. H. A reassuring thought at the ape's encroachment on our own likeness; Darwinism brought to book.— Doherty, J. Flaws in the philosophy of Bacon.— Hum- phrey, W. Necessary attitude of catholic laymen toAvards the Scholastic philosophy; Constituents of the personal. — Four great evils of the day. 9883 Contents. Revolt of the intellect against God.— Revolt of the will against God.— Revolt of society fr. God.— The spirit of Antichrist. — Fourfold sovereigntv of God. 9884 — Life of St. Teresa. *2d. ed. ' 16727 — Miscellanies. • 17190 Contents. Roma seterna. -The work and the wants of the Cath. Ch. in • Eng.— On the subjects proper for the Academia.— Father Faber.— Visit of Garibaldi to England.- Cardinal Wiseman.— Inaugural address, session 1866-7.— French infidelity.— Ireland.— Inaugural address, 1868-9.— On prog- ress.— The demon of Socrates.— Letters to the Archbishop of Armagh. — Dr. Nicholson's accusation of the Archbishop of Westminster,— Dignity and rights of labour.— The church of Rome.— Cjcsarism and ultramon- tanism.— Ultramontanism and Christianity.— Christianity and antichris- tianism.— The pope and magna charta.—Inaug. address, 1876.— Philosophy without assumptions.— Fred. Ozanan.— Independence of the Holv See. — Reply. {In Gladstone, W. E. The Vatican decrees.) ' *I — Sermons on ecclesiastical subjects. 2 v. 10466-7 — Sin and its consequences. 12787 — The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance. *I — Hood, E. B. {In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 — 3IcCarthv, J. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 799 Manning, H. H. Trumbull, H. C. The captured scout of the Army of the James. 7550 Manning, J. M. Half truths and the truth ; origin and devel. of prevailing forms of unbelief. 9798 — Helps to a life of prayer. 13343 Manning, R., and Ives, J. M. New England fruit-book ; descr. catalogue. 2170 Manning, S. American pictures di'awn with pen and pencil. *I — Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I — The land of the Pharaohs : Egypt and Sinai ; illust. by pen and pencil. *I — Spanish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Illust.' *I — Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Illust. New ed. *I — " Those holy fields." Palestine illust. by pen and pencil. *I — and Green, *S. G. English pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I Manning, T. Markham, C. R. Journey to Lhasa, 1811-12; Life of M. {In his Narr. of Bogle and M.) *I Manoeuvring; by M. Edge worth. 1329; 15291 Manon Lescaut ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 1 ; ser. 4, V. 17.) *I Manor farm. The ; by M. C. Phillpotts. 8441 '' Man's a man for a' that." (Knickerbocker novels.) 18948 Mansarde des artistes. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 12.) *I Mansel, H. L. The Gnostic heresies of the 1st. and 2d. cent. ; with sk. of his work, life, and character, by the Earl of Carnarvon ; ed. by J. B. Lightfoot. 13627 — Limits of religious thought ; Ist. Amer. ed. 10012 — Limits of relig. thought examined. (Bampton lect., 1858.) 10012 — Martineau, J. Hansel's Limits of relig. thought. {In Ais Essays.) 6388 Mansfield, E. D. American education, its princ. and elements. 2886 ■ — The Chinese question. {In Atlas ess.) 18292 — Life of Gen. W. Scott. 2887 — Personal memories, soc, polit., and literary, with sk. of noted people. 18600 — The political manual ; theory and pract. of the government of the U. 1^. 2888 Mansfield, R. B. The log of the Water Lily ; cruises on the Rhine, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Danube, Sa6ne, and Rhone. 12202 — School-life at Winchester College ; or, The reminiscences of a Winchester junior. 8620 Mansfield, W., Earl of. See Murray, W. Mansfield Park ; by J. Austen. 253 — Same. (Jw 7ier Novels.) 733 Manteaux, Les ; com^die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 15.) *I Mantegna, A. Cartwright, J. Mantegna and Francia. 20840 — Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight and the coast of Dorsetshire. 3d. ed. 2890 — Medals of creation ; or, First lessons in geology. 2 v. 2891-2 — Petrifactions and their teachings. Illust. " 2889 — Wonders of geology. 2 v. 2894-6 Manton, W. P. Field botany ; hand-book. Illust. 21518 — Insects ; how to catch and prepare them for the cabinet. Illust. 21696 — Taxidermy without a teacher. 2d. ed. Illust. 21697 Manuals of health. See Soc. for Prom. Ch. Knowl. Manuel, E. Traitement thermal. (Theatre de camp., s^r. 8.) 14692 Manuel, J. A. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) 5012 Manuel, N. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) 16356 800 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Manuela Parades ; [by W. Chamberlain]. 20496 Man-ufactory, The ; by F. B. Perkins. {In his Devil-puz- zlers, etc.) 17111 — Same. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 3.) 13932 Manufactures, The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1328 ; 7778 Manufactures. Babbage, C. Economy of machinery and man- ufactures. *I — Knight, C. Cyclopaedia of the industry of all nations. 2503 — Napier, J. Manufacturing arts in anc. times with spec. ref. to Bible hist. 13690 — Manufactures. {In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — Novelties, inventions, and curiosities in arts and manufactures. 3271 — Strauss, G. L. M. and others. England's veorkshops. 6629 — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. 4912 Recent improvements in arts, manufactures, etc. ; suppl. to dictionary. 6603 — 8ee also Bevan, G. P. British manuf . industries. ' Also Cotton. Manures. Harris, J. Talks on manures. 17988 — Johnston, J. F. W. Instructions for the analysis of soils, limestones, etc, 2378 — Mechi, J. J. Irrigating vv^ith liquid manure. {In Stoeckhardt, J. A. Chem. field lect.) 4253 Manuscripts, Story of the ; by G. E. Merrill. 20830 Manuscrit, Le ; com^die ; par P. Giffard. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, ser. 4.) 14794 Many moods ; verse ; by J. D. Symonds. 18554 Manypenny, G. W. Our Indian wards. 19663 Manzoni, A. I promessi sposi. 15503 — Same. The betrothed. 2897 "Maori", ^se? *I — Davidson, E. A. Manual of house-painting, graining, marbling, and sign-writing. 16932 — Woolnough, C. W. The whole art of marbling as appl. to paper, book- Marble faun. The ; by N. Hawthorne. 2 v. 1801-2 Marble heart. The ; romance ; by C. Selby. {Li Mod. stand. dr., V. 35.) 11827 Marble prophecy, The, and other poems ; by J. G. Holland. 11080 Marbles. See Farnese marbles ; — Sculpture. Marcel, C. Rational method, to learn to read, hear, speak, and write French. 1st. book. 15461 — The study of languages brought back to its true principles ; or. The art of thinking in a for. language. 7681 Marcella. (In Two Russian idyls.) 19861 Marcellus. Fragments. {In Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) 16535 Marcet, J. Conversations on natural philosophy. 5137 — Martiueau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 March, C. W. Daniel Webster and his contemporaries. 4th. ed. 16058 — Sketches and adv. in Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias of Spain. 2854 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 801 March, F. A. Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon lan- guage. *I — Latin hymns, with En^. notes. 13247 — Method* of philological study of the English language. 5990 March, The, to the sea ; by J. D. Cox. 22020 Marchand de marrons, Le ; par P. Ar^ne. {In Sayn^tes, efc, s^r. 5.) 14795 Marchetti, F. Ruy Bias. *I Marcillac, F. Manuel d'histoire de la litt^rature frany. d^p. son origine. 3^. ed., rev. et cor. 14503 Marco Paul stories ; by J. Abbott. 6 v. 61-6 Marco Polo. See Polo, M. Marco Spada, drama ; by J. P. Simpson. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 13.) ^ 11815 Marco Spada ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 6 ; ser. 4, V. 16.) *I Marco Visconti ; by T. Grossi. 21358 Marcotte, C. Building safe-guide. 19412 Marcoy, P., pseud. See Saint Cricq. Marcus ; by W. Aimwell [W. Simonds]. 5290 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Blair ; by C. E. Wright. 12047 Marcus Curius Dentatus. Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Marcus Warland ; by C. L. Heutz. 1865 Marcy, R. B. Border reminiscences. 9841 ^ and McCIellan, G. B. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, 1852; with map. (U. S. Cong. 33d. Cong. 1st. sess.) 2898 Mare an Diable, La ; par George Sand. 14484 Marengo. Adams, C. {In his Gt. campaigns.) ^ 18150 Marenholtz-Buelow, B. von. Reminiscences of F. Froebel ; tr. by Mrs. H. Mann ; with sk. of F. by E. Shirrefif. 17063 — The new educ. ace. to Froebel's method ; tr. by Mrs. H. Maun [and] L. Noa. • 16699 — See Kriege, M. H. The child. Marett, P. R. Yachts and yacht building. *I Maretzek, M. Crotchets and quavers ; or, Revelations of an opera manager in America. 2900 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism ; trea. on terrestrial and aerial locomotion. lUust. (Int. Sci. ser.) 13248 — Phenomena of flight in the animal kingdom. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept.,1869.) ' 11625 Margaret of Anjou., Queen of Henry VI. of Eng. Abbott, J. History of M. ' 5292 — Hookham, M. A. Life and times of M. 2 v. 10821-2 — Watson, H.C. (7w A is Heroic women.) 4076 — Yonge, C. D. {In his Seven heroines of Christ.) 18848 Margaret (Beaufort) , Countess of Richmond and Derby. Coop- er, C. H. Memoir of M. " ^ 18620 Margaret (Marguerite de Valois), Queen of NavaiTe. Sainte- Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. du lund., v. 6, 7.) *I Margaret (Tudor), Queen of James IV. Strickland, A. {In her Lives of the Queens of Scotland, v. 1.) 4288 Margaret; by C. C. F. Tytler. • 12251 Margaret; by [S. Judd]. 2 v. 2402-3 802 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Margaret ; or, Prejudice at home, and its victims.. 2903 Margaret ; story of life in a prairie home ; by [M. A. Bright]. 7409 Margaret Catchpole ; by R. Cobbold. 5279 Margaret Cecil ; by Cousin Kate. 2901 Margaret Chetwynd ; by S. Morley. 17634 Margaret Denzil's history; by [F. Greenwood]. 9213 Margaret Douglass, Countess of Lennox. Strickland, A. {In her Lives of the Queens of Scotland, v. 2.) 4289 Margaret Graham; by G. P. R. James. 12410 Margaret Maitland, Mrs., Passages in the life of; by Mrs. Oliphant. 3090 Margaret Percival ; by [E. M. Sewell]. 2 v. 3909-10 Margaret Percival in America; by E. E. Hale. 1717 Margaret Smith's journal. Leaves from ; [by J. G. Whittier]. 4762 Margarethe ; by E. Juncker. 17838 Margary, A. R. Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne ; fr. his journal and letters, with biog. pref . Add., chapter by Sir R. Alcock. Portr. and map. 16540 Margie's remembrances ; by F. M. Peard. 10572 Margret Howth ; by R. H. Davis. 2048 Marguerite (in names of sovereigns) . See Margaret. Marguerite ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas corniques, v. 7.) *I Marguerite de Sainte-Gemme ; com^die ; par George Sand. (In her Th^Mre compl., s^r. 4.) 14513 Marguerite de Valois ; by A. Dumas. 11584 Marguerites, J. de. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. (7ri Men- delssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters.) 5859 Marheinecke, P. Appearance of Luther before the Diet at Worms, 1521. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Mari qui lance sa femme, Un ; com^die. {In Labiche, E. M. Th^^tre compl., v. 10.) 14574 Mari qui dort, Le ; com^die ; par E. Gondinet. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. ThMtre, etc., ser. 2.) 1468& Maria Antoinette. See- Marie Aptoinette. Maria Leczinska, Queen of Louis XF. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 8.) *I Maria Louisa Victoria, Duchess of Kent. Martineau, H. {In Aer Biog. sk.) ' 7657; 16744 Maria Theresa. Hewitt, M. E. (In her Lives.) 1899 — Jameson, A. (In her Memoirs, v. 2.) 2327 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 9, 10.) *I — Sketch of M. (7?i Women of worth.) 121^ — Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 . — Yonge, C. D. (m his Seven heroines of Christ.) 18848- Mariage d' amour, LTn ; par L. Halevy. 14790 Mariage dans le monde, Un ; par O. Feuillet. 14396 Mariage d'argent, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. l,v. 1.) *I Mariage de Gerard, Le ; par A. Theuriet. 14554 Mariage de raison, Le ; com^die vaudeville ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 16.) *I Mariage de Victorine, Le ; com^die ; par George Sand. {In her The^tfe compl., ser. 2.) 14511 Mariage du due Pomp^e. See Alton Sh^e. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 803 Mariage enfantine, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2,v.8.) *I Mariage exceutrique, Un ; par L. Gualdo. 14632 Mariage forc^, Le ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 3.) 14606 Mariages d'aventure ; par E. Gaborian. 14667 Mariages de Philom^ne, Les ; par H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 14582 Mariages du P^re Olifus, Les ; par A. Dumas. Mariamne ; or, The Queen's fate ; by E. H. M. Marian Grey ; by M. J. Holmes. Marian Rooke ; by H. Sedley.' Marianela ; by B. P. Galdos. Marianini, S. Matteucci, C. Life and scientific labors of M. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) Marie ; story of Russian love ; by A. Pushkin. Marie Antoinette de Lorraine, A. J. J. Abbott, J. S. C. History of M. — Campan, J. L. H. G. M^moires sur la vie de M. A. (Barri^re. Bib. des Mem., V. 10.) 9504 2904 2050 6229 22859 11625 16688 79 1453(> — - Memoirs of the private life of M. 3d. ed. 2 v. 16989-90 — Caiivle, T. The diamond necklace. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Lives.) I.i84 — Hayw ard, A. (In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 2.) 12306 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 8, 9, 10; Cans, lund., v. 4.) *I — Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.} . 4676 — Weber, J. Memoires cone. M. (Barriere. Bib. des m6m., v. 7.) 14527 — Yonge, C. D. Life of Marie Antoinette. 2 v. 15937-8 (In his Seven heroines of Christ.) 18848 Marie Antoinette and her son ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6568 Marie Brontin ; par L. Reybaud. 9543 — Same. (In his Romans.) ' 9549 Marie Courtenay. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 7.) 14307 Marie de M^dicis. Pardoe, J. Life of M. 3 v. 3356-8 Marie Duval ; com^die ; par A. Decourcelle. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 4.) 14688 Marie Famette ; by K. S. Macquoid. {In her Evil eye, e^c.) 15598 Marie Jobard ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 5.) *I Marie Joseph de Saxe. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 11.) *I Marie Stuart. See Mary, Queen of Scots. Marie Tudor ; by V. Hugo. {In his Theatre, v. 3.) ' 1443^ Marier sa fille ; par Henry Greville [A. F. Durand]. 14565 Marietta ; by T. A. Trollope. 7470 Mariette ; par L. Hal^vy. -(//i ^is Mariage d'amour.) 14790 Marriette-Bey, A. The monuments of upper Egypt ; trans. of the Itin^raire de la Haute Egypt ; by A. Mariette. 17676 Marine hygiene. See American Public Health Association. Marine insurance. See Insurance. Marine surveying., Robinson, J. L. A treatise on marine surveying ; with questions for examinations, etc. 22539 Marine warfare. See Maritime law. Marion, F. Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 — Simms, W. G. Life of Marion. 3992 Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. (111. lib. of wonders.) 8784 — Wonders of optics ; tr. and ed. [with chap, on the spectroscope] , by C. W. Quin. (111. lib. of wonders.) 7126 804 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Wonders of vegetation ; fi\ the Fr. ; ed. with add., by S. de Vere. (111. lib. of wonders.) ' 10507 Marion Berkley; by L. Caxton [L. B. Comins]. 9857 Marion de Lorme ; by V. Hugo. (In his Th^dtre, v. 2.) 14438 Marion Fay; by A. TroUope. 21603 Marion Graham; by Meta Lander [M. W. Lawrence]. 5112 Maritana ; grand opera ; by W. V. Wallace. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Maritime law. Woolsey, T. D. Exeniption of private prop- erty upon the sea fr. capture. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Marius, C. Beesley, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 18125 — Herbert, H. W. {In his Capt. of Rom. Repub.) 1871 Marivaux, P. C. de C. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., V. 9.) *I Marjorie Daw ; by T. B. Aldrich. 11933 Marjorie Fleming; by J. Brown. (In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 — Same. {In his Spare hours, ser. 2.) 6425 Marjorie's quest ; by J. T. Gould. 11072 Mark, the match boy ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9206 Mark Gildersleeve ; by J. S. Sauzade. 11485 Mark Rutherford, Autobiography of. 20820 Mark Seaworth ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 10619 Mark Twain, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Mark Wilton, the merchant's clerk ; by C. B. Taylor. 6435 Marked; by J. Ingelow. (Jri /^er Sister's bye-hours.) 6354 Markets. De Voe, T. F. Market assistant ; descr. of food sold in the markets. 6688 — Parloa, M. Miss Parloa's new cook-book ; guide to'marketing, etc. 19954 Markham, Mrs., pseud. See Penrose, E. C. Markham, A. H. Northward ho ! lUust. 19121 Contents. Early polar voyages.— Capt. Phipps' voy., 1773.— A mid- shipman's narrative, 1773.— Voyage of Buchan and Franklin, 1818.— Sir E. Parry's attempt to reach the "No. pole, 1827.— Sir G. Nares's polar exp., ' 1875-1876. — A polar reconnaissance; voyage of the ''Isbjorn" to Novava Zembla, 1879. Maps and Illust. * *I — Whaling cruise to Baffin's bay and the gulf of Boothia; and acct. of the rescue of the crew of the" Polaris." 12729 Markham, C. R. General sketch of the hist, of Persia. 12583" — Narrative of the mission of G. Bogle to Tibet ; and the journev of T. Manning to Lhasa; ed. with notes, introd., and lives of B. and M. *I — Peru. Illust. (Foreign countries, e^c.) 20376 — Peruvian bark; pop. acct. of the introd. of Chinchoua cultivation into Brit. India, 1860-1880. ' • 20337 — The threshold of the unknown region [Arctic regions]. 12203 — The war between Peru and Chile, 1879-1882. 22817 Markham, R. Aboard the Mavis. Illust. . 20064 — Around the Yule lo^. Illust. ' 20065 — On the edge of winter ; stories and ballads of the earlv davs of our country. Illust. * ' 21098 Markoe, G. F. H. Legislation in rel. to pharmacy. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 Markof ; by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 18706 Marks, W. D. The relative proportions of the steam engine ; lect. Illust. 20916 Marlborough, J., Duke of. See Churchill, J. Marlborough, S., Duchess of . See Churchill, S. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 805 Marlitt, E., pseud. See Johns, E. Marlowe, C. Dr. Faustus. (/w Ward, A. W. Old Eng. drama.) 18263 Marmaduke Merry, the midshipman ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 5570 Marmier, X. Histoire d'un pauvre musicien. (1770-1793.) 9416 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Marmont, A. F. L. V. de, chic de Baguse. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826 — Marmont. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 6.) *I Marmontel, J. F. Memoires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 5.) 14525 — Same. Memoirs ; fr. the Fr. 4 v. *I — Same. Memoirs of M. (Choice autobiog.) 2 v. 17702-3 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 4.) *I Marmorne. (No name ser.) 17484 Marolles, M. de, I'abbe de Villeloin. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 14.) *I Maroon, The ; by M. Reid. ■ 5806 Marooner's island ; by F. R. Goulding. 8799 Marot, C. Morley, H. C. Marot, and other studies. 2 v. 10825-6 Marquesas Islands. Dupetit-Thouars, A. {In his Voyage autour du monde.) (Reybaud, L. Marines et voyages.) 9544 Marquess, The ; by T. Hook. 15657 Bound icith The widow. Marquetry. Bemrose, W., Jr. Manual of buhl work and M. *I Marquette, J. Sparks, J. {In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 10.) 4119 Marquis de Villemer, Le ; par George Sand. 14506 — Same. {In her Theatre compl., s^r. 4.) 14613 — Same. Eng. The Marquis de Yillemer. 9175 Marquis Ernest, Le ; sayn^te ; par L. D^pret. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Marquis, The, of Carabas ; by H. P. Spofford. 21842 Marquis, The, of Letoriere ; by E. Sue. 11957 Marquis, The, of Lossie ; by G. Macdonald. 17342 Marquise de Brinvilliers, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 4.) *I Marquise de Crac, La ; sayn^te ; par E. d'Hervilly. (Th^^tre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Marquise de Parab^re, La ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9478 Marquises de la fourchette, Les ; vaude. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre compl., v. 4.) 14561 Marraine, La ; com^die vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, V. 17.) *I Marriage. Austin, J. M. Voice to the married. 257 — Bingham, J. F. The Christian marriage ceremony. 11118 — Cook, J. Marriage. 18479 — Huth, A. H. Marriage of near kin consid. with respect, to the laws of nations, results of exper., and teachings of biologv. 14220 — Jeaflreson, J. C. Brides and bridals. 2 v. ' 16850-1 — Jervis, J. B. The question of marriage. {In his Labour, etc.) 17137 — Lea, J. W. Christian marriage ; its open and secret enemies in Eng. 21564 — McLennan, J. F. Primitive marriage. {In his Stud, in anc. hist.) 16838 — Wood, E. J. The wedding-day in all ages and countries. 2 v. 22841-2 Marriage ; by Miss Ferrier. ^ 12461 Marriage as it may be ; by S. S. Ellis. {In her Pict. of private life, ser. 1.) 1369 Marriage in high life, A ; by O. Feuillet. 15532 806 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Marriage of Figaro. See Nozze di Figaro. Marriage of Moira Fergus ; by W. Black. 13958 Married and single ; comedy ; by J. Poole. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 10.) 11812 Married bachelor ; by P. P. O'Callaghan. {In French's min. dram., v. 18.) 11845 Married belle, The ; by J. P. Smith. 11090 Married beneath him ; by J. Payn. 15802 Married by accident. (/n.Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Married life ; comedy ; by J. B. Buckstone. (in Mod. stand. dr., V.17.) 11818 ^larried or single? by [C. M. Sedgwick]. 2 v. 3873-4 Married rake: by C. Selby. (Jn French's min. dram., v. 9.) 11840 Marriott, C. On the digestion of knowledge. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Marryat, F. See Church, F. M. Marryat, F. S. Mountains and molehills; or. Recollections of a burnt journal. 2923 Marryat, Capt. F. The children of the new forest. 7744 — Frank Mildmav ; or, The naval officer. 6436 — Jacob Faithfiif. 2919 — Japhet in search of a father. 2907 — The king's own. 2922 — Masterman Ready. 2908 — The mission ; or,' Scenes in Africa. 2909 — Mr. Midshipman Easy. 2910 — The Pacha of many tlales. 2912 — Percival Keene. 2913 — Peter Simple. 2914 — The phantom ship. 2915 — The pirate ; and The three cutters. 9268 — The poacher. 2916 — Poor Jack. 9267 — The privateersman. 7824 — Rattlin the reefer. 2917 — Settlers in Canada. New ed. Illust. 2918 — Snarleyyow ; or, The dog fiend. 2921 — Valerie ; an autobiography. 7823 — Church, F. M. Life and letters of Capt. M. 2 v. 11202-3 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Marrying off a daughter; by H. Gr^ville [A. Durand]. 18037 Mars Denning, W. F. Mars. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 JVlarschner, H. Ivauhoe ; or. The templar and the Jewess. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I JMarsden, S. Yonge, CM. {In her Pioneers, etc.) 10120 JMarsden, W. Plan of a hospital and cleansing establishment for the treatment of cholera, etc. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 1.) *I Marsh, A. C. See Marsh-Caldwell, A. C. Marsh, 0. C. Wolfe of the Knoll; and other poems. 5117 Marsh, G. P. The earth as mod. by human action ; new ed. of Man and nature. *I — Lectures on the Eng. language. - 2926 — Man and nature ; or, Physical geography as mod. by hum. action. 6637 — Same ; new ed. See above, Earth as modified. — Origin and hist, of the Eng. language, and of the early literature it em- bodies. 3862 Marsh, J. Temperance recollections ; autobiog. 6631 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 807 Marsh, J. B. Stories of Venice and the Venetians. 11753 Marsh, J. B. T. Story of the Jnbilee singers ; with their songs ; rev. ed. 19686 Marsh, O. C. The horse in America ; Prof. Marsh's disc, in fossils, (/n Tribune pop. science.) 12943; *I Marsh-Caldwell, A. C. Adelaide Lindsay. 12406 — Aubrev. . 12425 — Evelvn Marston. 11920 — Father Darcy. 5276 — Norman's bridge. 5236 — The Protestant reformation in France ; or, History of the Hugonots. 2 v. 2924-5 — The triumphs of time. 12426 Marshall, A. and M. P. The economics of industry. 2d. ed. 22685 Marshall, E. Between the cliffs; Wandering May. 12525 — Constantia Carew ; autobiography. 22626 — Joanna's inheritance. 16952 — Ladv Alice ; or, Two sides of a picture. 17468 — Less'ous of love. 7393 — A lily among thorns. 12232 — Memories of troublous times ; hist, of Dame Alicia Chamberlayne. 20095 — Mrs. Mainwaring's iournal. 7316 Marshall, F. French home life. 11784 Marshall, H. l^rown, J. Dr. Marshall and military hygiene. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Marshall, J. Life of George Washington. 5 v. *I — Flanders, H. (In his Lives, etc., of the Chief Justices, v. 2.) 14147 — McCabe, J. D. (In his Great fortunes.) 8983 — Story, J. (/w his Misc. writings.) 4262 — "Wynne, J. Life of Marshall. (In his Lives, etc.) 4885 Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions; their agents and their results. 2 v. 5883-4 — My clerical friends and their rel. to mod. thought. 19393 Marsham, Mrs. Robert. Cousin Simon. 19494 Marshman, J. C. Memoirs of H. Haveldck. 10731 — The history of India, to the close of Lord Dalhousie*s administration. 3 v. 13590-2 — Life and labours of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, the Serampore mis- sionaries. ' 6898 Marshman, J. Marshman, J. C. Life and labours of Carey, M., and Ward. 6898 — Yonge, C. M. (In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Marston, J. W. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Sketch of M. (In Dram, of the present day.) • 10138 Marstons, The ; by H. Aid^. ^ 13677 Marta ; opera ; by Flotow. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Marteilhe, J. The Huguenot galley-slave ; autobiog. of a French protestant. 6671 Marten, H. Forster, J. (In his Statesmen, etc.) 1498 Martha Guinnis and her son. Story of ; by Mrs. (^rowe. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) * 12446 Martha the gipsey ; by T. Hook. ( With Passion and principle.) 15664 Marthold, J. de. L' alliance ; monologue. (In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 — L'ecran bleu; com6die. (In Saynetes, etc., s^t. 8.) 14798 — Jouons la com6die 1 com^die. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 — La chaste Suzanne ; monologue. (In Saynetes. etc., ser. 4.) 14794 — On the eve of the wedding. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — On nous regarde! indiscretion; La lampe raerveilleuse ; monologue inter- rompu. (In Sayn6tes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 808 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Un proverbo de salon. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 8.) 14692 — Troisjeunes lilies; fantaisie naturaliste. (Jw Sayn^tes, e«c.,s6r. 5.) 14796 — La veiUe du mariage; monologue. (Jn Saynfetes, e^c, ser. 2.) 14792 Martialis, M. V. Carmina, etc. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 — Epigrammata; illust. quinque Parisiensis acad. professores. 3 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) ' 8279-81 — Conlngton, J. ' Epigrammata selecta.' {In Ms Misc. writings, v. 1.) 11124 Martin, — . Natural history ; fr. the German ; by S. A. Myers. Illust. 2 ser. 2930-1 Contents. Ser. 1. Mammalia.— Birds. — Reptiles. 3. Fishes. — Mol- lusca. — Insecta. — Vegetable kingdom. — Mineralogy. Martin, Mrs. A. C. What shall we attempt in elementary schools? {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Martin, B. N. Specimens of Eng. literature. See Shaw, T. B. cmd Smith, W. Martin, B. L. H. Age of Louis XIV. ; tr. by M. L. Booth. 2 V. (Martin's Hist, of France.) 6007-8 — The decline of the Fr. monarchy; fr. 4th. Paris ed., by M. L. Booth. 2 V. (Martin's Hist, of France.) " 6974-5 — Histoire de France, jusqu'en 1879; table analytique. 17 v. *I — Popular hist, of France, fr. the 1st. revolution : tr. bv M. L. Booth and A. L. Alger, v. 1, 2. ' 17615-16 Martin, JL., joint author. See Labiche, E.. M. Martin, F. Angeliqne Arnaud, abbess of Port Royal. 2d. ed. 16841 — Michelle and Little Jack. 18890 Martin, F. X. History of Louisiana ; with mem. by W. W. Howe ; app.. Annals of La. fr. 1815-61, by J. F. Condon. *I Martin, F. Hand book of contemporary biography. 8538 — History of Lloyd's, and of marine insur. in Gt. Brit. ; With statistics rel.' to marine insurance. 15635 — The statesman's year-book. 1881-2. 20247; 21453 Martin, G. H. Text book on civil government in the U. S. 19846 Contents. Principles of civ. government.— Civ. govern, in the states bef . their independence.— Const, govern, of Mass.— Const, govern, of U. S. Martin, H. N. How skulls and backbones are T^uilt. {In Mar- • tin, H. N. cmd others. Lect.) 22774 — The human body; acct. of its struct, and activities, and the cond. of its healthy working. (Am. sci. ser.) ^ *I — and Moale, W. A. Handbook of vertebrate dissection. Pt. 1. How to dissect a chelonian. 21363 — and others. Lectures to the employes of the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. . 22774 Contents. 3Iartin, H. N. How skulls and backbones are built. — Sew- all, H. How we move. — Sedgwick, W. T. On fermentation. — Brooks, W. K. On some methods of locomotion in animals. — Joint author. See Huxley, T. H. Martin, H. A. Animal vaccination. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Martin, H. The atonement. 9111 Martin, J. Craik, L. (M.) M. A legacy; life and remains of Martin. 2 v. 18217-18 Martin, J. H. An earthworm. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Hairs and scales. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — A manual of microscopic mounting; with notes on the collect, and exam. of objects. 12863 Martin, L. A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Martin, R. M. China ; political, commercial, and social. 2 v. 2927-8 Martin, S. Balfour, C. L. {In Tier Moral heroism.) 6740 — Chambers, W. (In his Stor. of remark, persons.) 18069 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 809 — Sketch of S. Martin. {In Worn, of worth.) 1219 Martin, T. Faust; tr. into Eng. verse. 12724 — Horace. (Anc. class, for En^. read.) 9024 — Horace. {In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Life of His Royal Highness, the Prince Consort. Portr. 5 v. 13479-80; 17488-90 — Life of Horace. {In Horatius Flaccus, Q. Works, v. 1.) 21482 — Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood's tea-party. (M Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 5.) 8045 — The odes, epodes, and satires of Horace; tr. into Eng. verse. 13515 — The Vita nouva of Dante; tr., with introd. and notes. 12816 — and Avtoun, W. E. Poetical works of Louis Napoleon. (Napoleon bal- lads, by Bon Gaultier.) 3216 Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese ; their education, philosophy, and letters. 20372 Martin, W. C. L. Cattle ; their breeds and management. 2929 — joint author. See Youatt, W. Martin Chuzzlewit, Life and adventures of; by C. Dickens. 1200 Martin Holdfast, The passion of ; by J. Skelton. {In his Ess. in romance.) 18752 Martin Pole ; by J. Saunders. 6704 Martin the foundling ; by E. Sue. 12872 Martin Ware's temptation ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13099 Martine, A. Droll dialogues and laughable recitations. 10534 Martineau, H. Autobiography; ed. byM. W. Chapman. 2 v. 1675G-7 — Bank notes and bullion. 2 pts. 2932 — Biographical sketches. 7657 Contents. A. Opie.— Prof. Wilson.— J. G. Lockhart.— M. R. Mitford. — C. Bronte.— S. Rogers.— J. W. Crocker.— Mrs. Marcet.- H. Hallam.— Mrs. Wordsworth. — T. De Quincey. — Lord Macaulay. — Mrs. Jameson. — W. S. Landor. — G. Combe. — Humboldt. — Bp. Blomtield. — Archbp. Whately. — Marquis of Londonderry.- Ld. Raglan.— The Napiers.— F. Beaufort.— J. Richardson.— Ld. Denmau.— Ld. Chancellor Campbell.— D. Roberts. — Miss Berry. — Father Mathew. — R. Owen. — Lady Byron. — Mar- Juis of Anglesey. — Hume. — Ld. Murray.— Ld. Herbert.— Marquis of .ansdowne.— Ld.' Lyndhurst.— Earl of Elgin and Kincardine.— Duke of Newcastle.— Earl of Carlisle.— Ld. Palmerston.— Ld. Brougham.— Last birthday of the Emp. Nicholas.— Metternich and Austria.— Duchess of Gloucester. — Frederick Wm. IV. of Prussia. — Duchess of Kent. — Same. 4th. ed., enl.; with autobiog. sk. 16744 Additional contents. Herschel.— Landseer. — Baron Cornwall. — Mrs. Somerville. — A communication. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 — The Crofton boys. ' 8067 — Deerbrook. ' 10783 — Devotional exercises ; reflect, and prayers; add.. Guide to the study of the Scriptures ; fr. 3d. Lond. ed. ' 2933 — Eastern life, present and past. 2934 — Feats on the Fiord. 29.58 — French wines and politics. (Illust. of polit. econ.) 2935 — Glen of the echoes; or, Dan Mahony and Dora Sullivan. (Illust. of polit. econ.) 2936 — The Hampdens ; an historiette. 19.524 — Hill and vallev ; or, Hands and machinerv. (Illust. of polit. econ.) 2937 — History of the Peace; Eng., 1816-1854; Introd., 1800-1815. 4 v. 5864-7 — The hour and the man. 3 v. 29aS-40 — Same. 2 v. 5471-2 — Household education. 2941 — Life in the sick-room ; essays ; introd. by E. L. Follen. 2d. Amer. ed. 5176 — Miscellanies. 2 v. 2942-3 Contents. V. 1. Philosophical essays.— Moral essays.— Parables. — Poetry. 2. Tales.— Reviews. — Society in America. 3 v. 2944-6 — Retrospect of western travel. 3 v. 2947-9 — The settlers at home. 10871 — Adams, W. H. D. {In his Women of fashion, v. 2.) 18868 A book with '•*!" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Librarv, and can be secured onlv bv asking an attendant for it. 52 ' ' 810 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Chapman, M. W. Memorials of H.Martineau. (Iii Martineau, H. Auto- biot^raphy, v. 2.) 16757 — Greyndon. 3248 Mary Lyudsay ; by Lady Ponsonby. 6651 MaryMarston; by G. MacDonald. 20114 Mary of Lorraine ; by J. Grant. 10761 Mary Powell, Maiden and married life of ; [by Mrs. A. Man- ning]. 3521 Mary Stuart; by J. C. F. von Schiller. {In his Works.) 3784 Mary Stuart; tragedy; by A. C. Swinburne. 21258 Mary Stuart; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. {In ^/s Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Maryland. Chesney, C. C. Military view of rec. campaigns in Virginia and M. *I — Neill, E. D. The founders of M. as portr. in manuscripts, provinc. re- cords, and early documents. *I — Noyes, G. F. The bivouac and the battle-field ; campaign sk. in Virginia and M. 6106 Mary's birthday; play; by G. H. Miles., {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 31.) 11825 Masaccio, T. di G. di S. G., called. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Masaniello ; opera ; by Auber. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) ♦! Mascot, The ; comic opera ; by E. Audran. *I Mas6, E. Art-needlework for decorative embroidery ; instr. and diagrams. Also, Hist, of embroidery ; ed. by L. P. Hale. (Tilton's needlework ser.) 18081 Masers de la Tude, H. Le despotisme d^voile, ou, M^moires. (Barriere. Bib. des. m^m., v. 28.) 14548 Maskell, W. Industrial arts ; historical sketches with illust. 16636 — Ivories, anc. and mediaeval; with woodcuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hdbks.) *I 812 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — See also So. Ken. Mus. Art handbooks. Masks and faces ; comedy ; by T. Taylor and C. Reade. {In Mod. stand., dr., v. ^30.) 11825 Masoch. See Sacher-Masoch. Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J. J. Primer of political economy. 14042 Mason, C. M. The forty shires ; their history, scenery, arts, and legends. lUust. 20741 — Geographical readers for elementary schools ; namely : The Brit. Empire, and the great divisions of the globe. 22108 Counties of England. - 21186 Elementary geography. 21186 Mason, E. B.' Mason, W. P. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Mason, G. Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Mason, G. C. Application of art to manufactures. Illust. 2957 Mason, J. ed. Great triumphs of great men ; [biographical sketches]. Illust. 14161 Mason, J. Ice- world adventures ; voyages and trav. in the Arctic regions ; to 1875. 15857 — See also Year-book of facts. Mason, J. Treatise on self-knowledge. 7688 Mason, Capt. J. Ellis, G. E. Life of M. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 13.) ' 4122 Mason, M. M. Mae Madden ; with introd. poem by Joaquin Miller. 15374 Mason, W. Coleridge, H. {In his Lives of no. worth., v. 2.) *I Mason, W. P. Biography of E. B. Mason. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Masonry. Dobson, E. Rudiments of masonry and stone cutting. 18437 Masque, The, of Pandora, and other poems; by H. W. Longfellow. 14115 Masque of poets; inclu. Guy Vernon, a novelette in verse. (No name &er.) 18246 Masque, The, of the Gods ; by B. Taylor. 10471 Masquerade ; by R. E. Mack. {Li Frelich's min. dram., v. 40.) 7991 Masquerade, The ; and other poems ; by J. G. Saxe. 6347 Mass. O'Brien, J. History of the Mass and its ceremonies in the eastern and western church. 19195 Mass in C ; by Beethoven. *I Massachusetts. Adjutant- General. — Aimual rept. ; with reports fr. the Quartermaster-General, Surgeon- General, and Master of Ordnance. 1863. 20794 Board of Education. — Annual report; 1877, 1881. 17752; 21550 Board of State Charities. — Annual report, 1865-76. (2d.-13th.) 15261-72 See also State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, below. — The public charities of Mass. dur. the cent, ending Jan. 1, 1876; rept. by [F. B.Sanborn]. 20435 — Special report on prisons and prison discipline ; by [F. B. Sanborn] . 20433 Bureau of Statistics of Labor. — Annual report, 1872-3. 11599 Commissioner concerning the Indians of the Commonwealth. — Report; by J. M. Earle. (Senate, no. 96.) 19358 Commissioners for a Sanitary Survey. — Report of a plan for the promotion of pub. and pers. health. 17651 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 813 Commissioners on Insanity and Idiocy, — Report, 1854. 5422 Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey oj the State. — Report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Mass. ; [by G. B. Emerson] . 5034 Commissioners to stiperintend the erection of a hospital at Worcester. — Reports, and other documents, 1832. 5421 Committee, Senate, to consider the expediency of abolishing the punishment of death. — Report, March 7th. 1837. 2528 Convention of 1820-21. — Journal of debates and proceedings. New ed. 5126 Master of Ordnance. — Report. See Adjutant-General. Quartermaster General. — Report. See Adjutant- General. State Board of Health. — Annual report. lst.-8th. 12845-52 State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity. — Annual report (4th.). 15278 See also Board of State Charities, above. — The minor wards of the State. (Extr. fr. 2d. rept.) 20440 Siirgeon- General. — Report. See Adjutant-General. General Court. Publications. — Manual for the use of the General Court, 1882 ; prepared bv S. N. Gif- ford and G. A. Marden. ' ' 21542 Botany. — Hitchcock, E. Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, etc., of Mass. 1928 — Emerson, G. B. Report on the trees and shrubs growing nat. in the forests of Mass. 2 v. *I — Mass. Comm. on the Zoolog. and Botan. survey of the State. Report on the trees and shrubs growing nat. in the forests of Mass. ; [by G. B. Emerson] . 5034 Same. 2d. ed. 2 v. See Emerson, G. B. Census. — The census of Mass., 1880; comp. by C. D. Wright. 22769 Constitution. — Martin, G. H. The const, government of Mass. {In his Text-book, etc.) 19846 Charities. — See Mass. Board of State Charities; — State Bd. of Health, etc. Ecclesiastical law. — Buck, E. Mass. ecclesiastical law. **I Education. — See Board of Education. Geology. — Hitchcock, E. Report on the geology, mineralogy, etc., of Mass. 1928 History. (Genei'al icorks.) — Austin, G. L. History of Mass. fr. the landing of the Pilgrims. 15611 — Barber, J. W. Historical coll., rel. to the hist, and antiq. of Mass. 304 — Barry, J. S. History of Mass. 3 v. 326-7 — Carpenter, W. H. History of Mass. (Lippincott's Cab. hist.) 230 — Holland, J. G. History of western Mass. ; [1002-1854] . 2 v. *I — Quincy, J. Figures of the past; fr. the leaves of old Journals. 22480 {Colony and Province.) — Bradford, A. History of Mass., 1764-75. — Dexter, H. M. As to Roger Williams, and his banishment from the 5476 Mass. Plantation ; with a few further words cone, the Baptists, Qua- kers, etc. *I 814 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hutchinson, T. Histoi-y of the Colony of Mass. Bay, v. 2. 1691-1750. 2120 Note. For complete work see Hutchinson, T. History of Mass., 1628- 1750, in Reference Dept. — Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Lectures bef . the Lowell Institute, on subj. rel. to the early hist, of Mass. 7869 — True, C. K. John Winthrop, and the great colony; or. Sketches of the settlement of Boston, etc. " 15430 — Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of the Colonv of Mass. Bay, 1623-36. ' 4911 (State.) — Billings, J. D. History of the 10th. Mass. Battery of Light Artillery in the war of the rebellion. ' *I — Boies, A. J. Record of the 33rd. Mass. Yo). Infantry, 1862-1865. *I — Campaign of the 45th. Regt. Mass. Vol. Militia. ' *I — Cook, B. F. Historj^ of the 12th. Mass. Volunteers. *I — Denny, J. W. Wearing the blue in the 25th. Mass. Vol. Inf., with Bum- side's coast div., 18th. Army corps, and Army of the James. *I — Gordon, G. H. History of the 2d. Mass. regiment of infantry. *I — Hanson, J. W. Historical sketch of the old 6th. Reg. Mass. Vol., 1S61-4. 6231 — Lincoln, W. S. Life Avith the 34th. Mass. Inf. in the war of the rebellion. 18824 — Minot, G. R. History of the insurrections in Mass. in 1786, and the re- bellion [Shays] consequent thereon. *I — Osborne, "V^. H. History of the 29th. regiment of Mass. Vol. Inf. in the war of the rebellion. *I — Rogers, E. H. Reminiscences of military service in the 43d. Regiment Mass. Infantry, 1862-63. ' *I — Schouler, W. History of Mass. in the civil war. 2 v. 7443; 9641 — Underwood, A. B. Three vears' service of the 33d. Mass. Inf. Reg., 1862-1865 ; campaigns and battles. 19978 — Walcott, C. F. History of the 21st. Regt. Mass. Vol., 1861-65, etc. 21850 — See also Friends, Society of. Hygiene. — Mass. Commissioners. Report of a plan for the promotion of pub. and pers. health. 17651 — See also Mass. State Bd. of Health, etc. Insane. — Mass. Commissioners on Insanity and Idiocy. Report, 1854. 5422 — Mass. Gomm. to superintend the erection of a hospital at Worcester. Reports, and other documents, 1832. 5421 — See also Mass. State Bd. of Health, Limacy, etc. Law. — Batchelder, S., Jr. Manual of the laws of Mass. in rel. to manuf . corpor- ations ; with summ. of the laws. 7735 — Bell, C. U. The general statutes of Mass. red', to questions and answers. 13265 — Buck, E. Massachusetts ecclesiastical law. 9335 — Rice, E. W. Settlement laws of Mass. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — Whitmore, W. H. The law of adoption of the U. S., and espec. of Mass. 16554 Mineralogy. — See Geology. Ornithology. — Maynard, C. J. Catalogue of the birds of eastern Mass. (In his Natu- ralist's guide.) 444 Trees. — Emerson, G. B. Report on the trees and shrubs growing nat. in the for- ests of Mass. 2 V. *I Zoology. — Hitchcock, E. Report on the geology, mineralogy, botanv, and zoology of Mass. ' 1928 Miscellaneous. — Winsor, J. Massachusetts ; [manual] . 22396 IMassachusetts Art Teachers' Assoc. See Antefix papers. IMassachusetts Historical Society. Lectures bef. the Lowell Institute. 7869 Contents. Winthrop, R.C. Massachusetts and its early hist.— Ellis, G. E. Aims and purposes of the founders of the Mass. Colony; Treatment of intruders and dissentients by the founders of Mass.— Haven, S. G. Histo- CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 815 ry of grants under the Great Council for New England. — Brigham, W. Colony of IsTew Plymouth and its rel. to Mass.— Washburn, E. Slavery as it once prevailed in Mass.— Upham, C. W. Records of Mass. under its first charter. — Holmes, O. W. The medical profession in Mass. — Eliot, S. Early relations with the Indians.— Robbins, C. The regicides sheltered in New Engliand.— Parker, J. The first charter and the early religious legislation of Mass.— Hale, E. E. Puritan politics of England' and New England.— Emerson, G. B. Education in Mass.: early legislation and hist. Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. Pub- lications ; namely : Scudder, S. H, The pine moth of Nantucket. 22901 Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals. Annual report, 1878. 17606 Massachusetts Temperance Society. Physiological effects of alcoholic drinks ; fr. the Brit, and For. Med. Rev. of Dr. Forbes ; with documents and records of the Society. 5037 Massachusetts State Prison. Haynes, G. Pictures fr. prison life ; hist, sketch of Mass. State Prison ; with narr., etc. 7639 Massaniello ; musical drama ; by G. Milner. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 25.) 11822 Masse, J. N. Pocket atlas of the descr. anatomy of the human body ; tr. and ed. by G. S. Pattison. 6336 Massena, A., due de Rivoli^ mare'chal de France. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826 — Massena. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Massenet, J. E. F. Hueffer, F. Massenet's "Roi de Lahore.'' (In his Mus. stud.) 19852 Masses. The Library has masses by Beethoven ; — Haydn ; — Mozart ; — Verdi. Massett, S. C. ''Drifting about" ; or. What "Jeems Pipes of Pipesville" saw and did ; autobiog. 1633 Massey, G. Poems, (/n Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Russell, W. (In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 — GilfiUan, G. (In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 Massillon, J. B. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Monday chats.) 17345 (In his Caus. lund., v. 9.) *I Massinger, P. New way to pay old debts. {In his Plays, v. 3.) 5130 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 5.) 11807 — Plays : adapt, for family reading, etc. 3 v. 5128-30 Contents. V. 1. Life of M.— The virgin-martyr.— The great Duke of Florence.— The bondman.— The maid of honour. 2. The Duke of Milan.— The city madam.— The unnatural combat.— The picture.— Selec- tions from the Roman actor. 3. A new way to pay old debts.— The fatal dowry.— The Emperor of the East. — A very woman. — The bashful lover. — Stephen, L. (In his Hours in a library, ser. 3.) 18645 Masson, C. F. P. M^moires secrets sur la Russie pend. les r^gnes de Catherine II. et de Paul I. ; notes par F. Bar- ri^re. (Barri^re. Bib. des mem., v. 22.) 14542 Masson, D. British novelists and their styles ; crit. sketch of the hist, of British prose fiction. *I — Chatterton ; a story of the year 1770. 13409 — De Quincey. (Eng. men of letters.) 21242 — Drummond of Hawthornden ; story of his life and writings. 12267 — Life of J. Milton, in conn, with the polit., eccl., and lit. hist, of his time. . 6v. 6846-8; 17587-9 — Life of Milton ; with an estimate of his genius and character, bv Lord Macaulay. ' 2800 — The three devils ; Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's ; with other essays. 13516 816 FliEE PUBLIC LIBBARY. Contents. The three devils : Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's.— Dryden and the literature of the restoration. — Shakespeare and Goethe. — Milton's youth. — Dean Swift. — How literature may illustrate history. — 'Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats, and other essays. 13877 Contents. Wordsworth.— Scottish influence in British literature.— The life and poetry of Shelley.— The life and poetry of Keats.— Theories of poetry.— Prose and verse.— De Quincey. Masson, G. Episodes of French history ; ed. from Guizot's History of France, with notes and tables ; 7iamely : Charlemagne and the Carlovingians. 20742 Francis I. and the 16th. century. 2 v. 20744-5 Henrv IV. and the end of the wars of religion. 20947 St. Louis and the 13th. century. 20743 — France. (Early chroniclers of' Europe.) 19495 — The Huguenots ; hist, from the beginning of the Keformation to the death of Louis XIY. 21732 — La lyre fran(;aise. 9323 — Outlines of the history of France to the outbreak of the revolution ; abgd. from Guizot's Pop. hist, of France; with index, tables, portr., etc. 19776 Master builder, The ; by D. K. Lee. 2592 Master Car-builders' Association. The car-builder's diction- ary ; comp. by M. J. Forney, etc. Illust. 20434 Master Go-ahead ; par C. Debans. (In Ms Drames k toute vapeur.) 14653 Master Humphrey's clock : by C. Dickens. {In his Works.) 7759 Master Judd's daughter : by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. (In her Sus- sex stories, v. 2.) 20547 Master and scholar, etc. [poems] ; by E. H. Plumptre. 8619 Master and slave ; by L. Aikin. (In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Master John Bull ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. 11464 Master of Greylands ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 12046 Master Vorhagen's wife ; by R. Lowell. (In his Story or two.) 18012 Master Zacharius ; by J. Verne. {Bi his Doctor Ox, etc.) 12875 Masterman Ready ; by Capt. Marryat. 2908 Masters, H. Appliances for ventilating houses and excluding sewer gas. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 4.) *I Masury, J. W. House-painting, carriage-painting, and grain- ing ; what to do ; and how to do it. 20775 — How shall we paint our houses ? pop. treat, on house-painting. 7449 Match in the dark; by C. Dance. (In French's min. dram., V. 28.) 7985. Match, A, in the dark ; by G. Rose. 21487 Mat^aux, C. L. Around and about old England. 6th. ed. Illust. 21243 — Peeps abroad for folks at home. 7th. ed. 19499 Mateiialism. Biichner, L. (In his Aus Natur und Wissen- schaft.) 10250 — Fiske, J. A crumb for the "Modern Svmposium." (In his Darwin- ism, etc.) ' 18991 — Guizot, F. P. G. (In his Meditations.) 6964 — Lange, F. A. Historv of M., and crit. of its present importance; tr. by E.C.Thomas. 3V. 17072-4 — Manning, H. E. Philosophy without assumptions. (In his Misc.) 17190 — Martineau, J. Modern M. ; its attitude towards theology. 16551 Religion as affected by materialism. 13463 — Picton, J. A. The mvsterv of matter and other essavs. 12067 — Tyndall, J. Address before the Brit. Assoc, at Belfast ; rev., with add. 13102 Same ; with 2d. pref . replying to his critics, and article on "Scientific M." 1344 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. . 817 Scientific materialism^ {In his Frag, of sci., v. 2.) 19304: — See also Matter. Materials. See Strength of materials. Mathematical instruments. Heather, J. F. Mathematical in- struments. 10141 Mathematical psychics. Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical psychics ; essay on the appl. of mathematics to the moral sciences. ' 21821 Mathematics. Davies, C. Nature and utility of M., with the best methods of instr. expL, and illust. 18792 Practical M. ; with drawino: and mensuration, appl. to the mechanic arts. 19067 — De Morgan, A. Study and diflBculties of M. (In Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 — Gregory, O. Mathematics for practical men ; common-place book of pure and mixed M. 1656 — Kentish, T. Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide-rule. 2460 — Rankine, W. J. M. L^seful rules and tables rel. to mensuration, engineer- ing, etc. 8661 — Sergeant, L. Elementary M., embr. arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. 12628 — Sylvester, J. J. Inaugural presidential address, 1869. 21995 Bound with his Laws of verse. — Young, J. E. Simple arithmetic, algebra, arid the elements of Euclid. {In Orr, W. S. Circle of the sci. : Math, sci.) 5191 — See also Algebra ;— Arithmetic ; — Geometry ; — Probabilities ; — Quater- nions ; — Triggnometry. Also Mathematical psvchics. Mather, C. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of M. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 6.) 4115 Mather, R. Journal. (In Young, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Matheson, G. Growth of the spirit of Christianity to the dawn of the Lutheran era. 2 v. 18333-4 — Religion of China; Confucianism. (7w Caird, J. Orient, religions.) 21880 — Same. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Matheson, J. England to Delhi ; narr. of Indian travel. 8972 Mathew, T., Father Mathew. Dix;, J. R. Portraits in Paddy- Land. {In 7iis Pen and ink sk.) *I — Maguire, J. F. Father Mathew. 10694 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Mathews, C. Plays. See French's minor drama. — Lewes, G. H. (In his Actors and acting.) 14097 — Timbs, J. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Mathews, C. J. Life; chief, autobiog. ; select, from his cor- respondence, etc. ; ed. by C. Dickens. 18999 Mathews, C. Poems on man, in his various aspects under the American republic. 2961 Mathews, G. D. The coinages of the world ; anc. and mod. Illust. *I Mathews, J. H. Fred. Bradford's debt. 22279 .Mathews, J. A. Bessie Harrington's venture. 17398 — Jack Granger's cousin. 17110 — Lilies or Thistledown. 15566 Mathews, M. H. Dr. Gilbert's daughters ; story for girls. Illust. 21037 Mathews, W. Essay on life and writings of Sainte-Beuve. {In Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Monday-chats.) 17345 — Getting on in the world ; or. Hints on success in life. 17556 — The great conversers, and other essays. 12760 Contents. The great conversers.— Literary clubs.— Epigrams.— Popular fallacies.— Faces.— Compulsory morality.— The power of trifles.— A peep into literary work-shops.— French traits. —Pleasantry in literature.— Our 818 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. dual lives.— Merry saints.— One book.— Pulpit oratory.— Originality in literature.— Is liteVature ill-paid?— Curiosities of criticism.— Timidity in public speaking.— Noses.— Battle of Waterloo. — Literary style, and other essays. 2063^ Contents. Literary style. — The Duty of praise. — Periodical literature. — "The blues" and their remedy. — The modesty of genius.— Sensitiveness to criticism.— The ideal and the real. — Fat vs. lean. — Memory and its marvels. —Fools. — Angling. — Intellectual playfulness. — Plea for the erring. —Secret of longevity.— The season of travel.— Hot-house education. — Originality.— Art of ' listening.— Who are gentlemen ?— Office-seeking.— Americanisms. — Index. — Oratory and orators. 18165 — Words^; their use and abuse. 19354 Mathews, W. S. B. How to understand music ; course in mus. intelligence and taste; add. Pron. diet., encyclopedia of terms, etc. (Object lessons and essays.) 2183^ Mathews. See also Matthews. Mathias I'humoriste ; par L. Reybaud. 9545 Mathilde, Princess. Sainte-Beuve. C. A. (In his Cans, lund., V. 11.) *I Matilda, Grand Countess of Tuscany. Dall, C. H. {In her Hist, pictures.) 1080 Matinee d'une ^toile, La ; sayn^ite ; par E. Legouv^. (Thea- tre de camp., ser. 7.) 14691 Matins and vespers ; by J. Bo wring. *I Matrimonial brokerage in the metropolis ; strange adventures in New York, etc. 2962 Matrimony ; by W. PI Norris. . 20486 Matrimony ; by J. Kenney. {In French's min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 Matteo Falcone ; by W. H. Oxberry. (7w French's min. dram., V. 24.) 7983 Matter. Brodie, B. Mind and matter. 11604 — Blichner, L. Kraft und Stolf ; empirisch-natur philosophische Studien. 10268 Same ; Force and matter. 10841 — Papillon, F. Nature and life ; facts and doctr. rel. to the constitution of matter, etc. 13971 — Mitchell, W. Properties of matter. (7w Orr, "S^. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5192 — Parker, T. Lessons fr. the world of matter and the world of man. 635^ — Tice, J. H. Relations between matter and force. {In Estes, D. Hf .-hr. ^ rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Tyndall, J. (Matter and force. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 2.) 19304 — See also Materialism. Matter-of-fact girl ; by T. Gift. 20471 Matterhorn. Whymper, E. The ascent of the Matterhorn. *I Same. {In Little class., v. 17.) 20166 Matteucci, C. Life and scientific labors of S. Mariamni ; Electrical currents of the earth. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John ; by H. E. Scudder. (In his Stories and romances.) 19896 Matthew Caraby ; by Benauly [B., A., and L. Abbott]. 2960 Matthew Wald, History of; by [J. G. Lockhart]. 5514 Matthews, J. B. Comedies for amateur acting ; with note on private theatricals. ^ 19355 Contents. Magnus, J. A trumped suit.— Magnus, J., and Bunner, H. C. A bad case.— Bunner, H. C. Courtship with variations.— Oakes, A. H. A teacher taught.— TPenn, A. Hereditv.— Matthews, J. B. Frank Wylde. — French dramatists .of the 19th. century. 21038 — Poems of American patriotism ; chosen by M. 22278 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 819 — The theatres of Paris. Illust, 19605 Matthews, R. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 3.) 13719 Matthews, W. Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians. {U. S. Geol. and Geog. Siw. Miscel. Pub.) 17751 Matthews. See also Mathews. Matt's follies, and other stories ; by M. N. Prescott. 1202& Maturiu, C. R. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Talfourd, T. N. (7w Ms Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Maucroix, F. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, kind., V. 10.) *I Maud Elbert's love match ; by C. Nordhoff. (In his Cape Cod.) 7532 Maud Mohan ; by A. Thomas. 1062a Maud or Nina ; by J. G. W. Melville. 13969 Maude ; or, The Anglican Sister of Mercy ; by E. J. Whately. 8847 Maudsley, H. The pathology of mind ; 3d. ed. of the 2d. pt. of the •' Physiology and pathology of mind," recast, enl., etc. 19122 — Physiology and pathology of the mind. 7656 — The physiology of mind f 1st. pt. of a 3d. ed., rev., enl., etc., of the Physi- ology and pathology of the mind. ' 17192^ — Responsibility in mental disease. (Int. sci. ser.) 12502 — Sex in mind and in education. 20066 Maunder, S' The treasury of history; hist, of the world. Add., History of the U. S. to 1848. 2 v. 2965-6 Maundevile. See Mandeville. Maundrell, H. Journey fr. Aleppo to Jerusalem ; with acct. of jour, to the Euphrates at Beer and to Mesopotamia. 2967 Maupassant, Guy de. Une repetition ; com^die. (In Say- ' n^tes, e^c, s^r. 6.) 14796 Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. hmd., V. 14.) *I Mauprat ; drame ; par George Sand. (In her Thedtre compl., ser. 3.) 14512 — Mauprat ; tr. by V. Vaughan. 8185 Maurice, C. E. Stephen Langton. (Eng. pop. leaders.) 13628 — Mozlev, J. B. Maurice's Theological essays. (In his Essays, hist, and theol., V. 2.) ' 18306 Maurice, Jacques, pseud. See Morris, J. W. Maurice, J. F. D. The friendship of books, and other lect. 12252 Contents. Friendship of books.— Words.— Books.— Use and abuse of newspapers.— Christian civilization.— Ancient hist.— Eng. Hist. — Spenser's "Faerie Queene."— Milton.— Milton eonsid. as a schoolmaster. — Edmund Burke.— Acquisition and illumination.— Critics. — The gospel of the kingdom of Heaven ; lect. on the gospel of St. Luke. 10801 • — The Lord's prayer; sermons. 10555 — Moral and metaphysical philosophy : Ancient philosophy. 2968 Mediaeval philosophy. 2970 Modern philosophy.' 2971 -" 3hi - ' ■ Philosophy of 1st. six centuries. — Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. 2972 — Eeligions of the world, and their rel. to Christianity. 4th. ed. (Boyle lect.) • 15415 — Sermons preached in country churches. 12268 — Unity of the New Testament; synopsis of the 1st. three gospels, epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, St. Paul ; added, Commentary on Hebrews. 18235 — The workman and the franchise ; chap, from Eng. hist, on the represent. and educ. of the people. 7054 — Kingsley, C. {In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) • 21362 ^20 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Maurice, comte de Saxe, marechal-general. See Saxe, H. M. Maurice ; historiette ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, v. 2.) *I Maurice Dering ; by [G. A. Lawrence]. 5761 Maurice Tiernay ; by C. J. Lever. 5259 Mauris, M., Marchese di Calenzano. French men of letters. (Appleton's new hand. -vol. ser.) 19854 Contents. Victor Hugo.— Alfred de Musset.— Theophile Gautier.— Henri Murger.—Sainte-Beuve.— Gerard de Nerval.— Alexandre Dumas, fifs.- Emile Augier.— OctaveJFeuillet.- Victorien Sardou.— Alphonse Dau- det.— Emile Zola. Mauritius. Pike, N. {In his Sub-tropical rambles.) 12048 Maury, J. S. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 4.) *I Mauvais oeil, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 6.) *I Mauvais sujet, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s(^r. 1, v. 1.) *I Mauvaise ^toile, Une ; sayn^te ; par J. Guillemot. (In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 Maverick, A. H. J. Raymond and the N. Y. press, for thirty years ; prog, of Amer. journalism, 1840-70 ; portr., illust., and app. 8447 Max and his companions. (Bi Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 7. 14307 Max Frere ; by Miss Pinchard. 8486 Max Keesler's horse-car ; by E. E. Hale. (In his Crusoe in N. Y.) 19799 Maximes du Due de la Rochefoucauld, pr^c^d. d'une not. sur sa vie, par Suard ; Pensees diverses de Montesquieu ; Oeuvres choisies de Vauvenargues. 9533 Maximilian, F. M. J., Emp. of Mexico. On the wing; tr. by A. M. Lushington. [Greece, Smyrna, etc.'] *I — Recollections of my life; trav. in Italy, Spain, Algiers, Portugal, etc. 3 v. 13528-30 — Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maximilian. 13556 — Hall, F. Life of M. ; with sketch of Carlota. 7117 — K^ratry, E. Rise and fall of M. ; narrative of the Mexican empire ; with imper. correspondence. *I — Salm-Salm, F. My diary in Mexico, 1867 ; iual. the last days of M. 2 v. *I Maximianiis. Elegiae. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 Maxims. See Aphorisms. Maximus, V. De dictis factisque memorabilibus et J. Obsequens de prodigiis ; cum suppl. C. Lycosthenis rec. C. B. Hase ; add. sunt fragmenta J. Lydi, Astrampsychi, Nicephori, et Zoroostris. o v. 8347-9 Maximus Tyrius. Maxime de Tyr. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.j 14490 Maxton, J. . Engineering drawing. 9854 Maxwell, C. Story of three sisters. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 15881 Maxwell, J. C. Elementary treatise on electricity ; ed. by W. Garnett. 21339 — Later views of the connect, of electricity and magnetism; Action at a distance. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept^., 1873.) 14104 — Treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2 v. *I — Campbell, L., and Garnett, VV. Life of Maxwell; with correspondence, writings, etc. 22648 Maxwell, J. See Gordon, J., Duchess of. Maxwell, J. S. The czar,. his court and people; incl. a tour in Norway and Sweden. 2974 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 821 Maxwell, P. The white woman of Tarras. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 6.) 8046 Maxwell, W. H. Life of the Duke of Wellington ; from the materials of M. ; with acet. of his funeral. Illust. 4712 — Sports and adventures in the highlands and islands of Scotland. 2978 Maxwell-Lyte. See Lyte, H. C. M. Maxwell ; by T. Hook. 15662 Maxwell Drewitt ; by F. G. Trafford [Mrs. J. H. Riddell]. 8415 May, A. W. Paper. {In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12258 May, C. The American female poets ; with biog. and crit. notices. 2980 May, E. J. Louis' school days. 2981 — Mortimer's college life. 2982 May, S. J. Extract from a speech at Anti-Texan meeting, 1845. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 — Some recollections of our anti-slavery conflict. TSfl — Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 — Mumford, T. J. Memoir of May. 11390 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. May, T. E. Constitutional hist, of Eng. 2 v. 342-3 — Democracy in Europe ; a history. 2 v. 17532-3 May; by Mrs. Oliphant. 11683 May Coverley, the young dressmaker. 2953 May-day; and other pieces; by R. W. Emerson. 6718 Mayflower, The ; sk. of scenes and characters ; by H. B. Stowe. 4272 — Same ; and miscel. writings ; by H. B. Stowe. 10713 May Martin ; by D. P. Thompson. 4444 — Same ; and other tales of the Green mountains. 13179 Mayas. Salisbury,. S., J?\ The Mayas; sources of their history. *I Mayer, A. M. The earth a great magnet. {In Hf.-hr. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 — Sound. (Experimental sci. ser.) 18042 — and Barnard, C. Light; ser. of experiments. (Exper. sci. ser.) ' 17191 Mayer, B. Mexico; Aztec, Spanish, and republican; with view of the anc. Aztec empire and civilization ; hist. sk. of the late war ; and not. of New Mexico and California. 2 V. 2984-5 Mayer, J. Striking a light. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 Mayer. J. R. Tyndall, J. The Copley medalist of 1871. {In Ms Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Msiyhevf, A., joint author. See M&yhew, H. Mayhew, E. Plays. See French's minor drama. — and Smith, G. Make your wills. {In French's min. dram., v. 16.) 11844 Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. . 7348 — Illustrated horse management. 7349 Mayhew, H. Wandering minstrel. {In French's min. dram., V. 26.) 7984 Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther. 5507 — London labour and the London poor. 3 v. 2987-9 — The story of the peasant-boy philosopher ; or, "A child gathering pebbles on the sea-shore." Illust. 20813 — and Binney, J. Criminal prisons of London, and scenes of prison life. Illust. 6528 — and others. London characters ; illust. of the humour, pathos, and peculiarities of Lond. life. Illust. 13286 ^22 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. or, The wonderful {In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit preserv. bh'ds of By still waters. night.— A ghost storv.— A " " * The JVlayhew, H. and A. Magic of kindness story of the good Huau. JVlayhew, J. Discourse, 1750. of the Amer. rev.) ^Jayuard, C. J. Naturalist's guide in collect, and objects of nat. hist. ; with catalogue of the eastern Mass. Illust. JVlayne, L. D.,pse?^(i. What shall we do to-night? or, Social amusements for evening parties. Mayo, A. D. Three lectures : Religion in the common school. (/n Lib. of educ, v. 6.) — True grounds of Chr. union. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) Mayo, Earl of. Sport in Abyssinia ; or. The Mareb and Tacazzee. jMayo, Earl of. See Bourke, R. S. Mayo, E. Lessons on objects, to children bet. the ages of six and eight. 24th. ed. Mayo, I. F. (pseud. E. and R. Garrett) — A chance child. (In Little class., v. 11. J — Same. {In her Seen and heard.) — Same. {In her Dead sin.) — Crooked places. — The crust and the cake. — The dead sin, and other stories. Contents. The dead sin.— One New Year' real lady.— A bad speculation.— The old mirror.— A chance child, salt of the earth. — Doing and dreaming. — Family fortunes. -- Gold and dross. — The house by the Works. — The magic flower-pot, and other stories. — Occupations of a retired life. — Premiums paid to experience. Contents. A well without water. — Wheat and tares. — The wisdom of fools.— The gain of a loss.— A sin of omissicjn. — A good situation. — An Israelite indeed. — The crackling of thorns. — The quiet Miss Godolphin, and A chance child. — Seen and heard. Contents. A bad speculation.— A chance child.— The old mirror.— The salt of the earth. Mayo, S. C. E. The poetry of woman. — Selections fr. the writings of M. ; with a mem. of her husband. Mayo, W. S. The berber ; or, The mountaineer of the Atlas. — Kaloolah; or, Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri; autohiog. of J. Romer. — Never again. — Romance dust fr. the historic placer. Mayor, J. B. A sketch of anc. philosophy fr. Thales to Cicero. Mayor of Galway. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) Mays, T. J. Consumption and how to prevent it. Mazade, C. de. Life of Count Cavour. Mazarin, J., Cardinal. James, G. P. R. {In his Lives, etc.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) Mazeppa ; drama; by H. M. Milner. {Bi Mod. stand, dr., V. 23.) Mazzini, J. Joseph I\Iazzini ; his life, writings, and polit. princ. ; introd. by W. L. Garrison. — Life and writings. 6 v. Contents. V. 1, 3, 5. Autobiographical and political. 3, 4, 6. Critical and literary. 2986 *I 444 7305 8868 5339 15858 15939 12948 12982 11160 11481 12038 11511 11481 13915 21368 12228 18257 18007 7537 11077 9602 11160 3499 2990 11482 2991 11259 2992 20900 7224 19356 17193 6764 *I 11821 10589 *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 823 Meacham, A. Meacham, J. Mead, C. M. {In Boston lect., 1870.) {In Estes, D. Hf.- {In Biog. and Mazzuoli or Mazzola, G. F. M. {called il Parmigiano) . Jame- son, A. {In her Aiena.) B. Wi-ue-ma (the woman chief), and her people. Evans, F. W. {In his Shakers.) Primeval revelation. {In Boston lect., 1871.) — The soul here and hereafter. — Uncertainties of natural and religious science. Mead, E. D. The philosophy of Carlyle. Meade, H. Hot springs in New Zealand. hr. rec, ser. 1.) Meade, L. T. David's little lad. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) Meade, R. Coal and iron industries of the United Kingdom ; with maps of coal-fields. Meadow Brook ; by M. J. Holmes. Meadows, K. Heads of the people ; or, Portr. of the English ; with ess. by disting. writers. Meadows, T. T. Meadows's Chinese empire. crit.) Means, C. A. Living thoughts ; selections. Means and ends; by [C. M. Sedgwick]. Mears, D. O. Life of E. N. Kirk. Mears, J. W. The Bible in the workshop. Measles. Hamilton, A. McL. Small-pox and other contag. diseases. {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) Measure for measure. See Shakespeare, W. Measures. See Weights and measures. Measurement. See Instruments. Mecca. Burton, R. F. Personal narr. of a pilgrimage to El- Medinah and M. Pilgrimage to M. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) Mechanic, The; by F. H. Whipple. Mechanical drawing. See Drawing. Mechanics. Biography. — Foucaud, E. Book of illustrious mechanics of Europe and America. — Howe, H. Memoirs of Amer. mechanics; also, Lives of European mechanics, with anecdotes, etc. Dictionaries. — Knight, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. 3 v. General works. — Alexander, J. W. The American mechanic. — Allen, Z. Science of mechanics. — Ball, R. S. Elementary lessons on appl. mechanics. Experimental mechanics. Mechanics. — Benjamin, P. Wrinkles and recipes. — Brown, H. T. Five hundred and seven mechanical movements. — Burn, R. S. Mechanics and mechanism. — Byrne, O. Essential elements of pract. mechanics. Handbook for the artisan, mechanic, etc. Mechanics. — Carpenter, W. B. Mechanical philosophy, etc. — Dana, E. S. Text book of elementary mechanics. — Davidson, E. A. The boy joiner and model maker. — Ewbank, T. Observations on subjects connect, with the mechanic arts. {In his Descr. acct., etc.) — Ferguson, J. {In his Lect.) — Goodeve, S. M. Elements of mechanism ; for students of appl. mechanics. — Has well, C. H. Engineer's and mechanic's pocket book. 22d. ed. Same. 4rlst. ed. 2324 16605 1644 12134 18680 8641 20712 13114 17557 21712 5608 2993 7911 8367 3878 1 7280 2994 19452 640 4a56 4738 2183 2012 16752-4 133 160 12600 9750 19418 15360 7447 620 11041 6517 658 715 21860 13262 1432 5038-9 9775 7191 21917 824 * FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Imray, J. Tractical mechanics. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5192 — Katef , H. and Lardner, D. Treatise on mechanics. 2423 — Kentish, T. Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide-rule. 2460 — Knapen, D. M. Mechanic's assistant. 2497 — Lardner, D. Mechanics. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 — Lukin, J. The youn^ mechanic. 9219 — Magnus, P. Lessons m element, mechanics ; with emend, and introd. by DeV. Wood. 16549 — Mechanics. {In Wonders of Science and art.) 4330 — Millar, W. J. Principles of mechanics. 13630 — Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of M., and experimental data; rev. tr., red. to Eng. units of measure; by J. Bennett. 15388' — Nicholson, J. Operative mechanic, and British machinist. 2 v. 3251-2 — Nystrom, J. W. New treat, on elements of M., estab. strict precis, in the meaning of dynamical terms. 13443 — Pilkington, J. Artist's and mechanic's repository, and working man's informant. " 3470 — Eankine, W. J. M. Applied mechanics. 3596 Useful rules and tables rel. to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines. 8661 and Bamber, E. A mechanical text-book. 12270 — Richards, J., Economy of workshop manipulation; log. method of learning cbnstr. mechanics. 15862 — Rose, J. The complete pract. machinist; embr. lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, etc., making and use of tools, etc. 16085 The pattern maker's assistant; embr. lathe work, etc., pract. gear constr., preparation and use of tools; with tables. 21546 — Rossiter, W. Elementary hand book of appl. mechanics. 12625 Elementary hand book of theoret. mechanics. 12624 — Smith, A. W. Elem+^ntary treatise on mechanics. 16001 — Templeton, W. The operative mechanic's workshop companion, and scientific gentleman's pract. assistant ; useful rules. 14248 — Todhunter, 1. Mechanics for beginners. 6946 — - .Vame; 3d. ed. 14280 — Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechanics of engineering, and constr. of machines, v. 1, 2. 9060-2 — Wood, De Y. Elements of analytical mechanics. 16132 — The young mechanic. ' 9219 — See also Drawing ;— Gear wheels :— Machinery ;— Strength of materials ;— Wheels. Mechanic's bride; by W. G. Cambridge. 672 Mechanic's friend, The ; by W. E. A. Axon. 14026 Mechanism in thought and morals ; by 01 W. Holmes. 9743 Mechanism of vital actions ; by O. W. Holmes. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 1879*0 Mechi, J. J. How to farm profitably. lUust. New ed. 6254 — Irrigation with liquid manure. {In Stoeckhardt, J. A. Chem. field lect.) 4253 Meckel, P. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) 16356 Medals. See Numismatics. Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall Street. 8462 M^decin de dames ; com^die vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 14.) *I M^decin malgr6 lui, Le ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 4.) 14607 Medecine sans rn^decin. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas com- iques, v. 4.) *I Medhurst, W. H. The foreigner in far Carthay ; [China]. 11415 Media. Rawlinson, G. {In his Five great monarchies, v. 3.) 8910 Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles. Not ab uno e socie- tateJesu. 16136 Medical jurisprudence. Chitty, J. Pract. treat, on med. juris- prudence. 828 Medical psychology. Evans, W F. Mental medicine ; treat. on med. psychology. 12013 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 825 Medici, Catharine de'. See Catharine de' Medici. Medici, Lorenzo de'. Roscoe, W. Life of L. de' Medici. 3714 — Svmonds, J. A. Lorenzo de' Medici and Poliziano. {In his Renaissance, ^ V.4.) 17321 Medici, M. de. See Marie de Medicis. Medici family. Dumas, A. Les Medicis. . 9505 — Pennington, T. Memoirs of the House of M. {In his Journey, v. 1.) 6052 Medicine.. Beale, L. S. Bioplasm : introd. to the study of physiology and M. 11148 — Bigelow, J. Miscellaneous writings on med. subjects. {In his Nature in disease.) 401 — Clarke, E. H., and others. A cent, of Amer. medicine, 1776-1876. 16710 — Cobbe, F. P. Sacrificial medicine. {In her Peak in Darien.) 21882 — Evans, T. W. Instruments and apparatus of medicine, etc. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Kept., v. 5.) 9100 — Gamgee, A. Science and M. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Graham, T. J. Modern domestic M. : symptoms, causes, etc., of dis- eases ; domestic materia medica, prescriptions, etc. ; with app. on the cold water system. *I — Haughton, S. Address oh the rel. of food to work, and its bearing on med. pract. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1870.) 11626 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. On thought in M. {In his Pop. lect., etc., ser. 2.) 20368 — Holmes, O. W. Currents and counter currents in med. science. 1963 — Symonds, J. A. Social and polit. aspects of medicine. {In his Misc.) 22835 — Timbs, J. Doctors and patients ; anecdotes of the med. world, and curi- osities of M. 2 V. 11514-15 — Warren, I., and Small, A. E. The household physician. 9068 — See also Middle Ages. Medical economy dur. the Middle ages ; by G. F. Fort. 22858 Medina, L. H. Plays See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Medina-Pomar, Count de. The honeymoon ; remembrance of a bridal tour thr. Scotland. 2 v. 12932-3 Medinah. Burton, R. F. Personal narr. of a pilgrimage to El- Medinah, etc. 640 — Keane, J. F. My journey to M.; pilgrimage to M. disguised as a Mo- hammedan. * ' 21979 Meding, O. {pseud. G. Samarow). Am. Szepter und Kronen. 4 V. 10334-7 — Europaische Minen, und Gegenminen. Folge von "Am. Sezpter und Kronen." 4 v. 10338-41 — Die Kcimerfahrt der Epigonen. 3 v. 10364-6 — Der Todesgruss der Legionen. 3 v. 10396-8 Meditations. Thoughts to help and to cheer. 4459 jNIeditations Chr^tieunes ; par N. de Malebranche. (Tn his Oeuvres, v. 2.) *I Meditations on death and eternity ; by J. H. D. Zschokke ; tr. by F. Rowan. 4929 Meditations on life and its relig. duties ; by J. H. D. Zschokke. 5199 ^lediterranean Sea. Bennett, J. H. 'Winter and spring on the shores of the M. 129 — Colton, W. Ship and shore in Maderia, Lisbon, and the M. 905 — Willis, N. P. Summer cruise in the Mediterranean. 4818 — Wise, H. A. Scampavlas fr. Gibel Tarek to Stamboul. 4837 Mediterranean islands. The ; sketches, and stories, etc. ; by N. G. Sleeper. 6503 Medley, G. W. England under free trade., 1881. (Cobden Club.) 21276 Meehan, C. P. Rise and fall of the Irish Franciscan monasteries and mem. of the Irish Hierarchy in the 17th. cent. ; app., original documents. 5th. ed. 22229 53 826 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Meehan, T. American handbook of ornamental trees. 6434 — Wayside flowers ; chromo-lithographs. *I Meer, J. Vander, of Delft. Gower, R. {In his Figure painters of Holland.) ' 19535 — Wedmore, F. De Hooch and Van der Meer and Nicholas Maes. (In his Mast, of genre painting.) 19479 Mefistofele ; opera ; by A. Boito. *I Megasthenes. Fragments (In Hodges, E R. Cory's g.nc. frag.) 16535 Meg's diversion ; drama ; by H. T. Craven. (In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 43.) 11831 Meg's mistake ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. (Bi her Sussex stor., v. 1.) 20546 Mahalah ; a story of the salt marshes. 2 v. 21748-9 Mehetabel Rogers's cranberry swamp ; by C. Nordhoff. (In his Cape Cod.) 7532 M^hul, H. E. Ferris, G. T. M^hul, Spontini, and Hal^vy. (In his Gt. Ital. and Fr. comp.) 18707 Meigs, J. F. Observations upon the sanitary care and treat. of children and their diseases. (In Baltimore. Thos. Wil- son Sanitarium. Sanitary care, etc.) 20495 Meikle, A. Window gardening for town and country. 10895 Meilhac, H. La force des femmes ; com^die. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14498 — Paturel; com6die. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 — Matthews, J. B. {In his Frencli dramatists, etc.) 21038 Meilhan. See Senac de Meilhan. Mienhold, J. W. Sidonia the sorceress. 5245 Meissner, A. Der Miiller vom Hoft. [Deutscher Novellen- schatz.] 16152 Meissonier, J. L. E. Mollett, J. W. Meissonier. (Illust. biog. of Gt. art.) ^ 21389 Meister Karl's sketch book ; by C. G. Leland. 2605 — Same ; 2d. ed. 6452 Meisterschaft system. See France. Language ; — Germany. Language. Melancholy. Burton, R. Anatomy of melancholy. 3 v. 642-4 Melancholy anatomized ; with anecdotic illust. princ. found, on Burton's Anatomy of melancholy. 2d. ed. 7211 Melancthon, P. Ledderhose, C. F. Life of Melancthon. 2591 Melanesia. Wallace, A. R. (In his Australasia.) 20819 Melbourne, W., Viscount. See Lamb, W. Melbourne House ; by Miss Wetherell [S. Warner]. 5771 Melcombe Regis, Baron of. See Dodington, G. B. Meldola, R. Translation, notes, etc. (In Weismann, A. Stud. in the theory of descent.) 19925 Meleager. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 5.) *I Melechsala ; by Musaeus. (7?i Carlyle, T. Tales by M., e^c, V. 1.) 13121 M^licerte ; pastorale h^roique ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 4.) 14607 — Same; Eng. {In his Dram, works, v. 2.) 16844 M^lidona ; par E. Schur^. 14652 Melincourt ; by T. L. Peacock. (In his Works, v. 1.) 13879 Melinda, the caboceer ; or. Sport in Ashanti ; by J. A. Sketchly. 14343 CAXALOGUE OF BOOKS. 827 Meline, J. F. Mary, Queen of Scots. 9735 — Two thousand miles on horseback ; Santa Fe and back ; tour thr. Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, etc. 7195 Meline, M. M. Charteris. 13003 Melito. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers, etc.) 18997 Melito, comte de. See Miot, A. F. Mellichampe ; by W. G. Simms. 15807 Mellin, G. H. Samlade Svenska historiska noveller. 3 v. 15034-6 Innehall. Y. 1. Naema eller den forste Jorsalafararen. — Jedvar Jor- salafar. — Sigrid den faorra.— Ett besok hos lagman Eskil.— Lagman Algot.- Nunnan i St. Clara.— Hartwig Flogh.— De begge broderna.— Nunnan pa Luro.— Nils Eskilsson.— Den ende Brahe.— Ett skargardsupptriide. — Siv- ard Kruses brollop. — Sjoflickan.— Blomman pii Kiunekulle.— Anna Reib- nitz.— Gustaf Brahe. 2. Maria Dundee eller polackarne i Stockholm.— Klockringningen. — Helena Wrede. — Borghof dingen i Sandornir. — Jacob Casimir De la Gardie. — Taget ofver Stora Biilt. — Flickorna i Askersund. 3. Ulla Fersen. — Svenska Orlogsminnen. — Pavo Nissinen. — Sveriges skyddsengel vakar tin. — Framlingen fran Als.— Sveriges sista strid. Mellon, H., Duchess of St. Albans. Sketch of M. {In Remark. women, ser. 1.) 4886 Melmoth, W. Fitzosborne's letters ; with The dialogue cone. oratory. Pref. mem. of the author. 2996 Melusine, pseud. Moy O'Brien. 18971 Melville, G. J. W. The Brookes of Bridlemere. 11011 — Cerise. 6461 — The gladiators. 18642 — Good for nothing. 9130 — Holmby House. 4488 — The interpreter. 18643 — Katerfelts: storv of Exmoor. 13493 — Maud or Nina. ' 13969 — The queen's Maries ; romance of Holyrood. 19295 — Riding recollections. ' 19664 — Rosine. 21733 — Uncle John. 13004 — Sarchedon. 18644 — The white rose. 11010 Melville, H. The bell-tower. {In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Omoo ; narrative of adventures in the South Sea. 2997 — Mobv Dick. 9689 — Pierre. 2998 — Redburn. 6661 — Typee. 8000 — White-jacket. 3002 Member for Paris, The ; by Trois-Etoiles [E. C. G. Murray]. 9688 Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 16726 Memnon. Stanhope, P. H. The statue of Memnon. {In his French retreat, etc.) 17953 Memoir of a brother ; by T. Hughes. 11398 M^moires d'un colonel de hussards ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 9.) *I Memoires d'un seigneur Russe ; par I. S. Turgeneff. 2 v. 14634-5 Memoirs. See Biography. Memoirs of a fugitive. See White slave. Memoirs of a New Eng. village choir ; by [S. Gilman]. 5110 Memoirs of a physician ; by A. Dumas. 2 v. 9311-12 Memoirs of a working man. 7142 Memoirs of an adopted son ; by W. Collins. {In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski ; by S. L. Fleishman. {In his Prose misc.) 14295 828 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Memorial and biog. sketches ; by J. F. Clarke. 17757 Memorials of a quiet life ; by A. J. C. Hare. 2 v. 11516-17 — Same ; supplement, with photographs. *I Memories; story of German love ; [by Max Mueller] . 13437 Memories of many men and of some women ; by M. B. Field. 7257 Memories of my exile ; by L. Kossuth ; tr. by F. Jausz. 19764 Memories of troublous times ; hist, of Dame Alicia Chamber- layne ; by E. Marshall. Memory. Ribot, T. Diseases of memory ; ess. in the posi- tive psychology. Memory gems for the young ; selections by C. Northend. Men, women, and books ; by Leigh Hunt. Men, women, and ghosts ; by'E. S. Phelps. Men and women ; by R. Browning. Men of character ; by W. D. Jerrold. — Same, {hi his Works, v. 8.) Men of the third republic ; or, The present leaders of France. Men, The, who loved Elizabeth ; by F. H. Burnett. (In her Jarl's daughter.) Manage de gargon, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 7.) Menageries, The; [short descr. of animals]. Menander. Fragments of Tyrian annals. {In Hodges, E. R. Cory's auc. frag.) Menault, E. Intelligence of animals ; with illust. anecdotes. (111. lib. of wonders.) Meucius. The mind of M. ; or. Political econ. found, upon mor. philosophy; digest of [his] doctr. ; tr., with notes and expl. by E. Faber ; fr. the German, with notes ; by A. B. Hutchinson. — Selections fr. Meneius. (In Loomis, A. W — Johnson, S. {In his Oriental religions.) Mendel, E. and Cordier, — . La b^te noire. ^Th^^tre de camp. , s^r. 7.) Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Athalie. — Choruses of Sophocles Antigone. — Elijah. — First Walpur^is Night. — Hymn of praise. (Lobgesang.) — Letters; 1833-47; ed. by P. and C. M. Bartholdy; with Catalogue of his raus. comp., by J. Rietz; tr. by Lady Wallace. — Letters f r. Italy and Switzerland ', tr. by Lady Wallace ; with biog. not. by J. de Marguerites. 3d. ed. — Loreley. — CEdipus at Colonos. — Saint Paul. — Son and stranger. — Songs and duets. — Barnard, C. The tone masters; Mozart and Mendelssohn. — Devrient, E. My recollections of M. and his letters to me. — Ferris, G. T. {tn his Great German compos.) — Lampadius, W. A. Life of M. ; with supp. sketches. — Mathews, W. S. B. {In his How to understand music.) — Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, K. Goethe and Mendelssohn, (1821-1831) ; add. by M. E. von Glehn. Portr. and letters by M. of later date. — Polko, E. Y. Reminiscences of M. ; tr. by Lady Wallace. — See also Mendelssohn family. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Karl. Goethe and Mendelssohn (1821- Confucius.) 20095 21652 17414 12903 7745 542 2355 *I 11703 18273 *I 3004 16535 8012 21886 7065 17039 14691 *I *I ♦I ♦I *I 5859 *I ♦I •I ♦I *I 8461 11204 18050 5898 22847 11365 7717 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 829 1831) ; tr., with add., by M. E. von Glehn. Portr. and letters by M. of later date. 11365 Mendelssohn, M. Translations. {Iii Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Auerbach, B. Poet and merchant ; pict. of life fr. the times of 31. 17033 Mendelssohn family. Hensel, S. The Mendelssohn family, 1729-1847; fr. letters and journals. 2 v. • 21219-20 Mendon, ilfass. Metcalf , J. G. Annals of M., 1659-1880. *I Mendon Association. Blake, M. A centurial hist, of the Men- don Assoc. 421 M^n^trier, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 13.) *I Mennais, H. F. R. de la. See La Mennais. Mensuration. Todhunter, I. Mensuration for beginners. 12923 Mental and moral pauperism ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Success, etc.) 10753 Mental development. Clifford, W. K. Some of the cond. of ment. develop. (Inhis Lect.^ etc., v. 1.) 19515 Mental disease. See Insanity. Mental discipline. Clark, D. W. Mental discipline, with ref. to the acquisition and communication of knowledge. 6430 Mental hygiene. Ray, I. Mental hygiene. 7644 Mental philosophy, Mental physiology. — See Brain ;— Causation ;— Feelings ;— Intellect ;— Mind and body ; — Physi- ology ;— Psychology ;— Will. Menteur v4ridique, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 10.) *I Menzel, W. German literature; tr. by C. C. Felton. 3 v. 3008-10 — History of Germany ; tr. by Mrs. Horrocks. 3 v. 3005-7 Menzies, A. The successors of the great physician ; The Christian priesthood. (In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19903 M6prise, Une ; histoire en triolets ; par L. Supersac. (In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 8.) 14798 Mercedes of Castile ; by J. F. Cooper. 951 Mercer, C. A. Journal of the Waterloo campaign, 1815. 2 v. 10645-6 Mercer, H. Sketch of M. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. rev.) 2122 Mercer, M. Sketch of M. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 Merchant, The, and his wife ; by J. A. Froude. (Li his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 Merchant marine. See Commerce. Merchant Taylors' School. Pascoe, C. E. Historical acct. of Merchant Taylors' School. (In his Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Merchant, The, of Berlin ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6562 Merchant of Venice. See Shakespeare, W. Merchant of Venice ; comedy ; by Shakspeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 8.) 11810 Merchants. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. 7853 — Scoville, J. A. Old merchants of N. Y. citv; bv W. Barrett, clerk; ser. 1-3,5. 4v. {\.4:icanting.) ' ' 5784-6; 5788 — See also Business. Mercutio ; fr. Shakespeare. (In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Mercy and judgment ; Christian eschatology with ref. to Dr. Pusey's "What is of faith?" by F. W. Farrar. 20703 830 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. (No name ser.) Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In MsVoviv {In his Tales of all Tales Mercy Philbrick's choice. M^r6, G. B., chevalier de. lit., V. 3.) Mere adventurer, A ; by F. Andrews. M^re Bauche, La ; by A. Trollope. countries.) M^re Giraud's little " daughter ; by F. H. Burnett. {In her Surly Tim.) Meredith, G. Beauchamp's career. 3 v. — The egoist ; a comedy in narrative. — The house on the beach. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) — The ordeal of Richard Feverel. — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) Meredith, I. G. Achsa's possibilities. {In Hale, E. E. for trav., v. 6.) — The old house on Briar hill. — A tress of hair. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 3.) Meredith, L. A. My home in Tasmania. — Tasraanian friends and foes, feathered, furred, and finned. CoPd plates. 2d. ed. . — Travels and stor. in our gold colonies [Australia] . Illust. Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton, E. R. B. Meredith, W. Punishment of death; speech. May, 1777. {In Lib. usef. kn.) Merewether, H. A. By sea and by land; trip thr. Egypt, India, Ceylon, etc. ; round the world. Meridiana ; by J. Verne. — See also Adventures in the land of the Behemoth. M^rim^e, P. Carmen ; a Spanish story ; fr. the French. — Chronique du regne de Charles IX. ; La double m6prise ; La Guzla. — Colomba; contes et nouvelles. ' — Same: Eng- trans. — Dernieres nouvelles. Contents. Lokis.— II viccolo di madama Lucrezia. bleue. — Djoumane. — Le coup de pistolet. — Eederigo. Espagnoles. — History of Peter the Cruel, King of Castile and Leon — Letters to Panizzi ; ed. by L. Fagan. 2 v. — Lettres a une autre inconnue; avant propos par H. B. de Bury. 4 ed. — Lettres a une inconnue ; prec. d'une ^tude sur M. par H. Taine. 2 v. — Same. Letters to an incognita. (Bric-a-brac ser.) — Nouvelles. Contents. Carmen.— Ars^ne Guillot.— L'abb6 Aubain. — La dame de pique.— Les Bohemiens.— Le hussard.— Nicolas GogoL — Theatre de Clara Gazul. Contents. Les Espagnols en Danemarck.— ITne femme est un diable, ou, La tentation de saint Antoine.— L'amour Africain. — Inez Meudo, ou, Le pr6jug6 vaincu. — In^z Mendo, ou, Le triomphe du prejug^. — Le ciel, et I'enfer. — L'occasion. — Lecarrosse du Saint-Sacrement. — La Jaquerie. — La famille de Carvajal. — James, H., Jr.' Merim^e's letters. {In his Fr. poets and nov.) — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans lund., v. 7; portr. cont., v. 3.) — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) — Tourneux, M. Merimee; sa bibliographic. Merington, M. H. English pronunciation and accent; pt. 1. Merivale, C. The continental Teutons. Map. (Conversion of the West.) — Contrast bet. Pagan and Chr. society. {Li Chr. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) — Conversion of the Northern nations*. (Boyle lect., 1865.) — Conversion of the Roman Empire. (Boyle lect., 1864.) — Fall of the Roman republic; short hist, of the last cent, of the Common- wealth. 16029 *I 18671 10955 17184 19433-5 19438 17083 19279 615& 13935 13465 La Les Chambre sorci^res 3013 20675 7214 5109 12730 11400 18166 9518 9519 20426 9555 2v. 20941-2 14389 9467-8 13090 9520 9521 17578 *I 16312 14411 11890 19123 15879 6410 6411 13629 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 831 — General hist, of Rome, to the fall of Augustulus; B. C. 753-A. D. 476. 2d. ed. 14228 — History of the Romans under the Empire. 7 v. 5991-7 — The Roman triumvirates. Map. 2d. ed. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 18136 — School hist, of Rome to the extinct, of the empire of the west ; abgd. by C. Puller. Maps. ' 17582 Merivale, -H. C. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 — Faucit of Balliol. New ed. 22689 Merivales, The ; by S. Wood. 10577 Merle d'AubigD^, J. H. History of the reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. 8 v. 5416-19 ; 15943-6 — History of the reformation of the 16th cent, in Germany, Switzerland, etc'. 5v. ' 1102-6 — Same ; tr. and abgd. by J. Gill. 2258 — Stephen, J. D'Aubign^'s Hist, of the reformation. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 Merlin, P. A. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Notices et portr., V. 1.) 9573 Merlin, M. J., comtesse. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 2.) *I Merlin de Thionville, A. C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 1.) *I Merman, The, and the figure-head ; by C. F. Guernsey. {In Adv. in shadow-land.) 20512 Merope ; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. {In his Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Merovingians. Thierry, J. N. A. Narratives of the Meroving- ian era ; or. Scenes in the 6th. cent. {In his Hist, ess.) 4421 Merriam, A. C. The Phaeacian episode of the Odyssey ; with introd., notes, and app. Illust. 19772 Merriam, E. F. Missionary sketches. See Smith, S. A. Merriam, E. G. Opinions of jurors. Disqualification for opin- ion or bias. {In Grinnell, C. E. Points of law, Guiteau's case.) *I Merriam, G. S. The way of life. 21428 Contents. Thfe character of Jesus. — Letters. Merriam, M. B. Home life in Africa. 7129 Merrick, F. The christian duty of caring for neglect, and crim. children. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Merrick, J. M. Nugge inutiles. (Specimens of translation.) *I Merrick, J. L. Life and religion of Mohammed. 3014 Merrill, G. E. The story of the manuscripts ; [New Testa- ment] . 20830 Merrill, S. East of the Jordan ; trav. and obs. in Moab Gilead and Bashan, 1875-77. Illust. and map. Introd. by R. D. Hitchcock. 21040 Merrill, W. E. Iron truss bridges for railroads. 9297 Merrill, W. H. The proposed volunteer adult reformatory at Warsaw, N. Y. ; its origin, hist., etc. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Merrimack River. Thoreau, H. D. Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 4454 Merriman, T. M. William, prince of Orange ; or. The king and his hostage. 13249 832 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Merriman, W. E. Limitations of the pers. work of Christ in the world. {In Boston lect., 1872.) 8988 Merritt, H. Robert Dalby, and his world of troubles. 6241 Merritt, P. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Merry, Old, pseud. Queer discourses on queer proverbs. . 7762 Merry Christmas of the old woman who lived in a shoe ; play ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Exhib. dr.) 13308 Merry times for boys and girls ; by L. M. Alcott. Illust. 1808S Merry wives of Madrid ; by I. de Robles. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.) 7224 Merry wives of Windsor ; com. opera ; by O. Nicolai. {In Try- on, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Merry wives of Windsor ; comedy ; by Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 31.) 11825 Merry wives of Windsor. See Shakespeare, W. Merry's Museum, vols. 3-6, 9,10. (1842-3, 1845.) 3015-17 — Same. New ser. 1865-71. 7 v. 8574-8; 10538-9 Merton ; by T. Hook. 15655 Mervyn Clitheroe ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 8168 M^ry, J., joint author. See Girardin, E. de. Meryon, C. Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20458 Mesmeric revelation ; byE. A. Poe. {In his Tsiies.) 5144 Mesmerism. See Animal magnetism. Mesopotamia. Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour thr. Ar- menia, etc. 2 V. 4086-7 Messe de I'^ne, La ; r^cit en vers ; par P. Delair. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 Messe de requiem ; de G. Verdi. *I Messiah. Klopstock, F. G. Der Messias. 10322 — Vernes, M. Histoire des ind6es messianiques dep. Alexandre jusqu'a I'empereur Hadrien. * *I Messiah ; oratorio ; by Handel. . *I Messmates. Beneden, P. J. van. Animal parasites and mess- mates. 15680 Meta Holdenis ; par V. Cherbuliez. 9522 — jSame ; Eng. trans. 17257 Metacomet. See Philip, King. Metallurgy. Bloxam, C. L. Metals ; their properties and treatment. 22750 — Crookes, W. and Roehrig, E. Practical treat, on metallurgy. 3 v. 8803-5 — De la Beche, H. T. Mining, quarrying, and metallurgical processes and products. (In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc., Lect.) 4735 — Greenwood, W. H. Manual f»f metallurgy. 2 v. 12850-1 — Phillips, J. A. Elements of metallurgy. 13049 — Phillips, J. S. (In his Explorers', miners', and metallurgists' companion.) 16602 — Treasures of the earth. ( In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — /See also Assaying ;— Blast furnace;— Electro-metallurgy ;— Gold;— Silver. Also Percy, J. Metal-work. Holland, J. Treatise on manuf . in metal : Iron and steel. 2 v. 21621-2 Metals. Ansted, D. T. In search of minerals. 19697 — Bevan, G. P. Industrial classes and indust. statistics. 16804 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10145 — Hunt, T. S. Origin of metalliferous deposits. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 833 — Kobell, F. von. Sketches fr. the mineral kingdom ; ed. by A. Henfrey. ( With Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants, etc.) — Pepper, J. H. Play book of metals. — Simmonds, P. L. The manuf . of, and trade in, prec. metals, etc. (In his Sci. and comm.) 18644 — See also Gold ;— Precious metals ;— Silver. Metamora ; or, The last of the Polly wogs ; by J. Brougham. (In French's min. dram., v. 32.) 7987 Metamorphoses ; a tale. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 7.) 19152 Metaphysics. See Philosophy. Metastasio, P. A. D. B. T. See Beyle, H. M. Life of Haydn. Metcalf, D. Inquiry into the nature, foundation, and extent of moral obligation. 3018 Metcalf, J. Smiles, S. John Metcalf, road maker. (In his Lives of the eng., v. 3.) *I Metcalf, J. G. Annals of the town of Mendon, 1659-1880. *I Metcalf, R. C. The public library as an auxiliary to the pub. schools. (In Green, S. S. Lib. and schools.) 22757 Metcalfe, F. The Englishman and the Scandinavian ; compar. of Anglo-Saxon and old Norse literature. 20814 Metempsychosis, The; by R. Macnish. (In Fam. stor., v. 1.) 18148 Meteor, ship. Morse, J. T., Jr. The meteor. (In his Fam. trials.) 12368 Meteorites. Bjoerling, C. F. E. Meteoriter och kometer ; populara foredrag. 15011 — Brendecke, F. On meteorites. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 Meteorological instruments. Scott, R. H. Insti'uctions in the use of meteor, instruments. *I Meteorological Society. Modern meteorology ; lect. 18899 Contents. Manii, K. J. Physical properties of the atmosphere. — Lauo^hton, J. K. Air temperature, its distribution and range. — Strachan, K. The barometer and its uses, winds and storms. — Ley, W. C. Clouds and weather signs.— Symons, G. J. Rain, snow, hail, "and atmospheric electricity.— Scott, R. H. The nature, methods, and general objects of meteorology. Meteorology. Bassnet, T. Outlines of a mechanical theory of storms, Cont. law of lunar influence. 332 — Brocklesbv, J. Elements of meteorology. 510 — Brown. R. Science for all. 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Butler, T. B. Philosophy of the weather, and guide to its changes. 656 — Drew, J. Practical meteorology, ed. by F. Drew. 8429 — Hartwig, G. The aerial world ; pop. abet, of the phenomena of the at- mosphere. 13527 — Herschel, J. F. W. The weather and weather prophets. (In his Fam. lect.) 6523 — Lardner, D. (In his Pop. lect. on science and art.) 2572-3 — Loomis, E. Treatise on meteorology ; with tables. • 7482 — Lowe, E. J. Practical meteorology.' {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5190 — Scoffern, J. Meteorology. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5190 — Zurcher, — . and MargoUe, — . Meteors, aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phenomena. 15683 — See also Air;— Storms. Also Meteorological Society ;— Smithsonian Inst. Rept., passim. Meteors. Kirk wood, D. " Comets and meteors. 11795 Meteoric astronomy. 6947 — Phipson, T. L. Aerolites. (In his Fam. letters.) ' 16631 — Proctor, R. A. Meteoric astronomy. (In his Mysteries, etc.) 22822 The November meteors ; Expected meteoric shower. (In his Rough ways.) 19539 — Schellen, H., and others. Nebulae, comets, meteoric showers. (7?i Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 834 fkef: public library. — Zurelier, — . and Margolle, — . Meteors, aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phenomena. 1568$ — See also Meteorites. Meteyard, E. A group of Englishmen (1795-1815) ; records of the younger Wedgewoods and then* friends, embr. the hist, of the disc, of photography, etc. 9856 Method. Descartes, R. Discourse on the method of rightly conduct, the reason, etc. ^ 13705 — Jevons, W. S. Principles of science ; treat, oii logic and scientific method. 2 V. 15910-11 Methodism. Clark, W. R. Why I am a Methodist. {In Pitts-St. Chapel lect.) 20424 — Flanigen, J. R. Methodism ; old and new ; with sk. of early preachers. ' 19333 — Our excellent women of the Methodist Ch. in Eng. and America. 11281 — Stevens, A. History of the religious movement of the 18th. cent., called Methodism. 2 v. 4229-30^ — Taylor, I. Wesley and Methodism. *I — Tucker, M. Itinerant preaching in the early days of Methodism. 1061(^ — Tyerman, L. The Oxford Methodists ; mem. of ClaytoQ, Ingham, Gam- bold, Hervey, and Broughton : with biog. not. of others. 11955 — Wakeley, J. B. The heroes of Methodism ; sketches of ministers, etc. 4606. — See also Wesley, J. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mudge, E. History of the mis- sions of the Meth. Episc. Church. {In Hist, of Amer. missions.) 516^ Methomania ; by A. Day. 6632 Metric system. Amer. Metric Bureau. Bulletin. 3 v. 17594-5 ; 1839^ — Barnard, F. A. P. Metric svstem of weights and measures. 15821 Same. 3d. ed. 19032; — Chisholm, H. W. {In his Science of weighing and measuring.) 17221 — Dalmon, H. Metrical pocket-book; or. Manual of weights, measures, and coins. 17591 — Davies, C. The metric system; reports of J. Q. Adams, and lecture of J. Herschel. ' 16596 — Newton, H. A. The metric system ; prep, to ace. Eaton's common school arithmetic. * 16577 — Putnam, J. P. The metric system of weights ^nd measures. *I ; 16603 Metsu, G. Wedmore, F. Terburg and Metsu. {In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 — Gower, R. (In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Metternich Winneburg, C. W. N. L., Rekhsfnrst v. ^Memoirs, 1773-1835; ed. by R. Metternich; tr. by Mrs. Alex. Napier. 5 v. 20300-4 — Hayward, A. (In his Sketches, etc., v. 1.) 20602 — Martineau, H. Metternich and Austria. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Metz. Boyland, G. H. Six months under the red cross with the French army. • 12007 Meunier, V. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. (111. lib. of wonders.) 8103 Meuni^re, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 1.) *I Mexico. Antiquities. — Becher, H. C. R. Trip to Mexico ; journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back; with Paper about the' anc. nations and races, and the anc. stone, and other structures and ruins. *I — Valentini, P. J. J. Mexican copper tools ; use of copper bv the Mexicans bef. the conquest; tr. by S. Salisbury, Jr. ' 1969^ Bd. unth Katunes of Maya hist. Mexican calendar stone ; from the German. *I Description. — Anderson, A. D. The silver country; or. The great southwest; rev. of the wealth of N^ew Spain, compr. Mexico and the Mexican cession to the U. S., 1848, 1853. 17410 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 835 — Aubertin. J. J. A flight to Mexico. 21930 — Calderon de la Barca, F. E. I. Life in Mexico. 2 v. 2664-5- — Elton. J. F. With the French in Mexico. 7250- — Evans, A. S. Our sister republic ; gala trip thr. trop. Mexico, 1869-70 ; with remin. of the empire, etc.) 13370 — Geiger, J. L. A peep at Mexico ; narr. of a jour, across the republic, 1873, 1874. *I — Hamilton, L. Border states of Mexico ; with sketch of the republic. 2031& — M'Sherry. El Puchero ; or, A mixed dish from Mexico. 5768 — Haven, G. Our next-door neighbor j a winter in Mexico. 13754 — Latrobe, C. J. The rambler in Mexico. 2582. — Mexico. {In Modern traveler, v. 6, 7.) " 3096-7 — Mexico in 1842 : descr. of the country ; with sketch of its hist. 5126 — Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches ; rambles in the backwoods of M. and Centr. Amer. 19890 — Rankin, M. Twenty vears amg. the Mexicans ; narr. of missionary labor. 15523^ — Salm-Salm, A. zu. Ten years of my life. 2 v. ' 15724-6 — Taylor, B. {In his Eldorado.) 4357 — Thompson, W. Recollections of Mexico. 4451 — Wilson, A. J. Mexico and Brazil. {In his Resour. of mod. countries, V. 2.) 17822 — Wilson, R. A. Mexico ; its peasants and its priests. 11744 — See also New Mexico. Ethnology. — Yalentini, P. J. J. The Olmecas and the Tultecas ; tr. by S. Salisbury, Jr. 22775 History. — Abbot, G. D. Mexico and the United States ; their mut. rel. and common interests. 13420 — Cortes, H. Despatches to Charles V. dur. the conq. ; tr. with introd. and notes, by G. Folsom. 989 — Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maximilian. 13556 — Gordon, T. F. History of anc. Mexico; to its destr. by the Spaniards. 2 V. in 1. 1611 — Mayer, B. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish, and republican ; with view of the anc. Aztec emp. and civilization; hist. sk. of the late war. 2 v. 2984-5 — Ober, F. A. Youn^ folks' history of Mexico. 22284 — Prescott, W. H. History of the conq. of M. ; with prelim, view of the anc. Mexican civilization, etc. 3 v. 8538-40 — Salm-Salmj F. zu. 31y diary in Mexico, 1867; including the last days of Maximilian. 2 v. ' ' ' *I — Wilson, R. A. New history of the conquest of Mexico. 11623^ ( War with the U. S., 1847.) — Jay, W. Review of the causes and conseq. of the Mexican War. 2337 — Livermore, A. A. The war with Mexico reviewed. 201T — Reid, S. C, Jr. The scouting expeditions of McCulloch's Texas Rangers, 1846. 2807 — Republic of the U. S. ; rev. of the war [with] M. ; its causes and results. 5167 — Semmes, R. Campaign of Gen. Scott, in the valley of Mexico. *I Service afloat and ashore dur. the Mexican war. * *I Natural history. — Biart, L. Adventures of a young naturalist. 21326 — See also Maximilian. Also Montezuma. Mexico, Gulf of. Bishop, N. H. {In his Four months in a sueak-box ; boat voyage.) 19211 Meyendorff, G., Baron. Journey to Bokhara. (In Taylor, B. Cyel. of mod. trav.) 4356 Meyer, B. Aids to family government ; or. From the cradle to the school, ace. to Froebel ; tr. by M. L. Holbrook. Add., Essay on the rights of children, etc.^ by H. Spencer. 18407 Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament ; namely : 3Iatthew. 2 v. 12690-1 Mark and Luke. 2 v. 12703-4 John. 2 V. 12692-3 Acts. 2v. 12701-2 ^36 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Romans. 2 v. 12694-5 Corinthians. 2 v. 12698-9 Galatians. ^ 12697 Philippians and Colossians. 12696 Ephesians and Philemon. 12705 Thessalonians ; by G. Liinemann. 12700 Meyerbeer, G. L'Africaine. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. Ub., v. 1.) *I — Dinorah. (Le pardon de Ploermel.) *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 1.) *I — L'etoile du nord. *I -^ Le prophete. *I — Roberto il diavola. *I — Same ; Robert le diable. {In Tryon. G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Gli Ugonotti. (Les Huguenots.) *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 1.) *I — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Ital. and Fr. composers.) 18707 Meyr, iVl. Der Sieg des Schwachen. (Deutscher NovelleD- schatz.) 16155 jyiezeray, F. E. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 8.) *I Miall, E. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Mice, The, at play ; by [C. M. YoDge]. 10575 ; 10579 Mice at play ; by N. Forrest [C. Floyd]. 16745 Michael, W. H. Public health. See Hart, E. Michael Angelo. See Buonarioti. Michael Erie ; drama ; by T. E. Wilks. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 31.) 11825 Michael Kohlhaas ; by H. von Kleist. {In Tales from the German.) 4347; 5217 Michael Strogoff ; by J. Verne. 16862 Michaud, J. F. Historical sketch of the three first crusades. {In Cottin, S. R. The Saracen, v. 1.) 5003 — History of the crusades. 3 v. ^ 3020-2 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) *I Michel, T., and Moritz, A. A will and a way; tales tr. by Trauermantel. 4789 Contents. Michel, T. Tailor and tiddler.— Moritz, A. Patience re- moves mountains; The benefactor's portrait; The ways of Providence; The gardener's daughter. Michel et Christine ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 8.) *I Michelet, Mme. — . Nature ; illust. by Giacomelli. *I — The story of my childhood ; tr. by M. F. Curtis. 7119 Michelet, J. Historical view of the Fr. revolution ; new ed. ; tr. by C. Cocks. 3023 — Historv of France [to the death of Louis XL] ; tr. bv G. H. Smith. 2 v. 3024-5 — History of the Roman Republic ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 3029 — The insect ; illust. bv Giacomelli. *I — Life of Luther written bv himself ; tr bv W. Hazlitt. 3027 — Same ; tr. by G. H. Smith. 9203 — Love ; fr. the French, by J. W. Palmer. 3028 — The mountain. *I — The people ; tr. by G. H. Smith. §030 — The sea; from the French. 5336 — Woman ; frpm the French, by J. W. Palmer. 3031 — The women of the French revolution, 3032 — Summarv of mod. historv [1453-1874] . 13818 — Mill, J. S. Michelet's History of France. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 2.) 5979 Micheliue ; by E. Bersier. 15478 Michelle ; by F. Martin. 18890 Michigan. Kirkland, CM. Our new home in the west. 10560 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 837 Mickiewicz, A. Sainte-Beiive, C. A. (InMs'Prem.\und.^v.2.) *I — and Ladislas. The undivine comedy. See Cook, M. W. Micklethwaite, J. T. English parish churches. {In Poole, R. S. and others. Lect.) 22821 — Modern parish churches, their plan, design, and furniture. 12820 Microphone. Du Moncel, T. A. L. The telephone, the micro- phone, and the phonograph. 18918 Microscope. Beale, L. S. How to work with the microscope. *I — Brocklesby, J. The amateur microscopist. 9944 — Brown, G. T. Histological demonstrations. See Harley, G. — Carpenter, "W. B. The microscope and its revelations. 13609 — Dyer, S. Great wonders in little things. 22575 — Gosse, P. H. Evenings at the microscope. 6285 — Harley, G. Histological demonstrations ; ed. by G. T. Brown. *I — Hogg, J. The microscope ; its hist., constructiori, and application. 7069 — Lankester, E. Half-hours with the microscope ; new ed. 6483 Same. New ed. 12118 — Martin, J. H. A manual of microscopic mounting. 12863 — Phin, J. Practical hints on the select, and use of the microscope. 14054 Same. 3d. ed. 20902 — Smith, J. E. How to see with the microscope. 20905 — Somerville, M. F. Molecular and microscopic science. 2 v. 8889-90 — Sorby, H. C. Microscopes. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 — Warci, Mrs. F. M. The microscope; descr. of objects; with directions. 8542 — Wonders of the microscope. (In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 Middle Ages. Art. — Kenan, E. L'art du Moven Age et les causes de sa decadence. (In his Melanges d'hist.) ' 14516 Biography. — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of Mediasval Europe. 8074 Ecclesiastical history. — See Ecclesiastical history. History. — Church, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. 17526 — Fort, G. F. Medical economy dur. the Middle Ages : hist, of European morals. ' 22858 — Glimpses of the Dark Ages ; or, Sketches of the social condition of Europe, fr. the 5th. to 12th. cent. 2d. ed. 1537 — Greene, G. W. History and geography of the Middle Ages. 8163 — Hallam, H. View of the state of Europe dur. the Middle Ages. 1743 Same; with add., etc., by W. Smith. (Student's hist.) 9829 — The Lord and vassal ; feudal system in the Middle Ages. 2753 — Smith, W. Student's history- of the Middle Ages. 9829 — Stille, C. J. Studies in mediaeval history. 21392 — Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of mediaeval and mod. historv. 15540 — Thierry. A. Histoire du moyen age. {In his Dix ans d'etudes.) 9578 — Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of history. 6989 Literature, Legends. — Belt and spur; stor. of the Middle Ages fr. the old chronicles. 22721 — Berington, J. Literary hist, of the Middle Ages, to the 15th. cent. 394 — Cox, G. W. and Jones E. H. Popular romances of the Middle Ages. 9901 — Gibb, J. Gudrun, and other stor. fr. the epics of the Middle Ages. 22358 — Gould, S. B. Curious myths of the Middle Ages. 2 ser. 6891; 7192 Silver store; fr. mediaeval, Chr., and Jewish mines. 22523 — Lawrence, E. Primer of medieval literature. 17725 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Romantic fictions of the Middle Ages. {In his ^sthet. and misc. works.) 22359 — Waegner. W. Epics and romances; adapt, fr. W., by M. W. Macdowall. 22489 Philosophy. — Hampden, R. D. Scholastic philosophy of the M. A. {In his Life of Thomas Aquinas.) ' 1763 — Maurice, J. F. D. Mediaeval philosophy, moral and metaphysical. 2970 Social life. — Lord, J. Character and soc. of the Middle Ages. (In Froissart, J. Chronicles.) 2180 Middle states. See United States. 838 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Middlemarch ; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 2 v. 10931 Middlesex, Mass. Drake, S. A. Historic fields and mansions of M. • 7336 Middleton, C. History of the life of Cicero. 3033 Middleton, T. Yonge, C. M. (In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Middy ashore ; by W. B. Bernard. {In French's min. dram., V. 13.) 11842 Midnight banquet; melo-drama ; {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 38.) 11829 Midnight sun. The ; by F. Bremer. 1206 Midrasch. Wuensche, A. Xeue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der Evangelien aus Talmud und Midrasch. 16417 Midshipman, The. See Marmaduke Merry. Midshipman Easy, Mr. ; by Capt. Marryat. 2910 Midsummer eve ; by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 12430 Midsummer night's dream. See Shakespeare, W. Midsummer night's dream ; by Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 14.) 11816 — Same; Coll. by L. Keene. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Midsummer and May ; by H. E. Prescott [Mrs. Spofford]. {In her Amber gods, etc.) 5430 Midsummer flowers for the young ; by M. Howitt. 2035 Midwifery. Trail, R. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia. 4485 Miel, C. Christian union. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 Mieris, F. van. Gower, R. {In his Figure painters of Hol- land.) 19535 Mifflin, T. Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 1.) 1828 — Sketch of M. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. rev.) 2122 Might, The, of right. See Gladstone, W. E. Mignaty, M. A. Sketches of the hist, past of Italy; fr. the fall of the Roman empire to the revival of letters. 2d. ed. 16842 Mignet, F. A. A. History of the French revolution, 1789-1814. 3034 — Historical not. of the life and works of Sismondi. (In Simonde de Sis- mondi, J. C. L. Polit. econ., etc.) 16997 — Notices et portraits, historiques et litt6raires. 2 v. 9573-4 Contents. V. 1. Le comte Sieves.— Le comte Roederer.— Livingston. —Talleyrand.— Broussais.—Le conate Merlin.— Le comte Destutt de Tracy. — Daunou. 3. Le comte Simeon. — De Sismondi. — Charles Comte. — Ancillou.—Bignon.— Rossi. — Cabanis. — Droz.— Vie de Franklin. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 5: Prem lund., v. 1; Caus. lund.,v.8.) *I Mignon ; op^ra ; par A. Thomas. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Mignonette ; found among the flowers and weeds of Hillsdale. • 6583 Mijatovich, E. L. Kossovo ; attempt to bring Serbian national songs into one poem. 21984 Mijatovies, C., Madam. Serbian folk-lore ; ed. with an introd. by W. Denton. 14201 Mikado's empire. The ; by W. E. Griflfis. 16011 Mikronesia. Wallace, A. R. {In his Australasia.) 20819 Milan. Pennington, T. Memoirs of the Dukes of Milan. {In his' Journey, v. 2.) 6053 Milburn, W. H. The pioneer preacher ; introd. by J. McClin- tock. 3036 — Ten years of preacher-life ; autobiography. 3035 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 889 Mildmay, P. St. J. Life of Tucker. {In Tucker, A. Light of nature, v. 1.) 4514 Mildred ; by M. J. Holmes. 20858 Mildred and Elsie ; by M. Fiuley. 21270 Mildred Arkell ; by Mrs. Wood. 6197 Mildred at Roselands ; by M. Finley. 19218 . Mildred Keith ; by M. Finley. 19217 Mildred's married life; by M. Finley. 22027 Mildred's wedding ; by Mrs. Notley. 13760 Miles, A. J. Sunstroke epidemic of Cincinnati, 1881. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., efc, v. 7.) *I Miles, G. M. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Miles, H. A. The birth of Jesus. 17399 Miles, H. A. The companion of paradise. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 Miles, M. Stock-breeding. 18089 Miles, P. Nordurfari ; or. Rambles in Iceland. 3037 Miles, W. The horse's foot, and how to keep it sound. lUust. {In Saxton's rural hand books, ser. 3.) 5694 Miles Tremenhere ; by A. M. Maillard. 5171 Miles Wallingford ; bv J. F. Cooper. 952 Milford, Mass. Ballon, A. History of M., to 1881. 2 v. *I Military adventure in the Pyrenees. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 5.) 19150 Military art and science. Adams, C. Great campaigns ; princ. military operations in Europe, 1796-1870. 18150 — Anderson, R. P. Victories and defeats; attempt to expl. [their] causes. 11851 — Chesney, C. C. Waterloo lectures ; study of the campaign of 1815. 12800 — De Fonblanque, E. B. Political and military episodes, fr. the life of Bur- goyne. 15703 — Forbes, H. Manual for the patriotic volunteer. 2 v. 1491-2 — Halleck, H. W. Elements of military art and science. 9296 — Hamley, E. B. The operations of war explained and illustrated. 13617 — Jomini, H. Art of war. 13407 — McClellan, G. B. The armies of Europe; svstems of England, France, Russia, etc. ' • 5381 ; *I — Totten, C. A. L. Strategos; ser. of Amer. games of war, based upon military principles. 2 v. *I — Upton. E. Infantry tactics. 10519 — Viele, E. L. Handbook for active service. 4596 — See also Artillery ;— Cavalry ;— Fortification ;— Munitions of war;— Tac- tics. Military biography. Chesney, C. C. Essays in mod. military biog. 12256 Military education. AYelcker, W. T. Military lessons ; mili- tary schools, colleges, and militia. 17049 Military history. See Virginia ; — Maryland. Military law. Lieber, F. {In his Misc. writ., v. 2.) 20135 Military life. Ramsay, B. D. W. Rough recoil, of military serv. and society. 2 v. 22425-6 Military resources. See France ; — Prussia. Military telegraph. Plum, W. R. The military telegraph dur. the civil war in the U. S. ; with expos, of anc. and mod. means of communication, cipher systems, etc. 2 v. 22047-8 Milk. Wanklyn, J. A. Milk-analysis. 6706 840 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mill, H. T. Enfranchisement of women. (Woman's rights tracts.) 1903 Mill, J. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind ; ed. by J. S. Mill. 2 v. 8947-8 — History of British India ; 4th. ed. ; notes and contln. by H. H. "Wilson. 9 v. *I — Bain, A. J. Mill ; a biography. 21418 — Bower, G. S. David Hartley and J. Mill. 20464 — Ribot, T. {In his Eng. psychology.) 12355 Mill, J. S. Autobiography. 8591 — Chapters and speeches on the Irish land question. 8965 — Considerations on representative government. 3039 — Dissertations and discussions ; pofit., phil., and hist. 5 v. 5978-80; 14355-6 Contents. V. 1. The contest in America.— The right and wrong of state interference with corporation and church property. — The currency juggle.— A few observations on the French revolution.— Thoughts on poetry and its varieties. — Prof. Sedgwick's discourse on the studies of the ifniversity of Cambridge.— Civilization.— Aphorisms : a fragment. — Armand Carrel. — A prophecy. — Writings of Alfred de Vigny. — Bentham. — Appendix. 2. Coleridge. — De Tocqueville on democracy in America. —Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of vision.— Michelet's hist, of France. — The claims of labor.— Guizot's essays and lect. on history. — Early Gre- cian hist, and legend. 3. Vindication of the French revolution of Feb., 1848; in reply to Lord Brougham and others. — Appendix. — Enfranchise- ment of women. — Dr. Whewell on moral philosophy.— Grote's hist, of Greece. — A few words on non-intervention. — The slave power. — Utili- tarianism. 4. Thoughts on parliamentary reform. — Recent writers on reform. — Bain's psychology. — Austin on Jurisprudence. — Plato. — Inaugu- ral address. 5. Eudowinents. — Thornton on labor and its claims. — Prof. Leslie on the land question. — Taine — De I'intelligence. — Treaty obli- fations. — Maine on village communities. — Grote's Aristotle. — L'avere e imposta. — Papers on land tenure. — Essays on some unsettled questions of polit. economy. 12584 — Examination of Sir Wni. Hamilton's philosophy^ and philosophical questions discussed in his writings. 2 v. ' 5968-9 — Literary and scientific education. (Scot. Univ. Addr.) {In Lib. of education, v. 4.) 8867 — On liberty. 3040 — Positive philosophy of Comte. 8454 — Principles of political economy. 7624 — Same. 8th. ed. 2 v. ' 8912-13 — Socialism ; Utilitarianism. 19615 Beprintsfr. the Fortnightly review. — The subjection of women. 7837 — SulFrage for women ; speech. ( Wom. Suflf. Tr.) 14359 — System of logic. 3038 — ^ame. 7th. ed. 2 v. 10747-8 — Three essays on religion, etc. ' 13250 Contents. Nature. — Utility of religion. — Theism.— Berkeley's life and writings. — Utilitarianism. 19615 Bd. with Socialism. — Bain, A. J. S. Mill; a criticism, with pers. recollections. 21439 — Bowen, F. J. S. Mill's Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy. {In his Gleanings.) 19941 — Brown. W. R. Autobiography of M. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — Buckle; H. T. Mill on Liberty. {In his Essays.) 6335 — Cobbe, F. P. 3Ir. Mill's essay on religion. (Jw Aer Hopes of the human race.) ' 13506 — Courtney, W. L. The metaphysics of J. S. Mill. 19010 — Lucas, E. Mr. Mill upon liberty of the press. {In Manning, H. E. Essays, etc., ser. 3.^ ' *I — McCarthy, J. The liberal triumverate of England. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Martineaii, J. {In his Essays.) 6388 — Morley, J. The death of Mill; Mill's autobiography; Mill on religion. {In his Cr\t. m\HG., ser. 2.) 17535 — Porter, N. The autobiography of M. ; Mill as a philosopher ; Mill as a theologian. {In his Sci. and sentiment.) 22173 John Stuart Mill ; Mill as a relig. philosopher. {In Atlas ess.) 18294 — Ribot, T. {In his Eng. psychology.) 12355 — Spencer, H., and others. J. S. Mill ; his life and works. 11694 — Wright, C. Mill ; commemorative notice. {In his Phil, disc.) 16903 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 841 Mill on the Floss ; by George Eliot [Mrs. Lewes]. 1414 Mill of St. Herbot; by K. S. Macquoid. 17041 Millar, W. J. Principles of mechanics and their appl. to prime movers, naval architecture, iron bridges, water supply, etc. ; Thermodynamics, with spec. ref. to the steam engine. 13630 Millaud, A. Le collier d'or ; com^die. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. Gr. Th^^tre, etc., ser. 4.) 14499 Millbank ; by M. J. Holmes. 9167 Millbury, Mass. Stockwell, G. A. History of M. {In Hist. of Wor. Co., V. 2.) *I Mill-dams. Leffel (J.) and Co. Construction of milldams ; also, Building of race and reservoir embankments, meas- urement of streams, etc. *I Mille-et-un fantomes, Les ; par A. Dumas. 9506 Millenger^ J. G. Ladies at home. {In French's min. dr., v. 19.) 11845 Miller, B. C. Cholera in Chicago, 1873. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 1.) *I Miller, C. -C, joint author. See Cummings, M. F. Miller, C. H., called Joaquin. A dream of Italy. {In Mason, M. M. Mae Madden.) 15374 — Life among the Modocs ; unwritten hist. 12066 — Shadows of Shasta ; [story of the Indians in the U. S.] . 20570 — The ship in the desert ; [poem] . 14117 — Songs of tlie Sierras. 9298 — Songs of the sun-lands. 11747 — Sketch of Miller. {In Gilman, A,, etc. Poets' homes.) 19289 Miller, D. P. Life of a showman; with anecdotes, e^c, of mod. actors and actresses ; the secrets of conjuring, etc. 2d. ed. 11930 Miller, H. Bill Whyte. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 3.) 8043 See also Tales, below. — Cruise of the Betsey. 1040 — First impressions of England and its people. 3041 — The foot-prints of the Creator ; fr. 3d. Lond. ed. ; with mem. by L. Ao"assiz. 3042 — The lykewake. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 4.) 8044 See also Tales, below. — My schools and schoolmasters ; or, The storj^ of my education. 3043 — Old red sandstone. 3044 — Popular geology. 3045 — Recollections oi Ferguson; Recollections of Burns. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 1.) 8041 See also Tales, below. — Sandy Wood's sepulchre. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 — The Scottish hunters of Hudson's Bay. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 6.) 8046 — Tales and sketches ; pref. by Mrs. Miller. 2557 Contents. Recollections of Ferguson.— Recollections of Burns.— The salmon-fisher of Udoll. — The widow of Dunskrith.— The lykewake.— Bill Whyte. — The young surgeon. — George Ross, the Scotch a^ent. — M'Culloch the mechanician. — The Scotch merchant of the 18th. cent. — Testimony of the rocks ; or. Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, nat. and revealed ; with Memorials of the author. 7263 — Thomas of Chartres. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 9.) 8049 — The witness papers : The headship of Christ, and The rights of the Christian people; essays, sketches, etc., with the Letter to Lord Brougham ; ed. bv P. Bavne. 5619 — Bayne, P. Life and letters of Hugh Miller. 2 v. 10159-60 — Brown, T. N. Life and times of Miller. 536 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 54 842 FRiiS PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Sketch of Miller, (/w Famous boys.) 5036 — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) 11755 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, C. H. Miller, J. F. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 Miller, O. T. Little folks in feathers and fur, and others in neither. 19357 — Little people of Asia. 22039 — Nimpo's troubles. II lust. 19358 — Queer pets at Marcy's. Illust. 19885 Miller, R. K. The romance of astronomy. 2d. ed. 14381 Miller, S. Life of J. Edwards. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 8.) 4117 Miller, T. History of the Anglo Saxons. 3047 — No-man's land ; Sweet springtime ; Golden autumn. (Magnet stories.) 10576 — Picturesque sketches of London. ' 3048 Miller, W. Bliss, S. Memoirs of M. 425 Miller, W. Wintering in the Riviera, with notes of trav. in Italy and France, and pract. hints to travellers. 2d. ed. Illust. 20963 Miller, W. H. Cooke, J. P. Memoir of M. {In his Sci. culture.) 20756 Miller, The, of Calder ; by Miss Corbet. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Miller and his men ; melo-drama ; by I. Pocock. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 25.) 11822 Miller boy; poem; by J. S. Welhaven. (In Janson, K. Spellbound fiddler.) 19656 Miller of New Jersey ; drama ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Miller's maid ; by J. F. Saville. {In French's min. dram., V. 12.) 11842 Miller's maid. The ; by H. C. Watson. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Millet, J. F. Sensier, A. Millet, peasant and painter ; tr. by H. De Kay. *I Millevoye, C. H. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In hisTovtr. lit., v. 1.) *I, Milliet, P. Symphonic d'Avril ; idylle. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 8.) 14798 Milligan, J. L. Executive pardons. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Milligan, W. Religion of Ancient Greece. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Milling machines. Browne & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Treatise on the constr. and use of univ. milling machines. 22074 Millington, J. Hydraulics. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., V. 1.) 4331 Million, Le ; par J. Claretie. 14715 Millot, C. F. X., Vabbe. Elements of general history. 5 v. 5120-4 Mills, A. Literature and literary men of Gt. Brit, and Ireland. *I Mills, C. History of chivalry ; or. Knighthood and its times. 5136 — History of the crusades. 3049 Mills, C. D. B. The Indian saint ; or, Buddha and Buddhism ; sketch, hist, and critical. 15882 — Sufficiency of natural morality as the basis 'of civil society; essay. (In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Report, 1876.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 843 Mills, C. J. Jarves, H. D. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Mills. Craik, D. Practical Amer. millwright and miller. 9125 — Woodburv, C. J. H. The lire protection of mills; and constr. of mill floors." 21919 Mills, The, of the Gods ; by J. H. Twells. 13770 Mills, The, of Tuxbury ; by V. F. Townsend. 9170 Milman, E. A. The wayside cross. . 5237 Milman, H. H. Fazio. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 1.) 11803 — History of Christianity to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman empire. 3050 — Same ; New and rev. ed. 3 v. 6682-4 — History of Latin Christianity. 8 v. « 3056-63 — History of the Jews. 3 v. ' 3051-3 — Same ; rev. and correct, ed. 3 v. 12470-2 — Life of Thomas k Becket. 3064 — Savonarola, Erasmus, and other essays. 10732 Contents. Savonarola.— Life of Erasmus.— Popes of the 16th.-17th. cent.— Clement XIV. and the Jesuits. — Newman on the development of Christian doctrine. — Relation of the clergy to the people. — Pagan and Christian sepulchres. — Stanley, A. P. {In his Ess. on Church and State.) 10698 Milman, R. Mitslav ; or, The conversion of Pomerania. Map. 22414 Milne, J. Religion of Persia ; Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta. {In Caird, J. Orien. religions.) 21880 — Same. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Milner, G. Country pleasures ; chronicle of a year, chiefly in a garden. 21041 Milner, H. M. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Milner, I. Sketch of M. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Milner, J. and I. Balfour, C. L. The brothers Milner. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Milnes, R. M., 1st. Baron Houghton. Life of Keats. {In Keats, J. Life, letters, etc.) 3065 — Monographs, personal and social. 11605 Contents. Sueliman Pasha.— Humboldt at the court of Berlin. — Car- dinal Wiseman.— W. S. Landor.— The Berry s. — Harriet, Lady Ash- burton.— Sydney Smith.— Last days of Heinrich* Heine. — Poetical works'. Portr. 2 v. 15799-800 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Milnor, J. Stone, J. S. Memoir of Milnor. 4258 Milton, John. L' allegro. 18972 — Areopagitica ; ed. with introd. and notes, by J. W. Hales. 15902 — Comus. 18973 — English poems; ed., withlife^ntrod., etc., by R. C. Browne. 2 v. 18975-6 — Lvcidas ; ed., with notes, by H. B. Sprague. 19373 ^ouna with Paradise Lost. — Paradise lost. New ed. 10482 — Same; books 1 and 2. Introd., notes, etc., by H. B. Sprague. 19373 — II Penseroso. (Clarendon pr. ser.) ' 18974 — Poetical works ; with memoir. 3066 — Poetical works ; with life bv J.^Mitford. 3 v. 3067-9 — Prose works. 5 v. ' ' 3070-4 — Selections. {In Montagu, B. Select, from the'works of Taylor, etc.) 5759 — Treasures fr. the prose writings of Milton. 6686 — Treatise on education. {In Lib. of educ, v. 2.) 8866 — Arnold, M. A French critic on M. {In his Mixed ess.) 18465 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Bickersteth, E. H. Milton's Paradise lost. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Brooke, S. A. Milton. 18803 — Channing, W. E. Character and writings of M. {In hi? Works, v. 1.) 787 — De Quincey, T. {In his Logic of polit. econ.) 1162 {In his Theol. ess., v. 2.) 1161 Milton vs. Southey and Landor. {In his Note-book.) 1188 844 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Emerson, R. W. John Milton. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 1879a — Fenton, E. Life of M. {In Lib. of educ., v. 2.) 8866 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 225& — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men.) 1592 — Himes, J. A. Stud^ of Milton's Paradise lost. 17701 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040- — Johnson, S. Milton. {In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 — Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 3.) 13218 — Lowell, J. R. {In his Among my books, ser. 2.) 15406 — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133^ Same. {In his Crit. hist., etc., ess., V. 1.) 2786 — Masson, D. Life of M. ; with an estimate of his genius and character, by Lord Macaulav. 2800 Life of Milton. " 3 v. 6846-8 Life of M. in conn, with the polit., eccl., and literary hist, of his time. 6v. 6846-8; 1T587-& Milton's youth. {In his Three devils.) 13516 — Maurice, J. F. D. Milton; Milton consid. as a schoolmaster. {In his Friendship of books.) 12252 — Ossoli, S. M. F'. d'. The prose writings of M. {In her Papers, etc., pt. 1.) 3309 — Patti.son,M. Milton. 19362 — Quick, R. H. {In his Ess. on educ. reformers.) 12175 — Ring, M. John Milton and his times ; hist, novel. 7405 — Scherer, E. Milton et le Paradis perdu. {In his Etudes crit.) 14600^ — Seeley, J. R. Milton's polit. opinions ; Milton's poetry. {In his Rom. imperialism, etc.) 10499- Milton, J. L. The stream of life on our globe ; sk. of the be- ginning and growth of life, and [its] physiological laws. 2d. ed. • 11122 Milwaukee, Wis. Buck, J. S. Pioneer hist, of M., 1833-46 ; with a topographical descr. 2 v. *I Mimi : story of peasant life in Normandy ; by E. Stuart. 20685 Mimic, The ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Par. assist.) 1336 ; 15296 Mimic life ; by A. C. Ritchie. 3658 Mind. See Feelings ; — Intellect ; — Psychology ; — Senses ; — Will. Also Insanity. Mind and body. Bain, A. Mind and body ; theories of their relation. 11974 — Brittan, S. B. Man and his rel. ; illust. the infl. of the mind on the body, etc. 5718 — Carpenter, W. B. Principles of ment. physiology. 12654 — Cliftbrd, W. R. Body and mind; On the nat. of things in themselves. {In his Leet. and ess., v. 2.) 19516 — Cunningham, J. New theory of knowing and known ; with speculations on psychology and physiologv. 13803 — Elam, C. Body v. mind." {In his Phys. prob.) 8087 — Lewes, G. H. "Physical basis of mind. " (Prob. of life and mind, ser. 2.) 18710 — Maudsley, H. The physiology of mind. 17192 — Moore, G. Power of the soul over the body. 3119 — Proctor, R. A. Bodily illness as a ment. stimulant; Inii. of the mind on the body, (/w ^is' Rough ways, etc.) 19539 — Symonds, J. A. Relations bet. mind and muscle. {In his Misc.) 22835 Mind in animals. Bueclmer, F. K. C. L. Mind in animals. 21946 Mind your own business ; drama ; by M. Lemon. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 Mine and thine. See Avis Benson. Mine is thine ; by L. W. M. Lockhart. 17841 Mineral waters. Madden, T. M. Nature and remed. effects of min. and thermal waters. {In his Health res.) 16840 — Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the U. S. and Canada; with analyses, etc., of spas of Europe, etc. 11574 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 845 Minerali, The ; romantic drama ; by H. G. Plunkett. {Bi Mod. stand, dr., V. 19.) 11819 Mineralogy. Ansted, D. T. Elementary course of geology, etc. 1028 — -Same; 2d. ed. 12479 — Bauerman, H. Text-book of systematic mineralogy. 20698 — Brush, G. J. Manual of determinative mineralogy. 13485 — Collins, J. H. First book of mineralogy. 12607 — Cornwall, H. B. Manual of blowpipe analysis, with compl. syst. of de- terminative M. 22374 — Dana, E. S. and J. D. Text-book of mineralogy ; with treat, on crystal- lography and phys. M. 17053 — Dana, J. D. Appendixes to the 5th. ed. of Dana's mineralogy. 22377 Manual of mineralogy. * 1086 System of mineralogy. 9326 Manual of mineralogy and litholog}'. , 18253 — Frazer, P. Tables for the determination of minerals, based on the tables of Weisbach. 17212 — Lintern, W. Mineral surveyor and valuer's complete guide. 11310 — Mitchell, W. Mineralogy. \In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5187 — Nason, H. B. and Chandler, C. F. Elderhorst's manual of qualitative blow-pipe analysis, and determinative M. 16034 — Richardson, G.F.* Introduction to geology andM.; new ed., rev. by T. Wright. " 3647 — Robinson, S. Catalogue of Amer. minerals, with their localities. 3677 — Schoedler, F. (In his Book of nature.) ' 3799 — Treasures of the earth. (In Wonders of sci. and art.) 4330 Minerals. See Metals ; — Precious stones. Mines and Mining. Aligny, H. F. Q. d' and others. Mining and the mechan. pieparation of ores. (7n U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Bevan, G. P. Industrial classes and indust. statistics. 16804 — Collins, J. H. Principles of metal mining. 13452 — Comstock, J. L. An^lo-Mexicau min. companies and min. wealth of California. ( With hU Hist, of prec. metals.) 5531 — Coxe, E. B. Mining legislation. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., No. 4, 1871.) 15733 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10145 — Metalic mining and collieries. 15466 — Phillips, J. S. Explorers', miners' and metallurgists' companion. 16602 — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. 4912 Recent improvements in arts, manufactures, and mines : suppl. to diet. 6603 — See also Metallurgy ;— Metals. Also Friction of air ;--Gas. Also Colorado;— U. S. Mingled yarn, A ; by M. A. Mackarness. 2 v. in 1. -12170 Mingotti, C. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Ministering children ; by M. L. Charlesworth. 19284 Ministering children ; a sequel ; by M. L. Charlesworth. 19285 Ministers. See Preachers. Minister's son. The ; by M. C. Stirling. 22743 Minister's wife. The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 8040 Minister's wooing, The ; by H. B. Stowe. 4273 Ministre sous Louis XV. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 5, V. 1.) *I Ministry, The, of sorrow ; by T. Parsons. {Inhis Ess., ser. 2.) 6140 Ministry, The, we need ; by S. Sweetser. J 1603 Minna Monte ; by " Stella." 10903 Minnesingers. See Germany. Literature. Minnesota. Farrar, M. Five years in M. ; sketches of life. 20931 — Bond, J. W. Minnesota, and its resources. 437 — Parker, I^. H. The Minnesota handbook for 1856-7. 1026 — Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota, 1849. 3916 — See also West, The. S4:Q FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Minnifie, W. Text-book of geometrical drawing. 2d. ed. 3075 Minnigerode, C. The power of faith, (/n Union pulpit.) 6680 Minor, E. E. Murillo. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 21340 Minor, T. C. Her ladyship. 19831 Minor drama. See French's minor drama. Minot, G. R. History of the insurrections in Mass., 1786, and the rebellion [Shays] consequent thereon. 2d. ed. *I Minot, H. D. The land-birds and gamerbirds of New Eng. Illust. 16619 Minstrelsy. Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy, anc. and modern. 2 v. 3168-9 Mint. SeeV. S. Mint. Minto, W. Daniel Defoe. (Eng. men of letters.) 18497 — A manual of Eng. prose literature, biog. and critical. New ed. 20964 Minto, Earl of. See Elliot, Sir G. Minturn, R. B., Jr. From New York to Delhi. 3076 Minturn, W. Travels west ; [California, Utah, Pacific coast, e^c.]. 17810 Miot, A. F., comte de Melito. Memoirs ; ed. by Gen. Fleisch- mann ; fr. the French, by Mrs. Hoey and J. Lillie. 21344 Mirabeau, H. G. R., comte de. Brougham, H. Mirabeau family. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) fi9fr — Cormenin, L. M de la H. de. (In his Orators of France.) 5012. — Gilfillan, G. (In his Third ga\\er j, etc.) 225T — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 3.) 2788 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 4. ; Portr. cont., v. 2.) *I Miracle, A, in stone ; great pyramid of Egypt ; by J. A. Seiss. 17501 Miracle plays and sacred dramas ; hist, surv., by K. Hase. 19801 Miracles. De Quincey, T. On Hume's argument against M. (In hisTheol. ess., v. 1.) 1160 — Mountford, W. Miracles, past and present. 8392 — Fuchs, M. Miracles. (7w Heagle, D. Bremen lect.) 9780 — Mediaeval and mod. saints and miracles. 16136 — Mozley, J. B. Eight lect. on miracles. 1767T — Rylance, J. H. The relation of M. to the Chr. faith. (In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — Stewart, S. J. Miracles. {In his Gospel of law.) 22178 — Stoughton, J. Nature and value of the miraculous testimony to Christ- ianity. {In Chris. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 — Tyndall,' J. Miracles and special providences. {In his Fragments, v. 2.) 19304 — Wallace, A. R. On miracles and mod. spiritualism. 15728- — See also Bible. New Testament. Miracles. Mirage; by [J. Fletcher]. 17485 Mirage, The, of life. 11897 Miralda ; by M. M. Ballon. {In French's min. dram., v. 33.) 7987 Miramichi. 5951 Mir^io ; a provengal poem ; by F. Mistral. 10590 Mirella ; opera ; by Gounod. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 2.) • *I Miriam; by Marion Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 1757 Miriam; dramatic poem; by L. J. Hall. 5111 — Same. 2d. ed. 907T Miriam Coffin ; by J. C. Hart. 12116 Miriam Monfort ; by C. A. Warfield. 11958 Miriam Rosenbaum ; by A. Edersheim. 11421 Miriam's heritage ; by A. Calder. 1782^ Miriam's marriage; by K. S. Macquoid. 3 v. 12378-80 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 847 Miriam's memoirs ; by C. A. Warfielcl. 15543 Mirror, The. See Mackenzie, H. Misanthrope, Le ; comedie ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 4.) 14607 — Same-, Eng. trans. {In his Dram, wks., v. 2.) 16844 Misanthrope et I'auvergnat, Le ; comedie ; par E. M. Labiche. (Th^Mre compl., v. 1.) 14558 Misanthropy ; by S. S. Ellis. {In her Pict. of priv. life, ser. 2.) 1369; 1358 Miscellaneous essays and letters ; by T. R. Hazard. 22675 Miscellany of entertaining and useful tracts ; by W. and R. Chambers. 10 v. (v. 3 wanting.) 760-9 Mischief-making ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 17.) 11844 Miser, The ; by H. Conscience. 929 Miser, The ; by Moli^re. {In Ms Dram, wks., v. 3.) 16845 Miserables, Les ; par V. Hugo. 5 v. 14423-7 — Same ; f r. the French. 2117 Miser's daughter. The ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 8166 Misery landing ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Misfortunes, The, of Elphin ; by T. L. Peacock. {In his works, V. 2.) . 13880 Mishaps, The, of Mr. Ezekiel Pelter. 13594 Mishmee hills ; by T. T. Cooper. 12562 Misrepresentation ; by A. H. Drury. 5252 Miss Angel ; by A. I. Thackeray. 13919 Miss Becky's pilgrimage ; by S. O. Jewett. {In her Country by-ways. 21032 Miss Beulah's bonnet ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Miss Bouverie ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 3 v. 20340-2 Miss Carew ; by A. B. Edwards. 6655 Miss Cheriton's rival ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. {In her Nina's atonement, etc. 11950 Miss Chester, My three conversations with ; by F. B. Perkins. 17065 Miss Cicely's portrait. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 11.) 14311 Miss Columbia's public school ; illust. by T. Nast. 9659 Miss Crespigny ; by F. H. Burnett. 17755 Miss Dorothy's charge ; by F. L. Benedict. 10154 Miss Elizabetha; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Rodman.) 19610 Miss Elsie ; sayn^te ; par L. Supersac. {In Sayntos, e^c, ser. 7.) 14797 Miss Gilbert's career ; by J. Gr. Holland. 1951 Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress. . 15575 Miss Leighton's perplexities ; by A. C. Hall. 22320 Miss Lucinda ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Somebody's neigh- bors.) 20267 Miss Mackenzie ; by A. Trollope. • 5789 Miss Marjoribanks ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 6370 Miss Mehetabel's son ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In his Marjorie Daw.) 11933 Miss Mildred's friend; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 848 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Miss Misanthrope ; by J. McCarthy. Miss Molly ; by B. M. Butt. Miss Moore ; by G. M. Craik. Miss Monkton's marriage. {In Soc. nov. V. 1.) Miss Morier's visions ; by Miss Thackeray. {In her Miss Williamson's divagations.) Miss Nancy's pilgrimage ; by V. W. Johnson. Miss Olive's boys ; by Mrs. R. O'Reilly. {In her Sussex stor., y. 2.) Miss Oona McQuarry ; by A. Smith. Miss or Mrs. ? and other stor. in outline ; by W. Collins. Miss Richards' boy ; and other stories ; by M. Holley. Miss Rovel ; par V. Cherbuliez. Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town, Jamaica ; by A. Trollope. {In his Tales.) Miss Slimmens's window ; and other papers ; by Mrs. M. Pea- body. Miss Thistledown; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. Miss Van Kortland ; [by F. L. Benedict]. Miss Violet and her "offers ;" by S. Brooks. Bound icith The Naggletons. Miss Williamson's divagations ; by Miss Thackeray. Missa Solennis in I) ; by Beethoven. Missing ; by M. C. Hay. Missing bells, The. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 19.) Mission, The ; by Capt. Marryat. Mission of Black Rifle ; by E. Kellogg. Mission Ridge. Taylor, B. F. Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. Missionaries. Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the missionary enter- prise. — Farrar, F. W. (In his Saintly workers.) — Timpson, T- Memoirs of Brit, female missionaries. Missions. Anderson, R. Foreign missions, their relations and claims. History of the missions to the Oriental churches. 2 v. — Christlieb, T. Protestant for. missions ; their pres. state ; univ. survey. — Laurie, T. The Ely volume ; contrib. of our for. M. to science and human well-being. — Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions ; their agents and their results. 2v. — Mueller, F. M. On missions. — Mullens, J. Modern M. and their results. (In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) — Nevin, R. P. Black-robes ; missions and ministers in the wilderness and on the border. — Phelps, A. Foreign and home M. as seen by candidates for the minis- try ; Foreign missions, their range of appeal for missionaries limited. (In his My portfolio.) — Seelye, J. H. ' Christian missions. — West, M. A. The romance of missions ; views of life in the land of Ararat. — Yonge, C. M. Pioneers and founders ; recent workers in the mission field. • ^— Young, R. Modern missions, their trials and triumphs ; with introd. by J. H. Wilson. Am. ed., rev. and enl. — See also Baldwin, M. B. ;— Everett, S. H. ;— Hamlin, H. A. L. ;— Ham- lin, H. M.;— Judson, Mrs. A. H. ;— Wilson, J. ■ Also, Africa ;— Alaska ;— Hawaiian Is. ;— India ;— Sandwich Is.; So. Sea Is. Also, American Baptist Missionary Union ;— Jesuits ;— Moravian missions. 17633 15667 12762 22935 20517 16950 20547 6149 11533 22727 14460 10955 3415 7304 5282 15701 20517 *I 20058 19164 2909 16678 9848 5032 18225 4468 8665 10505-6 19876 21329 5883^ 12233 10027 10479 22045 14066 15384 10120 22956 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 849 Mississippi. Nordhoff, C. Mississippi in 1875. (Jn to Cot- ton states.) * 15398 Mississippi river. Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak- box : voyage down the M. 19211 — Clemens, S. L. Life on the Mississippi. 22770 — Corthell, E. L. History of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi. 20194 — Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. (Camp, of the Civ. War.) 22149 — Schoolcraft, H. R. Narrative of an exp. through the upper Mississippi. 3800 — See also North west. Mississippi scheme. Mackay C. (In his Mem. of pop. delu- sions, V. 1.) 2839 — Wood, J. P. Memoirs of the life of J. Law ; incl. acct. of the Mississippi system. *I Mississippi Valley. Flint, T. Condensed geography and hist. of the Western states and M. valley. 2 v. 1485-6 Recollections of the last ten years in the valley of the M. 1484 — Foster, J. W. The Mississippi valley, its phys". geography. 7835 — Monette, J. W. Historv of the disc* and settlement of the Yallev of the M. 2v. ' , * 3103-4 Missouri. Bay, W. V. N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of M. 18194 Missy ; by Mrs. Harris. 19800 Mistake, The ; comedy ; by J. Vanbrugh. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Mistaken ; or. The seeming and the real ; by L. Fuller. 8787 Mistral, F. Mir^io ; a provenpal poem. 10590 — Preston, H. W. Mistral's Calendau. (In A er Troubadours and Trouv^res.) 16687 Mistress and maid ; by D. M. Muloch. 3462 Mistress Judith ; by C. C. F. Tytler. 13573 Mistress of the manse ; by J. G. Holland. 13079 Misunderstood; by F. Montgomery. 9172 Mitchel, John. History of Ireland, fr. the treaty of Limerick ; contin. of the hist, of the Abb^ Macgeoghegan. 7500 Mitchell, A. F. Pre-Reformation Scotland, 1513-1559. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 Mitchell, D. G. (pseud. Ik. Marvel.) About old story-tellers. 17346 Contents. Introd.— First printers and their homes. — The Arabian nights.— Goldsmith's work.— Gulliver Swift.— An Irish story-teller [31. Ecfeeworth].— Two French friends [St. Pierre and Mme. Cottin] .—Fairy realm.— A Scotch magician [W. Scott] .—Robinson Crusoe. — How a tinker wrote a novel [Bunyan] . — A bachelor's revery. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Battle summer ; pers. obs. in Paris, 1848. 3078 — Doctor Johns. 2 v. 6453-4 — Dream life. 3079 — Fresh gleanings ; continental Europe. 3080 — Fudge doings. 2 v. 3081-2 ^— The lorgnette. 2 v. 3083-4 — My farm of Edgewood. • 5468 — Reveries of a bachelor. 3085 — Rural studies; with hints for country places. 6890 — Seven stories, with basement and attic. > 5649 Contents. Wet day at an Irish inn.— Account of a consulate. — The petit Soulier.— The bride of the ice-king.— The cabriolet.— Count Pesaro.— Emile Roque. — Wet days at Edgewood. 5798 Mitchell, J., Maj. Gen. Biographies of soldiers; ed., with mem. of the author, by L. Schmitz. 19296 Mitchell, John. Manual of practical assaying ; by W. Crookes. 4th. ed. 12731 — Same ; 5th. ed. 21188 850 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The astronomy of the Bible. 7th. ed. found, on the philosophy Wonders of the 3003 3086 308T 15690 1147a 3088 172ia 10898 13685 7080 5187 5192 Mitchell or Mitchel, O. M. — Planetary and stellar worlds. — Popular astronomy ; elementary treatise. Mitchell, M. S. Manual of elocution ; of the human voice. Mitchell, M. Additions. {In Guillemin, A. moon.) Mitchell, S. A. Ancient geography. Mitchell, S. W. Nurse and patient ; and Camp cure. Mitchell, T. Rudimentary manual of architecture. — The stepping-stone to architecture ; ser. of questions and answers expl. the princ. and prog, of architecture. Mitchell, Rev. Walter. Bryan Maurice ; or. The seeker. Mitchell, W. Crystallography ; Mineralogy. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) — Properties of matter ; Statics. (7w Orr, "W. S. Circ. of the sci.) Mitchinson, A. W. The expiring continent ; trav. in Senegambia ; with obs. on native character, pres. condition, and future prospects of Africa and colonisation. Map and illust. 20543 Mitford, A. B. The forty-seven R6nins. {In Little class., V. 11.) 12982 — Tales of old Japan. 2 v. 9645-d Mitford, J. Life of Dry den. {In Dryden, J. Poet, works, V. 1.) 1274 — Life of Wm. Falconer. ( Jw Falconer, W. Poet, works.) 1439' — Life of J. Swift. {In Swift, J. Poet, works, v. 1.) 432a — Life of E. Young. {In Young, E. Poet, works, v. 1.) 4906 Mitford, M. R. Belford Regis. 3089 — The freshwater fisherman. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 — Letters ; ed. by H. Chorley. 2d. ser. 2 v. 10707-8 — Life ; in letters to her friends ; ed. by A. G. K. L'Estrange. 2 v. 8376-T — Our village. 1st. ser. 12911 — Same ; 2d. ser. 8540 — Same ; [a selection] . 12130 — Rienzi. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 22.) 11821 . — L'Estrange, A. G. The friendships of M. ; letters fr. her correspondents. 22161 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Mithridate ; trag^die ; par J. Racine. (Jn ^isTh^dtre compl.) 14399 Mitslav ; or. The conversion of Pomerania ; by R.Milman. 22414 Mivart, St.G. The cat ; introd. to the study of backboned animals, especially mammals. Illust. 20676 — The common frog. 13410 — Contemporary evolution ; ess. on recent social changes. 1660O — Lessons fr. nature as manifested in mind and matter. 15801 — Lessons in element, anatomy. 11642 — Man and apes ; exposition of struct, resemblances and differences bearing upon questions of affinity and origin. 12142" — Nature and thought; introd. to a nat. philosophy. 22921 — On the genesis of species. ' 9120 — One point in controversy with the Agnostics. {In Manning, H. E. Essays on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I — Fiske, J. Mr. M. on Darwinism. {In his Darwinism.) 18991 Mixer, A. H. Manual of French poetry; with hist, introd., and biog. not. of authors. 12676 Moab. Tristram, H. B. The land of M. ; trav. and discoveries. 12141 Moabite stone. Colenso, J. W. Lectures on the Pentateuch and the Moabite stone. 11774 — The Moabite stone. {In Morrison, W. Recov. of Jerusalem.) 9623 Moale, W. A., joint author. Mob cap, The ; by H. Paul. See Martin, H. N. {In French's min. dram. V. 7.) 11839 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 851 Moby Dick ; by H. Melville. 9689 Mock doctor, The ; com. opera ; by Gounod. *I Model father, A ; by D. C. Murray. 21896 Modeling. Leland, C. G. The minor arts. 19884 — Vago, A. L. Instructions in the art of modeling in clav; app., Modeling foliage, etc., by B. Pitman. ' 1989T Moderation vs. total abstinence ; or, Dr. Crosby and his reviewers. 20430 Modern Cressida, A ; by F. Asheton. 13076 Modern doubt and Chr. belief ; by T. Christlieb. 1239^ Modern fishers of men among the various sexes, sects, and sets of Chartville church and community. 18293 Modern Griselda, The ; by M. Edgeworth. 1330 ; 15295 Modern Hagar, The ; by C. M. Clay [C. M. Clarke]. 2 v. 22464-5 Modern Haroun-Al-Raschid, The. (In Home narr.) 1197 Modern history. Arnold, T. Lectures on mod. hist. 9828 — Gervinus, G. G. Introduction to the history of the 19th. cent. 2231 — Michelet, J. Summary of mod. history. 13818 — Schlegel. K. W. F. Course of lect. on mod. hist., etc. ; tr. by L. Pureell and il. H. Wliitelock. 22360 — Schlosser, F. C. Historv of the 18th. cent., and 19th. till the overthrow of the French Empire. 8 v. 3791-8 lyth, W. Lectures on mod. hist. ; from the irruption of the northern nations to the close of the Amer. revolution. 406& — Strickland, A. True stories fr. mod. hist. ; fr. the death of Charlemagne to the battle of Waterloo. 717a — Thallieimer, M. E. Manual of mediaeval and mod. history, • 15540 — White, J. Eighteen centuries. 4744 — Yonge, C. D. Thi-ee centuries of mod. history. 21168 — Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of history. ' 6990 Modern instance, A ; by W. D. Howells. 21918 Modern leaders ; biog. sketches ; by J. McCarthy. 11191 Modern mephistopheles, A ; (no name ser.) 16930 Modern minister, A. 2 v. in 1. 17874 Modern pilgrims ; by G. Wood. 2 v. 4848-^ Modern Psyche, The ; by E. E. Hale. (In his Crusoe in N. Y.) 1979^ Modern saints and servants of God ; namely : Lives of A. Talpa, Father Eustachio, and G. Prever. 8939- Lives of St. Peter of Alcantara, and of I. Azevedo. 2 v. 8940-1 Modern scepticism. 9747 Modern Sindbad, The ; by E. E. Hale. {In Ms His level best, etc.) 11209 Modern society ; by C. Sinclair. 4000 Modern sphinx. The, and some of her riddles ; by M. J. Savage. 22876 Modern standard drama. See Sargent, E. Modern story-teller. The. (Putnam's story lib.) 3569^ Modern symposium. Fiske, J. A crumb for the " Modern symposium." {In his Darwinism, etc.) 18991 Modern traveller ; popular descr. of the countries of the globe. 10 V. 3091-3100 Contents. V. 1. Palestine. 2, 3. Syria and Asia Minor. 4, 5. Brazil and Buenos Ayres. 6,7. Mexico and Guatemala. 8. Colombia. 9. Arabia. 10. Russia. Modern women and what is said of them ; repr. of articles in the Saturday Review ; introd. by L. G. Calhoun. 7523 Mod^t, Helen. Light. 2356 S52 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Modocs. Miller, C. H. Life among the M. ; unwritten hist. 12066 Moerike, E. Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16150 Moeser, J. Translations. {Li Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Moffat, R. S. The principles of a time policy ; exposition of a method of settling disputes bet. employers and labourers ; fr. The economy of consumption. With a re-criticism of the theories of Ricardo and J. S. Mill on rent, value, and cost of production. 18335 Moffat, R. Life in Southern Africa. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — A life's labors in South Africa ; story of the life-work of M. 17599 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Mor. heroism.) 6740 Mofussil. /See Bengal. Moggridge, J. T. Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders. 11448 Mohammed. A comprehensive commentary on the Qurdn ; compr. Sale's trans, and prelim, disc, with add., notes and emendations ; index, prelim, discourse, and notes ; by E. M. Wherry. 21663 — The Koran ; tr. by G. Sale. 2305 — The Koran ; tr. with notes and index, by J. M. Rodwell. 6843 — Selections fr. the Koran ; tr. by E. W. Lane. 2306 — Speeches and table-talk; tr., with introd. and notes, by S. L. Poole. 22538 — Ahmed, K. B. Series of essays on the life of Mohammed, v. 1. 10897 — Ameer Ali, M. Sped. Critical examination of the life and teachings of M. 15891 — Brigham, C. H. (In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. 646 — Cox, G. W. Mahomet. {In his Latin and Teuton. Christendom.) 10778 — Gibbon, E. Life of M., with notes by Dean Milman and W. Smith. 2242 — Goodrich, S. G. {I7i his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Irving, W. Mahomet and his successors. 2 v. 2156-7 — Merrick, J. L. Life and religion of Mohammed. 3014 — Muir, W. The Coran ; its composition and teaching, etc. 19256 Life of Mahomet. 4 v. 8904-7 — Renan, J. E. Mahomet and the origins of Islamism. {In his Stud., etc.) 5636 — Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 12826 Mohammedans and Mohammedanism. Deutsch, E. Islam. (In his Literary rem.) 12376 — Lees, J; C. Mahommedanism. (In St. Giles' Lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Muir, W. Annals of the early caliphate ; f r. orig. sources. 22922 — Osborn, R. D. Islam under the Arabs. 17812 Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad. 17813 — Palgrave, W. G. Mahometanism in the Levant; The Mahometan revi- val. {In his Ess. on Eastern quest.) 12382 — Redhouse, J. W. On the hist, system and varieties of Turkish poetry; with not. of the Islamic doctr. of the immortalitv of woman's soul. *I — Sell, E. The faith of Islam. * 21992 — Southgate, H. Observations on the cond. of M. and Christianity. {In his Narr. of a tour thr. Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, etc., 2 v.) 4086-7 — Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam. The Bible and the Koran. 17020 — Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. 17504 Mochicans de Paris, Les ; par A. Dumas. 4 v. 14679-82 — Same. Eng. The Mohicans of Paris. 13487 Mohocks and their literature. {In Sketches and ess. fr. the Sat. Review.) ' 12749 Mohr, E. To the Victoria falls of the Zambesi ; tr. by N. D'Anvers. Illust. and map. 15923 Mohr, F. The grape vine ; tr. by Horticola. 7018 Moi;com^die; par E. M. Labiche. (Jn ^is Theatre compL, V. 4.) . 14561 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 853 Moine, A. Gautier, T. Sculpteurs contemp. -{In Ms Fusains, etc.) 14637 Moir. D. M. The divinity student. {In Wilson, .J. M. Tales, V. 3.) 8043 — Gilfillan, G. Delta. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 Molbech, C. K. F. Ambrosias ; a play ; fr. the Danish, by A. Berry. 19124 Mol6, F. R. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. desm^m., v. 6.) 14526 Mol6, L. M., comte. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. 3.) *I Moleschott, J. A. W. Chemistry of food. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci. ; Pract. chem.) 5188 Molesworth, Mrs. {pseud. Ennis Graham) . The adventures of Herr Baby ; illust. by W. Crane. 21244 — The hoys and I. Illust. 22164 — Carrots ; just a little hoy ; illust. bv W. Crane. 17394= — A Christmas child : sketch of a hov's life. Illust. 20067 — The cuckoo clock ; illust. by W. Crane. 1826(> — ' Grandmother dear ;' illust. by W. Crane. ' 18261 — Hathercourt. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 17843 — Miss Bouverie. 3 v. 20340-2 — Not without thorns. 1147ft — Rosy; illust. by W. Crane. 22281 — Summer stories for bovs and girls. 21798 Contents. The swallows.— Not exactly aghost story. — The goose-girl. — Left behind. — The toy makers of Bergstein. — The tapestry room ; illust. by W. Crane. 19411 Molesworth, W. N. History of England, 1830-1874. New ed. 3 V. ■ 13005-7 Moli^re, J. B. P. de. Oeuvres. 8 v. 14604-11 Contents. V. 1. L'6tourdi.— Le depit amoureux. — Les pr6cieuses ridicules.— Sganarelle. S. Don Garcie de Navarre.— L'^cole des maris. — Les facheux.— L'ecole desfemmes. 3. La critique del'^coledesfemmes. — L'in-promptu de Versailles.- La princesse d'Elide. — Le mariage force.— Don Juan, ou, Le festin de Pierre. 4. L'amour m^decin.— Le misanthrope.— Le medecin malgr6 lui.—M61icerte.— Pastorale comique.— Le Sicilien, ou, L'amour peintre. 5. L© Tartuffe.— Amphitryon.— George Dandin. 6. L'avare. — Monsieur de Pourceaugnac— Les amants mag- nifiques. 7. Le bourgeois gentilhomme.— Les fourberies de Scapin. — Psyche. 8. Les femmes savantes.— La comtesse d'Escarbagnas.— Le malade imaginaire.— La gloire du Yal-de Grace, poeme. — Dramatic works ; tr. by C. H. Wall. 3 v. 16843-5 Contents. Y. 1. The jeolousy of Le Barbouill6.— The flying doctor. — The blunderer; or, The mishaps. — Lovers' quarrels. — The affected ladies. — Sganarelle.— Don Gracia of Navarre.— School for husbands.— The bores.— School for wives.— School for wives criticised.— The im- promptu of Versailles. 2. The forced marriage. — The Princess of Elis.— Don Juan; or, The feast of the statue.— Love is the best doctor. — The misanthrope. — The doctor in spite of himself. — Melicerte. — The Sici- lian ; or, Love the painter.— TartutFe ; or. The impostor. — Amphitryon.— George Dandin ; or, The baffled husband. 3. The miser.— Mr. de Pour- ceaugnac. — The magnificent lovers.— The shopkeeper turned gentleman. — Psyche.— The impostures of Scapin.— The Countess of Escarbagnas.— The learned women. — The imaginary invalid. — Besant, W. {In his French humorists.) 13061 — Oliphant, M. and Tarver, F. Moliere. 18391 — Prescott, ^Y. H. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 2 ; Nouv. lund., v. 5.) *I Moliere; drame ; par George Sand. {In her Theatre compl., ser. 1.) 14510 Molinari, G. de. Lettres sur les Etats-Unis et le Canada. 14475 Molinos, M. de. Bigelow, J. Molinos, the Quietist. 21608 Mollett, J. W. Meissonier. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 21389 — Rembrandt. (Illust. biog. of the gt. art.) 18774 854 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. -- Sir David Wilkie. (lUust. biog. of gt. artists.) 20374 Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. 11045 Molloy, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. 18775 — The songs of Ireland, with new symphonies and accompaniments. *I Mollusca. See Conchology. Molly Bawn ; by The Duchess [M. Argles]. 17925 JMoUy Maguires. Bolles, A. S. The Molly Maguires. {In Ms Indust. hist, of U. S.) 18466 — Dewees, P. P. The Molly Maguires ; origin, growth, and character of the organization. 16910 Mbltke, H. K. B. von, Count. Letters fr. Russia ; fr. the Ger- man, by G. Bigelow. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17499 — Miiller, W. Field-marshal Count Moltke. 18742 — AVilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 Moluccas, or Spice Islands. Kolff, D. H., Jr. Voyages of the Brig Dourga thr. the Moluccan Archipelago, etc. 2508 Molyneux, H. H., Uh. Earl of Carnarvon. Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) 13883 Momentous question, The ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 32.) 11826 Mommsen, C. M. T. History of Rome ; tr. by W. P. Dick- son ; pref . by L. Schmitz ; new ed. 4 v. 8221-4 — Freeman, E. A. Mommsen's history of Rome. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 2.) 11525 Mon ami Naz ; par P. Ar^ne. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Mon ^toile ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 7.) *I Mon Ism^nie, com^die ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^dtre compL, V. 3.) 14560 Mon oncle C^sar ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 7.) *I Monachism. See Monasticism. Monarch of Mincing lane ; by W. Black. 9701 Monarchist, The ; by J. B. Jones. 9776 Monasteries. Bourass^, J. J. Abbayes et monast^res. 9435 — Curzon, R. Monasteries of the East; embr. visits to the M. of the Le- vant. ■ ' 1068 — Froude, J. A. Dissolution of the monasteries. {In his Short stud., ser. 1.) 6963 — Meehan, C. P. Rise and fall of the Irish Franciscan monasteries, etc. 22229 — See also Convents ;— England. Eccl. hist. ;— Sumelas. Monastery, The ; by W. Scott. 3821 Monasticism. Cox, G. W. {In his Latin and Teuton Chris- tendom.) 10778 — Hardy, R. S. Eastern monachism. 118^ — Jameson, A. Legends of the monastic orders. 6125 — Johnson, J. E. The monks bef. Christ; their spirit, their history. 8526 ~ Montalembert, F. R. Monks of the West. 2 v. 9903-4 — See also England. Ecclesiastical hist. Moncey, R. A. de. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., V. 1.) 1825 — Moncey. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Monck, Gr., Duke of Albemarle. James, G. P. R. {In his Mem., V. 1.) 2293 Monck, W. H. S. Sir Wm. Hamilton. (Eng. phil.) 20377 Moncrieff, J. Address, Glasgow Athenaeum, 1855. {In Lit- erary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Moncrieff, R. H. {pseud. A. R. Hope). Book about boys. 7493 — Book alDout dominies. 7604 — The dav after the holidavs. 14112 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 855 — Famous hist, scenes f r. three cent. ; celebrated events fr. the Kef ormation to the end of the Fr. revolution. 14162 — George's enemies : seq. to '' My schoolboy friends." 14152 — Homespun stories. Illust. ' 22469 Contents. Playins: the fool.— My desert island. — The black book. — •Crossing the line'.— Caught out.— A scene fr. history.— The Guisards.— The secret society.— At the masthead.— A night in the Black Forest. — Baby bov. — The Banshee. — Master John Bull. 11464 — The men of the backwoods ; stor. and sk. of Indians and Indian fighters. 19222 — My schoolboy friends. 10552 — Seven stories'. 20275 Contents. Black and white,— The amateur dominie.— Calf love.— Dark doings. — The watch. — The great unknown. — Going home. — Stories about boys. 11707 — Stories of French school life. 11677 — Stories of school life. 8112 — Stories of Whitminster. 14153 Moncrieff, W. D. S. Heat power. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — A water-wheel. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 — What is "power?"— What is "work?" {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2,) 20446 Moncrieff, W. T. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sar- gent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Monday chats ; by C. A. Sainte-Beuve. 17345 Monday Club, The. Sermons on the International Sunday- school lessons for 1876-79. 15966; 16700; 17369; 18187 Monday Lectures. See Boston Monday Lectures. Monday work ; by E. T. H. Putnam. . 8630 Monde renvers^, Le ; com^die ; par H. deBornier. (JnLegouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14685 Monette, J. W. History of the disc, and settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, to 1846. 2 v. 3103-4 Money. Berkey, W. A. The money question ; Legal tender paper monetary system of the U. S., etc. ; with hist. acct. of money. Europe and the U. S. *I — Oernuschi, H. Monetary diplomacy in 1878. 18478 — Davies, T. A. How to inake money, and how to keep it. 6722 — Fearn, H. N. The money market; what it is, what it does, and how it is managed. ' 6484 — Howe, J. B. Common sense, mathematics, and metaphys. of money. 20873 Mono-metalism and bi-metalism ; or. Science of monetary values. 18672 — International Monetary Conference, 1878. Proc. and exhibits, etc. (U. S. Cong. Senate. Ex. doc.) . *I — Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 14113 — Linderman, H. R. Money and legal tender in the U. S. 17366 — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. JVianagement of money. {In Walker, A. Hints to women.) 17862 — Newcomb, S. The A B C of finance; money and labor questions expl. 17310 — Poor, H. V. Money and its laws ; hist, of monetary theories, and hist. of the currencies of the U. S. 17282 — Price, B. Money ; Paper currency. {In his Chap, on polit. econ.) 18448 — Reade, H. L. Money, and how to make it. 11211 — Schurz, C. Honest money and labor, address. 18504 — Spencer, H. State tamperings with money and banks. {In his Essays.) 5863 — Tucker, G. Theory of money and banks investigated. 4519 — Walker, A. The national currency and the money problem. (Atlas ser.) 18309 — Walker, F. A. Money. 17403 Money and its rel. to trade and industry. 18577 — Walker, J. H. A few suggestions on money, trade, and banking. 21177 — Wells, i). A. Robinson Crusoe's mouev; or, The remarkable financial fortunes of a remote island community. 15573 — Whately, R. Easy lessons on money matters. 10872 — White, H. Money and its substitutes. 21626 856 FREE PUBLIC LIBBARY. — See also Currency ;— Paper money ;— Silver. Also Banks ;— Finance ;— Political economy;— U. S. Money ; by J. Tardieu. 18822 Money ; by Lord Lytton. {In his Dram, works.) 1188^ Money; comedy; by E. L. Bulwer. (In Mod. stand, dram., V. 1.) 1180a Money and music ; by C. Barnard. 1264& Money-bags and titles ; by J. S andean. 3204 Money-maker; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 698a Monfort Hall ; by C. A. Warfield. 15498 Mongredien, A. Pleas for protection examined. (Cobden Club.) 21396 — Wealth-creation ; introd. by S. Sterne. 22870 — The western farmer of America. (Cobden Club.) 19775 Mongrels ; by T. Wilton. 2295a Monica, St. Herbert, M. E. Life of St. Monica. {In her Three phases.) 6885 Monikins ; by J. F. Cooper. 95a Monk, G. See Monck, G. Monk, The, of Cimi^s ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, V. 14.) 3968 Monkeys. Appleton, T. G. May a monkey possess genius ? {In his Chequer- work.) 19019 — Parrots and monkeys. 20131 Monkhouse, W. C. Turner. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 19036 Monks. See Monasticism. Monks, The, of Thelema ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 1886^ Monluc. See Montluc. Monmouth. Black, A. and C. Guide to the counties of Here- ford and M. *I Monnier, H. B. Gautier, T. and others. {In their Famous French authors.) 19026 — Gautier, T. Sc('>nes populaires de M. (In his Fusains et eaux-fortes.) 1463T Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii ; fr. the French. (111. lib. of wonders.) 8102 Monod, A. Parting words of Monod, 1855-6. 11508 Monographs, personal and social; by R. M. Milnes. 11605 Monomanie, Une ; com^die-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. {In his Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 24.) *I Mono-metalism and bi-metalism ; by J. B. Howe. 18672 Monotheism and the Jews ; by G. Gottheil. {In Inst, ess.) 19811 Monroe, A. Model Sunday school speaker. 10535 Monroe, J. Adams, J. Q. Lives of Madison and M. ; with hist. not. 4932 — Gilman, D. C. James Monroe, in his rel. to the pub. service. 22725 Monroe, L. B. Public and parlor readings ; dialogues and dramas. 11572 Humorous. 9144 Miscellaneous. 9978 — Young: folks' readings for soc. and pub. entertainment. 16685 Monroe doctrine. The Inter-oceanic canal and the M. doctrine. 19547 Mons, F. Le dernier klephte ; pochade Grecque. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 1.) 14791 Monsanto, H. M. Manual of commercial correspondence in French. 20571' CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 857 « Monselet, A. Ainsi soit-il ! sayn^te. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, ser. 5.) 14795 Monselet, C. La demoiselle qui a des absences. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 8.) 14798 — Lettre d'une actrice; monologue. {In SaynMes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 — Le rhumatisme ; monologue ; Par la poste ;' lettre k une dame de Province. {In Saync'tes, etc., ser. 4.) 14794 — A trip through my pockets. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — Yovage dans mes poches ; monologue. Un livre leste ; dialogue. {In 'Savnetes. etc., ser. 1.) 14791 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) *I M. Anastasius ; by Miss Muloch. {In her Nothing new.) 5082 Monsieur Antoine ; by George Sand. 9778 Monsieur Cambrefort ; sayu^tes ; par L. D^pret. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Mons. Coumbes ; par A. Dumas. 9494 Monsieur de la petite dame, Le ; by F. H. Burnett. {In her Surly Tim.) 17184 Monsieur de Pourceaugnac ; com^die-ballet ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 6.) 14609 Monsieur Lecoq ; fr. the Fr. of E. Gaboriau. 19652 Monsieur qui a brulc^ une dame, Un ; com.-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^dt. compL, v. 8.) 14572 Monsieur qui n'arrive jamais, Un ; monologue ; par E. Delan^ noy. {In SaynMes, etc., ser. 7.) 14797 Monsieur qui ne veut plus fumer, Un ; monologue en vers ; par L. Cressouuois. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 5.) 14795 Monsieur qui preud lamouche, Un ; com. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Th^c^tre compl., v. 3.) 14560 Monsieur Sylvestre ; by George Sand. 8187 Monsieur Tardif ; com6die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 13.) . *I Monsieur Tonson ; by W. T. Moncrieff. {In French's min. dram.., v. 16.) 11844 Monson, E. The separate system of drainage ; The sewage difficulty. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Pmc, V. 1.) *I Mont Blanc. See Blanc, Mont. Montague Kurde, La ; par A. Eynaud. (In his Scenes de la vie orientale.) 9512 Montagnes Russes, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 2.) *I Montagu, A. P. D. de N., Marquise de. Memoirs. 8742 Montagu, B. Selections fr. the works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, South, Brown, Fuller, and Bacon. 5759 Montagu, E. W. Autobiography; pref. by R. S. Mackenzie. 12769 — Doran, J. {In his In and about Dniry Lane, v. 2.) 21400 Montagu, E. Doran, J. A lady of the last century. 11447 — El wood, A. K. (In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Montagu, Lady M. (P.) W. Adams, W. H. D. {In his Women of fashion, v. 1 .) 18867 — Dilke, C. W. {In his Papers of a critic, v. 1.) 14203 — Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 — Oliphant, M. O. ^Y. {In her Hist, sketches.) 8132 — Russell, W. {In his Ecc. personages.) 55 858 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Stanhope, P. H. Italian memoir by Lady Montagu. (In his Mine.) 10844 — Thomson, K. and J. 0. (In ^Aeir Queens of soe.) 4718 Montaigne, M. E. de. Works ; ed. by W. Hazlitt. 5342 — Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 — Collins, W. L. Montaigne. 18561 — Emerson, R. W. (In his Representative men.) 1384 — Quick, R. H. (In his Ess. on educ. reformers.) 12175 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 2, 6; Cans, lund., v. 4.) *I Montalembert, C. F. de T., comte de. Monks of the West. 2 V. ^ 9903-4 — Havward, A. (In his Sketches, etc., v. 1.) 20602 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Memoir of Montalembert. 2 v. 11663-4 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 2; Caus. lund., v. 1.) *I Montana. Boiler, H. A. Among the Indians, 1858-66 ; sketches of Montana, etc. 7350 — See also Northw^est ;— West. AlsoJJ. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Territories. Montanus. De Soyres, J. Montanism and the prim, church ; study in the eccl. hist, of the 2d. cent. • 18831 M-ontauk Point. Lanman, C. {In his Recollections.) 22403 Montausier, J. L. d'A. de R., duchesse de. Cousin, V. L'hotel de Rambouillet ; La marquise de Rambouillet, ses deux fiUes Julie et Angelique d'Angennes. {In his Soc. Fran9., V. 1.) 14473 Montefeltro, House of. Dall, C. H. Women of the House of M. {In her Hist, pict.) 1080 Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the river Congo. Map and illust. 15492 Monteith, J. Popular science reader ; lessons and selections in nat. philosophy, botany, etc. 20776 Montenegro. Denton, W. Montenegro; its people and hist. 17376 — Gladstone, W. E. Montenegro. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 — Towle, G. M. Brief hist, of Montenegro. 17046 — Wilkinson, J. G. Dalmatia and M., w^ith journ. to Mostar in Herzegovina, and rem. on the Slavonic nations ; Hist, of Dalmatia, etc. 2 v. *I Moutenotte. Adams, C. {In his Great campaigns.) 18150 Montepin, IL.^ joint author. See Grang^, E. Montesquieu, C. de S. De la grandeur des Romains et de leur decadence ; Reflexions sur les divers g^nies du peuple Romain, par Saint-Evremont. Nouv. ed. 14722 — Pensees diverses. (In Maximes du due de la Rochefoucauld, etc.) 9533 — Everett, A. H. Dialogue on government ; bet. Franklin and M. (In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) *I Montezuma. Eggleston, E., and Seelye, L. E. Montezuma aud the conquest of Mexico. 19877 Montfort, Countess of. See Jane, Coimtess of M. Montfort, S. de. Adams, W. H. D. {In his Warrior, priest, and statesman.) 14132 — Creighton, M. Life of de Montfort. 16765 Montgomerie, A. H., Earl of Eglinton and Winton. Address, Glasgow Athenaeum, 1855. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Montgomerie, S. K., Countess of Eglintoun. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of old families.) 18362 Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass. 3105 Montgomery, F. Misunderstood. 9172 — Seaforth. . 17766 — Throvrn together. 10750 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 859 — Thwarted. 7318 — The town-crier; added, The children with the india-rubber ball. 18027 — A very simple story. 9075 Montgomery, J. Journal of voyages and trav. by D. Tyerman and G. Bennet, deputed to visit the South Sea Islands, China, India, etc., 1821-29. 3 v. 3107-9 — The world before the flood; poem, with other pieces. 3106 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Sketch of M. (In Famous boys.) 7707 — Spear, C. {In his Voices from prison.) 4162 — Dix, J. R. The two Montgomerys— J. and R. {In his Pen and ink sk.) *I Montgomery, J. E. Our Admiral's flag abroad ; cruise of Adm. Farragut, 1H67-8. in the Franklin. 8063 Montgomery, Gen. R. Armstrong, J. Life of M. (Bi Lives of em. individ., v. 3.) 2710 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 1.) 4110 — Headley, J. T. (7w his Washin^on, etc., v. 1.) 1828 — Home. R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Macaulav, T. B. Montgomery's poems. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess., V. 2.) " 2787 Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Monti, L. (pseud. S. Sampleton). Adventures of a consul abroad, by S. Sampleton, Esq. 17706 Montluc or Monluc, B. de L. M., seigneur de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 11.) *I Moutmirail. Adams, C. (In his Gt. campaigns.) 18150 Montolieu, J. I. P. de B. de C, baronne de, joint author. See Wyss, J. R. Montpensier, C. de B., Constable of France. Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. sold.) * 12537 Montpensier, L. A. P. d'Orl^ans, due de. M^moires. (Bar- ri^re. Bib. des m6m., v. 9.) 14529 Montrose, J., 1st Marquis of. See Graham, J. Montrose, The heart of ; by H. C. Watson. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Montrose, and other biog. sketches. 4780 Contents. La Tour.— G. Brummell.^S. Johnson.— J. Graham, Marquis of Montrose. Montzey, C. de. Father Eudes, apostolic missionary, and his foundations, 1601-1874 ; with brief of approval by Pius IX. 13472 Monumental painting. See Mural decoration. Monuments. Ferguson, J. Rude stone monuments in all countries. 9990 — See also Assyria ;— Egypt. Antiquities. Moodie, S. S. Geoffrey Moncton. . 3110 — Life in the clearing, versus the bush. 3111 Moods ; by L. M. Alcott. 5843 — Same ; new ed. 21287 Moody, D. L. Glad tidings; sermons, etc., at the N. Y. Hippodrome. 15820 — Talks on temperance ; with anecdotes, etc. ; by J. B. Dunn. 16953 — Hall, J., and Stuart, G. H. The American evangelists in Gt. Britain and Ireland. I3753 Moody, F. W. Lectures and lessons on art ; introd. to a pract. and comprehensive scheme ; with diagrams, etc. 2d. ed. *I Moody, W. G. Our labor difficulties ; the cause, and the way out ; pract. solution of the labor problem. 17469 860 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Moon, G. W. The Dean's English. 4th. ed. 6415 — Same-, 8th. ed. [with app.] 11472 — The revisers' English; a ser. of criticisms. Photographs. *I Moon. Guillemin, A. Wonders of the moon. 11473 — Nasmyth, J., and Carpenter, J. The moon consid. as a planet, a world, and a satellite. *I — JSTeison, E. The moon, and the condition and configuration of its surface. *I — Proctor, R. A. The moon. 13520 Past history of our moon ; New crater in the moon. {In his Rough wavs.) ^ 19539 Moondyne ; by J. B. O'Reilly. 18776 Moonfolk ; by J. G. Austin. 13056 Moonshine; fairy stories; by E. H. K. Hugessen. 11357 Moonstone, The ; by W. Collins. 7466 Moor of Peter the Great ; by A. S. Poushkin. {In his Russian romanc.) 19669 Moore, A. Wedmore, F. (In his Stud, in Eng. art, ser. 2.) 20458 Moore, Annie. Waveline, the little mermaid. (Jw Thirteen good stories.) 11874 — Same. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 Moore, A. Notes from Plymouth pulpit ; [with a sketch of Beecher]. 369 — Same ; new ed. 13211 Moore, C. H. What to read, and how to read ; classified lists. 9108 Moore, C. J. (pseud. Mrs. H. O. Ward). Sensible etiquette of the best society. 17863 — The young lady's friend ; with introd. ; new ed. 20238 Moore, C. C. * George Castriot ; surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albania. 3112 Moore, E. The gamester. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Moore, F. American eloquence ; coll. of speeches and addresses ; with biog. sk., and notes. Illust. 2 v. 3116-17 — Biographical introd. {In Johnson, A. Speeches.) 5987 — Diary of the American revolution. 2 v. 3113-14 — Lyrics of loyalty. *I — Personal and political ballads. *I — Songs and ballads of the Amer. revolution. Notes and illust. *I — Songs of the soldiers. *I Moore, G., M. D. Power of the soul over the body. 3119 Moore, G. Smiles, S. George Moore, merchant and philan- thropist. ' 18845 Moore, J. S. Friendly sermons to the protectionist manufac- turers of the U. S. (Econ. monographs.) 22165 Moore, James. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. Illust. 5973 Moore, J., M. D. Journal during a residence in France, 1792 ; new ed. 2 v. 6050-1 — Views of society and manners in Italy. 3121-2 Moore, Rev. J. Adams, J. G. Memoir of J. Moore ; with select, from his correspondence, etc. 104 Moore, Sir J. Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Moore, Joseph, Jr. Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient ; narrative of recent travel. 20200 Moore, J. Mad dogs. (In French's min. dr., v. 23.) 7982 Moore, J. G. Patent office and patent laws ; or. Guide to inventors, etc. 3123 Moore, J. G. Plays. See French's minor drama. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 861 Moore, J. M. That blessed baby. {In French's min. dr., V. 10.) 11841 Moore, R. Storm-water and house-drainage in sewers. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 6.) *I Moore, T. History of Ireland. 2 v. 2861-2 — Lall a Rookh; an oriental romance. . 3134 — Letters and journals of Lord Byron ; with not. of his life. 2 v. 13945-6 — Memoirs, journal, and correspondence; ed. by Ld. J. Russell, v. 3-8. 3128-33 Vols. 1 and 2 wanting ; work complete in Reference Dept. — Memoirs of the life of R. B. Sheridan. 2 v. 6950-1 — Poetical works. 8700 — Same ; with a memoir. 6 v. 3135-40 — Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13578 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Ho Witt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Willis, K. P. Moore and Barry Cornwall. {In his Fam. persons, etc.) 4804 — Symington, A. J. Thomas Moore, the poet; his life and works. 19805 Moore, T. W. Treatise and hand-book of orange culture in Florida. 2d. ed., rev. 21302 Moore's forge. 17204 Moorland cottage ; by E. C. Gaskell. 2215 Moors in Spain. Copp(f'e, H. History of the conq. of S. by the Arab-moors ; sketch of [their] civilization. 2 v. 20150-1 — Yonge, C. M. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 18100 Moosehead Lake. Hubbard, L. L. Summer vacations at M. and vicinity. *I — Steele, T. S. Paddle and portage; from M. to the Aroostook River. 21656 Mopsa, the fairy ; by J. Ingelow. 8027 Morais, H. S. Eminent Israelites of the 19th. cent. ; biog. sk. 19687 Moral education. Bates, S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture. 336 — Black well, E. Counsel to parents on the moral education of children. 19245 Moral philosophy. Hiatory. — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals fr. Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 V. " 7827-8 General Works. — Adams, J. S. Town and country ; or. Life at home and al^oad ; [sketches] . 106 — Adams, W. Thanksgiving. * 7062 — Alcott, W. A. The young man's guide. 131 — Alger, W. R. The school of life. 20461 — Arnold, F. Turning points in life. 11501 — Arthur, T. S. Advice to young men. 220 Lessons in life. ' 190 — Austin, J. M. A voice to youth. 258 — Bacon, F. Essays, or counsels, civil and moral, etc. 266 — Bailey, S. Essays on the formation and publ. of opinions, etc. 1406 Same; [with]*the pursuit of truth, etc.; new ed. 289 — Bain, A. Moral science. 7674 The emotions and the will. 2d. ed. 8897 — Baker, Lady A. Half-hours with my girls. 18523 — Ballantyne, T. Essays in mosaic ; [excerpts f r. var. authors] . 10878 — Ballon, H. 2d. Counsel and encouragement ; conduct of life. 6160 — Bartol, C. A. Radical problems. 9974 — Baseom. J. Ethics, or Science of duty. 18954 — Batcheior, G. Ethical law and social order. {In Institute ess.) 19811 — Beecher, E. Concord of ages ; or. Harmony of God and man. 364 Conflict of ages ; or. Moral rel. of God and man. 363 • — Beecher, H. W. Lectures to young men. 367 Same ; with additions. 8414 Life thoughts fr. extemporaneous discourses ; by [E. D. Proctor] . 368 New Star papers ; or. Views and experiences of relig. subjects. 371 Star papers ; or. Experiences of art and nature. 370 Lectures to young men. 11238 — Bentham, J. 'introduction to the princ. of morals and legislation. 18955 862 FREE PUBLIC LIBKAKY. — Blackie^ J. S. Four phases of morals ; Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarians. — Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the counting house. He that overcometh. — Bowes, G. S. Illustrative gatherings; anecdotes, etc., adapt, for Chr. teaching. 2 ser. — Bowring, J. Minor morals for young people ; tales and travels. 3 v. — Brown, H. N. Sunday stories. ' — Calderwood, H. Handbook of mor. philosophy. — Chalmers, T. Application of Christianity to the commerc. and ordinary affairs of life. — Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the city. Living words. — Clark, K. W. Lectures to young men. — Clark, T. W. The dew of youth ; and other lect. on early discipline and culture. — Clifford, W. K. On the scientific basis of morals; Right and wrong; Ethics of belief; Ethics of religion; Influence upon morality of a decline in relig. belief. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) — Cobbe, F. P. Essay on intuitive morals. Evolution of morals and religion. (In her Darwinism, etc.) — Colton, C. C. Lacon; or. Many things in few words. — Combe, G. Moral philosophy.' — Dick, T. Works. Vols. 1-6; 9, 10. — Dymond, J. Essays on the principles of morality. — Edgeworth, F. Y. ' New and old methods of ethics. — Eddy, D. C. Young man's friend. — Elam, C. On moral and criminal epidemics. {In his Physician's prob- lems.) — Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. — Fleming, W. Student's manual of moral philosophy. — Fry, C. The listener; essays. 2 v. — Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living. M. Good morals and gentle manners. Gow, A. Graham, Graham, — Gregory, W. The creed of science, relig., mor., and social. D. S. Christian ethics; text-book. — Gregory, O. Letters on the evidences, doctr., and duties of the Chr. religion. — Grindon, L. H. Life; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. — Grote, G. Fragments on ethical subjects. — Hale, E. E. What career? The choice of a vdeation, and the use of time. — Hall, J. Familiar talks to boys. Papers for home reading. — Haven, J. Moral pli\l. ; incl. theoret. and pract. ethics. — Hepworth, G. H. Rocks and shoals; lect. to young men. — Hill, W. H. Ethics ; or. Moral philosophy. — Holland, J. G. Lessons in life; familiar essays. — Hopkins, M. The law of love, and love as* a law ; or. Moral science, theoret. and pract. Stren^h and beauty ; discussions for young men. — Hume, D. Philosophical works. 4 v. — Hunt, J. H. L. The religion of the heart ; manual of faith and duty. — Huntington, F. D. Christian believyig and living; sermons. — James, H. Morality. {In his Lect., etc.) — Jouffroy, T. S. Introduction to ethics, incl. a crit. surv. of mor. sys- tems. 2 V. — Kant, I. Theory of ethics. — King, T. S. Great principles and small duties. {I?i his Patriotism.) — Lowell, A. C. Seed grain for thought and discussion. 2 v. — Mackintosh, J. Dissertation on the progr. of ethical phil., during the 17th. and 18th. cent. {In his Misc. works.) General view of the progress of ethical philosophy. — Man and his dwelling place. — Mann, H. A few thoughts for a voung man. — Martineau, H. Moral essays. {In her Miscellanies, v. 1.) — Martineau, J. Endeavours after the Christian life. — Mathews, W. Getting on in the world ; or. Hints on success in life. — Mencius. The mind of M. ; or. Political econ. found, upon mor. philosophy. — Merriam, G. S. The way of life. — Metcalf, D. An inquiryinto the nature, foundation, and extent of mor. obligation. 12247 426 7888 21221-2 *I 19320 11458 74& 798 79^ 845 12008 19516 5079 10835 900 913 1176-9 1311 18132 11622 8087 1385- 10662 6041-2 7490 18008 1622 *I 22150 8071 7372 15625 17457 16039 9245 22096 2010 18000 5377 13237 *I 2104 2107 2321 2399-400 12311 5721 2764-5 2825 2827 2879 2882 2942 282 17556 21886 2142S 3018 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 863 — Mills, C. I). B. The sufficiency of nat. morality as the basis of civ. soci ety. {In Centenn. Cong, of Lib. Report, 1S76.) — More', H. {In her Works, v. 3-7.) — Morley, J. On the development of morals. ( In his Grit, misc.) — Paley, W. Moral and political philosophy. — Partbn, S. P. Folly as it flies ; hit at by Fanny Fern. — Peabody, A. P. Manual of moral philosophy.' — Peabody, E. Christian days and thoughts. — Peabody, E. P. Record of Mr. Alcott's school. — Pollock, F. Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. — Porter, W. H. Heavenly union; or, The New Jerusalem on earth. — Quiet thoughts for quiet hours. — Reminiscences of thought and feeling. — Richards, C. H. B. Springs of action. — Ruskin, J. Letters to young girls. — Savage, M. J. Life questions. — Schlegel, K. W. F. Philosophy of life; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. — Schopenhauer, A. Die beiden Grund-probleme der Ethik behandelt in zwei akademischen Preissschriften. — Sedgwick, E. A talk with my pupils. — Seeley, J. R. The Church as a teacher of morality. {In his Rom. im- perialism, etc.) — Shairp, J. C. The moral motive power. {In his Stud, in poetry, etc.) — Sidgwick, Ji. Methods of ethics. Same ; suppl. ; cont. the add. and alterations in the 2d. ed. — Sigourney, L. H. Letters to young ladies. — Simcox, E. Natural law; essay in ethics. — Smith, C. B. Philosophy of reform ; design, principle, and plan of God for the development of man. — Smith, I. G. Characteristics of Chr. morality. — Smith, S. Elementary sketches of moral' philosophy . — Spencer, H. The data of ethics. Recent discussions in science, philosophy, and morals. 9618 — Spinoza, B. de. Ethics. — Sprague, W. B. Lectures to youn^ people. — Stephen, L. Moral philosophy. {In his Hist, of Eng. thought, etc., v. 2.) The Science of ethics. — Stewart, S. J. Moralitv. {In his Gospel of law.) — Stowe, H. E. B. Little foxes. — Swing, D. Motives of Hfe. — Thomas a Kempis. The following of Christ; tr. by R. Challoner. — Van Doren, W. H. Mercantile morals. — Wace, H. Christianity and morality. — Ware, H., Jr. Formation of the Christian character. — Ware, M. G. Thoughts in my garden. — Waterstou, R. C. Thoughts on moral and spiritual culture. — Wayland, F. Elements of moral science. — Weaver, G. S. Aims and aids for girls and young women on the duties of life. — Welch, F. G. Moral, intellectual, and physical culture. — Whately, R. Lessons on morals, and Christian evidences. — Whewell, W. Elements of morality,^ incl. politv. 2 v. — Winslow, H. Christianity appl. to "our civil and social relations. — iSee also Fox, W. J. Mem. ed. of coll. works. Also Humane progress;— Natural religion;— Probabilities; — Will. Moral of accidents, and other discourses ; by T. T. Lynch. Moral probe, The ; essays on the nature of men and things ; by L. C. Judson. Moral reflections by a Japanese traveller ; by L. Oliphant. {In Ms Traits, e^c.) Moral uses of dark things ; by H. Bushnell. Moralistes, Les ; commie vaud.; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 18.) Morand, K. La situation ; monologue en prose. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 5.) — Le voyage au pays rose; monologue. {In SaymHes, etc., ser. 6.) Morant, A. W. Leeds sewage works. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I 14013-17 11123 3337 7452 11997 3414 12248 22421 3517 3573 3640 4003 19129 1S690 3790 16230 3863 10499 10489 13636 17503 3981 17067 4034 12129 4054 18812 ; 11388 16606 4183 16795 21906 22178 6110 18506 2447 4583 20457 4642 8769 4675 4683 6242 8877 9876 4731-2 4832 7317 2408 22692 7540 *I 14795 14796 864 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Morata, Olimpia Fulvia. See Gruter, O. F. M. Moravian missions. Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions ; lect. 22301 Moravians. See United Brethren. Mordaunt, C, Earl of Peterborough. James, G. P. R. {In Ms Mem., V. 2.) ' ' 2294 — Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 More, H. Works. 7 v. 14011-17 Contents. V. 1. The Repository tales. 2. Coelebs in search of a wife. — Essays on various subjects.— Moriana. 3. Christian morals. — Moral sketches.— Reflections on prayer. 4. Practical piety. — Life and writings of St. Paul. 5. Thoughts on the manners of the great. — Estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. — Tragedies. — Poems. 6. Strictures on the mod. system of female education.— Sacred dramas. 7. Hints for forming the character of a princess.— Spirit of prayer.— Bible rhymes. — Rural tales. 3144 Contents. The two wealthy farmers. — Parley the porter.— All for the i best.- Tom White.— Pilgrims.— Valley of tears.— The strait gate and the broad way. — Tbe shepherd of Salisbury Plain : and other tales. 3145 Contents. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain.— The two shoemakers.— History of Tom White.— The Sunday school.— History of Hester Wilmot. —History of Betty Brown.— Black Giles the poacher.— Tawney Rachel; or, The fortune-teller.— The hist, of Mr. Fantom (the new-fashioned philosopher), and his man William. — The two wealthy farmers.— 'Tis all for the best. — A cure for melancholy. — The pilgrims. — The valley of tears. — The strait gate and the broad way.— Parley the porter. — The Grand Assizes; or, General jail delivery.— The servant man turned sol- dier. — Dix, J. R. A day with H. M. {In his Pen and Ink sk.) *I — Elwood, A. K; {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 — Goodrich, S. G. (Iw ^is Lives.) 1684 — Grattan, T. Reminiscences of H. M. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Hall, A. M. Residence of H. More. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Rhoads, J. Hannah More. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Sketch of H. More. {In Wom. of worth.) 1219 — Roberts, W. Memoirs of H. More. 2 v. 3664-5 More, Henry. Tulloch,. J. {Inhis Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 — Ward, R. Life of More [with] letters. • *I More, Sir T. Cooke, F. E. A boy's ideal : story of a great life. Illust. 22569 — Foster, J. Memoirs of M., by A. Cayley. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Mackintosh, J. {In his Misc.' works.') ' 2825 Same. {In Lardner, D. Cab. of biog. ; lives of Brit, statesmen.) 1388 — Manning, A. Household of More ; [tiction] . 2004 — Myers, F. {In his Lect. on gt. men.) 12956 — Seebohm, F. Oxford reformers ; Colet, Erasmus, and More. 13423 More bed-time stories ; by L. C. Moulton. 13251 More blunders than one ; by T. G. Rodwell. {In French's min. dram., v. 23.) 7982 Moreau, H. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In 7m Cans, land., v. 4.) *I Moreau, J. V. Moreau. {In Camp and court of Bonaparte.) 5143 Morecamp, A. Live boys ; or, Charley and Nasho in Texas. Illust. 20068 — Live boys in the Black Hills. * 20069 "Moredun" ; tale of the twelve hundred and ten ; by W. Scott. 1666 Morell, J. D. Compendium of Italian hist. fr. the fall of the Rom. Emp. ; fr. the Italian of G. Bosco ; completed by M. 21476 Morell, J. R. Algeria ; its topography, history, etc. 3149 — History of philosophy. See Tennemann, W. A. Morenos^ 0]os^ pseud. What will the world say? 11698 Moresby, J. Discoveries and surv. in New Guinea and the CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 865 D'Entrecasteaux Is. ; cruise in Polynesia, and visits to the peaii-shelling stations in Torres straits. 15859 Moreton, R. On horse breaking. 17534 Moretti's campanula ; by A. I. Thackeray. (J?i ^er Writings.) 8668 Morfill, W. R. Russia. lUust. (For. countries, etc.) 20375 Morford, H. Appletons' short-trip guide to Europe ; [1868]. 7457 — Morford's short-trip guide to America. (U. S. and Canada.) *I — Over-sea; or, England, France, and Scotland. lUust. 6913 — Paris, and half-Europe in '78; the Paris Exposition, eic. • 19069 — Paris in '67 ; or, The great Exposition. 7188 — Shoulder-straps ; a novel of New York and the army in 1862. 5888 — The spur of Monmouth; or, Washington in arms; hist, and centenn. romance of the revolution. 16607 Morgan, A. The Shakespearean myth ; Wm. Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. 21245 Morgan, D. The hero of Cowpens ; a centennial sketch. 20821 — Graham, J. Life of Mor«£an. . 3150 — Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 — Sketch of Morgan. (In Lives of her. of Amer. rev.) 2122 Morgan, E. D. A visit to Askja. {In Coles, J. Summer trav. in Iceland.) 22651 Morgan, J. A. IVIacaronic poetry; collect., with introd. 9805 Morgan, J. E. University oars; crit. enq. into the after health of the men who rowed in the Oxford and Cam- bridge boat-race, 1829-1869. 11640 Morgan, L. H. The American beaver and his works. 7346 — Kuins of a stone pueblo on the Animas river in New Mexico, with a ground plan, lllust. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 2.) 19624 — McLennan, J. F. Mr. Morgan's Clas'sificatory system of relationships. {In his Stud, in anc. hist.) 16838 Morgan, L. F. A question and its answer, for young men. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Morgan, N. The skull and the brain ; their indications of character and anatomical relations. 14229 Morgan, Lady S. (O.). Life and times of Salvator Rosa. 3151 — The wild Irish girl. 17814 — Adams, W. H. D. {In his Women of fashion, etc., v. 1.) 18867 — Kavanagh, J. {In her Eng. women.) 7014 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) 4718 Morgan, W. Greene, S. D. The broken seal; Morgan abduc- tion and murder. 7533 Morgan. A'ee also De Morgan. Mori, A. Life and resources in America. {In Lanman, C. The Japanese in Am.) 10472 Moriee, F. D. Pindar. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 18445 Morier, .1. Adventures of Hajji Baba. 3152 — Adventures of Hujji Baba in England. 3153 — Jouruev through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople, 1808-9. 3164 Morier, R. B. D. Agrarian legislation of Prussia dur. the present cent. {In Cobden Club. Syst. of Id. ten.) 16008 Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of mechanics and experimental data ; rev. tr., red. to Eng. units of measure by J. Bennett. 15388 — Warming and Ventilating occupied buildings. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1873, 1874.) ^ 14104; 14377 Morison, J. C. Gibbon. (Eng. men of letters.) 17910 — Macaulav. (Eng. men of letters.) 22389 Morison, J. H. Life of J. Smith. 8156 866 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, i844e *I 11751 18390 *I 22109 1879a 19145 18927 Morison. See also Morrison. Moritz, A. ^ joint author. See Michel, T. Morland, G. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 2.) 1054 — Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eiig. art.) 16860 Morley, H. Clement Marot, and other studies. 2 v. 10825-6 Contents. V. 1. Clement Marot. 2. Clement Marot.— Andreas Vesalius.— Conrad Gessner.— Cyrano de Bergerac.— College work.— Eng- lish for Englishwomen.— Gabriel Harvey. — Influence of the Celt on Eng. literature.— An old student of English.- The opening of Caedmon's Paraphrase (tr. into mod. English). — English plays, select, etc. Illust. — English writers, v. 1; v. 2. pt. 1. Contents. V. 1. The writers bef. Chaucer; with introd. sk. of the four periods of Eng. literature. S. Pt. 1. From Chaucer to Dunbar. — A first sketch of Eng. literature. — The life of Bernard Palissy. New ed. — Memoirs of Bartholomew fair. — Oberon's horn; fairy tales. 4th*. ed. Illust. — Of English literature in the reign of Victoria; with a glance at the past. — and Tyler, M. C. Manual of English literature. Morley, J. The first and last crime. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, V. 6.) Morley, J. Burke. (Eng. men of letters.) — Critical miscellanies. 2 ser. 11123 ; 17535 Contents. Ser. 1. Vauveuargues.—Condorcet.— Joseph de Maistre. —Carlyle.— Byron.— Some Greek conceptions of social growth.— On the development of morals.— App., Condorcet's Plea for the citizenship of women ; trans. 2. France in the 18th. cent.— Robespierre.— Turgot.— Death of Mr. Mill.— Mill's Autobiography.— Mill on religion.— Popular culture.— Macaulay. — Edmund Burke; hist, study. — English men of letters ; namely : Ainger, A. Charles Lamb. Black, W. Goldsmith, Church, R. W. Spenser, Colvin, S. Landor. Dobson, A. Fielding. Dowden, E. Southey. Fowler, T. Locke. Froude, J. A. John Bunvan. Gosse, E. W. Grav. Hutton, R. H. Sir' Walter Scott. Huxley, T. H. Hume. James. H., J?\ Hawthorne. Jebb, R. C. Bentley. Masson, D. DeQuiucey. Minto, W. Daniel Defoe. Morison, J. C. Gibbon. - Macaulay. Morlev, J. Burke. Myers, F. W. H. Wordsworth. Mchol, J. Byron. Pattison, M. Milton. Saintsbury, G. Dryden. Shairp, J. C. Robert Burns. Smith, G. Cowper. Stephen, L. Alex. Pope. - Samuel Johnson. - Swift. Traill, H. D. Sterne. Trollope, A. Thackeray. Ward, A. W. Chaucerl - Dickens. — Life of R. Cobden. — Rousseau. 2 v. — Voltaire. Morley, S. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 7193 2149a 18270 1876a 20701 22856 19531 2005a 19533 21824 17969 18280 19472 2158» 21242 18497 17910 22389 18927 20171 19841 20385 18778 19769 19844 17846 22059 22181 18780 19964 21784 21272 11450-1 993a 13828 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 867 Morley, Susan. Aileen Ferrers. 13344 — Margaret Clietwvnd. 17634 — Throstlethwaite.' 1549a Morley Ernsteiu ; by G. P. R. James. 11671 Mormons and Mormanisni. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah ; or, Mysteries and crimes of Mormonism. * 8652 — Bowles, S. {In his Summer's iournev to the Rocky Mts.) 6134 — Brodix, C. R. (In his Great West.) ' 20087 — Butterworth, H. The story of M. (In his Zigzag journeys.) 22131 — Codman, J. The Mormon country. 1285^ — Fuller, M. Y. Mormon wives. " 2193 — Ludlow, F. H. Examination of the Mormon principle. (In his Heart of the cont.) 85ia — Minturn, W. (In his Travels west.) 17810 — Paddock, C. The fate of Mme. La Tour. 20828 — Robinson, P. Sinners and saints ; three months among the Mormons. 22947 — Rusling, J. F. (In his Across America.) 12774 — Stansbury, H. Account of the Mormon settlement, (/w Ais Exp. to the Gt. Salt Lake.) 4197 — Stenhouse, T. B. H. liocky mt. saints ; hist, of the Mormons. *I — Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. **' Tell it all ;" exp. in M. ; autobiography. *I — Tucker, P. Origin, rise, and prog, of M.; biog. of its founders, and hist. of its churchi. 7072 — Ward, A. N. The husband in Utah; sights and scenes among the Mor- mons. 4632 — Young, A. E. Wife No. 19; a life in bondage ; expose of Mormonism. 15524 — iSee also Young, B. Mormons: drama; by T. D. Enorlish. (/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 2(i.) ^ 11823 Morning call ; by C. Dance. (Jn French's min. dr., v. 8.) 11840 Morning of joy ; by H. IJonar. 435 Morocco. Amicis, E. de. Morocco ; its people and places. *I — Leared, A. Morocco and the Moors ; travels, etc. 15638 — Urquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules. 2 v. 4579-80 Morpeth, Lord. See Howard, G. W. F. Morphy, P. Exploits and triumphs in Europe, incl. hist. acct. of clubs, biog. sketches of players, etc. ' 3158 — Memoir of M. (In Loewenthal, J. Morphy's games.) 2772 Morris, A. Russell, W. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Morris, Charles, Commodore^ U.S.N. Autobiography. Portr., and expl. notes. 20172 Morris, Charles. A manual of classical literature. 20777 Morris, Charles. Timbs, J. Captain Morris and the sublime society of Beef-steaks. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Morris, D., joint author. See Stevens, E. T. Morris, E. Derrick and drill ; discovery, development, etc., of petroleum. 5920 — Farming for boys ; What they have done, and what others may do. lUust. 18791 — Ten acres enough. 25th. ed. 5776 Morris, E. E. The age of Anne. Maps and plans. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 17144 — and Phillpotts, J. S. Epochs of mod. history ; namely : Church, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. 17526 Cox, G.W. The crusades. 12966 Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. 15753 Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. 13324 Gardiner, B. M. The French revolution. 22794 Gardiner, S. R. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660. 16530 — Thirtv Years' war. 12967 Hale, E.' Fall of the Stuarts, efc. 1678-1697. 16104 Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. 18162 Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years war. 20484 868 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ludlow, J. M. War of Am. Independence. 1775-83. 19604 McCarthy, J. Epoch of reform, 1830-50. 21616 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 17144 Seebohm, E. Era of the Protestant revolution. 13011 Stubbs, W. Earlv Plantagonets. 16783 Warburton, W. Edward III. 13582 Morris, F. O. History of British birds; cold. engr. G v. 8215-20 — History of British butterflies. 10891 — Natural hist, of the nests and eggs of British birds ; cold, plates. 3 v. 8212-14 — Dogs and their doings. *I Morris, G. P. Poems. 3160 — and Willis, N. P. Prose and poetry of Europe and America. 3498 Morris, G. S. Kant's Critique of pure reason ; crit. exposition. (German phil. class.) 21772 Morris, G. Speeches. (7w Amer. oratory.) 4959 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Ess. biog. and crit.) 4523 Morris, H. 1636-1675. Early history of Springfield ; address *I Morris, H. W. Science and the Bible ; or, The Mosaic crea- tion and mod. discoveries. 13270 Morris, J. B. Nature a parable ; poem. 22230 Morris, J. G. Natural hist, as appl. to farming and garden- ing ; Insect instincts and transformations. (In Smithson- ian Inst. Kept., 1855.) 14037 Morris, J. W. {pseud. J. Maurice). K. N. Pepper, and other condiments. 2504 Morris, J. Scarlatina in Baltimore and Belair, Md. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Morris, L. The epic of Hades. 22415 — Gwen; drama in monologue. 18654 Morris, M. O'C. Hibernia Venatica ; with photographs. *I Morris, M. Poet's walk ; introd. to Eng. poetry. 22690 Morris, R. Chaucer : The prologue ; The knightes tale ; The nouue prestes tale ; fr. the Canterbury tales. 14230 — Elementary lessons in hist. Eng. grammar, cont. accidence and word formation. 13411 — English grammar. (Lit. prim.) 13721 — Historical outlines of Eng. accidence. 11647 — Specimens of earlv English ; new ed., with introd. notes, etc. Pt. 1. A. D. 1150-1300. 22200 Note. For pt. 2 see Morris, R. and Skeat, W. W. ; for pt. 3 see Skeat, W. W. Spec, of Eng. literature. — and Bowen, H. C. English grammar exercises. (Lit. primers.) 18304 — and Skeat, W. W. Specimens of earlv English: new ed., with introd. notes, etc. Pt. 2. A.D. 1298-1393. ' 10996 Note. For pt. 1 see Morris, R. above; for pt. 3 see Skeat, W. W. Spec, of Eng. literature. Morris, W. The ^neids of Virgil done into Eng. verse. • *I ; 477 — The decorative arts ; their rel. to mod. life and progress. 17470 — The defence of Guenevere, and other poems. 13759 — The earthly paradise. 3 v. 11781-3 — History of pattern designing; The lesser arts of life. (In Poole, R. S. Lect.") ' 22821 — Hopes and fears for art ; [lect.] 21343 Contents. The lesser arts.— The art of the people.— The beauty of life.— Making the best of it.— The prospects of architecture in civilization. — Life and death of Jason. 11217 — Love is enough. 11333 — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the fall of the Niblungs. 16774 — joint author. See Magnusson, E. — Hazeltine, M. W. Wm. Morris's epic poem. (In his Chats.) 22863 — Stedman, E. C. (In his Vict, poets.) 14121 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 869 — Swinburne, A. C. Morris's Life and death of Jason. (In his Ess. and stud.) ' 14246 Morris, W". O'C. The French revolution and first empire. 13284 — Same ; with bibliog. of the subject, and course of study by A. D. White. 13565 Morris. See also Maurice. Morrison, C. R. Proofs of Christ's resurrection ; fr. a law- yer's standpoint. 22207 Morrison, J. Sketch of M. (in Famous boys.) 5036 Morrison, Walter, ed. Recovery of Jerusalem. • 9623 Contents. Stanley, A. P. Introduction.— Wilson, Capt. Ordnance survey of Jerusalem.— Warren, Capt. Excavations at Jerusalem. — Wil- son, Capt. Sea of Galilee.— Spiers, R. P. Architectural remains of Pal- estine.— Yogiie, M. de. The Hauran.— Ajiderson, S. Survey of Pales- tine.— Chester, G. J. On the pottery and glass found in the excavations. — Moabite stone.— Holland, F. W. Sinai. Morrison. See also Morison. Morrisons, The ; by M. Hosmer. 5963 Morse, A. P. Treatise on citizenship, with ref. to the law of nations, Roman Civil law, etc. 21246 Morse, E. S. First book of zoology. 14052 Morse J. T. Biography of C. R. Mudge ; W. M. Rogers. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Morse, J. T., Jr. American statesmen ; namely : Adams, H. John Randolph. 22120 Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. 22725 Hoist, H. von. John C. Calhoun. 21585 Lodge, H. C. Alex. Hamilton. 21594 Morse, J. T., Jr. J. Q. Adams. 21429 - Thomas Jeflferson. . 22643 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson. 21908 — Famous trials. 12368 Contents. Tichborne.— Troppmann and Bonaparte.— Mrs. Wharton. — The Meteor.— Mrs. Laura D. Fair. — John Quincy Adams. (Amer. statesmen.) 21429 — Thomas Jefferson. (Amer. statesmen.) 22643 — Life of Alexander Hamilton. 2 v. 15613-14 Morse, 8. F. B. The proscribed German student ; sketch of L. Clausing ; Treatise on the Jesuits : posthumous work of Clausing. 1342 — Telegraphic apparatus and processes in telegraphy. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Garfield, J. A. S. F. B. Morse. {In Hinsdale, B. A. President G. and educ.) 21233 — McCabe, J. D. {In his Gt. fortunes.) 8983 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Morselli, H. Suicide ; essay on comp. moral statistics. (In- ternat. sci. ser.) 21099 Mprshead, E. D. A. ^ joint author. See Turner, E. J. Mort d'Agrippine, La ; trag^die ; by S. C. de Bergerac. {In his Oeuvres comiques.) 14599 Mort et le bucheron. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 1.) *I Mortar. See Cements. Mortier, E. A. Headley, J. T. (In his Napoleon, etc., v. 1.) 1825 — Mortier. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Mortimer, C. B. Morton Montagu. 3161 Mortimer, J. H. Cunningham, H. (/n his Lives of Brit. painters, v. 4.) 1056 Mortimer's college life ; by E. J. May. 2982 Morton, Lady. — . Watson, H. C. (Inhis Heroic women.) 4676 870 FREE PUBLIC LIBKAHY. Morton, E. Eton boy. (In French's min. dr., v. 26.) 7984 Morton, J. M. Plays. See French's minor drama; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — and Burnand, F. C. Cox and Box. (In French's min. dr., v. 41.) 7991 Morton, T. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Morton house ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 9670 Morton Montagu; by C\ B. Mortimer. 3161 Mos de Lav^ne ; par Mme. Figuier. 9568 Mosby, J. S. Crawford, J. M. Mosby and his men. 6667 Moscheles, I. Life of Beethoven ; incl. his correspondence, traits, and rem. on his mus. works. 2 v. in 1. 3162 — Life of Beethoven; incl. the biog. by Schindler, B.'s correspond, with his friends, etc. Add., Life and characteristics of B.. fr. the German of H. Doring. 11192 — Life of M., with select, fr. his diaries and correspond.; bv his wife; fr. the German, by A. D. Coleridge. 2 v. 4908-9 — Ferris, G.T. (/?i /i is Gt. violinists and pianists.) 20470 Moscow. Atkinson, J. B. {In Jiis Art tour.) 12716 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 19401 — Lowth, G. T. Around the Kremlin; or, Pict. of life in Moscow. 10940 — Stanhope, P. H. The French retreat fr. Moscow. 17953 Mose Evans ; by W. M. Baker. 12707 Mos^ in Egitto ; op^ra ; par Rossini. *I Moseley, H. N. Life on the surface of the ocean. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Moseley, H. Mechanical principles of engineering and archi- tecture, with add. by D. H. Mahan. 2147 Moselle. Waring, G. E., Jr. The bride of the Rhine; two hundred miles in a Mosel row-boat. Add., Ausonius and his poem ''Mosella ;" by C. T. Brooks. 17404 Mosenthal, Dr. — . Leah ; or. The forsaken. 6703 Mosenthal, J. de, and Harting J. E. Ostriches and ostrich farming. TUust. *I Moses. Taylor, W. M. Moses the law-giver. 18508 Mosheim, ,]. L. von. Ecclesiastical history, anc. and mod.; fr. the Latin, with notes, etc., by A. Maclaine ; cont to 1826, by C. Coote ; with disser. on the state of the prim, church, by G. Gleig. 2 v. 3164-5 Mosheim, J. L. von. Historical comment, on the state of Chris- tianity dur. 325 years fr. the Chr. era ; tr. by R. S. Vidal and J. Murdock. 2 v. ^ 15579-80 Mosquita, la sorci^re ; op^ra-comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeu- vres, ser. 4, v. 15.) *I Mosquito shore. Pim, B. and Seemanu, B. Dottings on the roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, and M. 12383 Moss, E. L. Polar ice. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 Moss, L. Annals of the U. S. Christian Commission. 7232 Moss-side; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 1777 Mosses. Hervey, A. B. Sea mosses ; collector's. guide, and introd. to the study of marine algse. 20706 — Roberts, M. Voices fr. the woodlands ; descr. of forest trees, ferns, etc. 5905 Mosses; poems; by M. F. Bridgman. 17119 Mosses fr. an old manse ; by N. Hawthorne. 1803 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. . 871 Mossman, S. Japan. Illust. (For. countries, etc.) 20378 — New Japan ; the land of the rising sun ; its annals dur. twenty years. 12585 Mossman, T. W. History of the Catholic Ch. fr. the death of St. John to the middle of the 2d. cent. 12269 Mossop, H. Fitzgerald, P. " The ill-fated Mossop." (In his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 Mot de I'enigme, Le ; par Mme. A. Craven. 2 v. 9564-5 Mother Goose. K., E. D. The Lawrence "Mother Goose." 17613 — Mother Goose's melodies ; with notes, music, and aect. of the Goose, or, Vergoose family ; illust. bv L. Stephens and G. Fav. 15778 — Whitney, A. D. T.* Mother Goose for grown folks. 9227 — Woolsey, S. C. Cross Patch and other stor., adapt, fr. Mother Goose. 21207 Mother, The, of Jacques ; by [K. S. Macquoid]. {In her Pict. acr. the channel, v. 2.) 11938 Mother Molly ; by F. M. Peard. 20176 Mother-play, and nursery songs ; by F. Froebel. 18079 Motherless ; by Mme. De Witt. 9950 Mothers of the Bible ; by S. G. Ashton. 6138 Mother's recompense. The ; by G. Aguilar. 122 Mother's request. The; or, Ballyshan Castle; by Shulah. 7116 Mother's trials, A. 3167 Motherwell, V\^ Minstrelsy, ancient and modern. 2 v. 3168-9 Motion (in physics). Radcliffe, C. B. Vital motion as a mode of phys. motion. 16847 Motives of life ; by D. Swing. 18506 Motley, J. ^'ales of the Cymry ; notes, illust. and explana- tory. 22818 Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. 4 v. 3173-4; 7159-60 — Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland ; with view of causes and movements of the Tliirty Years' War. 2 v. *I ; 12677-8 — Peter the Great. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) " 17084 — Same. (In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) ' 18790 — The rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 v. 3170-2 Mott, L. What is anti-slavery work? (/n Liberty bell.) 5101 Mott, V. McCabe, .1. D. {Li his Great fortunes.) 8983 Motte, Mrs. J. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Motte, R. Sketch of R. Motte. (/^i-Wom. of worth.) 1219 Motteville, Mme. V. B. de. Sainte-Beuve. C. A. (In his Cans. lund., V. 5.) *I Mottoes. .lames, S. B. Morals of mottoes. 14223 Mouche, La ; monologue ; par E. Guiard. (Th^dtre de camp., s^r. 5.) 14689 Moulding. See Founding. Moulton, C. W. Review of Gen. Sherman's Memoirs exam. in the light of its own evidence. 15433 Moulton, L. C. Bed-time stories. 12023 — Dr. Huger's intentions. (In Stor. and sketches.) 6883 — More bed-time stories. Illust. 13261 — New bed-time stories. Illust. 19886 — Poems. 17471 ■ — Random rambles [in Europe] . 20572 — Swallow-flights. 19787 Moultrie, W. Headley, J. T. (In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 Moultrie, Fort. Doubleday, A. Reminiscences of Forts Sum- ter and M., 1860-61. 15339 872 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mound builders. Bryant, W. C. and Gay, S. H. Sketch of the prehistoric period, and the age of the mound builders. (In their Hist, of the U. S., v. 1.) 15951 Mounsey, A. H. The Satsuma rebellion; episode of mod. Japanese hist. Maps. 18838 Mount Auburn. Bigelow, J. History of the cemetery of Mount Auburn. *I Mount Hope; or, Philip, King of the Wampanoags ; hist. romance; by G. H. Hollister. 4058 Mt. Hope. See Bristol, R. I. Mount Koyal popular tales, v. 1, 3, 4. 2 v. 7223-4 Contents. V. 1. Gerald Aymer's loves. — Leighton, A. — A desperate act; The diamond eyes.— Leggett, W. An old reefer's yarn.— Gerstaeck- er, F. Saise, the Riccaree.— The bellows-mender of Lyons. — The man who owned he was a fool.— Charles Seymour's jealousy.— Acton, F. An- nie Marshall's destiny.— Beauty and the lieast. 3. Leighton, A. The long slippers; The white scalp.- Acton, F. Mr. Bautry's heir.— Smith, J. The veteran of Marengo.— Violette Charters.— Gerstaecker, F. Bell- the-wolf. — Ross, W. Winnie Scroop.— Robles, I. de. Merry wives of Madrid.— The condemned.— Heiton, J. The Hawkshead inn.— Insurance and assurance. 4. Smith, J. C, Jr. A strange presentiment. — Honey- man, W. C. Third-class to Edinburgh.— Acton, F. The boatman of Bur- ton-on-the-Wye. — Leighton, A. The chance question. — Grasso the car- ver. — Black and white. — Sergeant Davies' ghost. — Sorrows of Werter. — Corbet, Miss. The miller of Calder.— The mayor of Galway. Mt. Desert. De Costa, B. F. Mount Desert and the New Eng. coast. 9231 Mount VernOn papers ; by E. Everett. • 1426 Mount Washington. See Washington, Mt. Mountain, A. 8. H. History of the Roman empire. See Po- cocke, E. Mountain, J. H. B. History of Greece. See Pococke, E. Mountain, The; by J. Michelet. *I Mountain, History of a ; by E. Reclus. 20489 Mountain adv. in var. countries ; select, fr. narr. of travellers. Illust. 7593 — Same ; with introd., etc., by J. T. Headley. 9765 Mountain and moor; by J. E. Taylor. (Nat. hist, rambles.) 19301 Mountain-elf's gift, The ; by A. Linden. {In his Titania.) 2677 Mountain of the lovers ; poem ; by P. H. Hayne. 13910 Mountaineers, The; play; by G. Colman, the younger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 8.) 11810 Mountains. Gautier, T. Les vacances du lundi ; tableaux de montagnes. 14668 — Headley, J. T. The sacred mountains. 1830 See also Mountain adv. behnc. — Vose, G. L. Orographic geology; or, The origin and struct, of moun- tains. ' • 6396 — Mountain adv. in var. countries ; select, fr. narr.. of travellers. 7593 — Same with Mountains and mountain climbing; by J. T. Headley. 9765 Mountains, The; collect, of poems. 15818 Mountains and molehills ; by F. 8. Marryat. 2923 Mountain's face. The ; by H. H. Boyesen. {With his Q,ueen Titania.) 20834 Mountford, W. Euthanasy ; or, Happy talk towards the end of life. 3175 — Miracles, past and present. 8392 — Thorpe. 3176 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 873 Mournful villager, From A ; by S. O. Jewett. {In her Coun- try by-ways.) 21032 Mourning bride, The ; tragedy ; by W. Congreve. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Mouse and lion ; by E. E. Hale. {In his His level best, etc.) 11209 Mouth. White, J. W. The mouth and teeth. 19381 Mouthful of bread ; History of ; by J. Mac^. 6572 Mowatt, Mrs. A. C. (O.), afterivards Mrs. Ritchie. See Ritchie, A. C. O. M. Mowbray, P. Russell, W. {In his Y^gq^ii. personages.) 6265 Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora ; geography, hist., and re- sourc. of the silver region of N. Amer. 3d. ed. 6095 Moy O'Brien : by Melusine. 18971 Moyle, W. Works. 2 v. 10148-9 Mozart, J. C. S. W. A. Don Giovanni. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — II flauto magico ; opera. *I — Same ; The magic flute. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Letters, 1769-91 ; tr. by Lady Wallace. Portr. 2 v. 6199-200 — Masses. *I — Le nozze di Figaro. *I — Same; Marriage of Figaro. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Succinct thorough-bass school; tr. by T. Novello. (Novello's lib.) 11724 — Barnard, C. The tone masters. Mozart and Mendelssohn. ' 8461 — Bevle, H. M. Life of M. {In his Life of Havdn, etc.) 2520 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Germ, comp.) 18050 — Holmes, E. Mozart's life; incl. his correspondence. 1956 — Jahn, O. Life of M. ; tr. by P. D. Townsend; pref. by G. Grove. 3 v. 22679-81 — Mathews, W. S. B. {In his How to understand music.) 22847 — Nohl, L. Life of M. ; tr. bv Lady Wallace; portr. of M. and his sister. 2 V. ' 17536-7 — Ossoli, S. M. F. d'. Lives of the great composers. {In her Papers, etc., pt. 2.) 3309 — Rau, H. Mozart ; biog. romance. 7269 — Scudder, H. E. {In his Stor. fr. my attic.) 7897 Mozley, .1. B. Eight lect. on miracles. 3d. ed. (Bampton lect.) • 17677 — Essays historical and theological. 2 v. 18305-6 Contents. Y. 1. Lord Strafibrd. — Archbishop Laud.— Carlyle's Crom- well.— Luther. 2. Dr. Arnold.— Blanco White.— Dr. Pusey's sermon. — Book of Job.— Maurice's Theological essays. — Indian conversion. — Argu- ment of design. — Principle of causation. — In memoriam [of S. Rickardo] . — List of the author's articles and works. — Lectures ; and other papers. 22627 Contents. Evidences.— Physical science and theology.— Jewish and heathen conceptions of a future state. — Supposed obscurity of Holy Scripture. — St. Paul's teaching an integral part of Holy Scripture. — The dogmatic oflice.— Mysterious truths.—Of Christ alone without sin. — Original sin.— Original sm iisserted by worldly philosophers and poets. — Perfectibility. — 3Iodern doctrine of perfectibility. — The Athanasian creed. —The holy eucharist. — Letter to the Rev. Prof ." Stanley on the articles. — Colonial Church question.— Review of Dr. Newman's Grammar of assent. — Note on Egyptian doctrine of a future state. — Lectures on miracles. (Bampton lect.) 17677 — Principle of causation consid. in opposition to atheistic theories. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — Sermons bef. the University of Oxford, etc. 2d. ed. 16123 — Theorv of development; crit. of Dr. Newman's ess. on the develop, of Chr. doctr. 18366 — Treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. 2d. ed. 18052 Mozley, T. Reminiscences, chief, of Oriel College and the Ox- ford movement. 2 v. 21632-3 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 56 874 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mr. and Mrs. Faulcoubridge ; by H. Aid^. 13899 Mr. and Mrs. Peter White ; by R. J. Raymond. {In French's mm. dram., v. 30.) 7986 Mr. Bautry's heir; by F. Acton. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.) 7224 Mr. Blazay's experience ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {In his Cou- pon bonds, etc.) 11228 Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5463 Mr. Buckstone's ascent of Mt. Parnassus ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 4.) *I Mr. Buckstone's voyage around the globe (in Leicester Square) ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 5.) *I Mr. Caroli ; an autobiography ; by L. G. Seguin. 3 v. 21989-91 Mr. de Pourceaugnac ; farce ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram. wks. V. 3.) 16845 Mr. Gilfil's love story; by George Eliot [M. E. Lewes]. 17307 Mr. Grantley's idea ; by J. E. Cooke. 18667 Mr. Harrison's confessions ; by Mrs. Gaskell. {In her Cousin Phillis.) 11668 Mr. Isaacs ; tale of mod. India; by F. M. Crawford. 22433 Mr. John Jenkins ; by B. Harte. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 Mr. Leslie of Underwood ; by M. Patrick. 18820 Mr. Neelus Peeler's conditions ; by R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Mr. Nightingale's diary; farce; by C. Dickens. 17262 Mr. Pearson. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 8.) 14308 Mr. Peter Crewitt. 17848 Mr. Phillips' goneness ; by J. M. Bailey. 18909 Mr. Robert Bolton ; by C. Dickens. {In his Mudfog papers.) 19851 Mr; Rutherford's children. See Ellen Montgomery's book-shelf. Mr. Schermerhorn's marriage and widowhood ; by R. Lowell. {In his Story or two.) 18012 Mr. Smith ; by L. B. Walford. 13772 Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious ; by G. Griffin. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 Mr. Williamson Slippey and his salt ; by R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Mr. Wynyard's ward ; by H. Lee [H. Parr]. 16742 Mrs. Armingtou's ward ; by D. T. Wright. 7330 Mrs. Arthur; by Mrs. Oliphant. 17500 Mrs. Austin ; by M. Veley. 19859 Mrs. Badgery ; by W. Collins. {In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 — jSame. {In Novels and tales fr. Household Words, v. 6.) 14306 Mrs. Battle's opinion on cards ; by C. Lamb. (Treas. trove ser., V. 1.) 14266 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown ; by Mrs. J. Austin. 19740 Mrs. Beauchamp's vengeance. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 21.) 19166 Mrs. Brown at the play ; by A. Sketchley. (Treas. trove ser., V. 1.) 14266 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 875 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures ; by D. Jerrold. 6698 — Same. {In his Works, v. 3.) *I Mrs. Caudle's curtain lecture ; by E. Stirling. (In French's min. dram., V. 21.) 11846 Mrs. Flint's married experience ; by R. T. Cooke. {I71 her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Mrs. F.'s waiting-maid ; by N. Perry. (In her Tragedy of the unexpected.) 19857 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds ; by J. Hawthorne. 17966 — Same. (In his Laughing mill, etc.) 20805 Mrs. Geoffrey; by The duchess [M. Argles]. 22452 Mrs. Gerald's niece ; by G. Fullerton. 8501 Mrs. Jack ; by F. D. Trollope. 18047 Mrs. Jarley. Bartlett, G. B. Mrs. Jarley's far-famed collec- tion of wax statuary. *I Mrs. Jerningham's journal; [by Mrs. Hart]. 8456 Mrs. Limber's raftle ; or, A church fair and its victims. 15326 Mrs. Lirriper's legacy ; by C. Dickens. (In Ms Add. Chr. stor.) 13202 — Same. (In his Works.) 7759 Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings ; by C. Dickens. (In his Add. Chr. stor.) 13202 — Same. {In his Works.) 7759 Mrs. Lorimer ; by L. Malet. 22475 Mrs. Mainwaring's journal ; by E. Marshall. 7316 Mrs. Mayburn's twins ; by J. Habberton. 21543 Mrs. Merriam's scholars ; by E. E. Hale. 18227 Mrs. Merridrew's fortune. ( With The portr. in my uncle's din. -room.) 10679 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances; by J. H. Ewing. 20913 Mrs. Peck's pudding ; drama ; by E. L. C. Follen. (In her Home dramas.) 1488 Mrs. Skagg's husbands, and other sketches ;^ by B. Harte. 11243 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on ; by Pansy [I. M. Alden]. 22043 Mrs. Stanhope's last lodger ; by N. Perry. (In her Tragedy of the unexpected.) 19857 *'Mrs. Thompson, you are wanted ;" by W. J. Fox. (In his Mem. ed. of coll. works, v. 6.) *I Mrs. Willis's will ; comic drama ; by E. Souvestre. (In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Much ado about a merchant of Venice. (In French's min. dram., v. 39.) 7990 Much ado about nothing ; comedy ; by W. Shakespeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 Much ado about nothing. See Shakespeare, W. Much coin, much care; dram, proverb.; by Mrs. Jameson. (In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Mudfog papers. The ; by C. Dickens. 19851 Mudford, W. First and last. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 — The iron shroud. {In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Same. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 1.) 19140 Mudge, C. R. Morse, J. T. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 876 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mudge, E. R. and Hayes, J. L. Wool aod manufactures of wool. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. Rept., v. 6.) 9101 — and Nourse, B. F. Cotton. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. Rept., V. 6.) 9101 Mudie, R. The feathered tribes of the Brit. Is. 4th. ed., rev. by W. C. L. Martin. Illust. 2 v. 3177-8 Muegge, T. Afraja. 3 v. in 1. 10331 — Same: tr. by E. J. Morris. 19503 — Am Malanger Fjord. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16169 — Switzerland in 1847. 2 v. 3179-80 Muehlbach, h.^pseiid. See Mundt, Mrs. C. Mueller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains ; new ed. ; tr. by J. Leitch. ♦! — Introduction to a scientific system of mythology; tr. by J. Leitch. *I Mueller, D. History of the German people. See Lewis, C. T. Mueller, F. P. See Paludan-Miiller, F. Mueller, F. M. Chips fr. a German workshop, v. 1-5. 7664-5; 9116-18 Contents. V. 1. Lecture on the Vedas, or the sacred books of the Brahmans. — Christ and other masters. — The Veda and Zend-Avesta. — The Aitareya-Brahmana.— Study of the Zend-Avesta in India.— Progress of Zend scholarship.— Genesis and the Zend-Avesta.- The modern Parsis.— Buddhism. — Buddhist pilgrims. — Tlie meaning of Nirvana. — Chinese translations of Sanslcrit texts.— Works of Confucius.— Popol Vuh.— Sem- itic monotheism. 2, Comparative mythology. — Greek mythology. — Greek legends.— Bellerophon. — The Norsemen in Iceland. — Folk-lore. — Zulu nursery tales. — Popular tales f r. the Norse. — Tales of the West High- lands.— Manners and customs.— Our figures.— Caste. 3. German litera- ture.— Old German love-songs. Ye schyppe of fooles.— Life of Schiller. — Wilhelm Miiller.— On the language and poetry of Schleswig-Holstein. — Joinville.— Journal des savants and the Journal de Tr^voux.- Chasot. — Shakespeare.— Bacon in Germany. — A German traveller in England, A. D. 1598. — Cornish antiquities.— Are there Jews in Cornwall ? — The insula^ tion of St. Michael's Mount. — Bunseu. — Letters fr. Bunsen to Max Miiller. 4. Value of comparative philology as a branch of academic study.— The final dental of the pronominal stem ?af?.— Did feminine bases in d take s in the nom. sin^. ?— Grammatical forms in Sanskrit correspond- ing to so-called infinitives m Greek and Latin.— Rede lecture, pt. 1 : Strat- ification of language; pt. 2: On Ciirtius' Chronology of the Indo-Ger- manic languages.— Migration of fables. — Benfey's discovery of a Syriac trans, of the Indian fables. — Notes. — Results of the science of language. — eeoj and Deus. — The vocative of Dyaus and Zeus. — Aryan words occur- ring in the Zend but not in Sanskrit.— Missions.— Passages showing the missionary spirit of Buddhism.— The schism in the Brahma-Samaj.— Extracts fr. Keshub Chunder Sen's lect.— Stanley's introd. sermon on Christian missions.— Vitality of Brahmauism.— Importance of Oriental studies.— Life of Colebrooke, with extr. fr. his ms. notes on comp. philology.— Reply to Darwin.— In self-defense. 5. On freedom.— Philo- sophy of mythology. — False analogies in comparative theology. — Spell- ing. — Sanskrit texts discovered in Japan. — India, what can it teach us ? lect. 22819 Contents. What can India teach us ? — Truthful character of the Hin- dus. — Human interest of Sanskrit literature. — Objections. — Lessons of the Veda. — Vedic deities. — Veda aiid Vedanta. — Notes and illust. — Lectures on the science of language. 2 ser. 3166; 5857 — Lectures on the science of religion, etc. 9840 Contents. Lect. on the sci. of relig. ;— Buddliist Nihilism ;— Buddha's Dhammapoda; or, ''Path of virtue." — Memories ; story of German love ; tr. by G. F. Upton. 13437 — Missions; lect., with introd. sermon by A. P. Stanley. 12233 —'On Spelling. (In Pitman, I. Plea for spelling ref.) 18516 — Origin and growth of relig. as illust. bv the relig. of India. 18283 — Preface. (In Gill, W. W. 3Iyths and songs.) 16531 — Rig-Veda-Sanhita ; Sacred hynins of the Brahmans; tr. and expl. v. 1. 8942 — Whitney, W. D. MuUer's Chips fr. a German workshop. (In his Orient, and ling, stud., ser. 2.) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 877 Mueller, G. The life of trust ; narr. of the Lord's dealings with M. ; ed. by H. L. Wayland. Introd. by F. Wayland. 3182 Mueller, I., ed. English philosophers ; namely : Bower, G. S. D. Hartley and J. Mill. 20464, Farrer, J. Adam Smith. 20154 Fowler, T. Bacon. 20871 - Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. . 22219 Monck, W. H. S. Sir Wm. Hamilton. 20377 Mueller, J. von. Battle at Sempach, 1386. {In Lieber, F. Gt. events. 5105 — History of the world. 4 v. 2312-15 Mueller, J. The Christian doctr. of sin ; tr. by W. Urwick. 2 V. (Clark's For. Theol. Lib.) 20672-3 Mueller, K. O. History of the literature of Anc. Greece ; tr. by G. C. Lewis and J. W. Donaldson. 3183 Mueller, Max. See Mueller, F. M. Mueller, M. Public school education. 10912 Mueller, Wilhelm. Debora. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16164 — Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 Mueller. W. Prof. Field-marshal Count Moltke 1800-LS78 ; tr. by P. E. Pinkerton ; ed. by H. M. Hozier. 18742 — Political hist, of rec. times, lHlO-75, with spec, ref . to Germany ; rev. and enl. ; tr., with app., 1876-81, by J. P. Peters. ' 22040 Mueller. See also Muller. Muench-Bellinghausen, E. F. J. von {pseud. F. Halm). Ingo- mar. {In Mod. stand, drama, v. 12.) 11814 — Die Marzipan-Lise. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 1616T — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Muenchhausen, H. K. F., Freihet-r von. Travels and surpris- ing adv. of Baron M. 9190 Muennich, H. A. Braut in Haaren. 16429 Muette de Portici, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 1 .) *I Mugby Junction ; by C. Dickens. {In his Works.) 7759 Muhlenberg, W. A. Ayres, A. Life and work of M. 19910 Muir, A. Lady Beauty. 21834 Muir, J. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and hist, of the people of India. 5 v. *I — Eeligious and mor. sentiments metr. rend. fr. Sanskrit writers. 15719 Muir, M. M. V., joint author. See Thorpe, T. E. Muir, Sir W. Annals of the early caliphate ; f r. orig. sources. Map. 22922 — TheCoran; its compos, and teaching, and [its] testimony to the Scrip- tures. (Non-Chr. relig. syst.) ' 19256 — Life of Mahomet. 4 v. 8904-7 Muir. See also Mure. Muirhead, J. P. Life of J. Watt. 3181 Mulford, E. The republic of God ; an institute of theology. 20480 Mulgrave, Lord. See Phipps, H. Mulhall, M. Between the Amazon and the Andes ; ten years of travels. Maps and illust. 22416 Mulhall, M. G. The English in South America. 17811 — Progress of the world, since the beginning of the 19th. cent. 20544 Mulholland, Miss — . The wicked woods of Tobereevil. 11968 Mullen, W. J. Duty of society to persons arrested. {In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Kept. 1873.) *I 878 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mullens, J. Moderu missions and their results. {In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) Muller, C. The burgomaster's family. MuUer. See Mueller. Mullinger, J. B. The schools of Charles the Great and the restor. of educ. in the 9th. cent. — joint author. See Gardiner, S. R. Muloch, Miss D. (M.) See Craik, D. (M.) M. Mulready, W. Palgrave, F. T. (In his Ess. on art.) Multitudinous seas. The ; by S. G. W. 3enjamin. Multum in parvo. See Reade, C. Mumford, E. The nation ; the foundations of civil order and political life in the U. S. Mumford, T. J. Life and letters ; with memorial tributes. — Memoir of Samuel J. May. Mummies and moslems ; by C. D. Warner. Note. Subsequently pub. as My winter on the Nile. Mummy, The; by W. B. Bernard. {In French's min. dram., V. 27.) Munby, A. J. Dorothy ; country story in verse. Munch, A. Sorg og Trost ; digte. Munchausen. See Muenchhausen. 10027 7319 20674 6531 18297 454 18681 11390 15940 7984 21346 15038 13828 6980 656a 6569 6978 6561 6565 6566 6568 6560 6567 6562 6977 6976 Mundella, A. J. Hinton, R. J. {In Ms Eng. rad. lead.) Mundt, C. {pseud. L. Miihlbach). Andreas Hof er ; tr. by Jordan. lUust. — Berlin and Sans-Souci ; or, Frederick the Great and his friends ; tr. by Mrs. Colman and daughters. — The daughter of an empress ; tr. by N. Greene. Illust. — The empress Josephine ; tr. by L. Binet. — Frederick the Great and his court; tr. by Mrs. Coleman. — Frederick the Great and his family. — Goethe and Schiller ; tr. bv C. Coleman. Illust. — Henry VIII. and his court; or, Catharine Parr; from the German by H. N. Pierce. 2 v. in 1. — Marie Antoinette and her son. — Joseph II. and his court ; tr. by A. De Y. Chaudron. — Louisa of Prussia and her times. — The merchant of Berhn; tr. by A. Coffin. — Napoleon and Bliicher ; tr. by F. Jordan. Illust. — Napoleon in Germany ; Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia ; tr. by F. Jordan. Illust. — Old Fritz and the new era; tr. by P. Langley. Illust. — Prince Eugene and his times. 13438 — Queen Hortense ; tr. by C. Coleman. 1185 — Story of a millionaire. ' 10930 Note. The above are all historical novels. Mundt, T. Count Mirabeau ; tr. by T. J. Radford. Illust. 7143 Mundy, G. C. Our antipodes ; residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies. 3217 Munich. Jameson, A. {In her Sketches.) 2329 — Watts, A. M. H. An art-student in M. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20751-2 Municipal history. Thompson, J. Essay on Eng. municipal history. 7194 — Vine, J. R. S. English municipal institutions; their growth and devel., 1835-1879, statistically illust. 19584 Municipal law. Eaton, D. B. Municipal government. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 Municipalist, The. See Internal relations, etc. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 879 Munitions of war. Norton, C. B., and Valentine, W. J. Munitions of war exhibited at the Exposition. {In\j. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. ^ 1867, Kept., v. 5.) 9100 Munro, W. H. History of Bristol, R. I. Story of the Mount Hope lands, from the visit of the Northmen. Illust. *I — Picturesque Rhode Island ; pen and pencil sketches, *I Munroe family. Muzzy, A. B. {In Ms Reminis.) 22390 Muusell, J. Chronology of paper and paper-making. 3d. ed. 7287 Munson, J. E. The complete phonographer. 8514 — Dictionary of practical phonography. 13435 — Phrase-book of practical phonography. 18284 Murad the Unlucky ; by M. Edgeworth. . 1328 ; 7778 — Same. (7?i Little" class., v. 42.) ^ 12988 Mural decoration. Perkins, C. C. Fresco, encaustic, etc. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Richmond, W. B. ^[onumental painting. {In Poole, R. S. Lect.) 22821 Murasaki Shikib. Genji Monogatari ; class. Japanese romance ; tr. by Suyematz Kenchio. 21973 Murat, J. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826 — Murat. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 — and N. A., Prince. Woodward, E. M. Bonaparte's park, and the Murats. *I Muratori. Jackson, G. A. Author of Muratorian fragment, etc. {In his Apostolic fathers.) 18997 Murchison, R. I. Giekie, A. Life of M. based on his journals, etc., with not. of his contemp., etc. 13865 Murder. De Quincey, T. Murder considered as one of the fine arts. {In his Misc. ess.) 1157 Same. {In Little class., v. 2.) 12973 Three memorable murders. {In his Note-book.) 1188 Murder of the Archbishop of Paris. {In Nov. and tales from Household Words, v. 5.) 14305 Murders in the Rue Morgue ; by E. A. Poe. {In his Tales.) 5144 — Same. {In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 Murdoch, W. Reynolds, M. Murdoch's engine. {In his Model locomotive engine.) 19128 Murdock, J. Modern philosophy. 2d. ed. 3193 Murdock, J. N. The prodigal son. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 Mure, W. Critical hist, of the language and literature of anc. Greece. 5 v. *I Mure. See also Muir. Murger, H. Mauris, M. {In his French men of letters.) 19854 Murie, J. A piece of sponge. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1 .) 20445 Murillo, B. E. Minor, E. E. Murillo. 21340 — Sweetser, M. F. Murillo. 17356 Murner, T. Die Narrenbeschworung. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh.) 16365 Murphey, J. Creation ; or. The Bible and geology consistent. 3194 Murphy, A. Three weeks after marriage. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 8.) 11810 Murphy, A. Life and genius of S. Johnson. {In Johnson, S. Works, V. 1.) 5090 Murphy, Lady B. , and others. On the Rhine, and other sketches. Illust. 19935 Contents. Murphy, B. Down the Rhine.— Trollope, T. A. Baden and Allerheiligen.— Wister, S. B. Why do we like Paris?— Catlin, G. L. 880 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Among the Biscayans.— Lejeune, L. Trouville.— McLeod, R. A. The Italian lakes. — R., W. D. Easter on the Riviera.— Bacon, A. T. A month in Sicily.— Harrison, J. A. Glimpses of Sweden.— Logan. O. Try Norway.— King, E. Hungarian types and Austrian pictures ; Oad corners of Austria; Along the Danube; Danubian days. Murphy, J. G. Critical and exegetical commentary on Genesis ; pref. by J. P. Thompson. 6279 Murphy, J. M. American game bird shooting. Illust. 21835 — Rambles in North-western Amer., fr. the Pacific to the Rocky Mts. 21734 — Sporting adventures in the far West. Illust. 19665 Murphy, J. J. Habit and intelligence ; ess. on the laws of life and mind. 2d. ed., illust., rev., etc. 18891 Murphy, R. M. Destiny. 7218 Murphy's master ; by J. Pay n. 11615 Murray^ A. Balfour, C. L. (In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Life of M. (In Wonders of science and art.) 4330 — Sketch of M. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology. *I Murray, C. A. The prairie bird. 5742 Murray, D. C. Joseph's coat. (Trans- Atlantic nov.) 21348 — A life's atonement. 21043 — A model father. 21896 Murray, E. C. G. (pseud. Trois-Etoiles) . French pictures in English chalk, ser. 1, 2. 16866 ; 18373 — The member for Paris. 9688 — Round about France. ' 18117 — The Russians of to-day. 17868 — Side-lights on Eng. society ; sk. fr. life, soc. and satirical. Illust. 2 v. 21189-90 Contents. V. 1. Flirts.— On H. B. M.'s service.— Semi-detached wives. 2, Noble lords.— Young widows.— Our "silvered youth" or noble old bo vs. — That artful vicar. 18711 — Young Brown. 12346 Murray, G. B., Lady Murray. Elwood, A. K. (In her Mem., V. 1.) 22790 Murray, H. Historical and descr. account of Bt. America. 2 v. 3195-6 — Pictorial hist, of the U. S. to 1850 ; add., etc., by H. C. Watson. 3197 — and others. Historical and desc. acct. of British India. 3 v. 503-6 Murray, J. O. J. L. Diman. (In Diman, J. L. Orations, etc.) 21211 Murray, J. Life, written by himself ; with Mrs. Murray's contin., index, and notes ; new ed. 3199 Murray, J., pub. See Handbook. Murray, J. A., Lord. Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657 ; 16744 Murray, J. C. Ballads and songs of Scotland ; their influence on the character of the people. *I ; 12815 Murray, J. F. Father Tom and the Pope. See Ferguson, S. Murray, John O'K. The Catholic pioneers of America ; [biography]. 22282 Murray, L. Power of religion on the mind. 3198 — Pratt, A. {In her Dawnings of genius.) 3524 Murray, M. History of the United States. 3205 Murray, N. The Church the pillar and ground of the truth. (In Union pulpit.) 6680 Murray, N. (pseud. Kirwan). Letters to R. B. Taney. (Romanism at home.) 5950 Murray, T. C. Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms. 19666 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 881 Murray, W., 1st. Earl of Mansfield. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) ' 525 — Hazlitt, W. (In his Eloquence, etc., v. 2.) 1812 Murray, W. H. H, Adirondack tales. Illust. 17347 — Adventures in the wilderness ; camp-life in the Adirondacks. Illust. 7713 — Deacons. 13364 — Music Hall sermons. 2 ser. 1854 ; 11395 — The perfect horse ; with Treatise on agriculture and the horse, by G. B. Loring. 11947 — Selections from pulpit utterances. (Words fitly spoken.) 11364 — Sermons. 2 ser. (Park St. Pulpit.) 9658; 10056 Musseus grammaticus. Hero and Leander ; tr. by G. Chap- man. {In Homerus. Batrachomyomachia.) 2065 — Musaeus' Hero and Leander. {In Homerus. Hymns and epigrams.) *I Musaeus, J. C. A. Dumb love. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Libussa. {In Tales fr. the Germ.) 4347; 5217 — Tales. {In Carlyle, T. Tales bv M., etc., v. 1.) 13121 — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1.) 696 — Everett, A. H. Musaeus's Pop. tales. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 Musard ball; by J. Brougham. {In French's min. dram., V. 20.) 11846 Muscat. Roberts, E. Embassy to Cochin China, Siam, and Muscat, 1832-4. 3661 *' Muschachito mio;" by J. Ingelow. {In her Sister's bye- hours.) 6354 Muscles. Sewall, H. How we move. {In Martin, H. N. and others. Lect.) 22774 Music. Biography, — See Musicians. History. — Brinsmead, E. Account of the mus. of the ancients. {In his Hist, of the piano.) 19754 — Butler, C. Reminiscences; with a letter on anc. and mod. music. *I — Callcott, J. W. Musical grammar. 667 — Chappell, W. History of music. *I — Chorley, H. F. The national music of the world. 19704 — Curweb, J. S. Studies in worship-music, chief, as regards congrega- tional singing. 20323 — Engel, C. Introduction to the stud, of national M. ; pop. songs, tradi- tions, and customs. 11661 The music of the most ancient nations. 8925 — Huetfer, F. Foreign schools of music. {In his Mus. stud.) 19852 — Hullah, J. History of modern music. 12390 — Hunt, H. G. B. Concise hist, of M., fr. the commencement of the Chr. era. 17S07 — Keddie, H. Musical composers and their works. 13664 — Ritter, F. L. History of music. 2 ser. 11235; 13572 General and Miscellaneous works. — Ehlert, L. Letters on music; tr. by F. R. Ritter. 7643 — JElla, J. Musical sketches, abroad and at home. 17928 — Fetis, F. J. Music explained to the world. 13323 — Gardiner, W. The music of nature ; attempt to prove that what is pas- sionate and pleasing in singing, etc., is derived fr. the sounds of the animated world. 11237 — Giles, H. Music ; The young musician. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) 2253 Music. {In his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Gilman, S. Memoirs of a New England choir. 5110 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. 10069 — Hueffer, F. Musical studies. 19852 Richard Wagner and the M. of the future ; hist, and aesthetics. 12578 — King, T. S. Music. {In his Subst. and show, etc.) 17277 — Marx, A. B. Music of the 19th. cent., and its culture; method of mus. instr. 15922 882 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Mathews, W. S. B. How to understand music; course of mus. intelli- gence, etc, 21833 — Musical recollections of the last half-centurv. 2 v. 11440-1 — Polko, E. Musical sketches; tr. by F. Fuller. 5584 — Schumann, R. Music and musicians ; ess. and criticisms. 2 ser. 20201-2 — Spencer, C. 0. Rudimentary and practical treatise on music. 4161 — Stainer, J. Music of the Bible ; with acct. of devel. of mod. mus. instru- ments fr. anc. types. 19672 Novello, Ewer and Co.'s Music primers. 14 v. 18413-26 — Upham. J. B. Music in pub. schools. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour. (1871.) 15733 — Wagner, W. R. Art life and theories ; select, fr. his writings. 13743 — Wieck, F. Piano and song; how to teach, how to learn, and how to form a Judgment of mus. performances. 13774 — Wohlfahrt, H. Guide to musical composition. 4840 Theory. — Blaserna, P. Theory of sound in its rel. to music. 16598 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Sensations of tone as a phvs. basis for the theory of M. ' 14217 Physiological causes of harmony in M. {In his Pop. lect.) 11772 — Marx, A. B. Theory and pract. of mus. composition; app., etc.y by E. Girac. 2952 — On temperament. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Pole, W. The philosophy of music. 18746 — Spencer, H. Origin and function of music. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 — Stone, W. H. Sound and music. 17000 — Taylor, S. Sound and music. 12071 Dictionaries. — Mathews, W. S. B. Pronouncing diet, and encyd. of terms. 21833 Bd. with his How to understand music, etc. — See also Harmony :— Musicians;— Opera;— Songs;— Voice. Also the names of countries; as Germany. The library has also nmsic by Adam, A. ;— Auber, D. F. E. ;— Au- dran, E. ;— Bach, J. S. ;— Balfe, M. W. ;— Beethoyen, L. yan ;— Bellini, V. ; —Benedict, J. ;— Berlioz, H. ;— Bizet, G. ;— Boieldieu, F. A. ;— Boito, A. ;— Cimarosa, D.;— Donizetti, G. :— Eichberg, J. ;— Flotow ;— Gluck, C. W.; Gounod, C. ;—Hal6yy, J. F. F. E. ;— Handel, G. H. ;— Haydn, F. J.;— Harold, L. J. F. :— Lecocq, C. ;— Marchetti, F. ;— Marschner, H. ;— Men- delssohn-Bartholdy, F. ;— Meyerbeer, G. ;— Mozart ;—Nicolai, O.;— Offen- bach, I. ;— Planquette, R. ; Ricci, L. and F. ;— Rossini, G. A. ;— Schumann, R. ;— Smart, H. ;— Stephens, H. P. and Solomon, E. ;— Smart, H. ;— Sulli- van, A. ;— Supp(^, F. yon ;— Thomas, A. ;— Verdi, G. ;— AVagner, R. ;— Wal- lace, W. V. ;— Weber, C. M. yon. Music fr. the mouDtains ; by Mrs. R. Gray. 10580 Music lesson, The, of Confucius ; and other poems ; by C. G. Leland. 10018 Music-master, The; by M. A. Denison. 112^ Musical instruments. Brinsmead, E. Account of the mus. instr. of the Ancients. {Bi his Hist, of the piano.) 19754 — Engel, C. 3Iusical instruments. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I — Otto, J. A. Treatise on the struct, and preservation of the violin and other bow-instruments. *I — Rimbault, E. F. Musical instruments. 1547& — Stainer, J. Music of the Bible; with acct. of develop, of mod. mus. instruments fr. anc. types. -19672 — Stevens, P. Musical instruments. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 5.) 9100 — See also Piano;— Violin. Also Tuning. Musical recollections of the last half-century. 2 v. 11440-1 Musical tales, phantasms, and sketches ; by E. Polko. 15721 Musicians. Barnard, C. F., Jr. The tone-masters : Bach and Beethoven ; Handel and Haydn. 9010 ; 9011- — Chorlev. H. F. Autobiography, memoir, and letters. 2 y. 2549-50 — Ferris,' G. T. Great German composers. 18050 Great Italian and French composers. 1870T catalogup: of books. 883 — Huetfer, F. Musical studies. 19852 — Keddie, H. Musical composers and their works. 13664 — Trotter, J. M. Music and some highly mus. people; [with] sk. of re- markable musicians of the colored race; with portr. and copies of music comp. by colored men. 17624 — Urbino, L. B. Biographical sketches of em. mus. composers. 16694 — See also Bach, J. S. ;— Beethoven, L. van; Berloiz, H. ;— Burney, C.;— Chickering, J. :— Chopin, F. F. :— Handel, G. F. : — Haydn, J. ; — Liszt, F. ;— Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F.; — Mozart, J. C. \V. A. W. S.;— Schubert, F. ;— Smith, J. C. ;— Wagner, R. Also Singers. Musings on the ''Christian Year" and *' Lyra Inuocentium ; " by C. M. Yonge. 9145 Muspratt, S. Chemistry, as appl. and rel. to the arts and man- ufactures. 2 V. in 4. 6466-7 Musset, L. C. A. de. Comedies et proverbes. 2 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Andr^ del Sarto. — Lorenzaccio. — Les caprices de Marianne. — Fantasio. — On ne badine pas avec I'amour. — La nuit V^'ni- tienne — Barberine. 2. Le chandelier.— II ne faut jures de rien.— Un caprice.— II faut qu' une porte soit ouverte ou ferm^e. — Louison.— On ne saurait penser a tout.— Carmosine.— Bettine. — Confessions d'un enfant du si^cle. *I — Contes. *I Contents. Pierre et Camille.— Le secret de Javotte.— La mouche.— Histoire d'un merle blanc— Mimi Pinson.— Lettres de Dupuis et Cotonet. Revue des Dcux-Mondes. — Melanges de litterature et de critique. *I Principal contents. Un mot sur Part moderne.— Salon de 1836.— De la trag^die, jV propos des debuts de Mile. Rachel.— Rc'^prise de Bajazet. — Con- cert de Mile. Garcia. — Debuts de Mile. Pauline Garcia. — Le tableau d-t^glise.- Faire sans dire.— line matinee de Don Juan. — Nouvelles. *I Contents. Les deux maitresses.— Emmeline.— Le fils du Titien.— Fr6d6- ric et Bernerette.— Croisilles. — Margot. — Oeuvres posthumes. ♦! — Poesies nouvelles, 1836-62. ♦I — Premieres poesies, 1829-1832. *I — Selections fr. the prose and poetry of M. 4276 — Gautier, T. and others. {In their Famous Fr. authors.) 19026 — Harrison, J. A. {In his Group of poets.) 13752 — James, H., Jr. {In his French poets and novelists.) 17578 — Mauris, M. {In her French men of letters.) 19864 — Musset, P. de Biographic de A. de Musset, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 14485 Same. Biographv of M. ; tr. bv H. W. Preston. 17194 — Pollock, W. H. {In his Leot. on'Fr. poets.) 18638 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 2; Cans, lund., v. 1, 13.) *I — Schmidt, S. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 2.) 16312 Musset, P. E. de. Biographic de A. de Musset; sa vie et ses oeuvres. 14485 — Same. Biography of A. de Musset ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 17194 Mussey, R. D. Health ; its friends and foes. 3141 Mussulman, The: by R. R. Madden. 2 v. 2852-3 Mussy, G. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In /iis Chateaubriand, e^c.) *I Must it be? fr. the German of C. Detlef [K. Bauer]. 11712 Mustache, The, Rise and fall of ; by R. J. Burdette. 17123 Mustee, The ; by B. F. Presbury. 3531 Musters, G. C. At home with the Patagonians. 12381 Muston, A. The Israel of the Alps ; hist, of the persecutions of the Waldenses ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 2d. ed. Engr 3200 Mute singer, The ; by A. C. Ritchie. 6363 Mutineers, The, of the Bounty ; by Lady Belcher. 9299 Muzzey, A. B. The Christian parent. 3203 Contents. Home.— The parent.— The step-mother.- School education. —Teachinginsufficient.— Obedience.— Corporal punishment.— Self-govern- 884 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ment. — Moral courage. — Motives to be addressed. — Sympathy with child- hood.— Recreations.— Religious educatiou.— Domestic worship. — Obiec- tions to family prayers.— The Bible.— Reasonable expectations.— Inciden- tal education.— Indirect influence of the mother.— Parental anxieties.— Educate jointly for both worlds. — The fireside ; an aid to parents. 3d. ed. 3202 — Man a soul ; or, Inward evidences of Christianity. 3201 — Reminiscences and mem. of men of the revolution, and their families. must. 22390 My after-dinner adv. with Peter Schlemihl. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 18.) ' 19163 My Aunt ; by S. J. Arnold. {In French's min. dram., v. 38.) 7990 My aunt Margaret's mirror ; by W. Scott. 13220 My aunt's heiress ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 My black mirror ; by W. Collins. {In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 My blind sister. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 2.) 14302 My bonnie lass : by Mrs. C. V. Hamilton. 17069 My boyhood ; by H. C. Barkley. 18062 My boys ; by L. M. Alcott. 8379 My brother Robert. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 3.) 14303 My brother's keeper ; by A. B. Warner. 4651 My brother's keeper ; by Mrs. Craik. {In her Sermons out of church.) 14029 My brother's wife ; by A. B. Edwards. 6012 My chateaux ; by G. W. Curtis. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 My college friends — Charles Russell, the gentleman commoner. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 My college friends; No. 2. Horace Leicester; No. 3. Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 3.) 19142 My Conuaught cousins ; by [H. Jay]. 22497 My country town. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 1.) 14301 My cousin Nicholas. See Cousin Nicholas. My daughter Elenor. 9342 My daughter's daughter ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 My desire ; by S. Warner. 18663 My fellow clerk; by J. Oxenford. {In French's min. dram., V. 25.) 7983 My forenoon with the baby ; by F. B. Perkins. {In his Devil- puzzlers, etc.) 17111 My girls ; by L. M. Alcott. 17246 My guardian ; by A. Cambridge. 18222 My health ; by F. C. Burnand. 11005 My husband's first love ; by Mrs. H. Wood. ' 15420 My husband's ghost ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 29.) 7985 My husband's mirror ; by W. W. Clapp. {In French's min. dram., v. 26.) 7984 My intimate enemy. 17642 My intimate friend ; by F. I. Duncan. 17495^ My investment in the far west. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 24.) ' 19169 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 885 My Lady Ludlow ; by Mrs. Gaskell. 5203 — Same. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 9.) 14309 My lady's money ; by W. Collins. , 17421 — Same. ( With The haunted hotel, v. 2.) 18361 My last cruise ; by A. W. Habersham. 11178 My life on the plains ; by G. A. Custer. 13233 My little lady ; by E. F. Poynter. 10628 My little ward. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 2.) 14302 My longest walk ; by Mrs. R. Gray. 10580 My lost home. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 7.) 14307 My love ; by E. L. Linton. 20509 My marriage. 19966 My mother and I ; by [Miss Muloch]. 12763 My mother-in-law. 17117 " My Napnie O" ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy, etc.) 19857 My neighbor's wife ; by A. Bunn. {In French's min. dram., V. 11.) 11841 My novel ; by [E. B. Lytton]. 603 My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's ; by Josiah Allen's wife [M. Holley]. 13032 My own child ; by F. Church. 16550 My own experience ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. {In their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 My prisons ; memoirs of S. Pellico. 19892 " My queen." (Appletons' new handy-vol. ser.) 18823 My Queen ; by F. M. Peard. {In her Madrigal.) 18028 My red cap ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Prov. stor.) 22009 My rococo watch ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Silver pitchers, etc.) 15781 My schoolboy friends ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieffj. 10552 My shooting box ; by H. W. Herbert. {In his Frank Fores- ter's sport, sc, V. 1.) 9030 My sister's confession and other stories ; by M. E. Braddon. 15893 My sister's keeper ; by L. M. Lane. 18675 My son Diana ; by A. Harris. {In French's min. dram., v. 30.) 7986 My son's wife ; by [M. H. Pike]. 7260 My southern friends ; by E. Kirke [J. R. Gilmore]. 4074 My story ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher], {hi her Nina's atone- ment, etc.) 11950 My story ; by K. S. Macquoid. 13436 My summer in a garden ; by C. D. Warner. 9142 My tourmaline ; by Saxe Holm. {In his Stor., ser. 2.) 17894 My three conversations with Miss Chester ; by F. B. Perkins. 17065 My trivial life and misfortune ; by a plain woman. 2 v. 22884-5 My two partners. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 11.) 14311 My Uncle Hobson and I ; by P. Jones. 2389 My uncle the curate ; by M. W. Savage. 5204 My vineyard at Lakeview ; by a Western grape grower. 6605 My watch below ; by W. C. Russell. 22332 My wife and I ; by H. B. Stowe. 9647 My wife and my wife's sister. (No name ser.) 21134 S8Q FREE PUBLIC LIBKARY. My wife's husband ; by F. Challis. {In French's min. dram., V. 16.) 11844 My wife's mirror ; by E. G. P. Wilkins. {In French's min. dram., v. 12.) 11842 My window. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 5.) 14305 My winter-garden ; by C. Kingsley. {In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 — jSame. (In his Prose idylls.) 3951 My winter on the Nile ; by C. D. Warner. See Mummies and Moslems. My young Alcides ; a faded photograph ; by C. M. Yonge. 15499 My young days ; illust. by P. Konewka. 20252 My young wife, and my old umbrella ; by B. Webster. {Li French's min. dram., v. 27.) 7984 Mycenae. Newton, C. T. Dr. Schliemann's disc, at M. {In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 — Schliemann, H. MyceuaB; research and disc, at M. and Tiryus. *I Myddleton, H. Smiles, S. Engineering and mining works. {In Smiles, S. Lives of the eng., v. 1.) *I Myers, A. B. R. Life with the Hamran Arabs, 1874-5. *I Myers, E. ^schylus. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 — Extant odes of Pindar tr. into Eng. ; introd. and notes. 13517 Myers, F. Lectures on great men ; pref. by J. H. Tarlton. 12956 Contents. Martin Luther. — Christopher Columbus. — Francis Xavier. — Peter of Russia. — John Wjcliffe. — Sir Thomas More. — Thomas Cran- mer. — Oliver Cromwell. — Gerolamo Savonarola. — Gonzales Ximenes. — Gaspar^l de Colignv.— George Washington. Myers, F. W. H. ^ Greek oracles. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 — Poems. 8956 Contents. St. Paul, and other poems. — Wordsworth. (Eng. men of letters.) . 20171 Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and nature under the tropics ; travels among the Andes, on the Orinoco, Rio Negro, and Amazons. 17182 Myers, P. H. The King of the Hurons. 2116 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of' lost empires ; ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, with notes on India and the Cashmerian Himalayas. 13466 — joint author. See Myers, H. M. Myles, M. Residence in the Deaconesses' institutions of Kaiser- werth, Strasburg, and Miihlhausen. 11057 Myrrha ; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. {In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Mjvtie, M., pseud. -tSee Johnson, A. Myself. 9865 Myst^res d'Udolphe ; op6ra comique ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 4, V. 15.) *I Mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis [New York] ; by "A. P." the amateur vagabond. 12781 Mysteries of time and space ; by R. A. Proctor. 22822 Mysterious disappearance, A; by G. M. Baker. {In his Handy dramas.) 16747 Mysterious island, The. See Verne, J. Mysterious story-book. 5135 Mystery. See Little classics. Mystery, The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 10004 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 887 Mystery, Philosophy of; by W. C. Dendy. 1145 Mystery of Edwin Drood ; by C. Dickens. 8624 Note. For sequel, see John Jasper's secret. Mystery of Edwin Drood ; complete ; by C. Dickens. 12050 Note. This work claims to be compl. by the spirit of D., thr. T. P. James, medium. Mystery, The, of Joe Morgan ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. {hi their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 Mystery, The, of life, and other papers ; by T. Parsons. 18603 Mystery of life and its arts ; by J. Ruskin. 8057 Mystery, The, of Marie Roget ; by E. A. Poe. {In his Tales.) 5144 Mystery of matter, and other essays ; by J. A. Picton. 12067 Mystery, The, of Metropolisville ; by E. Eggleston. 11586 Mystery, The, of Muddlewitz ; comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Mystery, The, of pain ; by J. Hinton. 11094 Mystic, The ; and other poems ; by P. J. Bailey. 7059 Mystics. Kingsbury, C. Hours with the mystics. {In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) {Imperfect.) 2475 Mysticism. Aylward, J. D. On the mystic element in relig., etc. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig., ser. 3.) *I — Harris, W. T. Christiuu mysticism : Bonaveutura and Meister Eckhart. {In Brid' > 895 Natural selection. Bagehot, W. Physics and pcJlitics; appl. of the princ. of " Natural selection " and ''inheritance" to polit. society. 11269 — Darwin, C. E. Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 V. 5558-9 — Wallace, A. B. Action on man. {In Hf.-hr. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 Colours of animals, and sexual selections. {In his Trop. nat.) 17818 Contributions to the theory of nat. selection. 453 — Wright, C. {In his Phil, disc.) 16903 — See also Evolution ;— Species. Natural theology. See Natural religion. Naturalist. See Natural history. Naturalist's assistant; by J. S. Kingsley. 22214 Naturalists' handy series ; namely : Bailey, W. W. Botanical collector's handbook. *I Emerton, J. H. Life on the seashore. 20049 Naturalist's library. See Jardine, W. Nature. Cheney, E. D. Nature. {In Bridgman, R. L. Con- cord lect.) 22506 — Davis, A. J. The principles of N., her divine revelations. 1117 — De Vere, M. S. Stray leaves from the book of nature. 1168 — Gardiner, W. The music of N. ; attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasin''- in singing, speaking, etc., is derived from the sounds of the animated world. 11237 — Gatty, M. Parables fr. N. with notes on nat. historv. Ser. 3, 4. 8656 — Good, J. M. The book of nature. * 1575 — Grindon, L. H. Little things of N. consid. especially in rel. to the Divine benevolence. 6404 — Hartwig, G. Harmonies of nature ; or, The unity of creation. 6556 — Hooker, W. Child's book of nature. 1987 — Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Views of N.; tr. by E. C. Ott^, and H. G. Bohn. 2082 — Hunt, R. The poetry of science ; or. Studies of the phys. phenomena of N. 5068 — Huxley, T. H. Physiography ; introd. to the study of nature. 17553 — Karr, J. B. A. A tour round my garden. 6480 — Lanoye, F. de. The sublime in nature. 8384 — Macmillan, H. Bible teachings in nature. 22474 — Michelet, Mme. Nature. *I — Mill, J. S. {In his Three essays on relig.) 13250 — Mivarl, St. G. Lessons from N. as manifested in mind and matter. 15801 — Newton, R. Nature's wonders. 9740 — Papillon, F. Nature and life; facts and doctr. rel. to the constitution of matter, the new dynamics, etc. 13971 — Scenes in nature. ' 5132 — Shairp, J. C. On poetic interpretation of nature. 17199 — Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the workf^ of God. 6194 — Walks abroad and evenings at home. 6736 — Wood, J. G. Nature's teachings ; human invention anticipated bv nature. 18341 — Wood, S. The gift of life. ' 12213 — World of wonders ; record of things wonderful in nature, etc. 8662 — A world of wonders ; marvels in animate and inanimate nature. 21268 — See also Natural historv ;— Natural religion ;— Physics ;— Science. Nature; by R. W. Emerson. 1382 Nature a parable ; poem ; by J. B. Morris. 22230 Nature and art, Conversations on. 926 Nature and God ; by J. Martineau. (In Ms Essays.) 6388 Nature and human nature ; by T. C. Haliburton. 17213 Nature and life ; sermons ; by R. Collyer. 6993 Nature and philosophy. {In French's min dram., v. 24.) 7983 Nature and the poets ; by J. Burroughs. {In his Pepacton.) 20466 Nature and the Scriptures ; lect. ; by T. Lewis. 14314 Nature and the supernatural ; by H. Bushnell. 9034 Nature and thought ; by St. George Mivart. 22921 896 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nature's hygiene ; essays ; by C. T. Kingzett. 20090 Nature's nobleman ; comedy ; by H. O. Pardey. {In Mod. stand dr., v. 13.) 11815 Naude, G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 2.) *I Nauman, M. D. Eva's adventures in shadow-land. {In Adv. in shadow-land.) 20512 — Twisted threads. 8463 Nautical astronomy. Coffin, J. H. C. Navigation and naut. astronomy. 283 — Evers, H. Elementary treatise on nautical astronomy. 12619 — Young, J. R. Nautical astronomy and navigation. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5190 Nautilus, boat. Andrews, W. A. Daring voyage across the Atlantic ocean. 20143 Navajo country. Simpson, J. H. Journal of a military reconn. fr. Santa F6, New Mexico, to the Navajo country. 3997 Naval architecture. See Shipbuilding. Naval engagements ; by C. Dance. {In French's min. dram., V. 4.) 11836 Navarre. See Jeanne d'Albret. Navers, D. Jack's sister. 13362 Navigation. Coffin, J. H. C. Navigation and naut. astronomy. 283 — Evers, H. Theory and practice of navigation. 11940 — Wrottesley, J. Navigation. {In Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 — Young, J. R. Nautical astronomy and nav. {in Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) « 5190 — iSee also Steam navigation ; — Voyages. Navy, The, in the Civil War ; namely : Soley, J. R. The blockade and the cruisers. 22877 Nayler, J. Whittier, J. G. {In Ms Old portr.) 4763 Ne touchez pas a la reine ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques, v. 13.) *I Neal, D. History of the Puritans. 5 v. - 3220-4 Neal, J. Goody gracious ! and the Forget-me-not. {In Little class., V. 10.) 12981 — Great mysteries and little plagues ; [children] . 8028 — One word more. 3226 Contents. All beginners are children.— Miracles. — Faith. — A change of heart. — Objections weighed. — Prayer. — Universalism. — Anthem. — Portland illustrated. *I — True womanhood; a tale. 3227 — Wandering recollections of a somewhat busy life ; autobiog. 8092 Neal Malone ; by W. Carleton. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 Neale, E. V. Feasts and fasts; essay on the rise, prog., and pres. state of the laws rel. to Sunday and other holidays, etc. *1 Neale, F. A. Narrative of residence at the capital of Siam. 3225 Neale, J. M. Mediaeval hymns and sequences. 3d. ed. *I — Giliillan, Gr. Neale and Bunyan. (In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 Neale, R. H. Hague, Wm. Discourse on the life and character of N. 20197 Neale, W. J. Cavendish; or. The patrician at sea. 916 — The lost ship. 12424 Neander, J. A. W. General hist, of the Chr. religion and church. 5 V. 3229-33 — Lectures on the history of Chr. dogmas ; ed. bv J. L. Jacobi ; tr. bv J. E. Ryland. 2 v. ' , ' 3234-5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 897 — Life of Jesus Christ: from 4th. German ed. bv J. M'Clintock and C. E. Blumenthal. ' 3236 Near to nature's heart ; by E. P. Roe. 16077 Neaves, C, Lord. The Greek anthology. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) ' 12935 — How to make a pedigree; song. {In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 4.) 19149 — Introductory address, Edinburg Philos. Inst., 1864. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Neblitt; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Nebraska. Curley, E. A. Nebraska ; its advantages, resources, and drawbacks. 15440 — Hale, E. E. Kanzas and Nebraska. 17 J 6 — Meline, J. F. {In his Two thousand miles.) 7195 — See also West, The. Nebulae. Schellen, H., and others. Nebulae, etc. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Spencer, H. The nebular hypothesis. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 Necker, Mme. A. A. (de 8.) Haussonville, G. P. O. de C. d'. The salon of Mme. Necker. 2 v. 22673-4 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 4.) *I Necker, J. Beesley, E. S. Necker and Calonne. {In his Catiline, etc.) 18126 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) *I Necker, Mine. S. C. de N. Sketch of Mine. N. {Li Worn. of worth.) 1219 Necklace of princes Florimonde ; and other stor. ; by M. De Morgan. 20047 Necromancy. Lee, F. G. Modern necromancy. {In his More glimpses.) 17736 Ned Allen ; by D. Hannay. 7147 Ned Myers ; by J. F. Cooper. 954 Needles. Aitkin, W. C. Needles. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 Needlework. Beeton, S. O. Beeton's book of needlework. *I — Caulfeild, S. F. A., and Saward, B. C. The dictionary of N. ; encyc. of artistic, plain, and fancy N. *I — Church, E. R. The home needle. 22134 — Glaister, E. Needlework. (Art at home ser.) 19534 — Hale, L. P. Plain needlework, knitting, and mending. 18398 — Kirkwood, A. M. Rules for sewing prep, for the Wilson Indust. Sch. , {In Little house-keeper.) 18605 — Lady's bazaar and fancy fair book ; getting-up of bazaars, and instr. in embroidery, etc. 22431 — London. School Board Examiner of Xeedlework. Plain needlework. 18656 — Rees, J. E. R. Home decoration; ail ueedlt-work, embroidery, etc. 22291 — See also Embroidery. Neele, H. England'. Illust. (Romance of hist.) 11431 Neff, F. Gilly, W. S. Memoirs of Neff. 2262 Negro, Rio. Myers, H.N. and P. V. N. {In their Life and nat. under the tropics.) 17182 Negro servant, The ; by L. Richmond. {In his Annals of the poor.) 3651 Negroes. Armisted, W. Tribute for the negro ; a vindica- tion ; illust. by biog. sk., etc. 174 — Brown, W. W. The negro in the American rebellion. 6620 The rising sun ; antecedents and advancement of the colored race. 12074 — Haygood, A. G. Our brother in black ; his freedom and his future. 21513 — Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment. 7874 — Jones, C. C. Religious instr. of the negroes in the U. S. """"" 898 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Lewis, R. B. Light and truth ; univ. hist, of the colored and Indian race. 2648 — Livermore, G. Historical research respect, the opin. of the found, of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. 2669 — Pike, G. D. The jubilee singers ; [also Jubilee songs] . 11393^ — Pollard, E. A. The negro question. {In his Lost cause regained.) 10607 — Williams, G. W. History of the Negro-race in America, 1619-1880 ; and acct. of the Negro governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia. 2 v. 22307-8 — See also American Soc. for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the U. S. ;— Freedmen ;— Musicians :— Slavery ;— U. S. Literature ; — U. S. Plantation life. Nehemiah. Yonge, C. M. (/n ^er Book of worthies.) 8118 Neige, La ; par A. E. Scribe. {In Ms Operas comiques, v. 2.) *I Neighbor Jack wood ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 4510 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 37.) 11828 Neighbors, The ; by F. Bremer. 485 Neill, E. D. The founders of Maryland as portr. in mss., prov. records, and early documents. *I Neilson, S. Madden, R. R. {In 7iis United Irishmen, ser. 4.) 13514 Neison, E. The moon, and the cond. and configurations of its surface. Illust. *I Nejd. Blunt, A. A pilgrimage to Nejd. 2 v. 20443-4 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom ; by A. M. Douglas. 16566 Nelly's silver mine ; by H. H. [H. M. Jackson]. 17996 Nelson, C\ A. Waltham, past and present ; and its industries ; with hist. sk. of Watertown to 1738. Illust. *I Nelson, H., is/'. Viscount. The Church and pauperism. {In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) 10823 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526; 8814 — Doran, J. H.Nelson and E. Hamilton. {In his In and about Drurv Lane, v. 2.) " 21400 — Hale, E. E. Nelson and Trafalgar. (7w Ms Stor. of the sea.) 20054 — Kingston, W. H. G. Story of Nelson. 1056& — Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 1.) 13216 — Paget, J. Nelson and Caracciolo. {In his Paradoxes, etc.) 12732 — Southey, K. Life of Nelson. 4083 Same ; new ed. 13113 Same ; ed. bv W. E. Mullins. 18843 — Tavlor, W. C' (Jw /iis Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Tucker, J. M. Life of Nelson. 4521 Nelthropp, H. L. Treatise on watch- work, past and present. 12112 Nemesianus, M. A. O. Carmen de laudibus Herculis, Cyne- geticon. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 83o9 Nemesis. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 1.) 14301 ' Nemesis ; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 1778 Nenuphar; a fancy. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 24.) 19169 Neo-Platonism. Harris, W. T. Gnosticism and Neo-Platon- ism. {In Bridgeman, R. L. Cone, lect.) 22506 Nepaul. luglis, J. Sport and work on the N. frontier; by " Maori." 18264 — Oliphant, L. Journey to Katmandu ; incl. Sk. of the Nepaulese ambassa- dor at home. ' 5465 Nepos, C. Opera ; cur. J. B. F. Deseuret, notas add. J. V. Le Clerc. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8282 — Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius; lit. tr., with notes, bv J. S. Watson. ' 5157 Neptune vase. The ; by V. W. Johnson. 20772 Neptune's defeat ; by J. Brougham. {In French's min. dram., V. 20.) 11846 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 899 Neri, Philip. See Filippo Neri, St. Nero, Emperor. Abbott, J. History of Nero. 15 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 Nero ; play ; by W. W. Story. 15450 Nero Claudius. See Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Nerval, G. de. See Labrunie de Nerval. Nervous ether. Richardson, Z>r. Theory of nervous ether. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 Nervous man, The ; farce ; by W. B. Bernard. {InMod. stand. dr., V. 5.) 11807 Nervous system. Beard, G. M. American nervousness. 20623 — Brown-S6quard, C. E. Lectures on the nerves. {In Tribune pop. sci.) 12943; *I — Hammond, W. A. Spiritualism and allied causes and cond. of nerv. de- rangement. 15757 — The nervous system. (Health prim.) 22067 — Wilson, A. The origin of nerves. {In his Leis.-time stud.) 18397 Nesbitt, A. Glass. (So. Kensington Mus. Art. handbooks.) *I Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land ; or, Grammar in fun for the children of schoolroomshire. 3d. ed. 17738 Nestlenook ; by L. Kip. 20278 Nestorians. Cutts, E L. Christians under the crescent in Asia. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge.) 22518 Nestorians, The ; or. The lost tribes ; by A. Grant. 5527 Netherlands. Art. — Taine, H. A. Art in the Netherlands. 9671 The philosophy of art in the N. {In his Lect. on art, ser. 2.) 21444 Description. — Waring, G. W.. Jr. {In his Farmer's vacation.) 15330 — Wilson, A. J. Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands. {In his Res. of mod. couutr., v. 2.) 17822 History. — Gratton, T. C. Historv of the Netherlands. 1634 — Motley, J. L. Historv of the United Netheriands. 4 v. 3173-4; 7159-60 — Schiller, J. C. F. von.* Historv of the revolt of the N. {In his Works.) 13194 Same ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 3788 Language and literature. — See Dutch. Also Holland. Netscher, C Gower, R. (In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 Nettleship, H. Ancient lives of Vergil ; with ess. on the poems of v., in connection with his life^nd times. 18601 — Vergil. 19544 Nettleship, R. L. Theory of educ. in Plato's Republic. (In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 Neutral French, The ; by Mrs. Williams. 5861 Neuville, L. Bataille de princesses ; com^die. (In Sayn^es, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 — La visite du docteur ; com^die. (Jw Sayu^tes, eic, s6r. 8.) 14798 Nevada. Codman, J. (In his Round trip.) 18704 — See also West, The. Never again ; by W. S. Mayo. 11259 Never say die ; play ; by G. M. Baker. (In his Exhib. dr.) 13308 Neveu de la marquis, Le ; sayudte de salon ; par G. d'Heylli [A. E. Poinsot]. (In SayuMes. etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Nevile, G. Horses and riding. Illust. 17600 Neville, J. Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulae for finding the discharge of water fr. orifices, notches, etc. *I 900 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nevin, R. P. Black robes ; missions and ministers in the wil- derness and on the border. 10479 Nevin, W. W. Vignettes of travel ; sketches in England and Italy. 20070 Nevins, J. L. China and the Chinese. lUust. 7728 New and not new; misc. pieces. (Epipsychidion ser.) 12366 New Arabian nights ; by R. L. Stevenson. 22300 New atmosphere ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 5768 New bed-time stories ; by L. C. Moulton. 19886 New biographies of illustrious men. 2803 Contents. Spalding, W. J. Addison; F. Bacon.— Macaulay. T. B. F. Atterbury; J. Bunyau; O. Goldsmith ; S.Johnson. — Rogers, H. J.But- ler; R. Hall; E. Gibbon; Gassendi; D. Hume.— Dixon, W. H. J. How- ard.— Martin, T. Horace.— Richardson, J. Sir J. Franklin.— Blackie, J. S. Homer.— Irving, D. J. Orichton.— Forbes, J. D. Sir H. Davy. New boy at Styles's. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 5.) 14305 New Brunswick. Rae, W. F. Newfoundland to Manitoba thr. Canada. 20903 New Century Cooking School, Philadelphia. How we made a nine cent dinner ; with other economies. 21871 New child's play, A ; by E. V. B. *I New Connecticut ; autobiographical poem ; by A. B. Alcott. 20895 New day. The ; poem in songs and sonnets ; by R. W. Gilder. 15325 New Endymion, The ; by J. Plawthorne. {In his Ellice Quen- tin, V. 2.) 20807 New England. Antiquities. — Preutiss, E. Pemaquid ; story of old times in New Eng. 17349 — Renrick, M. Richard Ireton ; legend of the early settlement of New Eng. 13762 Biography. — New England Historic Genealogical Society. Memorial biographies, v. 1,2. ' ♦! Description. — De Costa, B. F. Mount Desert and the New Eng. coast. 9231 — Drake, S. A. Nooks and corners of the New Eng. coast. *I — D wight, T. Travels in New Eng., etc. 4 v. 1307-10 — Flagg, W. The woods and by-ways of New Eng. 11156 — Lowell, J. R. New Eng. two cent. ago. (In his Among mv books, ser. 1.) 8428 — Lunt, G. Old New England traits. ' 11704 — Osgood, J. R. and Co. Handbook for travellers. 11797 — Rollins, E. H. New England bj'-gt)nes; by E. H. Arr. 20299 — Tocque, P. A peep at Uucle Sam's farm, Workshop, fisheries, etc. 4470 — Waite, O. F. R. Guide book for the eastern coast of N. Eng. 10910 — Warner, C. D. How spring came in N. Eng. ( With In the wilderness.) 17864 Ecclesiastical history. — Bacon, L. Genesis of New Eng. churches. 13057 — Fisher, G. P. Svstem of Dr. Taylor in its connect, with prior New Eng. theology. (In his Discussions.) 19650 — See also Presbyterian Church. Genealogy. — Titcomb, S. E. Early N. Eng. people; acct. of the Ellis, Pemberton, Willard, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewall, and Longfellow, and allied fami- lies. *I History. — Adams, H. B. The Germanic origin of the N. E. towns. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. Stud.) 22436 — Backus, I. History of New Enj^. ; with partic. ref . to the Baptists. 2 v. 9063-4 — Barber, J. W. History and antiquities of N. E., etc. 305 — Caverly, R. B. Indian wars of New Eng. (In his Heroism of H. Duston.) 12861 — Palfrev, J. G. Compendius hist, of New Eng. fr. the revolution of 17th. cent, to death of George I. 11020 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 901 History of New Eng. 4 v. 14274-7 History of N. E. to the revolution of the 17th. cent. 2 v. 6327-8 Note. Abridgment of 1st. 3 v. of preceding work. — Phelps, A. The debt of the nation to N. E. ( Jw Ms My port-folio.) 22045 — White, H. Early hist, of N. Eng. 4741 Natural history. — Emerton, J. H. Life on the sea-shore. 20049 — Flagg, W. Birds and seasons of New Eng. 13907 — Harris, T. W. Treatise on some of the insects of N. Eng. injurious to vegetation. 1783 — Minot, H. D. The land-birds and game-birds of New Eng. 16619 — Samuels, E. A. Ornitholog^^ and oologv of N. Eng. 7049 — Stearns, W. A. New Eng. bird life. 2 v. 20784r-5 Miscellaneous. — Allen, R. H. New Eng. tragedies in prose. 7582 — Round, W. M. F. Achsah; a N. Eng. life-study. 16761 New England factory town, Study of a; by J. B. Hamson. {In his Cert. dang, tendencies.) 19612 New England Historic Genealogical Society. Memorial biog- raphies, V. 1,2. 1845-55. *I New England tale ; by C. M. Sedgwick. 3875 New flower, A, for children ; [col. of stories] ; by L. M. Child. 817 New footman ; by C. Selby. {In French's min. dram., v. 8.) 11840 New German crusade, The ; lect. by R. Collyer. 20193 New Godiva, A ; by S. Hope. 15759 New Gospel of peace ace. to St. Benjamin ; [by R. G. White]. 5893 New Granada. Kingston, W. H. G. In New Granada. 19473 — Trollope, A. The West Indies, and the Spanish Main. 10990 — Wilson, E. A ramble in N. G. ; Bogota as a winter sanitarium ; obs. on the ^en. attitude of the Spanish races toward the mod. tend, to civilization ; by Medicus. 18782 New Guinea. See Papua. New Hampshire. Howitt, M. The sheriff ejected in N. H. {In her Vignettes.) 7679 New Haven, Conn. Bacon, L. Thirteen hist, discourses, of First church, N. H. *I — Kingsley, J. L. Historical disc. del. bef . the citizens of New Haven. *I New Haymarket spring meeting, The ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 5.) *I New Hope ; or. The rescue ; tale of the Great Kanawha. 3239 New Hyperion ; by E. Strahan [E. Shinn]. 13350 New illustrated rural manuals. 5650 Contents. The house. — The garden.— The farm.— Domestic animals. New Jersey. History. — Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. H. New Jersey. 237 — Barber, J. W. Historv and antiq. of New Eng.,'N. Y., and N. J. 305 — Gordon, T. F. History'of N. J., to the adopt, of the Federal constitution. 1612 New Jerusalem, The ; by T. Parsons. {In his P2ss., ser. 1.) 6139 New Jerusalem, Church of the. Giles, C. Lectures of the nat. of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being. 8151 — See also Boston Soc. of the New Jerusalem ;— Swedenborg, E. New life in new lands ; by Grace Greenwood [S.J. Lippincott] . 1 1504 New Magdalen, The ; by W. Collins. 11613 New method of social evolution ; by L. Oliphant. {In Ms Traits, etc.) 22692 New Mexico. Description. — Cozzens, S. W. {In his Marvellous country.) 16657 — Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo; New Mexico and her peonle. 1124 — Emory, W. H. {In his Notes of a militarv' reconnoisance.) 1393 902 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Gregg, J. (Jw ^*s Commerce of the prairies.) , 1654 — Mayer, B. Notice of New Mexico. {In his Mexico, v. 2.) 2985 — Meline, J. F. (In his Two thousand miles.) 7195 — Rideing, W. H. (In his A-saddle in the wild west.) 18821 — Simpson, J. H. Journal of a military reconnoissance fr. Sante Fe to the Navajo country. (U. S. Army.) 3997 — Sitgreaves, L. Report of an exp. down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. 4007 History. — Cooke. P. St. Geori^e. Conquest of New Mexico and California; hist. and pers. narrative. 17547 — See also West, The. New miod, A. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 New mirror for travellers. /See Vagaries, Book of. New nobility, The ; by J. W. Forney. 20232 New Orleans. Description. — Clapp, T. Autobiographical sk. dur. residence in N. O. 843 History. — Nolte, V. {In his Fifty years, etc.) 3263 — Walker, A. Narrative of achievements of the Amer. army at N. O., 1814-15. {In his Life of A. Jackson.) 4609 New Paris ; by F. T. Palgrave. (In Ms Ess. on art.) 6531 New Paris, The ; by J. W. Goethe. (In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 New Paul and Virginia, The ; by W. H. Mallock. 18116 New pictures and old panels ; by J. Doran. 14205 New planet, The ; by J. R. Planche. (In his Extravaganzas, V. 3.) *I New Plutarch, The. Namely: Beeslv, A. H. Sir J. Franklin. 20870 Besaiit, W. and Rice, J. Sir R. Whittington. 20974 Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabaeus. 18961 Dicey, E. Victor Emmanuel. 21688 Leiand, C. G. Abraham Lincoln. 18925 Palmer, E. H. Caliph Haroun Alraschid, etc. 20175 Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc. 19693 New Plymouth Colony. Baylies, F. Historical mem. of New P. 2 V. in 1. 4978 — Whiting, M. H. Faith White's letter book, 1620-23. 6397 — See also Pilgrim Fathers ;— Plymouth. New priest. The, in Conception Bay; [by R. T. S. Lowell]. 2 V. 2770-1 New race, A ; fr. the German of G. Raimund [G. Dannenberg]. 19765 New republic. The ; or. Culture, faith, and phil. in an Eng. country house ; by W. H. Mallock. 2 v. 17656-7 New sketches of everyday life ; by F. Bremer. 492 New South Wales. Lang, J. D. Historical and statist, acct. 2 V. 13623-4 — Sidney, S. Three colonies of Australia. 3980 — Wentworth, W. C. Statistical, hist., and polit. descr. of N. S. Wales. 4715 New Spain. See Mexico. New Star papers ; by H. W. Beecher. 371 New Testament. See Bible. New Timon, The ; by [E. B. Lytton]. *I ; 592 New Timothy, The ; by W. M. Baker. 8775 New way to pay old debts : by P. Messinger. (In his Plays, V. 3.) 5130 — Same. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 6.) 11807 New-Year's bargain ; by S. C. Woolsey. 19009 New York (State) . Constitution. — Internal relations of the cities, towns, villages, counties, and states of the Union. 3191 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 903 — Lieber, F. Constitution of N. Y. {In his Misc. writ., v. 2.) 20135 Description. — Dwi^lit, T. Travels in New Eng. and N. Y. 4 v. 1307-10 — Olden time in New York. 10091 History. — Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. H. New York. ' 233 — Barber, J. W. History and antiquities of New Eng., N. Y., etc. 305 — Brodhead, J. E. History of N. Y. 2 v. 14085-6 — Irving, W. Historv of N. Y. bv Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2149 — Randall, S. S. History of N. Y'. 8494 — Winthrop, T. N. Y. Seventh regiment; our march to Washington. (In his Life in the open air.) 15936 Industrial Exhibition, 1863-4. — Greeley, H. Art and industry as represented in the Exhibition. 7517 New York ( City) . Prison Association of N. Y. — Ann, rept., 1870. *I Centennial Celebration Committee. — Order of exercises. *I Chief contents. Bryant, W. C. Ode.— Storrs, R. S. Oration.— Tavlor, B. The song of 1876. Banks. — Gibbons, J. S. Banks of N. Y. ' 2243 Clubs. — Fairfield, F. G. The clubs of N. Y. 11343 Description. — Abbott, J. Marco in New York. 63 — Child, L. M. Letters fr. N. Y. 2 v. 821-2 — Crapsey, E. The nether side of N. Y. 10681 — Dayton, A. C. Last days of Knickerbocker life in N. Y. 21819 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 19402 — Matrimonial brokerage in the metropolis; strange adv. in N. Y., etc. 2962 — New York illustrated. *I — P., A. Mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis, with adv. in the country; disguises and surprises of a N. Y. journalist. 12781 — See also Wall St. History. — Booth, M. L. History of N. Y. ♦! Same ; [new ed. rev.] . 19678 — Francis, J. W. Old New York ; or, Reminiscences of sixty years. 6205 New York illustrated. *I New Zealand. Barker, M. A. Station amusements in N. Z. 4824 Station life in New Zealand. . 11218 — Brown, W. New Zealand and its aborigines. 539 — Crawford, J. C. Recollections of travel in N. Z., etc. 20799 — Elwell, E. S. The bov colonists; colonial life in Otago, N. Z. 21401 — Kenedy, A. New Zealand. 13621 — Meade, H. Hot springs in N. Z. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Merewether, H. A. {In his By sea and by land.) 12730 — Reybaud, L. Histoire et colonisation de'la Nouvelle-Z^lande. {In his Marines et Voyages.) 9544 — Senior, W. Travel and trout in the antipodes. 20345 — Trollope, A. Australia and New Zealand. 2 v. 12384-5 — Wallace, A. R. {In his Australasia.) 20819 — Wilson, A. J. Australia and N. Z. {In his Res. of mod. countries, v. 2.) 17822 Newberry, J. S. Lower Silurian fossils. {In Tribune pop. sci.) *I Newburyport, Mass. Emery, S. A. Reminiscences of a nonagenarian. Illust. 22623 Newby, C. J. Common sense. 12347 — Langlev manor. 12348 — Right and left. 12478 — Trodden down. 12349 Newcastle, D^ike of. See Clinton, H. P. Newcomb, E. M. Fernald, J. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 904 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Newcomb, S. The A B C of finance ; or, The money and labor questions expl. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17310 — Algebra for schools and colleges. 2d. ed., rev. 20901 — Astronomy. See Ball, R. S. — Elements of geometry. 20875 ^ Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, with tables. 21808 — Popular astronomy. Illust. 17472 — and Holden, E. S. Astronomy for schools and colleges. 19359 Newcome, W. Our Lord's fortitude. {In Noyes, G. R. Coll. of theol. ess.) 7701 Newcomes, The ; by W. M. Thackeray. 4434- — Same. 2 v. 13474-6 Newdegate, C. N. Reid, T. W. {In his Cab. portr.) 13883 Newell, C. M. Kalani of Oahu ; hist, romance of Hawaii. 20876 Newell, E. F. Life and observations. 3238 Newell, H. Eddy, D. C. {In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 — Sketch of H. Newell. {In Worn, of worth.) 1219 Newell, M. A. Education and labor. (Pps. on education.) *I Newell, R. H. {pseud. Orpheus C. Kerr). Avery Glibun ; or. Between two fires. 6955 Newell, W. Discourses and poems ; memorial volume. 22283 Newell, W. W. Games and songs of Amer. children. *I Newest American railroad ; by L. Oliphant. {In his Traits, etc.) 22692 Newfoundland. Description. — Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Islands, etc.) 18727 — Lanman, C. {In his Recollections.) 22403 — Rae, W. F. ^Newfoundland to Manitoba thr. Canada. 20903 — Taylor, B. {In his At home and abroad, ser. 1.) • 4435 Newgate of Connecticut ; its origin and early history, etc. ; by R. H. Phelps. 17794 Newlands, J. The carpenter's and joiner's assistant. *I Newman, Mrs. — . Jean. 13970 — The last of the Haddons. 17583 — With costs. 21042 Newman, F. W. History of the Hebrew monarchy. 8840 — Phases of faith; or. Passages fr. the hist, of my creed. 3241 — Regal Rome; introd. to Roman history. 3242 — Reply to the " Eclipse of faith ; " with' " Moral perfection of Jesus." {In Rogers, H, Defence, etc.) 5593 — The soul, her sorrows and her aspirations. 3243 — McCarthy, J. '' Par nobile fratrum." — The two Xewmans. {In his Mod. 'lead.) 11191 Newman, J. H. Apologia pro vita sua. 5862 — Characteristics fr. the Avritings of N. fr. his' works, by W. S. Lily. 13626 — Cicero. {In Blomfield, C. J., and others. Hist, of Grk. and Rom. philos.) 6380 — Essays critical and historical. 2 v. 10126-7 Contents. Y. 1. Poetry with ref. to Aristotle's poetics.— Introduction of rationalistic principles into revealed religion. — The fall of La Mennais. — Palmer's view of faith and unity. — Theology of St. Ignatius. — Prospects of the Anglican Church.— The Anc^lo-American Church.— Selina, Countess of Huntingdon. 2. The Catholicity of the Anglican Church. — Protestant idea of Antichrist. — Milman's view of Christianity. — The Reformation of the 11th. cent.— Private judgment.— John Davison.— John Keble. — Fifteen sermons, preached bef. Univ. of Oxford, 1826-1843. 3d. ed. 10636 — Historical sketches. 3 v. 12916-18 Contents. Y. 1. The Turks in their rel. to Europe.— Cicero.— Apol- lonius of Tyana.— Primitive Christianity. 3. The church of the Fathers. — St. Chrysostom.—Theodoret.— Mission of St. Benedict.— Benedictine schools. ^. Rise and progress of universities.— Xorthmen and ^Normans in Eng. and Iceland.— Mediaeval Oxford.— Convocation of Canterbury. — Letter addr. to the Duke of Norfolk on Gladstone's rec. expostulation. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 905 — Memoir of H. W. Wilberforce. {In Wilberforce, H. W. The church, etc.) 12840 — Froude, J. A. Father Newman on " The grammar of assent." {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 The Oxford counter-reformation. {In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 — Hood, E. B. {In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 — Jennings, H. J. Cardinal Newman ; story of his life. 21735 — McCarthy, J. "Par nobile fratrum"— The two Newmans. {In his • Mod. 'lead.) 11191 — Milman, H. H. Newman on the development of Chr. doctr. {In his Savonarola, etc.) 10732 Newman, J. P. The thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh from sea to sea. 15346 Newport, R. I. Dow, C. H. Newport ; four epochs in her history. 21866 Newspapers. Buckingham, J. T. Personal memoii's and recollections, v. 1. 563 Specimens of newspaper literature, with mem. and remin. 2 v. 565-6 — Grant, J. The newspaper press ; origin, progress, and present position. 3v. 10093-4; 12725 — Maurice, J. F. D. Use and abuse of newspapers. {In his Friiendship of books.) , 12252 — Thomas, I. History of newspapers, etc. {In his Hist, of printing, v. 2.) 15391 — Tuckerman, H. T. ' {In his Criterion.) 6244 — See also Journalism;— Periodicals;— U. S. Newstead Abbey ; by W. Irvmg. (In Ms Crayon misc.) 2161 Newton, C. T. Essays on art and archaeology. 19887 Contents. The study of archaeology. — Arrangement of the collect, of art and antiquities in the British Museum.— Greek sculptures fr. the west coast of Asia Minor.— Greek inscriptions.— Discoveries at Ephesos.— Dr. Schlie- mann's discoveries at Mycenae.— Researches in Cyprus.— Discoveries at Olympia.— Greek art in the Kimmerian Bosporos.— Bronze head in the Castellani collect.— Greek numismatics.— Greek inscrip. fr. Halikarnassos. Newton, H. A. The metric system of weights and measures, prep, to ace. Eaton's Com. sch. arithmetic. 16577 Newton, I. Biot,J. B. Life of N. (Jn Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Brewster, D. Life of Newton. 498 — Cooper, T. (/w /iis Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Hawthorne, N. (/w A icS True stories.) 13445 — Proctor, R. A. Newton and Darwin. {In his Mysteries, etc.) 22822 Newton, R. H. The right and wrong uses of the Bible. 22738 Newton, R. Nature's wonders. 9740 Newton, W.., joint author. See Lloyd, F. Newton, W. W. The wicket-gate; or. Sermons to children. 184^99 Newton Forster ; by F. M. Church- 2920 Ney, M., marechal de France. Headley, J. T. (In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) • 1826 — Ney. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Nez Perce Joseph. Howard, O. O. Nez Perce Joseph ; his ancestors, lands, confederates, etc. 20476 — Lowe, M. P. Story of Chief Joseph. *I Nez d'un notaire, Le ; par E. About. 9470 Ngami, Lake. Anderson, C. J. Lake Ngami ; explor. and disc. in no. west. Africa. 164 Niagara Falls. Holley, G. W. The Falls of N. 22264 — Tvndall. J. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Niania, La; par H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 14566 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 58 906 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Niaudet, A. Elementary treatise on electric batteries ; tr. by L. M. Fishback. 19855 Nibelungen Lied. Das Nibelungen Lied ; hrsg. v. K. Bartsch. (Deut. class, des Mittelalters, v. 3.) 16241 — Das Nibelungenlied ; iibers. v. K. Bartsch. 16469 — Das Nibelungenlied ; iibers. von K. Simrock. 16243 — The Nibelungen Lied; lay of the is ibelun^ers ; tr. into Eng. verse after Lachmann's coll. and corr. text by J. Birch. 2d. ed. *I — Bartsch, K. Untersuchungen iiber das N. 16414 — Carlyle, T. The Nibelungen Lied. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 2.) 697 — Forestier, A. Echoes from mistland. 17890 — Geibel, E. Brunhild; a tragedy; tr. by G. T. Dippold; [with] brief acct. of the Nibelung epics and sagas. 18767 — Hosmer, J. K. (In his Hist, of Germ, lit.) 18259 — Taylor, B. (In his Stud, in Germ, lit.) 19003 — See also Jordan, W. Njals Saga. Daseut, G. W. Story of Burnt Njal. 2 v. *I Ni9a, Marco de. See Nizza. Nicander, — . The renounced treasure ; from the Swedish, by W. Howitt. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Nicaragua. Belt, T. The naturalist in N. 12559 — Pim, B., and Seemann, B. (In their Dottings on the roadside.) 12383 — Squier, E. G. Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, inter-oceanic canal. 2 v. 4192-3 — Stout, P. F. Nicaragua ; past, present, and future. 4265 Nice. Hole, S. R. Nice and her neighbors. *I Nice, Council of. Boyle, I. Historical view of the Council of N. {In Eusebius. Class, hist.) 1411 Nicene creed. The Nicene and Apostles' creeds ; their literary hist. ; with acct. of the growth and reception of the sermon on the faith, called " The creed of St. Athanasius." 13887 Nicephorus Patriarcha Cpolitanus. Interpretamenta somnio- rum. (In Maximus, V. De dictis, v. 3.) 8349 Nichol, J. Byron. (Eng. men of letters.) 19841 — English composition. (Lit. primers.) 20573 Nichol, J. P. Address, Stirling school of Arts, 1849. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — The stellar universe. 3247 — Views of the architecture of the heavens. 3246 — Giltillau, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2266 Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia. Martineau, H. The last birthday of N. ( Jn 7ier Biog. sk.) 7657 ; 16744 Nicholas, E. Correspondence between Charles I. and N. {In Evelyn, J. Diary, etc., v. 4.) 1422 Nicholas, T. Pedigree of the Eng. people ; argument, hist, and scientific, on the form, and growth of the nation, etc., with espec. ref. to the incorporation of the Celtic abori- gines. 4th. ed. (British ethnology.) 13819 Nicholas. See also Nicolas. Nicholas Minturn ; by J. G. Holland. 17102 Nicholas Nickelby ; by E. Stirling. {In French's min. dram., V. 33.) 7987 Nicholas Nickleby, Life and adventures of; by C. Dickens. 1202 Nicholls, Charlotte Bronte {pseud. Currer Bell). Jane Eyre. 512 — Pref. and mem. (In Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights.) 8080 — The professor. Illust. 2623 — /S'ame; aZso, Poems, by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. 611 — Shirley. 613 — Villette. 614 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 907 — Adams, W. H. D. Charlotte Bronte. (In his Women of fashion, v. 2.) — Gaskell, E. C. Life of C. Bronte. 2212 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Reid, T. W. Charlotte Bronte; a monograph. 17311 — Sketch of C. Bronte. (In Wom. of worth.) 1219 — Stephen, L. (In his Hours in a library, ser. 3.) 18645 — Swinburne, A. C. Note on Charlotte Bronte. 17385 Nichols, Mi's. C. I. H. The responsibilities of woman ; speech, Oct., 1851. (Woman's rights tracts.) 1903 Nichols, G. W. Art education appl. to industry. Illust. *I — The Cincinnati organ ; with descr. of the C. Music Hall. Illust. 17787 — Story of the great march [Sherman's] . Map and illust. 22d. ed. 6091 — The sanctuary; story of the Civil war. Illust. 6576 Nichols, I. Hours with the evangelists. 2 v. 3249-50 Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. 9795 — Whence, what, where ? origin, nature, and destiny of man. 3d. ed. 22594 Nichols, M. S. G. Experience in water-cure. (Water-cure Lib., V. 2.) 9919 Nichols, T. L. How to live on a dime and a half a day. 11023 — Introduction to the water-cure. (Water-cure Lib., v. 2.) 9919 Nichols, W. R. Elementary manual of chemistry, abgd. fr. Eliot and Storer's manual. 10611 — On drinking-water and pub. water-supplies. (In Buck, A. H. Tr. on hygiene, etc., v. 1.) 19451 Nicholson^ Rev. Dr. — . Manning, H. E. Dr. Nicholson's accusation of the Archbishop of Westminster. (In his Misc.) 17190 Nicholson, E. B. The gospel ace. to the Hebrews ; its frag- ments tr. and annot. with a crit. analysis of the evidence rel. to it. 19574 Nicholson, H. A. Great sea reptiles. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — Manual of palaeontology; with gen. introd. on the principles of P. 16541 — A piece of limestone ; A piece of coal ; Petrifactions and their teachings ; Flving reptiles ; A piece of slate. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 .— Text book of geology. 9832 — Text book of zoolog\\ 9831 Nicholson, J. 8. Effects of machinery on wages. (Cambr. Cobden prize ess.) 18265 Nicholson, J. Operative mechanic, and British machinist. 2 v. 3251-2 Nicholson, P. Mechanic's companion ; add. Ess. on the steam- engine ; engr. 7464 Nick of the woods ; drama ; by L. H. Medina. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 35.) 11827 Nick Whiffles ; drama ; by J. H. Robinson. {In Mod. stand. dr., v. 44.) 11832 Nicklin, P. H. {pseud. Peregrine Prolix). A pleasant pere- grination thr. Pennsylvania. 5146 Nicolai, A. Merry wives of Windsor. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 2.) *I Nicolai's marriage ; by S. Scharling. 2 v. 21572-3 Nicolas, M. Des doctrines religieuses des Juifs pend. les deux si^cles anterieurs a I'^re chr^tienne. *I — Etudes critiques sur la Bible, ancien testament. 2« 6d. rev. et. corr. 14613 — Etudes sur les Evangiles Apocrvphes. *I Nicolas, N. H. Life of William Davison. *I Nicolas. See also Nicholas. 908 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nicolas Gogol ; par P. M^rim^e. {In his Nouvelles.) 9520 Nicolay, J. G. The outbreak of rebellion. (Camp, of the Civ. war.) 21044 Nicole Vagnon ; by K. S. Macquoid. {In her Evil eye, etc.) 15598 Nicolet, J. Bntterfield, C. W. History of the disc, of the Northwest by N., 1634, with sk. of his life. 21533 Nicolette and Aucassin ; by E. E. Hale. {In his Crusoe in N. Y.) 19799 — Same. {In Tales for trav., v. 5.) 13934 Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits; origin, prog., docti'., and designs. 3245 Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. Portr. 21442 Contents. Prison reform, J. Howard.— Abolition of the slave-trade, W. Wilberforce. — Amelioration of the criminal code, S. Romilly. — Popu- lar education, Ld. Brougham. — Cheap literature. Constable, Chambers, Knight, Cassell. — Penny postage, R. Hill.— Repeal of the corn-laws, R. Cobderi, J. Bright, C. P. Villiers.— Repeal of the fiscal restrictions upon literature and the press, T. M. Gibson and others. — Introduction of gas. Murdock, Winsor, Clegg, and others.— The steam-engine and its appl. to locomotion, Watt, Stephenson, Fulton, and Bell.— Electric tele- graph, Cooke, Wheatstone, and others. — Landmarks of English literature. 22695 Nicoll, J. The assembling of ourselves together. {In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 1990S Nictoris. Hewitt, M. E. {hi her Lives of illust. women.) 1899 Niebeluugen Lied. See Nibelungen Lied. Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero-stories ; illust., by A. Hoppin ; tr. by B. Hoppin. 18490 — Lieber, F. Reminiscences of an intercourse with N. 2662 Same ; with biog. sk. of N. {In his Misc. writ., v. 1.) 20134 Niebuhr, K. Austin, Mrs. S. T. Life of N. {In Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Sketch of N. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Nieces de Mazarin. See Ren^e, A. Nieriker, M. A. Studying art abroad, and how to do it cheaply. 1903-7 Nieritz. G. The bears of Augustusburg ; episode in Saxon hist. ; with other tales ; tr. by Trauermantel. 3254 Contents. Meritz, G. The bears of Augustusburg.— Franz, A. Ber- trand du Guesclin ; The lilac and the elder. Niger. Burdo, A. The Niger and the Benueh. 20922 — Hale, E. E. The mouth of the Niger. {In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Lander, R. L. and J. Journal of an expedition to the N. 2 v. 2559-60 — Explorations of the N. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Night and morning; by [E. B. Lytton]. 600 Night and morning ; play ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 18.) 11819 Night at sea ; by G. Griffin. {In his Works.) 5407 Night, A, in a workhouse ; by J. Greenwood. (Jn Little class., V. 1.) 12972 Night, A, in the sewers ; by C. D. Shanley. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Night, A, of terror ; by S. De Ponte. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stor.) 11874 Night, A, on the borders oftheBlack Forest ;byA. B. Edwards. 22071 Night-wanderer of an Afghaun fort. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., V. 9.) 19154 Night-cap stories. See Barrow, F. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 909 Nightingale, A. F. Hand-book of requirements for admiss. to the colleges of the U. S. ; with misc. add. *I Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. 3258 — Introduction. {In Beecher, H. W. "Una and her paupers.") 9972 Nightmare abbey; by T. L. Peacock. {In his Works, v. 1.) 13879 Nihilism. See Russia. Nihilists. Nihilist princess, A ; by M. L. Gagneur. 20632 Nijni Novogorod. Forsyth, W. Visit to Russia and the great fair of Nijni Novogorod. {In his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 — Johnstone, H. A. M. B. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni Novgorod. 16631 Nile. Adams, A. L. Notes of a naturalist in the Nile valley, etc. 10829 — Adams, W. H. D. The land of the Nile. 11087 ■ — Appleton, T. G. A Nile journal. 15784 — Baker, S. W. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 7154 — Bartlett, W. H. The Nile boat ; or. Glimpses of Egypt. 8142 — Curtis, G. W. Nile notes of a Howadji. 1060 — Edwards, A. B. A thousand miles up the Nile. *I — Explorations of the White Nile. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — Hale, E. E. The source of the Nile. {In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — Jouveaux', E. {In his Two years in East Africa.) 13336 — Laporte, L. Sailing on the Nile. 10914 — Speke, J. H. Journal of the disc, of the source of the Nile. 5644 — Stanlev, H. M. Through the dark continent; or. The sources of the N., etc. 2v. 17933-4 — Warner, C. D. Mummies and Moslems. 15940 Note. Subsequently pub. as Mv winter on the Nile. — Werne, F. Expedition to disc, tlie sources of the White Nile. 2 v. 4716-17 — See also Albert Nyanza ;— Egypt. Nile days ; or, Egyptian bonds ; by E. K. Bates. 19209 Niles, J. M. Life of O. H. Perry; with biog. sk. of Gen. Pike and Capt. Lawrence, and view of the navy of the U. S. 3259 Niles, W. Five hundred majority ; or. The days of Tammany. 10465 Nilus, St. abbas Crypto^ Ferraim. Taylor, \. {In his Logic in theol., etc.) ' 11367 Nimrod of the sea; by W. M. Davis, 12938 Nimport; by E. L. Bynner. 17100 Nimpo's troubles ; by O. T. Miller. 19358 Nimrods. See Knox, T. W. Nimshivich, pseitd. The cape cart ; on traction, (/ri Philip- son, J. Harness.) 22820 Nina; by F. Bremer. 12444 Nina Balatka ; story of a maiden of Prague [by A. TroUope]. 6905 Nina Gordon ; by H. E. B. Stowe. 4266 Nina's atonement ; and other stories ; by C. Reid.[F. C. Fisher]. 11950 Ninepins, Historic ; by J. Timbs. 11426 Ninety-three ; by V. Hugo. 12312 Nineveh. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces; disc, of Botta and Layard appl. to the elucidations of Holy ' Writ.' 440 Same; 2d. ed., rev. 13212 — The buried city of the East: Nineveh. 3261 — Fletcher, J. P.' Notes fr. Nineveh, etc. 1481 — Glimpses of Nineveh, B. C. 690. 3260 — Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh, etc. 2587 Explorations at Nineveh. {In Taylor, B. Cvcl. of mod. trav.) 4356 — Myers, P. V. N. {In his Remains of lost empires.) 13466 — Newman, J. P. Thrones and palaces of Babvlon and Nineveh. 15346 — Renan, E. La d^^couverte de Ninive. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14616 — Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries; acct. of expl. and disc, on the site of Nineveh. *I 910 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ninon. 8ee L'Enclos, A. Ninth of June. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 2.) 14302 Nipal. Wheeler, J. T. {In his Short hist, of India.) 20037 Nisbet, J., joint author. See Soul6, F. Nisard, J. M. N. D. Histoire de la litt^rature fran9aise. 5*^ 6d. 4 V. *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., v. 3; Caus. lund., v. 15.) *I Nithsdale, Countess of. See Winnifred. Nivernais, Due de. See Nivernois. Nivernois, L. J. B. M. M., due de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 13.) *I Nixon, J. E. Parallel extr. arr. for trans, into Eng. and Latin, with notes on idioms. Pt. 1. Hist, and epistolary. *I Niza, Marco de. See Nizza. Nizza, M. de. Frost, T. Exploring journ. in North Mexico. (In his Hf. hrs. with early explor.) 21074 No ! ! {In French's min. dram., v. 15.) " 1184S No cross, no crown ; by W. Penn. 3442 "No intentions ;" by F. Church. 12345 No man's friend; by F. W. Robinson. 10683 No-man's land ; by T. Miller. 10576 No moss ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 7561 No name ; by W. Collins. 774 No new thing ; by W. E. Norris. 22897 No relations ; fr. the French of H. Malot. 22326 "No rose without a thorn ;" by F. C. Burnand. {In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 No sense like common sense ; by M. Howitt. 2023 Noad, H. M.^ joint author.. See Normandy, A. Noah's ark ; by P. Robinson. 21571 Noailles, L. due de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In ^isNouv. lund., V. 10.) *I Noble, A. L. Eunice Lathrop, spinster. 21337 — Uncle Jack's executors. 21338 Noble, L. L. After icebergs with a painter ; summer voyage to Labrador. 3262 Noble, L. A reverend idol. 21549 Noble heart, The ; play ; by G. H. Lewes. {In Mod. stand. dr.,v. 40.) 11830 Noble life, A ; by D. -M. Muloch. 6225 Noble name, A ; by C. von Gliimer. 22148 Noble numbers ; by R. Herrick. {In his Hesperides, v. 2.) 1889 Noble savage. The; by C. Dickens. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 Noble woman. A; by A. S. Stephens. 9786 Noblesse oblige, pseud. See Evans, H. Noblesse oblige ; by M. Roberts. 16137 "Noblesse oblige ;" by S. Tytler [H. Keddie]. 9939 Nobody; by [S. Warner]. 22185 Nobody's business ; by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor., etc.) 19896 Noces de Bouchencoeur, Les ; com^die ; par E. M. Labiche. (In his Th^At. compL, v. 9.) 14573 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 911 Noctes ambrosianse, The, of Blackwood ; [by J. Wilson and others], V. 2-4. 6311-13 "Vol. 1 irantiiig; it can be seen in the Reference Dept. Nodier, C. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1.) *I Noel, C. M. The name of Jesus, and other poems for the sick and lonely. 12125 Noel-Fearn. See Fearn, H. N. Noel, H. R. Sewer-gas as a cause of diphtheria and typho- malarial diseases. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Noel, A. Owen Gwynne's great work. 15387 Noel, R. The soul and future life^ (In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 No^lie ; nouvelle ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, v. 6.) *I Nohl, L. Beethoven depict, by his contemporaries ; by E. Hill. 19717 — Life of Beethoven ; fr. the German, by J. J. Lalor. 20173 — Life of Mozart; tr. bv Ladv Wallace; with portr. of Mozart and his sis- ter. 2v. * ■ 17536-7 Noir^, L. Historical introd. ( Jw Kant, I. Critique, eic, v. 1.) 21893 Noirs et rouges ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14658 Nolan, T. The telescope. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.") 20513 Nollekens, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, paint- ers, etc., V. 3. 1055 Nolte, V. Fifty years in both hemispheres ; reminiscences ; fr. the German. 3263 Nominalism. Bowen, F. Realism, nominalism, and coucep- tualism. {In his Mod. phil.) 17186 Non-Christian religious systems, namely : Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism. 17494 Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. 19215 Muir, W. The Corfm. 19266 Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founders. 17504 Williams, M. Hinduism. 17510 Non-intervention. Mill, J. S. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 3.) 5980 Non-resistance. See Peace. Nonagenarian, A, Reminiscences of ; ed. by S. A. Emery. 22623 Nonne sanglante. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 6.) ♦! Nonstsnse songs, stories, botany, and alphabets ; by E. Lear. 10055 Nonsuch professor, The, in his meridian splendour ; sermons, by W. Seeker. 3884 Nooks and corners of Eng. life ; by J. Timbs. 10810 Nooks and corners of the New Eng. coast ; by S. A. Drake. *I Noort, O. van. P>ost, T. Circumnavigations of N. {In his Hf. hrs. with early explor.) 21074 Nor dead nor living ; by J. G. Austin. {In Short stories.) 6965 Nora ; by M. J. Holmes. ( With Chateau D'Or.) 20855 Nora Creina; by E. Stirling. (In French's min dram., v. 2(i.) 7984 Nora's love test; by M. C. Hay. 16946 Norbury, Xord. >S'ee Toler, J. Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe ; with hist, review of prev. journeys along the coast of the old world; tr. by A. Leslie. Portr., maps, and illust. 2 V. 21567-8 — Leslie, A. The Arctic voyages of N., 1858-1879. 19265 912 FREE rUBLIC LIBRARY. Nordhoff, C. California; for health, pleasure, and residence. 11059 — Same ; new ed., giving acct. of the culture of the grape, orange, etc. lUust. 21750 — Cape Cod and all along shore. 7532 Contents. Captain Tom : a resurrection.— What is best?— A struggle for life. — Elkanah Brewster's temptation. — One pair of blue eyes.— Mehetabel Rogers's cranberry swamp.— Maud Elbert's love match. — The Communistic societies of the U. S. ; incl. acct. of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian, and other exist, soc. ; their relig. creeds, social practices, etc. 13345 — The cotton states in 1875. 16398 — Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands. 12679 — Politics for young Americans. 13346 — Same] rev.ed. for schools, e^c. 19575 Nordurfari ; or. Rambles in Iceland ; by P. Miles. 3037 Norfolk House, A, One generation of ; contrib. to Elizabethan hist. ; by A. Jessopp. 19347 Noriac, J. Human follies; tr. by G. Marlow. 5949 Norma ; opera ; by V. Hellini. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 2.) *I Normal schools. Barnard, H. Normal schools. 311 — See also Education. Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the campaign of 1877. Maps and plans. 17739 Norman, L. Youth's hist, of California. 7038 Norman Leslie ; by C. G. H. 3264 Norman Leslie ; a New York story ; by T. S. Fay. 7761 Normand, J. A la baguette ; comedie. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. ThMtre, etc., ser. 3.) 14498 — Billet de faire part. {In Saynkes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 — Les claquers. (Theatre de camp., ser. 8.) 14692 — Les ecrevisses; fantaisie en vers. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 — Le fou rire. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 — La goutte d'eau; comedie; Luil ! ! {In Sayn6tes, etc., ser. 8.) 14798 — The invitation to the christening. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — Les petits cadeaux; comedie. [In Leg6uv6, J. "W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14482 — Les tentations d'Antoine ; monologue, (iw Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 3.) 14793 Normandy, A., and Noad, H. M. Commercial hand-book of chem. analysis ; practical instr. for the determination of value of substances used in manufactures, etc. 14098 Normandy. Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. 10811 — Duncan, J. The dukes of Normandy. 1293 — Ellis, 3Irs. G. A summer in Normandy with my children. 18326 — Jerrold, W. B. Trips to N. and Brittanv. {In his On the boulevards, v. 2.) ■ 7003 — Life in N. ; sk. of French fishing, farming, cooking, nat. hist., and poli- tics. 11042 — Macquoid, K. S. Pictures across the channel. 2 v. 11937-8 Through Normandv. 13684 — Macquoid, T. R. and^. S. Pictures and legends fr. N. and Brittany. 18634 — Palgrave, F. History of Normandy and of England. 4 v. 12107-10 — Waring, G. W., Jr. {In his Farmer's vacation.) 15330 — See also Great Britain. History. Normans. Freeman, E. A. The Normans at Palermo. {In Ms Hist, ess,, ser. 3.) 19219 — Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe. 18162 -- Newman, J. H. Northmen and N. in Eng. and Iceland. (7>i his Hist. sk., V. 3.) 12918 — See also Great Britain. History. Norman's bridge ; by A. Marsh-Caldwell. 5236 Norris, J. TuUoch, J. {In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Norris, J. P. Present and fut. rel. of the Church to nat. educ. {In Weir, A. The Ch. and the age, ser. 2.) . 10823 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 913 Norris, S. Norris's hand-book for locomotive engineers and machinists. 6513 Norris, T. American angler's book ; nat. hist, of sporting fish and the art of taking them ; added, Dies piscatorise ; describ. noted fishing-places, etc. ; new ed., with descr. of salmon rivers, inland trout fishing, etc. Illust. 7053 — American fish culture ; artific. breeding and rearing of trout; culture of salmon, shad, etc. Illust. 7525 Norris, W. E. Heaps of money. 17042 — Matrimony. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 20486 — No new thing. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 22897 Norse. See Norway. Norse stories retold fr. the Eddas ; by H. W. Mabie. 22162 Norse tales. Dasent, G. W., ed. Popular tales fr. the Norse. 1101 Norsemen, The, in the West; by R. M. Ballantyne. 11179 Norseman's pilgrimage ; by H. H. Boyeseu. 14002 Norston's Rest; by A. S. Stephens. 19229 North, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson, J. North, D. Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lend, merchants.) 7853 North, F., 2d. Earl of Guildford. Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 North, J. H. Andrewes the catholic preacher. (In Kempe, J. E. Class, preachers, ser. 2.) 18551 North, R. Talfourd, T. N. North's life of Lord Guilford. (In his Crit. and misc. writ.) 4351 North, T. The church bells of Leicestershire; their inscr., traditions, and pecul. uses ; with chapt. on bells and the Leicester bell founders. Illust. *I North, W. The slave of the lamp. 3265 — Memoir. {In Beckford, W. Vathek.) 7507 North America. Antiquities. — See America. Antiquities. Description and travels. — Banvard, J. Novelties of the New World ; and disc, of the first explor- ers of No. Amer.' 300 — Butler, W. F. The Wild north land. 12149 — Chambers, W. Things as they are in America. 1364 — Harmon, D. W. Journal of voy. and trav. in the interior of N. Amer. ; add., Descr. of the country." 1779 — Havden, F. V. and Selwvn, A. R. C. North America. Maps and illust. (Stanford's compend.) 22917 — Kingston, W. H. G. The western world; picturesque sketches in No. and So. Amer. 13283 Entomology. — Jaeger, B. and Preston, H. C. Life of No. American insects. 2274 History. — Goodrich, S. G. First book of history, comb, with geography : Western hemisphere. * 6339 — Johnson, R. History of the French War; with acct. of the struggles for the possession .of the continent. 22155 Ornithology. — Coues, E. Key to the N. Amer. birds, north of the Mexican and U. S. boundary. *I North American Review. Essays fr. the Review. See Rice, A. T. North Carolina. Andrews, S. (In his South since the war.) 6345 — Hale, p. M. The woods and timbers of No. Carolina. 22624 — Nordhoff, C. North Carolina in 1875. {In his Cotton states.) 15398 914 FREE 1*UBLIC LIBKARY. North Devou ; by C. Kingsley. {In his Prose idylls.) 3951 — Same. {In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 North-Eastern Passage. See Arctic Regions. North Pole. See Arctic Regions. North Sea. Macgregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic ; canoe cruise. 7039 North Star, steamer. Choules, J. O. Cruise of the North Star ; narr. of the excursion of Mr. Vanderbilt's party to Eng., Russia, etc. 831 North and South ; by Mrs. Gaskell. 5269 Northall, W. K. Macbeth. {In French's min. dr., v. 5.) 11837 Northampton, Mass. (Jlark, S.' Antiquities, historicals, and graduates of N. * *I Northanger Abbey; by J. Austen. 254 — Same. {In her Novels.) 735 Northbridge, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of N. {In Hist. of Wor. Co., V. 2.) *I Northcote, J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, pain- ters, etc., V. 5.) 1057 — Hazlitt, W. Conversations of N. ( With The round table.) 1074& Northcote, S. Higginson, T. W. {In his Ens:, statesmen.) 13827 — Reid, T. W. {In his Cabinet portr.) ^ 1388a Northcott, W. H. Treatise on lathes and turning. 10726 Northend, C. Book of epitaphs. 11510 — Elihu Burritt; sketch of his life and labors; select, fr. his writings and extr. fr. his journals. 1966T — Memory gems, for the young; choice select, fr. difterent authors. 17414 Northern lands ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 103 Northmen. Irving, W. The Northmen. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Maclear, G. F. The Northmen. 19120 Northmen (in Europe). See Normans. Northrop, B. G. Education abroad, and other papers. 12135 Contents. Should American youth be educated abroad?;— Legal pre- vention of illiteracy.— Culture and knowledge.— The professional study. — Study and health. — Labor as an education. — Education and industrial arts. Education and invention. — Labor and capital theoretically harmonized. — Labor and capital practically harmonized. — Appendix. — The legal prevention of illfteracv. (Pps. on education.) *I Northward ho ! By A. H. Markham. 19121 Northwest, meaning the no.-west. imrt of the U. S. — Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the northwest ; or, Valley of the Upper Mississippi. llllS — Butterfield, C. W. Historv of the disc, of the N. W. ; by J. Nicolet, 1634. 2153^ — Coffin, C. C. The seat of empire. 2462 — Gale, G. Upper Mississippi; or. Historical sketches of the mound- builders, etc. 7264 — Murphv, J M. Eambles in no.-western Amer., fr. the Pacific to the Rockv Mts. 21734 North- West Passage. Hale, E. E. {In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 Norton, A. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctr. of trinitarians. 3268 Norton, i\ E. S. (S.) Lady of La Grange. 5719 — Lost and saved. 8946 — Stuart of Dunleath. 5256 — Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Norton, C. B. and Valentine, W. J. Munitions of war exhibit- ed at the exposition. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Kept., V. 5.) 9100 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 915 Norton, C. E Biographical sketch of C. Wright. {In his Phil, disc.) • 16903 — Historical studies of church-building in the Middle Ages; Venice, Siena, Florence. 19888 — Xotes of travel and study in Italy. 19889 Norton, G. Commentaries on the hist., const., and chartered franchises of London. 12821 Norton, W. A. Elementary treatise on astronomy. 3270 Norway. DescrijMon. — Anderson, E. L. Six weeks in Norway. - 16760 — Bowden, J. Norway and its people. ' 10812 — Brace, C. L. The Norse-folk ; visit to Norway, etc. 4987 — Caton, J. D. A summer in Norway. * 13959 — Cox, S. S. {In his Arctic sunbeams.) 21610 — Forester, T. Norway and its scenery; journal of a tour by E. Price; and Road-book for tourists. " 1497 — Hale,. E. E. and S. {In their Family flight thr. France, etc.) 21075 — Inglis, H, D. Personal narr. of a journey thr. Norway, etc. 2125 — Kennedy, A. W. M. C. To the Arctic regions and back ; summer tour. 18626 — Logan, O. Try Norway. (7w Murphy, C. B.,aw(?o«/iers. Onthe Rhine.) 19935 — Macgregor, J. ' The Rob Rov on the Baltic ; canoe cruise. 7039 — Maxwefl, J. S. Tour in Norway. {In his The Czar, etc.) 2974 — Smith, H. Tent life with English gipsies in Norway. 14102 . — Stone, O. M. Norway in June. 22711 — Three in Norway; by two of them. 21914 Education. — Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique dans les 6tats du uord. *I Histoiy. — Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway. 13902 — Snorro Sturleson. Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway; tr. by S. Laing. 3 v. • 17652-4 Literature. — Asbjoernsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales; tr. bv H. L. Braekstad. 22122 Popular tales fr. the Norse ; Tales f r. the Fjeld : 2d. ser. of pop. tales ; ed. by G. W. Dasent. 1101 ; 12568 — Boyesen, H. H. Idyls of Norway ; and other poems. 22126 The Library has works by Asbjorusen, P. C; — Bjornson, B. ; Col- lett, C. ;— Lie,* J. ;— Munch, A*. ;— Welhaven, J. P. General and miscellaneous works. — Woods, F. H. Sweden and Norway. 22557 Music. — Forestier, A. and Anderson, R. B. The Norway music album; Folk- songs, dances, nat. airs, and recent compositions. *I — See also Scandinavia. Norway, Love and life in ; by B. Bjornson.^ 14137 Norwich, Eng. Doran, J. {I7i his Mem., etc.) 17803 Norwood ; by H. W. Beecher. 7265 Nose, the dwarf; by W. Hauff. (In Tales fr. the German.) 4347; 5217 Nose of a notary. See Notary's nose. Not clever ; by F. M. Wilbraham. 10584 Not easily jealous. 11399 Not in their set ; by M. Lenzeu. 13000 Not pretty, but precious ; and other stories ; by J. Hay and others. 11144 Not so bad as we seem ; by Lord Lytton. (In his Dram, works.) 11889 Not without .thorns ; by E. Graham. 11476 Notable things of our own time ; by J. Timbs. 7910 Notary's nose. The ; by E. About. 12929 Note-book of an elderly lady ; by E. M. Sewell. 20781 916 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. *'Notelrac,"pseifcd. Operas ; their writers and their plots. 21304 Notes by the way ; by J. Burroughs. {In his Pepacton.) 20466 Notes of a volunteer; by C. Smith. 4035 Notes on building construction. 3 v. (So. Kensington. Edu- cation.) 14259-61 Nothing but money ; by T. S. Arthur. 225- Nothing new ; tales ; by [Miss Muloch] . 5082 Nothing to wear ; [by W. A. Butler]. 6748 Nothing to nurse ; by* C. M. Walcot. {In French's min. dram., V. 17.) 11844 Notice to quit ; by W. G. Wills. 6649 Notley. F. E. M. {pseud. F. Derrick). Beneath the wheels. 5571 — Love's crosses. 18200 — Mildred's wedding. 13760 — Time shall try. . 18043 Notre cher insensibilisateur ! comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 4.) 14688 Notre dame de Paris ; par V. Hugo. 3 v. 9361-3 — Same. 2 v. 14428-0 Notre futur; sayn^te ; par G. Feydeau. (Th6dtre de camp., ser 8.) 14692 *' Notre Jean ;" by [K. S. Macquoid]. {Inker Fid., etc., v. 1.) 11937 Nott, E. Van Santvoord, C. Memoirs of N., rev. by T. Lewis. 15570 Nottingham. Doran, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Nonage rose, Le ; par George Sand. {In her Contes d'une grand' m^re.) 9514 Nourse, B. F., joint author. See Mudge, E. R. Nouveau Job, Le ; par L. von Sacher Masoch. 14594 Nouveau Nicaise, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 4.) *I Nouveaux jeux de I'amour et du hasard ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 9.) *I Nouveaux Pourceaugnac, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 2 ; ser. 4, v. 19.) *I Nouvelle Clary, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 9.) *I Nouvelles Danaides, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 3.) *I Nouvelles Genevoises ; par R. Topffer. 9554 Nouvelles Moscovites ; by I. S. Tourgu^neff. 9418 Nova Scotia. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia; or, A month with the blue noses. 1006 — Hannav, J. History of Acadia to its surrender to Eug. bv the treaty of Paris. ! * * 18487 — Williams, C. R. The neutral French ; or, The exiles of N. S. 2 v. in 1.) 5861 Novalis, pseud. See Hardonberg, F. L. von. Novara. Adams, C. {In his Great campaigns.) 18150 Novello, C. A. /S'ee Gigliucci, C. A. (Novello), contessa. Novello, M. S. Voices and vocal art. 2d. ed. (Novello's lib.) • 11729- Novello's collection of anthems by modern composers. 10 v. *I Novello's library for the diffusion of mus. knowledge. Th'eoret. ser. 11 V. 11721-31 Contents. No. 1. Cherubini, L. Counterpoint and fugue. 2. Marx, A. B. (Greneral musical instruction. 3. Fetis, F. J. Choir and chorus CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 917 singing. 4. , Mozart, W. A. Succinct thorough-bass school. 5. Catel, C. S. Harmony. 6, Albrechtsberger, J. G. Thorough-bass, harmony and composition. 7. Berlioz, H. Modern instrumentation and orches- tration. 8. Crotch, W. Elements of musical composition. 9. Nov- ello, S. Voice and vocal art. 10. Silcher, F. Instructions for singing schools and choral societies. 11. Nageli and Pfeiflfer. Part-songs and choruses ; with instr. for male choral singers. Novels. Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the 18th. cent. 9609 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists. 15378 — Whipple, E. P. Novels and novelists. {In his Lect.) 4737 — See also Fiction. Novels and tales, repr. fr. Household Words. 11 v. 14301-11 Contents. Y. 1. An ordeal.— Nemesis.— Loring, F. "W. Two college friends.— A rogue's life.— My country town. 2, The ninth of June.— Bond and free.— My blind sister. — Eric Walderthorn.— Diary of Anne Rodway. — My little ward. — 'On change in Paris. — Dick Dallington. — Black and blue.— Salome and I. 3. Day of reckoning.— Kester's evil eye. — The poor Clare.— My brother Robert.- Frenchman of two wives.— Forbidden fruit.— Left, and never called for.— Wreck of the Golden Mary. 4. Collins. (W.) W. The dead secret. 5. Collins, (W.) W. The'dead secret, cow^.— Murder of the Archbishop of Paris.— New boy at Styles's.— How the old love fared.— Helena Mathewson. — Agnes Lee. — The yellow tiger. — My window. — Collins, W. Queen's revenge. — Amph- lett love-match. 6. Eleanor Clare's Journal for ten years. — Romantic breach of promise.— Brave coucou driver.— Mrs. Badgery. — Our family picture.— Lazy tour of two idle apprentices. 7. Perils of certain English prisoners. — Lyndon Hall. — Marie Courtney. — Number five, Hanbury Ter- race.- Two in a legion. —Old Saint Ann's gateway.— Max and his compan- ions.— The legend of my native town.— The little Huguenot.— Famine abroad.— The Patagonian brothers. 8. Well authenticated rappings.— "A gude conceit o' oursels." — Apparition of Monsieur Bodry. — Mr. Pearson.— Shadowless men.— Little Constancy's birthday.— Tale of an old man's youth.— Years and years ago.— Lost Alice,— Balcombe street mys- tery.— Six giants of Lehori. — The devil's mark.— Boscobel.— Blood of the sundowns. — History of a miracle. — End of Fordyce, Brothers. 9. Gas- kell, E. C. My Lady Ludlow.— Reverend Alfred Hoblush's statement.— Truth in irons. — A' princess royal.— What Mr. Burleigh could not see. 10. House to let. — The canon's clock.— Her face. — The poisoned meal. — Tried friendship. — Heir of Hardington. — Lina Fernie. — The sin of a father. 11. Fleur de lys.— Saving little : wasting much.— Her first appearance.— Gringe family.— Home again 1— A gipsy king.- A new mind.— Ground and lofty tum'bling.— The clergyman's wife.— The Sraallchange family.— Miss Cicely's portrait. — Douglas Jerrold. — My two partners —Dishon- oured.— The Chetwyndes.— The lucky leg.— From first to last. Novels by eminent hands; by W. M. Thackeray. {In his Burlesques.) 5380 Novelties, inventions, and curiosities in arts and manufactures. 3271 Novitiate, The ; by A. Steinmetz. 4208 Novum organon renovatum ; by W. Whewell. (Phil, of the induct, sci., pt. 2.) *I Now and then ; by S. Warren. 4664 Now is Christ risen ; poems for Easter-tide ; by W. S. L. 15681 No well, H. P. H. (pseud. May M annering) . Billy Grimes' favorite. 7094 — Climbing the rope. (Helping hand ser.) 7093 — The cruise of the Dashaway.' 14048 — Little maid of Oxbow. 14049 — The little Spaniard. 14050 — Salt-water Dick. 14051 Nox, O. Southern rambles : Florida. 20877 Noyes, G. F. The bivouac and the battle-field ; or, Campaign sk. in Virginia and Maryland. 6106 Noyes, George R. Collection of theological essays. 5th. ed. 7701 Contents. Noyes, G. R. Introduction.— Guizot, F. P. G. Faith and science.— Powell, B. The law and the gospel.— Tholuck, F. A. D. Doc- 918 FREE PUBLIC LIBUAIIY. trine of inspiration.— Williams, R. Holj^ Scripture; Servants of God . speaking as moved by the' Holy Ghost; The spirit and the lett^, or the truth and the book.— Harwood, E. On the causes w^hich probably con- spired to produce our Savior's agony.— Newcome, W. Our Lord's forti- tude.— Jo vvett, B. Doctrine of the atonement ; Righteousness by faith ; Im- putation of the sin of Adam ; Conversion and changes of character ; Cas- uistry; Connection of immorality and idolatry; The Old Testament: Quotations fr. the O. T. in the 'New; Character of St. Paul; St. Paul and the twelve; Evils in the Church of the apostolical age; Belief in the com- ing of Christ in the apostolical age.— Foster, J. Death of Christ, as a sacrifice.— Stanley, A. P. Epistles to the Corinthians, in rel. to Gospel history; Apostolical worship; The Eucharist; Unity and variety of spiritual gifts; Gift of tongues and gift of prophesying;* Love, the great- est of gifts; Resurrection of Christ; Resurrection of the dead.— Brown, T. Credibility of miracles. Noyos, J H. History of American socialisms. *I Nozze di Figaro; com. opera; by W. A. Mozart. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, e'd.op. lib., v. 2.) *I Nubia. Leecli, H. H. (In his Letters of a sentimental idler.) 7684 — Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 3550 — Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temples and tombs of Egypt, N., etc. 2 v. 3705-6 — Russell, M. Nubia and Abyssinia. 8743 Nugae inutiles ; by J. M. Merrick. *I Nngent, Lord. See Grenville, G. N. T. Nugent, E. Optics ; light and sight, theoret. and pract. ; their appl. to fine art and indust. pursuits. 13287 Nuit au Faulhorn, line; Episode de voyage. {In Saynetes. etc., ser. 5 ) 14795 Nuit de la garde nationale, Une ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2,v. 1.) *I Nuit de Noel, La ; op^ra comique, par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 4, V. 14.) *I Nuit Venitienne, La ; par A. de Musset. {In his Comedies, v. 1.) *I Number one, round the corner ; by W. Brough. {In French's min. dram.,v. 24.; 7983 Number five, Hanbury Terrace. {In Nov. and tales fr. House- hold Words, V. 7.) 14307 Number \o ; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Numismatics. Henfrey, H. W. Guide to Eng. coins. 10656 — Humphreys, H. N. Coin-collector's manual. 2 v. 2099-100 — Jewitt, L.' Among coins. (In his Half-hrs. amg. Eng. antiq.) 16829 Handbook of Eng. coins. *I — Mathews, G. D. The coinages of the world ; anc. and mod. *I — Newton, C. T. Greek numismatics. (In his Ess. on art and archaeology.) 19887 — Prime, W. C. Coins, medals, and seals, anc. and mod. ; with sk. of the hist, of coins and coinage. 3551 — See also Great Britain. Nuna, the Bramin girl ; by H. W. French. 21214 Nunez Cabe^a de Vaca, Alvan. Kingsley, H. {In his Tales ofoldtrav.) ^ 8065 Nunneries. Hogan, W. Auricular confession and Popish nunneries. {With his Voperj ; etc.) 1938 — See also Grey nunnery. Nuremberg. Jameson, A. {In her Sketches.) 2329 — Whiting, H. J. Pictures of Nuremberg, etc., 2 v. 4753-4 Nursery. See Children. Nursery, The, v. 1-30. 10508-18 ; 13380-90 Nursery nonsense ; by D'A. W. Thompson. 11531 Nursery rhymes of England ; ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 12954 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 919 Nursery songs. Froebel, F. Mother-play and nursery songs. 18079 Nursing. Conn. Training School for Nurses. Handbook of nursing. 18208 — Eastern tio.spitals and Eng. nurses; by a lady volunteer. 1316 — Mitchell, S. W. Nurse and patient; Camp cure. * 17216 — Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. 3258 — Sanborn, F. B. Training schools for nurses. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 16734 — Storer, H. K. On nurses and nursing; with esp. ref. to sick women. 7475 — White, V. Manual of N. ; prep, for the training school, Bellevue Hospital. 17511 — See also Children. Nus, Y.., joint author. See Brisebarre, E. Nussir-ud-Deen. See Nasr-ad-din. Nuts. Simmonds, P. L. On nuts ; their produce and uses. {In his Sci. and commerce.) 18644 Nuts and crackers for Christmas. 13415 Nuttall, T. Introduction to systematic and phys. botany. 3273 — Manual of the ornithology of the U. S. and Canada; Land birds. 3274 — Same ; Water birds. 3275 Nutting, M. O. Mount Holyoke Seminary. {In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Am.girls.) 12327 Nyassa, Lake. Livingstone, D. and C {In their Narrative of an exp. to the Zambesi.) . 6261 — Young. E. D. Nyassa ; journal of adv. ; rev. by H. Waller. 17823 Nyblom, C. R. »Johan Ludvig Runeberg. {In Runeberg, J. L. Samladeskrifter, V. 1.) 15041 Nybom, J. Samlade dikter. 2 v.. 15039-40 Nystrom, J. W. New treat, on steam engineering; phys. properties of permanent gases and of vapor. 17195 — New treat, on elements of mechanics; strict precision in the meaning of dynamical terms; app. on Duodenal arithmetic and metrology. 13443 0., E. M. Memoir of A. Smee, by his daughter; with select. fr. his writings. 19132 O. T., a Danish romance ; by H. C Andersen. 156 O mou Adelaide ! comedie ; par C. Narrey. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 Oak openings ; by J. F. Cooper. 955 Oakes, A. H. A teacher taught. {In Matthews, J. B. Com- edies, etc.) 19355 Oakey, Miss. See Dewing, M. R. Oakey, A. F. Building a home. (Appletons' home books.) 20379 — Home grounds. (Appletons' home books.) 20574 Oakey, A. E. From attic to cellar ; book for young house- keepers. 19073 Oakham, Mass. Fairbank, J. B. History of O. {In Hist. of Wor. Co., V. 2.) *I Oakridge ; old-time story ; by J. E. Smith. 13574 Oars. See Rowing. Obelisks. See Cleopatra's Needle. Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees ; adv. of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. 19270 — Young folks' history of Mexico. Illust. 22284 Oberammergau. Doane, G. H. To and from the passion play. 9782 — Hartmann, A. Das Oberammergauer Passionsspiel in seiner altesten Gestalt. 16428 — Jackson, J. P. The Ober-Ammergau Passion Play ; illust. ; origin of play, 920 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. hist, of village and people, descr. of scenes and tableaux, and songs. *I — Stanley, A. P. The Ammergau Mystery ; or, Sacred drama of 1860. {In his Ess. on Ch. and State.) 10698 Oberlin, J. F. Memoirs; fr. 3d. Lond. ed. ; introd. by H. Ware, Jr. 3276 — Balfour, C. L. (In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Oberlin, M. S. (W.). Sketch of Mme. O. . (In Worn, of worth.) 1219 Oberon ; opera ; by C. M. von Weber. *I Oberon's horn ; fairy tales ; by H. Morley. 22109 Object lessons. Calkins, N. A. P/imary object lessons. 5108 — Mayo, E. Lessons on objects ; to children bet. the ages of six and eight. 15939 — Sheldon, E. A. Elementary object lessons. 8609 Lessons on objects. 8608 — Walker, J. Handy book of object lessons. 22430 Object of interest ; by J. H. Stocqueler. (In French's min. dr., V. 25.) 7983 O'Brien, C. G. Light and shade. 18236 O'Brien, F. Gentleman from Ireland. (In French's min. dr., V. 20.) 11846 O'Brien, F. J. From hand to mouth. (In Aldrich, T. B. Good stor.) 7463 — Poems and stories; ed., with sketch of the author, by W. "Winter. 20380 — Three of a trade ; or, Red little Kriss Kringle ; From hand to mouth. (In Fam. stor.," v. 2.) 18149 O'Brien, J. History of the Mass and its ceremonies. 3d. ed. 19195 O'Brien, R. B. The parliamentaij hist, of the Irish land question, 1829-1869 ; origin and results of the Ulster custom. 4th. ed. 20545 Obsequens, J. De prodigiis, cum suppl. C. Lycosthenis. (In Maximus, V. De dictis, v. 3.) 8349 Observatory. See Physical observatory. Obsession, L' ; monologue en prose ; par C. Cros. {In Sayn^tes, etc., sh\ 5.) 14795 Obstacle, L' ; par Th. Beutzon [T. Blanc]. 14579 Obstinate family. (In French's min. dram., v. 38.) 7990 O'Callaghan, J. C. History of the Irish brigades in the service of France. - 12804 O'Callaghan, P. P. Married bachelor. (In French's min. dr., V. 18.) 11845 Occasion, L' ; par P. M^rim^e. (In his Theatre de C. Gazul.) 9521 Occult sciences. Salverte, A. J. E. B. de. The occult sciences ; philos. of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles. 2 v. 4439-40 — Smedley, E. and others. The occult sciences. " 4019 Occupations of a retired life ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 7537 Ocean. — Benjamin, S. G. W. The multitudinous seas. Illust. 18297 — Gosse, P. H. The ocean. 1617 — Ingersoll, E. Old ocean. 22587 — Mangin, A. Mysteries of the* ocean; tr. by [W. H. D. Adams]. 8477 — Michelet. J. The sea. f)3.S6 — Parsons, C. Sea-air and sea-bathing. 17055 — Parsons, T. The sea, (In his Essays, ser. 3.) 6141 — Phipson, T. L. Chemistry of the ocean. {In his Fam. letters.) 16631 — Proctor, E. A. A. mighty sea-wave; Strange sea-creatures. {In his Pleasant wavs.) 18336 — Reclus, E. The ocean. 11275 — Wilson, W.S. The ocean as a health resort; pract. inform, as to sea- voyages. 20080 — Wright, J. H. Ocean-work ; or. Evenings on sea and land. 4880 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 921 Biology. — Animal life at great depths in the sea. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) — Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. — De Vere, M. S. Wonders of the deep. — Duncan, P. M. The sea-shore. — Emerton, J. H. Life on the sea-shore. — Figuier, G. L. The ocean world ; descr. of the sea, etc. — Gosse, P. H. A j^ear at the shore. — Houghton, W. Sea-side walks of a naturalist with his children. — Kingsley, C. Glaucus ; or, The wonders of the shore. — Knj^, L. Plant life in the sea. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) — Wood, J. G. Common objects of the sea-shore. — A world of wonders. — See also Conchology ;— Ichthyology ;— Natural history. Also Physical Geography, below. Physical geography. — Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea. — Thomson, C. W. The depths of the sea. — See also Guides for science-teaching. Ocean-born ; by W. T. Adams. Ocean free lance, An ; by W. C. Russell. Ocean routes. Peirce, B. Ocean lanes for steamship naviga- tion. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. Jour., 1874.) Ocean waifs, The ; by M. Reid! Oceanica. Gumming, C. F. G. A lady's cruise in a Fr. man- of-war. — Vincent, F., Jr. {In his Through and through the tropics.) Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. O'Conuell, D. Select speeches. 2 v. — Speech on justice to Ireland. {In Speeches of Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) — Dix, J. R. Portraits in Paddy Land. {In his Pen and ink sk.) — Fagan, W. Life and times of O'Connell. 2 v. — Giles, H. {In his Lect. and essays.) — Lecky, W. E. H. {In his Lead, of pub. opin., etc.) — Popular life of O'C. : incl. the funeral oration of Padre Ventura at Rome, Father Burke's' sermon at Glasnevin, and Wendell Phillips' centen- nial oration. O'Connell, D., Count. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) O'Connor, A. Madden, R. R. {In 7ws United Irishmen, ser. 2.) O'Connor, E. Spear, C. {Tn his Voices fr. prison.) O'Connor, F. Dix, J. R. Portraits in Paddy Land. {In his Pen and ink sk.) — Frost, T. O'Connor and the "Northern Star." {In his Forty years' recoil.) O'Connor, F. The invisible princess. {In Little class., v O'Connor, J. D. History of Turkey. Maps and charts. O'Connor, R. Madden, R. R. {In Ais United Irishmen, ser O'Connor, T. P. Lord Beaconsfield ; a biography. O'Connor, W. D. The ghost. {In Little class., v. 8.) — Harrington. O'Conor, W. A. History of the Irish people. 2 v. O'Conors, The, of Castle Conor ; by A. TroUope Tales, etc.) — Same. {In Treasure trove ser., v. 3.) Octavia ; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. (/n ^ts Tragedies, v. 1.) *I October ride. An ; by S. O. Jewett. {In her Country by-ways.) 21032 O'Curry, E. JVIanners and customs of the anc. Irish ; ed. with introd., app., etc., by W. K. Sullivan. 3 v. *I 13114 18480 7892 19302 20049 8133 6228 12951 2473 18864 4845 21268 9158 11445 13953 20715 15734 5724 21818 15497 3277 5826-7 7724 5012 *I *I 7850 9979 15421 10760 13512 4162 8.) 2.) 21403 12979 17205 13512 18744 12979 3278 22923-4 {In his 10955 14268 Odd, or even ? ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 59 19637 922 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Odd people ; by M. Reid. 3626 Odd trump, The ; by J. G. A. Coulson. , 13776 Oddities. Andrews, W. The book of oddities. 21678 Oddities in southern life and character ; ed. by H. Watterson. 22306 Oddity, The ; by W. B. Fowle. (In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Odessa. Koch, K. H. E. The Crimea and Odessa. 2509 Odger, G. Hinton, R. J. (In Ms Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Odhner, C. T. Larobok i Sveriges Norges, och Danmarks historia. 15055 Odilon-Barrot. See Barrot. Odling, W. Outlines of chemistry. ' 12503 Odoherty papers ; by W. Maginn. 2 v. 2855-6 O'Donnel, Counts. Grant, J. {In his Cavaliers of fortune.) 10760 O'Donnells, The, of Glen cottage ; by D. P. Conyngham. 13023 O'Donoghue, N. P. Ladies on horseback ; learning, park- riding, and hunting, with hints on custom, etc. 20746 O'Donoghue, The ; by C. Lever. 2631 O'Donovan, E. The Merv Oasis ; trav. and adv. east of the Caspian, 1879-81. Portr., maps, etc. 2 v. 22285-6 O'DriscoU, W. J. Memoir of D. Maclise. 18893 CEdipus at Colonos ; by Mendelssohn. *I Oehlenschlager, A. G. Ali and Gulhyndi. (In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 — Autobiography. {In his Correggio.) 3279 — Correggio; a tragedy ;—Grillparzer, F. Sappho, a tragedy; with a sketch of the autobiography of O., fr. the German. 3279 Oelnitz, L. v. d., joint author. See Lankenau, H. von. Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the South ; vegetables for north- ern markets. Illust. 22739 O'er moor and fen ; by C. Walsingham. - 15419 Oersted, H. C. The soul in nature, etc. ; fr. the German, by L. and J. B. Horner [with biog. sk. by P. L. Moller]. 3280 — Moller, P. L. Life of O. (In Oersted, H. C. The soul in nature.) 3280 Oertel, P. F. W. {jpseud. W. O. Van Horn). The school- master of Abbach ; and other tales. 8651 Contents. The scissor-grinder — The schoolmaster of Abbach.— The asylum.— The May Queen. Off-hand sketches ; by T. S. Arthur. 195 Of high degree ; by C. Gibbon. 22319 Off on a comet ! ; by J. Verne. 17776 Off the roll ; by K. King. 15367 Off the Skelligs; by J. Ingelow. 11120 Off to sea; by W. H. G. Kingston. 10617 Off to the wilds ; by G. M. Fenn. 22076 Offenbach, J. Barbe-bleue ; La belle Helene ; Genevieve de Brabant. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — La grande duchesse de Gerolstein. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — Perichole. (7w Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of opera lib., v. 2.) *I Office of the people in art, government, and religion ; by G. Bancroft. {In his Literary and hist, misc.) 299 Ofilius Sergianus. Elegia de pulice. {Bi Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 923 O'Flanagan, J. R. The Irish bar ; anecdotes and biog. sketches. 18237 •O'Flannigan and the fairies ; by J. Brougham, (in French's min. dram., v. 10.) 11841 Ogden, J. Annual address. {In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Addr., etc.) 11608 — What constitutes a consistent course of study for normal schools. (In Xat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Ogg, — . Heat. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 Ogilvies, The; by [Miss Muloch]. 9954 Oglethorpe, J. E. Harris, T. M. Biographical mem. of O. 1782 — Peabody, W.B.O. Life of O. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer.biog.,v.l2.) 4121 — Wright, E. Memoir of Oglethorpe. 10819 O'Grady, W. L. D. Hints to plumbers and householders. must. 17707 Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? by W. Knox. 16574 O'Hanlon, A. A costly heritage. 20641 Ohio crusade. The, Story of ; by D. Lewis. 13434 Ohio, History. Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H. Ohio. 232 — See also Western Reserve. Ohio River. Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box ; voy- age down the O., etc. 19211 Ohlenschlager. See Oehlenschlager. Ohnet, O. Aux avant-postes ; com^die. {In Sayn^tes, e^c, s6r. 1.) 14791 Oil. Antisell, T. Manufacture of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils. 985 — Williams, W. M. Oils and candles. Brit, manuf. ind.) 15468 — See also Petroleum. Oiled feather. The ; {In Daily Bread, etc.) 8689 O'Keeffe, J. Wild oats. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 31.) 11825 — Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14058 O'Kelley, J. J. Mambi-land ; or. Adventures in Cuba. 12764 Olcott, H. S. Outlines of the first coarse of Yale Agricultural lect. Introd. by J. A. Porter. 6433 Old age. Bernard, T. Comforts of old age. 5641 Old agency. The ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Old and young ; comedy ; by J. Salmon. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 36.) 11828 Old bachelor. The ; comedy ; by W. Congreve. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Old battle-ground. The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 13855 Old brown pitcher. The ; and other tales. 7441 Old bureau. The ; by D. C. Colesworthy. 883 Old countess. The; by A. S. Stephens. 11580 Old countess. The ; by E. Hofer. 8647 Old Creole days ; by G. W. Cable. ISQ^Q Old curiosity shop ; by C. Dickens. 1203 Old Deccan days ; or, Hindoo fairy legends ; by M. Frere. 7619 Old doctor. The ; or. Stray leaves from my journal. 7111 Old dominion, The ; by G. P. R. James. 5271 Old Dominion, The, Stories of ; by J. E. Cooke. 18668 Old faiths in new light ; by N. Smyth. 19042 Old-fashioned fairy tales. Illust. Original ed. 2 ser. 19937-8 Contents. Ser. 1. Princess Minikin.— Prince Elfin.— Prince Sincere. —Blanch and Vermilion. — Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. — Per- 924 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. rault, C. Toads and diamonds.— Aulnoy, i^fme. d'. The beneficent frog ; Graciosa and Percinet; The Princess Maia; The white cat; Babiola.— Perrault, C. The master cat, or. Puss in boots. — Beaumont, La Princesse de. Prince Cherry. 2, Aulnoy, illfwe. d'. The blue bird. — Perrault, C. Little Red Riding-hood.— Caylus, comte de. Septimus.- Perrault, C. Blue beard.— Aulnoy, Mme. d'. The yellow dwarf.— F^nelon, F. de. A visit to the islands of pleasure. — Perrault, C. Cinderella. — Aulnoy, Mme. d' Story of the hind m the forest; The good little mouse ; The fair one with the golden hair ; Princess Rosetta. Perrault, C. The sleeping beauty in the wood ; Hop-o'-my-thumb. Old fashioned girl, An ; by L. M. Alcott. 8378 Old four-poster, The ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. (In their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 Old French chateau, The, near Toulouse. 18949 Old friends and new ; by S. O. Jewett. 19031 Old friends and new ; by R. M. Johnston. (Li his Dukesbor- ough tales.) 22894 Old Fritz and the new era; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 6979 Old Gardiston ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Rodman, etc.) 19610 Old gentleman's teetotum. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 Old guard. (In French's min. dram., v. 4.) 11836 Old heads and hearts ; comedy ; by D. Bourcicault. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 8.) 11810 Old helmet, The ; by E. Wetherell [S. Warner]. 2 v. 5485-6 Old homestead, The ; by A. S. Stephens. 4216 Old homestead, The ; by A. Theuriet. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Old house by the river ; by W. C. Prime. 3554 Old house. The, on Briar hill ; by J. G. Meredith. 13465 Old Kensington; by A. E. Thackeray. 11556 Old lieutenant. The, and his son ; by N. Macleod. 6239 Old maids ; comedy ; by J. S. Knowles. (In his Dram, works.) 11888 Old Mam'selle's secret ; after the German of E. Marlitt [E. Johns]. 7360 Old man's bride ; by T. S. Arthur. 4940 Old Margaret ; by H. Kingsley. , 10746 Old Martin Boscawen's jest ; by M. C. L. Reeves [Mrs. Rodney] and E. Read. 17913 Old mirror. The ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. (In her Dead sin, etc.) 11481 — Same. {In her Seen and heard.) 11160 Old Mortality ; by W. Scott. 3809 Old Mother Goose ; by E. S. Phelps. (In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Old Myddleton's money ; by M. G. Hay. 13491 Old oak chest. The ; by G. P. R. James. 5816 Old Olaf ; by M. Thoresen. 9290 Old, old story. The ; by G. Roy. 13975 Old, old story, An ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. (In their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 Old patroon. The ; by J. A. Maitland. 6721 Old Poz ; by M. Edgeworth. (In her Parent's assistant.) 1336 ; 15296 — Same. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Old reefer's yarn ; by W. Leggett. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 1.) 7223 Old regime. See France. History. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 925 Old Rudderford Hall ; by M. E. Braddon. (Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 — Same. {In her My sister's confession.) 16893 Old Saint Ann's gateway. {In Nov. and tales from Household Words, V. 7.) 14307 Old St. Paul's ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 8167 Old slip warehouse ; by M. A. Denison. 17962 Old story, An, of my farming days ; by F. Reuter. 3 v. 18747-9 Old Styles's ; by H. Spicer. 4173 Old Testament. See Bible. Old-time child-life ; by E. H. Arr [E. H. Rollins]. 20040 Old time pictures and sheaves of rhyme ; by B. F. Taylor. 12356 Old wells dug out ; sermons ; by F. DeW. Talmage. 12940 Old words and modern meanings ; by T. W. Greene. 17495 Old world. An, as seen through young eyes ; by E. H. Walworth. 17024 Oldbury ; by A. Keary. 15597 Oldcastle, J. Journals and journalism, 1880. 2d. ed. 22691 Olden time in New York. 10091 Oldenbarneveld, J. van. Motley, J. L. Life and death of John of Barneveld ; with view of the causes and movements of the Thirty Years' War. 2 v. *I ; 12677-8 Oldport days ; by T. W. Higginson. 11943 Oldstyle, Jonathan, pseud. See Irving, W. Letters of O. Oldtown fireside stories ; by H. B. Stowe. 9783 Oldtown folks ; by H. B. Stowe. 7748 Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Pet rea, and the Holy Land. 2 V. 3281-2 O'Lincoln, R. George Ready ; or, How to live for others. 2674 Olio, The ; or. Speaker's companion. {In French's min. dram., V. 34.) . 7988 Oliphant, C, the younger. Rogers, C. Memoir and poems. {In Nairne, C. Life.) 9779 Oliphant, G. H. H. The law of horses ; incl. the law of inn- keepers, veterinary surgeons, e^c, and of hunting, racing, wagers, and gaming; ed. by G. R. Ryder. 16632 Oliphant, L. A journey to Katmandu ; including sketch of the Nepaulese ambassador at home. 5465 — The land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon. 20514 — The land of Khemi; up and down the middle Nile. Illust. 21898 — Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, 1857-69. 3283. — Piccadilly; fragment of contempt, biography. 12905 — Tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy'. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17564 — Same. (In Oliphant, L. Traits, etc.) 22692 — Same, (in Tales from Blackwood, new ser., v. 1.) 19146 — Traits and travesties, social and political. 22692 Contents. A Turkish Ettondi on Christendom and Islam.— Aunt Ann's 5 host story.— The reconstruction of sheepfolds.— Moral reflections by a apanese traveller.— Autobiography of a joint-stock company (limited) .— The newest American railroad.— Dollie", and the two Smiths.— Knight- errantry in the 19th. cent.— A new method of social evolution.— The adventures of a war correspondent.— An Amer. statesman on Irish atrocities.— The tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy. Oliphant, M. O. W. Adam Graeme of Mossgray. 3285 — Agnes. 8812 — Agnes Hopetoun's schools and holidays. Illust. 18682 — At his gates. Illust. 111S9 — The Athelings. 5201 — A beleagured city ; narr. of recent events in the city of Semur ; story of the seen and the unseen.' 19788 926 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Biographical sketch of G. MacPherson. (In MacPherson, G. Memoirs of A. Jameson.) 1808& — The Brownlows. 724& — Caleb Field. 11312 — Same. ( With The orphans.) 11577 — Carita. 17165 — Cervantes. (For. class, for Eng. Readers.) 20174 — Chronicles of Carlingford. 255& — The curate in charge. 15462 — Dante. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 17196 — The days of my life ; autobiography. 14361 — Dress. (Art at home ser.) 18408 — Foreign classics for Eng. readers ; namely ; Besant, W. Rabelais. 18913 Collins, C. W. Saint Simon. 19757 Collins, W. L. La Fontaine and other French fabulists. 21430 — Montaigne. 18561 Graham, H. G. Rousseau. 22439 Hamley, E. B. Voltaire. 17275 Hasell, E. J. Calderon. 19264 — Tasso. > 22as3 Hay ward, A. Goethe. 17754 Oliphant, M. O. W. Cervantes. ' 20174 — Dante. 17196- — and Tarver, F. Moli^re. 18391 Reeve, H. Petrarch. 17637 Sime, J. Schiller. 21451 Thackeray, A. I. Mme. de S6vign6. 206S6 Trollope, H. M. Corneille and Racine. " 20493 Tulloch, J. Pascal. 17561 — Francis of Assisi. 2d. ed. 10122 — The fugitives. 19360 — The greatest heiress in England. 19688 — Harry Joscelyn. 20652 — He that will not when he may. ^ 20205 — Heart and cross. 2364 — Historical sketches of the reign of George II. 8132 Contents. Queen Caroline.— Sir R. Walpole.— Lord Chesterfield.— Lady M. W. Montagu. — A. Pope. — The young chevalier. — J. Wesley. — Commodore Anson. — Bp. Berkeley. — S. Richardson. — David Hume. — "W. Hogarth. — The house on the moor. 21283 — In trust ; story of a lady and her lover. 3 v. 21736-8 — Innocent. 11872 — It was a lover and his lass. -- 22696 — John. 8693 — Katie Stewart. 5262 — The Ladies Lindores. 22944 — Ladv Jane. 22166 — The Laird of Norlaw. 2 v. in 1. 11024 — The last of the Mortimers. 3451 — Life of E. Irving. Illust. 5454 — Lilliesleaf ; concl. ser. of Pages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland. 3315 — A little pilgrim. 22196 — Literary hist, of England, 18th.-19th. cent. 3 v. 21773-5 — Lucy Crofton. 2775 — Madonna Mary. 6646 — Magdalen Hepburn. 3284 — The makers of Florence ; Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city ; vnth portr. of Savonarola, and illust. fr. drawings by Delamotte. *I — Margaret Maitland. See Passages, etc., below. — May. 11683 — Memoir of Count de Montalembert. 2 v. 11663^ — The minister's wife. 8040 — Miss Majoribanks. 6370 — Mrs. Arthur. 1750a — Ombra. 10952 — The orphans ; and Caleb Field. 11577 — Passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, written by herself. 3090 Note. For continuation see Lilliesleaf. — The perpetual curate. 6440 — Phoebe junior. 16684 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 927 — The primrose path. 17911 — A rose in June. 13008 — The secret chamber. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 2.) 19147 — Self sacrifice. 5680 — A son of the soil. 21282 — Squire A rden. 13080 — The storv of Valentine, and his brother. 13538 — The three brothers. 8691 — White ladies. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 14005 — Within the precincts. 18602 — Young Musgrave. 17424 — Zaidee. 3286 — and Tarver, F. Moli^re. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 18391 Oliphaut, T. L. K. The duke and the scholar, and other essays. 14164 Contents. Life of the Duke de Luynes.— Life of Huillard-Br^holles. — Life of Fra Salimbene.— Was the old Eng. aristocracy destroyed by the Wars of the Roses?— The long union between the English Lords and Com- mons. — The sources of standard English. 12123 Oliphant, T. R. Eton ; life among the Oppidans. {In Pas- coe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21117 Olivarez, Count. See Guzman, G. Olive ; by [Miss Muloch]. 9952 Olive Blake's good work. ; by J. C. Jeafifreson. 2352 Olive Lacy ; by A. Argyle. 12753 Olive merchants of Bagdat. (In FoUeu, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Oliver, D. Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens and pleasure grounds, Kew. *I Oliver, G. A. Study of M. Edgeworth, with not. of her father and friends. 22169 Oliver, J. Wreck of the Glide ; with recoil, of the Fijiis, and of Wallis Island. 4875 Oliver Ellis ; by J. Grant. 10775 Oliver of the mill ; by M. L. Charlesworth. 19565 Oliver Twist ; by C. Dickens. 1204 Olivette ; op^ra comique ; by Audran. *I Olivia Raleigh; by W. W. F. Synge. 16899 Olivia's favour; a tale of Hallowe'en. (With The portr. in my uncle's din. -room ) 10679 Oilier, E. Cassell's illust. hist, of the Russo-Turkish war. 2 v. 18839-40 Contents. Vol. 1. To the fall of Plevna; incl. hist. sk. of the Russian and Turkish empires. 2. Dec. 1878, to the peace ; incl. a hist, of Cyprus, and of the Afghan war. Ollivier, E. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Olmecas, The, and the Tultecas ; early Mexican ethnology and history ; by P. J. J. Valentini. 22775 Olmsted, D. Introduction to nat. philosophy. 5917 — Letters on astronomy ; elements. (School lib.) 3287 Olmsted, F. L. The cotton kingdom ; obs. on cotton and slavery in the Amer. slave states. 2 v. 5375-6 — Journey in the seaboard slave states, 1856. 3290 — Journey through Texas. 3289 — Public jjarks and the enlargement of towns. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Walks and talks of an Amer. farmer in Eng. 3291 Olney, E. W. See Kirk, E. W. 928 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Olney, P. B. Biography of E. Chapin. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Olney, S. Williams, C. R. (In her Biog. of rev. heroes.) 4794 Oluitz. See Oelnitz. Olrig Grange ; ed. by H. Kiinst. 10605 Olympia. Newton, C. T. Discoveries at O. (In his Ess. on art, etc.) 19887 Olympic devils ; by J. R. Planch^. (Jn /ws Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Olympic revels ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Oman. Wellsted, J. R. Travels in O. (Jri Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Omar Khayy^n. Quatrains ; tr. into Eng. verse by E. H. Whinfield. *I — Palgrave, W. G. The poet 'Omar. {In his Ess. on East, quest.) 12382 Ombra ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 10952 Ombre. "Hobah." The game of modern ombre. 7328 Ombre, L' ; opera comique, de Flotow. *I O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile, or, A voice fr. St. Helena ; opinions and reflections of N. 2 v. 3292-3 O'Meara, K. Frederic Ozanam ; his life and works. 18315 — Pearl. 19361 Omler. See Oemler. Omnibus, The. (In French's min. dram., v. 4.) 11836 Omoo ; narr. of adv. in the South Sea ; by H. Melville. 2997 Omphalos ; attempt to untie the geological knot ; by P. H. Gosse. 13041 On a pincushion, and other fairy tales ; by M. De Morgan. 20083 On an old Latin text-book ; by T. W. Higginson. (In his At- lantic ess.) 12372 On both sides of the sea ; by [E. R. Charles]. 7120 On 'change in Paris. (Bi Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 2.) 14302 On guard ; by A. Thomas. 12455 On ne badine pas avec I'amour ; par A. de Musset. (In his Comedies, v. 1.) *I On ne saurait penser a tout ; par A. de Musset. (In his Com- edies, V. 2.) *I On nous regarde ! indiscretion ; par J. de Marthold. (In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 On picket duty ; by L. M. Alcott. (In her Prov. stor.) 22009 On the church steps ; by S. C. Hallowell. 13076 On the edge of the storm ; by M. Roberts. 7867 On the edge of winter ; stor. and ballads of the early days of our country; by R. Markham. 21098 On the eve ; by I. S. Turgeneff. 11495 On the eve of the wedding : by J. de Marthold. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 On the Goodwin ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. (Li their Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc.) 19096 On the heights ; by B. Auerbach. . 6958 — Same ; tr. by S. A. Stern. 2 v. 13897-8 On the wing ; by M. E. Blake. 22722 On the wing ; by Maximilian. *I On time ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7882 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 929 On viol and flute ; poems ; by E. W. Gosse. 22581 Once a week. 1866, 1868. 7301-3 Once upon a time there were two kings ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 4.) *I Oncle d'Am^rique, L' ; com^die-vaud., par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 15.) *I Ondine, Une ; par A. Theuriet. 14554 One-and-Three ; by F. C. Burnand. 21948 One coat for two suits ; by C. M. Walcot. {In French's min. dram., v. 15.) 11843 One day at Arle ; by F. H. Burnett. {In her Surly Tim.) 17184 One day's weaving ; by Lynde Palmer [M. L. Peebles]. 7102 One hundred years ago ; by E. E. Hale. 14018 One hundred years ago ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Handy dramas.) 16747 One hundred years' progress of the U.S. 2 v. 12297-8 One in a thousand ; by M. A. Livermore. ( With Thirty years too late.) 17397 One May day ; by Miss Grant. 21510 One New Year's night ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. {In her Dead sin, etc.) 11481 One of them ; by C. Lever. 2632 *' One of three ; " by J. Fothergill. 20766 One pair of blue eyes ; by C. Nordhoff. {In his Cape Cod.) 7532 One summer ; by B. W. Howard. 13895 One trip more, and other stories ; by A. Manning. 14177 One touch of nature ; by B. Webster. {In French's min. dram., v. 36.) 7989 One will and three ways ; by C. M. Yonge. {In her Bye- words.) 19611 One woman's two lovers ; by V. F. Townsend. 13355 One year ; by F. M. Peard. 19789 One year abroad ; by B. W. Howard. 17132 One year at our boarding school ; by A. Phelps. 7335 O'Neal, the great ; drama ; by N. H. B. Clarke. ( Jn Mod. stand, dr., v. 42.) 11831 Onesimus ; memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul ; by [E. A. Abbott]. 21519 Ougaro, Uair. See Dall' Ongaro. Onkel, A. ^ pseud. See Wetterbergh, C. A. Only a clod ; by M. E. Braddon. 6439 Only a fiddler ; by H. C. Andersen. 157 Only a girl ; by [W. Von Hillern]. 7636 See also Ernestine. Only a pin ! fr. the French of J. T. de Saint. -Germaine [J. R. Tardieu]. 11597 Only girls ; by V. F. Townsend. 11290 Only herself; by Mrs. C'udlip. 4412 Onlv sister. An ; by Mme. De Witt. 11320 Only three weeks. 10630 Ontology. Hill, W. H. Elements of philosophy, comp. logic, and ontology. 18001 930 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Onward; by J. A. Winscora. 4830 Oology. See also Eggs ; — Ornithology. Oort, H. and Hooykaas, I. ivith the assistance of A. Kuenen. The Bible for learners ; [tr. by P. H. Wicksteed]. 3 v. 22287-9 Contents. V. 1. Introduction; The generations before Moses to David. 2. Fr. David to the supremacy of the Mosaic law. 3. The narratives of the New Testament. Oosterzee, J. J. van. Practical theology; tr. and adapt, to Eng. readers, by M. J. Evans. 18576 Open question, An ; by J. De Mille. 11318 Open ! sesame ! ; by F. Church. 13968 Opening a chestnut burr ; by E. P. Roe. 13089 Opera. Carlyle, T. The opera. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., V. 4.) 699 — Clayton, E. C. Chronological list of operas and their composers. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Edwards, H. S. History of the Opera fr. its origin in Italy; with anec- dotes of composers, etc. 2 v. 16992-3 — Hueffer, F. The chances of Eng. opera. (In his Mus. stud.) • 19852 — Maretzek, M. Crotchets and quavers ; an opera manager in America. 290O — "Notelrac." Operas; their writers and their plots. 21304 — Pardon, G. F. Tales fr. the operas. 9672 — Tryon, G. W. Standard ed. of op. librettos. 2 v. ♦! Note. For the music of many operas, »ee the names of composers. Op^ra a la cour, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his Operas com- iques, v. 9.) *I Opie, Mrs. A. (A.) Detraction displayed. 3295 — Kavanagh, J. (In her Eng. women.) 7014 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sketches.) 7657 • 16744 Opie, J. Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 2.) 1054 — Sketch of O. (In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Opinions. Bailey S. Essays on the formation and publ. of opinions, etc. 289 ; 1406 Opitz, M. Ausgewahlte Dichtungen ; hrsg. v. J. Tittmann. (Deut. Dicht. des 17 Jahrh.) 16463 Opium. De Quincey, T. Additions to the Confessions. {In his Avenger, etc.) 1164 Confessions of an opium-eater. 1159 ; 14008 Note book of an Eng. opium eater. 1188 — Hubbard, F. H. The opium habit and alcoholism : with sugg. for treat- ing painful complications. 21235 — Kane, H. H. Opium-smoking in America and China. 21539 Oppermann, A. Ernst Rietschel, the sculptor; and the lessons of his life ; autobiog. and mem. 15726 Oppert, E. A forbidden land ; Voyages to the Corea ; with acct. of its geography, hist., prod., and commerc. capabili- ties, etc. Charts and illust. 19668 Opportunities for industry and the safe investment of capital ; or, A thousand chances to make money. 3299 Opportunity ; by A. M. Crane. 7078 Opposite neighbors; by J. H. Paul. (In French's min. dram., V. 19.) 11845 Opthalmoscope. Hogg, J. The opthalmoscope ; its mode of appl. expl., and its value shown. *I Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Optics. Abbott, J. Light. (Sci. for the young.) 11264 — Brewster, D. Treatise on optics. 499 \:)ATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 931 — Cooke, C. W. Optical illusions. {In Browu, E. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — Dick, T. On light, (/n his Pract. astron.) 1179 — Ferguson, J. (In his Lect.) 5038-9 — Forbes, G. The velocity of light. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect,, v. 2.) 17679 — Guillemin, A. Phenomena and laws of light. {In his Appl. of phys. fore.) *I — Helmholtz, H. L. F. On the relation of optics to painting. {In /iisPop. lect., etc., ser. 2.) 20368 — Herschel, J. F. W. {In his Familiar lect.) 6523 — Lees, W. Elements of acoustics, light, and heat. 12622 — Lommel, E. Nature of light; with acct. of phys. optics. 15405 — Marion, F. Wonders of O. ; tr. and ed. [with chap, on the spectroscope] by C. W. Quinn. 7126 — Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Light ; expr. in the phenomena. 17191 — Nugent, E. Optics; light and sight treated with their appl. to fine art and indust. pursuits. 13287 — Pepper, J. H. {In his Cyclopaedic science.) 8036 — Proctor, R. H. Drifting light waves. {In his Pleasant ways.) 1833& — Pynchou, T. R. The chemical forces, heat, light, electricity. 9754 — Spottiswoode, W. Polarisation of light. 13414 Polarised light. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Stokes, G. G. The absorption of light and the colours of nat. bodies. Same. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 — Tyndall, J. Lectures on light : del. in the U. S., 1872-3. 11394 Light and electricity. 9757 New chemical reactions prod, by light. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 — Wright, L. Light; experimental'O., chief, with the lantern. 22435 — Youmans, E. L. {In his Hand-book of household science.) 6284 — See also Polarization;— Refraction. Also Light (in medicine). Optimism. Hedge, F. H. Dualism and optimism. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 Opuscula ; essays, chief, philological and ethnographical ; by R. G. Latham. 17950 Oracles. De Quincey, T. The Pagan oracles. {In his Memo- rials, etc., V. 1.) 1155 — Myers, F. W. H. Greek oracles. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 — Sanborn, F. B. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Oraison fun^bre de Mme. Bourgeois, L' ; par G. Nadaud. {In Sayn^tes, eic, s^r. 1.) 14791 Orange blossoms ; by T. S. Arthur. 9940 Orange (^rove ; [by S. E. Wall]. *I Orange Lily; by M. Crommelin. 18705 Orange man, The ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Works.) 15297 Oranges. Moore, T. W. Treatise and hand-book of orange cult, in Florida. 21302 Orateurs et sophistes grecs. Choix de harangues d'^loges fu- n^bres, e^c, de Prodicus, Pericles, Antiphon, Andocide, Lysias, Isocrate, Isee, Lycurgue, H^g^sippe, Hyp^ride, Dinarque, Dion Chrysostome et Maxime de Tyr ; trad. pub. par un membre de 1' university. 14490 Orators. Harsha, D. A. The most eminent orators and states- men of anc. and mod. times. 1785 — See also Boston ;— English eloquence : — a^so the division Biography under France ;— U. S. Oratory. Channing, E. T. Lectures. 6618 — Delaumosne, Vahbe. Art of oratorv, system of Delsarte. 21820 — Mathews, W. Oratory and orators.' 18165 — Melmoth, W. Dialogue cone, oratorv. ( With his Fitzosborne's letters.) 299ft — Quintilianus, M. F. Institutes of oratory. 2 v. 3577-8 — See also Elocution ;—U. S. Literature, 932 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Orchids. Darwin, C. R. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 16884 — Rand, E. S., Jr. Manual of orchid culture. 16762 Oreo, L' ; par George Sand. (^With Le p6ch6 de M. Antoine.) 14509 Ordeal. Lea, H. C. The ordeal; essay. {In his Supersti- tion, etc.) 17895 Ordeal, An. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 1.) 14301 Ordeal, The, of Richard Feverel ; by G. Meredith. 19279 Ordered South ; by R. L. Stevenson. {In his Virginibus, etc.) 22710 Ordnance. Pritchard, H. B. Science and war. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — See also Munitions of war. Oregon. Description. — Codman, J. (In his Round trip by way of Panama, etc.) 18704 — Ludlow, F. H. (In his Heart of the continent.) 8513 — Nash, W. Two years in Oregon. , 21303 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands. 12679 — Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. 2 v. 4457-8 History. — Gray, W. H. History of Oregon, 1792-1849. *I — Hines. G. Oregon; its hist., condition, and prospects, e^c. 1925 — See also Northwest;— West. Oregon trail. The ; by F. Parkman. 10474 O'Reilley, Alexander, count. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of for- tune.) 10760 O'Reilley, Andrew, count. Grant, J. {In his Cav. of fortune.) 10760 O'Reilly, J. B. Moondyne ; story fr, the under-world. 18776 — Songs fr. the Southern seas ; and other poems. 12090 — The statues in the block ; and other poems. 20381 — Sketch of O'Reilly. [In Gilman, A. Poets' homes.) 19289 O'Reilly, Miles, pseud. See Halpine, C. G. O'Reilly, Mrs. R. Giles's minority. 12089 — Sussex stories. 3 v. 20546-8 Contents. V. 1. The burden and the blessing. — Meg's mistake.— The little blue band-box.— Waiting. -Our Rosie.— A golden wedding. 2. Miss Olive's boys.— Fairy gold.— Master Judd's daughter.— Little Grig. 3. Two girls. — A twelvemonth's good character. — The tinker's letter.— Darby and Joan. Oreste et Pylade ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 12.) *I Orestes; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. (Jw /ws Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Orford, Earl of. See Walpole, H. ;— Walpole, R. Organ. Hopkins, E. J. a7id Rimbault, E. F. The organ, its hist, and construction. *I — Stainer, J. The organ. 18425 Organ-grinder, The; by R. M. Johnston. {In his Dukes- borough tales.) 22894 Organization, On, in daily life ; by A. Helps. 10527 Orgie, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 1.) *I Orgie dans les t^n^bres, Une ; par C. Debans. {In his Drames k toute vapeur.) 14653 Oriel College. Mozley, T. Reminiscences, chief, of Oriel College and the Oxford movement. 2 v. 21632-3 Orient sunbeams; by S. S. Cox. 21611 Oriental annual. The ; by T. Bacon. 11110 Oriental history. Eadie, J. Early oriental hist. : Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Lydia, Phrygia, and Phoenicia. 1312 — Lenormant, F. a7id Chevallier, E. Student's manual of orient, hist. ; anc. hist, of the East to the Median wars. 2 v. 8398-4 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 935 Oriental literature. Collections. Alger, W. R. The poetry of the East. - 134 Oriental religions. Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. relig : India; China. 2 v. 11017; 17039 — See also China; — India; — Persia. Oriental Translation fund. Yakkun Nattannawa : Cingalese poem. App., The practices of a Capua or Devil priest; and Kolan Nattannawa : Cingalese poem ; ti'. by J. Calla- way. Illust. *I Orientales, Les ; par V. Hugo. 14431 Origenes. Froude, J. A. Origen and Celsus. {In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 Origin, The, of nations; by G. Rawlinson. 17474 Origin of things ; by F. H. Hedge. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 Originality. Nason, E. Originality. 22593 Origins (in the arts and sciences). See Inventions. Orinoco River. Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. {In their Life and nature under the tropics.) 17182 Orissa mission. See India. Orkney Islands. Abbott, J. Excursion to the O. Is. (Flor. stor.) 14281 — Kneeland, S. Notes on the Orkney islands. (In his American in Iceland.) 15370 — Anderson, G. and P. {In their'Quide to the Highlands, etc.) *I Orlandino ; by M. Edgeworth. 5033 Orlando Furioso ; fr. the Italian of L. Ariosto, with notes byW. S.Rose. 2 v. 172-3 Orleans, E. Charlotte, duchesse d'. See Elizabeth Charlotte of Bavaria. Orleans, H. L. E. duchesse d'. vSchubert, G. H. de. Memoir of the Duchess of O. ; by the Marquess de H. ; with biog. souvenirs and orig. letters ; fr. the French. 5168 Orleans, H. E. P. L., pHnce due d'Aumale. See Aumale. Orleans, L. P. A. d', comte de Paris. See Paris, L. P. A. d' O., comte de. Orley Farm ; by A. Trollope. 4565 Orlich, L. von. Travels in India, incl. Sinde and the Punjab. 2 V. 4585-6 Ormesson, .0. L. d'. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 15.) *I Ormin. The Ormulum ; with notes and glossary of R. M. White ; ed. by R. Holt. *I Ormond; by M. Edgeworth. 1334; 15294 Ormulum. See Ormin. Ornament. See Decoration. Ornithology. Architecture of birds. 414 — Bigland, J. A natural history of birds, etc. 5756 — Brehm, A. E. Bird-life ; tr. by H. M. Labouchere and W. Jesse. *I — Burroughs, J. Wake-robin. 9204 — Coues, E. Field ornithology- ; procuring, preparing, and preserv. birds, C?^? and a check list of No. Amer. birds. 12301 — Curiosities of ornitholo^. 9728 — Dixon, C. Rural bird life ; with instr. for preserving objects. 19912 — Figuier, G. L. Reptiles and birds ; pop. acct. of their orders, etc. 8389 — Maynard, C. J. Naturalist's guide in collect, and preserv. objects of nat. hist. ; with catalogue of the birds of eastern Mass. 4M 934 FREE PUBLIC LIBKAKY. — Stanley, E. Familiar hist, of birds. 4634 — Wood, J. G. Illustrated natural history. 6183 My feathered friends. • * 5564 — See also Birds' nesting ;—Eg:gs ;— Humming birds;— Sparrow. Also Canada;— Gt. Britain;— New England;— Pennsylvania. Orphan heiress, The ; by T. De Quincey. (/w his Memorials, etc., V. 1.) 1155 Orphan, An, of the Old Dominion ; by L. Silvervale. 11408 Orphans, The; by Mrs. Oliphant. 11577 Orphans, The ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Par. assist.) 1336 ; 15296 Orphans, The, of Elfholm ; by F. Browne. 10583 Orphans of Normandy ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, V. 2.) 3956 Orpheus C. Kerr, pseud. See Newell, R. H. Orpheus in the Haymarket ; by J. R. Planche. {In his Extrava- ganzas, V. 5.) ~ *I Orpheus ; grand opera ; by Gluck. *I Orpheus ; op^ra ; v. C. W. von Gluck. With the orig. French words, and an Eng. paraphrase, by H. F. Chorley ; ed. by C. Hall^. *I Orr, J. L. Savage, eJ. {In his Our living rep. men.) 3777 Orr, W. S. Circle of the sciences; namely: Principles of physiology: Orr, W. S. Principles of physiology.— Owen, R. Structure of the skeleton and teeth. — Latham, R. G. Vari- eties of the human race. 5184 System of nat. hist. : Smith, E. Botany.— Dallas, W. S. Zoology. 2 v. 5185-6 Geology, mineralogy, and crystallography : Austed, D. T.— Physical feography.— Tennant, — . Geology.— Mitchell, W. Crystallography ; lineralogy. 5187 Practical chemistry : Gore, G. Electro-metallurgy.— Sparling, M, Pho- tographic art.— Moleschott, J. A. W. Chemistry of food.— Scoffern, J. Food adulterations.— Chemistry of artificial illumination. 5188 Elementary chemistry : Scoffern, J. Elementary chemistry. 5189 Young, J. R. Nautical astronomy and navigation. — Breen, H. Practical and phys. astronomy. — Scoffern, J. Meteorology. — ^Lowe, E. J. Practi- cal meteorology. * 5190 Mathematical sciences : Young, J. R. — Simple arithmetic, algebra, and tlie elements of Euclid. — Twisden, J. F. Planes, spherical trigono- metry, series, logarithms, and mensuration. — Jardine, A. Practical geometry. 5191 Mechanical philosophy: Mitchell, W. Properties of matter; Statics. — Young, J. R. Pneumatics.— Imray, J. Dynamics; Hydrostatics; Hydrodynamics ; Practical mechanics ; The steam-engine. 5192 — Principles of physiology. (In his Circ. of the sci.) 5184 Orred, Metii., pseud. A long time ago. 16601 Orsay, Countess d'. Clouded happiness. 5264 Orsted. See Oersted. Ortel. See Oertel. Orthodoxy. Clarke, J. F. Orthodoxy; its truths and errors. 1604 — Cook, J. Orthodoxy. 17442 — Hall, E. H. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Chr. Church. 13405 — Smyth, X. The orthodox theology of to-day. 21112 — Sunderland, J. T. Orthodoxy and revivaUsm. 16784 Orthographic mutineers ; by T. De Quincey. {In his Misc. ess.) 1157 Orthophony. See Voice. Orton, E. Certain rel. of geology to the water-suppl. of the country. {Bi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. lUust. 8174 — Same; 3d. ed. Illust. 15890 — Comparative zoology, structural and systematic. 15925 — Four years in Vassar College. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — Underground treasures ; how and where to find them ; kev for minerals in the U. S. New ed. Illust. 20778 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 935 Orvme College ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 8660 Osborn, H. S. The metallurgy of iron and steel, theoret. and pract. ; with spec. ref. to Amer. materials and processes. *I Osborn, R. D. Islam under the Arabs. 17812 — Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad. 17813 Osborn, 8. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Osborne, E. Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 Osborne, S. Stray leaves fr. an Arctic journal; in the Polar regions in search of Franklin, 1850-51. 3301 Osborne, T. M. Jack Maynard's call. {In Hale, E. E. Tales fortrav., v. 6.) 13935 Osborne, W. H. History of the 29th. regiment of Mass. Vol. Infantry, in the war of the rebellion. *I Osburn, W. The religions of the world ; hist, sketches. 3305 Oscar ; by W. Aimwell [W. Simonds]. 5286 Oscar; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres s^r. 1, v. 5.) *I Osceola, the Seminole ; by M. Reid. 3627 Osgood, F. S. (L.). Powell, T. {In Ms Living authors.) 3522 Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. (Amer. health prim.) 19223 Osgood, James R. & Co., pub. The Middle States; hand- book for travellers. *I New England; handbook for travellers. 11797 — Osgood's complete pocket-guide to Enrope. 22749 Osgood, S. American leaves. 6571 Contents. Little children.— Our old pew.— School influences.— Ameri- can boys. — American girls. — Fortune. — The flag at home. — Learning states- manship.— Oft-hand speaking.— Art among the people. — American nerves. — The ethics of love.— Garden philosophy.— Easter flowers. — Toward sunset. — Catholicity of the Church of the Future. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 — God with "men; or, Footprints of providential leaders. 3303 — Health and the higher culture. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 2.) *I — The hearth-stone ; thoughts upon home-life in our cities. 5th. ed. 3302 — Same ; [with add.] . 15691 — Studies in Christian biography. 7189 Contents. Augustine and "his times. — Augustine and his works.— Chrysostom and the anc. pulpit.— Jerome and his times.— Jerome and his works. — John Calvin and the reformed system. — Teresa and the devotees of Spain.— Faustus Socinus and the revival of Unitarian principles.— Hugo Grotius and the Arminians. — George Fox and the English spiritual- ists.— Swedenborg and the mysticism of science.— John Wesley and Methodism. — Jonathan Edwards and the new Calvinism. — John Howard and prison reform. Osier, W. R. Tintoretto. (Illust. biog. of the gt. art.) 19125 Osric (a poem) ; by Mrs. Tonna. {In her Works.) 4474 ; 4476 Ossawattomie Brown ; drama ; by Mrs. J. C. Swayze. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 29.) 11824 Ossian, pseud. See Macpherson, J. Ossoli, S. M. F.^ marchesa d\ At home and abroad; or. Things and thoughts in Amer. and Europe. New ed. 12350 — The Liberty bell, (/w Liberty bell.) 5101 — Life without and life within; Reviews, narra., ess., and poems: ed. by A. B. Fuller. 3306 — Papers on literature and art. 2 pts. 3309 Contents. Pt. 1. Short essay on critics.— A dialogue.— The two Her- berts.— Prose works of Milton.— Life of Sir J. Mackintosh.— Modern Brit- ish poets, — The modern drama. — Dialogue, cont. sundry glosses in poetic texts. 2. Poems of the people.— Miss Barrett's poems.— Browning's poems.— Lives of the great composers : Haydn, Mozart, Handel, Bach, 936 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Beethoven.— Record of impressions produced by Mr. Allston's pictures, 1839.— American literature.— Swedenborgianism.— Methodism at the foun- tain.— Appendix : The tragedy of Witchcraft. — Summer on the lakes, in 1843. 3310 — Woman in the 19th. cent. 3311 — Dall, C. H. {In her Hist, pictures.) 1080 — Emerson, R. W. and others. Memoirs of O. 2 v. 12351-2 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3622 — Russell, W. Margaret Fuller. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Ostade, A. J. van. Gower, R. {In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 — Wedmore, F, Ostade, Teniers, and Brekelenkamp. (7w A is Masters, etc.) 19470 Ostade, I. J. van. Gower R. {In his Figure painters of Hol- land.) 19535 Ostend. Bentivoglio, G. Sieges of Leyden and O. {In Lie- ber, F. Gt. events, e^c.) 5105 Osteology. See Mammalia ; — Poultry. Ostriches. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia ; or, Life among the ostrich-hunters. 18591 — Douglass, A. Ostrich farming in South Africa. 21960 — Mosenthal, J. de and Harting, J. E. Ostriches and ostrich farming. *I Oswald, E. J. By fell and fjord ; scenes and stud, in Iceland. Illust. 22417 Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches ; backwooks of Mexico and Centr. Amer. Illust. . 19890 — Zoological sketches ; out-door study of natural history. Illust. 22041 Oswald, J. Etymological diet, of the Eng. language ; rev. by J. M. Keagy. 6266 — Same. Appended, Kev to the Latin, Greek, and other roots. 3312 Oswald Cray ; by Mrs.' H. Wood. 9997 Otello ; par Rossini. *I Otey, J. H. Individual moral influence. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Othello. See Shakespeare, W. Othello; tragedy; by Shakspeare. {In Mod. stand, di*., v. 3.) 11805 Othello the second ; by F. W. Robinson. 19541 Other garret, The. (/n Home narr.) 1197 Other girls, The ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 11486 Other side of the question ; attempt to rescue the characters of Queen Mary and Queen Anne ; by a woman of quality. 6063 Other people's children ; by J. Habberton. 17038 Other people's money ; by E. Gaboriau. 13431 Other world. The ; or, Glimpses of the supernatural ; by F. G. Lee. 2 v. 13947-8 Otis, C. N. Sacred and constructive art ; essays. 7756 Contents. Spontaneous art.— Organization. — Construction. — Arts of the Greeks ; of the Romans ; of the early Christians : of the Latin Church ; in the United States.— Synopsis. Otis, E. H. The Barclays of Boston. 3313 Otis, E. S. The Indian question. 17788 Otis, J. Bowen, F. Life of O. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., V. 12.) 4121 — Magoon, E. L. {In his Orators of Amer. Rev.) 2858 Otis family. Muzzey, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 Ott6, E. C. Scandinavian history. 13518 Otter, R. H. Winters abroad ; places visited on acct. of health. 22418 Ottley, J. B. Early hist, of Greece. See Pococke, E. — Greek orators. {In Talfourd, T. N. Hist of Greek lit.) 6381 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS.* 937 — History of the Roman empire. ^S'ee Pococke, E. Otto, J. A. Treatise on the structure and preservation of the violin and other bow-instruments. *I Ottoman empire. See Turkey. Ottoman poems ; tr. into Eng. verse, with introd., biog. not., etc. ; by E. J. W. Gibb. *I Ottoman power in Europe ; by E. A. Freeman. 17036 Otway, T. Venice preserved. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 3.) 11805 Od la ch^vre est li^e ; par P. Celi^re. {In his En sc^ne.) 14601 Oudinot, Le marechal C. N. Headley, J. T. {In his Napo- leon, etc., V. 2.) 1826 — Oudinot. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Ouf ! ! conference k deux voix ; par G. Richard. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 Ought we to visit her? by A. Edwards. 9784 Ought women to learn the alphabet? by T. W. Higginson. {In his Atlantic ess.) 12372 Ouida, pseud. See Rame, L. de la. Our autumn holiday on French rivers ; by J. L. Molloy. 18775 Our barren lands ; by W. B. Hazen. *I Our Bible class ; by C. E. Fairfield. 1435 Our Charley ; by H. B. Stowe. 4269 Our children's songs. Illust. 17584 Our common land, and other essays ; by O. Hill. 20029 Our common school system ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge.] 19653 Our detachment ; by K. King. 13756 Our excellent women of the Methodist Ch. in Eng. and Amer- ica. Illust. 11281 Our family picture. {I71 Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 6.) 14306 Our farm of four acres, and the money we made by it ; fr. 12th. Lond. ed. * 3314 Our field ; by J. H. Ewing. {In her Gt. emergency.) 17264 Our forefathers. See Freytag, G. Our gal ; by S. D. Johnson. {In French's min dram., v. 10.) 11841 Our ghost at Fantford ; by C. M. Yonge. {In ^er Bye- words.) 19611 Our gills ; by D. Lewis. - 13033 Our great Captains : Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut. 5962 Our Helen ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 13313 Our ice man ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy, etc.) 19857 OurJemimy; by H. J. Conway. {In French's min dram., v. 12.) 11842 Our little Harry ; and other stories ; by T. S. Arthur. 198 Our little ones. v. 1-2. 13391-2 Our love of luxury. {Li Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Our mutual friend ; by C. Dickens. 1213 — .S'ame ; condsd. by R. Johnson. 16108 Our neighbors in the corner house ; by T. S. Arthur. 6628 Our new crusade ; by E. E. Hale. 13329 A book witli "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 60 938 ' FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Our new home in the west ; by Mrs. Clavers [C. M. Kirkland]. 10560 Our new livery, and other things ; by G. W. Curtis. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 Our new way round the world ; by Carleton [C. C. Coffin]. 7834 Our often infirmities ; by [Miss Muloch]. {In her Sermons out of church.) 14029 Our old nobility ; by H. Evans. 2 ser. 18655 ; 19566 Our own country; descrip., hist., pictorial. Illust., v. 1-5. 19730-4 Our poetical favorites. See Kendrick, A. C. Our professor ; by E. L. Linton. 18233 Our Rosie ; by Mrs. P. O'Reilly. (In her Sussex stor., v. 1.) 20546 Our saints ; a family story ; by R. Porter. 21249 Our set; stories; by A. Thomas [Mrs. Cudlip]. 21659 Our sketching club ; by R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. 13663 Our two lives ; or, Graham and 1 ; by A. H. K. 12878 Our village ; by Miss Mitford. 8540 ; 12130 ; 12911 Our wasted resources ; by W. Hargraves. 15364 Our wife ; by J. M. Morton, (/w French's min. dram., v. 25.) 7983 Our young folks. 9 v. 7950-8 Ours et le Pacha, L' ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 5.) *I Ourt, A. J. Criminal statistics. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Out and about ; or. The Hudson's trip to the Pacific ; by K. T. Woods. 22189 Out-door papers ; by T. W. Higginson. 2303 Out doors at Idlewild ; by N. P. Willis. 4807 Out doors at Long Look ; by E. Abbott. ' 17323 Out in the world ; by T. S. Arthur. 221 Out of debt out of danger ; by M. Edgeworth. 1327 ; 7778 "Out of harness ;" by T. Guthrie. 6694 Out of his reckoning ; by F. Church. 18587 "Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord ;" by [M. A. Tinker]. {In her Winged word, etc.) 11595 Out of the hurly-burly ; by C. H. Clark. 13850 Out of the question ; comedy ; by W. D. Ho wells. 16947 Out of the season ; by R. Jefferies. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Out of the world ; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Writings.) 8668 Out to nurse ; by T. Williams. {In French's min. dram., v. 32.) 7987 Out west ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 18167 Outcasts, The, of Poker Flat ; by B. Harte. {In Little class., V. 1.) ' 12972 Outcroppings ; select, of California verse. 6122 Contents. E. Pollock.— L. R. Goodman.— E. G. Paige.— E. Lawson.— I. D. Coolbrlth.— C. H. ^ebb.— C. W. Stoddard.— W. A. Kendall.— M.— J. F. Bowman.— H. C, B.— C. Carlton.— A. E. Fitzgerald.— B. P. Avery.— L. F. Wells.— Mrs. A. M. Schultz.— J. R. Ridge.— J. C. Duncan.— J. Linen. Outram, J. Goldsmid, F. J. James Outram ; biog. 2 v. 20212-13 — Low. C. R. (In his Sold, of the Vict, age, v. 2.) 20031 Outre-mer ; by H. W. Longfellow. 2746 Outward bound; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. ' 6577 Ouvrard, G. J. Nolte, V. {In his Fifty years, etc.) 3263 Over seas ; or, Here, there, and everywhere ; by popular au- thors. 20793 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 939 Over the ocean ; by C. Guild. 9244 Over the sea with a sailor ; by W. Besaut and J. Rice. {In their Ten years' tenant, etc.) 21682 Over yonder ; fr. the German of E. Marlitt [E. Johns]. 14193 Overbeck, F. Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles. {In Zeller, E. Contents and origin of the Acts, v. 1 .) *I Overbeck, J. F. Atkinson, J. B. Overbeck. 22072 Overland ; by J. W. De Forest. 9717 Overman, F. Manufacture of iron. 3319 — Manufacture of steel. • 3320 — The moulder's and founder's pocket ^ide. New ed. Added, Suppl. on statuary and ornamental mouldmg, etc., by A. A. Fesquet. iflust. 19750 Overton. J. H. William Law, nonjuror and mystic; his life, character, and opinions. 20596 — joint author. /S'ee Abbey, C.J. OvidiusNaso, P. , Opersi omnia. 9 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8283-91 Contents. V. 1, 2. Ex receus. Heinsio-Burmanuiana, cum [var.]^ not. quibus suas ad. J. A. Amar. 1. Heroidum epistolae. — A. Sabini Epistolae.— Ad Liviam Augustam consolatio.— Halieuticon fragmentum. — Nux, elegia.— Bentleii in Heroidum epist. lectiones ineditie. 2. Arao- rum libri.— Artis amatoriae lib. — Remediorum amoris,lib. 1. — Medicamina faciei fragm. 3, 4. Ex recens. G. E. Gierig cum var. lect. cui nov. add. notas N. E. Lemaire.— Metamorphoseou libri XV. 5. Metamor- phoseon libri XV., Graece versi a M. Planude, ed. J. F. Boissouade. 6. Ex recens. G. E. Gierig cum var. lect. cui nov. add. notas N. E. Le- maire.— Fastorum lib.— Excursus in Ovidii Fastos. 7, 8. Ex recens. Heinsio-Burmanniana, cum var. lect. cui nov. add. not. Lemaire. 7. Tristium lib., et Epistolarum ex Ponto lib.— De exsilio Ovidii, N. Hein- sius, P. Burmannus, et J. C. Scaliger. 8, Ibis.— In Ovidii Ibin excur- sus.— Fragmenta.— Vita Ovidii a variis conscriptam et alia quae viri docti de Ovidio scripserunt. 9. Index. — Church, A. ; Ovid. ( Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 16056 — Halieutica. (Jw Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Ovingdean Grange ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 9870 Owen, A. C. The art schools of mediaeval Christendom ; ed. by J. Ruskin. 15926 Owen, F. M. John Keats ; a study. 20338 Owen, G. W. The Leech club. 13009 Owen J. Evenings with the skeptics ; or, Free discussion on free thinkers, v. 1, 2. 21370-1 Owen, R. Lectures on the comp. anatomy and phys. of the invertebrate animals. 2d. ed. Illust. 17951 — On the raw materials fr. the animal kingdom. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4135 — Palaeontology. 2d. ed. 6215 — Structure of the skeleton and teeth. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5184 Owen, Robert. Life ; written by himself . 6240 — Frost, T. The Owenian Socialist movement. {In his Forty years' recoil.) 21403 — Martineau, H. (7w /ier Biog. sk.) ' 7657; 16744 Owen, R. I). Beyond the breakers. 8173 — The debatable land bet. this world and the next. . 9847 — Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 3322 — Threading my way ; tweiity-seven years of autobiography. *I ; 7320 Owen, S. J. Stability of the Brit, empire in India, {hi Bur- lingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 Owen, W. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc., V. 4.) 1056 Owen Gwynne's great work ; by A. Noel. 15387 Owens College, Manchester. Essays and addresses. 12926 Contents. Opening address.— Greenwood, J. G. Relations of culture to pract. life.- Roscoe, H. E. Original research as a means of education. 940 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. —Stewart, B. Solar physics.— Core, T. H. Distance of the sun fr. the earth. — Dawkins, W. B.' Limits of our knowledge of the earth. — Rey- nolds, O. Use of steam. — Williamson, W. C. Primeval vegetation in its rel. to the doctrines of nat. select, and evolution. — Gamgee, A. Science and medicine. — Wilkins, A. S. Historical results of the science of lan- guage. — Theodores, T. The Talmud. — Breymann, H. Provenyal poetry m old and mod. times. — Bryce, J. The judicature act of 1873 in its rel. to the hist, of the judicial system in England. — Jevons, W. S. Railways and the state.— Ward, A. W. The peace of Europe. Owenson, S. See Morgan, Lady. Oxberry, W. H. Matteo Falcone. {In French's min. dr., v. 24.) 7983 Oxenfoid, J. Plays. See French's min. dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Sketch of O. {In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Oxenham, F. N. What is the truth as to everlasting punish- ment? In reply to Dr. Pusey's '-What is of faith, etc." 21191 Oxenstiern, A., Count. James, G. P. R. {In his Lives, etc.) 6764 Oxford, William. Oxford's junior speaker. lUust. 11239 — Oxford's senior speaker. Portr. and illust. 12024 Oxford, Eng. Union Meeting for the Promotion of ScHpt. Holiness. Account of the meeting, Sept., 1874. 15650 — Phillips, J. Geology of O. and the valley of the Thames. *I Oxford, Mass. Daniels, O. F. The Huguenots in the Nip- muck country; or, Oxford prior to 1713. 19058 — Stockwell, G. A. History of O. (iw Hist, of Wor. Co., v. 2.) *I Oxford movement. See England. Ecclesiastical history ; — Oxford University. Oxford University. Adams, H. C. College days at Oxford. 21199 — Cox, G. V. Recollections of Oxford. 8068 — De Quiucey, T. {In his Memorials, etc., v. 1.) 1155 — Jeaffreson,"j. C. Annals of Oxford. 2 v. 10180-1 — Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge boat races. 8617 — Mozley, T. Reminiscences, chief, of Oriel College and the Oxford move- ment. 2 V. 21632^ — Newman, J. H. Medieval Oxford. {In his Hist, sk., v. 3.) 12918 — Seebohm, F. The Oxford reformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More. 2d. ed. 13423 — Stedman, A. M. M. Oxford; its soc. and intell. life; with rem. and hints on expenses, examinations, select, of books, etc. 18339 — Tales of modern Oxford. 22843 Oxford reading book. 2 pts. 11959-60 Oxley; by Lyndon [M. A. Bright]. 11483 Oxus. iMacGahau, J. A. Campaigning on the O., efc. 13086 — Wood, J. Journey to the O. (/ti Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4356 Personal narr. of a journ. to the source of the O., 1837-8. 4851 Same : new ed. Journey, etc. ; with ess. on the geography of the val- ley of the O., by H. Yule. - 11659 Oxygen. Chace, G. I. Oxygen and its combinations. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1855.) 14037 Ozanam, F. Manning, H. E. {In his Misc.) 17190 — O'Mara, K. Ozanam ; his life and works. 18315 Ozone. Proctor, R. A. {In his Pleasant ways in science.) 18336 Ozone. {In Estes, D. Half-hour rec, ser. 2.) 18864 P., A. Mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis, with adv. in the country ; disguises and surprises of a New York journalist ; by "A. P." the amateur vagabond. 12781 P., G. W. American or standard whist. 19953 P. P. ; or, The man and the tiger ; by T. Parry. {In French's min. dram., v. 11.) 11841 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. . 941 Paalzow, A. von. Godwie-Castle. 3 v. 10352-4 — Jakob van der Nees. 3 v. 10355-7 — Ste. Roche. 3 v. 10358-60 — Thomas Thyrnau. 3 v. 10361-3 Pabke, Mrs. A. See Pabke, M. Pabke, M. One hundred recipes. 22476 — and Pitman, M. J. {pseud. Margery Deane). Wonder-world stor. fr. the Chinese, French, etc. Collect, and translated. 17333 Pabor, VV. E. Colorado as an agricultural state. lUust. 22391 Pacchiarotto, and how he worked in distemper ; with other poems ; by R. Browning. 20263 Pacha. The, of many tales ; by F. Marryat. 2912 Pacific coast. Bates. Mrs. D. B. Incidents on land and water ; four years on the P. coaSt. 333 — Hittell, J. S. Bancroft's Pacific coast guide book. *I — Johnson, R. B. Very far west indeed; exper. on the north-west P. coast. 11754 — See also U. S. ;— West. Pacific Ocean. Bliss, W. R. Paradise in the Pacific. 11569 — Hale, E. E. Voyages in the Pacific. {In his Stor. of disc.) 22262 — iS'ee aZso Polynesia;— Voyages. ^ Pacific railways. Ball, VV. A. The Pacific railways. {In his New tracks, eic, V. 2.) 8821 Packard, A. S., Jr. Guide to the study of insects. 10706 — Half hours with insects. 16708 — Life histories of animals, incl. man; or, Outlines of comp. embryology. 15567 — Our common insects. 12025 — Zoology for students and gen. readers. (Amer. sci. ser.) 19413 — Zoology of the vertebrate animals bv A. MacaHster; rev. for Amer. stu- dents. ' 18430 — and Putnam, F. W. The Mammouth Cave and its inhabitants. 10805 Packard, S. S. and Bryant, H. B. The new Bryant & Strat- ton counting-house book-keeping. 22311 Paez, R. Travels and adv. in So. and Centr. Amer. : Venezuela. 7676 Paddle and portage, fr. Moosehead Lake to the Aroostook river; by T. S. Steele. 21656 Paddle your own canoe ; by O. M. Baker. (In his Handy dr.) 16747 Paddock, 0. The fate of Mme. La Tour. 20828 — In the toils ; or, Martyrs of the Latter days. 18808 Paddy Carey; by T. Power. (Jn French's min. dram , v. 9.) 11840 Paddy the piper; by J. Pilgrim. (7w French's min. dr., v. 8.) 11840 Paganini, N. Ferris, G. T. (In his Gt. violinists, etc.) 20470 Paganism. Rendall, G. H. The Emperor Julian ; Paganism and Christianity. 19582 — See also Religion. Page, D. Geology for general readers ; pop. sketches in geol- ogy and palaeontology. 2d. ed. 6524 — Man; where, whence, and whither? man in his nat. hist, relations. 1st. Am. ed. 7435 Page, H. A., pseud. See Japp, A. Page, W. Tuckermau, H. T. Sketch of P. (In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Page. See also Paige. Page, The ; by A. Linden. {Li /ws Titania.) 2677 Page, squire, and knight ; romance of the days of chivalry ; ed. by W. H. D. Adams. 22232 Pageant, A, and other poems. 20861 Pag^s, F. X. Secret hist of the Fr. revolution. 2 v. 3326-7 942 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Paget, H. W:, Marquis of Anglesey. Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Paget, J. On the importance of the study of physiology. {In Youmaus, E. L. Culture demand, by mod. life.) 6952 Paget John. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 v. 3328-9 Paget, John. Paradoxes and puzzles ; hist., judic, and literary. 12732 Contents. The new "examen," an inq. into the evidence rel. to certain passages in Macaulay's history.— Vindications : Nelson and Car- acciolo ; Lady Hamilton ; The Wigtown martyrs ; Recollections of Lord , Byron; Byron and his calumniators. Judicial puzzles'. Elizabeth Can- ning ; The Campden wonder ; The Annesley case ; Eliza Fenning ; Spen- cer Cowper's case. Essays on art : Elements of drawing ; Day at Ant- werp : Rubens and Ruskin ; George Cruikshank ; John Leech. Paige, C. E. Is Christianity part of the common law? {In Centen. Cong, of Lib. Report, 187^.) *I Paige, E. G. {pseiid. Dow, Jr.). The approach of autumn. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 — Short patent sermons by Dow, Jr. 3 v. 3323-5 Paige, L. R. History of Hardwick, Mass., with genealogical register. *I Paige. jSee also Page. Pain. Hinton, J. The mystery of pain ; a book for the sor- rowful. 11094 Paine, A. W. Paine genealogy : Ipswich branch. *I Paine, F. C. Biography of S. Paine. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6495 Paine, H. E. Bird songs of New England. 21544 Paine, N. Historical and chronological notes, (/n Worcester, Mass. Celebration by the inhabitants.) 17436 Paine, S. Paine, F. C. {Bi Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Paine, T. Works. 11996 Contents. The crisis.— Common sense.— The rights of man. — Resolutions on the Paine bust. (In Centenn. Cong, of Lib., Rept., 1876.) *I — Yale, G. Life of P. ; with obs. on his writings, and his letters to Wash- ington. 7012 Paine family. Paine, A. W. Paine genealogy; Ipswich branch. *I Pains of pleasing ; by S. S. Ellis. {In her Pict. of priv. life, ser. 2.) . 1369; 1358 Painter, gilder, and varnisher's companion. 11554 Painters. Baker, W. S. Engraved portraits of Washington, with not. of the originals, and biog. sk. of the painters. *I — Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. 2150 . — Davis, J. P. Thoughts on great painters. 6530 — Keddie, H. Modern painters and their painting. 12613 The old masters and their pictures. 12273 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters. 5 v. 3728-32 — Shedd, J. A. Famous painters and painting ; heliotypes of engr. from works by Raphael, Correggio, Titian, etc. ' *I — Swinburne,'A. C. Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence ; Notes on some pictures of 1868. {In his Ess. and stud.) , 14246 — Wedmore, F. The masters of genre painting. ' 19479 — See also Artists, for Vasari, Lives of the pamters, etc. Also Arts, Fine ;— Belgium ;— Flanders ;—Gt. Brit. ;— Holland ;—U. S. Also The lives and works of painters, as Hogarth, W. Painter's bargain. The ; by W. M. Thackeray. (Treas. trove ser., V. 1.) 14266 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 943 Painter's dream, The; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. (Jn her Nina's atonement, etc.) 11950 Painter's manual ; cont. the best methods of, and latest im- provements in, house painting, sign painting, etc. ; also, Glass staining, harmony and contrast of colors, etc. 22362 Painting. General and miscellaneous works. — Ayres, G. B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oils. 21154 — Blanc, C. Grammar of painting and engraving. *I — Couture, T. Conversations on art methods. 18669 — Davidson, E. A. Painting in sepia, water-colours, and oils. {In his Grammar of colouring.) 15482 — Dutfield, Mrs. W. Art of flower painting. 18068 — Eastlake, C. L. Materials for a hist, of oil painting. 12245 — Fielding, E. Mixed tints; with essay on light and colour, and hints to beginners in oil and water painting. *I — Gautier, T. Tableaux a la plume. 14647 — Harris, W. T. Landscape painting: Turner. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Knowlton, H. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. *I — Leitch, R. I'. A course of painting in neutral tints. *I — A course of sepia painting. *I Hs ' ' ' Leslie, C. R. Hand-book for young painters. — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon ; essay upon the limits of painting and poetry. 12344 — Ruskin, J. Lectures on architecture and painting. 3720 Ruskin on painting; [selections from " Modern painters."] 18573 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Paintings in Paris and the Netherlands, 1802-1804; Modern German paintings. {In his .Esthet. and misc. works.) 22359 — Shedd, J. A. Famous painters and painting. *I — Water-color painting; Tempera painting; Oil painting; Historic schools of painting down to the 17th. cent. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Williams, W. The art of landscape painting in oil colors. 18581 — The year's art; epitome of matters rel. to painting, eic. 1880-83. *I History. — Heaton, M. M. Concise hist, of paintin;^. *I — Historic schools of painting. {In Antetx papers.) 14186 — Radclifl'e, A. G. Scliools and masters of painting ; app., Principal galleries of Europe. 16124 — Thompson, K. Handbook to the public picture galleries of Europe; sk. of the hist, of schools of painting. 17161 — See also Arts, Fine;— China painting ;— Glass painting ;— Water colors. Also Names of painters, as Cox, D. ;— Hogarth, W. ; Names of countries, as Gt. Brit. ;— Italy. Also Mural decoration. Painting. (Mechanical, Materials). — American grainer's hand-book; pop. and pract. treatise. 11590 — Arlot, — . Complete guide for coach painters. 9764 — Davidson, E. A. Manual of house-painting, graining, marbling, and sign- writing. 16932 — Gardner, F. B. Carriage painter's manual. 9700 How to paint ; for the use of the tradesman, mechanic, etc. 22357 — Masury, J. W. How shall we paint our houses? pop. treat. 7449 House-painting, carriage-painting, and graining ; what to do, and how to do it. 20776 — Painter, gilder, and varnisher's companion. 11654 — Painter's manual ; best methods of, and latest improvements in, house- painting, sign-painting, etc. 22362 Pair, A, of blue eyes ; by T. Hardy. 11796 Paisiello, G. Ferris, G. T. Piccini, Paisiello, and Cimarosa. (In his Gt. Italian and French composers.) 18707 Palace and cottage ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7586 Palace, The, of the Great King ; by H. Read. 3602 Palaces and prisons ; by A. 8. Stephens. 9620 Paladin, A, of finance ; by E. Jenkins. 21645 Paladin and Saracen ; stor. fr. Ariosto ; by H. C. H. Calthrop. 22782 944 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Palaeography. Deutsch, E. Semitic palaeography. {In his Literary remains.) 12376 Palaeontology. Adams, W. H. D. Life in the primeval world. 11667 — Dawson, J. W. Life's dawn on earth ; history of the oldest known fossil rem., and their rel. to geolog. time and devel. of the animal kingdom. 16589 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10146 — Huxley, T. H. Principles and methods of P. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 — Mantell, G. A. Petrifactions and their teachings. 2889 — Miller, H. The foot-prints of the Creator. 3042 — Nicholson, H. A. Manual of P. ; with gen. introd. on the princ. of P. 16541 — Owen, II. Palaeontology. 6215 — Page, D. (/w /ii.s Geology for general readers; pop. sketches.) 6624 — Richardson, G. F. Introduction to geologv, mineralogy, and palseontologv ; enl. by T. Wright. ' ' 3647 — Williamson, W. C. Primeval vegetation in its rel. to the doctr. of natural select, and evolution. {In Owens College-Ess., etc.) 12926 The succession of life on the earth. {In Estes, D. Half-hour rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Palestine. Description and travels. — Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to P. ; jour, made with reference to the hist. . of the Israelites. ' 18656 — Bulfinch, S. G. The Holv Land and its inhabitants. 4644 — Burton, I. The inner life of Syria, P., etc. 2 v. 14195-6 — Charles, E. R. Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. 6249 — Cox. S. S. {In his Orient sunbeams.) 21611 — Cuvler, T. (In his From the Nile to Xorwav.) 21153 — Dicev, E. {In his Morning land.) 2 v. 8824-5 — Durbin, J. P. {In his Observations in the East.) 2 v. 1299-1300 — Fames, J. A. Another budget [of letters] . 1313 — Elliott, C. W. Remarkable characters and places of the Holy Land. 7051 — Gage, W. L. Palestine, historical and descriptive. ' 22007 — Glennie, J. S. S. Pilgrim memories ; or, Travel, etc., in the birth-countries of Christianity. 15363 — Hausrath, A. The Holv Land and the time of Jesus. {In his Hist, of N. T. times, v. 1.) ' *I — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt, etc. 22203 — Leech, H. H. {In his Letters of a sentimental idler.) . 7684 — Lindsay, A. W. C. {In his Letters on Egypt, etc.) 2678 — McGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Jordan. 10501 — Manning, S. " Those holy tields ; " Palestine illust. by pen and pencil. *I — Martineau, H. (7n /ier Eastern life.) 2934 — Maundrell, H. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem ; with journey to the Euphrates and to Mesopotamia. ' 2967 — Merrill, S. East of the Jordan ; travel and obs., 1875-77. 21040 — Moore, J. {Li his Outlving Europe and the nearer Orient.) 20200 — Olin, 8. Travels in Egypt, etc. 2 v. 3281-2 — Palestine Exploration Fund. Our work in P. ; acct. of exped. since 1865. 11465 — Popular description of P. Modern traveller, v. 1. 3091 — Pfeiffer, I. Visit to the Holv Land, etc. 3387 — Phelps, S. D. The Holy Land. 10013 — Prime, W. C. Tent life in the Holy Land. 3552 — Randall, D. A. The handwriting of God in Egypt, etc. ; records of a journey. ' 7863 — Richards, M. T. Life in Israel. 13497 Life in Judea. 13498 — Romer, I. F. (7w ^is Pilgrimage to temples and tombs.) 2 v. 3705-6 — Sauley, F. de. Narrative of a journey round the Dead Sea, etc., 1850-1851. 3773 — Spencer, J. A. ^ypt and the Holj' Land. 4163 — Stanley, A. P. {In his Scripture portr.) 8955 Sinai and Palestine. 8493 — Stephens, J. L. {In his Incidents of travel.) 2 v. 4217-18 — Swift, J. F. {In his Going to Jericho.) 7453 — Taylor, B. The lands of the Saracen. 4360 — Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book; Biblical illust. from scenes, etc., of the Holv Land. 2 v. 4452-3 — Tristram, H. B. the land of Israel ; travels in Palestine. 12069 The land of Moab ; travels and discoveries on the east side of the Dead sea, and the Jordan. 12141 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 945 — Van-Lennep, H. J. Bible lands; their mod. customs and manners, illus- trative of Scripture. 14349 — Vogu6, C. J. M. Les ^glises de la Terre Sainte. *I — Warburton, E. B. G. (Jw his Crescent and the cross.) 4631 — Wells, T. Letters on Palestine ; or, Sketches of travel. 4714 — Wright, T. Early travels in P. ; narrative of Arculf, Willibald, etc. 4881 History. — Hausrauth, A. The Holv land at the time of Jesus. (In his Hist, of the N. T. times, V. 1.) ' *I — Keary, A. The nations around. 4697 — Kitto, J. Illustrated history- of Palestine ; from the patriarchal age. 5753 — Kussell, M. Palestine. 3744 Missions. * — See Baldwin, M. B. Also Dead Sea;— Gilead;— Jerusalem;— Jordan;— Lebanon. Palestine Exploration Fund. Our work in Palestine ; account of expeditions sent to the Holy Land since 1865. 11465 Palestrina, G. P. A. da. Ferris, G. T. {In his Great Italian and French comp.) • 18707 Palette, All around a; by L. W. Champney. 17254 Paley, F. A. Greek wit ; smart sayings and anecdotes from Greek prose writers. 2 ser. 20588 ; 21535 — Iliad of Homer, with English notes. 2 v. *I Paley, W. Horai Paulinas. 3341 — Moral and political philosophy. 3337 — Natural theologv; [with] select, from the notes of J. Paxton, and add. notes by J. Ware. 3338 — Same; with select, from the notes, etc., of C. Bell and Lord Brougham; ed. by E. Bartlett. Woodcuts. Life of P. [by "R. Lynam"]. (Sch. Lib.). 2v. ' 3339-40 — Sermons on several subjects. 3342 — Foster, J. Palev as a theologian ; Memoirs of P., bv G. W. Meadley. (In his Crit. ess.', v. 1.) ' 1502 Palfrey, F. W. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. (Camp. of the Civil war.) 21305 — Biography of H. L. Abbott. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 — Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. 17635 Palfrey, J. G. Compendius history of New England ; rev. of 17th. cent, to death of George I. 11020 — History of New England. 4 v. 14274-7 Contents. V. 1-3. History dur. Stuart dynasty. 4. From the rev. of 17th. cent. Note. V, 4 covers substantiallv the same period as Comp. hist., above. — Historv of New England to 1689,' abgd. 2 v. 6327-8 — Life of W. Palfrey. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 17.) 4126 Palfrey, S. H. {pseud. E. Foxton). Agnes Wentworth. 7749 — Herman; or. Young Knighthood. 2 v. 6144-5 — Sir Pavon and St. Pavon. 7404 Palfrey, W. Palfrey, J. G. Life of P. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 17.) 4126 Palgrave, F. History of England : Anglo-Saxon period. 5480 — History of Normandy and of England. 4 v. 12107-10 Contents. V. 1. 'General relations of mediaeval Europe. — The Carlo- vingian empire.— Danish expeditions in the Gauls.— Establishment of Rollo. 2. Three first dukes of Normandy; Rollo, Guillaume-Longue- Epee, and Rich ard-Sans-Peur.— The Carlovingian line supplanted bv the Capets. 3. Richard-Sans-Peur.—Richard-Le-Bon.— Richard III.— Robert Le-Diable.— William the Conqueror. 4. William Rufus. — Accession of Henry Beauclerc. ' Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. 6531 Contents. The Royal Academy, 1863-5.— Mulready.—Dyce and Wm. Hunt.— Hippolyte Flandrin.— Herbert's "Delivery of the law."'— Recent 946 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. works of H. Hunt.— Exhibition of F. Madox Brown.— George Cruikshank. — Japanese art. — Sensational art. — Poetry and prose in art.-vLost treas- ures.— Behnes, the sculptor.— Thorvaldsen's life and wqrks.- The Farnese marbles.— On the position of sculi)ture in England.— Sculpture and paint- ing.— Triqueti's " Marmor Horaericum."— The Albert cross and English monumental sculpture.- Thackeray in the Abbey.— New Paris. — The children's treasury of English song. 15375- — The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems ; with notes. 660S — Lyrical poems. 10179- — The visions of England ; [poems] . 21412 Palgrave, R. H. I. Bank rate in England, France, and Gei'Doany, 1844-1878 ; and analysis of the accounts of the Bank of England. 20589 — Notes on banking in Gt. Brit, and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, and Ham- burg; with rem. on the amount of bills in circulation in Gt. Brit, and Ireland ; and the banking law of Sweden. 16846 Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. 16685 — Essays on eastern questions. 12382 Contents. Mahometanism in the Levant. — The Mahometan '' revival." — The Turkomans 4nd other tribes of the northeast Turkish frontier. — Eastern Christians. — The monastery of Sumelas. — The 'Abkhasian insur- rection.— The poet Omar. — The brigand Ta' Abbet Shurran. — Hermann Agha. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 10928 — Narrative of a journ. thr. Centr. and East. Arabia, 1862-63. 3d. ed. 2 v. 6494-5 Palissy.B. Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 1.) 13216 — Morley, H. Life of Palissy. 18390 Palladius Rhetor. Allegoria Orphei. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. rain., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 Palladius Rutilins Taurus ^Emilianus. De insitionibus. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 7.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8365 Palliser, Mrs. B. See Palliser, F. B. Palliser, F. B. Brittany and its byways. 88 13 — The China collector's pocket companion. 2d. ed. 1387& — Historic devices, badges, and war-cries. 8880 — History of lace. *I Palm tree. Seemann, B. Popular hist, of the palms and their allies; acct. of struct, distrib., eic, and list of species introd. into our gardens. 13413 Palmer, B. M. Grieving the spirit. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 — Slavery a divine trust. (7?i Fast day sermons.) 1464 Palmer, E. Cave dwellings in Utah. Illust. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 2.) 19624 Palmer, E. H. The caliph Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civilization. (New Plutarch.) 20175 Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus. 2 pts. 9915-16 Palmer, P2. H.^ joint author. See Hesant, W. ; — Leland, C. G. ; — Magniisson, E. Palmer, E. 1). Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of P. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Palmer, H. L. Home-life in the Bible ; ed. by J. W. Palmer. Illust. 22042 Palmer, .1. W., ed. The poetry of compliment and courtship. 6744 Palmer, J. Necrology of the alumni of Harvard College 1851-63. 5700 Palmer, Lynde, pseud. See Peebles, M. L. Palmer, R., Lord Selborne. Book of praise; fr. Eng. hymn writers. 8405 — Influence upon moralitv of a decl. in relig. bel. ; The soul and fut. life. (JwBurlingame, E.'L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 947 — "Reid, T. W. {I7i his Cabinet povtr.) 1388S — Sketch of Palmer. (In Polit. portr.) 1169$ Palmer, W. Notes of a visit to the Russian Church, 1840-41 ; select, by Cardinal Newman. 22693 Palmerston, Viscount. See Temple, H. J. Palmerston, Viscountess. See Lamb, A. Palmetto leaves ; by H. B. Stowe. 11387 Palmistry. See Chiromancy. Palmyra. Beaufort, E. A. Visit to P. {In her Egyptian sepulchres.) 13699 — Myers, P. V. N. (In his Ruins of lost empires.) 1346ft Paludan-Miiller, F. The fountain of youth ; tr. by H. W. Free- land. Illust. 6775 Pamfili, O. TroUope, T. A. {In his Decade of It. women, V. 2.) 10989 Panama. Codman, J. The round trip by way of P., etc. 18704 — Pirn, B. and Seemann, B. Dottings on the roadside in P., etc. 1238$ — Reybaud, L. De la canalisation de T'isthme de P. {In his Marines, etc.) 9544 — Trbllope, A. {In his West Indies, and the Spanish Main.) 1099O Panckoucke, C. L. F., joint author. See Arnault, V. A. Pandour, The, and his princess. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, V. 5.) 19144 Pangloss ; fr. Colman, the younger. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Panidea. Durfee, J. The Panidea. {In his Works.) 10156 Panin, I. Notes and pref. {In Revolut. inovement in Russia.) 20888 Panizzi, A. Fagan, L. Life of Panizzi. 2 v. 20244-5 — M<^rim^e, P. Letters to Panizzi; ed. by L. Fagan. 2 v. 20941-2 Pan's pipes ; by R. L. Stevenson. {In his Virginibus, etc.) 22710 Pansies; by A. D. T. Whitney. 10588 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, I. M. Pantheism. . Guizot, F. P. G. {In his Meditations.) 6964 — Hedge, F. W. (In his Wavs of the spirit.) 17367 — Hutton, R. H. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — Manning, J. M. {In his Half truths and the truth.) 9798 — Patterson, R. {In his Fables of infidelity, etc.) 6491 — Picton, J. A. Christian P. (7n his Mvsterv of matter, etc.) 12067 — Rigg, J. H. Pantheism. {In Chr. Ev.' Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 Pantomime, The, of life ; by C. Dickens. {In his Mudfog papers.) 19851 Pantomimes. Denier, A. Parlor pantomimes. ' *I — Frost, S. A. Book of tableaux and shadow pantomimes. 8064 — Magill, M. T. Pantomimes ; or, Wordless poems for elocution and calis- thenic classes. *I Papacy. See Popes. Pape-Carpantier, M. Edwards, M. B. {In her Six life stud.) 19835 Papendiek, E. -'Against time." (/n Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., V. 3.) 13932 Paper. Archer, T. C. Manufacture of paper. 15472 — Bevan, G. P. {In his Indust. classes, and indust. statistics.) 16804 — Dunbar, J. The practical paper-maker. 20536 — Hofmann, C. Practical treat, on the manuf . of paper. *I — Munsell, J. Chronology of paper and paper-making. 7287 — Simmonds, P. L. New paper-making materials and the prog, of the P. manufacture. 18644 Paper canoe. The, Voyage of; by N. H. Bishop. 17630 Paper city, A ; by D. R. Locke. 18164 948 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Paper-hanging. Arrowsraith, J. The paper-hanger's com- panion. 187 Paper money. Roscher, W. {In his Princ. of polit. econ., V. 2.) 18191 — Royall, W. L. History of paper money in the V. S. (In his Andrew Jackson, etc.) ' ' 19368 — Spauldin^, E. Gr. History of lea:al tender paper money dur. the rebel- lion. . 18717 Extra sheets fr. History of legal tender paper money. 18718 — See also Austria; — France. Finance; — Money. Papers for the people ; by W. and R. Chambers. 12 v. in 6. 753-8 Papers on education, ser. 1. *I Contents. Payne, J. Science and art of educ; Principles of the science of educ— Calkins, N. A. Teaching color.— The Kindergarten.— Chadbourne, P. A. Waste of labor in the work of educ— Bennett, C. W. History of the phil. of pedagogics.— A few words to parents.— Har- ris, W. T. Moral educ in the pub. schools. — Payne, J. Pestalozzi.— Kiddle, H. Common school teaching.— ShirrefT, E. Froebel's system— the new education.— Henderson, H. A. M. The polit. econ. of higher and technical educ. White, S. H. Education and crime.— Kraus-Boelte, M. The Kindergarten and the mission of woman.— Hoose, J. H. Vindicar tion of school systems in the state of X. Y.— Carr, E. S. Child culture.— Adams, C. R. Relations of higher educ to nat. prosperity.— Hughes, J. The Kindergarten.- Northrop, B. G. Legal preyention of illiteracy.— Newell, M. A. Education and labor.— Lord, H. F. How to influence lit- tle children.— Woodward, C. M. Manual education.— Doty. D. Rules and hints on theory and pract. of teaching.— Schneck, A. Proposal for a change in the plan'of our pub. schools.— Curtin, J. C. A Catholic view of educ in the U. S. Paphian bower, The ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravagan- zas, V. 1.) *I Papias. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers, etc.) 18997 Papier-m4ch^. Lindsey, G. Pens and papier-m^ch^. 15467 Papillon, F. Nature and life ; facts and doctr. rel. to the con- stitution of matter, the new dynamics, and the phil. of nature. 13971 Contents. The constitution of matter, and the new dynamism."— The philosophy of nature, and Liebnitz's ideas.— The general const, of living beings.— Light and life.— Heat and life.— Electricity and life— Odors and life. — Medicaments and life— Animal grafts and regenerations .—Fer- ments, Fermentations, and life.— Great epidemics.— Asiatic cholera.— The physiology of death.— Heredity in physiology, in medicine, and in psy- chology. Papua. Albertis, L M. d'. New Guinea, what I did and what I saw. 2 V. *I — Gill, W. W. (In his Life in the Southern isles.) 16827 — Kolff, D. H., Jr. {In his Voyages of the Brig Dourga.) 2508 — Moresby, J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea, etc. 15859 — Stone, O. C. A few months in New Guinea. 19525 Par la poste ; lettre a une dame de Province ; par C. Monselet. {In Saynetes, etc.^ s^r. 4.) 14794 Para ; or. Adventures on the banks of the Amazon ; by J. E. Warren. 4661 Para papers. See Ditson, G. ].. Parables. Bickersteth, E. H. The reef, and other .parables. 12523 — Gatty, M. Parables fr. nature. 2 v. 8638-9 — Krummacher, F. A. Parables. 2515 — See also Bible. New Testament. Paradis de Mahomet, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques, v. 1.) *I Paradise ; by T. Parsons. {In his Essays, ser. 3.) 6141 Paradise lost ; by J. Milton. 10482 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. U9 Paradise (to be) regained; by H. D. Thoreau. (In his Yan- kee, etc.) 6464 Paradol, L. A. P. See Prevost-Paradol. Paradox. De Morgan, A. A budget of paradoxes. 13275 Paradoxes and puzzles, hist., judic, and literary ; by J. Paget. 12732 Paradoxical philosophy; [by B. Stewart, and P. G. Tait]. 18321 Paraguay. Burton, R. F. Letters fr. the battle-fields of P. 8716 — Washburn, C. A. History of P. ; personal obs. and remin. of diplomacy ' under difficulties. 2 v. 13667-8 "Parallax," pse?^d. Zetetic astronomy; Earth not a globe; experimental inquiry into the true figure of the earth, proving it a plane, etc. 2d. ed. *I Parasites. Beneden, P. J. van. Animal parasites and mess- mates. 15680 Pardey, H. O. Nature's nobleman. {In. Mod. stand, dr., V. 13.) 11815 Pardoe, J. City of the Magyar ; or, Hungary and her institu- tions, 1839-iO. 3 V. / 3347-9 — Court and rei^n of Francis T., of France. 2 v. 3354-5 — Episodes of French hist. dur. the Consulate and 1st. empire. 3350 — Life of Marie de Medicis. 3 v. 3356-8 — Louis XIV., and the court of France in the 17th. cent. 2 v. 3352-3 — The river and the desert; the Khone and the Chartreuse. 2 v. 3359-60 Pardon, G. F. Handbook of chess ; new ed. 5397 — Handbook of draughts ; with chapter on backgammon. 5400 — Tales from the operas. . 9672 Pare, W. Co-operative agriculture. 8860 Parent's assistant. The. See Edgeworth, M. Paris, J. A. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest. 9th. ed. 19305 Paris, L. P. A. L. O., comte de. History of . the civil war in America ; tr. by L. F. Tasistro ; ed. by H. Copp^e and J. P. Nicholson, v. 1-3. 14332-4 — Trades unions of Eng. ; tr. by N. J. Senior; ed. bv T. Hughes. 9073 — King, E. (Jw his Fr. polit. lead.) Paris. Art. — Bacon, H. Parisian art and artists. Description, etc. — Abbott, J. RoUo's tour in Europe : Paris. — Allen, J. W., Jr. Paul Dreifuss, his holiday abroad. — An American family in Paris. — Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris. — Bacon, H. A Parisian year. — Forester, T. Paris and^its environs. — Gardner, A. K. Old wine in new bottles ; spare hrs. of a student. — Guthrie, T. The streets of Paris. {I7i his " Out of harness.") — Hacklander, F. Paris im winter, 1851. (In his Werke, v. 40.) — Head, F. B. Faggot of French sticks; or, Paris in 1851. — Houssaye, A. Life in Paris ; letters on art, literature, and society. — Houssaye, H. La Parisienne au 18^ si^cle. (In his Ath^nes, etc.) Parisian sights and Fr. princ, seen thr. Amer. spectacles H. Jarves, J. J. 2 ser. Tricolored sketches in Paris, 1H51-3. — Jeune, M. S. My school davs in Paris. — Jerrold, W. B. On the boulevards, 1853-66. 2 v. — King, E. My Paris j French character sketches. — McCabe, J. D. Pans by sunlight and gaslight. — Raikes, T. {In Portion of the journal by R., 1831-47. 2 v.) — St. John, B. Purple tints of P. ; character and manners in the new empire. 2 v. — Sala, G. A. Paris herself again, 1878-9. 2 v. 31 21813 8011 18826 21579 1496 2203 '6694 10294 1820 18964 14592 *I *I 13282 7002-3 7596 8520 6469-70 16850-1 20965-6 ^6i) TRKE PUnLIO LIBKAKY. — 8ouv«>NtPts W. An »\{\v i)lilIoHoplH>r in Piu'Ih, U>04S — Tulno. n. A. NoloN on VnrlH. 1»7HU — Tlmokoniv. W. M. Tli.' I'liHs nkvivh hook. 4068 — Trl(><)lon<«l Mkotclii'N in V\\v\h, IKAI a. 4486 — Tn»'k<>iMniin. II. 'r. Mapi imporN nhout PurlN. 6887 — \\'I1nou. .1, Tlio Nu|>ol«>onl(' AugUNtun igjir in ViwU. (In Ato Stud. of inotl. mind.) 31107 — WUUU', 8. H. Why do wo like VurU y (hi Murphy, B. On the Rhino.) 10880 — Fr«u>n>Hn. 10. A. lOnrly hIohoh of Vm'\h, (In hfs \l\n[. oss., nor. 1.) 9880 — lloUNNi»yi>, II. 1.0 proinlor hIiVo do l»iiri«. (In his Alh^non, etc.) 14088 — l. Nur losJonrM. doSopI,, \im.) (HurHtMv. Hlh. dos nu'ni.. v. IS.) 14088 — Sainto-Honvo, ('. A. Chroniquow rHH«lonnos. 1848-184ft. *l — iSVf fi/.s«> l«'PHi»oo. Hititoi^p, Sort ('tit's. - (MiorhuiloJi, V. L»«ltiVH tinr l« nhIou do lS7a. (/n hiit Ktudon dt» lltt., «eo.) 14406 — KloiHhnmn, 8. L. "Tho nulon.""Tho oxhiht. of palntiuKN. Iv^^l. (In his 1Mh>no ndxc.) 14290 Indnshial txh ihitU^nit. — Arnold. II. I\ 'l^io tfivjit oxhihitlon. f^r.. 18«IT. 7848 — Hannini, l*\ A. V. Itopori on inaohinory and piHio. of tho tnduNt. itrta, and apparatUM of tho oxaot soionooM.* 8104 — (N>lo, (".A. Tin* lnn»orial I'aris unlilo. 7019 — Morfonl, II. Paris fin;:. 7188 -- Unitoil Statos (^onuni.NNiiMn>rs to tho ^:\po^it^on. Uoporlw. v. OOWWJIOI \iitr>. V. I. oonl. a (lonoral snrvov and Bihllt>Kruphv of tho KxpoNt> tlon. — (lindrlo/, r. TariM Intornational Kxhibilion. 1878. ISJUl — Morfoixi, U. Tho PaH^ oxposttion of 187S. ( In his Purif«, <«fc.. in *7s.^ wxm — Sooloiy of Ann. Artl«an ivports on tho Tarls oxhibitton, 187». H>ftU (tnsHtnt. Acmlrmif^ FiHint^niae,) — Ilouftsayo, A. Ilistoliv du 4l'»'' funtonll do IWoadi^mlo Frnni^Hlso. 14471 — Sainlo-Honvo, (\ A. ( /♦• hia N»»nv. Innd.. v. PJ.) •! llUtoliv «lo TAoadointo; par IVIIisson ot d'Olivot. (Tm Am Tans, thi lund., V. 14.) •! — MMttho\v«, .1. n. Tho thoatjvs of Taris. ItHUXS Parisot, K. Sainto-Houvo, C\ A. {In Am Chus. luiul.. v. 1.) *1 Parish, I). Nolto, V. {In hh Fifty years, etc) :121US Parish papers; by N. Madeod. 7217 Parisli-side, The. lllust. 83a I Parisit revolution, Tl\e ; by T. Hooil. ^^ lH'ji^. irovo ser.v v. 1.) 11266 Parisi.MP letters; by .Umf. (Uraniin. 788 P.Mrisisnts, The; by K. H. Lyttoiu 12221 Pnrisiemte, La; eonuViie ; par Mine. L. Figuier. 9571 Park. K. A,. Joint oufhor. ^Vc' KdwaMs, 5. B. Park, M. Life and travels. 8861 8olootl<»ns fr. T. (In Uvnit, .?. H. I.. Hook for a oornor.^ 81t)l rioM. — Travols in W. .Xfrioa. (In Tavlor, H. Cvol. of nu»d. trHVoK) — V\>stor. ,1. (In hUf Cr\U oj»«., v. 3.) 1008 Parker. A. C\ Parkor, W. W. {In Higgiuson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6498 Parker, K. (». (udden .Mge of American oratory % 8862 • - Kominlsoonoos of K. rhoato. 8868 Parker. Mn^, U. F. Constance .Vybner. 7786 Parker, II. l^. l^iograpby o( K. 11. U. Revei-e. (/w Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Parker, 1. Story, .1. {In hh Misc. writings.) 4262 Parker, ♦!. Fii^t charter juul early relig. legislation of Mass. {Ih Mass. Hist. 8oc. U>ct.) ' 7869 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 951 Parker, Rev. J. Life and genius of Dr. Watts. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Parker, J. A. Quadrature of the circle; demonstr. of the errors of geometers in finding the approximations in use ; app. and pract. questions. Add., Lectures on polar mag- nethini, and non-existence of projectile forces in nature. 12391 Parker, J. II. A H C of Gothic arciiitecture. 'id. ed. 215G9 — Arcliaeoloify of IIohh;. pt. 7: Tlni Flavian ainphltheatre. *I — CoiiclMt! jfloHMary of terms In Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic archi- tecture. New ed. 7227 -- Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture; rev. and enl. 7074 Parker, J. Ecce Deus ; ess. on the life and doctr. of Christ; witii notes on * Ecce Homo.' 6714 Parker, L. Christ and Him crucified, the exclusive theme of the pulpit. (In Union pulpit.) 6680 Parker, N. Sermons ; with a mem. by H. Ware. 3366 Parker, N. H. Iowa as it is, 1855 ; gazetteer and hand-book. Illust. 3S64 — Iowa handbook, ismt; niap. 8865 — MlnncHota handboolc, 186(^-7. 1026 Parker, (). Speur, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Parker, R. A. {psp/ud. Rosa Abbott). The pinks and blues. 10536 — Tonunv ilickup; or, A pair of black eves. 7084 — Upsldcdown; or, Will and work. ' 7036 Parker, R. (i. Aids to English composition. 31)76 Parker, S. Journal of un cxplor. tour l)eyond the Rocky Mts. 3367 Parker, T. Additioujil speeches, addresses, and occas. ser- mons. 2 V. 13439-40 — DiMcourwc on mutters purtainiuK to religion. 8869 — Discourse on (he dcatli <»f D. Webster. 3368 — Historic Aiiu'ricauM, 2d. ed. Ift407 GnntentH. Franklin.— WasbluKton.— .John Adams.— Tlioma« Jeft'erson. — LesHons fr. the world of matter and the world of man; fr. noteH of un- pub. sermons, by K. Lei;:liton. 63.W Cfnitents The material world and man's rel. tlieret^J.— Nature of man. —Traits and Illust. of bumaii ebaraet<;r and conduct.— Phases of domcH- tic lift?. — lOducatlon— Human institutions and national lifis a minister; witli acct. of his early life, etc. 8870 — Clarke, J. F. (/n /»*« Mem. and biog. «ketches.) 17767 — Cook,,r. Iteview of Parker, (/n /it» Orthodoxy.) 17442 — FrothingluuM, O. H. 'I'heodore I'ark(U-; a biograr)hv. 12331 — Muzzcy, A. li. (f?j /ux Ucminis.) * 22390 — Il<''ville, A. Life and writings of l»arkor. 21450 — Weiss, T. Life and correspondence of Parker. 2 v. 5674-5 Parker, T. J. Hearing. {In Brown, R. 8ci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Parker, W. How to succeed as a physician. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 Parker, VV. W. Biography of A. C. Parker. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Parker family. Muzzey, A. B. (/71 to Reminis.) 22390 Parker Society. See Robinson, H. Parkes, E. A. A nmniijil of pract. hygiene. 4th. ed. 13519 952 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Parkes, S. Account of the processes in the manuf. of tin plate. (In Flower, P. W. History, etc.) 19651 Parkman, F. Offering of sympathy to the afflicted; new ed., rev., with add. by F. A. Farley. 6717 Parkman, F., Jr. Des ancien regime in Canada. 10440 — France and Eng. in N". America; hist, narratives; namely: Count Trontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 17103 Discovery of the great West. 7886 Jesuits in N. A. in 17th. cent. 6689 The old r6gime in Canada. 13025 Pioneers of France in the new world. 5984 — La Salle and the disc, of the great west. 11th. ed., rev., with add. 18928 — Historv of the conspiracy of Pontiac. 3377 — James *F. Cooper. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — The Oregon trail; sk. of prairie and Rocky mountain life. 4th. ed., rev. 10474 — Vassall Morton. 5617 Parkman, G. Bemis, G. Report of the case of J. W. Web- ster for the murder of G. Parkman. 495 Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. 2 v. 3878-9 -f- Life in Abyssinia. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 Parkwater; by Mrs. H. Wood. 14174 Parlementaire, Le ; com^die-vaude ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V 13.) *I Parliamentary law. jSee United States. Parliamentary law. Parliamentary practice. Cushing, L. S. Manual of pari, pract. ; rules of proc. in deliberative assemblies. 1069 Parliamentary reform. See Great Britain. House of Commons. Parloa, M . The Appledore cook book ; receipts for cooking ; newed. 17618 — First princ. of household management and cooker>'. 19038 — Same ; new ed. 22167 — Miss Parloa's new cook book ; guide to marketing, etc. Illust. 19954 Parlor car. The ; farce ; by W. D. Howells. 16676 Parlor gardening. Johnson, E. A. Winter greeneries at home. 17970 — Maling, E. A. In-door plants. {In his Handbook for ladies.) 10877 — Meikle, A. Window gardening for town and countrv. 10895 — Williams, H. T. Window gardening. * ' 1060G Parlor theatricals. See Private theatricals. Parma, Duke of. See Farnese, A. Parmegianino. See Mazzuoli, G. F. M. Parmenides. Symonds, J. A. {In Ms Stud, of Gr. poets. ser. 2.) 16543 Parmigiano. See Parmegianino. Parnassus ; poetical selections, ed. by R. W. Emerson. 13419 Parnell, A. The action of lightning, and the means of defend- ing life and property. 22536 Parnell, T. The hermit 18979 — Same. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Poetical works ; with life by O. Goldsmith.) 3380 Parny, E. D. de F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. cont., V. 4; Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Parochial epic, A. ; by Mr. J-nes. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s.,v. 5.) 19150 Parousia, The ; by I. P. Warren. * 19053 Parousia, The ; critical inq. into the New Testament doct. of our Lord's second coming. 19138 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 953 Parr, H. (pseud. Holme Lee.) Ben Milner's wooing. — Hawksview. — Katherine's trial. — Kathie Brande. — Maurice and Eugenie de Gu6rin; a monograph. — Mr. Wynyard's ward. — Sylvan Holt's daughter. — Warp and woof. Parr, L. Adam and Eve. — The blue bell of Redneap. Contents. Parr, L. The blue bell of Redneap ; Trethill farm. — Craik, D. (M.) M. The garden party. — Tyler, S. Mad's Christmas adventure. — Dorothy Fox. — Hero Carthew. (Leis.-hr. ser.) — How it all happened. — John Thompson, blockhead. — Robin. (Leis.-hr. ser.) Parrain, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 1.) Parrish. J. Alcoholic inebriety ; fr. a medical standpoint. Parrot, F. Journey to Ararat; tr. by W. D. Cooley. Parrots and monkeys. Parry. A. W. Reading sewage and water works ; Street wa- tering. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 2.) — Report on the maintenance of highways, scavenging and watering of roads, and collect, of house refuse, (/w Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) Parry, E. Markham, A. H. Parry's attempt to reach the North Pole, 1827. {In his Northward ho !) Parry, T. P. P. ; or, The man and the tiger. {In French's min. dr., v. 11.) Parry, W. E. Kingston, W. H. G. Capt. Parry's three voy- ages in search of a north-west passage. {In his Notable voyages.) Parsis. Haug, M. Essays on the sacred lang., writings, and relig. of the P. — Mueller, F. M. The modern Parsis. (In his Chips, v. 1.) Parson, The, o' Dumford ; by G. M. Fenn. Parson and people ; by E. Spooner. Parsons, C. Sea-air and sea-bathing ; their infl. on health. Parsons, C. G. Inside view of slavery ; among the planters iutrod. note by H. B. Stowe. Parsons, T. jMemoir of E. E. Parsons. The gem of dialogues. (Amer. sch. dialogue The l^oston School for Deaf Mutes. {In [1852-58] Parsons, E. E. Parsons, L. S. ser.) Parsons, M. A. Some cur. schools.) Parsons, S. B. The rose; its hist., poetry, culture, etc. Parsons, S. H. Headley, J. T. (7n ^is Washington, e^c, v. 2.) Parsons, T., Chief Justice of Mass. Parsons, T. Memoir of Parsons Parsons, T. Deus homo : God-man. — Essay. s ; ser. 1-3. 3 v. Contents. Ser. 1. Life.— Providence.— Correspondence.— The human form.— Religion.— The New Jerusalem. 2. The seeming and the actual. —The senses.— The ministry of sorrow.— The Sabbath.— The foundation of duty.— Death and life.' 3. He cometh in clouds.— Paradise. — The sea.— The end of the Church. — The infinite and the finite. 61 16894 2600 11735 573.5 8539 16742 5602 10790 19891 9012 11681 9640 9804 22044 *I 22898 3381 20131 *I *I 19121 11841 19571 17847 7664 19332 5989 17055 3382 20137 13598 20401 3383 1829 3384 6901 6139-41 9981 954 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Laws of business. 7862 — Memoir of Chief Justice Parsons. 3384 — Memoir of Emily E. Parsons. 20137 — The mystery of life, and other papers. 18603 Contents. The mystery of life.— Trust.— Sacrifice.— The Church in the wilderness.— Sufierin^^— Temptation.— False witness.— The discourses of our Lord.— The cherubim. — Outlines of the relig. and philosophy of Swedenborg. 15676 Parsons, T. W. The shadow of the obelisk, and other poems. 10937 Parsons, U. Life of W. Pepperell. 3386 Parson's daughter, The ; by T. Hook. 15651 Part de butin. La ; com^die ; par G. de L6tori^re. Theatre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Part da diable, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 11.) *I Part du lion. La ; com. ; par A. Decourcelle.(Th^^tre de camp. ser. 5.) 14689 Parted lives ; by Mrs. J. K. Spender. 3 v. 12308-10 Parthenia ; by E. B. Lee. 2595 Parthenon. Davidson, T. The Parthenon frieze ; and other essays). 21955 Parthia. Rawlinson, G. Sixth great oriental monarchy. 11463 Particulars cone, a lion, Some ; by C. Dickens. {In his Mud- fog papers.) 19851 Partie de chasse ; saynMe-monologue ; par L. Besson et F. Javel. (Bi Sayndtes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Partie et revanche; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 11.) *I Parties. Froude, J. A. Party politics. {In his Short stud. ser. 3.) 17015 — See also Democracy;— Democratic party ;— Republican party;— U. S. History. Partington, Mrs., pseud. See Shillaber, B. P. Partingtonian patchwork; by B. P. Shillaber. 11293 Partisan, The ; by W. G. Simms. 3993 Partisan leader, The ; by N. B. Tucker. 4516 Parton, J. A book of French poetry, fr. 1550. (Le Par- nasse fran^ais. 14515 — Caricature and other comic art. lUust. *I — Cathedrals and beer; or, The immorality of religious capitals. {In Centen. Cong, of Lib. Report, 1876.) ' *I — Famous Americans of recent times. 6677 — Fanny Fern ; cont. her select writings and a memoir. Illust. 7323 — Gen. Butler in New Orleans ; admin, of the Dept. of the Gulf. 1862. 5513 — Humorous poetry of the Eng. language fr. Chaucer to Saxe. 3389 — Life and times of Burr. 3390 — Life and times of Franklin. 2 v. 5676-7 — Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 y. 3391-3 — Life of H. Greeley. 3394 — Life of Thomas Jefi"erson. 12353 — Life of Voltaire. 2 y. 20487-8 — Smoking and drinking. 7510 — and others. Eminent women of the age. 10496 Parton, S. P. {pseud. Fanny Fern). Caper-sauce; chit-chat about men, women, and things. 10865 — Fern leaves fr. Fanny's portfolio. ^ 3395 — Folly as it flies ; hit at by Fanny Fern. 7452 — Parton, J. Fanny Fern ; select writings and memoir. 7323 Partridge, J. M. Trichinae spiralis; its hist., pathology, and diagnosis. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 7.) *I Party leaders ; by J. G. Baldwin. *I Pas de fascination ; by J. S. Coyne. {In French's min. dram., V. 34.) 7988 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 955 Pascal, B. Pens^es. 14717 Contents. Les Editions des penp^es.— Vie de P. par Mme. Perier.— Mem. de la vie de P. par Mile. Perier.— Sur les travaux scientifique de P. — Ouvrages k lire ou k consulter sur P. — Plan des pensees. — Pensees. — Lettres et opuscules divers.— Index par C. Louandre. — Provincial letters; new trans, with hist, introd. and notes, by T. M'Crie; life of P., ess., and biblioi?. not. bv O. W. Wight. 3781 — Selection fr. [his] Thoughts ; tr. by H. L. S. Lear. 18841 — Thoughts, letters, and opuscules; tr. by O. W. Wight; introd. not., etc. 3403 . — Bowen, F. (In his Gleanings.) 19941 {In his Mod. philosophv.) 17186 — Church, R. W. The 'Pensees' of Pascal. {In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Monday-chats.) 17345 {In his Portr. contenip.. v. 5; Portr. lit., v. 3; Port-Royal, v. 2. 3; Caus. hmd., v. 5.) *I — Tulloch, J. Pascal. 17561 Pascal, J. Weitzel, S. W. Sister aud saint; sketch of J. Pascal. 19965 Pascoe, C. E. The dramatic list ; record of the priuc. per- formances of living actors and actresses of the Brit, stage, witii criticisms fr. contemp. journals. 18545 — Everyday life at Eton, Harrow, Rugby, etc. Illust. 21777 Contents. Pascoe, C. E. Introductorv hist, matter.— Leathes, S. M. Eton.— Oliphaut, T. R. Eton.— David, W. H. Winchester.- Peck, W. A. Westminster.— Seaman, O. Shrewsbury.— Sadler, M. E. Rugby. — Rendall, M. J. Harrow.— Daldy, F. F. Charterhouse.— Pascoe, C. E. Historical acct. of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors' Schools, and Christ's Hospital. Pasquier, E. Sainte-Bcuve, C A. {In his Caus. lund., t. 3.) *I Passing cloud. The; drama; by B. Bernard. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 11.) 11813 Passion, The. of our Lord ; by J. S. Bach. *I Passion aud principle ; by T. Hook. 15664 Passion play. See Oberammergau. Passion secrete. La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 1, v. 3.) *I Passionate pilgrim, A ; by H. James, Jr. 13460 Passions. Bourgeois, X. The passions in their rel. to health and diseases. 11573 — Hume, D. {In his Philos. works, v. 2.) *I Past and present; by T. Carlyle. 711 Past hours ; by A. Sartoris. 2 v. 20682-3 Past meridian ; by L. Sigourney. 3982 Pasta, G. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. (In his Great singers.) 20364 Pasteur, L. Studies on fermentation ; the diseases of beer, their causes, and the means of preventing them ; trans, of '•Etudes sur la bi^re," with notes, illust., &c., by F. Faulkner, and D. C. Robb. 19512 Pastimes. See Games. Pastnor, P. Lora ; romance in verse. 21617 Pastor, The, of the desert ; by E. Pelletan. 10550 Pastorale comique ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 4.) 14607 Pastorals of France ; by F. Wedmore. 18)22 Pastors. See Preachers. Pastor's narrative, The ; by Pastor Klein. 22812 Pastor's recollections, A ; by T. G. Dashiell. 14034 Patagonia. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia, 18591 — Bourne, B. F. The captive in P. ; life among the giants. 462 956 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Coan, T. Adventures in Patagonia. 19642 — Dixie, F. Across Patagonia. 2024S — Musters, G. C. At home with the Patagonians. 12381 Patagonian brothers. {In Nov. and tales from Household Words, V. 7.) 14307 Patchin, Mrs. C. H. Dorothea. (Round Rob. ser.) 21861 Patchwork ; by F. Locker. 18540 Patents. Barlow, C. How to make money by patents. *I — Campin, F. W. • Law of patents for inventions. ^ *I — Duncan, S. A. American svstem of patents. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) ' 16733 — Johnson, J., and J. H. The patentee's manual; treatise on the law and practice of letters patent. *I — Shaler, N. S. International property in patents and copyrights. {In his Thoughts, etc.) 17644 — See also United States ;— U. S. Patent Association. Pater, J. B. Wedmore, F. Lancret and Pater. {In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 Pater, W. H. Studies in the history of the Renaissance. 13722 Pater mnndi ; or, Doctr. of evolution ; by E. F. Buit. 11478 Paterculus, C. V. Opera omnia ; qualem pub. D. Ruhnkenius ; cui Krausii excursus subj. N. E. Lemaire. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8350 — See also Sallustius Crispus, C. Paterson, A. S. Concise system of theology on the basis of the shorter catechism. 12522 Path and goal ; elements of civilization and the condition of happiness ; by M. M. Kalisch. 19917 Pathfinder ; by J. F. Cooper. 956 Pathology. Barnard,* F. A. P. and its relation to hygiene Rept., V. 1.) — Bigelow, J. Nature in disease. — Chandler, C. F. Germ theory of disease. — Richardson, B. Diseases of modern life. — Simon, J. Filth diseases and their prevention. — Tyndall, J. Essays on the floating-matter of the air in rel. to putrefaction and infection. — See also Spontaneous generation. Pathology and Therapeutics. Lambe, W. Water and vegetable diet in chronic diseases ; with notes and add. by J. Shew. — Timbs, J. Doctors and patients ; anecdotes of the medical world and curiosities of medicine. 2 v. — Trail, R. T. (In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) — See also Cellular i^athofogy ; — Insanity ; — Medicine. Patience. Smiles, S. Duty; with illust. of courage, P., etc. Patience, or Bunthorne's bride; opera; by W. S. Gilbert and A. S. Sullivan. Patience ; ser. of games with cards ; by E. D. Cheney. Patience of hope ; by D. Green well. , Patience removes mountains ; by A. Moritz. {Li Michel, T., and Moritz, A. A will and a way.) Patience Strong's outings ; by A. D. T. Whitney. Patin, G. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., Patmore, C. The angel in the house ; The betrothal. The espousals. — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) — The children's garland ; from the best poets. The germ theory of disease, {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. {In Tribune pop. sci.) V. 8.) ♦I 401 *I; 12943 16716 16612 21801 2551 11514-15 4485 20072 *I 15965 1130 4789 7579 *I 3404 3405 6158 853S CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 957 Paton, A. P. The home of the workman ; lecture, Greenock Mechanics' Inst. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Paton, A. A. Henry Beyle (otherwise de Stendahl) ; crit. and biog. study. 12915 Paton, M. A. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Patriarchs. Gould, S. B. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets. 9934 — Frothingham, O. B. Stories of the patriarchs. 6622 Patricia Kemball ; by E. L. Linton. 13341 Patrician's daughter, The ; tragedy ; by J. W. Marston. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 32.) 11826 Patricius. Epithalmium Auspicii et ^llae. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Clas. Lat.) 8361 Patrick, St. De Vere, A. The legends of St. Patrick. 22660 — Todd, J. H. St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland. 12210 Patrick, M. Mr. Leslie of Underwood. 18820 Patrick, S. Tulloch, J. {In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Patriotism. Dabney, R. L. The Christian's best motive for P. {In Fast day sermons.) 1454 — Giles, H. {In his Lect. and essays, v. 2.) 2253 — Kin^, T. S. (In his Patriotism.) 5721 Privileges and duties of P. (In his Substance and show, etc.) 17277 Patronage; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Works, v. 7.) 15293 — Same ; another copy. 2 v. 1331-2 Patronage and friendship ; by [H. F. Lee]. {In her Tales.) 2596 Patru, O. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 5.) *I Patsey ; story for girls ; by L. B. Robinson. 17169 Patten, B. A. ^ joint author. See Barry, T. A. Patten, H. L. Pond, G. E. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Patten. See also Wilson-Patten. Pattern making. See Machinery. Patterson, A. J. The Magyars. 2 v. 10135-6 Patterson, E. Safifell, W. T. R. The Bonaparte-Patterson marriage, 1803, and the secret correspondence on the subject. 11419 Patterson, J. K. National endowment for schools for scientific and technical training. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Patterson, M. Religious condition of Germany. ' {In Manning, Essays on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I Patterson, R. H. Gas and lighting. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15468 Patterson, R. M. Historical sketch of the Synod of Philadel- phia, and biog. sk. of members of the Synod. *I Patterson, R. Tables of infidelity and facts of faith ; tracts on the absurdity of atheism, pantheism, and rationalism. 6491 Patterson. See also Patersou. Patteson, J. C. Awdry, F. Story of a fellow-soldier. 2d. ed. 14092 — Yonge, C. M. Life of P., missionary bishop of the Melanesian islands. 2 V. * 13732-3 Pattie Durant ; by Cycla [E. Clacy]. 7536 Pattinson, H. L. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 4.) 13720 Pattison, M. Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. 13723 — Milton. (Eng. men of letters.) 19362 — Tendencies of relig. thought in Eng., 1688-1750. (In Hedge, F. H. Rec. inquiries in theol.) 5174 958 niEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. {In Patton, F. L. The World's ed. of the great Presbyterian conflict ; Patton vs. Swing. Portraits, pulpit sketches, sermons, etc. Patton, J. H. History of the U. S. of America. — The natural resources of the United States. Patty ; by K. S. Macquoid. Patty Applecheeks, Autobiography of ; by C. M. Yonge. her Bye- words.) Patty's perversities. (Round robin ser.) Paturel ; comedie ; par H. Meilhac. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, e^c, ser. 1.) Pauer, E. The art of pianoforte playing. (Music primers.) — Elements of the beautiful in music. (Music primers,) — Musical forms. (Music prim.) Paul, St. P^pistles. See Bible. New Testament, — Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. — Baur, F. C. Paul ; his life and works. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib.) Same\ 2d. ed., rev. by A. Menzies, v. 1. — Boissier, G. La religion Romaine^ v. 2. — Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of Paul. 2 v. — Farrar, F. W. Life and work of P. 2 v. — Fisher, G. P. The apostle P. {hi his Discussion.) — Gritton, J. Lord Lyttleton on the conversion of P. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Strivings, etc.) — Hanson, R. D. Paul and the preaching of Christianity in the primitive church.) — Hood, E. P. {In his Lamps, etc.) — Howson, J. S. Companions of St. Paul. Character of St. Paul. Metaphors of St. Paul. — Livermore, A. A. The apostle Paul. — More, H. Life and writings of P. {In her Works, v. 4.) — Paul of Tarsus. — Renan, J. E. Saint-Paul ; tr. by I. Lockwood. — Taylor, W. M. Paul the missionary. — Tholock, F. A. G. Life, character,' and style of P. (/w Edwards, B. B., and Park, E. A. Selections.) ' — Pfleiderer, O. Paulinism : contrib. to the hist, of prim. Chr. theology. 2 V. — Shakspeake, C. St. Paul at Athens ; spirit. Christianity in rel. to aspects of mod. thought. — Smith, J. Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul. Paul V. Poi)e. Trollope, T. A. Paul the Pope, and Paul the Friar. Paul, B. H. Manual of technical analysis, found, on the 'Handbuch' of P. A. BoUey. Paul, C. K. William Godwin ; his friends and contemp. 2 v. Paul, H. Plays. See French's minor drama. Paul, J. H. Plays. See French's min. dr. Paul and Persis ; by M. E. Brush. Paul and Virginia ; fr. the French of B. de St. Pierre. Paul Dreifuss ; his holiday abroad ; by J. W. Allen, Jr. Paul et Virginie ; par B. de St. -Pierre. Paul Faber ; by G. MacDonald. Paul Fane ; by N. P. Willis. Paul FerroU; by [C. W. Clive]. Paul Grayson, Who was? by J. Habberton. Paul Massie ; by J. McCarthy. Paul M6r6 ; par V. Cherbuliez. *I 3408 18500 10044 19611 20655 14685 18419 18420 18421 12556 *I *I 14452 5614-16 18963-4 19650 16138 15649 8155 9731 15908 9730 2707 14014 7872 21119 1348 *I 18307 17539 11224 433 15446-7 22241 597 21813 14626 18493 4808 3409 20474 13758 14461 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS., 959 Paul of Tarsus : inq. into the times and Gospel of tlie Apostle of the Gentiles. 10603 Paul Preseott's charge ; by H. Alger, Jr. 6109 Paul Pry; comedy; by J. Poole. {In Mod stand, dr.-, v. 10.) 11812 Paul, the pedler ; by H. Alger. Jr. 9209 Paula, St. Taylor, I. {In his Logic in theol., etc.) 11367 Paulding, J. K. Book of vagaries ; compr. The new mirror for travellers, and other select. ; ed. by W. I. Paulding. 7238 — The Bulls and the Jonathans ; ed. by W. I. Paulding. 7009 Contents. The diverting hist, of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. — John Bull in America : or, The new Munchausen. — The Dutchman's fireside; ed. bv W. I. Paulding. 7237 — Tales of the good woman by a doubtful gentleman. 7071 Contents. Memoir of the unknown author.— The azure hose.— The dumb girl.— Dyspepsy. — Progress of the age. — Revenge of St. Nicholas. — Cobus Yerks.— Ride of St. Nicholas. — The politician. Paulding, W. I. Literary life of J. K. Paulding. 6710 Paulet, A. Cousin, V. {In his Soc. Fran^aise, v. 1.) 14473 Pauli. See Emili, P. Pauline ; by J. Hawthorne. {In his Prince Saroni's wife.) 22801 Pauline; by L. B. Walforxi. 17112 Pauline ; drama ; tr. and adapt, fr. the french. {In Mod. stand. ^ dr., V. 17.) 11818 Pauline ; par George Sand. ( With Le p^ch^ de M. Antoiue.) 14509 Paulinus N^olanus, M. P. A., Bp. Carmen additum epistolse ad Gestidium. {In Lemaire, N. PI Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Paull, Mrs. H. B. Dick the sailor. 18842 Paull, M. A. Tim's troubles. 9984 Paulli. See Pauli. Pauperism. Fawcett, H. Pauperism; its causes and remedies. 13447 — tSee also Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., passim. Pausanius the Spartan ; by Lord Lytton. 15537 Pauvres de Paris, Les ; drame ; par E. Brisbarre et E. Nus. 14555 Pauvrette ; drama; by D. Boucicault. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 29.) 11824 Pavements. Gillmore, Q. A. Practical treat, on roads, streets, and pavements. 16036 — Routhwait«, R. S. Wood pavements. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I Paxton, Mass. Stock well, G. A. History of P. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 2.) *I Payer, J. New lands within the Arctic circle; narr. of the disc, of the Austrian ship "Tegetthoff," 1872-1874. Maps and illust. 17027 Paying investment, A ; by A. E. Dickinson. 15483 Payn, J. At her mercy. 12765 — A beggar on horseback ; or, A county family. 10688 — The best of husbands. * ^ 12937 — Bred in the bone ; or, Like father, like son. Illust. 10682 — By proxy. 17636 — Cecil's tryst. 10099 — A confidential agent. 3 y. 20815-17 — Fallen fortunes. 16579 — For cash only. . 21836 — From exile. ' 20515 960 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. « — A grape from a thorn. ' — Halves. 15495 — High spirits ; stories written in them. 19363 — Kit ; a memory. 22392 — Less black than we're painted. 17708 — Married beneath him. 15802 — Murphy's master. 11615 — Some private views; essays, etc. 21986 Contents. The Midway Inn.— The critic on the hearth.— Sham admira- tion in literature.— The pinch of poverty.— The literary calling and its future.— Story-telling.— Penny fiction.— Hotels.— Maid-servants. — Men- servants.— Whist-players.— Relations.— Invalid literature.— Wet holidays. —Travelling companions. — Walter's word. 13972 — What he cost her. 17281 — A woman's vengeance. 11193 Payne, E. J. Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to Amer. ; fr. the coll. of Hakluyt. 21899 Contents. Hawkins, J. ;— Frobisher, M. ;— Drake, F. ;— Gilbert, H. ;— Amadas, P. and Barlow, A. ;— Cavendish, T. ;— Raleigh, W. Payne, J. Lautrec ; poem. 18745 — Prefatory note ; Introduction. (Jw Villon, F. Poems.) 20969 Payne, J. H. Plays. See French's minor drama ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Harrison, G. Life and writings of Payne. *I Payne, J. Pestalozzi ; infl. of his princ, etc., on education. (Pps. on educ.) *I — Science and art of education ; Principles of the science of educ. (Pps. on educ.) *I Payne ; See also Paine. Paysanamoureux,Le ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 24.) *I Payson, P. Sermon, 1778. (7n Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the Am. rev.) *I Peabody, A. P. Biography of S. C. Haven. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 — Christian belief and life. 13566 — Christianity and science. 13264 — Christianity the relig. of nature. 5597 — Conversation; its faults and its graces. 7438 Contents. Peabody, A. P. Address, Newburyport, 1846. — Trench, F. Lecture, Reading, Eng., 1854. — Gwynne, P. A word to the wise. — Mis- takes and improprieties in speaking and writing. — Elective system in colleges. ( In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — God ; discourse. (7^/i Unit, affirm.) 18586 — Lectures on Christian doctrines. 3412 — Manual of moral philosophy. 11997 — Reminiscences of European travel. 7479 — Relations of ethics and theology. (In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 — Scientific educ. of mechanics and artisans. (In Smiths. Inst. Rept.,1872.) 13103 — Sermons for children. • 6255 Contents. How to be religious.— Use and abuse of the tongue.— False shame .—Memory . — Sovereignty of law. (In Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 — Testimony of the apostles. (7^ Boston lect., 1872.) 8988 Peabody, E. P. Esthetic papers. 5153 — Childhood. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Plea for Froebel's kindergarten. (In Identification of the artisan.) 8131 — Record of Mr. Alcott's school. 3d. ed., rev. 12248 — Reminiscences of Wm. Ellery Channing. 19600 — joint author. See Mann, M. P. Peabody, E. Christian days and thoughts. 3414 — Sermons ; with a memoir [by S. A. Eliot] . 3413 Peabody, E. Peabody, F. H. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 961 Peabody, F. H. Biography of E. Peabody. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Peabody, G. Account of proc. at dinner given to Americans connect, with the Gt. Exhibition, 1851. 9690 — Bourne, H. R. F. {In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 — Hanaford, P. A. Life of Peabody. 21511 — McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) . 8983 Peabody, itfrs. M. Miss Slimmens' window ; and other papers. 3415 Peabody, O. W. B. Life of I. Putnam. {In Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) 2709 — Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 13.) 4116 — Life of J, Sullivan. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 13.) 4122 Peabody, R. S. Note book sketches. *I Peabody. W. B. O. Life of A. Wilson. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 2.) 4111 — Life of C. Mather. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am.'biog., v. 6.) 4115 — Life of D. Brainerd. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 8.) 4117 — Same. {In Lives of em. individ., v. 1.) • 2708 — Life of J. Oglethorpe. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 12.) 4121 Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Report, v. 1,2. 17434; 19624 Principal contents. Y . 1. Reports. 2. Abbott, C.C. Disc, of supposed Paleolithic impl. fr. the glacial drift in the valU'v of the Delaware.— Shaler, N. S. Age of the Delaware gravel beds cont. chipped pebbles. — An- drews, E. B. Expl. of Ash cave in Hocking Co., O. ; Expl. of mounds in so. east. Ohio.— Carr, L. Expl. of a mound in Lee Co., Va.— Bandelier, A. F. Art of war and mode of warfare of the anc. Mexicans.— Abbott, C. C. Paleolithic implements, eic— Schumacher, P. Method of manuf. of articles by former Indians of Low. California.— Palmer, E. Cave dwell- ings in Utah.— Putnam, F. W. Manuf. of soapstone pots by the Indians of New Eng. — Blake, J. H. Notes on a coll. fr. the anc. cemetery at the bav of Chacota, Peru.— Putnam, F. W. Archaeolo^. expl. in Teimessee. -Carr, L. Obs. on the crania fr. the stone graves in Tennessee.- Bande- lier, A. F. Distribution and tenure of lands, and the customs with respect to inheritance, among the anc. Mexicans.— Carr, L. Measurements of crania fr. California.— Abbott, C. C. Flint chips.— Schumacher, P. Method of manuf. pottery and baskets among the Indians of So. Califor- nia.— Reynolds, E. R. Aboriginal soapstone auarries in the Dist. of Co- lumbia.— Morgan, L. H. Ruins of a stone pueblo on the Animas river in New Mexico.— Bandelier, A. F. Social organization and mode of govern- ment of the anc. Mexicans. Peace. Ballou, A. Christian non-resistance. 481 — Beckwith, G. C. Peace manual. 344 — Hancock, T. Principles of peace exempl. in the Soc. of Friends, Ire- land, 1798. 1764 — Northend, C. Elihu Burritt; sk. of hi^ life; select, fr. his writings; extr. fr. his journals, efc. 10667 — Upham, T. G. Manual of peace. 4577 — Ward, A. W. The peace of Europe. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 Peace Jubilee. See Boston. History. Peacemakers, The. See Cedardale. Peacock, T. L. Works ; pref . by Lord Houghton ; biog. not. by E. NicoUs, and portr. ; ed. by H. Cole. 3 v. 13879-81 Contents. V, 1. Headlong hall. — Melincourt. — Nightmare abbey. 3. Maid Marian.— The misfortunes of Elphin.— Crotchet castle.— Gryll grange. 3. Poetrv.— Miscellanies. — Smith, G. B. {In 'his Poets and novelists.) 16378 Peak, The, in Darien ; essays ; by F. P. Cobbe. 21882 Peake, E. History of the Germ, emperors and their contemp. lUust. 13010 Peake, J. Rudiments of naval architecture. 3438 Peake, R. B. Amateurs and actors. {In French's min. dr., V. 20.) 11846 962 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pearce, W. C. History of Spain and Portugal ; map and illust. (Collins' school ser.) 18447 Pearce, W. H. The happy transformation ; hist, of a London apprentice ; with pref . 3439 Peard, F. M. Cartouche. 2 v. 19015-16 — Castle and town. 21525 — Jeannette ; storv of the Huguenots. Illust. 22170 — Princess Alethea. Illust. 22171 — A madrigal and other stories. 18028 Contents. A madrigal. — Under the mountains. — syi night— day.— A story told at Pontresina.— My queen.— The tnree nags. — Margie's remembrances. (Magnet stories.) " 10572 — Mother Molly. 20176 — One year; of, A story of three homes. Illust. 19789 — The rose garden. 10549- — Thorpe Regis. 12249^ — Unawares. • 10925 — The white month. 20339 — A winter story. 16954 Pearl; by K. O'Meara. 19361 Pearl ashore, A ; by [M. A. Tincker]. {In 7ier Winged word, etc.) 11595 Pearl fountain, and other fairy tales ; by B. and J. Kavanagh. 16675 Pearl, The, of great price ; by R. H. Davis. {In Short stor.) 6965- Pearl of Orr's Island ; by H. B. Stowe. 425^ Pearl of Savoy, The; domestic drama. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 43.) 11831 Pearl, The, of the Antilles ; by A. Gallenga. 12083 Pearls, The ; and other tales. 3441 Contents. Eschenbach, O. The pearls.- Trauermantel. The blind grandfather.— Franz, A. The rivals; The friends; The best dowry. Pearls and mock pearls of hist. ; by A. Hayward. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 1.) 12305- Pearls for young ladies ; fr. Ruskin : by L. C. Tuthill. 18410 Pearls of the faith ; or, Islam's rosary ; by E. Arnold. 22365 Pearls of thought ; by M. M. Ballon. 20258 Pearson, C. H. English history in the 14th. cent. (Hist. handbooks.) 16775 — History of Eng. dur. the early and Middle Ages. 2 v. 12204-5 Pearson, C. K. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the Vict, age, V. 1.) 20030 Pearson, E. C. The poor white ; or. The rebel conscript. 5672 Pearson, H. M. Principal features of the Bristol waterworks. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) *I Pearson, H. Memoirs of C. Buchanan. 3440 Pearson. J. Barry, A. (In his Mast, in Eng. theol.) 18702 Pearson, R. Hale, E. E. Paul Jones and P. {In his Stor. of the sea.) 20054 Pearson, W. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 6.) 13814 Peasant-boy philosopher. The, Story of; by H. Mayhew. 20813 Peasant life in Glenaldie. 2 ser. 10658-9 Peasantry. Heath, F. G. The English peasantry. 12809 — Thornton, W. T. A plea for peasant proprietors ; with outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland. 12746 Peaslee, J. B. Graded selections for memorizing. 19975 Pebbles. Hyatt, A. About pebbles. 18428 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 963 P^caut, F. Cobbe, F. P. A French theist. {In her Darwin- ism, etc.) 10835 Pecci, Cardinal. The church and civilization ; Pastoral letters for Lent. 17723 P^ch^ de M. Antoine, Le ; par George Sand. 2 v. 14508-9 P^ches de Mamette, Les ; par H. D'Erville. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 5.) 14795 Peck, A. T. Fortunes for workingmen ; new and sure way to accumulate property. 7496 Peck, E. Mary Brandegee. 5964 Peck, J. M. Life of D. Boone, (/w Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., V. 23.) 4132 Peck, J. O. The Sabbath a neccessity to all forms of soc. regeneration. {In S-abb. ess.) 19808 Peck, W. A. Westminster ; life among the Queen's scholars. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Peck, W. G. Introductory course of nat. phil. ; ed. fr. Ganot's popular physics ; rev. by L. S. Burbank and J. I. Hanson. 21228 — Treati.se on analytical geometry. 17974 Peculiar ; by E. Sargent. ' 5198 Pedagogics. Rosenkranz, K. Pedagogics as a system. 12080 — See also Education. Pedant, The ; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Pedant jou^, Le ; com^die ; par S. C. de Bergerac. (Oeuvres comiques.) 14599 Pedigree of the English people ; by T. Nicholas. 13819 Pedlar's hoard, The ; by M. Lemon. 10575 Pedo Albinovanus, C. See Albinovanus, C. P. Pedro I., the Cruel, King of Castile. M^rim^e, P. History of Peter the Cruel. 2 v." 6039-40 Pedro II., Emperor of Brazil. Fialho, A. Don Pedro ; not. biographique. 14459 Peebles, M. L. {pseud. L. Palmer). Jeannette's cisterns. 21248 — Magnet stories; namely: Drifting and steering. 7099 One day's weaving. 7102 Peel, R. Speech on the repeal of the corn laws. {In Speech. of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Bagehot, W. Character of P. {In his Biog. stud.) 20441 — Bulwer, H. L. Sir Robert Peel ; hist, sketch. 13804 -- Francis?, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Memoirs of Sir R. Peel. (In Biog. and crit.) 7911 — Stanhope, P. H. Sir R. Peel on Sir R. Walpole ; On the House of Lords. (In his Misc.) 6599- Peep o'day ; drama; by E. Falconer. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 44.) 11832 Peeps abroad for folks at home ; by C. L. Mat^aux. 19499 Peers and parvenus ; by Mrs. Gore. 12398 Peg Woflington ; by C. Reade. 3609 Pegasus re-saddled ; by H. C. Pennell. 17168 Peggy and other tales. 15599 Peile, J. Philology. (Lit. primers.) 17091 Peirce, B. Ideality in the phys. sciences. 20554 Contents. Ideality in science.— Cosmogony.— From nebula to star.— Planet, comet, and meteor.— The cooling of the earth and the sun.— Potentiality.— Appendix. 964 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Ocean lanes for steamship navigation. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 Peirce, B. K. A half cent, with juvenile delinquents ; or, The N. York House of Refuge and its times. 8476 — Preventive and reformatory institutions in the U. S. {In Nat. Cong. Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) »I Peirce, E. W. Contributions, biographical, genealogical, and historical. *I Note. Contains genealogies of the follow^ing families : Barnaby, Bart- lett, Booth, Brownell, Caswell, Gardiner, Godfrey, Harlow, Rowland, Haskins, Macomber, Pearce, Richmond, Rogers, Rounsevill, Sheffield, Shelly, Warren, Weaver, Williams. — The Peirce family of the Old Colony ; or, The lineal degjcendants of Abraham Peirce. *I Bound with Peirce, E. W. Contributions, etc., above. Peirce, J. M. Biography of C. R. Lowell. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.)' ^ 6492 — Elements of logarithms; with an expl. of the three and four place tables of logarith. and trigonometric functions. *I — Three and four place tables of logarithmic and trigonometric functions. *T Peirson, L. J. Forest leaves. 3458 Pekin. Lander, S. W; Spectacles for young eyes. 19403 — See also China. Pelayo, King of Leon. Irving, W. Legend of P. {In his Span, papers.) 2164; 5868 Pelayo ; by E. T. P. Beach. 5545 Pelham; by [E. B. Lytton]. 595 Pelleport, P., vicomte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {hi Jiis Caus. lund., V. 18.) ' *I Pelletan, E. The pastor of the desert, Jean Jarousseau ; fr. the French. 10550 Pellico, S. Le mie prigioni. 15509 — Same; Eng. My prisons; memoirs. 19892 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Ess., biog. and crit.) 4523 Pelotons de Clairette, Les ; com^die ; par Mme. Figuier. 9571 Peloponnesian War. Thucydides. History of the Pelopon- nesian war ; notes by T. Arnold. *I Peloiibet, F. N. and M. A. Select notes on the Internatl. S. S. lessons, 1878. 17283 Pelsart, F. Kingsley, H. Shipwreck of P. {In his Tales.) • 8065 Peltier, J. G. Mackintosh, J. Speech in defence of P. {In his Misc. works.) 2825 Pemaquid ; by E. Prentiss. 17349 Pemberton, C. R. Fox, W. J. {In his Mem. ed. of Coll. Works, V. 6.) *I Pemberton, T. E. Dickens's London ; or, London in the works of Dickens. 15720 Pemberton family. Titcomb, S. E. Account of the P. and allied families. {In her Early N. Eug. people.) *I Tembridge^ pseud. Whist, or bumblepuppy? 22477 Pembroke, Countess of. See Herbert, M. S. Pen and ink sketches ; by [J. R. Dix]. *I Pencil sketches ; by E. Leslie. 2610 Pencillings by the way ; by N. P. Willis. 4809 Pencz, G. Scott, W. B. {In his Little masters.) 19227 Pendennis, History of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 4399 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 965 Pendleton, H. The parents' guide. (Water-cure Lib., v. 2.) 9919 Pendu, Le ; monologue par C Cros. (Th^^tre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Penetralia, The : by A. J. Davis. 19462 Penikese Island. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Lecture at P. {In Trib. pop. sci.) 12943; *I Penington, I. Webb, M. The Penns and Peningtons of the 17th. cent.) 7084 Peninsular War. L'Estrange, G. B. Recollections ; the Penin- sular War. 12792 — Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula and so. of France, 1807-14. 5 V. 3210-14 Penitent confession, A. {In Fam. stor., v. 1.) 18148 — Same. (^In Home narr.) 1197 Penley, A. System of water color painting. Present state of the art. (Putnam's art hd.-bks.) 19257 Penmanship. Spencer, H. C. Spencerian key. 19689 — " Spencerian authors." Theory of Spencerian penmanship. 19690 Penn, A. Additions, (/n Hood, T. The rhymester.) 21422 — Heredity. (Zn Matthews, J. B. Corned, for am. acting.) 19355 Penn, W. No cross, no crown. 3442 — Passages f r. the life and writings of P. ; fr. his works, and fr. the biog. of Clarkson, Lewis, Jannev, etc. 22172 — Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 — Burdette, R. J. Wni. Penn, 1()44-1718. 21879 — Dixon, W. H. Wm. Penn ; hist. biog. 1236 — Hall, A. M. The grave of P. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 — Howitt, M. Penn and Pennsylvania ; Penn's treaty with the Indians ; Penn's departure, {hi her Vignettes.) ' 7679 — Keyser, C. S. Penn's treaty with the Indians. 22081 — Paget, J. Lord Macjmlay and Penn. {In his Paradoxes, etc.) 12732 — Sir William Penn, Knight, admiral, and general at sea. 16696 — Webb, M. The Penns and Peningtons of the 17th. cent. 7084 Pennell, H. C. Modern practical angler. Ulust. 10855 — Pegasus re-saddled. Illust. bv Du Maurier. 17168 Pennell, R. F., ed. Ancient Greece ; to 146 B. C. 22641 — Rome, to 476 A. D. 22642 Penney, L. Readings and recitations, nos. 1, 2. 18137-8 Penney. See also Penny. Pennington, A. R. Life and character of Erasmus. Pref. by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. 16542 Pennington, T. Journey into var. pts. of Europe, 1818-21 ; with notes, and mem. of the Grand Dukes of the House of Medici ; of the Dynasties of the Kings of Naples ; and of the Dukes of Milan. 2 v. 6052-3 Pennot, Bev. Peter, pseud. See Round, W. M. F. Pennsylvania. History. — Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. H. Pennsylvania. • 238 Ornithology. — Gentrj, T. G. Life-histories of the birds of eastern Pennsylvania. 2 v. 15990-1 — Nicklm, P. H. A pleasant peregrination through P. 5146 *' Pennsylvania Dutch," and other essays; by P. E. Gibbons. 11004 Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art. Pro- ceedings at a convention of the house and senate of Penn., Feb. 15, 1877. With speech by W. Smith on Industrial art education, consid. economically. 16956 Pennsylvania pilgrim. The, and other poems ; by J. G. Whittier. 11007 Penny, V. The employments of women ; cyclopaedia of woman's work. 5432 966 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Penny. See also Penney. Penny postage. Hill, R. History of penny postage. {In his Life.) 2 V. 20541-2 Penrose, E. (C.) (pseud. Mrs. Markham). History of EngJ fr. the invasion of Csesar to reign of Victoria ; new ed. rev., with questions, by E. Robbins. 5943 — History of Fr. f r. the conquest of Gaul to the reign of Louis Philippe ; prep, for the use of schools; by J. Abbott. 2905 — History of Germany, fr. its invasion by Marius, to 1867. New and rev. ed. 10881 Penruddocke ; by H. Aide. 11060 Pens. Lindsey, G. Pens and papier-mdch^. 15467 Pens and types ; by H. Drew. 10014 Pension Beaurepas, The ; by H. James, Jr. 22588 Pension bourgeoise. La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 10.) *I Pentadius. Elegise, etc. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 Pentateuch. See Bible. Penticost, G. F. The angel in the marble. 17709 Penwyn, M. J. Pilchards. (In Hale, E. E. Tales fortrav., V. 4.) 13933 People I have met ; pict. of society and people of mark ; by N. P. Willis. 4810 People of Bleaburn ; by L. C. Tuthill. 4550 People's lawyer. The; comedy; by J. S. Jones, (/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 31.) 11825 Pepactou ; by J. Burroughs. 20466 P6pe, G. Memoirs. 3 v. 3416-18 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science simplified. Illust. 8036 Co7itents. Light.— Heat.— Electricity. — Magnetism. — Pneumatics. — Acoustics. — Chemistry. — Boy's playbook of science. 8699 — Play book of metals. 8698 Pepper, K. N. See Maurice, J. Pepper, W. The sanitary rel. of hospitals. {Tn Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 2.) *I Pepperell, W. Hawthorne, N. (I7i his Fanshawe, etc.) 15903 — Parsons, U. Life of Pepperell. 3386 Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence ; with a life and notes by Lord Braybrooke. 6th. ed. 4 v. 3419-22 — Wheatley, H. B. Samuel Pepys and the world he lived in. 20218 Pequinillo ; by G. P. R. James. 5261 Perak. McNair, F. Perak and the Malays; "Sarong" and "Kris." 21187 Perce, E. Gulliver Joi ; his three voyages. 3459 Perceval, S. Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 Perch, Philemon, pseud. /S'ee Johnston, R. M. Percival, F. E. The angel visitor. 3423 Percival, J. G. Poetical works; with biog. sketch. 2 v. 3424-5 — Lowell, J. R. Life and letters of P. (Zw Ms My stud, windows.) 10522 — Ward, J. H. Life and letters of Percival. 6462 Percival Keene ; by Capt. Marryat. 2913 Percy, J. Metallurgy ; Introduction, refractory materials, and fuel ; rev. ed. *I Silver and gold ; pt. 1. Illust. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 967 — Metallurgy of lead. 9202 Percy, T. Reliques of anc. Eng. poetry ; old heroic ballads, songs, etc. ; with some of later date ; ed. by R. A. Will- mott. 13735 — Reliques of Anc. Eng. poetry. See Lanier, S. The boy's Percy. Percy, S. and R.^ pseud. See Byerley, T. and Robertson, J. C. Percy and the prophet: by W. Collins. 17059 Percy anecdotes. See Byerley, T. and Robertson, J. C. *'Perdita" [Mary Robinson], Story of . (In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 P^re Antoine's date-palm ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In /m Marjorie Daw.) 11933 P^re de Lachaise. Viennet, J. P. G. Promenade philosophique au cimetiere du P^re La Chaise. 2d. ed. 14472 Peregrine Bunce ; by T. Hook. 15661 Pereira, M. Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira ; or, The sover- eign rule of So. Carolina. 6066 P^res et enfants ; pari. S. Turgeneff. 14636 Perez Family, The ; by G. Aguilar. {In her Home scenes, etc.) 6627 Perfect Adonis, A ; by M. Cole. 13671 Perfect life, The ; discourses ; by W. E. Channing. 11289 Perfect love casteth out fear; by K. S. Washburn. 13609 Perfection ; farce; by T. H. Bayly. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 4.) 11806 Perfumes. Clifford, F. S. A romance of perfume lands ; or, The search for Capt. J. Cole ; with facts about perfumes and articles used in the toilet. *I Pericles. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) In91 — Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles ; hist, of the politics and arts of Greece f r. the Persian to the Peloponnesian war. 2 v. 14046-7 — P^ricK\s. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) Pericles. /See Shakespeare, W". 14490 P^rier, C. A. V. L. C. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. (In his Orators of France.) 5012 — King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.)' 13829 P^rier, Mme. G. Vie de Pascal. {In Pascal, B. Pens^es.) 14717 Perils of certain English prisoners ; by C. Dickens. (In his Holiday stories.) 7999 — Same. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v.7.) 14307 Perinchief, O. Lanman, C. O. Perinchief ; his life of trial and supreme faith. 21770 Peripatetic philosopher. See Stewart, J. Perjury. Durfee, J. {In his Works.) 10156 Perkins, A. D. Beatrice's mirror. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 3.) 13932 Perkins, A. T. Sketch of the life, and list of the works of Copley. *I Perkins, C. C. Art education in Amer. ; Art schools. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Fresco, encaustic, etc. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Notes, iln Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste.) 9104 — Raphael and Michelangelo : crit. and biog. ess. [Illust.] *I Perkins, F. 1>. The best reading ; hints on the select, of books, the formation of libraries, pub. and private ; courses of reading, etc. ; with class, bibliog, for easy ref. 4th. rev. ed. 16895 968 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Charles Dickens ; sketch of his life and works. 8672- — Devil-puzzlers. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) 18986 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 — Devil-puzzlers, and other studies. 17111 Contents. A chat by way of preface.— Devil-puzzlers. — The man- ufactory.— Childhood : a study.- The compensation office.- My forenoon with the baby. — The man-ufactory. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 3.) 13932 — My three conversations with Miss Chester. 17065 — Plkns of reading ; What to read. {In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) 19847 — Scrope ; or, The lost library. • 12871 Perkins, J. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 Perkins, J. A. Ropes, J. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Perkins, S. G. Higginson, T. W. {In his Harv, mem. biog., V. 1.) ^ 6492 Perle de la Canebi^re, La ; comedie ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre compl., v. 5.) 14562 Perle fausse, La ; comedie ; par E. Jouan. (Tti^^ire de camp., s^r. 6.) • 14690 Permanence and evolution ; by S. E. B. B. Pusey. ' 22423 Perpetual curate. The; by [Mrs. Oliphant]. 6440 Perpetual motion. Dircks, H. Perpetual motion. 9224 Perplexing predicament ; by C. Selby. {Li French's min. dram., v. 31.) 7986 Perrault, C. Little Red-riding-hood ; Cinderella ; Blue beard ; Sleeping beauty in the wood ; Hop-o'-my-thumb. {In Old fashioned tales, ser. 2.) 19938 — Toads and diamonds ; The master cat, or Puss in boots. {In Old fashioned tales, ser. 1.) 19937 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 1; Caus. lund., v. 6.) *I — See also Sauveur, L. Contes merveilleux. — and others. Fairy tales ; tr. by J. R. Planch^. 10880 Perreyve, H. Hammerton, P. G. {In his Mod. Frenchmen.) 18109 Perrier, A. A good match. 12042 Perrin, L., nee Lab6. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. ; Nouv. lund., v. 4.) *I Perrin, V., marshal. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., V. 2.) 1826 — Perrin. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Perry, A. W. Effectual external relations without delay to commerce. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 1.) *I Perry, A. T. The schoolmaster's trial ; or, Old school and new. 20206 — A windfall. 19856 Perry, A. Esther Pennefather. 17767 Perry, A. L. Elements of political economy. 8675 — Introduction to political economy. 21390 Perry, Gr. B. Corporal Bruce ; or. The Balaklava "six hundred." 17768 Perry, G. G. History of the Eng. Church ; to the accession of Henry VIII. 21486 Perry, J. Elementary treatise on steam. 12822 — Stoppage of Dagenham breach. {In Smiles, S. Lives of the eng., v. 1.) *I Perry, J. S. Defence of the U. S. patent system. {In IJ. S. Pat. Ass. Pub., V. 1.) 13896 Perry, J. T. Sixteen saviours or one? The gospels not Brahmanic. 18683 catalogue' of books. 969 Perry, N. After the ball, and other poems. 13081 — A book of love stories. 20713 Contents. Dolly.— Dick Halliday's wife.— Laura and her hero.— Christine.— Mr. and Mrs. Meyer.— The charmer charmed.— After five years.— John Eccleston's thanksgiving.— An heiress.— Margaret Freyer's heart. — Tragedy of the unexpected, and other stories. 19857 Contents. Tragedy of the unexpected.— Mrs. Stanhope's last lodger.— A foolish girl.— Our ice man.— In the red room. — "My Nannie O." — In a street car.— Mrs. F.'s waiting-maid.— The ribbon of honor. — Sketch of N. Perry. {In Gilman, A., etc. Poets' homes.) 19289 Perry, O. H. Irving, W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 — Muzzey, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 — Niles, J. M. Life of Perry. 3259 Perry, T. S. English literature in the 18th. cent. 22597 — Life and letters of Francis Lieber. Portr. 22324 Persecuted Dutchman ; by S. Barry. (In French's min. dram., V. 19.) 11845 Persepolis. Myers, P. V. N. {In his Remains of lost empires.) 18466 Perseverance. Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance and enterprise ; [biography] .' 6741 Persia, ilr^. — Smith, R. M. Persian art. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I Description. — Anderson, T. S. My wanderings in Persia. 22097 — Ballantine, H. Midnight marches through Persia. 18268 — Ferguson, J. The Persian palace of Mashita. {In Tristram, H. B. The landofMoab.) 12141 — Fraser, J. B. {In his Winter's journey fr. Constantinople to Tehran. 2 v.) 2172-3 — India. Council of India. Eastern Persia; acct. of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72. 2 v. *I — Morier, J. Journey through Persia, etc., 1808-9. 3154 — Southgate, H. {In his Narrative of a tour through Armenia, etc.) 2 v. 4086-7 — Stack, E. Six months in Persia. 2 v. 22057-8 History. — Blunt, A. Our Persian campaign, 1879. ( With her Pilgrimage to Nejd.) 20444 — Cox, G. W. The Greeks and the Persians. 16752 — Fraser, J. B. Historical and descriptive acct. of Persia. 2171 — Herodotus. The story of the Persian war; by A. J. Church. 21477 — Cox, G. W. Tale of the great Persian war; fr. the hist, of Herodotus. 8924 — Markham, C. R. General sketch of the hist, of Persia. 12583 — Vaux, W. S. W. Persia to the Arab conquest. 14069 Literature. — See Bakhtyar Nama ;— Khayyam, O. ;— Saadi, M. H. Beligion. — Milne, J. Religion of P. ; Zoroaster and the Zend-Avesta. {In Caird, J. Orient, religions.) 21880 Same. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — See also Zend-Avesta. Miscellaneous. — Rawlinson, G. {In his Five great monarchies, v. 4.) 8911 — See also Sassanian empire. Persiani, F. Clayton, E. C. (7n 7ie?- Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G.T. (/?i Ms Great singers, ser. 2.) 20365 Persius Flaccus, A. Satirae ; item Lucilii fragmenta, Satira Sulpicise, cur. A. Perreau. (Cum Juvenale, v. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8261 Personal adornment. Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. 16620 Personal appearances in health and disease ; by S. Coupland. 18593 Personal memories ; by E. D. Mansfield. 18600 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 62 970 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Personal reminiscences ; by R. B. Forbes. 18076 Personality. Alcott, A. B. Personality. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Personation ; by Mrs. Kemble. {In French's min dram., v. 15.) 11843 Perspective. Bartholomew, W. N. Linear P. explained. 7249 — Davidson, E. A. Elements of practical perspective. 12617 — Smith, R. P. Manual of linear perspective. 4277 — Ware, W. R. Modern P. ; principles and practice of plane and cylindrical P. 2 V. *I — Warren, S. "E. Manual of elementary problems in linear P. ; with notes on aerial P. 20293 — See also Drawing. Persuasion; by J. Austen. (Jn /^er Novels, v. 1.) 733 Perthes, C. T. Life and times of F. Perthes [abrgd. from the memoirs of P.] 3443 Perthes, V. Life and times [abrgd. from the memoirs of P., by e. T. Perthes]. 3443 — Taylor, I. {In his Golden lives.) 11755 Perty, M. Vorschule der Naturwissenschaft ; leichtfassliche Ubersicht der Haupt-Formen und-Erscheinungen. 10251 Peru. Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba, Peru, e^c, sketch- book of a traveller, 1864-1868. *I — Hutchinson, T. J. Two years in Peru, with expl. of its antiquities. 2 v. 13280-1 — Markham, C. R. Peru. 'lllust. (Foreign countries, eic.) 20376 The war between Peru and Chili, 1879-1882. 22817 — Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Peru, etc. 2 v. 3536-7 — Squier, E. G. Peru ; travel and exploration. . 16871 — Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in Peru, 1838-1842. 4513 — Wilson, A. J. The river Plate, Chili, and Peru. {In his Res. of mod. countries, v. 2.) 17822 Perugino, Pietro Vaunucci, called. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Perversion ; or. The causes and consequences of infidelity ; by W. J. Conybeare. 930 Pervigilium Veneris. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) , 8360 Peschel, O. The races of man, and their geog. distribution. 16686 Pessimism. Cobbe, F. P. Pessimism, and one of its professors. {In her Peak in Darien.) 21882 Pestalozzi, J. H. Pestalozzi ; his life, work, etc. 13561 — Quick, R. H. {In his Essays on educational reformers.) 12175 — Raumer, K. von. Life and system of Pestalozzi. *1 Pet ; or, Pastimes and penalties ; by H. R. Haweis. 12337 Pet circle. The ; by A. Putnam. 6117 Pet of the petticoats ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 30.) 7986 Peter, the Cruel., of Castile. See Pedro. Peter, St. Taylor, W. M. Peter the apostle. 18123 Peter, St..^ of Alcantara. Life. 2 v. (Saints and servants of God.) . 8940-1 Peter I., the Great. Abbott, J. History of Peter. 16 — Eustaphieve, A. Reflections, notes, etc., illust. the character of P. 5028 — Motley, J. L. Peter the Great. 17084 Same. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. from the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Myers, F. {In his Lect. on gt. men.) 12956 — Wight, O. W. Life of Peter. 2 v. 4771-2 Peter. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Peter, the wild boy. Fairholt, F. W. (Jn his Eccentric and remarkable characters.) * 5058 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 971 Peter and Polly ; by M. Douglas [A. D. Green]. 15897 Peter Brown, Revelations of; by J. F. Waller. *I Peter Carradine ; by C. Chesebro'. 5297 Peter Drake's dream ; by Mrs. Broderi'p. 10571 Peter Goldthwaite's treasure ; by N. Hawthorne. {In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7023 — Same. {In Family stories, v. 1.) 18148 Peter Gott ; by J. Reynolds. 5853 Peter Parley's annual, 1882. • 21137 Peter Simple; by Capt. Marryat. 2914 Peter tlie parson ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Peter the Whaler ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 2480 Peter Trawl ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 21035 Peter Wilkins ; melo-dramatic spec. (7?^Mod. stand, dr., v. 19.) 11819 Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt, C. Peterkin, A. The parsonage. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 3.) 8043 Peterkin papers, The ; by L. P. Hale. 19946 Peters, B. Worship; its necessity. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 Peters, De W. C. Life and adv. of Kit Carson. 3444 — Pioueer life and frontier adv.; life and exploits of Kit Carson, fr. his narrative. 21900 Peters, J. C. Origin and spread of Asiatic cholera. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I — and McClellan, E. History of the trav. of Asiatic cholera. {In U. S. President. Cholera epidemic of 1873.) 17929 Peters, S. A. Trumbull, J. H. {In his True-blue laws of Conn.) *I Petersham, Jfas.9. Horr, G. W. History of P. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 2.) . . *I Peterson, C. J. Military heroes of the revolution ; with narr. of the war. 3445 Peterson, Mrs. M. E. Peterson's preserving, pickling, and canning fruit manual. 19447 Petit dragon ; Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 3.) *I Petit Max, Le ; par L. Halevy. {In his Mariage d'amour.) 14790 Petit vieux des batignolles, Le ; par E. Gaboriau. 14669 Petit voyage, Le ; pochade ; par E. M. Labiche. (The^t. compl., V. 7.) 14571 Petite 6tincelle engendre grand feu ; par P. C^li^res. {In his En sc^ne.) 14601 Petite Fadette, La ; par George Sand. 9379 Petite folic, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 9.) *I Petite lampe merveilleuse, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 1.") *I Petite marieuse, La ; fantaisie ; par E. Goby. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 Petite soeur. La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 8.) *I Petites mains, Les ; com. ; par E. M. Labiche. (Th^dtre compl., V. 8.) 14572 Petites mis^res de la vie hum^ine, Les ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 8.) ♦! 972 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Petits cadeaux, Les ; com^die ; par J. Normand. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser 1.) 14685 Petits oiseaux, Les ; com^die ; par E. Labiche et A. C. L. Delacour. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2.) 9420 Petits oiseaux, Les; commie; par E. M. Labiche. (Theatre compl., V. 2.) 14559 Petits violons du roi, Les ; op^ra comique ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 4, v. 18.) . *I Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America, 1865. 6407 Petrarca, F. Sonnets, Triumphs, and other poems ; life of the poet, by T. Campbell. 3447 — Sonnets. {In Tomlinson, C. The sonnet.) 19135 — Campbell, T. Life of Petrarch. 676 — Macaulay, T. B. (/% Ais Crit., hist., and misc. ess., v. 1.) 2786 — Reeve, H. Petrarch. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 17637 Petrarch. See Petrarca, F. Petrifactions. Mantell, G. A. Petrifactions and their teach- ings. 2889 Petroleum. Bolles, A. S. {In his Indust. hist, of the U. S.) 18466 — Morris E. Derrick and drill ; disc, development, efc, of petroleum. 5920 — Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. 6034 Petronius Arbiter, T. De mutatione Reipublicae Romanse. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) — Carmina minore.- Trojse halosis. (In v. 3,)— vDescriptio loci amoeni. {In V. 7.)— (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360; 8361 ; 8365 Pets. Gautier, T. My household of pets ; tr. by S. Coolidge. 22260 Pettenkofer, M. von. What can we do against cholera? {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Pettibone name. The; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. 21601 Petticoat government ; by F. E. TroUope. 12407 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion ; with a dissert, on aero- nautics. Illust. (Int. sci. ser.) 12369 — Physiology of the circulation in plants, lower animals, and man. Lect. 12914 Pettingell, J. H. Homiletical index ; hand-book of texts, themes, and authors ; citations of Scripture texts, etc. ; introd. by G. E. Day. *I Petty-Fitzmaurice, H., 3d. Marquis of Lansdowne. Hayward, A. Lord Lansdowne.' {In his Biog. and crit. ess., n. s., v. 2.) 12306 — Martineau, H. {In his Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Peverelly, C. A. Book of American pastimes ; hist, of base ball, cricket, rowing, and yachting clubs of the U. S. 7068 Peveril of the Peak ; by W. Scott. 3822 Pews. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Peyrac, — . Madame de. French children at home ; introd. to Comment on Parle' k Paris. 15429 Peyton, J. L. Memoir of W. M. Peyton of Roanoke. *I Peyton, W. M. Peyton, J. L. Memoir of W. M. Peyton. *I Pezzi, D. Aryan philology; hist, and critical; tr. by E. S. Roberts. 19126 Pfeiffer, C. Report on methods of ventilation, {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Report upon sanitary rel. to health princ. of architecture. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 1.) *I Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker des Mittelalters, namely : Erzahlungen und Schwanke, hrsg. v. H. Lambel. 16261 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 973 Gottfried von Strassburg. Tristan. 2 v. 16259-60 Hartmann von der Aue. 3 v. 16256-8 Kudrun. 16240 Das Nibelungenlied. 16241 Walther von der Vogelweide. 16245 Wolfram von Eschenhach. Parzival und Titurel. 3 v. 16262-4 Pfeiffer, I. A lady's voyage round the world; tr. by Mrs. Sinnett. 6201 — Last travels ; incl. a visit to Madagascar ; autobiog. mem. ; tr. bv H. "W. Dulcken. ' 5331 — Travels. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod- travel.) 4356 — Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy ; tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 3d. ed. 3387 Pfleiderer, O. Paulinism ; contrib. to the hist, of prim. Chr. theology; tr. by E. Peters. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I Phaedrus. Fabulse ^sopia? quales pub. J. G. S. Schwabe, ace. Romuli fabularum ^sopiarum quibus novas Phaedri fabellas subj. J. B. Gail. 2 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8292-3 Phaethon ; or, Loose thoughts for loose thinkers ; by C. Kings- ley. {In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Same. (In his Sir W. Raleigh, etc.) 2475 Phaeton Rogers ; by R. Johnson. 20850 Phantasmion ; tale ; by S. Coleridge. 12485 Phantastes ; by G. MacDonald. 9140 Phantom, The ; drama ; by D. Boucicault. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 21.) 11820 Phantom regiment, The ; by J. Grant. 10764 Phantom ship. The ; by Capt. Marryat. 2915 Phantoms. See Witchcraft. Pharaohs, The, Land of ; by S. Manning. *I Pharmacy. Markoe, G. F. H. Legislation in rel. to P. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 Phases of faith ; by F. W. Newman. 3241 Ph^dre ; trag^die ; par J. Racine. {In his Th^ktre com\)\.) 14399 Phelps, A. One year at our boarding school. 7535 Phelps, A. H. L. The fireside friend ; advice to young ladies on educ. ; with Moral and relig. educ. from the Fr. of Mme. de Saussure. ♦ 3449 Phelps, A. English style in pub. discourse with spec. ref. to the pulpit. 22872 — Men and books ; or. Studies in homiletics. . 21618 . — Mv portfolio ; essays. 22045 Contents. A pastor of the last generation. — Rights of believers in anc. creeds.— Biblical doctrine of retribution.— Puritan the(#y of amusements. —Christian theory of amusements.— Is card-playing a Christian amuse- ments—The question of Sunday cars.— Woman-s-uitrage as judged by the working of negro-suffrage. — Reform in the polit. status of women.— The length of sermons.— Calvinistic theory of preaching.— Theology of ''The marble faun."— The debt of the nation to N.E.— Ought the pulpit to ignore spiritualism?— How shall the pulpit treat spiritualism?— Foreign and liome missions as seen by candidates for the ministry. — Foreign missions, their range of appeal for missionaries limited.— Congregationalists and Presby- terians ; a plea for tmion.— The preaching of A. Barnes.— A vacation with Dr. Bushnell.— Prayer viewed in the light of the Christian consciousness. —Intercessory prayer.— Hints auxiliary to faith in prayer.— The vision of Christ.— The cross in the door.— The premature closing of a life's work. — What do we know of the Heavenly life? — Relations of the Bible to the civilization of the future. (In Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 — The theory of preaching; lect. on homiletics. 20878 Phelps, C. H. Californian verses. 21926 974 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Phelps, Mrs. E. B. Memoir of Washington. 15435 Phelps, E. W. Phelps' bee-keeper's chart. (In Saxton*s rural hd.-bks., ser. 3.) 5694 Phelps, E. Phelps, A. A pastor of the last generation. (In Ms My portfolio.) 22045 Phelps, E. S. Dr. Zay. 22095 — Friends; a duet. 20642- — Gates ajar. 7645 — Gypsy Breynton. 9013 — Gypsy's cousin Joy. 9014 — Gypsy's sowing and reaping. 9015 — Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. 9016 — Hedged in. 8171 — The lady of Shalott. (In Little class., v. 10.) 12981 — Same. (In her Sealed orders.) 19224 — Men, women, and ghosts. 7745 — Paper. (In Howe, J. W. Sex and education.) 12253 — Poetic studies. 13761 — Sealed orders. 19224 Contents. Sealed orders.— Old Mother Goose.- The lady of Shalott.— The true story of Guenever. — Doherty. — The voyage of the "America." — Wrecked in port.— Running the risk.— Long, long ago.— Since I died.— A woman's pulpit.— Number 13.— Two hundred and two.— Cloth of gold.— Saint Caligula.— Miss Mildred's friend. — Neblitt. — The silent partner. 9105 — The story of Avis. 17107 — What to wear? 11702 — Sketch of E. S. Phelps. (In Gilman, A. Poets' homes.) 19289 Phelps, J. W. Force electrically exhibited. (In Estes, D. Hf. hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Phelps, R. H. Newgate of Connecticut ; origin and early hist. ; descr. of the Simsbury mines and caverns, and the prison built over them. Also, lUust. descr. of the state prison of Wethersfield. 17794 Phelps, S. D. The Holy Land. 10013 Phelps, W. I), (pseud. Webfoot). Fore and aft; or, Leaves fr. the life of an old sailor. Illust. 9800 Phelps, W. F. Report on a course of study for normal schools. (In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Addr., etc.) 11608 Phemie Frost's experiences ; by A. S. Stephens. 12507 Phemie Keller ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 6701 Phemie's temptation ; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 8003 Phenomenon in a smock frock : by W. Brough. (In French's min. dram., v. 19.) 11845 Phil, the fiddler ; by ti. Alger, Jr. 9212 Philadelphia, hiternational Exhibition, 1876. — Brazil. The empire of Brazil at the Exhibition. — Bruce, E. C. The century: its fruits and its festival; hist, and descr. of the exhibition, etc. ' 16721 — Hart, J. M. Vienna and the Centennial. (In Gindriez, C. Int. Exhib.) 18311 — National Asso. of Wool Manufacturers. Awards and claims of exhibits ors. 19616 — Walker, F. A. The world's fair, Phila., 1876; crit. acct. , 17508 ( Description. — Cook, J. Brief summer rambles near P., 1881. 21206 — Freedley, E. T. Philadelphia and its manufactures, 1857. 5446 Philanthropy. Giles, H. The philanthropic sentiment. (In his Illust. of genius.) 6001 — Higginson, T. W. The word philanthropv. (In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 975 Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. Stanley, A. P. {In his Ess. on Oh. and State.) 10698 Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary engineering. 20549 Philbrick, J. D. American Union Speaker. 10186 —Same ; [new ed] . 14358 — Inspection of country schools. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 Philibert mari6 ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 8.) ' *I Philidor. See Danican, F. A. Philip, 'King' {Indian name Metacom). Abbott, J. S. C. History of King Philip. 4928 — Freeman, F. Civilization and barbarism, illust. by espec. ref . to Metacomet and the extinction of his race. 18266 — Hollister, G. H. Mount Hope; or, Philip, King of the Wampanoags; hist, romance. 4058 Philip I r. King of Spain. Gayarr^, C. E. A. Philip II. of Spain. 6555 — Prescott, W. H. History of Philip. 3 v. • 3542-4 — Watson, K. History of the reign of P. 4678 — See also Carlos, Don. Philip III. King of Spain. Watson, R. and Thomson, W. History of the reign of Philip. 4679 Philip; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. {In /m Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Philip, Adventures of; by W. M. Thackeray. 4469 Philip Augustus ; by G. P. R. James. 2311 Philip Colville ; by G. Kennedy. 7207 Philip Eckert's struggles and triumphs ; story for boys. 8058 Philip Evergreen, Leaves fr. the sketch-book of ; by J. Skel-; ton. {In his Ess. in romance, etc.) 18752 Philip Nolan's friends ; by E. E. Hale ^ 16673 Philip Rollo ; by J. Grant. 1631 Philip van Artevelde ; by H. Taylor. 7075 Philippe ; com.-vaude. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 20.) *I Philippine Islands. Adams, W. H. D. The Eastern Archi- pelago. 20867 — Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. 14222 — Knox, T. W. Description of the P. {In his Adv. in a journey, etc.) 21097 — La Gironi^re, P. P. de. Twenty vears in the Philippines ; fr. the French. 1138 Philips, M. Kingsley, H. {In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 Philipson, J. Harness; as it has been, is, and should be; with Traction, e^c, by Nimshivich ; appendix. 22820 Philistine. The ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer-work.) 19019 Vhilippsi of HainauU ., Queen of Edward III. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Phillimore, C. M. Era Angelico. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 20113 Phillimore, L. Sir Christopher Wren ; his family and his times ; with letters and a discourse on architecture. Illust. 21306 Phillimore, R. Laocoon ; fr. Lessing, with pref. and notes. *I — The principal ecclesiastical judgments del. in the Court of Arches, 1867- 1875. *I Phillippo, J. M. Jamaica ; its past and present state. 12399 Phillipps, A. Waterston, Mrs. R. C. Adelaide Phillipps ; a •record. 22880 Phillipps, W. F. M. The book of English eligies. 18637 Phillipps- Wolley, Clive. See Wolley, C. P. 976 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Phillips, A. W. and Beebe, W. Graphic algebra; or, Geo- metrical interpretation of the theory of equations of one unknown quantity. 2d. ed. 22327 Phillips, B. Burning their ships. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 19039 — A struggle. (Appleton's new hand-vol. ser.) 17859 Phillips, C Curran and his contemporaries. 5382 — Speeches. 3458 — Speeches in Ireland and England. Added, Letter to George lY. {In Speeches of Phillips, e«c.) 5170 Phillips, G. S. {pseud. January Searle). The Gipsies of the Danes' Dyke ; story of hedge-side life in Eng. 5732 Phillips, J. A. Copper smelting. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15465 — Elements of metallurgy. 13049 — The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver. *I Phillips, J. B. Evil-eye. {In French's min. dr., v. 17.) 11844 Phillips, J. O. Halliwell-. See Halli well-Phillips, J. O. Phillips, J. S. The explorers', miners', and metallurgists' com- panion ; pract. expos, of geology, exploration, mining, engineering, assaying, and metallurgy. 2d. ed. 16602 Phillips, J. Address, York New Inst, of Pop. Science and Literature, 1846. {In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Geology of Oxford and the valley of the Thames. *I — Treatise on geology. * 3454 Phillips, W. Camilla's husband, (/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 29, 41.) " 11824; 11830 Phillips, W. H. The world to blame. 12103 Phillips, Watts. For a w^omau's sake. 12004 Phillips, W. Appendix. {In Child, L. M. Letters.) 22245 — Centennial oration. {In Pop. life of O'Connell.) 15421 — The church. (J>i Liberty bell.) . 5101 — The constitution a pro-slavery compact. 3455 — Speech, at Worcester, Oct. 1851. (Woman's rights.) 1903 — Speeches, lectures, and letters. 3939 — Bungay, G. (7w A^■s Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Stowe, H. E. B. {In her Men of our times.) 7354 — Thoreau, H. D. Wendell Phillips bef. the Concord Lyceum. {In his Yankee in Canada, etc.) ' 6464 — See also McGee, J. E. Fronde's slanders. Phillips, W. The conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her allies. 3456 Phillpotts, J. ^.^ joint author. See Cordery, B. M. Phillpotts, M. C. The manor farm. 8441 Philo, an evangeliad ; by [L. Judd]. 2404 Philo Judmus. Works ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 4 v. 5412-15 Philochristus ; memoirs of a disciple of the Lord ; [by E. A. Abbott]. 17619 Philology. See Language. Philom^ne's marriage ; by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 18278 Philosophers. Brougham, H. Lives of philosophers of the time of George III. {In his Works, v. 1.) *I — Hou8saye,A. Philosophers and actresses. 2 v. 2005-6 — Diogenes Laertius. Lives and opinions of philosophers. 1223 — See also Great Britain. Biography. Also Knight, W. Philosophical class, for Eng. Read. ;— Mueller, I. Eng. Philosophers. Philosopher's baby. The. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 2.) 19147 Philosopher's pendulum, The ; by R. Lindau. ( With Gordon Baldwin.) 17839 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 977 Philosophers and fools ; by J. Duhring. 12492 Philosophical classics for Eng. readers. See Knight, W. Philosophical instruments. Glaisher, J. Philosophical instru- ments and processes, as repr. in the Gt. Exhibition. {In Soc. for theEnc. of the Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 Philosophy. General and miscellaneous works. — Abbot, F. E. The influence of P. upon Christianitv. (In Institute ess.) 19811 — Appleton, C. E. What is the Ego? (In Appleton, J. H. Dr. Appleton.) 20656 — Bacon, F. Novum organum. 269 — Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. Christ and mod. thought. 20467 — Bovee, C. N. Intuitions and summaries of thought. 2 v. 669-70 — Bowen, F. Dualism, materialism, or idealism; Malthusianism, Darwin- ism, and pessimism. (In his Gleanings.) 19941 — Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics : study in first principles. 21350 ~ Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect. on philosophy ; outlines, 1882 ; with hist. sketch. ' 22506 — Biichner, L. Aus Natur und Wissenschaft ; Studien, Kritiken, und Abhandlungen. 10250 — Chflbrd, W. K. Philosophy of the pure sciences. {In his Lect. and ess., V. 1.) * 19515 — Dayis, A. J. The OTeat harmonia. 5 v. 1110-14 — Descartes, R. Meditations, and selections fr. the Principles of philosophy. 13705 Note. Bd. with Descartes, R. Discourse on method. — Deutsch, E. Judoeo- Arabic metaphysics. (7w ^isLit. rem.) 12376 — Eucken, R. The fundamental concepts of mod. philosophic thought, crit. and hist, considered. 21440 — Everett, C. C. Relation of mod. P. to liberalism. {In Institute ess.) 19811 — Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doct. of evolution, etc. 2y. * 13225-6 — Frothinj^ham, E. L. and A. L. Philosophy as absolute science, v. 1. 6176 — Goodrich, S. G. A glan«,'e at philosophy, mental, moral, and social. 1596 — Hamilton^ W. Discussions on philosophy and literature, etc. 1760 Lectures on metaphysics and logic. 2 v. 1758-9 — Hill, W. H. Elements of P., comp. logic and ontology; or General metaphysics. 18001 — Hinton, J. ' Philosophy and religion. 21713 — Home and social philosophy ; fr. "Household words." 1198 — Hume, D. Philosophical works. 4 v. *I — Kant, I. Critique of pure reason. 2 v. 21893-4 — King, T. S. Philosophy and theology. {In his Patriotism.) 5721 — Lewes, G. H. The course of mod. thought. (In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) 17646 — Malebranche, N. de. Entretiens sur la metaphysique. (Oeuvres, v. 1.) *I — Man and his dwelling place. * 2879 — Manning, H. E. Philosophy without assumptions. (In his Misc.) 17190 — Martineau, H. Philosophical essays. {In her Miscellanies, v. 1.) 2942 — Maudsley, H. Physiology and pathology of the mind. 7656 — Mivart, St. G. Nature and thought ; introd. to a nat. philosophy. 22921 — Oersted, H. C. The soul in nature. ' 3280 — Porter, N. Science and sentiment; with other papers. 22173 T- Powell, B. Spirit of the inductive P. {In his Unity of worlds, etc.) 10948 — Renan, J. E. Dialogues et fragments philosophiques. *I — Kosmini-Serbati, A. The philosophical system of R. ; tr., with a sketch of the author's life, bibliography, e?c. bv T. Davidson. 21902 — Schopenhauer, A. Die Welt als Wille und' Yorstelluug. 2 v. 16233-4 Parerga und Paralipomena. 2 v. 16231-2 — Schlegel, K. W. F. Philosophy of life, and Philosophy of language. 3790 — Spencer, H. First principles. ' 8455 — Tucker, A. The light of nature pursued. 2 v. 4514-15 — Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. 10489 — Smith, H. B. Faith and philosophy : discourses and essays. 18186 — Spencer, H. Recent discussions in science, philosophy, and morals. 9618 ; 11388 — Watson, J. Kant and his Eng. cities ; comparison of critical and em- pirical philosophy. 22305 — Wright, C. Philosojphical discussions. 16903 History. — "Bain, A. Mental science; compend. of psychology, and the history of P. 7640 — Blakey, R. History of the philosophy of mind. 4 v. * 6162-5 978 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Blomfield, C J. and others. History of Gr. and Rom. philosophy and science. 6380 — Bo wen, F. Modern philosophy fr. Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hart- mann. 17186 — Butler, W. A. Lectures on the hist, of anc. philosophy. 2 v. 6319-20 — Chalvbaeus, H. M. Historical survey of speculative jahil., fr. Kant to Hegel. ' 752 — Cousin, V. Introduction to the hist, of philosophy. ♦! — Haven, J. History of philosophy, anc. and modern. 15565 — Lewes, G. H. History of philosophy. 2 v. 8731-2 — Maurice, F. D. Moral and metaphysical P. ; anc, mediseval, modern. 4 v. 2968-71 — Mayor, J. B. Sketch of anc. philosophy, fr. Thales to Cicero. 20900 — Murdock, J. Modern philosophy. 3193 — Schvyegler, A. F. K. F. Hand-book of the hist, of philosophy. 11174 History of philosophy in epitome. 3885 Same ; rev., with an app. ; by B. E. Smith. 20071 — Stewart, D. General view of "^ the prog, of metaphysical, ethical, and politi phil. since the revival of letters in Europe. * 4245 — Tennemann, W. A. Manual of the hist, of philosojjhv; rev., etc., bv J. R. Morell. ' ' 4392 — Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy, fr. Thales to the present time. 2 v. 11732-3 — Whewell, W. On the philosophy of discovery. *I — See also Aristoteles; — Hamilton, W. ; — Kant, I.; — Mill, J. S. Also Causation ; — Materialism ;— Positivism. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest ; by J. A. Paris. 19305 Philothea ; by L. M. Child. 826 Philtre, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 3, v. 1.) *I Phin, J. Practical hints on the select, and use of the micro- scope. . 14054 — Same; 3d. ed., rev. and enl. 20902 Phineas Finn ; by A. Trollope. 7661 Phineas Redux; by A. Trollope. 12357 Phipps, C. Markham, A. H. Capt. Phipps's voyage in 1773. {In Ms Northward ho I) 19121 Phipps, H., Lord Mulgrave. Thornton, P. M. {Li his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 Phips, W. Bowen, F. Life of P. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 7.) 4116 — Hawthorne, N. Sketch of P. {Iii his Fanshawe, etc.) 15903 Phipson, T. L. Biographical sketches and anecdotes of celeb. violinists. 18546 — Familiar letters on some mysteries of nature and disc, in science. 16631 Contents. Ignis fatuus; or. Will-o'-the-wisp. — Electric fogs. — Chemis- try of the ocean —Science of sleep; Somnambulism and anaesthesia. —Marvels of electricity applied.— Plant motion.— Firestones.— Atmosphe- ric electricity.— Lightning-prints.— Earthquakes. — Luminous animals.— Aerolites. — Life on the earth. — Inhabited planets. Phocas. See Foca. Phoebejunior ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 16684 Phoenicia. Cahun, L. Adventures of Capt. Mago ; or, A Phoenician expedition. B. C. 1000. 16563 — Hodges, E. E. Phoenician literature. (In his Corv's anc. frag.) 16535 — Kenrick, J. PlKcnicia. ' 17380 Phoenixiana. See Derby, G H. Phonetics Sweet, H. Handbook of phonetics ; incl. princ. of spelling reform 21845 Phonograph. Du Moncel, T. A. L. The telephone, the micro- phone, and the phonograph, 18918 — Garbit, F. J. The phonograph. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions. 18612 — Prescott, G. B. The speaking telephone, talking phonograph, etc. 17769 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 979 — Proctor, R. A. The phonograph, or voice recorder. {I?i his Pleasant ways. 18336 Phonography. Anderson, T. History of short-hand ; with a rev. of its pres. cond. in Europe and Amer. 21928 — Graham, A. J. Handbook of standard, or, Amer. phonography. 10022 Standard phnographic dictionary. * 10021 Synopsis of standard phonography. 10041 — Munson, J. E. The complete phonographer. 8514 Dictionary of pract. phonography. 13435 The phrase-book of practical phonography. 18284 — Pitman, B. Manual of phonography. 6252 The reporter's companion. 19986 — Thornton, G. H. The modern stenographer; light-line phonography. 21909 — See also Stenography ;— Tachygraphy. Photogen and Nycteris, History of ; by G. MacDonald. {In his Gifts of the child Christ, v. 1.) 22412 Photographer's story. The ; by L. H. Hooper. (In Short stor.) 6965 Photography. Abney, W. de W. Photography. (South Ken. Sci. Lect.) 16986 Same. (In So. Kensington sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 Treatise on photography. 17566 — Alignv, H. F. Q. d'. Photographs and photographic apparatus. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 5.) 9100 — Anderson, E. The sky-light and the dark room. *I — Application of photography to engraving. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Croucher, J. H. Plain directions for obt. photographic pictures. 1032 — Foster, P. Le N. Photography. 15472 — Heighwav, W. The esthetics of photography. 19424 — MeteyarcT, E. A group of Englishmen (1795-1816) ; records of the vounger Wedgwoods and their friends, embr. the hist, of the disc. of P. 9856 — Sparling, M. Photographic art. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5188 — Tissandier, G. A history and handbook of photography. *I — Vogel, H. The chemistry of light and photography. " 13665 Handbook of the practice and art of photography. 14081 — Wheeler, O. E. Practical photography. 20423 — Wilson, IE. L. Wilson's photographies; ser. of lessons. 20723 Photophone. Ackroyd, W. The photophone. {In Brown, R. Sei. for all, soi". 4.) 20527 Phrabat, The. Alabaster, H. {In his Wheel of the law.) *I Phrenology. Combe, G. System of phrenology. 914 — Fowler, O. S. Fowler's practical phrenology. 1516 and L. N., and Kirkham, S. Phrenolog>' proved, illust., and applied. 13221 — How to read character; phrenology and physiology. 7718 — Weaver, G. S. Lectures on mental science ace. to the philos. of phren- ology. 6243 Phyllis; by The Duchess [M. Argles]. 17056 Phyllis Browne; by F. L. Shaw. 22297 Physical basis of mind ; by G. H. Lewes. (Prob. of life and mind.) 18710 Physical education. Blaikie, W. How to get strong and how to stay so. 18665 — Maclaren, A. System of physical education, theoret. and pract. 11891 — Tyler, M. C. The Brawnville papers; memorials of the Brawnville Athletic Club. 7680 — See also Gymnastics. Physical geography. — Ansted, D. T. Elementary course of phys. geography. 12479 Elementary course of geology, mineralogy, and phvs geography. 1028 Physical geography. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the'Sci.) 5187 The world we live in. 7677 — Cooley, W. D. Physical geographv. 15835 — Ewbauk, T. The world a workshop; or, Phys. rel. of man to the earth. 1433 — Fitch, G. W. Outlines of phys. geography. 5495 980 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Geikie, A. Elementary lessons in pliys. geography. 19027 Physical geography. ' 11494 — Guyot, A. H. The earth and man ; phys. geography in rel. to history. *I ; 1710 Physical geography. 11966 — Haughton, S. Six lectures on phys. geography. 20738 — Herschel, J. P. W. Physical geography. 1892 Physical geography of the globe. 13618 — Houston, E. J. Elements of phys. geography. 20276 — Lavallee, H. Physical hist., and military geography; add. bv Capt. Lendy. 9346 — Macturk, J. Physical geography. 12623 — Marsh, G. P. The earth as modified by human action. *I Man and nature ; or, Phys. geography as mod. by human action. 5637 — Reclus, E. The earth : descr. hist, of the globe. 9722 — Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants, and man. 3803 — Somerville, M. Physical geography. 4070 — Wallace, A. R. Distribution of animals as indicat. geograph. changes. {In his Trop. uat.) 17818 Geographical distrib. of animals; with study of the rel. of living and ext. faunas as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surface. 2 v. 15957-8 — Wittich, W. Curiosities of physical geography. 7226 — Youn^, J. Physical geography. 12633 — See also Nature. Physical theory of another life ; by I. Taylor. 4371 Physician's wife, The ; by H. K. Spangler. 13659 Physics. Arnott, N. Elements of physics ; ed. by A. Bain and A. S. Taylor. 16643 — Baer, K. E. von. Reden gehalten in weissenschaftlichen Versammlungen und klinere Aufsiitze vermischten Inhalts. 3 v. 10419-21 — Bird, G. Natural philosophy. 4967 — Brown, R. Science for all. 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Buckley, A. B. The fairy-land of science. 18435 — Buckmaster, J. C. Elements of mechanical physics. 6514 — Clifford, W. K. Theories of the phys. forces. [In his Lect. and ess., v.l.) 19515 — Cooke, J. P. Elementary teaching of phys. science. {In his Sci. culture.) 20756 — Daguin, P. A. Traite elementaire de physique. 4 v. 9410-13 — Deschanel, A. P. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. 4 v. 10596-9 — Everett, J. D. Illustrations^ of the Centimetre-Gramme-Second system of units. ' . " 15955 — Frick, J. Physical technics ; pract. instr. for making experiments, and the constr. of phys. apparatus. 17857 — Ganot, A. Elementary treat, on physics. 9827 — Gray, A. Elements of natural philosophy. 1637 — Griffin, J. J. Scientific handicraft; catalogue of apparatus for elemen- tary exper. in physics, v. 1. *I — Guillemin, A. Applications of phys. forces; add. and notes by J. N. Lockyer. *I The forces of nature; add. and notes, by J. N. Lockver. *I — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Aim and nrog. of phys. science. (In his Pop. lect.) 11772 — Henry, J. On a phys. observatory. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Herschel, J. F. W. Preliminary discourse on the stud^v of nat. philosophy. 1891 — Higgins, W. M. The entertaining philosopher; familiar explanation of interest, phenomena. 1901 — Hinrichs, G. Principles of phys. science, demonst. by the student's own exper. and observations. *I — Hunt, R. Elementary physics ; introd. to the study of nat. philosophy. 5067 — Johnston, J., ed. Manual of nat. philosophy. ' 2376 — Keith, M. S. Questions and notes in phvsics, covering parts I. and II. of Arnott's Elements. ' 18719 — Kohlrausch, F. Introduction to phys. measurements ; app. on absolute elect, measurements, etc. 12304 — Lardner, D. {In his Pop. lect. on sci. and art.) 2572-3 — Marcet, J. Conversations on nat. philosophy. * 5137 — Nystrom, J. W. New treat, on elements of mechanics, estab. strict precis, in the meaning of dynamical terms. 13443 — Olmsted, D. Introduction to nat. philosophy. 6917 — Paris, J. A. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest. 19305 — Peck, W. G. Introductory course of nat. phil. ; ed. fr. Ganot's pop. physics; rev. by L. S. Burbank and J. I. Hanson. 21228 — Peirce, B. Ideality in the phys. sciences. 20554 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 981 — Pickering, E. C. Elements of phys. manipulation. 2 v. 11969 ; 16040 — Pilkington, J. Artist's and mechanic's repository, and workingman's guide. * 3470 — Routledge, R. Science in sport made philosophy in earnest; attempt to illust. some princ. of phys. knowledge by means of toys and pastimes. 16690 — Schoedler, F. {In his Book of nature.) " " 3799 — Somerville, M. Connection of the phys. sciences. 4069 — Sports and amusements for the juvenile philosopher. 4174 — Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of mod. physics. 21330 — Stewart, B. Lessons in elementary phvsics. 9761 Physics. * 10191 Solar physics. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Tait, P. G. Lectures on some recent advances in phys. science. 15956 — Thomson, W. and Tait, P. G. Elements of nat. philosophy, pt. 1. 11894 Treatise on natural philosophy, v. 1, pt. 1. 22546 — Twining, T. Science made easy. 18851 — Tyndall, J. Contributions to molecular P. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 1.) 19303 On the importance of the study of P. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult. demand, by mod. life.) 6952 — Weinhold, A. F. Introduction to experimental P. theoret. and pract. ; incl. direct, for constr. phys. apparatus, and for making experiments. *I — Wells, D. A. Science of common things. 21331 — Whewell, W. Astronomy and gen. physics with ref . to natural theology. 4730 — See also Geneva Soc. of Physics and Nat. Hist. Also Acoustics ; — Atoms ; — Electricity ; — Fluids ; — Force ; — Heat ; — Light; — Sound; — Sun. Physics and politics ; by W. Bagehot. 11269 Thy s'lcus, pseud. A candid examination of theism. 17975 Physiognomy. Lavater, J. C. Essays on physiognomy ; abrgd. fr. Holcroft's translation. 2584 — Redfield, J. W. Comparative physiognomy ; or, Resemblances bet. men and animals. ' ' 6417 — Wells, S. R. New physiognomy; or. Signs of character. 6403 Physiography. /See Nature. Physiological aesthetics; by G. Allen. 17362 Physiologie du gout ; par Brillat-Savarin ; avec une notice sur I'auteur ; Traits des excitants modernes ; par H. de Balzac, etc. ; Recettes, etc. ; La Gastronomic ; par Berchoux ; L'art de diner en ville ; par Colnet, etc. 14596 Physiology. Angell, J. Elements of animal physiology, chief. human. 12597 — Beale, L. S. Bioplasm : introd. to the studv of physiology and medicine. 11148 — Brown, R. Science for all. 4 v. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Brunton, L. Apparatus for phvs. chemistry, {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Buechner, L. Physiologische Bilder. 2 v. 16430-1 — Xarpenter, W. B. Animal physiology. 713 — Cleland, J. Structure and functions of the human body. 12606 — Connection bet. physiology and intellectual philosophy. ' {In Small books on gt. sub., V. 1.) ' 4014 — Cutter, C. Anatomy and physiology. 13215 Treatise on anatomy, physiology, etc. 1073 — Dalton, J. C. Physiology and hygiene. 13553 Treatise on human physiology.' 13486 — Draper, J. W. Human' physiology, statical and dynamical. 1270 — Dumas, J. B. and Boussingault, J. B. J. D. Chemical and physiological balance of organic nature. * 5018 — Flint, A., Jr. Physiology of man, v. 1. 6216 — Foster, M. Physiology.' 13073 and Langley, J. N. Elementary practical physiology. 16662 — Fothergill, J. M. Animal physiology for schools, 20H98 — Fowler, O. S. Physiology, animal aiid mental. 1517 — Graham, S. Lectures on the science of human life. 2 v. 1623-4 — Grindon, L. H. Life; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. 7372 — Griscom, J. H. Animal mechanism and physiology. 1673 — Hinton, J. Physiology for practical use. ' 12870 — Hooker, W. First book in physiology. 9662 982 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — How to read character ; illust. handbook of phrenology and physiology. 7718 — Huxley, T. H. Elementary instr. in physiology. {In his Sci. and culture.) 21538 Lessons in elementary physiology. IS^ew ed. 22225 Menniskokroppens byggnad och forrattningar; ofversatt af C. Loven. 15026 On the physical basis of life. (In Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists, v. 1.) 9821 and Younians, W. J. Elements of physiology and hygiene. 446 — Lambert, T. S. Human anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 2558 — Lawson, H. Manual of popular physiology. 11689 — Lawrenc^e, W. Lectures on physiology, etc. 2586 — Lewes, G. H. Physiology of common life. 2 v. 2643-4 — Mac*"'. J. History of a mouthful of bread; its effect on the organization of men and animals. 6672 — Martin, H. N. The human body. *I — Milton, J. L. The stream of life on our globe ; beginning and growth of life, etc. 11122 — Orr, W. S. Principles of physiology. {In his Circ. of the sci.) 5184 — Paget, J. On the importance'of therstudv of phvsiologv. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult, demand, by mod. life.) * 6952 — Papillon, F. Nature and life; constitution of matter, new dynamics, and the phil. of nature. 13971 — Pettigrew, J. B. Physiology of the circulation in plants, lower animals, and man. 12914 — Robertson, A. Conversations on anatomy, physiology, and surgery. 2 v. 3666-7 — Roget, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology, with ref. to natural theology. 2 y. 3689-90 — Sanderson, B. Apparatus for physiolog. investigation. {In So. Kensing- ton Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Schoedler, F. {Li his Book of nature.) 3799 — Semper, K. Animal life as affected by the natural cond. of existence. 20387 — Smith, S. Animal physiology. 268 — Trail, R. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) 4485 — Twining, T. (M /us Science made easy.) 18851 — Wilkinson, J. J. G. The human body and its connection with man. 4786 — Youmans, E. L. Observations on the scientitic study of human nature. (/?i /« is Culture demand, by mod. life.) ' 6952 — See also Anatomy ;— Biology;'— Man;— Mind and body. Pianist, A, Notes of ; by L. M. Gottschalk. 21017 Pianoforte. Brinsmead, E. History of the pianoforte. 197.')4 — Ferris, G. T. The great violinists and pianists. 20470 — Pauer, E. The art of pianoforte playing. 18419 — Tavlor, F. Primer of pianoforte playing. 17560 — Wieck, F. Piano and song; how to teach, learn, and form a judgment of mus. performances. 13774 — See also Music. Piatt, J. J. Biographical sketch of G. D. Prentice. {In Prentice, G. D. Poems.) 15436 — Landmarks ; The lost farm, and other poems. 17198 — Poems of house and home. 18168 — Western windows and other poems. 7675 — and Piatt, S. M. B. Notice. {In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) 19286 Piatt, S. M. B. Poems in company with children. 17558 — That new world, and other poems. 16776 — A voyage to the Fortunate isles, etc. ; [poems] . 12766 — A woman's poems. 12784 — See also Piatt, J. J., above. Picard, E. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Piccadilly; by L. Oliphant. . 12905 Piccini, N. Ferris, G. T. Piccini, Paisiello, and Cimarosa. {In his Great Italian and French composers.) 18707 Picciola ; from the French of X. B. Saintine [J. X. Boniface]. 802 Piccolomiui, M. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ritchie, A. C. O. M. {In her Italian life.) 9027 Pichegru, C. Pichegru. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Pichler, A. Der Fluchtling. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16159 Pickard, J. L. The human body a subject of study for the teacher. {In Am. Norm. Sch. Ass. Add., etc.) 11608 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 983 Picked up adrift ; by J. DeMille. 9866 Picked up in the streets ; by R. Rowe. 20344 Pickens, Fort. Anderson, T. M. The political conspiracies preceding the rebellion. 21876 Pickering, C. Races of man ; and their geog. distribution ; new ed. ; prefixed, Analytical synopsis of the natural history of man, by J. C. Hall. 3457 Pickering, E. The grandfather. 5216 — The grumbler. 5212 Pickering, E. C. Elements of physical manipulation. 2 v. 11969; 16040 Contents. V. 1. General methods of physical investigation.— General experiments.— Mechanics of solids.— Mechanics of liquids and gases.— Sound.— Light. 2. Electricity.— Heat.— Mechanical engineering. — Mete- orology.— Practical astronomy.'— Lantern projections.- Appendix : Elec- tricity; Tables; Physical laboratories. — Introduction and notes. {In Bezold. W. von. Theory of color.) 16094 Pickering, Ellen. Charades for acting. 111)29 Pickering, H. G. Digest of Amer. sanitary law. {In Bow- ditch, H. I. Public hygiene in America.) 17327 Pickering, John. Sumner, C. {In his Orations, etc., v. 2.) 4807 Pickering, O. Life of T. Pickering. 6968 Note. Continued in 3 v. by C. W. Upliam. Pickering, T. Pickering. O., and Upham, C. W. Life of P. 4 V. 6968-71 Pickering, W. H. Guide to the Mt. Washington range. 21776 Picking up the pieces ; comedy ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little comedies.) 19770; 21907 Pickwick Club, The, Posthumous papers of; by C. Dickens. 1209 Pickwickian pilgrimage, A ; by J. R. G. Hassard. 21026 Pic-nic papers ; by C. Dickens. 1205 Picnic party. The ; by H. Smith. {In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 Picton, J. A. The mystery of matter, and other essays. 12067 Contents. The mystery of matter.— The philosophy of ignorance. — The antithesis of faith and sight.— The essential nature of religion.— Christian pantheism. — Oliver Cromwell ; the man and his mission. Portr. 2d. ed. 22694 Picture, The; by P. Massinger. {In his Plays, v. 2.) 5129 Picture book and other stories ; by H. C. Andersen. 9839 Picture logic ; by A. Swinburne. 13954 Picture of St. John ; poem ; by B. Taylor. 6537 Pictures. The changing year ; poems and pictures of life and nature. *I — Clarke, K. S. The horn of plenty, of home poems and home pictures. 15336 — Holyoake, M. The conservation of pictures. 8959 — Thompson, K. Handbook to the public piet. galleries of Europe. 17151 — Tuckerman H. T. {In his Criterion.) 6244 Pictures from' Italy ; by C. Dickens. 1211 Pictures from the history of Spain. 4328 Pictures of cottage life ; by M. E. Poole. ' 10866 Pictures of country life ; by A. Cary. , 685 Pictures of Hungarian life. 8714 Pictures of life in camp and in field ; by B. F. Taylor. 13767. Pictures of private life ; by S. S. Ellis. 2d. ser. 1358 — Same ; ser. 1, 2. {In her Sel. works.) 1369 Pictures of the olden time ; by E. H. Sears. 3867 984 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Picturesque America ; picturesque features of our country ; ed. by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. *I Bound in 27 thin books. Picturesque journeys in America ; ed. by E. T. Bromfield. 22127 Pidcock, J. H. Northampton and its sewage. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Pidgeon, D. An engineer's holiday ; or, Notes of a round trip. 2d. ed. 22419 Pidgin-English. Leland, C. G. Pidgin-English sing-song ; songs and stories in the China-Eng. dialect ; with vocab. 17786 Pied-a-terre, Le ; comedie ; par Mme. L. Figuier. • 9571 Pied dans le crime, Un ; com.-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Theatre compl., v. 7.) 14571 Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 2 v. 17156-7 Pierce, F. Hawthorne, F. Life of Pierce. 1800 Pierce, F. C. History of Grafton, Mass., 1647-1879 ; incl. genealogies of the older families. *I Pierpont, J. Airs of Palestine ; poem. 3460 Pierre ; by H. Melville. 2998 Pierre, the organ boy ; by T.. S. Arthur. 11854 Pierre Mouton ; par L. Reybaud. 9548 Pierrou, E., and Lafferri^re, A. Two can play at that game. {In French's min. dr., v. 29.) 7985 Pierrot. Fantastic history of the celebrated Pierrot ; by J. B. A. Assollant. 13504 Piers Ploughman. See Langland, W. Pierson, H. W. In the brush ; or. Old-time social, political, and religious life in the southwest. Illust. 20879 — Jefferson at Monticello ; private life of Jefferson. 3437 Pif Paf ; par E. Laboulaye. {In Ms Contes bleus.) 9526 Pigeon Cove. Leonard, H. C. Pigeon Cove and vicinity. 11794 Pigeon pie. The ; by C. M. Yonge. 18694 Pigeons. Fulton, R. Illustrated book of P. ; with standards for judging. *I — Tegetmeier, W. B. Pigeons ; their struct., varieties, habits, and manage- ment. 8855 — "fright, L. The practical pigeon keeper. 19383 Pigot, T. F. Geometrical and engineering drawing. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — Light house illumination. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 Pigot, R. Personal recollections of an Irish national journalist. 22420 Pike, G. D. The jubilee singers ; [also. Jubilee songs]. 11393 — The singing campaign for ten thousand pounds ; jubilee singers in Great Britain. 15538 Pike, J. S. First blows of the civil war; 1850-1860; with letters from H. Greeley, C. A. Dana, etc. 18684 — The new Puritan ; life of R. Pike. 18572 — The prostrate state ; So. Carolina under negro government. 7321 Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. 2 v. 11948-9 Pike, M. H. {pseud. Mary Laugdon ; S. A. Story, Jr.) Caste. 4264 — My son's wife. 7260 Pike, N. Sub-tropical rambles in the land of the Aphanapteryx ; experiences, adv., etc., in and around Mauritius. 12048 Pike, R. Pike, J. S. The new Puritan ; life of P. 18572 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 985 {In Hale, E. E. Tales for drama ; — Sargent, E. Pike, Z. M. Niles, J. M. {In his Life of O. H. Perry.) — Whiting, H. Life of P. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 15.) Pilchards ; by M. J. Penwyn. trav., V. 4.) Pilgrim, J. Plays. See French's min Mod. stand, dr. Pilgrim, The, and the shrine ; by [H. Ainslie]. Pilgrim Fathers. Banvard, J. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. — Cheney, H. B. A peep at the Pilgrims. — Davis,"^ W. T. Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. — Howitt, M. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. (In her Vignettes.) — Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1620; reprint, with illust. of pro- vidences, principles, and persons. — Martyn, W. C. Pilgrim Fathers of New England. — Spooiier, Z. H. Poems of the Pilgrims. Pilgrim memories ; travel and discussion in the birth-countries of Christianity with H. T. Buckle ; by J. S. S. Glennie. Pilgrims of the Rhine ; by [E. B. Lytton]. Pilgrims, The, of Walsingham ; by A. Strickland. Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. Pilgrim's wallet. The ; by G. Haven. Pilkington, J. Artist's and mechanic's repository and working man's informant ; with descr. of the slide rule. Also, Useful receipts. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. Pillars, The, of the liouse ; by C. M. Yonge. 2 v. 11999- Pilling, J. C. Catalogue of linguistic mss. in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) Pillone ; by W. Bergsoe. Pilot ; by J. F. Cooper. Pilot, The ; drama ; by E. Fitzball. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 16.) Pilot, The, and his wife ; by J. Lie. Pilules de M. Brancolar, Les ; comedie ; par Mme. Figuier. Pirn, B. Ship-building. (Brit, manuf. ind.) Pim, B., and Seemann, B. Dottings on the roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. Pinafore, H. M. S. ; nautical com. opera; by A. Sullivan. Pinchard, Miss. Max Frere. Pinckney, N. Manners of the French. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) Pinckney. >iS'ee also Pinkney. Pindarus. Epitome Iliados Homeri. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) — Extant odes; tr. into Eng., with intro 6992 12372 18756 11840 16748 1049a 9572 13828 8309-10 H. Plays for little folks. See Baker, G. M. Plays for private acting. See Bellevue Dramatic Club. Playtime with the poets ; select, of Eng. poetry for children. New ed. "Plea for culture." {In Crit and soc. ess.) Plea for culture, A ; by T. W. Higginson. {In his Atlantic ess.) Pleasant days in pleasant places ; by E. Walford. Pleasant neighbor ; by E. Planch^. (Jri French's min dram., V. 8.) Pleasonton, A. J. and others. The influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and the blue colour of the sky, in developing animal and vegetable life, etc. Plebiscite, The ; fr. the Fr. of Erckmann-Chatrian. Note. The 1st title is A Miller's Story of the war ; running title, Story of the Plebiscite. Pleiades, Les ; par le Comte de Gobineau. Plimsoll, S. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) Plinius Csecilius Secundus, C. Epistolse et Panegyricus, cum adnot. ed. Schaeferianae, quibus suas add. N. E. Lemaire. 2 V. (Bib. Class. Lat.) — Epistularum lib. IX., Ep. ad Traianum liber, Panegyricus; recog. Keil. 22776 — Church A. and Brodribb, W. J. Pliny's letters. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) ^ ^ 1002» Plinius Secundus, C. Historise naturalis cum select, comment. J. Harduini cur. C. Alexandre, F. Ansart, et all. ; indices cur. A. P. Delaforest. 11 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8298-8308 — Natural History. 6 v. 3479-84 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. hind., v. 2.) *I Plevna. Gay, J. D. Plevna, the sultan, and the Porte. 19011 Ploennius, L. (L.) von. Princess Isle : story of the Hartz Mts. ; and The Will-o'-the-Wisps ; fr. the German. 7270 Plon, E. Thorvaldsen ; his life and works. 11233 Plot and passion ; drama ; by T. Taylor. (In his Hist, dram.) 17386 Plot in private life ! by W. Collins. {In his Mad Monkton, etc.) 443 Plotinus. Jeremie, J. A. Plotinus ; the eclectics, or later Platonists. {In Blomfield, C. J. and others. Hist of Gr. and Rom. philos.) 6380 Ploughed under ; story of an Indian chief, told by himself ; introd. by lushta Theamba (Bright eyes) ; [S. La Flesche] . 2042^ Plues, M. Geology for the million ; ed. by E. Wood. lUust. 5665 Pluie de baisers, Une ; comedie ; par A. Seguin. (Th^^tre de camp., s^r. 6.) 14690 Plum, W. R. The military telegraph dur. the civil war in the U. S. ; with expos, of anc. and mod. means of communi- cation, and cipher systems ; also, Acct. of the war bet. the states. 2 v. 22047-8 Plumb, A. IT. The Sabbath not gone, and not going. {In Sabb. ess.) Plumbing. Buchan, W. P. Plumbing, with chapters on house drainage. The plumber and sanitary houses ; prac. tr. on the princ. 19808 — Hellyer, S. S. of internal P. 16621 20507 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 991 — O'Grady, W. L. D. Hints to plumbers and householders. 17707 Plummer, J. I. Introduction to astronomy. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12626 — The zodiacal light. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Plumptre, C. J. King's College lect. on elocution ; added, Special lect. on the Causes and cure of impediments of speech ; new illust. ed. 20451 Plumptre, E. H. The Bible educator. 4 v. 12277-80 — Biblical studies. 10660 — Lazarus, and other poems. 8618 — Master and scholar, etc. [poems] . 8619 — Movements in relig. thought ; Romanism ; Protestantism ; Agnosticism. 19439 — The tragedies of Sophocles. New trans, with biog. essay. *I — Translation, with biog. essay, of ^schylos. (In ^schylus. Tragedies.) 19127 Plunket, D. Life, letters, and speeches of Lord Plunket ; pref. by Lord Brougham. 2 v. 7399-400 Plunket, J. D. Cotton as a fomite. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 5.) *I — Disinfection of sewers by ozone. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass, Repts., v. 4.) *I Plunket, W. C, Baron. Speeches; with mem. and hist. not. by J. C. Hoey. 5831 — Plunket, D. Life, letters, and speeches of P. 2 v. 7399^100 Plunkett, H. G. The minerali. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 19.) 11819 Plurality of worlds. Powell. B. The Plurality of worlds. (In Ms Unity of worlds, etc.) 10948 — Whewell,W. The plurality of worlds. 11328 Plu-ri-bus-tah ; by Q. K. P. Doesticks, P. B. [M. Thompson]. 4450 Plus beau jour de la vie, Le ; com^die* vaudeville ; par A. E. ^Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 14.) *I Plus heureux des trois, Le ; com. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his Thedt. compl., v. 6.) 14570 Plutarchus. Essays ; with pref. by A.P Peabody, and introd. by R. W. Emerson. 20880 Contents. Preface.— Introduction.— Concerning the cure of anger.— Of superstition.— Consolation to Apollonius. — Of large acquaintance. — Of envy and hatred. — How a man may inoflfensively praise himself with- out being liable to envy.— Discourse cone. Socrates's daemon.— How a man may be sensible of his progress in virtue.— Whether 'twere rightly said. Live concealed.— Of banishment.— Of moral virtue.— Concerning such whom God is slow to punish.— Of garrulity.— Lives of the ten orators. — Of fate. — Plutarch's consolatory letter to '4iis wife. — Against running in debt. — Laconic apophthegms.— Apophthegms of kings and great com- manders. — Lives ; tr. by J. and W. Langhorne. 4 v. 3485-8 — Lives; trans, called Dryden's; corr. by A. H. Clough. 5 v. 2652-6 — Lives ; tr. with notes and a life of P., by J. and W. Langhorn ; new ed, 3489 — Lives. See also Long, G. Civil wars of Rome. — Morals ; tr. bv several hands ; cor. and rev. by W. W. Goodwin ; with introd. by'R. W. Emerson. 5 v, 9091-5 — Shakespeare's Plutarch ; select.fr, the lives in North's P. which illust. Shakespeare's plays : ed. with pref., notes, index of names, and glos- sarial index, by W. W. Skeat. 15449 — Trench, R. C. Plutarch, his life, his parallel lives, and his Morals. 12747 Plymouth, jE?2^. Dorau, J. {In his Mem., etc.) 17803 Plymouth, Mass. — Davis, T. W. Ancient landmarks of P. ; hist. sk. and titles of estates ; genealogical register. ♦! — Punshon, W. M.' Pilgrimage to two American shrines. (In his Lect., etc.) 11802 Plymouth, Mass., Colony of. JSee New Plymouth Colony. Plymouth Church. See Brooklyn, JSf. Y. 992 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Plymouth Pulpit. See Brooklyn, N. Y. Plymouth Church. Plympton, G. W. The aneroid barometer ; its constr. and use. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 18104 — The blow-pipe ; guide to its use in the determination of salts and min- erals. 13494 Pneumatics. Ferguson, J. {In his Lect.) 5038-9 — Lardner, D. Pnerumatics. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 — Pepper, J. H. {In his Cyclopaedic science.) ' 8036 — Young, J. R. Pneumatics. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5192 Poacher, The; by Capt. Marryat. 2916 Poaching. The amateur poacher. 19242 Pocahontas. Eggleston, E. ayid Seelye, L. E. Pocahontas ; incl. acct. of the settlement of Virginia. 19216 — Howitt, M. Pocahontas interceding for John Smith. {In her Vignettes.) 7679 Pocahontas ; by J. Brougham. {In French' smin dram., v. 9.) 11840 Pocket Bible, Story of a ; [by G. E. Sargent]. 4968 Pocket measure. The ; by Pansy [I. M. Alden]. 21266 Pocket rifle. The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 21124 Poco Mas, pseud. Scenes and adventures in Spain, 18^5-40. 2 V. 3490-1 Pocock, I. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Pococke, E. History of the Roman empire, fr. Julius Caesar to Vitellius ; by T. Arnold, J. H. B. Mountain, J. B. Ottley, and M. Russell. 2d. ed. (Enc. Metrop.) 183 — History of the Roman empire, f r. Vespasian to the extinct, of the Western emj). ; bv T. Arnold, J. A. Jeremie, A. S. H. Mountain, J. B. Ottley, and M. Russell. 2d. ed. (Eih5. Metrop.) 184 — History of the Roman republic till the time of Sylla; by T. Arnold, J. H. B. Mountain, E. Pococke, G. C. Renouard, M. Russell, and T. N. Talfourd; with Credibility of early Roman hist. ; by T. Arnold. 2d. ed. (Enc. Metrop.) ' 182 — The Ionic logographers ; Greek pastoral poetry. {In Talfourd, T. N. Hist, of Greek lit.) 6381 — and others. Early history of Greece. 2d. ed. 5049 History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. 2d. ed. 5050 — joint author. /S'ee Talfourd, T. N. Poe, E. A. Works [with memoir of R. W. Griswold, and not. by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell]. 4 v. 3494-7 Contents. V. 1. Tales. 2. Poems and tales. 3. The literati. 4. A. Gordon Pvm, etc. — The fall of the House of Usher, (/n Little class., v. 2.) 12973 — Same. {In his Tales.) 5144 — The gold-bug. {In Little class., v. 12.) 12988 — Same. {In his Tales.) 5144 — The murders in the Rue Morgue. {In Little class., v. 3.) 12974 — Same. {In his Tales.) 5144 — Poems ; with essay on his poetry, by A. Lang. 21485 — Poems ; with memoir. 3493 — Poems ; with orig. mem. by R. H. Stoddard. 13658 — Tales. 5144 Contents. The gold-bug.— The black cat.— Mesmeric revelation.— Lion- izing. — The fall of the House of Usher. — Descent into the maelstrom. — Colloquy of Monos and Una.— Conversation of Eiros and Charmion.— The murders in the Rue Morgue.— The mystery of Marie Roget.— The pur- loined letter. — The man in the crowd. See also Works, above. — Gilfillan. G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Higginson, T. W. {In his Short stud, of Am. authors.) 19269 — Ingram, J. H. Poe. {In Atlas ess.) . 18294 — Lang, A. The poetrv of Poe. {In Poe, E. A. Poems.) 21485 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 — Rice, S. S. Edgar Allan Poe : memorial vol. •! Poems of home and travel ; by B. Taylor. 4231 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 993 Poems of home. life. 9868 Poems of places. See Longfellow, H. W. Poems of the Orient ; by B. Taylor. 12467 Poet and merchant ; by B. Auerbach. 17033 Poet, The, at the breakfast table ; by O. W. Holmes. 11068 Poetse Latini minores. See Lemaire, N. E. (Bib. Class. Lat.) Poetic interpretation of nature; by J. C. Shairp. 17199 Poetic studies ; by E. S. Phelps. 13761 Poetical ingenuities and eccentricities ; ed., by W. T. Dobson. 21723 Poetical vagaries ; by G. Colman. {In his Broad grins.) *I Poetry. Albee, J. Poetry. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 — Church, R. W. Sacred poetrv of early religions. 12896 — Deshler, C. D. Afternoons with the poets. • 18917 — Hunt, J. H. L. " What is poetry ? " (In his Imag. and fancy.) 12901 — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; ess. upon the limits of painting and poetry; tr. bv E. Frothingham. 12344 — Longfellow, H. W. Defense of poetry. {In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Mill, J. S. .Thoughts on poetry and its varieties. {In his Diss, and disc, V. 1.) ' 5978 — Schopenhauer, A. ^Esthetics of poetry. (In his Sel. ess.) 20718 — Selkirk, J. B. Ethics and aesthetics of mod. poetry. 18751 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry. . 21309 Studies in poetry and philosophy. 10489 — Sidney, P. Defeiace of poesy. (Lib. of old Eng. pr. writers.) 3887 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. De la po^sie de la nature, de la po6sie du foyer et dc la famille. {In his Caus. du Lund., v. 11.) *I De la poesie en 1865. (/n ^is Xouv. lund.. v. 10.) *I — Schlegel, K. W. F. Contributions in aid of the study of romantic poetry and genius. {In his ^sthet. and misc. works.) ' 22359 For poems by separate authors, ,see the names of the authors. For collections of poetry, see Eng. poetry. Collections, and the division Literature under the names of countries ; see also Oriental literature. Poetry and prose in art ; by F. T. Palgrave. {In his Ess. on art.) .6531 Poetry of life ; by S. S. Ellis. {In her Sel. works.) 1369 Poets, Browning, E. B. Essays on the Gr. Chr. poets and the Eng. poets.) *I ; 5850 — Harrison, J. A. A group of poets and their haunts. 13752 — Jameson, A. (M.). Memoirs of the loves of the poets. 10563 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists, literary studies. 15378 — See also Eno:lish poetry. History ;— and the names of countries under the division Literature. Poets' homes; sketches of Amer. poets, etc., by R. H. Stod- dard a7icl others. 19286 — Same-, 2d. ser. ; by A. Oilman and others. 19289 Poet's journal. The ; by B. Taylor. 4567 Poey, A. New classification of clouds. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1870.) 11626 Poganuc people ; by Mrs. Stowe. 17715 Poggio, Pickings from ; by G. W. Dasent. {In his Jest and earnest, v. 2.) 13612 Poinsot, A. E. {pseud. G. d'Heylli) . Le neveu de la marquise ; sayn^te de salon. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 — Rachel d' apW'S sa correspond ance ; avec portr. *I Point de mire, Le ; com.-vaud. ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his TUU. compl., V. 9.) 14573 Point-lace and diamonds ; poems ; by G. A. Baker, Jr. 13740 Point of honor ; by A. Edwards. 16705 994 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. PoiDt of view, The ; by H. James, Jr. . 22588 Poison of asps, The ; by F. M. Church. 9340 Poisoned meal, The. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 10.) 14310 Poisons. Dulles, C. W. What to do first in accidents or poisoning. 19973 — Kedzie, R. C. Poisons as insecticides in agriculture, and tests of their effects on food vegetables. . (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., v. 2.) *I; 882 — Plain directions for accidents, emergencies, and poisons, etc. 16610 — See also Emergencies. Poitevin, P. Extraits des (jeuvres les plus remarquables des ^crivains modernes. (Illust. litt^raires de la France, Poetes et prosateurs XIX^ si^cle.) 14504 Poitou, E. ' Spain and its people. 33 01 Poland. Description. — Sketches of Germany, etc, 2317 — Stephens, J. L. {In his Incidents of travel, v. 2.) 6181 History. — Allen, J. Autocrasy in Poland and Russia. ■ 148 — Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc., v. 1.) 1248 — Dunham, S. A. History of Poland. 12913 — Fletcher, J. History of Poland. 1480 — Hordynski, J. History of the late Polish revolution. 1995 — Mackintosh, J. Account of the partition of Poland. {In his Misc. works.) 2825 — Traditions of Polish history. (Jw Trauermantel. Love of country.) 2760 Literature. — Bowring, J. Specimens of the Polish poets ; with notes and obs. on the lit. of Poland. *I — See Cook, M. W. The undivine comedy, etc. ; — Krasinski, S. Polano, H. Selections fr. the Talmud ; also, sketches of the men who made and commented upon it. 16725 Polar regions, Polar voyages. See Antarctic regions ; — Arctic regions. Polar sea. Wrangell, F. von. Narrative of an exped. to the Polar sea, 1820-1823. • . 3756 Polaris. Markham, A. H. Rescue of the crew of the " Polaris." {In Ms Whaling cruise.) 12729 — U. S. Navy Dept. Narrative of the No. Polar exped., U. S. Ship Polaris; ed. by C. H. Davis. *I — See also Blake, E. V. Arctic experiences. Polarization. Brewster, D. Optics ; double refraction and polarisation of light. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 Pole, R. Hook, W. F. {In his Lives of the Archbps. of Canterbury, v. 8.) 8740 Pole, W. Iron as a material of construction ; rev. and enl. *I ; 10735 — Life of Sir W. Fairbairn, partly written by himself ; with portr. 17092 — Theory of the Cornish pumping engine. *I Pole, W., Prof. The philosophy of music. 18746 — Theory of the mod. sci. game of whist. 10858 Pole. See Antarctic regions ; — Arctic regions. Pole's story. The ; by E. E. Hale. (Tales for trav., v. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 Police. Savage, E. H. Police records, and recol. of Boston by daylight and gaslight. 11998 — Woolsev, T. D. Nature and sphere of police power. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — See also France. Polichinelle ; par A. E. Scribe. {Inhis Operas comiques, v. 8.) *I Politeness. See Etiquette. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 995 Political adventures of Lord Beaconsfield. 1803S Political economy. Atkinson, E. Labor and capital allies, not enemies. 18907 — Bagehot, W. Economic studies. — Bastiat, F. Essays on political economy. — BoUes, A. S. Chapters on political economy. — Bowen, F. {In his Gleanings fr. a literary life, 1838-80.) — Brassey, T. Foreign work and Eng. wages, consd. with ref. to the depression of trade. — Cairnes, J. E. Character and log. method of political economy. Essays in political economy, theoretical and applied. Some leading princ. of political economy newly expounded. — Colwell, S. Notes on the literature of polk. econ. {In his New themes.) — Cossa, L. Guide to the study of political economy. — Courtois, A. Political economy in one lesson. — Danson, J. F. Lectures on the political economy of daily life. — De Quincey, T. Logic of political economy. The templars' dialogues. (In his Memorials, eic, v. 2.) — Elder, W. Questions of the day, economic and social. — Fawcett, H. Manual of political economy. — Fawcett, M. G. Political economy for beginners. Tales in political economy. — George, H. Progress and poverty ; inq. into the cause of indust. depres- sions, and of increase of want with incr. of wealth; the remedy. — Giles, H. Economics. (7n his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) — Greeley, H. Essays to elucidate the science of political economy. — Greg, W. R. (In his Miscellaneous essays.) — Hayes, J. L. The solidarity of the industries. — Hodgson, W. B. On the import, of the study of economic science. {In Youmans, E. L. Cult, demand, by mod. life.) — Jevons, W. S. Political economy. — Knight, C. Knowledge is power ; view of the prod, forces of mod. society, and the results of labour, capital, and skill. — McCulloch, J. R. Principles of political economy. — Macleod, H. D. Elements of economics, v. 1. — Malthus, T. R. Principles of political economy. — Marshall, A., and M. P. The economics of industry. — Mason, A. B. Primer of political economy. — Mill, J. S. Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy. Principles of political economy. Same; 8th. ed. 2 v. — Moffat, R. S. The principles of a time policy ; method of settling disputes ; from The economy of consumption ; with a re-criticism of the theories of Ricardo and J. S. Mill on rent, value and cost of production. — Perry, A. L. Elements of political economy. — - Introduction to political economy. — Political economy and political science ; priced and classified list of books recommended. (Econom. tr.) • — Price, B. Chapters on practical political economy. — Rogers, J. E. T. Political economy. — Roscher, W. Principles of political economy; add., Essay on the hist. method in political economy ; by L. Wolowski. 2 v. — Ruskin, J. " Unto this last ; " first principles of political economy. — Say, J. B. Treatise on political economy. — Seaman^ E. C. Essays on the progress of nations in productive industry, civihzation, population, and wealth ; illust. by statistics. — Senior, N. W. Political economy. — Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Political economy, etc. — Smith, A. A. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations ; ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. 2 v. 10653-4r — Stephen, L. Political economy. {In his Hist, of Eng. thought, etc., v. 2.) 16795 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. 13769 — Walker, A. Science of wealth. ' 6496 — Walker, F. A. Political economy. 22490 — Way land, F. Elements of political economy. 6781 — Wells, D. A. Production and distribution of wealth. {I7i Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 — Wilson, W. D. First principles of political economy with reference to statesmanship and the progress of civilization. 22312 — See also Capital;— Currency;— Labor;— Money;— Population;— Trades Unions ;— Wages. 7097 13064 19941 19420 14028 1176& 21794 13206 20195 21414 18364 1162 1156 9644 14209 10802 13589 19528 225a 8372 2148a 19621 6952 17764 2500 1885 21300 2876 22685 14042 12584 7624 8912-ia 18335 8675 21390 2065a 18448 10635 18191-2 6273 3779 748a 3891 ^96 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Also Gt. Brit. ;— U. S. Also Cobden, R. ;— Cobden Club ;— Kelley, W. D. ;— Martineau, H.; — Society for political education. Political economy and political science ; priced and classified list of books recommended. (Economic tracts.) 20653 Political ethics. Lieber, F. Manual of political ethics. *I Political history of recent times. See Mueller, W. Political portraits. 11693 Contents. Gladstone. — Disraeli.— Mr. Lowe.— Mr. Bright.— Marquis of Salisbury.— Lord Derby.— Mr. Cardwell.— Lord Russell.— Lord Granville. —Lord Selborne.— Lord Cairns.— Mr. Gathorne Hardy.— W. E.Forster.— Lord John Manners.— Ward Hunt.— Mr. Henley.— Lord Halifax. —Duke of Argyll.— Sir John Duke Coleridge.— Mr. Ayrton. Political science. Alden, J. The science of government in connection with Amer. institutions. 15582 — Amos, S. The science of politics. 22563 — Andrews, S. P. The true const, of govei-nment in the sovereignty of the individual as the final development of protestantism, democracy, and socialism. 4956 — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics; appl. of "natural selection" and inheritance to political society. 11269 — Bristed, C. A. The interference theory of government. 7076 — Brougham, H. Historical and political dissertations ; speeches on social and political subjects. (In his Works, v. 8, 10.) *I — Brownson, O. A. [in his Essays, etc.) 6923 — Bugbee, J. M. Origin and development of local self-government in Eng. and the U. S. *I — De Fonblanque, E. B. Political and military episodes in the latter half of the 18th. cent., from the life and correspondence of Burgoyne. 15703 — Diman, J. L. Alienation of the educated class from politics. (In his Orations, etc.) 21211 — Ford, W. C. American citizen's manual; Governments, the electorate, the civil service ; Functions of government. 2 v. 22904-5 — Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics. 12264 Presidential government. (In his Hist, essays, ser. 1.) 9835 — Harrison, F. Order and progress ; Thoughts on government ; Studies of political crises. 13S69 — Helps, A. Thoughts upon government. 10075 — Hildreth, R. Theory of politics ; inq. into the foundations of governments. 1914 — Humboldt, K. W. v! Sphere and duties of government. 15748 — Hurlbut, E. P. Essays on human rights, and their political guaranties. 2114 ~ Leggett, W. Political writings of L. : ed. bv T. Sedgwick. 2 v. 2602-3 — Lieber, F. (In his Misc. writ., v. 2.) 20135 Civil liberty and self government ; enl. ed. 5429 Same; 3d. ed., rev. by T. D. Woolsey. *I Legal and political hermeneutics ; or, Principles of interpretation and construction in law and politics, etc. 5193 Manual of political ethics. 2661 — Lyon, N. Last political writings. 6010 — Paley, W. Moral and political philosophy. 3337 — Probyn, J. W. National self-government in Europe and America. 22422 — Quincy, J. P. Protection of majorities. 15417 — Seeley, J. R. The teaching of politics. (In his Rom. imperialism, etc.) 10499 — Simoiide de Sismondi, J. C. L. Political economy, and the philosophy of government. ' " 16997 — Spencer, H. On political education. (In Youmans, E. L. Cult, demand. bv mod. life. 6952 Pofitical institutions. 17782 — Stephen, L. Political theories. (In his Hist, of Eng. thought, etc., v. 2.) 16795 — Sullivan, W. Political class book. 4302 — Theory of human progression and natural probabilitv of a reign of justice. 4418 — Townsend, G. A. The New World compared with the Old. 8391 — Whewell, W. Elements of morality, incl. polity. 2 v. 4731-2 — Woolsey, T. Political science ; the state theoret. and hist, considered. 2 V. 17295-6 — See also Democracy; — Parties; — Probabilities; — Representation. Also Society for Polit. education ;— New England ;—and the names of Countries, as U. S. Politics. Politics. See Political science, and references there. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 997 Poliziano, A. Symonds, J. A. Lorenzo de' Medici and P. {In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 4.) 17321 Polko, E. Lulu's novel. 12770 — Musikalische Marchen, Phantasien, iind Skizzen. 3 v. 10346-8 — Same. Musical sketches; tr. by Fuller; a selection fr. v. 1, above. 5584 — Same. Musical tales, phantasms, and sketches; fr. the German. 15721 Contents same as in v. 1, 10346, above. — Reminiscences of Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; tr. by Lady Wallace. 7717 — Sabbathf eier. 10345 Poll Jennings's hair ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Pollard, E. A. Life of Jefferson Davis. 10545 — The lost cause ; Southern hist, of the war of the confederates. 10595 — The lost cause regained. 10607 Contents. Eeview of the late war.— Reconstruction.— The Negro question.— The true hope of the South. — Duty of the whole country. — The Virginia tourist. 10626 Pollard, E. F. Hope deferred. 11028 — The lady superior. 13928 Pollard, J. The decorative sisters ; a modern ballad ; illust. by W. Satterlee. *I Pollards, At the ; by T. G. Appleton. {In his Chequer- work.) 19019 Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. (So. Kensington Mus. Art handbooks.) *I — Furniture and woodwork. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15471 — Gold and silversmith's work; with woodcuts. (So. Kensing. Mus. Art handbooks.) *I Pollock, E. Verses. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Pollock, F. Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. 22421 Contents. The nature of jurisprudence, consid. in rel. to some recent contributions to legal science. — Laws of nature and laws of man.— Some defects of our commerc. law.— Law of partnership in Eng.'— Employers' liability.— Theory of persecution.— The oath of allegiance.— The history of English law as a branch of politics.— The science of case-law.— The casuistry of common sense. — Ethics and morals. — Marcus Aurelius and the Stoic philosophy.— Mr. Spencer's Data of ethics.— Index. — Spinoza, his life and philosophy. 20343 Pollock, W. H. Lectures on French poets. 18638 Contents. Pierre Jean de B6ranger.— Alfred de Musset. — Victor Hugo. — Romanticism. — The modern French theatre ; with critical notes on French actors. 18547 — and Lady. Amateur theatricals. (Art at home ser.) 19790 Pollok, R. Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2255 Polly Cologne ; by A. M. Diaz. 21210 Polly Mariner, tailoress ; by R. T. Cooke. {In her Somebody's neighbors.) 20267 Polo, M. Selections from P. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Travels; trans, of Marsden, rev., with a select, of his notes; ed. by T. Wright. 3502 — Frost, T. Travels of P. {In his Hf. hrs. with earlv explor.) 21074 — Hale, E.E. (7% A,ts Stories of adventure.) * 20849 — Kingsley, H. {In his Tales of old travel.) 8065 — Towle, "G. M. Marco Polo ; his travels and adventures. 19936 Polonius, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 3.) *I Poison, A. Principles of the law of nations ; with notes and suppl. essays on the law of blockade and contraband of war ; added. Diplomacy, by T. H. Home. 2d. ed. 3228 Polybius. Davidson, J. L. S. Polybius. {In Abbott, E. Hellenica.) 20099 Polycarpus. Jackson, G. A. {In his Apostolic fathers.) 18997 998 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Polygamy. Stenhouse, T. B. H. The facts of P. {In his Rocky Mt. saints.) *I — l^iee also Mormons. Polynesia. Cheever, H. T. The island world of the Pacific ; narrative of travel through the Sandwich Islands, etc. 13183 — Cumming, C. F, G. A lady's cruise in a French man-of-war. ' 21818 — Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. 4 v. 1372-5 — Gill, W. W. Life in the Southern isles : Scenes, etc., in the So. Pacific,' etc. 16827 Myths and songs from the South Pacific. 16531 — Moresby, J. Discoveries and surveys in New-Guinea and the D'Entre- casteaux Islands ; cruise in P. " 15859 — Spiess, G. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ostasien, 1860-1862; Reise- Skizzen aus Japan, China, Siam und der indischen Inselwelt. 10267 — Wallace, A. R. {In his Australasia.) 20819 — See also Fiji Is.;— Marquesas;— Society Is. Polynices ; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. (7n /ws Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Pomar, Count de Medina. See Medina- Pomar. Pomerania. Milman, R. Mitslav ; or, The conversion of P. 22414 Pompadour, J. A., Marquise de. Goncourt, E., and J. de. Madame de Pompadour. Nouv. ^d., rev. et aug. de lettres et documents ined. 14567 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) *I Pompeii. Fairmount Park. Pompeian Muse%im. Description of Pompeian ruins, restorations, etc. 18994 — Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii; from the French. 8102 Pompeius Magnus, C. Long, G. {In his Civ. wars of Rome.) 2738 Poncas. Zylyff. ThePonca chiefs ; an Indian's attempt to ap- peal from the tomahawk to the courts. 19387 Pond, G. E. Biography of H. L. Patten. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — The Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (Camp, of the Civ. War.) 22478 Ponds and ditches ; by M. C. Cooke. (Nat hist, ramb.) 19706 Poniatowski, J. Headley, J. F. {In his Napoleon, etc.^ v. 2.) 1826 Ponsard, F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund, v. 15.) *I Ponsonby, Lady E. C. M. Discipline of life. 2899 — Mary Lyndsay. 6661 — Pride and irresolution. . 5251 Ponte, G. da, called 11 Bassano. Jameson, A. {In her Mem.) 2324 Ponte, L. da. Prescott, W. H. Da Ponte's Observations. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 Pontiac. Parkman, F., Jr. History of the conspiracy of P. 3377 Pontivy, Mme. de, n6e d'Aulquier. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes, 1876.) *I Pontmartin, A. A. J. M. F. comte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund, v. 2, 3.) *I Ponton, P. M. Earthquakes and volcanoes; hist., phenomena, and causes. 8453 — Same; new ed. 20100 Pontresina. Arnold, H. P. Gleanings fr. P., and the Upper Engadine. 19695 — See also Engadine. Pontresina, Story told at ; by F. M. Peard. {In her Madri- gal.) 18028 Pontsevrez, — . L'alerte ; po^sie. (7^1 Sayn^tes, e^c, s^r. 7.) 14797 — La conversion de la veuve ; saynete. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 4.) 14794 — Le verrou ; saynete en vers. {In Saynetes, etc., ser. 5.) 14795 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 999 Poole, D. C. Among the Sioux of Dakota ; exper. as an Indian agent. 21166 Poole, J. Little Pedlington aud the Pedlingtonians. 2 v. 3503-4 — Plays. See French's minor dr. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 Poole, M. E. Pictures of cottage life. 10866 Poole, R. L. Sebastian Bach. (Gt. musicians.) 21837 Poole, H. S. The cities of Egypt. 22537 — and others. Lectures on art. 22821 Contents. Poole, K. S. The Egyptian tomb and the future state. — Richmond, W. B. Monumental painting.— Poynter, E. J. Some remarks on anc. decorative art.— Micklethwaite, J. T. English parish churches.— Morris, W. History of pattern designing ; The lesser arts of life. Poole, Sophia (L ) * The Englishwoman in Egypt, 1842-44. 3505 Poole, S. L. Life of E. W. Lane. 17601 — The people of Turkey ; residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians ; by a consul's daughter and wife. 2 v. 18118-19 Poole, T. Deaf as a post. {In French's min. dr., v. 8.) 11840 Pooley, T. A. Brewing, distilling. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15476 Poole, W. F. The construction of library buildings. (U. S. Bureau of Ed. Circ. of inf.) ^ 20727 Poor, H. V. Money and its laws ; a hist, of monetary theories, and of the currencies of the U. S. 17282 Poor, L, E. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures ; stud, in comp. mythology. 20136 Poor. Campbell, H. The problem of the poor ; record of quiet work in unquiet places. 22244 — Kramer, J. W. Manual for visitors of the poor. 16770 — Stephen, C. E. The service of the poor. 9856 — TuckermaUj J. Elevation of the poor ; select, f r. his reports as minister at large m Boston. 12777 Poor Clare. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 3.) 14303 Poor cousin, The ; by F. Browne. 10583 *' Poor dear Chuquet ; " by [K. S. Macquoid]. {In her Pict. acr. the channel, v. 1.) ^ 11937 Poor gentleman. The ; by H. Conscience. ( With The miser.) 929 Poor gentleman. The; comedy; by G. Colman the younger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 3.) 11805 Poor humanity ; by F. W. Robinson. 12464 Poor Jack ; by F. Marry at. 9267 Poor laws of the United Kingdom. Fowle, T.W. The poor law. 21639 Poor Matt ; by J. Ingelow. 6590 — Same. (In her Sister's bye-hours.) 6364 Poor Miss Finch ; by W. Collins. 9937 Poor papa ; by M. W. Porter. 18809 Poor of New York ; drama. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 24.) 11822 Poor Pillicoddy ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., V. 27.) 7984 Poor rich man, and rich poor man ; by [C. M. Sedgwick]. 3876 Poor white. The ; by [E. C. Pearson]. 5672 Poor woodcutter ; and other stories ; by T. S. Arthur. 207 Poor Zeph ! by F. W. Robinson. 17420 Poore, B. P. Life and pub. services of A. E. Burnside ; introd. by H. B. Anthony. Illust. 21921 — Rise and fall of Louis Philippe. 3606 1000 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Popanilla ; by B. Disraeli. 5839 Pope, A. Essay on man ; ed. by M. Pattison. (Clarendon pr. ser.) 1898Q — Ode on solitude. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Poetical works ; with life, by A. Dyce. 3 v. 3508-l() — Poetical works ; with life, bv Dr. Johnson. 3507 — Satires and epistles ; ed. by M. Pattison. 2d. ed. (Clarendon pr. ser.) 18981 — Conington, J. The poetry of P. {In his Misc. writings, v. 1.) 11124 — De Quincey, T. {In his Biog. ess.) 1149 Lord Carlisle on P. (In his Theol. ess., v. 2.) 1161 Pope's retort upon Aadison. {In his Note-book.) 1188 — Dilke, C. W. Pope's writings. {In his Papers of a critic, v. 1.) 14203 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Hunt, J. H. L. Imaginary conversations of P. {In his Table-talk.) 12904 — Johnson, S. Pope. {In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 18101 — Kingsley, C. A. Smith and A. Pope. {I7i his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Lowell, J. R. {In his My study windows.) 10522 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Pope; the poet. {In her Hist, sketches.) 8132 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Pope as a poet. {In his Eng. portr.) •13635 — Stephen, L. Pope. 19844 Pope as a moralist; Mr. Elwin's ed. of Pope. {In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) 13942 — Thackeray, W. M. {In his Eng. humourists. 4398 Pope, J. H. Condition of the Mexican population of Western Texas in rel. to pub. health. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *I Pope, J. Ropes, J. C. The army under P. (Camp, of the Civil War.) 21048 — See also Virginia, Army of. Pope, T. C. The Council of the Vatican. 9861 Pope, W. B. Compendium of Chr. theology. 2d. ed. 3 v. 22695-7 Popes. Beecher, E. Papal conspiracy exposed, and Protest- antism defended. 365 — Cartwright, W. Papal conclaves. 17525 — Cox, G. W. The papacy ; its growth and its supporters. {In his Latin and Teuton Christ.) 10778 — Creighton, M. History of the papacy dur. the Reformation. 2 v. 22137-8 — Doellinger, J. J. I. von. The church and the churches; or, The papacy and the temporal "power. ' *I Fables respecting the popes of the Middle Ages. 10114 — Guett^^e, R. F. The papacy ; historic origin and prim. rel. with the East- ern churches. * 6715 — Milman, H. H. Popes of the 16th.-17th. cent. {In his Savonarola, etc.) 10732 — Ranke, F. L. von. Ecclesiastical and polit. hist, of the Popes of Rome; tr. by S. Austin. 2 v. 3589-90 Same; tr. by E. Foster. 3 v. 3591-3 — Symonds, J. A. The popes of the Renaissance. {In his Renais. in Italy.) 15451 — Thompson, R. W. The papacy and the civil power. ' 16796 — Trollope, T. A. The Papal conclaves as they were and as they are. *I — See also Fessler, J. True and false infallibility, etc. Popkin, J. S. Felton, C. C. Memorial of P. *I Poppies in the corn ; or, Glad hours in the grave years. 10177 Contents. Three weeks at the sea side.— A day at Box Hill.— Some an- nals of a sketching club.— Falling leaves.— Christmas parties.— Some Feb- ruary snowdrops.— Cricket generally, etc.— An autumn walk.— Old friends. — Unset blossom. — Winter time, and Twelfth night. — College friends. — Recreation generally. Popping the question ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In French's min. dram., v. 8.) 11840 Popular lecture. The ; lect. ; by J. G. Holland. {In his Plain talks.) 6015 Popular legends of Brittany. 2601 Popular life of Daniel O'Connell ; incl. the funeral oration of CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1001 Padre Ventura at Rome, Father Burke's sermon at Glas- nevin, and W. Phillips' centennial oration. 15421 Popular objections to revealed truth ; lectures. 12520 Popular tales ; by Mme. Guizot. 1734 Popular tales ; by M. Edgeworth. 7778 Popularizing science. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Population. Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. 21583 — Maltlius, T. R. Essay on the principle of population. 2 v. 2877-8 Popular science monthly, v. 23. . 15215 — A copy given out for circulation each month as soon as published. Porcelain. See Pottery. Porcher, F. P. Nature, cause, etc., of Dengue, or break-bone fever in So. Carolina, 1880, etc. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts.,e^c., v. 6.) *I Porphyrins, P. O. Ara Pythia ; Syrinx ; Organon. {In Le- maire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Porro unum est necessarium ; essay ; by M. Arnold. {In his Mixed ess.) 18465 Porson, R. Rogers, S. {In his Recollections.) 3688 Port in a storm ; by G. MacDonald. {In his Gifts of the child Christ, v. 2.) 22413 Port-Royal Abbey, France. — Stephen, J. The Port-Royalists. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 Same. {In his Ess. in eccl. biog., v. 1.) 8975 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Porte-Rojal. 7 v. *I Portalis, J. E. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 5.) *I Porte est close. La ; monologue ; par L. Supersac. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 1.) 14791 Porte lumi^re. See Magic lantern. Portefaix, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. {In his Operas comiques, V. 5.) . *I Portefeuille, Le ; Sc^ne dramatique ; par E. Gouget. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 Portent, The ; by G. MacDonald. 9247 Porter, Mrs. A. E. Cousin Polly's gold mine. 18011 Porter, A. M. Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Porter, C. T. Treatise on the Richards steam engine indica- tor. 3d. ed. *I — Same; with notes, etc., as developed by Amer. practice, and app. by F. W. Bacon. 2d. ed. 13568 — Same ; 3d. ed. 19694 Porter, D. Irving, W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 — Porter, D. D. Memoir of Porter. ^ 15416 Porter, D. D. Memoir of Commodore D. Porter. 15416 Porter, E. Rhetorical reader. 3511 Porter, E. S. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Porter, F. J. Chesney, C. C. Admirals Farragut and P. and the navy of the Union. {In his Mod. mil. biog.) 12256 — Cox, J. D. The second battle of Bull Run, as connect, with the Fitz J. Porter case. 21636 Porter, G. R. Progress of the nation fr. the beginning of the 19th. cent. 3 v. 3512-14 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 64 1002 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Porter, J. The Scottish chiefs. Illust. 3515 — Thaddeus of Warsaw. 3516 — Willis, N. P. {In his Famous persons, etc.) 4804 Porter, J. A. Introduction. {In Olcott, H. S. Outlines of Agricul. lect.) 6433 Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan ; and Syria's holy places. 6723 — Five years in Damascus. 8969 Porter, J. S. Principles of textual criticism, with their appl. to the Old and New Testaments. *I Porter, L. B. Caring for no man. 13973 Porter, M. W. Poor papa. 18809 Porter, N. The American colleges and the Amer. public. 13108 — Same ; new ed. ; with Afterthoughts on college and school education. 18090 — Argument for Christianity, complex and cumulative. (In Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 — Books and reading. 9002 — Same ; with select catalogue of books. 21046 — Elements of intellectual science. 9687 — The human intellect ; introd. upon psychology and the soul. 2d. ed. 7641 — John Stuart Mill ; Mill as a religious philosopher. (Jw Atlas ess.) 18294 — Preparatory schools for college and university life. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — Science and sentiment; with other papers. 22173 Contents. Science and sentiment. — The sciences of nature versus the science of man ; a plea for the science of man. — What we mean by Chr. philosophy.— Autobiography of J. S. Mill.— J. S. Mill as a philosopher.— J. S. Mill as a theologian.— Prof. Tyndall's last deliverance.— Physiologi- cal metaphysics; or, The apotheosis of science by suicide. — Force, law, and design'.— Prof. Huxley's exposition of Hume's philosophy.— The newest Atheism; its enfant terrible.— H. Spencer's theory of sociology. — The Kantian centennial.— The collapse of faith. Porter, P. A. Ward, O. C. Biog. of Porter. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Porter, R. Christmas evergreens. 16777 — In the mist. 18604 — Our saints ; a family story. 21249 — Summer driftwood "for the winter fire. 16883 — Uplands and lowlands ; or. Three chapters in a life. 11091 Porter, W. H. Heavenly union ; or, The New Jerusalem on earth. 3517 Portia; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. 22451 Portland, Me. Neal, J. Portland illust. *I Portlock, J. E. Rudimentary treatise on geology. 3237 Porto-Riche, G. de. B^ruria. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 8.) 14798 Porto Rico. Turnbull. D. Notices of Porto Rico. (iVi^is Cuba.) 4531 Portrait, The ; by A. G. Riddle. 7325 Portrait, The, in my uncle's dining-room ; and other tales. 10679 Contents. Portrait in my uncle's dining-room.— Olivia's favour; a tale of Hallowe'en.— Mrs. Merridrew's fortune.- Little Miss Deane. — Late for train. Portrait of a lady ; by H. James, Jr. 21030 Portraits. — Baker, W. S. Engraved portr. of Washington, with not. of the originals, and bio£. sk. of the painters. *I — Tiffin, W. F. Gossip about portraits. 10961 Collections. See U. S. Biography. Portsmouth. Brewster, C. W. Rambles about Portsmouth ; sketches of persons, localities, etc. 2 ser. 22887-8 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1003 Portugal. Description. — Andersen, H. C. In Spain and a visit to 'Portugal. 155 — Crawford, O. Portugal, old and new. 19875 — Jackson, C. C. Lady. Fair Lusitania. *I — Latouche, J. Travels in Portugal. 14096 — March, C. TV. Sketches and adventures in Madeira, Portugal, etc. 2854 — Russell, W. H. The Prince of Wales' tour. 17916 — Smith, A. C. Narrative of a spring tour in Portugal. 8843 — Wilson, A. J. Spain, Portugal, and the Net];ierlands. {In his Res. of mod. count., v. 2.) 17822 History. — Bollaert.W. The wars of succession of Portugal and Spain. 2 v. 10964-5 — Doran, J. (Bi his Monarchs, etc., v. 2.) 1249 — Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 5021-5 — Pearce, W. C. History of Spain and Portugal. 18447 Posey, T. Hall, J. Life of Posey. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 19.) 4128 Posies for children ; ed. by A. C. Lowell. 9017 Positive man, The ; fr. O'Keefe. {In Veuable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Positivism. Bowen, F. Positivism; rel. of what is called science to philosophy. {In his Mod. philosophy.) 17186 — Biichner, L. (In his Aus Natur und Wissenschaft.) 10250 — Comte, I. A. M. F. X. Catechism of positive relig. ; tr. by R. Congreve. *I Positive philosophy; tr. by H. Martineau. * 922 System of positive polity." 4 v. *I — Congreve, R. (In his Ess., polit., soc, etc.) 13048 — David, C. G. Positivist primer. 9912 — Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophv. 13225 — Guizot, F. P. G. (In his Meditations.)* 6964 — Jackson, W. Positivism. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 — McCarthy, J. English positivists. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — McCosh,'j. Christianity and positivism. 9619 — The value of life; reply to Mallock's "Is life worth living ?" 18941 — See also Comte. Positivism on an island. See New Paul and Virginia. Post, L. M. Soldiers' letters fr. camp, battle-field, and prison. 6153 Post, S. M. The Incarnation. {In Boston lect., 1872.) 8988 Post Office. Hill, R. History of penny postage. {In his Life.) 2 V. 20541-2 — Nicoll, H. J. Penny postage, R. Hill. (In his Gt. movements.) 21442 — See also U. S. Post Office. Poste, E. Translation and commentaries. {In Gains. Institu- tiouum juris civilis, etc.) *I Postel, K. {pseud. C. Sealsfield or Seatsfield). Life in the New World ; sk. of Amer. society ; tr. by. G. C. Hebbe and J. Mackay. 3870 Postilion de Lonjumeau, Le ; op^ra com., de Ad. Adam. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) «I Postman's bag, The, and other stories ; by J. De Liefde. 9614 Postscript fr. a stage-box ; by Miss Thackeray. {In her Miss Williamson's divagations.) 20517 Posy ring. The ; by Mrs. A. W. Hunt. 20164 Potato-bug. Riley, C. V. Potato pests ; illust. acct. of the Colorado beetle and other insect foes to the potato in No. America, etc. 16897 Potato disease. Liebig, J. Origin of the potato disease. {In his Compl. works.) 12096 Potemkin; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, v. 1.) *I 1004 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Potentiality; by B. Peirce. {In his Ideality, etc.) 20554 Potiphar papers ; by G. W. Curtis. 1061 Potomac, The, Army of. Letterman, J. Medical recollections of the Army of the Potomac. 6401 — Quint, A. H. The Potomac and the Rapidan ; army notes, 1861-3. 570T — Swinton, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-5. 6367 — See also Virginia. Potter, A. The school. {In The school and the schoolmaster.) 3518 — The principles of science appl. to the domest. and mech. arts, and to manuf. and agriculture. 351& Potter, H. C. The gates of the East ; a winter in Egypt and Syria. 16778 — Sisterhoods and deaconesses. 1150T Potter, H. L. D. Manual of reading ; orthophony, class methods, gesture, and elocution. 19907 Potter, 1^. Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, etc. 10178 Potter, W. J. Christianity and its definitions. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 Pottery. Arnoux, L. Pottery. 15471 — Beekwith, A. Majolica and fayence. 21497 — Bevan, G. P. Industrial classes, and indust. statistics. 16804 — Binns, R. W. Guide through the Worcester Royal Porcelain Works. *I — Bohn, H. G. Guide to the knowledge of pottery and porcelain. 427 — Designs and instr. for decorating pottery in imitation of Gr., Rom., Egypt., and other styles of vases. 16049 — Doulton, H. Development of the manuf. of stone-ware for sanitary and art purposes. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc, v. 6. *I — Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porcelain fr. early times to the Philadelphia exposition, 1876. *I — Fortnura, C. D. E. Maiolica. *I — Havard, H. Histoire de la faience de Delft. *I — Janvier, C. A. Practical keramics for students. 21164 — Jewitt, L. Ancient pottery. {In his Hf.-hrs. amg. Eng. antiq.) 16829 — Palliser, F. B. The China collector's pocket companion. 13878 — Pottery and porcelain. {In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Simmonds, P. L. Earthenware and pottery. {In his Sci. and comm.) 18644 — Slosson, A. T. The China hunters club. 18053 — Sparkes, J. C. L. Handbook to the practice of pottery painting. 17960 — Shioda, M. Japanese pottery ; native rept. ; with introd. and catalogue by A. W. Franks. *I — Treadwell, J. H. Manual of pottery and porcelain. 11064 — Wheatley, H. B. and Delamotte, P. H. Art works in earthenware. *I — See a^so China painting. Potts, J. D. Science of transformation. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1870.) 15732 Potwin, Mrs. H. K. Ruby Duke. ' 9803 Pouchet, F. A. The universe ; or, The infinitely great and the infinitely little ; fr. the French. lUust. 8148 Poucinet ; par E. Laboulaye. (/n /iis Contes bleuS.) 9526 Poudre aux yenx, La ; comedie ; par E. Labiche et E. Martin. {In B6cher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 1.) 9419 — Same. {In Labiche. E. M. Theatre compl., v. 2.) 1455& Poultry. American Poultry Association. American standard of excellence ; [with] descr. of the recognized varieties of fowls. 18105 — Arbuthnott, Mrs. The hen wife ; her exper. in her poultry yard. 15828 — Bement, C. N. American poulterer's companion. 382 — Bennett, J. C. Poultry book. 38» — Burnham, G. P. History of the hen fever. 626 New poultry book; select., housing, and breeding domest. fowls. 17607 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1005 — Cooper, J. W. Game fowls; their origin, hist., eic. With descr. and treat, of diseases. 15557 — Edwards, K. B. Fowls, and how to make them pay. 10854 — Geyelin, G. K. Poultry breeding in a commerc. point of view; with not. of poultry establishments in France. 15556 — Hill, G. Pleasures and profits of our little poultry farm. 18553 — Lee, C. Guide to the breeding, feeding, rearing, etc., of the Houdan fowl. 16613 — Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm; management of P. in large numbers. 15811 — Tegetmeier, W. B. The poultry book. 8971 — Yaughan, V. C. Notes on the osteology and myology of the domestic fowl. ' 17427 — Wright, L. The Brahma fowl ; a monograph. 15729 The practical poultry keeper. 8958 Pound of flesh, The ; fr. Shakespeare. {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Poushkin, A. S. Russian romance ; tr. by Mrs. J. B. Telfer. New ed. 19669 Contents. The captain's daughter. — The lady-rustic. — The pistol shot. —The snow storm.— The undertaker.— The station master —The Moor of Peter the Great. Poussin, G. D., called Gaspar. Davis, J. P. {In Ms Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 Poussin, G. T. The United States ; its power and progress ; tr. by E. L. Du Barry. 3520 Pouvillon, E. C^sette ; histoire d'une paysanne. 14673 —Same; tr. by C. W. Woolsey. 22393 Poverina ; fr. the French of O. Cantacuzene-Altieri. 20359 Powder and gold ; by L. Schucking. 11787 Powell, A. M. Intemperance and crime. {In Nat. Pris. Ass. of U. S. Kept., 1873.) *I — State regulation of vice. 17478 Contents. State regulation of vice.— Regulation efforts in America.— The Geneva Congress.— Address of New-York committee. Powell, B. The law and the Gospel. {In Noyes, G. R. Coll. theolog. ess.) 7701 — On the study of the evid. of Christianity. (In Hedge, F. H. Rec. inq. in theol.) * 5174 — The unity of worlds, and of nature. 2d. ed. 10948 Contents. On the spirit of the inductive philosophy.— The unity or plu- rality of worlds.— The philosophy of creation.— Appendix. Powell, F. Y. Early England, to the Norman Conq. Maps. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 16959 Powell, J. W. Evolution of language; fr. a study of Indian languages ; — Limitations to the use of some anthropologic data ; — Mythology of the No. Amer. Indians ; — Wyandot government ; study of tribal society. {In Smithsonian Inst. B^ir. ofEthnol. Ann. Rept., 1S79-80.) *I Powell, Mary. See Manning, A. Powell, T. The living authors of America. 1st. ser. 3522 Contents. J. V. Cooper.— R. W. Emerson.— N. P. Willis.— E. A. Poe. — H. W. Longfellow.— W. H. Prescott.— W. C. Bryant.— Fitz-Greene Halleck.— R. H. Dana.— F. S. Osgood.— S. M. Fuller.— C. M. Kirkland.— J. Sparks. Powell, W. Brockett, L. P. Walter Powell, merchant, phi- lanthropist, and Christian. 11270 — Taylor, I. (In his Golden lives.) 11755 Powell, W. B. Canoe travelling ; log of a cruise on the Bal- tic, and pract. hints on building* and fitting canoes. Ulust. and map. 11058 1006 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Powell Vardray's life; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. {In her Nina's atonement, etc.) Power, J. Handy-book about books. Power, Mrs. S. D. Children's etiquette* Power, T. Plays. See French's minor drama. Power. Armour, J. Power in motion. — Webber, S. Manual of power for machines, shafts, and belts. Powers, F. P. Labor-making machinery. (Econ. monographs.) Powers, H. McCabe, J. D. {In his Gt. fortunes.) — Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of Powers. (In his Am. art. life.) Powers, H. N. Through the year ; sons of nature and the church. Poynter, E. F. Among the hills. — Ersilia. (Leis.-hr. ser.) — My little lady. (Leis.-hr. ser.) Poynter, E. J. Some remarks on Poole, R. S. and others. Lect.) Practical hints on ritle practice with military arms. Pradt, D. D. de. Europe after the Congress of Aix-la-cha- pelle ; seq. to the Congress of Vienna ; tr., with notes, by G. A. Otis. Praed, W. M. Poems ; with mem. by D. Coleridge. 4th. ed. 2 V. 18139-4(> Prague, Peace of. Cherbuliez, V. La paix de Prague et ses consequences. {In his L'Allemagne politique.) Prairie ; by J. F. Cooper. (Leather stocking tales.) Prairie, Stories of the ; by J. F. Cooper. Prairie and forest ; by P. Gillmore. Prairie bird, The ; by C. A. Murray thoughts rel. to the sea- ( Leis.-hr. ser.) anc. decorative art. (/n 1195a 9772 22598 106.34 19085- 19364 8983 7226. 13929 2064a 15531 10628 22821 22760 352a Prairie Crusoe, The ; or. Adv. in the far West. Prairie flower, The ; by E. Bennett. Prairie land. Life in ; by E. W. B. Farnham. Prairies, American. Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies. 2d. ed., V. 1. — Irving, W. Tour on the prairies. {In his Crayon misc.) — Parkman, F. The Oregon trail ; sketches of prairie life. Praise. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Efficacy of praise. {In his Caxtoniana.) Praise and principle ; by M. J. Mcintosh. Prange, F. G. Whitthread process for treat, of sewage. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eug. and Sur Proc, v. 1.) Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius ; or, The early lives of eminent persons. Contents. H.Davy.— G. Crabbe.— Cuvier.— J. Reynolds.— L. Murray.— J. Mackintosh. — A. Clarke. Pratt, C, Earl Camden. Hazlitt, W. {In his Eloquence, etc., V. 2.) Pratt, C. E. The American bicycler ; manual. — The Lord's day legislation of Massachusetts. (In Free Relig. Assoc, How shall we keep Sunday?) Pratt, J. J., 2d. Ea,rl Camden. Brougham, H. (J?i his Hist. sk., ser. 3.) Pratt, W. W. Ten nights in a bar-room. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 43.) 1447(> 95» 7611 17002 5742 18180 11710 1447 1654 2161 10474 17309 2831 *I 3524 1812 18685 16756 527 11831 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1007 Pray, L. G. History of Sunday Schools, and of relig. educa- tion. - 3526 Pray, T., Jr. Twenty years with the indicator, v. 1. 22639 Prayer. Answers to prayer. . ^ 10064 — Boardman, G. D. Studies in the model praver. * 19456 — Boardman, W. E. Faith work under Dr. Cullis in Boston. 12323 — Chambers, T. W. Hours of P. in the noon prayer meeting, Fulton St. 13400 The noon prayer meeting of the North Dutch Church, Fulton St., N. Y. ; its origin, character, etc. 5434 — Channing, W. E. Daily prayer. {In his Works, v. 5.) 791 — Gillespie, E. Prayer answered in cases recorded in the Old Testament. 2259 — Hall, N. Reasonableness and efficacy of prayer. 13077 — Hopkins, M. Prayer and the prayer gauge. 12757 — Manning, J. M. Helps to a life of praver. 13343 — More, H. Reflections on prayer; Spirit of prayer. (In her Works, \. 3,7.) * 14013; 14017 — Mueller, G. The life of trust ; narr. of the Lord's dealings with M. 3182 — Phelps, A. Prayer viewed in the light of the Chr. consciousness; Inter- cessorv P. ; Hints auxiliarv to faith in P. {In his My portfolio.) 22045 — Stewart, S. J. Prayer. {In his Gospel of law.) 22178 — Thompson, H. M. The Christian doctr. of P. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — Thoreau, H. D. Prayers. {In his Yankee in Canada, etc. 6464 — Tyndall, J, Reflections on P. and natural law ; Prayer as a form of phys. energy. {In his Frag, of sci., v. 2.) * 19304 — Williams, H. T. The wonders of prayer. 14299 Prayers. Parker, T. Prayers by Parker. 5338 — Whitmarsh, C. S. Prayers of the ages; compl. by W. 12689 — See also Devotional exercises. Praying machine, The; by M. D. Conway. {In his Idols, e^c.) 16980 Preachers, Preaching. Channing, W. E. Charge, ordination of C. Barnard, F. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston. J. S. Dwight. (In his Works, v. 5.) 791 — Cheever, H. T. The pulpit and the pew ; hist, of a struggle for justice bet. the two. 807 — Emery, S. H. Ministry of Taunton. 2 v. 1386-7 — Gilbart, J. W. The preacher ; or, Essays on P. (7n Ais Lect. and ess.) 19290 — Harrison, J. B. Preaching. {In his Certain dangerous tendencies.) 19612 — Holland, J. G. {In his every-day topics.) 16106 — Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers, and trumpets; vocation of the preacher. 8155 — Hoppin, J. M. Homileties. 21271 — Kemps, J. E. Classic preachers of the Eng. Church. 18551 — Mahaff"y, J. P. The decay of mod. preaching. 21711 — Milburn, W. H. The pioneer preacher. 3036 Ten years of preacher-life ; autobiography. 3035 — Oosterzee, J. J. van. {I7i his Practical theology.) 18576 — Pettingell, J. H. Homiletical index; hand-book of texts, themes, and authors. *I — Phelps, A. English style in pub. discourse with spec, ref . to the pulpit. 22872 A pastor of the last generation ; Calvinistic theory of preaching. {In h is My portfolio . ) 22045 Men and books ; or. Studies in homileties. 21618 The theory of preaching ; lect. on honjiletics. 20878 — Ramsav, E.B. Pulpit table-talk; rem. and anecdotes. 7622 — Shedd,'W. G. T. Homileties, Pastoral theology. 6777 — Simons, M. L. Sunday half-hours with great preachers, with biog. not., etc. [sermons]. 11280 — Smalley, E. The Worcester pulpit. 4017 — Sprague, W. B. Annals of the Amer. pulpit ; or, Commemorative not. of Amer. clergymen to 1855. 9 v. 4176-82 ; 5912 ; 7700 — Storrs, R. S. Conditions of success in preaching without notes; lect., 1875. 13661 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Criterion.) 6244 — Tyng, S. H. The office and duty of a Chr. pastor. 12512 — See also Mendon Association;— Yale Lect. on Preaching. Also Unitarians;— U. S. Hist. Bev. per. Preaching for Selwyn ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {In his Coupon bonds, etc.) 11228 1008 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pre- Adamite, The ; or, Who tempted Eve? by A. H. Lester. 13786 Preadamites ; by A. Winchell. 21530 Preble, G. H. Chronological hist, of the origin and develop. of steam navigation, 1543-1882. 22611 — Our flag'; origin and prog, of the flag of the U. S. of Amer. *I Precaution ; by J. F. Cooper. 960 Precept upon precept. 3527 Pr^cieuses ridicules, Les ; comedie ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, V. 1.) 14604 Precious blood, The ; by F. W. Faber. 8928 Precious metals. Blake, W. P. Precious metals ; statist, not., etc. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 2.) 9097 — Comstock, J. L. History of the precious metals. 5531 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10145 Precious stones. Ansted, D. T. {In his In search of min- erals.) ' 19697 — Babinet, J. The diamond, and other prec. stones. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. 10145 — Kobell, F. von. Sketches fr. the min. kingdom. (With Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants, etc.) 3803 — Westropp, H. M. Manual of prec. stones and antique gems. 13824 — Zimmern, H. Stories in precious stones. 11655 — See also Diamonds ; Gems. Pre-Darwinite and Post-Darwinite world ; by M. D. Conway. {In his Idols.) 16980 'Predestination. Mozley, J. B. Treatise on the Augustinian doctr. of P. 18052 — Stewart, S. J. Predestination and scientific necessity. (In his Gospel of law.) 22178 Pr^dicante des C^vennes, La ; par Mme. L. Figuier. 9570 Preece, W. H. and Sivewright, J. Telegraphy. 15636 — joint author. /S'ee Du Moncel, T. Pre-historic world, The ; by E. Berthet ; tr. by M. J. Safford. 18911 Prejudice; by J. Ingelow. (/n 7ier Sister's bye-hours.) 6354 Prejudice lost, and love won ; by L. A. Hall. 10567 Premier amour ; par P. Bilhaud. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 3.) 14793 Premier, The, and his wife. {In Tales fr. I>lackwood, v. 6.) 19145 Premier billet, Le ; monologue ; par J. De Biez. {In Saynetes, etc., s^r. 1.) 14791 Premier pas, Le ; comedie ; par E. M. Labiche. {In his The- atre compl., V. 5.) 14562 Premier pas, Le ; monologue ; par W. SoUohub. (Th^dtre de camp., s^r. 7.) 14691 Premier president, Le ; drame ; -par A. E. Scribe. {In his Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 24.) *I Premier roman, Le ; comedie ; par A. de Launay. (Th^^tre de camp., ser. 8.) 14692 Premieres amours, Les ; ou, Les souvenirs d'enfance ; com^die- vaud., par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r 2., v. 14.) *I Pi-emiums paid to experience ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 11077 Prendergast, T. M astery series ; namely: German. 8181 French. 8182 Manual for learning Spanish. 8183 Handbook to the Mastery series. 8184 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1009 Prentice, G. Life of Gilbert Haven. 22945 Prentice, G. D. Extracts fr. P. ; sk. of P. (In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 — Poems; ed., with a biog. sketch by J. J. Piatt. 15436 — Prenticeana; or, Wit and humor in paragraphs. 3530 — Clarke, J. F. George D. Prentice and Kentucky forty years ago. (In his Mem. and biog. sk.) 17757 Prentiss, E. Aunt Jane's hero. 9713 — Avis Benson ; or, Mine and thine, etc. 19365 Contents. Mine and thine.— Such as I have.— Homeward bound. — Taking for granted.— Why Satan trembles.— Having nothing, yet having all.— Success and defeat.— On the banks of the Kiver of Life.— A model servant.— Playing with sunbeams.— Saved from his friends. — Fred and MaVia, and me. 7176 — The home at Grevlock. 16580 — Life and letters. ' 22290 — Pemaquid ; story of old times in New Eng. 17349 — Stepping heavenward. 8055 Prentiss, S. S. Memoir; ed. by his brother. 2 v. 3528-9 Presbury, B. F. The Mustee ; or. Love and liberty. 3531 Presbyt^re, Le ; drame ; par Mme. Figuier. 9571 Presbyterian Church in Chicago. The World's ed. of the great Presbyterian conflict: Patton vs. Swing. With portr., pulpit sketches, sermons, etc. *I Presbyterian Church in New P2ngland. Blaikie, A. History of Presbyterianism in N. E. 21209 Presbyterian church in Phila. Davidson, R. Biographical sk. of members of the Synod of Phila. ( With Patterson, R. M. Hist, sk.) *I — Patterson, R. M. Historical sketch of the Synod of Phila. *I Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Tracy, J. History of the Hd. of For. Missions of the Gen. Assembly of the Presby- terian Church (771 Hist, of Amer. missions.) 5169 Presbyterianism. Breed, VV. P. Presbyterians and the revo- lution. 15697 Prescott, A. B. Chemical examination of alcoholic liquors. 13569 Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the electric telegraph. Illust. 5th. ed. 22049 — The speaking telephone, talking phonograph, etc. 17769 Prescott, H. E. See Spofford, H. E. Prescott, H. P. Strong drink and tobacco smoke; struct., growth, and uses of malt, hops, yeast, etc. Illust. 8153 Prescott, M. N. Matt's follies, and other stories. ' 12026 — jYotice. {In Stoddard. R. H. I'oet's homes.) 19286 Prescott, W. H. Biographical and critical miscellanies. 3541 Contents. C. B. Brown, the Amer. iiDvelist.— Asylum for the blind. — Irving's Conquest of Granada.— Cervantes.— Sir W. Scott.— Chateau- briand's English literature.— Bancroft's United States.— Mme. Calderon's Life in Mexio. — Moliere.— Italian narrative poetry. Poetry and romance of the Itahans. — Scottish son^^. — Da Ponte's observations. — Historv of the conq. of Mexico, prelim, view of the anc. Mex. civiliza- tion, and the life of Cortes. 8th. ed. 3 v. 3538-40 — Historv of the conq. of Peru ; prelim, view of the civilization of the Ineas. 2 v. 3536-7 — History of Philip II., King of Spain. 3 v. 3542-4 — Historv of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 2d. ed. 3 v. 3533-5 — Life of C. B. Brown. (7?i Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 1.) 4110 — Life of Charles V. after his abdication. {In Robertson. W. Hist, of Charles V., v. 2.) 3546 — Sir Walter Scott. (JwRice^A. T. Ess. fr. No, Am. Rev.) 18790 — Powell, T. {In his Living authors.) 3522 1010 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Ticknor, G. Life of Prescott. 5624 Prescott family. Titcomb, 8. E. Account of the Prescott and allied families. {In her Early N. Eng. people.) • *I Presence of mind; by T. De Quincey. {In his Letters, etc.) . 116^ Present age, The ; address, by W. E. Channing. {In his Works, V. 6.) 792 Present problem. The ; by S. K. Bolton. 1990& Presentiment, The; by E. D. E. N. Southworth. {With her Haunted homestead.) 4095 Presidents. See United States. Presidents. President's daughters, The ; by F. Bremer. 490 Pressense, E. de. Early years of Christianity ; hist, of the 1st. three cent, of the Chr. church ; tr. by A. Harwood- Holmden. 4 v. 19576-^ — Jesus Christ ; his times, life, and work. 455 — The Redeemer; sk. of the hist, of redemption; tr. by J. H. Myers. 7114 Pressense, Mme. E. de. Little mother ; tr. by L. S. Houghton. 20382 Pressoir, Le ; drame ; par George Sand. {In her Th^^tre compl., ser. 2.) 14511 Preston, H. Q.^ joint author. See Jaegar, B. Preston, H. W. Aspendale. 11914 — Love in the 19th. century. 11745> — Troubadours and Trouv'eres, new and old. 16687 Contents^. Mistral's Calendau.— Theodore Aubanel.— Jacques Jasmin.— The songs of the Troubadours.— The Arthuriad. Preston, M. J. Cartoons. 14241 Preston, W. C. Magoon, E. L. {In his Liv. orators in Amer.) 2857 Prestwich, Mrs. — . The harbour bar; tale of Scottish life. 13537 Prestwich, J. The past and future of geology. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Kept., 1875.) 12994 Pretender, The, Eng. See Stuart, C. ; — Stuart, J. F. E. Pretty girls of Stillberg. {In French's min. dram., v. 37.) 798^ Pretty little countess Zina ; by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 18226 Pretty Mrs. Gaston ; by J. E. Cooke. 12326 Pretty piece of business ; by T. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 10.) 11841 Pretty Polly Pemberton ; by F. H. Burnett. 17328 Prever, G. Life. (Mod. saints and serv. of God.) 893d Pr^ville. >See Dubus-Pr^ville, P. L. Provost d' Exiles, A. F., Vabhe. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 9 ; Portr. lit., v. 1.) *I Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Essai sur Paul et Virginie. {In Sainte- Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul et Virginie.) 14626 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 1.) *I — Wilson, J. P. and the Franco-German war. (/w Ms Stud, of mod. mind.) 21197 Price, A. Who is Sylvia? 22899 Price, B. Chapter on pract. polit. economy. 18448 Contents. Is polit. economy a science?— Value.— Exchange.— Capital .— Profit.— Wages.— Trade unions.— Free trade.— The doctrine of rent.— Money. — Paper currency. — Banking. — Currency and banking. 14382 Price, E. Journal of a tour. See Forester, T. Norway, etc. Price, J. Description of Wales. ( With Caradoc of Llancarvan. Hist, of Wales.) ^ ' 22519 See Queen's favorite. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1011 Prichard, J. V. Tableaux vivants for amateur representation. 19580 Prichard, J. C. Symonds, J. A. Life of Dr. Prichard. {In his Misc.) 22835 Pride and irresolution ; by Lady Ponsonby. 5251 Pride and prejudice ; by J. Austen. 255 — Same; {Inker l^oveh.) 735 Pride of tiie market; by J. R. Planche. (/n French's min. dram., v. 2.) 11834 Prideaux, H. The Old and New Testament connected in the hist, of the Jews, and neighboring nations ; pref., Life of the author. Illust. 2 v. 3548-9 Priest and nun ; by J. McN. Wright. 9655 Priestley, J. British and Foreign Unitarian Association ; The Priestley memorial at Birmingham, 1874. 21447 — Controversy bet. Dr. Priestley and Voluey. (In Volney, C. F. Ruins.) 12051 — Brougham, H. (In his Lives of philos.) ' 524 — Huxley, T. H. {In Ms Sci. and culture.) 21538 Pi^iests. Howitt, W. History of priestcraft. 2039 Prime. E. D. G. Around the world ; sk. of travel. Illust. 10074 — Forty years in the Turkish empire; Memoirs of W. Goodell. 15487 Prime, 8. I. The Aihambra and the Kremlin. The south and the north of Europe. 7322 — Letters fr. Switzerland. 3553- — Prayer and its answer illust. in the'Fulton St. Prayer Meeting. 2208S — Under, the trees; [misc. letters and papers]. 12768 — joint author. See Schaff, P. Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 3550 — Coins, medals, and seals, anc. and mod. ; with sk. of the hist, of coins and coinage. 3551 — I go a fishing. 1I69& — The old house by the river. 3554 — Tent life in the Holy Land. 3552: Prime minister. The ; by A. TroUope. 15813 Primeval world, The, of Hebrew tradition ; by F. H. Hedge. 8022 Primitive culture ; by K. B. Taylor. 2 v. 9880-1 Primogeniture. Brodrick, G. C Law and custom of P. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I Primrose path. The; by Mrs. Oliphant. 17911 Prince, N. Narrative of [her] life and travels. 3555 Prince, The ; by N. Machiavelli. ( With his Hist, of Florence.) 5127 Prince, The, and the page ; story of the last crusade ; by C. M. Yonge. 14315 Prince, The, and the pauper ; by Mark Twain [S. L. Clemens]. 21312 Prince-caniche, Le ; par E. Laboulaye. 9385 Prince charmant ; ou, Les contes de F^es ; folie-vaud., par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 17.) *I Prince consort. See Albert, F. A. A. C. E. Prince de voleurs, Le ; par A. Dumas. 9508 Prince Deukalion ; by B. Taylor. 18177 Prince Dorus, poem ; by C. Lamb. ( With his Poetry for chil- dren.) 17338 Prince Edward Island. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In 7m Atlantic Islands.) 17827 — Rae, W. F. (In his Newfoundland to Manitoba.) 2090a Prince of Argolis ; story of the Gr. fairy time, illust. by J. M. Smith. 17350 1012 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Prince of Happy land ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravagan- zas, V. 4.) *I Prince of the hundred soups ; puppet-show in narrative ; by V. Lee. 22684 Prince Perrypets, History of; fairy tale; by L. K. Hugessen. 11356 Prince Saroni's wife ; by J. Hawthorne. 22801 Princes, The, of art : painters, sculptors, and engravers ; fr. the French ; by S. R. Urbino. 8786 Princess Alethea ; by F. M. Peard. 22171 Princess, The, and Curdie ; by G. MacDonald. 22687 Princess, The, and the goblin ; by G. MacDonald. 9846 Princess, The, and the nuts. {In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales, ser. 2.) 19661 Princess Use; [by L. von Ploennius]. 7270 Princess, The, of Tennyson, recast as a drama. 20644 Princess of Brunswick- Wolf enbiittel, and other tales ; by H. Zschokke. 11911 Princess of Elis, The ; comedy ; by Moli^re. {In Ms Dram. wks., V. 2.) 16844 Princess of Silverland, The, and other tales ; by E. Strivelyne. 13886 Princess of Thule ; by W. Black. 12174 Princess Ogh^rof, La; par H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 14519 — Same ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 19974 Princess Rosamond ; by G. MacDonald. ' 13914 PreA'iously pub. under the title, A double story. Princess royal, A. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 9.) 14309 Princesse d'Elide, La ; com^die-ballet ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, V. 3.) 14606 Principles and portraits ; by C. A. Bartol. 19741 Principles from character; by J. II. Wehner. {In French's min. dram., v. 22.) 7982 Pringle, T. African sketches. 3556 Contents. Poems.— Nartative of a residence in So. Africa. Printer's devil. The ; farce ; by J. R. Planch^. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 43.) 11831 Printers and Printing. Abbott, J. The Harper, establishment. (Harper's story books.) 22614 — Authors and publishers : descr.of publishers' methods and arrangements, preparation of mss., instr. for proof-reading, information cone, copyrights, etc. 22881 — Bidwell, G. H. Treatise on the imposition of forms. 16559 — Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation, and other typographical matters. 20699 — Blades, W. Description of printed books*. {In his Biog. and typog. of Caxton.) 21475 — Hatton, J. Printing and book-binding. 15472 — Mackellar, T. The American printer; manual of tjpographv; With use- ful tables, etc. *I — Mitchell, D. G. First printers and their homes. {In his About old story-tellers.) 17346 — Stephenson, — . Life of Wm. Caxton ; with acet. of the inv. of print- ing, etc. {In Lib. usef . kn. Lives.) 5104 — Thomas, 1. History of print, in Amer. ; with biog. of printers and acct. of newspapers, etc. 2 v. 15390-1 — See also Caxton, W;— U. S. Printing. Prior, J. Life of E. J^urke. 5th. ed. 613 — Life of E. Malone : with select, f r. his ms. anecdotes, *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1013 — Life of O. Goldsmith. 355& Prior, M. Poetical works ; with life by J. Mitford. 2 v. 3557-8 — Thackeray, W. 31. {In his Eng. humourists.) 4398 Prior, R. C. A. Popular names »of Brit, plants ; expl. of the origin and meaning of names. 3d. ed. 18895 Prior Polycarp's portrait; by L. Kip. {In /u's Hannibal's man.) 21796 Priscianus C'^esarisensis. Periegesis ; Carmen de ponderibus et mensuris ; Epitome phaenomenon, sive de sideribus. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat min., v. 4.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8362 Priscilla ; by J. Banvard. 642^ Prismatics [sketches, and poems] ; by R. Haywarde. 1008 Prison d'Eclinbourg, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas com- iques, v. 4.) *I Prisoners, The, of St. Lazare ; ed. by P. de Grandpr^. 9721 Prisonniers du Caucase, Les ; par X. de Maistre. {In his Oeuvres.) 14614 Prisons. Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South, 1864-1865. 6024 — Carpenter, M. Reformatory prison disc, as developed by W. Crofton in the Irish convict prisons. 6178 — Convict Hfe; or, Revelations cone, convicts and convict prisons; by a Ticket-of-leave man. 20098 — Emmet, W. Y. Essav on prison discipline. ( With his Thoughts on death penalty.) " 1405 — Five years penal servitude. 18184 — Forsyth, W. Visit to Portland prison. (In his Ess., crit., and narr.) 1272S — International Penitentiarv Cong. Transactions, 1872: Prisons and reform- atories at home and abroad; ed. by E. Pears. *I — Mass. Board of State Charities. Special report on prisons and prison discipline ; by [F. B. Sanborn] . 20433 — Phelps, R. H. Newgate of Connecticut; its origin, and early hist. Descr. of the Simsbury mines and caverns, and the prison built over them. Also, lUust. descr. of the state prison at Wetnersfield. 17794 — Spencer, H. Prison ethics. {In his Essays.) 5863 — United States. Commissioner to the Internat. Penitentiary Gong, of London, 1871. Preliminarv rept. 17749 — See also Andersonville; — Bastile; — Mass.; — Sing-Sing. Also Convicts ; — Howard, J. Also International Penitentiary Congress ;— National Prison Ass. of U. S. ;— National Prison Reforin Congress ;— Prison Association of New York ;— Prisons and reformatories ;—U. S. Hist. Civil War. Pritchard, E. Information respect, the water-supply by gravi- tation of towns and distr. in the U. Kingdom. {In Ass. of Munic. and Sao. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I — Warwick water-supply. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 3.) *I Pritchard, H. B. Firing a shot; Modern explosives. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 — George Vanbrugh's mistake. 22741 — Science and war. {In Estes, D. Half-hour rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — The torpedo. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Pritchard, S. .1. Faye Mar of Storm-cliff. 7118 Private secretary, The. 20910 Private theatricals. Baker, G. M. The drawing-room stage ; dramas, comedies, farces, etc. 11336 The exhibition drama. 13308 Handy dramas for amateur actors. 16747 The mimic stage ; dramas, comedies, burlesques, etc. 7551 Plays for little folks. 19793 The temperance drama. 7095 — Barmby, J. Plays for young people, with songs and choruses. 18434 — Bellevue Dramatic Club. Plays for private acting. 17926 — Cobb, M. L. Poetical dramas'. 12076 1014 FUEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Fowle, W. B. Parlor dramas. — Frost, S. A. The parlor stage ; charades and proverbs. — Gill, W. F. Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. — Healy, M. The home theatre. — James, M. E. What shall we act? plays ; with hints on scene-painting, etc. — Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. Humourous dramas. — Keating, E. H. Dramas for the drawing-room. Plays for the parlour. — Matthews, J. B. Comedies for amateur acting, with pref. on priv. theatricals. — Parlor theatricals; or, Winter evening's entertainments. — Pollock, W. H. and Lady. Amateur theatricals. — Venable, W. H. The amateur actor; collect, of plays. The school stage ; collect, of juvenile acting plays. — Yonge, C. M. Historical dramas. — See also Amusements. Also Eng. drama. Collections. Privateers. Coggeshall, G. History of the Americau priva- teers and letters of marque, 1812-14. Privateersman, The ; by Capt. Marryat. Prix de la vie, Le ; historiette ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 5, V. 1 .) Prix Martin, Le ; com^die. (In .Labiche, E. M. Th^^tre compL, V. 10.) Prize, The, 1882. Prize novel. A, Plan for; by W. M. Thackeray. (In Ms Bur- lesques. Probabilities. Quetelet, L. Letters on the theory of P., as appl. to the mor. and polit. sciences. — Todhunter, I. History of the mathemat. theory of probability; Pascal to Laplace. Probate confiscation ; by M. L. B. Stow. Probation ; by J. Fothergill. , 1513 7584 9599 9797 21481 18087 11927 11928 19355 12709 19790 19976 19977 10575 863 7824 14574 21913 5380 16060 8553 17518 19334 Problem, A, of life ; by B. Bjornson. {In his Bridal march, etc.) 21758 Problematic characters ; by F. Spielhagen. 8408 Problems of life and mind. See Lewes, G. H. Probus ; or, Rome in the 3d. century ; by W. Ware. 4650 Subsequently published under the title, Aurelian. Probyn, J. W. National self-government in Europe and America. 22422 Proceedings at the meeting of the Chapin family, Springfield, Mass., 1862. 18135 Proems criminal, Un ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9479 Procter, A. A. Legends and lyrics. Introd. by C. Dickens. 2 V. 11467-8 — Poems. 5737 — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 Procter, B. W. (pseud. Barry Cornwall). Charles Lamb; memoir. *I — Dramatic scenes : with other poems. 5878 — Fields, J. T. Old acquaintance; Barry Cornwall and some of his friends. 16012 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 16744 — Stedman, E. C. (In his Vict, poets.) 14121 — Willis, N. P. Moore and Barry Cornwall. (In his Fam. persons, etc.) 4804 Procter, G. History of the crusades ; rise, progress, and results. Illust. 3547 Procter Brothers. The fisherman's own book ; list of men and vessels lost fr. Gloucester, Mass., 1874-1882 ; statistics of the fisheries, etc. 22495 CATALOGUE OF^S^ffferi?!^ •* Vfl b**/^ 1015 Procter. See also Proctor. Proctor, E. D. Poems. 6150 — A Russian journey. 9706 Proctor, R. A. Dew ; The leveling power of rain. {In Estes, D. Half-hour rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Easy star lessons. New ed. 21570 — Essays on astronomy. - 10845 — The expanse of heaven ; essavs. 12708 — Flowers of the sky. Illust. ' 18844 — Half hours with the stars. 8779 — Half hours with the telescope. 9072 — Lectures on astronomy. {In Tribune pop. science.) 12943; *I — Liglit science for leisure hours ; essays. 9266 — Same. 2d. ser. ; with sketch of M. Somerville. 11892 — Tlie man in the moon; The mechanism of the heavens : how Copernicus explained it; The mainspring of the celestial mechanism; The ruler of the solar svstem. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — The moon. ^ 13520 — Mysteries of time and space. Illust. 22822 (Jontents. Newton and Darwin.— The vistas of the past.— The birth of the moon.— Birth and death of worlds.— The sun as a perpetual machine. —The sun's corona.— The sun's long streamers.— Meteoric astronomy.— Comets.— Cometic mysteries.— Dangers from comets.— The world's end. —The menacing comet.— Jupiter's satellites.— Terrestrial magnetism.— The star-depths.— Transits of Venus.— Star-clouds and star-mist. —Herbert Spencer's philosophy.— A survey of the northern heavens.— Star unto star. — Myths and marvels* of astronomy. 18409 — New star athis. * *I — The orbs around us. 11177 — Other worlds than ours. ^ 8774 — Our place among infinities ; essays. 15347 Contents. Past and future of the earth.- Seeming wastes in nature.— New theory of life in other worlds.— A missing comet.— The lost comet and its meteor train. — Jupiter. — Saturn and its system. — A giant sun. — The star depths.— Star gauging.-— Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews.— Thoughts on astrology. — Pleasant ways in science. ' 18336 Contents. Oxygen in the sun. — Sun-spot, storm, and famine. — New ways of measuring the sun's distance.— Drifting light waves. — New star which faded into star-mist. — Star-grouping, star-drift and star-mist. — Mallet's theory of volcanoes. — Towards the North Pole. — A mighty sea- wave.— Strange sea-creatures.— Marvels in telegraphy.— The phonograph, or voice recorder.— The gorilla and other apes.— Use and abuse of foocf.— Ozone.— Dew.— The levelling power of rain.— Ancient Babylonian as- trogony. — The pbetry of astronomy ; essays. 20248 Contents. Age of the 'sun and earth.— The sun in his glory. —When the sea was youn^.— Is the moon dead?— The moon's myriad small craters. — A new crater in the moon.— A flery world. — The planet of war.— Living in dread and terror.— A ring of worlds.— Earth-born meteorites.— The ^ architecture of the universe. — Popular acct. of past and coming transits from 1639 to 2012. 13631 — Rough ways made smooth ; essays. 19539 Contents. The sun's corona and his spots.— Sun-spots and commercial panics.— New planets near the sun.— British transit expeditions. — Past history of our moon.— New crater in the moon. — The November meteors. —Expected meteor shower.— Cold winters.— Oxford and Cambridge row- ing. — Rowing styles. — Artificial somnambulism.— Hereditary traits. — Bodily illness as a mental stimulant. — Dual consciousness. — Electric light- ing.— Great storms.— The recent storms. — Mechanical chess players. — Influence of the mind on the body. — Saturn and its system. 10140 — Science byways ; Fam. dissertations on life in other worlds ; Comets and the sun ; The north pole ; Rain ; Danger from lightning ; Growth and decay of mind ; The brain and mental feats ; Automata, etc. Append- ed, Money for science. ' 16637 — Strange discoveries respecting the aurora; Recent solar researches. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — The sun. 9230 — The sun our fire, light, and life. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 2.) 20446 1016 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Use and abuse of food ; Ozone. {In Estes, D. Hf .-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Wages and wants of science-workers. 15860 — The universe, and the coming transits. 12733 Proctor. See also Procter. Prodicus. Prodicus. {In Orateurs et sophistes Grecs.) 14490 Prodigal son, The; oratorio; by A. S. Sullivan. *I Prodigious fool, A ; by J. C. Wallis. 20399 Professeur de declamation ; pr^f .-monologue ; par G. Goetschy. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s^r. 1.) 14791 Professions. See Trades. Professor, The; by C. Bronte. 511 ; 2623 Professor at the breakfast table ; by O. W. Holmes. 1967 Professor of elocution ; by G. Goetschy. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Professor Pressensee, materialist and inventor ; by J. E. Cooke. 17961 Professor's lady, The ; by B. Auerbach. 6660 Professor's story, The. See Elsie Venner. Proffatt, J. Woman before the law. 12354 Progress. Froude, J. A. {In his Short studies, ser. 2.) 9686 — Manning, H. E. (In his Misc.) 17190 — Mulhall, M. G. Progress of the world since the beginning of the 19th. cent. . 20544 — Seaman, E. C. Essays on the progress of nations in industry, civiHzation, population, etc. 7483 — Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress. 5623 Progress and poverty ; by H. George. 19528 Progress and prejudice ; by Mrs. Gore. 1614 Progressionists, The, and Angela ; by C. von Bolanden. 11594 Prohibition. See Temperance. Projection. Angel, H. Practical plane geometry and projec- tion. 2 V. 20102-3 Prolix, Peregrine, pseud. See Nicklin, P. H. Prometheus; poem; by S. P. Putnam. 17710 Promotion ; by J. R. Planch^. {In French's min. dram., v. 20.) 11846 Proof reading. Drew, B. Pens and types. 10014 Propellers. King, W. H. Lessons and practical notes on steam, the steam engine, propellers, etc. 22767 Proper use of grandfathers ; by F. H. Ludlow. {In Stories and sketches.) 6883 Propertius, S. A. Elegia?, carmiua, et imitationes. (Bib. • Class. Lat.) 8311 — Davies, J. Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius. 16595 Property^ James, H. Property as a symbol. {In his Lect., etc.) 2321 — Proudhon, P. J. What is property? (Works, v. 1.) 14364 — Walker, A. Hints to women on the care of property. 17862 — See also Political economy. Prophecy. Doellinger, J. J. I. von. Prophecies and the pro- phetic spirit in the Christian era. *I — Stuart, M. Hints on the interpretation of prophecy. 4296 — Maitland, C. The Apostles' school of prophetic interpretation; its hist. 22228 Prophet, The; tragedy; by B. Taylor. 13012 Proph^te, Le ; op^ra ; par G. Meyerbeer. *I Proph^te, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 5.) *I Prophetic account of a future epic ; by T. B. Macaulay. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 Prophetic voices concerning America ; by C. Sumner. 12511 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1017 Prophets. See Jews. Propria quae maribus ; a jeu d'esprit ; by C. Reade. 1065 Pros and cons of woman suffrage ; rev. of a legislative rept. 22397 Prose idylls, new and old ; by C. Kingsley. 3951 Proser, The, and other papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 5463 Pro-slavery argument, The ; essays. 3561 Contents. Harper, "W. Memoir on slavery.— Hammond, J. H. Letters on slavery.— Simms, W. G. The morals of slavery. — Dew, T. R. On slavery. Prosper Randoce ; par Y. Cherbuliez. 14463 — Same ; Eng. trans. 12222 Prostitution. Powell, A. M. State regulation of vice. 17473 Protection. See Free trade. Protection of majorities ; by J. P. Quincy. 15417 Protectrice, La; com^die-vaudeville ; par A. E. Scribe, etc, (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 21.) *I Protestant Episcopalian Church. Diocese of New York. Trial of S. H. Tyng, Jr., Feb., 1868. 8794 Protestant Episcopalian Church in the U. S. Cutter, "W. Missionary efforts of the Church. {In Hist, of American missions.) 5169 — Newman, J. H. The Anglo- American Church. {In his Essays, crit. and hi8t., v. 1.) 10126 — Randall, G. M. Why I am a churchman. (In Pitts-St. chap, lect.) 20424= Protestantism. Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. 12.556 — Balmes, J. European civilization ; P. and catholicity compared. 13424 — Beecher, E. Papal conspiracy exposed, and P. defended. 365 — Brownson, O. A. {In his Essays, etc.) 6923 — Colwell, S. New themes for the protestant clergy ; creeds without charity, theology without humanity, and P. without Christianity; with notes on the literature of charity, population, pauperism, polit. economy, and protestantism. 13206 — Coquerel, A. L. C. Protestantism in Paris. 974 — De Quincey, T. (In his Theolog. ess., v. 1.) 1160 — Frothingham, O. B. The soul of P. {hi Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) 13778 — Froude, J. A. Condition and prospects of P. {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 — Hutton, R. H. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — Plumptre, E. H. Movements in religious thought. 19439 — See also Reformation. Protoplasm. As regards protoplasm ; reply 'to Huxley. (In Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists.) 9821 — Huxley, T.H. On the phys. basis of life, (iw Hf.-hrs. with mod. sci.) 9821 Proudhon, P. J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Proudhon, sa vie et sa correspondance, 1838-1848. *I — Wliat is property? tr. by B. R. Tucker. (Works, v. 1.) 14364 Prout, Father, pseud. See Mahony, F. Prout, E. Instrumentation. (Music prim.) 18422 Prout, S. Wedmore, F. Wm. Hunt and Prout. (In his Stud, in English art, ser. 2.) 20458 Prout, W. Chemistry, meteorology, and the funct. of digestion, consid. with ref. to natural theology. 4th. ed. ; ed. by J. W. Griffith. (Bridgewater treat.) 3562 Provenyal literature. Breymann, H. Provengal poetry in old and modern times. (In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Hueffer, F. The Troubadours; provengal life and literature in the Middle Ages. 18114 — Preston, H. W. Troubadours and Trouv^res ; new and old. 16687 Provence. See Provencal. 65 1018 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Proverb stories ; by L. M. Alcott. 22009 Proverbe de salon, Un ; acte ; par J. de Marthold. (Th^dtre de camp., ser. 8.) 14692 Proverbe manque, Un ; sc^ne ; par G. Nadaud. {In Sayn^tes,* etc., ser. 1.) 14791 Proverbial philosophy ; by M. F. Tupper. 4529 Proverbs. Cheales, A. B. Proverbial folk-lore. 20797 — Kelly, W. K. Collection of the proverbs of all nations. 8537 — Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems illustrating old truths. 20851 — Merry, Old. Queer discourses on queer proverbs. 7762 — Rav, 3. Handbook of proverbs ; with add. from foreign languages, and add. by H. G. Bohn. 429 — See also Aphorisms. Also Private theatricals. Proverbs illustrated ; by Mrs. Gatty. 11374 Providence. Henry, C. S. The Christian doctr. of Providence. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — King, T. S. Natural and spiritual Providence.* {In his Patriotism.) 5721 — Parsons, T. {In his Essays, ser. 1.) 6139 — Swedenborg, E. Angelic wisdom cone, the divine Providence. 4318 Provoked wife. The ; comedy ; by J. Vanbrugh. (/?i Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Prowse, W. J.., joint author. See Strauss, G. L. M. Prudence; by L. C. Lillie. 21516 Prudence Palfrey ; by T. B. Aldrich. 12752 Prud'hon, P. P. Houssaye, A. {In /m Philosophers, etc., v. 2.) 2006 Prudy keeping house ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 12665 Prue and I ; by G. W. Curtis. 1062 Prunes, Les ; po^sie ; par A. Daudet. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., s6r. 3.) 14687 Prussia. Description. — Mansfield, R. B. {In his Log of the Water Lily.) 12202 Education. — Cousin, V. Report on pub. instruction in Prussia. 982 History. — Blackie, J. S. Prussia in the 19th. cent. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, V. 1.) 17645 — Chesney, C. C. and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and France. 10729 — Hozier, H. M. Seven weeks' war. *I — Hudson, E. H. Life and times of Louisa, Queen of Prussia; introd. sk. of Prussian hist. 2 v. 16536-7 — Seelye, J. R. Life and times of Stein ; or, Germanv and Prussia in the Napoleonic age. 2 v. ' 18392-3 — Stofiel, Baron. . Reports on the military forces of Prussia, 1868-70. 10715 — See also Bismarck;— William of Prussia;— France. History Franco- Prussian War. Politics. — Vassall, H. R. F. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de Prusse, etc. (Barriere. Bib. des m6m., v. 27.) 14547 Prussian vase. The ; by M. Edge worth. 1326; 15295 Pryme, G. Autobiographic recollections of Pryme ; ed. by his daughter. 8888 P's and Q's ; or, The question of putting upon ; by C. M. Yonge. 11430 Pseudonyms. Wheeler, W. A. {In his Expl. and pron. diet. of names of fiction. 6127 Psyche ; tragi-com^die et ballet ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 7.) 14610 — Same; Eng. trans. {In his Dram, wks., v. 3.) 16846 Psyche, A, of to-day ; by Mrs. C. Jenkin. 7480 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 1019 Psyche's art ; by L. M. Alcott. ( With Kitty's class day.) I088O — Same. (In her Proverb 8tor.) 22009 Psychology. Allen, G. The colour-sense ; its origin and dev-elopment ; ess. in comp. psychology. 18433 — Arnold, M. A psychological parallel. (In his Last ess. on ch. and relig.) 16907 — Bain, A. Mental science; corapend. of psychology and the hist, of philosophy. 7640 — Brigham, A. "Remarks on the infl. of ment. cultivation and ment. excite- ment upon health. 502 — Carpenter, W. B. Principles of mental physiology. 12654 — Cunningham, J. New theory of knowing and known, with speculations on the border-land of psychology and physiology. 13803 — Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical psychics fappl. of mathematics to the moral sciences. ' 21821 — Elam, C. A physician's problems. t;087 — Green, J. H. Spiritual philosophv; found, on the teaching of S. T. Coleridge, v. 1. ' 6314 — Hickok, L. P. Empirical psychology ; the human mind as given in consciousness. ' 14084 — Lewes, G.H. Problems of life and mind. 3 ser. 4 v. 12200-1; 18710; 18570 — Locke, J. Essay cone, human- understanding. 2 v. 2720-1 — Martineau, J. Cerebral psychologv : Bain. (In his Ess.) 6388 — Mill, J. S. Bain's psychology. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 4.) 14355 — Porter, N. The human intellect : introd. upon psvchologv. 7641 — Ranch, F. A. Psvchologv. " * 3599 — Ribot, T. English psychology. 12355 — Spencer, H. Principles of psvchology. 2 v. 7698 — Sully, J. Illusions. ' 20786 Sensation and intuition; stud, in psychology and aesthetics. 13044 — Wilson, W. D. Lectures on the psychology of thought and action. 22313 — See also Hallucinations;— Heredity;— Medical psychology ;— Memory ; — Mind and body ;— Sleep. Psychometric researches. Denton, W. and E. M. F. The soul of things ; or, Psychometric researches and discoveries. 5553 Public buildings. Steiner, L. H. Expert supervision in the constr. of pub. institutions. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept.,v. 3.) *I Public opinion. Giles, H. Public opinion. (In his lUust. of genius.) 6001 Public school question ; by B. J. McQuaid and F. E. Abbot. 15675 Publicans and sinners ; by M. E. Braddon. 12220 Publishers. Authors and publishers ; descr. of publishers' methods and arrangements, etc. 22881 Puddings. Brown, S. A. Book of forty puddings. 22129 — See also Cookerv. Puddleford papers ; by H. H. Riley. 21901 Puff, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 6.) *I Pugilism. Donnelly, N. Self-defence ; or, The art of boxing. 18736 Pugin, A. N. W. Ferrey, B. Recollections of A. N. W. and Aug. Pugin ; with not. of their works. *I Puits d'amour, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas com., v. 11.) *I Pulaski, C. Sparks, J. (In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 14.) 4123 Pulci, L. Hunt, J. H. L. (In his Stor. fr. the Ital. poets.) 2105 — Symonds, J. A. Pulci and Boiardo. (In his Renais. in Italy, v. 4.) 17321 Puliga, — . Comtesse de. Mme. de S6vign6, her correspondents and contemporaries. 2 v. 11523-4 Pullen, H. W. Fight at Dame Europa's school, showing how the German boy thrashed the French boy and how the English boy looked on [1870-71]. 9605 — Modern Christianitv a civilized heathenism. 13019 1020 * FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Puller, C. School hist, of Rome ; abgd. fr. Merivale's Gen. hist, of Rome. 17582 Pulling, F. S. Foreign countries and Brit, colonies ; namely : Eden, C. H. West Indies. 2036S Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. 2036& Markham, C. R. Peru. 20376 Morfill,W. R. Russia. 20375 Mossman, S. Japan. 20378 Sergeant. L. Greece. 20388 Webster, W. Spain. 22555 Woods, F. H. Sweden and Norway. 22557 — Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Illust. Biog. of Gt. Art.) 1989a Pullman, A, Wonderful adventures of; by E. E. Hale. 17061 Pulmau, G. P. R. Book of the Axe ; piscatorial descr. of that stream, and hist. sk. of remarkable places upon its banks. Illust. and map. 4th.. ed. *I Pulpit. Beecher, H. W. Five hundred and ninety-five pulpit pungencies. 6377 — Cheever, H. T. The pulpit and the pew. . 807 — Giles, H. (7w ^is Lect. andess., V. 2.) 2253 — Thornton, J. W. The political sermons of 1776. ♦I — See also Preachers. Pulsifer, D. Account of the battle of Bunker Hill. 10487 Pulsky, — . The sleeper awakened. {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Pulszky, F. A. and T. White, red, and black ; sk. of Amer. society. 2 v. 3563-4 Contents. V. 1, 2. White, red, and black. 2. App. Harper, W. Vindication of slavery.— Lowell, A. C. Three letters of a N. E. lady. — U. S. Census Office. Statistics of railroads and telegraphing. Pulszky, 'i\. joint author. See Pulszky, F. A. Pultock, R. Peter Wilkins's discovery of the flying woman. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 Pulteney, W., Earl of Bath {pseud. C. d'Anvers). Hazlitt, W. {In his Eloquence, etc., v. 1.) 1812 Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia ; journey around the world, and residence in Arizona, Japan, and China. 8031 Pumping engines. See Steam engines. Pumps. Colyer, F. Pumps and pumping machinery. 22786 Punch. Thackeray, W. M. Selections fr. Punch, (/n /lis Misc.) 13353 Punch, or the London Charivari. Taylor, B. The writers for " Punch." {In his At home and abroad, ser. 2.) 4436 Punch, brothers, punch ! and other sketches; by S. L. Clemens. 17609 Punch's complete letter-writer ; by D. Jerrold. {In his Works, V. 3.) *I Punch's letters to his son ; by D. Jerrold. {In his Works, v. 1.) *I Punch's prize novelists ; by W. M. Thackeray. 4403 Punchard, G. History of Congregationalism. 3565 Punctuation. See Eng. language. Punctuation. Puniana. See Rowley, H. Punic war. See Tunis. Punishment. See Future punishment. Punshon, W. M. Lectures and sermons. 11802 Content^ Lectures : Daniel in Babylon. — Macaulay. — John Bunyan. — Wesley and his times. — Florence and the Florentines. — The Huguenots. — A pilgrimage to two Amer. shrines. — Sermons. — Kindness to the poor. — The salvation of Israel. — The Lord's supper. — Transfiguration of Christ. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1021 Purcell, H. Cummings, W. H. Purcell. 21351 Purchase system ; by A. Hayward. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., ser. 3.) 12266 Pure gold ; play; by J. W. Marston. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 29, 41.) 11824; 11830 Puritanism, Puritans. Arnold, M. Puritanism and the Church of England. (In his St. Paul.) 12556 — Bayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution. 18020 — Brigham, C. H. The Puritans of England. (In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Coit, T. W. Puritanism. 5002 — Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution. 16530 — Higginson, T. W. The Puritan minister. (In his Atlantic essays.) 12372 — Hopkins, S. The Puritans; church, court, and parliament of Eng. dur. the reigns of Edward VI. and Elizabeth. 3 v. 1991-3 — Macaulav, T. B. The Puritans. (In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Neal, D. History of the Puritans. 5 v. 3220-4 — Withington, L. The Puritan; essavs, crit., moral, and misc. 2 v. 4838-9 Purloined letter. The ; by E. A. Poe. (In his Tales.) 5144 Purnell, E. J. Description of the Coventry waterworks. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Purple tints of Paris ; by B. St. John. 2 v. 16850-1 Purples and blues ; by E. Taylor. 10570 Purse, The ; by H. de Balzac. (In The cat and battledore, V. 2.) 19093 — Same. (In Balzac, H. de. Com6die humaine.) 19095 Pursley, Mrs. — . Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties ; [by G. L. Craik and C. Knight]. 2 V. 4687-8 Pursuit, The, of Mr. Adiel Slack ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Dukesborough tales.) 22894 Pursuivant, The, of arms ; by J. R. Planch^. 12206 Purves, D. L., ed. The English circumnavigators ; with sk. of their lives and discoveries, notes, etc. 14165 Contents. Drake's voyages.— Dampier's voyage.— Anson's voyage. — Cook's vovages. * • Pusey, E. B. Farrar, F. W. Reference to Dr. P.'s ''What is of faith ?" (In his Mercy and judgment.) 20703 — Hood, E. P. (In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 — Home, E. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Mozley, J. B. Dr. Pusey's sermon. (In his Ess., hist, and theol., v. 2.) 18306 Pusey, S. E. B. B. Permanence and evolution ; supposed mu- tability of animal types. .22423 Pushkin, A. S. Eugene On^guine ; romance of Russian life ; in verse ; tr. by Lieut. -Col. Spalding. ' 22424 — Marie ; story of Russian love ; tr. by M. H. de Zielinskie. 16688 — Spalding, Lieut.- Col. Biog. not. (Iw Pushkin, A. S. Eugene On6guine.) 22424 Puss in boots, (/n Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales.) 19660 Puss in boots ; by J. R. Planc^6. (In his Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Puss Tanner's defence ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Dukes- borough tales.) 22894 Put yourself in his place ; by C. Reade. 4413 Putlitz, G. H. G. zu. Die Alpenbraut ; Novelle. 16344 — Brandenburgische Geschichten. 16345 Contents. Die Vermiihluil^ des Markgrafen Ludwig von Brandenburg mit Louise Charlotte Radziwill.— Aus dem Schwarzen und in das Schwarze. — Die Bernauer Bierttasche. — Kronprinz Friedrich und Hans Hermann von Ratt. 1022 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Putnam, A. Kaleidoscope pictures ; namely: Gold Robiu. Kalid and Kittie. Kalid's friends. The pet circle. Putnam, E. H. Receipt book, and young house-keeper's assist- ant. Putnam, E. T. H. Monday work. — Where is the city ? Contents. Among the Baptists ; Congre^ationalists ; Methodists; Epis- copalians; Quakers; Swedenborgians ; Spiritualists; Universalists ; Uni- tarians.— Finding the city. Putnam, F. W. Manufacture of soapstone pots by the Indians of New Eng. Illust. ; Archaeological explor. in Tennes- see. Illust. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Repts., v. 2.) —joint author. See Packard, A. Putnam, G. Sermons ; First Religious Soc, Roxbury. Putnam, G. H. International copyright consd. in some of its rel. to ethics and polit. econ. (Econ. monog.) Putnam, G. P. Recollections of Irving ; by his publisher. {In Warner, C. D. Stud, of Irving.) — Suggestions for household libraries. {In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) — The world's progress ; diet, of dates. 6th. ed. — and Perkins, F. B. The best reading; hints on the select, of books, etc., with bibliog. for easy reference. Same, [rev. ed] . See also Perkins, F. B. Putnam, I. Letters. {In Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar. — Cutter, W. Life of Putnam. — Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 1.) — Hill, G. C. Gen. I. Putnam; biog. — Humphreys, D. Essay on the life of P ; with notes and add. — Peabody, O. W. B. Life of P. (In Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) Same. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 7.) — Tarbox, I. N. Life of Putnam. Putnam, J. J. School gymnastics. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) Putnam, J. P. The metric system of weights and measures. — The open fire-place in all ages. Illust. Putnam, M. (L). Record of an obscure man. — Tragedy of success. Putnam, S. P. Prometheus ; poem. Putnam, the iron son of '76 ; military drama ; by N. H. Ban nister. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 39.) Putnam's advanced science series. See Collins' adv. sci. ser. l^utnam's art hand-books. See Carter, S. N. Putnam's handy-book series ; namely : Abbott, L., How to succee^. Putnam's story library. 3 v. Contents. 1. The modern story-teller. 2. The baked other tales. 3. Stories for Christnias and winter evenings. Putrefaction. See Pathology. Puzzles. Dodgson, C. L. Doublets ; a word-puzzle. — See also Amusements. Pye, H. J. Hamilton, W. {In Ms Poets^laureate.) Pym, J. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Pym versus Falkland. his Quar. ess.) — Foster, J. {In his Statesmen, etc.) — Smith, G. {In his Three Eng. statesmen.) 6116 6114 6115 6117 3568 8630 7424 19624 18091 18501 19609 19847 5370 10026 1-8194 1074 1828 1917 2095 2709 4116 15777 15735 I; 16603 19955 247 735 17710 11829 22562 3569-71 head, and {In 19911 18533 14194 1498 7187 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1023 Pyne, L. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Pyne, S. Funeral sermon. {In U. S. Conq. Obit. addr. on the death of Z. Taylor.) ^ 4386 Pynchon, T. R. The chemical forces, heat, light, electricity. 9754 Pyramids. Becket, E. The great pyramid. {In his Book on building.) 19721 — Seiss, J. A. A miracle in stone ; great pyramid of Eg)pt. 17501 — Smyth, C. P. Life and work at the great pyramid. *I Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid. * 7826 Same ; new ed. ' 12791 Pyrenees. Blackburn, H. The Pyrenees. 8850 — Inglis, H. D. The Pyrenees in 1830. (In his Switzerland, etc., v. 2.) 2127 — Tame, H. A. A tour thr. the Pyrenees. 12367 — Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the P. ; fr. Basque-Land to Carcas- sonne. 22879 Pyrnelle, L. C. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot ; or, Plantation child- life. Illust. 22479 Pyrology. Ross, W. A. Pyrology ; or. Fire chemistry. *I Pyrotechny. Browne, W. H. The art of P. ; the manuf . of fireworks for the use of amateurs. 19458 Pyrotechny ; art of making fireworks at little cost, and with safety and cleanliness. • 12275 Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. Abbott, J. History of P. 2316 Pythagoras. Golden verses. {In Talbot, T. The Enchi- ridion, etc.) 21212 Quackenbos, G. P. Illustrated school hist, of the U. S., etc. 8677 Quackenbos, J. D. Illustrated hist of anc. literature, oriental and classical. Maps. 18044 Quad, M. Going somewhere. {In Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 Quadrature of the circle. See Circle. Quadroon, The ; by M. Reid. 3629 Quaker cousins ; by A. Macdonell. 18494 Quaker et la danseuse, Le ; com^die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe, etc. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, v. 22.) *1 Quaker partisans. The. See Clayton's rangers. Quaker soldier. The ; by J. R. Jones. 5156 Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Quarantine. Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Repts., ^ass^'m. *I — Buck, A. H. (7w his Treatise on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) 19452 Quarantaine, La ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. ScHbe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 14.) *I Quarrel, The, of the flowers ; Christmas drama ; by G. S. Hodges. {In Home plays.) 14360 Quart d'heure avant sa mort, Un ; com^die. {Bi Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 6.) 14796 Quarterly essays ; by Lord Lytton. 14194 Quartet, The ; seq. to Dab Kinzer ; by W. O. Stoddard. 20863 Quash; by G. Brooks. {In French's min. dram., v. 37.) 7989 Quaternions. Hamilton, W. R. Elements of Q. ; ed. by W. E. Hamilton. 15849 — Tait, P. G. Elementary treatise on quaternions. ' 15868 Quatre-Bras. Gardner, D. Quatre-Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. 21613 Quatre vents de I'esprit ; [par] V. Hugo. 2 v. 14661-2 Quatrevingt-trieze ; par V. Hugo. 9464 — Same. 2 v. 14432-3 1024 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Quatrefages de Br^au, J. L. A. de. The human species. (In- ternat. sci. ser.) 18929 — The Datural hist, of man ; element, lect. ; tr. by E. A. Youmans. 136.50 Quatrelles, pseud. See L'Epine, E. L. V. J. Quatrem^re de Quincy, A. C. History of the life and works of Raffaello. 1297 Quebec. LeMoine, J. M. Picturesque Quebec. 21355 — Vivian, H. H. {In his Notes'of a tour in America.) 18450 Queechy ; by E. Wetherell [S. Warner]. 4657 Queen Hortense ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 1185 Queen Mary ; drama ; by A. Tennyson. 13894 Queen mother, The ; by A. C. Swinburne. 6349 Queen, The, of California ; by E. E. Hale. {In his His level best, etc.) 11209 Queen, The, of Connaught ; by H. Jay. 14352 Queen, The, of Denmark ; by Mrs. Gore. 12445 Queen of hearts ; by W. Collins. 889 Queen, The, of Sheba ; by T. B. Aldrich. 17247 Queen, The, of the county; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 9174 Queen of the frqgs ; by J. R. Planch^. (In his Extravaganzas, V. 4.) *I Queen of the meadow ; by C. Gibbon. 3 v. 20209-11 Queen, The, of the regiment; by K. King. 12673 Queen Titania ; by H. H. Boyesen. 20834 Queenie's whim ; by R. N. Carey. 20264 Queens. Dixon, W. H. History of two queens : Catharine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn. 2 v. 11935-6 — Kaufman, R. The Queens of Eng.; abrgd. and adapt, fr. Strickland's " Queens," v. 1. 22267 — Smith, J. F. Romantic incidents fn the lives of the Queens of Eng. 4047 — Strickland, A. Lives of the Queens of England. 12 v. in 7. 4281-7 Vols. 3 and 12 bound separately. Same ; abgd. ; rev. and ed. by C. G. Parker. 7121 Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 v. 4288-93 ; 5343-4 Queens; by E. H. P^mery. 11324 Queen's domain ; and other poems ; by W. Winter. 4834 Queen's favorite. The ; or, The price of a crown. 5598 First pub. as The price of a crown : or, Jehu the alchemist. Queen's Maries, The ; by G. J. W. Melville. 19295 Queen's necklace, The ; by A. Dumas. 9306 Queens of society ; by G. and P. Wharton [K. and J. C. Thom- son]. 4718 Queen's rest. The ; by E. M. Stewart. (In her Cloister legends.) 12789 Queen's revenge, A ; by W. Collins. (Tti Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 5.) 14305 — Same. (In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 Queensbury, Duchess of. Chambers, W. (In his Stories of old families.) 18362 Queer folk ; seven stories ; by E. H. K. Hugessen. 12908 Queer little people ; by H. B. Stowe. 7092 Queer pets at Marcy's ; by O. T. Miller. 19885 Quentin Durward ; by W. Scott. ' 3824 Quest; by [J. C. Bates]. 5743 Question, A ; idyl by G. Ebers. 20630 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1025 Question, The, of Cain, by Mrs. C. Hoey. Question, A, of honor ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. Question Romaine, La ; par E. About. Questions of the day ; namely : Ford, W. C. American citizen's manual. 2 v. Keay, J. S. Spoiling the Egyptians. "Wells, D. A. Our merchant marine. Quetelet, li. A. J. Letters on the theory of probabilities as appl. to the mor. and polit. sciences ; tr. by O. G. Downes. — Mailly, E. Eulogy on Q. {In Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1874.) Qui aime I'arbre aime la branche ; par P. C^li^re. {In his En sc^ne. Quirck, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. Contents. Schools of the Jesuits.— Ascham, Montaigne, Ratich, Mil- ton.— Comenius.— Locke.— Rousseau's Emile.— Basedow and the Philan- thropin.- Pestalozzi.— Jacotot.— Herbert Spencer.— Teaching children.- Moral and religious education. Quiet family ; by W. E. Suter. (/n French's min. dram., v. 30.) Quiet heart. The. Quiet hours ; coll. of poems ; [by M. W. Tileston]. 2 ser. 13101 ; Quiet Miss Godolphin ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. Quiet thoughts for quiet hours. Quietism. See Bigelow, J. Molinos, the Quietist. Quillinan, E. The rangers of Connaught. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) Qnilter, H. Giotto. (lUust. biog. of gt. art.) Quin, C W., joint author. See Strauss, G. L. M. Quin, W. T. W., Ea^i of Dunraven. The great Divide ; trav. in the upper Yellowstone, 1874. Illust. Quinby, M. Mysteries of bee-keeping expl. ; new ed. — and Root, L. C. New bee-keeping; mysteries of bee-keeping expl. Illust. Quincey, T. de. See De Quincey, T. Quincy, A. C. Q. de. See Quatrem^re de Quincy, A. C. Quincy, E. Life of Josiah Quincy. — Memoir of Josiah Quincy. {In Quincy, J. Ess. on the soiling of cattle.) — Phoebe Mallory ; the last of the slaves. {In Liberty bell.) Quiucy, Josiah.* b. 1744. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Amer. rev. — Quincy, J. Memoir of J. Quincy. Jr. Quincy, Josiah. b. 1772. Essays on the soiling of cattle and sugg. useful to farmers ; with mem. of the author ; by E. Quincy. — Memoir of J. Quincy, Jr. — Memoir of the life of J. Q. Adams. — «6peech. {In Amer. oratory.) — Speeches; delivered in the Congress of the U. S. 1805-1813; ed. by E. Quincy. — Lowell, J. R. A great pub. character. {In his My study windows.) — Quincy, E. Life of J. Quincy. Quincy, Josiah. b. 1802. Figures of the past; fr. the leaves of old journals. Contents. A puritan academy.— Harvard sixty years ago.— Commence- ment day in 1821.— Reminiscences of the 2d. president.— Visits to John Adams.— Talks with John Adams.— The old president in public— "Eclipse" against the world.— Lafavette in Boston.- Lafavette and Col. Huger.— How Col. Huger told the story.— Lafayette on Bunker Hill.— Daniel "Web- ster at home.— Lafayette leaves Mass.— The Duke of Saxe- Weimar and Capt. Ryk.— The governor at Nantucket.— A journey with Judge Story. 21296 13974 9471 22904-5 22034 22090 16060 14377 14601 12175 7986 5267 20132 9602 3573 12446 21391 15707 6272 18810 6962 16985 5101 2858 3574 16985 3574 3575 15998 10522 22480 1026 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. —From New York to Washington.— Visits to John Randolph in the Sen- ate. —Commodore Stockton.— The Supreme Court and the "Marianna Flora." — Washington society in 1826.— The House of Representatives. — Through Baltimore to Boston. — The reverend clergy. — Some pillars of the state. — Two notable women. — Some railroad incidents. — Jackson in Mass. — Joseph Smith at Nauvoo. Qiiincy, Josiah Phillips. The protection of majorities ; or, Considerations rel. to elect, reform, etc. 15417 Contents. Protection of majorities. — Coercion in the later stages of education.— Function of town libraries.- Abuse of reading.— The better Samaritan. Quincy family. Muzzey, A. B. {In his Reminis.) 22390 Quincy, Mass. Adams, C. F., Jr. The new departure in the common schools of Q. 20350 Same. {In his Pub. Lib. and the common schools.) *I Quiner, J. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Quinet, E. The religious revolution of the 19th. cent. 20412 — The Roman Church and mod. society; ed. bv C. E. Lester. 5755 — La revolution. 2 v. . ' 14390-1 — Heath, R. E. Quinet; his early life and writings. Portr., illust., etc. 20768 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 2.) *I Quinn, J. J. Cholera in Cincinnati, O. (in Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 1, 1873.) *I Quinnebasset girls; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 17332 Quint, A. H. The Potomac and the Rapidan ; army notes, 1861-3. 5707 Quintilianus, M. F. De institutione oratoria, cum comment. G. L. Spalding quibus novas lect. et not. adj. J. J. Des- sault. [Ace. M. F. (^uiutiliani declamationes, item Cal- purnii Flacci ex rec. Burmanniana]. 7 v. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8312-18 — Institutes of oratory; tr. by J. S. Watson. 2 v. 3577-8 Quintus Claudius ; romance of imperial Rome ; by E.Eckstein. 2 V. 22251-2 Quintus Curtius. See Curtius Rufus, Q. Quintus Fixlein, Life of ; by J. P. F. Richter. {In Richter, J. P. F. Campaner Thai, etc.) 16896 (Quintus Smyrnmus. Sainte-Beuve, (\ A. Etude sur Quintus de Smyrne. {In his Etude sur Virgil.) *I Quirinus, pseud. Letters fr. Rome on the Council. [Vatican Council]. 9643 Quisisana ; or. Rest at last ; fr. the German of F. Spielhagen. 20551 Quite alone ; by G. A. Sala. 6013 Quite so ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In his Marjorie Daw.) 11933 Quitman, J. H. Claiborne, J. F. H. Life and correspondence of Q. V. 2. 841 Quits ; by Baroness von Tautphoeus. 4354 Quixstar; by [E. Taylor].' 11939 (^uordou hounds. The ; by H. W. Herbert. {In his Frank For- ester's sporting scenes.) 9031 ; 9274 Quotations Ballon, M. M. Pearls of thought. 20258 — Bartlett, J. Familiar quotations. 6100 — Browne, J. Law and lawyers in literature. 22370 — Clouston, W. A. Literary curiosities and eccentricities. 15832 — Dobson, "W. T. Literary frivolities, fancies, follies, and frolics. 20736 — Great truths by great authors; diet, of aids to reflection, etc. 1640 — Hale, S. J. Complete dictionary of poetical quotations. , 5666 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1027 — Lear, H. L. S. Here and there : quaint quotations. 22406 — Southgate, H. Many thoughts of many minds. 13638 E., W. D. Easter on the Riviera. {In Murphy, B. and others. On the Ehine.) 19935 Raabe, Wilhelm, pseud. See Corvinus, J. Rab and his friends; by J. Brown, (/n /ii.s Spare hours, ser. 1.) 562 — Same. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 Rabaut-Saint-Etienne, J. P. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Oeuvres de R.-S.-E. (In Ms Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Rabbi Jeshua ; an eastern story. 20520 Rabbi's daughter, The. (In Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Rabbits. Bement, C. N. The rabbit fancier. (In Saxton's rur. hd.-bks., ser. 3.) 5694 Rabelais, F. Works ; illust. by Dor6. *I — Besant, W. Eabelais. (For. class, for Eng. read.) 1891S (In his French humorists.) • 13061 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 3.) *I — Scherer, E. (In his Etudes crit. de litterature.) 14600 Race for a wife ; by H. Smart. 5541 Race, The, for wealth ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 5741 Races of man. See Ethnology ; — Man ; — Turkey. Rachel, E. F., dite. Rachel d'apr^s sa correspondance ; par G. D'Heylli [A. E. Poinsot]. *I — B., Mme. de. Memoirs. 3580 — Ballantine, W. (In his Some experiences, etc., v, 2.) ' 21554 — Lewes, G. H. (In his Actors and acting.) 14097 Rachel (^ray ; by J. Kavanagh. 2429 Rachel Ray ; by A. Trollope. 1207 Rachel's inheritance ; by M. Veley. 22341 Rachel's share of the road. (Round-rob. ser.) 22310* Rachel's sleigh ride. {In Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Racine, J. Theatre complet. 14399 Contents. LaTh^baide,ou,Lesfr6res ennemis. — Alexandre le Grand. — Andromaque.— Les plaideurs.— Britannicus.— B<^^renice.— Bajazet.— ^Nlith- ridate. — Iphig6nie en Aulide.—Phedre.— Esther.— Athalie.— Plan du pre- mier acte d'lphig^nie en Tauride. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. lit., v. 3, 10.) . *I — Trollope, H. M. Corneille and Bacine. 20498 Racine, Louis. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 3.) *I Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics ; or, The phenomena of sound ; fr. the French ; rev. by R. Ball. (111. lib. of wonders.) 8663 Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of painting; app., The principal galleries of Europe. Illust. 16124 Radcliffe, A. (W.) Ludovico in the haunted chamber; fr. " Mysteries of Udolpho." (In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Romance of the forest. 3581 — Elwood, A. K. (In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 — Kavanagh, J. (I7i her Eng. women.) 7014 — Scott, W. (In ^is Lives of the novelists, v. 1 ; and Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3850; 3837 Radcliffe, C. B. Vital motion as a mode of phys. motion. 16847 Radiation. Forbes, G. Radiation. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 1.) 17678 — Tyndall, J. On radiation. 9768 Same. (In his Fragments of sci., v. 1.) 19303 Radical Club, Chestnut St., Boston. Sargent, M. E. Sketches and reminiscences of the club. 20117 1028 ^REE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Radical discourses ou relig. subjects ; by W. Denton. 11284 Radical problems ; by C. A. Bartol. 9974 Radiometer. Cooke, J. P. The radiometer. {In his Sci. culture.) - 20756 Radnor, Loi^d. See Bouverie, W. P. Radowitz, J. M. von. Hayward, A. {In Ms Biog. and crit. ess., V. 1.) 17946 Rae, E. The land of the north wind ; among the Laplanders and the Samoydes. 13882 — The White Sea peninsula ; journey in Russian Lapland and Karelia. Map and illust. 21987 Rae, W. F. Columbia and Canada ; the Gt. Republic and the New Dominion. Suppl. to " Westward by rail." 18141 — Introductory chap. ; [life, etc., of Taine] . {In Taine, H. A. Notes on England^) 10504 — Newfoundland to Manitoba thr. Canada ; maritime, mining, and prairie provinces. Maps and illust. . 20903 — Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox ; the opposition under George III. 12771 Raeburn, H. Brown, J. {Li his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 — Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit, painters, etc.^ v. 4.) 1056 — Stevenson, R. L. Some portraits by R. {In his Yirgmibus, etc.) 22710 Raffaello Santi or Sanzio. Crowe, J. A. and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Raphael ; his life and works ; recent, discovered records, v. 1. 22652 — D'Anyers, N. Raphael. 18916 — Davis, J. P. (In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, etc. 10178 — Grimm, H. (In his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Das Leben Raphaels von Urbino ; Italionischer Text von Vasari. 10305 — Jameson, A. Raphael; The scholars of Raphael. {In her Mem.) 2324 . — Owen, A. C. Raffaelle. {In her Art schools, etc.) 15926 — Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michelangelo; crit. and biog. esi?. *I — Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Life and works of R. 1297 — Springer, A. Rattael und Michelangelo. *I — Sweetser, M. F. Raphael. 17148 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Rafael and Michael Angelo. {In his Chr. art, etc.) 11076 Raft, A, that no man made ; by R. T. S. Lowell. {In Little class., V. 8.) 12979 Rag picker. The ; or, Bound and free. 3583 Rag picker of Paris ; drama ; by E. Stirling. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 14.) 11816 Ragged Dick ; by H. Alger, Jr. 7396 Ragged register, A ; by A. E. Dickinson. 18819 Raglan, Lord. See Somerset, F. J. H. Ragnarok ; the age of fire and gravel ; by I. Donnelly. 22249 Ragnet, C. Treatise on currency and banking. 3584 Rahel, pseud. See Varnhagen von Ense, R. A. F. L. M. Raibaud, A., psez^d. ^See Giraudeau, F. Raibolini, F. See Francia, F. Raikes, T. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 13766 — Portion of the journal bv R., 1831-47; social and polit. life in London and Paris. New ed. 2 v. 6469-70 Railroad, The, and the church-yard ; by B. Bjornstjerne. 9290 Railroads, Railways. Adams, C. F.. Jr. Notes on railroad accidents. 19197 Railroads ; their origin and problems. 17880 — Baker, T. Railway engineering. *I — Barry, J. W. Railway appliances; descr. of .sf^?/f/. M.Browne). Chaucer's England. 2 v. *I — Henry Holbeach, student in life and philosophy. 2 v. 6301-2 Rangcley lakes. Farrar, C. A. J. Eastward, ho I 19743 Rangers, The ; by D. P. Thompson. 4446 Rangers and regulators. The, of the Tanaha ; by M. Reid. 14065 Rangers of Connaught, The; by E. Quillinan. 12446 B(L unth Tieck, J. L. The elves. Ranke, F. L. von. Civil wars and monarchy in France, 16th. and 17th. cent. ; tr. by M. A. Garvey. 3588 — Ecclesiastical and polit. hist, of the Popes of Rome ; tr, by S. Austin. 2 v. 3589-90 — Same-, tr. by E, Foster. 3 v. 3691-3 — History of England, priuc, in the 17th. cent. 6 v. 13724-9 — History of Servia, and the Servian revolution ; with sketch of the insur- rection in Bosnia. Add., The slave provinces of Turkey ; chief, from the French of C. Robert. 3595 — History of the Reformation in Germany. , 3594 — Macauiay, T. B. (in ^^■s Crit,, hist., and misc. ess., v. 4.) 2789 Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Rankin, M. Twenty years among the Mexicans ; narrative of missionary labor. 15523 Rankine, W. J. M. Applied mechanics. 3596 — Manual of civil engineering. 6th. ed. 8536 — Manual of the steam engine, and other prime movers. 6th. ed. ♦!; 12271 - Useful rules and tables rel. to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines. 8661 — and Bamber, E. A mechanical text-book. 12270 Rannie, D. W. Historical outline of the English constitution. 21192 Rantoul, R., Jr. Memoirs, speeches, and writings ; ed. by L. Hamilton. 3598 Raphael ; by A. de Lamartine. 2869 Raphael. /S'fie Raffaello. Raphall, M. J. Bible view of slavery, {In Fast day sermons.) 1454 1032 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rapid transit abroad [Scotland, England, Belgium and Ger- many, Switzerland, Italy, France]. 18585 Rare pale Margaret. 18210 Rasle or Rasles. See Rdle. Rasselas ; by S. Johnson. 2373 — Same ; another copy. (Bayard ser.) 7750 Ratich, W. Quick, R. H. (In his Ess. on educ. reformers.) 12175 Rationalism. Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism. 18564 — Guizot, F. P. G. (In his Meditations.) 6964 — Hedge, F. H. Reason in religion. 6955 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of the rise and influence of rationalism in Europe. 2 v. ' ^ 6029-30 — Newman, J. H. The introduction of rationalistic principles into revealed religion. (In his Ess., crit. and hist., v. 1.) 10126 — Patterson, R. Fables of infidelity and facts of faith ; tracts on the absurdity of atheism, etc. 6491 Rattan, V. A popular California flora ; with lessons adapt, to the Pacific Coast. 4th. ed. 22629 Rattlin, the reefer; by F. Marryat. ,2917 Rau, C. Early man in Europe. 16125 — Memoir of C. F. P. von Martins. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Ran, H. Beethoven; biog. romance ; from the German. 20178 — Mozart; biog. romance; from the German; by E. R. Sill. 7269 Ranch, F. A. Psychology. 3599 Ranch, J. H. The sanitary problems of Chicago. {I7i Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I Raumer, F. L. G. von. England in 1835 ; tr. by S. Austen and H. E. Lloyd. 3600 Raumer, K. von. Life and system of Pestalozzi. *I Rausse, J. H. Water-cure in every disease ; Errors in the water-cure. (Water-cure Lib., v. 6.) 9923 Ravaillac, F. L'P^cluse, L'abb^ de. Trial of R. for the murder of Henry the Great. ( With his Mem. pf M. de Bethune.) *I Raven, Ralph, pseud. Golden dreams and leaden realities. 5164 Ravenshoe ; by H. Kingsley. 2507 Ravenstein, E. G. and Hulley, J. The gymnasium and its fit- tings ; illust. descr. of gymnastic apparatus, covered and open-air gymnasia. 18219 — Hand-book of gymnastics and athletics. 15638 Rawlinson, G. Alleged hist, difficulties of the Old and New Testaments, and the light thrown on them by mod. disc. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 — The five great monarchies of the anc. eastern world. 4 v. 8908-11 Contents. Y. 1. Chaldea.— Assyria. 2. Assyria. 3. Media. — Babylonia. 4. Persia. — Hislorical evid. of the Script, records. (Bampton lect.) 5165 — Historical illust. of the Old Testament; add. by H. B. Hackett. 12148 — Manual of ancient history. 8614 — The origin of nations. ' 17474 Contents. Early civilizations. — Ethnic affinities in the anc. world; or, Toldoth Beni-Noah; comment, on the 10th. chap, of Genesis. — The religious of the ancient world. 22599 — The seventh great Oriental monarchy; geography, hist., etc., of the Sas- saniau or New Persian empire. ' ' 15861 — Sixth great Oriental monarchy (Parthia.) 1146ft — See also Herodotus. History. Rawlinson, H. England and Russia in the East ; polit. and geog. cond. of Centr. Asia. 2d. ed. ' 14099 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1033 Rawlinson, R Letter, (/n Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. Proc, V. 4.) *I Ray, I. Contributions to mental pathology. 11326 — Mental hygiene. 7644 Ray, J. Handbook of proverbs ; with add. fr. for. languages, and add. by H. G. Bohn. 429 Ray, W. Spear, C. {In his Voices fr. prison.) 4162 Ray ; by H. P. Spofford'. {In Little class., v. 11.) 12982 Raymond, C.W. Cadet life at West Point. {In Some cur. schools.) 20401 Raymond, G. Life and enterprises of R. W. Elliston. 3601 Raymond, G. L. Colony ballads. 16779 Raymond, H. J. Maverick, A. H. J. Raymond and the New York press ; prog, of Amer. journalism. 8447 Raymond, J. H. Life and letters : ed. by his daughter ; [with acct. of Vassar College]. 20413 Raymond, M. Systematic theology. 2 v. *I Raymond, R. J. Mr. and Mrs. Peter White. {In French's min. dr., v. 30.) 7986 Raymond, R. R. Shakespeare for the young folk. 21101 Raymond, R. W. Hygiene of metal mines. {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, etc.^ v. 2.) 19452 — Mines, mills, and furnaces of the Pacific states and territories. 9875 — Statistics of mines and mining west of the Rocky mts. 5th. ann. rept. 13839 Raymond and Agnes ; drama ; by M. G. Lewis. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 24.) 11822 Raymonde ; by A. Theuriet. 18096 Raynal, F. E. Wrecked on a reef ; or, Twenty months among the Auckland isles. 13289 Rayner, B. F. The dumb boy of Manchester. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 43.) 11831 Raynouard, F. J. M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., V. 5.) *I Rayons et les ombres, Les ; par V. Hugo. 14444 Rea, M. A. Fisher, H. N. {In Higginson, T. W, Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Reach, A. B. Jenny Lind at last. {In French's min. dr., V. 24.) - 7983 Read, C. On the theory of logic ; essay. 18641 Read, C. H. Repentance and conversion. (7n Union pulpit.) 6680 Read, D. Address. In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 — Address in memory of W. H. McGufley. (In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1878.) 17753 Read, David. Nathan Read.; contrib. to the early hist, of the steamboat and locomotive engine. 8543 Read, 'E.^ joint author. See Rodney, M. L. Read, G. Read, W. T. Life and correspondence of R. 10526 Read, H. The palace of the Great King ; power, wisdom, and goodness of God, illust. in his works. 3602 Read, J. M. Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 66 1034 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Read, N. Read, D. Nathan Read ; early hist, of the steam- boat and locomotive engine. 8543 Read,- T. B. Poetical works. 3 v. 19266-8 Read, W. T. Life and correspondence of G. Read. 10526 Read. See also Reed, Rede, Reid. Reade, A. A. Study and stimulants ; intoxicants and narcotics in rel. to intellect, life. 22873 Reade, C. The box tunnel. (In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Same. ( With Propria quae marii)us. 1065 — Christie Johnstone. 3610 — The cloister and the hearth. 242 — The eighth commandment. 3606 — Griffith Gaunt. 3604 — A hero and a martjT. 13347 — It is never too late'to mend. 3608 — The jilt. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 17043 — Love me little, love me long. 3607 — Multum in parvo. II lust. 22084 Contents. History of an acre.— The Knightsbridge mystery.— Single- heart, and Doubleface. — Peg Woffington. 3609 — Propria quae maribus, a jeu d'esprit; and The box tunnel, a fact. 1065 — Put yourself in his place. 4413 — Readiana; comments on current events. Portr. 22328 — A simpleton. , 11918 — Siugleheart, and Doubleface. See Multum in parvo, above. — A terrible temptation. 9228 — True love never did run smooth. 8743 Contents. Clouds and sunshine.— The bloomer.— Art : a dramatic tale. — Very hard cash. 5534 — The wandering heir, 11227 — White lies. 3612 — A woman-hater. 16982 — and Boucicault, D. Foiil play. 3605 — joint author. See Taylor, T.* — Hazeltine, M. W. (In his Chats.) 22863 — McCarthy, J. (In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Sketch of R. (In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Reade, H. L. Money, and how to make it. 11211 Reade, T. M. Chemical denudation in rel. to geological time. 19670 ^ Contents. Geological time.— Geological significance of the Challenger discoveries.— Limestone as an index of Geolog. time. — Geology of Liverpool in rel. to engineering work. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 5.) *I Reade, W. W. The African sketch-book. 2 v. 6844-5 — The martyrdom of man. 11086 Contents. War.— Religion.— Liberty.-Intellect. — Savage Africa : narr. of a tour. Illust. 5823 — The story of the Ashantee campaign. 12912 Reading. Abbott, L. Hints for home reading ; chapters on books and their uses. 19847 — Atkinson, W. P. The right use of books ; lect. 18401 — Foster, W. E. Libraries and readers. 22756 — Green, S. S. Libraries and schools. 22757 — Hawes, J. On reading. ( With his Lect. to young men.) 1795 — Hewins, C. M. Books for the young. * 22758 — King, T. S. (In ^is Substance and show, etc.) 17277 — Maurice, J. F. D. Books. (In his Friendship of books.) 12252 — Porter, N. Books and reading. 9002 — Putnam, G. P. and Perkins, F. B. The best reading. 8589 ; 10026 — Quincy, J. P. Abuse of reading. (In his Protection of majorities.) 15417 — See also Elocution ;— Rhetoric. Also Eng. literature. Select, for reading and speaking. Reading club and handy speaker. See Baker, G. M. Reading party, A, in the long vacation. (In Tales fr. Black- wood, V. 2.) 19141 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1035 Ready-mouey Mortiboy; by W. Besant and J. Rice. R^al, A. {pseud. Fernand Michel) . Story of the stick in all ages and lands. Real and ideal ; by M. D. Conway. {In his Idols.) Real folks ; by A. D. T. Whitney. Real lady, A ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. {In her Dead sin, etc.) Real property. Digby, K. E. Introduction to the hist, of the law of real property. Realism. Bowen, F. Realism, nominalism, and conceptual- ism. {In hisMod. philosophy.) Realmah ; by [A. Helps]. Reason. Hickok, L. P. The logic of reason. — Kant, I. Critique of pure reason. Reason {in religion). See Rationalism. Reason why. The ; condensed scientific knowledge for the mil- lion. Reason why, The ; natural history. lUust. Reason why. See also Biblical reason why. Reata ; what's in a name ; by E. D. Gerard. Reaumur, R. A. F. de. Elements of the art of making tin plates. {In Flower, P. W. Hist, of the trade in tin.) Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 11561 15376 16980 9650 11481 *I 17186 7580 13331 2419 3614 1768 19760 19651 6741 Rebecca and Rowena ; by W. M. Thackeray, (/n Ms Burlesques.) 5380 Rebecca's ma; by F. W. Loring. {In Thirteen good stor.) 11874 — Same. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., v. 7.) Rebel, The, of the family ; by E. L. Linton. Rebel's recollections, A ; by G. E. Eggleston. Reber, F. von. History of anc. art; tr. and aug. by J. T. Clarke. Illust. and glossary. Rebhun, P. Schauspiel. (Deut. Dich. d. 16 Jahrh., v. 2.) Reboisement in France ; by J. C. Brown. Rebus. See Amusements. Recamier, J. F. J. A. (B.) Lenormant, A. C. Madame R6- camier and her friends ; tr. by [I. M. Luyster]. — Memoirs and correspondence. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 1, 14.) — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Queens of soc.) Receipts (in general). Allen, H. B. The useful companion and artificer's assistant. — Axon, W. E. A. The mechanic's friend; receipts and prad;. suggestions. — Benjamin, P. "Wrinkles and recipes, compl. fr. the Scientific American. — CoQley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts. Same; 5th. ed.*, rev. etc., by R. V. Tuson. — Pilkington, J. Useful receipts. {In his Artist's and mechanic's repos.) — Spon, E. Workshop receipts. — See also Cookery. Recent polar voyages. Record of adv. and disc. ; fr. the search after Franklin to the Brit. Polar Exped., 1875-1876. Reciprocal duties of state and subject ; by J. A. Froude. {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 20170 13317 22600 16356 15702 14116 6675 *I 4718 21812 14026 15360 935 11089 3470 12070 17155 Recit ft'une soeur ; par Mme. A. Craven. 2 v. 9686 9387-8 Recitations. See English literature. speaking. Also Entertainments. Selections for reading and 1036 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Recitations and readings. See Dick, W. B. Relus, E. The earth ; descr. hist, of the life of the globe ; tr. by B. B. Woodward ; ed. by H. Woodward. lUust. 9722 — The history of a mountain; tr. by B. Ness and J. Lillie. Illust. 20489 — The ocean. * 11275 Recollections and suggestions ; 1813-1873 ; by J. E. Russell. 13468 Recollections of a busy life ; by H. Greeley. 7689 Recollections of a New Eng. bride, and a Southern matron ; by C. Oilman. " 2263 Recollections of curious characters and pleasant places ; by C. Lanman. * 22403 Recollections of Eton ; by an Etonian. Illust. 10684 Recollections of my youth ; by E. Renan. 22946 Recollections of past life ; by H. Holland. 9980 Recollections of seventy years ; by E. Farrar. 5988 Recommended to mercy. 5390 Reconciliations. {In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Reconstruction of sheepfolds ; by L. Oliphant. {In his Traits, etc.) 22692 Record of an obscure man ; [by Jf?'s. M. L. Putnam]. 247 Record of Dorcas Bently ; by C. Cheesebro'. {In Short stor.) 6965 Records of a girlhood ; by F. A. Kemble. 18281 Records of a quiet life ; by A. J. C. Hare. 12017 Records of five years ; by Grace Greenwood [S.J. Lippincott]. 6606 Recreations. See Amusements. Recreations of a country parson ; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 2 ser. 4636-7 Recruiting officer. The ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Rector, The, of Roxburgh ; by W. Hickling. 11410 Rector of St. Bardolph's ; by F. W. Shelton. 3950 Rector of St. Marks ; by M. J. Holmes. 13082 Bound with West Lawn. Rectory, The, of Mora ; by F. Bremer. 493 Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux ; by W. F. Butler. 22017 Red cotton night-cap country ; or. Turf and towers ; by R. Browning. * 11562 Red Court farm ; by Mrs. H. Wood.- 9999 Red cross ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 7124 Red Eagle. Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle, and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. 18160 Re(f Eric, The ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 5511 Red Jacket. Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket ; incl. an acct. of the early wars of the six nations, etc. ' 19329 — Stone, W. L. Life and times of Red Jacket. 7286 Red-letter days in Applethorpe ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 7562 Red mask, The ; drama ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 20.) tll820 Red River, La. Marcy, R. B. and McClellan, G. B. Explora- tion of the Red River. (U. S. Cong. 33d. Cong. Ex. doc.) 2898 by J. F. Cooper. 961 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1037 Eed shanty boys, The ; by P. Ludlow. 9707 Eedburn ; by H. Melville. 5651 Redding, C. History and descr. of mod. wines. 3615 — Shipwreck of a Spanish vessel. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 Rede, L. T. Guide to the stage. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 Rede, W. L. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Rede. See Read, Reade, Reed, Reid. Redemption {in theology). Edwards, J. History of the work of Redemption. ^ 1349 Redemption, The ; sacred trilogy ; by C. Gounod. *I Redfield, A. M. Zoological science ; or, Nature in living forms. lUust. 6329 Redfield, H. V. Homicide, north and south ; comp. view of crime against the person in pts. of the U. S. 20138 Redfield, J. W. Comparative physiognomy ; or, Resemblances bet. men and animals. Illust. 6417 Redgauntlet ; by W. Scott. 3825 Redgrave, R. Manual of colour; with a catechism. 5th. ed. 16062 — Manual of design, compl. fr. [his] writings, eic. ; by G. R. Redgrave. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I Redhouse, J. W. On the history, system, and varieties of Turkish poetry ; illust. by select, in the original and Eng. paraphrase, with not. of the Islamic doctr. of the immor- tality of woman's soul. *I Redpath, J. Guide to Hayti. 3900 — Public life of Capt. J. Brown ; with autobiog. of his childhood and youth. 3616 — The roving editor ; or. Talks with slaves in the southern states. 3617 Redskins ; by J. F. Cooper. 962 Redwood; by [C. M. Sedgwick]. 3877 Reece, R. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Re-echoes ; short essays ; by F. P. Cobbe. 15834 Reed, E. J. Japan ; its hist., trad., and religions ; with narr. of a visit, 1879. Illust. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20452-3 Reed, F. A. The twin heroes ; tale of the Separatists of the times of Queen Elizabeth. 14057 Reed, H. Life of J. Reed. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., V. 18.) 4127 — Lectures on Eng. hist, and tragic poetry, as illust. by Shakespeare. 8489 — Lectures on English literature, fr. Chaucer to Tennyson. 8488 — Lectures on the British poets. 2 v. 8490-1 Reed, I. G., Jr. Erring, yet noble. 7324 Reed, J. Memorial add. bef. the Boston Society of the New Jerusalem, 1878. {In Reed, S. Biog. sk.) 19581 Reed, J. Reed, H. Life of Reed. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 18.) 4127 Reed, J. J. Outlines of univ. hist. pt. 1. Anc. history. 5470 Reed, R. T. Six months in a convent. 3949 Reed, S. Biographical sk. of T. Worcester, pastor of the Boston Soc. of the New Jerusalem, with acct. of the origin and rise of that society; with mem. addr. by J. Reed. 19581 Reed, S. B. House-plans for everybody ; for village and country residences, ete. Illust. 17976 1038 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reed, S. R. The Vicksburg campaign, and the battles about Chattanooga, 1862-63 ; hist, review. 21651 Reed. See also Read, Reade, Rede, Reid. Reef, The, and other parables ; by E. H. Bickersteth. 12523 Reel, A, in a bottle ; by H. T. Cheever. 13185 Reemelin, C. The vine-dresser's manual ; illust. treat, on vine- yards and wine-making. 7678 — /Same. {In Saxton's rur. hand book's, ser. 3.) 5694 Rees, J. Life of E. Forrest. 12250 Rees, J. R. Horace Vernet ; Paul Delaroche. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 19766 Rees, J. E. R. Home decoration ; art needle work and embroid- ery ; painting on silk, satin, and velvet ; panel-painting ; and wood-carving. Designs. (Appletons' home books.) 22291 — Home occupations. (Appletons' home books.) 22174 Reese, E. Y. The believer's privilege. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Reeve, C. Scott, W. {In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2 ; and Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3851 ; 3837 Reeve, H. Petrarch, R. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 17637 — joint author. See Chesnej, C. C. Reeves, J. History of the Eng. law, fr. the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. New ed. with notes, etc., by W. F. Finlason. 3 v. 16822-4 Reeves, M. C. L. See Rodney, M. C. L. Reform. See Great Britain. House of Commons. Reform. Reform, The philosophy of ; by C. B. Smith. 4034 Reform schools. Carpenter, M. Reformatory schools. 712 Reformation. Doellinger, J. J. I. von. La R^forme, son d^veloppement int^rieur, et les resultats qu'elle a produits dans le sein de la soci^t^ luth^rienne. 3 v. 14589-91 — Fisher, G. P. The reformation. 11330 — Fronde, J. A. {In his Short studies, ser. 1.) 6963 — Gilbart, J. W. The soc. effects of the R. {In his Lect. and ess.) 19^90 — Haeusser, L. The period of the Reformation, 1517-1648. 15413 — Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. History of the R. in Europe in the time of Calvin. 8 v. * 6416-19; 15943-6 History of the R. of the 16th. cent, in Germany, Switzerland, etc. 5 y. 1102-6 Samel tr. and abgd. by J. Gill. 2258 — Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant revolution. 13011 — Spalding, M. J. History of the Protestant Reformation. 2 v. in 1. 6465 — Stebbing, H. History of the Reformation. 2 y. 5576-7 — See also England. JS^ccZesms^i'ca? /u's^on/ ;— France ;— Germany ; — Ire- land ;— Italy ;— Spain ;— Switzerland. Also Grisons ;— Luther ;— Popes. Refraction. Brewster, D. Optics ; double refraction and polarization of light. {In Lib. Usef. Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 Regeneration. Sears, E. H. Regeneration. 3868 Regester, S. The skeleton at the banquet. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Regicide's daughter, The ; by W. H. Carpenter. 719 Reginald Hastings ; by E. Warburton. 5715 R^ine ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 7.) *I Registered letter ; by G. Droz. (Plays for pri v. act.) 17926 Regnard, J. F. Besant, W. {In his French humorists.) 13061 — Saiute-Beuye, C. A. {In his Caus. luud., y. 7.) *I Regnault, H. Hamerton, P. G. {In Ms Mod. Frenchmen.) 18109 Regnault, V. Elements of chemistry ; tr. by T. F. Betton ; with notes, by J. C. Booth and W. L. Faber. 3d. ed. 2 v. 7742-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1039 Regnier, M. Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 1.) *I Regular fix ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 36.) 7989 Reich, M. Mammon im Gebirge. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16155 Reiche, C. Bird fancier's companion. *I ; 10151 Reichenbach, M. von. The Eichhofs ; fr. the German by Mrs. Wister. 20575 Reid, C, pseud. See Fisher, F. C. Reid, H. Practical treat, on concrete. 9964 Reid, H. On mathematical geography, and easy methods of teaching it. (In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Reid, Mrs. H. A plea for woman ; with rem. on recent works. 3618 Reid, J. T. Art rambles in the highlands and islands of Scot- land ; sk. engr. by Dalziel brothers. *I Reid, M. Afloat in the forest. 6579 — The bov hunters. 3619 — The bov slaves. 5892 — The bov tar. - 3620 — The bush-bovs. 8622 — The child wife. 7738 — The cliflf climbers. 5712 — The desert home. 3623 -- The flasT of distress. 15539 — The forest exiles. 3624 — The giraffe hunters. 7653 — The headless horseman. 7090 — The hunter's feast. 3625 — The Maroon. 5806 — The ocean waifs. 5724 — Odd people ; singular races of man. 3626 — Osceola, the Seminole. 3627 — The plant hunters. 3628 — The quadroon. 3629 — Ran away to sea. 3637 — The rangers and regulators of the Tanaha. 14065 — The rifle rangers. 3630 — The scalp hunters. 3631 — The war trail. * 3632 — The white chief. 5890 — The wild hunters ; or, Love in the wilderness. 5891 — Wild life. 3633 — The wood rangers. 8634 — The young voyagers. 8635 — The young Ya'gers. 3636 Reid, S. C, Jr. The scouting expeditions of McCulloch's Texas rangers, 1846 ; with anecdotes and sk. of Hays, McCulloch, and Walker. 2807 Reid, T. W. Cabinet portraits ; sk. of statesmen. 2d. ed. 13883 — Charlotte Bronte ; a monograph. Illust. 17311 Reid, Thomas. Works ; with select, fr. unpub. letters. Pref., notes, and suppl. dissert., by Sir W. Hamilton ; Stewart's account of Reid. 7th. ed. 2 v. *I — Treatise on clock and watch making. 5th. ed. *1 Reid. See also IR^ead, Reade, Reed, Rede. Reigart, J. F. Life of R. Fulton. 3638 Reign of terror, The ; by Lord Lytton. (In his Quar. ess.) 14194 Reigning belle. The ; by A. S. Stephens. 10934 Reinbold, A. (pseud. Franz Berthold). Irrwisch-Fritze. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16150 1040 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reine Coax, La ; par George Sand. (In her Contes d'une grand'm^re.) 9514 Reine d'un jour, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, V. 8.) *1 Reinhart, C. S. Benjamin, S. G. W. (In his Our Amer. Artists.) ♦! Reinke de vos. See Renard, the fox. Rejected addresses ; by J. and H. Sniithi. 8967 Rejected stone, The; by [M. D. Conway]. 5372 Rejected wife, The; by A. S. Stephens. 5457 Relapse, The ; or, Virtue in danger ; comedy ; by J. Vanbrugh. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Relics of General Chasse ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales.) 10955 Religio medici ; and other papers ; by T. Browne. 4758 Religion. Abbott, F. E. The scientific method in religion. 16873 — Adler, F. {In his Creed and deed.) 17409 — Arnold, M. Last essays on church and reh^gion. 16907 Pagan and mediaeval relig. sentiment, (m his Ess. in crit.) 5971 — Bascom, J. A philosophy of R. ; rational grounds of relig. belief. 15889 — Beale, L. S. Life theories; their infl. upon relig. thought. . 9893 — Bo wen, F. Application of metaphysical and ethical sci. to the evi- dences of R. ' 14074 — Brinton, D. G. The religious sentiment, its source and aim. 15555 — Caird, J. Introduction to the philosophy of religion. 19771 — Chadwick, J. W. The faith of reason. 19322 Some aspects of religion. 19246 — Channing, W. E. (In his Works, v. 5.) 791 — Child, L. M. Aspirations of the world. 17884 — Clark, T. M. Primary truths of religion. ' 7852 — Clarke, J. F. Common sense in religion. 1966 Essentials and non-essentials in religion. 17391 Go up higher : or, Religion in common life. 17331 — Cobbe, F. P. (In her Darwinism, etc.) 10835 r Broken lights ; condition and prospects of relig. faith. 5722 Dawning lights ; inq. cone, the secular results of the new reformation. 8121 Religious demands of the age ; repr. of the pref . to the coll. works of T. Parker. 5664 Religious duty. 6398 — Denton, W. Radical discourses on relig. subjects. 11284 — Dick, T. Philosophy of religion, (/w/^ is Works, v. 3.) 1177 — Doddridge, P. Rise'and progress of religion in the soul, etc. 1243 — Dorchester, D. The problem of relig. progress. 20629 — Drummoud, J. Spiritual religion ; sermons on Chr. faith and life. 21448 — Farrar, A. S. Critical hist, of free thought in ref. to the Chr. religion. 10741 — Frothingham, O. B. A child's book of religion. 16669 The religion of humanity. 11329 The rising and setting faith, etc. 21640 — Goulburn, E. M. Thoughts on personal religion. 9635 — Green, J. H. Spiritual philosophv ; found, on the teaching of S. T. Cole- ridge, V. 2. ' 6315 — Guizot, F. P. G. Meditations on the essence of Christianity, and the relig. quest, of the day. 5858 — Hedge, F. H. The way of religion; The two religions. (In his WaVs of the spirit.) 17367 Reason in religion. 5955 — Herf ord, B. Story of religion in England ; book for young folk. 18216 — Hinton, J. Philosophy and religion. ' 21713 — Humboldt, K. W. Religious thoughts and opinions ; [fr. 'Briefe an eine Freundin'l. 2083 — Hume, D. The natural hist, of R. (In his Philos. works, v. 4.) *I — Huntington, W. R. . The Church-idea ; essay towards unity. 8515 — James, H. The scientific accord of nat. and' rev. religion. * (7?i his Lect., etc.) 2321 — Jouin, L. Evidences of religion. 17497 — Kant, I. Religion within the boundary of pure reason. 14225 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1041 — King, T. S. Natural and revealed R. ; The chief appeal of religion. (In his Patriotism.) 5721 — Larrabee, W. C. Lectures on the scientific evid. of nat. and rev. religion. 6338 — Liddon, H. P. Some elements of religion. 11285 — Man and his dwelling place. 2879 — Mansel, H. L. Limits of relig. thought examined. 10012 — Martineau, J. Hours of thought on sacred things. 2 ser. 16773; 20638 Religion as effect, by mod. materialism. — Merrivale, C. Contrast between Pagan and Chr. society. (In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) — Mill, J. S. Utility of religion. (In his Three ess.) — Miiller, F. M. Lectures on the science of religion. Lectures on the origin and growth of R. as illust. by the relig. of India. — Murray, L. Power of religion on the mind. — Parker, T. Discourse on matters pertaining to religion. Ten sermons of religion. — Parsons, T. {I7i his Essays, ser. 1.) — Picton, J. A. The mystery of matter, and other essays. — Renan, J, E. The future of religion in mod. society. {In his Stud., etc.) — Renouf , P. Le P. Lectures on the origin and grov^th of R. as illust. by the relig. of ^nc. Egypt. — Russell, J. Analysis of relig. belief. 2 v. — Seth, A. The philosophy of R. {In his Develop, fr. Kant to Hegel.) — Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. — Spalding, J. L. Religion and art. {In his Ess. and rev.) — Stephen, L. Religion as a fine art. {In his Ess. on freethinking, etc.) — Strauss, D. F. The old faith and the new. — Sunderland, J. T. Orthodoxy and reA'ivalism: questions at issue bet. pop. Christianity and the ration, relig. thought of the time. — Supernatural R. ; inq. into the reality of divine revelation. 3 v. — Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the hist, of R. to the spread of the univ. religions. — TuUoch, J. Some facts of relig. and of life. — Weiss, J. American religion. — See also Certainty ;— Moral philosophy ;— Natural religion ;— Positivism ; —Religion and science ;— Religion and the state ;— Religions ; — Theol- ogy. Also Centennial Congress of Liberals; — Edwards, J.;— Fox, W. J. ;— Free Religious Association ;— Whiteneld, G. Religion and science. Abbot, F. E. Scientific method in religion. — Allen, S. M. Letters of "Alpha" on the infl. of spirit upon impondera- ble actienic molecular substances and the life-force of mind and matter. — Bowen, F. Lowell lectures; on the appl. of metaphys. and ethical science to evid. of religion. — Calderwood, H. Relations of science and religion. — Cooke, J. P., Jr. Religion and chemistry. — Draper, J. W. History of the conflict bet. relig. and science. — Gibson, S. T. Religion and science; their rel. to each other. — Graham, W. The creed of science, relig., mor., and social. — Gray, A. Natural science and religion. — Leifchild, J. R. The higher ministry of nature ; viewed in the light of mod. science. — McCarthy, J. Science and Orthodoxy in England. {In his Mod. lead.) — The stars and the earth; or, Thoughts upon space, time, and eternity. — Vaughan, R. B. Lectures on the reasonableness of Christianity, etc'. — Weiss, J. {In Free Relig. Assoc. Freedom and fellowship.) — Welsh, R. B. Faith and modern thought. — Wilkinson, J. J. G. Human science and divine revelation. — Wiseman, N. Lectures on the connect, bet. sci. and rev. religion. 2 v. Religion and the State. — Wood, W. C. Five problems of state and religion. — Wright, G. F. Studies in science and religion. Religion, Natural. See Natural religion. Religions. Adams, W. H. D. Curiosities of superstition, and sk. of some unrev. religions. — Bellamy, J. History of all religions. — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in religious history. Ten great religions. Ten great religions; pt. 2; compar. of all religions. 13463 15879 13250 9840 18283 3198 3369 3374 6139 12067 19815 16802-3 21993 9126 18575 19049 11742 16784 *I 17411 17095 9656 16873 13777 14074 20762 12179 13365 15624 *I 19536 11182 11191 21669 19380 13778 15572 16083 11383-4 17294 21787 22398 4983 21073 1042 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Clodd, E. The childhood of religions. 13926 — Davies, E. Mytholo^^ and rites of the British Druids. *I — Everett, C. C. ' Religions bef. Christianity; man. for Sunday Schools. 22890 — Flint R. Christianity in rel. to other R. (in Faiths of the world.) 22211 — Gould, S. B. Origin and develop, of religious belief. 2 v. 8062; 9271 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions. 11017; 17039 — Kuenen, A. National religions and universal religions. 21806 — Maurice, J. F. D. Religions of the v^^orld, and their rel. to Christianity. 15415 — Osburn, W. The religions of the world; hist, sketches. 3305 — Plumptre, E. H. Movements in relig. thought; Romanism, Protestant- ism, Agnosticism. 19439 — Rawlinson, G. The religions of the ancient world. 22599 — Renan, J. E. The religions of antiquity. (In his Stud., etc.) 5636 — See also China. Beligion ;— India. Betigion ;— Persia. Beligion. Religious aspects of the age ; addresses. 5339 Contents. Warren, R. Opening address.— Osgood, S. Catholicity of the Church of the Future.— Barrett, B. F. True basis of Christian union. —Peters, B. Worship— its necessity.— Greeley, H. The Christian spirit of reform. — Mayo, A. D. The true grounds of Christian union.— — Higginson, T. W. Woman in Christian civilization.— Miel, C. Chris- tian union.— Bellows, H. W. Influence of theolo^cal theories upon the pract. conduct of life. — Blanchard, H. The religion of fear and the re- ligion of love. — Frothinghara, O. B. Proper treatment of the infidel ten- dencies of our day.— Sawyer, T. J. True and false views of evangelical religion.— Chapin, E. H. Tendencies of the age friendly to larger views of Christianity. — Appendix. Religious denominations. See Sects. Religious denominations in the U. S. : their past hist., pres. cond. and doctrines; with statistics. Add., Hist. summ. of relig. denominations in Eng. and Scotland. 3639 Religious education. IJeecher, C. E. Religious training of children. 5930 — Eliot, W. G. Early relig, educ. consid. as the divinely appointed way to the regenerate life. 1356 Religious feeling, The ; by N. Smyth. 21780 Religious life. Brown, J. B. The religious life and Chr. so- ciety, (/n Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 Religious poetry. Holy songs, carols, and sacred ballads. 19389 Religious sentiment, The ; by D. G. Brinton. 15555 Religious thought. Movements in ; Romanism, Protestantism, Agnosticism ; by E. H. Plumptre. 19439 Remarkable women of diff. nations and ages, ser. 1. 48S6 Contents. Beatrice Cenci.— C. Corday.— J. Southcott.— J. Wilkinson. — Mine. Ursinus.—Mme. Gottfried. — Mile. Clairon.— H. Mellon.— Mile. Lenormand.— A. Kauffmann.— Mary Baker.— Pope Joan.— Joan of Arc. Rembrandt van Rhijn or Ryn, P. Davis, J. P. {In his Thoughts on great painters.) 6.530 — Fairholt, F. W. (In his Homes, haunts, etc.) 10178 — MoUett, J. W. Rembrandt. 18774 — Sweetser, M. F. Rembrandt. 17483 — Wedmore, F. (In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 Reminiscences of an old teacher; by G. B. Emerson. 17574 Reminiscences of thought and feeling. 3640 Remittance, The ; by M. C. Clarke. 12324 Bound icith The Trust. Remorse ; by Th. Bentzon [T. Blanc]. 18065 Remsen, I. Additions. {In Fittig, R. Wohler's outlines of or- ganic chemistry.) 18188 — Principles of theoret. chemistry, with spec, ref . to the const, of chem. compounds. ' 17106 R^musat, C. Ab^lard ; drame ; pref . et notes par P. de R^- musat. 14520 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1043 — La Sainte-Barth^lemv : drame ined. 14517 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. " (In his Portr. lit., v. 3.) *I R^musat, C. E. J., comtesse de. Memoirs, 1802-1808; pref. and notes by P. de R^musat ; tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. 3 V. 19272-4 — Selection fr. the letters of Mme. R., 1804-1813; fr. the Fr. by Mrs. Hoey and J. Lillie. 2077^ — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes, 1876.) *I — Same. Eng. trans. {In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 Rena; by C. L. Hentz. 1867- Renaissance, Renassence. Christie, R. C. Etienne Dolet, tlie martyr of the Renaissance. 20148 — Pater, W. H. Studies in the hist, of- the Renaissance. 13722 — See also Italy. Renan, (J.) E. L'antechrist. 14602 — The Apostles. 6372 — Dialogues et fragments philosophiques. *I — L'EgHse chr^tienne. 1460? — English conferences ; Rome and Christianity ; Marcus Aurelius ; tr. by C. E. Clement. * 19767 — Les Evangiles, et la seconde gencJration Chr6tienne. *I — Melanges d'histoire, et de voyages. 14516 Contents. Peuples Semitiques dans I'histoire de la civilization.— L' ancienne Egjpte.—Vingt Jours en Sicile.— La d^couverte de Niuive.— Le Schahnameh'.— Les C6sars.— L'lmp^ratrice Faustine. — Les origines de la •langue fran^aise. — L'art du Moyen Age, et les causes de sa decadence. — Les prairies d'or de Magoudi. — L'Espagne Musulmane.:— Ibn-Batourah. — Le desert et la Soudan.— La Society Berbere.— L'instruction publique en Chine.— Histoire de la philologie classique dans Pantiquite. — Les Con- gr^s Philol. en AUemagne.— Les grammairiens Grecs.— La primitive §rammaire del'Inde. — Joseph Victor LeClerc. — Discours k la stance pub. e I'Acad. des Inscriptions et belles-lettres. — Lettre sur la liberty de I'en- seignement superieur. — Recollections of mv voutli; tr. bv C. B. Pitman. 22946 — Saint Paul ; tr. bv t. Lockwood. ' 7872 — Spinoza, 1677 and 1877 ; addr. (7w Kniffht, W. Spinoza.) 22682 — Studies of relig. hist, and criticism; tr. by O. B. Frothingham; biog. by H. Harrisse. 5636 Contents. Religions of antiquity.— History of the people of Israel. — The part of the Semitic people in the hist, of civilization.-Critical histori- ans of Christ.— Mahomet and the origins of Islamism.— Calvin.— Chan- ning.— Feuerbach and the new Hegelian school. — Future of religion in modern society. — Vie de J6sus. *I — Same. Life of Jesus : tr. by C. E. Wilbour. 5595 — Deutsch, E. Les Apotres. {In his hiterarv rem.) 12376 — Hutton, R. H. Renan's 'Christ' ; Renan's 'St. Paul'. {In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 2, 6.) *I — Smith, H. B. Renan's Life of Jesus. {In his Faith and philosophy.) 18186 Renard, the fox. Reiuke de vos ; hrsg. v. K. Schroder. (Deutsche Dicht. des Mittelalters. 16242 — Froude, J. A. Reynard the fox. {In his Short stud., ser. 1. 6963 — The pleasant history of Reynard, the fox ; tr. by T. Roscoe. Illust. 11656 Rendall, G. H. The Emperor Julian ; Paganism and Christian- ity ; with genealog., chronolog., and bibliog. app. (Hul- sean ess.) 19582 Rendall, M. J. Harrow ; the school life. {In Pascoe, 0. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) ' 21777 Rendell, J. M. Concise handbook of the island of Maderia ; . with plan of Funchal, and map. 21413 Rendezvous, The ; by R. Ayton. (In French's Min. dram., V. 16.) 11844 Ren6 d'Anjou, \ffi'n^ of Sicily, etc. Hookham, M. A. Life and times of Margaret of Anjou, and of her father, Ren6 "the Good." Portr. and illust. 2 v. 10821-2 1044 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ren^e, A. Histoire des Frangais. See Simondede Sismondi. . — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Les ni6ces de Mazarin; Louis XVI. {In his Caus. lund., V. 13, 15.) *I Reni, G. Sweetser, M. F. Guido Reni. 17981 Rennie, J. Insect architecture ; Add., Miscellanies ; ravages, preservation, and classification of insects. New ed. 6639 — Insect transformations. 2135 Rennie, J. Autobiography ; hist, of profess, life, with remin- iscences, etc. 15448 — Smiles, S. Life of R. {In his Lives of the eng., v. 2.) *I Renouard, G. C. History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria ; History of the Roman republic. See Pococke, E. Renouf , P. Le P. Lectures on the origin and growth of relig. as illust. by the relig. of anc. Egypt. (Hibberd lect., 1879.) 19815 Renounced treasure. The ; fr. the Swedish of Nicander, by W. Howitt. ( JVifh Tieck, J. L. The elves.) . 12446 Renrick, M. Richard Ireton ; legend of the early settlement of New England. 13762 Rent, A, in a cloud ; by C. Lever. 10680 Rent-day, The; drama; by D. Jerrold. (JnMod. stand, dr., V. 4.) • 11806 Renwick, H. B. Life of J. Jay. (Lives of Jay and Hamilton.) 15694 Renwick, J. Life of Alexander Hamilton. (Lives of Jay and Hamilton.) 15694 — Life of Count Rumford. (In Sparks, J. Library of Amer. biog., v. 16.) 4124 — Life of D. Rittenhouse. {hi Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) 2709 — Same. {In Sparks, .J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 7.) 4116 — Life of De Witt Clinton. 3641 — Life of R. Fulton. {.In Lives of em. individ., v. 1.) 2708 — Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 10.) 4119 Reparation, and other tales ; by G. Fullerton. 13962 Repetition, Line ; com^die ; par G. de Maupassant. {In Say- netes, e^c.,ser. 6.) 14796 R^ponse a la lettre du fusilier Bridet ; par G. Guilhaud. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 6.) 14796 Reposianus. Concubitus Martis et Veneris. {Li Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8361 Representation. Buckalew, C. R. Proportional representa- tion ; or, The represent, of successive majorities in fed- eral, state, munic, corporate, and primary elections. *I — Field, D. D. Representation of minorities. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of the origin of repr. government in Europe. 13809 — Hare, T. Election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal. 11942 Minority R. in Europe. (JTw Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Mill, J. Sl Considerations on representative government. 3039 — Quincy, J. P. Protection of majorities ; or. Considerations rel. to elect. reform. 15417 — Spencer, H. Representative government. {In his Essays.) 5863 — Syme, D. Representative government in England ; its faults and failures. 21490 — Maurice^ F. D. TJie workman and the franchise; chap. fr. Eng. hist, on the represent, and educ. of the people. 7054 Representative men ; by J. A. Froude. {In Ms Short stud., ser. 1.) 6963 Representative men ; by R. W. Emerson. 1384 Reptiles. Bigland, J. Natural hist, of birds, fishes, reptiles, etc., 5756 — Figuier, G. L. Reptiles and birds; pop. acct. of their orders, etc.: ed. and adapt, by P. Gillmore. 8389 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1045 — Wood, J. G. {In his Illustrated natural histor5\) 6184 Republic of the United States of America ; its duties to itself, and rel. to other countries. Also, Review of the war [with] Mexico, etc. 5167 Republican or Democrat? a retrospect with its lesson for the [U. S.] citizen of 1880. 19904 Republican party. Allen, S. M. The old and new Republican parties; their origin, similitude, ete., fr. Washington to Hayes. 19869 — Republican or Democrat? a retrospect with its lesson for the [U. S.] citi- zen of 1880. 19904 Republicanism. Conway, M. D. Republican superstitions as illust. in the polit. history of Amer. 15746 — Stickney, A. A true republic. 1^13 Republics. Centz, P. C. vThe republic of republics ; or, Amer. federal liberty. *I — Mann, H. Ancient and Mediaeval republics; their institutions, etc. 19059 — See also Atlas essays ; No. 3. Labor ; The republic. Reresby, J. Memoirs, 1634-1689 ; written by himself; eel. by J. J. Cartwright. 15722 Reservoirs. Beloe, C. H. On the construction of catch-water reservoirs in mountainous districts. 10995 — Jacob, A. The designing and constr. of storage reservoirs. 14166 Resignation ; by the Countess d'Arbouville. {In her Three tales.) 171 Resolution ; by A. S. Roe. 9719 Resorts. Appletons' illust. hand-book of Amer. summer resorts. 15892 — Appletons' illust. handbook of Amer. winter resorts. 17313 — Bachelder, J. B. Popular resorts, routes, etc. [Summer]. 11706 Bd. unth the vol. on Gettysburg: Ba^-helder's 111. tourists guide of U. S. Popular resorts and how to reach them ; summer retreats in the U. S. [2d. ed] . *I — Hartshorne, H. Report upon sanitary conditions of watering places. {In Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Pub.' Health Repts., v. 2.) *I — Sweetser, C. H. Book of summer resorts. 7459 — Walker, J. Summer resorts for the debilitated children of our cities. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I — Yeo, J. B. Health resorts and their uses. 22720 — See also Atlantic Ocean ;— Health resorts. Resources. King, T. S. Inward resources. {In his Patriot- ism.) .5721 Responsibility. Birks, T. R. Philosophy of human responsi- bility. {In Chr. Evid. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 — James, H. Responsibility, (hi his hect . etc.) 2321 — Washburn, E. A. Moral and physical law. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) * 13496 — Wayland, F. Limitations of human responsibility. 4684 Restoration. See Architecture. Resumption of specie payment. See United States. Finance. Resurrection. Bush, G. Anastasis ; or, The doctr. of the resurrection of the body. 648 The soul ; inq. into script, psychology, in its bearings on the doctr. of the resurrection. ' " 649 — Lange, J. P. Resurrection of the body. {In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Select.) ' 1348 — Rueckert, L. I. Doctrine of the R. of the dead ; commentary on I Cor- inthians, XV. {In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Select.) 1348 — Westcott, B. F. The Gospel of the R. ; thoughts on its rel. to reason and history. 7566 — Whiton, J. M. The gospel of the resurrection. 20494 1046 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Retaining walls. Smith, C. G. {In his P2ngineering papers.) 13637 Retiring from business ; by T. S. Arthur. 213 Retour, Le ; par A. E, Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 11.) *I Retour de Bruxelles ; comedie ; par E. Verconsin. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^Mr6, etc., ser. 4.) 14688 Retour de voyage ; saynfete ; par R. Cortambert. (Th^dtre de camp., s^^r. 8.) 14692 Retribution. Beecher, E. History of opinions on the script. doctr. of retribution. 17545 — Jackson, W. Doctrine of retribution. 15630 Retribution; domestic drama ; by T. Taylor. (In Mod. stand. dr., V. 19.) 11819 Return of the native ; by T. Hardy. 18228 Return, The, of the princess; by J. Vincent, 19748 Return of the tourists. (In Sk. and ess fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 Retz, J. F. P. G., cardinal de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (Li his Cans, lund., v. 5.) *I Retzsch, M. Fox, W. J. Retzch's fancies. {In his Mem. ed. of coll. works, v. 6.) *I Reuben Davidger, Adventures of; by J. Greenwood. 6318 Reuleaux, F. The kinematics of machinery ; outlines of a theory of machinery ; tr. and ed. bv A. B. W. Kennedy. lUust. " 18723 Reusch, Fi'of. — . Report of proc. at the Reunion Conference at Bonn, 1874 ; tr. by E. M. B. Pref. by H. P. Lidden. *I Renter, F. In the year '13 ; tale of Mecklenberg life ; tr. by C. L. Lewes. 7298 — An old story of my farming davs (Ut mine Stromtid) ; fr. the Germ., by M. W. Macdowall. 3 v. " 18747-9 — Seed-time and harvest. 13570 — Schmidt, J. (In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 3, 4.) 16313-14 Revanche de Joseph Noirel, La ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14464 Revanches de I'escalier, Les ; comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. {In Legouve, J. W. E. G.' ThMtre, etc., ser. 3.) 14687 Revelation. Bruce, A. B. The chief end of revelation. 21341 — Goodwin, H. Gradual development of R. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.). 9747 — Hutton, R. H. (In his Essays, v. 1.) 10128 — Martineau, J. Revelation; what it is not, and what it is. (In his Ess.) 6388 — Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. 11045 — Shuttieworth, P. K. Consistency of revelation with itself and with human reason. " 3975 — Smith, R. P. Science and R. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 — Supernatural religion ; inq. into the reality of divine R. 3 v.) *I Revelations of Peter Brown, poet and peripatetic ; by J. F. Slingsby [J. F. Waller]. *I Revenue. See Tariff. Revere, E. H. R. Parker, H. G. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Revere, J. W. Keel and saddle. 11180 Revere, P. J. Lee, W. R. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) 6492 Reverend idol, A ; [by L. Noble]. 21549 Reveries of a bachelor; by Ik. Marvel [D. G. Mitchell]. 3085 Reves d' amour; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 9.) *I Revett, N., Jom^ author. See Stuart, J. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1047 Review, The ; mus. drama ; by G. Colman, the younger. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 34.) 11827 R^ville, A. Apollonius of Tyana, the Pagan Christ of the 3d. cent. 8836 — The devil, his origin, greatness, and decadence. 12735 — Life and writings of T. Parker. 21450 — The song of songs : Song of Solomon ; or, The Canticle. 16848 R6voil, B. The hunter and the trapper in No. America ; fr. the French, by W. H. D. Adams. 13271 Revolt, Tlie, of man ; [by W. Besant]. 21599 Revolutionary .movement. The, in Russia; notes and pref. by I. Pauin. 20888 Revolutionary soldier ; by G. Jaimson. {In French's min. dram., v. 34.) 7988 Revolutionary times ; by E. Abbott. 15779 R^vue eucyclop6dique. La. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., V. 2.) *I Reybaud, H. E. F. (A.), wife of Charles. Les deux Mar- guerite. 9451 — The goldsmith's wife. (Appletons' hand.-vol. ser.) 17914 — A thorough bohemienne. (Appletons' new hand.-vol. ser.) 18606 — Uncle Cesar. (Appletons' new hand.-vol. ser.) 18931 Reybaud. M. R. Louis. Ce qu'on pent voir dans une rue. 9535 — C^sar Falempin. 9536 — La coratesse de Mauleon. 9537 — Le coq du clocher. 9538 — Same. (In his Romans.) , 9549 — Le dernier des commis voyageurs ; Les aventures d'un fif re. 9539 — Same. (In his Nouvelles.) 9547 — Edouard Mongeron. » 9540 — Jerome Paturot a la recherche de la meilleure des r6publiques. 9541 — J<'rome Paturot a la recherche d'une position sociale. 9542 — Marie Brontin. . 9543 — Same. {In Jiis Romans.) 9549 — Marines et voyages. 9544 Contents, tine visite au convent de la Trappe de Staoueli en Afrique. — Parlement des lies de la Society (Taiti). — Yoyage autour du monde de M. Abel du Petit-Thouars.— Histoire et colonisation de la No.uveIle-Z6- lande.— Coup d'oeil sur la science geographique.— Voyage dans I'Abys- sinie m^ridionale. — De la canalisation de I'isthme de Panama.— Des colo- nies a^ricoles de I'Algerie. — Mathias I'humoriste. See Scenes de la vie moderne, below. — Moeurs et portraits du temps. 9546 Contents. Les courses i\ Paris. — Les infortunes de la soci6t6 d'encour- agement.— Mort k I'Anglais.— La clef de la question d'Orient. — Histoire d'une conscience, 6crite par elle-m^me.— Deux imitations de La Fontaine ; Histoire de I'empire. — Yieux habits, vieux galons.— Quelques vari6t(^'s de boudeurs.— Un examen de conscience.— L'enthousiasme des actionnaires. — L'annee des fl6aux.— Les r^voltes d'un fonctionnaire public. — Un peuple qui mue. — Un cong6. — Nouvelles. 9547 Contents. Le dernier des commis-voyageurs. — Les idoles d'argile. — Le capitaine Martin.— Les aventures d'un'fifre. - — Pierre Mouton. 9548 — Romans. 9549 Contents. Le coq du clocher.— Marie Brontin. — Scenes de la vie moderne. 9550 Note. Since pub. under the title Mathias I'humoriste. — La vie a rebours. 9552 — La vie de corsaire. 955I — La vie de I'employe. 9553 Reynard, the fox. See Renard. Reynardson, C. T. S. B. 'Down the road' ; or, Reminiscences of a gentleman coachman. 2d. ed. 17239 1048 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reynolds, E. R. Aboriginal soapstone quarries in the Dist. of Columbia. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Rept., v. 2.) 19624 Reynolds, E. W. Tangletown letters; reminiscences, e^c, of T. Trap, Esq. 5161 — True story of the barons of the South; or, The rationale of the Amer. conflict. 5162 Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia ; church problems. 10027 Contents. Stoughton, J. Primitive Ecclesia ; its authoritative princi- ples and its mod. representations.— Thompson, J. R. The idea of the Church regarded in its hist, development.— Brown, J. B. The "religious life" and Christian society.— Conder^ E. R. The relation of the Church to the State.— Reynolds, H. R. Forgiveness and absolution of sins.— Dale, R. W. Doctriue'of the Real Presence and of the Lord's Supper.— Allon, H. The worship of the Church.— Rogers, J. G. The Congregationalism of the future.— Mullens, J. Modern missions and their results. Reynolds, J. Peter Gott, the Cape Ann fisherman. 5853 Reynolds, Sir J. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of Brit. painters, etc., v. 1.) 1053 — Davis, J. P. (In his Thoughts on gt. painters.) 6530 — Pratt, A. (In his Dawnings of genius.) 3524 — Pulling, F.S. Revuolds. 19893 — Sweetser, M. F. Sir Joshua Rej'nolds. 17620 — Timbs, J. {In his Anecdote biog., ser. 2.) 8915 — Wedmore, F. (In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Reynolds, J. E. Hydrogen as a gas and as a metal. (In Smithsonian lust. Rept., 1870.) • 11626 Reynolds, M. Locomotive engine driving ; man. for engineers. 3d. ed. 17815 — The model locomotive engineer, fireman, and engine-boy; hist. not. of locomotive engines and their inventors ; with a project for the estab- lishment of certificates of qualification in the runnmg service of rail- Avays. • 19128 — Stationary engine driving ; pract. manual. lUust. 20454 Reynolds, O. Use of steam. (In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 Rhetoric. Bain, A. English composition and rhetoric. 9755 — Brougham. H. Rhetorical and lit. dissert., etc. (In his Works, v. 7.) *I — Campbell, G. The philosophv of rhetoric. 12002 — Chanuing, E. T. (In his Lectures.) 6618 — Cox, E. W. The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 12942 — Day, H. N. Art of discourse ; system of rhetoric. 15528 — Gilmore, J. H. Outlines of the iirt of expression. 21825 — Hervey, G. W. System of Christian rhetoric. 12018 — Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric and their application. 17760 — Kerl, S. Elements of composition and rhetoric. 10546 — Phelps, A. English style in pub. discourse with spec. ref. to the pulpit. 22872 — Spencer, H. The philosophv of stvle. (In his Essays.) 5863 — Whately, R. Elements of rhetoric. 9756 — - Rhetoric. 4722 — See also Elocution ; — English composition. Rhind, W. G. The six days of creation ; letters descr. the natural history of each day's'mercies. 3644 Rhine. Abbott, J. Rollo's tour in Europe : Rhine. 34 — Hood, T. Up the Rhine. 1983 — Hugo, V. Le Rhin ; lettres a un ami. 3 v. 14434-6 Same ; The Rhine ; tr. by D. M. Aird. 12758 — Murphy, B., and others. On the Rhine, etc. 19935 — Shinn, E. The new Hyperion ; from Paris to Marly. 13350 — Waring, G. E., Jr. The bride of the Rhine; in a Mosel row-boat. 17404 — See also Italy. Rhizopods. Hitchcock, R. Synopsis of the fresh water R. ; condsd. account founded upon Prof. Leidy's "Fresh-water R. of No. Amer." 20669 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1049 Rhoads, J. William CaxtoD ; John Hampden ; Hannah More. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Rhode Island. Arnold, S. G. History of R. I. 2 v. 177-8 — Greene, G. W. A short history of Rhode Island. 22077 — Ho Witt, M. Rhode Island receives its charter. {In her Vignettes.) 7679 — Munro, W. H. Picturesque R. I. ; pen and pencil sketches. *I — Woodbury, A. Narrative of the campaign of the 1st. R. I. regiment, 1861. 4598 Rhode Island Historical Society. Durfee, J. Discourse before the R. I. Hist. Soc, 1847. {In his Works.) 10156 Rhodes, A. The French at home. 14055 Rhodes, T. B. Bombastes Furioso. {In French's min. dr., V. 5.) 11837 Rhodes, Isle of. Vertot, R. A. de. Siege and surrender of Rhodes, 1522. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Rhone River. Pardoe, J. The river and the desert. 2 v. 3359-60 Rhumatisme, Le ; monologue ; par C. Monselet. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 4.) 14794 Rhymes. See English language. Rhys, J. Celtic Britain. (Early Britain). (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 22541 Riaiio, J. F. The industrial arts in Spain. Woodcuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hand-books.) *I Ribault, J. Sparks, J. {In his Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 17.) 4126 Ribaumont, M. de. Yonge, C. M. Stray pearls ; mem. of R. 2 V. 22931-2 Ribbe, C. de. Une famille au XVP* si^cle ; pr^c. d'une lettre du R. P. Felix. 3^- ^d. 14649 — Les families et la soci6t6 en France avant la revolution. 4^* 6d. 2 v. 1465Q-1 Ribbon of honor ; by N. Perry. {In her Tragedy of the unex- pected.) 19857 Ribot, T. Diseases of memory ; essay in the positive psychol- ogy ; tr. by W. H. Smith. (Internat. Sci. ser.) 21652 — English psychology ; from the French. 12365 Contents. Hartley.— James Mill.— John Stuart Mill. — Herbert Spencer. Bain.— G. H. Lewes.— Samuel Bailey. — Heredity ; psychological study of the phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. 13686 Ricardo, D. Works ; with not. of [his] life and writings, by J. R. McCuUoch. 10647 — Bagehot, W. {In his Economic studies.) 19698 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 — Moffat, R. S. Rent, value, and cost of production ; crit. of the theories of R. and Mill. {In his Principles of a time policy.) 18335 Ricardo il falcone ; by R. Boggs. {In Short stor.) 6965 Ricci, L., and F. Crispino e la comare. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. op. lib., v. 1.) *I Rice, A. T. Essays from the No. American Review. 18790 Contents. Prescott, W. H. Sir Walter Scott.— Gushing, C. The social condition of woman.— Emerson, R. W. John Milton.— Bancroft, G. The last moments of eminent men,— Motlev, J. L. Peter the Great.— Irving, W, The northmeu.— Adams, C. F. ^he Earl of Chesterfield.— Long- fellow, H. W. Defense of poetry.— Curtis, G. W. Nathaniel Hawthorne. — Parkman, F. James Fenimore Cooper.— Lowell, J. R. Shakespeare once more. — Holmes, O. W. The mechanism of vital actions. Rice, C. The three guardsmen. {In Mod. stand, dr.) 11819 Rice, E. W. Settlement laws of Massachusetts. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 67 1050 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rice, F. P. Records of the Proprietors of Worcester, Mass. (Worcester Soc. of Antiquity.) 21868 Rice, H. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. 22601 Rice, J., joint author. See Besant, W. Rice, S. S. Edgar Allan Poe ; memorial vol. *I Rice, W. The European Sabbath before and since the Reform- ation. (In Sabb. ess.) 19808 Rich, A. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 12137 Rich, E. The occult sciences. See Smedley, E. Rich, S. Mackerel fishery of No. America; its perils and its rescue. 18285 Rich and humble ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 5557 Richard I., King of England. Abbott, J. History of R. 14287 — Gallridus de Vinosalvo. Chronicle of Richard I.'s crusade. (In Bohn, H. G. Chron.) 2383 — James, G. P. R. Life of Richard Cceur de Lion. 2 v. 6465-6 — Richardus Divisiensis. Clironicle cone. R. {In Bohn, H. G. Chron.) 2383 — Spear, C. {In his Voices from prison.) 4162 Richard 11. , King of England. Abbott, J. History of R. 14288 Richard II. See Shakespeare, W. Richard III., King of England. Abbott, J. History of R. 18 — Gairdner, J. Life and reign of Richard III. 18108 — Hayward, A. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 2.) 12306 Richard III. See Shakespeare, W. Richard III. ; tragedy, adapted from Shakespeare by Gibber. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Richard Coe^ir de Lion. See Richard I. Richard, G. Ouf ! ! conference a deux voix. (In Sayu^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 — joint author. See Gill, A. Richard, H. Hinton, R. J. (In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Richard Edney and the Governor's family; by [S. Judd]. 2405 Richard Hurdis ; by W. G. Simms. . 19080 Richard Ireton ; legend of the early settlement of New England ; by M. Renrick. 13762 Richard the fearless ; or. The little duke ; by C. M. Yonge. [Richard I. duke of Normandy.] 8375 Note. The Eng. ed. has the title The little duke; or, R. the fearless. Richard Vandermarck ; by M. Harris. 9711 Richards, B. The songs of Wales, with new symphonies and accompaniments. *I Richards, Mrs. C. H. B. Springs of action. 4003 Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 21525 Richards, J. Economy of workshop manipulation ; logical method of learning constructive mechanics. 15862 — On the arrangement, care, and operation of wood working factories and machinery. 12127 — Treatise on the construction and operation of wood working machines. *I; 11358 Richards, M. T. Life in Israel. 13497 — Life in Judea. 13498 Richards, W. The gas consumer's handy book. 22394 Richards, W. C. Great in goodness ; mem. of G. N. Briggs. Illust. 6509 — Introduction. {In Tupper, K. B. Robertson's living thoughts.) 20384 Richardson, A. S. History of our country to the celebration of the centennial ann. of its independence. Illust. 17432 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1051 — Old love-letters ; letters of sentiment bv persons eminent in Eng. literature and history. ' 22292 — Sonars from the old dramatists. *I — Stories from old English poetry. 9633 Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi ; life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast ; new ed. 7050 — The secret service, the field, the dungeon, and the escape. 6196 Richardson, B. W. Alcohol ; lect. before the Society of Arts. 18142 — Diseases of modern life. 16716 — Hygeia, a city of health. 16553 — A ministry of health and other addresses. 19225 Contents. A ministry of health. — William Harvey.— A homily clerico- medical. — Learning and' health. — Vitality, individual and national. — The world of physic— Burial, embalming, and cremation.— Registration of disease. — Ether-drinking and extra-alcoholic intoxication. — On health and occupation. (Manual of health.) 20101 — The temperance lesson book; alcohol and its action on the body. 19583 — Theory of nervous ether; The phenomena of sleep. (In Estes, D. Hf.- hr.'rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Total abstinence ; addresses. 18262 Richardson, C. F. Primer of Amer. literature. 17978 Richardson, C. J. The Englishman's house. 10025 Richardson, E. The veil lifted ; or, Romance and reality of convent life. 8091 Richardson, G. F. Introduction to geology; mineralogy, fossil botany and conchology, and palaeontology ; new ed., rev., etc., by T. Wright. 3647 Richardson, G. G. Corn and cattle producing districts of • France. Illust. 18367 Richardson, H. A. Tobey, G. C. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. i.) 6492 Richardson, James. Travels in the Desert of Sahara, 1845-6. 2 V. 3648-9 — Travels in the Sahara. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 — and Barth, H. Expedition to Central Africa. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) " 4356 Richardson, James. Wonders of the Yellowstone. (Illust. lib. of trav.) 11101 Richardson, James. Higginson, T. W. {In Ms Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) 6492 Richardson, J. Arctic searching expedition ; voyage in search of Sir John Franklin. 3650 — Sir John Franklin. (In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Richardson, J. Advantages of cultivating a taste for pictures. (In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 Richardson, N. K. One hundred choice selections. See Grarrett, P. Richardson, O. Tales. {In Wilson, J. M. Tales, v. 3-8.) 8043-8 Richardson, R. Memoir of J. White. 11025 Richardson, R. Ralph's year in Russia ; trav. and adv. Engr. 22204 Richardson, Samuel. Clarissa Harlowe. 4 v. 8870-3 — Same ; condensed bv C. H. Jones. (Leis.-hour ser.) 12772 — Oliphant, M. O. W. ' (In her Hist, sketches.) 8132 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of the novelists, v. 2; and Biog:. meln., v. 1.) 3851 ; 3837 — Stephen, L. Eichardson's novels. (In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) 13942 Richardson, S. J. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal. 5296 Richardson, W. L. Biography of A. G. Thurston. (In Hig- ginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2. 6493 1052 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 2383 V. 14536-7 6764 1864a ♦I 13478 5093 11889 11803 211 20226 3651 3652 1672 22821 Richardus Divisiensis {Eng. of Devizes). Chronicle cone. Richard I. ; tr. by J. A. Giles. (In Bohn, H. G. Chroni- cles.) Richelieu, A. J. du P., Cardinal, due de. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 16, 17.) — James, G. P. R. (hi his Lives," etc.) — Robson, W. Life of Richelieu. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 7.) — Towle, G. M. The Cardinal kings. (In his Glimpses of hist.) Richelieu ; by G. P. R. James. Richelieu ; by Lord Lytton. (In his Dram, works.) — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 1.) Riches have wings ; by T. S. Arthur. Richey, A. G. The Irish land laws. 2d. ed. Richmond, L. Annals of the poor ; narr. of The dairyman's daughter ; The negro servant ; and The young cottager ; with a life of the author, by J. Ayre. — Bickersteth, E. Domestic portraiture ; memoirs of .three children of R. — Grimshawe, T. S. Memoir of Richmond. Richmond, W. B. Monumental painting. {In Poole, R. S. and others. Lect.) Richmond, W. D. The grammar of lithography ; pract. guide for the artist and printer ; ed. and rev. with introd. by the ed. of "The Printing Times and Lithographer." , Richmond, Duke of. See Lennox, C. H. G. Richmond, Va. Gilmore, J. R. Down in Tennessee and back by way of R. Richter, E. Co-operative stores. Richter, J. P., Ph. D. Leonardo. (Illust. biog. of Gt. artists.) 19540 Richter, J. P. F. Ausgewahlte Werke. 16 v. in 9. 10309-17 — Autobiography. (In Lee,'E.B. Life, e^c.) — Campaner Thai and other writings. (Leis.-hr. ser.) Contents. Campaner Thai ; tr. by J. Bauer.— Life of Quintus Fixlein. — Schmelzle's journey to Fliitz ; tr. by T. Carlyle. — Analects from Rich- ter; tr. by T. DeQuincey. — Miscellaneous pieces. — Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces ; tr. by E. H. Noel. 2 v. — Same ; Amer. ed. 2 v. — Hesperus. 2 v. — Levana ; or, The doctrine of education. — Tales. {In Carlyle, T. Tales by Musaeus, etc., v. 2.) — Titan ; a romance. 2 v. — Translations. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) — Walt and Vult; or, The twins ; tr. by E. B. Lee. 2 v. — Carlyle, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 1, 2.) — Lee, E. B. Life of R. ; prec. by his autobiography. — Taylor, B. {In his Stud, in Germ, lit.) Rickards, Bev. Samuel. Mozley, J. B. In memoriam. his Ess., hist, and theoL, v. 2.) Ricketicketack ; by H. Conscience. ( With The miser.) Rickoff, A.J. School-hours for children under ten : School- 18642 5711 6991 6736 (In 546e-7 12572-3 6074-5 545» 13122 3645-6 1841 3653^ 696-7 5736 19003 house plans. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) Ricordi personali ; by F. Bosio. Riddell, C. E. L. (pseud. F. G. Trafford). Above suspicion. — Daisies and buttercups. — George Geith of Fen Court. — Maxwell Drewitt. — Phemie Keller. — The race for wealth. — The senior partner. — Too much alone. 18306 929 17753 15511 15863 22330 8415 6701 5741 21521 13348 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1053 — Weird stories. 22823 Contents. Walnut-Tree House.— The open door. — ^Nut-Bush Farm. — The old house in Vauxhall Walk.— Sandy, the tinker.— Old Mrs. Jones. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. See Riddell, C. E. L. Riddell, R. The modern carpenter and builder. 6957 — New elements of hand-railing. 8778 Riddle, A. G. Alice Brand. 13571 — Bart Ridgeley. , 11396 — The portrait. . 7325 Riddle, Matthew B. The Gospel ace. to Mark expl. by R. 20881 — The Gospel according to Luke. (Internat. Rev. Comment.) 22900 — joint author. See Todd, J. E. Riddles. See Amusements. Ride, A, for life. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 22.) 19167 Rideau, Le ; monologue ; par E. Verconsin. (Th^dtre de camp., ser. 8.) 14692 Rideing, W. H. The Alpenstock ; Alps and Alpine adv. (Ap- pleton's new hand- vol. ser.) 19366 — A-saddle in the wild west; So. Colorado, N. Mexico, and Arizona. (Ap- pletons' new hand-vol.) 18821 — Boys in the mountains and on the plains. Illust. 22293 Ridge, J. R. Erinna. {In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Riding recollections ; by G. J. W. Melville. 19664 Riding. See Horse-back riding ; — Horsemanship. Ridley, A. E. Better than good. 20179 Ridley, J. Tales of the genii. ' 3655 Riehl, W. H. Jorg Muckenhuber. (DeutscherNovellenschatz.) 16154 Rienzi ; fr. Mitford. - {In Venable, W. H. Dramas, etc.) 20582 Rienzi ; op^ra, de R. Wagner. *I Rienzi ; tragedy ; by Miss Mitford. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 22.) 11821 Rienzi ; the last of the Roman tribunes ; by [E. B. Lytton]. 5206 Riethmiiller, C. J. Life and times of Alexander Hamilton ; sketches of Jefferson, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Franklin, etc. 14100 Rietschel, E. Oppermann, A. Ernst Rietschel the sculptor, and the lessoifs of his life ; autobiog. and memoir. 15726 Rietz. J. Catalogue of mus. compositions of Mendelssohn. {In Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Letters.) 5860 Rieux, J. de, pseud. See Sonnois, J. Riffault des H^tres, J. R. D. and others. Practical treatise on ■ the manuf . of colors for painting ; ed. by M. F. Malepeyre. 12944 Rifle rangers. The ; by M. Reid. 3630 Rifle, rod, and gun in California. See Flirtation camp. Rifles. See Shooting. Rigault, A. H. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Nouv. lund., V. 1 ; Cans, lund., v. 13.) *I Rigg, A. Practical treat, on the steam engine. *I Rigg, J. H. Pantheism. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism. 9747 Rigg, R. Lonsdale, H. {In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 16.) 13814 Riggs, S. ^.^ joint author. See Dorsey, J. O. Right and left ; by C. J. Newby. 12478 Right at last ; and other tales ; by E. C. Gaskell. 2216 Right one. The. {In Home narr.) 1197 Right one, The ; by M. S. Schwartz. 9712 Righted at last. 10102 1054 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Eights. Fichte, J. G. The science of rights. *I Rights of man; by O. S. Leland. (7n French's min dram., V. 29.) 7985 Rights of women ; comparison of the relative, legal status of the sexes in the chief countries of western civilization. 15749 Rigoletto ; trag. opera ; by G. Verdi. *I — Same. (J?2*Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Rigollot, Le ; com^die ; par A. DesRoseaux. (Th^^tre de camp.,s^r. 8.) 14692 Rig-Veda-Sanhita. See Veda. Riley, C. V. Potato pests ; illust. acct. of the Colorado potato- beetle and other insect foes of the potato in No. Amer. ; with methods for their destruction. 16897 Riley, H. H. The Puddleford papers. Illust. 21901 Riley, I. Syrian home-life ; fr. materials furnished by H. H. Jessup of Beirut. 12759 Rimbault, E. F. Musical instruments. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15475 — joint author. See Hopkins, E. J. Rimmer, A. About England with Dickens. Illust. 22925 Rimmer, W. Elements of design ; rev. ed. *I Rindge, N. H. Stearns, E. S. History of R., 1736-1874; with genealog. register of families. *I Ring, M. John Milton and his times ; hist, novel ; tr. by F. Jordan. Illust. 7405 Ring, The, and the book ; by R. Browning. 2 v. 7732 Ring, The, of Amasis ; by R. B. Lytton. ' 5504 Ring, The, of amethyst; [poems] ; by A. W. Rollins. 17873 Rink, H. Danish Greenland ; its people and its products ; ed. by B. Brown ; illust. by the Eskimo, and map. *I — Tales and traditions of the Eskimo; with sk. of their habits, relig., etc. ; ed. by R. Brown ; illust. by the Eskimo. 15639 Rio de Janeiro. Minturn, R. B., Jr. (In Ms From N. Y. to Delhi.) 3076 Rio Negro. See Negro, Rio. • Riouffe, H., baron. M^moires. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 9.) 14529 Rip Van Winkle ; by W. Irving. (In his Sketch-book.) 2159 — Same ; illust. *I Rip Van Winkle ; drama ; by C. Burke. (In Mod. stand, dr., • V. 22.) 11821 Rip Van Winkle's travels in Asia and Africa ; by R. Van Wert. 22184 Rip Van Winkle's travels in foreign lands ; by R. Van Wert. 21128 Ripley, E. Thayer, J. B. (In Higginson^, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Ripley, G. Frothingham, O. B. George Ripley. 22029 Riquet a la houppe ; by A. I. Thackeray. (In her Bluebeard's keys.) 13977 Riquet with the Tuft ; by J. R. Planch^. (In ^is Extravagan- zas, V. 1.) *I Rise and fall of the mustache ; by R. J. Burdette. 17123 Rise, The, and the Fall ; or, The origin of moral evil : The sug- gestions of reason ; The disclosures of revelation ; The confirmation of theology. 6540 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1055 Rise, The, of Iskauder ; by B. Disraeli. {In Little class., v. 6.) 12977 Risen from the ranks ; by H. Alger, Jr. 13054 Rising, The, and the setting fnith ; and other discourses ; by O. B. Frothingham. 21640 Rising faith. The ; essays ; by C. A. Bartol. 7096 Rising in the world ; by T. S. Arthur. 222 Ristori, A. Ritchie, A. C. O. M. {In her Italian life^) 9027 ' ' Rita," pseud. Faustine. 22050 — Tragoletta. 20909 Rita ; by H. Aid6. ' 3656 Ritchie, A. C. (O. M.). Autobiography of an actress. 3657 — The clergvman's wife ; and other sketches. 6937 — Italian life and legends. Illust. 9027 Contents. Savonarola.— Yittoria Colonna. — Galileo's villa.— Convent of Vallombrosa. — Bridges of Florence. — Dante. —Florentine feuds. — Feuds bet. the Bianchi and Neri. — The village Serravezza. — The Protest- ant cemetery at Florence.— Overflow of Arno.— Artist, and the story of a mad singer.— Fedi, the sculptor.— A. Eistori, and Piccolomini.— The beautiful horror; a Florentine legend.— Ginevra. — La belle Clementine.— Caterina Sforza. ^ — Mimic life. 3658 — The mute singer. 6363 — Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Twin roses. 3670 Ritchie, Mrs. See Thackeray, A. I. * Ritchie, L. France. (Romance of history.) 11434 Ritchie, M. Eliot, S. M. Ritchie. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Rittenhouse, D. Renwick, J. Life of Rittenhouse. {In Lives of em. individ., v. 2.) 2709 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 7.) 4116 — Sketch of Rittenhouse. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Wynne, J. Life of Rittenhouse. {In his Lives, etc.) 4885 Ritter, F. L. History of .music. 2 ser. 11235; 13572 Ritter, K. Geographical studies ; tr. by W. L. Gage. 5594 — Gage, W. L. Life of Ritter. 6772 Rival Crusoes, The ; by W. H. G. Kingston. - 18328 Rival dreamers, The ; by J. Banim. {In Little class., v. 12.) 12983 .Rival heirs, The ; third and last chronicle of ^scendune ; by A. D. Crake. 21795 Rival sisters. The ; by H. W. Herbert. {In his Cavaliers of Eng.) 5071 Rivals, The ; by A. Franz. {In The pearls, etc.) 3441 Rivals, The ; by G. Griffin. {In Ms Works.) 5404 Rivals, The ; comedy ; by R. B. Sheridan. {In his Works.) 13290 — Same. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 4.) 11806 Rivarol, A. R., called Comte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 5.) *I River bars ; their formation, treatment, etc. ; by I. J. Mann. 20450 River driftwood ; by S. O. Jewett. {In her Country by-ways.) 21032 Rivermouth romance, A ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In his Marjorie Daw.) 11933 Rivers, T. The miniature fruit garden ; or. The culture of pyramidal and bush fruit trees. 1st. Am. ed. 6333 Rivers, Earl. See Widville, A. Rivers of ice ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 15402 Riverside Magazine. 1867-1870. 4 v. 7900-7903 1056 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rives, W. C. History of the life and times of Madison. 3 v. 6280-2 Riviera. Cox, S. S. {In his Search for winter sunbeams.) 8369 — Miller, W. Wintering in the Riviera. 20963 — R., W. D. Easter on the Riviera. {In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 Road, The, to ruin ; comedy ; by T. Holcroft. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7.) 11809 Roads. Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surveyors. Pro- ceedings, passim. *I — Beckwith, A. Asphalt and bitumen; with obs. on macadamized streets and roads. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos,, 1867, Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Clark, D. K. Construction of roads and streets. Art. of construct. common roads ; by H. Law ; rev. and condsd. Recent practice in the constr. of roads, etc. 17598 — Clark, E. B. E. Construction and maintenance of pub. highways. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 3.) *I — Codrin^on, T. Maintenance of MacAdamized roads. 18830 — Gillespie, W. M. Manual of princ. and pract. of road-making. 16925 — Gillmore, Q. A. Practical treat, on roads, etc. 16036 — Roads. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) * 6992 — Rogers, R. V., Jr. The law of the road; or, Wrongs and rights of a traveller. 16045 — Smiles, S. Early roads and modes of travelling. {In his Lives, v. 3.) *I Roads and railroads, vehicles, and modes of travelling, of anc. and mod. countries ; with accts. of bridges, tunnels, and canals. . 5652 Roadside poems for summer travellers ; by L. Larcom. 16014 Rob of the Bowl ; by J. P. Kennedy. 2457 Rob Roy ; by W. Scott. 3826 Rob Roy, The, on the Baltic ; by J. Macgregor. 7039 Rob Roy, The, on the Jordan, Nile, Red sea, and Gennesareth, etc. ; by J. MacGregor. 10501 Roba di Roma ; by W. W. Story. 2 v. 8484-5 Robb, D. C.^ joint author. See Faulkner, F. Robber, The ; by G. P. R. James. 11039 Robber of the Rhine ; drama ; by G. Almar. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 23.) 11821 Robbers, The ; tragedy ; by R. Schiller. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 13.) 11815 Robber's wife. The ; drama ; by I. Pocock. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 32.) 11826 Robbins, A. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. {In Speeches, etc.) 5183 Robbins, C. The regicides sheltered in New England. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Lect.) 7869 Robbins, E. History of England. See Penrose, E. Robbins, G. The Christian patriot ; biog. of J. E. McClellan. 7271 Robbins, S. C. Girding on the armor. 7389 — Win and wear. 7390 Robbins, Mrs. S. S. One happy winter ; or, A visit to Florida. 17351 Robert, C. Slave provinces of Turkey. {In Ranke, L. Hist. of Servia.) 3595 Robert, K. Le fusain sans maitre ; traits pratique et complet sur r^tude du paysage au fusain. 3^ ed. *I — Same', Charcoal drawing vv^ithout a master; compl. pract. treat, on land- scape drawing in charcoal; followed by lessons on studies after Allong6; tr. by E. H. Appleton. 19816 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1057 tr. Robert, L. Saiate-Beuve, C. A. {In Ms Caus. lund., v. 10.) *I Robert-Houdin, J. E. The secrets of conjuring and magic ; tr. and ed. by Prof. Hoffmann. Illust. — Robert Houdin, wizard, French (Nonjuror, author, and ambassador. with index, by R. S. Mackenzie. Robert Dalby, and his world of troubles ; [by H. Merritt]. Robert Falconer ; by G. MacDonald. Robert Fulton ; hist, novel ; by J. C. Hauch. Robert Graham ; by C. L. Hentz. Robert Greathouse ; by J. F. Swift. Robert le diable ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 2.) Robert Macaire ; by C. Selby. {In French's min. dram., v. 3.) Robert Walton. Roberto il diavolo ; opera ; by Meyerbeer. — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) Roberts, A. Extracts fr. Roberts ; sk. of Roberts. {In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) Roberts, A. Companion to the revised version of the New Testament, expl. the reasons for the changes ; with suppl. by a member of the Amer. Comm. of Rev. — Old Testament revision ; hand-book for readers. Roberts, D. Martineau, H. ( Jn /ier Biog. sk.) 7657; Roberts, E. Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochin China, Siam, and Muscat, 1832-4. Roberts, E. Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, v. 2. — Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) Roberts, G. Forty winks. {In French's min. dr., v. 41.) Roberts, J. Whittier, J. G. {In his Old portr., etc.) Roberts, M. Denise. — Fair Else, and other tales. Contents. Fair Else.— Scheiden thut weh.— Duke Ulrich with the curly locks. — Rough times. — Noblesse oblige. (Leis.-hr. ser.) — On the edge of the storm. Roberts, M. Voices fr. the woodlands, descr. of forest trees, ferns, mosses, and lichens. [Colored illust.]. Roberts, R. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. (Eastern question.) Roberts, W. Memoirs of H. More. 2 v. 3664-5 Robertson, A. Conversations on anatomy, physiology, and surgery. 2 v. ' 3666-7 Robertson, E. W. Historical essays. 15927 Contents. Standards of the past in weight and currency. — The Year and the Indiction.— The land.— Chapters of Eng. hist, bef . the conquest. — Rome. Robertson, F. Engineering notes. — Tables for arches. Robertson, F. W. Analysis of Tennyson's "In Memoriam 9th. ed. — " The human race," and other sermons. — Lectures and addr. on literary and soc. topics. — Notes on Genesis. — Robertson's living thoughts ; a thesaurus; by K. B. Tupper; introd. by W. C. Richards. 20384 — Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton. 5 v. 2056-9; 5658 — Brooke, S. A. Life and letters of Robertson. 2 v. 6026-7 — Cobbe, F. P. An English Broad Churchman. {In his Darwinism, etc.) 10835 — Hood, E. P. {In his Lamps, etc.) 8155 17529 7263 6241 8623 8060 1868 8386 *I 11835 3660 *I *I 22306 20490 22874 16744 3661 3663 22791 7991 4763 18896 17544 16137 7867 5905 17066 11315 10737 20032 20180 2060 1058 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Robertson, J. C. History of the Chr. Church fr. the apostolic age to the Reformation, 64-1517. 8 v. 12736-43 — joint author. ^S'ee Byerley, T. Robertson, T. W. Mr. Dawbarn. {In Christmas story-teller.) 17662 — Sketch of Robertson. {In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Robertson, W. Ernestine. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 14.) 11816 Robertson, W. Historical disquisition cone, the knowledge which the ancients had of India, etc. 3669 — History of America. 3668 — History of Scotland dur. the reigns of Queen Mary, and of James VI. ; with rev. of Scottish hist., etc. 8176 — History of the disc, and settlement of Amer. ; with acct. of the author's life and writings. Questions for the examination of students, by J. Frost. 13195 — History of the reign of Charles V. ; with acct. of [his] life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. 2 v. 3545-6 — Brougham, H. {In his Works, v. 2.) *I Same. {In his Lives of men of letters.) 523 Robeson, T. R. Davis, J. C. {In Ms Harvard mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Robespierre, F. M. J. I. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 — GimUan, G. {In his Third gallerv, etc.) 2257 — Lewes, G.H. Life of Robespierre. 2642 — Morley, J. {In his Crit. misc., ser. 2.) 17636 — Rioufte, H. M(?moires d'un d6tenu. (Barri^re. Bibl. des m6m., v. 9.) 14529 Robin ; by Mrs. Parr. 22044 Robin Gray ; by C. Gibbon. 11418 Robinson, A. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens ot song.) 5873 Robinson, A. M. F. The crowned Hippolytus ; tr. fr. Euripi- des ; with new poems. 21988 — Emily Bronte. (Fam. women.) 22876 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mt. Sinai, and Arabia Petrea ; by E. Robinson and E. Smith, v. 2, 3. 3672-3 V. 1 wanting. It can be referred to in Reference dept. — Harmony of the four Gospels in English. 9902 Robinson, E. G. Lectures on preaching, Yale College, 1882. 22742 — Moral law in its rel. to phvs. science and to pop. religion. {In Boston Mondav Lect., 1880-81.*) 20467 — The Sabbath and free institutions. {In Sabb. ess.) 19808 Robinson, F. Account of organization of the army of the U. S. ; with biog. of disting. officers. 2 v. 3674-5 Robinson, F. J., Earl of B^jon. Speech on the penny postage bill. {In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 Robinson, F. W. As long as she lived. 16920 — The bar-maid at Battleton. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 189S2 — A bridge of glass. 10675 — Carrv's confession. 602 — Christie's faith. 12785 — Coward conscience. 18502 — No man's friend. 10683 — Othello the second. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 19541 — Poor humanitv. 12464 — Poor Zeph ! (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17420 — The romance of a back street. Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 18687 — Romance on four wheels. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) ' 18229 Bd. loith Lady Carmichael's will. — Second-cousin Sarah. 12773 — Slaves of the ring. 2410 — Stern necessitv. 8694 — True to herself. 8797 — A woman's ransom. 5604 — joint author. See Hay, M. C. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1059 Robinson, H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage move- ment, 1774-1881. 21046 Robinson, H. Zurich letters ; correspondence of Eng. bishops and others, with Helvetian reformers [1558-79]. 11109 'Rohmson, B.., pseud. Wilson, D. Henrietta Robinson. 4817 Robinson, H. Sewage disposal. 2d. ed. 21714 Robinson, H. C. Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence; ed. by T. Sadler. 2 v. 7733-4 Robinson; H. M. The great fur land ; life in the Hudson's Bay Territory. 18688 Robinson, J. Whitehall ; or, The days of Charles I. 4750 Robinson, J. H. Jurisdiction in Guiteau's case. (In Grinnell, C. E. Points of law.) *I — Nick Whiffles. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 44.) ^ ^ ^ 11882 Robinson, J. L. Treatise on marine surveying ; with questions for examination, etc. 22539 Robinson, J. R. Explosions of steam boilers. 8767 Robinson, J. Ferns, in their homes and ours. 17789 Robinson, L. B Patsey ; story for girls. 17169 Robinson, M. /S'ee " Perdita." Robinson, M. D. Fitzgerald, P. Mrs. Robinson. (In his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 Robinson, Mrs. M. H. Helen Erskine. • 8439 Robinson, N. — 's telegram. (In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Robinson, P. In my Indian garden. Pref. by E. Arnold. 3d. ed. 18750 See below, Under the sun. — Noah's ark : or, '' Mornings in the Zoo." 21571 — Sinners and saints ; tour acr. the states ; with three months among the Mqrmons. 22947 — Under the Punkah. 22540 — Under the sun [sketches] : pref. bv E. Arnold. 21865 Substantially a repr., with additions, of In my Indian garden. Robinson, S. Catalogue of Amer. minerals, wath their locali- ties. 3677 Robinson,, Solon. Facts for farmers; domest. animals and domest. econ. ; farm buildings ; gardens, etc. Illust. 6690 — How to live; saving and wasting; or, Domest. econ., illust. 7070 Robinson, S. T. L. Kansas; interior and exterior life. 3678 Robinson, T. A. L. (von J.), {pseud. Talvi.) Heloise ; or, The unrevealed secret. 4001 — Life's discipline ; tale of the annals of Hungary. 5166 Robinson, W. S. (pseud. Warrington.). "Warrington" pen- portraits ; pers. and polit. reminiscences, 1848-1876 ; with mem., and extr. fr. diary and letters. 16936 — Warrington's manual ; manual for officers and members of legislatures, conventions, societies, etc., ace. to the parliamentary law and pract. in the U. S. • 13781 Robinson Crusoe ; by D. DeFoe. 1134 ; 13196 — Same ; Aventures de Robinson Crusoe ; par D. DeFoe. *I Robinson Crusoe's money ; by D. A. Wells. 15573 Robles, I. de. The merry wives of Madrid. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 3.) 7224 Robson, E. R. School architecture; pract. rem. on the plan- ning, designing of school-houses. 13531 1060 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Robson, W. The great sieges of. history. 3681 — Life of Richelieu. Illust. 18643 Robson, W. J. Love and loyalty. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 32.) 11826 Robusti, J. See Tintoretto. Roche, A. Histoire des principaux ecrivains Fran9. jusqu'^ nos jours. 4th. ed. 2 v. *I Roche, R. M. Children of the abbey. Illust. 7740 Roche aux mouettes. La ; par J. Sandeau. 9466 Rochefort, H. King, E. (In,his Fr. polit. lead.) • 13829 Rochefoucauld. See La Rochefoucauld. Rochejaquelein. See La Rochejaquelein. Rochester, 2d. Earl of. See Wilmot, J. Rochois, M. Clayton, E. C. (In her Queens of song.) 5873 Rock, D. Textile fabrics ; with wood cuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art. hd.-bks.) *I Rock blasting. Andr6, G. G. Rock blasting ; treatise for in- dust. purposes. 17655 Rockbourne; by M. E. Weir. 12360 Rockies. See Rocky Mts. Rockingham, Sir Charles, pseud. See Jarnac, Count de. Rockite, The ; by Mrs. Tonna. (In her Works.) 4474 ; 4476 Rocks. See Geology. Rocks ahead ; or. The warnings of Cassandra ; by W. R. Greg. 13507 Rocks and shoals ; lect. ; by G. H. Hepworth. 2010 Rockwell, A. P. Great fires and fire extinction. 18201 Rocky Fork ; by M. H. Catherwood. 21859 Rocky mountain saints ; history of the Mormons ; by T. B. H. Stenhouse. *I Rocky Mountains. Bird, I. L. A lady's life in the Rocky Mts. 19317 — Bonneville, B. L. E. Adventures of B. in the Rocky Mts.. etc. ; fr. his journal by W. Irving. ' 2139 — Bowles, S. A summer's journev to the Rocky Mts. 6134 — Carnegie, J. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mts. ; travel, sport, etc. 13822 — Denison, C. Rocky mountain health resorts. *I — Fremont, J. C. Explorations of the Rocky Mts. (In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) * 4356 — Grohman. W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies; life on the frontier, sport in the Rocky Mts., etc. ' 21826 — Ingersoll, E. Knocking round the Rockies. 22265 — Parkman, F. The Oregon trail ; sketches of Rocky Mt. life. 10474 — Stansbury, H. Reconnoisance of a new route thr. the Rocky Mts. (In his Expedition, etc.) ' 4197 — Strahorn, R. E. To the Rockies and bevond. *I — Victor, F. F. Eleven years in the Rocky Mts. 19396 — See also West. Rodenberg, J. England, literary and soc, fr. a Germ, point of view. 15723 — The Grandidiers ; tale of Berlin life ; fr. the Germ. ; by W. Savile. 3 y. 20679-81 Roderic, li/ing of Spain. Irving, W. Legend of Don Roderic. (Jw Ms Span, papers.) 2164; 5868 Roderick Ashcourt ; by D. Wise. 19238 Roderick Hudson ; by H. James, Jr. 14327 Roderick Hume ; by C. W. Bardeen. 18295 Roderick Random ; by T. Smollett. 1472 Rodman, W. L. Higginson, T. W. (In his Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) 6492 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1061 Rodman the keeper; by C. F. Woolson. 19610 Rodney, M. C. "L., formerly Miss Beeves, and Read, E. Old Martin Boscawen's jest. 17913 Rodolphe ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 1, v. 1.) *I Rodolphus ; by J. Abbott. 59 Rodwell, G. F. The birth of chemistry. 13412 — Dictionary of science. 10174 — Etna ; hist, of the mountain and its eruptions. Maps and illust. 18368 — Meteoric stones. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Rodwell, G. H. Teddy the tiler, (/n French's m in. dr., v. 24.) 7983 Rodwell, T. G. Plays. See French's minor drama. Roe, A. S. The cloud on the heart. 7758 — How could he help it ? 3682 — James Montjoy. 3683 — Like and unlike. 3770 — A long look ahead. 3684 — Looking around. . 6002, — Resolution. 9719 — The star and the cloud. 3685 — Time and tide ; and The sacrifice. 6233 — To love and to be loved. 3686 — True to the last. • 3687 — Woman our angel. 6204 Roe, E. P. Barriers burned away. 11261 — Birthday mottoes ; select, by L. Abbott. 22294 — A dav of fate. 19894 — A face illumined. . 18169 — From jest to earnest. 14119 — How to succeed in literature. {In Abbott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 — A knight of the 19th. century. 17147 — Near to nature's heart. 16077 — Opening a chestnut burr. 13089 — Plav and profit in my garden. 11663 — What can she do ? 12091 — Without a home. 21047 Roebuck, J. A. Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 Roederer, P. L., comte. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Notices et portraits, v. 1.) 9573 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 8.) *I Roehrig, 'E., joint author. See Crookes, W. Roepstorff, F. A. de. Port Blair penal settlement in British India. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Rogers, C. Life and songs of the baroness Nairne, with a mem. and poems of C. Oliphant the younger. Portr. and illust. 2d. ed., enl. 9779 Rogers, E. Manufacture of tin plates (In Flower, P. W. History, etc.) 19651 Rogers, E. H. Reminiscences of military service in the 43d. Regiment, Mass. Infantry, 1862-63. *I Rogers, E. Biography of J. Savage. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Rogers, F. Architect's text-book. 11088 — joint author. The architect's guide. /S'ee Haskoll, W. D. Rogers, F., (pseud. Lord Blachford). The soul and future life. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current discussion, v. 2.) 17646 Rogers, G. A. Art of wood carving. 7347 Rogers, H. Defence of the "Eclipse of faith ; " also, " Reply " 1062 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. to the "Eclipse of faith," by F.. W. Newman; with "Moral perfection of Jesus." 5593 — Eclipse of faith. 5th. ed. 5592 — Joseph Butler ; Robert Hall ; Edward Gibbon ; Gassendi ; David Hume. (In New biog. of ill. men.) 2803 — The superhuman origin of the Bible inferred from itself. 12686 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 Rogers, H. M. Biography of H. Ropes. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Rogers, J. G. The Congregationalism of the future. (Jw Rey- nolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 Rogers, J. E. T. The colonial question. {In Cobden Club ess., ser. 2.) *I — Political economy. 10635 — Social economy. ' 11173 Rogers, J. McCabe, J. D. {I71 his Great fortunes.) 8983 Rogers, J^^. P. Whittier, J. G. (In his Old portr., etc.) 4763 Rogers, R. V., Jr. The law of hotel life; wrongs and rights of host and guest. 18930 — The law of the road ; or, Wrongs and rights of a traveller. 16045 Rogers, S. Recollections. 3688 Contents. C. J. Fox.— E. Burke.— H. Grattan.— R. Porson.— J. H. Tooke.— Prince Talleyrand.— Ld. Erskine.— W. Scott.— Ld. Grenvilie.— Duk(! of Wellington. — Dix, J. R. A literary breakfast at S. Rogers's. {In his Pen and ink sk.) *1 — Hayward, A. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Mackintosh, J. Rogers' poems. {In his Misc. works.) 2S25 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Rogers, W. Jack's the lad. (In French's min. dr., v. 39.) 799U Rogers, W. M. Morse, J. T. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Roget, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology ; with ref . to nat. theology. 2 v. ' 3689-90 — Thesaurus of Eng. words and phrases; ed. by B. Sears. 6230 Rogge, B. The chaplain in the field of war. 10672 Rogue'sJife, A ; by W. Collins. 18560 — Same. {In Nov. and tales from Household Words, v. 1.) 14301 Rohan, H., due de. . Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 12.) *I Roi attend, Le ; prologue ; par George Sand. (In her Th^^tre compl., ser. 1.) 14510 Roi de Carreau, Le ; nouvelle ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, V. 1.) *I Roi des montagnes, Le ; par E. About. 9472 Roi s'amuse, Le ; par V. Hugo. (In his Th^dtre, v. 2.) 14438 Rois en exil, Les ; par A. Daudet. 14597 Roland. La chanson de R. ; poeme de Theroulde, texte criti- que accompagn^ d'une traduction, d'une introd. et de notes. *I — Das Rolandslied, hrsg. v. K. Bartsch. (Deut. Dicht. des Mittelalters.) 16308 — The song of Roland; tr. into English verse bv J. O'Hagan. 20217 — Gibb, J. The death of R. (7w Ms Gudrun and other stories.) 22358 Roland de la Plati^re, M7ne. M. J. P. M^moires. Not. hist. sur la revolution ; portr. et anecdotes, derniers Merits et derni^res pens^es. (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 8.) 14528 — Abbott, J. S. C. History of Madame Roland. 78 — Child, L. M. Biographies of Mme. de Stael and Mriie. Roland. 825 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1063 — Goodrich, S. G. (In his Lives.) 1584 — Thomson, K., and J. C. (In their Queens of soc.) 4-718 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 (In his Portr. de femmes, 1876; Nouv. lund., v. 8.) *I — Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Roland ; by the author of " Ruth and her friends." (In Days of Old.) 19448 Roland Cashel ; by C. Lever. 6656 Roland, A, for an Oliver ; by T. Morton. (Zw French's min. dram., v. 23.) 7982 Roland Yorke ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 7868 Rolfe, W. J. Notes, etc. See Shakespeare, W. — Select poems of O. Goldsmith. 14342 — Select poems of Thomas Gray. 16038 — joint author. See Gillet, J.* A. Rollenhagen, G. Froschmeuseler. 2 v. (Deut. Dicht. d. 16 Jahrh, v. 8, 9. 16362-3 Rolleston, G. Forms of animal life ; outlines of zoological classification, etc. 11651 Rollin, C. Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians ; incl. a hist, of the arts and sciences of the ancients. With life of the author, by J. Bell. 2 v. 3691-2 — Method of teaching and studying the belles-lettres. 4 v. 3701-4 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Cans, lund., v. 6.) *I Rolling stone. The ; by George Sand. 8190 Rollins, A. W. The ring of amethyst ; [poems]. 17873 Rollins, E. H. {pseud. E. H. Arr). New England bygones. 20299 — Old-time child-life. 20040 RoUo and Lucy poetry. Abbott, J. The Rollo and Lucy poetry. 3 v. 9283-5 Rollo at play ; by J. Abbott. 38 Rollo at school ; by J. Abbott. 39 Rollo at work ; by J. Abbott. 37 Rollo learning to read ; by J. Abbott. 36 Rollo learning to talk ; by J. Abbott. 35 RoUo's correspondence ; by J. Abbott. 44 Rollo's experiments ; by J. Abbott. 41 Rollo's museum ; by J. Abbott. 42 Rollo's philosophy ; Water ; Air ; Fire ; Sky ; by J. Abbott. 4 v. 45-48 Rollo's tour in Europe ; by J. Abbott. 10 v. 25-34 Rollo's travels ; by J. Abbott. 43 Rollo's vacation ; by J. Abbott. 40 Romain Kalbris ; by H. Malot. 1462 Roman actor. Selections from the ; by P. Massinger. {In his •Plays, V. 2.) 5129 Roman baths. The ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {InherWorks, v. 14.) 3968 Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church. Roman d'un brave homme, Le ; par E. About. 14643 Roman d'une honn^te femme, Le ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14465 Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre, Le ; par O. Feuillet. 9513 — Same. (In Bdcher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2.) 9420 Roman d'une Nihiliste ; par E. Lavigne. 14612 1064 , FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Roman d'une pupille, Le ; com^die ; par P. Ferrier. {In Say- n^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 Roman elegies. Goethe, J. W. von. Roman elegies ; tr. into Eng. verse by L. Noa. 16578 Roman imperialism, and other essays ; by J. R. Seeley. 10499 Roman law. See Civil or Roman law. Roman literature. See Classical litierature ; — Latin literature. Roman nights ; or. The tomb of the Scipios ; by A. Verri. 4594 Roman passion drama ; by E. Deutsch. {In his Literary rem.) 12376 Romance. Ellis, G. Rise and prog, of romantic composition in France and Eng. {In his Spec, of early Eng. roman.) 1365 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Histoire du roman dans l'antiquit6. {In his Nouv. lund., V. 2.) *I — Scott, W. Essay on romance. {In his Misc. prose works, v. 6.) 3840 — iSee also Little classics. Romance after marriage ; comedy ; by F. B. Goodrich, and F. L. Warden. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 24.) 11822 Romance and reality ; comedy ; by J. Brougham. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 15.) 11817 Romance dust fr. the historic placer ; by W. 8. Mayo. 2992 Romance, The, of a back street ; by F. W. Robinson. 18687 Romance of a glove ; by J. T. Trowbridge. {Li his Coupon bonds, e^c.) 11228 Romance of a mummy ; fr. the Fr. of T. Gautier. 21614 Romance of a poor young man ; by O. Feuillet. 13680 Romance of a summer day ; by L. M. Alcott. {Li her Silver Pitchers, etc.) 15781 Romance of a western trip ; by J. L. Lord. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Romance of a yachting party ; by J. R. S. and M. B. H. ( With Lady Huckleberry.) 18238 Romance, The, of adventure. 5163 Romance of an honest woman ; by V. Cherbuliez. 13550 Romance, The, of certain old clothes ; by H. James, Jr. {In /i IS Passionate pilgrim.) 13460 Romance. A, of real life ; by W. D. Howells. {In Little class., V. 4.) 12975 Romance, The, of the Association ; by Mrs. Dall. 13649 Romance of the forest ; by A. Radcliffe. 3581 Romance of the forum ; or. Narratives, scenes, and anecdotes from courts of justice ; by P. Burke. 11878 Romance of the revolution ; true stor. of the days of '76. Illust. 1772 Romance, The, of travel. 5159 Romance of war ; by J. Grant. 1630 Romance on four wheels ; by F. W. Robinson. 18229 Romance under difficulties ; by F. C. Burnand. {In French's min. dram., v. 14.) 11843 Romances of the East ; by J. A. de Gobineau. (Nouv. Asia- tiques.) 17393 Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. 2d. ed. (Int. Sci. ser.) 22698 — The scientific evidences of organic evolution. (Nature ser.) 22331 Romanism. Froude, J. A. Revival of R. {In his Short stud., e^c, ser. 3.) 17015 — Hutton, R. H. (/w Ms Essays, V. 1.) 10128 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1065 — Plumptre, E. H. {In his Movements in relig. thought.) 19439 Romantic. Foster, J. On the application of the epithet ro- mantic. {In his Ess.) 1501 ; 7688 Romantic breach of promise. {In Nov. and tales fr. House- hold words, V. 6.) 14306 Romantic tales ; by D. M. Cjaik. 10798 Romanticism. Pollock, W. H. (7w /mLect. on Fr. poets.) 18638 Romany, The. See Gypsies. Romany Rye ; by G. Borrow. 5278 Rome. Ancient Rome. — Arnold, W. T. Roman svstem of provinc. administration to the access. of Constantino the great. 19090 Antiquities. — Anthon, C. Manual of Roman antiquities. * 5885 — Carr, T. S. Manual of Roman antiquities. 720 — Hemans, C. I. Historic and monumental Rome ; handbook. 19113 — Ramsay, W. Manual of Roman antiquities. 6383 — Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquities. 17355 See also Classical antiquities. Architecture. — Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs, and monuments of anc. Gr. and R. 9905 — Rydbergr, Y. (In his Roman days.) 18689 Biography. — Herbert, H. W. The captains of the Rom. republic, comp. with mod. strategists. 1871 See also r]\itavchus. Lives. Conversion to Christianity. — Merivale, C. Conversion of the Roman Empire; Boyle lect., 1864. 6411 Description, Geography. — Burn, R. Rome and the Campagna. *I — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2 v. 9236-7 — Tufts, J. F. Questions on the hist, and geography of Rome. 12241 History. (Comprehensive Works). — Arnold, T. History of Rome. 3 v. in 1. 2522 — Beesly, Mrs. Stories f r. the hist, of R. 18063 — Brewer, E. C. Guide to Roman history, to the close of the western empire. 16810 — Creighton, M. Historv of Rome. 14003 — Eliot, S. History of liberty, pt. 1. The ancient Romans. 2 v. 1352-3 — Freeman, E. A. Mommsen's Hist, of Rome. (In his Hist, ess., ser. 2.) 11525 — The history of Rome ; [mostlv fr. Schosser's History] . 6158 — Ihne, W. History of Rome, v. 1-3. 9347-9 — Keightley, T. Historv of Rome, [B. C. 753-B. C. 27] . 2439 — Laing, C. H. B. The "heroes of the seven hills. 12498 — Leighton, R. F. Historv of Rome. 19428 — Levien, E. Outlines of the hist, of Rome. 2637 — Lewis, G. C. Inquiry into the credibilitv of the early Rom. history. 2 v. *I — Liddell, H. G. Historv of Rome. ' 2657 — Livius, T. History of Rome. 4 v. 2715-18 — Lord, J. The old Roman world; the grandeur and failure of its civili- zation. 7057 — Merivale, C. General hist, of Rome to the fall of Augustulus. 14228 — Mommsen, C. M. T. History of Rome. 4 v. 8221-4 — Montesquieu, C. de S. De la grandeur des Romains et de leur decadence. 14722 — Pennell, R. F. Rome; to 476 A. D. 22642 — Puller, C. School hist, of R. to the extinct, of the emp. of the west; abgd. fr. Meri vale's hist. 17582 — Saint-Evremond, C. M. de St. D. Reflexions sur les divers g^nies du peuple Romain, etc. 14722 Bd. with Montesquieu. De la grandeur, etc. — Schmitz, L. History of Rome to A. D. 192. 5805 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 68 1066 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage ; the Punic wars. 20225 — Smith, W. Smaller hist, of Rome, to the establishment of the empire; cont. to A. D. 476, by E. Lawrence. 5941 — Tufts, J. F. Questions on the history and geography of Rome. 12241 — Yonge, C. M. Young folks' hist, of Rome. 20188 See also. Cox, G. W. and Sankey, C. Epochs of anc. hist. History. {Kings.) — Newman, F. W. Regal Rome ; introd. to Roman history. 3242 History. (Republic.) — Arnold, T. History of the later Rom. commonwealth, fr. the second Punic war to the death of Caesar. 180 — Ferguson, A. History of the prog., eic of the Rom. republic. 1461 — Livius, T. Surrender of the Roman armv near Caudium. {In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) ' 5105 — Long, G. DecHne of the Roman republic. 5 v. 11627-30; 13304 — Merivale, C. Fall of the republic. 13629 — Michelei, J. History of the Roman republic. 3029 — Pococke, E. History of the republic till the time of Sylla, 182 History. {Empire.) — Bancroft, G. Decline of the Roman people. {In his Lit. and hist, misc.) 299 — Bryce, J. The holy Roman empire. 11442 — Capes, W. W. Roman historv; the early empire; fr. the assassination of Caesar to that of Domitian. 16099 The Roman empire of the 2d. cent. ; or. The age of the Antonines. 18377 — Curteis, A. M. History of the Rom. emp., from the death of Theodosius the great, to tlie coronation of Charles the great. 15410 — Doran, J. {I7i his Monarchs, etc., v. 2.) 1249 — Freeman, E. A. The holy Roman empire. (Jw A^s Hist, ess., ser. 1.) 9835 — Gibbon, E. Historv of the decline and fall of the Rom. empire. 6 v. 2235-40 Same; abgd. by W. Smith. (Student's Gibbon.) 2241 — Keightley, T. History of the Roman empire. 2438 — Merivale, C. History'^of the Romans under the Empire. 7 v. 5991-7 — Pococke, E. Historv of the Rom. emp., fr. Caesar to Vitellius; by T. Arnold, J. H. B. Mountain, J. B. Ottley, and M. Russell. 183 History of the Rom. emp., fr. Vespasian to the extinct, of the Western • empire; bv T. Arnold, J. A. Jeremie, A. S. H. Mountain, J. B. Ott- ley, and jyf . Russell. 184 — Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism. 10499 — Sheppard, J. G. The fall of Rome, and the rise of the new nationalities. 3952 — Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. History of the fall of the Roman empire. 2 v. *I Literature. — See Latin literature. Beligion. — Berens, E. M. Myths and legends of anc. Greece and R. 21793 — Boissier, M. L. G. La religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonius. 2 v. 14451-2 — Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman mvthologv. 1303 — Macgregor, J. Religion of R. {In St. Giles' Lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Seemann, O. The mythology of Greece and Rome; with ref. to its use in art. *I — Smith, W. Classical diet, of biography, mythology, etc. 8708 Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 v. 8724-6 Social antiquities. — Froude, J. A. Society in Italy in the last days of the Rom. republic. (In his Short stud., etc., ser. 3.) ' 17015 City. — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient citv ; study on the relig., laws, etc., of Greece and R. 12534 — Herbermann, C. G. Business life in anc. Rome. 19763 — Parker. J. H. The archaeology of R., pt. 7 : The Flavian amphitheatre. *I — Ware, W. {In his Sketches of European capitals.) 4647 Modern Home. Description. — Abbott, J. Rollo's tour in Europe : Rome. 30 — About, E- Rome of to-day. 86 — Butler, C. M. Inner Rome ; political, reUgious, and social. 6107 — Capes, J. M. To Rome and back. 12120 — Castelar, E. Old Rome and new Italv. 11856 — Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th. cent.', 2 v. 1320-1 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1067 — Elliot, F. Pictures of Old R. 22217 — Ferguson, S. Father Tom and the Pope ; or, A night in the Vatican. 6588 — Freeman, E. A. First impressions of R. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Hare, A, J. C. Days near Rome. 2 v. in 1. 13456 Walks in Rome. 2 v. 9127-8 — Houssaye, H. Ath^nes, Rome, Paris; I'histoire et les mceurs. • 14592 — Kip, W. I. Christmas holydays in Rome. 7587 — Lauder, S. W. Rome. (Spectacles for young eyes.) 6076 — Manning, H. E. Roma a;terna. (In his Misc.) 17190 — Rvdberg, V. (In his Roman days.) 18689 — Scott, Mrs. H. R. Rome as it is. 12712 — Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 2 v. 8484-5 — Taine, H. A. Italy, Rome, and Naples. 7357 — Trollope, T. A. Peep behind the scenes at Rome. 18371 — Ware, W. St. Peter's and the Vatican. {In his Sk. of Europ. capitals.) 4647 Folk-lore. — Busk, R. H. Folk-lore of Rome. 12661 Histoi-y. — Bonaparte, J. Sack of Rome, 1527. (In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 Bomney, G. Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit, paint- ers, etc.^ V. 4.) 1056 — Gower, R. Romney and Lawrence. flUust. biog. of gt. artists.) 21764 Romeo and Juliet ; tragedy ; by W. Shakspeare. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 6.) 11808 Romeo and Juliet. JSee Shakespeare, W. Romeo and Juliette ; op^ra ; par Gounod. *I Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temples and tombs of Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine. 2 v. 3705-6 Romer, Jonathan, j9sei*d. See Mayo, W. S. Romilly, 8. Life, by himself; with select, fr. his correspond- ence ; ed. by his sons. 3d. ed. 2 v. 3707-8 — Speech in support of a petition agt. a clause introd. by the Lords into the alien act of 1818. {In Speech, of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 — Brougham, H. (Zw ^is Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. 21442 — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art, ser. 2.) • 20458 Rommany. See Gypsies. Romola ; by George Eliot [Mrs. Lewes]. 1407 Romulus. Fabularum JEsopiarum, castig. et not. illust. J. G. S. Schwabe. (In Phaedrus. Fabalae, v. 2.) 8293 — Abbott, J. History of Romulus. 19 Rondelet, G. Kingsley, C. Rondelet, the Huguenot natural- ist. {In his Health and educ.) 12906 — Memoir of R. {In Hamilton, R. British fishes.) 7162 Ronsard, P. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., V. 12.) *I Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics, with applications to art and indust. (Internat. sci. ser.) Illust. 18686 — Mysteries of the voice and ear. {In Hf .-hrs. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 Rood, Mrs. O. N. Letter fr. a German woman. (In Brack- ett, A. C. Educ. of Amer. girls.) 12327 Roofs. Greene, C. E. Graphical analysis of roof-trusses. 16913 — Roof-trusses ; diagrams for steadv load, snow, and wind. (Trusses and arches, v. 1.) ' 16913 — Shreve, J. H. Treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs. 15941 — Wood, De V. Treatise on the theory of the constr. of bridges and roofs. 11528 Rooke, J. Lonsdale, H. (In his Worth, of Cumb., v. 3.) 13719 Rookwood ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 8164 Room for one more ; by M. T. Higginson. 19221 1068 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Roos, J. D. C. de. Linkages ; different forms and uses of articulated links. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 19496 Roosevelt, R. B. Game-birds of the coasts and lakes of No. America. 6337 — and Green, S. Fish hatching and fish catching. 18777 Roosevelt, T. The naval war of 1812 ; hist, of the U. S. navy. 21600 Roostam. Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 1.) 13216 Root, L. C, joint author. See Quinby, M. Root, O., Jr. ^ joint author. See Campbell, L. J. Roper, S. Catechism of high pressure on the non-condensing steam engines. 12244 — The engineer's handy-book ; cont. ex^. of the steam-engine indicator ; with formulae, etc. 20280 — Hand-booH of land and marine engines ; modelling, constr., management, etc., of engine and boilers. 13980 — Hand-book of the locomotive; the constr., running, and management of locom. engines and boilers. *I; 13268^ Ropes, H. Rogers, H. M. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Ropes, J. C. The army under Pope. (Camp, of the civ. war.) 21048 — Biography of J. A. Perkins. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) ' 6492^ Ropes, J. S. Restoration and reform of the currency. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1873.) 15733 Ropes. Stahl, A. W. Transmission of power by wire ropes. 21347 Ropes of sand ; and other stories ; by [C. V. Hamilton]. 11792 Roquette, O. Conrad Hageh's mistake ; fr. the Germ, by Mrs. Crozer. 20576 — The curate of Ossi^res ; fr. the Germ, by M. A. Robinson. (Harper's hf .- hr. ser.) 17915 — Die Schlangenkonigin. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16162 Roraima. Wetham, J. W. B. Roraima and British Guiana. 19814 Rory O'More ; by S. Lover. 9638 — Same. {In Mod. stand, dr.. v. 22.) 11821 Rosa, S. Cooper, T. (/w his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 — Morgan, S. Life and times of Salvator Rosa. 3151 Rosalie Du Pont ; by E. Bennett. 11619 Rosamond ; by A. C. Swinburne. 6349 Rosamond; by M. Edgeworth. (In her Works.) 15297 Rosamond ; by M. J. Holmes. ( With Cousin Maude.) 1957 Rosamond Dayton ; by Mrs. H. C. Gardner. 7602 Rosanna: by M. Edgeworth. 1327; 7778 Rosary, The ; by Mrs. Sherwood. (In her Works, v. 14.) 3968 Rosary, The, and other poems ; by F. W. Faber. 8937 Rosaura ; tale of Madrid. (I71 Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 5.) 19144 Roscher, W. Principles of polit. econ. ; add. chapters on pa- per money, etc. ; and Essay on the hist, method in polit. econ., by L. Wolowski ; tr. by J. J. Lalor. 2 v. 18191-2 Roscius, The modern. See Garrick, D. Roscius, The young. See Betty, H. Roscoe, H. Life of Wm. Roscoe. 2 v. 3712-13 Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. lUust. (Sci. prim.) 10190 — Lessons in element, chemistry. 8655 — Original research as a means of educ. {In Owens College. Ess. and add.) 12926 — Spectrum analysis ; lectures. Illust. 8150^ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1069 — Spectrum analysis ; lecture. {In Hf . hrs. with mod. sci., ser. 2.) 12131 — Technical chemistry. (Sci. lect.) 16996 — Same. {In So. Kensington. Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 — What the earth is composed of ; lect. Illust. 19508 — Same. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chemistry, v. 1-3. 17743-5; 21319 Contents. V. 1. Non-metallic elements. 2. Metals, 2 pts. 3. Organic chemistry. — joint author. See Huxley, T. H. ;— Schellen, H. Roscoe, T. Life of Michael Angelo. {In Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Life of Sismondi. {In Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Hist, view, etc., V. 1.) 4005 — Life of William the Conqueror. 3709 — Same. {In his Lives of the kings, "e^c, v. 1.) *I — Memoir of T. Smollett. {In Smollett, T. Exp. of H. Clinker.) 13191 Roscoe, W. Life and pontificate of Leo X. 2 v. 3710-11 — Life of Lorenzo de'Medici. 3714 — Coleridge, H. {In his Lives of no. worth., v. 3.) *I — Fox, W. J. {In his Mem. ed. of coll. works, v. 12.) *I — Roscoe, H. Life of Wm. Roscoe. 2 v. 3712-13 Rose, G. (pseud. Arthur Sketchley). The Brown papers. 2 ser.) 7040 ; 18796 — A match in the dark. New ed. 21487 — Mrs. Brown at the play. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 Rose, H., Lord Strathnairn. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the Vict, age, v. 2.) 20031 Rose, J. The complete pract. machinist ; embr. lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, tools, etc. 16085 — The pattern maker's assistant ; embr. lathe work, etc., pract. gear constr., tools ; with tables. 3d. ed. Illust. 21546 Rose, 8. Ignatius Loyola, and the early Jesuits. 2d. ed. 10725 Rose. Ellwanger, H. B. The rose ; treat, on the cultivation, etc., of roses. 21638 — Parsons, S. B. The rose; its hist., poetry, culture, and classification. 3383 Rose and roof-tree ; poems, by G. P. Lathrop. 15404 Rose cold. See Hay fever. Rose D'Albret ; by G. P. R. J^mes. 5215 Rose garden. See Sadi. Rose garden. The ; by F. M. Peard. 10549 Rose in bloom ; by L. M. Alcott. 16640 Rose, A, in June ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 13008 Rose Mather; by M. J. Holmes. 7651 Rose Mervyn of Whitelake ; by A. Beale. 19060 Rose, The, of Arragon ; play; by J. S. Knowles. {In his Dram, works.) 11888 Rose of Castille ; opera ; by M. W. Balfe. *I — Same. (Jw Tryon, G. W.' Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Rose, The, of Disentis ; by H. Zschokke. 12097 Rose of Ethick Vale ; drama ; by T. J. Lynch. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 17.) 11818 Rose, The, of the Geraldines ; by E. M. Stewart. {In her Cloister legends.) 12789 Rose Rozier ; par H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 2 v. 14788-9 Rose, thistle, and shamrock ; drama ; by M. Edgeworth. 1333; 7367; 15296 Rose Turquand ; by E. Hopkins. 15992 Rosecroft ; by W. M. F. Round. 20714 1070 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Koseleur, A. Galvanoplastic manipulations ; pract. guide for the gold and silver electroplater, etc. ; tr. by A. A. Fesquet. 11500 Rosemary ; by G. Fullerton. 12790 Rosemary; by J. V. Huntington. 2111 Rosemary and Rue. (Round-rob. ser.) 21135 Rosengarten, A. Hand-book of architectural styles ; tr. by W. Collett-Sanders. 15678 Rosengarten, J. G. Civil service reform. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 Rosenkranz, K. Pedagogics as a system. 12080 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Rosenthal, L. America and France ; influence of the U. S. on Fr. in the 18th. cent. 21799 Rosenthal, R. S. The Meisterschaft system ; enabling one to speak fluently French, German, etc., namely: French. ' 21541 German. 21552 Rosicrucian, The ; by D. M. (M.) Craik. (7n Little class., v, 7.) 12978 Rosicrucians. Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians ; their rites and mysteries. 10657 Rosina Meadows ; drama ; adapt, by C. H. Saunders. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 30.) 11825 Rosine ; by G. J. W. Melville. 21733 Roslin. Black, A. and C. Guide to Edinburgh, etc. *1 Rosmini-Serbati, A. The philosophical system of R. ; tr., with a sketch of [R.'s] life, bibliography, etc., by T. Davidson. 21902 Rosmunda; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. (In his Tragedies, v. 1.) *I Ross, C. H. The book of cats. 13288 Ross, Charley. Ross, C. K. Father's story oi Ross. 16046 Ross, C. K. The father's story of Charley Ross, the liid- napped child. 16046 Ross, J. Life and genius of Sheik Saadi. (In Sadi, The Gulistan.) 14242 Ross, J. History of Corea, anc. and mod., with descr. of m'anners and customs, language and geography. Maps and illust. 19718 Ross, W. Winnie Scroop. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 3.) 7224 Ross, W. A. Alphabetical manual of blowpipe analysis. 20096 — Pyrology ; or, Fire chemistry. *I Rossetti, C. G. A pageant, and other poems. 20861 — Poems. 6412 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) ' 6158 — Sing-song. 9791 Rossetti, D. G. Ballads and sonnets. 21049 — Dante and his circle ; with the Italian poets preced. him, 1100-1300;, col- lect, of lyrics; rev. ed. 12587 — Poems. 7512 — Caine, T. H. Recollections of Rossetti. 22243 — Sharp, W. D. G. Rossetti ; a record and a study. 22704 — Stedman, E. C. {In his Y id. poets.) ' 14121 — Swinburne, A. C. Poems of Rossetti. {In his Ess. and stud.) 14246 Rossetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante; essay. 10125 Rossetti, W. M. Notes and memoir. (In Shelley, P. B. Poet. works.) 10882-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1071 Rossi, P. Mignet, F. A. A. (In his Not. et portr., v. 2.) 9574 Rossini, — . Cinderella. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 21.) 11820 Rossini, G. A. II barbiere di Siviglia. *I — Same. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) «I — La gazza ladra. {In Trvon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 1.) *I — Guglielmo Tell. *I — Same ; William Tell. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I — Mose in Egitto. - *I — Otello. *I — Semiramide. *1 — Stabat mater [Italian and Eng,] . *I Note. " Tribulation" set to same music. — Tribulation ; sacred cantata. *I — Edwards, H. S. Life of Rossini. 8521 Rossini and his school. 20506 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Gt. Ital. and Fr. comp.) 18707 Rossini a Paris ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 11.) *I Rossiter, W. Elementary hand book of appl. mechanics. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12625 — Elementary hand book of theoret. mechanics. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) 12624 Rosy ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 22281 Rothenfels, E. von. Eleonore ; fr. the German. 10901 Rothery, Mrs. H. The wedding guests. 10491 Rothman, R. W. History of astronomy. (In Lib. usef. kn.) 5109 Rothmell. 17779 Rothschild, N. M. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Fam. Lond. merchants.) 7853 Rothwell, J. S. S. English-German letter-writer. 10643 Rona Pass, The ; by E. Mackenzie. 6959 Roubiliac, L. F. Cunningham, A. (In his Lives of Brit. painters, etc., v. 3.) 1055 Rouge et noir ; fr. the French ; by E. About. 11502 Rougegorge; by H. P. Spofford. 8711 Rough diamond ; by J. B. Buckstone. {I71 French's min. dram., v. 6.) 11838 Rough times ; by [M. Roberts]. {In her Fair Else.) 17544 Roughing it; by Mark Twain [S. L. Clemens]. 10609 Rouher, E. King, E. {In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Roumania. Samuelson, J. Roumania, past and present. 22702 — Towle, G. M. Principalities of the Danube : Servia and Roumania. 17047 Round, W. M. F. {pseud. Rev. Peter Pennot). Achsah ; a New Eng. life-study. 15761 — Hal, the story of a clodhopper. * 19747 — Rosecroft. 20714 — Torn and mended. 16689 Round about a .great estate ; by R. Jefferies. 19883 Round Delia's basket ; by J. Sturgis. {In his Little com.) 21907 Round my house ; by P. G. Hamerton. 15488 Round table. The ; by W. Hazlitt. 10745 — Same ; Bayard ser. 8497 Round the block ; by J. B. Bouton. 5503 Round the world ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 2481 Round trip. The, by way of Panama, California, etc. ; by J. Codman. 18704 Roundabout papers ; by W. M. Thackeraj^. 5540 Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy ; by F. R. Stockton. 11079 1072 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rousseau, J. J. Coofessions ; fr. the French. *I — Brougham, H. {In his Lives of men of letters; Works, v. 2.) *I; 523 — Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 — Emilius ; or, A treatise on education. 3 v. 6047-9 — Everett, A. H. Life of Rousseau. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 13208 — Graham, H. G. Rousseau. 22439 — Lowell, J. R. Rousseau and the sentimentalists. {In his Among my books, ser. 1.) 8428 — ^Morley, J. Rousseau. 2 v. 11450-1 — Quick', R. H. Rousseau's Emile. (/?i /us Ess. on educ. ref.) 12175 — Remarks on the writings and conduct of R. 3717 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Mondav-chats.) 17345 {In his Nouv. lund., v. 3; Cans, lund., v. 2, 3, 15; Portr. lit., v. 1.) *I — Stephen, L. Cowper and Rousseau. {In his Hrs. in a lib., ser. 3.) 18645 Rousseau, L. H. Shanks, W. F. G. {Tiihis'Pers. recollections.) 6570 Rousselet, L. The serpent-charmer; tr. by M. de Hauteville. 19367 — The two cabin boys. Illust. 21050 Roussell, N. Catholic and Protestant nations compared. 3718 Routhwaite, R. S. Wood pavements. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I Routledge, E. Every boy's annual, 1865. 9248 —Same; 1868-83. 9251-9; 16063-9 — Every boy's book. 9028 Routledge, J. Chapters in the hist, of pop. prog., chief, in rel. to the freedom of the press and trial by jury, 1660- 1820 ; with an application to later years. 16849 — English rule and native opinion in India, 1870-74. 17602 Routledge, R. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th. cent. 15377 — A popular history of science. 20455 — Science in sport made philosophy in earnest; attempt to illust. some princ. of phys. knowledge by means of toys and pastimes. Illust. 16690 Row, C. A. Alleged difficulties in the mor. teaching of the New Testament. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Strivings, etc.) 16138 — Historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus ; Human responsibility. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Pop. obj., etc.) * 12.i20 — The Jesus of the Evangelists; his hist, character vindicated. 7741 — Mythical theories of Christianity. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scept.) 9747 Rowan, F. M. History of the French revolution, its causes and consequences. 2 v. 3719 Rowan, H. Madden, R. R. (/w /m United Irishmen, ser. 2.) 13562 Rowbotham, T. Art of sketching fr. nature; illust. by T. L. Rowbotham ; rev. by S.N.Carter. (Putnam's Art hd.-bks.) 17711 Rowcroft, C. Tales of the colonics. 10791 Rowe, E. (S.). Kavanagh, J. Elizabeth Rowe. {Bi Wom. of worth.) . 1219 Rowe, N. Jane Shore. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 12.) 11814 — Hamilton, W. {In his Poets laureate.) 18533 Rowe, R. Picked up in the streets; or. Struggles • for life amongst the London poor. 20344 Rowing. Crawley, Capt. Rowing, sculling, and canoeing. 18342 — Derington, T. J. How to row. 9927 — Engelhardt, F. J. American rowing almanac. *I — Harvard Boat Club. Principles of rowing at Harvard. 11614 — Kelley, H. Sculling, rowing, and yachting. 10624 — Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge boat races. 8617 — Morgan, J. E. Universitv oars ; after-health of the men who rowed in Oxford and Cambridge, 1829-1869. 11640 — Proctor, R. A. Oxford and Cambridge rowing; Rowing styles. {In his Rough ways.) ' 19539 — Woodgate, VV'. B. Oars and sculls, and how to use them. 15609 Rowley, H. More Puniana ; or, Thoughts wise and other why's. 13521 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1073 — Puniana; or, Thoughts wise and other-wise; riddles, conundrums, eic. 4th. ed. 8706 Rowley, J. Rise of the people, and growth of Parliament ; 1215-1485. (Epochs of Eng. hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17018 — Settlement of the Constitution, 1689-1874. (Epochs of Eng. hist.) (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17860 Rowson, S. Nason, E. Memoir of Mrs. R., with extr. fr. her writings. *I Rowton, F. How to conduct a debate. 12049 Roxy; by E. Eggleston. 17932 Roy, G. Generalship ; or. How I managed my husband. 13495 — The old, old story. 13975 Roy, J. History of Canada. 17747 Royal Academy of Arts, London. Palgrave, F. T. The Royal Academy, 1863-65. {In his Essays on art.) 6531 Royal favorite. The ; by Mrs. Gore. 5227 Royal gentleman, A ; by A. W. Tourgee. 22339 Royal Institution of Gt. Brit. Jones, B. The Royal Institu- tion ; its founder and its first professors. 10124 Royal Society of London. Weld, C. R. History of the Royal Soc, with mem. of the presidents. 2 v. 11104-5 Royal truths ; by H. W. Beecher. 6423 Royall, W. L. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the U. S. ; incl. a history of paper money in the U. S., and a discus- sion of the currency question. (Economic monographs.) 19368 Royce, C. C. Cessions of laud by Indian tribes to the U. S., illust. by those in the state of Indiana. {In Smithsonian Inst. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) I* Royer-CoUard, P. P. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) 5012 Royle, H. Description of a stone-dressing machine ; Street pavements as adopted in Manchester. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Royle, J. F. Arts and manufactures of India. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 RubAiydt of Omar Khayyam ; rendered into Eng. verse [by E. Fitzgerald]. *I Rubens, P. P. Calvert, G. H. Life of Rubens. 16098 — Davis, J. P. (7n ^is Thoughts on great painters.) 6530 — Fairholt, F. W. Homes, haunts, and works of Kubens, etc. 10178 — Kett, C. W. Rubens. 19349 — Waagen, G. F. Rubens, his life and genius; ed. by Mrs. Jameson. 18755 Rubruquis, Ruisbroeck, or Ruysbrock, W. von. Wandering Tartars and their chief Zagatai, in the 13th. cent. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 Ruby Duke ; by Mrs. H. K. Potwin. 9803 Ruby's husband ; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 7556 Rudder Grange ; by F. R. Stockton. 18722 Rude, F. Hamerton, P. G. F. Rude, sculptor. {In his Mod. Frenchmen.) 18109 Rudimentary chronology of civil and ecclesiastical history, art, literature, and civilization, to 1856. 4691 Rudler, F. W. A clod of clay ; A piece of amber. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Diamonds ; Rubies and sapphires, (/w Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 2.) 20446 1074 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Emeralds and beryls. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20525 Rudolph and Elizabeth ; by B. Auerbach*. {In his Germ, tales.) 7889 Rue Froide, In the ; by K. S. Macquoid. {In her Evil eye, etc.) 15598 Rueckert, F. The wisdom of the Brahmin ; didactic poem ; tr. by C. T. Brooks. Books 1-6. 22500 Rueckert, L. I. Gifts of prophecy and of speaking with tongues in the prim, church; Doctr. of the resurrection, comment. on 1 Corinthians XV. {In Edwards, B. B., and Park, E. A. Selections.) 1348 Ruestow, W. The war for the Rhine frontier, 1870 ; its polit. and military hist. ; tr. by J. L. Needham. 3 v. 10103-5 Ruffini, G. Carlino. 9341 — Doctor Antonio. 8721 — Lavinia. 1079T — Vincenzo ; or. Sunken rocks. 9970 Rufinus. Pasiphses fabula. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 Rufus and Rose ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9009 Rugby, Tenn. Hughes, T. R. ; account of the settlement on the Cumberland plateau ; with report on the soil by F. W. Killebrew. 20708 Rugby School. The book of Rugby School ; its history and its daily life. *I — Sadler, M. E. Rugbv; the school life. {In Pascoe, C. E. Everyday life at Eton, etc.) ' 2177T Ruggles, H. Germany seen without spectacles ; random sketch. 22948 Ruggles, H. I. Method of Shakespeare as an artist. 8508 Ruggles, S. B., and Hazard, G. S. Cereal products. {In U.S. Comm. to Pans Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 5.) 9100 Ruins, The ; by C. F. Volney. 12051 Ruisbroeck. See Rubruquis. Rule, M. Life and times of St. Anselm. 2 v. 22827-8 Rule, W. H. History of the Inquisition to its extinction. 2 v. *I Rulhi^re, C. C. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., V. 4.) *r Ruling passion. The, in death ; by G. Bancroft. {In his Lit. and hist, misc.) 299 Rumford, Count. See Thompson, B. Rumohr, C. D. L. F. von. Der letzte Savello. (Deutscher Novelleuschatz.) 16148 Rumor; by [E. S. Sheppard]. 5491 Runaway match. The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 5502 Runciman, A. Cunningham, A. {In his Lives of British painters, etc., v. 4.) 1056 Runeberg, J. L. Lyrical songs, idylls, and epigrams ; done . into English by E. Magnusson and E. H. Palmer. 18635 — Samlade skrifter. 2 v. 15041-2 Note. Contains notice of R. by C. R. Nyblom. Runenberg, The ; by Tieck. {In Carlyle, T. Tales by Musseus, etc., V. 1.) 13121 Runkel, W. L. Wontus ; or, The corps of observation. lUust. 12092 Runnels, M. T. History of Sanbornton, Y. H. 2 y. *I — Impure water and its dangers. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., V. 7.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1075 {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 1305S 14169 Running the risk ; by E. S. Phelps. Running to waste ; by G. M. Baker. Rupert Rochester, the banker's son ; by W. Taylor. Rupp, I. D. Original history of the religious denominations in the U. S. Ruppius, O. Ein Deutscher. Rural felicity ; comedy ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 33.) Rural hours ; by S. F. Cooper. Rural letters and thoughts at leisure ; by N. P. Willis. Rural life. Howitt, M. Birds and flowers, and other country things. — Milner, G. Country pleasures. — l^ew illust. rural manuals. Rural studies, with hints for country places ; by [D. G. Mitchell] . Rural tales ; by H, More. Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Elements of natural history. 2 v. 3722-^ Ruses et trues ; conference non politique ; par Chauvin. {In Sayn^tes, etc.^ ser. 1.) Rush, B. McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) Rush, J. Philosophy of the hum. voice ; its physiological hist., etc. Add., Brief analysis of song and recitative. 7th. ed. Rush, R. Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. — Occasional productions, polit., dlplom., and misc.; incl. A glance at the court and government of Louis Philippe, and the French revolution of 1848. Ruskin, J. Crown of wild olive ; three lect. on Work, Traffic, and War. — Elements of drawing. See also Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Our sketching club. — Ethics of the dust ; lect. on the elements of crystallisation. — The firmament. (Little class., v. 17.) — The king of the golden river. (Little class., v. 10.) — Lectures on architecture and painting. — Letter to young girls. — The Lord's prayer and the Church ; letters to the clergy, with replies fr. clergy and laity and an epilogue by R. ; ed., with essays and com- ments by F. A. Malleson. 2d. ed. — Modern painters. 5 v. Contents. V. 1. Of general principles.— Of truth. 2. Of ideas of beauty. 3. Of many things. 4. Of mountain beauty. 5. Of leaf beauty.— Of cloud beauty.— Of ideas of relation. — Mystery of life and its arts. — ^ Poems ; coll. and ed. by J. O. Wright. — The poetry of architecture; cottage, villa, etc. Added, Suggestions on works of art; by "Kata Phusin." — Political economy of art. — Precious thoughts; mor. and relig., from the works of R. bv Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. — Preface. {In Owen, A. C. Art schools, etc.) — The (^ueen of the air; study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. — Ruskin on painting; [select, from " Modern I'ainters"] ; with a biog. sb. (Appleton's new hand-vol. ser.) — Sesame and lilies ; lect. : Of kings' treasuries ; Of queens' gardens. — Seven lamps of architecture. — Stones of Venice. 3 v. — Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne ; letters on the laws of work. — The true and the beautiful in nature, art, etc. ; select, from the works of R. ; with not. of the author by L. C. Tuthill. — The two paths; lect. on art and its appl. to decoration and manufacture. — " Unto this last;" essays on the first principles of political economy. — Bayne, P. (In his Lessons from my masters.) 372G 1033a 11826 1764a 5645 2031 21041 5650 6890 3144 14791 8983 1900O 3725 3724 6408 372T 6232 20166 12981 3720 1912^ 2055O 3728-^2 805T 22295 1159a 3761 6028 15926 7849 18573 6006 373T 3733-5 7252 10556 373& 6275 1891(> 1076 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — McCarthy, J. (In his Modern leaders.) 11191 — Tuthill, L. C. Pearls for young ladies ; from the later works of R. 18410 Rusling, J. F. Across America ; or, The great west and the Pacific coast. 12774 Kussel, C. J. Arnold, H. P. (7n Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Russel, C. P. Uniform system of registration of causes of death throughout the U. S. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., V. 1, 1873.) ♦! Russel and Sydney ; and Chase Loring. 3738 Russell, A. P. Thomas Corwin ; a sketch. 21051 Russell, C. " New views on Ireland ; " or, Irish land : griev- ances ; remedies. 2d. ed. 20281 Russell, C. "Wonders of bodily strength and skill ; tr. and enl. from the Fr. of G. Depping. (111. lib. of wonders.) 9874 Russell, David. Autobiography. 3739 Russell, Dora. Footprints in the snow. 17845 Russell, F. T. Use of the voice in reading and speaking. 22482 Russell, F. S. Russian wars with Turkey, past and present. Maps. 2d. ed. 17240 Russell, J. S. Systematic technical education. 10132 Russell, J., Earl Russell. Essay on the history of the English government and constitution from the reign of Henry VII. 12272 • — Life and times of C. J. Fox. 3 v. 11149-51 — Recollections and suggestions, 1813-1873. 13468 — Speech in proposing the consid. of the representation of the people in Parliament. (In Speeches of eminent British statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Higginson, T. W. (In his Eng. statesmen.) 13827 Reid, T. W. (In his Cabinet portr.) -.oooo Russell, John, Viscount Amberley. Analysis of religious belief. 2 V. 16802-3 Contents. V. 1. External manifestations of religious sentiment: Means of communication upwards : consecrated actions, places, objects, persons, mediators. — Means of communication downwards : holy events, places, objects, orders, persons, or prophets. S. Means of communica- tion, downwards, continued : Holy books, or Bibles.— The religious senti- ment itself. Russell, J., 4th. Duke and 8th. Earl of Bedford. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 Russell, M. Leaves fr. the tree Igdrasyl. 3740 Contents. The diary. — Love's labor not lost. — Tale of the colony times. — Uncle John's visit. — Incident on the sea-shore. — Death by the way-side. — Little Bessie. — Sketches of our Village. Russell, M. History of (^reece, Macedonia, and Syria ; History of the Roman Empire ; Roman Republic. See Pocock, E. Russell, M. History and present cond. of the Barbary States. Engr. 3741 — Life of Cromwell. 2 v. 5452-3 — Nubia and Abyssinia. 3743 — Palestine. ' 3744 — View of anc. and mod. Egypt; with an outl. of its nat. historv. Map and eng. ' 3742 Russell, O. W. L., Ld. Sketch of Russell. {In Polit. portr.) 11693 Russell, R. (W.) v.. Lady. Balfour, C. L. (/?i Aer Moral heroism.) 6740 — Child, L. M. Biographies of Ladv R. and Mme. Guvon. 820 — Sketch of Lady R. (In Wom. of worth.) * 1219 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1077 Russell, S. C. Yellow fever in New Orleans, 1873. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 1, 1873.) *I Russell, T.^ joint author. See Haven, G. ; Nason, E. Russell, W. Eccentric personages. 6265 Contents. Monsieur le docteur Devine.— Sir A. Sellwood, Knight.— Beau Brummell. — Lady H. Stanhope. — Beau Nash. — Sir G. Massey, Knight. — M. Fuller.— The Earl of Peterborough.— Sir S. Smith, xUty. at law.— Amazon Snell.— Capt. Mowbray.— De Foe.— Hon. J. Loftus.— J. Swift.— Lady M. W. Montague.— Christina of Sweden.— J. Abernethy.— Capt. Morris.— J. M. W. Turner.— Lord Norbury.— Chevalier d'Eon. — J. Bal- samo.— Thomas, Marq. of Wharton and Malmesbury.— Philip, Duke of Wharton and Northumberland.— B. M. Carew.— Mons. Blaise.— Mme. de GenHs.— The lady-witch.— A descendant of Owen Glendower. Russell, W. C. Book of authors. 10137 — Representative actors. 10830 Russell, W. C. Auld lang syne. 18102 — The " Ladv Maud ;" schooner vacht. lUust. 21903 — My watch below. ' 22332 — An ocean free lance ; fr. a privateersman's log, 1812. 20715 — A sailor's sweetheart. 19908 — A sea queen. 22949 — The wreck of the " Grosvenor." 17586 Russell, W. D. Ware, D. E. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Russell, Wm. Principles and methods of human culture. 2d. ed. 17784 Russell, Wm. ^ LL.D. History of anc. Europe; with view of revolutions in Asia and Africa. 2 v. 3745-6 — History of mod. Europe; with acct. of the decl. and fall of the Bom. empire, etc. ; new ed. 6 v. 3747-51 — Russell's History of mod. Europe epitomized ; by G. Townsend. 3755 Russell, Wm. Orthophony ; or, The cultivation of the voice in elocution ; with Purity of tone ; by G. J. Webb. 5th. ed. 3752 — Same; reedited by F. T. Russell. 22051 — Pulpit elocution. 2d. ed. 15578 Russell, W. H. Canada ; its defences, cond. and resources ; a third vol. of "My diary north and south." 5967 — Diarv in the East dur. the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Iflust. 8891 — General Todleben's History of the defence of Sebastopol, 1854-5; re- view. 10671 — Hesperothen ; ramble in the U. S. and Canada, 1881. 21522 — Mv diarv dur. the last great war. 2959 — My diary in India, 1858-9. 2 v. «I — My diary North and South. 3864 — The Priiice of Wales' lour; diary in India; with ace. of his visits to the courts of Greece, Egypt, Spam, and Portugal. 17916 — The war ; f r. the death of Lord Raglan to the evacuation of the Crimea ; add. and correct. *I — The war; fr. the landing at Gallipoli to the death of Lord Raglan. *I — Russell's Indian diary. {In Biography and criticism. 7911 Russell, House of. Froude, J. A. Cheneys and the House of R. {In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 Russell ; by G. P. R. James. 7148 Russia. Art. — Atkinson, J. B. {In his Art tour. 12716 Description. — Browne, J. R. The land of Thor. 6896 — Butterworth, H. (Jw ^is Zigzag journeys in the Orient.) 20829 j — Cox, S. S. {In his Arctic sunbeams.) 21610 — Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 8669 — Eckardt, J. Russia bef. and after the war; tr. by E. F. Taylor. 19922 — Englishwoman in Russia, 1855. 1399 — Forsyth, W. Visit to R. and the great fair of Nijni Novogorod. {In his Ess. crit. and narr.) 12723 1078 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Gautier, T. Voya^^e en Russie. 2 v. 9371-2 A winter in Russia; fr. the Fr. bv M. M. Ripley. 13074 — Greene, F. W. Army life in Russia. ' 19837 — Johnstone, H. A. M. B. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Xiini-Nov- gorod. ■ 15631 — Kingston, W. H. G. Fred Markham in R. ; boy travelers in the land of the Czar. ' 21445 — Kohl, J. G. Russia and the Russians, 1842. 2511 — Maxwell, J. S. The Czar, his court and people. 2974 — Modern traveler, v. 10. 3100 — Moltke, H. K. B. von. Letters fr^ Russia. 17499 — Nasr-ed-Din, Shah of Persia. {In his Diary, 1878.) 20968 — Prime, S. I. The Alhambra and the Kremlin. 7322 — Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 9706 — Richardson, R. Ralph's year in R. : travel and adventure. 22204 — Sala, G. A. H. Journey due north; residence in Russia. 3765 — Stephens, J. L. (hi his Incidents of travel.) 2. v. 5180-1 — Taylor, B. Travels in Greece and Russia. 4362 — Tissot, V. Russians and Germans ; tr. by S. L. Simeon. 22714 Emancipation of serfs. — Turgenef , N. Economic results of the emancipation of serfs in Russia. (In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 History. — Abbott, J. S. C. History of the Empire of Russia. 10488 — Bancroft, G. (7>i /?, is Literary and hist, misc.) 299 — Boulton, S. B. The Russian Empire ; its origin and development. 21634 — Custine, A. Russia [in 18391. 1132 — Dole, N. H. Young folks' hist, of Russia. 21224 — Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc., v. 2.) 1249 — Eckhardt, J. Modern Russia. 10958 — Kelly, W. K. History of Russia. 2 v. 2441-2 — Masson, C. F. P. Meraoires secrets sur la Russie. (Barriere. Bib. des mem., V. 22.) 14542 — Ralston, W. R. S. Early Russian history. 13632 — Ram baud, A. Histoire de la Russie jusqu' a V ann6e, 1877. 14557 Same ; Historv of R. to 1877 ; tr. by L. B. Lang. 2 v. 18639-40 and Dole, N. H. Popular hist, of R. to 1882. 3 v. *I — Russell, F. S. Russian wars with Turkev, past and present. 17240 — Shaw, F. A. Brief hist, of Russia. ' 17019 — Wallace, D. M. Russia. 16901 See also Crimean War ;— Eastern question ; — Herzegovina ;— Russo-Turk- ish War;— Sebastopol. History. {Nihilists.) — The re\ olutionary movement in R. ; with notes and pref . by I. Panin. 20888 General and Miscellaneous works. — Allen, J. Autocracy in Poland and Russia. 148 — Chester, H. M. Russia, past and present; adapt, fr. the Germ, of Lan- kenau and Oelnitz. 21398 — Cobden, R. (In his Political writings, v. 1.) 6751 — Edwards, H. S. The Russians at home, and the Russians abroad. 2 v. 19518-19 — Forbes, A. The Russians, Turks, and Bulgarians. (In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 — Geddie, J. The Russian Empire; hist, and descriptive. 22672 — Holland, T. E. Lecture on the treaty rel. of R. and Turkey, 1774^1853; with treaties. 21706 — Khiva and Turkestan; [relations with Russia]; fr. the Russian; bv H. Spalding. ' 13292 — Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the mission to R., 1866, of G. Y. Fox; fr. journal and notes of L. *I — Morfill, W. R. Russia. 20375 — Murray, E. C. G. The Russians of to-day. 17868 — Rawlirison, H. England and Russia in the East; polit. and geog. cond. of Centr. Asia. — Stanley, F. St. Petersburg to Plevna; cont. interviews with leading Rus- sian statesmen and generals. 18369 — Yamb»?ry, A. Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian frontier question ; polit. papers. 12594 — Vassall, H. R. F. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de Prusse, et de Russie. (Barrit^re. Bib. des. mem., v. 27.) 14547 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1079 — Wahl, O. W. The land of the Czar. 13731 — Wilson, A. J. Kiissian progress. (In his Res. of mod. countr., v. 1.) 17821 Literature. — Bowring, J. Specimens of the Russian poets ; with prelim, rem. and biog. not. 2 V. • *I — Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folU-tales. 12068 Songs of the Russian people. 10727 — Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian literature. 22838 See also Alexandra Feodorowna ;— Pushkin ;— Turgenef . Russia. See also Caucasus ; — Kremliu ; — Russian Cliurch ; — Siberia. Russian Church. Palmer, W. Notes of a visit to the Russian Church, 1840-41 ; select, by Cardinal Newman. 22693 Russo-Turkish war. Dole, N. H. History of the Turko-Rus- sian war of 1877-78. (In Rambaud, A. and Dole, N. H. Pop. hist, of Russia.) *I — Forbes, A. The Russians, Turks, and Bulgarians ; Freeman, E. A. Relations of the Eng. people to the War. (In Burlingame, E. L. Current disc., v. 1.) 17645 — Gay, J. D. Plevna, the Sultan, and the Porte; rem. of the War in T. 19011 — Greene, F. Y. The Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey. 2 v. *I — Oilier, E. Cassell's illust. hist, of the Russo-Turkish war. 2 v. 18839-40 — Smith, G. The slave owner and the Turk. (In Burlingame, E. L. Cur- rent disc, V. 1.) 17645 — Stratford de Redcliffe. Turkey. (7w Burlingame, L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 — AVar correspondence of the " Daily News." 1877-8. With a connect, narr. form, a contin. hist, of the war between Russia and Turkey; incl. let- ters of spec, correspondents. 2 v. ' 17487 ; 17955 — See also Eastern question;— Herzegovina;— Russia. Hist. Rust, G. Tulloch, J. {In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Rust, smut, mildew, and mould ; by M. C. Cooke ; introd. to the study of microscopic fungi. 16622 Rustic heroine," A ; by H. C. Watson. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Rutebeuf, — , the Trouvere. Besant, W. (In his French humorists.) 13061 Ruth; by [Mrs. Gaskell]. 2217 Ruth, Story of. (In Little class., v. 6.) 12977 Ruth Maxwell ; by Lady Blake. 11684 Ruth Oakley ; domestic drama ; by T. Williams and A. Harris. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 36.) 11828 Rutherford, J. The secret history of the Fenian conspiracy. *I Rutherford, Mark, pseud. See Mark Rutherford. Rutherford, A. Inaugural address, Univ. of Glasgow, 1845. (In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Rutilius Numatianus, C. Itinerarium. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 4.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8362 Rutledge, J. Flanders, H. (In his Lives of Chief Justices, V. 1.) 14146 Rutledge ; by M. Harris. 3754 Rutt. J. T. Early hist, of Greece. See Pococke, E. Ruttan, H. Ventilation and warming of buildings; added, Ventilation of railway carriages. Illust. 6727 Ruutz-Rees, J. E. See Rees, J. E. R. Ruy Bias ; by V. Hugo. (In his Theatre, v. 4.) 14440 Ruy Bias ; dramma lirico, del F. Marchetti. *I Ruysbrock. See Rubruquis. Ruyter, M. A.de. Liefde,J. de. (//«, Ais Gt. Dutch admirals.) 11761 Ryan, C. Systematic drawing and shading. 12627 1080 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rydberg, Viktor. The magic of the Middle Ages ; fr. the Swedish, by A. H. Edgren. 19226 — Roman daj's ; from the Swedish, by A. C. Clark; sketch of R. by H. A. W. Lindehn. 18689 ' — Den siste Athenaren. 15043 — Same ; The last Athenian ; fr. the Swedish, by W. W. Thomas. 8440 Ryder, D., Lord Harrowby. Thornton, P. M. Lord Harrow- by. (In his For. secretaries, v. 1.) 22744 Ryder, G. R. The law of horses. See Oliphant, G. H. H. Ryerson, E. The loyalists of America and their times, 1620- 1816. 2d. ed. 2 v. 22209-10 Rylance, J. H. The relation of miracles to the Chr. faith. (In Chr. truth and mod. opin.) 13496 Ryland, J. Foster, J. (In his Crit. ess., v. 2.) 1503 Rymer, T. Talfourd, T. N. Rymer on Tragedy. (In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 S., E. O. Isolina. 11092 ^., J. of Dale. Guerndale. 21722 S., J. R., and H., M. B. Lady Huckleberry enlarges on her husband's follies ; and A romance of a yachting party. 18238 S., M. E. W. Home amusements. (Appleton's home books.) 212-51 — The sarcasm of destiny ; or, Nina's experience. 17712 Sa canne et son chapeau ; com^die ; par W. Sollohub. (In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^^tre, etc., ser. 2.) 146S6 Saadi or Sadi. See Sadi. Sabbath. See Sunday. Sabbath essays. See Wood, W. C. Sabbath eve. The. (In Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Sabbath night's supper, The. ( With Tieck, J. L. The elves.) 12446 Sabbath school lessons. See International S. S. lessons. Sabbath schools. BuUard, A. Fifty years with the Sab. schools. 16647 Sabin, J. A bibliography of bibliography; or, A handy-book ab. books which rel. to books. 19895 Sabine, L. American loyalists ; with hist, essay. 3757 Sabine, R. History and prog, of the electric telegraph, with descr. of apparatus. 13G34 — Telegraphy. (Brit, manuf. iud.) 15474 Sabran, — , Comtesse de. James, H., Jr. Madame de Sa- bran. (Li his Fr. poets and nov.) 17578 Sacher-Masoch, L. Bitter von. Don Juan von Kolomea. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16170 — DerEmissar; eine gulizische Geschichte. 16427 — Falscher Hermelin ; kleine Geschichten aus der Biihnenwelt. 2 v. 16342-3 — Le laid ; tr. par Mme. N. Mange. 14693 — Le nouveau Job; tr. par Mme. N. Mang6. 14694 Sachs, E. Sleight of hand ; instr. for legerdemain. 19476 Sachs, H. Dichtuugen. 3 v. (Deut. Dich. des 16 Jahrh.) 16358-60 — Hase, K. Hans Sachs and Lessing's Nathan. {In his Mir. plays.) 19801 Sachs, J. Text-book of botany, morphological and physiologi- cal ; tr., etc.. by A. W. Bennett [and] W. T. T. Dyer. *I Sack of gold, A ; by V. W. Johnson. 13244. Sacred anthology, The; by M. D. Conway. 12375 Sacred dramas ; by J. Boxer. 13065 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1081 Sacred history of the world ; by S. Turner. 3 v. 4534-6 Sacred poetry of early religions ; by R. W. Church. 12896 Sacrifice, The ; by A. -S. Roe. 6233 Sacristan's household, The ; by [F. E. Trollope]. 7754 Sacy, S. U. Silvestre de. See Silvestre de Sacy. Sad fortunes. The, of the Rev, Amos Barton ; by G. Eliot [M. E.Lewes]. 17308 — Same. {In her Scenes fr. cler. life.) 11923 Saddle-horse, The ; guide for riding and training. lUust. 21285 Saddlery. Aitkin, W. C. Saddlery. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 Sade, L. de. Hewitt, M. M. {In her Lives.) 1899 Sadi, Musli uddin. Rosengarten ; aus dem Persischen v. K. H. Graf. 10432 — The Gulistan ; or, Rose garden ; tr. by F. Gladwin ; with ess. on Sadi's life and genius, by J. Ross ; and pref . by R. W. Emerson. 14242 — Same; tr. with pref^, and a life of S. fr. the Atish Kadah, by E. B. East- wick. 2d. ed. 20608 — Clarke, J. F. a7id L. (In their Exotics.) 13901 Sadleir, R. Stoney, F. S. Memoir of the life and times of S. 22208 Sadler, L. R. {pseud. J. Larwood), and Hotten, J. C. History of sign-boards. Illust. 6536 Sadler, M. E. Rugby ; the school life. (In Pascoe,* C. E. Every day life at Eton, e^c.) 21777 Sadler, M. F. Liturgies and ritual. {In Weir, A. The Ch. and the age, ser. 1.) 8627 Sadler, R. Scott, W. {In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) 3838 Sadlier, A. T. Seven years and mair. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17638 Safar-Hadgi ; or, Russ and Turcoman ; by Prince Lubomirski. 17931 Safeguards of divine faith ; essays ; by H. Formby. 22258 Safely married ; by Miss Jolly. 13672 Safes. Chubb, G. H. Construction of safes. {In his Pro- tect, fr. fires, etc.) 15439 Safest creed. The, and other discourses ; by O. B. Frothing- ham. 12330 Safety-valves. See Valves. Saffell, W. T» R. The Bonaparte-Patterson marriage, 1803 ; correspondence on the subject. 11419 — Records of the revolutionary war. 3759 Saflford, A. E. Memoir of D. Safford. 6096 Safford, D. Safford, A. E. Memoir of D. Safford. 6096 Safia ; by R. de Beauvoir. 4822 Sag^as. See Edda ; — Eyrbyggja-Saga ; — Gisli's Saga ; — Glum Viga ; — Nibelungen Lied ; — Volsunga Saga. ^Zso Anderson, R. B.;— Iceland;— Sweden. Literature. Sahara. Fromentin, E. Un ^te dans le S. 14479 Travels in the S., 1845-6. 2 v. 3648-9 — Richardson, J. Travels in the S. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) 4356 Sailing. Alden, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa ; or, Cheap cruising and safe sailing. 17824 — Crawley, Cajot. Rowing, sculling, canoeing, sailing, etc. (Hand-book.) 18342 — See also Cruising. Sailor boy ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 5796 Sailor of France ; drama ; by J. B. Johnstone. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 20.) 11820 Sailo.rs. See Seamanship. 69 1082 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sailor's sweetheart, A ; by W. C. Russell. 19908 Saint Abe and his seven wives. 6854 St. Albans, Abbey. Fronde, J. A. Annals of an English abbey. {In his Short stud., ete., ser. 3.) 17015 Saint Amant, M. A. Gerard, siew de. Besant, W. {In his Fr. humorists.) . 13061 — Gautier, T. (In his Fusains et Eaux-fortes.) 14637 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 12.) *I Saint-Andr6, A. J., called. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. kind., V. 8.) *I Saint Arnaud, Le marechal de. See Leroy de Saint Arnaud. St. Aubin, J. Hazlitt, W. (/n his Eloquence, etc.^ v. 1.) 1812 St. Augustine, Florida. Dewhurst, W. W. History of St. A. Add., Descr. of climate and advantages as a health resort. 20220 — Kapp, V. (In his Aus und iiber Amerika, v. 2.) 16221 — Saint Augustine; sketches of its hist., and advantages as a resort for health; by an English visitor. 7571 St. Bartholomew's day. Fisher, G. P. Massacre of St. Bar- tholomew. {In his Discussions.) 19650 — White, H. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 7275 Saint Caligula ; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Saint Cecilia. 3 v. 13298-300 Saint Cecilia ; or, The power of music ; by H. von Kleist. {In Tales fr. the German.) 4347 Saint Cecilia's day ; ode ; by Handel. *I St. Clair, A. Headley, J. T. {In /ws Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 St. Clair, S. G. B. and Brophy, C. A. Twelve years' study of the Eastern question in Bulgaria. 17241 St. Clair flats ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Saint Cricq, L. de {pseud. Paul Marcoy). Travels in S. Amer- ica, fr. the Pacific to the Atlantic. 2 v. *I St. Cupid ; by D. W. Jerrold. {Bi French's min. dram., v. 7.) 11839 St. Cyr, L. G., Marshal. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., V. 1.) 1825 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 8.) *I — St. Cyr. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Saint Domingo. See Santo Domingo. St. Elmo ; by A. J. Evans. 6674 Saiut-Evremond, C. M. de St. D. Reflexions sur les divers g^nies du peuple Romain, etc. 14722 Bd. with Montesquieu, Da la grandeur, etc. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 13; Caus. lund., v. 4.) *I — Thomson, K. awe? J. C. (In their Wits sma beaux ot hoc.) 4719 St. George and St. Michael ; by George MacDonald. 14181 Saint-Germaine, J. T., pseud. See Tardieu, J. R. St. Giles and St. James ; by D. Jerrold. {Li his Works, v. 1.) *I St. Giles' lectures. 1st. ser. : The Scottish Church from the earliest times. Pref., historical sketch of St. Giles' cathedral; by W. Chambers. 20753 Contents. Lees, J. C. Heathen Scotland to the introd. of Christianity. —Boyd, A. K. H. Early Christian Scotland.— Campbell, J. Mediaeval Scotland.— Mitchell, A. F. Pre-Reformation Scotland.— Macleod, D. The Reformation. — Cunningham, J. Episcopacy, Presbyterv, and Puri- tanism in Scotland.— Flint, R. The Covenant. — Story,' R. H. The Revolution settlement.— Tulloch, J. The Church of the 18th. cent. — Charteris, A. H. The Church of the 19th. cent, to 1843.— Scott, A. The Church, 1843-1881.— Macgregor, J. The Church of the present day. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1083 — Same. 2d. ser. The faiths of the world. 22211 Contents. Caird, J. Religions of India : Vedic period ; Brahmanism ; Buddhism.— Matheson, G. Religion of China : Confucianism.— Milne, J. Religion of Persia : Zoroaster and the Zend-Avesta. — Dodds, J. Religion of Anc. Egypt.— Milligan, VV. Religion of Anc. Greece.— Macgregor, J. Religion of Ancient Rome.— Burns, G. S. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion.— Lang, J. M. Ancient religions of Central America.— Taylor, M. C. Judaism.— Lees, J. C. Mahoramedanism.— Flint, R. Christianity in rel. to other religions. St. Gothard. Hacklaender, F. W. Ueber den St. Gothard. {In his Werke, v. 40.) 10294 St. Helena. See Napoleon I. Saint-Hilaire, J. B. See Barth^lemy Saint-Hilaire, J. St. Hospice ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 14.) 3968 Saint Huberty, A. C. C. Clayton, E. C. (Li her Queens of song.) 5873 Saint James's ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 12481 St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan desert and the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. 3760 — Purple tints of Paris ; character and manners in the new empire. 2 v. 16850-1 St. John, C. Sketches of the wild sports and nat. hist, of the Highlands. lUust. 18449 St. John, Mrs. H. R. The court of Anna Carafa. 10885 St. John, H., Viscount BoHnghroke. Bagehot, W. Boling- broke as a statesman. (In his Biog. stud.) 20441 — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 — Cooke, G. W. Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2 v. *I St. John, Mrs. H. Audubon ; his adv. and disc. Illust. 3763 St. John, J. A. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2 v. 8979-80 St. John, M. The sea of mountains ; acct. of Lord Dufferin's tour through British Columbia, 1876. 2 v. 17382-3 St. John, O. B. Physical geography of Persia ; Narrative of a journey through Baluchistan and So. Persia, 1872. (In India. Council. Eastern Persia, etc., v. 1.) *I St. John, P. B. The Arctic Crusoe ; tale of the Polar sea. 18170 Saint Just, A. L. L. F. de. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. o.) 527 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 5.) *I St. Leger; by R. B. Kimball. ' 2468 St. Leon ; by W. Godwin. 1544 St. Leonards, Baron. See Sugden, E. B. Saint-Marc Girardin. See Girardin, M. Saint Mars, N. C. de C, vicomtesse de {pseud. La Comtesse Dash), La dame du chateau mur^. 9475 — Le fruit defendu. 9476 — La jolie Boh6mienne. 9477 — La marquise de Parab6re. 9478 — Un proems criminal. 9479 — Le salon de diable. 9480 — La sorci^re du roi. 9481 — Les soupers de la R^gence. 9482 — Les suites d'une faute. 9483 Saint Martin, L. C. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 10.) *I St. Martin's eve ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 9994 St. Martin's summer ; by A. H. M. Brewster. 6501 St. Maur, E. A., Duke of Somerset. Christian theology and modern scepticism. 9948 1084 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Saint-Meaid. xSee Jourgniac de Saint-M^^ard. • St. Michael's Mount. See Cornwall. St. Nicholas, v. 1-9. 13123-31 St. Nicholas and the gnome ; by L. Kip. (In his Hannibars man.) 21796 St. Olaves ; by E. Tabor. 2194 St. Patrick's day ; farce ; by R. B. Sheridan. {In his Works.) 13290 St. Patrick's eve ; by T. Power. {In French's min. dram., v. 2.) 11834 St. Paul. See Paul. Saint Paul ; oratorio ; by Mendelssohn. *I St. Paul's School. Pascoe, C. P2. Historical account of St. Paul's School. {In his Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 St. Petersburg. Atkinson, J. B. {In his Art tour to Northern capitals.) 12716 — Jerrmann, E. Pictures fr. St. P. ; or, St. Petersburg, its people, their chara(;ter, etc. : tr. by J. Hardmann. 2353 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for voung eves. 19404 — Stanley, F. St. Petersburg to Plevna. 18369 Saint Pierre, C. I. C. de, Vahhe. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul et Virginle ; prec. d'un essai par Prevost-Paradol. Nouv. ed. 14626 — Same. Paul and Virginia ; from the French. 597 — Paul und Virgiuie; uud Die indische Hutte; iibers. v. K. Eitner. 10266 ^ — Everett, A. H. Life of St. Pierre. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Mitchell, D. G. Two French friends, (/w /iis About old story-tellers.) 17346 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 2; Caus. lund., v. 6.) *I St. Ronan's well ; by W. Scott. 3827 Saint-Simon, C. H., comte de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 2.) *I Saint-Simon, L. de R., Due de. Extraits des m^moires. (Bar- ri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 1.) 14521 — Louis XIV. et sa cour ; portraits, jugements, et anecdotes, 1694-1715. 9575 — Memoirs on the reign of Louis XIV. and the regency ; tr. by Bayle St. John. 3v. * 15600-2 — Le regent et la cour de France sous la minority de Louis XV. ; portraits, jugements, et anecdotes, 1715-1723. 9576 — Collins, C. W. Saint-Simon. 19757 — Hayward, A. {In his Sketches, etc., v. 2.) 20603 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 10; Caus. lund., v. 3, 15.) *I — Thomson, K., and J. C. {In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 St. Stephen's ; by Lord Lytton. ( With The New Timon.) *I St. Thomas of Canterbury ; dram, poem ; by A. De Vere. 18314 St. Twel'mo ; by C. H. Webb. 6875 — Same. {In Treas. trove ser,, v. 2.) 14267 St. Valentine's day. See Fair maid of Perth. Saint-Victor, P. B., comte de. Les deux masques; trag^die- comedie. 2 v. 14718-19 Contents. V. 1. Les antiques : Eschyle. 2.. Les antiques : Sophocle, Euripide, Aristophane, Calidasa. — Sainte-Beuve, -C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 10.) ♦! St. Vincent, Eai'l. See Jervis, J. St. Winifred's ; by F. W. Farrar. 5555 Sainte-Barth^lemy, La; drame in6d. ; par C. de R^musat. 14517 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. A propos des biblioth^ques populaires ; discours, 1867. *I — Causeries du lundi. 15 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Cours de litt^rature dramatique, par Saint-Marc Girardin.— Les confidences, par Lamartine. — De la question des theatres. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1085 — Memoires sur Mine, de Sevigne, par Walckenaer.— Raphael, par Lamar- tine.— M. de Moutalembert, orateur.— Hamilton.— CEuvres litteraires de Villemain et de Cousin.— Mme. Recamier.— Histoire de I'empire, par Thiers.— Pens6es de Joubert.— Campagnes d'Egypte et de Syrie, par Napoleon.— Adrienne Le Couvreur.— Le pere Laebrdaire.— Memoires de Philippe de Commynes.— Journal de la campagne de Russie par M. de Fezensac— Des lectures publiques du soir.— Poesies de A. de Musset. — Discours sur I'histoire de la revolution d'Angleterre, par Guizot.— Le livre des rois, par Firdousi.— La Marc-au-diable, La petite Fadette, Francois le Champi, par G. Sand.— M.de Feletz et la critique litteraire sous I'Empire. — Eloges academiques, par Pariset. — Lettres de Mme. Du Deffand.— Me- moires d'outre-tombe, par Chateaubriand.— Lettrers iuedites de I'abbe de ChauHeu.. 2, Lettres et opuscules de Fenelon. — Oeuvres de Barnave. — Pline, le naturaliste.— Mme. de la Tour-Franqueville et Jean J. Rousseau.— Lettres de la duchesse de Bourgogne.— La religieuse de Toulouse, par J. Janin. — Lettres de Mile, de Lespinasse. — Chateaubriand romanesque et amoureux.— Huet, 6veque d'Avranches.— Memoires de Mme. d'Epiuay.— • Lettres de Mme. de Grafigny, ou Voltaire a Cirey.— Lettres de Chesterfield. — Le palais Mazarin, par L. de Laborde.— Mnie. du Chatelet.— Chansons de Beranger.— Mme. Geoffrin.— Lettres de Goethe et de Bettina.— Gil I51as, par Le Sage. — M. de Broglie. — Procesde Jeanne d' Arc. — L'abbe Galiani. — Balzac. — M. Bazin. — Mme. de Pompadour.— Malesherbes. — Chateaubriand, homme d'etat et politique. S. Rabelais, par E. Noel. — Oeuvres de Mme. de Genlis.— Qu'est-ce qu'un classiquel-' — Mme. de Caylus et de ce qu'on appelle Urbariit'^.—lies confessions de Rousseau.— Biographic de C. Des- moulins, par E. Fleury.—Vauvenar^ues.— Oeuvres de Frederic-le-grand. — M. Droz.— Frederic-le-^rand, litterateur.— La duchesse du Maine.— Florian. — Etienne Pasquier. — Les memoires de Saint-Simon. — Diderot. — Fontenelle, par Flourens. — Oeuvres de Condorcet. — Bussy-Rabutin. — Mme. E. de ifiirardin.- Histoire du Chancelier Daguesseau,"par BouUee. —L'abbe de Choisv. — Mme. de La Valliere.— M. de Latouche.— La grande Mademoiselle.— Theo. Leclercq. 4. Mirabeau et Sophie.— H. Moreau.— Pierre Dupont.— Nouveaux documents sur Montaigne.— Cor- respondance entre Mirabeau et de La Marck. — Mile, de Scudery. — A. Ch^nier, homme politique. — St. Evremont et Ninon. — Lettres et opuscules Inedits de J. de Maistre. — Mme. de Lambert. — Mme. Necker. — L'abbe Maury.— Le due de Lauzun.— Jasmin.— Marie Antoinette.— Button.— Mme.'de Maintenon.— Histoire de la restauration. par Lamartine.— Marie Stuart, par Mignet. — M. de Bonald.— Essai sur Amyot, par Blignieres. — Mem. et correspondance de Mallet du Pan. — M«^m. de Marmontel.— Cham- fort. — Rulhiere. 5. Raynouard, par Walckenaer. — Les gaiet«''s cham- petres, par J. Janin.— Card, de Retz.—Rivarol.— La duchesse d'Angoulerae. —La Harpe.— Le Brun-Pindare.— Mme. de Motteville.— Sieves.— Tievee.— Card. deRetz.— Charles Perrault.—Patru.— Fouquet.— Louis XIV.— Saint- Just, par E. Fleury. — Gourville.— De la poesie et des poetes en 1S52. — La princesse des Ursins.— Portalis. — Le due d'Antin. — Le comte-pacha de Bonneval. — Pascal. 6. Le mareclial .Marmont. — Mme. Sophie Gay. — Armand Carrel.— De la retraite de Villemain et Cousin.— Walckenaer. —La reine Marguerite.— Beaumarchais. — RoUin. — Mem. de Cosnac. — Madame, duchesse d'OrK'ans. — P. L. Courier.— Saint Anselme, par R6- musat. — L'abbe Gerbet. — Les regrets. — Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. — Ducis. — Etienne. — Boileau. — Le comte Dandolo. — Lettres de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. 7. Regnard.—Michaud.— .Montesquieu.— Le pr<^sident de Brosses.— Voltaire et le pr(?sident de Brosses.— Franklin.— L'abbe Barthe- lemy.— Richelieu.— Saint Francjois de Sales.— Grimm.— Neckar.—Merimee. — Volney.— Marguerite, reine de Navarre.— Frederic le Grand.— Arnault. — La Fontaine. 8. L'abbe deBernis. — Del'etat de la France sous Louis XV. — De Bernis. — Malherbe. — Gui Patin. — Sully. — Mezera^. — Le prince de Ligne.— Histoire litteraire de la France, pub. par I'lnstitut.— Discours de Mignet. — Le roman de Reuart.— Roederer. — Gabrielle d'Estrees.— Nou- veaux voyages en zig-zag de Topft'er.— Gibbon.— Histoire de Saint-Cyr.— Joinville.* 9. Massillon,— Madame, mere du Regent.— Froissart. — Le buste de I'abbe Prevost.— Etienne de la Boetie.— Le marquis de Lassay.— Duclos.— Bourdaloue.— De Stendhal —Marivaux.—Geottroy de Villehar- douin.— Daru.— Mme. Dacier. 10. Franc^ois Ara^.— Fenelon.— Button. — Chateaubriand.— Senac de Meilhan.— Jeannin.— Bossuet.— Maucroix.— Saint-Martin.— Vicq d'Azyr.-Agrippa d' Aubi«^ue.— Sylvain Bailly.-Denne- Baron.— Le marquis de hi Fare.— Leopold Robert.— Ramond. il. Jour- nal de Dangeau.— Chapelle et Bachaumont.— Montluc— Mme. de Mainte- non.— De la poesie de la nature.— William Cowper.— Dante.— Le president Henault.—Charron.— Instruction sur le plan d'etudes.— Werther.— Une reception academique en 1694.— Henri IV.— La princesse Mathilde.— Ri- 1086 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. poste a Taxile Delord.— La Rocliefoucauld.— Lettre sur I'orthographe.— Benjamin Constant.— Notes et pens6es. 12. Maxime du Camp.— San teul. — Rousard.— Le marquis d'Argenson.— Thiers.— Saint-Amant.—Voiture.— Une petite guerre sur la tombe de Voitu re .—Eugenie de Gu6rin. — Bossuet. — Senece.—Le due de Rohan.— Frederic le Grand.— La margrave de Bareith.— La marquise de Crequi. — Le baron deBesenval. 13. Voltaire. — Le mar^chal de Villars.— Rigault.— Tallemant et Bussy.— Mme. de Tracy .^Henri IV., par Poirson.— Guillaurae Favre.—Taine.— Journal de I'abb^ le Dieu.— Maine de Biran.— Souvenirs du g^'n^ral Pelleport.— Mme. Bovary.— Alfred de Musset.— Les nieces de Mazarin, et le due de Niver- nais.— Le marechal de Saint-Arnaud. 14. Vauvenargues.— Friant.— Th^^odore de Banville.— Vie de Maupertuis.— L'abbe de Marolles.— La m^^re Agnes Arnauld.— Fanny.— De Sacy.— Histoire de I'Academie Franeaise.— Mme. du Deffand.— Le marquis d'Argenson.— La princesse des Ursins. — Fran(^ois Villon. —Mme. R<^camier. — Correspondance de Buffon.— Thiers.— Louis de Viel-Castel.— Mem. du due de Luynes.— Casaubon. —Mme. Desbordes-Valmore.— Charles-Victor de Bonstetten. 15. Mau- rice de Gu/^rin.- Olivier Lefevre d'Ormesson. — Edmond Scherer.— Joseph de Maistre.— Thiers.— De TocqueviUe.— Reception du pi^re Lacordaire.— Sayons.— Le general Joubert.— Mme. Elliot.— Nisard.— Voltaire et Rous- seau.— Saint-Pierre.— Parny.— Academic Franqaise, Reception de Ponsard, de Biot, de Falloux, de E.'Augier, de J. Sandeau.— Mme. Blanchecotte.— Beranger.— Louis XVI.— La morale et Part.— De la tradition en litt^^ra- ture.— L'abbe Fl^'chier.— Saint-Simon. — Chateaubriand et son groupe litt^'raire sous I'empire. Nouv. ^d^ 2 v. *I — Chroniques Parisiennes, 1843-1845. *I Note. Contains " Sainte-Beuve, chroniqueur ;" par. M. Jules Troubat. — College de France ; discours. *I — Correspondance, 1822-1865. 2 v. *I — Critical essay. {In Stanhope, P. D. Letters, etc.) (Bayard ser.) 8496 — De la liberty de I'enseignement : discours. *I Bd. uiith A propos des bibliotheques. — De la loi sur la presse ; discours, 1868. *I Bound uiith A propos des bibliotheques. — English portraits; select, and tr. from the "Causeries;" introd. on Sainte-Beuve's life and writings. 13635 Contents. Mary, Queen of Scots. — Lord Chesterfield. — Benjamin Franklin.— Edw^ard Gibbon.— William Cowper.— English literature, by H. Taine. — Pope as a poet. — Etude sur Virgile, suivie d'une etude sur Quintus de Smyrne. *I — Le general Jomini ; etude. *I — Lettres k la princesse. *I ; 9577 — Ma biographic. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 13.) *I — Madame Desbordes-Valmore ; sa vie et sa correspondance. *I — Memoir of Maurice de Gu6rin. {In Trebutien, G. S. , Jour, of De Gu(!Tin.) 14150 — Memoirs of Mme. Desbordes-Valmore. 11236 — Mondav-chats : select, and tr. fr. the "Causeries": introd. on the life and"^ writings of St.-B., by W. Mathews. 17345 Contents. Introd. essay. — Lewis XIV. — Fenelon. — Bossuet. — Massillon. — Pascal. — Rousseau. — Mme. Geoffrin. — Joubert. — Guizot. — The Abb6 Galiani.— Frederic the Great. — Monsieur de Talleyrand. *I — Notice sur Xavier'de Maistre. {In Maistre. X. de. Ouvres eompUHes.) 14614 — Nouveaux lundis. 13 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Victor de Laprade.— Correspondance de Lamennais. —Louis Veuillot.— Guizot.— La Bruyere.—Prevost-Parado].— Beranger.— Mme. Swetchine.— Hippolyte Rigault.— Mme. de S^vign^.— Perrault.— Histoire de Lou vols.— Merfin de Thionville.— Elections de I'Academie.— Benjamin Constant. 2, De Pontmartin.— Une monarchic en decadence. — Campagnes de la revolution.— Biot.- Louis XIV., et le due Bourgogne. — Montaigne. — Catherine IL — Hal^vy. — Le poeme des champs. — Mme. de Stael.— Bossuet.— Journal de la sante de Louis XIV.— Ernest Renan.— Histoire du roman dans I'antiquite. 3. Chateaubriand.— Du Pontmar- tin.- Jean Racine et Louis Racine.— E. J. Deieduze.— Waterloo.— Maurice et Eugenie de Guerin.—Sainte-H(5iene.— Charles Quint.— De la connais- sance de I'homme au 17^ et au 18^ si^cle.— Les Saints Evangiles.— Entre- tiens de Goethe et d'Eckermann.— Andr^ Chenier.— Les poetes Fran^ais. — Le mystere du siege d'Orl^ans.- Mem. de'Foucault. 4. La femme au 18^ si^cle.— Salammbo.— Daphnis et Chlo^.— Les freres Le Nain.— Ad. Gu^roult. — La comtesse de Boufliers. — Histoire de la restauration. — Louise Labe.— Duels 6pistolaire.— Le pere Lacordaire. 5. Octave Feuil- i CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1087 let.— Horace Vernet.— De Harlay.— Littn'.— Molic re. — Don Carlos et Philippe II.— La GW'ce en 1863.— Terence. — La Koehefoucauld. — La comtesse d' Albany. —Magnin. 6. Viede Jesus. — Sismondi.— Boissonade. — P. Lebrun. — Gavarni. — Le marechal de Vill:irs.— Montaigne. — Theophile Gautier.—Vaugelas. — Alfred de Vigny. 7. Anthologie Grecque.— Histoire de Louvois.— Un 6te dans le Sahara; Dominique.— VioUet-Le- Duc— Corneille.--Emile de Girardin.— Colle.— Le due Pompee.— Alexis Piron. 8. Don Quiehotte.—Taine.— Jean-Bon Saint-Andr^.— Mme. Roland.— Marie Leekzinska.— Marie-Antoinette.— Catinat. 9. Mathieu Marais.— Essai de critique naturelle.— Meditations sur la religion Chreti- enne.— Les touareg du Nord.— Reminiscences, par Coulmann.— La reforme sociale en France.— Souvenirs d'un diplomate.— Eugenie de Guerin et Mme. de Gasparin.— Entretiens sur Phistoire.— Marie-Ther^se et Marie- Antoinette.— Mme. de Yerdelin. 10. Armand Lefebvre.— Histoire de la Grece.— Charles Monselet.— Joseph Bertrand.— Flammarion.— Louis XV. et le mar6chal de Noailles.— Conferences par C. Duveyrier.— Saint- Simon.— De Tocqueville.--Marie-Th6r^se et Marie-Antoinette.— Racine. — MM. de Goncourt.— La Bruyt^re. — Paul de Saint-Victor.— Victor Cousin.— La comtesse de Boigne.' 11. Le comte Beugnot.— Frochot.— Maurice, comte de Saxe, et Marie-Jos^phe de Saxe.— Le comte de Clermont.— Virgile.—L'orthographe Fran(,-aise.— Le comte de Gisors.— Le general Franceschi-Delonne. — Mem. de Malouet. — La Mennais.— Charles Loyson.— Viguier.— Dubner. 12. Paul Albert.— Talleyrand.— Mme. Desbordes-Valmore.— Camille Jordan et Mme. de St ael.— Eugene Gandar. — L' Academic Franyaise. 13. Ma biographic. — Le general fJomini. — Jean Jacques Ampere.— Joachim du Bellay.— Malherbe.- Saint- Evremond. - Nouvelle correspondance ; avec des notes de son dernier secretaire. *I - P. J. Proudhon ; sa vie et sa correspondance, 1838-1848. 5^ M. *I - Poesies completes ; ed. revue et aug. *I Contents. Vie, poesies et pens(^es de Joseph Delorme. — Les cousola- tionS.— Pens^es d'AoAt.— Notes et sonnets.— Un dernier r^ve. - Portraits of celebrated wromen ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 7410 Contents. Mme. de S6vigne.— Mme. de La Fayette.— Mme. de Souza.— Mme. Roland.— Mme. de Stael.— Mme. de Duras.— Mme. de Remusat.— Mme. de Krudner.— Mme. Guizot. -Porte-Royal. 7 v. *I - Portraits contemporains. Nouv. ed. 5 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Chateaubriand.— B6ranger.— De S^nancour.— La Mennais. — Lamartine.— V. Hugo. — George Sand. 2, Ballanche. — De Vi^ny.— Mme. Desbordes-Valmore. — Mme. Tastu. — A. de Musset. — Brizeux et Auguste Barbier.— P. Huet.— J. Lefevre. — L. de Carne.— M6m. de Mirabeau.— E. Quinet.— Balzac— Villemain.—U. Guttinguer.— Monta- lembert.— De la littil^rature industrielle.— Dix ans apr^s en litt«^rature. — Pens^es et fragments. 3. Vinet. — Le comte Xavier de Maistre .--Jas- min.— Eugt''ue Sue.— Eugene Scribe.— Lebrun.— Le comte Mole.— Topfier. —Brizeux.— Loyson.— Polonius.—De Loy.— Les Glanes, par Mile. Bertin. — Nisard.— J. J. Ampere.— C. Magnin.— Quelques v^ritt^s sur la situation en litt^rature.- Les journaux chez les Romains.— M(''rim(^e. 4. Histoire de la royaute. — De Barante. — Thiers. — Fauriel. — Daunou. — Leopardi. — Parny. 5. Louise Labe.— D^saugiers.- Gresset.— Fl^chier.— T. Gautier. — V. Fabre.— C. Delavigne.— Pascal.— Mignet.— La Revue en 1845.— Un dernier mot sur B. Constant.— Un factum contre A. Chi'mier.— Homere.— De la Medee d'Apollonius. — Melt^agre. — Euphorion, ou, De I'injure des temps.— Pensees. - Portraits de f emmes. Nouv. ed. *I ; 9463 Contents. Mme. de Sevigne.— Du roman intime, ou, Mile, de Liron. —Mme. de Souza.— Mme. de Duras.— Mme. de Stael.— Mme. Roland. — Mme. Guizot.— Mme. de La Fayette.— La Rochefoucauld.— Mme. de Longueville. — Une ruelle poetique, ou, Mme. Des Houli(''res. — Mme. de Krudner. — Mme. de Charri^re. — Mme. de Remusat. — Mme. de Pontivy. — Christel. — Les fleurs ; apologue. — Maria. - Portraits litteraires. Nouv. ^d. 3 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Boileau.— La Fontaine de Boileau, 6pitre.— Corneille. — La Fontaine. — Racine. — La reprise de Berenice.— Rousseau. — Le Brun. — Regnier et A. Chenier.— Documents inedits sur A. Chenier; G. Farcy. —Diderot.— L'abbe Prevost.—Andrieux.—Joutfroy.— Ampere.— Du genie critique et de Bayle.— La Bruyere.— Millevoye.— Des soirees litteraires.— C. Nodier. 2. Moli^re.— Delille.— B. de Saint-Pierre.— M4m. du g<^'neral La Fayette.— De Fontanes.— Joubert.— Leonard.— Aloi-sius Bertrand. — Le comte de S^gur.— J. de Maistre.— G. Naud6.— Un mot sur moi-meme. 3. Th6ocrite.— Virgile et Constantin le Grand.— Fran^'ois I.— Le cheva- 1088 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. , lier de Mere. — Mile. Aisse. — B. Constant et Mme. deCharriere. — Mme. de Kriidner, et ce qu'en anrait dit Saint-Evremond. — De Rerausat. — C. Labitte.— Reception du comte A. de Vigny k I'Academie Frangaise.— Reception de Vilet a I'Acad. Fran{,'aise.— Lettres de Ranee.— Mme. Staal. — Delaunay.— L'abbe Prevost et les Benedictins.— Cousin.— Sur I'ecole Fran(;aise U'Athenes.— R. Topffer.— Mort de Vinet.— Etudes sur Pascal, par Vinet.— Relation inedite de la derniere maladie de Louis XV.— Pens6es. — Premiers lundis. 2^ ed. 3 v. . *I Contents. V. 1. Mile. Bertin.— l^erdinand Denis.— Le vicomte d' Arlincourt.— Mme. du Hausset.— C. V. de Bonstetteu.— Mme. de Genlis. —Mem. de Dampmartin.— Mem. de d'Argenson. — Mem. relatifs a la revolution.— Charles.— Thiers. — Mem. sur Voltaire.— Mignet. — Oeuvres de Rabaut.— Saint-Etienne.— Tissot.— De Segur.— Bonaparte et les Grecs. —Mad. de Maintenon.— Dumouriez. — Victor Hugo.— Anacreon.— Tacite. —Walter Scott.- Laurent (de I'Ard^che).- Fenimore Cooper.— Duval. — Laraartine. — Deux revolutions. — Fiev(^e. — Diderot. — Du mou vement lltteraire, 1830. —Joseph Delorme. — Hoffmann. 2. Jouftroy. — Saint- Simon.— X. Marmier.— L. Boerne.— Mme. H. Allart.— lierte aus grans pi6s. — De I'expedition d' Af rique.— Etienne Jay .—La revue encyclopedique. — Dupin aine.— Walter Scott.— E. Lerminier.— Thomas Jefferson.— Quinze ans de haute police.— Loeve-Veimars.— Casanova de Seingalt.— Adan» Mickiev^^icz.- E. Lerminier.— Henri Heine. — Achille du Clesieux. — L. Aime Martin.— Revue litt(^^raire et philosophique.— Alexis de Tocqueville. — La comtesse Merlin. — Notre litt^rature a I'etranger. — Fontaney.- Hippolyte.- Fortoul.— Gautier.— Revue litteraire.— C. de Bernard.— H. de Balzac— H. Morvonnais.— S. Cavalier.— E. Turquety.— E. Mestscherski. — A. M. de Mornans.— A. Karr.— A. Dumas.— Le comte Walewski.— Revue litteraire : V. Hugo, Mole, Les Guepes.— George Sand. 3. Viollet- Le-Duc. — E. Scribe. —E. Augier.—Lafou. —Labatut. — Nicolas Gogol. — De Latena. — Troplong. — L'ouvrier litteraire. — Origines de la langue. — Le roi J6rome. — Les poetes Fran(;ais. — Les fils.— La Diana.— Chateau- briand. — A propos des bibliotheques populaires.— Senac de Meilhan. — De la loi sur la presse. — De la liberte de I'ensignement. — Le senatus-consulte. — Melanges. — Victor Hugo et Charles X. — Profession de foi. — Armand Carrel. — Instructions sur le moyen age.— Buloz et leMessager de Paris. — Maurice de Guerin. — Sur une petition de directeurs de theatres.— Table g^n^rale des ceuvres de C. A. Sainte-Beuve. — Souvenirs et indiscr^^tions ; [biographical]. Pub. par son dernier secre- taire. 2*^ ed. *I — Table generale des a-uvres de St.-B. (In his Prem. lund., v. 3.) *I — Tableau historique et critique de la poesie Fran^-. et du theatre Fran^'. au 16^ si^cle. Nouv. ed. suivie de portr. des princ. poetes. *I — Uu mot sur moi-m^me. (In his Portr. lit., v. 2.) *I — Volupte. 8« ed., avec les temoignages et jugements contemporains. *I — Gautier, T. a7id others. (In their Famous French authors.) 19026 — Mathev^s, W. P^ssay on life and writings of St.-B. (In Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Mondav-chats.) 17345 — Mauris, M. (In /us French men of letters.) 19864 — Schmidt, J. Sainte-Beuve und die franzosische Romantik. (In his Bilder aus dem Geist. Leben, v. 1.) . 16311 Ste. Roche; [v. A. von Paalzow]. 3 v. 10358-60 Saintine, J. X. B.^p^eud. See Boniface, J. X. Saintly workers ; lect. by F. W. Farrar. 18225 Saints. Chenoweth, C. Van D. Stories of the saints. 20043 — Froude, J. A. Lives of the saints. (In his Short stud., ser. 1.) 6963 — G., E. A. Saints and their symbols; companion in the churches and. pict. galleries of Europe. 21537 — Gould, S. B. Lives of the saints. 15 v. *I — Kingsley, C. The hermits. 7488 — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles. 16136 — See also Modern saints and servants of God. Saints and sinners; by J. Doran. 2 v. ' 14206-7 Saints and sinners ; fr. the French of V. Cherbuliez. 20989 Saints Evangiles, Les ; par C. A. Ste.-Beuve. (In his Nouv. kind., V. 3) *I Saints' everlasting rest ; by R. Baxter. 7731 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1089 Saintsbury, G. Corneille's Horace ; ed., with introd. and notes. 22912 — French lyrics ; select, and annot. 22926 — Primer of French literature. 20116 — A short history of French literature. 22542 — Dry den. (Eng. men of letters.) 20385 Saise, the Riccaree ; by F. Gerstacker. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v.l.) 7223 Saisiaz, La ; by R. Browning. 18358 Sala, G. A. H. America revisited. Illust. 3d. ed. 2 v. 22543-4 — Journev due north ; residence in Russia. 3765 — Paris herself again in 1878-9. Illust. 2d. ed. 2 v. 20965-6 — Quite alone. 6013 — The seven sons of mammon. 163 — Sketch of Dickens. {In Dickens, C. Speeches, etc.) 8811 Salad for the social ; by an epicure [F. Saunders]. 3774 Salad for the solitary ; by an epicure [F. Saunders]. 3775 Salad for the solitary and the social ; by an epicure [F. Saun- ders]. 10503 Salaman, C. K. Jews as they are. 22701 Contents. Jews as they are.— Survey of events marking Jewish proo- ress, 1830-1880.— Brief hist, survey of usury.— Jewish clergy in England. —Jewish conversion.- Shylock. — Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Salammbo. See Flaubert, G. Salathiel, the immortal; by G. Croly. 19517 Saldanha, Joao Carlos, duke de. Carnota, Conde da. Memoirs of S. ; with select, fr. his correspondence. 2 v. 22752-3 Sale, Tlie. of souls ; by E. P. Whipple. {In his Success, etc) 10753 Saleius, B. Carmen ad Calpurnium Pisonem. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8361 Salem, Mass. Beard, G. M. Psychology of the Salem witch- craft excitement, 1692 ; its appl. to our own time. 21757 — Upham, C. W. Sa:lem witchcraft ; with an acct. of Salem Village, etc. 2 v. 6972-3 Salem ; by D. R. Castleton. 13066 Sales Attici ; by D'A. W. Thompson. *I Sales, Francis de, .St. See Francois (de Sales) . Sal ford. Black, A. and C. Guide to Manchester andS. *I Salimbene, — . Fra. Oliphant, T. L. K. Life of Fra Salim- bene. {In his Duke and the scholar.) 14164 Salisbury, Marquis of. See Cecil, R. A. T. G. Salisbury, S. Essay on the Star spangled banner and national songs. 11598 — A memorial of Gov. J. Endecott. 12713 — Presentation of the portr. of President Salisburv to the Amer. Antiq. Soc, Oct. 21st., 1878. (In Antiq. papers.) ' 18411 Salisbury, S., Jr. The Mayas, 'the sources of their history; Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan, his acct. of discoveries. *I — The Mexican calendar stone, by P. J. J. Yalentini. Terra cotta figure f r. Isla Mujeres, Yucatan. Archjeological communication on Yucatan, by A. Le Plongeon. Notes on Yucatan, by A. D. Le Plongeon. *I Sallaberry, J. D. J. Chants populaires du pays Basque; paroles et musique originales. *I Sallustius Crispus, C. Opera omnia ; cum lect. et comment. ; item J. Exsuperantius, cur. J. L. Burnouf. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8319 — Sallust, Floras, and Y. Paterculus; tr. bv J. S. Watson. 3766 Sally Williams ; by E. D. Cheney. " 13367 Salmagundi ; or. The whim-whams and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and others ; [by W. and W. Irving]. 2158 1090 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Salm-Salm, A., zii. Ten years of my life; [United States, Mexico, Europe]. 2 v. 15724-5 Salm-Salm, F. My diary in Mexico, 1867 ; incl. the last days of Maximilian ; with leaves fr. the diary of the Princess Salm-Salm. 2 v. *I Salmon, G. Treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimen- sions. 12920 Salmon, J. Old and young ; comedy. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 36.) 11828 Salmon. Buckland, F. Artificial breeding of Salmon. {In his Nat. hist, of Brit, fishes.) 20920 Salmon-fisher of UdoU ; by H. Miller. {In his Tales, etc.) 2557 Salmonia ; or. Days of fly-fishing. 1126 Salome, Story of ; by A. B. Edwards. {In her Night, etc.) 22071 Salome and I. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, v. 2.) 14302 Salon. See Paris. Associations. Salon d'attente, Un ; com^die ; par C. Edmoud. {In Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Th^Mre, etc., ser. 1.) 14685 Salon de diable, Le ; par La Comtesse DaSh. 9480 Salons. Hay ward, A. Salons. {In his Biog. and crit. ess,, n. s., V. 1.) ' 12305 Salt. Kingzett, C. T. Manufacture of salt, etc. {In his Alkali trade.) 17233 — Manley, J. J. Salt, etc. (Brit, manuf . ind.) 15476 Salt Lake. Description. Boiler, H. A. {In his Among the Indians.) 7350 — See also Mormons. Salt water ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 3207 Salt-water Dick ; by H. P. H. Nowell. • 140pl Salt, The, of the earth ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. {In her Seen and heard.) 11160 — Same. {In her Dead sin, etc.) 11481 Salteadbr, Le ; par A. Dumas. 9509 Salter, F. Economy in the use of steam. 12955 Salter, T. W. Field's chromotography ; or. Treatise on col- ours and pigments as used by artists. New and pract. ed., rev., etc. 15640 Salter, W. Life of James W. Grimes. 15804 Saltillo boys ; by W. O. Stoddard. 22087 Salvage. (No name ser.) 19812 Salvation. Cobbe, F. P. Doomed to be saved. {In her Hopes of the human race.) 13506 — Hanson, J. W. Witnesses to the truth ; passages fr. disting. authors; truth of univ. S. 1771 — Stewart, S. J. Hell and salvation. [In his Gospel of law.) 22178 — Wayland, F. Salvation bj' Christ; discourses. 4689 Salvator Rosa. See Rosa, S. Salverte, A. J. E. B. The occult sciences ; philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles ; with notes by A.T. Thomson. 2 v. 4439-40 Salviani, H. Memoir of S. {In Bushnan, J. S. Fishes, etc.) (Nal. lib.) • 7161 Salvini, T. Lewes, G. H. First impressions of S. {In his Actors and acting.) 14097 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1091 Salzkainmergnt. Schmidt, H. and Stieler, K. The Bavarian Highlands, and the S. *I Sam Slick in England ; by T. C. Haliburton. 17161 Samantha at the Centennial. See Josiah Allen's wife. Samaria. Eddy, D. C. Walter's tour in the East : Samaria. 19489 Samarow, G., pseud. See Meding, O. Samedi soir, Un ; par L. Buranchel. (/n Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 5.) 14795 Sampiero Ornano da Bastelica. Malleson, G. B. (In his Stud. fr. Genoese hist.) 13876 Sampleton, S., pseud. See Monti. L. Sampson, H. A history of advertising. *I Sam's chance; by H. Alger. 15771 Samson, G. W. The breastplate of righteousness and the hel- met of salvation, (/ri Union pulpit.) 6680 Samson, G. W. Elements of art criticism. 6557 Samson ; oratorio ; by Handel. *I Samuel Brohl et C^^ ; par V. Cherbuliez. 14486 — Same ; Samuel Brohl and Company. 17075 Samuels, E. A. Among the birds ; sk. for young folks. lUust. 7088 — Introduction. {In Bishop, N. H. The Pampas, etc.) ' 7531 — Ornithology and oology of New Eng. Illust. 7049 Samuelson, J. The German working man ; his institutions and his unions. 8966 — Roumania, past and present. Maps, portr., plates, plans, etc. 22702 Sanborn, A. J. Green Mountain poets. 13376 Sanborn, F. B. H. D. Thoreau. (Amer. men of letters.) 21778 — How far is the Irish prison svstem applicable to American prisons? (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I — Poem ; Hebrew, Greek, Persian, and Christian oracles ; Readings fr. Thoreau's manuscript ; Oracles of New England. (In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22n06 — Supervision of public charities. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 — Training schools for nurses. Work of social Sci. in the U. S. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — Work of social science, past and present. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876.) 15735 Sanbornton, N. H. Runnels, M. T. History of S. 2 v. *I Sanchoniathon. Fragments. {In Hodges, E. R. Cory's anc. frag.) ^ 16535 Sanctuary, The ; story of the Civil war ; by G. W. Nichols. 6576 Sanctum, The, Secrets of ; inside view of an editor's life ; by A. F. Hill. 13587 Sanctum sanctorum ; by T. Tilton. 1773 Sand, GfQOYgQ, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Sand hills of Jutland, The ; by H. C. Andersen. 9838 Sanday, W. The gospels in the 2d. cent. ; examination of a work entitled Supernatural religion. 15928 Sandeau, L. S. J. Madeleine ; fr. the French by F. Chariot. 18202 — Mademoiselle de le Seigli^re; comedie. {In Bdcher, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, v. 2.) 9420 — Lamaison de Penarvan; comedie. (In Richer, F. Coll. ser. of Fr. plays, V. 1.) 9419 — Money-bags and titles ; a hit at the follies of the age ; tr. by L. Myers. 3204 — La Roche aux mouettes. ' " 9466 — Same; Seagull rock; tr. by R. Black. Illust. 11427 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 16.) *I — joint author. See Girardin, E. de. 1092 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sanderson, B. Apparatus for physiological investigation. (In So Kensington Sci. lect., v. 2.) 17679 Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years amg. the wild beasts of In- dia ; their haunts and habits ; acct. of the modes of cap- turing elephants. lUust. *I Sanderson, R. Alexander, W. Sanderson, the judicious preacher. (I71 Kempe, J. E. Class, preach., ser. 2.) 18551 — Walton, I. Life of S. {In his Lives, etc.) 4625 ; 12285 Sandford and Merton, History of ; by T. Day. 1127 Sandford and Merton, New hist, of; by F. C. Burnand. 11325 Sandman, The ; by E. T. W. Hoffman. (In Tales fr. the Ger- man.) 4347; 5217 Sandon, Lord. Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 Sandwich Islands. See Hawaiian Islands. Sandy Wood's sepulchre ; by H. Miller. (In Little class., v. 5.)12976 Sandys, W. and Forster, S. A. History of the violin and other instruments played on with the bow. Also, Acct. of the principal makers, Eng. and for. Illust. *I Sane madman, A ; by W. Collins. (In his Alicia Warlock.) 13744 Sanford, E. B. The captain's children. 19369 — From May to Christmas at Thorne Hill. Illust. 22052 Sanford, J. L. and Townsend, M. The great governing fam- ilies of England. 2 v. 11578-9 San Francisco, Cal. Barry, T. A. and Patten, B. A. Men and memories of San F. 11931 — Beauvoir, L. (In his Conclusion of a voyage, etc.) 10800 , — Soul^, F., Gihon, J. H. and Nisbet, J. Annals of San F., cont. hist, and pres. cond. of California, etc. ; added, Biographical memoirs. 4072 — See also California. Sangreal. See Grail. Sanitarium. Shove, G. A. Life under glass ; cont. sugg. to- ward the formation of artificial climates. [Plan for a sani- tarium.] 12505 Sanitary economy ; its princ. and practice ; and its mor. in- fluence on the prog, of civilization. 3768 Sanitary science. For all matters pertaining to sanitation. See Hygiene. Sankey, C.^ joint ed. See Cox, G. W. Sankey, I. 1). Hall, J. and Stuart, G. IT. The American evangelists. Moody and 8., in Gt. Brit, and Ireland. 13753 San Marino. Bent, J. T. A freak of freedom. 19560 Sans famille, par H. Malot. 2 v. 14671-2 Sans merci ; by [G. A. Lawrence]. 6654 Sans-Souci ser. See Stoddard, R. H. Sanskrit language. Whitney, W. D. The accent in Sanskrit. (In his Orient, and ling, stud., ser. 2.) 13263 -— Foster, J. Sanscrit literature. (I)i his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Hindu philosophy ; the Bhagavad Gita; or. The sacred lav, tr., with notes, by J. Davies. ' 22309 — Jacob, P. W. Hindoo tales, fr. the S. of the Dasakumaracharitam. 11670 — Killidasa. The birth of the war-god, a poem. 18884 — Mueller, F. M. The human interest of S. literature. (In his India.) 22819 On S. texts discovered in .Japan. (In his Chips, v. 5.) 9118 — Muir, J. Original S. texts on the oiigin and hist, of the people of India. 5 V. *I Religious and moral sentiments metrically rend. fr. S. writers. 15719 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1093 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures ; stud, in comp. myth- ology. 20136 Santa F^.' Account of the Santa F^ expedition. {In Mexico in 1842.) 5125 — Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies, v. 1. 1654 — Hayes, A. A. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. 19880 — Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the expedition. 2 v. 2448-9 — Meline, J. F. {In his Two thousand miles.) 7195 Santeul, J. de.- Sainte-Beuve, C. A. [in his Cans, lund., v. 12.) *I Santi, Raffaello or Raphael. See Raffaello. Santo Domingo. Brown, J. History and pres. cond. of St. D. 2 V. 4969-70 — Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and present. 11341 — Keim, De B. R. San Domingo. 8650 — Kimball, R. B. In the tropics ; by a settler ; with introd. 5582 Sanzio, Raffaello. See Raffaello. Sapphire, The ; coll. of tales, poems, and essays. 6930 Sappho. Fragmenta ; [ed.] C. F. Neue. *I Sappho ; by T. W. Higginson. {In Ms Atlantic ess.) 12372 Sappho, a tragedy ; bv F. Grillparzer. {In Oehlenschlager, A. G. Correggio.)' 3279 — Same ; tr. by E. Frothingham. 16677 Saracen, The ; by Mme. Cottin. 4 v. in 2. 5003-4 Saracen, The, Lands of; by B. Taylor. 4360 Saraceni, 0. Grimm, H. {In his Zehn ausgewahlte Ess.) 10304 Saracens. Freeman, E. A. History and conquests of the S. *I Same ; 3d. ed. 16617 — Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. 3277 — Palmer, E. H. The caliph Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civilization. 20175 Saragossa {Lat. C'aesaraugusta,) Spain. Southey, R. and Na- pier, W. F. P. Siege of Zaragoza, 1808. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Sarah de Berenger ; by J. Ingelow. 18923 Sarcasm of destiny, The ; by S. M. E. W. 17712 Sarchedon ; by G. J. W. ^Melville. . 18544 Sardanapalus ; tragedy ; by Byron. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 Sardinia. History. Doran, J. (/n /lis Monarchs, e^c, v. 2.) 1249 Sardou, V. Matthews, J. B. {In his French dramatists, etc.) 21038 — Mauris, M. {In his French men of letters.) 19854 Sargent, E. Intermediate standard speaker. 14243 — Life and services of Henrv Clay. 12401 — Modern standard drama. *45 v. in 30. 11803-32 Contents. V. 1. Talfourd, T. N. Ion.— Milman, W. W. Fazio.— Lytton, Sir E. B. The lady of Lyons; Richelieu.— Knowles, J. S. The • wife.— Tobin, J. The honey-moon.— Sheridan, R. B. The school for scandaL— Lytton, Si7' E. B. Money. 11803 2. Kotzebue, A. F. F. V. The' stranger.— Lemon, M. Grandfather Whitehead.— Shakspeare, W. Richard III. — Lovell, G. Love's sacrifice. — Moore, E. The gamester.— Morton, T. A cure for the heartache.— Knowles, J. S. The hunchback.— Dumanois, P. F. P. and Dennery, A. P. Don Caesar de Bazan. * 11804 3. Colman, G. The poor gentleman.— Shakspeare, W. Hamlet.— Payne, J.H. Charles the Second.— Otway, T. Venice preserved.— Sheri- dan, R. B. Pizarro.— Knowles, J. S. Tlie love chase.— Shakespeare, W. Othello.— Morton, J. M. Lend me five shillings. 11805 4. Knowles, J. S. Yirginius.— White, J. The king of the commons. — Boucicault, D. L. London assurance.— Jerrold, D. The rent day.— Shakespeare, W. The two gentleman of Verona.— Colman, G. The jeal- ous wife.— Sheridan, R. B. The rivals.- Baynes, T. H. Perfection. 11806 5. Massinger, P. A new wav to pav old debts.— Lovell, G. W. Look before you leap.— Shakespeare, W. King John.— Bernard, W. B. The nervous man.— Banim, J. Damon and Pythias.— Colman, G. The clan- 1094 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. destine marriage.— Knowles, J. S. William Tell.— Kemble, Mrs. C. The day after the wedding-. 11807 6. Morton, T. S. Speed the plough.— Shakespeare, W. Romeo and Juliet.— White, J. Feudal times.— Planchi^, J. R. Charles the XII.— Knowles, J. S. The bridal.— Planche, J. E. The follies of a night.— Col- man, G. The iron chest.— Planch6, J. R. Faint heart never won fair Jadv. 11808 'f. Holcroft, T. The road to ruin.— Shakespeare, W. Macbeth.— Bell, R. Temper.— Shell, R. Evadne.— Maturin, C. Bertram.— Sheridan, R. B. The duenna.— Shakespeare, W. Much ado about nothing.— Sheridan, R. B. The critic. 11809 8. Shell, R. W. The Apostate.— Shakespeare, W. Twelfth night.— Payne, J. H. Brutus.— Poole, J. Simpson and Co.— Shakespeare, W. The merchant of Venice.— Boucicault, D. Old-heads and young hearts.— Col- man, G. The mountaineers.— Murphy, A. Three weeks after marriage. 11810 9. Knowles, J. S. Love,— Shakespeare, W. As you like it.— Beau- mont and Fletcher. The elder brother.— Byron, G. G. N. Ld. Werner.— Gritfin, G. (xisippus.— Morton, T. Town" and countrv.— Shakespeare, W. KingLear.— Colman, G. Blue devils. * 11811 10. Shakespeare, W. King Henry VIII.— Poole, J. Married and single.— Shakespeare, W. King Henry IV.— Poole, J. Paul Pry.— Terry, D. Guv Mannering.— Kenny, J Sweethearts and wives.— Baruet, M. The serious familv.— Goldsmith, O. She stoops to conquer. 11812 11. Shakespeare, W. JuliusCajsar.— Coyne, J. S. The Vicar of Wake- field.— Buckstoue, J. B. Leap year.— Jerrold, D. The catspaw.— Ber- nard, B. The passing cloud.— Smith, W. H. The drunkard.— Pocock, I. Rob Roy Macgregor.— Lillo, — . George Barnwell. 11813 12. Muench-Bellinghausen,E.F. J.v. Ingoraar.— Morton, T. Sketches in India.— Lacy, R. The two friends.— Ro we, N. Jane Shore.— Grange E. and Montcpin, X. de. The Corsican brothers.— Lemon, M. Mind vour own business.— Morton T. and J. M. The writing on the wall.— Colman, G. The heir at law. 11814 IS. Cherry, A. The soldier's daughter.— Home, J. Douglas.— Simp- son, J. P. Miirco Spada.- -Pardey, H. O. Nature's nobleman.— Byron, G. G. N., Ld. Sardauapalus.— Wllkins, J. H. Civilization.— Schiller, F. The robbers.— Shakespeare, W. Katherine and Petruchio. 11816 14, Brougham, J. The game of love.— Shakespeare, W^. A midsum- mer-night's dream.— Robertson, W. Ernestine.— Sterling, E.— The rag- picker of Paris.— Fitzball, E. The flying Dutchman.— Smith, S. The hypocrite.— Payne, J. H. Therese.— Hugo, V. La tour de Nesle. 11816 15. Amherst, J. A. Ireland as it is.— Sea of Ice.-Wilks, T. E. The seven clerks.— Brouj^ham, J. The game of life.— The forty thieves.— Knowles, J. S. Briam Boroihme.— Brougham, J. Romance and real- itv.— Booth, J. B. UgoHno. 11817 '16, 17. ^hakespeare, W. The tempest.— Fitzball, E. The pilot.— Jones, J. S. The carpenter of Rouen.— Taylor, T. and Reade, C. The king's rival.— Harris, A. The little treasure.— Brougham, J. Dombey and Son.— To parents and guardians.— Moncrieff, W. T. The Jewess.— Dumas, A. Camille.— Buckstone, J. B. Married life.— Wilks, T. E. WenlockofWenlock.— Lynch, T.J. The rose of Ettrick Vale.— Broug- ham, J. David Copperfield.—SterUng,E. Aline.— Pauline.— Brougham, J. Jane Eyre. 11818 18, 19. * Brougham, J. Night and morning.— Dimond, W. The ^Ethiop.— Rice, C. The three guardsmen,— Fitzball, E. Tom Cringle. —Buckstone, J. B. Henriette the forsaken.— Courtney, J. Eustache Bauden.— Medina, L. Ernest Maltravers.— Baruett, M.* The bold dra- goons.— F^rougham, J. Dred.— Medina, L. The last davs of Pompeii.— Fitzball, E. Esmeralda.— Peter Wilkins.— Wilks, T. E'. Ben the boat- swain.— Fitzball, E. Jonathan Bradford.- Taylor, T. Retribution.— Plunkett, H. G. The minerali. 11819 20,21. Haines, J. T. The French spy.— Cooper, J. F. The wept of the Wish-ton-Wish.— Bernard, B. The evil genius.— Johnstone, J. B. Ben Bolt.— The sailor of France.— Brougham, J. The red mask.— Bou- cicault, D. Grimaldi.— Inchbald, Mrs. The wedding day.— Brougham, J. All's fair in love.— Fitzball, E. Hofer.— Bateman, Jfrs. S. F. Self. —Rossini, G. A. Cinderella.— Boucicault, D. The phantom.— Broug- ham, J. Franklin.— The gun-maker of Moscow.— Gay ler, C. The love of a prince. 11820 22, 23. Gavler, C. The son of the night.— Lover, S. Rory O'More. — Ho>ve, J. B. ' The golden eagle.— Mitford, Miss M. R. Rienzi.— Di- mond, W. The broken sword.— Burke, C. Rip Van Winkle.— Buckstone, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1095 11822 11823 J. B. Isabelle.— Dibdin, T. The heart of Mid-Lothian.— Beckett, G. A. Angelo.— Ball, E. The floating^ beacon.— Calcraft, J. W. The bride of Lammermoor.— Moncrieflf, W. T. The cataract of the Ganges.— Almar, G. The robber of the Rhine.— Morton, T. The school of reform.— The wandering bovs.— Milner, H. M. Mazeppa. 11821 S4, 25. Wilkins, E. G. P. Young New York.— Taylor, T. Victims. —Goodrich, F. B. and Warden, F. L. Romance after marriage.— Planch6, J. R. The brigand.— The poor of New York; by the * * * * club.— Jerrold, D. Ambrose Gwinett. — Lewis, M. G. Raymond and Agnes. — Miluer, H M. The gambler's fate.— Fitzball, E. Father and son.— Mil- ner, H. M. Massaniello.— Reade, W. L. Sixteen strin| Jack.— Shannon, . — . The youthful queen.— Reade, W. L. The skeleton witness.— Fitz- ball, E. The innkeeper of Abbeville.— Pocock, L The miller and his men. — Aladdin. 26, 27. Oxenford, J. Adrienne, the actress.— Soane, G. Undine.— Boucicault, D. Jessie Brown.— Archer, T. Asmodeus.— English, T. D. The Mormuns.— Blanche of Brandywine.— Maturin, E. Viola.— Deseret deserted.— Americans in Paris. — Biickstone, J. B. Victorine. — Haines, J. T. The wizard of the wave. — Lewis, M. G. The castle specter.— Tay- leure, C. W. Horseshoe Robinson.— Mowatt, A. C. Armand.— Fashion.— A glance at New York. 28,29. Farquhar, G. The inconstant.— Aiken, G. L. Uncle Tom's cabin — Wemyss, F. C. The guide to the stage.— Wallack, J. L. The vet- eran.— Brougham, J. The miller of New Jersey.— Brougham, J. and Goodrich, F. B. The dark hour before dawn. — Shakespeare. W. A mid- summr night's dream.— Brougham, J. Art and artifice.— Swayze, ilfrs. J. C. Ossawattomie Brown. -Phillips, W. Camilla's husband.— Marston, J. W. Pure gold.— Boucicault, D. Pouvrette.— Lucas, AV. J. The man with the iron mask.— The duke's daughter.— Webster, B. The dead heart. 11824 30,31. Jerrold, D. Black-eyed Susan. -Selbv, C. Satan in Paris.— Saunders, C. H. Rosina Meadows.— Boucicault, D. West end.— Hill, F. S. The six degrees of crime.— Dimond, W. The ladv and the devil.— Lee, H. Th* Avenger.— Taylor, T. and Reade, C. Masks and faces.— Shakespeare, W. The merry wives of Windsor.— Miles, G. H. Mary's birthday.— Pilgrim, J. Shandv Maguire.— O'Keeffe, .J. Wild oats'.— Wilks, T. E. Michael Erie.— Haines, J. T. The idiot witness.— Bouci- cault, D. The willow copse.— Jones, J. S. The people's lawyer. 118^ 32,33. Tayleure, C. W. The bov martvrs.— Weston, J. M. Lucre- tia Borgia.— Jones, J. S. The surgeon of Paris.- Marston, J. W. The patrician's daughter.— Hill, F. S. The shoemaker of Toulouse.— Fitzball, E. The momentous question.— Robson, W. J. Love and lovaltv.— Po- cock, 1. The robber's wife.— Farrell, J. The dumb girl of Genoa.— Buckstone. J. B. The wreck ashore.— Payne, J. H. Clari.— Buckstone, J. B. Rural felicity.— Barrymore, W. Wallace.— Madelaine.— Johnson, S. D. The fireman.— Planch(^, J. R. Grist to the mill. 34, 35. Taylor, T. and Reade, C. Two loves and a life.— Marston, J. W. Anne Blake.— Beazley, S. The steward.— Jones, J. S. Captain Kvd. —Medina, Miss L. H. Nick of the woods.— Selbv, C. The hiarble heart. —Simpson, J. P. Second love.— Buckstone, J. B. The dream at sea.- The breach of promise.— Colman, G. The review.— Dibden, T. The lady of the lake.— Taylor, T. Still waters run deep.— Buckstone, J. B. The scholar.— Faust and Marguerite.— Pitt, G. D. The la.st man. 36,37. Cowley, H. The belle's stratagem.— Salmon, J. Old and young.— Wilks, T. E. Raflfaelle the reprobate.— Williams, T. and Harris, A. Ruth Oakley.— Howe, J. B. The British slave.- Marston, W. A life's ransom.— Webster, B. Giralda.— Courtney, J. Time tries all.— Kenney, J. Ella Rosenberg.— Walker, C. E. The warlock of the glen.— Somerset, (\ A. Zelina.— Leland, O. S. Beatrice.— Trowbridge, J. T. Neighbor Jaekwood.— Centlivre, S. The wonder.— Pilgrim, J. Robert Emmet.— Buckstone, J. B. The green bushes. 11828 38, 39. Buckstone, J. B. The flowers of the forest.— Hardwicke, P. A bachelor of arts.— Midnight banquet.— Falconer, E. The husband of an hour.— Shakespeare, W. Love's labour's lost.— Dalrvmple, J. S. The naiad queen.— Leland, O. S. Caprice.— Glover, S. E. the cradle of lib- erty.— Townsend, T. The lost ship.- Dance, C. The country squire.— Coyne, J. S. Fraud and its victims.— Bannister, N. H. Putnam, the iron son of '76.— Maddox, J. M. The king and the deserter.— Clapp, W. W. La Fiammina.— Marston, J. W. A hard struggle.— Lemon, M. Gwyn- neth Vaughan. 11829 40, 41. Coyne, J. S. The love-knot.— Planche, J. R. Lavater, the 11826 11821 1096 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. physiognomist.— Lewes, G. H. The noble heart.— Shakespeare, W. Cor- iolanuH.— The winter's tale.— Pilgrim, J. Eveleen Wilson.— Dibdin, T. Ivanhoe.— Jonathan in England.— Saunders, C. H. The pirate's legacy.— Almar, G. The charcoal burner.— Lewis, M. G. Adelgitha.— Miles, G. H. Senor Valiente.— Woodworth, S. The forest rose. — The duke's daughter.— Phillips, W. Camilla's husband.— Marston, J. W. Pure gold. 11830 4^,43. Tavlor, T. The ticket-of-leave man.— The fool's revenge.— Clarke, N. H. B. O'Neal the great.— Floyd, W. R. Handy Andy.— Clarke, N. H. B. The pirate of the isles.— Waldauer, A. Fanchon, the cricket.— Little bare-foot.— Pilgrim, J. Wild Irish girl.— The pearl of Sa- voy.— Webster, B. The dead heart.— Pratt, W. W. Ten nights in a bar- room.— Rayner, B. F. The dumb boy of Manchester.— Webb, C. Bel- phegor the'mountebank.- Smith, A. The cricket on the hearth.— Planche, J. R. The printer's devil.— Craven, H. T. Meg's diversion. 11831 44, 45. Pitt, G. D. The drunkard's doom.— Craven, H. T. The chimnev-corner.— Jerrold, D. Fifteen years of a drunkard's life.— Lequel, L. Identity.— Falconer, E. Peep o'day. — Coyne, J. S. Everybody's friends.— Gen. Grant; bv Anicetus.— Kathleen Mavourneen.— Robinson, J. H. Nick Whiffles.— Allen, J. H. The fruits of the wine cup.— Taylor, C. W. The drunkard's warning.— Seymour, H. The temperance doctor. —Aunt Dinah's pledge.— Hardy, E. 'T. Widow Freeheart.— Daly, A. "Frou Frou."— Boucicault, D. The long strike. 11832 — Notes, and Memoir of B. Franklin. (In Franklin, B. Select works.) 4332 — Peculiar. 5198 — Planchette ; acct. of mod. spiritualism, its phenomena, etc. ; with survey of French spiritism. 7648 — The standard speaker. 3769 — The woman who dared ; [poem] . 8085 SargeDt, G. E. Sea-shell island ; Haveriag Hall ; Willy and Lucy. (Magnet stories.) 10568 — Story of a pocket Bible. II lust. 4968 Sargent, J. Y. and Dallin, T. F. Materials and models for Latin prose composition. 2d. ed. 14101 Sargent, L. M. Reminiscences of S. Dexter; by Sigma. 1173 — The temperance tales. Illust. 2 v. in 1. 3771 Sargent, L. M., the younger. Higginson, T. W. (In hisKavv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Sargent, M. E. Sketches and remin. of the Radical Club of Chestnut St., Boston. 20117 Sargent, N. Public men and events \X. S.], 1817-1853. 2 V. 13763-4 Sargent, W. History of exped. against Fort Du Quesne, 1755, under Maj. Gen. ¥j. Brad dock. *I — Life and career of Major Andre. 3772 Sark. Forsyth, W. Three days in S. (In his Ess., crit. and narr.) 12723 Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the Argentine Republic ; or. Civiliza- tion and barbarism ; fr. the Spanish, with biog. sk. of the author, by Mrs. H. Mann. 1st. Am. ed. 7501 Sartaroe ; by J. A. Maitland. " 1524 Sarto, A. v., called Andrea del. Jameson, A. (In her Mem.) 2324 — Scott, L. Andrea del Sarto. ( With Fra Bartolommeo.) 20386 Sartor resartus ; by T. Carlyle. 711 Sartoris, A. (Kemble). Past hours. 2 v. 20682-3 Contents. V. 1. At day break.- On words best left unsaid.— Medusa. — Mme. de Monferrato.— A "recollection of Pasta. 2. Recollections of the life of Jos. Heywood, and some of his thoughts about music— Judith.— AVheu I am dead. — A week in a French country-house. 10796 Sartorius, C. Eruption of the volcano of Colima. (In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 Saskatchewan and the Rocky mountains ; diary of travel, sport, etc., 1859-60 ; by J. Carnegie. 13822 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1097 Sassanian empire. Rawlinson, G. The seventh great Orien- tal monarchy ; geography, history, e^c. 15861 Satan ; a libretto ; by C. P. Cranch. - 12168 Satan in Paris ; drama; by C. Selby. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 31.) ' 11825 Satanella ; by Balfe. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., V. 2.) *I Satanstoe ; by J. F. Cooper. 963 Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe ; 1872 ; 1881. Maps. 11420; 20400 Satchel series, v. 1 ; Stories, poems, etc. Illust. 13980 Contents. Braddon, M. E. Old Rudderford Hall.— Bringing home the " ig somewhere. — Strange warning.— Ladies of one hundred' years ago.— Collins, W. Holy wells and Druid relics.— Meredith, O. Last words. Satire. Hannay, J. Satire and satirists. 1770 Satsuma rebellion. Mounsey, A. H. The Satsuma rebellion. 18838 — See also Japan. Satterlee, W. The decorative sisters ; by J. Pollard ; illust. by S. *I Saturn. Denning, W. F. Saturn. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 — Proctor, R. A. Saturn and its system. 10140 Satyre m^nippee de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, etc., [par P. Leroy et autres]. Nouv. ^d., accom. de com- ment., par C. Labitte. *I Sauer, G. Handbook of European commerce. 16633 Saul ; oratorio ; by Handel. *I Saul; tragedy; by V. Alfieri. (7?i ^is Trag. , v. 2.) *I Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Narrative of a journ. round the Dead Sea and in the Bible lands, 1850-1851 ; incl. acct. of the disc, of the sites of Sodom apd Gomorrah ; ed. by Count E. de Warren. 3773 Saunders, C. H. Plays. See Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Saunders, F. Salad for the social. 3774 — Salad for the solitary. 3775 — Salad for the solitary and the social ; redressed. Illust. 10503 Saunders, J. Hirell. 6702 — Israel Mort, overman ; story of the mine. Illust. 10053 — Martin Pole. . 6704 — The Sherlocks. 18503 Saunders, K. Gideon's rock. 11915 — The haunted crust. {In Little class., v. 5.) 12976 — Same. {In her Joan Merrv weather.) 11875 — The high mills. ' 9887 — Joan Merry weather, and other tales. 11875 Contents^ Joan Merry weather.— The haunted crust.- The flower girl. — The watchman's story.— An old letter. Saunders", W. Through the light continent ; or, The United States in 1877-8. 19130 Saunderson, H. H. History of Charlestown, N. H., the old No. 4, embr. the part borne in the Indian, French, and revolutionary wars, etc. Also^ Genealogies and sk. of families. 16555 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 70 1098 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Saunterings ; by C. D. Warner. 10492 Sause, M. J. The art of dancing ; descr. of dances, with chap- ters on etiquette, the benefits and hist, of dancing. 19500 Saussure, — . Madame de. Moral and relig. education. (In Phelps, A. H. L. Fireside friend.) • 3449 Sauveur, L. Causeries avec les enfants. 15525 — Same ; Chats with the little ones ; f r. the French. Illust. 155J48 — Contes merveilleux des fr^res Grimm, C. Perrault, et X. Saintine ; suivis d'une 6tude sur I'etymologie et la synonymic des mots. 20796 — Entretiens sur la grammaire. ' 14120 — Fables de La Fontaine. 14514 — Introduction to the teaching of ancient languages. 19557 — Introduction to the teaching of living languages without grammar or dic- tionary ; and Causeries avec mes 61^ves. 13091 — Petites causeries. 15526 — Talks with Caesar de bello Gallico. 17917 Sauzade, J. S. Mark Gildersleeve. 11485 Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. (111. lib. of wonders.) 8383 Sauzet, J. P. P. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Ora- tors of France.) 5012 Savage, E. H. Police records, and recollections of Boston by daylight and gas light. 11998 Savage, J., Jr. Kogers, E. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Savage, J. Our living representative men. 3777 Contents. N. P. Banks.— E. Bates.— J. Bell.— J. M. Botts.— S. C. Breck- ini^idge.— A. G. Brown.— S. Cameron.— S. P. Chase.— H. Cobb.— J. J. Crittenden.— C. Cushing.— G. M. Dallas.— J. Davis.— W. L. Dayton.— D. S. Dickinson.— S. A. Douglas.— E. Everett.— M. Fillmore.— J. C. Fremont. —J. Guthrie.— J. H. Hammond.— S. Houston.— R. M. T. Hunter.— A. Johnson.— J. Lane.— J. McLean.— J. L. Orr.— J. M. Read.— W. H. Sew- ard.— H. Seymour.— J. Slidell.— A. H. Stephens.— H. A. Wise.— J. E.Wool. Savage, M. W. The bachelor of the Albany. 4280 — My uncle the curate. 5204 — The universal genius ; or, The coming man. 3778 — The woman of business; or, The lady and the lawyer. 1186 Savage, M. J. Belief in God ; examination of problems. Added, Savage, W. H. Intellectual basis of faith. 20282 — Beliefs about man. 21372 — Bluftton : a story of to-day. 17770 — Christianity the science of manhood. 11980 — History of Sunday observance. Sunday in the Church. {In Free Relig. Assoc. How shall we keep Sunday?) 16756 — Life questions. 18690 Contents. What have I a right to expect the world to do for me?— "What is the rel. of the body to the mind and soul?— What is good society and how am I related to it?— How much must I work, and how much may I play?— What is the true place of intellectual culture?— Shall I try to be rich?— How high is the rank of love? — Light on the cloud ; or, Hints of comfort for hours of sorrow. 2d. ed. 22483 — The modern sphinx, and some of her riddles ; [sermons] . 22876 — The morals of evolution. 22484 — Poems. 22296 — The religion of evolution. 16078 — Sermons. (Unity Pulpit.) v. 1-3. 22507-9 Partial contents. V. 1. The morals of evolution. — Faithfulness ; by W. H. Savage.— Talks about Jesus. 2. Talks about God. 3. Beliefs about man (mcomplete).— O. B. Frothingham.— The modern sphinx.— Dar- win. — R. W. Emerson. — Spirit and truth; by E. A. Horton. — Talks about Jesus. 2d. ed. - ' 213J3 Savage, R. Giles, H. Savage and Dermody. {In his Lect. and ess., v. 2.) 2253 — Hamilton, W. (In Ms Poets laureate.) 18633 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1099 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In ^is Ess., biog. and crit.) 4523 Savage, W. H. Faithfulness ; sermon. {In Savage, M. J. Sermons, v. 1.) 22507 — Intellectual basis of faith. (With Savage, M. J. Belief in God.) 20282 Savages. Greenwood, J. Curiosities of savage life. 6638 Savannah, Ga. Lanier, S. Account of S. {In his Florida.) 20319 Savant, I.e ; com^die-vaude. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres,ser. 2, V. 23.) *I Saved leaves ; sketches, etc. ; by J. H. Stirling. 20921 Bound with Burns in drama. Saveli's expiation ; by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 17965 Saville, B. W. Apparitions ; narrative of facts. 13291 Saville, J. F. Miller's maid. {In French's min. dr., v. 12.) 11842 Saving little ; wasting much. {In Nov. and tales fr. ELouse- hold Words, v. 11.) 14311 Savoie, M. A. de. Duchesse de Bourgogne. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 2.) *I Savonarola, G. M. F. M. ('lark, W. R. Savonarola: his life and times. 18359 — Cooke, F. E. True to himself; story of S. 22570 — Milman, H. H. Savonarola, Erasmus, and other essays. « 10732 — Myers, F. {In his Lect. on gt. men.) 12956 — Ol'iphant, M. (O. W.) (In her Makers of Florence.) *I — Ritchie, A. C. O. M. (In her Italian life.) 9027 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Renaissance in Italy, v. 1.) 15451 Savoy. Loftie, W. J. Memorials of the S. ; the palace, the hospital, the chapel. 19431 — Semmig, H. Kultur-und Litteraturgeschite der Franzosischgn Schweiz und Savoyens. 16437 Saward, B. C, joint author. See Caulfield, S. F. A. Saw-filing. Holly, H. W. Art of saw-filing. 81o8 Saws. Bale, M. P. Arrangement of saw-mills, etc. ; Saws. {In his Wood-working machinery.) 19700 — Grimshaw, R. Saws; hist, development, action, etc., of S. of all kinds; manufacture, etc. *I Sawyer, F. A. Free common schools ; what they can do for a state. {In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) 11608 Sawyer, (t. A. Fret-sawing and wood-carving for amateurs. 13469 Sawyer, T. J. True and false views of evangelical religion. {In Relig. aspects, etc.) 5339 Saxe, H. M., comte de. Hay ward, A. {Li his Biog. and crit. ess., V. 1.) 12305 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 11.) *I — Wilson, J. G. Marshal Saxe. (7w Ms Sk. of illust. sold.) 12537 Saxe, J. G. Fables and legends of many countries. - 10604 — Leisure-day rhvmes. 13766 — The masquerade ; and other poems. , 6347 — Poems. 4th. ed. 760 — Poetical works. Household ed. 22053 Saxe Holm's stories. See Holm, S., pseud. Saxo grammaticus. Latham, R. G. Two dissertations on the Hamlet of S., and of Shakespeare. *I Saxons. See Anglo Saxons. Saxony. Carlyle, T. The Prinzenraub. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 — Hawthorne, J. Saxon studies.- 15345 1100 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Saxton's rural hand books. 3d. ser. 5694 Contents. Miles, W. The horse's foot. — Bement, C. M. The rabbit fancier. — Weeks, J. M. Manual ; or, Easy method of managing bees. — Reemelin, C. Vine-dresser's manual.— Phelps, E. W. Bee-keeper's chart.— Tophara, J. Chemistry made easy. Say, J. B. Treatise on political economy. 3779 Say and seal ; by [S. and A. B. Warner]. 2 v. 4658-9 Sayce, A. H. Babylonian literature; lect. deliv. at the Royal Institution. 17741 — Chaldean acct. of Genesis. See Smith, G. — Introduction to the science of language. 2 v. 20404-5 — Principles of comparative philology. 2d. ed. - 17638 — joint author. See Appleton, J. H. vSayen. W. H. The (xvand International Chess Congress, Phila., 1876. 16793 Sayer, F. History of Gibraltar, and of its polit. rel. to events in Europe ; with letters, etc. 10977 Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and other learned men ; by F. S. Cozzens. 6939 Sayn^tes et monologues, s6r. 1-8. 14791-8 Contents. Ser. 1. Goetschy, G. Professeur de declamation.- Nadaud, G. Un prov«rbe manqu^.- Cros, C. La famille Dubois.— Nadaud, G. Le conte du garde.— Monselet, C. Voyage dans mes poches.— Supersac, L. La porte est close.— Gastineau, O. Lelia.— Ferrier, P. Chez la cliente. — Biez, J. de. Le premier billet.— Nadaud, G. L'oraison funebre de Mme. Bourgeois.— Monselet, C. Un livre leste.— Nadaud, G. Examen de con- science d'une jeane tille.— Cros, C. L'affaire de la rue Beaubourg.-^Fer- rier, P. Une'larme d'Auvergnat.— Ohnet, G. Aux avant-postes.— Chau- viu, — . Ruses et trues.— Mons, F. Le dernier klephte. 2. Banville, T. de. Ancien Pierrot.— Marthold, J. de. La veille du mariage.— Selves- tre, A. Tizianello. — Guillemot, J. Une mauvaise etoile.— Nadaud, G. Un double aveu. — Cros, C. Le voyage a trois-etoiles.— Ferrier, P. Le roman d' une pupille. — Cros, C. Le bilbouquet. — Normand, J. Billet de faire part. — Durandeau, E. La lettre du fusilier Bridet. — Supersac, L. Hippolyte; ou, Les quatre fiancees. — Banville, T. de. La perle. — Cros, C. La'bonne.— Chauvin, — . Sous bois.— Richard, G. Ouf 1 1— Jouhaud, A. Tue-toi le premier. 8. Cros, C. Le capitaliste. — Verconsin, E. In- fanterie et cavalerie. — Villard, N. de. Le clown. — Depret, L. Le mar- quis Ernest.— Areue, P. Mon ami Naz.— Heylli, G. d'. Le neveu de la marquise. — Cros, C. Le hareng saur. — Allary, C. Les lilas blancs.— Bilhaud, P. Premier amour.— Claretie, J. Valentin. — Sivry, C. de. In- decision.— Labiche, E. Un coup de rasoir.— Normand, J. Les tenta- tions d' Antoine.— Quatrelles, — . La dame de Niort.— Forain,L. Dames de comtoir.— Cros, C. Le mattre d' armes.— Dt'-pret, L. Mons. Cambrefort. —Marthold, J. de. L'alliance.— Villiers de 1' Isle-Adam. Le chapeau Chinois. — Chauvin, — . Le commencement de la fin. 4. Monselet, C. Le rhumatisme. — Ferrier, P. Le codicille. — Cros, C. Autrefois. — Pont- sevrez, — . La conversion de la veuve. — Sivry, C. de. Une aftaire d'hon- neur. — Adenis, E. De fil en aiguille. — Monselet, C. Par la poste. — Gif- f ard, P. Le manuscrit. — Pirouette, — . Le jeune homme bl^me. — Duvau- chel, L. Le, chapeau bleu. — Cros, C. L'homme raissounable. — Villard, N. de. L'accordeur.— Cheri-Montigny, — . Une innocente. — Chauvin, — . Les consciences. — Lafontaine, H. Ce que veut ma femme. — Sivry, C. de. Trop presse.— SilVestre, A. Le coin. — Hamm, E. Le bracelet. — Mar- thold, J. de. La chaste Suzanne. 5. Cros, C. L'obsession. Marthold, J. de. Trois jeunes filles — Duvauchel, L. Un Samedi soir.— Le Ville- herve, R. de. Les billets doux.— Morand, E. La situation.— Cressonnois, L. Un monsieur qui ne A^eut plus fumer.— Verconsin, E. Une nuit au Faulhorn.— Grangeueuve,— . Un ivrogne.— Chauvin,— . Les conventions.— Erville,H. d'. Les pechesdemamette.— Ferrier, P. La course au baiser. — Cros,C. L'homme qui a voyage.— Pontsevrez,—. Le verrou.— Ar^ne,P. Le marchand de marrons.— Giffard, P. Les erreurs de la guerre.— Chau- vin,— . L'homme a I'echelle.— 3Ionselet, A. Ainsi soit-il!— Desbeaux, E. Forte nageuse !— Villard, N. de. Les adieux de la petite diva.— Dreyfus, A. Apres la noce. 6. Normand, J. Les ecrevisses.- Gill, A. and Rich- ard, G. Un caissier.— Cros, C. L'homme qui a reussi.— Maupassant, G. de. Une rt^p6tition.— Monselet, C. Lettre d'une actrice.— Delair, P. Le CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1101 sergent Lazare.— Ferrier, P. Un quart d'heure avant sa mort.— Villard, N. de. Le gommeux.— Depr6, E. Froid !— Marthold, J. de. Jouons la comedie !— Nadaud, G. Le suffrage universe! des betes.— Morand, E. Le voyage au pays rose.— Goby, E. La petite marieuse.— Delair, P. La mess de Pane.— TruflSer, J. and Cressonuois, L. Une devise.— Guilliaud, G. Eeponse au fusilier Bridet.— Nadaud, G. Jean et John.— Durn, A. Le billet rose. 7. Nadaud, G. Le coucher de Monsieur.- Sivry, C. de. Certitude.— Frisch, E. Le diapason.— Supersac, L. La soeur de charite. — Besson, L. and Javel, F. Partie de chasse.— Laurencin, — . En vacances ! Delonnoy, E. LTn monsieur qui n'arrive jamais. — Cros, C. La journee verte.— Neuville, L. de. Bataille de princesses. — Depre, E. Amour Pla- tonique. — Pontsevrez, — . L'alerte. — Marthold, J. de. On nous regarde! — Gouget, E. Le portefeuille. — Clairville, C. La gastrite. — Supersac, L. Miss Elsie.— Giffard, P. Le telephone chez soi.— Gilbert Martin, C. Le fils de la veuve.— Marthold, J. de. La lampe merveilleuse.— Verconsin, E. Les souhaits. 8. Nadaud, G. Madame Boulard.— Normand, J. La goutte d'eau.— Quatrelles,— . Canunche.— Marthold, J. de. L'ecranbleu.- Supersac, L. Une meprise. — Neuville, L. de. La visite du docteur. — Trufiier, J. Les statues.— Depret, L. C'etait ecrit !— Monselet, C. La demoiselle qui a des absences. — Bornier, H de. Un cousin de passage.— Depre, E. La demande en manage.— Milliet, P. Symphonie d'Avfil. — Lorin, G. J'aime les femmes !— Porto-Riche, G. de. B<'^ruria.— Quatrelles, — . Ce monsieur !— AW'ne, P. L"n drame i\ Cernay. — Normand, J. Lui ! ! ! — Hervilly, E. d'. A louer, pour le terme. Sayous, P. A. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., v. 15.) *I Scsehsi^ pseud. Hartford in the olden time; ed. by W. M. B. Hartley. lUust. 6547 Scalse Novfe ; by D'A. W. Thompson. *I Scales, T. S. Municipal sanitation in Mobile, for yellow fever. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., e^c, v. 6.) *I Scalia, M. B. Historical sk. of nat. and internat. peniten- tiary congresses in Europe and America. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Scalp hunters. The ; by M. Reid. 3631 "Scalpel, The." Dixon, E. H. Back-bone; photographed fr. "The Scalpel." 6665 Scampavias fr. Gibel Tarek to Stamboul ; by Harry Gringo [H. A. Wise]. 4837 Scander-Beg.. Moore, C. C. George Castriot, surnamed Scan- derbeg. King of Albania. 3112 Scandinavia. Antiquities. — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities; or, Acct. of the manners, customs, etc., of the anc. Scandinavians; tr. by Bp. Percy. 5114 — Sinding, P. K. The Scandinavian races. The Northmen ; the sea-kings and vikings. 2d. ed. 16872 Description. — Cuvler, T. (/w Ais Fr. the Nile to Norwav.) 21153 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun. 2 v. 20982-3 — Tyler, K. E. Story of a Scandinavian summer. 20906 History. — Doran, J. {In his Monarchs, etc., v. 2.) 1249 — Odhner, C. T. Larobok i Sveriges, Norges,och Danmarks historia. 15056 — Ott^, E. C. Scandinavian historv. 13518 — Sinding, P. K. History of Scandinavia. 5824 Language. — Anderson^ R. B. The Scandinavian languages; their hist., linguist., lit., and scientific value, etc. (In his Amer. not disc, by ColumDus.) 13055 Literature. — Metcalfe, F. The Englishman and the Scandinavian; compar. of Anglo- Saxon and old Norse literature. 20814 — Mueller, F. M. Popular tales fr. the Norse. (In his Chips, v. 2.) 7665 — Prose Edda; tr. by 1. A. BlackAA'ell. (In Mallet, P. H. Northern antiq.) 5114 1102 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. LiteraUtre. ( Collections.) — Ballad stories of the affections ; by R. Buchanan. (Bayard ser.) 8114 Heligion. — Anderson, R. B. Norse mythology; cont. the myths of theEddas; introd. vocab., and index. 14025 — Burns, G. S. Teutonic and Scandinavian relig. (In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 — Thorpe, B. Northern mythology. 3 v. *I — See also Europe, North of. Scarborough. Black, A. a7id C. Guide to Scarborough. *I Scarlet fever. Hamilton, A. McL. (In his Small-pox, etc.) {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, v. 2.) 19452 — See American Public health Association. Rept. Passim. Scarlet letter, The ; by N. Hawthorne. 1804 Scarlet stockings ; by L. M. Alcott. {In her Silver pitchers, etc.) 15781 Scarlett, J., 1st. Lord Abinger. Scarlett, P. C. Memoir of Lord Abinger, incl. a fragment of his autobiog. and select. fr. his correspondence, etc. 17242 Scarron, P. Besant, W. {In his French humorists.) 13061 — Blismon, A.-G. Scarroniana. (In his Tresor des anecdotes comiques.) 14496 — Thomson, K. and J. C. {In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Scene painter's wife. The ; by M. E. Braddon. {In her My sister's confession.) 15893 Scenes de la vie moderne ; par L. Reybaud. 9550 Scenes of clerical life ; by George Eliot [M. G. Lewes]. 11923 Scenes in nature. 5132 Scepticism. Boston lectures ; Christianity and S. 1870-2. 3 v. 8641 ; 12134; 8988 — Christian Evidence Soc. Modern scepticism ; lect. 9747 — Guizot, F. P. G. {In his Meditations.) 6964 — Owen, John. Evenings with the skeptics; or, Free discussion on free thinkers. 2 v. 21370-1 — St. Maur, E. A. Christian theologv and mod. skepticism. 9948 Sceptre and ring ; by B. H. Buxton. 20897 Sceptres and crowns ; by E. Wetherell [S. Warner]. 13109 Schaack. See Van Schaack. Schaeffle, A. E. F. See Kaufmann, M. Socialism. Schaff, P. The creeds of Christendom, with a history and crit- ical notes. 3 v. 17200-2 Contents. Y. 1. History of creeds. 2, Greek and Latin creeds, with trans. 3. Evangelical protestant creeds, with trans. — Harmony of the reformed confessions, as rel. to the pres. state of evan- gelical theology ; essay, 1877. 17363 — Historv of the Apostolic Church, with a gen. introd. to church hist. ; tr. by E. D. Yeomans. 10608 — History of the Chr. Church. New ed., v. 1. 22631 — Introduction. {In Lightfoot, J. B. and others. Revision of the Eng. ver.of theN. T.) 11509 — and Prime, S. I. History, Essays, orations, and other documents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance. 12299 — See also Bible. New Test. International revision commentary. Schdh NAmeh. See Firdusi, A. K. Schahabaham II. ; folic- vaude ; par A. E. Scribe. Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 23.) *I Scharling, H. Nicolai's marriage ; fr. the Danish. 2 v. 21572-3 Schebek, E. The violin manufacture in Italy, and its German origin ; hist, sketch ; tr. by W. E. Lawson. 20684 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1103 Scheerer, T. Introduction to the use of the mouth-blowpipe ; with a descr. of the blowpipe characters of the more im- portant minerals, by H. F. Blanford. *I Schefer, L. The artist's married life ; being that of Diirer ; tr. by Mrs. J. R. Stodart ; rev. ed., with mem. 6674 — Die Diivecke. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16165 — The layman's breviarv ; or, Meditations for every day in the year ; fr. the German; by C.T.'Brooks. ' 11475 — The world-priest; fr. the German, by C. T. Brooks. 11342 Scheffel, J. V. Ekkehard ; fr. the German. 2 v. 11908-9 — Hu^ideo. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16165 — and others. Gaudeamus! humorous poems; tr. by C. G. Leland. 10019 Scheffer, A. Appleton, T. G. (In his Chequer-work.) 19019 Scheiden thut weh ; by [M. Roberts]. {In her Fair Else.) 17544 Scheie de Vere, Maximilian. See De Vere, M. S. Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. *I — and others. Nebulae, comet?, meteoric showers; Spectrum analysis expl. ; and its uses to science illust. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 Schelling, F. W. J. von. Relation of the plastic arts of nature. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Bowen, F. Schelling; The philosophv of the absolute. {In ^is Mod. philosophy.) * 17186 — Schmidt, J. Aus Schelling's Leben in Briefen. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) 16311 — Watson, J. SchelMng. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Schem, A. 3. .^ joint ed. See Kiddle, H. Schenck, P. A. The gardener's text-book. 5666 Schenkel, D. The character of Jesus portrayed; tr., with introd. and notes, by W. H. Furness. 2 v. 6553-4 Scherer, E. Etudes critiques de litt^rature. 14600 Contents. Le sentiment de la nature chez les modernes.— La question hom^rique.—Lucr^ce.— Rabelais.— Dante et Goethe.— Machiavel.—Taine, Histoire de la litterature aw^^aise.— Shakspeare et la critique.— Milton et le Paradis perd?^.— Laurence Sterne ou I'Humoriste.— La litterature du XVIP siecle.— Les sermons de Bossuet. — La Fontaine.— Le Cabaret du Mouton-Blanc. — Goethe. — Etudes sur la litterature contemporaine, v. 7. 14729 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 15.) *I Scherr, J. A history of English literature ; tr. by M. V. 22829 — Michel ; Geschichte eines Deutschen unsere Zeit. 4 v. in 2. 16455-6 Schiller, J. C. F. von. Sammtliche Werke. 12 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Nachrichten von Schillers Leben.— Charlotte von Schiller.— Gedichte. 2. Die RJiuber.— Die Verschworung des Fiesco zu Genua.— Kabale und Liebe. 3. Don Carlos.— Der Menschenfeind. 4. Wallenstein. - 5. Maria Stuart. — Die Zungf rau von Orleans. — Die Brant von Messina. 6. Wilhelm Tell. — Die Huldigung der Kunste.— Iphi- genie in Aulis; uebers. aus dem Euripides.— Scenen aus den Phonizierin- nen des Euripides.— Macbeth ; en Trauerspiel von Shakspeare. 7. Turan- dot, Prinzessin von China.— Der Parasit.— Der Neflfe als Onkel.— Phii- dra. — Warbeck. — Die Maltheser. — Die Kinder des Hauses. — Demetrius. 8. Geschichte des Abfalls der vereinigten Niederlande von der span- ischen Regieruug. 9. Geschichte des dreissigjiihrigen Kriegs. 10. Pro- saische Schriften. 11, IS. Kleine Schriften. 13. Alphabetiches In- haltsverzeichniss. — Complete works ; ed. by C. J. Hempel. 2 v. in 1. 7434 — Works ; historical ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 13194 Contents. History of the Thirty Years' War.— History of the Revolt of the Netherlands, to the Confederacy of the Gneux. — Works: historical dramas; tr. by A, J. W. Morrison. 3784 Contents. Don Carlos.— Mary Stuart.— Maid of Orleans.— Bride of — Correspondence bet. S. and Goethe, 1794-1805 : tr. by G. H. Calvert, v. 1. 1559 — The criminal fr. lost honour. {In Tales fr. the German.) 4347; 5217 1104 ■ FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — History of the revolt of the Netherlands; Trial and execution of Counts Egmont and Horn ; The siege of Antwerp : tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 3788 — History of the Thirty Years' War; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 3785 — Same.^ {In his Works.) 13194 — Naive and sentimental poetry. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Die Piccoloniini. (Germ. Class, for Am. stud.) 16145 — Poems and ballads : tr. bv E. B. Lytton ; sk. of the author's life. 3786 — The robbers. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 13.) 11815 — Select minor poems; fr. the German of S. and Goethe; with notes by J. S. Dwight. 1560 — Song of the bell ; illust. by A. L. Mayer and E. H. Garrett. *I — Det Trettio-Ariga Krigets historia ; fifversattning. 15064 — Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and S. ; their lives and works. 18272 — Carl vie, T. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 2.) 697 .— -LifeofS. 700 Same ; with suppl. of 1872. 11490 Schiller, Goethe, aud Mme. de Stael. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 3.) 698 -De Quincey, T. {In his Biog.^ess.) 1149 — Everett, A. H. ( In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Hosmer, J. K. {In his Hist, of Germ, lit.) 182.59 — Mueller, F. M, {In his Chips, v, 3.) 9116 — Sime, J. Schiller. 21451 — Tavlor, B. {In his Stud, in Germ, literature.) 19003 Schimmel, H. J. Mary Hollis. 3 v. 10949-51 Schindler, A. J. {pseud. J. von der Traun). Der Gebirgs- pfarrer. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16167 Schindler, A. Life of Beethoven. {In Moscheles, I. Life of B.) 11192 Schinkel, K. F. Grimm, H {In hisZehn ausgewiihlte Ess.) 10304 Schlegel, A. W. von. Sammtliche Werke ; herausgegeben v. Eduard Booking. 12 v. *I Contents. V, 1, 2. Poetische Werke. 3,4. Poetische Uebersetz- ungen und Nachbildungen. 5, 6. Vorlesungen uber dramatische Kunst und Litteratur. 7-12. Vermischte und kritische Schriften. — Course of lect. on dramatic art and literature ; tr. by J. Black. 3787 — Lectures on dramatic literature. {In Hedge. F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Schlegel, K. W. F. Esthetic and miscellaneous works ; tr. by E. J. Milliugton. 22359 Contents. Paintings in Paris and the Netherlands, 1802-1804. — Princi- ples of Gothic architecture. — Contributions in aid of the study of roman- tic poetrv and genius.— Modern German paintings. — Romantic fictions of the Midale Ages. — Miscellaneous essays. — On the limits of the beautiful. — On the language and philosophy of the Indians.— On the Indian philoso- phy.— Historical ideas. — Course of lectures on mod. history, etc. ; tr. by L. Purcell and R. H. Whitelock. _ 22360 Contents. Lectures on mod. history. — Caesar and Alexander; hist, comparison. — On rhe beginning of our history, and the last revolution of the earth ; as the probable effect of a comet. — Lectures on the hist, of literature. 3788 — Lectures on the philosophy of history. (7w Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 — Philosophy of historv ; tr.with mem. of the author, bv J. B, Robertson. 4th. ed. ■ ' 3789 — Philosophy of life, and Philosophy of language ; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 3790 Schleiermacher, F. E D Social element in religion ; tr. by G. Ripley. {In Hedge, F. H. Prose writers.) 1841 Schlesier, G. Life of Wm. von Humboldt ; tr. and abgd. by J. Bauer. • 5027 Schlesiuger, M. The historical Jesus of Nazareth. *I Schleswig-Holstein. Dicey, E. The Schleswig-Holstein war. 2 V. 9264-5 — Macgregor, J. {In his Rob Roy on the Baltic.) 7039 Schliemann, H. Ilios ; the city and the country of the Trojans ; research, and disc. ; incl. autobiog. of the author. Pref., CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1105 app., and notes by Prof. Vichow, Max Miiller, etc. Maps, plans, and illust. *I Contents of appendices. Virchow, K. Troy and Hissarlik.—Mahaflfy, J. P. Relation of Novum Ilium to the Ilios of Homer.— Sayce, A. H. Inscriptions found at Hissarllk.— Calvert, F. Thymbra, Hanai Tepeh,— Virchow^, R. Medical practice in the Troad in 1869.— Ascherson,P., Hel- dreich, T. von, and Kurtz, F. Catalogue of the plants hitherto known of the Troad.— Duffield, A. J. Lost art of hardening copper.— Brugsch- Bey, H. Hera Boopis ; Troy and Egypt. — Mycenje; researches and disc, at M.' and Tiryns; pref. by W. E. Glad- * stone. Maps, plans, etc. ' *I — Troy and its remains ; researches and disc, on the site of Ilium, and in the Trojan plain; ed. by P. Smith, *I — Salisbury, S. Troy and Homer ; remarks on the disc, of S. in the Troad. 14130 — Tavlor, B. Letter; researches of Dr. Schliemanu, 1872, 1873; Sketch of 'Dr. S. (In Tribune pop. science.) 12943 ; *I Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th. cent., and of the 19th. till the overthrow of the Fr. empire ; tr. with pref. and notes, byD. Davidson. 8 v. 3791-8 Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz ; by Richter. {Li Carlyle, T. Tales by Musaeus, etc., v. 2.) 13122 — Same. {In Richter, J. P. F. Campaner Thai, etc. 16896 Schmid, H. Gesammelte Schriften, 32 v. in 16. 10367-79 ; 10441-3 Contents. Y. 1. Tannengriin. S, 3. Am Kamin ; Erzstufen. 4, 5. Das Schwalberl. 6, 7. Mein Eden. 8, 9. Alte und neue Ge- schichten aus Bayern, v. 1. ; Der bairische Hiesel. 10-13. Der Kanzler von Tirol. 14-16. Alte und neue Geschichten aus Bayern, v. 2-4. 17,18. Der Habermeister ; Alte und neue Geschichten aus Bayern, V. 5. 19, 20. Siiden und Norden ; Almenrausch und Edelweiss. 31-S3. Friedel und Oswald. 24, 25. Im Morgenroth. 26, 27. Alte und neue Geschi chten aus Bavern, v. 6, 7. 28, 29. Die Gasselbuben; • Das Miinchener Kindeln. 30, 31. Der Bergwirth ; Die Zuwider-Wurzen, 32. Der Loder. — The Habermeister. 7831 — Mohrenfranzel. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16162 — and Stieler, K. The Bavarian Highlands, and th6 Salzkammergut. Illust. *I Schmid, R. The theories of Darwin and their rel. to phil., re- lig., and morality; tr. by G. A. Zimmerman; introd. by the Duke of Argyle. 22333 Schmidt, J. Bilder aus dem geistigen Leben unserer Zeit. 4 v. 16311-14 Contents. V. 1. Vorwort.- Die neue Generation.— Der Einfluss des preussischen Staats auf die deutsche Literatur.— Studien iiber die roman- tische Schule. — Walter Scott.— Sainte Beuve und die f ranzosische Roman- tik.— Edward Bulwer.— George Eliot.— Paul Heyse.— Iwan Turgenjew.— Erkmann-Chatrian. 2. Charles Dickens.— FeVnan Caballero und alt- Spanien. — Lamartine. — Pariser moralische Velleitiiten. — Heinrich Heine. — Berliner Plaudereien. — Der Krieg gegen Frankreich. 3. Fragmente iiber Shakespeare. — Wilibald Alexis. — Fritz Renter. — Frledrich Spiel- ha^en.— Herman Grimm.— Georg Gervinus.— Die Ideale.— Die Philoso- phic und das Katheder.— Lebrecht Uhlich.— Jacob Kaufmann. 4. Char- acterbilder aus der Zeitgenossischen Literatur : Straus.— Berthold Auer- bach.— Otto Ludwig.— Maurus Jokai.— Turgenjew und Pisemski.- Stu- dien iiber den englischen Roman.— Paul Heyse.— Karl Rosenkranz.— Moritz Haupt.— Hoffmann von Fallersleben.— Graf Schwerin-Putzar.— Friedrich Halm.— Franz Grillparzer.— Fritz Renter. Schmidt, O. The doctrine of descent and Darwinism. Wood- cuts. (Int. sci. ser.) 17170 — Die niederen Thiere. (In Brehm, A. E. Thierleben, v. 10.) ♦! Schmidt, F. W. and Holzendorff, F. von. Short Protestant commentary on the books of the N. T. ; with introd. ; tr. fr. 3d. ed., by F. H. Jones, v. 1, 2. (Theol. Tr. Fd. Lib.) *I Schmitz, L. History of Latin literature. (Collins' school ser.) 17384 — History of Rome to A. D. 192. 5805 1106 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Memoir of Maj.-Gen. J. Mitchell. {In Mitchell, J. Biog. of em. sold.) 19296 Schmucker, S. M. Life and times of A. Hamilton. 4066 — Life and times of Jefferson. 4076 — Public and private hist, of Napoleon III. ; with biog. not. of his ministers, etc., ancf narr. of the war in Italy. 4067 Schneck, A. Proposal for a change in the plan of our public schools. (Pps. on educ.) *I Schoedler, F. The book of nature ; introd. to physics, astrono- my, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, and physiology ; tr. by H. Medlock. Illust. 3799 Schoelcher, V. Life of Handel. 451 Schoell, M. S. Y.^ joint author. See Koch, C. W. Scholar, The ; comedy ; by J. B. Buckstone. {In Mod stand. dr., V. 34.) 11827 Scholastic philosophy. Humphrey, W. Necessary attitude of catholic laymen towards the schol. phil. ; Constituents of the personal. {In Manning, H. E. Essays on. relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I Schomburgk, R. H. Fishes of Guiana ; [with mem. of the author and J. L. Burckhardt]. (Nat. lib.) 2 v. 7165-6 Schonberg-Cotta family, The, Chronicles of ; by Mrs. Charles. 5605 School and home ; or, Leaves from a boy's journal. 6625 School, The, and the family ; by J. Kennedy. 17765 School, The, and the schoolmaster ; by A. Potter, and G. B. ' Emerson. 3518 School days at Rugby ; by [T. Hughes]. 2068 Note. Amer. ed. of Tom Brown's school days. School days of eminent men ; by J. Timbs. 4467 School festival, The ; dialogues, recitations, songs, etc. Nos. 21-25. 20725 School for daughters ; comedy ; by D. Lawler and T. H. Lacy. {In Home plays for ladies.) ' 14360 School for fathers, The ; by T. Gwynne. 1711 School for husbands ; comedv ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram. wks., V. 1.) " 16843 School for scandal, The ; comedy ; by R. B. Sheridan. {In his Works.) 13290 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 1.) 11803 School for wives ; comedy; by Moli^re. {In his Dram, wks., V. 1.) 16843 School for wives criticised ; comedy ; by Moli^re. {In his Dram, wks., v. 1.) 16843 School inspection ; by D. R. Fearon. 16712 School of life ; by A. M. Howitt. 2037 School of life ; by W. R. Alger. 20461 School of reform ; comedy ; by T. Morton. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 23.) 11821 Schoolboy days ; by W. H. G. Kingston. , 10618 Schoolboy honour; by H. C. Adams. 8435 Schoolcraft, H. R. Nai-rative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca lake. 3800 — Notes on the Iroquois. 3801 — Personal mem. of a residence with the Indian tribes, 1812-42. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. . 1107 Schoolhouses. Barnard, H. School architecture. 310 — Freese, J. K. School-houses, and the means of prom, popular education. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 6.) 9100 — Robson, E. R. School architecture ; practical remarks on the planning, designing of school-houses. 13531 School-life. Moncrieff, R. H. Stories of school life. 8112 Schoolmaster of Abbach, The ; and other tales ; by W. O. Von Horn [P. F. W. Oertel]. 8651 Schoolmaster's stories, The ; by E. Eggleston. 13316 Schoolmaster's trial. The ; by A. [T.] Perry. 20206 Schoolmaster's trunk, The ; by A. M. Diaz. 12964 Schoolmen. Townsend, W. J. The great schoolmen of the Middle Ages; their lives, e^c. 21848 Schools. See Education. Schooner Mary Ann, The ; by J. Abbott. 10461 Schopenhauer, A. Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik behandelt in zwei akademischen Preisschriften. 16230 — Parerga und Paralipomena. 2 v. 16231-2 Contents. V. 1. Skitze einer Geschiehte der Lehre vom Idealen und Realen.— Fragmente zur Geschiehte der Philosophic.— Ueber die Universitats-Philosophie.— Transcendente Spekulation iiber die anschein- ende Absichtlichkeit im Schicksale des Einzelnen. — Versuch iiber das Geistersehn und was damit zusammenhangt.— Aphorismen zur Lebens- weisheit. 2. Vereinzelte, jedoch systematisch geordnete Gedanken iiber vielerlei Gegenstjinde. — Select essaj'S; tr. by G. Droppers and C. A. P. Dachsel. 20718 Contents. Biographical sketch.— The misery of life.— Metaphysics of love.— Genius.— ^Esthetics of poetrv.— Education. — Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. 2 v. 16233-4 — Biographical sketch. {In Schoperhauer, A. Sel. ess.) 20718 — Bowen, F. Schopenhauer's Fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason; Freecfom of the will; The world as presentation and will; Pessimism, aesthetics, and ethics. {In his Mod. philosophy.) 17186 — Biichner, L. Aus und iiber S. {In his Aus Natur und Wissenschaft.) 10250 — Cobbe, F. P. Pessimism, and one of its professors. {In her Peak in Darien.) 21882 — Frauenstiidt, J. Schopenhauer-Lexikon. 2 v. *I — Huefler, F. {In his Mus. stud.) 19852 — Zimmern, H. Schopenhauer; his life and his philosophy. 15730 Schoiiemmer, C. Manual of the chemistry of the carbon compounds ; or, Organic chemistry. 15603 — joint author. See Roscoe, H. E. Schott, A. The " Cara Gigantesca" of Yzamal, in Yucatan. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1869.) 11625 Schott, C. A., and Everett, J. D. Underground temperature. {In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1874.) 14377 Schouler, James. Biography of H. J. How. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 — History of the U. S. of Amer. under the constitution, 1783-1817. 2 v. 20118-19 Schouler, W. History of Mass. in the civil war. 2 v. 7443 ; 9641 Schouten, W. C. Kingston, W. H. G. Cape Horn first doubled by Schouten and Le Maire. (/n Tiis Notable voyages.) 19571 Schouw,. J. ¥. Earth, plants, and man ; ed. by A. Henfrey. 3803 Schreyvogel, J. Samuel Brink's letzte Liebesgeschichte. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16156 Schroeder-Devrient, W. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great singers, 2d. ser.) 20365 Schubert, F. P. Austin, G. L. Life of S. 11567 — Ferris. G. T. {In his Great German composers.) 18050 1108 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Frost, H. F. Schubert. 20157 — Hellborn, K. von. Life of Schubert; app. by G. Grove. 2 v. 11207-8 — Wilberforce, E. F. Schubert ; a mus. biog. ; founded on the German of Kreissle von Hellborn. 12387 Schubert, G. H. de. Memoir of the Duchess of Orleans, by the Marquess De H. ; with biog. souvenirs and letters ; from the French. 5168 Schubert, G. H. von. Atlas of the natural hist, of the animal kingdom. Illust. 3d. ed. ; Expl. text to charts of the animal kingdom, rev. and corr. by S. Kneeland. 2 v. *I Schuckers, J. W. Life and public services of S. P. Chase. *I Schuecking, C. B. L. Fire and flame ; from the German. 15993 — Powder and gold. 11787 — Die Schwester. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16161 Schuetzenberger, P. Mati^res colorates. 2 v. 9427-8 — On fermentation. Illust. (Int. sci. ser.) 15764 Schultz, J. S. Leather manufacture in the U. S. ; dissert. on methods and economies of tanning. Add., Report on the rel. economies of burning wet spent tan ; by T. Skeel. 16614 Schulze-Delitzsch, — . Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Schumacher, P. Methods of manufacture by the former Indians of So. California ; illust. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. •Repts., V. 2.) • 19624 Schumann, R. Music and musicians ; essays and criticisms ; tr., ed., etc., by F. R. Ritter. Portr. of S. 2 ser. 20201-2 — Songs of S., with German and Eng. words ; ed. by J. L. Hatton. *I — Ferris, G. T. {In his Great German composers.) 18050 — Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music.) 22847 — Wasielwski, — von. Life of Schumann. 11168 — and Clara. Ferris, G. T. The Schumanns and Chopin. (In his Great violinists, etc.) 20470 Schur^, E. M^^idona. 14652 Schurz, C. Eulogy on Charles Sumner. *I ~ Honest money and labor. (Economic monographs.) 18504 Schtitzenberger. See Schuetzenberger. Schuyler, C. M. Grant, A. Memoirs of an American lady. 1632 Same ; with mem. of Mrs. G. ; by J. G. Wilson. *I Schuyler, E. Turkistan ; journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. Maps and illust. 2 v. 16079-80 Schuyler, P. Headley, J. T. {In Jiis Washington, etc., v. 1.) 1828 — Lossing, B. J. Life and times of Schuyler. 2 v. 11303-4 Schwartz, C. F. Yonge, C. M. {In her Pioneers and founders.) 10120 Schwartz, M. S. Birth and education. 8943 — Gold and name. 8862 — Guilt and innocence. 9165 — The right one. 9712 — The son of the organ-grinder. 11952 — Two family mothers. 9946 — Yalda romaner. 2 v. 15044-5 Innehiill. V. 1. Mannen af bord och qvinnan af folket. 3. Ai'betet adlar mannen. — The wife of a vain man. 9593 Schwarzerd, P. See Melancthon, P. Schwatka, Lieut. Gilder, W. H. Schwatka's search ; sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin records. 21016 Schwegler, A. F. K. F. Hand-book of the hist, of philosophy. 11174 — History of philosophv in epitome; tr. bv J. H. Seelve. 3d. ed. 3885 — Same-, rev., with app. by B. E. Smith. ' ' 20071 Schweinfurth, G. The heart of Africa ; travels and adventures in Central Africa, 1868-1871. 2 v. 12552-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1109 Schwerin-Putzar, M., Graf. Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 Science. Dictionaries. — Rodwell, G. F. Dictionary of science. 10174 — Wilbur, H. Lexicon of useful knowledge. 4776 General and miscellaneous works. — Barnard, F. A. P. Machinery and processes of the industrial arts, and appar^us of the exact sciences. {Paris Expos., Vi&l.) 8154; 9098 — Blackwell, A. B. Studies in general science. 7667 — Brougham, H. Objects, advantages, and pleasures of S. {In Lib. Usef . Kn. Nat. Phil., v. 1.) 4331 — Brown, B. Science for all. 4 ser. 20445-6; 20526-7 — Buckley, A. B. The fairy-land of science. 18435 — Chambers, W. Historical and misc. questions with answers. 20925 — Cooke, J. P. Scientific culture. 20756 -- Fries, T. M. Vetenskap for alia efter Rob. Brown's Engelska original; Svensk upplaga. Illust. 3 v. 15074-6 — Goethe, J. W. von. Naturwissenschaftliche correspondenz, 1812-1832, hrsg. von F. H. Bratranck. 2 v. *I — Haeckel, E. Fi-eedom in science and teaching. 18885 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Popular lect. on sci. subjects. 11772 Same\ 2d. ser. ; tr. by E. Atkinson. ' 20368 Relation of natural sci. to science in general. {In his Pop. lect.) 11772 — Herschel, J. F. W. Familiar lect. on scientific subjects. 6523 Manual of scientific inquiry. . 10734 — Huxley, T. H. Science and' culture; and other essays. 21538 — Kingsfey, C. {In his Health and education.) 12906 — Laurie, T. The Ely volume; contrib. of our for. missions to science. 21329 — Man and his dwelling place. 2879 — Napier, C. O.G. Tommy Try, and what he did in science. 7851 — Nichpls, J. R. Fireside science. 9785 — Pepper, J. H. Boy's playbook of science. 8699 — Phipson, T. L. Familiar letters on some mysteries of nature and disc. in science. 16631 — Porter, N. Science and sentiment ; with other papers. 22173 — Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours. 2 ser. 9266; 11892 Pleasant ways in science. 18336 Rough w^ays' made smooth ; familiar essays. 19539 Science by-ways. . ' 15637 Wages and wants of science-workers. 15860 — The reason why : condensed sci. knowledge for the million. 3614 — Simmonds, P. L. Science and commerce ; their infl. on manufactures. 18644 — Spanton, J. Preparation for science teachino:. 21739 — Spencer, H. The genesis of science. {In his Illust., etc.) 5623 Recent discussions in science, etc. 9618; 11388 — Timbs, J. Stories of inventors and discoverers in science, etc. — Tyndall, J. Fragments of science. — Vignoli, T. Myth and science : an essay. — Wells, D. A. Things not generally known; hand-book of facts. — White, A. D. The warfare of science. — World of wonders; record of things wonderful in nature, etc. — Youmans, E. L. The culture demanded by mod. life. History. — Lubbock, J. Fifty years of science, address, 1881. — Routledge, R. Popular hist, of science. — Whewell, W. History of scientific ideas. (Phil, of the induct, sci. pt. 1.) 2v. ' Periodicals. — Annual of scientific discovery, 1850-71. 5300-13; — Hardwicke's Science Gossip, V. 1-18. 8990-9000; — Year-book of facts in science and the arts, 1870-1877. — See also Estes, D. Half hour recreations in popular science. Also Natural history ;— Natural religion;— Nature;— Physics;— Religion and Science;— Science, Familiar. Science, Familiar. Brewer, E. C. Guide to the scientific knowledge of things familiar. — Champlin, J. D., Jr. Child's catechism of common things. — Dyer, S. Home and abroad ; wonders of familiar objects. 9141 21469 4713 15769 6952 21441 20455 5626-32 176S2-8 9191-99 497 19459 22576 1110 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAKY. — Wells, D. A. Science of common things. 21331 — WiHement, E. E. Catechism of familiar things. 4793 — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of household science; pop. acct. of heat, light, air, aliment, and cleansing. 6284 Science, nescience, and faith ; by J. Martineau. {In Ids Essays.) 6388 Science and religion. See Religion and science. Science-Gossip. /See Hardwicke's science-gossip. Science ladders. See D'Anvers, N. Science lectures. See South Kensington Museum. Science primers. See Huxley, T. H. Science reader. Monteith, J. Popular science reader ; lessons and select, in nat. philosophy, botany, and nat. history. 20776 Scientific addresses ; by J. Tyndall. {In Hf. hrs. with mod. scientists.) 9821 Scientific handicraft; by J. J. Griffin. *I Scientific materialism. See Materialism. Scientific method appl. to history; by J. A. Froude. {In his Short stud., ser. 2.) 9686 Scientific thought. Clifford, W. K. Aims and instruments of sci. thought. {In his Lect., etc., v. 1.) 19515 Scintillations; by H. Heine. 11560 Scipio Africamis. Herbert, H. W. {In his Captain of Rom. Repub.) 1871 — Livius, T. Impeachment of S., B. C. 187. iln Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 — Yonge, C. M. {In her Book of worthies.) 8118 Scipio Asiaticus. Livius, T. Impeachment of S., B. C. 187. {In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 Sclavonia. See Slavonia. Scofferu, J. Elementary chemistry. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5189 — Food adulterations. (7?i Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 5188 — Meteorology. {In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci.) 6190 Scoones, W. B. Four centuries of English letters ; select, fr. correspondence fr. the period of the Paston letters to the present day. 19956 Scot abroad. The; by J. H. Burton. 21397 Scotch firs ; by S. Tytler. 2 v. 18753-4 Scotch naturalist. See Edward, T. Scotch sermons. 1880. 19903 Contents. Caird, J. Corporate immortality ; Union with God.— Cun- ningham, J. Home-spun religion; The religion of love. — Ferguson, D. J. Law and miracle; The vision of God.— Knight, W. Conservation and change ; The continuity and development of religion.— Mackintosh, W. The law of moral continuity ; The renovating power of Christianity. — M'Farlan, W. L. Authority ;* The things which cannot be shaken.— Menzies, A. The successors of the Great Phvsician; The Christian priesthood.— NicoU, J. The assembling of ourselves together.— Rain, T. Individualism and the Church; The Pharisee and the Publican.— Semple, A. Eternal life.— Stevenson, J. Religion — Theology — Ecclesiasticism. —Stevenson, P. Unity; Eternal life.— Story, R. H. Christ's authority; Christian righteousness. Scotland. Antiquities. — Anderson, J. Scotland in early Chr. times. 2 ser. (Rhind lect. in archaeology.) 21676-7 — Leslie, F. Early races of Scotland, and their monuments. 2 v. *I Biography. — Carlyle, T. Project of a nat. exhib. of Scottish portraits. {In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 — Keddie. H. The songstresses of Scotland. 2 v. 9815-16 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1111' McCosli, J. The Scottish philosophy; biog., expos., etc., fr. Hutchinson to Hamilton. Description, etc, Abbott, J. RoUo's tour in Europe : Scotland. 32 - A summer in Scotland. 20 Anderson, G. and P. Guide to Scotland. *I - - Guide to the Highlands and western islands of Scotland, incl. Orknev and Zetland. (Black's Guides.) *I Bailey, J. M. {In his England fr. a back-window.) 18153 Black, A. and C. Picturesque tourist of Scotland. *I Bradley, E. A tour in Tartan-land. 7208 English and Scottish sketches ; by an American. 1397 Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp : Scotland. 6892 Kohl, J. G. Scotland. • 2511 McLellan, H. B. Journal of a residence in Scotland. 2846 Morford, H. {In his Over-sea.) 6913 Reid, J. T. Art rambles in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. *I Sinclair, C. Scotland and the Scotch ; or. The western circuit. 16854 Stowe, H B. {I7i her Sunny memories, v. 1.) 4270 Willis, X. P. {In his Famous persons and places.) 4804 Wordswot-th, D. Recollections of a tour in Scotland, 1803. 12921 See also Hebrides ;— Rapid transit abroad. Ecclesiastical history. M'Crie, T. Life of J. Knox. 16630 St. Giles' lectures, 1st. ser. : The Scottish church fr. the earliest times. 20753 See also Covenanters. Folk lore. Napier, J. Folk lore; or. Superstitious bel. in the west of S. within this cent. App., showing the prob. rel. of modern festivals to anc. sun and fire worship. 18743 History. Burton, J. H. Historv of Scotland, fr. Agricola's invasion to the revolu- tion of 1688. 7 V. ' *I - History of Scotland, fr. the revolution to the ext. of the last. Jacobite insurrection. 2 v. *I - The Scot abroad. 21397 Macarthur, M. History of Scotland, 1873. 11139 Robertson, W. History of Scotland dur. the reigns of Queen Mary, and James VI. ; with rev. of Scottish hist. prev. to that period. ' 8176 Scott, W. Historv of Scotland. 2 v. 3847-8 Skene. W. F. Celtic Scotland; hist, of anc. Alban. 3 v. *I Strickland, A. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 v. 4288-93 ; 6343-4 Tytler, P. F. Historv of Scotland ; fr. the ace. of Alexander III. to the Union. 4 v. ' 7167-70 See also Edinburgh. Literature. { Collections.) Tales of England and Scotland ; f r. Chambers's miscellany. 1394 Literature. {Ballads.) Murray, J. C. Ballads and songs of Scotland, in view of their infl. on the'charac. of the people. *I; 12815 Prescott, W. H. Scottish song. {In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 Illustrated book of Scottish songs : 16th. to 19th. cent. 4077 Pittman, J. Songs of Scotland;' with new symphonies and accompani- ments. *I Legends. See Highlands of Scotland. National character, Social life, etc, ■ Hislop, A. Book of Scottish anecdote ; humorous, social, legendary, and historical. 13710 • Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 12826 Philosophy. ■ McCosh, J. The Scottish philosophy, biographical, expos., crit., fr. Hutcheson to Hamilton. 13266 Wit and humor. ■ Laird of Logan ; or. Anecdotes and tales illust. of the wit and humour of Scotland. 18404 1112 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Scotland. See also Highlands of Scotland. Scotsman's tale, The ; by H. Lee. {In Fam. stor., v. 1.) 18148 Scott, A. The Church from 1843-1881. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 Scott, C. W. Round about the islands ; or. Sunny spots near home. 12919 Scott, E. G. Development of const, liberty in the Eng. colonies of America. 21904 Scott, F. J. Art of beautifying suburban home grounds. *I Scott, G. G. and others. Examples of mod. architecture, ecclesiastical and domestic ; sixty-four views. *I Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. > 12635 Scott, Mrs. H. R. Rome as it is ; visit to the " City of- the Csesars." 12712 Scott, H. Y. D. The modern interception system and Manches- ter sewage. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 2.) *I — The sewage lime and cement process. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) *I Scott, J. Journal of [his] life, travels, and gospel labours. 3853 Scott, John, M. A. Luther and the Reformation. 2 v. 3854-5 Scott, John, M. D. Brown, J. {In Ms Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Scott, John, Earl of Elden. Brougham, H. {In Ms Hist. sk., ser. 2.) 526; 8814 — Chambers, W. Jack Scott and Bessy Surtees. {In Ms Stor. of remark. persons.) 18069 — Hayward, A. Lord Eldon, and the chances of the bar. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 ~ Talfourd, T. N. Lord Eldon and Lord Stowell. {In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 — Taylor, W. G. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Scott, L. Andrea del Sarto. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 20386 Bound taith Fra Bartolommeo. — Fra Bartolommeo. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) 20386 — Ghiberti and Donatello ; with other early It. sculptors. (Illust. biog. of gt. artists.) ' 21779 — A nook in the Apennines ; or, A summer beneath the chestnuts. 2d. ed. Illust. 21307 Scott, M. Cruise of the Midge. 18144 — Tom Cringle's log. 3856 Scott, R. H. Instructions in the use of meteorological instru- ments. *I — Nature, methods, and gen. objects of meteorology. {In Meteorolog. Soc. Mod. meteorology.) ' 18899 Scott, T. Force of truth. 3857 — Treatises on theological subjects, v. 2. 3858 Contents. V. 2. Essays' on the most important subjects in religion. — An evening prayer for a family. — Sketch of S. (in Biog. of self-taught men, v. 1.) 410 Scott, W. R. On teaching the deaf and dumb. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Scott, Sir Walter. The abbot. 3805 — Anne of Geierstein. 3806 — The antiquary. 3807 — The bethrothed. (Tales of the crusaders.) 3808 — The black dwarf. (Tales of my landlord.) 2636 — The bride of Lammermoor. 3820 — Castle Dangerous. 3811 — Chronicles of the Canongate. 2 v. 14365-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1113 - Same ; 2d. ser. See Fair maid of Perth, below. - Count Robert of Paris. 3813 - Fair maid of Perth ; or, St. Valentine's day. 2 v. (Chron. of the Canongate.) 3814 - Fortunes of Nigel. 3815 - Guv Mannering. 3816 - Heart of Mid-Lothian. 3817 - History of Scotland. 2 v. 3847-8 - Ivanhoe. 3818 - Same. (Condsd. classics.) 16107 - Kenilworth. 3819 - The lady of the lake. 1st. canto. (In Stevens, E. T. and Morris, D. Annot. poems.) 18396 - Legend of Montrose. 3810 - Letters on demonology and witchcraft. 3841 - Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3 v. 3843-5 - Lives of the novelists. 2 v. 3850-1 Contents. V. 1. Fielding.— LeSage.— Smollett.— C. Johnstone.— Sterne. —Mrs. Radcliffe. 2. Richardson.— Johnson.— Goldsmith.— Walpole. — Mackenzie.— C. Reeve. — R. Bage.— R. Cumberland. See also Misc. prose works, betovj. - Memoir of H. Mackenzie. (In Mackenzie, H. Miscel. works.) 2842 - Miscellaneous prose works. 6 v. 3835-40 Contents. V. 1. Life of Dryden. 2. Life of Swift. 3, 4. Bio- graphical memoirs: Richardson; Fielding; Smollett; Cumberland; Gold- smith ; Johnson ; Sterne ; Mackenzie ; Walpole ; Clara Reeve ; Mrs. Rad- cliffe; LeSage; Johnstone; R. Bage; Charlotte Smith; R, Sadler; John Leyden ; Anna Seward ; De Foe ; Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry ; Ld. Somerville; George III.; Ld. Bjron; Duke of York. 5. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk. — Napoleon during and after the battle of Waterloo. — Abstract of the Eyrbiggia-Saga, etc. 6. Chivalry, Romance, the Drama. See also Lives of the novelists, above. - The monastery. 3821 - " Moredun." A tale of the twelve hundred and ten. 1666 - Old Mortality. (Tales of my landlord.) 3809 - Peveril of the peak. 8822 - The pirate. 3823 - Poetical works. 3846 - Poetical works ; with memoir. 9 v. 6349-57 - Quentin Durward. 8824 - Redgauntlet. 3825 - Rob Roy. 3826 - St. Ronan's well. 3827 - St. Valentine's dav. See Fair maid of Perth, above. - Tales of a grandfather. 4 v. 3828-31 - Tales of my landlord. See Black dwarf ;— Old Mortality. - Tales of the crusaders. ;iS'ee Betrothed; Talisman. - The talisman. (Tales of the crusaders.) 3812 - Waverley. 3833 - Waverley novels : Chronicles of the Canongate; Highland widow; Two drovers ; My aunt Margaret's mirror ; The tapestried chamber. 13220 See also the novels under their separate titles. - Woodstock. 3834 - C, S. O. Stories fr. Waverley for children. 11644 - Canning. A. S. G. Philosophy of the Waverley novels. 18878 - Carlyle, T. (In his Crit. and misc. ess., v. 4.) 699 - Chambers, W. Sir Walter Scott and his dogs. (In his Stor. of remark. persons.) 18069 - Cornish, S. W. Waverly manual : handbook of characters, incidents, etc, in the Waverley novels.) *I - Goodrich, S. G. (In his Famous men.) 1592 - Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 - Hutton, R. H. Sir W. Scott. (Eng. men of letters.) 17969 - Jenkinson, H. I. Epitome of Lockhart's life of S. 12728 - Jerrold, B. The best of all good company. 12085 - Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the life of S. 2726 - - Same. 8 v. in 4. 2727-30 - Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Scott. 9860 - Mitchell, D. G. A Scotch magician. (In his About old story-tellers.) 17346 - Prescott, W. H. (In his Biog. and crit. misc.) 3541 - - Same. (In Rice, A. T. Ess. fr. the No. Am. Rev.) 18790 - Rogers, S. (In his Recollections.) 3688 71 1114 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1, 2.) *I — Schmidt, J. (In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 1.) 16311 — Scudder, H. E. (In his Stor. fr. my attic.) 7897 — Stephen, L. Some words about S. (In his Hours in a lib., ser. 1.) 13942 — Talfourd, T. N. (In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 -- Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Scott ^'W., Baron /Stowell. Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526 ; 8814 — Talfourd, T. N. Lord Eldon and Lord Stowell. (In his Crit. and misc. writings.) 4351 Scott, W. B. Half-hour lect. on the hist, and pract. of the fine and ornamental arts. 3d. ed. 13522 — The little masters. (Illust. biog. of the gt. art.) 19227 Scott, W. Infantry tactics ; new ed. 3 v. (U. S. War DejJt.) 3859-6 — Memoirs ; written by himself . 2 v. 5765-6 — Headley, J. T. Life of Scott. 1831 — M'Sherry, R. Gen. Scott's campaign. (In his El Puchero.) 5758 — Mansfield, E. D. Life of Scott. 2887 — Semmes, R. Campaign of Gen. S., in the vallev of Mexico. *I — Wilson, J. G. (In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) ' 12537 Scott-Moncrieff. See Moucrieff, W. D. S. Scott-Stevenson, Mrs. See Stevenson, Mrs. A. S. Scottish cavalier. The; by J. Grant. 10757 Scottish cavaliers, The, Lays of; by W. E. Aytoun. 15437 Scottish chiefs. The ; by J. Porter. 3515 Scottish probationer. See Davidson, T. Scottish stories ; by Mrs. Blackford. 419 Scottish University addresses. See Library of education, v. 4. Scouring of the White horse ; by T. Hughes. 2069 Scout, The ; by W. G. Simms. 15808 Scoville, J. A. Old merchants of N. Y. city ; by W. Barrett, clerk; ser. 1-3; 5. 4 v. 5784-6; 5788 Screws. Aitkin, W. C. Wood screws. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15467 — Ball, R. S. Theory of screws. 15700 Scribe, A. E. Oeuvres completes. S6r. 1, v. 1-9 ; S^r. 2, v. 1-24 ; Ser. 3, v. 1-G ; Ser. 4, v. 1-20 ; S6r. 5, v. 1-8. *I Contents. Ser. 1. Comedies ; Drames : Y. 1. Le valet de son rival.— Les fr^res invisibles. — Le parrain. — Val6rie. — Rodolphe. — Le mauvais sujet.— Le maria^e d'^rgent. 2. La Boh6mienne.— Les inconsolables.— Dix ans de la vie d'une femme.— Bertrand et Raton. 3. La passion secrete.— L'ambitieux.— La camaraderie.— Les ind6pendants. 4. La cal- omnie.— La grand'mere.— Japhet.— La verre d'eau. 5. Une chaine.— Oscar.— Le fils de Cromwell.— La tutrice. 6. Le putt", ou, Mensonge et verity.— Adrienne Lecouvreur.— Les contes de la reine de Navarre. 7. Bataille de dames.— Mon etoile. — La Czarine. 8. Feu Lionel.— Les doigts de f6e.— Les trois Maupin. 9. R^ves d'amour. — La fille de trente ans. — La frileuse. S^r. S. Comedies- Vaudevilles: V. 1. Les dervis. — L'auberge, ou, Le brigand sans le savoir. — Thibault, comte de cham- Sagne. — Le bachelier de Salamanque. — La mort et le bucheron. — Une nuit e la garde nationale. — Encore une nuit de la garde nationale, ou, Le poste de la barri^re.— Flore et zephyre. 2. Farinelli, ou. La pi^ce de circonstance. — Gusman d'Alfarache.— Les Montagues Russes, ou, Le temple de la mode.— La jarreti^re de la marine.— Le comte Cry, anecdote du Xle si^cle.- Le nouveau Pourceaugnac— Le solliciteur, ou,'L'art d'ob- tenir de places.— Wallace, ou. La barri^re Mont-Parnasse.— Les deux precepteurs, ou, Asinus asinum fricat. 3. Le combat des montagnes, ou. La folic.— Beaujon.—Le cafe des vari^tes.— Tons les Vaudevilles, ou, Chacun chez soi.— Le petit dragon.— Les comices d'Athenes, ou, Les femmes orateurs.— Les nouvelles Danaides.— La f^te du mari, ou, Dis- simulons.— Chactas et Atala. — Les dehors trompeurs, ou, Boissy chez lui. 4. Une visite k Bedlam.— Les velocipedes, ou. La poste aux chevaux.— La voli^re de frere Philippe.— Le nouveau Nicaise.— Uhdtel des Quatre- nations.— Le fou de Peronne.— Les deux maris.— Lemystificateur.— Caro- line. 5. Les bains a la papa.— Les v^pres Siciliennes.— La somnambule. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1115 — L'ennui, ou, Le comte Derfort. — L'ours et le Pacha. — Le spleen. — Le chat botW.— Marie Jobard. 6. L'homme automate. — Le vampire.— L'eclipse totale. — Le temoin. — Le deluge, ou, Les petits acteurs. — L'homme noir. — L'hotel des bains. — Le beau Narcisse. — Le boule- vard Bonne-Nouvelle. 7. L'amour Platonique. — Le secretaire et le cuisinier. — Frontin, mari-garcon. — Le colonel. — L'interieur de Petude, ou, Le procureur et I'avoue. — Mon oncle Cesar. — Le gastronome sans argent. — Le menage de garcon. 8. Le campagne. — La petite soeur. — Le mariage enfantin. — Les petites mis^res de la vie hu- maine. — L'amant Bossu. —L' artiste. — Michel et Christine.- Philibert marie. 9. Le plaisant de societe. — M^moires d'uu colonel de hussards. — La demoiselle et la dame, ou, Avant et apn'^s. — La petite folle.— Le vieux gar^'on et la petite fiUe.— Le^ nouveux jeux de l'amour et du hasard.— Les eaux du Mont^Dore. — La Veuve du Malabar.— La nouvelle Clary, ou,» Louise et Georgette. 10. L'ecarte, ou, Un coin du salon. — Le bon papa, ou, La proposition de mariage.— La loge du portier. — L'interieur d'un bureau, ou, La chanson.— Trilby, ou, Le lutin d'Argail.— Le plan de cam- pagne. — Le menteur Veridique. — La pension bourgeoise. 11. La maitresse au logis. — Partie et revanche. — L'avare en goguettes.— Les grisettes.— La verite dans le vin. — Le retour, ou. La suite de Michel et Christine. — Un dernier jour de fortune. — Rossini a Paris, ou, Le grand diner. 12. L'heritiere. — Le coiffeur et le perruquier. — Le foride de pou- voirs.— La Mansarde des artistes.— Les trois genres. — Le Leicester du Faubourg, ou, L'amour et I'ambition.— Le baiser au porteur.— Le diner sur I'herbe. 13. Les adieux au comptoir.— Le chateau de la poularde.— Le bal champ^tre. — Le parlementaire. — Coraly. — M. Tardif. — La haine d'une feitirae.- Vatel. 14. La quarantine. — Le plus beau jour de la vie. — La charge k payer. — Les ins^'parables.— Le charlatanisme.— Les empi riques d'autre fois.- Les premieres-amours.- Le medecin de dames. 15. Le confident.— La demoiselle t\ marier; ou. La premiere entrevue.— Le testament de Polichiuelle. — Les menteaux. — La belle-mere. — L'oncle d'Am^rique. — La lune de miel. 16. Simple histoire.— L'ambassadeur. — Le mariage de raison.- La chatte metamorphos^e en femme.— Les 616ves du conservatoire.— Le diplomate. 17. La marraine.— Le mal du pays.— Le prince charmant. — Yelva. — Le vieux mari. — La manie des places. 18. Avant, pendant, et apres.— Le Baron de Trenck.— Les moralistes.— Mal- vina; ou, Un mariage d'inclination.— Theobald; ou, Le retour de Itussie. 19. Madame de Sainte-Agnt*s. — Aventures et voyages du petit Jonas. — Les heritiers de Crac.— La famille du Baron.— Les actionnaires. 20. Louise; ou. La reparation. — La cour d' assises. — La seconde ann<''e; ou. A qui la faute?— Zo^; ou, L'amant prf^t^.- Philippe. 21. Le foyer du gymnase. — Une faute.— La protectrice.— Jeune et vieille.— La "famille Riquebourg.— Les trois maitresses. 22. Le budget d'un jeune menage. — Le Quaker et la danseuse. — La favorite. — Le comte de Saint Konan. — Le Suisse d I'hdtel. — Le soprano. 23. Le luthier de Lisbonne. — Le Ven- feance Italienne ; ou, Le f ran^ais a Florence. — Le chaperon. — Le savant.— chahabaham II. ; ou, Les caprices d'un autocrate.— L'Apollon du Rever- b6re; ou, Les conjectures de Carrefour, 24. Le premier prt^sident. — Une monomanie.*— Le payson amoureux.- La grande aventure.— Tou- jours; ou, L'avenir d'un fils. S^r. 3. Operas ;— ballets : V. 1. La som- narabule.— La muette de Portici.— Le comte Ory.— La belle au bois dor- mant.— Alcibiade.—Manon Lescaut.— Le Dieu et la Bayadere.- Le phil- tre.— L'orgie. 2. Robert le diable.— Le serment, ou, Les faux-monna- yeurs.— Gustave III., ou. Le bal masqu6.— Ali-Baba, ou, Les quarante voleurs. 3. La Juive. — Les Huguenots. — Guido et Ginevra, ou. La peste de Florence. — La voli^re, ou, Les oiseaux de Boccace. — Le lac des fees.— La tarantule. 4. La Xacarilla.— Le drapier.— Les martyrs.— La favorite.— Carmagnola.— Don Sibastien, roi de Portugal.— Jeanne la folle. 5. Le proph^te. — La tempSte.— L'enfant prodigue.— Zerline, ou, La cor- beille d'oranges.— Florinde, ou, Les Maures en Espagne.— Le Juif errant. 6, La nonne sanglante. — Les vfipres Siciliennes. — Marco Spada, ou, La fille du bandit.— Le cheval de bronze.— L'Africaine. Ser. 4. Operas comiques : V. 1. La chambre k coucher.— La Meuni^re.— Le paradis de Mahomet.— La petite lampe merveilleuse. — Leicester. — Le valet de cham- bre. 2. Le neige.— Concert a la cour.— Leocadie. — Le ma9on. — La dame blanche. 3. La vieille.— Le timide.— Fiorella.— Le loup-garou.— La fiancee. — Les deux nuits. 4. Fra Diavolo. — La marquise de Brinvilliers. — La mMecine sans mMecin. — La prison d'Edinbourg. — Lestocq. 5. Le fils du prince.— Le chalet. — Le cheval de bronze. — Le portefaix. — Acteon. 6. Les chaperons blancs. — Le mauvais cell. — L'ambassadrice. — Le domino noir. 7. Le fiddle berger. — Marguerite. — La figurante R6gine. 8. Les treize. — Polichiuelle. — 1116 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Le Sharif. — La reine d'un jour. 9. Zanetta. — L'opera a la cour. Le thod of S. as an artist. 8508 Snider, D. J. System of Shakespeare's dramas. 2 v. 17475-6 Swinburne, A. C. A study of Shakespeare. 19374 Ulrici, H. Shakespeare's dramatic art; hist, and character of S. 2 v. 17003-4 White, R. G. {In his Shakespeare's scholar.) 4752 - {In his Memoirs of S.) 5985 Kote. For criticisms of separate plays, see the entries under each play. Forgeries. See Textual criticism, below. Tales. Clarke, M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines ; ser. of tales. 3 v. 6855-7 Lamb, C, and M. Tales from S. 5686 - - Same ; introd. by A. Angier. 18406 Seamer, M. Shakespeare's stories simply told. 20516 Textual criticism, Forgeries. Bowen, F. Restoration of the text of S. ; battle of the commentators. (/w his Gleanings.) . 19941 Collier, J. P. Notes and emendations to the text ; from manuscript cor- rect, in a copy of 1632. 884 Ireland, W. H. Confessions, containing the particulars of his fabrication of the S. manuscripts; introd. by R. G. White. *I White, R. G. Mr. Collier's folio of 1632. {In his Shakespeare's scholar.) 4752 General and miscellaneous works. Bartol, C.A. The personality of Shakespeare, fin Ais Princ. and portr.) 19741 Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17757 Cooper, T. {In his Triumphs of perseverance.) 6741 Dowden, E. Shakespeare. 17263 Emerson, R. W. {In his Representative men.) 1384 Gilfillan, G. {In his Third g&Werv, etc.) 2267 Goadbv, E. The England of Shakespeare. 21508 Goodrich, S. G. (Jw Ais Famous men.) 1592 Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 - Same ; in part. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Hugo, V. WiUiam Shakespeare. 14443 Jacox, F. Shakespeare diversions. 14178 Lowell, J. R. Shakespeare once more. {In his Among my books, ser. 1.) 8428 1132 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Same \ in part. (Jw Rice, A. T. Ess. from No. Am. Rev.) 18790 — Mueller, F. M. {In his Chips, v. 3.) 9116 — Reed, H. Lectures on Eng. hist, and tragic poetry as illust. by S. 8489 — Scherer, E. Shakspeare et la critique, (/ti ^is Etudes crit. de lit.) 14600 — Schmidt, J. Fragmente iiber S. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 3.) 16318 — Tegg, W. Shakspeare and his contemp. ; with plots of his plays, theatres, and actors. *I Shakespeare's dream ; by J. Brougham. {In French's mia. dram., V. 21.) 11846 Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens ; spiritual Christianity in rel. to mod. thought. 18307 Shaler, N. S. Age of the Delaware gravel beds cont. chipped pebbles. {In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 2.) 19624 — Thoughts on the nature of intellectual property and its importance to the state. 17644 Contents. Considerations on the nature of intellectual property. — Etlect of invention on national culture. — American communism. — Does the fostering of inventiveness profit a state ? — International property in patents and copyrights. Shall our mothers vote? ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Handy dr.) 16747 Shamrock and thistle ; by Oliver Optic [ W. T. Adams] . 7030 Shand, A. I. Against time. 10674 — Wrecked off the Riff coast. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 11.) 19156 Shandon bells ; by W. Black. 22564 Shandy Maguire ; drama ; by J. Pilgrim. {In Mod. stand, dr., v.'^31.) 11825 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of disting. generals. 6570 Contents. Sherman. — Thomas. — Grant. — Sheridan. — Hooker. — Rous- seau.— Peculiarities of various generals. — Some peculiarities of our veterans. Shauly, C. D. A night in the sewers. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Shannon, — . The youthful queen. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 25.) 11822 Shannon, The. Black, A. and C. {Bi their Guide to Galway, etc.) *1 Sharp, W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; a record and a study. 22704 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt till the conq., A. D. 640. 3940 — Same; 6th. ed. 2 v. 16862-3 Sharpies, S. P. Adulteration of food. {In Buck, A. H. Trea. on hygiene, ete., v. 2.) 19452 Shasters. Specimens of the Shasters ; with descr. ; by J. J. Weitbrecht. {In Wright, C. Lect. on India.) 4876 ; 4877 Shaw, B. Force imparted to the evid. of Christianity fr. the manner in which distinct lines of proof converge in a common centre. {In Chr. Ev. Soc. Faith, etc.) 15879 Shaw, E. M. Fire protection ; man. of the organization, machinery, etc., of the fire brigade of London. 17243 — Fire surveys ; principles to be obs. in estimating the risk of buildings. . 10972 — Fires in theatres. 15865 Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair; story of youthful days. 18185 — Hector. 21111 — Phyllis Browne. Illust. 22297 Shaw, F. A. Brief hist, of Russia. (Eastern question.) 17019 Shaw, H. W. {pseud. Josh Billings). Josh Billings on ice. Illust. 7638 — Smith, F. S. Life and adventures of Billings ; with characteristic sketch. 22951 Shaw, J. Right-handedness. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 4.) 20527 Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary, Y^rkand, and KAshghar, etc. Map and illust. 10699 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1133 Shaw, R. G. Shaw, S. B. {In HigginsoD, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v^ 2.) 6493 Shaw, S. B. Biography of R. G. Shaw. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Shaw, T. B. Complete manual of Eng. literature; ed., with notes, e^c, by W. Smith ; with Sketch of Amer. literature, by H. T. Tuckerman. 8398 — History of English literature. 10665 — and Smith, W. Choice specimens of Eng. literature ; adapt, to the use of Amer. students, by B. N. Martin. 10561 Shaw, W. H. George Villiers, 1st. Duke of Buckingham; Stanhope essay, 1882. 22705 Shawl-straps ; by L. M. Alcott. 8380 Shays rebellion. Minot, G. R. {In his History of insurrections.) *I She stoops to conquer ; comedy ; by O. Goldsmith. {In Jiis Works.) 1566; 1571 — Same. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 Shea, G. Life and epoch of A. Hamilton ; historical study. *I — The nature and form of the Amer. government found, in the Christian religion. 22298 Sheaf of papers ; by T. G. Appleton. 13736 Sheafer, H. C. Hygiene of coal, mines. {In Buck, A. H. Trea. on hygiene, etc.^ v. 2.) 19452 Sheares, H. and J. Madden, R. R. {In his United Irishmen, ser. 4.) 13514 Shedd, J. A. Famous painters and painting ; illust. with heliotypes of engr. fr. works by Raphael, Correggio, Titian, etc. *1 — Famous sculptors and sculpture. Illust. *I Shedd, J. H. Water-supplies for large institutions and small communities. (Tfi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., v. 3.) *I Shedd. W. G. T. History of Christian doctrine. 2 v. 5612-13 — Homiletics, Pastoral theology. 6777 — Lecture upon the philosophy of history. 5663 Sheep. Brisbin, J. S. The beef bonanza; descr. of cattle- growing, sheep-farming, ete., in the West. 19983 — Hayes, J. L. Sheep husbandry in the South. 17759 — Silver, S. W. & Co. Australian grazier's guide. 19131 — Stewart, H. The shepherd's manual ; pract. treat, on the sheep. 15692 Shell, R. L. Evadne ; or. The statue ; play. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 7.) 11809 — Sketches, legal and political ; ed., with notes, by M. W. Savage. 2 v. 3941-2 — Speech on Irish munic. reform. {In Speeches of em. Brit, statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Speeches ; with mem. by T. Macnevin. 2d. ed. 5830 — Dix, J. R. Portraits in Paddy-Land. (In his Pen and ink sk.) *I — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 Shelburne, Earl of. See Fitzmaurice, W.^marq. of Lansdoivne. Sheldon, E. A. Elementary object lessons. 8609 — Lessons on objects. 8608 — What is the proper work of a primary school ? (In Nat. Teach. Ass. Addr., 1870.) * 11608 Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances ; instruments and tools used by engineers. 11970 Shelley, Lady J. Shelley memorials. Added, Essay on Christi- anity, by P. B. Shelley. 3945 Shelley, M. W. (G.). The fortunes of Perkin Warbeck. 5152 — Frankenstein. 7646 1134 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Gilflllan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2266 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Shelley, P. B. Correspondence. (In Southey, R. Correspond- ence with C. Bowles.) 22661 — Essay on Christianity. {In Shelley, J. Shelley memorials.) 3945 — Essays, letters from abroad, translations, and fragments. 2 v. 3943-4 — Poetical works. 874 — Same; text rev. with notes and mem., by W. M. Rossetti. 2 v. 10882-3 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches,»e«c.) 2255 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 — Hutton, R. H. Shelley's poetical mysticism. (In his Ess., v. 2.) 10129 — Kingslev, C. Thoughts on Shelley. {In his Lit. ess.) 21362 — MacCarthy, D. F. Shelley's early life. 11633 — Mason, D. Life and poetry of Shelley. {In his Wordsworth, etc.) 13877 — Shelley, J. Shelley memorials. 3945 — Stoddard, R. H. Anecdote biog. of Shelley. 16609 — Swinburne, A. C. Notes on the text of Shellev. {In his Ess. and stud.) 14246 — Symonds. J. A. Shelley. (Eng. men of letters.) 18176 — Trelawny, E. J. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the author. 2 v. 18120-1 Recollections of the last days of Shelley. 4489 Shells. See Conchology. Shelton, F. W. The rector of St. Bardolph's. 3950 Shenandoah (vessel). Hunt, C. E. The Shenandoah; or. The last confederate cruiser. 6668 Shenandoah Valley. Pond, G. E. The Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (Camp, of the Civ. War.) 22478 Shenstone, W. The schoolmistress ; Verses written at an Inn at Henley. '(In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) 2040 Shepard, T. Memoir of his own life. (In Young, A. Chroni- cles.) 4911 Shepard, W., ed. The literary life; namely: Authors and authorship. 21253 Pen plct. of mod. authors. 21905 Shepherd, D. A., pseud. See Farman, E. Shepherd, G. H. A short history of the British school of painting. 22706 Shepherd. See also Shepard, Sheppard. Shepherd lady, and other poems ; by J. Ingelow. * *I Shepherd lord, The ; by J. Corner. 10581 Shepherd of Salisbury Plain ; and other tales ; by H. More. 3145 Shepherds all and maidens fair ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. 17568 Sheppard, E. S. (pseud. E. Berger). Charles Auchester. 396 — Counterparts. 397 — Rumor. 5491 Sheppard, F. Constitutional text book [U. S.]. 7615 — First book of the Constitution [U. S.] . 11198 Sheppard, F. H. Love afloat ; story of the American navy. 13787 Sheppard, J. Notices of Mr. Foster as a preacher and com- panion. (In Foster, J. Life, etc.., v. 2.) 1506 Sheppard, J. G. Fall of Rome, and rise of the new nationali- ties ; lect. on connect, bet. anc. and mod. history. 3952 Sheppard, T. B. Stephens, A. J. Argument in the case of T. J3- Sheppard against W. J. E. Bennett, Clerk. 11133 Sheppard. See also Shepard, Shepherd. Sherbrooke; by H. B. G[oodwin]. 6360 Sherburne, A. Memoirs of S., a pensioner of the navy of the revolution, by himself. 2d. ed. 3953 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1135 Sheridan, Mrs. F. (C). Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 Sheridan, P. H. Deuison, C. W. Illustrated life, campaigns, and pub. serv. of Sheridan. 6157 — Keira, De B. R. Sheridan's troopers on the borders. 8649 — Shanks, W. F. G. (In his Personal recollections.) 6570 — Sketch of Sheridan. (Bi Our great captains.) 5962 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354= Sheridan, R. B. Works ; with a mem. by J. P. Browne, cont. extr. fr. the life by T. More. 13290 Contents. Memoir. — The rivals. — St. Patrick's day. — The duenna. — A trip to Scarborougli. — The school for Scandal. — The critic. — Pizarro. — Verses to the memory of Garrick. — Plays. /S'ee Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. — Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 1.) 525 — Harsha, D. A. (In his Most em. orators, etc.) 1785 — Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of Sheridan. 2 v. 6950-1 — Rae, W. T. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox : The opposition under George III. 12771 — Taylor, W. C. (In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 — Thomson, K. and J. C. (In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 Sheridan, T. Life of J. Swift. 3954 Sharif, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 8.) *I Sherlocks, The ; by J. Saunders. 18503 Sherman, C. R. Wilson, J. G. (In his sk. of illust. sold.) 12537 Sherman, J. Bi'onson, S. A. John Sherman ; life and pub. services. 22616 Sherman, R. Sketch of S. (/n Biog. of self -taught men, v. 1.) 410 — Sketch of S. (In Famous boys.) 7707 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs ; by himself. 2 v. 13737-8 — Bowman, S. M. and Irwin, R. B.. Sherman and his campaigns. (Im- perfect.) 6159 Same ; another copy. *I — Boynton, H. V. N. Sherman's historical raid. 14319 — Convngham, D. P. Sherman's march thr. the South. 6136 — Headley, P. C. Life of Sherman. 6003 — Moultoh, C. W. Review of Sherman's memoirs in the light of its own evidence. 15433 — Shanks, W. F. G. (In his Personal recollections.) 6570 — Sketch of S. (In Our great captains.) 5962 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Sherwood, J. D. Comic history of the United States. Illust. 8020 Sherwood, M. E. W. A transplanted rose. ' 22198 — Triumph of an idea. (In Gilmaq, A. Magna Charta stor.) 21890 Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. (B). Works. 16 vols. (v. 3, 6-8 ivanting. 3955-6 ; 3958-9 ; 3963-70 Contents. V. 1. History of Henry Milner, pts. 1-3. 2. History of the Fairchild family .—Orphans of Normandy .—The latter days. 3. Miss- ing, 4. Indian pilgrim.— Broken hyacinth.— Little woodman.— Babes in the wood.— Clara Stephens.— Golden clew.— Katharine Seward.— Mary Anne.— Iron cage.— Little beggars. 5. The infant's progress.— Flowers of the forest.— Juliana Oaklev. — Ermina.— Emancipation. 6-8, miss- ing. 9-12. The lady of the manor. 4 v. 13. Social tales. 14. The monk of Cinii6s.— The rosary.— The Roman baths. — St. Hospice.— The violet leaf .—The convent of St. Clair. 15. History of Henry Milner, pt. 4.— Sabbaths on the continent.— The idler. 16. History of John Marten. Shetland Islands. Anderson, G. and P. (/w their Guide to the Highlands, etc.) (Black's Guides.) *I — Kneeland, S. Notes on the Orkney, S., and Faroe Is. (7w his Amer. in Iceland.) 15370 — Sinclair, C. Shetland and the Shetlauders. 4002 Shew, J. Consumption ; its prevention and cure by water treatment. * 4045 — The hydropathic family physician. 3971 — Notes and additions. (In Lambe, W. Water and vegetable diet, etc.) 2551 — Water-cure. See Fowlers and Wells' Water-cure Lib. 1136 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Shields, W. A. On the inspector and the schoolmaster. {In Soc. for encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855- Shifting for himself ; by H. Alger, Jr. 16731 Shifting winds ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 8033 Shillaber, B. P. {pseud. Mrs. Partington). Cruises with Cap- tain Bob on sea and land. (Ike Partington and his friends.) 19371 — The Double-runner Club ; or, The lively boys of Rivertown. (Ike Part- ington ser.) * 21254 — Ike Partington ; adv. of a human boy and his friends. 18171 — Lines in pleasant places ; rythmics of many moods and quantities ; wise and otherwise. 12775 — Parti ngtonlan patchwork. 11293 Shillitoe. T. Balfour, C. L. {In her Moral heroism.) 6740 Shiloh ; by W. M. L. Jay [J. L. M. Woodruff]. 9842 Shinn, Earl, {pseud. E. Strahan). The new Hyperion ; from Paris to Marly by way of the Rhine ; Illust. by Dor6 and others. . 13350 Shioda, M. Japanese pottery ; native report ; introd. and cata- logue by A. W. Franks. Illust. (S. Kensington Mus. Art. Hd.-bks.) *I Ship ahoy! 12365 Ship-building. Griffiths, J. W. Progressive ship builder. 2 v. *I — Peake, J. Rudiments of naval architecture. 3438 — Pim, B. Ship-building. 15474 — Smith, J. On the ships of the ancients. (77i /its Voyage of St. Paul, e^c.) 17539 — Thearle, S. J. P. Naval architecture; elem. treat, on laying off wood and iron ships. 2 v. *I Naval architecture ; elem. treat, on wood and iron ship-building. 2 v. *I Naval architecture ; treat, on laying off and building wood, iron, and composite ships. 2 v. *I — Washington, J. Progress of nav. architecture. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 4735 — Wilson, T. D. Outline of ship-building, theoret. and practical. *I Ship-carpenter's family. The ; by W. E. S. Whitman. 4751 Ship, The, in the desert; poem; by Joaquin Miller [C. H. Miller]. 14117 Shippen, E. A Christmas at sea. 21255 — Release of unpaid Japanese indemnitv bv the U. S. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1873.) ' * 17758 — Thirty years at sea. 18239 Shippen, R. R. Daily praise and prayer. 15353 Shipping. Bolles, A. S. {In Tiis Industrial hist, of the U. S.) 18466 — Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping and anc. commerce. 4 v. *I Ships. Ballantyne, R. M. Man on the ocean ; book about boats and ships. 13273 — Chapman, C. All about ships. 11776 — History of a ship f r. her cradle to her grave ; with acct of mod. steam- ships and torpedoes. - 21324 — Woodworth, J. M. The safetv of ships and of those who travel in them. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso". Kept., v. 3.) *I — See also Seamanship. Shipton, Mother. Mother Shipton ; coll. of the earliest ed. of her prophecies ; with introd. 22427 — Harrison, W. H. Mother Shipton investigated. 20934 Shipwrecks. Great shipwrecks ; record of perils and disasters at sea, 1544-1877. 17312 Shirley, pseud. See Skelton, J. Shirley; by C. I^ront^ [Nicholls]. 513 Shirreff, E. Claim of Froebel's system to be called, "The new education." (Pps. on educ.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1137 — Sketch of F. Froebel. (In Marenholz-Biilow, B. von. Keminis. of F.) 17063 Shirwa, Lake. Livingstone, D. and C. (In their Narrative of an exp. to the Zambesi. 6261 Shoals, Isles of. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In Ms Atlantic Is.) 17827 — Jenness, J. S. The Isles of Shoals. 11691 — Thaxter, C. Among the Isles of Shoals. 11571 Shocking events ; by J. B. Buckstoue. (In French's min. dram., v. 36.) 7989 Shocking story, A ; by W. Collins. 18254 Shoddy ; by E. P. Whipple. (In his Success, etc.) 10753 Shoemaker of Toulouse, The; drama; by F. S. Hill, (hi Mod. stand, dr., V. 32.) 11826 Shoemakers. Lives of distinguished shoemakers. 3973 Shone, I. Pneumatic sewage system. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur..Proc., v. 5.) *I Shoolbred, J. N. Electric lighting. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 6.) *I — Illumination bv electricity. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 8.) *I Shooting. Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover, and trap shooting. 13063 — Dougall, J. D. Shooting; its appliances, practice, and purpose. 15843 — Gildersleeve, H. A. Rifles and marksmanship. 20410 — Greener, W. W. The gun and its development ; with notes on shooting. *I Practical hints on rifle practice, with military arms. 22760 — Starr, G. C. The forest and stream ; hand-book for riflemen. 15929 — Weston, A. H. The rifle club and range. 18692 — AVingate, G. W. Manu al for rifle pract. at longrange, and the formation of rifle associations. ' 14173 Shopkeeper, The, turned gentleman ; by Moli^re. (In his Dram, wks., v. 3.) 16845 Shoring. Stock, C. H. Treatise on S. and underpinning. *I Short, J. T. The North Americans of antiquity ; their origin, migrations, and type of civilization. 19372 Short-hand. See Eclectic short-hand ; — Phonography ; — Sten- ography. Short stories for spare moments. 2d. ser. 6965 Contents. Cheesebro, C. The record of Dorcas Bently.— Hooper, L. H. The blue cabinet.— Fabre, A. Golden dreams.— Davis, R. H. The pearl of great price.— Austin, J. G. Nor dead, nor living.— Kereven, K. P. Doctor Aar.— Dorr, L. S. The Mannerings.— Stockton, F. R. Maha- la's drive.— Hooper, L. H. The photographer's story. — Janvrin, M. W. Who shall separate us?— Evelyn, W. M. The young priest.— Boggs, R. Ricardo il falcone. Short studies on great subjects. See Froude, J. A. Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant ; a romance. 21443 Shoulder straps ; by H. Morford. 5888 Showman, A, Life of; by D. P. Miller. 11930 Showmen. Frost, T. The old showmen and old London fairs. 13708 Shove, G. A. Life under glass ; cont. sugg. toward the form- ation of artificial climates ; [Plan for a sanitarium]. 12505 Shreve, S. H. Treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs. 3 5941 Shrewsbury, Mass. Stockwell, G. A. History of S. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., v. 2.) *I Shrewsbury School. Seaman, O. Shrewsbury ; the school life. (I7i Everyday life at Eton, etc.) 21777 Shubrick, Mrs. R. Watson, H. C. (In his Heroic women.) 4676 Shuck, H. Eddy, D. C. (In his Heroines, etc.) 5032 1138 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hhulah, pseud. The mother's request ; or, Ballyshan Castle. 7116 Shultz, Mrs. A. M. The song of the flume. {In Outcrop- pings, etc.) 612^ Shunk, W. F. The field engineer ; pract. in the survey, loca- tion, and track- work of railroads, etc. 19858 Shurtleff, J. B. The governmental instructor ; or, View of the government of the U. 8., and state governments. 3974 Shurtleff, N. B. Topographical and hist, descr. of Boston. 10627 Shurtleff, N. B., the younger. Dimmock, W. R. (In Higgin- son, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Shuttleworth, J. K. Address, Burnley Ch. of Eng. Lit. Inst., 1854. (In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Shuttleworth, J. K. Life of Bach. See Bitter, C. H. Shuttleworth, P. N. Consistency of revelation with itself and with human reason. 3075 Shway Yoe. The Burman ; his life and notions. 2 v. 22560-1 Shylock ; by F. Talfourd. (In French's min. dram., v. 17.) 11844 Si jamais je te pince ; com^die. (In Labiche, E. M. Theatre compL, V. 10.) 14574 Siam. Bacon, G. B. Siam, as it was and is. (Illust. lib. of travel, etc.) 11479 — Corner, J. Account of Siam. linker China.) 976 — Helms, L. V. {In his Pioneering, etc.) 21974 — Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to S. and Java. 19882 — Leonowens, A. H. The English governess at the Siamese court. 9294 The romance of the harem ; [with A legend of the gold and silver mines of S] . 11231 — Neale, F. A. Narrative of residence at the capital of Siam. 3225 — Roberts, E. (In his Embassv to the eastern courts.) 3661 — Spiers, G. Die Preussischen Expedition nach Ostasien, 1860-1862; Reise- Skizzen aus Japan, China, Siam, und der indischen luselwelt. 10267 Siamese twins ; by G. A. a Beckett. (In French's min. dram., V. 28.) 7985 Siberia. Bush, R. J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes ; jour. of Siberian trav., 1865, 1867. 9610 — Cochrane, J. D. Pedestrian jour. thr. S. {In Tavlor, B. Cycl. of mod. travel.) ' 4366 — Dostoyeffsky, F. Buried alive ; penal servitude in Siberia. 20362 — Eden, C. H. Frozen Asia; with an acct. of the native tribes. 19784 — Gilder, W. H. Sledge journey through S. (Jw his Ice-pack, etc.) 22724 — Hale, E. E. Siberia and Kamschatka. (In his Stor. of adv.) 20849 — Kennan, G. Tent life in Siberia. 9021 — Lansdell,H. Through Siberia. 2 v. 21425-6 — Seebohm, H. Siberia in Asia; valley of the Yenesay ; descr. of nat. hist., migration of birds, etc. ' 22927 Siberia in Europe ; visit to the val lev of the Petchora; descr. of the natural hist., etc. ' 20249 Sibley, J. L. Biographical sk. of graduates of Harv. Univer- sity. 2 V. 11715; 21629 Sibree, J. The great African island ; chapters on Madagascar ; with illust. of scripture and early church hist. fr. native habits, etc. Maps and illust. 19671 — Madagascar and its people. 8970 Sibson, A. Agricultural chemistry. 3976 — Every day chemistry. 5778 Sibyl Huntington ; by J. C. R. Dorr. 11503 Sibyl Spencer ; by J. Kent. 17990 Sicard, R. A. C, Abbe. Relation. (In M^moires sur les journ^es de Sept., 1792.) (Barriere. Bib. desm^m., v. 18.) 14538* CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1139 Sicilien, Le ; comedie-ballet, par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 4.) ^ 14607 — Same ; Eng. trans. {In his Dram, works, v. 2.) 16844 Sicily. Bacou, A. T. A month in 1^. (In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19935 — Butterworth, H. (Jw ^ is Zigzag journevs in classic lands.) 19874 — Elliot, r. Diarv of an idle woman in Sicily. 2 v. 21692-3 — Freeman, E. A.* Sicilian cycles. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 3.) 19219 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. 22862 — Hunt, L. Ajarof honeyfr.Mt. Hybla. 12902 — Eenan, E. Vingt jours en Sicile. {In his Melanges d'hist.) 14516 — Taylor, B. The lands of the Saracen. 4360 — Tu'ckerman, H. T. Sicily ; a pilgrimage. . 4526 Sick giant, The, and the Doctor dwarf ; by D. Jerrold. {In his Works, v. 4.) *I Sick room. A, Shadows of. 12388 Sickness. Jackson, J. C. How to treat the sick without medi- cine. 13870 — Martineau, H. Life in the sick-room. 5176 — Suggestions for the sick-room ; corapl. by an Amer. woman. 15693 — Tileston, M. W. Sursumcorda; Hymns for the sick and suftering. 17177 — iSee also Ailments ;— Nursing. Siddons, S. Fitzgerald, P. Great debuts : Garrick — Siddons — Kean. {Li his Roman, of the Eng. stage.) 13430 — Siddons. {In Lights of the old Eng. stage.) 17924 — Jameson, A. {In her Sketches.) 2329 Sidgwick, H. Methods of ethics. 13636 — Same; supplement; cont. the additions, etc., in the 2d. ed. 17503 Siding, A, at a railway station ; by J. A. Froude. (/n his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 Sidney, E. Teaching the idiot. (Li Soc. for Encour. of arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Sidney, M.^ pseicd. See Lothrop, H. M. Sidney, Sir P. Miscellaneous works ; with life and notes by W. Gray. 3979 — Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia; with notes andintrod. ess., bv H. Fris- well. ' 7006 — Defence of poesy ; with acct. of the author. (Lib. of old Eng. pr. writers.) 3887 — Davis, Mrs. S. M. Life and times of Sidney. 3978 — Kingsley, H. {In his Fireside stud., v. 2.)' 16539 Sidney, S. Three colonies of Australia : New So. Wales, Vic- toria, and So. Australia. 3980 Sidonia the sorceress ; by J. W. Meinhold. 5245 Siebe, H. The conquest of the sea ; about divers and diving. 12207 Sieber, F. The art of singing. 11241 Siege, The, of London ; by H. James, Jr. 22588 Sieges. Robson, W. The great sieges of history. 3681 Siemens, C. W. The bathometer. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., V. 2.) 17679 — Fuel. (Yan Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14175 — Steadiness of the electric current. {In Du Moncel, T. and Preece, W. H. Incandescent elec. lights.) 22388 Siena. Norton, C. E. Siena and Our Lady of the Assumption. {In his Hist. stud, of Ch. building.) 19888 Sierra Leone. Williams, G. W. Account of the Negro gov- ernments of S. L. and Liberia. (In his History of the Negro race, V. 1.) 22307 Sierra Nevada. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne- vada. 9943 — See also California. 1140 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Siey^s, E. J., comte. Brougham, H. (In his Hist, sk., ser. 3.) 527 — Mignet, F. A. A. (In his Notices et portr., v. 1.) 9573 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Caus. lund., v. 5.) *I Sigel, F. The Amer. republic. (7n Atlas ess.) 18292 Sight. See Vision. Sight and insight ; by T. S. King. {In Jus Subst. and show.) 17277 Sight-seeing; by T. G. Appleton. (In his Chequer-work.) 19019 Sights a-foot ; by W. Collins. 12100 Sights and insights ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 2 v. 15544-5 Sights and thoughts in for. churches, and among foreign peo- ples ; by F. W. Faber. 8935 Sigma, pseud. See Sargent, L. M. Signboards. Blavignac, J. D. Histoire des enseignes d'hotel- leries, d'auberges, et de cabarets. *I — Sadler, L. R. and Hotten, J. C. History of signboards. 6536 Sign language. Mallery, G. Sign language amg. the No. Amer. Indians comp. with that amg. other peoples and deaf-mutes. (In Smithson. Inst. Bur. of Ethnol. Ann. rept., 1879-80.) *I Signal boys, The ; by Qc. C. Eggleston. 17303 Signal-man, The; by C. Dickens. {In Little class., v. 8.) 12979 Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Belisle, D. W. Biographies of the Signers. {Inhis Hist, of Indep. Hall.) 5447 — Currier, E. Lives of the Signers. (In his Polit. text book.) 1070 — Lives of the S. (In Lives of the heroes, etc.) 2122 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the Signers. 2759 Signing the contract ; by M. Finley. 18277 Signing the Declaration of Independence ; by C. E. B. Howe. {In French's min. dram., v. 38.) 7990 Signor Monaldini's niece. (No name ser.) 18245 Signorelli, L. Jameson, A. (/n hei" Mem.) 2324 Sigourney. L. (H.) Essay on the genius of Mrs. Hemans. {In Hemans, F. Works, v. 1.) 5799 — The faded hope ; [memorials of A. M. Sigourney] . 9697 — Letters of life ; [autobiographical] . 6275 — Letters to young ladies. 10th. ed. 3981 — Past meridian. 3982 — Scenes in mv native land. 3983 — Sketches. ^ 3984 Contents. The father.— Legend of Oxford.— The family portraits.— Oriana. — The intemperate. — The patriarch. Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs, Story of ; by W. Morris. 16774 Sikes, W. W. Under a cloud. {In Stor. and sketches.) 6883 Sikes, W. British goblins ; Welsh folk-lore, fairy mythology, legends, and traditions. lUust. 20033 Silas H^arner, the weaver of Raveloe ; by George Eliot [Mrs. Lewes]. 1415 Silcber, F. Succinct instr. for singing schools and choral soci- eties ; tr. by S. Novello. (Novello's lib.) 11730 Silcote of Silcotes ; by H. Kingsley. 7046 Silence ; poem ; by S. M. Hageman. 16927 Silence, The, and the voices of God ; sermons, by F. W. Farrar. 12117 Silence dans les rangs I comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. {In Le- gouve, J. W. E. G. ThMtre, etc., ser. 1.) 14685 — Same; Silence in the ranks. (In Plays for private act.) 17926 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1141 Silent partner, The ; by E. 8. Phelps. 9105 Silent struggles ; by A. 8. Stephens. 5939 Silhouettes. See Hinds, H. M. Also Scroll sawing. Silius Italicus, C. Punicorum libri, cur. N. E. Lemaire. 2 v. (Bib. class. Lat.) 8329-30 Siljestrom, P. A. Educational institutions of the U. 8. ; their character and organization ; tr. by F. Rowan. *I Silk. Brockett, L. P. Silk industry in America ; history. *I — Cobb, B. F. Silk. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15469 — Cowdin, E. C. Silk and silk manufactures. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, Kept., v. 6.) 9101 — Silk Association of America. The silk goods of Amer. ; acct. of improve- ments and advances of manuf. in thelJ. S. ; by W. C. Wyckoff. 20140 — Simmonds, P. L. The silk trade and manuf. (In his Sci. and comm.) 18644 Sillimau, A. E. A gallop amg. American scenery ; or, Sketches of Amer. scenes and military adventure. 20904 Silliman, Prof. B. Visit to Europe, 1851. 2 v. 3986-7 — Fisher, G. P. Life of Silliman. 2 v. 6325-6 Silliman, B., Jr. First principles of chemistry. 3985 — Mineralogical notes. (In Tribune pop. science.) *I Silloway, T. W. Text book of mod. carpentry ; treat, on building timber, etc. 2289 Silver, 8. W. & Co. Australian grazier's guide. 19131 Silver. Anderson, A. D. The silver country ; or, The great southwest. 17410 — Bagehot, A. On the depreciation of silver. 17206 — Browne, J. R. Silver regions of Nevada. (In his Adv. in the Apache country.) ' 7588 — Mowry, S." Arizona and Sonora; geography, hist., and res. of the silver region of No. America. 609o — Phillips, J. A. Mining and metallurgy of gold and silver. *I — Smith, J. V. C. Buried millions. Where do the gold and silver go? 18286 — See also Metallurgy ;— Precious metals. Silver question. Bo wen, F. Minority rept. on the silver ques- tion, 1877. {In his Gleanings.) 19941 — Horton, S. D. Silver and gold, and their rel. to resumption. 17632 — Wells, D. A. The silver question; the dollar of the fathers versus the dollar of the sons. 17416 — Weston, G. M. The silver question. 18243 Silver keys. The ; by A. L. O. E. [C. Tucker]. 11705 Silver lake ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 7439 Silver medal, The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 20076 Silver pitchers ; by L. M. Alcott. 15781 Silver store ; fr. mediaeval. Christian, and Jewish mines ; by 8. B. Gould. 22523 Silversmith's work. Pollen, J. H. Gold and silversmith's work. *I — Wheatley, H. B. awe? Delamotte, P. H. Art work in gold Jind silver; media3val. *I Silvervale, L. An orphan of the Old Dominion ; hist, of her life, etc. 11408 Silvestre, A. Le coin; monologue. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 4.) 14794 — Tizianello. (In SaynHes, etc., s6r. 2.) 14792 Silvestre de 8acy, 8. U. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Caus. lund., V. 14.) *I Silvia; by J. Kavanagh. 16586 Simcox, E. Natural law; essay in ethics. 17067 1142 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Simcox, G. A. History of Latin literature fr. Ennius to Boe- ed. adapt, for Amer. readers. 12928 17284-5 21461 9574 17093 15473 18644 thius. 2 V. 22605-6 Sime, J. History of Germany (Hist, course for schools.) — Lessing; with portraits. 2 v. — Schiller. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) Simeon, J. J. Mignet, F. A. A. {In his'^ot. etportr., v. 2.) Simmonds, P. L. Animal products ; their preparation, com- merc. uses, and value. — Fibres and cordage. (Brit, raanuf. ind.) — Science and commerce; their infl. on our manufactures. Contents. Obligations of commerce to science and the vegetable pro- ducts imported.— Mineral and animal substances entering into commerce. — Chief mineral and vegetable products of commerce.— Indust. and manuf. uses of shells.— Progress of science in the 19th. cent.- Cotton manufacture.— Woolen manufacture.— Silk trade and manufacture.— Iron manufacture.— Progress of our min. industries.— Glass manufacture.— Earthen ware and pottery.— Dyes and colouring stuffs.— Manufacture of, ^nd trade in, precious metals and fancy articles.— Grocery and allied trades.— Commerce in groceries —Leather trade and tanning substances. —Leather manufacture.— New paper-making materials and the prog, of the paper luanuf . — On nuts : their produce and uses. — Sir J. Franklin and the Arctic regions; with not. of exped. in search of vessels under F. — Same. Add., Acct. of the Amer. exp. under the patronage of H. Grin- nell. — Waste products and undeveloped substances. vSimmonds. See also Simmons ; — Simonds ; — Simons ; — Sy- mouds ; — Symons. Simmons, C. A laconic manual. , 2d. ed. Simmons, C. F. Higginson.T. W. {In his Harv. mem. biog., V. 1.) Simmons, H. M. present. Simmons. See monds : — Symons. Simms. F. W. Practical Haskoll. — Same; 3d. ed. ; with add. chapt. illust. the rec. pract. of tunnelling as exempl. by St. Gothard, Mont Cenis, etc., by t). K. Clark. Plates and illust."^ — Treatise on the principles and pract. of levelling. Simms, W. G. Beauchampe ; or, The Kentucky tragedy ; seq. to (harlemont. — Border beagles ; tale of Mississippi. — Charlemont ; tale of Kentucky. — Confession ; or, The blind heart. — Eutaw : seq. to The forayers. — The forayers. — Guy Rivers ; tale of Georgia. — Katharine Walton. — Life of Capt. John Smith. — Life of Francis Marion. 5th. ed. — Mellichampe ; legend of the Santee. — Morals of slavery. {In Pro-slavery argument.) — The partisan. ' ^ — Richard Hurdis ; tale of Alabama. — The scout. — Southward ho 1 — Yasconselos ; romance of the new world. — Views and reviews in Amer. literature, history, and fiction, ser. 1. Contents. Americanism in literature.— Epochs and events of Amer. hist., etc. — Literature and art among the Amer. Aborigines. — Dan. Boon, the first hunter of Kv. — Cortes and the Conquest of Mexico. — Writings of J. F. Cooper. The unending Genesis ; or. Creation ever Simmonds ; — Simonds ; — Simons ; — Sy- tunnelling, 2d. ed. ; rev. by W. D. also 13192 13477 3988 6492 22434 *I 19075 19076 19077 19078 15805 15806 19079 3990 3991 3992 15807 3561 3993 19080 15808 19081 19082 6749 CATALOGUE OF. BOOKS. 1143 — The wigwam and the cabin. 3994 — Woodcraft ; or, Hawks about the dovecote. 15809 , — The Yemassee. 3995 Simon, John. Filth-diseases and their prevention. 15612 — Memoir of J. H. Green. (In Green, J. H. Spiritual philos., v. 1.) 63U Simon, Jules. The government of Thiers, Feb. 1871-May 1873. 2 V. 18509-10 — King, E. (In his Fr. polit. lead.) 13829 Simon ; by George Sand. 9702 Simoude de Sismondi, .1. C. L. Critical estimate of the Jeru- salem delivered. {In VViffen, J. H. Life of Torquato Tasso.) 4769 — Histoire des Frau(;ais, continue jusqu' a 1789 par A. Renee. 31 v. *I V. 81 cant. Table g^n6rale. — Historical view of the literature of the So. of Europe ; tr.. with notes, and life, by T. Roscoe. 2 v. 4005-6 — History of the fall of the Roman Empire. 2 v. *I — History of the Italian Republics. 8010 — Political economy, and the philosophy of government; hist. not. of his life and writings, by M. Mignet. ' 16997 — Mignet, F. A. A. (In his Notices et portr., v. 2.) 9574 iSee also Polit. econ., preceding. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. kmd., v. 6.) *I Simonds, W. {pseud. Walter Aimwell). Aim well stories ; namely : Clinton. 5287 Ella. 5288 JeiTv. Added, Mem. of the author. 5528 Jessie. 5291 Marcus. 5290 Oscar. 5286 Whistler. 5289 Simonds. See also Simmonds ; — .Simmons ; — Simons ; — Sy- monds ; — Symons. Simonin, I.. L. Le monde Am^ricain ; souvenirs de mes voy- ages aux Etats-Unis. 14466 Simons, M. L., ed. Sunday half -hours with great preachers; with biog. not., etc. [sermons]. 11280 Simons. See also Simmonds ; — Simmons ; — Simonds ; — Sy- monds ; — Symons. Simple histoire ; com^die-vaude ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, seiv 2, V. 16.) *I Simple story, A ; by Mrs. Inchbald. 11673 Simple Susan ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Par. assist.) 1336 ; 15296 Simple truth, The; essays, by R. CoUyer. 17392 Simpleton, A; by C. Reade, 11918 Simpson, C. M.., joint author. See Michelet. Simpson, E. The dramatic unities in the present day. 2d. ed. 13821 Simpson, J. Necessity of pop. education ; with hints on the treatment of criminals and homicidal insanity. 3996 Simpson, J. H. Coronado's march in search of the " Seven Cities of Cibola," and discuss, of their prob. location. {In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1869.) 11625 — Journal of a military reconnoisance fr. Sante F^, New Mexico, to the l^avajo country. (U. S. Army.) 3997 Simpson, J. P. Carl Maria von Weber ; the life of an artist ; condsd. fr. the Germ, of M. von Weber. 2 v. 10973-4 — Plays, /i^ee French's minor drama;— Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Simpson, M. Lectures on preaching. (Yale lec't., 1878.) 18470 Simpson, M. C. M. Geraldine and her suitors. 22055 1144 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Simpson, R. Traditions of the Covenanters. 3d. ed. 3998 Simpson, T. Narrative of disc, on tlie north coast of America, 1886-9. 3999 Simpson and Co. ; comedy ; by J. Poole. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 8.) 11810 Sims, G. R. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Sims, T. Dyeing and bleaching. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15470 Simson, M. E. Tuttle, H. {In Ms Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Simson, R. Brougham, H. {In his Lives of philos.) 524 Simson, W. History of the Gipsies ; with spec, of the lan- guage ; ed., with pref., etc. ; by J. vSimson. 6672 Sin. Manning, H. E. Sin and its consequences. 12787 — Miieller, J. "The Christian doctrine of Sin. 2 v. 20672-3 — Straffen, G. M. Sin as set forth in the Holv Scriptures. 15568 — Tulloch, J. The Christian doctrine of Sin! 16786 Sin, The, of a father. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 10.) 14310 Sinai. Bartlett, S. C. {In his From Egypt to Palestine.) 18556 — Field, H. M. On the desert, etc. 22449 — Glennie, J. S. S. Pilgrim memories. 15363 — Lepsius, K. R. Letters fr. Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sinai. 2606 — Manning, S. The land of the Pharaohs ; Egypt and S. ; illust. by pen and pencil. ' *I — Martineau, H. Sinai and its faith. {In her Eastern life.) 2934 — Palmer, E. H. {In his Desert of the Exodus, pt. 1.) 9915 — Randall, D. A. The handwriting of God in Egypt, S., etc. 7863 — Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 8^3 — See also Jerusalem. Since I died ; by E. S. Phelps. {In her Sealed orders.) 19224 Sincere demagogy ; by J. B. Harrison. {In his Certain dan- gerous tendencies.) • 19612 Sinclair, A. C, and Fyfe, L. R. Handbook of Jamaica, 1882. *I Sinclair, C. Beatrice. 4028 — Hill and valley ; or, Wales and the Welsh. ' 16855 — Modern society. 4000 — Scotland and the Scotch ; or. The western circuit. 16854 — Shetland and the Shetlanders. 4002 — Sir Edward Graham ; or, Railway speculators. 4910 Sinding, P. K. History of Scandinavia. 5824 — The Scandinavian races : The Northmen ; the sea-kings and vikings. 2d. ed. 16872 Singers. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song ; mem. of vocalists ; with portraits. 5873 — Ferris, G. T. Great singers ; namely : Faustina Bordoni to Henrietta Sontag. 20364 Malibran to Titiens. 20365 Singing. Curwin, J. S. Studies in worship-music, chiefly congregational singing. 20323 — Dow, S. H. Artistic singing. 22141 — Gaertner, C. The art of singing. 9913 — Sieber, F. The art of singing. 11241 — See also Music ;— Voice. Singleheart, and Doubleface ; by C. Reade. {In his Multum in parvo.) 22084 Singleton Foutenoy ; by J. Hannay. 12427 Sing-Sing, N. Y. Luckey, J. Life in Sing-Sing State Prison. 2773 Sing-Song ; by C. G. Rossetti. 9791 Sinners and saints; 'by P. Robinson. 22947 Sintram and his companions ; by Fouqu^. {In his Undinp, etc») 11901 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1145 Siogvolk, P. Walter Ash wood. 4004 Sioux. Heard, I. V. D. History of the Sioux war and massa- cres, 1862-3. 5572 — Poole, D. C. Among the Sioux of Dakota. 21166 — Victor, F. F. History of the Sioux war. {In her Eleven years in the Rocky Mts.) 19396 Sir Bernard Gaston ; by J. F. Smith. 12295 Sir Brook Fosbrooke ; by C. Lever. 6548 Sir Edward Graham ; by C. Sinclair. 4910 Sir Gibbie ; by G. MacDonald. 18345 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite ; by A. TroUope. 10502 Sir Harry Wildair ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Dram, works, etc.) 4889 Sir Jasper Carew ; by C. J. Lever. 5283 Sir Jasper's tenant; by M. E. Braddon. 7216 Sir Lancelot ; legend of the Middle Ages ; by F. W. Faber. 8927 Sir Pavon and St. Pavon ; by E. Foxton [S. H. Palfrey]. 7404 Sir Roger de Coverley ; [by J. Addison]. 22121 Sir Rohan's ghost; by [H. E. Spofiford]. 3532 Sir Roland Ashton ; by C. Long. 2736 Sir Theodore Broughton ; by G. P. R. James. 12441 Sir Tray; an Arthurian idyl. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 23.) 19168 Sirani, E. Trollope, T. A. (In his Decade of Ital. women, v. 2.) 10989 Sir^ne, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Operas comiques, v. 12.) *I Sismondi. See Simonde de Sismondi. Sister and saint; by S. W. Weitzel. 19965 Sister Dora ; a biography ; by M. Lonsdale. , 19603 Sister Johanna's story ; by A. B. Edwards. (In her Night, etc.) 22071 Sister, A, of mercy. Tales fr. the diary of ; by C. M. Brame. 7380 Sister St. Luke ; by C. F. Woolson. (In her Rodman the keeper.) 19610 Sister Susie ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 12666 Sisterhoods. Jameson, A. Sisters of charity. Catholic and Protestant. 2328 — Potter, H. C. Sisterhoods and deaconesses. 11507 — Whately, E. J. Maude; or, The Anglican Sister of Mercy. 8847 Sisters, The ; by G. Ebers. 19595 Sisters abroad; by [B. H. Channing]. 780 Sister's bye-hours ; by J. Ingelow. 6354 Sister's influence ; by M. Leslie [Mrs. H. N. Baker]. (With Howard and his teacher.) 2611 Sisters of Charity. See Sisterhoods. Sisters of Soleure ; by C. S. W. ^ 4031 Sister's story, A ; by Mme. A. Craven. '13903 Sitgreaves, L. Report of an exp. down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. Maps and illust. (U. S. 3Sd. Cong. 1st. sess. Senate. Ex. Doc.) 4007 Situation, La ; monologue en prose ; par E. Morand. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 5.) 14795 Sivewright, J., joint author. See Preece, W. H. Sivry, C. de. Une affaire d'honneur ; monologue ; Trop press^ ; monologue. (In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 4.) 14794 73 1146 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Certitude ; fantaisie en prose. (7w Saynetes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 — Iiid(''eision ; monologue. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ndr. 3.) 14793 Six cushions, The ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 8522 Six degrees of crime, The; drama; by F, S. Hill. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 30.) 11825 Six giants of Lehon. {In Nov. and tales fr. Household Words, V. 8.) 14308 Six girls ; by F. B. Irving. 21236 Six hundred dollars a year ; a wife's effort at low living, under high prices. 6362 Six in all ; by V. F. Townsend. 11345 Six months hence. 9653 Six Nations. See Iroquois. Six nights with the Washingtonians ; by T. S. Arthur. 227 Six of one by half a dozen of the other ; by H. B. Stowe, and others. 10703 Six to one ; by E. Bellamy. 17927 Sixteen string Jack ; romantic drama ; by W. L. Rede. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 25.) 11822 Sixtus V. [Felice Peretti], Pope. Huebner, J. A. Life and times of Sixtus. 2 v. 11756-7 Sizer, N. What to do, and why ; describ. trades and profes- sions, and talents required. 10463 Skating. Forrest, G. Handbook of swimming and skating. 1767 — Swift, F. and Clark, M. R. The skater's text-book. 18517 — Vandervell, H. E. System of figure skating ; with glance at its origin and history. 19722 Skeat, W. W. Chaucer : The prioresses tale ; Sire Thopas ; The monkes tale ; The clerkes tale ; The squieres tale ; fr. the Canterbury tales. 14244 — Chaucer : The tale of the man of lawe ; The pardoneres tale ; The second nonnes tale ; The chanouns yemannes tale ; fr. the Canterbury tales. 17077- — Concise etymological dictionary of the English language. * 21655 — Shakespeare's Plutarch ; select, fr. the lives in North's Plutarch which illust. Shakespeare's plays; pref., notes, etc. 15449 — Specimens of Eng. literature, 1394-1579; Introd., notes, etc. 12392 Note. This is pt. 3, of Morris, R. and Skeat. Spec, of early Eng. — Wedgewood, H. Contested etymologies in the dictionary of Skeat. 22342 —joint author. /S'ee Morris, R.' Skeleton at the banquet ; by S. Regester. {In Stor. and sk.) 6883 Skeleton, The, in the closet ; by E. E. Hale. {In Little class., V. 5.) 12976 Skeleton witness ; domestic drama ; by W. L. Rede. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 25.) 11822 Skelton. J. {pseud. Shirley). The Crookit Meg ; story of the year 1. 21193 — Essays in romance and stud. fr. life. 18762 Contents. A word for winter.— The passion of Martin Holdfast. — Elsie.— Leaves fr. the sketchbooks of Philip Evergreen, painter.— Catarina in Venice. — Nancy's tryste. — A passage in the ministry of Stephen Hold- fast.— Among the high Alps. — Poetical works. 3 v. 4008-10 Skelton, T. A. Gas street lighting. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) *I W— Street lighting. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Skene, W. F. Celtic Scotland ; history of anc. Alban. 3 v. *I Contents. Y. 1. History and ethnology. 2. Church and culture. 3. Land and people. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1147 — The four anc. books of Wales; eont. the Cymric poems attributed to the bards of the 6th. cent. 2 v. *I Skepticism. See Scepticism. Skert(?hley, J. A. Daliomey as it is ; also, app. on Ashantee and glossary of Dahoman words and titles. 12744 — Melinda, the caboceer, or, Sport in Ashanti; tale of the gold coast. 14343 Sketch-book ; by W. Irving. 2159 Sketch, A, fr. Babylon. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., no. 22.) 19167 Sketch of fashionable life ; by [H. F. Lee]. {In her Tales.) 2596 Sketches and essays fr. the Saturday Review. 12749 Contents. Adventure schools.— Private schools.— Public schools.— Metropolitan schools. — Fashionable scrambles in country houses. — Mohocks and their literature.— Plato in petticoats.— Return of the tourists. — Social lady-birds.— The infant's progress. — Weddings and wedding presents. — The end of the holidays. — Dinners in the provinces. vSketches by Boz ; by C. Dickens. 1212 ; 9107 Sketches in India ; farce ; by T. Morton. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 12.) 11814 Sketches of Germany and the Germans, e^c, 1834-6. 2d. ed. 2317 Sketches of the P^nglish ; by D. Jerrold. {In his Works, v. 4.) *I Sketches of young ladies, young gentlemen, and young couples ; by C. Dickens. 14293 Sketching. See Drawing ; — Painting. Sketchley, A. ^ pseud. See Rose, G. Skiff, F. J. y.^ joint author. See Dawson, J. F. Skin. The skin and its troubles. 19054 — Wilson, E. Healthy skin; the skin and hair, their preservation and man- agement. ' 16924 Skirmishes and sketches ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 5938 Skirmisliiug ; by Mrs. Jenkin. 6942 Skull. Morgan, N. The skull and brain ; their indications of character and anatomical relations. 14229 Skuse, E. The confectioners' hand-book and pract. guide to the art of sugar boiling. lUust. 20748 Sky. See Astronomy. Sky ; by J. Abbott. (Rollo's philos.) 48 Sky-garden, In the ; by L. W. Champney. 16652 Skye. Smith, A. A summer in Skye. 6103 Slack, H. J. A nettle-sting, and other plant hairs. {In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 1.) 20445 Sladen, E. B. Expedition to China. See Anderson, J. Slagg, C. Sanitary work in the smaller towns and villages. 16781 Slasher and Crasher ; by J. M. Morton. {In French's min. dram., v. 4.) 11836 Slate. Davies, D. C. Treatise on slate, and slate-quarrying, scientific, practical, and commercial. 17802 Slater, ^.^ joint author. See Smith, T. R. Slater, S. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 Slave, The. See Archy Moore. Slave of the lamp ; by W. North. 3265 Slave songs of the United States. *I Slave-trade. Baker, S. W. Ismailia ; narr. of the exped. to Centr. Africa for the suppression of the. trade ; organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. 13309 — Carey, H. C. The slave-trade, domestic and foreign. 686 1247 1148 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Clarkson, T. History of the rise, progress, and accomplishment of the abolition of the trade by Parliament. 850 — Colomb, — . Copt. Slave catching in the Indian ocean. 11780 — Kingsley, H. The old slave trade. {In his Tales of old travel.) ^ 8065 — Manning, E. Six months on a slaver. 18496 — TurnbuTl, D. Notices of the slave trade. {In his Cuba.) 4631 — See also wilberforce, W. Slavery. Aughey, J. The iron furnace ; or, Slavery and secession. — Bigelow, J. Jamaica in 1850. 4993 — Boutwell, G. S. Speeches and papers rel. to the rebellion and the over- throw^ of slavery. T056 — Channing, W. E. Slavery. 786 Slaverv; The abolitionists, etc.; Remarks on the slavery question; Emancipation. {In his Works, v. 2, 5, 6.) 788; 791-2 — Chase, E. B. Teachings of patriots and statesmen on slaverv. 800 — Claver, P. Peter Claver ; life and labors. 7344 — Cochin, P. S. A. Results of emancipation ; tr. by M. L. Booth. 902 — Cotfin, L. Reminiscences; history of labors in behalf of the slave, with stories of fugitives, etc. 19406 — Douglass, F. Life and times. 21291 My bondage and my freedom. ' 1255 — Fast day sermons : or. The pulpit on the state of the country. 1454 — Freeman, E. A. The Southern slaves. {In his Hist, essays, ser. 3.) 19219 — Greeley, H. Drift and progress of Amer. opinion respt. S. {In his Amer. conflict.) 5739-40 — Harper, W. Vindication of S. {In Pulszkv, F. A., and T. White, red, and black, v. 2.) 3564 — Helper, H. R. The impending crisis of the South. 1848 — Hildreth, R. Despotism in America; inquiry into the nature, etc., of the slave-holding system. ' 1906 — Johnson, O. W. Wm. Lloyd Garrison and his times. 1934S — Kemble, F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgia plantation, 1838-9. *I — Lea, H. C. The early Church and slaverv. {In Ms Studies.) 22759 — Liberty bell. [Coll. of prose and poetry.] 5101 — Mann, H. Slavery ; letters and speeches. 2881 — May, S. J. Some recollections of our anti-slavery conflict. 7871 — Mill, J. S. The slave power. {In his Diss, and disc, v. 3.) 5980 — Muzzey, A. B. The antislavery movement. {In his Reminis.) 22390 — Olmsted, F. L. The cotton kingdom; obs. on cotton and slarery. 2 v. 5375-6 Journey in the seaboard slave states. 3290 — Parsons, C. G. Inside view of S. ; tour among the planters [1852-53]. 3382 — Phillips, W. The Constitution a pro-slavery compact. 3455 — The pro-slavery argument ; essays. ' 3561 — Redpath, J. The roving editor ; or. Talks with slaves in the southern states. 3617 — Reynolds, E. W. True story of the barons of the South ; or, The rationale of the Amer. conflict. ' 5162 — Seabury, S. American slavery distinguished from the slavery of English theorists, and justified bv the law of nature. * 3866 — Slavery in the U. S. ; narr. of the life of C. Ball. 318 — Stebbihs, G. B. Facts and opinions touching the origin, character, etc., of the Amer. Colonization Soc. ; views of Wilberforce, Clarkson, and others, etc. 4205 — Strover, J. Sketches of mv life in the South. 18894 — Swisshelm, J. G. Half a century [F. S.] . 19985 — Tanner, H. Account of the life, trials, etc., of E. P. Lovejoy. *I — Thome, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in the TTest Indies. 4433 — Thompson, J. Life ; written by himself . 17713 — Thoreau, H. D. Slavery in Mass. {In his Yankee in Canada, etc.) 6464 — Wilson, H. Historv of the anti-slaverv measures of IT. S. Congress, 1861-64. ^ ' 5729 — Wilson, H. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 v. 10086-8 — See also Illinois. IRs^or?/; — Negroes;— Underground railroad ;—U. S. History. Also Russia;— Slave trade. Slaves, The, of Paris ; by E. Gaboriau. 21888 Slaves of the ring ; by [F. W. Robinson]. 2410 Slavic nations. Clarke, E. L. The Turkish Slavonians, etc. {In his Races of European Turkey.) 18402 — Wilkinson, J. G. Remarks on the Slavonic nations. {In his Dalmatia.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1149 Slavonia. Literature. Naak^, J. T. Slavonic fairy tales. 13047 Sleep. Hall, W. W. Sleep ; or, The hygiene of the night. 1192 — Hammond, W. A. Sleep and its derangements. 7898 — MacNish, R. Philosophy of sleep. 7688 — Phipson, T. L. Science of S.; somnambulism and anaesthesia. (In his Familiar letters.) 16631 — Richardson, Dr. The phenomena of sleep. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 — Symonds, J. A. Sleep and dreams. (In his Misc.) 22836 — Wilson, R. Sleep. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 1.) 20445 — See also Mesmerism. Sleeper, M. G. The Mediterranean islands ; sk. and stories of their scenery, customs, hist., painters, etc. Illust. 6503 Sleeper, The, awakened ; by Mrs. Pulsky. {I7i Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Sleeping beauty. The. (In Lodge, H. C. Six pop. tales.) 19660 Sleeping beauty in the wood ; by A. I. Thackeray. {In her Writings.) 8668 Sleeping beauty in the wood ; by J. R. Planch^, (/n his Extravaganzas, v. 2.) *I Sleeping-car, The ; farce ; by W. D. Howells. 22728 Sleepy Hollow, Legend of ; by W. Irving. {In his Sketch book.) 2159 Sleigh, W. W. The Christian's defensive dictionary ; refutation of objections to the Bible. 6344 Sleight of hand. Cremer, W. H. Magic no mystery. 15620 — Hoftmann, L. Modern magic. 16722 — Robert-Houdin, J. E. The secrets of conjuring and magic. 17529 — Sachs, E. Sleight of hand. , 19476 Slick, Sam, pseud. See Haliburton, T. C. Slidell, J. Savage, J. {In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 Slide-rule. Hoare, C. The slide-rule and how to use it. *I — Kentish, T. Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide-rule. 2460 — Pilkington, J. Description of the slide-rule. (In his Artist's and mech. repos.) 3470 Slide valve. Auchincloss, W. S. Practical appl. of the slide valve and link motion to engines, with new and simple methods for proportioning the parts. 13416 — MacCord, C. W. Practical treatise on the movement of slide valves by eccentrics. *I Slight mistake, A ; comedy ; by E. Souvestre. {Li Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Slighted treasures ; petite comedy ; by W. Suter. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Slingsby, J. F., pseud. See Waller, J. F. Slip, A, in the fens. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 11714 Sloan, S. Sloan's homestead architecture; with essays on landscape gardening, furniture, etc. Illust. 3d. ed. 20285 Slosson, A. T. The China hunters club. 18053 Sly ballades in Harvard china ; by E. S. M. 22387 Small, A. 'E.^ joint author. See Warren, I. Small books on great subjects. 3 v. 4014-16 Contents. V. 1. Philosophical theories and experience.— Physiology and intellectual science. — Barlow, J. Man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. — Practical organic chemistry. 2, Early Greek phi- losophy. — Later Greek philosophy.— Christian doctrines in the 2d. cent.— Brown, T. Exposition of vulgar and common errors. 3. Introduction . to vegetable physiology.— On the principles of criminal law.— Christian sects m the 19th. cent.— General principles of grammar. 1150 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Small change Mmily, The. {In Fam. stories, v. 1.) 18148 — Same. {In Novels and tales from Household Words, v. 11.) 14311 Small house, The, at Allington ; by A. Trollope. 5774 Small pox. Hamilton, A. McL. Small pox and other contagious diseases. {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, e^c, v. 2.) 19452 — Snow, E. M. Does small-pox become epidemic, or spread only by its own contagion? (7m Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., v. 2.) *I Smalley, Elam. The Worcester pulpit. 4017 Smart, C. Abstract of a report on certain points in medical climatology. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I — Abstract of a report on the spring, welK and river waters in the depart- ment of the Platte. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I — Hygiene of camps. {In Buck, A. H. Treat, on hygiene, v. 2.) 19452 Smart, C. Driven from, the path. 11951 Smart, Hawley. Belles and ringers. 20182 — Breezie Langton. 7145 — Courtship in 1720 and 1860. Romances of two centuries. (Star ser.) 16921 — The great Tontine. 22707 — A race for a wife. 5541 — Two kisses. 17076 Smart, Henry. Jacob, sacred cantata. *I Smeaton, J. Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics.) 2012 — Smiles, S. {In his Lives of the engineers, v. 2.) *I — Taylor, W. C. {In his Mod. Brit. Plutarch.) 4385 Smedley, E. History of the reformed relig. in France. .3 v. 4020-22 — Sketches from Venetian history. 2 v. 4012-13 — and others. The occult sciences. (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.) 4019 Contents. The ancients and their fables. — Belief in supernatural beings. — Localities. — The exercise of occult power. — Psychological experiences. — Wonders of divination.— Natural and artiticiaf charms. Smedley, F. E. Lorimer Littlegood, Esq. 4023 Smedley, M. B. Linnet's trial. 5684 Smee, A. Elements of electro-metallurgy. 4024 — My garden, its plan and culture, with a general description of its geology, * botany, and nat. hist. *I — O., E. M.* Memoir of S. ; with a select, from his misc. writings.) 19132 Smellie, W. Philosophy of natural history. 4025 Smethurst, J. H. Sinking of cylinders for bridge piers at Sowerby bridge. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 4.) *I Smethurstses ; by F. H. Burnett. {In her Surly Tim.) 17184 Smiles, S. Brief Biographies. 4026 — Character. 9909 — Duty; with illust. of courage, patience, and endurance. 20072 — George Moore, merchant and philanthropist. Portr. 18845 — The Huguenots in Eng. and Ireland; with app. rel. to the Huguenots in America. ^ 7112 — The Huguenots in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes ; with a visit to the country of the Vaudois [Dauphiny] . 12139 — Life of a Scotch naturalist : Thomas Edward. * 16800 — Life of G. Stephenson. 4029 — Life of G. and R. Stephenson ; compr. hist, of the invention and introd. of the railway locomotive. Illust. 7524 — Lives of Boultori and Watt ; compr. hist, of steam engine. 8739 — Lives of the engineers. 3 v. 8727-9 Contents. V. 1. Early works of embanking and draining.— Life of H. Myddleton. —Early roads 'and modes of travelling. — Bridges, harbours, and ferries. — Life 'of J. Brindley. 2. Life of J. Smeaton. — J. Rennie. — T. Telford. 3. George and Robert Stephenson. — Same ; new and rev. ed. 5 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Early engineering.— Vermuyden.— Myddleton. — Perry. — J. Brindley. 2, Harbours. — Lighthouses.-- Bridges. — Smeaton and Rennie. 3. History of roads.— Metcalfe.— Telford. 4. The steam- engine. — Boulton and Watt. 5. The locomotive. — G. and R. Stephenson. CATALOGUE 01^^gQgg|?. T ff ft'TUB^ia^^ 1151 — Kobert Dick, baker of Thurso, geologist and botanist. Portr. and illust. 18240 — Round the world; incl. a residence in Victoria, and journej' by rail across No. America ; bv a boy. Illust. ' " 9792 — Self-help. * 4027 — Thrift. 15418 Smiley, 8. F. Who is He? appeal to those who regard with doubt the name of Jesus. 7567 Smith, A. The cricket on the hearth. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 43.) 11831 Smith, Adam. Inquiry into the nat. and causes of the wealth of nations ; ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. 2 v. 10653-4 — Bagehot, W. Adam Smith and our mod. economy. (In his Econ. stud.) 19698 Adam Smith as a person. {In his Biog. stud.) 20441 — Brougham, H. Adam Smith; analytical view of the Wealth of nations. (m ^is Lives of philos.) 524 — Draper, W. Life of S. (In Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 — Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith, 1723-1790. 20154 Smith, Albert. Customs and habits of the Turks ; [a month at Constantinople] . ' 4030 — The story of Mont Blanc. 5887 — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Smith, Alexander. Alfred Hagart's household. 5954 — City poems. 4032 — Dreamthorp : essays. 5552 Contents. Dreamthorp. — On the writing of essays. — Of death and the fear of dying.— Wm. Dunbar. — A lark's flight.— Christmas. — Men of let- ters.— On the importance of a man to himself.— A shelf in my bookcase.— Geoffrey Chaucer.— Books and gardens.— On vagabonds. — Dreamthorp. {In Little class., v. 4.) 12975 — Miss Oona McQuarrie. . 6149 — Poems. 4033 — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — A summer in Skve. 6103 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Kingsley, C. Alex. Smith and A. Pope. {In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 Smith, A. C. Narrative of a spring tour in Portugal. 8843 Smith, A. L. How to be rich ; or, A key to honest wealth ; pract. guide. 5754 Smith, A. W. Elementary treatise on mechanics. 16001 Smith, B. E. Appendix. (In Schwegler, A. Hist, of phil- osophy.) 20071 Smith, C. B. Philosophy of reform ; design, principle, and plan of God for the development of man. 4034 Smith, C. G. Engineering papers. 13637 Contents. Mortar.— Practical ironwork.— Retaining walls. Smith, C. Notes of a volunteer. 4035 Smith, C. H. Bill Arp ;— Sk. of S. (In Watterson, H. Oddi- ties in South, life.) 22306 Smith, C. H. Natural hist, of human species. 4036 — Same ; with prelim, abst. of the views of Blumenbach, Prichard, Bach- ■ man, Agassiz, and other authors; by S. Kneeland, Jr. 13193 Smith, C. (T). Elwood, A. K. (In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 — Kavanagh, J. (In her Eng. women.) 7014 — Scott, W. {In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) 3838 Smith, E. R. The Araucanians ; notes of a tour in S. Chili. 4039 Smith, Edward. Botany. 2 v. (In Orr, W. S. Circ. of the sci. : System of nat. hist.) 5185-6 Smith, E. Foods. (Int. sci. ser.) 11798 — Health; hand-book for households and schools. 13575 1152 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Story of the Eng. Jacobins ; acct. of the persons implicated hi the charges of High Treason, 1794. 20782 — William Cobbett; a biography. 2 v. 19133-4 Smith, Elbridge. History of the Cambridge High School, 1847- 56. 22073 Bound with Bradbury, W. F. Cambridge High School. Smith, E. A. Seola. 17628 Smith, Elizabeth. Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Smith, E. E. Three eras of the life of woman. 4037 Smith, Enan. The Perso-Baluch frontier mission, 1870, 71 ; The Perso-Afghan mission, 1871, 72. {In India, Coun- cil of India. Eastern Persia, ete., v. 1.) *I Smith, F. S. Life and adv. of Josh Billings ; with character- istic sketch. lUust. aphorisms. 22951 Smith, Gc.^ joint author. See Mayhew, E. Smith, George. Assyria fr. the earliest times to the fall of Nineveh. (Anc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) 14068 — Assyrian discoveries ; explorations and disc, on the site of Nineveh, 1873-4. •! — Chaldean acct. of Genesis, cont. descr. of the Creation, etc. ; Babylonian fables and legends of the Gods ; fr. the Cuneiform inscriptions.' lllust. *I — Same; new ed.; rev., etc.; with add. by A. H. Sayce. lllust. . 20414 — History of Babylonia; ed. by A. H. Sayce. (Anc. Hist. fr. Monuments.) 17387 — Gipsy life ; acct. of our gipsies and their children, with sugg. for their improvement. 20034 Smith, George B. Life and speeches of J. Bright. Portr. 21256 — Poets and novelists ; literary studies. 15378 Contents. Wm. M. Thackeray. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning. — Thomas Love Peacock.— Nathaniel Hawthorne.— The Brontes. — Henry Fiolding. — Robert Buchanan. — English fugitive poets. Smith, George V. Christianity ; what it is not, and what it is. (In Christ, and mod. thought.) 10188 Smith, G. Frothingham, O. B. Gerritt Smith ; a biography. 17412 Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. (Eng. men of letters.) 19769 — Lectures. 6413 Contents. Inaugural lect. — On the study of hist. — On some supposed consequences of the doctrine of historicar progress. — Moral freedom of man. — On the foundation of the Amer. colonies. — Universitv of Oxford. — Political destinv of Canada; fr. Fortnightly Rev. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, V. 1.) 1764.5 — Same ; with a reply by Sir F. Hincks, etc. 18724 — The slave owner and the Turk. {In Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 1.) 17645 — Three English statesmen [Pvm, Cromwell, Pitt] ; lect. on the polit. hist. of England. ' 7187 — University education. {In Amer. Soc Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1869.) 15732 Smith, Graham. Effect of sulphates on lime mortar ; Notes on iron works. (Jn Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 6.) *I Smith, H. O. Private streets and the 152d. section of the Pub- lic Health Act. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 8.) ♦! — Sluices and penstocks. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 6.) *I Smith, H. {pseud. Hesba Stretton). Bede's charity. 9938 — Brought home. 14345 — Cassy. 13853 — Cobwebs and cables. 20577 — The crew of the Dolphin. 16812 — Hester Morley's promise. 12027 — In prison and out. 19230 — The king's servants. 12510 — Lost Gip. 12690 — The queen of the county. 9174 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1153 — Through a needle's eye. 17505 — The wonderful life. 13499 Smith, Heber. Sailors as propag:ators of disease. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v.l.) *I Smith, H. A. Chemistry of sulphuric acid manufacture. 11773 Smith, Henry B. Faith and philosophy ; ed. with introd. by G. L. Prentiss. 18186 Contents. Kelations of faith and philosophy.— Nature and worth of the science of church history.— Eeformed churches of Europe and America in rel. to general church history. — The idea of christian theology as a system. —The new latitudinarians of England.— Theological system 'of Emmons. —Christian union and ecclesiastical reunion. — Sir W. Hamilton's theory » of knowledge. — Draper's Intellectual development of Europe. — Whedoii on the will. — Kenan's Life of Jesus. — The new faith of Strauss. — Introduction to Chr. theology ; ed. by W. S. Karr. 22485 Smith, H. J. S. Memoir of J. Conington. {In Conington, J. Misc. writ., v. 1.) 11124 Smith, H. H. Brazil : the Amazons and the coast ; illust. by J. W. Champney, etc. 19414 Smith, Horace. Adam Brown, the merchant. 12440 — Arthur Arundel. 12403 — Gaieties and gravities. 4042 — Love and mesmerism. 5449 — The picnic party. {In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — The tin trumpet. 16782 — and James. Poetical works ; with portr. and biog. sk. ; ed. bv E. Sar- gent. ' 5965 Smith, H. Tent life with English gipsies in Norway. 14102 Smith, I. G. Characteristics of Chr. morality. (Bamptonlect.) 12129 Smith, J. C, Jr. A strange presentiment. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Smith, J. E. A. History of Pittsfield, Mass. 2 v. *I {^ — Taghconic ; the romance and beauty of the hills ; by Godfrey Greylock. 19029 Smith, J. E. How to see with the microscope. Illust. 20905 Smith, J. E. Oakridge ; an old-time story. 13574 Smith, J. F. Romantic incidents in the lives of the Queens of England. 4047 — Sir Bernard Gaston; or, The secret of Moultree Hall. 12295 Smith, J. L. Causes of the mortality of young children in summer, and the measures req. for prevention. {In Bal- timore. Thos. Wilson Sanitarium. Sanitary care, etc.) 20495 Smith, J. Moyr. The prince of Argolis ; story of old Greek fairy time. Illust. 17350 Smith, J. P. Romantic incidents in the lives of the Queens of England. 4047 Smith, Mrs. J. Q. The class of '71. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., V. 2.) 13931 Smith, J. R. Disease among Texas cattle. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 6, 7.) *I — Report of examinations for trichinje at San Antonio. (Iw Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I Smith, James. Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul ; with dis- sert, on the life and writings of St. Luke and the ships and navigation of the ancients. 3d. ed. Add. proofs, and illust. 17539 Smith, James. The veteran of Marengo. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 3.) 7224 — and Horace. Rejected addresses. 8967 — joint author. See Smith, H. 1154 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Hayward, A. {In his Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 Smith, J. L. Meteoric stones. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1855.) 14037 — Progi-ess and cond. of industrial chemistry. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos. 1867, Kept., v. 2.) 9097 Smith, J. M'C. Introduction (In Douglass, F. My bond- age, etc.) 1255 Smith, J. Morison, J. H. Life of Smith. 3156 Smith, J. V. C. Buried millions. Where do the gold and sil- ver go? (Atlas ser.) 18286 — Class book of anatomy. 2d. ed. Illust. 4050 Smith, John. Ferns; British and foreign ; new and enl. ed. ' 17094 — Historia filicum ; exposition of the nature, number, and organography of ferns. *I Smith, John. Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man : with notes, and illust. ; by -R. T. Trail. 4059 Smith, Rev John. Tulloch, J. (In his Rat. theology, v. 2.) 11457 Smith, Capt. John. Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. {In ^/ie^r Pocahontas.) 19216 — Hill, G. C. Adventures of Smith. 4046 — Hillard, G. S. Life of S. (In Lives of em. individ., v. 1.) 2708 Same. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Am. biog., v. 2.) 4111 — Simms, W. G. Life of Smith. 3991 — Warner, C. D. Smith, a study of his life and writings. 21126 Smith, J. C. Evolution and a pers. Creator. (In Chr. truth and mod. opinion.) 13496 — The theistic basis of evolution. {In Boston Mondav Leet. 1880-81.) 20467 Smith, J. F. Story of May Darling. (In Wilson, J. M. Tales, V. 5.) 8045 Smith, J. P. English coi|;^age question. (In Cobden Club ess., 2d. ser.) *I Smith, J. P. On the relation bet. the Scrip, and geolog. science. 4048 Smith, J. S. Social aspects. 4049 Smith, J. Quincy J. Joseph Smith at Nauvoo. (In ^is Fig- ures of the past.) 22480 — Stenhouse, T. B. H. Sketch of S. {In his Rocky Mt. Saints.) *I Smith, J. T. Chronological table of contemp. history. (In Keightley, T. Hist, of Greece.) 2434 Smith, Julia E. Abby Smith and her cows; with rept. of the law case decided contrary to law. 16890 Smith, J. P. Courting and farming. 14344 — Cris and Otho. 9601 — His young wife. 17425 — Kiss and be friends. ^ 21889 — Lucy. 21840 — The married belle. 11090 — Ten old maids : and five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish. 13050 — Widow Goldsmith's daughter. 9600 — The widower. 9986 Smith, L. The Bessemer process in the U. S. (In Gruner, M. L. Manuf. of steel.) 11199 Smith, MargSiYet^ pseud. Leaves fr. S.'s journal 1678-79 ; [by J. G. Whittier]. 4762 Smith, M. P. W. (pseud. P. Thorne). Jolly good times ; or, Child-life on a farm. 14347 — Jolly good times at school. 17291 Smith, N. Sketch of S. (In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1155 Smith, Nathaniel. Sketch of S. {In biog. of self-taught men, V. 1.) 410 Smith, P. History of the Chr. Church dur. the 1st. ten cen- turies. 17952 — A history of the world : v. 1-3. Anc. history. 10082-4 — Smaller ancient history of the East. Illust. 10594 Smith, P. V. History of the Eng. institutions. (Hist, hand- books.) 13577 Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Carthaginians. 2d. ed., rev. andenl. 18611 — Life of Lord Lawrence. Portr. and maps. 3d. ed. 2 v. 22832-3 — Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 12826 — Rome and Carthage ; the Punic wars. (Epochs of anc. hist.) 20225 Smith, R. M. Persian art. Map and woodcuts. (So. Ken- sington Mus. Arthd.-bks.) *I Smith, R. S. Manual of linear perspective. 4277 Smith, R. D. Another view of the jurisdiction in Guiteau's case. {In Grinnell, C. E. Points of law.) *I Smith, R. H. Cutting to(»ls worked by hand and machine. Plates, etc. 22834 Smith, R. P. Science and revelation. {In Chr. Ev. See. Mod. scepticism.) 9747 Smith, S. Animal physiology. (Lib. of use. knowl.) 268 Smith, S. B. Elements of ecclesiastical law; compl. with ref. to the Syllabus, the '' Const. Apostolicse Sedis" of Pius IX., etc. ; adapt to the Church in the U. S. 4th. ed. rev. 2 v. *I Smith, S. C. Chile con carne ; or. The camp and the field. 4040 Smith, S. F. Missionary sketches ; hist, of the Amer. Baptist Missionary Union ; brought to date by E. F. Merriam. 3d. ed. 2276S Smith, S. T. Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 Smith, Samuel. Russell, W. Sir S. Smith, Attorney-at-law. {In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Smith, S. F. Sketch of S. {In Oilman, A. Poets' homes. ser. 2.) 19289 Smith, S. L. (H.) Eddy, D. C. {In his Heroines, etc) 5032 — Sketch of S. L. Smith. (In Worn, of worth.) 1219 Smith, S. {pseud. Maj. Jack Downing). Way down east; or. Portraitures of Yankee life. 4053 Smith, S. The hypocrite ; fr. Moli^re's Tartuffe. {In Mod. St. dr., V. 14.) 11816 Smith. Mrs. Spencer. Watson, H. C. Mrs. S. Smith's escape. {In his Heroic wornen.) 4676 Smith, S. History of Am. Pub. Health Ass. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 5.) *I — Hosf)italism and hospital eonstr. ; Reciprocal rel. of a public health ser- vice and the highest educ. qualifications of the medical profession. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) *I — Influence of private dwellings on pub. hygiene ; relations of sanitary au- thority to them. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kept., v. 3.) *I — Limitations and modifying cond; of human longevity the basis of sani- tary work ; Local measures of prevention and relief dur. the preva- lence of cholera. (In Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. Kept., v. 1, 1873.) *I — Maritime sanitary service. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) *I Smith, Stephen. Romance and humor of the rail. 11588 1156 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Smith, Itev. Sydney. Works. 4055 — Elementary sketches of moral philosophy. 4054 — Wit and wisdom of S. ; select, of passages in his writings, etc. 12156 — Dix, J. R. A recollection of S. {In his Pen and ink sk.) *I — Foster, J. (In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1502 — Gilfillan, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Hay ward, A. (77i /iis Biog. and crit. ess., v. 1.) 17946 — Holland, S. S. Memoir of S. ; with select, fr. his writini<8; ed. by Mrs. Austin. 2 V. ^ 6041-2 — Home, R. H. [In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Milnes, R. M. (In his Monographs.) 11605 — Thomson, K. and J. C. (In their Wits and beaux of soc.) 4719 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Essays, biog. and crit.) 4523 Smith, T. R. and Slater, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. (Illust. hd.-bks. of art. hist.) 22708 Smith, T. A. Wilmot, J. E. E. Reminiscences of S. ; or, The pursuits of an Eng. country gentleman. 12212 Smith, T. F. The metaphysical miracles of the New Testament. 10884 Smith, T. L. Elements of the laws ; civil and crim. laws in theU. S., etc. 17217 Smith, T. S. Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 Smith, V. G. The New England sphinx. {In Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., V. 6.) 13935 Smith, W. H. The drunkard. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 11.) 11813 Smith, W. R. The Old Testament in the Jewish church ; lect. on Biblical criticism. 20492 — The prophets of Israel and their place in history. 21841 Smith, Walter. Art education, scholastic and industrial. *I — The child's practical geometry. 11137 — The greatness of great men. ' (In Antefix papers.) 14186 — Industrial art education, consid. economically. (In Penn. Mus. and School of Indust. Art. Proc, 1877.) 16956 — Teacher's manual of free-hand drawing and designing. *I Smith, Wm. Advertise. How? When? Where? 11047 Smith, Wm. Memoir of J. G. Fichte. 5428 Smith, Wm. Classical diet, of biography, mythology, and geography. 8708 — Concise dictionary of the Bible. 8723 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 v. 8724-6 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2 v. * 9236-7 — Dictionary of the Bible. 3 v. 8592-t — History of Greece to the Rom. conq. ; suppl. on the hist, of literature and art; rev. by G. W. Greene. Illust. 4057 — History of Greece to the Roman conq. suppl. on the hist, of literature and art; notes, and a contln. to the present time, by C. C. Felton. 13189 — New Testament hist.; with introd. Maps and * woodcuts. (Student's Script, hist.) 6559 — Old Testament historv ; to the return of the Jews f r. captivity. (Stu- dent's Scrip, hist.y ' 6373 — Smaller dictionary of the Bible. 8709 — Smaller diet, of Greek and Roman antiquities. 8710 — Smaller hist, of England, to 1862. Illust. 7345 — Smaller history of Greece; to the Roman conquest. Illust. 6994 — Smaller hist. 6t Rome, to the establishment of the empire; with Cont. to A. D. 476, by E. Lawrence. Illust. 5941 — View of Europe dur. the Middle Ages; by H. Hallam; with add., etc. (Student's hist.) ' 9829 — and Cheetham, S. Dictionary of Chris, antiquities. 2 v. 14362-3 — and Tuckerman, H. T. Smaller hist, of Eng. and Amer. literature. 8505 — joint author. See Shaw, T. B. Choice spec, of Eng. lit. Smith, Wm., Dean of Chester. Life, writings, etc. of Longinus. (in Longinus, D. On the sublime.) 8407 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1157 Smith, Wm., of the Middle Temple. Thorndale ; the conflict of opinions. 4056 Smith, W. A. The knowledge of acceptance with God. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Smith, Wm. S. How to succeed as a civil engineer. (I7i Ab- bott, L. How to succeed.) 22562 Smith, SirW. S. Barrow, J. Life and correspondence of S. 2 v. 323-4 Smith, W. G. A diseased potato. {In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 3.) 20526 Smith. See also Smyth ; — S my the. Smith family. Grazebrook, H. S. The heraldry of Smith. *I Smithsonian Institution. Report, 1855 ; 1869-70; 1872-75. 14037; 11625-6; 13103; 14104; 14377; 12994 Principal contents. 1855. Harvey, W. H. Marine algde.— Morris, J. G. Natural hist, appl. to farming and gardening; Insect instincts and transformations.— Chace, G. I. Oxygen and its combinations.— Smith, J. L. Meteoric stones.— Snell, E. S. Planetary disturbances. 1869. Ber- trand, J. Kepler; his life and works.— Arago, D. F. J. Eulogj^ on T. Young.— Beaumont, L. E. de. Memoir of A. Bravais.— Rau, C. Memoir of C. r. P. von Martins.— Matteucci, C. Life and scientific labors of S. Marianini.— Hunt, T. S. Chemistry of the earth.— Matteucci, C. Elec- trical currents of the earth.— Marey, E. J. Phenomena of flight in the animal kingdom. — Babinet, J. The Northern seas.— Lombard, H. C. Report on the transactions of the Soc. of Phys. and Nat. Hist, of Geneva, June 1868-9. — Simpson, J. H. Coronado's march in search of the " Seven Cities of Cibola," and discuss, of their probable location.— Lub- bock, J. Social and relig. cond. of the lower races of man.— Huxley, T. H. Principles and methods of palaeontology.— Schott, A. The " Cara Gigantesca" of Yzamal, in Yucatan.— Becquerel, A. C. Forests and their climatic influence.- Brenndecke, F. Meteorites.— Abich, —. Re- markable forms of hail-stones in Georgia.— Sartorius, C. Eruption of the volcano of Colima. 1870. Henry, J. Eulogy on A. D. Bache. — Bache, A. D. Lecture on Switzerland.— Henry, J. On a physical observ- atory. — Arago, F. History of my youth; Eulogy on Herschel.— Life and labors of H. G. Magnus.— Anderson, M. B. Life of C. Dewey.— Taylor, W. B. Nature ana origin of force.— Liebig, J. von. Induction and deduction.— Haughton, S. Address on the rel. of food to work, and its bearing on medical practice.— Reynolds. J. E. Hydrogen as a gas and as a metal.— Wiseman, N. Leeture'on the identification of the artisan and artist.— Babinet, J. The diamond and other precious stones.— Poey, A. New classification of clouds. 1872. Arago, D. F. J. Eulo^ on Ampere. — Fischer, P. Scientific labors of E. Lartet.— Peabody, A. P. Scientific education of mechanics and artisans.— Bauer, A. Organic bases.— Kletzinsky, Prof. Nitrogen bodies of mod. chemistrv.- Egleston, ~ - • - - ilit ■ " •- - -. T. Scheme for the qualitative determination of substances "by the blow- pipe.— Blow-pipe apparatus of Hawkins and Wale.— Suess, E.' Boundary line bet. geology and history.- Brezina, A. Explanation of the princ. of crystallography and crystallophj^sics. — Woeikoff", A. Meteorology in Rus- sia.— Donati, G. B. Phenomena manifested in telegraphic lines* dur. the aurora borealis ; and origin of northern lights. 1873. Dodge, N. S. Charles Babbage.— Stebbins, R. P. Louis Agassiz.— Gray, A. John Torrey. Stevens, J. A., Jr. George Gibbs.— Dalton, J. C* Origin and propagation of disease,- Later views of the connect, of electricity and magnetism. — Helmholz, Prof. Review of mathematical theories. — Max- well, J. C. Action at a distance.— Gould, B. A. Astronomical Observar tory at Cordova, Argentine Repub.— Muilly, E. Recent estimate of the population of the world.— Morin, A. Warming and ventilating occupied buildings.— DeForest, E. L. Additions to Memoir on methods of inter- polation appl. to the graduation of irregular series. 1874. Arago, Eulogy on La Place. — Mailly, E. Eulogy on Quetelet. — Dumas, Eulogy on A. A. De La Rive.— Hilgard, J. E. Tides and tidal action in harbors.— Lemstrom, S. Observations upon the electricity of the atmos- phere and the aurora borealis, made dur. the Swedish exp. of 1868 to the North Pole, with notes by Prof. De La Rive.— Candolle, A. de. A domi- nant language for science, with notes by J. E. Gray.— Schott, C. A. and Everett, J, D. Underground temperature.— Du Pre, W. Series of earth- 1158 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. quakes in North Carolina, commencing Feb. 10th, 1874, with notes by J. Henrv.— De La Rive, A. Report on Transactions of Soc. of Physics and Nat. Hist, of Geneva, 1872-1873.— Morin, A. Warming and ventilation: (cont. fr. rept. of 1873.). 1875. Arago, D. F. J. Eulogy on Alexan- der Volta. — Candolle, A. de. Probable future of the human race.— Can- dolle, A de. Report on Transactions of Soc. of Physics and Nat. Hist, of Geneva, 1873-1874.— Prestv^iclc, J. Past and future of geology. —Report of the spec. comm. fqr consideration of the Mem. of H. G. Wex, upon the diminution of the water of rivers and streams.— Taylor. W. B. Refraction of sound.— Henry, J. Organization of local scientific societies. Bureau of Ethnology. — Annual report; by J. W. Powell. 1879-80. *I Contents of accompanying paper's. Powell, J. W. Evolution of lan- guage; Mythology of N. Arher. Indians; Wyandot government; An- thropologic data."— Yarrow, H. C. Mortuary customs of the N. Amer. Indians.— Holden, E. S. Central Amer. picture writing.— Royce, C. C. Cessions of land by Indian tribes to the U. S.— Mallery, G. * Sign lan- guage among N. Amer. Indians.— Pilling, J. C. Catalogue of linguistic ^ mss. in the library of the Bur. of Ethnology.- Dorsey, J; O., Gatschet, A. S., and Riggs, S. R. Method of recording Indian languages. Smoke; by I. S. Turgen^ff. (Leis.-hr. ser.) 10629 Smoking. See Tobacco. Smollett, T. ((t.) Count Fathom's adv. in the lone cottage. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — The expedition of Humphrev Clinker; with mem. of the author bv T. Roscoe. ' * 13191 — Humphrey Clinker. Illust. 4064 — Roderick Random. 1472 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of the novelists, v. 1.) 3860 Same. {In his Bio^. and crit. not.) 3837 — Thackeray, W. M. (In his Eng. humourists.) 4398 Smucker, S. M., ed. Arctic explorations and discoveries dur. the 19 th cent. 5533 Smucker. See also Schmucker. Smuggler, The ; by G. V. R. James. 5221 Smuggler's ghost, The ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 13259 Smyrna. Baillie, Mrs. A sail to Smyi-na. 13045 — Maximilian, F. M. J. (In his On the wing.) *I Smyth, C. P. Life and work at the great pyramid, 1865. 3 v. *I — Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid; plates. 7826 — Same ; new ed. ' 12791 Smyth, E. C. The change of the Sabbath to the Lord's day. {In Sabb. ess.) 19808 — From Lessing to Schleiermacher ; or, From Rationalism to faith. (In Boston lect., 1870.) 8641 — Introduction and appendix. (In Edwards, J. Obs. cone, the Trinity.) 19836 Smyth, N. Dorner on the future state; trans., with in trod. and notes by S. 22467 — Old faiths in new light. 19042 Contents. The idea of development, and the new questions about old faiths.— Hist, growth of the Bible.— Course of mor. education, and prog, of revelation. — The advance of knowledge and the scientific tendency of the Bible.— The culmination in the Christ.— The unfinished world and its completion. — The process of resurrection and the end. — The orthodox theology of to-day. 21112 — The religious feeling; a study for faith. 21780 Smyth, W. W. Metallic mining and collieries. (Brit, manuf. ind.) 15466 — Rudimentarv treatise on coal and coal mining. 11219 — A year with' the Turks. 4085 Smyth, W. Lectures on mod. hist. ; fr. the irruption of the north, nations to the close of the Amer. revolution ; add. by J. Sparks. 4068 — Lectures on the hist, of the Fr. revolution ; new ed. 2 v. 13884-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1159 Smythe, T. Bourne, H. R. P\ {In his Famous Lond. mer- chants.) 7853 Smythies, Mrs. G. The breach of promise. 5222 — Guiltv, or not guilty. 7222 — The jilt. 12434 Snark, The, Hunting of ; agony in eight fits ; by L. Carroll. 15789 Snarle3^yow ; by Capt. Marryat. 2921 Sneak box, A, Four months in ; by N. H. Bishop. 19211 Snell, E. S. Planetary disturbances. (In Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1855.) 14037 Snell, H., called Amazon. Russell, W. Amazon Snell. (In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 Snider, D. J. System of Shakespeare's dramas. 2 v. 17475-6 — A walk in Hellas ; or, The old in the new. 22364 Snively, W. Asiatic cholera. (In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 1.) *I Snorro Sturleson. Heimskringla ; or, Chronicle of the kings of Norway; tr. by S. Laing.. 3 v. 17652-4 Snow, E. M. Does small-pox become epidemic, or spread only by its own contagion? (hi Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) *I Snow-berries; by A. Cary. 7027 Snow-bound ; by J. Q. Whittier. 6253 Snowdrops ; Finland idyls fr. the Swedish of Z. Topelius. 22715 Snow image. The, and other twice-told tales ; by N. Haw- thorne. 1799 Snow man, The ; by George Sand. 1541 1 Snow-shoes and canoes ; by W. H, G. Kingston. 16723 Snow-storm ; by A. S. Poushkin. (In his Russian romance.) 19669 Snow-storm, The ; by J. Wilson. (In Little class., v. 7.) 12978 Snowed up. (In Soc. nov., v. 2.) 22936 Snowed up; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 16547 Snowing-up, The, of Strath Lugas. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, V. 6.) 19145 So runs the world away; by Mrs. A. C. Steele. 4415 " So they were married ; " by W. Besant and J. Rice. 21877 Soames, P. Treatise on the manufacture of sugar fr. the cane. 11214 Soane, G. Undine. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 26.) 11823 Soane, J. Timbs, J. Sir John Soane lampooned. (In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Soap. Church, Prof. Manufacture of soap. 15468 — Kingzett, C. T. Manufacture of S. (In his Alkali trade.) 17233 Soberside, S. Peter Crisp's spectacles. (In Rougegorge, etc.) 8711 Sobieski, J. See John III. [Sobieski], King of Poland. Social aims. Letters and; by R. W. Emerson. 14378 Socia'l distinction. See Hearts and homes. Social equality; by W. H. Mallock. 21895 Social etiquette and home culture. 20911 Social failure. A, redeemed. (In Soc. nov., v. 1.) 22935 Social influence of the national debt. (In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Social lady-birds. (In Sk. and ess. fr. the Sat. Rev.) 12749 Social law of God, The ; sermons ; by E. A. Washburn. 15571 Social life. See Manners and customs. 1160 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Social pressure ; by A. Helps. . 13459 Social science. See Sociology. Social tales ; by Mrs. Sherwood. {In her Works, v. 13.) 3967 Socialism. Andrews, S. P. The true constitution of govern- ment in the sovereignty of the individual as the final development of protestantism, democracy, and socialism. 4956 — Brassey, T. {In his Foreign work and Eng. wages.) 19420 — Brownson, O. A. Socialism and the Churcn. (in his Essays, etc.) 6923 — Cook, J. S. Socialism. (Bost. Mond. lect.) 20980 — Cortes, J. D. Essays on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism. 18312 — Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. 18258 — Kaufmann, M. Socialism ; its nature, dangers, and remedies. 18116 Utopias ; or, Schemes of social improvement. 18887 — Mill, J. S. Socialisms. 19615 — Noyes, J. H. History of American socialisms. . •I — Woolsey, T. D. Communism and socialism in their hist, and theory. 19415 — See also Communism ;— Labor and Laboring classes ;— Owen, R. Society and solitude ; by R. W. Emerson. 8175 Society for Political Education. Economic tracts ; na/mely : Atkinson, E. Elements of national prosperity. 22013 — What is a bank ; What service does a bank perform? 20144 Courtois, A. Political economy in one lesson ; tr. by W. C. Ford. 21414 Political economy and polit. science ; list of books recommended. 20653 Subjects and questions pertain, to polit. economy, consti law, etc., recommended for investigation, or as topics for essay writing, etc. 20654 Usury laws; their nature, expediency, and influence. ' 21167 White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France. 22066 White, H. Money and its substitutes. 21626 Whitridge, F. W.^ Caucus system. 22432 Society Islands. See Tahiti. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Publications. Namely : Ancient philosophies for modern readers : Capes, W. W. Stoicism. 20822 Cutts, E. L. Christians under the crescent in Asia. 22518 Hoare, E. N. A brave fight; narrative of W. Lee, inventor. 22401 Rhys, J. Celtic Britain. (Early Britain.) 22541 Conversion of the West : Maclear, G. F. The Celts. 19118 — The English. 19119 — The Northmen. 19120 Merivale, C. The Continental Teutons. 19123 Earlv chroniclers of Europe : Mtisson, G. France. 19495 Gairdner, J. England. 19552 The Fathers for English readers : Barmby, J. Gregorv the Great. 19450 Eden, C. H. Frozen Asia. 19784 The home library : Milman, R. Mitslav ; or. The conversion of Pomerania. 22414 Wratislaw, A. H. John Hus. 22190 Insects, and their habitations. 6126 Manuals of health: Richardson, B. W. On health and occupation. 20101 ^Natural history rambles : Ansted, D. t. In search of minerals. 19697 Cooke, M. C. Ponds and ditches. 19706 — The woodlands. . 19297 Duncan, P. M. The sea-shore. 19302 Napier, C. O. G. Lakes and rivers. 19300 Tavlor, J. E. Mountain and moor. 19301 — 'Undersrround. 19299 Wood, J. G. Lane and field. 19298 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Description and hist, of vegetable substances used in the arts, and in domestic economy. Illust. 4592 — History of Greece to its subj. to Rome, [B. C. 1080-147]. 6061 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1161 — Library of useful kuowledge. 268 Contents. Brougham, H. Account of Lord Bacon's Novum organon. — Smith, S. Animal physiology.— Bell, C. Animal mechanics. — Library of useful knowledge. 6109 Contents. De Morgan, A. Study and difficulties of mathematics. — Rothman, R. W. History of astronomy.— Daniell, J. F. Chemistry.— Wrottesley, J. Navigation.— Meredith, W. Punishment of death. — Library of Useful Know^ledge : Lives of eminent persons. 5104 Contents. Draper, W. Adam Smith.— Stephenson, — . Wm. Caxton. — Austin, Mrs. S. T. Carsten Mebuhr. — Christopher Wren.— Card. Wolsey.— Burke, E. P. E. Coke.— Roscoe, T. Michael Angelo.— Biot, J. B. 'I. Newton.— Bethune, J. E. D. Galileo; Kepler. — Library of useful knowledge. Natural philosophy., v I. 4331 Contents. Brougham, H. Objects, advantages, and pleasures of science. — Lardner, D. Mechanics. — Brougham, H. Hydrostatics. — Millington, J. Hydraulics.— Lardner, D. Pneumatics. — Ogg,' — . Heat. — Brewster, D. Optics ; double refraction and polarisation of light.— Booth, D. Glossary ; Index. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Lectures ; in connect, with the Educational Exhibition. 5855 Contents. Henfrey, A. Relations of botanical sci. to other branches of knowledge. — Grant, H. Penmanship.— Jones, R. Modern discoveries by the microscope.— Booth, Dr. Influence of examination as an instrument of education. — Sopwith, T. Models and diagrams. — Guy, W. A. Use of common-place books in self -education. — Symons, J. Industrial schools. — Marriott, C. Digestion of knowledge.— Ellis, W. Economic science. — Mackworth, H. Science in the mines.— Cotton, G. E. L. Necessity of an extended education for the educator.— Hunt, R. Classes for scientific obs. in mechanics' institutions; Familiar methods of instr. in science. — Sidney, E. Teaching the idiot.— Scott, W. R. Teaching the deaf and dumb'.— Wiseman, Card. Home education of the poor.— Reid, H. Math- ematical geography, and easy methods of teaching it.— Knighton, W. Training system of education, as adapt, for large towns.— Shields, W. A. The inspector and the schoolmaster. — Lectures on the results of the Exhibition; [London, 1851]. 4736 Contents. Wliewell, W. General bearing of the Exhib. on the pro- gress of art and science.— De la Beche, H. T. Mining, e^c— Owen, R. Animal products. — Bell, J. Chemical processes. — Playfair, L. Industrial education. — Lindley, J. Substances used as food.— Solly, E. Vegetable substances. — Willis, R. Machines, etc. — Glaisher, J. Philosophical instruments.— Hensman, H. Civil engineering, etc. — Royle, J. F. Arts and manufactures of India. — Washington, J. Naval architecture. Society for the Promotion of Popular Instruction. Popular treat, on vegetable physiology. 4591 Society novelettes. Illust. 2 v. 22935-6 Contents. V. 1. Burnand, F. C. "No rose without a thorn." — An entr'acte.— Clarke, H. S. Story of a garden party. — A social failure redeemed. — Francillon, R. E. Yeni, vidi, vici.— The fair face in the yellow chariot. — Jeffries, R. Kiss and try. — Miss Monkton's marriage. — Story of a return ticket. — Hatton, J. Kites and pigeons.— How we got married. 2. Hatton, J. The dove's nest. — Clarke, H. S. The white camellia. — How one ghost was laid. — Snowed up. — Crossed in love. — Jeffries, R. Out of the season. — Reconciliations. — Cross-purposes. — Jack's wife.— Robinson, N. 's telegram.— Married by accident. — A French experience.— Love in a lift.— Peter.— How I set about paying my debts. Society of Arts. Artisan repts. on the Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1878. 195U Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. See Society for the Encouragement of Arts, etc. Society of Biblical Archaeology. Records of the past : Eng. translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments, V. 1-12. *I A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 74 1162 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Society of Physics and Natural History of Geneva. Candolle, A. de. Report on the trans, of the Soc, 1873-1874. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) 12994 — La Rive, A. A. de. Report on the trans, of the society, 1872-1873. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1874.) 14377 — Lombard, H. C. Report on the trans, of the society, 1868-9. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Rept., 18G9.) 11625 Society of Telegraph Engineers. Lecture : Researches in electric telephony ; by A. G. Bell. 17719 Socinus, F. Osgood, S. Faustus Socinus and the revival of Unitarian principles. (In his Studies.) 7189 Socinus, L., and F. Brigham, C. H. The Socini. (In his Mem., etc.) 20560 Sociology. American Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal of soc. science, 1869-1876. 4 V. 15732-5 — Andrews, J. Analysis of the principal duties of social life; in imitation of Rochefoucault. 167 — Brougham, II. Speeches on social and political subjects. {In Ai« Works, V. 9, 10.) •! — Carey, H. C. Manual of social science ; condensation of the " Principles of social science" of C, by K. McLean. 284 Principles of social science. ' 3 v. 6390-2 — Channing, W. E. Remarks on associations. {In his Works, v. 1.) 787 — Colv^^ell, S. New themes for the Protestant clergy. 13206 — Comte, I. A. M. F. X. System of positive polity ; of. Treatise on sociology-. *I — Elder, W. Questions of the day, economic and social. ' 9044 — Fenton, J. Early Hebrew life ;' study in sociology. 21279 — Graham, W. The creed of science ; religious, moral, and social. *I — Harrison, J. B. Methods of dealing with social questions. {In Institute essays.) 19811 — Huxley, T. H. Ecce convertimur ad gentes. {In his Sci. and cult.) 21494 — James, H. Society the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God's omnipotence in human nature. 18469 — Mallock, W. H. Social equality ; study in a missing science. 21895 — Morley, J. Some Greek conceptions of soc. growth. {In his Orit. misc.) 11123 — Rogers, J. E. T. Social economy. 11173 — Smith, J. S. Social aspects. ' 4049 — Spencer, H. Principles of sociology, pts. 1-5. 17780-2 The social organism. {In his Tllust., etc.) 5623 Social statics. 5895 Study of sociology. 12104 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. 13769 — Warren, J. True civilization; a subject of vital and' serious interest to the men and women of labor and sorrow. *I — See also Spencer, H. Also Communism:— Socialism. Socrates. Plato's divine dialogues, with the Apology of Socrates ; from the Greek, with introd. dissert.' and notes ; from M. Dacier and others ; rev. and correct, after Sydenham and Taylor. 3471 — Blackie, J. S. {In his Four phases of morals.) 12247 — Blomfield, C. J. {In his Hist, of Greek and Rom. philos.) 6380 — Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 — Grote, G. Life, teachings, and death of S. : from the Hist, of Greece. 1690 Plato and other companions of Socrates. 3 v. 6288-90 — Harris, W. T. Socrates and the pre-Socratic philosophy. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) ' 22506 — King, T. S. {In his Substance and show, etc.) 17277 — Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., v. 2.) 13217 — Manning H. E. The Daemon of Socrates. {In his Misc.) 17190 — l*lato. Death of S. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 Soda. Church, — , Prof. Manufacture of soda. 15468 Sodom and Gomorrah. Saulcy, F. de. Account of the disc. of the sites of S. and G. (In Ms Narr. of a journey.) 3773 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1163 Soeur de charite, La ; recit en vers ; par L. Supersac. (In Sayn^tes, etc.^ s6r. 7.) 14797 Sohailee. See Suhaili. Soils. Donaldson, J. Rudimentary treat, on clay lands and loamy soils. 1245 — Johnston, J. F. W. Instructions for the analysis of soils, etc. 2378 Sola, pseud. See Anderson, O. 8. L. Sola ; by A. I. Thackeray. (In her Writings.) 8668 Solar chemistry, Solar physics. See Spectrum ; — Sun. Soldan, — , Prof. Method and manner. {In Nat. Ed. Ass. Addr., 1874.) 16720 Soldier boy ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. 5670 Soldiering and scribbling; by A. Forbes. 11876 Soldiers. Low, C. R. Soldiers of the Victorian age. 2 v. 20030-1 — Mit(!hell, J. Biographies of eminent sold, of the last four centuries. 19296 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 12537 — /See also Gt. Brit. Biography. Soldier's courtship ; by J. Poole. {In French's min. dram., v. 33.) . 7987 Soldier's daughter ; comedy ; by A. Cherry. {In Mod. stand. dr., v. 13.) 11815 Soldier's orphans. The ; by A. S. Stephens. 6935 Soley, J. R. The blockade and the cruisers. (The Navy in the Civ. War.) 22877 Solidarity of the industries ; by J. L. Hays. 19621 Solinus, C. J. Fragmentum. (/71 Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 1.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8359 Solitary hours ; by C. Southey. 4078 Solitude. Alger, W. R. Solitudes of nature and of man. 6729 — Zimmerman, J. G. Solitude ; from the French of J. B. Mercier. 4922 Soliciteur, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 2.) *I Sollohub, — . Fundamental princ. of prison reform in Russia. {In Inter. Pen. Cong. Trans., 1872.) *I Sollohub, W. L'embarras du choix. (Th^^tre de camp., s^r. 6.) 14690 — Le feu foUet ; Le premier pas. ^Th^atre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 — His hat and cane. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 — Sa canne et son chapeau, comMie; Une serenade, sc^ne-proverbe. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Th^Atre, etc., ser. 2.) 14483 — The serenade. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Solly, E. Vegetable substances used in the arts and manufac- tures in relation to commerce generally. {In Soc. for the Enc. of Arts, e^c. Lect.) 4735 Solomon ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Castle Nowhere.) 13585 Solomon ; oratorio ; by Handel. *I Solon. Goodrich, S. G. {In his Famous men, etc.) 1591 Sombreker ; par C. Debans. {In his Drames a toute vapeur.) 14653 Sombreuil, Mile. de. Watson, H. C. {In his Heroic women.) 4676 Some curious schools. 20401 Contents. Fryatt, F. E. The children's art school.— Wager-Fisher, M. Philadelphia school of reform.— Brown, E. E. The Boston whittling school.— Raj^mond, C. W. Cadet life at West Point.— White, L. C. Ladv Betty's cooking school.— Brown, E. E. Perkins Institution for the Blind. — L., R. L. A French reform school.— Lillie, Mrs. and others. Among some sewing schools.— Dickinson, E. E. Flower school at Corlaer's Hook. —Parsons, M. A Boston School for Deaf Mutes.— Brown, E. E. Chil- 1164 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. dren's Hour at the Old South.— Dickinson, E. E. The Training School- ship Minnesota.— Harris, A. B. The Chinese Mission School. Some of our social philosophers. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Some one pays ; by C. Lever. {In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., no. 23.) 19168 Some other babies. {See Mice at play.) Some private views ; essays ; by J. Payn. 21986 Somebody else ; by G. P. Lathrop. .17796 Somebody else; by J. R. Planch^. {In French's min. dram., V. 29.) 7985 Somebody's luggage ; by C. Dickens. {In his Works.) 7759 — Same. {In his Add. Christmas stories.) 13202 Somebody's neighbors ; by R. T. Cooke. 20267 Somerset, Duke of. See St. Maur, E. A. Somerset, C. A. Zelina. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 37.) 11828 Somerset, E., marq. of Worcester. Dircks, H. Life, times, and scientific labors ; with a repr. of his Century of inventions, etc. 11205 — Howe, H. {In his Mem. of Amer. mechanics, etc.) 2012 Somerset, F. J. H., Lord Raglan, Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 Somerset, F., Duchess of. Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., V. 1.) 22790 Somerset, G. A. Day after the fair. {In French's min. dr., V. 16.) 11844 Somerville, J., Baron Somerville. Scott, W. {In his Biog. mem., v. 2.) - 3838 Somerville, Martha. Personal recollections of Mary Somer- ville ; with select, from her correspondence. 12132 Somerville, M. (F.), previously Mrs. Greig. Connection of the physical sciences. 4069 — Physical geography. 2d. Am. ed. ; with add. and glossary. 4070 — Molecular and microscopic science. 2 v. * 8889-90 — Chambers, W. {In his Stories of remark, persons.) 18069 — Martineau, H. {In her Biog. sketches.) 16744 — Proctor J R. A. (In his Light science, ser. 2.) 11892 — Somerville, M. Personal recollections of Mary Somerville. 12132 Something about monuments. {In Crit. and soc. ess.) 6992 Something better. 17407 Somnambula, La ; opera ; by V. Bellini. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) ♦! Somnambule, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 5; s^r. 3, V. 1.) *I Somnambulism. Elam, C. {In his Physician's problems.) 8087 — Maudslev, H. Hypnotism, S., and allied states. {In his PathologA' of mind.) * 19122 — Proctor, E. A. Artificial somnambulism. {In his Kough ways.) 19539 Son and stranger ; operetta ; by Mendelssohn. *I Son of a genius ; by Mrs. Hofland. 1936 Son of the night ; drama ; by C. Gayler. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 22.) 11821 Son, The, of the organ-grinder; by M. S. Schwartz. 11652 Son, A, of the soil ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 21282 Song, The, of songs ; commonly called the Song of Solomon ; fr. the French of A. R^ville. 16848 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1165 Song of the bell. 8ee Schiller, J. C. F. von. Songs, with the music. {Collections.) Note. For songs without the music, see Ballads ; — Eng. ballads ; and the division Literature under names of countries. — Barmbv, J. Plays for voung people, with songs and choruses ; music adapted, etc., bv T. Rogers. 18434 — Bramley, H. R. and Stainer, J. Christmas carols, new and old. *I — Craik, D. (M.) M. Songs of our youth. *I — Crane, W. The baby's bouquet ; a fresh bundle of old rhymes and tunes arranged and decorated. *I The baby's opera; book of old rhymes with new dresses. *I — Elliot, C. S. Songs of Yale; new collection of college songs. *I — Elliott, J. "W. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs. *1 Bently, J. M., and others. "Little Folks " album of music ; songs and rhymes. *I — Froebel, F. Mother play, and nursery songs. 18079 — Hullah, J. The song book ; words and tunes fr. the poets and musicians. 8403 — Johnson, H. K, Our familiar songs, and those who made them; with piano accompaniment. *I — McCaskey, J. P. Franklin Square song collection. 20774 — Plays and songs for kindergarten and family. 20754 — See also Tennyson, A. Songs before sunrise ; by A. C. Swinburne. 9102 Songs fr. the southern seas, and other poems ; by J. B. O'Reilly. 12090 Songs of many seasons ; by O. W. Holmes. 13083 Songs of our youth ; by [Miss Muloeh] . *I Songs of the Sierras ; by Joaquin Miller [C. H. Miller]. 9298 Songs of the springtides; by A. C. Swinburne. 19899 Songs of the sun-lands ; by Joaquin Miller [C. H. Miller]. 11747 Songs of three centuries ; by J. G. Whittier. 14376 Sonia: by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durand]. 18038 Sonnemann, L. Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Sonnets. Tomlinson, C. The sonnet, its origin, struct., and place in poetry. 19135 — Waddington, S. The sonnet ; its hist, and compos. (In his Eng. sonnets.) 20687 — See also English sonnets;— Shakespeare, W. Sonnois, J. {pseud. Jules de Rieux), and Au, E. d'. Aux arrets, com.-vaud. (Theatre de camp., s6r. 5.) 14500 Sonntag. See Sontag. Sonora. Browne, J. R. {In his Adventures in the Apache country.) 7588 — Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora; geography, hist., and resources of the silver region of No. America. 6095 Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea; tr. and ed. by E. Rich. (111. lib. of wonders.) 9158 Sons, The, of Godwin ; tragedy; by W. Leighton, Jr. 17207 Sontag, H. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 — Ferris, G. T. ( Jw his Great singers.) 20364 Sooner or later ; by C. S. Brooks. 7343 Sophia, Princess^ Electress of Hanover. Strickland, A. {In her Lives of the Queens of Scotland, v. 8.) 5344 Sophie May, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. Sophocles. Tragedies ; new trans. ; with biog., etc.^ by E. H. Plumptre. *I — Abbott, E. Theology and ethics of Sophocles. (In his Hellenica.) 20099 — Campbell, L. Sophocles. (Class, writers.) 19607 — Collins, C. W. Sophocles. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 9739 — Davidson, T. Oidipous Tyrannos. (In his Parthenon frieze, etc.) 21955 1166 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — De Quincey, T. The Antigone of Sophocles. {In his Note-book.) 1188 The Sphinx's riddle. (In his Memorials, etc., v. 2.) 1166 — Saint Victor, P. de. (In his Les deux masques, v. 2.) 14719 — Symonds, J. A. (In his Stud, of Greek poets, ser. 2.) ^ 16543 Sophonisba ; tragedy ; by V. Alfieri. (In his Tragedies, v. 2.) *I Sophronisba... oh ! ; by C. Narrey. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Soprano, The ; by J. Kingsford [C. Barnard]. 8084 Soprano, Le ; com^die-vaude. ; par A. E. Scribe, etc. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, V. 22.) *I Sopwith, T. On models and diagrams. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc., Lect.) 5855 Sorby, H. C. Microscopes. {In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 Sorcerer, The ; comic opera ; by W. S. Gilbert and A. Sullivan. *I Sorci^re du roi, La ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9481 Sorci^res Espagnoles, Les ; par P. M^rim^e. {In his Derni^res nouv.) 9555 Sordello ; by R. Browning. 13549 Sordello ; story fr. R. Browning ; by F. M. Holland. 21273 Sorley, W. R. Jewish Christians and Judaism ; study in the history of the first two cent. 21994 Sorrento work. Hope, A. Manual of Sorrento and inlaid work for amateurs. *I Sorrow, The, of a secret: by M. C. Hay. 18230 Sorrows of Werter. {In Mt. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) 7224 Sorrows of Werther ; by J. W. von Goethe. {In his Novels, etc.) 1556 Soto, H. de. See De Soto. Souci ; by Mrs. J. H. Twells. 17352 Soudan. A strange journey ; pict. fr. Egypt and the Soudan. 22093 Souhaits, Les; com^die ; par E. Verconsin. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 7.) 14797 Soul. Denton, W. and E. M. F. The soul of things; or. Psychometric researches and discoveries. 5553 — Doddridge, P. Rise and prog, of relig. in the soul ; with sermon on the care of the soul, etc. . 1243 — Hedge, F. H. The human soul. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 — Mead, C. M. The soul here and hereafter. 18680 — Newman, F. W. The soul, her sorrows and her aspirations. 3248 — Porter, N. The human intellect; introd. upon psychology and the soul. 7641 — iSee also Mind and bodv. Soul, The, in nature ; by H. C. Oersted. 3280 Soule, C. A. Home life ; or, A peep across the threshold ; [sketches]. lUust. 4071 Soul^, F. ; Gihon, J. H. and Nisbet, J. Annals of San Fran- cisco ; cont. Hist, and pres. cond. of California, etc. ; added, Biog. memoirs. Illust. 4072 Soule, R., ayid Campbell, L. J. Pronouncing hand-book of words often mis-pronounced. 11 953 Soult, N. J. de D., marechal. Headley, J. T. {In his Napo- leon, etc.,y. 1.) 1825 — Soult. {In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 6143 Sound. See Acoustics. Soundings from the Atlantic ; by O. W. Holmes. 5483 Soup tureen ; by E. d'Hervilly. (Plays for priv. act.) 17926 Soupers de la r^gence, Les ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9482 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1167 Soupi^re, La; comedie ; par E. d'Hervilly. {In Legonv^, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 1.) 14685 Sonris, La ; comedie ; par A. Des Roseaux. (Th6Mre de camp., s6r. 7.) 14691 Sous bois ; operette ; par M. Chauvin. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s^r. 2.) 14792 South, R. Selections. {In Montagu, B. Select, fr. the works. of Taylor, etc.) 5759 — Lake, W. C. South, the rhetorician. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach.) 17164 South, The {meaning.the southern states of the U. S.). Keim, De B. R. Sheridan's troopers on the borders. 8649 — King. E. The great South; rec. of journeys in La., Texas, etc. 16680 — Watterson, H. Oddities in Southern life and character. 22306 — See also Georgia;— N. Carohna;— S. Carolina. South America. Bates, H. W. Central Amer., the West Indies, and So. A. ; with ethnol. app. by A. H. Keane. (Stanford's comp. of geog. and trav.) ' 21931 — Bishop, N. H. The Pampas and the Andes ; a thousand miles walk across South America. 7531 — Dahlgren, M. Y. South sea sketches. 20991 — Galenga, A. South America. 20326 — Goodrich, S. G. First book of history, comb, with geography : Western hemisphere. 6339 — Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Personal narr. of travels to the equinoctial regions of America. 3 v. 2079-81 iSame ; condsd. See beloto. Travels, etc. ' Travels and researches; condsd. narr. of his journ. in the equinoctial regions of America, etc. ; by W. Macgillivray. 2S23 — Kingston. W. H. G. The western world ; picturesque sk. of nature and nat. hist, in North and South America. 13288 — Mulhall, M. Between the Amazon and the Andes; travels. 22416 — Mulhall, M. G. The English in South America. 17811 — Saint Crioq, L. de. Travels in South America. 2 v. *I — Winterbotham, W. Historical, geog., commerc, and philos. view of the U. S. and the European settlements in America, etc. 4 v. 603.V8 — See also Amazon river ; — Andes. Also America. South breaker, The ; by H. E. Prescott. {In her Amber gods, etc.) 5430 — Same. (In Little class., v. 7.) 12978 South Carolina. Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira ; or. The sovereign rule of South Carolina. 6066 — Andrews, S. (In his South since the war.) ' 6345 — Pike, J. S. The prostrate state ; So. Carohna under negro government. 7321 South devil. The ; by C. F. Woolson. {In her Rodman.) 19610 South Kensington Museum. /Science and Art Dept. Ancient and mediaeval carved ivories. Photos, of 24 important examples of carved ivories in the mus. (Arundel Soc.) *I — Art hand-books ; ed. by W. Maskell. Namely : Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry. *I Engel, C. Musical instruments. - ♦! Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes. *I — Maiolica. *I Maskell, W. Ivories, ancient and mediaeval. *I Nesbitt, A. Glass. • *I Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. *I — Gold and siversmith's work. ♦! Redgrave, R. Manual of design. ♦! Riafio, J. F. Industrial art in Spain. ♦! Rock, D. Textile fabrics. ♦! Shioda, M. Japanese potterv. *I Smith, R. M. Persian art. " *I — Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876. 1168 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Notes oil building construction. 3 v. 14259-61 — Science hand-books. Namely: Siramonds, P. L. Animal products. 17098 — Science lectures. Namely: Abney, W. de W. Photography. 16986 Bramwell, F. J. The steam-ongine. 16987 Geikie, A. Outlines of field geology. 16994 Kennedy, B. W. Kinematic models. 16996 Roscoe, H. E. Technical chemistry. 16996 Stokes, G. G. The absorption of light and the colours of nat. bodies. 16999 Stone, W. H. Sound and music. 17000 — Science lectures, v. 1, 2. 17678-9 Contents. V. 1. Abney, W. de W. Photography.'— Stokes, G. G. Absorption of light and colours of nat. bodies ; Fluorev*cence.— Kennedy, A. B. W. Kinematics of machinery.— Bramwell, F. J. Steam-engine.— Forbes, G. Radiation.— Sorby, H. C. Microscopes.- Bottomlev, J. T. Electrometers. — Vines, S. H. Apparatus rel. to vegetable physiology. — Foster, C. Electrical measurements. 2. Spottiswoode, \V. Polar- ized light.— Forbes, G. Thermal conductivity : Thermo-dynamics.— Chis- holm, H. W. Balances.— Pigot, T. F. Geometrical and engineering draw- ing.— Froude, W. Laws of fluid resistance.— Siemens, C. W. The bath- ometer. — Instruments for experiments on sound. — On temperament. — Barrett, Prof. Sensitive flames as illustrative of sympathetic vibrations. — Pigot, F. F. Light house illumination.- Forbes, G. Velocity of light. — Burdon-Sanderson, — . Apparatus for physiological investigation.— Brunton, L. Apparatus for physiological chemistry. — Mcleod, Prof. Eudiometers. — Roscoe, H. E. Technical chemistry. — Conway, M. D. Travels in So. K. ; decorative art and architecture in England. 22199 — Taft, C. P. The South Kensington Museum ; what it is, etc 17791 South-Mountain, Va. Dahlgreu, M. V. South-Mountain mag- ic ; a narrative. • 21761 South Sea. Campbell, G. Log-letters fr. "The Challenger." 17375 — Dahlgren, M. V. South sea sketches. 20991 Discoveries in the South Sea. {In Lives and voyages of Drake, etc.) 1264 — Montgomery, J. Journal of voyages and trav. bv D. Tverman and G. Bennet, 1821-29. 8 v. ' ' , 3107-9 — Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South Seas. 2 v. 4234-6 — Williams, J. Narrative of missionary enterprises in the 8. Sea Is. 4795 — Wood, C. F. A yachting cruise in the So. Seas. 14264 South sea bubbles. 10060 South sea idyls ; by C. W. Stoddard. 12080 South shore. The ; by Mrs. C. R. Josselyn. 21034 Southall, J. C. The recent origin of man as illust. by geology and prehistoric archaeology. 17244 Southbridge, Mass. Davis, &. History of Sturbridge and S. 1118 — Marvin, A. P. History of S. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., v. 2.) *I Southcott, J. Sketch of S. {In Remark, women, ser. 1.) 4886 Southennan ; by J. Gait. 2 v. 2200-1 Southey, C. A. B. Devereux hall. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, V. 1.) 19140 — La petite Madelaine. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, v. 2.) 19141 Southey, Mrs. C. Solitary hours ; [poems and sketches]. 4078 Southey, R. Account of the life of H. K. White. {In White, H. K. Compl. works.) 4742 — The book of the Church. 7th. ed. 6910 — Correspondence with C. Bowles. Added, Correspondence with Shelley, and Southey's dreams; ed., with introd., bv E. Dowden. * 22661 — The Doctor. ' 4064 — Life and correspondence ; ed. by C. C. Southey. 4079 — Life of Bunvan. {In Bunvan, J. Pilgrim's Progress.) 18222 — Life of Cowper. {In Cowper, W. Works, v. 1-2.) 6617-18 — Life of Lord Nelson. 4088 — Same ; new ed. 13118 — Samex ed. by W. E. MuUins. 18843 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1169 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. 4082 — Life of Wesley ; and rise and prog, of Methodism ; notes by D. Curry. 2 v. 4080-1 — Poetical works ; with a memoir. 10 v. in 5. 19043-7 — Select lives of Cromwell and Bunyan. 12208 — Select works of the British poets fr. Chancer to Jonson; with biog. sketches. 6316 — Southey's common-place book. *I — and Napier, W. F. P. Siege of Zaragoza, 1808.) {In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) olOo — Carlyle, T. {In his Reminiscences.) 20233 — Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 993 — De Quincey, T. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) 1154 — Dix, J. R. An evening with S. {In his Pen and ink sk.) *I — Dowden, E. Southey. 19531 — P"'oster, J. {In his Crit. ess., v. 1.) 1602 — Gilfillan, G. {In his Sketches, etc.) 2255 — Hamilton, W. {In his Poets laureate.) 18533 — Howitt, W. {In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Macaulav, T. B. Southey's Colloquies on society; Southey's ed. of the Pilgrim's Progress. (In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 — Memoir. {In Watts, I. Horae lyricae, etc.) 4681 — Timbs, J. The "doctor." {In his Later wits, etc., v. 1.) 12592 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Essays, biog. and crit.) 4523 Southgate, H. Many thoughts of many minds ; select, fr. writings of celebrated authors. 13638 — Things a ladv would like to know cone, domestic management and ex- penditure. ' 13532 Southgate, H. The cross above the orescent ; romance of Con- stantinople. 17365 — Narrative of a tour thr. Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopotamia ; with obs. on the cond. of Mohammedanism and Christianity. 2 v. 4086-7 Southward ho ! ; by W. G. Simms. 19081 Southwell, R. Poetical works ; ed. by W. B. Trumbull. 15866 Southwest; (meaning soiUhtvestem part of the U.S.). Pierson, H. W. In the brush ; or. Old-time soc, polit., and relig. life in the southwest. 20879 — The Southwest. 2 v. 4089-90 Souvenirs de theatre ; par L. Hal^vy. (In his Mariage d'am- our.) 14790 Souvestre, E. An attic philosopher in Paris ; fr. the French. 19048 — French eggs in an English basket; tr. by E. Bowles. 14093 Contents. The sawyer of the Vosges "mountains. —The chip gatherers. — The two dogs. — A meeting on the Alps. — The grocer's cornucopia. — Father Mark's Bullfinch.— The two portraits.— The pierced rock.— The glass of brandy. — A night in the forest.— The apprentice. — Our uncle fr. America. — The godson.— A sensible man.— The Moorish doctor's parch- ment. — The lake shore ; or. The slave, the serf, and the apprentice ; fr. the French. 4108 — Mrs. Willis's will ; comic drama. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 — A slight mistake ; comedy, (/w Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Souza-Botelho, A. M. K. F., marquise de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. de femmes, 1876.) *I Same. {In his Portr. of celebrated women.) 7410 Sovereigns of industry ; by E. M. Chamberlin. 14030 Sowed by the wind ; by E. Kellogg. 13337 Sowerby, G. B. Popular British conchology ; familiar hist. of molluscs. [Colored illust.]. 5902 Sowing the wind ; by E. L. Linton. 10692 Soyer, A. Culinary campaign of the Crimean war. 4109 Spain. Art. — Baxley, H. W. Spain. Art-remains and art-realities, e«Ci 2 v. 13543-4 — Desbarrolles, — . Two French artists in Spain ; tr. by C. McFarlane. 4554 — Gautier, T. Les cinq nouveaux tableaux espagnols d'u mus^e du Louvre. 14647 1170 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARy. Hand-book of the hist, of the Span, and Fr. schools of 18782 156 10417 442 551-2 19874 6746-6 •I ♦I . 22133 — Head, Sir E. painting. -— Riafio, J. F. The industrial arts in Spain. Civilization. — Wilson, E. Attitude of the Span, races toward the mod. tendencies to civilization. (In his Ramble, etc.) Description. — Araicis, E. de. Spain ; tr. by W. W. Cady. — Andersen, H. C. In Spain and a visit to Portugal. In Spanien. (In his Ausgewahlte Werke, v. 22, 23.) — Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller. 2 ser. — Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag journevs in classic lauds.) — Byrne, Mrs. W. P, Cosas de Espafia; illust. of S. and the Spaniards as they are. 2 v. — Campion, J. S. On foot in Spain. — Carleton, G. W. (In his Our artist in Cuba, etc.) — Catlin, G. L. Among the Biscayans. (In Murphy B. and others. On the Rhine.) — Champney, L. W. (In her Three Vassar girls abroad.) — Cox, S. S. (In his Search for winter sunbeams.) — Edwards, M. B. Through Spain to the Sahara. — Froissart, Sir J. (In The boys' Froissart.) — Gautier, T. Voyage en Espagne. — Hacklaender, F."W. Ein Winter in Spanien. 3 v. — Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. — Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile; a summer among the olives and aloes. — Herbert, Lady E. Impressions of Spain [1866] . — Lathrop, G. P. Spanish vistas. — Manning, S. Spanish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. — Maximilian, F. -M. J. Recollections of my life. .3 v. — Poco Mas. Scenes and adventures in Spain, 1835-40. 2 v. — Poitou, E. Spain and its people. — Ramsav, Mrs. A summer in Spain. — Russell, W. H. The Prince of Wales tour. — Swift, J. F. (In his Going to Jericho.) — Taylor, B. The lands of the Saracen. — Thit'blin, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. — Thornbury, G. W. Life in S. ; past and present. — IJrquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules. 2 v. — Vyse, L. H. (In her Winter in Tangier.) — Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of S., 1847. -^- Spain; her institutions, polities, and public men. — Warren, J. E. Vagamundo ; or. The attachse^^c^. Minna Monte. 10903 Stella key to the summer land ; by A. J. Davis. 7134 Stendhal, or Stendahl, De., pseud. See Beyle, M. H. Stenhouse, T. B. H. The Rocky mt. saints ; hist, of the Mormons ; and story of the development of the mineral wealth of Utah. Illust. *I Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. " Tell it all" ; exper. in Mormon- ism ; autobiography. Pref . by H. B. Stowe. Illust. *I 1188 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stenography. Upham, W. P. Brief tiist. of the art of stenog- raphy ; with a proposed new system of phonetic short-hand. 16957 — See also Phonography ;— Tachygraphy. Stent, G. C. Entombed alive, and other songs, ballads, efc, fr. the Chinese. *I Stephen, C. E. The service of the poor. 9855 Stephen, G. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. 12508 Stephen, Sir J. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 4351 Note. Bound with Talfourd, T. N. Critical and misc. writ. Contents. Life of Wilberforce.— Lives of Whitfield and Froude.— D'Aubiffu6'8 Hist, of the Reformation.— Life and times of R. Baxter.— Physical theory of another life. — The Port^Royalists. — Loyola and his associates.— Taylor's Edwin the Fair. — Essays in ecclesiastical biography. 3d. ed. 2 v. i 8975-6 Contents. V. 1. Hildebrand.— St. Francis of Assisi.— The founders of Jesuitism.— Martin Luther.— The French Benedictiiles.— The Port- Royalists. 2. Richard Baxter.— The Evangelical succession.— William Wilberforce.— The Clapham sect.— The historian of Enthusiasm.— The epilogue. — Influence upon moralitv of a decl. in relig. bel. (7w Burlingame, E. L. Curr. disc, v. 2.) * 17646 — Lectures on the history of France. 2 v. 8830-1 Stephen, J, F. Liberty, equality, fraternity. 11575 Stephen, L. Alexander Pope. (Eng. men" of letters.) 19844 — Essays on freethinking and plain speaking. 19049 Contents. The broad church.— Religion as a fine art.- Darwinism and divinity.— Are we Christians ? — A bad five minutes in the Alps.— Shaftes- bury's ' Characteristics.'— Mandeville's 'Fableof the bees.'— Warburton.— An apologv for plain speaking. — History of Eng. thought in tTie 18th. cent. 2 v. 16794-6 Contents. V. 1. Thephilosophicalbasis.— The starting point of deism.— Constructive deism.— Critical deism.— Butler's analogy.— David Hume.— William Warburton.— The later theology. 2. Moral philosophy.— Political theories.— Political economy.— Characteristics. — Hours in a library. 3 ser. 13942; 16856; 18^ Contents. Ser. 1. De Foe's novels.— Richardson's novels.— Pope as a moralist.— Mr. EI win's ed. of Pope.— Some words about Sir Walter Scott. —Nathaniel Hawthorne.— Balzac's novels.— De Quincey. d. Thomas Browne.— Jonathan Edwards. — William Law. — Horace Walpole. — Dr. Johnson's writings. — Crabbe's poetry. — William Hazlitt. — Disraeli's novels. 3. Massinger.— Fielding's novels.— Cowper and Rousseau.— The first Edinburgh Reviewers. — Wordsworth's ethics.— Landor's Imaginary conversations. — Macaulay. — Charlotte Bronte — Charles Kingsley. — The playground of Europe ; [the Alps] . ' 10173 — Samuel Johnson. (Eng. men of letters.) 17846 — The science of ethics. 21906 — Swift. (Eng. men of letters.) 22059 Stephen Archer ; by G. MacDouald. {In his Gifts of the ^ child Christ, v. 2.) 22413 Stephen Dane ; by A. M. Douglas. 6767 Stephen Holdfast, Passage in the ministry of ; by J. Skelton. (In his Essays in romance.) 18752 Stephen Scudamore ; by A. Locker. 10794 Stephen Yarrow ; by R. B. H. Davis. {In Fam. stories, v. 2.) 18149 Stephens, A. H. Compendium of the hist, of the United States, to 1872. 11412 — War between the states. 2 v. 8763-4 — Johnston, R. M. and Browne, W. H. Life of Stephens. 18085 — Savage, J. (In his Our living repr. men.) 3777 Stephens, A. 8. Bellehood and bondage. 12043 — Bertha's engagement. 13695 — The curse of gold. 7708 — Doubly false. 7487 — Fashion and famine. 4212 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1189 — The gold brick. — The heiress. 4213 — Lord Hope's choice. 11552 — Mabel's mistake. 7632 — Mary Derwent. 4215 — A noble woman. 9786 — Norston's rest. 19229 — The old countess ; seq. to Lord Hope's choice. 11580 — The old homestead. 4216 — Palaces and prisons. 9620 — Phemie Frost's experiences. 12507 — The reigning belle. 10934 — The reiected wife. 5457 — Silent struggles. 5939 — The soldier's orphans. 6935 — Wives and widows. 8161 Stephens, A. J. Argument in the case of T. B. Sheppard, against W. J. E. Bennett, Clerk. 11133 Stephens, C. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Stephens, C. A. Camping out. 11074 — Fox-hunting. 12028 — The Knockabout Club along-shore. Illust. 22177 — The Knockabout Club in the woods ; adv. in Maine and Canada. Illust. 21115 — Left on Labrador. Illust. 11246 — Lvnx-hunting. 11954 — O'ff to the geysers. 11251 — On the Amazons. 12094 — The young moose hunters. 13351 Stephens, E. L. Description of the Leicester sewage works. {In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 1.) *I Stephens, F. G. Sir Edwin Landseer. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 19960 Stephens, G. and Cavallius, H. Old Norse fairy tales. Illust. 21843 Stephens, H. The book of the farm. 2 v. 12302-3 — Sketch of Stephens. {In Biog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Stephens, H. M. Home scenes and home sounds ; or, The world from my window. 4167 Stephens, H. P. and Solomon, E. Billee Taylor; or, ''The reward of virtue " ; nautical comic opera. *I Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 v. 4219-20 — Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrea, and the Holv Land. 2 v. 4217-18 — Incidents of travel in Greece, Turbev, Russia, and Poland. Map and engr. 2 v. ' 5180-1 — Incidents of travel in Yucatan. Illust. 2 v. 4221-2 Stephens, R. Sketch of S. (ZriBiog. of self-taught men, v. 2.) 411 Stephens, T. The literature of the Kymry ; crit. ess. on the hist, of the language and literature of Wales dur. the 12th. and two succ. cent. With specimens of anc. Welsh poetry and English trans. 2d. ed. ; add. and correct, by D. E. Evans ; Life of the author by B. T. Williams. *I Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam ; the Bible and the Koran. 17020 — Life and letters of W. F. Hook. 2d. ed. [Portr.] 2 v. 18451-2 — Saint Clirvsostom, his life and times ; sk. of the Church and the Empire in the 4th. cent. 10704 — Same ; 2d. ed. Portr. 20250 Stephens. See also Steevens, Stevens. Stephenson, — . Life of Wm. Caxton ; with account of the invention of printing, etc. {In Lib. usef. kn. Lives.) 5104 Stephenson, G. Reynolds, M. {In his Model locomotive engineers.) 19128 1190 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Sketch of S. {In Famous boys.) 5036 — Smiles, S. Life of Stephenson. 4029 — and R. Smiles, S. Life of G. and of Stephenson. Illust. 7624 — The triumphs of steam ; or, Stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright, and S. 13303 Same. {In his Lives of the Engineers, v. 5.) ♦I Stephenson, R. M. Railways. 4224 Stephenson, R. Sketch of S. {In Famous boys.) 5036 — See also Stephenson, G. Stephenson. See also Stevenson. Step-mother, The ; by B. Auerbach. {In Ms German tales.) 7889 Stepmother, The ; by G. P. R. James. 12447 Stepping heavenward ; by E. Prentiss. 8055 Steps towards Heaven ; by T. S. Arthur. 216 Steps upward ; by F. D. Gage. 9293 Stereoscope. Brewster, D. The stereoscope. 8882 Stereotomy. See Stone cutting. Stereotype. Wilson, F. J. F. Stereotyping and electrotyping. 20459 Sterling, E. Plays. See French's minor dram. ; — Sargent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Sterling, J. Carlyle, T. Life of Sterling. 709 Gilfilian, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc., and Third gallerv, etc.) 2256; 2257 — Life of Sterling by T. Carlyle. {In Ess. from the London Times.) Sterlino-. See also Stirling. Sterling, Mass. Marvin, A. P. History of S. {In Hist, of Wor. Co., V. 2.) *I Stern, S. A. Heine, H. {In his Scintillations.) 11560 Stern necessity; by F. W. Robinson. 8694 Sternberg, A., Fm/ie>T von Uugern. Scholastika. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16166 Sternberg, G. M. Yellow fever and quarantine. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 6.) *I — Yellow fever in Pensacola, Fla., in 1873-4-5. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Rept., V. 2.) •I Sterndale, R. A. The Afghan's knife. 19083 Sterne, L. Works ; with life by himself . Illust. 4228 Contents. Life.— Tristram Shandy.— Sentimental journey.— Letters. — An impromptu.— The fragment. —History of a watch-coat. — Scherer, E. Laurence Sterne ; ou, I'Humoriste. {In his Etudes crit.) 14600 — Scott, W. (In his Lives of the novelists, v. 1.) 3850 Same. {In his Biog. mem., v. 1.) 3837 — Thackerav, W. M. {In his Eng. humorists. 4398 — Traill, H. D. Sterne. 22181 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Essays, biog. and crit.) 4523 Sterne, S. Constitutional history and polit. devel. of the U. S. 22086 — Hindrances to prosperity, or, Causes which retard financial and political reforms in the U. S. (Economic monograplis.) 18521 — Introduction. {In Mongredien, A. Wealth-creation.) 22870 — Suffrage in cities. (Economic monographs.) 17714 Sterne, Stuart, pseud. Angelo, a poem. 17361 Sterry, J. A. The magic pitcher. {Li Christ, story-teller.) 17662 Stetson, C. B. Technical education. 12095 Steuben, F. W. A. H. F., Baron. Bowen, F. Life of S. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 9.) 4118 — Greene, G. W. {In his German element.) 15344 — Headlev, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 1.) 1828 — Kapp, F. Life of Steuben. 2421 Steven Lawrence, yeoman ; by Mrs. Edwards. 7406 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1191 Stevens, A. History of the religious movement of the 18th. r- cent., called Metfiodism. 2 v. 4229-30 '' — Madame de Stael ; study of her life and times. 2 v. 20235-6 Stevens, C. W. Fly-fishing in Maine lakes ; or, Camp-life in the wilderness. 20123 Stevens, E. L. Lincoln, A. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. BTfc' mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Stevens, E. T. Flint-chips ; guide to pre-historic archgeology, as illust. by the coll. in the Blackmore museum, Salisbury. 10637 — and Morris, D. Annotated poems of English authors. 18396 Contents. Gray, T. Elegv in a country church vard.—Cowper, W. The task.— Goldsmith, O. The deserted vilfage.— Scott, W. • The lady of the lake, 1st. canto. — Goldsmith, O. The traveller. Stevens, F. B. Yale examination papers. *I Stevens, G. P. Brooks, F. Gorham P. Stevens. (In Hig- ginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Stevens, J. A. Yorktown centennial hand-book; hist, and topographical guide to the peninsula. Illust. 20730 Stevens, J. A., Jr. George Gibbs. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1873.) 14104 Stevens, P. Clothing and woven fabrics. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos , 1807. Rept., v. 6.) * 9101 — Musical instruments. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v.o.) 9100 Steveuf , T. Bungay, G. (In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Callender, E. B. Thaddeus Stevens, commoner. 21685 .Stevens, W. O. Loring, C. G., Jr. Wm. O. Stevens. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 Stevens. See also Stephens. Stevenson, Mrs. A. S. Our ride through Asia Minor. Map. 21844 Stevenson, D. On the reclamation and protection of agricul- tural land. 13293 — Principles and practice of canal and river engineering. *I Stevenson, J. Religion — Theology — Ecclesiasticism. (In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19903 Stevenson, P. Unity ; Eternal life. (In Scotch sermons, 1880.) * 19903 Stevenson, R. L. An inland voyage ; [Belgium and France]. 18340 — New Arabian nights. (Leis.-hr. ser.) - 22300 — Travels with a donkey in the C^vennes. 18691 — Virginibus puerisque ; and other papers. 22710 Contents. Virginibus puerisque.— Crabbed age and youth.— An apologv for idlers.— Ordered South.— ^s triplex.— El Dorado.— The English ad- mirals.— Some portraits by Raeburn.— Child's play. — Walking tours.— Pan's pipes.— A plea for gas lamps. Stevenson, R. R. The Southern side ; or, Andersonville prison, from official docs. ; with an exam, of the Wirz trial ; a comparison of the mortality in northern and southern prisons ; remarks on the exchange bureau, etc. 16604 Stevenson, S. H. Boys and ^irls in biology ; or. Simple studies of the lower forms of life, based upon lect. by Prof. Huxley. 13660 Stevenson, T. Design and constr. of harbours. *I Stevenson, W. G. Thirteen months in the Rebel army. 4483 Stevenson. See also Stephenson. Steward, The ; by H. Cockton. 16880 Steward, The; comedy; by S. Beazley. (In Mod. stand, dr., V. 35.) 11827 1192 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stewart, A. T. Chambers, W. {In Ms Stor. of remark, persons.) 18069 — McCabe, J. D. {In his Great fortunes.) 8983 Stewart, B. The conservation of energy ; appendix treating of applications of the doctrine. (Int. sci. ser.) 12238 — Elementary treatise on lieat. 9823 — Lessons in elementary physics. 9761 — Physics, must. (Sci. prim.) 10191 — Solar physics. {In Owens Coll. Essays and addresses.) 12926 — The sun and the earth. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Paradoxical philosophy ; sequel to The unseen universe, 18321 — Joint author. See Hibcley, T. H. ;— Tait, G. Stewart, C. S. Residence in the Sandwich Islands. 5th. ed. Introd. and notes by W. Ellis. 4233 — Visit to the Soutli Seas, 1829-30. 2 v. 4234-6 Stewart, D. Works. 7 v. 4236-42 — Account of the life and writings of T. Reid. (In Reid, T. Works, etc.) *1 — Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. 2 v. 4243-4 — General view of the prog, of metaphysical, ethical, and polit. philosophy since the revival of letters in Europe. ' 4245 — Everett, A. H. Stewart's philosophy. {In his Crit. and misc. essays.) 13208 Stewart, E. M. Cloister legends ; or. Convents and monasteries in the olden time. 12789 Contents. Heir of Rougemain.— Ethelind the fair.— The goldsmith's daughter.— The Rose of the Geraldines.— The Queen's rest. — The kiHg and the cloister; or. Legends of the Dissolution. 12059 Stewart, H. B. Eddy, D. C. (In hfs Heroines, etc.) 5032 Stewart, H. Irrigation for the farm, garden, and orchard. 17086 — The shepherd's manual ; pract. treat, on the sheep. 15692 Stewart, J. The stable book ; treat, on the management of horses; with notes, etc, by A. B. Allen. Illust. 6238 Stewart, J., called Walking. De Quincey, T. A peripatetic philosopher. (Jn Ms Note-book.) 1188 Walking Stewart. {In his Lit. reminis., v. 2.) 1154 Stewart, K. J. Freemason's manual. New ed. Illust. 4298 Stewart, R., Viscount Castlereagh, Marq. of LondondeiTy . Speech on introd. the celebrated six acts against seditious meetings, etc. {In Speeches of em. statesmen, ser. 1.) 7723 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 526; 8814 — Thornton, P. M. Lord Castlereagh. {In his For. secretaries, v. 2.) 22745 Stewart, S. J. The gospel of law ;. disc, upon fundamental church doctrines. 22178 Contents. Introduction.— The Bible : the O. T.— The Bible : the N. T. — Miracles. — God.— Satan, or the Devil. — Sin and the atonement. — Hell and salvation.— Prayer.— Morality.— Jesus.— Predestination and scientific necessity.— Immortality.— The gospel of law. Stewart. See also Stuart. Stick, The. R^al, A. Story of the stick in all ages and lands. 15376 Stickney,.A. A true republic. 18813 Stieler, K.., joint author. See Schmid, H. Stifter, A. Brigitta. (Deutscher Noveljen^chatz.) 16148 — Studien, v. 3. 16236 Contents. Der Hagestolz.— Der Waldsteig.— Zwei Sch western. —Der beschriebene Taunling. — The village on the heath. , 11031 Stigand, W. Life, work, and opinions of H. Heine. 2 v. 15641-2 Stigmatization. Hammond, W. A. Abstinence from food, with stigmatization. {In his Fasting girls.) 18467 Stiles, E. The United States elevated to glory and honor ; election sermon, 1783. {In Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of Amer. rev.) ♦I — Kingsley, J. L. Life of S. {In Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog.. v. 16.) 4126 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1193 * Stiles, H. R. History of the city of Brooklyn. 3 v. *I Stiles, W. R. Austria in 1848-49. 2 v. 4248-9 Still, W. The underground railroad. 10612 Still-hunter, The ; by T. S. Van Dyke. 22304 Still waters run deep ; comedy ; by T. Taylor. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 34.) 11827 Stills, C. J. History of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. 6527 — Studies in mediaeval history. 21392 Stilling, J. H. J. See Jung-Stilling, J. H. Stillingfleet, E., Bp. of Worcester. Tullock, J. {In Ms Rat. theology, v. 1.) 11456 Stillman, W. J. The Cretan insurrection of 1866-7-8. 12680 — Herzegovina and the late uprising ; the cause and the remedies. 16998 Stillwater tragedy. The ; by T. B. Aldrich. 19828 Stimson, A. L. History of the express business ; incl. origin of the railway system in Amer., etc. 20349 Stimson, F. J. Guerndale ; by J. S. of Dale, 21722 — Waifwood. 6168 Stimulants. Anstie, F. E. Stimulants and narcotics ; with ■ spec, research, on alcohol, aether, and chloroform. 10591 — Beard, G. M. Stimulants and narcotics. 9862 — 8ee also Alcohol ;— Tobacco. Stirling, E Plays. See French's minor drama. Stirling, J. H. As regards protoplasm ; reply to Huxley. {In Hf.-hrs. with mod. scientists.) 9821 — Burns in drama; together with Saved leaves. 20921 — Text-book to Kant: The critique of pure reason; translation, reproduc- tion, etc. ; with biog. sketch. 21489 Stirling, M. C. The Grahams of Invermoy. 18505 — The minister's son. 22743 — A true man. 17512 Stirling, W. Cloister life of Charles V. 18220 Stirling, W. A. Headley, J. T. {InUs Washington, etc.^ v. 2.) 1829 Stirling. See also Sterling. Stirling-Maxwell, Lady. See Norton, C. E. S. S. Stirling. Black, A. and C. Guide to the Trossacks, S., etc. *I Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. (Non-Chris, relig. systems.) 17504 Stock, C. H. Treatise on shoring and underpinning, etc. Illust. *I Stock. Cameron, C. H. Stock feeder's manual. 13689 — Miles, M. Stock-breeding. 38089 Stock exchange. Griffin, R. Stock exchange securities ; gen- eral causes of fluctuations in their price. 17597 Stockbridge, J. C. Moses. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 Stockhardt. See Stoeckhardt. Stockholm. Atkinson, J. B. Art tour to North, capitals of Europe. 12716 Stockmar, C. F. von. Stockmar, E. von. Memoirs of S. ; fr. the German ; ed. by F. M. Miiller. 2 v. 11454-5 Stockmar, E. von. Memoirs of Baron Stockmar ; fr. the Germ. ; ed. by F. M. Miiller. 2 v. 11454-5 A book with "*l" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 76 1194 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stockton, F. R. The floating prince, and other fairy tales. Illust. 21116 — A jollv fellowship. Illust. 19846 — Mahala's drive. (In Short stories.) 6966 — Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. 11079 — Rudder Grange. 18722 — Tales out of school. 16379 — Ting-a-ling. Illust. 22060 — What might have been expected. 18256 — and M, The home ; where it should be, and what to put in it. 11493 Stockton, M.^joi^it author. See Stockton, F. R. Stockton, R. F. Life ; with his correspondence with the Navy Dept. respect, his conq. of California, with extr. fr. the defence of Col. Fremont, speeches in the Senate, and political letters. ' 4254 — Quincy, J. (In his Figures of the past.) 22480 Stockton, T. H. The two courses. {In Union pulpit.) 6680 Stockton-Hough, J. See Hough, J. S. Stockwell, G. A. History of Auburn ; — Charlton. (In Hist. of Wor. Co., V. 1.) ♦! — History of Millbury ; — Oxford ; — Paxton ; — Shrewsbury ;— Uxbridge. (In Hist, of Wor. Co., v. 2.) *I Stockwell, G. S. Republic of Liberia ; geography, climate, etc. ; with hist, of its early settlement. 7291 Stocqueler, J. H. Object of interest. (In French's min. dr., V. 25.) 7983 Stodart, M. A. Principles of education pract. considered; with espec. ref. to the pres. state of female educ. in Eng. 4255 Stodart. See also Stoddart. Stoddard, C. Johnson, M. S. Memorials of Stoddard. 15380 Stoddard, C. W. Chumming with a savage. (In Little classics, V. 18.) 20167 — South-sea idyls. 12030 — Verses. (In Outcroppings, etc.) 6122 Stoddard, E. B. Inaugural address, Jan., 1882. (Worcester. City doc.) 21869 Stoddard, E. Temple House. 7359 — Two men. 6235 Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm ; Management of poultry in large numbers ; with other articles. Illust. 15811 Stoddard, R. H. Additions. (In Griswold, R. H. Poets and poetry of Eng.) *I — The book of the East, and other poems. 9629 — Bric-a-brac series ; namely: Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. 12934 Barham, R. H., Harness, W., and Hodder, G. Personal reminiscences. 12681 Chorley, H. F., Blanche, J. R., and Young, J. C. Personal reminis- cences. 12681 Constable, A., and Gillies, R. P. Personal reminiscences. 16328 Gr6ville, C. C. F. Gr6ville memoirs ; journal of the reigns of George IV. and Wm. IV. 13441 Knight. C, a7id Raikes, T. Personal reminiscences. 13766 M6ruiiee, P. Letters to an incognita ; with recollections by Lamartine and G. Sand. 13090 Moore, T., and Jerdan, W. Personal reminiscences. 13678 O'Keefe, J., Kelly, M., and Taylor, J. Personal reminiscences. 14058 Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. 14122 — H. W. Longfellow; a medley in prose and verse. 21800 — The late English poets. 6168 Note. Collection of poems by M. Arnold ; E. Arnold ; A. Smith ; G. Massey; R. B. Lytton (Owen Meredith) ; S. Dobell; W. Allingham; W. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1195 Morris; F.Tennyson; C.Turner; C. Patmore; A. H. Clough; C.Kings- lev; W. M. Thackeray; W. E. Aytoun; G. W. Thornburv; G. Mere- dith; W. C. Bennett; T. Westwood; D. Gray; F. Locker; A. A. Proc- ter; D. M. Muloch; J. Ingelow; C. Rossetti; R. Buchanan; A. C. Swin- burne. — Melodies and madrigals, fr. the old Eng. poets. 6246 — Memoir of E. A. Poe. . {In Poe, E. A. Poems.) 13658 — Poems. 19674 — Sans-Souci ser. Namely : Anecdote biog. of P. B. Shelley. 16609 Life, letters, and table talk of Benjamin Robert Haydon. 15765 Men and manners in America one hundred years ago ; ed. bv H. E. Scudder. ' 15823 — and others. Poets' homes ; pen and pencil sketches of Amer. poets and their homes. 19286 Contents. H. W. Longfellow.— J. G. Whittier.— Mrs. A. D. T. Whit- ney. — J. T. Trowbridge.— Mr. and Mrs. Piatt. — E. Fawcett. — J. R. Low- elL— Bavard Tavlor.— W. D. Howells.— R. H. Dana.— R. H. Stoddard.— Mrs. H.'P. Spofibrd and 3Iiss M. N. Prescott.— J/rs. C. Thaxter.— E. C. Stedman.— T. B. Aldrich. Note. For 2nd. ser. of Poets' homes, see Gilman, A. — Bungav, G. (In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 — Xotioe'of S. (In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) 19286 Stoddard, S. R. The Adirondacks. lUust. *1 — Lake George. Illust. *I Stoddard, W. O. Dab Kinzer ; story of a growing boy. 20389 — Esau Hardery ; a novel of Amer. life. 21433 — The quartet; seq. to Dab Kinzer. 20863 — Saltillo bovs. 22087 — The talking leaves. Illust. 22088 Stoddard, John. Glossology ; or, The historical relations of languages. (Encycl. Metropol.) 7212 — Introduction to the study of univ. history. 2d. ed. (Encycl. Metro- politan a.) 6382 Stoddart, W. W. The water-bearing strata of the city of Bristol. {In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 4.) *I Stoddart. See also Stodart. Stoeckhardt, J. A. Chemical field lectures, addressed to far- mers. Added, Paper on irrigating with liquid manure ; by J. J. Mechi. 4253 Stoffel, E. G. H. C, baron. Reports on the military forces of Prussia, 1868-70; tr. by C. H. Vincent. 10715 Stoics. Capes, W. W. Stoicism. 20322 — Holland, F. M. The reign of the Stoics. 18596 — Pollock, F. Marcus Aurelius and the Stoic philosophy. (In his Ess.) 22421 Stokes, F. A. College tramps ; narr. of the adv. of Yale students in Europe ; voyage to Rotterdam, etc. Illust. 19961 Stokes, G. G. The absorption of light and colours of nat. bodies; Fluorescence; lectures. 16999 — Same. (In So. Kensington Sci. lect., v. 1.) 17678 Stokes, J. Cabinet maker's and upholsterer's companion. 4256 Stokes, L. Annotations and memoirs. {In Thrilwall, C. Letters, literary and theological.) 21743 Stokes, M., ed. Indian fairy tales ; with notes by Mary Stokes, and introd. by W. R. S. Ralston. 20097 Stokesley secret, The ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 4920 Stolen white elephant, The, etc. ; by Mark Twain [S. L. Clemens]. 21781 Stone, A. L. The young ruler. {In Boston Y. M. C. A. Young men, etc.) 4914 1196 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stone, E. Velazquez. (Illust. biog. of gt. art.) 20578 Stoue, G. A. Hopkins, L. P. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Stone, J. K. The invitation heeded. 9003 Stone, J. S. Memoir of J. Milnor. 4258 Stone, L. H. Effects of mental growth. {In Brackett, A. C. Educ. of Amer. girls.) 12327 Stone, L. Domesticated trout. 11075 Stone, O. C. A few months in New Guinea. Illust. 19525 Stone, O. M. Norway in June. Illust. 2d. ed. 22711 Stone, W. H. Elementary lessons on sound. Illust. 19673 — Scientific basis of music. (Music prim.) 18426 — Sound and music. Illust. (Sci. lect.) 17000 Stone, W. L. Life and times of Red Jacket ; with mem. of the author ; by his son. 7286 — Life and times of Sir Wm. Johnson. 2 v. 7282-3 — Life of J. Brant; incl. border wars of the Amer. Revolution, etc. 2 v. 7284-5 Stone. Gillmore, Q. A. Compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorption of the building stones in the U. S. 15485 — Hull, Prof. Quarries and building stones. 15466 — See also Building material. Stone, Artificial. Gillmore, Q. A. Practical treat, on coignet- b^ton, and other artificial stone. 15486 Stone-age. Abbott, C. C. The stone-age in New Jersey. {In Smithsonian lust. Kept., 1875.) 12994 — Tylor, E. B. The stone age, past and present. {In Esteg, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 Stone-breaking machinery. Jacob, A. Stone-breaking machin- ery. (7n Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I Stone-cutting. Dobson, E. Rudiments of masonry and stone- cutting. 9th. ed. 18437 — Mahan, D. H. Descriptive geometry, as appl. to the drawing of fortifica- tion and stereotomy. 16122 — Warren, S. E. Problems in stone cutting. 20294 Stone-dressing machine. Royle, H. Description of a stone- dressing machine. {In Ass. of Mun. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 2.) ♦I Stonehenge, 2^seud. See Walsh, J. H. Stone-mason, The, of Saint Point ; by A. de Lamartine. 2867 Stone-ware. See Pottery. Stoney, B. B. Theory of strains in girders, etc. ; with obs. on the appl. of theory to pract., and tables of the strength, etc., of materials. New ed. . 15605 Stoney, F. S. Memoir of the life and times of R. Sadleir. 22208 Storace, A. S. Clayton, E. C. {In her Queens of song.) 5873 Storer, F. H. First outlines of a diet, of solubilities of chem. substances. 17314 — joint author. See Eliot, C. W. Storer, H. R. Appendix. {In Day, A. Methomania.) 6632 — On nurses and nursing; with esp. ref. to sick women. 7475 — Sanitary protection in Newport. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ V. %.) ♦! — Stories and sketches by our best authors. 6883 Contents. Regester^ S. The skeleton at the banquet.— Tuttle, S. W. Let those laugh who win.— Ludlow, F. H. The proper use of grandfathers. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1197 — Brod6, G. At eve.— Wolcott, E. Broken idols ; Coming fr. the front. — Moulton, L. C. Dr. Huger's intentions.— The man whose Ufe was saved. —Lord, J. L. Romance of a Western trip.— Galpin, Mrs. The two ghosts of New London turnpike.— Griswold, H. T. Down by the sea.— Whv Mrs. Randor fainted.— Sikes, W. W. Under a cloud.— Shanlj^, C. D. A night in the sewers. Stories and tales ; by H. 0. Andersen. 154 Stories for children ; by eleven sophomores. 13360 Stories for Christmas and winter evenings. (Putnam's story lib.) 3571 Stories for my children ; by E. H. K. Hugessen. 12909 Stories for parents ; by T. S. Arthur. 192 Stories for the household ; by H. C. Andersen. 2519 Stories for young housekeepers ; by T. S. Arthur. 194 Stories fr. my attic; by [H. E. Scudder]. 7897 Stories from the lips of the Teacher ; by O. B. Frothingham. 6623 Stories of an old maid ; fr. the Fr. of Mme. de Girardin. 4260 Stories of the patriarchs ; by O. B. Frothingham. 6622 Stories of the sea told by sailors ; by E. E. Hale. 20054 Stories of the woods ; select, fr. the "Leather-stocking tales ;" by J. F. Cooper. 5554 Stories of Whitminster ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. 14153 Stork, T. The children of tfie New Testament. 6th. ed. 4261 Storm, T. Aquis submersus. 16457 — Im Schloss. 16458 — Lenore. 10342 — Eine Malerarbeit. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16155 Storm-cliff. See Faye Mar. Storm-driven ; by M. Healey. 18040 Storm warriors ; or, Life-boat work on the Goodwin sands ; by J. Gilmore. 12265 Storms. Proctor, R. A. Great storms ; The recent storms. {In his Rough ways.) 19539 — See also Meteorologv. Stormy life, A ; by G. FuUerton. 7180 Storr, F. and Turner, H. Canterbury chimes ; or, Chaucer tales retold for children. 18453 Storrow, S. Higginson, T. W. {In his Harv. mem. biog., V. 2.) 6493 Storrs, U. R. Speech on the removal of the Indians, 1830. (In Speeches, etc.) 5183 Storrs, R. S. Conditions of success in preaching without notes. 13661 — The declaration of independence, and the effects of it. (In N. Y. Cent. Celeb. Com. Order of Ex.) *I — John Wycliffe, and the first Eng. Bible.) *I — Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 Story, J. Commentaries on the constitution of the U. S. ; with rev. of the const, hist, of the colonies, etc. 4th. ed. ; notes and add. by T. M. Cooley. 2 v. *I — Discourse. (In Amer. oratory.) 4959 — Familiar exposition of the constitution of the U. S. ; with app. cont. im- portant piib. documents. 4263 — Miscellaneous writings; literary, crit. Judic, and political. 4262 — Sumner, C. Three tributes of friendship. {In his Orations, etc., v. 2.) 4307 Story, R. H. Christ's authority ; Christian righteousness. [In Scotch sermons, 1880.) 19903 — The Revolution settlement, 1690-1707. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 1.) 20753 1198 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — William Carstares ; a character and career of the revolutionary epoch. 12745 Story, Sidney A., Jr., pseud. See Pike, M. H. Story, W. W. Graffiti d'ltalia. 12128 — A modern magician. (In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 13.) 19158 Nero. 15450 — RobadiRoma. 5th. ed. 2 v. 8484-5 Story-book for the children ; by A. M. Diaz. 14202 Story of a bad boy ; by T. B. Aldrich. 8029 Story of a demoiselle. lUust. 20822 Story of a feather ; by D. Jerrold. {In his Works, v. 2.) *I Story of a garden party; by H. S. Clarke. {In Soc. nov., V. 1.) 22935 Story of a millionaire ; by L. Miihlbach [C. Mundt]. 10930 Story of a mine ; by B. Harte. 17460 Story of a peasant, 1789 ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 10899 Story of a peasant, 1792 ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. 10900 Story of a peasant, 1 793 ; year one of the republic ; by Erck- mann-Chatrian. - 16821 Story of a peasant, 1794-1815 ; Citizen Bonaparte ; by Erck- mann-Chatrian. 16820 Story of a pebble ; by L. A. Hall. 10567 Story of a return-ticket. {In Soc. nov.» v. 1.) 22935 Story of a shower ; by A. H. Drury. 10920 Story of a summer ; by C. Cleveland. 12325 Story of an honest man ; by E. About. 19909 Story, A, of autumn ; by Mrs. C. Carr. 21949 Story of doom ; and other poems ; by J. Ingelow. 7044 Story of Frangoise ; by [K. S. Macquoid]. {In Mr Pict. acr. the channel, v. 2.) 11938 Story of my childhood ; by Mme. J. Michelet. 7119 Story of my life ; by H. C. Andersen. 161 Story of our museum ; by H. Housman. 21484 Story, The, of Sibylle ; by O. Feuillet. 11001 Story of the guard ; a chronicle of the war ; by J. B. Fremont. 2187 Story of the siege of Boston ; by H. E. Scudder. {In his Stor. and rom.) 19896 Story of two lives ; by W. Taylor. 14170 Story of White-rock cove. lUust. 7419 Story or two fr. an old Dutch town ; by R. LowelL 18012 Story, A, without a tale; by W. Maginn. Treas. trove ser., V. 3.) 14268 Story, The, without an end ; review by W. J. Fox. {In his Mem. ed. of coll. works, v. 6.) *I Stothard, T. Bray, A. E. Life of Stothard. ♦! — Wedmore, F. {In his Stud, in Eng. art.) 16860 Stoughton, J. Homes and haunts of Luther. Illust. 15867 — Nature and value of the miraculous testimony to Christianity. (In Chr. Ev. Soc. Mod. scepticism.) * 9747 — Primitive Ecclesia; its authoritative princ, and its mod. representations. {In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 — William Wilberforce. (Heroes of Chr. hist.) 19979 Stout, A. V. McCabe, J. D. {In his Gt. fortunes.^ 8983 Stout, P. F. Nicaragua ; past, present, and future. 4265 Stout heart, A ; by E. Kellogg. 7314 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1199 Stow, M. L. B. Probate confiscation ; (unjust laws which gov- ern woman). 2d. ed. 17518 Stowe, C. E. Introduction. {In Gillies, J. Mem. of Gr. Whitefield.) 2261 — Origin and hist, of the books of the New Testament. Illust. 6921 Stowe, H. E. B. Agnes of Sorrento. 4259 — Betty's bright idea ; Deacon Pitkin's farm ; The first Christmas of New England. 15349 — A dog's mission ; and other stories. Illust. 21117 Contents. A dog's mission.— Lulu's pupil.— The daisy's first winter.— Our Charley.— Take care of the hook.— A talk about birds.— The nest in the orchard.— The happy child. — Dred. See Nina Gordon, belotv. — Extracts fr. Christian slave. (In FoUen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 . — House and home papers ; by Christopher Crowfield. 5819 Contents. The ravages of a carpet.— Home-keeping vs. house-keeping. —What is a home? The economy of the beautiful.— Raking up the fire. — The lady who does her own work. — What can be got in America. — Econ- omy.— Servants. — Cookery. — Our house. — Home religion. — Lady Byron vindicated; hist, of the B. controversy. 8162 ^ Little foxes ; by C. Crowfield. 6110 Contents. Fault-finding. — Irritability.— Repression. — Persistence.— In- tolerance.— Discourtesy.— Exactingness. — The mayflower ; or, Sketches of scenes and characters. 4272 — The mayflower; and miscel. writings. 10713 — Men of our times. Illust. 7354 Contents. Lincoln.— Grant. — Garrison. — Sumner.— Chase. — Wilson. — Greeley.— Farragut.— Andrew.— Colfax. — Stanton.— Douglass.— Bucking- ham.— Sherman.— Sheridan.— Howard.— Phillips.— Beecher. — The minister's wooing. 4273 — Mv wife and I. ' 9647 — Nina Gordon. 4266 First pub. under the title, Dred. — Oldtown fireside stories. 9783 — Oldtown folks. 7748 — Our Charley. 4269 — Palmetto leaves. 11387 — The pearl of Orr's Island. 4252 — Pink and white tyranny. 9220 — Poganuc people ; their loves and lives. 17715 — Queer little people. 7092 — Sunny memories of foreign lands. Illust. 2 v. 4270-1 — Uncle Tom's cabin. 4275 — We and our neighbors ; or. The records of an unfashionable street. 13602 — Six of one by half a dozen of the other; an every day novel. 10708 — Joint author. See Beecher, C. E. — Uncle Tom's cabin. (In Ess. fr. the London Times.) 9693 Stowe, J. Destruction of the Invincible Armada, 1588. {In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 Stowe, P. Cooke,. H. A. Phi neas Stowe and Bethel work. 12487 Stowell, W., Lord. See Scott, W. Strabo. Geography; tr., with notes, by H. C. Hamilton and f^.L' W. P'alconer. 3 v. 1745-7 Strachan, R. The barometer and its uses ; wind and storms. {In Meteorolog. Soc. Mod. meteorology.) 18899 Strachan-Davidson, J. L. See Davidson, J. L. S. Stradella; opera; by Flotow. (Jn Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., V. 2.) *I Straffen, G. M. Sin as set forth in the Holy Scripture. (Hul- sean lect.) 15568 Strafford, Earl of. See Wentworth, T. Strafford ; by R. Browning. j 13549 Strahan, E., pseud. See Shinn, Earl. 1200 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Strahorn, R. E. To the Rockies and beyond ; pop. health, pleasure, and hunting resorts ; with descr. of the Black Hills, Leadville, etc. 2d. ed. *I Strains. Humber, W. Handy book for the calculation of strains in girders, etc. 13035 — Stoney, B. B. Theory of strains in girders, etc., with obs. on the appl. of the theory to practice, etc. 15605 Strange adventures of a phaeton ; by W. Black. 11206 Strange disappearance, A ; by A. K. Green. 19341 Strange journey, A ; or. Pictures fr. Egypt and the Soudan. 22093 Strange presentiment, A ; by J. C. Smith, Jr. (In Mt. Royal pop. tales, V. 4.) 7224 Strange stories; fr. the Fr. of Erckmann-Chatrian. 19878 Strange story, A ; by [E. Bulwer Lytton]. 590 Strange tales fr. humble life ; by J. Ashworth. 5 ser. 14087-91 Strange warning, A. {I71 Satchel ser., v. 1.) 13980 Strange waters, by R. E. Francillon. 3 v. 18881-3 Strange world, A ; by M. E. Braddon. 13484 Stranger, The ; play ; by A. F. F. Von Kotzebue. (In Mod. stand, dr., v. 2.) 11804 Strangers and pilgrims; byM. E. Braddon. 11676 Strasburg. Spalding, M. J. The astronomical clock of S. (In his Miscellanea.) 18463 Strategos ; ser. of Amer. games of war ; by C. A. L. Totten. 2v. *I Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount. Turkey. (In Burlingame, E. L. Cur. disc, v. 1.) 17645 Stratford-on-Avon. Black, A. and C. {In their Guide to Leamington.) *I — Brainerd, T . A day at Stratford-on-Avon. {In Homes and haunts, etc.) 1973 Strathnairn, Lord. See Rose, H. Strauss, D. F. New life of Jesus. 2 v. 11648-9 — The old faith and the new ; a confession. 11742 Contents. Are we still Christians ?— Have we still a religion?— What is our conception of the universe?— What is our rule of life?— Appendix: Of our great poets. — Of our great composers. — Cherbuliez, V. Un Alleraand d'aujourd' hui. {In his Etudes de litt.) 14456 — Schmidt, J. {In his Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, v. 4.) 16314 — Smith, H. B. The New faith of S. {In his Faith and philosophy.) 18186 — Zeller, E. Strauss in his life and writings. * 13696 Strauss, G. L. M. and others. England's work-shops. 6629 Strawberry Hill. See Walpole, H. Stray pearls ; by C. M, Yonge. 2 v. 22931-2 Stray studies fr. England and Italy ; by J. R. Green. 15793 Strayed falcon. The ; by [C. M. Yonge]. 10575 ; 10579 Strecker, A. Short text-book of organic chemistry ; by J. Wis- licenus ; tr. and ed., with add. by W. H. Hodgkinson and A. J. Greenaway. 21311 Streckfuss, A. (F. K.) Castle Hohenwald ; after the Germ., by Mrs. Wister. 18511 — Too rich; [tr.] by Mrs. Wister. 17482 Street, — . Texas sifiings ; sk. of S. (In Watterson, H. Oddities in South, life.) 22306 Street, A. B. The Indian pass [Adirondack Mts.]. 7670 — Poems. 6th. ed. ~ 4278 — Poems. 2 v. 77I6 — Woods and waters ; or the Saranacs and Raket. lUust. 4279 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1201 Street, G. E. Brick and marble in the Middle Ages ; tours in the no. of Italy. *I Street-sweeper, The, of vSt. Roque ; by [K. S. Macquoid]. {In his Pict. acr. the channel, v. 1.) 11937 Street thoughts ; by H. M. Dexter. 1172 Streeter, E. W. The great diamonds of the world ; their hist. and romance ; ed. and annot. by J. Hatton and A. H. Keane. 22117 Streeter, H. R. Voice building. 9983 Streets. Gillmore, Q. A. Pract. treat, on roads, streets, and pavements. 16036 — Parry, A. W. Short paper on street watering. {In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 2.) *I — Skelton, T. A. Street lighting. (7n Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and • Sur. Proc., v. 2.) *I — See also Roads. Streets and lanes of a city ; by A. Button. 10738 ; 11278 Strength and beauty ; by M. Hopkins. 13237 Strength of materials. Allan, W. Strength of beams under transverse loads. 15357 — Anderson, J . Strength of materials and structures. 11327 — Kent, W. Strength of materials. 18771 — Stoney, B. B. Tables of the strength of M. (7m his Theory of strains.) 15605 ^ — Wood, De V. Treatise on the resistance of materials. 11529 — See also Iron. Strength of men, and Stability of nations ; discourses ; by P. A. Chadbourne. 17304 Stretton, lleshsi^ pseud. See Smith, H. Stretton ; by H. Kingsley. 7833 Strickland, A. Lives of the Queens of England. 12 v. in 7. 4281-7 Vols. 3 and 12 bound separately. — Lives of the Queens of England ; abgd. ; rev. and ed. bv C. G. Parker. 7121 — Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 v. * 4288-93; 5343-i Contents. V. 1. Margaret Tudor. — Magdalene of France. — Mary of Lorraine. 2. Mary of Lorraine, continued.— Lady Margaret Douglas. a-7. Mary Stuartl 8. Elizabeth Stuart, 1st. princess royal of Gt. Britain. — Sophia, Electress of Hanover. — The i^rilgrims of Walsingham; or, Tales of the Middle Ages. 4295 — Stories f r. history. Engr. 7174 Contents. Prince Bladud.— The slave of Auvergne.— Alfred the Great. — Bela, the Blind.— Prince Edwin and his page. — The wolf tribute.— The funeral of the conqueror.— The young interpreter. — The Lord of Bram- ber. — William Tell. — The widow of Bruges. — Queen Margaret. — Tales f r. English history. Engr. . 7175 Contents. Guthred,' the widow's slave. — The royal brothers.— The Chase of Wareham. — The sons of the Conqueror. — Wolsey Bridge. — Judg- ment of Sir T. More. — Lady Lucy's petition. — Historical summary. — True stories fr. anc. hist. ; fr. the Creation to the death of Charlemagne. 7172 — True stories f r. mod. historv ; f r. the death of Charlemagne to the battle of Waterloo. 7173 Strickland, P. A voice from the deep. • 12535 Strife and peace ; by F. Bremer. 482 Strivelyne, E. The princess of Silverland, and other tales. 13886 Strivings for the faith ; lect. 16138 Strogue, My Lords of. See Ireland. Strohm, G. Word pictures ; thoughts and descr. fr. pop. au- thors. 15352 Stroke of diplomacy ; by V. Cherbuliez. 19593 Stromei", N. Hj. En fard genom verldsrymden ; populara foredrag. 15053 Innehall. Solen.— Kometerna.— Fixstjernhimmelen.— Lifs'et i verlds- rymden.— Bihang : Astronomicus historia. 1202 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Strong, G. C. Cadet life at West Point ; with Descr. sk. of West Point, by B. J. Lossing. 987 Strong, W. C. Culture of the grape. 6332 Strong, W. Study of social science. {In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1871.) 15733 — Two lectures upon the rel. of civ. law to ch. polity, discipline, and property. 15381 Strong and steady ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9318 Strong arm. A, and a mother's blessing ; by E. Kellogg. 20062 Stroud, W. Treatise on the phys. cause of the death of Christ. 12591 Stroyer, J. Sketches of my life in the South, pt. 1. 18894 Strozzi, F. Trollope, T. A. Filippo Strozzi. 10986 Struensee, J. F., G^^reve von. Mackintosh, J. Administration and fall of S. (In his iMisc. works.) 2825 Struggle, A ; by B. Phillips. 17859 Struggle, The, for existence ; after the Germ, of R. Byr [R. von Bayer]. 12101 Struggle for life ; by C. Nordhoff . {In his Cape Cod.) 7532 Struggle, The, for life ; by L. P. Hale. 1719 Struggle, A. for life ; by T. B. Aldrich. {In his Marjorie Daw.) 11933 Struggle for Rome ; by F. Dahn. 3 v. 20926-8 Struggles for life ; or. The autobiography of a dissenting min- ister. 4043 Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson ; by A. Trollope. 4497 Stuart, B. How to become a successful engineer. 8532 Stuart, C. B. The naval dry docks of the United States. *I Stuart, C. E., The Young Pretender. Ewald, A. C. Life and times of S. 2 v. 15591-2 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of tlie Pretendei-s. 2362 — Oliphant, M. O. W. The voung chevalier. {In her Hist, sketches.) 8132 Stuart, C. G. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of S. {In his Am. art. life.) 7225 Stuart, E. Mimi ; story of peasant life in Normandy. 20685 Stuart, G. W.^ joint author. See Hall, J. Stuart, J. a7id Revett, N. Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. 4297 Stuart, J. F. E., the Pretender. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the pretenders. 2362 Stuart, Mary. See Mary, Queen of Scots. Stuart, M. Hints on the interpretation of prophecy. 4296 Stuart. See also Stewart. Stuart of Dunleath ; by Hon. C. Norton. 5256 Stuarts. Brewer, J. S. The Stuarts. {In his Eng. studies.) 20734 — Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the puritan revolution. 16580 — Hale, E. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe. 16104 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the Court of England during the reign of the S., including the Protectorate. 3 v. 23.59-61 — Towle, G. M. The last of the Stuarts. (In his Glimpses of hist.) 13478 — See also Great Britain. History. Stubbs, C. W. Village politics ; addr. and sermons on the labour question. 18646 Stubbs, W. The constitutional hist, of England in its origin and development. 3 v. 13639-41 — The early Plautagenets. Map. (Epochs of mod. Hist.) 16783 — Select charters and other illust. of Eng. constitutional hist, to the reign of Edward I. •! CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1203 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Life of Kant. 22061 Student life. Kimball, R. B. Romance of student life abroad. 2467 Student's France, The ; history of France to 1852. Illust. 1487 Student's manual ; by J. Todd. 4473 Studer, J. H. Columbus, Ohio ; its hist., resources, and progress. 14006 Studies, stories, and memoirs ; by Mrs. Jameson. 2330 Studies for stories ; by J. Ingelow. 5797 Studies from life ; by'[D. M. Muloch]. 3189 Studies in poetry. 3500 Studio, The ; by J. Abbott. (Harper's story books.) 22614 Studio arts. The ; by E. W. Johnson. 18083 Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. 17639 Study and stimulants ; by A. A. Reade. 22873 Stumbling blocks ; by Gail Hamilton [M. A. Dodge]. 5657 Sturbridge, Mass. Davis, G. History of Sturbridge and Southbridge. 1118 Sturge, J. Sketch of Sturge. {In Famous boys.) 5036 Sturgis, F. R. The hygiene of syphilis. (In Buck, A. H. Treatise on hygiene, etc., v. 2.) 19452 — Relations of syphilis to the public health. (7w Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., V. 2.) ♦! Sturgis, J. (R.) An accomplished gentleman. (Appleton's new handy-vol. ser.) 18607 — Dick's wandering. 21667 — The disappointing boy. (In Tales from Blackwood, n. s., v. 21.) 19166 — John-a-Dreams. (Appleton's hand.-vol. ser.) 18051 — Little comedies. (Appleton's new hand.-vol. ser.) 19770 Contents. Apples.— Fire-flies.— Picking up the pieces.— Half way to Arcady. — Mabel's holy day. — Heather. — Same ; [new ed.] 21907 Contents. Apples.— The bishop astray. — Fire-flies. — A false start.— The Latin lesson.— Half-way to Arcady. — A card for Lady Roedale. ' — Mabel's holy day.— Heather.— Round Delia's basket. — Florio.— The fountain of youth.— Picking up the pieces. Sturgis, R., Jr. The Lord's day and the merchant. (In Sabbath essays. 19808 Sturleson. See Snorro Sturleson. Sturm, C. Cours d'analyse de I'ecole poly technique. 4th. ^d., rev. et cor. par M. E. Prouchet. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Sturm. 2 v. 14392-3 Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the works of God. 6194 Sturt, C. Explorations in Australia. (In Taylor, B. CycL of mod. travel.) 4356 Sturtevant, T., Jr. Spear, C. (In Jiis voices from prison.) 4162 Stuttering. See Speech, Impediments of. Stuyvesant, P. Abbott, J. S. C. P. Stuyvesant. (Am. pioneers and patriots.) 12031 Stuyvesant; by J. Abbott. (Fran, sto.) 60 Styan, G. York and its public works. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Styffe, K. Elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of iron and steel. 9110 Style. See Rhetoric. Styrian lake. The, and other poems ; by F. W. Faber. 8936 Subaltern, A, in America. See Gleig, G. R. 1204 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Subjects and questions pertaining to political economy, const, law, e^c, recommended for investigation or as topics for essay writing and debate. (Economic tracts.) 20654 Sublime, The. Dyer, T. H. Preliminary remarks on beauty^ sublimity, and taste. {In Ms Imitative art.) 22521 — Longinus, D. On the sublime ; notes and obs. by W. Smith. 8407 Sublime Society of Beefsteaks. Arnold, W. Life and death of the Sub. Soc. of Beefsteaks. 10632 Substance and show, and other lectures ; by T. S. King. 17277 Subterranean world, The ; by G. Hartwig. 10145 Subtle brains and lissom fingers ; by A. Wynter. 6525 Success. Abbott, L., ed. How to succeed. 22562 — Adams, W. H. D. The secret of success. 18580 — Mathews, W. Getting on in the world ; or, Hints on success. 17556 — Whipple, E. P. Success and its conditions. 10753 Success ; by J. R. Planch6. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Success ; and how he won it ; by E. Werner [E. Buersten- biuder]. 3 v. • ' 17087-9 Succession of life on the earth ; three lect. by W. C. Williamson. 19509 — Same. {In Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Suchet, L. G., marechcd due d'Alhufera. Headley, J. T. {In his Napoleon, etc., v. 2.) 1826 — Suchet. (In Court and camp of Bonaparte.) 5143 Suckling, A. Life of J. Suckling. (/71 Suckling, J. Works.) *I Suckling, John. Selections from the works of S. ; with life by A. Suckling. *I Sudden thoughts ; by T. E. Wilks. {In French's min. dram., V. 31.) 7986 Sue, M. J., called Eugene. Arthur. 12439 — The commander of Malta. 12411 — De Rohan ; f r. the French. 12417 — Gilbert et Gilberte. 3 v. 9364-« — Le Juif errant. 4 v. 14583-6 — /Same ; The wandering Jew. 4348 — Same ; another copy. 3 v. - 12281-3 — The marquis of Letoriere ; from the French. 11957 — Martin the foundling. 12872 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 3.) ♦! Suess, E. Boundary between geology and history. {In Smith- sonian Inst. Kept., 1872.) 13103 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Opera omnia, Baumgartenii-Crusii comment., excursibus Ernestii, illust. C. B. Hase. (Bib. Class. Lit.) 2 v. 8335-6 Contents. Praef . — Col. de vita et scriptis S. — Notitia lit. de S. — Recensus editionum S. — Caesar.— Octavius Augustus. —Tiberius, ft. Caligula. — Claudius. — Nero. — Galba.— Otho. — Vitellius. — Yespasianus. — Titus. — Domitianus. — De illust. grammat.— De claris rhetoribus.— P. Terentii vita. — Horatii vita.— Lueani vita.— C. Plinii vita. — D. J. Juvenalis vita.— A Persii vita. — Fragm. — Ernestii excursus. — Index hist. — Index Lat. sel. — Grwca Suetonii. — Lives of the twelve Caesars. Added, Lives of the grammarians, rhetori- cians, and poets; tr. of A. Thomson, rev., etc.,\)\ T. Forester. 4300 Suez canal. Fitzgerald, P. The great canalat S. ; its polit. engineering, and financial history ; with account of the struggles of de Lesseps. ^ v. 16627-8 Suffolk Co., Mass. Winsor, J. Memorial history of Boston, incl. Suffolk Co., Mass., 1630-1880. ♦! Suffrage. Sterne, 8. Suffrage in cities. • 17714 — See also Woman suffrage. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1205 Suffrage universel des b^tes, Le ; par G. Nadaud. (In Say- n^tes, etc., sh\ 6.) 14796 Sugar. Aligny, H. F. Q. d'. Manufacture of beet-root sugar. (In U. S. Com7n. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 5.) 9100 — Crookes, W. Manufacture of beet-root sugar in England and Ireland. 17222 — Frankel, J. Practical treatise on the manufacture of starch, glucose, starch-sugar, and dextrine. 21274 — Gill, C. H. Sugar refining. 15476 — Soames, P. Treatise on the manufacture of sugar from the sugar cane. 11214 — Tucker, J. H. Manual of sugar analysis ; introd. on the chemistry of cane sugar, dextrose, levulose, and milk-sugar. 21275 — See also Beet. Sugar boiling. See Confectionery. Sugden, E. B., Baron St. Leonards. Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham, corrected. 18337 Sugg, W. Gas as an illuminating agent comp. with electricity. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I Suggestions for the sick-room ; compl. by an Amer. woman. 15693 Suhaili, A.I. H., al-Katkhod, called. Turkish evening enter- tainments ; the wonders, remarkable incidents, and the rarities of anecdotes ; tr. by J. P. Brown. 5877 Suicide. De Quincey, T. (In his Note-book.) 1188 — Morselli, H. Suicide ; essay on comp. moral statistics. 21099 — Nagle, J. T. Suicides in New York City. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., v. 7.) ' *I — Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. de. Reflections on S. ( With her Influence of lit., etc.) 7688 Suil Dhuv, the coiner ; by G. Griffin. (In his Works.) 5402 Suites d'un premier lit, Les ; com^die ; par E. M. Labiche. (In his Th^dtre compl., v. 4.) 14561v Suites d'une faute, Les ; par La Comtesse Dash. 9483 Sujol, G., joint author. See Cahen, A. Suleiman, Pcfs/^a. Milnes, R. M. (/n /iis Monographs.) 11605 Sulla, L. C. Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 18125 — Freeman, E. A. (In his Hist, essays, ser. 2.) 11525 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. ' 17506 Sullivan, A. The light of the world ; oratorio. *I — The prodigal son; oratorio. *I and Gilbert, W. S. H. M. S. Pinafore ; naut. com. opera. *I The sorcerer ; comic opera. *I Trial by jury ; dramatic cantata. *I — joint author. See Gilbert, W. S. Sullivan, James. Amory, T. C. Life of Sullivan. 2 v. 151-2 Sullivan, John. Amory, T. C. Military services and public life of S. 8017 — Headlev, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., v. 2.) 1829 — Peabody,O.W.B, Life of S. (/w Sparks, J. Lib. of Amer. biog., v. 13.) 4122 — Sketch of S. (In Lives of heroes of Amer. rev.) 2122 Sullivan, T. R., ed. Sermons on Chr. communion; by living ministers. 4156 Contents. Miles, H. A. Man before God in the attitude of a sinner.— Parkman, F. Religious solicitude.— Judd, S. Worth of the soul.— Hunt- ington, F. D. The simplicity of Christian duty.— Brooks, 0. T. Prepara- tions for the Christian race.— Hall, N. The pleadings of God's spirit.— Coolidge, J. I. T. The attraction of the Father.— Briggs, G. W. Faith, the child of life.— Livermore, A. A. The adaptation of Christianity.— Whitman, J. The Gospel suited to human weakness.— Thompson, J. W. The Christian empire.— Bellows, H. W. Faith in Christianitv as a fact.— Gannett, E. S. Trust in God.— Peabody, A. P. Obstacles in the way of Christian obedience. — Walker, J. Perfection, the Christian's aim.— Robbins, C. The Christian home.— Ellis, G. E. Household impediments. 1206 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Putnam, G. Christian education.— Morison, J. H. Jesus our redeemer. — Young, A. Love to Christ.— Hall, E. B. Christ's love for man.— Bul- finch, S, G. The sufferings of Christ.— Dewey, O. Remembrance of Christ.— Osgood, S. Hours with the Comforter.— Hill, A. The primitive supper.— Furness, W. H. A communion sermon.— Frothingham, N. L. Paradoxes in the institution of the Lord's Supper. — Peabody, E. Duty of observing the Lord's Supper.— Lothrop, S. K. False shame and true glory.— Bartol,C. A. The Savior's joy.— Muzzey, A. B. Christian union. Sullivan, W. Historical causes and effects ; 476-1517. 4301 Sullivan, Wm. Political class book ; app. on Studies for pract. men ; with not. of books by G. B. Emerson. 4302 Sully, J. Illusions ; a psychological study. (Internat. sci. ser.) 20786 — Sensation and intuition ; studies in psychology and aBsthetics. 13044 Sully, M. de B., due de. L'Ecluse, Uahhe de. Memoirs of . M. de Bethuue. 5 v. *I — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Cans, lund., v. 8.) *I Sully, T. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of S. (Li his Am. art life.) 7225 Sulphuric acid. Smith, H. A. Chemistry of sulphuric acid manufacture. 11773 Sulpicius Lupercus Servastus. De cupiditate. — De vetustate. (In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 2.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8360 — Satiricon carmen. {In Persius Flaccus, A. SatiraB.) 8261 Sultan Saladin, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (In Ms Operas com- iques, v. 13.) *I Sulu archipelago. Burbidge, F. W. The gardens of the sun ; naturalist's journal in the archipelago. 20657 Sumatra. Bock, C. Journeyings in S. (With his Head- hunters of Borneo.) *I — Knox, T. W. {In his Adv. of two youths in a journey to Siam, etc.) 19882 Sumelas. Palgrave, W. G. The monastery of S. (In his Essays on Eastern questions.) 12382 Summer driftwood for the winter fire ; by R. Porter. 15883 Summer idyl, A ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher.] 17977 Summer, A, in Leslie Goldthwaite's life ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 6916 Summer-land, The. 4303 Summer resorts. See Resorts. Summer stories for boys and girls ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 21798 Summer, vacation, A ; sermons ; by E. E. Hale. 12336 Summer on the lakes in 1843 ; by S. M. Fuller. 3310 Summerfield imbroglio. The; by M. Collins. 15455 Summerland sketches ; by F. Oswald. 19890 Summer's romance. A; by M. Healy. ' 11067 Summer-savory ; by B. F. Taylor. 18933 Summerton, W. Will he find her? - 4326 Sumner, Charles. Works. 13 v. 8598-607 ; 13993-5 — Orations and speeches. 2 v. 4306-7 Note. Vol. 2 contains Three tributes of friendship: J. Story. — J. Pickering.— H. Wheaton. — Prophetic voices concerning America ; monograph. 12511 — Recent speeches and addresses. 4306 — White slavery in the Barbary States. 4308 — Biog. sketch of S. {In Atlas ess.} 18294 — Clarke, J. F. {In his Mem. and biog. sketches.) 17767 — Nason, E. Life and times of Sumner. 12865 — Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Sumner, 1811-1846. 2 v. 17166-7 — Schurz, C. Eulogy on Sumner. •! CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1207 — Stowe, H. E. B. (In her Men of our times.) 7354 Sumner, C. R., Bp. of Winchester. Sumner, G. H. Life of C. R. Sumner. 15930 Sumner, G. H. Life of C. R. Sumner, Bp. of Winchester. Portr. , 15930 Sumner, W. G. American finance. (In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — Andrew Jackson as a public man. (Amer. statesmen.) 21908 — History of American currency, with chap, on the Eng. bank restriction, and Austrian paper money. App., from " Bullion report" [Gt. Brit.] 12395 — Monetary development. (In Woolsey, T. D. 1st. cent, of the rep.) 16000 — Preface. (In Earle, A. L. Our revenue system.) 17699 — Protection and revenue in 1877; lect., 1878. [Econ. monographs.] 17772 Sumter, T. Hartley, C. B. Life of S. ( With his Life of H. Lee.) 1786 vSumter, Fort. Anderson, T. M. The political conspiracies preceding the Rebellion. 21876 — Doubleday, A. Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie. 15339 Sumter, steamer. Semmes, R. The cruise of the Alabama and the S. 8139 Sun. Allen, Z. Solar light and heat ; the source and the supply. 19315 — Bjorling, C. F. E. Solen : populiira foredrag. 15008 — Buckley. A. B. Sunbeams and the work they do. {In her Fairyland.) 18435 — Core, T. H. Distance of the sun from the 'earth. {In Owens College Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Guilleniin, A. The sun ; from the French, by A. L. Phipson. 8385 — Herschel, J. F. W. The sun. {In his Fam. lect.) 6523 — Lockyer, J. N. Contributions to solar physics. *I — Proctor, R. A. Oxygen in the sun ; Sun-spot, storm, and famine : New ways of measuring the sun's distance. {In his Pleasant ways.) 18336 Recent solar researches. {In Estes, D. Hf .-hr. rec, ser. 1.) 13114 The sun. 9230 The sun's corona and his spots ; Sun-spots and commercial panics. {In his Rough ways.) 19539 — Spencer. H. The constitution of the sun. {In his Rec. discuss.) 11388 — Stewart, B. The sun and the earth. {In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Williams, W. M. Fuel of the sun. '688 — Young. C. A. The sun. 20886 The sun and the phenomena of its atmosphere. {In Hf.-hr. with mod. scientists, ser. 2.) 12131 — See also Astronomy ;— Spectrum. *' Sunbeam," yacht. Brassey, A. Around the world in the yacht " Sunbeam." 17869 Sunbeam stories. 10869 Contents. The little sunbeams. — John Banning, or, True courage.— The winter apples.— Helen Newton. — Frank Fiske. — The palm-leaf hat.— Rosa's dress. — Mike Dougherty. — Peter and Philip. — ^The two orphans. — Annie and her uncle. Sunbeam stories ; by M. A. IMackarness. 4 ser. 11129-31 ; 22118 Sunday, Sabbath. Andrews, J. N. Sermons on the Sabbath and law ; bib. and sec. hist. 9160 — Bacon, L. W. The Sabbath question; Sunday obs. and Sunday laws. 21578 Bound with Bacon, G. B. Sermons. — Blackie. J. S. The Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Lord's day. {In his Lav sermons.) 20975 — Everett, A. H. The Sabbath. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 1424 — Free Religious Assoc. How shall we keep Sunday? Answer by C. K. Whipple, M. J. Savage, C. E. Pratt, and W. C. Gannett. 16755 — Hessey, J. A. Sunday. • *I — Humphrey, H. Essays on the Sabbath. 2096 — Neale, E. V. Feasts and fasts ; ess. on the rise, prog., and pres. state of the laws rel. to Sunday, etc. *I 1208 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Parsons, T. The Sabbath. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 6140 — Phelps, A. The question of Sunday cars. {In his My portfolio.) 22045 — Proctor. R. A. Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews. {In his Our place amonff infinities.) 15347 — Sherwood, M. M. Sabbaths on the continent. {In her Works, v. 16.) 396» — See also Wood, W. C. Sabbath essays. Sunday echoes in week-day hours ; by Mrs. Brock. 15559 Sunday Magazine, The, 1865 ; 1867-9. 6849 ; 6851-3 Sunday Schools. Gilbert, S. The lesson system ; story of its origin and inauguration. — Monroe, A. Model S. S. speaker. — Peloubet, F. N. and M. A. Select notes on the Intematl. 8. 8. lessons for 1878. — Pray, L. G. History of Sunday schools, and of religious education. — Taylor, A. Sunday' school photographs. — Trumbull, H. C. Children in the temple; hand-book for the 8. 8. concert, etc. Sunday stories ; by H. N. Brown. Sunderland, B. The evil affecting the universe. {In Union pulpit.) Sunderland, J. T. Orthodoxy and revivalism ; pop. Christi- anity, and rational religious thought. — What is the Bible ? Sunken rock. The ; by G. Cupples. Sunlight and shadow ; by J. B. Gough. Sun-maid, The ; by Miss Grant. Sunnybank ; by Marion Harland [M. V. Terhune]. Sunny memories of foreign lands ; by H. B. Stowe. 2 v. Sunny shores ; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. Sunny South, The ; by J. H. Ingraham. Sunrise ; by W. Black. Sunrise lands. See Australia ; — China ; — Japan. Sunshine and storm in the East ; by Mrs. Brassey. Sunshine in the soul; poems select, by [M. W. Tileston]. 2 ser. 16701 ; 22302 The revelation of beauty and 18708 10535 764» 19320 6680 16784 18713 19486 20230 18299 6541 4270-1 13052 2132 20142 19457 Sunshine on daily paths ; or, The revelation of beauty wonder in common things ; fr. Household Words. lUust. Sunstroke. Miles, A. J. Sunstroke epidemic of Cincinnati, 1881. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc.^ v. 7.) Superficial knowledge ; by T. De Quincy. {In his Note-book.) Supernatural. Bushuell, H. Nature and the supernatural. — Lee, F. G. More glimpses of the world unseen. The other world. 2 v. Supernatural, The, in romantic fiction ; by E. Yardley. Supernatural religion. Sanday, W. The gospels in the 2d. cent. ; examination of a work entitled Supernatural relig- ion. Supernatural religion ; inq. into the reality of div. revelation. 3 V. Supersac, L. The door is locked. (Plays for private act.) — Hippolyte ; ou, Les quatre fiancees ; monologue, (/w Sayn^tes, etc.y s^r. 2.) — Une m^prise; histoire en triolets. {In Savni'tes, e^c.'s^r. 8.) — La porte est close; monologue. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 1.) — La sopur de charity ; r6cit en vers; Mis's Elsie; sayn^te. {In Sayn^tes, etc.y s^r. 7.) ■ Superstition. Adams, W. H. D. Curiosities of superstition, and sketches of some unrevealed religions. — Conway, M. D. Growing superstitions. {In his Idols, etc.) 1214 ♦I 1188 9034 17736 13947-8 22559 15928 *I 17926 14792 14798 14791 14797 22398 16960 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1209 — Kingsley, C. {In his Health and education.) 12906 — 8ee also Delusions. Superstition and force ; essays ; by H. C. Lea. 6558 — Same; 3d. ed. 17895 Supp6, F. von. Fatinitza ; comic opera. *I Supper in Dixie ; by J. Triplet. {In French's min. dram., v. 37.) 7989 Surgeon of Paris, The; drama; by J. S. Jones. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 32.) 11826 Surgeon's stories. See Topelius, Z. Surgery. Evans, T. W. Instruments of medicine, surgery, etc. {In U. S. Comm. to Pans Expos. ^ 1867, Rept., v. 5.) 9100 — Gross, S. D. John Hunter and his pupils. 20196 — Robertson, A. Conversations on anatomy, physiology, and surgery. 2 v. 3666-7 — Trail, R. T. {In his Hydropathic encyclopedia.) 4485 Surly Tim, and other stories ; by F. H. Burnett. 17184 Surnames. Bardsley, C. W. Our English surnames ; their sources and significations. 12187 — Bowditch, ?[. I. Suffolk surnames. 1851 Surrey. Black, A. and C. Guide to the county of Surrey. *I — Jennings, L. J. Field paths and green lanes ; walks chief, in S. and Sussex. 17463 Surrey Chapel. Hall, N. History of Surrey Chapel, etc. {In his Sermons.) 7415 Sursum corda ; hymns for the sick and suffering ; comp. by M. W. Tileston. 17177 Surveying. Carpenter, F. de Y. Geographical surveying.^ 17985 — Davies, C. Elements of surveying and levelling. ' 19065 — Duncan, A. The practical surveyor's guide. 1292 — Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on land surveying. 9634 Treatise on levelling, topography, and higher surveying. 11098 — Jackson, L. D'A. Aid to survey-practice for ref . in surveying, levelling, and setting out. * 19716 — See also Marine surveying. Survivor's story. The ; by E. E. Hale. (Tales for trav., v. 4.) 13933 Susan Fielding ; by A. B. Edwards. 8002 Susan Lawton's escape ; by Saxe Holm. {In his Stor., ser. 2.) 17894 Susanna ; tragica comcedia ; v. H. J. v. Braunschweig. (Deuts. Dicht. des 16 Jahrh.) 16368 Suspension bridges. Hildenbrand, W. Cable making for suspension bridges. 17364 Sussex, Eng. Black, A. and C. Guide to Sussex and its watering-places. *I — Jennings, L. J. Field paths and green lanes ; walks chieflv in Surrey and Sussex. ' 17463 — Nadal, E. S. A dav or two in Sussex. {In his Essays.) 21897 Sussex idyl, A ; by C. Black. 17631 Sutcliffe, A. See Sutliffe. Suter, W. E. Plays. See French's minor drama. — Slighted treasures ; petite comedy. {In Home plays for ladies.) 14360 Sutherlands, The ; by M. Harris. 3753 Sutherlands, The ; by T. Hook. ( With Merton.) 15655 Sutliffe, or Sutcliffe, A. Poems. 4309 Sutton, F. Systematic handbook of volumetric analysis ; or, The quantitative estimation of chemical substances by measure, appl. to liquids, solids, and gases. 3d. ed. 16857 Suwarrow, A. B., Prince Italinski. Wilson, J. G. {In his Sk. of illust. soldiers.) 12537 77 1210 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Swabian stories [poems] ; by T. Tilton. 22062 Swaiusoo, C. A. The Nicene and Apostles' creeds ; their literary hist. ; with an acct. of the growth and reception of " The creed of St. Athanasius." 13887 Swallow barn ; by J. P. Kennedy. 5374 Swallow-flights; by L. C. Moulton. 19787 Swan, C. Gesta Romanorum ; tr. with obs. and notes ; introd. by T. Wright. 2 v. 10030-1 Swan, W. W. Biography of S. Vincent ; W. J. Temple. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Swans, The, of Lir ; by G. Griffin. {In Little class., v. 1.) 12972 Swayne, G. C. Herodotus. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 5687 Swayze, Mrs. J. C. Ossawattomie Brown. {In Mod. stand. dr., V. 29.) 11824 Sweat, M. J. M. Highways of travel ; or, A summer in Europe. 4311 Sweat. See also Swett. Sweden. Description. — Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel in Sweden, etc. 168 — Brace, C. L. {In his Norse-folk.) , 4»87 — Cox, S. S. (In his Arctic sunbeams.) 21610 — Harrison, J. A. Glimpses of Sweden. (In Murphy, B. and others. On the Rhine.) 19986 — Ino-lis, H. D. (In his Personal narr. of a journey.) 2125 — Jerrold, W. B. A brage-beaker with the Swedes. 2357 — Macgr£o:or, J. {In his Rob Roy on the Baltic.) 7039 — Maxwell, J. S. Tour in Norway and Sweden. {In his The Czar, etc.) 2974 — Taylor, B. {In his Northern travel.) 4361 Education. — Hippeau, C. L'iustruction publique dans les etats du nord. *I History. — Geijer, E. G. History of the Swedes. 2222 — See also Topelius, Z.' Surgeon's stories. Literatu7'e. — Claeson, G. Ofversigt af Svenska sprakets och literaturens historia. 15064 — Runeberg, J. L. Lyrical songs, idylls, and epigrams; done into Eng. bv E. Magnusson and E. H. Palmer. * 18636 — Stephens, G. and Cavallius, H. Old Norse fairv tales. 21843 — Tegn6r, E. Fridthjof's saga; tr. bv T. A. E. and M. A. L. Holcomb. 16674 The Library has works by Abelin, H. ;— Bergstedt, C. F. ;— Bjorling, C. F. E. ;— Blanche, A. :— Bremer, F. ;— Claeson, G. ;— Erslev, E. ;— Enan- der, J. A. ;— Geijer, E. G. ;— Grube, A. W. ;— Hagberg, C. P. ;— Hilde- brand, H. H. ;— Ingemann, B. S.; — Mellin, G. H. ;— Nvbom, J. ;— Odhner, C. T. ;— Runeberg, J. L. ;— Rydberg, V. ;— Schwartz, *M. S. ;— Stahlberg, — . ;— Starback, C. G. :— Stromer, N. H. ;— Tegn^r, E. ;— Thomasson, P, ; —Topelius, Z.;— Trolle, H. af . ;— Wallin, J. O. ;— Wetterberg, C. A. ;— and translations into Swedish fr. Flammarion, C. ; — Huxley, T. H. ; — Schiller, J. C. F. von. Also, a trans, of R. Brown's Science for all, into Swedish, by T. M. Fries. General and misc. works. — Woods, F. H. Sweden and Norway. (Foreign countries, etc.) 22657 — JSee also Scandinavia. Swedenborg, E. Account of the last judgment, and the Baby- lon destroyed. 4317 — Angelic wisdom cone, the Divine love and wisdom. 4313 — Angelic wisdom cone, the divine Providence. 4318 — Apocalypse revealed. 2 v. 8760-1 — Athanasian creed ; fr. the Apocalypse. 4312 — Concerning Heaven and its wonders, and Hell. 4316 — Conjugial love. 8748 — The earths in our solar system, and in the starry heavens ; with acct. of their inhabitants, etc. 4314 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1211 — Economy of the animal kingdom; tr. by A. Clissold. 2 v. 7413-14 — Four leading doctrines. 4315 Contents. Doctrine cone, the Lord.— Respecting the sacred Scrip- tures.— On the white horse.— On faith.— Doctrine of life. — Heavenly Arcana. 10 v. 8750-9 — Miscellaneous theological works. 16679 Contents. The new Jerusalem and its heavenly doctrine.- Brief expo- sition.— Intercourse bet. the soul and ^the body.— The white horse men- tioned in the Apocalypse. — Appendix to the treatise on the white horse. — The earths in the universe. — The last judgment. — Continuation concern- ing the last judgment. — iNew Jerusalem, and its heavenlv doctrine. 8744 — The Swedenborg library ; ed. by B. F. Barrett. 12 v. 22345-56 Contents. V. 1. Death, resurrection, and the judgment. 2. Heaven. 3. Freedom, rationality, and Catholicity. 4. Divine Providence and its laws. 5. Charity, faith, and works. 6. Freewill, repentance, reformation, and regeneration. 7. Holy Scripture, and the key to its spiritual sense. 8. Creation, incarnation, redemption, and the Divine Trinity. 9. Marriage and the sexes in both worlds. 10. The author's Memorabilia. 11. The Heavenly doctrine of the Lord. 12. Sweden- borg; with a compend. of his teachings. — True Christian religion. 8749 — Barrett, B. F. Swedenborg; with a compend. of his teachings. (Swe- denborg lib., v. 12.) 22356 — Emerson, R. W. {In his Representative men.) 1384 — Hobart, N. Life of S. ; with some acct. of his writings. 8762 — Keyes, E. R. Wesley and Swedenborg. 12549 — Osgood, S. Swedenborg and the mysticism of science. {In his Stud.) 7189 — Ossoli, S. M. d'. Swedenborgianism. {In her Papers on literature, etc., pt. 2.) 3309 — Parsons, T. Outlines of the relig. and philosophy of Swedenborg. 15676 — Tafel, R. L. Documents cone, the life and character of SwedenUorg. 2 V. in 3. 18798-800 Swedenborg as a philosopher and man of science. 6860 — White, W. Life of S. ; with synopsis of his writings. 6614 — Wilkinson, J. J. G. Emanuel Swedenborg ; a biog. 4787 Swedenborg and a new science. {In his Human science, etc.) 16083 Swedenborgianism. James, H. Society the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God's omnipotence in human nature. 18469 Sweet, H. An Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse ; with gram, introd., notes, etc. 3d. ed., rev. and enl. 21658 — Handbook of phonetics; incl. Princ. of spelHng reform. 21845 Sweet Nelly ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. {In their Ten years' tenant, etc.) 21682 Sweet spring-time ; by T. Miller. 10576 Sweethearts and wives; comedy; by J. Kenney. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 Sweetser, C. H. Book of summer resorts. 7459 Sweetser, M. F. Artist-biographies. Namely: Allston. 18174 Claude Lorraine. 17559 Durer. 17299 Fra Angelico. 18092 Guido Reni. ' 17981 Landseer. 18175 Leonardo da Vinci. 18094 Michael Angelo. 18103 Murillo. 17356 Raphael. 17148 Rembrandt. 17483 Sir Joshua Revnolds. 17620 Titian. 17149 Turner. 18093 Van Dyck. 18013 — Europe for $2 a day ; notes for the assistance of tourists ; with pars. remin. of travel. 14059 1212 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. , — What the people read. {In Abbott, L. Hints, etc.) 19847 Sweetser, 8. Address of the trustees. Worcester Co. Free inst. of Jndust. Science. Commencement, 1873. 12098 — The ministry we need. 11603 Swetchine, Mme. A. S. S. Writings; ed. by Count De Fal- loux ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 8021 — Falloux, A. F. P. Life and letters of Mme. S. ; tr. by H. W. Preston. 7021 Madame Swetchine, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 2 v. 9408-9 — Gautier, T. and others. (In their Famous French authors.) 19026 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In his Nouv. lund., v. 1.) *I Swett, J. Methods of teaching ; handbook for common- school teachers. 19862 Swett, S. Historical and topographical sk. of Bunker Hill battle. ( m^/i Humphreys, D. Life of I. Putnam.) 2095 Swett. See also Sweat. Swift, A. M. Cupid, M. D. 22337 Swift, F., and Clark, M. R. The skater's text-book. 18517 Swift, J. F. Going to Jericho ; travel in Spain and the East. 7453 — Robert Greathouse. 8386 Swift, Jonathan. Works. 4323 Contents. Tale of a tub.— The battle of the books. — Letter to a young lady on her marriage. — Gulliver's travels; new ed., with notes and life; by J. F. Waller. Illust. 4319 — Same ; with life and engr. 17289 — Poetical works ; with life by J. Mitford. 3 v. 4320-2 — Craik, H. Life of Swift. 22787 — Dilke, C. W. (In Jiis Papers of a critic, v. 1.) 14203 — Forster, J. Life of Swift, v. 1. 16340 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 1.) ' 2040 — Hunt, J. H. L. Imaginarv conversations of S. (In his Table-talk.) 12904 — Johnson, S. Swift. (In Arnold, M. Six chief lives.) 1^101 — Leckv, W. E. H. (In his Lead, of pub. opin.) 9979 — Massbn, D. Dean Swift. (In his Three devils.) 13516 — Mitchell, D. G. Gulliver Swift. (In his About old story-tellers.) 17346 — Russell, W. (In his Eccen. personages.) 6265 — Scott, W. Life of S. (In his Misc. prose works, v. 2.) 3836 — Sheridan, T. Life of Swift. 3954 — Stephen, L. Swift. 22059 — Thackerav, W. M. (In his Eng. humourists.) 4398 — Wilson, J. (In his Studies of mod. mind.) 21197 Swift and sure ; by A. Elwes. i3236 Swimming. Forrest, G. Handbook of swimming and skating. 1767 — Leahy, — . Art of swimming in the Eton style. 14043 — Webb, M. Art of swimming; ed. by A. G. Payne. ^ 16859 — See also Animal locomotion. Swinbourne, A. (J.) Picture logic: or. The grave made gay; attempt to popularize the science of reasoning by the com- bination of humorous pictures, etc. 13954 Swinburne, A. C. Atalanta in Calydon ; a tragedy. 6111 — Bothwell; a tragedv. 12838 — Chastelard ; a tragedy. 12837 — Erechtheus ; a tragedy. 15643 — Essay on Coleridge. (In Coleridge, S. T. Christabel.) (Bayard ser.) 8116 — Essays and studies. 14246 Contents. Victor Hugo: L'homme qui rit; L'ann^e terrible. — Poems of D. G. Rossetti.— Morris's Life and death of Jason. — M. Arnold's new poems. — The text of Shelley. — Byron. — Coleridge. — John Ford. — Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence. — Notes on some pictures of LS68. — Mary Stuart; a tragedy. 21258 — Note on Charlotte Bronte. 17885 — Poems. (In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Poems and ballads. 2d. ser. 18522 — The Queen mother ; and Rosamond. 6349 ^ Songs before sunrise. 9102 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1213 — Songs of the Spring tides. — A study of Shakespeare. 19374 — Tristram of Lyonesse ; and other poems. 2d. ed. 22545 — Hazeltine, M. W. (In his Chats.) 22863 — Lowell. J. R. (In his My study windows.) 10522 — Stedman, E. C. {In his Vict, poets.) 14121 Swing, D. Motives of life. 18506 — Truths for to-day. 12G82 — Bungay, G. (In his Traits of representative men.) 22315 — The World's ed. of the great Presbyterian conflict; Patton vs. Swing; with portr., pulpit sk., sermons/eic. _ *I Swinton, A. H. Insect variety; its propagation and distribu- tion. • *I Swinton, W. Bible word-book ; glossary of terms, which have changed their pop. meaning, or are no longer in gen. use ; ed. by T. J. Conant. 15463 — Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 6367 — First lessons in our country's history. 10562 — OutHnes of the world's history, anc, medieval, and mod.; with spec. rel. to the hist, of civilization, etc. 13256 — Twelve decisive battles of the war. 6726 Swiss cottage ; by T. H. Bayley. (/?? French's min. dram., V. 10.) 11841 Swiss family Robinson, New ; by O. Wister. 22092 Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. *I Swiss swains ; by B. Webster. {In French's min. dram., v. 23.) 7982 Swisshelm, J. G. ilalf a century. 2d. ed. 19985 iVb^e.— Record of anti-slavery struggle ;— War of the Rebellion;— Woman's Rights agitation. Switch off; by Oliver Optic [W. T. Adams]. Switzerland. Descnption. — Abbott, J. RoUo's tour in Europe : Switzerland. — Andersen, H. C. (In his Pictures of travel.) — Bache, A. D. Lecture on Switzerland. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept.. 1870.) — Breckeoridge, R. J. (^In his Memoranda of foreign travel.) — Buflum, E. G. (In his Sights and sensations.) — Cheever, G. B. Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mt. Blanc. — Dixon, W. H. The Switzers. — Dumas, A. D. Impressions de voyage : Suisse, [1832] . 3 v. — George, W. C. (In his Year abroad.) — Goethe, J. W. von. Letters fr. Switzerland, e^c. (In his Autobiog., v. 2 — Haeseler, C. H. (In his Across the Atlantic.) — Hale, E E. a7id S. (In their Family flight thr. France, etc.) — Hall, F. W. (In his Rambles in Europe.) — Inglis, H. D. Switzerland, South of France, and the Pyrenees, in 1830. 2 v — Jones, H. "The regular Swiss round. — McLellan, H. B. (In his Journal of a residence in Scotland, etc.) — Manning, S. Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Same; enl. ed. — Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters fr. Italy and S. — Muegge, T. Switzerland in 1847. 2 v. * — Prime, S. I. Letters fr. Switzerland. — Sketches of Germany, etc. — Stowe, H. B. (In her Sunny memories, v. 2.) — Taylor, B. (In his At Home and abroad.) — Urbino, Mrs. S. R. An American woman in Europe. — Zincke, F. B. A month in Switzerland. Swiss allmends, and a walk to see them. — See also Alps;— Engadine;—Pontresina;— Rapid transit abroad. Ecclesiastical affairs. — See Grisons. Education. — Arnold, M. (In his Popular education of France.) 7881 33 162 11G26 472 8008 806 10728 14676-8 2225 .) 1546 7690 21075 1727 . 2126-7 6250 2846 *I *I 5859 3179-80 3553 2317 4271 4435-6 7861 11752 12926 176 1214 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. History. — History of S. ; fr. B. C. 110 to A. D. 1830. 4327 — Mueller, J. von. Battle at Sempach, 1386. {In Lieber, F. Gt. Events, etc.) 5105 — Tschudi, A. Delivery of the four Swiss forest districts ( Waldstadte) , 1308. {In Lieber, F. Great events, etc.) 5105 — Vieusseux, A. History of Switzerland. 4600 Literature. — Semmig, H. Kultur-und Litteratur geschichte der Franzosischen Sehweiz und Savoy ens. 16437 Sword, The. {Imperfect.) {In Follen, E. L. C. Home dramas.) 1488 Sword and gown ; by G. A. Lawrence. 4329 Sword, The, .of Damocles ; by A. K. Green. 20473 Sybaris and other homes ; by E. E. Hale. 8483 Sybel, H. K. L. von. History of the French revolution. 4 v. 9080-3 — Tuttle, H. {In his Germ, polit. lead.) 13830 Sybil ; by B. Disraeli. {In his Nov. and tales.) 5838 Sydenham, T. Brown, J. Dr. Andrew Brown and S. ; Locke and S. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Sydney, A. Ewald, A. C. Life and times of S. 2 v. 11512-13 Sydney ; by G. M. Craik. 20763 Sydnie Adriance ; by A. M. Douglas. 7529 Sykes, J. N. Why I am a Baptist. {In Pitts-St. chapel lect.) 20424 Sylla. Herbert, H. W. {In his Capt. of Rom. Rep.) 1871 Sylvan Holt's daughter ; by Holme Lee [H. Parr]. 5602 Sylvan year. The ; by P. G. Hamerton. 15794 — Same ; with etchings. *I Sylvester, J. J. The laws of verse ; or, Princ. of versification exempl. in metr. translations ; with annot. repr. of the in- augural addr. to the Mathemat. and Phys. Sect, of the British Assoc, at Exeter. 21995 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist ; by H. Cockton. *I Sylvestres, The; byM. B. Edwards. 9850 Sylvia ; by F. M. Peard. {In her Madrigal.) 18028 Sylvia's choice ; by G. M. Craik. 13068 Sylvia's world. 4325 Sylvie's betrothed ; by H. Gr^ville [A. F. Durandl- 22030 Symbolism. Haig, J. Symbolism ; or, Mind, matter, language, as the elements of thinking and reasoning, and factors of human knowledge. 13448 — See also Creeds. Syme, D. Representative government in Eng. ; its faults and failures. 2d ed. 21490 Syme, J. Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 3.) 22240 Symington, A. J. Samuel Lover; biograph. sk. with select. fr. his writings, etc. 19809 — Thomas Moore, the poet ; his life and works. 19805 — "Wm. Cullen Bryant; biog. sk., with select, fr. his poems, etc. 19962 — Wm. Wordsworth; biog. sketch, with select, fr. his writings. 2 v. 20882-3 Symmachus, Q. A. Carmina. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., V. 4.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8362 Symonds, J. A. Introduction to the study of Dante. 16634 — Many moods ; a vol. of verse. 18554 — Miscellanies; select, and ed., with memoirs, by his son. Contents. Memoir. — Principles of beauty. — Waste. — Ten years. — Knowledge. — Life of Dr. Prichard. — Sleep and dreams. — Apparitions. — Relations bet. mind and muscle.— Habit.— Criminal responsibility in rel. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1215 to insanity.— Social and political aspects of medicine.— Poems.— Transla- tions. — Kenaissance in Italy. 5 v. 15451 ; 17319-22 Contents. V. 1. The age of the despots. 2. The revival of learning. 3. The fine arts. 4, 5. Italian literature. — Shelley. (Eng. men of letters.) 18176 — Sketches and studies in Italy. 19719 — Sketches in Italy and Greece. 13888 — The sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella ; tr. into rhymed English, 17798 — Studies of the Greek poets, ser. 1, 2. 13730 ; 16543 Contents. V. 1. Periods of Greek literature.— Empedocles.— The Gnomic poets.— The satirists.— The lyric poets.— Pindar.— Greek tragedy and Euripides.— Aristophanes.— Ancient and modern tragedy.— The idyll- ists.- The anthology.— The genius of Greek art. 2. Mythology.— - Achilles.- The women of Homer.- Hesiod.— Parmenides.— ^schylus.— Sophocles.— Fragments of iEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides.— Fragments of the lost tragic poets.— Comic 'fragments. —Hero and Leander.— Con- clusion. Symonds. See also Simmonds ; — Simmons ; — Simonds ; — Si- mons ; — Symons. Symons, G. J. Lightning rod conference ; rept. of delegates fr. the Meteorological Soc, Royal Inst, of Brit. Archi- tects, etc. *I — Rain, snow, hail, and atmospheric electricity. {In Meteorolog. Soc. Mod. meteorology.) 18899 Symons, J. On industrial schools. {In Soc. for Encour. of Arts, etc. Lect.) 5855 Symons. See also Simmonds ; — Simmons ; — Simonds ; — Si- mons. — Symonds. Symphonic d'Avril ; idylle ; par P. Milliet. {In Saynetes, etc.^ s^r. 8.) 14798 Symposium. Jones, H. K. The Symposium. {In Bridgman, R. L. Concord lect.) 22506 Symposius, C. F. See Firmianus Symposius, C. .^J.a Synge, W. W. F. Olivia Raleigh. (Star ser.) 16899 — Tom Singleton ; dragoon and dramatist. 19691 Synnove Solbakken ; by B. Bjornson ; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 20624 Synod of Philadelphia. See Presbyterian church in Phila. Sypher, J. R. Cotton seed, cotton seed oil, cotton seed cake. {In Lyman, J. B. Cotton culture.) 14000 Syria. Description. — Bartlett, W. H. Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles. 8141 — Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines. 13699 — Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in S., etc. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) 4366 — Burton, I. The inner life of Svria, etc. 2 v. 14195-^ — Burton, R. F. and Drake, C. F*. T. Unexplored Syria. 2 v. 11036-6 — Curtis, G. W. Howadji in Svria. 1059 — Durbin, J. P. Observations 'in the East. 2 v. 1299-1300 — Ellis, T. J. On a raft, and Through the desert : artist's journey thr. No. Syria, etc. 2 v. * *I — Fetridge, W. P. Syria. {In Harper's hand-book for travelers in Europe, etc.) 8879 — Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight over Egypt and S. 22152 — Hunt, Mrs. H. Children at Jerusalem; mod. life in Syria. 21361 — Martineau, H. Syria and its faith. {In her East, life.) 2934 — Modern traveller, v. 2, 3. 3092-3 — Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holv places. 6723 — Potter, H. C. The gates of the East; winter in Egypt and Svria. 16778 — Riley, I. Syrian home life. ' 12759 Ecclesiastical History. — Etheridge, J. W. The Syrian churches ; with a lit. trans, of the Gospels fr. the Peschito. *I 1216 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. History, — Pococke, E. and others. History of Greece, Macedonia, and S. 5050 — See also Damascus. T. T. T. Ho Fi of the yellow girdle. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 Ta' abbet Shurran. Palgrave, W. G. The brigand Ta' abbet Bli Shurran. (Jn /lis Ess. on East quest.) 12382 Tabernacle. See Jews. Table, The, Book about ; by J. C. Jeaffreson. 2 v. 13619-20 Table-talk ; by A. B. Alcott. 17245 Table-talk ; by J. H. L. Hunt. 12904 Table-talk ; by J. Selden. (Lib. of old Eng. pr. Writers.) 3887 Table talk ; opinions on books, men, and things ; by W. Haz- litt. 2v.ini. 1817 — Same-, 2d. ser. 2 v. in 1. 1818 — Same', essays on men and manners; new ed., ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 10744 Table talk of Martin Luther ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 6591 Table traits with something on them ; by J. Doran. 1250 Tableaux. Frost, S. A. Book of tableaux and shadow pan- tomimes. 8064 — Gill, W. F. Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. 9599 — Head, J. H. Home pastimes ; or, Tableaux vivants. 1822 — Prichard, J. V. Tableaux vivants arranged for amateur representation. 19580 — See also Amusements ; — Private theatricals. Tables. Frazer, P. Tables for the determination of minerals, ^ based on the tables of Weisbach. 17212 — Pickering, E. C. {In his Elements of phys. manipulation, v. 2.) 16040 — See also Mathematics ; Mechanics. Tables turned ; by W. B. Fowle. {In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Tablets ; by A. B. Alcott. 19200 Tabor, E. The blue ribbon. 12362 — Dimplethorpe. 3 v. 21996-8 — Eglantine. - 13978 — Hope Meredith. 13579 — Jeanie's quiet life. 7366 — The last of her line. 18514 — Little Miss Primrose. 19440 — St. Olaves. 2194 Tachygraphy. Lindsley, D. P. The elements of tachygraphy. 21238 Hand book of takigrafy ; contr. stvle ; with chap, on the simple style. 22447 The manual of takigrafy. ' 15688 The note-taker; or, elements of T., pt. 2; treat, on the 2d. style of L.'s , brief writing. 19684 — See also Phonography;— Stenography. Tacitus, C. or P. C. Opera omnia, qualem pub. J.J. Oberlin, addit. subj. J. Nandet. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 5 v. 8337-41 Contents. V. 1. Vita.— Veterum scriptorum de T. testimonia.— An- nalium lib. I-VI. 2. AnnaliumXI-XYI. 3. Historiarura libri quinque superstites. 4. De moribus et populis Germanise. — Julii Agricolae vita. — De oratoribus. — Excursus variorum. 5. Excursus variorum. — Stem- ma Caesarum. — Anecdota de imperatoribus. — Praefatio G. Broterii. — Ex- empla imitationis e tragoediis variorum poetarum Gallicorura collecta. — Editions et traductions de Tacite, par Bardier. — Works; Oxford trans., rev., with notes. 2 v. 4334-5 — Life of Agricola ; ed. by W. F. Allen. 19900 — Donne, W. B. Tacitus. (Anc. class, for Eng. read.) 12011 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Prem. lund., v. 1.) *I Tactics. Upton, E. Tactics for nourmilitary bodies. 15968 — See also Artillery ;—Infantrv ; -Military art and science;— U. S. War Dept. Tafel, R. L. Documents cone, the life and character of Swe- denborg. 2 v. in 3. 18798-800 — Emanuel Swedenborg as a philosopher and man of science. 6860 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1217 Taft, C. P. The South Kensington Museum ; what it is, etc. ; lect. 17791 Taghconic ; the romance and beauty of the hills ; by J. E. A. Smith. 19029 Tahiti. Reybaud L. Parlement des lies de la Society (Taiti) . (Zn Ms Marines, etc.) 9544 Tailor and fiddler ; by T. Michel. {In Michel, T. and Moritz, A. A will and a way.) 4789 Taine, H. A. The ancient regime. 15679 — Art in Greece. 9660 — Art in the Netherlands. 9671 — Etude sur Merimee. {In MMm6e, P. Lettres h. une inconnue.) 9467 — The French revolution ; tr. by J. Durand, v. 1, 2. 21194-5 — History of English literature. 2 v. 9724^ — Same; abgd. fr. trans, of H. Van Laun, and ed. by J. Fiske. 11162 — The ideal in art ; tr. by J. Durand. 8443 — Italy : Florence and Venice ; f r. the French, by J. Durand. 7772 — Italy : Rome and Naples; fr. the French, by J. Durand. 7357 — Lectures on art ; tr. by J. Durand. 2d. ser. 21444 Contents. The philosophy of art in Italv ; Netherlands ; Greece. — Notes on England: tr. with introd. chap, [life, etc., of T.] , bv W. F. Rae. Portr. * 10504 — Notes on Paris. 13789 — On intelligence. 9726 — The philosophy of art. 11352 — A tour through the Pyrenees. 12367 — Mill, J. S. Taine — t)e I'intelligence. (In his Diss, and disc, v. 5.) 14356 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (/w Ais Nouv. lund., v. 8; Caus. lund., v. 13.) *I English literature ; by H. Taine. {In his Eng. portr.) 13635 — Scherer, E. Taine. Histoire de la litterature anglaise. {In his Etudes critiques.) 14600 Tainsh, E. C. Study of the works of Tennyson. New ed. with supp. on "The Holy Grail, and other poems." 10843 Tai-ping-wang. Mackie, J. M. Life of T., chief of the Chi- nese insurrection. 2844 Tait, C. Benham, W. Catharine and Craufurd Tait ; me- moir. 19497 Tait, P. G. Elementary treatise on quarternions. 2d. ed.,enl. 15868 — Lectures on some rec. advances in phys. science. 15956 Contents. Introductory. The early history of energy.— Establishment of the conservation of energy. — Transiformation of energy. — Transforma- tion of heat into work.— Sources and transference of energy. — Radiation and absorption.— Spectrum analysis.— Conduction of heat.— Structure of matter. — and Steele, W. J. Treatise on the dynamics of a particle, with examples. 2d. ed. * 8554 — and Stewart, B. The unseen universe; or Phys. speculations on a fut. state. ' 13779 —joint author. iSee Stewart, B. ;— Thomson, W. Tait. See also Tate. Take care of little Charley; by J. Brougham. (In French's mil), dram., v. 21.) 11846 Taken at the flood ; by M. E. Braddon. 12879 Takigrafy. See Tachygraphy. Taking the bastile ; by A. Dumas. 9309 Talbot, C. Letter to a new-born child. (Li Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 — Elwood, A. K. {In her Mem., v. 1.) 22790 Talbot. F. Through fire and water. 12477 Talbot, J. G. The Church and the universities. (In Weir, A. The Church and the age, ser. 2.) 10823 1218 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Talbot, T. The Enchiricliou of Epictetas, and the Golden Verses of Pythagoras ; tr. into Eng. prose and verse ; with notes ; with some original poems. 21212 Talboys, W. P. West India pickles ; diary of a cruise thro. the West Indies. 15329 Talcott, D. S. Jesus Christ the all-sufficient evid. of Christ- ianity. (In Boston lect., 1871.) 12134 Talcott, Mrs. H. B. G. The fortunes of Miss Folleu. 15766 Tale for a chimney corner, and other essays ; by L. Hunt. 12900 Tale of a physician ; by A. J. Davis. 7766 Tale of a salamander ; by E. E. Hale. (In his His level best, etc.) • 11209 Tale of a tub ; by J. Swift. (In his Works.) 4323 Tale of an old man's youth. (In Nov. and tales fr. House- hold Words, V. 8.) 14308 Tale of the Inquisition. (In Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Tale of the Simplon, A ; byE. E.Hale. (Tales for trav.,v. 4.) 13933 Tale of two cities ; by C. Dickens. 1215 Tales, Six popular. See Lodge, H. C. Tales and selections fr. the English souvenirs for 1828. 4346 .Tales and sketches of Chr. life ; [by E. R. Charles]. 5795 Tales at tea time ; fairy stories ; by E. H. K. Hugessen. 11181 Tales from Blackwood. 12 v. in 6. 19140-5 Contents. Vol. 1. Aytoun, W. E. The Glenmutchkin railway.— Vau- derdeckeu's message home.— The floating beacon. — Colonua the painter. — Lockhart, J. G. Napoleon.— Hamley, E. B. A legend of Gibraltar.— Mudford, W. The iron shroud. — Hamley, E. B. Lazaro's legacy. — Ma- ginn, W. A story without a tail. —Faustus and Queen Elizabeth.— Aytoun, W. E. How I became a Yeoman.— Southey, C. A. B. Devereux hall.— Macnish, R. The Metempsychosis.— College theatricals. 2. A reading party in the long vacation.— Father Tom and the Pope.— Southey, C.A.B. La petite Madelaine.— Maginn, W. Bob Burke's duel with Ensign Brady. —The headsman: a tale of doom.— Gait, J. The wearyful woman.— Aytoun, W. E. How I stood for the Dreepdaily burghs.— Mudford, W. First and last. — The duke's dilemma; chronicle of Xiesenstein. — The old gentleman's teetotum. — "Woe to us when we lose the watery wall;" poem. — My college friends : Charles Russell, the gentleman commoner. — Hughes, J. The magic lay of the one-horse chay. 3. Hardman, F. Ad- ventures in Texas: abgd.fr. German of Sealsfield. — Aytoun, W. E. How we got possession of the Tuileries.— Lockhart, J. G.' Capt. Baton's la- ment.— Arbouville, Countess d'. The village doctor.— Hogg, J. A sin- gular letter from Southern Africa.- Hardman, F. My friend, the Dutch- man.— My college friends: No. 2. Horace Leicester.— Aytoun, W. E. The emerald studs.— My college friends : No. 3. W". Wellington Hurst.— Hardman, F. Christine : a Dutch story.— The man in the bell. 4. Hard- man, F. My English acquaintance.— Doubleday, T. The murderer's last night.— Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B.D.— The wags.— The wet wooing : a narrative of '98.— Ben-na-Groich.— Aytoun, W. E. The surveyor's tale.— The Forrest- race romance.— Edwards, C. DiYasari: a tale of Florence.— Hardman, F. Sigismund Tatello.— The boxes. 5. Rosaura: a tale of Madrid.— Adventure in the Northwest territory.— Harry Bolton's curacy.— The Flor- ida pirate.— The pandour and his princess.— The beauty draught.— Antonio di Carara.— The fatal repast.— Kent, W. C. The vision of Cagliostro.— The first and last kiss.— Hardman, F. The smuggler's leap.— The haunted and the haunters.— The duellists. 6. The Natolian story-teller.— Morley, J. The first and last crime.— John Rintoul.— Hardman, F. Major Moss.— The premier and his wife. — Tickler among the thieves I— The Bridegroom of Barna,— The involuntary experimentalist.— Lebrun's lawsuit.— The snowing-up of Strath Lugas.'— A few words on social philosophy. — Same; new Herieti. 24 v. * 19146-69 Contents. V. 1. Oliphant, L. Tender recollections of Irene Macgilli- cuddy.— Walford, L. B. Nan : a summer scene.— The bells of Botreaux.— CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1219 Hamley, E. B. Kecent confessions of an opium-eater. 2. Hamley, E. B. Shakespeare's funeral.— Lockhart, L. W. M. A night with the volunteers of Strathkinahan.— The philosopher's baby.— Oliphant, M. O. W. The se- cret chamber. 3. The battle of Dorking.— Late for the train.— Aytoun, W. E. The congress and the Agapedome.— Maga's birthday. 4. Fran- cillon, R. E. Grace Owen's engagement.— Aj^toun, W. E. The raid of Arnaboll.— Neaves, C, Xd. How to make a pedigree. 5. Who painted the great Murillo de la Merced?— A parochial epic— A military adventure in the Pyrenees. 6. Allardyce, A. The Pundrapore residency.— False- ly accused.— Witch-Hampton hall. 7. A railway junction; or, The ro- mance of Ladvbank.— Metamorphoses.— Cheape, D. Betsy Brown. 8. Hamley, E. B*. The last French hero.— Lockhart, L. W. M. Unlucky Tim Griffin, his love and his luck.— The spectre of Mila^gio. 9. Oli- phant, L. The autobiography of a joint-stock company, (hmited).— Wal- ford, L. B. Bee or Beatrix.— The night wanderer of an Afghaun fort. — Macleod, N. Ayrshire curling song. 10. Hamley, C. The light on the hearth.— How to boil peas.— dive's dream before the battle of Plassey. 11. Lever, C. What I did at Belgrade; by Bob Considine.— Shand, A. I. Wrecked off the Riff coast.— Dollie, and the two Smiths.— Majendie, M. A railway journey. 12. Francillon, R. E. A dog without a tail. —Hamley, C' Wassail. 13. Cousin John's property.— Story, W. W. A modern magician. — Allardyce, A. Edgar Wayne's escape. 14. The lost secret of the Cocos group. — The two Mrs. Scudamores. — Bates's tour. 15. The devil's frills.— Francillon, R. E. A story of Eulenburg.— The shadow of the door. 16. The wreck of the Strathmore.— Lever, C Hero-worship and its dangers.— Annie and her master.— W., H D. A feuilleton. 17. Greg, P. Guy Neville's ghost. -Hardmun, F.— The great unknown.— The Easter trip of two ochlophobists. \H. Aytoun, W. E. Rapping the question.— My after-dinner adventures with' Peter Schlemihl.— Oliphant, L. Aunt Ann's ghost story.— The blue dragoon.- Winchilsea, Earl of. Lord Hatton. 19. The 'missing bills.— Cheadle, W. B. My hunt or the silver fox. — Narrative of Prince Charlie's escape. —A fenian alarm.— Lindau, R. The philosopher's pendulum. 20. Wal- ford, L. B. Lady Adelaide.— Witcherley ways : a Christmas tale.— Lever, C. How Frank Thornton was cured; by Bob Considine.— Walker. A. L. In life and in death. — A cause worth trying. 21, The haunted enghe- nio.— Veley, M. Millv's first love.— Mrs. Beauchamp's ven»^ance.— Kin- kel, G. A family f eud.— Sturgis, J. The disappointing boy. 22. The cot- tage by the river.— A ride for life.— Sketch fr. Babylon.— The engine- driver to his engine : by W. J. M. R. 23. Francillon, R. E. Left-hand- ed El§a. — The great earthquake at Lisbon. — Lever, C. Some one pays. — Sir Tray : an Arthurian idyl. 24. Whittlebridge. — Nenuphar : a fancy. —Whist at our club.— My investment in the far west. — King, H. Brown's peccadillo. Tales from the German ; tr. by J. OxeDford and C. A. Feiling. 5217 Contents. Musaeus, J. H. Libussa.— Schiller, F. The criminal fr. lost honour.— Hauff, W. The cold heart.— Immermann, K. Wonders in the Spess art. —Hauff, W. Nose, the dwarf .—Van der Velde, C. F. Axel. —Hoffman, E. T. W. The sandman.— Kleist, H. von. Michael Kohlhaas. — Same ; [with additions] . 4347 Additional contents. Hauff, W. The severed hand.— Hoffman, E. T. W. The elementarv spirit. — The Jesuits' church in G.— Kleist, H. von. St. Cecilia.— Tieck/L. The Klausenburg.— Richter, J. P. F. The moon. —Goethe, J. W. The new Paris.— Oehlenschliiger, A. AH and Gulhvndi.— Zschokke, H. Alamontade. Tales from two hemispheres ; by H. H. Boyesen. 16650 Tales of a grandfather ; by W. Scott. 4 v. 3828-31 Tales of a traveller ; by W. Irving. 2160 Tales of a wayside inn ; by H. W. Longfellow. 2751 Tales of Charlton School ; by W. and H. C. Adams. 5935 Tales of England and Scotland ; fr. Chambers's Miscellany. 1394 Contents. Life of Scott.— Select poetical pieces of Scott.— The Ettrick shepherd.— Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor,— Scottish traditionary sto- ries. — Traditionary stories of Tweeddale.— Account of the Borders.— Per- secutions in Scotland.— The Camisards.— Stranger's visit to Edinburgh.- Account of the Highlands.— Norman conquest of England.— Jews in Eng- land.— Plague in London.— Christmas holiday.— Be just before you are generous. — Select pieces of Cowper. 1220 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tales of Flemish life ; by H. Conscience. 927 Tales of home ; by B. Taylor. ( With Beauty and the beast.) 10101 Tales of modern Oxford. 22843 Tales of the crusaders ; by W. Scott. See The betrothed ; — The talisman. Tales of the genii ; by J. Ridley. 3655 Tales of the good woman, by a doubtful gentleman ; by J. K. Paulding. 7071 Tales out of school ; by F. R. Stockton. 15379 Talfourd, F. Shylock. (In French's min. dr., v. 17.) 11844 Talfourd, T. N. Address, Manchester Athenaeum, 1845. (In Literary addr., ser. 1.) 7725 — Critical and misc. writings. 2d. Amer. ed. (Mod. Brit. Essayists.) 43.51 Contents. British novels and romances.— Mackenzie.— The author of Waverley.— Godwin.— Maturin.— Rymer on Tragedy.— CoUey Cibber's Apology for his life. — John Dennis's Works. — Modern periodical literature. — Genius and writings of Wordsworth. — North's Life of Lord Guilford. — Hazlitt's Lectures on the drama. — Wallace's Prospects of mankind, nature, and Providence. — Pulpit oratory. — Recollections of Lisbon.^ Lloyd's poems. — Mr. Oldaker on mod. improvements. — Chapter on " Time." — The profession of the bar.— The wine cellar.— Destruction of the Brunswick theatre by fire.— First appearance of Fanny Kemble.— The melo-dramas against"^ gambling.— Intellectual character' of the late W. Hazlitt.— The late Dowager Lady Holland.— Address, Manchester Athenseum.— Lord Eldon and Lord Stowell.— Speech for the defendant in the prosecution of the Queen v. Moxon. — Bill to amend the law of copyright. — The Westminster play. — Early Greek poetrv; tragic poets, with view of Gr. tragedy; Lyric poets. (In Talfourd, T. N. and others. Hist, of Greek lit.) 6381 — Early history of Greece. See Pococke, E. — History of the Roman republic. See Pococke, E. — Ion. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 1.) 11803 — Life of C. Lamb. {In Lamb, C. Works, v. 1.) 4349 — Literarj^ sketches and letters; memorials of C. Lamb. 2d. ed. 2554 — Tragedies ; added, Sonnets and verses. 5870 Contents. Ion.— The Athenian captive. — Glencoe. — Sonnets. — De Quincey, T. (/w his Lit. remin., v. 2.) ' 1154 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — awe? Pococke, E. Greek historians. (In Talfourd, T. N. and others. History of Greek lit.) 6381 — and others. History of Greek literature. 2d. ed.,rev. and enl. (Encvcl. Metrop.) * ' 6381 Contents. Talfourd, T. N. Early Greek poetry; Tragic poets of G., with view of Gr. tragedy; Lyric poets of Greece'.— Blomfield, C. J. The chorus in anc. tragedy.— The old comedy of Greece.— Whitcombe, R. The middle and new comedy of Greece.— Pococke, E. The Ionic biogra- phers ; Greek pastoral poetry.— Talfourd, T. N. and Pococke, E. The Greek historians.— Ottley, J. B. Greek orators.— Philological notes.— Bernhardy, G. Greek literary chronology. Talis qualis ; tales of the jury-room; by G. Griffin. {Tnhis Works.) ^ 5405 Talisman, The; by W. Scott. (Tales of the crusaders.) 3812 Talismano, II ; grand opera ; by M. W. Balfe. *I Talk with my pupils ; by Mrs. C. S. Sedgwick. 3863 Talking. Huntington, F. D. Good talking as a fine art. 20859 Talking leaves. The ; by W. O. Stoddard. 22088 Tallack, W. Humanity and humanitarianism ; with ref. to prison systems of Gt. Brit, and the U. S. (In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., ISTO.) *I — Influence of the prison congress of 1872. (In Nat. Pris. Ref. Cong. Trans., 1874.) *I Tallahassee girl, A ; [by B. D. Jones]. 21424 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1221 Talleyrand Perigord, C. M. de. Correspondence of T. and King Louis XVIII. dur. the Congress of Vienna ; fr. manu- scripts ; pref., etc., by M. G. Pallain. Portr. and index. 20579 — Etude sur la r^publique des Etats-Unis d'Am^rique, 1776-1876. 14468 — Brougham, H. {In his Hist, sk., ser. 2.) 626 — Bulwer, H. L. {in his Hist, characters, v. 1.) 9114 — Mignet, F. A. A. {In his Not. et portr., v. 1.) 9573 — Kogers, S. {In his Recollections.) 3688 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 12.) *I Monsieur de Talleyrand. *I — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 Tallien, Mme. T. C. See Chimay, T. C.^ princesse de. Tallmadge, N. P. Introduction, etc. (In Linton, C. The healing of the nations.) 509 Talma, F. J. Irving, W. Conversations with T. (In his Spanish papers, v. 2.) 5869 Talmage, T. DeW. Crumbs swept up. 11286 — Old wells dug out; sermons. 12940 Talmud. A Talmudic miscellany ; extr. fr. the Talmud, the Midrashim, and the Kabbalah ; compl. and tr. by P. I. Hershon ; pref. by F. W. Farrar ; notes and indexes. 19948 — Barclay, J. The Talmud. 17797 — Deutsch, E. Lectures on the Talmud. {In his Literary rem.) 12376 — Polano, H. Selections fr. the Talmud. Also, Brief sk. of the men who made and commented upon it: fr. the original. 16726 — Theodores, T. The Talmud. {In Owens College. Ess. and addr.) 12926 — Wuensche, A. Neue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der Evangelien aus Talmud und Midrasch. 16417 Talpa, A. Life. (Mod. saints and serv. of God.) 8939 Talpa ; or, Chronicles of a clay farm ; by C. W. Hoskyns. 2265 Tsdvi, pseud. See Robinson, T. A. L. von J. Taming of the shrew. See Shakespeare, W. Tanagra, TJie artist of ; by T. G. Appleton. (In his Chequer- work.) 19019 Tanagra figurines ; by M. F. Curtis. *I Tancock, O. W. England dur. the Amer. and European wars, 1765-1820. (Epochsof Eng. Hist.) (Harper'shf.-hr. ser.) 17875 — An English grammar and reading book. *I Tancred ; by B. Disraeli. 5837 Tandem drivers. Hints to young tandem drivers, by an old hand. • 16867 Taney, R. B. Murray, N. Letters to T. (Romanism at home.) 5950 — Tyler, S. Memior of Taney. 11117 Tangier. Vyse, L. H. A winter in Tangier, etc. 22429 Tangled ; by R. Carew. 17034 Tangled skein, The ; by A. Fonblanque, Jr. 12881 Tangled talk ; an essayist's holiday. 2d. ed. 6633 Tangletown letters. The; by [E. W. Reynolds]. 5161 Tanglewood tales ; by N. Hawthorne. 6446 Tanner, H. Account of the life, trials, etc. of E. P. Lovejoy. *I Tanner, Prof. H. Description of the phosphate sewage pro- cess. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, V. 1.) *I — First principles of agriculture. 4th. ed. 21846 Tannhauser. Hacklaender, F. W. Der Tannhauser. (In his Werke, v. 37.) 10292 1222 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tannbauser ; romantic opera ; by R. Wagner. *I — Same. {In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of op. lib., v. 2.) *I Tanning. Collins, J. Hides and leather. 15473 — Schultz, J. S. Lei^ther manuf . in the U. S. ; methods and economies of tanning. Added, Report on the relative economies of burning wet spent tan, by T. Skeel.' 16614: Tao-te-King, Taouism. See Lao-Tse. Tapestried chamber, The ; by W. Scott. 13220 Tapestry. Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry ; with woodcuts. *I — Hayes, J. L. Tapestry, and its relations to decorative art. 19622 — ^ Jewitt, L. Among glass, stained glass, encaustic tiles, tapestry, etc. {In his Half-hrs. among English antiq.) ' 16829 Tapestry room, The ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 19411 Tapi)an, A. Tappan, L. Life of A. Tappan. 8671 Tappan, W. B. Late and early poems. 4352 Tarbell, H. S. The prison school. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *1 Tarbox, I. N. Life of Israel Putnam O'Old Put."). 15777 Tardieu, J. R. {pseud. J. T. de Saint-Germaine) . Money; a tale. (Appletons' new handy-vol. ser.) 18822 — Only a pin ! 11597 Tarentiile, La; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 3.) *I Targums. See Bible. Old Testament. Chaldee. Tariff. See Free trade ; — United States. Tarlton ; by M. Edgeworth. {In her Parent's assistant.) 1336 ; 15296 Tarn, E. W. Practical geometry. 11126 — The science of building. 11053 Tartar fairy tale ; literally trans. ( Jn Hale, E. E. Tales for trav., V. 7.) 13936 — Same. {In Thirteen good stories.) 11874 Tartarin of Tarascon. See Don Quixote, The new. Tartary. Description. — Hue, E. R. Travels in Tartarv, etc., 1844-6. 2053 Travels in Tartary. etc. {In Tavlor, B. Cvcl. of mod. travel.) 4356 Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-^. 12999 — Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar, etc. 10699 Tartuffe, Le ; com^die ; par Moli^re. (Oeuvres, v. 5.) 14608 — Same; Eng. trans. {In his Dram, wks., v. 2.) 16844 Tarver, ¥., joint author. See Oliphant, M. O. W. Tascheubeig, E. P. Die Jnsekten. {In Brehm, A. E. Thier- leben, v. 9.) *I Tasimeter. McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions. 18612 Tasmania. Meredith, L. A. My home in Tasmania. 3013 Tasmanian friends and foes, feathered, furred, and finned. 20676 — Senior, W. Travel and trout in the antipodes. 20345 Tasso, T. Jerusalem delivered; tr., with life of the author, by J. H. Wiffen. Illust. 3d. Amer. ed. 4770 — Cherbuliez, Y. Le Prince Vitale; essai et recit a propos de la folie du Tasse. 14462 — Harrison, J. A. In Tasso's garden. {In his Group of poets.) 13752 -Hasell, E. J. Tasso. 22383 — Hunt, J. H. L. Critical not, of life, etc. {In his Stor. fr. the It. poets.) 2105 — Wiffen, J. H. Life of T.; with app. on the "Jerusalem delivered," by M. Simonde de Sismondi. 4769 — Wilde, R. H. Conjectures and researches cone, the love, madness, etc. of Tasso. 2 V. 4777-8 Taste. See Esthetics. Tastu, Mme. S. C. A. V. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., V. 2.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1223 Taswell-Langmead, T. P. See Langmead, T. P. T. Tate, J. 8. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 14167 Tate, N. Hamilton, W. {In Us Poets laureate.) 18533 Tate, R. Recent and fossil shells. {In Woodward, S. P. Manual of the moUusca.) *I Tate. See also Tait. Tauchnitz, B. Five centuries of the English language and literature [1324-1771]. 7013 Tauler, J. History and life ; with sermons, trans., and not. of T.'s life, by 8. Winkworth ; pref. by C. Kingsley. Introd. by R. D. Hitchcock. 4353 Taunton, Mass. Emery, 8. H. Ministry of Taunton ; introd. not. by F. Baylies. 2 v. 1386-7 Taurinus, T. C. Votum fortunae Prsenestinae. {In Lemaire, N. E. Poet. Lat. min., v. 3.) (Bib. Class. Lat.) 8361 Tautphoeus, J., Freiherrinn von. At odds. 4073 — Cyrilla. 8696 — The initials. 4355 — Quits 4354 Tavernicus, The; by [_Mrs. Gore], (in /ier Hungarian tales, V. 2.) 21561 Taxation. Mill, .1. 8. L'avere e I'imposta. {In Ms Diss, and disc, V. 5.) 14356 — Wells, D. A. Rational princ. of taxation. -(In Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1874.) 15734 — See also Great Britain :— U. S. Taxation of church property. Hovey, A. Religion and the state; protection or alliance? taxation or exemption ? 12672 Taxation without representation. See Woman suffrage. Taxes. Dowell, 8. 8ketch of the hist, of taxes in Eng., v. 1 : to the Civil war, 1642. 16525 Taxidermy. Batty, J. H. Practical T. and home decoration. *I — Brown, T. The taxidermist's manual. 529 — Hallock, C. Instructions in shooting, fishing, T., etc. {In his Sports- man's gazetteer.) *I — Manton, W. P. Taxidermy without a teacher. 21597 Tayler, C B. Mark Wilton, the merchant's clerk. 6435 Tayler, J. J. Attempt to ascertain the character of the 4th. Gospel. 8717 — Christian aspects of faith and dutv ; discourses. 17150 — Letters embr. his life : ed. by J. H. Thom. Portr. 2 v. 11423-4 Tayler, W. Thirty-eight years in India. Illust. 2 v. 22836-7 Tayleure, C. W. Plays. See 8argent, E. Mod. stand, dr. Taylor, A. Sunday school photographs. 6624 Taylor, A. ^.^ joint author. See Bain, A. ; — Brande, W. T. Taylor, A. Guienne ; notes of an autumn tour. 19918 Taylor, A. T. The towers and steeples designed by C. Wren ; essay. Illust. *I Taylor, B. At home and abroad. 2 ser. 2 v. 4435-6 — Beauty and the beast ; and Tales of home. 10101 — Boys of other countries ; stories for Amer. boys. 16127 — By-ways of Europe. 7672 — Central Asia ; trav. in Cashmere, Little Thibet, etc. (Illust. lib. of trav.) 12239 — Colorado ; a summer trip. 6607 — Cyclopedia of mod. travel. 4356 1224 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — The Echo club, and other literary diversions — Effvpt and Iceland in the year 1S74. 13257 — Eldorado ; or, Adv. in the' path of empire. 4357 — Hannah Thurston. 5481 — Home pastorals, ballads, and lyrics. 14247 — Illustrated library of travel and adventure ; namely : Bacon, G. B. Siam, as it was and is. 11479 Cumming, G. Wild men and wild beasts. 9867 Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 11101 Taylor, B. Japan in our day. 9819 - Lake regions of Central Africa. 11335 - Travels in South Africa. 11100 - Travels in Arabia. 10063 - Central Asia. 12239 — Japan in our day. (Illust. lib. of trav.) 9819 — Joseph and his friend. 9171 ■ — John Godfrey's fortune. 5773 — Journey to Central Africa. 4359 — Lake regions of Central Africa. (Illust. lib. of trav.) 11335 — The lands of the Saracen ; Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain. 4360 — Lars ; a pastoral of Norway. 11391 — Letter: researches of Dr. Schliemann, 1872, 1873; Sketch of Dr. S. {In Tribune pop. sci.) 12943:*! — The masque of the Gods. — Northern travel ; pictures of Sweden, Denmark, etc. — Picture of St. John ; [poem] . — Poems of home and travel. — Poems of the Orient. — Poetical works. — Poet's journal. « — Prince Deukalion. — The prophet ; a tragedy. — School history of Germany; to 1871. — The story of Kennett. — Studies in Germ, literature ; introd. by G. H. Boker. Contents. Earliest German literature.— The Minnesingers.— The mediae- val epic— The Nibelungenlied.— Literature of the reformation. — Litera- ture of the 17th. cent.— Lessing.— Klopstock, Wieland, and Herder.- Schil- ler. — Goethe. — Goethe's Faust. — Richter. — Travels in Arabia. (Illust. lib. of trav.) — Travels in Greece and Russia; with an exc. to Crete. — Travels in South Africa. (Illust. lib. of trav.) — Views a-foot. — Visit to India, China, and Japan, 1853. — Notice of T. {In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) Taylor, B. F. Between the gates; [California]. Illust. — The grammar of hfe. {In Little class., v. 4.) — January and June. — Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. — Old time pictures and sheaves of rhyme. 2d. ed. — Pictures of life in camp and field. — Summer-savory, gleaned fr. rural nooks in pleasant weather. — Three November days. {In Little class., v. 11.) — The world on wheels ; and other sketches.) Taylor, C. W. The drunkard's warning V. 45.) Taylor, D. T. The voice of the Church on kingdom of the Redeemer ; rev. and ed. L. Hastings. Taylor, E. T. Haven, G. and Russell, T. Incidents and anecdotes of T. Taylor, E. Blindpits. — Quixstar. Taylor, E. M. Madeira; its scenery, and how to see it lists of trees, flowers, etc. Map. Taylor, Emily. Dear Charlotte's boys ; Ellis Gordon, of Bol- ton farm ; Purples and blues. (Magnet stories.) 10471 4361 6537 4231 12467 19231 4567 18177 13012 13092 6263 19003 10063 {In Mod. stand, dr. the coming and with add. by H. with 11100 4363 4358 19286 17621 12975 5936 9848 12356 13767 18933 12982 20383 11832 4364 10543 7578 11939 22712 10570 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1225 Taylor, F. W. The flag ship ; or, A voyage around the world, V. 2. 4366 Taylor, F. Primer of pianoforte playing; with examples. (Sci. prim.) 17560 Taylor, H. Philip van Artevelde ; dram, romance. 7075 — Home, R. H. H. Taylor and the author of " Festus." {In his New spirit of the age.) 20D0 — Stephen, J. Taylor's Edwin the Fair. {In his Crit. and misc. ess.) 4351 Taylor, I. Considerations on the Pentateuch. *I — Elements of thought ; or, Concise expl. of the terms of intellectual philosophy. 4368 — History of the transmission of anc. books to mod. times ; with the Pro- cess of hist, proof: incl. rem. on Relative strength of the evid. of the Holy Scriptures. New ed., rev. and enl. 11380 — Home education. 4370 — Fanaticism. 4369 — Logic in theology, and other essays. 11367 Contents. Logic in theology.— State of Unitarianism in England. — Nilus: the Christian courtier in the desert.— Paula : high quality and asceticism in the 4th. cent.— Theodosius : Pagan usages, and the Christian magistrate.— Julian : prohibitive education.—" Without controversy." — Loyola ; and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 11368 — Natural history of enthusiasm. 11369 — Physical theory of another life. 4371 — The restoration of belief; new ed., rev. ; with add. section. 16007 — Spirit of the Hebrew poetry. 11366 — Weslev and Methodism. *I — Gilfillan, G. {In his Mod. lit., etc., and Third gallery, etc.) 2256; 2257 — Stephen, J. The historian of enthusiasm. {In his Ess., v. 2.) 8976 Taylor, Eev. Isaac. Words and places ; or. Etymological illust. of hist., ethnology, and geography; 3d. ed., rev. Map. *I Taylor, J. E. The aquarium ; its inhabitants, structure, and management. 18454 — Flowers ; their origin, shapes, perfumes, and colours. Hlust. 19084 — Geological stories. 11769 — Half hours in the green lanes. 12209 — Same; 5th. ed. 18846 — Mountain and moor. (Nat. hist, rambles.) 19301 — Notes on collect, and preserv. natural history objects. 16858 — Underground. (Nat. hist, rambles.) 19299 — See also Hardwick's Science-gossip. Taylor, J. H. Extraordinary traflSc on highways by traction engines and the loads they draw. (In Assoc, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 8.) *I — Memorandum cone, the refugee cases of yellow fever in Phila., 1878. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 4.) *I Taylor, J. 8. Court and cellar dwellings in Liverpool. (In Ass. of Munic. and San. Eng. and Sur. Proc, v. 5.) *I Taylor, James. The Scottish covenanters. (CasselPs monthly lib.) 20609 Taylor, Jane. Elwood, A. K. (In her Mem., v. 2.) 22791 Taylor, Jeremy. Selections. (In Montagu, B. Select, fr. the works of T., etc.) 5759 — Selections fr. the works of T., with acct. of the author and his writings. (Lib. of old Eng. prose writers.) 4375 — Barry, A. {Iii his Masters in Eng. theology.) 18702 J. Taylor, the Eng. Chrysostom. {In Kempe, J. E. Class, preach., f ser. 2.) 18551 — Foster, J. {In his Crit. ess., v. 2. 1503 A book with "*I" after the entry cannot be had by putting this mark on the card of a user of the Library, and can be secured only by asking an attendant for it. 78 1226 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Humphrey, W. G. J. Tavlor's Holy living and dying. (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev'. life.) 18849 — Tulloct, J. {In his Rat. theology, etc., v. 1.) ^ 11456 Taylor, John. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 14058 Taylor, John, the water poet. Chambers, W. {In his Stor. of remark, persons.) 18069 Taylor, J. H. The Barnsley sewage works. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and. Sur. Proc, v. 7.) *I Taylor, Joseph. A fast life on the mod. highway ; [Railway]. 12683 Taylor, M. C. Judaism. {In St. Giles' lect., ser. 2.) 22211 Taylor, M. Student's manual of the history of India. 10739 Taylor, N. A,, joint author. See McDanield, H. F. Taylor, N. W. Fisher, G. P. The system of T. in its connect. with prior New Eng. theology. {In his Disc.) 19650 Taylor, O. M. History of Annapolis, with hist, and descr. of the U. S. Naval Academy. 11062 Taylor, P. A. Hinton, R. J. {In his Eng. rad. lead.) 13828 Taylor, Richard. Destruction and reconstruction : pers. exp. in the late war. 18507 — Notes, etc. {In Tooke. R. H. En-fa nrepdevTa.) 4479 Taylor, Robert. The Diegesis ; disc, of the origin, evidences, and early hist, of Christianity. 4377 Taylor, S. Sound and music. 12071 Taylor, T. P. The bottle. {In French's min. dr., v. 3.) 11835 Taylor, Theodore, pseud. See Hotten, J. C. Taylor, Thomas. Concordance to' the Holy Scriptures. 4378 Taylor, Thomas. Life of W. Cowper. 2d. Amer. ed. 4379 Taylor, T. Essay on Leslie as an artist. ( With Leslie, C. R. Autobiog. recoil.) 4380 — Historical dramas. 17386 Contents. The fool's revenge. — Jeanne Dare. — ' Twixt axe and crown. — Lady Clancarty.— Arkwright's wife.— Anne Boleyn.— Plot and passion. — Plavs. See French's minor drama;— Sargent, E'. Mod. stand, dr. — Sketch of T. {In Dram, of the present day.) 10138 Taylor, W. A. Eighteen presidents and contemporaneous rulers. 4th. ed. [Washington to Grant.] 19502 Taylor, W. C. Manual of anc. and mod. history. Rev., with chap, on the hist, of the U. S., by C. S. Henry. 4384 — The modern British Plutarch ; lives. 4385 Taylor, W. H. Four years with General Lee ; with statement of the strength of the army which he commanded. 1 7426 Taylor, Wm. Historic survey of German poetry, with trans- lations. 3 V. 4381-3 — Carlyle, T. Taylor's Historic survey of German poetry. {In his Crit. * and misc. ess., v. 2.) * 697 Taylor, W. B. Nature and origin of force. {In Smithsonian List. Rept., 1870.) 11626 — Refraction of sound. {I7i Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1875.) 12994 Taylor, W. C. The occult sciences. See Smedley, E. Taylor, W. M. David, King of Israel ; his life and its lessons. 15427 — Elijah, the prophet. 15464 — The limitations of life, and other sermons. Portr. 19375 — The ministry of the word. (Yale lectures.) 19692 — Moses, the law-giver. 18508 — Paul, the missionary. 21119 — Peter, the apostle. , 18123 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1227 Taylor, Wiunifred. Rupert Rochester, the banker's son. 14169 — Story of two lives. 14170 Taylor, Z. U.S. Congress. Obituary addresses, on the death " of Z. Taylor, July, 1850; with the funeral sermon by S. Pyne. 4386 Tchadda (river). See Beuueh. Tcherkess, The, and his victim ; sketches illust. of the moral, social, and political aspects of life in Constantinople. 20038 Tea. Art of tea blending ; handbook for the tea trade. 22231 Tea party. The ; by W. B. Fowle. (In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Teacher taught, A ; by A. H. 0akes. (In Matthews, J. B. Comedies for amateur acting.) 19355 Teaching. See Education. Tear, The ; by W. B. Fowle. (In his Parlor dramas.) 1513 Tears for the little ones ; poems ; etc. ; ed. by H. K. Johnson. 17164 Tebbets, E. M. Batchelder, J. (In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Technical education. American Inst, of Mining Engineers. Discussions on technical education, 1876. 16556 — Huxley, T. H. {In his Sol. and culture.) 21538 — Peabody, A. P. Scientific education for mechanics and artisans. (In Smithsonian Inst. Rept,, 1872.) 13103 — Russell, J. S. Systematic technical education. * 10132 — Stetson, C. B. Technical education. 12095 — Twining, T. Technical training. 13524 — See also Arts, Useful. Technology. Benjamin, P. Practical technology. (In his Wrinkles, etc.) 15360 Teddy Roe; by E. Sterling. (In French's min. dram., v. 25.) 7983 Teddy the tiler ; by G. H. Rodwell. (In French's min. dram., V. 24.) 7983 Teeth. Chase, H. S. Causes of the degeneracy of the teeth. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 Familiar lect. about the teeth. 13647 — White, J. W. The mouth and teeth. 19381 Tefft, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth ; or. An American expos. of the late Hungarian revolution. 3d. ed. 4391 Teft't, L. B. Curiosities of heat. 22608 Tegetmeier, W. B. Pigeons ; their structure, varieties, habits, and management. 8855 — The poultry book. 8971 — The scholars' handbook of household management and cookery ; comp. at the request of the School Board for London. 16900 — joint mithor. See Strauss, G. L. M. " Tegetthoff " (ship). Payer, J. New lands within the Arctic circle; narr. of the disc, of the " Tegetthoff ," 1872-1874. 17027 Tegg, W. The last act ; funeral rites of nations and individuals. 16785 — Shakespeare and his contemporaries ; with the plots of his plays, theatres, and actors. . *I Tegner, E. Samlade skrifter. 2 v. 15056-7 Innehfill. V. 1. Lefnadsteckning, af C. W. Bottiger.— Skrifter i bunden form. 2. Skrifter pa prosa. — Fridthjof's saga; fr. the Swedish, by T. A. E. and M. A. L. Holcomb. 16674 — Same; from the Swedish, by W. L. Blackley ; ed. by B. Tavlor. 6876 — Same ; tr. by G. Stephens. {In Viking tales of the T^orth.)' 16642 Tehuantepec interocean railroad ; by A. D. Anderson. 20141 Tel oiseau tel nid ; par P. C^li^res. (In his En sc^ne.) 14601 1228 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Telegraph. Aliguy, H. F. Q. d'. Outline of the hist, of the Atlantic cables. (Jn U. 8. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., V. 5.) 9100 — Bond, R. Handbook of the T. Appended, Questions on magnetism, electricity, and pract. telegrapliy ; by W. McGregor. 13606 — Culley, R. S. Handbook of pract. telegraphy. 8516 — Douglas, J. C. Manual of telegraph construction. 13588 — Lardner, D. The electric telegraph popularised. 13813 — Morse, S. F. B. Telegraphic apparatus and processes in telegraphy. (In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867. Rept., v. 4.) 9099 — Nicoll, H. J. The electric telegraph ; Cooke, Wheatstone, etc. {In his Great movements.) 21442 — Preece, W. H., and Sivewright, J. Telegraphy. 15636 — Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the eleCtric telegraph. 22049 — Proctor, R. A. Some marvels in telegraphy. (In his Pleasant ways.) 18336 — Sabine, R. History and progress of the electric telegraph with descr. of apparatus. 13634 Telegraphy. 15474 — Shaflner, T.'P. Telegraph manual; hist, and descr. of the Semaphoric, electric, and magnetic telegraphs. 8560 — See also Military telegraph. Telegraph boy, The ; by H. Alger, Jr. 19312 Telegraph girl. The ; by A. TroUope. {In his Why Fran Froh- mann, etc.) 21782 Telegraph papers. The. See Spiritual telegraph. Telemachus ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extravaganzas, v. 1.) *I Telemachus, Adventures of ; by Fenelon ; tr. by Dr. Hawkes- worth. 1458 Telephone. Bell, A. G. Researches in electric telephony. (Soc. of Tel. Eng.) 17719 — Dolbear, A. E. The telephone; electricity, magnetism, and sound; with directions for making a telephone. 17127 — Du Moncel, T. A. L., comte. The telephone, the microphone, and the phonograph. 18918 — Garbit, F'. J. The telephone. (In Estes, D. Hf.-hr. rec, ser. 2.) 18864 — Lockwood, T. D. Practical information for telephonists. 22895 — McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions. 18612 — Prescott, G. B. The speaking telephone, talking phonograph, etc. 17769 — /iS'ee aZso'Photophone. T^l^phone chez soi, Le ; monologue ; par P. Giffard. {In Sayn^tes, etc., s6r. 7.) 14797 Telescope. Dick, T. Telescopes. (Jn ?iis Pract. astron.) 1179 — Nolan, T. The telescope. 20513 — Webb, T. W. Celestial objects for common telescopes. 11146 — See also Astronomy. Telford, T. Howe, H {In his Mem. of Am. mechanics, etc.) 2012 — Smiles, 8. Life of T. {In his Lives of the engineers, v. 3.) *I Teliow, — . Confidence in the inmates of reformatories as an element of success. {In Nat. Cong, on Pen. and Ref. Disc. Trans., 1870.) *I Tell, W. Lamartine, A. de. {In his Mem. of celeb, char., V. 3.) 13218 Temme, J. D. H. Anna Hammer; tr. by A. H. Guernsey. 7149 — Criminal-novel len. 3 v. in 1. 10380 Contents. In einer Brautnacht. — Das Herz im Recht. — Ein Amnes- kirker.— Father Canisius.— Im Jahrhause.— Alter samen und frisches Reis. — Die Liebe im Kloster. — ^Wer war der Morder? — Das goldene Herz. 2 v. in 1. 10381 — Im rothenKrug; Ein Maskenball. 10382 — Eine Kirchmessnacht ; Der Festungs-Commandant; Verkuppeltl 10384 — Der Klosterruine ; Der Dieb und sein Kind ; Die Miihle am schwarzen Moor. 10385 — Pf eifenhannes ; Zum Tode verurtheilt. 10383 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1229 ) {l7l T^moin, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 6.) Temper; comedy; by R. Bell. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 7 Temper and temperament ; by S. S. Ellis. Temperament. Bancroft, G. Doctrine of temperaments. his Lit. and hist, misc.) — Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Sanguine temperament.— Sympathetic tempera- ment. {In his Caxtoniaua.) Temperance. American Temp. Soc. Permanent temperance documents, v. 1. — Bucknill, J. C. Habitual drunkenness and insane di'unkards. — Bungay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes, orig. and select. — Carpenter, W. B. Physiology of temperance and total abstinence. " — Channing, W. E. Address on temperance. (In his Works, v. 2.) — Crosby, H. Calm view of the temperance question. {In Boston Monday Lect.) — Day, A. Methomania; treat, on alcoholic poisoning. — Doutney, T. N. Life-struggle, fall, and reformation. — Duffield, G. The Bible rule of temperance. — Dunn, J. B. Moody's talks on temperance ; with anecdotes, efc. — Farrar, F. W. Talks on temperance. — Gough, J. B. Autobiography and personal recollections. Sunlight and shadow ; or. Gleanings f r. my life work. — Hargreaves, W. Our wasted resources ; the missing link in the temper- ance reform. — Hitchcock, E. History of a zoological temperance convention, in Centr. Africa. — Hitchcock, H. O. Relations of excessive use of alcoholic drinks to the pub. health. {In Am. Pub. Health Asso. Kept., v. 2.) — Holland, J. G. The temperance question. {In his Every-day topics.) — International Temperance Conference, Phila., 1876. Centennial temper- ance volume : a memorial. — James, H. Intemperance. {In his Lect., etc.) — Jenkins, E. The devil's chain. — Jewett, C. Speeches, poems, etc., on subj. connect, with temperance. — Lees, F. R. Text-book of temperance. — Lewis, D. Prohibition a failure. — McCarthy, J. Prohibitory legislation in the U. S. — Macnish,* R. Anatomy of drunkenness. — Marsh, J. Temperance recollections ; labors, defeats, triumphs ; autobiog. — Massachusetts Temperance Society. Physiological eflects of alcoholic drinks ; f r. the Brit, and For. Med. Rev. of Dr. Forbes ; with docu- ments and records of the society. — Moderation vs. total abstinence ; or, Dr. Crosby and his reviewers. — Parrish, J. Alcoholic inebriety ; f r. a medical standpoint. — Parton, J. Smoking and drinking. — Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state; discussion of the prob. of law as appl. to liquor traffic. — Reade, A. A. Study and stimulants; intoxicants and narcotics in rel. to intellect, life. — Richardson, B. W. The temperance less^on book. Total abstinence. — Sargent, L. M. The temperance tales. 2 v. in 1. — Wakeley, J. B. American temp, cyclopaedia of hist., biog., anecdote, and illustration. — Weeden, W. B. The morality of prohibitory liquor laws. — See Also Alcohol;— Narcotics;— Stimulants. Also Mathew, Father. Temperance doctor, The; by M. D. Chellis. Temperance doctor. The, moral drama ; by H. Seymour. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 45.) 1 Temperance drama. The; by G. M. Baker. Tempest, The. See Shakespeare, W. Tempest, The ; play ; by W. Shakspeare, adapt, by T. Barry. {/n Mod. stand, dr., v. 16.) 1 Tempest and sunshine ; by M. J. Holmes. *I 1809 1368 299 17309 6594 18129 8482 6663 788 20467 6632 13747 7297 16953 18074 8124 20230 15364 1933 *I 16106 *I 2321 15687 6186 17722 13757 10176 7688 6631 5037 20430 22898 7510 17146 22873 19583 18262 3771 17717 13583 7440 1832 7095 1818 1961 1230 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tempest tossed ; by T. Tilton. 12776 Temp^te, La ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 3, v. 5.) ♦! Temple, Charlotte. See Charlotte Temple. Temple, F., D. D. Education (»f the world. {In Hedge, F. H. Rec. inq. in theol.) ol74 — Sermons preached in Rugby School chapel, 1858-1869. 3 v. 9773-4; 10667 Temple, F., Earl of Dufferin. Gov. Gen. of Canada. Leggo, W. History of the administration of Temple. 20333 Temple, H. J., Viscount Palmerston. Speech on the affairs of Greece. {In Speeches of em. statesmen, ser. 2.) 7724 — Ashley, E. Life of Viscount Palmerston, 1846-1865. 2 v. 15829-30 — Bagehot, W. Lord Palmerston. {In his Biog. stud.) 20441- — Bulwer, H. L. Life of H. J. Temple. 3 v. 9087-8; 13417 — Francis, G. H. (In his Orators.) 1525 — Martineau, H. (In her Biog. sk.) 7657; 16744 — Thornton, P. M. Lord Palmerston. {In his For. secretaries, v. 2.) 22745 — TroUope, A. Lord Palmerston. 22717 Temple, R. India in 1880. 2d. ed. Maps. 20590 Temple, W. Thoughts on retirement ; Old Eng. garden of the 17th. cent. {In Hunt, J. H. L. Book for a corner.) 2101 Temple, Wm. Macaulay, T. B. {In his Crit., hist., and misc. ess.,v. 4.) 2789 — Same. {In his Crit. and hist, ess.) 20133 Temple, W. J. Swan, W. W. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 2.) 6493 Temple House ; by E. Stoddard. 7359 Temple of friendship ; Temple of taste ; poems, fr. the Fr. of Voltaire. 4602 Templeton, W. The operative mechanic's workshop compan- ion, and scientific gentleman's pract. assistant; useful rules in mech. science, with tables and rules in hydraulics and hydrodynamics, etc. 14248 Temptation ; by J. Brougham. {In French's min. dram., v. 9.) 11840 Tempter, The ; play ; by G. M. Baker. {In his Temperance dr.) 7095 Ten acres enough ; by E. Morris. 25th. ed. 5776 Ten Brook, A. American state universities ; origin and prog. ; hist, of Congressional university land-grants ; and develop, of the University of Michigan, etc. 14060 Ten minute talks on all sorts of topics ; by E. Burritt. 7105 Ten nights in a bar room ; by T. S. Arthur. 224 Ten nights in a bar-room ; drama ; by W. W. Pratt. {In Mod. stand, dr., V. 43.) 11831 Ten old maids ; by J. P. Smith. 13050 Ten thousand a year ; by S. Warren. 4665 Ten times one is ten ; by Col. F. Ingham [E. E. Hale]. 8789 — Same. {In Tales for trav., v. 2.) 13931 Ten years' tenant. The ; and other stories ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. ' 21682 Tenant of Wildfell Hall ; by A. Bronte. 516 Tenants of Malory, The ; by J. S. Le Fanu. 10691 Tender and true ; poems of love ; select, by [M. W. Tileston]. 21259 Tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy ; [by L. Oliphaut]. 17564 — Same. {In his Traits, etc.) 22692 — Same. {In Tales fr. Blackwood, n. s., v. 1.) 19146 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1231 Tenements. James, E. H. Health of tenement populations — sanitary requirements of their dwellings. {In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Reports, v. 2.) *I Teneriffe. Benjamin, S. G. W. {In his Atlantic Islands.) 17827 Teniers, D., the younger. Wedmore, F. Ostade, Teniers, etc. {In his Masters of genre painting.) 19479 Tennant, J. Geology, (/n Orr, W. S. Circle of the sci.) 5187 Tennemann, W. G. Life of Plato. {In Edwards, B. B. and Park, E. A. Selections.) 1348 — Manual of the history of philosophy ; rev., enl., etc. by J. E. Morell. 4392 Tennessee. Carpenter, W. H. History of Tennessee. (Lip- pincott's Cab. hist.) 241 — Giliiiore, J. K. Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Richmond. 5711 Tenney, A. A., joint author. See Tenney, S. Tenney, E. P. Agamenticus. 17773 — Coronation ; story of forest and sea. 17363 Tenney, S. Elements of zoology. 14123 — Manual of zoology. Illust. 5998 — and Tenney, A. A. Natural history of animals. Illust. 7001 Tennyson, A. Ballads, and other poems. 20074 — Complete poetical works, 1871. 11547 — Complete poetical works. Author's household ed., 1882. 20864 — Enoch Arden, &c. 5701 Contents. Enoch Arden.— Aylmer's field.— Sea dreams.- The grand- mother.- Northern farmer.— Miscellaneous. — Gareth and Lynette. 11081 — Harold; drama. 16693 — The Holv Grail ; and other poems. 8086 — Idyls of the King. 4394 — The last tournament. 9817 — The lover's tale. (Harper's hf .-hr. ser.) 18779 — Poetical works ; ed. of 1859. 4396 — Poetical works ; ed. of 1866. 2 v. 7906-7 — Poetical works. [Centenn. ed.] 16126 — The princess of Tennyson ; recast as -a drama. 20644 — Queen Mary ; drama. 13894 — Songs from' [his] pub. writings, set to music; by W. G. Cusins. Illust. *I — Alfred Tennyson ; The poetry of sorrow. (In Ess. fr. the Lond. Times.) 9693 — Archer, W. {In his Eng. dramatists.) 22644 — Bayne, P. Lessons fr. my masters, Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 18910 — Elsdale, H. Studies in the idylls; ess. on Tennyson's "Idylls of the king." 18327 — Fox, W. J. Tennyson's poems. (In his Mem. ed. of coll. works, v. 6.) *I — Gilfillan, G. (In his Mod. lit., etc.) 2256 — Hadlev, J. Tennvson's Princess. (In his Essays.) 11606 — Hamilton, W. (In his Poets laureate.) 18533 — Hayward, A. Byron and Tennvson. (In his Sketches, etc., v. 2.) 20603 — Home, R. H. (In his New spirit of the age.) 2000 — Howitt, W. (In his Homes, etc., v. 2.) 2041 — Kingsley, C. (In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Robertson, F. W. Analysis of Tennyson's "In memoriam." 20032 — Stedman, E. C. (In his Vict, poets.) 14121 — Tainsh, E. C. Study of the works of T. : suppl. on "The Holy Grail," etc. 10843 — Wace, W. E. Alfred Tennyson, his life and works. 20552 Tennyson, F. Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 T^not, E. Paris in December, 1851 ; Coup d'etat of Napo- leon III. 8687 Tent on the beach, and other poems ; by J. G. Whittier. 6669 Tentations d'Antoine, Les ; monologue. {In Sayn^tes, etc., ser. 3.) 14793 Tephilin, The. (Jn Isaacs, I. S. Friday night.) 8459 Terborch, Gerard. Gower, R. {In his Figure painters of Holland.) 19535 — Wedmore, F. Terburg and Metsu. (/w 7iis Masters of genre painting.) 19479 1232 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Terburg, G. See Terborch. Terence. See Terentius Afer, P. Terentius Afer, P. Comoediae, quas illust. N. E. Lemaire. (Bib. Class. Lat.) 2 v. 8342-3 Contents. V. 1. Vita.— Andria.— Eunuchus.— Heautontimorumenos. 2. Adelphi. Hecyra.— Phormio.— Exempla imitationis e comoedia quam Moliere inscripsit Les fourberies de Scapin.— Index. — Comoediae ; recens. A. Fleckeisen. 22777 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Nouv. lund., v. 5.) *I Teresa, St. Brigham, C. H. {In his Mem., etc.) 20560 — Manning, H. E. Life of St. Teresa. 16727 — Osgood, S. Teresa and the devotees of Spain. {In his Studies.) 7189 — Trench, M. Life of St. Teresa. 14249 Terhuue, M. V. (H.), {pseud. Marion Harland). Alone. 1775 — At last. . 9344 — Breakfast, luncheon, and tea. 13921 — Common sense in the household ; manual of housewifery. 9651 — The dinner year-book. 18095 — Handicapped. 20645 — Helen Gardner's wedding-day ; or, Colonel Floyd's wards ; Also^ A battle summer. 5489 — The hidden path. 1776 — Husbands and homes. 5899 — Jessamine. 12084 — Loiterings in pleasant paths. 19654 — Miriam. 1757 — Moss-side. 1777 — Nemesis. , 1778 — Phemie's temptation. ' 8003 — Ruby's husband. 7556 — Sunnvbank. 6541 — True as steel. 10184 Terra Nova, ship. Kingsley, H. Preservation of the "Terra Nova." (In /lis Tales of old travel.) 8065 Terrapin. See Chelonia. Terrell, A. Atlas de chimie analytique. 9436 Terreur prussienne, La; par A. Dumas. 9510 Terrible temptation, A ; by C. Reade. 9228 Terrible tinker ; by T. J. Williams. {In French's min. dram., V. 40.) 7991 Territories. See U. S. Terrot, C. H. Address, Edinburgh Philos. Inst., 1855. {In Literary addr., ser. 3.) 7727 Terry, D. Guy Mannering. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 10.) 11812 Terry, S. H. How to keep a store ; exp. in merchandizing. 22179 Tesche, W. Der Enten-Piet. (Deutscher Novellenschatz.) 16165 Testament de Polichinelle ; com^die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, ser. 2, v. 15.) *I T^te-a-t^te, Le ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 5, v. 1.) *I Teuftel, W. S. History of Roman literature. 2 v. 12072-3 Teutonic Christianity. Cox, G. W. {In his Latin and Teuton. Christendom.) 10778 Teutonic lands. See Germany. Teutons. Merivale, C. The continental Teutons. (Conver- sion of the West.) 19123 Teveriuo ; by George Sand [^Mme. Dudevant]. 1282 Texas. Account of Texas. {In Mexico in 1842.) 5125 — Channing, W. E. Letter to H. Clay on the annexation of Texas to the U. S. {In his Works, v. 2.) 788 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1233 — McDanield, H. F. and Tavlor, N. A. The coming empire ; in Texas on horseback. ' 17498 — Morecamp, A. Live bovs : or, Charley and Nasho in Texas. 20068 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. 3289 — Sitgreaves, L. Report of an exped. down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. (U. S. Congress. ZM. Cong. Senate. Ex. Doc.) 4007 — See also West, The. Textile fabrics. Ashenhurst, T. R. Practical treatise on weav- ing and designing of textile fabrics. 19091 — Ashton, F. T. Art of designing fancy cotton and woolen cloths from sample. *I — Bevan, G. P. Industrial classes, and industrial statistics. 16805 — Nat. Assoc, of Wool Manufacturers. Awards and claims of exhibitors at the Tnternat. Exhib., 1876. 19616 — Rock, D. Textile fabrics. *I — Stevens, P. Clothing and textile fabrics. {In U. S. Comm. to Paris Expos., 1867, Rept., v. 6.) 9101 — See also Machinery. Thacher, A. Narrative of his shipwreck. {In Young, A. Chronicles.) 4911 Thacher, J. Military journal dur. the American revolutionary war. Add., Biog. sketches of officers. 4397 Thacher, S. C. Channing, W. E. Notice of T. (In his Works, V. 5.) 791 Thackeray, A. I., afterwards Mrs. Ritchie. Writings. Illust. 8668 Contents. The village on the cliff.— From an island. — Five old friends : The sleeping beauty m the wood; Cinderella; Beauty and the beast; Little Red Riding Hood ; Jack the Giant-killer.— Story of Elizabeth. — To Esther. — Out of the world. — Making merry. — Sola. — Moretti's cam- panula. — Miscellanies. — Bluebeard's keys, and other stories. 13977 Contents. Bluebeard's keys.— Riquet k la houppe.— Jack and the bean- stalk.— The white cat. — Da Capo. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 17507 — Same. (In her Miss Williamson's divagations.) 20517 — Mine, de Seviofn^. (For. class, for Eng. readers.) 20686 — Miss Angel. 13919 — Miss Williamson's divagations. 20517 Contents. Fina.— Fina's aunt.— Da capo.— Postscript fr. a stage-box. — Miss Morier's visions.— Across the peat fields. — Old Kensington. 11556 — The storv of Elizabeth. 5695 — Same. (7w Tier Writings.) 8668 — To Esther, and other sketches. 15727 See also Writings, above. — The village on the cliff. 6662 — Same, (/w Aer Writings.) 8668 Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. 4469 — Bluebeard's ghost. {In Little class., v. 9.) 12980 — Burlesques. 5380 Contents. Novels by eminent hands.— Plan for a prize novel.— Jeames's diary —The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan.— Legend of the Rhine.— Rebecca and Rowena.— The history of the next French re volu- tion. —Cox's diary. — Catherine. 8079 — Same. (7w Ais Miscellanies.) 13353 — Confessions of Fitz-Boodle; and some passages in the life of Major Gahagan. ' 5464 — Denis Duval. 6014 — Early and late papers. 6869 — English humourists of the 18th. cent. 4398 Contents. Swift.— Congreve and Addison.— Steele.— Prior, Gay, and Pope.— Hogarth, Smollett, and Fielding.— Sterne and Goldsmith.— Charity and humour. — Extracts fr. the writings of T., chief, philosoph. and reflective. 2d. ed. 21491 — The four Georges. 4405 1234 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — George De Barnwell. (Treas. trove ser., v. 2.) 14267 — George III. (Little class., v. 18.) 20167 — ^ame. {In his Four Georges.) 4405 — The great Hoggarty diamond. 12464 — Historj^ of Henry Esmond. 5496 — History of Pendennis. Illust. 4399 — The Irish sketch book; and Notes of a journey fr. Gornhill to Grand Cairo. Illust. 4404 — Lovel, the widower. 10100 — Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. 9971 — Miscellanies. " 13363 Contents. Catherine.— Titmarsh among pictures and books.— Fraser miscellanies.— The Christmas books.— Selections fr. Punch. — Ballads, etc. — Miscellanies; prose and verse. 4 v. 13198-201 Contents. V. 1. Ballads. — The book of snobs. — The fatal boots.— Cox's diary. — The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan. 2, Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush.— Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq.— Sketches and travels in London.— Novels by eminent hands.— Char- acter sketches. 3. The memoij-s of Barry Lyndon, Esq. — A legend of the Rhine.— Rebecca and Rowena.— A little dinner at Timmius's.— The Bedford row conspiracy. 4. Fitz-boodle papers. — Men's wives. — A shabby genteel story. — Ilistory of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggar- ty diamond. — Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town ; with The proser, and other papers. ' 5463 — The Newcomes; ed. bv A. Pendennis. 4434 — 6'«me; Illust. Eng. ed. 2 v. 13474-5 — The painter's bargain. (Treas. trove ser., v. 1.) 14266 — The Paris sketch book. 4662 Contents. An invasion of France.— A caution to travellers.— The f^tes of July.— On the French school of painting.— The painter's bargain.— Cartouche.— On some French fashionable novels.- A gambler's death.— Napoleon and his system.— Story of Mary Ancel.— Beatrice Merger.— Caricatures and lithography in 'Paris.— Little Poinsinet. — The devil's wjiger. — Mme. Sand and the new Apocalypse. — The case of Peytel. — Four imitations of Beranger.— French dramas and melo-dramas. — Medi- tations at Versailles. — Poems. {In Stoddard, R. H. Late Eng. poets.) 6158 — Punch's prize novelists. The fat contributor, and Travels in London. 4403 — Roundabout papers ; add., The second funeral of Napoleon. Illust. 6640 — A shabbv genteel storv. {In his Miscellanies, v. 4.) 13201 — Same. '{In Aldrich, T. B. Good stories.) 7463 — Same. {In Fam. stories, v. 2.) 18149 — Thackerayana; notes and anec. illust. by sketches by Thackeray, depict- ing humorous incidents in his school life, etc. " *I ~ Vanity Fair. 4406 — The Virginians. 4169 — Yellowplush papers. 4407 — Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 12934 — Brown, J. {In his Spare hours, ser. 2.) 6426 — Dickens and Thackerav : David Copperfield and Arthur Pendennis. {In Ess. f r. the London Times.) 9693 — Giimian, G. {In his Third gallery, etc.) 2257 — Jerrold, B. The best of all good company. 12085 — Nadal, E. S. Thackeray's rel. to Eng. society. {In his Ess.) 21897 — Palgrave, F. T. Thackeray in the Abbev. {In his Ess. on art.) 6631 — Smith, G. B. {In his Poets and novelists.) 16378 — Taylor, T. Thackeray, the humourist and the man of letters; story of his life, etc. ; incl. a select, f r. his speeches. Added, In memoriam, by C. Dickens, and a sketch, by A. Trollope. 6271 — Timbs, J. {In his Later wits, etc., v. 2.) 12593 — Trollope, A. Thackeray. 18780 — Whipple, E. P. {In his Character.) 6546 Thaddeus of Warsaw; by J. Porter. 3516 Thaer, A. D. Principles of agriculture ; tr. by W. Shaw. 4408 Thalatta; [ed. by T. W. Higgiuson and S. Longfellow]. 1904 Thalberg, IS. Ferris, G. T. Thalberg and Gottschalk. {In his Great violinists, ete.) 20470 Thalheimer, M. E. History of England. 14061 — Manual of ancient history. 11274 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1235 — Manual of mediaeval and modern history. 15540 — Outline of general history, for the use of schools. J9050 Thames, river. Bruce, E. C. The Tiber and the Thames ; their associations, past and present. 16703 — Leslie, G. D. Our river; illust. by the author. *I — Phillips, J. Geology of Oxford aiid the valley of the Thames. *I Thankful Blossom : by B. Harte. 16892 Thanksgiving ; by W. Adams. 7062 Thanksgiving story, A ; by N. S. Emerson. 11687 That artful vicar; by E. C. G. Mui-ray. 18711 That blessed bal)y ; by J. G. Moore, (/n French's min. dram., V. 10.) 11841 That boy of Norcott's ; by C. Lever. 16730 That good old time ; by V. Moustache [C. Gordon]. 6544 That husband of mine. 17071 That lass o' Lowrie's ; by F. H. Burnett. 16879 That new world, and other poems ; by S. M. B. Piatt. 16776 That nose; by B E. Woolf. {In French's min. dram., v. 35.) 7988 That queer girl ; by V. F. Townsend. 13377 That rascal Pat; by J. H. Grover. {In French's min. dram., V. 38.) 7990 That wife of mine. 17180 Thausing, M. Albert Diirer ; his life and works ; fr. the (Ter- man ; ed. by F. A. Eaton. Portr. and illust. *I Thaxter, A. VV. Grotto nymph. {In French's min. dram., V. 34.) 7988 Thaxter, C. Among the Isles of shoals. 11571 — Drift-weed. 18178 — Poems. 9894 — «Poems. New ed. 12684 — Notice of T. {In Stoddard, R. H. Poets' homes.) 19286 Thayer, A. W. Ludwig van Beethoven's Leben. 3 v. 10434-5 ; 16339 Thayer, J. H. Criticism confirmatory of the Gospels. {In Boston lect.) 12134 Thayer, J. B. Biography of E. Ripley. {In Higginson, T. W. Harv. mem. biog., v. 1.) 6492 — Letters of C. Wright; with acct. of his life. 17405 Thayer, M. R. Life, character, and writings of F. Lieber. {In Lieber, F. Misc. writ., v. 1.) 20134 Thayer, T. B. Christianity against infidelity. New ed., rev. 4409 — Over the river; book of consolations for the sick, etc. 5854 — Theology of Universalism. 7690 — Why are vou a Universalist? (In Pitts-st. chap, lect.) 20424 Thayer, W. M. The bobbin boy [N. P. Banks]. 4410 — The farmer bov ; by Uncle Juvinell ; [Life of G. Washington] . 5549 — From log-cabin to the White house ; [life of J. A. Garfield] . 20719 — The pioneer bov, and how he became president ; [Abraham Lincoln] . 4395 — Soldiers of the Bible. 5569 — Youth's history of the rebellion. 4 v. 6549-52 Contents. V. 1. To the capture of Roanoke island. 2. To the bat- tle of Murfresboro'. 3. To the massacre at Fort Pillow. 4. From Fort Pillow to the end. Thayer, W. R. In the meshes ; or, A drop of Boston blue blood ; illust. by W. W. Kent. 20646 Theal, G. McC. Kaffir folk-lore ; traditional tales, with notes. 22713 Thearle, S. J. P. Naval architecture ; laying off and building 1236 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. wood, iron, and composite ships. 2 v. Text and plates. '(Collins' adv. sci. ser.) *I — Naval architecture ; laying off wood and iron ships. 2 v. Text and plates. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) *I — Naval architecture; wood and iron ship building. 2 v. Text and plates. (Collins' elem. sci. ser.) *I Theatre. Arnold, M. The French play in London. (In his Irish ess.) 21494 — The art of acting. (In French's min. dram., v. 29.) 7986 — Buckley, J. M. Christians and the theatre. 21290 — Clapp, W. W., Jr. A record of the Boston stage. 5600 — Cook, D. Book of the play; stud, and illust. of histrionic- storv, life, and character. 2 v. ' 16817-18 Hours with the players. 2 v. 2210S-4 — Davidge, W. The drama defended. {In French's min. dram., v. 22.) 7982 Footlight flashes. 6379 — Doran, J. Annals of the Eng. stage; fr. Betterton to Kean. 2 v. 5874-5 — DKamatists of the present day. 10138 — Edwards, H. S. The Ivrlcal drama; subjects, composers, etc., of mod. opera. 2 v. ' 21690-91 — Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean. 2 v. 11885-6 — Hutton, L. Plavs and players. 14326 — Kemble, F. A. Records of a girlhood. 18281 — Kingsley, C. The stage as it was once. (In his Lit. and gen. lect. and ess.) 21362 — Lewes, G. H. Actors and the art of acting. 14097 — Macready, W. C. Macready's reminiscences, and select, f r. his diaries and letters. 13567 — Planch6, J. R. Recollections and reflections ; prof, autobiography. 2 v. 11852-3 — Pollock, W. H. The mod. French theatre ; with crit. notes on French actors. 18547 — Rede,*L. T. Guide to the stage. {In Mod. stand, dr., v. 28.) 11824 — Ritchie, A. C. Autobiography of an actress. 3657 — Schlegel, A. W. von. Course of lect. on dram, art and lit. ; tr. bv J. Black. ' 3787 — Scott, W. Essay on the drama. {In his Misc. pr. wks., v. 6.) 3840 — See also Actors.' Also Private theatricals ; — Rachel. Th^^tre de campagne. See Legouv^, J. W. E. G. Theatricals. See Private theatricals. Theatres. See Paris ; — Theatre. Th6baide^ La ; ou, Les fr^res ennemis ; trag^die ; par J. Racine. (/n /lis Th^Atre compl.) 14399 Thebaud, A. J. The Irish race in the past and the present. 11697 Their wedding journey ; by W. D. Howells. 9781 Theism. Diman, J. L. The theistic argument as effect, by recent theories. 20565 — Fisher, G. P. {In his Discussions in hist, and theology.) 19650 — Flint, R. Anti-theistic theories. 18879 — Hedge, F. H. Nat. hist, of T. {In his Ways of the spirit.) 17367 — Hennell, C. C. Christian theism. ( With his Inquirv, etc.) *I — Hutton, R. H. {In his Essays, v. 1.) * 10128 — Mill, J. S. {In his Three essays on relig.) 13250 — Parker, T. Sermons of theism, atheism, etc. 3375 — Physicus. A candid examination of theism. 17975 Th^me Russe, Le ; com^die ; par A. Villetard. Theatre de camp., s6r. 8.) 14692 Theo. ; by F. H. Burnett. 17211 Theo Leigh ; by A. Thomas. 5975 Theobald, Z. Death of Huss, 1415. (In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) 5105 Theobald ; ou, Le retour de Russie, com^die-vaude. ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s^r. 2, v. 18.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1237 Theocritus. Theocritus ; tr. into Eng. verse ; by C. S. Cal- verly. 17220 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. lit., v. 3.) *I Theodores, T. The Talmud. (In Owens Colleofe. Ess. and addr.) ^ 12926 Theodoretus or Theodorit us. Newman, J. H. Theodoret. {In his Hist, sk., V. 2.) , 12917 Theodorus, pseud. The new reformation ; narr. of the Old Catholic movement fr. 1870 ; with hist, introd. 14250 Theodosius. Taylor, I. (In his Logic of theol., etc.) 11367 Theognis. Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. 12957 — Frere, J. H. Theognis restitutus. {In his Works, v. 2.) 11654 Theologia Germanica. Ashwell, A. R. The 'Theologia Ger- manica.' (In Kempe, J. E. Comp. for the dev. life.) 18849 Theological and Biblical literature. See Crooks, G. R., and Hurst, J. F. Theological Translation Fund Library. *I Contents. Baur, F. C. Church hist, of the 1st. three cent. 2 v.; Paul, his life and works. 2 v. — Bleek, F. The Apocalypse. — Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on the Prophets of the O. T. v. 1-5; Commentary on the Psalms. 2 V.— Commentary on the book of Job; with trans, fr. the German; by J. F. Smith.— Hausrath, A. History of the N. Test, times. V. 1, 12.*— Keim, T. History of Jesus of Nazara. 6 v.— Kuenen, A. Religion of Israel. 3 v.— Pfleiderer, O. Paulinism. 2 v.— Zeller, E. Contents and origin of the Acts of the Apostles crit. investigated. Pre- fixed, Overbeck's introd. to the Acts ; fr. De Wette's handbook. 2 v. Schmidt, P. W., and Holzendorff, F. V. Short Protestant commentary on the N. T., with introd. Theology. Adams, W. The three gardens : Eden, Gethsem- ane, and Paradise ; or, Man's ruin, redemption, and res- toration. * 7063 — Allen, J. H. Three phases of modern theology : Calvinism, Unitarian- ism, Liberalism. 21857 — Barry, A. Masters in English theology. 18702 — Blaekie, J. S. Lay sermons. * 20975 — Butler, J. Analogy of religion to the constitution and course of nature. 6428 — Christian views ; of. Discourses, doctrinal, etc. 5006 — Christie, A. J. The philosophy of Christianity. {In Manning, H. E. Ess. on relig. and lit., ser. 3.) *I — Christlieb, T. Methods of countc^racting mod. infidelity. 7333 Modern doubt and Christian belief. ' 13396 — Clark, D. W. Topical course of theolog. study. {In his Ment. disc.) 6430 — Clark, J. F. Orthodoxy, its truths and errors. 1604 — Cobb, S. Compend of Christian divinity. 860 — Crooks, G. R. Old and new theologies. {In Boston Mond. lect., 1880-81.) 20467 — Dunlavy, J. The manifesto; doctr. and pract. of the Church of Christ. 1296 — Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the doct. of Christianity. 1355 Early relig. educ. consid. as the divinelv appointed* wav to the regener- ate life. ' " 1356 — Faber, F. W. The blessed sacrament ; or. The works and ways of God. 8933 The precious blood ; or, The price of our salvation. 8928 — Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism; with ess. on related subjects. 18564 — Froude. J. A. Plea for the free disc, of theolog. difliculties. {In his Short stud., ser. 1.) 6963 — Green, J. H. Spiritual philosophy; founded on the teaching of S. T. Coleridge, v. 2. " 6315 — Gregory, O. Letters on the evid., doctr., and duties of the Christ, relig- ion. 8071 — Hastings, H. L. Future punishment. 6487 The great controversy bet. God and man. 6489 The signs of the times. 6488 Thessalonica. 6490 — Heagle, D. Bremen lectures ; with introd. by A. Hovey. 9780 — Hedge, F. H. Recent inq. in theology ; being ''Essays and reviews." 5174 — Hill, R. Village dialogues. ' 7210 1238 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, — James, H. The old and new theology. (Zw his Lect., etc.) — King-, T. S. Philosoph}^ and theology. {In his Patriotism.) — Luthardt, C. E. Kompendium der Dogmatik. — Macleod, N. Parish papers.- — Manning, H. E. Four ^reat evils of the day. — Martineau, J. Loss and gain in recent theology. Personal infl. on our present theology: Newman— Coleridge— Carlyle ; Theology in its rel. to progressive knowledge. {In his Ess.) Studies of Christianity ; or, Timely thoughts for relig. thinkers. — Miller, H. Testimony of the rocks; or, Geology in its bearings on the two theologies. — Mozley, J. B. Essays, historical and theological. 2 v. Lectures ; and other theological papers. — Mueller, F. M. On false analogies in comp. theology. {In his Chips, v. 5.) — Neander, J. A. W. Lectures on the hist, of Chr. dogmas ; ed. by J. L. Jacobi. 2 v. — Newman, J. H. Essays, critical and historical. 2 v. — Noyes, G. R. Collection of theolog. essays; with introd. — Parker, T. Sermons of theism, atheism, and the popular theology. — Paterson, A. S. Concise system of theology on the basis of the 'shorter catechism. — Peabody, A. P. Lectures on Christian doctrines. — Pfleiderer, O. Paulinism : a contrib. to the hist, of Chr. theology. 2 v. — Phelps, A. The rights of believers in anc. creeds; Biblical doctr. of ret- ribution; Congregationalists and Presbyterians ; a plea for union. {In his My portfolio.) — Philosophical theories and experience. {In Small books on gt. subj., V. 1.) — Poi)e, W. B. Compendium of Christian theology. 3 v. — Raymond, M. Systematic theology. 2 v. — Reynolds, H. R. ' Ecclesia : church problems considered. — St. Maur, E. A. Christian theology and mod. skepticism. — Scott, T. Treatises on theological subjects, v. 2 : Essays on import, subj. in relig. ; Evening prayer for a family. — Smith, H. B. Faith and philosophv; discourses and essays. Introduction to Chr. theology; ed. by W. S. Karr. — Smyth, N. Old faiths in new light. — Spring, G. Personal reminiscences. 2 v. — Stanley, A. P. The hopes of T. (In his Addr. and sermons.) Theology of the 19th. cent. (In his Ess. on Church and State.) Christian institutions ; ess. on eccl. subjects. — Stephen, L. The later theology. {In his Eng. hist, in the 18th. cent., v. 1.) — Stewart, S. J. The gospel of law; disc, upon fundamental Ch. doctr. — Stone, J. K. The invitation heeded ; reasons for a return to Catholic unity. — StraussJ D. F. The old faith and the new. — Taylor, I. Logic in theology, and other essays. — Taylor, W. M. The limitations of life, and other sermons. — Thayer, T. B. Christianity against infidelity. — Tucker, A. The light of nature pursued. 2 v. — TuHoch, J. Rational theology and Chr. philosophy in Eng. in the 17th. cent. 2 V. — Uhlhorn, G. The conflict of Christianity with heathenism. — Wace, H. Christianity and morality. — Waters, N. R. Through Rome on; mem. of Chr. and extra-Chr. expe- rience, -r- Wiseman, N. The Real Presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. — Wordsworth, J. The one religion. — See also Atonement ;— Development ;— God ;— Materialism ;— Orthodoxy ; — Religion and science ; — Revelation ; — Salvation ; — Scepticism ; — Sin ; — Theism ;— Trinitv ; — Unbelief ; — Unitarianism. Also, New England. Theology ;— Sermons. Also, the names of the different sects. Theology, Natural. See Natural religion. Theology, Practical. Bartol, C. A. Discourses on the Chr. body and form. — Beecher, H. W. Royal truths. — Blackie, J. S. {hi his Lay sermons.) 2821 5721 16460 7217 9883 21983 6388 2950 7253 18305-6 22627 9118 3234-5 10126-7 7701 3375 12522 3412 22045 4014 22695-7 *I 10027 18186 22485 19042 6207-8 19477 10698 20286 16794 22178 11742 11367 19375 4409 4514-15 11456-7 21783 20457 17865 11389 22558 331 6423 20975 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1239 — Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi ; hist, of humane prog, under Christianity. — Bushuell, H. Sermons for the new life. Sermons on living subjects. — Chapin. E. H. Humanity in the city. — Dewey, O. Discourses on human life. — Hecker, I. T. Aspirations of nature. • — James, H. Substance and shadow ; morality and relig. in their rel. to life. — Means, C. A. Living thoughts ; selections. — Merriam, G. S. The way of life. — Neal, J. One word more. — Oosterzee, J. J. van. Practical theology. — Shedd, W. G. T. Homiletics, Pastoral theology. — Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the works of God. — Thayer, T. B. Over the river; book of consolations for the sick, etc.) — See\ili<(> Moral philosophy. Theology in the English poets ; by S. A. Brooke. Theophrastus Such, Impressions of ; by M. E. Lewes. Theory of human progression and natural probability of a reign of justice. (Science of politics.) Therapeutics. See Pathology and Therapeutics. There she blows ; by W. H. Macy. Theresa, St. See Teresa, St. Thermodynamics. Baynes, R. E. Lessons on thermodyna- mics. — Eddy, H. T. Thermodynamics. — Forbes, Pro/. Thermal conductivity ; Thermodynamics. (So. Kensing- ton Sci. lect., V. 2.) Thermopile. See Tasimeter. Thermopylae. Herodotus. Battle of T. {In Lieber, F. Gt. events, etc.) Theroulde. See Roland, La chanson de. Theseus and Ariadne ; by J. R. Planch^. {In his Extrava- ganzas, V. 3.) Thesiger, F. A., Loi'd Chelmsford. Low, C. R. {In his Sold, of the Vict, age, v. 2.) Theuriet, A. All alone. (Appleton's new hd.-vol. ser.) — Antoinette. (Appleton's hd.-vol. ser.) — Le fils Maugars. — Same ; The youn^ Maugars. (Coll. of for. authors.) — La fortune d'Angele. — Les fraises; comedie. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, eic, ser. 4.) — The godson of a marquis. (Coll. of for. authors.) — Mademoiselle Guignon. — Le mariage de Gerard, suivi de Une Ondine. — Same. Gerard's marriage. (Coll. of for. authors.) — The old homestead. (Plays for priv. act.) — Raymonde ; f r. the French. (Appleton's hd.-vol. ser.) — LaVieille maison ; com6die. {In Legouv6, J. W. E. G. Theatre, etc., ser. 2.) They saw a great light ; by E. E. Hale. (Tales for trav., v. 5.) Thibault, comte de Champagne ; par A. E. Scribe. (Oeuvres, s6r. 2, V. 1.) Thibet. Bogle, G. Mission to Tibet. {In Markham, C. R. Narr. of Bogle, etc.) — Hue, E. R. Recollections of a journ. thr. Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-G. Travels in Tartary, T., etc. Travels in Tartary, T., etc. {In Taylor, B. Cycl. of mod. trav.) — Knight, H. W. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. Thiebault, D. Souvenirs de vingt atis de s^jour k Berlin. 15564 11078 798 1171 6187 2381 8367 21428 18576 6777 6194 5854 12796 18661 4418 17343 18952 18766 17679 5105 20031 20287 18048 14751 18814 14552 14499 17792 14553 14.554 17172 17926 18096 14483 13934 *I 12999 2053 4356 6475 (Barri^re. Bib. des m^m., v. 23, 24.) 2 v. 14543-4 1240 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Thi^blin, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. 13662 Thierry, J. N. A. Dix ans d'^tudes historiques [1817-27J. 9578 Contents. Histoire de P Angleterre.— Histoire du moyen age et Histoire de France. — Historical essays, pub. under the title of "Dix ans d'^tudes historiques;" and Narratives of the Merovingian era ; or, Scenes of the 6th. cent. With autobiog. pref . 4421 — History of the conquest of England. 2 v. 4419-20 Thiers, M. J. L. A. History of the Consulate and Emp. of Fr. under Napoleon ; tr. by I). F. Campbell. 20 v. in 10. 12052-61 — Same', tr. by D. F. Campbell and H. W. Herbert. 5 v. (v. 2 wanting.) 4422-6 — History of the Fr. revolution; tr., with notes, by F. Shoberl. 3d. Am. ed. 4v, iri2. 5840-1 — Notice sur Mme. Du Deffand. {In Du Deflfand, M . de V. C. de. Lettres.) 2 v. 14549-60 — Castelar, E. {In his Life of Lord Byron, etc.) 15338 — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. {In his Orators of France.) . 5012 — Hayward, A. {In his Sketches, etc., v. 1.) 20602 . — King, E. {In his Fr. poljt. lead.) 13829 — Le Goff, F. Life of Thiers ; tr. fr. the unpub. manuscript, by T. Stanton. 18599 — McCarthy, J. {In his Mod. lead.) 11191 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In his Portr. cont., v. 4; Prem. lund., v. 1. ; Cans. du lund., V. 1, 12, 14, 15; Nouv. lund., v. 3.) *I — Simon, J. The government of T., 1871-1873. 2 v. 18509-10 Thieves. Chubb. G. H. Protection fr. fire and thieves. 15439 Things not generally known ; by D. A. Wells. 4713 Things not generally known ; by J. Timbs. . 5479 Thinking bayonet, The; by J. K. Hosmer. 5897 Thinks-I-to-myself, &c. ; by E. Nares. 4428 Third-class to Edinburgh ; by W. C. Honeyraan. {In Mi. Royal pop. tales, v. 4.) 7224 Thirlwall, C, Bp. History of Greece ; [to B. C. 1461. 2 v. 4429-30 — Letters literary and theological ; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne and L. Stokes ; with annot. and memoirs. 21742 — Letters to a friend ; ed. by A. P. Stanley. 21743 — Remains, literary and theological ; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne. 3 v. 17956-8 Thirteen good stories from Old and New. 11874 Contents. Perkins, F. B. Devil puzzlers.— The Pole's story.— Loring, F. W. Improvisatore.— Hale, E. E. Two princes.— Federhohn, T. In the wide world. — Loring, F. W. Rebecca's ma. — What happened to the Khan. — Miles, H. A. Companion of Paradise. — Tartar fairy tale.— Sever- ance, M. S. Spoons in a wherry.— Moore, A. Waveline.— De Ponte, S. Niglit of terror. — Housekeeper'sstory. Thirty poems ; by W. C. Bryant. 5546 Thirty years at sea; by E. Shippen. 18239 Thirty years too late ; by M. A. Livermore. 17397 Thirty Years' War. Freytag, G. {In his Pictures of German life, V. 2.) *I — Gardiner, S. R. The Thirty Years' War. 12967 — Motley, J. L. {In his Life and death of John of Barneveld.) 2 v. *I ; 12677-8 — Schiller, J. C. F. von. History of the Thirty Years' War; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 3785 Same. {In his Works.) 13194 — - Det Trettio- Ariga Krigets ; of versiittning. 15064 — See also Gustavus Adolphus. Thirty-nine men for one woman ; by H. E. Chevalier. 5443 Thistle-down ; book of lyrics ; by W. Winter. 17626 Tholuck, F. A. G. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John ; tr. by A. Kaufman. 4432 — The doctrine of inspiration. {In Noyes, G. R. Coll. theol. ess.) 7701 — Hours of Christian devotion ; tr. by K. Menzies. 2d. ed. 13768 — Life, character, and stvle of the apostle Paul; Sermons. {In Edwards, B. B., and Park, E. A. Selections.) 1348 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1241 — Park,E. A. Sketch of T. (Jw Edwards, B. B., awe? Park, E. A. Select.) 1348 Thomas a Becket, St. Adams, W. H. D. {I71 Ms Warrior, priest, and statesman.) 14132 — De Vere, A. St. Thomas of Canterbury, dram. poem. 18314 — Freeman, E. A. St. Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers. {In his Hist, ess., ser. 1.) 9835 — Froude, J. A. Life and times of Thomas Becket. 18485 Same. (In his Short stud., ser. 4.) 22579 — Hope, Mrs. Life of Thomas Becket. 11221 — Milman, H. H. Life of Tliomas Becket. 3064 — Stanley, A. P. The murder of Becket. (In his Scripture portraits.) 8955 Thomas a Kempis. The following of Christ ; tr. by R. Challoner. 2447 — Kettlewell, S. Thomas j\ Kempis and the Brothers of Common Life. 2 v. 21591-2 Thomas Aquinas^ St. Hampden, R. D. Life of T. A. ; dissert. of the scholastic philosophy of the Middle Ages. (Ency. Metrop.) 1763 — Vaughan, R. B. Life and labours of St. Thomas of Aquin. 2 v. 11665-6 Thomas, A. C. A century of Universalism in Phila. andN. Y., with sketches of its hist., etc. 17099 Thomas, A. Hamlet. *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of opera lib., v. 1.) *I — Miguon. ' *I — Same. (In Tryon, G. W. Stand, ed. of opera lib., v. 2.) *I Thomas, Annie. See Cudlip, A. Thomas, B. F. Ode. (In Worcester. Monument Committee. Ded. of Sold, monument.) 14020 Thomas, B. The violin player. 3 v. 20591-3 Thomas, C. W. Adventures and obs. on the west coast of Africa. 4431 Thomas, C. The Chinch-bug ; its hist., etc., and the means of destroying it. (U. S. Entomol. Comm. Bulletin.) 20894 Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years. 2 V. 2279-80 Thomas, G. H. History of the Army of the Cumberland. See Van Home, T. B. — Johnson, R. W. Memoir of Thomas. 20508 — Shanks, W. F. G. (In his Personal recollections.) 6570 — Sketch of T. (In Our great captains.) 5962 — Van Home, T. B. Life of Thomas. ^ ^ 22063 Thomas, I. History of printing in Amer., with biog. of printers and acct. of newspapers. 2d. ed. Author's correct, and add., and cat. of Amer. publications previous to 1776. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. Trans.) 2 v. 15390-1 — Removal of the tomb of I. Thomas, June 24, 1878. (In Antiq. papers.) 18411 Thomas, J. B. Significance of the hist, element in Scripture. (In Boston Monday Lect., 1880-81.) 20467 Thomas, J. G. Dengue. {In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., etc., V. 6.) *I Thomas, John. Headley, J. T. {In his Washington, etc., V. 2.) 1829 Thomas, J. J. American fruit culturist. Illust. 6769 Thomas, R. The Sabbath and our foreign population. (In Sabbath essays. ) 19808 Thomas, T. G. Obstetrics and gynaecology. {In Clarke, E. H. Cent, of Amer. medicine.) 16710 Thomas, Theodore. Bungay, G. {In his Traits of repr. men.) 22315 79 1242 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Thomas Didymus, Legend of ; by J. F. Clarke. 20348 Thomas Thyrnau ; [v. A. von Paalzow]. 3 v. 10361-3 Thomas Wingfold, curate ; by G. MacDonald. 15962 Thomasson, P. En arbetares, Lefnadsoden ; eller, Slaflifvet i Sverige. 15058 Thome, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in the West Indies. 4433 Thome, O. W. Text-book of structr. and physiological botany ; tr. and ed. by A. W. Bennett. Illust. 3d. ed. 21280 Thompson, Miss — . Importance of female agency in evange- lizing Pagan nations. {In Timson, T. Mem. of British female missionaries.) 4468 Thompson, A. B. Victoria history of England, B. C. 54 to A. D. 1863. 6376 Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions ; lect. 22301 Thompson, B., Count Eumford. Ellis, G. E. Memoir of Thompson. 9661 — Renwick, J. Life of Count Rumford. (In Sparks, J. Lib. of Anier. biog., V. 15.) 4124 — Sketch of T. (In Biog. of self-tauglit men, v. 1.) 410 Thompson, C. O. Handicraft in school; address. 19513 — Industrial drawing. {In Amer. Soc. Sei. Assoc. Trans., 1871.) 15738 Thompson, D. P. May Martin, and other tales of the Green mountains. 13179 Thompson, D'A. W. Ancient leaves; or. Translations, etc., from poets of Greece and Rome. *I — Day dreams of a schoolmaster. 11040 — Nursery nonsense. 11531 — Sales Attici ; or. The maxims witty and wise of Athenian tragic drama. *I — Scalae Novae ; or, A ladder to Latin. ♦I — Wayside thoughts. 11314 Thompson, D. P. Centeola ; and other tales. 4447 — The doomed chief. 4445 — Gaut Gurley. 4442 — The Green Mountain boys. 4441 — Locke Amsden. 4443 — May Martin. 4444 — The rangers. 4446 Thompson, E. History of England ; adapted for American students. (Freeman, E. A. Hist, course.) 11971 Thompson, E. G., joint author. See Woodward, G. E. Thompson, E. W. Beaten paths. 12636 Thompson, E. Cervantes ; biog. sketch. {In Cervantes. Wit and wisdom.) 22019 Thompson, G. Sonnets. {In Liberty bell.) 5101 Thompson, Rev. H. The occult sciences. See Smedley, E. Thompson, Sir H. Food and feeding. (Harper's hf.-hr. ser.) 19051 Thompson, H. M. The Christian doctr. of prayer. {In Chr. truth and mod. opinion. 13496 — Method for disposing of the garbage of New Orleans. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., v. 5.) *I Thompson, J. R. The idea of the Church regarded in its hist. development. {In Reynolds, H. R. Ecclesia.) 10027 Thompson, J. Essay on English municipal history. 7194 Thompson, John. Life of T. ; history of twenty-five years in bondage ; written by himself. 17713 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1243 Thompson, J. P. Church and State in the U. S. ; with app. on the German population. 11981 — The Holy Comforter; his person and his work. 18181 — Jesus of 'Nazareth ; his life for the youn^. 15355 — Man in Genesis and in geology ; or. Biblical acct. of man's creation teste