GV UC-NRLF III $C 17D S6M *f/ 'Ox %m^ o\ V, (o • No. 10 CHEST WEIGHT A, m jAr^ The most popular machine. Thousands are in use in gym- JfciiP' ■ m h nasiums, and many in homes. It has the compound rope, which 1 1 7 allows twice the usual length of movement, and swivel blocks that HrfT -i Hi permit movements in every direction. It is noiseless and self- 1 lubricating. I This machine has the under-lift weights. On these the weight can be changed by a touch of the toe, and cannot be taken ; i i 1 from the machine or get lost. :, j No. 10 Chest Weight, Standard. Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified ' on page 6, $16.00 No. 10 Chest Weight, Standard Special. Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., ill 1 -^ III as specified on page 7, 30.00 ^^. ^g The boards on which the machine is mounted are twenty- '^^^[3 — ■.gi=^'?g4>."*-^i^ ^j^ inches long, the wall board is six inches wide, and its centre is five feet from the floor. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY ROWING PULLEY WEIGHT For class work in gymnasiums and for liome use, a machine tliat will give a wide range of exercise is needed. We have designed the No. 60 Tulley Weight for these purposes. It is a strong, durable machine, built for gymnasium practice, but equally well adapted for home use. The seat, although desirable, is not a necessity, and the back-board will be provided without it if desired. The seat is shown, dropped in the right hand illustration and raised in the central figure. It is dropped by pressing a lever back of the board, and latches automatically on being raised. On this machine no adjustment of pulleys or ropes is necessary in order to change from the upper to the lower pulleys. The lower wall pulleys carry the ropes oxer the foot board of the row-slide at the proper height for rowing. No. 60 Pulley Weight, Standard, with chest, back and loin and rowing pul- leys, back-board, row-slide and seat. Double set rods, weights, etc., as speci- fied on page 6, $45.00 No. 60 Pulley Weight, Standard Special, with chest, back and loin and rowing pulleys, and back-board, row- slide and seat. Double set rods, Weights, etc., as specified on page 7, (i5.00 No. 61 Pulley Weight, Standard, with back-board and row-slide and no seat, $40.00 No. 61 Pulley Weight, Standard Special, with back -board and row- slide and no seat, 60.00 No. 60-1 Row-Slidr only, with seat, 24.00 No. 61-2 Row-Slide only, no seat, 20.00 10 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY SARGENT COMBmATION PULLEY WEIGHT This Pulley Weight was designed by Dr. D. A. Sargent, to provide the desirable featitres of the gymnasium macliiues, in compact form, for home use. It conqirises a chest weight with back board, intercostal or chest expander and developer jjulleys, and a rowing weight with sliding seat. The rowing pulleys are raised to bring the lesistance up to about where it is in rowing. One illustration shows the machine arranged as a rowing machine; the other as a chest weight. To form the intercostal and back and loin weights, the chest weight handles are drawn down to the floor and the ropes passed under the floor pulleys. This action pulls the other pair of handles up to the high pulleys. This machine is boxed for shii>ment with all the pulleys, etc. , secured to the frame, mak- ing erection easy. Any of the attachments, neck, leg, paddle, etc., may be used. No. 65 Pulley Weight, Standard, with chest intercostal, back and loin and rowing pulleys, fold- ing row-slide, etc., double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, $60.00 No. 65 Pulley Weight, Standard Special, with chest intercostal and back and loin and rowing pul- leys, folding row -slide, etc., double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, 80.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 11 No. 132 PADDLE MACHINE This and several following machines are formed by attaching various devices to pulley weights. The ones we list are the most commonly used types, but others may easily be made. No. 132 Paddle Machine, Standard. Single set of rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with paddle, $12.00 No. 132 Paddle Machine, Standard Special. Single set of rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with paddle, 20.00 No. 130-2 Paddle. May be attached to any chest weight, 2.00 SCULLING MACHINE An attractive and desirable special machine for developing the side, leg and arm muscles which are used in wrestling or sculling a boat over the stem. Special machines of this class form an agreeable variety in large outfits, and are often used simply because they are there. On most of them the machine suggests the form of exercise, but directors often find them u.seful in prescribing special exercises. No. 135 Sculling Machine, Standard. Single set pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with sculling oar, $18.00 No. 135 Sculling Machine, Standard Special. Single set pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with sculling oar, 28.00 No. 135-1 Sculling Oar. May be attached to any chest weight, 10.00 12 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY WRIST ROLL These machines are made with polished maple rolls and long brackets to allow wrist movement back of the roll. The roll may be set eithei' in a horizontal or vertical jjosition. No. 143 Wrist Roll, Standard. Single set of rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with wrist roll, $16.00 No. 143 Wrist Roll, Standard Special. Single set of rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with wrist roll, 24.00 No. 143-1 Wrist Roll, may be attached to any chest weight, 6.00 ATTACHMENTS Many of the means of operating pulley weights, such as wi'ist rolls, head gears, paddles, etc., can easily be at- tached in place of the commonly used chest weight handle, thus forming special machines from the regular chest weights. The attachments, when detached, do not in any way interfere with the use of the pulleys for class work, the changes being quickly made. Attachments will be found listed on the pages with, and following, the nuu-liines, as in case of wrist roll above. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 13 FI^^GER MACHINE The carriage of this machine runs on steel rods, thus pro- ducing a smooth action. To set up, secure the board to the wall with the finger bar forty-two inclies high. No. 180 Finger Machine, "Standard." Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, $20.00 No. 180 Finger Machine, "Standard" Special. Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, 25.00 SINGLE NECK MACHINE Having one point of attachment for headgear, as shown in illustration below. No. 150 Neck Machine, "Standard." Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with head gear. No. 150-4, $12.00 No. 160 Neck Machine, "Standard" Special. Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with head gear, No. 150-4, 20.00 DUPLEX NECK MACHINE With pulleys and hoolcs for atbiching head gear at chest heiglit or floor. See neck macliine in illustration of pipe stalls. No. 152 Duplex Neck Machine, "Standard." Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with head gear. No. 150-4, jgt 18.00 No. 152 Duplex Neck Machine, "Standard" Special. Single set rods, pulleys, weights, etc., as specified on page 7. With head "ear, No. 150-4, 28.00 No. 160-S. No. 150-2. HEAD GEARS These head gears can be attached to any chest weight. No. 150-4 Head Gear. Strongly made of leather, as shown in illustration of Neck Machine, $4.00 No. 150-2 Head Gear. Two white webbing head straps and a cross bar. The straps are washable, 1.50 No. 150-3 Head Gear. A webbing head strap, attaches to the handle of a chest weight, .50 u NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY GIANT PULLEY The Giiuit Pulley is simply a high chest weight; the swivel blocks being eight and one-half feet from the floor. The double machines require a width of twenty-six inches and a heiglit of nine feet. The Single liope Giant Pulley, with split handle, is used in connection with chest bars (see cut of chest bar), or it may have a cross bar handle and a back-board similar to those used on leg pulleys. It requires a height of nine feet for a cross bar handle and twelve for the split handle. DOUBLE GIANT PULLEY No. 200 Giant Pulley, Standard. Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, $20.00 No. 200 Giant Pulley, Standard Special. Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, 36.00 SINGLE GIANT PULLEY No. 208 Giant Pulley, Standard. Single set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with split handle. $12.00 No. 208 Giant Pulley, Standard Special. Single set of pulleys, rods, weights, as specified on page 7, with split handle. 24.00 BACK BOARD. For Leg Pulley or Giant Pulleys, see cut on opposite page. No. 230-1 Back Board, $4.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 15 LEG PULLEY Leg Pulleys should be placed back of breast bars, or inside of pipe stalls, to give supi)ort to the one using the machine and to confine the action to the leg muscles. The High and Low Leg Pulley is made on the duplex principle, using both ends of the ropes, thus making a perfect combination machine. No. 232 High and Low Leg Pulley, "Stand- ard." Single setof pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with back board and shoes, $2(>.00 No. 232 High and Low Leg Pulley, "Stand- ard" Special. Single set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with back board and shoes, $40.00 ABDOMINAL MAT This machine consists of a single back and loin pulley, with a mat having a sliding foot rest attached. The mat is not secured to tbe floor and may be easily removed. It may be purchased separately aud used as an attiichmeut to any floor pulley machine. No. 207 Abdominal Mat, "Standard." Single set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, with mat, No. 207 Abdominal Mat, "Standard" Special. Single setof puUeys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, with mat, No. 207-1 Abdominal Mat Attachment, SHOES FOR LKG PULLEYS OH ATTACHMENTS No. 230-7 Shoe. Central attachment. No. 230-3 Shoe. Toe and heel attached. No. 230-4 Foot Strap, .00 35.00 12.00 $2.30 2.50 .80 16 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY ROWING WEIGHT This machine has been specially designed for severe gymnasium use. The weights are large, eight pounds eacb, with a large strong weight carrier on the under-lift principle. Large rods are provided to guide the weight, and the pulleys are large to prevent undue wear of the rope. The lower pulley swivels, and is raised from the floor by a bracket which extends around the weights to the wall, thus adapting it to stand a heavy pull. The slide is arranged to turn iq) out of the way as shown in the second illustration, and can be leversed for flexor leg work. No. 226 Rowing Weight. Single set special heavy pulleys, rods, weights, etc., witii row-slide, $3(S.OO itOW-SLlDE This Row-Slide is well adapted for any machine requiring a sliding seat. It is strongly made, the seat cannot be detached from the slide and has a well shaped hard wood top. It is reversable and folding, both desirable features. No. 226-2 Row Slide, $12.00 L NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 17 No. 100 No. 110 INTERCOSTAL MACHINES Three different forms of handles may be attached to this pulley weight as illustrated above. No. 248 Intercostal, a split handle requiring a height of eleven feet. Shown on cut of machine. No. 100 Chest Expander (lateral) requiring a height of thirteen feet. No. 110 Chest Developer (anterio-pesterior), requiring a height of fourteen feet. Either of the above handles will be furnished at the price listed below INTERCOSTAL MACHINE No. 248 Intercostal Machine, "Standard." Single set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6 (with split handles), $16.00 No. 248 Intercostal Machine, "Standard" Special. Single set of puUeys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, (with split handles), . 28.00 BRACKETS Where the height of room is too great for the attachment of ceiling pulleys we furnish brackets, similar to that shown on No. 65 Pulley Weight. 18 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY TRAVELING PARALLEL Tlie luacliiiie (showu in the illustration) is made Aerj' heavy to sustain the pressure applied to the extended nrnis in lifting the heavy weights. The carriage slides on strong cold rolled steel rods and has self-lubricating bearings. The weight is of the under-lift type; easy to change. No. 275 Traveling Parallel, $60.00 QUARTER CIRCLE The back board may be swung up out of tlie way oi- lenioved entirely, if desired. No. 271 Quarter Circle, '^Standard." Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., with curved back-board, as specified on page 6, $32.00 se. No. 271 Quarter Circle, "Standard" Special. Double set of pulleys, rods, weights, etc., with curved back-board, as specified on page 7, .^40.00 QUARTER CIRCLE ATTACHMENT This Qiiaiter Circle Attachment is hinged to the chest weight back- board, and may be re- moved or swung up out of the way when not in use. No. 271-1 Quarter Circle arc, $1«.00 N A K K A G A N S l] T T M A (' II I X E C O M P A X Y 19 DUPLEX PULLEY WEKtIIT The ingenious use of both ends of tlie rope, first introdueed by us and more fully described on page four, enables us to furnish several comprehensive and practical Pulley Weights. The two most desirable forms are listed on this page ; other forms are illustrated elsewhere, but usually any desirable combina- tion of two machines can be uuide. INTEKCOSTAL ("HEST WEIGHT No. 260 Duplex Intercostal Chest Weight, Standard. Double set pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6. $26.00 No. 260 Duplex Intercostal Chest Weight, Standard Special. Double set of puUeys, rods, weights, etc., as speci- fied on page 7, 48.00 BACK AXl) LOIX CHEST WEIGHT No. 265 Duplex Back and Loin Chest Weight, Standard. Double set of pul- leys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, $26.00 No. 265 Duplex Back amd Loin Chest Weight, Standard Special. Double set pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, 48.00 20 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY TKIPLEX UKDER-LIFT PULLEY WEIGHT Patented March 24, 1903. The Triplex Pulley Weight is designed to economize room. It adds a third handle, or com- bines the intercostal, chest and back-and-loin pulleys in one machine without any adjustment of ropes, catches, etc., to change from one to the other. The I'esult is obtained in the Triplex with less pulleys, and consequent smoother action, than in any other machine. The Triplex has every improvement in detail and mechanical construction of previous ma- chines, and represents the ' 'climax of pulley weight construction." Its action is as fine as silk. In use the chest weight rope passes over the chest pulley, and under the weight pulley to a knot back of the bracket, in the usual manner. The intercostal rope passes over the intercostal pulleys, down under the pulley of the chest weight bracket, from this up over a pulley at the top of the rods, and down to the back-and-loin pulleys. Pulling the chest handle lifts the weight. Pulling either the intercostal or back-and-loin handles lifts the chest weight swivel block (which slides on the upper rods) and the weight by means of the chest weight rope. TEIPLEX PULLEY WEIGHT No. 269 "Standard," double set pulleys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 6, $36.00 No. 269 "Standard" Special, double set pul- leys, rods, weights, etc., as specified on page 7, 54.00 The Triplex requires a height of ten feet from the floor to over the top pulley to admit of the intercostal handles being carried to the floor, a less height than is possible with any other principle. In rooms having high ceilings and no gallery, brackets may be used to hold the ceiling pulleys. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 21 TRIPLEX DETAILS This illustration of details of the Triplex Pulley weight shows the thoroughness and care we put into the design of all our apparatus, particularly the i)ulley weights. The illustration shows the Tiiplex Pulley Weight in the most simple and direct manner, and the harmonious design of the whole. Note the smooth, well-rounded design of the pulley blocks aud the adaptability of each part to its purpose. These are features peculiar to our apparatus and are the result of long experience. The ceiling pulley is adjustable to provide for varying rope angles. The top pulley also swings to lead correctly to the ceiling pulley. The swivel chest weight pulley, with its sliding block, is a fine example of neat design, and the swivel floor i>ulley reaches down over the floor board to draw the handles as close to the floor as possible. The operation of the weights, run of the ropes, etc., is shown in the sectional cuts on page four. Note: — The weight most used, i. e., the chest weight, is the simplest; it lias a short rope, and in its use only two pulleys are used. Wlien using the intercostal or floor pulley only three pulleys are used, the same as on the Duplex Pulley Weight. N A R U A G A N S E T T MACHINE C OM P A N Y TREAT^lLE MACIimE Tliis iiiiicliine coiisisls of two levers coiiiieeted to heavy weifjlits with liiiif^ed shoes on tlie ends. The user sliould h:ne the siii)i)ort of i)ipe stiills. The weifflit and jjiilleys iiie our extra heavy design as used on rowing weiglits. No. 285 Pedal Machine. Double set special heavy pulleys, rods, weights, etc., with pedals, $60.00 ABDOMINAL OHAIIl A compact machjue, not requiring fastening, and very effective for its purpose. The seat is hollowed out to sustain and hold the user comfoi'tably. The pedals and back rest are adjustable. A latch, to hold the weights at about half travel, is provided for convenience in getting in and out. As a heavy, strong acting weight is lequired, the weights are used "single" (.see No. 1 on page 4 ) and their travel made the entire height of the chair. Plain weights are used and a shelf provided for spare weights. No. 280 Abdominal Chair. Double set special pulleys, rods, weights, etc., $eo.oo NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 28 "STANDAKU" PULLEY WEIGHTS IN COLUMBIA COLLECJE GYMNASIUM THE Pulley Weights listed in the preceding pages have been adopted for nse by the leading gymnasiums in the world. "Standard" as made by the Narragausett Machine Company, or equal thereto, is the specification for all United States army posts, and for the public schools of many cities. They are almost universally used by that great chain of organizations — the Young Men's Christian Associations — who require for their exacting work the best of apparatus. Their branches in Japan, China, India, France and England, have put a veritable belt of "Standard" Pully Weights around the world. Adaptability, durability and design are the reasons why "Standard" apparatus is so general Iv useIachine, $28.00 N A R 11 A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY 27 ARM MACHINE This luiichiiie consists of two frictional brakes, secured to opposite sides of a strong ]>riicket, and is provided with amis and handles. The lesistance and action of each arm is entirely independent. To set up, secure strongly to the wall alxint fifty inches from the floor to c*^ntre. No. 328 Fkictional Arm Machine, $40.00 These two frictional machines, made to the specifications of Captain H. J. Koehler, of the United Sbites Military Academy at "West Point, have been made a part of the equipment of all army gymnasiums. The frictional machines on this and the preceding page have all the same brake, consisting of a clamp faced with wood which acts on a turned iron drum and is controlled by a hand wheel. This device has proved to be smooth in action and easily controlled. LEG MACHTNE This machine consists of a frictional brake secured to the floor and provided with an arm on which is j>ivoted a shoe. No. 329 Fkictional Leo Machine, $28.00 =^ U:> *•!» NAUTICAL WHEEL Au adaptation of the steering wheel of a vessel. Tlie friction brake, that forms the resistance, is simple and durable. The arms or spokes are supported by the rim. The ma- chine presents a fine appearance, the arms being asli, the rim cherry and the mountings polished brass. No. 320 Nautical Wheel, frictional, 48 inches diameter, Si 60. 00 To set up, secure strougly to tlie wall about four feet from the floor to the centre. WRESTLING MACHINE A modification of the Nautical Wheel. The greater space between the spokes permits different movements. No. 321 Wrestling Machine, frictional, 48 inches diameter, $40.00 Set up same as Nautical Wheel. Wheie resistance, to rotation is the only requirement a friction brake is the most simple and effective device. The brake used on the above two machines is specially designed to produce smooth, even resistance and be easily adjusted. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 29 4 D- HYDRAULIC ROWING MACHINES 111 this luachiiie a liquid resistauce to rotatiou offers the closest approximation to actual rowing yet obtained. The oar turns to allow feathering and is balanced by the bowl. The illustration below shows the blade and cover of the bowl lifted up showing the blade and its valves and the partitions in the bowl. When the oar is pulled, the blades rotate be- tween the partitions in the bowl, forcing the liquid through the valve in the centre of the blade, which controls the pressure. On the ''return" the liquid passes freely through the ball valves in the blades. The pressure on the oar is governed by the valve in the centre of the shaft. A key for this valve is furnished and can be kept by the person in charge, thus preventing the pressure being changed. All of a set of machines may easily be set at a uniform pressure, and when so set will not require altering afterwards, as greater or less re- sistance can be got by varying the speed of rowing. No. 335 Hydraulic Rowing Machine, one oar with sliding seat, $56.00 No. 334 Hydraulic Rowing Machine, one oar, no seat, 44.00 No. 336 Hydraulic Rowing Machine, two oars, with one sliding seat, 100.00 Patented Sept. 2, 1890. Feb. 3, 1891. 30 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY HORIZONTAL BAR This is the simi>lest form of Horizontal Bar. Being i)rovided with our instantaneous turnbuckles, it can be taken down or set up in a fraction of a minute. It hixs pipe uprights, wire rope guys, with improved hooks, two instantaneous turnbuckles, floor plates with screws, etc. No. 362 HOBizoNTAL Bar, 6 feet, "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $80.00 No. 364 Horizontal Bar, 6 feet, "Standard" steel bar, 30.00 ■" ■ "STANDARD" BARS "Standard" Bars are used in making up all our horizontal and vaulting bars. The "Standard" Steel Bar is six feet long, and one and one-eighth inches in diameter. Other sizes will be made to order. The * 'Standaid" ' Steel Core Hickory Bar is six feet long, made from selected clean white hickoiy of good growth, bored from one end, and shrunk on the steel core. The steel core is miule from a special high grade of imported steel having the same elastic coefficient as the hickory. All steel cores have specially fine threaded ends and are provided with double check nuts for horizontal bars and long hex- agon nuts for vaulting bars. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 81 SUSPENDED HORIZONTAL BAR For gyiuuasiuin use this is a praclical bar. It is out of tlie way, liaviiig no guys or jwsts coming down to tlie floor. Tlie bars listed below are for Leight not exceeding twenty-four feet. Si)ecial prices will be quoted for other heights. No. 367 Suspended Horizontal Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $40.00 No. 369 Suspended Horizontal Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 40.00 These prices do not include the swing up attachments, which are listed below. SUSPENDED HORIZONTAL BAR SWING UP This bai- is made to swing up close to the ceiling, as shown in phantom lines, when it is desirable to clear the room for games. No. 367A Horizontal Bar, No. 367 made to swing up, $.50.00 No. 369A Horizontal Bar, No. 369 made to swing up, 50.00 Horizontal bars are also made double or triple, i. e., with the bars parallel and about seven feet apart, or they may be placed end to end in a line. We will be pleased to send sketches of such si)ecial bais. SWING UP ATTACHMENT The hinge joints, turnbuckle, hoisting tackle, etc., shown above can be applied to any Suspended Horizontal Bar. No. 367-21 Swing Up Attachment, $16.00 82 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY SIX GUYED BAR This makes a simple, cheap and efficient bar, mueli prized by gymnasts on account of its peculiar elasticity. Two instantaneous turnbuckles provide for quick detachment from the floor, after which it is easily hoisted up out of the way. No. 372 Six Guyed Horizontal Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, with hoisting tackle complete, $36.00 No. 374 Six-Guyed Horizontal Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, with hoisting tackle complete, 36.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 33 COMBINED HORIZONTAL AND VAULTING BAR This is the most popular bar we make. It can be quickly put up or taken down ; does not occupy much floor space, is adjustable from two to seven and one-half feet, and the uprights being held firm by braces, it is very strong and rigid. No. 377 Combined Horizontal and Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $40.00 No. 379 Combined Horizontal and Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 40.00 SEMI BRACED HORIZONTAL AND VAULTING BAR This bar is as illustrated above except one i)ost is fastened to the wall or a post. No. 377A Semi Guyed Horizontal and Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar. No. 379A Semi Guyed Horizontal and Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, $35.00 35.00 When a vaulting bar is used for turning it is sometimes desirable to secure the bar tighter than can ordinarily be done by a pin. We have a clamp cap for this purpose that can be fixed on any of our vaulting bars. On the above bar the uprights have to be made larger to accommodate the clamp cap, consequently it costs more to apply it than it does on other bars. Clamp Cap, (see page 37) extra, $10.00 34 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY VAULTING BAR The Vaulting Bar shown above is the most practical form when there is sufficient height and width of gallery. It is the acme of simplicity. FIXED VAULTING BAR This bar is similar to tlie illustration, except that it is fixed at the floor and top, that is, it does uot swing up. No. 392 Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, No. 394 Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, $40.00 40.00 SWING UP VAULTING BAR This bar has swing joints at the top of the posts and locking bolts at the bottom as shown. Hooks to hold tlie posts when swung up or ropes and blocks to hoist them up, as conditions may require, will be furnished. No. 392A Swing Up Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $65.00 No. 394A Swing Up Vaulting Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 55.00 These bars all have strong tube uprights, with numbered holes one inch apart, from two to seven and one-half feet. They have our "Standard" bars with adjustable "Standard" leather lined i)in caps. The pin and clamp caps are illustrated on page .38. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 35 BRACED VAULTING BAR This form of bar is adapted to galleries less than ten feet high, or where there is not space enough under the gallery for a start. It may also be used in lofty rooms by bracing the bar out seven feet from the wall. The following bars are braced out four feet from the gallery. FIXED BRACED VAULTING BAR As illustrated above, except without provision for swinging up. No. 397 Fixed Braced Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $45.00 No. 399 Fixed Beacbd Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 45.00 SWING UP BRACED VAULTING BAR As shown above, having swing joints that permit the posts to swing up under the gallery, and locking bolts. Hooks or hoisting tackle for sustaining the posts when swung up are provided as conditions require. No. 397A Swing Up Braced Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $65.00 No. 399A Swing Up Braced Vaulting Bab, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 65.00 The Vaulting Bars on this and the preceding page are designed for rooms or galler^s twelve or less feet high. Prices will be quoted for greater heights. 36 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY FOLDING HORIZONTAL AND VAULTING BAR This type provides for both turning and vaulting, the bar being eight feet from the gallery. It is only neces- sary to release the two locking bolts at the floor to prepare * the bar for hoisting out of the way, as shown. If desired, this bar may be placed against a wall. The bar as listed below has Pin Caps. See page 37 for Clamp Caps. No. 397 B Folding Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel core hickory bar, $80.00 No. 399 B Folding Bar, 6 foot "Standard" steel bar, 80.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 37 BAR CAPS "STANDARD" PIN CAP FOR VAULTING BARS This cap is used on all Vaulting Bars. It is leatlier lined and is held by a iiin passing through cap and post and held in place by a latch which makes it positive and safe. No. 375-22 Open End Vaulting Bab Cap, for 1% inch uprights, per pair, $8.00 No. 390-22 Open End Vaulting Bar Cap, for 2^8 inch uprights, per pair, 8.00 "STANDARD" CLAMP CAP FOR VAULTING BARS In addition to the pin a leather lined clamping cap entirely surrounds the post, which can be set to move easily, or clamped to hold the bar perfectly tight. This cap furnished with Vaulting Bars for $5.00 extra. No. 380-22 Clamp Vaulting Bab Cap, for 2^ inch uprights, per pair, $16.00 "STANDARD" HORIZONTAL BAR CAPS No.. 365-22 "Standard" Horizontal Bar Cap for 15^ inch uprights, as used on Nos. 366 and 307 bars, per pair. No. 370-22 "Standard" Six Guyed Bar Cap as used on No. 372 bar, per pair. $4.00 4.00 "STANDARD" BARS "Standard" Bars are six feet long, measured on the bar. See page 30 for description. No. 364-15 "Standard" 6 Foot Steel Cobb Hickoey Bar, to fit any "Standard" cap, $12.00 No. 364-35 6 Foot Steel Cobb Hickory Bar, with square ends ready to be fitted to any cap, 12.00 No. 3^i4-45 "Standard" 6 Foot Steel Bab, l}a inches diameter, to fit any "Standard" cap, 0.00 I "STANDARD" LOCKING BOLT This Bolt is used to secure all Vaulting Bar posts to the floor, that swing or hoist up. The central bolt holds the post firm and by locking under the post prevents its lifting. It is locked or unlocked by the foot. It is such carefully studied details as this that make "Standard" Apparatus the most ])ractical for use, and convenient to handle. 38 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY IKSTANTANEOUS TURNBUCKLES This turnbuckle is used on all our Bars when quick release is necessary. Figures 1 and 2 show the turnbuckle closed and opened and Figure 3 shows the turnbuckle made to attach to guys having hooks on them. No. 379-1 Instantankous Turnbuckle, Fig. 1, each, No. 379-2 Instantaneous Turnbuckle, Fig. 2, each, No. 379-5 Plain Turnbuckle, each. $2.50 '2..50 .80 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 LUNGE STRAP A strong leather belt having cotton ropes attached to the sides by swivels. No. 540 Lunge Strap, $8.00 SUSPENDED LUNGER Consisting of a Lunge Strap, having the side ropes carried over pulleys on the ceiling to a large single rope, which is held by the instructor. No. 545 Suspended Lunger, $16.00 SAFETY STRAP Used in practicing on the horizontal bar. Made of stiong webbing, lined with soft leather and twisted, right and left, to form a comfortable loop for the wrist. No. 379-12 Safety Strap, per pair. $2.00 BUCKLED SAFETY STRAP The buckle permits easy removal of the sti'ap from the bar. The stiff leather collar protects the bar and prevents binding. No. 379-13 Safety Strap, with buckle, per pair, $S.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 89 u CLIMBING APPARATUS "Stiiiuliud" Olimbiiif? Apparatus is specially desiyiu-d Ibr safety, eoneet size aud duial)le iiuiteiial. All top fasteiiiiifts are made l)y shackles double piuned. We have special fasten- ings for clamping to iron beams, to pipe beams (as shown on this page), or to wooden beams. The proper fastenings will be furnished at the prices quoted. Ropes, poles, etc., are made to the ac- cepted size of one and one-half inches diam- eter or four and oue-half inches circum- ference. Ropes are made with four strands of a .selected long fibre Manilla that wears smooth and is very durable. Italian hemp ropes will be furnished if preferred. Prices on application. CLIMBING ROPE No. 550 Climbing Rope, manilla, 18 feet or less, with knot, $8.00 No. 551 Climbing Rope, manilla, 18 feet or less, no knot, 6.00 KlfOTTED CLIMBING ROPE The kuots are braided around and through the rope, eight inches apart, to form the "rise" and "rest" for the climber. No. 555 Knotted Climbing Rope, ma- nilla, 18 feet or less, with bottom knot, $18.00 BALL ROPE The Ball Rope, or ' ' Rosary " as it is sometimes called, is a climbing rope with balls secured twelve inches apart. The balls are of turned maple. No. 560 Ball Rope, maniUa, 18 feet or less, with bottom knot, $20.00 CLIMBING POLES The "Standard" Climbing Poles are made of selected Oregon Pine, cut follow- ing the grain, filled, finished smooth and shellac' d. No. 570 Climbing Pole, 18 feet or less, 1}^ inch diameter. $5.00 ROPE LADDER The rounds are hickory, the rope pass ing through the ends of the rounds and being secured by a long pin. Experience has proved this fastening to be the strongest and most durable. The rounds are turned of such a size and shape as to fit the hand, and offer the best possible grasp. They are placed eight inches apart. No. 565 Rope Laddeb, 18 feet or less, 6 inches wide, $12.00 t I < V 40 N A R R A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY POSSE INCLINED ROPE Tliis style of Inclined Rope can be quickly loosened and hoisted out of the way, as is shown by the lighter shaded roj^e above. The tightening roi^e, having a downward pull, and passing over double blocks, tightens the climbing rope without over-straining it. No. 554 Posse Inclined Rop:^, 24 feet or less, with block and hoisting fixtures, complete, $18.00 FIXED CLIMBING APPARATUS To hold ropes and poles taut, and prevent their swinging, we insert the strap shown herewitli. The strap may be quickly detached from the floor. No. 553 Vertical Rope, fixed by strap at bottom, No. 571 Vertical Pole, fixed by strap at bottom, TRAVELING ROPE $10.00 8.00 By means of the trolley shown herewith, a rope may be moved just ahead of the climber, on an inclined rope, to jjro- vide for descent at any part of the climb. The rope from the top of the trolley passes up parallel to the climbing rope, over a block and down where it may be held. No. 554A Traveler for Inclined Rope, $20.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 41 m ^HN . 1 • r... ^; '1 < ■ \ ■ ' 1 ■ ' ', < . ^ * \J ^^K' < ^^^^^B' ''' ^^^K r i ^ ^ • ■ 1 / mj No. 557 AUTOMATIC CLIMB This maclnne applies the principle of graduated resistance to climbing, the resistance being from zero to about four luindred pounds. It is strongly and dui-ably made with ample bearing and frictional surfaces. Self-oiling bearings having large detachable oil reservoirs are provided. The frictional adjustment is simple and cannot easily get out of oider. It is brought down to within reach of the floor by a light cord which turns a spindle tliat clamps the friction drum. This spindle has ball bear- ings. The rope is the standard climbing size, one and one-half inches in diameter. No. 557 Automatic Climb, $60.00 SLIDING P(3LE The Sliding Pole is a quick means of descending from the gallery. The "Standard" Sliding Pole is made of polished bi-ass tube, extra heavy, and is secured at the top by braces to the walls. No. 581 Sliding Pole. Brass with japanned iron top and brace, $44.00 SLIDING POLE RAIL This Rail protects the opening and leaves narrow passage at the sides for access to the pole. No. 582 Sliding Pole Rail. Jap- anned iron top, $16.00 SLIDING POLE MAT A Round Mat three feet in diam- eter and three inches thick. It has a hole in the centre opening to the side by a slit and closed by a strap and buckle. No. 973 Sliding Pole Mat. 3 inches felt, covered with white duck, $16.00 42A N A K R AG A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY No. ()0() STANDARD HORSE The Staiu]ii7(l Horse ami Buck were designed to fill the demand for first class apparatns, easy to adjnst, standing firm on large heaAy bases, and easy to move. The mechanical principle nsed in adjusting is simple and safe. There are no frictional or ratchet adjustments. The crank for raising and lowering the horse is placed in the centre and springs up into the horse body when not in use. On the buck the crank lies close to the post and is out of the way. The handles are centrally attached and easily removable leaving only two holes in the body. They are four and one-half inches high, of the open pattern, padded and leather covered. There are four swivel casters with roll bearings, which are thrown into action by pressing a lever and on which the horse or buck can easily be moved in any direction. Each bearing point of the base on the floor is protected by a ' 'Standard' ' leather shoe. The body may be made necked (as illustrated above), or straight. It is covered with the best light-colored, oak-tanned leather. No. 605 Standard Hokse, straight body, ^120.00 No. 606 Standard Horse, necked body, 120.00 No. 625 Standard Buck, 90.00 No. 625 STANDARD BUCK No. 612 HORSE The Horse and Buck shown on this page are built on the lines of the German horse with improve- ments in construction. This form, known as the four-legged, is preferred by many experts ; it stands firm and the base increases as the body is raised. It is covered with first quality leather. The feet hnxe '■ ' Standard ' ' leather shoes. The legs of both Horse and Buck are of large steel tube, telescoping, and arranged so the inner tube cannot turn in the outer. The latch is an improvement over the pin, as it does not project to bruise any one that might strike it, and, being attached to the leg, cannot get lost. Under the latch are castors that come into action when the inner section of the legs are pushed completely in and held up by the latch. The Horse is adjustable from thirty-seven to fifty- seven inches high, and may have a straight or necked body. The Buck has the same method of adjustment. No. 612 Horse, straight body, $70.00 No. 613 Horse, necked body, 70.00 No. 632 Buck, 48.00 The bodies of the above and Standard Horse and Buck are alike, the difference being wholly in the base and legs. The handles aie removable, padded and open, thus affording a good grasp for the hands. They are four and one-half inches high, and have a central attaching bolt, that leaves only one hole in the body for each handle. No. 632 BUCK 44 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY BATTEAIT BOARD Tlie "Standard" Batteau Boards and Bars are made of carefully selected seasoned ash. We liave special facilities for getting the stock best adapted for this purpose. We take great care to give the proper dimensions, curves, etc., to these boards and bars to secure the strength and elasticity necessary to the severe strain to which they are put. The upper half of the lj)oard is covered with rubber cloth glued on. The board is seemed to the bar by leather straps tightened by wedges, and a similar device holds the ends of the bar in the jjedestals. No. 640 Batteau Board, 6x1)4 feet with bar and pedestal complete, $40.00 INCLINED SPRING BOARD A well known form of Spring Board, indispensable in any fairly equipped gymnasinm. We are making it of the best material throughout, using New England ash, grown in the granite hills where it absorbs the strength of the rocks. It is light and can easily be moved to any part of the gymnasium and yet stands firm without fastening. All spring boards are rubber sliod and will be rubl)er covered on the upper end unless otherwise ordered No. 649 Inclined Spbinq Board, 6 feet x 22 inches, $30.00 BEAT BOARD Made of oak, covered with thick e«rk car- pet and lubber shod. No. 662 Beat Board, 30 x 25 inches, $6.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 45 ¥ BOUNCmG SPRING BOARD A Phitform Siting Board, made very strong and substantial to stand the severe strain to which it is subject. The base is made of oalc and the board of selected New England ash. It is very elastic, yet lirni in its bearings and sui^portii. It may be used as director's platform by blocking it from underneath. No. 655 Bouncing Spring Boabd, 8x3 feet, $45.00 No. 656 Bouncing Spking Boabd, 6x2 feet, 35.00 SPRING BEAT BOARD An Elastic Beat Board for use in connection with horse, buck and parallel bars. The elasticity is not great, just enough to avoid the solidity of the ordinary board and to give a slight impetus to the user. No. 663 Sphino Beat Board, 4 feet x 20 inches, $15.00 BALANCE BOARD This boaril is made I shape in section, two inches wide at the edges, the object being to obtain light- ness consistent with the strength and stiffness required. No. 667 Balance Board, 12 feet long, $5.00 46A NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY JUMP STANDS The *'Staudard" Jump Stands have a light spruce post grooved for a sliding pin — as shown in de tail — which can be set at any height but cannot be removed or lost. The feet are distinguished from inches by a different color. The base is of iron, heavy, so it cannot easily be upset, and round with a rounded edge, so it can be rolled along on the floor. No. 670 Jump Stand, 6 feet high, No. 671 Jump Stand, 8 feet high, No. 672 Jump Stand, 10 feet high, $10.00 10.00 12.00 JUMP STAND (-ORD With triangular target and rubber plummets attached, same as furnished with all Jump Stands. No. 670-1 Jump Stand Cokd $2.00 JUMP STICKS Preferred, by some, to the cord and plummets. No. 676 Jump Sticks, one dozen (12) 8 feet long, $3.00 One dozen Jump Sticks will be furnished In place of the cord and plummets, if desired. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 47 ADJUSTABLE JUMP STANDS This Jump Stand is designed especially for Pole Vaulting, although it is well adapted for jumping and other lower work. The iron bases are of the same form, but larger than those used on our ''Standard" Jump Stands; the uprights are made of well-dried maple; the sliding rod has a pin at each end, and the fixed posts are numbered on their opposite sides to correspond with these pins. It is only necessary to adjust one screw to raise the stick to the highest point. There are no metal tubes used in the construction of these stands that are likely to become bent and refuse to slide the first time that stands are upset; and the bases are so large and heavy that there is little danger of upsetting them. No. 674 High Jump Stand, adjustable, 1 to 12 feet, $30.00 POLE VAULTING BOARD This is indispensable for indoor vaulting to protect the floor and pre- vent the spikes from slipping. It is made of small blocks of soft wood placed end up, nailed and glued. The soft wood centre has an oak frame with iron corners and a high back to prevent the spike slipping over. The board is inclined from 2^ inches at the front to 4^ inches at the back, and has rubber feet to prevent its slipping. This form and construction ofiers the best surface for holding the spike, and wears the longest. No. 698 Pole Vaulting Boaed, 24 in. wide, 36 in long, $16.00 SLIDK AND PIN 48 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY VAULTING POLES Years of experience have demonstrated that vaulting poles made from selected sprnce are the lightest and safest. The ''Standard" Vaulting Poles are planed by hand, from the finest spruce obtainable, to sizes that use has proved to be correct for grasp and balance. Si)eciiil attention has been given to the spikes. The socket or cap, that fits the end of the pole, is drawn sheet steel, and the tip that is brazed to it, turned steel, hollowed to make it light. It is light, protects the end of the pole, and is adai)ted for either in or out door work. LIST OF ''STANDARD" VAULTING POLES No. 691, 8 feet, weight 3 i.^ pounds, $3.00 No. 693, 10 feet, weight 4 pounds, 4.00 No. 695, 12 feet, weight 5 pounds, 5.00 No. 697, 14 feet, weight 6 pounds, «.50 No. 699, 16 feet, weight 7 pounds, 8.00 VAULTING POLE RACKS To keep poles straiglit they should be laid on racks, not leaned in a corner. The racks listed below may be screwed on a wood or sheathed wall. For brick walls they should be mounted on strips. Three racks hold a pole. No. 690-2 Vaulting Pole Racks, per set of three, $0.40 No. 690-3 Vaulting Pole Racks, per set of three, mounted on oak, .ttO 'STANDARD" SPIKE LONG JUMP MAT The Long Mat is used to get the "ruu'^ for pole vaulting, high jumps, etc., also to define the scratch line in broad jumps, and for fencing. It is made of corrugated rubber on a cloth back, weighing about three pounds per running foot, and will not slip on the gymnasium floor. No. 677 Long Jump Mat, 36 inches wide, per foot, $0.80 JUMP MAT The Short Jump Mat is made of the same ma- terial as the Long Jump Mat, and is used to indi- cate the scratch line and to prevent slipping. No. 678 Jump Mat, 18x24 inches, each, $0.80 JUMP FRAME Used in children's classes for suc- cessive jumping. No. 680 Jump Frame, $5.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 49 f I e HITCH AND KICK Attachment for Jump Stands. May be used on any "Standard" non-adjustable Jump Stand. No. 740A Hitch and Kick Att., $6.00 HITCH AND KICK Arranged to go on tlie wall under a gallery. The pan is strong leather stitched over an iron rim. A steel chain connects to the index. The figures that indicate the height of the pan are read in the centre of the index, which is held by notches one inch apart. No. 740 Hitch and Kick, $12.00 HITCH AND KICK Attachment for adjustable Jump Stand, No. 674. No. 674A HrrcH And Kick Att., $6.00 60 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY THAYELING RINGS The rings shown above are attached to a pijie beam and provided with onr Rocking Joint ; but means for attaching to wooden beams or ceiling, or iron beams will be furnished at the same i)rice. No. 700 Traveling Rings, with Rope, Rocking Joint, top attachment, etc. complete, each, $6.00 The above price does not include the Pipe Beams. Estimates for them will be furnished when particulars are given. Estimates and sketches showing means for adjusting i-ings or hoisting them out of the way will be made when full information regarding height, dis- tance, etc., are furnished. "STANDARD" RINGS Our "Standard" Rings are an improved stirrup form with oval grasp and round corners. They are made of cast steel and carefully covered with good leather, cemented on so it will not slip. No. 700-1 Standard Ring, without rope, each, $3.00 INCLINED PLANK Indispensable for "starting" on Travel- ing Rings. It is made of oak thoroughly braced and covered with linoleum on the top side to prevent slipping. It should be set with the lower end under the first ring, the inclined surface approximating the sweep of the ring. No. 709 Inclined Plank, $10.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 51 d No. 725 No. 720 No. 729 FLYING RINGS On the pipe clamped to an iron beam, sliowu above, are placed a pair of Adjustable Flying Rings (No. 725), a pair of Plain Flying Rings (No. 720) and a Hoisting Fixture; all as they would be erected in a Gymnasium. ''STANDARD" FLYING RINGS Our seven inch "Standard" Rings (No. 720--2), are connected to the ropes by strong webbing adjusting straps, provided with detachable buckles. At the top our Rocking Joint connects the rope to the pipe clamp, making a joint that will not wear or squeak. No. 720 Flying Rings, adjustable 2% feet (pipe beam not included), $14.00 ADJUSTABLE FLYING RINGS The rings may be lowered near to the floor, and used for a swiug, or hoisted up entirely out of the way. The Pivot Blocks in which the rope swings are bell mouthed, and each has three pulleys to guide the rope and prevent chafing. No. 725 Adjustable FLYma Rings pipe beam not included), $25.00 "STANDARD" RDfGS. Steel Rings, leather covered. Inside measure- ments given. Prices are for rings without ropes. No. 720- 2 7 inch Ring, per pair. No. 720- 3 10 inch Ring, per pair. No. 720- 7 8 inch Ring, with eye, per pair, No. 720- 8 10 INCH Ring, with eye, per pair. No. 720-11 8 INCH Ring, with strap eye, per pair. No. 720-12 10 INCH Ring, with strap eye, per pair. $8.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 No. 720-3 No. 720-8 No. 720-12 62 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY S^ TRAPEZE The above Trapeze bars have all rope connections spliced, and at the top have our "Standard" Rocking Joint as illustrated below. They are shown attached to a pipe beam but any other attachment will be provided at the same jiiice. The Pipe Beams are not included in the following prices. No. 751 Single Tbapeze, with steel bar, ropes, etc., complete, $6.50 No. 745 Double Trapeze, with steel lower and hickory upper bar, ropes, etc., complete, 25.00 ''STANDARD" ROCKING JOINT Patented June 27, 1905. This unique joint was designed for out-door use, but it .so perfectly fulfills its purpose of preventing wear and noise, that we shall use it on all swinging apparatus indoor and out. The Clamp or hanger shown is for pipe, but we have hangers for wood or iron beams. In operation the broad top of the link rocks on the hardened steel roller, held by the bolt jjassing through the lower ends of the bracket, thns avoid- ing the wear that always takes place when a common eye or hook swings in an eye bolt No. 718-1 Rocking Joint, straight, for 2>2 inch pipe, each, No. 718-2 Rocking Joint, cross, for 2}4 inch pipe, each, No. 718-3 Rocking Joint, straight, for 3 inch pipe, each. No. 718-i Rocking Joint, cross, for 3 inch pipe, each, The ''Straight" Joint is shown in the illustration, swing across the pipe as shown in the trapeze. No. 719-1 Rocking Joint, for wood beams, each, $2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 "Cross" Joints $2.50 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 6:^ # yg -o »£a£| FLYING RING ATTACHMENTS These Attachmeuts are very strongly made and easy to change. Kg. 725-1 Trapeze Attachment for No. 725 flying rings, hickory bar, No. 720-17 Tbapeze Attachment for No. 720 flying rings, hickory bar. $2.50 2.»0 No. 725-2 SwiNO Attachment for No. 725 flying rings, oak seat, GIANT STRIDE OR MERRY-GO-ROUND $2.50 Our illustration shows the Pivot and one Rope Ladder Handle. As this Pivot is usually placed where it is difficult of access for oiling, etc., it is liable, as usually constructed, to wear out and fall without warning. The ''Standard" Pivot is made with steel ball bearings. This runs easily and with- out noise; requires no oil, and will wear the longest of any known form. No 730 Giant Stride, with 6 Rope Ladder Handles, $40.00 54 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY LADDERS Regular Side "Stanbard" Side The proportions of this form of ladder side have been This form of side malies a strong stiff ladder, easily carefully chosen to afford the greatest strength grasped by the fingers, and keeping the wrist consistent with a comfortable grip. from rubbing on the lower edge. IIORIZOXTAL AXD PEAK LADDER This fo7'm combines a horizontal with an inclined ladder and being placed in front of the gallery occnpies space not generally re(iuired for other purposes. It does not occupy floor space and is not in the way of class exercises. It can generally be uearly as long as the i-oom, the ends being secured under the euds of the gallery. Sides are "Standard" form. No. 801 Horizontal and Peak Ladder, 4 sections, 52 feet, complete, with all hangers, $100.00 ^mn^mi^Ki^ HORIZONTAL LADDER This is about the ouly form that can be used under galleries or low ceilings, any desired location by means of proper brackets, hangers, etc. No. 803 Horizontal Ladder, "Standard" sides, 16 feet, with hangers, It can be suspended in $36.00 N A R R A (> A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY 55 ^^ INCLINED AND HORIZONTAL LADDER Tliis style of ladder possesses many advantages. The upper sides of the long inclined section can be used for baUincing ; the under side for hand over hand climbing, and the entire section hoisted ont of the way when not needed, as is shown in light outline. The uses of the fixed sections are well known. No. 802 Inclined and Horizontal Ladder, with hangers, $125.00 LADDER AND CHEST BARS A desirable combination for lofty rooms where over head support is difficult. The ladder has our Standard sides and can be used for considerable of the work usually done on over head parallels. No. 803-4 Ladder and Chest Bars, 16 foot ladder, $50.00 We illustrate herewith a few of the most popular styles of ladders. We have a great variety of hangers, brackets, hinges, etc., adajited for varying conditions, and will be pleased to submit sketches for any desired situation. All ladders will be eighteen inches inside width, with rungs twelve inches apart when horizontal, and ten inches when inclined, unless otherwise ordered. 66 N A U R A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY r^ " 6TAXDAKD " ADJUSTABLE LADDER This is the most desirable ladder for general use. It can be used by both sexes of all ages, and when not in use folds up close to the wall. It consists of a vertical ladder, sixteen feet long, secured to the wall, gallery, or other means of suppoit ; an adjustable section, made of spruce for lightness, fifteen feet long ; and a short foot ladder, seven feet high, to support one end of the adjustable section. The adjustable section has leather covered hooks at both ends. One end can be rested on any of the rounds of the vertical ladder at any height. The oflier end may rest on the floor, forming an inclined ladder for balance climbing, etc., or it may be placed on any of the rounds of the short foot ladder. No. 813 Adjustable Ladder, including foot ladder, $S0.00 Ko. 814 Adjustable Ladder, no foot ladder, 30.00 The outer end of the adjustable section may be supported on a vaulting bar. " STANDARD " AUTOMATIC LADDER This Ladder is designed to embrace all the advantages of the ''Standard" Adjustable Ladder, with somewhat greater ease of handling. The wall end of the adjustable section is counter balanced by weights that run on the sides of the wall ladder, and has an automatic latch that secures it at any lieight. Sizes are the same as No. 81.3. No. 815 Automatic Ladder, with foot ladder, $70.00 No, 816 Automatic Ladder, no foot ladder, 00.00 See Page 93A N A R R A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY BALANCE SWmG Also called See-Saw and Teeter Ladder. It is one of the most valuable and enjoyable pieces of apparatus for ladies and children who need to be tempted by the pleasure of the exercises to use any overhead ap- paratus. The "Standard" Balance Swinj;- has a pipe central part on which the ladder is adjust- able for height and around which it may rotate when the pin is below the collar on the post. No. 826 Balance Swing, $30.00 LADDERS These ladders, made the same as shown opposite, may be adopted for use on vault- ing bars. No. 825-1 Ladder, 10 feet long, $12.00 ROMAN LADDERS These Ladders are used ejitirely for pyra- mids, grouping, etc. They are light and strong, and smaller at the top than at the base. The top handle is large and ejisy to grasp from any direction. The "Standard" Roman Ladders have an oak base. The laddeis are of selected spruce, giving the greatest strength for the weight. The handles are malleable iron, and the feet have points that fit holes in the base so the ladders cannot slip. No. 827 Roman Ladders and Base, $40.00 68 N A R R A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY STANDARD PARALLEL BAR In this Parallel Bar we have coiideiised the experience of fifteen years. It is instantly adjustable, for both height and width, without tools. The adjustments are easily made, are safe, and cannot get out of order. The Vertical Adjustment is our improved pin latch, shown ou the next page, and the Horizontal Adjustment a clamp hand wheel, as shown at the right. ''Stiindard" Heavy Swivel Casters, with roll bearing rollers, as shown at the left, arranged to be thrown into action by a latch are provided, by which the bar;; are easily nlo^'ed, and leather feet prevent scratching of the floor. The bars ai'c secured to the j)Osts by improved connections. They may be set level or inclined. AH parts are iron except the bars, which are selected hickory. They are adjustable from three and one-half to fi' e feet ia height, and from fifteen to twenty inches between bars when down and twelve to seventeen inches when up. No. 841 "Standard" Parallel Bar, 8 feet, $75.00 No. 842 "Standard" Parallel Bar, 10 feet, 80.00 No. 843 "Standard" Parallel Bar, 12 feet, 85.00 No care or expense has beer, spared to make this bar mechanically perfect. It is a high grade gymnasium machine, in which all joints are strongly made and carefully fitted. f N A II R A G A N S E T T MACHINE COMPANY 59 SCHOOL PAKAI-LEL BAR Tliis bai' is a modification of our "Standard" Parallel Bar, to provide a lighter and less expensive piece of apparatus. The base is of oak, and has rollers that when thrown into action enable the bar to be easily moved. Quick adjustment, for height only, is provided. The bars may beset at any desired width. Light, firm, easy to move or adjust — this is the ideal School Parallel Bar. No. 846 Paballbl Bak, 8 feet, No. 847 Parallel Bar, 10 feet, $30.00 53.00 BAR DETAILS The Post Joint and Latch here illustrated are used on our "Standard" and School Par- allel Bars. The Post Joint holds the bar securely to the post, and permits the bar to bend. The bar is held on the top part of the joint by the two screws shown. The two pins enter the under side of the bar, hold it straight and prevent undue strain coming on the screws. Tliis joint does not weaken the bar, will not wear into it, and does not require holes on the top of the bar. The Latch shown on the right side holds the bar positively and securely at different heights. Raising the lever draws out the pin and ad- mits of the bar being raised or lowered. When the lever is pressed down the pin will snap into one of the holes in the top sections of the bar leg. 60 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY FIXED PARALLEL BAR This Parallel Bar has been designed to meet tlie demand for a first-cliiss non-adjustable bar. The end bases are iron, v^ery heavy and strong, with the ends tapered and flattened out so as to let a mat lie smoothly over them; they are oval between the uprights. The legs or uprights are of selected ash, as are the side bases. There are three leather feet under each end base that enable the bar to stand firmly and prevent scratching the floor. All corners are rounded, and there are no projecting bolts, nuts or sharp points. For gymnasium use, where a bar does not have to be adjusted or moved often, this bar will fill all requirements. No. 831 Fixed Paballel Bar, 8 feet, $35.00 ; No. 882 Fixed Parallel Bab, 10 feet, 37.50 No. 883 Fixed Parallel Bar, 12 feet, 40.00 YAULTI^G PARALLEL BAR This bar, sometimes called the Hand Spring Bar, is used for hand springs, shoulder rolls, hand stands, vaulting, etc. Much of the work done on the parallel bars can be done with greater safety on these. No. 865 Vaitlting Parallel Bar, 30 inches long, 24 inches high, $12.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY Gl REGULAK PARALLEL BAR This bar is the result of much study aud experiment to produce a good bar at a low price. The bars are of selected hickory, made the same as our "Standard" Bars; the legs are of hard wood. The cast brackets which secure them to the base are strong and of a neat design. All corners of both wood and iron are carefully rounded. These bars are all made five feet high, and with rails eighteen inches apart, centre to centre, unless otherwise ordered. In ordinary exercises, this bar does not need to be secured to the floor. No. 851 REGUI.AB Parallel Bab, 8 feet, $22.50 No. 852 Eegular Parallel Bak, 10 feet, $25.00 LOW PARALLEL BARS A useful and safe piece of apparatus for learning many parallel bar feats. Made strong and substan- tial with rounded corners. No. 864 Low Parallel Bar, 7 feet long, 15 inches high, $10.00 62 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY ■im SUSPENDED PARALLEL BAR This adaptation of tlie Parallel Bar is deservedly" popular. It is easiest placed under a gallery. If the support is over ten feet high, guys to hold the hangers firm are necessary. The bar may be secured in front of a gallery or in any desired position, by special hangers. The hangers shown above are made of malleable iron and wrought iron pipe, and are designed to give as much head and shoulder room as possible while leaving the top side of the bars clear for hand walks, jumps, etc. The joints are the same as shown for School and Standard Par- allels. No. 871 Suspended Paeallel Bar, 8 feet, ^30.00 No. 872 Suspended Parallel Bar, 10 feet, 32.50 No. 873 Suspended Parallel Bar, 12 feet, 35.00 INSTEUCTOES' PLATFOEM This Platform is seven feet long and six wide. It is made of North Carolina pine, natural finish and is arranged to fold up against the wall, the outer feet folding down as shown in the phantom of the platform turned up. No. 896 Instructors' Platform, 6x7 feet, $40.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 63 STKIKING BAG DKUM Tlie heavy, rope suspended, Striking Bag Drum has, after years of use, proven to be the best adapted for gymnasium practice. The weiglit of the drum keeps the ropes taut and their arrangement in triangles pre\'ents tlie swaying of the drum. The Aibrations of the drum, m hich are small on account of its weight, are not transmitted to the ceiling or other means of support. The drum is strongly made of hard pine with an oak moulding bent around the edges. Ceiling boards, ropes and special clips, for attaching, are all provided. No. 895 Rope Suspended Drum, 4>^ feet in diameter, with all fixtures, except bag, $20.00 SOLID DRUM This drum is the same size and construction as above, except that it may be supported from overhead by pipe braces (No. 893), or from a wall by brackets (894). No. 893 Drum, with pipe brace, complete except bag, $20.00 No. 894 Drum, with brackets, complete except bag, 20.00 STRIKING BAG A bag for severe general use, made of selected Cordovan, with welted seams, double stitched on each side. First quality rubber bladder. No. 97 X Striking Bag, each. No. 7 AS Rubber Bladder, each, $6.00 1.60 64 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY MORRIS HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM, NEW YORK CITY GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT The proper equipment of a Gymnasium includes the installing of the apparatus in a neat and sub- stantial manner. As the buildings are often constructed without any provision for the erection of the Equipment it is necessary to put up pipe beams or other means on which to secure and adjust such apparatus as ropes, poles, etc. We have designed for this purpose special fittings or clamps for attaching pipe beams to either Iron or Wood roof trusses, etc., and for suspending apparatus from pipe beams, iron beams, or wood construction. These Clamps or fastenings are of malleable and wrought iron, neat in appearance, easy to adjust, and very reliable. The above illustration shows an application of these fittings. Longitudinal pipes are secured to the roof trusses and to these are fastened cross pipes to which the apparatus is attached. Means are provided for hoisting ropes, rings, etc., out of the way. The Mats are handled on a large truck. All heavy floor apparatus is provided with casters. The outfit is a typical High School Equipment, jirovision being made for class floor Mork on heavy apparatus, four sets of Bucks, Horses, Parallel Bars, Vaulting Bars and Swedish Boxes being provided. At each end of the room are Booms having two bars arranged to raise and lower or adjust separately. Stall Bars are placed at the sides and Clubs and Bells on the end walls. The Morris High School has two Gymnasiums, that for the boys being shown above. The school has 2,000 pupils. , We furnish to Architects, Directors, Building Committees, etc., plans showing the arrangement of apparatus and estimates of complete equipments, erected in place ready for use. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 65 VAULTING BOX The Vaulting Box is made of light, stroug wood, and has four litis for the adjustiueut of height. Each of these lifts has long, hard wood tenons to hold the lift above, iron corner plates, and is braced inside. The top lift or box is padded on the top with hair felt and covered' with leather specially pre- pared to prevent slipping. The top lift is twenty-five inches high, and each under lift adds eight inches to the height, making the total height forty-nine inches. No. 900 Vaulting Box, with three underlifts, $44.00 SWEDISH BOOMS On the following pages will be found the latest improvements in this valuable piece of apparatus. By an improved cap, illustrated on a succeeding page, we are enabled to make the posts of steel tube, which is strong, compact and not liable to twist and bind the bar. The Caster and Locking Bolt illustrated on this page, having pivoted ''Standard" roll bearing rollers same as are used on parallel bars, will swing easily on an arc without dragging. The central Locking Bolt, shown in phantom, locks or unlocks the bottom of the post by a touch of the toe. Either the plain or balanced Swing Boom can be swung under a (piite low gallery and for ease of handling have no equals. 66 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY SWINGING BOOM OK HOEIZONTAL BAR The Boom shown above has one post bracketed from the wall, forming a pivot upon which the boom may be swung back to the wall like a gate. The other post has casters, that permit easy movement, and is secured to the floor by a central locking bolt. It is also braced by guys, one of which having an in- stantaneous turnbuckle permits of a quick dettichment from the floor. The Bar and Heaving Board are our ' 'Standard" Patterns, twelve feet long, and provided with our "Standard" Boom Caps that permit the bars to be taken out, reversed, or changed about from upper to lower. This Cap holds the bar up by a pin and is clamped tight by a hand screw. No. 910A Swinging Sooh, complete, $80.00 "STANDARD" SWEDISH BARS The "Standard" Swedish Bar and Heaving Board are made from carefully selected white pine to approved forms that have been drawn with great care to secure proper strength and desirable edges to work on. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 67 BALANCED SWINGING BOOM In this style Boom the bars are balanced so they are easily raised aud lowered. The bars have our ' 'Stiindard' ' boom caps that permit changing or reversing of the bars. The pivot post is bracketed to the wall, and the outer post is secured at the bottom by a locking bolt, and at the top by guys. An instantaneous turnbuckle provides for quick and easy adjustment of the guys. The post and connecting brace across the top being iron, very compact in design, enables this boom to be swung under a low ceiling or gallery, and avoids all trouble formerly experienced with wooden posts due to shrinking or swelling. No. 912A Balanced Swinging Boom, $160.00 "STAIfDAED" BOOM CAP It is always desirable to be able to turn a Swedish Bar over, and to remove one bar or change the bars from top to bottom, or vice versa. All these features are secured by this cap, and in addition means are provided for clamping the bar in the cap, and the sleeve to the post. The hand wheel at the left tightens the sleeve on the post, and the knob in its centre operates the pin on Miiich the bar rests. The knob at the right tightens the caps on the ends of the bar. 68 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY BALANCED BOOM This Boom may be advantageously placed under a gallery. The bars are balanced by weights in the box on the wall, which are connected to the booms by the wire ropes shown under the gallery. When not in use the bais may be pushed up and the posts swung under them as shown in phantom lines, til us getting them well out of the way. The Boom C'aps are our latest improved ''Standard" as shown on the preceding page, and the Locking Bolt same as used for Vaulting Bars described on page 37. % No. 913A BAiiANCiJD Boom, $175.00 BOOM SADDLE This desirable attachment for the Boom is matle of white pine, very light, and is provided with a latch and hand screw that clamps it firmly to the bar. Three saddles are generally used on a twehe foot or four on a sixteen foot bar. No. 915 "Standard" Boom Saddlk, $15.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 69 STALL BARS Stall Bars (or Rib Stools) may be placed along a gymnasium wall, as many in a line as the space will permit. Each stall or sec- tion occupies three feet. The "Standard" Stall bars are made of North Carolina pine with polished maple bars, round in sec- tion. No. 920 Stall Babs, per stall in sections of two or more, $8.00 STALL BAR BENCHES These benclies are made of white wood, strongly braced and have rounded corners. The feet aie as wide as tlie top and in- cline outward, even with the ends, making the bencli stable in any position. No. 927 Stall Bar Bench. $.'J.»)0 PADDED BENCHES Tliis is the No. 927 Bench, padded with one inch' of hair felt, and covered with brown duck. No. 928 Stall Bak Bench, padded, $4.00 The benches may be put iip in the open space of the stall bars when not in use (see cut of horizontal ladder). 70 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY HORIZONTAL LADDER The above illustration is made from a photograph of a ladder installed ia the Teachers' College, New York City. It shows a ladder suspended by three rope tackles from a pipe beam, which is secured to the roof trusses. The ropes pass down back of the gallery to the wall beneath. The ladder is also stayed at the bottom by straps. The Horizontal Ladder has a stronger frame than the vertical ladder and has a central side support. It can also be used as a vertical ladder if necessary. No. 932 "Standard" Horizontal Swedish Ladder, $40.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 71 VERTICAL LADDER This ladder being made specially for Vertical Work has the sides rounded and reduced to nearly the diameter of the rounds, thus adapting them for ser- pentine work. The sides are of Oregon pine and the rounds of maple. Special pains are taken to round all corners and smoothly finish the entire ladder. When made nine spaces high as shown above, the supporting beam or pipe should be eighteen fe^t from the floor. Shorter ladders made to order. No. 931 "Standard" Vertical Swedish Ladder, $40.00 APPARATUS FOE MEDICAL GYMNASTICS We make such apparatus as Plinths, Massage Tables, Booms, Eib-Stools, etc., for Medical and Orthopedic Gymnastics, including the apparatus advised by Dr. Anders Wide in his handbook. Illus- trations and prices are given in our Catalogue of Med- ical and Anthropometric Apparatus which will be sent on application. GYMNASIUM PLINTH. 72 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY SWEDISH CLIMBING APPARATUS The Rope Ladder and Pole are especially Swedish. Other climbing apparatus is the same as previously de- scribed. ROPE LADDER This ladder has maple rounds with their ends worked into the side ropes. Each side rope is secured separately at both top and bottom ; the bottom fastening being a strap that can be tightened. No. 940 Swedish Rope Ladder, 18 feet or less, $20.U(> CLIMBING POLE Made of Oregon Pine two and one-half inches in di- ameter. If desired, the strap shown on page 40 can be attadied at the bottom to prevent swinging. No. 945 Swedish Climbing Pole, 18 feet or less, 2>^ inches diameter, $H.OO Same With Foot Strap, 12.00 CLIMBING ROPE Our "Standard" Climbing Rope is made with four strands of selected long fibre Manilla. It will wear smooth and is very durable. Italian Hemp ropes will be furnished if desired. Prices on application. No. 551 Climbing Rope, Manilla, 18 feet or less, no knot, $(!.00 Same With Foot Strap, 10.00 POSSE INCLINED ROPE This style of Inclined Rope can be quickly loosened and hoisted out of the way, as is shown on page 40. No. 554 Posse Inclined Rope, 24 feet or less, with block and hoisting fixtures, complete, $18.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 78 GYMNASIUM MATS The ''Standard" Felt Mats are made of two layers of one-inch hair felt, best grade, covered with No. 6 Soft White Duck, with the top side reinforced by burlap. The edges are all built up square and the corners rounded. The handles are made of duck strongly sewed to the reinforced edge of the mat and lying so close that they avoid all possible chance of catching the feet. They are so placed that two mats may be lashed together for tumbling, etc. This mat is hand-sewed with wax thread, closely tufted, and will stsmd years of hard use. "Standard" two inch Mats, two inches thick, No. 6 Soft White Duck, hand sewed, etc. Sizes kept in stock as follows- No. 981 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 3x5 feet, $9.00 No. 982 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 5x5 feet, 15.00 No. 983 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 5x7 feet, 21.00 No. 984 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 6 x 10 feet, 30.00 No. 985 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 5 x 15 feet, 45.00 No. 986 "Standard" Mats, 2 inches, 5 x 20 feet, 60.00 2 INCH "Standard" Mats, to order, per square foot, $0.fiO 3 INCH "Standard" Mats, to order, per square foot, ,70 4 INCH "Standard" Mats, to order, per square foot, .80 PARALLEL BAR MATS For Parallel Bars, at the sides, two-inch mats thiee feet wide are used. They a?'e generally one foot .shorter than tlie bars. At the ends a three by five mat may be used. No. 962 Side Mat, 3x7, for 8 foot bar, $12.00 No. 963 Side Mat, 3x9, for 10 foot bar, 1(>.2(> No. 964 Side Mat, 3 x 11, for 12 foot bar, 1».80 COMBINATION MATS These are made the same as "Standard" mats, except that they are hinged on one edge, so they may be folded together making of two 5 x 10 x 2 inch mats eitlier a 10x10 wrestling mat or a r»x1()x4 incli mat. No. 969 Combination Mat, $(i5.00 SLIDING POLE MAT For .sliding poles in corners of gymnasiums. Round, with a hole in the centre, and .slit from one side closed by a stiap and buckle. See illustration of Sliding Pole. No. 973 Sliding Pole Mat, 3-inch felt, No. 6 White Duck, $10.00 WRESTLING MAT Made in one piece, 16 feet square, 2 inches thick, of No. G Wliite Duck, m ith handles, etc. No. 975 Wrestling Mat, $150.00 Our "Standard" two-inch mats can be strapped together at the corners to form wrestling mats. MAT COVERS Made to be filled with hay or any cheap material for tumbling mats. They lace uj) on one side and have a flap that prevents dust working out from the filling. No. 979 Mat Cover, 5 x 10 feet, 8 inches thick, $20.00 Any other sizes made to order. Prices quoted on application. JAPANESE HAIR MATS Mats of this material have proved elastic and durable. They are usually made from six to t^^n inches thick. We Mill quote prices on application. 74 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY INDIAN CLUBS "STANDARD" MODEL This model represents the latest development in clubs, 1. e., a low weighted, slow swinging club. They are turned from seasoned maple to carefully designed forms, by machinery that produces exact dujjlicates, thus securing uniform sizes, weight and balance. No. 1001 % Pound Clubs, selected, per pair, $0.45 No. 1002 % Pound Clubs, selected, per pair, .46 No. 1003 1 Pound Clubs, selected, per pair, .50 No. 1005 \% Pound Clubs, selected, per pair, .65 No. 1007 2 Pound Clubs, selected, per pair, .60 NOTE: — Selected Clubs are free from knots and cracks. They are hand polished with shellac, the only finish that will not become sticky with use. Culls, or seconds, are such clubs as will not pass as selected but have no defects that injure them. They are sold at half price. SCHOOL MODEL This model has the weight still lower than the "Standard," and is consequently slower. They are used exclusively iu the public schools of Greater New York. No. 1061 % Pound, selected, per pair, $0.60 No. 1062 % Pound, selected, per pair, .60 No. 1064 1 Pound, selected, per pair, .75 LIVERPOOL MODEL A club modeled on English lines, some- times called sceptres. On account of their great length of handle, they are very slow and well adapted for beginners. No. 1067 1)^ Pound, 20 inches long, per pair, $1.80 No. 1068 \yi Pound, 25 inches long, per pair, 2.00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 76 No. 1076 No. 1077 No. 1079 EXHIBITION MODEL No. 1078 No. 1076 No. 1076 Exhibition Model, plain, No. 1077 Exhibition Model, ornamented, No. 1078 Exhibition Model, ornamented. No. 1079 Exhibition Model, ornamented, All ebonized, (black) finish. These clubs are a good form for fancy swinging, and are well adapted for prizes or presentations. $2.60 No. 1077X Cut Designs, with pins, $1.00 6.00 No. 1078X Cut Designs, with pins, 1.25 7.00 No. 1079X Cut Designs, with pins, 1.30 8.00 No. 1081-1 Nickeline and pattern and pins for one pair of clubs, .50 CHAUTAUQUA MODEL This is a hollow light club, weight nine to ten ounces, with the weight low, making it swing slowly. All ebonized (black) finish. The oval base does not catch on clothing, and is a decided novelty in appearance. This club is a favorite for fancy swinging, and may be ornamented same as No. 1076, at the same advance in prices. No. 1073 Flat Base, per pair, $2.00 No. 1074 Oval Base, per pair, 2.00 ANDERSON MODEL A popular club for class work. Made of white wood to secure bulk and lightness. They are finished in two ways, natural and ebonized. The natural finish is a lathe polish with shellac. The ebon- ized finish is a dull black, well adapted for ornamenting. The Men's Model weighs about twenty- four ounces and the Ladies Model fourteen ounces. No. 1051 Men's Model, ebonized, $1.50 No. 1052 Men's Model, natural finish, 1.00 No. 1053 Ladies' Mod- el, ebonized, 1.25 No. 1054 Ladies' Mod- el, natural finish, .80 (0 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY .1 DUMB-BELLS 2 Lb. 1% Lb. 1 Lb. % Lb. VsLb "STANDARD" MODEL DUMB BELLS The "Standard" Dumb Bells have been carefully designed to meet the requirements of gynniasiiuii exercise. The handles are large and smooth with rounded coiners, and the heads are shaped to stand the most severe use. They are carefully turned of selected maple and finished in lathe polish only, and are as near the weight given as the wood will run. "Standard" Dumb-Bells. Select^l "Standard" Model, lathe polished, maple. No. 1102 "Standard" Dumb-Bell, selected, weight '.^ pound, per pair, No. 1103 "Standard" Dumb-Bell, selected, weight ^^ pound, per pair, No. 1104 "Standard" Dumb-Bell, selected, weight 1 pound, per pair. No. 1106 "Standard" Dumb-Bell, selected, weight 1'., pounds, per pair. No. 1108 "Standard" Dumb-Bell, selected, weight 2 pounds, per pair, $0.40 .45 .50 .55 .05 Selected Bells are IVee from imiierfections. Culls ai'e tlio.se li:i\ing kiu)ts or stains that do not injure them for use ; they are sold at half price. WOOD HANDLE IRON DUMB BELLS A popular style ofbell on account of the wood handles which do not chill or .soil the hand.s, and the compact weight which gives an energetic action possessed by no other bells. The three-quarter pound bell (.see illustration) was especially designed for school use. light, snappy bell, much liked by little ones. No. 1170 Wood Handle Dumb-Bells, weight ^^ pound, per pair. No. 1172 Wood Handle Dumb-Bells, weight 2 pounds, per pair. No. 1173 Wood Handle Dumb-Bells, weight 3 pounds, per pair, No. 1174 Wood Handle Dumb-Bells, weight 4 pounds, per pair, $0.60 .80 1.00 1,20 It is a NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 77 "STANDARD" CLUB AND BELL HOOKS A liook with well rounded corners, thai will liold JJells, Clubs, or Bar-Bells. They are liirnished either with serews to be secured to iiiiy wood woik, or mounted on oak strii)S neatly finished as shown. No. 1145 "Standard" Hooks^ with screws, per pair, No. 1145-M "Standard" Hooks, mounted on oak, per pair. $0.1(> "STANDARD" LOCKING RACK. This rack secures the apparatus so it cannot be used without supervision. These racks aie fuinished in sets of ten or more pairs to each lock, mounted on oak strips, as shown, at the prices quoted. They can also be mounted on lacks, to hold ten or twelve dozen pairs of clubs and bells, provided with casters so they can be easily moved. No. 1146 "Standard" Locking Rack, per pair, including locls, in lots of 10 pairs. $0.60 This view of the under side of our "Standard" Locking Rack shows the mechanism and how it is operated. Under each hook is a pivoted lever, having a bent arm that when closed secures whatever is in the liook, and when opened as is shown in phantom, re- leases it. These levers are all connected at their lower ends to a flat rod that runs the entire length of the rack, and is operated by the finger lever shown, and secured in its closed position by the lock. *=^. f > 78 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY |^==f4Hj^fe/\^^ nr f lV : MUSICAL DUMB-BELL The Musical Dumb-Bell consists of two pairs of brightly nickeled bells connected by a i)olished hard wood handle. Each pair of bells is arranged to hold a clapper or sounder which does not ring the bells until they are forcibly turned or shaken. The bells have a sweet, clear tone. Children are charmed with thcni. r Musical Dumb-Bells. One pair packed in a strong box, with Primer of exercises, $0.64 IRON DUMB-BELLS Plain cast iron dumb-bells, finely japanned, correct forms. Handles to fit the hand and long enough (even on the smallest bells) for the largest hands. Our dumb-bells are cast of the best gray machinery iron, are extra smooth, and do not require wrought iron handles. No. 1151 Iron Dumb-Bells, 1 pound, cast hollow, per pair, $0.24 Iron Dumb-Bells, 2 pounds and upwards, per pound, ,08 We have the following weights: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90 and 100 pounds. RACKS FOR HOLDING IRON DUMB-BELLS No. 1150-1 Rack for 5 pair of from 3 to 6 lb. bells, $1.20 No. 1150-2 Rack for 4 pair of from 4 to 15 lb. bells, 1.20 No. 1150-3 Rack for 3 pair of from 20 to 30 lb. bells, 1.20 No. 1150-4 Rack for 2 pair of from 35 to 60 lb. bells, 1.20 No. 1150-5 Rack for 3 bells, 60 to 100 lbs. each, 1.20 All the above racks made of maple, thirty-six inches long, are to be placed npright on walls, are neat in appearance, strong and durable. One to three lb. iron bells may be held in Indian club racks. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 79 BAR-BELLS 'STANDAED" BAR-BELLS The ''Standard" Bar-Bells have pear-shaped maple bells, and lathe polished selected straight grained handles. No. 1251 "Standard" Bar-Bell, 4 feet 8 inches long, each, $0.40 wmm IRON BAR-BELLS Iron Bar-Bells have japanned iron balls, ash bars, and are five feet long over all. No. 1261 Iron Bar-Bells, 2 pound, 5 feet long, each. No. 1262 Iron Bar-Bells, 3 pound, 5 feet long, each. No. 1263 Iron Bar-Bells, 4 pound, 5 feet long, each, No. 1264 Iron Bar-Bells, 5 pound, 5 feet long, each, $0.60 .70 .80 .90 ADJUSTABLE BAR-BELL The "Standard" Adjustable Bar- Bell consists of a bar provided with adjustable flanges having latches and end nuts. The adjustable flanges are set for any weight, by dropping the latch into holes in the bar. When the weight discs are in place the latch cannot be loosened. The bar, latch discs and nuts weigh ten pounds, which is the minimum weight of the bar-bell. There are eleven discs weighing five pounds each for each end of the bar. These when put on in pairs add ten pounds to the weight, making the range from ten to one hundred and twenty pounds. When the discs are in place they are held snug at the ends of the bars by the nuts, hence for any weight the weights are at the ends of the bar. No. 1268 Adjustable Bar-Bell, weight 120 pounds, $16.00 80 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY WANDS The "Stiiudar^ feet x 1 inch, per dozen, $1.60 No. 1206 Short Wand, 3 feet x IJ^ inches, per dozen, $1.60 JAPANNED IRON WANDS No. 1230 Iron Wand, 3 feet x % inch. Weight 2 pounds. No. 1231 Iron Wand, 4 feet x % inch. Weight 4 pounds. No. 1232 Iron Wand, i% feet x % inch. Weight 7 pounds, $0..35 .44 .64 NICKELED STEEL WANDS No. 1235 Steel Wand, 3 feet x % inch. Weight 2 pounds. No. 1236 Steel Wand, 4 feet x % inch. Weight 4 pounds, No. 1237 Steel Wand, 4>^ feet x % inch. Weight 7 pounds, $0.60 .80 1.25 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 81 WAND RACKS HOKfZONTAL WAND RACK This style nick will hold several dozeu wauds, according to their size. The wauds are thrown in as the chiss passes by and will lie straight as they fall. In taking the wands there is always one on the front edge of the bundle ready to grasp. It will hold forty one inch, or fifty three- quarter inch wands. No. 1201-1 Wand Racks, horizontal per pair, $1.00 No. 1201-2 Wand Racks, mounted on an oak board, per pair, 2.00 LO(^KIN(l WAND RACK One end of this rack has a hinged cap that can be locked, thus ])ieventing use of the wands without supervision. The ends are lined inside with thick leather. No. 1201-3 Wand Rack, locking, each, j|!12.00 .^'■■ WAND BOXES BOX FOR STEEL WANDS Strongly made of oak with panelled sides. The top is perforated for seventy wands. The wands strike on a thick padded bottom. No. 1201-9 Wand Box, for steel wands, ^12.00 BOX FOR WOOD WANDS Made of oak with panelled sides and l)added bottoUi. Will hold one hundred and fifty Mauds. No. 1201-8 Wand Box, for wood wands, $6.00 ^a^'^'g-y H-2 N A R R A (J A N S E T T M A C II I N I-: COMPANY dk POLES For pole exercises, iiuide of selected pine or spruce. Finished same as wauds. No. 1278 Pole, 1>4 inches diameter, 12 feet long, each, $0.60 RINGS Made of three i)ieces of luajile glued together, lathe polished. No. 1301 Rings, 5 inch inside diameter, Ji inch thick, per pair, $0.00 No. 1301-1 Ring Rack for 12 rings, .40 tf«^ BALLS Carefully selected of the i)roper weight and elasticity for ball drills. Each ball is separately inflated and sealed inside. No. 1341 Drill Ball, 2 '4 inches diameter, weight 2,' 2 ounces, per dozen, $5.00 BEAX BAGS Specially adapted for school drills. They are made of strong striped awning duck, loosely filled to catch easily. No. 1350 Bean Bags, 7 inches square, per dozen, $2.00 FENCING APPARATUS FOIL HOOKS. A conveuient method of hauging up a foil. No. 1659 Foil Hook. Japanned. Per Pair, $0.30 No. 1069 Foil Button. Per Pair, $0..>0 No. 1627 No. 1626 GLOVES. No. 1626 Fencinu Glove, for Foils. Buckskin. Not padded. Per pair, $1 ..50 No. 1627 Fencing Glove, for Foils. Tan-colored Kid, padded, witii Patent-leather gauntlet. Per pair, $3.00 PLASTRONS. No. 1620 Plastron, for Foils. Fine Chamois, pad- ded, with target. Per pair, $.'> .00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO,, Providence, R. I., U. S. A. F. 7.1.2M. U. RENCING APPARATUS FOILS. J No. 1651 Fencing Foil. Long, curved, cord-wound handle, regulation 34-inch blade. Per pair, $2 .00 SINGLE STICKS. No. 1641 Single Stick. Hickory with willow basket hilts. Per pair, $1 .20 No. 1612 Single Stick. Hickory >tick only. Perjpair, $0.60 MBjmt:9mn"mn"'fffr^\vruiv No. 1611 No. 1612 No. 1613 MASKS. Fiue mesh, well padded, tiinimed with red leather. No. 1611 Mask. Face Guard only. Per pair, $2 .."iO No. 1612 Mask. Ear and Face Guard. Per pair, $3 .(H) No. 1613 Mask. Forehead, Ear and Face Guard. Per pair, $3.."»0 No. 1618 Mask Rack, for three pairs of masks. Japanned iron brackets and wood racks. $3 .00 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO., Providence, R. L, U. S. A. GRACE HOOPS WOOD HOOPS Made of bent wood with the ends glued to prevent splintering. They are stained red, filled, rubbed smooth and varnished. No. 1326 Grace Hoops, wood, 24 inch, each, $0.30 lEON HOOPS Designed to have sufficient weight to^make the exercise valuable. Made of iron and covered with webbing wound and cemented on. No. 1321 Gbacb Hoop, iron, 24 inch, each, $1.00 Grace Hoops may be hung on No. 1301-1 Ring Rack or on the locking rack illustrated, which holds one dozen hoops. ' ; No. 1326-1 Geace Hoop Locking Rack, each, $6.00 ANDERSON FOILS Costing less than stefTl foils, they may be used for the same purpose, and are also desirable for a modified broadsword drill. The blades are made from straight grained hickory, and are very durable. The hilts are turned from maple to form a handle and guard. New blades are easily inserted. No. 1401 Anderson Foils, per pair, $0.fi0 No. 1401-1 Anderson Foil Blades, per pair, .30 No. 1401-2 Racks for Anderson Foils, mounted, per pair, .25 DRILL GUNS These guns are made of oak with black bariels and natural finish stocks. No. 1426 Drill Gun, 46 inch, each $0.50 No. 1426-1 Drill Gun Rack, for twelve guns, each, 4.00 MEDICINE BALLS Calf skin covered, cover sewed and filled, opening laced. Size given is circumference. No. 1732 Medicine Ball, 30 inch, 4 lbs., $4.50 No. 1733 Medicine Ball, 36 inch, 6 lbs., 6.00 No. 1734 Medicine Ball, 42 inch, 8 lbs., 7.50 No. 1735 Medicine Ball, 48 inch, 11 lbs., 9.00 LACED COYER BALLS A strong leather cover laced over a light sewed cover, as shown in illustration. Wears well. No. 1736 Medicine Ball, laced cover, 30 inch, $(>.oO No. 1737 Medicine Ball, laced cover, 36 inch, 8.00 No. 1738 Medicine Ball, laced cover, 42 inch, 10.00 No. 1739 Medicine Ball, laced cover, 48 inch, 14.00 No. 1730-1 Medicine Ball Rack, 1.50 No. 1730-2 Medicine Ball Rack, mounted, 2.00 INDOOR SHOT This shot consists of a heavy duck inner bag, wound with canvas, having an inner leather cover sewed on and a thick leather outer cover laced on. The shot is slightly larger than when made with single elk skin covering, and will stand much harder use. No. 1755 Shot, 12 pound, laced cover, No. 1756 Shot, 16 pound, laced cover. $8.00 9.00 TOE BLOCK For indoor shot '^i)utting." Made to regula- tion dimensions. No. 1793 Toe Block, for indoor shot. $4.00 FOLl>ING HURDLE This hurdle is specially adapted for indoor work on account of its compactness when folded. It has a swinging gate that may be set at either two and one-lialf, or three and one-half feet high, by simply turning it half over. The gate swings or falls -when struck. No. 2475 Folding Hurdle, each. Set of 40, $5.00 140.00 No. 1684 MO. 1668 BOXING ULOYES No. 1564 "Training" Glove, made of wine colored kid, laced wrist, safety grip, and filled witli a good quality of curled hair, $3,50 No. 1569 "Club" Glove, extra large, made of California Napa green kid, padded wrist, safety grip, with large full side, laced wrist and finest curled liair filling, ($.00 BASKET BALLS The "Standard" Basket Ball Goals are regulation size and can be put up or taken down without tools, either indoors or outdoors on i>osts, trees, etc. They also have a socket to fit on one and a qnarter inch pipe. Net Prices No. 1701 "Standard" Basket Ball Goals, per pair, $3.60 No. 1702 "Sargent" Basket Ball Goals, red and blue, for I)r. Sargent's Rules for Women, per pair, 4.00 No. 1703 "REQtTLATION" Ba-sket Ball Goalr, per pair, net, 4.00 No. 1707 Basket Ball, best English Grain leather, calipered for size and roundness. No. 1705 B Rubber Bladder, first quality, No. 1708 Thomlinson Basket Ball, an im- ported ball. The most durable made. No. 1708B ThomlinsonBall Bladder, extra. No. 1709 "Officlal" Basket Ball, Net Prices $4.00 1.25 5.00 1.25 «.00 86 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY YOUNO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION GYMNASIUM, TWENTY-THIRD STREET, NEW YORK CITY RUNNING TRACK The indoor Running Track has been slowly evolved from the path marked out on the gymnasium floor of the seventies, to the gallery track of nineteen hundred. The importance of a track, with a proper incline is shown by the fact that nearly all new gymnasiums make the best possible provisions for it. Incline. The proper Incline of a track is secured by placing curved sleepers on the rough floor of the gallery and flooring over them, thus forming a Concave Incline. The curvature of the sleepers and their location depends on the radius at the ends, or corners, of the track and the required speed. We will be pleased to furnish architects building tracks with plans showing the proper curves of the sleepers and their location for the Concave Incline. A plan of the gallery will give us the necessary information to do this. Covering. The covering of the Running Track or the path, may be made of canvas and felt (the Roberts track), or linoleum (the cork track). Estimates. We will be pleased to furnish estimates for either of the above coverings, either laid complete ready for use, or the materials only. Experience. Our experience, developed by twenty years of track building and laying, is at your service. We were the first to construct a Scientific Running Track based on a mathematical formula. Our Concave Incline Track is now as much a part of a well equipped gymnasium as either the horse or parallel bar. Write us for any information you need regarding tracks. We will furnish, without charge, plans and estimates for any form of track. N A R R A {; A N S ]■: T T M A C II I N !■: CO M V A U Y 87A I STANDARD BICYCLE TRAINER. The "Trainers" or Cycles of this machine have been entirely re-modelled, using a lai-ger shaft with liberal ball bearings, extra heavy cranks, neat and strong side frames and a method of holding the seat and front post that will not slip or work loose. Each Trainer is connected to the index hand on the dial colored the same as the rim of its wheel, and geared to indicate the same number of revolutions per quarter mile as would lie made by an 84 inch wheel. No. 330 Bicycle Eacing Trainer §200.00 88 NARRACJANSETT MACHINE COMPANY ; I Urn jlofc Ladder *i?Ef,^^^^__ , ^P^^^'*5!ir 7Sep*TL«icl«" ^ v,. TFff ^Jan PLAN OF DEWITT CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM. NEW YORK CITY ESTIMATES SPECIAL PLANS AND LISTS We originated Hie custom of furnishing to Conuuittees, Architects, etc., specially made plans and lists with estimates of cost for complete Gymnasium outfits, and continue to give such plans our be.sl attention, .selecting the apparatus on a scientific basis approved by leading authorities. These Special Plans embody the experience of several years in fitting Gymnasia, and although they are gotten up at considerable expen.se to us we will furni.sh them free of charge, only asking that our claims for superiority of our apparatus be given careful consideration. They enable the matter of Gym- nasium furui.shing to be placed in convenient form before a committee for their consideration, revision, etc. To make these plans we require full dimensions of the Gymnasium, height of gallery and railing, the location of the beams overhead and all windows, doors, etc. Generally the architect's plans contain all we need, and if desired, copies sent to us could be returned next day. The more complete the in- formation we receive, the more value our plans and lists will have to intending purchasers. These plans are made on a scale of one-quarter of an inch to the foot, and a full-size blue print furnished with a complete list of the apparatus shown, and prices on the same, either set up in the Gym- nasium ready for use, or free on board cars in Providence. When ready for Estimates on Equipment, send us plans as noted above, am. we will make Plans showing the arrangement of Apparatus, Lockers, Alleys, or Running Track, with Detailed Estimates, in the best possible form for placing before directois or purcliasing committees. GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION Having frequent inquiries from Architects and Building Committees for the necessary dimensions of Gymnasiums we have collected considerable material in the form of blue-prints. These prints show a .section and plan of a typical gymnasium, giving the dimensions desirable for all gymnasiums and methods of constructing the running track gallery, building the concave incline, etc. We would be pleased to send them to interested persons. NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 89 ■m^ MEN'S OUT-DOOR GYMNASIUM. CHICAGO PUBLIC PARKS. CHICAGO. ILL. PLAYGROUND APPARATUS The growing popularity of Playgrounds and Out-door (Jymnasiunis calls for equipment that will prove both durable and poinilar, that is, wear well, and please well. It must be strong, to .stand both use and abuse, durable to withstand the effects of wear and weather, simple so that children can use it, safe in both ai-rangement and construction, and compact, for city land is expensive, and the best use should be made of every square foot. Our Playground apparatus is designed with these qualifications constantly in view. For ten years we liave watched its use, noted the most durable materials, weeded out objectionable devices, developed and tested the suggestions of experts, until it is the acknowledged Standard of Perfection. Playground apparatus projier, such as ladders, swings, etc., is always supported by either wood or iron frames. These frames can generally be furnished and erected by local contractors at the least cost, they being acquainted with the conditions and cost of material. For any order of playground apparatus placed with us, we will furnish plans and specifications for local contractors to build either wood or iron frames. The illustration shows one of the twenty frames we equipped for the Chicago South Park Commission. \\'e are always pleased to submit plans and estimates for the equij)- ment of Playgrounds. Write for our Playground Catalogue H. ANTHROPOMETRIC APPARATUS We ha\ e a separate catalogue describing the apparatus for taking the measurements and making the tests recommended by the Ameri- can Physical Education Association, also such apparatus for Medical Gymnastics, as Plinths, Massage Tables, Booms, etc., including the apparatus recommended by Dr. Anders Wide in his hand book of Medical Gymnastics. Write for Catalogue I. 90A N A 11 R A G A NS ETT MACHINE CO STANDARD STEEL LOCKERS (PATENTED) The Standard Lockers are the results of over twenty-five years experience in locker construction for gymnasiums. We were the first to make a specialty of lockers, making them of interchangeable parts and iu unit cabinets and have had double the experience of others in their sanitary needs. Standard Locker doors are reinforced with an angle iron frame over which the metal forming the front is drawn and sealed, making a strong door with no sharp corners or edges. Standard doors fit the frame closely at the sides and lap over it at the top and bottom, making a strong neat finish; note the doors in the illustration. Standard Locker construction makes a locker so strong that the feet can be placed from fonrto six feet apart, giving ample sweeping room beneath. Adjustable feet level the lockers indei)endent of the floor. On Standard Lockers all outside bolts have blank heads, i. e. not slotted, they cannot be loosened from the outside. All angle and bar iron in Standard Lockers has smooth rolled sheet steel drawn over it; thus making the exterior of the locker a smooth uniform finish, well adapted for the hard baked enamel used. Standard Lockers were developed in gymnasiums, that is the reason why they are suited to them. Send for Locker Catalogue "G." NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY 91 FLOOR SOCKET PARALLEL BAR Patented Oct. 17, 1905. SPECIAL APPARATUS In the foregoing pages of this catalogue will be found the apparatus generally called for in the ecinipmeut of gymnasia. There are, however, constantly rising conditions that call for special designs, such as are illustrated on this and the three following pages. Such apparatus must always be somewhat experimental and to insure its success should be designed and made with great care. Our long experience and complete records of all special work we have done, coupled with ample facilities, peculiarly fit us for this class of work. We have also accumulated hundreds of patterns for details, such as brackets, blocks and various fastenings that have been tested by use and enter into the makeup of many special machines. An inquiry for a piece of apparatus out of the ordinary, often discloses the fact that we have made a similar device of which we can send a photograph, or sketches, with estimates and information regard- ing the practicability of the device. Often on au inquiry for a device for a special purpose, we are able to suggest a modification of some previously made machine that will answer the requirements. The following examples of special apparatus will more fully illustrate our ideas. The Parallel Bar shown above was originally designed and made for the University of Chicago Gymnasium; it is fitted to floor sockets, from which it is easily removed, cajis closing the sockets. The caps with sliding latches on the posts form locking devices that hold the posts into the socket. The Socket Plates, shown iu phantom, may be set before the floor is laid. Floor sockets of this type may also be used for horses, bucks or other floor a])paratus. Di fie rent pieces of apparatus may use the same sockets, as for instance, the horse nuiy be put in end sockets of the parallel bar. 92 NARRAGANSETT MACUINE COMPANY SPECIAL SWEDISH BOOM In Teachers' College Gymnasium, Columbia College, N. Y. C. Ill the illustration of the Teachers' College, Coluiiil)ia ITniversity, Xew York, will be seen another type of special apparatus — a Swedish Boom reaching entirely across the room or sixty feet long. This Boom is raised and lowered by the winch at the further end. The bars may be turned out. When not in use the central posts fold under the bars, and are lioisted out of the way, and the end posts, which are secured to the gallery, swing up parallel with the gallery front. Apparatus of this type calls for expert design amounting in many cases to invention, and thorough ac(|uaintance with the use of apparatus is absolutely necessary to ensure its being safe and practical. On the two following pages will be found a Vaulting Bar and Swedish Boom designed for tlie Chicago South Park Commission Field House Gymnasiums. The l)ars were installed in the ten gymna- siums for men, and the l)ooms in the corresponding gymnasiums for women. The conditions required apparatus of simple Imt strong construction, without loose parts, easy to adjust and readily hoisted out of the way. The proper installment of an equipment often calls for special designs of frames, bracing, hoisting apparatus, etc. Of these we have made careful studies, and for the easy and correct securing together and in place of such frames have developed many special patterns, and carry these parts in stock of malleable iron, thus securing the best results without delay. We will be pleased to submit designs and estimates for the installment of apparatus. NAERAGANSETT MACHINP: CJOMPANY 93A STANDARD AUTOMATIC LADDER This Ladder has oue end of the adjustable section secured to a vertically moving carriage, which is balanced by weights that are enclosed in the upright posts. It has an automatic latch, as shown iu detail in the enlarged section, that is released when the adjusting rope is pulled and remains unlocked as long as the rope is kept taut. Immediately on slacking the rope the latches lock the carriage to the rounds. The ladder has all the dimensions of No. 813, as shown on Page 56, and the additional advan- tage of being easy to handle. No. 816 Automatic Ladder, with foot ladder, $76.00 No. 816 Automatic Ladder, no foot ladder, 60.00 See also Page 56 n4A NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY LISSACK POLE VAULT STANDARD. Patented Jan. 30, 1906. . This Standard is specially adapted for pole vaulting and has a range of from 6' 5" to 12 feet. It consists of a single post hav- ing a sliding head by which the adjustment is made, and a pivoted toi> bracket that holds the stick. By raising the sliding head, shown in the detail above, the sliding post carrying the top bracket, may be set and clamped at height indicated by scale on the post. The Top Bracket, shown at the left, permits movement of the stick in any direction and returns it autoiiiatically to position. By means of an adjusting screw the stick may \e levelled. No. 675 Lissack Pole Vault Standard $40.00 DETAIL OF TOP. > ••••• •• ••• :*• "T — * » \ » • — **~ N A K 11 A G A N S E T T MACHINE CO MP* A V*Y ' •■'■■•''"•'• g- SPPJCTAL APPARATUS KOTATING ANKLE MACHINE This machine consists of a pivoted shoe with the axes in line witli tlie leg, having for resistance an adjustable pen- dulum. No. 300 Rotating Ankle Machine, HEAD AND SHOULDER LIFT The weights in this machine are in tlie sliding frame, back of the padded back board, which is hinged to give access to them. The brackets are raised out of the way when the shoulder brackets only are wauled. No. 318 Head and Shouldek Lift, $50.00 SIDE ROTATING ANKLE MACHINE Consisting of a pivoted shoe and a weight that swings as a pendulum. The movement is rolling or turning of the foot on the ankle. The axle of rotation being parallel with the sole and length of the foot. No. 302 Side Rotating Ankle Machine, $30.00 $26.00 ABDOMINAL STOOL An oak foot rest with a stool having an adjust- able slide. No. 352 Abdominal Stool, with slide and foot rest, as shown, $11.00 No. 350-1 Stool only, with oak top as shown; 12 inch oak top, 17 and 24 inches high, 2.40 No. 350-2 Stool only, with Screw Adjustment for height 17 to 24 inches, 4.00 ABDOIMINAL TABLE A substantial tabic with an adjust- able foot rest that can be easily removed. The mat is brown duck covered and tapered at one end. No. 355 Abdominal Table, $40.00 9(j NARRAGANSETT MACHINE COMPANY INDEX Page Abdominal Chair 22 Abdominal Mat 15 Abdominal Stools 96 Abdominal Strap 24 Abdominal Table 95 Anderson Foil . 83 Ankle Machine, Frictional ... 26 Anthropometric Apparatus . , . 89 Arm Machine, Frictional .... 27 Automatic Climb 41 Back and Loin Pulley 19 Back Boards 14 Balance Board .... . ... 45 Balance Swing . ...... 67 Balls, Rubber 82 Ball Rope 39 Bars, Horizontal and Vaulting 30-38 Bar-Bells . . 79 Basket Ball 85 Batteau Board . . 44 Bean Bags 82 Beat Board 44-45 Benches, Swedish 69 Bicycle Trainer 87A Boom 65-68 Bowling Alleys 87 Boxing Gloves 86 Breast Bar 24 Buck 42-43 Chest Bars 24 Chest Bar and Ladders 55 Chest iixpanders 17 Chest Weights 8. Climbing Apparatus 39^1 Climbing Apparatus, Swedish . 72 Clubs 74-75 Concave Inc. Run. Track .... 86 Drill Guns 83 Dumb-Bells, Iron 76-78 Dumb-Bells, Wood 7() Duplex Pulley Weight . ... 19 Estimates, Plans and Lists ... 88 Fancy Clubs 75 Finger Machine 13 Flying Rings .51 Foils, Anderson 83 Foot Strap, Leg Pulley 15 Frictional Machines .... 26-28 Giant Pulley 14 Giant Stride 53 Grace Hoops 83 Page Guns, Drill 83 Gymnasium Construction .... 88 Gymnasium Equipment . . .64, 88 Head and Shoulder Lifts ... 95 Head Gear 13 Hitch and Kick 49 Hoisting Fixtures 51 Horizontal Bars 30-33 Horse 42A-43 Hurdles. Folding 84 Hydraulic Rowing Machines . . 29 Inclined Plank 50 Inclined Ropes 40 Indian Clubs 74-75 Instantaneous Turnbuckles ... 38 Instructor's Platform 62 Intercostal Machine 17-19 Japanese Hair Mats 73 Jumping Boards 44-45 Jump Frame . , 48 Jump Mat ....... . . 48 Jump Stands , . . 46-47 Kick Attachment .49 Knotted Climbing Rope ... 39 Ladders 54-57-93A Ladders, Swedish 70-71 Leg Machine, Frictional . . .27 Leg Pulley 15 Lissack Pole Vault Stand . . 04A Lockers 90A Low Parallel Bars 61 Lunge Strap 38 Lunger, Suspended ...... 38 Mats 73 Medical Apparatus .... 89, 95 Medicine Balls 84 Musical Dumb-Bell 78 Nautical Wheel 28 NeckMachine 13 Paddle Machine 11 Parallel Bars, 58-62 Pedal Machines 22 Pipe Stalls 25 Playground Apparatus .... 89 Plans and Lists 88 Poles, Calisthenic 82 Pole Vaulting Board 47 Pole Vault Stand Lissack . . . 94A PuUey Weights 8-23 Page Pulley Weights, Defined .... 4 Pulley Weights, Details .... 5 Pulley Weights, Specified . . .6-7 Quarter Circle 18 Rings 82 Rocking Joint .52 Roman Ladders 57 Rope Ladder 3'J-72 Rowing Pulley Weight 9 Rowing Weight 16 Running Track 86 Safety Straps 38 Sargent Pulley Weight 10 Sceptres 74 Sculling Machine 11 Shoe, Leg Pulley 15 Shots 84 Shoulder Lifts, Head and ... 95 Sliding Pole 41 Sliding Pole Mat 41 Special Apparatus 91-96 Split. Handle Intercostal Mac. . 19 Spring Boards 44-45 Stall Bars 69 Standard PuUey Weight .... 6 Standard Special Pulley W't . . 7 Stools 96 Striking Bags 63 Striking Bag Drum 63 Suspended Parallel Bar .... 62 Swedish Apparatus .... 65-72 Swing Attachment 53 Teetter Ladder 67 Toe Block 84 Trapeze 62-53 Traveling Parallel 18 Traveling Rings 50 Treadle Machine 22 Triplex Pulley Weight ..... 20 Vaulting Bar 33-36 Vaulting Box 65 Vaulting Parallel Bar 60 Vaulting Poles 48 Walking Plank 45 Wands 80 Wrestling Machine 28 Wrestling Mat 73 Wrist Machine 26 Wrist Roll . 12 Wrist Roll, Frictional 26 IF you do not find in our catalogue the apparatus you need, kindly advise us, as we are constant!}^ making additions, and we may have just what you want. If you find appai-atus listed, but not to your liking, let us know, and probably alterations may be made to have it suit you. If the prices are not what you expect, let us know, for while we cannot change pi-ices, we may be able to suggest substitutes. Kindly remembei- that we shall be indebted to you for any suggestions you may make that will better enable us to meet your wants. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 1 AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. i!' PEC- 231934 ttu 24 1S34 ?!f. a^ <*^ -D^ 3 tdoi OCT 2 1557 28 nFni5* 67-iP'i t. QiAN P irtf^r -m^ REC'D CIRC ptH • ^ JAN iS'l ''^' 1 /' REC. CIR. MUR 6'7i LD 21-100m-7,'33 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ■.■A ; ;''-^>-t i^..-^,- ,v'':-^-<<« v-'ti-i.;-.^ ' '.'*''' ; ';:''l''i ;,'^,-r-/*'^y'''"t"^^'.-''!' . ■■ -■,,., ( '^. ■ ii..'' ■ ...1,* ■•.;<< ^^'■.■ "V"!', ,; ,;-,i , : :'r ,>\, ,,r ^.z ' :...'.^;;w ,,,,; ; ; ' ^.,-^; ^ i:',-' ''^^ Vv 7 '■''/,-, * ,.V,- ! .1 r '.'■- . ■ ' ." ■' " .'■ -'"-I'l'f. ■' '■■''^ ■'^^.■■:-v-\ '.■^:':'-^ ..■■v-y,,, ■,.•■. ■ [■.'<^y<^•. I / ,Uf h ,^>;\!-j '^ -r*, fl