b7U5 / LiliKAR\ OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS I WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP WITH APPENDIX Select List of Siatt Documents COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLF/rON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT I'UINTINd OFFICE vr ^■■ ■ ^ \: .:.:.:4M ^. %.. ■st^i^f- 7 -•■"■;-''., S\ M: ■• .», LIBRARY ^S ANGELES. CALIP LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP WITH APPENDIX Select List of State Documents COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OK APl'LICTOX I'RENTISS CLARK (JHIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASniNCJTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 190 i i i>k^ ,. L. C. card, 6-35001 -: • • •• • • , • • •- •-•• •< • ••••••• • • *•- • ••••• • ' • 7 it.4- PREFATORY NOTE This List is intended to afford a readj-to-hand guide for the ordinary investigator to writings for and against municipal ownership and to material showing conditions in various municipalities. It is not pre- sented as anything like a complete l)il)liography or as a guide for the specialist, who is, of course, familiar with the literature of his subject. An attempt has been made to represent all shades of opinion, but not all of the writings from any standpoint. A comprehensive and minute list of authorities on the subject down to Jaiuiary, 1901, is furnished by Robert C. Brooks's "A Bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions,-' New York, 1901, Annual surveys of political and nuuiicipal legislation, since 1895, by Robert II. Whitten, have been published in the ''Annals of the Ameri- can academy' of political and social science," beginning in volume 7. Synopses of the legislation in regard to municipal functions have been given annually by John A. Fairlie in " New York state library. Review of legislation, 1902," pp. 898-900; 1903, pp. v. 12-v. 24; 1904, pp. v. 0-v. 11. A. P. C. (iKIFFIN IIehhkut Tutna.m Chirf Il'ihlUxirapkei' Llhi'((i'!(Ui of C<>ngr&<8 WtMi/iinz/to/i, D. C, Januanj .V, lUOii SELECT LIST OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ON MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP American economic association. Committee onpuhlicji nance. The relation of modern municipalities to quasi-public works, being a report of the Committee on public finance to the Council of the American economic association. [Baltimore^: Anieidcan economic association., 188S. 87 pp. 8°. {Publications of the Amei'ican economic association. Monographs.^ vol. ^, no. 6.) Contains the following papers: " Relation of municipal government to public works in the United States," by H. C. Adams; Letter from G. W. Knight on water- works in the United States; "Elec- tric lighting in the city of Detroit," by Charles Moore; " Munici- pal revenue from street railways," by Davis R. Dewey; "Powers of municipalities respecting public works," by Frank J. ( loodnow. Arguments for and against municipal ownership of electric - light plants. (//( Municipal engineering, vol. 21, Sept., 1901, pp. 163-164.) A short list of references, mostly to articles published in ^lunicipal engineering. Ashley, Percy. Munici[)al policy and state control. (/;« Economic j(jurnal, Londdu, vol. IM, Marcli, 1903, pp. 112-120.) Regards control as a problem of expediency and outlines a method which "would, it is Ix-lieveil, strengtlien the coiiti'ol exercised hy tlie central government and cla-t'k any undue haste toward nmnicipaUsation, secure proper attention to the various aspects of the problem, and particuhiriy to finance; whilst at the same time it would restore pul)lic conlidence to tlu> work of the muuicipaHties, and givetotliat work full opportunities for reason- able development." Atkinson, MiibeL Local o(ncriunciit in Scotland. h)liiihiin/h (1)1(1 London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1904. •''» i|/ pp. 8'^. "A selerted bililiograpliy," pp. [40:{]-41(). Baker, ( 'harlcs \\'liit ing. .M()iH)])()lies und i lie jjcoiilc. ;'.d cd.. revised and cidargcd. JVt'v/j York (I lid L(>i(di>ii: (i. /'. l'iiliniiii\ No/is^ IS!H). .r.vili, (^3)., SOS jij>. /J . {Qitcstions of the dai/., no. ')!).) "Municii)al mon()i»oIieH," jij). 295-302. 5 b LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Baker, Moses Nelson. Municipal engineering and sanitation. jSew Yoi'li, London: The 2laeinlUan compa?)}/, 1902 \^1901\. vii/\ 317 2>P' 1^^- {The Citizen'' s library of economics^ jwlifivft, and sociology, ed. hy R. T. Ely.) Bell, .s'//' James «;?(/ James Paton. Glasgow; its municipa> organiza- tion and administration. Glasgow: James MacLehose and sons, 1S96. xxiii, (1), 4^^6j?j). Frontispiece. Folded maps. If. Contains chapters on Public lighting; The water supply; Corporation gas and electricity; The corporation tramways. Bemis, Edward Webster, ed. Municipal monopolies; a collection of papers by American economists and specialists. Rev. ed. 'Y^^ Yorlx: T. Y. Crowell cfe company, 1899. ix, 691 pp. 12°. {Library of economizes and politics. Ed. by R. T. Ely.) Contents. — Baker, M. N. Water-works. — Commons, J. E. Munici- pal electric lighting. — Bemis, E. W. The latest electric light reports. — Perrine, F. A. C. Appendix: Validity of electric light comparisons. — Parsons, F. The telephone. — West, M. Munici- pal franchises in New York. — Parsons, F. Legal aspect of monop- oly. — Bemis, E. W. Street railways. Gas. Regulation or ownership. Boyle, James. Municipal socialism in Great Britain. (7)1 Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 12, June, 1902, pp. 244-245; vol. 13, July, 1902, pp. 9-10. ) "For some years past there has been a quiet but gradually increas- ing development of a certain phase of socialism in Great Britain. Reference is made to what is generally known as ' municipal trading' and sometimes, and more correctly, as ' municipal socialism.' " Municipal socialism in England. The latest development. The public greatl}^ benefited by "municipal trading." {In Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 14, June, 1903, pp. 267- 269. ) Bres, Eugene. De la municipalisation des services d'interet public. L\iris: A. Rousseau, 190 J^. 180pp. 8°. Bunce, John Thackray. History of the corporation of Birmingham; with a sketch of the earlier government of the town. Bh'wAngham: PuUisludfor the corporationby Cornish broth- ers, 1878-1902. 3 vols. 7^°. Burley, Clarence A. Municipal control of heat, light, and intra-mural tran.spoilation. (in Sunset club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 110-114. Chicago, [18911. 8°.) MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 7 Cahoon, James Blake. A business argument against municipal ownership. {In City government, vol. 7, Oct., 1899, pp. 78-80.) Same. {In Public improvements, vol. 1, Oct. 1, 1899, pp. 252-255.') Same. {In Progressive age, vol. 17, Oct. 16, 1899, pp. 461-465. ) Campbell, C. E. Municipal government in Germany — its success, and why. {In League of American municipalities, 6th annual convention. Proceedings, pp. 128-137. Des Moines, 1902. 8°.) Same. Extracts. {In Municipal engineering, vol. 23, Sept., 1902, pp. 209-212.) City government and journal of cit}" and village affairs. Vols. 2-8; vol. i), no. 1-5; lS9T-Nov., 1900. New York [etc. ] .' City government pub. co. , 1897-1900. 7 vi>ls. (& 5 nos. in If, vols. Illustrations. F^. Montlily. Titles vary slightly. Commons, John R. A comparison of da}' labor and contract system on municipal works. {In American federationist, vol. 3, Jan., 1897, pp. 229-232; Feb., 1897, pp. 252-254; vol. 4, March, 1897, pp. 3-6; April, 1897, pp. 27-29; May, 1897, pp. 49-51; June, 1897, pp. 71-73; July, 1897, pp. 88-90; Aug. 1897, pp. 111-113; Sept., 1897, pp. 150-154; Oct., 1897, pp. 183-186; Nov., 1897, pp. 207-209- Dec, 1897, pp. 229- 231; Jan., 1898, pp. 252-253.) The day labor and contract systems on municipal works. {In The Yale review, vol. 5, February, 1897, jip. 428-445.) Economic and social faclois in Chicago nuuiicipal lighting. (i/i Municipal affairs, vol. 6, March, 1902, pp. 109-115.) Municipal cmjiloyment and progress. {In Municipal affairs, vol. 4, .June, 1900, pp. 294-316. Wages ill Miuiiiripiil ('iii|)l(i\ nicnt. (In Quarterly journal of cconoiiiics. vol. Ki, May, 1902, pp. 433-450.) Workingmcn and city government. {In American federationist, vol. 2, March, 1895, i)age 1.) 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Commons; a monthly record devoted to aspects of life and labor from the social settlement point of view. Vols. 1-10, ^pr., lSl)6-Oct., 1905. Chicago^ 1896-1905. 10 vols, in 5. Illustrations. 8'^. Merged with Charities, N. Y., Nov., 1905, to form Charities and the commons. The County and municipal record (with which is incorporated the ^lunicipal record and sanitary journal). Vols. 1-5. Glasgoio and Edinhurgli^ 1903-1905. 5 vols. Illustrations. ^°. Cutting, R. F. Pub.ic ownership and the social conscience {In Municipal affairs, vol. 4, March, 1900, page 3.) Dagger, E. Municipal telephou}^ in England. {In Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 17, Dec, 1904, pp. 256- 257.) Darwin, Leonard. Municipal trade; the advantages and disadvan- tages resulting from the substitution of representative bodies for private proprietors in the management of indus- trial undertakings. London: John Murray ., 1903. xxiv., It.6Jt.pp. 8°. Dibdin, W. J. Public lighting by gas and electricity. {In Sanitary record, vols. 24-26, Oct. 27, 1899, to Dec. 28, 1900.) Doherty, Henry L. Some features of municipal ownership. {In American gaslight journal, vol. 79, Xov. 2, 1903, i)p. 684-688.) Dolman, Frederick. Municipalities at work; the municipal policy of six great towns and its influence on their social welfare. London: 3fethuendbco..,1895. ;i'.,{2)^lJt3 pp. 12^. {Social questiojis of to-day.) Concise accounts of the municipal undertakings of the cities of Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bradford, and Leeds. Donald, Robert. Recent attack on municipal ownership in Great Britain. {In Street railway journal, vol. 21, March 7, 1903, pp. 376-377.) Ely, Richard T. The advantages of public ownership and manage- ment of natural monopolies. (7n Cosmopolitan, vol. 30, March, 1901, pp. 557-560.) Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. {In North American review, vol. 172, March, 1901, pp. 445-455.) MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 9 Ely, Richard T. Studies in the evolution of industrial society. Neio York: The Macmillan company^ 190S. xviil^ 1^97 pp. Folded sheet. 12°. "Municipal ownership of natural monopolie.«; with a note on the establishment of a parcels post and the national ownership of the telephone, telegraph, and railway," pp. 225-253. English municipal electric lighting. {In Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 17, Dec, 1904, pp. 261-263. ) Fairlie, John A. Municipal administration. Ifew York: The MucmUlan comjxn}}/, 1901. xiii^ (1), 44^8 pj). "Municipal activities," pp. 125-313; "Municipal finances," pp. 317-371; "Municipal organization," pp. 375-431. Foote, Allen Ripk\Y. Cost of service to users and taxpayers. The only proper basis for comparisons between private and nuinicipal ownership of water, gas, and electric lighting works. Head before the National conference of mayors and councilmen, at Columbus, Ohio, September 28, 29, 30, and October 1, 1897. [Cincinnati, Ohio: R. Ciarl-e co.,] 1897. 89, {7) pp. 8°. ^Municipal ownership of quasi-public works. Read before the Washington (D. C.) branch of the American economic association, February 2, 1891. ^Yashingto7l., D. C: Ramsey di Blsbee, 1891. 11^ pp. 8° Cover-title. Municipal public scrvici^ industries. The Other side puhlishing CO., Chicago^ 1899. viii.,3S7 pp. 12''. CoxTKXTs. — Part I. IIow should the franchise question be settled? Part I r. Powers of niuniciitalitit's. A discnssion. Part 111. Cost of service to users anhI>. co..^ 1901. 160 p2>. 8^. 10 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Foote, Allen Kiple}'. Uniform iniblic accountinf^. (Li Fiiitetl StutcH. Industrial coiniuission. Report, vol. 9, pp. 103-128. Washington, 1901. 8°.) Foote, Allen Ripley, (oul Charles PI Everett. Economic leoi.slation of all the states. The law of incorporated companies oper- ating- under municipal franchises, such as illuminating--gas companies, f uel-g-as companies, electric central station com- panies, telephone companies, street railway- companies, water companies, etc. Clneinnatl: Rohert Clarke di co., 1892-1893. 3 vols. 8°. Ford, John. Municipal government in the United States. (Municipal ownership.) {In North American review, vol. 172, I\Iay, 1901, pp. 751-763.) Fo-wler, kSir Henry Hartley. Municipal finance and municipal enter- prise. {In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 63, pp. 383—407. Lon- don, 1900. 8°.) Francisco, M. J[udsonJ. The business of municipalities and private corporations compared; data that proves municipal owner- ship waste exceeds corporate profit. Rutland, Vt., 31. J. Fra7icisco db son,['1905\ 136 x>P' 8"". Fallacies of municipal ownership. (//i Public improvements, vol. 1, Oct. 1, 1899, pp. 256-264.) Same. {In Progressive age, vol. 17, Oct. 16, 1899, pp. 465-471.) ■ Municipalities vs. private corporations. Political and business management compared . . . Tables showing cost of lights furnished by private companies and municipal plants, a list of municipal plants sold or abandoned, experience of municipalities, legal and editorial opinions. 1900, The Tuttle company, Rutland, Vt. 172 pj^. 8°. Gessen, Rene. Organisation municipale de Paris. Projets de reforme. Paris: K Giard d; E. Briere, 1901^. {2\ 172, '{1) x^P- 8"^. {Faculte de droit de Vuniversite de Paris. ) Grlaister, John. ^Municipal obligations and municipal undertakings. {In County and municipal record, vol. 4, Oct. 11, 1904, pp. 21-24; Oct. 18, 1904, pp. 37-40; Oct. 25, 1904, pp. 53-55.) MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 11 Goodhue, William F. ^Municipal improvements. A manual of the methods, utility, and cost of public improvements, for the municipal oHicer, 3d ed., revised and enlarged. New Yovh: J. AV'dey c§ mits; London: Cliapman (j6 Hall, 1903. (2), viii^ 207 pp. Illustrations (includmg plans., diagrams). 12^ )o Goodno-w, Fi-ank Johnson. Cit}' government in the United States. Xew Y<»'l': The Century co., 1901^.. :c, 315 pj). 8°. (The Amei'ican state series.) Great Britain. Board of trade. Gas undertakings (local authorities), lieturn relating to all authorized gas undertakings in the • United Kingdom belonging to local authorities, for the year ended the 25th of March, 1904. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed. 10 August, 1901:. 5.5 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parlhunent. Sessional papers, 190 1^.. 332.) Report upon all the i-ailwa^-, canal, tramway, harbour and tidal waters, electricity, gas, and water l)ills, and pro- visional orders of session 1902. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 21 March, 1902. 71 pp. F°. {Gi'eat Britain. Parliament. Sessional p>ape)'s, 1902. 112.) lieport upon all the lailway, canal, tramway, har])our and tidal waters, electricity, gas, and water l)ills, and pro- visional orders of session 1908. Ordered, by the House of Conmions, to ])e printed, 1.3 March, 1903. 71 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional p)apers., 1903. 73.) Tramways and light railways (street and road). Return '•of street and road tramways and ligh.t railways authorised by act ()!• oi'der, showing the amount of capital authorised, paid up. and expended; the li'iiglh ol' line autiiorised, eti'., etc. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to l)e i)rinted, 4 August, 1904. 57 i)p. F '. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessionnl jKijhis, lOOJf. 310.) Cri'in, III/, lit fi>r Sm/liind. Muiiicij)al coi'poi'ations (Scotland) (itei)roducti\-e undei'taUings). Return of tli(> walei. gas, tramway, electric ligjiling. and otliei- reproductive under- takings eai-ried on by nnuiicipal l»uiglis in Scotland. Or- dered, by the House of Commons, to he prinli'ii, .s August, 1S99. 9 pp. F"-^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1899, vol. 8Jf. 3J/7.) 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain, Foreign ojjice. Diplomatic and consular reports. Miscelliinoous series, no. 592. Italy. Report on the mimicipalisation of bakeries at Catania. June, l'J03. 7 pp. 8°. Glasgow houndaries commissio?). Report of the Glasgow boundaries commissioners. 1888. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Ediuj burgh, 1888. 2 vols. F"-^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional-papers., 1888, vols. Jf,6, 1^.7.) Vol. 1. Report, with appendix. Vol. 2. Minutes of evidence. Joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on ■municipal trading . Report; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 27 July, 1900. x, 598 pp. F^. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional jxtpers, 1900, vol. 7.) Report on municipal trading; together with the pro- ceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 July, 1903. xviii, 462 pp. Diagrams. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessio?ial papers, 1903. 270.) This report practically continues that published in 1900. The testi- mony taken in the investigation covered the operation of munici- pal" undertakings in the principal cities in Great Britain. Local garernment hxird. Municipal corporations (reproduc- tive undertakings). Return ''of the reproductive under- takings carried on by municipal boroughs, brought up to the 31st day of March, 1902." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 December, 1902. vi, 141 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional jxijyers, 1902. 398.) Municipal corporations commission . Report of the commis- sioners appointed to inquire into municipal corporations not subject to the municipal corporations acts (other than the city of London), together with minutes of evidence, index, &c. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by connnand of Her Majest3^ 2 vols, in 1. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 1880, vol. 31.) Parliament. Electric lighting (London). A bill (as amended by the select committee). Ordered, bv the House of Com- mons, to be printed, 23 June, 1904. {Great Britian. Par- liament, 190 J^. Bill 237.) MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 13 Great Britain. Select committee on electric lighting {London) hill, Keport. together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 June, 1904. viii, 48 pp. F^ {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., lOOJf. '220.) Gronlund, Laurence. The new economy, a peaceable solution of the social problem. Herhei't S. Stone <& company, Chicago c6 I^ew Yorl', 1898. {6\ 36l^pp>. 12°. "Municipal enterprises under state control," pp. 191-208. Grunton, George. Public ownership. {In Institute of social economics. Lecture bulletin, vol. 6, Oct. 15, 1902, pp. 43-62. New York. ) "Public ownership is a matter of very gradual development, and in most lines would not 1)e as efficient as individual ownership." Haskins, Charles Waldo, and Joseph French Johnson. The recent history of municipal ownership in the United States. (//( Municipal affairs, vol. (5, Dec.-Feb., 1902-1903, pp. 524-538.) The recent history- of municipal ownership in the United States. {In Railway world, vol. 29, May 9, 1903, pp. 523, 535-537.) Hayes, Tliomas (i. ^Municipal contract system: opposed h\ poli- ticians. The Ualtinujre system descri})ed. Reasons favor- ing the methods. Some of the results. {In MuMi(i]ial journal and cn<;ineer, vol. 13, Sept., 1902, i)i>. 108-108. New York. ) Hill, \\'iHi;iiii K. City ownership of water supply. {In National (-(invention upon iiinnicij)al owncrsliij) and j^ubiic fran- chiHefl. Proceeding.'*, 1903, pj). 7.30-7:57. Municipal affairs, vol. (>, no. A. New York, 1903. S°.) Ho-we, i' rcdfiic ( '. 'I'he city the hope of democracy. i\ein York: Chiirhs S,-rll>nrrs sons, 1905. fl'iii, {/).:> /9 />j>. 8°. "It strenuously advoc;itfs imniicipal ownersliip, and deals with Hiich problems as tenements, taxali'in, rcloriiinlorics, and 'Tlie City beautiful.' It i.s ba.ned tipon the aullior's personal adniiiiis- trativ(M"Xperience, and the study of the conditions prevailing in tlie large cities of (Ireat I'.ritain and tlie I'nifed .States." — Allie- nu-urn, Ike, lOOo. 14 LIBRAR\ OF CONGRESS Jacobson, Augustus. Municipal control of heat, light, and intra- mural transportation. {1)1 Sunset club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 103-109. Chicago, [1891]. 8°.) James, Ednuuid J. The relation of the modern municipality to the gas supply. [Balthnore]: American econmniG association. May and July, 1886. 76])]). 8°. {American eco7iomic associatloji. Pub- lications, vol. 1, nos. 2 and 3. ) Street railwaj^ franchises in the cit}" of Berlin. [In Journal of political economy, vol. 9, March, 1901, pp. 260-271.) Keeler, Bronson C. Municipal control of heat, light, and intra-mural transportation. (Jn Sunset club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 115-121. Chicago, [1891]. 8°.) Knight, J. Martin. The growth and incidence of municipal expenditure. {In The Co-operative wholesale societies limited. Annual for 1905, pp. 285-336. Manchester, Glasgow.) Leber, OttoH. Ownership of municipal monopolies. With especial attention to electric lighting. {In Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 17, July, 1904, jip. 1-1-16.) Martin, Leon. ed. Encyclopedie municipale de la ville de Paris, pub. sous la direction de Leon Martin; avec la collaboration de Emile Gerards, A. Keraval, Lucien Lambeau, etc. 2. tirage. Paris: G. Roustan, 190 1-190 If,. 4 ^'ols. Plates. Maps. Coats of arms. 1^. Massachusetts. Special committee to Investigate relations between cities and toimis and street railway companies. Report of the Special committee appointed to investigate the relations between cities and towns and street railwa}' companies. February, 1898. Boston: Wright & Potter printing CO., 1898. {2), 296 pp. 8^. {Massachusetts. General court, 1898. House document no. Jfjo.) Partial contexts. — Abstract of the statutes of the various states in relation to franchises and methods. — Condition.^ in American cities. — European conditions. — Municipal ownership and opera- tion of street railways in England, by R. P. Porter. Extracts from report of Rapid transit commission of 1891. Extracts from report of Special legislative committee on taxation of 1893. — Table showing the effect of proposed distribution of the corporation tax. — Distribution of street railway mileage in Massachusetts. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS . 15 MaxAvell, J. Shaw. Tramways and municipalisation. {In The Co-operative wholesale societies limited. Annual for 1902, pp. 185-220. Glasgow.) Michigan political science association. Papers and discussions on municipal problems in Michigan at the joint convention of the Michigan political science association and the League of Michigan nnniicipalities, Februar}' eleventh and twelfth, nineteen hundred and four, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arhor: lOOJf-. vlli, 20Jf. pp. 8^. {Puhlicatlons of tJie Michigan political science association.^ vol. 5, no. If., March., 190 Jf.) Contents. — Suggestions for and against municipal ownership of public utilities, by C. A. Kent, pp. 1-22; Discussion, by James Mavor, F. F. Ingram, Wm. Stocking, and James E. Scripps, pp. 23-40; The league of Michigan nmnicipalities, by John F. Bible, pp. 41-56; Report of the Secretary, John A. Fairlie, pp. 57-59; League of Wisconsin municipalities, by S. E. Sparling, pp. 60-70; The enforcement of the criminal laws of the state in cities and villages, by Claudius B. Grant, pp. 71-84; The legislation and local bills, by David E. Heinenian, pp. 85-96; Municipal home rule: city charters frameil by municipal conventions, by Delos F. Wilcox, pp. 97-108; Merit in municipal administration, by Sher- man D. Callender, pp. 109-120; Uniform municipal accounting, by Charles Carroll Brown, pp. 121-1.3.S; Direct primary elections, by Charles C. Simons, pp. 134-144; Public works in Detroit, bj' Wm. H. Maybui^, pp. 145-150; Sanitary sewers for small cities, by E. R. Nellis, pp. 151-159; Tar-macadam pavements, by J. W. Inches, pp. 160-169; Di.scussion, pp. 170-174; The water supply of cities, by V. C. Vaughan, pp. 175-179; Discussion, pp. 180-181; Some requisites of a good city charter, by Elvin Swarthout, pp. 182-204. Municipal affairs. A (juarterly magazine devoted to the considera- tion oi city problems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen. Neio Ynrl: Iirfnr„> rhdu 1897-1001. -G voh. lllmtrations. Nul)liFhi'. July. 1S!»5, to Dec, 1905. Indiana polix tfc Nein York:, ISOo-VJUo. 21 vain. Illmtra- tionx. 8-'. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS , The Municipal journal; established as "London," a weekl}^ news- paper, n. s., vols. 9-14, 1900-1905. London, 1900-1905. 6 vols. F°. Municipal journal and engineer ; an international magazine devoted to municipal ati'airs and allied interests. Vols. 2-19. JVeio l^o/'k, 1897-1905. 19 vols, in 13. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Tables. F^. Titles vary: 1897-Nov., 1900: City government. Dec, 1900-Je., 1901 : Municipal journal and engineer. July, 1901 — as above. Municipal o-wnership and reform in Chicago. {In Chautauquan, vol. 39, June, 1904, pp. 313-315.) The Municipal ownership convention. ( In Arena, vol. 29, May, 1903, pp. 473-488. ) Municipal public utilities. {In U. S. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 9, pp. xlv-xlvii, ccxxxix-cclii, 86-123, 275-285, 824-830, 841-848. Washington, 1901. 8°.) Municipal record and advertiser. Vols. l-o. June, 1897-Nov., 1898. New Yorl', 1S97-1898. 3 vols. F^. Continued as "Municipal and railway record." The Municipal record and sanitary journal. Vol. 1. GlasgcnD tfc Ediyiburgli, 1903. 1 vol. ^°. Succeeded by "The County and municipal record." Municipal socialism, a series of articles reprinted from the Times. London., Printed and jnilj. hy G. E. Wright., The Times office., 1902. (^), 882J2>- <§^. Cover-title. Contents. — The socialist idea. — The increase in local burdens. — Local rates and commercial enterprises. — Municipal versus private trading. — The question of efiiciency. — Municipalities and direct labour. — A socialist regime at West Ham. — "A municipal Mecca" [Battersea]. — A triumph of Democracy [Poplar]. — The position at Birmingham. — ^Municipal enterprise at Glasgow. — Where municipal management does not pay. — The housing question: Municipal enterprise. Private enterprise. — Conclusions and recommendations. The Municipal -world, published month I3' in the interests of the municipal institutions of Ontario. Vols. 3-15. St. Thomas, Ontario^ 1900-1905. 13 vols, in 8. Illustra- tions. 4'°' MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 17 The Municipal year book, 1902, . . . with summaries and edi- torial diseussion, ed. by ]\I. N. Baker. JS^ew Ym'k: The engineering neics publishing company^ 1902. "An exhibit of municipal and private ownership in the United States," pp. xxvii-Uv. The Municipal year book of the United Kingdom, 1902-1905. Ed. by Ivobert Donald. London: Edirard Lloyd, 1902-1905. 4. vols. 8°. Gives a general survey of the development of municipal undertak- ings in the cities, towns, and districts of Great Britain. There are sections devoted respectively to London municipal government, General summaries of works of the municipal corporations in Eng- land and "Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Water supply, Gas supply. Tram- ways, Electricity supply. Housing of the working classes. Markets, Telephones, Baths and wash-houses. Education, Libraries, Ceme- teries, Refuse and sewage disposal, Local taxation returns, and Municipal trading. National conference for good city government. See National municipal league. National convention upon municipal cwnership and public fran- chises. Proceedings, New York cit}', Feb. 25, 26, and 27, 1903. JVew Yoi-l- city: Reform cluh, 1903. 509-883 pp. 5°. {Munieipal affairs., vol. 6, ^0. 4-) Contexts. — The problem of municipal ownership, by .lohn G. Agar, pp. 511-514; Municipal operation needed to correlate local fran- chises, by John DeWitt Warner, pp. 515-523; The recent history of mimicipal ownership in the United States, l)y Charles Waldo Ilaskius, pp. 524-538; European and American methods and results compared, by Robert P. Porter, pp. 539-578; Recent attacks on municipal ownership in (Jreat Britain, by Robert Don- ald, pp. 511»-G13; Recent history of municipal ownership in Ger- many, by Edward T. Heyn, pi>. ()14-621; The case for municipal ownership of electric lighting, by Victur Rosewater, pp. 622-635; ]Muiiicii)al electric b'.'Iiting oppuscd, by. lames lilake Calioon, pp. 7; Sui)eriority of ctirporation ownership of telephones, by IJ. N. Bethell, pi». ()68-7()0; Municipal telephony in p. 721-720; City ownei-ship of water supply, by M'illiam H. Hill, pj.. 730-737; IIow should pub- lie Hcrviee cor|)c)rations be controlled, by Charlton T. Lewis, i)p. U) 1 2 1—06 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS National convention upon municipal ow^nership and public fran- chises — Continued. 738-748; Regulation and taxation of public service corporations, by AlU'n Ripley Foote, pp. 749-764; Taxation of franchise values, by Edwin R. A. Seligman, pp. 765-773; Labor clauses in fran- chise grants, by Raymond V. Ingersoll, pp. 774-780; Referendum and initiative in relation to municipal ownership, by George H. Shibley, pp. 781-786; Growth of demand for municipal owner- ship, by Clinton Rogers Woodruff, i>p. 787-790; Experiments in Louisiana, by William Wirt Howe, pp. 790-795; Public fran- chises in Toronto, by Thomas Urquhart, pp. 795-800; The con- ditions of municipal success, by Milo Roy ]Maltbie, pp. 800-802; Chicago's experience with municipal lighting, by Edward B. EUicott, pp. 815-820; Municipal lighting in Wallingford, Conn., by A. L. Price, pp. 820-823; Municipal lighting in Detroit, by Frederick F. Ingram, pp. 823-825; Analysis of municipal electric lighting in Detroit, by Joseph E. Lockwood, pp. 825-834; Public control of corporations, by R. R. Bowker, pp. 843-846; Taxation of public utilities, by Wheeler H. Peckham, pp. 855-859; The Ford tax bill, by John Ford, pp. 859-865. National municipal league. A municipal program. Report of a committee of the National municipal league, adopted by the league, November 17, 1899, together with explanatory and other papers. New York: Puhlished for the National municijxd league., 1900. xi, (i), '21^6 2)p. 8°. Municipal development in the United States, John A. Fairlie; The municipal problem in the United States, Horace E. Deming; The city in the United States — the proper scope of its activities, Albert Shaw; The place of the council and of the mayor in the organiza- tion of municipal government — the necessity of distinguishing legislation from administration, Frank J. Goodnow; Public accounting under the proposed municipal program, Leo S. Rowe; The power to incur indebtedness under the proposed municipal program, Bird S. Coler; Municipal franchises, Charles Richard- son; Political parties and city government under the proposed municipal program, Frank J. Goodnow; Public opinion and city government under the proposed umnicipal program, Horace E. Deming; A summary of the program, Leo S. Rowe; Proposed constitutional amendment; Proposed municipal corporations act; An examination of the proposed municipal program, Delos F. Wilcox; Index. Proceedings of the National conference for good city govern- ment and of the National municipal league. Philadelphia: National launicipal league, 189Ji.-190Ii.. 11 mis. 8°. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 19 Ontario. Legislative assembly. Select committee on piMic utiUties. Municipal trading and municipal ownership or operation of public utilities. To which is added, the return ordered by the Legislative assembly on 12 June, 19U3, of the repro- ductive undertakings operated by nmnicipalities in Ontario. Toronto: L. K. Camti'on.^ 1903. 21^0 pp. S^ " References to books, pamphlets, articles, etc.," pp. 5-14. " Extracts from books and articles in periodicals on municipal ownership," pp. 1.5-224. Parsons, Frank. The city for the people; or the municipalization of the city government and of local franchises. PuUishthy C. F. Taylor, Philadeljfhia, [1900]. 597. {1) pp. Same. Revision August, 1901. Pi(hli.s/it hj C. F. TayUr, Philadelphia, {1902\. 70J^pp. 8°. Glasgow's great record: a complete histor}' of the pioneer experiment in municipal ownership of street-car service in Great Britain. {In Arena, vol. 32, Nov., 1904, pp. 461-471.) Public ownership. rJanuar}' 10, 1900. [Washington, 1900.] W pp. 8^. {U. S. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 69.) Public ownership. (/h Arena, vol. 2!), Feb., 1903, pp. 118-124.) Perry, George R. Is it better for a city to do its work by contract or day's work? {In City government, vol. 7, Sept., 1899, pp. 56-57.) An addre.ws Ijy Mayor Perry, of (irand Kapids,. before tlie Conven- tion of the Lea^rne of American municipalities, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept., 19-22, 1899. Same. {In Public improvement.-, vol. 1, Oct. 1, 1899, pp. 279-281.) Porter, Kc^bt-rt P. Failure of numicipal ownt-rship in Kngland. {In Stn-et railway journal, vol. 20, \\\\:. 2, 1902, pp. 15:j-158; Scjit. «(, 1!M)L', pp. ;',l(l-:{14.) Movement lo limit nnuiicipa! ownership. (/« City government, vol. 7, Nov., 1899, i)p. 124-125.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Porter, Robert P. Municipal trading. European and American methods and results conipared. The views of aii advo- cate of private ownership of public utilities. [Jn Municipal journal and engineer, vol. 14, May, 1903, pp. 222-224; June, 190;!, pp. 269-273; vol. 15, July, 1903, pp. 4-8.) Potts, Alfred F. A successful substitute for municipal ownership, (/ji Municipal engineering, vol. 14, April, 1898, pp. 181-187.) SiDiie. (7n American monthly review of reviews, vol. 20, Nov., 1899, pp. 576-578.) An outline of the organization and operation of the Consumers Gas Trust company of Indianapolis. Public policy. A journal for the correct understanding- of public questions and the development of good citizenship. Vols. 2-13. Chicago, 1900-1905. m vols, in J^. ^°. Redlich, Josef. Local government in England. Edited w4th addi- tions by Francis W. Hirst. In two volumes. London: MacmiUan and co., 1903. 2 vols. 8°. The sphere of municipal government, vol. 1, pp. 354-371. The finance of municipal government, vol. 1, pp. 372-406. Richardson, Charles. Municipal franchises. {1)1 National municipal league. A municipal program, pp. 120-128. New York, 1900. 8°.) Robbins, Hayes. Philadelphia and its gas works: an instance of the advantages resulting from substituting private for munici- pal control of a public utility. {In World to-day, vol. 7, Dec, 1904, pp. 1536-1542.) Rosewater, Victor. Municipal ownership of electric lighting. {/» Independent, vol. 55, Jan. 8, 1903, pp. 93-96.) Rowe, Leo S. The municipality and the gas supply, as illustrated by the experience of Philadelphia. {Li American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 11, May, 1898, pp. 301-323.) Schooling, John Holt. Local rates and taxes. {In Windsor's magazine, vol. 21, Dec, 1904, pp. 99-108; Jan., 1905, pp. 270-285.) Discussion of municipal trading. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 21 Seabury, Samuel. Municipal ownership and operation of public utilities in New York citj^. [JVew Yorh: Municipal ownership publishing co., 1905.] 202 jyp. 8°. Serrell, Lemuel Williiuu Public service corporations; a brief work dealing with the operations and revenues derived from the same. JVevj Tod; 1901. JfS j^p. 16'\ Municipal ownership, pp. 5-16. Sha-w, Albert. Municipal government in continental Europe. N^evj Yiyrh: The Century co..^ 1901. xii.^ (^), 505 p)p- S°. Contexts. — 1. Paris: The typical modern city; 2. The French munic- ipal system; 3. The systems of Belgium, Holland, and Spain; 4. Recent progress of Italian cities; 5. The framework of German city government; 6. ^Municipal functions in Germany; 7. The free city of Hamburg and its sanitary reforms; 8. The transformation of Vienna; 9. Budapest: The rise of a new metropolis; Appen- dices: 1. The budget of Paris; 2. The budget of Berlin; 3. The French municipal code. Municipal government iu Great Britain. JVeiv York: The Century co., 1895. vi, (4), 385 pp. 5°. Sha-w, Bernard. The common sense of numioipal trading. Westminster : Archibald Constable cL' w., 190J^. vii, (i), 120 pp. 12''. Shepardson, George D. Wh}- some municipal electric light plants do not pay better. {In Electrical review, vol. 37, .Inly 11, 1900, i>age .37; July IS. 1900, pp. 52-55.) • Same. (/>i Municipal engineering, vol. 19, .\ug., 1900, |>p. 103-108.) Same. (7n Street railway review, vol. 10, Aug. )."), 1900, p. -155.) Shortt, Adam. Municipul government in Oiitarii); tiy Adiuu Shortt. Municipal organization in Ontario; by K. W. McKay. Bibliography of Canudian niiinicipal government; by S. Morlcy Wickctt. \^Toi'ont(>\: The Unirersity library, jmblixhed by the librariati., 1903. (2), 70 pj>. f . {fnir, rxlty of Toronto studies. Hist (try and econt) lit ica. rol. ii., uo. 2.) Cover-title. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Sno-w, F. Herbert. A comparison of day labor and contract system on municipal works. {1)1 American federationist, vol. 6, August, 1899, pp. 124-126; Sep- tember, ISW, pp. 155-157.) Sparling, Samuel Edwin. Municipal history and present organization of the city of Chicago. 3fadlson^ Wis.: 1898. 188 pp- <^^- {Bulletin of the Univer- sity of Wisconsi/i, no. 23.) StefiFens, Joseph Lincoln. The shame of the cities. JVeio York: McClure, Phillips d; co., 190 J^. (^), 306 pp. Street rail-way franchises in New York. {In Municipal affairs, vol. 6, March, 1902, pp. 68-86.) Tolman, William Howe. Municipal reform movements in the United States. With an introductory chapter by the Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst. Fleming II. Revell company., New York., Chicago., Toronto., 1895. '219 pp. 12'-^. {The Text-hooh of the new reformation.') Tremain, Henr}^ Edwin. Franchises or monopolies — their public ownership and operation. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 14, Nov., 1899, pp. 311-326.) United States. Census Office. Tenth Ceiisus, 1880. Report on the social statistics of cities, compiled by George E. Waring. Part I. The New England and the middle states. Part II. The southern and the western states. Washington: Government printing office.^ 1886-1887. 2 vols. JiP. {U. S. Tenth census, 1880. Reports, vol. 18, 19.) ■ Census office. Twelfth census, 1900. Special reports. Street and electric railwaj^s, 1902. Prepared under the supervi- sion of VV. M. Stewart. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. xi, (1), 4-39 pp. Illustratimis. Maps. JfP. "Franchises, public regulation, and public ownership," pp. 126-148; "Street railways in European countries," pp. 149-156. Department of commerce and labor. Municipal ownership. Reports from United States consular officers, 1897-1905. Washington: Govet^nment p>rinting office, 1905. 55 pp. 8°. {Daily cmisular reports, May 12, 1905, no. 2256.) Reprinted in Monthly consular reports, no. 296, May, 1905, pp. 284-336. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 23 United States. Dejyay'tment of commerce and lahor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. Washington: Government jyrlnting offict., 1900. 983 j)p. 8^. {Fourteenth annual rejyerrt of the Commissioner of labor.) Also appears as House document no. 713, 56th Congress, 1st session. Industrial cominission. Report on transportation. Vol. 9 of the Commission's reports. Washington: Government printing office.; 1901. 8°. Contains the following reports relative to municipal ownership: Public utilities, by Edward W. Bemis, pp. 86-103; Uniform public' accounting, by Allen R. Foote, pp. 103-123; Municipal electric plants, by Alton D. Adams, pp. 275-285; Street railroads, by Charles Francis Adams, pp. 824-830; Boston street railways, etc., by James F. Jackson, pp. 841-848. Vance, Joseph Anderson. American problems. Chicago: The Winona jyuhlishiiig company., IBOIf.. ((9), 11-25^ pp. 1£°. Municipal government, pp. 169-205. Vreeland, H. H. The failure of municipal ownership. {In Independent, vol. 52, May 17, 1900, pp. 1165-1168.) Warren, Bentley W. The state and the street railway: one success- ful solution of the problem of their mutual relations. {In Green bag, vol. 17, Jan., 1905, pp. .33-42.) Street railway transportation in ]\Iassachusetts a governmentally regulated monopoly. Watkins, Albert. The outlook for public ownership. {In Forum, vol. 32, Oct., 1901, pp. 201-216.) Weber, Adna Ferrin. The growth of cities in the nineteenth century. A study in statistics. JVe^r Yo7k: I*ahll) jp. including cl.rx tables. Diagram. .9^. {Studies in history., econov^ics., and public law. Kd. hy I he Faculty of jwlitical science of Columbia university., Vol. xi.) "Bibliographical note," i>i«. 476-478. Whinery, S. Municipal public work.s, their inception, con.struction, and managcnu'nt. New York, L. xiv^ {l),2/,lpp. 8. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wilcox, Dolos F. The American cit}"; a problem in democracy. , uWw York and London : Tlte Macndllaii company ^190]^.. vii, (1), Jf^S pp. P2°. {TJie Citizen! s library of economics^ politics., and sociology., ed. hy R. T. Ely.) "The control of public utilities," pp. 52-90. Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress; chapters in munici- pal sociology. Neio York., London: The Macmillan company., 1902. -y, 380 pp. 12°. {The Citizen! s library of economics, j^olitlcs, and sociology., ed. hy Lt. T. Ely. ) Contents. — Introduction: Municipal sociology. — Transportation. — Public works. — Sanitation. — Public schools. — Public libraries. — Public buildings. — Parks and boulevards. — Public recrea- tion. — Public control, ownership, and operation. ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS 1893. Public works of German municipMlitios. Albert H. Wash- burn, Mao^deburg, Oct. 10, 1892. Vol. il, lUK 1J^9, FJ)., 1893, pp. 202-2 IJf. 1898. ^Municipal electric light and power in Germany. James T. Du Bois, St. Gall, Jan. 28, 1898. Vol. 66, no. 211^ April, 1898, page 51^6. 1900. Municipal ownership of street railwa3's in Halle. (Translation from Magdeburg Zeitung, Ma}- 12, 19()(i.) Vol. 6i, no. 2JfO, Sept., 1900, page 2 Jf. 1900. Leipzig cit}- pawn shop and savings institution. Brainard H. Warner, jr., July 26, 1900. Vol. 6If, no. 21^2, Nov., 1900, pp. 381-385. 1900. Development of the Zurich tramways (municipal). A. Lic- berknecht, Zurich, Nov. 1, 1900. Vol. 65, no. 2I,S, Feh., 1901, 2)p- 236-237. 1900. City ownership of street cars in Liege, Alfred A. Winslow, Liege, Dec. 5, llMKf. Vol. 65, no. 21^6, March, 1901, pp. 332-33 Jf. 1901. Electric street railway in Tklannhcim (municipal). 11. W. Harris, Jan. 8, 1901. Vol. 66. no. 2JiS, Mai/, 1901, pp. 37-38. 1901. Nottingham electric railway. S. C. McFarland, Mai-. 1(>. 1901. Vol. 6Y;, 'no. ..V//y, J>in,, 190 K pp. 175-178. 1902. Municipal tr;ini\say> iiiCJologne. Cliarlo K. Barnes. Cologne, Dec. 4, 1901. Vol. CS, HO. J5S, Mir.. /9ii..\ pp. 369-370. 1903. FiiKincesot' F.rilisli '•.Municipal trading." I-'. W. .M:di in, Not- tingham, Feb. 2;;. 19o:'.. Vol. 72, no. 272, Mp. 6Ji,-67. 1905 Municipal ownership. Reports from United States consular officers, 1897-1905. No. 296, May, 1905, pp. 284,-336. SELECT LIST OF STATE DOCUMENTS Connecticut. Private and municipal ownership. 1. Electric light and power plants. 2. Gas works. 3. Water works. [In Connecticut. Bureau of labor statistics. 15th annual report, 1899, pp. 15-88. Hartford, 1899. 8°.) Municipal statistics. {In Connecticut. Bureau of labor statistics. 20th annual report, 1904, pp. 47-203. Meriden, Conn., 1904. 8°.) Illinois. Private and municipal ownership of public works. {In Illinois. Bureau of labor statistics, 10th biennial report, 1898, pp. 1-41, 139-234. Springfield, 111., 1899. 8°.) Kansas. Water, electric-light, and gas plants. {In Kansas. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics, 13tli annual report, 1897, pp. 83-113. Topeka, 1898. 8°.) Massachusetts. Special committee to investigate relatio^is hetween cities and towns and street railway companies. Report. February, 1898. Boston: Wright cfc Potter printing co., 1898. {2), 296 pp. 8^. {Massachusetts. General courts 1898. I Fouse document no. 1(75.) Partial contknts. — AV)strac-t of the statutes of the various states in relation to franchises and methods. — Conditions in American cities. — European conditions. — Municipal ownership and oi>era- tion of street railways in England, hy Ti. P. Porter. Extracts from report of Kapid transit commission of 1891. Extracts from report of special legislative committee on taxatioTi of 1893. — Tal)le showing the effect of proposed distribution of the cori)()ration tax. — Distriliutioii of street railway mileage in Massachusetts. Michigan. Statistics of electric ligliling, gas. and water plants in Michigan. {In Michigan. Bureau nf labor and industrial statistics, ir)|h ammal report, 1899, pj.. 18:^-I9S. Lansing, 1898. 8°. ) Nebraska. Municipal workshops, baths, liltraries, and creche (Hat- tersea). {In Nebra-ska. Bureau of labor and innts for and against municipal ownership 5 Bell, Sir James, and James Paton 6 Bemis, lulward \V <> Commons, John R 7 Connecticut 27 Dibdin, W. J 8 Englisli nuinicipal electric lighting 9 Foote, Allen Ripley 9 Foote, Allen 11., and Charles E. Everett 10 Great Britain. Hoard of trade . 11 Croirn ai/eut for Scot- laml 11 l'arli((iiHiit 12,13 Kansas 27 b.'luT, Olto II H .Michigan 27 Municipal electric ligliting 15 Municipal yearbook 17 National convention upon nui- nicipal ownership 17 Nebraska 28 New York 2S Roscwater, Victor 2(1 Siicpardson, CJeorpe I> 21 r. S. I>r/Kirliiinil of commerce and Itthor 23 I'. S. IitdiiHlri(d comwiHKiim 23 V . S. consular reports 25 Virginia 28 29 30 SUBJECT INDEX Finances: Page American economic associa- tion 5 Fairlie, John A 9 Foote, Allen Ripley 10 Fowler. Sir Henry Hartley... 10 Knight, J. Martin 14 ^lichigan political science as- sociation 15 National municipal league ,18 U. S. Industrial commission — 23 France: Municipal governm"'nt. Bres, Eugene 6 Shaw, Albert 21 Gas lighting: Bell, .SV?' James, and James Pa- ton Bemis, Edward W 6 Connecticut 27 Dibdin, W. J 8 Foote, Allen Ripley 9 and Charles E. Everett. 10 Great Britain. Board of trade . 11 Crown agent for Scot- land 11 James, Edmund J 14 Kansas 27 Michigan 27 Municipal yearbook 17 National convention upon mu- nicipal ownership 17 Nebraska 28 New York 28 Robbins, Hayes 20 Rowe, Leo S 20 U. S. Department of commerce and labor 23 Virginia 28 Germany: Electric lighting. TJ. S. con- sular reports 25 Municipal government. Camp- bell, C. E 7 Shaw, Albert 21 Municipal ownership. Na- tional convention upon mu- nicipal ownership 17 Public works. U. S. consular reports 25 Glasgow: Municipal government. Bell, ort« 25 Massachismth: Street rail ways 27 National convention upon iiniiiiciiiid own- erHhip 17 Warren, Bentley W... 23 Michigan: page Electric light, gas, and water plants .. 27 Michigan political sci- ence association 15 Municipal franchises: Bemis, Edward W 6 Foote, Allen Ripley 9 James, Edmund J 14 ^lassachusetts. Special coniiii it- tee 14 National convention upon mu- nicipai ownership 17, 18 National numiciital league 18 Parsons, Frank 19 Richardson, Charles 20 Street railway franchises 22 Tremain, Henry Edwin 22 United States. Census office.. 22 Municipal socialism: Boyle, James 6 Municipal socialism 16 Municipal trading: Boyle, James 6 Darwin, Leonard 8 Great Britain. Joint select com- iiiittre 12 Municii)al yearbook 17 Ontario 19 Porter, Robert P 20 Shaw, 15ernard 21 U. S. consular reports 25 Nebraska : Electric light, gas, and water plants 28 New York: Franchises. Bemis, Ivlward w (; Street railway fran- chises 22 Street railways 28 New York Citv: Municipal ownersliip. Sca- liiiry, Sainucl 21 \Vat«T supply. New York 2S Norn. VG HAM, K.ngla.nd: Street railways. U. S. consu- lar ni-nrts 25,26 Ontakki: MuMiri|ial gii V e r n m e n t . SliortI, Adam 21 .Municipal tnuling 19 1'akih: Budget of. Siiuw, AllKMt 21 32 8 OBJECT INDEX Paris: rage .Municipal government. Cies- sen, Rene' 10 Martin, Leon, (■(? 14 Philadelimiia: Gas. Robbins, Hayes 20 Rowe, LeoS 20 Poplar, England: IMunieipal socialism 16 Public works: American economic associa- tion 5 Foote, Allen R 9 Michigan political science as- sociation 15 Whinery, S 23 Zueblin, Charles 24 Scotland: Municipal government. At- kinson, Mabel 5 Municipal yearbook. . . 17 Reproductive undertakings. Great Britain. Crown agent for Scotland 11 Sheffield, England: Municipal ownership. IT. S. consular reports 26 Spain: Municipal government. Shaw, Albert . 21 Street railways: American economic associa- tion 5 Bell, Sir James, and James Paton 6 Bemis, Edward W 6 Burley, Clarence A 6 Foote, Allen R., and Charles E. Everett 10 Great Britain. Board of trade. 11 Croum agent for Scot- land 11 Jacobson, Augustus 14 Keeler, Bronson C 14 Massachusetts. Special com- mittee 14 Maxwell, J. Shaw 15 Municipal yearbook 17 National convention upon mu- nicipal ownership 17 New York 28 Parsons, Frank 19 V.^.Cenmsoffice 22 U. S. Industrial commission 23 U.S. consular reports 25, 26 Street Railways: page Warren, Bentley W 23 Zueblin, Charles 24 Telephone: Bemis, Edward W 6 Dagger, E 8 Foote, Allen R., and Charles E. Everett 10 Municipal yearbook 17 National convention upon mu- nicipal ownership 17 Toronto: Public franchises in. National convention upon municipal ownership 18 Vienna : Municipal government. Shaw, Albert 21 Wallingford, Conn. : Municipal lighting. National convention upon municipal ownership 18 Waterworks : American economic associa- tion 5 Bell, Sir James, and James Paton 6 Bemis, Edward W 6 Connecticut 27 Foote, Allen Ripley 9 and Charles E. Everett. 10 Great Britain. Board of trade. 11 Crown agent for Scot- land 11 Hill, William R 13 Kansas 27 Michigan 27 Michigan political science as- sociation 15 Municipal yearbook 17 National convention upon mu- nicipal ownership 17 Nebraska 28 New York 28 U. S. Department of commerce and labor 23 Virginia 28 Wisconsin: Michigan political science as- sociation 15 Virginia: Water, gas, and electric light plants 28 Zurich: Tramways. U. S. consular re- ports 25 AUTHOR INDEX Page Adams, Alton D 17,23 Adams, Charles Francis 23 Adams, H. C 5 Agar, John G 17 Allen, Walters 17 Ashley, Percy 5 Atkinson, ^labcl 5 Baker, Charles AVhiting 5 Baker, Moses Nelson 6, 17 Barnes, Charles E 25 Bell, Sir James 6 Bellamy, C. R 17 Bemis, Edward Webster 6, 23 Bennett, A. R 17 Bethel], U. N 17 Bible, John F 15 Bowker, R. R 18 Boyle, James 6, 25 Brandeis, Louis D 17 Brt^s, Eugene 6 Brown, Charles Carroll 15 Bnnce, John Tliackray 6 Burley, Clarence A 6 Cahoon, Jaines Blake 7,17 Callendar, Sherman D 15 Campbell, C. E 7 Coler, Bird S 18 ComiiK)np, Joiin R 6, 7 Cutting, R. F 8 Dagger, E 8 Daniels, ('liaries X 26 Darwin, Leonanl 8 Deiiiing, Horace E 18 Dewey, Davis R 5 Dib.lin, W. J 8 Dolierty, Ilemy L 8 Dolman, Frederick 8 Donald, Robert 8, 17 DuBois, Jaiiies T 25 f:ili(ott, Edward B 18 Ely, Richard T 8,9 Everett, CliarloH E I<> 15121—06 3 Page Fairlie, John A 9,15,18 Foote, Allen Ripley 9, 10, 18, 23 Ford, John 10, 18 Fowler, Sir Henry Hartley 10 Francisco, M. Judson 10 Gerards, Emile 14 Gessen, Rene 10 Glaister, John 10 Goodhue, William F 11 Goodnow, Frank Johnson 5, 11 , 18 Grant, Claudius B 15 Gronlund, Laurence 13 Gunton, George 13 Hanun, Walter C 26 Harris, H. W 25 Haskins, Charles Waldo 13, 1 7 Hayes, Thomas (J 13 Heiiieiuan, David K 15 Hevn, p:dward T 17 Hifl, William R 13,17 Hirst, Francis W 20 Holloway, W. R 26 Howe, Frederic C 13 Howe, William Wirt 18 Inches, J. \V 15 IngersoU, Raymond V 18 Ingram, Fri'derick F 15, 18 Jackson, Janus F 23 Jacobson, Augustus 14 James, Edmund J 14 JohusdU, Juscph Fniicli 13 Keelcr, BroiiHun ( ' 14 Kent, C. A 15 Keraval, A 11 Kiiiglil, G. W 5 K nig! it, J. Martin 14 !,:tmlK'au, Lucicn 14 Ia-Iht, Ott<. H 14 Lewis, Cliarltnn T 17 LiclMTkn.'cht, A 25 I^ickwriod, .lowph E 18 M.Fnrland, S. C 25 33 34 AUTHOR INDEX Page iMcKay, K. W 21 ISIaliin, Frank W 25, 26 JMaltbio, Milo Roy iS Martin, Leon 14 iNIavor, James 15 Maxwell, J. Shaw 15 Maybursi, William H 15 ]Moore, Charles 5 Nellis, E. R...' 15 Parkhurst, Charles 11 22 Parsons, Frank 6, 19 Paton, James 6 Peekham, Wheeler II 18 Perrine, F. A. C 6 Perry, George R 19 Porter, Robert P 14, 17, 19, 20, 27 Potts, Alfred F 20 Price, A. L 18 Redlich, Josef 20 Richardson, Charles 18, 20 Robbing, Hayes 20 Rosewater, Victor 17, 20 Rowe, LeoS 18,20 Schooling, John Holt 20 Scripps, James E 15 Seabury, Samuel 21 Sehgman, Edwin R. A 18 Serrell, Lemuel William 21 Shaw, Albert 18,21 Shaw, Bernard 21 Shepard, Edward M 17 Page Shepardson, George D 21 Shibley, George H 18 Shortt, Adam 21 Simons, Charles C 15 Snow, F. Herbert 22 Sparling, Samuel Edwin 15, 22 Steffens, Joseph Lincoln 22 Stewart, W. M 22 Stocking, William 15 Swarthout, Elvin 15 Tolman, William Howe 22 Tremain, Henry Edwin 22 Urquhart, Thomas 18 Vance, Joseph Anderson 23 Vaughan, V. C 15 Vreeland, H. H 23 Waring, George E 22 Warner, Braniard H., jr 25 Warner, John De Witt 17 Warren, Bentley W 23 Washburn, Albert H 25 Watkins, Albert 23 Weber, Adna F'errin 23 West, Max 6 Whinery, S 23 Wickett, S. Morley 21 Wilcox, DelosF 15,18,24 Winslow, Alfred A 25 Woodruff, Clinton Rogers 18 Yerkes, Charles T 17 Zueblin, Charles 24 o 11281 e. Form L-9-35m-8,'28 \|_y& /M>IVafci-L-'W> 7164 P97U5 e^-Gor Library i sion or "biblio - graphy - Select list of boolrs on manic i- pal affair s._. lit' 'irr^innE'^*^ library facii ity mm niiiiiiiiiiiii m AA 000 486 363 k /