'■^'■J®*!-"- IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl ^^{1^ '^^^^ U-j^^ry^^ '"">•*• V, j > • \^ v t AETTSS Tf 1.4^rr!^ A COURSE OF MATHEMATICS. IN TWO VOLUMES. FOR THE USE OF ACADEMIES, AS WELL AS PRIVATE TUITION. BY CHARLES HUTTON, L.L.D. F.R.a CATE PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IHJ THE JROltAIiv MILITARY ACADEMY. ' '-' 'KZViblJD AND CdKRiSCTEO l/T ' ROBERT ADRAIN, A. M. FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETr, AND PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN QUEEN'S COLLEGE NEW-SERSEt. VOL. I. NEW- YORK : PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL CAMPBELL, EVERT DUYCKINCl^ T. & J. SWORDS, PETER A. MESIER, R. M'DERMUT, THOMAS A. RONALDS, JOHN TIEBOUT, AND GEORGE LONG. 1818. ADVERTISEMEiNT. THE publishers of this third AmericanjedUion of Dr. Hutton'.s Course of Mathfc.natics, were ifTdncdTTo engageT^n't'Ee^work frora a conviction of its utility to private Students, as well as to Colleges and other Seminaries, in vhich Mathematical Science constitutes a branch of education. They also had in view the furnishing of the Military School of their country with a Text Book of high standing, and long in use in the British Military Academy And in order that this edition might derive advantage from the progress of the Science, and thereby become more worthy of the public patronage, they en- gaged a gentleman of acknowledged eminence to revise its pages and super- intend the printing ; and they confidently trust this duty has been performed •\viih some profit to the work generally. To gentlemen, therefore, who study this delightful science in private, and to the literary and military institutions of their country, the publishers and proprietors look for remuneration — and they feel as though they should not look in vain. An increasing taste for Mathe- matical Studies will produce a correspondent increase of purchasers ; whife the preference which an honourable patriotism gives to American editions *when well executed, will receive additional activity from the super-eminence tof the work itself. Qfj=* Oiders for this publication will be thankfully received by any of the proprietors; all whose names are printed at the foot of the title-page. jSTew-Yorlc, 1818. X* * ' DUtrict. nf iJeivTork, ss- \ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the eleventh day of August, in the tliiity-seventli year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel Campbell^ of the said district, liath deposited m this office tlie title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, hi the woi-ds following:, to wit: " A Com'se of Mathematics. In two vgjuipjes. For the use of Academies, as well as Pri- vate Tuition. By Charles HiUtoiiI L. L. D. F. R. S. late Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy. From the fifth and sixth London editions, revised and correctefl by Robert Atlrain, A. M. Fellow of the American Philosophical Society, and Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College. New-Jersey." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An act for the encouvaRement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the' au- thors and iiroprietors ol' such copies^ during the times therein mentioned." And also to an act, entitletl " An act< supplementary to an act, entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such coi'ies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the heaefits thereof to ' . Subtraction . . . 36 — — Multiplication / . , . . 38 '■■■ Division , . . ,, , , ; . , 41 Golden Ruley or Rule of Three ....... 4^ Compound Proportion . .' 49 Vulgar Fractions ........... 51 Reduction of Vulgar Fractions , . , . . . . 52 Addition of Vuigar Fractions ....... 61 Subtraction of Vulgar Fractions ^ 62 Multiplication of Vulgar Fractions ....... 63 Division of Vulgar Fractions ,64 Rule of Three in Vulgar Fractions . . . . . . 65 jpecimal Fractions . . . . . . , . . 66 Ad^tion of Decimals 67 l^ufttraction Qf Decimals 68 Multiplication CONTENTS. xiii Page Multiplication of Decimals , . . . ^ . • . 68 Division of Decimals 70 Reduction of Decimals 73 Ilule of Three in Decimals ........ 76 Duodecimals 77 Involution ........... 78 Evolution «0 To extract the Square Root . 81 To extract the Cube Root . . . . . . . '85 To extract any Root -whatever ....... 88 Table of Squares^ Cubes, Square-Roots and Cube-Roots . 90 Ratios, Proportions, and Progressions . . , . . ItO Arithmetical Progression . . Ill Geometrical Progression . 116 Musical Proportion . , . . r , . . . 119 Fello-wship, ot Partnership »1>. Single Fellowship . ..' . , 120 Double Felloruship .,.....-. 122 Simple Interest 124 Compound Interest . . . - . . ,. . , 127 AUigation Medial ......... 129 AlUgation Alternate . . . - . . . . . 131 Single Position 13S Double Position ...,.,.... 137 Permutations and Combinations ^ 140 Practical Questions . . . . . . ... 150 LOGARITHMS. Of Logarithms 155 To compute Logarithms . 159 Description and use of the Table of Logarithms ... 163' MultipUcatim xiY CONTENTS. Page Multiplication hy Logarithms ....... 1^7 Division by Logarithms .....««. 168 hwolutim by Logarithms . 169 Evolution by Logarithms 170 ALGEBRA. JDefinitions and Jactation . • • • - . . . 171 .Addition . . . . 17S Subtraction t . . . . 180 Multiplication 181 IHvision ... . . . . . . . . t^ Jilgebraic Fractions 18S Involution 199 Evolution . . . , . . . ' . . . 202 Surds '...,., 205 Infinite Series 213 Arithmetical Proportion . 218 PiUngofBaUs , . . . . , 223 Geometrical Proportion . 4.1^^ '. 1 •. , , 228 Simple Equations 230 Quadratic Equations . . . * • • « . . 24d JResolution of Cubic and Sigher Equations . , . ♦, • 257 Simple Interest . . • • ,« • • • 266 Compound Interest . . ^ ^ • . 267 Annuities ... 270 GEOMETRY. Definitions . 275 Axioms— IVieorems 281 Of Ratios and Proportions .% • • • • - * 319 Of Planes and SoHds^Dqfimtions . . . . . . SS^ Problems . . .353 Applications CONTENTS. XV Page JippKcatioru of Mgebra to Geometry 369 Plane Trigonometry 377 Heights and Diatancea 39S Mensuraium of Planes 402 Mensuration of Solids . . > 419 Land Surveying . • . - - - . . • . 429 Artijiceri Works . 487 Timber measuring 466 Conic Sections . . •' 469 Of the Ellipse 475 Of the Hyperbola .......... 49X Of the Parabola .......... 514 Of the Conic Sections as expressed by Algebraic equations, called the Equations of the Curve . . 532 Elements of Isoperimetry , 535 . Problems relative to the Division of Surfaces • . . 558 Construction of Geometrical problems 571 Practical Exercises fn M^suration . . ... 575 COURSE MATHEMATICS, &c. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 1. Iq^UANTITY, or Magnitude, is any thing that will admit of increase or decrease ; or that is capable of any sort of calculation or mensuration : such as numbers, lines, space, time, motion, weight. 2. Mathematics is the science which treats of all kinds |of quantity 'whatever, that can be numbered or meaeured. — That part which treats of numt)ering is called Arithmetic; and that which concerns measuring, or figured extension, is called Geometry. — These two, which are conversant about multitude and magnitude, being the foundation of all the other parts, arc called Pure or Abstract Mathematics ; because they investigate and demonstrate the properties of abstract num- bers and magnitudes of all sorts. And when these two parts are applied to particular or practical subjects, they constitute the branches or parts called Mixed Mathematics. — Mathematics is also distinguished into Speculative and Practical : viz. Specu- lative, when it is concerned in discovering properties and re- lations ; and Practical, when applied to practice and real use concerning physical objects. ^ Vol. L 2 3. In 2 ' GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 3. In Mathematics are several general terms or principles ; such as, Definitions, Axioms, Propositions, Theorems, Prob- lems, Lemmas, Corollaries, Sclioliums, &c. 4. A Definition is the explication of any term or word in a science ; showing the sense and meaning in which the term is employed. — Every Definition ought to be clear, and ex- pressed in words that are common and perfectly well under- stood. 6. A Proposition is something proposed to be proved, or something required to be done ; and is accordingly either a Theorem or a Problem. 6 A Theorem is a demonstrative proposition ; in which some property is asserted, and the truth of il required to be proved. Thus, when it is said that, The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to two right angles, this is a Theorem, the truth of which is demonstrated by Geometry. " — A set or collection of «uch Theorems constitutes a Theory. 7. A Problem is a proposition or a question requiring something to be done ; either to investigate some truth or property, or to perform some operation. As, to find out the quantity or sum of all the three anglps of any triangle, or to draw one line perpendicular to another. A Limited Prob- lem is that which has but one answer or soluiion. An Un- ' limited Problem is that which has innumerable answers. And a Determinate Problem is that which has a certain num- ber of answers. 8. Solution of a Problem, is the resolution or answer given to it. A Numerical or Numeral Solution, is the answer©, given in numbers. A Geometrical Solution^ ii the answer given by the principles of Geometry. And a Mechanical Solution, is one which is gained by trials. 9. A Lemma is a preparatory proposition, laid down in order to shorten the demonstration of the main proposition^ which follows it. ^P 10. A Corollary, or 'Consectary, is a consequence drawn im- mediately from some proposition or other premises. " li. A Scholium is a remark or observation made on some foregoing proposition or premises. - 12. An Axiom or Maxim^ is a self-evident proposition ; requiring no formal demonstration to prove the truth of it ; but is received and assented to as soon as mentioned. Such as, The whole of any thing is greater than a part of it ; or, The v/hole is equal to all its parts taken together : or. Two quantities that are each of them equal to a third quantity, are equal to each other. 13.^ 9 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 3 13. A Postulate, or Petition, is something required to be done, which is so easy and evident that no person will hesi- tate to allow it. 14. An Hypothesis is a supposition assumed to be true, in order to argue from, or to found upon it the reasoning^and demonstration of some proposition. 15. Demonstration is the collecting the several arguments and proofs, and laying them together in proper order, to show the truth of the proposition under consideration. 16. A Direct, Positive, or Jlffirmative Demonstration, is that which concludes with the direct and certain proof of the proposit^n in hand, — This kind of Demonstration is most satisfacWPy to the mind ; for which- reason it is called some- times an Ostensive Demonstration. 17. Jin Indirect, or Negative Demonstration, is that which shows a proposition to be true, by proving that some absur- dity would necessarily follow if the proposition advanced were false. This is also sometimes called Reductio ad Ahsiirdum; because it shows the absurdity and falsehood of all supposir tions contrary to that contained in the proposition. 18. Method is the ait of disposing a train of arguoients in a proper order, to investigate eithsr the truth or falsity of a proposition, or to demonstrate it to others when it has been fcund out. — This is either Analytical or Synthetical. 19. Analysis, or the Analytic Method, is the art or mode of finding out the truth of a 'proposition, by first supposing the thing to be done, and then reasoning back, step by step, till we arrive at some known truth. — This is also called the Method of Invention, or Resolution. 20. Synthesis, or • the Synthetic Method, is the searching out truth, by first laying down some simple and easy princi- ples, and pursuing the consequences flowing from them till we arrive at the conclusion. — This is also called the Method of Composition ; and is the reverse of the Anal3^tic method, as this proceeds from known principles to an unknown conclu- sion ; while the other goes in a retrograde order, from the thing sought, considered as if it were true, to some known principle or fact. And therefore, when any truth has been found out by the Analytic method, it may be demonstrated by a process in the contrary order, by Synthesis. ARITH- [4] Arithmetic. jfl^RITHMETIC is the art or science of numbering; be- ing that branch of Mathematics which treats of the nature and properties of numbers. — ^Wheu it treats of whole num- bers, it is called Vulgar, or Common Arithmetic ; but when of broken numbers, or parts of numbers, it is called FVactions. Unity, or an Unit^ is that by which every thinglp called one ; being the beginning of number ; as, one man, one ball, one gun, Number is either simply one; or a compound of several units ; as, one man, three men, ten men. An Integer^ or Whole Number, is some certain precise quantity of units ; as, one, three, ten. — These are so called as distinguished from Fractions, which are broken numbers, or* parts of numbers ; as, one-half, two-thirds, or three-fourths. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Notation, or Numeration, teaches to denote or express any proposed number, either by words or characters ; or to read and write down any sum or number The numbers in Arithmetic are expressed by the following ten digits, or Arabic numeral figures, which were introduced into Europe by the Moors, about eight or nine hundred years since ; viz. 1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, cipher, or nothing. These cha-^ racters or figures were formerly all called by the general name of Ciphers; whence it came to pass that the art of Arithmetic was then often called Ciphering. Also the first nine are called Significant Figures, as distinguished from the cipher, which is of itself quite insignificant. Besides this value of thosp figures, they have also another which depends on the place they stand in when joined toge- ther ; as in the following table : Units NOTATION AND NUMERATION. ^ a o H ^ o i o 03 o O m 1 9 n3 'TO a c a C O a a u 9 e property may be shown to belong to the number 3 ; but the preference is usually given lo the number 9, on account of its being more convenient in practice. Now, from the demonstration above given, the reason of the rule itself is evident : for the excess of 9*s in two or more number^ being taken separattly, and the excess of 9*s taken also out of the sum of the former excesses, it is plain that this last excess must be equal to the excess of 9's contained in the total sum of all these numbers ; all the parts taken together being equal to the whole.— —This rule was first given by Docter WalUs in his Arithmetici pubUshed in the year 1657. Ex- SUBTRACTION. 11 Ex. 5. Add 3426 ; 9024 ; 6106 ; 8890 ; 1204, together. Ans. 27650. 6. Add 609267 ; 236809 ; 72920 ; 83^2 ; 420 ; 21 ; and 9, together. Ans 826838. 7. Add 2 ; 19 ; 817 ; 4298 ; 60916 ; 730206; 91^>0634, together. Ans. 9966891. 8. Hdw many days are in the twelve calendar months ? Ans. 365. 9. How many days are there from the 1 5th day of April to the 24th day of November, both days included ? Ans 224. 10. An army consisting of 62714 infantry*, or foot, 6110 horse, 6250 dragoons, 3927 light-horse, 928 artillery, or gunners, 1410 pioneers, 250 sappers, and 406 miners : what is the whole number of men ? Ans. 70995. OF SUBTRACTION. Subtraction teaches to find how much one number exceeds another, called their difference, or the remainder^ by taking the less from the greater. The method of doing which is as follows : Place the less number under the greater, in the same man- ner as in Addition, that is, units under units, tens under tens, and so on ; and" draw a line below them. — Begin at the right- hand and take each figure in the lower line, or number, from the figure above it, setting down the remainder below it. — But if the figure in the lower line be greater than that above it, first borrow, or add, 10 to the upper one, and then take the lower figure from that sum, setting down the remainder^ and carrying 1 , for what was borrowed, to the next lower figure, with which proceed as before ; and so on till the whole is finished. * The whole body of foot soldiers is denoted by the word Infantry ; and all those that charge on horseback by the word Cavalry. — Some authors conjecture tHat the term infantry is derived from a certain In- fanta of Spain, who finding that the ariry commanded by the k'mg her father had been defeated by the Moors, assembled a body of the peo- ple together on foot, with which she engaged and totally routed the enemy. In honour of this event, and to distinguish the foot soldiers, who were not before held in much estimation, they received the name of Infantrv, from her own title of Infanta. To 12 ARITHMETIC. i To FROVE Subtraction. Add the remainder to the less number, or that which is just above it ; and if the sum be equal to the greater or upper- most number, the work is right*. EXAMPLES. From 5386427 Take 2164315 From 5386427 Take 4258792 Prom 1234567 Take 702973 Rem. 3222112 Rem. 1127635 Rem. 531594 Proof. 5386427 Proof. 5386427 Proof. 1234567 4. From 6331896 take 5073918. 6. From 7020974 take 2766809. 6. From 8503602 take 574271. Ads. 25 Ans. 4254165. Ans. 7929131. 7. Sir Isaac Newton was born in the year 1642, and he clied in 1727 : how old was he at the time of his decease ? Ans. 85 years. 8. Homer was born 2543 years ago, and Christ 1810 years ago : then how long before Christ was the birth of Homer ? Ans. 733 years. 9. , Noah's flood happened about the year of the world 1656, and the birth of Christ about the year 4000 : then how long was the flood before Christ ? Ans. 2344 years. 10. The Arabian or Indian method of notation was first known in England about the year 1150: then how long is it since to this present year 1810 ? Ans. 660 years. 11. Gunpowder was invented in the year 1330 : then how long was this before the invention of printing, which was in 1441 ? Ans. Ill years. 12. The mariner's compass was invented in Europe in the year 1302 : then how long was that before the discovery of America by Columbus, which happened in 1492 ? Ans. 190 years. * The reason of tlii? method of proof is evident ; for if the differ- ence of two nunrjbers be added to the less, it must manifestly make up a sum equal to the greater. OF MULTIPLICATION. l.*^ OF MULTIPLICATION. Multiplication is a compendious method of Addition, teaching how to find the amount of any given number when repeated a certain number of times; as, 4 times 6, which is 24. The number to be multiplied, or repeated, is called the Multiplicand. — The number you multiply by, or the number of ^^repetitions, is the Multiplier. — -And the number found, being ^ the total amount, is called the Product. — Also, both the multiplier and multiplicand are, in general, name the Terms or Factors. Before proceeding to any operations in this rule, it is ne- cessary to learn off very perfectly the following Table, of all the products of the first 12 numbers, commonly called the Multiplication Table,, or sometimes Pythagoras's Table, from its inventor. Multiplication Table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 8 9 10 11 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 4 8 12 16. 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 S8 96 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 11 22 33 44 5.5 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 12 24 ^6 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 27 30 33 36 132 144 To 14 ARITHMETIC. To multiply any Given Number by a Single Figure^ or by any Number not more than 12. * Set the multiplier under the units figure, or right-hand place, of the multiplicand, and draw a line below it. — T hen beginning at. the right hand, multiply every figure in this by the multiplier. — Count how many tens there are in the pro- duct of every single figure, and set ilown the remainder di- rectly under the figure that is multiplied ; and if nothing remains, set down a cipher. — Carry as many units or ones as there are tens couuted, to the product of the next figures ; and proceed in the same manner till the whole is finished. EXAMPLE. Multiply 9876543210 the Multiplicand. By - - - - 2 the Multiplier. 19753086420 the Product. To multiply by a Number consisting of Several Figures. t Set the multiplier below the multiplicand, placing them as in Addition, namely, units under units, tens under tens, &c. drawing a line below it. — Multiply the whole of the multi- plicand by each figure of the multiplier, as in the last article; setting ♦ The reason of this rule is the same as for the process in Addition, in which 1 is car- ried for every 10, to the next place, gra- dually as the several products are produced one after another, instead of setting them all down one below each other, as in the an- nexed example. f After having found the produce of the multiplicand by the first figure of the multiplier, as in the former case, the multiplier is sup- posed to be divided into parts, and the product is found for the second figure in the same manner : but as this figure stands in the place of tens, the product must be ten times its simple v.due ; and therefore the first figure of this product roust be set in the place of tens j or, which 5678 4 32 = 8 X 4 280 = 70 X 4 2400 = 600 X 4 20000 = 5000 X 4 22712 = 5678 X 4 MULTIPLICATION. 16 setting down aline of products for each figure in the multi- plier, so as that the first figure of each line may stand straight under the figure multiplying by. — Add all the lines of pro- ducts together, in the order as they stand, and their sum will be the answer or whole product required. To PROVE Multiplication. There are three different ways of proving Multiplication, which are as below : First Method. — Make the multiplicand and multiplier change places, and multiply the latter by the former in the same manner as before. Then if the product found in this way be the same as the former, the number is right. Second Method. ■^■*CdiSt all the 9's out of the sum of the figures in each of the two factors, as in Addition, and set down the remainders. Multiply these two remainders together, and cast the 9's out of the product, as also out of is the same thing, directly under the figure multiplied by. And pro- ceeding in this manner sepa rately with all the figures of ' the multiplier, it is evident 123456r the multiplicand, that we shall multiply all the 4567 parts of the multiplicand by — — all the parts of the multi- 8641969= 7 times the mult, plier, or the whole of the ' 7407402 = 60 times ditto, multiplicand by the whole 6172835 == 500 times ditto- of the multiplier ; therefore 493B268 =4000 times ditto. these several products bemg . ^ i. added together, will be equal 563826:489 =4567 times ditto, to the whole required pro- i. duct ; as in the example an- nexed. * This method of proof is derived fi-om the peculiar property of the number 9, mentioned in the proof of Addition, and the reason for the one may serve for that of the other. Another more ample demonstra- tion of thts rule may be as follows :— Let P and (^denote the number of 9's in the factors to be multiplied, and a and b what remain ; then 9 P 4- a and 9 Q_"f 6 will be the numbers themselves, and their product is (9 P X 9 Q) + (9 i" X 6) + (9 ax a) + (a X A), but the first three of these products are each a precise number of 9's, because their fac- tors are so, either one or both : these therefore being cast away, there remains only aX ^ ; and if the 9's also be cast out of this, the excess is the excess of 9's in the total product : but a and b are the ex- cesses in tlie factors themselves, and a X b is their product ; therefore the rule is true. the 16 ARITHMETIC. the whole product or answer of the question, reserving the remainders of these last two, which remainders must be equal when the work is right. — Note^ It is common to set the foui-^ remainders within the four angular spaces of a cross, as in the example below. Third Method. — Multiplication is also very naturally proved by Division ; for the product divided by either of the factors, will evidently give the other. But this cannot be practised till the rule of Division is learned. Mult. 3542 by 6196 EXAMPLES. Proof. X or Mult. 6196 by 3542 21252 31878 3542 2125^ 12392 24784 30980 18588 21946232 Product. 21946232 Proof. OTHER EXAMPLES. Multiply 123456789 by 3. Ans. 370370367. Multiply 123456789 by 4. Ans. 493827156. Multiply 123456789 by 5. Ans. 617283945. Multiply 123456789 by 6. Ans. 740740734. Multiply 123456789 by 7. Ans. 864197523. Multiply 123456789 by 8. Ans. 987654312. Multiply 123456789 by 9. Ans. llllIlllOl. Multiply 123456789 by 11. Ans. 1358024679. Multiply 123456789 by 12. Ans. 1481481468. Multiply 302914603 by 16. Ans. 4846633648. Multiply 273580961 by 23. Ans. 6292362103. Multiply 402097316 by 195. Ans. 78408976620. Multiply 82164973 by 3027. Ans. 248713373271. Multiply 7564900 by 579. Ans. 4380077100. Multiply 8496427 by 874359. Ans. 7428927415293. Multiply 2760325 by 37072. Ans. 102330768400. CONTRAC- MULTIPLICATION. 17 GONTBACTIONS IN MULTIPUCATION. L When there are Ciphers in the Factors, If the ciphers be at the right-hand of the numbers ; mul- tiply the other figures only, and annex as many ciphers to the right' hand of the whole product, as are in both the fac- tors. — When the ciphers are in the middle parts of the mul- tipher ; neglect them as before, only taking care to place the first figure of every line of products exactly under the figure multiplying with. EXAMPLES. 1. 2. Mult. 9001635 Mult. 390720400 by - gOlOO by - 406000 9001635 23443224 63011445 166^:8816 631014613500 Products 158632482400000 3. Multiply 81503600 by 7030. Ans. 572970308000. 4. Multiply 9030100 by 2100. Ans. 189632»0000 6. Multiply a057069 by 70050. Ans. 564397683450. II. When the multiplier is the Product of two or more Numbers in the Table : then * Multiply by each of those parts separately, instead of the whole number at once. EXAMPLES, 1. Multiply 51307298 by 56, or 7 times 8. 51307298 7 359151086 8 2873208688 ♦ Tlie reason of this rule is obvious enough ; for any number mul- tiplied by the component parts of another, must give the same pro- duct as if it were multipUed by that number at once. Thus, in the 1st example, 7 times the product of 8 by the given number, makes 56 times the same number, as plainly as 7 times 8 makes 56. Vol. I. , 4 2. Mul- IB ARITHMETIC* 2. Multiply 31704592 by 36. Ana. 1141365312. 3. Multiply 29753804 by 72. Ans. 2142273888. 4. Multiply 7128368 by 96. Ans. 684323328. 6. Multiply 160430800 by 108. Ans. 17326526400. 6. Multiply 61835720 by 1320. Ans. 81623150400. 7. There was an army composed of 104 * battalions, eacb consisting of 500 men ; what was the number of men con- tained iR the whole ? Ans. 52000. 8. A convoy of ammunition f bread, consisting of 250 waggons, and each waggon containing 320 loaves, having been intercepted and taken by the enemy ; what is the num- ber of loaves lost ? Ans. 80000. OF DIVISION. .• Division is a kind of compendious method of Subtrac- tion, teaching to find ho\V often one number is contained ia another, or may be taken out of it : which is the same thing. The number to be divided is called the Dividend, — The number to divide by, is the Divisor. — And the number of times the dividend contains the divisor, is called the Quo^ tient. — Sometimes there is a Remainder left, after the divi- sion is finished. The usual manner of placing the terms, is the dividend in the middle, having the divisor on the left baud, and the quo- tient on the right, each separated by a curve line ; as, td divide 12 by 4, the quotient is 3, Dividend 12 Divisor 4) 12 (3 Quotient ; 4 subtr. showing that the number 4 is 3 times — contained in 12, or may be 3 times 8 subtracted out of it, as in the margin. 4 subtr. J Rule — Having placed the divisor — before the dividend, as above direct- 4 ed, find how often the divisor is con- 4 subtr. tained in as many figures of the divi- — dend as are just necessary, and place the . number on the right in the quotient. — Mul- * A battalion is a body of foot, consisting of 500, or 600, or 700 men, more or less. \ The ammunition bread, is that which is provided for, and distri- buted to, the soldiers j the usual allowance being a loaf of 6 pounds to every soldier, Once in 4 da)'s. * In this way the dividend is resolved into parts, and by trial is found DIVISION. 1» Multiply the divisor by this number, and set the product under the figures of the dividend before-mentioned. — Sub- tract this product from that part of the dividend under which it stands, and bring down the next figure of the dividend, or more if necessary, to join on the right of the remainder — Di- vide this number, so increased, in the same manner as before ; and so on till all the figures are brought down and used. JV. B. If it be necessary to bring down more figures than one to any remainder, in order to make it as large as the divisor, or larger, a cipher must be set in the quotient for every figure so brought down more than one. TO PROVE DIVISION. 4 * Multiply the quotient by the divisor ; to this product add the remainder, if there be any ; then the sum will be equal to the dividend when the work is right. found how often the divisor is contained in each of those parts, one after another, arranging the several figures of the quotient one after another, into one number. When there is no remainder to a division, the quotient is the whole and perfect answer to the question. But when there is a remainder, it goes so much towards another time, as it approaches to the divisor ; so, if the remainder be half thfe divisor, it will go the half of a time more ; if the 4th part of the divisor, it will go one fourth of a time more ; and so on. Therefore, to complete the quotient, set the re- mainder at the end of it, above a small line, and the divisor below it thus forming a fractional part of the whole quotient. ♦This method of proof is plain enough: for since the quotient is the number of times the dividend contains the divisor, the quo- tient multiplied by the divisor must evidently be equal to the divi- dend. There are also several other methods sometimes used for proving Division, some of the most useful of which are as follow : Second ikferAorf— Subtract the remainder from the dividend ; and divide what is left by the quotient ; so shall the new quotient from this last division be equal to the former divisor, when the work is right. Third Method— '\ddtogeiher the remainder and, all the products of the several quotient figures by the divisor, according to the order in which they stand in the work ; and the sum Avill be equal to the divi- dend when the work is right. . , EXAM 2(^ ARITHMETIC. EXAMPLES. 1. 1234567 12 Quot. (411522 mult. 3 37) 2. 12345678 111 124 111 135 111 246 222 Q,aot. (333666. 37 3 3 1234566 add 1 2335662 1000998 rem. 36 4 1234567 3 - 12345678 ' ■ ■ F •roof. 15 35 Proof. 6 6 %41 222 7 6 268 222 Rem. 1 Rem. 36 3. Divide 73146085 by 4. 4. Divide 5317986027 by 7. 6. Divide 570196382 by 12. 6. Divide 7463810,6 "" 7. Divide 137896264 8. Divide 35821649 9. Divide 72091365 10. Divide 4637064283 Ans. 182865211. Ans. 759712289f Ans 47616366f^. Ans. 20 1 7246 3^. Ans. Ans. 46886lff. Ans. 13861-i-OoV. Ans. 80496^VHV. by 37. by 97. by 764. by 5201. by 67606. 11. Suppose 471 men are formed into ranks of three deep, what is the number in each rank ? Ans. 167. 12. A party at the distance of 378 miles from the head quarters, receive orders to join the corps in 18 days : what number of miles must they march each day to obey their orders ? Ans. 21. 13. The annual revenue of a gentleman being 383.^0/; how much per day is that equivalent to, there being 366 d^ys in the year ? Ans. 104/. CONTRACTIONS IN DIVISION. There are certain contractions in Division, by which the operation in particular cases may be performed in a shorter manner as follows : * I. Divi- DIVISION. 21 I. Division by any Small Number, not greater than 12, may be expeditiously performed, by multiplying and subtracting mentally, onutting to set down the work, except only the quotient immediately below the dividend. 3) 66103961 Quot. 18701320i EXAMPLES. 4) 52619676 6) 1379192 6) 38672940 7) 8 1 396627 8) 237 1 8920 9) 43981962 11) 67614230 12) 27980373 II. ^When Ciphers are annexed to the Divisor; cut off those ciphers from it, and cut off the same number of figures from the ri<.l makes \ this must be added to the second remainder, 6, making 6\ to the divisor 8, or to be divided by 8. B»\t 6 »6x7 + l 43 43 43 * _=-; and this divided by a. gives— = — - 7 7 7X8 56 IV. Common. REDUCTION. 25 IV. Common Division may be performed more concisely ^ by omitting the several products, and setting down only the remainders ; namely, multiply the divisor by the quotient figures as before, and without setting down the product, sub- tract each figure of it from the dividend, as it is produced ; always remembering to carry as many to the next figure as were borrowed before. ^ EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 3104G79 by 833. 833) 3104679 (^12'7j%^:,. 6056 2257 5919 88 2. Divide 79165238 by 238, Ans. 332627^^* 3 Divide 29137062 by 5317. Ans. 54791114. 4. Divide 62016735 by 7803. Ans. 79474ff|. OF REDUCTION. Redvction is the changing of numbers from one naaoe or denomination to another without altering their -value. — This is chiefly concerned in reducing money, weights, and measures. When the numbers are to be reduced from a higher name to a lower, it is called Reduction Descending ; but when, contrarywise, from a lower name to a higher, it is Reduction Ascending. Before proceeding to the rules and questions of Reduction, it will be proper to set down the usual Tables of Moneys weights, and measures, which are as follow : Of MONEY, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. TABLES OF MONEY.» 2 Farthings = 1 Halfpenny \ \ qrs d 4 Farthings = 1 Penny d\ 4=1 « 12 Fence = 1 Shilling si 48 = 12 = 1 £ 20 Shillings = 1 Pound ^ | 960 = 240 =s 20 =^ 1 PENCE ♦^denotes pounds, s shillings, and d denotes pence, i denotes 1 farthing, or oiie quarter of any thing- ■J denotes a halfpenny or the half of any thing. ^ denotes 3 farthings or three quarters of any thing. The 24 ARITHMETIC. PENCE TABLE. d s d 20 is 1 8 30 ~ 2 6 40 — 3 4 60 — 4 2 60 — 6 70 ~ 5 10 80 — 6 8 90 — 7 6 100 — 8 4 110 — 9 2 120 — 10 SfflLLINGS TABLE; s d 1 is 12 ^ — 24 3 — 36 4 — 48 5 — 60 6 — 72 7 — 84 8 — 96 9 108 10 — 120 11 132 FEDERAL MONEY. 10 Mills (m)= 1 Cent c 10 Cents = 1 Dime d 10 Dimes = 1 Dollar D 10 Dollars = 1 Eagle E Standard Weight, dwt gr^ The Cent weighs 6 23 Copper Dollar 17 ]| Silver Eagle 11 4| Gold The standard for Federal Money of Gold and Silver is 1 1 parts fine, and 1 part alloy. A Dollar is equal to 4s and 8d in South Carolina, to 6s in the New-England Spates and Virginia, to 7s and 6d in New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, and to 8s in New-York, and North-Carohna. TROY The full weight and value of the English gold and silver coin, is as here below : Gold. Vaiue» £, s a 110 10 6 A Guinea Half guinea Seven Shillings 7 Qiiarter-guinea 5 W tight. diut gr 5 9i 2 164 1 19| 1 8^ Silver. Value. Weight. s d dint gr A Crown 5 19 8§ Half-crown 2 6 9 16i Shilhng 1 3 21 Sixpence 6 1 22i The usual value of gold is nearly 4? an ounce, or 2d a grain ; and that of Silver is nearly Ss an ounce. Also the value of any quantity of gold, is lo the value of the same weight of standard silver, nearly as 15 to 1, or more nearly as 15 and l-14th to 1. Pure gold, free from mixture with other metals, usually called fine gold is of so pure a nature, tliat it will endure the fire without TABLES OP WEIGHTS. 26 TROYtVElGriT> Grains - - marked ^r 24 Grains make 1 Penny weight rfa>< 20 Pennyweights 1 Ounce oz 12 Ounces 1 Pound lb gr dwt 24 = I oz 480= 20= 1 lb 5760= 24^=12 = 1 By this weight are Weighed Gold, Silver, and Jewels. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. Grains - 20 Grains make 3 Scruples - 8 Drams 12 Ounces - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 marked gr Scruple sc or Dram dr or Ounce oz or Pound lb or 3 fb gr sc 20 = 1 60 = 3 = 480 = 24 = 6760 = 988 = dr 1 8 96 oz = 1 = 12 Ih = 1 This is the same as Troy weight, only having some differ- ent divisions. Apothecaries niake use of this weight in com- pounding their Medicines ; but tiiey buy and seH their Drogi by Avoirdupois weight. ' Ak ^ -without wasting, though it be kept continually melted. But silver, not having the purity of gold, will not endure the fire like it ; yet fine silver will waste but a very little by being in the fire any moderate time ; whereas copper, tin, lead, &c. will not only waste, but may be calcined, or burnt to a powder. Both gold and silver, in their purity, are so very soft and flexible (like new lead, &c), that they are not so useful, either in coin op otherwise (except to beat into leaf gold or silver), as when they are allayed, or mixed and hardened with copper or brass. And though most nations differ, more or less, in the quantity of such allay, as well as in the same place at different times, yet in England the standard for gold and silver coin has been for a long time as follows — viz. That 22 parts of fine gold, and 2 parts of copper, being melted together, shall be esteemed the true standard for gold coin : And tliat 11 ounces and 2 pennyweights of fine silver, and 18 pennyweights of copper, being melted together, is esteemed the true standard for silver coin, called Sterling silver. * The original of all weights used in England, was a grain op com of wheat, gathered out of the middle of the ear, and, being well dried, 32 of them were to make one pennyweight, 20 penny- weights Vol. I. 5 26 ARITHMETIC, AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHI*. Drams 16 Drams 16 Ounces 28 Pounds 4 Quarters make 1 Ounce 1 Pound 1 Quarter 1 Hundred Weight marked dr oz 20 Hundred Weight 1 Ton dr lb qr cwt ton 16 = 256 = 7168 = 28672 = oz 1 16 = 448 = 1792 lb 1 qr 28 = 1. 112 = 4 = cwt 1 573440 = 35840 — 2240 = 80 = 20 = 1 By this weight are weighed all things of a coarse or drossy nature, as Corn, Bread, Butter, Cheese, Flesh, Grocery Wares, and some Liquids j also all Metals, except Silver and Gold. oz dwt gr Abfc, that 1Z6 Avoirdupois = 14 11 15i Troy. loz - - = 18 6i Idr - - = 1 3| Hence it appears that the pound Avoirdupois contains 6999^ grains, and the pound Troy 5760 ; the former of which aug- mented by half a grain becomes 7000, and its ratio to the latter is therefore very nearly as 760 to 576, that is, as 175 to 144 ; consequently 144 pounds Avoirdupois are very nearly equal to 175 pounds Troy : and hence we infer that the ounce Avoirdu- pois is to the ounce Troy as 175 to 192. LONG MEASURE. 3 Barley-corns make 1 Inch • In 12 Inches 1 Foot - Ft 3 Feet ^ 1 Yard - - Yd 6 Feet 1 Fathom - ' Fth 5 Yards and a half 1 Pole or Rod - PI 40 Poles 1 Furlong - - Fur 8 Furlongs - 1 Mile - Milt 3 Miles 1 League - - Lea 69yV Miles nearly - 1 Degree - - Deg or ^. weights one ounce, and 12 ounces one pound. But in latter times, it was thought sufficient to divide the same pennyweight into 24 equal .parts, still called grains, being the least weight now in common use ; »nd from thence the rest are computed, as in the Tables above. In TABLES OF MEASURES. 27 In Ft 12= 1 Yd . 36 = 3 = 1 PI 198 = 16^ = 6| = . 1 Fur, 920 = 660 = 220 = 40 = 1 MUi i360 = 6280 =1760 = 320 = 8 = 1 CLOTH MEASURE. 2 Inches and a quarter make I Nail ■ - - NX 4 Nails - - - 1 Quarter of a Yard (^r 3 Quarters - - - 1 Ell Flemish - E F 4 Quarters - - - 1 Yard - - Yd 6 Quarters - - - 1 Ell English - E E 4 Quarters 1| Inch - 1 Ell Scotch - ES SQUARE MEASURE. 144 Square Inches make 1 Sq Foot - Ft 9 Square Feet - 1 Sq Yard <- Yd 30i Square Yards - 1 Sq Pole - PoU 40 Square Poles - 1 Rood - - Rd 4 Roods - - 1 Acre - - Acr Sq Inch Sq Ft 144 = 1 SqYd 1296= 9 = 1 SqPl 39204 = 2721 = 301 = 1 Rd 1568160 = 10890 = 1210 = 40 = 1 Acr 6272640 = 43560 = 4840 = 160 = 4 = 1 By this measure, Land, and Husbandmen and Gardeners' work are measured ; also Artificers' work, such as Board, Glass, Paveor^ents, Plastering, Wainscoting, Tiling, Flooring, and every dimension of length and breadth only. When three dimensions are concerned, namely, length, breadth, and depth or thickness, it is called cubic or solid measure, which is used to measure Timber, Stone, &c. The cubic or solid Foot, which is 12 inches in length and breadth and thickness, contains 1728 cubic or solid inches., and 27 solid fe$jt make one solid yard. DRY 2« 2 Pints make 2 Quarts 2 Pottles - 2 Gallons - 4 P'ecks 8 Bushels 5 Quarters - 2 Weys '^^■--~-.- i ARITHMETIC. >5- DRY, OR CORN MEASURE. 1 Quart - - qt 1 Pottle - - Pot 1 Gallon - - Qcd 1 Peck - - Pec 1 Bushel - - Bu 1 Quarter - - Qr 1 Wey, Load, or Ton Wey 1 Last - - - Last Gal 1 Pts 8 = 16 = 2 = 64 = 8 = 612 = 64 = 2660 = 320 = 6120= 640 = Pec 1 Bu 4=1 Qr 32 = 8 = 1 Wey 160 = 40 = 5 = 1 Last 320 = 80 = 10 = 2 = 1 By this are measured all dry wares, as, Corn, Seeds, Roots, Fruit, Salt, Coals, Sand, Oysters, &c. The standard Gallon dry measure contains 26 8|- cubic or solid inches, and the Corn or Winchester bushel 2150| cubic inches ; for the dimensions of the Winchester bushel, by the Statute, are 8 inches deep, and 18^ inches wide or in diameter, but the Coal bushel must be 19^ inches in diameter ; and 36 bushels, heaped up, make a London chaldron of coals, the weight of which is 31561b Avoirdupois. ALE AND BEER MEASURE. ^, *^^ ^ A Hi 2 Pints make - 1 Quart - Qt 4 Quarts - 1 Gallon - Gal 36 Gallons - - 4 Barrel - Bar 1 Barrel and a half 1 Hogshead Hhd 2 Barrels - . 1 Puncheon Pun 2 Hogsheads - 1 Butt - Butt 2 Butts - 1 Tun - Tun Pts qt 2= 1 Gal 8 = 4 = 1 Bar 288 = 144 = 36 = 1 ma 432 = 216 = 54 = -- H = 1 Butt 864 = 432 = 108 = = 3 = 2 = 1 JVbfe, The Ale Gallon contains 282 cubic or solid inches. WINE TABLES OF MEASURES AND TIME. WINE MEASURE. 2 Pints make 4 %iarts 42 Gallons 63 Gallons or 1^ Tierces 2 Tierces 2 Hogsheads 2 Pipes or 4 Hhds 1 Q^art - Q^ 1 Gallon - G ^ ^ o o CO O O '-< CO ©< CD T-H ^ O O O O O 00 O O C lO '^ u:3 ^ O »0 o o o o o o CO O r}< CO o o CO CO O I (M l> 10 OOP O »o ^ o o o o o -CO O CO CO CO CO O CO CO O O '— G^»-i COt-* ^[rf COlOiVO ^ ^ ^ O O O O OOP ■P p OPP P p p 1 3 CO ;;^ CO Tl* CO -^ 1 1 = 1 r 1 (24 m ^^ -H ^ O P p p ^ o CO CO p »^ o< CO p ■ S 03 1> CO Oi CO ©< co» P P p o 1 r p 1 l'^ 1 p <'C CO ^ '-I G^ lO T-* P P P P P P rf Tt P l> lO Qj ^ ^ o o ^ C» CO J O) u:) lo p p p CO P I rf lO P5 CO p p p p, p i^ CO io P p p p iC Ci j vo OP P I I I ©< I CO I O) '^ ^ p p p p O «0 I -H j> p o ^ C5 Ol p p p I" I P P Q P lO P O) CO P P P P P P "^ P~P~ lO »-^ I »o CO I I J G>l j CO CO p p p I"" oj :^ a a -^ "SScg > *^ J s ^ (^j Q O ^ G^ 4j . C O G T3' ■;j LJ < P-i Qrc/3 CQ CO O^-o h u O J3 ^ S la "3*^3 11 et to C.S EXAMPLES COMPOUND ADDITION. 35 EXAMPLES OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, &c. TROY WEIGHT. I LPOTHE ;CAR lES' 1 tVEIGHT. 1. 2. 3. 4. lb oz dwt oz dwt gr lb oz dr sc OZ dr sc gr 17 3 13 37 9 3 3 6 7 2 3 5 1 17 7 9 4 9 6 3 13 7 3 7 3 2 5 10 7 8 12 12 19 10 6 2 16 7 12 9 5 17 7 8 9 1 2 7 3 2 9 176 2 17 6 9 36 3 6 4 1 2 18 23 11 12 3 19 5 8 6 1 36 4 1 14 AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. LONG MEASURE. 5. 6. 7. 8. lb oz dr cwt qr lb. mis fur pis j^ds feetinc - 17 10 13 15 2 15 29 3 14 127 1 5 5 14 8 6 3 24 19 6 29 12 2 9 12 9 18 9 1 14 7 24 10 10 27 1 6 9 1 17 9 1 37 54 1 11 4 10 2 6 7 3 5 2 7 6 14 10 3 3 4 5 9 23 5 CLOTH MEASURE. LAND MEASURE. 9. 10. 11. 12. yds qr nls el en qrs nls ac ro p ac ro p 26 3 1 270 I 225 3 37 19 16 13 1 2 57 4 3 16 1 25 270 3 29 9 1 2 18 1 2 7 2 18 6 3 13 217 3 3 2 4 2 9 23 34 9 1 10 1 42 1 19 7 2,16 a5 3 1 4 4 1 7 6 75 23 WINE MEASURE. ALE AND BEER MEASURE. 13. 14. 15. 16. t hds gal hds gal pts hds gal pts hds gal pts 13 3 16 15 61 5 17 37 3 29 43 5 8 1 37 17 14 13 9 10 15 12 19 % 14 1 20 29 23 7 3 6 2 14 16 6 25 12 3 15 1 5 14 6 8 1 3 1 9 16 8 12 9 6 57 13 4 72 3 21 4 36 6 8 42 4 5 6 COM- i& ARITHMETIC, COMPOUND SUBTRACTION; Compound Subtraction shows how to find the difference between any two numbers of different denominations. To perform which, observe the following Rule : * Place the less number below the greater, so that the parts of the same denomination may stand directly under each other ; and draw a hne below them. — Begin at the right-hand, and subtract each number or part in the lower line, from the one just above it, and set the remainder straight below it. But if any number in the lower line be greater than that above it, add as many to the upper number as make 1 of the next higher denomination ; then take the lower number from the upper one thus increased, and set down the remainder. Carry the unit borrowed to the next number in the lower line ; after which subtract this number from the one above it, as before ; and so proceed till the whole is finished. Then the several remainders, taken together, will be the whole difference sought. The method of proof is the same as in Simple Subtraction. EXAMPLES OF MONEY. 1. I s From 79 17 Take 35 12 d 2. I s 103 3 71 12 d n I 81 29 5. s 10 13 d 11 I 254 37 4. s d 12 9 4| Rem. 44 5 "^1 31 10 103 3 8| Proof. 79 17 6. What is the difference between 73Z b^d and 19/135 lOd ? Ans. 53/ 65 l\d. * The reasoTi of this Rule will easily appear from what has been said in Simple Subtraction ; for the borrowing depends on the same principle, and is only different as the numbers to be subtracted are of different denominations* Ex. 6 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. ^.7 Ei. 6. A lends to B 100/, how much is B in debt after A has taken goods of him to the amount of 73/ I2s 4^d? Ans. 26/ 75 7i(?. 7. Suppose that my rent for half a year is 20/ 125, and that I have laid out for the land-tax 14» 6d, and for several repairs 1/ 3s 3i ber of equal parts ; as follows : Place the divisor on the left of the dividend, as in Simple Division. — Begin at the left-hand, and divide the number of the highest denomination by the divisor, setting down the quotient in its proper place. — If there be any remainder after this division, reduce it to the next lower denomination, which add to the number, if any, belonging to that denomination, and divide the sum by the divisor. — Set down again this quotient, reduce its remainder to the next lower denomination again, and so on through all the denominations to the last. EXAMPLES OF MONEY. 1. Divide 237/ 8« Gd by 2. I s d 9) 237 8 6 ig 118 14 3 the Quotient. 2. Divide Vol. I. 4t ARITHMETIC. I s d I s d 2. Divide 432 12 If by 3. Ana. 144 4 Oi 3. Divide 607 3 5 by 4. Ans. 126 15 lOi 4. Divide 632 7 6^ by 6. Ans. 126 9 6 6. Divide 690 14 3i by 6. Ans. ,115 2 4i 6. Divide 705 10 2 by 7. Ans. 100 15 8f 7. Divide 760 5 6 by 8. Ans. 95 8^ S.Divide 761 5 7f by #. Ans. 84 11 ^ 9. Divide 829 17 10 by 10. Ans. 82 19 9| .10. Divide 937 8 8fbyll. Ans. 86 4 5 11. Divide H45 11 4i by 12. Ans. 95 9 31 CONTRACTIONS. I. If the divisor exceed 12, find what simple numbers, multiplied together, will produce it, and divide by them sepa- rately, as in Simple Division, as below. EXAMPLES. 1. What is Cheese per cwt, if 16 cwt cost 25f 14s ^d? I s d 4)25 14 8 4) 6 8 8 £ 1 12 2 the Answer. 2. If 20 cwt of Tobacco come to } 1501 6s M, what is that per cwt ? ^ I s d Ans. 7 10 4 3. Divide 98/ 8s by 36. Ans. 2 14 8 4. Divide ^1/ 13s lOd by 66. Ans. 15 7i 5. Divide 44/ 4s by 96. Ans. 9 2^ ^. At 31/ 10s per cwt, how much per lb ? Ans. 5 7^ II. If the divisor cannot be produced by the multiplication of small numbers, divide by the whole divisor at once, after the manner of Long Division, as follows. ?XAM- COMPOUND DIVISION. 43 EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 59/ 6* 3ft? by 19. I s d I s d 19) 59 6 3f ( 3 2 ai Ans. 57 2 20 46(2 38 8 12 99(5 95 4 4 19(1 / 9 d Ans. 13 Hi Ads. 2 18 3 Ans. 6 11 10 Ans. 19 5. I s d 2. Divide 39 14 5i by 67. 3. Divide 125 4 9 by 43|. 4. Divide 542 7 10 by 97. 5. Divide 123 11 2i by 127. EXAMPLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 1. Divide 17 lb 9 oz dwts 2 gr by 7. Ans. 2 lb 6 oz 8 dvirts 14gr. 2. Divide 17 lb 5 oz 2 dr 1 scr 4 gr by 12. Ans. 1 lb 5 oz 3 dr 1 scr 12 gr. 3. Divide 178 cwt 3 qrs 14 lb by 53. Ans. 3 cwt 1 qr 14 lb. 4. Divide 144 mi 4 fur 2 po 1 yd 2 ft in by 39. Ans. 3 mi 5 fur 26 po yds 2 ft 8 in. 5. Divide 534 yds 2 qrs 2 na by 47. Ans. 1 1 yds 1 qr 2 na. 6. Divide 7 1 ac 1 ro 33 po by 51. Ans. 1 ac 2 ro 3 po. 7. Divide 7 tu hhds 47 gal 7 pi by 65. Ans. 27 gal 7 pi. 8. Divide 387 la 9 qr by 72. Ans. 5 la 3 qrs 7 bu. 9. Divide 206 mo 4 da by 26. Ans. 7 mo 3 we 5 ds. THE 44 ARITHMETIC. THE GOLDEN RULE, OR RULE OF THREE. The Rule of Three teaches how to find a fourth propor- tional to three numbers given : for which reason it is some- times called the Rule of Proportion. It is called the Rule of Three, because three terms or numbers are given, to find a fourth. And because of its great and extensive use- fulness, it is often called the Golden Rule. This Rule is usually considered as of two kinds, namely, Direct, and Inverse. The Rule of Three Direct is that in which more requires more, or less requires less. As in this ; if 3 men dig V' 1 yards of trench in a certain time, how much will 6 men dig in the same time ? Here more requires more, that is, 6 men, which are more than 3 men, will also perform more work in the same time. Or when it is thus : if 6 men dig 42 yards, how much will 3 men dig in the same time ? Here then, less re- quires less, or 3 men will perform proportionahly less work than 6 men, in the same time. In both these cases then, the Rule, or the Proportion, is Direct ; and the stating must be thus, As 3 : 21 : : 6 : 42, or thus. As 6 : 42 : : 3 : 21, But the Rule of Three Inverse, is when more requires less, or less requires more. As in this : if 3 men dig a certain ^ quantity of trench in 14 hours, in how many hours will 6 men dig the like quantity'? Here it is evident that 6 men, being more than 3, will perform an equal quantity of work in less time or fewer hours. Or thus : if 6 men perform a certain quantity of work in 7 hours, in how many hours will 3 men perform the same ? Here less requires more, for 3 men will take more hours than 6 to perform the same work. In both these cases then the Rule, or the Proportion, is In- verse \ and the stating must be thus. As 6 ; 14 : J 3 : 7, or thus. As 3 : 7 : : 6 : 14. And in all these statings, the fourth term is found, by multiplying the 2d and 3d terms together, and dividing the pro- duct by the 1st term. Of the three given numbers ; two of them contain the supposition, and the third a demand. And for stating and working questions of these kind observe the following general R«le : State RULE OF THREE. 45 State the question, by setting down in a straight line the three given numbers, in the following manner, viz. so that the 2d term be that number of supposition which is of the same kind that the an-awer or fourth terra is to be ; making the other number of supposition the 1st term, and the demanding number the *5d term, when the question is in direct propor- tion ; but contrariwise, the other number of supposition the 3d terra, and the demanding number the 1st term, when the question has inverse proportion. * Then, in both cases, multiply the 2d and 3d terms together, and divide the product by the 1st, which will give the an- swer, or 4th term sought, viz. of the same denomination as the second term. Note^ If the first and third terms consist of different deno- minations, reduce them both to the same : and if the second term be a compound number, it is mostly convenient to re- duce it to the lowest denomination mentioned. — If, after di- vision, there be any remainder, reduce it to the next lower denomination, and divide by the same divisor as before, and the quotient will be of this last denomination. Proceed in the same manner with all the remainders, till they be re- duced to the lowest denomination which the second admits of, and the several quotients taken together will be the an- swer required. Note also, The reason for the foregoing Rules will appear, when we come to treat of the nature of proportions. — Some- times two or more statings are necessary, which may always be known from the nature oi the question. EXAMPLES. I. UB yards of Cloth cost 1/ 45, what will QQ yards cost ? yds 1^ yds 1 s As 8 : 1 4 :: 96 : 14 8 the Answer 20 24 ' 96 8) 2304 2,0) 28,8s £U 8 Answer. Ex.2. 46 ARITHMETIC. Ex. 2. An engineer hailing raised lOO yards of a certain work in 24 days with 5 men ; how many men must he em- ploy to finish a like quantity of work in 15 days ? ds men ds men As 16 : 6 : : 24 : 8 Ans. 5 • 15) 120 (8 Answer. 120 3. What will 72 yards of cloth cost, at the irate of 9 yards for 6Z 12s ? Ans. 44/ 16s, 4. A person's annual income being 146Z ; how much is that per day ? Ans. Ss, 5. If 3 paces or common steps of a certain person be equal to 2 yards, how many yards will 160 of his paces make ? Ans. 106 yds 2 ft. 6. What length must be cut off a board, that is 9 inches broad, to make a square foot, or as much as 12 inches in length and 12 in breadth contains ? Ans. 16 inches. 7. If 750 men re(^uire 22500 rations of bread for a month ; how many rations will a garrison of 1200 men require ? Ans. 36000. 8. If 7 cwt 1 qr of sugar cost 26Z 10s 4d ; what will be the price of 43 cwt 2 qrs ? Ans. 159/ 25. 9. The clothing of a regiment of foot of 750 men amount- ing to 2831/ 5s,- what will the clothing of a body of 3500 inen amount to ? Ans. 13212/ 10s. 10. How many yards of matting, that is 3 ft broad, will cover a floor that is 27 feet long and 20 feet broad ? Ans. 60 yards. 11. What is the value of 6 bushels of coals, at the rate of 1/ Ms 6f/ the chaldron ? Ans. 5s 9d, 12. If 6352 stones of 3 feet long complete a certain quan- tity of walling ; how many stones of 2 feet long will raise a like quantity ? Ans. 9528. 13. What must be given for a piece of silver weighing 73 lb 5 oz 15 dwts, at the rate of 5s 9d per ounce ? Ans. 253/ 10s Of (^. 14. A garrison of 536 men having provision for 12 months ; how long will those provisions last, if the garrison be increase* to 1124 men ? Ans. 174 days and xfl?- 15. What will be the tax upon 763/ 15s, at the rate of 3s Qd per pound sterling ? Ans. 133/ 13s l-^rf. 16. A RULE OF THREE. 47 16. A certain work being raised in 12 days, by working 4 hours each day ; how long would it have been in raising by working 6 hours per day ? Ans. 8 days. 17. What quantity of corn can I buy for 90 guineas, at the rate of 6s the bushel ? Ans 39 qrs 3 bu. 18. A person, failing in trade, owes in all 977/ ; at which time he has, in money, goods, and recorerable debts, .420Z 6s ^id ; now supposing these things delivered to his creditors, how much will they get per pound ? Ans. 85 7Arf. 19. A plain of a certain extent having supplied a body of 3000 horse with forage for 18 days ; then how many days Would the same plain have supplied a body of 2000 horse ? Ans 27 days. 20. Suppose a gentleman's income is 600 guineas a year, and that he spends 25s 6d per day, one day with another ; how much will he have saved at the year's end ? Ans. 164/ 125 6d. 21. What cost 30 pieces of lead, each weighing 1 cwt 121b, at the rate of 16s 4d the cwt ? Ans. 27/ 2s 6c/. 22. The governor of a besieged place having provision for 64 days, at the rate of l^lb of bread ; but being desirous to prolong the siege to 80 days, in expectation of succour, in that case what must the ration of bread be ? Ans, 1 J^ lb. 23. At half a guinea per week, how long can 1 be boarded for 20 pounds ? Ans. 38 J|^ wks. 24. How much will 75 chaldrons 7 bushels of coals come to, at the rate of 1/ I3s 6d per chaldron ? Ans. 126/ 19s Oi\ yards wide ? Ans. 8 yds qrs 2| nL 29. If 5 yards of cloth cost 145 2c/, what must be given for 9 pieces, containing each 21 yards 1 quarter ? Ans. 27/ Is lOic/, 30. If a gentleman's estate be worth 2107/ 12s a year ; what may he spend per day, to save 500/ in the year ? Ans. 4/.8» I^Vjc/. 31. Wanting 48 ARITHMETIC. 31. Wanting just an acre of land cut off from a piece which is 13i poles in breadth, what length must the piece be ? Ans. 11 po ^ yds 2 ft Oif in. 32. At 7s 9^d per yard, what is the value of a piece of cloth containing 63 ells English 1 qu. Ans. 251 18s Ifrf. 33. If the carriage of 5 cwt 141b for 96 miles be 1/ 12s 6d; how far may i have 3 cwt 1 qr carried for the same money ? Ans. 151 m 3 fur 3J^ pol. 34. Bought a silver tankard, weighing 1 lb 7 oz 14 dwts ; what did it cost me at 6s 4d the ounce ? Ans. 61 4$ 9^d, 36. What is the half year's rent of 547 acres of land, at 15s 6d the acre ? Ans. 21 U 19s 3d. 36. A wall that is to be built to the height of 36 feet, was raised 9 feet high by 16 men in 6 days ; then how many men must be employed to finish the wall in 4 days, at the same rate of working ? Ans. 72 men 37. What will be the charge of keeping 20 horses for a year, at the rate of H^rf per day for each horse ? Ans. 441/ Os lOd, 38. If 18 ells of stuff that is f yard wide, cost 39s 6d ; what will 50 ells, of the same goodness, cost, being yard wide? Ans. 71 6s 3f |rf.. 39. How many yards of paper that is 30 inches wide, will hang a room that is 20 yards in circuit and 9 feet high. Ans. 72 yards. 40. If a gentleman's estate be worth 3«4Z 16s a year, and the land-tax be assessed at 2s d^d per pound', what is his net annual income ? Ans. 3311 Is 9\d, 41. The circumference of the earth is about 25000 miles ; at what rate per hour is a person at the middle of its surface carried round, one whole rotation being made in 23 hours 66 minutes ? Ans. 1044yV3V miles. 42. If a person drink 20 bottles of wine per month, when it costs 8s a gallon ; how many bottles per month may he drink, without increasing the expence, when wine costs 10s, the gallon? Ans. 16 bottles. 43. What cost 43 qrs 6 bushels of corn, at IZ 8s &d the quarter. Ans. 62Z 3s Sfd. 44. How many yards of canvas that is ell wide, will line 60 yards of say that is 3 quarters wide ? Ans. 30 yds. 45. If an ounce of gold cost 4 guineas, what is,the value of a grain ? Ans. '^j'^d, 46. If 3 cwt of tea cost 401 12s; at how much a pound must it be retailed, to gain 10/ by the whole ? Ans. S^^^s,- COMPOUND f 49] COMPOUND PROPORTION. ©OMPOUND Proportion shows how to resolve such quesj- tions as require two or more statings by Simple Proportion ; and these may be either Direct or Inverse. In these questions, there is always given an odd number of terras, either five, or seven, or nine, kc. These are distinr- guished into terms of supposition, and terms of demand, there being always one term more of the former than of the latter, which is of the same kind with the answer sought; The method is thus : Set down in the middle place that term of supposition which is of the same kind with the answer sought. — Take one of the other terms of supposition, and one of the demand- ing terms which is of the same kind with it ; then place one of them for a first term, and the other for a third, according to the directions given in the Rule of Three. — Do the same with another term of supposition, and its corresponding de- manding term ; and so on if there be more terms of each kind ; setting the numbers under each other which fall all on the left-hand side of the middle term, and the same for the others on the right-hand side. — Then, to work By several Operations. — Take the two upper terms and the middle term, in the same order as they stand, for the first Rule-of- Three question to be worked, whence will be found a fourth term. Then take this fourth number, so found, for the middle term of a second Rule-of-Three question, and the next two under terms in the general stating in the same order as they stand, finding a fourth term for them. And so on, as far as there are any numbers in the general stating, making always the fourth number, resulting from each simple stating, to be the second term in the next following one. So shall the last resulting number be the answer to the question. By one Operation. — Multiply together all the terms stand- ing under each other, on the left-hand side of the middle term ; and in like manner, multiply together all those on the right-hand side of it. Then multiply the middle term by the latter product, and divide the result* by the former pro- duct ; so shall the quotient be the answer sought. V©L. 1. 8 ^. EXAMPIiES 50 ARITHMETIC. EXAMPLES. 1. How many men can complete a trench of 135 yards long in 8 days, when 16 men can dig 54 yards in 6 days ? General Stating. yds. 54 days 8 16 : : 135 yds 6 days 432 810- 16 32) 4860 81 men 4 12960 (30 Ans. by one operation 1296 The same by two Operations. 54 1st. 16 : : 135 16 40 2d. As 8 : 40 : : 6 : 30 6 , 810 135 8) 240 (30 Ans. 24 54)2160 216 (40^ 2. If 100/ in one year gain bl interest, what will be tb« interest of 750/ for 7 years ? Ans. 262/ 10*. 3. If a family of 8 persons expend 200/ in 9 months ; how much will serve a family of 18 people 12 mo&tfas ? Ans. 300/^ 4. If 27s be the wages of 4 men for 7 days ; what will be the wages of 14 men for 10 days ? Ans. 6/ 16j. 6. If a footman travel 130 miles in 3 days, when the days are 12 hours long ; in how many days, of 10 hours each, may he travel 360 miles ? / Ans. 9|f days. Ex. 6. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 61 Ex. 6. If 120 bushels of corn can serve 14 horses 56 days ; how many days will 94 bushels serve 6 horses ? Ans. 102^^ days. 7. If 3000 lb. of beef serve 340 men 16 days ; how many lbs will serve 120 men for 26 days ? Ans. 1764 lb 1 1 if oz. 8. If a barrel of beer be sufficient to last a family of 8 per* sons 12 days ; how many barrels will be drank by 16 persons in the space of a year ? Ans. 60f barrels. 9. If 180 men in 6 days, of 10 hours each, can dig a trench 200 yards long, -3 wide, and 2 deep ; in how many days, of 8 hours longj will 100 men dig a trench of 360 yards long, 4 wide, and 3 deep ? Ans. 15 days. OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. A Fraction, or broken number, is an expression of a part, or some parts, of something considered as a whole. It is denoted by two numbers, placed one below the other, with a line between them : 3 numerator ^ . Thus, - ' > which is named 3-fourths. 4 denominator ) The denominator, or number placed below the line, shows how many equal parts the whole quantity is divided into ; and it represents the Divisor in Division. — And the Numera- tor, or number set above the Hne, shows how many of these parts are expressed by the Fraction ; being the remainder after division. — Also, both these numbers, are in general, named the Terms of the Fraction. Fractions are either Proper, Improper, Simple, Compound, or Mixed. A proper Fraction, is when the numerator is less than the denominator ; as,^, or |, or f , &c. An Improper Fraction, is when the numerator is equal to, or exceeds, the denominator ; as, f, or f, or|, &c. A Simple Fraction, is a single expression, denoting any num- ber of parts of the integer ; as, |, or #. A Compound Fraction, is the fraction of a fraction, or seve- ral fractions connected with the word of between them : as, i of |,orf off of 3, &c. A Mixed Number, is composed of a whole number and a fraction together ; as, 3|, or 12f , &c. A whole i^2- ARITHMETIC, A whole or integer niioober may be expressed like a frac- tion, by writing I below it, as a denominator ; so 3 is f , or 4 is f , &c. A fraction denotes division ; and its value is equal to the quotient obtained by dividing the numerator by the denomina- tor ; so *^ is equal to 3, and ^-o is equal to 4. Hence then, if the numerator be less than the denominator, the value of the fraction is less than 1. But if the numerator be the same as the denominator, the fraction is just equal to 1. And if the numerator be greater than the denominator, the frac- ^on is greater than 1 . REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Reduction of Vulgar Fractions, is the bringing them out of one form or denomination into another ; commonly to prepare them for the operations of Addition, Subtraction, &c. of which there are several cases. \ PROBLEM. 'To find the Greatest Common Measure of Two or mqre Num- bers. The Common Measure of two or more numbers, is that number which will divide them both without remainder ; so, 3 is a common measure of 18 and 24 ; the quotient of the former being 6, and of the latter 8. And the greatest num- ber that will do this, is the greatest common measure : so 6 is the greatest common measure of 18 and 24 ; the quotient of of the former being 3, and of the latter 4, which will not both divide farther. nULE: If there be two numbers only ; divide the greater by the less ; then divide the divisor by the remainder ; and so on, dividing always the last divisor by the last remainder, till no- thing remains ; so shall the last divisor of all be the greatest common measure sought. When there are more than two numbers, find the greatest common measure of two of them, as before ; then do the same for that common measure and another of the numbers ; and REDUCTION OP VULGAR FRACTIONS. 63 and so on, through all the numbers ; so will the greatest com- mon measure last found be the answer. If it happen that the common measure thus found is 1 ; then the numbers are said to be incommensurable, or not having any common measure. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the greatest common measure of 1908, 936, and 630. 936) 1908 (2 So that 36 is the greatest common 1872 measure of 1908 and 936. 36) 936 (26 Hence 36) 630 (17 72 36 216 270 216 252 18)36 (2 Hence then 18 is the answer require^. 2. What is the greatest common measure of 246 and 372 1 Ans. 6. 3. What is the greatest common measure of 324, 612, and 1'032 ? Ans. 12. CASE L To Abbreviate or Reduce Fractions to their Lowest Terms. * Divide the terms of the given fraction by any number that will divide them without a remainder ; then divide these quotients * That dividing both the terms of ihe fraction by the same number, whatever it be, will give another fraction equal to Ihe former, is evi- dent. And when these divisions are performed as often as can be done, or when the common divisor is the greatest possible, the terms of the resulting fraction must be the least possible. Note 1. Any number ending with an even number, or a cipher, is divisible, or can be divided, by 2. 2. Any number ending with 5, or 0, is divisible by 5. 3. If 64 ARITHMETIC. quotients again in the same manner ; and so on, till it appears that there is no number greater than 1 which will divide them ; then the fraction will be in its lowest terms. Or, divide both the terms of the Fraction by their greatest common measure at once, and the quotients will be the terms of the fraction required, of the same value as at first. EXAMPLES. . Reduce flf to its least terms. lif = H = f I = If = I = f • the answer. . Or thus : 16) 288(1 Therefore 72 is the greatest common 216 measure; and 72) fif =f the An- swer, the same as before. 72) 216 (3 216 2. Reduce 3. If the right-hand place of any number be O.tbe whole is divisible by 10 ; if there be two ciphers, it is divisible by 100 ; if three ciphers by 1000 : and so on ; which is only cutting off those ciphers. 4. If the two right-hand figures of any number be divisible by 4, tlie whole is divisible by 4. And if the three right-hand figures be divisi- ble by 8, the whole is divisible by 8. And so on. 5. If the sum of the digits in any number be divisible by S, or by 9, the whole is divisible by 3» or by 9. 6. If the right hand digit be even, and the sum of all tha digits be divisible by 6, then the whole is divisible by 6. 7. A number is divisible by 11, when the sum of the 1st, 3d, 5th, Sec or all the odd places, is equal to the sum of the 2d, 4th, 6th, &c. or of all the even places of digits. 8. If a number cannot be divided by some quantity less than, the square root of the same, that number is aprimey or cannot be dindcd by any number whatever. 9. All prime numbers, except 2 and 5, have either 1, 3, 7, or 9, in the place of units , and all other numbers are composite, or can be divideo. iO. When REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 65 2. Reduce Iff to its lowest terms. Ans. a. 3. Reduce ^f f to its lowest terms. Ans. f . 4. Reduce |f f to its lowest terms. Ans. |. CASE K. To Reduce a Mixed Number to its Equivalent improper Fraction, * Multiply the integer or whole number by the deno- minator of the fraction, and to the product add the numera- tor ; then set that sum above the denominator for the frac- tion required. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 23| to a fraction. 23 5 115 Ory 2 (23X6)4-2 117 ' = , the Answer. 117 5 5 2. Reduce 12^ to a fraction. Ans. ^s, 3. Reduce 14yV to a fraction. Ana. y/. 4. Reduce 183^5_ to a fraction. Ans. ^i**. 10. When narabers, with the sign of addition or subtraction be- tween them, are to be divided by any number, then each of those 10+8-4 numbers must be divided by it Thus =54-4 —2=7. 2 H. But if the numbers have the sign of multiplication between them, only one of them must be divided. Thus, 10X8X3 10X4X3 10X4x1 10X2x1 20 6X2 6X1 . 2X1 1X1 1 * This is no more than first muhrplying a quantity lyy some num- ber, and then dividing the result back again by the same i which it is evident does not alter the value j for any fraction represents a division of the numerator by the denominator. GASE 5 T2> T2 "J abbreviation. 2. Reduce f and | to fractions of a common denominator. Ans. -1^. -3^^ ■ 1 • • ■ — ■ ■^ * This is evidently no more than multiplying each numerator an'l its denominator by the same quantity, and consequently the value of the fraction is not altered. See the note respecting the least common denominator at the end of vol. T. 3. Reduce REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 6& 3. Reduce ^,4, and |, to a common denominator. Ans. a. ih U' 4. Reduce 4, 24, and 4 to a common denominator. Ans.H^if, W- J^ote I. When the denoririnators of two given fractions have a common measure, let them be divided by it ; then multiply the terms of each given fraction by the quotient aris- ing, from the other's denominator. Ex, /^, and /^ = jtV and yVs* ^y multiplying the former 5 7 , by 7, and the latter by 6. 2. When the less denominator of two fractions exactly di- vides the greater, multiplyithe terms of that which has the less denominator by the quotient. Ex. f and y\ = j\ and y\, by mult, the former by 2. 2 3. When more than two fractions are proposed, it is some- times convenient, first to reduce two of them to a common deno- minator ; then these and a third ; and so on till they be all re- duced to their least common denominator. Ex, f and f and I = I and f and | = if and || and f f CASE vir. To Jind the value of a Fraction in Paris of the Integer. MuLTiPBY the integer by the numerator, and divide the pro- duct by the denominator, by Compound Multiplication and Di- . vision, if the integer be a compound quantity. Or, if it be a single integer, multiply the numerator by the parts in the next inferior denomination, and divide the pro- duct by the denominator. Then, if any thing remains, mul- tiply it by the parts in the next inferior denomination, and di- vide by the denominator as before ; and so on as far as neces- sary ; so shall the quotients, placed in order, be the value of the fraction required*. ♦ The numerator of a fraction being considered as a remainder, ia Division, and the denominator as the divisor, this rule is of the same nature as Compound Division, or the valuation of remainders in the Rule «f Three* before explained. EXAMPLES. 6i» ARITHMETIC: EXAMPLES. 1. What is the f of 2/ 6s ? By the former part of the Rule 21 6s 4 Ans. 6) 9 4 1/ 16s9d2|y. 2. What is the value of | of U ? By the 2d part of the Ruje, 2 20 3) 40 (13s 4d Ans. 1 12 3) n{Ad 3. Find the value of f of a pound sterling. Ans. 7s 6d. 4. What is the value of | of a guinea ? Ans. 4s 8d: 5. What is the value of f of a half crown ? Ans. Is 10i(|. 6. What is the value of f of 4s lOd 1 Ans. Is 1 l^d 7. What is the value of f lb troy ? Ans. 9 oz 12 dwta. 8. What is the value of j\ of a cwt ? Ans. 1 qr 7 lb. 9. What is the value of f of an acre ? Ans. 3 ro. 20 po. 10. What is the value of f_ pf a day ? Ans. "^ hrs 12 min. CASE VIII. To Reduce a Fraction from one Denomination to another. * Consider how many of the less denomination make one of the greater ; then multiply the numerator by that number, if the reduction be to a less name, but multiply the denomina- tor, if to a greater. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce f of a pound to the fraction of a penny, I X V X V^ = 4|» = H% the Answer. * rhis is the same as the Rule of Reduction in whole numbevs from one denomination to another. S. Reduce ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 61 2. Reduce ^^ of a penny to the fraction of a pound. 4 X y'^ X 2^ = ok the Answer. 3. Reduce ^^l to the fraction of a penny. Ans. ^^d, 4. Reduce f q to the fraction of a pound. Ans. -^is-o* 5. Reduce f cwt to the fraction of a lb. Ans. ^^ . 6. Reduce f dwt to the fraction of a lb troy. Ans ji^. 7. Reduce f crown to the fraction of a guinea. Ans. /g^. 8. Reduce | half-crown to the fract. of a shilling. Ans. f f . 9. Reduce 2s Qd to the fraction of a £. Ans. |. 10. Reduce 17s Id ^q to the fraction of a £. ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. If the fractions have a common denominator ; add all the numerators together, then place the sum over the common denominator, and that will be the sum of the fractions required. * If the proposed fractions have not a common denomina- tor, they must be reduced to one. Also compound fractions must be reduced to simple ones, and fractions of different denominations to those of the same denomination. Then add the numerators as before. As to mixed numbers, they may either be reduced to Improper fractions, and so added with the others ; or else the fractional parts only added, and the integers united afterwards. * Before fractions are reduced to a common denominator, they are quite dissimilar, as much as shillings and pence are, and therefore cannot be incorporated with one another, any more than these can. But when they are reduced to a common denominator, and made parts of the same tiling, their sum, or difference, may then be as properly expressed by the sum or difference of the numerators, as the sum or difference of any two quantities whatever, by the sum or difference of their individuaJs. Whence the reason of the Rule is manifest, both tor Addition and Subtraction. When several fractions are to be collected, it is commonly best first to add two of them together that most easily reduce to a common de- nominAtor ; then add their sum and third, and so on. EXAMPLES. g2 ARITHMETIC. EXAMPLES. 1. To add f and f together. Here | + j = j = If » the Answer. 2. To add | and | together. 3 4- i = ±8 J_ 2 5 = 4 3 :=; 1 1.3 the Answpr 3. To add f and 7i and | of | together. I + 7i + iof f =1 -f y +i =1 4- V +f = ¥=8f 4. To add ^ and f together. Ans. If. 6. To add | and f together. Ans. m. 6. Add f and j\ together. Ans. i^. 7. What is the sum of | and f and f ? Ans. 1|^|. 8. What is the sum of | and f and 2J- ? Ans. Sf-f. 9. What is the sum of | and |^ of i and 9/^ ? Ans. lOgV- 10. What is the sum of | of a pound and f of a shilling ? , Ans. »|5s or 13s lOd 2^q. 11. What is the sum of | of a shilling and y*j of a penny 9 Ans. y-^d or Id lj\q, .12. What is the sum of i of a pound, and | of a shilling, and j% of penny ? Ans. Hof^ or 3* ^^ Hf ?• SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Prepare the fractions the same as for Addition, when accessary ; then subtract the one numerator from the other, and set the remainder over the common denominator, for the diflerence of the fractions sought. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the difference between | and |. Here | — e ~ e ~ l» the Answer. 2. To find the difference between f and |. I — f = If — fl = A» the Answer. 3. What MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 63 3. What is the difference between /^ and y'^j ? Ans. |. 4. What is the difference between j\ and 3V ? Ans. ^^j. $. What is the difference between f'j and x\ ? Ans. ^3^. 6. What is the diff. between 5f and f of 4} ? Ana. 4/6V- 7. What is the difference between f of a pound, and | of a of a shilling ? Ans. Vt « or I'Os 7d l^y. 8. What is the difference between f of 6^ of a pound, and I of a shilling ? Ans. ^^l or 11 ds 11 Jl^. MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. * Reduce mixed numbers, if there be any, to equivalent fractions ; then multiply all the numerators together for a numerator, and all the denominators to2;ether for a denomi- nator, which will give the product required. EXAMPLES; 1. Required the product of f and f. Here f X | = /g = ^' ^^^ Answer. 2. Required the continual product of |, 3^, 5, and f off. g 13 ^ 3 3 13 X 3 39 Here — X— X— X— X— = = — = 4| Ans. ^ 4 1 4,2 JS 4X2 8 3. Required the product of f and f . Ans. -^j. 4. Required the product of y*j and /j. Ans. j\, 5. Required the product of |, f , and ||. Ans. ^\. * Multiplication of any tking by a fraction, implies the taking some part or parts of the thing ; it may tJierefore be truly expressed by a compound fraction ; which is resolved by multiplying together the numerators and denominators. Noie^ A Fraction is best multiplied by an integer, by dividing the denominator by it ; but if \t will not exactly divide, then multiply the numerator by it. 6. Required |S4 ARITHMETIC. 6. Required the product of i,|, and 3 Ans. 1. 7. Required the product of i, |, and 4/^ . Ans. 2^V' 8. Required the product off, and | of ^. Ans. ^f . 9. Required the product of 6, and f of 5. Ans. 20. 10. Required the product off of |, and f of 3f. Ans. ||. U. Required the product of 3f and 4i| Ans. 14i|f. 12. Required the product of 5, f, f off, and 4^. Ans. 2-ij. DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. * Prepare the fractions as before in multiplication ; then divide the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator, if they will exactly divide : but if not, then invert the terms of the divisor, and multiply the dividend by it, as in multiplication. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide V ^7 f • Here V -s- f == f = 1|, by the first method. 2. Divide! by f 3. Heref ^ ^^^ :^ f X »^ = f X f = V = 4^. 3. It is required to divide if by |. Ans. f . 4. It is required to divide y*^ by |. Ans. y'g. 6. It is required to divide V ^J e • •^'^s* H* 6. It is required to divide f by y . Ans. y\. 7. It is required to divide || by |. Ans. ^. 8. It is required to divide f by |. Ans. |f . * Division being the reverse of Multiplication, the reason of the Rule is evident. NotCy A fraction is best divided by an intecjer, by dividing the nume- rator by it ; bat if it will not exactly divide, then multiply the deno- minator by it: 9. rt RULE OF THREE IN VULGAR FRACTIONS. 61 9. It is required to divide tV l>y 3. Ans. f^. 10. It is required to divide ^ by 2. Ans. f^* 11. It is required to divide 7^ by 9f. . , Ans. ^f. 12. It is required to divide f of | by 4 of 7|. Ans. j^j. RULE OF THREE IN VULGAR FRACTIONS. Make the necessary preparations as before directed ; then multiply continually together, the second and the third terms, and the first with its parts inverted as in Division, for th^ EXAMPLES. 1. If I of a yard of velvet cost | of a pound sterling ; what will y\ of a yard cost ? 3 2 6 8 jgf ^. — : — : : — : — X — X — = il = 6s Qd, Answer. S 5 16 5 g XJ& 2. What will 3| oz of silver cost, at 6s 4d an ounce ? Ans. 1/ 1* 4^d. 3. If j\ of a ship be worth 273^ 2* 6d ; what are /^ of het worth ? Ans. 227/ 12s Id, 4. What is the purchase of 1230/ bank-stock, at 108f per cent. ? Ans. 1336/ Is dd. 6. What is the interest of 273/ 15s for a year, at 3i per cent. ? Ans. 8/ 17* ll^d. 6. If I of a ship be worth 73/ Is 3d ; what part of her is worth 250/ 10« ? Ans. |. 7. What length must be cut off a board that is 7| inches broad, to contain a square foot, or as much as another piege of 12 inches long and 12 broad ? Ans. 18i^ inches. 8. What quantity of shalloon that is | of a yard wide, wiU line 9i yards of cloth, that is 2^ yards wide ? Ans. 31 J yds. * This is only multiplying' the 2d and 3d terms together, and dividing the product by the lirst, as in the Rule of Three in whole nurai>ers. Vox.. I. 10 9. If e.G * ARITHMETIC. 9. If the penny loaf weighs 6^^ 02, when the price of wheat is 5s the bushel ; what ought it to weigh when the wheat is 8s 6d the bushel ? Ans. 4 y\ oz. 10. How much in length, of a piece of land that is 11}^ poles broad, will make an acre of land, or as much as 40 poles in length and 4 in breadth ? Ads. ISjVt poles. 11. If a courier perform a certain journey in 35^ days, travelling 13f hours a day; how long would he be in per- forming the same, travelling only 11/^ hours a day ? Ans. 40f jf days. 12. A regiment of soldiers, consisting of 976 men, are to be new cloathed ; each coat to contain 2i yards of cloth that is If yard wide, and lined with shalloon 5. yard wide : how many yards of shalloon will line them ? Ans. 4531 yds 1 qr 2^ nails. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. A Decimal Fraction, is that which has for its deno- minator an unit (1), with as many ciphers anne^xed as the numerator has places ; and it is usually expressed by setting down the numerator only, with a point before it, on the left- band. Thus, j% is -4, and ^-^^ is -24, and j^-^ is -074, and ToWoo is -00124 ; where ciphers are prefixed to make up as many places as are ciphers in the denominator, when there is a deficiency of figures. A mixed number is made up of a whole number with some decimal fraction, the one being separated from the other by a point. Thus, 3*25 is the same as Sy^/^, or flf. Ciphers on the right-hand of decimals make no alteration in their value ; for -4 or 40, or 400, are decimals having all the same value, each being = yV' ^^ I- ^"^ when they arc placed on the left-hand they decrease the value in a ten-fold proportion : Thus, -4 is ^^, o^ 4 tenths : but -04 is Only y|^j or 4 hundredths, and '004 is only tAo? or 4 thousandths. The 1st place of decimals, counted from the left-hand to- wards the right, is called the place of primes, or lOths ; the 2d is .the place of seconds, or lOOUi ; the 3d is the place of thirds, or lOOOths ; and so on. For. in decimals, as well as in whole numbers, the values of the places increase towards the left-hand, and decrease towards the right, both in the same ADDITION OF DECIMALS. 61 same tenfold proportion ; as in the following Scale or Table of Notation. 1 III I I I I \§ I I i t 33S33S3333333 . ADDITION OF DECIMALS. Set "the numbers under each other according to the value «f their places, like as in whole numbers ; in which state the decimal separating points will stand all exactly under each other- Then beginning at the right-hand, add up all the columns of numbers as in integers ; and point off as many places, for decimals, as are in the greatest number of decimal places in any of the lines that are added ; or place the point directly below all the other points. EXAMPLES. , 1. To add together 29-0146, and 3148-6, and 2109, and •62417, and 14-16. 29-0145 3146-5 210^ •62417 14-16 5299-29877 the Sum. Ex. 2. What is the sum of 276, 39-213, 72014-d, 417, and 6032 ? . \ . 3. What is the sum of 7530, 16-201, 3-014^, 957-13, 6-72119 and -03014. 4. What is the sum of 312-09, 3-5711, 7195-6, 71-498, 9739-216, 179, and -0027 ? SUBTRACTION SS ARITHMETIC. SUBTRACTION OF DECIMALS. Place the numbers under each other according to tJbe ualue of their places, as in the last Rule. Then, beginning at the right-hand, subtract, as in whole numbers, and point off the decimals as in Addition. IIXAMPLES, t. To find the difference between 91-73 and 2-138. 91-73 2-138 Ans. 89-592 the Difference. 2. Find the diff. between 1-9185 and 2-73. Ans. 0-8116 3. To subtract 4-90142 from 214-81. Ans. 209-90858, 4. Find the diff. between 2714 and -916. An§. 2713-084. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. * Place the factors, and multiply them together the same as if they were whole numbers. — Then point off in the pro» duct just as many places of decimals as there are decimals in both the factors. But if there be not so many figures in the product, then supply the defect by prefixing ciphers. * The Rule will be evident from this example : — Let it be re- qyiired to multiply '12 by 361 ; these numbers are eqiiivaknt to J^ and -3_6_L. ; the product of which is -j-f f f f „ = '04332, by the na- ture of Notation, which consists of as many places as there are ciphers, that is, of as many places as there are in both numbers. And in like manner for any other numbers. EXAMPLES. MULTIPLlCATiON OF DECIMALS. 69 EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply -321096 by -2466 1605480 1926676 1284384 642192 Ans. -0791501640 the Product. 2. Multiply 79-347 by 23-15. Ans. 1836-88306. 3. Multiply -63478 by -8204. Ans. -520773512. 4. Multiply -385746 by -00464. Ans. -00178986144. CONTRACTION I. To multiply Decimals by 1 with any number of Ciphers^ as by 10, or 100, or 1000, ^c. This is done by only removing the decimal point so many places farther to the right-hand, as there are ciphers in the multiplier : and subjoining ciphers if need be. EXAMPLES. 1. The product of 51-3 and 1000 is 61300. 2. The product of 2-714 and 100 is 3. The product of -916 and 1000 is 4. The product of 21-31 and 10000 is CONTRACTION U. To Contract the Operation, so as to retain only as many Diecimals in the Product as may be thought Necessary^ when the Pro- duct would naturally contain several more Places. Set the units' place of the multiplier under that figure of t-he multiplicand whose place is the same as is to be retained for the last in the product ; and dispose of the rest of the figures in the inverted or contrary order to what they are usually placed in. — Then, in multiplying, reject all the figures that are more to the right-hand than each multiplying figure, and set down the products, so that their right-hand figures may 20 ARlTHMETie. r.ttiT I r may fall io a column straight below each other ; but observing to increase the first figure df every line with what would •arise from the figures omitted, in this manner, namely 1 from 5 to 14, 2 from 15 to 24, 3 from 25 to 34, &c. ; and the sum of all the lines will be the product as required, commonly to the nearest unit in the last figure. EXAMPLES. 1. To multiply 27»14986 by 92-41036, so as to retain oply four places of decimals in the product. Contracted Way. Common Way. 72-14986 27 14S86 530 14 -29 92-41035 24434874 542997 108599 2715 81 14 2508-9280 13 574930 81 44958 2714 986 103599 44 V 642997 2 24434874 2608-9280 650510 2. Multiply 480-14936 by 2-72416, retaining only four de- cimals in the product. 3. Multiply 2490-3048 by -573286, retaining only five de- cimals in the product. 4. Multiply 325-701428 by -7218393, retaining only three ^lecimals in the product. DIVISION OF DECIMALS. Divide as in whole numbfers ; and point off in the quotient as many places for decimals, as the decimal places in the divi- dend exceed those in the divisor*. ♦ The reason of this Rule is evident ; for, since the divisor multiplied by the quotient gives the dividend, therefore the number of decimal places in the dividend, is equal to those in the divisor and quotient, taken together, by the nature of Multiplication ; and consequently the qs>''tient itself must contain as many as the dividend exceeds the di- ^or- Another DIVISION OF DECIMALS. 71 Another way to know the .place for the decimal point, is* this : The first figure of the quotient must be made to oc- cupy the same place, of integers or decimals, as doth that figure of the dividend which stands over the unit's figure of the the first product. When the places of the quotient are not so many as the Rule requires, the defect is to be supplied by prefixing ciphers. When there happens to be a remainder after the division, or when the decimal places in the divisor are more than those in the dividend ; then ciphers may be annexed to the dividend, and the quotient carried on as far as required. EXAMPLES. 1. 178) -48520998 (-00372589 1292 . 460 1049 1599 1768 166 •2639) 27-00000 ( 102-3114 6100 8220 303U 3910 12710 2154 3. Divide 123-70536 by 64-25. 4. Divide 12 by 7854. 5. Divide 4195-68 by 100. 6. Divide -8297592 by -153. Ans. 2-2802. Ans. 15-278. Ans. 41-9568. Ans. 5-4232. CONTRACTION 1. When the divisor is an integer, with any number of ciphers annexed : cut off those ciphers, and remove the decimal point in the dividend as many places farther to the left as there are ciphers cut off, prefixing ciphers if need be : then proceed as before.* * This is no more than dividing both divisor and dividend by the same number, either 10, or 100, or 1000, &c. according to the number of ciphers cut off, which leaving them in the same proportion, does not affect the quotient. And, in the same way, the decimal point may be moved the same number of places in both the divisor and dividend, either to the right or left, whether they have ciphers or not. EXAMPLES. 7g ARITHMETIC. EXAMPLES^ 1. Divide 46-5 by 2100. 21-00 ) -455 ( -0216, mi. 35 140 14 2. DiTide 41020 by 32000. 3. Divide 953 by 21600. 4. Divide 61 by 79000. CONTRACTION It Hence, if the divisor be 1 with ciphers, as 10, K)0, oj 1000, &c. : then the quotient will be found by merely mov- ing the decimal point in the dividend, so many places farther to the left, as the divisor has ciphers ; prefixing ciphers if need be. EXAMPLES. So, 217-3 -r 100 = 2-173 And 419 ~ 10 = And 6-16 -^ 100 = And 21 -f- 1000 = CONTRACTION HI. When there are many figures in the divisor ; or when only a certain number of decimals are necessary to be retained ia the quotient : then take only as many figures of the divisor as will be equal to the number of figures, both integers and decimals, to be in the quotient, and find how many times they may be contained in the first figures of the dividend, as usual. Let each remainder be a new dividend ; and for every such dividend, leave out one figure more on the right-hand side of the divisor ; remembering to carry for the increase of the figures cut off, as in the 2d contraction in Multiplication. JVote. When there are not so many figures in the divisor, as are required to be in the quotient, begin the operation with all the figures, and continue it as usual till the number of figures in the divisor be equal to those remaining to be found in the quotient : after which begin the contraction. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 2508-92806 by 92-41035, so as to have only four decimals in the quotient, in whick case the quotient will con- tain six figures. Contracted. REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. 73 Contracted. Common, 92-41Q3,5)2508-928,06(27- 1498 660721 13849 4608 80 ' 6 92-4103,5)2508-928 06(2ri'498 66072106 13848610 46075760 91116100 79467850 5539570 2. DivicJe 4109-2351 .by 230-409, so that the quotient may contain only fooT decimals. Aas. 17-8346. 3. Divide' 37-10438 by 5713-96, that the quotient may con- tail) only live rfecimalap. Ans. -00649. 4. Divide 913^08 by 2137-2^ that the qijotient may contain •nly three decimals. REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. CASE I. To reduce a Vulgar Fraction to its equivalent Decimal, Divide the numerator by the denominator as in Division of Decimals, annexing ciphers to the numerator as far as ne- cessary ,- so »half the qWtient be the decimal required. 1. Reduce ^\ to at ^cimal. 24 = 4 X 6. Then 4) 7- 6) 1 •750000. •29l6b6 &c. t. Reduce i, and ^, and |, to decimals. Ans. 't5, afwf '5, arid •'^5. 3. Redace f to a decimal. Ans. -625. 4. Reduce 2 J to a decimal. Ans. 12. 6. Reduce yfj toadeciaiaL Ans Oj 1350. e^. Reduce ^/Jv to a decimal. Ans. -143155 &c. Voc. I. U CASE 74 ARITHMETIC. CASE II. To find the Value of a Decimal in terms of the Inferior Deno- minations. Multiply the decimal by the number of parts in the next lower denomination ; and cut off as many places for a remainder to the right hand, as there are places in the given decimal. Mutiply that remainder by the parts in the next lower denomination again, cutting off for another remainder as before. Proceed in the same manner through all the parts of the integer ; then the several denominations separated on the left- hand, will make up the answer. JVofe, This operation is the same as Reduction Descending in whole Rumbers. EXAMPLES. i. Required to find the value of '775 pounds sterling. •776 20 s 15-600 12 d 6-000 Ans. 16« 6d, 2. What is the value of -625 shil ? Ans. 7idf. 3. What is the value of 'S63ol? Ans. 17s 3-24d. 4. What is the value of -0125 lb troy ? Ans. 3 dwts. 6. What is the value of -4694 lb troy ? Ans. 6 oz 12 dwts 15-744 gr. 6. What is the value of -626 cwt ? Ans. 2 qr 14 lb. 7. What is the value of -009943 miles ? Ans. 17 yd 1 ft 5-98848 inc. 8. What is the value of 6875 yd ? Ans. 2 qr 3 nls. 9. What is the value of -3375 acr ? Ans. 1 rd 14 poles. 10. What is the value of -S^'S hhd of wine ? Ans. 13-1229 gal. CASE REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. 75 CASE ni. To reduce Integers or Decimals to Equivalent Decimals of Higher Denominations* Divide by the number of parts in the next higher deno- minatioQ ; continuing the operation to as many higher deno- minations as may be necessary, the same as in Reduction Ascending of whole numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 1 dwt to the decimal of a pound troy. 20 12 1 dwt 0-06 oz 0004166 &c. lb. Ans. 2. Reduce 9d to the decimal of a pound. Ans. '03151. 3. Reduce 7 drams to the decimal of a pound avoird. Ans. •027343751b. 4. Reduce 26 J to the decimal of a Z. Ans. -0010833 &c. /. 5. Reduce 2- 15 lb to the decimal of cwt. Ans. -oiaise+cwt. 6. Reduce 24 yards to the decimal of a mile. Ans. -013636 &c. mile. 7. Reduce '056 pole to the decimal of an acre. Ans. -00035 ac. €. Reduce 1*2 pint of *vine to the decimal of a hhd. Ans. 00238-}-hhd. 9. Reduce 14 minutes to the decimal of a day. Ans. -009722 &c. da. 10. Reduce -21 pint to the decimal of a peck. Ans. -013125 pec. 11. Reduce 28" 12'" to the decimal of a minute. Note, When there are several numbers ^ to be reduced all to to the decimal of the highest : Set the given numbers directly under each other, for divi^ dends, proceeding orderly from the lowest denomination to the highest. Opposite to each dividend, on the left-hand, set such a number for a divisor as will bring it to the next higher name ; drawing a perpendicular line between all the divisors and dividends. Begin at the uppermost, and perform all the divisions : ©nly observing to set the quotient of each division, as decimal parts, 76 ARITHMETIC. parts, on the right-han.l of the. dividpnd next below it shall the last quotient be the decimal required. EXAMPl^S. 1. Reduce 17s 9fc? to the decimal of a pound. 4 12 20 3- 9-75 17-8125 i: ()-89U625 Ans. 2. Reduce ilH 17^ a^^/ to L Ans. 19-86354166 kc. L 3. Reduce 15.9 Hrf to the decimal of a L Ans. -775^ 4. Kedutu^ 7.',c/to the decimal of a shilHng. Ans. '6^55. 5. Reduce 5 oz 12 dvvts 16 gr to lb. Ans. -46044 kc. lb RULE OF THREE IN DECIMALS. Prepare the terms by reducing the vulgar fractions to decimals, and any compound numbers either to decimals of the hii:her dcnominationsri. or to integers of the lower, also the first and third terms to the same name : Then multiply and divide as in whole numbers. J\'ote, Any of the convenient Examples in the Rule of Three or Rule of Five in Integers, or Vulgar Fractions, may be taken as proper examples to the same rules in Decimals. ' — The following Example, which is the first in Vulgar Frac- tions, is wrought out iiere, to show the method. Iff of a yard of velvet cost f/, what will -fj yd cost ? yd / yd / s d I = -375 -376 : -4 : : -3125 : -333 &c. or 6 8 •4 •375) -12500 (-333333 &c, 1250 20 125 s 6-66666 &c, -^^ — 'snr^ 12 Ans. 6s 8d. d 7-99999 &c.=8a^ DUOIDE. DUODECIMALS. 77 DUODECIMALS. Duodecimals or Cross Multiplication, is a rule used by workmen and artificers, in computing the contents of their works. Dimensions are usually taken in feet, inches, and quarters ; any parts smaller than these being neglected as of no conse- quence. And the same in multiplying them together, or cast- ing up the contents. The method is as follows. Set down the two dimensions to be multiplied together, one under the other, so that feet may stand under feet, inches un- der inches, &c. Multiply each term in the multiplicand, beginning at the lowest, by the feet in the multiplier, and set the result of each straight under its corresponding term, observing to carry 1 for every 1 ^ from he inches to the feet. In like manner, multiply all the multiplicand by the inches and parts of the multiplier, and set the result of each term one place removed to the right-hand of those in the multipli- cand ; omitting, however, what is below parts of inches, only carrying to these the proper number of units from the lowest denomination. Or, instead of multiplying by the inches, take such parts ol the multiplicand as there are of a foot. • Then add the two lines together after the manner of [Com- pound Addition, carr)'ing l.to the feet "for 12 inches, when these come to so many. EXAMPLES. Multiply 4 f 7 inc 2. Multiply 14 f 9 inc by 6 4 by 4 6 27 6 1 H 59 7 41 Ans. 29 Oi Ans. 66 4-L 3. Multiply 4 feet 7 inches by 9 f 6 inc. Ans. 43 f 6^ inc. 4. Multiply 12 f 6 inc by 6 f 8 inc. Ans. 82 9i 5. Multiply 35 fU inc by 12 f 3 inc. Ans. 433 4} 6. Multiply 64 f 6 inc by 8 f 9^ inc. Ans. 665 8f INVOLUTION. 71 ARITHMETIC* INVOLUTION. InvolVtiok is the raising of Powers from any giren number^ as a root. A Power is a quantity produced by multiplying any given number, called the Root, a certain number of times continual- ly by itself. Thus, 2 = 2 is the root, or 1st power of 2. 2X2= 4 is the 2d power, or square of 2. 2X2X2= 8 is the 3d power, or rube of 2. 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 16 is the 4th power of 2, &c. And in this manner may be calculated the following Table of of the first nine powers of the first 9 numbers. TABLE OF THE FIRST NINE POWERS OF NUMBERS. 1st 1 2 2d 1 4 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 8 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 32 64 128 256 ,612 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6661 19683 4 16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 5 25 125 626 31 £5 15625 78125 390625 1953126 •6 36 216 1296 7776 466S6 279936 1679616 10077696 7 49 343 2401 168U7 117649 823543 5764801 40353607 8 64 81 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152 16777216 134217728 9 729 6561 59049 531441 4782969 43046721 387420489 The INVOLUTION. 19 The Index or Exponent of a Power, is the number de- noting the height or degree of that power ; and it is 1 more than the number of multiplications used in producing the same. So 1 is the index or exponent of the first power or root, two of the 2d power or square, 3 of the third power or cube, 4 of the 4th power, and so on. Powers, that are to be raised, are usually denoted by placing the index above the root or first power. So 23 = 4 is the 2d power of 2. 2» = 8 is the 3d power of 2. 2* =16 is the 4th power of 2, 540* is the 4tb power of 640, &c. When two or more powers are multiplied together, their product is that power whose index is the sum of the expo- nents of the factors or powers multiplied. Or the multipli- cation of the powers, answers to the addition of the indices. Thus, in the following powers of 2, 1st 2d 3d 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 2 4 8 IG 32 64 128 256 512 1024 or 2» 22 2» 2* 2* 2^ 2^ 2^ 2* 2»» Here, 4 X 4 = 16, and 2 -f 2 = 4 its index ; and 8 X 16 = 128, and 3 -f 4 = 7 its index ; also 16 X 64 = 1024, and 4 -f- 6 = 10 its index. OTHER EXAMPLES. 1. What is the 2d power of 45 ? Ans. 2025. 2. What is the square of 4-16 ? Ans. 17-3056. 3. What is the 3d power of 3-5 ? Ans. 42-875. 4. What is the 6th power of -029 ? Ans. -00000002051 1 149. 5. What is the square of | ? Ans. f . 6. What is the 3d power of f ? Ans. iff. 7. What is the 4th power of f ? Ans. /jV- JSVOLUTION. 80 ARITHMETIC. EVOLUTION. EvottfnoN, or the reverse of Involution, is the extracting or finding the roots of any given powers. The root of any number, or power, is such a number, as being multiplied into itself a certain number of times, will produce that power. Thus, 2 is the square root or 2d root of 4, because 23 = 2 X 2 = 4 ; and 3 is the cube root or 3d root of 27, because S^ = 3 X 3 X 3 ~ 27. Any power of a given number or root may be found ex- actly, namely, by multiplying the number continually into itself. But there are many numbers of which a proposed root can never be exactly found. Yet, by means of decimals, we may approximate or approach towards the root, to any de^ gr6e of exactness. Those roots which only approximate, are called Surd roots ; but those which can be found quite exact, are called Rational Roots. Thus, the square root of 3 is a surd root ; but the square root of 4 is a rational root, being equal to 2 : also the cube root of 8 is rational, being eq.ual to 2 ; but the cube root of 9 is surd or irrational. Roots are sometimes denoted by writing the character ^ before the power, with the index of the root against it. Thus, the 3d root of 20 is expressed by ^ 20 ; and the square root or 2d root of it is ^ 20, the index 2 being always omit- ted, when only the square root is designed. When the power is expressed by several numbers, with the sign -h or — between them, a line is drawn from the top of the sign over all the parts of it : thus the third root of 45 — 12 is ^ 45— 12, or thus ^ (45 --. 12), inclosing the numbers in parentheses. But all roots are now often designed like powers, with fractional indices : thus, the square root of 8 is 8^, the cube root of 25 is 253, and the 4th root of 45 — 18 is 45— 18)*, or (45— 18)^. SQUARE ROOT. 81. TO EXTRACT THE SQUARE ROOT. * Divide the given number into periods of two figures each, by setting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, over every second figure, both to the left-hand in integers, and te the right in deci- mals. Find the greatest square in the first period on the left-hand, and set its root on the right hand of the given number, after the manner of a quotient figure in Division. * The reason for separating the figures of the dividend into periods or portions of two places each, is, that the square of any single figure never consists of more than two places ; the square of a number of two figures, of not more than four places, and so on. So that there will be as many figures in the root as the given number contains periods so divided or parted off. And the reason of the several steps in the operation appears from the algebraic form of the square of any number of terms, whether two or three or more. Thus, (a + ^)^=a« + 2ab + b*=a^ + (2a + b) 6, the square of two terms ; where it appears that a is the first term of the root, and b the second term j also a the first divisor, and the new divisor is 2a + by or double the first term increased by the second. And hence the manner of extraction is thus : . 1st divisor a) az -j- 2ab + b^ ( a + 6 the root. 2d divisor 2a + 6 I 2(2^ + b- b\2ab ~^b2 Again, for a root of three parts, a, b, c, thus : (a + 6 -f- c) 2 fl2 + 2a6 -f- 62 -f- 2ac -|- 2bc + c^ = a2 + {2a + 6) A + (2a 4 26 + c) c, the square of three terms, where a is the first term of the root b, the second, and c the third term ; also a the first divisor, 2a ^b the second, and 2a ■\'2b -f- c the third, each consisting of the double of the root increased by the next term of the same. And the mode of extraction is thus : 1st divisor a) a^ -{• 2ab + b"^ + 2ac-f-2dc -f- c' (a + 6 -f- c the root. 2d divisor 2a'^b\2ab + b^ b\2ab-\- b^ od divisor 2 add 63= 216' 3 X 362 = 3888 3 X 36 = 108 38988 19666 subtrahend. 1572544 resolvend. 3 X 362 X 4 = 15552 3 X 36 X 42 = 1728) add 43 = 64 ^ 1572544 subtrahend. 0000000 remainder. Ex. 2. Extract the cube root of 571482-19. Ex. 3. Extract the cube root of 1628-1582. Ex. 4. Extract the cube root of 1332. II. To extract the Cube Root by a short Way.* 1. By trials, or by the table of roots at p. 90, &c. take the nearest rational cube to the given number, whether it be greater or less ; and call it the assumed cube. 2. Then * The method usually given for extracting the cube root, is so exceedingly tedious, and difficult to be remembered, that various other approximating rules have been invented; viz. by Newton, Raphson, Halley, De Lagny, Simpson, Emerson, and several other mathematicians ; but no one that I have yet seen, is so simple in its form, or seems so -well adapted for general use, as that above given.. This rule is the same in effect as Dp. Halley's rational formula. CUBE ROOT. 87 2. Then say, by the Rule of Three, As th6 sum of the givea number and double the assumed cube, is to the sum of the assumed cube and double the given number, so is the root of the assumi'd cube, to the root required, nearly. Or, As the fir^t sum is to the difference of the given and assumed cube, so IS the assumed root to the difference of the roots nearly. 3. Again, by using, in like manner, the cube of the root last found as a new assumed cube, another root will be obtain- ed still nearer. And so on as far as we please ; using always the cube of the last found root, for the assumed cube. EXAMPLE. To find the cube root of 21035-8. Here we soon find that the root lies between 20 and 30, and then between 27 and 28. Taking therefore 27, its cube is 19683, which is the assumed cube. Then 19683 21035-8 2 2 39366 21036-8 42071-6 19683 60401-8 : 61764-6 : 27 : : 27 : 27-6047. 4322822 1236092 60401-8) 1667374-2 (27-6047 the root nearly. 469338 36626 284 42 formula) but more commodiously expressed ; and the first investiga- tion of it was given in my Tracts, p. 49. The algebraic form of it is this : As p + 2a : A + 2p : : r : R. Or, As p 4" 2-A- : p c/J A : : r ; R c/J r ,- where p is the given number, a the assumed nearest cube, r the cube root of A, and r the root of p sought* Again, 88 ARITHMETIC. Again, for a second operation, the cube of this root is 21035-318645155823, and the process by the latter method will be thus : 21035-318646, &c. 42070-637290 21035-8 21035-8 21035-318G45, &c. As 63106-43729 : diff. 481355 : : 27-6047 : thediff. -000210560 conseq. the root req. is 27-604910560. Ex. 2. To extract the cube root of -67. Ex. 3. To extract the cube root of -01. TO EXTRACT ANY ROOT WHATEVER. Let p be the given power or number, n the index of the power, A the assumed power, r its root, r the required root of p. Then say, As the sum of w -f- 1 times a and ?i — 1 times p^ is to the sum of n -{- 1 times p and n — 1 times a ; so is the assumed root r, to the required root R. Or, as half the said sum of n -j- 1 times a, and n — 1 times p, is to the difference between the given and assumed powers, so is the assumed root r, to the difference between the true and assumed roots ; which difference, added or subtracted, as the case requires, gives the true root nearly. Thati8,n-|-1. A+ n — 1. p : n-fl.p. -f*n — 1. a :: r : r. Or, n+ \.\A-\-n — ^^ 1. |p : p c/2 a : ; r : r co r. And the operation may be repeated as often as we please, by using always the last found root for the assumed root, and its nth power for the assumed power a. ♦ This is a very g-eneral approximating rule, of which that for the cube root is a particular case, and is the best adapted for practice, and fnr memory, of any that I have yet seen. It was first discoveu-ed in this form by myself, and the investigation and uge of it were given at large in my Tracts^ p. 45, &€• EXAMPLE. GENERAL ROOTS, 89 EXAMPLE. To extract the 5th root of 21035-8. Here it appears that the 5tli root is between 7 3 and 7-4. Takinj?7-3, its 6th power is 20730-71693. Hence we have p = 21036-8, n = 5 r = 7-3 and a = 20730-71593 ; then n -f- 1 . i A-f-n — l.^Ptpco A :: r : Rco r, that is, 3 X20730-71693 +2 X 21035-8 : 305 084 : : 7-3 : 3 2 7-3 62192-14779 42071*6 915252 42071-6 2135688 (04263-74779 ^227-1 132 (-02I3605=R, co 7-3= :r, add. 7-321360=R,true to the last figure. OTHER EXAMPLES. 1. . What is the 3d root of 2 ? Ans. 1-25992L 2, . What is the 3d root of 3214 ? Ans. 14-75758. 3. What is the 4th root of 2 ? Ans. 1-189207. 4. What is the 4th root of 97-41 ?, Ans. 3-1415999. 5. What is the 5th root of 2 ? Ans. 1-148699. 6. What is the 6th root of 21035-8 ? Ans. 5-254037. 7. What is the 6th root of 2 ? Ans. 1-122462. 8. What is the 7th root of 21036-8 ? Ans. 4-145392. 9. What is the 7th root of 2 ? Ans. 1 104089. 10. What is the 8th root of 21035-8 ? Ans. 3 470323. 11. What is the 8th root of 2 ? Ans. 1-090508. 12. What is the 9th root of 21036-8 ? Ans. 3-022239. 13. What is the 9th root of 2 ? Ans. 1-080069. The following is a Table of squares and cub^s, as also the 'square roots and cube roots, of all numbers from 1 to 1000, which will be found very useful on many occasions, in numeral calculations, when roots or powers are concerned. Vol. I, 13 90 A TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. Number. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 1 1 1 1 0000000 i-oooooo 2 4 8 1-4142136 1-259921 3 9 27 1-7320508 •1-442250 4 16 64 2-0000000 1-587401 5 25 125 2-2360680 1-709976 6 36 216 2-4494897 1-817121 7 49 343 2-6457513 1-912933 8 64 512 2-8284271 2*000000 9 81 729 3-0000000 2*080084 10 loo 1000 3 1622777 2-154435 11 121 1331 3-31G6248 2223980 12 144 1728 3-4641016 2-289428 13 169 2197 3-6055513 2-351335 14 196 2744 3-7416574 2-410142 15 225 3375 3-8729833 2'466212 16 256 4096 4-0000000 2-519842 17 289 4913 4-1231056 2-571282 18 324 5832 4-2426407 2-620741 19 361 6859 4-3588989 2 668402 20 400 8000 4-4721360 2-714418 21 441 9.261 4-5825757 2-758923 22 484 10648 4-6904158 2-802039 23 529 12167 4-7958315 2-843867 24 576 13824 4-8989795 2-884499 25 625 15625 5-0000000 2-924018 26 676 17576 50990195 2-962496 27 729 19683 5-1961524 3-000000 28 784 21952 5-2915026 3-036589 29 841 24389 5-3851648 3072317 30 900 27000 5-4772256 3-107232 31 961 29791 5-5677644 3 141381 32 1024 32768 5-6568642 3-174802 33 1089 35937 5-7445626 3-207534 34 1156 39304 5-8309519 3-239612 35 1225 42875 5-9160798 3-271066 36 1296 46656 6-0000000 3301927 37 1369 50653 6-0827625 3-332222 38 1444 54872 6 1644140 3-361975 39 1521 59319 6 2449980 , 3-39121 1 40 1600 64000 6-3245553 3-419952 41 1681 68921 6-4031242 3 448217 42 1764 74088 64807407 3-476027 43 1849 79507 6-5574385 3-503398 44 1959 85184 6-6332496 3 530348 45 2025 91125 6-7082039 3556893 46 2116 97336 6-7823300 3 583048 47 2209 103823 6-8556546 3-608826 48 2304 1 10592 6*9282032 3-634241 49 2401 117649 7-0000000 3659306 50 2500 125000 7-0710678 3-684031 SQUARES, CUB^S, AND ROOTS. 91 Number. Square. 2601 . C«be. Square Hoot. Cube Koot. 51 132651 7 1414284 3 708430 52 2704 140608 7-2 111026 3-732511 53 2809 148877 7 2801099 3-756286 54 2916 157464 7-3484692 3779763 55 3025 166375 74161985 3-802953 56 3136 175616 7-4833148 > 3-825862 57 3249 185193 7-5498344 3 848501 58 3364 195112 7-6157731 3 870877 59 3481 205379 7-6811457 3-892996 60 3600 216000 7-7459667 3-914867 61 3721 226981 7 8102497 3-936497 62 3844 238328 7-8740079 3-957892 63 3969 250047 7-9372539 3*979057 64 •4096 262144 8 0000000 4-000000 65 4225 274625 8-0622577 4-020726 66 4356 287496 8-1240384 4-041240 67 4489 300763 8'1853528 4 061548 68 4624 314432 8-2462113 4081656 69 4761 328509 8-3066239 4 101566 70 4900 343000 8-3666003 4-121285 71 5041 357911 8-4261498 4 140818 72 5184 373248 8-4852814 4-160168 73 5329 389017 8-5440037 4 179339 74 5476 405224 8 6023253 4-198336 75 5625 421875 8-6602540 4-217183 76 5776 438976 5 7177979 4-235824 77 5929 456533 8-7749644 4-254321 78 6084 474552 8-8317609 4272659 79 6241 493039 8 8881944 4 290841 80 -6400 5 1 2000 8 9442719 4-308870 81 6561 531441 9 0000000 4326749 82 6724 551368 9 0553851 4-344481 83 6889 571787 9-1104336 4-362071 &4 7056 592704 9-1651514 4-379519 85 7225 614125 9-2195445 4-396830 . 86 7396 "636056 9-2736185 4-414005 87 7569 • 658503 9 3273791 4 431047 88 7744 681472 9-3808315 4-447960 89 7921 704969 9-4339811 4-464745 90 8100 720000 9 4868330 4-481405 91 8281 753571 9o393920 4-497942 92 8464 778688 9 5916630 4514357 93 8649 804357 9-6436508 4 530655 94 8836' 830584 9 6953597 4 546836 95 9025 857375 9-7467943 4-562903 9*6 9216 * 884736 9 7979590 4578857 97 9409 912673 9-8488578 4-594701 98 9604 941192 9-8994949 4-610436 99 9801 970299 99498744 4-626055 100 10000 1000000 10-0000000 4 641589 92 ARITHMETIC. lui Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root 10201 1030:;oi 10 0498756 4 657010 102 10404 1061208 100995049 4 672330 . 103 10609' 1092727 10-1488916 4-687548 104 10816 1124364 10 1980390 4-702669 105 1 ^9^5 1157625 10 2469508 4717694 106 1 lf^6 1191016 10 2456301 4-732624 i07 11449 1225043 10-3940804 4 747459 108 11664 1259712 10-3923048 - 4 762203 109 11881 1295029 10 4403065 4-776856 110 12100 1331000 10-4880885 4-791420 111 12321 1367631 10 5356538 4-80589.6 112 12544 1404928 10-5830052 4 820284 113 12769 1442897 I0'6301458 4-834588 114 12996 1481544 10-6770783 • 4-848808 115 13225 1520875 107238053 4-862944 116 13456 156<'896 10-7703296 4-876999 117 13689 16U1613 10-8166538 4-890973 118 13924 1643032 108627805 r4-904868 119 14161 1685159 109087121 4-918685 120 14400 1728000 10 9544512 4-932424 121 14641 1771561 11 0000000 4946088 122 14884 1815848 11-0453610 4 959675 123 15129 1860867 11-0905365 4-973190 124 15376 1906624 111355287 4986631 125 15625 1953125 11-1803399 5*000000 126 15876 2000376 11 2ia49722 5013298 127 16129 2048383 11-2694277 5-026526 128 16384 2097152 11 3137085 5 039684 129 16641 2146689 11 3578167 5 052774 150 16900 2197000 11 4017543 5-065797 131 17161 2248091 11-4455231 5-078753 132 17424 2299968 11-4891253 5091643 133 17689 2352637 11 5325626 5 104469 134 17956 2406104 11-5758369 5-117230 * 135 J 8225 2460375 ll'6i89500 5 129928 136 18496 2515456 11 66190;58 5-142563 13r 18769 2571353 11-7046999 5-155137 138 19044 2628072 11-7473444 5 167649 139 19321 2685619 11 7898261 5-180101 140 19600 2744000 11-8321596 5 192494 141 19881 2803221 11 '8743421 5204828 142 20164 2863288 11>9163753 5-217103 143 20449 2924207 11-9582607 5229321 144 20736 2985984 12-0000000 5241482 145 21025 3048625 120415946 5 25358S 146 . 21316 3112136 12-0830460 5 265637 147 2160-^ 3176523 12-1243557 5-277632- 148 21904 3241792 12-1655251 5-289572 149 22201 • 330794a 12-2065556 5 301459 150 1 22500 3375000 12-2474487 5-313293 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 93 Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 151 22801 3442951 122882057 5-325074 152 23104 3511808 123288280 5-336803 153 23409 3581577 12 3693169 5 348481 154 23716 3652264 12-4096736 5 360108 155 24025 3723875 12-4498996 5-371685 156 24336 3796416 12 4899960 5 383213 157 24649 3869893 12 5299641 5o94G90 158 24964 3944312 12-5698051 5 4U6120 159 25281 4019679 126095202 5-417501 160 25600 4096000 12-6491106 5-428835 161 25921 4173281 12 6885775 5-440122 162 26244 4251528 12-7279221 5-451362 163 26569 4330747 12-7671453 5-462556 164 26896 4410944 12-8062485 5 475703 165 27225 4492125 12-8452326 5-484806 166 27556 4574296 128840987 5 495865 167 27889 4657463 12-9228480 5-506879 168 28224 4741632 12-9614814 5-517848 169 28561 4826809 13-0000000 5 528775 170* 28900 49 1 3000 15-0384048 5-539658 171 29241 5000211 130766968 5-550499 172 29584 5088448 13-1148770 5-561298 173 29929 5177717 13-1529464 5-572054 174 30276 5268024 13-1909060 5'582770 175 30625 5359375 13 2287566 5-593445 176 30976 545 1776 13'2664992 5 '604079 177 31329 5545133 •13 3041347 5614673^ 178 31684 5639752 13 3416641 5-625226 179 3204 1 5735339 . 13 3790882 5-635741 180 32400 5832000 • 134164079 5-646216 181 32761 5929741 13-4536240 5-656652 182 33124 6028568 ' 134907376 5 667051 183 33480 6128487 13 5277493 5-677411 184 33856 6229504 13-5646600 5-687734 185 34225 6331625 13-6014705 5-698019 186 34596 6454856 13-6381 8 '7 5708267 187 34969 6539203 13 6747943 57 18479 138 35344 6644672 13 7113092 •5'728654 189 35721 6751269 13 7477271 5-738794 190 36100 6859000 13-7840488 5-748897 191 36481 6967871 13-8202750 5-7589&5 192 36864 7077888 13-8564065 5 768998 193 37249 7189057 15-8924440 . 5 778996 194 37636 7301384 13-9283883 5-788960 195 38025 7414875 13'-9642400 . 5-798890 196 38416 7529536 14-0000000 5-808786 197 38809 7645373 140356688 5-818648 198 39204 7762392 14'0712473 5-828476 199 39601 7880599 14-1067360 5-838272 200 40000 8000000 14-1421356 5 848035 y4 ARITHMETIC. Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. ~ 201 40401 8120601 14M774469 5-857765 202 40804 8242408 14-2126704 5-867464 203 41209 8365427 14-2478068 5-8771*30 204. 41616 8489664 14-2828569 5-886765 < 205 42025 8615125 J4-3178211 5-896368 206 42436 8741816 143527001 5905941 207 42849 8869743 14-3874946 5-915481 208 43264 8998912 14-4222051 5-924991 209 43681 9123329 14-4568323 5-934473 210 44 i 00 9261000 14-4913767 5-9439 li 211 44521 9393951 14-5258390 5-953341 212 44944 9528128 14-5602198 5-962731 213 45369 9663597 14-5945195 5-972091 214 45796 9800344 14-6287388 5981426 2J5 46225 9938375 14-6628783 5-909727 216 46656 10077696 14-6969385 6-000000 2ir 47089 10218313 14-7309199 6-009244 218 47524 10360232 14-7648231 6-018463 219 47961 10503459 14-7986486 6 027650 220 48400 10648000 14 8323970 6036811 221 48841 10793861 14-8660687 6-045943 222 49284 10941048 14-8996644 6-055048 223 49729 11089567 14 9331845 6-064126 224 50176 11239424 14-9666295 6-073177 225 50625 11390625 15 0000000 6 082201 226 51076 11543176 , 15 0332964 6-091199 227 51529 11697083 15-0665192 6-100170 228 51984 11852352 15-0996689 6-109115 229 52441 12008989 15 1327460 6-118032 230 52900 12167000 15-1657509 6 126925 231 53361 12326391 15-1986842 6-135792 232 53824 12487168 15-2315462 6-144634 233 54289 12649337 15-2643375 6-153449 234 54756 12812904 15-2970585 6-162239 235 55225 12977875 15-3297097 6-171005 236 55696 13144256 15-3622915 6-179747 237 56169 13312053 15-3948043 6-188463 238 56644 13481272 15-4272486 6-197154 239 57121 13651919 15-4596248 6 205821 240 57600 13824000 15-4919334 6 214464 241 58081 13997521 15-5241747 6-223083 242 58564 14172488 15-5563492 6-231678 243 . 59049 14348907 155884573 6-240251 244 59536 14526784 15-6204994 6 248800 245 60025 14706125 15-^524758 6 257324 246 60516 14886936 15-6843871 6 265826 247 61009 15069223 15-7162336 6-274304 248i 61504 15252992 15-7480157 6-282760 249 62001 15438249 15-7797338 6-291194 250 62500 15625000 15-8113883 6299604 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. Numb. ~25T~ Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 63001 15813251 15-8429795 .6-307992 252 63504 16003008 15*8745079 * 6316359 253 64009 16194277 15-9059737 6-324^04 '2S4> 64516 16387064 15-9373775 ^•333C'25 255 65025 16581375 15-9687194 6-341355 256 65536 16777216 J 6 -.0000000 6-349a02 25/ 66049 16974593 160312195 6^357859 258 66564 17173512 16-0623784 6 366095 259 67081 17373979 16'0934769 6-374310 260 67600 17576000 16-1245155 6-382504 261 68121 17779581 16-1554944 6-390676 262 68644 17984728 16-1864141 6-398827 263 69169 18191447 16-2172747 6406958 264 69696 18399744 16-2480768 6-415068 265 70225 18609625 16-2788206 6-423157 266 70756 18821096 16-3095064 6431226 267 71289 19034163 16-3401346 6-439275 268 71824 19248832 16-3707055 6447305 269 72361 19465109 164012195 6 455314 270 72900 19683000 1.64316767 6463304 271 73441 19902511 16 4620776 6 471274 272 73984 20123648 16-4924225 6-479224 273 74529 20346417 1(5 5227116 6-487153 274 75076 20570824 15-5529454 6-495064 275 75625 20796875 155831240 6 502956 276 76176 21024576 ! 6-6 132477 6-510829 277 76729 21253933 16-6433170 6-518684 278 77284 21484952 16-6733320 6-526519 279 77841 21717639 167032931 6-534335 280 78400 21952000 16-7332005 6 542132 281 78961 22188041 16-7630546 6-549911 282 79524 22425768 16 7928556 6-557672 283 80089 22665187 16-8226038 6-565415 284 80656 22906304 16-8522995 6-573139 285 81225 2314912^ 168819430 6-580844 286 81796 23393656 16-9115345 6-588531 287 82369 23639903 16 9410743 6-596202 288 82944 23887872 16-9705627 6-603854 289 83521 24137569 17 0000000 6 611488 290 84100 24389000 170293864 6.619106 291 84681 24642171 170587221 , 6 626705 292 85264 24897088 17 0880075 6-634287 293 85849 25153757 171172428 6-641851 294 86436 25412184 . 17-1464282 . 6-649399 295 87025 25672375 17-1755640 6656930 296 87616 25934336 17-2046505 . 6-664443 297 88209 26198073 17-2336879 6-671940 298 88804 26463592 17-2626765 6 679419 299 89401 26730899 17-2916165 6-686882 300 90000 ^7000000 17-3205081 6-694328 96 ARITHMETIC. Numb. 301 Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 90601 27270901 17-34935 16 6 701758 302 91204 27543608 17'3781472 6-709172 303 91809 27818127 17 4068952 6 716569 304 92416 28094464 17-4355958 6-723950 305 93025 28372625 17-4642492 6-7313 6 306 93636 28652616 17-4928557 6-738665 307 94249 28934443 17-5214155 6-745997 308 94864 29218112 17-5499288 6 753^13 309 95481 29503629 17*5783958 6-7606,4 310 96100 29791000 17-6068169 6767899 311 96721 30080231 17-6351921 6775168 312 97344 30371328 17-6635217 6 782422 313 97969 30664297 17-6918060 6 789661 314 98596 30959144 17 7200451 6 796884 ■ 315 99225 3:255875 17-7482393 6804091 316 99856 31554496 17 7763888 6-811284 317 100489 31855013 17-8044938 6818461 318 101124 32157432 178325545 6-825624 319 101761 32451759 17-8605711 6-832771 320 102400 32758000 17-8885438 6-839903 321 103041 330r6161 . 17-9104729 6-847021 322 103684 33386248 17-9443584 6-854124 323 104329 33698267 17-9722008 6*861211 324 104976 34012224 18-0000000 6*868284 325 105625 34328125- 18-0277564 6-875343 326 106276 34645976 18 0554701 6-882388 327 106929 34965^83 18 0831413 6-889419 328 107584 35287552 18 1107703 6-896435 329 108241 35611289 18-1383571 6 903436 330 108900 35937000 18-1659021 6-910423 331 109561 36264^91 18-1934054 6-917396 332 110224 36594568 18-2208672 6-924355 333 110889 369260S7 18-2482876 6-931300 334. 111556 37259704 "18-2756669 6 938232 335 112225 376953r5 18-3030052 6 945149 336 112896 •37933056 18-3303028 6 952053 337 113569 38272753 18-3575598 6-958943 338 114244 58614472 18-4847763 6.9658j9 339 114921 38958219 18 4119526 6 972682 340 115600 39304000 184390889 6.979532 341 116281 39651821 18^4661853 6.986369 342 116964 40001688 18-4932420 6-993 591 343 117649 40353607 18-5202592 7-000000 344 118336 407X)7584 18*5472370 7«006796 345 119025 41063625 18'5741756 7-013579 346 119716 41421736 186010752 7-020349 347 120409 41781923 18 6279360 7 027106 , 348 121104 42144192 i 18'654758l r-e33850 349 121801 42508549 18*6815417 7-040581 350 122500 43875000 18*7082869 7047208 Si^UARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 97 Numb. j Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root 351 123201 43243551 187349940 7-054003 352 123904 43614208 18-7616630 7-060696 353 124609 43986977 18-7882942 7-067376 354 125316 44361864 18-8148877 7-074043 355 126025 44738875 18-8414437 7 080698 356 126736 45118016 18-8679623 7087341 357 127449 45499293 18-8944436 7093970 358 128164 45882712 18 9208879 7-100588 359 128881 46268279 18-9472953 7-107193 360 129600 46656000 18-9736660 7 113786 361 130321 47045881 19'00Q0000 7*120367 362 131044 47437928 19-0262976 7*126935 363 131769 47832147 19-0525589 7 133492 364 132496 48228544 19-0787840 7*140037 365 133225 48627125 19-1049732 7-146569 366 133956 49027896 19-I3!i265 7*153090 367 134689 49430863 19-1572441 7-159599 368 135424 49836032 19-1833261 7-166095 369 136161 50243409 19*2093727 7 172580 ' 370 136900 50653000 19-2353841 7-179054 371 137641 51064811 19-2613603 7-185516 372 138384 51478848 19-2873015. 7-191966 373 139129 51895117 19*3132079 7-198405 374* 139876 52313624 19*3390796 7 204832 375 140625 52734375 19-3649167 7-211247 376 141376 53157376 19-3907194 7 217652 377 142129 53582633 19*4164878 7*224045 378 142884 54010152 194422221 7*230427 379 143641 54439939 194679223 7-236797 380 144400 54872000 19-4935887 7-243156 381 145161 55306341 19-5192213 7-249504 382 145924 55742968 19-5448203 7 255841 283 146689 56181887 19-5703858 7*262167 384 147456 56623104 19-5959179 7-268482 385 148225 57066625 196214169 7-274786 386 148996 57512456 19*6468827 7-281079 387 149769 57960603 19-6723156 7^87362 388 150544 58411072 19 6977156 7293633 389 151321 58863869 19*7230829 7-299S93 390 152100 59319000 19*7484177 7-306143 391 152881 59776471 19-7737199 7312383 ^92 153664 60236288 19-7989899 7-318611 393 154449 60698457 19-8242276 7-3248i!9 394 155236 61162984 19 8494332 7-331037 395 156025 61629875 19 8746069 7-337234 396 156816 62099136 19-8997487 7 343420 397 157609 62570773 19 9248588 7-349596 398 158404 63044792 19-9499373 7 355762 399 159201 63521199 199749844 7-361917 400 160000 64000000 20-.0000000 7-368063 Vol. 1 H ^ ARITHMETIC. Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 401 1 6080 1 64481201 20 0249844 7-374198 402 J 6 1 604 64964808 200499377 7-380322 403 162409 65450827 20 0748599 7-386437 404 163216 65939264 20-0997512 7-392542 405 164025 66430125 20-1246118 7-398636 406 164836 66923416 20 1494417 7-404720 407 165649 67419143 20-1742410 7-410794 408 166464 67911312 20-1990099 7-416859 ' 409 167281 68417929 20-2237484 7-422914 410 , 168100 68921000 20-2484567 7-428958 411 168921 69426531 20-2731349 7 434993 , 412 169744 69934528 20-2977831 7-441018 413 170569 70444997 20-3224014 7-447033 414 171396 70957944 20-3469899 u 7-453039 415 172225 71473375 203715488 7-459036 416 173056 71991296 20-3960781 7-465022 417 173889 72511713 . 20-4205779 7-470999 418 174724 73034632 204450483 7-476966 419 175561 73560059 20-4694895 7-482924 420 176400 74088000 20-4939015 7488872 421 177241 74618461 20-5182845 7-494810 422 178084 75151448 20-5426386 7-500740 423 178929 75686967 20-5669638 7*506660 424 179776 76225024 20*5912603 7512571 425 180625 76765625 20 6155281 7-518473 426 181476 77308776 20-6397674 7-524365 427 182329 77854483 20-663978^3 7-530248 428 1^5184 78402752 20-6881609 7-536121 429 184041 78953589 20-7123152 7-541986 430 184900 79507000 20-7364114 7-547841 431 185761 80062991 20-7605395 7-553688 ' 432 186624 80621568 20-7846097 7-559525 - 433 187489 81182737 208086520 7-565353 434 ■188356 81746504 20-8326667 7-571173 435 189225 82312875 20-8566536 7-576984 - 436 190096 82881856 20-8806130 7-582786 437 190969 83453453 20 9045450 7*588579 438 191844 84027672 30 9284495 7-594363 439 192721 84604519 209^523268 7-600138 440 193600 85 1 84t)00 20-9761770 7-605905 • 441 194481 S5766121 210000000 7-6 11662 442 195364 86350888 21-0237960 7-617411 443 196249 86938307 21 0475652 7-623151 444 197136 87528384 210713075 ^ 7628883 445 198025 88121125 21-0950231 7-634606 446 198916 88716536 2ril87l21 7-640321 447 199809 89314623 21-1423745 7-646027 448 200704 89915392 21-1660105 r-651725 . 449 201601 90518849 21-1896201 7-657414 450 202500 91125000 21 2132034 7-663094 * SQUARES, CUBES, ANB ROOTS. ?5? ; Numb. Squire. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 451 203401 91733851 21-2367606 7-668766 452 204304 92345408 21-2602916 7-6744:50 453 205209 92959677 21-2837967 7.680085 454 206116 93576664, 21 3072758 7»685732 455 207025 94196375 21-3307290 7-691371 456 207936 94818816 21-3541565 7-697002 457 208849 95443993 21-3775583 7-702624 458 209764 96071912 21-4009346 7-708238 459 210681 96702579 21-4242853 7 713844 460 2U600 97336000 21-4476106 7-719442 461 212521 97972181 21-4709106 7-725032 462 213444 98611128 21 4941853 7 730614 463 214369 99252847 21-5174348 7-736187 454 215296 99897344 21-5406592 7-741753 465 216225 100544625 21-5638587 7-747310 466 217156 101194696 21-5870331 7-752860 457 218089 101847563 21-6101828 7-758402 468 219024 102503232 21-6333077 7-763936 469 219961 103161709 21-6564078 7-769462 470 220900 103823000 21-6794834 7'774980 471 221841 104487111 21-7025344 7-780490 472 222784 105154048 21-7255610 7-785992 473 223729 105823817 21-7485632 7-791487 474 224676 106496424 21-7715411 7-796974 475 3256'^5 107171875 21-7944947 7-802453 476 226576 107850176 21-8174242 7-807925 477 227529 108531333 21-8403297 7-813389 478 228484 109215352 21-8632111 7.818845 479 229441 109902239 21-8860686 7-824294 480 230400 110592000 21-9089023 7-829735 48i 231361 Ill284ii41 21-9317122 7-835168 432 1^32324 111980168 21-9544984 7.840594 483 233289 " ■112678587 21-9772610 7-846013 484 234256 113379904 22-0600000 7-851424 485 235225 114084125 22 0227155 7-856828 486 •236196 114791256 22-0454077 7-862224 487 237169 115501303 22-0680765 7-867613 488 238144 116214272. 22*0907220 7 872994 489 239121 116930169 22- ! 133444 7.878368 490 240100 117849000 22- 1359436 7. 883734 491 241081 118370771 221585198 7.889094 492 242064 119095488 221810730 7-894446 493 243049 119823157 22-2036033 7-899791 494 244036 120553784 22 2261408 7 905129 495 24502 5 121287375 22-2485955 7 910460 . 496 246016 122023936 22-2710575 7 915784 497 24r009 122763473 22-2934968 7-921100 498 248004 123505992 22-3159136 7-926408 499 249001 ' 124251499 22 338S079 7 931710 500 250000 125000000 22*3606798 7-937005 ' 100 AftlTHMETlC. Numb. Square. Cube. Square Koot. 22 3830293 Cube Root. 501 251001 125751501 7-942293 502 252004 126506008 22-4053565 7-947573 503 253009 127263527 224276615 7-952847 504 254016 128024064 22-4499443 7-958114 505 255025 128787625 22-4722051 r-963374 506 256036 129554216 22.4944438 7-968627 507 257049 130323843 22-5166605 7-973873 508 258064 131096512 22-5388553 7-979 112 • 509 259081 131872229 22-5610283 7-984344 510 260100 132651000 22-5831796 7-989569 511 261121 133432831 22-6053091 7-994788 512 262144 134217728 22-6274170 8-000000 513 263169 135005697 22 6495033 8005205 514 264196 135796744 22-6715681 8-010403 515 265225 136590875 22 6936114 8015595 . 516 266256 137388096 22 7156334 8 020779 5ir 267289 138188413 22-7376340 8-025957 518 268324 138991832 22-7596134 8-031129 519 269361 139798359 22-78 J 5715 8-036293 520 270400 140608000 228035085 8 041451 521 271441 141420761 22-8254244 8046603 522 272484 142236648 22 8473193 8051748 523 273529 143055667 22-8691933 8-056886 524 274576 143877824 22 8910463 8*062018 525 275625 144703125 22-9128785 8-067143 526 276676 145531576 22-9346899 8-072262 527 277729 146363183 22 9564806 8-077374 528 278784 147197952 22-9782506 8082480 529 279841 148035889 23-0000000 8-087579 530 280900 148877000 23-0217289 8-092672 531 281961 149721291 23 0434372 8-097758 532 283024 150568768 23-0651252 8-102838 533 284089 151419437 23-0867928 8-107912 534 285156 152273304 23-1084400 8-112980 535 286225 153130375 23-1300670 8-118041 536 287296 153990656 23-1516738 8-123096 537 288369 154854153 23-1732605 8-128144 538 289441 155720872 23-1948270 8-133186 539 290521 156590819 23 2163735 8*138223 540 291600 157464000 23 2379001 8*143253 541 . 292681 158340421 23-2594067 8*148276 542 293764 159220088 23-2808935 8' 153293 543 294849 160103007 23-3023604 8-158304 544 295936 160989184 23-3238076 8 163309 545 297025 161878625 233452351 8-168308 546 298116 162771336 23-5666429 8-173302 547 299209 163667323 23 3880311 8-178289 548 300304 164566592 234093998 8-183269 549 301401 165469149 23-4307490 8-188244 550 302500 1C6375000 23*4520788 8-193212 SQUARES, CUBES, ANt> ROOTS. to? Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. " 551 ~ 303601 167284151 23-4733892 8-198175 552 304704 168196608 23-4946802 8-203131 553 305809 169112377 23-5159520 8 208082 554 306916 170031464 23-5372046 8-213027 555 308025 170953875 23-5584380 8-217965 556 309136 171879616 23-5796522 8-222898 557 310249 172808693 23 6008474 8-227825 558 311364 173741112 23-6220236 8-232746 659 312481 174676879 236431808 8-237661 560 343600 175616000 23-6643191 8-242570 561 314721 176558481 23-6854386 8-247474 562 315844 177504328 23-7065392 8-252371 563 316969 178453547 23-7276210 8-257263 564 318096 179406144 23-7486842 8-262149 ^65 319225 180362125 23-7697286 8-267029 566 320356 181321496 23-7907545 8-271903 567 321489 182284263 23-8117618 8-276772 568 322624 183250432 23-8327506 8281635 569 323761 184220009 23-8537209 8-286493 570 324900 185193000 23-8746728 8-291344 571 326041 186169411 23-8956063 8-296190 572 327184 187149248 23-9165215 8-301030 573 328329 188132517 23-9374184 8-305865 574 329476 189119224 23-9582971 8'310694 575 3306"25 190109375 23-9791576 8*315517 576 331776 191102976 24*0000000 8*320335 ' 577 332929 192100033 24-0208243 8*325147 578 334084 193100552 24-0416306 8-329954 579 335241 194104539 24-0624188 8-334755 580 336400 195112000 24-0831892 8-339551 581 337561 196122941 24-1039416 8-344341 582 338724 197137368 24 1246762 8-349125 583 339889 198155287 241453929 8-353904 584 341056 199176704 24-1660919 8-358678 585 342225 200201625 24-1867732 8-363446 586 343396 201230056 24-2074369 8-368209 587 344569 202262003 24-2280829 8-372966 538 345744 203297472 24-2487113 8-377718 589 346921 204336469 24-2693222 .8382465 590 348100 205379000 24-2899156 8-387206 591' 349281 206125071 24-3104916 8-391942 592 350464 207474688 24-3310501 8 396673 593 351649 208527857 243515913 8-401398 594 352836 209584584 24-3721152 8 406118 595 354025 210644875 24 3926218 8-410832 596 355216 211708736 24-4131112 8-415541 , 597 356409 212776173 24-4335834 8 420245 598 357604 213847192 24-4540385 8-424944 599 358801 214921799 24-4744765 8-429638 600 360000 * 216000000 24-4948974 8 434327 ■'M'- AKITHMETIG. Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root Cube Root." 601 361201 217081801 24-5153013 • 8^439009 602 362404 218167208 24^5356883 8-443687 603 363609 219256227 24-5560583 8-448360 . 604 364816 220348864 24'5764115 8-4*3027 ' 605 366023 221445125 24-5967478 8-457689 606 367236 222"545016 24' 6 170673 8-462347 607 368449 223643543 24.637S700 8-466999 608 369664 224756712 24-6576560 8*471647 609 37088i 225866529 24-6779254 8*476289 610 372100 226981000 24-6981781 81^480926 611 373321 228099131 24-7184142 8*485557 612 374544 229220928 24-7386338 8-490184 613 375769 230346397 24-7588368 8*494806 614 376996 231475544 24-7790234 8-499423 615 378225 232.608375 24-7991935 8-504034 616 379456 253744896 24-8193473 8'608641 617 380689 234885113 24-8394847 8-513243 618 381924 236029032 24-8596058 8-517840 619 383161 237176659 24-8797106 8-5224v32 620 384400 238328000 24-8997992 8-527018 621 385641 239483061 24-9198716 8-531600 622 386884 240641848 24-9399278 8-536177 623 388129 241804367 24-9599679 8-540749 , 624 389376 242970624 24*9799920 8-545317 625 390625 244140625 25-0000000 8-549879 626 391876 245314376 25-0199920 8-554437 627 393129 246491883 ' 25-0399681 8-558990 628 394384 . 247673152 25-0599282 8-563537 629 395641 248858189 25-0798724 8-568080 630 396900 250047000 25 0998008 8-572618 631 398161 251239591 25-1197134 8-577152 632 399424 252435968 25-1396102 8-581680 633 400689 253636137 251594913 8-586204 634 401956 254840104 25-1793566 8-590723 635 403225 256047875 25-1992063 8-595238 636 404496 257259456 25-2190404 8-599747 637 405769 258474853 25-2388589 8 604252 638 407044 259694072 25-2586619 8-608753 639 408321 260917119 25-2784493 8-613248 640 409600 262144000 25 2982213 8617738 641 410881 263374721" 25-3179778 8622224 642 412164 264609288 25-3377189 8 626706 643 413449 265847707 25-3574447 8-631183 644 414736 267089984 25 3771551 . 8 635655 645 416025 268336125 25-3968502 8 640122 646 417316 269586136 25-4165301 8 644585 647 418609 270840023 25 4361947 8-649043 648 419904 272097792 25-4558441 8 653497 649 421201 273359449 25-4754784 8-657946 650 422500 274625000 25*4950076 8-662301 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. io3 Numb. 651 ^Square. Cube. Square Hoot. Cube Roet. 433801 275894451 25 5147016 8-666831 652 425104 277167808 25-5342907 8-671266 653 426409 278445077 S5-5538647 8675697 654 427716 279726264 25-5734237 8*680123 655 429025 281011375 25-5929678 8 684545 656 430336 282300416 25-6124969 8-688963 657 431649 283593393 25-6320112 8-693376 658 432964 284890312 '^5 65\5lOr 8-697784 659 434281 286191179 25-^709953 8-702188 660 435600 287496000 25-6904652 8 706587 661 436921 288804781 25-7099203 8 710982 662 438244 290117528 25-7203607 8 715373 663 439569 291434247 25-7487864 8*719759 664 440896 292754944 25-7681975 8-724141 665 442225 294079625 25-7875939 8-728518 666 443556 295408296 25-8069758 8-732891 667 444889 296740963 25-8263431 8-737260 668 446224 298077632 25-8456960 8-741624 669 447561 299418309 •25-8650343 8-745984 670 448900 360763000 25-8843582 8-750340 671 450241 ■ 302111711 25-9036677 8-754691 672 451584 303464448 25-9229628 8-759038 673 452929 304821217 25-9422435 8-763380 674 454276 306182024 25' 96 1 5 100 8-767719 675 455625 307546875 25-9807621 8-772053 676 456976 308915776 26 0000COO 8-776382 677 458329 310288733 26-0192237 8-780708 678 459684 311665752 26-0384331 8-785029 679 461041 313046839 26-0576284 8-789346 680 462400 314432000 260768096 8-793659 681 463761 315821241 26-0959767 8-797967 682 465124 317214568 26-1151297 8-802272 683 466489 318611987 261342687 8-806572 684 467856 320013504 26 1535937 8-810868 685 469225 321419125 26-1725047 8-815159 686 470596 322828856 26.1916017 8819447 687 471969 324242703 26-2106848 8-823730 688 473344 325660672 26-2297541 8-828009 689 474721 327082769 26-2488095 8-832285. 690 476100 328509000 26-2678511 8-836556 691 47748 r 329939371 26 2868789 8-840822 692 478864 331373888 26-3058929 8-845085 693 480249 332812557 26-3248932 8 849344 694 481636 334255384 26-3438797 8-853598 695 483025 335702375 26-3628527 8-857849 696 484416 337153536 263818119 . 8-862095 697 485809 338608873 26-4007576 8-866337 698 487204 340068392 26*4196896 8-870575 699 488601 341532099 26-4386081 8-874809 700 490000 343000000 26-4575131 8-879040 104 ARITHMETIC. Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Hoot. 701 491401 344472101 26-4764046 8-88 3266 702 492804 345948008 26*4952826 8-887488 703 494209 347428927 265141472 8-891706 704 495616 348913664 26-5329983 8'895920 705 497025 350402625 26-5518361 8-900130 706 498436 351895816 26-5706605 8-904336 707 499849 353393243 265894716 8-908538 708 501264 354894912 26-6082694 8-912736 709 502681 356400829 26-6270539 8-916931 710 504100 357911000 26*6458252 8-921121 711 505521 359425431 26-6645833 8925307 712 506944 360944128 26*6833281 ,8'929490 713 508369 362467097 26-7020598 8-933668 714 509796 363994344 26-7207784 3'937843 715 511225 365525875 26-7394839 8-942014 716 512656 367061696 26-7581763 8-946180 717 514089 368601813 26-7768557 8-950343 718 515524 370146232 26-7955220 8-954502 719 516961 371694959 26-8141754 8*958658 720 518400 373248000 26-8328157 8-962809 721 519841 374805361 26-8514432 8-966957 722 521284 376367048 26-8700577 8-971100 723 522729 377933067 26-8886593 8-975240 724 524176 379503424 26-9072481 8*979376 725 525625 381078125 26 9258240 8-983508 726 527076 382657176 26*9443872 8'987637 727 528529 384240583 26-9629375 8991762 728 529984 385828352 26-9814751 8*995883 729 531441 387420489 27-0000000 9 000000 730 532900 389017000 27-0185122 9*004113 731 534361 390617891 27-0370117 9-008222 732 535824 392223168 27-0554985 9*012328 733 537289 393832837 27-0739727 9-016430 734 538756 396446904 27-0924344 9020529 735 540225 397065375 27-1108834 9-024623 736 541696 398688256 27-1293199 9*028714 737 543169 400315553 27-1477439 9 032802 738 544644 401917272 27-1661554 9-036885 739 546121 403583419 27-1845544 9-040965 740 547600 405224000 27-2029410 9 045041 741 549081 406869021 27-2213152 9 049114 742 550564 '408518488 27-2396769 9-053183 743 552049 410172407 27-2580263 9-057248 744 553536 411830784 27 2763634 9061309 745 555025 413493625 27-2946881 9 065367 746 556516 415160936 27-3130006 9-069422 747 558009 416832723 27-3313007 9-073472 748 559504 418508992 27-3495887 9-077519 749 561001 420189749 27-3678644 9-081563 750 662500 421875000 27-3861279 9-085603 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 105 Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 751 564001 423564751 27-4043792 9*089639 752 565504 425259008 27-4226184 9093572 753 567009 426957777 27-4408455 9097701 754 568516 428661064 274 590604 9 101726 755 570025 4303688? 5 27-4773633 9 105748 756 571536 432081216 27 4954542 9-109766 757 573049 433798093 27 5136330 9 113781 758 574564 435519512 27 5317998 9.117793 759 576081 437245479 27-5499546 9-121801 760 577600 438976000 27-5680975 . 9-125805 761 579121 440711081 275862284 9-129806 762 580644 442450728 27 6043475 9- 133303 763 582169 444194947 27 6224546 9 137797- 764 583696 445943744 27-6405499 9 141788 765 585225 447697125 27-6586334 9-145774 766 586756 449455096 276767050 9-149757 767 , 588289 451217663 27-6947648 9-153737 768 589824 452984832 27-7128129 9 157713 769 591361 454756609 27-7308492 9 161686 770 592900 456533000 27-7488739 - 9 165656 771 594441 458314011 27-7668868 9-169622 772 595984 460099648 27-7848880 9 17S585 773 597529 461889917 27-8028775 9-177544 774 599076 463684824 27*8208555 9 181500 775 600625 465484375 27-8388218 9-185452 776 602176 467288576 27-8567766 9 189401 777 603729 469097433 27-8747J97 9-193347 778 605284 470910952 27-8926514 9 197289 779 606841 472729139 27-9105715 9 201228 780 y608400 474552000 27-9284801 9-205164 781 609961 476379541 27-9463772 9 209096 782 611524 478211768 27-9642629 9 213025 783 613089 480048687 27-9821372 9-216950 784 614656 481890304 28-0000000 9220872 785 616225 483736025 280178515 9-224791 786 617796 485587656 28-0356915 9228706 787 619369 487443403 28-0535203 9 232618 788 620944 485303872 28-0713377 9237527 789 622521 491169069 28-0891438 '9*240433 790 624100 493039000 28-1069386 9 244335 791 625681 494913671 28-1247222 9-248234 792 627264 496793088 28 1424946 9-252130 793 628849 498677257 28-1602557 9 256022 794 630436 500566184 28 1780056 9 259911 795 632025 502459875 28-1957444 9-263797 796 633616 504358336 28-2134720 9-267679 797 635209 506261573 '28-2311884 9-271559 798 636804 508169592 28 2488938 9-275435 799 638401 510082399 28 2665881 9-279308 800 640000 512000000 28-2842712 9-283177 Vol. I 15 306 ARITHMETIC. Numl). Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. ■ 801 641601 513922401 28-3019434 9-287044 803' 643204 515849608 28-3196045 9-290907 803 644809 517781627 28-3372546 9-294767 804 646416 519718464 28-3548938 9-298623 805 64802.5 521660125 28-3725219 9-302477 806 649636 523606616 28-3901391 9-S06327 807 651249 525557943 28-4077454 9310175 808 652864 527514112 28-4253408 9-314019 809 654481 529475129 28-4429253 9317859 810 656100 531441000 28-4604989 9-321697 811 657721 533411731 28-4780617 9-325532 812 659344 535387328 28-4956137 9-329363 813 660969 537366797 28-5131549 9-333191 814 662596 539353144 28-5306852 9-337016 815 664225 541343375 28-5482048 9-340838 816 665856 543338496 28-5657137 9344657 817 667489 545338513 28-5832119 9348473 818 669124 547343432 28*6006993 . 9 362285 819 670761 549353259 28-6181760 9-356095 820 672400 551368000 28 6356421 9-359901 821 674041 553387661 28-6530976 9-363704 822 675684 555412248 28 6705424 9-367505 823 677329 557441767 28-6879766 9*371302 824 678976 559476224 28*7054002 9-375096 825 680625 561515625 28*7228132 9-378887 826 682276 563559976 28-7402157 9 382675 827 683929 565609283 287576077 ^-386460 828 685584 567663552 28-7749891 9-390241 829 687241 569722789 28-7923601 9-394020 830 688900 571787000 28-8097206 9 397796 831 690561 573856191 28-8270706 9-401569 832 692224 575930368 28 8444102 9-405338 . 833 693889 578009537 28-8617394 9-409105 834 695556 580093704 28-8790582 9 412869 835 697225 582182875 28-8963666 9-416630 836 698896 584277056 28-9136646 9 420387 837 700569 586376253 28-9309523 9-424141 838 702244 588480472 28 9482297 9*427893 839 703921 590589719 28 9654967 9-431642 840 705600 592704000 28 9827535 9-435388 841 707-281 594823321 29-0000000 9-439130 «42 708964 596947688 29 0172363 9 442870 843 710649 599077107 29-0344623 9-446607 844 712336 601211584 29-0516781 9-450341 845 714025 603351125 29-0688837 9*454071 846 715716 605495736 29 0860791 9 457799 847 717409 607645423 29-1032644 9-461524 848 719104 609800192 29-1204396 9465247 849 720801 611960049 29-1576046 9 468966 I 850 722500 614125000 29*1547505 9-472682 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. Wl Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 851 724201 616295051 29-1719043 9-476395 852 725904 618470208 29 1890390 9-480106 853 727609 620650477 29 2061637 9 483813 854 729316 622835864 29 2232784 9-487518 855 731025 625026375 292403830 9 491219 856 732736 627222016 29-2574777 9494918 857 734449 629422793 29-2745623 9 498614 858 736164 631628712 29 2916370 9 502307 859 737881 633839779 293087018 9-505998 860 739600 636056000 29 3257566 9 509685 861 741321 638277381 29-3428015 9 513369 862 743044 640503928 29 3398365 9 517051 863 744769 642735647 29-3768616 9 520730 864 746496 644972544 29 3938769 9 524406 865 748225 647214625 29 4108823 9 528079 866 749956 649461896 29 4278779 9-531749 867 751689 651714363 29-4448637 9 535417 868 753424 653972032 29-4618397 9-539081 869 755161 656234909 29-4788059 9 542748 870 756900 658503000 29-4957624 9-546402 871 758641 660776311 29 5127091 9-550058 872 760384 663054848 29-5296461 9 553712 873 762129 665338617 29-5465734 9-557363 874 763876 667627624 29 5634910 9-561010 875 765625 669921875 29 5803989 9 564655 876 767376 672221376 29 5972972 9 568297 877 769129 674526133 29-6141858 9-571937 878 770884 676836152 29 6310643 9-575574 879 772641 679151439 29 6479325 9 579208 880 774400 681472000 29-6647939 9-582839 881 776161 683797841 29 6816442 9-586468 882 777924 686128968 296984848 9-590093 883 779689 688466387 29-7153159 9 593716 884 -781456 690807104 29-7321375 9 597337 885 783225 693154125 29-7489496 9G00954 886 784996 695506456 29-7657521 9-604569 887 786769 698764103 29-7825452 9-608181 888 788544 700227072 29-7993289 9-611791 ^ 889 790321 702595369 29 8161030 9.615397 890 792100 704969000 29-8328678 9*619001 891 793881 707347971 29-8496231 9-622603 892 795664 709732288 29 8663690 9 626201 893 797449 712121957 29 8831056 9 629797 894 799236 714516984 298998328 9 633390 895 801025 716917375 29 9165506. 9-636981 896 802816 719323136 29 9332591 9 640569 897 804609 721734273 29-9499583 9 644154 898 806404 724150792 29 9666481 9-647736 899 808201 726572699 29 9833287 9 651316 900 810000 729000000 30 0000000 9 654893 lOS ARITHMETIC. Numb. Square Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 901 811801 731432701 300166620 9 658468 902 813604 733870808 300333148 9 662040 903 815409 736314327 30-0499584 9; 665 609 904 817216 738763264 300665928 9-669176 905 819025 741217625 30-0832179 9 672740 906 820836 743677416 S-^ 0998339 9-676301* 907 822649 746142643 3u 1164407 9-679860 908 824464 748613312 30' 1330383 9-6834! 6 909 826281 751089429 30- 1496269 9 686970 910 828100 753571000 30 1632063 9-690521 911 829921 756058031 30 1827765 9-694069 912 831744 7585o0528 30 1993377 9-697615 913 833569 761048497 302158899 9 701158 914 835396 763551944 30-2:>24329 9 704698 9)5 837225 76G060875 30*2489669 9 708236 916 839056 768575296 30 2654919 9-711772 917 840889 771095213 30 2820079 9-7153Q5 918 842724 773620632 30-2985148 9.718835 919 844561 776151559 30-3150128 9-722363 920 846400 778688000 30 3315018 9-725888 92t 8'48241 781229961 30 3479818 9-729410 922 850084 783777448 30 3644529 9-732930 923 851929 786330467 303809151 9-736448 •924 P53776 7888-89024 30 3973683 . 9-739963 925 855625 791453125 30 4138127 9-743475 926 857476 794022776 30'4302481 9-746985 927 859329 796597983 30 4466747 9 750493 928 861184 799178752 304630924 9 753998 929 & 63041 801765089 304795013 9-757500 930 864900 804357000 30-4959014 9-761000 931 866761 806954491 30 5122926 9-764497 932 868624 809557568 30 5286750 9-767992 933 870489 812166237 SO 5450487 9-771484 934 872356 814780504 30-5614136 9-774974 935 874225 817400375 30 5777697 9-778461 936 876096 820025856 30*5941171 9-782946 937 877969 822656953 SO 6104557 9-785428 938 879844 825293672 30'6267857 9-788908 939 881721 827936019 30 6431069 9-792386 940 883600 830584000 30 6594194 9795861 941 885481 833237621 30/6757233 9-799333 942 887364 835896888 30-6920185 9' 802803 943 889249 838561807 30 7083051 9-806271 944 891136 841232384 30-7245830 9-809736 945 893025 843908625 30-7408523 98i3198 946 894916 846590536 30 7571130 9 816659 947 896809 849278123 30-7733651 9-820117 948 898704 851971392 30-7896086 9'823572 949 900601 854670349 30-8058436 9-827025 950 902500 857375000 30 8220700 9-830475 SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 109 Numb. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 951 9044bT " 86008~535r 30-8382879 9-833923 952 906304 862801408 30-8544972 9-837369 953 908209 865523177 30-8706981 9-840812 954 910116 868250664 30*8868904 9-844253 955 912025 870985yS75 30-9030743 9-847692 956 913936 873722816 309192497 9-851128 957 915849 876467493 30-9354166 9-85456h 958 917764 87921791-2 30-9515751 9-857992 959 919681 881974079 30-9677251 9-861421 960 921600 884736000 30-9838668 9*861848 961 923521 887503681 31-0000000 9-868272 96-2 925444 890277128 31-0161248 9-871694 963 927369 8.93056347 31-0322413 9 875113 964 929296 895841344 31-0483494 9-878530 965 931225 89;i632125 31-0644491 9-881945 966 933156 901428696 31-0805405 9-885357 967 935089 9.04231063 31-0966236 9-888767 968 937024 907039232 31-1126984 9 892174 969 938961 909853209 3 M 287648 9-895580 970 ,940900 912673000 311448230 9-898983 971 942841 915498611 3M608729 9-902383 972 944784 918330048 31 1769145 9-905781 973 946729 921167317 31 1929479 9-909177 974 948676 924010424 31-2089731 9-912571 975 950625 926859375 31-2249900 9-915962 976 952576 929714176 312409987 9-919351 977 .954529 932574833 31-2569992 9-922738 978 956484 935441352 .31-2729915 9926122 979 958441 938313739 31 2889757 9-929504 980 960400 941192001 - 31-3049517 9-932883 981 962361 944076141 . 31-3209195 9-936261 982 964324 946966168 31-3368792 9-939636 983 966289 949862087 31-3528308 9 943009 984 968256 952763904 31-3687743 9-946379 985 970225 95567)625 31-3847097 9-949747 986 972196 958585256 31-4006369 9'953113 987 974169 961504803 31*4165561 9-956477 988 976144 964430272 31*4324673 9-959839 989 978121 967361669 31*4483704 9-963198 990 980100 970299000 31*4642654 9 966554 991 982081 973242271 31*4801525 9-969909 992 , 984064 976191488 31-4960315 9-973262 993 986049 979146657 31 5119025 9-976612 994 988036 982107784 31-5277655 9 979959 995 990025 985074875 31-5436206 9 983304 996 992016 988047936 31-5594677 9 986648 997 994009 991026973 31.5753068 9 989990 998 996004 994011992 31-5911380 9-993328 999 998001 997002999 31-6069613 9996665 no ARiTHMETiC. OF RATIOS, PROPORTIONS, AND PROGRESSIONS. Numbers are compared to each other in two different tvays : the one comparison considers the difference of the two numbers, and is named Arithmetical Relation; and the dif- ference sometimes the Arithmetical Ratio : the other consi- ders their quotient, which is called Geometrical Relation ; and the quotient is the Geometrical Ratio. So, of these two numbers 6 and 3, the difference, or arithmetical ratio, is 6—3 or 3, but the geometrical ratio is | or 2. There must be two numbers to form a comparison : the number which is compared, being placed first, is called the Antecedent ; and that to which it is compared, the Conse- quent. So, in the two numbers above, 6 is the antecedent, and 3 the consequent. If two or more couplets of numbers have equal ratios, or equal differences, the equahty is named Proportion, and the terms of the ratios Proportionals. So, the two couplets, 4, 2 and 8, 6, are arithmetical proportionals, because 4 — 2 = JJ — 6 = 2; and the two couplets 4, 2 and 6, 3, are geometri- cal proportionals, because |. | = 2, the same ratio. To denote numbers as being geometrically proportional, a colon is set between the terms of each couplet, to denote their ratio ; and a double colon, or else a mark of equality between the couplets or ratios. So, the four proportionals, 4, 2, 6, 3 are set thus, 4 : 2 : : 6 ; 3, which means that 4 is to 2 as 6 is to 3 ; or thus, 4 : 2 = 6 : 3, or thus, ± z=z &^ both which mean, that the ratio of 4 to 2, is equal to the ratio of 6 to 3. Proportion is distinguished into Continued and Disconti- nued. When the difference or ratio of the consequent of one couplet, and the antecedent of the next couplet, is not the same as the common difference or ratio of the couplets, the proportion is discontinued. So, 4, 2, 8, 6 are in discontinued arithmetical proportion, because 4 — 2 = 8 — 6 = 2^ where- as 8 — 2 = 6: and 4, 2, 6, 3 are in discontinued geometrical proportion, because f = | = 2, but | = 3, which is not the same. But when the difference or ratio of every two succeeding terms is the same quantit}', the proportioa is said to be Conti- nued, and the numbers themselves make a series of Continued Proportionals, ARITHMETICAL PROPORTION. ill Proportionals, or a progression. So 2, 4, 6, 8 form an arith- metical progression, because 4—2 = 6—4 = 8—6 = 2, all the same common difference ; and 2, 4, 8, 16 a geometrical progression, because f = | V = 2' »*^ *^^ same ratio. When the follov/ing terms of a progression increase, or exceed each other it is called an Ascending Progression, or Series ; but when the terms decrease, it is a descending one. So, 0, f , 2, 3, 4, &c. is an ascending arithmetical progression, but 9, 7, 6, 3, 1 , &c. is a descending arithmetical progression. Also 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c. is an ascending geometrical progrebbion, and 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, kc. is a descending geometrical progression. ARITHMETICAL PROPORTION and PROGRESSION. In Arithmetical Progression, the numbers or terms have all the same common difference. Also, the first and last terms of a Progression, are called the Extremes ; and the other terms, lying between them, the Means. The roost useful part of arithmetical propartions, is contained in the follow- ing theorems : Theorem 1. When four quantities are in arithmetical proportion, the sum of the two extremes is equal to the sum of the two means. Thus, of the four 2, 4, 6, 8, here 2 + 8 = 4 + 6 = 10. Theorem 2. In any continued arithmetical progression, the sum of the two extremes is equal to the sum of any two means that are equally distant from them, or equal to double the middle term when there is an uneven number of terms. Thus, in the terms 1, 3, 5, it is 1 -f 5 = 3 -f- 3 = 6. And in the series 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, it is 2 -f 14 «= 4 -f 12 = 6 4- 10 = 8 + 8 = 16. Theorem 3. The difference between the extreme terms of an arithmetical progression is equal to the common dif- ference of the series multiplied by one less than the number of the terms. So, of the ten terms, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, the common difference is 2, and one less than the number of terms 9 ; then the difference of the extremes is 20—2 ~ 18, and 2X9=18 also. Consequently, 112 ARITHMETIC. Consequently, the greatest term is equal to the least term added to the product of the conunon difference multiplied by 1 less than the aumt>er of terms. Theorem 4. The sum of all the terms, of any arithme- tical progression, is equal to the sum of the two extremes mul- tiplied by the number of terms, and divided by 2 ; or the sum of the two extremes multiplied by the number of the terms, gires double the sum of all the terms in the series. This is made evident by setting the terms of the series in am inverted order, under the same series in a direct order, and adding the corresponding terms together in that order. Thus^ in the series 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. ditto inverted 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 ! . the sums are 16 -f 16 -f 16 -f 16 -f 16 -f 16 -f 16 -f 16, ' which must be double the • sum of the single series, and is equal to the sum of the extremes repeated as often as are the number of the terms. From these theorems may readily be found any one of these five parts ; the two extremes, the number of terms, the common difference, and the sum of all the terms, when any three of them are given ; as in the following problems : FEODLEM I. Given the extremet, and the Number of Tenns ; to find the Sum of all the Terms. Add the extremes together, multiply the sum by the num- ber of terms, and divide by 2. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes being 3 and 19, and the number of terms 9 ; required the sum of the terms ? 19 3 19-f3 22 Or, X9 = -^X9=llX9=i99. 2 2 the same answer. S. It is required to find the number of all the strokes a common clock strikes in one whole revolution of the index, •r in 12 hours ? Ans. 76. El. 22 9 2) 198 Ans .99 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 113 Ex. 3. How many strokes do the clocks of Venice strike in the compass of the day, which go continually on from 1 to 24 o'clock ? Ans. 300. 4. What debt can be discharged in a year, by weekly pay- ments in arithmetical progression, the first payment being 1», and the last or 52d payment 6/ 3s 1 Ans. 135/ 4«. PROBLEM II. Given the Extremes, and the Number of Terms ; to find th$ Common Difference. Subtract the less extreme from the greater, and divide the remainder by 1 less than the number of terms, for the common difference. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes being 3 and 19, and the number of terms 9 ; required the common difEerence ? 19 3 19—3 16 8) 16 ' 9—1 8 Ans. 2 2. If the extremes be 10 and 70, and the number of terms 21 ; what is the common difference, and the sum of the series ? Ans. the com. diff. is 3, and the sum is 840. 3. A certain debt can be discharged in one year, by weekly payments in arithmetical progression, the first payment being Is, and the last bl 3s ; what is the common difference of the terms ? Aifs. 2, PROBLEM m. Given one of the Extrtmes^ the Common Difference, and the JS'umher of Terms : to find the other Extreme, and the sum of the Series. Multiply the common difference by 1 less than the num« ber of terms, and the product will be the difference of the extremes : Therefore add the product to the less extreme, to give the greater ; or subtract it from the greater, to give the less extreme. Vol. I. 16 EXAMPI4ES, lU ARITHMETIC. . EXAMPLES. 1 . Given the least term 3, the common diflference 2, of* ans; arithmt^tkal series of 9 terms ; to find the greatest term, and the sum of the series. 2 8 16 19 the greatest term> 3 the least \ 22 sum 9 number of terms* * 2) 198 99 the sum of the series. . 2. If the greatest term be 70, the common diflference 3y and the number of terms 21, what is the least term, and the turn of the series ? Ans. The least term is 10, and the sum is 840; 8. A debt can be discharged in a year, by paying 1 shilling the first week, 3 shillings the second, and so on, always 2 ■hillings more every week ; what is the debt, and what 'will ^e last payment be ? Ans. The last payment will be 6/ 3s, and the debt is 135/ 45. PROBLEM IV. To find an Arithmetiml Mean Proportional between Two Given Terms. Adb the two given extremes or terms together, and take half their sum for the arithmetical mean required. EXAMPLE. To find an arithmetical mean between the two numbers 4 and 14. Here 14 4 2) 18 Ana. 9 the mean required. PROBLEM ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION, lU FHOBLEM V. To find two Arithmetical Means between Two Given Extremes. Subtract the less extreme from the greater, and divide the difference by 3, so vfAl the quotient be the common dif* lerence ; which being continually added to the less extreme^ •r taken from the greater, gives the means. EXAMPU5. To find two arithmetical means between 2 and 8. Here 8 3 ) 6 Then 2 -f- 2 = 4 the one mean, and 4 4- 2 = 6 the other mean. "^om. dif. 2 PROBLEM VI. To find any Numher of Arithmetical Means between Two Given^ Terms or Extremes. Subtract the less extreme from th6 greater, and divide the difference by 1 more than the number of means required to be found, which will give the common difference j then this being added continually to the least term, or subtracted from the greatest, will give the terms required. EXAMPLE. To find five arithmetical means between 2 and 14. Here 14 2 6) 12 Then by adding this com. dif. continually, - — ^ the means are found 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. com. dif. ^ See more of ArithmeticaJ progression in the Algebra. GEOMETRICAL H^ ARITHMETIC. GEOMETRICAL PROPORTION AND PROGRESSION, In Geometrical Progression the numbers or terms have all the same multiplier or divisor. The most useful part of Geometrical Proportion is eoetaiaed in the following theo- Theorem 1. When four quantities are in geometrical pro- portion, the product of the two extremes is equal to the pro- duct of the two means. Thus, in the four 2, 4, 3, 6, it is 2 X 6 = 3 X 4 = 12. And hence, if the product of the two means be divided by ©ne of the extremes, the quotient will give the other extreme. So, of the a^bove numbers, the product of the means 12-7-2 = 6 the one extreme, and 12-^-^ = 2 the other extreme ; and this is the foundation and reason of the practice in the Rule of Three. , Theorem 2. In any continued geometrical progression, the product of the two extremes is equal to the product of any two means that are equally distant from them, or equal to the square of the middle term when there is an uneven number 01 terms. Thus, in the terms 2, 4, 8, it is 2 X 8 = 4 X 4 = 16. And in the series 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, it is 2 X 128 = 4 X 64 = 8 X 32 = 16 X 16 = 256. THEORESf 3. The quotient of the extreme terms of a geometrical progression, is equal to the common ratio of the series raised to the power denoted by 1 less than the number of the terms. Consequently the greatest term is equal to the least term multiplied by the said quotient. So, of the ten terms, 2, 4, 8, 16,*32, 64, 128, 256, 612, 1024, the common ratio is 2, and one less than tbe nuaiber of terms is 9 ; then the quotient of the extremes is 1024-r- 2 = 612, and 2° = 612 also. Theorem GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 117^ Theorem 4. The sum of all the terms, of any geometri- cal progression, is found by adding the greatest term to the difierence of the extremes divided by 1 less than the ratio. So, the sum of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1024—2 (whose ratio is 2), is 1024 -\ = 10244-1022 = 2046. 2—1 ^ The focegoing, and several other properties of geometrical proportion, are demonstrated more at large in the Algebraic part of this work. A few examples may here be added of the theorems, just delivered, with some problems concerning mean proportionals. EXAMPLES. 1. The least often terms, in geometrical progression, being 1, and the ratio 2 ; what is the greatest term, and the sum of all the terms ? Ans. The greatest term is 512, and the sum 1023. 2. What debt may be discharged in a year or 12 months, by paying 11 the first month, 2/ the second, 4/ the third, and so on, each succeeding payment being doublethe last ; and what will the last payment be ? Ans. The debt 4095?, and the last payment 2048/. PROBLEM L To find One Geometrical Mean Proportional between any Two JVumbers. Multiply the two numbers together, and extract the square root of the product, which will give the mean proportional sought. EXAMPLE. To find a geometrical mean between the two numbers 3 and 12. 12 3 36 (6 the mean. 3G PROBLEM 118 ARITHMETIC, PROBLEM H. To find Two Geometrical Mean Proportionals between any Tagy Numbers. Divide ^he greater number by the less, and extract the cube root of the quotient, which will give the common ratio of the terms. Then multiply the least given term by the ratio for the first mean, and this mean again by the ratio for the se- cond mean : or, divide the greater of the two given terms by the ratio for the greater mean, and divide this again by the ratio for the less mean. EXAMPLE. To find two geometrical means between 3 and 24. Here 3) 24 (8 ; its cube root 2 is the ratio. Then 3 X 2 = 6, and 6 X 2 = 12, the two means. Or 24 -r 2 = 12, and 12 -f- 2 = 6, the same. That is, the two means between 3 and 24, are 6 and 12. PROBLEM IIL To find any Number of Geometrical Means between Two Nurh" bers. Divide the greater number by the less, and extract such root of the quotient whose index is 1 more than the number of means required ; that is, the 2d root for one mean, the 3d root for, two means, the 4th root for three means, and so on ; and that root will be the common ratio of all the terms. Then, with the ratio, multiply continually from the first term, or di- vide continually from the last or greatest term. EXAMPLE To find four geometrical means between 3 and 96. Here 3) 96 ( 32 ; the 5th root of which is 2, the ratio. Then 3 X 2 = 6, & 6 X 2 = 12, & 12 X2 = 24, & 24 X2 = 48- Or 96-^2 =; 48, & 48-f-2 = 24, & 24—2 == 12, & 12-i-2 = 6. That is, 6, 12, 24, 48, are fhe four means between 3 and 96. OF MUSICAL PROPORTION. Ud OF MUSICAL PROPORTION. TvERE is also a third kind of proportion, called Musical, which being but of little or no common use, a very short ac- count of it may here suffice. Musical Proportion is when, of three numbers, the first has the same proportion to the third, as the difference between the first and second, has to the difference between the second and third. As in these three, 6, 0, 12 ; where 6 : 12 : : 8 — 6 : 12 — 8, that is 6 : 12 : : 2 : 4. When four numbers are in musical proportion ; then the first has the same ratio to the fourth, as the difference be- tween the first and second has to the difference between the third and fourth. As in these, 6, 8, 12, 18 ; where 6:18:: 8-6 : 18 — 12^. that is C : 18 : : 2 : 6. When numbers are in musical progression, their recipro- cals are in arithmetical progression ; and the converse, that is, when numbers are in arithmetical progression, their reci- procals are in musical progression. So in these musicals 6, 8, 12, their reciprocals }, i, j\, are in arithmetical progression ; for ^ -f- yL = jl. = i j and I 4- i = I = i ; that is, the sum of the extremes is equal to double the mean, which is the property of arithme- ticals. The method of finding out numbers in musical proportion is best expressed by letters in Algebra. FELLOWSHIP, OR PARTNERSHIP. Fellowship is a rule, by which any sum or quantity may be divided into any number of parts, which shall be in any given proportion to one another. By this rule are adjusted the gains or loss or charges of partners 120 ARITHMETIC. partners ia company ; or the effects of bankrupts, or lega- cies in case of a deficiency of assets or effects ; or the shares of prizes ; or the numbers of men to form certain detach- ments ; or the division of waste lands among a number of proprietors. Fellowship is either Single or Double. It is Single, when the sharer or portions are to be proportional each to one sin- gle given number only ; as when the stocks of partners are all employed for the same time : And Double, when each portion is to be proportional to two or more numbers ;^as when the stocks of partners are employed for different times.' SINGLE FELLOWSHIP. GENERAL RULE. Add together the numbers that denote the proportion of the shares. Then say, As the sum of the said proportional numbers, Is to the whole sum to be parted or divided, So is each several proportional number. To the corresponding share or part. Or, as the whole stock, is fo the whole gain or loss, So is each man's particular stock, To his particular share of the gain or loss. To yROVE THE Work. Add all the shares or parts to- getlfer, and the sum will be equal to the whole number to be shyed, when the work is right. EXAMPLES. 1. To divide the number 240 into three such parts, as shall be in proportion to each other as the three numbers 1 , 2 and 3. Here 1 -|- 2 -f- 3 = 6, the sum of the numbers. Then, as 6 : 240 : : 1 : 40 the 1st part, and as 6 : 240 : : 2 : 80 the 2d part, also as 6 : 240 : : 3 : 120 the 3d part, Sum of all 240, the prooj^ Ex. 2. SINGLE FELLOWSHIP. 121 Ex. 2. Three persons, a, b, c, freighted a sliip with 340 tuns of wine ; of which, a loaded 110 tuns, b 97, and c the rest : in a storm the seamen were obliged to throw overboard 85 tuns ; how much must each person sustain of the loss ? Here 1 10 -f 97 = 207 tuns, loaded by a and b ; theref. 340— 207 = 133 tuns, loaded by c. Hence, as 340 : 86 : : 1 10 or as 4 : 1 : : 1 10 : 27i tuns = a's loss ; and as 4 : 1 : : 97 : 24i tuns = b's loss ; also as 4 : 1 : : 133 : 33i tuns = c's loss ; Sum 85 tuns, the proof. 3. Two merchants, c and d, made a stock of 120/, of which c contributed 75/, and d the rest : by trading they gained 30/ ; what must each have of it ? Ans. c 18/ 15*, and d 11/ 5s. 4. Three merchants, e, f, g, made a stock of 700/, of which E contributed 123/, f 358/, and g the rest : by trading they gain 125/ 10s j what must each have of it ? Ans. E must have 22/ Is Od 2-^-^q, F - - - 64 3 8 Off. G - - - 39 6 3 ^3V. 5. A General imposing a contribution* of 700/ on four villages, to be paid in proportion to the number of inhabitants contained in each ; the 1st containing 250, the 2d 350, the 3d 400, and the 4th 600 persons ; what part must each vil- lage pay 1 Ans. the 1st to pay 116/ 13s 4rf. the 2d - - 163 6 8 the 3d - - 186 13 4 the 4th - - 233 6 8 6. A piece of ground, consisting of 37 ac 2 ro 14 ps, is to be divided among three persons, l, m, and n, in propor- tion to their estates : now if l's estate be worth 500/ a year, m's 320/, and k's 75/ ; what quantity of land must each one have I Ans. l must have 2lk ac 3 ro 39if |ps. M - - - 13 1 30yY^. N - - - 3 23iif. V.^ A person is indebted to o 57/ 16s, to p 108/ 3s 8(/, to Q 22/ lOrf, and to r 73/ ; but at his decease, his effects * Contribution is a taj^ paid by provinces, towns, villag-es, &c. to excuse them from being plundered. It is paid in provisions or in money, and sometimes in both. -' VoK. r, 17 are 122 ARITHMETIC. are found to be worth no more than 170Z 145 ; how must it be divided among his creditors ? , Ans. o must have Sll 16s 5d 2^5JL«L2^y, p - - - 70 15 2 ^j\'^-^\. ^ - . - 14 8 4 O/^-'^o^, R - - - 47 14 11 2//j«^V Ex. 8. A ship worth 900/, being entirely lost, of which i be- longed to s, i to T, and the rest to v ; what loss will each sustain, supposing 640Z of her were insured ? Ans. s will lose 46/, t 90/, and v 225/. 9. Four persons, w, x, y, and z, spent among them 26s, and agree that w shall pa}- ^ of it, x i, y i, and z } ; that is, their shares are to be in proportion as ^, ^, i, and i : what are their shares ? Ans. w must pay 9s ^d 3^q. X - - 6 5 34^. Y - - 4 10 ^^, z - - 3 10 3^V- 10. A detachment, consisting of 6 companies, being sent into a garrison, in which the duty required 76 men a day ; what number of men must be furnished by each company, ia proportion to their strength ; the first consisting of 54 men, the 2d of 51 men, the 3d of 48 men, the 4th of 39, and the 5th of 36 men ? Ans. The 1st must furnish 18, the 2d 17, the 3d 16, the 4th 13, and the 5th 12 men.* DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP. Double Fellowship, as has been said, is concerned im cases in which the stocks of partners are employed or contin- ued for different times. * Qiiestions of this nature frequently occurring in military service. General Hsviland, an officer of great merit, contrived an ingenious in- strument, for more expeditiously resolving them ; which is distinguish- ed by the name of the inventor, being called a Haviland* Rule. DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP. 123 Rule.* — Multiply each person's stock by the time of its continuance ; then flivide the quantity, as in Single Fellow* ship, into shares, in proportion to these products, by saying, As the total sum of all the said products, I Is to the whole gain or loss, or quantity to be parted, So is each particular product, To the corre^ondent share of the gain or loss. EXAMPLES. 1. A had in company 60Z for 4 months, and 6 had 601 for B months ; at the end of which time they find 24i gained : how must it be divided between them ? Here 50 60 4 5 200 + 300 = 600 Then, as 500 : 24 : : 200 : 9| = 9/ 12* = a's share. and as 500 : 24 : : 300 : 14| = 14 8 = b's share. 2. and d hold a piece of ground in common, for which they are to pay 54Z. c put in 23 horses for 27 days, and d 21 horses for 39 days ; how much ought each man to pay of the rent ? Ans. c must pay 23/ 5s 9d. D must pay 30 14 3 4. Three persons, e, f, g, hold a pasture in common, for which they are to pay 391 per annum ; into which e put 7 oxen for 3 months, f put 9 oxen for 5 ihonths, and g put in 4 oxen for 12 months ; how much must each person pay of the rent ? Ans. e must pay 51 10s 6d lj%q. p - - 11 16 lU OyV G - - 12 12 7 2yV 4. A ship's company take a prize of 1000/, which they agree to divide among them according to their pay and the time they have been on board : now the officers and midship- men have been on board 6 months, and the sailors 3 months ^ * The proof of this rule is as follows : When the times are equal the shares of the gain or loss are evidently as the stocks, as in Single Fellowship ; and when the stt^cks are equal, the shares as the times ; therefore, when neither are equal the shares must be as their products. the lU ARITHMETIC. the officers have 40s a month, the midshipmen 30*, and the sailors 225 a month ; moreover there are 4 officers, 12 mid- shipmen, and no sailors ; what will each man's share be ? Ans. each officer must have 23/ 2s 5d O^^^q. each midshipman - 17 6 9 3y\\. each seaman - - - 6 7 2 0y|^. Ex. 5. H, with a capital of lOOOZ, began trade the first of January, and, meeting with success in business, took in i as a partner, with a capital of 1500/, on the first of March fol- lowing. Three months after that they admit k as a third partner, who brought into stock 2800/. After trading toge- ther till the end of the year, they find there has been gained 1776/ 10s; how must this be divided among the partners ? Ans. H must have 457/ 9s 4\d. I - - - 571 16 81. K - - - 747 3 Hi. 6. X, y, and z made a joint-stock for 12 months ; x at first put in 20/, and 4 months afi;er 20/ more ; y put in at first 30/, at the end of 3 months he put in 20/ more, and 2 months after he put in 40/ more ; z put in at first 60/, and 6 months after he put in 10/ more, 1 month after which he took out 30/ ; during the 12 months they gained 60/ ; how much of it must each have ? Ans. X must have 10/ 18s 6d 3f f y. Y - - - 22 8 1 Oif z - - - 16 13 4 0. SIMPLE INTEREST. Interest is the premium or sum allowed for the loan, or forbearance of money. The money lent, or forborn, is called the Principal. And the sum of the principal and its interest, avlded together, is called the Amount. Interest is allowed at so much per cent, per annum ; which premium per cent per annum, or interest of 100/ for a year, is called the rate of interest : — So, When SIMPLE INTEREST. 125 When interest is at 3 per cent, the rate is 3 ; - 4 per cent. - - 4 ; - 6 per cent, - - 5 ; - 6 per cent. - - 6 ; But, by law in England, interest ought not to be taken higher than at the rate of 5 per cent. Interest is of two sorts ; Simple and Compound. Simple Interest is that which is allowed for the principal lent or forborn only, for the whole time of forbearance. As the interest of any sum, for any time, is directly propor- tional to the principal sum, and also to the time of continu- ance ; hence arises the following general rule of calcula- tion. As 100/ is to the rate of interest, so is any given principal to it interest for one year. And again, As 1 year is to any given time, so is the interest for a year, just found, to the' interest of the given sum for that time. Otherwise. Take the interest of I pound for a year, which multiply by the given principal, and this product again by the time of loan or forbearance, in years and parts, for the interest of the proposed sum for that time. JVbic, When there are certain parts of years in the time, as quarters or months, or days : they may be worked for, either by taking the aliquot or like parts of the interest of a year, or by the Rule of Three, in the usual way. Also to divide "by 100, is done by only pointing off two figures for decimals. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the interest of 230Z IO5, for 1 year, at the rate 6f 4 per cent, per annum. Here, As 100 : 4 : : 2S01 10s : 91 4s 4^d, 4 100) 9,22 20 4'40 12 4-80 Ans. 9/ 4s 4f df. 4 3-20 Ex.2. 126 ARITHMETIC. Ex. 2. To find the interest of 647/ 15s, for 3 years, at 6 per cent, per annum. As 100 : 5 : ; 647-75 : Or 20 : 1 : : 647*75 : 27-3875 interest for 1 year. Z 82-1625 ditto for 3 years. 20 8 3-2600 12 d 3-00 Ans. 82/ 5s 3d. 3. To find the interest of 200 guineas, for 4 years 7 months and 25 days, at 4i per cent, per annum. ds I ds 210/ As 366 : : 9-45 : 25 : / 4i or 73 : : 9-46 : 5 : -647^ 5 840 105 73) 47-25 (-6472 345 9-45 interest for 1 yr. 630 4 < 19 37-80 ditto 4 years. 6 mo =i 4-725 ditto 6 months. /^ 1 mo =i -7875 ditto 1 month. •6472 ditto 25 days. / 43-9597 20 s 19-1940 ' 12 d 2-3280 4 Ans. 43/ 19s 2^d, q> 1-3120 4. To find the interest of 450/, for a year at 6 per cent, per annum. Ans. 22/ 10s. 6. To find the interest of 715/ 12s 6d, for a year, at 4i per cent, per annum. i Ans. 32/ 4s Od. 6. To find the interest of 720/> for 3 years, at 6 per cent, per annum. Ans. 108/. ^ Ex. 7. COMPOUND INTEREST. 127 7. To find the interest of 355/ 15s for 4 years, at 4 per cent, per annum. Ans. 66/ 18s 4^d. Ex. 8. To find the interest of 32/ 5s Sd, for 7 years, at 4{ per cent, per annum. Ans. 9/ 12s \d, 9. To find the interest of 170/, for li year, at 5 per cent, per annum. Ans. 12/ 5s. 10. To find the insurance on 205/ 16s, for i of a year, at 4 per cent, per annum. Ans. 2/ Is l|d. 11. To find the interest of 319/ 6d, for 6f years, at 3| per cent, per annum. Ans. 68/ 15s 9^d. 12. To find the insurance on 207/, for 117 days, at 4^ per cent, per annum. Ans. 1/ 12s Id. 13. To find the interest of 17/ 6s, for 117 days, at 4f per cent, per annum. Ans. 5s 3c?. 14. To find the insurance on 712/ 6s, for 8 months, at 7^ per cent, per annum. Ans. 35/ 12s 3^d. Note. The Rules for Simple Interest, serve also to calcu- late Insurances, or the Purchase of Stocks, or any thing else that is rated at so much per cent. See also more on the subject of Interest, with the algebraical expression and investigation of the rules at the end of the Algebra, next following. COMPOUND INTEREST. Compound Interest, called also Interest upon Interest, IS that which arises from the principal and interest, taken together, as it becomes due, at the end of each stated time of payment. Though it be not lawful to lend money at Com- pound Interest, yet in purchasing annuities, pensions, or leases in reversion, it is usual to allow Compound Interest to the purchaser for his ready money. . Rules. — 1. F^nd the amount of the given principal, for the time of the first payment, by Simple Interest. Then con- sider this amount as a new principal for the second payment, whose amount calculate as before. And so on through all the payments to the last, always accounting the last amount as a new principal for the next payment. The reason of which is evident from the definition of Compound Interest. Or ehe^ 2. Find the amount of 1 pound for the time of the first payment, and raise or involve it to the power whose index is denoted by the number of payments. Then that power multiplied by the given principal, will produce the whole amount m ARITHMETIC. amount. From which the said principal being subtracted, leaves the Compound Interest of the same. As is evident from the first Rule. EXAMP1.ES. 1. To find the amount of 720/, for 4 years, at 6 per cent, per annum, Here 6 is the 20th part of 100, and the interest of 1/ for a • year is -^\ or -05, and its amount 1-05. Therefore, 1. By the 1st Rule. 2. By the 2d Rule. Is d 1'05 amount of 11. 20)720 1st yr's princip. 1-05 36 1st yr's interest. 20)756 2d yr's princip. M025 37 16 2d yr's interest. M 026 2d power of it. 20)793 16 3d yr's princip. 720 39 13 91 3d yr's interest. /875-1645 20 ) 833 9 91 4th yr's princip. 20 41 13 6f 4th yr's interest. s 3-2900 1-21530625 4th pow. of it. £815 3 3i the whole amount. 12 or ans. required. d 3-4800 2. To find the amount of 60/, in 5 years, at 5 per cent, per annum, compound interest. Ans. 631 iGs 3^d. 3. To find the amount of 501 in 6 years, or 10 half-years, at •5 per cent per annum, compound interest, the interest payable half-yearly. -Ans. 64/ Os Id. 4. To find the amount of 60/, in 5 years, or 20 quarters, at 5 per cent, per annum, compound interest, the interest pay- able quarterly. Ans. 64/ 2s O^d. 5. To find the compound interest of 370/ forborn for 6 years, at 4 per cent, per annum. Ans. 98/ 3s 4}d. 6. To find the compound interest of 410/ forborn for 2i years, at 4^ per cent, per annum, the interest payable half- yearly. " Ans. 48/ 46 11 ic^. 7. To find the amount, at compound interest, of 2 17/, for- born for 21 years, at 5 p^r cent per annum, the interest pay- able quarterly. Ans. 242/ 13s 41c/. Note. See the Rules for Compound Interest algebraically investigated, at the end of the Algebra. ALI.IGATION, ALLIGATION. 12^ ALLIGATION, Alligation teaches how to compound or mix together several simples of different qualities, so that the composition may be of some intermediate quality or rate. It is com- monly distinguished into two cases, Alligation Medial, and Alligation Alternate. ALLIGATION MEDIAL. Alligation Medial is the method of finding the rate or quality of the composition, from having the quantities and rates or qualities of the several simples given. And it is thus performed : * Multiply the quantity of each ingredient by its rate or quality ; then add all the products together, and add also all * Demonstration. The mle is thus proved by Algebra Let a, b, c be the quantities of the ingredients, and «i, w, p their rates, or qualities, or prices ; then am, bn^ cp are their several values, and am -f- 6n 4- <:p the sum of their vahies, also a -^ b ■{• CIS the sum of the quantities, and if r denote the rate of. the whole composition, then « -f- 6 -f c X '' will be the value of the whole, conseq. a + 6 -f- c X ^ ==• aw + A/i -f- c/&, and r z= am ■{- bn + cp -r- a + b + c, which is the Rule. Kote, If an ounce or any other quantity of pure gold be reduced in- to 24 equal parts, these parts are catled Caracts j but ,^old is often mixed with some base metal, which is called the Alloy, and the mix- ture 15 said to be of so many caracts fine, according to the proportion of pure gold contained in it ; thus, if 22 caracts of pure gold, and 2 of alloy be mixed together, it is said to be 22 caracts fine. If any one of the s-mples be of little or no value with respect to the rest, its rate is supposed to be nothing ; as water mixed with wine, and alloy with gold and silver. Vol. L 18 tlic 130 ARITHMETIC. the quantities together into another sum ; then divide the former sum by the latter, that is, the sum of the products by the sum of the quantities, and the quotient will be the rate or quality of the composition required. EXAMPLES. 1. If three sorts of gunpowder be mixed together, viz. 601b at 12rf a pound, 44lb at 9d!, and 261b at td a pound ; how much a pound is the composition worth ? Here 50, 44, 26 are the quantities, and 12, 9, 8 the rates or qualities ; then ^60 X 12 = 600 •44 X 9 = 396 26 X 8 = 208 120) 1204 (10^f^=10J^. Ans. The rate or price is 10 ^^d the pound. 2. A composition being made of 51b of tea at Is per lb, 91^ at 8s 6d per lb, and I4ilb at 5s lOd per lb ; what is a lb of it worth ? Ans. 6s iO^d. 3. Mixed 4 gallons of wine at 4s lOd per gall, with 7 gal- lons at 5s 3d per gall, and 9f gallons at 5s 8d per gall ; what is a gallon of this composition worth ? Ans. 5s 4^^. 4. A mealman would mix 3 bushels of flour at 3s Bd per bushel, 4 bushels at 5s 6d per bushel, and 5 bushels at 4s 8rf per bushel ; what is the worth of a bushel of this mixture ? Ans. 4s l^d. 5. A farmer mixes 10 busJhels of wheat at 5s the bushel, with 18 bushels of rye at 3s the bushel, and 20 bushels of barley at 2s per bushel : how much is a bushel of the mixture worth ? Ans. 3s. 6. Having melted together 7 oz of gold of 22 caracts fine, 12i oz of 21 caracts fine, and 17 oz of 1^ caracts fine : I would know the fineness of the composition ? Ans. 20 41 caracts fine. 7. Of what fineness is that composition, which is made by mixing 31b of silver of 9 oz fine, with 51b 8 oz of 10 oz fine, and lib 10 oz of alloy ? Ans. 7|i oz fine. ALLIGATION [131 j ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. Alligation Alternate is the method of finding what quan- tity of aiiy number of simples, whose rates are given, will compose a mixture of a given rate. So that it is the reverse of AHigation Medial, and may be proved by it. 1. Set the rates of the simples in a column under each other. — 2. Connect, or link with a continued line, the rate of each simple, which is less than that of the compound, with one, or any number, of those that are greater than the compound ; and each greater rate with one or any number of the less. — 3. Write t-he difference between the mixture rate, and that of each of the simples, opposite the rate with which they are linked. — 4. Then if only one difference stand against, any rate, it will be the quantity belonging to that rate ; but if there be several, their sura will be the quantity. The examples may be proved by the rule for Alligation Medial. ♦ Ikmonst. By connecting the less rate to the gre^Her, and placing the difference between then) and the rate alteitiately, the quantities resulting are such, that there is precisely as much gained by one quantity as is lost by the other, and therefoie the gain and lo&s upon the whole is equal, and is exactly the pioposed rate : and the same will be true of any other two simples mfin.ged according to ihe ilule In like manner, whatever the number of simples may be, and with - how many soever every one is linked, since il; is always a less with a greater than the mean price, there will be an e'iu:il balance of loss and gain betweeri every two, and consequently an equal balance on the . whole. Q; E. D. It is obvious, from this Rule, that questions of this sort admit of a great variety of answers ; for, having f i»md one answer , we may find as many more as we please, by only multiplying or dividing each of the quantities found, by 2, or 3, or 4, &c. : the reason of which is evident ; for, if two quantities, of two simples, make a balance of loss and gain, with respect to the mean price, so must also the double or treble, the i or ^ part, or any other ratio of these quantities, and so on ad infinitum* These kinds of questions are called by algebraists indeterminate or wn?«m^^ \2 at 18s - (22^^/4 + 2= 6 at 225. Ans. 2 gallons at lGs2 gallons at I85, and 6 at 22*. 2. How much wine at 6s per gallon, and at 4s per gallon must be mi\ed together, that the composition may be worth 5s per gallon ? Ans. 1 qt or'l gall, &c. 3. How much sugar at 4c?, at 6^d and at llrf per lb, must be mixed together, so that the composition formed by them may be worth 7c? per lb ? Ans. 1 lb, or 1 stone, or 1 cwt, or any other equal quantity of each sort. 4. How much corn at 2s 6c?, 8s 8d, 45. and 45 8c? per bushel, must be mixed together, that the compound may be worth 3s 10c? per bushel ? Ans. 2 at 2s 6c?, 2 at 3s 8rf, 3 at 45, and 3 at 4s 8df. 5. A goldsmith has gold of 16, of 18, of 23, and of 24 ca- racts fine : how much must he take of each, to make it 21 ^^ 16+4 = 20 Then 10 - 10 : : 3 : 3 10 : 20 : : 3 : 6 10 : 20 : : 3 : 6 Ans. 3 gallons at 5s, 6 at 5s 6d, and 6 at 6s. 2. A grocer would mix teas at 12s, 10s, and 6s per lb, with 201b at 4s per lb. how much of each sort must he take to make the composition worth 8s per lb *? Ans. 201b at 4s, 101b at Gs, lOlb at 10s and 20lb at 12s, 3. How much gold of 15, of 17, and of 22 caracts fine, must be mixed with 5 oz of 18 caracts fine, so that the com- position may be 20 caracts fine ? Ans. 5 oz of 15 caracts fine, 5 oz of 17, and 25 of 22. * In the very same manner questions may be wrought when several of the ingredients are limited to certain quantities, by finding first for one limit, and then for another. The two last Rules can need no de- monstration, as they evidently result fi-om the first, the reason of which has been already explained. POSITION. SINGLE POSITION. 135 POSITION. Position is a method of performing certain questions, which cannot be resolved by the common direct rules. It is sometimes called False Position, or False Supposition, because it makes a supposition of false numbers, to work with the same as if they were the true ones, and by their means dis- covers the true numbers sought. It is sometimes also called Trial-and-Error, because it proceeds by trials of false num- bers, and thence finds out the true ones by a comparison of the errors. — Position is either Single op Double. SINGLE POSITION. Single Position is that by which a question is resolved by means of one supposition only. Questions which have their result proportional to their suppositions belong to Single Position : such as those which require the multipli- cation or division of the number seught by any proposed num^, ber ; or when it is to be increased or diminished by itself, or any parts of itself, a certain proposed number of times. The rule is as follows : Take or assume any number for that which is required, and perform the same operations with it, as are described or performed in the question. Then say. As the result of the said operation, is to the position, or number assumed ; so is the result in the question, to a fourth term, which will be the number sought*. ♦ The reason of this Rule is evident, because it is supposed that the results are proportional to the suppositions- Thus, rM i a : : nz : Z, a z or — la I I — I z, n n a a z z or — ± — &c. : a : : — ± — S;c. : 2r, n m n m and so on. EXAMPLES. 136 ARITHMETIC, EXAMPLES. 1. A person after spending i and ^ of his money, has yet remaining 60/; what had he at first ? ijuppose he had at first 120/. Proof. Now i of 120 is 40 i of 144 is 48 i of it is 30 xof 144.is 36 their sum is 70 their sum 84 which taken from 120 taken from 144 leaves 60 leaves 60 as Then, 50 : 120 : : 60 : 144, the Answer. per question. 2. What number is that, which being multiplied by 7, and the product divided by 6, the quotient may be 21 ? Ads. 18. 3. What number is that, which being increased by i, i, and ^ of itself, the sum shall be 75 ? Ans. 36. 4. A general, after sending out a foraging ^ and i of his men, had yet remftining 1000 ; what number had he in com- mand ? Ans. 6000. 5. A gentleman distributed 52 pence among a number of poor people, consisting of men, women, and children : to each man he gave 6d, to each woman, 4d, and to each child 2d : moreover there were twice as many women as men, and thrice as many children as women. How many were there ®f each ? Ans. 2 men, 4 women, and 12 children ? 6. One being asked his age, said, iff of the years I have lived, be multiplied by 7, and | of them be added to the pro- dust, the sum will be 219. What was his age ? Ans. 45 years. •■11? DOUBLE [ 137 ] DOUBLE POSITION. Double Position is the method of resolving certain ques- tions by means of two suppositions of false numbers. To the Double Rule of Position belong such questions as ha^re their results not proportional to their positions : such are those, in which the numbers sought, or their parts, or their multiples, are increased or diminished by some given absolute number, which is no known part of the number sought. RtJLE I*. Tare or assume any two convenient numbers, and proceed with each of them separately, according to the conditions of the question, as in Single Position ; and find how much each result is diiTerent from the result mentioned in the question, calling these differences the errors, noting also whether the results are too great or too little. • Demonstr. The Rule is founded on this supposition, namely, that the first error is to the second, as the difference between the true and first supposed numbeis is to the difference between the true and se- cond sup[)Osed number ; when that is not the case, the exact answer to the question cannot be found by this Rule.— That the Rule is true, according to that supposition, may be thus proved. Let a and b be the two suppositions, and A and b their results, produced by similar operation ; also r and j their errors, or the differences between the results A and B from the true result n ; and let x denote the number sought, answering to the true result n of the question. Then is n — a = r, and n — B — «. And, according to the supposition on which the Rule is founded, r :s : : x— a : x — bi hence, by multiplying extremes" and meaps, rx — rb => sx — sa ,• then, by transposition, rx -^ sx *^ rb — sa / and, by division, rb-~8a X = ■ the number sought, which is the rule when the • r—s results are both too little. If the results be both too great, so that a and b are both greater than N i then n — a = — r, and n — b = — », or r and « are both negative ; hence — r : — s :: x — a : x '- b^ but — r : — j : : -f. r : 4f *, therefore r ■ s i : x ^^a: x ^ b ; and the rest will be exactly as in the former case. But if one result A only be too little, and the other b too great, or one error r positive, and the other 3 negative, then the theorem be- rb-{.3a comes X = — . — , which is the Rule in this case, or when the errors are unlike. Vol. I. 19 Then 131 ARITHMETie. Then multiply each of the said errors by the contrary sup- position, namely, the first position by the second error, and the second position by the first error. Then, If the errors are alike, divide the difference of the products by the difference of the errors, and the quotient will be the answer. But if the errors are unlike, divide the sum of the products by the sum of the errors, for the answers. JVbfe, The errors are said to be ahke, when they are either both too great or both too little ; and unlike, when one is too great and the other too little. EXAMPLES. 1. What number is that, which being multiplied by 6, the product increased by 18, and the sum divided by 9, the quotient shall be 20 ? Suppose the two numbers 18 and 30. Then, First Position. Second Position. Proof. 18 Suppose - 30 27 6 mult. .6 6 108 180 -162 18 add 18 18 9) 126 div. 9) 198 9) 180 14 results 22 20 20 true res • 20 + 6 errors unlike —2 2d pos. 30 mult. 18 1st po^. Er- ^2 180 36 rors jle 36 — -— , sum 8) 216 sum of products. 27 Answer sought. RULE II. Find, by trial, two numbers, as near the true number as convenient, and work with them as in the question ; marking the errors which arise from each of them. Multiply the difference of the two numbers assumed, or found by trial, by one of the errors, and divide the product by the difference of the errors, when they are alike, but by their sum when they are unlike. Add DOUBLE POSITION. 139 Add the quotient, last found, to the number belonging to the said error, when that number is too little, but subtract it when too great, and the result will give the true quantity souffht*. EXAMPLES. 1. So, the foregoiog example, worked by this 2d rule will be as follows : • 30 positions 18 ; their dif. 12 — 2 errors -{- 6 ; least error 2 sum of errors 8) 24 (3 subtr. from the position 30 leaves the answer 27 Ex* 2. A son asking his father how old he was, received this answer : Your age is now one-third of mine ; but 5 years ago, your age was only one-fourth of mine. What then are their two ages ? • Ans. 16 and 45. 3. A workman was hired for 20 days, at 3s per day, for every day he worked ; but with this condition, that for every day he played, he should forfeit Is. Now it so happened, that upon the whole he had 21 4s to receive. How many days did he work ? Ans. 16 4. A and e began to play together with equal sums of money : A first won 20 guineas, but afterwards lost back f of what he then had ; aft«- which, b had 4 times as much as a. What sum did each begin with ? ^ Ans. 100 guineas. 5. Two persons, a and b, have both the same inconie, a saves i of his ; but b, by spending 50t per annum more than a, at the end of 4 years finds himself 100/ in debt. What does each receive and spend per annum ? Ans. They receive 125/ per annum ; also a spends 100/, and B spends 150/ per annum. * Fop since, by the supposition, r : s :'. x — a:x -^6, therefore by ^vision, r - « : j ; : d — a : ?c — 6, which is the 2d Rule. PERMUTATIONS 140 ARITHMETIC. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. Permutation is the altering, changing or varying the position or order of things ; or the showing how many diffe- rent ways they may be placed. — This is otherwise called Al- ternation, Changes, or Variation ; and the only thing to be re- garded here, is the order they stand in ; for no two parcels are to have all their quantities placed in the same situation : as, how many changes may be rung on a number of bells, or how man}' different ways any number of persons may be placed, or how many several variations may be made of any number of letters, or any other things proposed to be varied. Combination is the showing how often a less number of things can be taken out of a greater, and combined together, without considering their places, or the order they stand in. This is somtjtimes called Election or Choice ; and here every parcel must be different from all the rest, and no two are to have precisely the same quantities or things. Combinations of the same Form, are those in which there are the same number of quantities, and the same repetitions : thus, aabc, bbcdf ccde^ are of the same form ; aabc, abbb\ aabb, are of different forms. Composition of Quantities, is the taking a given number of quantities out of as many equal rows of different quantities, one out of every row, and combining them together. Some illustration of these definitions are in the following Problems : PROBLEM r. ^ 7^0 assig)i the number of Permutations, or Changei, that can be 7nade of any Given Number of things, all different from each other. EULE*. Multiply all the terms of the natural series of numbers^ from 1 up to the given number, continually together, and the last product will be the answer required. EXAMPLES. ♦ The reason of the Rule may be shovm thus ; any one thlog a is capable only of one position, as a* Any two things a and b, are only capable of two variations > as a^, 6a i whose number is expressed by 1 X 2' I PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 141 EXAMPLES. 1. How many changes may be rung on 6 bells? 1 2 2 6 4 24 120 6 720 the Answer. Or 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 6 X 6 = 720 the Answer. 2. How many days can 7 persons be placed in a .different position at dinner ? Ans. 5040 days. 3. How many changes may be rung on 12 bells, and what time would it require, supposing 10 changes to be rung in 1 minute, and the year to consist of 366 days, 6 hours, and 49 minutes ? Ans. 479001600 changes, and 91 years, 26 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes. 4. How many changes may be made of the words in the following verse : Tot tibi sunt dotes, virgo, quot sidera ccelo ? Ans. 40320 changes,. If there be three things, a, b, and c / then any two of them, leaving; out the 3d, will have 1X2 variations j and consequently when the 3d is taken in, there will be 1 X 2 X 3 variations. In the same manner, when there are 4 things, every three> leaving out the 4th, will have i X '^ X 3 variations ; consequently by taking in successively the 4 left out, there will be 1X2X3x4 variations. And s© on as far as we please- PROl- 142 ARITHMETIC, PRQBLEM II. Any Numher of different Things being given ; to find how many Changes can he made out of them, by taking a Given Kum- ber of Quantities at a Time. RULE.* Take a series of numbeis, beginning at the number of things given, and decreasing by 1 tc the number of qoanti- ties to be taken at a time, and the product of all the terms will be the answer required. EXAMPLES. 1. How many changes may be rung with 3 bells out gf 8 ? 8 7 66 6 336 the Answer. Qr, 8 X 7 X 6 (= 3 terms) = 336 the Answer. !2. How many words can be made with 5 letters of the alphabet, supposing 24 letters in all, and that a number of con- sonants alone will make a word. Ans, 5100480. 3. How many words can be made with 5 letters of the alpha- bet in each word, there being 26 letters in all, and 6 vowels, admitting that a number of consonants alone will not make a word ? Ans. 137858400. FROB- * This Rule, expressed in algebraic termsj is as follows ; m X wi — l X M— 2 X w— 3 &c. to n terms : where m ;= the num- ber of things given, and n => the quantities to be taken at a time. In order to demonstrate the Rule, it will be proper to premise the following Lemma ; Lemma. The number of changes of m ihing.e, taken n at a time, Is . equal to m changes of m— 1 things, tiken n — 1 at a lime. DemonstV' Let any five quantities a h c d ehe given First, leave out the a, and let v *• the number of all the variations of every two, 6c, bd^ Sic. that can be taken out of the four remaining quantities bade. Now, let a be pat in the first place of each of them, a, 6, c, a, *, d, 8m:. and the number of changes which still remain the same ; that i??, v -«= the number of variations of every 3 out of the 5, a, 6, r, > or mv, = all the changes of 3 times out of 5. And the same way of reasoning may be applied to any numbers whatever. Demon, of the Rule. Let any 7 things, ab cdef g^he. given, and let 3 be the number of quantities to be taken,. Then m z=>7^ and n =3 3. Now, It is evident, that the number of changes that can be made by taking 1 by 1 out of 5 things, will be 5, which let = v. Then, by the Lemma, when m = 6, and n = 2, the number of changes will be = mv ==6X5; which let be = t> a second time. Again, by the Lemma, when in = 7 and n = 3, the number of changes h mv = 7 X 6 X o ; that is wit; = w X (m-1) X (m—2), continued to 3, or n terms. And the same may be shown for any othfer numbers, * This Ilule is expressed in terms thus : 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5, &c. to m 1 X 2 X 3, &c. to p X 1 X 2 X 3. &c. to 7 &c. where w =:the number of things given, j&= the number of things of the first sort, g = the number of things of the second sort &c. The Demonstration may be shown as follows ; Any two quantities, <7, b, both different, admit of 2 changes ; but If the quantities are the same, or a b becomes a o, there will be only 1X2 one position ; which may be expressed by ■ ■ = 1. 1 X 2 Any 3 quantities, a, b, c, all different from each other, afford 6 varia- tions; but if the quantities be all alike, ova be becomes a a a, then the 144 ARITHMETIC. piride the product of all the terms of the first series by the joint product of all the terms of the remaining ones, and the i|Uotient will be the answer required. EXAMPLES. 1. How many variations can be made of the letters in the word Bacchanalia ? 1 X 2 (= number of c's) = 2 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 (= number of a's) = 24 1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11 ( = number of letters in the word) = 39916800 2 X 24 = 48) 39916800 (831600 the Answer. 151 76 288 2. How many different numbers can be made of the follow- ing figures, 1220005555 ? Ans. 12600. 3. How many varieties will take place in the successior. of the following musical notes, fa, fa, fa, sol, sol, la, mi, fa ? Ans. 3360. the 6 variations will be reduced to 1 j which may be expressed by 1X2X3 — = 1. Again, if two of the quantities only are alike, or a ^ c 1X2x3 becomes, aac ; then the 6 variations will be reduced to these 3j a a c, 1X2X3 c aa^ and a c a ; which may be expressed by- — — — == 3. 1X2 Any 4 quantities, abed, all different from each other, will admit of 24 variations. But if the quantities be the same, or a b c d be- comes a a a Of the number of variations will be reduced to one ; 1X2X3X4 which is =s ■ ■■ — — = 1. 1x2x3x4 Again, if three of the quantities only be the same, or a b c d becomes a a a b, the number of variations will be reduced to these Ataaabtaabayab a a, and b a a a; which is =: 1x2x3x4 1=4. • 1X2X3 And thus it may be shewn, that if two of the quantities be alike, or the 4 quantities be n a 6 c, the number of variations will be re- 1X2X3 X 4 duced to 12 ; which may be expressed by ■ = 12- 1X2 And by reasoning in the same manner, it will appear, that the number of changes which can be made of the quantities a * ^ c c, is 1X2X3X4X5X6 equal to 60 s which may be expressed by ----.----—-——---—-----«----- 1X2X1X2X3 = 60. And so on for any other quantities whateveri PBOa- PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 146 PROBLEM IV. To Jind the Changes of any Criven JSfumber of Things^ taking a Given Number at a Time : in which there art several Given Things of one Sort^ several of another, ^c. RULE*. Find all the different forms of combination of all the given thinajs, taken as many at a time as in the question. Find the number of changes in any form, and multiply it by the number of combinations in that form. Do the same for every distinct form, and the sum of all the products will give the whole number of changes required. EXAMPLES. 1. How many alterations, or chanses, can be made of every four letters out of these 8, aaabbbcc ? No. of forms. No. of changes. a^h^a'^c^b^a, b^c 4 o2 62,a2c2, 62^3 6 a^bCyb^ac.c^ ab 12 /4 X 4 = 16 Therefore <3X 6=18 ^3 X 12 = 36 70 == number of changes — required. 2. How many changes can be made of every 8 letters out ef these 10 ; aaaabbccde ? Ans. 22260. 3. How many different numbers can be made out of 1 unit, * The reason of this Rule is plain from what has been shown be- fore, and the nature of the problem. A Rule for finding the Number of Fofms. 1. Place the things so, that the greatest indices may be first, and the rest in brder 2. Begin with the first letter, and join it to the second) third* fourth, &c. to i he last. 3. Then take the second letter, and join it to the third, fourtht &c, to the last. And so on, till they are entirely exhausted* always remem- bering to reject such combinations as have occurred before ; and this wiU give the combinations of all the twos. 4. Join the first letter to every one of the twos, and the second, third, &c. as before ; and it will give the combinations of all the threes. 5. Proceed n the same manner to get the combinations of all the fours, &c. and you will at last get all the several forms of combina- tions, and the number in each form. Vol. L 2I> 2 twos, 14G ARITHMETIC. 2 twos, 3 threes, 4 fours, and 5 fives ; taken 6 at a time ? Ans, 2111, PROBLEM V. To find the JVurnber of Pombinations of any Given JVufnber of things all different from each other ^ taken any Given Number at a time. RULE.* Take the series 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. up to the number to be taken at a time, and find the product of all the terms. Take a series of as many terms, decreasing by 1, from the given number, out of which the election ia to be made, and find the product of all the terms. Divide the last product by the former, and the quotient- will be the number sought. EXAMPLES. 1. How many combinations can be made of 6 letters out of ten ? * This Rule> expressed algebraically, is, tn m — 1 m — 2 m — 3 — X — — X " . X Oc. to n terms ; where m is the 12 3 4 number of given quantities, and n those to be taken at a time. Demonstr. of the Mule. 1. Let the number of tilings to be taken at a time be 2, and the things to be combined = m. Now, when m, or the number of things to be combined, is only two, as a and Z>, it is evident that there can be but one combination, as ab ; but if m be increaseti by one, or the letters to be combined be 3, as a, b, c ; then it is plain that the nr.mber of conibinations will be increas- ed by 2, since with each of the former letters a and Z>, the new letter c may be joined. In this case therefore, it is evident that the whole number of combinations will be truly expressed by 1 -f-2. Againt if m be increased by one letter more, or \he whole number of letters be four, as o, b, c, d ; then it will appear that the whole num- ber of combinations must be increased by 3, since with each of the preceding letters the new letter d may be combined. Tue combina- tions therefore, in this case will be truly expressed by 1+2+3. And in Ihe same manner it may be shown that the whole number of combinations pf 2, in 54hings, will be 1+2 +3-+ 4; of 2 in 6 things, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ; and of 2» in /things, 1+2 + 3-+4 + 5 + 6, &c. ; whence, universally, the number of combinations of m things, taken 2 by-2, is = 1 + 2 •+ 3 + 4 + 5 +- C, &c. to (7n— 1) terms, m m — 1 But the sum of this series is = ~ X ■; which is the same as 12 tl^e rule. 2. Let now the number of quantities in each combination be sup- posed to be three. Then PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 147 1 X2X3X4X5X6( = the number to be taken at a time ) = 720. 10 X 9X8 X7X6 X6(= same number frdna 10) = 151200. Then 720 ) 151200 (210 the Answer. 1440 720 720 2. How many combinations can be made of 2 letters out of the 24 letters of the alphabet ? Ans. 276. 3. A general, who had often been successful in war, was asked by his king what reward he should confer upon him for his services ; the general only desired a farthing for every file, of 10 men in a file, which he could make with a body of 100 men ; what is the amount in pounds sterling ? Ans. 18031572350Z95 2(;. Then it is plain that when m ==» 3, or the things to be combined arc c, there cun be only one combination. But if mbe increased by 1, or the things to be combined are 4, as a, 6, c, d, then will the num- ber of combinations be increased by 3 ; since 3 is the number of com- binations of 2 in all the preceding letters, a, b, c, and with each two of these the new letter d may be combined. The number of combinations, ih-^refore in this case, is 1 -f- 3. Again, if m be increased by one more, or the number of letters be supposed 5 ; then the former number of combinations will be in- creased by 6, that is, by all the combinations of 2 in thti 4 preceding letters, at b, c, d : since, as before, with each two of these the new letter c may be combined. The number of combinations, therefore, in this case, is 1 -4- 3 + 6. "VVhence, universally, the number of combinations of »a things, taken 3 by 3, is 1 + 3 4- 6 -f 10 &c. to m — 2 terms. VI m — 1 m — 2 But the sum of this series is = — X — — — X— — — ; which is 12 3 the same as the rule. And the same thing will hold, let the number of things to be taken at a time be what it will ; therefore tlie number of combinations of m things, taken n at a time, will be =*• ^ w m — 1 7n— 2 wj — 3 •r- X — — X X —— -, &c. to n termS' a* e. d. 1 2 r. 4 I'RQBv 148 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM VI. To find the Number of Combinations of any Given Number of Things^ by taking any Given Number at a time ; in which there are several Things of one Sort, several of another, ^c. RULE. Find, by trial, the number of different forms which the things to be taken at a time will admit of, and the number of combinations there are in each. Add all the combinations, thus found together, and the sum will t>e the number required. i EXAMPLES. 1 . Let the things proposed be a a a b b c ; it is required to find the number of combinations made of every 3 of these quantities ? Forms. Combinations.. a3 1 fl26, a^c, b^a, b^c - - - - - 4 ab c - -- - - - -J Number of combinations required = 6 2. Let aaabbbcche proposed ; it is required to find the number of combinations of these quantities, taken 4 at a time ? Ans. 10. 3. How many combinations are there in a a a a b b c c d e, taking 8 at a time ? Aps. 13. 4. How many coipbinations are there in a a a aa bb b b h ccccddddeeee fff gy taking 10 at a time ? Ans, 2619. PROBLEM yiL To find the Compositions of any Number, in an equal Number of ^ets, the things themselves being all different, RULE*. Multiply the number of things in every set continually to- gether, and the product will be the answer required. ♦ Demonatr. Suppose there are only two sets ; then, it is plain, that every quantity of the one set being combined with every quantity of the ^Ithej", will make all the compositions, of two things in these two sets; and PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 14^ EXAMPLE 1. Suppose there are four companies, in each of which there are 9 men ; it is required to find how many ways 9 men may be chosen, one out of each company ? 9 9 6561 the Answer. Op, 9 X 9 X 9 X 9 = 6561 the Answer. 2. Suppose there are 4 companies ; in one of which there are 6 men, in another 8, and in each of the other two 9 ; what are the choices, by a composition of 4 men, one out of each company ? Ans. 3888. 3. How many changes are there in throwing 6 dice ? Ans. 7776. and the number of these compositions is evidently the product of the number of quantities in one set by that in the other. AgaiTif suppose there are three sets ; then the composition of two, in any two of the sets, being combined with every quantity of the third, will make all the compositions of three in the three sets. That is, the coMtpositions of two in any two of the sets, being multiplied by the number >f quantities in the remaining' set, will produce the composi- tions r)f three in the three sets ; which is evidently the continual pro- duct of all the three numb* rs in the three sets. And the same manner of reasoning will hold, let the number of sets be what it will. q. e. d. Ihe doctrine of permutations, combinations, &c. is of very exten- siv:- use in different parts of the Mathematics ; particularly in the calculat.on of annuities and chances. The subject might have been pursued to a much greater length ; but what is here done, will be found sufficient for most of the purposes to which things of this nature are applicable* PRACTICAL 150 ARITHMETIC. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS iN ARITHMETIC. Quest. 1. The swiftest velocity of a cannon-ball, is about 2000 feet in a second of time. Then in what time, at that rate, would such a ball be in moving from the eartlf to the sun, admitting the distance to be 100 millions of miles, and the year to contain 365 days 6 hours. Ans. SyV/A years. Quest. 2. What is the ratio of the velocity of light to that of a cannon-ball, which issues from the gun with a velocity of 1500 feet per second ; light passing from the sun to the earth in 1} minutes ? Ans. the ratio of 782222| to 1. Quest. 3. The slow or parade-step being 70 paces per minute, at 28 inches each pace, it is required to determine at what rate per hour that movement is ? Ans. l|if miles. Quest. 4. The quick-time or step, in marching, being 2 paces per second, or 120 per minute, at 28 inches each ; then at what rate per hour does a troop march on a route, and how long will they be in arriving at a garrison 20 miles distant, al- lowing a halt of one liour by the way to refresh ? ^ ( the rate is 3/y miles an hour. °** ^ and the time T^- hr. or 7 h. 17i min. Quest. 5. A wall was to be built 700 yards long in 29 days. Now, after 12 men had been employed on it for 11 days, it was found that they had completed only 220 yards of the wall. It is required then to determine how many men must be added to the former, that the whole number of them may jusf finish the wall in the time proposed, at the same rate of working ? Ans. 4 men to be added. Quest. 6. To determine how far 500 millions of guineas will reach, when laid down in a straight line touching one another ; siipposing each guinea to be an inch in diameter, as it is very nearly. Ans. 71'91 miles, 728 yds. 2ft, 8 in. Quest. 7. Two persons, a and b, being on opposite sides of a wood, which is 536 yards about, they begin to go round it, both the same way, at the same instant of time ; a goes at the rate of 1 1 yards per minute, and b 34 yards in 3 minutes ; and the question is, how many times will the wood be gone round before the quicker overtake the slower ? Ans. 17 times. Quest. PtlACTICAL QUESTIONS. 151 Quest. 8. a cab do a piece of work alone in 12 days, and B alone in 14 ; in what time will they both together per- form a like quantity of work ? Ans. 6 -^.j days. Quest. 9. A person who was possessed of a | share of a copper mine, sold | of his interest in it for 1800/ ; what was the reputed value of the whole at the same rate ? Ans. 4000/. Qhest. 10. A person after spending 20/ more than i of his yearly income, had then remaining 30/ more than the half of it ; what was his income ? Ans. 200/. Quest. 11. The hour and minute hand of a clock arc exactly together at 12 o'clock ; when are they next together ? Ans. at 1 yV hr or 1 hr, /y min. Quest. 12. If a gentleman whose annual income is 1500/, spends 20 guineas a week ; whether will he save or run in debt, and how much in the year ? Ans. save 408/. Quest. 13. A person bought 180 oranges at 2 a pennj^ and 180 more at 3 a penny ; after which, selling them out again at 5 for 2 pence, whether did he gain or lose by the bargain ? ' Ans. he lost 6 pence. Quest. 14. If a quantity of provisions serves 1500 men 12 weeks, at the rate of 20 ounces a day for each man ; how many men will the same provisions maintain for 20 weeks, at the rate of 8 ounces a day for each man ? Ans. 2250 men. Quest. 15. In the latitude of London, the distance round the earth, measured on the parallel of latitude, is about 15550 miles ; now as the earth turns round in 23 hours 56 minutes, at what rate per hour is the city of London carried by this motion from west to east ? Ans. 64&||f miles an hour. Quest. 16. A father left his son a fortune, ^ of which he ran through in 8. months ; | of the remainder lasted him 12 months longer ; after which he had bare 820/ left. What sum did the father bequeath his son ? Ans. 1913/65 8c/. Quest. 17. If 1000 men, besieged in a town with pro- visions for 5 weeks, allowing each man 16 ounces a day, be reinforced with 500 men more ; and supposing that they can- not be relieved till the end of 8 weeks, how many ounces a day must each man have, that the provision may last that time ? * Ans. 6| ounces. Quest. 13. A younger brother received 8400/, whicli was just I of his elder brother's fortune : What was the father worth at his death ? Ans. 19200/. Quest. 132 ARITHMETIC. Quest. 19. A person, looking on his watch, was askedl what was the time of the day, who answered, It is between 6 and 6 ; but a more particular answer being required, he said that the hour and minute hands were then exactly toge- ther : What was the time ? Ans. 27 y3_ min. past 5. Quest. 20. If 20 men can perform a piece of work in 12 days, how many men will accomphsh another thrice as large in one-fifth of the time ? Ans 300. Quest. 21. A father devised y\ of his estate to one of his sons, and /j of the residue to another, and the surplus, to his relict for life. The children's legacies were found to be 614/ 6s Bd diflferent : Then what money did he leave the widow the use of? * Ans. 1270/ Is d^^d. Quest. 22. A person, making his will, gave to one child if of his estate, and the rest to another. When these legacies came to be paid the one turned out 1200/ more than the other : What did the testator die worth ? Ans. 4000/. Quest. 23. Two persons, a and b, travel between London and Lincoln, distant 100 miles, a from London, and b from Lincoln, at the same instant. After 7 hours they meet on the road, when it appeared that a had rode 1^ miles an hour more than B. At what rate per hour then did each of the travellers ride ? Ans. a. 7|f , and b 6^^ miles. Quest. 24. Two persons, a and b, travel between Lon- don and Exeter, a leaves Exeter at 8 o'clock in the morn- ing, and walks at the rate of 3 miles an hour, without inter- mission ; and b sets out from London at 4 o'clock the S3me evening, and walks for Exeter at the rate of 4 miles an hour constantly. Now, supposing the distance between the two cities to be_ 130 miles, whereabouts on the road will they meet ? Ans. 69f miles from f^xeter. Quest. 25. Ope hundred eggs being placed on the ground in a straight line, at the distance of a yard from each ©ther : How far will' a person travel who shall bring them ©ne by one to a basket, which is placed at one yard from the first egg ? Ans. 10100 yards, or 5 miles and 1300 yds. Quest. 26. The clocks of Italy go on to 24 hours : Then how many strokes do they strike in one complete re- volution of the index ? • Ans. 300. Quest. 27. One Sessa, an Indian, having invented the game of chess, shewed it to bis prince, who was so delighted with PRACTICAL QUESTIONS. 153 t^ith it, that he promised him any rewai^d he should ask ; on which Sessa requested that he might be allowed one grain of wheat for the first square on the chess board, 2 for the second, 4 for the third, and so on, doubling continually, to 64, the whole number of squares. Now, supposing, a pint to contain 7680 of these grains, and one quarter or 8 bushels to be worth 27s 6dy it is required to compute the value of all the corn ? Ans. 6460468216285/ 17s 3d ^^lq. Quest. 28. A person increased his estate annually by 100/ more than the a part of it ; and at the end of 4 'years found that his estate amounted to 10342/ 3s 9d. What had he at first? ^ Ans. 4000/. Quest. 29. Paid 1012/ 10« for a principal of 750/, taken in 7 years before : at what rate per cent, per annum did I pay interest ? Ans. 5 per cent. Quest. 30. Divide 1000/ among a, b> c ; so as to give A 120 more, and b 95 less than c Ansi A 445, b 230, c 325. Quest. 31. A person being asked the hour of the day, said, the time past noon is equal to f ths of the time till mid- night. What was the time ? Ans. 20 min. past 6. Quest. 32. Suppose that I have fV of a ship worth 1200/ ; what part of her have I left after selhng f of f of my share, and what is it worth ? Ans. -^W* worth 185/. Quest. 33. Part 1200 acres of land among a, b, c ; so that B may have 100 more than a, and c 64 more than b. Ans. A 312, B 412, c 476. Quest. 34. What number is that, from which if there be taken f of f, and to the remainder be added y j of y5_, the sum will be 10 ? Ans. 9|f . Quest. 35. There is a number which if multiplied by | ef 1^ of 1 ^, will produce 1 : what is the square of that number Z Ans. IV^. Quest. 36. What length must be cut off a board, 8^^ inches broad, to contain a square foot, or as much as 12 inches in length and 12 in breadth ? Ans. 16 |f inches. Quest. 37. What sum of money will amount to 138/ 2s 6d, in 15 months, at 5 per cent, per annum simple interest ? Ans. 130/. Quest. 38. A father divided his fortune among his three sons, A, B, c, giving a 4 as often as b 3, and c 5 as often as Vol. I. 21 164 ARITHMETIC. B 6 ; what was the whole legacy, supposing a's share was 4000Z. Ans. 9600^. Quest. 39. A young hare starts 40 yards before a grey- bound, and is not perceived by him till she has been up 40 seconds ; she scuds away at the rate of 10 miles an honr, and the dog, on view, makes after her at the rate of 18 ; ho,w long will the course hold, and what ground will be run over, count- ing from the outsetting of the dog ? Ans. eOj'gSec. and 630 yards run. Quest. 40. Two young gentlemen, without private for- tune, obtain commissions at the same time, and at the age of 18. One thoughtlessly spends 10/ a year more than his pay ; but, shocked at the idea of not paying his debts, gives his creditor a bond for the money, at the end of every year, and also insures his hfe for the amonnt ; each bond costs him 30 shilliijgs, besides the lawful interest of 6 per cent, and to in- sure his hfe costs him 6 per cent. The other, having a proper pride, is determined never to run in debt ; and, that he may assist a friend in need, perse- veres in saving IQl every year, for which he obtains an inter- est of 5 per cent, which interest is every year added to his savings, and laid out, so as to answer the effect of compound interest. Suppose these two officers to meet at the age of 50, when each receives from Government 400/ per annum ; that the one, seeing his past errors, is resolved in future to spend no more than he actually has, after paying the interest for what he owes, and the insurance on his life. The other, having now something before hand, means in future, to spend his full income, without increasing his stock. It is desirable to know how much each has to spend per annum, and what money the latter has by him to assist the distressed, or leave to those who deserve it ? Ans. The reformed officer has to spend 661 19s 1| •6389c?. per annum. The prudent officer has to spend 437Z 12s 1 If •4379c?. per annum. And the latter has saved, to dispose of, 762Z 19s 9-1896(1 END OP THE ARITHMETIC [ 15g] OF LOGARITHMS*. JLjOGARITHMS are made to facilitate troublesome calcu- lations in numbers. This they do, because they perform multiplication by only addition, and division by only subtrac- tion, and raising of powers by multiplying the logarithai by the index of the power, and extracting of roots by dividing the logarithm of the number by the index of the root. For, logarithms are numbers so contrived, and adapted to other numbers, that the sums and differences of the former shall correspond to, and show, the products} and quotients of the latter, &c. Or, more generally, logarithms are the rinmerical expo- nents of ratios ; or they are a series of numbers in arith- metical * The invention of Logaritliras is due to Lord Napier, Baron of Merchiston, in Scotland, and is properly considered as one of the most useful inventions of modern times. A. table of these numbers was first published by the inventor at Edinbui'gh, in the year 1614, in a treatise entitled Canon Mirijiciim Logarithmornm ; which was eager- ly received by all the learned J hroughout Enrope. Mr. Henry Briggs, then professor of geometry at Gresham College, soon after the dis- covery, went to visit the noble inventor j after which, they jointly un- dertook the arduous task of computing new tables on this subject, and reducing them to a more convenient form than that which was at first thought of. But Lord Napier dying soon after, the whole burden fell upon Mr. Briggs, who, with prodigious laboiur and great skill, made an entire Canon, according to the new form, for all numbers from 1 to 20000, and from 900u0 to 10100, to 14 places of figures, and published it at London, in the year 1624, in a treatise entitled Arithmetica Loga- rithmica, with directions for supplying the intermediate parts. This 166 LOGARITHMS. metical progression, answering to another series of numbers in geometrical progression. i rp, JO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, Indices, or logarithms, inus, ^ j^ 2^ ^^ g^ 16, 32, 64, Geometric progression. Q JO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Indices, or logarithms. ^1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, Geometric progression. ^ Jo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Indices, or logs. ^^ ^1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, Geom. progress. Where it is evident, that the same indices serve equally for any geometric series ; and consequently there may be an This Canon was again published in Holland by Adrian Vlacq, in the year 1628, together with the Logarithms of all the numbers which Mv. Briggs had omitted ; but he contracted them down to 10 places of decimals. Mr. Briggs also computed the Logarithms of the sines, tangents, and secants, to every degree, and centesm, or 100th part of a degree, of the whole quadrant ; and annexed them to the natural sines, tangents, and secants, which he had before computed, to fifteen places of figures. These Tables, with their construction and use, ■were first published in the year 1633, after Mr. Brigg*s death, by Mr. Henry Gellibrand, under the title of Trigonometria Britannica. Benjamin Ursinus also gave a Table of Napier's Logs, and of sines, to every 10 seconds. And Chr. Wolf, in his Mathematical Lexicon, says that one Van Loser had computed them to every single second, but his untimely death prevented their publication. Many other authors have treated on this subject ; but as their numbers are fie- quenliy inaccurate and incommodiously disposed, they are now gene- rally neglected. The Tables in most repute at present, are those of Gardiner in 4to, first published in the year 1742 ; and my own Tables in 8vo, first printed in the year 1785, where the Logarithms of ail num- bers may be easily found from 1 to lOuOOOOO ; and those of the sines, tangents, and secants, to any degree of accuracy required. Also, Mr. Michael Taylor's Tables in large 4to, containing the com- mon logarithms, and the logarithmic sines and tangents to every se- cond of the quadrant. And, in France, the new book of logarithms by Callet ; the 2d edition of winch, in 1795, has the tables stil) far- ther extended, and are printed with what are called stereotypes, tlie types in each page being soldered together into a solid mass or block. Dodson's Antilogarithmic Canon is likewise a very elaborate work, and used for finding the numbers answering to any given logarithm. endless LOGARITHMS. 157 endless variety of systems of logarithms, to the same common numbers, by only changing the second term, 2, 3, or 10, &c. of the geometrical series of whole numbers ; and by interpo- lation the whole system of numbers may be made to enter the eometric series, and receive their proportional logarithms, whether integers or decimals. It is also apparent, from the nature of these series, that if any two indices be added together, their sum will be the index of that number which is equal to the product of the two terms, in the geometric progression, to which those indices belong. Thus, the indices 2 and 3, being added together, make 6 ; and the numbers 4 and 8, or the terms corresponding to those indi- ces, being multiplied together, make 32, which is the number answering to the index o. In like manner, if any one index be subtracted from another, the difference will be the index of that number which is equal to the quotient of the two terras to which those indi- ces belong. Thus, the index 6, minus the index 4, is = 2 ; and the terms corresponding to those indices are 64 and 16, whose quotient is = 4, which is the number answering to the index 2. For the same reason, if the logarithm of any number be multiplied by the index of its power, the product will be equal to the logarithm of that power. Thus, the index or logarithm of 4, in the above series, is 2 ; and if this number be multiplied by 3, the product will be = 6 ; which is the loga- rithm of 64, or the third power of 4. And, if the logarithm of any number be divided by the index of its root, the quotient will be equal to the logarithm of that root. Thus, the index or logarithm of 64 is 6 ; and if this number be divided by 2, the quotient will be = 3 ; which is the logarithm of 8, or the square root of 64. The logarithms most convenient for practice, are such as are adapted to a geometric series increasing in a tenfold pro- portion, as in the last of the above forms ; and are those which are to be found, at present, in most of the common tables on this subject. The distinguishing mark of this system of logarithms is, that the index or logarithm of 10 is 1 ; th'at of 100 is 2 ; that of 1000 is 3 ; &c. And, in decimals. 168 LOGARITHMS. decimals, the logarithm of •! is — 1 ; that of •01 is — 2 ; that of -001 is — 3 ; &c. The log. of 1 being in every system. Whence it follows, that the logarithm of any number between 1 and 10, must be and some fractional parts ; ?nd that of a number between 10 and 100, will be 1 and some fractional parts ; and so on, for any other number whatever. And since the integral part of a logarithm, usually called the Index, or Characteristic, is always thus readily found, it is commonly omitted in the tables ; being left to be supplied by the opera- tor himself, as occasion requires. Another Definition of Logarithms is, that the logarithm of any number is the index of that power of some other num- ber, which is equal to the given number. So, if there be N = r", then n is the log. of N ; where n may be either posi- tive or negative, or nothing, and the root r any number "whatever, according to the different systems of logarithms. When n is = 0, then N is = 1, whatever the vahie of r is ; which shows, that the log. of 1 is always 0, in every system of logarithms. When n is = 1, then N is = r ; so that the radix r is always that number whose log is 1, in every sys- tem. When the radix r is = 2-718281828469, &c. the in- dices n are the hyperbolic or Napier's log. of the numbers N ; so that n is always the hyp. log. of the number N or (2*718 &c.)n . But when the radix r is = 10, then the index n becomes the common or Briggs's log. of the number N : so that the common log. of any number 10" or N, is n the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the said number. Thus 100, being the second power of 10 will have 2 for its loga- rithm : and 1000, being the third power of 10, will have 3 for its logarithm: hence also, if 60 be = lO'-eosoT^ then is 1-69897 the common log. of 50. And, in general, the fol- lowing decuple series of terms, viz. lOS 103, 102, 101, 100^ lO-S 10-2, 10-3^ jo_4, oV 10000, 1000, 300, 10, 1, -1, -01, -001, -0001, have 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,-1, —2, —3, —4, for their logarithms, respectively. And from this scale of numbers and logarithms, the same properties easily follow, as above mentioned* PROBLEM, LOGARITHMS. 169 PROBLEM. Po compute the Logarithm to any of the Natural Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, ^c. RULE I*. Take the geometric series, 1, 10, IGO, 1000, 10000, &c. and apply to it the arithmetic series, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. as logarithms. — Find a geometric mean between 1 and 10, or between 10 and 100, or any other two adjacent terms of the series, between which the number proposed lies. — In like manner, between the mean, thus found, and the nearest ex- treme, find another geometrical mean ; and so on, till you arrive, within the proposed limit of the number whose loga- rithm is sought. — Find also as many arithmetical means, in the same order as you found the geometrical ones, and these will be the logarithms answering to the said geometrical means. EXAMPLE. Let it be required to find the logarithm of 9. Here the proposed number lies between 1 and 10. First, then, the log. of 10 is 1, and the log. of 1 is ; theref. 14-0-5-2=1^= -6 is the arithmetical mean, and ^ f X 1 = y/ 10 = 3-1622777 the geom. mean ; hence the log. of 3- 1622777 is -5. "Secondly, th e log, of 10 is I, and the log. of 3-1622777 is -5 : theref. 1 + '5 -=- 2 = -7 5 is the arithmetical mean, and ^ io X 3-1622777 = 5-6234132 is the geom. mean ; hence the log. of 3-6234132 is -76. Thirdly, the log, of 10 is 1, and the log. of 5-6234132 is -76 ; theref. \ -\- -15 -^ 2 = -875 is the arithmetical mean, and y/ 10 X 5-6236132 = 7-4989422 the geom. mean ; hence the log. of 7-4989422 is -875. Fourthly, th e log, of 1 is 1, and the log. of 7-4989422 is -875} theref. 1 -j- '875 -r 2 = -9375 is the arithmetical mean, and ^ 10 X 7-4989422 = 8-6596431 the geom. mean j hence the log. oS 8-6596431 is -9375. * The reader who wishes to inform himself more particularly con- cerning the history, nature, and construction of Logarithms, may con- sult the Introduction to my Mathematical Tables, lately published, where he will find his curiosity amply gratified. Fifthly, 160 LOGARITHMS. Fifthly, the l og, of 10 is 1, and the log. of 8-6596431 is -9876; theref. 14-9375 -j- 2 = -96875 is the arithmetical mean, and ^ 10 X 8-6596431 = 9-3057204 the geom. mean ; hence the log. of 9-3057204 is -96875. Sixthly, the log. of 8-6596431 is -9373, and the log. of 9-30 57204 is -96875 ; theref. -9375 + -96875^ 2 = - 953125 is the arith. mean, and ^ 8-6596431 X 9-3057204 = 8-9768713 the geo- metric mean ; hence the log. of 8-9768713 is -953125. And proceeding in this manner, after 25 extractions, it will be found that the logarithm of 8-9999998 is -9542425; - which may be taken for the logarithm of 9, as it differs so. little from it, that it is sufficiently exact for all practical pur- poses. And in this manner were the logarithms of almost all the prime numbers at first computed. RULE U*. Let b be the number whose logarithm is required to be found ;.and a the number next less than b, so that b — a = 1, the logarithm of a being known ; and let s denote the sum of the two numbers a -f 6. Then 1. Divide the constant decimal -8685889638 &c. by s, and reserve the quotient : divide the reserved quotient by the square of s, and reserve this quotient : divide this last quo- tient also by the square of s, and again reserve the quotient : and thus proceed, continually dividing the last quotient by the square of s, as long as division can be made. 2. Then write these quotients orderly under one another, the first uppermost, and divide them respectively by the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &;c. as long as division can be made; that is, divide the first reserved quotient by 1, the second by 3, the third by 5, the fourth by 7, and so on. 3. Add all these last quotients together, and the sum will be the logarithm of 6 -7- a ; therefore to this logarithm add also the given logarithm of the said next less number a, so will the last sum be the logarithm of the number 6 proposed. * For tke demonstration of this rule, see my Mathematical Tables, p. 109. &c. That LOGARITHMS. 161 That is, n 111 Log. of 6 is log. a'\ X (IH 1 1 +&c.) 8 . 352 5s4 7s« where n denotes the constant given decimal '8686889638 &g. EXAMPLES. Ex. 1. Let it be required to find the log. of number 2. Here the given number b is 2, and the next less number a is 1 , whose log. is ; also the sum 2 -{- 1 = 3 = s, and it« square s^ = 9. Then the operation will be as follows : •868588964 289529664 32169962 3574440 397160 44129 4903 645 61 •289629664 ( 32169962 ( •289629654 10723321 3574440 ( 714888 397J60 ( 66737 44129 ( 4903 4903 ( 446 645 ( 42 61 ( 4 log. off - •301029995 add log. 1 - •000000000 log. of 2 - -301029995 Ex. 2. To eomputa the logarithm of the number 3.. Here 6 = 3, the next less number a =: 2, and the sum a -f 6 = 5 = 5, whose square s^ is 25, to divide by which, always multiply by '04. Then the operation is as follows : 5 ) -868588964 1 ) -173717793 ( -173717793 25 ) 25 ) 25 ) 25 ) 25) -868588964 1) -1737 J 7793 3 ) 5) 6948712 277948 7 ) 11118 9) 445 11 ) 18 6948712 ( 2316237 277948 ( 55590 11118 ( 1588 445 ( 50 18 C 2 log. off - -176091260 log. of 2 add -301029995 log. of 3 sought -477121255 Then, because the sum of the logarithms of numbers, gives the logarithm' of their product ; and the difference of the logarithms, gives the logarithm of the quotient of the Vol. I. 22 numbers : 162 LOGARITHMS. numbers ; from the above two logarithms, and the logarithm of 10, which is 1, we may raise a great many logarithms, as in the following examples : EXAMPLE 3. Because ^X2 = 4, therefore to log. 2 - -3010299951 add log. 2 - ^3010299961 sum is log. 4 -602059991^ EXAMPLE 4. Because 2X3 = 6, therefore to log. 2 - -301029995 add log. 3. - -477121255 s«m is log. 6 -778151250 EXAMPLE 5. Because 2 = 8, therefore log. 2 - -3010299961 mult, by 3 3 gives log. 8 -903089987 EXAMPLE 6. Because 3^ = 9, iht refore log. 3 - •477r^l254y'?^ mult, by 2 '2 gives log. 9 -954242509 EXAMPLE 7. Because lp = 5, therefore from log. 10 1-000000000 take log. 2 •301029995| leaves log. 6 •69897«004i EXAMPLE 8. Because 3X4 = 12, therefore to log. 3 - -477121265 add log. 4 - -602059991 gives log. 12 1-079181246 And thus, computing, by this general rule, the logarithms to the other prime numbers, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, &c and then using composition and division, we may easily find as many logarithms as we please, or may speedily examine any jlojgarithm in the table*. ^ There are, besides these, many other ingenious methods, which later writers hate discovered for findr;g the logarithms of numbers, in a much easier way than by the original inventor ; but, as they cannot Vve understood without a knowledge of some of the higher b/anches ^ the mathematics, it is thought proper to omit them, and to refer the reader to those works which are Wi itten expressly on the subject. It vould likewise much exceed tlie limits of this compen- dium, to point cut all the particular artifices that are made use of for constructing an entire table of these numbers ; but any information of this kind, which the leamer may wish to obtain, may be found in my Tables, before mentioned. Description I^OGARITHMS, 165 Description and Vie of the TABLE of LOGARITHMS. Having explained the manner oi forming a table of the log- arithms of numbers, greater than unity ; the next thaig to be done is, to show how the logarithms of fractional quanti- ties may be found. In order to this, it may be observed, that as in the former case a geometric series is supposed to increase towards the left, from unity, so in the latter case it is supposed to decrease towards the right hand, still be- ginning with unit ; as exhibited in the general description, page 148, where the indices being made negative, still show the logarithms to which they belong. Whence it appears, that as -f- 1 is the log. of 10, so — 1 is the log. of yV or -1 ; and as 4- 2 is the log. of 100, so — 2 is the log. of y^^ or •01 : and so on. Hence it appears in general, that all numbers, which consist of the same figures, whether they be integral, or fractional, or mixed, will have the decimal parts of their logarithms the same» but diifuring only in the in lex, which will be more or less, and positive or negative, according to the place of the first figure of the number. Thus, the logarithm of 2651 being 3-423410, the log. of tV> or To J or r oVo 5 ^c- P*"^* ^^ ** > ^^^^ ^® ^s follows : Numbers. Logarithms. 2 6 6 1 3-423410 2 6 5-1 2-423410 2 6-51 1-423410 2-651 0-423410 •2651 •—1423410 2 6 5 1 —2-423410 2 6 5 1 —3 -423410 Hence it also appears, that the index of any logarithm, n always less by 1 than the number of integer figures which the natural number consists of ; or it is equal to the distaare of the first figure from the place of units, or first place of inte- gers, whether on the left, or on the right, of it : and this index is constantly to be placed on the left hand side of the decimal part of the logarithm. When there are integers in the given number, the index is always affirmative ; but when there no integers, the index is negative, and is to be marked by a shoit line drawn before it^ or else above it. Thus, A number having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. integer places, the index of its log. is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. or 1 less than those places. And 164 LOGARITHMS. And a decimal fraction having its first figure in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c. place of the decimals, has always — 1, — 2, — 3, — .4, &;c. for the index of its logarithm. It may also be observed, that though the indices of fractional quantities are negative, yet the decimal parts of their loga- rithms are always affirmative. And the negative mark ( — ) may be set either before the index or over it. 1. TO FIND, IN THE TABLE, THE LOGARITHM TO ANY NUMBER*. 1. If the given Number he less than 100, or consist of only two figures ; its log is immediately found by inspection in the first page- of the table, which contains all numbers from 1 to 100, with their logs, and the index immediately annexed in the next column. So the log. of 6 is 0-698970. The log. of 23 is 1-361728. ^ The log. of 60 is 1 -698970. And so on. 2. ff^ihe Number he more than 100 hut less than 10000 ; that is, consisting of either three or four figures ; the decimal part of the logarithm is found by inspection in the other pages of the table, standing against the given number, in this manner; viz. the first three figures of the given number in the first column of the page, and the fourth figure one of those along the top line of it ; then in the angle of meeting are the last four figures of the logarithm, and the first two figures of the same at the beginning of the same line in the second column of the page : to which is to be prefixed the proper index, which is always 1 less than the number of integer figures. So the logarithm of 251 is 2-399674, that is, the decimal •399674 found in the table, with the index 2 prefixed, because the given number contains three integers. And the log. of 34-09 is. 1-632627, :that is, the decimal -632627 found in the table, with the index 1 prefixed, because the given number contains two integers. 3. But if the eiven Number contain more than four figures ; take out the logarithm of the first four figures by inspection in the table, as before, as also the next greater logarithm, sub- tracting the one logarithm from the other, as also their cor- responding numbers the one from the other. Then say. As the difference between the two numbers, Is lo the difference of*their logarithms. So is the remaining part of the given number, To the proportional part of the logarithm. ♦ See the table of Loffarithms at the end of the 2d volume. Which LOGARITHMS. 16o Which part being added to the less logarithm, before taken •ut, gives the whole logarithms sought very nearly. EXAMPLE. To find the logarithm of the number 340926. The log. of 340*500, as before, is 532627. And log. of 341000 - - ^ is 532754. The diffs. are 100 and 127 Then as 100 : 127 :: 26 : 33, the proportional part. This added to - - 532627, the first log. Gives, with the index, 1-532660, for the log. of 34-0926. 4. If the number consist both of integers and fractions, or IS entirely fractional : find the decimal part of the logarithm the same as if all its figures were integral ; then this, having prefixed to it the proper index, will give the logarithm re- quired. 5. And if the given number be a proper vulgar fraction ; subtract the logarithm of the denominator from the loga- rithm of the numerator, and the remainder will be the loga- rithm sought ; which, being that of a decimal fraction, must always have a negative index. 6. But if it be a mixed number ; reduce it to an improper fraction, and find the difference of the logarithms of the nu- merator and denominator, in the same manner as before. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the log. of f f Log. of 37 - 1-568202 Log. of 94 - 1-973128 Dif. log. of |i ■-- 1-595074 Where the index 1 is negative. 2 To find the log. of ll^. First, I7J^ = o/. ThenV Log. of 405 - 2-607455 Log. of 23 - 1-361728 Dif. log. of 17i| 1-245727 n. TO FIND THE NATURAL NUMBER TO ANY GIVEN - LOGARITHM. This is to be found in the tables by the reverse method to tlie former, namely, by searching for the proposed loga- rithm pmong those in the table, and taking out the corres- ponding number by inspection, in which the proper number of integers are to be pointed, off, viz. 1 more than the index. For, in finding the number answering to any given logarithm, the index always shows how far the first figure must. 166 LOGARITHMS. must be removed from the place of units, viz. to the left hand, or integers, when the index is affirmative ; but to the right hand, or decimals, when it is negative. EXAMPLES. So, the number to the log. 1 -632882 is 34-11. And the number of the log. 1-632882 is '3411. But if the logarithm cannot be exactly found in the table ; take out the next greater and the next less, subtracting the one of these logarithms from the other, as also their natural numbers the one from the other, and the less logarithm from the logarithm proposed. Then say, As the difference of the first or tabular logarithms. Is to the difference of their natural numbers. So is the differ, of the given log. and the least tabular log. To their corresponding numeral difference. Which being annexed to the least natural number above taken, gives the natural number sought, corresponding to the pro- posed logarithm. EXAMPLE. So, to find the natural number answering to the given logarithm 1-532708. Here the next greater and next less tabular logarithms, with their corresponding numbers, are as below : Next greater 632744 its num. 341000 ; given log. 632708 Next less 632627 its num. 340900 ; next less 632627 Differences 127 — 100 — 81 Then, as 127 : 100 : i 81 : 64 nearly, the numeral differ. Therefore 34-0964 is the number sought, marking off two integers, because the index of the given logarithm is 1. Had the index been negative, thus 1*632708, its corres- ponding number would have be^n -340966, wholly dc' cimal. MULTIPU- [ 167 ] MULTIPLICATION BY LOGARITHMS. RULE. Take out the logarithms of the factors from the table, then add them together, and their sum will be the logarithm of the product required. Then, by means of the table, take out the natural number, answering to the sum, for the pro- duct sought. Observing to add what is to be carried from the decimal part of the logarithm to the affirmative index or indices, or else subtract it from the negative. Also, adding the indices together when they are of the same kind, both affirmative or both negative ; but subtracting the less from the greater, when the one is affirmative and the other negative, and prefixing the sign of the greater to the remainder. EXA> . To Multiply 23-14 by 5-062. Numbers. Logs. 23-14 - 1-364363 5-062 - 0-704322 IPLES. 2. To multiply 2-58192C by 3-457291, Numbers. Logs. 2-581926 - 0-411944 3-457291 - 0-538736 )duct 117-1347 2-068685 Prod. 8-92648 - 0-950680 3. To mult. 3-902 and 597-16 and -0314728 all together. Numbers. , Logs. 3-902 - 0-591287 597-16 - 2-776091 •0314728—2-497935 Prod. 73-3333 I 865313 Here the — 2 cancels the 2, and the 1 to carry from the decimals is set down. 4. To mult. 3-586, and 2-1046, and 0-8372, and 0-0294 all together. Numbers. Logs. 3-586 - 0-654610 2-1046 - 0-323170 0-8372—1-922829 00294 — 2-468347 Prod. 0-1057618-1-26895G Here the 2 to carry cancels the — 2, and there remains the — 1 to set down. DIVISION [168] DIVISION BY LOGARITHMS. RULE. From the logarithm of the dividend subtract the logarithm of the divisor, and the. number answering to the remainder will be the quotient required. Observing to change the sign of the index of the divisor, from affirmative to negative, or fioni negative to affirmative ; then take the sum of the indices if they be of the same name, or their difference when of different signs, with the sign of the greater, for the index to the logarithm of the quotient. And also, when 1 is borrowed, in the left-hand place of the decimal part of the logarithm, add it to the index of the divisor when that index is affirmative, but subtract it when negative ; then let the sign of the index arising from hence fee changed, and worked with as before. EXAMPLES. 1. To divide 24163 by -4567. Numbers. Logs. Dividend 24163 - 4-383151 Divisor - 4567 - 3-659631 quot. 5-29078 0-723520 2. To divide 37-149 by 623-76 Numbers. Logs. Dividend 37-149 - 1-569947 Divisor 523-76 - 2-719132 Quot. -0709275— 2-850816 3. Divide -06314 by -007241 Numbers. Logs. Divid. -06314 — 2-800305 Divisor -007241 — ■ 3-859799 Quot. 8-71979 0-940506 Here 1 carried from the decimals to the — 3, makes it become — 2, which taken from the other — 2, leaves re- maining. 4. To divide -7438 by 12-9476 Numbers. Logs. Divid. -7438 — 1-871456 Divisor 12-9476 1-112189 Q.uot. •057447 — 2-759267 Here the 1 taken from the — 1, makes it become — 2, t® set down. Note. As to the Rule-of-Three, or Rule of Proportion, it is performed by adding the logarithms of the 2d and 3d terms, and subtracting that o? the first term from their sum. INVOLUTION [ 169 J INVOLUTION BY LOGARITHMS. RULft. Take out the logaVithm of the given number from the table. Multiply the log. thus found, by the index of the power proposed. Find the number answering to the pro- duct, and it will be the power required. Note. In multiplying a logarithm with a negative index, by an affirmative number, the product will be negative. But what is to be carried from the decimal part of the loga- rithm, will always be affirmative. And therefore their dif- ference will be the index of the product, and is always to be made of the same kind with the greater. EXAMPLES. , 1 . To square the number 2-6791. Numb. Log. Root 2-6791 - - 0-411468 The index - - 2 Power 6-65174 0-822936 2. To find the cube of 3-07146. Numb. Log, Root 307146 - - 0-487346 The index - - 3 Power 28-9758 1-462035 3. To raise -09163 to the 4th power. Numb. Log. Root -09163 —2-962038 The index - - 4 Pow. -000070494— 5-848152 Here 4 times the negative index being — 8 and 3 to carry, the difference — 5 is the index of the product. 4. To raise 1-0045 to the 365th power. Numb. Log. Root 1-0045 - - 0-001950 The index - - 365 9750 11700 5850 Power 5-14932* 711750 * This answer 5'14932 though found strictly according to the gene- ral rule, is not correct in the last two figures 32 j nor can the answers to such questions relating to very high powers be generally found true to 6 places of figures by the table of logarithms in this work : if any power above the hundred thousandth were required, not one figure of the answer found by the table of logarithms here given could be de- pended on. The logarithm of 1-0045 is 00194994108 true to eleven places, which multiplied by 365 gives -7117285 true to 7 places, and the correspond- ing numb c true to 7 places is 5* 149067. Vol. I. 23 EVOLUTION [ 1.70 3 EVOLUTION BY LOGARITHMS. Take the log. of the given number out of the table. Divide the log. thus found by the index of the root. Then the number answering to the quotient, will be the root. Note. When the index of the logarithm, to be divided, is negative, and does not exactly contain the divisor, without some remainder, increase the index by such a number as will make it exactly divisible by the index, carrying the units bor- rowed, as so many tens, to the left-hand place of the decimal, and then divide as in whole numbers. Ex. 1. To find the square root of 365 Numb. Log. Power 365 2)2-562293 Root 19-10496 l-281146i Ex. 2. To find the 3d root of 12345. Numb. Log. Power 12345 3) 4-091491 Root 23-1116 1-363830^ Ex. 3. To find the 10th root of 2. Numb. Log. Power 2 - - 10) 0-301030 Root 1-071773 0-030103 Ex. 4. To find the 365th root of 1-045. Numb. Log. Power 1-045 365) 0-019116 Root 1000121 0-000052-1 EiL. 5. To find ^ -093. Numb. Log. Power -093 2) — 2-968483 Root -304959 — 1 -4842411 Here the divisor 2 is con- tained exactly once in the ne- gative index — 2, and there- fore the index of the quotient is — L Ex. 6. To find the %/ -00048. Numb. Log. , Power -00048 3) — 4-681241 Root -0782973 — 2-893747 Here the divisor 3 not being ex- actly contained in — 4, it is augment- ed by 2,to make up 6, in which the divisor is contained just 2 times ; then the 2, thus borrowed, being carried to the decimal figure 6, makes 26, which divided by 3, gives 8, &c. Ek. 7. To find 3-1416 X 82 X ff. Ex. 8. To find -02916 X 751-3 X ^fy. Ex. 9. As 7^41 : 3-58 : : 20-46 : ? Ex. 10. As y/ 724 : v'ff : : 6-927 : ? ALGEBRA. [ 171 ] ALGEBRA. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION. l.Al lLGEBRA is the science of computing by symbols. It is sometimes also called Analysis ; and is a general kind of arithmetic, or universal way of computation. 2. In this science, quantities of all kinds are represented by the letters of the alphabet. And the operation to be per- formed with them, as addition or subtraction, Sac. are denoted by certain simple characters, instead of being expressed by words at length. 3. In algebraical questions, some quantities are known or given, viz. those whose values are known : and others un- known, or are to be found out, viz. those whose values are not known. The former of these are represented by the leading letters of the alphabet, a, fc, c, d, &c. ; and the latter, or un- known quantities, by the final letters, Zf y, x, u, &c. %- 4. The characters used to denote the operations, are chiefly the following : -f- signifies addition, dnd is named vhts, — signifies subtraction, and is named minus. X or . signifies multiplication, and is named into. -f- signifies division, and is named hy. y/ signifies the square root ; %/ the cube root ; \/ th« 4tit root, &c. ; and ^ the nth root. : : : : signifies proportion. = signifies equality, and is named equal to. And so on for other operations. Thus a H- 6 denotes that the number represented by h is to be added to that represented by a. a — 6 denotes, that the number represented by 6 is to be subtracted from that represented by a. o OD 6 denotes the difference of a and 6, when it is not known which is the greater. a6, or 172 ALGEBRA. , or a6 ; for when a quantity is found without a sign, it is understood to be positive, or have the sign + prefixed. 12. Negative Quantities, are those which are to be subtrac- ted. As — a, or — 2a6, or — 3a62 . 13. Like Signs, are either all positive ( -f- ), or all negative ( - )• 14. Unlike Signs, are when some are positive ( + ), and ethers negative ( — ). 16. The Co-efficient of any quantity, as shown above, is the number prefixed to it. As 3, in the quantity 3a6. 16. The Power of a quantity (a), is its square (a^), or cube (a 3), or biquadrate (a*), &c. ; called also, the 2d power, or 3d power, or 4th power, &c. 17. The Index or Exponent, is the number which denotes the power or root of a quantity. So 2 is the exponent of the square or second power a^ ; and 3 is the index of the cube or 3d power ; and i is the index of the square root, a^ or ^ a; and ^ is the index of the cube root, a^, or ^ a. 18. A Rational Quantity, is that which has no radical sign ( ^ ) or index annexed to it. As a, or 3a6. 19. An Irrational Quantity, or Surd, is that of which the value cannot be accurately expressed in numbers, as the square roots of 2, 3, 6. Surds are commonly expressed by means of the radical sign ^, as y'S, ^ a, ^a^ , or ab^, 20. The Reciprocal of any quantity, is that quantity in- verted, or unity divided by it. So, the reciprocal of a, or a 1 a b — , is — , and the reciprocal of — is — . la ha ^ 21. The 174 ALGEBRA. 21. The letters by which any simple quantity is expressed, may be ranged according to any order at pleasure. So the product of a and 6, may l)e either expressed by a6, or ba ; and the product of a, b, and c, by either a6c, or acfc, or bac, or bca, or cab. or c6a , .as it matters not which quantities are placed or multiplied first. But it will be sometimes found convenient in long operations, to place the several letters according to their order in the alphabet, as abc, which order also occurs most easily or naturally to the mind. 22. Likewise, the several taembers, or terms, of which a compound quantity is compos^id, may be disposed in any or- der at pleasure, without altering the value of the signification of the whole. Thus, 3a — tab -}- 4fl6c may also be written 3a -f 4a6c — 2a6, or Aabc -f 3a — Saj^or — 2a6 -f- 3a-|-4afec, &c. ; for all these represent the sain6 thing, namely, the quantity which remains, when the quantity or term 2a6 is sub- tracted from the sum of the terms or quantities 3a aftd 4afec. But it is most usual and natural, to begin with a positive term, and with the first letters of the alphabet. SOME EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. fing the numeral values of various expressions, or combinations, of quantities. Supposing a = 6, and 6 = 6, and c =a 4, and ci = 1, and « = 0. Then 1. Will a2 4- Sab — c^ — 36 + 90 — 16 = llO. 2. And 2a3 — 3aH -f c^ = 432 — 640 -f 64 = — 44. 3. And a2 X a+T— 2aic =36 X 11 — 240 = 166. a3 216 4. And f- c2 = {-16 = 12+16= 28. a -f 3c 18 5. And ^2ac -\- c^ or 2ac + c^ ^ " = ^ 64 = 8. 26c 40 6. And^cHh-;^^-^ = 2 + - = 7. .^h^—ac 36—1 35 --/fea -ra^'^12 — 7~ 6 8. And v' fc2— ac4-^2flc + c2 = 1 + 8 = 9. 9. And ^62— ac + ^2ac+c3 =^26 — ^4 + 8 = 3. 10. Anda26 + c — d= 183. 11. And 9a6— 106^ + c = 24. *^ . 12. And ^ 12. ADDITION, And X d = 45. c 13. a+b b And X-^- 13|. c d 14. a-\'b a—b And = If. c • d 15. a^b And h c = 43. c 16. And X c = 0. c 175 17. And6— cX(^-e = 1. 18. Anda-f6— c -(^ = 8. 19. Anda-f6-.c-"tZ = 6. 20. AndaStX-is = 144. 21. And ac«j(-r£ = 23. 22. Anda2c-ffe2e4.f^=: i. 23. And X = 18^. d— c c — d 24. And y'a^b^ -^ a^ —6a = 4-4936249. 25. And 3ac2 -{- 3/^3 -P"= 292-497942. 26. And 4a2—3a ^/a^ — fa6 = 72. ADDITION. Addition, in Algebra, is the connecting the quantities together by their proper signs, and incorporating or uniting into one term or sum, such as are simiUr, and can be united. As, 3a 4- 26 - 2a = a 4- 26, the sum. The rule of addition in algeJjra, may be divided into three cases : one when the quantities are like, and their signs like also ; a second, when the quantities are like, but their signs unlike ; and the third, when the quantities are unlike. Which are performed as follows. CASE • * The reasons on which these operations are founded, will rea- dily appear, by a little reflection on the nature of the quantities to 176 ALGEBRA. CASE L When the Quantities are Like, and have Like Signs. Add the co-efficients together, and set down the sum 5 after which set the common letter or letters of the like quan- tities, and prefix the common sign -f- or — . be added or collected together. For, with regard to the first ex- ample, where the quantities are 3a and 5a whatever a represents in the one term, it will represent the same thing, in the other ; so that 3 times any thing and 5 times the same thing, collected together, must needs make 8 times that thing. As if a denote a shilling ; then 3a is 3 shillings ; and 5a is 5 shillings* and their sum 8 shillings. In like manner, — 2ad apd — 7a6, or — 2 times any thing, and — 7 times the same thing, make — 9 times that thing. As to the second case, in which the quantities are like, but the signs unlike ; the reason of its operation will easily appear, by re- flecting, that addition means only the uniting of quantities together by means of the arithmetical operations denoted by their signs 4- »nd — , or of addition and subtraction ; which being of contrary or oppo- site natures, the one co-efficient must be subtracted from the other, to obtain the incorporated or united mass. As to the third case, where the quantities are unlike, it is plain that such quantities cannot be united into one, or otherwise added, than by means of their signs ; thus, for example, if a be supposed to represent a crown, and 6 a shilling ; then the sum of a and b can be neither 2a nor 2b, that is neithei- 2 crowns nor 2 shillings, hut only 1 crown plus 1 shilling, that is a + 6. In this rule, the word addition is not very properly used ; being much too limited to express the operation here performed. The business of this operation is to incorporate into one mass, or algebraic expression, different algebraic quantities, as far as an actual incorporation or union is possible ; and to retain the algebraic marks for doing it, in eases where the former is not possible. When we have several quanti- ties, some affirmative and some negati^ e ; and the relation of these quantities can in th€ whole or in part be discovered ; such incorpora- tion of two or more quantities into one, is plainly efiected by the fore- going rules. It may seem a paradox, that what is called addition in algebra, should sometimes mean addition, and sometimes subtraction. But the paradox wholly arises from the scantiness of the name given to the algebraic process ; from eihploying an old term in a new and more enlarged sense. Instead of addition, call it, incorporation, or union, or striking a balance, or any name to which a mote extensive idea may be annexed, than that which is usually implied by the word addition ; and the paradox vanishes. Thus, ADDITION. 177 Thus, 3a added to 5a, makes 8 a. And — 2ab added to — 7a6, makes — 9ab. And 5a -{- 76 added to 7a + 36, makes I2a -{- 106. OTHER EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. I 3a — 36x bxy 9a — 56a; 2bxy 5a — 46a; bbxy 12a — 262; bxy a — 76a; 3bxy 2a — bx 6bxy 32a —226a; ISbxy 3z 3^2 ^ sxy 2ax — 4y 2z j?2 4. ry 4ax — y 4z 2x^ -f 4xy ax — 3y z 5x2 ^ 2xy 5ax — 5y hz 4x'i + 3xy lax — 2y \bz 15a:3 -f 15^2/ 19aj? — 15y 5xy — 12?/2 4a — 46 Uxy - V 5a — 56 22xy - 22/^ 6a— 6 llxy - 4y2 3a — 26 H^y - r 2a — 76 i^y - 3y2 8a— 6 30 — 13a;i — 3:1-^ 5xy — 3:r -f- 4a6 28 — lOxi — 4xy Sxy — 4x-\- 3ab 14 — Ux^ — 7^:?/ 3xy — 5x -f- 5a6 10 — 16a;^ — 5xy xy — 2x + ab 16 — 20a;i— j:^/ Axy — a; 4- 7a6 Vot. I. 2^ CASE 17B ALGEBRA. CASE 11. fVfien the Quantities are Likcy but have Unlike Signs ; Add alf the affirmative co-efficients into one suno, and all rtie negative ones into another, when there are several of a kind. Then subtract the less sum, or the less co-efficient, from the greater, and to the remainder prefix the sign of the greater, and subjoin the common quantity or letters. So -|- 5a, and — 3a, united, make -{- 2a. And — 5a, and + 3a, united, make — 2a, OTHER EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. — 5a + 4a + 6a —.3a + a + Saxs 4- 4aa:2 — 8ax2 — 6ax2 -i- 5aa;2 + 8a;3 4- 3y — 6a;» 4 4y — 16a;3 4- 5^ 4- 3x^ — ly + 2a;3 — 2y + 3a — 2aa;2 — 8x3 _{. sy — . 3a2 — 5a2 — 10a2 + 10a2 + 14a2 H- 3621/3 4- 9622,3 — . 1062^3 — 1962i/s — 2621/3 -f 4a6 4- 4 — 4a6 -\- 12 4- 7a6 — 14 4- a6 -f- 3 _ 6a6 — 10 ^ 3a:«:2 4- ax± + bax.^ — 6axi 4- 10^ ax — 3^ax 4- 4^a:c — 12^aa: -1- 3?/ + 4ax^ — 2/ "— ^(^^\ + 4y'-\' 2ax^ — 22/4- 6aar| CASE ADDITION. 119 CASE UI. Whenjhe Quantities are Unlike, Having collected together all the like quantities, as in the two foregoing cases, set down those that are unlike, one after another, with their proper signs. EXAMPLES. I 3xy Sjry— 12^2 4a:r — 1 30 + Sx^ 2aj? — 4^2 4- 3xy >5x^ -f Sax + 9x^ — 5xy + 4:r2 — 2xy Ixy — Ax^ -{- 90 6ax — 3xy -f- 4ar3 ^a: + 40 — 6a:« — ^xy + 8a J7 Axy — ^x^ lax + \St^ •\-lry 9 '\- \0^ ax — 6y 2r 4- 1 y/xy -f 5y % H- 3 ^ ax — 4y 10 — 4 ^ ax + 4y 9x^y 14aa; — 2a;2 -^Ix^y Saa; •{- 3xy + Saxy 8y3 — 4aa; —4x2 2/ 3a:2 + 26 4a;2y 4y :r - 3y — 6xy2 2^ary -{- 14a: + 3^2^ 3x + 22/ -7a:2y — 9 + 2^.Ty 3a2 + 9 -f X2-.4 2a — 8 -I- 2a2 — Sx 4x^ — 2a2 4- 18 — 7 -12 4- a — 3x2— 2y Add a + 6 and 3a — 56 together. Add 6a — 8x and 3a — 4x together. Add 6a: -66 + a + 8 to - 5a — 4jc + 46 - 3. Add a 4- 26 — 3c - 10 to 36 — 4a H- 5c 4- 10 and 56 — c. Add a 4- 6 and a - 6 together. Add 3a + 6- 10 to c — rf - a and — 4c -I- ^a — 3Z> - 7. Add 3a2 -f 62 — c to 2a6 - Sa^ -f- 6c - 6. Add a3 -I- 62c — 62 to a62 — a6c -f 62. Add 9a - 86 + lOx - 6<^ - 7c -f 60 to 2x - 3a - 5c -{- 4fc 4- 6d - 10. BUBTRAC- 180 ALGEBRA. SUBTRACTION. Set down in one line the first quantities from which the subtraction is to be made ; .and underneath them place all the other quantities composing the subtrahend : ranging the like quantities under each other, as in Addition. Then change all the signs (-f- and — ) of the lower line, or conceive them to be changed ; alter which, collect all the terms together as in.the cases of Addition*. From 7a- — 36 Take 3a^ — 86 EXAMPLES. 6x^ -f 5?/ --• 4 80:^ — 3 + 60;— y j 4xy — 7 — 6a; — 4y Rem. 4a2 -f 56 Sx^ — 61/+ 12 4xy + 4-{-na: -{-3y From 5xy — 6 Take— 2x2/ + ^ Rem. '7xy~\2 2y^ ^ by — S -^2S-i'3x—8xy-{'2ay 4y2^Sy-^4 — 20 — 6a;— So;?; 22/2 4- 2?/ -I- 4 ' oxy — 9x -\- S ^2ay From Sx^y-^G 5^xy -}- 2x^xy 7a;2-f2^ or— 18+36 Take— 2x^y + 2 l^xy -\- 3-^^xy 9x2—12 + 66+0:2 Rem. * This rule is founded on the consideration, that addition and sub- traction are opposite to each other in their nature and operation, as are the signs + and — , by which they are expressed and represent- ed. So that, since to unite a negative quantity with a positive one of the same kind, has the effect of diminishing it, or subducting an equal positive one from it, tlierefore to subtract a positive (which is the opposite of uniting or adding) is to add the equal negative quantity. In like manner, to subtract a negative quantity, is the same in effect as to add or unite an equal positive one. So that, by chang- ing the sign of a quantity from -f to — , or from — to -J- , changes its nature from a subdiictive quantity to an additive one ; and any quantity is in effect subtracted, by barely changing its sign. Bxv MULTIPLICATION. 181 bxy - 30 7x3 ^ 2(a-\'b) 3xy^ -}" 20 a^ (xy+10) Ixy — 60 2x^ - 4 (a 4- i) ^a;^?/^ -f \2a^ (xy+10) From a -f- ^» take a— 6. From 4a + 46, take b -{■ a. From 4a — 4b, take 3a + 56. From 8a — 12x, take 4a — 3^:. From 2x — 4a— 26 -f 5 take 8 - 66 -f a + 6j:. From 3a 4- 6 4- c — J — 10, take c -{- 2a — rf. From 3a -f 6 -I- c — d — 10, take 6 — 19 + 3a. From 2a6-f-62 -.4c + 6c- 6, take 3a2 — . c + 6^. From a3 -f 363c -f a63 — a6c, take 6^ -f- 06^ — a6c. From nx + 6a— 46 + 40, take 46 — 3a + 4r -f 6rf— 10. From 2ar— 3a -f 46 -f 6c-50,take 9a -f- x + 66-6c— 40. From 6a— 46— 12c + 12x, take 2a; — 8a + 46- 5c. MULTIPLICATION. This consists of several cases, according as the factors are simple or compound quantities. CASE 1. When both the Factors are Simple Quantities : First multiply the co-efficients of the two terms together, then to the product annex all the letters in those terms, which will give the whole product required. Note*. Like signs, in the factors, produce + and unlike signs — , in the products. EXAMPLES. ♦ That this rule for the signs is true, may be thus shown, 1. When + a is to be moltiplied by + c / the meaning is, that^- a is to be taken as many times asthere are units in c; and since the sum of any number of positive terms is positive, it follows that + a x +c makes + ac 2. When 3 Oct 2b ALGEBRA EXAMPLES. —3a , 4-26 7« — 4c — 4a 20ab ^6ab ~-28ac -f 24aa7 4ac Ax — ^x^y 6x^y^ •^4xy — l2aHc ' 36fl2x2 — + 4x^y^ 4x — ax + 3xy — 4 — dxyz — 5ajr CASE n. When one of the Factors is a Compound Quantity. Multiply every term of the multiplicand, or compound ^quantity, separately, by the multiplier, as in the former case ; placing the products one after another, with the proper signs ; and the result will be the whole product re- quired. 2- When two quantities are to be multiplied together, the result will be exactly the same, in whatever order they are placed ; for a times tT 13 the same as c times a, and therefore, when — a is to be multiplied by -f" <^» or -|- c bv— .a ; this is the same thing as taking — a as many times as there are units in 4. c ; and as the sum of any number of negative terms is negative, it follows that «-. a X +c, or -f.*^ X •- c make or produce— ac. * 3. When— a is to be multiplied by — c : here —a is to be subtract- ed as often as there are units in c .• but subtracting negatives is the same thing as adding affirmatives, by the demonstration of the rule for subtraction ; consequently the product is c times a, or -|- ac. Otherwise. Since a — a = 0, therefore (a — a)X — ■ c is also = 0, because 0, multiplied by any quantity, is still but ; and since the first term of the product, or a X -• c is ■= — ac, by the second case j therefore the last term of the product, 01 — a x — c, must be-4-ac, to make the sum =ts o» or — ac 4- ac=^0 ; that is, — a x - c «= + ««• EXAMPLES. MULTIPLICATION'. im EXAMPLES. 5a — Sc 2a 3ac — 46 3a 2a2 — 3c + 5 6c 10a3 — 6ac 9a3c ^ \2ab 2a2 6c — 36c4-56c 12x — 2ac 4a 25c — 76 — 2a 4x — 6 + 3a6 2a6 3c3 4-^ 4xy 10x2—3^2 — ■4x2 3a3— 2x2 — 66 2(1X3 CASE nr. When both the Factors are Compound Quantities ; Multiply every term of the multiplier by every term of the multiplicand, separately ; setting down the products one after or under another, with their proper signs ; and add the several lines of products all together for the whole product required. a -f 6 3x 4- 2y 2a:2 4- xy— 2y^ « 4- 6 4x — 5y 3x — 3y «a + a6 + ab + b^ 12x3 ^ Qjry -Ux2/— 10i/2 12:r3- Ixy-^ \0y^ x^ +y x* 4" y^^ 6x3 43a-3 2/-6x2/3 -6a;2 2/-3a;2/3 46?/3 «2 4- 2a6 4 b^ 6x 3 -3x2 y - exy^ +6y^ a-{-6 « — 6 a3 4a6+63 a —6 a2 4-a6 -a6-63 a3 4-«^6+a63 -a26-a62 — 6- a2 * —63 flS * * _ ^r. J^nte. T84 ALGEBRA. Note, In the multiplication of compound quantities, it i» the best way to set them down in order, according to the powers and the letters of the alphabet. And in multiplying them, begin at the left-hand side, and multiply from the left hand towards the right, in the manner that we write, which is contrary to the way of multiplying numbers. But in setting down the several products, as they arise, in the second and following lines, range them under the like terms in the lines above, when there are such like quantities ; which is the easiest way for adding them up together. In many cases, the multiplication of compound quantities is only to be performed by setting them down one after another, each within or under a vinculum with a sign of multiplication between them. As'(a-f 6) X (a — t) X 3aK or a-f"^ . — 6 . 3a6. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. ' 1. Multiply lOac by 2a. Ans. 20a2C. 2. Multiply 3aa — 26 by 36. Ans. ^a^-Qh^, 3. Multiply 3a + 26 by 3a — 26. Ans. 9a2— 462. 4. Multiply x^ — xy •\"y^ hy X -{- y. Ans. x^ -f y^. 5. Multiply a3 -f a^b\-ah^ 4" 6^ by a -6. Ans. a*- 64. 6. Multiply a2 4. a6 -f- 6^ by a2 - a6 + 62 . 7. Multiply 3a;2 ^2a;«/ + 5 by x^ -\- 2a;i/— 6. * 8. Multiply 3a2 -2aa; -f bx^ by 3a2 — Aax - Ix^, 9. Multiply 3x3 4. 2^72^2 -f- 3^3 by ^x^^dx^y'^ -J- Sy^. 10. Multiply a2 + a6 -f 62 by a- 26. division- Division in Algebra, like that in numbers, is the converse of multiplication ; and it is performed like that of numbers also, by beginning at the left-hand side, and dividing all the parts of the dividend by the divisor, when they can be so divided ; or else by setting them down like a fraction, the dividend over the divisor, and then abbreviating the fraction as much as can be done. This will naturally divide into the following particular cases. CASE DIVISION. 18i CASE I. When the Divisor and Dividend are both Simple Quantitiei ; Set the terms both down as in division of numbers, either the divisor before the diridend, or below it, hke the deno- minator of a fraction. Tbew abbreviate these terms as much as can be done, by canceUinjo; or striking out all the letters that are common to them both, and also dividing the one co-efficient by the other, or abbreviating them after the manner of a fraction, by dividing them by their commoQ measure. Note. Like signs jn the two factors make 4- in the quo- tient ; and unlike signs make — ; the same as in multipli- eation*. EXAMPLES. , 1. To divide 6a6 by 3a, Qah Here Qah -r- 3a or 3a) Qah ( or = 2t. 3a c ahx a 2. Also c -r- c =^^ — = 1 ; and ahx -r- hxy = = — . c bxy y •3. Divide 16^2 by 8j:. Ans. 2x. 4. Divide l^a-x^ by-*- 3a^x. Ans. — 4x. 5. Divide — 1 bay^ by 3ay. * Ans. — by, 9xy 6. Divide— ISax^y hy^Qaxz. Ans. — '-, 4z * Because the divisor multiplied by the quotient, must produce the dividend. Therefore, 1. When both the terms are -f-, the quotient must be -f ; because + in the divisor X 4- in the quotient, produces -|- in the dividend. 2. When the terms are both — , the quotient is also + ; because — in the divisor X + in the quotient, produces — in the dividend. 3. When one term is -f. and the other — , the quotient must be — i because -^ m the divisor X — in the quotient produces — in the divi- dend, or,- in the divisor x + in the quotient gives — in the. dividend. So that the rule is general ; viz. that like signs give -|- , and unlike signs give — , in the quotient. Vol. I. 2i CASE 186 ALGEBRA. CASE II. When the Dividend is a Compound Quantity, and the Divisor a Simple one : PirjDF eypry term of the dividend by the divisor, as in the former case. EXAMPLES. ab-^-b^ a-\-b 1. (afe+fca ) -J- 2b, or = = ^a + ^b, 2b 2» 10a6 4- ISao: 2. {lOab -f I5ax) -j- 5o, or — = 26 + 3ar. 6a 3. (30a2r - 482:) ^ z, or = 30a — 48. z 4. Divide 6a6 — 'Sajr -f- a by 2a. 5. Divide 3x2 __ 15 ^ g^ ij. g^ |jy 3_j.^ 6. Divide 6a6c -{- 12a6a? — 90^6 by 3a6. 7. Divide 10a2x — 16x2 _ 25x by hx. 8. Divide 16a^ic — Xbacx^ -}- 5aa* by — Sac. 9. Divide 15a -f- 3ay — 18y by 21a. 18. Divide — 20a6 -f 60a63 by — 6a6. CASE in. When the Divisor and Dividend are both Compound Quantities . 1. Set them down as in common division of numbers, the divisor before the dividend, with a small curved line between them, and ranging the terms according to the powers of some one of the letters in both, the higher powers before the lower. 2. Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor, as in the first case, and set the result in the quotient. 3. Multiply the whole divisor by the term thus found, and subtract the result from the dividend. 4. To this remainder bring down as many terms of the dividesd as are requisite for the next operation, dividing as befgre ; and so on to the end, as in common arithmetic. JVoit. DIVISIO.V. 187 Note. If the divisor be not exactly contaiaed in the divi- dend, the quantity which remains after the operation is fin- ished, may be placed over the divisor, like a vulgar fraction, and set down at the end of the quotient as in common aritn-* metic. EXAMPLES. o3— a6 -a6 -f- h^ -c) a^ — 4a3c 4- ^ac^ ^-c^ (a* —Sac -^ c^ -3a2c4 3oc2 ac^ — c' «— 2) a»-6a3 -f- 12a— 8 (a^ -4a -{- 4 a3~2a3 -4a3 4- 12a -4fl3 -{- 8a 4a- 8 4a-8 ct -|- 2-) a3 4. 2r3 ^ci2 ^a^ -{- ^2 a3 4- a22 — a^z — az2 a2r2 ^2^3 a2r2 4.^3 ^ + ar) 188 ALGEBRA. <» -f x) (X* — 5x4 .(a3 — ($2 X -{- aa:^ —^ x^ -— o-i-x «4 4- a^x — asx — 3x4 — a^xs — 3x4 + ax3 a2x2 — ax3 — — ax3 — 3x4 X4 — 2x4 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Divide a^ + 4ax -f- 4x2 by a + 2ar. Ans. a + 2x. 2. Divide a^ — 3a2^ -|- 3az^ — z^ by a — z. Ans. a2_2ct2r4- z^ . 3. Divide 1 by 1 + a. Ans. I — a + a^ -^ a^ -\- kc. 4. Divide 12a:4 — 192 by 3a; — 6. Ans. 4x3 -\- 8x^ + 16ar -f 32. 6. Divide a^ — da'^b + lOa^fea^iOasfes -|- 5a64 — 6^ by a2 _ 2a6 4- ^2. Ans. a^ -_3a2 6 + 3a62 —63. 6. -Divide 48^3 __ 960^2 _ 64aaz + 150a 3 by 2z — 3a. 7. Divide 6^ — 364a-2 +362x4 ^^^ by 63 - 362a;+36a:2 — a;3, 8. Divide a'^ ^x'^ by a — x. 9. Divide a^ -\- ba^x -\- 5a x" -}- x^ by a -^ x. .10. Divide a^ + 4^262 — 326^ by a + 26. 11. Divide 24a4 — 64 by 3a — 26. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. Algebraic Fractions have the same names and rules of operation, as numeral tractions in common arithmetic; as ap- pears in the following Rules and Cases. CASE FRACTIONS. 189 CASE L To reduce a Mixed Quantity to an Improper Fraction, Multiply the integer by the denoniinator of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator, or connect it with its proper sign, -f- or — ; then the denominator being set under this sum, will give the improper fraction required. EXAMPLES. b 1. Reduce 3f and a - — to improper fractions. j: 3X64-4 164-4 19 First, 3f = = = — the Answer. 5 6 6 b a X or " b ax — b And, a — — = = the Answer. 2. Reduce a -\ and a to improper fractions. b a a2 a X 6 + a3 ab-^-a^ First, a -\ = = the Answer. b b b z^ — a2 a3 — 2-2 -f- a2 2(x2 —2-2 And, a — = = ^ the Answer. a a a 3. Reduce 6^ to an improper fraction. Ans. y* 3a X — 3a 4. Reduce 1 — — to an improper fraction. Ans. X X 3ax + a2 6, Reduce 2a to an improper fraction. 4x 4j:— 18 6. Reduce 12 -| to an improper fraction. 5x 1 - 3a - c 7. Reduce x -\ to an improper fraction. c 2x3 — 3^ 8. Reduce 4 -f 2a: to an improper fraction. 5a CASE U. To Reduce an Improper Fraction to a •whole or Mixed Quantity. Divide the numerator by the denominator, for the integral part ; and set the remainder, if any, over the denominator, for the fractional part ; the two joined together will be the mixed quantity required. EXAMPLES 190 ALGEBRA. EXAMPLES. 16 a6 + a2 1. To reduce — and to mixed quantities. 3 b First, L6 = 16 ^ 3 = 6^, the Answer required. ab 4- 0.^ a2 And, = a6-{-a*-r-6=a-{ . Answer. b b 2ac-3a2 3aj:+4x2 2. To reduce and to mixed quantities. c a -\- a; 2ac-3a2 3a2 First, = 2a(?— 3a2 -j- c = 2a . Answer. c c 3ax + 4j:* or^ And, = 3ax + 4x^ -i- a-f x = 3a; H . Ans. a -f- ar a+rc 33 2ax--3x2 3. Reduce — and • to mixed quantities. 6 a 3x2 Ans. 6|, and 2x — . a 4a^x 2a2 4-2&2 4. Reduce and' to whole or mixed quan- 2a a — b tities. 3x^ — 32/2 2x3 — 22/3 6. Reduce , and to whole tr mixed x + y X —y quantities. 10a2_4a-f 6 6. Reduce . to a mixed quantity. ba 15a3-f6a2 7. Reduce to a mixed quantity. 3a3 + 2a2 —2a -4 CASE III. To Reduce Fractions to a Common Denominator. Multiply every numerator, separately, by all the denomi- nators except its own, for the new numerators ; and all the denomincitors together, for the common denominator When il>e denominators have a common divisor, it will be better, instead of multiplying by the whole denominators, to multiply only by those parts which arise from dividing by the common divisor. And observing also the several rules and directions as in Fractions iti the Arithmetic. EXAMPLES. FRACTIONS. l&l EXAMPLES. a b 1. Reduce — and — to a commoo denominator. X z a h az hx Here — and — = — and — , by multiplying the terms of the X z xz xz first fraction by z, and the terms of the 2d by x. a X b 2. Reduce — , — and — to a common denominator. X b c ax b abc cx^ b^x Here — , — , and — = , , and , by muhiplying the X b c bcx bcx bcx terms of the 1st fraction by 6c, of the 2d by ex, and of the 3d by bx, 2a 36 3. Reduce — and — to a common denominator. X 2c 4ac 3bx Ans. and . 2ca: 2cx 2a 3a4-26 4. Reduce — and ■ to a common denominator. 6 2c 4ac Sab -f 26« Ans. and , 26c 26c 5a 36 5. Reduce — and — , and 4d, to a common denominator. 3x 2c lOac 9bx 24cdx Ans. and and . Sex 6cx 6cx 5 3a 3a 6. Reduce — and — and 26 -j , to fractions having a 6 4 6 206 18tt6 48624.72a common denominator. Ans. and and — _ 246 246 . 246 1 2a2 2a2 4-62 7. Reduce — and and to a common denomi- 3 4 a-i-6 nator. 3b 2c d . 8. Reduce — and — and — to a common denominator. 4aa 3a 2a CASE 192 ALGEBRA. CASE IV. To find the Greatest Common Measure of the Terms of a Fraction. Divide the greater term by the less, and the last divi^sor by the last remainder, and so on till nothing remains ; then the divisor last used will be the common measure required ; just the same as in common numbers. But note, that it is proper to range the quantities according to the dimensions of some letters, as is shown in division. And note also, that all the letters or figures which are com- mon to each term of the divisors, must be thrown out of them, or must divide them, before they are used in the •pe ration. EXAMPLES. ab-^-b' 1. To find the greatest common measure of - ac^ -f 6c2 ab -\- b^) ac^ -f- bc^ OT a 4- b ) ac2 4- 6c2 (c2 Therefore the greatest common measure is a + ^» as — ab^ 2. To find the greatest common measure of - «a -f2a6-f62)a3 -. ab^{a a3 4- 2a^b -^ ab^ ^2a^b — 2a63^ a^ + 2ab -f b^ er « + 6 ) a2 4- 2a6 -f fc^ (a 4- * a^ + ab ab -f b' a6 + b^ Therefore a -|- ft is the greatest common divisor. a2 — 4 3. To find the greatest common divisor of- ab+2b Ans. a— 2. 4. Tt FRACTIONS. m 4. To find the greatest common divisor of - .6* Ans. a2 —b^, 5. Find the greatest com. measure of . 6a5-{-lUa*x+5a*;c3 CASE V. To Reduce a Fraction to its Lowest Terms, Find the greatest common measure, as in the last pro- blem Then divide both the terms of the fraction by the common measure thus found, and it will reduce it to its lowest terms at once, as was required. Or divide the terms by any quantity which it may appear will divide them both, as in arithmetical fractions. EXAMPLES. ab + b^ 1. Reduce to its lowest terms. ac2 -I- 6c2 ab-i-b^) «c2 -|-6c2 or a -f 6 ) «c3 4- 6c3 (c* Here ab -f- b^ is divided by the common factor b. Therefore a -f- ^ is the greatest common measure, am! ab + b^ b hence a -}- b) = — , is the fraction required. ac^ -f 6c2 c2 c3 — 62c 2. To reduce : — to its least terms. c2-f-26c+63 €2 ^2be'\-b^)c^ — b^c{c c3 -f-26c2-{-63c -^^bc^^n^c) c2 -f- 26c -f 62 or c 4- fe) c2 -f- 26c + 62 (c -f 6 02-1- be 6c + 62 6c + 62 Vol.,!. 2$ Therefore 194 ALGEBRA. Therefore c -f fc is the greatest common measure, and c3 — 62c c^—bc hence c -f- 6) = is the fraction required. C'-f 5^6c-f 6* c + 6 c3— 63 c3 4- 6c-f h" 3. Reduce to its lowest terms. Ans. . C4~62c2 c3 4- 6c2 a2 — 62 1 4. Reduce to its lowest terms. Ans. • a* —64 a« 4-6* a4--6* 6. Reduce to its lowest terms. a3-3a264-iia6*— fc=* 3a« + 6a*c + 3a^c^ 6. Reduce ■ — - to its lowest terms. a^c-^ 3a2c«-|-3ac3-|-c* a3— «62 7. Reduce — — to its lowest terms. o2 4-2a6 4-6« CASE VI. To add Fractional Q;uantities together, Ip the fractions have a common denominator, add all the numerators together ; then under their sum set the common denominator, and it is done. If they have not a common denominator, reduce them t& one, and then add them as before. EXAMPLES. 1. Let — and — be given, to find their sum. 3 4 a a 4a Sa la ) - Here 1 = 1 = — is the sum required. 3 4 12 12 12 ah c 2. Given — , — , and — , to find their sum. be d a b c acd bbd bcc acd'{-bbd'{-bcc Here — + — + — = + + = — bed bed bed bed bed the sum roauired. ^ 3. Let FRACTIONS. 196 *3 . Let « — — and b H be added together: b e 3x2 Zaa: Scx^ 2a6jr Here a h * H == « \- b -\ — — b c be be ^bx—Scx^ ' = a -f- fc H the sum required. be 4x 2x 206x -f- 6fl^ 4. Add — and — together. Ans. . 3a 5b 16a6 a a a 5. Add — , — and — together. Ans. f^a. 3 4 6 2a- 3 5a 9a^6 6. Add and — together. Ans. . 4 8 .8 a4-3 2a— 5 14a-13 7. Add 2a + -: — to 4a H . Ans. Oa + -: . 6 4 20 V 3a2 a 4- 6 8. Add Sttf and and together. 46 36 6a 6a 3a + 2 ' Q, Add *- , and — and together. 4 6 7 3a a, 10. Add 2a, and — and 3 -f- - together. 8 6' 3a 6a U. Add Ba-^ and 2a— — together. 4 8 CASE VII. * To Subtraet one Fractional Quantiiif from another. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator, as in addi- tion, if they have not a common denominator. Subtract the numerators from each other, and under their difference set the common denominator, and the work is done. * In the addition of mixed quantities, it is best to bring the frac- tional parts only to a coromon denominator^ and to annex their sr.ni to the sum of the integers* w'th the proper sign. And the same rule may be observed for mix§d quantities in subtraction ^Iso. EXAMPLES. i^ ALGEBKA. EXAMPLES. 3g 4a 1. To find the difference of — and — . 4 7 3a 4a 21a 16a 5a Here = : — = — is the difference requireel. 4 7 28 28 28 2a— 6 3a--4fe :2. To find the difference of and . 4c 36 2a— A 3a — 46 6a6 -366 12ac— 166c Here = = 4c 36 126c 126c 6a6— . 366- 12ac + 166c —- is the difference required. 126c 10a 4a 3. Required the difference of and — . 9 7 3a 4. Required the difference of 6a and — .. 4 f 5a 2a 5. Required the difference of — and ^^. 4 3 26 3a -f e 6. Subtract — from . c 6 2a -f 6 4a + 8 7. Take from -. 9 ' 6 a-^36 2a 8. Take 2a from 4a -f — CASE VIII. To Multiply Fractional Quantities together. Multiply the numerators together for a new numerator, and the denominators for ^ new denominator.* * 1. When the rumera'tor of one fraction, and the denominator of th^ other, can be divided by some quantity, which is common to both, the quotients may be used instead of them. 2. When a fraction is to be multiplied by an integer, theproduct is found either by multiplying the numerator, or dividing the denomina- tor by it ; and if the integer be the same with the denominator, the nwmerator may be taken for the product. IPAMPLES^ FRACTIONS. 1^ EXAMPLES. a ta 1 . Required to find the product of — and — . 8 5 a X 2a 2a2 a^ Here = = — the product required. 8 X 5 40 20 a 3a 6a 2. Required the product of — , — , and — . 3 4 7 a X 3a X 6a ISa^ So^ = = the product required. 3X4X7 84 14 2a a 4- 6 3. Required the product of — and . b 2a-{-c 2a X (a-f-6) 2aa -f 2a6 Here = the product re(luired. b X (2a+c) 2ab -f be 4a Ga 4. Required the product of — and — . 3 5c 3a 4b^ 6. Required the product of — aad . 4 3a 3a 8ac 4ab 6. To multiply — and and together. 6 6 3c ab 3a2 7. Required the product of 2a + — and . 2c b 2a2 —262 4a2 + 26- 8. Required the product of and— . 36c a -I- 6 2a + 1 2a - 1 9. Required the product of 3a, and and . a 2a -f 6 X x^ a a^ 10. Multiply a -h by a; {- 2a 4a2 2x Ax^ CASE IX. To Divide one Fractional (Quantity by another. Divide the numerators by each other, and the denomina- tors by each other, if they will exactly divide. But, if not, then invert the terms of the divisor, and multiply by it exact- ly as in muItipHcation, EXAMPLES. * I . I f the fractions to be divided have a coniaion denominator, take the numerator of the dividend for a new numerator, and the numerator of the divisor iVir the new denominator. 2. When a fraction is t , be divided hy any quantttr. it is the stme thing whether the munemiot be diYnied t»y it, or the deooiaiaator multiplied by it. 3. When 198 ALGEBRA. EXAMPLES. ' a .3a. 1. Required to divide — by — . 4 8 a 3a a 8 8a 2 Here r — = — X — — = — the quotient. . 4 8 4 3a I2a 3 3a 5c 2. Required to divide — by — . 26 4d 3a 6c 3a 4a VZad 6ad Here — -j = — X — = — ^ — =: the quotient, 26 4d 26 5c 106c 56c 2a + b 3a + 26 3. To divide by . Here, 3a— 26 4a + 6 2a + 6 4a -f- 6 8a2 -|- 6a6 -f 62 X — : = the quotient required. 3a— 26 3a+26 9a^ - 46^ 3a2 2a 4. To divide — by — . a2 4- 65» 2a -f- 26 3a2 a-f6 3a2X(a + 6) 3a Here, X • a2-f-63 a (a3-f63)Xa a^ — a6 -f 6^ is the quotient required 3a; U 5. To divide — by — . ^ 4 12 6. To divide by 3x, 5 3a; -f- 1 4x 7. To divide by — . 9 3^ 4x X 8. To divide ^ — by—. 2x- 1 3 4x 3a 9. To divide — by —. 6 66 2a— 6 5ac 10. To divide by . 4cd 6d 6a* -56* 6a3-f6ai 11 . ©ivide by . 2a2 -4a6 + 26^ 4a — 46 INVOLU- 3. When the two numerators, or t)ie two denominators, can be divided by jome commvn quantity, let that be doae, ami the quotients qsqd uute^id of the fractiosa fir«t prepoted. [ m ] INVOLUTION. iNVOLtJTioN is the raising of powers from any proposed root ; such as findin/j; the square, cube, biquadrate, &,c. of any given quantity. '1 he n>ethod is as follows : * Multiply the root or given quantity by itself, as m^ny tiiues a.* there are units in the index less one, and the last pro- duct will be the power required. — Or, in literals, multiply the index of the root by the index of the power, and the result will be the power, the same as before. JVote. When the sign of the root is -f, all the powers of it will be -f ; but when the sign is — , all the even powers will be -i-, and all the odd powers — ; as is evident from multrplication. EXAMPLES. a, the root a2, the root a2 = square* a* = square a3 = cube a6 = )cnhe a* = 4th power a a = 4th power a^ = 5th power ftio = 5th power &c. &c. — 2a, the root — 3a63 , the root -|- 4a2 = square -|- 9a2 6* = square — 8a 3 = cube — 27a3 66 = cube -f 16a* =4th power "--f Sla46« = 4th power ■ — 32a5 = 5th power — 243as6»o= 5th power 2ax^ a , the root — , the root 36 26 4a3a;* a2 -| = square — = Square 96^ 463^ Sa^x^ a3 — cube — == cube 863 2763 16a4x» , fl4 -\ — = 4th power. 816^ 166* ♦ A ay power of the product of two or moie quantities, is equal t© the same power of each of the factors, multiplied together. And any power of a fi-action, is equal to the san^e power of the nu- me ator, divided by the I ke power of the denominator. Also, powers or roots of the same quantity, are multiplied by one another, by adding their exponents j or divided, by subtracting their exponents. a3 3-2 Thus,a3 X «2 = a8*2 ^ a5. And a3 -r a^ or - = a =«. 200 ALGEBRA. X — a = root ^ -|- o = root X — a X -\- a X* —ax x^-\- ax —ax -[- a2 -\' ax '\- a^ x^^ 2ax + a2 square x^-\- 2ax -{- a^ X — a JT -j- a :r3— 3ax2 '{-Sa'^x—a^ x^-}- 3ax^ -{-Sa^x-^-a^ the cubes, or third powers, of x — a and x -{- a. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Required the cube or 3d power of 3a^. 2. Required the 4th power of 2a^b. 3. Required the 3d power of — ■ 4a^b^. a^x 4. To find the biquadrate of . 263 ' 6. Required the 6th power of a — 2x, 6. To find the 6th power of 2a2 . Sir Isaac Newton's Rule for raising a Binomial to any Power whatever*. 1. To find the terms mthout the Co-efficients. The index of the first, or leading quantity, begins with the index of the given power, and in the succeeding terms decreases conti- nually by 1, in every term to the last ; and in the 2d or following quantity, the indices of the terms are 0, 1,2, 3, 4, &c. increasing always by 1 . That is, the first term will con- tain only the first part of the root with the same index, or of * This rule, expressed in general terms, is as follows ; fifl\x)^ — a" + n . a^-^x + «.— — ao~2x2-^M.— . — an-^x^ &c. 2 2 3 n— 1 n— 1 n — 2 ^a— x)» «■ a" - n . an-lx+ n . — -^a^-^^x^ - n — . -^ a^-^x^ &c. 2 2 3 J^Tote. The sum of the co-efficients, in every power, is equal to the number 2, when raised to that power. Thus 1 + 1 = 2 in the first power ; 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 -= 22 in the sljaare ;l+3+3 + l«'8=s 23 in the«ube, or third power ; and s« on* the INVOLUTION. 201 the same height as the intended power : and the last term of the series will contain only the 2d part of the given root, when raised also to the same height of the intended power : hut all the other or intermediate terms will contain the pro- ducts of some powers of both the members of the root, in such sort, that the powers or indices of the 1st or leading member will always decrease by 1, while those of the 2d member always increase by 1. 2. To find the Co-efficients. The first co- efficient is always 1 , and the second is the same as the index of the intended power ; to find the 3d co-efficient, multiply that of the 2d term by the index of the leading letter in the same term, and divide the product by 2 ; and so on, that is, multiply the co- efficient of the term last found by the index of the leading quantity in that term, and divide the product by the numl)er of terms to that place, and it will give the co-efficient of the term next following ; which rule will find all the co-efficients, one after another. JVote. The whole number of terms will be 1 more than the index of the given power : and when both terms of the root are +, all the terms of the power will be -{- ; /but if the se- cond term be — , all the odd terms will be -4-, and all the even terms — , which causes the terms to be 4* and — alter- nately. Also the sum of the two indices, in each term, is always the same number, viz. the index of the required power : and counting from the middle of the series, both ways, or towards the right and left, the indices of the two terms are the same figures at equal distances, but mutually changed places. Moreover, the co-efficients are the same numbers at equal distances from the middle of the series, towards the right and left ; so by whatever numbers they increase to the middle, by the same in the reverse order they decrease to the end. EXAMPLES. 1. Let a -{- jc he involved to the 5th power. The terms without the co-efficients, by the 1st rule, will be and the co -efficients, by the 2d rule, will be ..5X4 10X3 10x25x1 1, 6, -y-, — ^ — , — - — , -J- ; or 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1 ; Therefore the 5th power altogether is a5 4- 5a*x -I- lOa^jps ^ lOa^x^ -f- dax* -f ««. Vol. I. 27 But, 202 ALGEBRA. But it is best to set down both tbe co-efficients and the powers of the letters at once, in one line, without the inter- mediate lines in the above example, as in the example here below. 2. Let o — X be involved to the 6th power. The terms with the co-efficients will be a^ ~ ea^x -f- 15a4:r2 — 20a^x^ + Iba'^x'^ - 6aa;« -f x*. 3. Required the 4th power of a — x. Ans. a* — 4a^x -f Ga^x^ — 4ax^ -f ^*. And thus any other powers may be set down at once, is the same manner ; which is the best way. EVOLUTION. Evolution is the reverse of Involution, being the method of finding the square root, cube i^oot, &c. of any given quantity whether simple or compound. CASE L To find the Roots of Simple Quantities, Extract the root of the co-efficient for the numeral part ; and divide the index of tl.e letter or letters, by the index of the power, and it will give the root of the literal part ; then annex this to the former, for the whole root sought*. * Any even root of an affirmative qiiantity, may be either + or — : thus the square root of + as is either -f- a, or — as because -j- aX -f. a = -f. a, and — aX — a = -^ ais also. But an odd root of any quantity will have the same sign as the quantity itself: thus the cube root of + a3 is + a and the cube i-cot of a3 is - a ; for -f a X + a X -f* a =r + a3, and — rt X — a X — a = — «3, Any even root of a negative quantity is impossible ; for neither -f a X + fl, nor — a X — a can produce — flS. An . root of a product, is equal to the like root of each of the fac- tors multiplied togetlier. And for the root of a fraction, take tlie root of the numerator, and the root of the denominator. EXAMPUIS. EVOLUTION. 20S EXAMPLES. 1. The square root of 4a^ , is 2a. 2. The cube root of Sa^, is 2a^ or 2a. Sii^b^ 5j2b2 . ab 3. The square root of -^, or v/"^^ > ^^Yc ^ ^' 4. The cube root of ^n^^^' sT ^ 6. To find the square root of ^a^bK Ans. ab^ ^2. ^ 6. To find the cube root of — 64a^b^ Ans. — 4ab^. 7. To find the square root of Arj-' ^^^' 2a^ >/ -3^- 8. To find the 4th root of Sla^ft^. Ans. Sab ^ b. 9. To find the 6th root of - 32a^b\ Ans--2a6 ^ ^• CASE II. To find the Square Root of a Compound Quantity . This is performed like as in numbers, thus : 1. Range the quantities according to the dimensions of one of the letters, and set the root of the first term in the quotient. 2. Subtract the square of the root, thus found, from the first term, and brin^ down the next two terms to the re- mainder for a dividend ; and take double the root for a divisor. 3. Divide the dividend by the divisor, and annex the re- sult both to the quotient and to the divisor. 4. IVIultiply the divisor thus increased, by the term last set in the quotient, and subtract the product from the divi- dend. And so on, always the same, as in common arithmetic. EXAMPLES. p 1. Extract the square root of a4—4a3i-f-6a2 62— 4a63-f 6*. a* — 4a36 -f ^a^b^ — 4ab^ -f- b*{a^ — 2ab + 6^ the root. 2a3 — 2ab) - 4a^b -}- 6a^b^ - 4a^b 4- 4a362 2a2 — 4a&-i-62) 2an^ - 4ab^ -i- b^ 2a2 62.-4a63 4-64 2. Find 204 ALGEBRA. 2. Find the root of a* -f 4a^b + 10a3 62 4- i2ab^ -f 96". a* -f 4a^b + 10a2 62 + 12ab^ -f 96* (aa+ 2a6 -f 3fe2. 2a2 + 2a6 ) 4aH + lOaafe^ 4a36 4- 4a2 62 2a2 + 4a6-|-363 ) 60262 + 1206 3 + 9^* 6a2 62-f 12a63-|-96* 3. To find the square root of a* + 4a^ + 6a^ -|- 4a + 1. Ans. a2 -|-2a +1. 4« Extract the square root of a* — 2a^ + 2a2 — a + a. Ans. x^ — X -f" i- 5. It is required to find the square root of a^ — ab. 6 62 d3 „ Ans. a — - — &c. 2 8a Jba2 To find the Roots of any Powers in General. This is ako done like the same roots in numbers, thus ; Find the root of the first term, and set it in the quotient. —Subtract its power from that term, and bring down the* second term for a dividend. — Involve the root, last found, to the next lower power, and multiply it by the index of the given power, for a divisor. — l/ivide the dividend by the di- visor, and set the quotient as the next term of the root. — Involve now the whole root to the power to be extracted ; then subtract the power thus arising from the given power, and divide the first term of the remainder by the divisor first found ; and so on till the whole is finished*. EXAMPLES. ♦ As this method, in high powers, may be thought too laborious, it ■will not be improper to observe, that the roots of compound quantities may sometimes be easily discovered, thvis : Extract th- roots of some of the most simple terms, and connect them together by the sign + or — , as may be judged most suitable for the purpose Involve the compound root, thus found, to the pro- per power i then, if this bf the same wivh the given quantity, it is the root required But if it be found to difrer only in some of the signs, change them from -f to — , or from — to +, till its power agrees witii the given one throughout. , Thus EV6LUT101I5J. . 20b EXAMPLES. 1. To find the square root of a* -Sa^fc+Sasfcz— 2a6a+fe<. a* — 2a^b -f Sa^fc^ — Saft^ 4-6* (a3~ 06 -f b^ • 2a^b 2. Find the cube root of a^ — 6a« + 21a* — 44a=» + 63a« ~54a -f- 27. a6-6a5 4-21a*-44a3 + 63a3— 54a + 27 (a3-.2a 4- 3. a6 3a4 ) — 6a5 a6_6a5 -f 12a4— 8a3 = (a^ -.2a)» 3a4 ) -j- na* a6_6a:5-|-21a4— 44a34-63a2~54a + 27 = (a2— 2a— 3)^-. 3. To find the square root of a^ — 2ab + 2aa; + 62 — 2bx -\~ x^- Ans. a — b -^ x, 4. Find the cube root of a6-3a5 -{- 9a4 — iSa^ -f 18a2 — 12a + 8. Ans. a2-.a -f- 2. 5. Find the 4th root of 81a* — 216a36 -f- 216a2 62 _ geab'-' + 166*. Ans. 3a — 26. 6. Find the 5th root of a« — 10a* -{- 40a3 - SOa^ -f 80ft — 32. Ans. a — 2. 7. Required the square root of 1 — x^ . 8. Required the cube root of 1 — x^. Thus, in the 5th exninple, the root 3a — 26, is the difference of the roots of the first and last terms ; and in the third example, the root a ~ 6 4- >r, is the sOrri of the roots of the 1st, 4th, aiid 6lh terms. The same may ulso be observed of the 6th example, where the root is foiyjd from the first and last terms. SURDS. 2e6 ALGEBRA. SURDS. Surds are such quantities as have not exact values in num- bers ; and are usually expressed hy fractional indices, or by means of the radical sign y/. Thus, 3^, or ^ 3, denotes the square root of 3 ; and 2^ or »/ 22, or ^ 4, the cube root of the square of 2 ; where the numerator shows the power to which the quantity is to be raised, and the denominator its root, PROBLEM I. To Reduce a Rational Quantity to the Form of a Surd, Raise the given quantity to the power denoted by the index •f the surd ; then over or before this new quantity set the radical sign, and it will be the form required. EXAMPLES, 1. To reduce 4 to the form of the square root. First, 42 = 4 X 4 = 16 ; then ^ 16 is the answer. 2. To reduce 3a^ to the form of the cube root. First 3a2 X 3a2. x 3a2 = (3a2)3 = 27a« j then 3/ 27a6 or (27a6) 3- is the answer, 3. Reduce 6 to the form of the cube root. Ans. (216)2 or ^216, 4. Reduce ^ab to the form of the square root. Ans. ^ ^a^b''^ 5. Reduce 2 to the form of the 4th root. Ans. (16)*. 6. Reduce a^ to the form of the 5th root. 7. Reduce a -j- a; to the form of the square root. 8. Reduce a — a; to the form of the cube root. PROBLEM IL To Reduce Quantities to a Common Index. 1. Repuce the indices of the a;iv<^n quantities to a common denominator, and involve each of them to the power denoted by its numerator ; then 1 set over the common denominator will form the common index. Or, 2. Ijf SUMS. 207 ^ f . If tbe comnion index be gives, divide the indices of the quantities by the given index, and the quotients will be the new indices for those quantities. Then over the said quan- tities, with their new indices, set the given index, and thejr ^ill make the equivalent quantities sought. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 3* and 6* to a common index. Here 1 and } = j\ and j\. Therefore 3^" and 5^^° = (3s)^^znA (62)t'»=^ 3^ and v' 6« = ^ 243 and ^ 26. 2. Reduce a^ and b^ to the same common index |. Here, f -j- i = i X f = f the 1st index. and ^ 4- i = i X f = I the 2d index. I a. L 2 Therefore(a«)^ and (63) 2^ or ^^ a^ and y 6^ are the quaa- tities. 3. Reduce 4^ and 5^ to the common index i. Ans. 2563 )^ and 25 . 4. Reduce o^ and x* to the common index a. Ans. (a3)« and(x^)^. 5. Reduce a^ and x^ to the same radical sign. Ans. -^ a* and y/ x^. 6. Reduce (a -|- ^)^ *°<^ (a — x)^ to a common index. 7. Reduce (a -f- 6)^ and (0—6/ to a common index, PROBLEM ra. To Reduce Surds to more Simple Terms^ ^iND out the greatest power contained in, or to divide the given surd ; take its root, and set it betore the quotient or the remaining quantities, with the proper radical sign between them. EXAMPLES. 1. To reduce ^ 32 to simpler terms* Here y 32 = y 16X2 = y 16 Xy2 = 4 X^2 = 4^2^ 2. To reduce ^ 320 to simpler terms. 3/320= ^64X5 = ^64X V'^ = 4X \/ 5^4 1/5. 3. Reduce 208 AL,GEBRA. 3. Reduce -^ 75 to it3 simplest terms. Ans. 5 ^ S. 4. Reduce ^ f | to simpler terms. Ans. fj y/ 33. 5. Reduce ^ 109 to its simplest terms. Ans. ^ 37. 6. Reduce ^ *^^ to its simplest terms. Ans. -|- ^ 10. 7. Reduce y/ Iba^b to its simplest terms. Ans. ba ^ 36. jVyic, There are other cases of reducing algebraic surds to simpler forms, that are practised on several occie^ions ; one instance of which, on account of its simplicity and nsetulness, may be here noticed, viz. in fractional forms having com- pound surds in the denominator, multiply both numerator and denominator by the same terms of tht denominator, hut hav- ing one sign changed, from + to— or from — to -}■» which will reduce the fraction to a rational denominator. Ex. To reduce , multiply it by , ^nd V'ft — v/3 a/54--v/3 16 -f 2 ^ 15 Sy'lS- V5 it becomes == 8 -f ^ 16. Also, if ; ^15—^5 65 — 7^/76 multiply it by , and it becomes = ^\b^^b 15 — 5 65 — 35^3 13 — 7^3 10 2 PROBLEM IV. To add Surd (Quantities together. 1. Bring all fractions to a common denominator, and reduce the quantities to their simplest terms, as in the last problem. — 2. Reduce also such quantities ds have unhke indices to other equivalent ones having a common index. — 3. Then, if the surd part be the same in them all, annex it to the sum of the rational parts, with the sign of multiplication, and it will give the total sum required. But '}i the surd part be not the same in all the quantities, they can only Jm? added by the signs -j- and — . : EXAMPLES. 1 . Required to add ^ 1 8 and ^ 32 together. First, y 18 = v^yX2 = 3^2; and ^^32 = ^^16X2= 4^2 : Then, 3^2 + 4^2 = (3 -f 4)^2 = 7^2 — sum required. 2. It is required to add \/ 375, and y 192 together. First, ^3^75=1/ 125X3=53/3; and^/ 192=3/64X3=43/3; Then, 5 ^3 -f 4^' 3 — (5 4- 4)^3 -}-9 ^'3 = sum required. 3. Required! SURDS. 20p 3. Required the sum of y 27 and ^ 48. Ans. 7 ^^ 3. 4 Required the sum of ^ 50 and ^ 72. Ans. 11^2. 5. Required the sum of ^ ^ and y/ ^s- Ans. 4 ^ yV or A \/ 1^- 6. Required the sum of %/ 56 and %/ 189. Ans. 5 3/7. 7. Required the sum of y ^ and ^ -i-. Ans. \ %/ 2. 8. Required the sum of 3^a^b and 5^ \6a^b. » PROBLEM V. To find the Difference of Surd Quantities. Prepare the quantities the same way as in the last rule ; then subtract the rational parts, and to the remainder annex the common surd, for the difference of the surds required. But if the quantities have no common surd, they can only be subtracted by means of the sign — . EXAMPLES. 1. To find the difference between ^ 320 and y 80. First, ^ 320 = ^64 X 5=8^5 ; and^80=y 16X5=4^5, Then 8^5 — 4-^5 = 4^5 the difference sought 2. To find the difference between %/ 128 and y 54. First, ^ 128 = ^64X2=43/ 2 ; and^/ 4 = 3/27X2~= »/ 2. Then 4 ^ 2 — 3 3/ 2 = y 2, the difference required. 3. Required the difference of ^75 and ^ 48. Ans. ^ 3. 4. Required the difference of 1/ 256 and 1/ 32. Ans. 23/4. 5. Required the difference of ^ ^ and ^ |. Ans. i 1/ 6. 6. Required the difference of 3/ | and y %'. Ans. ^j^Td, 7. Find the difference of ^24a3 62 and ^54ab*. Ans. (a- 26) ^ (362_2a6) ^ 6a,. PROBLEM VL To Multiply Surd Quantities together. Reduce the surds to the same index, if necessary ; next multiply the rational quantities together, and the surds too-e- ther ; then annex the one product to the other for the whole product required ; which may be reduced to more simple terms if necessary. ,^ ' " EXAMPLES. 210 AI^GEBRA. EXAMPLES. 1. Required to find the product of 4 ^ 12, and 3^2, Here, 4 X 3 X v' 12X^/2=12 ^12 x'2=12^24=12y'4X6 = 12 X 2 X i' ^ -~ ^ Hiay be found thus : Take ^ a^ -b'^ ^ c; — — . rt + C « — c then v/ a -}- 6 x= x/ ' + \/ > 2 2 — — rt-fc-c a—c and v^ a — A = v/—— — \/ • Thus the square root of4 + 2v^3 = l-f-v^3; and the square root of 6 •— 2 ^^ 5 — ^ 5 — 1. But for the cube, or any higher root, no general rule is known. INFINITE SURDS. 213 INFINITE SERIES. An Infinite Series is formed either from division, dividing hy a comj)ound divisor, or by extracting the root of a com- pound surd quantity ; and is such as, being continued, would run on infinitely, in the manner of a continued decimal frac- tion. But, by obtaining a few of the first terms, the law of thfr^ pros^ression will be manifest ; so that the series may thence be continued, without actually performing the whole operation. PROBLEM I. To Reduce Fractional Quantities into Infinite Series by Division. Divide the numerator by the denominator, as in common division ; then the operation, continued as far as may be thought necessary, will give the infinite series required. EXAMPLES. 2ab 1. To change into an infinite series. a 4- 6 « + 6) 2a6 . . ( 26 1 + &c. a a2 a3 2o6 + 262 .- 262 26» « 263 268 263 26* a a3 a3 26* 26s a^ o3 , &c. a' ' " 2. Let 214 ALGEBRA. 2. Let be changed into an infinite series. 1 — a 1 — a) 1 ( 1 + a + a2 + a3 4- o* + &c. 1 -- a a2 a2 a2 -C3 a3«a4 h 3. Expand ■ into an infinite series. h c C2 C3 Ans. — X<1 1 + &C.) a a a2 a» a 4. Expand into an infinite series. a — b h is fc3 Ans. 1-1 1- - + - + &C. a . a2 a3 1 - a; 6. Expand into an infinite series. 1 -f re Ans. 1 — 2a; -f 2a;2— .gx^ 4- 2x*y &c. 6. Expand ■ " into an infinite series. 26 362 463 ' Ans. 1 1 ,&c a aa o=» 1 7. Expand =^, into an infinite series. l-fl PJROBLEM II. To Reduce a Compound Sufd into an Infinite Series. Extract the root as in common arithmetic ; then the ope- ration, continued as far as may be thought necessary, will give the series required. But this method is chiefly of use in ex- tracting the square root, the operation being too tedious for the higher powers. EXAMPLES. INFINITE SERIES. f If EXAMPLES. K Extract the root of a^ — x' in an infinite series. x^ X* X* 6x3 a» — ar2 (^ — &c. ia 8o3 I6a« 1280' a2 x^ 2a 2a ^x» 4a3 X* X8 X* 2a < a 8o3 )- 4a3 X9 x» ' + — + JC-3 X4 4a2 Sa* 64a» ore a;' B 2a- -. . . - — &c.) .; _ —— — a 4o3 8a* 64a< x^ S -f &c. 8a* 16a« 6a:« %t ' 64a6 &c. 2. Expand ^Z 1 + 1 = \/ ^> into an infinite series. Ans 1 + i-i + i^^jh &c. 3. Expand y^ 1 — 1 into an infinite series., Ans. 1-±-.i-J--t|3. &c. 4. Expand ^ a'^ + x into an infinite series. 5. Expand ^ a^ — 26a; - x^ to an infinite series. PROBLEM III. To Extract any Root of a BinomifU : or to Reduce a Binomial Surd into an Infinite Series. This will be.doue by substituting the particular letters of the binomial, with their proper signs, in the following general theorem or formula, viz. m mm m — n m—2n (P + Pft) *» = P n -I A^ -I Bft H C€l 4- &C. n 2n 3» and 216 ALGEBRA. and it will give the root required : observing that p denotei the first term, q the second term divided by the first, ^ the index of the power or root ; and a, b, c, d, &,c., denote the several foregoing terms with their proper signs. EXAMPLES. 1. To extract the sq. root of a^ + ^", in an infinite series. 6« m 1 Here p = a^ , ci = — and — = — : therefore m m X jp - = (o^) - = (aa) 2 = a = A, the 1st term of the series. m b'' b^ — AQ=|^ X aX — = — =B, the 2d term: n a^ 2a m—n 1—2 62 fc2 54 B^ X X— X— = — = c, the 3d term, 2n 4 2a eta 2.4a3 m-^2n 1—4 b^ b^ 3b^ c^ = X X— = = D the 4tli. 3fi 6 2.4a3 a3 2.4.6a5 .62 h 3.6 e Hence a -f- j — &c. or 2a 2.4a3 2.4 6a^ 62 5* 66 568 a -{ 1 &c. is the series required. 2a 8a3 16a« 1280^ 1 -^ 2. To find the value of , or its equal (a - a;)-2 , in an infinite series*. (a~x) ♦ N'ote, To facilitate the af plication of the rule to fractional ex- amples, it is proper to observe, that any surd may be taken from the denominator of a fraction and placed in the numerator, and vice versa^ by only changing the sign of its index. Thus, 1 1 — =IX:j^' or only jr 2 ; apd . ■» 1 X (o + 6) ~* or ^2 (a + ^)2 ^ aa ^* , I (a +6)~2 ; and— ^a^{ ^ PILING OF BALLS. 225 The shot of the first or lower } triangular course will be ^ the second _ - the third - . - . the fourth - - - • the fifth . - . . the sixth - - - - - the seventh . - the eighth - - - - 8 + 1 >4^4b = 36 7 -f 1 X 3J^ = 2« 6 -f 1 X 3 =21 6-1-1 X 2i = !• 4 4-1X2 =1© 3 4- 1 X U 2 -f 1 X 1 =3 1 -1- 1 X = 1 Total - 120 shot in the pile proposed. QUESTION IX. To find the shot of the square pile efgh, fig. 2, the bottom row EF consisting of 8 shot. SOLUTION. The bottom row containing 8 shot, the second only 7 ; that is, the rows forming the progression, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, in which each of the terms being the square root of Ihe shot contained in each separate square course employed in forming the square pile ; it follows, that the sum of the squares of these roots will be the shot required : and the sum of the squares of 8, 7, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, being 204, expresses the shot in the proposed pile. QUESTION X. To find the shot of the oblong pile abcdef, fig. 3 ; in which BF = 16, and bc = 7. SOLUTION. The oblong pile proposed, consisting of the square pile ABCD, whose bottom row is 7 shot ; besides 9 arithmetical triangles or progressions, in which the first and last term, as also the number of terms, are known ; it follows, that, if to the contents of the square pile - 140 we add the sum of the 9th progression - 252 their total gives the contents required - 392 shot. REMARK I. The shot in the triangular and the square piles, as also ihe shot in each horizontal course, may at once be ascer- VoL. I. 30 tained 226 ALGEBRA. tained by the following table : the vertical column a, con- taifis the s^ot> in the bottom row, horn I to 20 iDclu§ive ; the robmiu b contains the triangular numbers, or nuuiher of each course ; the column c contains the sum of the triangular numbers, that is, the sh>>t contained in a triangular pile, con;mor.ly called pyramidal nunibers ; the column d contains the square of the numbers of the column a, that is, the shot coritaijK d in each square horizontal course ; and the column E contams the sum of these squares or shot in a square pile. c B A D E S..U. . i-- pyramidal numbers. Triangular numbers. Natural numbers. •Square ol ihe natural numbers. ' hese tquyre nur» berg. 1 1 1- 1 1 4 3 2 4 5 , 10 6 3 9 14 20 10 4 16 30 35 15 5 25 55 66 21 6 36 91 84 28 7 49 140 120 36 8 64 204 165 45 9 81 285 220 55 10 100 385 286 66 li 121 506 364 78 12 144 650 455 91 13 169 819 560 105 14 K;6 1015 680 120 15 225 1240 816 136 16 256 1496 969 153 17 289 1785 1140 171 18 324 2109 1330 190 19 361 2470 1540 210 20 400 28*/© . Thus, the bottom rrw in a triangular pile, consisting of 9 shot, the contents will he 165 ; and when of 9 in the square pile, 285. — !n the same manner, the contents either of a scuare or tri?-nj.nilar pile being given, the shot in the bottom row may be easily ascertained. The contents of any oblong pile by the preceding table may be also with little trouble ascertained, the less side not exceedir g 20 shot, nor the difference between the less and the greater side SO. Thus, to find the shot in an oblong pile, the PILING OF BALLS. S2T the loss side being 15, and the greater 35, we are first to find tlie contents of the sqaare pile by means of which the oblong pile may he conceived to be formed ; that is, we are to find the contents of a square pile, whose bottom row is 15 shot V whicii being 1240, we are, secondly, to add these 1240 to the product 2400 of the triangular number 120, answering to 15, the number expressing the bottom row of the arithmetical triangle, multiplied by 20, the number of those triangles ; and their sum, being 3G40, expresses the number of shot in the proposed oblong pile. REMARK II. The following algebraical expressions, deduced from the investigations of the sums of the powers of numbers in arithmetical progression, which are seen upon many gunners' callipers*, serve to compute with ease and expedition the shot or shells in any pile. That serving to compute any triangular } n ■{- 2 x » -r ^ X n pil«, is represented by ^ 6 That serving to compute any square ( n -f~ 1 X 2n -}- I X n pile, is represented by ( & In each of these, the letter n represents the number in the bottom row ; hence, in a triangular pile, the number in the bottom row being 30 ; then this pile will he 30 + 2 X 30 -^ 1 X y = 4960 shot or shells. In a square pile, the number in the bottom row being ali^o 30 ; then this pile will be 30 + 1 X 60 f 1 X Y = ^-^-^-^ shot or shells . That serving to compute any oblong pile, is represented bj 2n + 1 4-''¥n X n'i^l X ?i — , in which the letter n denotes * Callipers ar« large compasses, with bowed shank?, serving to take the diameters of convex and concave bodies. Tiie gunners* callipers cons. St of two thin rules op plates, which are moveible quite round a joint, by the plates folding one over ihe other : the length of each rule or piate is 6 inches, the breadth about 1 mch. It is usual to re- prese.u, on the platen, a variety of scales, tables, proportions, &c. such as are otesme I useful to be known by persons employed about artillery ; but except the meaaurm^ of the caliber of shot and cannon, and the measuring of saliant and re-entering an^^les, none of the 'it ti- des, with which the callipers are usually rilled, are essential to that inetrument. the ^28 ALGEBRA. the number of courses, and the letter m the number of shot, less one, in the top row : hence, in an oblong pile the num- ber of courses being; 30, and the top row 31 ; this pile will be 60^4- 1 +"90 X 30 -f 1 + V = ^3405 shot or shells. ^GEOMETRICAL PROPORTION. (geometrical Proportion contemplates the relation of quantities considered as to what part or what multiple one is^ of another, or how often one contains, or is contained in, another.- — Of two quantities compared together, the ^rst is called the Antecedent, and the second the Consequent. Their ratio is the quotient which arises from dividing the one by the other. Four Quantities are proportional, when the two couplets have equal ratios, or when the first is the same part or mul- tiple of the second, as the third is of the fourth. Thus, 3, 6, 4, 8, and a, ar, 6, br, are geometrical proportionals. ar br For I = I = 2, and — = — = r. And they are stated thus, a b 3 : 6 : : 4 : 8, &c. Direct Proportion is when the same relation subsists be- tween the first term and the second, as between the third and the fourth : As in the terms above. But reciprocal, or In- verse Proportion, is when one quantity increases in the same proportion, as another diminishes : As in the'ce, 3, 6, 8, 4 ; and these, a, ar, br, b. The Quantities are in geometrical progression, or con- tinuous proportion, when every two terms have always the same ratio, or when the first has the same ratio to the second, as the second to the third, and the third to the fourth, &c. Thus, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c. and a, ar, ar^ , ar^,ar'^, ar^ , &c. are series in geometrical progression. The most useful part of geometrical proportion is contained in the following theorems ; which are similar to those in Arithmetical Proportion, using multiplication for addition, &c. 1. When GEOMETRICAL PROPORTION. 229 1. When four quantities are in geometrical proportion, the product of the two extremes is equal to the product of the two means. As in these, 3, 6, 4, 8, where 3X8 = 6X4 = 24 ; and in these, a, ur, 6, 6r, where a X 6r = ar X 6 = abr. 2. When four quantities are in geometrical proportion, the product of the means divided by either of the extremes gives the other extreme. Thus, if 3 : 6 : : 4 : 8, then 6X4 6X4 = 8, and = 3 ; also if a : ar i : b : br, then 3 8 abr abr = 6r, or = a. And this is the foundation of the a br Rule of Three. 3. If, any continued geometrical progression, the product of the two extremes, and that of any other two terms, equally ^listant from them, are equal to each other, or equal to the square of the middle term when there is an odd number of them. So in the series 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c. it is 1 X 64 = 2 X 32 = 4 X 16 = 8 X 8 = 64. 4. In any continued geometrical series, the last term is equal to the first multiplied by such a power of the ratio as is denoted by 1 less than the number of terms. Thus, in the series 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 4-c. it is 3 X ^^ = 96. 6. The sum of any series in geometrical progression, is found by multiplying the last term by the ratio, and dividing the difference of this product and the first term by the dif- ference between 1 and the ratio. Thus, the sum of 3, 6, 192 X 2-3 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, is = 384-3 = 381. And 2—1 the sum of n terms of the series, a, ar, ar^^ ar^, ar'^, &c. to ar"~^ X r — a ar^ — a r" — 1 ar»~^t is — — • = = a. r— 1 r— 1 r — 1 6. When four quantities, o, «r, 6, br, or 2, 6, 4, 12, are proportional ; then any of the following forms of those quan tities are also proportionl, viz. 1. Directly, a : ar : : b : 6r ; or 2 : 6 : ; 4 : 12. 2. Inversely, ar : a : : br : b ; or 6 : 2 : : 12 : 4. 3. Alternately, a : b :: ar : br ; or 2 : 4 : : 6:12. 4. Com- S.MO ALGEBRA. 4. Compoundedly, a : a-\-ar : :b : b-\-br ; or 2 : 8 : : 4 : 16. 5. Dividedly, a ; ar — a : : 6 : 6r — 6 ; or 2 : 4 : ; 4 : 8. e. Mixed,ar4-a : ar — a : : 6r +6 : 6r— 6 ; or 8 : 4 : : 16 : 8. 7. Multiplication, ac : arc : : be : 6rc ; or 2.3 : 6.3 : : 4 : 12. a ar S. Division, — : — : : fc : fer ; or 1 : 3 : : 4 : 12. c c 9. The numbers a, 6, c, d, are in harnaonical proportion, when a : d : : a ^ b : cm d \ or when their reciprocal? 1111 — , — , — , — , are in arithmetical proportion. abed EXAMPLES. 1. Given the first term of a geometric series 1, the ratio 2, and the number of terms 12 ; to find the sum of the series ? First, 1 X 2» 1 = 1 X 2048, is the last terra. 2048 X 2 — 1 4096 - 1 Then = = 4095, the sum required. 2 ~ 1 1 2. Given the first term of a geometrical series i, the ratio i, and the number of terms 8 ; to find the sum of the series ? First, i X {\Y = 1 X yig = 3^^, is the last term. Then,a~^i^ X 1) ^(1- i) = (i-^x-)4.^ =f|f X ^ = Iff. the sum required. 3. Required the sum of 12 terms of the series 1, 3, 9, '27, 31, &c. Ans. 266720. 4. Required the sum of 12 terms of the series 1, \,\, ^V^ 3V, &c. Ans. fff IH. 5. Required the sum of 100 terms of the series J, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, &c. Ans. 1267650600228229401496703205376. See more of Geometrical Proportion in the Arithmetic, SIMPLE EQUATIONS. An Equation in the expression of two equal quantities, with the sign of equality (=) placed between them. Thus, 10— 4 = 6 is an equation, denoting the equality of the quantities 10-4 and 6. Equations SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 23) Equations are either simple or compound.* A Simple Equation, is that which contains only one power of the un- known quantity, without including different powers. Thus, j; — a = 6 -f" c> or ax^ = 6, is a simple equation containing only one power of the unknown quantity x. But x^ — 2a3' aaai 6^ li a compouud one. GENERAL RULE. Reduction of Equations, is the finding the value of the unknown quantity. And this consists in disengaging that quan- tity from the known ones ; or in ordering the equation so, that the unknown letter or quantity may standalone on one side of the equation, or of the mark^ of equality, without a co-effi- cient ; and all the rest, or the known quantities, on the other side.-T-In general, the unknown quantity is disengaged from the known ones, by performing always the reverse operations. So if the known quantities are connected with it by -{-or ad- dition, they must be subtracted ; if by minus ( -), or subtrac- tion, they must be added ; if by multiplication, we must divide by them ; if by division, we must multiply ; when it is in any power, we must extract the root ; and when in any radical, we must raise it to the power. As in the following particular rules ; which are founded on the general principle of perform- ing equal operations on equal quantities ; in which case it is evident that the results must still be equal, whether by equal additions, or subtractions, or multiplications, or divisions, or roots, or powers. PARTICULAR RULE L When known quantities are connected with the unknown by ^ or — ; transpose them to the other side of the equation, and change their signs. Which is only adding or subtracting the same quantities on both sides, in order to get all the un- known terms on one side of the equation, and all the known ones on the other side*. Thus, * Here it is earnestly recommended that the pupil be accustom-, ed, at every line or step »n the reduction of the equations, to name the paiticiilar operation to be performed on the equation in the Ime, in order to pr<'duce the next form or state of the equa- tion, tn applying each of these rules, according as the particular fornos of the equatipn may require ; applying them according to the order 332 ALGEBRA. Thus, if a:-j-5 = ^ » then transposing 5 gives x = 8 — 3 = 3. And, ifa;'-3-{-7=9; then transposing the 3, and 7, gives x—9 + 3-7=6. Also, '\i x—a -\- b = cd : then by transposing a and h, it is a: = a — 6 -|- cd. In like manner, if 6x — 6 = 4a: 4- 10, then by transposing 6 and 4a:, it is 6a; — 4j: = 10 -|- 6, or a; = IQ. RULE II. When the unknown term is multiplied by any quantity- ; divide all the terms of the equation by it. Thus, if ao; = ab — 4a ; then dividing by a, gives a;=6 — 4. And, if 3:c -|- 6 = 20 ; then first transposing 5 gives 2>x = 16 ; and then by dividing by ^, it is x =6. In like manner, if ax-\-^ab = 4c^ ; then by dividing by a, it 4c2 4c2 is x-{-3b = ; and thfen transposing 36, gives x= — '■ — 3b, a a RULE m. When the unknown term is divided by any quantity ; we must then multiply all the terms of the equation by that divi- sor ; which takes it away. X Thus, if- = 34-2 : then mult, by 4, gives x = 12+8=20. 4 X And, if - = 36 + 2c ^ d : a then by mult, a, it gives x = Sab + 2ac — ad. 3x Also, if 3 = 5 + 2; 6 Then by transposing 3, it is |j7 = 10. And multiplying by 6, it is 3x = 60. Lastly dividing by 3 gives x = 16f . •rder in which they are here placed ; and beginning every Lne with the words Then iy, as in the following specimens of Examples; which two words will always bring -to his recollection, tht,t be is to pronuuncf- what particular operation he is to perform on the last line, in order to gi ve the next j allotting always a single line for each ope- ration, and ranging the equations neat'y just under each other, in the several lines, as they are successively produced. RULE SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 233 RUU5 IV. Whew the unknown quantity is included in any root op surd ; transpose the rest of the terms, if there be any, by Rule I ; then raise earh side to such a power as is denoted by the index of the surd ; viz. square each side when it is the square root ; cube each side when it is the cube root ; &c. which clears that radical. Thus, if ^j;— 3 = 4 ; then transposing 3, gives ^x = 7 ; And squaring both sides gives x = 49. And, if y/2x -1-10 = 8: Then by squaring, it becomes 2x -}- \0 = 64 ; And by transposing 10, it is So: = 54 ; Lastly, dividing by 2, gives x = 27. Also, if 1/ 3x-f4 -{-3 = 6: Then by transposing 3, it is ^ 3a: -{- 4 =: 3 ; And by cubing, it is 3ar + 4 = 27 ; Also, by transposing 4, it is 3v = 23 ; Lastly, dividing by 3, gives a: = 7|. RULE V. When that side of the equation which contains the un* knovvn quantity is a complete power, or can easily be reduced to one, by rule 1, 2, or 3 : then extract the foot of the said power on both sides of the equation ; that is, extract the square root when it is a square power, or the cube root when it is a cube, &c. Thus, if a;2 -(- 8a: + 16 = 36, or (x -f- 4)2 = 36 : Then by extracting the roots, it is x -j- 4 = 6 ; And by transposing 4, it is a; s= 6 — 4 = 2. Andif3r2_19 = 21-h35. Then, by transposing 19, it is 3x^ = 75 ; And dividing by 3, gives x'^ =25 ; And extracting the root, gives a; = 5. Also, if5a;2— 6 = 24. Then transposing 6, gives f a:^ = 30 ; And multiplying by 4, gives 3x- = 120 ; Then dividing by 3, gives a:^ = 40 ; Lastly, extracting the root, gives a; = -^Z 40 =: 6-324555. Vol. I. 31 RULE S34 ALGEBRA. RULE VI. When there is any analogy or proportion, it is te be changed into an equation, by multiplying the two extreme terms together, and the two means together, and making the One product equal to the other. Thus, if 2j: : 9 : : 3 : 5. Then, mult, the extremes and means, gives lOx = 27 ; And dividing by 10, gives «.== 2^^. And if ^x : a : : 5b : 2c. Then mult, extremes and means gives fca: = bab ; And multiplying by 2, gives 3cx = lOab ; lOab Lastly, dividing by 3c, gives x = . 3c Also, if 10— a; : fa; : : 3 : 1. Then mult, extremes and means, gives 10— a: = 2x j And transposing x, gives 10 = 3.r ; Lastly, dividing by 3, gives 3^ = x. RULE vn. When the same quantity is found on both sides of art equation, with the same sign, either plus or minus, it may be left out of both : and when every term in an equation is either multiplied or divided by the same quantity it may be struck out of them all. Thus, if 3a: 4- 2a = 2a -f 6 : Then by taking away 2a, it is 3a; = 5. And, dividing by 3, it is a; = ^b. Also if there be 4aa; -f 6ab — lac. Then striking out or dividing by a, gives 4.r 4' 66 = Ic. Then, by transposing 66, it becomes 4j7 = 7c — 66 ; And then dividing by 4 gives a; = |c — |6. Again, if fa; - | = V — h Then, taking away the |, it becomes fa; = y ; And taking away the 3's, it is 2jr = 10 ; Lastly, dividing by 2 gives j: = 5. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Given 7a; - 18 = 4a: -f- 6 ; to find the value of x. First, transposing 18 and 5x gives 3a; = 24 ; Then dividing by 3, gives x == 8. 2. Givcm SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 235 2. Given ?0 — 4j? — 12 = 92— lOx ; to find x. First transposing 20 and 12 and lUa:, gives 6j? = 84 ; Then dividing by 6, gives x = 14. 3. Let 4«x— 56 = 3rfx -f- 2c be given ; to find x. First, by trans. 66 and 3(ix, it is 4ax — 3dar = 56 + 2c : 56 4- 2c Then dividing by 4a •— 3c?, gives x = — ^. 4a — Ji 4. Let 5jr2_l2jr: = 9j; -{- 2^2 be given ; to find x. First, by dividing by j?, it is 5-c — 12 = 9 + 2-c j Then transposing 12 and 2x, gives 3j: = 21 ; Lastly, dividing by 3, gives x = 7. 5. Given 9ax^ — 15a6a:2 = 6ax^ -{- 12a:c2 . to find x. First, dividing by 3ax^ , gives 3jc — 56 = 2a; -h 4 ; Then transposing 56 and 2a;, gives x =- Sb -{- 4, ^. Let 1 = 2 be given, to find x. 3 4 5 First, multiplying by 3, gives r — ^x -j- fa: = 6 , Then multiplying by 4, gives x + */a; = 24. Also multiplying by 5, gives 11 x = 120. Lastly, dividing by 17, gives x = lj\, x—B X X— 10 7. Given -] =12 ; to find x. 3 2 3 First, mult, by 3, gives jr-5 -f fjr = 36 — :r + 10 Then traasposing 5 and x, gives 2x -f- f ^ = 61 ; And multiplying by 2, gives 7a; = 102. Lastly, dividing by 7, gives x = 14|. 3a; 8. Let ^ h 7 = 10, be given ; to find x. First, transposing 7, gives y^f a? = 3 ; r Then squaring the equation, gives f x = 9 ; Then dividing by 3, gives ^x = 3 ; Lastly, multiplying by 4, gives x = 12. 6a= 9. Let 2x 4- 2 V«^-f -ra = :;/"-2'q:^i-' be given ; to findx. First, mult, by ^a^ -{-a:- , gives 2x ^ a^ -{-x^ ■i-2a2 -\-2x^ = 5a2. Then trans. 2a3 and 2x^, gives 2x y/a^ -i-ar^ = Sa^ -.2a:« ; Then Vse ALGEBRA. Then by squaring, it is 4*^ X a^+x- = 3a2 ^^a-*^* ; That is, 4a2j^2 ^ ^j^a = 9a* ~ VZa^x^ + 4a-* ; By taking 4x* from both sides, itis 402^^2=9^4 ^ i2a^x^; Then transposing 12a2a;3, gives 16a2a;2, = 9a* ; Dividing by a^ , gives 16a:2 = 9a2 ; And dividing by 16, gives x^ = J^a^ ; Lastly extracting the root, gives a: = |a. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Given 2x — 6-4-16 = 21 ; to find or. Ans. jr = 6 2. Given 9a; — 15 = x 4- 6 : to find x, Ans. x = 2|* 3. Given 8— 3a;-|-l2=30 — 6a:-f 4 ; to find x. Ans. a; = 7, 4. Given x + j-^— 4^ = 13 ; to find x. Ans. x = 12. 5. Given 3a: + \x-\- 2 = 5jc— 4 ; to find x. Ans. a: = 4. 6. Given 4aa7 + ^a — 2 = aa; — bx ; to find ar. 6— a Ans. X = Sa+36 7. Given ^x-^^x -{- la? = i ; to find x. Ans. a? = f^. 8. Given ^ 4 -f a: == 4 — ^a: ; to find x. Ans. ar = 2i, a72 9. Given 4a -{-,x = ; to deter, x, Ans x =--2a, 4a+ar 10. Given y/4a^ + ar2 = */ 46* + x^ j to find a;. 6*~-4a* Ans. X z= ^ « 2a2 4a__ 11. Given ^ x -{- ^ 2a -{- x =^2^ • ^ ; to find x. Ans. X = |a. a a 12. Given { = 26 ; to find a;. 1 +2a: 1 — 2a: 6-« Ans. x=i^ . 6 13. Given o -f- a: = ^a^-\-x>^ 46a ^ ^.a . to findx. Ans. X = ^ «. « a OF SIMPLE EQU^TIONTS. J37 ©F REDUCING DOUBLE, 1 RIPLF. &c. EQUATIONS, COVTAININ© TWO, THREE, OR MO^tE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. PROBLEM I. To Exterminate Two Unknown Qnantities ; Or^ to Reduce the Th}0 Simple Equations containing the/n, to a Single one, RULE L Find the value of one of the unknovvn letters, in terms of the other quantities, in each of the equations, hy the methods already explained. Then put those two values equal to each other for a new equatiorr, with only one unknown quantity in it, whose value is to be found as before. JVote. It is evident that we must first begin to find the values of that letter which are easiest to be found in the two proposed equations. EXAMPLES. 1. Given j5^J:2y=uS' *"^°^^^"^^- In the 1st equat. transp. 3y and div. by 2, gives x = ; 2 14 + 22/ In the 2d transp. 2y and div. by 5, gives x = ; 5 14 + 23^ ll-Sy Putting tlifese two values eaual, gives = ; 5 2 Then mtilt. by 6 and 2, gives 28 -{- 4i/ = 85 — 15^/ ; Transposing 28 and loy, gives 19t/ = &7 ; And dividing by 19, gives y = 3. And hence x = 4. Or, to do the s^me by finding two values of y, thus : 17-2a: In the 1st equat. tr. 2a; and div. by 3, gives y = ; 3 Sr— 14 In the 2d tr. Zy and 14, and div. by 2, gives y = — ; 2 6ar— 14 17 -2x Putting these two values equal, gives = ; 2 3 Mult, by 2 and by 3, gives 16ar-42 = 34-4x ; Transp. 2Sa ALGEBRA. Transp. 42 and 4a:, gives lOar = 76 ; Dividing by 19, gives a: = 4. ' . Hence y = 3, as before. 2. Given JpH^r^J; to find a; and j/. Ans. x = a -}- b, and y = la -^ i j*. 3. Given 3x -\- y =^ 22, and 3i/ -{- a; = 18 ; to find x and y. Ans. X = 6i and y = 4. 4. Given 5 f T i H q, J ; to find ^ and y. i 3"^ "T 32/ — y 3 > Ans. J? = 6, and y = 3, 2a7 31/ 22 3jc 22/ 67 k. Given {- — . = — , and f* — = — ; to find x andy. 3 5 5 5 3 15 Ans. a; = 3, and y = 4. 6. Given or + ^y = s, and jt^ — 41^2 = c/2 . ^q find a: and y. s2 -I- t^a s3 _ d^ Ans. J? = , and y =■ . 25 4s 7. Givea^F — 2y = d, and x : t/ : : a : 6 ; to find x and y. ad bd Ans. :r = , and y = . a — 26 a — 26 RULE n. Find the value of one of the unknown letters, in only one ef the equations, as in the former rule ; and substitute this value instead of that unknown quantity in the other equation, and there will arise a new equation, with only one unknown quantity, whose value is to be found as before. jsfote. It is evident that it is best to begin first with that letter whose value is easiest found in the given equations. EXAMPLES. ^ 1. Given I ?^ _ 1^ Z \l I ; to find x and y. This will admit of four ways of solution ; thus : First, 17-32/ In the 1st eq. trans. 3y and div. by 2, gives x == ; 2 85—162/ This val. subs, for x in the 2d, gives, ■ 2y=14 ; Mult, by 2, this becomes 8& — 16y — . 41/ = 28 j Transp. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 23? Transp. I6y and 4y and 28, gives 67 = 1% ; And dividing by 19, gives 3 = t/. .17— 3y Then x == = 4. 2 14-f2y 2dly, in the 2d trans. 2y and div. by 6, gives x = — ; 5 28-f4^ This subst. for x in the 1st, gives {- 3y = 17 ; 6 Mult, by 6, gives 28 + 4y -f ISy = 85 j Transpos. 28. gives 19y = 57 ; And dividing by 1 9, gives y = 3. 144-21/ Then x = = 4, as before. 5 17-2a: 3dly, in the 1st trans. 2x and div. by 3, gives y = ; 3 34— 4a; This subst for y in the 2d, gives, 5a? = 14 ; 3 Multiplying by 3 gives 16a: — M -|- 4* = 42 ; Transposing 34, gives 19a; = 76 ; And dividing by 1 9, gives a: = 4. 17— 2x Hence y = = 3, as before. 3 6a;- 14 4thly, in the 2d tr. 2y and 14 and div. by 2, gives y = . <• 2 16a; - 42 This substituted in the 1st, gives 2x -| = 17 ; 2 Multiplying by 2, gives 1 9a;- 42 = 34 ; Transposing 42, gives 19a; = 76 ; And dividing by 19, gives x = 4. oa:- 14 Hence y = = 3, as before. 2 2. Given 2a; + 3y = 29, and 3jr - 2^/ = 11 ; to find x and y, Ans. a? = 7, and y =^ 5. 3. Given l^ly^ '2^; tofinda;andy. Ans. X = 8, and y = 6. 4. Given 240 ALGEBRA. 4. Given } ^^ ^ ' ' L_' oq J J ^o find x and y. Ans. X = 6, and y = 4. X y 5. Given f- 3y = 21, and h3x = 29 ; to find x and y, 3 3 Ans. a; =± 9, and y = 6. •^ y ^ — y X 6. Given 10 = ^ ^ 4, and 1 2 = 2 3 2 4 32/— x ■--! ; to find X and y. Ans. x= S, dmdy = 6. 7. Given x : y : : 4 : 3, and x^ -^ y^ = SI ; to find x and y. Ans. a; = 4, and y = 3> RULE TIL Let the given equations be so multiplied, or divided, &c. and by such numbers or quantities, as will make the terms which contain one of the unknown quantities the same in both equations ; if they are not the sanie when first pro- posed. Then by adding or subtracting the equations, according as the sines may require, there will remain a new equation, with only one unknown quantity, as before. That is, add the two equations, when the sines are unlike, but subtract them when the signs are alike, to cancel that common term. JV()ie. To make two unequal terms become equal, as above, multiply each term by the co-efficient of the other. EXAMPLES. «-«°S2^ + 5 = 16?"°''''^"'°"'^- Here we may either make the two first terms, containing •c, equal, or the two 2d terms, containing y, equal. To make the two first terms equal, we must multiply the 1st equation by 2, and the 2d by 5 ; but to make the two 2d terms equel, we must muhiply the 1st equation by 5, and the 2d by 3 ; as follows* l.By, SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 241 1. By making the two first terms equal : Mult, the 1st equ. Wy 2, gives lOx — 6y = 18 And mult the 2d by 5, gives IOjt -f- 2by ="80 Subtr. the upper from tHe under, gives Sly = 62 And dividing by 31, gives y =■ ^. 9 + 3y Hence, from the 1st given equ. x = = 3. 5 2. By making the two 2d terms equal : Mult, the 1st equat. by 5, gives 2bx — {by = 4b j And mult, the 2d by 3, gives 6x -{■ 15r/ = 48 ; Adding these two, gives Six = 93 ; And dividing by 31 , gives x = S ; bx — 9 Hence, from the 1st equ. y = = 2. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. ^4-8 y-\-6 1. Given |-%=21,and — '■ h Bar = 23 ; to find x 4 3 and y, Ans. x = 4, and y = S. Sx — y Sy -i- X 2. Given h 10= 13, and \~ b == 12; to find 4 2 X and y. Ans. a: = 5, and y = S. Sx -{' 4y X 6x — 2?/ y 3. Given 1 = It), and -|-_-.= i4;to 5 4 3 6 find X and y. Ans :c = 8, and y = 4. 4. Given Sir + 4y = 38, and 4x — Sy = 9 ; to find x and y. Ans. X = 6, and y = b, PROBLEM XL To Exterminate Three or More Unknown Quantities ; Or, to Reduce the Simple Equations, containing them, to a Single one. RULE. This may be done by any of the three methods in the last problem : viz. 1. After the manner of the first rule in the last problem, find the value of one of the unknown letters in each of the given equations : next put two of these values equal to each other, and then one of these and a third value equal, and so on for all the values of it ; which gives a new set of equations, Vol. 1. 32 with 242 ALGEBRA. with which the same process is to be repeated, and so oa til! there is.onl}^ one equation, to he reduced by the rules for a single equation. 2. Or, as in the 2d rule of the same problem, find the value of one of the unknown quantities in one of the equations only ; then substitute this value instead of it in the other equations ; which gives a new set of equations to be resolved as before, by repeating the operation. 3. Or, as in the 3d rule, reduce the equations, by multiply- ing or dividing them, so as to make some of the terms to agree : then, by adding or subtracting them, as the signs may require, one of the letters may be exterminated, &c. as before. EXAMPLES. 2/4- ^= 9) 1. Given < x -}- 2y + 32- = 16 > ; to find x, y, and z. ■-3^4-4^ = 31^ 1. By the 1st method : Transp. the terms containing t/ and z in each equa. gives X =■ 9 — y — ^, jr= 16 — 2y — 3z, a7 = 2I — 3y— 42-; Then putting the 1st and 2d values equal, and the 2d and 34 values equal, give 9— 2/— 2r= 16 — 2y— 3z, 16 — 22/ — 32 = 21 - 3^ — 42 ; lu the I St trans. 9, z, and 2y, gives y = 7 — 2^ ; 1b the 2d trans. 16, 32 and 3y, gives y = 6 — z \ Putting these two equal, gives 3 — 2r = 7 — 2^ ; Trans. 5 and 22, gives z =«: 2. Hence ?/= 6 — 2 = 3, and 37 = 9 — ^ — ^ = 4. ' 2dly. By the 2d method : From the 1st equa. ^ = 9 —y — ^ \ This value of x substit. in the 2d and 3d, gives 9 -f y -f- 2z = 16, 9 -f 2y 4- 3^ = 21 ; In the 1st trans. 9 and 22, gives y = 7 — 22 ; This substit. in the last, gives 23 — 2- = 21 j Trans, z and 21, gives 2 = 2. Hence again y = 7 — 22 = 3, and jc = 9 — y — 2r = 4. 3dly. By SIMPLE EqUATIONfi. 243 3dly. By the 3d method ; subtracting the 1st equ. from the 2d, and the 2d from the 3d, gives y -f 2^ = 7, y -\- 2 = 5; Subtr. the latter from the former, gives 2 = 2. Hence y = 6 — 2r .= 3, and re = 9 -— y — z = 4. { X -h3y -{- 2^ = 38) ; to i ^ + ^y + i^= 1^') Ans. X i ^ + i3/ + i^=27) Given { :r-hJ-2/ + 1^ = 20} 5 ( ^ + i2/ + i^= J^) 2. Given < jp -j- 3y 4- 2^ = 38 ) ; to find ar, y, and 2. 10 5 Ans. X = 4f y = 6, 2 = to tind x, y, and ^. Ans. i: = 1,^ = 20, 2" = 60. 4. Given x — y = 2, x — 2 = 3, and y — 2 = 1; to find or, y, and z. Ans. J7 = 7; y = 6; 2:=, 4. ^ 2^ -{- 3t/ 4- 4^ = 34 ^ 5. Given ? 3x -j- >?/ -f 62- = 46 J ; to find a:, y, and z. ( 4x + 5y 4- 6^ = 68 ) A COLLECTION OF QUESTIONS PRODUCING SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Quest. 1. To find two nambers, such, that their sum shall be 10, and their diflference .6. Let X denote the greater number, and y the less*. Then, by the 1st condition j: -f- y — 10, And by the 2d - - x ^— y = 6^ Transp. y in each, gives a: = 10 — y, and jr = 6 -f- y ; Put these two values equal, gives 6 -{- y = 10 — y ; Transpos. 6 and — y, gives - 2y = 4 ; Dividing by 2, gives - - y == 2. And hence - - - x =x. 6 -h y = ^' * In all these solutions, as many unknown letters are always used as there are unknown numbers to be found, purposely the better to exercise the modes of reducing the equations : avoidinj^ the short ways of notation, which though giving a shorter solution, are for that reason less useful to the pupi!. as affording less exercise in practising the several rules in reducing equations. Quest. 2. 244 ALGEBRA. Quest. 2. Divide 100/. among a, b, c, so that a may have 20/. more than b, and b 10/. more than c. , Let X = a's share, y = b's, and c = c's. Then :x: -^ y -\- z = 100, a: = 2/ 4- ^0, >y ^ 2 ~\- 10. In the 1st substit. y -{- 20 for :r, gives 2^/ -f z + 20 = 100 ; In this substituting z -\- 10 for y, gives 3z -f- 40 = 100 y By transposing 40, gives - '- ' 32 =* GO ; And dividing by 3, gives - - z = 20 Hence y = z -\- 10 = 30, and :c = ^ + 20 = 60. Qbest. 3. A prize of 600/. is to be divided between two persons, so as their shares may be in proportion as 7 to 8 ; < required the share of each. Put X and y for the two shares ; then by the question, t : S : : j^ : y, or mult, the extremes and the means, 7j/ = 8x, ^ and X -\- y = 600 ; Transposing y, gives x =■ 500 — y ; This substituted in the 1st, gives ly ="4000— Sy ; By transposiujg By, it h lay = 4000 ; By dividing by 15, it gives y = 266| ; And hence j: = 600 — j/ = 233i. Quest. 4. What number is that whose 4th part e^iceeds its 6th part by 10 ? Let X denote the number sought. Then by the question ^x — J-o: = 10 ; By mult, by 4, it becomes x — ijc = 40 ; By mult, by 6 it gives x = 200," the number sought. Quest. 5. What fraction is that to the numerator of which if 1 be added, the value will be | ; but if one be added to the denominator, its value will be J- ? x Let — denote the fraction. y . X -{-' 1 -^x Then by the quest. = ^, and = i. y ^ 2/ + 1 The 1st mult, by 2 and y, gives 2x -\- 2 =^ y ; The 2d mult, by 3 and ?/ -f 1 is 3j7 == y + 1 ; The upper taken from the under leaves x — 2=1; By trans pos. 2, it gives x = 3. And hence 2/ = 2a: -|- 2 = 8 ; and the fraction is |. Quest. 6., SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 245 QuBST. 6. A labourer engaged to serve for 30 days on 'those conditions : that for every day he worked, he was to receive 20d^ but for every day he played, or was absent, he was to forfeit lOd. Now at the end of the ime he had to receive just 20 shillings, or 240 pence. It is required to find how many days he worked, and how many he was idle ? Let jc be the days worked, and y the days idle. Then 20x is the pence earned, and lOy the forfeits ; Hence, by the question - x -\^ y = 30y andSOx— 101/ = 240; The 1st mult, by 10, gives Wx -f Wy = 300 ; > These two added give - 30x = 640 ; This div. by 30, gives - or = 18, the days worked ; Hence - 2/ = 30 — x = 12, the days idled. Quest. 7. Out of a cask of wine, which had leaked away i, 30 gallons tvere drawn ; and then, being gaged, it appeared to be halt full ; how much did it hold ? Let it be supposed to have held x gallons. Then it would have leaked ^x gallons, Conseq. there had been taken away ^x -\- 30 gallons. Hence ir = ix + 30 by the question. , Then mult, by 4, gives 2x = :¥ -{- 120 ; And transposing x, gives x = 120 the contents. Quest. 8. To divide 20 into two such parts, that 3 times the one part added to 5 times the other may make 76. Let X and y denote the two parts. Then by the question ^ - j7 -f- ^ = 20, and 3x 4- 52/ = 76. Mult, the 1st by 3, gives - - 3x -j- 3t/ = 60 ; Subtr. the latter from the former, gives 2y = 16 ; And dividing by 2, gives - - - y z= Q. Hence, from the 1st, - x=20 — y = 12. Quest. 9. A market woman bought in a certain number of eggs at 2 a penny, and as many more at 3 a. penny, and sold them all out again at the rate of 5 for two-pence, and by so doing; contrary to expectation, found she lost 3d. ; what num- ber of eggs had she ? Let X = number of eggs of each sort. Then will |x = cost of the first sort, And ^x = cost of the second sort j But 246 ALGEBRA. But 5 : 2 : : 2jr (the whole numher of eggs) : ^x ; Hence f x = price of both sorts, at 6 for 2 pence ; Then by the question ^x + i-^ — f^ — 3 ; Mult, by 2, gives - x + ^x — |a7 = 6 ; And mult, by 3, gives 6.r — 2_4^ = jg . Also mult, by 5, gives x = 90, the number of egg» of each sort. Quest. 10. Tvro persons, a and b, engage at play. Before they begin, a has 80 guineas, and b has 60. After a certain number of games won and lost between them, a rises with three times as many guineas as b. Query, bow many guineas did a win of b ? Let X denote the number of guineas a won. Then a rises with 80 -{- x. And B rises with 60 — x ; / Theref ,by the quest. 80 + ^ = 180 — 3a: ; Transp. 80 and 3jr, gives 4jr = 100 ; And dividing by 4, gives x = 25, the guineas won. QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 1. To determine two numbers such, that their difference may be 4, and the difference of their squares 64. Ans. 6 and 10. 2. To find two numbers with these conditions, viz. that half the first with a 3d part of the second may make 9, and that a 4th part of the first with a fifth part of the second may make 5. Ans. 8 and 15. 3. To divide the number 20 into two such parts, that a 3d of the one part added to a fifth of the other, may make 6. Ans. 15 and 5. 4. To find three nurnbers such, that the sum of the 1st and 2d shall be 7, the sum of the 1st and 3d 8, and the sum of the 2d and 3d 9. Ans. 3, 4, 6. 6. A father, dying, bequeathed his fortune, which was 2800L to his son and daughter, in this manner ; that for every half crown the son might have, the daughter was to have a shiUing. What then were their two. shares ? Ans. The son 2000/. and the daughter 800/ 6. Three persons, a, b, c, make a joint contribution, which in the whole amounts t© 400Z. : of which sum b con- tributeg SIMPLE EQjUATIONS. 247 tributes twice as much as a and 20/. more ; and c as much as k and B together. What sum did each contribute ? Ans. A 60/. B 140/. and c 200/. 7. A person paid a bill of 100/, with half guineas and crowns, using in all 202 pieces ; how many pieces were there of each sort ? Ans. 180 half guineas, and 22 crowns. 8. Says a to b, if you give me 10 guineas of your money, I shall then have twic^ as much as you will have left ; but says B to A, give me 10 of your guineas, and then I shall have 3 times as many as you. How many had each ? Ans. A 22, B 26. 9. A person goes to a tavern with a certain quantity of money in his pocket, wh*^re he spends 2 shillings ; he then borrows as much money as he had left, and going to another tavern, he there spend 2 shillings also ; then borrowing again as much money as was left, he went to a third tavern, where likewise he spent 2 shillings ; and thus repeating the same at a fourth tavern, he then had nothing remaining. What sum had he at ^rst ? Ans. 3s. 9d, 10. A man with his wife and child dine together at an inn. The landlord charged 1 shilling for the child ; and for the woman he charged as much as for the child and i as much as for the man ; and for the man he charged as much as for the woman and child together. How much was that for each ? Ans. The woman 20d. and the man 32c/. 11. A cask, which held 60 gallons, was filled with a mix- ture of brandy, wine, and cyder, in this manner, viz. the cyder was 6 gallons more than the brandy, and the wine was as much as the cyder and } of the brandy. How much was there of each. Ans. Brandy 15, cyder 21, wine 24. 12. A general, disposing his army into a square form, finds that he has 284 men more than a perfect square ; but increas- ing the side by 1 man, he then wants 25 men to be a complete square. Then how many men had he under his command ? Ans. 24000. 13. What number is that, to which if 3, 5, and 8, be severally added, the three sums shall be in geometrical pro- gression ? Ans. 1. 14 The stock of three traders amounted to 860/. the shares of the first and second exceeded that of the third by 248 ALGEBRA. by 240 ; and the sum of the Sfd and 3d exceeded the 6rst by 360. What was the share of each ? Ans. The 1st 200, the 2d 300, the 3d 260. 15. What two numbers are those, which, being iij the ratio of 3 to 4, their product is equal to 12 times thojraum ? Ans. 21 and 28. 16. A certain company at a tavern, when they came to settle their reckoning, found that had there beeil 4 more in company, they might have paid a shilling a-piece less than they did ; but that if there had been 3 fewer in company, they must have paid a shilling a-piece more than they did. What thenvvas the number of persons in company, what each paid, and what was the whole reckoning ? Ans. 24 persons, each paid Is, and the whole reckoning 8 guineas. 17. A jocky has two horses : and also two saddles, the one yalued at 18/ the other at 3/. Now when he sets the better saddle on the 1st horse, and the worse on the 2d, it makes the first horse worth double the 2d : but when he places the bet- ter saddle on the 2d horse, and the worse on the first, it makes the 2d horse worth three times the 1st. What then were the values of the two horses ? Ans. The Ist 61. and the 2di9Z. 18. What two numbers are as 2 to 3, to each of which if 6 te added, the sums will be as 4 to 5 ? Ans. 6 and 9. 19. What are those two numbers, of which the greater is to the less as their sum is to 20, and as their difference is to 10 ? Ans. 15 and 45. 20. What two numbers are those, whose difference, sum, and product, are to each other, as the three numbers 2, 3, 5 ? Ans. 2 and 10. 21. To find three numbers in arithmetical progression, of which the first is to the third as 5 to 9, and the sum of all three is 63 ? Ans. 16, 21, 27. 22. It is required to divide the number 24 into two such parts, that the quotient of the greater part divided by the less, may be to the quotient of the less part divided by the greater, as 4 to 1. Ans. 16 and 8. 23. A gentleman being asked the age of his two sons, answered, that if to the sum of their ages 18 be added, the result will be double the age of the elder : but if 6 be taken Q,UADRATIC EQUATIONS. 249 taken from the difference of their ages, the remainder will be equal to the age of the younger. What then were their ages ? Ans. 30 and 12. 24. To find four numhers such, that the sum of the 1st, 2d, and 3d, shall be 13 ; the sum of the 1st, 2d, and 4th, 15 ; the sum of the 1st, 3d, and 4th, 1& ; and lastly the sum of the 2d, 3d, and 4th, 20. Ans. 2, 4, 7, 9. 26. To divide 48 into 4 such parts, that the 1st increased by 3, the second diminished by 3, the third multiplied by 3, ^nd the 4th divided by 3, may be all equal to each other. Ans. 6, 12, 3, 27. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Quadratic Equations are either simple or compound. A simple quadratic equation, is that which involves the square of the unknown quantity only. As ax^ = b. And the solution of such quadratics has been already given in simple equations. A compound quadratic equation, is that which contains the square of the unknown quantity in one t^rm, and the first power in another term. As ax^ -\- bx = c. All compound quadratic equations, after being properly reduced, fall under the three following forms, to which they must always be reduced by preparing them for solution. 1. x^ -i- ax == b 2. ^2 — rtJT = 6 3. x^ — ax = — b. The general method of solving quadratic equations, is by what is called completing the square, which is as follows : 1. Reduce the proposed equation to a proper simple form, as usual, such as the forms above ; namely, by transposing all the terms which contain the unknown quantity to one side of the equation, and the known terms to the other ; placing the square term first, and the single power second ; dividing the equation by the co-efficient of the square or first term, if it has one, and changing the signs of all the terms, when that term happens to be negative, as that term must always be made positive before the solution. Then the proper solution is by completiag the square as follows, viz. VdL. I. s^i 2. Complete» 280 ALGEBRA. 2* Complete the unknown side to a square, in this man- ner, viz. Take half the co elhcient of the second term, and square it ; which square add io both sides of the equation, then that side which contains the unknown quantity will be a complete square. 3. Then extract the square root on both sides of the equation*, and the value of the unknown quantity will be determined, * As the square root of any quantity may be either + or — , there- fore all quadratic equations admit of two solutions. Thus, the square root of 4- «* is either -^ n or — n ; fov + n X + « and — n X -" " are each equal to -f. n*. But the square root of — n*, or ^Z -" ^*» is imaginary or impossible, as neither 4* n nor — n, when squared, gives - n2. ^ So, i n the first form, x2 + aj7 = ^, where a: •{' la is fou nd «= y/ h + la^, the root may be either + ^6-f- ^*, or -*- ^^ + ia«, since either of them being multiplied by itself produces b + fa^- And this ambiguity is expressed by writing the uncertain or double sign dt before ^yb + ^a* ; thus or =» :t ^b -f la^ — ^a- In this form, where a: =« ± ■•^ + k'l^ — ia. the first value of X, viz. X ■=» + y/b + |:02 — ^a. in always affirmative ; for sincSe ifl2 -j- b is greater than la 2, the greater square must neces- sarily have the greater root ; therefore ^ b -h ^a^ will always be greater than ^ja^, or its equal ia ; and consequently -f- ^b + \aS — |a will always be affirmative. The second value, viz. 07 *= — <^b + |a* — ^a will always be negative, because it is composed of two nega tive term s. Therefore when x^ -^ ax ==* b, we shall have j: == -f- y/b -J- ^a^ — . |a for the affirmative value of x, and or =* -f- / i'J^— ^» oi* tbe two roots or values of x^ are both im - possible, or imaginary qwantities. EXAMPLES. 252 ALGEBRA. EXAMPLES. 1. Given x^ -|- 4jr = 60 ; to find x. First, by completing the square, x^ -f- 4^ + 4 = 64 ,' Then by extracting the root, j? + 2 = ± 8 ; Then, transpos 2, gives, j: = 6 or — 10, the two roots. 2. Given x^ — 6ar4-10 = 66 ; to find x. First trans. 10 gives x^ — 6a: = 65 ; Then by complet. the sq. it is x^ — 6j7 -f 9 = 64 ; And by extr. the root, gives j?— 3 = ±: 8 ; Then trans. 3, gives x = 1 1 or - 6. 3. Given 2x2 -f 8x - 30 = 60 ; to find x. First by transpos, 20, it is 2x3 -f 8x = 90 ; Then div. by 2, gives x^ -}" 4.r = 45 ; And by compl. the sq. it is x^ + 4x -|- 4 = 49 ; Then extr. the root, it is x +2 = ± 7 ; And transp. 2, gives x == 5 or — - 9. 4. Given 3x2 -, 3x + 9 = ^ y to find x. First div. by 3, gives x* — x -}- 3 = 2f ; Then transpos. 3, gives x2 — . x = — f ; And compl. the sq. gives x2 — x -\- \ =■ -^ ] Then extr. the root gives x — ^ = ± | ; And transp. i, gives x = | or ^. 5. Given ^x^ — ^x + 30^ = 52|, to find x. First by transpos 30^, it is ^x^ — \x = 22i ; Then mult, by 2 gives x^ — |x = 44^ ; And by compl. the sq. itis x2 — 2.J7 -j- i = 44A ■ Then extr. the root, gives x — i = ^^ 6| j And transp. ^, gives x = 7 or — 6^. 6. Given ax^ —^bx = c; to find x. b c First by div. by a, it is x2 x = — ; a a b b c b^ Then compl. the sq. gives~x2 x -j = ! ; a 4a2 a 4a' b 4ac + fc3 And extrac. the root, gives x = ± ^ — • 2a 4a2 b 4ac + i2 6 Then transp. — , gives x = ± y/ 1 . 2o 4a2 2a 7. Given x* -.2ax2 = t ; to find x. First by compl. the aq. gives x* — Sax* ^ a^ = a2 -j- ^ ; And QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 263 And extract, the root, gives z^ — a — ±. ^ofi •\- h ; Then transpos. a, gives x^ = ± ^a^ - ^ b -{- a ; And extract, the root, gives x=±:^a±^a'-\-b. And thns. by always using similar words at each line, the pupil will resolve the following examples. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICJB. 1. Given a:2,r- 6x — 7 = 33 ; to find x, Ans. x = 10. 2. Given x^ -, — 5x — 10 = 14 ; to find a;. Ans. a; = 6. 3. Given 5x^ -f 4a; — 90 = 114 ; to find x. Ans. a: = 6* 4. Given |a;2 — ix -{- 2 = 9 ; to find a:. Ans. a: = 4. 6. Given 3a:* — 2x* = 40 ; to find x. Ans. a; = 2. 6. Given ^x — i^ a: = 1^^ ; to find x. Ans. ac = 9. 7. Given ^x^ -f f a; = f ; to find x. Ans. x = -727766, 8. Given x^ -\- 4x^ = 12 ; to find x, Ans. a: = 3/ 2 = 1-269921. ^. Given a;^ + 4a; = a^ -f 2 ; to find x, Ans. X = v^ oMhe— 2. QUESTIONS PR0DUCIN6 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 1. To find two numbers whose difference is 2, and product 80. Let X and y denote the two required numbers*. Then the first condition gives x — y = 2, And the second gives xy = 80. Then transp. y in the 1st gives x = y -{- 2 ; This value of x substitut. in the 2d, is y^ -f- 2i/ = 80 Then comp. the square gives y- -]- 2y -{- I =^ Ql ; And extrac. the root gives y -{- 1 = 9 ; And transpos. 1 gives y = 8 ; And therefore a; = y 4* 2 = 10. ♦ These questions* like those in siniple equations) aire also solved by using as tnany unknown letters, as are the numbers required, for ^e better exercise in reducing equations ; not aiming at the shortest modes of solution, which would not affoi"d so much useful practice. 2. To 264 ALGEBRA. 2. To divide the number 14 into two such psirta, that their product may be 48. Let X and y denote the two numbers. Then the 1st condition gives x -{- y = 14, And the 2d gives xy = 4S. Then transp^ y in the 1st gives x = 14 — y ; This value subst. for x in the 2d, is 14y — y^ = 43 j Changing all the signs, to make the square positive, gives y^ — 14y = — 48 ; Then compl. the square gives y^ — Hy + 49 = 1 ; And extrac. the root gives y — 7 = ± 1 ; Then transpos. 7, gives ?/ = 8 or 6, the two parts. 3. Given the sum of two numbers = 9, and the sum of their squares = 46 ; to find those numbers. Let X and y denote the two numbers. Then by the 1st condition or -{- 2/ = 9. And by the 2d x^ + y^ = 45. Then transpos. y in the 1 st gives jt = 9 — 1/ » This value subst in the 2d gives 81 — '\8y -{- 2y^ = 45 ; Then transpos. 81, gives 2y^ — I82/ = — 36 ; And dividing by 2 gives y^ — % = — 18 ; Then compl. the sq gives y^ •— 9y 4- Y = f ; And extrac. the root gives y — f = ± | j Then transpos. f gives 1/ = 6 or 3, the two numbers. 4. What two numbers are those, whose sum, product, and difference of their squares, are all equal to each other ? Let X and y denote the two numbers. Then the 1st and 2d expression give x -\- y = xy^ And the 1st and 3d give x -\- y =■ x^ — y^. Then the last equa. div. hy x -\- y^ gives 1 = jr- — y. ; And transpos. 7/, gives y -{- \ =^ x ; This val. substit- in the 1st gives 2?/ 4" 1 = 2/^ + 'iji And transpos. 2y, gives 1 = 2/^ — y ; Then complet. the sq. gives f = 2/^ — 2/ + 4 ;. And extracting the root gives ^ a/ 5 = y — ^y And transposing ^ gives i \/ 6 -f- ^ = ^ ; And therefore x = ^4-l=iv'6 + t« And if these expressions be turned into numbers, by ex- tracting the root of 6, &;c. they give a: = 2 6180 -f-, and 2/= 1-6180 -f. 5. There are four number^ in arithmetical progression, of whioK Q.tJADRATIC EQUATIONS. 26^ which the product of the two extremes is 22, and that of the means 40 ; what are the numbers ? Let j: = the less extreme, and y = the common difference ; Then x^x 4- y, J? + 2y, Ir 4* %> will be the four numbers. Hence by the 1st condition x^ + Sxy = 22, And by the 2d x^ -f- 3xy + 2y^ = 40. Then subtracting the first from the 2d gives 2i/a = 18 ; And dividing by 2 gives 2/^=9; And extracting the root gives i/ = 3. Then substit 3 for y in the 1st, gives x^ -{- 9x = 22 ; And completing the square gives x^ -}- 9x -{■ y = * p ; Then extracting the root gives ^ 4* f = V ; And transposing f gives x = 2 the least number. Hence the four numbers are 2, 5, 8, 11. 6. To find 3 numbers in geometrical progression, whose sum shall be 7, and the sum of their squares 21. Let X, y, and z, denote the three numbers sought. Then by the 1st condition xz = y^, And by the 2d x + y -{- 2r = 7, And by the 3d x^ -{- y^ + z^ = 21. Transposing y in the 2d gives x -{- z= 7 -^ y ; Sq. this equa. gives x^ -\- 2xz -\- z^ -f- = 49 — 14y-{-y^; Substi. 2i/2 for 2x2", gives x^ -\-2y^ -{-z^ = 49—141/4-2/2; Subtr. y^ from each side, leaves x^ -{-y^ -{-z^ = 49— 14y ; Putting the two values of x^ + 1^2 4. 2,2 i ^^__.q__ ... equal to each other, gives 5 ^^ Then transposing 21 and 14i/, gives 14i/ = 28 ; And dividing by 14, gives y = 2. Thensubstit. 2 for y in the 1st equa. gives xz = 4, And in the 4th, it gives x + 2 = 5 ; Transposing z in the last, gives x = 5 — z ; This substit. in the next above, gives 5z — z^ = 4 j Changing all the signs, gives z^ — 5z = — 4 ; Then completing the square, gives z^ — 52- -|- y = a j And extracting the root gives 2- — f = -t f ; Then transposing f gives z and x = 4 and 1, the two other numbers ; So that the three numbers are 1,2, 4. QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 1. What number is that which added to its square makes 42? Ans. 6. 2, T# 256 ALGEBRA. .2. To find two numbers such, that the less miy be to the greater as the greater is to 12, and that the sum of their squares may be 45. Ans. 3 and 6. 3. What two numbers are those, whose difference is 2, and the difference of their cubes 98 ? Ans. 3 and 5. 4. What two numbers are those whose sum is 6, and the sum of their cubes 72 ? Ans. 2 and 4. 5. What two numbers are those, whose product is 20, and the difference of their cubes G 1 ? Ans. 4 and 5. 6. To divide the number 1 1 into two such parts, that the product of their squares may be 784 Ans. 4 and 7, 7. To divide the number 5 into two such parts, that the sum of their alternate quotients may be 4^, that is of the two quotients of each part divided by the other^ Ans. 1 and 4. 8. To divide 12 into two such parts, that their product may be equal to 8 times their difference. . Ans. 4 and 8. 9. To divide the number 10 into two such parts, that the square of 4 times the less part, may be 112 more than the square of 2 times the greater. Ans. 4 and 6. 10. To find two numbers such, that the sum of their squares may be 89, and their sum multiplied by the greater may pro- duce 104. Ans. 5 and 8. 11. What number is that, which being divided by the product of its two digits, the quotient is 5i ; but when 9 is subtracted from it, there remains a number having the same digits inverted ? Ans. 32. 12. To divide 20 into three parts, such that the continual product of all three may be 270, and that the difference of the first and second may be 2 less than the difference of the second and third. Ans. 5, 6, 9. 13. To find three numbers in arithmetical progression, such that the sum of their squares may be 56, and the sum arising by adding together once the first and 2 times the second and 3 times the third, may amount to 28. Ans. 2, 4, 6. 14. To divide the number 13 into three such parts, that their squares may have equal differences, and that the sum of those squares may be 75. Ans. 1, 5, 7. 15. To find three numbers having equal differences, so that their sum may be 12, and the sum of their fourth powers 962. Ans. 3, 4, 6. 16. To find three numbers having equal differences, and such that the square of the least added to the product of the two greater may make 28, but the square of the greatest add- ed to the product of the two less may make 44. Ans. 2, 4, 6. 17. Three CUBIC, &c. EqUATIOJ^S. S5^ 17. Three merchants, a, b, c, on comparing their gains find, that among them all they have gained 1444/. ; and that b's gain added to the square root of a's made 920/ ; but if added to the square root of c's it made 912. What were their several gains ? Ans. a 400, b 900, c 144. 18. To find three numbers in arithmetical progression, so that the sum of their squares shall be 93 ; also if the first be multiplied by 3, the second by 4, and the third by 5, the sum of the products may be 66. Ans. 2, 5, 8. 19. To find four numbers such, that the first may be to the second as the third to the fourth ; and that the first may be to the fourth as 1 to 5 ; also the second to the third as 5 to 9 ; and the sum of the second and fourth may be 20. Ans. 3. 5, 9, 15. 20. To find two numbers such that their product added to their sum may make 47, and their sum taken from the sum df their squares may leave 62. Ans. 5, and 7. RESOLUTION OF CUBIC AND HIGHER EQUATIONS. A Cubic Equation, or Equation of the 3d degree or power, lis one that contains the third power of the unknown quantity. As x^ —ax^ + fca: = c. A Biquadratic^ or Double Quadratic, is an equation that contains the 4th Power of the unknown quantity : As X* —ax^ + bx^ -"CX = d. An Equation of the 6th Power or Degree, is one that con- tains the 5th power of the unknown quantity : As x^ ^ax* -h bx^ cx^ -{- dx = e. And so on, for all other higher powers. Where it is to be noted, however, that all the powers, or terms in the equation, are supposed to be freed from surds or fractional exponents. There are many particular and prolix rules usually given for the solution of some of the above-mentioned powers or equations. But they may be all readily solved by the following easy rule of Double Position, sometimes called Trial-and-error. RULE. 1. Find, by trial, two numbers, as near the true toot as ^ou can, and substitute them separately in the given equation, instead of the unknown c^uantity ; and find how much the V OL. i. ^34 terras '< 26« ALGEBRA. terms collected together, according to their signs ^^4" or — , differ from the absolute known term of the equation, marking whether these errors are in excess or defect. 2. Multiply the difference of the two numbers, found or taken by trial, by either of the errors, and divide the pro- duct by the difference of the errors, when they are alike, but by their sum when they are unlike. Or say. As the difference or sum of the errors, is to the difference of the two numbers, so is either error to the correction of its sup- posed number. 3. Add the quotient, last found, to the number belonging to that error, when its supposed number is too little, but subtract it when too great, and the result will give the true root nearly, 4. Take this root and the nearest of the two former, or any other that may be found nearer ; and, by proceeding in like manner as above, a root will be had still nearer than before. And so on to any degree of exactness required. Note 1. It is best to employ always two assumed numbers that shall differ from each other only by unity in the last figure on the right hand ; because then the difference, or multiplier, is only 1. It is also best to use always the least error in the above operation. JVote 2. It will be convenient also to begin with a single figure at first, trying several single figures till there be found the two nearest the truth, the one too little, and the other too great ; and in working with them, find only one more figure. Then substitute this corrected result in the equation, for the unknown letter, and if the result prove too little, substitute also the number next greater for the second sup- position ; but contrarywise, if the former prove too great, then take the next less number for the second supposition : and in working with the second pair of errors, continue the quotient only so far as to have the corrected number to four places of figures. Then repeat the same process again with this last corrected number, and the next greater or less, as the case may require, carrying the third corrected number to eight figures ; because each new operation commonly doubles the number of true figures. And thus proceed to any extent that may be wanted. EXAMPLES. Ex. 1. To find the root of the cubic equation a?^ 4- x^ -f- X = 100, or the value of x in it. H€re CUBIC, &c. EQUATIONS. 269 Here it is soon found that X lies between 4 and 5. As- sume therefore these two num- bers, and the operation will be as follows : 1st Sup. 4 - X \^ - x^ 64 - a;3 84 100 -16 - sums - but should be - errors - + 66 the sum of which is 71. Then a« 71 : 1 : ; 16 : Hence x = 4*2 nearly. Again, suppose 4-2 and 4-3 ; and repeat the work as fol- lows : 1st Sup. 4-2 17-64 74-088 x^ a: - 1»02 64-89 - 63j: 6?2« -16-9136 — 15x2-15-6060 1-092727 x^ l'06120e 60-069227 sums 49-? 16208 60 60 -f -069227 errors —-284792 •284792 As 364019: -01 :: -069227: •0019666 This taken from 1-03 leaves x nearly = 1 02804 Note 3. Every equation has as many roots as it contains dimensions, or as there are units in the index of its highest power. That is, a simple equation has only one value of the root ; hut a quadratic equation has two values or roots, a cubic equation has three roots, a biquadratic equation has four roots, and so on. And when one of the roots of an equation has been found by approximation, as above, the rest may be found as follows. Take, for a dividend, the given equation, with the known term transposed, with its sign changed, to the unknown side of the equation ; and for a divisor, take x minus the root just found. Divide the said dividend by the divisor, and the quo- tient will be the equation depressed a degree lower than the given one. Find a root of this new equation by approximation, as before, or otherwise, and it will be a second root of the original equa- tion. Then, by means of this root, depress the second equa- tion one degree lower, and from thence find a third root, and so on, till the equation be reduced to a quadratic ; then the two roots of this being found, by the method of completing the square, they will make up the remainder of the roots. Thus in the foregomg equation, having found one ' root to be 1-02804, connect it by minus with x for a divisor, and the equation for a dividend, &c. as follows : ^^ 1-02804) x^ ~ \bx^ + 63:j? — 60 (x^ — 13-97196x 4- 48-63627=-0 Theo «UBIC, &c. EQJJATIONS. 2^t' 'Then the two roots of this quadratic equation, or — — — aja — 13-97196 a: = - 48-63627, by completing the square, are 6-57tti3 and 7-39443, which are also the other two roots «f the given cubic equation. So that all the three roots of that equation, viz. a;^ — 16 x^ -{- 63x = 60. *^^ l*c^f?t )and the sum of all the roots is found to be A ^'tltliw^^ ^^^^S 6^"^^ *® ^^^ co-efficient of the an d 7-c?t^54J Vg^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ equation, which the sum of . r /^/^^w^^ I the Toots alwavs ought to be, when they are sum '5 000001 •.. J & J J Note 4. It is also a particular advantage of the foregoing rule, that it is not necessary to prepare the equation, as for «ther rules, by reducing it to the usual 6nal form and state of equations. Because the rule may be applied at once to an unreduced equation, though it be ever so much embarrassed by surd and compound quantities. As in the following ex- ample. Ex. 3. Let it be required to find the root x of the equation ^ 144a:a-(x3 -[- 20)^ + y/ IdQx^ -(x^-^- 24)2" = 1 H, or the value of x in it. By a few trials, it is soon found that the value of x is but little above 7. Suppose therefore first that a; is = 7, and then X = 8. First, when x = 7. Second, when a: = 8. 47-906 - y/ 144^2 _ (j.2 -I- 20)2 - 46-476 65'384 - v^ 196x2 - (a;2 4- 24)2 . 69-283 113-290 - the sums of these - 115-759 114-000 - the true number - 114-000 — 0-710 - the two errors ^ -f 1-759 -fl-759 - As 2-469 : 1 : : 0-710 : 0-2 nearly . 7-0 Therefore x = 7-2 nearly Suppose again x = 7-2, and then, because it turns out too great suppose x also = 7-1, &c. as follows : Supp» ^62- ALGEBRA. • Supp. X = 7-2 Supp. X = 71 47-990 - \/ 144x2 _ (jr2 4. 20)3 - 47-973 66-402 - ^ 196x2 - (x2 + 24)2 the sums of these the true number the two errors ::-123: -024 the correcti 7-100 add - 65-904 ir4-392 - 114 000 - 113-877 114-000 -fO'392 - 0-123 — 0-123 30, As -515 :'l Therefore x = 7-124 nearly the root required. Noit 5. The same rule also among other more difficult forms of equation, succeeds very well in what are called exponential ones, or those which have an unknown quantity in the exponent of the power ; as in the following example ; Ex. 4. To find the value of x in the exponental equation a;^= 100. For more easily resolving such kinds of equations, it is convenient to take the logarithms of them, and then compute the terms by means of a table of logarithms. Thus, the loga- rithms of the two sides of thie present equation are x X log. of a: = 2 the log. of 100. Then, by a fewt rials, it is soon perceived that the value of x is somewhere between the two numbers 3 and 4, and indeed nearly in the middle between them, but rather nearer the latter than the former. Taking therefore first x = 3-6, and then = 3-6, and virorking with the logarithms, the operation will be as follows : First Supp. X = 3-5, Log. of 3'5 = 0-544068 then 3-5Xlog. 3-5 = 1-904238 the true number 2-000000 error, too little, — -096762 •002689 Second Supp. x = 3*6. Log. of3-6 = 0-656303 then 3-6 X log. 3-6 = 2-002689 the true number 2-00000© error, too great-I-002689 -098451 sum of the errors. Then, As -098451 : -1 : : -002689 : 0-00273 the correction taken from 3-60000 leaves - 3-59727 = x nearly. On CUBIC, &c. EQUATIONS. 263 On trial, this is found to be a very small matter too little. Take therefore again, x = 3-69727, and next = 3-59728, and repeat the operation as follows : First, Supp. X = 3-59727. Log. of 3-69727 is 0-655973 3-59727 X log. of 3-69727 = 1-9999864 the true number 2-0000000 error, too little, —0-0000146 --0-0000047 Second, Supp. x = 3-59728 Log. of 3-69728 is 0-565974 3-59728 X log. of 3-59728 = 1-9999953 the true number 2-0000000 error, too little, —0-0000047 0-0000099 diff. of the errors. Then, As -0000099 : -00001 : : -0000047 ; -00000474747* the cor. added to - 3-59728000000 gives nearly the value of re = 3-59728474747 Ex. 6. To find the value of a: in the equation sc » + lOa:^ -f- 6a: = 260. Ans. a; = 4-1179867. Ex. 6. To find the value of x in the equation x^ — Src = 60. Ans.3-S648854. ^ ♦ The Author has here followed the general rule in finding' as many additional figures as were known before : viz. The 6 figurcis 3-59728t but as the logarithms here used are to 6 places only, we f.annot de- pend on more than 6 .figures in the answer ; we have no reason, therefore, to suppose any of the figures in -000004747'47, to be coprect. The log. of 3-59728 to 15 places is 0-55597 42431 34677 the log. of 3«59727 to 15 places is 0-55597 30358 47267 which logarithms multiplied by their respective numbers gi ve the fol- lowing products : i'S 5?i6 S} •»* '""^ *<• *^ '"* «e"^- Therefore, the errors are - - - 49746 564\88 and - - - 148773 37702 and the difference of errors - - - 99026 812 14. Now since only 6 additional figures are to be obtained, We n my omit the last three figures in these errors ; and state thuff : as diff. t >f errors 9902681 : diff. of sup. 1 : : error 4974656 : the correction SI^IT^^. t, which united to 3-59728 gives us the true value of a: « 3-597285023 54- , i ISx. 7, 264 ALGEBRA. Ex. 7. To find the value of x in the equation s:^ -|- 2x^ — 23 J? = 70. Ans. x = 5134o7. Ex. 8. To find the value of x in the equation x^ — VI x^ 4- h^x = 350. Ans. x = 14-95407. Ex. 8. To find the value of x in the equation jr* — Sx^ — 75a: = 10000. Ans. x ~ 10-2609. Ex. 10. To find the value of x in the equation 2j?'* — 16a: 4- 40 ar2 — 30j7 = — 1. Ans. x = 1-284724. Ex. II. To find the value of x in the equation x^ ■\- 2a;* -f 3j73 4- 4a;2 + 6a: = 54321. Ans. x — 8-414455. Ex. 12. To find the value of x in the equation x = 123456789. Ans. x = 8-6400268. Ex. 13. Given 2a: - "Ix^ '\- \\x^ ^ ^x — \\ , to find x. Ex. 14. To find the value of x in the equation (3x2 — 2 ^ a: -f 1)« — (x2 — 4x ^ X -f 3 ^x^^ = 66. Ans. X = 18-360877. To resolve Cubic Equations hy Cardenas Rule, I Though the foregoing general method, by the application of Double Position, be the readiest way, in real practice, of finding the roots in numbers of cubic equations, as well as of all the higher equations universally, we may here add the particular method commonly called Garden's Rule, for re- solving cubic equations, in case any person should choose occasionally to employ that method. The form that a cubic equation must necessarily have to be resolved by this rule, is this, viz. z^ -{- az = b, that is, wanting the second term, or the term of the 2d power z^. Therefore, after any cubic equation has been reduced down to its final usual form, x^ + px^ -f- qx = r^ freed from the co-eflicient of its first term, it will then be necessary to take away the 2d term px^ ; which is to be ^one in this manner : Take ^p, or ^ of the coefficient of the second term, and annex it, with the contrary sign, to another unknown letter Zy thus z — i p ; then substitute this for x, the unknown letter in the original equation x^ -|- px'^ -{- qx = r^ and there will result this reduced equation z^ -\- az = b, of the form projser for applying the following, or Garden's rule. C^r take c = ia, and d = ^b, by which the reduced equation takes this form 2 3 -I- 3c /= 2d, Thejr^ CUBIC, &c. EQUATIONS. 26JSI Then substitute the values of c and d in this form z = ^ci + y (d^ -j- c^) -f ^d^^(^d^ + c^). or. = 3/d -f v^(ci^ ^c3)-777^-^^^ and the value of the root ., of the reduced equation 2^ + az = b^ will be obtained. Lastly, take x = z — ip, which will give the value of a;, the required root of the original equa- tion x^ 4* px^ + 9^ = »'i first proposed. One root of this equation being thus obtained, then de- pressing the original equation one degree lower, after the man- ner described p 260 and 261, the other two roots of that equa- tion will be obtained by means of the resulting quadratic equation. JVote. When the co-efficient a, or c, is negative, and c^ is greater thanc?^^ this is called the irreducible case, because then the solution cannot be generally obtained by this rule. Ex. To find the roots of the equation x^—6x^ + 10a; = 8. First, to take away the 2d term, its co- efficient being— 6, its 3d part is — 2 ; put therefore x = . + 2 ; then x^ = z^ -{- 6.2 ^ i2z -{-8 — 6x2 = — 6.2 — 24. ■— 24 + lOx = 4- 10. 4- 20 theref. the sum. .» i^ — 2. + 4 = 8 or .3 ♦ — 2. = 4 Here then a = — 2, 6 = 4, c = — |, rf = 2. Theref. l /d^^{d^ 4 .c3)=3^24-v^(4-^\)=V2-t-v^Vo/-= V2 4- V" x/ 3 = 1-57785 and 3/d-y(^+c3)= 3/2— ^(4-^\)=^24VVV'= 3/2— V" ^/^= 0-42265 then the sum of these two is the value of . = 2. Hence a: = . 4" 2 e=: 4, one root of a; in the eq. x^ — 6a;2 -^ lOx = 8. To find the two other roots, perform the division, &c. as in p. 261, thus : a: — 4) x3 — 6a;3 -|- lOa: — 8 {x^ —2a; + 2 = 0. ^3 4a;2 — 2x2 + lOx — 2x2 + 8x 2x- 2x — -8 -8 Vot. I. 3i Hence 266 ALGEBRA. Hence x^ —2a? =—2, or a;2 — 2a: -f I = ~ 1, and a: — I = ^: v^ - 1 ; ^ = 1 + v^ ~- 1 or = 1 — v^ — 1, the two ether sought. Ex. 2. To find the roots of x^ — 9x2 + 28x = 30. Ans. a: = 3, or = 3 H- ^ — 1, or = 3 — ^ — 1. Ex. 3. To find the roots of x^ - Tx^ + Hot = 20, Ans. a; = 6, or = 1 + ^ — 3, or = 1 - ^ — 3. OF SIMPLE INTEREST. As the interest of any sum, for any time, is directly pro- portional to the principal sum, and to the time ; therefore the interest of 1 pound, for 1 year being multiplied by any given principal sum, and by the time of its forbearance, in years and parts, will give its interest for that time. That is, if there be put r = the rate of interest of 1 pound per annum, p = any principal sum lent, t = the time it is lent for, and d = the amount or sum of principal and interest ; then is prt = the interest of the sum /?, for the time t, and conseq, p -\- prt oTp X (1 -{- rt) = a, the amount for that time, i From this expression, other theorems can easily be deduced, for finding any of the quantities above mentioned ; whiph theo- rems; collected together, will be as below : 1st, a = /) -{- prty the amount. a 2d, p = , the principal, 1 + ri a—p 3d, r = , the rate, pt a—p 4th, < = the time. pr For Example. Let it be required to find, in what time any principal sum will double itself, at any rate of simple in- terest. In this case, we must use the first theorem, a = p -{- prt, in which the amount a must be made = 2/?, or double the principal, that is, p -|- prt = 2p, or prt = p, or rt = 1 ; 1 and hence t = -. r Here, COMPOUND INTEREST. 267 Here, r being the interest of IL for 1 ^^ear, it follows, that the doubling at simple interest, is equal to the quotient of any sum dirided by its interest for 1 year. So, if the rate of interest be 6 per cent, than 100 -i- 5 = 20, is the time of doubling at that rate. Or the 4th theorem gives at once a-p 2p— /) 2— 1 1 t = = = s= — , the same as before. pr pr r r COMPOUND INTEREST. Besides the quantities concerned in Simple Interest namely, p = the principal sum, r = the rate or interest of 11. for 1 year, a = the whole amount of the principal and interest, t = the time, there is another quantity employed in Compound Interest, viz. the ratio of the rate of interest, which is the amount of 1/. for 1 time of payment, and which here let be denoted by R, viz. R = 1 -}- r, the amount of 1/. for 1 time. Then the particular amounts for the several times may be thus computed, viz. As 1/. is to its amount for any time su is any proposed principal sum, to its amount for the same time ; that is, as 11. : R : : p : pR, the 1st year's amount, 11. : R : : pR : pR^ , the 2d year's amount, 1/. : R : : pR^ ; pR^, the 3d year's amount, and so on. Therefore, in general, pR* = a is the amount for the i year, or t time of payment. Whence the following general theoi» reras are deduced : 1st, a = joRt, the amount, a 2d, /? = — the principal, a 3d, R = ^ — , the ratio, P log. of a — log. of p 4th, t = , the time. lo£. of R From ^6d ALGEBRA. From which, any one of the quantities may be found, wheji the rest are given. As to the whole interest, it is found by barely subtracting the principal p from the amount a. Example. Suppose it be required to find, in how many years any principal sum will double itself, at any proposed rate of compound interest. In this case the 4th theorem must be employed, making (0 = 2p ♦ and then it is, ' log. a — log./) log. 2p — log. /) log. 2 log. R log. R log. R So, if the rate of interest be 5 per cent, per annum ; then ^R = 1 -f -06 = 1 -05 ; and hence log. 2 -301030 t — -' — = = 14-2067 nearly ; log. 106 -021189 that is, any sum doubles itself in 14a years nearly, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum compound interest. Hence, and from the like question in Simple Interest, above given, are deduced the times in which any sum doubles itself, at several rates of interest, both simple and com- pound ; viz. At-, per cent, per annum interest, 1/. or any other sum, will double itself in the following years. " At Simp. Int. At Comp. Int. in 50 in 35-0028 40 28-0701 33i 23-4498 284 20-1488 25 «1 1 7-6730 «5 22f S 15-7473 S 20 ? 14-2067?' 16| 11-8967 14f 10-2448 12i 9-0065 IH 8-0432 L 10 1 7 2725 The eOMPOTJND INTEREST. f69 Th€ following Table will very much facilitate calculations •f compouad interest on any sum, for any number ot years, at various rates of interest. The Amounts of \l. in an) r Number of Year« . YTi: 3 H 4 H 5 6 1 1-0:^00 1-0350 1 ()4i-0 1-04.^0 1 0500 1 0600 2 1-0609 J -0712 10816 1-0920 1102o 1 1^36 3 10927 1-1087 11249 1.1412 1-1576 M910 4 11255 11475 1-1699 11925 i-2155 1-2625 5 1 1593 1-1877 1-2167 1-2462 1-2763 1-3382 6 11941 1-2293 1-2653 1 -302^ 1-3401 1-4185 7 1 2:^99 1-2723 1-3159 1 36U9 1-4071 1-5036 8 1-2668 1 3168 1-3686 , 4221 1-4775 1-5939 9 1 3048 1-3629 1-4233 1-4861 1-5513 1 -6895 10 1-3439 1-4106 1-4802 1-5530 1-628^ 1-7909 11 1-3842 1-4600 1-5895 1-6229 1-710;': 1-8983 12 14258 1-6111 1 6010 1-6959 1-7950 2-0122 13 1-4685 1-5640 1-66^1 1 7722 1 -8866 2 1329 14 1-6126 1-6187 1-7317 1-8519 19799 2-2609 15 1-5580 1-6753 1-8009 1-9353 2-0789 2-3966 16 1-6047 1-7340 1-8730 2-0224 2-1829 2-6404 17 1-6528 1-7947 1-9479 2-1134 2-2920 2-6928 18 1-7024 1-8575 2-0258 2-2085 2-4066 2-8543 19 1-7535 1-9225 2-1068 2-3079 2-5270 3 -02^6 20 1 1-8061 1-9898 2-1911 2-4117 2-6533 ,3-2071 The use of this Table, which contains all the powers, r*, to the 20th power, or the amounts of 1/. is chiefly to cal- culate the interest, or the amount of any principal sum, for any time, not more than 20 years. For example, let it be required to find, to how much 523/. will amount in 15 years, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum /compound interest. In the table, on the line 15, and in the column 5 per cent, is the amount of 1/. viz. - - 2-0789 this multiplied by the priDcipai - 523 gives the amount - - - 1087-2647 or - - - 1087/. 5s. S^d, and therefore the interest is - 664/. 5s. 3\d. Note 1. When the rate of interest is to be determined to any other time than a year ; as suppose to i a year, or ^ a year, &c. \ the rules are still the same ; but then t will express 27^. ALGEBRA. = express that time, and r must be taken the amount for that time also. JsToie 2. When the compound interest, or amount, of any sura is required for the parts of a jear ; it may be deter- mined in the following manner : \st. For any time which is some aliquot part of a year : — Find the amount of 1/. for 1 year, as before ; then that root of it which is denoted by the aliquot part, will be the amount of IL This amount being multiplied by the principal sum, will produce the amount of the given sum as required. 2{/, When the time is not an aliquot part of a year : — Reduce the time into days, and take the 366tii root of the amount of \l. for 1 year, which will give the amount of the same for 1 day. Then raise this amount to that power whose index is equal to the number of days, and it will he the amount for that time. Which amount being multiplied by the princi- pal sum, will produce the amount of that sum as before.— And in these calculations, th^ operation by logarithms will be Tery useful. OF ANNUITIES. ANNUITY is a term used for any periodical income, aris- ing from money lent, or from houses, lands, salaries, pen- sions. &c. payable from time to time, but mostly l?y annual payments. Annuities are divided into those that are in Possession, and those in Reversion : the former meaning such as have com- menced ; and the latter such as will not begin till some par- ticular event has happened, or till after some certain time has elapsed. When an annuity is forborn for some years, or the pay- ments not made for that time, the annuity is said to be in Arrears. An annuity may also be for a certain number of years ; or it may be without any limit, and then it is called a Per- petuity. The Amount of an annuity, forborn for any number of years, is the sum arising from the addition of all the annui- ties for that number of years, together with the interest due upon each after it bqcwnes d.ue. The ANNUITIES. i'71 The Present Worth nr Vahie of an annuity, is the price or sum wliich ought to .e given for it, supposing it to be bought off, or paid all at once. Let a = the annuity, pension, or yearly rent ; n = the number of years forborn, or lent for ; R = the aiTiount of ll. for 1 year ; fn = the amount of the annuity ; V = its value, or its present worth. Now, 1 being the present value of the sum r, by propor- tion the present value of any other sum a, is thus found : a as R : 1 : : a : — the present value of a due 1 year Iienc3. In hke mannner — is the present value of a due 2 years R2 ct a a a a hence ; for r : 1 : : — : — So also — , — , — , &c. will R R2 r3 r.4 r5 be the present values of a, due at the end of 3, 4, 6, &c. years respectively. Consequently the sum of all these, or a a a a 1111 — + -- + — + — 4-&C. = (— + — + — +-&c.)X a, R r2 r3 r4 R R2 r3 ^4 continued to n terms, will be the present value of all the n years' annuities. And the value of the perpetuity, is the sum of the series to infinity. But this series, it is evident, is a geometrical progressi(Mi, 1 having — both for its first term and common ratio, and the ft number of its terms n ; therefore the sum u of all the terms ©r the present value of all the annual payments, will be 11 1 R R R" r" — 1 a •» = X a, or = X — . 1 R — 1 R" 1 — R When the annuity is a perpetuity ; n being infinite, r" ib 1 also idfinite, and therefore the quantity — becomes = 0. R" a 1 therefore X — also = ; consequently the expression R- I R» becOHie^ 27g ALGEBRA. a becomes barely v = ; that is, any annuity divided by R-l tbe interest of \l for 1 year, gives the value of the perpetuity. So, if the rate of interest be 6 per cent, Then lOOa -r- 5 = 20rt is the value of the perpetuity at £ per cent : Also lOOa -f- 4 = 25a is the value of the per- petuity at 4 per cent : And 100a -J- 3 = 33^a is the value of the perpetuity at 3 per cent : and so oa. Again, because the anriount of 1/. in n years, is r", its increase in that time will be r'* — 1 ; but its interest for one iingle year, or the annuity answering to that increase, is R — 1 ; therefore as r — 1 is to r" — 1, so is a to m ; that R" — 1 is, m = X a. Hence, the several cases relating ta R — 1 Annuities in Arrear, will be resolved by the following equa- feons : R»-~l ■m = '— X a = -VR^ I R 1 R"- 1 X— : R» m 5 R« R 1 R 1 Xm R 1 X VK*; R«-- 1 R° 1 mR — w 4- tb log. m — log. "& n = ■ log. R log. m — log. t Log. R = 1 1 RP R" R — - 1 In this last theorem, r denotes the present value. of aa annuity in reversion, after/) years, or not commencing till after the first p years, being found by taking the difference r" — ■ 1 a rP — 1 a between the two values X — and —7 X — , for R — 1 r" r — 1 rP n years and p years. But the amount and present vaUie of any annuity for any number of years, up to 21, will be most readily found by the tno following tables. tablk ANNUITIES. 27a TABLE I. The Amount of an Annuity of ll. at Compound Interest YrvjatSperc. 3) pe: < .. 4 !>er r 4iperr.| 5 rei r. 6 p' re 1 10000 10000 10000 1-0000 1 (000 1 OCOC 2 2 0300 2 0350 20400 2 04.0 2 0500 2 Or. 00 3 3 0909 3 3062 3 1216 3- 1370 3 35:;5 3 1836 4 4 18.36 4 2l4y 4 :>465 4 4782 43101 4 3746 5 5 3091 5-3625 5-4»6.. 54707 5-5-ot 56371 6 6-4684 6 5502 6 6330 6 7169 6 8019 6 9.53 7 7-66 -'5 7-77i'4 7 8983 8-0192 8 1420 8 3938 8 8-8923 9 0517 9 142 9 3800 9-5191 9 8975 9 10 1591 10 3685 105828 108021 11-0266 li 4913 10 11 4639 n 73i4 12 006! 12-2882 12-5779 13 1808 U 12 8078 13 1420 13 48 4 13 8412 14 2068 149716 12 14 1920 14 60^<0 15 0258 15 4640 159171 16 8699 13 156178 \6 1130 ^ 6 6268 17 :5y9 17 7130 18 8821 14 17*0863 17 6770 18 2919 189321 19 5986 21 0.51 15 18 5989 19 2957 20 3236 ';0 7841 21 5786 23 2760 16 20-1569 20 9710 I 8245 2.7193 23 6o75 25 67^5 17 217616 227050 23 6975 ^4 7417 25-8404 28-2129 18 234141 24 4997 25-6454 26-8551 28- 1324 30 9057 19 25 1169 26 357 27-6712 290636 SO 5390 337600 20 268704 58-2797 29-7781 31 3714 33 0660 36 7856 21 28-6/65 30 2695 31 9692 33-7831 S5 7193 39 99 ?7 TABLE II. The present value of an Annuity of 1^ ^K at 3perc 33Pvrc. 4!ier c. 4^ per c 5 jjcrc. 6 perc. 1 9709 0-9662 9615 9569 9524 0-9434 2 1 9135 18997 18861 1-8727 1 8594 1-8334 3 2 8286 28016 2 7751 2-7490 27233 2-6730 4 3-7171 36731 3 6299 3 5875 35460 3 4651 5 4 5797 45151 4-4518 4 5900 4-3295 4-2124 6 5 4172 53286 5 2421 51579 50757 49173 7 62303 6 1*45 600-0 5-8927 5 7864 55824 8 7 0197 6-8740 67327 6 5959 6 4632 6-^^098 9 7 7861 7 6077 74353 7-2688 7 1078 68017 10 8 5302 8-3166 8 1109 7 9127 7-7217 7 3601 U 9 2526 , 9 0116 8 7605 8 5289 8-3054 7 8869 12 9-9540 9 6633 9 3851 9 1186 88633 83838 13 10 6^>50 10-3027 9 9857 9 6829 9 3936 885/7 14 11 296 i 10 9205 10 5631 10 2228 9 8986 9 2950 15 1 1-9379 ,115174 111184 10 7396 '0 3797 9 712^ 16 12 5611 12 0941 116523 11 2340 10 8378 10 10 59 17 13 1661 126513 12 1657 117072 11 2741 10 4773 18 13 7535 13 1897 126593 12-1600 11-6896 10 8276 19 14 3238 13 7098 13 1339 12*5933 12 0853 11 1581 20 14 8775 l4-oi24 135903 13 0079 12-4622 114699 21 154150 14 6980 140292 13 4047 ' 12-8212 11 7641 Vol. L 36 n 274 ALGEBRA. To find the Amount of^ any annuity forborn a certain number of years. Take out the amount of \L from the first table, for the proposed rate and time ; then multiply it hy the given annuity; and the product will be the amount, for the same number of years, and rate of interest. — And the converse to find the rate or time. y Exam. To find how much an annuity of 60Z. will amount to in 20 years, at 3^ per cent, compound interest. On the line of 20 years, and in the column of 3i per cent, stands 28*2797, which is the amount of an annoity of \l. for ihe 20 years. Then 28-2797 X 50 gives 1413'986/. = iW13/. 19s. 8d. for the answer required. To find the present Value of any annuity for any number of years. — Proceed here by the 2d table, in the same manner as above for the 1st table, and the present worth required will be found. Exam. 1. To find the present value of an annuity of 501, which is to continue 20 years, at 3^ per cent. — By the table, the present value of IZ, for the given rate and time, is 14-2124 ; therefore 14-2124 X 50 = 710-6,2/. (yr 710Z. 126-. 4d, is the present value required. Exam, 2. To find the present value of an annuity of 20/. to commence 10 years hence, and then to continue for 1 1 years longer, or to terminate 21 years hence, at 4 per cent, interest. — in such cases as this, we have to find the difierence between the present values of two equal annuities, for the two given times ; which therefore will be done by subtract- ing the tabular value of the one period from that of the other, and then multiplying by the given annuity. Thus, tabular value for 21 years 14*0292 ditto for - - 10 years 8-1109 the difference 5-9183 multiplied by 20 gives - 118-366/. or - - 118/. 7s. 3^d. the answer. END (IF THE ALGEBRA. GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. 1. -A. POINT is that wh^ch has positioa, but no magnitude, nor dimensions ; neither length, breadth, nor thickness. 2. A Line is length, without breadth or thickness. 3. A Surface or Superficies, is an extension or a figure, of two dimensions, length and breadth ; but without thickness. 4. A Body or Solid, is a figure of three di- mensions, namely, leagth, breadth, and depth, or thickness. 6. Lines are either Right, or Curved, or Mixed of these two. 6. A Right Line, or Straight Line, lies all in the same direction, between its extremities ; and is the shortest distance between two points. When a line is mentioned simply, it means a Right Line. 7. A Curve continually changes its direction between its extreme points. 8. Lines are either Parallel, Oblique, Per- pendicular, or Tangential. 9. Parallel Lines are always at the same per- pendicular distance ; and they never meet though ever so far produced. 10. ObUque lines change their distance, and would meet, if produced on the side of the least distance. 11. One line is Perpendicular to another, when it inclines not more on the one side than (f7 Jrd7 L/ 276 GEOMETRY, than the other, or when the angles on both sides of it are equal. 12. A line or circle is Tangential, or a Tangent to a circle, or other curve, when it touches it, without cutting, when both are pro- duced. 13. An Angle is the inclination or opening of two lines, having different directions, and meeting in a point. 14. Angles are Rigkt or Oblique, Acute or ©btuse. 15. A Right Angle is that which is made by one line perpendicular to another. Or wheii the angles on each side are equal to one an- other, they are right angles. 16. An Oblique Angle is that which is made by two oblique lines ; and is either less or greater than a right angle. 17. An Acute Angle is less than a right angle. 18. An Obtuse Angle is greater than a right angle. 19. Superficies are either Plane or Curved. 20. A Plane Superficies, or a Plane, is that with which a right line may, every way coincide. Or, if the line touch the plane in two points, it will touch it in every point. But, if not, it is curved. 21. Plane figures are bounded either by right lines or curves. 22. Plane figures that are bounded by right lines have names according to the number of their sides, or of their angles ; for they have as many sides as angles ; the least number being three. 23. A figure of three sides and angles is called a Triangle. And it receives particular denominations from the relations of its sides and angles. 24. An Equilateral Triangle is that whose three sides are all equal. A 26. An Isosceles Triangle is that which has / \ two sides equal. /y^ DEFINITIONS. 277 26. A Scalene Triangle is that whose three sides are all enequal. 27. A Right-angled Triangle is that which has one ritcht-angle 28. Other triangles are Oblique-angled, and are either Obtuse or Acute 29. An Obtuse-angled Triangle has one ob- tuse angle. 30. An Acute-angled Triangle has all its three angles acute. 31. A figure of Four sides and angles is called a Quadrangle, or a Quadrilateral. 32. A Parallelogram is a quadrilateral which has both its pairs of opposite sides parallel. And it takes the following particular names, viz. Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Rhomboid. 33. A Rectangle is a parallelogram having a right angle. 34. A Square is an equilateral rectangle ; having its length and breadth equal. 35. A Rhomboid is an oblique-angled paral- lelogram. 36. A Rhombus is an equilateral rhomboid ; having all its sides equal, but its angles ob- lique. 37. A Trapezium is a quadrilateral which hath not its opposite sides parallel. 38. A Trapezoid has only one pair of oppo- site sides parallel. i V 39. A Diagonal is a line joining any two op- posite angles of a quadrilateral. /N. I 40^ Plane figures that have more than four sides, are, in general, called Polygons : and they receive other particular names, according to the number of their sides or angles ^ Thus, * 41. A Pentagon is a polygon of five sides : a Hexagon, of six sides ; a Heptagon, seven ; an Octagon, eight ; a Nona- gon, nine; a Decagon, ten ; an Undecagoa, eleven ; and a Do- decagon, twelve sides. 42. A 27S GEOMETRY. 42. A Regular Polygon has all its sides and all its angles equal. — If they are not both equal, the polygon is Irregular. 43. An Equilateral Triangle is also a Regular Figure of three sides, and the Square is one of four ; the fornjer being also called a i rigon, and the latter a Tetragon. 44. Any figure is equilateral, when all its sides are equal : and it is equiangular T\hen all its angles are equal. When both these are equal, it is a regular figure. 46. A Circle is a plain figure bounded by a curve line, called the Circnuiference, which is every where equidistant from a certain point within, called its Centre. The circumference itself is often called a circle, and also the Periphery. 46. The Kadius of a circle is a line drawn from the centre to the circumference. 47. The Diameter of a circle is a line drawn through the centre, and terminating at the cir- cumference on both sides. 48. An Arc of a circle is any part of the circumference. 49. A Chord is a right line joining the ex- tremities of an arc. 50. A Segment is any part of a circle bound- ed by an arc and its chord. 61. A Semicircle is half the circle, or a seg- ment cut off by a diameter. The half circumference is sometimes called the semicircle. 62. A Sector is any part of a circle which is bounded by an arc, and two^adii drawn to its extremities. 63. A Quadrant, or Quarter gf a circle, is a sector having a quarter of the circumference for its arc, and its two radii are perpendicular to each other. A quarter of the circumference is sometimes called a Quadrant. 64. Tl^,e DEFINITIONS. 27S 54. The Height or Altitude of a 6gure is a perpendicular let fall from ah angle, or its vertex, to the opposite side, called the base. 55. In a right-augled triangle, the side op- posite the right angle is called the Hypothe- nuse ; and the other two sides are called the Legs, and sometimes the Base and Perpendi- cular. 56. When an angle is denoted by three letters, of which one stands at the angular point, and the other two on the two sides, that which stands at the angular pomt is read in the middle. Thus the angle contained by the lines BA and AD is called the angle BAD or DAB. 57. The circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called Degrees : and each degree into 60 Mi- nutes, each minute into 60 Seconds, and so on. Hence a seniicircle contains 1 80 degrees, and a quadrant 90 degrees. 58. The Measure of an angle, is an arc of any circle contained between the two lines which form that angle, the angular point being the centre ; and it is estimated by the num- ber of degrees contained in that arc. 59. Lines, or chords, are said to be Equi- distant from the centre of a circle, when per- pendiculars drawn to them from the centre are equal. 60. And the right line on which the Great- er Perpendicular falls, is said to be farther from the centre. 61. An Angle In a segment is that which is contained by two lines, drawn from any point in \he arc of the segment, to the two extremities of that arc. 62. An Angle On a segment, or an arc, is that which is contained by two lines, drawn from any point in the opposite or supplemental part of the circumference, to the extremi- ties of the arc, and containing the arc between them. 63. An Angle at the circumference, ifi that whose angular point is any wh^re in the cir- cumference And an angle at the centre, is that whose angular point is at the centre. 64. A 280 GEOMETRY. 64. A right-lined figure is Inscribed in a circle, or the circle Circumscribes it, when all the angular points of the figure are in the circumference of the circle. 65. A right-lined figure Circumscribes a circle, or the circle is Inscribed in it, when all the sides of the figure touch the circumference of the circle. 66. One right-lined figure is Inscribed in another, or the latter Circumscribes the for- mer, when all the angular points of the for- mer are placed in the sides of the latter. 67. A Secant is a line that cuts a circle, lying partly within, and partly without it. 68. Two triangles, or other right-lined figures, are said to be mutually equilateral, when all the sides of the one are equal to the corresponding sides of the other, each to each : and they are said to be mutually equiangular, when the angles •f the one are respectively equal to those of the Other. 69. Identical figures, are such as are both mutually equ^" lateral and equiangular ; or that have all the sides and all the angles of the one, respectively equal to all the sides and all the angles of the other, each to each ; so that if the one figure were applied to, or laid upon the other, all the sides of the one would exactly fall upon and cover all the sides of the other ; the two becoming as it were but one and the same figure. 70. Similar figures, are those that have all the angles of the one equal to all the angles of the other, each to each, and the sides about the equal angles proportional, 71. The Perimeter of a figure, is the sum of all its sidei taken together. 72. A Proposition, is something which is either proposed •to be done, or to be demonstrated, and is either a problem or a theorem. 73. A Problem, is something proposed to be done. 74. A Theorem, is something proposed to be demonstrated. 75. A Lemma, is something which is premised, or demon- strated, in order to render what follows more easy^ 76. A CoroUory, is a consequent truth, gained immediately from some preceding truth or demonstration. 77. A Schohum, is a remark or observation made upcm something going before it. AXIOMS. [ 281 1 AXIOMS. 1. Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. 2. When equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal. 3. When equals are taken from equals, the remainders are equal. 4. When equals are added to unequals, the wholes are unequal. 5. When equals are taken from unequals, the remainders are unequal. ' 6. Things which are double of the same thing, or equal things, are equal to each other. 7. Things which are halves of the same thing, are equal. 8. Every whole is equal to all its parts taken together. 9. Things which coincide, or fill the same space, are iden* tical, or mutually equal in all their parts. 10. All right angles are equal to one another. 11. Angles that have equal measures, or arcs, are equal. THEOREM ] If two Triangles have Two Sides and the Included Angle in the one, equal to Two Sides and the Included Angle in the other, the Triangles will be Identical, or equal in all respects. In the two triangles abc, def, if the side ac be equal to the side df, and the side bc equal to the side ef, and the angle c equal to the angle f ; then will the two triangles be iden- tical, or equal in all respects. A B D E For conceive the triangle abc to be applied to, or placed on, the triangle dbf, in such a manner that the point c may Vol. L 37 coincide GEOMETRY. coincide with the point f, and the side ac with the side df, which is equal to it. Then, since the angle f is equal to the angle c (hy hyp), the side bc will fall on the side ef. Also, because ac is equal to df, and bc equal to ef (by hyp), the point a will coincide with the point d, and the point b with the pt-int e ; consequently the side ab will coincide with the side de. Therefore the two triangles are identical, arid have all th ir other corresponding parts equal (ax. 9), namely, the ^id;' ab equal to the side de, the angle a to the angle d, and the angle b to the angle e. q. e. d, THEOREM n. When Two Triangles have Two Angleis and the included Side in the one. equal to '3'wo Anjj;les and the included Side in the other, the Triangles are Identical^ or have their olher sides and angle equal. Let the two triangles abc, def, q F have the apgle a equal to the angle D, the angle b equal to the angle e, and the side ab equal to the side de ; then these two triangles will be identical. For, conceive the triangle abc to be placed on the trfangle DEF. in such nnanner that the side ab may fall exactly on the equal side de. Then, since the angle'^A is equal to the angle^ D (by hyp.), the side ac n«nst hU on the side df ; and, in like manner, because the angle b is equal to the angle e the side bc must fall on the side ef. Thus tbetlree sides of the triangle abc will be exai tly placed on the three sides of the triangle def : consequently the two triangles are identical (ax. 9), having the other two sides ac, bc, equal to ti»e two df, ef, and the remaining angle c equal to the remaining angl^ F. ci. E. D. THEOREM HI. In an Isos^celes triangle, the Angles at the Base are equal. Or, if a Triangle have Two Sides equal, their Opposite Angles will also be equal. if the triangle abc have the side ac equal to the side bc : then will the angle b be equal to the angle a. For, conceive the angle c to be bisected, or divided into two equal parts by the line CD, making the angle acd. equal to the angle bc©. ^ Then, THT:0REMS. 283 Then, the two tr!3n2:les acd, bcd, have two sides and the <: ."t ur;cf] ^ru:U' of the one, equal to two sides and the cop.tainefl a^^5ie of the other, viz. the side ac equal to bc, the BM^Jo A.D <^quU to BCD, and the side cd common ; there- fore thcf^; tvso triangles are indentical, or equal in all re- Sj)!- /s (th. 1) ; and consequently the angle a equal to the a-VJ. B. Q. E. I). Corol. 1, Honce the line which hisects the verticle angle of aa isosceles triani^lc, bisects the base, and is also perpendicu- lar to it. Corol. 2-. Hence too it appears, that every equilateral tri- angle, is also equian^uiar, or has all its angles equal. THEOREM IV. WtfEN a Tf iangK^ has Two of its x\ngles ^equal, the Sides Opposite to them are also equal. If the triargle abc, have the angle a C eq'ial to th^ angle b. it will also have the side /K AC oqijal to the side bc / I \ For, conceiye tb'ii side ab to be bisected / I \ in li»e point d, making ad equal to db ; / t \ and j.nn DC, dividing the whvol.'^ triangle into A. D B the two triangles acd, bcd. Also c orrceive the t'iangle acd to be turned over upon the triangle bcd, so that ad maj f :U on bd. Then, because the line ad is equal to the line db ^by hyp.), the point a coincides with the point b, and the point d with the point D. Also, because the angle a is equal to the an5;;le b by (hyp.), the hne ac will fall on the line bc, and the extremity c of the side ac will coincide with the extremity c of the side bc, becanse dc is common to both ; coiisequently the side ac is equal to bc q. e. d*. Corol. Hence every eiijuiangular triangle is also equila- teral. THEOREM V. When Two Triangles have all the Three Sides in the one, equal to all the Three Sides in the other, the Triangles are Identical, or have also their Three Angles equal, each to each. Let the two triangles, abc, abd, have their three sides respectively equal, viz. the side a« equal to ab, AC to AD, and bc to bd ; then shall the two triangles be identical, or have their angles equal, viz. those angles * I lis tlemon-iti-ation of Theoiem iv, does not appear to me to be conclusive. Editoii. • that ^84 GEOMETR\. that are opposite to the equal sides ; C namely, the angle bag to the angle ^--^^"^^Nv BAD, the angle abc to the angle abd, a <^— -__J__\-d and the angle c to the angle d. ^;^~— \~/^ For, conceive the two triangles to ^^""^-j/ be joined together by their longest D equal sides, and draw the line cd. Then, in the triangle acd, because the side ac is equal to AD (by hyp.), the angle acd is equal to the angle adc (th. 3). In like manner, in the triangle bcd. the angle bcd is equal to the angle bdc, because the side bc is equal to bd. Hence then, the angle acd being equal to the angle, a©c and the angle bcd to the angle bdc, by equal additions the sum of the two angles acd, bcd, is equal to the sum of the two adc, BDC, (ax. 2), that is, the whole angle acb equal to the whole angle adb. Since then, the two sides ac, cb, are equal to the two sides AD, db, each to each, (by hyp.), and their contained angles ACB, adb, also equal, the two triangles abc, and abd, are iden- tical (th. 1), and have the other angles equal, viz. the angle" BAc to the angle bad, and the angle abc to the angle abd. Q. E. D. THEOREM VI. When one Lme meets another, the Angles which it makes on the Same Side of the other,^ are together ^qual to Two Right Angles. Let the line ab meet the line cd : then TPill the two angles abc, abd, taken together, be equal to two right angles. For, first, when the tw® angles abc, abd . are equal to each other, they are both of them right angles (def. 15.) E A B D But when the angles are unequal, suppose be drawn per- pendicular to CD. Then, since the two angles ebc, ebd, are right angles (def. 15), and the angle ebd, is equal to the two angles eba, abd, together (ax. 8), the three angles, ebc, eba, and abd, are equal to two right Angles. But the two angles ebc, eba, are together equal to the angle abc (ax. 8). Consequently the two angles abc, abd, are also equal to two right angles, q. e. d. Corol. 1. Hence also, conversely, if the two angles abc, abd, on both sides of the line ab, make up together two right angles, then cb and bd form one continued right line cd. Corol, THEOREMS. 286 Corol. 2. Hence, all the angles which can be made, at any point b, by any number of lines, on the same side of the right line cd, are, when taken all together, equal to two right angles. Corol. 3. And, as all the angles that can be made on the other side of the line cd are also equal to two right angles ; therefore ail the angles that can be made quite round a point B, by any number of lines, are equal to four right angles. Corol. 4. Hence also the whole circumfer- ence of a circle, being the sum of the mea- sures of all the angles that can be made about the centre f (def. 67), is the measure of four right angles. Consequently ,^ a semicircle, or 180 degrees, is the measure of two right angles : and a quadrant, or 90 degrees, the measure of one right angle. THEOREM Vn. When two Lines Intersect each other, the Opposite Angles are equal. Let the two lines ab, cd, intersect in the point e ; then will the angle aec be equal to the angle bed, and the angle AED equal to the angle ceb. For since the Hne ce meets the line AB, the two angles aec, bec, taken to- gether, are equal to two right angles (th. 6). In like manner, the line be, meeting the line cd, makes the two angles bec, bed, equal to two right angles. Therefore the sum of the two angles aec, bep, is equal to the sum of the two bec, bed (ax. 1). And if the angle bec, which is common, be taken away from both these, the remaining angle aec will be equal to the remaining angle bed (ax. 3). And in like manner it may be shown, that the angle aed is equal to the opposite angle bec. THEOREM Vm. When One Side of a Triangle is produced, the Outward Angle is Greater than either of the two Inwajrd Opposite Angles. Let 286 GEOMETRY. Let ABC be a triangle, having the side AB produced to d ; then will the outward angle cbd be greater than either of the inward opposite angles a or c. For, conceive the side 'bc to be bi- sected in the point e, and drnw the line AE, producing it till ef be equal to ae ; and join BF. - Then, since the two triangles aec, bef, have the side ae = the side ef, and the side ce = the side be (by suppos.) and the inrJuded or opposite angles at e also equal (tb. 7), therefore those t;Vo triangles are equal in all respects (th. 1), and have the angle c«= tht corresponding angle ebf. Bat the angle cbd is greater tha» the angle kbf ; consequent- ly the said outward angle cbd is also great^T than the angle c. In like manner, if cb be prod-jced to o. and ab be bisected, it Diaj be shown that the outward angle abg, or its equal cbd, is greater than the other. angle a. THEOREM IX. DB ') The Greater Side, of every Triangle, is opposite to the Greater Angle ; and the Greater Angle opposite to the Great- er Side. Let ABC be a triangle, having the side ab greater than the side ac ; then will the angle acb. opposite the greater side AB, !>e greater than the angle b, opposite the less side ac^ For, on the greater side ab, take the part ar equal to thS less side ac, and join cd. Then, sin(ie BCD is a triangle, the outward angle adc is greater than the inward oppoj^ite angle b (th. 8). But the angle acd is equal to .tbe said outward angle adc, because ad is equal to ac (th. 3). Consequently the asigle' acd also is greater than the angle b. And siace the angle acd is only a part of acb, much more must the whole angle acb be greater than the angle b. q. e. d. Again, conversely, if the angle c be greater than the angle B, then will the side ab, opposite the former, be greater than the side ac, opposite the latter. For, if ab be not greater than ac, it must be either equal to it, or less than it. But it cannot be equal, for then THEOREMS. 287 the angle c would be equal to the angle b (th. 3) which it is not, by the supposition. Neither can it be less, for then the auji^le c would be le!?s than the angle b, by the former part of this; ; which is also contrary to the supposition. The side ab, then, being neiilier equal to ac, nor less than it, must neces- sarily be greater, q. e. d. THEOREM X. The Sum of any Two Sides of a Triangle is Greater than the Third Side. ^ Let ABC be a triano;le ; then will the sum of any two of its sides be greater than the third side, as for instances, ac + cb greater than as. For, pi'oduce ac till cp be equal to CB, or AD equal to the sum of the two AC + CB ; and join bd : — Then, because ^ ~~B CD is equal to cb (by «onstr.), the angle d is equal to the angle CBD (th. 3). But the angle abd is greater than the angle cbd, consequently it must also be greater than the angle d. And, since the greater side of any triangle is opposite to the' greater angle (th. 9), the side ad (of the triangle abd) is greater than the side ab. " But ad. is equal to ac and cd, or ac and cb, taken together (by constr.) ; therefore ac -{- cb is also great- er than AB. Q. E. d. CoroL The shortest distance between two points, is a single right line drawn from the one point to the other. THEOREM XI. The Difference of any Two Sides of a Triangle, is Less than the Third Side. Let ABC be a triangle ; then will the difference of any two sides, as ab — ac, be less than the third side bc. For, produce the less side ac to d, till ad be equal to the greater side ab, so that CD may be the difference of the two sides AB — AC ; and join bd. Then, be- cause AD is equal to ab (by constr.), the opposite angles o and ABD are equal (th. 3). But the angle cbd is less than the angle abd, and consequently also less than the equal angle d. And since the greater side of any triangle is opposite to the greater 2*8 GEOMETRY. greater angle (th. 9), the side cd (of the triangle bcd) is less than the side bc. q.. e. d. THEOREM Xn. When a Line Intersects two Parallel Lines, it makes the Alternate Angles Equal to each other. Let the line ef cut the two parallel lines AB, CD ; then will the angle aef be equal to the alternate angle efd. For if they are not equal, one of them must be greater than the other ; let it be EFD for instance which is the greater, if possible ; and conceive the line fb to be drawn ; cutting off the part or angle efb equal to the angle AEF ; and meeting the line ab in the point b. Then, since the outward angle aef, of the triangle bef, is greater than the inward opposite angle liFB (th. 8) ; and since these two angles also are equal (by the constr.) it follows, that those angles are both equal and unequal at the same time : which is impossible. Therefore the angle efd is not unequal to the alternate angle aef, that is, they are equal to each other. Q. e. d. Corol. Right lines which are perpendicular to one, of tw« parallel lines, are also perpendicular to the other. THEOREM Xin. When a line, cutting Two other Lines, makes the Al- ternate Angles Equal to each other, those two Lines are Pa- rallel. Let the line ef, cutting the two lines ab, CD, make the alternate angles aef, »fe, equal to each other ; then will ab be parallel to cd. For if they be not parallel, let some - ^ _ •ther line, as fg, be parallel to ab. ^ /lE" '""---P Then, because of these parallels, the ^ angle aef is equal to the alternate angle efg {th. 12, But \he angle aef is equal to the angle efd (by hyp.). There- fore the angle efd is equal to the angle efg (ax. 1) ; that is, a part is equal to the whole, which is impossible. Therefore BO line but cd can be parallel to ab. q. e. d. Corol. Those Hues which are perpendicular to the same line, are parallel to each other. THEOREM THEOREMS, 28^ THEOREM XrV. When a Line cuts two Parallel Lines, the Outward Angle is Equal to the Inward Opposite one, on the Same Side ; and the two inward Angles, on the Same Side, equal to two Right Angles. Let the line ef cut the two parallel lines AB, CD ; then will thei)utward angle EGB be equal to the inward opposite an- gle GHD, on the same side of the line ef; and the two inward angles bgh, ghd, taken together, will be equal to two right angles. For, since the two lines ab, cd, are parallel, the angle agh is equal to the alternate angle ghd,. (th. 12). But the angle agh is equal to the opposite angle EGB (th. 7). Therefore the angle egb is also equal to the angle ghd (ax. 1)-. q. e. d. Again, because the two adjacent angles egb, bgh, are to- gether equal to two right angles (th. 6) ; of which the an- . gle egb has been shown to be equal to the angle ghd ; there- fore the two angles bgh, ghd, taken together, are also equal to two right angles. Corol. 1. And, conversely, if one line meeting two other lines, make the angles on the same side of it equal, those two lines are parallels. Corol. 2. If a line, cutting two other lines, make the sum ©f the two inward angles, on the same side, less than two right angles, those two lines will not be parallel, but will m^et each other when produced. THEOREM XV. Those Lines which are Parallel to the Same Line, are Pa- rallel to each other. Let the Lines ab, cd, be each of -h them parallel to the line ef ; then shall J^ 1 ^g the lines ab, cd, be parallel to each ^ | -p. other. ^ Hi For, let the line gi be perpendicular £ X F to ef. Then will this line be also per- pendicular to both the hnes ab, cd (corol th. 12), and con- sequently the two lines ab, cd, are parallels (corol. th. 13). Q. E. D. Vol. L 38 THEOKBM 290 GEOMETRY. THEOREM XVL When one Side of a triangle is produced, the Outward Angle is equal to both the inward Opposite Angles taken to- gether. Let the side, ab, of the triangle C J| ABC, be produced to d ; then will the /\ / outward angle cbd be equal to the / \ / sum of the two inward opposite an- / \'/ gles A and c. ^ g 5 For, conceive be to be drawn pa- rallel to the side ac of the triangle. Then bc, meeting the two parallels ac, be, 'makes the alter- nate angles c and cbe equal (th. 12). And ad, cutting the same two parallels ac, be, makes the inward and outward angles on the same side, a and ebd, equal to each other (th. 14). Therefore, by equal additions, the sum of the two an- gles A and c, is equal to the sum of the two cbe and ebd, that is, to the whole angle cbd (by ax. 2). «i. e. d. THEOREM XVII. In any Triangle, the sum of all the Three Angles is equal t© Two Right Angles. C A. Let ABC be any plane triangle ; then the sum of the three angles a -f" b "h c is equal to two right angles. For, let the side ab be produced to d. Then the outward angle cbd is equal ^ ■ — ^ *v to the sum of the two inward opposite angles a -f c (th. 16). To each of these equals add the inward angle b, then will the sum of the three inward an- gles A -f B -f c be equal to the^um of the two adjacent angles ABC -{- CBD (ax. 2). But the sum of these two last adjacent angles is equal to two right angles (th. 6). Therefore also the sum of the three angles of the triangle a -f b -|- c ia equal to two right angles (ax. 1). q. e. d. Carol. 1 . If two angles in one triangle, be equal to two angles in another triangle, the third angles will also be equal (ax. 3), and the two triangles equiangular. Cbrol. 2. If one angle in one triangle be equal to one angle in another, the sums of the remaining angles will also be equal (ax. 3.) THEOREMS. 251 Corol. 3. If one angle of a triangle be richt, the sum of the other two will also be equal to a right ani^le, and each of them singly will be acute, or less than a right angle. Corol. 4. The two least angles of every triangle are acute, or each less than a right angle. l^HEOREM XVin. In any Quadrangle, the sum of all the Four Inward Angles, is equal to Four Right Angles. Let ABCD be a quadrangle ; then the sum of the four inward angles, a + » 4* c -j- D is equal to four ri^ht angles. Let the diagonal ac be drawn, dividing the quadrangle into two triangles, ABC, ADC. Then, because the sum of the three angles of each of these triangles is equal to two A B right angles (th. 17) ; it follows, that the sum of all the angles of both triangles, which make up the four angles of the quadrangle, must be equal to four right angles (ax. 2). Q. E. D. Corol. 1. Hence, if three of the angles be right ones, the fourth will also be a right angle. Corol. 2. And, if the sum of two of the four angles be equal to two right angles, the sum of the remaining two will also be equal to two right angles. THEOREM XIX. In any figure whatever, the Sum of all the Inward Angles, taken together, is equal to Twice as many Right Angles, wanting four, as the Figure has Sides Let ABCDE be any figure ; then the sum of all its inward angles, a -f b + c -}- D -|- E, is equal to twice as many right angles, wanting four, as the figure has sides. For, from any point p, within it, draw lines PA, PB, PC, kc. to all the angles, dividing the polygon into as many tri- angles as it has sides. Now the sum of the three angles of each of these triaugles, is equal to two right angles (th. 17) ; therefore the sum of the angles of all the triangles is equal to Twice as miny right angles as the figure has sides. But the sum of .all the angles about the point p, which are so manj 29f GEOMETRY. many of the angles of the triangles, but no part of the in- ward angles of the polygon, is equal to four right angles (cord. 3, th 6). and must be deducted out of the former sum. Hence it follows that the sum of all the inward angles of the polygon alone, A-j-B-f'C-l-D-f'E, is equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides, wanting the said four right angles. Q. e. d, THEOREM XX. When every Side of any Figure is produced out, the Sum of all the Outward Angles thereby made, is equal to Four Right Angles. Let A, B, c, &c. be the outward angles of any polygon, made by pro- ducing all the sides ; then will the sum A -f B + c + D + E, of all those outward angles, be equal to four right angles. For every one of these outward angles, together with its adjacent inward angle, make up two right angles, as a -f a equal to two right angles, being the two angles made by one line meeting another (th. 6). And there being as many outward, or inward angles, as the figure has sides : therefore the sum of all the inward and outward angles, is equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. But the sum of all the inward angles, with four right angles, is equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides (th. 19). Therefore the sum of all the in- ward and all the outward angles, is equal to the sum of all the inward angles and four right angles (by ax. 1). From each of these take away all the inward angles, and there remain all the outward angles equal to four right angles (by ax. 3). * THEOREM XXI. A Perpendicular is the Shortest Line that can be drawn from a Given Point to an Indefinite Line.' And, of any- other Lines drawn from the same Point, those that are Nearest he Perpendicular, are Less than those More Remote. If AB, AC, ao, &c. be lines drawn from the given point a, to the indefinite line de, of which AB is perpendicular. Then shall the perpendicular ab be less than ac, and AC, less than ad, &;c. For, the angle b being a right one, the THEOREMS. 293 angle c is acute (by cor. 3, th. 17), and therefore less than the angle b. But the less angle of a triangle is subtended by the less side (th. 9). Therefore the side ab is less than the side AC. Again, the angle acb being acute, as before, the adjacent angle acd will be obtuse (by th. 6) ; consequently the angl« » is acute (corol. 3, th. 17), and therefore is less than the angle €. And since the less side is opposite to the less angle, there- fore the side ac is less than the side ad. - q. e. d Corol. A perpendicular is the least distant of a given point ^om a line. THEOREM XXII. The Opposite Sides and Angles of any Parallelogram are equal to each other ; and the Diagonal divides it into two Equal Triangles. Let abcd be a parallelogram, of which ^^ P the diagonal is bd ; then will its opposite sides and angles be equal to each other, and the diagonal bd will divide it into two equal parts, or triangles. For, since the sides ae and do are pa- rallel, as also the sides ad and bc (detin. 32), and the line bd meets them ; therefore the alternate angles are equal (th. 12), namely, the angle aed to the angle €db, and the angle adb to the angle cbd. Hence the two triangles, having two angles in the one equal to two angles ia the other, have also their third angles equal (cor: 1, th. 17), namely, the angle a equal to the angle c, which are two of the opposite angles of the parallelogram. Also, if to the equal angles abd, cdb, be added the equal angles cbd, adb, the wholes will be equal (ax. 2), namely, the whole angle abc to the whole ado, which are the other two opposite angles of the parallelogram. q.' e. d. Again, since the two triangles are mutually equiangular and have a side in each equal, viz. the common side bd ; there- fore the two triangles are identical (th. 2), or equal in all re- spects, namely, the side ab equal to the opposite side dc, and ad equal to the opposite side bc, and the whole triangle abd equal to the whole triangle BCB. q. e. d, Corol. 294 GEOMETRY. Corol. 1. Hence, if one angle of a parallelogrskm be a right angle, all the other three will also be li^-ht angles, and the parallelogram a rectangle. Corol. 2. Hence also, the sam of any two adjacent angles of a parallelogram is equal to two right angles. THEOREM XXIII. Every Quadrilateral, whose Opposite Sides are equal, is a Parallelogram, or has its Opposite Sides Parallel. Let ABCD be a quadrangle having the opposite sides equal, namely, the side ab equal to dc, and ad equal to eg ; then shall these equal sides be also parallel, and the figure a parallelogram. For, let the diagonal bd be drawn. Then, the triangles, abd, cbd, being mutually equilateral (by hyp.), they are also mutually equiangular (th. 6), or have their correspond- ing angles equal ; consequently the opposite sides are parallel (th. 13) ; viz. the side ab parallel to do, and ad parallel to bc, and the figure is a parallelogram. q. e d. THEOREM XXIV. Those Lines which join the Corresponding Extremes of two Equal and Parallel Lines, are themselves Equal and Parallel. ^^ Let ab, DC, be two equal and parallel lines ; then will the lines AD, bc, which join their extremes, be also equal and pa- rallel. [See the fig. above.] For, draw the diagonal bd. Then, because ab and dc are parallel (bv hyp), the angle abd is equal to the alternate angle bdc (th 12), Hence then, the two triangles having two sides and the contained angles equal, viz. the side ab equal to the side dc, and the side bd common, and the contained angle abd equal to the contained angle bdc, they have the remaining sides and angles also respectively equal (th. 1) ; consequently ad is equal to bc, and also parallel to it (th. 12). Q. E. D. THEOREM XXV. Parallelograms, as also Triangles, standing on the Same Base, and between the Same Parallels, are equal to each «ther. Let THEOREMS, id's Let ABCD, ABEF, be two parallelo- grams, and ABC, ABF, two triangles, stalling on the same base ab, and be- tween the same parallels ab, de : then will the parallelogram ABCD,be equal to the parallelogram ABEF, and the triangle ABC equal to the triangle abf. For, since the line de cuts the two parallels ap, be, and the two ad, bc, it makes the angle e equal to the angle afd, and the angle d equal to the angle bce (th. 14) ; the two triangles adf, bce, are therefore equiangu- lar (cor. 1, th. 17) ; and having the two corresponding sides, ad, bc, equal (th. 22), being opposite sides of a parallelogram, these two triangles are identical, or equal in all respects (th. 2). If each of these equal triangles then be taken from the whole space abed, there will remain the parallelogram ABEF in the one case, equal to the parallelogram abcd in the other (by ax. 3). Also the triangles abc, abf, on the same base ab, and be- tween the same parallels, are equal, being the halves of thfe said equal parallelograms (th. 22). q. E d. Carol. 1. Parallelograms, or triangles, having the same base and altitude, are equal. For the altitude is the same as the perpendicular or distance between the two parallels, which is every where equal, by the definition of parallels. Carol. 2. Parallelograms, or triangles, having equal bases and altitudes, are equal. For, if the one figure be applied with its base on the other, the bases will coincide or be the same because they are equal : and so the two figures, having the same base and altitude, are equal. THEOREM XXVI. 3) C E If a Parallelogram and a Triangle stand on the Same Base, and between the Same Parallels, the Parallelogram will be Double the Triangle, or the Triangle Half the Parallelogram. Let abcd be a parallelogram, and abe, a triangle, on the same base ab, and between the same parallels, ab, de ; then will the pa- rallelogram ABCD be double the triangle abe, or the triangle half the parallelogram. For, draw the diagonal ac of the parallelo- gram, dividing it into two equal parts (th. 22). Tken because the triangles abc, abe, on the same 296 GEOMETRY. same base, and betfveen the same parallels, are equal (th. 25) ; and because the one triangle abc is half the parallelogram ABCD (th. 22), the other equal triangle abe is also equal to half the same parallelogram abcd. q. e. d. Corol. 1. A triangle is equal to half a parallelogram of the same base and altitude, because the aHitude is the perpendi- cular distance between the parallels, which is every where equal, by the definition of parallels. Corol. 2. If the base of a parallelogram be half that of a triangle, of the same altitude, or the base of the triande be double that of the parallelogram, the two figures will be equal to each other. THEOREM XXVn. Rectangles that are contained by Equal Lines, are Equal to each other. Let BD, FH, be two rectangles, having J) C' H G the sides ab, bc, equal to the sides ef, fg, each to each ; then will the rectangle bd be equal to the rectangle fh. / For, draw the two diagonals ac, eg, di- j^ j^ j^ ]gi Tiding the two parallelograms each into two equal parts. Then the two triangles ABC, efg, are equal to each other (th. 1), because they have the two sides ab, bc, and the contained angle, b equal to the two sides ef, fg, and the contained angle p (by hyp). But these equal triangles are the halves, of the respective rectan- angles. And because the halves, or the triangles, are equal, the wholes, or the rectangles, db, hf, are also equal (by ax. 6). Q. E. i>. Carol. The squares on equal lines are also equal ; for every square is a species of rectangle. THEOREM XXVUI. The Complements of the Parallelograms, which are about the Diagonal of any Parallelogram, are equal to each other. Let AC be a parallelogram, bd a dia- gonal, eif parallel to ab or dc, and gih parallel to ad or bc, making ai, ic com- plements to the parallelograms eg, hf, which are about the diagonal db : then ^ jj will the complement ai be equal to the complement IC. For, THEOREMS. 297 For, since the diagonal db biserts the three parallelograms AC, EG, HF, (th. 22) ; therefore, the whole triangle dab being equal to the whole triangle dcb, and the parts dei, IHB, respectively equal to the parts dgi, ifb, the remaining parts Ai, ic, must also be equal (by ax. 3). q. e. d. THEOREM XXIX. A Trapezoid, or Trapezium having two 'Sides Parallel, is equal to Half a Parallelogram, whose Base is the Sum of those two Sides, and its Altitude the Perpendicular Distance between them. D C H F A. GB E Let ABCD be the trapezoid, having its two sides ab, do, parallel ; and in ab produced take be equal to do, so that AE may be the sum of the two parallel sides ; produce dc also, and let ef, gc, bh, be all three parallel to ad. Then is AF a parallelogram of the same altitude with the trapezoid ABCD, having its base ae equal to the sum of the parallel sides of the trapezoid ; and it is to be proved that the trapezoid ABCD is equal to half the parallelogram af. Now, since triangles, or parallelograms, of equal bases and altitude, are equal (corol. 2, th. 25), the parallelogram DG is equal to the parallelogram he, and the triangle cgb equal to the triangle chb ; consequently the line bc bisects, or equally divides, the parallelogram af, and abcd is the half of it. (i. E. D. THEOREM XXX. The Sum of .all the Rectangles contained under one Whole Line, and the several Parts of another Line, any way divided, is Equal to the Rectangle contained under the Two Whole Lines. Let' AD be the one line, and ab the other, divided into the parts ae, ef, ^ G H C fb ; then will the rectangle contained by ad and ab, be equal to the sum of the rectangles of ab and ae, and ad and ef, and ad and fb : thus expressed, ad . ab A. E P IB = AD . AE -j- AD . ef + AD . FB. For, make the rectangle ac of the two whole lines ad, AB ; and draw eg, fh, perpendicular to ab, or parallel to AD, to which they are equal (th. 22). Then the whole rectangle ac is made up of all the other rectangles ag, Vol. L 39 eh, GEOMETRY. i> one E FB I r B EH, Fc. But these rectangles are contain- ed by AD and ae, eg and ef, fh and fb ; which are equal to the rectangles of ad and AE, AD and ef, ad and fb. because AD is equal to ea<^h of the two eg; fh. Therefore the rectangle ad . ab is' equal to the sunn of all the other rectangles ad . ae, ad . ef, ad . fb. q,. e. d. Carol. If a right line be divided into any two parts ; the square on the whole line, is equal to both the rectangles of the whole line and each of the parts. THEOREM XXXI. The Square of the Sura of two Lines is greater than the Sum of their Squares, by Twice the Rectangle of the said Lines. Or, the Square of a whole Line, is equal to the Squares of its two Parts, together with Twice the Rectangle of those Parts. ~ Let the line ab be the sum of any two lines AC, cb : then will the square of ab be equal to the squares of ac, cb, together with twice the rectangle of ac . cb. That is, AB2 = AC2 -J-.CB2 -f 2aC . CB. For, let ABDE be the square on the sum a C B or whole line ab, and acfg the square on the part ac Produce cf and gf to the other side at n and i. From the lines ch, gi, which are equal, being each equal to the sides of the square ab or bd (th. 22), take the parts cf, gf, which are also equal, being the sides of the* square af, and there remains fh equal to fi, which are also equal to dh, di, being the opposite sides of a parallelo- gram. Hence the figure hi is equilateral : and it has all its angles right ones (coroL 1, th. 22) ; it is therefore a square on the line fi, or the square of its equal cb. Also the figures ef, fb, are equal to two rectangles under ac and cb, because gf is equal to ac, and fh or fi equal to cB. But the whole square ad is made up of the four figures, viz. the two squares af, fd, and the two equal rect- angles ef, fb That is, the square of ab is equal to the squares of ac, cb, together with twice the rectangle of ac, CB. ^ Q. E. D, Corol. Hence, if a line be divided into two equal parts ; the square of the whole line, will be equal to four times the ^ squa^re of half the liae. THEOREM y THEOREMS. 299 a F E EC C D A. B K. r THEOREM XXXII. The Square of the Difference of two Lines, ie less than the Sum of their Squares, by Twice the Rectangle of the said Lines. Let AC, Bc, be any two li|res, and ab their difference : then will the square of AB be less than the squares of ac, bc, by twice the rectangle of ac and bc. 'Or, AB^ = AC^ -{- BC2 -» 2 AC . BC. For let ABDE be the square on the dif- ference AB, and ACFG the square on the line AC. Produce ed to h ; also produce DB and Hc, and draw ki, making bi the square of the other line BC. Now it is visible that the square ad is less than the twcr squares af, bi, by the two rectangles ef, di. But gf is equal to the one line ac, and ge, or fh is equal to the other line bo; consequently the rectani^le ef, contained under eg and gf, is equal to the rectangle of ac and bc. Again, fh being equal to ci or bc or dh, by adding the common part hc, the whole hi will He equal to the whole fc, or equal to ac ; and consequently the figure i>i is equal to the rectangle contamed by ac and bc. Hence the two figures ef, di, are two rectangles of the two lines ac, bc ; and consequently the square of ab is less than the squares of ac, bc, by twice the rectangle ac . bc ft. E. D. THEOHEM XXXni. The Rectangle under the Sum and Diff ,, , . and Bc2 is equal to bd^ -j- cd^. J ^ ^ * / ' Theref. the difference between ac^ and bc^, is equal to the difference between ad^ -f- cd^ and bd2 -f- cd^, or equal to the difference between ad^ and bd^, by taking away the common square cd^ q. e. d Corol. The rectangle of the sum and difference of the two sides of any triangle, is equal to the rectangle of the sum and difference of the distances between the perpendi- cular and the two extremes of the base, or equal to the rect- angle of the base and the difference or sum of the segments, according as the perpendicular falls within or without the tri- angle. That 30^ GEOMETRY. That is, AC -f- bc . ac — bc = ad -{- bd . ad — - bd Or, AC -{- BC . AC — BC = AB . AD — BD in the 2d figure- And AC -f- BC . AC — BC = AB . Ao -|" BD in the 1st figure. THEOREM XXXVI. In any Obtuse-angled Triangle, the Square of the Side sub- tending the Obtuse Angle, is Greater than the Sum of the Squares of the other two Sides, by Twice the Rectangle of the Base and the Distance of the Perpendicular from the Ob- tuse Angle. Let ABC be a triangle, obtuse angled at b, and cd perpen ~ dicular to ab ; then will the square of ac be greater than the - squares of ab, bc, by twice the rectangle of ab, bd. That is, Ac2 = AE^ -\- Bc2 -{- 2ab . BD. See the 1st fig. above or be- low. For, since the square of the whole line ad is equal to the squares of the parts ab, bd, with twice the rectangle of the same parts ab, wd (th. 31) ; if to each of these equals there be added the square of cd, then the squares of ad, cd, will be equal to the squares of ab, bd, cd, with twice the rectan- gle of ab. bd (by ax. 2). But the squares of ad, cd, are equal to the square of ac ; and the squares of bd, cd, equal to the square of bc (th. 34) ; therefore the square of ac is equal to the squares of ab, bc> together with twice the rectangle of ab, bd. ^. e. jk THEOREM XXXVII. In any Triangle, the Square of the Side subtending an Acute Angle, is Less than the Squares of the Base and the other Side, by Twice the Rectangle of the Base and the Dis- tance of the Perpendicular from the Acute Angle. Let ABC be a triangle, having the angle a acute, and cd perpen- dicular to AB ; then will the square of BC, be less than the squares of AB, AC, by twice the rectangle of AB, AD. That is, Bc^ = AB^ -h AC2 2aB . AD. A. B D ,A. 2) J3 For, THEOREMS. SOS For, in fig. 1, ac^ is = bc^ -f- ab^ -f- 2ab . bd (th. 36). To eaoii of these equals add the square of ab, then is ab^ -f ac^ = bc'^ -f 2ab-^ -f ^ab . ed (ax. 2), or = Bc3 4. 2ab . AD (th. 30). ^. E. D. Again, in fig. 2. ac^ is = ad^ + dc^ (th. 34). And ab^ = ads -{- db^ -f- 2ad . db (th. 31). Theref.AB2 -j- ac2 = bd^ -{- dc^ -f Sad^ 4- 2ad . bb (ax. 2), . or = Bc3 4- 2ad 2 4 2ad . db (th. 34), or = BC2 4 2aB . AD (th. 30). 'q. E. J3. THEOREM XXXVIII. In any Triangle, the Double of the Square of a Line drawn from the Vertex to the Middle of the Base, together with Double the Square of the half Base, is Equal to the Sum of the Squares of the other Two Sides. Let ABC be a triangle, and cd the lirie drawn from the vertex to the middle of the base ab, dividing it into two equal parts ad, db ; then will the sum of the squares of ac, cb, be equal to twice the sum of the squares of c^, bd ; or ac^ 4 •gb^ = 2cd2 4 2db3. For, let CE be perpendicular to the A DEB base ab. Then, since (by th 36) ac^ exceeds the sum of the two squares ad^ and cd3 (or bd^ and cd^) by the double rectangle 2ad . de (or ^bd , de) ; and since (by th. 37) bc^ is less than the same 0Mm by the said double rectangfe ; it is manifest that both ac* and Bc^ together must be equal to that sum twice taken ; the excess on the one part making up the defect on the other. Q. E. 15. THEOREM XXXIX. In an Isosceles Triangle, the Square of a Linfe drawn fro» the Vertex to any Point in the Base, together with the Rectan- gle of the Segments of the Base, is equal to the Square of one of the Equal Sides of the Triang e. Let ABC be the isosceles triangle, and CD a line drawn from the vertex to any point D in the base : then will the square of AC, be equal to the square of cd, to- gether with the rectangle of ac and db. That, is Aca = cd= 4- ad . db. For, AD:B 304 GEOMETRY. For, let cE bisect the vertical ano;le ; then will it also bisect the base ab perpendicularly making ae = eb (cor. 1, th. 3). But, in the triangle acd, obtuse angled at d, the square AC2 is = CD2 _|- AD^-f- 2aD . DE (th. 36), or = cd2 + ad . AD 4- 2de (th. 30), Ot = CD2 -f- ad . AE 4" DE, or = CD^ -{- ad . BE -f DE, or = CD^ -f- ad . DB, A ft. E. D. AD£ 33 THEOREM XL. In any Parallelogram, the two Diagonals Bisect each other ; and the Sum of their Squares is equal to the Sum of the Squares of all the Four sides of the Parallelogram. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, whose diagonals intersect each other in e : then will AE be equal to ec, and be to ed ; and the sum of the squares of ac, bd, will be equal to the sum of the squares •f AB, Bc, CD, DA. That is, AE = EC, and BE = ED, and Ac2 4- bd2 = ab^ -|- bc^ -f cd^ -}- da^. For, the triangles aeb, dec, are equiangular, because they have the opposite angles at e equal (th. 7), and the two lines AC, BD, meeting the parallels ab, dc, make the angle bae equal to the angle dce, and the angle abe equal to the angle cde, and the side ab equal to the side dc (th. 22) ; therefore these two triangles are identical, and have their corresponding sides equal (th. 2), viz. ae = ec, and be = ed. Again, since ac is bisected in e, the sum of the squares ad^ -f Dc2 = 2ae2 -f 2de3 (th. 38). In like manner, ab^ -j- bc^ = 2ae2 -f- 2be2 or 2de2 , Theref. ab^ -f bc2 -j- cd^ -f da3 = 4ae2 + 4de2 (ax. 2). But, because the square of a whole line is equal to 4 times the square of half the line (cor. th. 31), that is, ac^ = 4ae2, and bd2 = 4de2. Theref. ab^ -f- bc^ -{- cd^ + t)a^ = ac^ -f- bd^ (ax. 1). Q. E, d. THEOREM THEOREMS. 306 THEOREM XLI. ip a Line, drawn through or from the Centre of a Circle, Bisect a Chord, it will be Perpendicular to it ; or if it be Perpendicular to the Chord, it will Bisect both the Chord and the arc of the Chord. Let AB be any chord in a circle, and cd a line drawn from the centre c to the chord. Then, if the chord be bisected in the point d, cd will be perpendicular to AB. For, draw the two radii ca, cb. Then, the two triangles acd, bcd, having ca equal to cb (def. 45), and cd comnaon, also AD equal to db (by hyp.) ; they have all the three sides of the one, equal to all the three sides of the other, and so have their angles also equal (th 5). Hence then, the angle adc being eqiial to the angle bdc, these angles are right angles, and the line cd is perpendicular to ab (def. II). Again, if cd be perpendicular to ab, then will the chord AB be bisected at the point d, or have ad equal to db ; and the arc aeb bisected in the point e, or have ae equal eb. For, having drawn ca, cb, as before. Then, in the tri- angle ABC, because the side ca is equal to the side cb, their opposite angles a and b are also equal (th. 3) Hence then, in the two triangles acd, bcd, the angle a is equal to the angle b, and the angles at d are equal (def U) ; therefore their third angles are also equal (corol. 1, th 17). And having the side cd common, they have also the side ad equal to the side db (th. 2). Also, since the angle ace is equal to the angle bce, the arc AE, which measures the former (def. 57), is equal to the arc BE, which measures the latter, since equal angles must have equal measures. Corol. Hence a lirfe bisecting any chord at right angles, passes through the centre of the circle. THEOREM XLIL If More than Two Equal Lines can be drawn from *oy Point within a Circle to the Circumference, that Point will be the centre. Vor.. k 4e Ipet 306 GEOMKTRY. Let ABC be a circle, and d a point within it : then if three lines, da, bb, DC, drawafrom the point d to the cir- cumference, be equal to each other, the point d wil! be the centre. For, draw the chords ab. bc, which let be hisected in the point e, f, and join DE, DF. Then, the two triangles, dae, dbe, have the side da equal to the side db by supposition, and the side ae equal to the side eb by hypothesis, also the side de common : therefore these two triangles are identical, and have the angles at b equal to each other (th. 6) ; consequently de is perpendicu- lar to the n»iddle of the chord ab (def 11), and therefore passes through the centre of the circle (corol. th. 41). In like manner, it may be shown that df passes through the centre. Consequently the point d is the centre of the circle, and the three equal lines, da, db, dc, are radii. q. E. D. THEOREM XUir. If two Circles touch one another Internally, the Centres of the Circles, and the Point of Contact will be all in the Same Right Line. L*»t the two circles abc, ade, touch one another internally in the point a ; then will the point a and the centres of those circles be all in the same right line. For, let F be the centre of the circle ABC, through which' draw the diameter AFC. Then, if the centre of the other circle can be out of this line ac, let it bp supposed in some other point as g ; through which draw the line FG cutting the two circles in b and d. Now, in tjhe triangle afg, the sum of the two sides, fg, GA, is greater than the third side af (th JO), or greater than its equal radius fb. From each of these take away the common part fg, and the remainder ga will be greater than the remainder gb. But the point g being supposed the centre of the inner circle, its two radii, ga, gd, are equal to each other ; consequently gd will also be greater than gb. But ade being the inner circle, gd is necessarily less THEOREMS. 307 less than gb. So that od is both greater and less than gb ; which is absurd. Consequently the centre g cannot be out of the line ajc. q. e. d. I'HEOREM XLIV. If two Circles Touch one another Externally, the Centres of the Circles and the Point of Contact will be all in the Same Right Line. Let the two circles abc, ade, touch one another externally at the point a ; then will the point of contact a and the centres of the two circlejj be all in the same right line. For, let F be the centre of the circle abc, through which draw the diameter afc, and produce it to the other circle at e Then, if the centre of the other circle ade can be out of the lineFE, letit, if possible, be supposed in some other point as g ; and draw the lines AG, FB, DG, cutting the two circles in b and d. Then, in the triani^le afg, the sum of the two sides af, AG, is greater than the third .«ide fg (th. 10) But, f and g being the centres of the two circles, the two radii ga, gd, are equal, as are also the two radii af, fb. Hence the sum of ga, af, is equal to the sura of gd, bp ; and therefore this latter sum also, gd, bf, i.^ greater than gf, which is absurd. Consequently the centre o cannot be out of the line ef. Q. E. D, THEOREM XLV. Any Chords in a Circle, which are Equally Distant from the Centre, are Equal to each other ; or if they be Equal to each other, they will be Equally Distant from the Centre. Let AB, CD, be any two chords at equal distances from the centre g : then will these two chords ab, cd, be equaltoeach other. For, draw the two radii ga, gc, and the two perpendiculars ge. gf, which are the equal distances from the centre g, Then, the two right angled trianj^les. gae, gcf, having the side ga equal the side gc, and the side' GE equal the side gf, and the angle at e equal to the an^-Ie ''at 308 GEOMETRY. at F, therefore the two triangles gae, GCF, are identical (cor. 2, th. 34), and have the hne ae, equal the line cf. But AB is the double of ae, and cd is the double of of (th. 41) ; therefore ^B is equal to cd (by ax. 6). ft. e. d. Again, if the chord ab be equal to the chord cd : then will their distances from the centre, ge^ GF, also be equal to each other. For, since ab is equal cd by supposition, the half ae is equal the half cf. Also the radii ga, gc, being equal, as well as the right angles e and f, therefore the third sides are equal (cor. JjJ, th. 34), or the distance ge equal the distance gf. ft. e. d. THEOREM XLVl. A Line Perpendicular to the Extremity of a Radius, is a Tan- gent to the Circle. Let the line adb be perpendicular to the radius cd of a circle ; then shall ab touch the circle in the point D only. For, from any other point e in the line ab, draw cfe to the centre, cutting the circle in f. Then, because the angle i), of the trian- gle CDE, is a right angle, the angle at e is acute (th. 17, cor. 3), and consequently less than the angle d. But the greater side is always opposite to the greater angle (th. 9) ; therefore the side ce is greater than the side cd, or greater than its equal cf. Hence the point e is without the circle : and the same for every other point in the line ab. Consequently the whole line is without the circle, and meets it in the point 9 only. THEORE THEOREMS. 309 THEOREM XLVn. When a Line is a Tangent to a Circle, a Radiufs drawn t© the Point of Contact is Perpendicular to the Tangent. Let the line ab touch the circumference of a circle at the point D ; then will the radius cd be perpendicular to the tangent ab. [See the last figure.] For, the line ab being wholly without the circumference except at the point d, every other line, as ce drawn from the centre c to the line ab, mu«t pass out of the circle to arrive at this line. The line cd is therefore the shortest that can be drawn from the point c to the line ab, and consequent- ly (th. 21) it is perpendicular to that line. Corol. Hence, conversely, a line ^rawn perpendicular to a tangent, at the point of contact, passes through the centre o£ the circle. THEOREM XLVin. The Angle formed by a Tangent and Chord is Measured by Half the Arc of that Chord. Let AB be a tangent to a circle, and cd a chord drawn from the point of contact c ; then is the angle bcd measured by half the arc CFD, and the angle acd measured by half the arc cgd. For, draw the radius ec to the point of contact, and the radius ef perpendicular to the chord at h. Then the radius ef, being perpendicular to the chord cd, bisects the arc cfd (th. 4 J). Therefore cf is half the arc CFB. In the triangle ceh, the angle h being a right one, the sum of the two remaining angles e and c is equal to a right angle (corol. 3, th. 17), which is equal to thfe angle bce, becau!>e the radius ce is perpendicular to the tangent From each of these equals take away the common part or angle g, and there remains the angle e equal to the angle bcd. But the angle E is measured by the arc cf (def 67), which is the half of cfd; therefore the equal angle bcd must also have the same mea- sure, namely, half the arc cfd of the chord cd. Again, 310 GEOMETRY. Again, tbe line oef, being perpendicular to the chord cd, bisects the arc cgd, (th. 41). Therefore cg is half the arc cgd. Now, since the line ce, meeting fg, makes the sum of the two angles at e equal to two right angles (th. 6), and the line cd makes with ab the sum of the two angles at c equal to two right angles ; if from these two equal sums there be taken away the parts or angles CEH and BCH which have been proved equal, there remains the angle ceg equal to the angle ach. But the former of these, ceg, being an angle at the centre, is measured by the arc CG (def. 67) ; consequently the equal angle acd must also have the same measure cg, which is half the arc cgd of the chord cd. q. ,e. d. Corol. 1. The sum of two right angles is measured by half the circumference. For the two angles. bcd, acd, which make up two rijsht angles, are measured by the arcs, cf, cg, which make up half the circumference, fg being a diameter. Corol. 2. Hence also -one right angle must have for its measure a quarter of the circumference, or 90 degrees. THEOREM XUX. An Angle at the Circumference of a Circle, is measured by Half the Arc that subtends it. Let BAC be an angle at the circumference ; it has for its measure, hall the arc bc which subtends it. For, suppose the tangent de passing through the point of contact a. Then, the angle dac being measured by half the arc ABC, and the angle dab by half the arc ab (th. 48y ; it follows, by equal subtraction that the difference, or angle BAC, must be measured by half the arc bc, which it stands upon. Q. £. d. THEOREM THEOREMS. 311 THEOREM L. All Angles in the Same Segment of a Circle, or Standing on the Same Arc, are equal to each other. Let and d be two angles in the same segment acdb, or, which is the same thing, St mdingon the supplemental arc aeb ; then will the angle c be equal to the angle d. For each of these angles is measured by half the arc aeb ; and thus, having equal measures, they are equal to each other (ax. U). THEOREM LI. An Angle at the Centre of a Circle is Double the Angle at the Circumference, when both stand on the Same Arc. Let c be an angle at the centre c, and D an angle at the circumference, both stand- ing on the same arc or same chord ab : then will the angle c be double of the angle d, or the angle d equal to half the angle g. For, the angle at the centre c is measur- ed by the whole arc aeb (def. 57), and the angle at the circumference d is measured by half the same arc aeb (th. 49) ; therefore the angle d is only half the angle c, or the angle c double the angle d. THEOREM UI. An Angle in a Semicircle, is a Right Angle. If ABC or ADC be a semicircle ; then any angle d in that semicircle, is a right angle. For, the angle d, at the circumference, is measured by half the arc abc (th. 49), that is, by a quadrant of the circumference. But a quadrant is the measure of a right an^le (corol. 4. th. 6 ; or corol. 2, th. 48). angle d is a right angle. O B Therefore the THEOREM 312 GEOMETRY. THEOUfiM UII.^ The Angle formed by a Tangent to a Circle, and a Cheri drawn from the Point of Contact, is Equal to the Angle in the Alternate Segment. If AB be a tangent, and ac a chord, and , D any anj^e in the alternate segment adc ; then will the angle d be equal to the angle BAG made by the tangent and thord, of the arc AEc. For the angle d, at the circumference, is measured by lialf the arc aec (th. 49) ; and the angle bac, made by the tangent and chord, is als» measured by the same half ar« aec (th. 48) ; therefore these two angles are equal (ax. 11). THEOREM LIV. The Sum of any Two Opposite Angles of a Quadrangle In- scribed in a Circle, is Equal to Two Right Angles. Let ABCD be any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle ; then shall the sum of the two opposite angles a aud c, or b and d, be equal to two right angles. For the angle a is measured by half the arc ©CB, which it stands on, and the angle' c by half the arc dab (th. 49) ; therefore the sum of the two angles a and c is measured by half the sum of these two arcs, that is, by half the circumference. But half the circumference is the measure of two right an- gles (corol. 4, th. 6) ; therefore the sum of the two opposite angles a and c is equal to two right angles. In hk^ manner it is shown, that the sum of the other two opposite angles, b and B, is equal tp two right angles. Q. e. d. THEOREM LV. If any Side of a Quadrangle, Inscribed in a Circle, be Pro- duced out, the Outward Angle will be Equal to the InwardI Opposite Angle. If the side ab, of the quadrilateral abcd, inscribed in a circle, be produced to e ; the outward angle DAE.will be equal to the inward opposite angle c. For, THEOREMS. ' 313 For, the sum of the two adjacent angles dae and dab is equal to two right angles (th. 6) ; and the sum of the two opposite angles c and dab is also equal to two right angles (th. S4) ; therefore the former sum, of the two angles dae and dab, is equal to the latter sum, of the two c and da» (ax. 1). From each of these equals taking away the common angle dab, there remains the angle dae equal the angle c. ^. B. D. THEOREM LVL Any Two Parallel Chords Intercept Equal Arcs. Let the two chords ab, cd, be parallel : then will the arcs ac, bd, be equal j or AC = BD. For» draw the line bc. Then, because the Hues ab, gd, are parallel, the alternate angles b and c are equal (th. 12). But the angle at the circumference b, is measured by half the arc AC (th. 49) ; and the other equal angle at the circumference c is measured by half the aire bd : therefore the halves of the arcs AC, BD, and consequently the arcs themselves, are also „ equal. &c. B -f- »"B -f- flB b X For " = — , the same ratio. a + mA -{- riA A THEOREM THEOREMS. 3^3 THEOREM LXXin. U a Whole Magnitude be to a Whole, as a Part taken from the first, is to a l^art taken from the other ; then the Re- mainder will be to the Remainder, as the whole to the whole. m m Let A : B : : — a : — b ; then will a:b::a a:b 1 n n -B B For ° = — , both the same ratio. m A--A A THEOREM LXXIV. If any Qjuantities be Proportional ; their Squares, or Cubes, or any Like Powers, or Roots, of them, will also be Pro- portional. Let A ; b : : mA : wiB ; then will a" : b" : : m^A" : m" b", m"B" b" For = — , both the same ratio. w"a" a" ^ THEOREM LXXV. If there be two Sets of Proportionals ; then the Products or Rectangles of the Corresponding Terms will also be Pro- portional. Let a : b : : fOA : wb, and c : D : : nc : no ; then will ac : bd : : mnAC : mriBD. mriBD bd For = — , both the same ratio. TnnAC AC THEOREM LXXVI. If Four Quantities be Proportional ; the Rectanj^le or Product of the two Extremes, will be Equal to the Rectangle or Product of the two Means. And the converse. Let a : b : : mA : niB ; then is A X mB = b X mA = mAB, as is evident. THEOREM 324 GEOMETRY. THEOREM LXXVII. If Three Quantities be Continued Proportionals ; the Rect- angle or Product of the tv.o Extremes, will be Equal to the Square of the Mean. And the converse. Let a, mA, tw'^a be three proportionals, or A : mA : : mA : m-A ; then is A X m^A = m^AS, as is evident. THEOREM LXXVUI, If any Number of Quantities be Continued Proportionals j the Ratio of the First to the Third, will be duplicate or the Square of the Ratio of the First and Second ; and the Ratio of the First and Fourth will be triplicate or the cube of that of the First and Second ; and so on. Let A, mA, m^A, m^A, &c. be proportionals ; mA m^A m^A that is — = m ; but = rn^ ; and = m^ ; &c. THEOREM LXXIX. Triangles, and also Parallelograms, having equal Altitudes, ' are to each other as their Bases. Let the two triangles ado, def, have I C K. the same altitude, or between the same parallels ae, cf ; then is the surface of the triangle adc, to the surface of the triangle def, as the base ad is to the / U -X fi-ix i s^ base DE. Or, ad : de : : the triangle ADC : the triangle def. For, let the base ad be to the base de, as any one num- ber m (2), to any other number n (3) ; and divide the respec- tive bases into those parts, ab, bd, dg, gh, he, all equal to one another ; and from the points of division draw the lines Bc, fg, fh, to the vertices c and f. Then will these lines divide the triangles adc, def, into the same num- ber of parts as their bases, each equal to the triangle ABC, because those triangular parts have equal bases and altitude (corol. '2, th. 26) ; namely, the triangle abc, equal to each of the triangles bdc, dfg, gfh, hfe. ^o that the triangle adc, is to the triangle dfe, as the number of parts THEOREMS. 326 parts m (S) of the former, to the numher n (3) of the latter, that is, as the base ad to the base de (def. 79) In like manner, the parallelogram adki is to the parallelo- gram DEFK, a« the base ad is to the base de ; each of these having the same ratio as the number of their parts, m to n. Q. E. D»- THEOREM LXXX. Triangles, and also Parallelograms, having Equal Bases, arc to each other as their Altitudes. Let ABC, BEF, be two triangles having the equal basses ab, be, and whose altitudes are the perpendicu- lars CG, FH ; then will the triangle ABC : the triangle bef : ; cg : fh. For, let BK be perpendicular to ab, and equal to cg ; in which let there be taken bl=fh; drawing AK and AL. Then, triangles of equal base and heights being equal (corol. 2, th. 25), the triangle abk is = abc, and the triangle ABL = BEF But considering now abk, abl, as two triangles on the bases bk, bl, and having the same altitude ab, these will be as their bases (th. 79), namely the triangle abk : the triangle abl : : bk : bl. But the triangle abk = abc, and the triangle abl = bef, also bk = CG, and bl = fh. Theref. the triangle abc : triangle bef : : cg : fh. And since parallelograms are the doubles of these triangles, having the same bases and altitudes, they will likewise have to each other the same ratio as their altitudes. q. e. d. Corol. Since, by this theorem, triangles and parallelogram?, when their bases are equal, are to each other as their ahi- tudes ; and by the foregoing one, when their altitiKJes are equal, they are to each other as their bases ; therefore uni- versally, when neither are equal, they are to ezth other in the compound ratio,' or as the rectangle or product of their bases and altitudes. THEOREM 326 GEOMETRY. THEOREM LXXXI. If Four Lines be Proportional ; the Rectangle of the Ex- tremes will be equal to the Rectangle of the Means. And, conversely, if the Rectangle of the Extremes, of four Lines, be equal to the Rectangle of the Means, the Four Lines, taken alternately, will be Proportional. Q B A P D R Let the four lines, a, b, c, d, be A proportionals, or a : b : : c : d ; B then will the rectangle of a and d be S. equal to the rectangle of b and c ; or the rectangle a . d = b . c. For, let the four lines be placed with their four extremities meeting in a common point, forming at that point four right angles ; and draw lines parallel to them to complete the rectangles p, q, r, where p is the rectangle of a and D, Q the rectangle of b and c, and r the rectangle of b and D. Then the rectangles p and r, being between the same parallels, are to each other as their bases a and b (th, 79) ; and the rectangles q and r, being between the same pa- rallels, are to each other as their bases c and d. But the ratio ef a to b, is the same as the ratio of c to d by hypo- thesis ; therefore the ratio of p to r, is the same as the'ratio of Q to R ; and consequently the rectangles p and ^ are equal. Q. E. D. Again, if the rectangle of a and d, be equal to the rectangle of b and c ; these lines will be proportional, or A : B : : c ; D. For, the rectangles being placed the same as before : then, because parallelograms between the same parallels are to one another as their bases, the rectangle p : r : : a : b, and q : R : : c ; d. But as p and q are equal, by supposition, they have the same ratio to r, that is, the ratio of a to b is equal to the ratio of c to d, or a : b : : c : d. ct. e. d. Corol. 1. When the two means, namely, the second and third terms, are equal, their rectangle becomes a square of the second term, which supplies the place of both the second and third. And hence it follows, that when three lines are proportionals, the rectangle of the two extremes is equal to the THEOREMS. 327 I the square of the mean ; and, conversely, if the rectangle of R the extremes be equal to the square of the mean, the three f' lines are proportionals. Corol. 2. Since it appears, bj the rules of proportion in Arithmetic and Algebra, that when four quantities are propor- tional, the product of the extremes ia equal to the product of the two means ; and, by this theorem, the rectangle of the extremes is equal to the rectangle of the two means ; it fol- lovvs, that the area or space of a rectangle is represented or expressed by the product of its length and breadth multiplied together. And, in general, a rectangle in geometry is simi- lar to the product of the measures of its two dimensions of length and breadth, or base and height. Also, a square is si- milar to, or represented by, the measure of its side multiplied by itself So that, what is shown of such products, is to be understood of the squares and rectangles. Corol. 3. Since the same reasoning, ^s in this theorem, holds for any parallelograms whatever, as well as for the rect- angles, the same property belongs to all kinds of parallelO'- grams, having equal angles, and also to triangles, which are the halves of parallelograms ; namely, that if the sides about the equal angles of parallelograms or triangles, be reciprocally proportional, the parallelograms or triangles will be equal ; and, conversely, if the parallelograms or triangles be equal, their sides about the equal angles will be reciprocally propor- tionali Coi-ol. 4. Parallelograms, or triangles, having an angle in each equal, are in proportion to each other as the rectangles of the sides which are about these equal angles. THEOREM LXXXIL If a Line be drawn in a Triangle Parallel to one of its sides, it will cut the other Sides Proportionally. Let de be parallel to the side bc of the triangle abc ; then will ad : db : : ae ; eg. For draw be and cb. Then the tri- angles DBE, DOE, are equal to each other, because they have the same base de, and are between the same parallels de, bc (th 25). But the two triangles ade, bde, on the bases ad, db, have the same alti- tilde ; 328 GEOMETRY. tude ; and the two triangles a©e, cde, on the bases ae, ec, have also the same alti- tude ; and because triangles of the same altitude are to each other as their bases, therefore the triangle ade : bde : : ad : db, and triangle ade : cde : : ae : ec. But BDE is = CDE ; and equals must have to equals the same ratio ; therefore ad : db : : ae : ec. q. e. d. Corol. Hence, also, the whole lines ab, ac, are proportional to their corresponding proportional segments (corol. th. 66). VIZ. AB : AC : : ad : ae, and AB : AC : : bd : ce. THEOREM LXXXm. A Line which Bisects any Angle of a Triangle, divides the opposite Side into Two Segments, which are Proportional to the two other Adjacent Sides. E Let the angle acb, of the triangle abc, be bisected by the line en, making the angle r >, equal to the angle s : then will the seg- ^ / ment ad be to the segment db. as the side AC is to the side cb. Or, ad : db : : ac : cb. For, let be be parallel to cd, meeting AC produced at e. Then, because the line bc cuts the two parallels cd, be, it makes the angle cbe equal to thte alternate angle s (th. 12), and therefore also equal to the angle r, which is equal to s by the supposition. Again, because the line ae - cuts the two parallels dc, be, it makes the angle e equal to the angle r on the same side of it (th. 14). Hence, in the triangle bce, the angles b and e, being each equal to the angle r, are equal to each other, and consequently their opposite sides cb, ce, are also equal (th. 3). But now, in the triangle abe, the lime cd, being draw^ parallel to the side be, cots the two other sides ab, ae propor- tionally (th. 82), making ad to db, as is ac to ce or to its equal cb. a. e d. THEOREM THEOREMS. 329 THEOREM LXXXIV. Equiangular Triangles are Similar, or ha?e their Like Sides Proportional. Let ABC, DEF, be two equiangular tri- q angles, having the angle a equal to the angle d, the angle b to the angle e, and consequently the angle c to the angle f ; then will AE : AC : : de : df. For, make dg = ab, and dh = ac, and join gh. Then the two triangles ABC, DGH, having the two sides ab, ac, equal to the two do, dh, and the con- tained angles a and d also equal, are iden- tical, or equal in all respects (th. l),name- ly the angles b and c are equal to the angles g and h. But the angles b and c are equal to the angles E and F by the hypothesis ; therefore also the angles g and h are equal to the angles e and f (ax I), and consequently the line GH is parallel to the side ef (cor. 1, th. 14). Hence then, in the triangle def, the line gh, being parallel to the side ef, divides the two other sides proportionally, making dg : dh : : de : df (cor. th. 82). But dg and «h are equal to ab and ac ; therefore also ab : ac : : de : df. q,. E. D. THEOREM LXXXV. Triangles which have their Sides Proportional, are Equi- angular.^ In the two triangles abc, def, if ab : : de : : AC : df : : bc : ef ; the two triangles will have their corresponding angles equal. For, if the triangle abc be not equian- gular with the triangle def, suppose some other triangle, as deg, to be equiangular with ABC. But this is impossible : for if the two triangles abc, deg, were equian- gular, their sides would be proportional (th. 84). So that, ab being to de as ac to dg, and ab to np as eg to eg, it follows that dg and e» Wmg fourth proportionals to the same three quantities Von. I. • 43 a9 33U GEOMETRY. as well as the two df, ef, the former dg, eg, would be equal to the latter, df, ef. Thus then, the two trianjj^les, def, deg, having t^ieir three sides equal, would be identical (th. 6) : which is absurd, since their angles are unequal. THEOREM LXXXVL Triangles, which have an Angle in the one Equal to an Angle in the other, and the Sitles about these angles Proportional, are Equiangular. Let ABC, DEF, be two triangles, having the angle a — the angle d, and the sides AB, AC, proportional to the sides de, df : then will the triangle abc be equiangular with the triangle def. For, make dg = ab, and dh = ac, and join gh. Then, the two triangles abc, dgh, hav- ing two sides equal, and the contamed angles a, and d equal, are identical and equiangular (th. 1), having the angles g and H equal to the angles b and c. But, since the sides dg, DH, are proportional to the sides de, df, the line gh is parallel to ef (th. 82) ; hence the angles e and f are equal to the an- gles G and H (th. 14), and consequently to their equals e and c. G E THEOllEM LXXXVIL in a Right- Angled Triangle, a Perpendicular from the Right Angle, is a Mean Proportional between the Segments of the Hypothenuse ; and each of the Sides, about the Right Angle, is a Mean Proportional between the Hypothenuse and the adjacent segment, ^,. .G Let abc be a right-angled triangle, and CD a perpendicular from the right angle c to the hypothenuse ab ; then will CD be a mean proportional between ad and db ; AC a mean proportional between ab and ad ; bo a mean proportional betwen ab and bd. Or, ad : CD : : CD : db ; and ab : bc : : bc : bd ; and ab : AC : : ac. For. THEOREMS. 331 For, the two trian?;les abc, adc, having the right angijes at c an(J d equal, and the angle a common, have their third angles equal, and are equiangular (corol. I, th. 17). In like manner, the two triangles abc, bdc, having the ri^ht angles at c and d equal, and the angle b common, have the third an- gles equal, and are equiangular. Hence then, all the three triangles abc, adc, bdc, l?eing equiangular will have their like sides proportional (th. 84;. VIZ. AD ; CD : and AB : AC : and AB : bc : : CD : DB ; ; AC : AD ; : BC : BD. Corol, Because the angle in a semicircle is a right angle (th. 52) ; it follows, that if, from any point c in the periphery of the semicircle, a perpendicular be drawn to the diameter AB ; and the two chords ca, cb, be drawn to the extremities of the diameter : then are ac, bc, cd, the mean proportionals as in this theorem, or (by th. 77), cd^ = ad . db ; ac^ = ab . ad ; and BC2 = AB . BD. THEOREM LXXXVIIl. Equiangular or Similar Triangles, are to each other as the Squares of their Like Sides. Let ABC, DEF, be two equi- angular triangles, ab and de being two like sides ; then will the triangle abc be to the tri- angle DEF, as the square of ab is to the square of de, or as AB^ to DE^. For, let AL and dn bc the y B D K squares on ab and de ; also draw their diagonals bk, ev, and the perpendiculars cg, fh, of the two triangles. Then, since equiangular triangles have their like sides proportional (th. 84), in the two equiangular triangles abc, DEF, the side ac : df : : ab : de.; and in the two acg, DFH, the side ac : df : : cg : fh ; therefore, by equaUty CG : FH : : ab : de, or cg : ab : : fh : de. But because triangles on equal bases are to each other as their altitudes, the triangles abc, abk, on the same base AB, are to each other, as their altitudes cg, ak, or ab ; and 332 OEOMETR?. and the triangles dkf, dem, on the same base de, are as theic altitudes fh, dm, or de. that is. triangle abc : triangle abk : : cg : ab, and triangle def : triangle dem : : fh : de. But it has been shown that cg : ab : : fh : de ; theref. of equality A abc : A abk : : A def : A dem, er alternately, as A abc : A def : : A abk : A dem. But the squares al, dn, being the double of tiie triangleu ABH, DEM, have the same ratio with them ; therefore the A abc : A def : : square al : square dn. ft. E. D. THEOREM LXXXIX. All Similar Figures are to each other, as the Squares of their Like Sides. Let abcde, fghik, be any two similar figures, the like sides? being ab, fg, and bc, gh, and so on in the same order : then will the figure ABtDE be to the figure fghik, as the square of ab to the square of fg, or as ab» to rc^. For, draw be, bd, gk, gi, dividing the figures into asi equal number of triangles, by lines from two equal angles b and G. The two figures being similar (by suppos.), they, are equi- angular, and have their like sides proportional (def 70). Then, since the angle a is = the angle f, and the sidee AB, ae, proportional to the sides fg, fk, the triangles ABE, fgk, are equiangular (th. 86). In like manner, the two triangles bcd, ghi, having the angle c = the angle h, and the sides bc, cd, proportional to the sides gh, hi, are also equiangular Also, if from the equal angles aed, fki, there be taken the equal angles aeb, fkg, there will remain the equals bed, gki ; and it from the equal angles cdc, hik, be taken away the equals cdb, hig, there will remain the equals bde, gik ; so that the two triangles bde, gik, having two angles equal, are also equiangular. Hence each triangle of the one figure, is equiangular with each corres- ponding triangle of the other. But equiangular triangles are similar, and are proportional to the squares of their hke sides (th. 88). Therefore THEOREM!?. 333 Therefore the A abe : A and A bcd : A and A bde : A FGK : : ab2 : fg«, GHi : : Bc2 ; GH^ ; GiK : : de2 : ik^. But as the two polygons are similar, their hke sides are pro- portional, and consequently their squares also proportional ; so that all the ratios, ab^ to fg2, and bc3 to gh2 and de2 to ik2, are equal among themselves, and consequently the cor- responding triangles also, abe to fgk, and bcd to ghi, and BDE to GIK, have all the same ratio, viz. that of ab^ to fg^ : and hence all the antecedents, or the figure abode, have to all the consequents, or the figure fghik, still the same ratio, viz. that of ab2 to fg2 (th. 72;. Q. e. c THEOREM XC. "Jimilar Figures Inscribed ia Circles, have their Like Sides, and also their Whole Perimeters, in the Same Ratio as the Diameters of the Circles in which they are Inscribed. Let abode, fghik, be two similar figures, inscribed in the circles whose diameters are al and FM : then will each side ab, bc, &.c. of the one figure be to the like side GF, GH, &-C. of the other figure, or the whole perimeter ab -{- bc -}- &c. of the one figure, to the whole perimeter fg -}- gh -f- kc. of the other figure, as the diameter al to the diameter fm. For, draw the two corresponding diagonals, ac, fh, as also the lines bl, gm. Then, since the polygons are similar, they are equiangular, and their like sides have the same ratio (def. 70) ; therefore the two triangles abc, fgh, have the angle b = the angle g, and the sides ab, bc, proportional to the two sides fg, gh, consequently these two triangles are equiangular (th. 86), and have the angle acb = fhg. But the angle acb = alb, standing on the same arc ab ; and the angle fhg = fmg, standing on the same arc fg ; therefore the angle alb = fmg (th. 1). And since the angle abl = fgm, being both right angles, because in a semicircle ; therefore the two triangles, abl, fgm, having two angles equal, are equiangular ; and consequently their ^ like 334 ©EOMETRY. like sides are proportional (th. 84) ; hence ab : fg : : the diameter al : the diaraeter fm. in like manner, each side bc, gd, &c. has to each side GH, HI, &c. the same ratio of al to fm : and consequently th^ sums of them are still in the same, ratio ; viz. ab -|- b<^ 4* CD, &c. : FG -f- GH -|- HI, &c. : : the diam. al : the diam. FM (th. 72). ft. E. D. THEOREM XCI. Similar Figures Inscribed in Circles, are to each other as the Squares of the Diameters of those Circles. Let abcde, fghik, be two similar figures in- scribed in the circles whose diameters are al and fm ; then the surface of the polygon abode will be to the surface of the polygon fghik, as al^ to fm^ . ^ For, the figures being similar, are to each other as the squares of their like sides, ab^ to fg^ (th. 88). But. by the last theorem, the sides ab, fg, are as the diameters al, FM ; and therefore the squares of the sides ab^ to rc^ , as the squares of the diameters al2 to fm^ (th. 74). Consequently the polygons abcde, fghik, are also to each other as the squares of the diameters al^ to fm^ (ax. 1). Q. e d.> THEOREM XCH. The Circumferences of all Circles are to each other- as their Diameters. Let D, d, denote the diameters of two circles, and c, c, their circumferences ; then will d : it is therefore perpendicular to that plane (th. 98). Q. e. d. * This demonstratimi of Theorem, xcix. does not appear to me' to fee conclude.. EDI roR. . THEOREM THEOREMS. 341 THEOREM CI. If one Plane Meet another Plane, it will make angles with that other Plane, which are together equal to two Right Angles. Let the plane acbc meet the plane aebf ; these planes make with each other two angles whose sum is equal to two right angles. For, through any point Oj in the common section ab, dravr CD, EF, perpendicular to ab. Then, the line cg makes with EF two angles together equal to two right angles. But these two angles are (by def. 91) the angles of inclination of the two planes. Therefore the two planes make angles with each other, which are together equal to two right angles. Corol. In like manner it may be demonstrated, that planes which intersect, have their vertical or opposite angles equal ; also, that parallel planes have their alternate angles equal ; and so on, as in parallel lines. THEOREM CU. If Two Planes be Parallel to each other ; a Line which is Perpendicular to one of the Planes, will also be Perpendi- cular to the other. Let the two planes cd, ef, be parallel, and let the line ab be perpendicular to the ^ — -^ plane cd : then shall it also be perpendicu- ^f^ — 1 )^ lar to the other plane ef. ^J — r For, from any point g, in the plane ef, draw GH perpendicular to the plane cd, and draw . raw ah, bg, ^ ^^ Then, because ba, gh, are both perpendi- ^\A. — H/^ cular to the plane cd, the angles a and h are both right angles. And because the planes cd, ef, are parallel, the perpendiculars ba, gh, are equal (def 92). Hence it follows that the lines bg, ah, are parallel (^Aef, 9)* And the line ab being perpendicular to the line ah, is also per- pendicular to the parallel line bg (cor. th. 12). In like manner it is proved, that the line ab is perpendi- cular to all other lines whick can be drawn from the point b in 342 GEOMETRY. in the plane ef. Therefore the line ab is perpendicular to the whole plane ef (def. 92). ^ * ^. e. d. THEOREM cm. If Two Lines be Parallel to a Third Line, though not in the same Plane with it ; they will be Parallel to each other. F .^^Tx Let the lines ab, cd, be each of them parallel to the third line ef, though not in the same plane with it ; then will ab be pa- "Q rallel to cd. For, from any point g in the line ef, let gh, Gi, be each perpendicular to ef, in the planes H eb, ED, of the proposed parallels. . Then, since the line ef is perpendicular /E\ to the two lines gh, gi, it is perpendicular ^ to the plane ghi of those lines (th 98). And because ef is perpendicular to the plane ghi, its parallel ab is also perpen- dicular to that plane (cor. th. 99.) For the same reason, the line CD is perpendicular to the same plane ghi. Hence, be- cause the two hnes ab, cd, are perpendicular to the same plane these two lines are parallel ^th. 99). ^. e. d. THEOREM CIV. If Two Lines, that meet each other, be Parallel to Two other Lines that meet each other, though not in the same Plane with them ; the Angles contained by those Lines will be equal. Let the two lines ab, bc, be parallel to the two lines de, ef ; then will the angle abc be equal to the angle def. For, make the lines ab, bc, de, ef, all equal to each other, and join ac, df, ad, be, of. . Then, the lines ad, be, joining the equal and parallel lines ab, de, are equal and paral- j^ lei (th. 24). For the same reason, cf, be, are equal and parallel. Therefore ad, cf, are equal and pa- rallel (th. 15) ; and consequently also ac, DF(th. 24). Hence the two triangles abc, def, having all their sides equal, ) each kKl THEOREMS. 343 each to each, have their angles also equal, and consequently the angle abc = the angle def. q. e. d. THEOREM CV. The Sections made by a Plane cutting two other Parallel Planes, are also Parallel to each other. Let the two parallel planes ab, cd, be out by the third plane ekhg, in the lines EF, GH : these two sections ef, gh, will be parallel. Suppose FG, FH, be drawn parallel to Bach other in the plane eehg ; also let ei, FK, be perpendicular to the plane cd ; and let ig, kh, be joined. Then eg, fh, being parallels, and ei, fk, hemg both per- pendicular to the plane cd, are also parallel to each other (th. 99) ; consequently the angle hfk is equal to the angle GEi (th. 104). But the angle fkh is also equal to the angle EiG, being both right angles ; therefore the two triangles are equiangular (cor. 1, th. 17) ; and the sides fk, ei, being the equal distances between the parallel planes (def. 92), it fol- lows that the sides fh, eg, are also equal- (th. 2) But these two hnes are parallel (by suppos.), as well as equal ; conse- quently the two lines ef, gh, joining those equal parallels, are also parallel (th. 24). Q. e. d. THEOREM CVI. If any Prism be cut by a Plane Parallel to its Base, the Sec- tion will be equal and Like to the Base. Let AG be any prism, and il a plane pa- rallel to the base ac ; then will the plane il be equal and like to the base ac, or the two planes will have all their sides and all their angles equal. For the two planes ac, il, being parallel, by hypothesis ; and two parallel planes, cut by a third plane, having parallel sections ^ J3 (th. 105) ; therefore ik is parallel to ab, and KL to Bc, and im to cd, and iiM to ad. But ai and bk are parallels (by def. 95) consequently ak is a parallelogram ; and the opposite sides ab, ik, are equal (th. 22). In like manner, 3 b: g 344 GEOMETRY. IrL .1 G K B manner, it is shown that kl is = bc, and lm = CD, and iM = AD, or the two planes ac, il, are mutually equilateral. But these two planes, having their corresponding sides pa- rallel, have the angles contained by them also equal (th. 104), namely, the angle a = the angle i, the angle b = the angle k, the angle c = the angle l, and the angle d = the angle M. So that the two planes ac, il, have all their corresponding sides and angles equal, or they are equal and like. > q. e. d. THEOREM CVII. If a Cylinder be cut by a Plane Parallel to its Base, the Sec- tion will be a Ci^-cle, Equal to the Base. Let af be a cylinder, and ghi any section parallel to the base abc ; then will QHi, be a circle equal to abc For, let the planes ke, kf pass through the axis of the cylinder mk, and meet the section ghi in the three points h, i, l ; and join the points as in the figure* Then, since kl, cl, are parallel (by def. 101) ; and the plane ki meeting the two parallel planes abc, ghi, makes the two sectiens kc, li, pa- rallel (th. 105) ; the figure klic is therefore a parallelogram, and consequently has the opposite sides li, kc, equal, where Kc is a radius of the circular base. In like manner it is shown that lh is equal to the radius KB ; and that any other lines, drawn from the point l to the circumference of the section ghi, are all equal to radii of the base ; consequently ghi is a circle, and equal to abc. q. e. d. THEOREM CVIII. All Prisms and Cylinders, of equal Bases and Altitudes, are Equal to each other. Let AC, DF, be two prisms, and a cylinder, ©n equal bases ab, de, and having equal alti- tudes B«, FF ; then will the solids ac, df, be equal. Foxy let PQ, Rs, be' > T, . any H / / / ) THEOREMS. 345 any two sections parallel to the bases, and equidistant from them. Then, by the last two theorems, the section pq is equal to the base ab, and the section rs equal to the base DE. But the bases ab, de, are equal, by the hypothesis ; therefore the sections pq, rs, are equal also. In like manner, it may be shown, that any other corresponding sections are equal to one another. bince then every section in the prism ac, is equal to its corresponding section in the prism or cylinder df, the prisms and cylinder themselves, which are composed of an equal number or all those equal sections, must also be equal, q.. e. d. Carol. Every prism, or cylinder, is equal to a rectangular parallelopipedon, of an equal base and altitude. THEOREM CIX. Rectangular Parallelopipedons, of Equal Altitudes, are to each other as their Bases. \ ^ V ^ ^ \ D I K B \ ^ \ ^ \ \ V ^ a' Let AC, EG, be two fectan- gular parallelopipedons, having Q R S ^C T "V G the equal altitudes ad, eh ; then will the solid ac be to the solid E6, as the base ab is to the base ef. For, let the proportion of the base AB to the base ef, be that ^^ I^ M K E P of any one number m (3) to any other number n (2). And conceive ab to be divided into m equal parts, or rectangles, ai, lk, mb, (by dividing an into that number of equal parts, and drawing il, km, parallel to bn). And let ef be divided, in like manner, into n equal parts, or rectangles, eo, pf : all of these parts of both bases being mutually equal among themselves. And through the lines of division let the plane sections lr, ms, fv, pass parallel to AQ, ET. Then, the parallelopipedons ar, ls, mc, ev, pg, are all equal, having equal bases and altitudes. Therefore the soHd AC is to the solid eg, as the number of parts in the former, to the number of equal parts in the latter ; or as the number of parts in ab to the number of equal parts in ef, that is, as the base ab to the base ef. q. e. d. Corol. From this theorem, and the corollary to the last, it appears, that all prisms and cylinders of equal altitudes, are Vo*. 1. 45 t« 346 B PROBLEM X. To find a Mean Proportional between Two Lines ab, bc. Place ab, bc, joined in one straight p^ g line AC : on which as a diameter, des- cribe the semicircle adc ; to meet which erect the perpendicular bd ; and it will be the mean proportional sought, be- tween AB and Bc (by cor. th. 87). D— C OB PROBLEM XI. To find the Centre of a Circle. Draw any chord ab ; and bisect it per- pendicularly with the line cd, which will be a diameter (th. 41, cor.). Therefore, &D bisected into o, will give the centre, as required. PROfiLEA^ XII. To describe the Circamference of a Circle through Three Given Points a, b, c. From the paiddle point b draw chords BA, BC to the two other points, and bi- sect these chords perpendicularly by lines meeting in o, which will be the centre. Then from the centre o, at the distance of any one of the points, as oa, describe a circle, and it will pass through the two other points b, g, as required. For, the two right-angled triangles oad, obd, havino- the sidfis AD, DB, equal (by constr.), and od common with the included right angles at d equal, have their third sides oa, OB, also equal (th. J). And in like manner it is shown, that oc, is equal to ob or oa. So that all the three oa, ob, oc, ^eing equal, will be radii of the same circle. PROBLEM 358 GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XIII. To draw a Tangent to a Circle, through a Giren Point i. When the given point a is in the cir- cumference of the circle : Join a and the centre o ; perpendicular to which draw BAG, and it will be the tangent, by th. 46. But when the given point a is out of the circle : draw ao to the centre o ; on which as a diameter describe a semi- circle, cutting the given circumference in D ; through which draw badc, which will be the tangent as required. For, join do. Then the angle ado, in a semicircle, is a right angle, and consequently ad is perpendicular to the radius, do, or is a tangent to the circle (th. 4tJ) PROBLEM XIV. • On a Given Line b to describe a Segment of a Circle, to Contain a Given Angle c. At the ends of the given line make angles DAB, dba, each equal to the given angle c. Then draw ae, be, perpendicular to ad, bd ; and with the centre e and radius ea or eb, describe a circle ; so shall Afb be the segment required, as an angle f made in it will be equal to the given angle c. For, the two lines ad, bd, being per- pendicular to the radii ea, eb (by constr.), are tangents to the circle (th. 46) ; and the angle a or b, which is equal to the given angle c by construction, is equal to the angle f in the alternate segment afb (th. 63). PROBLEM XV. To Cat ofl' a Segment from a Circle, that shall Contsan a Given Angle c. Draw any tangent ab to the given circle ; and a chord ad to make the angle dab equal to the given angle c ; then DEA will be the segment required, an angle e made in it being equal to the given angle e. PROBLEMS. 35» For tbe angle a, made by the tans;ent and chord, which is equal to the given angle c by construction, is also equal to any ti^e E in the alternate segment (th. 53). PROBLEM XVI. To make an Equilateral Triangle on a Giren Line ab. From the centres a and b, with the distance ab, describe arcs, intersecting in c. Draw ac, bc, and abc will be the equilateral triangle For the equal radii ac, bc, are, each of them, equal to ab. PROBLEM XVn. To make a Triangle with Three Given Lines ab, ac, bc. With the centre a, and distance ac, describe an arc. With the centre b, and distance bc, describe another arc, cutti;)}i; the former in c Draw ac, bc, and ABC will be the triangle required. For the radii, or sides of the triangle, AC, BC, are equal to the given lines ac, BC, by construction. PROBLEM XVIIL To make a Square on a Given Line ab. Raise ad, bc, each perpendicular and equal to ab ; and join dc ; s'o Shall abcd be the square sought. For all the three sides ab, ad, bc, are equal, by the construction, and dc is equal an«) parallel to ab (by th. 24) ; so that all j the four sides are equal, and the opposite ones are parallel. Again, the angle a or b, of the parallelo- gram, being a right angle, the angles are all right ones (cor. 1, th. 22). Henre, then, the figure, having all its sides equal, sind all its angles right, is a square (def. 34). B PROBLEM 36d GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XrX. To make a Rectangle, or a Parallelogram, of a Given Lengtk and Breadth, ab, bc. Erect ad, bc, perpendicular to ab, and I> C each equal to bc ; then join dc, and it is done. The demonstration is the same as the last j prohlem. B- And in the same manner is descrihed any oblique parallel- ogram, only drawing ad and bc to make the given oblique an gle with ab, instead of perpendicular to it. B PROBLExM XX. To Inscribe a Circle in a Given Triangle abc. Bisect any two angles a and b, with the two lines ad, bd. From the inter- section D, which will be the centre of the circle, draw the perpendiculars de, DF, dg, and they will be the radii of the circle required. For, since the angle dae is equal to the angle dag, and the angles at e, g, right angles (by constr.), the two triangles ade, adg, are equi- angular ; and, having also the side ad common, they are iden- tical, and have the sides de, dg, equal (th. 2). In like man- ner it is shown, that df is equal to de or dg. Therefore, if with the centre d, and distance de, a circle be described, it will pass through all the three points e, f, g, in which points also it will toucuj the three sides of the triangle (th. 46), because the radii de, df, dg, are perpendicular t© them. PROBLEM XXL To Describe a Circle about a Given Triangle abc Bisect any two sides with two of the perpendiculars de, df, dg, and d will be the centre. For, join DA, DB, dc. Then the two right-angled triangles dae, dbe, have the two sides de, ea, equal to the two de, eb, and the included angles at e equal : those two triangles are therefore identical (th. PROBLEMS. 361 (th. 1), and have the side da equal to db. In like manner it is shown, thaf dc is also equal to da or db. So that all the three da, db, dc, being equal, they are radii of a circle passing through a, b, and c. PROBLEM XXn. To Inscribe an Equilateral Triangle in a Given Circle- Through the centre c draw any oTa- meter ab. From the point b as a centr<|| with the radius bc of the given circle, describe an arc dce. Join ad, ae, de, and ADE is the equilateral triangle sought. For, join db, do, eb, eg. Then dcb is an equilateral triangle, having each side equal to the radius of the given circle. In like manner, bce is an equilateral triangle. But the angle ADE is equal to the angle abe or cbe, standing on the same arc AE ; also the angle aed is equal to the angle cbd, on, the same arc ad ; hence the triangle dae has two of its angles, ADE, aed, equal to the angles of an equilateral triangle, and ther^ore the third angle at a is also equal to the same ; so that triangle is equiangular, and therefore equilateral. PROBLEM xxnr. To Inscribe a Square in a Given Circle. Deaw two diameters ac, bd, crossing at right angles in the centre ». Then join the four extremities a, b, c, d, with right lines, and these will form the in- scribed square abcd. For, the four right-angled triangles aeb, beg, ged, »ea, are identical, be- cause they have the sides ea, eb, eg, ed, all equal, being radii of the circle, and the four included angles at e all equal, being right angles, by the construction. Therefore all their third sides ab, bg, cd, da, are equal to one another, and the figure ABCD is equilateral. Also, all its four angles, a, b, c, D, are right ones, being angles in a semicircle. Consequently the figure is a square. VOB. h 47 PROBLPM f ^ \^ V 362 GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XXIV. To Describe a Square about a Given Circle. Draw two diameters ac, bd, crossing at right angles in the centre e. Then ^ J^y^^ ? through their four extremities draw fg, iH, parallel to ac, and fi, gh, parallel to BD, and they will form the square fghi. For, the opposite sides of parallelo- grams being equal, fg and ih are each r — ^^ j^ g." equal to the diam||ter ac, and fi and gh each equal to the diameter bd ; so that the figure is equilateral. Again, because the opposite angles of parallelograms are equal, all the four angles f, g, h, i, are right angles, being equal to the opposite angles at e. So that the figure fghi, having its sides equal, and its angles right ones, is a square, and its sides touch the circle at the four points a, b, c, d, being perpendicular to the radii drawn to those, points. I>ROBLEM XXV. To Inscribe a Circle in a Given Square. Bisect the two sides fg, fi, in the points a and b (last fig.). Then through these two points draw ac parallel to fg or ih, and BD parallel to fi or gh. Then the point of intersection E will be the centre, and the four lines ea, eb, ec, ed, radii of the inscribed circle. For, because the four parallelograms eb*, eg, eh, ei, have their opposite sides and angles equal, therefore all the four lines ea, eb, ec, ed, are equal, being each equal to half a side of the square. So that a circle described from the centre E, with the distance ea, will pass through all the points a, b, c, d, and will be inscribed in the square, or will touch its four sides in those points, because the angles there are right ones. PROBLEM XXVL To Describe a Circle about a Given Square, (see fig. Prob. xxiii.) Draw the diagonals ac, bd, and their intersection e will be the centre. For the diagonals of a square bisect each other (th. 40), making ea, eb, ec, ed, all equal, and consequently these are radii of a circle passing through the four points a, b, c, d. PROBLEM PROBLEMS. 36d Then, adf PROBLEM XXVII. To Gut a Given Line in Extreme and Mean Ratio. Let ab be the giren line to be divided in extreme and mean ratio, that is, so as that the whole line may be to the greater part, as the greater part is to the less part. Draw Bc perpendicular to ab, and equal to half AB. Join ac ; and with centre c and distance ce, describe the circle bd ; then with centre a and distance ad, de- scribe the arc de ; so shall ab be divided in E in extreme and mean ratio, or so that AB : AE,; : ae ; eb. For, produce ac to the circumference at being a secant, and ab a tangent, because b is a right angle ; therefore the rectangle af . ad is equal to ab^ (cor. 1, th. 61) ; consequently the means and extremes of these are proportion- al (th. 77), viz. ab : af or ad -f- df : : ad : ab. But ae is equal to ad by construction, and ab = 2bc = df ; therefore, ab : ae -I- ab : : ae : ab ; and by division, AB :. AE : : ak : eb. PROBLEM XXVIIL To Inscribe an Isosceles Triangle in a Given Circle, that shall have each of the Angles at the Base Double the Angle at the Vertex. Draw any diameter ab of the given circle ; and divide the radius cb, in the point d, in extreme and mean ratio, by the last problem. From the point b apply the chords be, bf, each equal to the greater part cd. Then join ae, af, EF ; and aef will be the triangle requir- ed. For, the chords be, bf, being equal, their arcs are equal ; therefore the supplemental arcs and chords ae, af, are also equal ; consequently the triangle aef is isosceles, and has the angle e equal to the angle f ; also the angles at g are right angles. Draw OF and df. Then, bc : cd : : cd : bd, or EC : bf : : bf : bd by constr. And ba :' bf : : bf : bg (by tb. 87). But bc = 4^ba ; therefore bg = Ibd = gd ; therefore the two triangles gbf, gdf, are identical (th. 1), and 364 €frEOMETRY. and each equiangular to abf and agf (th. 87). Therefofe their doubles, bfd, afe, are isosceles and equiangular, as well as the triangle bcf ; having the two sides bc, cf, equal, and the angle b common with the triangle bfd. But cb is = DF or BF ; therefore the angle c = the angle dfc (th. 4) ; consequently the angle bdp, which is equal to the sum of these two equal angles (th. 16), is double of one of them c ; or the equal angle b or cfb double the angle c. So that cbf ifi an isosceles triangle, having each of its two equal angles double of the third angle c. Consequently the triangle aef (which it has been shown is equiangular to the triangle cbf) has also each of its angles at the base double the angle a at the vertex. PROBLEM XXIX. To Inscribe a Regular Pentagon in a Given Circle. Inscribe the isosceles triangle abc having each of the angles abc, acb, double the angle bac (prob. 28). Then bisect the two arcs adb, afc, in the points D, E ; and draw the chords ad, »b, ae, EC, so shall adbce be the in- scribed equilateral pentagon required. For, beeause equal angles stand on equal arcs, and double angles on double arcs, also the angles ABC, ACB, being each double the angle bac, therefore the arcs ADB, AEc, subtending the two former angles, each one double the arcs bc subtending the latter. And since the two former arcs are bisected in d and e, it follows that all the five arcs AD, db, bc, ce, ea, are equal to each other, and consequently the chords also which subtend them, or the five sides of the pentagon, are all equal. Note In the construction, the points d and e are most easily found, by applying bd and ce each equal to bc. PROBLEM XXX. To Inscribe a Regular Hexagon in a Circle. Apply the radius ao of the given circle as a chord, ab, bc, cd, &c. quite round the circumference, and it will complete the regular hexagon abcdef. For, draw the radii ao, bo, co, do, eo, yo, completing six equal triangles ; of which any one, as abo, being equilateral PROBLEMS. 365 by constr.)it8 three angles are all equal (cor. 2, th. 3), and any one of them, as aub, is one-third of the whole, or of two right angles (th. 17), or one-sixth of four right angles. But the whole circumference is the measure of four right angles (cor 4, th. 6). Therefore the arc ab is one-sixth of the cir- cumference of the circle, and consequently its chord ab one aide of an equilateral hexagon inscribed in the circle. And the same of the other chords. Corol, The side of a regular hexagon is equal to the radius of the circumscribing circle, or to the chord of one-sixth part of the circumference. PROBLEM XXXI. To describe a Regular Pentagon or Hexagon about a Circle. In the given circle inscribe a regular A^ polygon of the same name or number ~ of sides, as abode, by one of the forego- ing problems. Then through all its an- gular points draw tangents (by prob. 13) and these will form the circumscribing polygon required. For, all the chords, or sides of the inscribing figure, ab, bc, &c. being equal, and all the radii OA, oB, &c. being equal, all the vertical angles about the point o are equal. But the angles oef, oaf, oag, obo, made by the tangents and radii, are right angles ; therefore oef + oaf = two right angles, and oag + obg = two right angles ; consequently, also, aoe -f afe = two right angles, and aob -|- AGB = two right angles (cor. 2, th. 18). Hence, then, the angles aoe -\- afe being = aob -f agb, of which aob is = AGE ; consequently the remaining angles f and g are also equal. In the same manner it is shown, that all the angles f, G, H, I, K, are equal. Again, the tangents from the same point fe, fa, are equal, as also the tangents ag, gb (cor. 2, th. 61) ; and the angles F atid G of the isosceles triangles afe, agb, are equal, as well as their opposite sides ae, ab ; consequently those two trian- gles are identical (th. 1), and have their other sides ef, fa, ag, GB, all equal, and fg equal to the double of any one of them. In like manner it is shown, that all the other sides gh, hi, ik, KF, are equal to fg, or double of the tangents gb, bh, &c. Hence, then, the circumscribed figure is both equilateral and equiangular, which was to be shown. Corol, 366 . GEOMETRY. Corol The inscribed circle touches the middles of the sides of the polygon. PROBLEM XXXII. To inscribe a circle in a Regular Polygon. Bisect any two sides of the polygon by the perpendiculars go, fo, and their intersection o will be the centre of the inscribed circle, and o'g or of will be the radius. For the perpendiculars to the tangents AF, AG, pass through the centre (cor. th. 47) ; and the inscribed circle touches C D the middle points f, g, by the last corollary. Also, the two sides AG, Ao, of the right-angled triangle aog, being equal to the two sides af, ao, of the right-angled triangle aof, the third sides of, og, will also be equal (cor. th. 45). Therefore the circle described with the centre o and radius og, will pass through F, and will touch the sides in the points g and f. And the same for all the other sides of the figure. PROBLEM XXXni. To Describe a Circle about a Regular Polygon. Bisect any two of the angles, c and d, with the lines co, do ; then their inter- section o will be the centre of the. cir- cumscribing circle : and oc, or od, will be the radius, For, draw ob, oa, oe, &c. to the angular points of the given polygon. Then the triangle ocd is isosceles, having the angles at c, and d equal, being the halves of the equal angles of the polygon BCD, CDE ; therefore their opposite sides co, do, are equal (th. 4). But the two triangles ocd, ocb, having the two sides oc, CD, equal to the two oc, cb, and the included angles ocd, ocb also equal, will be identical (th. l),and have their third sides bo, od, equal. In like manner it is shown, that all the lines OA, ob, oc, od, oe, are equal. Consequently a circle described with the centre o and radius oa, will pass through all the other angular points, b, c, d, &c. and will circumscribe the polygon. PROBLEM PROBLEMS. 367 PROBLEM XXXIV. To make a Square Equal to the Sum of two or more Giveo Squares. Let ab and ac be the sides of two given squares. Draw two indefinite lines AP, AQ, at right angles to each other ; in which place the sides ab, AC, of the given squares ; join bc ; then a square described on bc will be equal to the sum of the two squares described on ab and ac (th. 34). P B D A In the same manner, a square may be made equal to the sum of the three or more given squares. For, if ab, ac, ad, be taken as the sides of the given squares, then, making ae = Bc, AD = AD, and drawing de, it is evident that the square on fiE will be equal to the sum of the three squares on ab, ac, ad. And so on for more squares. PROBLEM XXXV. To make a Square Equal to the Diflference of two Given Squares. ^ Let ab and ac, taken in the same straight line, be equal to the sides of the two given squares. — From the centre a, with the distance ab, describe a circle ; and make cd perpendicular to ab, meet- A C B ing the circumference in d : so shall a square described on cd be equal to ad^ — ac^ , or ab^ — ac^ , as required (cor. 1 , th. 34). PROB LEM XXXVL To make a Triangle Equal to a Given Quadrangle abcd. Draw the diagonal ac, and parallel to it de, meeting ba produced at e, and join ce ; then will the triangle ceb be equal to the given quadrilateral abcd. For, the two triangles ace, acd, be- ing on the same base ac, and between the same parallels ac, de, are equal (th. 25) ; therefore, if ABC be added to each, it will make bce equal to abcd (ax. 2). PROBLEM 368 GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XXXVH. To make a Triangle Equal to a Given Pentagon abcde. Draw da and db, and also ef, cg, parallel to them, meeting ab produced at F and c ; then draw df and dg ; so shall the triangle dfg be equal to the given pentagon abcde. For the triangle dfa = dea, and the triangle dgb = dcb (th. 25) ; therefore, by adding dab to the equals, the sums are equal (ax. 2), that is, dab + daf + dbg = dab -f dab + DBC, or the triangle dfg = to the pentagon abcde. PROBLEM XXXVUL To make a Rectangle Equal to a Given Triangle abc. Bisect the base ab in d ; then raise de and bf perpendicular to ab, and meeting cf parallel to ab, at e and f : so shall df be the rectangle equal to the given triangle ABC (by cor. 2, th. 26). PROBLEM XXXIX. To make a Square Equal to a Giv^n Rectangle abcd. D JF Produce one side ab, till be be equal to the other side bc. On ae as a diameter describe a circle, meet- G-^. ing BC produced at f : then will bf be the side of the square bfgh, equal to the given rectangle bd, as , required ; as appears by cor. th. 87, A Jl BE and th. 77. C\ APPLICATION [ 369 1 APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA GEOMETRY. Wk HEN it is proposed to resolve a geometrical problena- algebraically, or by algebra, it is proper, in the first place, to draw a figure that shall represent the several parts or con- ditions of the problem, and to suppose that figure to be the true one. Then, having considered attentively the nature of the problem, the figure is next to be prepared for a solution, if necessary, by producing or drawing such lines in it as ap- pear most conducive to that end. 'J'his done, the usual sym- bols or letters, for known and unknown quantities, are em- ployed to denote the several parts of the figure, both the known and unknown parts, or as many of them as necessary, as also such unknown Une or lines as may be easiest found, whether required or not. Then proceed to the operation, by observing the relations that the several parts of the figure have to each other ; from which, and the proper theorems ia the foregoing elements of geometry, make out as many equa- tions independent of each other, as there are unknown quan- tities employed in them : the resolution of which equations, in the same manner as in arithmetical problems, will determine the unknown quantities, and resolve the problem proposed. As no general rule can be given for drawing the lines, and selecting the fittest quantities to substitute for, so as always to bring out the most simple conclusion, because different problems require different modes of solution ; the best way to gain experience, is to try the solution of the same problem in different ways, and then apply that which succeeds best, to other cases of the same kind, when they afterwards occur. The following particular directions, however, may be of some l5^, In preparing the figure, by drawing lines, let them be either parallel or perpendicular to other lines in the figure, or so as to form sirinilar triangles. And if an angle be given, it will be proper to let the perpendicular be opposite to that angle, and to fall from one end of a given Une, if possible. Vol, I. • 48 H. 370 APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA 9,d, In selecting the quantities proper to substitute for, those are to be chosen, whether requiied or not. tvbich he nearest the known or given parts of the iigure, and by nie-ans of which the next adjacent parts may be expressed by addi- tion and subtraction only^ without using surds. 3c/, When two lines or quantities are alike related to other part*? of the figure or problem, the best way is, not to make use of either of them separately, but to substitute for their sum, or difference, or rectangle, or the sum of their alternate quotients, or for some line or lines, in the figure, to which they have both the same relation. 4th, When the area, or the perimeter, of a figure, is §iven» or such parts of it as have only a remote relation to the parts required : it is sometimes of use to assume another figure similar to the proposed one, having one side equal to unity, or some other known quantity. For hence the other parts of the figure may be found, by the known proportiong of the like sides, or parts, and so an equation be obtained. For exam- ples, take the following problems. PROBLEM I. In a Right-angled Triangle^ having given the Base (3)yand the Sum of the Hypothenuse and Perpemiicular (9) ; to find both these two Sides. Let ABC represent the proposed triangle, right-angled at b. Put the base ab = 3 = 6, and the sum ac -f bc of the hypothenuse and perpendicular = 9 = 5 ; also, let x de- note the hypothenuse ac, and y the perpen- . dicular ec. Then by the question - - - ^. + y = », and by theorems 34, - - - x-=y--\-b^. By transpos. y in the 1st equ. gives x = s — y, This value of x substi. in the 2d, gives ---'---- 52 — ^sy -\-y^ = 2/^ + b^\ Takingaway 2/^ on both sides leaves s2 — 2sy = b^. By transpos. ^sy and 6*, gives s^ — 6^ = est/, 52—63 Aiid dividing by 2s, gives - - ~ ^ = 4 = bc. 2s Hence x = s — y 6 = ac. N. B. In this solution, and the following ones, the nota- liop is made by using as many unknown letters, x and y, as there TO GEOMETRY. 371 there are unknown sides of the triangle, a separate letter for each ; in preference to using only one unknown letter for one side, and expressing the other unknown side in terms of that letter and the given sum or difference of the sides ; though this latter way would render the solution shorter ; because the former way gives occasion for more and better practice in re- ducing equations, which is the very end and reason for which these problems are given at all. PROBLEM II. In a Right-angled Triangle, having given the Hypothenuse (5) ; and the sum of the Base and Perpendicular (7) ; to find both these two Sides, Let ABC (see last %.) represent the proposed triangle, right-angled at b. Put the given hypothenuse ac = 5 = a, and the sum ab -f- bc of the base and perpendicular = 7 = s; also let X denote the base ab, and y the perpendicular bc. Then by the question - - - x -{- y = s and by theorem 34 - - - x^-\-y^=-a^ By transpos. y in the 1st, gives x = s — y By substitu. this valu. for a;, gives s^ — 2sy -f ^y^ = a^ By transposing s^ , gives - - 2^2 — 2vy = a^ — 52 By dividing by 2, gives - - y^ — sy = ia^ — ±s3 By completing the square, gives y"^ — sy •\- \s^ = la^ — ^52 By extracting the root, gives y — is = ^ la^ — \s^ By transposing \s, gives - - y = \s ±. ^ la^ ^is^ = 4 and 3, the values oi x and y, PROBLEM III. In a Rectangle, having given the Diagonal (10), and the Peri- meter, or Sum of ail the Four Sides (28) ; to fmd each of the Sides severally. Let abcd be the proposed rectangle ,; DC and put the diagonal ac = 10 = c?. and '" half the perimeter ab -j- bc oir ad -|- dc = 14 = a ; also put one side ab = a-, and the other side bc = y. Hence,, by ^ jj right-angled 372 APPLICATION Ot^ ALGEBRA right-angled triangles, - - - - a;2 _|> ^2 = ^a And by the question, - -- - x -\-y =a Then by transposing y in the 2d, gives x =a — y Thisvahiesubstitutedinthe lst,givesa? — 2ay-\-2y^ = d- Transposing a^ , gives - - 2y^ — 2ay = r/2 — a^ And dividing by 2, gives - y^ — oy = ^d^ — ia^ By completing the square, it is i/^ — ay -{- \a^ = ic?2 __ 1^2 And extracting the root, gives y — i^ = ^ ^d^ — ^a^ la±y/\d^^\a^ = 8 and transposing ia, gives y or 6. the values of x and y. PROBLEM IV. Having given the Base and Perpendicular of any Triangle ^ to find the Side of a Square Inscribed in the Same. L^T ABC represent the given triangle, f^ and EFGH its inscribed square. Put the base AB = b, the perpendicular cd = a, and the side of the square gf or gh = Gr, Di =1 x; then will ci = cd — di = Then, because the like lines in the sinoilar triangles abc, gfc, are propor- tional (by theor. 84, Geom.), ab H DEB GF : ci, that is b : a : : X : a — x. Hence, by multiplying extremes and means, ab — fex = ax, and transposing bx, gives ab = ax ab -}- bx ; then dividing by a -\- b, gives x = = gf a -f 6 ©r GH the side of the inscribed square : which therefore is of the same magnitude, whatever the species or the angles of the triangles may be. PROBLEM V. In an Equilateral Triangle^ havirig given the lengths of the three Perpendiculars, drawn from a certain Point within, on the . ihree Sides : to determine the Sides. Let ABC represent the equilateral tri- angle, and BE, DF, DG, the given per- pendiculars {ron\ the point d. Draw the lines DA, DB, DC, to the three angular points ; and let fall the perpendicular ch on the base ab. Put the three given per- pendiculars DE s= a, DF = 6, DG = C, and put Of = AH or bh, half the side of TO GEOMETRY. 373 the equilateral triangle. Then is ac or bc = 2r, and by right angled triangles the perpendicular ch = ^ ac^ — ah^ = ^ 4x2 _ x3 = y Sx^ = or ^ 3. Now, since the area or space of a rectangle, is expressed by the product of the base and height (cor. 2, th. 81 Geom.), and that a triangle is equal to half a rectangle of equal base and hei^hl (cor. 1 , th 26), it follows that, the whole triangle abc is = ^ab XcH=xXxy/3 = x^^3, the triangle abd = Iab X dg = a; X c = cjt, the triangle bcd = Ibc X de = a; X a = ax, the triangle acd = ^ac X df = a; X 6 = 6x. But the three last triangles make up, or are equal to, the whole former, or great triangle ; that is, x^^ 3 = ax -{- bx -\- ex ; hence, dividing by rr, gives X ^ 3 = a 4- ^ +^> and dividing by ^3, gives '\ia+b-i-cl X =^ ^, half the side of the triangle sought. Also, since the whole perpendicular ch is = ar y^ 3, it is therefore = a -f 6 -j- c. That is, the whole perpendicular CH, is just equal to the sum of all the three smaller perpen- diculars DE 4* DP + DG taken together, wherever the point d is situated. PROBLEM VI. In a Right-angled Triangle, having given the Base (3), and the Difference between the Hypothenuse and Perpendicular (1) ; to find both these two Sides. PROBLEM Vn. In a Right-angled Triangle, having given the Hypothenuse rs), and the Difference between the Base and Perpendicular (1) ; to determine both these two Sides. PROBLEM VUL • Having given the Area, or Measure of the Space, of a Rectangle, inscribed in a given Triapgle j to determine the Sides of the Rectangle. PROBLEM :m APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA PROBLEM IX. In a Triangle, having given the Ratio of the two Sides^ together with both the Segments of the Base, raade by a Per- pendicular from the Vertical Angle j to determine the Sides of the Triangle. PROBLEM X. In a Triangle, having given the Base, the Sam of the other two Sides, and the Length of a Line drawn from the Vertical Angle to the Middle of the Base ; to find the Sides of the Tri- angle. PROBLEM XI. In a Triangle, having given the two Sides about the Vertical Angle, with the Line bisecting that Angle, and terminating in the Base : to find the Base. PROBLEM XU. To determine a Right-angled Triangle; having given the Lengths of two Lines drawn from the acute angles, to the Middle of the opposite Sides. PROBLEM XIII. To determine a Right- Angled Triangle ; having given the Perimeter, and the Radius of its Inscribed Circle, PROBLEM XIV. To determine a Triangle ; having given the Base the Per- pendicular, and the Ratio of the two Sides. PROBLEM XV. To determine a Right-angled Triangle ; having given the Hypothenuse, and the Side of the Inscribed Square. PROBLEM W GEOMETRY. 37i iPBOBUEM 3CVI. To determine the Radii of ihtee Equal Circles, described in a given Circle, to touch each other and also the Circumfer- ence of the given Circle. PROBLEM XVn. In a Right-angled Triangle, having given the Perimeter or Sum of all the Sides, and the Perpendicular let fall from the Rii^ht Angle on the Hypdthenuse ; to determine the 1 rianglC; that is, its Sides. PROBLEM XVIIL To determine a Right-angled Triangle ; liaving given the Hypothenuse, and the Difference of two lines drawn from the two acute angles to the Centre of the Inscribed Circle. PROBLEM XIX. To determine a Triangle ; having given the Base, the Per pendicular, and the Difference of the two other Sides. PROBLEM XX, To determine a Triangle ; having given the Base, the Per- pendicular, and the Rectangle or Product of the two Sides. PROBLEM XXI. To determine a Triangle ; having given the Lengths ©f three Lines drawn from the three Angles, to the Middle of the opposite Sides. PROBLEM XXII. In a Triangle, having given all the three Side* ; to find the Radius of the Inscribed Circle. PfiQBLfiM 37« APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA, ko. PROBLEM XXIIL To determine a Right-angled Triangle ; having given the Side of the Inscribed Square, and the Radius of the Inscribed Circle. PROBLEM XXiy. To determine a Triangle, and the Radius of the Inscribed Circle ; having given the Lengths of three Lines drawn from the three Angles, to the Centre of that Circle. PROBLEM XXV. To determine a Right-angled Triangle ; having given the Hypothenuse, and the Radius of the Inscribed Circle. PROBLEM XXVI. To determine a Triangle ; having given the Base, the Line bisecting the Vertical Angle, said the Diameter, of the Cir- cumscribing Circle. PLANE [ 377 ] PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. 1. JT LANE TRIGONOMETRY treats of the rela- tions and calculations of the sides and angles of plane tri- angles. 2. The circumference of every circle (as before observed in Geom. Def 67) is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called Degrees ; also each degree into 60 Minutes, each minute into 60 Seconds, and so on. Hence a semicircle contains 180 degrees, and a quadrant 90 degrees. 3. The measure of an angle (Def ^8, Geom.) is an arc of any circle contained between the two lines which form that angle, the angular point being the centre ; and it is estimated by the number of degrees contained in that arc. Hence, a right angle, being measured by a quadrant, or quarter of the circle, is an angle of 90 degrees ; and the sum of the three angles of every triangle, or two right angles, is equal to 180 degrees. Therefore, in a right-angled triangle, taking one of the acute angles from 90 degrees, leaves the other acute angle ; and the sum of two angles, in any trian- gle, taken from 180 degrees, leaves the third angle : or one angle being taken from U'O degrees, leaves the stim of the other two angles. 4. Degrees are marked at the top of ihe figure with a small **, minute with ', seconds with ", and so on. Thus 57 •" 30' 12", denote 67 degrees 30 minutes and 12 seconds. l^A^ 5. The Complement of an arc, is what it wants of a quadrant or OO**, Thus, if AD be a quadrant, then bd is the complement of the arc ab ; and, reciprocally, ab is the complement of BD. So that, if AB be an arc of 50°, then its complement bd will be 40°. 6. The Supplement of an are, is what it wants of a semicircle, or 180°. Thus, if ade be a semicircle, then bde is the supple- ment of the arc ab ; and, reciprocally, ab is the supplement of the arc bde. So that, if ab be an arc of 60°, then its supple- ment bde will be 130°. Vo*. I. 49 7. The 378 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 7. The Sine, or Right Sine, of an arc, is the line tJrawn from one extremity of the arc, perpendicular to the diameter which passes through the other extremity. Thus, bf is the sine of the arc ab, or of the supplemental arc bde. Hence the sine (bf) is half the chord (bg) of the double arc (bag). 8. The Versed Sine of an arc, in the part of the diameter in- tercepted between the arc and its sine. So, af is the versed sine of the arc ab, and ef the versed sine of the arc edb. 9. The Tangent of an arc, is a line touching the circle ia one extremity of that arc, continued from thence to meet a line drawn from the centre through the other extremity ; which last line is called the Secant of the same arc. Thus, AH is the tangent, and ch the secant of the arc ab. Also, EI is the tangent, and ci the secant, of the supplemental arc BDE. And this latter tangent and secant are equal to the for- mer, but are accounted negative, as being drawn in an oppo- site or contrary direction to the former. 10. The Cosine, Cotangent, and Cosecant, of an arc, are the sine, tangent, and secant of the complement of that arc, the Co being only a contraction of the word comple- raent. Thus, the arcs ab, bd, being the complements of each other, the sine, tangent, or secant of the one of these, is the cosine, cotangent, or cosecant of the other. So, bf, the sine of ab, is the cosine of bd ; and bk, the sine of BD, is the cosine of ab : in like manner ah, the tangent of ab, is the cotangent of bd ; and dl, the tangent of db, is the cotangent of ab : also, ch, the secant of ab, is the cosecant of bd ; and cl, the secant of bd, is the cosecant of Corol. Hence several remarkable properties easily follow from these definitions ; as, \st^ That an arc and its supplement have the same sine, tangent, and secant ; but the two latter, the tangent and secant are accounted negative when the arc is greater than a quadrant or 90 degrees. 2rf, When the arg is 0, or nothing, the sine and tangent are nothing, but the secant is then the radius ca, the least it can be. As the arc increases from 0, the sines, tangents, and secants, all proceed increasing, till the arc becomes a whole quadrant ad, and then the sine is the greatest it can be, beinji; DEFINITIONS^ 379 being the radius cd of the circle : and both the tangent and secant are infinite. 3d, Of an arc ab, the versed sine af, and cosine bk, or cf, together make up the radius .ca of the circle.— The radius CA, the tangent ah, and the secant ch, form a right-angled tri- angle CAH. So also do the radius, sine, knd cosine, form ano- ther right angled-triangle cbf or cbk. As alsathe radius, co- taiiorent, and cosecant, another right-angled triangle cdl. And all these right-angled triangles are similar to each other. 11. The sine, tangent, or secant of an angle, is the sine, tangent, or secant of the arc by which the angle is measur- ed, or of the degrees, &c. in the same arc or angle. 12. The method of con- structing the scales of chords, sines, tangents, and secants, usu:\lly engraven on instru- ments, for practice, is exhi- bited io the annexed figure. 13. A Trigonometrical Ca- non, is a table showing the length of the sine, tangent, and secant, to every degree and 2 minute of the quadrant, with ^ respect to the radius, which is expressed by unity or I, with an}' number of cyphers. The logarithms of these sines, tangents and secants, are also ranged in the tables; and these are most commonly used, as they perform the calculations by only addition and subtraction, instead of the multiplication and division by the natural sines, &c. according to the nature of logarithms. Such a table of log. sines and tangents, as well as the logs, of common numbers, are placed at the end of the se- cond volume, and the description and use of them are as fol- low ; viz. of the sines and tangents ; and the other table, of common logs, has been alreadv explained. Des- 38i PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Description of the Table of Log. Sines and Tangents. In the first column of the table are contained all the arcs, or angles, for every minute in the quadrant, viz from 1' to ' 45**, descending from top to bottom by the left-hand side, and then returning back by the right-hand side, ascending from bottom to top, from 45° to 90° ; the degrees being set at top or bottom, and the minutes in the column. Then the sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents, of the degrees and minutes, are placed on the same lines with them, and in the annexed columns, according to their several respective names or titles, which are at the top of the columns for the degrees at the top, but at the bottom of columns for the degrees at the bottom of the leaves. The secants and cosecants are omitted in this table, because they are so easily found from the sines and co- sines ; for, of every arc or angle, the sine and cosecant to- gether tnake up 20 or double the radius, and the cosine and secant together make up the same 20 also. Therefore, if a secant is wanted, we have only to subtract the cosine from 20 ; or, to find the cosecant, take the sine from 20. And the best way to perform these subtractions, because it may be done at sight, is to begin at the left hand, and take every figure from 9, but the last or right hand figure from 10, prefixing 1, for 10, before the first figure of the remainder. PROBLEM I. To compute the Natural Sine and Cosine of a Given Arc. This problem is resolved after various ways. One of these is as follows, viz. by means of the ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle, together with the known seriei for the sine and cosine, hereafter demonstrated. Thus, the semicircumference of the circle, whose radius is 1, being 3.141592663589793 &,c. the proportion will therefore be, as the number of degrees or minutes in the semicircle, is to the degrees or minutes in proposed arc, so is 3. 14159265 &c to the length of the said arc. This length of the arc being denoted by the letter a ; aaA ite \ fROBLEMS. 381 its s\ne and cosine by 5 and c ; then will these two be express- ed by the two follow ing series, viz. s = a 1 h&c. 2.3 a^ a^ a 6 120 5040 G=; 1 { h&c. 2 2.3.4 a3 a* a^ = 1 H h&c. 2 24 720 Exam. 1. If it be required to find the sine and cosine of #ne minute. Thes the number of minutes in ISO** being 10800, it will be first, as 10800 : 1 : : 3 1415^266 kc. : •000290888208665 = the length of an arc of one minute. Therefore, in this case, a = 0002908882 and ia» = -000000000004 &c. the diflf. is s = -0002908882 the sine of 1 minute. Also, from 1 . take itt2 = 00000000423079 &c. leave c = -9999999577 the cosine of 1 minute. Exam. 2. For the sine and cosine of 5 degrees. Here, as 180<> : 5° : : 3-14159265 &c. : -08726646 = a the length of 5 degrees. Hence a = -08726646 »«ia3 = — -00011076 4._i_a5 = '-00000004 these collected give s = -08715574 the sine of S<*. And, for the cosine, 1 = 1- __ ±a2 =^ — -00380771 -f._Ca4= -00000241 these collected give c = -99(519470 the cosine of 5**. After the same manner, the sine and cosine of any other arc mny be computed. But the greater the arc is the slower the <*eries will converge, iti which case a greater number of terms must be taken, to bring out the conclusion to the same degree of exactness. Or. 382 FLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Or, having found the sine, the cosine will be found from it, by the pro perty of th e right-angled triangle cbf, viz. the cosine of = y' cb^— bf^, or c = ^ 1— a-s. There are also other methods of constructing the canon of sines and cosines, which for brevity's sake, are here ooutted. PROBLEM II. To compute the Tangents md Secants. The sines and cosines being known, or found by the foregoing problem ; the tangents and secants will be easily found, from the principle of similar triangles, in the foUow'- ing manner : In the first figure, where, of the arc ab, bf is the sine, CF or BK the cosine, ah the tangent, gh the secant, dl the cotangent, and cl the cosecant, the radius being ca or CB or CD ; the three similar triangles cf b, cah, cdl, give the following proportions : \st, CF : FB : : GA : AH ; whence the tangent is known, being a fourth proportional to the cosine, sine, and radius. ^dy cF : cB : : ga : ch ; whence the secant is known, being a third proportional to the cosine and radius. orf, BF : Fc : : CD : DL ; whence the cotangent is known, being a fourth proportional to the sine, cosine, and radius. 4(h, BF : BG : : cd : cl : whence the cosecant is known, being a third proportional to the sine and radius. As for the log. sines, tangents, and secants, in the tables, they are only the logarithms of the natural sines, tangents, and secants, calculated as above. HAVING given an idea of the calculation and use of sines, tangents, and secants, we may now proceed to resolve the several cases of Trigonometry ; previous to which, however, it may be proper to add a few preparatory notes and observa* tions, as below. - JVote 1. There are usually three methods of resolving tri- angles, or the cases of trigonometry ; namely, Geometrical Construction, Arithmetical Computation, and Instrumental Operation. In the first Method^ The triangle is constructed, by making the parts of the given magnitudes, namely, the sides from a scale of equal parts, and the angles from a scale of chords, • THEOREM I. 333 or by ?ome other instrument. Then mpasuring the unknown p?irts by the same scales or instruments, the solution will be obtained near the trutlf. In the Second Method, Having stated the term§ of the pro- portion according to the proper rule or theorem, resolve it like any other proportion, in which a fourth term is to be found from three given terms, by multiplying the second and third together, and dividing the product by the first, in working with the natural numbers ; or, in working with the loga ritbjD s. add the logs, of the second and third terms to- gether, and from the sum take the log. of the first terra ; then the natural number answering to the remainder in the fourth t**rm sought. In the Third Method. Or Instrumentally, as suppose by the log. lines on ^ one side of the common two-foot scales; Ex- tend the Compasses from the first term, to the second or third, which happens to be of the same kind with it ; then that extent will . reach from the other term to the fourth term, as required, taking both extents towards the" same end of the scale. JVote 2. Every triangle has six parts, viz. three sides and three angles. And in every triangle, or case in trigonometry, there must be given three of these parts, to find the other three. Also, of the three parts that are given, one of them at least must be a side ; because with the same angles,^ the sides may be greater or less in any proportion. JVote 3. All the cases in trigonometry, may be comprised in three varieties only ; viz. 1st, When a side anc> its opposite angTc are given. 2rf, When two sides and the contained angle are given. 3d, When the three sides are given. For there cannot possibly be more than these three varieties of cases ; for each of which it will therefore be proper to give a separate theorem, as follows : THEOREM I. When a Side and its Opposite Angle are two of the Given Parts, Then the unknown parts will be found by this theorem ; viz. The sides of the triangle have the same proportion to each other, as the sines of their opposite angles have. That is, As any one side. Is to the sine of its opposite angle ; So is any other side, To the sine of its opposite angle. Bemonstr. 384 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Detnonsir. For, let abc be the pro- C po?ed triangle, having ab the greatest side, and bc the least. Take ad = Bc. considerina: it as a radius ; and let fall the perpendiculars de, cf, which j^ j^ J J will evidently be the ^ines of the an- gles A and B, to the radius ad or bc« Now the triangles ade, acf, are equiangular ; they therefore have their like sides proportional, namely, ac : cf : : a» or BC : DE ; that is, the side ac is to the sine of its oppos^ite angle b, as the side bc is to the sine of its )pposite angle a. JVote 1. In practice, to find an angle, begin the proportion with a side opposite to a given angle. And to find a side, begin with an angle opposite to a given side. JVo^e 2. An angle found by thi^ rule is ambiguous, or nn- eertain whether it be acute or obtuse, unless it be a right angle, or unless its magnitude be such as to prevent the ambi- guity ; because the sine answers to two angles, which are supplements to each other ; and accordingly the geometrical construction forms two triangles with the same parts that are given, as in the example below ; and when there is no re- striction or limitation included in the question, either of them may be taken. The number of degrees in the table, answer- ing to the sine, is the acute angle ; but if the angle be obtuse, subtract those degrees from 180«>, and the remainder will be the obtuse angle. When a given angle is obtuse, or a right one, there can be no ambiguity ; for then neither of the other angles can be obtuse, and the geometrical construction will form only one triangle. EXAMPLE!. In the plane triangle abc, { ab 346 yards Given ? bc 232 yards (Z A 3'/'' 20' Required the other parts. I. Geometrically. Draw an indefinite line ; on which set off ab = 34i from some convenient scale of equal parts. — Make the angle A = 37^1. — With a radius of 232, taken from the Scme scale of equal parts, and centre b, cross ac in the two points c, G. — Lastly, join bc, bc, and the figure is con- structed. THEOREM I. 386 structed, which gives two triangles, and shows that the case is ambiguous. Then, the sides ac measured by the scale of equal parts, and the angles b and c measured by the line of chords, or other instrument, will be found to be nearly as below ; viz. AC 174 Z. B 27*' Z. c 115«>i. or 374A or 78 a or 64^. 2. Arithmetically. First, to find the angles at c. As side bc 232 - log. 2-365488 To sin. op. 2L a 37*' 20' - - 9-782796 So side AB 345 - 2-537819 3osin. op. Z.C US*' 36' or 640 24' 9-955127 add Z. A 37 20 37 20 the sum 152 66 or 101 44 taken from 180 00 180 00 leaves Z b 27 04 or 78 16 Then, to find the side ac. As sine Z. a 37*^ 20' _ log. 9-782796 To op. side bc 232 2-365488 sosio. ., j-0*' : 9-658037 9-990829 To op. side ac 174-07 2-240729 or 374-56 2-573521 3. Instrumentally. In the first proportion. — Extend the compasses from 232 to 345 on the Hne of numbers • then that extent will reach, on the sines, from 37**i to 64*>^, the angle c. In the second proportion. — Extend the compasses from 37°i to 27<' or 78<'i, on the sines ; then that extent will reach, on the line of numbers, from 232 to 174 or 374^, the two values of the side ac EXAMPLE II. In the plane triangle abc, C AB 366 poles ( ^c ^^** ^" Given? Z.A 57o 12' Ans. ( ac 154-33 ( AB 24 46 ( BC 309-86 Required the other parts. Vol. I. 59 E3CAMPLfi 38e PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. EXAMPLE III. In the plane triangle abg, 5Z.B 64« 35^ or 116 26 Z.C 57 57 or 7 7 AB 112 6 feet. or 16-47 feet. THEOREM n. When two Sides and their Contained Jingle are given. First add the two given sides together, to get their sum, and subtract them, to get their difference. Next subtract the given angle from 180**, or two right angles, and the remainder will be the sum of the two other angles ; thon divide that by 2, which will give the half sum of the said unknown angles. Then say, As the sum of the two given sides, Is to the difference of the same ^ides ; So is.-the tang, of half the sum of their op. angles, To the tang of half the diff, of the same angles. Then add the half difference of the Jungles, so found, to their half sum, and it will give the greater angle, and sub- tracting the same will leave the less angle ; because the half sum of any two quantities, increased by their half difference, gives the greater, and diminished by it gives the l(s» Then all the angles being now known, the unknown side will be found by the former theorem. Note. Instead of the tangent of the half sum of the un- known angles, in the third term of the proportion, may be used the cotangent of half the given angle, which is the same thing. Demonst. Let abc be the proposed tri^iigie, having the two given sides AC, Bc including the given angle c. With the centre c, and radius ca, tiie less of these two sides, describe a semicircle, meeting the other side Br produced in d, e, and the un- known side AB in a, g. Join ae, AD, CG, and draw df parallel to ae. ^ Then be is the sum of the two given sides ac, cb, or of EC, cb ; and bo is the difference of the same two giv.en sides / AC, THEOREM II. 387 AC, BC, or of CD, CB. Also, the external angle ace, is equal to the given snna of the two internal angles cab, cba ; but the ar»i»;le ade, at the circumference, is equal to half the angle ACE dt the centre : therefore the same angle ade is equal to h?lf the, given sum of the angles cab, cba. Also, the exter- Dol angle AGC, of the triangle bcg, is equal to the sum of the tT7'> internal angles «cb, gbc, or the angle gcb is equal to the ' diiV lonce of the two angles agc, gbc ; but the angle cab is equal to the said angle agc, these being opposite to the equal sides AC, CG ; and the angle dab, at the circumference, is equal to half the angle dcg at the centre ; therefore the angle dab is equal to half the difference of the two angles cab. cba ; of which it has been shown that ade or cda is the half sum. Now the angle dae, in a semicircle, is a right angle, or ae is perpendicular to ad ; and df, parallel to ae, is also per- pendicular to AD : consequently ae is the tangent of cda the half sum, and df the tangent of dab th£ half difference of the angles, to the same radius ad by the definition of a tan- gent. ' but the tangents ae, df, being parallel, it will be as BE : bd : : AE : DF ; that is, as the sum of the sides is to the difference of the sides, so is the tangent of -half the su-u of the opposite angles, to the tangent of half their difference. EXAMPLE I. In the plane triangle abc, C ab 346 yards Given ? ag 17 i07 yards ( Z.A 37» 20' Required the other parts. 1. Geometrically. Draw AB = 345 from a scale of equal parts. Make the angle a = 37*» 20'. Set off ac = 174 by the scale of equal parts. Join bc, and it is done. ' Then the other parts being measured, they are found to bc nearly as follows ; viz. the side bc 232 yards, the angle b 27**, and the angle c 115*»|^. 2. Arithmetically. The side ab 345 From 180*> 00' the side ac 174-07 take/. a 37 20 their sum 519-07 sum of c and b 142 40 their differ. 170-93 half sum of do. 71 20 As 388 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. As sum of sides ab, ac, - - 619 07 log. 2-716226 To diff. of sides ab, ac, - - 170-93 2-232818 So tang, half sum Zs c and B 71'' 20' - 10-471298 To tang, half diff. ^s c and b 44 16 9-988890 these added give Z. c 116 36 and subtr. give z. b 27 4 Then, by the former theorem, As sin. Z. c- 1 16° 36' or 64« 24' log. 9-956126 To its op. side ab 346 2-637819 Bo sin. of Z. A 370 20' . . - 9-782796 To its op. side bc 232 ' - 2-365489 3. Instrumentally. In the fifst proportioTi. — Extend the compasses from 619 to 171, on the Une of numbers ; then that extent will reach, on the tangents, from 71** J- (the contrary way, because the tangents are set back again from 46**) a little beyond 46, which being set so far back from 4:-, falls upon 44**^, the fourth term. In the second proportion Extend from 64<*i to 37'>i on the sines ; then that extent will reach on the numbers, from 346 to 232, the fourth term sought. EXAMPLE It lu the plane triangle abc, Given < Required the other parts. EXAMPLE IIL In the plane triangle abg, ( AC 120 yards Given { bc 112 yards Ans. { Z.a 67*' 28 (Zc 570 67' (zb 64 35 Required the other parts. THEOREM III. When the TJiree Sides of a Triangle are given. First, let fall a perpendicular from the g^reatest angle on the opposite sine, or base, dividing it into two segments, and the whole triangle into t\»o right-angled triangles : then the pro- portion will be, As le piane iriangie abc, i ab 366 poles ( bc 309 86 t { AC 154-33 Ans. { Zb 24*' 45' (Za57°12' (Zc98 3 ( AB 112-6 , ?Za 67*' 28 (Zb 64 35 THEOREM Hi. 389 As the base, or sums of the segments. Is to the sum of the other two sides ; So is the diflference of those sides, To the diflf. of the segments of the base. Then take half this diflference of the segments, and add it to the half sum, or the half base, for the greater segment ; and subtract the same for the less segment. Hence in each of the two right-angled triangles, there will be known two sides, and the right angle opposite to one of them ; consequently the other angles will be found by the iirst theorem. / Demonstr. By theor, 35, Geom. the rectangle of the sum and difference of the two sides, is equal to the rectangle of the sum and diflference of the two segments. Therefore, by forming the sides of these rectangles into a proportion by theor. 70, Geometry, it will appear that the sums and dififerences are proportional as in this theorem. EXAMPLE I. In the plane triangle abc, Given r^!ff^y^^^« the sides > ^^ ^^|.Q^ ^^^^^^^^ P B To find the angles. I. Geometrically. Draw the base ab = 345 by a scale of equal parts. Witli radius 232, and centre a, describe an arc ; and with radius 174, and centre b, describe another arc, cutting the former in c. Join AC, Bc, and it is done. Then, by measuring the angles, they will be found to be nearly as follows, viz. Za 27«>, Zb 37oi, and ^c 115o|. 2.. Arithmetically, Having let fall the perpendicular cp, it will be, As the base ab : ac -f- bc : : ac — bc : ap — bp, that is, as 345 : 406-07 : : 67-93 : 68-18 = ap — bp. its half is - 3409 the half base is 172-50 the sum of these is 206-59 = ap and their diflf. is 138-41 = bp Then, 390 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Then, in the triangle apc, right-angled at p, As the side ac - • . 232 log. 2-365488 To sin. op. ^p • • 9()*> - 10-oooboo So is the side ap - - ■ 206-59 - 2-316109 Tosin. op. Zacp - • . 62^tyQ' - 9-949621 Which taken from - 90 00 leaves the ^^ a 27 04 Again, in the triangle bpc, right-angled at p, As the side bc - - 174-07 - log. 2-240724 To sin. op. ^p - 90° - - 10-000000 So is side bp - . 138-41 - - 2-441168 To sin. op ^^Bcp - - 5S^° 40' - - 9-900444 which tauten from - 90 00 leaves the Zb 37 20 Also, the Zacp 62° 66' added to Zbcp 62 40 gives the whole Zacb 115 36 So that all the three angles are as follow, viz. the Za 27° 4'; the ^b 37*^ 20' ; the Zc 116^36'. 3. Instrumentally* In the first proportion. — Extend the compasses from 345- , ' J to 406, on the line of numbers ; then that extent will reach, • ] on the same line, from 68 to 68 2 nearly, which is the diffe- rence of the segments of the base. In the second proportion.— ^Extend from 232 to 206i. on the line of numbers ; then that extent will reach, on the sines, from 90° to eS*'. In the third proportion. — Extend from 174 to 138^ ; then that extent will reach from 90** to 52*^1 on the sines. EXAMPLE II. • "\ In the plane triangle abc. Given i^-'f.^Pf' *u« ^A . < AC 164 33 To find the angles. (Za67o j2' Ans. {Zb24 46 (Zc98 3 EKAMPL5 ! i - 1 THEOREM IV. EXAMPLE m. In the plane triangle abc f .ni AB 120 ( ZA 57«» 28' 112-6 Ans. ( ZB 57 57 f BC 112 ( Zc 64 35 find the angles. 301 The three foregoing theorems include all the cases of plane triangles, both right-angled and oblique. But there are other theorems suited to some particular forms of triangles, which are sometimes more expedilious in their use than the general ones ; one of which, as the case for which it serves so fre- quentljr occurs, may be here taken, as follows : THEOREM IV. When a Triangle is Right-angled ; any of the unknown parts may be found by the following proportions : viz. As radius Is to either leg of the triangle ; So is tang, of its adjacent angle, To its opposite leg ; And so is secant of the same angle, To the hypothenuse. Demonstr. ab being the given leg, in the right-angled triangle abc ; with the centre A, and any assumed radius ad, describe an arc DE, and draw df perpendicular to ab,. or parallel to bc. Then it is evident, from the definitions, that df is the tangent, and af the secant of the arc de, or of the an- gle A which is measured by that arc, to the radius ad. Then, because of the parallels bc, df it will be, - - - - as ■ AD : AB : : DF : bc and : : af : ac, which is the same as the theorem is in words. Aote, The radius is equal, either to the sine of 90*', or the tangent of 45*^ ; and is expressed by 1, in a table of natural sines, or by 10 in the log. sines. EXAMPLE I. In the right-angled triangle abc, Given J ^^ 530^7' 43" ( ^^ ^"^ ^^ ^"^ ^^' i. Geometrically. 392 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 1. Geometrically. Make ab = 162 equal parts, and the angle a = 53^ 7' 48" ; then raise the perpendicular bc, meeting ac in c. So shall AC measure 270, and bc 216. 2 Arithmetically. As radius - . log. 10-000000 To leg AB - 162 2-209515 So tang. Z. A - 53° r 48" - 10- 124937 To leg BC - 216 . 2-334452 So secant Z. a -■ 630 r 48" - 10-221848 To hyp. AC 3. 270 Instrument ally. 2-431363 Extend the compasses from 45*» to 53' j, on the tangents. Then that extent will reach from 162 to 216 on the line of numbers. EXAMPLE II. In the right-angled triangle abc, ^. ^ the leg AB 180 . ^ ac 392-0146 ^*^^" I the Za 62° 40' ^^^' I bc 348-2464 To find the other two sides. JSTote. There is sometimes given another method for right- angled triangles, which is this : ABC being such a triangle, make one leg AB radius ; that is, with centre a, and distance ab, describe an arc bf. Then it is evident that the other leg bc represents the tangent, and the hypo- thenuse ac the secant, of the arc bf, or «f the angle a. In like manner, if the leg bc be made radius : then the other leg ab will re- present the tangent, and the hypothenuse ac the secant, of the arc bg or angle c. But if the hypothenuse be made radius ; then each leg will represent the sine of its opposite angle ; namely, the leg ab the sine of the arc ae or angle c, and the leg bc the sine ©f the arc cd or angle a. Then the general rule for all these cases is this, namely, that the sides of the triangle bear to each other the same pro- portion as the parts which they represent. And this is called, Making every side radius. JVote OF HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 38^3 Note 2. When there are given two sides of a right-angled triangle, to find the third side ; this is to be found by the property of the squares of the sides in theorem 34, Geom. Tiz. that the square of the hypothenuse, or longest side, is equal to both the squares of the two other sides together. Therefore, to find the longest side, add the squares of the two shorter sides together, and extract the square root of that sum ; but to find one of the shorter sides, subtract the one square from the other, and extract the root of the re- mainder. OF HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES, &c. BY the mensuration aad protraction of lines and angles, are determined the lengths, heights, depths, and distances of, bodies or objects. Accessible lines are measured by applying to them some certain measure a number of times, as an inch, or foot, or yard. But inaccessible lines must be measured by taking angles, or by such-like method, drawn from the principles of geometry. When instruments are used for taking the magnitude of Ihe angles in degrees, the lines are then calculated by trigo- ndmetry : in the other methods, the lines are calculated from the principle of similar triangles, or some other geometrical property, without regard to the measure of the angles. Angles of elevation, or of depression, are usually taken cither with a theodolite, or with a quadrant, divided into degrees and minutes, and furnished with a plummet suspend- ed from the centre, and two open sights fixed on one of the radii, or else with telescopic sights. To take an Angle of Altitude and Depression with the (Quadrant, Let A be any object, as the sun, moon, or a star, or the top of a tower, or hill, or pther eminence : and let it be required to find the measure of the angle, abc, which a line drawn from the object makes above the horizontal line bc. Place the centre of the quadrant in the angular point, and move it V«L. I. 51 r»uni 394 ; OF HEIGHTS found there as a centre, till with one eye at b, the other being shut, you perceive the object a throngb the sights ; then will tlie arc gh of the quadrant, cut off by the plumb- line BH, be the measure of the angle abc as required. The angle abc of depression of ^j . ^ ^ . any object a, below the horizontal line Bc, is taken in the same man- ^ ner ; except that here the eye is ap- plied to the centre, and the measure ^ of the angle is the arc gh, on the other side of the plumb-line. \^ The following examples are to be constructed and calcu- lated by the foregoing methods, treated of in Trigonometry. EXAMPLE I. Having measured a distance of 200 feet, in a direct ho- rizontal line, from the bottom of a steeple, the angle of elevation of its top, taken at that distance, was found to be 47° 30' ; from hence it is required to find the height of the steeple.^ Construction, , Draw an indefinite line ; on which set off ac = 200 equal parts for the measured distance. Erect the indefinite per- pendicular AB ; and draw cb so as to make the angle c = 4T* 30*, the angle of elevation ; and it is done. Then ab, measured on the scale of equal parts, is nearly 218^. Calculation. As radius - - 30*000000 To AC 200 - - 2-30H)30 / So tang. Z c 47° 30' 10 037948 / To AB 218-26 required 2-338978 EXAMPLE IL What was the perpendicular height of a cloud, or of a balloon, when its angles of elevation wore 35*^ and 64°, as taken by two observers, at the same tim§, both on the same si/le of it, and in the same vertical plane ; the distance be- tween them being half a mile or 880 yards. And what wa» its distance from the said two observers ? Construction i AND DISTANCES. 396 Construction. Draw an indefinite ground line, on which set off the given distance ab = 880 : then a and b are the places of the ob- servers. Make the angle a = 35*>, and the angle b = h4^ ; then the intersection of the lines at c will be the place of the balloon : whence the perpendicular cd, being let fall, will be its perpendicular height. Then by measurement are found the distances and height nearly as follow, viz. ac 1631, eg 1041, Dfc 936. • Calculation. First, froro^ b 64» take Z A 35 lea>ves ^ acb 29 ^ / y^ / ' Then in the triangle abc, As sin. /, acb 29** To op. side ab 880 So sin. Z A 33^ - To op. side bc 1041-125 - B I) As sin. ^ acb 29<* - To op. side ab 880 - So sin. Z b 116® or' 64*^ To op. side AC 1631-442 - And in the triangle bcd. As sin. Z D 90° - To op. side bc 1041-125 - So sin. Z b 64° To op. side cd 935-757 - ^'685571 ^•944483 9-758591 3017503 9-685571 2-944^83 9-953660 3-212572 10-000000 3 017503 9-953660 2-971163 EXAMPLE III. Having to find the height of an obelisk standing oij, the top of a declivity, I first measured from its bottom^ distance of 40 feet, and there found the angle, formed by the oblique plane and a Hne imagined to go to the top of the obelisk, 41°; but after measuring on in the same direction 60 feet farther', the like angle was only 23» 45'. What then was the height «f the obelisk ? * Construction , 39fi «F HEIGHTS Construction. Draw an inde6nite line for the sloping plane or declitity, in which Assume any point a for the bottom of the obelisk, from which set off the distance ac = 40, and again cd = 60 equal parts. Then make the angle c = 41°, and the angle p = 23° 45' ; and the point b where the two lines meet will be the top of the obelisk. Therefore ab, joined, will be its height. Calculation ' * r^l^ From the Zc 41° 00' take the Z » 23 45 leaves theZ DBG 17 15 DBC, IC, 121-4 41-'^ 69^ 42 T Then in the triangle ] As sin Z HBc 17^ 15' To op. side DC 60 - So sin. Z D 23 45 To op. side CB 81-488 D 88 188 30' 24i - . 1 9-472086 i-778151 9-605032 l-9110qx And in the triangle ab As sum of sides cb, ca To diflf. of sides cb, ca So tang, half sum Zs a, b To tang, halfdifif Zs a, b 2-084533 1-617923 10-427262 9-960652 the diff. of these is Z. cba 27 '^\ Lastly, as sin.ZcB a 27° b% To op side ca 40 So sin. Z c - 41° 0' To op. side AB 57-623 - " - 9-658284 1-602060 9-816943 1-760719 EXAMPLE IV. Wanting to know the distance between two inaccessible trees, or other objects, from the top of a tower 120 feet high, which lay in the same right line with the two objects, I took the angles formed by the perpendicular wall and hnes conceived to be drawn from the top of the tower to the bot- tom of each tree, and found them to be 33° and 64°. What then may be the distance between the two objects^ Conztfuction. AND DISTANCES. 397 Construction. Draw the indefinite ground line BD, and perpendicular to it ba = 120 equal parts. Then draw the two lines ac, ad, making the two angles bag, bad, equal to the given angles SS^ and 64^^. So shall c and D be the places of the two ob- jects. Calculation. 'm:^- \, First, in the right- angled triangle abc. As radius 10-OOOOOi ToAB - 120 - - - 2079181 So tang. Z BAG 33«> - , - - 9-812517 TOBC 77-929 1-891698 Then in the right-angled triangle abd, As radius ----- 10 000000 ToAB - - - 120 - - 2-079181 So tang. Z BAD 64^ - - 10-321504 Toed - - 251-585 - - 2-400685 From which take bo 77-929 leaves the dist. cd 1 $'3-656 as required. EXAMPLE V. Being on the side of a river, and wanting to know the dis- tance to a house which was seen on the other side, 1 measur- ed 200 yards in a strait line by the side of the river ; and then, at each end of this line of distance, took the horizontal angle formed between the house and the other end of the line ; which angles were, the one of them 68^ 2', and the other 73<> 15'. What then were the distances from each end to the house ? Construction. Draw the line ab = 200 equal parts. Then draw ac so as to make the angle a = 68° 2', and bc to make the angle b = 730 15'. So shall the point c be the place of the house re- quired. Calculation, 398 OF HEIGHTS Calculation. To the given ^ a 68** 2' add the given ^ b 73 15 then their sum 141 17 being taken from 1 80 leaves the third ^q 38 43 A B , Hence, As sin. ^ c 38«» 43' - 9-796206 - To op. side AB 200 - 2-301030 So sin. Z A 68<» 2' - 9-967268 To op. side Bc 296 64, - 2-472092 And, As sin. Z c 3?** 43' - - 9-796206 To op. side AB 200 - 2-301030 So sin Z B 73P 15' - 9-981171 To op. side AC 306-19 - 2-485996 Exam., vi. From the edge of a ditch, of 36 feet wide, sur- rounding a fort, having taken the angle of elevation of the top of the wall, it was found to be 62<* 40' : required the height of the wall, and the length of a ladder to reach from my sta- tion to the top of it ? . ( height of wall 69-64, ^°^- gladder, 78-4 feet. Exam. vif. Required the length of a shoar, which being to strut 11 feet from the upright of a building, will support a jamb 23 feet 10 inches from the ground ? Ans. 26 feet 3 inches. Exam. viii. A ladder, 40 feet long, can be so planted, that it shall reach a window 33 feet from the ground, on one side of the street ; and by turning it over, without moving the foot out of its place, it will do the same by a window 21 feet high, on the other side : required the breadth of the street ? Ans. 5b-649 feet. Exam. ix. A maypole, whose top was broken off by a blast of wind, struck the ground at 15 feet distance from the foot- of the pole : what was the height of the whole maypole, suppos- ing the broken piece to measure 39 feet in length ? Ans. 75 feet. Exam. x. At 170 feet distance from the bottom of a tower, the angle of its elevation was found to be 62° 3' : required the altitude of the tower ? Ans. 221-55 feet. Exam. xi. From the top of a tower, by the sea-side, of 143 feet high, it was observed that the angle of depression of a ship's bottom, then at anchor, measured 35*^ ; what then was the ship's distance from the bottom of the wall '^ Ans. 204-22 feet. Exam. AND DISTANCES. 3Sa Exam. xii. What is the perpendicular height of a hill ? its angle of elevation, taken at the bottom of it, being 46**, and 200 yards farther ofif, on a level with the bottom, the angle was SI** ? . Ans. 286-28 yards. Exam. xiii. Wanting to know the height of an inacces- sible tower ; at the least distance from it, on the same hori- zontal plane, I took its angle of elevation equal to 58" ; then going 300 feet directly from it, found the angle there to be only 32** ; required its height^, and my distance from it at the iirst station ? . 5 height 307-53 ^"^- ^ distance 192-15 Exam. xiv. Being on a horizontal plane, and wanting to know the height of a tower placed on the top of an inac- cessible hill ; I took the angle of elevation of the top of the hill 40**, and of the top of the tower 51° ; then measuring in a line directly from it to the distance of 200 feet farther, I found the angle to the top of the tower to be 23** 45'. W^hat then is the height of the tower ? Ans. 9333148 feet Exam. xv. From a window near the bottom of a house, which seemed te be on a level with the bottom of a steeple, I took the angle of elevation of the top of the steeple equal 40** : then from another wmdow, 18 feet directly above the former, the like angle was 37« 30' : what then is the height and distance of the steeple ? * ^ height 21044 ^^^' ^distance 250-79 Exam. xvi. Wanting to know the height of, and my dis- tance from, an object on the other side of a river, which seemed to be on a level with the place where I stood, close by the side of the river ; and not having room to measure backward, on the satne plane, because of the immediate rise of the bank, I placed a mark where I stood, and measured in a direction from the object, up the ascending ground to the distance of 264 feet, where it was evident that I was above the level of the top of the object ; there the angles of depression were found to be, viz. of the mark left at the river's side 42*>, of the bottom of the object, 27*>, and of its top 19*. Required then the height of the object, and the distance of the mark from its bottom ? ^ ^height 67-26 ^"^' ^distance 150-50 Exam. xvir. If the height of the mountain called the Peak of Teneriffe be 2^ miles, as it is nearly, and the angle take* 400 OF HEIGHTS taken at the top of it, as formed between a plumb-line and a line conceived to to touch the earth in the horizon, or farthest visible point, be 87® 58' ; it is required from these to deter- mine the magnitude of the whole earth, and the utmost dis- tance that can be seen on its surface from the top of the moun- tain, supposing the form of the earth to be perfectly round ? . i dist. 140-876 > ., A°^- Idiam. IQ-Sel"^'^^'' Exam, xviii. Two ships of war, intending to cannonade a fort, are, by the shallowness of the water, kept so far from it, that they suspect their guns cannot reach it with effect. In order therefore to measure the distance, they se- parate from 6ach other a quarter of a mile,' or 440 yards ; then each ship observes and measures the angle which the other ship and the fort subtends, which angles are 83*" 45 and 85° 15'. What then is the distance between each ship and the fort? . J 2292-26 yards. ^^^' I 2298-05. Exam. xix. Being on the side of a river, and wanting to know the distance to a house which was seen at a distance on the other side ; I measured out for a base 400 yards in a right line by the side of the river, and found that the" two angles, one at each end of this line, subtended by the other end and the house, were 68«* 2' and 7?><* 15. What then was the distance between each station and the house ? . i 593-08 yards. ^"^' I 612-38 Exam. xx. Wanting to know the breadth of a river, I measured a base of 500 yards in a straight line close by one side of it ; and at each end of this hne I found the angles subtended by the other end and a tree close to the bank on the other side of the river, to be 53<' and 79^ 12'. What then was the perpendicular breadth of the river ? Ans. 529-48 yards. Exam. xxi. Wanting to know the extent of a piece of water, or distance between two headlands; I measured from each of them to a certain point inland, and found the two dis- tances to be 735 yards and 840 yards ; also the horizontal angle subtended between these two lines was S5<^ 40'. What then was the distance required ? Ans. 741 2 yards. Exam. xxii. A point of land was observed, by a ship at sea, to bear east-by-south ; and after sailing north-east 12 miles, it was found to bear south-east-by-east. It is required t9 AND DISTANCES. 401 t« determine the place of that headland, and the ship's dis- tance from it at the last observation ? Ans. 260728 miles. Exam, xxiii. Wanting to know the distance between a house and a mill, which were seen at a distance on the other side of a river, I measured a base line along the side where I was, of 600 yards, and at each end of it took the angles subtended by the othe end and the house and mill which were as follow, viz at one end the angles were 58*^ 20' and 95° 20', and at the other end the like angles were 53^ 30' and 98<* 45'. What then was the distance between the house and Boill ? Ans. 959-5866 yard«. Exam. xxiv. Wanting to know my distance from an in- accessible object 0, on the other side of a river ; and having no instrument for taking angles, but only a chain or cord for measuring distances ; from each of two stations, a and b, which were taken at 500 yards asunder, I measured in a direct line from^;he objectO 100 yards, viz. ac and bd each equal to 100 yards ; also the diagonal ad measured 550 yards, and the dia- gonal Bc 560. What then was the distance of the object from each station a and b ? . i ao 536-25 ^^^' } BO 500-09 Exam. xxv. In a garrison besieged are three remarkable objects, A, B, c, the distances of which from each other are discovered by means of a map of the place, and are as fol- low, viz. AB 2661, AC 530, bc 327i yards. Now, having to erect a battery against it, at a certain spot without the place, and being desirous to know whether the distances from the three objects be such, as that they may from thence be bat- tered with effect, I took, with an instrument, the horizontal angles subtended by these objects from my station s, and found them to be as follow, viz. the angle asb 13** 30', and the angle bsc 29° 50' ; required the three distances, sa, sb, sc ; the object b being situated nearest to me, and between the two others A and c ? C sa 757-14 Ans. ? SB 537-10 I sc 655-30 Exam. xxvr. Required the same as in the last example, when the object b is the farthest from my station, but still seen between the two others as to angular position, and those angles being thus, the angle asb 33*^ 45', and bsc 22° 30', also the tliree distances, as 600, ac 80U, bc 400 yards ? C sa 709J- Ans. ? SB 1042f f sc 934 Vol. F. B2 MENSI7R4TION [ 402 J MENSURATION OF PLANES. THE Area of any plane figure, is the measure of the gpa cula> breadth. I'herefbre the rule is general for all parallelograms whatever. ♦ The truth of this rule is evident, he< use any triangle is the half of a parallelogram of equal base and altitude, by Geom. theor. 26. examples; 404 MENSURATION EXAMPLES. Ex. 1. To find the area of a triangle, whose base is 626 ji and perpendicular height 520 hnks ? ^ Here 625 X 260 = 162500 square links, or equal 1 acre, 2 roods, 20 perches, the answer. Ex. 2. How many square yards contains the triangle, whose base is 40, and perpendicular 30 feet ? Ans. 66| square yards. Ex. 3. To find the number of square yards in a triangle, whose base is 49 feet, and height 25^ feet ? An^. 684f, or 68-7361. Ex. 4. To find the area of a triangle, whose base is 18 feet 4 inches, and height 11 feet 10 inches ? Ans. 108 feet, 5| inches^. Rule 11 When two sides and their contained angle are given : Multiply the two given sides together, and take half their product. Then say, as radius is to the sine of the given angle, so is that half product, to the area of the triangle Or, multiply that half product by the natural sine of the said angle, for the area*. Ex. I. What is the area of a triangle, whose two sides are 39 and 40, and their contained angle 28*^ 57' ? By Natural Numbers . By Logarithms. First 4 X 40 X 30 = 600, \ then 1 : 600 : : -484046 sin. 28^ 57' log 9-684887 600 2 778151 Answer 290-4276 the area answering 2-463038 Ex. 2. How many square yards contains the triangle, of which one angle is 45°, and its containing sides 25 and ^MA, fe^t 1 Ans. 20-86947. • For, let AB, AC, be the two given sides, including the given angle A. N'^w ^ ab X CP is the area, by the first rule, CP being the perpendicular. But, by trigonometry, as sin. ^ p. or radius : AC : : sin. / A : CP, which is therefore «= AC X sin. Z A, tak.ng radius= 1. Therefore the area ij aB^cp is = ^ AB X ac X sin. Z A, to radius 1 ; or as radius: sin. jt, ^4. : : ^ AB ;'' "''";'"* "^ '^^ '^'""^'^^' "^ «f tne sides of the ^? fifures.^ "^"^^ *'^*' *' ^" '^^ **^^^» f^^ every one of th« ^*'" ^' 53 PROBLEM 410 MENSURATION^ PROBLEM VII. To find the Diameter and Circumference of any Circhy the one \ from the other. This may be done nearly by either of the two follomD|;^ proportions, ' viz. As 7 is to 22, so is the diameter to the circumference#|^ Or, As 1 is to 3-1416, so is the diameter to the circumfe*| rpnr.f»*- Ex. 1. To find the circumference of the circle whose di2L*7i meter is 20. ;| By the first rule, as 7 ; 22 : : 20 : 62#, the answer. 1 Ex. St J * For, let ABCD be any circle, whose centre is B, and let AB, bc be any two equal arcs. Draw the several chords as in the figure, and join BE ; also draw the diameter DA, which produce to f, till bb be equal to the chord bd. Then the two isosceles triangles deb, dbf, are equiangular^ because they have the angle at D Cf)mmon ; consequently oe : db : : DB : df. But the two triangles afb, dcb are identical, or equal in all respects, because they have the angle f « the angle bdc, being each equal to the angle ADB, these being subtended by the equal arcs AB, bc ; also the exterior angle FAB of the quadrangle ABCD, is equal to the opposite interior angle at c j and the two tri- angles have also the side bf =^ the side bd ; theref'-'re the side af is also equal to the side DC Hence the proportion above, viz. DE : DB : : DB : DF ■=« DA + AF, becomes de : db : : db : 2de + do. Then, by taking the rectangles of the extremes and means, it is db2 =" 2de2 -|- de . DC. Now, if the radius DE be taken «■ 1, this expression becomes DB» -=« 2 + DC, and hence the root db => V2 -I- nc That is. If the measure of the supplemental chord of any arc be increased by the number 2, the square root of the sum will be the supplemental chord of half that arc. Now, to apply this to the calculation of the circumference of the circle, let the arc AC be taken equal to ^ of the circumfe- rence, and be successively bisected by the above theorem : thus, the* chord AC of ^ of the circumference, is the side of the in- scribed regular hexagon, and is therefore equal to the radius ae or 1 : hence, in the right-angled triangle acd, it will be dc -■ V'ad»-ac* OF PLANES. 411 Ex. 2. If the circumference of the earth be 26000 miles, what is its diameter ? By the 2d rule, as 3-1416 : 1 : : 26000 : 7967^ nearly the diameter. Note by R. Adrain. Hanag applied my new theory of most probable values to the determination of the magnitude and Sgure of the earth, I found the true mean diameter of the earth, taken as a globe, to be 7918 7 Enghsh miles, and conse- quently its circumference 24877'4 E. miles, and a degree of a great circle equal to 69-1039 miles. y/3 =» 1-7320508076, the supplemental , a 12 i"s ^ I 48 I <» y 192 0) ^ -a 42 7k T*T fc- eriphery. Then, by the foregoing theorem, by always bisectuig the arcs, and adding 2 to the last square root, there will be found the supple- metjtai chords of the I2th, the 24th, the 48th, the 96th, &c. parts of the periphery ; thus, ^3-7320608076 = 1-9318516525^ ^3'9318516525 = 1-9828897227 !^3-9828897227 = 1 '9957178465 ^3-9957178465 = 1-9989291743 ^3-9989291743 = 1-9997322757 ^^3-9997322757 = 1-9999330678 v^3'9999330678 = 1-9999832669 v/3-9999832669 = Since then it is found that 3-9i/99832669 is the square of the sup- plemental chord of the 1536th part of the periphery, let this nuHiber be taken from 4, which is the square of the diameter, and the remain- der 0'0000167331 will be the square of the chord of the said 1536th part of the periphery, and consequently the root ^^0-0000167331 = 0-0040906112 is the length of that chord ; this number then being multiplied by 1536, gives 6*2831788 for the perimeter of a regular polygon of 1536 sides inscribed in the circle j which^ as the sides of the polygon nearly coincide with the circumference of the circle, must also express the length of the circumference itself, very nearly. But now, to show how near this determination is to the truth, let aq.p = 0-0040906112 represent one side of such a regular poly/;on of 1586 sides, and SRT a side of another similar polygon de- scribed about the circle ; and from the centre e let the perpendicular Eq,R be drawn, bisecting ap and ST in q,and r. Then since aq^s = |ap = 0-0020453056, and EA = 1, therefore eq.» = ea^ — Aq3 =s '9999958167, and consequently its root gives Eq. = -9999979084 ; then because of the parallels ap, st, it is eq.: er : : ap : st : : as the whole inscribed perimeter : to the circumscribed one, that is, as ■9999979084 : 1 : : 6 2831788 : 6-2831920 the perimeter of the circum- jBcribed polygon. Now, the circumference of the circle being greater than 412 MENSURATION PROBLEM VIU. To find the Length of any Arc of a Circle, Multiply the decimal -01745 by the degrees in the giveii arc, and that product by the radius of the circle, for the length of the arc*. Ex. 1. To find the length of an arc of 30 degrees, the radius being 9 feet. Ans. 4 7115. Ex. 2. To find the length of an arc of 12° 10', or 12«>i, the radius being 10 feet. Ans. 2-1231, PROBLEM IX. To find the Area of a Circle]. Rule I. Multiply half the circumference by half the diameter. Or multiply the whole circumference by the whole diameter, and take | of the product. Rule than the perimeter of the inner polygon, but less than that of the outer, it must consequently be greater than 6-2831788, but less than 6-2831920, and must therefore be nearly equal ^ their sum, or 6-2831854, which in fact is true to the last figure, which should be a 3 instead of the 4. Hence, the circumference being 6-2831854 when the diameter is 2, it will be the half of that, or 3-1415927, when the diameter is 1, to which the ratio in the rule, viz. 1 to S-14i6 is very near. Also the other ratio m the rule, 7 to 22 or 1 to 3^ = 3-1428 &,c. is another near approximation, " * it having been f^und, in the demonstration of the foregoing- prob- lem, that when the radius of a circle is 1, the length of the whole cir- Gumftrence s 6*2831854, which consists of 360 degrees ; therefore as 3,60*^ : 6 2831854 ::!*>: 01745 &c. the length of the arc of 1 degree. Hence the decimal -01745 multiplied by any number of degrees, will give the length of ^he arc of those degrees. And because the cir- cumferences and arcs are in proportion as the diameters, or as the 1-adii of the circles, therefore as the radius 1 is to any other radius r, so is the lenffth of the arc above mentioned, to -01745 x degrees in the arc X *^t which is the length of that arc, as in the rule. t The first rule is proved in the Geom. theor. 94. And the 2d and 3d rules are deduced f;om the first rule, in this manner.— By that rule, c^c •—• 4 is the area, when d denotes the diame- ter. OF PLANES. '4Vd Rule II. Square the diameter, and moltiply that square by the decimal -7864, for the area. Rule IH. Square the circumference, and multiply that square by the decimal 07958. Kx. 1. To find the area of a circle whose diameter is 10, and its circumference 31-416. By Rule 3. 31-416 31-416 By Rule 1, By Rule 2. 31-416 •7854 10 102= 100 4)314-16 „« . . 986-965 78-54 -07958 78-54 So that the area is 78-54 by all the three rules. Bx. 2 To find the area of a circle, whose diameter is 7, and circumference 22. Ans. 38|. Ex. 3. How many square yards are in a circle whose dia- meter is 3i feet ? Ans. l-d69. Ex. 4. To find the area of a circle whose circumference is 12 feet. Ans. 11-4595. PROBLEM X.^ To find the Area of- a Circular Ringy or of the Space included between the Circumferences of two Circles ; the one being contained within the other. Take the difference between the areas of the two circles, as found by the last problem, for the area of the ring. — Or, ter, and c the circumference. But, by prob. 7, c is =* 3-1416t// there- fore the said area dc -j- 4, becomes d X 3*1416^/ -i- 4 =» -7854^3, which gives the 2d rule. — Also, by the same prob. 7, d \s «— c -r- 3-1416 ; therefore again the same first area dc -f- 4, becomes c 4- 3-1416 X c -r 4 =» c2 -7- 12*5664, which is =-. c^ x -07958, by taking the reciprocal of 12-5664, or changing that divisor into the multiplier •07958 ; which gives the 3d rule. Carol. Hence, the areas of different circles are in proportion to one another, as the square of their diameters, oras the square of their circumferences ; as before proved in the Geom. theor. 93. which 414 MENSURATION which is the same thing, subtract the square of the less dia- meter from the square of the greater, and multiply their diflf- erence by -7854. — Or lastly, multiply the sum of the dia- meters by the difference of the same, and that product by •7854 ; which is still the same thing, because the product of M;he sum and difference of any two quantities, is equal to the difference of their squares. Ex. 1. The diameters of two concentric circles being 10 and 6, required the area of the ring contained between their circumferences. Here 10 -f 6 = 16 the sum, and 10 — 6 = 4 the diff. Therefore -7864 X 16 X 4 = -7854 X 64 = 60-2656, the area. Ex. 2. What is the area of the ring, the diameters of whose bounding circles are 10 and 20 ? Ans. 235* 62. PROBLEM XI. To find the Area of the Sector of a Circle. Rule I. Multiply the radius, or half the diameter, by half the arc of the sector, for the area. Or, multiply the whole diameter by the whole arc of the sector, and take I of the product. The reason of which is the same as for the first rule to problem 9, for the whole circle. Rule II. Compute the area of the whole circle : then say,^ as 360 is to the degrees in the arc of the sector, so is the area of the whole circle to the area of the sector. This is evident, because the sector is proportional to the length of the arc, or to the degrees contained in it, Ex. 1. To find thie area of a circular sector, whose an^ contains 18 degrees ; the diameter being 3 feet ? 1. By the 1st Rule. First, 3- 14 16 X 3 = 9-4248, the circumference. And 360 : 18 : ; 9-4248 : -47124, the len2;th of the arc. Then -47124 X 3 -r- 4 = 1-41372 ~ 4 =^ -35343, the area, 2. By the 2d Rule. First, -7854 X 3^ = 7-0686, the area of the whole circle. Then, as 3$0 : 18 : : 7-0686 : -36343, the area of the sector Ex. 2. OF PLANES. 415 Ex. 2. To find the area of a sector, whose radius is 10, and arc 20. Ans. 100. Ex. 3. Required the area of a sector, whoseT radius is 35, and its arc containing 147° 29*. Ans. 804 3986 PROBLEM Xn. To find the Area of a Segment of a Circle. Rule I. Find the area of the sector having the same arc with the segment, by the last problem. Find also the area of the triangle, formed by the chord of the segment and the two radii of the sector. Then add these two together for the answer, when the segment is greater than a semicircle ; or subtract them when it is less than a semicircle. — As is evident by inspection. Ex. 1. To find the area of the segment acbda, its chord ab being 12, and the radius ae or ce 10. First, As AE : sin. ^d 90** : : ad : sin. C 36*> 62'i = 36-87 degrees, the degrees in the A /^T^ B ^ AEc or arc ac. Their doubie, 73*74, / \^. '' are the degrees in the whole arc acb. \ Now ••7864 X 400 = 314-16, the area of the whole circle. ^ Therefore 360«» : 73-74 : : 314 16 : 64-3504, area of the sector ACBE. ^gain, ^ AE3-ADa = ^ 100-36 = ^ 64 = B = de. Theref. ad X de = 6 X 8 = 48, the area of the trian- gle AEB. Hence sector acbe — triangle aeb = 16-3504, area of seg. Rule II. Divide the height of the segment by the diameter, and find the quotient in the column of heights ia the following tablet : Take out the corresponding area in the iv^xi cohiniu on the right hand ; and multiply it by the square of the cir- cle's diameter, for the area of the segment*. Note. * The truth of this rule depends on tlie principle of r-imllar plane figures, which are to one another as tlie square of (.heh* like linear dimensions. The segments in the table are thost nf a circle 41S MENSURATION Note. When the quotient is not found exactly in the table, proportion may be made between the next less and greater area, in the same manner as is done for logarithms, op any other table. Table of the Areas of Circular Segments. ^1 0) CCl % 0) o ^ as <% ffi ^ 0) <3^ / IX •11990 X •31 -^1 •'^0738 •41 ^ 0) -303 r9 •01 •00133 •T7 •04701 .21 •02 •00376 •12 •06339 •22 •12811 •32 •21667 •42 •31304 •03 •00687 ■13 •06000 •23 13646 •33 •22603 43 •32293 •04 01064 •14 •06683 •24 14494 •34 •23647 •44 •33284 •05 •01468 •16 •07387 •26 •16354 •36 •24498 •45 •34278 •06 •01924 •16 •08111 26 •16226 •3fi •2545f> •46 •36274 •07 •02417 17 •08863 •27 •17109 •37 •26418 47 •36272 •08 •02944 -18 •09613 28 •18002 38 •2738(> •48 •3727D •09 •03602 •19 10:^90 •29 18906 •39 •2835^; •49 •38270 •10 •04088 •20 •11182 •30 •19817 •40 •29337) •50 •39270 Ex. 2. Taking the same example as before, in which- are given the chord ab 12, and the radius 10, or diameter 20. And having found, as above, de = 8 ; then ce — de = ci> =: 10 — 8 = 2. Hence, by the rule, cd -r- of = 2 -f- 20 =ar 1 the tabular height. This being found in the first column of of the table, the corresponding tabular area is •04088. Then •04O88 X 202 = -04088 X 400 = 16-362, the area, nearly the same as before. Ex. 3. What is the area of the segment, whose height is 18^ and diameter of the circle 60 ? Ans. 636-375. Ex. 4. Required the area of the segment whose chord is 16, the diameter being 20 ? Ans. 44*728. circle -whose diameter Is 1 ; and the first column contains the cor- responding heights or versed sines divided by the diameter. Thus then, the area of the similar segment, taken from the table, and mul- tiplied by the square of the diameter, gives the area of the segment t» this diameter. PROBLEM OF PLANES. 4J7 PROBLEM Xia To measure long Irregular Figures, Take or measure the brea by Geom- theor. 108, it follows that the rule is general for all such solids, whatever the figure of the base may be. F FEOBUi^ OF SOLIDS, 4^3 PROBLEM V. Ihjlfid the Content of any Pyramid or Cone, Find the area of the base, and multiply that area by the perpendicular height ; then take ^ of the product for the content*. Ex. 1. Required the solidity of the square pyramid, each side of its base being 30, and its perpendicular height 26. Ans. 75G0. Ex. 2. To find the content of a triangular pyramid, whose perpendicular height is 30, and each side of the base 3. Ans. 38-97117. Ex. 3. ' To find the content of a triang^ilar pyramid, its height being 14 feet 6 inches, and the three sides of its base 5, 6, 7 feet. Ahs. 71-0352. Ex. 4. What is the content of a pentagonal pyramid, its height being 12 feet, and each side of its base 2 feet ? Ans. 27-5276. Ex. 5. What is the content of the hexagonal pyramid, whose height is 6*4 feet, and each side of its base 6 inches ? Ans. 1 38664 feet. Ex. 6. Required the content of a cone, its height being 10^ feet and the eircumference of its base 9 feet. Ans. 22-56093. PROBLEM VI, To find the Solidity of the Frustum of a Cone or Pyramid, Add into one sum, the areas of the two ends, and the mean proportional between them ; and take ^ of that sum for a mean area ; which being multiplied by the perpendicu- lar height or length of the frustum will give its contentt. fiote. * Thisxule follows from that of the prism, because any pyramid is §■ of a prism of equal base and altitude j by Geom. theor 1 15, cor. 1 and 2. f Let ABCD be any pyramid, of whxh bcdgfe is a frustum. And pat a^ for the area of th^ base BCD, b^ the area of the top 424 MENSURATION Hote. This general rule may be otherwise expressed, as follows, when the ends of the frustum are circles or regular polygons. In this latter case, square one side of each poly- gon, and also multiply the one side by the other ; add all these three products together ; then multiply their sum by the the tabular area proper to the polygon, and take one-third of the product for the mean area to be multiplied by the length, to give the solid content. And in the case of the frustum of a cone, the ends being circles, square the diameter or the circumference of each end, and also multiply the same two dimensions together ; then take the sum of the three products and multiply it by the proper tabular number, viz. by '7864 when the diameters are used, or by 07958 in using the cir- cumferences ; then taking one- third of the product to multiply by the length, for the content. Ex. 1. To find the number of solid feet in a piece of timber, whose bases are squares, each side of the greater end being 16 inches, and each side of the less end 6 inches ; also, the length or perpendicular altitude 24 feet. Ans. 19^. Ex. 2. Required the content of a pentagonal frustum, whose height is 6 feet each side of the base 18 inches, and each side of the top or less end 6 inches. Ans. 931 925 feet. EFG, A the height ih of the frustum, and c the height A I of the top part above it. Then c -f A = AH is the height of the whole pyra- mid. Hence, by the last prob. i as (c -f A) is the content of the whole pyramid abcd, and ^b^c the content of the top part AEFg ; therefore the difference laS (c 4- h)—^b'^ c is the content of the frustum bcdgfe. But the quantity c being no dimension of the frustum, it must be ex- pelled from this formula, by substituting its value, found in the following manner. By Geom. theor. IIJ, a^ : 62 : : (c -|- A)3 : c2, or d : ^ : : c + A : c, hence (Geom. th. 69) a — 6 : 6 : : h : e, and bh ah a —6 : a\:b\ c+A ; hence therefore c <=3 and c+A «= — — — ; a — 6 a-—b then these values of c and c -f- A being substituted for them in the expression for the content of the frustum, gives that con- ah bh a3 ^bz tent = 1 a2 X ^^2 x = ^AnX — ='AA x (^^ a— b a — b a^^b 4- «3 + 62 ) ; which is the rule above given j ab being the mean be- tween «2 and ^2 : Ex, 6. SOLIDS. 42^ Ex. 3. To find thp content of a conic frustuna, the altitude being 18, the greatest JiameLer 8, and trie least dia:neter 4. Ans. 627-7888, Ex. 4. What is the solidity of the frustum of a cone, the al- titude being 25, also the circumference at the greater end be- ing 20, and at the less end 10 ? Aos. 464-216. Ex. 5. If a cask, which is two equal conic frustums joined together at the bases, have its j^ung diameter 28 inches, the head diameter 20 inches, and length 40 incoes ; how many gallons of wine will it hold. Ans. 79*0613, PROBLEM VII. To find the Surface of a Sphere ^ or any Segment, Rule 1. Multiply the circumference of the sphere by its diameter, and the product will be the whole surface oJt it*. Rule II, * These rules come from the following theorems for the sur- fece of a sphere, viz. That the said surfsce is equal to the cu)^^ surface of its circumscribing cylinder; or that it is equal to 4 great circ es of the same sphere, or of the same diameter : which are thuij proved. Let A BCD be a cylinder, circumscribing tJie sphere ErcHi tlie former generated by the rotation of the rectangle FBClf abo'it the axi. lines kl, mx, perp-ndiciilar to the axis intercepting the parts ln, op, of the cylinder and sphere ; then will the ring or cylindric surface g-eneruted by the ro- taiion of LM, be described by kl: cir- cunf. lescribed by ko , theTef>re the rect^ns^le op X circumf of ko is equal to the rectangle Ln X circumf. of kl ; that is, the r.nc;' des- cribed by OP on tlie sphere* is equal to the ring described by l.n on the cyMnder. Yot. I. 56 Am€ 426 MENSURATION Rule II. Square the diameter and multiply that square by 3«1416, for the surface. Rule III. Square the circumference ; then either multi- ply that square by the decimal -3183, or divide it by 3-1416, for the surface. Note. For the surface of a segment or frustum, multiply the whole circumference of the sphere by the height of the part required. Ex. 1. Required the convex superficies of a sphere, whos6 diameter is 7, and circumference 22. Ans. 154. Ex! 2. Required the superficies of a globe, whose diameter is 24 inches. Ans. 1809-5616. Ex. 3. Required the area of the whole surface of the earth, its diameter being 7957| miles, and its circumference -25000 miles. Ans. 198943750 sq. miles, Ex. 4. The axis of a sphere being 42 inches, what is the convex superficies of the segment whose height is 9 inches ? Ans. 1187-5248 inches. Ex. 6. Required the convex surface of a spherical zone, whose breadth or height is 2 feet, and cut from a sphere of 12i- feet diameter. Ans. 78-54 feet. And as this is every where the case, therefore the sums of any corresponding number of these are also equal j that is, the whole surface of the sphere, described by the whole semicircle fgh, is equal to the whole curve surface 6f the cylinder, described by the height BC ; as well as the surface of any segment described by Fo, equal to the surface of the corresponding segment described byBL. CoroU 1. Hence the surface of the sphere is equal to 4 of its great circles, or equal to the circumference e fgh, or of DC, multiplied by the height bc, or by the diameter fh. Corol. 2. Hence also the surface of any such part as a segment or frustum, or zone, is equal to the same circumference of the sphere, multiplied by the height of the said part. And consequently such spherical curve surfaces are to one another in tl\e same proportion as their altitudes. PROBLEM OF SOLIDS. 427 PROBLEM VIIL To find the Solidity of a Sphere or Globe, Rule I. Multiply the surface by the diameter, and take I of the product for the content*. Or, which is the same thing, multiply the square of the diameter, by the circumference, and take ^ of the product. RuLB II. Take the cube of the diameter, and multiply it by the decimal '5236, for the content. Rule III. Cube the circumference, and multiply by •01688. Ex. 1. To find the content of a sphere whose axis is 12. Ans. 904-7808. Ex. 2. To find the solid content of the globe of the earth supposing its circumference to be 23000 miles. Ans. 263858149120 miles. PROBLEM IX. To find the Solid Content of a Spherical Segment, t Rule I. From 3 times the diameter of the sphere take • For, put d= the diameter, c — the circumference, and s = the surface of the sphere, or of its circumscribing cylinder : also, a = the number 3-1416. Then, i « is = the base of the cylinder, or one great circle of the sphere ; and d is the height of the cylinder ; therefore ^ds is the content of the cylinder. But |. of the cylinder is the sphere, by th. 11 T, Geom. that is, |. of |cfe, or ids is the sphere ; which is the first rule. Again, because the surface » is = ad^ ; therefore Xds = ^ad^ = *'S236d^, is the content, as in the 2d rule. Also d being = c -r- a therefore Xad^ "^ ics -i. a2 = -01688^ the 3d rule for the content, I By corol. 3, of theor. 117* Geom.it appears that the spheric segment pfn, is equal to the difference between the cylinder ABLo, and the conic frustum abmq^. But, putting rf= AB or TH the diameter of the sphere or cyUnder,A=rK the height of the segment, r = pk the radius of its base, and a = 3*1416 ; then the content of the cone ABi is =:iad* X ^ Fi = ,ad^'. and by the similar cones abi, 35' PROBLEM V. To Survey any Fiela by the Chain only. Having set up marks at the corners, where necessary, of the proposed field abcdefg, walk over the ground, and con- sider how it can best be divided in triangles and trapeziums ; and measure them separately, as in the last two problems. Thus, the following figure is divided into the two trapeziums ABCG, GDEF, and the triangle gcd. Then, in the first tra-- pezium, beginning at a, measure the diagonal ac, and the two Thus. AC 591 CAB 37° 20' CAD 41 15 ACB 72 25 ACD 54 40 SURVEYING. 437 two perpendiculars cm, sn. Then the base cc, and the perpendicular Dq. Lastly, the diagonal df, and the two perpendiculfirs pE, og. All which measures write agjainst the corresponding parts of a rough figure drawn to resemble the figure surveyed, or set them down in any other form you choose. Thus. Am 135 130 mo An 410 180 nB AC 650 cq 162 230 qo CG 440 FO 237 120 OG Fp 288 80 PE FD 520 Or thus. Measure all the sides ab, bc, cd, de, ef, fg, ga ; and the diagonals ac, cg, gd, df. ^ Otherwise, Many pieces of land may be very well surveyed, by mea- suring any base line, either within or without them, with the perpendiculars let fall on it from every comer. For they arc ' by those means divided into several triangles and trapezoids, all whose parallel sides are perpendicular to the base hue ; and the sum of these triangles and trapeziums will be equal to the figure proposed if the base line fall within it ; if not the sum of the parts which are without being taken from the sum of the whole which are both within and without, will leave the area of the figure proposed. In pieces that are not very large, it will be sufficiently ex- act to find the points, in the base line, where the several per- pendiculars will fall, by means of the cross^ or even by judg- ing by the eye only, and from thence measuring to the corners for the lengths of the perpendiculars. — And it will be most convrenient to draw the line so as that all the perpendiculars may fall within the figure. Thus in the following figure, beginning at a, and measuring along the line ag, the distances and perpendiculars on the right and left are as below. Ab 438 LANB Ab 316 350 bB AC 440 70 cc Ad 686 320 do AC 610 60 eE a£ 990 470 fF Ag 1020 PROBLEM VI. To Measure the Offsets. Ahiklmn being a crooked hedge, or brook, &c. From A measure in a straight direction along the side of it to b. .'^nd in measuring along this line ab, observe when you are direct- ly opposite any bends or corners of the boundary, as at c, d, e, &c. ; and from these measure the perpendicular offsets ch, di, &c. with the oflfset-staff, if they are not very large, other- wise with the cham itself ; and the work is done. The regis- ter, or field book, may be as follows : Uffs. left. Base line ab A ch 62 45 AC di 84 220 Ad ek 70 340 AC fl 98 610 ■ Af :^m 67 634 Ag Bn 91 786 AB AC PROBLEM Vir. To survey any Field with the Plain Table, 1. From one Station. Plant the table at any angle as G, from which all the other angles, or marks set up, can be seen ; turn the table about till the needle point to the flower-de-luce : and there screw it fast. Make a point for c on the paper on the table, and lay the edge of the index to c, turning it about c till through the A B sights you see the mark d : and by the edge of the index draw a dry or obscure line : then measure the distance cd, and lay that distance down on the line cd. Then turn the index about the point c, till the mark e be seen through the ' 'its, SURVEYING. 43» sights, by which draw a line, and measure the distance to e, laying it on the hne from c to e. In like manner determine the positions of ca and cb, by turning the sights successively to A and B ; and lay the lengths of those lines down. Then connect the points, by drawing the black lines cd, de, ea, ab^ Bc, for the boundaries of the field. 2. From a Station Within the Field. When all the other parts cannot - be seen from one angle, choose some place within, or even without, if more convenient, from which the other parts can be seen. Plant the table at 0, then fix it with the needle north, and mark the point on it. Apply the index successively to 0, _ turning it round with the sights to A each angle, a, b, c, d, e, drawing dry lines to them by the edge of the index ; then measuring the distance oa, ob, &,c. and laying them down on those lines. Lastly, draw the bounda- ries AB, bc, CD, DE, EA.. . 3. By going Round the Figure. When the figure is a wood, or water, or when from some other obstruction you cannot measure lines across it : begia at any point a, and measure around it either within or without the figure, and draw the directions of all the sides, thus ; Plant the table at a ; turn it with the needle to the north or flower-de-luce ; fix it, and mark the point a. Apply the index to a, turning it till you can see the point e, and there draw a line : then the point b, and there draw a line ; then measure these lines, and lay them down from a to e and B. Next move the table to b, lay the index along the line AB, and turn the table about till you can see the mark a, and screw fast the table ; in which position also the needle will again point to the flower-de-luce, as it will do indeed at every station when the table is in the right position. Here tura the index about b till through the sights you see the mark c ; there draw a line, measure bc, and lay the distance on that line after you have set down the table at c. Turn it then again into its proper position, and in like manner find the next line CD. And so on quite around by e, to a again. Then the proof of the work will be the joining at a ; fdr if the work be all right, the last direction ea on the ground, will pass exactly through the point a on the paper ; and the measured distance will also reach exactly to a. If these do not coincide, or nearly so, some error has b^ea cemBOiitted, aqd the work must be ex- aiQined over again. PROBLEM 440 - LAND PROBLEM VIII. To Survey a Field with the Theodolite, ^c, 1 . From One Point or Station. When all the angles can be seen from one point, as the angle c (first fig. to last prob.) place the instrnmenf at c. and turn it about, till through the fixed sights you see the mark B, and there fix it. Then turn the moveable index about till the mark a be seen through the sights, and note the de- grees cut on the instrument. Mextturn the index successively to E and D, noting the degrees cut off at each ; \^hich gives ill the angles bca. bce, bcd. Lastly measure the lines cb, ca, ce, CD ; and enter the measures in a field-book, or rather against the corresponding parts of a rough figure drawn by guess to resemble the field. 1 . From a point Within or Without, Plant the instrument at (last fig.) and turn it about till the fixed sights point to any object, as a ; and there screw it fast. Then turn the moveable index round till the sights point suc- cessively to the other points e, d, c, b, noting the degrees cut off at each of them ; which gives all the angles round the point 0. Lastly measure the distances oa, ob, oc, od, oe, noting them down as before, and the work is done. 3. By going Round the Field. By measuring round, either within or without the field, pro- ceed thus. Having set up marks at B, c, kc. near the corners as usual, plant the instrument at any point a, and turn it till the fixed index be in the direction AB, and there screw it fast : then turn the moveable index to the direction af ; and the degrees cut off will be the angle a. Measure the line ab, and plant the instrument at b, and there in the same manner observe the angle a. Then measure Bc, and observe the angle c. Then measure the distance cd, and take the angle d. 'Phen measure de, and take t*^e angle e. Then measure ef, and take the angle f. And lastly measure the distance fa. To prove the work ; add all the inward angles a, b, c, &c. together ; for ,when the work is right, their sum will be equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides, wanting 4 right angks. But when there is an angle, as f, that bends inwards, and you measure the external angle, which SURVEYING. 441 which is less than two right angles, subtract it from 4 right angles, or 360 degrees, to give the internal angle greater than a semicircle or 180 degrees. Olherwise, Instead of observing the internal angles, we may take the external angles, formed without the figure by producing the sides farther out. And in this case, when the work is right, their sum altogether will be equal to 360 degrees. But when one of them, as f, runs inwards, subtract it from the sum of the rest, to leave 360 degrees. PROBLEM IX. To Survey a Field with Crooked Hedges, S^c. WITH any of the instruments, measure the lengths and positions of imaginary lines running as near the sides of the field as you can ; and, in going along them, measure the offsets in the manner before taught ; then you will have the plan on the paper in using the plain table, drawmg the crooked hedges through the ends of the offsets ; but in sur- veying with the theodolite, or other instrument, set dowa the measures properly in a field-book, or memorandum- book, and plan them after returning from the field, by laying down all the lines and angles. So, in surveying the piece abcde, set up marks a, b, c, d, dividing it so as to have as few sides as may be. Then begin at any station, a, and measure the lines ab, be, cd, da, taking their positions, or the angles a, b, c, d ; and, in going along the lines, measure all the offsets, as at m, n, o, p, &jc. along every station-line. And this is done either within the field, or without, as may be most convenient. When there are obstructions within, as wood, water, hills, &c. then measure without, as in the next following figure. ^OL. I. 57 PROBLEM 442 LAND PROBLEM X. To Survey a Field, or any other Things by Two Stations. This is performed by choosing two stations from which all the marks and objects can be seen ; then measuring the distance between the stations, and at each station taking the angles formed by every object from the station line or dis- tance. The two stations may be taken either within the bounds, or in one of the sides, or in the direction of two of the objects, or quite at a distance and without the bounds of the objects or part to be surveyed. In this manner, not only grounds may be surveyed, with- out even entering them, but a map may be taken of the principal parts of a county, or the chief places of a town, or any part of a river or coast surveyed, or any other inacces- sible objects ; by taking two stations, on two towers, or two hills, or such-like. PROBLEM XL To Survey a Large Estate. If the estate be very large, and contain a great number of fields, it cannot well be done by surveying all the fields singly SURVEYING. 443 singly, and then putting them together ; nor can it be done by taking all the angles and boundaries that enclose it. For in these cases, any small errors will be so much increased, as to render it very'raach distorted. But proceed as below. 1. Walk over the estate two or three times, in order to get a perfect idea of it, or till you can keep the figure of it pretty well in mind. And to help your memory, draw an eye-draught of it on paper, or at least of the principal parts of it, to guide you ; -setting the names within the fields in that draught. 2. Choose two or more eminent places in the estate, for stations, from which all the principal parts of it can be seen : selecting these stations as far distant from one another as convenient. 3. Take such angles, between the stations, as you think necessary, and measure the distances from station to station, always in a right line : .these things must be done, till you get as m^ny angles and lines as are sufficient for determiumg all the points of station. And in measuring any of these station-distances, mark accurately where these lines meet with any hedges, ditches, roads, lanes, paths, rivulets, &c. ; and where any remarkable object is placed, by measuring its distance from the station-line ; and where a perpendicular from it cuts that line. And thus as you go along any main station-line, takft offsets to the ends of all hed, he. But, instead of these letters, some surveyors use thq numbers in order, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. OF SURVEYING. 45} OP THB OLD KIND OF FIELD-BOOK. In surveying with the plain table, a. field-book is not used, as every thing is drawn on the table immediately when it is measured. But in surveying with the theodolite, or any other instrument, some kind of a field book must be used, to write down in it a register or account of all that is done and occurs relative to the survey in hand. This book every one contrives and rules as he thinks fittest for himself. The following is a specimen of a form which has been formerly used. It is ruled into three columns, as below. Here ® 1 is the first station, where the angle or bearing is 10r)*» 25'. On the left, at 73 links in the distance or principal line, is an ofi*set of 92 ; and at 610 an offset of 24 to a cross hedge. On the right at 0, or the beginning, an offset 26 to the corner of the field ; at 248 Brown's boundary hedge com- mences ; at 610 an offset 35 ; and at 954, the end of the first line, the denotes its terminating in the hedge. And so on for the other stations- A line is drawn under the work, at the end of every station line, to prevent confusion. Form of this Field-Book. Stations, Offsets and Remarks Bearings, Offsets and Remarks on the left. and on the right. Distances. ® 1 105° 25' 80 00 25 corner 92 . 73 248 Brown's hedge a cross hedge 24 610 35 954 00 ® 2 53«» 10' house corner 51 23 21 120 29 a tree 34 734 40 a stile 3 670 20' 61 35 a brook 30 248 639 16 a spring foot path 16 810 <:ross hedge 18 973 20 a pond Th( 45t tANB Then the plan, ob a small scale drawn from the above field- book, will be as in the following figure. But the pupil may draw a plan of 3 or 4 times the size on his paper book. The dotted lines denote the 3 chain or measured lines, and the black lines the boundaries on the right and left. But some skilful surveyors now make use of a different method for the field-book, namely, beginning at the bottom of the page and writing upwards ; sketching also a neat boundary on either hand resembling the parts near the measured lines as they pass along ; an example of which will be given further on, in the method of surveying a large estate. In smaller surveys and measurements, a good way of setting down the work, is, to draw by the eye on a piece of paper, a a figure resembling that which is to be measured ; and so writing the dimensions, as they are found, against the corres- ponding parts of the figure. And this method may be practis- ed to a considerable extent, even in the larger surveys. Another specimen of a field-book, with its plan, is as fol- lows ; being a single field, surveyed with the chain, and the theodolite for taking angles ; which the pupil will likewise draw of a larger size. e A ©CI' 82*» 65' 67° 10' 35 268 40 230 60 470 48 672 • 846 30 860 30 1140 © B © D 130<' 35' 40 238 25 117 ^ 20 520 45 312 664 . .. , SECTIOir f r/./j juu'fc. HMfiJUt^ 4iio i.ii" -| r,(> A» /» ^i.'^^i .i5 -- (ir>4 i4ao .^0 ,„_ ' ' 'l' 1 4.'J ^ r / * ' I'iJJO 40 lOfJ I -,0 pfto (:f 1 •J^\ ..•^«^!-. A2. _>— - - „ - ~" ^"Tf~ X8^ r.r \ '■. " 140 4^ x>5 ■ J.O,')(> ' ^ ()0 48 i4„, _ ,.^J .^07 4 & A / \ f) aoy.^j — ~7^ .34 17. JO r 1- :-/lo Ij/ic ^ 14AO ' h -, .V5 4-,30- -1 1 7 C' _ - 1 .^^ ♦5 2.0 — 2ao 1 f? T— !i.574 i4f>4 ^000 1860 1840 44 j5o> __^«f?rr-:^ i7f)4 / 1 ,',4 + 50 14^G4 76 1;] 2,8 3« ia4o -1 ;>i+34 1130 34 8O0 r _J __1?^ 190 — « 4450 ^570 h f -2. a 10 fe •2210 404 15.50 e d Ml l>,lo c . Wm -'.'■"■• f)fH> ■u ..^...,-^% «o(5 ' ^ ^e7d Hoffh 7i\H //'A ^ ,;uii ^Tjj-^ ^ 'HjCj r^ /|-(3o V4o 1U4 j> r '~- — . xoo .^ 4 5 5 J) \ -J ()(> 7'i y i V _.. ,. ^Ji -u,-l ._ / *>(JO A' /' / ^3 -J. C' ( •»'^ x6o li li r \44 1 :'} -2. A. ,/ M'i.i W /' 24 1700 r I r, (> r •»-} /. .1- f)oo \ «5?J,J A / 44 i>(](j ( 7(. .'> i <> X ,/ !-"•;■ ^0^5 — '■ — ^ 1.4^ n 4rM> /'<' /» \, ^ y**' \ t)0 lb' 00 - — \ ;^<> 1480 1 ;^ ij i> 1110 io8i. ^' u ~1 840 ~(j** ■"" ] 4440 4 420 .1884 1 /^/^tto -di.— — ^<){)^ J)o J. 2. (> f ) :2 :4 (>^ 4 Z' . ^ — « i t ) '-i A- \lr.n, r.',' •io7o 5^ J 1<>C>0 / 1 8 4 V yxn.1 1770 «o8 I.:nr ,,y/,y^ (S50 ., n (t 170 '2 20 f, / l.tr,hi.::{ ,h'"i 1 xyo -4li- 1 SURVEYING. 453 SECTION III. OF COMPUTING AND DIVIDING. PROBLEM XVI. To Compute the Contents of Fields, 1. Compute the contents of the figures as divided into triangles, or trapeziums, by the proper rules for these figures laid down in measuring ; multiplying the perpendiculars by the diagonals or bases, both in links, and divide by 2 ; the quotient is acres, after having cut oflf five figures on the right for decimals. Then bring these decimals to roods and perches, by multiplying first by 4, and then by 40. An example of which is given in the description of the chain, pag. 429. 2. In small and separate pieces, it is usual to compute their contents from the measures of the lines taken in surveying them, without making a correct plan of them. 3. In pieces bounded by very crooked and winding hedges, measured by offsets, all the parts between the offsets are most accurately measured separately as small trapezoids. 4. Sometimes such pieces as that last mentioned, are com- puted by finding a mean breadth, by adding all the offsets together, and dividing the sum by the number of them, ac- counting that for one of them where the boundary meets the station-line, (which increases the number of them by 1, for the divisor, though it does not increase the sum or quantity to be divided) ; then multiply the length by that mean breadth. 5. But in larger pieces and whole estates, coosistiDg of many fields, it is the common practice to make a rough plan of the whole, and from it compute the contents, quite inde- pendent of the measures of the lines and angles that were taken in surveying. For then new lines are drawn in the fieldi! 454 LAND fields on the plan, so as to divide them into trapeziums and triangles, the bases and perpendiculars of which are mea- sured on the plan by means of the scale from which it was drawn, and so multiplied together for the contents. In this way, the work is very expeditiously done, and sufficiently correct ; for such dimensions are taken as afford the most easy method of calculation ; and among a number of parts, thus taken and applied to a scale, though it be likely that some of the parts will be taken a small matter too little, and others too great, yet they will, on the whole, in all probability, very nearly balance one another, and give a sufficiently ac- curate result. After all the fields and particular parts are thus computed separately, and added all together into one sum ; calculate the whole estate independent of the fields, by dividing it into large and arbitrary triangles and trapeziums, and add these also together. Then if this sum be equal to the former, or nearly so, the work is right ; but if the sums have any considerable difference, it is wrong, and they must be examined, and re-computed, till they nearly agree. . 6. But the chief art in computing, consists in finding the contents of pieces bounded by curved or very irregular lines, or in reducing such crooked sides of fields or boun- daries to straight lines, that shall inclose the same or equal area with those crooked sides, and so obtain the area of the curved figure by means of the right-lined one, which will commonly be a trapezium. Now this reducing the crooked sides to straight ones, is very easily and accurately performed in this manner : — Apply the straight edge of a thin, clear piece of lanthorn-horn to the crooked line, which is to be reduced, in such a manner, that the small parts cut off from the crooked figure by it, may be equal to those which are taken in : which equality of the parts included and excluded you will presently be able to judge of very nicely by a little practice ; then with a pencil, or point of a tracer, draw a line by the straight edge of the horn. Do the same by the other sides of the field or figure. So shall you have a straight- sided figure equal to the curved one ; the content of which, being computed as before directed, will be the content of the crooked figure proposed. Or, instead of the straight edge of the horn, a horse hair, or fine thread, may be applied across the crooked sides in the same manner ; and the easiest way of using the thread, is to string a small slender bow with it, either of wire or cane, or whale-bone, or such-Hke slender elastic matter ; for the bow keeping it always stretched, it can be easily and neatly ap- plied with one hand, while the other is at liberty to make two marks by the side of it, to draw the straight line by. EXAMPLE. SURVEYING, 4^5 EXAMPLE. Thus, let it be required to find the contents of the same figure as ia Prob. ix, page 4U, to a scale of 4 chains to aa inch. A B C Draw the 4 dotted straight lines ab, bc, cd, da, cutting ofl" equal quantities on both sides of them, which they do as near as the eye can judge : so is the crooked figure reduced to an equivalent right-lined one of 4 sides abcd. Then draw the diagonal bd, which, by applying a proper scale to it, measures suppose 1256. Also the perpendicular, or nearest distance from A to this diagonal, measures 456 ; and the distance of c from it, is 428. Then, half the sum of 456 and 428, multiplied by the dia- gonal 1256, gives 555152 square links, or 5 acres, 2 roods, 8 perches, the content of the trapezium, or of the irregular crooked piece. Asa general example of this practice, let the contents be computed of all the fields separately in the foregoing plan ia page 452, and by adding the contents altogether, the whole sum or content of the estate will be found nearly equal to 103| acres. Then, to prove the work, divide the whole plan into two parts, b}^ a pencil line drawn across it any way near the middle, as from the corner I on the right, to the corner near s on the left ; then by computing these two large parts separately, their sum must be nearly equal to the former sura, when the work is all right. PROBLEM XVU. To Transfer a Plan to Another Paper ^ ^c. After the rough plan is completed, and a fair one is want- ed ; tkis may be done by any of the following methods. First 456 LAND First Method, — Lay the rough plan on the clean papei keeping them always pressed flat and close together, by " weights laid on them. Then, with the point of a fine pin oi pricker, prick through all the corners of the plan to be copi- ed. Take them asunder, and connect the pricked points, on the clean paper, with lines ; and it is done. This method is only to be practised in plans of such figures as are small and tolerably regular, or bounded by right lines. Second Method. — Rub the back of the rough plan over with black-lead powder ; and lay this blacked part on the cleaa paper on which the plan is to be copied, and in the proper position. Then, with the blunt point of some hard substance, as brass or such-like, trace over the lines of the whole plan ; pressing the tracer so much, as that the black lead under the lines may be transferred to the clean paper : after which, take oflT the rough plan, and trace over the leaden marks with common ink, or with Indian ink — Or, instead of blacking the rough plan, we may keep constantly a blacked paper to lay between the plans. Third Method. — Another method of copying plans, is by means of squares. This is performed by dividing both ends and sides of the plan which is to be copied into any conve- nient number of equal parts, and connecting the correspond- ing points of division with lines : which will divide the plan into a number of small squares. Then divide the paper, on which the plan is to be copied, into the same number of squares, each equal to the former when the plan is to be co- pied of the same size, but greater or less than the others, in the proportion in which the plan is to be increased or dimin- ished, when of a different size. Lastly, copy into the clean squares the parts contained in the corresponding squares of the old plan ; and you will have the copy, either of the same size, or greater or less in any proportion. Fourth Method. — A fourth method is by the instrument call- ed a pentagraph, which also copies the plan in any size re- quired. Fifth Method. — But the neatest method of any, at least in copying from a fair plan, is this. Procure a copying frame or glass, made in this manner ; namely, a large square of the best window glass, set in a broad frame of wood, which can be raised up to any angle, when the lower side of it rests on a table. Set this frame up to any angle before you, facing a strong light ; fix the old plan and clean paper together, with several pins quite around, to keep them together, the clean paper SURVEYING. 457 paper being laid uppermost, and over the face of the plan to be copied Lay them, with the back of the old plan, on the glass ; namely, that part which you intend to bejj;in at to copy first ; and by means of the light shining through the papers you will very distinctly perceive every line of the plan through the clean paper. In this state then trace all the lines on the paper with a pencil Having drawn that part which covers the glass, slide another part over the glass, and copy it in the same manner. Then another part. And so on, till "the whole is copied. Then take them asunder, and trace all the pencil lines over with a ^ne pen and Indian ink, or with common ink. And thus you may copy the finest plan without injuring it in the least. OF ARTIFICERS' WORKS, AND TIMBER MEASURING. I. OF THE CARPENTER'S OR SLIDING RULE. THE Carpenter's or Sliding Rule, is an instrument much tised in measuring of timber and artificers' works, both for taking the dimensions, and computing the contents. The instrument consists of two equal pieces, each a foot in length, which are connected together by a folding joint. * One side or face of the rule, is divided into inches, and eighths, or half-quarters. On the same face also are several plane scales, divided into twelfth parts by diagonal lines ; which are used in planning dimensions that are taken in feet and inches. The edge of the rule is commonly divided de- cimally, or into tenths ; namely, each foot into ten equal parts, and each of these into ten parts again : so that by me£lns of this last scale, dimensions are taken in feet, tenths, and hundredths, and multiplied as common decimal numbers, which is the best way. On the one part of the other face are four lines, marked A, B, c, D ; the two middle ones b and c being on a slider, which runs in a groove made in the stock. The same num- bers serve for both these two middle lines, the one being above the numbers, and the other below. Vol. i. 59 These. 458 BRICKLAYERS' WORK. These fonr lines are logarithmic ones, and the three a, h, c, which are all equal to one another, are double lines, as they proceed twice over from 1 to 10. The other or lowest line, D, is a single one, proceeding from 4 to 40. It is also called the girt line, from its use in computing the contents of trees and timber ; and on it are marked wg at 17- 15, and AG at 18'95, the wine and ale gage points, to make this in*- strument serve the purpose of a gaging rule. On the other part of this face, there is a table of the value of a load, or 30 cubic feet, of timber, at all prices, from 6 pence to 2 shillings a foot. When 1 at the beginning of any line is accounted 1, then the 1 in the middle will be 10, and. the 10 at the end 100 ; but when 1 at the beginning is counted 10, then the 1 in the middle is 100, and the ^0 at the end ioOO ; and so on. And all the smaller divisions are altered proportionally. II. ARTIFICERS' WORK. Artificers compute the contents of their works by several different measures. As, Glazing and masonry, by the foot ; Painting, plastering, paving, &c. by the yard, of 9 square feet : Flooring, partitioning, roofing, tiling, &c. by the square of 100 square feet : And brickwork, either by the yard of 9 square feet, or by the perch, or square rod or pole, containing 212\ square feet, or 30| square yards, being the square of the rod or pole of 161 feet or 5^ yards long. As this number ?72i is troublesome to divide by, the ^ is of\en omitted in practice, and the content in feet divided only by the 272. All works whether superficial or solid, are computed by the rules proper to the figure of them, whether it be a triangle, or rectangle^ a parallelopiped, or any other figure. III. BRICKLAYERS' WORK. Brickwork is estimated at the rate of a brick and a half thick, bo that if a wall be more or less than this standard thickness, it must be reduced to it, as follows : Multiply the superficial content of the Wall by the number of half bricks in the thickness, and divide the product by 3. The MASONS' WORK. 469 The dimensions of a building may be taken by measuring half round on the outside and half round it on the inside ; the sum of these two gives the compass of the wall, to be multi- plied by the height, for the content of the materials. Chimneys are commonly measured as if they were solid, deducting only the vacuity from the hearth to the mantle, oq account of the troubl<» of them. All windows, doors, &c. are to be deducted out of the contents of the walls in which they are placed. EXAMPLES. Exam. 1 . Hour many yards and rods of standard brick-work are in a wall whose length or compass is 57 feet 3 inches, and height 24 feet 6 inches ; the wall being 2^ bricks or 5 half- brirks thick ? Ans. 8 rods, 17f yards. Exam. 2. Required the, content of a wall 62 feet 6 inches long, and 14 feet 8 inches high, and 2^ bricks thick ? Aiis. 169-763 yards. Exam. 3. A triangular gable is raised 17i feet high, on an end wall whose length is 24 feet 9 inches, the thickness being 2 bricks : required the reduced content ? Ans. 32-08^ yards. Exam. 4. The end wall of a house is 28 feet 10 inches long, and nb feet 8 inches high, to the eaves ; 20 feet high is Q\ bricks thick, other 20 feet high is 2 bricks thick, and the remaining 15 feet 8 inches is H brick thick ; above which is a triangular gaSle, of 1 brick thinng a line CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' WORk. 461 a line ply close over them, from the top to the bottom, and multiply the length of this line by the length of a step, for the whole area. — By the length of a step is meant the length of the front and the returns at the two ends ; and by the breadth is to be understood the girts of its two outer surfaces, er the tread and riser. For the Balustrade^ take the whole length of the upper part of the hand-rail, and girt over its end till it meet the top of the newel post, for the one dimension ; and twice the length of the baluster on the landing, with the girt of the hand-rail, for the other dimension. For Wainscoting^ take the compass of« the room for the one dimension ; and the height from the floor to the ceiling, making the string ply close into all the mouldings, for the other. For Doors y take the height and the breadth, to multiply them together for the area. — If the door be panneled on both sides, take double its measure for the workmanship ; but if one side only be panneled, take the area and its half for the workmanship. — For the Surrounding Architrave^ girt it about the uppermost part for its length ; and measure over it, as far as it can be seen when the door is open, for the breadth. Window-shutters ^ Bases, &c. are measured in like manner. In measuring of Joiners' work, the string is made to ply close into all the mouldings, and to every part of the work over which it passes. EXAMPLES. Exam. 1. Required the content of a floor, 48 feet 6 inches long, and 24 feet 3 inches broad ? Ans. 1 1 sq. 16} feet. Exam. 2. A floor being 36 feet 3 inches long, and 16 feet 6 inches broad, how many squares are in it ? Ans. 5 sq. 98i feet. ExAivr. 3. How many squares are there in 173 feet 10 inches in length, ^and 10 feet 7 inches height, of partition- ing ? Ans. 18-3973 squares. BxAM. 4. What cost the roofing of a house at 10s. 6d. a square ; the length within the walls being 62 feet 8 inches, and the breadth 30 feet 6 inches ; reckoning the roof f of the flat ? Ans. 121, ns. life/. Exam. 462 SLATERS* AND TILERS' WORK. Exam. 5. To how much, at 6s. per square jard, amounte the wainscoting of a room ; the height, taking in the cor- nice and mouldings, being 12 feet 6 inches, and the whole compass 83 feet 8 inches ; also the three window- shutters are each 7 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 6 inches, and the door 7 feet by 3 feet 6 inches ; the doors and shutlers, being worked on both sides, are reckoned work and half work ? Aas. 36/. 12s. 2^d. VI. SLATERS' AND TILERS' WORK. In these articles, the content of a roof is found by multi- plying the length of the ridge by the girt over from eaves to eaves ; making allowance in this girt for the double row of slates at the bottom, or for how much one row of slates or tiles is laid over another. When the roof is of a true pitch, that is, forming a right angle at top ; then the breadth of the building, with its half added, is the girt over both sides nearly. In angles formed in a roof, running from the ridge to the eaves, when the angle bends inwards, it is called a valley j but when outwards, it is called a hip- Deductions are made for chimney shafts or window holes. EXAMPLES. Exam. 1. Required the content of a slated roof, the length being 45 feet 9 inches, and the whole girt 34 feet 3 inches ? Ans. 174j^g yards. Exam. 2. To how much amounts the tihng of a house, at 2)5. 6d. per square ; the length being 43 feet 10 inches, and the breadth on the flat 27 feet 6 inches ; also the eaves projecting 16 inches on each side, and the roof of a true pitch ? Ans. 24^. 9s. 6-3 , *• i and TG, TE, TH, T, | "« ^^'^ ProportioDaU. For these are as ag, ©e, ch, bi, by similar triangles. THEOREM IX. If there be any Tangent, and two Lines drawn from the Foci to the Point of Contact ; these two Lines will make equal Angles with the Tangent* 7e That is, the ^ FET = ZfEe. For, draw the ordinate de, and fe parallel to fe By cor. 1, theor. 5, ca : cd : : cf : ca ^ — fe, CA : CD : : CT : CA ; CT : cp : : CA ; ca — ^ fe ; TF : Tf : : FE : 2ca — fe or Te by th. 5. TF : Tf : : FE : fe ; fE = fe, and conseq. Ze = ^fse. FE is parallel to fe, the ^e = Z^et ; Zfet = Zft^G. Q. E. D. CQrol. and by theor. 7, therefore and by add. and sub. But by sim. tri. therefore But, because therefore the 480 CONIO SECTIONS. Corol. As opticians find that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, it appears from this theorem, that rays of light issuing from the one focus, and meeting th^ curve in every point, will be reflected into lines drawn from those points to the other focus. So the ray {e is reflected into fe. And this is the reason why the points f, f, are called the/oa, or burning points. THEOREM X. All the ' Parallelograms circumscribed about an Ellipse arc equal to one another, and each equal to the Rectangle of the two Axes. That is, the parallelogram pqrs = the rectangle ab . ab. S Let EG, eg, be two conjugate diameters parallel to the sides of the parallelogram, and dividing it into four less and equal parallelograms. Also, draw the ordinates de, de, and ck per- pendicular to PQ ; and let the axis ca produced meet the sides of the parallelogram, produced if necessary, in t and t. Then by theor 7, and theref by equality, but, by sim. triangles, theref by equality, and the rectangle Again, by theor. 7, or, by division, and by composition, conseq. the rectangle But, by theor. 2, ca^ : ca^ : : (ad . db or) cd^ : de^, therefore *Corol Because c^^ ■« AD . db — ca* -cd*, therefore ca^ «» gd* 4- cd^. In like maimer, ca^ <= jde^ -f de®. Id CT CA : CA : CD, ct CA : CA : cd ; CT ct : cd : CD ; CT Ct : TD : cd, TD cd : CD : CD, TD DC is = the square cd^. CD CA : CA : CT, CD CA : : DA : AT, CD DB : AD : DT ; CD DT = - Cd2 = AD . DB*. CA2 : ca2 : : (ad . DB or) cd^ ca ca : : cd : DE ; OF THE ELLIPSE. 48t Iq like manner, «r But, by theor. 7, theref. by equality, But, by sim. tri. theref. by equality, and the rectangle ck . ce = ca . ca. But the rect. ck . ce = the parallelogram cepc, theref the rect. ca . ca = the parallelogram cEpe, eonseq. the rect. ab . ab = the parallelogram pqrs. CA : ca : : CD : de, ca de : : CA CD. CT : CA : : ca CD , de. CT CA : : ca CT CK : : ce . de CK CA : : ca ce, THEOREM XL The Sum of the Squares of every Pair of Conjugate Diame- ters, is equal to the same constant (Quantity, namely, the Sum of the Squares of the two Axes. That is, AB^+ab^ = eg2 -f- eg2 ; where eg, eg, are any pair of con- jugate diameters. For, draw the ordinates ed, ed. Then, by cor to theor. 10, ca^ = cd^ -f* cd*» and . - - ca2 = de- -j- de^ ; therefore the sum ca^ -\- ca* = cd* + de^ -f. cd^ But, by right-angled As, ce* = cd* -f- de*, and . - - ce* = cd* -f de* ; therefore the sum ce* + ce* = cd* + de* -f- cd* consequently - ca* + ca* = ge* -f ce* ; or, by doubling, ab* -j- ab* = eg* -j- eg*. + de*. -f de* THEOREM XU. The difference between the Semi-transverse and a Line drawn from the Focus to any point in the Curve, is equal to a Fourth Proportional to the Semi-transverse, the Distance from the Centre to the Focus, and Distance from the Centre to the Ordinate belonging to that Point of the Curve. T©fc. I, 62 That 48S eONIC SECTIONS. That is, AC FE = CI, or FE = AI ; and /e — AC = ci, of/e = m. Where CA i cf : : cd : ci the 4th proportional to ca, cf, cd. For, draw ag parallel and equal to ca the semi-conjugate j and join cg meeting the ordinate de in h Then, by theor. 2 ca^ : ag^ : : ca* — cd* : de* : and, by sim. tri. oa* : ag* ; : ca* -— cd* : ag* — dh* ; consequently de* = ag* — dh* = ca* — dh*. Also Fb = CF cc CD. and fd* = cf* — 2gf . cd -f- cd* ; but by right-angled triangles, fd* -{- de* = fe* ; therefore fe* = cf* -f- ca* — 2cf . cd -j- cd* — dh*. But by theor. 4, ca* -f- cf = ca* ; and, by supposition, 2cf . cd = 2ca . ex ; theref. fe* = ca* — 2ca . ci -f- cd* — dh* ; But b}' supposition, ca* : cd* : : cp^ or ca* — ^ ag* : ci* ; and, by sim. tri. ca* : cd* : : ca* — ag* : cd* — dh* j therefore - - ci* = cd* — dh* ; consequently - fe* = ca* — 2ca . ci 4- ci*. And the root or side of this square is fe = ca — ci = ai. In the same manner is found^k: = ca -|- ci = bi. q. e. d, ,, THEOREM XIII. If a Line be drawn from either Focus, Perpendicular to a Tangent to any I'oint of the curve ; the Distance of their Intersection from the Centre will be equal to the Semi- transverse Axis. That is, if fp, fp be perpendicular to the tangent Tpp, then shall cp and cp be each equal to OP THE ELLIPSE. 483 For, through the point of contact e draw pe, and /e meet- ing:, FP produced in g. Then, the ^gkp = ^Ifep, being each equal to the Z/k^» and the angles at p being I'ight, and the side PE being common, the two triangles gep, fep are equal in all respects, and so ge = fe, and gp = fp. Therefore, since Fp = ipG, and Fc = ^f/, and the angle at f common, the side cp will be = ^fo or ^ab, that is cp = ca or cb. And in the same manner cp = ca or cb. q. e. d. Carol. 1. A circle described on the transverse axis, as a diameter, will pass through the points p, p ; because all the lines cA, cp, cjo, cb, being equal, will be radii of the circle. Corol 2. cp is parallel to/fi, and cp parallel to fe. Corol. 3. If at the intersections of any tangent, with the circumscribed circle, perpendicular to the tangent be drawn, they will meet the transverse axis in the two foci. That is, the perpendiculars pf ,/j/'give the foci f,/. THEOREM XIV. The equal Ordinates, or the Ordinates at equal Distances from the Centre, od the opposite Sides and Ends of an Ellipse, have their Extremities connected by one Right Line passing through the Centre, and that Line is bisected by the Centre. That is, if CD = cg, or the ordinate de = gh ; then shall ce = ch, and ech will be a right line # For when cd = cg, then also is de = gh by th. 1. But the /_D = Zg, bdng both right angles ; therefore the third side ce = ch, and the ^dce == ^gch, and consequently ech is a right line. Corol 484 CONIC SECTIONS. CoroL 1. And, conversely, if ech be a right line passing through the centre ; then shall it be bisected by the centre, or have ce = ch ; also de will be = gh, and cd = cg. . Corol. 2. Hence also, if two tang;ents be drawn to the two ends, E, H ©f any diameter eh ; they will be parallel to each other, and will cut the axis at equal angles, and at equal dis- tances from the centre For, the two cd, ca being equal to the two CG, CB, the third proportionals ct, cs will be equal also ; then the two sides ce, ct being equal to the two ch, ■cs, and the included angle ect equal to the included angle hcs,. all the other corresponding parts are equal : and so the ^T= ^s, andiE parallel to hs. Corol 3. And hence the four tangents, at the four extrem- ities of any two conjugate diameters form a parallelogram circumscribing the ellipse, and the pairs of opposite sides are each equal to the corresponding paralleL.conjugate diameters. IPor, if the diameter eh be drawn parallel to the tangent te or HS, it will be the conjugate to eh by the definition ; and the tangents to e, h will be parallel to each other, and to the diam- eter EH for the same reason. THEOREM XV. If two Ordinates ed, ed be drawn from the Extremities e, e of two Conjugate Diameters, and Tangents be drawn to the same Extremities, and meeting the Axis produced in t and R ; Then shall cd be a mean proportional between cd, dR, and cd a mean proportional between c©, dt. For, by theor. 7, and by the same, theref. by equality, But by sim. tri. theref. by equality, In like manner, CD CA : c A CT, cd CA : CA CR CD cd : CR CT, DT cd : CT CR CD cd : cd DT. cd ► CD : CD dK, E = A cde. dc dB, CA CT, AD AT, AD DT, DC DB. Carol. 1. Hence cd : cd : : ck : ct. Carol. 2. Hence also cd : cd : ; de : db. And the rectangle cd . de = cd . de, or A Coral, 3. Also cd^ = cd . dt, and cd^ = cd . dft. Or cd a mean proportional between cd, dt ; and CD a mean proportional between cd, da. THEOREM XVL The same Figure being constructed as in the last Theorem each Ordinate will divide the Axis, and the Semi-axis added to the external Fart, in the same Ratio. [See the last fig.] That is, DA : DT : : DC : DB, and dA : dR : : For, by theor. 7, cd : ca : : and by div. cd : ca : : and by comp. cd : db : : or, - - - - DA : DT : : In like manner, dA : da : : dc : do. ^. e. d. Coral. 1. Hence, and from cor. 3 to the last, it is, c82 = CD . dt = ad . DB = CA^— CD2, CD^ = cd . dR = Ad . dfi = ca2 —cd^. Carol. 2. Hence also, ca^ =r cd^ -f cd^, and ca2 = de^ -f de^. Coral. 3. Further, because ca^ : ca^ : : ad . db or cd^ ; de^, therefore ca : ca : : cd : de. likewise ca : ca : : cd : de. THEOREM XVn. If from any Point in the Curve there be drawn an Ordinate, and a Perpendicular to the Curve, or to the Tangent at that point : Then, the ^ Dist. on the Trans, between the Centre and Ordinate, cd : Will be to the Dist. pd : : ^^ As Sq of the Trans. Axis : ^ To Sq. of the Conjugate. That is, X CA^ : ca' : : DC : dp. 486 GONIC SECTIONS. For, by theor. 2, ca^ : ca^ : : ad . db : de^ , But, by rt. angled As, the rect. td - up = de^ ; and, b}^ cor. 1, theor. 16. cd . dt = ad db ; therefore - - ca^ : ca^ : : td . dc : td . dp, or - - - - ac2 : ca2 : : dc : dp. q. e. d. THEOREM XVIII. li there be Two Tangents (Jrawn, the One to the Extremity of the Transverse, and the other to the Extremity of any other Diameter, each meeting the other's diameter pro- duced ; the two Tangential Triangles so formed will be equal. That is, the triangle get = the triangle can. For, draw the ordinate de. Then By sim. triangles, cd : ca : : ce : cn ; but, by theor. 7, cd : ca : ; ca : ct ; theref. by equal, ca : ct : : ce : cn. The two triangles cet, can have then the angle e common, and the sides about that angle reciprocally proportional ; those triangles are therefore equal, namely, the A cet = A can. Corol. 1. From each of the equal tri. cet, can, take the common space cape, !; « and there remains the external A pat =: A pke. Corol. 2. Also from the equal triangles cet, can, take the common triangle ced, and there remains the A ted = trapez. aned. THEOREM XIX. The same being supposed as in the last Proposition ; then any Lines kq. qg drawn parallel to the two Tangents, shall also cut off equal Spaced. That is, Akqg OF THE ELLIPSE 3sr 4«7 Akqg = trapez. anhg, and A ity^ =trapez. Atthg. For draw the ordinate de. Then The three sim triangles can, cde, cgh, are to each other as ca^, cd^, cg ; th. hy div the trap, aned : trap, anhg : : ca^ — cds : ca* — cg*. But, by theor. 1, de^ : gq^ ; . ca2-.cd2 cca^ — cg^, theref. by equ. trap, aned : trap, anhg : : de^ : oq,^. but, by sim. As, tri. ted : tri. k€ig : : de^ : gq^ j theref. by equahty, aned : ted : : anhg : kqg. But, by cor. 2, theor. 18, the trap, aned = A ted ; and therefore the trap anhg = A kqg. In like manner the trap. Anhg = A Ky^f. q. e. d. Corol. 1. The three spaces anhg, tehg, kqg are all equal. Corol. 2. From the equals anhg, kqg, take the equals AN/ig, Kqg^ and tliere remains ghna = gq^G» Corol. 3. And from the equals ghna^ g^QQ, ' take the common space g^LHo, and there remains the A L€tH = A Lqh, Corol, 4. Again from the equals kqg, tehg, take the common space klhg, and there remains telk == A lqh. Corol. 5. Aiad when, by the lines kq, gh, moving with a parallel motion, kq comes into the position ir, where CR is the conjugate to CA ; then the triangle kqg becomes the triangle irc, and the space anhg becomes the triangle anc ; and therefore the A iRc = A anc = A tec. Corol. 6. Also when the lines k^ and nq, by moving with a parallel motion, come into the position ce, Me, the 488 eONIC SECTIONS; the triangle lqh becomes the triangle c«m, and the space telk becomes the triangle tec ; and theref. the A ccm = A tec = a anc = A iRc. THEOREM XX. Any Diameter bisects all its Double Ordinates, or the Line« drawn Parallel to the Tangent at its Vertex, or to its Con- jugate Diameter. That *s. if q,q be parallel „ to the tangent te, or to cc, -^ then shall lq = hq. For, draw qa, qh perpendicular to the transverse. Then by cor. 3, theor. 19, the A lqh = A J-qh ; but these triangles are also equiangular ; consequently their like sides are equal, or lq =■ t.q. Corol. Any diameter divides the ellipse into two equal parts. For, the ordinates on each si4e being equal to each other, and equal in number ; all the ordinates, or the area, on one side of the diameter, is equal to all the ordiiiates, or the area, on the other side of it. THEOREM XXI. As the Square of any Diameter : Is to the Square of its Conjugate : : So is the Rectangle of any two Abscisses : To the Square of their Ordinate. That is, ce2 : cc : : el . lg or ce^ — cl^ : lq^ . For, draw the tangent te, and produce the or- dinate QL to the trans- verse at K, Also draw ^H, CM perpendicular to the transverse, and meeting eg in h and m. Then similar triangles being as the squares of their like sides, it is, OF THE ELLIPSE. 48d by sim. triangles, A get : A clk : : ce^ : cl^ ; or, by divisioa, A c^t ' trap, telk : : ce^ : ce^ — cl^. Again, by sim. tri. A ccm ; A lqh : : cc^ ; lq,^. But, by cor. 5 theor. 19, tbe A ccm = A cet, and, by cor. 4 theor, 19, the A lqh = trap, telk ; theref. by equality, ce^ : cc^ : ; ce^ — cl^ : l^^^ or .- - - CE* : cc* : : el . lg : l^^. q. e. d. Corol. 1. The squares of the ordinates to any diameter, are to one another as the rectangles of their respective abscisses, or as the difference of the squares of the semi- diameter and of the distance between the ordinate and centre. For they are all in the same ratio of ce^ to ce^ . Corol. 2. The above being the same property as that be- longing to the two axes, all the other, properties before laid down, for the axes, may be understood of any two conjugate diameters whatever, using only the oblique ordinates of these diameters, instead'of the perpendicular ordinates of the axes ; namely, all the properties ii theorems 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19. THEOREM XXU. If any Two Lines, that any where intersect each other, meet the Curve each in Two Points ; then The Rectangle of the Segments of the one : Is to the Rectangle of the Segments of the other : : As the Square of the Diam. Parallel to the former : To the Square of the Diam. Parallel to the latter. That is, if or and cr, be Parallel to any two Lines PHQ, pnq ; then shall Cft2 : cr2 : : PH . HQ : pH . ny. For, draw the diameter che, and the tangent te, and iti parallels pk, ri, mh, meeting the conjugate of the diameter GR in the points t, k, i, m. Then, because similar triangles are as the squares «f their like sides, it is, VeL. I. 63 bj 490 CONIC SECTIONS. by sim. triangles, ch^ : g?^ : : ^ cri : A gfic, and - - - cr2 ; gh^ : : /s, chi : A i-hm ; theref by division, cr^ : gp^ — gh^ ; : cri : kfhm. Again, by which fg, hi, are ordinates, as well to the axis of the hyperbola. ^Jow, by tile similar triangles afl, ahn, and bfk, bhm, it is AF : AH : : fl : hn, and EB : UB : : KF : MH ; hence, takin» the rectangles of the corresponding terms, it is, the rect. af . fb : kh . hb : : kf . fl : mh , h.n. But, by the cir: l^, kf . fl = fj^, and mh . hn = bi^ ; Therefore the feet, af . fb : ah . hb : ; fg^ : hi^. THEOREM H. As the Square of the Transverse Axis Is to the Si|uare of the Conjji;ate : So is the Rectangle of the Abscisses To the Square of their Ordinate. That is, ab« : ab^ or ag2 : ac^ : : AD . db : de^. For, %9t CONIC SECTIONS. For, by theor. 1 , ac . cb : ad . db : : ca^ : de^ ; But, if c be the centre, then ac . cb = ac^, and ca is the semi-conj. Therefore - ac^ : ad . db : : ac^ : de^ ; or, by permutation, ac^ : ac^ : : ad . db : de^ ; or, by doubling, ab^ : ab^ : : ad . db : de^ . q. e. d. ab3 CoroL Or, by Aiv. ab : — ; : ad . db or cd^— ca^ : de^, AB that is, AB : j9 : : AD . db or cd^ — ca^ : de^ ; ab2 where p is the parameter — by the definition of it^ AB That is, As the transverse, Is to its parameter, So ii? the rectangle of the abscisses. To the square of their ordinate. THEOREM III. As the Square of the Conjugate Axis : To the Square of the Transverse Axis : :. The Sum of the Squares of the Semi-conjugate, and "Distance of the Centre from any Ordinate of the Axi^ \ The Square of their Ordinate. That is, ca^ : ca2 ; : ca2 + cd2 dE^ . For, draw the ordinate ed te the transverse ab. Then, by theor. 1. ca* : ca^ : : de^ : ad . be or cd^ ^ ca^, or - - ca2 : ga^ : : cd^ : dE^ — ca^. But r - ca2 : ca3 : : ca2 : ca2. theref. by compos, ca^ : ca^ : : ca« + cd^ : ds^ . In like manner, ca^ : ca^ : : ca^ -f- cd^ : be^. *. e. ». Carol. By the last theor. ca^ : ca2 : : cd3-— ca^ : de*, and by this theor. ca^ : ca^ : : cd2-|-ca : ^De^ therefore - de2 : dc^ : : cd^— ca^ icD^-f-CA^. In like manner, dea : dE* : : cd^— ca^ cd^ : -fca*. theorem; OF THE HYPERBOLA. TIffiOREM IV. 495 The Square of the Distance of the Focus, from the Centre, ia equal to the Sum of the Squares of the Semi axes. Or, the Square of the Distance between the Foci, is equal to the Slim of the Squares of the two Akcs. That is, cp2 = cas -|- ca3, or Ffa = ab3 -f. ab3 For, to the focus f draw the ordinate fe ; which, by the definition, will be the semi-parameter. Then, by the nature of the curve - ca^ : ca^ : : cf^ — ca^ : fe^, and by the def. of the para, ca^ : ca^ : : ca^ : fe^ ; therefore - - ca^ = cf^ — ca^ j and by addition, - cf^ = ca^ -}- ca^ ; or, by doubling, - rf^ =AB2 4-ab2. q, e. Do Corol. 1. The two semi-axes, and the focal distance from the centre, are the sides of a right-angled triangle CAa ; and the distance Aa is = cf the focal distance. Corol. 2. The conjugate semi-axes ca is a mean propor- tional between af, fb, or between Af, fs, the distances of either focus from the two vertices. For ca2 = cf^ — ca^ = (cf -f- ca) . (cp — ca) = af . fb- THEOREM V. The Difference of two Lines drawn from the two Foci, to meet at any Point in the Curve, is equal to the Transverse Axis. That H, fe FE = AB. For, draw ag parallel and equal to ca the semi-conjugate ; and join cg, meeting the ordinate de produced in h : also take ci a 4th proportional to ca, cf, cb. Then, 494, CONIC SECTIONS. Then by th. 2, ca^ : ag^ : : cd2 — ca^ : de2 ; and, by sim. As» ca^ : ag^ : : cd^ — ca* : dh» — ag j consequently de^ = dh2 — ag^ = dh^ — ca*. Also, FD = CF i/: CD, and fd^ = cf^— 2cf . cd -H cd^ j and, by right-angled triangles, fe^ = fd^ -f- de^ therefore fe^ = cf2 — ca^ — 2cf . cd -f* cd^ 4" dH^v But by theor. 4, cf^ —cas = ca^^ and, by supposition, 2cf . c» = 2ca ci ; theref. fe^ = ca2— . 2ca . ci -f cd^ + dh^ ; Again, by suppos. ca^ : cd^ : ; cf^ or ca^ -{- ag^ : ci^ ; and, by sim. tri. ca^ : cd^ : : ca^ -f- ag^ : cd^ -f* dh* ; therefore - ci^ = cd^ -f- dh^ = ch^ ; consequently fe^ = ca^ - 2ca . ci,+ ci*. And the root or side of tl is square is ff = ci — ca = ai. In the same manner , it it; found that fE = ci + ca = bi. Conseq. by subtract, fs — fe = bi — ai = ab. q,. e. d. Corol. 1. Hence ch = ci is a 4th proportional to ca, of, CD. Corol. 2. And fs -f- fe = 2ch or 2ci ; orFE, ch, fE, are in continued arithmetrcal progression, the common diflference being ca the semi-transverse. Corol. 3. Hence is derived the common method of describ- ing this curve mechanically by points, thus ; In the transverse ab, produced, take the foci f, f, and any point I. Then with the radii ai, bi, and centres f, f, describe arcs intersecting in e, which will be a point in the curve. In like manner, assuming other points i, as many other points will be found in the curve. Then, with a steady hand the curve line may be drawn through all the points of intersection e. In the same maner are constructed the other two or conju- gate hyperbolas, using the axis ab instead of ab. THEOREM VI. If from any Point i in the Axis, a line il be drawn touching the Curve in one point l ; and the Ordinate lu he drawn : and if c be the Centre or the Middle of ab : Then shall cm be to ci as the Square of am to the Square of ai. H That is, y:^^\ \ CM : ci : : am^ : ai^ . J^/Y" ' "~ll C lA^DMKG For, OF THE HYPERBOLA. 496 for, from the point i draw any line ieh to cut the curve in two points E and h ; from which let fall the perps. ed, hg ; and bisect ou in K. Then by theor. 1, ad . db : ag . gb : : Dt^ : gh^, and by sim. triangles, id^ : ig^ : : de^ : gh^ ; therof. by equality; ad . db : ag gb : : id^ : ig^ ; But db = CB H- CD = CB 4- CD = CG -j- CD — AG = 2cK — AG, and GB = 4- CG = cA -f- cg = cg + cd — ad = 2ck — ad ; theref ad . 2ck — ad . ag : ag . 2ck— ad . ag : : id^ : ig^, and, by div» dg . 2ck : ig^ — id^ or dg . 2ik : : ad . 2gk AD . AG : ID^ . or - 2cK : 2ik : : ad . 2ck — ad . ag : id^ ; or AD . 2cK : ad 2ik : : ad . 2ck--ad . ag : id^ ; theref. by div. ck : ik : : ad , ag : ad . 2ik — io^, and, by div. ck : ci : : ad . ag : id^ — ad . id -|- ia, or - CK : CI : : ad . ag : ai^. But, when the line m, by revolving about the point, i, comes into the position of the tangent il, then the points e and H meet in the point l, and the points d, k, g, coincide with the point m ; and then the last proportion becomes gm : ci : : am2 : ai^. q. e. d. THEOREM VII. " If a Tangent and Ordinate be drawn from any Point in the Curve, meeting the Transverse Axis ; the Semi-transverse V will he a Mean Proportional between the Distances of the jaid Two Intersections from the centre. ^B That is, \\ ^E CA is a mean proportional between CD and CT ; or cd, ca, ct, are con- ■ — jg — ^ tinued proportionals. \° ^ For, by th. 6, cd : ct : : ad^ : at^ , that is, - CD : CT : : (cd — ca)^ : (ca — ct)^, or - - CD : CT : : cd^ -f* ca^ : ca^ -f ct^, and - - CD : DT : : cd^ -f- ca^ : cd^ — ct^, or - - CD : DT : : CD^ -f" ca^ : (cd + ct) dt, or ' CD^ : CD . DT : : cd^ -|- ca^ : cd . dt -f- ct . td ; hence cd^ : ca^ : : cd . dt : ct . td, and cd3 : ca : : cd : ct, theref. (th. 78, Geom.) cd : ca : : ca : cd. *ft. e. d.~ Carol 496 CONIC SECTIONS. CoroL Since ct is always a third proportional to cb, ca ; if the points d, a, remain constant, then will the point t be constant also ; and therefore all the tangents will meet in thii point T, which are drawn from the point e, of every hyper- , bola described on the same axis ab, where they are cut by the common ordinate dfe drawn from the point d. tueJorem vm. If there be any Tangent meeting Four Perpendiculars to the Axis drawn from these four Points, namely, the Centre, the two Extremities of the Axis, and the Point of Contact ; those Four Perpendiculars Will be Proportionals. That is, AC : DE : : CH : Bi. ^ Tl For, by theor, 7, to : ac : : ac : do, theref. by div. ta : ad : : tc ; ac or cb, and by comp. ta : td : : tc : tb, and by sim. tri. ag : de : : ch : bi. q. Carol. Hence ta, td, tc, tb, ? i -a- i ^„ 1 „ ' } are also proportionals, and tg, te, th, ti, ^ f r For these are as ag, de, ch, bi, by similar triangles. THEOREM IX. If there be any Tangent, and two Lines drawn from the Foci to the Point of Contact ; these two Lines will make equal Angles with the Tangent. That is, the Z, fet = j^fEe, For, draw the ordinate de, and fe parallel to ee. By cor. 1 , theor. 6, ca : cd : ; cf : ca -f- fe, and by th. 7. <;a : €» : ct : ca ; therefore OF THE HYPERBOLA. 497 therefore - ct : cp : : ca : ca -|- fe ; and by add. and sub. tp : xf : : fe : 2ca4- fe orfeby th. 6. But by sim. tri. tf : xf : : fe : tE ; therefore - fe = fe, and conseq ^e = ^fee. But, because fe is parallel to fe, the Ze = Z*»2T ; tiierefore the ^fet = i^fEe. q,. e. »• Corol. As opticians find that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflexion, it appears, from this proposition, that ray« of light issuing from the one focus, and meeting the curve in every point, will be reflected into lines drawn from the other focus. So the ray fE is reflected into fe. And tliis is the reason why the points f, f, are called /oa, or burning points. THEOREM X. All the Parallelograms inscribed between the four Conjugate Hyperbolas are equal to one another, and each equal to the Rectangle of the two Axes. That is, the parallelogram p^rs = the rectangle ab . ab. Let EG, eg be two cogjugate diameters parallel to the sides of the parallelogram, and dividing it into four less and equal parallelograms. Also, draw the ordi«ites de, de, and ck perpendicular to pq ; and let the axis produced meet the sides of the parallelograms, produced, if necessary, in t and t. Then, by theor. 7, ct : ca CA : CD, ; CA : cd ; cd : CD ; TD : cd, cd : CD, and - - ct theref by equality ex : ct but, by sim, triangles, ex : ct theref by equality, xd : cd and the rectangle xd : dc is = the square cd^. Again, by theor. 7, cd ; ca : : ca : ex, or, by division, cd : ca : : da : ax, and, by composition, cd : db : : da : dx ; eonseq the rectangle cd : dx = cd^ = ad . db*. * Carol. Because cJ> = ad . db =3 cd« «^ CA>. therefore ca* = cd^ — cd^. In like manner ca* =s de* — dez. Vol. K 64 But, 4^^ CONIC SECTIONS. But, by theor. 1, eA3 : ca3 : : (ad . db or) cd* : be», therefore CA : ca : : cd : DE ; In like manner, CA : ca : : CD : de ; or - - ca : de : : ca : cd. But, by theor. 7, CT : ca t: CA : cd ; theref. by equality, CT : CA : : ca : de. But, by sim. tri. CT : CK : ; ce : de ; theref by equality, CK : CA : : ca ; ce. and the rectangle CK . ce r= CA . ca. Byt the rect. CK . ce — the parallelogram cepc, theref. the rect. CA . ce = the parallelogram cepc, conseq. the rect. AB . ab = the paral. p^rs. q. e. THEOREM XL The Diflference of the Squares of every Pair of Conjugate Diameters, is equal to the same constant Quantity, namely, the Difference of the Squares of the two Axes. That is, ab2 — ab2 = eg2 — eg3 ; \ d where eg, eg are any conjugate diameters. For, draw the ordinates ed, ed. Then, by cor. to theor. 10, ca^ = cd^ — cd^, and - - - - ca2 = de^ — de^ ; theref. the difference ca« — ca^ = cd^ -f- de* — cd^ — de*. But, by right-angled As, ce* = cd* -{- de* ; and - - - - ce* = cd* -f de* ; theref. the difference ce^ — ce* = cd* -{- de* — cd* — de consequently - ca* — ca* = ce* — ce* ; or, by doubling, . ab* — ab^ = eg*— eg*. q. e. ». THEOREM XU. All the Parallelograms are equal which are formed between the Asymptotes and Curve, by Lines drawn Parallel to the Asymptotes. That is, the lines ge, ek, ap, aq, being parallel to the asymptotes ch, cl ; then the paral. cgek = paral. cpaq. CXQ OP THE HYPERBOLA. 499 For, let A be the vertex of the curve, or extremity of the semi-transverse axis ac, perp. to which draw al or a1, which will be equal to the serai-conjugate, by definition 19. Also, draw HEoeh parallel to l1, Then, by th'eor. 2, ca^ : al* :: cd^-caS : m^, and, by parallels, ca* : al* ; : cd^ : dh^ ; theref. by subtract, cas : al« z : ga^ : dh? — de or rect. HG . Eh ; coQseq. the'square ai:« = the rect. he . Eh. But, by sim. tri. pa : al : : ge : eh, and, by the same, qa : a\ : : ek : Eh ; theref. by comp. pa : a^ : al^ : : ge - ek : he . Eh ; and, because al^ = he . Eh, theref. pa A(i=GE.EK. But the parallelograms cgek, cpaq, being equiangular, are as the rectangles ge . ek and pa . aq. Therefore the parallelogram gk = the paral. pq. That is, all the inscribed parallelograms are equal to one another. Q- e. d. Corol. 1. Because the rectangle gek or cge is constant, therefore ge is reciprocally as cg, or cg : cp : : pa : ge. And hence the asymptote continually approaches towards the curve, but never meets it : for ge decreases continually as CG increases ; and it is always of some magnitude, except when cG is supposed to be infinitely great, for then ge is infinitely small, or nothing. So that the asymptote cg may be considered as a tangent to the curve at a point infinitely distant fromc. Corol. 2. If the abscisses cd, ce, CG, &c. taken on the one asymp- tote, be in geometrical progression increalsing ; then shall the ordi- nates dh, di, gk, &c parallel to / ^'^'^^^L.^I the other asymptote, be a decreas- ing geometrical progression, hav- ^ ing the same ratio. For, all the rectangles, cdh, cei, cgk, kc. being equal, the ordinates dh, EI, gk, &c. are reciprocally as the abscisses, cd, ce, cg, kc» which are geometricals. And the reciprocals of geornetricals are also geometricals, and in the same ratio, but decreasing, or in converse order. THEOREM 50t CONIC SECTIONS. THEQREM XIII. The three following Spaces, between the Asymptotes and the Curve, are equal ; namely, the Sector or 'J rihnear Space contained by an Arc of the Curve and two Radii, or Lines drawn from its Extremities to the Centre ; and each of the two (Quadrilaterals, contained by the said Arc, and two Lines drawn from its Extremities parallel to one Asymptote, and the intercepted Part of the other Asymp- tote. That is. The sector cae = paeg == qaek, all standing on the same arc ae. For, by theor. 12, cpaq = cgek ; subtract the conimon space CGiq, there remains the paral. pi = the par. ik ; to each add the trilineal iae, then the sum is the quadr. paeg = qaek. Again, from the quadrilateral caek take the equal triangles caq, cek, and there remains the sector cae = qaek. Therefore cae = qaek = paeg. ^. e. ©,. THEOREM XIV. The Sum or Difference of the Semi-transverse and a Line drawn from the Focus to any 1 oint in the Curve, is equal to a Fourth Proportional to the Semi-transverse, the Dis- tance from the Centre to the Focus, and the distance from the Centre to the Ordinate belonging to that Point of the Curve. That is, FE -}- AC = CI, or fe == ai; and /e — AC = ci, or /k = bi. Where ca : cf : : cd : ci the 4th propor. to ca, cf, cd. OF THE HYPERBOLA. 601 Pop, draw ag parallel and equal to ca the semi-conjugate ; and join cc meeting the ordinate de produced in h. Then, by theor. 2, ca^ : ag2 : : cd^ — ca^ : de2 ; and, by sim. As, ca^ : ag^ : : cd^ — ca^ : dh^ — ag^ ; consequently de^ = dh- — ag^ = dh^ — ca^. Also FD = CF GO CD, and fd^ = cf^ — 2cf . cd -f cd^ ; but, by right angled triangles, fd^ -\- de^ == fe^ ; therefore fe^ =cf2 — ca^ ,— 2cf . cd -|- cd^ -j- dh^. But by theor. 4, cf^ — ca^ = ca^, and, by supposition, 2cf . cd = 2ca . ci ; theref. fe^ =ca2 — 2ca . ci -{- cd^ -|- dh^. But, by supposition, ca^ : cd^ : : cf^ or ca^ -\- ag^ : ci^ ; and, by sim. As, ca^ : cd^ : : ca^ -f- ag^ : cd^ -|- dh^ ; therefore - ci^ =cd2 -|- dh^ =ch2 ; consequently - fe2=ca2 — 2ca . ci + ci^. And the root or side of this square is fe =ci — ca = ai. In the same manner is found /e = ci -|- ca = bi. q. e. d. Corol. From the demonstration it appears, that de^ = dh^ — Ao2 = dh^ — ca. Consequently dh is every where greater than de ; and so the asymptote cgh never meets the curve, though they be ever so far produced : but dh and de approach nearer and nearer to a ratio of equality as they recede farther from the vertex, till at an infinite distance they become equal, and the asymptote is a tangent to the curve at an infinite distance from the vertex. THEOREM XV. If a Line be drawn from either Focus Perpendicular to a Tangent to any Point of the curve ; the Distance of their Intersection from the Centre will be equal to the, Semi- transverse Axis. That is, if ep, fp be perpen- flicular to the tangent tp/), then shall cp and cp be each equal to CA or CB. 602 CONie SECTIONS. For, through the point of contact e draw fe and /e, meet- ing FP produced in g. Then, the ^gep = ^kep, being each equal to the Z/Ep, and the angles at p being right, and the side PE being common, the two triangles gep, fep are equal in all respects, and so ge = fe, and gp = fp. Therefore, since fp =iFG, and fc = 1f/, and the angle at f common, the side cp will be = ^/g or \ab. that is cp = ca or cb. ,, And in the same manner cp = ca of.cb. q. e. d. * Corol. 1. A circle described on the transverse axis as a diameter, will pass through the points p, p ; because all the lines, CA, cp, cp, cb, being equal, will be radii of the circle. Corol. 2. cp is parallel to/E, and cp parallel to fe. Corol. 3. If at the intersections of any tangent, with the circumscribed citcle, perpendiculars to the tangent be drawn, they will meet the transverse axis in the two foci. That is, the perpendiculars pf, pfgive the foci f,/. THEOREM XVI. The equal Ordinates, or the Ordinates at equal Distances fr. m the Centre, on the opposite Sides and Ends of an Hyperbola, have their Extremities connected by one Right Line passing through the Centre, and that Line is bisected by the Centre. That is, if cd = cg, or the ordinate dk = gh ; then shall CE = cH, and ech will be a right line. For, when cd = cg, then also is de == gh by cor. 2 theor. 1, But the Zd = Zg, being both right angles ; therefore the third side ce,= ch, and the Zdce = Z^CH, and consequently ech is a right line. Corol. 1. And, conversely, if ech be a right line passing through the centre ; then shall it be bisected by the centre, or have ce = ch ; also de will be = gh, and cd = cg. Corol. 2. Hence also, if two tangents be drawn to the two ends e, h of any diameter eh ; they will be parallel to each other, OF THE HYPERBOLA. 503 other, and will cut the axis at equal angleS) and at equal dis- tances from the centre. For, the two cd, ca being equal to the two CG, CB, the third proportionals ct,' cs will be equal also ; then the two sides ce, ct being equal to the two ch, cs, and the included angle ect equal to the included angle hcs, all the other corresponding parts are equal: and so the ^t . = ^s, and TE parallel to hs. Corol. 3. And hence the four tangents, at the four ex- tremities of any twe conjugate diameters, form a parallelogram inscribed between the hyperbolas, and the pairs of opposite sides are each equal to the corresponding parallel conjugate diameters. — For, if the diameter eh be drawn parallel to the tangent te or hs, it will be the conjugate to eh by the defi- nition ; and the tangents to eh will be parallel to each other, and to the diameter eh for the same reason. THEOREM XVn. If two Ordinates ED, ed be drawn from the Extremities e, c, of two Conjugate Diameters, and Tangents be drawn to the same Extremities, and meeting the Axis produced in t and R ; Then shall cd be a mean Proportional between cd^ Jr, and cd a mean Proportional between cd, dt. For, by theer. 7, cd : ca : : ca : ct, ■ and by the same, cd! : ca : : ca : cr j theref. by equahty, cd : cd : : cK : ct. But by sim. tri. dt : cd : : ct : cr ; the ef. by equality, cd : cd : : cd : dt. In like manner, cd : cb : : cd : dK. Corol. 1, Hence cd : cd : : CK : ct,. Corol. 2. Hence also cd : cd : : de : de. and the XQct. cd . de = cd . de, or A cde = A cde. Corol, 3. Also cd^ = cd . dt, and cd^ = cd . dK. Or cd a mean proportional between cd, dt ; and CD a mean proportional between cdy dn. Q. £. d. THEOREM 504 CONIC SECTION^^. THEOREM XVIIL The same Figure being constructed as in the last Proposition, each Ordinate will divide the Axis, and the Semi-axis add- ed to the external Part j^n the same Ratio. [See the last fig.] That is, DA : DT : : dc : DB, and ^A : dR : : dc : dB. For, by theor. 7, CD : CA : : CA : CT, and by div. CD : CA : : AD : AT, and by comp. CD : DB : : AD DT, or DA :' DT : : DC DB. In like manner, (Ia : dR : : dc dB. Corol. 1. Hence, and from cor. 3 to the last prop, it is, cd^ = CD . DT = AD . DB = CD^ CA^ , and cd . dR = Ad . ds = ca^ — cd^ . Corol. 2. Hence also ca^ = cd^ — cri^^andca^ =c?e2— de^. Corol. 3. Farther, because ca^ : ca^ : : ad . db or cd^ : be^. therefore ca : ca : : cd : de. likewise ca : ca : : cd : de. THEOREM XIX. If from any Point in the Curve there be drawn an Ordinate, and a Perpendicular to the Curve, or to the Tangent at that Point: Then the Dist. on the Trans, between the Centre and Ordinate, cd : Will be to the Dist. pa : : As Square of Trans. Axis : To Square of the Conjugate. That is, CA^ : ca^ : : DC : dp. For, by theor. 2, ca^ : ca^ : : ad . db : de^ , But, by rt. angled As? the rect. t» . bp = de^ ; and, by cor. 1 theor. 16, cd . dt = ad . db ; therefore - - ca^ : ca^ : : td . dc : td . dp, or - - . _ cA^ : ca^ : : do : dp q. e. d. THEOREM OF THE HYPERBOLA. 605 TUCO^EM XX. ff there be Two Tangents drawn, the One to the Extremity of the Transverse, and the other to the Extremity of any other Diameter, each meeting the other's Diameter pro- duced ; the two Tangential Tri?ingles so formed, will he equal. That is, the triangle get = the triangle can For, draw the ordinate de. Then By sim. triangles, cd : ca : : ce : cn ; bat, by theor. 7, cd : ca : : ca : ct ; theref. by equal, ca : ct : : ce : cn. The two triansjles cet, cav have then the angle c common, and the fiides about that angle reciprocally proportional : those triangles are therefore equal, viz. the A cet = can. q. k. b. Corol. 1. Take each of the equal tri. qkt, can, . from ttie common space cape, and -there remains the external A pat = ^ ^M^' Corol. 2. Also take the equal triangles cet, can, from the common triangle ced, and there remains the A ted = trapez. aned. THEOREM XXL The same being supposed as in the last Proposition ; then any Lines s^, gq, drawn parallel to the two Tangents » shall also cot o^ equal Spaces. That is, the A K^G = trapez. anhg. the A Kqg =; trapez. Ashg, For, draw the ordinate de. Then The three sim. triangles can, cde, cgh, " Vol. I. 6* ar« b06 CONIC SECTIONS. are to each other as ca^ , cd^ , cg^ ; th. by dlv. the trap, aned : trap, anhg : : cd^ — ca^ : cg^ — ca- , But, by theor. 1, de^ : cq,^ : : cd^ — ca^ : cg^ — ca» ; theref. by equ. trap, aned : trap, anhg : : de* : gq,2. But, by sim. As, tri. ted : tri. kqg : : de^ : gq* ; theref. by equal. aned : ted : : anhg : k^g. But, by cor. 2 theor. 20, the trap, aned = A ted ; and therefore the trap. anhg = A k^g. In like manner the trap. an^|: = A Kgg. q. e. d. Corol. 1. The three spaces anhg, tehg, kqg are all equal. Corol. 2. From the equals anhg, k^g, take the equals ANhg^ Kqg, and there i-emains ghuG = gq Hy. q. e. d. Corol. 1. In like manner, if any other line p h' q, parallel to cr or to pq, meet phq ; since the rectangles ph'q, p h q' are also in the same ratio of cr* to cr* ; therefore the rect. PHQ ; ptLq : : PH'Ci : pviq. Also, if another line p'^a' be drawn parallel to pq or cr ; because the rectangles p'/iq' plicf are still in the same ratio, therefore, in general the rectangle ph^ : pviq : : p'/ia' : ph^ . That is, the rectangles of the parts of two parallel lines, are to one another, as the rectangles of the parts of two other parallel lines, any where intersecting the former. CoTol. 2. And when any of the lines only touch the curve, instead of cutting it, the rectangles of such become squares, and the general property still attends them. That 510 CONIC SECTIONS. That is, cr2 : cr2 : : te^ : tc^, or CR : cr : : TE : tCj and CR : cr : : tE : te. Carol. 3. And hence te : tc : : iE, : te. THEOREM XXV. If a Line be drawn through any Point of the Curves, Parallel to either of the Axes, and terminated at the Asymptotes ; the Rectangle of its Segments, measured from that Point, will be equal to the Square of the Semi-axis to which it is parallel. That is, the rect. hek or hck = ca^ , aad rect. hEk or hek = ca^ . For, draw al parallel to ca, and ol to ca. Then ' by the parallels, ca^ : ca^ or al^ : : cd^ : dh^ ; and by the«>r. 2, ca^ : ca^ : : cd^ — ca^ : de^ ; theref. by subtr. ca^ : ca^ : : ca^ : dh^ — de^ or hek. But the antecedents ea^ , ca^ are equal, theref. the consequents ca^ ^ hek must also be equal. In like manner it is again, by the parallels, ca^ : ca^ or al^ : : cd^ : dh^ ; and by theor. 3, ca^ : ca^ : : cd^ -|- ca^ : dc ^ ; theref. by subtr. ca^ : ca^ : : ca^ : dc^ — dh^ or hck. But the antecedents ca^ , cas are the same, theref. the conseq. ca^ , hck must be equal. In like manner, by changing the axes, is fiEk or hek = ca^. Corol. 1. Because the rect. hek = the rect. hck. therefore eh : ch : : ck : ek. And consequently he : is always greater than ue. Corol. 2. The rectangle ^ ek = the rect. uEk. For, by sim. tri. eH : eh i : zk : ek. SCHOLIUM» OF THE HYPERBOLA. 511 SCHOLIUM. It is evident that this proposition is general for any Kne ob- lique to the axis also, namely, that the rectangle of the seg- ments of any line, cut by the curve, and terminated by the asymptotes, is equal to the square of the s^rui-diameter to which the line is parallel. Since the demonstration is drawn from properties that are common to all diameters. THEOREM XXVI. All the rectangles are equal which are made of the Segments of any Parallel Lines cut by the Curve, and hmited by the Asymptotes. That is, therect. hek = hck. and rect. hsk = hek. For, each of the rectangles hek or hck is equal to the square of the parallel semi-diameter cs ; and each of the rect- angles hKk or hek is equal to the square of the parallel semi- diameter ci. And therefore the rectangles of the segments of all parallel lines are equal to one another. Q. e. d. Corol 1. The rectangle mek being constantly the same, whether the point e is taken on the one side or the other of the point of contact i of the tangent parallel to hk, it follows that the parts he, ke, of any line hk, are equal. ' And because the rectangle hck is constant, whether the point e is taken in the one or the other of the opposite hyper- Solas, it follows, that the parts He, kc, are also equal. GoroL 2. And when hk comes into the position of the tan- ■ gent DiL, the last corollary becomes il = id, and im = in, and LM = DN. Hence also the diameter cir bisects all the parallels to dl, which are terminated by the asymptote, namely rh = rk. Corol. bit CONIC SECTIONS. CoroL 3. From the proposition, and the last corollary, it follows that the constant rectangle hek or ehe is = il^ . And the equal constant rect. hck or ene = mln or im^ — it^. CoroL 4. And hence il = the parallel semi-diameter C3> For, the rect. ehe = il^ , and the equal rect. ene = im^ — jl^, theref. il^ = im^ — il^ , or im^ = 2il^ ; but, by cor. 4 theor. 23, im^ — 2gs2, and therefore - - il = cs. And so the asymptotes pass through the opposite angles of all >the ioscribed parallelograms. THEOREM XXVII. The rectangle of any two Lines drawn from any Point in the Curve, Parallel to two given Lines, and Limited by the Asymptotes, is a Constant Qjaantity. That is, if ap, eg, di be parallels, as also AQ., EK, DM parallels, then shall the rect. paq = rect. gek = rect. JP^f . For, produce ke, md to the other asymptote at h, l. Then, by the parallels, he : ge : : ld : id ; but - - - BK : EK : : DM : DM ; theref. the rectangle hek : gek : : ldm : idm. But, by the last theor. the rect. hek = ldm ; and therefore the rect. gek = idm = paq. THEOREM XXVm. Every Inscribed Triangle, formed by any Tangent and the two Intercepted Parts of the Asymptotes, is equal to a Constant (Quantity ; namely Double the Inscribed Paral- lelogram. That OP THE HYPERBOLA. 2 paral. ox. 518 That is, the triangle cts For, since the tan«fent ts is bisected by the point of contact E, and EK.is parallel to to, and GE to cK ; therefore ck, ks, ge are all equal, as are also cg, gt, KE. Consequently the triangle .__ GTE = the triangle kes, and ' ^^ S each equal to half the constant inscribed parallelogram ck. And therefore the whole triangle cts, which is composed of the two smaller triangles and the parallelogram, is equal to double the constant inscribed parallelogram gk. q. e. d. THEOREM XXIX. If from the Point of ' Intersections of the Curve witii a Line parallel to the Tangent, three parallel Lines be drawn in any Direction, and terminated by either Asymptote ; those three Lines shall be in continued Proportion. That is, if hkm and the tangent il be parallel, then are the parallels dh, ei, gk in continued proportion For, by the parallels, ei : il : : dh : H»f ; and, by the same ei : il : : gk : km ; theref by compos, ei^ : il^ : : dh . gk : hmk ; but, by theor. 26, the rect. hmk = il^ ; and theref the rect. dh gk = ei^, ©r - - - dh : ei : : ei : gk. q. THEOREM XXX. Draw the semi-diameters ch, cin, ck *, Then shall the sector ©hi = the sector cik. Vol. I. For, 1^14 CONIC SECTIONS. For, becaujse hk and all its parallels are bisected by cm, therefore the triangle cnh = tri. cnk, and the seju^ment inh = seg ink ; consequently the sector cih = sec. cik. CoroL If the geometricals dh, ei, gk be parallel to the ©ther asymptote, the spnces i>hie, eikg will be equal ; for they are equal to the equal sectors chi, cik. So that by taking any geonietricals cd, ce, cg, &c. and drawing dh, ei, ok, kc. parallel to the other asymptote, a^ also the radii ch, ci, ck ; then the sectors chi, cik, &c. or the spaces DHiE, eikg, &,c. will be all equal among themselves. Or the sectors chi, chk, &c. or the sv>aces dhie, dhkg, &c. will be in arithmetical progression. And therefore these sectors, or Rpaces,»will be analogous to the logarithn^s of the lines or bases cd, ce, cg, kc. ; namely CHI or DHIE the log. of the ratio of GD to GE, or of CE to CG, &c. ; or of EI to DH, or of gk to Ei„&c. ; and ciiK or dhkg the log. of the ratio of CD to CG, &C. or of GK tO DH, &C. OF THE PARABOLA. THEOREM I. The Abscisses are Proportional to the Squares of their Ordinates. Let avm be a section through the axis of the cone, and agih a parabolic section by a plane per- pendicular to the former, and parallel to the side vm of the cone ; also let afh be the common intersection of the two planes, or the axis of the parabola, and fg, hi ordinates perpendicular to it. Then it will be, as af : ah : : fg^ : hi^. t'or, through the ordinates fg, hi draw the circular sec- tions, KGL, Miw, parallel to the base of the cone, having kl, OF THE PARABOLA. £16 MN for their diameters, to which fg, hi are ordinates, as well as to the axis of the parabola. *c Then, hy similar triangles, af : ah : : fl : hw ; but, because of the parallels, kf = mh ; therefore - - - af : ah : : kf . fl : mh . hw. But, by the circle, kf . fl = fg", and mh . hn = hi^ ; Therefore - - - af : ah : : fg : hi^. q. e. o. fg3 hi* Corol. Hence the third proportional or is a constant af ah quantity, and is equal to the parameter of the axis by defin, 16. Or AF : fg : : FG : p the parameter Or the rectangle p . af = fq^. THEOREM U. As the Parameter of the Axis : Is to the Sum of any Two Ordinates : : So is the Difffirence of those Ordmates : To the Difference of their Abscisses : J ^--n L '^ / ^ N d ] t V That is, F : GH -|- DE : : gh — de ; Or, p : Ki : : ih : is. For, by cor. theor, 1, p . ag = gh^, and - - - p . AD = de2 theref by subtraction, p . dg = gh" — de^ Or, - - - p . dg = KI . IH, therefore - - p : ki : : ih : dg or ef. therefore m is the middle of eh. And, for the same reason, all its parallels are bisected. Q. E. D. ScHOL. Hence, as the abscisses of any diameter and their ordinates have the same relations as those of the axis, namely, that the ordinates are bisected by the diameter, and their squares proportional to the abscisses ; so all the other pro- perties of the axis and its ordinates and abscisses, before de- monstrated, will likewise hold good for any diameter and its ordinates and abscisses. And also those of the parameters, understanding the parameter of any diameter, as a third proportional to any absciss and its ordinate. Some of the most material of which are demonstrated in the following theorems. THEOREM Xn. The Parameter of any Diameter is equal to four Times the Line drawn from the Focus to the Vertex of that Dia- meter. That is, 4fc = p, the param. of the diam. cm. For, draw the ordinate ma parallel to the tangent ct ; also CD, MN perpendicular to the axis an, and fh perpendicular to the tangent ct. Then the abscisses ad, cm or at, being equal, by theor. 6, the parameters will be as the squares of the ordinates cd, ma or CT, by the definition ; that is, - - p : p : But, by sim. tri. - fh : ft : therefore - - p : p : But, by cor. 2, th. 6, fh^ =fa . therefore - - p : p : or, by equality - p : p : But, CD^ : CT^. : CD CT ; FH3 : ft2. ft ; FA . FT : ft FA : ft orFc But, by theor. 3, and therefore - op THE PARABOLA. p = 4fa, p = 4ft or 4fc. 523 q,. E. D. Corel. Hence the parameter p of the diameter cm is equal to 4fa -f 4ad, or to p -i- 4ad, that is, the parameter of the axis added to 4 Az>. THEOREM Xni. If an Ordinate to any Diameter, pass through the Focus, it will be equal to Half its Parameter ; and its Absciss equal to One Fourth of the same Parameter. That is, CM = ^p, and ME = |p« For, join fc, and draw the tangent ct. By the parallels, cm =. ft ; and, by theor. 6, fc = ft ; also, by theor. 12, fc = Jp ; therefore - - cm = ip, . Again, by the defin. cm or |p : me : : me : p, and consequently me = ^p = 2cm. ft* e. d. CoroL 1. Hence, of any diameter, the double ordinate which passes through the focus, is equal to the parameter, or to quadruple its absciss. CoroL 2. Hence, and from cor. 1 to theor. 4, and theor. 6 and 12, it appears, that if the directrix gh be drawn, and any lines he, he, pa- rallel to the axis ; then e?ery parallel he will be equal to ef, or ^ of the parameter of the diameter to the point e. THEOREM 524 CONIC SECTIONS. THEOREM XIV. If there be a Tangent, and any Line drawn from the Point of Contact and meetinfic the Curve in some other Point, as also another Line parallel to the Axis, and limited by the First Line and the Tangent : then shall the Curve divide this Second Line in the same Ratio, as the Second Line divides the first Line. That is, IE : EK : : ck : kl. For, draw lp parallel to ij£, or to the axis. Then by theor. 8, ie : pl : : ci2 : cp^, or, by sim. tri. - ie : pl : : ck^ : cl^ . Also, by sim. tri. ik : pl : : ck : cl, or - - - IK : PL : : ck^ : ck . cl ; therefore by equality, ie : ik : : ck : cl : cl^ ; or, - - - IE : IK : : CK : CL ; and, by division, ie : ek : : ck : kl. CoroL When ck = kl, then ie = ek = ^ik. Q. E. D. THEOREM XV. If from any Point of the Curve there be drawn a Tangent, and also Two Right Lines to cut the Curve ; and Dia- meters be drawn through the Points of Intersection e and L, meeting those Two Right Lines in two other Points g,. and K ; Then will the Line kg joining these last Two Points be parallel to the Tangent. For, OF THE PARABOLA. 625 Fbm, by theor. 14, ck : kl : : ei : ek ; and by composition, ck : cl : : ei : ki ; and by the parallels ck : cl : : gh : lh ; But, by sim. tri. - ck : cl : : Jti : lh ; theref. by equal. - ki : lh : : gh : lh ; cont^equently - ki «= gh, and therefore - kg is parallel and equal to ih. THEOREM XVI. If an Ordinate be drawn to the Point of Contact of any Tangent, and another Ordinate produced to cut the Tan- gent ; It will be, as the Difference of the Ordinates : Is to the Difference added to the external Part : : So is Double the first Ordinate : To the Sum of the Ordinates. That is, KH : KI : : KL : kg. T IH K. Ja & For, by cor. 1 theor. 1, p : dc : : dc : da. and - - - p : 2dc : : do : dt or 2da. But, by sim. triangles, ki : kc : : dc : dt ; therefore by equality, p : 2dc : ; ki : kc, or, - - - p : KI : : KL : kc. Again, by theor. 2, p : kh : : kg : kc ; therefore by equality, kh : ki : : kl : kg. q. e. d. Coroh 1. Hence, by composition and division, it is, kh : KI : : GK : gi, and hi : hk : : hK : kl, also IH : IK : : IK : ig ; that is, IK is a mean proportional between ig and ih. €orol. 2. And from this last property a tangent can easily be drawn to the curve from any given point i. Namely, draw iHG perpendicular to the axis, and take ik a mean proportion- al between ih, ig ; then draw kc parallel to the axis, and c will be the point of contact, through which and the given point I the tangent le is to be drawn. THEOREM 526 CONIC SECTIONS. THEOREM XVn. If a Tangent cut any Diameter produced, and if an Ordinate • to that Diameter be drawn from the Point of Contact ; then the Distance in the Diameter produced, between the Vertex and the Intersection of the Tangent, will be equal to the Absciss of that Ordinate. For, by the last th. ie ; ek : : ck : kl. But, by theor. 1 1 , CK = KL, ' and therefore ie = ek. Corol. 1. The two tangents ci, li, at the extremities of any double ordinate cl, meet in the same point of the diame- ter of that double ordinate produced. And the diameter drawn through the intersection of two tangents, bisects the line connecting the points of contact. Corol, 2. Hence we have another method of drawing a tangent from any given point i without the curve, Namely, from I draw the diameter ik, in which take ek = ei, and through K draw cl parallel to the tangent at e ; then c and l are the points to which the tangents must be drawn from i. THEOREM XVIII. If a Line be drawn from the Vertex of any Diameter, to cut the Curve in some other Point, and an Ordinate of that Diameter be drawn to that Point, as also another Ordinate any where cutting the Line, both produced if necessary : The Three will be continual Proportionals, namely, the two Ordinates and the Part of the Latter hmited by the said Line drawn from the Vertex. Ml That is, DE, GH, Gi are / '^p.-.TX i=^^r continual proportionals^ or /^ '"^^^];^m DE : GH : : GH : gi. / Ti"-^ O \^ For, by theor. 9, - - - de^ : gh2 : : AD : AG ; and, by sim. tri. - - - de : GI : : AD : AG; theref. by equality, - - de ; GI : : de3 : GH3 ; that is, of the three de, gh, gi, 1st : : 3d : : lst2 : U^; therefore » - - ist :2d :: 2d : 3d, that is, - - - - DE : : GH : : GH ; : GI. Q. E^ d. Corol, OF THE PARABOLA. 527 Corol, 1. Or tbeir equals, gk, gh, gi, are proportionals ; where ek is parallel to the diameter ad. . CoroL 2. Hence it is db : ag : : p : gi, where p is the paranaeter, or ag : gi : : de : p. For, by the defin. ag : gh : : gh : p. Corol. 3. Hence also the three mn , aii, mo, are proportion- als, where mo is parallel to the diameter, and am parallel to the ordinates. For, by theor. 9, - mn, mi, mo, or their equals - ap, ag, ad, are as the squares of pn, gh, de, or of their equals gi, gh, gk, which are proportionals by cor. 1 . THEOREM XIX. If a Diameter cut any Parallel Lines terminated by the Curve : the Segments of the diameter will be as the Rectangle of the Segments of those Lines. That is, EK : EM : : GK . KL : NM . MO. Or, EK is as the rectangle ck . kl. For, draw the diameter PS to which the parallels CL, NO are ordinates, and ' the ordinate e^ parallel to them, Then ck is the differ- ence, and KL the sum of the ordinates eq, cr ; also NM the difference, and mo the sum of the ordinates eq, ns. And the differences of the abscisses, are ^r, %s, or ek, em. Then by cor. theor. 9, ^r : ^s : : ck . kl : nm . mo, that is - - ek : em : : CK . KL ; NM . mo. Corol. 1. The rect. ck . kl = rect. EKand the param. of ps. For the rect. ck . kl = rect q.r and the param. of ps. Corol. 2. If any line cl be cut by two diameters, ke, gh ; the rectangles of the parts of the line, are as the segments of the diameters. For EK is as the rectangle ck . kl. and GH is as the rectangle ch . hl ; therefore ek : gh : : ck . kl : ch . hl. CoroL 528 CONIC SECTIONS. Corol. 3. If two parallels, cl, no, be cot by two diame- ters, EM, Gi ; the rectangles of the parts of the parallels, will be as the segments of the respective diameters. For - - ' - EK : EM : : CK . KL : NM . mo, and - - - EK : GH : : CK . KL : CH . hl, theref. by equal. em : gh : : nm . mo : ch . hl. Corol. 4. When the parallels come into the position of the tangent at p, their two extremities, or points in the curve unite in the point of contact p ; and the rectangle of the parts be- comes the square of the tangent, and the same properties still follow them. So that, Ev : pv : : fv : p the param. gw : pw : : pw : p, EV : gw : : pv^ : pw^, EV : GH : : pv^ : ch . HLi THEOREM XX. If two Parallels intersect any other two Parallels ; the Rect- angles of the Segments will be respectively Proportional. That i&, CK . KL : DK . ke : : gi . ih : ni . lo. For, by cor. 3 theor. 23, pk : qi : : ck . kl : gi . ih ; and by the same, pk : qi : : dk : ke . ni . lo ; theref. by equal, ck . kl : dk : ke : : gi . ih : ni . lo. Corol. When one of the pairs of intersecting lines comes into the position of their parallel ttingents, n»eeting and limit- ing each other, the rectangles of their segments become the squares of their respective tangents. So that the constant ratio of the rectangles, is that of the square of their parallel tangents, namely, CK . KL : pK . KE : : tan^ . parallel to cl : tang^ . parallel to de, THEOREM XXI. If there be Three Tangents intersecting 6ach other ; Segments will be in the same Proportion. their That OF THE PARABOLA. 629 That is, Gi r ih : For, through the points 9, I, D, H, draw the diame- ters GK, iL, DM, HN ; as also the lines ci, ei, which are doahle ordinates to the diameters gk, hn, by cor. 1 theor. 16 ; therefore the diameters gk, bm, hn, bisect the lines cl, ce, le ; kence km = cm — ck = ^ce — ^cl =,4le = ln or ne, and MN = ME — NE -— iCE — iLE = ^CL = CK Or KL. But, by parallels, gi : ih : : kl : ln, and - - cg : gd : : CK : km, also - - DH : HE : : MN : ne. But the 3d terms ki, ck, mn are all equal ; as also the 4th terms ln, km, ne. Therefore the first and second terms, in all the lines, are proportional, namely gi : ih : : cg : gd : : dh : he. q. e. d. THEOREM XXII. If a Rectangle be described about a Parabola, having the same Base and Altitude ; and a diagonal Line be drawn from the Vertex to the Extremity of the Base of the Para- bola, 'forming a right-angled Triangle, of the same Base and Altitude also ; then any Line or Ordinate drawn across the three Figures, perpendicular to the Axis, will be cut m Continual Proportion by the Sides of those Figures. A, I I > That is, ep : eg : : eg : eh. Or, EF, eg, eh, are in con- tinued proportion. For, by theor. 1 , ab : ae : and, by sim. tri. - ab : ae : theref. of equality, - ep : bc : that is - - - EF : EH : theref. by Geom. th. 78, ef, eg, eh are proportionals, •r • - - - EP : EG : ; eg : eh. q,. V©B. r. 68 THBORJEJMt 53t CONIC SECTIONS, THEOREM XXm. The Area or Space of a Parabola, is equal to Two-Thirds of its Circumscribing Parallelogram. That is, the space abcga = | abcd ; or the space adcga = i abcd. ^OR, conceive the space adcga to be composed of, or divided into, indetiuitely small parts, by lines parallel to DC or AB, such as ig, which divide ad into like small and equal parts, the number or sum of which is expressed by the line AD. Then, by the parabc •la, Bcs : eg2 : : AB ; : AE, that is, AD2 : Ai2 : : DC ; : IG. Hence it follows, that any one of these narrow parts, as ic IG, is = X Ai2 ; hencej ad and dc being given or AD3 constant quantities, it appears that the said parts ig, &c are proportional to ai^, &c. or proportional to a series of square numbers, whofee roots are in arithmetical progression, and the DC area adcga equal to drawn into the sum of such a seriqs AD2 of arithmeticals, the number of which is expressed by ad. Now, by the remark at pag. 227 this vol. the sum of the squar es of such a series of arithmeticals, is expressed by ^n .. w-fl. 2n-j-l» where n denotes the number of them. In the present case, n represents an infinite number, and then the two factors n -f 1, 2n -|- 1, become only n and 2n, omitting the 1 as inconsiderable in respect of the infinite number n : hence the expression above becomes barely |n . » . 2w = in^. To apply this to the case d^ove : n will denote ad or bc ; and the sum of all the ai^'s becomes i ad^ or i bc^ ; conse- DC DC quently the sum of all the X Ai2's,is X | ad^ = AD2 Ad3 l AD DC = i bd, which is the area of the exterior part adcga.^ That is, the said exterior part adcga, is i of the parallelo- gram ABCD : and consequently the interior part abcga is f if the same parallelogram. 9.- e. d. Corel* OF THE PARABOLA. 531 Coral. The part afcga, inclosed between the cnrve and the right liae afc, is ^ of the same parall^lograoi, bcina; the difference between abcga ami the triangle abcfa, that is be« tween | aad i of the parallelugram. THEOREM XXIV. The Solid Content of a Paraboloid (or Solid generated by the Rotation of a Parabola about its Axis), is equal to Half its Circumscribing Cylinder. Let ABC be a paraboloid, generated by the rotation of the parabola ac about its axis ad. , Suppose the axis ad be divided into an infinite number of equal parts, throu2;h which let cir- cular planes pass, as efg, all those circles making up the whole solid paraboloid. Now if c = the number 3-1416, then 2c X fg is the circumference of the circle BFG whose radius is fg ; there- fore c X fg2 is the area of that circle. But, by cor. theor. 1, Parabola p X af = fg*, where p denotes the parameter of tke parabola ; consequently pc X a? will also express the same circular section eg, and therefore pc X the sum of all the af's will be the sum of all those circular sections, or the whole content of the solid, para- boloid. But all the af's foroi an arithmetical progression, begin- ning at or nothing, and having the greatest t<^rm and the sun^ of all the terras each expressed by the whole axis ad. And since the sum of all the terras of such a prog^ression, is equal to 5 AD X ad or i ad^ half the product of the greatest term and the number of terms ; therefore i ad^ is equal to the sum of all the af's, and consequently pc X i ad^, or ^ c X /? X ad2, is the sum of all the circular sections, or the eontent of the paraboliod. DC? But, by the parabola, p : dc : : dc : ad, orp = ; con.- AD sequently ^ c X p ^^ ad^ becomes i c X ^d X dc^ for the solid content of the paraboloid. B it c X ad X dc^ is equal to the cylinder bcih ; consequently the paraboloid is the half of its circumscribing cylinder. ^. k. s. THBORKBJE 5S2 CONIC SECTIONS. THEOREM XXV. The Solidity of the Frustum begc of the Paraboloid, is equal to a Cylinder whose Height is df, and its Base Half the Sum of the two Circular Bases eg, bc. For, by the last theor. ^pc X ad^ = the solid abc, and, by the same, z P^ ^ ^^^ ~ ^^® ^^^^^ '*^^^» theref the diflf, , i/'c X (ad2 —AF2)=the frust. begc. But AD2 AF2 = DF X(aD -{- Af), theref -k P^ ^ o* ^ (ad 4- AF)=the frust begc. But, by the parab. p X ad = rJc^ , and p X af = fgs j theref. i c X df X (dc2 -j- fg2) = the frust begc. Q. E. ©, ON THE CONIC SECTIONS AS EXPRESSED BY ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, CALLED THE EQUATIONS OF THE CURVE. 1 For the Ellipse, Let d denote ab, the transverse, or any diameter ; c = iH its conjugate ; X = AK, any absciss, from the extremity of the diam. y =3 DK the correspondent ordirtate. Then, theor. 2, ab^ : hi^ : : ak . kb : dk^, that is, d^ : c^ : : x [d^ x) : 2/^, hence d^ y^ = c^ {dar—x^)^ or dy =^ c ^ {dx — x^), the equation of the curve. And from these equations, any one of the four letters or quantities, because here the abscisses lie beyond or without the transverse diameter, whereas they lie between or upon them in the ellipse. Thus, making the same notation for the whole diameter, conjugate, absciss, and ordinate; as at first in the el- lipse ; then, the one absciss ak being x, the other bk will be d -h JT, which in the ellipse was d—x; so the sign of x most be changed in the general property and equation, by which it becomes d^ : c^ : : x (^d-}- x) : y^ : hence d^y- = c^ (dx -\- x^) and dy = c ^ (^dx -{- x^), the equation of the curve. Or, usingp the parameter as before, it is, d : p : : x (d-\- x): y^f or dy^ ^= p {dx '\- x^), another form of the equation to the curve. Otherwise^ by using the same letters c?, c, jo, for the halves of the diameters and parameter, and x for the absciss ck counted from the centre ; then is ak = x — rf, and bk = x-\-d, and the property d^ : c^ : : . (x — d) y. {x -{■ d) : y^, j^ives d2y2 = c3 (a;2 — d^), or dy^c^{x^ — d'^), where the signs of d^ and x^ are changed from what they were in the ellipse. Or again, using the semiparameter, d : p : : x^ — d^ : y^^ and dy^ = p (x^ — rfa^ the equation of the curve. But for the conjugate hyperbola, as in the figure to theo- rem 3, the signs of both x^ and d^ will be positive ; for the property in that theorem being ca^ ; cos : -. cd^ -f ca^ .- T>e^^ ' '' it «34 come SECTIONS. it is ds : cs : .- x^ -\- d^ : y^ = j>e^ , or d^y^ =c3 {x^ + d^), and dy =^ c y/ {x^ -\- rf^), the equation to the conjugate hyperbola. Or, as c^ : p : : a;3 -\. d^ : y^ , and dy" = p {x^ -f d^), also the equation to the same curve. On the Equation to the Hyperbola between the Asymptotes. \ Let CE and cb be the two as}?mptotes to the hyperbola dro, its vertex being f, and EF, bd, AF, BD, ordinates parallel to the asymptotes. Put af or ef = a. cb = x, and BD = y. Then, by theor 28, af ef = ee . BD, or a^ = xy, the equation to the hyperbola, when the abscisses and ordinates are taken parallel to the asymptotes. 3. For the Parabola* C b AB If x denote any absciss beginning at the verteir, and y its ordinate, also p the parameter. Then, by cor. theorem 1, AK : KD : : KD : p, or x : y : : y : p i hence px = y^ is th^ i^uation to the parabola. 4. For the Circle. Because the circle is only a species of the ellipse, in which the two axes are equal to each other ; therefore, making the two diameters d and c equal in the foregoing equations to the ellipse, they become i/^ =. dx — x^ , when the absciss a: beg^ins at the vertex of the diameter : and y^ = d^-^x^, when the absciss begins at the centre. Scholium. In every one of these equations, we perceive that they rise to the 2d or quadratic degree, or to two dimensions ; which is also the number of points in which every one of these curves may be cut by a right line. Hence it is also that these four curves are said to be lines of the 2d order. And these four are all the lines that are of that order, ev^^ry other curve be- ing of some higher, or having some higLer equation, or may he cut in more points by a right line. TELEMENTS t 63S1 fiLEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. I>cf. 1. When a rariable quantity has its mutations regu- lated by a certain law, or confined within certain limits, it ii called a maximum when it has reached the greatest magni- tude it can possibly attain ; and, on the contrary, when it has arrived at the least possible magnitude, it is called a minimum, Def. 2. Isoperimeters, or Isoperimetrical figures j are th«se which have equal perimeters. Def. 3. The Locus of any point, or intersection, &c. is the right line or curve in which these are always situated. The problem in which it is required to find, among figures of the same or of different kinds, those which within equal perimeters, shall comprehend the greatest surfaces, has long engaged the attention of mathematicians. Since the admira- ble invention of the method of Fluxions, this problem has been elegantly treated by some of the writers on that branch of analysis ; especially by Maclaurin and Simpson. A much more extensive problem was investigated at the time of " the war of problems," between the two brothers John and James Bernoulli : namely, " To find, among all the isoperimetri- cal curves between given limits, such a curve, that construct- ing a second curve, the ordinates of which shall be functions of the ordinates or arcs of the former, the area oi the se- cond curve shall be a maximum or a minimum." While, how- ever, the attention of mathematicians was drawn to the most abstruse inquiries connected with isoperimetry the elements of the subject were lost sight of Simpson was the first who call- ed them back to this interesting branch of research, by giving in his neat little book of Geometry a chapter on the maxima and minima of geometrical quantities, and some of the sim- plest problems concerning isoperimeters. The next whcr treated this subject in an elementary manner was Simon Lhuil- lier, of Geneva, who in 1782, published his treatise De Rela- tione mutua Capacitatis et Terminorum Figu^arum^ &c. His principal object in the composition of that work was to supply the deficiency in this respect which he found in most of the elementary Courses, and to determine, with regard to both, the most usual surfaces and solids, those which possessed the minimum of contour with the same capacity ; and, recipro- cally, the maximum of capacity with the same boundary. M. Legendre has also considered the same subject in a manner somewhat different from either Simpson or Lhuiilier, in his JBUsnents dt Qeomitrie. Aa elegant geonaetriGal tract, on the. 536 ELEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRT. same subject, was also given, by Dr. Horsley, in the Philo«. Trans, vol. 76, for 1775 ; contained also in the New Abridg- ment, vol 13, page 653. The chief propositions deduced by these four geometers, together with a few additional proposi- tions, are reduced into one system in the following theorems. SECTION I. SURFACES. THEOREM I. Of all Triangles of the same Base, and whose Vertices fall in a right Line given in Position, the one whose Perimeter is a Minimum is that whose sides are equally inclined t* that Line. Let AB be the common base of a series of triangles abc*. ABC, &c. whose vertices c', c, fall in the right line lm, given in position, then is the triangle of least perimeter that whose sides ac, bc, are q, inclined to the line lm in equal angles. w ' For, let BM be drawn from b, per- pendicularly to LxM, and produced till DM = BM : join AD, and from the point c where ad cuts lm draw bc : also, from any other point cV assumed in lm, draw c a, c'b, c'd. Then the triangles dmc, BMC, having the angle dcm = angle acl (th. 7 Geom.) = mob (by hyp.) dmc = bmc, and dm = bm, and mc commoa to both, have also dc = bc ("th. 1 Geom.). So also, we have c'b = c b. Hence ac -f- cb = ac -|- cb paB AD, is less than ac' + c'd (theor. 10 Geom.), or than its equal ac' + c'b. And consequently, ab -f- bc + ac is lesi than AB 4* Bc' + Ac'. q e. d. Cor. 1. Of all triangles of the same base and the same al- titude, or of all equal triangles of the same base, the isoscele§ triangle has the smallest perimeter. For, the locus of the vertices of all triangles of the same altitude will be a right line lm parallel to the base ; and when lm in the above figure becomes parallel to ab, smce mcb == ACL, MCB = cba (th. 12 Geom.), acl = cab ; it follow* that CAB = cba, and consequently ac = cb (th. 4 Geom.). Cor. 2. Of all triangles of the same surface, that which Kas the minimum perimeter is equilateraL For SURFACES. SSV Pop the triangle of the smallest perimeter, with the same surface, must be isosceles, whichever of the sides be consider- ed as base : therefore, the triangle of smallest perimeter hag each two or each pair of its sid^s equal, and consequently it is ^uilateral. Cor. 3 Of all rectilinear figures, with a given magnitude and a given number of sides, that which has the smallest pe« rimeter is equilateral. For so long as any two adjacent sides are not equal, we may draw a diagonal to become a base to those two sides, and then draw an isosceles triangle equal to the triangle so cut off, but «f less perimeter : whence the corollary is manifest. Scholium. To illustrate the second corollary above, the student may proceed thus : assuming an isosceles triangle whose base is not equal to either of the two sides, and then, taking for a nev9 base one of those sides of that triangle, he may construct an- other isosceles triangle equal to it, but a smaller perimeter. Afterwards, if the base and sides of this second isosceles tri- angle are not respectively equal, he may construct a third isosceles triangle equal to it, but of a still smaller perimeter : and so ob, by performing these successive operations, he will find that all the triangles will approach nearer and nearec* to an equilateral triangle. THEOREM n. f)f all Triangles of the Same Base, and of Equal Perimetert^ the Isosceles Triangle has the Greatest Surface. Let ABC, ABD, be two triangles of the same l^ase AB and with equal perimeters, of which the one abc is isosceles, the other is not : then the triangle abc has a surface (or an altitude) greater than the surface (or than the altitude) of the triangle abd. Draw CD through d, parallel to ab, to A E B cut CE (drawn perpendicular to ab) in c : then it is to be de- monstrated that CE is greater than c'e. The triangles ac b, adb, are equal both in base and altitude ; but the triangle ac'b is isosceles, while adb is scalene : there- fore the triangle ac'b has a smaller perimeter than the triangle ADB (th. 1 cor. 1), or than acb (by hyp.) Consequently xff Vol. f. ea . Cor. Of all isoperirpetrical figures, of which the number of sides is given, that which is the greatest has all its sides equal. And in particular, of all isoperimetrical triangles, that whose surface is a maximum, is equilateral. For, so long as any two adjacent sides are not equal, the sur- face may be augmented without increasing the perimeter. Remark. Nearly as in this theorem may it be proved that, of all triangles of equal heights, and of which the sum of the two sides is equal, that which is isosceles has the great- est base. And, of all triangles standing on the same base and having equal vertical angles, the isosceles one is the greatest. THEOREM m. Of all Right Lines that can be drawn through a Given Point, between Two Right Lines Given in Position, that which is Bisected by the Given Point forms with the other two Lines the Least Triangle. Of all right lines gd, ab, GD^that can be drawn through a given point p to cut the right lines ca, cd, given in position, that ab, which is bisect- ed by the given point p, forms with CA, CD, the least triangle, abc. For, let EE be drawn through a G.%/g -"' parallel to cd, meeting dg (produ- E ced if necessary) in e : then the triangles pbd, pae, are man- ifestly equiangular ; and, since the corresponding sides pb, pa are equal, the triangles are equal also. Hence pbd will be less or greater than pag, according as cg is greater or less than CA. In the former case, let pacd, which is common, be added to both ; then will bac be less than dgc (ax. 4 Geom.), In the latter case, if pgcb be added, dcg will be greater than bag;' and consequently in this case also bag is less than DCG« Q. E. D. Cor. If PM and pn be drawn parallel to cb and ca re- spectively, the two triangles pam, pen, will be equal, and * When two ipathematical quantities are separated by the charac- ter < . it denotes that the preceding quantity is less than the succeed- ing one : when, on the contrary, the sepaj-ating character is >, it de- notes that the preceding quantity is greater than the succeeding one. these SURFACES. 639 these two taken together (since am = pn = mc) will be equal to the parallelogram pmcn : and consequently the parallelo- gram PMCN is equal to half abc, but less than half dgc. From which it follows (consistently with both the algebraical and geometrical solution of prob 8, Application of Algebra to Geometry), that a parallelogram is always less than half a triangle in which it is inscribed, except when the base of the one is half the base of the other, or the height of the former half the height of the latter ; in which case the parallelogram is just half the triangle : this being the maximum parallelo- gram inscribed in the triangle. Scholium. From the preceding corollary it might easily be shown; that the least triangle which can possibly be described about, and the greatest parallelogram which can be inscribed in, any curve concave to its axis, will be when the subtangejnt is equal to half the base of the triangle, or to the whole base of the parallelogram : and that the two figures will be in the ratio of 2 to I. But this is foreign to the present enquiry. THEOREM IV. Of all Triangles in which two Sides are Given in Magnitude, the Greatest is that in which the two Given Sides are Per- pendicular to each other. For, assuming for base one of the given sides, the surface is proportional to the perpendicular let fall upon that side, from the opposite extremity of the other given side : there- fore, the surface is the greatest when* that perpendicular is the greatest; that is to say, when the other side is not in- clined to that perpendicular, but coincides with it : hence the surface is a maximum when the two given sides are perpendi- cular to each other. Otherwise, Since the surface of a triangle, in which two sides are given, is proportional to the sine of the angle in- cluded between those two sides ; it follows, that the triangle is the greatest when that sine is the greatest ; but the greatest sine is the sine total, or the sine of a quadrant ; therefore the two sides given make a quadrantal angle, or are perpendicular to each ether. q. e. d. THBOREAf 64a ELEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. THEOREM V. Of 1^11 Rectilinear Figures in which all the Sides except oue are known, the Greatest is that which may be Inscribed in a Semicircle whose diameter is that Unknown Side. For, if you suppose the contrary to be the case, then when-, ever the figure made with the sides given, and the side un- known is not inscribable in 2l semicircle of which this latter is the diameter, viz. whenever any one of the angles, formed by lines drawn from the extremities of the unknown side to one of the summits of the figure, is not a right angle ; we may make a figure greater than it, in which that angle shall be right, and which shall only differ from it in that respect : therefore, whenever all the angles formed by right lines drawn from the several vertices of the figure to the extremi- ties of the unknown line, are not right angles, or do not fall in the circumfereace of a semicircle, the figure is not in its maximum state. ft. e. dv THEOREM VI. Of all Figures made with sides Given in Number and Mag- nitude, that which may be Inscribed in a Circle is the Greatest. Let ABCDEFG be the y polygon inscribed, and jS^^zr^ a ■/^"^"'^^^'^(^ abcdefg a polygon with ^yf^^^^^^^^^^^ / equal sides, but not in- ( ■ r\ %\ ti- ^^n ecribable in a circle ; j^tl.......""-- -v -^i? \ /^ ^othatAB=a6,Bc — 6c, u^ ij V &c.; it is affirmed thafe ^''^i::^-.^,^'^ ^^^„„^b the polygon abcdepg <-^ ^ is greater than the polygon ahcdefg. Draw the diameter ep ; join ap, pb ; upon al? ^^ ab make the triangle abp, equal in all respects to abp ; and join ep. Then, of the two figures edcbp^ p(^gf^^ one at least is not (by hyp ) inscribable in the semicircle of which ep is the diame- ter. Consequently, one at least of these two figures is smaller than the corresponding part of the figure apbcdefg (th. 5). Therefore the figure apdcdefg is greater than the figure apbcdefg : and if from these there be taken away the respec- tive triangles apb, apbj which are equal by construction, there will remain (ax 5 Geom.) the polygoa abcdefg greater than fho volygon abcdefg, q. e. d. ■* "^ ^ THEOREM SURFACES, 041 THEOREM Vll. *l?he Magnitude of the Greatest Polygon which can be con- taiaed under any number of Unequal Sides, does not at all depend on the Order in which thoae Lines are connected with each other. For, since the polygon is a maximum under given sides, it is inscribable in a circle (th. 6) And this inscribed polygon is constituted of as many isosceles triangles as it has sides, those aides forming the bases of the respective triangles, the other sides of all the triangles being radii of the circle, and their common summit the centre of the circle. Consequently, the magnitude of the polygon, that is, of the assemblage of these triangles, does not at all depend on their disposition, or arrangement round the common centre. q.. e. 0. THEOREM VHL If a Polygon Inscribed in a Circle have all its Sides Equal, all its Angles are likewise Equal, or it is a Regular Polygon. For, if lines be drawn from the several angles of the poly- gon, to the centre of the circumscribing circle, they will divide the polygon into as many isosceles triangles as it has sides ; and each of these isosceles triangles will be equal to either of the others in all respects, and of course they will have the angles at their bases all equal : consequently, the angles of the polygon, which are each made up of two angles at the bases of two contiguous isosceles triangles, will be equal to one another. q. e. d. THEOREM IX. Of all Figures having the Same Number of Sides and Equ al Perimeters, the Greatest is Regular. For, the greatest 6gure under the given conditions has all >9ides equal (th. 2. cor.). But since the sum of the sides and the number of them are given, each of them is given : there- fore (th. 6), the figure is inscribable in a circle : and conse- quently (th. 8) all its angles are equal ; that is, it is regular. Q. E. D. Cor. Hence we see that regular polygons possess the pro- perty of a maximum of surface, when compared with any «Cher figures of the same aame and with equal perimeters. THEOREM 642 ELEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. THEOREM X. A Regular Polygon has a Smaller Perimeter than an Irregular one Equal to it in Surface, and having the Same Number of Sides. This is the converse of the preceding theorem, and may be demonstrated thus : Let r and i be two figures equal in surface and having the same number of sides, of which r is regular, i irregular : let also r' be a regular figure similar to r, and hav- ing a perimeter equal to that of i. Then (th. 9) r' > i ; but I «« r ; therefore r' > r. But r' and a are similar ; conse- quently, perimeter of r > perimeter of r ; while per. r' = per. I {hy hyp). Hence, per. i > per. r. q. e. d. THEOREM XI. The Surfaces of Polygons, Circumscribed about the Same or Equal Circles, are respectively as their Perimeters*. I> Let the polygon abcd be circumscribed about the circle efgh ; and let this polygon be divided into triangles, by lines drawn from its several angles to the centre o of the circle. Then, since each of the tan- gents, AB, Bc, &c. is perpendicular to its corresponding radius oe, of, &c. drawn to the point of con- tact (th. 46 Geom.) ; and since the area of a triangle is equal to the rectangle of the i)erpendicular and half the base (Mens, of Surfaces, pr 2) ; it follows, that the area of each of the triangles abo, bco,.&c. is equal to the rectangle of the radius of the circle and half the corresponding side ab, bc, &c. : and consequently, the area of the polygon abcd, circumscribing the circle, will be equal to the rectangle of the radius of the cir- cle and half the perimeter of the polygon But, the sur- face of the circle is equal to the rectangle of the radius and half the circumference (th. 94 Geom.). Therefore, the sur- face of the circle, is to that of the polygon, as half the cir- ♦ This theorem, togetlier with the anViajrous ones respectirg bodies circumscribing" cyiindevs and spheres, were given by Emerson in his Geometry, and their use in the themy of Isoperimeters was justsug- geste4 I but the full appUcation of them to that theory is due to Simon Lhuillicr, cumference SURFACES. • b4$ cumference of the former, to half the perimeter of the latter ; or, as the circumference of the former, to the perimeter of the latter. Now, let p and p' be any (wo polygons circum- scribing a circle c : then, by the foregoing, we have surf c : surf p : : circum. c : perim. p. surf c : surf p' : : circum. c : perim. p'. But, since the antecedents of the ratios in both these propor- tions, are equal, the consequents are proportional : that is, surf, p : surf p' : : perim. p : perim. p. q. e. d. CoroL 1. And one of the triangular portions abo, of a po- lygon circumscribing a circle, is to the corresponding circular sector, as the side ab of the polygon, to the arc of the circle included between ao and bo. Cor. 2. Every circular arc is greater than its chord, and less than the sum of the two tangents drawn from its extremi- ties and produced till they meet. The first part of this corollary is evident, because a right line is the shortest distance between two given points. The second part follows at once from this proposition : for ea -\- ah being to the arch eih, as the quadrangle aeoh to the cir- cular sector HiEO ; and the quadr?».ngle being greater than the sector, because it contains it ; it follows that ea -\- ah is great- er than the arch eih*. Cor, 3. Hence also, any single tangeiit EA,'i3 greater than its corresponding arc EI. THEOREM XII. li a Circle and a Polygon, Circumscribable about another Circle, are Isoperimeters, the Surface of the Circle is a Geometrical Mean Proportional between that Polygon and a Similar Polygon (regular or irregular) Circumscribed about that Circle. Let c be a circle, p a polygon isoperimetrical to that circle, and circumscribable about some other circle, and p' a polygon similar to p and circumscribable about the circle c ; it is af- firmed that p : c : : c : p'. * This second corollary is introduced, not because of its immed-ate connection with the subject under discussion, but because, notwith- standingj its simplicity, some authors have employed whole pages in attempting its demonstration, and failed at last. For, 544 ELEMENTS OP ISOPERIMETRY: For, p : !>' : : perim^ . p : : perim^ . p' : : circum^ . c : p€rW. p^ by th. 89, Geom. and the hypothesis But (th. 1 1) p' : c : : per. p' : cir. c : : per^ p' : per. p'Xcir. c. Therefore p : c : : - - - - cira . c : per. pXcir c. : : cir. c : per. p' : : c : p'. . e. d. THEOREM Xin. U a Circle anci a Polygon, Circumscribable about another Cir- cle, are Equal in Surface, the Perimeter of that figure is a Geometrical Mean Proportional between the Circumference of the first Circle and the Perimeter of a Similar Polygon Circumscribed about it. Let c = p, and let p' be circumscribed about c and similar to c : then it is affirmed that cir c : per. p : : per p : per. p*- For, cir. c : per. p : : c : p" : : p : p' ; : per^ p : per^ . p'. Also, per. p' : per p - - - - : : per^ p':perpXper p'« Therefore, cir c : per. p - - - : : per^. p : per. X per t\ : : per. p : per. p'. ^. b. Dv. THEOREM XIV. The Circle is Greater than any Rectilinear Figure of the Same Perimeter ; and it* has a Perimeter Smaller than any Recti- linear Figure of the Same Surface. For, in the proportion, p : c : : c : p', (th. 12), since c < p', therefore p < c. And, in the propor cir. c : per. p : : per p r per. p' (th. 13)» or, cir. c : per. p' : : cir^ . c : per^ . p, cir. c < per. p' ; therefore, cir . c < per^ . p, or cir c < per. p. q. e. ». Cor. 1. It follows at once, from this ancl the two preced- ing theorems that rectilinear figures which are isoperimeters» and each circumscribable about a circle, are respectively in the inverse ratio of the perimeters, or of the surfaces, of figures similar to them, and both circumscribed about one and the same circle. And that the perimeters of equal rec- tilineal figures, each circumscribable about a circle, are re- spectively in the subduplicate ratio of the perimeters or of the surfaces, of figures, similar to them, and both circumscribed about one and the same circle. Cor. 2. Therefore, the comparisson of the perimeters of ei][ual regular figures, having different numbers g£ sides, and ttiat SURFACES. 546 that of the surfaces of regular isoperimetrical figures, is re- duced to the comparison of the perimeters, or of the surfaces of regular figures respectively similar to them, and circum- scribable about one and the same circle. Lemma 1. If an acute angle of a right-angled triangle be divided into any number of equal parts, the side of the triangle opposite to that acute angle is divided into unequal parts, which are greater as they are more remote from the right angle. Let the acute angle c, of the right- angled triangle acf, be divided into equal parts, by the lines gb, cd, ce, drawn from that angle to the opposite side ; then shall the parts ab, bd, &c. intercepted by the A tjt) lines drawn from c, be successively longer as they are more remote from the right angle a. For the angles acd, bce, &c. beisg bisected by cb, cd, &c. therefore by theor. 83 Geom. ac : cd : : ab : bd, and Bc : CE : : BD : de, and dc : cf : : de : ef. And by th. 21 6reom. CD> ca, ce> cb, cf > cd, and so on : whence it follows, that db> ab, de> db, and so on. Q. e- d. Cor. Hence it is obvious that, if the part the most remote from the right angle a, be repeated a number of times equal to that into which the acute angle is divided, there will re- sult a quantity greater than the side opposite to the divided angle. THEOREM XV. If two Regular Figures, Circumscribed about the Sam6 Circle, differ in their Number ot Sides by Unity, that which has the Greatest number of Sides shall have the Smallest Pe- rimeter. Let CA be the radius of a circle, and ab, ad, the half sides •f two regular polygons circumscribed about that circle, of which the number of sides differ by unity, being C^ respectively n -j- 1 and n. The angles acb, acd, therefore are respectively the ^7 and the n th part of two right angles : consequentl}? these /^ JB 1> angles are as n and n -|- 1 : and hence, the angle may be conceived divided into n '\- \ equal parts, ef which bod is one. Vo7. I. 70 «on- 546 ELEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. Consequently, (cor. to the lemma) (n + I) bd> ad. Taking, then, unequal quantities from equal quantities we shall have (n4"l) AD — (w+ 1) BD<(n -f- 1) AD — AD, or, (w -f- I) AB 4ad' . d'c . cb, or greater than its equal c'a^ . c'b, by the preceding theorem. THEOREM XXV. Of all Right Parallelopipeds Given in Magnitude, that which has the Smallest Surface has all its Faces Squares, or is a Cube. And reciprocally, of all parallelopipeds of Equal Surface, the Greatest is a Cube. For, by theorems 19 and 21, the right parallelepiped hav- ing the smallest surface with the same capacity, or the great- est capacity with the same surface, has a square for its base. But, any face whatever may be taken for base : therefore, in the parallelepiped whose surface is the smallest with the same capacity, or whose capacity is the greatest with the same sur- face, any two opposite faces whatever are squares : conse- quently, this parallelepiped is a cube. THEOREM XXVI. The Capacities of Prisms Circumscribing the Same Right Cy- linder, are Respectively as their Surfaces, whether Total or Lateral. For, the capacities are respectively as the bases of the prisms ; that is to say (th. 11), as the perimeters of their bases ; and these are manifestly as the lateral surfaces : whence the proposition is evident. Cor. The surface of a right prism circumscribing a cylin- der, is to the surface of that cylinder, as the capacity of the former, to the capacity of the latter. Def. The Archimedean cylinder is that which circum- scribes a sphere, or whose altitude is equal to the diameter of its base. THEOREM XXVn. The Archimedean Cylinder has a Smaller Surface than any other Right Cylinder of Equal Capacity ; and it is Greater than any other Right Cylinder of Equal Surface. Let c andc' denote two right cylinder?, of which the first is Archimedean, the other not : then, Ut, «65 . ELEMENfTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. 1st, If . . c == c', surf, c < surf, c : 2dly, if surf, c = surf, c', c > c. For having circumscribed about the cylinders, c, c^ tht right prisms p, p', with square bases, the former will be a cube, the second not : and the following series of equal ra- tios will obtain, viz, c : p : : surf, c : surf, p ; : base c : base p : ; base c' : base p' : : c' : p' : : surf, c' : surf. p'. Then, 1st : when c = c. Smce c : p : : c' : p', it follows that p = p ; and therefore (th. 25) surf, p < surf. p. But, surf, c : surf, p : : surf, c' : surf, p ; consequently surf. c< surf. c'. Q E. Id. 2dly : when surf, c = surf. c'. Then, since surf, c : surf, f : : surf, c : surf, p', it follows that surf, p = surf, p' ; and therefore (th. 25) p > p'. But c : p : : c' : p' ; consequently G>c. 0.. E. 2i>, THEOREM XXVIII. Of all Right Prisms whose Bases are Circumscribable a\)out Circles, and Giv€n in Species, that whose Altitude is Double the Radius of the Circle Inscribed in the Base, has the Smallest Surface with the Same Capacity, and the Greatest Capacity with the Same Surface. This may be demonstrated exactly as the preceding theo- rem, by supposing cylinders inscribed in the prisms. Scholium, If the base cannot be circumscribed about a circle, the right prism which has the minimum surface or the maximum capa- city, is that whose lateral surface is quadruple of the surface of one end, or that whose lateral surface is two-thirds of the total surface This is manifestly the case with the Archime- dean cylinder ; and the extension of the property depends solely on the mutual connexion subsisting between the proper* ties of the cylinder, and those of circumscribing prisms. THEOREM XXIX. The Surfaces of Right Cones Circumscribed about a Sphere, are as their Solidities. For, it may be demonstrated, in a manner ianalogous to the demonstrations of theorems 11 and 26, that these cones are SOLIDS. 55t are equal to right cones whose altitude is equal to the radius of the inscribed sphere, and whose bases are equal to the total surfaces of the cones : therefore the surfaces and solidi- ties are proportional. THEOREM XXX. The Surface or the Solidity of a Right Cone Circumscribed about a Sphere, is Directly as the Square of the Cone'i Altitude, and Inversely as the Excess of that Altitude over the Diameter of the Sphere. Let VAT be a right-angled triangle which, by its rotation upon va as an axis, generates a right cone ; and bda the semicircle which by a like rotation upon va forms the inscrib- ed sphere: then, the surface or the solidity of VA2 * the cone varies as . VB For, draw the radius cd to the point of contact of the semicircle at vt. Then, because the triangles vat, vdc, are similar, it is at : vt : : cd : vc. And, by compos, at : at + vt : cd : cd -|- cv = va ; Therefore at^ : (at + vt) at : : cd : va, by multiply- ing the terms of the first ratio by at. But, because vb. vd, va are continued proportionals, it is VB : VA : : vd^ : va^ : : cd^ : at^ by sim. triangles. But CD : VA : : at^ : (at -f* vt) at "by l»he last ; and these mult, give cd . vb : va^ : : cd^ : (at -|- ¥t) at, or VB : CD : : va^ : (at -|- vt) at = cd . . ^ ^ VB But the surface of the cone, which is denoted by «• . at^-J- «•. AT . vt*, is manifestly proportional to the first member ©f this equation, is also proportional to the second member, cr, since cd is constant, it is proportional to , or to a third proportional to bv and av. And, since the capacities of these circumscribing cones are as their surfaces (th. 29), the truth #f the whole proposition is evident. Lemma 2. The difiference of two right lines being given, the third proportional to the less and the greater of them is a minimum when the greater of those lines is double the other. * jr being ^ 3'Ul593' Let 552 ELEMENTS OP ISOPERIMETRY. 3 V Let Av and bv be two right lines, whose diflference ab is- given, and let ap be a third proportional to bv and av ; then is ap a minimum when av = 2bv. For, since ap : av : : aV : bv ; By division ap : ap — av : : av : av — bv ; That is, AP : vp : : av ; ab. Hence vp . av = ap . ab. But vp . AV is either = or <^Ap2 (cor. to th. 31 Geom> and th. 23 of this chapter.) Therefore ap . AB 4ab. Consequently, the minimum value of ap is the quadruple of ab ; and in that case pv = va = 2ab. ft. e. d.* THEOREM XXXI. Of all Right Cones Circumscribed about the Same Sphere, the Smallest is that whose Altitude is Double the Diame- ter of the Sphere. va2 For, by th. 30, the solidity varies as — (see the fig. t® vb that theorem) : an^, by lemma 2, since va — vb is given, the va2 third proportional — is a minimum when va = 2ab. q. e. d. VB Cor. 1. Hence, the distance from the centre of the sphere to the vertex of the least circumscribing cone, is triple the radius of the sphere. Cor. 2. Hence also, the side of such cone is triple the radius of its base. ♦ Though the evidence of a single demonstration, conducted oa sound mathematical principles, is really irresistible, and therefore needs no corroboration ; yet it is frequently conducive as well to mental im- provement, as to mental delight, to obtain like results from different processes. In this view it will be advantageous to the student, to con- firm the truth of several of the propositions in this chapter by means of the fluxional analysis. Let the truth enunciated in the ab ve lemma be taken for an example: and let AB be denoted by a, av by a:, b v by x — a^ Then we shall have x— a :x ::x : : the third proportional ; which X — a is to be a minimum. Hence, the fluxion of this fraction will be equal x^x — 2axx to zero (Flux. art. 51). That is (Flux. arts. 19 and 30), «= (x-.a)2 a. Consequently, x^ — 2ax « o, and x »2a> or av =2ab ■^ h.ve. ^ ' THEOREM SOLIDS. 663 THEOREM XXXIL The Whole Surface of a Right Cone being Given,, the In- scribed Sphere is the Greatest when the Slant Side of the Cone is Triple the Kddius pf its Base. For, let c and c' be two right cones of equal whole sur- face, the radii of their respective inscribed spheres being denoted by r and r' ; let the side of the cone c be triple the radius of its base, the same ratio not obtaining in c' ; and let c'' be a cone similar to c, and circumscribed about the same sphere with c'. Then, (by th. 31) surf, c" r'. q. e. d. Cor. T\ie capacity of a right cone being given, the in- scribed sphere is the greatest when the side of the cone is triple the radius of its base. For the capacities of such cones vary as their surfaces {th. 29). THEOREM XXXUI. Of all Right Cones of Equal Whole Surface, the Greatest is that whose side is Triple the Radius of its Base ; and reciprocally, of all Right Cones of Equal Capacity, that whose Side is Triple the Radius of its Base has the Least Surface. For, by th. 29, the capacity of a right cone is in the com- pound ratio of its whole surface and the radius of its inscribed sphere. Therefore, the whole surface being given, the ca- pacity is proportional to the radius of the inscribed sphere : and consequently is a maximum when the radius of the in- scribed sphere is such : that is, (th. 32) when the side of the cone is triple the radius of the base*. . Again, ♦ Here again a similar result may easily be dedi'.ced from the method of fluxions. Let the radius of the base be denoted by x, the slant side of the cone by Zs its whole surface by for the capacity of the cone. Now, this being a maximum its square must be so likewise (Flux. art. 53), that is, " • ' f " ■ " , or, rejecting the denominator, as constant, 04x2 — 9 27ra2x* must be a maximum. This, in fluxions, is 2a x'x — 85ra2a:3i a2 = o ; whence we have a* — 4^Jtr» = o, and consequently x= ^ — i At and fls = AiTTX^. Substituting this value of a^ for it, in the value of z a2 47ra?2 above given, there results z = — - ^c = - — a: =» 4«— a? ■= Sa^v TTX TtX Therefore, the side of the cone is triple the radius of its base. Or, the square of the altitude is to the square of the radius of the base^ as 8 to 1, or, to the sqiiare of the diameter of the base, as 2 to 1. THEOREM SOLIDS. 555 THEOREM XXXV. 'f^he Base of a Right Pyramid being Given in Species, the Capacity of that Pyramid is a Maximum with the Same Surface, and on the contrary, the Surface is a Minimum with the Same Capacity, when the Height of One Face is Triple the Radius of the Circle Inscribed in the Base. Let p and p' be two right pyramids with similar bases, the height of one lateral face of p being triple the radius of the circle inscribed in the base, but this proportion not obtaining jvith regard to p : then 1st. If surf. T = surf, p', p > p' . 2dly, if . . p = . . p', surf, p < surf p'. For, let c and c be right cones inscribed within the pyra- mids p and p' : then in the cone c, the slant side is triple the radius of its base, while this is not the case with respect to the cone c'. Therefore, if c = c , surf, c < surf, c' and if surf c = surf c', c > c' (th. 33). But, 1st. surf p : surf c : : surf, 1p' : surf c' ; whence, if surf, p = surf, p surf, c = surf c' ; therefore c > c'. But p : c : : p' : c'. Therefore p > p'. 2dly, p : c : : p' : c'. Theref. if p=p', c =c : consequently surf c < surf c'. But, surf, p : surf c : : surf, p' : surf, c'. Whence, surf, p < surf, p' Q)r. The regular tetraedron possesses the property of the minimum surface with the same capacity, and of the maxi-. mum capacity with the same surface, relatiFely to all right pyramids with equilateral triangular bases, and, a fortiorij relatively to every other triangular pyramid. THEOREM XXXVI. A Sphere is to any Circumscribing Solid, Bounded by Plane Surfaces, as the Surface of the Sphere to that of the Cir- cumscribing Solid. For, since all the planes touch the sphere, the radius drawn to each point of contact will be perpendicular ta each re- spective plane. So that, if planes be drawn through the cen- tre of the sphere and through ail the edges of the body, the body will be divided into pyramids whose bases are the re- spective planes, and their common altitude the radius of the sphere,. Hence, the sum of all these pyramids, or the whole circumscribing solid, is equal to a pyramid or a cone whose base 656 ELEMENTS OF ISOPERIMETRY. base is equal to the whole surface of that solid, and altitude equal to the radius of the sphere. But the capacity of the sphere is equal to that of a cone whose base is equal to the surface of the sphere, and altitude equal to its radius. Con- sequently, the capacity of the sphere, is to that of the circum- scribing solid, as the surface of the former to the surface of the latter : both having in this mode of considering them, a common altitude. Q,. e. d. Cor. 1. All circumscribing cylinders, cones, &c. are to" the sphere they circumscribe, as their respective surfaces. For the same proportion will subsist between their indefi- nitely small corresponding segments, and therefore between their wholes. Cor, 2. All bodies circumscribing the same sphere, are respectively as their surfaces. THEOREM XXXVU. The Sphere is Greater than any Polycdron of Equal Surface. For, first it maybe demonstrated, by a process similar to that adopted in theorem 9, that a regular polyedron has a greater capacity than any other polyedron of equal surface. Let p, therefore, be a regular polyedron of equal surface to . a sphere s. Then p must either circumscribe s, or fall partly within it and partly out of it, or fall entirely within it. The first of these suppositions is contrary to the hypothesis of the proposition, because in that case the surface of p could not be equal to that of s. Either the 2d or 3d supposition there- fore must obtain ; and then each plane of the surface of p must fall either partly or wholly within the sphere s : which- ever of these be the case, the perpendiculars demitted from the centre of s upon the planes, will be each less than the radius of that sphere : and consequently the polyedron p must be less than the sphere s, because it has an equal base, but a less altitude. q. e. d. Cor. If a prism, a cylinder, a pyramid, or a cone, be equal to a sphere either in capacity, or in surface ; in the first case, the surface of the sphere is less than the surface of any of those solids ; in the second, the capacity of the sphere is greater than that of either of those solids. ; The theorems in this chapter will suggest a variety of practical examples to exercise the student in computation. A few such are given in the following page. EXERCISES. SOLIDS. 567 EXERCISES. Ex. 1. Find the areas of an equilateral triangle, a square, a hexagon, a dodecagon, and a circle, the perimeter of each being 36. Ex. 2. Find the difference between the area of a triangle whose sides are 3, 4, and 5, and of an equilateral triangle of equal perimeter. Ex. 3. What is the area of the greatest triangle which can be constituted with two given sides 8 and 1 1 : and what will be the length of its third side ? Ex. 4. The circumference of a circle is 12, and the pe- rimeter of an irregular polygon which circumscribes it is 15: what are their respective areas ? Ex. 5. Required the surface and the solidity of the great- est parallelopiped, whose length, breadth, and depth, together make 18 ? Ex. 6. The surface of a square prism is 646 : what is its solidity when a maximum ? Ex. 7. The content of a cylinder is 169-645968 : what is its surface when a minimum ? Ex. 8. The whole surface of a right cone is 201-061952 : what is its solidity when a maximum ? Ex. 9. The surface of a triangular pyramid is 43-30127 : what is its capacity when a maximum ? * Ex. 10. The radius of a sphere is 10. Required the so- lidities of this sphere, of its circumscribed equilateral cone, and of its circumscribed cylinder. Ex. 11. The surface of a sphere is 28-274337, and of an irregular polyedron circumscribed about it 35 ; what are their respective solidities ? Ex. 12. The solidity of a sphere, equilateral cone, and Archimedean cylinder, are each 500 : what are the surfaces and respective dimensions of each ? Ex. 13. If the surface of a sphere be represented by the number 4, the circumscribed cylinder's convex surface and whole surface will be 4 and 6, and the circumscribed equila- teral cone's convex and whole surface, 6 and 9 respectively. Show how these numbers are deduced. Ex. 14. The solidity of a sphere, circumscribed cylinder, and circumscribed equilateral cone, are as the numbers 4, 6, and 9. Required the proof. PROBLEMS [ 658 ] J>JiOBLBMS RELATIVE TO THE DlVISrOlff OF FIELDS ©E ' [^. OTHER SURFACES. PROBLEM I. To Divide a Triangle into two parts having a Given Ratio, m : n " 1st. By a line drawn from one angle of the triangle. Make ad : ab : : m : m -{- n ; draw cd. So shall ADC, BDC, be the parts required. m n Here, evidently, ad = ab, db = ab. 2dly. By a line parallel to one of the sides of the triangle^ Let ABC be the given triangle, to be divided into two parts, in the ratio of m to n, by a line parallel to the base ab. Make ce to eb as w to n: erect ed per- pendicularly to cB, till it meet the semi- circle described on cb, as a diameter, in ®D. Make cp = cd : and draw through f, gf jj ab. So shall or divide the triangle abc in the given ratio. CD* For, CE : cb = : : cd* (= cf?) : cb^. ButcEtEP ::m :», CE or CE : cb : : m : m -f- n, by the construction : therefor© cf2 : cb2 : :in :tn -fn. And since A cgf : A cab ; : CF* : cb* ;, it follows that cgf : cab : : m : m + n, as required. Computation. Since cb2 : cf* : : m -{- n : w, therefore, (m + n) cf2 =r. m . cb2 ; whence cf ^ (in -f ») = cb y'm,. or 771 m cf = cb ^ ^.- In like manner, cg = ca ^- . mrl;-n 3dly. By a line parallel to a given line. Let HI be the line parallel to which a line is to be drawn, so as to divide the triangle aec in the ratio of m to n. By case 2d draw gf parallel to ab, so as to divide abc in the given ratio. Through f draw fe parallel to hi. On CE as a diameter describe a semi- circle ; draw gd perp. to ac, to cut the semicircle in d. Make cp = cd : through p, parallel to ef, draw pq,, the line required. The DIVISION OF SURFACES. 659 The demonstration of this follows at once from case 2 ; be- cause it is only to divide fce, by a line parallel to fe, into two triangles having the ratio of fce to fcg, that is, of ce to cg. Computation, cg and cf being computed, as in case I, the distances ch, ci being given, and ct being to cq. as ch to ci : the triangles cgf, gpq, also having a common vertical angle, are to each other, as cg . cf to c^ . cp. These products there- fore are eqiial ^ and since the factors of the former are known, the latter product li known. We have hence given the ratio of the two lines cp (= x) to cq, (— y) as ch to ci ; say, asp to q ; and their product = cf . cg, say = ab : to find x and y. abp abq Here we find x = ^ — , y =^ y/ — • That is, q P CF .CG . CH CF . CO .Cl CP := ^ ; CQ == v/ ' CI CH N. B. If the line of division were to be p»^rpendicular to one of the sides, as tocA, the construction would be similar : CP would be a geometrical mean between ca and — c&, 6 being the foot of the perpendicular from b upon ac. 4thly. By a line drawn through a given point p. By any of the former cases draw Im (fig* 1) to divide the triangle aibc, in the given ratio of m to n : bisect cl in r, and through r and m let pass the sides of the rhomboid crsm. Make ca = pe, which is given, because the point p is given in position : make cd a fourth proportional to ca, cr, cm ; that is, make ca : cr : : cm : cd ; and let a and c?, be two angles of the rhomboid cahd^ figs. 1 and 2. pe, in figure 2, Imping drawn parallel to ac, describe on ed as a diameter the semicircle efd, on which set off c/* = ce = ap : then set off d^ or dn' on ca equal to df^ and through p and m, p and m' draw 560 DIVISION OF SURFACES. draw the lines lm, l'm', either of which will divide the triangle in the given ratio.^ — The construction is given in 2 figs, merely to avoid complexness in the diagrams. The limitations are obvious from the construction : for, the point L must fall between b and c, and the point m between a and c ; ap must also be less than p6, otherwise ef cannot be ap- plied to the semicircle on ed. Demon. Because cr = ic/, the rhomboid crsm = triangle! elm, and because ca : cr : : cm : cc/, we have ca . cd=cwi . cr, therefore rhomboid cahd = rhomboid crsm = triangle elm. By reason of the parallels cb, fed, and ca, ah, the triangles aLP, c?GM, feop, are similar, and are to each other as the squares of their homologous sides ap, dM, fep : now ed^ = ef^ 4-cf/'^, by construction ; and ed = rb, ef = ap, df = dm ; therefore pfe^ = ap^ -}- du^ , or, the triangle pfeo taken away from the rhomboid, is equal to the sum of the triangles aPL, djAGj added to the part capod : consequently clm = cafed, as required, By a like process, it may be shown that aLP, ^g'm', pfeo', are similar, and «l'p + dou = pfeo' ; whence Fbda' = aL'p, and cl'm' = caferf, as required. Computation, cl, cm, being known, as well as ca, ap, or cc, cp, cr = ^cZ, is known : and hence erf may be found by the proportion ca : cr : : cm : cd. Then cd — cc = ed, and ^ed^^ej^ = ^ed2-_ap2 = d/* = ^m = ck'. Thus cm is C/ . cm determined. Then we have = cl. N. B. When the point is in one of the sides, as at m make cl . cm . (m -f- n) = ca . cb . m, or, cl : ca : : m {m-\-n) CM, and the thing is done. 5thly. By the shortest line possible. Draw any line p^ dividing the triangle in the given ratio, and so that the summit of the triangle cpq shall be c the most acute of the three angles of the triangle. Make cm = cn, a geometrical mean proportional between cp and CQ ; so shall mn be the shortest line pos- sible dividing the triangle in the given ratio. — The computation is evident. Demons. Suppose mn to be the shortest line cutting off the given triangle cmn, and CG _£_ MN . MN = MG 4" «N = CG . COt M -}- CG . COt N = CG (cot M-J-COt n). But, COt M-f- cos M COS N sin (m-^k) cot n = ; then . CB : -+- sm M sin N sm M . sm n And (equa. XVIII, DIVISION OF SURFACES. 561 XVIII, Analj^t. pi. trigonom.) sin m . sin n = Jcos (m— n)— ^cos sin.(M+N) (M-|-N)=icos(M— N)-flcosc.Theref.MN=cG. ; ^CG8(m — N)«f-iCv«C which expression is a minimum when its denominator is a maximum : that is, When cos (m— n) is the greatest possible, which is manifestly when m — n = o, ofm =n, or when the triangle cmn is isosceles. That the isosceles triangle must have the most acute angle for its summit, is evident from the consideration, that since 2Acmn = cg . mn, mn varies in- versely as CG ; and consequently mn is shortest when cg is longest, that is, when the angle c is the most acute. N. B. A very simple and elegant demonstration to this case is given in Simpson's Geometry : vide the book on Max. and Min. See also another demonstration at case 2d prob, 6th, below. PROBLEM II. To Divide a Triangle into three Parts, having the Ratio of the quantities m, n, p. 1st. By lines drawn from one angle of the triangle to the opposite side. Divide the side ab, opposite the angle c G from whence the lines are to proceed, in the given ratio at d, e ; join cd, ce, and acd, DOE, ECB, are the three triangles required. The demonstration is manifest ; as is also the ,^.D E B computation. . -^' If it be wished that the lines of division be the shortest the nature of the case will admit of. Jet them be drawn from the most obtuse angle, to the opposite or longest side. 2dly. By lines parallel to one of the sides of the triangle. , Make cd : dh : hb : : m : « : p. Erect DE, HI, perpendicularly to cb, till they meet the semicircle described on the diameter CB in E and i. Make cf = ce, and ck = ci. Draw gf through f, and lk through k, parallel to ab ; so shall the lines gf and lk, divide the triangle abc as required. <"> B The demonstration and computation will be similar to those in the second case of prob. 1. 3dly. By lines drawn from a given poiut on one of the sides. Vol. I. 72 Fig. 562 DIVISION OF SURFACES. Fig. 2. A fljypw) B A. a b T B Let p (fig. 1) be the given point, a and b the points which divide the side ab in the given ratio of m, n, p : the point p falling between a and 6. Join pc, parallel to which draw ac, bd, to meet the sides ac, bc in the points c and d : join pc, p) PB C^^'+w+A) AP 4ihly. By lines drawn from a given point p within the triangle. Const, J DIVISION OF SURFACES c 663 Const. Through p and c draw the line cpp, and let the triangle be divided into the given ratio by lines pc, pd^ drawn from p to intersect ac, bc, or either of them ; according to the method described in case 3 of this problem. Through p draw PC, pc?, and respectively parallel to them, from p draw the lines /?m, /jn : join pm, pn ; so shall these lines with p/), divide the triangle in the given ratio. Demon. The triangles cpm, crp^ are manifestly equal, as are also c?pn, drp ; therefore cpm = cpc, and cpn = cpd ; whence also, in fig. 1, cnpm =: cdpc, and, in fig. 2, cb/jpn = CBpd. cp cd Compvi. Since cp . cn == cp . cd, we have cn = • In like manner cm = CP cp cc Remark. It will generally be best to contrive that the smallest share of the triangle shall be laid off nearest the ver- tex c of the triangle, in order to ensure the possibility of the construction. Even this precaution however may sometimes fail, ♦of ensuring the construction by the method above given : when this happens, proceed thus : By case 1 , draw the hues cc?, cc, from the vertex c to the opposite side ab, to di- vide the triangle in the given ratio Upon AB set off any where mx, so that mn : ab : : pp (the perp. from p on ab) : cp, the alti- tude of the triangle. U mp and pn are to- gether to be the least possible, then set off i mn on each side the point p : so will the triangle mpn be isosceles, and its perimeter (with the given base and area) a minimum. 5thly. By lines, one of which is drawn yrom a given angle to a given point, which is also the point of concourse of the other two lines. Const. 664 DIVISION OF SURFACES. e A 4 ^ \^a & B (^omt. By case 1st draw the lines ca, c6, dividing the triangle in the given ratio, and so that the smaller portions shall lie nearest the angles a and b (unless the conditions of the divison require it to be otherwise). From p and a demit upon AC the perpendiculars pp, ac ; and from ? and 6, on Bc, the perpendiculars pg, hd. Make cm : ca : : .ac : vp^ and CN : cB ; : 6c? : vq. Draw pm, pn, which, with cp, will divide •the triangle as required. When the perpendicular from h or from a, upon bc or ac, is longer than the corresponding perpendicular from p, the point N or m will fall further from c than b or a does. Sup- pose it to be N : then make n' e : cb : : nc : cp, and draw pn' for the line of division. The demonstration of all this is too obvious to need trac- ing here. CA . ac Corn-put. The perp. ca = Aa . sin a ; and cm = . CB . bd hd = Bb . sin b ; and cn = . Fq Gthly. By lines, one of which falls from the given po^nt of concourse of ^11 three, upon a given side, in a given angle. Suppose the given angle to be a right angle, and p/" the given perpendicular : which will simplify the operation, though the principles of construction will be the same. ^_ Const, Let ca, c&, divide the triangle M A in the given ratio. Make/N : cb : : bd : f/, and /m : ca :.: ac : t/'^ and draw pn, pm, thus forming two triangles p/n, p/m, equal to c6b, coa, respectively. If n fall between / and b, and m between a and /, this construction manifestly effects the division. But if one of the points, sup- pose M, falls beyond the corresponding point a, the line pm intersecting ac in e : then make m'e : ca : : cm. : cp, and draw pm' : so shall p/, pm', pn, divide the triangle as required. Compvt, DIVISION OF SURFACES. 66S Comput. Here ca and bd, are found as in case 6th ; and CB ' bd CA ' ac l^ence> = ; and/M = . ThenPM=:v^(M/3+/p3), p/ P/ ^/ and — = sin. m. Also I H0° — (m+a) » mca. Then sin m€a : PM sin M : sin a oc ma (=«/'— a/) : ac : mc. Again pe = pm-m« ; A' . eM and lastly M'e = ^- ev Here also the demonstration is manifest. 7thly. By lines drawn from the angles to meet in a deter- minate point. Construe. On one of the sides, as ac, set off AD, so that AD : AC : : m : m -\- n -{- p. And on the other, as ab, set off be, so that BE : Bc : : n : m -{- n -\- p. Through n draw . DG parallel to ab ; and through e, eh parallel -A. IE\ JS to Bc ; to their poiut of intersection i draw lipes ai, bi, ci> which will divide the triangle abc into the portions required* Demon. Any triangle whose base is ab, and whose vertex ialls in dg parallel to it, will manifestly be to abc, as ad to AC, or as m to m + »* "f* p : so also, any triangle whose base is EC, and whose vertex falls in eh parallel to it, will be to ABC, as BE to ba, that is, as n to m -f- ^ 4* p« Thus we have aib : acb : : m : m-|-n+p, and . . . bic : acb : : n : in-\-n~{-py therefore . aib : bic : : m : n. And the first two proportions give, by composition. aib 4- BIC : ACB f:m-|-n : m -\- n -^ p ; and by division, acb — (aib -{-bic) : acb .•*: w -j- n + p' — {m-{-n) : m-\-n-\'p, or Aic : agb -. \ p : m + n -^ p, consequently aib : bic : aic