733 C52 035 1916 D ^s ^^ Ij »',L ' ' V. t-j S=l &>/^''vi\';~ ^^v GIONAL 00 CO ^K?^. CAUFORNtA SAN DI6&0 THE UNIVERSnY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALirQRNIA, SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA ii5C'2;^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY OFFICERS, COMMITTEES BY-LAWS AND RECORD OF ORGANIZATION CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1916 1455 -ZJ V LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS 453 South Spring Street V Los Angeles, Calif. CARDS: No book will be issued or received without presentation of card. The persoii in whose name the card is is^ed is responsible for all books and plates drawn oH. it, and for all fines accruing on the same. \^ ^ FINE : Five cents pot. day will be charged for books and plates ke^ overtime. DAMAGES: Pencil maples, \tom or defaced labels, book plates or card pockete or mutilation of the book or plate itself will be "charged to the card owner. See that they are not issued to you with such defects. TIME: Books or plates may be kept 14 days, ex- cept when labeled otherwise. RENEWALS: No book can be renewed if a postal reservation is waiting. Renewal for one week is given upon all 14 day books or plates which have not been reserved by postal, upon presentation of card and book number or by telephone. RESIDENCE: Notify the Library immediately of any change of residence of yourself or guaran- tor. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY C/^ X OFFICERS, COMMITTEES BY-LAWS AND RECORD OF ORGANIZATION r Hte Due CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1916 &3^ OFFICERS, 1916 / ■?/(/ Marvin Hughitt Pzrs^ Vice-President Second Vice-President Thomas D. Jones Robert Forsyth Secretary Walter B. Smith Treasurer Librarian William J. Louderback Clement W. Andrews BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert T. Lincoln Robert Forsyth Frank S. Johnson Chauncey Keep Marvin Hughitt Frederick H. Rawson Thomas D. Jones Albert A. Sprague II John J. Mitchell Walter B. Smith Leonard A. Busby Chauncey B. Borland William Hale Thompson, Mayor of Chicago, ex officio Eugene R. Pike, Comptroller of Chicago, ex-officio STANDING COMMITTEES Finance John J. Mitchell Chauncey Keep Marvin Hughitt A dm in is t rat ion Leonard A. Busby Frederick H. Rawson Albert A. Sprague II Buildings and Grounds Robert Forsyth Chauncey Keep Thomas D. Jones Chauncey B. Borland, associate member Books Frank S. Johnson Thomas D. Jones Robert Forsyth DIRECTORS, 1894-1916 Norman Williams 1894 — 1899* Huntington W. Jackson - - - 1894— 1901* Marshall Field 1894 — 1906* E. W. Blatchford 1894 — 1914* T. B. Blackstone 1894 — 1899! Robert T. Lincoln 1894 — Henry W. Bishop 1894 — 1913* Edward G. Mason ----- 1894 — 1895! Albert Keep 1894 — 1907* Edson Keith 1894— 1896* Simon J. McPherson 1894— 1899! John M. Clark 1894—1916! George A. Armour - . - - - 1894— 1899! Frank S.Johnson 1896 — Peter Stenger Grosscup - . - - 1897 — 1916! Arthur J. Caton 1900 — 1904'' Marvin Hughitt 1900 — Thomas D. Jones 1900 — John J. Mitchell 1900 — Leonard A. Busby 1901 — Robert Forsyth ---.-- igo5 — Chauncey Keep 1906 — Frederick H. Rawson . - . . igoS — Albert A. Sprague U - - - - 1914 — Walter B. Smith - 1914 — Chauncey B. Borland ... - 1916 — ♦Deceased tResigned OFFICERS, 1895-1916 Presidents Norman Williams ..... 1895 — 1899 Huntington W. Jackson ... 1900 — 1901 Peter Stenger Grosscup - - - - 1901 — 1913 Marvin Hughitt 19 14 — First Vice-Presidents Edward G. Mason 1895 Huntington W. Jackson ... - 1896— 1900 Peter Stenger Grosscup ... 1900 — 1901 Henry W. Bishop 1901— 1910 Thomas D. Jones 1911 — Second Vice-Presidents Marshall Field 1895 — 1899 Peter Stenger Grosscup ... 1899— 1900 Henry W. Bishop 1900 — 1901 Thomas D. Jones 1901— 1911 Robert Forsyth 1911 — Secretaries George A. Armour .... 1895 — 1900 Arthur J. Caton 1900 — 1904 Leonard A. Busby 1905— 1915 Walter B. Smith 1915 — Treasurer William J. Louderback ... - 1895 — Librarian Clement W. Andrews .... 1895 — BY-LAWS Adopted, October 8, 1898, as a substitute for the By-Laws originally adopted January 12, 1895. Amended, November 26, 1901; April 18, 1907. April 16, 1908; June 15, 1916. MEETINGS Section i. The regular meeting of the Board of Directors which shall be held on the third Thursday in January in each year, shall be the annual meeting of the Corporation of The John Crerar Library, at which meeting the officers of the Cor- poration shall be elected, and such other business transacted as may be properly brought before the meeting. Section 2. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the third Thursday of the months of January, April, June, and October, in each year, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Board from time to time. At such meetings and at all special meetings, five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum at any such meeting, an adjournment to a fixed day may be made by any number present. Section 3. Special meetings of the Board may be held at the request of the President or any two Directors, and the notice of such meeting shall recite such request and the object for which the meeting is called. Section 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Standing Committees shall be held upon call of their respec- tive Chairmen, upon notice to be determined by each committee; and at the meetings of the Executive Committee three members, and at the meetings of the Standing Committees two members, shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. Notices in writing of all meetings of the Board shall be given by the Secretary to each Director, by mailing the same to his address, not less than ten days before any regular meeting, and not less than two days before any special or adjourned meeting. 7 Annual Meeting Regular Meetings of Board Quorums and Adjournments Special Meetings of Board Committee Meetings and Quorums Notices of Meetings Officers — How Elected and Terms Appointees of the Board Vacancies — How Filled Compensation of Appointees Standing Committees Executive Committee 8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY OFFICERS Section 6. The ofificers of the Corporation shall be a Presi- dent, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, and a Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot from the Directors, to hold ofifice for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. There shall also be appointed by the Board a Treasurer and a Librarian — either of whom may or may not be a Director — and such other agents or employees from time to time, as may be deemed necessary. All such appointees shall hold their positions, respectively, during the pleasure of the Board. Section 7. Vacancies among the ofificers or in the Board, or in the position of Treasurer or Librarian, may be filled by the Board at any regular or special meeting, provided notice of the proposed action be contained in the call for such meeting. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by election subject to the approval of the Chief Justice, for the time being, of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Whenever any Director shall be elected to fill any vacancy, a certificate under the seal of the Corporation giving the name of the person elected shall be recorded in the olifice of the Recorder of Deeds, where the articles of incorporation are recorded, as provided in Paragraph 24, Chapter 81, Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1905 edition). Section 8. The compensation of Treasurer and Librarian shall be fixed by the Board. The compensation of all other agents and employees shall be fixed by the Committee on Administration, subject to the approval of the Board. Section 9. The following shall be the Standing Commit- tees to be elected by the Board at the annual meeting: A Committee on Finance, A Committee on Administration, A Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and A Committee on Books, each to consist of three members. There shall also be an Executive Committee, of which the President shall be the Chairman, and which shall consist of the Chairmen of the Standing Committees above named. Section 10, During the absence from Chicago, or other inability to act, of any Chairman of any Standing Committee, BY-LAWS 9 the next member of such Committee in regular order who is available shall act as Chairman and as a member of the Execu- Absence of tive Committee; and in case of the absence or disability of any coTmhuel member of a Standing Committee, the President may appoint any member of the Board to serve as a member of such Com- mittee until such absence or disability shall cease. PRESIDENT Section ii. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and preside at all meetings of the Board. Powlrrand He shall execute all such instruments on behalf of the Corporation ^"*'«^ as are not specified by the by-laws to be executed by some other officer or by some member of the Standing Committee of the Corporation. He shall be ex-of^cio a member of each of the Standing Committees and Chairman of the Executive Committee, and shall have power to enforce all by-laws, regulations, and orders, and to suspend at any time any agent or employee of the Corporation, and, with the approval of the Executive Com- mittee, to remove such agent or employee, and shall perform all other duties from time to time assigned to him. He shall make in the month of January in each year, under the direction of the Board, a report to the Governor of the State for the year ending on the 31st day of December preceding, of the condition of the Library and of the funds and other property of the Corporation, showing the assets and investments of such Corporation in detail, as provided in Paragraph 24, Chapter 81, Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1905 edition). VICE-PRESIDENTS Section 12. The powers and duties of the Prej-ident shall, in his absence or inability to act, devolve upon the Vice-Presi- dents in their order, and in the absence or inability to act of both Vice-Presidents, upon the Chairmen of the Standing Com- mittees in the order named in Section 9. Vice-Presidents — Powers and Duties SECRETARY Section 13. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all meetings of the Board, have the custody of the corporate secretary- seal and of all papers and documents relating to the Corporation, ^"^"'^ lO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY to be kept in a place designated by the Board, sign the call of all meetings of the Board, and execute such documents as require his signature and the seal, when authorized by the Board, and shall perform all other duties from time to time assigned to him. Treasurer — Duties Librarian — Duties TREASURER Section 14. The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Corporation, and, under the direction of the Committee on Finance, shall have the custody and control of all its funds and securities, and deposit them in such banks or depositories as may be designated by the Board, and shall sign all checks, drafts, and other papers requiring the payment of money, when duly countersigned, and shall perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to him. He shall give bond in such amount and with such surety as shall be approved by the Board. He shall prepare for consideration at the annual meeting of the Corporation a statement of the probable income for the ensuing year and the expenditures recommended by the Stand- ing Committees. LIBRARIAN Section 15. The Librarian, under the supervision of the Committee on Administration, shall have the charge of the Library and of the conduct of its administration, and of all agents and employees therein, and shall carry out the policies adopted by the Board in regard to the management of the Library and the nature and quality of its accessions, and shall perform all other duties from time to time assigned to him. Committee on Finance COMMITTEES Section 16. The Committee on Finance shall have general direction and control of the funds and property of the Corpora- tion. The Treasurer shall report to this Committee a monthly statement of balances on hand, and all other matters connected with the investments as well as property and finances of the Corporation. Sales of securities, investments, and reinvestments of all funds of the Corporation shall be made only under the direction and approval of this Committee or by direction of the Board. BY-LAWS II The accounts of the Treasurer and the securities, funds, and property of the Corporation shall be examined and verified by this Committee at such times during each year as the Com- mittee may deem expedient, or as shall be designated by the Board, and a report of the financial condition of the Corporation made at each meeting of the Board. Section 17. The Committee on Adminstration shall have charge of the administration of the Library and all personal property connected therewith, and shall have the supervision of all agents and employees in the administration of the Library, and shall consider and recommend to the Board for approval all appointments in the working force of the Library, and all changes deemed advisable therein, and also in the methods of the administration of the Library. Section 18. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds shall have charge of the real estate and buildings of the Cor- poration, the adjustment and payment of all assessments and insurance upon the same, and the execution and supervision of all leases and shall have supervision and control of the erection and maintenance of and alterations in all buildinsfs and negotiations and contracts involved therein, as authorized by the Board, and shall recommend to the Board for appoint- ment, architects, superintendents, and contractors. Section 19. The Committee on Books shall have charge of the selection, purchase, binding, and repair of all accessions to the Library, within the limits of the appropriations made by the Board, and in accordance with their directions. They shall have power to dispose, by sale or otherwise, of duplicates and of accessions which are not within the lines fixed by the Board. Section 20. The Executive Committee shall exercise all the powers of the Board, subject to its approval, in matters requiring action between the meetings of the Board, and shall also make such recommendations as it may deem advisable for the consideration of the Board and the Standing Committees. Section 21. All moneys shall be deposited in a bank or banks, to be designated by the Board, to the credit of "The John Crerar Library," and shall be drawn out only by checks signed by the Treasurer, a,nd countersigned by the President, or by one of the Vice-Presidents, or by a member of the Com- Committee on Adminis- tration Committee on Buildings and Grounds Committee on Books Executive Committee Deposits and Checks THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Securities — Assignments and Transfers Permanent Endowment Fund Ex-Officio Members By-Laws — Amended or Repealed mittee on Finance. In the event of the absence or inabiHty to act of the Treasurer, the checks shall be signed by any member of the Committee on Finance, and in the event of the absence or inability to act of the Treasurer and all the members of the Committee on Finance, then by any member of the other Standing Committees, in the order named in Section 9; and checks so signed shall be countersigned by the President or one of the Vice-Presidents; provided that the Committee on Finance may empower the Treasurer to open an account in his name as Treasurer, to which account such amounts may be transferred from time to time by checks drawn to the order of the Treas- urer, as may be necessary to meet the current monthly expenses of the Library, and all checks on such Treasurer's account shall be signed by the Treasurer alone; and said Committee on Finance shall, from time to time, fix the amount so to be trans- ferred to the Treasurer's account, and shall designate the bank or banks at which such account shall be kept. Section 22. All assignments or transfers of shares of stock, bonds, or notes authorized to be executed by the Board or by the Committee on Finance shall be executed by the Treas- urer and by a member of the Committee on Finance. Section 23. The total bequest received from the Trustees of the Estate of John Crerar for the establishment of the Library shall be set apart as a Permanent Endowment Fund, and shall never be impaired nor encroached upon. This fund may be increased by adding thereto such portion of the surplus revenues, or funds received from other sources, as the Board by a majority vote at any regular annual meeting of the Corporation may determine. Section 24. The Mayor and Comptroller of the City of Chicago shall be ex-ofificio members of the Board of Directors of The John Crerar Library. Section 25. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of not less than seven members of the Board at any regular or special meeting, provided that notice of such proposed action shall be included by the Secretary in the call for the meetincr. RECORD OF ORGANIZATION An Act to encourage and promote the establishment of FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN CITIES, VILLAGES, AND TOWNS OF THIS State Section i. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That whenever property, real or personal, has heretofore been or shall be devised or bequeathed by last will and testament, or granted, conveyed, or donated by deed or other instrument, to trustees, to be appHed by them to the foundation and estabhshment in any of the cities, villages, and towns of this State of a free pubHc library, it shall be lawful, when not otherwise provided in said will or other instrument of gift, for the acting trustees in any such case, in order to promote the better estabhshment, maintenance, and management of such library, to cause to be formed a corporation under the provisions of this Act, with the rights, powers, and privileges hereinafter provided for. Section 2. Such acting trustees may make, sign, and acknowl- edge before any officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds in this state, and file in the office of Secretary of State, a statement in writing, in which shall be set forth the intent of such trustees to form a corporation under this Act; a copy of the will or other instrument by which endowment of ^id Hbrary has been provided; the name adopted for the proposed corporation (which shall not be the name of any other corporation already existing); the city, village, or town in which the Hbrary and the principal place of business of the corporation will be located; the number of managers who may be denominated trustees, man- agers, or directors of the corporation, and the names of the trus- tees, managers, or directors who are to constitute the original board of such officers, and who shall hold until their successors respectively are elected and qualified as in this Act provided. 13 14 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Section 3. Upon the filing in his office of such a statement as aforesaid, the Secretary of State shall issue to the incorporators, under his hand and seal of state, a certificate, of which the afore- said statement shall be a part, declaring that the organization of the corporation is perfected. The incorporators shall thereupon cause such certificate to be recorded in a proper record-book for the purpose in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county in which the said library is to be located; and thereupon the cor- poration shall be deemed fully organized, and may proceed to carry out its corporate purposes, and may receive by conveyance from the trustees under said will, deed, or other instrument of donation, the property provided by will or otherwise as aforesaid for the endowment of said library, and may hold the same in whatever form it may have been received or conveyed by said trustees until such form shall be changed by the action of the said corporation. Section 4. Organizations formed under this Act shall be bodies corporate and politic, to be known under the names stated in the respective certificates or articles of incorporation, and by such corporate names they shall have and possess the ordinary rights and incidents of corporations, and shall be capable of taking, holding, and disposing of real and personal estate for the pur- poses of their organization. The provisions of any will, deed, or other instrument by which endowment is given to said library and accepted by said trustees, managers, or directors shall, as to such endowment, be a part of the organic and fundamental law of such corporation. The trustees, managers, or directors of any such corporation shall compose its members, and shall not be less than seven nor more than fifteen in number; shall elect the offi- cers of the corporation from their number, and shall have control and management of its affairs and property; may accept dona- tions, and in their discretion hold the same in the form in which they are given for all purposes of science, literature, and art germane to the object and purpose of said corporation. They may fill by election, subject to the approval of the chief justice for the time being, of the Supreme Court of Illinois, vacancies occurring in their own number by death, incapacity, retirement, or otherwise, and may make lawful by-laws for the management of the corporation and of the Hbrary, which by-laws shall set forth RECORD OF ORGANIZATION is what officers there shall be of the corporation, and shall define and prescribe their respective duties. They may appoint and employ, from time to time, such agents and employees as they deem necessary for the efficient administration and conduct of the library, and other affairs of the corporation. Whenever any trustee, manager, or director shall be elected to fill any vacancy, a certificate under the seal of the corporation, giving the name of the person elected, shall be recorded in the office of recorder of deeds where the articles of incorporation are recorded. When- ever, by the provisions of such will, deed, or other instrument by which endowment is created, the institution endowed is declared to be and is free and pubHc, the Hbrary and other property of such corporation shall be forever exempt from taxation. The trustees, managers, or directors of such corporation shall, in the month of January in each year, cause to be made a report to the governor of the state, for the year ending on the 31st day of December preceding of the condition of the hbrary and of the funds and other property of the corporation, showing the assets and investments of such corporation in detail. Approved June 17, 1891. STATEMENT FOR INCORPORATION State of Illinois, 1 County of Cook, J To THE Hon. William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State. Norman WilHams and Huntington W. Jackson, the acting trus- tees under the last will and testament of John Crerar, deceased, which was admitted to probate in the Probate Court of Cook County, in the State of IlHnois, on the 14th day of November, A.D. 1889, hereby make the following statement, to-wit: First: That it is the intent of the said Norman Williams and Huntington W. Jackson, trustees as aforesaid under the said last will and testament, to form, under the Act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act to encourage and pro- mote the establishment of free public libraries in cities, villages, and towns in this state," approved June 17, A.D. 1891, in force July I, A.D. 1 89 1, a corporation to receive by conveyance from the said trustees under the said last will and testament the prop- erty held in trust, under and by virtue of said last will and testa- ment of the said John Crerar, deceased, and in said last will and testament given, devised, and bequeathed for the erection, creation, i6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY and maintenance, and endowment of a free public library, to be called "The John Crerar Library," to be located in that portion of the City of Chicago, Illinois, known as "The South Division," said corporation being formed to promote the better establish- ment, maintenance, and management of said Hbrary, and to hold, administer, and manage the said property as the endowment of the said free public library, in execution of the purpose and intent declared by the said last will and testament, and of the powers conferred by the statute aforesaid. A copy of the said last will and testament, by which the endowment of said Hbrary has been provided, is here set out, and is in the words and figures following: In the Name of God, Amen: I, John Crerar, of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this my last will and testament in the words and figures following, to-wit. Item fiftieth. Recognizing the fact that I have been a resi- dent of Chicago since 1862, and that the greater part of my fortune has been accumulated here, and acknowledging with hearty gratitude the kindness which has always been extended to me by my many friends, and by my business and social ac- quaintances and associates, I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, remainder, and residue of my estate, both real and personal, for the erection, creation, maintenance, and endowment of a free public library, to be called "The John Crerar Library," and to be located in the City of Chicago, Illinois, a preference being given to the South Division of the city, inasmuch as the New- berry Library will be located in the North Division. I direct that my executors and trustees cause an act of incorporation, under the laws of IlUnois, to be procured to carry out the purposes of this bequest, and I request that Norman Williams be made the first president thereof, and that, in addition to my executors and trustees, the following named friends of mine will act as the first board of directors in such corporation, and aid and assist my executors and trustees therein, namely: Marshall Field, E. W. Blatchford, T. B. Blackstone, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Edward G. Mason, Albert Keep, Edson Keith, Simon J. McPherson, John M. Clark, and George A. Armour, or their sur- vivors. I desire the building to be tasteful, substantial, and fire- proof, and that a sufficient fund be reserved over and above the cost of its construction to provide, maintain, and support a library for all time. I desire the books and periodicals selected RECORD OF ORGANIZATION 17 with a view to create and sustain a healthy moral and Christian sentiment in the community, and that all nastiness and immorality be excluded. I do not mean by this that there shall not be any- thing but hymn-books and sermons, but I mean that dirty French novels and all skeptical trash and works of questionable moral tone shall never be found in this hbrary. I want its atmosphere that of Christian refinement, and its aim and object the building up of character, and I rest content that the friends I have named will carry out my wishes in these particulars. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand to this my last will and testament, consisting of eighteen written pages, this 5th day of August, A.D. 1886. John Crerar. Signed, pubHshed, and declared by the said John Crerar, as his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his re- quest, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, this 5th day of August, A.D. 1886. George Sturges, 107 Pine St., Chicago. Wm. F. Dummer, Evanston, Ills. Arthur D. Wheeler, Kenosha, Wis. Second: That the name adopted for the said corporation is The John Crerar Library. Third: That the Hbrary and the principal place of business of the said corporation will be located in the City of Chicago. Fourth: That the number of managers, who shall be denomi- nated directors, will be thirteen, and the names of the directors who aie to constitute the original board of such officers are the following : Norman Williams, Huntington W. Jackson, Marshall Field, E. W. Blatchford, T. B. Blackstone, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Edward G. Mason, Albert Keep, Edson Keith, Simon J. McPherson, John M. Clark, and George A. Armour. In Witness Whereof, the said Norman WiUiams and Hunting- ton W. Jackson, as trustees, as aforesaid, have hereunto set their hands this 13th day of July, A.D. 1894. Norman Williams, Huntington W. Jackson, Acting trustees of the estate of John Crerar, deceased. i8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY State of Illinois, :s, 1 ss. County of Cook, I, William J. Louderback, a notary public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this 6th day of October, A.D. 1894, personally appeared before me Norman Williams, to me personally known to be the same person who executed the foregoing statement as acting trustee as therein stated, and acknowledged that he executed the same as such trustee for the purposes therein set forth. In Witness Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. [seal.] William J. Louderback, Notary Public. ST.A.TE OF Illinois, 1 gg County of Cook, j I, W. A. McLaren, a notary public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that on this 13th day of July, A.D. 1894, personally appeared before me Huntington W. Jackson, to me per- sonally known to be the same person who executed the foregoing statement as acting trustee as therein stated, and acknowledged that he executed the same as such trustee, for the purposes therein set forth. In Witness Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. [seal.] W. a. McLaren, Notaty Public. CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS Department of State WILLIAJVI H. HINRICHSEN, Secretary of State. To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come — Greeting:^ Whereas, a certificate, duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the ofiice of the Secretary of State on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1894, for the organization of The John Crerar Library, under and in accordance with the provisions of "An act to encourage and promote the establishment of free public libraries in cities, villages, and towns in this state," approved June 17, 1 89 1, and in force July i, 1891, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached and made a part hereof; Now, therefore, I, W^iLLiAM H. HiNRiCHSEN, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said The John Crerar Library is a legally organized corporation under the laws of this state. RECORD OF ORGANIZATION 19 In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand, and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 12 th day [seal.] of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and nineteenth. W. H. HiNRICHSEN, Secretary of State. State of Illinois, 1 ee ^ f. Cook County. ) ''• ^'"7,i6i Filed for record October 13, 1894, at 11 o'clock A. M., and re- corded in Book 67 of Corp. Records, page 5. Sam'l B. Chase, Recorder. REGULATIONS The Library is a free public reference library, open to readers every day, excepting Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Satchels, suit cases, bags, etc., must be checked in the Cloak Room. Outer garments, umbrellas, and packages may be, and in wet weather must be so checked. No charge is made for the service. The Library will not hold itself responsible for unchecked articles or for any articles left over night. Books shelved in the Reading Room and in the Senn Room, except as noted below, may be consulted without formality, but after use are to be left on the tables, instead of being replaced on the shelves. Current periodicals, except those on the Medical Sciences, may be consulted in the Periodical Room, and may be obtained for use at the tables in the Reading Rooms by presenting at the delivery desk serial call-slips properly filled out. Current medical periodicals are shelved in the Senn Room and may be consulted there. Books not shelved in the Reading Rooms may be obtained by pre- senting at the delivery desk book call-slips properly filled out. These books are to be returned to the delivery desk. Persons engaged in special research, if satisfactorily vouched for, may be admitted to the Stack Rooms. Application for this privilege should be made to the Reference Librarians. All books used under this provision are to be left on the tables in the Stack Rooms. Books not suitable for general use may be consulted only upon registration and statement of satisfactory reasons, and those of great value or rarity only in the presence of an attendant. Writing or marking in books belonging to the Library, their mu- tilation in any manner, and their removal from the Library, are forbidden. The tracing of plans will be permitted if done over a celluloid cover, but not otherwise. The covers will be furnished upon application at the delivery desk. The officials of the Library are authorized to exclude any person of unseemly behavior or appearance, and any one wilfully violating its regulations. The Reference Librarians, in charge of the Reading Rooms, will give assistance in the use of the library. ^< UrJ a^/or 'AMPHLET BINDER Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY F'^CIUJ'Y D 000 833 946 7