A LAW UNTO HERSELF. A NOVEL. BY REBECCA HARDING DAVIS, AUTHOR OF DALLAS GALBRAITH," "KITTY'S CHOICE," "WAITING FOR THE VERDICT, "LIFE IN THE IRON MILLS," ETC. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1878. Copyright, 1877, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. 1 J. n.UPPIKCOTffc-CO'/S "~ "^ PS A LAW UNTO HERSELF. O 1 CHAPTER I. a raw, cloudy afternoon in early spring a few years ago a family- "^ carriage was driven slowly down a lone- rH ly road in one of the outlying suburbs j5 of Philadelphia, stopping at last in front "^ of an apparently vacant house. This house was built of gray stone, and stood r "\ back from the road, surrounded by a few ) sombre pines and much rank shrubbery: shrubbery and trees, and the house itself, had long been abandoned to decay. r-- " Heah am de place, sail," said the CO - . , . cr> footman, opening the carnage-door. An old gentleman in shabby clothes, . embellished dramatically by a red neck tie, an empty sleeve pinned to his breast, sprang out briskly ; a lady followed, and stood beside him : then a younger man, his head muffled in a close fur cap, a yellow shawl wrapped about his neck, ^ looked feebly out of the window. His 2? face, which a pair of pale, unkindled eyes had never lighted since he was