THE &BRARY OF ANGELES THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND RAL PH CONNOR OF CAUF. LJMART. LOt AHG1UC9 BY RALPH CONNOR THE SKY PILOT IN No MAN'S LAND THE MAJOR THE PATROL OF THE SUN DANCE TRAIL CORPORAL CAMERON THE FOREIGNER BLACK ROCK THE SKY PILOT THE PROSPECTOR THE DOCTOR THE MAN FROM GLENGARRY GLENGARRY SCHOOL DAYS THE SKY PILOT IN NO MANS LAND BY RALPH CONNOR AUTHOR OF "THE MAJOR," "THE SKY PILOT," ETC. NEW XSr YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY Copyright, 1919, By George H. Doran Company Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. ONLY A MISSIONARY 9 II. ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 26 III. A QUESTION or CONSCIENCE 37 IV. REJECTED 53 V. THE WAR DRUM CALLS 69 VI. THE MEN OF THE NORTH 85 VII. BARRICADES AND BAYONETS * 95 VIII. A QUESTION OF NERVE . . . . . . 116 IX. SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS AND OTHER THINGS . 135 X. FRANCE ; 154 XI. THE NEW MESSAGE 169 XII. A MAN OF GOD 188 XIII. INTENSIVE TRAINING 207 XIV. A TOUCH OF WAR 219 XV. THINNING RANKS . 242 XVI. THE PASSING OF McCuAic 268 XVII. LONDON LEAVE AND PHYLLIS .... 287 XVIII. A WEDDING JOURNEY 305 XIX. THE PILOT'S LAST PORT . . . . . . 316 XX. "CARRY ON" . . 344 2130077 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND CHAPTER I ONLY A MISSIONARY HIGH upon a rock, poised like a bird for flight, stark naked, his satin skin shining like gold and silver in the rising sun, stood a youth, tall, slim of body, not fully developed but with muscles promising, in their faultless, gently swelling outline, strength and suppleness to an unusual degree. Gazing down into the pool formed by an eddy of the river twenty feet below him, he stood as if calculating the distance, his profile turned toward the man who had just emerged from the bushes and was standing on the sandy strand of the river, paddle in hand, looking up at him with an expression of wonder and de- light in his eyes. "Ye gods, what a picture!" said the man to himself. Noiselessly, as if fearing to send the youth off in flight, he laid his paddle on the sand, hurriedly felt in his pockets, and swore to himself vigorously when he could find no sketch book there. "What a pose! What an Apollo!" he muttered. The sunlight glistening on the beautiful white skin lay like pools of gold in the curving hollows of the perfectly modelled body, and ran like silver over the rounded swellings of the limbs. Instinct with life he seemed, something in his pose suggesting that he had either alight- 9 10 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND ed from the golden, ambient air, or was about to commit himself to it. The man on the sand continued to gaze as if he were beholding a creature of another world. "Oh, Lord! What lines!" he breathed. Slowly the youth began to move his arms up to the horizontal, then to the perpendicular, reaching to the ut- most of his height upon his toe tips, breathing deep the while. Smoothly, slowly, the muscles in legs and thighs, in back, in abdomen, in chest, responding to the exercise moved under the lustrous skin as if themselves were liv- ing things. Over and over again the action was repeated, the muscles and body moving in rhythmic harmony like some perfect mechanism running in a bath of oil. "Ye gods of Greece!" breathed the man. "What is this thing I see ? Flesh or spirit ? Man or god ?" Again he swore at himself for neglecting to bring his sketch book and pencil. "Hello, father! Where are you?" A girl's voice rang out, high, clear, and near at hand. "Good Lord !" said the man to himself, glancing up at the poised figure. "I must stop her." One startled glance the youth flung down upon him, another in the direction of the voice, then, like a white, gleaming arrow he shot down, and disappeared in the dark pool below. With his eyes upon the water the man awaited his re- appearing. A half minute, a full minute he waited, but in vain. Swiftly he ran toward the edge of the pool. There was no sign anywhere of the youth. Ghastly pale and panting, the man ran, as far round the base of the rock as the water would allow him, seek- ing everywhere signs of the swimmer. "Hello, father! Oh, there you are!" Breaking through the bushes, a girl ran to him. "What is it, pater ? You are ill. What is the matter ?" "Good heavens! he was there!" gasped the man, point- ing to the high rock. "He plunged in there." He pointed to the pool. "He hasn't come up. He is drowned." ONLY A MISSIONARY 11 "Who? What are you saying? Wake up, father. Who was there ?" "A boy ! A young man ! He disappeared down there." "A young man? Was he was he dressed?" in- quired the girl. "Dressed? No. No." "Did he did he hear me calling?" "Of course he did. That's what startled him, I imag- ine. Poor boy ! I fear he is gone." "Did he fall in, or did he dive?" "He seemed to dive, but he has not come up. I fear he is gone." "Oh, nonsense, father," said the girl. "I bet you he has swum round the bend. Just go over the rock and see." "God grant it!" said her father. He dropped his paddle, ran up over the rock and down into the little dell on the other side that ran down to the water's edge. There he saw a tent, with all the ac- companiments of a well ordered camp, and a man cook- ing breakfast on a small fire. "Well, I'll be combusticated !" he said to himself, weak- ly holding to a little poplar tree. "I say!" he cried, "where is he? Has he come in? Is he all right?" "Who?" said the man at the fire. "The boy on the rock." The man gazed at him astonished, then as if suddenly grasping his meaning, replied, "Yes, he came in. He's dressing in the tent." "Well, I'll be condumbusticated !" said the man. "Say! what the devil does he mean by scaring people out of their senses in that way!" The man at the fire stood gazing at him in an utterly bewildered way. "If you will tell me exactly what you are after, I may be able to help you." 12 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND The other drew slowly near the fire. He was still pale, and breathing quickly. "Hello, dad, is breakfast ready?" came a cheery voice from the tent. "Thank God, he is alive apparently," said the man, sinking down on a log beside > the fire. "You must par- don me, sir," he said. "You see, I saw him take a header into the pool from that high rock over yonder, and he never came up again. I thought he was drowned." The man at the fire smiled. "The young villain gave you a fright, did he? One of his usual tricks. Well, as his father, and more or less responsible for him, I offer the most humble apology. Have you had breakfast?" "Yes. But why did he do such a thing?" "Ask him. Here he comes." Out from the tent came the youth in shorts, the warm glow of his body showing through the filmy material. "Hello!" he cried, backing toward the tent door. "You are the man with the paddle. Is there by any chance a lady with you, or did I hear a lady's voice over there? I assure you I got a deuce of a fright." "You gave me the supreme fright of my life, young man, I can tell you that." "But I surely heard a lady's voice," said the youth. "You did. It was my daughter's voice, and it was she who suggested that you had swum around the bend. And she sent me over here to investigate.'' "Oh, your daughter. Excuse me," said the youth. "I shall be out in a few minutes." He slid into the tent, and did not reappear. The man remained chatting with the youth's father for a few minutes, then rising said, "Well, I feel better. I confess this thing gave me something of a shock. But come round and see us before we go. We shall be leaving in an hour." The man at the fire promised to make the visit, and the other took his departure. ONLY A MISSIONARY 13 A few minutes later the youth reappeared. "Is breakfast ready?" he cried. "My, but I'm hun- gry ! But who is he, dad ?" "Sit down," said his father, "and get your breakfast while it is hot." "But who is he, dad ?" persisted the youth. "Who is he?" said his father, dishing up the bacon. "An oil explorer, an artist, a capitalist, an American from Pittsburgh, the father of one child, a girl. Her mother is dead. Nineteen years old, athletic, modern type, col- lege bred, 'boss of the show' (quotation). These are a few of the facts volunteered within the limited space of his visit." "What's he like, dad?" "Like? Like an American." "Now, dad, don't allow your old British prejudices to run away with your judgment." "On the contrary, I am perfectly charmed. He is one of those Americans who capture you at once, educated, frank, open, with that peculiar charm that Britishers will not be able to develop for many generations. An American, but not of the unspeakable type. Not at all. You will like him." "I am sure I shall," replied the youth. "I liked his voice and his face. I like the Americans. I met such nice chaps at college. So clever, and with such a vo- cabulary." "Vocabulary ? Well, I'm not too sure as to the vocab- ulary part of it." "Yes, such bright, pat, expressive slang, so fresh and in such variety. So different from your heavy British slang, in which everything approaching the superlative must be one of three things, 'ripping/ with very distinct articulation on the double p, or 'top hole,' or 'awfully jolly.' More recently, I believe, a fourth variation is al- lowed in 'priceless.' ' "Ah, my boy, you have unconsciously uttered a most searching criticism on your American friends. Don't 14 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND you know that a vocabulary rich in slang is poverty stricken in forceful and well chosen English? The wealth of the one is the poverty of the other." "Where is he going?" enquired the boy. "Out by way of Edmonton, Calgary, Moose Jaw, Min- neapolis, so on to Pittsburgh. Partner with him, young lawyer, expert in mines, unmarried. He is coming back in a couple of months or so for a big hunt. Wants us to join him. Really extraordinary, when you come to think of it, how much information he was able to convey in such a short space of time. Marvellous gift of expres- sion!" "What did you say, dad?" "Say? Oh, as to his invitation! Why, I believe I ac- cepted, my boy. It seemed as if I could do nothing else. It's a way he has." "Is is the daughter to be along?" "Let me see. What did he say? Really, I don't know. But I should judge that it would be entirely as she wished. She is " "Boss of the show, eh?" "Exactly. Most vivid phrase, eh?" "Very. And no doubt aptly descriptive of the fact." In half an hour the breakfast was finished, and the elder man got his pipe a-going. "Now, dad, you had better go along and make your call, while I get things together here." "What! You not going! No, no, that won't do, my boy. It was about you they were concerned. You were the occasion of the acquaintanceship. Besides, meeting in the wilderness this way we can't do that sort of thing, you know." "Well, dad, frankly, I am quite terrified of the young lady. Suppose she should start bossing us. We should both be quite helpless." "Oh, nonsense, boy! Come along. Get your hat." "All right, I'll come. On your head be the conse- quences, dad. No, I don't need a hat. Fortunately I ONLY A MISSIONARY 15 put on a clean shirt. Will I do, dad? You know I'm 'scairt stiff,' as Harry Hobbs would say." His father looked him over, but there was nothing critical in his glance. Pride and love filled his eyes as they ran over his son's face and figure. And small won- der! The youth was good to look upon. A shade under six feet he stood, straight and slim, strength and supple grace in every move of his body. His face was beauti- ful with the beauty of features, clean cut and strong, but more with the beauty of a clear, candid soul. He seemed to radiate an atmosphere of cheery good nature and unspoiled simplicity. He was two years past his majority, yet he carried the air of a youth of eighteen, in which shyness and fearlessness looked out from his deep blue eyes. It was well that he wore no hat to hide the mass of rich brown hair that waved back from his forehead. "You'll do, boy," said his father, in a voice whose rigid evenness of tone revealed the emotion it sought to conceal. "You'll take all the shine from me, you young beggar," he added in a tone of gruff banter, "but there was a time " 'Was a time, dad? Is, and don't tell me you don't know it. I always feel like a school kid in any company when you're about. 'When the sun comes out All the little stars run in,' " he sang from a late music hall effusion. "Why, just come here and look at yourself," and the boy's eyes dwelt with affectionate pride upon his father. It was easy to see where the boy got his perfect form. Not so tall as his son, he was more firmly knit, and with a kind of dainty neatness in his appearance which sug- gested the beau in earlier days. But there was nothing of weakness about the erect, trim figure. A second glance discovered a depth of chest, a thickness of shoul- der and of thigh, and a general development of muscle such as a ring champion might show ; and, indeed, it was his achievements in the ring rather than in the class lists that won for Dick Dunbar in his college days his high- est fame. And though his fifty years had slowed some- what the speed of foot and hand, the eye was as sure as ever, and but little of the natural force was abated which once had made him the glory of the Cambridge sporting youth, and which even yet could test his son's mettle in a fast bout On the sandy shore of the river below the eddy, they found the American and his party gathered, with their stuff ranged about them ready for the canoes. "Ah, here you are, sir," said the American, advancing hat in hand. "And this is your son, the young rascal who came mighty near giving me heart failure this morn- ing. By the way, I haven't the pleasure of knowing your name." "My name is Richard Dunbar, and this is my son Barry." "My name is Osborne Rowland, of Pittsburgh, and this is my daughter Paula. In bloomers, as you see, but nevertheless my daughter. Meet also my friend and partner, Mr. Cornwall Brand." The party exchanged greetings, and spent some mo- ments giving utterance to those platitudes which are so useful in such circumstances, a sort of mental marking time preparatory to further mutual acquaintance. The girl possessed that striking, dashing kind of bru- nette beauty that goes with good health, good living, and abundance of outdoor exercise. She carried herself with that air of assured self-confidence that comes as the re- sult of a somewhat wide experience of men, women and things. She quite evidently scorned the conventions, as her garb, being quite masculine, her speech being out- spoken and decorated with the newest and most ingeni- ous slang, her whole manner being frankly impulsive, loudly proclaimed. ONLY A MISSIONARY 17 But Barry liked her at once, and made no pretence of concealing his liking. To her father, also, he was im- mediately drawn. As to Cornwall Brand, between whom and the girl there seemed to exist a sort of understanding, he was not so sure. For half an hour or so they stood by the river exchang- ing their experiences in these northern wilds, and their views upon life in the wilderness and upon things in general. By a little skilful managing the girl got the young man away from the others, and then proceeded to dissect and classify him. Through the open woods along the river bank they wandered, pausing here and there to admire the view, until they came to an overhanging bank at the entrance to a somewhat deep gorge, through which the river foamed to the boiling rapids below. It was indeed a beautiful scene. The banks of the river were covered with every variety of shrub and tree, except where the black rocks broke through; between the banks the dark river raged and fretted itself into a foam against its rocky barriers ; over them arched the sky, a perfect blue. "What a lovely view !" exclaimed the girl, seating her- self upon the edge of the bank. "Now," she said, "tell me about yourself. You gave my pater a fearful fright this morning. He was quite paralysed when I came on him." "I am very sorry," said the youth, "but I had no in- tention " "I know. I told him not to worry," replied the girl. "I knew you would be all right." "And how, pray?" said the young man, blushing at the memory of his startling appearance upon that rock. "I knew that any fellow who could take that dive wouldn't likely let himself drown. I guessed, too, that if you heard me hoot " "I did," said the youth. "You sure would get slippy right away." "I did." 18 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I guess you were pretty well startled yourself, weren't you?" said the girl, pursuing the subject with cool per- sistence. "Rather," said the young man, blushing more violently, and wishing she would change the subject. "You are going out?" he enquired. "Yes." "To-day?" "Now right away." "Too bad," he said, his disappointment evident in his tone. "When are you going out? But who are you, any- way?" asked the girl. "You have to tell me that." "My life story, so to speak?" She nodded. "It's very short and simple, like the annals of the poor," he replied. "From England in infancy, on a ranch in northern Alberta for ten years, a puny little wretch I was, terribly bothered with asthma, then" the boy hesitated a moment "my mother died, father moved to Edmonton, lived there for five years, thence to Wapiti, away northwest of Edmonton, our present home, pre- pared for college by my father, university course in Win- nipeg, graduated in theology a year ago, now the mis- sionary in charge of Wapiti and the surrounding dis- trict."' "A preacher!" said the girl, her face and her tone showing her disappointment only too plainly. "Not much of a preacher, I fear," said the young man with a smile. "A missionary, rather. That's my story." She noticed with some chagrin that he did not ask for hers. "What are you doing here ?" she enquired. He hesitated a moment or two. "Dad and I always take a trip into the wilds every summer." Then he added after a few moments' pause, "But of course we have other business on hand up here." "Business? Up here?" ONLY A MISSIONARY 19 "Yes. Dad has some." He made as if to continue, it changed his mind and fell into silence, leaving her piqued by his reserve and by his apparent indifference to the things concerning herself. She did not know that he was eagerly hoping that she would supply this infor- mation. At length he ventured, "Must you go away to-day?" "I don't suppose there's any 'must' about it." "Why not stay?" "Why should I?" "Oh, it would be jolly," he cried. "You see, we could explore about here and," he ended rather lamely, "it's a lovely country." "We've seen a lot of it. It is lovely," she said, her eyes upon his face as if appraising him. "I should like to know you better," she added, with sudden and characteristic frankness, "so I think we will stay. But you will have to be awfully good to me." "Why, of course," he cried. "That's splendid! Per- fectly jolly!" "Then we had better find father and tell him. Come along," she ordered, and led the way back to the camp. The young man followed her, wondering at her, and giving slight heed to the chatter she flung over her shoul- der at him as she strode along through the bushes. "What's the matter with you?" she cried, facing round upon him. "You were thinking about me, I know. Con- fess, now." "I was," he acknowledged, smiling at her. "What were you thinking? Tell me," she insisted. "I was thinking " He paused. "Go on!" she cried. "I was thinking of what your father said about you." "My father? About me? What did he say? To you?" "No. To dad." "What was it? Tell me. I must know." She was 20 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND very imperious in her manner. The youth only smiled at her. "Go on!" she said impatiently. "I think possibly your father was right," he replied, "when he said you 'boss the show/ ' "Oh, that's what he said, eh ? Well, I guess he's about right." "But you don't really?" "Don't what? 'Boss the show'? Well, I boss my own show, at any rate. Don't you?" "Don't I what, exactly? Boss the show? Well, I don't think we have any 'show/ and I don't believe we have any 'boss/ Dad and I just talk things over, you see." "But," she insisted, "some one in the last analysis must decide. Your menage, no matter how simple, must have a head. It is a law of the universe itself, and it is the law of mankind. You see, I have done some political economy." "And yet," said the young man, "you say you run your own show ?" "Exactly. Every social organism must have a head, but every individual in the organism must live its own free life. That is true democracy. But of course you don't understand democracy, you Canadians." "Aha ! There you ; are ! You Americans are the most insular of all the great peoples of the world. You know nothing of other people. You know only your own his- tory and not even that correctly, your own geography, and your own political science. You know nothing of Canada. You don't know, for instance, that the purest form of democracy on this American continent lies out- side the bounds of the U. S. A." "In Canada?" she asked scornfully. "By the way, how many Canadians are there?" "Yes, I know. We are a small people," he said quietly, "but no more real democracy exists anywhere in the world than in this country of mine. We are a small ONLY A MISSIONARY 21 people, but," he said, with a sweep of his hand toward the west and the north, "the future is with us. The day is coming when along this waterway great cities shall be, with factories and humming industries. These plains, these flowing hills will be the home of millions of men, and in my lifetime, too." His eyes began to glow, his face to shine with a rare and fascinating beauty. "Do you know the statistics of your country? Do you know that during the last twenty years the rate of Can- ada's growth was three times greater than ever in the his- tory of the United States? You are a great commer- cial nation, but do you know that the per capita rate of Canada's trade to-day is many times that of the United States? You are a great agricultural people, but do you know that three-quarters of the wheat land on this conti- nent is Canadian, and that before many years you will be coming to Canada for your wheat, yes, and for your flour? Do you see that river? Do you know that Can- ada is the richest country in the world in water power? And more than that, in the things essential to national greatness, not these things that you can see, these ma- terial things," he said, sweeping his hand contemptu- ously toward the horizon, "but in such things as educa- tional standards, in administration of justice, in the cus- toms of a liberty loving people, in religious privileges, in everything that goes to make character and morale, Can- ada has already laid the foundations of a great nation." He stopped short, abashed, the glow fading from his face, the light from his eyes. "Forgive me," he said, with a little laugh. "I am a first class ass. I fear I was blowing like a fog horn. But when you touch Canada you release something in me." While he was speaking her eyes never left his face. "Go on !" she said, in a voice of suppressed emotion, "go on. I love to hear you." Her wonted poise was gone ; she was obviously stirred with deep emotion. 22 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Go on!" she commanded, laying her hand upon his arm. "Don't stop. Tell me more about about Canada, about anything," she added impatiently. A warm, eager light filled her eyes. She was biting her lips to still their tremor. "There's plenty to tell about Canada," he said, "but not now. What started me? Oh, democracy. Yes, it was you that began it. Democracy? After all, it is worth while that the people who are one day to fill this wide land should be truly democratic, truly free, and truly great." Once more the light began to burn in his eyes and in his face. "Ah, to have a hand in that !" "And you," she said in a low voice, "you with all that in you, are only a preacher." "A missionary," he corrected. "Well, a missionary. Only a missionary." Disappointment and scorn were all too evident in her voice. "Only a missionary. Ah, if I could only be one. A missionary ! With a mission and a message to my peo- ple! If only I had the gift of tongues, of flaming, burn- ing, illuminating speech, of heart-compelling speech ! To tell my people how to make this country truly great and truly free, how to keep it free from the sordid things, the cruel things, the unjust, the unclean, the loathsome things that have debased and degraded the older nations, that are debasing and degrading even your young, great nation. .Ah, to be a missionary with a tongue of fire, with a message of light! A missionary to my people to help them to high and worthy living, to help them to God! Only a missionary! What would you have me? A money-maker?" He turned swiftly upon her, a magnetic, compelling personality. From the furious scorn in his voice and in his flaming face she visibly shrank, almost as if he had struck her. ONLY A MISSIONARY 23 "No!" she breathed. "Nothing else. Only a mis- sionary." Silent she stood, as if still under the spell of his words, her eyes devouring his face. "How your mother would have loved you, would have been proud of you," she said in a low tone. "Is is there no one else to to rejoice in you?" she asked shyly, but eagerly. He laughed aloud. "There's dad, dear old dad." "And no one else?" Still with shy, eager eyes she held him. "Oh, heaps," he cried, still laughing. She smiled upon him, a slightly uncertain smile, and yet as if his answer somehow satisfied her. "Good-bye," she said impulsively, offering her hand. "But you are not going! You're staying a few days!" he gasped. "No, we're going. We're going right away. Good- bye," she said. "I don't want those others to see. Good- bye. Oh, it's been a wonderful morning! And, and a friend is a wonderful discovery." Her hand held his in a strong, warm grasp, but her eyes searched his face as if seeking something she greatly desired. "Good-bye. I am sorry you are going," he said, sim- ply. "I want to know you better." "Do you?" she cried, with r. sudden eagerness in her voice and manner. Then, "No. You would be disap- pointed. I am not of your world. But you shall see me again," she added, as if taking a new resolve. "We are coming back on a big hunt, and you and your father are to join us. Won't you?" "Dad said we should," said the youth, smiling at the remembrance. "And you?" she said, with a touch of impatience. "If things can so arrange themselves my work, I mean, and dad's." "But, do you want to? Do you really want to?" she 24 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND asked. "I wish I knew. I hate not to understand peo- ple. You are hard to know. I don't know you. But you will come?" "I think so," said the young man. "Of course a fel- low's work comes first, you know." "Work?" she cried. "Your work? Oh, your mis- sionary work. Oh, yes, yes. I should like to see you at it. Come, let us go." Mr. Cornwall Brand they found in a fever of impa- tience. He had the trip scheduled to a time table, and he hated to be forced to change his plans. His impatience showed itself in snappy commands and inquiries to his Indian guides, who, however, merely grunted replies. They knew their job and did it without command or advice, and with complete indifference to anything the white man might have to say. To Paula the only change in his manner was an excess of politeness. Her father, however, met her with remonstrances. "Why, Paula, my dear, you have kept us waiting." "What's the rush, pater?" she enquired, coolly. "Why, my dear, we are already behind our schedule, and you know Cornwall hates that," he said in a low voice. "Cornwall!" said Paula, in a loud voice of unmistak- able ill temper. "Does Cornwall run this outfit ?" "My dear Paula !" again remonstrated her father. She turned to him impatiently, with an angry word at her lips, caught upon Barry's face a look of surprise, paused midway in her passion, then moved slowly toward him. "Well," she asked, in an even, cold voice, "what do you think about it ? And anyway," she dropped her voice so that none heard but himself, "why should you halt me? Who are you, to give me pause this way?" "Only a missionary," he answered, in an equally low tone, but with a smile gentle, almost wistful on his face. As with a flash the wrathful cloud vanished. ONLY A MISSIONARY 25 "A missionary," she replied softly. "God knows I need one." "You do," he said emphatically, and still he smiled. "Come, Paula," called Cornwall Brand. "We are all waiting." Her face hardened at his words. "Good-bye," she said to Barry. "I am coming back again to to your wonderful Canada." "Of course you are," said Barry, heartily. "They all do." He went with her to the canoe, steadied her as she took her place, and stood watching till the bend in the river shut them from view. "Nice people," said his father. "Very fine, jolly girl." "Yes, isn't she?" replied his son. "Handsome, too," said his father, glancing keenly at him. "Is she? Yes, I think so. Yes, indeed, very," he added, as if pondering the matter. "When do we move, dad?" A look of relief crossed the father's face. "This afternoon, I think. We have only a few days now. We shall run up Buffalo Creek into the Foothills for some trout. It will be a little stiff, but you are fit enough now, aren't you, Barry?" His voice was tinged with anxiety. "Fit for anything, dad, thanks to you." "Not to me, Barry. To yourself largely." "No," said the boy, throwing his arm round his fa- ther's shoulder, "thanks to you, dear old dad, and to God." CHAPTER II ON THE RED PINE TRAIL ON the Red Pine trail two men were driving in a buckboard drawn by a pair of half-broken pinto bronchos. The outfit was a rather ramshackle affair, and the driver was like his outfit. Stewart Duff was a rancher, once a "remittance man," but since his mar- riage three years ago he had learned self-reliance and was disciplining himself in self-restraint. A big, lean man he was, his thick shoulders and large, hairy muscu- lar hands suggesting great physical strength, his swarthy face, heavy features, coarse black hair, keen dark eyes, deepset under shaggy brows, suggesting force of char- acter with a possibility of brutality in passion. Yet when he smiled his heavy face was not unkindly, indeed the smile gave it a kind of rugged attractiveness. He was past his first youth, and on his face were the marks of the stormy way by which he had come. He drove his jibing bronchos with steady hands. No light touch was his upon the reins, and the bronchos' wild plunging met with a check from those muscular hands of such iron rigidity as to fling them back helpless and amazed upon their hocks. His companion was his opposite in physical appear- ance, and in those features and lines that so unmistakably reveal the nature and character within. Short and stout, inclined indeed to fat, to his great distress, his thick-set figure indicated strength without agility, solidity with- out resilience. He had a pleasant, open face, with a kindly, twinkling blue eye that goes with a merry heart, with a genial, sunny soul. But there was in the blue eye ind in the open face, for all the twinkles and the smiles, 26 ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 27 a certain alert shrewdness that proclaimed the keen man of business, and in the clean cut lips lay the suggestion of resolute strength. A likable man he was, with an infinite capacity for humour, but with a bedrock of un- yielding determination in him that always surprised those who judged him lightly. The men were friends, and had been comrades more or less during those pioneer days that followed their arrival in the country from Scotland some dozen years ago. Often they had fallen out with each other, for Duff was stormy of temper and had a habit of letting himself swing out upon its gusts of passion, reckless of consequences; but he was ever the one to offer amends and to seek renewal of good relations. He had few friends, and so he clung the more closely to those he had. At such times the other would wait in cool, good- tempered but determined aloofness for his friend's return. "You can chew your cud till you're cool again," he would say when the outbreak would arise. But inva- riably their differences were composed and their friend- ship remained unbroken. The men sat in the buckboard, leaning forward with hunched shoulders, swaying easily to the pitching of the vehicle as it rattled along the trail which, especially where it passed over the round topped ridges, was thickly strewn with stones. Before them, now on the trail and now ranging wide over the prairie, ran a beautiful black and white English setter. "Great dog that, Sandy," said Duff. "I could have had, a dozen birds this afternoon. A wonderful nose, ana steady as a rock." "A good dog, Stewart," assented Sandy, but with slight interest. "There ain't another like him in this western coun- try," said the owner of the dog with emphasis. "Oh, I don't know about that. There are some very good dogs around here, Stewart," replied Sandy lightly. 28 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "But I know. And that's why I'm saying there ain't his like in this western country, and that's as true as your name is Sandy Bayne." "Well, my name is Sandy Bayne, all right, but how did he come out at the Calgary trials?" "Aw, those damned gawks ! They don't know a good dog from a he-goat! They don't know what a dog is for, or how to use him." "Oh, now, Stewart," said Sandy, "I guess Willocks knows a dog when he sees one." "Willocks!" said his friend with scorn. "There's where you're wrong. Do you know why he cut Slipper out of the Blue Ribbon? Because he wouldn't range a mile away. Darned old fool ! What's the good of a point a mile away! Keeps you running over the whole crea- tion, makes you lose time, tires yourself and tires your dog; and more than that, in nine cases out of ten you lose your bird. Give me a close ranger. He cleans up as he goes, keeps your game right at your hand, and gets you all the sport there is." "Who beat you, Stewart, in the trials?" "That bitch of Snider's." "Man! Stewart, that's a beautiful bitch! I know her well. She's a beautiful bitch!" Sandy began to show enthusiasm. "Oh, there you go ! That's just what those fool judges said. 'Beautiful dog! Beautiful dog!' Suppose she is! Looks ain't everything. They're something, but the ques- tion is, does she get the birds? Now, Slipper there got three birds to her one. Got 'em within range, too." "Ah, but Stewart, yon's a good bitch," said Sandy. "Look here!" cried his friend, "I have bred more dogs in the old country than those men ever saw in their lives." "That may be, Stewart, but yon's a good bitch," per- sisted Sandy. For a mile more they discussed the merits of Slipper and of his rivals, Sandy with his semi-humorous chaff ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 29 extracting quiet amusement from his friend's wrath, and the latter, though suspecting that he was being drawn, unable to restrain his passionate championship of his dog. At length Sandy, wearying of the discussion, caught sight of a figure far before them on the trail. "Who is that walking along there?" he enquired. Together they ran over the names of all who in this horse country were unfortunate enough to be doomed to a pedestrian form of locomotion. "Guess it's the preacher," said Duff finally, whose eyes were like a hawk's. "He's been out at my place Sunday afternoon," said Sandy, "but I haven't met him myself. What sort is he?" "Don't ask me. I sometimes go with the madame to church, but generally I fall asleep. He's no alarm clock." "Then you can't tell what sort of a preacher he is," said Sandy with a twinkle in his eye. "You can't hear much when you are asleep." "I hear enough to know that he's no good as a preacher. I hear they're going to fire him." "I tell you what it is, Stewart," said Sandy, "I don't believe you would know a good sermon if you heard one." "What's that you say? I've heard the best preachers in the country that breeds preachers, in the country wfiere preachers grow like the berries on the bramble bushes. I know preaching, and I like good preaching, too." "Oh, come off, Stewart ! You may be a good judge of dogs, but I'm blowed if I am going to take you as a judge of preachers." "The same qualities in all of them, dogs, horses, preachers," insisted Duff. "How do you make that out?" "Well, take a horse. He must be a good-looker. This preacher is a good-looker, all right, but looks ain't every- SO THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND thing. Must be quick at the start, must have good ac- tion, good style, staying power, and good at the finish. Most preachers never know when to finish, and that's the way with this man." "Are you going to take him up?" inquired Sandy, for they were jiow close upon the man walking before them. "Oh, I guess not," replied Duff. "I haven't much use for him." "Say, what's the matter with him? He looks rather puffed out," said Sandy. "Better take him up." "All right," replied Duff, pulling up his bronchos. "Good day. Will you have a ride ? Mr. Barry Dunbar, my friend Mr. Bayne." "Glad to meet you, Mr. Bayne," said Barry, who was pale and panting hard. "Thanks for the lift. The truth is I'm rather done up. A touch of asthma the first in five years. An old trouble of mine." "Get up here," said Sandy. "There's room for three in the seat." "No thank you, 1 should crowd you, all right behind here. Beastly business this asthma. Worse when the pollen from the plants is floating about so they say. I don't know nobody does I fancy." They drove on, bumping over the stones, Barry gradu- ally getting back his wind. The talk of the men in the front seat had fallen again on dogs, Stewart maintaining with ever increasing vehemence his expert knowledge of dogs, of hunting dogs, and very especially of setter hunt- ing dogs; his friend, while granting his knowledge of dogs in general, questioning the unprejudiced nature of his judgment as far as Slipper was concerned. As Duff's declarations grew in violence they became more and more elaborately decorated with profanity. In the full tide of their conversation a quiet voice broke in : "Too many 'damns.' ' "What!" exclaimed Duff. "I beg your pardon!" said Sandy. ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 31 "Too many 'damns,' " said Barry, looking quietly at Duff. "Dams? Where?" said Duff, looking about "Beaver dams, do you mean?" enquired Sandy. "I don't see any." "Too many 'damns/ " reiterated Barry. "You don't need them. You really don't need them, you know, and besides, they are not right. Profanity is quite useless, and it's wicked." "Well, I'll be damned!" said Stewart in a low voice to his friend. "He means us." "And quite right, too," said Sandy solemnly. "You know your English is rotten bad. Yes, sir," he con- tinued, turning round to Barry, "I quite agree with you. My friend is quite unnecessarily free in his speech." "Yes, but you are just the same, you know," said Barry. "Not quite so many, but then you are not quite so excited." "Got you there, old sport," grunted Duff, highly amused at Sandy's discomfiture. But to Barry he said, "I guess it's our own business how we express our- selves." "Yes, it is, but, pardon me, not entirely so. There are others in the world, you know, and you must con- sider others. The habit is a bad habit, a rotten habit, and quite useless silly, indeed." Duff turned his back upon him. Sandy, giving his friend a nudge, burst into a loud laugh. "You are right, sir," he said, turning to Barry. "You are quite right." At this point Slipper created a diversion. "Hello!" said Duff. "Say! Look at him!" He pointed to the dog. "Ain't he a picture!" A hundred yards away stood Slipper, rigid, every muscle, every hair taut, one foot arrested in air. "I'll just get those," said Duff, slipping out of the buckboard and drawing the gun from beneath the seat. "Steady, old boy, steady! Hold the lines, Sandy." 32 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND He moved quickly toward the dog who, quivering with that mysterious instinct found in the hunting dog, still held the point with taut muscles, nose and tail in line. "Hello!" Barry called out. "It isn't the season yet for chicken. I say, Mr. Duff," he shouted, "it isn't the chicken season, you know." "Better leave him alone," said Sandy. "But it isn't the season yet! It is against the law!" protested Barry indignantly. Meantime Stewart Duff was closing up cautiously be- hind Slipper. "Forward, old boy! Ste-e-e-ady! Forward!" The dog refused to move. "Forward, Slipper!" Still the dog remained rigid, as if nailed to the ground. "On, Slipper!" Slowly the dog turned his head with infinite caution half round toward his master, as if in protest. "Hello, there !" shouted Barry, "you know " Just as he called there was on all sides a great whir- ring of wings. A dozen chicken flew up from under Duff's feet. Bang ! Bang ! went his gun. "Missed, as I'm a sinner!" exclaimed Sandy. "I thought he was a better shot than that." Back came Duff striding wide toward the buckboard. Fifty yards away he shouted: "Say ! what the devil do you mean calling like that at a man when he's on the point of shooting!" His face was black with anger. He looked ready to strike. Barry looked at him steadily. "But, I was just reminding you that it was not the season for chicken yet," he said in the tone of a man prepared to reason the matter. "What's that got to do with it! And anyway, whose business is it what I do but my own?" "But it's against the law !" "Oh, blank the law ! Besides " "Besides it isn't well, you know, it isn't quite sport- ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 33 ing to shoot out of season." Barry's manner was as if dealing with a fractious child. Duff, speechless with his passion, looked at him as if not quite sure what form his vengeance should take. "He's quite right, Stewart," said his friend Sandy, who was hugely enjoying himself. "You know well enough you are down on the farmer chaps who go pot hunting before season. It's rotten sport, you know." "Oh, hell! Will you shut up! Can't I shoot over my dog when he points? I'm not out shooting. If I want to give my dog a little experience an odd bird or two don't matter. Besides, what the " "Oh, come on, Stewart ! Get in, and get a move on ! You know you jire in the wrong. But I thought you were a better shot than that," added Sandy. His remark diverted Duff's rage. "Better shot!" he stormed. "Who could shoot with a a a " he was feeling round helplessly for a prop- erly effective word, "with a fellow yelling at you?" he concluded lamely. "I'd have had a brace of them if it hadn't been for him." "In that case," said Barry coolly, "I saved you from the law." "Saved me from the law! What the devil do you mean, anyway?" said Stewart. "If I want to pick up a bird who's to hinder me? And what's the law got to do with it?" "Well, you know, I'm not sure but it might have been my duty to report you. I feel that all who break the game laws should be reported. It is the only way to stop the lawless destruction of the game." Barry spoke in a voice of quiet deliberation, as if pondering the proper action in the premises. "Quite right, too," said Sandy gravely, but with a twinkle in his blue eye. "They ought to be reported. I have no use for those poachers." Duff made no reply. His rage and disgust, mingled with the sense of his being in the wrong, held him silent. 34 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND No man in the whole country was harder upon the game poachers than he, but to be held up in his action and to be threatened with the law by this young preacher, whom he rather despised anyway, seemed to paralyse his men- tal activities. It did not help his self-control that he was aware that his friend was having his fun of him. At this moment, fortunately for the harmony of the party, their attention was arrested by the appearance of a motor car driven at a furious rate along the trail, and which almost before they were aware came honking upon them. With a wild lurch the bronchos hurled themselves from the trail, upsetting the buckboard and spilling its load. Duff, cumbered with his gun, which he had reloaded, allowed one of the reins to drop from his hands and the team went plunging about in a circle, but Barry, the first to get to his feet, rushed to the rescue, snatched the reins and held on till he had dragged the plunging bronchos to a halt. The rage which had been boiling in Duff, and which with difficulty had been held within bounds, suddenly burst all bonds of control. With a fierce oath he picked up the gun which he had thrown aside in his struggle with the horses, and levelled it at the speeding motor car. "For God's sake, Stewart, stop!" shouted Bayne, springing toward his friend. Barry was nearer and quicker. The shot went off, but his hand had knocked up the gun. "My God, Stewart ! Are you clean crazy !" said Bayne, gripping him by the arm. "Do you know what you are doing? You are not fit to carry a gun!" "I'd have bust his blanked tires for him, anyway!" blustered Duff, though his face and voice showed that he had received a shock. "Yes, and you might have been a murderer by this time, and heading for the pen, but for Dunbar here. You owe him more than you can ever pay, you blanked fool!" ON THE RED PINE TRAIL 35 Duff made no reply, but busied himself with his horses. Nor did he speak again till everything was in readiness for the road. "Get in," he then said gruffly, and that was his last word until they drove into the village. At the store he drew up. "Thank you for the lift," said Barry. "I should have had a tough job to get back in time." Duff grunted at him, and passed on into the store. "I am very glad to have met you," said Bayne, shak- ing hands warmly with him. "You have done us both a great service. He is my friend, you know." "I am afraid I have offended him, all the same. But you see I couldn't help it, could I ?" Bayne looked at his young, earnest face for a moment or two as if studying him, then said with a curious smile, "No, I don't believe you could have helped it." And with that he passed into the store. "What sort of a chap is that preacher of yours?" he asked of the storekeeper. "I don't know; he ain't my church. Ask Innes there. He's a pillar." Bayne turned to a long, lean, hard-faced man lean- ing against the counter. "My name is Bayne, from Red Pine, Mr. Innes. I am interested in knowing what sort of a chap your preacher is. He comes out to our section, but I never met him till to-day." "Oh, he's no that bad," said Innes cautiously. "Not worth a cent," said a little, red headed man standing near. "He can't preach for sour apples." "I wadna just say that, Mr. Hayes," said Innes. "How do you know, Innes?" retorted Hayes. "You know you fall asleep before he gets rightly started." "I aye listen better with ma eyes shut." "Yes, and snore better, too, Mac," said Hayes. "But I don't blame you. Most of them go to sleep anyway. That's the kind of preacher he is." 36 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "What sort of a chap is he? I mean what sort of man?" "Well, for one thing, he's always buttin' in," volun- teered a square-built military looking man standing near. "If he'd stick to his gospel it wouldn't be so bad, but he's always pokin' his nose into everything." "But he's no that bad," said Innes again, "and as for buttin' in, McFettridge, and preachin' the gospel, I doubt the country is a good deal the better for the buttin' in that him and his likes have done this past year. And besides, the bairns all like him." "Well, that's not a bad sign, Mr. Innes," said Sandy Bayne, "and I'm not sure that I don't like him myself. But I guess he butts in, all right." "Oh, ay! he butts in," agreed Innes, "but I'm no so sure that that's no a part of his job, too." CHAPTER III A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE THE Dunbars lived in a cottage on a back street, which had the distinction of being the only home on the street which possessed the adornment of a gar- den. A unique garden it was, too. Indeed, with the single exception of Judge Hepburn's garden, which was quite an elaborate affair, and which was said to have cost the Judge a "pile of money," there was none to compare with it in the village of Wapiti. Any garden on that bare, wind-swept prairie meant toil and infinite pains, but a garden like that of the Dun- bars represented in addition something of genius. In conception, in design, and in execution the Dunbars' garden was something apart. Visitors were taken 'round to the back street to get a glimpse of the Dunbars' cot- tage and garden. The garden was in two sections. That at the back of the cottage, sheltered by a high, close board fence covered with Virginia creeper, was given over to vege- tables, and it was quite marvellous how, under Richard Dunbar's care, a quarter of an acre of ground could grow such enormous quantities of vegetables of all kinds. Next to the vegetable garden came the plot for small fruits strawberries, raspberries, currants, of rare varieties. The front garden was devoted to flowers. Here were to be found the old fashioned flowers dear to our grand- mothers, and more particularly the old fashioned flow- ers native to English and Scottish soil. Between the two gardens a thick row of tall, splendid sunflowers made a stately hedge. Then came larkspur, peonies, stocks, 37 38 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND and sweet-williams, verbenas and mignonette, with bor- ders of lobelia and heliotrope. Along the fence were sweet peas, for which Alberta is famous. But it was the part of the garden close about the front porch and verandah where the particular genius of Rich- ard Dunbar showed itself. Here the flowers native to the prairie, the coulee, the canyon, were gathered; the early wind flower, the crowfoot and the buffalo bean, wild snowdrops and violets. Over trellises ran the tiny morning-glory, with vetch and trailing arbutus. A bed of wild roses grew to wonderful perfection. Later in the year would be seen the yellow and crimson lilies, daisies white and golden, and when other flowers had faded, golden rod and asters in gorgeous contrast. The approach to the door of the house was by a gravel walk bordered by these prairie flowers. The house inside fulfilled the promise of the garden. The living room, simple in its plan, plain in its furnish- ing, revealed everywhere that touch in decorative adorn- ment that spoke of the cultivated mind and refined taste. A group of rare etchings had their place over the mantel above a large, open fireplace. On the walls were to be seen really fine copies of the world's most famous pic- tures, and on the panels which ran 'round the walls were bits of pottery and china, relics of other days and of other homes. But what was most likely to strike the eye of a stranger on entering the living room was the array of different kinds of musical instruments. At one end of the room stood a small upright piano, a 'cello held one corner, a guitar another; upon a table a cornet was deposited, and on the piano a violin case could be seen, while a banjo hung from a nail on the wall. Near the fireplace a curiously carved pipe-rack hung, with some half dozen pipes of weird design, evidently the coHection of years, while just under it a small table held the utensils sacred to the smoker. A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 39 When Barry entered he found the table set and every- thing in readiness for tea. "Awfully sorry I'm too late to help you with tea, dad. I have had a long walk, and quite a deuce of a time getting home." "All right, boy. Glad you are here. The toast is readv, tea waiting to be infused. But what happened? No, don't begin telling me till you get yourself ready. But hurry, your meeting hour will be on in no time." "Right-o, dad! Shame to make a slavey of you in this way. I'll be out in a jiffy." He threw off his coat and vest, shirt and collar, took a pail of water to a big block in the little shed at the back, soused his head and shoulders in it with loud snorting and puffing, and emerged in a few minutes looking refreshed, clean and wholesome, his handsome face shining with vigorous health. Together they stood at the table while the son said a few words of reverent grace. "I'm ravenous, dad. What! Fried potatoes! Oh, you are a brick." "Tired, boy?" "No. That reminds me of my thrilling tale, which I shall begin after my third slice of toast, and not before. You can occupy the precious minutes, dad, in telling me of your excitements in the office this afternoon." "Don't sniff at me. I had a few, though apparently you think it impossible in my humdrum grey life." "Good!" said Barry, his mouth full of toast. "Go on." "Young Neil Fraser is buying, or has just bought, the S.Q.R. ranch. Filed the transfer to-day." "Neil Fraser? He's in my tale, too. Bought the S.Q.R. ? Where did he get the stuff?" "Stuff?" "Dough, the dirt, the wherewithal, in short the cur- rency, dad." 40 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Barry, you are ruining your English," said his father. "Yum-yum. Bully! Did you notice that, dad? I'm coming on, eh? One thing I almost pray about, that I might become expert in slinging the modern jaw hash. I'm appallingly correct in my forms of speech. But go on, dad. I'm throwing too much vocalisation my- self. You were telling me about Neil Fraser. Give us the chorus now." "I don't like it, boy," said his father, shaking his head, "and especially in a clergyman." "But that's where you are off, dad. The trouble is, when I come within range of any of my flock all my flip vocabulary absolutely vanishes, and I find myself talking like a professor of English or a maiden lady school ma'am of very certain age." "I don't like it, boy. Correct English is the only English for a gentleman." "I wonder," said the lad. "But I don't want to worry you, dad." "Oh, as for me, that matters nothing at all, but I am thinking of you and of your profession, your stand- ing." "I know that, dad. I sometimes wish you would think a little more about yourself. But what of Neil Fraser?" "He has come into some money. He has bought the ranch." Barry's tone expressed doubtful approval. "Neil is a good sort, dad, awfully reckless, but I like him," said Barry. "He is up and up with it all." "Now, what about your afternoon?" said his father. "Well, to begin with, I had a dose of my old friend, the enemy." "Barry, you don't tell me! Your asthma!" His fa- ther sat back from the table gazing at him in dismay. "And I thought that was all done with." "So did I, dad. But it really didn't amount to much. Probably some stomach derangement, more likely some A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 41 of that pollen which is floating around now. I passed through a beaver meadow where they were cutting hay, and away I went in a gale of sneezing, forty miles an hour. But I'm all right now, dad. I'm telling you the truth. You know I do." "Yes, yes, I know," said his father, concern and relief mingling in his voice, "but you don't know how to take care of yourself, Barry. But go on with your tale." "Well, as I was panting along like a 'heavey horse,' as Harry Hobbs would say, not really too bad, dad, along comes that big rancher, Stewart Duff, driving his team of pinto bronchos, and with him a chap named Bayne, from Red Pine Creek. He turned out to be an awfully decent sort. And Duff's dog, Slipper, ranging on ahead, a beautiful setter." "Yes, I have seen him." They discussed for a few moments the beauties and points of Duff's Slipper, for both were keen sportsmen, and both were devoted to dogs. Then Barry went back to his tale and gave an account of what had happened during the ride home. "You see Slipper ranging about got 'on point' and beautiful work it was, too. Out jumped Duff with his gun, ready to shoot, though, of course, he knew it was out of season and that he was breaking the law. Well, just as Slipper flushed the birds, I shouted to Duff that he was shooting out of season. He missed." "Oh, he was properly wrathful at my spoiling his shot," cried the young man. "I don't know that I blame him, Barry," said his father thoughtfully. "It is an annoying thing to be shouted at with your gun on a bird, you know, extremely annoying." "But he was breaking the law, dad!" cried Barry in- dignantly. "I know, I know. But after all " "But, dad, you can't sit there and tell me that you don't condemn him for shooting out of season. You 42 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND know nothing makes you more furious than hearing about chaps who pot chicken out of season." "I know, I know, my boy." The father was appar- ently quite distressed. "You are quite right, but " "Now, dad, I won't have it! You are not to tell me that I had no business to stop him if I could. Besides, the law is the law, and sport is sport." "I quite agree, Barry. Believe me, I quite agree. Yet all the same, a chap does hate to have his shot spoiled, and to shout at a fellow with his gun on a bird, well, you'll excuse me, Barry, but it is hardly the sporting thing." "Sporting! Sporting!" said Barry. "I know that I hated to do it, but it was right. Besides talk about 'sport- ing' what about shooting out of season?" "Yes, yes. Well, we won't discuss it. Go on, Barry." "But I don't like it, dad. I don't like to think that you don't approve of what I do. It was a beastly hard thing to do, anyway. I had to make myself do it. It was my duty." The young man sat looking anxiously at his father. "Well, my boy," said his father, "I may be wrong, but do you think you are always called upon to remon- strate with every law breaker? No, listen to me," he continued hurriedly. "What I mean is, must you or any of us assume responsibility for every criminal in the land?" Barry sat silent a moment, considering this propo- sition. "I wish I knew, dad. You know, I have often said that to excuse myself after I have funked a thing, and let something go by without speaking up against it." "Funked it!" "Yes. Funked standing up for the right thing, you know." "Funked it!" said his father again. "You wouldn't do that, Barry?" "Oh, wouldn't I, though? I am afraid you don't know A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 43 me very well, dad. However, I rather think I had started him up before that, you know. You won't like this either. But I may as well go through with it You know, he was swearing and cursing most awfully, just in his ordinary talk you know, and that is a thing I can't stand, so I up and told him he was using too many 'damns.' " "You did, eh?" In spite of himself the father could not keep the surprise out of his voice. "Well, that took some nerve, at any rate." "There you are again, dad! You think I had no right to speak. But somehow I can't help feeling I was right. For don't you see, it would have seemed a bit like lowering the flag to have kept silent." "Then for God's sake speak out, lad! I do not feel quite the same way as you, but. it is what you think yourself that must guide you. But go on, go on." "Well, I assure you he was in a proper rage, and if it hadn't been for Bayne I believe he would have trimmed me to a peak, administered a fitting castigation, I mean." "He would, eh?" said the father with a grim smile. "I should like to see him try." "So should I, dad, if you were around. I think I see you feint with the right, then left, right, left! bing! bang ! bung ! All over but the shiver, eh, dad ? It would be sweet! But," he added regretfully, "that's the very thing a fellow cannot do." "Cannot do? And why not, pray? It is what every fellow is in duty bound to do to a bully of that sort." "Yes, but to be quite fair, dad, you could hardly call Duff a bully. At least, he wasn't bullying me. As a matter of fact, I was bullying him. Oh, I think he had reason to be angry. When a chap undertakes to pull another chap up for law breaking, perhaps he should be prepared to take the consequences. But to go on. Bayne stepped in awfully decent of him, too, when just at that moment, as novelists say, with startling sud- denness occurred an event that averted the impending 44 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND calamity. Along came Neil Fraser, no less, in that new car of his, in a whirlwind of noise and dust, honking like a flock of wild geese. Well, you should have seen those bronchos. One lurch, and we were on the ground, a beautiful upset, and the bronchos in an incipient run- away, fortunately checked by your humble servant. Duff, in a new and real rage this time, up with his gun and banged off both barrels after the motor car, by this time honking down the trail." "By Jove! he deserved it," said the father. "Those motor fellows make me long to do murder at times." "That's because you have no car, Dad, of course." "Did he hit him, do you think ?" "No. My arm happened to fly up, the gun banged toward the zenith. Nothing doing!" "Well, Barry, you do seem to have run foul of Mr. Duff." "Three times, dad. But each time prevented him from breaking the law and doing himself and others injury. Would you have let him off this last time, dad?" "No, no, boy. Human life has the first claim upon our care. You did quite right, quite right. Ungov- ernable fool he must be! Shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun." "So Bayne declared," said Barry. "Well, you have had quite an exciting afternoon. But finish your tea and get ready for the meeting. I will wash up." "Not if I know it, dad. You take your saw-horse and do me a little Handel or Schubert. Do, please," en- treated his son. "I want that before meeting more than anything else. I want a change of mood. I confess I am slightly rattled. My address is all prepared, but I must have atmosphere before I go into the meeting." His father took the 'cello, and after a few moments spent in carefully tuning up, began with Handel's im- mortal Largo, then he wandered into the Adagio Move- ment in Haydn's third Sonata, from thence to Schubert's A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 45 Impromptu in C Minor, after which he began the Sere- nade, when he was checked by his son. "No, not that, dad, that's sickening. I consider that the most morally relaxing bit of music that I know. It frays the whole moral fibre. Give us one of Chopin's Ballades, or better still a bit of that posthumous Fan- tasie Impromptu, the largo movement. Ah ! fine ! fine !" He flung his dish-cloth aside, ran to the piano and began an accompaniment to his father's playing. "Now, dad, the Largo once more before we close." They did the Largo once and again, then springing from the piano Barry cried : "That Largo is a means of grace to me. There could be no better preparation for a reli- gious meeting than that. If you would only come in and play for them, it would do them much more good than all my preaching." "If you would only take your music seriously, Barry," replied his father, somewhat sadly, "you would become a good player, perhaps even a great player." "And then what, dad?" His father waved him aside, putting up his 'cello. "No use going into that again, boy." "Well, I couldn't have been a great player, at any rate, dad." "Perhaps not, boy, perhaps not," said his father. "Great players are very rare. But it is time for your meeting." "So it is, dad. Awfully sorry I didn't finish up those dishes. Let them go till I return. I wish you would, dad, and come along with me." His voice had a wistful note in it. "Not to-night, boy, I think. We will have some talk after. You will only be an hour, you know." "All right, dad," said Barry. "Some time you may come." He could not hide the wistful regret of his tone. "Perhaps I shall, boy," replied his father. It was the one point upon which there was a lack of perfect harmony between father and son. When the 46 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND boy went to college it was with the intention of en- tering the profession of law, for which his father had been reading in his young manhood when the lure of Canada and her broad, free acres caught him, and he had abandoned the law and with his wife and baby boy had emigrated to become a land owner in the great Canadian west. Alas ! death, that rude spoiler of so many plans, broke in upon the sanctity and perfect peace of that happy ranch home and ravished it of its treasure, leaving a broken hearted man and a little boy, orphaned and sickly, to be cared for. The ranch was sold, the rancher moved to the city of Edmonton, thence in a few years to a little village some twenty-five miles nearer to the Foot- hills, where he became the Registrar and Homestead In- spector for the district. Here he had lived ever since, training the torn ten- drils of his heart about the lad, till peace came back again, though never the perfect joy of the earlier days. Every May Day the two were wont to go upon an expedi- tion many miles into the Foothills, to a little, sunny spot, where a strong, palisaded enclosure held a little grave. So little it looked, and so lonely amid the great hills. There, not in an abandonment of grief, but in loving and grateful remembrance of her whose dust the little grave now held, of what she had been to them, and had done for them, they spent the day, returning to take up again with hearts solemn, tender and chastened, the daily routine of life. That his son should grow to take up the profession of law had been the father's dream, but during his uni- versity course the boy had come under the compelling influence of a spiritual awakening that swept him into a world filled with new impressions and other desires. Obeying what he felt to be an imperative call, the boy chose the church as his profession, and after completing his theological course in the city of Winnipeg, and spend- ing a year in study in Germany, while still a mere youth A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 47 he had been appointed as missionary to the district of which his own village was the centre. But though widely separate from each other in the matter of religion, there were many points of contact between them. They were both men of the great out-of- doors, and under his father's inspiration and direction the boy had come to love athletic exercises of all kinds. They were both music-mad, the father having had in early youth a thorough musical education, the boy pos- sessing musical talent of a high order. Such training as was his he had received from his father, but it was con- fined to one single instrument, the violin. To this instru- ment, upon which his father had received the tuition of a really excellent master, the son devoted long hours of study and practice during his boyhood years, and his attainments were such as to give promise of something more than an amateur's mastery of his instrument. His college work, however, interfered with his music, and to his father's great disappointment and regret he was forced to lay aside his study of the violin. On the piano, however, the boy developed an extraordinary power of improvisation and of sight reading, and while his tech- nique was faulty his insight, his power of interpretation were far in excess of many artists who were his superiors in musical knowledge and power of execution. Many were the hours the father and son spent together through the long evenings of the western winter, and among the many bonds that held them in close comradeship, none was stronger than their common devotion to music. Long after his son had departed to his meeting the father sat dreaming over his 'cello, wandering among the familiar bits from the old masters as fancy led him, nor was he aware of the lapse of time till his son re- turned. "Hello! Nine-thirty?" he exclaimed, looking at his watch. "You have given them an extra dose to-night." "Business meeting afterwards, which didn't come off after all," said his son. "Postponed till next Sunday." 48 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND With this curt announcement, and without further com- ment he sat down at his desk. But after a few moments he rose quickly, saying, "Let us do some real work, dad." He took up his violin. His father, who was used to his moods, without question or remark proceeded to tune up. An hour's hard practice followed, without word from either except as regarded the work in hand. "I feel better now, dad," said the young man when they had finished. "And now for a round with you." "But what about your wind, boy? I don't like that asthma of yours this afternoon." "I am quite all right. It's quite gone. I feel sure it was the pollen from the beaver meadow." They cleared back the table and chairs from the centre of the room, stripped to their shirts, put on the gloves and went at each other with vim. Their style was sim- ilar, for the father had taught the son all he knew, ex- cept that the father's was the fighting and the son's the sparring style. To-night the roles appeared to be re- versed, the son pressing hard at the in-fighting, the fa- ther trusting to his foot work and countering with the light touch of a man making points. "You are boring in, aren't you?" said the father, stop- ping a fierce rally. "You are not playing up, dad," said his son. "I don't feel like soft work to-night. Come to me!" "As you say," replied the father, and for the next five minutes Barry had no reason to complain of soft work, for his father went after him with all the fight that was in him, so that in spite of a vigorous defence the son was forced to take refuge in a runaway game. "Now you're going!" shouted the son, making a fierce counter with his right to a hard driven left, which he side-stepped. It was a fatal exposure. Like the dart of a snake the right hand hook got him below the jaw, and he was hurled breathless on the couch at the side of the room. A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 49 "Got you now!" said his father. "Not quite yet," cried Barry. Like a cat he was on his feet, breathing deep breaths, dodging about, fighting for time. "Enough!" cried his father, putting down his hands. "Play up!" shouted Barry, who was rapidly recover- ing his wind. "No soft work. Watch out !" Again the father was on guard, while Barry, who seemed to have drawn upon some secret source of strength, came at him with a whirlwind attack, feinting, jabbing, swinging, hooking, till finally he landed a short half arm on the jaw, which staggered his father against the wall. "Pax !" cried the young man. "I have all I want." "Great!" said his father. "I believe you could fight, boy, if you were forced to." In the shed they sluiced each other with pails of wa- ter, had a rub down and got into their dressing gowns. "I feel fine, now, dad, and ready for anything," said Barry, glowing with his exercise and his tub. "I was feeling like a quitter. I guess that asthma got at my nerve. But I believe I will see it through some way." "Yes?" said his father, and waited. "Yes. They were talking blue ruin in there to-night Finances are behind, congregation is running down, therefore the preacher is a failure." "Well, lad, remember this," said his father, "never let your liver decide any course of action for you. Some good stiff work, a turn with the gloves, for instance, is the best preparation I know for any important decision. A man cannot decide wisely when he feels grubby. Your asthma this afternoon is a symptom of liver." "It is humiliating to a creature endowed with con- science and intellect to discover how small a part these play at times in his decisions. The ancients were not far wrong who made the liver the seat of the emotions." "Well," said his father, "it is a good thing to remem- 50 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND her that most of our bad hours come from our livers. So the preacher is a failure? Who said so?" "Oh, a number of them, principally Hayes." "Thank God, and go to sleep," said his father. "If Hayes were pleased with my preaching I should greatly suspect my call to the ministry." "But seriously, I am certainly not a great preacher, and perhaps not a preacher at all. They say I have no 'pep/ which with some of them appears to be the distinc- tive and altogether necessary characteristic of a popular preacher." "What said Innes ?" enquired his father. "Did you ever hear Innes say much ? From his silence one would judge that he must possess the accumulated wisdom of the ages." "When he does talk, however, he generally says some- thing. What was his contribution?" " 'Ah, weel,' said the silent one, 'Ah doot he's no a Spurgeon, not yet a Billy Sunday, but ye'll hardly be ex- pectin' thae fowk at Wapiti for nine hundred dollars a year.' Then, bless his old heart, he added, 'But the bairns tak to him like ducks to water, so you'd better bide a bit.' So they decided to 'bide a bit' till next Sunday. Dad, at first I wanted to throw their job in their faces, only I always know that it is the old Adam in me that feels like that, so I decided to 'bide a bit' too." "It is a poor job, after all, my boy," said his father. "It's no gentleman's job the way it is carried on in this country. To think of your being at the bidding of a creature like Hayes !" He could have said no better word. The boy's face cleared like the sudden shining of the sun after rain. He lifted his head and said, "Thank God, not at his bidding, dad. 'One is your Master,' " he quoted. "But after all, Hayes has some- thing good in him. Do you know, I rather like him. He's " "Oh, come now, we'll drop it right there," said his A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE 51 father, in a disgusted tone. "When you come to finding something to like in that rat, I surrender." "Who knows?" said the boy, as if to himself. "Poor Hayes. He may be quite a wonderful man, considering all things, his heredity and his environment. What would I have been, dad, but for you?" His father grunted, pulled hard at his pipe, coughed a bit, then looked his son straight in the face, saying, "God knows what any of us owe to our past." He fell into silence. His mind was far away, following his heart to the palisaded plot of ground among the Foothills and the little grave there in which he had covered from his sight her that had been the inspiration to his best and finest things, and his defence against the things low and base that had once hounded his soul, howling hard upon his trail. The son, knowing his mood, sat in silence with him, then rising suddenly he sat himself on the arm of his father's chair, threw his arm around his shoulder and said, "Dear old dad ! Good old boy you are, too. Good stuff ! What would I have been but for you? A puny, puling, wretched little crock', afraid of anything that could spit at me. Do you remember the old gander? I was near my eternal damnation that day." "But you won out, my boy," said his father in a croak- ing voice, putting his arm round his son. "Yes, because you made me stick it, just as you have often made me stick it since. May God forget me if I ever forget what you have done for me. Shall we read now?" He took the big Bible from its place upon the table, and turning the leaves read aloud from the teachings of the world's greatest Master. It was the parable of the talents. "Rather hard on the failure," he said as he closed the book. "No, not the failure," said his father, "the slacker, the 52 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND quitter. It is nature's law. There is no place in God's universe for a quitter." "You are right, dad," said Barry. "Good-night." He kissed his father, as he had ever done since his earliest infancy. Their prayers were said in private, the son, clergyman though he was, could never bring him- self to offer to lead the devotions of him at whose knee he had kneeled every night of his life, as a boy, for his evening prayer. "Good-night, boy," said his father, holding him by the hand for a moment or so. "We do not know what is before us, defeat, loss, suffering. That part is not in our hands altogether, but the shame of the quitter never need, and never shall be ours." The little man stepped into his bedroom with his shoulders squaad and his head erect. "By Jove! He's no quitter," said his son to himself, as his eyes followed him. "When he quits he'll be dead. God keep me from shaming him!" CHAPTER IV REJECTED hour for the church service had not quite ar- JL rived, but already a number of wagons, buckboards and buggies had driven up and deposited their loads at the church door. The women had passed into the church, where the Sunday School was already in session; the men waited outside, driven by the heat of the July sun and the hotter July wind into the shade of the church building. Through the church windows came the droning of voices, with now and then a staccato rapping out of com- mands heard above the droning. "That's Hayes," said a sturdy young chap, brown as an Indian, lolling upon the grass. "He likes to be boss- ing something." "That's so, Ewen," replied a smaller man, with a fish- like face, his mouth and nose running into a single fea- ture. "I guess he's doin' his best, Nathan Pilley," answered another man, stout and stocky, with bushy side whiskers flanking around a rubicund face, out of which stared two prominent blue eyes. "Oh, I reckon he is, Mr. Boggs. I have no word agin Hayes," replied Nathan Pilley, a North Ontario man, who, abandoning a rocky farm :n Muskoka, had strayed to this far west country in search of better fortune. "I have no word agin Mr. Hayes, Mr. Boggs," he reiter- ated. "In fact, I think he ought to be highly commended for his beneficent work." "But he does like to hear himself giving out orders, all the same." oersisted the young man addressed as Ewen. 53 54 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Yes, he seems to sorter enjoy that, too, Ewen," agreed Nathan, who was never known to oppose any man's opinion. "He's doin' his best," insisted Mr. Boggs, rather sullenly. "Yes, he is that, Mr. Boggs, he is that," said Nathan. "But he likes to be the big toad in the puddle," said Ewen. "Well, he certainly seems to, he does indeed, Ewen." Clear over the droning there arose at this point an- other sound, a chorus of childish laughter. "That's the preacher's class," said Boggs. "Quare sort o' Sunday School where the kids carry on like that." "Seems rather peculiar," agreed Nathan, "peculiar in Sunday School, it does." "What's the matter with young Pickles?" enquired Ewen. The eyes of the company, following the pointing fin- ger, fell upon young Pickles standing at the window of the little vestry to the church, and looking in. He was apparently convulsed with laughter, with his hand hard upon his mouth and nose as a kind of silencer. "Do you know what's the matter with him, Pat?" con- tinued Ewen. Pat McCann, the faithful friend and shadow of young Pickles, after studying the attitude and motions of his friend, gave answer: "It's the preacher, I guess. He's kiddin' the kids in- side. He's some kidder, too," he said, moving to take his place beside his friend. "What's he doing anyway?" said Ewen. "I'm going to see." Gradually a little company gathered behind young Pickles and Pat McCann. The window commanded a view of the room, yet in such a way that the group were unobserved by the speaker. "Say, you ought to seen him do the camel a minute ago," whispered Pickles. REJECTED 55 In the little vestry room were packed some twenty chil- dren of all ages and sizes, with a number of grown- ups who had joined the class in charge of some of its younger members. There was, for instance, Mrs. Innes, with the two youngest of her numerous progeny pil- lowed against her yielding and billowy person ; and Mrs. Stewart Duff, an infant of only a few weeks upon her knee accounting sufficiently for the paleness of her sweet face, and two or three other women with their small children filling the bench that ran along the wall. "Say ! look at Harry Hobbs," said Pat McCann to his friend. Upon the stove, which in summer was relegated to the corner of the room, sat Harry Hobbs, a man of any age from his appearance, thin and wiry, with keen, dart- ing eyes, which now, however, were fastened upon the preacher. All other eyes were, too. Even the smallest of the children seated on the front bench were gazing with mouths wide open, as if fascinated, upon the preacher who, moving up and down with quick, lithe steps, was telling them a story. A wonderful story, too, it seemed, the wonder of it apparent in the riveted eyes and fixed faces. It was the immortal story, matchless in the language, of Joseph, the Hebrew shepherd boy, who, sold into slavery by his brethren, became prime minis- ter of the mighty empire of Egypt. The voice tone of the minister, now clear and high, now low and soft, vi- brating like the deeper notes of the 'cello, was made for story telling. Changing with every changing emo- tion, it formed an exquisite medium to the hearts of the listeners for the exquisite music of the tale. The story was approaching its climactic denouement; the rapturous moment of the younger brother's revealing was at hand ; Judah, the older brother, was now holding the centre of the stage and making that thrilling ap- peal, than which nothing more moving is to be found in our English speech. The preacher's voice was throb- bing with all the pathos of the tale. Motionless, the little 56 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND group hung hard upon the story-teller, when the door opened quickly, a red head appeared, a rasping voice broke in: "Your class report, Mr. Dunbar, please. We're wait- ing for it." A sigh of disappointment and regret swept the room. "Oh, darn the little woodpecker !" said Ewen from the outside, in a disgusted tone. "That's the way with Hayes. He thinks he's the whole works, and that he never can get in wrong." The spell was broken, never to be renewed. The story hurried to its close, but the great climax failed of its proper effect. "He's a hummer, ain't he?" exclaimed young Pickles to his friend, Pat McCann. "Some hummer, and then some!" replied Pat. "I'm goin' in," said Pickles. "Aw, what for? He ain't no good preachin' to them folks. By gum! I think he's scared of 'em." But Pickles persisted, and followed with the men and boys who lounged lazily into the church, from which the Sunday School had now been dismissed. It appeared that the judgment of Pat McCann upon the merits of the preacher would be echoed by the ma- jority of the congregation present. While the service was conducted in proper form and in reverent spirit, the sermon was marked by that most unpardonable sin of which sermons can be guilty; it was dull. Solid enough in matter, thoughtful beyond the average, it was delivered in a style appallingly wooden, with an utter absence of that arresting, dramatic power that the preacher had shown in his children's class. The appearance of the congregation was, as ever, a reflection of the sermon. The heat of the day, the re- action from the long week in the open air, the quiet monotony of the well modulated voice rising and falling in regular cadence in what is supposed by so many preachers to be the tone suitable for any sacred office. REJECTED 57 produced an overwhelmingly somnolent effect. Many of them slept, some frankly and openly, others under cover of shading hands, bowed heads, or other subterfuges. Others again spent the whole of the period of the ser- mon, except for some delicious moments of surreptitious sleep, in a painful but altogether commendable struggle against the insidious influence of the god of slumber. Among the latter was Mrs. Innes, whose loyalty to her minister, which was as much a part of her as her breath- ing, contended in a vigorous fight against her much too solid flesh. It was a certain aid to wakefulness that her two children, deep in audible slumber, kept her in a state of active concern lest their inert and rotund little masses of slippery flesh should elude her grasp, and wreck the proprieties of the hour by flopping on the floor. There was also a further sleep deterrent in the fact that immediately before her sat Mr. McFettridge, whose usually erect form, yielding to the soporific influ- ences of the environment, showed a tendency gradually to sag into an attitude, relaxed and formless, which suggested sleep. This, to the lady behind him, partook of the nature of an affront to her minister. Conse- quently she considered it her duty to arouse the snoozing McFettridge with a vigorous poke in the small of the back. The effect was instantaneously apparent. As if her insistent finger had touched a button and released an electric current, Mr. McFettridge's sagging form shot convulsively into rigidity, and impinging violently upon the peacefully slumbering Mr. Boggs on the extreme end of the bench, toppled him over into the aisle. The astonished Boggs, finding himself thus deposited upon the floor, and beholding the irate face of Mr. Mc- Fettridge glooming down upon him, and fancying him to be the cause of his present humiliating position, sprang to his feet, swung a violent blow upon Mr. Fettridge's ear, exclaiming sotto voce: 58 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Take that, will you! And mind your own business! You were sleeping yourself, anyway!" Before the astonished and enraged Mr. McFettridge could gather his wits sufficiently for action, there rang over the astonished congregation a peal of boyish laugh- ter. It was from the minister. A few irrepressible youngsters joined in the laugh; the rest of the congre- gation, however, were held rigid in the grip of a shocked amazement. "Oh, I say! do forgive me, Mr. McFettridge!" cried the young man at the desk. "It was quite involuntary, I assure you." Then, quickly recovering himself, he added, "And now we shall conclude the service by sing- ing the seventy-ninth hymn." Before the last verse was sung he reminded the audi- ence of the congregational meeting immediately follow- ing, and without further comment the service was brought to a close. A number of the congregation, among them Barry's father, departed. "Sit down, Neil," said Mrs. Innes to Neil Eraser. "You'll be wanted I doot." And Neil,, protesting that he knew nothing about church business, sat down. At the back of the church were gathered Harry Hobbs, young Pickles, and others of the less important attend- ants of the church, who had been induced to remain by the rumour of a "scrap." By a fatal mischance, the pliant Nathan Pilley was elected chairman. This gentleman was obsessed by the notion that he possessed in a high degree the two quali- ties which he considered essential to the harmonious and expeditious conduct of a public meeting, namely, an in- vincible determination to agree with every speaker, and an equally invincible determination to get motions passed. In a rambling and aimless speech, Mr. Pilley set forth in a somewhat general way the steps leading up to this meeting, and then called upon Mr. Innes, the chairman REJECTED 59 of the Board of Management, to state more specifically the object for which it was called. Mr. Innes, who was incurably averse to voluble speech, whether public or private, arose and said, in rolling Doric : "Weel, Mr. Chair-r-man, there's no much to be done. We're behind a few hundred dollars, but if some one will go about wi' a bit paper, nae doot the ar-rear-rs.wad soon be made up, and everything wad be ar-richt." "Exactly," said Mr. Pilley pleasantly. "Now will some one offer a motion?" Thereupon Mr. Hayes was instantly upon his feet, and in a voice thin and rasping exclaimed: "Mr. Chairman, there's business to be done, and we are here to do it, and we're not going to be rushed through in this way." "Exactly, Mr. Hayes, exactly," said Mr. Pilley. "We must give these matters the fullest consideration." Then followed a silence. "Perhaps Mr. Hayes " continued the chairman, looking appealingly at that gentleman. "Well, Mr. Chairman," said Mr. Hayes, with an ap- peased but slightly injured air, "it is not my place to set forth the cause of this meeting being called. If the chairman of the board would do his duty" here he glared at the unconscious Mr. Innes "he would set be- fore it the things that have made this meeting necessary, and that call for drastic action." "Hear! Hear!" cried Mr. Boggs. "Exactly so," acquiesced the chairman. "Please con- tinue, Mr. Hayes." Mr. Hayes continued: "The situation briefly is this: We are almost hopelessly in debt, and " "How much?" enquired Neil Fraser, briskly interrupt- ing. "Seven hundred dollars," replied Mr. Hayes, "and further " "Five hundred dollars," said Mr. Innes. 60 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I have examined the treasurer's books," said Mr. Hayes in the calmly triumphant tone of one sure of his position, "and I find the amount to be seven hundred dollars, and therefore " "Five hundred dollars," repeated Mr. Innes, gazing into space. "Seven hundred dollars, I say," snapped Mr. Hayes. "Five hundred dollars," reiterated Mr. Innes, without further comment. "I say I have examined the books. The arrears are seven hundred dollars." "Five hundred dollars," said Mr. Innes calmly. The youngsters at the back snickered. "Go to it!" said Harry Hobbs, under his breath. Even the minister, who was sitting immediately be- hind Harry, could not restrain a smile. "Mr. Chairman," cried Mr. Hayes, indignantly, "I ap- peal against this interruption. I assert " "Where's the treasurer?" said Neil Fraser. "What's the use of this chewin' the rag?" "Ah! Exactly so," said the chairman, greatly re- lieved. "Mr. Boggs Perhaps Mr. Boggs will en- lighten us." Mr. Boggs arose with ponderous deliberation. "Mr. Chairman," he said, "in one sense Mr. Hayes is right when he states the arrears to be seven hundred dollars " "Five hundred dollars A'm tellin' ye," said Mr. Innes with the first sign of feeling he had shown. "And Mr. Innes is also right," continued Mr. Boggs, ignoring the interruption, "when he makes the arrears five hundred dollars, the two hundred dollars difference being the quarterly revenue now due." "Next week," said Mr. Innes, reverting to his wonted calm. "Exactly so," said the chairman, rubbing his hands amiably; "so that the seven hundred dollars we now owe " REJECTED 61 This was too much even for the imperturbable Mr. Innes. He arose in his place, moved out into the aisle, ad- vanced toward the platform, and with arm outstretched, exclaimed in wrathful tones: "Mon, did ye no hear me tellin* ye ? I want nae mon to mak' me a le-ear." At this point Mr. Stewart Duff, who had come to con- vey his wife home, and had got tired waiting for her outside, entered the church. "Oh, get on with the business," said Neil Fraser, who, although enjoying the scene, was becoming anxious for his dinner. "The question what's to be done with the five hundred dollars' arrears. I say, let's make it up right here. I am willing to give " "No, Mr. Chairman," shouted Mr. Hayes, who was notoriously averse to parting with his money, and was especially fearful of a public subscription. "There is something more than mere arrears much more " "Ay, there is," emphatically declared Mr. McFettridge, rising straight and stiff. "I'm for plain speakin'. The finances is not the worst about this congregation. The congregation has fallen off. Other churches in this village has good congregations. Why shouldn't we? The truth is, Mr. Chairman," Mr. McFettridge's voice rolled deep and sonorous over the audience "we want a popu- lar preacher a preacher that draws a preacher with some pep." "Hear! hear!" cried Mr. Boggs. "Pep's what we want That's it pep." "Pep," echoed the chairman. "Exactly so, pep." "More than that," continued Mr. McFettridge, "we want a minister that's a good mixer one that stands in with the boys." "Hear! Hear!" cried Mr. Boggs again. "A mixer! Exactly!" agreed the chairman. "A mixer!" nodding pleasantly at Mr. Boggs. 62 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "And another thing I will say," continued Mr. McFet- tridge, "now that I am on my feet. We want a preacher that will stick to his job that will preach the gospel and not go meddlin' with other matters with politics and such like." "Or prohibition," shouted Harry Hobbs from the rear, to the undiluted joy of the youngsters in his vicinity. The minister shook his head at him. "Yes, prohibition," answered Mr. McFettridge, facing toward the rear of the church defiantly. "Let him stick to his preaching the gospel ; I believe the time has come for a change and I'm prepared to make a motion that we ask our minister to resign, and that motion I now make." "Second the motion," cried Mr. Boggs promptly. "You have heard the motion," said the chairman, with business-like promptitude. "Are you ready for the ques- tion?" "Question," said Mr. Hayes, after a few moments' si- lence, broken by the shuffling of some members in their seats, and by the audible whispering of Mrs. Innes, evi- dently exhorting her husband to action. "Then all those in favour of the motion will please " Then from behind the organ a little voice piped up, "Does this mean, Mr. Chairman, that we lose our min- ister?" It was Miss Quigg, a lady whose years no gallantry could set below forty, for her appearance indicated that she was long past the bloom of her youth. She was thin, almost to the point of frailness, with sharp, deli- cately cut features; but the little chin was firm, and a flash of the brown eyes revealed a fiery soul within. Miss Quigg was the milliner and dressmaker of the village, and was herself a walking model of her own exquisite taste in clothes and hats. It was only her failing health that had driven her to abandon a much larger sphere than her present position offered, but even here her REJECTED 63 fame was such as to draw to her little shop customers from the villages round about for many miles. "Does this mean, sir, that Mr. Dunbar will leave us?" she repeated. "Well, yes, madam that is, Miss, I suppose, in a way practically it would amount to that." "Will you tell me yes or no, please," Miss Quigg' s neat little figure was all a-quiver to ti.e tips of her hat plumes. "Well," said the chairman, squirming under the un- pleasant experience of being forced to a definite answer, "I suppose, yes." Miss Quigg turned from the squirming and smiling Mr. Pilley in contempt. "Then," she said, "I say no. And I believe there are many here who would say no and men, too." The wealth of indignation and contemptuous scorn infused into the word by which the difference in sex of the hu- man species was indicated, made those unhappy individ- uals glance shamefacedly at each other "only they are too timid, the creatures! or too indifferent." Again there was an exchange of furtive glances and smiles and an uneasy shifting of position on the part of "the creatures." "But if you give them time, Mr. Chairman, I believe they will perhaps get up courage enough to speak." Miss Quigg sat down in her place behind the organ, disappearing quite from view except for the tips of her plumes, whose rapid and rhythmic vibrations were elo- quent of the beating of her gallant little heart. "Exactly so," said the chairman, in confused but hearty acquiescence. "Perhaps some one will say some- thing." Then Mr. Innes, forced to a change of position by the physical discomfort caused by his wife's prodding, rose and said, "I dinna see the need o' any change. Mr. Dunbar is no a great preacher, but Ah doot he does his best. And the bairns all like him." 64 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND Then the congregation had a thrill. In the back seat rose Harry Hobbs. "I'm near forty years old," he cried, in a high nasal tone that indicated a state of extreme nervous tension, "and I never spoke in meetin' before. I ain't had no use for churches and preachers, and I guess they hadn't no use for me. You folks all know me. I've been in this burg for near eight years, and I was a drinkin', swearin', fightin' cuss. This preacher came into the barn one day when I was freezin' to death after a big spree. He tuk me home with him and kep' me there for two weeks, settin' up nights with me, too. Let me be," he said impatiently to Barry, who was trying to pull him down to his seat. "I'm agoin' to speak this time if it kills me. Many a time I done him dirt sence then, but he stuck to me, and never quit till he got me turned 'round. I was goin' straight to hell ; he says I'm goin' to heaven now." Here he laughed with a touch of scorn. "I dunno. But, by gum! if you fire him and do him dirt, I don't know what'll become of me, but I guess I'll go straight to hell again." "No, Harry, no you won't. You'll keep right on, Harry, straight to heaven." It was the preacher's voice, full of cheery confidence. Mrs. Innes was audibly sniffling; Mrs. Stewart Duff wiping her eyes. It was doubtless this sight that brought her husband to his feet. "I don't quite know what the trouble is here," he said. "I understand there are arrears. I heard some criticism of the minister's preaching. I can't say I care much for it myself, but I want to say right here that there are other things wanted in a minister, and this young fellow has got some of them. If he stays, he gets my money; if he doesn't, no one else does. I'll make you gentle- men who are kicking about finances a sporting proposi- tion. I'm willing to double my subscription, if any other ten men will cover my ante." REJECTED 65 "I'll call you," said Neil Eraser, "and I'll raise you one." "I'm willing to meet Mr. Duff and Mr. Fraser," said Miss Quigg, rising from behind her organ with a tri- umphant smile on her face. "I ain't got much money," said Harry Hobbs, "but I'll go you just half what I earn if you'll meet me on that proposition." "Ah may say," said Mr. Innes, yielding to his wife's vigorous vocal and physical incitations, "A'm prepair-r-ed to male' a substantial increase in my subscreeption that is, if necessary," he added cautiously. Then Barry came forward from the back of the church and stood before the platform. After looking them over for a few moments in silence, he said, in a voice clear, quiet, but with a ring in it that made it echo in every heart : "Had it not been for these last speeches, it would have been unnecessary to allow the motion to go before you. I could not have remained where I am not wanted. But now I am puzzled, I confess, I am really puzzled to know what to do. I am not a great preacher, I know, but then there are worse. I don't, at least I think I don't, talk nonsense. And I am not what Mr. McFettridge calls a 'good mixer.' On the other hand, I think Mr. Innes is right when he says the bairns like me; at least, it would break" he paused, his lip quivering, then he went on quietly "it would be very hard to think they didn't." "They do that, then," said Mrs. Innes, emphatically. "So you see, it is really very difficult to know what to do. I would hate to go away, but it might be right to go away. I suggest you let me have a week to think it over. Can you wait that long?" His handsome, boyish face, alight with a fine glow of earnestness and sincerity, made irresistible appeal to all but those who for personal reasons were opposed to him. "You see," he continued, in a tone of voice delibera- tive and quite detached, "there are a number of things to 66 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND think about. Those arrears, for instance, are hardly my fault at least, not altogether. I was looking over the treasurer's books the other day, and I was surprised to find how many had apparently quite forgotten to pay their church subscription. It is no doubt just an over- sight. For instance," he added, in the confidential tone of one imparting interesting and valuable information, "you will be surprised to learn, Mr. Duff, that you are twenty-five dollars behind in your payments." At this Neil Eraser threw, back his head with a loud laugh. "Touche!" he said, in a joyous undertone. The minister looked at him in surprise, and went on, "And while Mr. Innes and Miss Quigg are both paid up in full, Mr. Hayes has apparently neglected to pay his last quarter." "Hit him again," murmured Harry Hobbs, while Mr. Hayes rose in virtuous indignation. "I protest, Mr. Chairman!" he cried, "against these personalities." "Oh, you quite mistake me, Mr. Hayes," said the preacher, "these are not personalities. I am simply show- ing how easy it is for arrears to arise, and that it may not be my fault at all. Of course, it may be right for me to resign. I don't know about that yet, but I want to be very sure. It would be easier to resign, but I don't want to be a quitter." "I move we adjourn," said Neil Fraser. "I second the motion," said Stewart Duff. The mo- tion was carried, and the meeting adjourned. At the door the minister stood shaking hands with all as they passed out, making no distinction in the hearti- ness with which he greeted all his parishioners. To Miss Quigg, however, he said, "Thank you. You were splen- didly plucky." "Nonsense !" cried the little lady, the colour flaming in her faded cheeks. "But," she added hastily, "you did that beautifully, and he deserved it, the little beast!" REJECTED 67 "Solar plexus !" said Neil Eraser, who was immediately behind Miss Quigg. The minister glanced from one to the other in per- plexity, as they passed out of the door. "But, you know, I was only " "Oh, yes, we know," cried Miss Quigg. "But if those men would only take hold ! Oh, those men !" She turned upon Neil Fraser and shook her head at him violently. "I know, Miss Quigg. We are a hopeless and help- less lot. But we're going to reform." "You need to, badly," she said. "But you need some one to reform you. Look at Mr. Duff there, how vastly improved he is," and she waved her hand to that gen- tleman, who was driving away with his wife in their buckboard. "He is a perfect dear," sighed Mrs. Duff, as she bowed to the minister. "And you, too, Stewart," she added, giving his arm a little squeeze, "you said just the right thing when those horrid people were going to turn him out." "Say ! Your preacher isn't so bad after all," said her husband. "Wasn't that a neat one for old Hayes?" "He rather got you, though, Stewart." "Yes, he did, by Jove ! Not the first time, either, he's done it. But I must look after that. Say, he's the limit for freshness though. Or is it freshness? I'm not quite sure." "Will he stay with us?" said his wife. "I really do hope he will." "Guess he'll stay all right. He won't give up his job," said her husband. But next week proved Mr. Duff a poor prophet, for the minister after the service informed his people that he had come to the conclusion that another man might get better results as minister of the congregation ; he had therefore handed in his resignation to the Presbytery. It was a shock to them all, but he adhered to his reso- lution in spite of tearful lamentations from the women, 68 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND wide-eyed amazement and dismay from the bairns of the congregation, and indignation, loudly expressed, from Neil Fraser and Stewart Duff, and others of their kind. "Well," said Miss Quigg, struggling with indignant tears, as she was passing out of the church, "you won't see Harry Hobbs in this church again, nor me, either." "Oh, yes, Miss Quigg, Harry has promised me that he will stick by the church, and that he will be there every Sunday. And so will you, dear Miss Quigg. I know you. You will do what is right." But that little lady, with her head very erect and a red spot burning in each faded cheek, passed out of the church saying nothing, the plumes on her jaunty little hat quivering defiance and wrath against "those men, who had so little spunk as to allow a little beast like Hayes to run them." CHAPTER V THE WAR DRUM CALLS WELL, dad," said Barry next evening as they were sitting in the garden after tea, "I feel something like Mohammed's coffin, detached from earth but not yet ascended into heaven. It's unpleasant to be out of a job. I confess I shall always cherish a more intelli- gent sympathy henceforth for the great unemployed. But cheer up, dad ! You are taking this thing much too seriously. The world is wide, and there is something waiting me that I can do better than any one else." But the father had little to say. He felt bitterly the humiliation to which his son had been subjected. Barry refused to see the humiliation. "Why should I not resign if I decide it is my duty so to do? And why, on the other hand, should not they have the right to terminate my engagement with them when they so desire? That's democratic government." "But good Lord, Barry!" burst out his father, with quite an unusual display of feeling; "to think that a gen- tleman should hold his position at the whim of such whippersnappers as Hayes, Boggs et hoc genus omne. And more than that, that I should have to accept as my minister a man who would be the choice of cattle like that." "After all, dad, we are ruled by majorities in this age and in this country. That is at once the glory and the danger of democratic government. There is no better way discovered as yet. And besides, I couldn't go on here, dad, preaching Sunday after Sunday to people who I felt were all the time saying, 'He's no good' ; to peo- 69 70 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND pie, in short, who could not profit by my preaching." "Because it had no pep, eh ?" said his father with bit- ter scorn. "Do you know, dad, I believe that's what is wrong with my preaching : it hasn't got pep. What pep is, only the initiated know. But the long and the short of this thing is, it is the people that must be satisfied. It is they who have to stand your preaching, they who pay the piper. But cheer up, dad, I have no fear for the future." "Nor have I, my boy, not the slightest. I hope you did not think for a moment, my son," he added with some dignity, "that I was in doubt about your future." "No, no, dad. We both feel a little sore naturally, but the future is all right." "True, my dear boy, true. I was forgetting myself. As you say, the world is wide and your place is wait- ing." "Hello ! here comes my friend, Mr. Duff," said Barry in a low voice. "He was ready to throw Mr. McFettridge out of the meeting yesterday, body and bones. Awfully funny, if it hadn't been in church. Wonder what he wants! Seems in a bit of a hurry." But hurry or not, it was a full hour before Mr. Duff introduced his business. As he entered the garden he stood gazing about him in amazed wonder and delight, and that hour was spent in company with Mr. Dunbar, exploring the garden, Barry following behind lost in amazement at the new phase of character displayed by their visitor. "I have not had such a delightful evening, Mr. Dun- bar, for years," said Duff, when they had finished making the round of the garden. "I have heard about your gar- den, but I had no idea that it held such a wealth and va- riety of treasures. I had something of a garden myself in the old country, but here there is no time apparently for anything but cattle and horses and money. But if you would allow me I should greatly like to have the THE WAR DRUM CALLS 71 pleasure of bringing Mrs. Duff to see your beautiful garden." Mr. Duff was assured that the Dunbars would have the greatest pleasure in receiving Mrs. Duff. "Do bring her," said Barry, "and we can have a little music, too. She is musical, I know. I hear her sing in church." "Music! Why, she loves it. But she dropped her music when she came here ; there seemed to be no time, no time, no time. I wonder sometimes Well, I must get at my business. It is this letter that brings me. It is from an American whom you know, at least, he knows you, a Mr. Osborne Rowland of Pittsburgh." Mr. Dunbar nodded. "He is planning a big trip up the Peace River country prospecting for oil and mines, and later hunting. He says you and your son engaged to accompany him, and he asks me to complete arrangements with you. I am getting Jim Knight to look after the outfit. You know Jim, perhaps. He runs the Lone Pine ranch. Fine chap he is. Knows all about the hunting business. Takes a party into the mountains every year. He'll take Tom Fielding with him. I don't know Fielding, but Knight does. Mr. Howland says there will be three of their party. Far too many, but that's his business. I myself am rather anxious to look after .some oil deposits, and this will be a good chance. What do you say?" Father and son looked at each other. "It would be fine, if we could manage it," said Mr. Dunbar, "but my work is so pressing just now. A great many are coming in, and I am alone in the office at pres- ent. When does he propose to start?" "In six weeks' time. I hope you can come, Mr. Dun- bar. I couldn't have said so yesterday, but I can now. Any man with a garden like this, the product of his own planning and working, is worth knowing. So I do hope you can both come. By the way, Knight wants a camp 72 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND hand, a kind of roustabout, who can cook a handy man, you know." "I have him," said Barry. "Harry Hobbs." "Hobbs? Boozes a bit, doesn't he?" "Not now. Hasn't for six months. He's a new man. I can guarantee him." "You can, eh? Well, my experience is once a boozer always a boozer." "Oh," said Barry, "Hobbs is different. He is a mem- ber of our church, you know." "No, I didn't know. But I don't know that that makes much difference anyway," said Duff with a laugh. "I don't mean to be offensive," he added. "It does to Hobbs, he's a Christian man now. I mean a real Christian, Mr. Duff." "Well, I suppose there is such a ti~g. In fact, I've known one or two, but well, if you guarantee him I'll take him." "I will guarantee him," said Barry. "Let me have your answer to-morrow," said Duff as he bade them good-night. The Dunbars discussed the matter far into the night. It was clearly impossible for Mr. Dunbar to leave his work, and the only question was whether or not Barry should make one of the party. Barry greatly disliked the idea of leaving his father during the hot summer months, as he said, "to slave away at his desk, and to slop away in his bachelor diggings." He raised many objec- tions, but one consideration seemed to settle things for the Dunbars. To them a promise was a promise. "If I remember aright, Barry, we promised that we should join their party on this expedition." "Yes," added Barry quickly, "if our work permitted it." "Exactly," said his father. "My work prevents me, your work does not." Hence it came that by the end of August Barry found himself in the far northern wilds of the Peace River THE WAR DRUM CALLS 73 country, a hundred miles or so from Edmonton, attached to a prospecting-hunting party of which Mr. Osborne Rowland was the nominal head, but of which the "boss" was undoubtedly his handsome, athletic and impetuous daughter Paula. The party had not been on the trail for more than a week before every member was moving at her command, and apparently glad to do so. The party were camped by a rushing river at the foot of a falls. Below the falls the river made a wide eddy, then swept down in a turbulent rapid for some miles. The landing was a smooth and shelving rock that pitched somewhat steeply into the river. The unfortunate Harry, who after the day's march had exchanged his heavy marching boots with their clinging hobnails for shoes more comfortable but with less cling- ing qualities, in making preparation for the evening meal made his way down this shelving rock of water. No sooner had he filled his pail than his foot slipped from under him, and in an instant the pail and himself were in the swiftly flowing river. His cry startled the camp. "Hello!" shouted Duff, with a great laugh. "Harry is in the drink ! I never knew he was so fond of water as all that. You've got to swim for it now, old boy." "Throw him something," said Knight. Past them ran Barry, throwing off coat and vest. "He can't swim," he cried, tearing at his boots. "Throw him a line, some one." He ran down to the water's edge, plunged in, and swam toward the unfor- tunate Harry, who, splashing wildly, was being carried rapidly into the rough water. "Oh, father, he will be drowned!" cried Paula, rush- ing toward a canoe which was drawn up on the shore. Before any one could reach her she had pushed it out and was steering over the boiling current in Barry's wake. But after a few strokes of her paddle she found herself driven far out into the current and away from the struggling men. Paula had had sufficient experience 74 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND with a canoe to handle it with considerable ease in smooth water and under ordinary conditions, but in the swirl of this rough and swift water the canoe took the manage- ment of its course out of her hands, and she had all she could do to keep afloat. "For God's sake, men, get her!" cried Brand. "She will be drowned before our eyes." "Come on, Tom," cried Jim Knight, swinging another canoe into the water. A glance he gave at the girl, an- other at the struggling men, for by this time Barry could be seen struggling with the drowning Hobbs. "Get in, Tom," ordered Knight, taking the stern. "We will get the men first. The girl is all right in the mean- time." "Get the girl!" commanded Brand. "For God's sake go for the girl," he entreated in a frenzy of distress. "No," said Knight, "the men first. She's all right." "Here," said Duff to Brand, pushing out the remain- ing canoe, "get into the bow, and stop howling. Those men are in danger of being drowned, but Knight will get them. We'll go for the girl." It took but a few minutes for Knight and Fielding, who knew their craft thoroughly and how to get the best out of her in just such an emergency, to draw up upon Harry and his rescuer. "Say, they are fighting hard," said Fielding. "That bloody little fool is choking the life out of Dunbar. My God ! they are out of sight !" "Go on," roared Knight. "Keep your eyes on the spot, and for Heaven's sake, paddle!" "They are up again! One of them is. It's Barry. The other is gone. No, by Jove ! he's got him ! Hold on, Barry, we're coming," yelled Tom. "Stick to it, old boy!" Swiftly the canoe sped toward the drowning men. "They are gone this time for sure," cried Tom, as the canoe shot over the spot where the men had last been seen. 75 "Not much!" said Knight, as reaching out of the stern he gripped Barry by the hair. "Hold hard, Barry," he said quietly. "No monkey work now or you'll drown us all." Immediately Barry ceased struggling. "Don't try to get in, Barry. We'll have to tow you ashore." "All right, Jim," he said between his sobbing breaths. "Only hurry up I've got him here." Knight reached down carefully, lifted Barry till his hand touched the gunwale of the canoe. "Not too hard, Barry," he said. "I'll ease you round to the stern. Steady, boy, steady. Don't dump us." "All right Jim but he's under the water here." "Oh, never mind him. We'll get him all right. Can you hold on now ?" said Knight. "Yes I think so." "Now, for God's sake, Tom, edge her into the shore. See that little eddy there? Swing into that! You'll do it all right. Goodman!" By this time Knight was able to get Harry's head above water. In a few minutes they had reached the shore, and were working hard over Harry's unconscious body, leaving Barry lying on the sand to recover his strength. A long fight was necessary to bring the life back into Harry, by which time Barry was sufficiently recovered to sit up. "Stay where you are, Barry, until we get this man back to camp," ordered Knight. "We'll light a bit of a fire for you." "I'm warm enough," said Barry. "Warm enough? You may be, but you will be bet- ter with a fire, and you lie beside it till we get you. Don't move now." "There's the other canoes coming," said Fielding. "They'll make shore a little lower down. They're all right. Say, she's handling that canoe like a man!" "Who?" said Barry. 76 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Why, Miss Rowland," said Fielding. "She was out after you like a shot. She's a plucky one !" Barry was on his feet in an instant, watching anxiously the progress of the canoes, which were being slowly edged across the river in a long incline toward the shore. "They'll make it, all right," said Knight, after ob- serving them for a time. "Don't you worry. Just lie down by the fire. We'll be back in a jiffy." In an hour they were all safely back in camp, and sufficiently recovered to discover the humorous points in the episode. But they were all familiar enough with the treacherous possibilities of rough and rapid water to know that for Hobbs and his deliverer at least, there had been some serious moments during their fierce struggle in the river. "Another minute would have done," said Fielding to his friend, as they sat over the fire after supper. "A half a minute would have been just as good," said Knight. "I got Barry by the hair under water. He was at his last kick, you bet ! And that rat," he added, smiling good naturedly at Harry, "was dragging him down for the last time." "I didn't know nothin' about it," said poor Harry, who was lying stretched out by the fire, still very weak and miserable. "I didn't know nothin' about it, or you bet I woudn't ha' done it. I didn't know nothin' after he got me." "After you got him, you mean," said Fielding. "I guess that's right," said Harry, "but I wouldn't ha' got him if he hadn't ha' got me first." They all joined in the discussion of the event except Paula, who sat distrait and silent, gazing into the fire, and Barry, who lay, drowsy and relaxed, on a blanket not far from her side. "You ought to go to bed," said Paula at length in a low voice to him. "You need a good night's sleep." "I'm too tired to sleep," said Barry. "I feel rather THE WAR DRUM CALLS 77 rotten, in fact. I ought to feel very grateful, but some- how I just feel rotten." "Can one be grateful and feel rotten at the same time?" said Paula, making talk. "Behold me," replied Barry. "I know I am grateful, but I do feel rotten. I don't think I have even thanked you for risking your life for me," he added, turning toward her. "Risking my life? Nonsense! I paddled 'round in the canoe for a bit, till two strong men came to tow me in, and would have, if I had allowed them. Thank the boys, who got you in time." She shuddered as she spoke. "I do thank them, and I do feel grateful to them," said Barry. "It was rather a near thing. You see, I let him grip me. I choked him off my arms, but he slid down to my thigh, and I could not kick him off. Had to practically drown him. Even then he hung on." "Oh, don't speak about it," she said with a shudder, covering her face with her hands. "It was too awful, and it might have been the end of you." Her voice broke a little. "No, not an end," answered Barry, in a quiet voice. "Not the end by a long way, not by a very long way." "What do you mean ? Oh, you are thinking of immor- tality, and all that," said Paula. "It's a chilly, ghostly subject. It makes me shiver. I get little comfort out of it." "Ghostly it is, if you mean a thing of spirits," said Barry, "but chilly! Why chilly?" Then he added to himself in an undertone : "I wonder! I wonder! I wish sometimes I knew more." "Sometimes ?" cried Paula. "Always !" she added pas- sionately. "It's a dreadful business to me. To be sud- denly snatched out of the light and the warmth, away from the touch of warm fingers and the sight of dear faces! Ah, I dread it! I loathe the thought of it. I hate it!" 78 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "And yet," mused Barry, "somehow I cannot forget that out there somewhere there is One, kindly, genial, true, like my dad. How good he has been to me my dad, I mean, and that Other, too, has been good. Some- how I think of them together. Yes, I am grateful to Him." "Oh, God, you mean," said Paula, a little impatiently. "Yes, to God. He saved me to-day. 'Saved,' I say. It is a queer way to speak, after all. What I really ought to say is that God thought it best that I should camp 'round here for a bit longer before moving in nearer." "Nearer?" "Yes, into the nearer circle. Life moves 'round a cen- tre, in outer and inner circles. This is the outer circle. Nearer in there, it is kindlier, with better light and clearer vision. 'We shall know even as we are known.' ' Barry mused on, as if communing with himself. "But when you move in," said Paula, and there was no mistaking the earnestness of her tone, "you break touch with those you love here." "I don't know about that," answered Barry quickly. "Oh, yes you do. You are out of all this, all this," she swept her hand at the world around her, "this good old world, all your joy and happiness, all you love. Oh, that's the worst of it; you give up your love. I hate it!" she concluded with vehemence sudden and fierce, as she shook her fist towards the stars. "Give up your love ?" said Barry. "Not I ! Not one good, honest affection do I mean to give up, nor shall I." "Oh, nonsense! Don't be religious. Just be honest," said Paula, in a low, intense voice. "Let me speak to you. Suppose I I love a man with all my soul and body and body, mind you, and he goes out, or goes in, as you say. No matter, he goes out of my life. I lose him, he is not here. I cannot feel and respond to his love. I cannot feel his strong arms about me. My God!" Her voice came with increasing vehemence. "I want his arms. I want him as he is. I want his body THE WAR DRUM CALLS 79 I cannot love a ghost. No ! no !" she added in a low, hopeless voice. "When he goes out I lose him, and lose him as mine forever. Oh, what do I care for your spirit love! The old Greeks were right. They are shades shades, mere shades beyond the river. I don't want a shade. I want a man, a strong, warm-hearted, brave man. Yes, a good man, a man with a soul. But a man, not a soul. My God !" she moaned, "how terrible it all is ! And it came so near to us to-day. But I should not be saying this to you, played out as you are. I am going to bed. Good-night." She put out her hand and gripped his in warm, strong, muscular fingers. "Thank God, yes God, if you like, you are still still in this outer circle," she broke into a laugh, but there was little mirth in her laughter "this good old outer circle, yet awhile." "Yes," said Barry simply but very earnestly, "thank God. It is a good world. But with all my soul I be- lieve there is a better, and all that is best in love and life we shall take with us. Good-night," he added, "and thank you, at least for the will and the attempt to save my life." "Sleep well," she said. "I hope so," he replied, "but I doubt it." His doubts, it turned out, were justified, for soon after midnight Mr. Howland was aroused by Harry Hobbs in a terror of excitement. "Will you come to Mr. Dunbar, sir?" he cried. "I think he is dying." "Dying?" Mr. Howland was out of his cot immedi- ately and at Barry's side. He found him fighting for breath, his eyes starting from his head, a look of infi- nite distress on his face. "My dear boy, what is it ? Hobbs says you are dying." "That con-con-founded fool shouldn't have called you. I forbade him," gasped Barry. "But, my dear boy, what is the matter? Are you in pain?" 80 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "No, no, it's nothing only an old friend come back for a call, a brief one let us hope. It's only asthma. Looks bad feels worse but really not at all dangerous." "What can be done, my boy?" asked Mr. Rowland, greatly relieved, as are most laymen, when the trouble can be named. It is upon the terror inspired by the unknown that the medical profession lives. "Tell Harry to make a hot drink," said Barry, but Harry had already forestalled the request, and appeared with a steaming bowl. "This will help. Now go to bed, Mr. Howland. Do, please. You distress me by remaining there. Harry will look after me. Good- night." Next morning Barry appeared at breakfast a little washed out in appearance, but quite bright and an- nouncing himself fit for anything. The incident, however, was a determining factor in changing the party's plans. Already they were behind their time schedule, to Mr. Cornwall Brand's disgust. The party was too large and too heavily encumbered with impedimenta for swift travel. Besides, as Paula said, "Why rush? Are we not doing the Peace River Country? We are out for a good time and we are hav- ing it." Paula was not interested in mines and oil. She did not announce just what special interest was hers. She was "having a good time" and that was reason enough for leisurely travel. In consequence their pro- visions had run low. It was decided to send forward a scouting party to the Hudson's Bay Post some thirty miles further on to restock their commissariat. Accordingly Knight and Fielding were despatched on this mission, the rest of the party remaining in camp. "A lazy day or two in camp is what we all need," said Mr. Howland. "I confess I am quite used up my- self, and therefore I know you must all feel much the same." THE WAR DRUM CALLS 81 On the fourth day the scouting party appeared. "There's war!" cried Knight as he touched land. He flung out a bundle of papers for Mr. Howland. "War!" The word came back in tones as varied as those who uttered it. "War!" said Mr. Howland. "Between whom?" "Every one, pretty much," said Knight. "Germany, France, Russia, Austria, Servia, Belgium, and Britain." "Britain!" said Barry and Duff at the same moment. "Britain," answered Knight solemnly. The men stood stock still, looking at each other with awed faces. "War!" again said Barry. "With Germany!" He turned abruptly away from the group and said, "I am going." "Going ! Going where ?" said Mr. Howland. "To the war," said Barry quietly. "To the war ! You ? A clergyman ?" said Mr. How- land. ^You? You going?" cried Paula. At the pain in her voice her father and Brand turned and looked at Her. Disturbed by what he saw, her father began an excited appeal to Barry. "Why, my dear sir, it would surely be most unusual for a man like you to go to war," he began, and for quite ten minutes he proceeded to set forth in fluent and excited speech a number of reasons why the idea of Barry's going to war was absurd and preposterous to him. It must be confessed that Barry was the only one of the men who appeared to give much heed to him. They seemed to be dazed by the stupendous fact that had been announced to them, and to be adjusting themselves to that fact. When he had finished his lengthy and excited speech Brand took up the discourse. "Of course you don't think of going immediately," he said. "We have this expedition in hand." 82 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND The men made no reply. Indeed, they hardly seemed to hear him. "You don't mean to say," continued Brand with a touch of indignation in his voice, addressing Duff, the recognised leader of the party, "that you would break your engagement with this party, Mr. Duff?" Duff glanced at him, then looked away in silence, studying the horizon. The world was to him and to them all a new world within the last few minutes. His silence appeared to enrage Brand. He turned to Barry. "Do you mean to tell me, sir, that you approve of this? Do you consider it right and fair that these men should break their engagement with us? We have gone to great expense, we have extremely important inter- ests at stake in this exploration." Barry stood looking at him in silence, as if trying to take in exactly what he meant, then in a low and awed tone he said: "It is war! War with Germany!" "We cannot help that," cried Brand. "What differ- ence can this war make to you here a hundred miles from civilisation? These men are pledged to us." "Their first pledge is to their country, sir," said Barry gravely. "But why should you, a Canadian, take part in this war?" argued Mr. Howland. "Surely this is England's war." Then Barry appeared to awake as from a dream. "Yes, it is England's war, it is Britain's war, and when Britain is at war my country is at war, and when my country is at war I ought to be there." "God in heaven!" shouted Duff, striking him on the back, "you have said it! My country is at war, and I must be there. As God hears me, I am off to-day now." "Me, too!" said Knight with a shout. "I'm going with you, sir," said little Harry Hobbs, ranging himself beside Barry. THE WAR DRUM CALLS 83 "Count me in," said Tom Fielding quietly. "I have a wife and three kids, but " "My God!" gasped Duff. "My wife." His face went white. He had not yet fully adjusted himself to the fact of war. "Why, of course," said Mr. Howland, "you married men won't be called upon. You must be reasonable. For instance you, Mr. Duff, cannot leave your wife." But Duff had recovered himself. "My wife, sir? My wife would despise me if I stayed up here. Sir, my wife will buckle on my belt and spurs and send me off to the war," cried Duff in a voice that shook as he spoke. With a single stride Barry was at his side, offer- ing both his hands. "Thank God for men like you! And in my soul I believe the Empire has millions of them." "Does your Empire demand that you desert those you have pledged yourself to?" enquired Brand in a sneering tone. "Oh, Cornwall!" exclaimed Paula, "how can you?" "Why, Brand," saiu Mr. Howland, "that is unworthy of you." "We will see you into safety, sir," said Duff, swing- ing round upon Brand, "either to the Hudson's Bay Company's post, where you can get Indians, or back to Edmonton, but not one step further on this expedition do I go." "Nor I," said Knight. "Nor I," said Fielding. "Nor I," said Barry. "Nor I," said Harry Hobbs. "You are quite right, sir," said Mr. Howland, turn- ing to Barry. "I apologise to you, sir, to all of you Canadians. I am ashamed to confess that I did not at first get the full meaning of this terrific thing that has befallen your Empire. Were it the U.S.A. that was in a war of this kind, hell itself would not keep me from 84 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND going to her aid. Nor you either, Brand. Yes, you are right. Go to your war. God go with you." He shook hands solemnly with them one by one. "I only wish to God that my country were with you, too, in this thing," he said when he had performed this function. "Father," cried Paula, "do you think for one min- ute that Uncle Sam won't be in this ? You put it down," she said, swinging 'round upon Barry, "where it will jump at you some day: We will be with you in this scrap for all we are worth." "And now for the march," said Barry, who seemed almost to assume command. Then removing his hat and lifting high his hand, he said in a voice thrilling with solemn reverence, "God grant victory to the right! God save the king!" Instinctively the men took off their hats and stood with bared and bent heads, as if sharing in a solemn ritual. They stood with millions upon millions of their kin in the old mother lands, and scattered wide upon the seas, stood with many millions more of peoples and nations, pledging to this same cause of right, life and love and all they held dear, and with hearts open to that all-searching eye, praying that same prayer, "God grant victory to the right. Amen and amen. We ask no other." Then they faced to their hundred miles' trek en route to the war. CHAPTER VI THE MEN OF THE NORTH FIFTY miles not too bad, boy, not too bad for a one day's go. We'll camp right here at the portage. How is it, Knight?" "Good place, Duff, right on that point Good wood, good landing. Besides there's a deuce of a portage be- yond, which we can do after supper to-night. How do you feel, Barry?" asked Knight. "Hard day, eh?" "Feeling fit, a little tired, of course, but good for an- other ten miles," answered Barry. "That's the stuff," replied Knight, looking at him keenly, "but, see here, you must ease up on the carrying. You haven't quite got over that ducking of yours." "I'm fit enough," answered Barry, rather more curtly than his wont. They brought the canoes up to the landing, and with the speed of long practice unloaded them, and drew them upon the shore. Knight approached Duff, and, pointing toward Barry, said quietly : "I guess we'll have to ease him up a bit. That fight, you know, took it out of him, and he always jumps for the biggest pack. We'd better hold him back to-morrow a bit." "Can't hold back any one," said Duff, with an oath. "We've got to make it to-morrow night. There's the devil of a trip before us. That big marsh portage is a heartbreaker, and there must be a dozen or fifteen of them awaiting us, and we're going to get through at least, I am." "All right," said Knight, with a quick flash of temper. 85 86 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I'll stay with you, only I thought we might ease him a bit." "I'm telling you, we're going to get through," said Duff, with another oath. "You needn't tell me, Duff," said Knight. "Keep your shirt on." "On or off, wet or dry, sink or swim, we're going to make that train to-morrow, Knight. That's all about it." Then Knight let himself go. "See here, Duff. Do you want to go on to-night? If you do, hell and blazes, say the word and I'm with you." His face was white as he spoke. He seized a tump- line, swung the pack upon his head, and set off across the portage. "Come on, boys," he yelled. "We're going through to-night." "Oh, hold up, Knight!" said Duff. "What the hell's eating you? We'll grub first anyway." "No/' said Knight. "The next rapid is a bad bit of water, and if we're going through to-night, I want that bit behind me, before it gets too dark. So come along!" "Oh, cut it out, Knight," said Duff, in a gruff but con- ciliatory tone. "We'll camp right here." "It's all the same to me," said Knight, flinring his pack down. "When you want to go on, say the word. You won't have to ask me twice." Duff looked over the six feet of bone and sinew and muscle of the young rancher, made as if to answer, paused a moment, changed his mind, and said more quietly : "Don't be an ass, Knight. I'm not trying to hang your shirt on a tree." "You know damned well you can't," said Knight, who was still white with passion. "Oh, come off," replied Duff. "Anyway, I don't see what young Dunbar is to you. We must get through to-morrow night. The overseas contingent is camping 87 at Valcartier, according to these papers and whatever happens I am going with that contingent." Knight made no reply. He was a little ashamed of his temper. But during the past two days he had chafed under the rasp of Duff's tongue and his overbearing manner. He resented too his total disregard of Barry's weariness, for in spite of his sheer grit, the pace was wearing the boy down. "We ought to reach the railroad by six to-morrow," Said Duff, renewing the conversation, and anxious to ap- pease his comrade. "There's a late train, but if we catch the six we shall make home in good time. Hello, what's this coming?" At his words they all turned and looked in the direc- tion in which he pointed. Down a stream, which at this point came tumbling into theirs in a dangerous looking rapid, came a canoe with a man in the centre guiding it as only an expert could. "By Jove! He can't make that drop," said Knight, walking down toward the landing. They all stood watching the canoe which, at the mo- ment, hung poised upon the brink of the rapid like a bird for flight. Even as Knight spoke the canoe entered the first smooth pitch at the top. Two long, swallow- like sweeps, then she plunged into the foam, to appear a moment later fighting her way through the mass of crowding, crested waves, which, like white-fanged wolves upon a doe, seemed to be hurling themselves upon her, intent upon bearing her down to destruction. "By the living, jumping Jemima!" said Fielding, in an awe-stricken tone, "she's gone !" "She's through !" cried Knight. "Great Jehoshaphat !" said Fielding. "He's a bird !" With a flip or two of his paddle, the stranger shot his canoe across the stream, and floated quietly to the land- ing. Barry ran down to meet him. "I say, that was beautifully done," he cried, taking the 88 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND nose of the canoe while the man stepped ashore and stood a moment looking back at the water. "A lee tie more to the left would have been better, I think. She took some water," he remarked in a slow voice, as if to himself. He was a strange-looking creature. He might have stepped out of one of Fenimore Cooper's novels. In- deed, as Barry's eyes travelled up and down his long, bony, stooping, slouching figure, his mind leaped at once to the Pathfinder. "Come far?" asked Duff, approaching the stranger. "Quite a bit," he answered, in a quiet, courteous voice, pausing a moment in his work. "Going out?" enquired Duff. "Not yet," he said. "Going up the country first to the Post." "Ah, we have just come down from there," said Duff. "We started yesterday morning," he added, evidently hoping to surprise the man. "Yes," he answered in a quiet tone of approval. "Nice little run ! Nice little run ! Bit of a hurry, I guess," he ventured apologetically. "You bet your life, we just are. This damned war makes a man feel like as if the devil was after him," said Duff., "War!" The man looked blankly at him. "Who's fightin'?" "Why, haven't you heard? It's been going on for a month. We heard only three days ago as we were going further up the country. It knocked our plans endways, and here we are chasing ourselves to get out." "War !" said the man again. "Who's fightin' ? Uncle Sam after them Mexicans ?" "No. Mexicans, hell!" exclaimed Duff. "Germany and Britain." "Britain!" The slouching shoulders lost their droop. "Britain!" he said, straightening himself up. "What's she been doin' to Germany?" THE MEN OF THE NORTH 89 "What's Germany been doing to her, and to Belgium, and to Servia, and to France?" answered Duff, in a wrathful voice. "She's been raising hell all around. You haven't seen the papers, eh ? I have them all here." The stranger seemed dazed by the news. He made no reply, but getting out his frying pan and tea pail, his only utensils, he set about preparing his evening meal. "I say," said Duff, "won't you eat with us? We're just about ready. We'll be glad to have you." The man hesitated a perceptible moment. In the wilds men do not always accept invitations to eat. Food is sometimes worth more than its weight in gold. "I guess I will, if you've lots of stuff," he said at length. "We've lots of grub, and we expect to be home by to-morrow night anyway, if things go all right. You are very welcome." The man laid down his frying-pan and tea-pail, and walked with Duff toward his camp. "Are you goin' ?" he enquired. "Going?" "To the war. Guess some of our Canadian boys will be goin' likely, eh?" "Going," cried Duff. "You bet your life I'm going. But, come on. We'll talk as we eat. And we can't stay long, either." Duff introduced the party. "My name's McCuaig," said the stranger. "Scotch, I guess?" enquired Duff. "My father came out with The Company. I was born up north. -Never been much out, but I read the papers," he added quickly, as if to correct any misapprehension as to his knowledge of the world and its affairs. "My father always got the Times and the Spectator, and I've continued the habit." "Any one who reads the Times and the Spectator/' said Barry, "can claim to be a fairly well-read man. My father takes the Spectator, too." 90 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND As they sat down to supper, he noticed that McCuaig took off his old grey felt and crossed himself before beginning toast. As a matter of courtesy, Barry had always been asked to say grace before meals while with the Rowland party. This custom, however, had been discontinued upon this trip. They had no time for meals. They had "just grabbed their grub and run," as Harry Hobbs said. While they ate, Duff kept a full tide of conversation going in regard to the causes of the war and its prog- ress, as reported in the papers. Barry noticed that Mc- Cuaig's comments, though few, revealed a unique knowl- edge of European political affairs during the last quarter of a century. He noticed too that his manners at the table were those of a gentleman. After supper they packed their stuff over the long portage, leaving their tent and sleeping gear, with their food, however, to be taken in the morning. For a long time they sat over the fire, Barry reading, for McCuaig' s benefit, the newspaper accounts of the Belgian atrocities, the story of the smashing drive of the German hosts, and the retreat of the British army from Mons. "What," exclaimed McCuaig, "the British soldiers goin' back! Runnin' away from them Germans!" "Well, the Germans are only about ten to one, not only in men but in guns, and in this war it's guns that count. Guns can wipe out an army of heroes as easily as an army of cowards," said Duff. "And them women and children," said McCuaig. "Are they killing them still?" "You're just right, they are," replied Duff, "and will till we stop them." McCuaig's eyes were glowing with a deep inner light. They were wonderful eyes, quick, darting, straight-look- ing and fearless, the eyes of a man who owes his life to his vigilance and his courage. Before turning in for the night, Barry went to the river's edge, and stood looking up at the stars holding THE MEN OF THE NORTH 91 their steadfast watch over the turbulent and tossing wa- ters below. "Quiet, ain't they?" said a voice at his shoulder. "Why, you startled me, Mr. McCuaig; I never heard you step." McCuaig laughed his quiet laugh. "Got to move quietly in this country," he said, "if you are going to keep alive." A moment or so he stood by Barry's side, looking up with him at the stars. "No fuss, up there," he said, interpreting Barry's mood and attitude. "Not like that there pitchin', tossin', threat- enin' water." "No," said Barry, "but though they look quiet, I sup- pose if we could really see, there is a most terrific whirl- ing of millions of stars up there, going at the rate of thousands of miles a minute." "Millions of 'em, and all whirlin' about," said Mc- Cuaig in an awe-stricken voice. "It's a wonder they don't hit." "They don't hit because they each keep their own or- bit," said Barry, "and they obey the laws of their ex- istence." "Orbut," enquired McCuaig. " What's that?" "The trail that each star follows," said Barry. "I see," said McCuaig, "each one keeps its own trail, its own orbut, and so there's peace up there. And I guess there'd be peace down here if folks did the same thing. It's when a man gets out of his own orbut and into an- other fellow's that the scrap begins. I guess that's where Germany's got wrong." "Something like that," replied Barry. "And sometimes," continued McCuaig, his eyes upon the stars, "when a little one comes up against a big one, he gets busted, eh?" Barry nodded. "And a big one, when he comes up against a bigger one gets pretty badly jarred, eh?" 92 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I suppose so," said Barry. "That's what's goin' to happen to Germany," said Mc- Cuaig. "Germany's a very powerful nation," said Barry. "The most powerful military nation in the world." "What!" said McCuaig. "Bigger than Britain?" "Britain has two or three hundred thousand men in her army; Germany has seven millions or more, with seventy millions of people behind them, organised for war. Of course, Britain has her navy, but then Ger- many has the next biggest in tlie world. Oh, it's going to be a terrific war." "I say," said McCuaig, putting his hand on Barry's shoulder. "You don't think it will bother us any to lick her?" "It will be the most terrible of all Britain's wars," re- plied Barry. "It will take every ounce of Britain's strength." "You don't tell me !" exclaimed McCuaig, as if struck by an entirely new idea. "Say, are you really anxious, young man?" "I am terribly anxious," replied Barry. "I know Ger- many a little. I spent a year there. She is a mighty nation, and she is ready for war." "She is, eh !" replied McCuaig thoughtfully. He wan- dered off to the fire without further word, where, rolling himself in his blanket and scorning the place in the tent offered him by Duff, he made himself comfortable for the night. At the break of day Duff was awakened by the smell of something frying. Over the fire bent McCuaig, busy preparing a breakfast of tea, bacon and bannocks, to- gether with thick slices of fat pork. Breakfast was eaten in haste. The day's work was before them, and there was no time for talk. In a very few minutes they stood ready for their trip across the portage. With them stood McCuaig. His blanket roll contain- THE MEN OF THE NORTH 93 ing his grub, with frying pan and tea pail attached, lay at his feet; his rifle beside it. For a moment or two he stood looking back up the stream by which, last night, he had come. Then he began tying his paddles to the canoe thwarts in prepa- ration for packing it across the portage. As he was tying on the second paddle, Duff's eye fell on hi'm. "What's up, McCuaig?" he said. "Aren't you going up to the Post?" "No, I guess I ain't goin' up no more," replied Mc- Cuaig slowly. "What do you mean? You aren't going back home?" "No. My old shack will do without me for a while, I guess. Say," he continued, facing around upon Duff and looking him squarely in the face, "this young chap says" putting his hand upon Barry's shoulder "Britain is going to have a hell of a time licking Germany back into her own orbut. Them papers said last night that Canada was going in strong. Do you think she could use a .fellow like me ?" A silence fell upon the group of men. "What! Do you mean it, McCuaig?" said Duff at length. The man turned his thin, eagle face toward the speaker, a light in his eyes. "Why, ain't you goin'? Ain't every one goin' that can? If a fellow stood on one side while his coun- try was fightin', where would he live when it's all over? He read out of the papers that them Germans were shootin' women and children. So " his face began to work, "am I goin' to stand by and ask some one else to make 'em quit? No, by God!" The men stood watching his face, curiously twisted and quivering. Then without a word Duff seized his pack, and swung into the trail, every man following him in his order. Without pausing, except for a brief half hour at noon, and another later in the day for eating, 94 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND they pressed the trail, running what rapids they could and portaging the others, until in the early evening they saw, far away, a dirty blur on the skyline. "Hurrah!" yelled Fielding. "Good old firebus, wait- ing for us." "Somebody run ahead and hold her," said Duff. Barry flung his pack down and started away. "Come back here, Barry," cried Knight. "You're not fit. You're all in." "That's right, too," said McCuaig. "I guess I'll go." And off he set with the long, shuffling, tireless trot with which, for a hundred years, the "runners of the woods" have packed their loads and tracked their game in the wilds of northwestern Canada. CHAPTER VII BARRICADES AND BAYONETS city of Edmonton was in an uproar, its streets thronged with excited men, ranchers and cowboys from the ranches, lumberjacks from the foothill camps, men from the mines, trappers with lean, hard faces, in weird garb, from the north. The news from the front was ominous. Belgium was a smoking waste. Her skies were black with the burn- ing of her towns, villages and homesteads, her soil red with the blood of her old men, her women and children. The French armies, driven back in rout from the Bel- gian frontier, were being pounded to death by the Ger- man hordes. Fortresses hitherto considered impregna- ble were tumbling like ninepins before the terrible smash- ing of Austrian and German sixteen-inch guns. Already von Kluck with his four hundred thousand of conquer- ing warriors was at the gates of Paris. Most ominous of all, the British army, that gallant, little sacrificial army, of a scant seventy-five thousand men, holding like a bulldog to the flank of von Billow's mighty army, fifty times as strong, threatened by von Kluck on the. left flank and by von Housen on the right, was slowing down the German advance, but was itself being slowly ground into the bloody dust of the north- ern and eastern roads of Northern and Eastern France. Black days these were for the men of British blood. Was the world to see something new in war ? Were Ger- mans to overcome men of the race of Nelson, and Wel- lington and Colin Campbell? At home, hundreds of thousands were battering at the recruiting offices. In the Dominions of the Empire over- 95 96 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND seas it was the same. In Canada a hundred thousand men were demanding a place in the first Canadian con- tingent of thirty-five thousand, now almost ready to sail. General Sam at Ottawa was being snowed under by entreating, insistent, cajoling, threatening telegrams. Already northern Alberta had sent two thousand men. The rumour in Edmonton ran that there were only a few places left to be filled in the north Alberta quota. For these few places hundreds of men were fighting in the streets. Alighting from their train, Duff and his men stood amazed, aghast, gazing upon the scene before them. Duff climbed a wagon wheel and surveyed the crowd packing the street in front of the bulletin boards. "No use, this way, boys. We'll have to go around. Come on." They went on. Up side streets and lanes, through back yards and shops they went until at length they emerged within a hundred yards of the recruiting office. Duff called his men about him. "Boys, we'll have to bluff them," he said. "You're a party of recruits that Col. Kavanagh expects. You've been sent for. I'm bringing you in under orders. Look as much like soldiers as you can, and bore in like hell. Come on!" They began to bore. At once there was an uproar, punctuated with vociferous and varied profanity. Duff proved himself an effective leader. "Here, let me pass," he shouted into the backs of men's heads. "I'm on duty here. I must get through to Colonel Kavanagh. Keep up there, men ; keep your line ! Stand back, please! Make way!" His huge bulk, distorted face and his loud and au- thoritative voice startled men into temporary submis- sion, and before they could recover themselves he and his little company of hard-boring men were through. Twenty-five yards from the recruiting office a side rush of the crowd caught them. BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 97 "They've smashed the barricades," a boy from a tele- graph pole called out. Duff and his men fought to hold their places, but they became conscious of a steady pressure backwards. "What's doing now, boy?" shouted Duff to the urchin clinging to the telegraph pole. "The fusileers they are sticking their bayonets into them." Before the line of bayonets the crowd retreated slowly, but Duff and his company held their ground, allowing the crowd to ebb past them, until they found themselves against the line of bayonets. "Let me through here, sergeant, with my party," said Duff. "I'm under orders of Colonel Kavanagh." The sergeant, an old British army man, looked them over. "Have you an order, sir a written order, I mean?" "No," said Duff. "I haven't, but the colonel expects us. He is waiting for me now." "Sorry, sir," replied the sergeant, "my orders are to let no one through without a written pass." Duff argued, stormed, threatened, swore; but to no purpose. The N.C.O. knew his job. "Send a note in," suggested Barry in Duff's ear. "Good idea," replied Duff, and wrote hurriedly. "Here, take this through to your colonel," he said, passing the note to the sergeant. Almost immediately Colonel Kavanagh came out and greeted Duff warmly. "Where in this wide creation have you been, Duff?" he exclaimed. "I've wanted you terribly." "Here I am now, then," answered Duff. "Six of us. We're going with you." "It can't be done," said the colonel. "I have only twenty places left; every one promised ten times over." "That makes it easy, Kavanagh. You can give six of them to us." "Duff, it simply can't be done. You know I'd give 98 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND it to you if I could. I've wires from Ottawa backing up a hundred applicants, actually ordering me to put them on. No! It's no use," continued the colonel, holding up his hand. "Look here, I'll give you a pointer. We have got word to-day that there's to be a second contingent. Neil Fraser is out there in your district, Wapiti, raising a company of two hundred and fifty men. We have stripped that country bare already, so he's up against it. He wants Wapiti men, he says. They are no better than any other, but he thinks they are. You get out there to-night, Duff, and get in on that thing. You will get a commission, too. Now hike! Hike! Go ! Honest to God, Duff, I want you with my battalion, and if I can work it afterwards, I'll get you exchanged, but your only chance now is Wapiti. Go, for God's sake, go quick!" "What do you say, boys ?" asked Duff, wheeling upon his men. "I say, go!" said Knight. In this decision they all agreed. "Go it is," said Duff. "Right about turn. Good luck, Kavanagh, damn you. I see you have got a good ser- geant there." "Who? McDowell? None better. You couldn't beat him, eh?" said the colonel with a grin. The sergeant stood at attention, with a wooden face. "He's the kind of man they want in the front lines," said Duff. "The devil himself couldn't break through where he is." "That's why I have him. Good luck. Good-bye !" Throughout the night they marched, now and then receiving a lift from a ranch wagon, and in the grey of the morning, weary, hungry, but resolute for a place in the Wapiti company, they made the village. Early as it was, Barry found his father astir, with breakfast in readiness. "Hello, boy!" cried his father running to him with outstretched hands. BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 99 "Hello, dad!" answered Barry. His father threw a searching glance over his son's face as he shook his hand warmly. "Not a word, Barry, until you eat. Not a word. Go get ready for your bath. I'll have it for you in a minute. No, not one word. Quick. March. That is the only word these days. As you eat I'll give you the news." Resolutely he refused to talk until he saw his son be- gin upon his breakfast. Then he poured forth a stream of news. The whole country was aflame with war en- thusiam. Alberta had offered half a million bushels of oats for the imperial army, and a thousand horses or more. The Calgary district had recruited two thou- sand men, the Edmonton district as many more. All over Canada, from Vancouver to Halifax, it was the same. From the Wapiti district twenty-six ranchers, furnish- ing their own horses, had already gone. Ewen Innes was in Edmonton. His brother Malcolm was in uni- form, too, and his young brother Jim was keen to enlist. Neil Eraser was busy raising a company of Wapiti men. Young Pickles and McCann had joined up as buglers. And so the stream flowed, Barry listening with grave face but making no response. "And I'm glad you're back, my boy. I'm glad you're back," said his father, clapping him on the shoulder. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence. They were having each his own thoughts, and for the first time in their life together, they kept their thoughts to themselves. "You're going to your office, Dad," said Barry, when they had cleared away, and set the house in order. "No, the office is closed, and will be for some time, I imagine. I'm busy with Neil Eraser. I'm acting pay- master, quartermaster, recruiting sergeant, and half a dozen other things." 100 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I'll go down with you," said Barry, as his father rose to go. His father came back to him, put his hands on his shoulders, and said: "Barry, I want you to go to bed." "Nonsense, dad. I'm all right. I'm going downtown with you." "Barry," said his father, "we have hard times before us, and you must be fit. I ask you to go to bed and sleep there this forenoon. You're half asleep now. This afternoon we shall face up to our job. His father's voice was quietly authoritative and Barry yielded. "All right, dad. I'll do as you say, and this after- noon well, we'll see." At the noonday meal they were conscious of a mutual restraint. For the first time in their lives they were not opening to each other their innermost souls. The ex- perience was as distressing as it was unusual. The father, as if in dread of silence, was obviously exerting himself to keep a stream of talk flowing. Barry was listening with a face very grave and very unlike the bright and buoyant face he usually carried. They avoided each other's eyes, and paid little heed to their food. At length Barry pushed back his chair. "Will you excuse me, dad," he said. "I think I shall step out a moment into the garden." "Do, Barry," said his father, in obvious relief. "You are fagged out, my boy." "Thanks, dad. I am a bit played out." "And take it easy this afternoon, Barry. To-night you will tell me about your trip, and and we'll have a talk." "Good old dad!" said Barry. "You do understand a chap. See you later, then," he called back as he passed through the door. His father sat gazing before him for some moments with a deep shadow on his face. BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 101 "There is something wrong with that boy," he said to himself. "I wish I knew what it was." He set his house in order, moving heavily as if a sudden weight of years had fallen upon his shoulders, and took his way slowly down the street. "I wonder what it is," he mused, refusing to give form to a horrible thought that hovered like a spectre about the windows of his soul. The first glance at his son's face at the time of the eve- ning meal made his heart sing within him. "He's all right again ! He's all right !" he said to him- self jubilantly. "Hello, dad," cried Barry, as his father entered the room. "Supper's just ready. How do you feel, eh?" "Better, my boy first rate, I mean. I'm properly hungry. You're rested, I can see." "I'm all right, dad! . I'm all right!" cried Barry, in his old cheery way. "Dad, I want to apologise to you. I wasn't myself to-day, but now I'm all right again. Dad, I've joined up. I'm a soldier now," he said with a smile on his face, but with anxious eyes turned on his father. "Joined up!" echoed his father. "Barry, you have enlisted! Thank God, my boy. I feared I thought No, damned if I did!" he added, with such an unusual burst of passion that Barry could only gaze at him with astonishment. "Forgive me, my boy," he said, coming forward with outstretched hand. "For a moment I confess I thought " Again he paused, apparently unable to continue. "You thought, dad," cried Barry, "and forgive me, dad I thought too. I ought to have known you better." "And I, you, my son." They shook hands with each other in an ecstasy of jubilation. "My God, I'm glad that's through," said the older man. "We were both fools, Barry, but thank God that horror is past. Now tell me all about everything your trip, 102 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND your plans. Let's have a good talk as we always do." "Come on then, dad," cried Barry. "Let's have an eat first. By Jove, I feel a thousand years younger. I go to the M.O. to-morrow for an examination." "He is quite unusually severe in his interpretation of the regulations, I understand," said his father. "He is turning men down right and left. He knows, of course, that there are plenty to choose from. But there is no fear of your fitness, Barry." "Not much," said Barry, with a gay laugh. Never had they spent a happier evening together. True, the spectre of war would thrust itself upon them, but they faced it as men with a full appreciation of its solemn reality, but without fear, and with a quiet deter- mination to make whatever sacrifice might be demanded of them. The perfect understanding that had always marked their intercourse with each other was restored. The intolerable burden of mutual uncertainty in regard to each other's attitude toward the war was lifted. All shadows that lay between them were gone. Nothing else really mattered. The day following, Barry received a rude shock. The M.O., after an examination, to his amazement and dis- may, pronounced him physically unfit for service. "And why, pray?" cried his father indignantly, when Barry announced the astounding report. "Is the man a fool ? I understood that he was strict. But you ! unfit ! It is preposterous. Unfit! how?" "Heart murmur," said Barry. "Sets it down to asthma. You remember I told you I had a rotten attack after my experience last week in the river. He suggested that I apply for a position in an ambulance corps, and he is giv- ing me a letter to Colonel Sidleigh at Edmonton. I am going to-morrow to Edmonton to see Sidleigh, and be- sides I have some church business to attend to. I must call upon my superintendent. You remember I made an application to him for another mission field." He found Colonel Sidleigh courteously willing to ac- BARRICADES AND BAYONETS cept his application, the answer to which, he was in- formed, he might expect in a fortnight ; and so went with a comparatively light heart to his interview with his superintendent. The interview, however, turned out not entirely as he had expected. He went with an idea of surrendering his appointment. His superintendent made him an offer of another and greater. "So they turned you down," said the superintendent. "Well, I consider it most providential. You have applied for a position on the ambulance corps. As fine as is that service, and as splendid as are its possibilities, I offer you something much finer, and I will even say much more important to our army and to our cause. We are in need of men for the Chaplain Service, and for this service we demand the picked men of our church. The appointments that have been made already are some of them most un- suitable, some, I regret to say, scandalous. Let me tell you, sir, of an experience in Winnipeg only last week. It was my fortune to fall in with the commanding officer of a Saskatchewan unit. I found him in a rage against the church and all its officials. His chaplain had become so hilarious at the mess that he was quite unable to carry on." "Hilarious?" inquired Barry. "Hilarious, sir. Yes, plain drunk. Think of it. Think of the crime! the shame of it! A man charged with the responsibility of the souls of these men going to war possibly to their death drunk, in their presence ! A man standing for God and the great eternal verities, incapaci- tated before them! I took the matter up with Ottawa, and I have this satisfaction at least, that I believe that no such appointment will ever be made again. That chaplain, I may say too, has been dismissed. I have here, sir, a mission field suitable to your ability and ex- perience. I shall not offer it to you. I am offering you the position of chaplain in one of our Alberta battalions." Barry stood before him, dumb with dismay. 104 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Of course, I want to go to the war," he said at length, "but I am sure, sir, I am not the man for the position you offer me." "Sir," said the superintendent, "I have taken the liberty of sending in your name. Time was an element. Ap- pointments were being rapidly made, and I was extremely anxious that you should go with this battalion. I confess to a selfish interest. My own boy, Duncan, has enlisted in that unit, and many of our finest young men with him. I assumed the responsibility of asking for your appoint- ment. I must urge you solemnly to consider the matter before you decline." Eloquently Barry pleaded his unfitness, instancing his failure as a preacher in his last field. "I am not a preacher," he protested. "I am not a 'mixer.' They all say so. I shall be impossible as a chaplain." "Young man," said the superintendent, a note of stern- ness in his voice, "you know not what transformations in character this war will work. Would I were twenty years younger," he added passionately, "twenty years sounder. Think of the opportunity to stand for God among your men, to point them the way of duty, and fit them for it, to bring them comfort, when they need com- fort sorely, to bring them peace, when they most need peace." Barry came away from the interview more disturbed than he had ever been in his life. After he had returned to his hotel, a message from his superintendent recalled him. "I have a bit of work to do," he said, "in which I need your help. I wish you to join me in a visitation of some of the military camps in this district. We start this evening." There was nothing for it but to obey his superintend- ent's orders. The two weeks' experience with his chief gave Barry a new view and a new estimate of the chap- lain's work. As he came into closer touch with camp life BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 105 and its conditions, he began to see how great was the soldier's need of such moral and spiritual support as a chaplain might be able to render. He was exposed to subtle and powerful temptations. He was deprived of the wonted restraints imposed by convention, by environ- ment, by family ties. The reactions from the exhaustion of physical training, from the monotonous routine of military discipline, from loneliness and homesickness were such as to call for that warm, sympathetic, brotherly aid, and for the uplifting spiritual inspiration that it is a chap- lain's privilege to offer. But in proportion as the service took on a nobler and loftier aspect, was Barry con- scious to a corresponding degree of his own unfitness for the work. When he returned to the city, he found no definite in- formation awaiting him in regard to a place in the ambulance corps. He returned home in an unhappy and uncertain frame of mind. But under the drive of war, events were moving rapidly in Barry's life. He arrived late in the afternoon, and proceeding to the military H.Q., he found neither his father nor Captain Neil Fraser in the office. "Gone out for the afternoon, sir," was the word from the orderly in charge. Wandering about the village, he saw in a field at its outskirts, a squad of recruits doing military evolutions and physical drill. As he drew near he was arrested by the short, snappy tones of the N.C.O. in charge. "That chap knows his job," he said to himself, "and looks like his job, too," he added, as his eyes rested upon the neat, upright, soldier-like figure. Captain Neil he found observing the drill from a distance. "What do you think of that ?" he called out to Barry, as the latter came within hailing distance. "What do you think of my sergeant?" "Fine," replied Barry. "Where did you get him ?" "What? Look at him!" 106 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I am. Pretty natty sergeant he makes, too." "Let's go out there, and I'll introduce him." As they crossed the parade ground, the sergeant dropped his military tone and proceeded to explain in his ordinary voice some details in connection with the drill. Barry, catching the sound of his voice, stopped short. "You don't mean it, Captain Neil! Not dad, is it?" "Nobody else," said Captain Neil. "Wait a minute. Wait and let's watch him at his work." For some time they stood observing the work of the new sergeant. Barry was filled with amazement and delight. "What do you think of him?" inquired Captain Neil. But Barry made no reply. "My company sergeant major got drunk," continued Captain Neil. "I had no one to take the drill. I asked your father to take it. He nearly swept us off our feet. In consequence, there he stands, my company sergeant major, and let me tell you, he will be the regimental sergeant major before many weeks have passed, or I'm a German." "But his age," inquired Barry, still in a maze of aston- ishment. "Oh, that's all right. You don't want them too young. I assured the authorities that he was of proper military age, telling them, at the same time, that I must have him. He's a wonder, and the men just adore him." "I don't wonder at that," said Barry. Together they moved over to the squad. The ser- geant, observing his officer, called his men smartly to attention, and greeted the captain with a very snappy salute. "Sergeant major, let me introduce you to my friend, Mr. Barry Dunbar," said Captain Neil with a grin. "I say, dad," said Barry, still unable to associate his father with this N.C.O. in uniform who stood before him. "I say, dad, where did you get all that military stuff?" BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 107 "I'm very rusty, my boy, very rusty ! I hope to brush up, though. The men are improving, I think, sir." "I'm sure of it," said Captain Neil. "How is that wild man from Athabasca doing?" "He is finding it hard work, sir, I'm afraid. He finds it difficult to connect up this drill business with the busi- ness of war. He wants to go right off and kill Germans. But he is making an effort to put up with me." "And you, with him, eh, sergeant major? But turn them loose. They have done enough for to-day, and I know your son wants to take you off with him, and get you to explain how you go into the army." The explanation came as they were walking home to- gether. v "You see, boy, I felt keenly your disappointment in be- ing rejected from the fighting forces of the country. I felt too that our family ought to be represented in the fighting line, so when Captain Fraser found himself in need of a drill sergeant, I could hardly refuse. I would have liked to have consulted you, my boy, but " "Not at all, dad ; you did perfectly right. It was just fine of you. I'm as proud as Punch. I only wish I could go with you. I'd like to be in your squad. But never mind, I've two jobs open to me now, and I sorely need your advice." Together they talked over the superintendent's offer of the position of chaplain. "I can't see myself a chaplain, dad. The position calls for an older man, a man of wider experience. Many of these men would be almost twice my age. Now the su- perintendent himself would be the man for the job. You ought to see him at his work with the soldiers. I really can't think I'm fit." In this opinion his father rather concurred. "An older man would be better, Barry a man of more experience would be of more service, and, yet I don't know. One thing I am sure of, if you accept the posi- 108 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND tion, I believe you will fill it worthily. After all, in every department, this war is a young man's job." "Of course," said Barry. "If I went as chaplain, it would be in your unit, dad, and that would be altogether glorious." "I do hope so. But we must not allow that, however, to influence our decision," replied his father. "I know, I know!" hurriedly agreed Barry. "I trust I would not be unduly influenced by personal considera- tions." This hope, however, was rudely dashed by an unex- pected call for a draft of recruits from Captain Neil's company that came through from Colonel Kavanagh to replace a draft suddenly dispatched to make up to strength another western regiment. Attached to the call there was a specific request, which amounted to a demand for the sergeant major, for whose special qualifications as physical and military instructor there was apparently serious need in Colonel Kavanagh's regiment. With great reluctance, and with the expenditure of considerable profanity, Captain Neil Fraser dispatched his draft and agreed to the surrender of his sergeant major. The change came as a shock to both Barry and his father. For some days they had indulged the hope that they would both be attached to the same military unit, and unconsciously this had been weighing with Barry in his consideration of his probable appointment as chaplain. The disappointment of their hope was the more bitter when it was announced that Colonel Kavanagh's battalion was warned for immediate service overseas, and the fur- ther announcement that in all probability the new bat- talion, to which the Wapiti company would be attached, might not be dispatched until some time in the spring. "But you may catch us up in England, Barry," said his father, when Barry was deploring their ill luck. "No one knows what our movements will be. I do wish, however, that your position were definitely settled." BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 109 The decision in this matter came quickly, and was, without his will or desire, materially hastened by Barry himself. Colonel Kavanagh's battalion being under orders to de- part within ten days, a final Church Parade was ordered, at which only soldiers and their kin were permitted to be present. The preacher for the day falling ill from an overweight of war work, and Barry being in the city with nothing to do, the duty of preaching at this Parade Service was suddenly thrust upon him. To his own amazement and to that of his father, Barry accepted without any fear or hesitation this duty which in other circumstances would have overwhelmed him with dismay. But to Barry the occasion was of such surpassing magnitude and importance that all personal considerations were obliterated. The war, with its horrors, its losses, its overwhelming sacrifice, its vast and eternal issues, was the single fact that filled his mind. It was this that delivered him from that nervous self-consciousness, the preacher's curse, that paralyses the mental activities, chills the passions, and cloggs the imagination, so that his sermon becomes a lifeless repetition of words, previously prepared, cor- rect, even beautiful, it may be in form, logical in argu- ment, sound in philosophy, but dead, dull and impotent, bereft of the fire that kindles the powers of the soul, the emotion that urges to action, the imagination that lures to high endeavour. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." The voice, clear, vibrant, melodious, arrested with its first word the eyes and hearts of his hearers, and so held them to the end. With the earnest voice there was the fascination of a face alight with a noble beauty, eyes glowing as with lambent flame. A second time he read the appealing words, then paused and allowed his eyes to wander quietly over the 110 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND congregation. They represented to him in that hour the manhood and womanhood of his country. Sincerely, with no attempt at rhetoric and with no employment of any of its tricks, he began his sermon. "This war," he said, "is a conflict of ideals eternally opposed. Our ambitious and ruthless enemy has made the issue and has determined the method of settlement. It is a war of souls, but the method of settlement is not that of reason but that of force a force that finds ex- pression through your bodies. Therefore the appeal of the Apostle Paul, this old-world hero, to the men of his time reaches down to us in this day, and at this crisis of the world's history. Offer your bodies these living bodies these sacred bodies offer them in sacrifice to God." There was little discussion of the causes of the war. What need? They knew that this war was neither of their desiring nor of their making. There was no at- tempt to incite hatred or revenge. There was little refer- ence to the horrors of war, to its griefs, its dreadful agonies, its irreparable losses. From the first word he lifted his audience to the high plane of sacrament and sacrifice. They were called upon to offer upon the altar of the world's freedom all that they held dear in life yea, life itself! It was the ancient sacrifice that the noblest of the race had always been called upon to make. In giving themselves to this cause they were giving themselves to their country. They were offering themselves to God. In simple diction, and in clear flowing speech, the sermon proceeded without pause or stumbling to the end. The preacher closed with an appeal to the soldiers present to make this sacrifice of theirs at once worthy and complete. These bodies of theirs were sacred and were devoted to this cause. It was their duty to keep them clean and fit. For a few brief moments, he turned to the others pres- ent at the service the fathers, mothers, wives and sweet- hearts of the soldiers, and reminded them in tones thrill- BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 111 ing with tenderness and sympathy that though not priv- ileged to share in the soldiers' service in the front lines, none the less might they share in this sacrifice, by patient endurance of the separation and loss, by a cheerful sub- mission to trial, and by continual remembrance in prayer to Almighty God of the sacred cause and its defend- ers they might help to bring this cause to victory. In the brief prayer that followed the sermon, in words tender, simple, heart-moving, he led the people in solemn dedication of themselves, soul and body, to their country, to their cause, to their God. The effect of the sermon and prayer was overpower- ing. There were no tears, but men walked out with heads more erect, because of the exaltation of spirit which was theirs. And women, fearful of the coming hour of part- ing, felt their hearts grow strong within them with the thought that they were voluntarily sending their men away. Upon the whole congregation lay a new and solemn sense of duty, a new and uplifting sense of priv- ilege in making the sacrifice of all that they counted precious for this holy cause. It was the sermon that brought the decision in the mat- ter of Barry's appointment. "What do you think of that, Colonel Kavanagh?" asked Captain Neil Fraser, who came in for the service. "A very fine sermon ! A very notable sermon !" said the colonel. "Who is he ?" "He is my own minister," said Captain Neil, "and he gave me, to-day, the surprise of my life. I didn't know, it was in him. I understand there is a chance of his be- ing our chaplain. He is Sergeant Dunbar's son." "I wish to Heaven we could take him with us ! What about it, Fraser ? We've got the father, why not the son, too ? They'd both like it." "I say, Colonel, for Heaven's sake, have a heart. I hated to surrender my company sergeant major. I don't think I ought to be asked to surrender our chaplain." "All right, Fraser, so be it. But you have got a won- derf ul chaplain in that boy. What a face ! What a voice ! , And that's the kind of a spirit we want in our men." That very afternoon, Captain Neil went straight away to Colonel Leighton, the officer commanding the new regiment to which Captain Neil's company belonged. To the colonel he gave an enthusiastic report of the sermon, with Colonel Kavanagh's judgment thereon. "I would suggest, sir, that you wire Ottawa on the matter," he urged. "If Colonel Kavanagh thought he had a chance, he would not hesitate. We really ought to get this fixed. I assure you he's a find." "Go to it, then, Fraser. I'm rather interested to see your earnest desire for a chaplain. The Lord knows you need one! Go up to Headquarters and use my name. Say what you like." Thus it came that the following day Barry was in- formed by wire of his appointment as chaplain of the new regiment of Alberta rangers. "It's at least a relief to have the matter" settled," said his father, to whom Barry brought his wire. "Barry, I'm glad of the opportunity to tell you that since yes- terday, my mind has undergone considerable change. I am not sure but that you have found your place and your work in the war." "No, dad," answered Barry, "I wasn't responsible for that sermon yesterday. The war was very near and very real to me. Those boys were looking up at me, and you were there, dad. You drew that sermon stuff out of me." "If once, why not again? At any rate, it greatly re- joiced me to know that it was there in you. I don't say I was proud of you, my boy. I was proud of you, but that is not the word that I should like to use. I was pro- foundly grateful that I was privileged to hear a sermon like that from a son of mine. Now, Barry," continued his father, "this is our last day together for some months, perhaps forever," he added in a low tone. BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 113 "Don't, daddy, don't," cried Barry, "I can't bear to think of that to-day." "All right, Barry, but why not? It is really far bet- ter that we should face all the possibilities. But now that we have this day and what a perfect day it is for our last day together, what shall we do with it?" "I know, dad I think you would wish that we take our ride into the foothills to-day." "It was in my mind, my boy. I hesitated to suggest it. So let us go." It was one of those rare November days that only Alberta knows, mellow with the warm sun, and yet with a nip in it that suggested the coming frost, without a ripple of the wind that almost constantly sweeps the Al- berta ranges. In the blue sky hung motionless, like white ships at sea, bits of cloud. The long grass, brown, yellow and green in a hundred shades, lay like a carpet over the rolling hills and wide spreading valleys, reaching up on every side to the horizon, except toward the west, where it faded into the blue of the foothills at the bases of the mighty Rockies. Up the long trail, resilient to their horses' feet, they cantered where the going was good, or picked their way with slow and careful tread where the rocky ridges jut- ted through the black soil. They made no effort to repulse the thought that this was their last day together, nor did they seek to banish the fact of the war. With calm courage and hope they faced the facts of their environment, seeking to aid each other in readjusting their lives to those facts. They were resolutely cheerful. The day was not to be spoiled with tears and lamentations. Already each in his own place and time had made his sacrifice of a comradeship that was far dearer than life. The agony of that hour, each had borne in silence and alone. No shadow should fall across this sunny day. By the side of the grave, in its little palisaded enclosure, they lingered, the father recalling the days of his earlier THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND manhood, which had been brightened by a love whose fragrance he had cherished and shared with his son through their years together, Barry listening with rever- ent attention and tender sympathy. "I had always planned that I too should be laid here, Barry," said his father, as they prepared to take their departure, "but do you know, boy, this war has made many changes in me and this is one. It seems to me a very little thing where my body lies, if it be offered, as you were saying so beautifully yesterday, in sacrifice to our cause." Barry could only nod his head in reply. He was deep- ly moved. "You are young, Barry," said his father, noting his emotion, "and life is very dear to you, my boy." "No, dad, no! Not life," said Barry brokenly. "Not life, only you, dad. I just want you, and, oh dad!" continued the boy, losing hold of himself and making no effort to check or hide the tears that ran down his face, "if one of us is to go in this war, as is likely enough, I only want that the other should be there at the time. It would be terribly lonely dad to go out myself without you. Or to have you go out alone. We have always been together and you have been so very good to me, dad. I can't help this, dad, I try but I am not strong enough I'm not holding back from the sacri- fice, dad," hurrying his words, "No, no, not that, but perhaps you understand." For answer, his father put both his arms around his son, drew his head down to his breast, as if he had been a child. "There, there, laddie," he said, patting him on the shoulder, "I know, I know ! Oh God, how I know. We have lived together very closely, without a shadow ever between us, and my prayer, since this war began, has been that in death, if it had to be, we might be together, and, Barry, somehow I believe God will give us that." "Good old dad, good old boy ! What a brick you are ! BARRICADES AND BAYONETS 115 I couldn't help that, dad. Forgive me for being a baby, and spoiling the day " "Forgive you, boy," still with his arms around his son, "Barry, I love you for it. You've never brought me one sorrow nor will you. To-day and every day I thank God for you, my son." They rode back through the evening toward the camp. By the time they arrived there, the sun had sunk behind the mountains, and the quiet stars were riding serenely above the broken, floating clouds, and in their hearts was peace. CHAPTER VIII A QUESTION OF NERVE GENTLEMEN, may I introduce Captain Dunbar, your sky-pilot, padre, chaplain, anything you like? They say he's a devil of a good preacher. The Lord knows you need one." So Barry's commanding officer introduced him to the mess. He bowed in different directions to the group of offi- cers who, in the ante-room of the mess, were having a pre-prandial cocktail. Barry found a place near the foot of the table and for a few minutes sat silent, getting his bearings. Some of the officers were known to him. He had met the commanding officer, Colonel Leighton, a typical, burly Englishman, the owner of an Alberta horse ranch, who, well to do to begin with, had made money during his five years in the country. He had the reputation of being a sporting man, of easy morality, fond of his glass and of good living. He owed his present position, partly to political influence, and partly to his previous military experience in the South African war. His pop- ularity with his officers was due largely to his easy dis- cipline, and to the absence of that rigidity of manner which is supposed to go with high military command, and which civilians are wont to find so irksome. Barry had also met Major Bustead, the Senior Major of the Battalion, and President of the mess, an eastern Canadian, with no military experience whatever, but with abounding energy and ambition; the close friend and boon companion of Colonel Leighton, he naturally had become his second in command. Barry was especially de- 116 A QUESTION OF NERVE 117 lighted to observe Major Bayne, whom he had not seen since his first meeting with him some months ago on the Red Pine Trail. Captain Neil Eraser and Lieutenant Stewart Duff were the only officers about the table whom he recognised, except that, among the junior lieutenants, he caught the face of young Duncan Cameron, the oldest son of his superintendent, and a fine, clean-looking young fellow he appeared. Altogether Barry was strongly attracted by the clean, strong faces about him. He would surely soon find good friends among them, and he only hoped he might be able to be of some service to them. The young fellow on his right introduced himself as Captain Hopeton. He was a young English public school boy, who, though a failure as a rancher, had proved an immense success in the social circles of the city. Because of this, and also of his family connections "at home," he had been appointed to a Civil Service position. A rather bored manner and a supercilious air spoiled what would otherwise have been a handsome and attractive face. After a single remark about the "beastly bore" of mili- tary duty, Hopeton ignored Barry, giving such atten- tion as he had to spare from his dinner to a man across the table, with whom, apparently, he had shared some rather exciting social experiences in the city. For the first half hour of the meal, the conversation was of the most trivial nature, and was to Barry su- premely uninteresting. "Shop talk" was strictly taboo, and also all reference to the war. The thin stream of con- versation that trickled from lip to lip ran the gamut of sport, spiced somewhat highly with society scandal which, even in that little city, appeared to flourish. To Barry it was as if he were in a strange land and among people of a strange tongue. Of sport, as under- stood by these young chaps, he knew little, and of scan- dal he was entirely innocent; so much so that many of the references that excited the most merriment were to him utterly obscure. After some attempts to introduce 118 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND topics of conversation which he thought might be of mutual interest, but which had fallen quite flat, Barry gave up, and sat silent with a desolating sense of loneli- ness growing upon his spirit. "After the port," when smoking was permitted, he was offered a cigarette by Hopeton, and surprised that young man mightily by saying that he never smoked. This surprise, it is to be feared, deepened into disgust when, a few moments later, he declined a drink from Hopeton's whisky bottle, which a servant brought him. Liquors were not provided at the mess, but officers were permitted to order what they desired. As the bottles circulated, tongues were loosened. There was nothing foul in the talk, but more and more pro- fanity, with frequent apology to the chaplain, began to decorate the conversation. Conscious of a deepening dis- gust with his environment, and of an overwhelming sense of isolation, Barry cast vainly about for a means of escape. Of military etiquette he was ignorant; hence he could only wait in deepening disgust for the O.C. to give the signal to rise. How long he could have endured is doubtful, but release came in a startling, and, to most of the members of the mess, a truly horrifying manner. In one of those strange silences that fall upon even the noisiest of companies, Colonel Leighton, under the in- fluence of a somewhat liberal indulgence in his whisky bottle, began the relation of a tale of very doubtful flavour. In the midst of the laughter that followed the tale, Barry rose to his feet, his face white and his eyes aflame, and in a voice vibrating with passion, said : "May I be excused, sir?" "Why, certainly," said the colonel pleasantly, add- ing after a moment's hesitation, "is there anything wrong, Dunbar ? Are you ill ?" "No, sir." Barry's voice had the resonant quality of a cello string. "I mean, yes, sir," he corrected. "I am ill. The atmosphere surrounding such a tale is nauseat- ing to me." A QUESTION OF NERVE 119 In the horrified silence that followed his remark, he walked out from the room. Upon his ears, as he stood in the ante-room, trembling with the violence of his passion, a burst of laughter fell. A sudden wrath like a hot flame swept his body. He wheeled in his tracks, tore open the door, and with head high and face set, strode to his place at the table and sat down. Astonishment beyond all words held the company in tense stillness. From Barry's face they looked toward the colonel, who, too dum founded for speech or action, sat gazing at his chaplain. Then from the end of the table a few places down from Barry, a voice was heard. "Feel better, Dunbar?" The cool, clear voice cut through the tense silence like the zip of a sword. "I do, thank you, sir," looking him straight in the eye. "The fresh air, doubtless," continued the cool voice. "I always find myself that even a whiff of fresh air is a very effective antidote for threatening vertigo. I re- member once " continued the speaker, dropping into a conversational tone, and leaning across the table slight- ly toward Barry, "I was in the room with a company of men " And the speaker entered upon a long and none too interesting relation of an experience of his, the point of which no one grasped, but the effect of which every one welcomed with the prof oundest relief. He was the regimental medical officer, a tall, slight man, with a keen eye, a pleasant face crowned by a topknot of flaming hair, and with a little dab of hair of like colour upon his upper lip, which he fondly cherished, as an important item in his military equipment. "Say, the old doc is a lifesaver, sure enough," said a, young subaltern, answering to the name of "Sally," col- loquial for Sal ford, as he stood amid a circle of officers gathered in the smoking room a few minutes later. "A lifesaver," repeated Sally, with emphasis. "He can have me for his laboratory collection after I'm through." "He is one sure singing bird," said another sub, a 120 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND stout, overgrown boy by the name of Booth. "The nerve of him," added Booth in admiration. "Nerve !" echoed a young captain, "but what about the pilot's nerve?" "Sui generis, Train, I should say," drawled Hopeton. "Suey, who did you say?" inquired Sally. "What's her second name ? But let me tell )'ou I could have fallen on his neck and burst into tears of gratitude. For me," continued Sally, glancing about the room, "I don't hold with that dirt stuff at mess. It isn't necessary." "Beastly bad form," said Hopeton, "but, good Lord! Your Commanding Officer, Sally! There's such a thing as discipline, you know." "What extraordinary thing is it that Sally knows?" inquired Major Bustead, who lounged up to the group. "We were discussing the padre's break, Major, which for my part," drawled Hopeton, "I consider rotten dis- cipline." "Discipline!" snorted the major. "By Gad, it was a piece of the most damnable cheek I have ever heard at a mess table. He ought to be sent to Coventry. I only hope the O.C. will get him exchanged." The major made no effort to subdue his voice, which was plainly audible throughout the room. "Hush, for. God's sake," warned Captain Train, as Barry entered the door. "Here he is." But Barry had caught the major's words. For a moment he stood irresolute; then walked quietly toward the group. "I couldn't help hearing you, Major Bustead," he said, in a voice pleasant and under perfect control. "I gather you were referring to me." "I was, sir," said the major defiantly. "And why should I be sent to Coventry, or exchanged, may I ask ?" Barry's voice was that of an interested out- sider. "Because," stuttered the Major, "I consider, sir, that that you have been guilty of a piece of damnable A QUESTION OF NERVE 121 impertinence toward your Commanding Officer. I never heard anything like it in my life. Infernal cheek, I call it, sir." While the major was speaking, Barry stood listen- ing with an air of respectful attention. "I wonder!" he said, after a moment's thought. "If I thought I had been impertinent, I should at once apolo- gise. But, sir, do you think it is part of my duty to allow ary man, even my Commanding Officer, to pardon the disgusting metaphor, it is not so disgusting as the action complained of to spit in my soup, and take it without protest? Do you, sir?" "I you " The major grew very red in the face. "You need to learn your place in this battalion, sir." "I do," said Barry, still preserving his quiet voice and manner. "I want to learn I am really anxious to learn it. Do you mind answering my question?" His tone was that of a man who is earnestly but quite respectfully seeking information from a superior officer. "Your question, sir?" stuttered the major, "your your question. Damn your question, and yourself too." The major turned abruptly away. Barry heard him quite unmoved, stood looking after him in silence a moment or two, then, shaking his head, with a puzzled expression on his face, moved slowly away from the group. "Oh, my aunt Caroline," breathed Sally into his friend Hopeton's ear, resting heavily meanwhile against his shoulder. "What a score! What a score!" "A bull, begad! a clean bull!" murmured Hopeton, supporting his friend out of the room as he added, "A little fresh air, as a preventative of vertigo, as the old doc says, eh, Sally." "Good Lord, is he just a plain ass, or what?" in- quired young Booth, his eye following Barry down the room. "Ass ! A mule, I should say. And one with a good lot THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND of kick in him," replied Captain Train. "I don't know that I care for that kind of an animal, though." Before many hours had passed, the whole battalion had received with undiluted joy an account of the incident, for though the Commanding Officer was popular with his men, to have him called down at his own mess by one of his own officers was an event too thrilling to give any- thing but unalloyed delight to those who had to suffer in silence similar indignities at the hands of their officers. A notable exception in the battalion, however, was Ser- geant Major McFetteridge, who, because of his military experience, and of his reputation as a disciplinarian, had been recently transferred to the battalion. To the ser- geant major this act of Barry's was but another and more flagrant example of his fondness for "buttin' in," and the sergeant major let it be known that he strongly condemned the chaplain for what he declared was an unheard of breach of military discipline. Of course there were others who openly approved, and who admired the chaplain's "nerve in standing up to the old man." In their opinion he was entirely justified in what he had said. The O.C. had insulted him, and every officer at the mess, by his off-colour story, but on the whole the general result of the incident was that Barry's life became more and more one of isolation from both officers and men. For this reason and because of a Haunting sense of failure the months of training preced- ing the battalion's departure for England were for Barry one long and almost uninterrupted misery. It seemed im- possible to establish any point of contact with either the officers or the men. In their athletics, in their social gath- erings, in their reading, he was quietly ignored and made to fee* that he was in no way necessary. An impalpable but very real barrier prevented his near approach to those whom he was so eager to serve. This unexpressed opposition was quickened into active hostility by the chaplain's uncompromising attitude on the liquor question. By the army regulations, the bat- A QUESTION OF NERVE 123 talion canteen was dry, but in spite of this many, both of the officers and the men, freely indulged in the use of intoxicating drink. The effect upon discipline was, of course, deplorable, and in his public addresses as well as private conversation, Barry constantly denounced these demoralising habits, winning thereby the violent dislike of those especially affected, and the latent hostility of the majority of the men who agreed with the sergeant major in resenting the chaplain's "buttin' in." It was, therefore, with unspeakable joy that Barry learned that the battalion was warned for overseas serv- ice. Any change in his lot would be an improvement, for he was convinced that he had reached the limit of wretchedness in the exercise of his duty as chaplain of the battalion. In this conviction, however, he was mistaken. On shipboard, he discovered that there were still depths of misery which he was called upon to plumb. Assigned to a miserable stateroom in an uncomfortable part of the ship, he suffered horribly from seasickness, and for the first half of the voyage lay foodless and spiritless in his bunk, indifferent to his environment or to his fate. His sole friend was his batman, Harry Hobbs, but, of course, he could not confide to Harry the misery of his body, or the deeper misery of his soul. It was Harry, however, that brought relief, for it was he that called the M.O. to his officer's bedside. The M.O. was shocked to find the chaplain in a state of extreme physical weakness, and mental depression. At once, he gave orders that Barry should be removed to his own stateroom, which was large and airy and open to the sea breezes. The effect was immediately apparent, for the change of room, and more especially the touch of human sympathy, did much to restore Barry to his normal health and spirits. A friendship sprang up between the M.O. and the chaplain. With this friendship a new interest came into Barry's life, and with surprising rapidity he regained both his physical and mental tone. 124 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND The doctor took him resolutely in hand, pressed him to take his part in the daily physical drill, induced him to share the daily programme of sports, and, best of all, dis- covering a violin on board, insisted on his taking a place on the musical programme rendered nightly in the salon. As might be expected, his violin won him friends among all of the music lovers on board ship, and life for Barry began once more to be bearable. Returning strength, however, recalled him to the per- formance of his duties as chaplain, and straightway in the exercise of what he considered his duty, he came into conflict with no less a personage than the sergeant major himself. The trouble arose over his batman, Harry Hobbs. Harry was a man who, in his youthful days, had been a diligent patron of the London music halls, and in con- sequence had become himself an amateur entertainer of very considerable ability. His sailor's hornpipes, Irish jigs, his old English North-country ballads and his coster songs were an unending joy to his comrades. Their grat- itude and admiration took forms that proved poor Harry's undoing, and besides some of them took an unholy joy in sending the chaplain's batman to his officer incapable of service. Barry's indignation and grief were beyond words. He dealt faithfully with the erring Hobbs, as his minister, as his officer, as chaplain, but the downward drag of his environment proved too great for his batman's powers of resistance. Once and again Barry sought the aid of the sergeant major to rescue Harry from his downward course, but the old sergeant major was unimpressed with the account of Harry's lapses. "Is your batman unfit for duty, sir?" he inquired. "Yes, he is, often," said Barry indignantly. "Did you report him, sir ?" inquired the sergeant major. "No, I did not." "Then, sir, I am afraid that until you do your duty A QUESTION OF NERVE 125 I can do nothing," answered the sergeant major, with suave respect. "If you did your duty," Barry was moved to say, "then Hobbs would not need to be reported. The regu- lations governing that canteen should prevent these fre- quent examples of drunkenness, which are a disgrace to the battalion." "Do I understand, sir," inquired the sergeant major, with quiet respect, "that you are accusing me of a failure in duty?" "I am saying that if the regulations were observed my batman and others would not be so frequently drunk, and the enforcing of these regulations, I understand, is a part of your duty." "Then, sir," replied the sergeant major, "perhaps I had better report myself to the Commanding Officer." "You can please yourself," said Barry, shortly, as he turned away. "Very good, sir," replied the sergeant major. "I shall report myself at once." The day following, the chaplain received an order to appear before the O.C. in the orderly room. "Captain Dunbar, I understand that you are making a charge against Sergeant Major McFetteridge," was Colonel Leighton's greeting. "I am making no charge against any one, sir," replied Barry quietly. "What do you say to that, Sergeant Major McFet- teridge?" In reply, the sergeant major gave a full and fair state- ment of the passage between the chaplain and himself the day before. "Is this correct, Captain Dunbar?" asked the O.C. "Substantially correct, sir, except that the sergeant major is here on his own suggestion, and on no order of mine." "Then I understand that you withdraw your charge against the sergeant major." 126 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I withdraw nothing, sir. I had no intention of laying a charge, and I have laid no charge against the sergeant major ; but at the same time I have no hesitation in say- ing that the regulations governing the canteen are not observed, and, as I understand that the responsibility for enforcing these regulations is in the sergeant major's hands, in that sense I consider that he has failed in his duty." But the sergeant major was too old a soldier to be caught napping. He had his witnesses ready at hand to testify that the canteen was conducted according to regu- lations, and that if the chaplain's batman or any others took more liquor than they should, neither the corporal in charge of the canteen nor the sergeant major was to be blamed. "All I can say, sir," replied Barry, "is that soldiers are frequently drunk on this ship, and I myself have seen them when the worse for liquor going into the canteen." "And did you report these men to their officers or to me, Captain Dunbar, or did you report the corporal in charge of the canteen ?" "No, sir, I did not." "Then sir, do you know that you have been guilty of serious neglect of duty?" said the colonel sternly. "Do I understand, sir, that it is my duty to report to you every man I see the worse for liquor on this ship?" "Most certainly," replied the colonel, emphatically. "Every breach of discipline must be reported." "I understood, sir, that an officer had a certain amount of discretion in a matter of this kind." "Where did you get that notion?" inquired the colonel. "Let me tell you that you are wrong. Discretionary pow- ers lie solely with me." "Then, sir, I am to understand that I must report every man whom I see the worse for liquor ?" "Certainly, sir," "And every officer, as well, sir?" The colonel hesitated a moment, fumbled with his papers, and then blurted out : "Certainly, sir. And let me say, Captain Dunbar, that an officer, especially an officer in your position, ought to be very careful in making a charge against a N.C.O., more particularly the sergeant major of his battalion. Nothing is more calculated to drag down discipline. The case is dismissed." "Sir," said Barry, maintaining his place before the table. "May I ask one question?" "The case is dismissed, Captain Dunbar. What do you want?" asked the colonel brusquely. "I want to be quite clear as to my duty, in the future, sir. Do I understand that if any man or officer is found under the influence of liquor, anywhere in this ship, and at any hour of the day or night, he is to be reported at once to the orderly room, even though that officer should be, say, even the adjutant or yourself?" Barry said, gazing up at the colonel with a face in which earnestness and candour were equally blended. The colonel gazed back at him with a face in which rage and perplexity were equally apparent. For some moments, he was speechless, while the whole orderly room held its breath. "I mean that you you understand of course," stuttered the colonel, "that an officer must use common sense. He must be damned sure of what he says, in other words," said the colonel, rushing his speech. "But, sir," continued Barry. "Oh, go to the devil, sir," roared the colonel. "The case is dismissed." Barry saluted and left the room. "Is the man an infernal and condemned fool, or what is the matter with him?" exclaimed the colonel, turning to his adjutant in a helpless appeal, while the orderly room struggled with its grins. "The devil only knows," said Major Bustead. "He 128 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND beats me. He is an interfering and impertinent ass, in my opinion, but what else he is, I don't know." It is fair to say that the sergeant major bore the chap- lain no grudge for his part in the affair. The whole battalion, however, soon became possessed of the tale, adorned and expanded to an unrecognisable extent, and revelled in ecstasy over the discomfort of the C.O. The consensus of opinion was that on the whole the sergeant major had come off with premier honours, and as be- tween the "old man" and the "Sky Pilot," as Barry was coming to be called, it was about an even break. As for the Pilot, he remained more than ever a mystery, and on the whole, the battalion was inclined to leave him alone. The chaplain, however, had partially, at least, achieved his aim, in that the regulations governing the canteen were more strictly enforced, to the vast improvement of discipline generally, and to the immense advantage of Harry Hobbs in particular. Soon after this, another event occurred which aided materially in bringing about this same result, and which also led to a modification of opinion in the battalion in regard to their chaplain. To the civilian soldier the punctilio of military etiquette is frequently not only a bore, but at times takes on the appearance of wilful insult which no grown man should be expected to tolerate. To the civilian soldier born and brought up in wide spaces of the far Northwest this is especially the case. It is not surprising, therefore, that McCuaig, fresh from his thirty-five years of life in the Athabasca wilds, should find the routine of military discipline extremely irksome and the niceties of military etiquette as from a private to an officer not only foolish but degrading both to officer and man. Under the patient shepherding of Barry's father, he had endured much without protest or complaint, but, with the advent of Sergeant Major Mc- Fetteridge, with his rigid military discipline and his strict insistence upon etiquette, McCuaig passed into a new at- A QUESTION OF NERVE 129 mosphere. To the f reeborn and f reebred recruit from the Athabasca plains, the stiff and somewhat exaggerated military bearing of the sergeant major was at first a source of quiet amusement, later of perplexity, and finally of annoyance. For McFetteridge and his minutiae of military discipline McCuaig held only contempt. To him, the whole business was a piece of silly nonsense unworthy of serious men. It was inevitable that the sergeant major should sooner or later discover this opinion in Private McCuaig, and that he should consider the holding of this opinion as a tendency toward insubordination. It was also inevitable that the sergeant major should order a course of special fatigues calculated to subdue the spirit of the insubordi- nate private. It took McCuaig some days to discover that in these frequent fatigues and special duties, he was undergoing punishment, but once made, the discovery wrought in him a cold and silent rage, which drove him to an undue and quite unwonted devotion to the canteen, which in turn transformed the reserved, self-controlled man of the wilds into a demonstrative, disorderly and quarrelsome "rookie" aching for trouble. Under these circumstances, an outburst was inevitable. Corporal Ferry, in charge of the canteen, furnished the occasion. "No more for you, McCuaig. You've got more aboard now than you can carry." To the injury of being denied another beer was added the insult of suggesting his inability to carry what he had. This to a man of McCuaig's experience in every bar and camp and roadhouse from Edmonton to the Arctic circle, was not to be endured. He leaned over the improvised bar, until his face al- most touched the corporal's. "What?" he ejaculated, but in the single expletive there darted out such concentrated fury, that the little cor- poral sprang back as from a striking snake. 130 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "You can't have any more beer, McCuaig," said the corporal, from a safe distance. "Watch me, sonny !" replied McCuaig. With a single sweep of his hand, he snatched two bot- tles from the ledge behind the corporal's head. Holding one aloft, he knocked the top off the other, drank its con- tents slowly and smashed the empty bottle at the spot where the corporal's head had been; knocked the top off the second bottle and was proceeding to drink it, in a more or less leisurely fashion. "Private Timms! Private Mulligan!" shouted Cor- poral Ferry, reappearing from beneath the counter. "Ar- rest that man!" "Wait, sonny; give me a chance," cried McCuaig, in a wild, high, singsong voice. Lifting his bottle to his lips, he continued to drink slowly, keeping his eye upon the two privates, who were considering the best method of carrying out their orders. "There, sonny, fill that up again," cried McCuaig, goodnaturedly, when he had finished his drink, tossing the second bottle at the head of the corporal, who, being on the alert, again made a successful disappearance. "Now, then, boys, come on," said McCuaig, backing toward the wall, and dropping his hands to his hips. With a curse of disappointment that he found himself without his usual weapons of defence, McCuaig raised a shout, sprang into the air, cracked his heels together in a double rap, and swinging his arms around his head, yelled : "Come on, my boys! I'm hungry, I am! Meat! Meat! Meat!" With each "meat," his white teeth came together with a snap like that of a hungry wolf. Such was the beastly ferocity in his face and posture that both Private Timms and Private Mulligan, themselves men of more than aver- age strength, paused and looked at the corporal for fur- ther orders. "Arrest that man," said the corporal again, preserv- A QUESTION OF NERVE 131 ing at the same time an attitude that revealed a complete readiness for swift disappearance. "Private McTav- ish," he added, calling upon a tall Highlander who was gazing with admiring eyes upon the raging McCuaig, "assist Private Timms and Private Mulligan in arresting that man." "Why don't you come yourself, sonny?" inquired Mc- Cuaig. With a swift sidestep and a swifter swoop of his long arm, he reached for the corporal, who once more found safety in swift disappearance. At that instant, the Highlander, seeing his opportunity, flung himself upon McCuaig, and winding his arms around him, hung to him grimly, crying out : "Get hold of his legs ! Queeck ! Will you ?" When the sergeant major, attracted by the unwonted uproar, appeared upon the scene, there was a man on every one of McQuaig's limbs, and another one astride his stomach. "Heavin' like sawlogs shootin' a rapid," as Private Corbin, a lumberjack from the Eau Claire, was later heard to remark. "What is he like now?" inquired the colonel, after listening to the sergeant major's report of the Homeric combat. "He is in a compartment in the hold, sir, and raging like one demented. He very nearly did for Major Bus- tead, smashing at him with a scantling that he ripped from the ship's timbers, sir. He still has the scantling, sir." "Let him cool off all night," said the Commanding Officer, after consultation with the adjutant. Barry, who with difficulty had restrained himself dur- ing the sergeant major's report, slipped from the room, found the M.O., to whom he detailed the story and dragged him off to visit the raging McCuaig. They found a corporal on guard outside. "I would not open the door, sir. He is really dan- gerous." "Oh, rot!" replied the M.O. "Open up the door!" 132 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Excuse me, sir," said the corporal, "it is not safe. At present, he is clean crazy. He is off his nut entirely." The M.O. stood listening at the door. From within came moaning sounds as from a suffering beast. "That man is suffering. Open the door!" ordered the M.O. peremptorily. The corporal, with great reluctance, unlocked the pad- lock, shot back the bolt, and then stood away from the door. "It is the medical officer, McCuaig," said the doctor, opening the door slightly. Bang! Crash ! came the scantling upon the door jamb, shattering it to pieces. The whole guard flung themselves against the door, shoved it shut, and shot the bolt. "I warned you, sir," said the panting corporal. "Bet- ter leave him until morning. He's a regular devil !" "He is no more a devil than you are, corporal," said Barry, in a loud, clear voice. "He is one of the best men in the battalion. More than that, he is my friend, and if he spends the night there, I spend it with him." So saying, and before any one could stop him, Barry shot back the bolt, opened the door, and with his torch- light flashing before him, stepped inside. "Hello, McCuaig," he called, in a quiet, clear voice, "where are you? It's Dunbar, you know." He drew the door shut after him. The corporal was for following him, but the M.O. interposed. "Stop out!" he ordered. "Stay where you are! You have done enough mischief already." "But, sir, he'll kill him!" "This is my case," said the M.O. sharply. "Fall back all of you, out of sight!" Together they stood listening in awestruck silence, expecting every moment to hear sounds of conflict, and cries for help, but all they heard was the cool, even flow of a quiet voice, and after some minutes had passed, the sound of moans, mingled with a terrible sobbing. A QUESTION OF NERVE 133 The M.O., moving toward the corporal and his guard, said in a low tone : "Take your men down the passage and keep them there until I call for you." "Sir," began the corporal. "Will you obey my orders?" said the M.O. "I'm in command here ! Go !" Without further words, the corporal moved his men away. Half an hour later, the sergeant major, going his rounds, received a rude shock. In the passage leading to McCuaig's compartment, he met four men, bearing on a stretcher toward the sick bay a long silent form. "Who have you got there, corporal?" he inquired in a tone of kindly interest. "McCuaig, sir." "McCuaig?" roared the sergeant major. "And who " "Medical officer's orders." "Silence there," said a sharp voice in the rear. "Carry- on, men." And past the astonished sergeant major, the proces- sion filed with the medical officer and the chaplain at its tail end. After the sergeant major had made his report to the O.C., as was his duty, the M.O. was sent for. What took place at that interview was never divulged to the mess, but it was known that whereas the conversation began in very loud tones by the Officer Commanding, it ended half an hour later with the M.O. being shown out of the room by the colonel himself, who was heard to remark : "A very fine bit of work. Tell him I want to see him when he has a few minutes, and thank you, doctor, thank you!" "Who does the old man want to see ?" inquired Sally, who, with Hopeton and Booth, happened to be passing. "The chaplain," snapped the M.O., going on his way. 134 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "The chaplain? By Jove, he's a queer one, eh?" The M.O. turned sharply back, and coming very close to Sally, said in a wrathful voice: "A queer one? Yes, a queer one! But if some of you damned young idots that sniff at him had just half his guts, you'd be twice the men you are. Shut up, Hope- ton ! Listen to me " and in words of fiery rage that ran close to tears, he recounted his experience of the last hour. "By Jove! Doc, some guts, eh?" said Sally in a low tone, as he moved away. CHAPTER IX SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, AND OTHER THINGS ALONG, weird blast from the fog horn, followed by two short, sharp toots, recalled Barry from his morning dream. "Fog," he grumbled, and turned over to re-capture the enchantment of the Athabasca rapids, and his dancing canoe. Overhead there sounded the trampling of feet. "Submarines, doc," he shouted and leaped to the floor broad awake. "What's the row?" murmured the M.O., who was a heavy sleeper. For answer, Barry ripped the clothes from the doctor's bed. "Submarines, doc," he shouted again, and buckling on his Sam Brown, and seizing his lifebelt, he stood ready to go. "What! your boots off, doc?" In the orders of the day before had been an announce- ment that officers and men were to sleep fully dressed. "Oh, the devil !" exclaimed the doctor, hunting through his bedclothes in desperation. "I can't sleep in my boots. Where's my tunic? Go on, old fellow, I'll follow you." Barry held his tunic for him. "Here you are! Wake up, doc! And here's your Sam Brown." Barry dropped to lace the doctor's boots, while the lat- ter was buckling on the rest of his equipment. "All right," cried the doctor, rushing from the room and leaving his lifebelt behind him. Barry caught up the lifebelt and followed. 136 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Your lifebelt, doc," he said, as they passed up the companion way. "Oh, I'm a peach of a soldier," said the doctor, strug- gling into his lifebelt, and swearing deeply the while. "Stop swearing, doc ! It's a waste of energy." "Oh, go to hell!" "No, I prefer Heaven, if I must leave this ship, but for the present, I believe I'm needed here, and so are you, doc. Look there!" The doctor glanced out upon the deck. "By Jove ! You're right, old man, we are needed and badly. I say, old chap," he said, pausing for a moment to turn to Barry, "You are a dear old thing, aren't you?" The deck was a mass of soldiers struggling, swearing, fighting their way to their various stations. Officers, half dressed and half awake, were rushing hither and thither, seeking their units, swearing at the men and shouting meaningless orders. Over all the stentorian voice of the sergeant major was vainly trying to make itself under- stood.- In the confusion the cry was raised : "We're torpedoed ! We're going down!" There was a great rush for the nearest boats. Men flung discipline to the winds and began fighting for a chance of their lives. It was a terrific and humiliating scene. Suddenly, over the tumult, was heard a loud, ringing laugh. "Oh, I say, Duff ! Not that way ! Not that way !" Again came the ringing laugh. Immediately a silence fell upon the struggling crowd, and for a moment they stood looking inquiringly at each other. That moment of silence was seized by the ser- geant major. Like a trumpet his sonorous voice rang out steady and clear. "Fall in, men! Boat quarters! Silence there!" He followed this with sharp, intelligible commands to SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 137 his N.C.O.'s. Like magic, 'order fell upon the turbulent, struggling crowd. "Stand steady, you there !" roared the sergeant major, who having got control of his men, began to indulge him- self in a few telling and descriptive adjectives. In less than two minutes, the men were standing steady as a rock and the panic was passed. "Who was it that laughed up there in that stampede ?" inquired the O.C., when the officers were gathered about him in the orderly room. "I think it was the Sky Pilot, sir the chaplain, sir," said Lieutenant Stewart Duff. "Was it you that laughed, Captain Dunbar?" asked the colonel, turning upon Barry. "Perhaps I did, sir. I'm sorry if " "Sorry!" exclaimed the colonel. "Dammit, sir, you saved the situation for us all. Who told you it was a false alarm?" "No one, sir. I didn't know it was a false alarm. I was looking at Lieutenant Duff " He checked him- self promptly. "I mean, sir well, it seemed a good place to laugh, so I just let it come." The colonel's eyes rested with curious inquiry upon the serene face of the chaplain, with its glowing eyes and candid expression. "A good place for a laugh? It was a damned good place for a laugh, and gentlemen, I thank God I have one officer who finds in the face of sudden danger a good place for a laugh. And now I have some- thing to say to you." The O.C.'s remarks did not improve the officers' opin- ion of themselves, and they slunk out of the room no other word properly describes the cowed and shamed ap- pearance of that company of men they slunk out of the room. They had failed to play the part of British officers in the face of sudden peril. In his speech to the men, the C.O. made only a single reference to the incident, but that reference bit deep. "Men, I am thoroughly ashamed and disappointed- 138 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND You acted, not like soldiers, but like a herd of steers. The difference between a herd of steers and a battalion of soldiers, in the face of sudden danger, is only this : the steers break blindly for God knows where, and end piled up over a cut bank; soldiers stand steady listening for the word of command." If the O.C. handled the men with a light hand, the sergeant major did not. His tongue rasped them to the raw. No one knows a soldier as does his N.C.O., and no N.C.O. is qualified to set forth the soldier's characteris- tics with the intimate knowledge and adequate fluency of the sergeant major. One by one he peeled from their shivering souls the various layers of their moral cuticle, until they stood, in their own and in each other's eyes, objects of commiseration. "There's just one thing more I wad like ta say to ye." The sergeant major's tendency to Doric was more notice- able in his moments of deeper feeling, "but it's something for you lads to give heed ta. When ye were scrammlin' up yonder, like a lot o' mavericks at a brandin', and yowlin' like a bunch o' coyotes, there was one man in the regiment who could laugh. There's lots o' animals that the Almighty made can yowl, but there's only one can laugh, and that's a mon. For God's sake, men, when ye' re in a tight place, try a laugh." For some weeks after this event the chaplain was known throughout the battalion as "the man that can laugh," and certain it is that from that day there existed between the M.O. and the chaplain a new bond of friendship. As the ship advanced deeper into the submarine zone, the sole topic of thought and of conversation came to be the convoy. Where was that convoy anyway? While the daylight lasted, a thousand pairs of eyes swept the horizon, and the intervening spaces of tossing, blue-grey water, for the sight of a sinister periscope, or for the smudge of a friendly cruiser, and when night fell, a thousand pairs of ears listened with strained intentness SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 139 for the impact of the deadly torpedo or for the signal of the protecting convoy. While still a day and a night out from land, Barry awoke in the dim light of a misty morning, and proceeded to the deck for his constitutional. There he fell in with Captain Neil Fraser and Captain Hopeton pacing up and down. "Come along, Pilot!" said Captain Neil, heartily, be- tween whom and the chaplain during the last few days a cordial friendship had sprung up. "We're looking for submarines. This is the place and the time for Fritz, if he is going to get us at all." Arm in arm they made the circle of the deck. The mist, lying like a bank upon the sea, shifted the horizon to within a thousand yards of the ship. "I wish I knew just what lies behind that bank there," said Captain Hopeton, pointing over the bow. For some moments they stood, peering idly into the mist. "By Jove, there is something there," said Barry, who had a hawk's eye. "You've got 'em too, eh," laughed Hopeton. "I've had 'em for the last forty-eight hours. I've been 'seein' things' all night." "But there is," insisted Barry, pointing over the port bow. "What is it like?" asked Captain Neil, while Hopeton ran for his glass. "I'll tell you what it's like exactly like the eye of an oyster in its pulp. And, by Jove, there's another !" added Barry excitedly. "I can't see anything," said Captain Neil. "But I can," insisted Barry. "Look there, Hopeton!" Hopeton fixed his glass upon the mist, where Barry pointed. ^ "You're right! There is something, and there are two of them." 140 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Give the Pilot the glass, Hopeton," said Neil. "He's got a good eye." "There are two ships, boys, as I'm a sinner, but what they are, I don't know," cried Barry in a voice tense with excitement. "Here, Neil, take the glass. You know about ships." Long and earnestly, Captain Neil held the glass in the direction indicated. "Boys, by all that's holy, they're destroyers," he said at length in a low voice. Even as they gazed, the two black dots rapidly took shape, growing out of the mist into two sea monsters, all head and shoulders, boring through the seas, each flinging high a huge comb of white spray, and with an indescribable suggestion of arrogant, resistless power, bearing down upon the ship at furious speed. "Destroyers!" shouted Captain Neil, in a voice that rang through the ship. "By gad, destroyers!" There was no question of friend or foe; only Great Britain's navy rode over those seas immune. Upon every hand the word was caught up and passed along. In a marvellously short space of time, the rails, the boats, the rigging, all the points of vantage were thronged with men, roaring, waving, cheering, like mad. With undiminished speed, each enveloped in its cloud of spray, the destroyers came, one on each side, rushed foaming past, swept in a circle around the ship and took their stations alongside, riding quietly at half speed like bulldogs tugging at a leash. "Great heavens, what a sight!" At the croak in Hope- ton's voice, the others turned and looked at him. "You've got it too, eh !" said Captain Neil, clearing his own throat. "I've got something, God knows !''" answered Hopeton, wiping his eyes. "I, too," said Barry, swallowing the proverbial lump. "Those little little " "Bulldogs," suggested Hopeton. SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 141 "Bulldog pups," said Captain Neil. "That's it," said Barry. "That's what they are, little bulldog pups, got me by the throat all right." "Me, too, by gad !" said Captain Neil. "I should have howled out loud in another minute." "Listen to the boys!" cried Barry. From end to end of the ship rose one continuous roar, "Good old Navy ! Good old John Bull !" while Hopeton, openly abandoning the traditional reserve and self-con- trol supposed to be a characteristic of the English public school boy, climbed upon the rail and, hanging by a stanchion with one hand, and with the other frantically waving his cap over his head, continued to shout : "England! England! England forever!" Then above the cheering cries was heard the battalion band, and from a thousand throats in solemn chant there rose the Empire's national anthem, "God Save the King." That night they steamed into old Plymouth town, and the following morning were anchored safe at Devonport dock. Strict orders held the officers and men on board ship until arrangements for debarkation should be com- pleted, but to Barry and the doctor, the Commanding Of- ficer gave shore leave for an hour. "And I would suggest," he said, "that you go and have a talk with that old boy walking up and down the dock there. Yarn to him about Canada, he's wild to know about it." The old naval officer was indeed "wild to know about Canada," so that the greater part of their shore leave was spent in answering his questions, and eager though he was to explore the old historic town, before Barry knew it, he was in the full tide of a glowing description of his own Province of Alberta, extolling its great ranches, its sweeping valleys, its immense resources. "And to think you are all British out there," exclaimed the old salt. "We're all British, of course," replied Barry, "but not all from Britain." 142 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "I know, I know," said the officer, "but that only makes it more wonderful." "Wonderful ! Why, why should it be wonderful ?" "Yes, wonderful. Oh, you Canadians," cried the old salt, impulsively stretching out his hand to Barry. "You Canadians !" Surprised, Barry glanced at his face. Those hard blue eyes were brimming with tears; the leatherlike skin was working curiously about the mouth. "Why, sir, I don't quite understand what you mean," said Barry. "No, and you never will. Think of it, rushing three thousand miles " "Five thousand for some of us," interrupted Barry. "Fancy that! Rushing five thousand miles in this way, to help old mother England, and all of your own free will. We didn't ask it of you. Though, by heaven, we're grateful for it. I find it difficult, sir, to speak quietly of this." Not until that moment had Barry caught the British point of view. To him, as to all Canadians, it had only been a perfectly reasonable and natural thing that when the Empire was threatened, they should spring into the fight. They saw nothing heroic in that. They were do- ing their simple duty. "But think of the wonder of it," said the naval officer again, "that Canada should feel in that way its response to the call of the blood." The old man's lips were still quivering. "That is true, sir," said the M.O., joining in the talk, "but there is something more. Frankly, my opinion is that the biggest thing, sir, with some of us in Canada, is not that the motherland was in need of help, though, of course, we all feel that, but that the freedom of the world is threatened, and that Canada, as one of the free nations of the world, must do her part in its defence." "A fine spirit," said the old gentleman. 143 "This fight," continued the M.O., "is ours, you see, as well as yours, and we hate a bully." The old salt swore a great oath, and said : "You are pups of the old breed, and you run true to type. I'm glad to know you, gentlemen," he continued, shaking them warmly by the hand. After they had gone a few steps he called Barry back to him. "That's my card, sir. I should like you to come to see me in London sometime when you are on leave." Barry glanced at the card and read, "Commander Howard Vincent, R.N.R." "It was very decent of the old boy," he said to the Com- manding Officer afterwards, when recounting the inter- view. "I don't suppose I'll ever use the card, but I do think he really meant it." "Meant it," exclaimed the Commanding Officer. "Why, Dunbar, I'm an old country man, and I know. Make no mistake. These people, and especially these naval people, do not throw their cards loosely about. You will undoubtedly hear from him." "It's not likely," replied Barry, "but the old gentleman is great stuff, all right." During the long, sunny spring day, their dinky little train whisked them briskly through the sweet and rest- ful beauty of the English southern counties. To these men, however, from the wide sunbaked, windswept plains of western Canada, the English landscape suggested a dainty picture, done in soft greys and greens, with here and there a vivid splash of colour, where the rich red soil broke through the green. But its tiny fields set off with hedges, and lines of trees, its little, clean-swept vil- lages, with their picturesque church spires, its parks with deer that actually stood still to look at you, its splendid manor houses, and, at rare intervals, its turreted castles, gave these men, fresh from the raw, unmeasured and un- made west, a sense of unreality. To them it seemed a toy landscape for children to play with, but, as they passed 144 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND through the big towns and cities with their tall, clustering chimneys, their crowding populations, with unmistakable evidences of great wealth, their shipping, where the har- bours bit into the red coast line, there began to waken in them the thought that this tiny England, so beautifully finished, and so neatly adorned, was something mightier than they had ever known. In these tiny fields, in these clean swept villages, in these manor houses, in these castles, in factory and in shipyard, were struck deep the roots of an England whose greatness they had never yet guessed. The next afternoon brought them to the great military camp at Shorncliffe, in a misty rain, hungry, for their rations had been exhausted early in the day, weary from ship and train travel, and eager to get their feet once again on mother earth. At the little station they were kept waiting in a pouring rain for something to happen, they knew not what. The R.T.O., a young Imperial officer, blase with his ten months of war in England, had some occult reason for delaying their departure. So, while the night grew every moment wetter and darker, the men sat on their kit- bags or found such shelter as they could in the tiny sta- tion, or in the lee of the "goods trains" blocking the rail- road tracks, growing more indignant and more disgusted with the British high command, the war in general, and registering with increasing intensity vows of vengeance against the Kaiser, who, in the last analysis, they consid- ered responsible for their misery. At length the "brass hat" for whom they had been waiting appeared upon the scene, not in the slightest de- gree apologetic, but very businesslike, and with a highly emphasised military manner. After a little conversation between the brass hat and their Commanding Officer, the latter gave the command and off they set in the darkness for their first route march on English soil. Through muddy roads and lanes, over fields, slushy and sodden, up hill and down dale, they plodded steadily SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 145 along. At the rear of the column marched Barry with the M.O. Long before they reached their destination, their con- versation had given out, the M.O. sucking sullenly at his pipe, the bowl upside down. The rear end of the column was very frayed and straggling. Why it is that a perfectly fit company will invariably fray out if placed at the rear of a marching column, no military expert has quite succeeded in satisfactorily explaining. As he tramped along in the dark by the side of the road, the M.O. stumbled over a soldier sitting upon the soggy bank. "Who are you ?" he inquired shortly. "Corporal Thorn, sir." "What's the matter with you?" "I'm all in, sir. I've been sick all day, sir." "Why didn't you report sick, then? Can't you get on?" f , "I don't think so, sir. Not for a while, at least." "Have you any pain, any nausea ?" "No, sir, I'm just all in." "Do you know our route ?" "Yes, sir, I've got the turns down." "Well, come along then when you can. I'll send back a waggon later, but don't wait for that." "Yes, sir," said Corporal Thorn. "Come on, Dunbar! We'll send a waggon back for these stragglers. There will be a good many of them before long." "You go on, doc. I'll come later," said Barry. "I'll catch up to you." But the M.O., at the various halts, waited in vain for the chaplain to appear. On arriving at the camp, after a long struggle, he suc- ceeded in sending back an Army Service waggon to bring in the stragglers, but just as the waggon was about to leave, he heard coming up the road, a party stepping out briskly to the music of their own whistling. In the 146 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND rear of the party marched the chaplain, laden down with one man's rifle and another man's kit-bag. "They're all here, sir," said Corporal Thorn to the M.O., with a distinct note of triumph in his voice. "All here, sir," he repeated, as he observed the sergeant major standing at the doctor's side. "Well done, corporal," said the sergeant major. "You brought 'em all in? That means that no man has fallen out on our first march in this country." The corporal made no reply, but later on, he explained the matter to the sergeant major. "It's that Sky Pilot of ours, sir," he said. "Blowed if he'd let us fall out." "Kept you marching, eh ?" "No, it's his chocolate and his jaw, but more his jaw than his chocolate. He's got lots of both. I was all in. I'd been sick all day in the train. Couldn't eat a bite. Well, the first thing, he gives me a cake of his chocolate. Then he sets himself down in the mud beside me, and me wishin' all the time he'd go on and leave me for the waggon to pick up. Then he gives me a cigarette, and then he begins to talk." "Talk, what about?" "Damned if I know, but the first thing I knew I was tellin' him about the broncho bustin', that's my job, you know and how I won out from Nigger Jake in the Calgary Stampede, until I was that stuck on myself that I said: 'Well, sir, we'd better get a move on/ and up he gets with my kit-bag on his back. By and by, we picks up another lame duck and then another, f eedin' 'em with chocolate and slingin' his jaw, and when we was at the limit, he halts us outside one of them stone shacks and knocks at the door. 'No soldiers here,' snaps the red- headed angel, shuttin' the door right in his face. Then he opens the door and steps right in where she could see him, and starts to talk to her, and us listening out in the rain. Say! In fifteen minutes we was all standin' up to a feed of coffee and buns, and then he gets Harry Hobbs SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 147 whistlin' and singin', and derned if we couldn't have marched to Berlin. Say ! He's a good one, ain't no quit- ter, and he won't let nobody else be a quitter." And thus it came that with Corporal Thorn and his derelicts the chaplain marched into a new place in the esteem of the men of his battalion, and of its sergeant major. But of this, of course, Barry had no knowledge He knew that he had made some little progress into the con- fidence of both officers and men in his battalion. He had made, too, some firm friendships which had relieved, to a certain extent, the sense of isolation and loneliness that had made his first months with the battalion so appalling. But there still remained the sense of failure inasfar as his specific duty as chaplain was concerned. The experiences of the first weeks in England only served to deepen in him the conviction that his influence on the men against the evils which were their especial snare was as the wind against the incoming tide, beating in from the North Sea. He could make a ripple, a cer- tain amount of fussy noise, but the tide of temptation rolled steadily onward, unchecked in its flow. The old temptations to profanity, drink and lust, that had haunted the soldiers' steps at home, were found to be lying in wait for them here and in aggravated form. True, in the mess and in his presence among the men there was less profanity than there had been at the first, but it filled him with a kind of rage to feel that this change was due to no sense of the evil of the habit, but solely to an unwillingness to give offence to one whom many of them were coming to regard with respect and some even with affection. "I hate that," he said to the M.O., to whom he would occasionally unburden his soul. "You'd think I was a kind of policeman over their morals." "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," said the M.O., to whom the habit of profanity was a very venial sin. "You ought to be mighty glad that your presence does act as 148 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND a kind of moral prophylactic. And it does, I assure you. I confess that since I have come to be associated with you, I am conscious of a very real, and at times, dis- tressing limitation of my vocabulary. I may not be more virtuous, but certainly I am more respectable." This sentiment, however, brought little comfort to the chaplain. "I am not a policeman," he protested, "and I am not going to play policeman to these men. I notice them shut up when I come around, but I know quite well that they turn themselves loose when I pass on, and that they feel much more comfortable. I am not and will not be their policeman." "What then would you be?" inquired the M.O. Barry por iered this question for some time. "To tell the truth," he said, at length, "I confess, I don't quite know. I wish I did, doc, on my soul. One thing I do know, the men are no better here in their morals than they were at home." "Better? They are worse, by Jove!" exclaimed the M.O. "Look at the daily crime-sheet! Look at that daily orderly room parade. It's something fierce, and it's getting worse." "The wet canteen?" inquired Barry, who had lost prestige with some in the battalion by reason of the strenuous fight he had made against its introduction since coming to England. Not that the men cared so much for their liquor, but they resented the idea that they were denied privileges enjoyed by other battalions. "The wet canteen?" echoed the doctor. "No, you know I opposed, as you did, the introduction of the wet canteen, although not upon the same grounds. I regard it as a perfect nuisance in camp. It is the centre of every disorder, it is subversive of discipline; it materially in- creases my sick parade. But it is not the wet canteen that is chiefly responsible for the growing crime-sheet and orderly room parade. It is those damned I don't apol- ogise " SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 149 "Please don't. Say it again!" exclaimed Barry fer- vently. "Those damned pubs," continued the M.O., "stuck at every crossroads in this country. They're the cause of ninety per cent, of the drunkenness in our army, and more than that, I want to give you another bit of in- formation that came out at our M.O. conference this week, namely that these pubs account for ninety per cent, of our tent hospital cases." "Ninety per cent., doctor? That's surely high." "I would have said so, but I am giving you the unani- mous verdict of the twenty-six medical officers at the conference. Cut out the damned beer and you know I take my share of it cut out the beer and ninety per cent, of the venereal disease goes. With me it is not a question of morality but of efficiency." Here the M.O. sprang from his chair and began to pace the hut. "This is the one thing in this army business that makes me wild. We come over here to fight these boys are willing to fight and by gad they will fight ! They go out for a walk, they have a few beers together, their inhibitory powers are paralysed, opportunity comes their way, and they wake up a little later diseased. God in heaven! I love this dear old England, and I would die for her if need be, but may God Almighty damn her public houses, and all the infernal and vicious customs which they nourish." "Thank you, doctor, go right on," said Barry. "I was at the tent hospital this week for the first time. Ever since, I have been wanting to say what you have said just now. But what did your M.O. conference do about it?" "What could we do? The Home Office blocks the way. Well, I've got that off my stomach, and I feel better," added the M.O., with a slight laugh. "But, doc, I want to say this," said Barry. "I don't believe that the percentage of men who go in for this sort of thing is large. I've been making inquiries from 150 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND our chaplains and they all agree thatjvve have a mighty fine and clean body of men in our Canadian army." "Right you are! Of course, it is only a small per- centage, a very small percentage a much smaller per- centage than in our civilian population at home. But small as it is, it is just that much too many. Hell and blazes! These men are soldiers. They have left their homes, and their folks, to fight. Their people their people are the best in our land. There's that young Pent- land. A finer young chap never threw a leg over a broncho. He's in that tent hospital to-night. I know his mother. Three sons she has given. Oh, damn it all," the doctor's voice broke at this point. "I can't speak quietly. Their mothers have given them up, to death, if need be, but not to this rotten, damnable disease. Look here, Pilot !" The doctor pointed a shaking and accusing finger at Barry. "You have often spoken against this thing, but next time you break loose, give them merry hell over it. You can't make it too hot." Long Barry sat silent overborne by the fury of the doctor's passionate indictment. "Cheer up, old chap !" said the doctor, when his wrath had somewhat subsided. "We'll lick the Kaiser and beat the devil yet." "But, doctor, what can I do ?" implored Barry. "That's part of my job, surely. Part of the job of the chaplain service, I mean. Oh, that is the ghastly tragedy of this work of mine. Somehow. I can't get at it. These evils exist. I can speak against them and make enemies, but the things go on just as before." "Don't you believe it, Pilot, not quite as before. Be- hold how you have already checked my profanity. Even the old man has pretty much cut it out at mess. You don't know where they would have been but for you. Cheer up! Our wings may not be visible but, on the other hand, there are no signs of horns and hoofs." "Doctor, one thing I'll do," cried Barry, with a sudden SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 151 inspiration. "We've a meeting of the chaplains' corps to-morrow. I'll give them your speech." "Expurgated edition, I hope," said the M.O. "No, I'll put in every damn I can remember, and, if need be, a few more." "Lord, I'd like to be there, old boy !" said the doctor, fervently. Barry was as good as his word. At the meeting of the chaplains' corps, the time was mainly taken up in routine business, dealing with arrangements for religious services at the various camps within the area. At the close of the meeting, however, one of the chap- lains rose and announced that he had a matter to bring to the attention of the corps a matter of the highest im- portance, which demanded their immediate and serious attention, and which they dared not any longer ignore. It was the matter of venereal disease in our Canadian army. His statistics and illustrative incidents gripped hard the hearts of the men present. He closed with a demand that steps be taken that day to deal with the situation. The Canadian people had entrusted them with the care of their boys' souls. "Their souls," he cried. "I say our first duty is to their bodies. I am not saying the per- centage is large. It is not as large as in the civilian population at home. But why any? We must care for these men's bodies. They fight with their bodies." His last sentence struck Barry to the heart. It re- called his own sermon, spoken in Edmonton to his fath- er's battalion. Immediately he was on his feet, and without preface or apology, reproduced as far as he was able the M.O.'s speech of the previous night, and that without expurgation. There was but little discussion. There was but one opinion. It was resolved to call a joint meeting of the chaplains and medical officers to decide upon a course of action. As Barry was leaving the meeting, the senior chaplain,. 152 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND an old Anglican clergyman, with a saintly face and a smile that set one's tenderest emotions astir, came to him, and putting his hand affectionately upon his shoulder, said: "And how is your work going, my dear fellow?" It was to Barry as if his father's hand were upon his shoulder, and before he was aware he was pouring out the miserable story of his own sad failure as a chaplain. "Poor boy ! Poor boy !" the old gentleman kept saying. "I know how you ,feel. Just so, just so !" When Barry had finished relieving his heart of the bur- den that had so long lain upon it, the old gentleman took him by the hand and said : "My dear fellow, remember they are far from home. These boys need their mothers. They sorely need their mothers ! And, my boy, they need God. And they need you. Good-bye!" Barry came away with a warm feeling in his heart, and in it a new purpose and resolve. No longer would he be a policeman to his men. He would try to forget their faults, and to remember only how sorely they need- ed their mothers and their God, and that they needed him, too. He found the camp thrilling with great news, glorious news. The day so long awaited had come. The bat- talion was under orders for France. At that very moment there was an officers' meeting in the orderly room. As Barry entered the room, the O.C. was closing his speech. Barry was immediately conscious of a new tone, a new spirit, in the colonel's words. He spoke with a new sense of responsibility, and what more than anything else arrested Barry's attention, with a new sense of broth- erhood toward his officers. "In closing what I have to say, gentlemen, let me make a confession. I am not satisfied with the battalion, nor with my officers.. I am not satisfied with myself. I re- member being indignant at the report sent in by the in- SUBMARINES, BULLPUPS, OTHER THINGS 153 specting officer concerning this battalion. I thought he was unfair and unduly severe. I believe I said so. Gen- tlemen, I was wrong. Since that time I have seen work in some regiments of the Imperial Service, and especially, I have seen the work on the front line. I think I know now what discipline means. Discipline, gentlemen, is the thing that saves an army from disaster. Some things we must cut out absolutely. Whatever unfits for service must go. I saw a soldier, a Canadian soldier, shot at the front for being intoxicated. I pray God, I may never see the like again. At this point, I wish to express my appreciation of the work of our chaplain, who I am glad to see has just come in. He has stood for the right thing among us, and has materially helped in the discipline and efficiency of this battalion. Gentlemen, you have your orders. Let there be no failure. Obedience is de- manded, not excuses. Gentlemen, carry on!" Barry hurried away to his hut. The words of his colonel had lifted him out of his despair. He had not then so desperately failed. His colonel had found some- thing in him to approve. And France was before him! There was still a chance for service. The boys would need him there. CHAPTER X FRANCE FRANCE, sunny France!" The tone carried concen- trated bitterness and disgust. "One cursed fraud after another in this war." "Cheer up!" said Barry. "There's worse to come perhaps better. This rain is beastly, but the clouds will pass, and the sun will shine again, for in spite of the rain this is 'sunny France.' There's a little homily for you," said Barry, "and for myself as well, for I assure you this combination of mat de mer and sleet makes one feel rotten." "Everything is rotten," grumbled Duff, gazing gloom- ily through the drizzling rain at the rugged outline of wharves that marked the Boulogne docks. "Look at this," cried Duff, sweeping his hand toward the deck. "You would think this stuff was shot out of the blower of a threshing machine soldier's baggage, kits, quartermaster's stores and this is a military organ- isation. Good Lord!" "Lieutenant Duff! Is Lieutenant Duff here?" It was the O.C.'s voice. "Yes, sir," said Duff, going forward and saluting. "Mr. Duff, I wish you to take charge of the Transport for the present. Lieutenant Bonner is quite useless helpless, I mean. You will find Sergeant Mackay a re- liable man. Sorry I couldn't give you longer notice. I think, however, you are the man for the job." "I'll do my best, sir," said Duff, saluting, as the O. C. turned away. "What did I tell you, Duff?" said Barry. "You cer- tainly are in for it, and you have my sympathy." FRANCE 155 "Sympathy! Don't you worry about me," said Duff. "This is just the kind of thing I like. I haven't run a gang of navvies in the Crow's Nest Pass for nothing. You watch my smoke. But, one word, Pilot! When you see me bearing down, full steam ahead, give me room! I'll make this go or bust something." Then in a burst of confidence, he took Barry by the arm, and added in a low voice: "And if I live, Pilot, I'll be run- ning something in this war bigger than the Transport of a battalion before I'm done." Barry let his eyes run over the powerful figure, the rugged, passionate face, lit up now with gleaming eyes, and said : "I believe you, Duff. Meantime, I'll watch your smoke." "Do!" replied Duff with superb self-confidence. And it was worth while during the next hour to watch Duff evolve order out of chaos. First of all he put into his men and into his sergeant the fear of death. But he did more than that. He breathed into them some- thing of his own spirit of invincible determination. He had them springing at his snappy orders with an eager- ness that was in itself the larger half of obedience, and as they obeyed they became conscious that they were working under the direction of a brain that had a per- fected plan of action, and that held its details firmly in its grasp. Not only did Duff show himself a master of organisa- tion and control, but in a critical moment he himself leaped into the breach, and did the thing that balked his men. Did a heavy transport wagon jamb at the gang- way, holding up the traffic, with a spring, Duff was at the wheel. A heave of his mighty shoulders, and the wagon went roaring down the gangway. Did a horse, stupid with terror, from its unusual surroundings, balk, Duff had a "twitch" on its upper lip, and before it knew what awful thing had gripped it, the horse was lifted clear out of its tracks, and was on its way to the dock. 156 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND Before he had cleared the ship, Duff had a circle of admirers about him, gazing as if at a circus. "An energetic officer you have there," said the brass hat standing beside the colonel. "A new man. This is his first time on the transport," replied the colonel. "Quite remarkable! Quite remarkable!" exclaimed the brass hat. "That unloading must have been done in record time, and in spite of quite unusual conditions." The boat being clear and the loads made up, Duff approached the Commanding Officer. "All ready, sir," he announced. "Shall we move off? I should like to get a start. The roads will be almost impassable, I'm afraid." "Do you know the route?" asked the Commanding Officer. "Yes, sir, I have it here." "All right, go ahead, Duff. A mighty good piece of work you have done there." "Thank you, sir," said Duff, saluting and turning away. "Move off, there," he shouted to the leading team. The driver started the team but they slipped, plunged and fell heavily. Duff was at their heads before any other man could move. "Get hold here, men," he yelled. "Take hold of that horse. What are you afraid of?" he cried to a groom who was gingerly approaching the struggling animal. "Now then, all together!" When he had the team on their feet again, he said to the grooms standing at their heads, "Jump up on the horses' backs; that will help the them to hold their footing." There was some slight hesitation on the part of the grooms. "Come on!" he roared, and striding to the horse nearest him, he flung himself upon its back. A groom mounted the other, and once more a start FRANCE 157 was made, but they had not gone more than a few steps, when the groom's horse fell heavily, and rolled over on its side, pinning the unfortunate man beneath him. There was a shriek of agony. In an instant Duff was off his horse and at the head of the fallen animal. "Medical officer here!" he shouted. "Now then, two of you men. One of you pull out that man while we lift." The horse's head and shoulders were lifted clear, and the injured man was pulled out of danger. "Take him out of the way, please, doctor," said Duff, to the M. O., who was examining the groom. "Sergeant!" His sergeant literally sprang to his side. "Get me a dozen bags," he said. "Bags, sir? I don't know where " "Bags," repeated Duff savagely. "Canvas, anything to wrap around these horses' feet." The sergeant without further words plunged into the darkness, returning almost immediately with half a dozen bags. "Thanks, sergeant; that's the way to move. Now get some more!" Under Duff's directions the bags were tied about the feet of the horses, thus enabling them to hold their footing, and the transport moved off in the darkness. Returning from the disposing of the injured man, the M. O. found Barry shivering with the cold, and weak from his recent attack of seasickness. "There will be no end of a sick parade to-morrow morning, and you'll be one of them," grumbled the M. O. "If they don't move them out of here soon they'll take them away in ambulances. There are a hundred men at this moment fit to go to hospital, but the O.C. won't hear of it." "Doc, they ought to have something hot. The kitchens 158 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND are left behind, I understand. Let me have a couple of your men, and let me see what I can do." "It's no use, I've tried all the hotels about here. They're full up." "No harm trying, doc," said Barry, and off he went. But he found the hotels full up, as the doctor had said. After much inquiry, he found his way to the Y. M. C A. A cheerful but sleepy secretary, half dead with the fatigue of a heavy day ministering to soldiers "going up the line," could offer him no. help at all. "Do you mean to say that there is no place in this town," said Barry desperately, "where a sick man can get a dish of coffee?" "Sick man!" cried the secretary. "Why, certainly! Why not try the R. A. M. C.? They've a hospital half a mile up the street. They will certainly help you out. I'll come with you." "No, you don't," said Barry. "You go back to bed. I'll find the place." Half a mile up the street, as the secretary had said, Barry came upon the flaring lantern of the R. A. M. C.,, at the entrance to a huge warehouse, the gate of which stood wide open. Entering the courtyard, Barry found a group of men about a blazing fire. "May I see the officer in charge?" he asked, approach- ing the group. The men glanced at his rank badges. "Yes, sir," said a sergeant, clicking his heels smartly. "Can I do anything for you, sir?" "Thank you," said Barry, and told him his wants. "We have plenty of biscuits," said the sergeant, "and coffee, too. You are welcome to all you can carry, but I don't see how we can do any more for you. But would you like to see the officer in charge, sir ?" "Thank you," said Barry, and together they passed into another room. But the officer was engaged elsewhere. While they FRANCE 159 were discussing the matter, a door opened, and a young girl dressed in the uniform of a V. A. D. (Voluntary Aid Detachment) appeared. "What is it, sergeant?" she inquired, in a soft but rather tired voice. The sergeant explained, while she listened with mild interest. Then Barry took up the tale, and proceeded to dilate upon the wretched condition of his comrades, out in the icy rain. But his story moved the V. A. D. not at all. She had seen too much of the real misery and horrors of war. Barry began to feel discouraged, and indeed a little ashamed of himself. "You see, we have just come over," he said in an apologetic tone, "and we don't know much about war yet." "You are Canadians?" cried the girl, a new interest dawning in her eyes. As she came into the light, Barry noticed that they were brown, and that they were very lustrous. "I love the Canadians," she exclaimed. "My brother was a liaison artillery officer at Ypres ; with them, at the time of the gas, you know. He liked them immensely." Her voice was soft and sad. Unconsciously Barry let his eyes fall to the black band on her arm. "He was with the Canadians, too, when he was killed at Armentieres, three months ago." "Killed!" exclaimed Barry. "Oh, I am so sorry for you." "I had two brothers," she went on, in her gentle even tone. "One was killed at Landrecies, on the retreat from Mons, you know." "No," said Barry, "I'm afraid I don't know about it. Tell me!" "It was a great fight," said the girl. "Oh, a splendid fight!" A ring came into her voice and a little colour into her cheek. "They tried to rush our men, but they couldn't. My oldest brother was there in charge of a 160 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND machine gun section. The machine guns did wonderful work. The colonel came to tell us about it He said it was very fine." There was no sign of tears in her eyes, nor tremor in her voice, only tenderness and pride. "And your mother is alone now ?" inquired Barry. "Oh, we gave up our house to the government for a hospital. You see, father was in munitions. He's too old for active service, and mother is matron in the hospital. She was very unwilling that I should come over here. She said I was far too young, but of course that's quite nonsense. So you see, we are all in it." "It is perfectly amazing," said Barry. "You British women are wonderful!" The brown eyes opened a little wider. "Wonderful? Why, what else could we do? But the Canadians! I think they're wonderful, coming all this way to fight." "I can't see that," said Barry. "That's what that old naval boy at Devonport said, but I can't see that it's anything wonderful that we should fight for our Empire." "Devonport! A naval officer!" The girl lost her calm. She became excited. "What was his name ?" "I have his card here," said Barry, taking out his pocket book and handing her the card. "My uncle!" she cried. "Why, how perfectly splen- did!" offering Barry her hand. "Why, we're really introduced^ Then you're the man that Uncle How- ard " She stopped abruptly, a flush on her. cheek. Then she turned to the N. C. O. "Yes, sergeant, that will do," as the man brought half a dozen large biscuit cans and as many large bottles of prepared coffee. As Barry's eyes fell upon the biscuit cans an idea came to him. "Will these cans hold water?" he inquired. "Yes, sir," replied the sergeant. "Then, we're fixed," cried Barry, in high delight. "This is perfectly fine." "What do you mean?" asked the girl. FRANCE 161 "We'll dump the biscuits, and boil the coffee in the cans. I haven't camped on the Athabasca for nothing. Now we're all right and I suppose we must go." The V. A. D. hesitated a moment, then she took the sergeant to one side, and entered into earnest and persuasive talk with him. "It's against regulations, miss," Barry heard him say, "and besides, you know, we're expecting a hospital train any minute, and every car will be needed." "Then I'll take my own car," she said. "It's all ready and has the chains on, sergeant, I think." "Yes, it's quite ready, but you will get me into trouble, miss." "Then, I'll get you out again. Load those things in, while I run and change I'm going to drive you out to your camp," she said to Barry as she hurried away. The sergeant shook his head as he looked after her. "She's a thoroughbred, sir," he said. "We jump when she asks us for anything. She's a real blooded one ; not like some, sir like some of them fullrigged ones. They keep 'er 'oppin'." "Fullrigged ones?" inquired Barry. 'Them nurses, I mean, sir. They loves to 'awe them them young 'Vaddies,' as we call them V. A. D., you know, sir. They keeps 'em a 'oppin' proper scrub- bin' floors, runnin' messages, but Miss Vincent, she mostly drives a car." While the sergeant was dilating upon the virtues and excellences of the young V. A. D., his men ran out her car, and packed into it the biscuit tins and coffee. By the time the sergeant was ready she was back, dressed in a chauffeur's uniform. Barry had thought her charming in her V. A. D. dress, but in her uniform she was bewitching. He noticed that her hair clustered in tiny ringlets about her natty little cap, in quite a maddening way. One vagrant curl over her ear had a particular fascination for his eyes. He felt it ought to be tucked in just a shade. 162 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND He was conscious of an almost irresistible desire to do the tucking in. What would happen if "Well, are you ready?" inquired the girl in a quick, businesslike tone. "What? Oh, yes," said Barry, recalled to the business of the moment. During the drive the girl gave her whole attention to her wheel, as indeed was necessary, for the road was dangerously slippery, and she drove without lights through the black night. Barry kept up an endless stream of talk, set going by her command, as she took her place at the wheel. "Now tell me about Canada. I can listen, but I can't talk." In the full tide of his most eloquent passages, Barry found himself growing incoherent at times, for his mind was in a state of oscillation between the wonderful and lustrous qualities of the brown eyes that he remembered flashing upon him in the light of the fire, and that mad- dening little curl over the girl's ear. In an unbelievably short time, so it seemed to him, they came upon the rear of a marching column. "These are your men, I fancy," she said, "and this will be your camp on the left; I know it well. I've often been here." She swung the car off the road into an open field, set out with tents, and brought the car to a stop beside an old ruined factory. "This, I believe, will be the best place for your pur- pose," she said, and sprang from her seat, and ran to the ruin, flashing her torchlight before her. "Here you are," she said. "This will be just the thing." Barry followed her a few steps down into the long, stone-flagged cellar. "Splendid ! This is the very thing," he cried enthusi- astically. "You are really the most wonderful person." "Now get your stuff in here," she ordered. "But what will you do for wood? There is always water," she added, "in some tanks further on. Come, I'll show you." FRANCE 163 Barry followed her in growing amazement and admi- ration at her prompt efficiency. "Now then, there are your tanks," she said. "As for wood, I don't know what you will do, but there is a gar- den paling a little further on, and, of course " "Don't worry about that," said Barry. "I won't," with a gay laugh; "I know you Canadians, you see." Together they returned to the car. Before she mounted to her seat she turned to Barry, and offered him her hand and said : "I think it is per- fectly ripping that we were introduced in this way. Though I don't know your name yet," she added shyly. "Awfully stupid of me," said Barry, and he gave her his name, adding that of the regiment, and his rank. "Good-bye, then," she said, climbing into her car, and starting her engine. "But," said Barry, "I must see you safely back." She laughed a scornful but, as Barry thought, a most delicious little laugh. "Nonsense! We don't do that sort of thing here, you know. We're on our own." A little silence fell between them. "W T hen does your battalion march?" she asked abruptly. "Perhaps to-morrow. I don't know." "If you do go then," she said, with again that little touch of shyness, "I suppose I won't see you again." "See you again," exclaimed Barry, his tone indicating that the possibility of such a calamity was unthinkable, "why, of course I shall see you again. I must see you again I I I just must see you again." "Good night, then," she said in a soft, hurried voice, throwing in her clutch. Barry stood listening in the dark to the hum of her engine, growing more faint every moment. "Some girl, eh?" said a voice. At his side he saw Harry Hobbs. Barry turned sharply upon him. 164 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Now then, Hobbs, some wood and we will get a fire going and look lively! And, Hobbs, I believe there's a fence about fifty yards down there, which you might find useful. Now move. Quick!" Unconsciously he tried to reproduce, in uttering the last word, Duff's tone and manner. The effect was evident immediately. Hobbs without further words departed in the dark- ness. Again Barry stood listening to the hum of the engine, until he could no longer hear it in the noise and confusion of the camp, but in his heart Harry's words made music. "Some girl, eh?" As he stood there in the darkness, hearing that music in his heart, a voice broke in, swearing hard and deep oaths. It was the M. O. "Hello, doc, my boy ; come here," cried Barry. The M. O. approached. He was in a state of rage that rendered coherent speech impossible. "Oh, quit it, doc. Let me show you something." He led him into the ruin, where his spoils were cached. "Biscuits, my boy, and coffee. Hold on! Listen! I'm going to get a fire going here and in twenty minutes there'll be six cans of fragrant delicious coffee, boiling hot." "Why, how the " "Doc, don't talk ! Listen to me ! You round up your sick men, and bring them quietly over here. I don't know how many I can supply, but at least, I think, a hundred." "Why, how the devil ?" "Go on ; I haven't time to talk to you. Get busy !" Working by flashlight, the men cut open the tins, dumped the biscuits on a blanket spread in a corner of the cellar, while Barry made preparations for a fire. "Here, Hobbs, you punch two holes in these cans, just an inch from the top." Soon the fire was blazing cheerily. In its light Barry was searching through the ruin. FRANCE 165 "By Jove," he shouted, "the very thing. Just made for us." He pulled out a long steel rod from a heap of rubbish and ran with it to the fire. "Here, boys, punch a hole in this wall. Now then, for the cans. String them on this rod." In twenty minutes the coffee was ready. "How is it?" he inquired anxiously, handing a mess tin full to one of his men. The boy tasted it. "Like mother made," he said, with a grin. "Gee, but it's good." At that moment the doctor appeared at the cellar door. "I say, old chap," he said, "there will be a riot here in fifteen minutes. That coffee smells the whole camp." "Bring 'em along, doc. The sick chaps first. By Jove, here's the sergeant major himself." "What's all this?" inquired the sergeant major in his gruffest voice. "Who's responsible for this fire ?" "Coffee, sergeant major?" answered Barry, handing him a tin full. "But what ?" "Drink it first, sergeant major." The sergeant major took the mess tin and tasted the coffee. "Well, this is fine," he declared, "and it's what the boys want. But this fire is against orders, sir. I ought to have it put out." "You will have it put out over my dead body, ser- geant major," cried the M. O. "And mine," added Barry. "By gad, we'll chance the zeps, sir," said the sergeant major. "This freezin' rain will kill more men than a bomb. Bring in your men, sir," he added to the M. O. "But I must see the O. C." The sergeant major's devotion to military discipline was struggling hard with his humanity, which, under his rugged exterior, beat warm in his heart. 166 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Why bother with the O. C. ?" said the M. D. "But I must see him," insisted the sergeant major. He had not far to go to attain his purpose. "Hello! What the devil is this?" exclaimed a loud voice at the door. "By gad, it's the old man himself," muttered the M. O. to Barry. "Now look out for ructions." In came the O. C., followed by a brass hat. Barry went forward with a steaming tin of coffee. "Sorry our china hasn't arrived yet, sir," he said cheerfully, "but the coffee isn't bad, the boys say." "Why, it's you, Dunbar," said the colonel, peering in- to his face, and shaking the rain drops from his coat. "I might have guessed that you'd be in it. Where there's any trouble," he continued, turning to the brass hat at his side, "you may be quite sure that the Pilot or the M. O. here will be in it. By Jove, this coffee goes to the right spot Have a cup, major?" he said as Barry brought a second tin. "It's against regulations, you know," said the major, taking the mess tin gingerly. "Fires are quite forbidden. Air raids, and that sort of thing, don't you know." "Oh, hang it all, major," cried the O. C. "The coffee is fine, and my men will be a lot better for it. This camp of yours, anyway, is no place for human beings, and especially for men straight off the boat. As for me, I'm devilish glad to get this coffee. Give me another tin, Pilot." "It's quite irregular," murmured the major, still drink- ing his coffee. "It's quite irregular! But I see the door is fairly well guarded against light, and perhaps " "I think we'll just carry on," said the colonel. "If there, is any trouble, I'll assume the responsibility for it. Thank you, Pilot. Just keep guard on the light here, sergeant major." "All right, sir. Very good, sir, we will hang up a blanket." Meanwhile the news had spread throughout the camp, FRANCE 167 and before many minutes had passed the cellar was jammed with a crowd of men that reached through the door and out into the night. The crowd was becoming noisy and there was danger of confusion. Then the pilot climbed up on a heap of rubbish and made a little speech. "Men," he called out, "this coffee is intended first of all for the sick men in this battalion. Those sick men must first be cared for. After that we shall distribute the coffee as far as it will go. There is plenty of water outside, and I think I have plenty of coffee. Sergeant major, I suggest that you round up these men in some sort of order." A few sharp words of command from the sergeant major brought order out of confusion, and for two hours there filed through the cellar a continuous stream of men, each bringing an empty mess tin, and carrying it away full of hot and fragrant coffee. By the time the men had been supplied the officers were finished with their duties, and having got word of the Pilot's coffee stall, came crowding in. One and all they were vociferous in their praise of the chaplain, vot- ing him a "good fellow" and a "life-saver" of the highest order. But it was felt by all that Corporal Thorn ex- pressed the general consensus of opinion to his friend Timms. "That Pilot of ours," he declared, "runs a little to the narrow gauge, but in that last round up he was telling us about last Sunday there won't be the goat run for him. It's him for the baa baas, sure enough." And though in the vernacular the corporal's words did not sound quite reverent, it was agreed that they ex- pressed in an entirely satisfactory manner the general opinion of the battalion. An hour later, weaned as he was, Barry crawled into his icy blankets, but with a warmer feeling in his heart than he had known since he joined the battalion. But before he had gone to sleep, there came into his mind a thought that brought him up wide awake. He had 168 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND quite forgotten all about his duty as chaplain. "What a chance you had there," insisted his chaplain's conscience, "for a word that would really hearten your men. This is their first night in France. To-morrow they march up to danger and death. What a chance! And you missed it." Barry was too weary to discuss the matter further, but as he fell asleep he said to himself, "At any rate, the boys are feeling a lot better," and in spite of his sense of failure, that thought brought him no small comfort. CHAPTER XI THE NEW MESSAGE I THINK," said Barry, to the M. O., "I really ought to ride down to the R. A. M. C. hospital, and tell them how the boys enjoyed the coffee last night." His face was slightly flushed, but the flush might have been due to the fact that he had been busily engaged in tying up the thongs of his bed-roll, an awkward job at times, "Sure thing," agreed the M. O. heartily. "Indeed it's absolutely essential, and say, old chap, you might tell her how I enjoyed my coffee. She will be glad to hear about me." Barry heaved his bed-roll at the doctor and departed. At the R. A. M. C. Hospital the Officer Commanding, to whom he had sent in his card, gave him a cordial greeting. "I am glad to know you, sir. We have quite a lot of your chaps here now and then, and fine fellows they seem to be. We expect a hospital train this morning, and I understand there are some Canadians among them. Rather a bad go a few days ago at St. Eloi. Heavy casualty list. Clearing stations all crowded, and so they are sending a lot down the line." "Canadians?" asked Barry, thinking of his father. "You have not heard what unit, sir?" "No, we only get the numbers and the character of the casualties and that sort of thing. Well, I must be off. Would you care to look around?" "Thank you, no. We are also on the march. I sim- ply came to tell you how very greatly our men appre- ciated your help last night." 169 170 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Oh, that's perfectly all right. Glad the sergeant had sense enough to do the right thing." Barry hesitated. "May I see ah the sergeant?" "The sergeant? Why, certainly, but it's not neces- sary at all." The sergeant was called and duly thanked. The R. A. M. C. officer was obviously anxious to be rid of his visitor and to get off to his duty. Still Barry lingered. "There was also a young lady, sir, last night," he said at length. "A young lady?" "Sister Vincent, sir," interjected the sergeant. "She ran them up to the camp in her car, sir. The ambulances and cars were all under orders." "Ah ! Ran you up to the camp, eh ?" . "Yes, she ran us up with the biscuits and coffee. It was awfully kind of her." "Ah! Um! Very good! Very good! Sergeant, call her," said the O. C. abruptly. "I'm afraid she'd be asleep now, sir. She was on night duty, sir." "Oh, then," said Barry, "please don't disturb her. I wouldn't think of it. If you will be kind enough, sir, to convey the thanks of the men and of myself to her." "Surely, surely ! Well, I really must be going. Good- bye! Good luck!" He turned to his motor car. "I won't forget, sir," he said to Barry. "Oh, I'll be sure to tell her," he added with a significant smile. As Barry was mounting his horse, the strains of the battalion band were heard floating down the street. He drew up his horse beside the entrance and waited. Down the winding hill they came, tall, lean, hard-looking men, striding with the free, easy swing of the men of the foothills. Barry felt his heart fill with pride in his comrades. THE NEW MESSAGE 171 "By Jove," he said to himself, "the boys are all right." "Fine body of men, sir," said the sergeant, who with his comrades had gathered about the gateway. "Not too bad, eh, sergeant?" said Barry, with modest pride. "Sir," said the sergeant in a low voice, "the young lady is up at the window to your left." "Sergeant, you're a brick! Thank you," said Barry. He turned in his saddle, and saw above him a window filled with smiling nurses looking down at the marching column, and among them his friend of the night before. Her face was turned away from him, and her eyes were upon the column, eagerly searching the ranks of the marching men. "Sergeant," said Barry, "your Commanding Officer is a very busy man, and has a great many things to occupy his attention. Don't you think it is quite possible that that message of mine might escape his memory, and don't you think it would be really more satisfactory if I could deliver that message in person?" The sergeant tilted his hat over one eye, and scratched his head. "Well, sir, the Commanding Officer does 'ave a lot of things to think about, and though he doesn't often forget, he might. Besides, I really think the young lady would like to know just how the coffee went." "Sergeant, you are a man of discernment. I'll just wait here until the battalion passes." He moved his horse a few steps out from the gateway, and swung him around so that he stood facing the win- dow. The movement caught the attention of the V. A. D. in the window. She glanced down, saw him, and, leaning far out, waved her hand in eager greeting and with a smile of warm friendliness. He had only time to wave his hand in reply, when the head of the column drew opposite the gateway, forcing him to turn his back to the window and stand at salute. The Commanding Officer acknowledged the salute, 172 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND glanced up at the window, waved his hand to the group of nurses there gathered, then glanced back at Barry, with a smile full of meaning, and rode on. After the band had passed the entrance, it ceased play- ing, and the men, catching sight of Barry and the smiling group at the window above him, broke softly into a rather suggestive music hall ditty, at that time popular with the soldiers: "Hello! Hello! Who's your lady friend; Who's the little blossom by your side; I saw you, with a girl or two, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm surprised at you." Down the length of the column the refrain passed, gradually gaining in strength and volume, until by the time the rear came opposite the entrance, the men were shouting with wide open throats: "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm surprised at you," with a growing emphasis and meaning upon every suc- cessive "Oh!" Barry's face was aflame and his heart hot with furious indignation. She was not that kind of a girl. She would be humiliated before her associates. He glanced up at the window but she was gone. The battalion marched on but Barry still remained, his eyes following the swinging column, his face still flaming, and his heart hot with indignation. "Good morning, Captain Dunbar!" He swung off his horse, and there smiling at him with warm friendliness was the little V. A. D. "I'm awfully sorry," began Barry, thinking of the impudent song of his comrades. "I mean I'm very glad to see you. I just ran in to tell you how splendidly the coffee went last night. There are a hundred fellows marching along there that are fine and fit just because of your kindness, and I'm here to give you their thanks." THE NEW MESSAGE 173 Barry felt that he was cutting a rather poor figure. His words came haltingly and stumblingly. The suggestive music hall ditty was still in his mind. "What a splendid band you have," she said, "and how splendidly the men sing." "Sing!" cried Barry indignantly. "Oh, yes, they do sing rather well, don't they?" he added, greatly re- lieved. "I have only a minute," he added hurriedly, "but I wanted to see you again, and I wonder if I may drop you a little note now and then, just to well, hang it all just to keep in touch with you. I don't want you to quite forget me." "Oh, I won't forget you," she said. The brown eyes looked straight at him. "You see, after all, my uncle knows you so well. Indeed, he told me about you. You see, we really are friends, in a way, aren't we?" "We are indeed, and you are awfully good. Good- bye!" "Goodbye," she said, "and if I leave here soon, I promise to let you know." And Barry rode away, his heart in such a turmoil as he had never known. In his ears lingered the music of that soft voice, and his eyes saw a bewildering complexity of dancing ringlets and lustrous glances, until he drew up at the rear of the column and found himself riding once more beside his friend, the M. O. "Congratulations, old man," said the doctor. "She's a blossom, all right. Cheer up ; you may find her bend- ing over your white face some day, holding your hand, or smoothing your brow, in the approved V. A. D. manner." "Oh, shut up, doc," said Barry with quite unusual curt- ness. "She's not that kind of a girl." "Ah, who knows!" said the doctor. "Who knows!" At the railway station, the battalion was halted, await- ing the making up of their train, the departure of which was delayed by the incoming hospital train from up the line. They had not long to wait. "Here she is, boys!" called out a soldier. And into THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND the station slowly rolled that hospital train, with its freight of wounded men, mutilated, maimed, broken. Its windows were crowded with faces, white as their swath- ings, worn, spent, deep-lined, from which looked forth eyes, indifferent, staring, but undaunted and indomitable. Gradually, with stately movement, as befitted its noble burden, the train came to rest immediately opposite the battalion. With grave, fascinated, horror-stricken faces the men of the battalion stood rigid and voiceless gazing at that deeply moving spectacle. Before their eyes were being paraded the tragic, pathetic remnants of a gallant regiment, which but a few weeks before had stood where they now stood, vital with life, tingling with courage. At their country's bidding they had ascended that Holy Mount of Sacrifice, to offer upon the altar of the world's freedom their bodies as a living sacrifice unto God, holy and acceptable. Now, their offering being made, they were being borne back helpless, bruised, shattered but unconquered and eternally glorious. Silently the two companies gazed at each other across the intervening space. Then from the window of the train a soldier thrust a bandaged head and bandaged arm. "Hello there, Canada!" he cried, waving the arm. In- stantly, as if he had touched a hidden spring, from the battalion's thousand throats there broke a roar of cheers that seemed to rock the rafters of the station building. Again, again, and yet again! As if they could never exhaust the burden of their swelling emotions, they roared forth their cheers, waving caps and rifles high in the air, while down their cheeks poured, unheeded and unhindered, a rain of tears. "Canada! Canada! Canada!" they cried. "Oh, you Canadians ! Alberta ! Alberta !" Feebly came the answering cheers, awkwardly waved the bandaged hands and arms. Then the battalion broke ranks and flinging rifles and kitbags to the ground, they rushed across the tracks, THE NEW MESSAGE 175 eager to bring their tribute of pride and love to their brothers from their own country, far across the sea. "Malcolm ! Hello, Malcolm !" cried a voice from a win- dow of the train, as the noise had somewhat subsided. "Hey, Malcolm, here you are!" cried a wounded man, raising himself from his cot to the window. Malcolm Innes turned, scanned the train, then rushed across the tracks to the window and clung fast to it. It was his brother, Ewen. "Is it yourself, Ewen, and are you hurted bad?" cried the boy, all unconscious of his breaking voice and falling tears. They clung together for some little time in silence. "Are you much hurted, Ewen? Tell me the God's truth," again said Malcolm. "Not much," said Ewen. "True as death, I'm tellin' you. My arm is broke, that's all. We had a bad time of it, but, man, we gave them hell, you bet. Oh, it was great !" Then again the silence fell between them. There seemed to be nothing to say. "Here, stand back there! You must get back, you know, men!" An N. C. O. of the R. A. M. C. tried to push Malcolm back from the window. "Here, you go to hell," cried Malcolm fiercely. "It's my brother I've got." The N. C. O., widely experienced in these tragic scenes, hesitated a moment. An officer, coming up behind him, with a single glance took in the situation. "My boy," he said kindly, placing his hand on Mal- colm's arm, "we want to get these poor chaps as soon as possible where they will be comfortable." Malcolm sprang back at once, saluting. "Yes, sir," he said. "Certainly, sir." And backing across the tracks, stood looking across at the window from which his brother, wearied with his effort, had disappeared. 176 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND Meantime the R. A. M. C. were busy with their work. With marvellous rapidity and speed the train was un- loaded of its pathetic freight, the carrying cases into ambulances and the walking cases into cars and wagons. "Good-bye, Mac," called a voice as a car was driving off. It was Ewen again. The wounded man spoke to the driver, who immediately pulled up and swung over to the platform where Malcolm was standing. "Oh, are you sure, Ewen, you are goin' to be all right? Man, you look awful white." "All right, Mac. You bet I will. It's only my arm," said Ewen, his brave, bright words in pathetic contrast to his white face. At this point Barry came rushing along. "Why, Ewen! My poor fellow!" he cried, throwing his arm about the wounded man's shoulder. "What is it?" "My arm, sir," said the boy, adding some words in a low tone. "But I'm all right," he said brightly. "You'll write my mother, sir, and tell her? You'll know what to say." "Surely I will. You'll be all right, old boy, God bless you! Good luck, Ewen!" Then leaning over the boy, he added in a low voice, "Remember you are not all alone. God is with you. You won't forget that!" "I won't, sir. I know it well," said Ewen earnestly. Most of the stretcher cases had been hurried away. Only a few of the more seriously wounded remained. As Barry turned away from the car, he saw the medical officer and sergeant major approaching him. "A terrible business," said Barry, in a horror-stricken voice. "Splendid chaps. How plucky they are!" The M. O. made no reply, but coming close to Barry, he put his arm through his, the sergeant major taking him by the other arm. "I say, Barry, old chap," said the M. O. in a grave THE NEW MESSAGE 177 voice, calling him for the first time by his first name. "There is some one here that you know well." "Some one I know," said Barry, standing still and looking from one to the other. "Ay, sir. Some one we all know and greatly respect,'' replied the sergeant major. "Not not oh, not my father!" The M. O. nodded. "Bad, doctor? Not dying, doctor?" His face was white even in spite of his tan. His hands closed about the doctor's arm in a grip that reached to the bone. "No, not dying, Barry, but in a bad way, I fear." "Take me," muttered Barry, in a dazed way, and they moved together rapidly across the platform. "Wait a moment, doctor," said Barry, breathing hard. They stood still, a silent and sympathetic group of soldiers about them. Barry turned from them, walked a few steps, his clasped hands writhing before him, then stood with his face uplifted to the sky for a few mo- ments. "All right, doctor, I'll follow," he said, coming quietly back. "Will he know me?" "Sure thing, sir," said the sergeant major cheerily. "He was asking for you." On a stretcher, waiting to be lifted into the ambulance, he found his father, lying white and still. "Dad !" cried Barry, dropping to his knees beside him. He put his arms around him on the stretcher, and kissed him on both cheeks and on the lips. They all drew back from the stretcher and turned their backs upon the two. "Barry, my boy. Thank the good God! I feared I would not see you. It's all right now. Everything is all right now. I can't put my arms around you, boy. I haven't any left." Barry's shudder shook the stretcher. "Dad, dad, oh, dad!" he whispered, over and over again. "It's all right," whispered his father. "We must not 178 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND forget we're soldiers. Help me to keep up, boy. I'm not very strong." That pitiful word did for Barry what nothing else could do. He lifted his head, stood up and drew a deep breath. "Sure thing, dad," he said, in a clear, steady voice. "I mustn't keep you." He motioned to the bearers. Then suddenly recollect- ing that his duty would call him away from his father, he turned to the M. O., an agony of supplication in his voice. "Oh, doctor, must I leave him here ?" he asked in a low tone. Just then an orderly came running up to him, and, saluting, said: "Sir, the Commanding Officer says you are to remain behind with your father till till ' "Until you are sent for," said the M. O. "I will see to that." "Where's the Commanding Officer?" cried Barry, starting forward. "He has gone off somevvheres, sir. He was sorry he couldn't come himself, but he was called away. He sent that message to you." "Doctor, will you remember to thank the Command- ing Officer for me?" he said briefly, and turned to follow his father into the ambulance, which he discovered to be in charge of his friend, the sergeant of the R. A. M. C. At the hospital he was received with every mark of solicitous care. He was made to feel that he was among friends. "How long, doctor?" he asked, after the doctor had finished his examination. "Not long, I'm afraid. A few hours, perhaps a day. He will not suffer though," said the doctor. "But," he added, taking Barry by the arm, "he is very weak, re- member, and must not be excited." THE NEW MESSAGE 179 "I know, doctor," said Barry, quietly. "I won't worry him." Through the morning Barry sat by his father's cot, giving him, under the directions of the nurse, such stimu- lants as he needed, now and then speaking a quiet, cheery word. Often his father opened his eyes and smiled at him. "Good to see you there, my boy. That was my only grief. I feared I might not see you again. Thank the good God that he allowed me to see you." "He is good, dad, isn't He ? Good to me ; good to us both." "Yes, He is good," said his father, and fell asleep. For almost two hours he slept, a sleep of exhaustion, due to the terrific strain of the past forty-eight hours, and woke refreshed, calm and strong. "You are a lot better, dad," said Barry. "I believe you are going to pull through, eh !" "A lot better, Barry," said his father, "but, my boy, we are soldiers, you and I. I shall not be long, but remem- ber, we are soldiers." "All right, dad. I'll try to play the game." "That's the word, Barry. We must play the game, and by God's grace we will, you and I our last game together." Through the afternoon they talked, between intervals of sleep, resolved each to help the other in playing to the end, in the manner of British soldiers, that last, great game. They talked, of course, of home and their happy days together, going far back into the earlier years of struggle on the ranch. "Hard days, Barry, they were, but your mother never failed me. Wonderful courage she had, and if we were all right, you and I, Barry, she was always happy. Do you remember her?" "Yes, dad, quite well. I remember her smiling always." 180 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Smiling, my God ! Smiling through those days. Yes, that's the way she played the game, and that's the only way, boy." "Yes, dad," said Barry, and his smile was brighter than ever, but his knuckles showed white where he gripped the chair. The nurse came and went, wondering at their bright faces and their cheery voices. They kept their minds upon the old happy days. They recalled their canoe trips, their hunting experiences, dwelling mostly upon the humorous incidents, playing the game. Of the war they spoke little; not at all of what was to be after the past, the golden, happy past, rich in love and in comradeship, that was their one theme. As night fell, the father grew weary, and his periods of sleep grew longer, but ever as he woke he found his son's face smiling down upon him. "Good boy, Barry," he said once, with an understand- ing look and an answering smile. "Don't try too hard, my boy." "It's all right, dad. I assure you it's all right. You know it is." "I know, I know, my boy," he said, and fell asleep again. As the midnight hour drew on, Barry's head, from sheer weariness, sunk upon his breast. In his sleep he became aware of some one near him. He sat up, dazed and stupid from his exhaustion and his grief, and found a nurse at his side. "Take this," she said softly. "You will need it." She set a tray at his side. "Oh, thank you, no!" he said. "I can't eat. I can't touch anything." "You need it," said the nurse. "You must take it, for his sake, you know. He will need you." Her voice aroused him. He glanced at her face. "Oh, it's you!" he cried. It was the little V. A. D. THE NEW MESSAGE 181 "Don't rise," she said, putting her hand on his shoul- der, and pointing to his father. "Drink this first." She handed him an eggrfog. "Now take your tea." There was a quiet authority about her that compelled obedience. He ate in silence while she stood beside him. He was too weary and too sick at heart to talk, but he gradually became aware that the overpowering sense of loneliness that had been with him all day was gone. When he had finished his slight meal, he whispered to her: "I wish I could thank you, but I can't. I did need it. You have helped me greatly." "You are better now," she said softly. "It's very, very hard for you, so far from home, and from all your friends." "There is no one else," said Barry simply. "We have no one but just ourselves." At this point his father opened his eyes bright and very wide-awake. The V. A. D. began to gather up the tea things. Barry put out his hand and touched her arm. "Dad, this is your night nurse. She was very kind to me last night, and again to-night. This is Miss Vincent." The brightness of the V. A. D.'s smile outshone his own. "I'm not a real nurse," she said. "I'm only a V. A. D., you know. They use me to wash the floors and dishes, and for all sorts of odd jobs. To-night they are shorthanded, and have put me on this duty." While she was speaking, she continued to smile, a smile of radiant cheer and courage. The wounded man listened gravely to her, his eyes searching her face, her eyes, her very soul, it seemed to her. In spite of her experience and her self-control, she felt her face flushing under his searching gaze. "My dear," he said at length, "I am glad to meet you. You are a good and brave girl, I know." His eyes fell 182 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND upon the black band upon her arm. "I see you are wear- ing the badge of heroism. My dear, pardon me, you have the same look Barry, she has your dear mother's look, not so beautiful you will forgive me, my dear-~ but the same look. She thinks of others and she has courage to suffer. My dear, I cannot take your hands in mine," he glanced with a pathetic smile at his bandaged arms, but with a swift movement of indescrib- able grace the girl stooped and kissed him on the fore- head. "Barry," he said, turning to his son, "that was a fine courtesy. I count it an honour to have known you, Miss Vincent." He paused a moment or two, his searching eyes still upon her face. "You will befriend my boy, after after " "I will try my best, sir," said the girl, the colour deep- ening in her cheeks the while. "Good night, sir," she said. "I shall be near at hand if I am wanted." "Barry," said his father, after the girl had gone, "that is a very charming and a very superior young lady, one you will be glad to know." "Yes, dad, I am sure she is," said Barry, and then he told his father of the events of the previous night. For some moments after he had finished his father lay with his eyes shut, and quite still, and Barry, thinking he slept, sat watching, his eyes intent upon the face he loved best in all the world. But his father was not asleep. "Yes, Barry," he said, "she is like your dear mother, and now," he added hurriedly, "I hope you will not think I am taking a liberty " "Oh, dad, I implore you !" said Barry. "Barry, I would like to speak to you about your work." Barry shook his head sadly. "I'm not much good, dad," he said, "but I'm not going to quit," he added quickly, noting a shadow on his father's face. THE NEW MESSAGE 183 "Barry, I'm going to say something to you which I do hope will not hurt you. I know the common soldier bet- ter than you do, boy. Our Canadian soldiers do not like to be rebuked, criticised or even watched too closely. Forgive me this, my boy." "Oh, dad, please tell me all that is in your heart!" "Thank you, Barry. They don't like the chaplain to be a censor over their words." "I loathe it," said Barry passionately. "Believe me, they are good chaps in their hearts. They swear and all that, but that is merely a habit or a mere expression of high emotion. You ought to hear them as they 'go over.' Barry, let all that pass and re- member that these boys are giving their lives their lives, Barry, for right, for conscience, and ultimately, though it may be unconsciously, for God. Barry, a man that is giving his life for God may say what he likes. Don't be too hard on them, but recall to mind, Barry, that when they go up the line they feel terribly lonely and terribly afraid, and that is a truly awful expe- rience." He paused a moment or two, and then lowered his voice and continued: "Barry, you won't be ashamed of me. I was terribly afraid, myself." Bar y choked back a convulsive sob. "You, dad, you !" He laughed scornfully. "I didn't run, Barry, thank God! But the boys my boys they are only lads, many of them lonely and afraid and they must go on. They must go on. Oh, Barry, in that hour they need some one to go with them. They need God." His son was listening with his heart in his eyes. He was getting a new view of the soldier and of the sol- dier's needs. "Unhappily," continued his father, "God is at best a shadowy being, to many of them a stranger, to some a terror. Barry," he said, "they need some one to tell them the truth about God. It's not fair to God, you 184 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND know." Here again his father paused and then said very humbly: "I think I may say, Barry, I know God now, as I did not before. And you helped me, boy, to know him." "Oh, dad," cried Barry, passionately. "Not I ! I don't know Him at all !" "Let me tell you how you helped me, Barry. Before I went up the last time, I wanted He paused abruptly, his face working and his lip quivering. "Forgive me, my boy. I'm a little weak." A few moments of silence and then he continued quietly : "I wanted you, Barry." The boy's hands were writhing under his knees, but his face and eyes were quite steady. "I was terribly lonely. I thought of that strange, dear bond that held us together, and then like a flash out of the sky came those great words : 'Like as a father pitieth his children,' and oh, boy, boy! It came to me then that as I feel toward my boy God feels toward me. Barry, listen " His voice fell to a whisper. "I am God's son, as you are mine. There was no more fear, and I was not nearly so lonely. Tell the boys tell the b ys the truth about God." He lay a long time silent, with his eyes closed, and as Barry watched he saw two tears fall down the white cheeks. It was to him a terrible sight. Never, not even at his mother's grave, had he seen his father's tears. It was more than he could endure. He put his face down beside his father's on the pillow. "Dad, I understand," he whispered. "I know now what God is like. He is like you, dad. He gave him- self for us, as you, dad, have given yourself all these years for me." He was sobbing, but very quietly. "Forgive me, dad; I'm not crying. I'm just thinking THE NEW MESSAGE 185 about God and you. Oh, dad, you are both wonderful ! Wonderful!" "Barry, my boy, tell them. Don't worry yourself about them. Just tell them about God. He is responsi- ble for them, not you." "Oh, I will, dad; I promise you I will. I've been all wrong, but I'll tell them. I'll tell them." "Thank God, my boy," said his father, with a deep sigh. "Now I'm tired. Say 'Our Father.' ' Together they whispered those greatest of words in human speech, those words that have bound heaven to earth in yearning and in hope for these two thousand years. "Don't move, Barry," whispered his father. "I like you there." With their faces thus together they fell asleep. Barry was awakened by his father's voice, clear and strong. "Are you there, Barry?" it said. "Here, dad, right here!" "Good boy. Good boy. You won't leave me, Barry. I mean you don't need to go?" "No, dad, I'll never leave you." "Good boy," again murmured his father softly. "Al- ways a good boy, always, always " He was breathing heavily, long deep breaths. "Lift me up, Barry," he said. Barry sat on the bed, put his arm around his father's shoulders, and lifted him up. "That's better hold me closer, Barry You won't hurt me Oh, it's good to feel your arms strong arms Barry." "You made them strong, dad," said Barry, in a clear, steady voice. The father nestled his head upon his son's shoulder. "Barry," he said in the low tone of one giving a con- fidence, "don't ever forget to thank God for these 186 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND eighteen years together You saved me from despair eighteen years ago when she went away you know and you have been all the world to me my son " "And you to me, dad," said his son in the same steady tone. "I've tried all my life to make you know how I love you but somehow I couldn't " "But I knew, dad," said Barry. "All my life I have known." "Really?" asked his father. "I wonder I don't think you quite know Ah my boy my boy You don't know you can't. Barry," he said, "I think I'm going out I'm going out no, in your word my boy in eh Barry ?" "Yes, dad," said his son. "Going in. The inner cir- cle, you know." "The inner circle " echoed his father. "Warmth light love Now I think I'll sleep Good night Barry Oh my boy, you don't quite know Kiss me Barry " Barry kissed him on the lips. "So Good night " A deep breath he took; another Barry waited for the next, but there was not another. He laid his father down and looked into his quiet face, touched even now with the noble stateliness of death. He put his arms about the unresponsive form, and his face to the cheek still warm. "Dad, oh, dad," he whispered. "Do you know Do you know Oh, God, tell him how I love him. Tell him! Tell him! I never could." The little V. A. D. came softly and stood looking from a distance. Then coming to the bedside, she laid her hand upon the head and then the heart of the dead man. Then she drew back, and beckoning to an orderly, they placed a screen about the cot. She let her eyes rest for THE NEW MESSAGE 187 a moment or two upon the kneeling boy, then went softly away. Death was to her an all too familiar thing. She had often seen it unmoved, but to-night, as she walked away, the brown eyes could not hold their tears. CHAPTER XII A MAN OF GOD BARRY was standing beside his father's grave, in a little plot in the Boulogne cemetery set apart for British officers. They had, one by one, gone away and left him until, alone, he stood looking down on the simple wooden cross on which were recorded the name, age, and unit of the soldier with the date of his death, and under- neath the simple legend, eloquent of heroic sacrifice, "Died of wounds received in action." Throughout the simple, beautiful burial service he had not been acutely conscious of grief. Even now he won- dered that he could shed no tears. Rather did an ex- ultant emotion fill his soul as he looked around upon the little British plot, with its rows of crosses, and he was chiefly conscious of a solemn, tender pride that he was permitted to share that glorious offering which his Empire was making for the saving of the world. But, in this moment, as he stood there alone close to his father's grave, and surrounded by those examples of high courage and devotion, he became aware of a mighty change wrought in him during these last three days. He had experienced a veritable emancipation of soul. He was as if he had been born anew. The old sense of failure in his work, the feeling of unfitness for it, and the old dread of it, had been lifted out of his soul, and not only was he a new man, but he felt himself to be charged with a new mission, because he had a new message for his men. No longer did he conceive himself as a moral policeman or religious censor, whose main duty it was to stand in judgment over the faults and sins of the men of his battalion. No more 1 88 A MAN OF GOD 189 would the burden of his message be a stern denunciation of these faults and sins. Standing there to-day, he could only wonder at his former blindness and stupidity and pride. "Who am I," he said in bitter self-humiliation, "that I should judge my comrades? How little I knew my- self." "A man of God," his superintendent had said in his last letter to him. Yes, truly a man of God! A man not God ! A man not to sit in God's place in judgment upon his fellow sinners, but to show them God, their Father. Barry thought of the frequent rebukes he had admin- istered to the officers and men for what he considered to be their sins. He groaned aloud. "God will forgive me, I know," he said. "But will they?" He tried to recall what the burden of his message to his battalion had been during these past months, but to him there came no clear and distinct memory of aught but warnings and denunciations, with reference to what he judged to be faulty in their conduct. To-day it seemed to him both sad and ternble. How had he so failed and so nisconceived the Mas- ter's plain teaching? He moved among sinners all His days, not with denunciations in His heart or voice, but only with pity and love. "Be not anxious," He had said. "Consider the birds of the air. Not one of them falleth to the ground with- out your Father. How much more precious are you than the birds." What a message for men going up to face the terrors and perils of the front line. "Be not anxious!" "I was afraid," his father had said to him. That to him was inconceivable. That that gallant spirit should know terror seemed to him impossible. Yet even he had said, "I was afraid." And for the loneliness, what a message he now had. In their loneliness men cried out 190 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND for the presence of a friend, and the Master had said: "When ye pray, pray to your Father. Your Father knoweth. When ye pray, say, 'Our Father'!" And he had missed all this. What a mess he had made of his work! How sadly misread his Master's teaching and misinterpreted his Master's spirit! Barry looked down upon the grave at his feet. "But you knew, dad, you knew!" he whispered. For the first time since he had become a chaplain, he thought of his work with gratitude and eagerness. He longed to see his men again. He had something to tell them. It was this: that God to them was like their fathers, their mothers, their brothers, their friends; only infinitely more loving, and without their faults. With his head high and his feet light upon the earth, he returned to the R.A.M.C. Hospital, where he found Harry Hobbs, with his handbag and a letter from his O.C. "Take a few days off," said the O.C. "We all sym- pathise with you. We miss you and shall be glad to see you, but take a few days now for yourself." Barry was greatly touched, but he had only one desire now, and that was to return to his unit. His batman brought him also an order from the Assistant Director of Chaplain Service, bidding him report at the earliest moment. At Headquarters he learned that the A.D.C.S. had been in Boulogne, but had gone to Etaples, some thirty or forty miles distant, to visit the large hospitals there. He determined that to-morrow he would go to Etaples and report, after which he would proceed to his battalion. That evening, he visited the men in the hospital, com- ing upon many Canadians whose joy in seeing a chaplain from their own country touched Barry to the heart. He took their messages which he promised to transmit to their folks at home, and left with them something of the serene and exultant peace that filled his own soul. From Ewen Innes and others of the Wapiti draft, he A MAN OF GOD 191 learned something of his father's work and place in their battalion. Soldiers are not eloquent in speech, but mostly in silence. Their words halted when they came to speak of their sergeant major's soldierly qualities, for his father had become the sergeant major of the battalion his patience, his skill, his courage. "He knew his job, sir," said one of them. "He was always onto it." "It was his care of his men that we thought most of," said Ewen, who continued to relate incidents that had come under his own observation of this characteristic, tears the while flowing down his cheeks. "He never thought of himself, sir. It was our com- fort first. He was far more than our sergeant major. He watched us like a father; that's what he did." As Barry listened to the soldiers telling of his father in broken words, and with flowing tears, he almost won- dered at them for their tears and wondered at himself that he had none. Tears seemed to be so much out of place in telling such a tale as that. The train for Etaples leaving at an unearthly hour in the morning, Barry went to take farewell of the V.A.D. the night before. "That is an awfully early hour," she said, "and, oh, such a wretched train." There was in her voice an al- most maternal solicitude for his comfort. "That's nothing," said Barry. "When I see you here at your unending work, it makes me feel more and more like a slacker." "Wait for me here a moment," she said, and hurried away to return shortly in such a glow of excitement as even her wonted calm and self-restraint could not quite hide. "I'm going to drive you to Etaples to-morrow in my car. I know the matron and some of the nurses in the American hospital there." "You don't mean it," said Barry, "but are you sure it's not a terrible bore for you? I am much afraid that 192 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND I have been a nuisance to you, and you have been so very, very good to me." "A bore!" she cried, and the brown eyes were wide open in surprise. "A bore, and you a Canadian! Why, you are one of my brothers' friends, and besides you seem to me a friend of our family. My uncle Howard, you know, told me all about you. Besides," she added in a voice of great gentleness, ''you remember, I promised." Barry caught her hand. "I wish I could tell you all I feel about it, but some- how I can't get the words." She allowed her hand to remain in his for a moment or two ; then withdrawing it, said hurriedly, with a slight colour showing in her cheeks : "I think I understand." Then changing her tone ab- ruptly, and dropping into the business-like manner of a V.A.D., she said, "So, we'll go to-morrow. It will be a splendid run, if the day is fine. We had better start by nine o'clock to give us a long day." Then, as if for- getting she was a V.A.D., she added with a little catch in her voice, "Oh, I shall love it!" The day proved to be fine, one of those golden days of spring that have given to the land its name of "sunny France." It was a day for life and youth and hope. A day on which war seemed more than ever a cruel out- rage upon humanity. But across the sunniest days, across the shining face of France, and across their spirits, too, the war cast its black shadow. They both, however, seemed to have resolved that for that day at least they would turn their eyes from that shadow and let them rest only where the sun was shining. The V.A.D. with her mind intent upon her wheel could only contribute, as her share in the conversation, descriptive and somewhat desultory comments upon points of interest along the way. Barry, because it har- monised with his mood, talked about his father and all their years together but ever without obtrusion of his grief. The experiences of the past three days, which A MAN OF GOD 193 they had shared, seemed to have established between them a sense of mutual confidence and comradeship such as in ordinary circumstances would have demanded years of companionship to effect. This sense of sympathy and of perfect understanding on the part of the girl at his side, together with the fascinating charm of her beauty, and her sweetness, was to Barry's stricken heart like a heal- ing balm to an aching wound. They were in sight of Etaples before Barry imagined they could have made more than half the journey. "Etaples, so soon! It cannot be!" "But it is," said the girl, throwing a bright smile at him, "and that's the hospital, on the hill yonder, where the flag is flying." "Why," exclaimed Barry, "that's the American flag! What's the American flag doing there?" "It's flying over an American hospital," said the V.A.D. "I think it's such a beautiful flag. In the breeze, it seems to me the most beautiful of all the flags. The stripes seem to flow out from the stars. Of course," she added hurriedly, "the Union Jack with dl its his- toric meaning and its mingled crosses, is splendidly glori- ous and is more decorative, but I always think, when I see those floating stripes, that the Americans have the most beautiful flag." "I admit," said Barry, "it's a beautiful flag, but well, I'm a Britisher, I suppose, and see it with British eyes. But why is that flag flying here in France ? How do the authorities allow that? It's a neutral flag awfully neu- tral, too." "I understand they have permission from the French authorities to fly that flag over every American institu- tion in France. And you know," continued the girl with rising enthusiasm, "if they are neutral, they have im- mensely helped us, too, haven't they? in munitions and that sort of thing." "That's true enough," agreed Barry, "and it's all the more wonderful when you think of the millions of Ger- 194 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND mans that they have in their country. I heard a very fine thing, not long ago, from a friend of mine. A Pitts- burgh oil man about to close a deal, with a traveller, with millions in it, suddenly discovered that his oil was to go to the Germans. At once the deal was off, and, though the price was considerably raised, there was, in his own words, 'Nothing doing!' 'No stuff of mine,' he said, 'shall go to help an enemy of the Anglo-Saxon race.' That's the way I believe the real Americans feel." 'This is a wonderful hospital," said the V.A.D. "Whenever I see it, I somehow feel my heart grow warm to the American people for the splendid way in which they have helped poor France, for, you know, in the first months of the war, the French hospitals were perfectly ghastly." "I know, I know !" cried Barry. "And the Canadians, too, have chipped in a bit. We have a Canadian hospital in Paris, for the French, and others are being organised." They turned in at the gate and found themselves in a beautiful quadrangle, set out with grass plots and flow- ers and cement walks. The building itself, an ancient royal palace, had been enlarged by means of sun-parlours and porches which gave it an air of wonderful cheeri- ness and brightness. "I will run in and see if any of my friends are about," said the V.A.D. "Wait here for me. Unless you care to come in," she added. "No, I will wait here. I don't just feel like meeting strangers but, if there are Canadians in the hospital, I should like to see them. And perhaps you can discover where my chief can be found, if you don't mind." Hardly had she passed within the door, when another car came swiftly to the gate and drew up a little in front of Barry's. A girl leaped from the wheel and with a spring in her step, which spoke of a bounding vitality, ran up the steps. What thought caught her it is difficult to say, but on A MAN OF GOD 195 the topmost step she spun around and looked straight into Barry's eyes. "Paula!" he shouted, and was out of the car and at the foot of the steps, with hand outstretched, when, with a single touch of her foot to the steps, she was at him, with both hands reaching for his. "Barry, oh, Barry! It can't be you!" she panted. Her face went red, then white, then red again. "Oh, it's bet- ter than a drink to see you. Whence, how, why, whither ? Oh, never mind answering," she went on. "It's enough to see you." A step behind her diverted her attention from Barry. Barry ran up the steps, and taking the V.A.D. by the hand, led her down. "I want you to meet a friend of mine," he said and introduced Paula. Paula's eyes, keen as a knife-point, were upon the V.A.D.'s face. "I'm glad to know you," she said frankly, offering her hand. "Principally," she added, with a little laugh, "be- cause you know Barry." The V.A.D. bowed with the slight reserve character- istic of her, and took Paula's hand. "I, too, am pleased," she said, "to meet a friend of Captain Dunbar." Then she added with increased cor- diality, "and I'm glad to meet an American in France. I know your matron, and some of the nurses." "Good !" cried Paula. "Now, then, you'll both of you take lunch with me." The V.A.D. demurred. "Of course you will," cried Paula. "Oh, Barry, I'm just ready to die from seeing you again. Come along !" she cried, impulsively, catching the V.A.D. by the arm. "Come along and park your buzzwagon here beside mine." She ran to her car, sprang in and whirled it into place before the V.A.D. had hers well started. Barry waited where they had left him. The sudden 196 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND appearing of Paula had stirred within him depths of feel- ing that almost overpowered him. His mind was far away in Athabasca, once more he was seeing the dark pool, the swiftly flowing water, the campfire, and his father bending over it. His heart was quivering as if a hand had been rudely thrust into a raw wound in it. The V.A.D. held Paula a few moments beside her car, speaking quickly and earnestly. When they rejoined Barry, Paula's eyes were soft with unshed tears, and her voice was very gentle. "I know, Barry," she said. "Miss Vincent just told me. Oh, what terrible changes this war brings to us all. We see so many sad things here every day. It's terribly sad for you, Barry." "Yes, it is sad, Paula, and it is going to be lonely. You have brought back to me that bright day on the Athabasca. But," he added earnestly, "after all, in this war everything personal is so small. Besides, he was so splendid, you know, and the boys told me he played the game up there right to the end. So I'm not going to shame him ; at least, I'm trying not to." But bright as was Barry's smile, Paula caught the quivering of his lips, and turned quickly away from him. After a moment or two of silence, she cried, with her old impulsiveness, "Now you will both lunch with me. I'm the quartermaster of this outfit, and have a small parlour of my own. We shall have a lovely, cosy time, just Miss Vincent, you and myself together." "But," replied the V.A.D., "I have just arranged with the matron to lunch with her." "Oh, rubbish ! I'll cut that out, all right. What's the use of being quartermaster if I can't arrange a lunch party to suit myself?" Still the V.A.D. demurred. With her, breaking an en- gagement for lunch was a serious affair was indeed tak- ing a liberty which no English girl would think of doing. "Oh, that's nonsense !" cried Paula. "I'll make it per- fectly all right. Look here," she cried, wheeling upon A MAN OF GOD 19Y the V.A.D., "you Britishers are so terribly correct. I'll show you a little shirtsleeve diplomacy. Besides, if you don't come in on this you can have the matron, and I'll take Barry," she said with a threatening smile. "Watch me !" she added, as she ran away. "What a splendid girl!" said the V.A.D. "And that captivating American way she has. Perfectly ripping, I call it. I do hope we shall be friends." In a short time Paula came rushing back into the room, announcing triumphantly that arrangements had been made according to her programme, with the matron in hearty accord. "And she sends her love," she said to the V.A.D. "She would not have you on any account miss this party. She is desperately grieved that she cannot accept my invita- tion to join us. Of course, I knew the old dear couldn't. And we are to meet her afterwards." The little lunch party was, on the whole, a success. To the conversation Paula contributed the larger part, Barry doing his best to second her. But in spite of his heroic efforts, his mind would escape him, far away to the sunny Athabasca plains, and the gleaming river and the smooth slipping canoe, and then with swift transition to the little British plot in the cemetery at Boulogne. At such times, Paula, reading his face, would momen- tarily falter in her gay talk, only to begin again with re- newed vivacity. On one topic, however, she had no difficulty in holding Barry's attention. It was when she told of the organising and Despatching of the American Red Cross units to France, and more especially of her own unit, organised and financed by her father. "I am awfully sorry he is not here to-day. He would have loved to have seen you again, Barry." "And I to have seen him," said Barry. "He is a big man, and it is fine of him to do this thing. It's just like the big, generous-hearted Americans they are so un- stinted in their sympathies, and they back them up for all they are worth." 198 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "And how efficient they are," added the V.A.D. in warm admiration. "This hospital, you know," turning to Barry, "is perfectly wonderful. Its equipment! Its appliances! I have often heard our O.C. speak in the most rapturous envy of the Etaples American Red Cross unit." "And why should not it be ?" cried Paula. "It's a ques- tion of money after all. We are not 1 at war. We put in a few little hospitals here in France. We have more money thrown at us than we can use. And you talk about efficiency," she added, turning to the V.A.D. "Good Lord ! My pater has just come back from London, where he was rubbering around with lords and dukes and things in a disgustingly un-American way I told him, and now he raves from morning until night over the efficiency of the British. He's been allowed to see some of their mu- nition works, you know. I simply had to declaim the American Declaration of Independence to him three times a day to revive his drooping Democratic sentiments, and I had to sew Old Glory on to his pajamas so that he might dream proper American dreams. No, to tell you the truth," here Paula's voice took a deeper note, "every last American of us here in France is hot with humilia- tion and rage at his country's attitude, monkeying with those baby-killing, woman-raping devils." As she ended, her voice shook with passion, her cheeks were pale, and in her eyes shone two bright tears. Im- pulsively the V.A.D. rose from her place, ran around to Paula, and putting her arm around her neck, said: "Oh, I do thank you, and I love you for your words," while Barry stood at attention, as if in the presence of his superior officer. "I salute you," he said with grave earnestness. "You worthily represent your brave and generous people." "Oh, darn it all!" cried Paula, brushing away her tears. "I'm a fool, but you don't know how we Ameri- cans feel real Americans, I mean, not the yellow hy- phenated breed." A MAN OF GOD 199 After lunch, Barry went to look up his chief, the as- sistant director of chaplain service, while Paula took charge of the V.A.D., saying: "Run away, Barry, and see your Brass Hat. I'll show Miss Vincent how a quartermaster's department of a real hospital should be run." His hour with the A.D.C.S. was a most stimulating ex- perience for Barry. He found himself at once in touch with not an official thinking in terms of military reg- ulations and etiquette, but a soldier and a man. For the A.D.C.S. was both. Through all the terrible days at Ypres, where the Canadians, in that welter of gas and fire and blood, had won their imperishable fame as fight- ing men, he had been with them, sharing their dangers and ministering to their wants with his brother officers of the fighting line. Physically an unimpressive figure, small and slight, yet he seemed charged with concentrated energy waiting release. As Barry listened to his words coming forth in snappy, jerking phrases, he was fascinated by the bulldog jaw and piercing eyes of the little man. In brief, comprehensive, vigorous sentences, he set forth his ideals for the chap- lain service in the Canadian army. "Three things," he said, "I tell my men, should mark the Canadian chaplain service. The first, Unity unity among themselves, unity with the other departments of the army. Two words describe our chaplains Christian and Canadians. I am an Anglican myself., but on this side of the channel there are no Anglican, no Presby- terian, no Methodist chaplains, only Christian and Ca- nadian chaplains. I have had to fight for this with high officials both in the army and in the church. I have won out, and while I'm here this will be maintained. The second thing is Spirituality. The Chaplain must be a Christian man, living in touch with the Divine alive to- ward God. Third, Humanity. He must be 'touched with the feeling of our infirmity/ sharing the experiences of the men, getting to know their feelings, their fears, 200 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND their loneliness, their misery, their anxieties, and God knows they have their anxieties for themselves and for their folks at home." As Barry listened, he heard again his father's voice. "They need you. They are afraid. They are lonely. They need God." "And remember," said the A.D.C.S., as he rose to dose the interview, "that I am at your back. If you have any difficulty, let me know. If you are wrong, I promise to tell you. If you are right, I'll back you up. Now, let us go and look over the hospital. There are some of our fellows there. If you feel like saying any- thing in the convalescent ward, all right, but don't let it worry you." As they went through the wards, Barry could not but notice how the faces of the patients brightened as his chief approached, and how their eyes followed him after he had passed. They moved slowly through those long corridors, sanc- tified by the sufferings and griefs and hidden tears of homesick and homelonging men, to many of whom it seemed that the best of life was past. When they had gone the length of the convalescent ward, the A.D.C.S. turned and, after getting permission of the medical superintendent, briefly introduced Barry to the wounded men, as "a man from the wild and woolly Canadian west, on his way up the line, and therefore competent to tell us about the war, and especially when it will end." Beside them stood a piano, and on it lay a violin in its open case. Barry took up the violin, fingered its strings in an absent-minded way, and said : "I don't know anything about the war, men, but I do know when it will end, and that is when we lick those Huns good and plenty, as our American friends would say," bowing to the doctor at his side. "I'm an awfully poor speaker, boys," he continued in a confidential tone, "but I can make this thing talk a bit." A MAN OF GOD 201 Without further preface he began to play. He had not held a violin in his hands since he had played with his father at home. Unconsciously his fingers wandered into the familiar notes of Handel's Largo. He found the violin to possess an exceptionally rich and pure quality of tone. As he began to play, a door opened behind them, ad- mitting Paula, the V.A.D. and two or three young doc- tors, who took their places in the corner about the piano. "Do you know this?" whispered Paula to the V.A.D., as she caught the strains of the Largo. "Yes. I used to play it with my brother." "Go to it, then," said Paula. But the V.A.D. hesitated. "Go on! Look at the boys, and look at his face." The V.A.D. glanced about the room at the lines of pale and patient faces, which, in spite of the marks of pain, were so pathetically and resolutely bright. Then she glanced at Barry's face. He had forgotten all about his surroundings, and his face was illumined with the light from those hidden lamps that burn deep in the soul of genius, a light enriched and warmed by the glow of a heart in sympathy with its kind. In obedience to Paula's command and a little push upon her shoulder, the V.A.D. sat down at the piano and touched the notes softly, feeling for the key, then fell in with the violin. At the first note, Barry turned sharply about and as she found her key and began to follow, he. stepped back to her side. Immediately, from his instrument, there seemed to flow a richer, fuller stream of melody. From the solemn and stately harmonies of the Largo, he passed to those old familiar airs, that never die and never lose their power over the human heart "Annie Laurie" and "Ben Bolt," and thence to a rollicking French chan- son, which rather bowled over his accompanist, but only for the first time though, for she had the rare gift of improvisation, and sympathetic accompaniment. 202 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND Then with a full arm bowing, he swept them into the fiercely majestic strains of the ''Marseillaise," bringing the blue-coated orderlies about the door, and such pa- tients as could stand, and the group about the piano to rigid attention. From the "Marseillaise" it was easy to pass into the noble simplicity of his own national song, "Oh, Canada!" where again his accompanist was quite able to follow, and thence to the Empire's National An- them, which had for a hundred years or more lifted to their feet British soldiers and sailors the world over. As he drew his bow over the last chord, Paula stepped to his side, and whispered in his ear: "Where's America in this thing?" Without an instant's break in the music, he dropped into a whimsical and really humorous rendering of "Yan- kee Doodle." Quickly the V.A.D. moved from the stool, caught Paula and thrust her into the vacant place. Then together the violin and piano rattled into a fantastic and brilliant variation of that famous and trifling air. Again, with a sudden change of mood, Barry swung into that old song of the homesick plantation negro, "The Suwanee River" a simple enough air, but under the ma- nipulations of a master lending itself to an interpretation of the deep and tender emotions which in that room and in that company of French, British, Canadian, American folk were throbbing in a common longing for the old home and the "old folks at home." Before he had played the air once through, the grey-haired American doctor was openly wiping his eyes, and his colleagues looking away from each other, ashamed of the tears that did them only honour. Paula's flushed face and flashing eyes were eloquent of her deep emotion, while at her side the V.A.D. stood quiet, controlled, but with a glow of tender feeling shin- ing in her face and in her soft brown eyes. Not long did Barry linger amid those deeps of emo- tion, but straightening his figure to its full height, and throwing up his head, he, in full octaves, played the open- A MAN OF GOD 203 ing bars of what has come to be known as America's na- tional anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner." Instantly the A.D.C.S., the orderlies about the door, the wounded French, British and Canadian soldiers that could stand, sprang to attention and so remained while the violin, with its piano accompaniment, throbbed forth the sonorous chords. With the last bar, Barry dropped his bow to his side, but held the violin still at his chin. Not one of that company moved, but stood with their eyes fastened upon his face. After a moment's pause, he quietly lifted his bow again, and on the silence, still throbbing to the strains of that triumphant martial air, there stole out pure, sweet, as from some ethereal source, the long drawn, trembling notes of that old sacred mel- ody, which, sounding over men and women in their hours of terror and anguish and despair, has lifted them to peace and comfort and hope "Nearer, My God, to Thee." The tension which had held the company was relaxed, the wounded men sank to their seats, the A.D.C.S. re- moved his hat, which, according to military regulations, he had worn to this moment. On all sides", heads dropped in an attitude of reverence, and so continued until Barry had drawn the last deep, vibrating note to a close. When he had laid his violin in its case, the old Ameri- can doctor came forward, with his hand extended. "Let me, as an American and a Christian, thank you, sir," he said. One by one the group of Americans came to shake hands with him, the last being Paula, who held his hand a moment and said softly : "Thank you, Barry. I believe all that stuff now. I have learned it here." The last of all to come was the V.A.D. Shyly, with a smile radiant through her tears, she offered her hand, saying: "Thank you! He would have liked that, I know." 204 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Captain Dunbar, where's your own violin?" The abrupt tone of the A.D.C.S. startled them all. "At home, sir. I didn't think a chaplain would need one." "Whose violin in this?" asked the A.D.C.S. in his brusque manner. "I rather think this is mine," said one of the doctors. "Will you sell it? I'll buy it from you, at any price you say. I want it for him." "You can't buy it, colonel," said the doctor. "It's his now. I never knew it had all that heart stuff in it." He took up the violin, and handed it to Barry. But Barry drew back in astonishment. Then the old doctor came forward. "No, Travis," he said, "we'll do better than that. What did your fiddle cost?" "A hundred and fifty dollars, I think." "Travis, this company of Americans, representing their country here in France, as a token of their sympathy with the allies and their sacred cause, and of gratitude to you, sir," bowing to Barry, "will buy this instrument and pre- sent it to this young man, on condition that he repeat in similar circumstances the service he has rendered this afternoon. Am I right?" he asked, looking about him. "You bet you are ! Right you are !" said the doctors. "Oh, doctor, you are a dear old thing!" exclaimed Paula. Barry stood holding the instrument in his hand, un- able to find his voice. The A.D.C.S. came to his aid. "In the name of my chaplain, and in the name of thou- sands of Canadian soldiers to whom I promise you he will bring the blessing that he has brought us this after- noon, I thank you for this very beautiful and very char- acteristic American act." "Well," said the old doctor, "I don't know how you folks feel, but I feel as if I had been to church." "Now, sir," said the A.D.C.S. to Barry, in his military tone, "I am organising a company of musicians who will A MAN OF GOD 205 go through our camps and help the boys as you have helped us to-day. I would like you to be one of them. What do you say?" "Oh, sir," exclaimed Barry hastily, laying the violin upon the piano and standing back from it, "don't make that an order, sir. I want to stay with my men." His face was quivering with deep emotion. The A.D.C.S. looked into the quivering face. "All right, Dunbar," he said, with a little laugh, and putting his hand on Barry's shoulder. "I guess you are all right." "Some boy ! What ?" said the American doctor. "Here I think you had better take your fiddle along," handing Barry the violin. "It doesn't belong to any one in this bunch." The burst of laughter that followed, all out of pro- portion to the humour of the remark, revealed the tensity of the strain through which they had passed. Through the little town of Etaples they drove to- gether in almost complete silence, until they had emerged into the country, lying spread out about them in all the tender beauty of the soft spring evening. As the car moved through the sweet silence of the open fields, the V.A.D. said softly: "Oh, Captain Dunbar, I " "My name is Barry," he said gently. A quick flush came into the beautiful face and a soft light to the brown eyes, as she answered : "And mine is Phyllis." Then she hurried to add, "I was going to say that you helped me this afternoon as nothing has since my dear brothers went." "Thank you, Phyllis. What you have been to me through all these days, I wish I could tell, but I can't find words." Then they rode together in silence that was more eloquent than any words of theirs could be. At length Barry burst forth enthusiastically: 206 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "Those Americans! What a beautiful and gracious act of kindness that was to me." "Oh," replied Phyllis, with answering enthusiasm, "aren't they fine! That was perfectly ripping of them/' CHAPTER XIII INTENSIVE TRAINING BARRY'S return to the battalion was like a coming home. In the mess there was no demonstration of sympathy with him in his loss, but the officers took oc- casion to drop in casually with an interesting bit of news, seeking to express, more or less awkwardly, by their presence what they found it impossible to express in ac- tual words. It was to Barry an experience as new as it was delight- ful. Hitherto, as far as any real fellowship was con- cerned he had lived a life of comparative isolation among his fellow officers, and while they were careful to pre- serve the conventions and courtesies imposed by their mutual relations, he had ever been made to feel that in that circle he was an outsider. Among the officers who came to call upon him, none surprised him more than did Major Bayne. While that officer had always been careful to maintain an attitude toward him, at once correct and civil, there had never been any approach to friendliness. As a matter of fact, Major Bayne was too entirely occupied with his own interests to have either the leisure or the inclination for anything but a casual concern for the chaplain and his affairs. That was not to be wondered at. Life in the army, notwithstanding all its loyalties and its fine unsel- fishnesses, is, in some of its phases, a brutally self-cen- tred form of existence. Its routine consists in the con- tinual performance of "duties" under an authority ruth- less in its exactions and relentless in its penalties. Only after months of experience of its iron rigidity does the civilian, accustomed as he is to self-determination, with a somewhat easygoing regard for the conventions of his 207 208 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND community, arrive at the state of mind in which uncon- sciously and as a matter of second nature he estimates the quality of the most trivial act by its relation to the standard set by the Military High Command. Like a spectre does that solemn, impalpable, often perfectly un- reasonable omniscient and omnipotent entity lurk in the shadow ready to reach out a clutching hand, and for some infraction of regulations, wilful or inadvertent, hale the luckless and shivering defaulter to judgment. It therefore behooves a man to take heed to himself and to his ways, for, with the best intention, he may discover that he has been guilty of an infraction, not of a regu- lation found in K. R. & O., with which he has painfully made himself familiar and which he has diligently exer- cised himself to observe, but of one of those seventeen hundred and sixty-nine "instructions" and "informa- tions" which from time to time have appeared in those sacred writings known as Army, Divisional, Brigade, or Battalion Orders. In consequence, an officer with a conscience toward his duty, or an ambition for promotion, gives himself so com- pletely to the business of "watching his step" that only by a definite exercise of his altruistic faculties can he in- dulge himself in the commendable civilian luxury of car- ing for his neighbour. And so it came about that Major Bayne, possessing in a large measure the quality of "canniness" characteristic of his race a quality which for the benefit of the un- initiated Saxon it may be necessary to define as being a judicious blending of shrewdness and caution, and be- ing as well, again after the manner of his race, ambi- tious for his own advancement, and, furthermore, being a man of conscience, had been so entirely engrossed in the absorbing business of "watching his step" that he had paid slight heed to the affairs of any other officer, and least of all to those of the chaplain, whose functions in the battalion he had regarded, it must be confessed, as more or less formal, if not merely decorative. INTENSIVE TRAINING 209 M But, in spite of all this, in the major the biggest thing was his heart, which, however, true to his race type again, he kept stored in the deepest recesses of his system. To "touch" the major's "heart" was an operation of more than ordinary difficulty. It was that very thing, however, which the letter to the battalion Commanding Officer from the A.D.C.S. had achieved. The effect of this let- ter upon the members of the mess, and most especially upon the junior major in regard to their relation to their chaplain, was revolutionary. Hence the major's visit to Barry upon the evening of his return. It was with an unusually cordial handshake that he greeted the chaplain. "We are glad to have you back with us, Captain Dun- bar," he said. "We missed you, and we have discovered that we need you. Things have been moving while you were away. This battalion is undergoing a transforma- tion. The O.C. is tightening down the screws of dis- cipline. He sees, and we all are beginning to see, that we are up against a different proposition from what we had imagined, and right here, Captain Dunbar, I want to say for myself, and I believe for the rest of the boys, that we have not given you a square deal." His attitude and his words astounded Barry. "Don't say that, major," he said, in a voice husky with emotion. "Don't say that. I have been all wrong. I am not going to talk about it, but I am awfully glad to get a second chance." "If you need a second chance, Pilot," said the major, for the first time using the friendly western sobriquet, "believe me, you'll get it." The major sat down, pulled out his pipe, and began to impart some interesting bits of news. "Things are moving rather swiftly with us these days. There are many changes taking place. Duff has gone permanently to the transport, and is in the way for a captaincy. Hopeton has gone for a machine gun course. Sally is to be company commander in his place. Booth 210 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND takes charge of the bombers. Your friend, Sergeant Knight, is slated for a commission. He is doing awfully well with the signallers, and, by the way, there is some- thing I want to show you to-morrow, something quite unique and remarkable, our new instructor in bayonet fighting. Do you know we were rather stuck on our bayonet fighting, but he has made the boys feel that they didn't know anything about bayonet fighting, or, for that matter, about anything else. I think you will enjoy him. The boys are all up on their toes. There is nothing like the scream of a live shell 'coming in' to speed up the training." When the major had departed, he left Barry in a maze of wonder and gratitude. That the battalion were glad to have him back, that all the old feeling of latent hos- tility of which he had been conscious was gone, and that they felt that they really needed him stirred in his heart a profound sense of humility and gratitude. Late as it was he felt he must go out for a stroll about the camp just to see the men and give them greeting. Wherever he went he was greeted with a new respect and a new cordiality. It was as if he had passed through some mystic initiation ceremony and had been admitted into a magic circle of comradeship with the common soldier, than which no privilege is more dearly coveted by the officers, from the colonel himself to the youngest sub, and which is indeed, in the last analysis, the sine qua non of effective leadership. As Barry was passing the sergeants' mess-room the door opened and there came out Sergeant Major McFet- teridge himself, with two others of the mess. "Good evening, sergeant major," said Barry quietly passing on his way. "Good evening, sir," said the sergeant major with his usual stiff salute. "Oh, it's you, sir," he cried as the light fell upon Barry's face. "We're glad to see you back, sir." "Thank you, sergeant major," replied Barry, offering INTENSIVE TRAINING his hand, "and I'm glad to be back with you all again." 'Thank you, sir. I assure you we're glad to have you. Won't you come in, sir? The boys will all want to see you," and so saying the sergeant major threw wide open the door. Nowhere is class privilege more appreciated and more jealously guarded than in the sergeants' mess. It is the most enclusive of all military circles. Realising this, Barry was glad to accept the invitation. The hut was filled with sergeants in easy deshabille, smoking, loung- ing, playing various games. "The chaplain, boys," announced the sergeant major, and instantly every man was on his feet, and at attention. "It's all right, boys," said the sergeant major. "The chaplain has just dropped in for a minute for a friendly call, and we want you to feel, sir," he added, for the sergeant major loved a little ceremonial, "that we re- spectfully sympathise with you in your loss, and that we consider ourselves honoured by your presence here to- night." Barry was so deeply touched by the unexpected warmth of their welcome, and by the reference to his recent sor- row, that he could not trust himself to speak. Without a word he passed around the group, shaking hands with each man in turn. By the time he had finished the round, he had his voice in control, and said : "Sergeant major, this is very kind of you. I thank you for this welcome, and I am grateful for your sym- pathy." He hesitated a moment or two; then, as if he heard his father's voice, "Tell them ! Tell them ! They don't know Him," he added: "And, sergeant major, if you will allow me, I have something I want to say to all the men when I get a chance. I cannot say it all to-night to the sergeants, but this much I would like to say : That since I saw you, I believe I have got a new idea of my work in the battalion. I got it from a sergeant major whose men told me that he was a fine soldier and a brave man, and more than that, that he was 'like a father to 212 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND them.' That, sergeant major, was my own father. From him I learned that my job was not to jump on men for their faults, but to help men to know God, who is our Father in Heaven, and, men, I think if I can do this, I shall count myself happy, for He is worth knowing, and we all need Him." His words gripped them hard. Then he added, "Be- fore I say 'good night,' may I have the privilege of lead- ing you to Him in words that you have all learned at your mother's knee?" Then simply he spoke the words of that immortal prayer, the men joining in low and reverent voices. After the prayer, he quietly said, "Good night!" and was passing out of the hut. He had not got to the door, however, when the sergeant major's voice arrested him. "Sir, on behalf of the sergeants, I thank you for com- ing in and I thank you for your words. You have done us all good." The following morning, a sergeant from a neigh- bouring battalion, visiting the transport lines, and ob- serving Barry passing along with Major Bayne on the battalion parade ground, took occasion to remark : "That is your padre, ain't it? He checks you fellows up rather short, don't he?" "Yes, that is our padre, or Pilot, as we like to call him," was Sergeant Mackay's answer, "but I want to tell you that he can just check us up until our heads touch the crupper, and it's nobody's damned business but our own." "Well, you needn't get so blasted hot over it. I ain't said nothing against your padre that I haven't heard from your own fellows." "That's all right, sergeant. That was before we got to the war. I'm not huntin' for any trouble with any- body, but if any one wants to start up anything with any one, sergeant, in this battalion, he knows how to do it." And this came to be recognised as an article in the creed of the sergeant's mess. The bayonet-fighting squad were engaged in some pre- INTENSIVE TRAINING 213 liminary drill of the more ordinary kind when Major Bayne and the chaplain arrived on the ground. "We'll just watch the little beggar a while from here and go up later," said the major. As Barry watched the drill sergeant on his job, it seemed to him that he had never seen a soldier work be- fore. In figure, in pose, in action there was a perfection about him that awakened at once admiration and envy. Below the average height, yet not insignificant, erect, without exaggeration, precise in movement without an- gularity, swift in action without haste, he was indeed a joy to behold. "Now, did you ever see anything like that?" enquired the major, after their eyes had followed the evolutions of the drill sergeant for a time. "Never," said Barry, "nor do I hope to again. He is a I was going to say dream, but he's no dream. He's much too wide awake for that. He's a poem ; that's what he is." Back and forth, about and around, stepped the little drill sergeant, a finished example of precise, graceful movement. He was explaining in clean cut, and evidently memorised speech the details of the movements he wished executed, but through his more formal and memorised vocabulary his native cockney would occasionally erupt, adding vastly to the pungency and picturesqueness of his speech. "He knows we are here all right," said the major, "but he would not let on if it were King George himself. I'll bet you a month's pay, though, that we can't get one foot beyond what he considers the saluting point before he comes to attention, and as for his salute, there is noth- ing like it in the whole Canadian army. Talk about a poem, his salute has Shakespeare faded. Now he's going to move them off. Watch and listen !" "Ye-a-ou-w !" came the long-drawn cry, fiercely threat- ening, representing in English speech the word "squad." Then followed an expletive, "Yun !" which for explosive THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND quality made a rifle crack seem a drawl, and which ap- peared to release in the men a hidden spring drawn to its utmost tension. The slack and sagging line leaped into a rigid unit, of breathless, motionless humanity. "Aw-e-ou-aw !" a prolonged vocalisation, expressive of an infinite and gentle pity, and interpreted to the initiated ear to mean "As you were !" released the rigid line to its former sagging state. "N-a-w then," said the voice in a semi-undertone, slow and tense, "this ain't no arter dinner bloomin' siester. A little snap pie ease !" The last word in a sharply ris- ing inflection, tightening up the spring again for the ex- plosive "Ye-a-ou-w yun!" (Squad attention.) "Aw- e-ou-r yun ! ! ! Aw-e-ou-r yun ! ! !" Without warning came the commands, repeating "As you were !" "Attention !" He walked up and down be- fore the rigid line, looking them over and remarking casually, "Might be a little worse," adding as an afterthought, "per-haps!" After which, with a sharp right turn, and a quick march, he himself leading with a step of clean- cut, easy grace, he moved them to the bayonet-fighting ground. "By Jove!" breathed Barry. "Did you ever imagine anything like that?" "The result of ten years in the regular army," said the major. "It's almost worth it," answered Barry. Arriving at the bayonet-fighting ground, the little ser- geant major put the squad through their manual as if they had been recruits, to a running comment of biting pleasantries. After bringing them to attention, he walked slowly down the line, then back again, and remarked after due deliberation : "I have seen worse not often " Then, in a tone of resignation, he gave the order : "Stan-a-yeh!!!" The men "stood at ease," and then "stood easy." INTENSIVE TRAINING 215 "Now, then," said the major, "we'll steal in on him, if we can." They moved forward toward the little ser- geant major, who remained studying the opposite hori- zon in calm abstraction until their toes had reached a certain line, when, like the crack of a whip, there came once more the long-drawn cry with its explosive termina- tion: "Ye-a-ou-w! Yun!!!" with the result that the line was again thrown into instantaneous, breathless and mo- tionless rigidity. Toward the advancing officers the sergeant major threw himself into a salute with one smooth, unbroken movement of indescribable grace and finish. "Good morning, sergeant major," said Major Bayne. "Captain Dunbar, this is Sergeant Major Hackett." Again came the salute, with a barely perceptible dimi- nution of snap, as befitted a less formal occasion. "Sergeant major," said Barry, "I would give a great deal to be able to do that." "Wot's that, sir?" enquired the sergeant major. "That salute of yours." "Quite easy wen you knaow 'ow !" permitting himself a slight smile. "You are doing some bayonet-fighting, I see, sergeant major," said Major Bayne. "Yes, sir, goin' to do a bit, sir," replied the sergeant major. "Very well, carry on!" And the sergeant major "carried on," putting into his work and into his every movement and utterance an unbelievable amount of concentrated and even vicious energy. On the bayonet-fighting ground, the first line of the enemy was represented by sacks stuffed with straw, hung upon a frame, the second by stuffed sacks deposited on the parapet of a trench. In bayonet-fighting the three points demanding special emphasis are the "guarding" 216 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND of the enemy's attack, a swift bayonet thrust and an equally swift recovery, each operation, whether in case of a living enemy or in the stuffed effigy, being attended with considerable difficulty. Barry was much interested in the psychological element introduced into the exercises by the drill master. "You must halways keep in mind 'that the henemy is before you. It's important that you should visualise your foe. The henemy is hever before you. Anything be-ind a British soldier won't trouble anybody, and you are to remember that hit's either you or J im." In moments of rapid action the sergeant major evi- dently had difficulty with his aspirates. "The suspended sacks before you represent the hen- emy. You are to treat 'em so." Having got his line within striking distance of the swinging sacks, the exercise was directed by two com- mands, "On guard!" and "Point!" the first of which was supposed to knock off the enemy's thrust, and the second to drive the bayonet home into his vitals, after which, without command, there must be a swift recovery. "Naw then, "Hn-gah ! Pint ! ! !" For some moments, in response to these orders, the squad practised "guarding" and "pointing," not, how- ever, to the complete satisfaction of the sergeant. "Naw, then, number five, stick it hinto 'im. Ye ain't 'andin' a lidy an unbreller!" Another attempt by number five being still suggestive of the amenities proper to a social function, the ser- geant major stepped up to the overgentle soldier. "Naw, then," he said, "hobserve ! There's my henemy. See 'is hugly mug. Hn-gah ! Pint ! ! !" At the words of command, the sergeant major threw himself into his guard and attacked with such appalling ferocity as must have paralysed an ordinary foe, sending his bayonet clean through to his guard, and recovering it with a clean, swift movement. INTENSIVE TRAINING 217 Having secured a fairly satisfactory thrust, the ser- geant major devoted his attention to the recovery of the bayonet. "Fetch it hout!" he cried fiercely. "There's another man comin'. Fetch it hout ! Ye may fetch 'is spinial col- umn with it. No matter, 'e won't need it." The final act in this gruesome drama was the attack upon the second line represented by the sacks lying upon the parapet of the trench beyond. The completed action thus included the guard, thrust, recovery, the leap for- ward past the swinging line of sacks, and a second thrust at the figure prone upon the parapet, with a second re- covery of the weapon, this second recovery being ef- fected by stamping the foot upon the transfixed effigy^ and jerking back the bayonet with a violent upwarcr movement. This last recovery appeared to cause number rive again some difficulty. "Now then, number five, put a little aight (hate) into it. Stamp your bleedin' 'obnyles (hobnails) on his fice, and fetch it hout! This wye!" As he took the rifle from number five, the sergeant major's face seemed to be transformed into a living embodiment of envenomed hate, his attack, thrust, recovery, gathering in intensity until with unimaginable fury he leaped upon the pros- trate figure, drove his bayonet through to the hilt, stamped his hobnails upon the transfixed enemy, jerked his weapon out, and stood quivering, ready for any foe that dared to approach. The savage ferocity of his face, the fierce energy in his every movement, culminating in that last vicious leap and stamp, altogether constituted such a dramatic and realistic representation of actual fighting that the whole line burst into a very unsoldierly but very hearty applause, which, however, the sergeant major immediately and sternly checked. "What do you think of that?" enquired the major. "Isn't he a scream?" 218 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND "He is perfectly magnificent," said Barry, "and, after all, he is right in his psychology. There is no possibility of training men to fight, without putting the 'aight into it!"' CHAPTER XIV A TOUCH OF WAR period of intensive training was drawing to a A close. The finishing touches in the various depart- ments that had come to be considered necessary in mod- ern warfare had been given. With the "putting on the lacquer" the fighting spirit of the men had been sharp- ened to its keenest edge. They were all waiting impa- tiently for the order to "go up." The motives under- lying that ardour of spirit varied with the temperament, disposition and education of the soldier. There were those who were eager to "go up" to prove themselves in that deadly struggle where their fellow Canadians had already won their right to stand as comrades in arms with the most famous fighting battalions of the British army. Others, again, there were in whose heart burned a deep passion to get into grips with those hellish fiends whose cruelties, practised upon defenceless women and children in that very district where they were camped, and upon wounded Canadians, had stirred Canada from Vancouver to Halifax with a desire for revenge. But, with the great majority there was little of the desire either for military glory or for revenge. Their country had laid upon them a duty for the discharge of which they had been preparing themselves for many months, and that duty they were ready to perform. More than that, they were eager to get at it and get done with it, no matter at what cost. With all this, too, there was an underlying curiosity as to what the thing would be like "up there." Far down below all their feelings there lay an unanswered interrogation which no man dared to put to his comrade, and which indeed few men 219 220 THE SKY PILOT IN 'NO MAN'S LAND put to themselves. That interrogation was : "How shall I stand up under the test?" The camp was overrun with rumours from returning battalions of the appalling horrors of the front line. Ever since that fateful 22nd of April, 1915, that day of tragedy and of glory for the Canadian army, and for the Canadian people, the Ypres salient, the point of honour on the western front from Dixmude to Verdun, had been given into the keeping of the Canadian army. During those long and terrible months, in the face of a continued bombardment and of successive counter-attacks, with the line growing thinner, week by week, backed up by woe- fully inadequate artillery, the Canadian army had held on with the grim tenacity of death itself. There was nothing that they could do but hold on. To push the salient deeper into the enemy lines would only emphasise the difficulty and danger of their position. The role as- signed them was that of simply holding steady with what ultimate objective in view no one seemed to know. Week by week, and month after month, the Canadian battalions had moved up into the salient, had done their "tours," building up their obliterated parapets, digging out their choked-up water-courses, revetting their crum- bling trenches, and rebuilding their flimsy dugouts, and then returning to their reserve lines, always leaving be- hind them in hastily dug graves over the parados of their trenches, or in the little improvised cemeteries by Hooge, or Maple Copse or Hill 60, a few more of their comrades, and ever sending down the line their maimed and broken to be refitted for war or discharged again to civilian life. It was altogether a ghastly business, a kind of war- fare calling for an endurance of the finest temper and a courage of the highest quality. From this grim and endless test of endurance, the Ca- nadians had discovered a form of relief known as a "trench raid," a special development of trench warfare which later came to be adopted by their comrades of the French and British armies. It was a form of sport, grim A TOUCH OF WAR 221 enough, deadly enough, greatly enjoyed by the Canadian soldiers; and the battalion which had successfully pulled off a trench raid always returned to its lines in a state of high exaltation. They had been able to give Fritz a little of what they had been receiving during these weary months. While the battalion waited with ever-growing impa- tience for the order that would send them "up the line/' a group of officers was gathered in the senior major's hut for the purpose of studying in detail some photo- graphs, secured by our aircraft, of the enemy trenches immediately opposite their own sector of the front line. They had finished their study, and were engaged in the diverting and pleasant exercise of ragging each other. The particular subject of that discussion was their vari- ous sprinting abilities, and the comparative usefulness of various kinds of funk-holes as a protection against "J.J.s" (Jack Johnsons), "whizzbangs," or the uncertain and wobbling "minniewafers." Seldom had Barry found occasion to call upon Major Bustead, with whom he had been unable to establish any- thing more than purely formal relations. A message, however, from the orderly room to Lieutenant Cam- eron, which he undertook to deliver, brought him to the senior major's hut. "Come in, padre," said the major, who of late had be- come more genial, "and tell us the best kind of a funk- hole for a 'minniewafer.' ' "The deepest and the closest for me, major, I should say," said Barry, "from what I have heard of those un- certain and wobbling beasts." "I understand that chaplains do not accompany their battalions to the front line, but stay back at the casualty clearing stations," suggested the major. "Wise old birds, they are, too." The major had an unpleasant laugh. "I suppose they go where they are ordered, sir," re- plied Barry, "but if you will excuse me, I have here a 222 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND chit for Lieutenant Cameron, sir, which has just come in," and Barry handed Cameron his message. "Will you allow me, sir?" said Cameron. "Certainly, go on, read it," said the major. Cameron read the message, and on his face there ap- peared a grave and anxious look. "It's from the casualty clearing station, sir. One of our chaps from Edmonton is there dangerously wounded, and wants to see me. I'd like to go, sir, if I might." "Oh, certainly. I'll make it all right with the O.C. Get a horse from the transport. Which casualty clearing station is it?" Cameron looked at his message. "Menin Mill, sir." "Menin Mill! By gad, I thought it was Brandthoek, but Menin Mill, good Lord, that's a different proposition. That's way beyond Ypres, you know. Right up on the line. You can't take a horse there. Do you think you ought to go up at all?" "I think I should like to go, sir," replied Cameron. "I know the chap well. Went to school and college with him." "Then," said the major, "you had better hurry up and attach yourself to one of the transports going in. You will barely be in time." "Thank you, sir," said Cameron, and left the room. Barry went out with him. "Who is it, Cameron ?" he said. "Do I know him?" "I don't know, sir, whether you do or not. It's young McPherson of Edmonton, an awfully decent chap, and my very best friend." "May I go up with you, Duncan? I know Colonel Tait and Captain Gregg, who are at the Mill, I under- stand." "I would be awfully glad if you would, but I hardly liked to ask you. It hasn't the reputation of being a very healthy place, I hear." "All right, Cameron. I'm going up," said Barry. A TOUCH OF WAR 223 Upon enquiry they found that they were too late for the transports, and again the question arose as to whether, in view of the major's order, they should make the attempt by themselves. "It was not really an order, I think, sir," said Cam- eron. "It was more in the way of a suggestion. I think I'll go. The note said, 'dangerously wounded,' and he sent for me." "All right," said Barry, "we'll go on, and we'll al- most certainly pick up some one who will be able to direct us to the Mill." Their road, which took them to Vlammertinghe, led through level fields, lying waste and desolate with rank, overgrowing weeds. As they approached that historic village, they saw on every hand the cruel marks of war. On either side of the road were roofless and shattered cottages, grown around with nettles and briars. Among these ruins, as they found on a later day, were the old garden flowers, pansies and daisies, bravely trying to hold their own. Among the rank weeds was to be seen the half-hidden debris of broken farm gear. Here and there stood the ruins of what had been a thrifty home- stead, with its stone-flagged courtyard, around which clustered its stables. Now nettles and briars grew around the broken walls and shattered, staring windows. At rare intervals, a great house appeared, with pretentious gateway, and grass-grown drive winding up between stately and mutilated trees. Over the whole countryside hung a melancholy and weird desolation, cottages, home- steads, fields, the very trees crying aloud to high heaven for pity and vengeance. At Vlammertinghe, itself, the church tower still stood whole, but the church itself was wrecked, as were most of the village shops and dwellings. In the village was to be seen no living thing except some soldiers, who in the broken cellars were making their bivouacs. The village stood deserted of its inhabitants, ever since the terrific onslaught of the Huns, on the 22nd of April, 1915, which THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND had driven them forth from their homes, a panic- stricken, terror-hunted crowd of old men, women and lit- tle babes, while over them broke, with a continuous and appalling roar, a pitiless rain of shells. At the cross-roads stood a mounted officer, directing the traffic, which here tended to congestion. As they entered the village, the sentry halted them to enquire as to their bona fides. Having satisfied him, they enquired their way to the Menin Mill. "Menin!" The rising inflection of the sentry's voice expressed a mild surprise. "The old Mill! Are you going there?" "Yes," said Barry, answering his inflection. "Why not?" "Well, sir, you know, it's rather a bad road. Warm bit of country up there, but " He shrugged his shoul- ders in quite a French manner as if to say it was no business of his. "If you are going to Menin, you keep this road straight through past Wipers past the Cloth Hall, out by the Menin Gate. A hot place, that, sir. Then straight on, taking the right incline for about a mile and a half. You will see a big cemetery on your left. The Mill stands near a big school on your right. But why not drop into the dressing station, here, sir, right here in this old mill, which stands at the cross-roads ? You may catch an ambulance going straight up to the Mill." "Thank you very much," said Barry. "We'll do that very thing." "Good luck, sir," said the sentry, saluting. They found an ambulance about to start, and asked for a lift. "All right, sir," said the driver, "but you'd better step in and ask the officer." - They passed into a large and high-vaulted stone build- ing, which in peace days had been a mill. The old-fash- ioned, massive machinery was still standing intact. Ob- taining permission from the officer, they took their places A TOUCH OF WAR 225 beside the driver of the ambulance, and were soon on their way. It wa"s already growing dark, but, although the sur- face of the stone pave was frequently broken with shell- holes, the ambulance, dodging round the holes, rushed without pause along at a high rate of speed. "You don't use your lights?" asked Barry. "No, not lately, sir," said the driver. "That's the new- est order," he added in a tone of disgust. The road lay between double rows of once noble trees, centuries old, with the first delicate green of spring softening their bare outlines. Now, splintered, twisted, broken, their wounds showing white in the darkening light through the delicate green, they stood silently elo- quent of the terrific force of the H.E. shell. As they went speeding along the shell-marked road they came upon a huge trunk of a mighty elm, broken clear from its stump, lying partially cross their track, which soldiers were already busy clearing away. With- out an instant's pause, the driver wheeled his car off the pave, crashed through the broken treetops, and continued on his way. Barry looked upon the huge trunk with amazement. "Did a single shell break that tree off like that?" he asked. "You bet," was the reply, "and all these you see along here. It's the great transport road for our front line, and the boches shell it regularly. Here comes one now," he added, casually. There was a soft woolly "whoof" far away, a high, thin whine, as from a vicious insect overhead, with every fractional second coming nearer and yet nearer, ever deepening in tone, ever increasing in volume, until, like an express train, with an overwhelming sense of speed and power, and with an appalling roar, it crashed upon them. In the field on their left, there leaped fifty yards into the air a huge mass of earth and smoke. Then a stunning detonation. 226 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND Insensibly Barry and Cameron both crouched down in the car, but the driver held his wheel, without the ap- parent quiver of a muscle. "There'll be three more, presently, I guess," he said, putting on full speed. His guess proved right. Again that distant woolly "whoof," the long-drawn whine, deepening to a scream, the appalling roar and crash, and a second shell fell in the road behind them. "Two," said the driver coolly. "There will be a couple more." Again and yet again, each time the terror growing deeper in their souls, came the two other shells, but they fell far behind. "Oh, Fritzie," remonstrated the driver, "that's rotten bad work. You'll have to do better than that." Again and again, in groups of four, the shells came roaring in, but the car had passed out of that particular zone of danger, and sped safely on its way. "Do you have this sort of thing every night?" en- quired Barry. "Oh, no," cheerfully replied the driver. "Fritzie makes a lot better practice than that, at times. Do you see this?" He put his finger upon a triangular hole a few inches above his head. "I got that last week. We don't mind so much going up, but it's rather annoying when you're bringing down your load of wounded." As they approached Ypres, the road became more and more congested, until at length they had to thread their way between two continuous streams of traffic up and down, consisting of marching battalions, transports, ar- tillery wagons, ambulances, with now and then a motor or a big gun. About a mile from the city, they came to a large red brick building, with pretentious towers and sur- rounded by a high brick wall. "An asylum," explained the driver. "Now used as a dressing station. We'll just run in for orders." A TOUCH OF WAR 227 At what seemed to Barry reckless speed, he whirled in between the brick posts, and turned into a courtyard, on one side of which he parked his ambulance. "Better come inside, sir," said the driver. "They sometimes throw a few in here, seeing it's a hospital." They passed down the wide stairs, the centre of which had been converted into a gangway for the passage of wheeled stretchers, into a large basement, with concrete floors and massive pillars, lit by flaring gasjets. Along the sides of the outer room were rows of wounded sol- diers, their bandaged heads and arms no whiter than their faces, a patient and pathetic group, waiting with- out complaint for an ambulance to carry them down the line. In an inner and operating room, Barry found two or three medical officers, with assistants and orderlies, in- tent upon their work. While waiting there for their driver, they heard overhead again that ominous and ter- rifying whine, this time, however, not long drawn, but coming in with terrific speed, and ending with a sharp and shattering crash. Again and again and again, with hardly a second between, there came the shells. It seemed to Barry as if every crash was fair upon the roof of the building, but no man either of the medical attendants or of the waiting wounded paid the slightest heed. At length there came a crash that seemed to break within the very room in which they were gathered. The lights flickered, some of them went out, there was a sound as if a tower had crashed down upon the roof. Dust and smoke filled the room. "Light up that gas," said the Officer Commanding. An orderly sprang to obey. The gasjets were once more lighted and the work went on. "Rather near, wasn't that one?" asked Barry of a wounded man at his side. "Yes," he replied casually, "they got a piece that time/' and again he sunk into apathetic silence. 228 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND In a few moments the driver had obtained his orders and was ready to set forth. "Better wait a bit," said the sergeant at the door, "un- til their Evening Hate is over." "Oh, that's all right," said the driver. "I guess Fritz is pretty well through. They are rather crowded there at the mill, and I guess we'll go on." In his heart, Barry earnestly hoped that the sergeant would interpose with a more definite command, but, in- asmuch as the bombardment had apparently ceased, and as if it were all in a day's work, the driver, buttoning up his coat, said : "We'll go, sir, if you are ready." A few minutes' run brought them to the gate of the ruined city. As the car felt its way through the ghostly town, Barry was only vaguely conscious in the darkness of its ghostly skeletonlike ruins. Fifteen minutes brought them to the Menin gate. "Sounds rather hot out there," remarked the driver. "Well, Fritzie, I guess we won't join your party this time. We prefer to wait, if you don't mind, really." He ran the car into the lee of the ramparts, by the side of the gateway, waited there half an hour or so, until the "Evening Hate" was past; then onward again to the Menin Mill. They lifted the blanket covering the sandbagged en- trance, passed through a dark corridor and came into a cellar, lit by lanterns, swinging from the roof, and by candles everywhere upon ledges or upon improvised candlesticks. No sooner had they come into the light, than Barry saw across the room his friend, Dr. Gregg, his coat off, and his shirtsleeves rolled to his elbows. "Hello, Dunbar," said the doctor, coming forward. "I guess I won't shake hands just now. Sit down. Won't you have a cup of coffee? Jim," turning to an orderly, "give Captain Dunbar a cup of coffee." Barry presented Cameron to his friend, and together A TOUCH OF WAR they sat down and waited. When the doctor was through with his patient, he came and sat down with them. "We came up to see a young chap named McPherson. I think you sent a note down about him to-day." "McPherson," said the doctor. "I don't remember, but I will see." He turned to a desk and turning over the pages of a record, apparently found the name, and returned to Barry. "I am sorry to say that McPherson died this after- noon," he said. "Dead," said Barry. He turned to Cameron. "I'm awfully sorry, Duncan." "Was there anybody with him?" he enquired of the doctor. "He was Lieutenant Cameron's very close friend, and college companion." "Oh, awfully sorry," replied the doctor. "Yes, I think Captain Winter, the chaplain of the th, was with him at the last. He's not here just now r . I can tell you where to get him. To-morrow is his day here." "Is is is his body still here?" enquired Cameron, after a few moments' silence. "Yes, it's in the next room. Do you want to see it? He was pretty badly smashed up, I'm afraid." "I think I should like to see him," said Cameron. "I know his people, you see, and I would like to tell them that I saw him." "Oh, all right," said the doctor. He called an or- derly. "Come this way, sir," said the orderly. Together they followed the orderly into the next room, apparently a storehouse for grain. There lying upon the floor they saw three silent shapes, wrapped in grey blan- kets. "This is McPherson, sir," said the orderly, looking at the card attached to the blanket. He stooped, drew down the blanket from the face and stepped back. In civil life, both Barry and Cameron had 230 THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND seen the faces of the dead, but only in the coffin, after having been prepared for burial by those whose office it is to soften by their art death's grim austerities. Cameron gave one swift glance at the shapeless, bloody mass, out of which stared up at him wide-open glassy eyes. "Oh, my God, my God !" he gasped, gripping Barry by the arm, and staggering back as if he had received a blow. He turned to the door as if to make his escape, but Barry, himself white and shaken, held him firmly. "Steady, old boy," he said. "Steady, Duncan!" "Oh, let me go ! Let me get out of here !" "Duncan, there are a lot of wounded chaps out there." The boy he was only nineteen was halted at the word, stood motionless and then muttered: "You are right, sir. I was forgetting." "And, Duncan, remember," said Barry, in a quiet and solemn voice, "there's more than that to McPherson. That fine young chap whom you knew and loved is not that poor and battered piece of clay. Your friend has escaped from death and all its horrors." "Yes, yes, I know," whispered Cameron, still shaking. "We'll go out now, sir. I'll be all right. I assure you I'm all right." They passed out into the dressing-room again, where the wounded were continuing to arrive. Cameron was for departing at once, but Barry held him back, unwill- ing that the lad should be driven away beaten and un- nerved by what he had seen. "I say, Duncan, let's see some of these boys. We can perhaps cheer them up a bit They need it badly enough, God knows." "All right," muttered Cameron, sitting down upon a bench in the shadow. They waited there till Dr. Gregg came along. "Hello, Dunbar, you are looking seedy. Feeling rot- ten, eh?" said the doctor, eying him critically for a few moments. A TOUCH OF WAR 231 "Oh, I'm all right/' said Barry. "The truth is, I've just been in there with young- Cameron. Rather a ghastly sight. Cameron's badly knocked up. Can you do any- thing for him?" "Sure thing," said the doctor cheerfully. "Stay right there where you are. I'll bring you something in a mo- ment or two. Now sit right there, do you hear? Don't move." In a few moments he returned, bringing hot coffee for them both. "There," he said in a cheerful matter-of-fact voice, "drink that." Barry gulped it down, Cameron taking his more slowly, and with evident distaste. The doctor continued to con- verse with them in tones of cheerful and, as Barry thought, of almost careless indifference. "Now, I must leave you," said the doctor. "I see there's a case of shell shock. We didn't know how to handle that for a while. The British R.A.M.C. for some months declined to recognise it as requiring treatment at all. You might care to look at this chap. Poor devil!" Barry had been looking at the man ever since he had come into the room, supported by two of his comrades. He was indeed an object of pity. Of splendid physique, six feet and powerfully built, with the fine intelligent face of an educated man, he stood there white, twitching in every muscle, in a state of complete nerve-collapse. Colonel Tait, who had been observing hirrt keenly ever since his entering the room, now approached him, greeted him with a cheerful "Hello !" took him by the hand and felt his pulse. "How are you, old chap ? Feeling a little better than you were, aren't you?" "Yes