■ A A-.-" f 1 ^;r w iHf«VL? «?«iW|Sj .-V \ *. . _ ' -^(Li>4fc'^^ (Li^4^^!^ CLi^4^^^ (Ls^^C^^c ARCHER TAYLOR ' (T'M^^^ (T'V^^^^ (T'VQfN^^ 5''V«^«^ "^ '^^ A^ \fft.e'\Ajt ^Jri-^y MDCCCXLII. C A T A L (t U K OP THE MOST EXTENSIVE, VALUABLE, AND TRULY INTERESTING COLLECTION OF C U R I O U S B () O K S, ON SALE IN THIS OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY, IN MOST LANGUAGES AND CLASSES OF LITERATURE, INCLUDING MANY HUNDRED ARTICLES OF THE UTMOST RARITY, AND OF WHICH OTHER COPIES UO NOT EXIST EVEN IN THK PUBLIC libraries; Cl)e tol)oIe of toljit^ are OTlarrantetl perfect, anU in t^t dFimit poiSsiibU Condition, CHIEFLY IN ELEGANT ANCIENT AND MODERN BINDINGS, NOW OFFERED AT THE VERY RKASONABLE PRICES AFFIXED TO EACH ARTICLE, By THOMAS THORPE, 178, PICCADILLY, LONDON, opposite BURLINGTON HOUSE, WHERE THE WHOLE MAY BE VIEWED, AND CATALOGUES HAD, PRICE lOs. 6d., RETURNED TO PURCHASERS, OR FOR THE CATALOGUE WITHIN FOUR MONTHS FROM THE TIME OF PUBLICATION. SUiQtiL London: J. Rider, Printer, 14, Bartholomew Close. ADDRESS. The Publisher has much pride and great satisfaction in issuing the present Catalogue, and begs most respectfully to solicit the attention of his kind Friends and the Public in general to its extraordinary contents. It is by far the most extensive, interesting, and curious collection on sale in this or any other country, containing Books in most languages and classes of literature, and of all times, but consisting chiefly of the earlier portion of literature, the rarer and more curious of Books of the highest degree of interest, and as intrinsically valuable, many probably unique, and the greater portion of excessive and undoubted rarity, and for which even the pub- lic libraries will be searched in vain. Bearing in mind the maxim of Dr. Johnson, that a great book is a great evil, the Publisher has endeavoured, by all means in his power, to keep his Catalogue within as moderate a compass as possible ; he has carefully excluded all repe- titions, and has condensed the descriptions wherever it was practicable ; at the same time he has taken care to give such a description of each article as it deserves, and as its condition claims. The Books are all warranted perfect, gene- rally in elegant ancient and modem bindings, and in the finest condition ; but they are never described so unless such is actually the case. In regard to the prices, the Publisher feels assured that they will be found to be extremely reason- able, and a reference to and comparison with other catalogues, where at least any of the same Books are to be found, is respectfully solicited. IV ADDRESS. To point out in an advertisement of this description even a very small portion of the more curious and interesting articles, would be a matter of great difficulty, and the Publisher would hope, also useless ; inasmuch as he trusts the Cata- logue will be read with attention. To facilitate, however, the progress of those searching for particular subjects, or whose time for such pursuits is more limited, he has com- piled a brief'index of names of persons, places, and subjects, which do not immediately appear in the general alphabetical arrangement. The Publisher begs again most respectfully to repeat, and he does so on the authority of long experience, that as this is the most interesting and curious Catalogue which can be offered, so he trusts it will be received by his friends with that kindness with which he has so long been favoured, and by the public in general with that attention which he flatters himself it will be found to deserve, and with the pleasure with which it is issued. THOMAS THORPE'S GENERAL CATALOGUE OF INTERESTING, VALUABLE, AND RARE BOOKS. FOR MDCCCXLIL 1 Abbey of Kilkhampton, or Monumental Records for 1980, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - 1788 *^* A very curious production. 2 Abbotsford Library. — Catalogue of the Library of Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford, a splendid volume, 4to. hds. 31. 13s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1838 *»* Privately printed for the members of the Maitland Club. Presented by J. G. Lockhart, Esq. 3 Abbut's (Henry) Free Gift freely given of God, and by liim freely given to the Reader, 4to. sewed, 3s. - 1684- 4 Aberdeen. — Papismus Lucifugus, or a faithful Copie of the Papers exchanged betwixt John Menzeis, Professor of Divinity in the Marischal College of Aberdene, and Francis Dempster, Jesuit, 4to. very scarce, \5s. - Aberdene, 1668 5 Abernethy's (John) Sermons and Tracts, with Life of the Au- thor, 7 vols. 8vo. h. b. uncut, ll. Is. - 1748-51 6 Abresch (Frid. Ludov.) Dilucidationes Thucydideas, Traj. ad Rhen. 1755, — Cattieri Gazophylacium Graecorum, ab Abresch, ib. 1757, 2 vols. Svo. large pai^er, beautiful copies, in old calf gilt, very neat, \l. \s. *j,» Remarkably fine copy from the Meerman collection. 7 Academy of Compliments ; or a Complete English Secretary, with a Collection of Songs, with cuts of the language of the hand, 12mo. h. b. neat, curious, 10s. 6rf. Glasgow, 1789 8 Accolti (Bernardo) Virginia, Comedia, e Capitoli, e Strambotti, 12mo. neat, very rare, 1/. Is. - Firenze, 1514 •♦* " Ces poesies eurent un si grand succes lorsqu'elles parurent, que I'auteur, qui etait d'Arezzo, fut surnomtne Ihmico Arelino,'' &.c. — Brunct. 9 Account of the Behaviour and Confession of Elizabeth Brown- rigg, executed for flogging a Child to Death, 4to, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1767 B 2 THOMAS THOBPE S 10 Account of tlie Cnptivity of Thomas Phelps, in Barbary, and of his strange Escape in company of Edmund Baxter, and others; as also of the Burning two of the greatest Pirate Ships belong- ing to that kingdom, by T. Phelps, 4to. mants one leaf, very scarce, 5s. - - 1 685 11 Account of several Work-Houses for Employing and Maintain- ing the Poor, Rules by which they are Governed, their Useful- ness, as also of several Charity Schools for Promoting Work and Labour, in various Counties throughout the Kingdom, 17S2. — Bishop Sherlock's Vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts, 1718, in 1 vol. Svo. //. b. neat, 4s. 12 Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg, 1758. — Merits of the New Administration stated, 1765. — Charge to Englishmen, 1 768. — Forster on the Russian Trade, 1774. — Tiioughts on the Causes of the present Discontents, 1770. — Macaulay's Ob- servations on Ditto, 1770. — Candid Thoughts on National Discontents and Misfortunes, 1781 — Dialogue between a Farmer and a Juryman, on Libels, 1770. — Letter to Lord North on his Re-election into the House of Commons, 1780, in one vol. Svo. neat, 6s. Gd. 13 Accursii (Mariangeli) Osci et Volsci Dialogus ludis Romania actus, 4:to.Jine copy, very neat, rare, 12*. sine ulla nota. *^* An edition unknown to Panzer. 14 Acidalii (Valent.) Epigrammata ad Dan. Rindfleisch Bucretium, 4to. h. b. morocco, scarce, 6s. - Helmstadii, 1589 15 Acosta Trattato della Historia, Natura, et Virtu della Droghe Medicinali, e altri Semplici rarissimi, che vengono portati dalli Indie Oriental! in Europa, nood-culs, 4to. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 15s. - - Venet. Zilelti, 1585 16 Acostse de Natura Novi Orbis lib. IL et de Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros, Svo. Jine copy, extra, gilt edges, 18*. Sabnanticce, 1589 17 Acta Eruditorum, sive Analysis Operum Scriptorum celeberri- morum, cum Dissertalionibus perdoctisde Astronomia, Historia Naturali, etc. numerous plates, 102 vols, bound in 51, 4to. very neat, 51. 5s. - - Z/^sice, 1 082-17 76 *j^* A very interesting and valuable collection, containing an infinity of di.s- sertations, essays, &c. on all subjects, and by the most learned scholars. " De Bure says that the Acta Eruditorum is regarded as the best journal up to the time of its conclusion, and still preserves its credit in the literary world." He adds, " that it is to be wished that it had always served as a model for the periodical works which followed it." Sold at Sotheby's sale in Feb. 1819, for 12/. 12s. 18 Acta Judiciorum inter F. Jacobum Hochstratcn Inquisitorem Coloniensium et Jo. Reuchlin, LL.D. 4tio. fine copy, 8s. HagenocB, 1 5 1 S 19 Actuarii (Joannis) Opera de Actionibus et Spiritus Animalis AfTectibus ejusque Nutritione lib. IL ; de Urinis lib. VII. ; Methodi Medendi lib. VI. nilh the Aldine device on the title, Svo Jine copy, h. b. neat, rare, \l. lis. 6d. Paris, ap. B. Turrisanum, in Aldina Bibliotheca, 1556 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 3 20 Acuna. — Cavallero Determinado, traduzido en C;tstellana, por Don Hernando de Acuna, fine impressions of the pinles, ito. beautiful copy, elegantly bound in morocco, gill edges, \l. 5s. Anveres, 1591 *^* This is considered as one of the nio'-t exiinisite works of this author, and one of the most esteemed iu the Castellan language. Sold in the White Knights sale for 21. 21 Acunha (Alvares d') Obelisco Portugues, Cronologico, Genea- logico, e Panegirico, bad copy, 4to. scarce, 5s. Lisboa, IGGt) 22 Adair. — Catalogue of tlie Library of J. Adair, Esq. King's Ser- geant, and Chief Justice of Chester, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, prices, 8vo. h. b. 5s. - - 1798 23 Adam's (Robert) Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia, brilliant impressions of the numerous plates, an original subscriber's copy, atlas folio, h. b. russia, \l. \\s. 6d. - - 1764 21' Adamantii (J. Cornarii) Sophistse Physiognomonicon, id est De Naturee Lidiciis cognoscendis libri duo, 12mo.^we copy, in old morocco, gilt leaves, rare, Qs. - Basileae, 1544 25 Adami (Danielis) Sylva Quadrilinguis Vocabulorum et Phrasium Bohemicae, Latinae, Graecce, et Germanicie Lingusc, 4to. fine copy, extra, marbled edges, \l. lis. Qd. Pragcs, 1598 *^* This extremely rare vocabulary, consisting of upwards of 1800 pages, with copious indexes, has apparently escaped the researches of Bruuet and other bib- liographers. 26 Adams's (John) Collection of State Papers, of the United States of America, with Essay on Canon and Feudal Law, 1782. — Address to the People of the Netherlands on the dangerous Situation of Holland, 1782. — Give us our Rights, by Major Cartwright, 1782- — Complete Collection of all the Protests of the Peers, entered since 1774, on the War with America, &c. 1782. — Defence of the Earl of Shelburne, 1783. — Letter to the Belfast Volunteers, in the Province of Ulster, 1783, in 1 vol. 8vo. h, b. neat, 5s. 6d. 27 Adamson's (John) Muses' Welcome to King James, at his Ma- jestie's happie returne to his olde and native Kingdome of Scotland, after 14 yeeres absence, a Series of Poems, portrait, folio, russia, (jilt edges, rare, 2l. 3s. Edinburgh, 1G18 *»* This volume contains poems in English, Latin, and Greek, by the princi- pal Scotish poets of the day. Sold in Mr. Constable's s.ale for 71., in Mr. Bind- ley's sale for 6/. 2s. 6d., and in Mr. Perry's for 5t. 15s. 6d. 28 Addison's Works, by Tickel!, 4 vols. 4to. very neat, in old calf, ll. 5s. - - Tonson, 1721 29 Addison's Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, with Life by Tickell, and Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. neat, 4*. 6d. - Tonson, 1726-46 30 Addison's Free-holder, 12mo. neat, 2s. - ib. 1751 31 Addison. — Life and Character of Cato, designed for the Readers of Addison's Tragedy, 4to. se?i;crf, 25. - 1713 4 THOMAS THORPE S 32 Address to the People of Great Britain, &c. on the present Posture of Affairs, 1744. — Free Thoughts on the Treaty of Worms, 1755. — Private Conference between two Hanoverian Ministers, 1744. — Refutation of the Memorial published by the Court of Vienna, 1744. — Remarks of a True German Patriot, 1744. — The Emperor's Decree for raising the whole force of the Empire against the Queen of Hungary, 1744. — Letter to the King of Prussia on his Breach of Faith to the Queen of Hungary, 1744. — Rescript of the King of Prussia to Mr. D'Andrie, his Minister at the British Court, on the Mo- tives which obliged him to supply the Emperor with Auxiliaries, 1744. — Exposition of Ditto, 1744. — The Emperor's Circular Letter to his Ministers at Foreign Courts, 1744, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 33 Address to the Public on the Tax on Receipts, 1784. — Dobbs's Thoughts on the Mode of Taxation in Great Britain, 1784. — Letter to a Country Gentleman on Secret Influence, &c. 1784, — Second Letter to Ditto, 1784. — Reflections on a Dissolution of Parliament, 1784. — Godwin's Instructions to a Statesman, inscribed to Earl Temple, 1784. — The Postscript to Major Cartwright's Reply to Soame Jenyns, Esq. 1785. — Explana- tion of the Capture of St. Eustatius, 1786, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 34 Address to the Magistrates of Gloucestershire, Gloucester, 1789. — Statement of Facts respecting the King's Theatre, by Mr. Taylor, the Lord Chamberlain, and Earl Cholmondeley, 1791. — Attorney and Agent's Table of Cost, 1777. -Letter to Mr. Almon, in Matter of Libel, 1770, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, Qs. 95 Adelung (F.) Altdeutsche Gedichte in Rom, oder fortgesetzte Nachrichten von Heidelbergischen Handschriften in der Vati- kanischen Bibliothek, 8vo. very neat, 10s. 6d. Konigsberg, 1799 36 Adriani Cartusiensis Liber de Remediis utriusque fortune, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 1/. 15*. sine noia, sed Colonics, per Udalricum Zell, circa mcccclxx. *^* A rare and beautiful specimen of Zell's printing. 37 ^ginetse (Pauli) Praacepta Salubria, Guilielmo Copo interprete, 4to. very neat, 7s. 6d. - Argent. 1511 38 iEliani Varise Historiae, lib. I. Greece, 4to. uncut, 3s. Paris. 1638 39 yEliani Varise Historiae lib. xiv. ; ex Heraclide de Rebus publi- cis commentarium ; Polemonis Physionomia ; Adamantii Phy- sionomia ; Melampodis ex palpitationibus divinatio; de Nevis, omnia Greece, Jirst edition, 4to. fine tall copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, bound by Bozerian, \l. Is. Romce, 1545 40 iEliani de Militaribus Ordinibus Instituendis, more Grsecorum liber, a Robortello editus, Greece, first edition, 4to. fine copy, very neat, rare, 18s. - Venet. 1552 41 iElredi, Monaci Anglici Cisterciencis, Opera Omnia, ope et stu- dio R. Gibboni producta et illustrata, additi Anonimi Rithmi de laude virginitatis, 4to. fine copy, calf elegant, marbled edges, scarce, \l. 5s. ->. - Z)Maa, 1631 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. D 42 ^neoe Silvii postea Pii Papce II. Bulla retractationum olim du- dum per eum in minoribus adhuc agcntem pro Concilio Basili- ensi, etc. imperfect at the end. — Augustini Daclii de variis loqucndi figuris sive de modo dictandi libellus, etc. — Proposi" tiones responsivae ad qiiestioncm de observantia dominicaliutn dierum et precipuorum soUemnium festorum, etc. in one vol. ^io. Jine copies, \L lis. Qd. sine ulla nota, sed Zell, circa mcccclxviii. *^* The first tract sold iu La Valliere's sale for 400 fraucs. 43 ^neae Silvii contra Thurcas Epistola, Mahumeto Principi Tur- carum, 4to. fine copy, neat, scarce, \5s sine ulla nota, sed Colon. Ulr. Zell, circa mcccclxx. *^* Sold in the La Valllere sale for 5i fraucs, and in Brienne Laire's for 69 francs. See Earl Spencer's Catalogue. 44 ^neae Silvii Dyalogus, contra Bohemos atque Thaboritas habi- tus de sacra communione Corporis Christi, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. - ib. id. circa mcccclxx. 45 ^neee Silvii Tractatulus, ad Regem Bohemia, de puerorum educatione, ito.Jine copy, neat, scarce, 12s. Mediol. Zarolus, circa mcccclxx. *^* See Earl Spencer's Catalogue. 46 ^neae Silvii Epistolae in Cardinalatu editse, Jirst edition, folio, Jinecopy, \l. lis. Qd. Mediol. Zarotus, m(;:ccclxxiii. *^* "Edition tres rare et fort recherchee." Mac Carthy's copy sold for 70 francs, the Piuelli for 60, and Sir M. M, Sykes's for 6/. 10s. 47 .Slnese Silvii Historia Rerum ubique gestarum, cum locorum descriptione, folio, large copy, 10s. Qd. Venet. per Jo. de Colonia, et Jo. Manthen de Gherretzem, mcccclxxvii. %* Not in the Spencer Catalogue. Sold in the La Valliere sale for 38 francs. 48 iEnese Silvii Sompnium de fortuna, 4:to.Jine copy, 3s. sine ulla nota. 49 jEnesR Silvii Libellus Aulicorum miserias copiose explicans, Mogunt. Schoeffer, 1517. — Liber de Contemptu Mundi sive de Miseria Conditionis Humanae, a Domino Innocentio Papa Tertio compositus, dedicated to Cuthbert Tonstall, Bishop of Durham, Lips. 1534. — Reginae Pecuniae, lib. V. Carmen, per JNIatthiam Leium, 1617. — Nomenclator Latinorum Scriptorum HoUandia", Zelandiae, Westfrisice, Ultrajecti, Lugd. Bat. 1601, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, a scarce collection, 10s. Qd. 50 -Slschinis et Demosthenis Orationes Adversaria, Grasce, 4to. fne copy, 5s. 6d. - Haganoce, 1522 51 J^schyli Tragoedise VII. Graece, cum Scholiis Victorii, 4to. neat, 18s. - - H. Stephanus, 1557 *,* Dr. Heath's copy of this excellent and beautiful edition, sold for 41. 14s. 6d. 52 ^Eschyli Tragoedise VII. Graece, opera Gul. Canteri, 12mo. russia, 6s. - Antverpice, Plantinus, 1580 *jjj* Jolie edition, pen commune, et tres estimee. — Los liios. This " elegant and correct edition" sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 21. 2s. b THOMAS THORPE S 53 -SIschyli Prometheus Vinctus, Tragoedia, Gr. et Ital. 4to. li. b. uncut, 5s. - - liomce, 1754 54- iEschylus. — Scholia in iEschyli Tragoedias onines ex vetiistissi- mis Libris MSH. redacta a Francisco Robortello, Graece, 8vo. fine copy, very neat, scarce, \l. lis. Qd. Venetiis, 1552 *^* Robortellus is called by bibliographers, " perhaps the acutest Greek scholar in Italy of his day.'' Dr. Heath's copy sold for 4/., Sir M. M. Sykes's for 21. 1 4s., aud Professor Porson's for 3/. 10s. 55 yEsopi et aliorum Fabulae cum Vita per Rinucium, with many curious and highly sjnrilcd wood-cuts, folio, morocco elegant, gilt edges, an extremely rare and early edition, Gl. 6s. sine ulla nota. *^* This edition is of such great rarity as to have escaped the researches of nearly all bibliographers. The wovd-cuts (hroitghont are of a most ijrotesque and ludicrous description, and are executed with a natural freedom and spirit that speak much for the talent of their artist. 56 JEsopi Fabulae, Latine, Ato.Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 21. 2s. - sine ulla nota. %* This edition sold in the Celotti sale, in Paris, in 1825, for 81 francs. 57 ^sopi Vita et Fabulae, Latine facta a Laurentio Rynucio, 4to. very fine copy, elegantly hound in morocco, gilt edges, rare, 2l. I2s. 6d. - Romce, mcccclxxxvii. 58 .^sopo Historiado, with very curious wood cuts, 4to. old morocco, 21. 2s. - - - Venetiis, mccccxci. %* A very rare edition in Italian verse, but the wood cuts have been coloured. 59 ^sopi Fabulse et Vita, Germanice, with very curious and highly spirited wood-cuts, folio, h. b. neat, extremely rare, 31. 3s. {Slrasburg, Pruss, mccccxciii.) 60 .iEsopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. ^io. fine clean copy, vellum, extremely rare, 31. 3s. Regii, per Dionys. Bertochum, mccccxcvii. *^* This excessively rare and interesting impression of the fables of ^sop, appears to be very little known. Bruuet is almost the only bibliographer by whom it is mentioned, and he contents himself with calling it " fort rare.'' 01 iEsopi Vita et Fabulae, Graece, cura. Gabr. Bracii, wanting the last three leaves, 4to. scarce, Is. 6d. Venetiis, mccccxcviii. *** An elegantly printed Greek volume, of no common occurrence. 62 iEsopi Vita et Fabellse, Graece, cum Aldi Manutii Interpreta- tione Latina e Regione. Gabriae Fabellae XLIII. Gr. et Lat. 4to. in old stamped binding, very rare, 2l. 2s. Lovanii, Theod. Martinus, 1517 *^* " This book I preserved and beautified, not only as a pretty edition of ^sop, but for the curiosity and antiquity of the binding, which appears to have been the work of Julian Notary, printer and bookseller, who, according to Ames, flourished from 1499 to 1518, and perhaps longer." — MS. Note. The initials of Julian Notary are impressed on the sides. 63 jEsopi Fabuloe Laur. Abstemii Fabulse, ejusdem Libellus de Verbis Communibus, 4to. fine copy, neat, 10s. 6d. Venet. 1519 64 ^sopi Fabulae, item Gul. Goudani, Barlandi, Erasmi, Auli Gellii, L. Vallae, Politiani, etc. Argent. 1527. — Epitome Chi- liadum Adagiorum Erasmi, per Hadr. Barlandum, Colonics, 1527, in 1 vol. Svo. in the original binding, 6s. CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 7 65 ^sopi Fabuljc cum Interpretatione Vulgari, Lat. et. Ital. very curious and spirited nood-cuts, ito. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. - - Brixice, 1522 6C i^sopiis Leben und Fabeln : tnit sampt den Fabeln Aviani, Aldefonsi, und etlichen schimffreden Pogii Darzun ufTzuge schoner fabeln und exempeln Doct. Scbast. Brant, &c. with numerous spirited and extremely curious nood-cuts, 4 to. rare, M.Ws.Gd. - - - Frctjburg,\53d 67 i^isopi Fabellae, Flomeri Batracbomyomachia, Museusde Krone et Leandro, Galeomyomacbia, De fabula ex imaginibus Philo- strati, etc. Gr. et Lat. ^vo. fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges, scarce, 1/. Is. - ^eneiiis, J. Farreus, 1543 68 ^sopi Fabulae, cum Interpretatione Vulgari, Latine et Italice, curious and spirited nood-cuts, 4to.Jine copy, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. 6d. Milano, 1554 69 ^sop. — Vita de Esopo Hystoriata, nith curious and spirited nood-cuts, 8vo. vellum, very rare edition, ll. lis. 6d. senza nota %* Apparently unknown to bibliographers. 70 iEsop. — Facetta Essemplar, et ben Instituta Vita de Esopo di novo revista, e corretta, Lat. et Ital. 7vith many spirited nood- cuts, Svo.Jinc copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 1/. Is. Venet. per Mallheo Pagan, s. a. 71 ^sop. — Fabule di Esopo, Latin and Italian, with the Morals, numerous nood-cuts, Svo.Jine copy, h. b. neat, scarce edition, IBs. - - - Venetiis, Bindonis, \55'^ 72 ^sopo, Vida y Fabulas, cuts, 12mo. vellum, 4s. Plantin, 1G07 7J ^-sopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. edd item, quas Avienus carmine ex- pressit, accedit Ranarum et Murium Pugna, Gr. et Lat. cuts, 12mo. vellum, 4s. - - Amst. 1(560 74 ^sopo, Vida y Fabulas Exeraplares traducidas en rimas Castel- lenas por Antonio de Arfe y Villafaiie, curious cuts, Svo.fine copy, morocco elegant, gill edges, rare, IBs. Sevilla, 1682 75 iEsopus. — Moralitatum Carmina Elegantis Esopi, 4to. neat, rare, 1 8s. - - - si)ie anno aut loco 76 ^sopus Moralisatus, cum bono commento, 4to. Jine copy, very neat, scarce, 15s. - - mcccclxxxix. 77 ^sopus Moralisatus, cum bono commento, nith curious nood- cut title, 4to. very neat, scarce, 12s. - mccccxciv. 78 ^sopus Moralisatus, cum bono commento, curious wood-cut, 4to. rare, 15s. - Daventrice, per J, de Breda, 1502 79 ^sopus Moralisatus, cum bono commento et glosa interlineari, 4to. Jine copy, neat, scarce, 18s. - - 1508 80 ^thiopicce Literae, scriptse ab ipsomet Patriarcha jEthiopiaj R. P. Alphonso Mendez ad Mutium Vitellescum Praepositum Generalem Soc. Jesu, Mechlinicc, 1628. — Theatrum Japonien- sis Constantiae, qua supra centum octodecim illustrissimi Mar- tyres atrocissimis suppliciis excruciati, anno 1622, pro fide Christi per ignem et gladium et quam coronam gloriae repor- taverunt, Bruxellis, 1624, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. morocco, scarce, 7s. 6d. 8 THOMAS Thorpe's 81 Af Bceldinge Der Coningliinne Elyzabeth : dcs Conicks Jacobi VI. : Der Coninginnc Annze syner vrouwe : ende Henrici Fre- deric! des Princen van Wallia, 4to. vellum, Gs. Amst. 1604 82 Africannm Systema; or, a Treatise, Discovering the Intrigues and Arbitrary Proceedings of the Guiney Company, and also how prejudicial they are to the American Planters, the Trade of England, &c. by W. Wilkinson, 4to. served, 5s. 1690 S3 Africa. — Proceedings of the Associations for Promoting the Dis- covery of the Interior of Africa, ma^J, 8vo. h. h. neat, Ss, 1791 84 Africa. — Coup d'CEil Rapide sur les Progrez et I'Etat Actuel des Descouvertes dans I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, 8vo. sewed, Ss. 1824 85 Agapeti Diaconi Opusculum de Officio Regis, ad Justinianum Ca'sarem, Gr. et Lat. Bvo. first edition, very scarce, \5s. Venetiis, Calliergus, 1509 *^* " Edition la plus ancienne et la plus rare que I'on ait de ce petit traite." — Brunei. 86 Agrippse (H. C.) de Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum et Artium atque excellentia Verbi Dei Declamatio, 4to. fine copy, vellum, gilt edges, scarce, 15s. - Antverpice, 1530 *** " This edition is rare. It was condemned by the Council of Sorbonne ia 1531, for containing a Lutheran doctrine. All the later editions are mutilated." 87 Agrippa's Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Arts and Sciences, Eng- lished by James Sandford, Gent. iio. fine copy, in the original vellum wrapper, 10s. 6d. - - 1575 88 Aikin's (John) Poems, large paper, 8vo. uncut, 5s. 1791 89 Aikin (John) and the Rev. W. Enfield's General Biography, or Lives, Critical, and Historical, of the most eminent Persons of all Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions, 10 vols. 4to. h. b. russia, 41. 4s. - - 1799-1815 *.;»* Sold in Hollis's sale for 12Z. 90 Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin, with Additions by Morell, 2 vols. 4to. «ea<, 12*. - - 1773 91 Aiolpho del Barbicone disceso della nobile Stirpe de Rinaldo ; el quale tracta delle battaglie da poi la morte de Re Carlo Magno, et come conquisto Candia, et come Mirabello suo figlivolo fu facto Imperatore de Constantinopoli, &c. wood-cuts, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco, gilt edges, 51. 5s. Milano, 1519 *** A poetical romance of extreme rarity. See Quadrio IV. p. 586. This copy was purchased in Goldsmid's sale for Gl. 5s. 92 Aislabie (Rt. Hon. John) Case, Tryal at large in both Houses of Parliament, with his Speeches upon his Defence, and against Raising Money upon the Estates of the South Sea Directors, with Kemarks upon a Scandalous Libel, called, A Vindication of the Honour and Justice of Parliament, S:c.fiour tracts, 4to. sewed, 4s. 6d. - - - 1721 93 Alanus Metricus in Parabolis cum optima cxpositione, 4to. fine copy, vellum, lare, 1 5s. Colon. Quentell, MD. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 9 94 Alardi Ilaeretici Descriptio, raqiie juxta omncs locos Rodolplii Agricolas de inventione dialecticue, Satingiaci, 1539. — De fugiendu Consuetudine Hacreticaruin Oratio Paraenetica ad Catholicos per Arnoldum Mermannium, Lovanii, 1564. — De Sacrilegiorum vindictis et poem's quibus Deus eos vindicavit qui praeter jus, fas et fpquitatem, Ecclesiastica bona temere occu- parunt, et Basilicas ac Monasteria spoliarunt, 1565, in 1 vol. 8vo. a scarce collection, 7s. 6d. 95 Alardi Dissertaiiunculae ties breves ac pernecessariiE, contra prcecipuum fundamentum hujus temporis hoereticorum, 12mo. Ss. _ _ . Antverv). 1541 96 Albertani Causidici Brixiensis, Liber de doctrina loquendi et tacendi, ad instructionem filiorum suorum compositus, 4to. very scarce, 5s. - Colonice, apud Lilstryrchen, s. a. 97 Albertani Liber de doctrina loquendi et tacendi, another edition, 4:\.o. fine copy, scarce, 4s. Colonice, MCCCCLXXXVIL 98 Albertiana Bibliotheca sive Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Joannis Alberti, priced by ike late R. Heber, Esq. 8vo. h. b. vellum, 5s. 6d. - Lugd. Bat. 1763 99 Alberti de Ferrariis, Tractatus de horis canonicis dicendis, 4to. scarce, 3s. - {/Antwerp. Math. Goes) circa mccccxc. 100 Alberti Magni de Natura locorum liber, mira eruditione, et sin- gulari fruge refertus, Ato.Jine copy., neat, \2s. Argent. 1515 101 Albini, Theologorura, suae aetatis doctissimi, in Ecclesiasten Commentaria, 8\o. fine copy, very neat, sd. Ss. Basilece, 1531 ♦,* With interesting dedication to John Longland, Bishop of Lincoln. 102 Alchabitius, cum Commento, Aio.fine copy of this very curious nork, rare, 7s. Qd. Venetiis, per Jo. et Greg, de Gregoriis, 1502 *,* " Rare et recherchee.'' — Brunei. 103 Alciati (Andreae) de formula Romani Imperii libellus, accesse- runt Dantis de Monarchia, lib. IIL Chronica Jordanis, &c. Jirst edition, 8vo. neat, 5s. - - Basil. 1559 104 Alciati F.mb\emaia, wood-cuts, 8vo. original binding, gilt leaver, 185 - - - Franco/. 1567 *^* The original possessor of this volume, Nicodemus Schwebelius, has made it his Album, and it contains numerous distichs, with signatures of distinguished literati at Tubingen, a town in Suabia, in the duchy of Wirtemberg. 105 Alcinoi Sermo Doctrinalis de Dogmatibus Platonis, Graece, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, from Renouard's collection, lOs. 6d. - Venetiis, Sabio, 1535 106 Alcorani Suratarum Decimae-Quartae, et Decimae-Quintas, Textus Originalis opera et studio Jo. G. Nisselii, 4to. 2s. Lugd. Bat. 1655 107 Alcyonii (Petri) Medices Legatus, de Exsilio, 4to. a most beau- tiful copy, if not large paper, in the original limp vellum, 18s. Venel. Aldus, 1522 108 Aleandri (Hieronymi) Tabulae, etiam selecti aliquot Luciani Dialogi, cum aliis nonnuUis, Greece, 4to. scarce, 3s. Lovanii, Th. Martin, 1523 C 10 THOMAS Thorpe's 109 Alcman Orlografia Castellana, portrait, iio. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - - Mexico, \Q()9 *,* Excessively rare, and one of the most interesting of the early productions of the South American press. Unkuown to Brunei. 110 Alembert siir la Destruction des Jesuites en France, 1765. — Memoir of Voltaire. — Eloge de Milord Marechal, Berlin, 1779, in one vol. Svo. h. h. neat, 4s. Qd. 111 Alexander Magnus. — Die Historic dat Leven ende dat Re- giment des alte grootsten end machtichsten Conine Alexan- ders, Aio. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, fi/. 6s. Del/ in Hollant, MCCCCLXXIX. *^* An extremely rare edition of this popular romance, apparently unknown to most bibliographers, being earlier than the first Belgian edition mentioned by Panzer. 112 Alexandri Magni Regis Macedoniae Historia de Preliis, folio, Jitie copy, 21. I2s. 6d. - /i rgent. mcccclxxxvi. *^* A very rare edition of this curious romance. 113 Alexandri Aphrodisei, super nonnullis Physicis Quaestionibus Solutionum Liber, item Plutarchi Amatoriae Narrationes, Ang. Politiano interp. curious nood-cut border, apparently by Hans Holbein, Aio. Jine copy, As. 6d. - Basilece, 1520 114 Alexandri Aphrodisei Problemata, Gr. et Lat. Joannis Daviani studio illustrata, Svo. nt. a very scarce edit. 5s, Parisiis, 1541 115 Alexandri Macedonis, quondam illius Magni Regis ad Aristote- lem prseceptorem de Rebus Indice Mirabilibus, Epistola, Paris 1537. — Anton. Goveani Epigrammata, Ejusdem Epistolse IV. Lugduni, 1540. — OdoB Sacra; Variis Carminum Generi- bus conscriptas, Authore Jo. Blacco, Dano, Parisiis, 1549. — Doctissimorum Italorum Ant. Flaminii et aliorum Epigram- mata, ib. per Nicol. Divilem, s. a. in one vol. 8vo. Jine copies, very neat, 11. 8s. *^* The first is a very curious and uncommonly rare tract, being unknown to all bibliographers. Brunet mentions Goveauus as a translator only; the present work, and the Odse Sacrse, being unknown to him. The epigrams of Flaminio' and others, sold in the Crevenna sale for 31 francs. 116 Alexander VII. (Life of Pope) with Description of his Funeral and Elegies, also a relation of the Ceremonies performed at the Creation and Coronation of Pope Clement IX. and a Catalogue of the Cardinals, by P. A. Gent, portrait, 4to. 4s. 6c?. 1667 117 Aleyn's (Charles) Historie of that Wise and Fortunate Prince, Henry VIL in verse, portrait by Marshall, Svo. in the original binding, 18s. - - - - 1638 118 Alfonsi Arragonum Regis et aliorum illustrium virorum Mar- garita Facetiarum, &c. ; Mars. Ficini de sole opusculum : Herm. Barbari Orationes: FacetiaR AdelphinjE, 4to. Jine copy, vellum, very scarce, 12s. - Argent. 1508 119 Alfonsi Zamorensis, Introductiones Artis Grammaticae Hebra- icso, 4:to.Jinc copy, neat, very rare, ll. 5s. Compluti, 1526 *ji5* Printed with the same type, and at the same press, as that monument of labour and learning, the celebrated Polyglott Bible of Cardinal Ximeues. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 11 120 Algarottiis. — De Vita et Scriptis Francisci Algarotti Coinmen- tarius, portrait, Svo. boards, uncut, 2s. Gd. Luccc, 1771 121 Algiers. — Apercu Historique et Statistique sur la Kegence d'AIgier, intitule en Aiabe le Miroir, par Sidy Hamdan-Ben- Othnian Khoja, fils de I'Ancicn Secretaire d'Etat (Makatayy) de la Kegence d'Alger, traduit de I'Arabe par H. D****, Oriental, Svo. sewed, Is. 6d. . Paris., 18^53 *^* A very interesting work. 122 All the Talents ; a Satirical Poem in four Dialogues, to which is added, a Pastoral Epilogue by Polypus, 1807. — All the Talents' Garland, comprising various Poetical jeux d'esprit, epigrams, &c. no title, in 1 vol, Svo. h. b. neat, 5s. 123 Allacci (Leone) Poeti Antichi Raccolti da Codici MSS. della Biblioteca Vaticana, e Barberina, dedicati alia Accademia della Fucina, Svo. Jine copy, very rare. It. Is. Napoli, 1C61 124 Alle's ('i'homas) Narration of the truth of some particulars in Edwards's Gangraeana, concerning one Nichols, an Anabap- tist, some Opinions he maintained to Master Greenhill, and a Discourse that passed between Greenhill and Burroughs, upon those opinions, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. - 1646 125 Allen (W.J Killing no Murder, 1689. — Fatal Consequences of Ministerial Influence, 1736. — Letter on the Motion for settling 100,000/. per annum on the Prince of Wales, 1736, — Review of what passed between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, relating to our Trade and Navigation, 1739. — Considerations on affairs at home and abroad, 1739. — Further Considerations on ditto, 1739. — Observations on the Decla- ration of War against Spain, 1739. — Considerations on the Management of the late Secret Expeditions, and the Conduct of the Court of France, 1740. — The Groans of Germany, or the Enquiry of a Protestant German into the original cause of the present distractions of the empire, 1741. — Proper answer to the By-stander, 1742. — Letter on the Conduct of the War with Spain, 1742. — Vindication of the Case of the Hanover Troops, 1743. — Review of the present troubles in Germany, the conduct of the Generals now in the Field, the Battle of Dettingen, 1743. — German Politicks, or the modern system examined and refuted, 1744, in one large vol. Svo. boards, uncut, 7s. 6d. 126 Allen's (W.) Killing No Murder, fit for Publick View, to deter and prevent tyrants from usurping Supreme Power, 4to. sewed, 35. - - - - 1708 127 Alien (Thomas) Catalogue of his curious, elegant, and very va- luable library, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, large paper, with the prices, royal Svo. h. b. neat, scarce, I8s, 1795 128 Allix (Peter) Remarks upon some Places of Mr. Whiston's Books, Printed and Manuscript, with Answer to Mr. Whis- ton's Reply, Svo. sewed, 3s. Gd. - 1711 *^* Presentation copy from the author to Uishop Siualbroke. 12 THOMAS Thorpe's 129 AUix's (Peter) Discourse concerning Penance, 4to. served^ 3s. 1688 ISO Alliaco (Petri de) Cardinalis Cameracensis Meditationes in Septem Psalmos Poenitentiales, double anchor device on title, 12mo.Jine copy, very scarce, 7s. Paris, per Nicol. Divitem, ad insigne Aldi, 1548 131 Almee (Eilardi) Bellum Giganteum, Poema, Heidelbergce, 1588. — Brevis Oratiuncula, de Vita et Morte Eilardi Almae, Poetae, 1587, in one vol. 4to. vellum, scarce, 12s. 132 Almenar (Joannis) Hispani, Opusculum perutile de curatione Morbi Gallici ; Nicolai Leoniceni de curatione Morbi Gallici, 8vo. scarce, 3s. - - Lugduni, 1529 133 Alphabetum Graecum etLat. Antv. 1525. — Precatio Dominica, per Erasmum, ib. 1531. — Paedologia Petri Mosellani, &c. ib. 1 525, in one vol. 8vo. scarce collection, 7s. 6d. 134 Alpheniana Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum quibus usus est Daniel van Alphen, priced, 8vo. 7it. 6s. Lugd. Bat. 1779 *jif* A very extensive and valuable collection, containing a great mass of useful and learned books in the Greek, Latin, and Dutch languages. 135 Alpinus (Prosper) de Praesagienda Vita et Morte ^grotantiunti, portrait, 4to. hoards, uncut, 5s. Venet. sub signo Aldi, 1735 *jjf* Purchased by the late Bishop of Lichfield, for II. lis. 6d. 136 Altenstaig (Jo.) Vocabularius vocum quas in Opere Gramma-!' tice plurimarum continentur brevis et vera interpretatio, 4to. 5s. Fhorce, 1511 137 Altenstaig (Jo.) Mindelhaimensis Vocabularius, vocum quae in opere Grammatico plurimorum continentur brevis et vera in- terpretatio, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. Argent. Prusz, 1515 138 Altissimo. — Libro de Reali de M. Cristoforo Fiorentino detto Altissimo, Poeta Laureato, cantato da lui all' improvise, first edition, 4to. vellum, 21. 2s. Vineggia, per Gio. Ant. de Nicolini de Sabio, 1534 %* This very rare volume is a metrical version, in ottavarima, of the Romance of the Paladins of France : the prose is well known under the title of Le Reali de franza. Sold in Mr. Hibbert's sale for Zl.Zs. 139 Altobello. — Libro di Battaglia de li Baroni di Francia, sotto el nome dello Ardito et Gagliardo Giouine Altobello ; nel quai molte Battaglie et degne Cose si possono vedere, blcick (tttcr, wood-cuts, printed in double columns, 8vo. very fine and clean copy, morocco, gilt edges, 31. 3s. Venetia, per Bartholomeo detto V Imperador, 1556 *jit* The Metrical Romance of the story of the renowned warrior Altobello, is in high estimation among the lovers of that kind of literature. Besides the life and exploits of this hero, it comprises, likewise, the extraordinary deeds of king Tiojano his brother, of Charlemagne, as well as of Orlando, Rinaldo, and the other Paladins. This edition is in the Florentine dialect, and is very scarce, being unknown to most bibliographers. The one printed in the year 1481 is ia the Venetian dialect, and, therefore, every edition is almost a distinct work. 140 Alunno (Francesco) Ricchczze della Lingua Volgarc, folio, large copy, \Qs.Qd. Vinegia, Figlivoli di Aldo, 1543 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 13 141 Alva (Duke of). — Libellus Sopplex Imperatoriae Majestati caeterisque Sacri Imperii Electoribus Principibus, atque Ordinibus, nomine Belgarum ex Inferiori Germania, Evan- gelicae Religionis causa per Albani Ducis tyrannidem ejecto- rem in comitiis Spirensibus exhibitus, Hvo.frie copy, extremely rare, \l. 5s. - Londini ap. Joannem Datum, 1571 *^* This very interesting voliime is apparently not mentioned by Ames nor Herbert, uor in the Bibliographer's Manual. 142 Alvari (Eman.) Regulae de Syllabarum Quantitate, cultiores multo et auctiores quam antea editae ; his accedit Ars Metrica, etc. Opera et Studio Ludov. Vaslet, large paper, 8vo. neat, \2s. Lond. 1730 *^* Dedication copy to William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire. A very valuable grammatical treatise. Sold in Rev. T. Williams's sale for II. 19s. 143 Amadis van Gaule, sone vanden Koninc Perion ende der Koninghinne Helizene : inhoudende syne gheboorte ende opvoedinghe als ooc syne groote feyten van Wapenen ende Wonderliicke avontueren, 21 books, with numerous wood-cuts, 7 vols. 4to. vellum, very scarce, 1 1. l\s. 6d. Rotterdam, 1619-24 144 Amadis of Greece, surnamed the Knight of the Burning Sword, a Romance, useful and pleasant, blacfe letter, 4to. h. h. neat, 18s - - - 169t 145 Amasaei (Romuli) Panegyricus Sermo G. Sauromanno Bonon. Gymnasiarchatus suscipienti Insignia pro Scholastico Con- ventu, 4to. scarce, 2s. Qd. - Bonon. 1513 146 Ambertani (Hugonis) Silvae celebratissimam Francisci Magni Valesii in Helveticos Victoriam, cantatissima Caroli VIII. et Lodovici XII. Prcelia (quibus bellacissimus Jacobus Chaban- nus eques auratus Francise Marescalcus fortiter ac trium- phantissime interfuerit) necnon strenuissimi equitis aurati comensis prefecti et religiosissimi Aniciensis Ecclesise antistitis preconia complexso, 8vo. vellum, very scarce, 12s. Paris. Gourmont, 1518 *,* An extremely scarce and curious volume, containing among others, " Lachrymosi MaricB Anglicana Lodovico Gallorum Regi XII. nuptae anno 1513, Reginaj trimestris Epistola Dominas Alenconiaj ab eadem data succincte complexi." 147 America. — Die new Welt, der Landschaften, und Insulen, so bis hie her alien alten Weltbeschrybern unbekant, Jungst aber von den Portugalesern, und Hispaniern im Nidergenglichen meer herfunden, &c. folio, h. b. russia, rare, 31. 13s. 6d. Strassburg, 1534 •»* The above interesting volume contains the voyages of Columbus, Vespu- cius, Cadamosto, Peter Martyr, Varthcma, Burcard, Aliaris, Hathon, Marco Polo, and others. 148 America. — The Profession of the Faith of Mr. J. D., some- times Preacher of St. Steven's, Coleman Street, made pub- liquely before the Congregation, at his admission into one of the Churches of God, in New England, in Twenty several Heads, 4to. 3i. 6(/. - - 1(343 14 THOMAS Thorpe's 149 America. — One Hundred and twenty-three privately PRINTED Papers (of nearly equal rarity to MSS. from the few Copies executed, and the great care taken BY the Spanish Government that no Copies escaped into other hands than their own officers), and Fifty- three Original Manuscript Documents. The present Collection formed those addressed to the Court of Spain by the Council appointed for the Government of the Spanish Settlements in America, &c. to which THEY relate, AND COMPRISE A COMPLETE HiSTORY OF THEM FROM 1600 to 1G22 INCLUSIVE, in 2 vols, folio, old red morocco, with the Colbert Arms on the sides, 21/. 1600-22 *^* The above collection of one hundred and seventy-five official documents is probably unique, and can only be appreciated by inspection. Tbey comprise nil the decrees and orders of the council, accompanied by an original map of Feru, Chili, Nicaragua, and New Spain, the adjacent islands and coasts, rivers, 6;c. by which it is bounded, including Mexico, Florida, La Plata or Paraguay, Panama, Brazils, Honduras, ^c. ^c. showing the forts, ^c. necessary to he erected for the securinq of these countries to the kingdom of Spain, which are most mimitely stated by the official draughtsman F. Antonio Vasquese, the whole in his autograph. 'I'hey ought to be preserved in some public library. 150 America. — The Danger of Desertion ; or a Farewell Sermon of Mr. Thomas Hooker, on his departure for New England, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. - - - 1641 151 America. — Jo. de Laet, de Origine Gentium Americanarum, 8vo. vellum, 4s. 6d. - - Paris. 1G43 152 America. — Church Government and Church Covenant dis- cussed, in an Answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New England, to thirty-two Questions sent over to them by divers Ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein, together with an Apologie of the said Elders in New England for Church Covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the year 1639 ; as also an Answer to Nine Posi- tions about Church Government, 4:X.o. fine copy, scarce, 10s. Gd. 1643 153 America. — Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches, by Richard Mather, Teacher of the Church at Dorchester, and William Tompson, Pastor of the Church at Braintree, in New England, ^io. fine copy, scarce, 8$. Gd. » 1C43 154 America. — Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruine of the Antinomians, Familists, and Libertines, that infected the Churches of New England, together with the Lamentable Death of Mrs. Hutchison, &c. by T. Welde, 4to. a very scarce and interesting tract, \Qs.Qd. - 1644 155 America. — The way of the Churches of Christ in New Eng- land, containing a full declaration of the Church way in all particulars by Mr. J. Cotton, Teacher of the Church at Boston, in New England, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 10s. 6d. 1645 156 America. — Narration of the Practices of the Churches in New England, ito.Jlnc copy, scarce, 7s.6d. - 1645 CATALOGUE OF LOOKS. 15 157 America. — Relation du Groenland, inap and plate, 8vo. neat, scarce, 8s. Gd. - - Paris, 1647 158 America.' — The Simple Cobler of Aggavvam, in America, willing to help mend liis Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in upper leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take, &c. 4to, served, scarce, fine copy, 10s. Gd. 1G47 159 America. — Reply to Mr. Rutherford, or Defence of the Answer to Mr. Herles Booke, against the Independency of Churches, by Richard Mather, Teacher to the Church of Dorchester in New England, 4to. served, fine copy, 12*. 1647 160 America. — The way of Congregational Churches cleared from the Aspersions of Mr. R. Baylie and Mr. Rutherford, by John Cotton, Preacher at Boston, in New England, 4to. fine copy, served, scarce, 15s. - - 1648 161 America. — An Endeavour after the reconcilement of that long debated and much lamented difference between the Presby- terians and Independents, about Church Government, in a Discourse touching the Jews' Synagogue, attributed to John Cotton, of New England, 4to.Jine copy, 10s. 6c?. 1648 162 America. —The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, in Letters from Mr. John Eliot, Mr. T. Mayhew, Preachers in New England, with Appendix of Observations and Applications by J. D., published by Edw. Winslow, 4to. sewed, 10s. Gd. - - 1649 163 America. — The Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience in Matters of Religion, truly stated by John Cotton, of Bos- ton, in New England, 4to. sewed, scarce, 8s. Gd. 1649 164 America. — Perfect Description of Virginia, with Narration of the manner how the Emperor Nichotawance came to Sir William Bcrckley, attended with Five Petty Kings, to do homage and bring tribute to King Charles, 4to. rare, ll. Is. 1649 165 America. — Williams's (Edw.) Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia in general, but the South part thereof in particular, including fertile Carolana, and no less fertile Island of Roanoak, richly and experimentally valued, 4:to, Jine copy, very neat, scarce, 18s. 1650 166 America.— Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinannce, by John Cotton, Teacher of the Church at Boston, in New England, 4to. sc7ved, 12s - - - 1650 167 America. — A Farther Discovery of the present State of the Indians in New England, manifested by Letters by such as preach to them there, published by Hen. Whitlield, Pastor to the Church of Guildford, in New England, 4to. sewed, 10s. Gd. 1651 168 America. — Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gospel amoung the Indians in New England, in sundry Letters from diverse Ministers and others, published by Hen. Whitfield, Pastor of Gilford, in New England, 4to. served, IDs. Gd. - - 1652 16 THOMAS Thorpe's 169 America. — Animadversions on a Plea for Non-Scribcrs, by Ephraim Elcock, 4to. sewed, 7s. - 1651 170 America. —The Doctrines of the Arminians and Pelagians truly stated and clearly answered, by T. Whitfield, Minister of Burbrook in Northamptonshire, in New England, 4to. served, Cs. - - 1652 171 America.' — The Shepherds Wandrings discovered, in a Revin- dication of the great Ordinance of God ; Gospel Preachers, and Preaching, in Reply to Sheppard's Peoples Priviledges, &c. by John Collings, Preacher of the Gospel at Norwich in New England, ^io.Jine copy, sewed, \5s. 1652 172 America. — A Congregational Church is a Catholic Visible Church, or an Examination of Mr. Hudson's Vindication, concerning the Integrity of the Catholic Visible Church, wherein also satisfaction is given to what Mr. Cawsey writes touching that subject, in his Review of Hooker's Survey of Church Discipline, by S. Stone, Teacher to the Church at Hartford, in New England, 4to. 5s. - 1652 173 America. — The knowledge of Christ indispensably required of all Men that would be saved ; or Demonstrative Proofs from Scripture that Jesus is the Christ, wherein the Types, Prophe- sies. Genealogies, Miracles, Humiliation, Exaltation, and the Mediatorial Office of Christ are opened and applied, in sundry Sermons on Acts ii. 36, by John Davenport, Pastor to the Church of Christ at New-Haven in New England, 4to. scarce, 10*. 6d. - - 1653 174 America. — Tears of Repentance, or a further Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, setting forth their present State and Condition, with Con- fessions of Sin by diverse of the said Indians, &c. related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, 4to. sewed, 12s. 1653 175 America. — Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gos- pel amongst the Indians in New England, in a Narrative of the Examination of the Indians, by the Elders of the Church, related by Mr. John Eliot, 4to. sewed, 8s. 6d. 1655 176 America. — Censure of Mr. John Cotton, lately of New England, upon the way of Mr. Hendon, of Bennenden, in Kent, ex- pressed in some Animadversions of his upon a Letter of Mr. Hendon's, &c. 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. - 1656 177 America. — The Life and Death of Mr. John Cotton, late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New England, 4to. sewed, 12*. - - 1658 178 America. — Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique, avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe, •portrait and many curious plates, 4to. neat, \Qs. 6d. Rotterdam, 1659 179 America. — God's call to his People to turn unto Him ; together with His Promise to turn unto them, open and applied in two Sermons, by John Davenport, Pastor to the first Church of Christ, at Boston, in New England, 4to.Jine copy, very scarce, 10s. Gd, - Cambridge, in New England, 1669 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 17 180 America. — Petition and Address of ilic General Court sitting at Boston in New Enirland, unto the High and Mighty Prince Charles II. 4to. sewed, scarce, \0s. 6d. - 1G(J0 151 America. — De Originibus Amrricanis Dissertatio, procside Jo. Henr. Horbio, a Godofredo Wagnero, 4to. scarce, \0s. C)d. Lipsice, ICG 9 152 America. — Serious Exhortation to tlie present and succeeding Generation in New England, earnestly calling upon all to en- deavour that the Lord's gracious presence mav be continued with Posterity, being the substance of the last Sermons preached by Eleazar Mather, late Pastor of the Church in Northampton, in New England, 4to. very scarce, 8s. 6d. Cambridge, in Nerv England, 1671 *^* Presentation copy to Mr. Kath. Mather. 183 America. — Account of the Province of Carolina in America, with Abstract of the Patent, and several other useful particu- lars to such as have thoughts of transporting themselves thither, by Sam. Wilson, 4to. neat, scarce, 18,v. - 1682 184 America. — Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida, by the Spaniards, with Journey of the Emperour of China into Tartary, in 1682, Avith Discoveries made by the Spaniards in California, Svo. neat, scarce, 10s. Gd. - 1G8G 185 America. — De Philosophia Canadensium Populi in Atnerica, Septentrional! Balbutiente, Dissertatio, quam Introductioni in Philosophiam publicis lectionibus aggrediendae pisemittit et simul Auditores humaniter invitat Jonas Conradus Schrammius, 4to. an interesting and scarce tract, \Qs. 6d. Helmesiadii, 1707 186 America.— The Case of the Poor Distressed Planters, and other Inhabitants of the Islands of Nevis and St. Christophers, in America, by the French Invasion, with Grant made by this Country for their Relief, folio, single sheet, 3s. 1709 187 America. — Case of the Island of Jamaica, in relation to their Privateers, the high duties of Prize Goods in America, folio, single sheet, 2s. - - 1710 188 America. — Letter to a Member of Parliament on the Settling a Trade to the South Sea of America, 8vo. uncut, 25. 1711 189 America. — Narrative of the Method and Success of Inoculating the Small Pox in New England, by Mr. Benjamin Colman, with Reply to the Objections made against it from Principles of Conscience, Svo. sened, 4a-. - 1722 190 America. — Assiento; or. Contract for allowing Subjects of Great Britain the Liberty of Importing Negroes into the Spanish America, 4to. sened, Ss. - 1 72G 191 America. — Lacy's Prophetical Warnings, 1707; Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton and the Neighbouring Towns and Villages of New Hampshire in New England, in a Letter to Dr. Colman of Boston, 1 738 ; Extract of the Rev. John Wesley's Journal, Bristol, by Felix Farley, 1749, in one vol. 12mo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. D 18 THOMAS Thorpe's 192 America. — Case of the British Colonies in North America, their Produce, Trade, &c. foHo, sewed, 3s. Gd. (1731) 193 America. — Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, with regard to the Trade of Great Britain, by B. Martin, 4to. served, 3s. - - 1733 194 America. — Concise History of Spanish America, a Relation of the Discovery and Settlement of its Colonies, with description of Paraguay, &c. 8vo. veat, 5s. - - 1741 195 America. — The African Trade, the great Pillar and .Support of the British Plantation Trade in America, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1745 1 9G America. — General Idea of the College of Mirania, with Sketch of the Method of Teaching Science and Religion in the several Classes, with some Account of its Rise, Establishment, and Buildings, published with a View of Establishing a College in New York, 4to. seived, 3s. C)d. New York, 1753 197 America. — Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College, in New Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut, by T. Clap, A.M. President of the said College, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. 6d. - New London, in America, 1754 198 America. — The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, Svo. 3s. - - 1757 199 America. — Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novos Anglos, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, \2s. Bostoni Massachusettensium, 1761 *^* A volume of Greek, Latin, and English poems, by members of Harvard College, Cambridge, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, upon the accession of King George III. to the throne of England. 200 America. — Oration in Commemoration of the Founders of William and Mary College, delivered on the Anniversary of its Foundation, by E. Randolph, 4to. sewed, 3s. Williamsburg, 1771 201 America. — Ditto, on the same occasion and subject, by W. Leigh, 4to. sewed, 3s. - ih. 1771 202 America. — Ditto, on the same occasion and subject, by J. Madison, 4to. sewed, 3s. - ib. 1772 203 America. — Ditto, on the same occasion and subject, by D. Stuart, 4to. sewed, Ss. - - ib. 1772 204 America. — Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements of North America, in 1759-60, with Observations on the Colonies, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1775 205 Am.erica. — Plain Question upon the present Dispute with our American Colonies, 12mo. sewed, 2s. - 1776 206 America. — Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government and Justice, and Policy of the War with America, by R. Price, D.D. Svo. served, 2s. 1776 207 America Pois'd in the Balance of Justice, 4to. sewed, with two plates, 2s. 6d. - - - 1776 208 America. — Thoughts on the present state of affairs with Ame- rica, and the Means of Conciliation, by W. Pultney, Esq. 8vo. Ss. - - - 1778 CATALOOUE OF BOOKS. 19 209 America. — Galloway's Letter to Lord Home, on his Naval Conduct in the American War, 1779. — Letters to a Noble- man, by the same, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, 1780. — Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq. Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, before the House of Commons, 1780. — Letters of Papinian, in which the conduct of the American Congress is examined, 1779, in one vol. Svo. very neat, G,v. Qd. 210 America, &c. — Observations on the Commerce of the Ameri- can States with Europe and the West Indies, by Lord Shef- field, 1783. — Examination of ditto, by Tench Coxe, Philadel- phia, 1791. — Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade, by Rev. T. Clarkson, 1788. — Horrors of the Negro Slavery existing in our West India Islands, 1805. — Harper's Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, 1798. — Lowe's Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies, 1807. — Corrie's Four Letters on the Duties on Coffee, Liverpool, 1807-8. — Moseley on the Properties and Effects of Coffee, 1792. — Facts and Observations relative to the Coinage and Circulation of Counterfeit or Base Money, 1795. — Playfair on the necessity of increasing the Circulating Medium, 1796. — Corrie's Letters on the subject of the Scottish Distillery Laws, Liverpool, 1796. — State of the Silk Manufac- ture of Spitalfields, 1807. — Sir John Sinclair's Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Blight, the Rust, and the Mil- dew, which have affected the Wheat on the Borders of Eng- land and Scotland, Edinburgh, 1809, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, \0s. (5d. 211 America. — Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, by T. Paine, 1791. — Letter to the Abbe Raynal on the affairs of North America, by T. Paine, 1791. — Letter to the Addressers on the late Proclamation, by T. Pairie, 1792, in one vol. Svo. half bound, neat, 5s. 212 America. — Message from the President of the United States, with Report of the Secretary of State, and sundry documents relative to the affairs of the United States, on the Mississipi, Intercourse with India, &c. 8vo. served, 2s. 6d. Philadelphia, 1798 213 America. — The British- American Treaty, an Appendix of State Papers, by General Morris, of New York, 1808. — Ob- servations on the American Treaty, by Thos. Courtenay, 1808. — Donnant's Statistical Account of the American States, by Playfair, 1805. — Concessions to America the Bane of Britain, by Marryatt, 1807. — Letter to W. Manning on the Depreci- ation of West India Property, 1807. — Effectual Remedy for the British West India Distresses, by Robley, 1807. — Lowe's Inquiry into the state of the British West Indies, 1807. — Radical Cause of the Distresses of the West India Planters, by W. Spence, 1S07. — Corrie's Letters on the Duties on Coffee, 1808, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, 7s. 6d. 20 THOMAS THORPES 214 America. — Examination of J. Galloway, Esq. Speaker of tne House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, before tlie House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with Notes, 8vo. sm-et/, 3*. - 1780 215 America. — View of the Climate anil Soil of the United States of America, with account of Florida, Canadian Colonies, Savage Natives, &c. by Volney, maps, 8vo. ver)j neat, 10s. Gd. 1804 216 America. — Obsefvations on the Pestilential Fever which pre- vailed in Philadelphia in 1793, 7, and 8, Svo. sewed, 2s. 1799 217 America. — Orders in Council and Instructions for Blockade, lie. issued between 10th Nov. 1807, and 1st Jan. 1808; and a View of the several Provisions thereof, 1808. — Orders in Council and the American Embargo beneficial to the Political and Commercial Interests of Great Britain, by Lord Sheffield, with manuscript additions, c^'C. 1809. — EfTects of the Conti- nental Blockade upon the Commerce, Finances, &c. of the British Islands, by Sir F. d'lvernois, also Observations on Mr. Newenham's View of the Natural and Commercial Cir- cumstances of Ireland, 1810. — Speech of James Stephen, Esq. upon the Overtures of the American Government, with Re- [ marks on the Order in Council, 1809. — Report to the Con- gress of the United States by the Secretary of the Treasury, 1808. — Letter from Mr. Pickering, upon a War between the United States and Great Britain, 1808. — Mr. Pickering's Speech in the Senate of the United States, on the Repeal of the Embargo Laws, 1808. — Mr. Gardinier's Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the state of their Foreign Relations, 1808. — Letters, signed Senex and A Farmer, on the conduct of the American Government towards France and Great Britain, Baltimore, 1809. — American Can- dour, an Analysis of the Correspondence between the United States and Great Britain and France, by J. liOwell. 1809. — Memoire sur les Relations Comnierciales des Etats-Unis avec I'Anglelerre, &c. par Talleyrand, 1808. — Sermon preached in Boston, by the Rev. Vv'. E. Channing, Boston, llJlO, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, veat, an interesting collection, \2s. 218 America. — Les Trois derniers Mois de I'Amerique Meridio- nale et du Bresil, par M. de Pradt, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Paris, 1817 219 America. — Judge Story's Address to the Members of the Suf- folk Bar, at their Anniversary, the 4th of Sept. 1821, at Bos- ton, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - Boston, in America, 1829 220 America. — I'ibliotheque Americaine, ou Catalogue des Ouv- rages relatifs a I'Anierique qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a I'an 1700, par H. 'Ternaux, large paper, 4to. sewed, uncut, 1/. Is. - - - Paris, 1837 *jjf* Only a few copies were printed on large paper. 221 Amerotii (Hadr.) Compendium Graecaj Grammaticae, 4to. half bound, neat, very scarce, I5s. Lovanii, Th. Martin, 15^0 ( ATAT.OGIJI': OF HOOKS. 21 222 Amersfoordt (Ilenrici) Specimen Litcrarum Inaugurale, exhi- hens Demosthenis Orationem de Symmoriis variis lectionibus Annotatione perpetiia instructum, sive Disputatio de Atlieni- ensiiim Symmoriis, 4to. sewed, 4s. Litgd. Hat. 1821 223 Ames's Typographical Antiquities, or Historical Account of Printing in England, 4to. half hound, nissia, 2l, 2s. 1749 *j^* An interesting copy, forinerlj' belonging to \V. Buyntum, Esq. who has marked the books he possessed noticed by Ames, and noticed those he possesses not. To those collectors acquainted with his singularly curious library, it would be superlluous to speak of the interest of this volume. 224 Ames's Typographical Antiquities, containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of Books printed by them, from 1471 to IGOO, augmented by Herbert, /arge 'paper,S vols. 4to. Tussia, 51. 5s, - 1785 %* A most interesting copy, being illustrated by the late Jos. Haslewood, Esq. ■with numerous additions, comprising accounts, manuscript and printed, of nu- merous books of extreme rarity, unknown to Ames or Herbert, with notices of the prices many produced in some of the sales in which they had occurred, curious particulars relating to various libraries, sales, &c. 225 Amraonii HermicE in quinque Voces Porphyrii Commentaria Greece, edita a Jo. Bern. Feliciano, 8vo. in old red morocco, from Croft's and Bp. liandoljylis libraries, 8s. Venet. sumptu Sesscc, 1545 226 Ammonius de adfinium Vocabulorum differentia, accedunt Opuscula nondum edita, De Differentia Significationis, De Figuris Grammaticis, De Solecismo et Barbarismo, De Spi- ritibiis Dictionum, edidit L. C. Valckenaer, collated with an ancient manuscript, and with MS. notes by the late Bishop of Durham, 4to. neat, 11. 5s. - Lugd. Bat. 1739 227 Amours de Dorimon et de Celie, 12mo. scarce, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1 638 228 Ana. — Prima Scaligerana, nusquam antehac edita, cum prae- fatione T. Fabri ; quibus adjuncts et altera Scaligerana quam antea emendatiora, cum notis, 12mo. neat, 2s. 6d. Groningce, 1660 229 Ana. — Parrhasiana ou Pensees diverses sur de matieres de critique, d'Histoire, de Morale et de Politique par Theod. Parrhase, 2 vols. 12mo. very neat, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1701 250 Ana. — Menagiana, ou les Bons Mots, Rencontres Agreablesj Pensees Judicieuses et Observations Curieuses de Menage, 4 vols. 12mo. neat, infrench calf, ISs. Paris, 1715 231 Ana. — 'Huetiana, ou Pensees diverses de M. Huet, Evesque d'Avranches, 12mo. uncut, 2s. 6d. - Paris, 172^ 232 Ana. — Matanasiana, ou Memoires Litteraires, Historiques et Critiques du Docteur Matanasius, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. neat, Ss. 6d. - . - a la Ha7je,l740 233 Ana. — Longueruana, ou Recueil de Pensees, de Discours, et de Conversations de M. Louis du Four de Longucrue, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. neat, 3s. - ~ Berlin, 1754 234 Anacreontis Carmina, Graece, cum Notis et Explicationibus Hispanicis, 12mo. vellum, no title, rare, 5s. Printed in Spain 22 THOMAS Thorpe's 235 Anacreontis Odae et Sapphonis Fragmenta, 12mo. m beautiful old blue morocco, gilt edges, Q>s. - Paris. 1754 236 Anabaptists' Apoloj^y, with their Protestation against the late Insurrection and Rebellion acted in the City of London, 4to. sewed, Ss. 6d. - - - 1G60 237 Anderson's Historical and Chronological deduction of the Origin of Commerce, from the earliest Accounts, containing an History of the great Commercial Interests of the British Empire, its Shipping, Manufactures, Fisheries, &c. with map, 4 vols. 4to. boards, 12s. - - 1787 238 Andrew (Pauli Jacobi) Commcntatio de Attributornm Divi- norum variis divisionibus earumque commodis et incommodis, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. - - Lugd. Bat. 1824 239 Andrelini (Fausti) Bucolica, ito. jine copy, in rich old morocco, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. - Parisiis, 1501 240 Andrelini Epistolas Proverbiales et Morales longe lepidissimae nee minus sententiosee, 4to. h. b. morocco, 4s. ib. 1508 241 Andrelini Epistolse Proverbiales et Morales, 4to. uncut, scarce, 3s. - - - - yirgent. 1513 242 Andrews's (Bishop) Life and Death, ^we portrait, 4to. h. b. neat, very scarce, 18s. - - 1650 243 Andronici Rhodii Ethicorum Nicomacheorum Paraphrasis, Gr. et Lat. ex interprelatione Danielis Heinsii, 8vo. neat, 6s. Cantabrigice, 1679 244 Angel's History of Ireland, 2 vols. 12mo. scarce^ 7s. Gd. Dublin, 1731 245 Angell (Christ.) a Grecian who tasted of many Stripes and Torments, inflicted by the Turkes for the Faith which he had in Christ Jesus, wood-cuts, 4to. neat, scarce, 18s. Oxford, 1618 *'^* A curious tract, commencing with a dedication to the Universities of Eng- land ; au account of his sufleriugs and flight, his landing at Yarmouth, where he received letters from the Bishop of Norwich to the Universities, an epistle in commendation of England and the inhabitants thereof, &c. Mr. Nassau's copy sold for 21. and Mr. Bindley purchased a copy at Sotheby's in 1813, for 41. 4s. 246 Anglicus (Jonas) Jonas Redux, or a Divine Warning Piece shot from the Fort Royal of Nenive, &c. a Poem upon the Prophet Jonas, and the Conversion of the Ninevites to God, in English and Latin, 4to. fine copy, 7s. 6d. - - 1672 *j^* Dedicated to Sir Joseph Sheldon, Alderman, and in near election to Mayoralty of the City of London, and the company of Drapers. 247 Angling. — The Innocent Epicure; or, the Art of Angling, a Poem, 12mo. morocco, gilt leaves, Ss. - 1697 248 Anguillara (Gio. Andrea dell') Edippo, Tragedia, 4to. Jim copy, vellum, scarce, 7s. (id. - - Padoua, 1565 249 Anselmi (G.) Epigrammaton lib. VII. — Sosthyrides, Peplum Palladis et TEglogae IV. Venet. 1528. — Natalis Comitum de Venatione lib. IV. cum H. Ruscellii Scholiis, Venet. Aldifilii, 1551, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, 10s. 6d. *^* The first piece sold in the Lucca sale for 5/. 15s. Gd. and the last, in Sir Mark Sykes's sale, for 1/. 5s. CATALOGUE OP HOOKS. 23 250 Annalia Dubrensia, a Collection of Poems upon the Yearly Ce- lebration of Mr. Robert Dover's Olympic Games upon Cots- wold Hills, with the frontispiece, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, venj scarce, 2l. 12s. 6d. - - 1G3G *jjf* See an account of this curious book in Dr. Bliss's edition of M'ood's Athcnaj Oxouienses. Mr. Bindley's copy sold for 12/. 12s., and Midgley's for \'M. 2s. G(/. It contains poems by Michael Drayton, Ben Jonson, T. Saudford, Shackerly Marmion, T. Haywood, W. Denny, T. Randall, R. Griffin, and many other authors. The frontispiece contains a portrait of Captain Dover, on horse- back, gaily apparelled in the very clothes which had been formerly worn by King James I.; and says Wood, with more dignity in his air and aspect than the original owner. Other parts of the plate represents the games as practised upon the Cotswold hills, Gloucestershire, under Captain Dover, for upwards of forty years. 251 Annilonis (Orosii) Dissertatio de Bello Danico-Anglico, deque Dissensionum inter geminos populos, contentionunique causis, 4to. 65. 6d. _ _ _ Paris, s. a. 252 Anstey's (Christopher) Pindaric Epistle address'd to Lord Buckhorse, 4to. scarce, 8s. 6d. - - 1779 253 Answer to a Letter from a Lady, written three days before her Marriage, interpersed with Poetry, 4to. imvatebj ininted, 5s. 1785 254 Answer to the Considerations on the Establishment of a Re- gency, 1788. — Vindiciae Regiae, or Defence of the Kingly Office, 1797. — Advice to the Editors of Newspapers, 1799. — Vindication of Europe and Gt. Britain from Misrepresen- tation and Aspersion, 1803. — Key to the Papers upon the Charges against the Earl of St. Vincent by Mr. Jeflfrey, M.P. for Poole, 180G. — Refutation of the Calumnies of J. Home Tooke, including a complete exposure of the recent occur- rences between Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Paull, 1807, in 1 vol.'Svo. 7ieat, 6s. 6d. 255 Anthologia Grasca, tall copy, 8vo. neat, ll. Is. Venet. Aldus, 1521 %* Sold in Sir Mark Sykes's sale for 3?., in Dr. Heath's for 21. 18s., and la Rev. H. Drury's for 3/. 256 Anthologia Graeca, Svo.Jine large copy, in old calf gilt, from Brunch's collection, scarce, 1 1. Is. Asccnsius, 1531 257 Anthologia Graeca, Svo. very fine copy, in old calf gilt, rare, \l. Is. - - Venetiis, Sessa, 1550 *^* Brunet notices the extreme rarity and value of this edition. The above copy was a present to Brunck. 258 Anthologia Grasca, with numerous Manuscript Notes, by D'Or- ville, Svo. vellum, \2s. - Venet. Aldifilii, 1550-1 *j^* Purchased in D'Orville's sale for 1/. Is. 259 Anthologia Graeca, Svo. neat, Ss. Qd. Venet. Aldtfilii, 1550-1 *^* Sold in Sir Mark Sykes's sale for 3/., De Cotte's for 61 francs, and Rev. H. Drury's for 2/. 7s. 260 Anthologia Epigrammatum Greecorum, selecta et ab omni ob- scoenitate vindicata, cum Latina Interpretatione, Svo. vellum, scarce, 8s. Qd. - - Flexicc, 1624 NC 24 THOMAS Thorpe's 261 Anticipation of Speeclies in the Senate in the next Session of Parliament, 1791. — Assassination of the King ; or, the Popgun Plot Unravelled, 1795. — Calm Inquiry into the Office and Duty of Jurymen in cases of High Treason, with Remarks, 1794. — Speech of V'icary Gibbs, Esq., in Defence of J. Home Tooke, on his Trial for High Treason, 1795. — Daniel Stuart's Peace and Reform against War and Corruption, 1794', in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 4s. 262 Anticoton. — Response Apolofjetique a I'Anticoton et a ceux de la suitte, ou ii est monstre, que les Auteurs anonymes de ces jibelles diffamatoires sont attaints des crimes d'Heresie, leze- Majeste, Perfidie, Sacrilege, et tres cnorme Imposture, Paris, 161 1. — Is. Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducaeum S. J. Theolo- gum Epistola, in qua de Apologia disseritur communi Jesuita- rum nomine ante aliquot menses Lutetiae Parisioium edita, Lond. 1611. — Response a I'Anticoton de point en point, pour la defense de la Doctrine et Innocence des Peres Jesuites, par Adrian Behotte, Rouen, 1611. — Advis de Maistre Guillaume nouvellement retourne de I'autre monde, sur le sujet de I'An- ticoton, compose par Pierre du Coignet, 1611, in one vol. Svo. fine copies, «i old red morocco, a scarce collection, \l. \s. 263 Antinomian Errours, or Nest of cursed Errors hatched by Hereticks, with brief answer to them, 4to. sened, 3s. 6d. 1643 264 Antiquarian Society of London's Charter, with Orders and Regulations established by tlie Council of the Society, printed for the use of the Members, ivith list of the Society and its Publications, 4to. served, 7s. 6d. - 1815-21 265 Antithesis Christi und des Anti-Christs,rer2/ curious and spirited wood-cuts, Svo. scarce, fine copy, \hs. Heydelberg, 1563 266 Antithesis Christi et Antichristi, videlicet Papae, id est exem- plorum, factorum, vitee et doctrinae utriusque ex adverso col- lata comparatio versibus et figuris venustissimis illustrata, studio Sim. Rosarii edita, rvood-cuts, Svo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, scarce, 1/. 85. - Vignon, 1578 *jis* " Livre singulier, et recherche surtout eu Angleterrc, a cause des gravures en bois tres-bizarres qu'il renferme.'' — Brunei. Sold in Count Mac Carthy's sale for 80 francs. 267 Antivigilmi (Cornelio Aspasio) Biblioteca Aprosiana, Passa- tempo Autunnale, 12mo. vellum, 5s. Bologna, 1673 268 Antoninus (Marcus) Commentaries, containing his Maxims of Science, and Rules of Life, translated by Thompson, Svo. neat, from Dr. Disney s collection, 4s. 60?. - 1747 269 Antonini LiberalisTransformationum Congeries, cum Munckeri Notis, Gr. et Lat. Svo. fne copy, vellum, 7s. Lugd. Bat. 1774 270 Antonio (Jacobi a S.) Consultationes Canonicae pro Regularium, prsesertim Ordinum Mendicantium, a jurisdictione Illus. Ordi- nariorum post Concilium Tridentinum exemptione, 12mo. 4s. 6c?. _ _ _ Lugduni, 1680 *** " Useful in serving to explain the grounds of the quarrels which so fre- quently arose in Ireland, and other Catholic countries, between the secular and regular clergy.'' — MS. Note. CATALOOIIK OF BOOKS. 25 271 Anuli (Barthol.) Picta Poesis, wood-nuts, 12mo. rare, \2s. ' Ltigd. 1552 272 Anysii (Jani) Varia Poemata et Satyrae ad Pomp, (/olumnam Cardinalem, lib. IX, 4to. Jine tall copy, h.h. vellum, scarce, \0s.6d. - - {lloMJE, Bladus)*. a. 273 Anzi (Conte Aurelio degli) Genio Vagante, Biblioteca curiosa di cento e piu Relazioni di Viagsi stranieri de' nostri tempi, estratta da diverse Lettere private, Informazioni particolari, e Libri di varii Scrittori Italiani, Francesi, Spagnuoli, Alcmani, Latini, et altri Aiitori del corrente Secolo, p/a, Gillebertum Lond. Episcopum, Joan, et Will. Card, pro Rogero Ebora- ccnsi Archiepiscopo,' &c. Among the epigrams are some ' AdHenricum Winton. Episcopum, super Sepulchrum Regis Heurici,' and many other dignitaries of the English church. 364' Arriani Epictctus, Graece, edente Victore Trincavello, frst edition, Svo. neat, rare, 10s. Gd. Venetiis, Zaneltus, 1535 *«* Sold in Mr. Dent's sale for U. 125. CATALOtiUE OF BOOKS. 33, 3G5 Arsenii Archiepiscopi Monembasii« praeclara Dicta Philoso- phorum, Imperatorum, Oratoium et Poctaruin, Gra!C€; — Dia- logiis studiosi Bibliopolae et libri : Porphyrius de Plagiis Phi- losopliorum ct Rlictorum, etc. ; Joannis Tzetzae Versus, Greece, 2 vols, in one, Svo. fine copy, viorocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 2s. - (Romce) circa 1515 *jj* "A curious volume. These apophthegms of Greek philosophers, generals, orators, and poets, were collected by Arsenius, Archbishop of Monembasia, and dedicated to Pope Leo X. This cditiou is without ))lace or date, but was doubt- less printed at Home about l.jlo. The types are the same as thoye used in the Pindar, printed at Rome, iu 1515. It is a beautiful specimen of early Greek typography." " Volume precieux, dont on trouve difficilement les deux parties reunies.'' — Brunei. Sold in Silvestre's sale for 71 francs, and in Earl Spencer's for 3/. 3s. 366 Ars memorativa naturali proficua plurirmim memoria? facilera retinendi semitam in quocunque scibilium genere, per Jacobiim Philippum Tridentinum compilata, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. Nuremb. 1515 367 Ars Moriendi, Tractatus bonus et uti'is, folio, fne copy of a very early and rare edition, having forty-one lines in a Jull page, j^robably from the press of Eggerslein, neat, 2l. 2s. Sine ulld notd. *^* Not in the Spencer Catalogue. 368 Ars Moriendi ex Variis sententiis collecta cum figuris ad resis- tendum in mortis agone Dyabolice suggestioni valens cuilibet Cliristi fideli utilis ac multum necessaria, nith sixteen large, extremely curious, and highly-spirited rvood-cuts, 4to. fine copy, very rare, 21, 2s. In Cicitate Landescutensi Ducali, 1514 *^* Probably the first book printed at Landshut, a strong town of Bataria. 3C9 Ars Moriendi, Germanice, mit schoncn Exempeln und Figuren durch Adam Walasser, singularly curious nood-cuts, Svo. fine copy, iu the original impressed nooden binding, scarce, I8s. Dilingen, 1603 370 Art of Cookery in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry, vvith some Letters to Dr. Lister concerning the Soups and Sauces of the Ancients, n. d. — The Art of Love ; in Imitation of Ovid, by Dr. W. King, n. d. — Useful Transactions in Philo- sophy, and other sorts of Learning, various parts, contnining a Voyage to the Island of Cajamai in America, the 'Tragi-Co- medy of Joan of Hedington, Horace's Behaviour at Trinity College, Cambridge (Dr. R. Bentley) Account of the Conse- crated Clouts, Migration of the Cuckoo, Observations on the Tongue, the Eunuch's Child, Treatise of the Grecian Dances, Millers no Thieves, the Welch Schoolmaster, &c. in one vol. Svo. \i)s. 6d. 371 Artemidori de Somniorum interpretatione libri V. De Insomniis quod Synesii cujusdam nomine circumfertur, cura Francisci Asulani, Grapce, editio princei'S, Svo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, \L lis. Gd. f^enet. /I Idas, 1518 *,* " Tres rare." — Renouard. Sold in the Mac Carthy sale for 1 12 francs. F 34 THOMAS Thorpe's 372 Arte para ensenar leer perfectamente y en muy breve tiempo. — Cartilla y arte breve y bien compendioso para ensenar a deletrear y leer perfectamente y con mucha facilidad, etc. — Arte para aprender a leer y escrevir perfectamente en Romance y Latin compuesta por el Doctor Busto, in one vol. 4to. Jine copies, morocco elegant, gill edges, very rare, 11. lis. 6d. 1542 *^* This extremely rare volume is apparently unknown to bibliographers. 373 Artbi (Gotardi) Historia Chronologica Pannonise, continens res per Hungariam et Transylvaniam bello gestas, Jine portraits and plates. Franco/. 1608. — Vita Mahometi, et Vaticinia, de interitu Regni Turcici, curious plates, by De Bry, ib. 1598, 4to. 105. 6d. 374 ArtificiosaB Memorise Fundamenta, ex Aristotele, Cicerone, etc. a Jo. Paepp, Zm^c?. 1619. — Introductio in praxim Artificiosee Memoriae, a Paepp, ib. 1618. — Vita Ciceronis, in Epitomen secundum artem Mnemonicam redacta, a Paepp, ib. 1613. — Crisis Jani Fhaosphori, in qua Schenckelius illustratur, etc. ib. 1619. — Schenckelii Detecti Editio Tertia, ib. 1619, in one vol. 12mo. ^ne copies, old morocco, gilt edges, 11. Is. 375 Arts. — The present state of the Arts in England, by M. Rouquet, 1755. — Chronological Series of Engravers from the Invention of the Art, 7i'ith plates, Camb. 1770. — History of the Art of Engraving in Mezzotinto, from its origin, Win- chester, 1786, in one vol. 8vo. h, b. uncut, scarce, 7s. 6d. 376 Arundell. — Copy of a Letter sent from Thomas, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Lord Marshall, from Middleborough in Zealand, to Mr. Pym, also a Copy of another Letter to Mr. Pym from the Committee in Scotland, relating to the Queen's landing at Flushing, and the Proceedings of the Array in the North of England, &c. 4to. sened, 4s. - 1641 377 Ascham's (Roger) Report and Discourse of the Affairs and State of Germany, and the Emperor Charles's Court, John Daye, n. d. — Demosthenes;' Orations, Englyshed by Thos. Wilson, cuts, H. Denham, 1570, in 1 vol. 4to. vellum, scarce, 11. 5s. 378 Asconii Pediani Expositio in Varias Orationes Ciceronis, 8vo. Jine copy in vellum, with autograph corrections and notes, by Paul Manutius, 1/. 11*. 6d. - Fenet. AldiJUii, 1547 *^* The above interesting copy was purchased by the late Bishop of Lichfield for <6l. ds. There is a long note prefixed to the volume relative to the interesting notes and corrections. 379 Asconii Pediani Explanatio in Ciceronis Orationes varias, cum Scholiis P. Manutii et duobus Indicibus, Venet. Aldus, 1563. — Rocchi Pilorsii de scribendi, rescribendique Epistolas ratione Opusculum, Perusice, 1563, in one vol. 8vo. vellum, 7s. 6d. 380 Asgill's Abstract of the Public Funds granted and continued to the Crown, since the First of William and Mary, and still existing, &c. 4to. served, 3s, - 1715 *^* The writer was expelled the House of Commons for some of his productions. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 35 SSI Aslie's (Tlios.) Fasciculus Florum, or a Noscrvay of Flowers, a collection of poems, 12mo. h. h. neat, \0s. 6d. 1G36 382 Ashley's (Robt.) Life and Death of Almansor, the learned and victorious Mahometan King that conquered Spaine, 4 to. neat, 5s. 6d. - - 1627 *^* Sold in Mr. Nassau's sale for 13s. 383 Ashley's Cochin-China ; containing many admirable Rarities and Singularities of that Country, 4to. scarce, Ds. 1633 %* This curious voyage sold in North's sale for 1/. 18s., and in Col. Stanley's for til. 5s. 384 Ashurst's (W.) Reasons against Agreement with a late printed Paper, intituled, Foundations of Freedome ; or, the Agreement of the People, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1648 385 Askew. — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Anthony Askew, singularly rich in Classic Lore, interleaved, with the prices, 8vo. li. b. russia, scarce, 1 5s. - 1775 *^* Sold in the Merly sale for \l. Is., in the Roxburghe for 2i., and in Mr. Hibbcrt's for \l. 12s. 386 Astrology. — More News from Heaven, unto the World, or the latter part of the Wonderful year 1672, by W. Andrews, Stu- dent in Astrology, 4to. sewed, 3s. - 1672 387 Asumo (Nicol. de) Supplementum seu Summa Pisanella, folio, good sound copy, vellum, very rare, 2l. 12s. 6d. Januce,per Math. Moravum et Mich, de Monacho, mcccci,xxiv. *^* The first book printed at Genoa, and probably the only copy in this country. 388 Athanasian Creed Re-examined, by a Clergyman of the Church of England, 1754. — Commentary upon nearly 200 Texts in the Gospel of St. John, relating to the Person, Office, and Dignity of the Son of God, 1754. — Two Letters of Sir Isaac Newton to Mr. Le Clerc, on the Greek Text, 1 John v. 7, 1754, in one vol. 8vo. very neat, 5s. 389 Atkins (Sir Robt.) Enquiry into the Power of Dispensing with Penal Statutes, folio, 7s. 6d. - 1 689 390 Atterbury's (Bp.) Sermons and Discourses on several Subjects, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. h. h. 12s. - 1736 391 Atterbury's (Bp.) Reflections on the Character of Japis in Vir- gil, or the Character of Antonius Musa, Physician to Augustus, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1740 392 Attila Flagellum Dei, tradotto dalla vera Cronica per Rocco de gli Arminesi Padoano, 8vo. scarce, 2s. Venet. 1601 Q9i Atwood's History and Reasons of the Dependency of Ireland upon the Imperial Crown of England, rectifying Molyneux's State of the Case of Ireland, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1698 S94 Auctores Classici Latini impressi apud Wetstenios, sc. Ausonius. — Caesar. — Cluverii Geographia. — Cornelius Nepos. — Epic- tetus et Cebes, Gr. et Lat. — Erasmi Colloquia. — Florus. — Horatius. — Justinus. — Juvenalis. — Ovidius, 3 vols. — Plautus. — Quintus Curtius. —Sallustius. —Tacitus. — Terentius. — Va- lerius Maximus. — Virgilius. In all 20 vols., 12mo. clean set, neat and uniform, 21. 2s. - Jmst. 1721-55 36 TiiOMAB Thorpe's 395 Aiictores Myihographi Latini, Caius Julius ITyginus, Fab. Planciad. Fulgentius, Lactantius Placitlus, Albricus Philoso- pluis, cum Commeotariis Micylli, Scheff'eri, et Munckeri cu- rante A. van Staveren, frontispiece, 4to. very jine copy, in Dutch vellum, gilt, \l. \\s. Gd. Liigd. Bat. 174-2 ')9G Audebeiti (Germani) Aurelii Venctias et Carmina ad Princip. Nicol. Deponte et Senatores Patriciosque Venetos, portrait of /ildus on the title, 4to. Jine large copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. V.enet. Aldus, 1583 *^* " One of the best executed productions of tlie younger Aldus." Clement entitles it " edition fort rare." 397 Audeley's (Lady Eleanor) Strange and Wonderfull Prophe- sies, which slie Prophesied Si.xteen yeeres agoe, and had printed and presented to the Elector in Holland, for which she was imprisoned Seven years, in verse, wood-cut, 4to. sewed, 7s. Gd. _ _ _ 1649 S9S Angerii (Edmundi) Catechismus : hoc est Summa Doctrinai Catho!ic?e, Gr. et Lat. 12mo. scarce, Gs. Lutetice, 1569 399 Augurelli Carmina, first edition, 4to. fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges, \5s, - - Verone, mccccxci. 400 Augustini (Divi) Opera Duo, sc. I. Augustinus de Arte Praedicandi. Menlelin, (mcccclxv.) *.:t* This is a very rare edition. In the Bibliotheca Spenceriana Dr. Dibdiii has admirably condensed all the information of his predecessors, and illustrated it by his own minute researches. He entitles it " a very early and airioiis spccimeti of typoyraphy.'' Braun numbers it among the " cimelia bibliot/iecaruni.'" This is considered to be the earliest edition, and was " executed in 1465 at latest." The editor has prefixed a curious account of his work, and the reasons that induced him to entrust it to the care of Menteliu to print — "because he was a discreet man, and master of the art of printing," &c. At the Pinelli sale a copy iras sold for 10/. 10s. II. Augustini de Civitate Dei Lib. XXII. Venetiis, a Gabriele Petro de Tarvisio, MCCCCLXXV. ■**♦ Tiiis edition is well printed, in a gothic character, in double columns, and is by no means of commou occurrence. At the Duke of lloxburghe's sale a copy sold for 8/. 15s. 27ie above two works are in fine condition, bound in 1 vol. folio, red morocco, gilt edges, 3l. 3s. 401 Augustini Liber de Vita Beata admodum notabilis. Item de honestate midierum, et de honestate Vitaj, 4to. fine copy, old Dutch cnf, neat, rare, 18.?. {Colon. Udalr. Z ell,) circa MCCCCLXX. 402 Augustini Liber de Anima et Spiritu : et de Ebrietate, Aio. fine copy of a rare and early edition, \L \s. circa IMCCCCLXX. 403 Augustini Liber de Vanitatibus Seculi, et de Vita Christiana, Aio. very rare, \ OS. - circa MCCCCLXX. *»* Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 6/. 16s. 6d. 404 Augustini lib. XII. Confessionum ad 3 MSS. Exempla emen- dati opera et studio K. P. H. Sommalii, I2nw. clean copy, uncut, 2s. Gd. - - Col. ^grip. 1683 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 37 405 Augustini Liber Soliloquiorum, 4to. fine coptj, rare, \5s. fFinderperg per Joannem Alacraw, mcccclxxxiv. *,* Probably the earliest book printed at Wiiiterberg, a manufacturing town of Bohemia, in the circle of Prachen, The j)resent and one other book bj- the same printer, are the only specimens known. 406 Augustin Cite dc Dieu, traduite en Francois et revue sur plii- sieurs anciens Maniiscrits ; avec des remarqucs et des notes, etc 4 vols. 12mo. neat, \0s. Qd. Amsterdam, 173G 407 Agostino et Basilio della Perfetta Virginita, con una breve Disputa della Castita, ct alcuni Spiritoalissimi Essercitii de Santa Gertrude Vergine, 8vo. vellum, 18s. Brescia appr. Fr. et P. Maria Marchetti, 1566 *^* Aldine device on the title. 408 Augustinus (Ant.) Archiepiscopus Tarraconensis de Nomini. bus Propriis Pandecti Fiorentini, folio, Jine copy, in rich old morocco, marbled and gilt edges, scarce, \l. \s. Tarracone, 1579 *,* "Volume rare, et qui a eu long-temps une valeur considerable." — Brunei. Sold iu Gaignat's sale for 69 francs, and in Mr. Bridges's iu 1725, for 11. Is. 409 Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum, libri XX. summa accuratione Jo. Corn. Carnotensis ad recognitionem Beroaldinam repositi, cum Indice, 8vo. Jine large copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 4/. 4.s. Impensis Bartholomei Trot, 1512 *^* For an account of this extremely rare edition, see Renouard's list of Lyonese Counterfeits, No. 41. 410 Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum lib. XIX. 4to. fine large copy, 5s. _ _ . Parisiis, 1518 411 Aurbach (J. de) Summa de Confessione et Ecclesiae Sacramen- tis, folio, ^ne copy, 2l. 2s, Aug. Find. Zainer, mcccclxix. %* This is probably the second book printed at Augsburg. It is a volume of extreme rarity. See Spencer Catalogue, where that copy is described as being very indifferent; the present is very fine and quite perfect. 412 Aurelii Episcopi Martoranensis Oratio in funere Laurentii Me- dice Neapoli habita, ito. Jine copy of a very rare and interest- ing tract, 105. 6d. - - sifie ulld notd 413 Aurelii (Cornelii) Batavia, sive de antiquo veroque ejus insulae quam Rhenus in Hollandia facit situ, descriptione et laudibus, lib. II. Svo. in old red morocco, is. Ant. Plantin, 15S6 414 Aurelii Victoris Historia Romana, cum Notis variorum, curante Arntzenio, best edition, 4to. Jine copy, h. b. morocco., uncut, \l. OS. - ' Amst. 1733 415 Aurigalli (M.) Compendium Hebreae Grammatices, 4to. 25. Haganoce, 1525 416 Ausonii Opera, Svo. in rich old red morocco, gilt edges, I8s. Venet. Aldus, 1517 *^* Sold in Renouard's sale for 21. 6s. 417 Austria. — Vita et morte della serenissima Eleonora Arcidu- chcssa d'Austria, et Duchessa di Mantova, da Antonio Posse- vino, 4to. rare, I8s. Roma, Ruffinello, {with A Idine device) 1594 *,* Cost the late Bishop of Lichfield 3/. 3s. from Lord Guilford's Collection. 38 THOMAS Thorpe's 418 Aurspergy (Herbardi Baronis) etc. Vita et Mors, ad Salutem et commodum Patriae transacta, et in Corvatice extremis finibiis ad Budatshkum X. Calend. Oct. in praelio adversus Turcas, omnis memorise crudeliss. Christianorum salutis op- piignatores, gloriosissime oppetita, a G. Kliisl de Kalten- prun properanter et turbulente descripta, 4to. fine copy, ete- gantlij hound in morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 2s. Labaci, 1575 *5it* This is the earliest specimen of printing at Laubach, a town of Germany known ; being three years earlier than the first book mentioned by Dr. Cotton in his Typographical Gazetteer. 419 Authfei (Philippi) Index Historicus Rerum potissitnarum in negocio Keligionis gestarum ab anno 1517, 12mo. scarce, \0s. 6d. - - Francofurti, 1675 *^* This work contains a most interesting account of the progress of the Re- formation under Luther. Henry VIII. from the conspicuous part he took in it) forms a main feature in the work ; and his marriage with Catherine of Arragon, her divorce, and the king's subsequent marriage with Ann Boleyn, &c. are fully dilated on. 420 Autograph Letters. — Catalogue of a valuable collection from the Reign of Elizabeth to James II. very curious, sold by Mr. Sotheby, 8vo. with prices and names, 5s. 1824 421 Avellan (Mich.) Dissertatio Historico-Fhilologica de Causis Puritatis ac Floris Perennis Linguae ArabiccB, 4to. uncut, 2s. 6d. - - Aboce, 1761 422 Avicennse Flores, 8vo. in the original binding, 7s. Lugduni, expensis Bartholomei Trot, 1508 *^* This Bartholomew Trot was the bookseller, at Lyons, at whose expense the facsimiles of the Aldine publications were printed. 423 Avisamentum de Concubinariis non absolvendis, wood-cut in the title, ^io. fine copy, curious and rare, \0s. 6d. Niiremb. 1507 424 Aviti Epistola (Poetica) ad Perillam Virginem Scotam, 4to. uncut, 4s. Gd. - - - Londini, 1760 425 Ayalae (Gabr.) Popularia Epigrammata Medica ad Card. Gran- vellanum; Carmen pro Vera Medicina et de Lue Pestilenli Elegise, 4to. very scarce, 10s. Gd. - Antv. 1562 426 Ayala, Catechismo para instruction de los nuevamente conver- tidos de Moros, 4to. fine copy, neat, 2/. 2s. Valencia, 1599 *^* This extremely rare volume, published for the instruction of the Moors, is apparently unknown to Brunet and other bibliographers. 427 Bacchanalia ; or, a Description of a Drunken Club, a Poem, folio, scarce, 4s. - - 1683 428 Bacchini (D. Benedict!) de Sistris eorumque figuris ac dif- ferentia, Dissertatio, plate, 4to. boards, 3s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1696 429 Bacci (Andrea) del Tevere libri tre, ne quali si tratta delia natura, e bonta dell' acque, e specialmente del Tevere, e dell' acque antiche di Roma, del Nilo, del Po, dell' Arno, e d'altri fonti, e fiumi del Mondo, etc. 4to. very scarce, \l. Is. Venetia, Aldo, 1576 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 39 430 Baccii (And.) Elpidiani, de Thermis lib. VII. folio, ^we copij, very neat, marbled and gilt edges, \l. Is. Romce, 1622 *,» Sold iu the White Kuights sale, for 5/. 10s. 431 Bach's (W. C.) Tithing Table, according to the King's Eccle- siastical! Lawes and Ordinances of the Church of England, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - - 1633 432 Bachiens (Philippi) Oratio de Jesu Christo, PrEeceptorum in formandis Evangelii Praeconibus Exemplo, 4to. served, 2s. Gd. Traj. ad Rhen. 178S 433 Bacon (Francis) Wisdome of the Ancients, Englished by Sir Arthur Gorges, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, 12mo. neat, 3s. 6d. - - - 1619 434 Baconi Historia Regni Henrici Septimi Anglise Regis, Amst. Elzev. 1662. — Fr. Baconi Historia Vitse et Mortis, ib. 1663, in one vol. l2mo.Jine clean copies, vellum, 5s. 6d. 435 Bacon's Relation of the Fearfull Estate of Francis Spira, in 1548, 1672. — The Second Spira ; being a fearful example of an Atheist, who had Apostatized from the Christian Religion, and dyed in Despair at Westminster, 8 Dec. 1692, by J. S. printed for John D union, 1693, two scarce tracts, 12mo. 7*. Gd. 436 Bacon's (R.) Labyrinth the Kingdom is in, with Golden Thread to bring it forth into Light, Liberty and Peace again, being an impartial History of the Good and Evil of the former, latter and present power of the Nation, as it relates to God and the People, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1649 437 Badii (Jodoci) Ascensii Stultiferae Naviculae seu Scaphae Fatu- arum Mulierum ; circa sensus quinque exteriores fraude Navi- gantium, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 1/. lis. 6c?. - - Argent. Prusz, 1502 *«• Sold at Sotheby's in 1827, for 11. Is. 438 Baglione (Luca) Arte del Predicare contenuta in Tre libri, secondo i Precetti Rhetorici, Svo.Jine copy, h. b. morocco, 18s. Vineg. Torresano, 1562 %* Sold iu Sir M. Sykes's sale for 21. Is., and Renouard's for \l. 19s. 439 Bagshawe (Edw.) Two Arguments concerning the Canons and the Premunire upon those Canons, 4to. uncut, 3s. 1641 440 Balbi (Scipionis) Peregrinatio Lauretana, poema, 4to. very fine copy, h. b. morocco, rare, 10s. Qd. - Bononice, 1533 441 Balbuena, (Bern.) Bernardo, o Victoria de Roncesvalles, Poema Heroyco, 4to.^ne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 4-1. 4s. - - - Madrid, 1624 *«• One of the most esteemed poetical romances in the Spanish language. " Este Poema Heroyco, llamado el Bernardo, que v. m. me remitio, he visto con particular attencion, y pienso que los Espanoles ingeniosos, dados a la leccion de Poetas, no tienen en su lengua Poema como este, porque en la Variedad de los successes, y episodios hallaran imitado a Ludovico Ariosto, y en la unidad de la accion, y contextura de la Fabula, a Torquato Tasso, y ansi merece ser impresso y leydo y su Autor alabado." — El Doctor Mira de Mescua. Copies, inferior to the present, have sold for upwards of twenty guineas. 442 Ball's (W.) Law and State, Proposals presented to Parliament, 2s. - - " - - 1659 40 THOMAS Thorpe's 443 Baker's (S.) Description of the Customs and Manners of the Tailis, plate, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - - 1796 444 Balbi (Gasp.) Viag^gio dell' Indie Orientah', con la relatione de i datii, pesi, e misure di tutte le Citta di tal viaggio, e del governo del Re del Pegu, e delle guerre fatte da lui con altri Re d'Auva e de Sion, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 11. 5s. - - Fenetia, 1590 *jjs* Sold in Mr. Heathcote's sale for 21. 445 Ballads. — A most curious, extensive, rare, and valuable col- lection of Historical, Amorous, Bacchanalian, Humorous, Satirical, and other Old Ballads and Broadsides, about Six Hundred in number, allin verse, with numerous wood-cuts, and some with music, published during the XVIIlh and XVIIIlli Centuries, neatly mounted and elegantly hound, in 4 vols, folio, morocco, gill leaves, 251. - \ 57 i to 1750 *.»* The above collection must be seen to be appreciated ; a brief title of each ballad will be forwarded for inspection per post, upon application. 446 Ballads. — A most interesting collection of old Historical Ballads, with all the plates, fine copy, 3 vols. 12mo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 51. 5s. - 1723-5 *^* The Swimming Lady and Peeping Tom of Coventry are generally want- ing. Sold in Mr. Strettel's sale for 11. Is., in Mr. Nassau's for 11. 12s. 6d., and at Sotheby's for 7/. 17s. M. 447 Ballads.' — A Collection of National English Airs, consisting of ancient Song, Ballad and Dance Tunes, with Remarks and Anecdote, preceded by an Essay on English Minstrelsy, har- monized, for the Pianoforte, by W. Crotch, Mus. Doc. &c. 2 vols. 4to. cloth boards, 2l. 2s. - 1840 448 Bandello, Quarta Parte de le Novelle del, 8vo. 5s. Lione, 1573 *^* This fourth volume is often wanting to complete sets. 449 Bandinius de Fiorentina Juntarum Typographia ejusque censo- ribus ex qua Grseci, Latini, Tusci Scriptores ope Codicum MSS. a viris claiissimis pristinae integritati restituti in lucem prodierunt, 2 vols. Svo. boards. Is. Luccce, 1791 *^* An interesting account of the beautiful productions of the Juuta family. Bank of England, its origin and progress. — See under Coinage. 450 Banks, &c. — Letter to the Proprietors of East India Stock on their present Situation at Home and Abroad, 1802. — Utility of Country Banks considered, 1802. — Impolicy of Returning Bankers to Parliament, 1802. — The Rights of Stock-Brokers Defended against the Attacks of the City of London, by F. Baily, 1806. — J. Leslie Foster's Essay on the Principle of Commercial Exchanges, and more particularly between Great Britain and Ireland, with Inquiry into the Bank Restrictions, 1804. — Policy and Expediency of Granting Insurance Char- ters, 1806. — Letter to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, 1808. — J. Marryatt's Observations on Marine Insurance, 1810. — Speech of ditto in Parliament upon Mr. Manning's Motion on ditto, 1810, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, Is. CATALOOUF. OF BOOKS. 41 A-fjl Banks's (Noali) God's Prerogative Power made known divers wayes in the Old and New Testament, also the Prerogative Power of the Lord Christ, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1G50 452 Bannatyne Club Publications, a Catalogue of, lo January, 1830, privately printed, 8vo. sewed, 7s. - 1830 453 Bannatyne Club Accounts, from 1831 to 1832, 4to. sewed, 2s. Edinh. 1832 454 Baptism. — Stephen Marshall's Sermon of the Baptizing of In- fants, 1G44. — J. Geree's Vindication of Infant Baptism, 164G. — Thomas Moore's Discourse about Baptisme, 1G49. — D. Cawdrey's Answer to G. Firmin, whether Ministers are bound to Baptize Children, 1652. — R. Baxter's Scripture Proof of Infants' Church-membership and Baptism, 1G51. — Jeremy Taylor's Discourse of Baptisme, 1 652. — W. Lyford's Apologie for our Publick Ministerie and Infant Baptism, 1G53. — J. Gosnold's Discourse of Baptism, 1657, in one vol. 4to. h. h. neat, 15s. 455 Barbadoes. — Memoirs of the First Settlement of the Island of Barbados, and other Caribbee Islands, with the Succession of the Governors and Commanders in Chief of Barbados to 1741, extracted from Ancient Records, Papers, and Accounts taken from Mr. VV. Arnold, Mr. S. Bulkly, and Mr. John Summers, some of the first Settlers, the last of whom was alive in 1688, aged 82 years, 12mo. ^we copy, very neat, \l. lis. 'od. Barbados, by W. Beeby, 1741 *„(* A very rare aud interesting volume. 45G Barbari (Dan.) Commentationes exquisitae in Porphyrium, 4to. very fine copy, h. b. morocco, scarce, 15s. Venet. Aldus, 1542 %* Sold in Sir Mark Sykes's sale for 41. Is. 457 Barbary. — Newes out of Barbary, in a Letter written of late from a Merchant there, to a Gentleman not long since sent into that Country by his Majesty, containing some strange particulars of this new Saintish King's proceedings, 4to. Jine copy, very neat, 1/. Is. - 1613 *^* The only copy mentioned in the Bibliographer's Manual is in the British Museum. 458 Barbour's (John) Acts and Life of Robert Bruce, (King of ^/ Scots,) in verse, blacK letter, 12mo. vellum, 2/. 2s. Edinb. 1670 459 Barbour's Acts and Life of Robert Bruce, in verse, blacfe letter, 12mo. vellum, \l. lis. 6c/. Glasgow, 1672 460 Barclaii (Joannis) Poematum, libri II. an interesting volume of poems, but an indifferent copy, 4to. sewed, 3s. Lond. 1615 461 Barclaii (Joannis) Poematum, lib. II. 4to. /ne clean copy, vellum, scarce, 10s. 6c?. - Lond. 1615 462 Barclayi (Guil.) Judicium, de Certamine G. Eglisemmii cum G. Buchanano, pro dignitate Paraphraseos Psalmi CIV. 12mo. scarce, 7s. 6d. - - ^ 1620 463 Barker's List of English Plays, with very curious additions in tnanuscript, prepared for a new edition, 4to. 2/. 2s. G 42 THOMAS Thorpe's 4G1' Bargaci (Petri Angelii) Syriados liber primus et secundus, Lu- tetice, in Officina R. Slephani, 1582. — Sidiis Borbonicum, quod et Sol Franciae, cum Paraphrastico ejusdem Rationario Ludovico Justo, per fratrera Patricium Oconquouair Hiberno- Gallum, beautifully engraved title, containing in the centre a portrait of Louis XIII. , very rare, Paris. 1637. — Simonis Starovolsci Panegyricus Principi Vladislao Sigismiindo IV., Polonise Rege, Antv. Planlin, 1G33. — Jo. Henr. Dauberi Oratio Funebris in excessum Frederici Henrici Arausiorum Principis, Comitis Nassovia, &c. Bredce, 1647. — Petri Po- tocii ad Principem Vladislaum Polonise Regem, Oratio Gra- tulatoria, Antv. Planlin, 1633. — In Obitum Principis Sigis- raundi III. Polonise et Sueciae Regis, Simonis Starovolsci Oratio, ib, id. 1632, in one vol. folio, Jine clean copies, neat, 18*. 465 Bargaei Poemata omnia diligenter ab ipso recognita, Roma;, Zanettus, 1585. — Ejusdem Syriados, lib. vi. ib. id. 1585, in 1 vol. 4to.^ne copies, gilt edges, rare, \l. \s. *^* At pp. 339 and 340, occur poems addressed to Paul Manntius. 466 Baringii Clavis Diplomatica, tradens Specimina veterum Scrip- turarum, Alphabeta Varia, compendia scribendi, etc. etc. plates of Jac-similes., 4to. vellum. Is. 6d. Nanoverce, 1737 467 Barkeyanae Bibliothecae Catalogus, Svo. half bound, neat, 4s. Hag. Com. 1787 *.^* This Catalogue contains some curious articles, and is drawn up in an in- telligent manner by its learned compiler, with a good many instructive literary notices and references. It is impossible to read the preface without pitying the privations and desolate condition, and at the same time admiring the patience and equanimity of its venerable author. — MS. Note. 468 Barlaam et Josaphat. — Joannis Damasceni Liber Barlaam et Josaphat Indiae Regis, folio, large copy, but a little noimed, half bound, very rare, 2l. 2«. {Spirts, mcccclxxv.) 469 Barlaam et Josaphat, Roy des Indes, par J. Damascene, et traduicte par F. J. de Billy, Svo. neat, 6s. 6d. Paris, 1574 470 Barlow's (Joel) Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general Revolution in the Principles of Government, scarce, 1792. — D'Aumont's Narrative of the Proceedings re- lating to the Suspension of the King of the French, Manches- ter, 1792. — Comments on the proposed War with France, 1793. — Fox's Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793. — W. Fox's Discourse on National Fasts, 1793. — Trial of Da- niel Isaac Eton for publishing Politics for the People, 1794. — Stuart's Peace and Reform against War and Corruption, no title, very scarce, in one vol. 8vo. boards, uncut, 7s. 6d. 471 Barlow's (Stephen) History of Ireland, 2 vols. Svo. half bound, russia, 7s. 6d. - - - 1814 472 Barnes's Statistical Account of Ireland, Svo, 2s. 1811 473 Barre. — Catalogue des Livres de M. Barre, priced, a very cu- rious colleclio7i, 2 vols. Svo. neat, 6s. 6d. ^Paris, 1743 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 43 474 Baronets. — Three Patents concerning tlie honourable degree and dignitie of Baronets, the first containing the Creation and Grant, the second a Decree, with addition of other Privileges, the third a confirmation and explanation, 4to. sewed, scarce, 5s. - - - - 1617 475 Barros (Joao de) Asia, dos feitos que os Portugueses fizerao no Descobrimento e Conquista dos Mares e Terras do Oriente, 4 vols, folio, ^ne copij, vellum, 31. \3s. 6d. Lisbon, y Madrid, 1615-28 476 Barry's (Jas.) Letter to the Dilettanti Society, respecting the obtention of certain matters essentially necessary for the Im- provement of Public Taste, and accomplishing the original Views of the Royal Academy of Great Britain, 1799. — Alci- phron's Epistles ; in which are described the Domestic Man- ners, the Courtesans, and Parasites of Greece, 1791, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, 6s. Gd. 477 Barthelemy (I'Abbe) Dissertation sur une Ancienne Inscription Grecque relative aux Finances des Atheniens, p/a/e, 4to. half bound, neat, 4s. 6d. - - Paris, 1792 47S Bartholinus (Alb.) de Scriptis Danorum, edit, ab ejus fratre, Hafnicc, 1666. — Catalogus Operum T. Bartholini, ib. 1661. — T. Bartholini de Bibliothecae Incendio Dissertatio, ib. 1670. in one vol. 12mo. neat, 45. 6c?. 479 Bartholomaei Coloniensis Epistola Mythologica cum quorun- dam difficilium Vocabulorum in ea positorum luculenta inter- pretatione, 4to. very scarce, 7s. 6d. Daventrice, mccccxcvi. 480 Bartbolomtei Coloniensis libellus Elegiacus de septenis dolori- bus gloriosissimae Virginis Marie, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. sine ulld notd. 481 Bartholomaei Coloniensis Dialogus Mythologicus, dulcibus jocis, jucundis salibus, concinnisque sententiis refertus atque diligenter elaboratus, 4to.^«e copy, scarce, 6s. 6d, Phorce, 1509 .482 Bartholomaei Coloniensis Dialogus Mythologicus dulcibus jocis, jucundis salibus, concinnisque sententiis refertus atque dili- genter elaboratus, 4to. Jine large copy, very neat and rare, IDs. 6c?. - - Hagenau, 1514 *i^* A later edition of this curious volume sold in Mr. Roscoe's sale for 21. ^s. 483 Bartholomeo dalli Sonnetti (Zamberto) Isolario, curious nood- cut maps, with names of places Jilted in, in a neat hand, proba- bly by some early navigator, 4to. half bound, vellum, rare, 1/. lis. 6d. - - circa MccccLxxvii. *j^* This very rare and interesting volume consists of a collection of sonnets on the navigation of the Grecian Archipelago, with charts on the opposite pages, the outlines only engraved, and the names of the several places left to be in- serted with the pen by the navigators, for whose use this early and curious sur- vey appears to have been published. A copy which was presumed to be iinique sold in Marsh's sale/or 161. los. ^ 484 Basan (F.) Catalogue d'une belle Collection de dcssins Italiens, Flamands, Ilollandois, et Francois, &c. &c. rassemble par M. 'Heymnn, plates. 7vi(h (he prices, Svo. tieat, 10s. Qd. Paris, 1776 44 THOMAS Thorpe's 485 Bartlett's (Will.) Soveraigne Balsome, gently applied in a few weighty Considerations for healing the distempers of Profes- sors of Religion, as Satan hath wounded and drawne aside, to renounce the Use of Divine Ordinances and Gospel Institu- tions of Worship, with Relation of God's Working upon one in Plymouth, 4to. sewed, 5s. - 1649 486 Basilius Magnus de Poetarum, Oratorum, Historicorumque ac Prophetarum legendis libris, 4to. scarce, 7s. Ulmce, (Jo. Zainer.) 487 Basilii Magni Liber ad Juvenes quantum ex Gentilium libris ac litteris proficiant, cum Leon. Aretini praefatione, 4to. ven/ scarce, 5s. - - - sine ulld notd. 488 Basilii Magni, Libanii Rhetoris, Chionis Platonici, ^schinis et Isocratis Oratorum, Phalaridis Tyranni, Bruti Romani, Apol- lonii Tyanensis, Juliani Apostatae, etc. Epistolarum Graecarum Collectio, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. first edition, good sound copy, vellum, \l.^s. - Venet. Aldus, mccccxcix. *** Perfect copies are very rare. See Renouard, Santander, S^c. Sold in Mr. Hibbert's sale for 31. 3s., Sir Mark Sykes's for 3/. 3s., Dr. Heath's for 3/. 15s., Sotheby's, iu May, 1815, for 41. 4$., and Caillard's for 130 francs. 489 Basilii Magni et Gregorii Nazanzeni Epistolae Graccae, Svo. fine copy, scarce, 4s. - Haganoce, 1528 490 Basilii Magni contra ebriosos Homilia, Gr. Lovanii, 1533. — Plutarchi Libellus quo pacto quis efficiat ut ex inimicis capiat utilitatem, Gr. ib. 1531. — Basilii Magni Homilia in Ira- scentes ; Ejusdem Homilia in dictum illud, Attende tibi ipsi, Gr. ib. 1532, in one vol. Svo. fine copies, scarce. Is. 6d. 491 Basihi Magni Homilia in Sanctam Christi Nativitatem; Ejusdem Homilia in dictum illud Evangelio secundum Lucani, "Des- truam horrea mea, et raajora extriiam," et de Avaritia ; Ejus- dem adversus Divites Homilia, Graece, Svo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare^ I2s. - Lovanii, 1537 492 Basihi Orationes XXIV. de Moribus, Graece, Svo. fine copy, russia elegant, gilt leaves, 9s. - Paris, Morelius, 1556 493 Bassi(M.) Dispareri in Materia d'Architettura et Perspettiva, with several curious architectural engravings, 4to. fine copy, 11. Is. - ' - Bressa, 1572 *jif* " Ouvrage curieux et rare de cette edition, laquelle porte I'ana-e Aldine au commencement et a la fin.'' — Brunei. 494 Bassompierre (Mareschal de) ses Memoires contenant I'Histoire de sa Vie, &c. et ses Ambassades en Espagne et en Angleterre, 4 vols. 12mo. neat, scarce, \l. \s. Cologne, Elzevir, 1665-8 495 Bastii (Frid. Jac.) Epistola Critica ad Jo. Franc. Boissonade super Ant. Liberali, Parthenio, et Aristseneto cum emendatio- nibus et additamentis Manuscriptis a Car. Alb. Wiedeburg, etiam Appendics cum Notis a ?)ch?B^eT, fine paper, 8vo. very neat, Gs. - - Lips. 1809 49G Baueri (Jo. Jac.) Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis, cum supplementis, 7 vols, in 4, Svo. fine copy, calf extra, uncut, top edges gilt, rare, 1 1. 15s. Nu rnbcrg, 1770-91 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 45 497 Battle Abbey Muniments. — Descriptive Account of the un- rivalled Collection of Original Charters, Royal Grants and Donations, Monastic Cartulary, Manorial, Court Leet, and other Rolls, Registers, &c. constituting the Muniments of the Abbey of Battle, or De Bello, in Sussex, founded by King William the Conqueror, to perpetuate the Battle of Hastings and Conquest of England, together with the whole of the Pa- pers of the Family of Browne, ennobled as the Lords Mon- tague, and those of the Webster Family, &c. 221 pp. 8vo. cloth boards, 6s. - - 1835 498 Battles, — Account of the Siege of Mastricht ; with the Sundry Remarkable Circumstances ; also a List of the Officers Killed and Wounded, in the English and Scotch Regiments, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - 1676 499 Bauldry (P.) Catalogus ejus Bibliothecae, priced, Bvo. h. h. neat, 3s. 6rf. - - Traj.adRhen.\10Q 500 Bax (Casp.) Disputatio de Naturae Simplicitate in Euripidis Oreste, Svo. boards, uncut, 2s, 6d. Traj. ad R hen. 1816 501 Baxter's (Rich.) Key for Catholics, to open the juggling of the Jesuits, and to satisfy all whether the cause of the Roman or Reformed Churches be of God, with Notes, Illustrative and Biographical, by Rev. J. AUport, Svo. cloth bds. 12s. 1839 502 Bayard. — Histoire du Chevalier Bayard, Lieutenant General pour le Roy au Gouvernement de Dauphine, et de plusieurs choses raemorables advenues en France, Italie, Espagne, et les Pays Bas, portrait, ^to.Jine copy, very neat, rare, \l. lis. 6d. Paris, 1619 *»* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 9/. 9s. 503 Bayeux Tapestry, representing a Series of Events relating to Early English History, in seventeen large coloured plates, 21. 12s. 6rf. {Published by the Society of Antiquaries at eight pounds ten shillings.) %* This tapestry, which is preserved at Bayeux, in France, represents the conquest of England, anno 1066. The tale is told in a succession of scenes which terminate with the Battle of Hastings; and the subject of each scene is indicated by a short Latin inscription. The public are indebted to the zeal and liberality of the Society of Antiquaries of London for this best series of engrav- ings, which united would extend nearly seventy feet, executed by Basire, from admirable drawings hy Stothard, coloured in imitation of the tapestry. — See Mr, Carney's most interesting Account of this Monument of History. 504 Bayle. — Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, pour servir de suite a celui de Bayle, par J. G. de Chaufepie, 4 vols, folio, fine copy, very neat, in French calf. Si. 3s. LaHaye, 1750-6 505 Bayle. — Dictionnaire Historique, ou memoires critiques et lit- teraires, concernantla vie et les ouvrages dediverses personnes distinguees dans la republique des lettres, par Prosper Mar- chand, 2 vols, in 1, io\\o,f nc copy, very neat, in French calf, ll.Us.Qd. - - La Haye,n5S-9 506 Bayle. — Extrait du Dictionnaire Historique et Critique de Bayle, 2 vols. Svo. iieat, 7s. Gd. - Amsterdam, 1780 46 THOMAS Thorpe's 507 Bayle (Pierre) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, avec la vie de I'auteur par Des Maizeaux, 4 vols, folio, ^ne copy, very neat, in French calf, 31. 3s. - Amst. 1740 508 Beard and Taylor's Theatre of God's Judgments, wherin is expressed the admirable Justice of God against all Notorious Sinners, hest edition, folio, russia, \l. 5s. - 1648 *«• Among other examples is one of the Cambridge student, who murdered and robbed his father's own servant coming with his usual allowance, for which he was executed, and many others iu England, some of Conjurors, Witches, &c. 509 Beatiano, Opere de le cose, Volgari et Latine, 8vo. in old red morocco, from CrofCs collection, 1 85. Venetiis, per B. Zanetlis de Brixia, 1538 *#* " Libro rarissimo, venduto alio Spaccio dei Libri di Floncel all prezzo di 3G Lire di Fraucia."— il/5. Note by the Rev. T. Croft. 510 Beauclerk. — Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. Topham Beauclerk, sold by Paterson, prz'cec?, B>vo. h.h. nt., 10s. Gd. 1781 *** A splendid collection, containing upwards of 30,000 volumes. 511 Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, with notes by Weber, 14 vols. Svo.fne copy, beautifully h. b. by some ex- cellent French binder, uncut, top edges gilt, 61. I6s. 6d. Edinb. 1812 512 Beaumont and Fletcher's Woman Yieiter, first edition, 4to. h. b. neat, 15s. - - - - 1607 ♦(K* Sold in Rhodes's sale for 1 /. 2s. 513 Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle, a Comedy, ^rs^ edition, 4:10. fine large copy, 21. 2s. 1613 *^* This first edition is extremely rare. 514 Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle, a Comedy, 4to. 5s. 6d. - - 1635 515 Beaumont and Fletcher's Tragedy of Thierry, King of France, and Theodoret his Brother, ^to. first edition, fine copy, h. b. neat, IQs. 6d. - - - 1621 *^* Sold in Mr. Field's sale for 17s. 516 Beaumont and Fletcher's Thierry, King of France, Tragedy, 4to. sewed, 45. - - - 1648 517 Beaumont and Fletcher's Cupid's Revenge, as acted by the Children of the Revells, 4to. h. b. neat, 5s. - 1630 518 Beaumont and Fletcher's Cupid's Revenge, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1635 519 Beaumont and Fletcher's King and No King, 4to. sd., 5s. 1631 520 Beaumont and Fletcher's King and No King, 4to. 3s. 1661 521 Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, or Love lies a Bleeding, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - - 1634 522 Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, or Love lies a Bleeding, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - 1652 523 Beaumont and Fletcher's Elder Brother, Comedy, 4to. 4s. 6d. 1637 524 Beaumont and Fletcher's Elder Brother, 4to. served, 4s. 1651 525 Beaumont and Fletcher's Maid's Tragedie, revised and refined, nood'cut, 4to. h. b. neat, 7s. Gd, - - 1638 CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 47 52G Beaumont and Fletcher's Wit vvitliont Money, a Comcdie, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - - 1G39 527 Beaumont and Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas, Comedy, first edition, 4to. sened, 10s. 6d. - - 1639 528 Beaumont and Fletcher's RoUo, Duke of Normandy, Tragedy, 4to. seived, 4s. - - Oxford, 1640 529 Beaumont and Fletcher's Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Co- medy, 4to. sewed, 6s. 6d. - - ib. 1640 530 Beaumont and Fletcher's Night Walker ; or the Little Thief, Comedy, 4to. h. b. morocco, 6s. - - 1640 531 Beaumont and Fletcher's Night Walker, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1661 532 Beaumont's (Robt.) Love's Missives to Virtue, with Essaies, 12mo. h. b. morocco, scarce, 10s. 6d. - - 1660 H'iii Bebelii (Henrici) Triumphus Venereus ; Ecloga Triumphalis de Victoria Caesaris Maximilian! contra Boiemos; Laus Ger- manorum Elegia Hecatosticha et Querolosa Germanise ad Principes Germaniae, etc. 4-to.Jine cojnj, scarce, 7s. 6d. Tubingce, 1504 534 Bebeliana Opuscula nova, scil. Epistola ad Cancellarium de laudibus et philosophia veterum Germanorum ; Epistola de laudibus et auctoribus Facetiarum ; Libri Facetiarum jucun- dissimi, atque fabulae admodum ridendse ; Proverbia Ger- manica in latinitatem reducta ; Fabula contra hostera poet- arum ; Elegia in obitum Henr. Starrenwadel ; Elegia heca- tosticha de institutione vitae Bebelii dum pestis Tubingae gras- saretur ; Elegia ad Apolloniam puellam pulcherrimam de meditatione venturae mortis et senectutis ; Egloga contra vituperatores poetarum ; Epitaphium Cytharedi ad Joannem Streler Ulmensem ; Cantio vernacula ; Laus Musicae ; Apo- logia poetae de stirpe sua, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, 10s. 6d. Argent. Gruninger, 1509 5Z5 Bebeliana Opera ; Triumphus Veneris Hecatosticha, and Ten other Poems, Phorce, ap. T. Anshelmum, 1509. — Bebeliana Opuscula Nova, Christorae Facetiarum Libri, Laus Musice, Elegiee, &c. &c. Argent- 1509, in one vol. 4to. hi the original oak binding, fine copies, scarce, \l. Is. 536 Bebelii Opusculum de institutione puerorum, quibus artibus et preceptoribus instituendi et tradendi sunt, una cum Apologia et Defensione Poetices contra semulos, item Comccdia vel potius Dialogus de optimo studio scholasticorum, etc. 4to. Jine copy, scarce, 7s. 6cL - Argent. 1513 537 Bebelii Triumphus Veneris, cum Commentario Jo. Altensteig, 4to. scarce, \0s.6d. - - Argent. 1515 *** " An elegant and comprehensive poem.'' 538 Beccanuvoli (Lucretio) Bolognese, tutte le Donne Vicentine, Maritate, Vedove, et Donzelle, 4to. very neat, gilt edges, rare, 15s. - - - circa 1540 *#♦ A poetical volume of great scarcity, having apparently escaped the researches of bibliographers. It is comprised in three triumphs, and celebrates the ladies of Vicenza, the names being inserted in the margin. * 48 THOMAS Thorpe's 539 Becke's (Rev. H.) Letter on the means of securinff a safe and honourable Peace, 1798. — Speed) of lit. Hon. W. Pitt, on the Motion for an Address to the Throne, 1800. — Sir F. Morton Eden's Letters on Peace, Commerce, and Manufac- tures of Great Britain, 1802. — Correspondence between Great Britain and France, on the Negociation for Peace, 1 803, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 4s. Gd. 540 Becket. — S. Thomae Cantuariensis et Henrici IL Illustris Anglorum Regis Monomachia, de Libertate Ecclesiastica cum subjuncto ejusdem argumenti Dialogo, utrumque publicabat Richardus Brunseus, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare and interesting, \l. lis. Gd. Col. Agr. 1626 541 Becket. — Beaulieu, Vie de S. Thomas, Archevesque de Can- torbery, et Martyr, 8vo. neat, scarce, 10s. 6c?. Paris. 1679 542 Becket's (Andrew) Shakspeare's Himself Again, or the Lan- guage of the Poet asserted ; being a full and dispassionate Examen of the Readings and Interpretations of the several Editors, with 1600 Notes, further illustrative of the more difficult passages of his Plays, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. extra, marbled edges, 14s. - - 1815 ♦** Presentation copy to John Philip Kemble, Esq. with curious autograph letter from the author respecting the work. The volume cost its recent possessor II. 1&. 543 Bedae Presbyteri Anglosaxonis de Schematibus et Tropis Sa- crarum Literarum liber, \2n\o,Jine copy, very neat, 8s. Basilece, 1527 544 Bedfordshire. — Eighteen most Beautiful Drawings by HowLETT, OF Ancient Seals, illustrative of the County of Bedford, neatly mounted upon drawing paper, tvith borders, which serve as a frame to each, and which allows the drawing to he removed at pleasure without the use of paste or gum, by which drawings are so frequently spoiled, in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, richly tooled, 10/. 10s. *^* Nothing can exceed the beauty and veracity with which these exquisite drawings are executed ; they require to be seen to be appreciated : their value to the antiquarian and historian is as great as medals, frequently serving to fix dis- puted dates, genealogies, &c. in matters of history and legal cases. Much addi- tional interest is attached to the present collection by the nature of the document being given, to which the seal is attached from which the drawing is taken, and the place noticed where it is deposited, with particulars of the dates of each instrument, time of the foundation of each abbey, priory, monastery, hospital, nunnery, or other religious house to which the document relates. Among them are the seals of the abbey of Elvestow, and smaller seal of ditto, founded temp. WilUatn Cong. Wordon Abbey, seal and counter-seal, also the seal of the prior , founded 1135, ditto of the hospital of St. John the Baptist at Dunstable, Dunstable priory, Markyate priory, Markgate nunnery, Newnham priory, Chicksand priory, Bis- semede priory, Caldwell priory, &c. mostly taken from the deeds of surrender in the reign of Henry VIII. and some much earlier; a most valuable volume to the county collector. 545 Bedfordshire and Bucks. — Letter from a Minister in the Country, giving an Account of the Original, Nature, and Design of the Societies of the Clergy in the said Counties, single sheet, ^s. - - - 1699 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 49 -546 Bedfoudshire and the Noble Famiiy of Russell. — A Collection of Drawings and Engravings of Ciiukciies AND Monuments, Seats of the Nobility, Ancient Manor AND other Houses. Inns, and other Curious Buildings, illustrative of the County of Bedford ; also, upwards of ^IXTY different PoRTKAlTS OF THE SEVERAL DuKES AND Duchesses of Bedford and their Children. The Draw- ings nere executed in colours, with a view to publication, and as such their veracity is strictly preserved. The Engramngs ar^e the finest impressions possible to be obtained during many years^ ardent research, and many of the portraits are of rare occurrence, the whole are in one large volume, atlas folio, elegantly bound in morocco, gill edges, with broad borders of gold round the sides, 3\L \0s. *^* The above beautiful collection will prove a great acquisition to any county ■collector, and form a volume of endless amusement for the drawing-room table ; they contain drawings of the churches of Bedford, Dunstable, Potsgrave, Crawley, Hawnes, Campton, also views of A\'oburn Abbey, Battlesdeu Lordship House, Marston Park, Steppingley Park House,' Clapham Manor House, ancient mansion at Sharpenhoe, Campton Parsonage, and various views in the diS'erent neighbour- hoods, inns, bridges, Roman camps, monuments, and other interesting subjects; the portraits consist of the various earls and dukes of Bedford, various duchesses and other ladies, also other branches of the family ; the duchess of Marlborough, admiral Russell, lord Orford, Wriothesley, earl of Southampton, the marquis of Tavistock, by Watson, alter Sir Jos. Reynolds, proof before the arms were inserted, and many others by Vertue, Houbiaken, V'anderbanc, Picart, Lombart, Williams, and other artists, some proofs, S^c. ffc. 547 Bedfordshire. — Private Act for Vesting the Estate of W. Bromley, Esq. and Mary, his Wife, lying at Sundon, in Bed- fordshire, in trust, to be sold, pursuant to an Agreement in their Marriage Settlement, folio, sewed, 5s. - (1700) 54S Beelzebub's Sure Guide to Hell, 7i. d. — Satyrical Lecture on Hearts, with Critical Dissertation on Noses, 1767. — Flagel ; or a Ramble of fancy through the Land of Electioneering, 1768. — An original Cainera Obscura ; or, the Court, City, and Country Magic Lanthorn, in which any one may take a peep, laugh, and shake their noddles at each other ; being an Account of the most curious Collection ol' Manuscripts ever yet offered to the Public, &c. 17 68. — The Battle Royal, or the Effects of Anticipation, &c. 1788. — Reflections upon wjjat the World commonly call Good Luck and 111 Luck, with regard to Lotteries, and of the good use which may be made of them, 1758. — Prophecy of Achmet Almazi, which has thrown the Turks into so many terrors, and been the motive of the Russians' present Expedition, plate, 1777. — Narrative of the Extraordinary Case of George Lukins, of Yatton, Somersetshire, who was possessed of Evil Spirits for near 18 years ; also an Account of his Remarkable Deliver- ance, in the Vestry Room of Temple Church, Bristol ; with the Rev. Mr. Easterbrook's Letter of Particulars, Bristol, 1788, in 1 vol. Svo. a scarce and curious collection, neat, \2s. H > 50 THOMAS Thorpe's 549 Beel, Comico-Tragoedia Sacra, a Betuleo, 12mo. vellum, ^ill leaves, scarce, 4s. - - Ulmce, \615 550 Beech's View of England's present Distempers, occasioned by the late Revolution, 12mo. neat, with autograph of Henry Bradshaw, 10*. 6d. - - 1650 551 Bees. — The ordering of Bees, or the True History of Managing them from time to time, &c. by John Levett, frontispiece, 4to. f tie copy, scarce, 6s. - - 1634 552 Bees. — Monarchia Foeminina, sive Apum Historia, a Car. Butlero, 1 2mo. clean copy, in the original binding, scarce, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1673 5oS Behn's (Mrs.) Abdelazar, or the Moor's Revenge, a Tragedy, 4to. 2s. Q>d. - - - 1677 554 Behn's (Mrs.) Feign'd Courtezans, or a Night's Intrigue, a Comedy, 4to. 25. 6t;. - - 1679 555 Behn's (Mrs.) Forced Marriage, or the Jealous Bridegroom, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. 2s. - - 1690 556 Behn's (Mrs.) Round Heads, or the Good Old Cause, a Comedy, 4to. 2s. - - - 1698 557 Bekinsau (Joannes) de Suj)remo et Absoluto Regis Imperio, Svo.fne clean copy, in the original binding, very rare, 11. Is. Lond. 1547 *^* Dedicated to King Henry VIII. 558 Belegerung der State Wien, 4to. very scarce, 3s. fVienn, 1529 559 Belgium and Holland. — Five Hundred Tracts, illustra- tive OF THE History of the Low Countries from 1569 TO 1774; A most valuable and interesting Historical Collection, in English, Latin, Dutch, Flemish, and French, fne copies, with pilates, bound in 12 vols. 4to. very neat, 16/. 16s. - - 1569-1774 *»* The above important collection must be examined to be duly appreciated; many of them contain interesting particulars connected with England, Spain, France, India, &c. 560 Belii (Math.) Grammatica Slavonico-Bohemica, 8vo. fine copy, neat, scarce, 7s. 6d. - - Posonii, 1 74G 561 Bell's (Dr. And.) Analysis of the E,xperiment in Education, made at Egmore, near Madras, 1807. — Cabal and Love, a Tragedy from Schiller, 1795. — Mr. Blore's Statement of a Correspondence with Richard Phillips, Esq. Siieriffof Lon- don, Sec. respecting the Antiquary's Magazine, Stamford, 1807. — H. Wansey on the Wool Trade and Manufactures, 1791. — .J. Thistlethwaite's Consultation, a Mock Heroic, a curious and very scarce Somersetshire tract, dedicated to H. Burgum, Esq. Lord of the Manor of Glastonbury, <§"c. Sfc. Bristol, 1775, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 10s. 6d. 502 Bell's (Beaupre) Osiers, a Pastoral from Sannazariiis, with some Account of Sannazarius, and his Piscatory Eclogues, 4to. scncd, 2s. - - Cambridge, I724i 562 Bell's (I'hos.) Christian Dialogue, betweene a Deformed Ca- tholicke in Rome and Reformed Catholicke in the Church of England, 4to. 7s. 6d. - - 1G09 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 51 564 Bellendeni (G.) Scoti, Ciccronis Consul, Senator, Senatusquc Romanus, editio prima, 8vo. Jine copy, dedicated to Prince Henry, with a beautiful plate by Gaullier, very rare, 1 8s. Paris. 1612 *«• Sold ia Mr. Bridges' sale, in 1725, for 21. 12s. Gd., aud ia the Duke of Grafton's for 3/. 565 Bellman and Newsman's Verses, and other Broadsides, a cu- rious collection, with wood-cuts, ^-c. 2l. 2s. %* The following is a brief note of the above lot : — Verses by George Wright, Bellman to the precinct of St. Kutherine's Tower, wood-cut border, repreieiitimj various pnnhhments, a fire, ^c. 1705. — Verges of John Guy, Bellman to the Bridge- ward, some are addressed to Sir Charles Duncomb, Alderman, and others of the ward, 1710. — Ditto for 1714, including some addressed to Sir George Mertthis, and Francis Forbes, Esq. Aldermen. — The Lamplighter's Verses, with curious old view of Guildhall before the alterations, 1742. — Ditto for 1744, with the same view, but much worn. — Verses by Daniel Archer, Bellman of Bridgeward, with view of the old church, ^c. 1745. — Verses by John Wotton, Bellman of St. Mary-le- Strand, icHh view of the old church, no date. — Another, with the same view, 1 799. — Ditto for 1800 — 1801.— Ditto for 1803, with diflerent view.— Ditto, with the same view, 1805 and 1806.— Newsman's Verses for 1788, 1792, 1796, 1800, and 1804. — Strange and Wonderful News from the City of Loudon, of a Young Man who was tempted by the Devil, in verse, with wood-cuts, 1693.— The Last Dying Sayings of Dr. S. in verse, with wood-cuts, 1691. — Elegy on the lamented Death of Sir Thomas de Veil, who died at his house in Bow street, Covent Garden, in verse, with wood-cuts, n. d. — Description of the Surrender of the City of Lisle to the Duke of Marlborough, iri verse, with uood-cut view of the siege, 1708. — A Tra- gical Play, a curious plate of the King of France swinging on a slack rope, sup- ported by Jesuits, &c. n. d. — Verses to the Train Bands of the City of London, with View of London, including the Old Bridge, &,c. n. d. — Election at Mer- chant Taylor's school, June 11th, 1764. — Dinner Ticket for ditto, 1714. — Names of Towns, Parishes, Villages, Streets, &c. of which the power of issuing all writs, &c. belong exclusively to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and to their suc- cessors, as grauted by various sovereigns of this kingdom, &c. 566 Bellonii (P.) Memorabilium Rerum in Graecia, Asia, ^gypto, Judsea, Arabia, aliisque exteris Provinciis ab ipso conspccta- rum Observationes, lib. III. Car. Clusius E. Gallicis Latinas faciebat, wood-cuts, Svo. vellum, 10s. 6c?. Antv. 1589 %* Sold in the Rev. H. Meen's sale for \l. Is. 567 Bellovisii (Armandi) Sacrae Theologiaj Doctoris, Declaratio dif- ficilium terminorum Theologiee, Philosophiae, atque Logicae, Svo. vellum, very scarce, 10s. Gd. Fenetiis, apud Aldum, 1586 *j»* At the end is a catalogue of the Aldine books then on sale by the younger Aldus, with their prices. Sold in the Lucca sale for II. Is. 568 Bellum quod Philippus Francorum Rex cum Othone Augusto, Anglis, Flandrisque gessit, in verse, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, \5s. - Antv, 1534 569 Belsham's History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Amiens, 1802, 12 vols. Svo. very neat, 31. 3s. - - 1S06 570 Bembo (Pietro) Asolani, Svo. Jine copy, vellum, \5s. Vineg. Aldo,15\5 %* Sold in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 2/. Is., and in Mr. Roscoe's for 3/. 571 Bembi Epistola; Latinse, Svo. vellum, 7s. 6d. 1535 572 Bembo, Prose, Svo. scarce, 8s. 6d. Vinegia, Gualtero Scotto, 1552 X 52' TIJOMAS THORPe'^S 573 Bembi Carminum Libellus, 8vo. scarce, 10s. Qd. Venet. ap. G. Scottum, 1552-S 574 Bcmbo, Asolani, 8vo. very Jine copy, extra, gilt edges, \l.l\s.Gd. - Vineg. G. Scotto, 1553 *^*' The titles of the three preceding voluaies are decorated with the device of Mercury aiul Pallas, the same as appears to have been occasionally used by Paul Mauutius at this period. 575 Benedict! Pseantii Diaria tie Bello Caroline in Italia gesto per Carolunri VIII. contra Venetos, anno 1495, lib. II. Prinno Piigna Turrensis, secundo Novariensis Expugnatio describi- tiir, 4to. half bound, neat, verij scarce, 2l. 2*. Venetiis, Aldus, (MCCCCXCVI.) *** " Livre extremementrare, et d'une grandebeaute." — Renouard. It is one of the earliest Latin books printed by Aldus, and contains an account of the wars of Charles VIII. in Italy, by an eye-witness. Sold in Silvestre's sale, iu 1811, for 107 francs. 576 Benedicti (Georgii) De Rebus Gestis lllust. Princ. Gulielmi Comitis Nassovii, lib. II. Item Epigranimata et Epitaphia, Svo. neat, scarce, 10s. Qd. - Lugd. Bat. 15 80 *^* Containing some elegant poems on QTieen Elizabeth, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Sir Philip Sydney, &c., and one "in Imaginem Ser. Regin C34 Biblia Sacra, Aliud Exemplar, large paper, 2 vols, folio, fine clean copy, bds. uncut, very scarce, ll. 1 Is. Gd. Parisiis, 1729-45 C35 Biblia Sacra Sclavonica, folio, neat, marbled edges, extremely rare, 4Z. 4*. - - Moscua, 1GG3 %* Dr. Cotton observes of this edition of the Bible, that " a revised version of the Sclavonic Bible, taken partly from the old Ostrog edition, was printed in this city, {Moscow), in 1663, under the auspices of the grand duke Alexius Michael- owitz ; copies of this are extremely rare, even in Russia itself, yet an exquisite one maybe seen in the royal library of George III. (now in the British Museum.) An ample and minute account of this edition, and of the corrections which it underwent, will be found in J. P. Kohlin's work." 63G Biblia. — Jo. Piscatoris Commentarii in omnes libros Veteris et Novi Testamenti, 5 vols, in 3, folio, beautiful copy in old red morocco, from the Prime Minister Colbert's Library, rvilh Arms on the sides, 4/. 14s. 6d. - Herborncc, 1643-58 G37 Biblia. — De Epocha Historiae Ruth Dissertatio Josephi Khell, 8vo. sewed, uncut, 2s. - Vienncc, 175G G38 Biblia. — Commentarius in Epistolam Juda?, a H. C. Alexandro Haenlein, 8vo. 2s. - Erlangce, 179G G39 Bible. — Wie Noe vom wim uberwunden durcb sin jungsten Sun Cham geschmacht aber die eltern beid, Sem und Japhct geehret den sagen und fluch inen eroffnet hat, fine copy of n rare poetical volume, 8vo. very neat, 12s. Bern, 154G G40 Bible Cuts. — Figure del Vecchio Testamento, con versi Tos- cani, per Damian Maraffi nuovamente composti, illustrate, rvith wood-cuts on every page, Lione, 1554. — VVol gerissnen und geschnidten figuren Ausz der Neuwen Testament, rvood- cuts on evertf page, with verses underneath each, ib. 15G4, in 1 vol. Svo. vellum, \l. Is. *,* A beautiful scries of wood-cuts illustrative of the Old and New Testament. G41 Bible Cuts. — Gul. Borluyt Ilistoriariim Memorabilium, ex Ex- odo seqnentibusque libris Descriptio, numerous wood-cuts, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, scarce, \l. Is. Lvgduni, 1558 I 58 THOMAS Thorpe's 642 Bible Cuts. — Quadrins Histori(iucs de la Bible, a series of most beautiful wood-cuts with descriptions in French verse. Lion, far Jan. de Tournes, 1558. — Figures du Nouveau Testament, a series of similar beautiful nood-cuts illustrative of the New Testament, with descriptions in French verse, ib. 1558, in one vcl. Svo.fne copies, very neat, gilt edges, 21. 2s. 043 Bible Cuts. — Posselii Evangelia Dominicorum et Festorum Dierum versibus Heroicis Grsccis reddita, numerous wood-cuts, Bvo- viorocco, gilt edges, scarce, 18s. Witcbergce, 1563 644 Bible Cuts. — Figures des Histoires de la Sainte Bible, 2 vols. in one, folio, containing 273 curious early wood-engravings, •neat, 2l. 2s. - - Paris, 1688 645 Bible Bearer, (The) by A. N. of Trinity College, Oxford, bad copy, 4to. scarce, 2s. - - 1607 640 Bible. — Times of the Bible ; veyled in Cubits, Sheckels, Ta- lents, Furlongs, Chapters, Verses, Letters, of the Scripture ; with the Days, Hours, Watches, Weeks, and Months of the Jewish Year, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, I5s. 1667 047 Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana a Sixto V. in splendidiorem commodioremque locum translata et ab Angelo Roccha Com- mcntario illustrata, plate, 4to. fne copy, vellum, rare, 1/. 1 Is. 6d. Romce, ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1591 *^* " Printed at the Vatican press, under the direction of the younger Aldus, and Dominic Ba«a. It contains a curious account of the library of Aldus, and, in the Index Auctornm cHatorum, very complimentary tributes both to Aldus the elder, and Paul Manuce.'' It was unknown to Renouard. 648 Bibliotheca D. Jo. Galloys Linguee Graecae Professoris, seu Catalogus Librorum quos ipse, dum viveret, summa cura in- gentique sumptu collegit, a L. Seneuze, priced, 2 vols. 8vo, neat, is. 6d. - - - Paris. 1710 049 Bibliotheca exquisitissimis cujuscunque Facultatis Artis et Scientige literis referta, itemque Danielis Desmarets Biblio- theca Librorum Botanices, priced, 8vo, 5s. Gd. 1710 650 Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum maxime Anecdotorum eorumque Historicorum rec. Jo. Moser, 4to. vellum, 4s. 6d. Norib. 1 722 651 Bibliotheca Jo. LuloUs, partly priced, Svo. h. b. neat, 2s. Liigd. Bat. 1769 052 Bibliotheca Petri Bondam, continens Nummos, 8vo. vellum, 4s. 6rf. - - Trajecti ad Rhenutn, I SOO *'^* Few private libraries have been formed, comparable to that of Peter Bondam, for books on the law, antiquities, and history of Europe. The collec- tion of coins is very large and valuable. 653 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, or Descriptive Catalogue of early English Poetry, on sale by Messrs. Longman and Co. with Portraits, Extracts, and Remarks, Critical and Biographical, LARGE PAPER, royal Svo. h, b. russia, gilt edges, \t. 18s. 1815 Q5i Bibliotheca Regia Catalogus, 5 vols, folio, 7vilh portraits of George III. and Sir F. Barnard, privately printed fob PRESENTS, boards, uncut, extremely rare, 21/. 18;;0-29 %* This was the late Duke of Marlborough's copy. CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 59 055 Bibliolliequc dcs Sciences ct des IJeaux Arts, 50 vols. 12nio. h. h. neat, u7iiform, 21. \2s. 6d. a la Hayc, 1734-80 *,* A copy sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 7/. 12s. 6(/., and this copy, in Mr. Hope's sale, for 61. lOs. 056 Bibliotheque Malaye, par M. E. Jacquet, avec Notice, Svo, served, Us. 6d. - - - - s. d. 657 Bicheno's (J.) Signs of the Times, Edinburgh, 1794. — Biclieno's Word in Season, 1795. — Bicheno's Probable Progress and Issue of the Conimotions which have agitated Europe since the French Revolution, 1797. — Bicheno's Glance at the His- tory of Christianity, Nenhury, 1798. — Laymen's Address to the Clergy, Bath, 1798. — Daubeny's Fall of Rome recom- mended to the consideration of England, 1798, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 6s. 6d. C5S Bicheno's Ireland and its Economy, Svo. 3s. 1830 G59 Bidcombe Hill, a rural and descriptive poem, with an Essay on Local Poetry, by Rev. F. Skurray, plates, Svo. bds. os. 1824 660 Bidermanni (Jac.) Herodiados lib. III. sive DD. Innocentes Christo-Martyres, ab Herode Tyranno crudeliter caesi, 12mo. vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Lugd. 1622 661 Bildt. — Von S. Christoffels Bildt, in verse, 4to. scarce, 5s. Number g, s. a. 662 Bindley (Jas.) Catalogue of his extensive and most curious library, four parts complete, forty-one days' sale, sold by Mr. Evans, portrait and prices, Svo. h. b. russia, 18s. 1818-9 G03 Binet (Estienne) Abrege des Vies des principaux fondatenrs des religions de I'eglise, reprcsentez dans le chosur de I'abbaie de S. Lambert du Liesses en Haynaut : avec les maximes spirituelles de (chaque fondateur, with thirty-eight beautiful portraits by Galle, 4to. neat, 18s. Anvers, 1634 664 Biochimo's Royal Game of Chess-Play, sometimes the Recrea- tion of the late King, with many of the Nobility, illustrated with almost an hundred Gambetts, portrait of King Charles I. by Stent, 12mo. extra, gilt edges, scarce, 12s. 1656 %* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 1/. 7s., and iu the White Knights for the same. 665 Biography. — Whiston's Memoirs of Dr. Samuel Clarke, being a Supplement to Dr. Sykes's and Bp. Hoadley's Accounts, 1730. — Rich. Izacke's Alphabetical Register of Benefactors to the poor of Devon, very scarce, 1736. — Authentic Memoirs of Dr. Rich. Mead, 1755. — Short Account of the Lives of Dr. John Parsons, Professor of Anatomy, in Oxford ; Dr. Rich. Hack Saunders, Physician, London ; Dr. Chas. Colig- non, Professor of Anatomy, at Cambridge; and Sir Alex. J^ick, of Prestonfield, Bart. Edinb. 1786. — Life and Charac- ter of Mrs. Mary Moders, alias Mary Carleton, the famous German Princess, with her tragicall fall at Tyburn, (1740). — Life and Character of the late Lord Chancellor Jefferys, 1764: — Life of Voltaire, written by himself, 17S4, in one .vol. Svo. h. b. neat, \Qs. 6d. 60 THOMAS thorfe's 666 Bishops.- — Apprentices Advice to the XII. Bishops lately ac- cused of High Treason by the Honourable Assemblies of Both Houses, with our friendly admonition to take heed how they falsely accuse those innocent Worthies in Parliament, whose Lives are more deare to us than all the Twenty-five Prelates, in verse, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 10s. 6d. 1642 6C7 Biskamp (Elardi) Dissertatio Theologico-Philologica de Poesi Sacra, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - Traj. ad Rhen. 1718 ijij^ Bizzari (Petri) Varia Opuscula, sc. de optimo Principe, ad Elizabelham Anglice Reginam : de bello et pace, ad Mariam Scolice Reginam : pro philosophia et Eloquentia, ad Francis- cum Russell Comilem Bedfordice : ^milii accusatio et defen- sio, ad Gul. Cecilium: pro L. Virginio contra Ap. Claudium, ad Gul. Metlan Dominum Lidinctoni, ScoticB Regince Secret. : et Poematum variorum lib. II. 8vo. good clean copy, neat, very scarce, 11. lis. 6d. - Venetiis, Aldus, 1565 %* This is a most interesting volume to the collector of English and Scotish History, as it contains poems addressed to the principal personages during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 66[) Blacci (Joannis) Odae Sacroe, seu Paraphrasis in loca gravissima Veteris et Novi Testamenti variis Carminibus conscripta, 8vo. fine copy ruled with red lines, vellum, 8s. Paris. 1550 070 Blackett. — Elegy to the memory of the most excellent Lady Blackett, inscribed to Sir Walter Blackett, 4to. sewed, scarce, 5s. - - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1759 671 Blagden's (Chas.) Experiments on the Cooling of Water below its freezing point, 4to. sewed, 2s. Qd. - 1788 G72 Blair's (Dr. W.) Hints to Parliament on the supposed Failures of Vaccination at Ringwood, Svo. bds, 3s. 1808 (j73 Blake's (Will.) Silver Drops, or Serious Things, with Letters relating to the Ladies' Charity School-House at Highgate, for maintaining Fatherless Children born at or near Highgate, Hornsey, or Hampstead, Jine copy, with view of the school- house and other curious emblematical plates, 12mo, en old mo- rocco, gilt edges, 1 5s. - - no dale. *^* Privately printed in behalf of the charity, with addresses to various noble personages. G74 Blake's (Sir F.) Political Tracts, in which the true Policy of Great Britain is considered, the Sinking Fund, National Debt, Revenue, &c. 8vo. neat, 2s. 6d. - 1795 675 Blancani (Josephi) Sphaera Mundi, seu Cosmographia Deraon- strativa, ac facili Methodo tradita : in qua totius mundi Fa- brica, una cum novis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumque Astronomorum ad inventis continentur, etc. etc. ^to. fine clean copy, very neat, from Thuanus's library, with his arms on the sides, 18s. - - Bononice, 1620 676 Blanchard's Journal and Certificates on the Fourth Aerial Voy- age, from the Royal Military Academy at Chelsea, in company with Professor Sheldon, to Sunbury, and from thence alone to Romsey, in Hampshire, dedicated to the Duke of Northum- berland, 4to. served, Zs. - - 1784 CATALOGUl, OF HOOKS. fiJ 077 Blanci (Marci) SalocUani, Opus pulclicrrimum ct peruiilc in Scotica Via et Peripathetica, Intentionale appellatum, 4to. scarce and curious, 5s. - Ncapoli, 1521 C>7S IManci Campiani (Frid. Nauseae) Episcopi Viennensis, de Clericis in Ecclesia ordinandis, lib. V. Vienncv, 1548. — Hier. Balbii BoliemijE et procerum ejus Laudes, Carmina, Pragce^ 15G0. — Laur. Span. Tetrastichorum Duae Ccnturiae praeclaris et utilissimis refertae Sententiis, ih. 1560.— Ejusd. de peste lib. duo, Heroico Carmine conscript!, Olomuncii, s. a. — Ejusd. Nova de Homine Carmina, Pragce, 1560, in one vol. 8vo. original vellum binding, embossed with figures, 18s. t)79 Blanci (Gul.) Epigrammata in Obeliscum, mirae magnitudinis ex ^gypto quondam a Caio Caligula llomam advectum, et deinde in Circo Vaticano erectum jamque ruderibus pene obrutum in mediam S. Petri aream a Sixto V. translatum ; accesserunt ad Sixtum V. aliquot Anagrammata et Epigram- mata, cum libello de Ratione Anagrammatismi,/5/a/e, 4to.^we coj^iji scarce, Ss. Romce, ex officina Barth. Grassii, 1586 680 Blandy. — Account of the most horrid Parricide committed by Mary Blandy upon her Father, F. Blandy, Town Clerk of Henley-upon-Thames, with several Particulars, her receiving the Poison from her Lover, the Hon. Hen. Cranstoun, nith her portrait in gaol, Sfc. 4to. 5s. - 1751 G81 Blandy's Chronological Tables of the VVorld, commencing with the Creation, and ending with the Nativity of Jesus Christ, digested into the same method with the Chronological Tables of Col. W. Parsons, with Genealogical Tables, Pedigrees, Catalogue of Historians, to which is added the Characters of the High Priests, Emperours, Kings, Judges, &c. the whole beautifully engraved by Hulett, 4to. fine copy, curious and scarce, 10s. Qid. - - - Oxford *„* The copious list of subscribers includes many old Oxfordshire families and members of the university. GS2 Bleiswykianae Bibliothecae Pars Major, sive Catalogus Libro- rum quos collegit Petrus van Bleiswyk, priced in manuscript, together with the printed prices, 8vo. /*. b. neat, scarce, 6s. Hag. Com. 1791 *^* " An excellent choice of splendid and useful books, in most departments of science and literature.'' G83 Blessington's (Earl of) Observations on the State of Ireland, 8vo. h. b. very neat, 10s. 6d. - - 1822 *^,* '' Francis Freeling, Esq. from his sincere friend the author.'' G84 Bliss (Dr. Philip) Bibliographical Miscellanies, being a Selection of Curious Pieces, in Verse and Prose, 4to. bds. uncut, scarce, 15s. - - - Oxford, 1813 *^* A very limited number of this interesting volume was printed. 685 Blith (Walter) England's Improvement, Six Peaces for the Improvement of Land, by Watering, Drayning, Tillage, Plantation, &c., also of Orchards, Gardens, &c. plates, 4to. 7s. 1653 62 THOMAS Thorpe's GS6 Blitli's (Walter) English Improver, or a New Survey of Hus- bandry, with verses, coiner of title gone, 4to. 2s. 1649 687 Bloetstortinghe (Die XV.) ons liefs heeren Jcsu Christi, Utrecht. — Den Kersten Spyeghel is dyt hantboerken genaemt. Ende is wt ghegheuen van breeder Dierijck van Munster Minrebroeder vander Observancien, 1522. — Dit is een Bo- ercken van verduldich lijdeu vevelck sinte Bernacrt bescrijft Eu her leert hoe haer alle kersten menschue in haer liden draghen sullen, en wat profijt in dat lijden ghehelen is, Antwerpen. — Een seer de voet Boecken en is ghehelen Onser lieer Vrouwen Mantel, Utrecht, 1521. — Dit is een devote Oeffeninghe totten berch van Oliveten en is inhoudende hoe een devoet herte hen oeffenen sal in dat ghebndijde preciose bloet OS liefs heren ihu xre, etc. ib. 1521. — Dit boercken is wt gegheven biden eerwaerdigen heere dou Commissarius wieester Godtscalck Roesmondt, Delff, 1516, in 1 vol. 12mo. with very curious tvood-cuts, scarce, 11. Is. 688 Bloklard. — Catalogue d'une Collection choisie de Livres et quelque Curiosites delaisses par M. P. Beelaert de Bloklard, with prices and names, 8vo. h. h. neat, 6*. Utrecht, 1813 GSJ) Blondi Flavii, de Roma Triumphante lib. X. 8vo. fine copy, h. b. neat, 2s, 6d. - Paris. Colinceus, 1533 690 Blondus (Michael Angelas) de Partibus iciu sectis citissime sanandis, et Medicamento Aquae nuper invento, etc. Venet. per fratres de Nicolinis de Sabio, 1542. — Ejusdem de Me- moria Libellus, ib. id. 1545. — De Calvariae curatione Tracta- tus duo, Hieronymo Crasso Autore, very rare, ib. (Aldus,) 1560. — Nicolai Magni de Medicis Pulveribus, Libellus, Parisiis, Vascosanus in ccdibus CoUtkbi, 1545, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, from Thuanus's collection, with his arms on the sides, 2l. 2s. G91 Blount's (Hen.) Voyage into the Levant, a brief relation of a Journey, lately performed, from England by the way of Venice into Dalmatia, Slavonia, Bosnah, Hungary, Macedonia, Thes- saly, Thrace, Rhodes, and Egypt, into Gran Cairo, third edition, rvith some interesting and very neatly written notes, by Dr. Hill, rvho calls it " an interesting narration, in which are many ingenious remarks and observations^" 4to. h. b. neat, lOs.Gd. - . - 1638 692 Bobbin's (Tim.) View of the Lancashire Dialect; by way of Dialogue, between Tummus, Margit, and Meary, &c. showing the comical Adventures and Misfortunes of a Lancashire Clown, with Glossary of Lancashire Words and Phrases, Observations on the Dialect, &lc. frontispiece, 12mo. sewed, scarce edition. Is. Qd. - Manchester, 1757 693 Boccacio Comedie, folio, fine large copy, h. b. morocco, very rare, M. \\s, 6d. Venetiis, per G, de Rusconibus^ 1503 *^* The above is a volume of considerable rarity, having escaped the researches of mauy of the most diligent bibliographers. 694 Boccacio, Nymphale Fiesolano, 8\o. fine copy, morocco elegant, gill edges, very rare, \8s. - Venetia, 1518 CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 63 695 Boccacii Compendium de pr.Tclaris Malleribus, folio, vert/ Jine copy, vellum, ISs, sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXV. *»* This edition, which is extremely rare, was printed by Husncr, about 147.3. — See Clement and JEdes Altkorpiana. Sold iu Jourdau's sale for 60 francs, and in Mr. Nicol's sale for 21. 18s. 696 Boccacio Libro que trata de las illustres Mugeres, title re- printed, othernise a Jine copy, folio, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 2 1- 12s. 6d. Sevilla, por Jacobo Cromherger, 152S 697 Boccacio Ameto, con le osservationi in volgare grammatica sopra esso di Hieronimo Claricio, remarkably fine copy, 4to. neat, rare, \l. \s, - - Milano, \520 698 Boccacio Amorosa Visions nelle quale si contengono cinque Triumphi Apologia de H. Claricio Immol. contra Detrattori della Poesia del Boccacio, &c. first edition, 4to. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 18s. - - Milano, 1521 *,* The above copy sold in the Pinelli sale for 21. 3s., and in Mr. Hibbert's for \l. 14s. 699 Boccacio Laberinto d'Amore, 8vo. a scarce edition, 5s. Firenze, 152.5 700 Boccacio, Fiammetta Amorosa, Venegia, per V. de Ravani, 1534. — Laberinto d'Amore di M. G. Boccaccio, con una Epistola a M. Pino de Rossi, Vinegia, per N. d'Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1532, in one vol. 8vo. beautiful copies, in the original morocco binding, gilt edges, richly tooled, 3 1. 3s. %* The above beautiful volume was presented by Lady Mary Sydney, mother of Sir Philip Sydney, to her kinsman, H. Goodere, the ITth Dec. 15G7. On the fly-leaf are the following verses, presumed to be in her ladyship's autograph : — " From sacred throane dystills the beste the next dystendes by lawe of kiude In natures frame is formde the reste wch conqueres ofte the loftye mynde who hath thies three moste perfect is who lackes theime all lyves voyde of blyssc." 701 Boccatii Fabulosae Historise tres de Aniore, jucundse ad- modum, ne Cupidinis arcus sagittet juvenum animos, P. Beroaldo Bononiensi interprete ; ejusdem Beroaldi Oratio Nuptialis, in verse and prose, rvith curious wood-cut, 4to. mo- rocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 11. lis. 6d. Argent. 1536 702 Boccacio Laberinto de Amor, nuevamente traduzido en nuestra lengua Castellana, 4to. a beautiful copy, very neat, in French calf, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. Sevilla, for Andres de Burgos, 1546 *,t* The above copy was purchased by the late possessor for 4/. 4s., and it was also sold in the White Knights sale for 3/. 17s. 703 Boccacio, Decamerone, dal Cavalier Leonardo Salviati, 4to. fine copy, very neat, M, lis. 6d. Firenze, Giunti, 1582 *** On the margins of this copy, and on leaves inserted, are written in a very- neat hand, the passages suppressed, or altered, by Salviati and the licensers, " qui oftre," says Renouard," I'avantage peut-etre unique d'avoir sous les yeux I'exacte concordance des deux textes." 64 THOMAS TiioRrr's 704 Boccacio, Decamerone, con Dichiarationi et Auvcrtlmenti illus- trati per Girolamo Ruscelli, con un Vocabolario Generale, et con ^li Epiteti del Autore, wood-cuts, 4to. vellum, from Consul Smith'' s collection, 10s. 6rf. - Venet. Valgrisio, 1537 *^* Sold in the Roxburghe sale for \l. 10s. 705 Boccacio, il Decameron, a remarkably fine copy, from the Bor- romeo Library, 12mo. in the original vellum, 21. 3s. Amst. (Elsevir) 1 665 706 Boccacio, another copy, in the original binding, very fair, 1/. I*. Elzevir, 1665 *^* The most beautiful and correct of all the editions, taken from the Giunta Edition of 1527. 707 Boccatii (Verg. de) Tractatus de interdicto uti possidetis sive de manutentione in possessione, 4to. fine copy, vellum, 18s. Romce, ap. Jo. Aug. Rvffinellum, 1600 *^* On the title is the device of the Anchor and Dolphin. Unknown to Re- nouard. 708 Boccliii (Francisci) Epistola ad perillustrem Phil. Valorium Ruinam, stragemque fractoe Pergamenae Florentinee testudinis deplorantis Pisas, with wood-cut, 4to. scarce, 4:s. Florent. 1604 709 Bocchii Epistola de laudibus adorn. Rev. Patris Severini Boldini Veneti, concionatoris Generalis clariss. ex familia Divi Francisci de Observantia, 4to. 3s. 6d. ib. 1605 710 Bochelli (Laur.) Enchiridion Christiani Jurisconsulti, 12mo. a beautiful volume, in old calf, richly tooled on the sides, gilt edges, 12s. - - - Paris. 1618 711 Bodenham's (John) Wits' Theatre of the Little World, a curious collection of choice witty sayings and treatises, upon various subjects, 12mo. neat, rare, 1/. 5s. - 1599 *j^* Sold in the Gordonstoun sale for 1/. 15s., and in Mr. Perry's for IZ. 13s. 712 Bodenham's Politeuphia, or Wit's Commonwealth, I2mo. fine copy, neat, scarce, 1/. Is. - - - no date 713 Bodikeri (J.) Grund-Satze der Teutschen Sprache, 8vo. vellum, 4s. 6d. - - ' Berlin, 1729 714 Bodino (Gio.) Demonomania de gli Stregoni, cioe furori, et malie de' Demoni col Mezo de gl' huomini trad, da Here. Cato, 4to. fine copy, vellum, 12s. Venet. Aldo, 1592 %* Sold in the Lucca sale for 1/. 18s., and in Renouard's for 1/. 13s. 715 Boecleri (Jo. Henr.) Dissertat'ioncs Acadewicse, fine portrait, 4to. vellum, 5s. _ . _ Argent. 1701 716 Boendermaker (Theodori) Catalogus ejus Bibliothecas, Libro- rum Prsestantium, Codiciim MSS. et Editionum Rarioriim, Atlas de fen M. Boendermaker, compose des Chartcs choisics et origiiiales des plus habiles Geographes, priced, Svo. h. b. vellum, 4s. - - - Amst. 1722 *„* The Atlas above mentioned appears to have contained a large collection of very rare English portraits and prints. 717 Boers. — Catalogus Libroriim Caroli Boers, Thcol. Doct. priced, 8vo. //. 6. r)eol, 2s. 6d. - Lugd. Bat. 1816 CATALOGUE or BOOKS. bh 718 Boetliiiis de Consolationc Ph\\osoph\cc, first edition, Mio,Jinc copy, half-bound, neat, \l. \\s. Qd. Basilece, Mich. Wenslcr, circa MCCCCLXXIV. %* This edition is described by bibliographers as being of extraordinary rarity. Laire observes, that the type of this impression is the same as that which is used ' pro Gaspariui Pergameusis Epistolis,' by Biel and Wcnsler. Count Reviczky observes, that it is conjectured this edition was published about the year H?-!. Tliis copy cost its late possessor 61. 6s. 719 Boethius. — Duplex Commentatio ex integro reposita atque re- cognita in Boetium de Consolatione Philosophica et de disci- plina Scholastica, etc. 4t(). scarce, 5s. Lugdini, per Jac. Alyt, et Jo' de Platea, 1510 720 Boethii Consolationis Philosophicc lib. V. Anglo-Saxonice red- diti ab Alfredo inclyto Anglo-Saxonum Rege, edid. Christ. Rawlinson, nith mamiscript notes and corrections by Lye, the celebrated Saxon scholar, 8vo. neat, \L 11 5. Gd. Oxon. 1G98 *^* Sold in the Rev. T. Williams's sale for 21. 15s. 721 Boethii (Hectoris) Deidonani, Scotorum Historise a prima gentis origine, cum aliarum et rernm et gentium illustratione, with dedications to James Vth. and to Cardinal Beaton Arch- bishop of St. Andrews, folio, ^ne copy, vellum, 21. 2s. Paris. Badius, 1526 *#* Hector Boece is spoken of with great praise by Erasmus and other learned men of his time. His history commences with the origin of the Scotish nation, and is continued to the time of James H. whose reign commenced anno 1436. 722 Bohadsch (J. B.) Dissertatio de Veris Sepiarum Ovis, plates, 4to. 2s. - - - - PragcE, 1752 723 Bohemia. — Cutheni (Martini) Catalogus Diicum Regumque Bohemorum in quo summatim gesta singulorum singulis distichis continentur, numerous nood-cid portraits, 4to. fine large copy, very neat, scarce, 8s. - Pragce, 1540 724 Bohemia. — The Reasons which compelled the States of Bohe- mia to reject the Arch-Duke Ferdinand, and to elect the Elector Palatine, &c. 4to. 2s. 6d. - Dort, (1670) 725 Boiardo. — I tre Libri del Orlando Inamorato di Nicoli di Agostini, printed in double columns, with wood-cuts, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, 15s. - Venetia, Bindoni, 1538 %* This edition, of which the above is the second volume only, is of the greatest rarity, and is only mentioned by Brunet on the authority of Count Melzi, the former evidently never having seen it. A complete copy is in the British Museum. 726 Boiardo (Matteo Maria) Orlando Innamorato, insieme co i tre libri di Nicolo de gli Agostini, nuovamente riformato per M. Ludovico Domenichi, wood-cuts, 4to. morocco elegant, gill edges, very rare edition, Si. 3s. - Vinegia, 1545 %* Sold in Roscoe's sale for 51. 12s. 6d., and in Col. Stanley's for 6^ I6s. GJ. 727 Boiardo Orlando Enamorado por Fr. G. de Villena, 4to. very fine copy, elegantly bound in morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt edges, extremely rare, 21. I2s. 6d. Toledo, 1581 *,t* " Livre tres rare." — Brunei, who was notable to quote the sale of a single perfect copy. K 66 THOMAS Thorpe's 728 Boiardo los tres Libros, Uamailos Orlando Enamorado tradu- zidos por Fr. Garrido de Villena, 4to. Jlne copy, elegantly hound in morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt edges, ex- tremely rare, 21. I2s. 6d. - Alcala, 1577 *»* An editiou of extreme rarity, unknown to most bibliographers, being earlier than the first mentioned by Brunei. This copy was purchased in the Conde sale for 3/. \9s., and has since been sumptuously bound. 729 Boileau ses Qiluvres, avec des eclaircissemens Historiques don- nes par lui.meme, et rediges par M. Brossette ; augmentee de plusieurs pieces tant de I'Auteur, qu' aiant rapport a ses Ouv- rages ; avec des remarques et des dissertations critiques par M. de Saint-Marc, portrait and plates, 5 vols. 8vo. very neat, ll.Us.6d. - - Paris, 1747 730 Boissardi (J. J.) Poemata, Elegiarum Lib. II. Hendecasyllabo- rum Lib. II. Tumulorum et Epitaphiorum Lib. 1. Epigram- matum Lib. 11. 8vo. velvet, marbled edges, 5s. Metis, 1589 731 Boissier (Gul.) Catalogus ejus Bibliothecae, jmces, 2 vols. 8vo. k. b. neat, Q,s. - - Paris. 1 725 732 Bokenham.— Questiones Solertissimi viri totiusque sacre quon- dam pagine professoris vernatissimi necnon torrentes liquidos inter rivalos afFatim manantis Jobannis Bokinham genere An- glici in quattuor libros sententiarum, 4to. scarce, \0s. 6d. Paris, 1505 733 Bolingbroke. — Representation of the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1715 734 Bolland's (William) Miracles, a Seatonian Prize Poem, 4to. sewed, is. 6d. - - Camb. 1797 735 Bolland (The Hon. Baron) Catalogue of his curious and valua- ble Library, sold by Evans, thirteen days' sale, with prices and purchasers' names, %\o. 12s. - 1840 736 Bolland. — Catalogue of bis collection of Coins and Medals, sold by Sotbeby, prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 1841 737 Bollandus. — Acta Sanctorum curaBollandistarum. Three very curious volumes, purchased at the sale of the Library of the Bollandists at Tongerloo. The two first consist of Indexes to the first three volumes of the Acta Sanctorum, tvilh Manu- script additions ; and the third comprises the Month of Octo- ber, with much other additional matter, folio, an interesting ar- ticle, 51. 5s. 738 Bonacioli (Ludovici) Ferrariensis, ad divam Lucretiam Borgiam Ferrariae Ducissam, Eneas Muliebris, folio, fine large copy, vellum, very scarce, 1/. Is. - sine ulld notu, 739 Bonacursi, Orationes de vera Nobilitate magna Virtute quam divitiis orta, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. 6d. sine ulld notd. 740 Bonaventurae Regimen Conscientie vel parvum bonum. Epis- tola S. Methodii Episcopi Pararensis de Regnis Gentium et novissimis temporibiis certa demonstratio Christiana. Trac- tatus de Preparacione ad missam Domini Seraphici Jo. Bona- venturae, in 1 vol. iio. fine clean copies, neat, very scarce, 1 1. Is. sine ulld notd, scd Colon. Ulr. Zell, circa MCCCCLXX. CATALOGUE Ol" BOOKS. G7 741 Bonnventur.T Tractatus de modo se preparandi ad celebrandum Missam, 4to. scarce, 3s. (Davcntrics, Jac. de Breda) circa MCCCCXCIV. 742 Bonadi (Francisci) ad Augustissimam pacis Dominam Leonoram Franciae Reginam, Patheplangentis Ecclesiee ad Christum Sponsum, ejusdemque ad eandem Solamen, accedunt et ad eandem Cantica Canticorum Solomonis, cum Scholiis, proe- terea Threni Hieremiae Vatis, itemque novem lectiones Elegi- arum Jobi ProphetEe, 12mo. fine copy, morocco, gilt edges, a scarce poetical volume, \0s. 6d. - Parisiis, 1539 743 Bonavitis (Marci Mantuee) Dialogus de Concilio, 4;io. fine copy, neat, in old calf, gilt, 15s. - Venet. 1541 744 Bonde (Gul.) De Julii Clovii clari admodum Pictoris Operibus lib. III. Thesaurus Artis Pictoriae ex unius Jul. Clovii Operi- bus depromptus, folio, fine copy, very scarce, 2l. I2s. 6d. 1733 *n* Privately printed for presents. Ouly two others are said to be known in this couutry : see Bibliographical Decameron. It contains the description of a Psalter executed by Julio Clovio, for John III., King of Portugal. Sold ia Watson Taylor's sale for 5/. 5s. 745 Bondi (Clemenle) Poesie, large paper, 3 vols. 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, \l. \\s. Gd. - Vienna, 1808 *,„• " Edizione completa, e la sola corretta." 746 Bonefonii (Joannis) Opera Omnia, Latino et Gallico Idiomate ab jEgidio Durant donata, 12mo. very neat, marbled edges, 5s. Amst. 1725 747 Bonespei (N.) Trecensis Libellus de Lepidis Gravium Divino- rumque virorum Epistolis, adjectis in calce quibusdam baud spernendis, 4:io. fine copy, very neat, scarce, 7s. Paris, s. a, 748 Bonnet (Gisberti) Orationes duee, in Religionis Contemtores, etc. 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. IVajccli ad Rhenum, 1793 749 Bonnetiana Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum quibus usus fuit Gisbertus Bonnet, prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. very neat, scarce, 7s. - Traj. ad Rhen. 1805 750 Boonmesch (Adr.) Commentatio de Hymno Zachariai Evang. Luca; i. 67-79, 4to. sewed, 3s. Gd. Lugd, Bat. 1818 751 Borger. — Catalogus Librorum E. A. Borger, Theol. Doct. et Litt. Hum. Prof, priced, 8vo. h. h. neai, 4s. Lugduni, 1821 *,* A good theological library. 752 Borgliini (Raffaello) Riposo in cui della Pittura, e della Scul- tura, de piu illustri Pittori e Scultori, e delle piu famose opere loro si fa mentione, &c. Svo. very scarce, 1 5s. Fiorenza, 1584 *,* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 41. Is, 753 Borlase's Reduction of Ireland, 12mo. 5s. Gd. 1675 754 liortii (Jacobi) Dissertatio de primorum Hominum Christiano- rum Vita privata, largest paper, 4to. sewed, uncut, 5s. Gd. Lugd. Bat. 1825 755 Boroughs (Sir John) Soveraignty of tlie British Seas, proved by Records, History, and the Municipall Lawes of this Kingdoirie, l2mo. original binding, 2s. Gd. - 1651 G8 THOMAS Thorpe's 750 Boroughs (Sir John) Impetus Juveniles et quacdam sedatioris aliquantulum aniini Epistola?, ICmo. ^rst edition, fine copy, h. b. neat, very rare, \L 5s. - Oxon. 1643 %* Most of the epistles are written to Philip Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon, after- wards Lord Verulam, Tho. Farnabie, Tho. Coppin, Sir H. Spelman, &c. 7j7 Boscan Obras, y algunas de Garcilasso de la Vega repartidos en quatro libros, first edition, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 4/. 145. Gd. Barcelona, 1543 %* 'J'his first and extremely rare edition of the united works of these reformers of the poetry and language of Spain, has escaped the notice of Antonio, Brunet, and nearly all other bibliographers. 758 Boscan Obras, y algunas de Garcilasso de la Vega, 4to. fine co2}y, vellum, extremely rare, 31. 3s. - 1543 %* "This SECOND EDITION is unknowu to Nicholas Antonio, and all other writers on the subject.'' It is mentioned by Brunet in his Nouvelles Recherches, who was only able to quote the sale of one copy, which sold in 1830 for 5/. 5s. 759 Boscan, Obras y algunas de Garc. de la Vega, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 2s. Salamanca, 1547 760 Boscan, Obras, y algunas de Garc. de la Vega, \^2mo. fine copy, morocco elegant, IL 5s. - Anvers, 1569 *^* Bouterwek says, that Boscan is the first classical poet of Spain, and his language has continued a model for succeeding ages. In many instances, espe- cially in the expression of the tender passion, he has exceeded even Petrarch. " Sometimes he turned to gaze upon his book, Boscan or Garcilasso ; by the wind E'en as the page is rustled whilst we look, So by the poesy of his own mind. Over the mystic leaf his soul was shook." — Byron. 701 Boschffi (Rob.) Apologia TTfpt tov KuXEvfiiov, seu de Spectatd ac proba ingenuse longeque nobilissimse vitae KaraaTcwi, Svo. vellum, rare, 7s. 6d. Rothomagi per le Roux, s. a. 702 Boschenstain (Joannis) Hebraica; Grammaticse Institutiones Studiosis Sanctfe Lingua?, 4to. a remarkably fine copy, quite uncut, neat, very rare, ll. lis. 6d. Wittenburgi, 1518 *^* Prefixed to this tract is a short address by Melancthon, in which is stated, " Consensu eruditorum omnium, studiose lentor, probatur ueminem quidquam insigue conari in rectis studiis posse, nisi qui simul Latiuis Grasca et Hebraa con- juuxerit. Habes igitur hie apprime utilem libellum docti viri Jo. Boschenstain, etc." This volume is rendered a (jreat curiosity, inasnmch as the Hebrew character, for which alone the volume zvas published, is filled up in manuscript, no Hebrew types having at that time found their tvay into Wiltemhurg. 703 Boschiana Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum qui studiis inservierunt viri celeberrimi Hieronymi de Bosch, prices and purchasers' names, Svo. h. b. neat, 6s. - Amst, 1813 704 Bosco (Jo. a) Floriacensis Vetus Bibliotheca, Benedictina, Sanc- ta, Apostolica, Pontificia, Ceesarea, Regia Franco-Gallica, Svo. fine copy, in the original binding, rare, ll. lis. Gd. Lugd. 1605 *^* " The contents of this curious and very interesting volume have been sin- gularly overlooked by the generality of English antiquaries. It contains many things relative to English History. Among others, a Life of Gildas the wise, the most ancient British author ; all his bibliographers, down to Mr. Chalmers, have stated the place of liis interment was unknown. The place and church are here given." CATx\LOGUE OF HOOKS. 69 7G5 Bossemii (Math.) de Clericorum cum Focminis Cohabitatione, licitane ea sit annon, Tractatus Ethicus, Svo.fne copy, vellum, rare, \5s. - - - Duaci, 158G 766 Bossi (Gieronimo) La Genealogia della Gloriosissima Casa d' Austria, in verse, wood'Culs, 4to. fine copy, rare, \l. Is. Venelia, Sessa, 1560 *,* This metrical genealogy of the house of Austria may be classed among the works of fictiou and romance, similar to the adventures of Orlando and others of the same kind. 767 Bossewell's Workes of Armorie, divided into three books, many Heraldic plates, 4to. neat, scarce, IL 5s. - 1597 *^* " A most valuable work." 7G8 Bosvvell (Jas.) — Catalogue of the Library of the late James Boswell, Esq. ten days, sold by Mr. Sotheby, prices, 8vo. h. b. russia, 6s. - - - - 1825 769 Botany. — Smyth (J. E.) Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants, 1786. — Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Botany, by Ditto, 1795. — A. Freake's Observations and Experiments on the Lupulus of Linnaeus, 1806. — Dr. A. Fothergill's Essay on the Abuse of Spirituous Liquors, Bath, 1796. — Mr. Pitt's Bill for the better Support and Maintenance of the Poor, 1797. — R. Saunders's Abstract of Observations on the Poor Laws, 1802. — Thos. Barnard's Letter to the Bishop of Dur- ham, on the Poor Laws, 1807, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 6s. 6d. 770 Botany. — R. Hooper's Observations on the Structure and Economy of Plants, 1797. — Hortus Cantabrigiensis, by J. Donn, Cambridge, 1800. — Dr. Thornton's Botanical Exhibi- tion, 1804, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 4s. 771 Botany. — Collegio, Consociis et Amicis Botanices, Poema, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - Gand. 1816 772 Botello (Miguel) Fabula de Pyramo y Tisbe, 4to. scarce, 5s. Madrid, 1621 773 Bouillon (Cardinal de) a Collection of Letters concerning his Eminency, with consideration on his Letter to the French King on his leaving France, &c. containing the unjust grounds of his disgrace, &c. 4to. .reived, 3s. - 1710 774 Bourges (M. de) Relation du Voyage de Monseigneur I'E- vesqne de Beryte, Vicaire Apostolique du Royaume de la Co- chinchine par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, &c. jusqu'au Royaume de Siam et autres lieux, S\o.Jine copy, in old red morocco, marbled and gilt edges, 15s. Paris, 1683 775 Bourghesii (Joannis) Vitae, Passionis et Mortis Jcsu Christi Mysteria, piis meditationibus et adspirationibus exposita, et figuris aeneis expressa per Boetium a I3olsvvert,^ne impressions of the plates, Svo. very neat, rare, ll. Is. Antw. 1622 *»* " Volume recherche a cause des figures.'' — Brunei, 776 Bourchier (Thomae) Historia Ecclcsiastica de Martyrio Fratrum Ordinis divi Francisci in Anglia sub Henrico VIIL Rege, et in Hybernia tempore Elizabethae Reginae, Svo. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 1/. Is. - - Parisiis, 1582 70 THOMAS THOKPe's 777 Bourchier (T.) Historia Ecclesiastica de Martyrio Fratriim Ordinis Minorum divi Francisci, quo Partim in Anglia, partim in Belgio, partim in Hybernia passi sunt, Ingolst. 1583. — ■ Historia Passionis novorum in Germania Inferiori Martyrum Ordinis S. Francisci, a Rev. Patre Flor. Leydano, ih. 1582, in one vol. 12mo. beautiful copies, elegantly bound in morocco, edges gilt and tooled, rare, \l. lis. Gd. *»• This volume contains much interesting matter illustrative of Irish ecclesi- astical history. 778 Boulter (Dr. Hugh) Lord Primate of all Ireland, &c.. Letters to several Ministers of State in England, &c., with Account of the most interesting Transactions which passed in Ireland, from 1724 to 1738, 8vo. 7ieat, Gs. - 1770 779 Boulter (Hugh) Archhishop of Armagh's Monument, a Pane- gyrical Poem, Sacred to the Memory of that great and Ex- cellent Prelate and Patriot, 8vo. Jine copy, in old morocco, gilt edges, 15s. - - - - 1745 780 Bourn's (Sam.) Vindication of the Principles and Practices of the Dissenters, 1748. — Conduct of the Ministry Examined, 1756. — White's Answer to Ditto, 1756. — Further Address to the Publick, containing genuine Copies of all the Letters be- tween Adm. Byng, and the Secretary of the Admiralty, from the time of his Suspension, 1757. — Admiral Byng's Defence, containing a very particular Account of the Action off Cape Mola, between the British and French Fleets, &c. 1757, in 1 vol. 8vo. 4*. 6c?. 781 Bourne (William) Treasure for Travellers, containing very necessary matters for all sorts of Travailers, eyther by Sea or Land, 4to. in the original vellum binding, ll. Is. 1578 •^* Sold in the Towneley sale for 4/. 45. 782 Bousquet (Louis) Catalogue de sa Collection choisie de Livres Fran9ois, Anglois, et Hollandois, with prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. Gd. - Amst. 1782 783 Bouton (P.) Relation de I'Establissement des Francois depuis I'an 1635, en I'lsle de la Martinique, I'une des Antilles de I'Amerique, des Moeurs des Sauvages, de la Situation, et des autres Singularitez de I'lsle, Svo.fne copy, vellum, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1640 784 Bovilli (Caroli) Samarobrini Proverbiorum Vulgarium, lib. III. Paris. 1531. — Aristeas de Interpretatione Septuaginta duorum Interpretum per Mathiam Palmerium conversus, ib. 1514. — De artibus magicis ac Magorum maleficiis opuspreclarissimum Magistri Bernardi Basin, emendatus per Petrura Aymerich, ib. 1506, in one vol. 12rao.^ne copies, neat, all very scarce, IBs. 785 Boxel (J.) Series of Engravings of the Exercise of the Musket and Pike, with descriptions in Dutch, ^ne impressions, 4to. very neat,lOs.Gd. - - Graven- Hage, IG70 786 Boyer's (A.) History of the Siege oiTo\x\on,jilate, 4to. seived, 2s. - - - - 1708 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS, 71 787 Boyle's (Hon. R.) Considerations touching the Style of the Holy Scriptures, extracted from a Discourse concerning divers belonging to the Bible, Svo.Jine copy, in the original binding, 4s. 6d. - - - - 1663 *,* " This work abounds in excellent observations, and contains many original and devotional remarks.'' 788 Boyle..— An Elegy on the Death of the Honourable Mr. Robert Boyle, folio, ^ne copij, sewed, 7s. 6d. Oxford, 1G92 789 Bracciolini (Francesco) della Grocer acquistata Poema Heroico, lib. XV. 12mo. 7ieat, very scarce, \0s.6d. Parigi, 1605 790 Brand's (C.) Treatise on Assurances and Annuities on Lives, 1775. — The whole doctrine of Parallaxes Explained and Illustrated, by Rev. Edw. Stone, Oxford, 1768. — Historical Account of English Money, from the Conquest to the Union, rvith plates, 1726. — The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, being a Supplement to Bishop Warburton's edition of Shakespere, 1750, in 1 vol. 8vo. h.b. neat. Is. 6d. 791 Brand's (John) Popular Antiquities, chiefly illustrating the Ori- gin of our vulgar Customs, Ceremonies and Superstitions, 8\o. neat, Ss. 6d. - - 1810 792 Brandiana Bibliotheca : Catalogue of the unique, scarce, rare, and curious Library of Rev. J. Brand, both parts, sold by Stewart, 8vo. boards, uncut, 7s. 6d. - 1807-8 793 Brant (Seb.) de Origine et Conversatione bonorum Regum : et laude Civitatis Hierosolymae : cum exhortatione ejusdem re- cuperandae, 4to. fne copy, in old red morocco, gill edges, very rare, 2l. 2s. J. Bergman de Olpe, MCCCCXCV. 794 Brant. — Nauis stultifera a domino Sebastiano Brant primu edi- ficata : et lepidissimis teutonice lingue rithmis decorata : De- inde ab Jacobo Lochero philomuso latinitate donata : et demu ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio vario carminu genere no sine eorun- dem familiari explanatione illustrata, numerous mood-cuts, blacfe Ittttr, 4to. russia, \l. lis. 6d. (Basil.) perNic. Lamparter, MCCCCVL {pro 1506.) *,* " Cette tradtiction, tres-dijjerente de la prtcedente, contient des additions,'^ etc. — BruNET. The cuts are very spirited. It sold for o^ 7s. in Roscoe's sale. 795 Brantii (Jo.) Elogia Ciceroniana Romanorum, Domi Militiaeque lUustrium, Antv. 1612. — Sc^milli Impares Vitruviani, a Bern. Baldo Urbinate, nood-cuts, Aug. Vind. 1612. — Pacis Scalae Tractatus de Consilio Sapientis, in Forensibus Causis adhi- bendo, Venet. ex off. Jordani Ziletti \_Typis Ald'i] 1564. — Hier. de Monte, Tractatus de Finibus Regendis Civitatum, etc. ib. 1562, f.ne copies, 4to. in rich old morocco, gilt edges, with arms on the sides, \l. lis. 6d. 796 Braun (P.) Notitia Historico-Litteraria de Libris ab Artis Ty- pographicae Inventione, usque ad 1500 impressis, plates, 2 vols, in \, ito.fne copy, very neat, \Os.Gd. Aug. Find. 1788-9 *** Sold in Brienne's sale for 24 francs. 797 Brassicani (Joannis) Grammaticte Institutiones, 4to. fne copy, very neat, a rare edition, 18s. Argent. Schurer, 1512 72 THOMAS Thorpe's 798 Brassicani Grammaticac Institutiones cum Quantitatibus Bebc- lianis, 4to. neat and scarce, 10s. 6d. Argent. Prus, 1513 799 Brasclia (Santo) Tutto il suo Itinerario di Giorno in Giorno al Santissima Cita di Jerusalem nell' Anno 1480, first edition, 4to. 51. 5s. Mediolani Leonardus Pachel et Uldericus Sinczenceller, MCCCCLXXXI. ♦«• This extremely rare book is written in the Italian language in a free and natural style, and contains a diligent and exact description of the author's travels, and is valuable also for the poetry which it contains. See Quadrio, vol. ii. p. 208. The only other copy which I believe has occurred for sale, sold in Mr. Hibbert's sale for 161. 10s. Another copy is in the rich collection of Voyages of the Right Hon. T. Grenville, a fourth it is presumed does not exist in this country. 800 Brathwaite's Essayes upon the Five Senses, with Continuation enlarged by the Author, engraved frontispiece hy Marshall, 12mo. Jine copy, in the original binding, IL 8s. 1635 •#♦ Such is the scarcity of this enlarged edition, that the reprint in the Archaica was made from an incomplete copy. 801 Brathwaite's Arcadian Princesse, in Verse and Prose, frontis- piece hy Marshall, l2mo. fine copy ^ morocco elegant , gilt edges, 11. 5s. - - 1635 803 Brathwaite, Mercurius Britannicus Tragi-Comoedia, Lutetias publice acta, 4to. very scarce, 8s. 6d. - 1641 *#* A curious and interesting piece. 803 Bravo (Nicolas) Benedictina, Poema, en que se trata la mila- grosa vida del glorioso S. Benita, Patriarca de los Monges, con una breve recapitulacion de las Religiones, que le recono- cen por Padre, assi monasticas como militares, 4to. vellum, scarce, 18s. - - Salamanca, 1604 804 Brayne's (Jo.) Smoke of the Temple cleared, through the Light of the Scripture, 4to. sewec?, 35. - 1648 805 Bremen. — Considerations upon His Majesty's Message ; and the Dutchies of Bremen and Verden, jvith map of those Dutchies and the Rivers Elbe and Weser, 4to. served, 4s. 1717 806 Brenneri (Elite) Thesaurus Nummorum Sueo-Gothicorum, plates, 4to. fine paper, very neat, scarce, 15s. Holmice, 1731 807 Bretonneau (Guy) Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Bri9onnets : representant les plus heroiques actions des per- sonnages tracez au naturel en ce tableau, beautifully engraved title, Paris, 1621. — Joach. Perionii Oratio de laudibus Dion. Briconneti, ib. 1620. — Gul. Briconneti pro Ludovico XII. ad versus Maximil. Imp. Oratio, in one vol. 4to. fine copies, neat, rare, 15s. 808 Breviarium secundum" usum insignis Ecclesiae collegiatae, B. Marise Virginis de Belna, Eduensis Dyoceses, ^}ri?iierf in red and black, 8vo. fine copy, in the original morocco binding, the sides richly tooled, gilt edges, rare, 1/. lis. 6d. Genevce, 1517 809 Breviarium liomanura, ex Decreto Concilii Tridentini restitu- tum et summorum Pontificum Auctoritate recognitum, plates, 4 vols. ito. fine set, in rich old red morocco, gilt edges. Si. 3s. Paris. 1701 CATALOGUE OF nOOK'S. 73 610 Breviarium, in modern Greek, 4 to. fine copy, original binding, VERY RARE, 2/. 2s. - Venct. Zannetus, 1570 811 Bribery. — Debates and Proceedings in Parliament, upon the late Briberies and Practices, 4to. sewed, 5s. Q>d. 1695 812 Bridges' (Will.) Wounded Conscience cured, the Weak one strengthened, and the Doubting Satisfied, in answer to Dr. Fearne, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - 1542 81 3 Bridges. — Catalogus Librorum Jo. Bridges Arm. nuper ex Hos- pitio Lincolniensi ; adj. Appendix MSStorum, large -paper, with the prices, 8vo. very neat, 15s. Tonson, 1725 *»* The catalogue printed at the expense of Mr. Bridges, who, it is said, limited the impression to twenly-jive copies, for personal use, and presentation to friends. Sir M. M. Sykes's copy sold for 21. 6s. 814 Bridges.— Catalogue of the library of J. Bridges, upwards of 4000 books and manuscripts, the auctioneer's copy, inlaid IN 4to. with prices and names, neat, ISs. ib. 1725 815 Brinsley's (John) Sacred and Soveraigne Church Remedie, or Primitive and Apostolicall Way of composing Ecclesiasticall Differences ; first preached in the Parish Church of Great Yarmouth, and now published as a preservative against Anti- Synodall Suggestions, &c. ^io. fine copy, sewed, 7s. Gd. 1645 816 Brissonii (Barnabsc) De Regio Persarum Principatu lib. Til. Svo. neat, scarce, 10s. 6d. Paris, ap. Rob. ColumbeUum, in Aldina Bibliotheca, 1591 817 Brissonii de Regio Persarum Principatu, lib. III. Editio se- cunda, Svo. fine copy, extra marbled edges, rare and curious, 1 4s. Paris, apud R. ColumbeUum in Aldina Bibliotheca, 1599 *»• This edition of this learned and curious work Renouard states he never saw. 818 Bristed (John) on the Nature and Use of Prophecy, 1743. — Essay on the Art of ingeniously Tormenting, Dublin, 1753, — Letter to Soame Jenyns, 1776. — Barker on the Prophecies concerning the Messiah, 1780. — Dr. R. Price on the Popula- tion of England, 1780, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, 6s. Q>d. 819 Bristol's (John) Discourse, shewing the great Happinesse that hath and may still accrue to England and Scotland, by re- uniting them into one Great Britain, frontispiece, containing J\ portraits of King James and King Charles I., with views of « London and Edinburgh, by Marshall, 12mo. neat, 7s. Qd. 1641 820 Britain's Happiness, and its full possession of Civil and Reli- gious Liberty, stated and proved by Dr. R. Price, 1791. — Price on the Love of our Country, 1790. — Paine's Rights of Man, being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution, 1791. — Letter from Burke in answer to some ob- jections to his Book on French Affairs, 1791. — Appeal from the new to the old Whigs, by Burke, 1791. — Paine's Rights of Man, part II. combining Principle and Practice, 1792. — Oldys's Life of T. Paine, with Defence of his Writings, 1791, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. L 74 THOMAS Thorpe's 821 Britannia Langucns, or a Discourse of Trade, shewing the Grounds and Reasons of the Increase and Decay of Land, Kents, National Wealth and Strength, 8vo. clean copy, neat, '4s. 6d. . _ - - 1680 822 British-American Treaty, with an Appendix of State Papers, 1808. — Letter from the Hon. T. Pickering, Senator of the United States, on the unnecessary and ruinous war with Great Britain, 1808. — New System of Politics, or Sons against Fathers, dedicated to Lord Holland, 1808.— Britain Inde- pendent of Commerce, by W. Spence, 1807. — Roscoe's Con- siderations on the causes, objects, and consequences of the present War, 1808. — Collection of State Papers which have appeared relative to the Danish and Russian Wars, 1808, ir» one vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, Qs. 823 British Museum. — Catalogus Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur, 7 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 2l.\2s.6d. - - - 1813-19 824 Dritonio (Girolamo) Cantici, et i Ragionamenti : et quelli del Ponteficc, in favore della Saniissima Romana Chiesa, 8vo. h. b. neat, very scarce, \l. \s. - Vinegia, 1560 *ji5.* This work is not mentioned by Haym. Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 21. 2». 825 Britton's (John) Catalogue Raisonne of the Pictures belonging to the Marquis of Stafibrd, {late Duke of Sutherland,) in the Gallery of Cleveland }Aovi&e, frontispiece, 8vo. bds. As. 1808 82G Brixii (Germani) Antissiodorensis Antimorus, Lidetice, 1519, — Thomas Mori Epistola (Responsiva) ad eundem Brixium, very rare, Londini, Pynson, 1 520, 2 vols. 4to. elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edges, 51. 5s. *»* T^o most interesting historical volumes. When Henry VIII. engaged in war with France, in consequence of the League of Cambray, Sir Thomas Knevet was sent to the Coast of Brittany, with a fleet of 45 sail. After they had com- mitted some depredations, a French fleet of 39 sail issued from Brest, under the command of Primauget, and began an engagement with the English. Primau- get, finding his destruction inevitable, bore down upon the vessel of the English admiral, and, grappling with her, resolved to make her share his fate. At last the French vessel, " La Cordaliere," blew up, and at the same time destroyed the English, "The Regent." "This exploit was celebrated by a Frenchman, Germain de Brec, the above Germanus Brixius, in a Latin poem, styled * Chordigerse navis conftagratio,' in which, however, he was not content to extol the valour and bravery of his couo^ trymen, but indulged in many opprobrious expressions against the English. The great Sir Thomas More ridiculed, in several of his epigrams, the extravagances of the Frenchman. Brixius, on this, grew exasperated, and, notwithstanding the earnest dissuasion of Erasmus, who was friendly to both, published his * Antimorus/' answering Erasmus, though contrary to truth, that when he received his letters it was no longer in his power to suppress the publication. But when Erasmus wrote to the same efiect to Sir Thomas More, imploring his forbearance. More, though vehemently and personally attacked, replied, ' I had hoped Brixius would ])roduce something learned and witty, that might amuse even me his antagonist, who am not apt to take ofteuce at a, joke. At this rude and envenomed eoncoc- tion I could but laugh, and was resolved to give no answer at all. Other men, however, in whose judgment with regard to my aft'airs, I have more coufideuce than in my own, judged otherwise. They were of opinion that there would be some who would read the Antimorus of Brixius without knowing the Chordigera, and my Epigrams; and that therefore it might be well done to publish all this together in one book, and thus to present it to the reader.' " CATALOG UK OF IHJOKS. / O " And yet that thoa mayest sec, my Erasmus, (he wrote in a subseqtient let- ter,) how much readier I am to obey thee than IJrixius, know that, although at the receipt of thy letter my book was not only under the press, but already printed, I have yet bought in all the copies thereof, and keep them with me, with the exception only of the two copies sent to thee and jEgidius, and five others the printer had sold already.'' This was certainly uo common trait of modera- tion, especially in an author; neither was there any doubt among the learned public to whom the victory belonged. The letter from Erasmus to Brixius, and the answer of Brixius, are both printed at the end of the first volume. 827 Brocardi (Bonaventurae) Palaestina seu descriptio Terrae Sanctae solertissima, Svo. vellum, scarce, 7s. Col. Agrip. IGSl *^* Meuselius had apparently never seen this edition of the voyage of Brocard to the Holy Land, about the middle of the XII lib. century. 828 Broeckhuysen (Benj. a) CEconomia Corporis Animalis, sive Cogitationes succinctas, de Mente, Corpore, et utriusque Con- junctione, juxta Methodum Philosophiae Cartesianae deductae, dedicated to King Charles the Second, large paper, 4to. very fine copy, in rich old morocco, gilt edges, rare, 1/. lis. Grf. Lugd. Bat. 1683 829 Brome's (Richard) Northern Lasse, Comedy, first edition, 4to. sewed, 10s. Q>d. - - - 1632 *,* Sold iu Mr, Rhodes's sale for 1/. 4s. 830 Brome's (Alex.) Congratulatory Poem on the Miraculous and Glorious Return of King Charles 11. 4to.Jine copy, served, 5s. 1660 831 Brook's (Francis) Barbarian Cruelty, a History of the Dis- tressed Christian Captives, under Muley Ishmael, Emperor of Morocco, 1693. — Relation of a Voyage into Mauritania, in Africk, by Roland Frejus, 1671. — Letter in answer to divers curious questions concerning the Religion, Manners, Customs, &c. of the country of the King of Tafiletta, 1671, in one vol. 12mo. h. b. russia, 7s. Gd. 832 Brooke's (Raphe) Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Viscounts of the Realme of England, since the Norman Conquest to the pre- sent yeare, together with their Armes, Wives, and Children, the times of their deaths and burials, with their memorable actions, cuts of arms, folio, good copt/ in the original binding, 185. . _ .' . 1G19 833 Brooke (Ralph) Discoverie of certaine Errors in Camden's Britannia, very prejudiciall to the descents and successions of the Antient Nobilitie of this Realme, 4to. sewed, 5s. n. d. 834 Brooke's (Nath.) England's Glory; an exact Catalogue of the Lords of the King's Privy Council, frontispiece, Svo. scarce, 10s. Qd. - - - 1660 835 Brooke's Tryal of the Catholics of Ireland, Svo. 5s. 1764 836 Brosset, Observations addressees au Conseil de la Societe Royale Asiatique sur un Vocabulaire Georgien et sur une Grammaire Georgien (I'cditeur M. J. Klaproth) the whole book lithographed in fac-iimile of the Author^s hand-writing, Svo. scnxdf 5s. - - Paris, 1826 76 THOMAS Thorpe's 837 Brotliers*s Prophecies. — Richard Brothers neither a madman nor an impostor, with Observations on the possibility of his being the Prophet of God, by H. F. Offley, portrait, 1795.— Testimony of the Spirit of Truth concerning Richard Brothers, by W. Bryan, 1795. —Letter to the Pubhsher of Brothers's Prophecies, by Mrs. Green, with several of her Visions, 1795. — Additional Testimony of the Truth of his Prophecies, 1795. — Preface to the whole of the Testimonies on Brothers's Prophecies, 1795. — N. B. Halhead's Testimony of the truth of ditto, 1795. — Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, 1794. — Ditto, Book the Second, 1795. — Letter of R. Brothers, Prince of the Hebrews, to P. Stephens, concerning his Prophecies, 1795. — Calculation of the commencement of the Millennium, &c. with Speech on the Confinement of Brothers, the Prophet, by N. B. Halhead, M. P. 1795.— Bishop Home's Answer to Halhead's Testimony of the authenticity of Brothers's Prophecies, 1795. — Testimony of R. Brothers to the people of England, on the impending Judgments of God, by G. Coggan, with Letters to the Queen, Duke of Gloucester, Earl Fitzwilliam, Mr. Pitt, &c. 1795. — Halhead's Two Letters to Lord Chancellor Loughborough, on the Confinement of R. Brothers, 1795, in one voL 8vo. a scarce and curious collection, I5s. .838 Brothers's Prophecies. — Enquiry into the Pretensions of Richard Brothers, by a Freethinker, 1795. — The Descendant of Baal-Peor, exposed to the monster with uncounted heads, being a few hints to R. Brothers, 1794. — Testimonies to the authenticity of the Prophecies and Mission of R. Brothers, 1795. — Spencer's Vindication of the Prophecies of Brothers, 1795. — The Jews' Appeal on the Divine Mission of R. Brothers to restore Israel, by Moses Gomez Pereira, 1795. — Letter of R. Brothers, Prince of the Hebrews, to P. Stephens, with Index to his Prophecies, &c. 1795. — Prophetical Pas- sages concerning the present times, in which R. Brothers is clearly pointed out as the Elijah of the present day, selected from the works of Jacob Bfehmen and others ; also a remark- able Prophecy of H. Tindal, Vicar of Wellington, 1795. — Prophecy of H. Tindal, shewing the downfall of the Clergy, 1795. — Account of the Prophecies in the beginning of this century, 1795. — Letter to the Publisher of Brothers' Pro- phecies, by Mrs. Green, with relation of several Visions which she had, 1795. — Calculation to prove the real Millen- nium begins Nov. 19, 1795. — Narrative of several Visions, Strange Sights, and Apparitions, Remarkable Accidents, and Signal Judgments, 1795. — Life and Character of N. Brassey Halhead, Esq. 1795. — Age of Credulity, in a Letter to N. Brassey Halhead, in answer to his Testimony in favour of Richard Brothers, Philadelphia, 1796. — Acts and Proceedings of tiie General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, in the United States of America, ib. 1796, in one vol. Svo. a most curious collection, I5s. CATALOGUE Ol- BOOKS. 77 839 Brougham's (Hen.) Reflections on Barlow's Remains, with . Catalogue of Socinian Writers, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. lG9t S40 Brougham's (Lord) Examination of the Justice, Legality, and Policy of the New System of Commercial Regulations, second edition, with Appendix, 1803. — Notifications, Orders, and Instructions relating to Prize Subjects, 1807. — Enquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, and Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America, by Alex. Baring, M.P. 1808. — Address on the Maritime Rights of Great Britain, by Sir F. Morton Eden, 1808. — Britain Independent of Commerce, by W. Spence, 1808. — Commerce Defended, an Answer to Spence, Cobbett, and others, by J. Mill, 1808. — Observations on the Present State of the East India Company, with Remarks on the Alarming Intelligence received from Madras, as to the disaffection of the Natives, &c. 1807, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 841 Brougham's (Lord) Speech in the House of Commons on the State of the Nation, 13th March, 1817, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1817 842 Brougham's Letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, upon the Abuse of Charities, 8 vo. 5e7i;et?, 2s. - - 1818 843 Broughton (Hugh), Daniel, with Explications by, 4to. sewed, scarce, 'its. - - Hanaw, 1607 844 Brouweri (P. W.) Dissertatio Theologica de Corruptione Na- tiva, 2 parts, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. - Lvcjd. Bat. 1781 845 Brouwer (P. van Limburg) Oratio de Veterum Grsecorum Traditionibus ab Antiquitatis cognitionem prudenter adhi- bendis, 8vo. sewed, 2s. Qid. - Leodii, 1825 846 Brown's (T.) Miscellanea Aulica ; or, a Collection of State Treatises, never before published, viz. Letters from King Charles II. and King James II. in their Exile ; Letters from the Earl of Arlington on the Match of the Duke of York and the Archduchess of Inspruck; also to the Dukes of Ormond and Buckingham ; Letters of Cowley the Poet ; Ancient Method and Custom of Duels before the King; Account of the Affairs of Scotland in 1661, by the Earl of Middleton; Essay on the Disorders of Scotland ; Discourse on the Union and Grievances of Scotland; Proposals for an Union between England and Ireland, &c. &c. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 1702 847 Brown's (T.) Wanderer in Norway, with other Poems, 12mo. bds.2s.6d. - - - 1816 848 Browne's (Dr. Jos.) Letter to Mr. Secretary Harley, occasioned from his late Commitment to Newgate, together with his Interpretation of that Paper, called the Country Parson's Advice to my Lord Keeper, laid to his charge, 4to. sewed^ 3s. 6d. - - - - 1 706 849 Browne's (Patrick) Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, with complete Linnsean Indexes, many plates, and a large 7nap,f.ne copy, folio, very neat, 18s. - - 1789 *^* A review of this valuable work was written by Dr. Samuel Johuson, and published iu the Literary Magaziue. 7'9 THOMAS Thorpe's 850 Browne's (Simon) Close of tlie Defence of the Religion of Nature and the Christian Revelation, in answer to Tindal's Christianity as old as the Creation, 1733. —Lay Noncon- formity Justified, 1728. — Lay Nonconformity farther Justi- fied, 1718. — High-flown Episcopal and Priestly Claims examined, 1737. — Arch. Campbell's Discourse, proving the Apostles were no Enthusiasts, 1730. — Deity, a Poem, 1749. — John de Brent's Epistle to a Lady, with a Portrait of Cupid, 17C8. — Account of the Commencement and Proceedings of the Independent Benevolent Society, for the Relief of Neces- sitous Ministers, their Widows and Orphans, in Gloucester, Wilts, and Somerset, Bristol, 1800, in 1 vol. Svo. k. b. neat, 5s. 851 Brownists. — The Profane Schisme of the Brownists or Sepa- ratists, with the Impietie, Dissensions, Lewd and Abhominable Vices of that Sect, 4to. sewed, 4s. - 1612 852 Brownists' Synagogue, or Discovery of their Conventicles, Assemblies, and Places of Meeting, where they Preach, and the manner of their Praying and Preaching, 4to. sewed, very scarce, \Qs.Qd. - - - 1641 853 Brugiantino (Vincentio) Angelica Inamorata, numerous rvood' cuts, 4to. fine copy, very neat, rare, 1 1. 1*. f^inegia, 1553 %* " Ce poeme a quelque reputation, et les exemplaires eu sont rares."' — Brunet. Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 7/. 7s. 854 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire, et de I'Amateur des Livres^ 4 vols. Svo. h. b. neat, \l. 5s. - Paris, 1814 *^* The best book on the subject ever published. This copy was purchased ill Goldsmid's sale for 21. 8s. S55 Brunnfelsii (Othonis) Propositiones de Ratione Decimarum, curious wood-cut title, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. sine anno. 856 Brunnfelsii de corrigendis studiis Severioribus Praeceptiunculae hre\es, 4'to.Jine copy, scarce, 5s. - Argent. 1519 857 Bruno (Giovanni) Rime Nuove A morose, cMrio?« woo6^-cm< title, Svo, Jine copy, ruled with red lines, i7i old morocco, ll. \s. Venetia, 1533 *«* " Volume rare.'' — Brunet, Nouv. Recfi. S58 Brunskell's Percivall) Vindication, with his Case, and an Ac- count of twenty-one years' most remarkable Passages, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1695 859 Brunus (Jordanus) Nolanus de compendiosa Architectura et complemento artis Lullii, 12mo. beautiful copy, in rich old red morocco, gilt edges, from the Pre/ond collection, scarce, 1 1. ]s. Paris. 158? 860 Brunus de Umbris Idearum implicantibus Artem Qujerendi, Inveniendi, Judicandi, Ordinandi et Applicandi ; Ejnsdem Ars Memoriae, curious wood-cuts, 8vo. Jine copies, very neat, gilt edges, very rare, \l. lis. 6d. - Paris. 1582 861 Bruni Explicatio triginta Sigillorum quibus adjectus est Sigillus Sigillonim, poor copy, dedicated to the Vice Chancellor and others of the University of Oxford, Svo. neat, very rare, 185. *.^* Supposed to have been priutcd at London about 1583. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 79 862 Bruni Rccens et completa ars rcminiscendi et in pliantastico canipo exarandi ad plurimas in triginta sigillis inquirendi, dis- ponendi, atque retinendi implicitas novas rationes et artes in- trodiictoria. Item Explicatio Triginta Sigillorum ad omnium Scientiarum et artiiim inventionem, dispositionem et memo- riam : quibus adjectus est Sigillus Sigillorum ad omnes animi operationes comparandas et earundem rationes liabendas max- ima condiicens, etc. 8vo. beautiful copy, in rich old red morocco, marbled and gilt edges, from the Frejond collection, 21. 2s. sine ulld notd. *,(* The present volume, Brutiet observes, is little known. It appears to have been the production of a London press, and apparently of the year 1583. 8G3 Brunus de progressu, et Lampade Venatoria Logicorum, (IVifteb.) 1587. — Idem de Specierum Scrutinio, et Lampade Combinatoria Kaymundi Lullii Doctoris Heremitae omniscii prope modumcjue divini, Pragce, 1588, in one vol. 8vo. fine copies, neat, both very rare, 21. 2s. 8C4 Bruni de Monade, Numero et Figura liber consequens quinque de Minimo Magno et Mensura ; item de Innumerabilibus, Immenso et Infigurabili, seu de Universo et Mundis, libri octo, 7vilh many cuts, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 2l. 2s. - - Franco/. 1591 865 Bnini de Imaginum, Signorum, et Idearum Compositione, ad omnia fnventionum Dispositioniim et Memoriae Genera, lib. III. Svo.fine copy, in rich old morocco, marbled and gilt edges, bound by De Rome, rare, 2l. 2s. - Francof. 1591 866 Bruni de Triplici Minimo et Mensura ad Trium Speculativarum Scientiarun) et Multarum Activarum Artiuni Principia lib. V. 8vo. fine copy, rich old morocco, marbled and gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. - - Francof. 1591 %* " Inter rariora rarissima esse, nemo nescit. Haec raritas Librorum Bruni, qui adeo disparuere, ut uon nisi in instructissimis Bibliothecis inveniuntur, nul- libi autem peue omne^ depreheudantur, potissima causa videtur esse, cur adhuc hodie desit, accurata hujus Viri Historia, quam tamen res ejus valde memorabiles omnino merentur," &c. — Voylii Catalogus Librorum Rariorum. 867 Bruno. — Le Ciel Reforme, Essai de Traduction de Partie du Livre Italien, Spaccio delia Bestia Trionfanie, 12mo. uncut, 5s. 1750 *,* "ThecelebratedJordano Bruno was born atNolain thekingdom of Naples, about 1540. He visited England in 1583, and became the intimate friend ofSir Philip Sydney, Sir Fulke Greville, and others. Bruno, on his return to Italy, was arrested at Venice, and from thence conducted to Rome, where be was burnt by order of the Inquisition, as an atheist and teacher of irreligion.'' The exces- sive rarity of his works in this country is welt known, and they are still rarer even in Germany. 868 Brunswick (House of). — Entretiens sur la Succession de la Grande Bretagne, reglee en faveur de la Maison Eiectoralle de Brunzwic-Luneburg, 8\o. fine copy, calf extra, 18a-. Hanover, 1701 %* An interesting volume, dedicated to Lord Macclesfield, ambassador extra- ordinary to the court of Hanover. 80 THOMAS Thorpe's 869 Brusonii (L. Domitii) Facetiarum Exemplorumque libri VII., folio, h. h. neat, 21, 2s. - Romce, 1518 *»* First Edition. — This work contains a collection of facetise, curious tales, bons mots, &c. extracted from various sources by the compiler Domitius Bruso- nius. This original edition is not only the rarest, but the most valuable, as those published subsequently, have been very much mutilated. The present copy unfortunately wants the title. Col. Stanley's copy sold for 401. 19s. 870 Brutus (Junius) Vindiciae contra Tyrannos ; a Defence of Liberty against Tyrants, or of the Lawful Power of the Prince over the People, Jlne copy, uncut, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1689 871 Bryan (Mat.) on the Certainty of the Future Judgment, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1C85 872 Bryant's (Jacob) Address to Dr. Priestly, upon his Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity Illustrated, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1780 873 Bryant's (Jacob) Observations upon a Treatise of the Plain of Troy, by Mons. Chevalier, 4to. sewed, 5s. Eton, 1795 874 Brydges*(Sir Egerton) Poems, 12mo. bds. 2s. 1807 875 Brydges' Bertram : a Poetical Tale, wood-cuts, 8vo. russia extra, gilt edges, 18s. - Lee Priory, 1814 S76 Brydges' Bertram: a Poetical Tale, 12mo. Ids. 2s. 181G 877 Brydges. — J. P. Valeriani de Lltteratorum Infelicitate lib. II. editio nova curante Dom. Egerton Brydges, royal 8vo. sewed, uncut, very scarce, \l. 85. - Geneva, 1821 *4* Privately printed for presents. Eighty-seven copies only were struck off. 878 Brydges' Res Literarise, Bibliographical and Critical, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges^ only seventy-Jive copies printed for presents, 31. 3s. - Naples and Rome, 1821 %* The scarcest of all Sir Egerton's productions. 879 Brydges' Polyanthea Librorum Vetustiorum, Italicorum, Galli- corum, Hispanicorum, Anglicanorum, et Latinorum, portrait, 8vo. extra marbled leaves, 2l. 2s. - Geneva, 1822 •*• Only seventy-five copies printed. 880 Brydges. — Libellus Gebensis, Poemata Selecta Latina mediae et infimse ^tatis, with Biographical Notices by Sir S. E. Brydges, 8vo. uncut, rare, 15s. - Geneva, 1822 *,* Only 37 copies printed of this interesting volume, which contains Poems upon the most illustrious Englishmen of the XVIth and XVlIth centuries. Sold in Mr. Hanrott's sale for 21. 2s. 881 Brydges' Stemmata Illustria, praecipue Regia, with numerous plates of arms, &c. folio, cloth bds. 2l. 12s. 6d. Paris, 1825 *«• This interesting volume, of which only one hundred copies were printed, and those only for private distribution, contains the descents of the noble houses of Lancaster, Leicester, Vere Earl of Oxford, Sudely, Westmoreland, Warwick, Surrey, Arundel, Clare, Earl of Gloucester, Fitzmauricc, Northumberland, Cum- berland, Chester, Bridgewater, Pembroke, Winchester, De !a Zouch, Stafford, Earls of Ewe, Montacute Earl of Salisbury, Montford of Warwickshire, Baron Ournay, Lord Cobham, Berkeley, Essex, Lincoln, Salisbury, Norfolk, Courteuay, Earl of Devon, de Spenser, de Roos, Fitzwalter, Arundel, Derby, Harcourt, &c. &c. The above copy contains the largest plate of the arms of Sir Egerton Brydges, with 360 quarterings. CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 81 882 Brydges's Otlo, Count of Lingcn, a Poetical Tale, in Six Can- tos, portrait, 12mo. venj neat, scarce, 1/. Is, Geneva, 1824- *,* Only fifty copies printed. 883 Brydges' Who was Ita, Countess of Hapsburgb, who founded the Monastery of Muri, in Switzerland, in 1018, and died 1026? 8vo. seived, uncut, 2s. - Paris, 1826 **• A highly interesting genealogical tract. " On this question depends the development of the origin of the imperial houses of Hapsburg and Lorraine, on which new light is here thrown." 884 Buchanani (Georgii) Rerum Scoticarum Historia, first edition, folio, neat, 2l. 2s. - Edinburgi, 1582 •»• Presentation copy from the author to Ben Jonson, with his autograph, and also that of the Scotish Poet, William Drummond of Hawthoruden. &^5 Buchanani Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Item de Jure Regni apud Scotos, map, ruled with red lines, Svo. original binding, gilt edges, 4*. ^d. - Edinburgi, 1700 886 Buchanani De Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus, Svo. morocco, gilt edges, scarce, \L \s. - Edinburgi, 1581 *#* This "most interesting and excellent work" is dedicated to Kicg James VI. 887 Buchanan. — Adversus Buchanani Dialogum de Jure Regni apud Scotos, pro Regibus Apologia, per Adamum Blacvodaeum, 8vo. neat, very scarce, \0s. 6d. - Parisiis, 1588 888 Buchanan de Jure Regni apud Scotos, or Dialogue concerning the Due Privileges of Government in the Kingdome of Scot- land, 12mo. very neat, 5s. 6rf. - 1680 889 Buchanani Sphaera, cum Supplementis, a Johanne Pinciero, 8vo. h. b. morocco, 6s. 6d. - Herbornce, 1587 890 Buchanani ad viros sui seculi clarissimos Epistolae, 8vo. scarce edition, 7s. ed. - - Lond. 1711 *^* Dedicated to John, Duke of Roxburghe. 891 Buchanan's (Rev. J. Lanne) Defence of the Scots Highlanders in general ; and some learned characters in particular, with Account of the Picts, Scots, Fingal, Ossian and his Poems : as also of the Macs, Clans, Bodotria and other particidars re- specting the High Antiquities of Scotland, 1794. — Edwards's Great and Important Discovery of the XVIIIth Century, and the means of setting right the National Affairs, 1791, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 5d. 892 Buck's (Sir George) Great Plantagenet, or a Continued Suc- cession of that Royal Name, from Henry II. to our Sacred Sovereign, King Charles, in verse, 4to. very neat, gilt edges, M. Is. . - - - 1635 %* With a long and interesting preface, containing notices of illustrious fami- lies, curious passages of history, &c. 'i'he poem is entitled, an Eclog between Damaetas, a woodman, and Silenus, a prophet of the shepheards. Sold in the Gordonstoun sale for 3/. 13s. (id., and in Mr. Bindley 's sale for 4/. 893 Buck's (Sir Geo.) History of Richard III. portrait by Cross, folio, neat, scarce, \l. 85. - - 1647 894 Buckingham (Duke oi) Letter from a person of quality, to his Friend in the Country, 4to. sewed, 4*. - 1G75 M B2 THOMAS Thorpe's 895 Buckingham (Duke of). — Manifestation or Remonstrance of the most Honourahle tlie Duke of Buckingham, General of the Armie of the King of Great Britain, containing a Decla- ration of his Majesty's intention for this present arming, 4to. se7ve(l,3s. 6d. - - - 1627 89G Buckingham (Duke of). — Certaine Letters of Advice of the Arrival of the Duke of Buckingham in the Channell of Poyton against St. Martin's Island, the Fight of the Fleet under his command in the Roads, a List of the Commanders under his Grace, the names and burthen of each ship, and the taking of the Island of St. Martin's by the Duke, with Account of the Siege, Persons of Note slayne in the Enterprise, &c. two tracts, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - 1627 897 Buckingham (Duke of). — P. Beraud au Due de Buckingham, sur la Naissance de Mens, son Fils, 12mo. setved, 3s. s. d. 898 Buckinghamshire. — A Collection of Fourteen beautiful Drawings, in Colours, of Churches, Mansions, and othek Pleasing Subjects, together with upwards of One Hun- dred Choice Engravings op Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, Churches, Monuments, Eton Col- lege, Ruins, Antiquities, and other objects of interest in the County, in one large volume atlas folio, morocco ele- gant, with broadborders of gold on the sides, gill edges, 16/. 16*. *^* A most desirable collection to the county histoirian or eollector, as well as a pleasing volume of endless amusement for the drawing-room table; the drawings having been made with a view to publication, great care has been taken as to their fidelity. 899 Buckinghamshire. — Relation of the Tryal and Condemnation of Cornet Worth and others, for the barbarous attempt upon Mrs. Bridget Hyde, near Uxbridge, by forcibly carrying her off, &c. 4to. sewed, 4s. 6d. - 1678 900 Buckinghamshire. — Relation of a Robbery and Murder com- mitted by five notorious highway-men, on the 18th of March, 1697, near Colnbrook, where they robbed a Stage Coach, and took away £400, with the manner how they were pursued, their killing two and wounding many others, &c. 4to. sewed, 5s. ' - 1697 901 Buckinghamshire. — Remarks on a Letter from some Dissent- ing Ministers, assembled at Colnbrook, to their Brethren in London, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - 170'6 902 Buckinghamshire. — Order of the Marquis of Buckingham, and Magistrates of the County of Bucks, that no finer Bread be made than the Standard Wheaten Bread ; also for a Bread of an inferior mixture of Wheat, Barley and Potatoes, and all other Provisions that can be provided as a Substitute for Bread during the scarcity, single sheet, 3s. (1795) 903 Buckinghamshire. — Another Order of the sanie Magistrates, against Forcstallers, during this trying time, single sheet, 3s. 1795 CATALOGUE OT HOOKS. S3 OOt Diulici (Gul.) de Asse ct Partibus ejus lib. V. post dnas Parisienses impressiones ab ipso Biidaeo castigati ed. Jo. Gro- liero, 8vo. very Jine copy, original Venetian morocco, \L 5s. Venet. in cedib. Aldi, 1522 •»• Erasmus styled Budaeus the Prodigy of France. They were constant cor- respondents. The work whicli gained Budasiis the greatest reputation was the present treatise. He died in 1510. Sold in David's sale for 58 francs. 905 Bugenhagii (Joannis) Pomerani, Epistola ad Anglos, ISmo. very neat, extremely scarce, 18s. - IViltemberg^ 1525 906 Bugenhagii Epistola ad Anglos, cum Responsione Johannis Cochlaei, 4to.^ne copy, very neat, \l. Is. 1526 *,• Two extremely rare and interesting English historical volumes. The author was one of the most celebrated reformers. 907 Bulengeri (Jul. Caes.) de Ludis privatis ac domesticis veterum, liber, 8vo. a scarce and curious treatise, 4s. 6d. Lugd. 1627 90S Bullae Variorum Pontificum. — A very curious and interesting Collection of Twenty-three Tracts, bound in one volume, 4to. russia elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - 1506-83 909 Bulla Aurea, sive Bulla Karolina, aut Leges et Constitutiones Imperiales sub aurea Bulla Karoli Quarti Romanorum Im- peratoris, wood-cut, Svo. Jine copy, Ss. - sine ulld noid 910 Bulla interdicti Ecclesiastici contra Receptatores Rebellium et Exititiorum terrarum Ecclesiao infra quinquaginta milaria a locis originis illorum distantium, per Julium II. P. M. edita, 4to. 3s. 6d. - - 1510 911 Bull (Die) unsers heiligsten Herrn und Vaters, Herrn Pauli, aus Gottlicher furschung dieses namens des dritten Komischen Bischoofs, ansatzung und ausschreibung eines heiligen ge- meinen Concilii betreffende, '^io. Jine copy, very scarce, 8s. Romcx, 1526 912 Bulla S. D. N. Pii Divina Providentia Papse IV, super Refor- matione Officii Rotaj, a broadside with nood-cuts, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Routes, ap. Antonium Bi^adum, 1562 913 Bullart, Academie des Sciences et des Arts, contenant les Vies et les Eloges Historiques des Hommes Illustres parmi di- verses Nations de I'Europe, with several hundred Jine portraits oj the most distinguished men oj all countries, including among the English, Cardinal JVolsey, Sir Thomas More, Cardinal Pole, fVilliam Camden, Cardinal Allen, Lady Jane Grey, John Barclay, ^c. 2 vols, folio, 7ieat, fine impressions, 21. 12s. 6d. - - - Amst. 1682 914 Bulwer's (J.) Man Transformed; or Artificiall Changling Historically presented, in the Mad and Cruel Gallantry, foolish Bravery, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome Loveliness of most Nations, fashioning and altering their bodies from the Mould of Nature, with figures of thosy 'J'lansfigurations, with Vindication of the Regular Beauty and Pedigree of the English Gallant, curious frontispiece and cuts, 4to. tnori'cco, \l. lis. 6d, - - 1653 84 THOMAS Thorpe's 915 BuIIingeri (Hen.) Bulloe Papisticae, ante biennium contra Elizabctliam et contra inclytum Anglise regnum promulgata?, refiitatio, Ortliodoxaque Reginse, ad universi Regni Anglise, defensio, Land. Day, 1571. — Suffragium Collegiale Theo- logornm Magna; Britanniae de Quinque Controversis Remon- strantium Articulis, ib. 1627. — A Plea to an Appeale, tra- versed Dialogue-wise, by H. Burton, 1626. — P. Simson's Compend of the Historic of Persecutions, Edinburgh, 1631. — Europae Speculum, or a View or Survey of the State of Religion in the Western Parts of the World, Hagce Comilis, 1629, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, a curious collection, \l. Is. 916 Bullion. — Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, and Accounts from the select Committee on the High Price of Gold Bullion, 8vo. bds. uncut, 3s. 6d. - 1810 917 Bunelli (Petri) Familiares aliquot Epistolfe, 8vo. neat, 2s. 6d. Lutetice, C. Stephanus, 1551 918 Buonaparte in Egypt ; or an Appendix to the Inquiry into his supposed Expedition to the East, 1798. — Inquiry into the feasibility of the supposed Expedition of Buonaparte to the East, 1798. — Letters from the Army of Buonaparte in Egypt intercepted by the fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson, 1799. — Narrative of what passed at Killala, in the county of Mayo, during the French Invasion in 1798, 1800. — Account of the Dublin Dispensary, 1793. — Office used for the Consecration of the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, 1798. — Three Sermons by J. Anketel, Curate of Clonoe, 1800. — Versification of the Book of Job, by J. Anketel), 1799. — Sermon on Oaths, by J. Irwin, 1798. — Essay on Aerostation, by T. Olivarii, plates, 1797. — On Submarine Navigation, Bomb Floats, &c. by OVivarl, plates, 1798, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 919 Buonaparte's Character and Conduct, addressed to the French Soldiery and the People of Europe, by General Dumouriez, no date. — Essai sur la Vie du Grande Conde, par Louis Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de Conde, Lond. 1807. — Discours Funebre du Due d'Enghien, ib. 1804, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 920 Buonaparte. — Bowerbank's (Lt. John) Extract from a Journal kept on board the Bellerophon (commanded by the late Ad- miral Maitland) during the period which Napoleon Buona- parte was on board that ship, 1815. — Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, 1814. — Account of the Military Carriage of Napoleon Buonaparte, taken after the Battle of Waterloo, flate, 1816. — The Battle of Waterloo, a Poem by R. Gilmour, 1816. — T. Bowdler's Observations on Emigration to France, maps, 1815, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. Gd. 921 Buonaparte. — Memorandum of Two Conversations between the Emperor Napoleon and Viscount Ebrington, at Porto Fcrrajo, the 6th and 8th of December, 1814, 8vo. setved, 2s. 1823 CATALOGUE OF KOOKS. 85 922 Buonarotti ( Michelagnolo) II Vecchio, Rime con una Lezione di B. Varchi, 8vo. neat, 4*. Qd. - Firenze, 1726 923 Burchiello, Rime Commentate dal Doni, et piene di capricci, fantasie, umori, stravaganze, grilli, frenesie, ghiribizzi, argu- tie, motti, e sali, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, 1 8s. Ficenza, per gli heredi di Perin, 1597 •»• Rare, see Haym, p. 268. Doni has dedicated this volume to his friend Tintoretto, the famous painter. On the title is the Aldiue anchor and dolphin device. Renouard mentions his having seen but one book with this device by the Perin family. The present was unknown to him. 924 Burgersdicii (Franc.) Idea Philosophise turn morah's turn natu- rah's, 12mo. neat, 2s. Q>d. - Oxonii, 1641 925 Burghley (Cecil Lord) The Execution of Justice in England for maintenance of publique and christian peace, against certaine stirrers of Sedition, without Persecution, 4to. Jine copy, mo- rocco, gilt edges, rare, \L lis. Qd. - 1583 *^* The above interesting reply to Parsons the Jesuit, contains some interest- ing illustrations of Queen Elizabeth's reign, of the Rebellion in England under Charles Neville, Earl of Westmoreland, and in Ireland under Thomas Stukely, the Earl of Desmond, &c. also by John Somervill in Warwickshire, Account of the Executions in Queen Mary's reign compared with those in Elizabeth's, and other historical notices, &c. &c. 926 Burgo (ThorasR de) Officia Propria Sanctorum Hiberniae, ab omnibus utriusque sexus qui ad Horas Canonicas tenentur, tam in memorato regno quam in Conventibus, et Collegiis extranationalibus, sub ritu duplici niajori recitanda in vim duplicis Decreti sacrse rituum Congregationis, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. Dublinii, 1751 927 Burgo (Thomae de) Hibernia Dominicana, sive Historia Pro- vincias Hibernias Ordinis Prsedicatorum, ex Antiquis Manu- scriptis, probatis Autoribus, etc deprompta, pp. 797, 4to.^ne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, Al. 4s. Col. Agr. 1762 *,* " Containing a vast body of curious Irish history." 928 Burgys's Essay on the Study of Antiquities, with Remarks on the Origin of Language in General, and Greek in particular, Oxon, 1781. — C. Anstey's Election Ball, with curious Cari- cature Engravings, Bath, 1776. — Abelard to Eloisa, Sonnets and a Rhapsody written at Stratford-upon-Avon, by T. War- wick, ''Z?a/A, 1783. — Thos. Warton's Verses on Sir Joshua Reynolds's Painted Window at New College, Oxford, 1782. — H. Walpole's Heroic Epistle to Sir W. Chambers, 1777. — H. Walpole's Heroic Postscript to ditto, 1777. — H. Walpole's Archseological Epistle to Dean Mills, on Rowley's Poems, ■with Glossary, 1782, in one vol. 4to. 10s. (id. *,* Collected by the late Rev. J.Dallaway. 929 Burke (Edm.) Present State of the Nation, particularly with respect to its Trade, Finances, &c. &c. with MS. notes by Edmund Burke, 8vo. sewed, 10s. Gd. - 1768 *jjt* The MS. notes by this powerful writer arc very iuteresting. 86 THOMAS THOUPE's 930 Burke's Speech on moving Ms Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, 4to. sewed, 2s. - 1775 931 Burke's Speech at Bristol Election, upon hia Parliamentary Conduct, 1781. — W. H. Hartley's Address on the subject of the late Loan, 1781. — Remarks upon the Report of Peace, 1782. — Facts and their Consequences, submitted to the Con- sideration of the Public at large, by the Earl of Stair, 1782. — Lucubrations during a Short Recess, 1782. — Letter to the Author of ditto, 1782. — Substance of the Charge of Mis- management in Naval Affairs, 1782. — Candid Estimate of the Ministers' Abilities, 1782. — Solemn Appeal to the Good Sense of the Nation, on the Necessity of a Coalition between the King and People, 1783, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 932 Burke's Speech on the Army Estimates ; on tlie present situation of French Affairs, Dublin, 1790. — C. J. Fox's Reply to Pitt, upon reporting the Fourth Proposition of the Irish Resolutions, ib. 1785. — Pitt's Speech on the proposed Union with Ireland, ib. 1799. — Lord Grenville's Speech in the House of Peers, on the Motion of the Duke of Bedford for the Dismissal of Ministers, ib. 1798. — Fox's Speech on the State of the National Debt, ib. 1795. — Lord Lansdowne's- Speech on the Convention with Spain, ib. 1791. — Debate of the Commons on the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts, with Fox's Speech complete, ib. 1790. — Pitt's Speech on the Commercial Treaty with France, ib. 1787. — Two Speeches of a late Lord Chancellor, on the Abolition of Heri- table Jurisdictions in Scotland, and on the Militia Bill, 1770. — Addington's Speech on the proposed Union with Ireland, ib. 1799. — H. Flood's Speech on his Proposition for a Reform of Parliament, 1790, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 933 Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, 12mo. sewed, 2«. - - - - - 1793 931 Burke's (John) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Com- moners of Great Britain and Ireland,|4 vols, royal 8vo. por- traits and cuts of arms, h. b. morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 41. 45. - - - 1833-8 935 Burlaei (Walteri) Anglici, Perpulcher Tractatus contine nsiamvt mores ac elegantissima phylosophorum dicta, simul et gesta, 4to. Jine copy, the initial letter tastefully ornamented in gold and colours, ruled throughout with red lines, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 3l. ISs. 6d. ColonicE, per Arnoldum Ter Hoernen, MCCCCLXXII. *^* " Edition tris rare." — Brnnet. This beautiful copy was purchased for 6/. 6s. 936 Burlaei, Libellus de Vita et Moribus Philosophorura et Poeta- rum, folio, neat, a very rare edition, ll. 15s, sine ulld notd, scd Norimb. Coburger, circa MCCCCLXXII. *^* See Speuccr Catalogue. 937 Burliei, Liber de Vita et Moribus Piulosophorum cl Poetarum, folio, ^"«e copy, neat, rare, 21. 2s. Nurmbcrg, Crcussncr, MCCCCLXXIX. CATALOGUE OF nOOKS. 87 938 Burlaci, Liber de Vita ct Morihus; Philosopliorum, an earlij and rare edition, printed in double columns, folio, neat, 11. \s. sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXV. *,* Sold itj the Meerinau sale for 50 florins, and in Motteley's for 71 francs. 939 Hurley.— Idem Opus, ^ia.Jine copy, morocco, gilt edges, 21. 2s. sine ulld notd, sed Spirce, circa MCCCCLXXX. %• " Edition tr^s rare, inconnue a Maittaire." Sold in Mr, Hibbert's sale for 5/. 5s. " Gualterus Biirlitus, Vir acutissimi ingenii et Philosophorum sui temporis facile princeps. Fuit aliquando Gulihelmi Occami Farisiis condiscipu- lus sub magistro Joanne Seoto, subtili doctore, sed sui pijeceptoris in Anglia postea devenit acerrimus impugnator, eminentem ejus in Philosophia scientiam, et subtilis ingenii miram foelicitatem, scripta quae post se reliquit abund^ tes- tantur." — ¥itsei Relaliones Historical de Rebus Anglicis. 940 Burmanni (Casp.) Trajectum eruditum : Vironim doctrina il- lustrium, qui in Urbe Trajecto et Regione Trajectensi nati sunt sive ibi habitarunt, Vitas, Facta et Scripta exhibens, 4to. very neat, 45. 6rf. - - Traj. ad Rfien. 1738 941 Burmanni (Fr.) Oratio de recto Deum copfnoscendi et colendi modo, 4to. served, 2s. 6d. Traj. ad Rhen. 1747 942 Burmanni (Petri) Oratio de Enthusiasmo Poetico, Poema, 4to. vellum, 3s. 6d. - - - Amst. 1742 943 Burmanni Anti-Klotzius, 4to. served, uncut, 5s. ib. 1762 944 Burman, Nodige Aanenerkingen van Christoph. Saxe, op. de deductie, 4to. served, 3s. 6d. - Utrecht. 1764 945 Burmanni Brederodius, seu Libertatis Batavae Secularia altera, Carmine Elegiaco, 4to. vellum, 4s. Amst. 1766 946 Burnet's (Bp.) Sermons at Salisbury on the 5th and 7th Nov., 1710. — 13th Chapter to the Romans Vindicated from the Abusive Senses put upon it by a Curate of Salop, 1710. — Solomon against VVeiton, being a Defence of the Resistance made to the late K. James by the Church of England at the late Glorious Revolution of 1688. — Sermon at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 30th January, 1709, by R. Lumley Lloyd, Chaplain to the Duke of Bedford, 1710. — Moderate Church- man the best Christian and Subject, proved from the argu- ments of Bishop VVilkins and Archbishop Tillotson, 1710. — History of Dr. Sacheverell, 1711. — Fallacy of absolute Non- resistance fully detected, 1710. — Sacheverell against Sacheve- rell: or the Detection of False Brethren prov'd unnatural and base to his own Grandfather and other Relations, 1711. — J^etter to Dr. Sacheverell, with Remarks on his Vindication, 171 0. — Modest Reproof of a High Churchman, 1711 . — Large and True Account of the Life of Dr. Sacheverell, 1710. — Description of a Presbyterian, 1710, in one vol. 8vo. a very curious collection, neat, 10*. 6d. 947 Burnet's (Bishop) History of the Reformation, portraits, Gil- bert fVakeJield's copy, 3 vols, folio, Jine copy, in old calf, gilt, 21. 2s. - - - - 1679 948 Burnet's History of the Reformation, with the portraits in all the volumes, 3 vols, folio, T^ne clean copy, in old calf, very neat, 21. 2s. .... 1681-1715 S8 THOMAS Thorpe's 949 Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England, with all the portraits in each volume, 3 vols, folio, ^ne copy, very neat, in the original binding, from Dr. Disney's collection, 31. 3s. ' - - - - 1715 950 Burnet's History of his Own Time, from the Restoration of King Charles II. to King William and Queen Mary, 2 vols. fo\io,^ne copy, very neat, 1/. Is. - - 1724 951 Burnet's Answer to the Animadversions on the History of the Rights of Princes, &c. 4to. neat, scarce, Ss. 6d. 1682 952 Burnet's Collection of Eighteen Papers, relating to the Affairs of Church and State, during the Reign of King James II. seventeen whereof were written in Holland, 4to. very neat, 10s. 6d. . - - - 1689 95S Burnet's Introduction to the Third Volume of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 8vo. very neat, scarce and interesting, 8s. 6d. - - 1714 954 Burnet. — Impartial Reflections upon Bishop Burnet's Posthu- mous History, 8vo. very neat, 7s. 6d. - 1724 955 Burnet's Thoughts on Education, 8vo. very neat, scarce, 9s. 1761 956 Burneii (C.) Tentamende Metris, ab^schylo, in choricis Can- tibus adhibitis, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, 11. \\s. 6d. - - - Cantab. 1809 *),* A highly esteemed and much valued work. Sold iu Rev. T. Williams's sale for 2L 16s. 957 Burridge's (Ric.) Faith of a Converted Atheist, who was con- victed of Blasphemy, with Narration of his Life from his Birth, his Tryal, &c. 1712. — The Teaching Quakers not inspired, 1710. — Proposal for the more Easy and Effectual Relief of the Sick and Needy. This tract led to the erection of the West- minster Infirmary and St. Georges Hospital, 1715, and other tracts, in I vol. 8vo. 5s. 958 Burrow's (J.) Thoughts upon Pointing, and some other Helps towards Perspicuity of Expression, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1768 959 Burrow's (J.) Essay on the Use of Pointing, and the Facility of Practising it, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1771 960 Burthogge's (Ric.) Essay upon Reason, and the Nature of Spi- rits, 8vo. h. b. neat, scarce, 5s. - J. Dunton, 1694 961 Burtii (Nicol.) Bononia Illustrata, with Verses addressed to the Noble Family of Bentivoglio, 4to. vellum, rare, 7s. 6d. Bononice, ex off. Platonis de Benedictis, MCCCCXCIV. 962 Burtin. — Description du Magnifique Cabinet de Tableaux de M. le C. de Burtin, 8vo. ncal, 10s. Gd. Bruxelles, 1819 *»• The descriptions are very fully detailed. 963 Burton's (R.) Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, Account of the Battles, Sieges, &c. from 1625 to IQQO, plates, 12mo. 3s. - - - 1681 9G4 Burton's (R.) English Empire in America, or a Prospect of His Majesty's Dominions in the West indies, maps and cuts, 12mo. neat, 5s. - - 1685 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 89 965 Burton's (R.) History of tlie Kingdom of Ireland, beinfr an ac- count of the Civil Wars nntill the Itednction of that Kiiiifdom, the Horrid Rebellion and Massacre of the Inhabituius, cuts, \2mo. 7ieat, 3s. Gel. - - - 1731 966 Burton's (R.) History of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, his Battles, Sieges, &c. 12mo. h. b. 3s. - 1740 9Q7 Burton's (J.) Excerpta Hierogly()hica, or exact copies of va- rious Hieroglyphical Inscriptions and Sculptured Wonuments, still existing in Egypt and Nubia, and at Mount Sinai, &c. &c. 4 parts complete, in 1 vol. oblong folio, /«. h. very neat, 4/. \^t5-37 *,* The subjects, which are drawn from the ancient monumeutsat Alexandria, Memphis, the Pyramids, Thebes, &c. are selected from some of those which were considered most illustrative of the chronological history and mythology of Egypt. It is a singularly curious and interesting work, and the impression is very limited. 9G8 Bury (Richardi de) Dunelmensis Episcopi, Philobyblon, de querimoniis libroruni omnibus literarum amatoribus perutile, 4io. Jine large copy, very rare, 4/. 45. Sp'irce per Jo. et Conradum Hiist, MCCCCLXXXIII. *f,* The above edition of this celebrated volume is not in the Spencer Catalogue. 969 Bushequii {.'\iigerii Gislenii) Omnia quae extant quibus acce- dunt Epistolae aliquot, 1 2mo. vellum, scarce, lOs. 6fi. Oxon. IfiGO *♦* " At the end of this book are some Latin letters of Sir John Burroughs," chiefly written to Philip Bacon, Sir Francis Dacon, Thomas Farnabie, T. Coppin, Hugh Holland, Sir H. Spelmaa, &c. 970 Busbequii (Augerii Gislenii) Omnia quoe extant, Svo.Jine copy, vellum, 7s. 6d. - - - Basil. 1740 %* In this iuteresting volume will be found an account of the author's travels into Turkey, which contains much valuable iuformation. 971 Buschii (Hermann!) Spicilegium xxxv. illustrium philosopho- rum auctoritatis utilesque sententias continens. Ejusdem in laudem dive virginis Epigrammata quedam Epistole item et versus quorundam doctorum virorum, ad eundem, ttc. 4to. 3s. 1507 972 Bush (J.) Het Merkwaadig lerland Briefsvvyze beschreeven gedurende eene Reis door gemelde koninkryk in den jaare 1764, with large folding map of Ireland, Svo. bds. vncut, 5s. Harlwgen, 17C9 973 Bussieres (Jo. de) Scanderbcnus, Poema, accessit dissertatio de Descriptionibus in Poemate Epico, 12mo. in o.'d morocco, gilt edges, 8s. 6d. - - Lugd. 1658 974 Bustamantii (Jo. Ruizzii) Adagiale ac Metaphorice formule et ad dicendum et ad scribendum valde utiles et necessariae, Hispano sermone cum Dictionario Vulgarium Latinis respon- dentium, Hvo. neat, rare, I5s. Ccesar Augusta;, 1551 975 Butcher's (R.) Survey and Antiquities of the Towne of Stam- ford, in the County of Lincolne, frontispiece, 4to. neat, very scarce, \0s. 6d. - - - 1646 N 90 THOMAS THOUPe's 976 Bushe's (Amyas) Socrates, a Dramatic Poem, 4to. h. h. neat, scarce, 5s. - - Kilkenny, no date. 977 Bute Administration.— British Antidote to Caledonian l^oison, containing tnenty-five of the most humorous satiiical political prints for 1762 and 1763, wiih Poetical Poems, Essays, Songs, &c. 1764. — The Scots Scourge, or Supplement to the British Antidote to Caledonian Poison, ivith tnenty-six other curious satirical prints for 1763, 4, and 5, 1765. — The British Antidote, or Scots Scourge, containing twenty-two Anti- ministerial, Political, and Comic Prints, for and against the American Stamps, Cyder Act, &c. in 1766, in all three imrls, 8vo. sewed, 10s. Qd. 978 Butler (Dr. John) On Christian Liberty, in Opposition to the Koman Yoke, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1678 979 Buttes's (Hen.) Dyets Dry Dinner, consisting of Eight several Courses of Fruites, Hearbs, Flesh, Fish, Whitmeats, Spice, Sauce, and Tobacco, all served in alter the order of time universal!, curious itories for table-talk, with verses^ slightly imperfect, 12mo. very rare, \L lis. 6c/. - 1599 980 Buxerius. — Ludus Pythagoreus Nobiiissimus (qui Rythmo- machia nominatur) in utilitatem et relaxationem studiosorum comparatus et per Ciaudium Buxerium illustratus, 12mo. h, b. morocco, rare, 10s. 6d. - Lutetice, 1556 981 Buxtcrfii (Jo.) Epitome GrammaticcE Hebrscae, a Jo. Leusden, 8vo. very neat, 2s. Gd. - Liigd. Bat. 1716 982 Byron's (Lord) Giaour, a F'ragn)ent of a Turkish Tale, 8vo. vncut, 2s. • - - 1813 983 Byron's (Lord) Corsair, a Tale, Svo. sewed, 2s. 1814 984 Byron's (Lord) Farewell to England, with three other Poems, viz. Ode to St. Helena, To my Daughter on the morning of her Birtli, and to the Lily of France, 8vo. uncut, 2s, 6d. 1816 985 Byron's (Lord) Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IlL Svo. 2s. 6d. - - - 1821 986 Boron's (Lord) Letter on the Rev. VV. L. Bowles's Life and Writings of Pope, Svo. 2s. - - 1821 987 C. (H.) Table Alphabetical!, or English Expositor, containing and teaching the true writing and understanding of hard usuall English words, borrowed from the Hebrew, Greek, Latine, or French, \2mo. calf extra, gill edges, very scarce, M.Ws.Gd. - - - 1617 988 Cadamosto. — Newe unbekanthe landte und ein newe vveldte in kiirtz verganger zeytlie urfunden, durch Jobsten Buchamer, io\\o,fne large copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 6/. 6s. Nuremb 1508 *j^* This German edition of Cadamosto is one of the rarest of ALL THE EARLY BOOKS OF VOYAGES. Caiiuis, ill his " Meiiioires sur De 13ry," says that he had never seen it, so that it is not in the royal library at Paris. The only other copy known in this country is in the rich collection of the Right Hon. ']". (jrenville. 989 Caesaris Commentarii, very rare counterfeit of the Aldine edition, Svo. 15s. - - Lugd. Trot. 1508 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 91 990 Csesaris Commentarii, recogniti per Pliillppum Beroalduru, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 4/. 4s. (Lugduni) 1512 *^* For an account of this very rare volume, see Renouard's List of Lyoncse Counterfeits, No. 39. 991 Caesaris Opera, Notis Variorum, edente Graevio, 2 vols. 8vo. best edition, very neat, 18s. - Lugd. Bat. 1713 992 Caesare Commentarii tradotti di Latino in Volgar lingua per Af^ostino Ortica de la Porta Genovese, nood-culs, 12mo. vellum, bad copy, but very rare, 2s. Gd. Ven. Alex. Pagnnino 993 Ceesar Frederick's Voyage and 'J'ravr.ile into the East India, the Indies, and beyond the Indies, wli^rein are contained very pleasant and rare matters, vvitli the Customes and Rites of _>' those Countries ; also herein are discovered the Merchandizes M and Commodities of those Countreyes, as well the Abonn- daunce of Goulde and Silver, Spieces, Drugj^es, I'earles, and other JewelJes ; written at Sea, in the Hercules, of London, comming from Turkic in 1588, for the Direction of Travellers to those Countries, by Hickock, 4to. very fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 81. Ss. - - 1588 *,* Such is the extreme rarity of the above voyage to the East Indies, that only two other copies are known, one of them is in the rich collection of the Rt. Hon. T. Grenville, the other in that of W. H. Miller, Esq. This copy was purchased iu Lord Valeutia's sale in March, 1833, for 14/. 994 Ceesarii (Joan.) Consentini, Commentarius in XXXII. Horatii Odas, Romce, Luccliinus, 1566. — Plutarchi Opusculuin de Immoderata Verecundia a Caesario latine redditum, ib. id. 1565. — Caesarii Orationes et Potmata, ad Aldum Manutium, Pauli filium, et alios, ib. id. 1565, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, very scarce and interesting, \l. lis. 6d. 995 Cagnoli (Belmonte) Di Aquilea Distrutta di, libri venli, con gli Argomenti di Dionisio Dionigi. en Ottava Rima, 4to. Jine copy, neat, 21. 2s. - Venetia, Francesco Baba, 1628 %* This is a very scarce and interesting volume. It is unquestionably printed with Aldine types ; and on the title is the impress of Paul Manutius, identically the same as he used, surmounted with the arms granted to him by the Emperor Maximilian, and which device was subsequently used by Aldus, junior. Francesco Baba, the printer of the volume, was successor to Nicolo Manassi, which latter had the Aldine types, &c. after the demise of the younger Aldus. This volume is not mentioned by Renouard. 996 Calamini (Georgii) Rndolphotlocarus ; Austriaca TragOBdia Nova : Rudolphi I. Habsburgi sectdum et res geslas conti- nens : adjunctis notis bistoricis, Rudolphidos liber : res Aus- triadum a Rudolpho I. ad II. usque nostrum : pictura Streinofreidekiana subjiciens, 8vo. scarce, Qs. 1594 997 Caldecott. — Catalogue of the curious Library of T. Caldecott, Esq. neatly priced, with purchasers' names, 8vo. 10s. Grf. 1833 998 Caldecott's Catalogue, another copy, thick paper, neatly priced, rvith purchasers' names, 8vo. 15s. - 1833 *^* A most rich collection of early English literature, including many articles presumed to be unique, particularly English poetry. 92 THOMAS Thorpe's .909 Cnillaid (Ant. Bern.), Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux (Ic la Bibliotlieque tie, priced, 8vo. very neat, 6s. Paris, 1810 1000 Calcntii (Elisii) Cioacus de Bello Ranarum in quo adolescens jocatiis est, ito.Jine copy, scarce, iU. Argent, 1511 1001 Calcy's (John) Ecclesiastical Survey of the Possessions, Spiritual and Temporal, of the Bishop of St. David's, fri- valcly printed, 8vo. h.h. neat, \2s. - 1812 1002 Caliiergi Comrnentaria Vetera in Theocriti Eglogas, ex diversis exemplaribus coUecta Greece, Svo. a very scarce edition, Is. 6d. - - Venetiis, Farreus, 1543 1003 Calphurnii (Titi) Siculi Bucolicum Carmen, 4to. fine copy, vellum, rare. Is. (id. - - sine ullct notd, 1004 Calves Head Club, (Secret History of) with their Sonirs, called by them Anthems, on the Anniversary of the iiOtii of January, 4to. sen'ec/, 4s. 6cf. - - 1705 1005 Calvini (Joannis) Catechismus Ecclesise Genevensis, hoc est formula erudiendi pueros in doctrina Christi, Svo. fne copy, very neat, rare, 14s. - - Genevce, 1550 1006 Cambini (Andrea) Commentario della Origine de Turchi et Imperio della Casa Ottomanna, senzn nota. — Delle cose de Turchi, libri tie, delli quali si descrive nel primo il Viaggio da Venitia a Constantinopoli, con gli nomi de luoghi antichi et moderni, etc. Venegia, 1541. — Historic di Marco Guazzo ove se conteneno le Guerre di Mahommetto Imperatore, ib. 1545. —II Viazo de Ambrosio Contarini Ambasciator della Signoria di Venetia, al Signor Uxuncassan Re di Persia, ib. 1543, in one vol- Svo. Ji)ie copies, russia elegant, gill edges, rare, \l. 5s. *** This volume was purchased in Col. Stanley's sale for 31. 5s. 1007 Cambini (And.) Commentario della Origine de Turchi et Im- perio della Casa Ottomanna, et Commentario de le Cose de Turchi, di Paulo Jovio, etc. 8vo. scarce, 5s. 1568 1008 Cambridgeshire. — Nine most exquisitely beautiful Drawings of Seals, illustrative of this County, relative to Anglesy Pri- ory, Barehain Priory, Barnwell Priory, St. Radegund Nurr- nery, Charteris Nunnery, Denny Abbey, Fordham Priory, &c. mounted upon drawing paper, moveable at pleasure, in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, richly tooled. Si. 1 3s. 6d. *»* Nothing can exceed the beauty and veracity displayed by Hewlett, in the delineation of the above drawings, which were executed with a view to publica- tion, of which they are truly worthy, and are rendered of much greater value lo the historian or county collector, by each having a description of the nature, date, &c. of the document to which the seal is attached, and reference to the ar- chives in which it is deposited. 1009 Cambridge. — Thirty interesting Tracts relating to the County, University, and Town of Cambridge, also by and relating to the learned Dr. Richard Bcntley, and his intended publica- tion of a New Edition of the Greek Testament, from 1641 to 1787, in 2 vols. 4to. very neat, 2l. 12s. 6d. 1641-1787 •«* This collection must be seen to be duly appreciated ; a brief description of each tract may be had for inspection. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 93 1010 CambridfjeandBentley — Five extraordinary Letters supposed to be writ to Dr. Btntley upon liis edition of Horace, and other matters of great importance, 1712. — Remarks on Dr. Bentley's Sermon upon Popery before the University, 1716. Miller's Account of tlie University of Cambridge and the Colleges there, by which will appear the necessity of obtain- ing such alterations as are suitable to the present times, 1717. — Account of the Proceedings in the University of Cambridge against Dr. Bentley, 1719. — Dr. Bentley's Corrections and Emendations on the Twelve Books of Milton's Paradise. Lost, 17'J2. — R. Cumberland's Letter to the Bishop of Ox- ford, containing some Animadversions upon a Character given of the late Dr. Bentley, 1767. — Poll for the University Members of Cambridge, 1807, in 1 vol. 8vo. venj neat, 18s. 1712-1807 1011 Cambridge University Calendar, from the commencement in 1 796 to 1 830, complete, 43 vols. 12mo. hds. 51. 5s. 1 796-1 839 *,* Very scarce complete, many of the volumes being extremely rare : the present set was collected by the late Bishop of Lichfield ; they contain a vast body of important information to the compiler of Church History, or Ecclesiasti- cal Biography. 1012 Cambridge. — Reply of R. Watts to the Report of Dr. Milner and Mr. Ward, relative to the University Press affairs, 4to. sencd, 3s. - - 1809 1013 Cambridge (Duke of). — Poems to his Royal Highness Prince Adolphus Frederick, on his Birth-day, 24th Feb. as a Tribute of Duty and Respectful Attachment, by the English Gentle- men at Gottingen, 4to. sewed, privately pritited, very scarce, 5s. - - Goltingen, 1788 1014 Camdeni (Gulielmi) Britannia, second edition, Svo. Jine copy, in the original binding, 5s. 6d. - Land. 1587 •^* "The common sun, whereat our modern writers have all lighted their little torches.'' 1015 Camden. — Reges Reginse, Nobiles, et alii in Ecclesia Collegi- ata B. Petri Westmonasterii Sepulti, Usque ad annum repa- ratae Salutis, 160G, 4to. vellum, scarce, 8s. Lond. 1606 1016 Camdeni Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Annales, reg- nante Elizabetha, Svo. Ss. Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1639 1017 Camerarii (Bartholomaei) de Purgatorio Igne Dialogi duo, 4to. very tall copy, scarce, 10s. Q>d. Ronice, Bladus, 1557 1018 Camerarii (Joachimi) de Re Rustica Opuscula nonnulla, lectu cum jiicunda, tum utilia, with the rare folded nond-cut, 4to. neat, 7s. 6d. - - Norib. 1577 1019 Camerarii (Joachimi) Symbolortim et Embiematum ex Her- baria, Animalibus Quadrupedibus, Volatilibus et Insectis, Aquatilibus et Reptilibus Desumptorum Ccnturiae, with Jour hundred beautiful and curious emblematical engravings, 4 vols, in 2, 4lo. vellum, \l. lis. Qd. - Norimberg. 1590 1020 Camillo (Giulio) Delminio, Opere, 2 vols, in one, 12mo. fine copy, very neat, from Dr. Hcatli't collection, scarce, 4s. Qd. Vincgia, Giolito, 1581 94 THOMAS Thorpe's 1021 Camoens (Luis de) Lusiadas, y Rimas, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. neat, venj rare, 21. 2s. - Lisbon, 1597-8 1022 Campailla (Tommaso) L'Adamo, ouvero II Mondo Create, Poeina ¥i\oso{\co, portraits, folio, neat, 7s. 6d. Roma, 1737 1023 Campana Senese (Stiascino) Lamento di quel Tribiilato, sopra el male incognito el quale tratta de la patientia e impaticntia, Svo. Jine copy, neat, \0s. 6d. - Vinegia, 1537 *^* This copy sold in Roscoe's sale for \l. 1 Is. 1024 Campbell's (Rev. Auj?.) Rights of the Clergy asserted, 1822. — Observations on the State, Character, and Advancement of the Established Church in Ireland, Dublin, 1822. — The Claims of the Clergy to Tithes and other Revenues of the Church, founded on Divine Right, 1823. — Inquiry whether the Disturbances in Ireland have originated in Tithes, 1822. — Letter on the Subject of Tithes in Ireland, 1822. — J. J. Park's Suggestions on the Tithe Bills for Ireland, 1823. — Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the Origin, Title, Effects, and Commutation of Tithes, 1823. — Examination of Mr. Parnell's Arguments and Plan for a Commutation of Tithe in Ireland, 1812, in one vol. 8vo. ft. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 1025 Campbell's (John) Political Survey of Britain, being a series of Reflections on the Situation, Land, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies and Commerce of this Island, 2 vols. 4to. very neat, \0s. 6d. - - 1774 1026 Campbell's (Nicholas) Life and Actions, in which is Repre- sented the Arts and Contrivances of the late L^surers at Chelsea, 8vo. sewed, 5s. - 1761 1027 Campbell's (Thos.) Poetical Works, portrait, 12mo. cloth bds. 5s. (id. . - 1839 1028 Campbell. — Case of W. Campbell, Esq. eldest son of John Campbell, late Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and Margaret, his sister, wife of Alex. M'Millan, Gent, for his interest, folio, is.Gd. . - - 1742 %* The present case has the autograph offer of the above W. Campbell, stating, for peace sake, he consents to accept half the property. 1029 Campegii Hortus Gallicus (sive Historia Herbarum) pro Gal- lis scriptus, sed Italis, Germanis, et Hispanis necessarius, Item Campus Elysius Galliae Amcenitate refertus, quo sunt medicine compositae, herbae et plantae virentes : in quo quic- quid apud Indos, Arabes et Pcenas reperitur. Speculum Medici Christiani de instituendo sapientiae cultu, ac de veris et Salutaribus animi et corporis remediis : de Theriaca Gal- lica. Periarchon : id est de Principiis utriusque Philosophias, etc. 12mo. neat, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Lugd. 1533 ■1030 Campian. — Bombini (P.) Vita et Martyrium Edmundi Cam- piani Marty ris Angli, 12mo. neat, scarce, I5s. Antv. 1618 1031 Campiani (Edmundi) oblati Certaminis in Causa Fidei Ra- tiones decern redditi Academicis Angliae, 12mo. fine copy, 7s. 6d. - «, - Rorschachii, 1606 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 95 1032 Campiani Rationes Decern uno fere ab liinc seculo, in Anglia pro fide Catholica equuleo torli et occisi, redditae ab ipsomet Academicis Anglisc, cur illos provocaverit ad disputandum de fide, cum l*]pistolis Campiani ad Reginaj Angliae Consiliarios, ad Acadomicos Oxonii et Cantabrigiae, et ad Pseudc-Episco- pnm Glocestriae, cum Vita et Morte, 8vo. very neat, gilt edges, scarce, I5s. - - Vienna;, 1G76 lOyS Campion's (Thomas) Maske of Flowers, presented by the Gentlemen of Graics-lnn, at the Court of White-Hall, upon Twelfe Night, 1G13, being the last of the Solemnities and Magnificences which were perlbrnied at the Marriage of the Earle of Somerset and the Lady Frances Howard, daughter of the Earle of Suffolke, with divers choice Ayres, set to music, 4tO. EXCESSIVELY RARE, 3l. 3s. - 1614< *»* Sold in Mr. Heber's sale for 8/. and in Rhodes's for 10/. 1034 Camus de Limare. — Catalogue des Livresde M. L. Camus de Limare. distribue par Ordre Alphabetique des noms d'Au- teurs, 12nio. calf extra, marbled edges, \5s. 1779 *j,* Privately printed. The impression was strictly limited to twenty- five copies. 1035 Cani (Melch.)dePoenitentiaRelectio, folio, 5s. Compluti,\5(^3 1036 Canne's (John) Voice from the Temple to the Higher Powers, wherein is shewed, that it is the work and duty of Saints, to search the Prophecies and Visions of Holy Scripture, 4to. sewed, 4-s. - - - 1G53 1037 Cannegieter (Herm.) Dissertatio ad Legem Numae Pompilii de Ara Junonis Pellici non tangenda, 4to. sewed, 3s. Lvgd. Bat. 1743 1038 Canning. — A Refutation of Sir Crisp Gascoyne's Address to the Liverymen of London, by a clear statement of the case of Elizabeth Canning, in a Narrative of Facts, supported by the Informations and AflSdavits of near eighty Witnesses of good credit, folio, served, 5s. 6d. - 1754 1039 Canning, &:c. — Letter from an old Member of the Pitt Club to the Honorary Secretary of that Society, with the Corre- spondence between the Managing Committee and Mr, Can- ning, 1817. — Southey's Letter to W. Smith, M. P. in conse- quence of certain remarks upon Wat 1 yler, 1817. — Speech of the Hon. George Canning on Mr. Lambton's motion for a censure on Mr. Canning's Embassy to Lisbon, 1317. — Speech of the Hon. R. Peel on the Rt. Hon. H. Grattan's motion for a Committee of Inquiry into the Laws affecting Roman Catholics, 1817. — Dissertation on the Poor Laws, by liev. J. Townsend, with Preface by Lord Grenville, 1817, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. very neat, ds. 1040 Canterbury See. — Survey and Demand for Dilapidations in tiie Arciiiepiscopal See of Canterbury, justified against the Cavils and Misrepresentations contained in some Letters lately published by Archdeacon Tenison, 4to. a very scarce and curious tract, lOs. 6d. . - 1717 96 THOMAS Thorpe's 1041 Canute. — ^Elnothus, Monachus Cantuariensis, De Vita et Passione S. Canuti, Regis Daniae, item, Anonymus, De Pas- sione S. Caroli Coraitis Flandriae, S. Canuti, Keyis Daniae, F. ito.fne copy, 7s, 6d. - Hafn'icc, 1631 1042 Canute. — Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, King of Den- mark and England, with plates, 4to. served, 5s. 1777 1045 Canzone Novissima al Sig. D. Giovanni tl' Austria Generale deir Armata della Santissimi Lega sopra la Vittoria seguita contra I'Armata Turchesca, &c. 4to. fine copy, h. b. mO' rocco, very scarce, \0s. (id. - Venet. Guerra, 1571 %* Printed with Aldine type. 1044 Canzone nella Vittoria dell' Arninta dclla Santissima Lega contra la Turchesca, 4to. jine copy, h. b. morocco, very scarce, 15s. - {senza nota, Guerra, 1572) %* Printed by the Guerra, with Aldine types, about 1571 or 2, with their de- vice on the title and in a wood-cut on the top of the first and second leaf. 1045 Caorsin (Gul.) Rhodiorum Vicecancellarii ad Innocentium VIII. Oratio, 4to. scarce, 3s. - mcccclxxxv. 1046 Caorsin (Gulielmi) Obsidionis Rhodie Urbis Descriptio, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, 10s. Gd. - s. I. et a. *^* This is a very lively and interesting description of the siege of Rhodes by the Turks. Caorsin was Vice-Chancellor of Rhodes. The work contains the most minute particulars of every transaction during the siege, an account of the interview between Zyzymus, the Turkish Commander, and the Master of Rhodes; the interesting correspondence with Bajazet, &c. 1047 Capel's (Lord Arthur) Excellent Contemplations, Divine and Moral, with Account of his Life, his Letters to various Persons whilst Prisoner in the Tower, his affectionate Letters to his Lady before his Death, Couragious Behaviour at his Execution, Advice to his Son, &c. portrait, 12mo. very neat, 10s. Grf. - - 1683 1048 Capellse (Gal.) de Rebus nuper in Italia gestis, ab 1521 ad 1530, lib. VIII. 4to. 10s. Qd. - Norimb. 1532 *^* With numerous manuscript references relative to the rarity of this I'olume, by the late possessor, who purchased it for 2/. 2s. 1049 Capella (Galeazzo) Anthropologia, Svo. Ji?ie large copy, very neat, gilt edges, 8s. - f^enet. Aldo, 1533 *^* This is a very curious work. The first book treats on the dignity of man, the second on the dignity of woman, and the third on the misery of both, and the vanity of their affections. Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 4/. 16s. 1050 Capellae Commentarii de Rebus gestis pro restitutions Fran- cisci Sfortias II. Mediolani Ducis, Svo. 2s. Qd. Argent. 1538 1051 Capicii (Scipionis) de Vate Maximo Poematum, lib. III. 4to. extremely rare, 18s. - Neapoli, 1533 *^* This edition is not mentioned by Bruuet. It was reprinted by the sous of Aldus, in 1546. 1052 Capitonis (Fabritii) Epistola, quam ab Helvetiis forte inter- ceptam D. J. Faber Constantiensis in Germanicum versam depravavit, una cum duabus Epistolis, quibus ilium Concio- natores Argentinenses ad coUationem scripturarum provoca- runt, Svo. Jine copy, scarce, 4s. - Argent. 1526 (CATALOGUE or BOOKS. 97 1053 Capitonis (Wolfgang!) Responsio de Missa, Matrimonio et Jure Magistratus in Religionem, 8vo. neat, scarce, 8s. Argent. 1540 %* Dedicated, in a long and highly interesting address, to King Henry VIll. 1054 Cappello (Bernardo) Rime, 'ilo.Jine copy, vellum^ scarce, 12s. Venet. 1560 *,• A beautiful volume, printed by the Brothers Guerra, with Aldine type. " Selon Haym, ces Poesies ne le cedent pas en beaute aux meilleurs pieces dii m^me genre.'' — Bninet. 1055 Caramuel (Joannis) Abbatis Melrosensis, Angliae, Scotioc, Hiberniae, etc. Progeneralis, Rationalis et Realis Philosophia, very scarce, Lovanii, 1642. — Cardani de Subtilitate lib. xxi. wood-cuts, Norimb. 1550, in 1 vol. {'o\io,Jine cojves, h. h. 2l. 2s. 1056 Caranzae (Barth.) Controversia de necessaria residentio per- sonali Episcoporum et aliorum inferiorum Ecclesise Pasto- rum, Tridenti explicata cum Athanasii Epistolis ad Episco- pos, 12mo. neat, scarce, 9s. - Antverp. 1554 1057 Carazolo (Joan. Francesco) Patritio Neapolitano, Amori : Sonetti, Sextine e Canzone Cento, del dicto Poeta ; in laude de li ocei intitulati Argo revesto da Hieronymo Carbone, folio, very neat, 21. 2s. Napoli, per M. A. de Caneto, J 506 •,• This book is of the greatest raritit ; it has escaped the re- searches of Brunet, and apparently all other bibliographers. 1058 Carbonesi (Bonif. Alb.) Azioni Gloriose di S. Maglorio Se- condo Vescovo di Doul Citta principale della Brettagna Minore, 4to. vellum^ very rare, \l. 5s. Bologna, 1681 1059 Cardani (Hier.) De Subtilitate Libri XXI. 8vo. Jine copy^ vellum, 5s. 6d. - - Paris. 1551 1060 Cardani De Rerum Varietate Libri XVII. 8vo. Jine copy, h. h. neat^ 7s. 6d. - - Basilece, 1557 1061 Cardani Neronis Encomium, 12rao. neat, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1640 1062 Cardan Metoposcopie, Lat. et Fr. a laquelle a este adjouste le Traite des Marques Naturelles du Corps, par Melampus, Gr. et Lat. with eight hundred cuts, folio, fine copy, vellum, scarce, 18s. - - - Paris^ 1658 Cardan us, see Caramuel. 1063 Cardilli (Gasp.) Oratio, quod non sit Laicis Calix permitten- dus, 4to. 4s. 6(Z. - - - 1562 1064 Cardona (Joannis de) Commissarii a Sixto Papa IV. consti- tuti, Littera Indulgentiarum pro expeditione contra perfidos Thurcos, Christiani nominis hostes, in defensionem Insulae Rhodi, etc. single leaf, folio, very rare and curious, 7s. 6d. {Colonice, MCCCCLXXXI.) 1065 Cardone.— R. Sbandita, sopra la potenza d'Amore di Gio. Nic. Ciminelli Cardone, Todi, 1627. — H Discorso della S. Laura Terracina sopra il Principio de' Canti di Orlando Furioso, wood-cuts, Orvieto, s. a. — Vapori di Pindo di Fa- britio Scortiali, Ascoli, 1637, in 1 vol. 12mo. vellum, scarce, 10s. 6(/. O 98 THOMAS Thorpe's lOCC Cardim (Ant. Fr.) Fasciculus c Japonicis floribus, sua adliuc madentihus sanguine, numerous plates, and map of Japan, ^io.Jine copy, extra viarbled edges, very scarce, ll. Ss. Romce, 164G IOC 7 Caicw (George) Fraud and Oppression detected and ar- raigned, or an Appeal to the Parliament of England, in a Narrative and Deduction of several Actions at Law, depend- ing in the Courts in Holland and Zealand, between divers Subjects of the King of England and the Subjects of the States General of the Seven United Provinces, with several remarkable Observations and Animadversions thereupon, by the Creditors of Sir W. Courten, Sir Paul Pyndar, Sir Ed- ward Littleton, and W. Courten, Esq. deceased, folio, fine copy, h. b, neat, very rare, 21. I2s. 6d. - 1G76 *iit* Privately Printed. A curious and interesting volume, illustrative of the East India trade, containing various memorials, opinions of eminent lawyers, letters patent, orders in council, and treaties. The title to the third part is, " Several necessary advertisements concerning the improvement of navigation and trade; more especially the manufacturers of England, called the Old and New Draperies.'' The volume also contains the opinions of the most eminent common Lawyers and Civilians of the time, upon this unrivalled case ; the whole of the process, and many other particulars illustrative of the case, which will be found of great interest to the Merchant and Lawyer; it also contains the Letters Patent. The assets of Sir William Courten contain extensive estates and manors, including Seavern Stoak, sold to Lord Coventry, Lower Swell, sold to Sir Robert Atkins, Over-Swell, sold to Sir J. Rushout, the Manor of Pyrton, sold to Lord Coventry, the Manor of Eves/iam, with the dissolved Monaster]/, sold to Mr. Rndge, the Manor of Annton, sold to T. Foley, Esq. in the counties of Worcester ami Gloucester, ^c. uhich renders it of interest to the County Collector. 1068 Carew's (Piic.) Survey of Cornwall, 4to. Jine copy, h. b. neat, 7s. Gd. - - 1602 1069 Cargse (C.) Forojuliensis Santodanieliani, de Sanguine Dispu- tatio, 4:lo. fine copy, h. b. morocco, scarce, 10s. 6d. Paiavii, 157S *,s* The title is decorated with the anchor. 1070 Carlell's (Lodowicke) Deserving Favorite, as it was acted be- fore his Majesty, 4to. served, fine copy, 10s. 6d. 1629 1071 Carlerii (Egidii) Decani Ecclesice Cameracensis Sporta Frag- mentorum, folio, neat, rare, ll. la. BruxelUs, MCCCCLXXVIIL *#* The third book printed at Brussels. 1072 Carleton (Sir Dudley) Letters from and to, during his Em- bassy in Holland, from 1615 to 1620, 4to, fine copy, in the original binding, marbled edges, 21- ]2s. 6d. 1757 *^,* Privately Printed, at the expense of Lord Royston. This collection of Letters contains more clear, accurate, and interesting accounts of that re- markable period of Dutch History to which they relate [viz. from 1615 to 1620], than are any where extant. There are likewise discussed in the course of them, many points of great importance to English commerce. 1073 Carlisle (Sir Ant.) Hunterian Oration, before the College of Surgeons in London, dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, 4io. sencd, presentation copy to the late Bishop of Lichfield, 4s. - - - 1826 CATALOG UE OF nOOKS. 99 1074 Carlefon's (Dr. Geo.) Examination of the late Appeale whicli lioldeth the Doctrines of tlie Felapians and Arminians to be the Doctrines of the Church of England, with Attestation tiiat the Discipline of the Church of England was not im- peached by the Synod of Dort, 4to. sewed, 5s. 1C2G 1075 Carleton's Thankfull Kemembrance of God's Mercie, in an Historical Collection of the Great and Mercifull Deliver- ances of the Church and State of England, from the begin- ning of Queen Elizabeth's llaigne, portrait, and tnenty cu. r'lous historical engravings, 4to. j^ne copy, vellum, H. II s. 6d. 1630 *,* The cuts represeutthe Spanish Armada, Rebellion in Ireland, and various other treasons and attempts on the Queen's life, by Somerville, Squire, Parry, and others, and many other subjects illustrative of her reign, all very fine impressions. 1076 Carlisle (Nic.) Account of the Proceedings of the Labourers' Friend Society, for bettering the Condition of the Labouring Classes, particularly in allotting to them small portions of Land, established at Wallington, in Surrey, with short Ac- count of that Manor, &c. 4to. boards, privately printed, 10s. 6d. - - 1835 1077 Carmen Scholasticum, in gratiam puerorum compositum, au- tore Corn. Haecmundano, Amst. 1553. — Carmen Sapphicum, quo a Deo opt. max. contra hostium conatus auxilium, etc. ab eodem, ih. 1554. — Ode sacra Tricolos Tetrastrophos ad Psalmum 45 juxta Hebr. Verit. expensum in tranquillum ex turbulentiss. rerum statum divinis C. M. Victoriis partum et stabilitum, ib. 1554. — Leges in Gymnasio Haerlemensi et Amsterodamensi, aliisque omnibus, sub diocesi Epis. Harle- men. conteniis Scholis juventuti obscrvande, ib. 157G, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, very scarce, 10*. Gt/. 1078 Carmina NonnuUa ex iis quae colligi potueruiit, quscque Sub- sellio appensa fuerunt dum Laur. Riciardius Arrctinus almi Venetiarum Collegii Anatomiam, 4to. very fine copy, vellum, RAUE, \l. \\s, Gd. - Venetiis, Giierra, 158G *^* An interesting volume. 1079 Carmen Honorarium ad Dominum Jo. Cirenbergium ob Ac- ceptum Synodalium Epistolarum Concilii Basiliensis, quod Thomas Roe Magnae Britanniae Legatus, Oxoniensi Biblio- thecae transmissit ac dono dedit, 4to. h. b. neat, very scarce, 7s. 6d. _ - _ Oxon. 1G31 lOSO Carmina Quadragesimalia, ab jEdis Christi Oxon. alumnis composita, etc. 2 vols, in 1, l2mo.Jine copy, very neat, \5s. GlasgucB, 1 757 *4f* All interesting copy, with the names of the authors of each poem, very neatly written, and in most instances the dates are added. 1081 Caro (Annibal) Rime, Mattaccini, Durleschi, Due Orationi di Greg. Nazanzeno et Sermone di S. Cipriano sopra TElemo- sina, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. very fine large sound copy, vellum, I85. Aldo Manutio, 15G9 *4* " Caro 's sonnets display purity and elegance of t^tyle, harmony of versifi- cation, and unbounded command of poetical diction." — Mills. 100 THOMAS Thorpe's 1082 Caro (Annibal) Rime, 4to. a most beautiful copy, elegantly bound invwrocco, gilt edges, \l. lis. Qd. Aldo Manutio, 1572 1083 Caroni (Raymundi) Hiberni, Apostolatus Evangelicus, Missio- narium Regularium per Universum Mundutn expositus, etiam Roma Triumphans Septicollis, qua tola fides Roraana- Catholica demonstratur, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, very scarce, \l, lis. 6d. - - Jlntv. 1658 *** " Carron and "W^alsh were two of the Catholic clergy who, in opposition to the fierce writings of Nicholas French (and especially to his Bleeding Iphigenia), qualified their submission to the Pope by their abhorrence of the principles of the Irish rebels, and disclaiming the Pope's supremacy in temporals." 1084 Caroso (M. Fabritio) da Sermoneta, Ballarino, diviso in due Trattati ; nel primo de' quali si dimostra la diversita de i nomi, che si danno a gli atti e movimenti, che intervengono ne i Balli : et con molte Regole si dichiara con quali creanze, et in che nnodo debbano farsi ; nel Secondo s'insegnano di- verse sorti di Balli, et Balletti si all' uso d'ltalia, come a quello di Francia et Spagna,_y?He impressions of the portrait and plates, 4to. ruled with red lines, neat, gilt edges, scarce, 1/. Is. - Venetia, Ziletti, 1581 1085 Carpenter's (J.) King Solomon his Solace, his Politic, Re- pentance, and Salvation, 4to. in the original binding, 10s. 6rf. 1606 *»* A scarce volume, with poetical dedication to King James, and an acrostic on his name. 1086 Carpenter's (Rich.) Pragmatical Jesuit New-leven'd, 4to. served, 7s. 6d. - - n. d. 1087 Carpini. — Opera dilettevole da intendere, nella qual si con- tiene doi Itinerarii in Tartaria, per alcuni Frati mandati da Papa Innocentio IV. nella Provincia di Scithia per Ambas- ciatori, curious portrait, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, EXTREMELY RARE, 41. 4s. Vinegia, Sabio, 1537 %* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 19/. and in the White Knights sale for 13i. !0s. Mr. Crofts had written in his copy, " Liber rarissimus, quippe cujus apud Bibliographos nullibi fit mentio." It contains the first edition, in Italian, of the Travels of Carpini, who went through Poland and Russia to Tartary, in the year 1246. 1088 Carretto (Galeotto Marchese dal) Tempio d'Amore, Poema, 8vo. h. b. morocco, rare, 1 5s. - Mediolani, 1518 1089 Carrara (Pietro Paola) Poesie, ofFerte alia Sacra Maesta di Giacomo III. Re della Gran Bretagna, 2 vols. 4to. neat, 7s. Gd. - - Fano, 1754 1090 Carrera (Pietro) Mongibello, in tre Libri, nel quale oltra di- verse notitie si spiega I'historia degl' incendi, e le cagioni di quelli ; vi si narrano ancora i miracoloso efFetti contra il luoco seguiti per Virtu del sacro Velo della gloriosa S. Agata ; Poesie di Carrera pertinente alle Materie di Mongibello, c del sacro Velo della gloriosa S. Agata, 4to. neat, 15s. Catania, 1636 *»* " Volume rare." — Brunct, Sold in the Pinellisale for \l. As, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 101 1091 Carrera (Pietro) Gioco de gli Scacchi ne quali s'insegnano i precetti, le uscite, e i tratti posticci del Gioco, &c. 4to. fine copy, very neat, in calf extra, 31. 3s. M'ditello, 1617 •,* " Ce traite est un des plus rares et des plus recherches parmi ceux qui ont kik ecrits sur le jeu des echecs." — Brunei. It is further iuteresting as being pro- bably the earliest book printed at Melito, a town of Calabria. See Dr. Cotton. 1092 Carte. — Letter from [Corbyn Morris, Esq.] a Bystander on the Necessity of a regular Land Force, &c. 1743. — A proper Answer to the Bystander, 1742. — A full Answer to the Let- ter of a Bystander, 1742.— Letter to the Rev. Tho. Carte, Author of the Full Answer, &c. by [Corbyn Morris] a Gen- tleman of Cambridge, 1743. — [Carte's] Full and Clear Vin- dication of the Full Answer, &c. 1743, 2 vols. 8vo. neat, 18s. %• This consecutive series of scarce tracts was collected by Dr. John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury. 1093 Carter. — The Tomb Stone, or a Broken and Imperfect Monu- ment of that worthy man, Mr. John Carter, Pastor first of Bramford, and last of Belsted, in Suffolk, by his unworthy son, John Carter, Preacher of the Gospel at Norwich, 1653. — A Rare Sight ; or the Lyon sent from a farr Country, and presented to the City of Norwich, by John Carter, curious frontispiece and cuts, 1653, 12mo. two scarce tracts, 6s. 1094 Carter's (Matt.) Honor Redivivus, or an Analysis of Honour and Armoury, clean copy, with all the plates of the Peers, Knights, ^c. in their robes and orders, <^c. by Gaywood, and cuts of arms, 8vo. h. b. russia, 7s. 6d. - 1660 1095 Cartwright. — The Life, Confession, and Repentance of Fran- cis Cartwright, Gentleman, for his bloudie sinne in killing of one Master Storr, Master of Arts, and Minister of Market Rason, in Lincolnshire, written with his owne hand, 4to. neat, very rare, \8s. - - - 1621 *»• The writer fled to France after the murder, and was entertained by Sir F. Vere, until his pardon was obtained, when he returned to England and killed one Master Biggs, at Grantham, for which he was found guilty of manslaughter, and imprisoned one year, after which he proceeded to sea under Sir R. Hawkins, &c. 1096 Cartwright (Thomas). — Certaine Articles, collected and taken, as it is thought, by the Byshops, out of a litle boke, entituled, an Admonition to the Parliament, wyth an An- swere to the same, containing a confirmation of the sayd booke, in shorte notes, {Wandsworth, 1572.) — Admonition to the Parliament, 1572. — Second Admonition to the Parlia- ment, 1572, in one vol. 12mo. falacfe letter, half bound, neat, EXCESSIVELY BARE, 3/. 3s. - - 1572 %* These three tracts were privately printed at Wandsworth, in de- fence of the Puritans, who had been persecuted for several years. The First Admonition was written by Mr. Field, the minister of Aldermary, London, as- sisted by Mr. Wilcox, and revised by several of their brethren, for which they were committed to Newgate, 2nd Oct. 1572; notwithstanding which Mr. Cart- wright wrote a second Admonition, which was followed by Dr. Whitgift's Answer, to which Cartwright replied in 1575, and 1577. See Neal's History of the Puri- tans, Strype's Annals, &c. One of the above tracts sold in the White Knights sale for 3/. OS. X 102 THOMAS THORP li's 1097 Cartwright's (John) Commonwealth in Danger, 8vo. 3s. 1795 1098 Cartwright's (W.) Royall Slave, a Tragi-Comedy, first edition, 4to. scarce, 1 Os. 6(/. - - Oj/orrf, 1639 •»• " I find this edition iu Farmer's Catalogue, but not in Pearson, Wright, Dodd, or any other.'' 1099 Cartwright's (W.) Royall Slave, a Tragi-Comedy, presented to the King and Queene by the Students of Christ Church College, Oxford, 4to. sewed, 2s. Gd. Oxford, 1640 1100 Cartheny's (John) Voyage of the Wandering Knight, shewing the whole course of Man's Life, dedicated to Sir Francis Drake, 4to. neat, curious and scarce, IS*. *j(* Bunyan is said to have been much indebted to this work for his Pilgrim's Progress. Sold in the Gordoustoun sale for 1/. lis. 6d., and in Mr. Nicol's for 1/. 16s. 1101 Carvajal (Bernardini) Episcopi Carthaginensis, Oratio super proestanda solenni obedientia Sanctissimo D. N. Alexandre Papa VI. ex parte Christianissimorum Dominorum Fernandi et Helisabe Regis et Reginse Hispaniae, habita Romse in con- sistorio publico die Mercurii XIX Junii, 1493, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, 31. 3s. sine ulld notd, (MCCCCXCIII.) »»* This exceedingly rare tract is most remarkable, as containing at page 12 one of the earliest notices of Columbus's Discovery of the New World. Its rarity is even greater than that of Columbus's Letter itself. 1102 Carve (Thomae) Tipperariensis Itinerarium per diversas Eu- rope Partes, cum Historia Butleri, Gordon, Lesly, et aiio- rum, ^rst edition, 12mo.^ne copy, vellum^ rare, \l. lis, 6d. Moguntice, 1639 *^* This is the first volume of Carve's Itinerary, and was for a long time sup- posed to be a perfect work ; it produced 201. 10s. iu Col. Stanley's sale. 1103 Carve, Itinerarium, £rfii?o /er/ia, Auctior et Correctior, Mo- guntice, 1640. — Itinerarii Thomae Carve Tipperariensis, Sa- cellani Majoris Anglorura, Scotorum, et Hybernorum in Exercitu Caesareo Militantum, Pars II. cui sub finem acce- dunt Vindicia? in Momos Authoris, Item Paucula quaedam de Butleriana I'rosapia, ib. 1641, 2 vols. l2mo. fine copies, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 41. 4.?. 1104 Carve Itinerarium, Germanic^, studio VVolffgangi Sigismundi a Vorburg, 12mo.^ne copy, elegantly bound in morocco, with morocco insides, edges gilt and tooled, extremely rare, 31. 3s. Mayntz, 1640 %• This German version of Carve's Itinerary is much rarer than the Latin original, and is an important article in the series of his works. It contains a different dedication, a preface containing some account of the author's works, complimentary verses, and nine additional chapters, which are not to be found in the Latin. 1 105 Carve Lyra Hybernica, sive Anacephalseosis Hibernica, access, Annaies ejusdem Hiberniee, nilh all the p)or traits and j)lalcs, 4:10. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, dl. 9s, Sulzbaci, 1666 "*** One of the rarest and most interesting books relating to tlie affairs of Ireland. CATALOOUn OF BOOKS. 103 IlOG Cnry's (J.) Considerations rclatitifj to the carrying on tlic Linen Manufacture in the Kingdom of Ireland, by a Joint Stock, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - 1704 *,* An interesting tract relating to the Irish linen manufacture, the employ- ment of the poor in that kingdom, and other interesting matters. 1107 Caryl's (J.) Present Duty and Endeavour of Saints, in a Ser- mon at St, Paul's, dedicated to Thos. Adams, Lord Mayor of London, 4to. yened, 2s. 6d. - 1649 1108 Case (Bart, dalle) Istoria o brevissima Relatione della Dis- truttione dell' Indie Occidentali, Ital. e Spagn. 4to. velltim, scarce, 12s. . - _ Vend. 1643 1109 Casauboni (Isaaci) ad Ducaeum Epistola, Land. 1611. — Ejus- dem ad Epistolam Perronii Responsio, ih. 1612. — Puteani in Casauboni ad Ducaeum Epistolam Stricturae liber prodro- inus, Lovan. 1612, in one vol. 4to, vcat, 8s. Cd. 1110 Casaubon's Answer to the E|)istle of Cardinal Peron to the King of England, 4to. sewed, 5s. 6d. - 1612 *^* The answer consists of observations on the cardinal's letter, with his ma- jesty's reply to each, in defence of the church of England. It is dedicated to Sir Thomas Edmonds. 1111 Casaubon (Dr. Meric) of Credulity and Incredulity in things natural, civil, and divine, 16C8. — Ant. Mizaldi Monluciani, de Mundi Sphsera seu Cosmographia, lib. III. cuts, lAitel'icc, 1552. — Jo. Schefferi de Natura et Constitiitione Philoso- pliiEK Italicse seu Pythagoricas, Liber, UpsaltcB, 1664, in one vol. Svo. neat, 7s. 6d. 1112 Cascales (F.) Cartas Philologicas es a saber, de Letras Hu- manas, varia erudicion, explicationes de Lugares, Lecciones curiosas, Documentos Poeticos, observaciones, ritos, i cos- tumbres i muchas sentencias exquisitas^ portrait, Svo. neat, 4s. 6d. - . - Madrid, 1779 1113 Case of Conscience, whether a Nonconformist, who hath not taken the Oxford Oath, may come to live at London, &c. ? with Animadversions on the Ecclesiastical Polity, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. - - - 1669 1114 Cassandri (G.) Tabulae Praeceptionum Dialecticarum, 4to. Jine copy, uncut, 3s. - Parisiis, Wechehis, 1518 1115 Cassilis Peerage Case, 1760-4, rvilh folding table of the family pedigree, Svo. sewed, 7s. 6d. 1116 Cassilis. — Another copy, large paper, Svo. with the pedigree, 12s. *^* Privately printed by a member of the Scotch bar. 1117 Cassola (Luigi) Madrigali, Svo. neat, Ss.6d. Venetia, Giolito, 1544 1118 Castaneda (Hernan Lopes de) Historie of the Discoverie and Conquest of the East Indies, enterprised by the Portuguese, in their dangerous Navigations, in the time of King Don John the Second, translated by N. Lichefield, iblacfe letter, 4to. fne copy, russia, gilt edges, scarce, 2l. 2s. T. East, 1582 *5i5* Dedicated to Sir Francis Drake. A copy sold in Mr. North's sale for 4/. 4s. k 104 THOMAS Thorpe's 1119 Casteleyn (Matthiis de) de konst van Rhetoriken, item de Baladen van Doorniicke, ende de Historic van Pyramus ende Thisbe, in verse, with curious wood-cuts and musical noteSf 8vo. very scarce, lOs. 6d. - Rotterdam, \ 612 1120 Casteleyn, Konst van Rethoriken, item de Baladen van Door- niicke ende de Historie van Pyramus ende Thisbe, curious wood-cuts, %vo. fine copy, very neat, scarce, 10s. &d. ih. 1616 1121 Castellanos (Juan de) Elegias de Varones Illustres de Indias, with portrait, 4to. apparently wants an introductory leaf, russia extra, gilt edges, very scarce, 21. 2s. Madrid, 1589 %• The author of this very rare and interesting work was a clergyman of Tunja, in the province of New Granada. Munoz says, that " he employed the greatest and best part of his life in singing the various and numerous events of the new world, from its discovery. He commenced by compiling his work in prose, and then reducing it into verse. Castellanos is a writer of considerable merit and utility, as respects the events of his own time ; those anterior to it he took from authors, particularly Oviedo, from popular traditions, and, from the fertile field of his imagination, as many fables as suited his plan." — See Munoz, Hist, del Nuevo Mundo. 1122 Castelli (Jo.) Epithetorum Farrago, in gratiam Poeseos Stu- diosorum collecta, et in ordinem commodissimam digesta, 16mo. vellum, 7s. 6d. Antv.cx off. Christoph. Plantini, 1573 1123 Castiglione (Conte Baldesar) libro del Cortegiano, Svo. Jine large copy, morocco elegant, gill edges, very rare, 1/. 18s. Vinegia, ad spesa de Fed. Torressano d'Asola, 1538 %• For an account of this rare volume, see Renouard's Annates des Aide, 1124 Castiglione Libro del Cortegiano, Svo. fine copy, neat, scarce, 7s. 6d. - - Firenze, Giunti, 1554 1125 Castilionis Comitis, de Curiali sive Aulico, lib. IV. ex Italico in Latinum conversi, interp. Barth. Gierke, recens. S. Drake, LARGE PAPER, royal Svo. a beautiful copy, in rich old morocco, tooled on the sides, gilt edges, 1/. Is. Cantahr. 1713 *»• Sold in Didot's sale for 48 francs ; and this copy was purchased in Sir M. M. Sykes' sale for \l. 9s. 1126 Castilionis libri IV. de Curiali sive Aulico, a Clerke recens. Drake, d>\o.fine copy, neat, 6s. - ib. 1713 1127 Castilio's Courtyer, very necessary and profitable for young gentlemen and gentlewomen abyding in Court, Palace, or Place, Englished by T. Hobby, blacfe letter, 4to. with verses by Sackvyll Lord Buckhurst, and dedication to Henry Lord Hastings., lOs.ed. - - 1577 112S Castillejo (Christoval de) Obras Poeticas, 12mo. good sound copy, neat, rare, 1/. Is. - Anvers, 1598 %* " The Canciones of Castillejo," says Bouterwek, " are so exquisite, that it is scarcely possible to resist the temptation of placing their author in the very foremost rauk of poets." — Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 5/. 6s. 1129 Castillo (Jac. de) Tractatus de Duelio, Lat. et Hispan. 4to. fine copy, vellum, very rare, \5s. - Taurini, 1525 *,,• This is probably the first book printed at Toro, an ancient city of the north-west of Spain, formerly a bishop's see. The earliest book noticed by Antonio was executed in the same year. The present copy was purchased for 3l.\3i.6d. CATALOGUK OF BOOKS. 105 1130 Castillo (Hernando de) y Joan Lopez Obispo de Monopoli, Historia General de Santo Domingo y de su Ordcn de Pre- dicadores, 5 vols, in 4, folio, fine copy, neat, very rare, 41. 14s. 6d. - - Valladolid, 1612-21 *^* " Cette histoire complette est extremement rare." 1131 Castille's(Almirante of) Manifesto, 4to. 2s. - 1740 1132 Castlehavcn's (James Lord Aiidley, Earl of) Memoirs of his Engagement and Carriage in the Wars of Ireland, 1642-51, printed 16S0. — Observations and Reflections upon the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoirs concerning the Wars of Ireland, 1681, in 1 vol. l2mo.^ne copy, neat, scarce, 1/. 5s. *^* This edition is said to have been suppressed by the author. 1133 Castlemaine (Earl of) Account of the War between the Venetians and Turks, with the State of Candie, portrait and map, 12mo. very neat, 7s. 6d. - 1666 • %* Sold in Mr. Lloyd's sale for 14s. 1134 Castro (G. P. de) Ulyssea, ou Lysboa Edificada, Poema Heroico, 4to. 7s. 6d. - - Lisboa, 1636 113.5 Catalan. — Capitols del General del Principat de Cathalunya, comptats de Rossello y Cerdanya fets en les Corts Celeb rades en lo Monestir de Sant Francesch de Barcelona, Barcelona, 1601. — Tarifa dels Preus de les Telas y Altres Sorts de Robes y Mercaderies, que entren en lo Principat de Catha- lunya, y Comptats de Rosello y Cerdanya, &c. ib. 1601, in one vol. 4to. very neat, rare, 1 8s. %* A curious volume in the Catalan dialect. 1136 Catalogues of Books and Manuscripts sold by Auction, &c. ; A most extensive and valuable collection, in FINE state, in all ForTY-FIVE, MANY OF WHICH ARE VERY RARE, 10/. lOs. - - 1637-1730 *j,f* The following is a brief list of the titles : — Librorum in Italia emptorum qui in Ciemeterio S. Pauli prostant vena- les - Londini, 1637 Librorum qnos de Nundiuis Franco- furtensibus ac alibi comparavit R. Whitakerus apud quern prostant venales - ib. 1645 Librorum quorum copia suppetitOcta- viano Pulleyn Bibliopolae ib. 1657 Bibliothecse Adolf. Vorstii Lugd. Bat. 1664 Librorum R. Scott Bibliopolfe Londini, 1674 Catalogus Auctorum qui de Re Heral- dica scripserunt a T. Gore Oxon. 1674 "This catalogue is so rare that it sold at Mi: West's sate for ttco guineas." Catal. Librorum Bibliothecse Lazari Seaman, quorum Auctio habebitur Londini, &c. cura G. Cooper Londini, 1676 " This is the Jirst catalogue of hooks sold in England by auction." Librorum T. Manton, quorum Auc. hab. Londini, neatly priced ib. 1678 Librorum Gisberti Voetii ib. 1678 Librorum Doct. B. Worsly et duorum aliorum - ib. 1678 Librorum ex Bibliotheca nobilis Augli (Domini Warwick) item Gabr. San- gar - ib. 1678 Librorum Edvardi Bissaei, clarentii titulo Rex Armorum ib. 1679 Library of a person of honour, con- taining near 1000 cboiceMSS.?6.1679 Two choice Libraries of two eminent and learned men - ib. 1680 100 THOMAS THORPE S Catalogus Libioriim quos Hciiiiciis Dux NorfoleisE Reg. Soc. doiiavit Londhii, 1G81 Librorum Doct. Gul. Outiami, et D. Thom» Gatakeri - ib. 1681 Library of J. Parsons, Esq. consisting of Law and History ib. 1682 BJbliothecae Jo. Humphry, de Rowell, in Com. Northamp. ib, 1682 Bibliothecae Gualteri Rea ib. 1682 Librorum Ric. Smith, vei-y scarce ib. 1682 Librorum D. Whateley, de Eanbury ; Item Bibl. Med. Simouis Rutland ib. 1683 Bibliotheca? Jo. Lloydii, et T. Ray- mondi - - ib. 1683 Library of Mr. Charles Adams (sold by way of auction, or out-cry, or who bids most) - ib. 1683 Librorum Dan. Rogers ib. 1683 Bibliothecarum R. Chace, Christ. Bat- hurst, G. Tonstall ib. 1683 Librorum Gasp. Gunteri,M. D. ib. 1683 Librorum D. Jo. Oweui, Vice Cancell. Oxon. et Decan. Christ. ib. 1684 Librorum Math. Smallwood Decani de Lichfield - ib. 1684 Libraries of two eminent persons ib. 1684 Bibliothecaa Mathematicse, etc. Jou» Mori - - ib. 1684 Librorum Arthuri Comitis d'Anglesey, per T. Philippum ib. 1686 1137 Catalogue of New Books, classed, 4to. served, 2s. 6d Librorum Medicoram recentiorum et Antiquorum - Londini, 168G Librorum in quavis lingua et facultate insignium Ricardi Davis Bibliopolaj, 2 parts - ib. 168G Bibliothecse viri cujusd. literati ib. 1687 Librorum in omni facultate iDsigniam (quorum Auctio in gratiam et Gom- modum celeb. Acad. Oxon.) habebi- tur in High Street, Oxon. ib. 1687 Bibliothecae Thomae Jacomb. ib. 1687 Choice Books in Divinity, History, Physic and Poetry, Romances, Tra- vels, &c. - ib. 1687 Catalogue of English Plays, containing all the works of the best authors, by G. Langbaine - ii. 1688 Cat. Librorum RobertiScott,BibIiopolae Regii - ib. 1688 Catalogue of Latin, French and Eng- lish books, to be sold in numbers to the booksellers of London ib. 1688- Collection of Paintings, and several other curiosities - ib. 1691 Cat. Librorum ex diversis partibus Europag advectorum ib. 1691 Bibliothecse Doct. G. Levins ib. 1698 Catalogue of all the English and Latin Books printed in England, frcm 1699" to 1703, 4 parts - ib. 1700 Monthly Catalogue ; a Register of Bcoks printed in London and the Universities in 1729 and 1730. 1660 1138 Catalog!. — Libroium Jacobi Matthias, Haunice, 1662 — Li- brorum Incompactorum quorum Auctio habeb. in Byrsa, ib 1664'. — Librorum Rev. Thomse BangiiTheol. Doct. 26. 1662. . — Der zu Oldendorp gestandenen Munnichausichen Biblio- theca, 1665, in one vol. 4to. I85. *#* Four curious and scarce catalogues of sales of books by auction, contain- ing notices of many very rare books in every department of literature. 1139 Catalogue of the Stock of Davis, the Bookseller at Oxford,^ sold by Cooper and Millington, a very extensive and valuable collection, 10,327 A rticles,A:io. fine copy, sewed, \Qs. 6d. 1686 1140 Catalogue of the extensive and valuable collection of Books» formed by Robert Scott, Bookseller to the King, sold by Walford, upwards of 10,000 \ot<5, 4to. /itie copy, sewed, 10s. 6d. 1688 1111 Catalogus Bibliothecae, ex munificentia HoIIandiae et West- Frisiae Ordinum in Collegio Theologico erectse, 4tG. 3s. Lugd. Bat. 169'1 1142 Catalogue of Rarities in the University of Leyden, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - - 1697 1 143 Catalogue of the Chiefest Rarities in the University of Leyden, 4to. se7ved, 2s. - - 1701 CATALOG UR Oh BOOKS. 107 1144 Catalogues. —Library of Mr. Thomas Britton, Small Coal- man, books and Manuscripts, very ctiriotis, sold by Ballard^ 1704. — Library of J. Ward, Prolessor in Gresham College, 1759. — Library of Edw. Alexander, Esq. by Paterson, 17C5. — Books and Manuscripts of R, Morris, Herald Painter, some prices and names, 1771. — Library of Dr. John Friend, no date. — Library of Dr. Will. Friend, Dean of Canterbury, 1 767. — Prints of Ditto, 1 7G7. — Library of the Earl of Mac- clesfield, President of the Royal Society, 1765. — Library of J. Harris, Esq. Master of the Mint, 1765. — Library of David Mallett, Esq. Old Plays, Black Letter Books, MSS. including some of Dr. Bentley's, 1766. — Library of Rev. S. Chandler, 1766. — Library of Dr. Hadley, of the Charter House, 1767, in one vol. 4to. a curious and interesting col- lection, formed by Gough the antiquary, 1/. Is. 1145 Catalogue of Books for 1699, being all the English and Fo- reign Books printed in England from Jan. 1698 to March 1 700, and of the French Books imported, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1700 1146 Catalogue of Foreign Books sold by Auction by P. Varenne, prices, 8vo. 5s. 1147 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts in the Library at Bed- ford, the foundation whereof was laid in 1700, by the Con- tributions of the Gentry and Clergy, 4to. scarce, 8s. 1706 *^* With abstract of the settlement of the library. 1148 Catalogue of the Library of the Reverend and learned Dr. John Haslewood, Rector of St. Olave's, sold by Ballard, 7vith jyrices, 8vo. very neat and scarce, 10s. Qtd. - 1708 *#* This copy was purchased in Dr. Dibdin's sale for \l. 3s. 1149 Catalogus Universalis cum Pretiis, ofde Boek-Negotie bene- vens de Kennisse en Waarde duzelve Gemakkelyk Geraaakt, door Abraham Perwerda, 7 vols. 8vo. //. b. neat, 21. I2s. 6d. Leeurvarden, 1709, &c. *,(* Extremely rare. — MS. Note by the late R. Heher, Esq. 1150 Catalogue of curious, choice, and valuable Books, to be sold by Auction by T. Ballard, some prices, 8vo. 10s. Gd. 1720 1151 Catalogueof the Library of the Earl of Fingall,8vo. Ss. 1721 1 152 Catalogue of choice and valuable Books, in various Languages, Classics printed by Aldus, Junta, Stephens, Elzevir, &c. MSS. on vellum, sold by Ballard, with]:)rices, 8vo. scarce, 5s. 1721 1153 Catalogue of the entire Library of J. Bridges, Esq. consisting of above 4000 Books and MSS. front. 1725. — Catalogue of the Library of the illustrious and Rev. Prelate Esprit Flechier, Bishop of Nismes, 1726. — Catalogue of the Library of the learned M. Anctil, &c. 172.3, in one vol. 8vo. 6s. *^* The first only sold in the Roxburghe sale for 18s. 1 154 Catalogue of the Library of Rev. T. Lees, of Haversham, sold by Ballard, interleaved, Svo. h, b. neat, scarce, 4j. 1729 108 THOMAS Thorpe's 1155 Catalogues. — Library of the late eminent R. Davie, Esq. 1726. — Library of the late learned W. Dickenson, Esq. con- taining MSS. Early Bibles, Common Prayers, Books printed by Caxton, Wynken de VVorde, Pynson, &c. which will begin to be sold the fair way, the price being Jixd in the first leaf, at Brown's warehouse, Exeter Change, 1719. — Library of Dr. John Evans, sold by Ballard, 1730. — Library of Mau- rice Emmet, Esq. sold by Ballard, 1720. — Library of Elijah Fenton, the Poet, 1730, in one vol. 8vo. a curious and scarce collection, lO*. Qd. 115G Catalogue of the Library, Antiquities, &c. of the learned Dr. Woodward, sold by Cooper, with prices, 1728. — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Thomas Goodman, sold by Fletcher Gyles, with prices, 1739, both scarce and curious, in one vol. Svo. very neat, Is. 6d. 1157 Catalogus Bibliothecse Librorum et Manuscriptorum H. van de Wall, n'ith the prices, Amst. 1734. — Bibliothecae Nitidis- simae Catalogus, T. van Son, with the prices, ib. 1737, in one vol. Svo. vellum, 4*. 6d. 1158 Catalogue of the most Extensive and Valuable Library of Sclater Bacon, Esq. sold by Mr. Cock, upwards of 500 pages, neatly priced, Svo. //. b. neat, scarce, ISs. 1736-7 1159 Catalogues des Livres de sa Bibliotheque et de Madame de la Haye, le Due de la Valliere, Bourlat de Montredon, and two other Catalogues of Books, some priced, in one vol. Svo. neat, 5s. - - Paris, 1738-78 1160 Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. ***, neatly priced throughout, Svo. neat, gilt edges, 4s. Qd. Paris, 1744 *^* A magnificent collection, very rich in history, the belles lettres, arts and sciences, jurisprudence, and theology. It contains a large collection of old Spanish romances, rare French poetry, &c. 1161 Catalogues. — Prints of the Earl of Oxford, 1746. — Valuable Manuscripts, collected by Lord Somers, and since belonged to Sir Joseph Jekyll, Master of the Rolls, 1747. — Books and Manuscripts of Walter Clavell, 1742. — Books of Ireton Cromwell, Esq. 1740. — Library of the Rev. John Lewis, of Margate, purchased by Mr. Thomas Payne, 1748. — Books and Manuscripts of G. Holmes, Keeper of the Records in the Tower, 1749. — MSS. and Books of Knox Ward, Esq. Clarencieux King at Arms, 1749. — Library of Books and Manuscripts of W. Beckett. — Bronzes, Bustos, Statues, Pictures, &c. of the Duke of Richmond, 1751. — Curiosities of the Duchess of Leeds, 1734, and seven other early Cata- logues, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, a curious collection, 1 5s. 1162 Catalogues des Livres de M. Glue de Saint Port, I'Abbe de Caille, et M. de Mesle, all priced, with MS. Index of authors, Svo. neat, 5s. - - Paris, 1749-62 1163 Catalogus Librorum Jacobi Covyn, Philosoph. Doctoris, priced, Svo. h. b. vellum, 3s. 6d. - Amst. 1747 *»* A well-chosen theological library. CATALOGUE OT UOOKS. 1 0*J 1164 Catalogues. — Des Livres de M. Bullion Comte d'Esclimont, 1753. — D'un Cabinet de Livres rares et singuliers, 1769.— Des Livres de la Bibliotlieque de M. Sandras, 1771, all three neatly priced, in 1 vol. 8vo. very neat, marbled edges, 4s. 6d. 1165 Catalogue des Livres de M. * ** and Five other Catalogues, some priced, 8vo. neat, 5s. ~ Paris, 1759-74 1 166 Catalogue of the Manuscript Collections of Anthony a Wood, deposited in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, Oxford, 1761. -Catalogue of Modern Books, from 1700 to 1766, wiih the prices, to be had of T. Longman, 1766, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. scarce, 7s. 6d. 1 167 Catalogue d'une nombreuse Collection de Livres en tout genre rares et curieux, propres a satisfaire les amateurs, et a fournir une partie de ce qui manque aux Grandes Bibliotheques, 5 vols, in 2, 8vo. h. b. very neat, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1763 11 68 Catalogueof the Library of John Viniion^nilh prices throughout, 8vo. 10s. (id. - - - 1764 *^* Au exceedingly curious and rare collection ; Herbert's copy, with the articles he purchased, marked with his initials. 1169 Catalogus Bibliothecse Caroli Majoris, ex omni Facultate Librorum, priced, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 7s. 6d. Mechlinice, 1767 *«* " The library was worthy of the catalogue, and the catalogue of the library ; both valuable. To form such another would be next to impossible. It contains some extremely rare tracts in the department of English, Irish, and Scotish history." — Part of a long MS. note by the late R. Heber, Esq. 1170 Catalogue des Livres de M. de Bourlamaque, Paris, 1770. — Cat. des Livres Choisis provenans du Cabinet deM.de Sauvagnais, ib 1770, both priced, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 1171 Catalogue of the valuable Library of J. Smith, Esq. Consul at Venice, sold by Baker and Leigh, prices, and some names, 8vo. h. b. 7s. 6d. - - - 177.S 1172 Catalogue of the singularly curious Library of James West, sold by Langford, with prices, 8vo. bds. uncut, scarce, 7s. 6d. 1773 1173 Catalogue of Coins, Medals, and Antiquities of E. Austin, sold by Gerard, prices, 8vo. 5s. - 1774 1174 Catalogue of the Libraries of the Rev. J. Warneford, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Camden Professor of History, and the Rev. Mr. Warren, Rector of Luggers- hall, sold by Messrs. Fletcher, 8vo. bds. 2s. 6d. 1774 1 175 Catalogue of the splendid Classical and Miscellaneous Library of Dr. Askew, sold by Baker and Leigh, large paper, neatly priced, royal 8vo. h. b. morocco, 15s. - 1775 *,* Sold in the lloxburghe sale for 21., and in Mr. Hibbert's for M. 12s. 1176 Catalogue of a Collection of Pictures, the Property of Col. Howard, sold by Mr. Christie, rvith prices, and purchasers' names, 4to. 3s. - ~ - 1776 1 1 77 Catalogues.— Upwards of one hundred and twenty Catalogues of Libraries, sold by Auction at Bruges, from 1776 to 1825, in 12 vols. 8vo. neatly h. b. and uniform, 21. 12s. 6(/. no THOMAS Thorpe's 1178 Catalogue of tlie very curious Library of John RatcliflTe, sold by Mr. Christie, 1776. — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. John Fothergill, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, some prices, 1781, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, very scarce, 18*. 1179 Catalogue of the Library of John Ives, the celebrated an- tiquary, and SuflTolk Herald, Books and Manuscripts, seven days' sale, by Baker and Leigh, prices, and purchasers' names, 8vo. \0s.6d. - - - 1777 1180 Catalogus Librorum Dan. van Alphen, Jurisconsult!, neatly priced, Svo. h. b. vellum, 6s. Lugd. Balavorum, 1779 *,* A very extensive and valuable collection. 1181 Catalogue des Livres de M. Brocliant du Breuil, 1779. — Des Livres de M. Buc'hos, 1779.— De la Bibliotheque de M. Berginiere, 1779. — Des Livres de M. le President de Romay, 1779.— De M. Picquot, 1779.— De M. I'Abbe Xanpy, 1779.— De M. le Cardinal de Rohan, 1779.— De M. Parigotzi, 1779.— De M. Delarue, 1779.— De M. de Changy, 1779. — De M. Reygnald, 1779, and various other catalogues, nearly all priced, in one vol. Svo. neat, 10s. Gd. 1 182 Catalogus Bibliothecae Schultensianae, Svo. h. b. vellum, 7s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1780 •j^* " This noble library, vast in its numbers, and profound in the learning of its contents, is a monument worthy of the memory of its author's name, as to biblical, theological, grammatical, and critical literature, in the Greek and Roman, as well as the Hebrew and other languages. It consists of 11,965 articles, among which are sundry scarce and curious editions, and a great abun- dance of history, philology, and bibliography." — Manuscript Note. 1 183 Catalogue des Livres choisis dans les difFerentes Bibliotheques des ci-devant Jesuites des Pays Bas, contenant un grand nombre d'Ouvrages rares et curieux, large paper, with the prices, royal Svo. h. b. neat, scarce, 15s. BruxelleSy 1780 1184 Catalogus Libroruni omnium facultatum prostantium in offi- cina hasredum ViduaR Corn. Verdussen, Svo. uncut, 2s. Antv. 1781 1185 Catalogue of the Valuable Library of the Hon. Topham Beauclerk, both parts, sold by Paterson, neatly priced, Svo. h. b. russia, uncut, 8s. 6d. - - 1781 1186 Catalogue. — Another Copy, large paper, with the prices, 8vo. h. b, russia, uncut, scarce, 15s. - 1781 1187 Catalogues, — Des Livres de M. Doyen de Mondeville, priced, 1781.— Des Livres de M. I'Abbe Maudoux, 1781.— Des Livres de M. le Marquis d'Entragues, 1781. — Des Livres de M. de Bernage, 1781. — D'une Collection de Manuscrits interessans, 1781. — Des Livres et des Manuscrits du Parle- ment, 1781. — Des Livres de M. Langlois, 1781. — Des Livres de M. de la Place, 1781, a}id numerous other cata- logues, some priced, in one vol. Svo. neat. Is. 6d. 1188 Catalogue of the Library of Sir Gregory Page, Bart, four days' sale by Christie and Ansell, greater portion neatly priced, Svo. 5s. - - - 1783 CATALOGUE 01 BOOKS. Ill 1189 Catalogue of the Museum of Ingham Foster, sold by Bar- ford, n77/i ;;r?ce5, 8vo. 3s. 6(1. - 1783 1190 Catalogues des Livres et Estampes de M. I'Abbe de Vichy Chamsen, 1783. — Des Livres de M. Hurson, 1783. — De M. Menage de Mendsier, 1783. — De M. de la Roue. — De M. Nourichel, 1783. — De M. Binet de la Bretonnierre, 1783. — De M. Nunes, Riberio, Sanchis, 1783, and various other catalogues of interesting collections of books, <^c. mostly priced, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 7s. 6d. 1191 Catalogue of Pictures, Windows of Stain'd Glass from the Chapel of Charlemagne, &c. collected by Messrs. Hadfield and Burrowes, sold by Greenwood, plates, 8vo. 5s. 1785 1192 Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts, collected by Dr. Askew, eight days' sale by G. Leigh and J. Sotheby, nith j^rices, 8vo. 105. 6d. . - - 1785 1193 Catalogi. — Barkeyana Bibliotheca, sou Catalogus Librorum Nic. Barkey, Hag. Com. 1787. — Bibliotheca Gronoviana, sive Catalogus Librorum, in quo recensentur veteres Codices Manuscripti, etc. qu'oC omnia constituerunt partem optimam Bibliothecae Abr. Gronovii, Lugd. Bat. 1785. — Muscei Do- vereniani Catalogus, coritinens copiam Quadrupedum, Avium, Lapidum, etc. ih. 1785, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. vellum, 6s. 1194 Catalogues of various Libraries, Collections of Prints, Mine- rals, &c. Mr. G. Witchell's Library, 1785.— Mr. J. Roper's Shells, 1785.— Library of Mr. Rowland Berkeley, 1785.— Mr. Anthony Andrews' Museum, 1786. — Sir Ashton Lever's Curiosities, &c. 1788. — Mr. T. Allen Barnard's Library, Prints, Coins, &c. 1789.— Mr. W. Rawle's Coins, &c. 1790. — R. S. Cotton's Antiquities, &c. 1790. — Collection of Na- tural History of John Ellis, Esq. 1791. — Mr. J. Latham's Birds, &c. 1793.— Colonel Bosville's Prints, &c. 1795, and numerous others, sold by Hutchins, all uncut, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. morocco, top edges gilt, \5s. 1195 Catalogue of Books, Antient and Modern, in various languages and faculties, and upon every branch of Science and Polite Literature, thirty-six days^ sale by Palerson, 8vo. hoards, uncut, 5s. - - - 1786 1196 Catalogue of the Curious Library of John Henderson, Esq. the Comedian, very rich in the Drama, Poetry, Romances^ Sfc. sold by Egerton, prices, 8vo. h. h. russia, \0s. 6d. 1786 1197 Catalogue of the Valuable Museum of Sir Charles Frederick, four days' sale by Gerrard, interleaved, with prices and pur- chasers'' names, 8vo. 7s. 6rf. - 1 786 1198 Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de Crevenna, 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. some prices, half bound, neat, 5s. Amst. 1789 1199 Catalogus Bleiswykianae Bibliothecae, both parts priced, 8vo. vellum, 8s. 6d. - - Hag. Com. 1791 *„* An excellent collection of splendid and useful books, in most departments of science and literature. 112 THOMAS Thorpe's 1200 Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Pearson, containing a very extensive collection of the best and rarest books, twenty- three days^ sale, neatly 'priced, 8vo. hoards, scarce, 7s, 1788 *«* An exceedingly curious and rare collection, particularly in old poetry and early English literature. Sold in the Roxburghe sale for 2l.l2s. 6d. 1201 Catalogue of the choice Library of Joseph Browne, Esq. of Shepton Mallet, Somersetshire, sold by Gerard, prices, 8vo. 5s. - . . - 1791 1202 Catalogue of the Library of a Nobleman, rich in Classics, three days' sale, priced, Svo. 3s. 6d. - 1792 1203 Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts, collected in Indostan, by S. Guise, Esq. Surgeon to the Hospital at Surat, privately printed by Mr. Ayscough, 8vo. 5s. - 1792 1204 Catalogue of the Library, Books, and Manuscripts of Dr. Monro, ff teen days' sale, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, j)''i<^^s and purchasers' names, Svo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 1792 1205 Catalogue of the Splendid Library of the Rt. Hon. Denis Daly, sold by Mr. Vallance, neatly priced, Svo. neat, 7s. 6d. 1792 *#* See account of this library in Dr. Dibdin's Bibliomania, p. 552. 1206 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of the Rev. John Haddon Hindley, also a collection of Oriental Manu- scripts, eight days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, partly priced, Svo. 7s. . _ . 1793 1207 Catalogue of the curious and very valuable Library of T. Allen, Esq. prices, Svo. half bound, 5s. - 1795 1208 Catalogue of the valuable collection of Books, Coins, Medals, and Natural History, of the late Rev. R. Southgate, with Memoirs of his Life by Dr. Coombe, neatly priced, Svo. large paper, iiith portrait, half bound russia, uncut, 10s. Gd. 1795 1209 Catalogue of the Splendid Library, including a few articles absolutely unique, somC' MSS., Prints, and Drawings of the Duke of St. Albans, some prices and purchasers' names, Svo. half bound, neat, 5s. - - 1796 1210 Catalogue of the Valuable Library of a Clergyman deceased, ten days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, with prices, Svo. 7*. 6d. 1797 1211 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of J. W. Dodd, the Comedian, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, priced, with some names, Svo. half bound, neat, scarce, \0s. (id. 1797 *#* Very rich in old plays, poetry, romances, &c. 1212 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of George Smyth, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, Svo. half bound, scarce, lOs. 6d. - - 1797 *0* Very rich in old plays, poetry, romances, books of whim and drollery, &c. 1213 Catalogue of the curious and extensive Library of John Strange, Esq. LL.D., sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, 2 vols. Svo. boards, 6s. - ISO I 1214 Catalogue of the Orleans Italian Pictures, exhibited for sale, Svo. 3s. - - - - 1798 CATALOGUE Ol' BOOKS. 113 1215 Catalogue of the Library, Old Plays, and Tracts of J. P. An- drews, Esq. Dramatist, 1797. — Catalogue of Eflfects, House- liold Furniture, Pictures, Prints, &'C. of J. P. Andrews, Esq. 1797, interleaced, 8vo. h. b. morocco, uncut^ scarce, \Qs. Gd. 1216 Catalogue of the elegant and valuable Library of Mr. Allen, sold by Messrs. Leigh and Sotheby, neathj priced, 8vo. scarce, 7s. 6d. _ . - 1799 ♦„* A curious collection, with very rare articles iu early English poetry, plays, &c. 1217 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of George Ste- vens, Esq. Editor of Shakespeare, particularly rich in Eng- lish Poetry, Plays, Romances, ^'c. eleven days' sale by King, 8vo. 125. - - - 1800 1218 Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Dr. Stevens, sold by Chri&tle, prices and nat72es, Svo. 3s. Gd. - 1800 1219 Catalogue of a Collection of Pictures selected from various Schools by Robert Strange, three days'' sale, by Christie, 8vo. 75. 1220 Catalogue of the Ancient and Modern Prints collected by Sir Simon Clarke, Bart, six days' sale by Christie, 8vo. 45. 1802 1221 Catalogue of Prints and Drawings by the Old Masters, sold by Christie, 8vo. 25. - - 1802 1222 Catalogue of the extensive and valuable Library of the Baron Fagel, of the Hague, both sales, fifty-six days' sale by Christie, 8vo. 10s. Gd. - - 1802 1223 Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings of B. Gilpin, sold by Christie for the foundation of a school at Boldree, in Hamp- shire, with the Author's account, p)riced, 8vo. 5s. 1802 1224 Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. S. Harpur, of the British Museum, eight days' sale by Leigh, Sotheby, and Son, with prices, 8vo. 3s. ~ - 1802 1225 Catalogue of the Library, Books, and Manuscripts of Joseph ; Ritson, four days' sale by Leigh, Sotheby, and Son, 8vo. 75. Gd. - - - - 1803 1226 Catalogue of curious Greek, Latin, French, and Italian books, collected by R. Heathcote, Esq. six days' sale by Jeffery, partly priced, 8vo. 5s. - - 1803 1227 Catalogus Librorum Praestantissimorum D. A. Walraven, Ling. Orient. Professoris, priced, Svo. h. b. vellum, 2s. Gd. Amst. 1804 *,* Containing a large and highly valuable collection of oriental writers. 1228 Catalogus Librorum exquisitorum quos coUegit Carolus Se- gaar, with prices and purchasers' names, Svo. very neat, mar- bled edges, Gs. - Traj. ad Rhen. 1804 1229 Catalogues (Two) of the Portraits and Prints of George Stevens, Editor of Shakespeare, sold by King, Svo. 5s. 1804 1230 Catalogus Bonnetianae Bibliothecaa, prices and purchasers' names, Svo. h. b. neat, 45. Gd. '^^cj- ^d Rhen. 1 805 1231 Catalogue of the Library of Arthur Murphy, Esq. Translator of Tacitus, &c., sold by Mr. Stewart, Svo. sewed, 2s. 1805 Q 114 THOMAS Thorpe's 1232 Catalogue of a choice and curious collection of Books (z^/- lardis Library) sold by King and Lochee, eight days sale, with prices and purchasers'" names, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1 805 1233 Catalogue of the Library of Edward Hilditch, Esq., sold by Sotheby, Svo. 5s. - - - 1805 1234 Catalogue of the most curious portion of the Library of William Fillingham, Early Poetry, old Quarto Plays, scarce Tracts, three days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, prices and names, Svo. \0s.6d. - - - 1803 1 ^35 Catalogue of the curious collection of Books from the Library of J. Hunter, Romances, Poetry, Classics, Sec Jive days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, prices and names, 8vo. Is. 6d. 1805 1236 Catalogue of the extensive and curious Library of Mr. J. Voight, of the Custom House, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, Svo. h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. - 180G *^* Rich in rare old English poetry, romances, and other classes, the produc- tions of the earliest English printers. 1237 Catalogus Librorum quibus usus est Everardus Scheidius, prices, 8vo. h. b. neat, 3s. 6d. - Lugd. Bat. 180G 1238 Catalogue of Maps, Charts, Books of Prints, Portraits and Prints, of the Marquis of Lansdowne, six days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, Svo. 5s. - • - 1806 1239 Catalogue of Books and MSS, of Sir John Sebright, some prices and names, Svo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. - 1807 1240 Catalogue of the unique, scarce, rare, and curious Library of Rev. J. Brand, sold by Stewart, 2 vols. Svo. bds^ 7s. 6rf. 1807-8 1241 Catalogue of the Library of Charles Bedford, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, Svo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1807 1242 Catalogue of Prints by Ancient and Modern Masters, col- lected by T. Allen, Esq. sold by King and Lochee, prices and names, Svo. 3s. 6d. - - 1807 1243 Catalogue of Portraits and other Engravings by the most esteemed Artists, in the collection of Sir James Winter Lake, Bart, twenty days' sale by Stewart, Svo. 7s. 6d. 1808 1244 Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Ed. Tymwell Bridges, of VVootton Court, Kent, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, Svo. sened, 2s. - - - - 1808 1245 Catalogue of the Library of Edward King, Esq^ Author of the Munimenta Antiqua, &c., both parts, twenty-one days' sale by Leigh and Sotheby, Svo. 7s. Orf. - 1808 1246 Catalogue of the Portraits and Prints of J. Maddison, seven days' sale by King and Lochee, Svo. 5s. - 1809 1247 Catalogue of the Library of G. Isted, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced^ Svo. A. b. neat, 5s. - 1809 1248 Catalogue of Prints and Drawings by the most esteemed Masters, sold by Philipe, Svo. priced, 3s. 6d. 1809 1249 Catalogue of the Library of Professor Porson, seven days' sale, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, prices arid purchasers' names, Svo. 7s. Gd. - - - 1809 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 115 1250 Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, /our days sale by Leigh and ^othehy, prices and names, 8vo. 5s. 1809 1251 Catalogue of the valuable Library of Dr. Heath, sold by Jeffery, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s. - - 1810 1252 Catalogue of Uphill's Stock of Old Books, sold by King and Locliee, interleaved with prices and names, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1810 1253 Catalogue of the Library of Mrs. Anne Welch, of Aylesbury, 8vo, sewed, 2s. - - 1810 1254 Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. J. T. Capel, neatly priced, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. - - 1811 1255 Catalogus Librorum J. Luzac, Litt. Hum. Prof, continens Editiones Principes permultas, neatly priced, with the names, 8vo. vellum, 4*. Qd. - - Lugd. Bat. 1811 1256 Catalogus Librorum quos collegit Corn. Ant. van Wachen- dorff, prices and jmrchasers' names, 8vo. very neat, 6s. 6d. Traj. ad lihen. 1811 1257 Catalogus Boschianae Bibliothecas, prices and purchasers' names, in the autograph of the late R. Heber, Esq. 8vo. sewed, uncut, 6s. - - Amst. 1812 1258 Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. W. Bayley, of VVormsley Grange, Herefordshire, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - 1812 1259 Catalogues of the Libraries of C. Mellish, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, with prices, 1812. — Viscountess Downe, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, prices, 1812. — Dr. John Hunter, by ditto, n'ith prices, 1813. — Gr. and Lat. Classics, by ditto, with prices, 1813. — Henry Hope, by ditto, with prices; also his Prints and Drawings, 1813, in one vol. 8vo. h, b. russia, 1 5s. 1260 Catalogue of the Libraries of James, the Second Duke of Queensberry, and Alexander Gibson Hunter, Esq. of Black- ness, containing many articles of extreme rarity and curio- sity, sold by Ballantyne, ruled with red lines, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. - - - Edinburgh, 1813 12G1 Catalogues of the Libraries of Mrs. Iremonger, sold by King and Lochee, neatly priced, 1813. — Early Classics, MSS. &c. by Leigh and Sotheby, priced, 1813. — Dr. Gossett, by ditto, priced, 1813. — Splendid Botanical Library, by ditto, priced, 1813, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. russia, \0s. 6d. 1262 Catalogue of the valuable Library of C. Brown, M.D., first Physician to the King of Prussia, sold by King and Lochee, large paper, neatly priced, imperial 8vo. h. b. neat, lOs. 6d. 1814 1263 Catalogues of the Library of G. Shaw, Esq. Author of the Zoology, &c. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, 1814, — Rev. Sir P. Moneux, by ditto, neatly priced, 1814. — VI . G. Browne, Esq. the Oriental Traveller, by ditto, neatly priced, 1814. — Sebastian Fridag, Esq. hy iViuo, jmccs, 1814, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. russia, 7s. Gd, 116 THOMAS Thorpe's 1264 Catalogue of the Library of Granville Sharp, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, 8vo. /*. b. neat, 4s. 6d. 1813 1265 Catalogue of Prints and Books of Prints, the remaining part of the Cabinet of Ralph Willett, Esq. five days' sate by Philipe, Svo. 3s. - - - 1814. 1266 Catalogue of Books collected by Messrs. Nicol, sold by Mr. Evans, neatly priced, twenty-eight days' sale, Svo. h. b. russia, 7s. 6d. - - - - 1814. 1267 Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of P. Splidt, Esq. sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, with pur' chasers^ names, Svo. neat, 7s. - - 1814 1268 Catalogue of the more curious part of the Library at Browns- holm, made by Mr. Parker for his own use, privately printed, 12mo. 5s. 1269 Catalogue of rare old Plays and Poetry, sold by King and Lochee, neatly priced, Svo. h. b. uncut, 7s. 6d. - 1815 1270 Catalogue of the valuable Library of Jas. Edwards, Esq. splendid assemblage of early printed Books, chiefly upon vellum, Greek Vases, important MSS. &c. sold by Mr. Evans, Svo. neatly priced, with some purchasers' names, large paper, with plates, \Qs. 6d. - - 1815 1271 Catalogue of Greek Vases, two days' sale by King and Lochee, Svo. ^/aparei)tly unknown to Bruuet. 124 THOMAS Thorpe's 1366 Catonis (Dionysii) Disticha Moralia, cum Scholiis auctis Erasmi. Apophtliegmata Graecse Sapientum, interprete Erasmo, &c. — Institutum Hominis Christiani, Carmen, per Erasmum, &c. 8vo. /*. b. neat, scarce, Ss. Argent. 1523 1367 Catonis Disticha de Moribus cum Notis integris Variorum, recensuit suasque adnotationes addidit Otto Arntzenius, best edition, 8vo. Ji)ie copy, in Dutch prize vellum, 12s. Amst. 1 754 *,* Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 1^. 3s., in Mr. Williams's for \l. 10s., and ia Prince Talleyrand's for 1/. 3s. 136cS Catulli, Tibulli, et Propertii Opera, cum eorum vitis, folio, Jine copy, rare, \l. \s. - Regit, MCCCCLXXXI. %* Sold in the Pinelli sale for Al. 6s., and in Sir M. Sykes's for Alls. 1369 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, 8vo. good large copy, very neat, in old calf, gilt, marbled edges, I2s. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 1502 *** First Aldine editimi. Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for \l. 13s., Mr. Singer's for 1/. 14s., Dr. Askew's for \l. 15s., and M. Renouard's for 21. 5s. 1370 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, Svo. Jine copy, extra, gilt edges, \l. 5s. - - Trot, s. a. *^* This is the Lyonese counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502, and forms No. 7 of M. Renouard's list. 1371 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, Svo. good copy, 8s. 6d. Florent. Giunta, 1503 %* A reprint of the Aldine edition. " Edition plus rare que la prec6dente (d'Alde, 1502), dont elle est la copie." — Brunei. 1372 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, et Cornelii Galli Poetae Fragmenta, Svo. a very Jine large copy, neat, extremely rare, 31. 3s. - Lugduni, sumptu Barth. Trot, 1518 *^* This is a Lyonese counterfeit of the Aldiue edition, and is of excessive rarity and importance in uniting the Aldine series. See M. Renouard's list, No. 49, and Brunei's Supplement. The title is printed in red ink, within a black wood-cut border. In Renouard's sale, in 1828, a copy sold for 6/. 2s. 6d. 1373 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, /ron^ispzece, l2mo. Jine copy, in rich old red nwrocco, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. Barbou, 1753 1374 Caucasian Nations. — Memoir of a Map of the Countries com- prehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian, with account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages, 4to. bds. nilh the Map, \0s. 6d. 1788 1375 Cavalleria (Petri de la) Tractatus zelus Christi contra Judaeos, Sarracenos, et infideles, Venet. 1592. — Aureus Rabbi Samuelis Tractatus ad Rabbi Sinagogae, quae est insubjul- raeta, &c. ib. 1592. — Disputatio de canonica Authoritate Cantici Canticorum, Traj. ad Rhen. 1725, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, 7s. Gd. 137G Cavazzi (Antonio) Istorica Descrittione de* tre Regni, Cogno, Matamba, et Angola, situati nel Etiopia Inferiore Occiden- tale, e delle Missioni Apostoliche, esercitatevi da Religiosi Capuccini, numerous plates, 4to. h. b- neat, scarce, 1 5s. Milano, 1690 ^,* Sold iu Dr. Heath's sale for 2^. 6f. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 125 1377 Caussino(Nicolo)Historiadi Maria Stuarda, Reginadi Francia, e di Scotia, 12mo. vellum, scarce, 7s. Gd. Venet'ia, s. a. 1S78 Cavicei (Jacobi) Dyalogus de raptu filiae, Domino Antonio de Alberiis Archidiacono Urbevetanensi, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, 5s. - - - sine ulld^nold. 1379 Caxton (W.) First English Printer's Life, with head, and list of thirty-seven books printed by him, {oWo, single sheet, 2s. 1380 Cayrascn de Figueroa (Don Bartolome) Templo Militante, Flos Sanctorum ; y Triomphos, de sus Virtudes, the whole in verse, and printed in double columns, 4 vols, in 2, folio, fine copy, neat, very rare, 21. 125. 6d. Lishoay Madrid, 1609-15 *,* The above work appears to have escaped the notice of Brunei and other bibliographers. This copy was purchased in 1825 for \0L 10s. 1381 Cazza (Agostino) Satire et Capitoli Piacevoli, al Signo Cliris- tofero Madrutio Principe e Cardinal di Trento, 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, very rare, \l. \\s. 6d. - Milano, 1549 *,* This copy sold in Mr. Heathcote's sale for 71. 1382 Cecconi (Leonardo) Vescovo di Montalto, Storia di Pales- trina, citta del Frisco Lazio, illustrata con antiche Iscrizioni e Notizie finora inedite, map, 4to. vellum, 5s. Ascoit, 1756 1383 Cecil, Lord Burghley. — Execution of Justice in England for Maintenance of Publique and Christian Peace, against certaine Stirrers of Sedition and Adherents to the Traytors and Enemies of the Realme, without any Persecution of them for Questions of Religion, as is falsely reported and published, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 1/. lis. 6rf. ... 1583 *«• Published by Cecil Lord Burleigh, in reply to Parsons' (the Jesuit) attack upon the ministry, for the execution of certain traitors. 1384 Cecil, Lord Burghley. — Justitia Britannica, per quam liquet perspicuae aliquot in eo regno perditos cives, seditiones et armorum civilium authores, regnique hostium propugnatores acerrimos, ut communi Ecclesiae Reipublicaeque paci, cautius prospiceretur morte mulctatos esse : propter Religionem vero, aut caeremonias Romanas, neminem in capitis discrimen vocatum ; licet ab adversariis secus multo, et admodum malitiose publicetur, Londini, 1584. — De Justitia Britannica sive Anglica, quae contra Christi Martyres exercetur, Ingol- stadii, 1584, 2 vols. 8vo. elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edges, 31. 3s. %• The first work was the production of Cecil Lord Burghley. The reply is attributed by Anthony a Wood to Cardinal William Allen. Both are scarce and highly interesting : the latter containing a list of those who suffered, with a short memoir to the greater portion. Among them are Wriothes- ley, Earl of Southampton, Gerald, Earl of Desmond, Parker Lord Morley, Lord Mordant, Earl of Seaton, Sir E. Walgrave, Sir F. Englefield, Sir T. Peckham, W. Rastell, T. Copley, J. Gage, Rouse, Sacheverell, Koper, Huss, Weston, Hough, Cursou, Grote, Talbot, SheltoDjVaiighau, Haywood, Fitzwilliam, Appleby, Sand- ford, Pots, Babington, Stapleton, Windham, Knatt, White, Frier, Carr, Black- wood, Dillon, Wolf, Fitzgerald, Meldron, Chalmer, Kent, Bonner, Tunstall, Bayne, Thurlow, Heath, Walsh, Hamilton, Leslie, Chisolm, Cole, Stuart, Harps- field, Pcrcivall, Lutrcl!, Peacock, the Queen of Scots, &c. 126 THOMAS tmoupe's 1385 CtciL. — Joiirnall and Relation of the Action, which by liis Majestie's commandement, Edward Lord Cecil, Baron of Putney, and Viscount of Wimbledon, Admirall, and Lieut. General! of his Majestie's Forces, did undertake upon the coast of Spain, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 2l.\2s.6d. - - - 1626 *^* This very rare volume was privately printed. 13S6 Cebetis 'I'abula ; Carmina Aurea Pythajjorae, Phocylidis Poema, Gr. et Lat. 4:io. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, 185. - - Lovanii, Theod. Marlinus, s. a. *^* "Edition fort rare." — Brunei. 1387 Cebetis Thebtini Tabula, Graece, 8vo. fine copy ofi a beautiful Greek tract, very scarce, 10s. 6d. Brixice, Sabbius, 1589 1388 Cei (Francesco) Sonecti, Capituli, Canzone, Sextine, Stanze et Strambocti, 8vo. original binding, very rare, 11. \s. Firenze, Giunla, 1503 *^ " Edition trSs rare." — Bru7iet, who evidently had never seen it, as he states the number of leaves only on the authority of Baudini. The edition of 1519 sold iu Sir M. Sykes's sale for 2Z. 1 8s. 1389 Celestina. — Royas (Fernando de) Tragico Comedia de Ca- listo e MeHbea novamente traducta de Spagnolo in Italiano Idioma, per Alphonso Hordoguez, 4to. russia, extremely RARE EDITION, 2l. 2s. - Venetiu, 1515 1390 Celestina. — Tragicomedia de Calisto et Melibea novamente tradocta, de lingua Castigliana in Italiano Idioma, wood-cuts, Venetia, 1519. — Tragico Comedia di Calisto e Melibea de lingua Hispana in idioma Italico traducta da Alphonso Hor- doguez, et novamente revista : e correcta per Vincentio Minutiano. wants the last leaf, in one vol. 8vo. both very rare editions, \l. Is. 1391 Celestina. — Tragicomedia de Calisto et Melibea nuovamente tradotta de Lingua Castigliana in Italiano Idioma, wood-cuts, 12mo. h. b. neat, scarce edition, 10s. Q>d. Nicolini da Sabio, 1541 1392 Celestina. — Calisto y Melibea, Tragicomedia, en le qual se contienen de mas de su agradable y dulce estilo muchas sen- tencias filosofales : y avisos muy necessarios para mancebos : mostrendoles los enganos que estan encerrados en servientes y alcahuetas : e nuevamente annadido el Tractado de Cen- turio, curious nood-cuts, wormed, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, ll. lis. 6d. - Salamanca, 1552 *j,* This edition was unknown to Brunet. Sold in the Celotti sale for 21. 4s. 1393 Celestina. — Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, 8vo. russia, elegant, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. - Anvers, 1595 *«* With copious interesting notes in English, iu a neat old hand. 1394 Cellarius's Geographia Antiqua, being a set of Maps of An- tient Geography, 4to. h. b. 4s. - - 1701 1395 Cclliez (Madame) Historique de ITnstruction du Chinois, qui a cle presente au I\oi, 4to. sewed, uncut, 5s. Blois, 1822 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 127 139G Cellarii (Christ.) Orthofrrapliia Latina ex vctustis Monumen- tuin, Jencc, 1710. — Reguhu Latinae Linguae Steganogra- phica?, opera Lnd. Hen. Hilicri, Tiibingce, 1675. — Observa- tiones notatu digiiae in Latina Lingua editae a Jo. Seising, Lugduni, 1680. — De Vera Pronuntiatione Grsecae et Latinae Linguae Commentarii, //. Stephanus, 15S7. — Apollonii Veri- dici Catalecta PetruUiani sive Pocmata Sclecta, Amst. 1710. — Horatius Refbrmatus, sive emendationes Omnes quibus Editio Bentleiana a vulgaribus distinguitur, scarce, Lond. 1712, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, lOs. (jd. 1397 Cellarii Latinitatis Probatae et Exercitae Liber Meniorialis naturali ordine dispositus, Latirie, Gennanke, Huiigarice, et Bohemice, Svo. scarce, 5s. - Noribergce, 1719 1398 Celsi (Mini) Senensis, de hoereticis capitali supplicio non affi- ciendis, adjunctas sunt ejusdem argunienti Tbeodori Bezae et Andreas Duditii Epistolse duse contraria?, cum Lidice satis copioso et accurato, Svo, Jine copy, very neat., in Dutch calf^ gilt edges, \0s. 6d. - - - 1584 %* *' Liber rarissimus ex consensu omnium." — Vogt. 1399 Cenci (Giacomo) Errori, Comedia, Svo. vellum, scarce, 2s. 6d. Vincgia, per Nicolini da Sabbio, s. a. 1400 Censorinus de Die Natali, Tabula Cebetis ; Dialogus Luciani ; Enchiridion Epicteti ; Basilius de Liberalibus Studiis et inge- nuis moribus et de Invidia ; Plutarchus de Invidia et Odio, folio, ^He copy, 2/. 2s. Bononice, MCCCCXCVIL •*• Editio Princeps, and excesuvely rare. For an account of this volume see Bibl. Spenc, Brunei, ^'c. The Pinelli copy sold for 41. lis. 1401 Centuriae Magdeburgenses sen Historia Ecclesiastica Novi Testannenti cum Variorum Theologorum continuationibus ad hEec nostra tempora, 7 vols. 4to. boards, 1 1, lis. 6d. Norimbergce, 1757-65 1402 Certain Choice and Remarkable Observations, written long since by the late Earl of Essex, vvheretmto is annexed, Col. Sir Edward Harwood's Advice for fortifying the Kingdom, with his Life, 1642. — Letter of Advice to General Monck, tending to the peace and welfare of this Nation, portrait, 1659. — Letter from General Monck and the officers under his Command, to the Parliament, 1659. — The Excellency or Handy Work of the Royal Hand, 1665, in 1 vol. 4to. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 1403 Certamen Triplex a tribus Societ. Jesu ex Provincia Angli- cana Sacerdotibus, P. F. Hollando, P. R. Corbaeo, P. H. Morsaeo, intra proximum Triennium pro avita Fide Reli- gione, Sacerdotio, contra Veritatis, Pietatis, Ecclesiaeque Hostes susceptum fortiter, decertatum constanter, confec- tum feliciter Londini in Anglia, with Jine impressions of the three portraits of Holland, Corbie, and Morse, l2mo. Jine copy, vellum, very rare, 4/. 4s. Anttverpice, 1645 *»* Sold in Mr. Bindley 's sale for 9/. 9s. 128 THOMAS TflORPE's 1404 Certamen Triplex a tribus Societ. Jesu ex Provincia Anglicana Sacerdotibus, T. Hollando, Rod. Corbaeo, et Hen. Morsaeo, intra proximum Quadriennium, pro avita fide, religione, sa- cerdotio, contra veritatis, Pietatis, Ecclesiaeque hostes, sus- ceptum fortiter, decertatum constanter, confectum feliciter Londini, rvith portraits of Holland, Corbie, and Morse, ex- tremely RARE, Monachii, 1646. — De Vita et Moribus Jo. Cardim Lusitani Liber, a Phil, Alegambe, ih. 1646. — Crisis de Societatis Jesu Pietate, Doctrina et Fructu multiplici ab Andr. Mendo, Lugduni, 1666, in 1 vol. \ 2mo. Jine copies, vellum, 4/. 4*. 1405 Certamen Catholicorum cum Calvinistis, continuo charactere C. conscriptum a Martino Hamconio, an interesting poem, 4to. vellum, rare, lOs. 6d. - Westphalice, 1607 *,* A curious Latin poem, consisting of nearly 1000 lines, of which every word begins with the letter C. At the end follow some clever acrostics, anagrams, epigrams, &c. iS:c. 1406 Ceretae (Laurae) Epistolae jam primum in lucem productae a J. P. Tomasino, portrait, 8vo. Ss. Gd. Patavii, 1640 1407 Certani (Giacomo) La Santita Prodigiosa, vita di S. Brigida Ibernese, pp. 568, A^io. fine copy, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 2/. 12s. 6d. Venetia, 1677 1408 Cervantes (Miguel de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, 4to. very Jine large copy, in the original vel- lum binding, extremely rare, 51, 5s. Madrid, 1608 1409 Cervantes's Don Quixote, translated into the Russian lan- guage, 8vo. scarce, 5s. - St. Petersburg, 1769 1410 Cervantes's Don Quixote. — A Letter to Bishop Percy con- cerning a New and Classical Edition of Historia del Valoroso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha, with Notes and Ex- tracts from the Historians, Poets, and Romances, Glossary, and Index, by the Rev. J. Bowie, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1777 1411 Cervantes, Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda Historia Seten- trional, best edition, with plates, 2 vols. 8vo. h. b. vellum, uncut, Ss. Gd. - - - Madrid, 1802 1412 Chaeregati (Francisci) electi Episcopi Aprutini, Principis Te- rami, Oratio habita Nurimbergse in senatu Principum Ger- maniae, with wood-cut border, 4to. scarce, 3s. Cd. 1522 1413 Chalcidii V. C. Timaeus de Platonis translatus, item ejusdem in eundem Commentarius, cum Notis Joannis Meursii, 4to. neat, 4s. - - - Lvgd. Bat. 1617 1414 CHALCONDYLiE (DeMETRII) ET MoSCHOPULII ErOTEMATA, Corinthus de Dialectis, Graece, first edition, very fine and perfect copy, folio, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 10/. 10s. {Mediolani, circa MCCCCXCIIL) *„* For an account of this volume of uncommon rarity, see the Spencer Cata- logue. The Rev. Mr. Croft imagined there were not three copies of it in existence. Earl Spencer's copy was purchased in the Pinelli sale for 19/. 8s. 6d. All biblio- graphers unite with enthusiasm on its extreme beauty and great rarity. 1415 Chambers's (Sir W.) Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1772 CATALOGUIi OF BOOKS, 129 1416 Chalkhill's (Jo.) Thealmft and Clearclius, a Pastorall History, in verse, 8vo.Jine copy, neat, It. lis. 6d. - 1683 *«• A book of extreme raritj', which is rendered more interesting by having been published by Isaac Walton, who highly commends the author, and states him to Lave been the friend of Spenser. Walton has inserted two Ballads, written by his friend Chalkhill, in his Angler. — Corydon's Song, and the Fisher's Life. The author was a fellow of Winchester college, and lies buried in the south cloister of the cathedral. A Stanza of Chalkhill's Songs was translated and pub- lished by Dr. Johnson in his Works. See Oldys' warm description of the above volume in the Muses' Library. Sold in Midgeley's sale for bl. 5s. 1417 Chalmers' (George) Opinions on interesting Subjects of Pub- lic Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American In- dependence, &c. 8vo. neat, 4s. (5d. - 1784 1418 Chalmers' (George) Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, the Losses of her Trade, &c. 8vo. neat, 3s. 6d. 1794 1419 Chamberlini (Christoph.) Hiberni, Laudatio Funebris serenis- simi et pientissimi Principis Alberti, Archiducis Austrise, Diicis Burgundise, Brabantiae, &c. cum Eiegiis Funebribus ab eodem, 4to. Jine copy of a rare and interesting tract, 105. 6d. - - Duaci, 1622 1420 Champollion jeune (M.) Geographic de I'Egypte sous les Pharaons, 8vo. served, uncut, 5s. - 1811 1421 Chansons. — A curious collection of French Songs, (single sheets) &c. printed and manuscript, in one vol. 12mo. tieat, \l. lis. 6d. - - 1703-4 %* This very rare and curious volume commences with Chanson Nouvelle sur la Victoire remportee par I'Armee du Roy, commandee par M. le Marechal de Boufflers; Recueil des Chansons Amoureuses ; Recueil des plus beaux Airs de ce temps ; Recueil de Chansons sur la Prise de la Ville de Landau, sur le desir de la Paix, sur la Pretintaille en Falhana, sur la defaite des Imperiaux venaunt au secours de Lanau, de la rejouissance des filles sur les Victoires remportis sur les Anglais, Hollandois, §-c. sur la Reduction de la Ville de Bisac, par I'armee du Roy commandee par M. le Due de Bourgogne, sur la Naissance du Due de Bretagne, sur I'heureux accouchement de Madame la Duchesse de Bourgogne, sur la Bataille de Spire, gannee par le Marechal de Tallard, Chanson du Perroguet, iviih curious plate, le Trionaphe de la Guingette, single sheet, with extremely curious plate, and many others, forming a very interesting as well as scarce collection. 1422 Chansons. — Another equally curious and amusing collection of French Songs, single sheets, &c. some rvith nood-ciits, 12mo. neat, extremely rare, ll. lis. 6d. (1703-4) 1423 Chap Books, Wonderful Histories, Tales, &c. a curious col- lection, nith nvod-cuts, in one vol. 12mo. neat, ll. lis. Cd. %• Including Blue Beard. The Merry Life and Mad Exploits of Captain James Hind. Story of the Caravan. Collier's Wedding, a Poem. Famous His- tory of Friar Bacon. George Barnwell. Ducks and Green Peas. Groatsworth of Wit for a Penny. Interpretation of Dreams. Jack and the Giants, both parts. John Gilpin. Story of an Elephant. Letter from a Volunteer. Chris- tian's Hope, Stirling, 1792. King and the Cobler, both parts. Mother Bunch's Cabinet, rare secrets of Art and Nature, Cheltenham. Mother Bunch of the West. Mother Shipton. Strange and Wonderful Relation of the Old Woman who was drowned at Ratclifle Highway, both parts. Partridge and Flamstead's Fortune Book ; signification of JNIoles. Sleeping Beauty. Virgin Martyr. Bonny House of Airley, and John and Nell's Frolic, Falkirk. Dr. Franklin's Way to Wealth, 17.58. Witch of the Woodlauds. S 130 THOMAS Thorpe's 1424 Chamllei's Second Letter to Mr, Guyse, in winch Mr. G.'s latitude and restrictive ways of preaching Christ are proved to be entirely the same, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - 1730 1425 Chanclos. — The celebrated Masque of Acis and Galatea, com- posed by Mr. Handell, for His Grace the Duke of Chandos, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - Dublin, 1734 1426 Chapman's (George) Monsieur D'Olive, a Comedie, as it was sundrie times acted by Her Majestie's children at the Blacke- Friers, 4to. uncut, 1/. Is. - 1606 1427 Chapman's Gentleman Usher, 4to. fine copy, h. b. morocco, 21. 2s. - - 1606 1428 Chapman's Epicede, or Funerall Song; on the most disastrous Death of the high-born Prince of Men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c. with the Funeralls, 4to. venj neat, scarce, 18s. 1612-3 *#* Sold in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 4/. lOs. 1429 Chapman's Epicede, or Funeral Song ; on the most disastrous Death of the High-born Prince Henry of Wales, 4to. fine clean cojnj, 7s. 6d. Lee Priory private press, 1818 1430 Chapman's Andromeda Liberata ; or the Nuptials of Perseus and Andromeda, a poem of extreme rarity, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, 4/. 4s. - 1614 1431 Chapman's Conspiracie and Tragedie of Charles, Duke of Byron, 4io.Jine large copy, sewed, \L Is. - 1625 1432 Chapman's Caesar and Pompey ; a Tragedy, declaring their Wars, 4to. sewed, 7s. 6d. - 1631 *#* Dedicated to the Earl of Middlesex. 1433 Chapman and Shirley's Tragedy of Chabot, Admirall of France, 4:io. fine copy, sewed, 7s. 6d. - 1639 1434 Chapman's Bussy D'Ambois, a Tragedie, corrected and amended by the author, 4to. Jine copy, h. b. morocco, 10s. 6rf. 1641 Chapman. — See Homer. 1435 Character of France, to which is added Gallus Castratus ; or Answer to the Slanderous Painphlet, called the Character of England, 12mo. neat, scarce, 5s. - 165D 1436 Character of Sanctified Legion, with his Relations and Retinue of Jealousies, Sack-Possets, Candles, Guns, Pikes, Trumpets, Plunder, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. • 1683 1437 Characters. — English Theophrastus, or the Manners of the Age, being Modern Characters of the Court, Town, and City, the third edition, with S7 New Characters, Svo. h. b. neat, 5s. 6d. - - - 1 708 1438 Charitonis Aphrodisiensis Amatoriarum narrationum de Chae- rea et Callirrhoe, lib. VIIL Gr. et Lat., ex interpret. J. J. Reiskii, cum Animadversionibus J. P. Dorville, 3 vols, in 1, 4to. fine copy, neat, marbled edges, from Professor Porson's Library, with a few MS. Notes in his beautifully neat hand, 1/. 15s. - - /imst. 1750 *4,* " Bonne edition, dans laquelle se trouve un excellent commentaire.'' — Bninet. CATALOCIUE OT KOOKS. 131 1439 CllAULES I. — A MOST EXTUAOUDIN AlULY CURIOUS AND INTER- ESTING COLLECTION OF TrACTS, ILLUSTRATIVE 01" THE LiFE AND Keign OF THIS Unfortunate King, from 1C26 to his Deatli in 1C49, upwards pf seven hundred in number, elegantly hound, in 15 vols. 4to. morocco, gilt leaves, 801. 1626 to 1649 *,* The above collection must be seoii to be at all appreciated ; a brief title of the greater portion of the tracts may be had for inspection. It is presumed to be the most complete in existence, with the exception of one formed by the Rev. Dr. Bandinel, and the most interesting account vf this period of British His- tory known. It would furnish materials for a new Life, with facts not to be ob- tained from other sources. 1440 Charles I. — True Relation and Journal! of the Manner of the Arrival), and Magnificent Entertainment given to the Hit;h and Mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of Spain, in his Court, 4to. scarce, 1/. Ss. 1623 *JK* This curious volume contains the names of the persons who attended the Prince to Spain, including the Marquess of Buckingham, Earl of Bristol, Sir Walter Aston, and Sir F. Cottington ; also the names of the principal officers of the Court of Spain, account of tHe various amusements, interview with the In- fanta, his intended consort, &c. 1441 Charles I. — Relation of the King's Entertainment in Scotland, on the 14th of August, 1641 ; as also the Copy of a Speech which the Speaker of Scotland spake to his Majesty; and how the Effigie of my Lord Traquier was carved in wood, and beheaded, after he was condemned of High Treason, to his disgrace and shame, although he saved his life by flight, 4:io. Jine copy, very scarce, \0s. 6d. - 1641 1442 Charles I. — Colonel Sir Edw. Harwood's Life and Death, with the Advice of that worthy Commander, written by King Charles his coinmand, upon occasions of the French King's preparation at Sea for invading this country ; whereunto are added divers instructions, by the famous Earle of Essex, for the Security of the country, 4to. Jine copy, 7s. Gd. 1642 1443 Charles L — Memento; directed to all those that truly Re- verence the Memory of King Charles the Martyr, and as passionately wish Honour, Safety, and Happinesse to his Royall Successor, ^io. fine copy, 10s. Qd. - 1662 1444 Charles II. and the Commonwealth. — A most valuable and complete collection of Three Hundred and Thirty Tracts, illustrative of the Life of this King from 1642 to 1685, including many illustrative of the Commonwealth pe- riod, forming a most interesting body of history, bound in 12 vols. 4to. and folio, very neat and uniform, 251. 1642 to 1685 *,* This important and valuable collection must be seen also to be appreci- ated; a brief list of the titles of each may be had for inspection. 1445 Charles II. — Academiae Gratulatio ad Carolum II. Reducem, 4:10. Jine copy, vellum, gilt edges, \2s. - 1660 *«* The above interesting volume of poemson the Restoration, contains some by Dr. Isaac Barrow, W. Dillingham, Ant. Grey, Earl of Kent, H. Noel, son of Lord Camden, Dr. Ralph Cudworth, R. Kitson, J. Hawkins, J. Valentine, V. Marsh, W. and T. Leigh, A. Spencer, S. Smith, R. Chrichtou, R. Neville, J. Du- j)ort, and many other members of the University ; there are some poems ad- dressed also to (jcueral Mouck, afterwards Duke of Albemarle. 132 THOMAS THOKPE's 1446 Charles II. — Histoire ties Nouveaux Presbyteriens Anglois et Escossois, ou est monstre la difference de leur Doctrine et Discipline en Religion, avec celle de France et autres Pro- testants : ensemble la vraye Origine des Troubles emeus par eux et leurs f'auteurs contre le Roy et I'Eglise d'Angleterre, fine portrait of King Charles II. by Moncornet, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, M. \\s. (id. - 1660 1447 Charles II. — Multum in Parvo ; Principles, Practices, and Transactions of the English Nation, 1681. — King Charles II. his Declaration to all his Loving Subjects, with His Ma- jestie's Letter to General Monck, 1660. — Two Letters from the King to the Commons, and to Gen. Monck, 1660. — Letter from the Parliament to the King in Reply, 1660. — His Majestie's Letter and Declaration sent to the House of I'eers, by Sir John Grenville, Kt. from Breda, 1660. — His Majestie's Letter to the Generals of the Navy, at Sea, 1660. — Various Proclamations for the Restoration of the King, and Government of the Kingdom, 1660. — Instructions to the Commissioners sent by the Parliament to the King, at the Hague, 1660. — A True Account of His Majestie's safe Arrival in England, 25 May, 1660. — Resolution of both Houses upon ditto, with the Earl of Manchester's Speech, with his Majestie's Reply ; also the Speaker, H. Grimston's Speech, and His Majestie's Reply, 1660. — Votes respecting the King and Queen's Houses, Lands, Joynture, &c. 1660. — His Majestie's Speeches to both Houses of Parliament, 1660. — Collection of all Messages, Addresses, &c. from the House of Commons to the King's Majesty, with His Majes- tie's gracious Answers thereunto, from 1660, until the Dis- solution of the Parliament in Aug. 1679. — Among other Proclamations is one for the burning by the Common Hang- man, the Solemn League and Covenant, 1661. — Various Votes, Orders, &c. of the Parliament, Speeches of Sir Ed- ward Turner, Speaker, and various Members of both Houses, Private Debates, in Manuscript, 1677. — Various other j)a- pers, Sj-c. down to 1685, in one vol. folio, 4/. 4*. •j,* A most important and highly interesting historical volume, from the Col- lection of the Hon. Henry Fox, with his autograph, and enriched throughout with many MS, notes. The notes begin upon the receipt of the first letter from King Charles, brought by Sir John Granville, who the writer states was called in and received the thanks of the House, and £500. for his services, with the Proceed- ings and Orders of the House upon the same; the minutes and proceedings of the House for the reception of His Majesty are very minute ; His Majesty's Let- ter to the Navy is noted with the Order of the House, to General Montague, to reply to the King, &c. ; His Majesty's Speech to the Peers, July 22, is covered with the occurrences that took place in the House. The Proceedings in Church Affairs are also covered with the most minute Orders, and Proceedings, Resolu- tions, &c. ; Notes ou the intended marriage between the King and the Duchess of Modena ; Copy of a note from the Duke of Buckingham to the Speaker, re- questing to be heard in person before the House, on matters of national import- ance; in fact, the volume is full of interesting MS. notices of much greater value than the printed Tracts, S)C. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 13.') 1448 Charles II. — Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles II. by a Member of the Privy Council, with Sketches of the preceding period from the Accession of James I. with a Sup- plement continued to the Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. neat, 10s. 6d. - - - 1792 1449 Charles V. (Emperor). — Pro Divo Carolo V. Romanorum Imperatore, Apologetici libri II. cum aliis nonnullis, with wood-cut border and capital letters., 4to. large clean copy^ 7s. ad. Noguntice in cedibus Jo. Schoeffer, 1527 1450 Caroli R. Regis, Recessuri adiocutio in conventu Hispania- rum, 4to. scarce, 3s, - - sine ulldnotd 1451 Charles V. — Von Romischer Kaserlicher Majestat Caroli V. ehrlich einreitten in des Heyligen Reichs Stat Nurmberg den XVI. Februarii, wood-cut title, 4to. Jine copy, morocco ele- gant, gilt edges, very rare, ll. Is. JVitzburgh, 1541 1452 Caroli V. Imperatoris, Responsio ad Literas Pauli HI. P.M. Convocatorias Concilii Tridenti celebrandi, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 3s. 6d. _ _ . 1542 1453 Caroli V. Imperatoris Expeditio in Africam ad Argieram par Nicol. Villagagnonem Equitem Rhodium, Svo. fine copy, neat, very scarce, 7s. 6d. - - /Antwerp. 1542 1454 Caroli V. Imperatoris Diarium Expeditionis Tunicse, very rare, Lovanii, 1 547. — De Rebus a Carolo V. Csesare Roma- norum Imperatore Gestis, J. M. Bruti Oratio, Antverjnce, 1555, in 1 vol. 12mo. neat, \l. Is. 1455 Charles V. — I Diece Circoli dell' Imperio ; con I'Entrate de Prencipi ; et de gli Stati della Germania ; con le Contribu- tioni, si della Cavalleria, come della Fanteria, &c. 4to. Jine copy, half bound, morocco, 18s. nelV Acad. Venet. 1588 *»* This volume contains the celebrated Act of Abdication of the Emperor Charles Vth. Copies generally are deficient of the preliminary leaves ; the above is quite perfect. 1456 Charlemagne. — Arnolphi Saxonis et Historici et Poetae anti- quissimi, AnnaUum de gestis Caroli Magni Imp. lib. V. jam primum in lucem emissi studio Reineri Reineccii Steinhemii, 4to. half bound, neat, 10s. Qd. Helmcestadii, 1594 *^* A metrical history of the Emperor Charlemagne, which rarely occurs. 1457 Charleton's (Dr. W.) Three Anatomic Lectures concerning the motion of the Blood through the Veins and Arteries, the Organic Structure of the Heart, the efficient Causes of the Heart's Pulsation, with the autograph of Lord Chancellor Somers, to whom this copy was presented by the author, j^lates, 4to. neat, 5s. - - - 1683 1458 Charlevoix (P. F. Xavier de) Histoire du Paraguay, map, 6 vols. l2mo, neat, 18s. - - Paris. 1757 1459 Charrier (F.) Magnae Britannia; Auster Iknographicus, pri- vately printed, 4to. vellum, 10s. 6d. - 1637 *ji,* Verses in Latin and Greek, dedicated to Lord Viscount Scudamore, thcu ambassador to France. 134 THOMAS Thorpe's 1460 Charost (Chevalier) Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotlieque, priced, 8vo. neat, 4s. 6d. - Paris, 1742 *,(* A very valuable and well-chosen historical library; containing also a large collection of theological works, and belles lettres, including a vast number of ro- mances, poetry, &.c. 1461 Carpentier, Elemens de la Langue Russe, ou Methode Courte et Facile pour apprendre cette langue conf'ormement a I'usage, Petersbourg, 17C8. — Rossiskaia Grammatica, Mix- aila Lomonosova, 1755, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, 10s. 6d. *)K* The first book only, which Brunet and others call " volume peu commun," sold in Auquetil's sale for 17 francs. 1462 Chartier (Alain) Faictz et Dictz Adiouste le Debat du Gras et du maigre que nauroit encores ette imprime, rvood-cuts, Paris, Du Pre, 1526. — Kommant de la Roze, par G. de Lor- ris, ib. 1531, both in blacfe Itttfr, the title of the latter slightly mended, otherwise both are in very Jine condition, in 1 vol. folio, neat, 41. 4s. *^* Both these works are of great rarity. 1463 Chastel. — Apologie pour Jehan Chastel, Parisien, execute a mort, et pour les peres et escholliers de la Societe de Jesus, bannis du Royaume de France, Svo. vellum, scarce, 6s. 1595 1464 Chatteau's General View of Sweden, Svo. h. b. neat, 3s. 6d. 1790 1465 Chatterton. — An Archeeologieal Epistle to the Rev. J. Milles, D.D. Dean of Exeter, President of the Society of Antiquaries, and Editor of the Poems of T. Rowley ; to which is annexed, a Glossary, extracted from that of the learned Dean, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - - 1782 1466 Chaucer's Poetical Works, compared with former Editions, and many valuable MSS. out of which three Tales are added which were never before printed, with Glossary and Life, by Urry, portraits, folio, neat, 51. 5s. - 1721 *#* The above copy contains some thousand manuscript notes throughout the Canierhury Tales, written in a most beautifully neat hand, by Dr. E. Hill, of Trinity College, Dublin, illustrative of the poems, and forming copious additions to the Glossary, who has dated it as finished the 18th of December, 1768, rendering it a most valuable volume to the future editor of this ancient British poet. 1467 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, with Notes and Glossary by Tyrwhitt, best edition, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, 2l. 2s. Oxford, 1798 1468 Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, in English and Latin Verse, by Kinaston, 4to. fine copy, vellum, 1 5s. Oxon. 1635 *„* Sold in the Gordoustoun sale for 21. 4s. 1469 Chaudon et Delandine, Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique avec des Tables Chronologiques, 13 vols. Svo. neat, 1/. lis. 6d. Lyon, 1 789-1 S05 Chaufcpic Dictionnaire. See Bayle. 1470 Chavenor's ( riios.) Last Speech and Confession, with Ac- count of his Life and Exploits, Execution, &c. 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - - 167S CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 135 1471 Chaulmcr (C.) Nonvcau Monde, ou rAmerique Chn'tienne, avcc le Supplement a I'Abrege des Annales Ficclesiastiques et Politiques de I'Ancien, ou I'Histoire des Missions, et des autres aflaires de I'Asie, et de rAfrique, 12mo. fine cojvj, veUuni, very rare, 1/. Is. - - Paris. 1G59 1472 Chauncaci Vitre ac Martyrii Cartusianorum aliquot qui Lon- dini, pro Unitate Ecclesiae adversos Hasreticos strenue de- pugnantes varie trucidafi sunt, Narratio, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, 18s. - - Mediolani^ 1606 *»• This is one of the scarcest of the accounts of the English Catholics that suffered in London. 1473 Cliauncsei Commentariolus de Vitas Ratione et Martyrio 18 Cartusianorum, qui in Anglic^ Regno, sub Henrico VIII. ob Ecclesiee defensioneni, et nefarii Schismatis detectionem cru- deliter trucidati sunt, una cum Historica Relatione 12 Mar- tyrum Cartusianorum qui in ducatu Gueldriee, anno 1572, agonem suum compleverunt, ab Arnoldo Kavensio, rvilh plates, in one vol. 8vo. fine copies, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. - - - 1608 %• Sold in the Rev. Theodore \MlIiams's sale for 61. 8s. 6d. 1474 Chauncy. — Catalogue of the valuable Collections of Prints, Drawings, and Miniatures of Dr. Charles Chauncy, and of his brother, Nathaniel Chauncy, prices and names ; also of his Collection of Natural History, Fossils, Shells, Petrifac- tions, Stones, Minerals, &c. 8vo. h. b. neat, 4s. 6rf. 1790 1475 Cheki (Joannis) Angli, de Pronunciatione Graecse Linguae Disputationes cum Stephano (Gardiner) Wintoniensi Epis- copo, 8vo. neat, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Basil. 1555 •^* Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 1/. 12s. 1476 Cheke's (Sir John) Subject to the Rebell, or Hurt of Sedition, how grievous it is to a commonwealth, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1641 1477 Cherpontii (Jo.) Libelli de Formandis turn inventis Moribus, tum Linguae Graecae, Latinae, Gallicse, et Germanicze utilis- simi, 12mo. vellum, rare, 8s. ap. Eustalh. Vignon, 1581 *#* Printed in corresponding columns, comprising all the four languages. 1478 Cheshire. — An interesting collection of Nineteen Historical Tracts, relating various Victories, Sieges of Chester, Nampt- wich, &c. during the Civil Wars, Lists of Prisoners, Com- mittees, Juries, &c. &c. ; also Speeches of Lord Delamere, Earl of Warrington, &c. &c. ; in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, 51. Us. - 1641-94 *^* A brief notice of the titles of each tract in this curious, scarce, and valu- able series, may be had for inspection. 1479 Cheshire. — A Relation of the Remarkable Passages in Che- shire before the Siege of Namptwich, during the continuance of it, and at the happy Raisin;^ of it by Sir T. Fairfax, and Sir W. Brereton, with the deliverance and Victory by the Garrison, at Nottingham, 4to. scncd, scarce, 10s. Cd. 1644 136i THOMAS Thorpe's 1480 Cheshire. — Six most beautifully executed Drawings from Ancient Seals of Chester Cathedral ; Vale Royal Abbey ; College of St. John, Chester ; Chester Nunnery ; &c. -410. '21. \5s. %* Nothing can exceed the beauty and veracity displayed by Howlett in his delineation of the above drawings, which have the description of each deed from which they are taken, its nature, date, and where to be found, which renders them of peculiar interest to the historian or county collector. 1481 Cheshire. — Jolly's Head-Constable's Assistant; or, a Mize- Book for the County Palatine of Chester, 8vo. neat, 7s. Gd. 1726 1482 Chess.— Libellus de Ludo Scachorum et de Dictis, Factisque nobilium, virorum, philosophorum, et antiquorum, 4to. mo- rocco, gill edges, very rare, 31. 13s. 6d. sine loco aut anno, circa MCCCCLXX. %* One of the earliest treatises in print. 1483 Chess. — Een suverlick Boek vanden Tiitverderiif edelre lieren ende vrouwen, als vanden Scaeckspul, folio, fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 51. I5s. 6d. circa MCCCCLXX. *^* This edition, probably the first in the Flemish language, of one of the rarest books on the game of chess, is apparently undescribed by biblio- graphers. It is printed in double columns, without date, place, or printer's name, about 1470. 1484 Chess. — Een suverlick Boeck vanden tiitverdrifF der edelre heren ende vrouwen, ols vanden Scaecspul, mood-cuts, 4to. very Jine, large, sound, and perfect copy, with rough edges throughout, h. b. morocco, extremely rare, 51. I5s. 6d. Delf, in Holland, MCCCCLXXXIII. *** This edition has apparently escaped the researches of bibliographers. It is the most celebrated work that has been printed on the game of chess. It was written in Latin by Jac. de Cessolis, and was translated into French by Jean de Vigny, and from that into English by William Caxton, who printed two editions, the first of which is supposed to be his earliest production. 1485 Chess. — Damiano Libro da Imparare Giocare a Schachi e de le partite, first edition, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, ivith joints, gilt edges, rare, 21. 12s. 6d. Roma, 1512 *»* This copy was purchased in the Rev. T. Williams's sale for 41. 1486 Chess. — Damiano Libro da imparare giocare a Scachi, et de bellissimi Partiti, Reuisti e recorretti, e con summa diligentia da molti famosissimi Giocatori emendati. In lingua Spagnola e Italiani, novamente stampato, wood-cuts, Svo. jine copy, morocco, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - senza nola. *»* "Volume fort rare, I'un des premiers qui out et6 publics sur le Jeu des Echecs." — lienouard. Sold in the Towueley sale for 41. 10s. 1487 Chess. — Damiano, another edition, tvood-cuts, Svo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, \l. 1 5s. senza nola. •,* "Cet ouvrage, qui ne porte pas le uom d'autcur, est vraisemblablement le meme que celui de Damiano, qui a ete imprime a Rome en 1512. L'edilion que uous citons est rare et recherchee." — Brunei. CAIALOGUE OF BOOKS. 137 H8S Chess. — Le Plaisant Jeu des Ecliecs renouvelle. Avec instructions pour fiicilement I'-ippremlre, et le l)icn joticr, par Damien, tiaduit par Claude Gruyet, cuts, 8vo. jhic copy, vellum, vcrij rare, \l. ]]s. Gd. - Paris, 1560 H-89 Chess. — Ruy Lopez de Siiriira libro de la Invencion Liberal y Arte del Juego del Axediez, muy mil y provechosa ; assi para los que de nuevo quisiereri deprender a jugarlo, conio para los que lo salion ji't^ar, 4to. veri/ fine copy, morocco elegant, with joiiUs, gill edges and vellum Jly-leaves, 4/. 145. 6rf. Alcnla, 1561 *j^* This is the first and extremely rare edition of the celebrated work of Ruy Lopez on the Game of Chess. This copy was purchased iu 1825 for 10/. 10s. 1490 Chess. — Lopez (Rui) Giuoco degli Scacchi trad, da M. Gio* Dom. Tarsia, 4to. very fine copy, russia elegant, gilt edges, rare, \L lis. 6d. - - Venetia, 1584 •# * This treatise on the Game of Chess is highly esteemed. 1491 Chess. — Das Schach, oder Konigspiel, von Gustave Seleno ; und den Spiel genandt Rythmo Macliia, beanlifiully engraved firontispiece, and fiolding plates with other cuts, folio, very Jine copy, vellum, 3l, 3s. - - Lipsice, 1G17 *,* This is one of the rarest and most celebrated books on the subject. At the eud is a curious folding plan of the chess board, men, &.c. headed as below, — " Scaccliicro dove presto s'impara da glocare a scucchia i letteri Bernardino Mon- tane,'''' and which bears the imprint of Padua, 1618, nella Stampeiria del Tozzi. 1492 Chess. — Royall Game of Chesse-Play, illustrated with an hun- dred Gambetts, being the study of Biochomo, the famous Italian, dedicated lo the Earl ofi Lindsey, with an I utruductory Poem, by R. Lovelace, 1656. — Noble Game of Chess ; or, a New and Easy Method to learn to play well in a short time, by Philip Stamma, 1745. — Treatise on the Game of Piquet, and Rules for Playing at Chess, by Edmond Hoyle, 1746, in 1 vol. 12mo. h. b. neat, \l. ]s. 1493 Chess. — Barbier's Famous Game of Chess-Play, being a Princely exercise ; wherein the Learner may profit more by reading of this small Book than by playing of a thousand Mates, ivith poems, rvood-cuts, l2mo. fine copy, morocco e'e- gant, gilt edges, \l. 8s. - - 1672 1494 Chess. — Le Jeu des Eschets, traduit de I'ltalien de Gioachino Greco, \2mo. neat, As. 6d. - Paris, 1G89 1495 Chess. — Le Jeu des Eschets, traduit de I'ltalien de Gioachino Greco, iL'mo. neat, 4s. 6d. - Paris, 1713 1496 Chess. — Osservazioni Teorico-Pratiche sopra il Giuoco degli Scacchi, ossia il Giuoco degli Scacchi esposto nel suo mi^lior lume da Giambatista Lolli, folio, fine copy, vellum, rare, 21. 2s. - . - Bologna, 1763 *^* A most celebrated work ; one of the most profound on the subject. 1497 Chess. — Lettres de M. C. de Windisch sur le.Ioueur d'Echecs de M. Kempelen, plates ofi the Automaton, 8vo. h. b- neat, is. 6rf. - - - Basle, 1783 T 138 THOMAS Thorpe's 1498 Chess. — Nouvel Essai sur le Jeu des Echecs avec des reflex- ions Militaires relatives a ce jeu par E. Stein, Svo. h. b. neat, 4s. 6d. - - - a la Haye., 1789 1499 Chess. — Jeu des Echecs, plale, 12mo. neat, 5s. Amst. 1792 1500 Chesterfield's (Earl of) Congratulatory Letter to William Ful- teney, Earl of Bath, upon his late disappointment, with ma- nuscript notes, by John Percival, Earl of Egmont, 1743. — Impartial Review of the present Troubles of Germany, the Conduct of the Generals now in the Field, and particularly of the late Battle of Dettingen, &c. 1743. — Letter to Sir John Phillips, Bart, on the Bill to Naturalize Foreign Pro- testants, 1747. — Letter to a Foreign Minister, truly stating the grounds of the present War, 1745. — Letter to the Earl of Stair, in which are examined the Conduct of our several Ministers, &c. 1743. — Thoughts on the Treaty of Alliance concluded at Worms, 1744. — Measures of the late Adminis- tration examined, 1745. — Conduct of the Allies and the Management of the War examined, 1744. — Operations of the British and the Allied Armies, 1744. — The Plain Rea- soner, 1745, in 1 vol. S\o. fine copies, very ntat, 10*. Qd. 1501 Chettle's (Henry) Tragedy of Hoffman ; or a Revenge for a Father, as acted at the Phenix, in Drury Lane, 4to, sewed, 4s. - - 1631 1502 Chevalier (Pauli) Oratio Inauguralis, de fructibus, qui ex juste temperata cogitandi libertate in Theologum redundant, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - Groningce, 1752 1503 Cheynell's (Fr.) Rise, Growth, and Danger of Socinianisme, with discovery of a desperate design^ of corrupting the Pro- testant Religion, whereby it appears the Religion so violently contended for by the Archbishop of Canterbury and his adherents, is not the true Protestant Religion, 4to. sewed, 7s. 1643 1504 Chichester (Sir John) Catalogue of his Library, sold by Jef- fery, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - - 1 81 2 1505 Chimarrhsei (Pauli) Epistolse Dominicales Carmine Elegiaco, redditae, Elegias, etc. Colonice, 1552. — D. Prosperi Aquita- nici Epigrammata, Gandavi, 1555, in one vol. Svo. both very scarce, Ss, 1506 Chimneys' Scuffle, in verse, ito. fine copy, very neat, scarce, 12*. - . - . 1662 1507 China. — Notizie Varie dell' Imperio della China, con la Vita di Confucio, et Scientiae Sinicce, 12mo. vellum, 4s. Firenze, 1697 1508 China. — Novissima Sinica Historiam nostri Temporis illustra- tura, edente ^je\hn\i\o, portrait, Svo. neat, scarce, 12s. Ultrajecti, 1699 *** t'ontains, among other very interesting matter, Increase Mather's letter to Leiisden, relative to his mission among the Indians in New England, 1688. 1509 Cholini (P.) et Jo. Frisii Dictionarium Latinc-Germanicum, 4X0. fine clean copy, very scarce, 10s. 6rf. Tigiiri, 1541 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 139 1510 Cliinese Language. — De 1' Etude des Langues Etrangeres cliez les Cliinois, par J. _^P. Abel-Remusat, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. - - ' - - 1811 %* An interesting tract, with a specimen of a vocabulary of the Chinese, Sanskrit, Thibetiau, Maudchou, and Mongol languages. 1511 Chladenii (Jo. Mart.) de Fortuna Bibliothecae, D. Augustini in Excidio Hipponensi Oratio, 4to. scarce, 5s- 6d. Lips. 174a 1512 Chomel, Dictionnaire QSconomique, avec Supplement, Aug- mente par Rogen, ivith numerous plates, by Picart, 4 vols, in 2, folio, ^He copy, very neat, \l. \\s. 6d. - Jmst. 1740 1513 Christ (M.) Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, ChifFres, Lettres, Initiales, Logogryphes, Rebus, etc. plates, Svo. neat, very scarce, \5s. - _ . Paris, 1750 %* *' Ouvrage recherche ; les exemplaires en sent deveuus rares." — Brunet. Sold in Mr. Hope's sale for 1/. 4^. and in the Duke of Roxburghe's for 1^. lis. 6d. 1514 Christlicher Andacht, darinne gebetsweise verfassit und ausgeleght werden, Die zeben gebot, der Cbristliche glaub, das vater unser, Svo. printed entirely within wood-cut borders, scarce, 5s, - - _ Leipzig, 1545 1515 Christmas Carol, dedicated to the Ancient Britons that under- stand English, by a Country Parson, (Mr. Edwards, Rector of Aldwinhell, in Northamptonshire,) in four parts, 4to. very scarce, 10s. Qd. - - - 1715 1516 Chronica, Tytboeck en gheschiet Bibel, van aenbegin door Sebast. Franck van Word, 1558. — Dat Wereliboeck, spiegel ende Beeltenisse des gheheelen Aertbodems van Seb. Franck van Woerdem in vier Boecken, 1562. — Die Gulden Arcke door Seb. Franck van Word, 1560, in one vol. folio, vellum, very scarce, \l. 5s. 1517 Cronike of die Hystorie van Hollant, van Zeelant, ende Vries- lant ende van den sticht van Utrecht ; in welke Hystorie bescreven is hoe die landen eerst begrepen ende bewoent worden, &c. door Jan van Naeldwyck,^rs/ edition, A^to. fme copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 7 1. 7s. Goude, Gheraert Leeu, MCCCCLXXVIII. %* *' Premiere edition tres rare." — Brunet. 1518 Chronica.— Summa de todas las Cronicas del Mundo, por Narcis Viiioles, spirited wood-cuts, folio, fine copy, vellum, rare, 31. 3s. - - Valentia, 1510 *jit* Cost the late possessor 10/. 10s. 1519 Cronica de los Reyes de Castilla, Don Pedro Primero, Don Enrique, y Don Juan Prixnero, wood-cut title, foWo, fine copy, vellum, rare, 21. 13s. 6d. Sevilla, Juan Cromberger, 1542 '*^* Cost the late possessor 9/. 9s. 1520 Cronica del serenissimo Rey Don Juan el Segundo d'este nom- bre, wood-cut, ioWo, fine copy, rare, 2/. 2s. Sevilla, 1543 •^* An inferior copy to the above sold in the Cond^ sale for At. As, and the Roxburghe copy sold for 4/. 7s. 140 THOMAS Thorpe's 1521 Croiiica Troyana, en que se contiene la total y lamentable Destruction de la nonibrada Troya, wood-cut, folio, vellum, rare, 1/. lis. 6d. - - Sevilla, 1552 1522 Cronica Troyana, folio, very fine copy, elegantly bound in mo- rocco, gilt edges, rare, 3 1. 3s. - Medina, 1587 *^* The above volume was purchased in Mr. Hibbert's sale for 5/. 1523 Coronica de el gran Cardenal de Espaiia, Don Pedro Goncalez de Mendo^a, por Pedro de Salazar, y de Mendo^a, with the plate of arms, and genealogical table, folio, vellum, very scarce, 15s. - - - Toledo, 1625 1524 Chrysoloraj Erotemata, Gr. et Lat. 4to. extremely rare, 18s. Vincenti{^, per Leonardum de Basilea, MCCCCXC *^* The above early edition of this popular work is perfect, with the excep- tion of one line to the Ave Rlaria, which precedes it. Sold in Brienne Laire'ssale for 200 francs. 1525 Ciirysoloree Erotemata, very tall copy of the Greek only, Svo. scarce, 5s. - Ferrarice, Mazochus, 1 509 1526 Chrysolorae Erotemata, de anomalis Verbis, de formatione temporum Chalcondilaj, Theodorus de Constructione, Hero- dianus de Encliticis, Sententiae unius Carminis ex diversis Poetis, et Catonis Sententise, Grasce, S\o. fine copy, morocco elegant, gill edges, a rare edition, 1 1. 5s, Florent. Junta, 1516 1527 Cbrysolorae Erotemata, de formatione Temporum ex libro Chalcondylee, Gr. et Lat. Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare edition,, 18s. - - Romce, 1523 1528 Chrysolorae Erotemata, de formatione Temporum ex libro Chalcondylse, Gr. et Lat. 8vo. in the original binding, very rare, 18s. - - - Romce, 1522 %* This edition is different from the above, the title of this being printed within a wood-cut border. Both editions are unknown to bibliographers. This copy was purchased in 1824 for 21. 2s. 1529 Chrysolorae Erotemata, de anomalis Verbis, de formatione Temporum, Gaza de Constructione, de Encliticis, Cato, etc. Greece, 8\o.fne copy, vellum, gilt edges, 18s. Ven. 1531 *jif* A very scarce edition, not mentioned by Brunet. Cost .3Z. 3s. in 1824. 1530 Chrysoloree Erotemata, etc. Graece, Svo. fine copy, vellum, 125. Florentice, Juncta, 1540 %* Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 21. 2s. 1531 Chrysolorae Erotemata, 8vo. vellum, scarce, 5s. Venetiis, ex Officina Farrea, 1544 1532 Chrysolorae Grammatica, Graece, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 21. I2s. 6d. - Paris. Gourmont, 1507 *^* One of the earliest Greek books printed in France. " Get opuscule, une des premieres productions en caracteres Grecs de I'imprimerie de Paris, est rare." — Brunei. 1533 Chrysolorae Grammatica, Greece, 4to. remarkably fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 3l. 3s. Paris. 15liJ *^* The productions of the early Parisian Greek press are of very uncommon occurrence ; the present is altogether as fine and perfect a specimen as can well he imagined. Unknown to Brunet. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 141 1534 Chrysolorae Grammatica, Gr.xce, 4to. very fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. I2s. 6d. Paris. Gourmont, 151G *ff* This edition is not mentioned by Brunet. 1535 Chrysolorae Grammatica a Cliaeradamo Hypocrate emendata, Grsece, Svo.Jine copy, vellum, rare, I8s. Paris. Gourmont, s.a. *^* Unknown to Brunet. Sold in Mr. G. Mason's sale for 5/. los. 1536 Chrysolorse Grammatica, Gr. et Lat. 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, a very rare edition, 3/. 3*. Venetiis, per B. de Zannettis, sumplibus F. Turrtsani, 1539 *«* " Volume tres rare." Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 41. Is. 1537 Chrysolorae Grammatica, Gr. et Lat. Svo. Jine copy, h. b. neat, very scarce, 10s. 6c?. - Venetiis, J, Farreus, 1542 1538 Chrysostomi (Joannis) Sermones, 4to. scarce, 4s. 6d. (Col. Ulric Zell, MCCCCLXXX.) 1539 Chrysostomi (Joannis) Dialogi VI. Gr. et Lat. with numerous Manuscript Notes, in a neat hand, 4to. original binding, gilt edges, rare, 15s. - Lovanii, Rescius, 1529 1540 Chubb's (Thos.) Enquiry concerning the Grounds and Reasons, or what those principles are on which two of our Anniversary Solemnities are founded, viz. 30th January, the Martyrdom of King Charles L, and the 5th of November, the Gunpowder Plot, 1732. — Letter to S. Chandler on his Sermon against Popery, with Remarks on Mr. Barker's Sermon, 1735.— Letter to the Craftsmen on the Change of Affairs, 1734. — Luxury, Pride, and Vanity, the Bane of the British Nation, represented in several curious Accounts of the Extravagance of Living, Keeping Mistresses, Insolence of Men in Offices, Servants, Dancing-masters, Gamesters, Beggars, &c. (1734). — Character of Queen Caroline, 1738, in 1 vol. Svo. 7s. 6rf. 1541 Chubb. — Faithful Account of the Life and Character of the celebrated Mr. Thomas Chubb, who died at Salisbury, 1747. — Vindication of the Memory of Chubb, 1747. — Memoirs of T, Chubb, or a fuller Account of his Life and Writings, 1747. — The Clarendon Family vindicated from the false- hoods of Oldmixon, of Bridgwater, in Somersetshire, and G. Duckett, Esq. 1732. — Account of the Life of R. Savage, in 1 vol. tivo. fine copies, very neat, in old calf gilt, by Johnson, a scarce collection, 12s. 1542 Chudleigh's (Lady) Poems, on several Occasions, dedicated to the Queen, 12mo. neat, 3s. - Lintot, 1722 1543 Church Lands. — A Letter from Utrecht, to the Assembly of Divines, shewing the Conversion of Church Lands to Lay uses, to be condemned by Lutlier, Calvin, Knox, and the whole Assemblies of Scotch Divines, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1648 1544 Church Lands not to be Sold, or Answer to the Conscientious Protestant, whether the Lands of the Bishops and Churclies in England and Wales may be sold, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. 6c/. - - - 1648 142 THOMAS Thorpe's 1545 Church Lands. — A Case concerning the Buying of Bishops' Lands, with Lawfulness thereof, with difference between the Contractors for Sale of those Lands, and the Corporation of Wells in Somersetshire, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. 6d. 1659 1546 Church Lands. — An Enquiry into the Customary Estates and Tenant Rights of those who hold Lands of Church and other Foundations, by E. Fleetwood, 1731. — Rights of Churches and Colleges defended, in answer to ditto, 1731. — Defence of the Church's Right in Leasehold Estates, by Dr. W. Der- ham, 1731. — Reasons for altering the method of letting Church and College Leases, 1739. — Tables for the renewing and purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral Churches and Colleges, 1729. — Value of Church and College Leases con- sidered, 1729, in one vol. 8vo. neat, an interesting collection, 10s. 6d. 1547 Church. — A very extensive and extremely interesting collec- tion of about Three Hundred and Fifty Tracts re- lating TO Church History, comprising all the more par- ticular ones by the most celebrated authors which have been written on the various branches of the subject. Church Government, Rites and Ceremonies, Clergy, Articles, Liturgy, Episcopacy, Differing Sects, &c. &c. bound in 19 vols. 4to. and 1 vol. folio, in all 20 volumes, very neat in calf, uniform, Sll. 10s. - - 1559-1795 %* The above highly valuable and interesting collection must be seen to be duly appreciated ; a brief list of the titles of each work may be had for inspection. 1548 Church and Quakers. — Examination of the Scheme of Church Power, laid down in Bishop Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesias- tici Anglicani,&c. 1735. — Answer to ditto, 1735. — Examina- tion of a book lately printed by the Quakers, entitled a Brief Account of the Prosecution of the Quakers, so far as regards the Clergy of Gloucester and Oxford, 1749. — Papers relating to the Quakers' Tithe Bill, 1736. — Another Examination of the book on the Prosecution of the Quakers, in Defence of the Clergy of the Diocese of York, 1741. — Examination of ditto, so far as the Clergy of the Diocese of Canterbury are concerned, 1742, in one vol. Svo. neat, 8s. 1549 Church of England Vindicated in requiring Subscription from the Clergy to the XXXIX. Articles of Religion, 1738.— The Dissenting Gentleman's Answer to the Rev. Mr. White's Three Letters, 1747. — The Dissenting Gentleman's Second Letter, 1747. — Enquiry after Happiness, 1747. — Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus, 1748, in 1 vol. 8vo. h, b. neat, 5s. 1550 Church's (Hen.) Church Incense, or Divine Ejaculations, 12mo. neat, scarce, 6s. 6d. - - 1655 1551 Ciaconis (Alfonsi) Historia quae refert M. Ulpii Traiani Au- gusti animam precibus Divi Gregorii Pontificis Romani a Tartareis cruciatibus ereptam ; etiam Tractatus ejusdem de Divi Hieronymi Stridonensis Cardinalitio, 4:to.Jinecopy, very scarce, lOs. 6d. - Venet. Nicolini, 1583 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 143 1552 CInirchill's (C.) Rosciad, 1761.— The Pin Basket to the Chil- dren of Thespis, a Satire by Anthony Pasquin, with Notes, biographical, critical, and explanatory, involving his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Siddons, the Duke of Marlborough, Miss Farren, Duke of Queens- bury, Duke of Leeds, Lord Barrymore, Lord Mulgrave, Lord Derby, Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, Rt. Hon. H, Dundas, Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Quick, Suett, and various others, dedicated to the Countess of Jersey, 1796. — The Theatres, a Poetical Dissection, by Sir Nicholas Nipolose, &c. 1772. — Granny's Predictions revealed to Widow Brady, of Drury Lane, by her relation, Mrs. Sharp-set O'Blunder, 1773, in one vol. 4to. boards, \0s. 6d. 1553 Gibber's (C.) Poem on the Death of Queen Mary, 4!to. sewed, 2s. Gd. - - 1695 1554 Cibberian Tracts, a most extensive collection. — Apology for the Life of Colley Gibber, Comedian, port. 1740. — Letter from Gibber to Pope, with the curious plate, generally want- ing, 1742. — Letter to Gibber, on his Letter to Pope, 1742. — Blast upon Bays, or a New Nick at the Laureat : Remarks on his Letter to Pope, 174^. — Confederates, a Farce, by Mr. Gay, 1717. — Gibber's Lady's Lecture, a Theatrical Dialogue, 1748. — Apology for the Life of Theophilus Gibber, Come- dian, a proper Sequel to the Apology for the Life of Colley Gibber, Comedian, by Henry Fielding, 1740. — Laureat ; or the Right Side of Colley Gibber, containing Explanations, &c. of Gibber's Apology, 1740. — History of ./Esopus, the Tragedian. — The Egotist, or Colley upon Gibber, 1743. — Familiar Epistle to Mr. William Warburton, from Theophilus Cibber, Comedian. — Theophilus Gibber's Life of Barton Booth. — Gibber's Dissertation on theTheatres, with Remarks on the Laws concerning the Theatres. — Epistle from Theo- philus Cibber to David Garrick, Esq. — Gibber's Nonjuror, a Comedy, 1 7 1 8. — Complete Key to the Nonjuror, by Joseph Gay, 1718. — Cursory Remarks on the Play called the Non- juror, 1718.— Juror, a Farce, by VV. B. 1718. — Perjuror, as acted at the Theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1717. — Trial of Colley Cibber, Comedian, for writing an Apology for his Life, &c. 1740. — Buskin and Sock; being Controversial Letters between Thomas Sheridan, Tragedian, and Mr. Theoph. Cibber, Comedian, 1742. — Letter to Colley Cib- ber, Esq. on his Transformation of King John, 1745. — Bays' Miscellany ; or Colley Triumphant, containing the Petty Sessions of Poets, &c. — Battle of the Poets, &c. with various illustrative advertisements, <^c. 3 vols. 8vo. very neat, 31. 3s. ♦.* Eight tracts only sold in Isaac Reed's sale for 5/. 5s. 1555 Gibber's Letter to Pope, Inquiring into the Motive for so fre- quently using his Name in his Satyrical Works, Svo. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - 1777 144 THOMAS Thorpe's 155G Gibber and Pope. — Apology for the Lifeof Theophilus Gibber, Comedian, with a Historical View of tlie Stage to the present year, 1740. — Letter from Colley Gibber to Mr. Pope, in- quirini:r into the Motives that might induce him in his Saty- rical Works to be so frequently fond of Mr. Gibber's name, portrait, 1742. — Another occasional Letter from Golley Gibber to Pope, wherein the new hero's preferment to his throne in the Diinciad seems not to be accepted, and the author of that poem's more rightful claim to it is asserted, with address to Mr. Warburton, 17 14, 8vo. 8s. 1740-4 lo57 Gibber's Lives of tlie Poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift, 5 vols. l2mo. 'neat, \8s. 1753 15.58 Giceronis Opera, Manucciortnn Gomrnentariis illustrata, 10 vols, in 4, folio, good sound copy, neat, in vellum, 2l. 125. 6d. Venet. Aldus, 1582-3 *** "The greatest work that issued from the Aldine press, justly called by Malttaire opus pRjEstantissijium. It was the edition of all Cicero's Works in 10 vols, folio, restored to its true readings, and illustrated by the Commeuts of various authors; and particularly those of the two Manutii, which John Albert Tmhux.m^ caWs. ' Commcnlaria exquisUa, ct elaboratlssima ;'' and denominates this edition ^ praclara, neque iitiqiie obvia,"- — " Ces dix volumes," says Renouard, " que I'on relie quelquefois en quatre on cinq, sont toujours consideres comma une des plus importantes editions de Ciceron. Un exemplaire d'une parfaite conservation est un livre fort rare, et toujours digne de toute I'attention des amateurs." 1559 Giceronis Opera Omnia, cum notis variorum. — Orationes, 6 vols. Amst. 1699. — De Officiis, Lugd. Bat. 1710. — Epistolae ad Atticum, 2 vols. Amst. 1684. — EpistolaB ad Familiares, 2 vols. ib. 1684. — Rhetoricorum ad Herennium, libri VL Lugd. Bat. 1761, et Opera Philosophica Davisii, 6 vols. Cantab. 17.S0-40, in all 18 vols. 8vo. vellum, 51. I5s. 6d. *^* Sold in Mr. Williams's sale for 27/. 6s. 1560 Gicero de Officiis, folio, very rare, 2l. 2s. sine ulld notd. *^* An edition apparently uudescribed by bibliographers. 1561 Giceronis de Officiis lib. IN. de Amicitia, de Senectute, item Paradoxia, 8vo. very fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 41. 4>s. - (Lugduni, B, Trot.) s, a. *»* This edition, Renouaid says, is so rare, that he has never seen but three copies, one of which was imperfect. See his list of the Aldine counterfeits, No. 29. 1562 Cicero de Officiis, Gato Major, de Senectute, de Amicitia, Paradoxa, &c. 12mo. vellum, gilt leaves, 10s. Qd. Aldus, 1545 1563 Giceronis de Officiis ad Marcum filium, lib. IIL ex editione Oliveti, edente Homero, 12mo. sened, 4s. Land. 1791 *^* " An elegant and correct edition." Sold in the Fonthill sale for 1/., Edwards's for It. 5s., Col. Stanley's for II. 15s., and Mr. Dent's for 2t. 1564 Cicero de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, folio, very rare, 21. 2s. sine ulld notd. *^* An edition which has apparently escaped the researches of nearly all bibliographers. It is not mentioned by Bruiiet, nor De Bure, and is not in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 145 1566 Cicero tie Officiis, Germanice, with upwards of one hundred extremely curious and spirited wood-cuts, folio, /fwc copy, in calf extra, gilt edges, very rare, 1 1, lis. 6d. Augspurg, 1540 1567 Ciceronis Epistolae ad Familiares, folio, very large and sound copy, in old russia, richly tooled, gilt edges, 31. I3s. Gd. (Venetiis,) a Nicolao Jenson, MCCCCLXXI. *#* "The rival presses of Jenson and Spira put forth impressions of this work in the same year. Both editions are elegantly executed, and contain the Greek passages in print. The present is described in glowing terms by Creveuna.'' — Dibdin. This copy sold iu Dr. Askew's sale for \\i. los. 1568 Ciceronis Epistolae Familiares, cum Sclioliis P. Manutii, 8vo. very fine copy, in the original vellum binding, gilt leaves, ex- tremely rare, 2l. 2s. - Aldus, l5iS *♦* A copy of this edition appeared in a recent catalogue, priced 81. 8s. 1569 Ciceronis Epistolee ad Atticum, ad M. Brutum, ad Quinctum Fratrera, cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii, bvo. 21. 2s. Venet. Aldus, 1563 *»* An interesting volume, being interleaved with very copious manuscript notes and corrections by Gabriel Harvey. 1570 Ciceronis Opera Philosophica, cum Scholiis Pauli Manutii, 2 vols. 12mo. fne copy, in the original vellum binding, gilt leaves, with some marginal notes in a beautiful, neat scholar's hand, \l. Is. - - Aldus, 1541 1571 Ciceronis libri de Natura Deorum, de Divinatione, de Fato, de Legibus, Academicae Questiones, et Modestus de Disciplina Militari, wants five leaves, otherwise a good sound copy, folio, in old morocco, very rare edition, \l. %s. per Vind. Spirensem, MCCCCLXXI. *»* This copy, as it is, was purchased in the Duke of Devonshire's duplicate sale for 3/. Is. 1572 Cicero de Proprietatibus Terminorum, 4to. very scarce, ll.ls. Augustce, per Anth. Sorg. MCCCCLXXXVUI. *^* This earl}' edition of a work on Latin synonyms, erroneously attributed to Cicero, is very rare and curious. Sold in Mr. Roscoe's sale for 5/. 15s. 6d. 1573 Ciceronis Orationes per Philippum Beroaldum recognitae ac diligenter correctae, addita in calce Oratione adversus Vale- rium quae hactenus incognita fuit, folio, good sound copy, h. b. neat, scarce, \0s. 6d. Bononice, MCCCCXCIX. *j,(* Apparently unknown to Brunet. 1 574 Ciceronis Clausulse ex Epistolis Familiaribus excerpta; et gene- ratim digests per Joannem Gabrielem Oratorem eximium, 4to. fine copy, scarce, Gs. Senis, per II. Harlem et Jo. Valheck, MCCCCXCIX. 1575 Ciceronis Flores, Lat. et Italice, 4to. fine copy, neat, a very rare and curious tract, 1 Os. Gd. sine ulld notd. *** Apparently undescribed by bibliographers. 1576 Ciceronis Orationis, Fragmentum quod extat pro Q. Roscio Comciedo, cum F. Sylvii Commcntariis, ito. fine copy, in old calf, gilt, 10s. Gd. - - Paris. 153i2 U 146 THOMAS Thorpe's 1577 Ciceronis Partitiones Oratorise Jacobi Lodici Strebaei; M, Ant. Majoragii, ac Barih. Latomi Commentariis illustratae, et D. Lambini Annotationibus, impensa Jo. Bapt. Pellizzarii, et Opera Christoph. Draconii, 4to. very fine copy, elegantly hound in morocco, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. Cremonce, 1588 *»* With the Aldine device in the title. 1578 Ciceronis Oratio pro M. Fonteio, cum F. Sylvii Commentariis, 4:10. fine copy, in old calf, gilt, 105. 6rf. Paris. 1530 1579 Ciceronis Oratio pro A. Cluentio, cum Sylvii Commentariis, 4:10. fine copy, in old calf, gill, 10s. 6d. Paris. 1531 1580 Ciceronis Oratio pro L. Murena, cum F. Sylvii Commentariis, 4:to.fine copy, old calf, gilt, lOs. 6d. Paris. 1532 1581 Ciceronis Oratio pro Aulo Licinio Archia Poeta, adnotatiun- culis B. Latomi illustrata, Paris, 1538. — Enarrationes Bar- tholomsei Latomi in Partitiones Oratorias Ciceronis, ih. 1539. — Enarrationes Barth. Latomi in Topica Ciceronis, ib. 1539, in 1 vol. 4:to. fine copies, very neat, 10s. 6d. 1582 Ciceronis De Lege Agraria Orationes IIL cum scholiis Jacobi Bugelii, Leod. a Quercu, et Eubuli Dynateri, 4to.Jine copy, iti old calf, gilt, 10s. 6d. - Paris. 1540 1583 Ciceronis De Lege Agraria Orationes IIL cum Proelectioni- bus Petri Rami, Paris. 1561. — Leodegarii a Quercu Ani- madversiones in Petri Rami Commentaries, i6. 1553, in one vol. 4to. fine copies, old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. 1584 Ciceronis Oratio pro P. Quintio, Fr. Sylvii Commentariis et Bartbolomaei Latomi Scboliis illustrata, 4to. fine copy, in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. - - Paris. 1543 1585 Ciceronis pro Q. Ligario ad C. Csesarem Oratio, Georgii Me- rulse, Fr. Silvii, Bartbolomaei Latomi, etc. lucubrationibus illustrata, 4to.Jine copy, in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. Paris. 1543 1586 Ciceronis in L. Catilinam Oratio Invectiva, item L. Sergii Invectivae Duae, 4to. fine copy, old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. Paris. 1544 1587 Ciceronis pro M. Caelio Oratio, cum Commentariis Jo. Tislini, Bartb. Latomi, et Philippi Melancthonis, 4to. fine copy, neat, 10s. 6d. - - - Paris. 1544 1588 Ciceronis pro C. Rabirio Perduellionis Reo, Oratio, Paris. 1545. — Eadem, cura P. Rami, ib. 1551. — Eadem, cum Com- mentario Adr. Turnebi, ib. 1553, in 1 vol. 4to. fine copies, in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. 1589 Ciceronis pro Rege Deiotaro ad C. Caesarem Oratio, Fr. Sylvii, B. Latomi, Jacobi Bugelii, Ger. Bucoldianiet Antonii Luschii lucubrationibus explicata, 4to. fine copy, in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. - - Paris. 1547 1590 Ciceronis Epistola nona ad P. Lentulum, dialecticis rerum summis illustrata, 410. fine copy, old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. Paris. 1550 1591 Ciceronis Qusestiones Academicae, Paris. 1550. — Ejusdem De Natura Deorum, lib. III. ib. 1550, 4to. very fine copies, 10s. (id. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 147 1592 Ciceronis Opera Varia : sc. De Invcntione seu Arte Rheto- rica, Paris. 1543.--De Oratore, ib. 1544. — De Claris Ora- toribus, ib. 1550. — Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino Oratio, i6. 1550. — Pro Lege Manilla Oratio, ib. 1550. — Pro T. Annio Milone Oratio, ib. 1550. — Pro Q. Ligario Oratio, ib. 1550. — Pro M. Marcello Oratio, ib. 1550. — Orationes III. ante exilium, post reditum et ad Quirites, ib. 1552, in 1 vol. 4to. Jine copies, in old calf, scarce, 1/. Is. 1593 Ciceronis Topica, Audomarsi Talaei Praelectionibus explicata, 4to. Jine clean copy, in old calf gilt, 8s. Paris. 1550 1594 Ciceronis de Partionibus Oratoriis Dialogus, cum Commenta- riis et Explicationibus locorunj difficiliorura, 4to. fine copy, in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d, - Paris. 1585 1595 Ciceronis Defensiones contra Celii Calcagnini Disquisitionesin ejus Officia, per Jacobum Grifolium Lucinianensem, Venetiis, Aldi flii, 1546. — Aristotelis Poetica, Gr. et Lat. per Alex- andrura Paccium, Patritium Florentinum, ib. in cedibiis hcere- dum Aldi, et And. Asulani, 1536, in 1 vol. 8vo. fine copies, very neat, \l. lis. Qd. •** Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 3/. 1596 Ciceronis Defensiones contra Celii Calcagnini disquisitiones in ejus Officia, per Jac. Grifolium, Venet. ap. Aldifilios, 1546. — Jac. Prasfecti, de Diversorum Vini generum Natura liber, ib. ex off. Jordani Ziletti, 1559, Svo. vellum, 18s. %* The first book only sold in Sir M. M, Sykes's sale for 11. 10s. 1597 Ciceronis Defensiones contra Celii Calcagnini Disquisitiones in ejus Officia, per Jac. Grifolium, Svo. neat, scarce, 10s. 6d. Paris. Le Rich, 1548 ^% With the device of the double anehor on the title. " Les Editions de Le Riche, approchant de I'elegance de celles de Manuce, sur bon papier, sont de- venus rares." — Renouardi 1598 Ciceronis Fragmenta, passim dispersa, Caroli Sigonii diligentia collecta, et scholiis illustrata, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. fine copy, vellum, 18s. - Venet. Zilettus, 1560-1 *,»* Printed with Aldine types. 1599 Ciceronis Fragmenta, cum And. Patricii Annotationibus, 4to. fne copy, h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. - Venet. Zilettus, 1565 •«* Printed with Aldine type. 1600 Ciceronis Consolatio, vel de luctu minuendo; Fragmenta ejus a Sigonio et Patritio exposita ; Ant. Riccoboni Judicium, quo illam Ciceronis non esse ostendit ; Sigonii pro eadem Orationes II. 12mo._^ne copy, in old red morocco, rare, 12s. Bononice, 1583 *»* This is the celebrated tract, which, on its first publication, caused so much controversy in the literary world. Sigonius asserted that he published it from a recently discovered manuscript of Cicero ; Riccoboni and Lipsius impugned its genuineness, which Sigonius stoutly defended, 1601 Cicero.— Commentationes diversorum in Epistolas Familiares Ciceronis, Svo. vellum, 2s. 6d. H. Slephanus, 1557 148 THOMAS Thorpe's 1602 Cicero. — In Omnes Ciceronis Epistolas, doctorum aliquot Virorum Scholia eruditissima, quibus supra editionem priorem accesserunt nunc demum Pauli Manutii Annota- tiones et Castigationes, 8vo. fine copy, in the original binding, 5s. 6d. - - - Basil. 1540 1603 Cicero. — In M. T. Cic. Partitiones Oratories Annotationes Aud. Talaei, 4to./we copy., in old calf gill, 8s. Paris. 1551 1604 Cicero. — Dissertatio Philosophico-critica de Pliilosophia? CiceroniansB loco, qui est de divina Natura, prajside Dan. Wyttenbachio, 4to. sewed, 3s. - Jmst. 1783 1605 Cicero. — Curse Novissimae in Ciceronis Tusculanas Quaes- tiones, Auctore H. F. Nissan, l2mo. served, Is. Gd. Allonce, 1793 1606 Cicero. — Disputatio Juris de loco Ciceronis qui est de finibus bonorum et malorum, proponit D. Jac. van Lennep, 4to. sewed, 4*. - . - Amst. 1793 1607 Cicero. — Disputatio, de Tullio Tirone, Ciceronis Liberto preside Dav. Jac. Van Lennep, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1804 1608 Cicerone Filippiche contra Marco Antonio, fatte volgari per Girol. Ragazzoni, 4to. Jine clean copy, vellum, 8s. Venet. P. Manutio, 1556 1609 Cicero's Cato Major; or the Book of Old Age, now excel- lently Englished by William Austin, engraved title, by T. Goddard, 12mo. scarce, 6s. - - 1648 %* This first edition is not mentioned in the Bibliographer's Manual. 1610 Cicero's Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old Age, with explanatory notes, Svo. clean copy, scarce, 10s. 6c?. Philadelphia, by B. Franklin, 1744 %* This is the first translation of a Classic in the United States. 1611 Cicero's Thoughts on Religion, Man, Eloquence, Wisdom, Passions, Old Age, Friendship, Death, &c. with Olivet's Notes, Latin, French, and English, 12mo. neat, 5s. 1750 1612 Cicero. — Proposals for Printing in English, the Select Ora- tions of Cicero, according to the last Oxford edition, by H. Elbeck, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - 1720 1613 CiD. — Chronica llamada sumraa de las cosas maravillosas que hizo en su Villa el muy noble y bien afortunado Cavallero el Cid, Ruy Diaz de Bivar, curious mood-cut title, 4to. mo- rocco elegant, gilt edges, 51. 5s. - Sevilla, 1568 %* An edition of the greatest rarity, unknown to most bibliographers. A copy of that of 1593, by no means so rare as the present, sold in tlie White Knights sale for 13/. 5s. 1614 Cingularii (Hieron.) tersissima Latini Eloquii Synonymorum collectanea, annexus est Tractatulus utilissimus de vocum proprietatibus seu terminorum difFerentiis, 4to. fine copy, very neat, rare, 18s. - - Lips. 1514 1615 Cingularii Artis Grammaticae Observationes, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. . - . Lips. 1515 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 149 16IG Cingularii de Componendis Epistolis Opellum utilissimuni politissimumque, 4to. 3s, - Lips. 1515 1617 Cinthio (Giraldi) Orbecche Tragedia, the counterfeit of the Aldine edition, with portrait on the title, 1547.— La Gelosia, Comedia, d'Ant. Fr. Grazini, Giunti, 1582. — La Spagnola, Comedia di M. And. Calmo, Vcnetia, 1566. — Le due Corti- giane, Comedia di M. Lodovico Domenichi, Fe72cer Uicron. Sonchium, 151G *^* The productions of this printer, which are very few, and all of extreme rarity, are considered as forming part of an Aldine collection. Soncinus, as he himself informs us, in his edition of Petrarch in 1503, purchased his types from the same fount as Aldus, and thus the italic character was used at Fano almost as soon as by Aldus at Venice, who is generally considered to have been the inventor of it. Brunet calls this a rare edition : and from his manner of writing the co- lophon, it would appear he had never seen it. 1666 Clergy's Apparel. — Examination for the tyme of a certain Declaration, lately put in print in the name of certaine Mi- nisters in London, refusing to weare the apparel prescribed by the lawes and orders of the realme, to which is added the judgment of two notable learned fathers, Doctors Bucer and Martin, some tyme in eyther Universities here of Eng- land, the Kynge's Readers and Professors of Divinity, 4to. very neat, scarce, 18s. - R. Jugge, (1566) 16G7 Clergy's Apparel. — An Answere for the Tyme to the Exa- mination put in Print, without the Author's name, pretending to mayntayne the Apparell prescribed against the Declara- tion of the Mynisters of London, 12rao. very scarce, lOs. 6d. 1566 *,* Printed abroad. 1668 Gierke's (Will.) Triall of Bastardie, that part of the Second part of Policie, or Manner of Government of the Realme of England, so termed Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall, with Treatise touching the prohibition of Marriage, with table of the Levi- ticall, English, and positive Canon Catalogues, with the three folding tables, which are seldom found in the book, 4to. fne copy, 105. 6d. - - - 1594 1669 Clichtoveus (Judocus) de vera Nobilitate Opusculum, 4to. scarce, 4s. - - - Paris. 1512 1670 Clichtovei de Mystica niimerorum Significatione Opusculum, Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1513. — MWa, Laelia Crispis, Epi- taphium Antiquum quod in agro Bononiensi ad hue videtur; a diversis hactenus interpretatum varie, novissime autem, a Ricardo Vito Basinstochio amicorum precibus explicatum, Patavii, 1568, in 1 vol. 4to. vellum, 5s. 1671 Clichtoveus de Vita et Moribus Sacerdotum, Paris, ex off. Simonis Colincei, 1520. — Ejusdem de Doctrina Moriendi Opusculum, mood-cut, ib. id. 1520, 4to. neat, gilt edges, ds. 1672 Clive's (Robt. Lord) Letter to the Directors of the East India Company, 1806. — Sir P. Francis's Speeches on the Mahratta War, carried on by Lord Wellesley, 1805. — The Carnatic Question considered ; or Deposition of tlie Son of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, by Lord Wellesley, 1801. — C. Maclean's Letters to Lord Wellesley on the Regulations made by him in India for the better Management of the Press, with the Marquis's Edict for Regulating the same, 1806, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 6d. X 154 THOMAS Thorpe's 1673 Clusa (Jacobl de) in Erfordia, Tractatus de Apparitionlbos Animarum post exitum earum a Corporibus et de earundem receptaculis, Jirst edition, folio, fine copy, extra, gilt edge», rare, \l. \5s. - Burgdorf, MCCCCLXXV. *,* Sold in the La Valliere sale for 60 francs, Mac Carthy for 59 francs, and an " indifferent copy'' in 1829, for 21. 19s. 1C74 Cluverii (Phil.) Introductio in Universam Geographiam, 12mo. uncut, elegantly bound in morocco, with joints, top edges gilt, ll. 5s. - Amst. Elzevir, 1677 1675 Cobarrubias (Pedro de) Remedio de Jugadores, very fine large copy, 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, excessively rare, 41. 4s. Burgos, 1519 %* First edition of this extremely rare and curious work. 1G76 Cobarrubias (Pedro de) Remedio de Jugadores, a very curious history and treatise on Chess, and various other games, 4to. neat, 1 1, lis. 6d. - - Salamanca, 1543 *»• " Ouvrage curieux, ou il est traite de toutes sortes de divertissemens, divii-es en spirituels, humains et diaboliques.'* 1677 Cocaii (Merlini) Macaronicorum Poema, Baldus, Zanitonella, Mosclisea, Epigrainmata, . 12ino. h. h. morocco, a very rare edition, \5s. - - Cijmdce, (1530) •,* '* Zeuo, dans ses notes sur Fontanini, cite cette edition comme la meil- leure et la moins connue que l*on ait de ces Macaronica ; il conjecture, d'apres lalettre de Fr. Folengi place au commencement, qu'elle a ete impr. a. Venise eii 1330, par Alex. Paganino. Cette 6dition a le merite d'avoir ete revue par I'au- teur, qui a cherche a y perfectionner son ouvrage, mais qui en meme temps y a adouci plusieurs traits satiriques qu'il se repentait d'avoir iuserees dans la pre- miere edition." — Brunei. 1678 Cocaii Macaronicorum Poemata, curious cuts, 12mo. neat, 6s. 6d. - - - Venet. 1554. *„* The White Knights copy sold for 18s. and the present was purchased in the Roxburghe sale for the same sum. 1679 Cochlsei de Matrimonio Regis Anglise Henrici Octavi, Con» gratulatio disputatoria, 4to.^Me copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, \l. lis. Qd. ~ Lipsies, 1535 %* A very interesting volume, on the marriage of Henry VIII. and Catherine of Arragon. 1680 Cochlaei Scopa in Araneas R. Morysini Angli, Lips. 1538. — De immensa Dei Misericordia erga Germanos ex Collatione Ser- monum Jo. Hus ad unum sermonem Mart. Lutheri, ib. 1538. — Conquestio de calamitoso in praesens rerum Christianarum statu G. VVicelii, ib. 1538. — Sperandani esse in brevi Vic- toriam adversus Turcam Jo. Eckii Homelise V. ex Biblia desumptae, Aug. Vind. 1532. — Eckii de Supremo Dominio Decisio, Ingolstad. 1532, in one vol. 4:\.o.Jine copies, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 12s. 6d. *,* This first piece is very rare and interesting ; it treats of the divorce of Henry Vlll. and Catherine of Arragon, in which the writer is very severe on Henry and his defenders, and has much the best of the argument in the second and fourth chapters, which treat on the king's divorce, and the violent death of Sir 'I'homas More. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 155 ICSl CocUlaei (Joannis) Graramatica, 4:10. fine copy^ 7s. Argent. 1515 1G82 Cochran. — Life of Sir Robt. Cochran, Prime Minister of Kinjj James II. of Scotland, 8vo. sewed, 3s. - 1734 1683 Cockburni (Patricii) Scoti, de vulgari Sacrre Scripturae phrasi, lib. II. Quorum prior de peccato in Spiritum Sanctum (quod alias ad mortem et irremissibile vocant) tractat : posterior vero diiiicillimas quosque et obscurissimas utriusque instru- menti locos hactenus a multis maleintellectos, et prius adhuc interpretatos summa cum diligentia et fidelitate explicat, cum Appendice nova et Tabula ab ipso authore descripta in gra- tiam studiosorum, 8vo. very scarce, ll. I Is. 6d. Parisus,,\o58 *„* Dedicated to James Stuart, Abbot of St. Andrew's, and son of King James V. Orme says that it is among the scarcest in Scotish literature ; and that the only copy which he had seen was in the Advocates' library. The author was uiuch celebrated for his piety as well as learning. IGS^ Cockin's (W.) Occasional Attempts in Verse, Svo. boards, uncut, rare, \0s. 6d. - - Kendal, 1776 *,• Privately printed for presents. No specimen of printing is mentioned by Dr C otton at the above place. 1G85 Codri Orationes, Epistolae, Silvse, Satyrae, Eglogae, Epigram- mata, 4to. fine copy, rich old morocco, marbled edges, scarce, \Os.C)d. - - Paris. J. Petit, 1515 1686 Codrington's (Robt.) Life and Death of the Illustrious Robert Earl of Essex, containing at large the Wars he managed and the commands he had in Holland, the Palatine, and in ^ng- ]an(], frontispiece, 4to. 7s. 6d. - 1646 1687 CoefFeteau (F.N.) Responce a i'Advertiscment addresse par le Roy Jacques I. & tons les Princes et Potentats de la Chres- tiente, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, scarce, 7s, 6d. Rouen, 161Q 1688 Coegli (Gasparo) Litera Annale del Giapone delle cose ivi successe I'anno 1582, al Rev. P. Generale della Compagnia di Giesu, Venetia, app. Gioliti, 1585. — Nuovo Avisi del Gi- apone con alcuni altri della Cina del, 1583 et 1584, ib. id. 1586, in one vol. Svo. vellum, scarce and interesting, 12s. 1689 Cognati (Gilb.) Brevis ac Dilucida Burgundies Superioris Descriptio, item brevis totius GallifE Descriptio per eundem, cuts of arms, 8vo. vellum, scarce, 6s. Basil. Oporinus, 1552 1690 Coinage. — A most valuable and interesting collection of One HUNDRED AND FIFTY BoOKS AND TrACTS RELATING TO THE Coinage, Establishment and Progress of the Bank of- England, Finance, Currency, &c. in 6 vols. 4to. and 6 vols. 8vo. in all 12 vols, uniformly bound in calf, very neat, ^51. - - 1611-1812 *»* So extensive a collection as the present, of Tracts(many of which are very rare) on this important subject, has probably never before been offered for sale, and they ought to be deposited in some public library. The foundation of this probably unique collection was made by Rogers Ruding, author of the treatise upon the Coinage of England, to which collection was added an extensive series formed by the Rev. Mr. Raker, of St. John's College, Cambridge, the late Ser- jeant Hcywood, and from various other collections. It must be seen to be duly appreciated. A brief list of the titles of each work may be had for iusp*;ctiou. 156 THOMAS Thorpe's 1691 Coin. — Ordonnance du Roy et de sa cour des Monnoyes, con- tenant les pris et poix, tant des Monnoyes de France qu'es- trangeres, d'or et d'argent, &c. Paris, 1555. — Remonstrances par C. Turquam, General des Monnoyes, ib. 1573. — Advis de M. Thomas Turquam, pour deliberer sur les meraoires presentez au Roy, afin d'abolir le comte a sols, et a livres, et d'oresenavant faire tous contracts et obligations a escus, ib, 1578. — Ordonnance du Roy, sur le faict et Reglement gene- ral de ses Monnoyes, many plates of the various coins, with their value, ib. 1578. — Edict du Roy portant nouvelle fabri- cation d'especes d'argent, augmentation du marc d'argent le Roy, et des Quarts d'escu, Testons, et Francs, aux coins et armes de sa Majeste etans de leur juste poids, &c. ib. 1641. — Arrest de la Cour des Monnoyes, portant le prix pour lequel les especes d'argent doivent estre exposees, ib. 1641. — Edict du Roy portant nouvelle fabrication d'especes d'Ar- gent, Augmentation du Marc d'Argent le Roy, et des Quarts d'Escu, Testons, et Francs, aux coins et armes de sa Majeste estans de leur juste poids, &c. with plates of the various coins^ Sj-c. ib. 1644, in 5 vols. 8vo. very neat, 2l. I2s. Cyd. %* An interesting article to the coin collector, being interleaved with copious MS. notes and additions in a contemporary French hand. 1692 Coins. — Ordonnance du Roy, contenant le pois, et pris des especes d'Or et d'Argent, ausquelles le diet seigneur a per- mis avoir cours et mises en son Royaume, pais, terres et seig- neuries de son obeissance, avec le descry, tant des monnoyes rongnees et legeres, que de certaines especes d'Or et d'Ar- gent, et de bellon estrangeres, cuts, Svo. neat, scarce, 7s. 6d, Paris, 1565 1693 Coin. — Jac. Bornitii de Nummis in Repub. percutiendis et conservandis lib. II. ex Systemate politico deprompti, //ano- vice, 1608. — De Augmento ac Variatione Monetarum trac- tatus Casp, Ant. Thesauri, Francof. 1610, in one vol. 4to. neat, from Thuanus's collection, with his arms on the sides, lOs. 6d. 1694 Coin, &c. — R. Vaughan's Discourse of Coin and Coinage, the first Invention, Use, Matter, Forms, Proportions, &c. 1675. — Discourse concerning Coining the new Money lighter, in Answer to Locke, by Nic. Barbon, 1696. — An Advice for the Paymaster and Receiver of any English Gold now cur- rent, whereby they may be assured of the true Value thereof, and what Abatement is to be made in proportion to the want in Weight, 1729, in one vol. 12mo. very neat, scarce, 9s. 1695 Coin. — Response a M. G. ou Ton examine plusieurs questions d'antiquite, et entr'autres la Dissertation publiee depuis peu sur le Gallien d'or du Cabinet du Roy par M. Baudelot, plates of coins, Svo. vellum, 2s. 6d. Paris, 1698 1696 Coins. — Othouis Sperlingii de Nummorum Bracteatorum et Cavorum nostras ac superioris aetatis origine ct progressu ad Jac. a Mcllcn, Epistola, plaies, 4to. scarce, 4s. Lubecce, 1 700 CATALOGUE OF LOOKS. 157 1697 Coins. — Bibliotheca Bibllothecarum, accedit Bibliotheca Num- inaria in duas Partes tributa, I. de Antiquis Numismatibus, II. de Monetis, Ponderibus et Mensuris, cura et studio P. Labbe, additus Jo. Seldeni Liber de Nummis, 8vo. neat, 5s. Rothomagi, 1678 1698 Coin. — Lowndes's Report, containing an Essay for the Amend- ment of the Silver Coins, 1695. — The Regulation of Silver Coin made Practicable and Easy to the Government and Subject, 1696. — Short but thorough search into what may be the real Cause of the present Scarcity of our Silver Coin, &c. 1717, in one vol. 8vo. very neat, 7s. 6d. 1699 Coin. — Discourse of Paper Credit, Paper Money, Paper Riches, and State of our Coin, privately printed, rvith some Manuscript Papers, by Mr. Pollexfen, on the subject, Svo. 5s. 1700 1700 Coin. — Locke's Treatise of raising our Coin, 1718. — Essay on Money and Bullion, 1718.. — Account of all the Gold and Silver Coins ever used in England, 1718.— Thoughts on our Silver Coin, 1718. — Remarks upon the scarcity of our Silver Coin, 1718. — Letter to a M. P. relating to the Coin, 1718, in one vol. Svo. 10s. 6rf. 1701 Coins. — Observations on Coin in general, 1730. — Observa- tions on the present condition of the current Coin of this Kingdom, by Peter Vallavine, 1742. — Corbyn Morris on the Causes of the present Scarcity of Silver Coin, 1757. — Considerations on the present Scarcity of Silver Coin, 1759. -.-Sentiments offered to the Public for the coining 40,000/. worth of Silver, by S. Clarke, 1771. — Letter to the Mem- bers of Parliament on the present State of the Coinage, 1771. — Remarks on the Coinage of England, from the earliest to the present time, by Walter Merrey, Nottingham, 1789. — Thoughts on a New Coinage of Silver, by Dorrien Magens, 1798, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, a scarce and inter- esting collection, made by Isaac Reed, 1 1. 5s. 1702 Coins. — Twenty-four Catalogues of Collections of Greek, Roman, British, Saxon, English and Scotch, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Brass Medals and Coins, sold by Auction in London, by Langford, Gerard, Paterson, Hutchins, Barford, Skinner, and Denew, including many very fine and rare, 21. 2s. 1774-86 *f,* The above scarce, and to the collector, very interesting series of coin cata- logues, contains those formed by Dr. Ducarel, T. J. Selby, Esq. G. Smart, Esq. Rev. W. Gosling, Canon of Canterbury, G. Scott, Esq. Rev. T. Penrose, Mr. Ibbott, G. Lindegnemen, lugham Foster, C. Lindegren, Rev. S. Walker, M. Duane, F.R. and A.S. two parts, M. C. Tutet, Rev. Dr. Russell, Sir C. Frederick, &c. some of the catalogues contain also antiquities, <5fc. 1703 Coins. — Seven Sale Catalogues of Collections sold by auction, being duplicates of the above, including G. Smart, I. Foster, C. Lindegren, Rev. S. Walker, Sir C. Frederick, and two others, \0s. 6d. - - 1777-86 158 THOMAS Thorpe's 1704 Coins. — The Episcopal Coins of Durham, and the Monastia Coins of Reading, with Notes and Illustrations, privately printed, 8vo. half bound russioy 8s. Gd. Newcastle, 1817 1705 Cokaine's (Sir Aston) Obstinate Lady, a ComeAy, first edition, 4to. half hound, neat, 7s. 6d. - 1657 170G Colardeau (Juliani) Larvina Satyricon in Chorearum Lasciviaa et PersonataTripudia, 12mo. neat, scarce, 7s. Gd. Paris. 1619 1707 Colbatch's (Sir John) Dissertation concerning Misletoe; a most Wonderful Specific Remedy for the Cure of Convulsive Distempers, both parts, 1723. — Catalogue of Dr. Askew's Manuscripts, 1785. — The Conduct of his Majesty's late Ministers considered, as it affected the East India Company and Mr, Hastings, by Major John Scott, 1784. — Brian Ed- wards's Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government, respecting the Trade of the East India Islands with North America, 1784. — Advice to the Protestant Clergy of Ireland^ Dublin, 1787. — Remarks on some proceedings at the late Election at Winchester College; and the case of the Masters of the School fairly stated, 1767. — The Craftsman's Doctrine and Practice of the Liberty of the Press, 1732. — The Grand Accuser, the greatest of all criminals, 1735. — The Present State of Trinity College, Cambridge, in a Letter from Dr. R. Bentley, the Master, to the Bishop of Ely, 1710. — J. Ber- kenhout's Essay on the Bite of a Mad Dog, in which the claim to Infallibility of the Principal Preservative Remedies against the Hydrophobia is examined, 1783, in 1 vol. Svo. half bound, neat, 7s. Gd. 1708 Colbertina Bibliotheca : seu Catalogus Bibliothecae J. B. Col- bert, priced, 3 vols. Svo. very neat, 7s. Gd. Paris. 1728 1709 Colbert (Jean Baptiste) Eloge de, Svo. sewed, 2s. 1773 1710 Cole (Gul.) Oratio de Ridiculo, habita Cantabrigiae in Scholis Publicis, 1780 ; accedit etiam, ab eodem Scriptum, Carmen Comitiale, privately printed by the late Duke of Marlborough, 4to. elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, \l. Us. Gd. - ' - 1811. *^* Dedicated to Eton College. The above was his Grace's own copy. 1711 Coleccion de Poesias Castellanas anteriores al Siglo XV. pre- ceden Noticias para la Vida del primer Marques de Santil- lana : y la Carta que escribio al Condestable de Portugal sobre el origen de nuestra Poesia, ilustrada con Notas por D. Thomas Antonio Sanchez, 4 vols. Svo. boards, uncut, \Gs. Madrid, 1779-90 *,* "Collection fort bien executee et trfes estimee." — Brunei. It is the only collection of the oldest Spanish poets, and is now become very scarce in Spain. Sold at Mr. Evans's, Jan. 13, 1825, for -21. 10s. 1712 Coligny (Gaspard de) Amiral de France, Vie de, 12mo. scarce, 4:s. Gd. - - Cologne, P. Marteau, IGSG 1713 Colina;i (Jac.) de Memoria Artificiosa Opusculum, partim ex Cicerone et (iuintiliano, partim ex divo Thoma Aquinate, conflatum, 4to. velhrn, scarce, 7s, Gd, Paris, 1515 CATALOGUE OF TIOOKS. 159 1714 CbUacrt (Adrian) Virginis Marifc Vita, represented in a beau- tiful series of twenty Engravings by A. CoUaert, n;i7A borders of Jlorvers, insects, and birds, brilliant impressions, mounted upon drawing paper, square 8vo. very neat, 15s. Antverpioi 1715 Collatii (Petri Apollonii) Presbyteri Novariensis, Excidii Jero- solymitani lib. IV. Carmine, opera et studio Joannis Gagnasi, Jirst edition, 12mo. half bound, morocco, very scarce. Is. 6d. Paris. Le Rich, 1540 1716 CoUenucii (Pandulphi) Apologl IV. Agenoria, Miropenes, Alithia et Bonibarda, pro labore, virtute et arte, contra Fraudem, Hypocrisim, etc. etc. 4to. scarce, 5s. 6d. Argentorati, 1511 1717 Collenuccio (Pandolpho) Apologo intilulato Specchio di Esopo, 4to. fine copy, vellum, scarce, 10s. 6c/. Roma, 1526 *,* Apparently unkuown to Brunnt and other bibliographers. 1718 CoUings' (John) Shepherd's Wanderings discovered, in a Re- vindication of the great Ordinance of God, Gospel Preachers and Preaching, in answer to Mr. Sheppard's book, called the People's Privileges and Duty guarded against the Pulpit and Preacher's encroachment, &c. 4to. neat, 10s. 6rf. 1652 1719 Collins. — Catalogue of the Library of Anthony Collins, Esq. both parts, with some prices, Svo. nt. very scarce, I Os. Gd. 1 73 1 1720 CoUins's (Arthur) Peerage of England, third edition, with cuts of arms, 2 vols. Svo. large paper, neat, scarce, I5s. 1714 1721 Collins's Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments, on Claims and Controversies, concerning Baronies by Writ, and other Honours, with Appendix, folio, neat, \l. 5s. 1734 •,• Sold in the Fonthill sale for 21. 12s. 6d. 1722 Collins's (J.) Plea for the bringing in of Irish Cattel, and keep- ing out Fish caught by Foreigners, with Address of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, about the advancement of Tin, Fishery, and divers Manufactures, 4to. scarce and inte- resting treatise, 7s. - - 1680 1723 Colloquiorum Familiarium incerto auctore libellus, Gr. et Lat. non pueris modo sed quibusvis, in cotidiano colloquio, grae- cum afFectantibus sermonem, impendio futurus utilis, 4to. scarce, 5s. - - Lovanii., T. Martin, 1517 1724 Colman's (George) Dramatick Works, 4 vols. 8vo. very neat, 1/. Is. - - - - 1777 1725 Colman.— Particulars of the Life of George Colman, Esq. (father of the late George Colman) written by himself, and delivered by him to R. Jackson, Esq. his Executor, for publication after his decease, portrait, Svo. sewed, 4s. 1795 1726 Coloma (Don Juan) Decada de la Passion de Jesu Christo con otra obra intitulada Cantico de su gloriosa resurreccion, ISmo.^ne copy of a very scarce and beautiful poetical volume, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 2l. 2s. - Caller, 1576 *«* The first book printed in Sardinia. The earliest Cagliari book which Dr. Cotton had met with, was printed in 1628. IGO tHOMAs Thorpe's 1727 Colomesii (Paul!) Italia et Hispania OrientaliSj slve Italorum et Hispanorum qui Linguam Hebraeam vel alias orientales excoluerunt, Vitae, Wolfio, 4to. neat, 5s. 6d. Hamb. 1730 1 728 Colonies. — Considerations on the propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, 4to. sewed, 3s. - 1765 1729 Colonna (Augustino da) Opera novamente composta del Dis- prezamento del mondo in terza rima et hystoriata, with curious wood-cuts, 12mo. calf extra, gill edges, scarce, \2s. Venetia, per Nicolo Zopino, 1524 1730 Colpas's (And.) Rhythmical Composition of some conspicuous Affairs of this World, 4to. 3s. Winchester, 1732 1731 Columbus. — Epistola Christofori Colon (cui aetas nostra multum debet) de Insulis Indiee supra Gangem nuper inven- tis : ad quas perquirendas octavo antea mense auspiciis et ere invictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat : ad dominum Raphaelem Sanxis, ejusdem serenissimi Regis Thesaurarium missa : quam nobilis ac literatus vir Aliander de Cosco ab Hispano Idiomate in Latinum convertit, first EDITION, 4to. remarkably fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, EXCESSIVELY RARE, 13/. 13s. (Romce, per Stephanum Planck) MCCCCXCIII. *»* Sold in the Conde sale for 35/. 14s. 6d. 1732 CoLUMBi Epistola, fourth edition, with curious wood-cuts, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, excessively rare, 71. 7s. Basilece, per J. B. de Olpe, MCCCCXCIIII. *•* Washington Irving, in his life of Columbus, is very eloquent in praise of the language used in this first document ever printed relative to the discovery of America, and he considers it, on the whole, as far more authentic and valuable than the subsequent works of other authors, who, for the most part, wrote of things they never saw, and who recorded circumstances and deeds as facts, which were entirely fictitious, and existed only in their own imaginations. All other writers, since the discovery of these precious gems, unite in admiration and the warmest eulogiums of their merit and extraordinary rarity, and some state, " Every word of the letter should be incorporated in all future histories of America." Dr. Robertson, notwithstanding his great research, was totally unacquainted with their existence. 1733 Columbus. — Historie del Signor D. Fernando Columbo, nelle quali s'ha particolare, et vera Relatione della Vita, e de' fatti dell ammiraglio, D. Christophoro Colombo, suo Padre, e dello Scoprimento, ch'egli fece dell' Indie Occidentali, detto Mondo nuovo, tradotte dal Alfonso Ulloa, rare, Venetia, 1G76. — Noticie Historiche del Regno dell' Ungaria, Fen. 1688. — Ceremoniale nella Coronatione della Maesta dell' Imperatrice Eleanora Madalena Theresa, Fen. 1690, in one vol. 12mo. vellum, fine copies, \l. \\s. Qd. *^* The author was born at Cordova in 1487. Accompanied his father in his fourth voyage of discovery in 1502, after whose death he made two voyages to the New World. He was an eye-witness to the facts which he relates in the .ibove volume, particularly the fourth voyage of his father, whose papers and charts he possessed. " His work is an invaluable document, entitled to great faith, and is the corner slotic of the History of the American continent." CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 161 1734 Columbi (Joannis) Manuasccnsis, Opuscula Varia Historica, scil. De Cartusianoriiin initiis : Virgo Romigcria : Gulicl- mus Junior, Comes Forcalqueiii : De rebus gestis Episco- porum Sistrariensium, Vivarisiensium, Valcntinorum et Dien- sium, lib. XII. cum Appendicc, quae habct Epistolam Jo. de Burnius Arcliiepiscopi Vicnncnsis ct SufTraganeorum ad Gre- gorium IX. Pontificem, postulantium anno 1231 canoni- zationcm Stephani e Cartusiano Episcopi Diensis mortui anno 1208, et Vitiim Amedei RossilionaRi, etc. : De rebus gestis Episcoporum Vasionensium : De Manucsca Urbe Provincial lib. III. : Noctes Blancalandanac; : Dissertatinncula de In- corruptione Corporis I'liilibertae a Sabaudiae Ducissae Ne- morosii : De gcnte Simianoca lib. IV. : Appendix ad Noctes Blancalandanas, folio, Jine copy, in the original hindingy a scarce historical work, I5s. - Lvgdutii, 1675 1735 Columbre (Agosiino) de Santo Sevcro, Opera de Manus- chansia, 8vo. Jine copy, very neat, 7s. 6d. Fincgia, Sabio, 1536 1736 Colvile's Par£Enese, or admonition (lately returnit to tbe Catholique Romane Religion, in vliilk he was baptesit and broclit up till he had full 14 years of age) unto his Cuntrcy Men, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 2l, 12s. 6d. Paris, 1G02 1737 Combar. — The Triumph of Faith over Death, in a Panegyrick on the Life and Death of Dr. Combar, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Dean of Carlisle, with Funeral Sermon, by R. Boieman, 4to. sewed, 5s. - 1654 1738 Comedie.' — La Portia, Comedia di Gioscppe Leggiadro Ga- lanni, s. a. — Comedia, Chiamata II Frappa da Massimo Cammello, no title, 1666, in one vol. 12mo. vellum, both very rare, 5s. 1739 Comenius (J. Amos) Reformation of Schooles, designed in Two excellent Treatises, shewing the great necessity of a General Reformation of Common Learning, the grounds and hope for such, and how it may be brought to pass, 4to. 4s. - - - - 1G42 17'10 Comets. — The Blazing Star, or a Discourse of Comets, their natures and effects, 1664. — Gadbury's Discourse of the Na- tures and Effects of Comets, with a brief yet full Account of the three late Comets, visible to all Europe, and what they portend, &c. curious plate, 1665. — Mementos to the World ; or an Historical Collection of divers Wonderful Comets and Prodigious Signs in the Heaven, that have been seen ; like- wise Stella Nova, or the New Star, or an Account of the natural signification of the Comet so long visible in England, by W. Knight, 1680. — Tables of the apparent Places of the Comet of 1661, whose return is expected in 1789, to which is added a new Method of using the Reticule Rhomboide, by Sir Henry Englcficld, 1788, in all four tracts, 4to. scarce and curious, 1 5 s. Y 162 THOMAS Thorpe's 1741 Coming's (Fowler) Vindication of the Printed Hebrew Tox8 of the Old Testament, in Answer to Kennicott's Dissertation, 8vo. sewed, scarce, 3s. - Oxford, 1753 1742 Commonwealth. — Violet on the Proceedings concerning the Samson, Salvador, and George, in the High Court of Admiraltie, rvith (he folding list of Dutch prizes, 1653. — Violet's Mysteries of Trade and Mint Affairs, 1653. — Vio- let's Discoveries how the Commons have been cheated of their Gold and Silver Coins, 1651, three vols, in one, folio, scarce, W. 8s. - - - 1651-3 1743 Commonwealth. — Book of the Continuation of Foreign Pas- sages, that is of the Peace made between this Commonwealth and the United Provinces ;. also between England and Sweden, England and France, from General Blake's Fleet of the Turks in Algiers, consenting to deliver up all the English Slaves, and desiring Peace, the Battering of their Castle, Firing their Fleet ; also an Attem])t on the Island of Jamaica, Taking of St. Jago, with full description thereof, the Success of the Fleet against the Spanish West India Fleet, &c. &c. portraits, plates of Engagements, Maps, 1951 Dancing. — Weaver (John) Treatise of Time and Cadence in Dancing, reduced to an exact Method, with music and figures, 4to. 4s. - - - 1706 1952 D'Ancourt, CEuvres de Theatre, 12 vols. 12mo. a beautiful set, in rich old French morocco, marbled and gilt edges, with arms on the sides, 41. 4s. - Paris, 1760 1 953 Dandini (Jerome) Voyage to Mount Libanus ; the Customs, Manners, &c. of the Turks, 8vo. 3s. - 1698 1954 Dandulo (Fantini) Archiepiscopi Cretensis, Compendium Ca- tholicae fidei, 4to. scarce, 3s. {Antverp. Goes) circa MCCCCXC. 1955 Danesii (Jo.) Paralipomena Orthographias, Etymologiae, Pro- sodiae, una cum Scholiis ad Canoncs de Genere Substantivo- rum, etc. frontispiece by Droeshout, 4to. calf extra, 8s. 8 - 1629 1 984 Davenant's Cruel Brother, a Tragedy, as it was presented at the private house in the Black Fryers, clean copy, 4to. h. b. neat, 5s. - - - 1630 1 985 Davenant's Temple of Love, a Masque ; presented by the Queene's Majestic and her Ladies at Whitehall, on Shrove Tuesday, 4to.Jine copy, morocco, gilt edges, 2l. 2s. 1634 *^* The machinery for this splendid masque was invented by liiigo Jones. 1986 Davenant's Wits, Comedy, 4to. sewed, 5s. - 1636 *^* Dedicated to Eudymiou Porter. 188 THOMAS Thorpe's 1987 David and Uriah. — Hierin vindet man die Vriah wo durch alle hendell yetz indiser welt verkert, end verderbt werden, a poem, with extremely curious wood-cut, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 1 1. l\s. 6d. Bamberck, MCCCCXCIII. *«• No trace of this exceedingly rare and curious poem is to be found in any bibliographical work. Panzer and Brunei, the most indefatigable of the vhole, seem to have been entirely unaware of its existence. 1988 David (Giov.) Britanno, Regole Grammaticali della Costrut- tione Latina, composti in lingua Volgare Fiorentina, 8vo. vellum, \0s. 6d, - Venet. appr. Girol. Polo, 1597 *^* In the prefatory address, the author says ; — " Consiosia cosa che da quassi sesseuta anui in qu^ in altra lingua non s'insegna no per il bando publico del Re Sotto gran pena in altro modo iusegna si pu& k fanciulli pricipiaute la Gram- matica della Lingua Latina in tutto il regno dell' antica Britannia, adesso Anglia, et Inghilterra chiamata, done riesse ^ fassi frutto con felicissimo successo, o quasi miracolosamente,'' 1989 Davidson's (John) Remarks on some of the editions of the acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, &c. — ^Observations on the Regiam Majestatem, in 1 vol. %yo. scarce, 15*. [_Edinb.'\ 1792 •»• Few copies were printed for presents only. 1990 Davies' (John) of Hereford, Microcosmos, The Discovery of the Little World, with the Government thereof, in verse, with MS. notes, 4to. second edition, scarce, 21. 2s. Oxford, 1605 *^* See Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. On the title of the above scarce volume is written in the author's beautiful autograph, the following lines :— " Those Lines which All, or None do understand, Do neither with Witt, Arte, nor Judgment stand." 1991 Davies's (Sir John) Discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued, nor brought under Obedience of the Crown of England, 12mo. Gs. - Dublin, 1761 1992 Davies (W.) Plays written for a Private Theatre, News the Malady, the Mode, Generous Counterfeit, Better Late than Never, Man of Honour, 8vo. 2s. 6d. - 17 8Q 1993 Davis (Rich.) — Auctio Davisiana Oxonii habita per W. Cooper et E. Millingtonum Bibliop. Lond. 4to. clean copy, very scarce, 7s. 6d. -^ - Lond, 1689 •^* " An excellent Latin poem." — Ant. a Wood. 1994 Davison's (J.) Account of a recent Work, entituled, Elements of General Knowledge, with Remarks on the British Critic, Svo. se7ved, 2s. 6d. - - Oxford, ISO^ 1995 Davisoni (W.) Nuhilis Scoti, Oblatio Salis, sive Gallia lege Salis condita. Tractatus salis naturam explicans, quatenus ad pacta omnia et foedera inter Deum et Populum Regis Principes et subditos, et civilem hominum societatem olim transl'erebatur, declarans, etc. 8vo. vellum, scarce, \0s. 6d. Paris. 1641 1996 Davys's (John) Essay on the Art of Dccyphefing, with a Discourse of Dr. VVallis, 4io. uncut, 25. 6d. 1737 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 189 1997 Davy's (Sir Humphry) Six Discourses before the Royal Society at their Anniversary Meetings, on the Award of the Royal Copley Medals, preceded by an Address on the Pro- gress and Prospects of Science, 4to. bds. 4*. 6d. 1827 1998 Dawson's (Benj.) Prolepsis Philologiee Anglicanaa ; or Plan of a Philological and Synonymical Dictionary of the English Language, 4to. sewed, 4s. . Ipswich, 1797 1999 Day's Isle of Guls, second edition, 4to. h. b. morocco, 18*. 1633 2000 Dayes's (Edw.) Works, containing an Excursion through the principal parts of Derbysliire and Yorkshire, with notes by Brayley, Essays on Painting, Instructions for Drawing and Colouring, &c. portrait and plates, 4to. boards, 7s. 6d. 1805 gOOl De Boze (M.) Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de, both parts, with prices, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. neat, 6s. Paris, 1753-4 %• Sold lu Dr. Askew's sale for 19s. 6A 2002 Db Bry. — CoLLECTioNES Naviqationum et Pereorina- TioNUM IN Indiam Occidentalem, Paetes IX. a fine large set of the " Grands Voyages,^'' complete, with brilliant im- pressions of all the maps and plates, first edition, S vols, folio, in the original vellum binding, 151. \5s. Francof. 1590-10)02 2003 De Bry. — Collectiones Navigationum et Peregrina- TiONUM IN Indiam Orientalem et Occidentalem, 18 Parts, i.e. the eleven first parts of the " Petits Voyages," with brilliant impressions of the numerous plates, wanting only the Appendix to Congo, and the title to the eleventh part ; this part is wormed, the others are very fine, if not fine paper. The '• Grands Voyages," consisting of 9 vols, except vols. V. and VII. which are wanting altogether. The Epistle of Stadius and Preface {two leaves) to vol. III. Plate 8 to vol. VI. Plates 3, 10, 13, 14, and Title to vol. VII. and Plate 23 to vol. IX. which are the whole of the imperfec- tions, ^/brwiin^ an excellent foundation to a complete set of this extremely rare and interesting collection, 21/. 1590-1631 %• Colonel Stanley's copy complete, sold for 546/., M. de S. Ceran's for 6300 livres, and Cardinal de Lomenie's for 6000 livres. The present copy pos- sesses all the plates and maps except as above described. The large map of New Zealand, which, according to De Bure, is wanting in most copies, is extremely fine and brilliant in this series ; it possesses also the arms of Swichard, Arch- bishop of Mayence, as well as of John Adams, and many others, which De Bare also considers of rare occurrence. 2004 De Bry. — Florilegium Novum, hoc est ; Variorum maximeque rariorum Florum ac Plantarum Singularium una cum suis radicibus et cepis, Eicones diligenter aere sculptae et ad vivum ut plurimum expressae, a series of most beautiful Engravings of Flowers, with descriptions, ^c. folio, neat, from Earl Bute and the late Mr. Forsyth''s collection, extremely rare, 4/. 4s. - a J. Theodora de Bry, 1612 %* The above volume appears to have been the result of communications made by the various navigators whose discoverits are published by De Bry, being principally plants growing in India, &c. 190 THOMAS Thorpe's 2005 De Bry. — America, das ist Erfindung nnd OfTcnbalirung der Newen Welt, durch M. Philippum Zieglerum, with many curious plates, folio, vellum, 2/. 12*. 6d. Franco/. 1617 •,* The above is an abridgement of the thirty principal voyages iu the larger collection, in German, which should be added to every set of the work, from the variations of the plates, &,c. Bold at Mr. Evans's for IVl. 19s. 2006 De Bure Bibliographie Instructive, ou Traite de la connois- sance des Livres rares et singuliers, 9 vols. 8vo. very neat, ll.lls.ed. - - Paris, 1763-9 %• Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 91. 9s., Merly for 81. 8s., and Dr. Heath's 11. Is. 2007 De Bure, Appel aux Savans et aux Gens de Lettres, au Bujet de la Bibliographie Instructive, 8vo. uncut, scarce, 5s. Paris, 1763 2008 De Bure. — Appel aux Savans et aux Gens de Lettres au sujet de la Bibliographie Instructive, large paper, 4to. boards, uncut, rare, \5s. - - Paris, 1763 •,« Sold in Mr. Hibbert's sale for II. 4s. 2009 De Bure, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. le Due de la Valliere, pricec?, 2 vols. Bvo. h. b. 65. 6d. Paris, 1767 *»« A most magnificent library. 2010 Decalogi Orationis Symboli Saxonica Versio vetustissima, Marq. Freheri notis exposita, 4to. 2s. 6d. - 1610 2011 Decembrii (Angeli) Mediolanensis Oratoris clarissimi, Politise Literariee lib. VII. Jirst edition, folio, Jine copy, russia, very scarce, ll. 5s. - Aug. Find. 1540 •„* Unknown to Maittaire and other bibliographers. This copy was purchased in Roscoe's sale for 3/. 10s. 2012 Decker's O per se O, or a new Cryer of Lanthorne and Candle Light, in which are discovered those Villanies which the Bellman (because he went in the dark) could not see, now laid open to the World, iblacfe letter, with both titles, wood-cuts, FIRST EDITION, 4:to. Jinc copy, TTforocco, gilt edges, very rare, 4/. 4*. - - 1612 2013 Decker's Second Part of the Honest Whore, with the Humours of the Patient Man, the Impatient Wife ; the Honest Whore perswaded by strong arguments to turne Curtizan againe, &c. 4to. scarce, \5s. - - 1630 2014 Decker's Tragi-Comedy, called Match me in London, 4to. h. b. morocco, \5s. - - 1631 *^* Sold in Mr. Inglis's sale for 11. 2015 Decker's Wonder of a Kingdome, 4to. very Jine copy, scarce^ \l. 5s. - ' 1636 2016 Decker and Massinger's Virgin Martyr, a Tragedy, 4to. sd. 5s. - - 1661 2017 Declamatiunculse Aliquot Grascas et Latinee per Erasmum, 4to. ^ne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, ISs. Lovanii, Thcod. Martinus, 1519 2018 Declamatiuncula de Ornogothia a Danielo J. Kylandrol, 4to. 35. ' - - Upsalice, 1631 cATALocri: OF nooKs. 191 2019 Declaration of the Siege of the City of Steenwlch, and of the Skirmishes and Battailcs on both sides, very strange and adventurous ; the parley with Counte Maurice concerning the yeelding up of the City, &c. 4to. 3s. - 1592 2020 Dedekindi (Fred.) Grobianus, de Incultia Moribus, et Inur- banis Gestibus, 12mo. 7*. 6rf. - Halce-Saxon. 1624! •«* For an account of this curious work, see Dr. Nott's edition of Decker's Gull's Horn-book. A later edition sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 5/. 10s. 2021 Dee's (John) Letter, containing a most brief Discourse, Apo- logeticall, with a plain Demonstration, and fervent Protesta- tion, for the lawfull, sincere, very faithfull and Christian course of Philosophical! studies and Exercises, curious wood- cut, 4to. very scarce, 7s. 6d. - 1599 2022 Defensorium Fidei contra Judeos haereticos et Sarracenos, libros sen dyalogos septem continens, etiam alius tractatus de eadem materia, editus per Card, de Turrecremata, folio, 7?"^ copy, extremely rare, ll. Ms. 6d. sine loco aut anno. *,* Without signatures, numerals, or catch words; but printed by John de Westphalia, at Louvain : see Panzer. Sold in Mr. G. Mason's sale for 6/. lO*. 2023 Defensorium Inviolatcc perpetuasque Virginitatis castissimse Dei Genitricis Mariae, in quo adducuntur XLVI. naturalia et mirabilia exempla clarorum scriptorum auctoritate robo- rata, et experientia rerum comprobata, nith ffty-three singu- larly curious and highly sjnrited ivood engravings, 4to. Jine copy, gilt edges, exceedingly rare, 21. 2s. sine ulld notct. *,,• For an account of this early reprint of the block book, (Historia B. Virg. Mariae) see Heinccken, where fac similia are given. Every wood-cut is accom- panied with Latin and German verse. 2024 Defensorium Privilegiorum et Jurium fratribus quatuor ordi- num mendicantium a sede apostolica per plures Romanos pontifices concessorum contra Errores et Condempnatos Ar- ticulos quorundam Magistratorum et Curatorum Ecclesiarum Parochialium, 4to. scarce, 15s. - sine ulld noid. /1025 Defoe's (Dan.) Reasons for Addressing his Majesty to invite into England their Highnesses the Electress Dowager and the Elector Prince of Hanover, and Reasons for Attainting and Abjuring the pretended Prince of Wales, and all other Pretenders, 4to. sewed, 5s. - 1702 2026 Defoe's Reformation of Manners, a Satyr, 4to. sewed, scarce. Is. Gd. ' - 1702 2027 Defoe's More Reformation, a Satyr upon himself, 4to. sewed., scarce. Is. 6d. - - 1703 2028 Defoe's Shortest Way with the Dissenters ; or Proposals for the Establishment of the Church, 4to. sewed, 7s. 1703 2029 Defoe. — Reflections upon a late Scandalous and Malicious Pamphlet, the Shortest Way with Dissenters, &c. 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. Gd. - - 1703 2030 Defoe's Faction Displayed, the Second Part, a Satire, 4to. saved, 3s. Gd- - - 1701 192 THOMAS Thorpe's 2031 Defoe. — The New Association, Part II., with farther Im" provements ; as another and later Scots Presbyterian Cove- nant besides that mentioned in the former part, and the Proceedings of that Party since. An Answer to some Ob- jections in the pretended D. Foe's Explication in the Re- flections upon the Shortest Way, &c. &c. 4to. fine copy, 7s. 6d. - - 1703 2032 Defoe's More Short Ways with the Dissenters, 4to. sewed, 7s. 1704 2033 Defoe*s Devil's Deputies, a Satire, 4to. sened, 4a. 1705 2034 Defoe's Hymn to Neptune, occasioned by the late glorious Victory obtained by Sir George Rooke, in the height of Malaga, 4to. served, 4s. - 1705 2035 Defoe's Moderation Vindicated, in answer to a Poem intituled Moderation Display'd, 4to. fine copy, 5s. - 1705 2036 Defoe's Jure Divino : a Satyr, portrait, first edition, 8vo. h. h. neat, Ss. 6d. - - 1 706 2037 Defoe's Review and Observator Review'd, with some observa- tions thereon, 4to. ^ne copy, .5i. - 1706 2038 Defoe's Moderation, Justice, and Manners of the Review ex- emplify'd from his own works, 4to. Jine copy, 5s, 1706 2039 Defoe. — Answer to a late Pamphlet, entitled the Experiment, or the Shortest Way with the Dissenters exemplified, being the Case of Abraham Gill, &c. 4to. sewed, 4i. 6d. 1707 2040 Defoe's History of Addresses, 1709. — Second volume of ditto, with Remarks, Serious and Comical, 1711) 2 vols. Svo. very neat, scarce, ll. 5s. - - 1709-11 2041 Defoe's Every Body's Business Is No-Body's Business, or Private Abuses Public Grievances, exemplified in the pride and insolence of Servants, &c. Svo. scarce, lOs. 6d. 1725 2042 Defoe's System of Magick, or a History of the Black Art, being an Historical Account of Mankind's most early dealing with the Devil, and how the acquaintance on both sides first began, front. Svo. fine copy, morocco, scarce, I8s. 1727 2043 Defoe's Compleat System of Magick, another edition, yVon/ts- piece, Svo. fine copy, calf extra, marbled edges, scarce, 1 8s. 1729 2044 Defoe's Memoirs of Captain George Carleton, from 1672 to 1713, illustrating the most remarkable Transactions during the Reigns of King Charles and James II. hitherto unobserved by all writers, with Account of his Residence in Spain, their Manners, Customs, Bull Fights, &c. Svo. Jirst edition, neat, 7s. 6d. - - - 1728 •,* A valuable work, much prized by Dr. Johnson. 2045 Defoe's Time's Telescope, Universal and Perpetual, fitted for all Countries and Capacities, with Perpetual Tables for Old and New Style ; a Discourse of all kinds of Meteors or Ap- pearances in the Heavens, with Description of Time, and how it ought to be Redeemed, in verse, Svo. very scarce, 9s. 1734 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 193 204G Dcfop. — Poom upon Tea, with the Mutual f.ove of Dick and Amy, Songs, &:c. by Duncan Campbell, 8vo. very scarce, 10s. 6rf. - - - 1735 2047 Defoe's Minutes of the Ne;rociations of M. Mesnagcr, at the Court of E^ngland, during the four last years of the Reign of Queen Anne, portrait, Svo.Jirie copy,, f^ry neat, 7s. Gd. 1736 2048 Defoe's Religious Courtship ; being Historical Discourses on the Necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives only, 8vo. half bound, neat, scarce, 8s. 6d. 1737 2049 Defoe's Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, embellished with twenty-two engravings by Charles Heath, from the Designs of Stothard, large paper, with French proof impres- sions, 2 vols, royal Svo. half bound, morocco, \l. 6s. 1820 *,* Published at 3/. 13s. 6d. 2050 Defoe. — Another copy, large paper, with proofs on India pa- per, 2 vols, royal 8vo. half bound morocco, 2l. 2s. 1820 •,* Published at 51. 5s. A most beantiful edition of this popular romance. 2051 De la Faye (Abr.) Thesaurus copiosissimus Linguarum Gal- liccP, Latinac, Italicoc, et Germanico", fine copy, 4to. vellum, very scarce, 1/. 1*. - JMagdeburgi, IGIO 2052 Delectable Demaundes and Pleasant Questions, with severall Answers in Matters of Love, 4to. curious and scarce, 1 1. Is. 1596 •,• The above copy was purchased iu the Roxburghe sale for 21. 2s. 2053 Delights for the Ingenious, or a Monthly Entertainment for the Curious of both sexes, containing a vast variety of pleasant Enigmas, Curious Stories, Witty Epigrams, Sur- prizing Adventures, Songs, Elegies, Epitaphs, &c. in prose and verse, Svo. very curious and scarce, 1 5s. 1711 2054 Deliramenta'Haemophobi, per J. M. Doct. Med. Svo. neat, 2s. 6d. - - Lutclice, li. Stephanas, 1628 2055 Deliverance of 266 Christians, by John Reynard, Englishman, from the Captivity of the Turks, who had been Galley Slaves many years in Alexandria, black kttcr, 4:10. Jine copy, half bound morocco, rare, 2l. 2s. - 1G08 2056 Delia Crusca, Vocabulario, 6 vols, folio, best edition, vellum, 31. 3s. - - - Firenze, 1729 %• This impression was nearly all destroyed by the overflowing of the river Arno. 2057 Delphini(Frederici) de Fluxu et Refluxu aquae Maris, subtilis et erudita Disputatio ; Ejusdem de motu octavas sphaera?, cuts, folio, half bounds 2l. 2s. In Academid Venetd, 1559 *,* " Ce volume est fort rare. II est bien imprimee, et sur triis bean papier, comme le sont a pen pres sans exception tons les livres de I'Accademia Veuezi- ana." — Renouard. Purchased at Mr. Evans's, Jan. 14, 1825, for 21. lis. 2058 Demetrii Phalerii de Elocutione liber, Graece, first edition, Svo. in old red morocco, ll. Is. Florent. Juntce, 1542 *,* This first edition is unknown to Brnnet, who cites that of 1552 as the first. This copy was purchased in Dr. Heath's sale for 2/, 3«. 2C 194 THOMAS Thorpe's 2059 Demetrius Phalereus de Elocutione, Graecc, studio P. Victo- rii, Svo.fme copy, vellum, uncut, 155. Ftorent. Junlce, 1552 *»* A beautiful volume ; sold in De Cotte's sale for 43 fraucs. 20GO Demetrius Phalereus. — Victorii Commentarii in librum De- metrii Phalerei de Elocutione, cum textu Auctoris, Gr. et Lat. et Indice, folio, Jine copy, uncut, in the original vellum, 105. Grf. - - Florent.Juntce, 1562 2061 Democrite des reforraez oil pretendues tels : Responce Apo- logetique aux supposez motifs de I'Apostacie d'Eleazar Charles natif d'Avignon, 12mo. neat, scarce, 7s, Gd. Lyon, 1624 2062 De Moivre's Doctrine of Chances, 4to. fine copy, in old red morocco, gilt edges, 1 05. 6d. - - 1718 2063 Demosthenis Orationes LXII. ; Libanii Sophistae in eas ipsas Orationes argumenta ; Vita Demosthenis, per Libanium et Plutarchum, Graece, folio, good sound copy, in old Frenchmo- rocco, edges gilt and tooled, 4/. 45. Venetiis, in cedibus /ildi, 1504 *^* This is the second of the two editions printed this year by Aldus, and which is considered by some bibliographers as more desirable than the first. " In regard to relative intrinsic value, the student should not hesitate in choice of the latter." Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 1 1/. 5s. 2064 Demosthenis Orationes, Graece, nunc diligenti recognitione Bernardi Feliciani emendatae, 3 vols. 8vo. very Jine copy, •morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 41. 45. Venetiis, 1543 •«• Critics and bibliographers unite in one general opinion of its correctness, beauty, and rarity. Sold in the Pinelli sale for 71., Villoison's for 140 francs, and Larcher's for 201 francs. 2065 Demosthenis Orationes, Grsece, curante Bern. Feliciano, 3 vols. Svo. with MS. notes by Wolfius, to whom it 7i'as pre- sented by Oporinus, in the original impressed vellum binding, SI. 135. Qd. - - Venetiis, 1543 *»* All bibliographers unite as to the beauty, correctnes'^, and great value of this extremely rare edition. Sold in the Pinelli sale for 11., in Villoison's for 140 francs, and Larcher's for 201 francs, and the present copy was purchased for 50 florins. 2066 Demosthenis Orationes, Grazed, 3 vols, in 1, Svo. fine sound copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, \l. 11 5. 6c/. ib. P. Manutius, 1554 *,* "Edition fort rare.'' — Kenouard. It is one of the very few Greek books edited by Paul Manutius. It is a reprint of the above excellent and very rare edition of Felician. Sold in Cough's sale for 21. 10s., Dr. Heath's for 3/. 4s. and Mr. Hanrott's for 3/. 4s. 2067 Demosthenis Orationes Olynthiacae et Philippicae, cum qui- busdam aliis, Graice, Svo. Ji7ic copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rided throughout rvith red lines, scarce, 1 25. /Urgent, s, a. *»* Very scarce, not mentioned by Bruuet, This copy was purchased for 21. 2s. 2068 Demosthenis de Rhodiorum libertate Oratio, Greece, 4to. sewed, scarce, 3s. - - Lovanii, 1546 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 195 S0G9 Dcmostlienis et iEschinis Opera, Gr. ct Lnt. cum utriusque Auctoris Vita et Ulpiani Comment, novisque Scholiis Groece et Latine ex recensione Wolfii, best edition, folio, Jine copy^ vellum, 1 1. 8s. - - Franco/. 1604 *,* " Bonne edition, qui devient de jour en jour plus rare et plus chfere." — Brunet. Sold in the Towneley sale for 8/. 8s., Dr. Heath's for 11. 10s., Alchorne's for 0,1. IGs. 6(i., Merly for C/. 15s., and De Cotte's for 1G9 francs. 2070 Demosthenis Orationes Philippicae, Coquilharto, Lugd, 1547t — Orationes Olynthiacae, P. Clobardo, Scoondyckio, Antv. 1538. — Lycurgi adv. Leocratem Oratio, Demosthenis Oratio de Pace, Basil. — Encomium Demosthenis ex Luciano ver- sura, Philippo Melancthone, Isocratis Duce Orationes, Haganoce, 1532, in 1 vol. 8vo. rvith MS. notes by Woljius, vellum, 10*. 6d. S071 Demosthenis Orationes IV. contra Philippum a P. Manutio, Latinitate donatae, Aldi Jilii, 1551. — Salvatoris Salapussii Oratio in Concilio Tridentino, Venet. ap. Giolito de Ferrariis, 1551. — Heb. Ptolemagi Orationes habitae coram Leone X., Venet. Sahio, 1521. — Alexandri Ruinagise Conciones, Papice, 1522, in one vol. 4:io. fine large copies, vellum, \Qs. 6d. g072 Demosthenis Olynthiacae Orationes tres, et Philippicae IV. a N. Carro, Novocastrensi, 4to. vellum, scarce, 10s. Gd. Land. 1571 A very rare edition, the first printed in England. It contains some interesting poems. Sold in Dr. Askew's sale for 19s. 2073 Demosthenis Oratio de Corona, Greece, 8vo. ^ne copy, mo- rocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 11. Is. Romce, 1589 •^* Apparently unknown to Brunet and other bibliographers. 2074 Demosthenis in Philippum Oratio III. Greece, 4to. uncut, 3s. J'arisiis, 1751 2075 Demosthenis Philippica Prima Oratio, Graece, 4to. uncut, 3s. Parisiis, Barhou, 1755 2076 Demosthenis Oratio de Symmoriis, Grasce, cum variis Lec- tionibus et Annotatione, ab Henr. Amersfoordt, 4to. sewed, uncut, 4s. - - Lugd. Bat. 1821 2077 Demosthenes. — Specimen Literarium quo Oratio Philippica quarta Demostheni abjudicatur, 8vo. fine paper, bds. uncut, 45. - - - Groningce, 1818 2078 Demosthene, Undici Filippiche con una Lettera di Filippo a gl' Atheniesi dichiarate in Lingua Toscana, per M. Felice Figliucci Senese, 8vo. vellum, gilt edges, very scarce, lOs. 6d. ' Roma, Valgrisi, 1551 *,• This copy sold at Croft's sale for 21. 2s., and again in Nicolay's sale for II. \\s.6d. 2079 Demosthenes' Orations, translated into English by Thomas Wylson, Doctor of Civill Lavvcs, with I)is Life, black letter, dedicated to ^ir IVilliam Cecill, Knight, Chancellor of (he University of Cambridge, i^-c. with curious view of Athens, and some introductory poems by John Cook, of St. Paul's 19{) THOMAS Thorpe's School, Thomas Byng, of Cambridge, Giles Lawrence, of Oxford, Walter Haddon, and J. M. of London, 4to. h. b. fine copy, very rare, 1/. 11*. Cti. H. Denham (1570) •»* Dr. Wilson dates the epistle from the Qiicene'a Majestie's Hogpitall of Sainct Katheriu's, nigh the 'J'ower of London, the 10th of June, 1570. 2080 Dempsteii (Thomae) Scoti, Tragoedia, Deceniviratua abroga- tijs, 12mo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rarct 21. 2s. ' ' - Parisiis, 16 IS *,* A curious volume of great ecarcity and interest, not enumerated in Demp- ster's works in the Bibliographer's Manual. 2081 Dcmpsteri Apparatus ad Historiam Scoticam libri II. accesse- runt Martyrologium Scoticum Sanctorum, 679, et Scriptorum Scotorum Nomenclatura, in 1 vol. 4to. complete with all the titles, fine copies, in old red morocco, gilt leaves, from the Escurial library, rare, Si. \3s. 6d. Bononice, 162? *„• The Nomenclatura contains a list of no less than 274 saints, 2 popes, 9 cardinals, 38 kings and princes, 41 apostolical missionaries, &c. who had obliged the world with their writings, and are all affirmed to be the author's countrymen, and natives of Scotla.nd.'^Nicolson. A similar volume sold in Mr. Constable's sale for 91. I2s. 6d. 2082 Dempster. — Accoltus (Benedictus) de Bello Gesto a Chris- tianis contra Barbaros, pro Christi Sepulchre, et Judaea Re-i cuperandis, Aw. fine copy, vellum, \5s. Florent. 1623 *,* Prefixed to this book is a preface " de iis qui de bello hoc scripserunt Cocetenci," by the celebrated Thomas Dempster ; and each book has a poetical argument prefixed, by George Conaeus, a Scotchman. It also contains an account of the heroes engaged in the holy war, among whom " Alanus Fergandus, Britan- norum priuceps, et ductor Scotorum; Robertus, dux Normandiae, Anglorum ductor," and many others of this country, eminently distinguished themselves. There arc also commendatory verses by and to T. Dempster. Tasso was indebted principally to this book for his Jerusalem Delivered. 2083 Dcmpsteri (T.) Historia Ecclesiastica Scotorum, privately l^RINTED BY THE BanNATYNE CLUB, 2 Vols. 4tO. bds. 4l. 4tS. Edinb. 1829 2084 Denham's (John) Cooper's Hill, a Poem, 4to. fine copy, sewed, Ss. » - - 1650 2085 Denholm's History of the City of Glasgow and suburbs, with Tour to Loch Lomond and the Falls of the Clyde, plates, 8vo. very neat, 6s. 6d. - Glasgow, 1798 20S6 Denina Revolutions d'ltalie, par I'Abbe Jardin, 8 vols. l2mo. very neat, \l. 5s. - - Paris, 1771 *j,* From his late Majesty's library, with book plate of the Prince of Wales, aud Bishoj) of Osnaburgh, in 1771. 2087 Denman's (Dr. T.) Letter to Dr. Huck, on the Construction and Method of Using Vapour Baths, plates, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1770 2088 Denmark. — Buni (Jo.) Defensio, Regnum Daniae ab antiquis temporibus fuit Hereditarium, &-c. ab Olao Rosencrantio Harone impiignata, 4to. rare, 7s. Cd. - Luneb. 1583 2089 Denmark. — Diifercnces between the King of Denmark and the Duke of Ilolstein Gottorp, with Rt flections upon the present Motions of the Sivcdes, 4to. sewed, 'is. 1700 CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 197 3090 Denmark. — Lex Regia Danica, from 1665 to 1709, in Danish, wholly engraved on nineteen large copper-plates, from the designs of C. i Moinicken, and engraved by A. Reinhard, atlas folio, bound in russia, gilt leaves, from Viscount Strangford's collection^ Si. 13*. 6d. Hafnice (1709) •»• *' This splendid volume, contaiDing the laws of Denmark, was published at the express command of Frederick IV. King of Denmark. The text is sur- rounded by broad and rich Aradesque horders, most elaborately and elegantly designed, in which are introduced with great taste, various animals, flsh, birds, insects, and flowers; the whole is a chef-d'oeuvre of composition and of art." — • Extract from Lord Strantjford's Catalogue. 2091 Dennis's Remarks upon Addison's Cato, 4to. uncut, 1«. 6d. 1713 2093 Dent. — Catalogue of the splendid, curious, and extensive Library of John Dent, Esq. both parts, eighteen days* sale, sold by Mr. Evans, with prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. 7*. 6d. - - ' - 1827 2093 Denton's Jus Caesaris et Ecclesiae vere dictro, or a Treatise of Independency, Presbytery, the Power of Kings, and of the Church, or of the Brethren in Ecclesiastical Concerns, Government, Discipline, &c., wherein the Use of Liturgies, Toleration, &c. &'c. folio, sewed, scarce, \0s. 6d. 1681 3094 Denyaldi (Roberti) RoUo-Northmanno-Britannicus, folio,^ne copy, if not large paper, vellum, very rake, 3/. 3s. Rothomagi, 1660 *»• This interesting work contains the history of seven dukes of Normandy, including William the Conqueror. Only two other copies are noticed in the Bibliographer's Manual, the one in the Royal Institution, and a copy which sold for til. 2095 De Piles's Art of Painting, and the Lives of the Painters, con- taining a Compleat Treatise of Painting, Designing, and the Use of Prints, with Reflections on the Works of the most celebrated Painters, with Essay towards an English School, 8vo. half bound, russia^ 5s. 6d. - 1706 2096 Derbyshire. — Seven beautiful Drawings, by Howlett, of the Seals of Beauchief Abbey, Dale Priory, Breydeshall Priory, Darley Abbey, Repingdon Priory, Derby Priory, Derby Black Friars, &c. mounted upon drawing paper, in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, richly tooled, gilt edges, 4/. 4«. *,* Nothing can exceed the beauty and veracity displayed by Howlett in his delineation of the above drawings, which were executed with a view to their being published, and are truly worthy of the object ; they are rendered of much greater interest to the historian or county collector from their having a description of the nature of the deed to which the seal is attached, its date, and notice of the archives in which it is deposited, and the period when the monastery, &c. was founded, to which it relates. 2097 Derbyshire. — Propositions of the Earl of Essex to the Cava- liers in Derbyshire, with Relation of a famous Sea Fight, by Van Trump, against the Spanish Fleet going to assist the Irish Rebels, 4 to. Mrtctii, k. G '2219 Donati Klementa, ad Collationem Henr. Glareani, Lat. et Germ. Aug. Find. 1536. — I'ro Incipientibus Pueris intro- ductio, una cum modis Bucolici et Phaleucii Carminis, Marpurgi, 15.')2. — Nomenclatiira Rerum item Vocab\da Mensiirarum a Phil. Melancthone, //r^en<. 1536. — Formulae Puerilium Colloquiorum, Lat. et Germ. ib. 1537. — Epitome CoUoquiorum Erasmicorum, ib. 1537, in I vol. 8vo. in the original binding, a scarce collection, 10s. 6^. 2220 Donati (./Elii) (le octo partibus orationis cum Servii et Sergii interpretatione; Ejusdem de Barbarismo et soloecismo, Paris. R. Stephanus, 1536. — Quintiliani Grammatica, per Hierodo- rumCrispum Vessonensem, Paris. 1536. — Naturae Verborum quam emendatissimae, insertis vulgaribus exemploriim inter- pretationibus, Paris. Colinceus, 1535, in one vol. 8vo. neat, scarce, 6.9. 2221 Donatus — Herm. Buschii Pasiphili in Artem Donati de octo partibus Orationis Commentarius ex Prisciano, Diomede, Servio, Capro, Agretis, Phoca clarissimis Grammaticis, 4to. scarce, Ss. 6d. - - Liplzk, 1511 2222 Donati (Alexandri) de Arte Poetica lib. IIL 12mo. vellum, 4s. 6rf. _ _ - Bononice, 1659 2223Doni, la Seconda Libraria, 12mo. neat, 10s. Qd. Venet. 1551 *,* Printed with Aldine types ; and device of Mercury and Pallas ou the title. Sold in Marsh's sale for 1/. 15s. 2224 Donne's (John) Juvenilia, or certain Paradoxes and Problems, 4to. sewed, 8s. - - - 1633 2225 Donne (John) Declaration of that Paradoxe, or 1'hesis, that Selfe-Homicide is not so naturally sinne, that it may never be otherwise, published by his son, 4to. fine copy, in the original binding, with autograph letter from the son, presenting this copy to the Marquess of Newcastle, and slating his reasons for publishing it, \l. Us. Gd. - - 1648 2 !•: 210 THOMAS Thorpe's 222G Dorlandi (Petri) Diestensis olim Cartusite prioris, Clironicon Cartusiense : in quo de viris sui oidinis illustribus, rebusque in eodem preeclare gestis, nee non et admiranda plurimariim Cartusiarum constructione scite pertractatur, cum Notis Theodori Petraei, Col. Agr'tp. 1G08. — Innocentia et Con- stantia Victrix ; sive Commentariolus de vitae ratione, et Martyrio 18 Cartusianorum ; qui in Anglise regno, sub Henrico VIII. ob Ecclesiae defensionem, et nefarii Schis- mytis detestationem, crudeliter trncidati sunt, edita a Mau- ricio Chancseo, beautifully engraved title, and plate of William Tijnzbi, an Irishman, by Leopold, 1608. — Vita B. Stanislai Kostkse Poloni e Societate Jesu, autore Francisco Sacchino, beautiful plate, Ingolstadii, 1609, in one vol. 8vo. /hie copies, neat, a scarce collection, \l. 8s. *^* The second book only sold in Rev, T. Williams's sale for 6/. 8s. 6d. 2227 Dorsetshire. — Address to the Parliament, of T. Devenish, of the County of Dorset, seeking redr?ss for certain sums expended by him as Keeper of the Parliament's Prisoners in Winchester House, &"c. 1642. — Private Act, to settle a Jointure on Susanna Countess of Shaftesbury, Wife of Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, in lieu of Dower, the Estates arc ftlly detailed, and situated in Dorset, IVilts, Somerset, Southampton, Middlesex, Sfc. 1720. — Bill for Sale of part of the Estate of P. Saltmarsii, Esq. and [Purchasing of others in the Counties of Nottingham and Dorset, 1720. — Petition of H. Holt Henley, Esq. complaining of an Undue Election and Return for the Borough of Lyme Kegis, 1727.' — View of the Principal Towns, Seats, Antiquities, and other Remarkable Particulars in Dorset, 1773, a curious and interesting collec- tion to the county collector, in one vol. 4to. very neat. It. 5s. 2228 Dorsetshire. — The Fustiad ; or, Cudgel-match, in verse, 8vo. sewed, 4s. - - Yeovil, 1747 *»* A poem on the famous cudgel match fought some years ago ou Buckborn Weston Common, near Wiucauton, which took place to promote the interest of a candidate for parliament, the adventures whereof occasioned this poem, which commences with au Encomium on Dorsetshire, description of the stage, weapons, &c. 2229 Douglas's (Rev. J.) Two Dissertations on the Br.iss Instru- ments called Celts, and other Arms of the Antients, found in this Island, plates, 4to. uncut, 7s. 6d. - 1785 2230 Dousae (Jani) Nova Poemata, cum Indice, 12mo.^'«e copy, old morocco, gilt edges, scarce, las. Lugd. But. 1576 *** A very interesting volume of Latiu poems, addressed to the most eminent men of the 16th century ; among others we observe the names of William Prince of Orange, Geo. Rotallerus, James Morellus, Baro Georgius, Montignii et Noella; Dominns, Queen Elizabeth, Cecil Lord Burleigh, Philip More, &c. &c. 2251 Dousae Nordovicis Echo, sive lusus imaginis jocosje quibus titulus Hiilcfdonia, Salinarum Strues, Elegianiiri lib. II. Funebria ct Sylvarum libcr, 4to. in the original binding, 3s. ('id. - - Hag. Com. 1603 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 211 2232 D011S8B Poemata cura P. Scriverii cum Cartninibus Scali^eri, Svo.Jtne copy, neat, 7s. - Lugd. Bat. 160.9 2233 Downame's Treatise against Lying, dedicated to Lord New- burgh, Chancellour of the Dutcluc of Lancaster, 4to. 3s. 1630 2234 Draconi Stratonicensi Appendix complectens Triclias Eliae Monachi, et Herodiani Tractatiis de Metris, Graece, cd. Fr. de Fuiia, 8vo. boards, vncut, 2s. - Lips. 1814 2235 Drake (Sir Francis). — Brevis et Fida Narratio et Con- tinuatio Rerum omnium Drako et Norreysio (post felicem ex Occidentalibus Insulis, reditum) in sua Expeditione Por- tugallensis singulis diebus gestarum, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, \l. lis, Gd. - Franco/'. 1590 2236 Drake's (Sir Francis) World encompassed, collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher, and compared with the Notes of divers others, that went the same Voyage, 4to. calf extra, marbled edges, scarce, \l. \s. - 1652 2237 Drake's (Sir Francis) Life and Death, Iiis Voyages and Dis- coveries in the West Indies, and about the World, with his Noble and Heroic Acts, by S. Clarke, 4lo. h. h. neat, 10s. Crf. 1671 2238 Drachenborchianas Bibliothecae Catalogus, priced, Svo. very nent,4:s.6d. - - Traj . ad Rhen. \1 4:S 2239 Drascovitii (Georgii) Episcopi Quinque-Ecclesiensi oratio habita Tridenti, in generali congregatione, cum response sanctae Synodi, 4to. fine copy, 5s. l^enetiis, Jord. Zilelus, 1562 2240 Drayton. — To the IVlajestie of King James, a Gratulatorie Poem, by Michael Drayton, 4to. indifferent copy, wants the genealogical jilate, very scarce, \ 5s. - 1603 2241 Drayton's Poems, Svo. in the original binding, 10s. Qd. W. Stansby, n. d. 2242 Dreghorn's (Maclaurin Lord) Keekeiad, a Poem, 4to. pri- vately PRINTED, very scarce, 18s. - 1760 2248 Drennan's (W.) Fugitive Pieces, in Verse and Prose, 12mo. bds.2s.Gd. - - Belfast, \8\ 5 2244 Druids. — W. Cooke's Enquiry into the Patriarchal and Druidical Religion, Temples, &c. plates, 4to. indifferent copy, 3s. - - . - 1754 2245 Drury. — Report of the Arraignment, Tryall, Conviction, and Condemnation af a Popish Priest, named Robert Drewrie, at the Old Baylie, the Mercy offered him, his stubborne and vvilfuU Hefusall. Also the Tryall and Death of Humphrey Lloyd, for murdering one of the Guard ; also the Account of their Execution, 4to. very large copy, neat, rare, 1 1, lis. Gd. 1607 *** '' A curious and remarkable account of a priest, who chose rather to die than take the oath of allegiance to King James the First." 224G Drusian dal Leone, nel quale si tratta delle Battaglie dopo la morte de Paladini, en ottava rima, wood-cuts, 8vo. vellum, scarce, 10s. Gd. - Venetia, 1669 212 THOMAS Thorpe's 2247 Drummond's (Dr. T.) Poems sacred to Religion and Virtue, scarce, 175G. — Bishop Clayton's TiioiJghts on Self Love, Innate Ideas, Freewill, Taste, Sentiment, Liberty, and Ne- cessity, occasioned by Reading Hume's Works, Bolingbroke, &-C. 1753. — Ecclesiastical Characteristics, or, the Arcana of Cliurch Policy, wherein is shewn a Plain and easy way of Attaining to the Character of a Moderate Man, as at Present in Repute in the Church of Scotland, Glasgow, 1754.. — Sir Jeffrey Gilbert's Abstract of Locke's Essay on Human Un- derstanding, 1752. — Bourn's Address to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, who meet at Castle Gate, Nottingham, 1738. — Notcutt's Reasons for Dissenting from the Com- munion of the Church of England, &c. 1736. — Oration on the Death of Eugene Francis, Prince of Savoy. 1738. — Adventures of Alexander the Corrector, {Cruden) wherein is given an Account of his being unjustly sent to Chelsea, and his Bad Usage there, with Account of the Chelsea Aca- demies, or Private Places of Confinement for Lunatics, &c. 1754. — The Second Part of Ditto, giving an Account of the Monstrous Battle Fought, or rather not Fought in Westmin- ster Hall, Feb. 20, 1754, wherein it plainly appeared that Alexander's Generals did not do their Duty, &c. 1754. — Alexander the Corrector's Address to the King and Parlia- ment, shewing the Necessity of Appointing a Corrector of the People, &c. 1755. — The Corrector's Earnest Address to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, 1756, in one vol. 8vo. h, h. a scarce and curious collection^ 1 5s. 2248 Drummond's (Sir William) Review of the Government of Sparta and Athens, 8vo. neat, Qs. - 1794 -2249 Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem, with Key to the Characters, folio, 5s. Q>d. - 1681 2250 Dryden's Dramatick Poesie, and Essays. 1668. — Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem, 1682. — Absalom Senior ; or Achitophel Transposed, a Poem, with Additions, 1682. — The Medall, a Satyre against Sedition, 1682. — The Hinde and the Panther, a Poem, 1687. — The Hinde and the Panther transversed to the Story of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse, 1687. — The New Atlantis, a Poem, with Reflections upon the Hind and the Panthe'r, 1687. — The Revolter, a Tragi- comedy acted between the Hinde and Panther, and Religio Laici, &c. 1687, in one vol. 4to. very neat, 1 8s. 2251 Dryden's Miscellany Poems, containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets, together with several Original I'oems, frontispieces, 6 vols. 12mo. fine copy, neat, 16s. - - Tonson, 1716 *^* Mr. Dent's copy, in morocco, sold for 5/. 12s. 2252 Duels (J. F.) Tragedies, portrait, 5 vols. 12mo. h. h. morocco^ gilt edges, Hs. Gd. - Paris, 1824 *»• "A very pretty and correct edition." CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 213 2253 Ducarel's (Dr.) Letter to W. Watson, upon the early Culti- vation of Botany in England, with some particulars of J. Tradescant, a great promoter of the Science, Gardener to King Charles 1. rvith the plates of the antiquities, Sj-c. in the Museum at Lambeth, 4to. served, 5s. - 1773 2254 Ducarel's (Dr.) Repertory of the Endowment of Vicarages in the Dioceses of Canterhury and Rochester, 8vo. h. b. neat, U. 1*. - - 1782 *,* Interleaved with interesting manuscript additions by the late J. Caley^ Keeper of the Records in the Augmentation OflSce. 2255 Duell-Ease : a Word with Valiant Spirits, shewing the abuse of Duels ; that Valour refuseth Challenges and private Com- bats, beautiful frontispiece, 4to. fine copy, extra bound, gilt edges, rare, 1/. 5s. - - 1635 •,* Sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for II. 16s. 2256 Duel. — A Minute Detail of the Quarrel at Brussels, between Mr. Cree and Mr. Macnamara, to which are added the Cor- respondence, Notes, and Declarations of Mr. Roche and Mr. Brady, Svo. privately printed, sened, 5s. Brussels, 1791 2257 Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, with remarks on their Works, translated into English, with an Original Preface, containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry, by Dryden, also an Account of the most eminent Painters Ancient and Modern, 4lo. very neat, \0s. 6d. - - 1695 2258 DUGDALE ET DoDSWORTH, MoNASTICON AnGLICANUM, With fine impressions of the numerous plates by Hollar and King, 3 vols, in 5, folio, morocco, gilt edges, 26/. 5s. 1655-73 •,• A copy of this very valuable book sold in the Duke of Roxburghe's sale for SiiTY-FOiR Guineas, and another in the Marquis of Townshend's for Fifty Guineas. The above copy possesses every plate, in which state it is very seldom found. 2259 Dugdale's Antient Usage in Bearing of such Ensigns of Ho- nour as are commonly called Arms, 12rao. 5s. 6d. Oxford, 1682 2260 Du Gres (Gabr.) Breve et Accuratum Grammaticae Gallicae Compendium, in quo superflua rescinduntur, et necessaria non omittuntur, 12mo. extra, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. Cantab. 1636 »,* With introductory verses by Stephen Jones, R. Heath, P. Gunning, Jo, Saltmarsh, S. Blomfield, &c. all members of Cambridge University. 2261 Duigenan's (Patrick) Lachrymae Academicoe; or the present deplorable state of Trinity College, near Dublin, Dublin, 1777. — Reflections upon Tithes, seriously addressed in be- half of the Clergy, &c. by a Clergyman of Wiltshire, Salis- bury, 1773. — History of the University of Oxford to the Death of William the Conqueror, Oxford, 1772. — Poem on the Recovery of the Hon. Mrs. Eliz. Courtenay, from her late dangerous ihness, by B. Kennicott, ib. 1747, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, \Qs. Qd. 214 THOMAS Thorpe's 2262 Dukerianoe Bibliothecae Catalogus, priced, 8vo. very neat, 4$. Cc?. - - Traj. ad Rhen. \750 2263 Dun's (Lord) Friendly and Familiar Advices, adapted to the various Stations and Conditions of Life, &c. l2mo. very neat, scarce, 7s. - - Edinh. 1754< 2264 Duncan's (Rev. Dr. H.) Account of the Remarkable Monu- rricat, in tlie shape of a Cross, inscribed with Roman and Runic Letters, in the Garden of Ruthwell Manse, Dumfries- shire, jo/a'e*, 4to. Is. 6d. - Edinburgh, 1833 *^* Thirty copies ouly struck ofi' for presents. 2265 Dunconi de Adoratione Dei versus Altare, Deterrainatio, 1660. — Erasmi Querela Pacis, Lugd. Bat. 1641. — Angliae Flagellum, seu Tabes Anglica a Theophilo de Garencieres, Loud. 1647, in one vol. 12mo. neat, rare, 18*. 2266 Duncumb's History and Antiquities of the County of Here- ford, with the Jive additional sheets, and the index to the second volume, portraits and plalcsj 2 vols. 4to. bds. uncut, 2l. 12s. 6d. Hereford, 1804-12 2267 Duncumb. — Another copy, 2 vols. 4to. calf extra, very neat, gilt edges, 31. I6s. - Hereford, ] 80^-1 2 2268 Duncumb. — Another copy, 2 vols. 4to. russia elegant, gilt edges, 41. 14s. 6d. - Hereford, 1804-12 2269 Duncumb. — Another copy, 2 vols. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, U. Us. Qd. - Hereford, 1804-12 2270 Duncumb. — Vol. IL with Index, and the five additional sheets, 4to. bds. \L 11$. Qd. - Hereford, 1812 •** The above work was printed at the cost of the late Duke of Norfolk, whose liberal patronage of literature is too well known to need the least comment. 2271 Duns Scoti (Joannis) subtilissimi Doctoris Theologi : in quartum librum Sentenciarum Opus Anglicanum, large folio, a magnificent copy, with rough edges, in the original binding, 1/. lis. 6rf. {Norimb. Koburger, MCCCCLXXIV.) *^* This edition is described by many bibliographers as of very uncommon occurrence. 2272 Duns Scoti Questiones, ab excellentissimo Sacre Theologie Professore Thoma Penketh Anglico ingenti diligentia emen- date, folio, fine sound copy, rare, 21. 2s. per Jib. de Slendael, MCCCCLXXIV. *»* This edition is not described by Brunet. 2273 Duns Scoti Scriptum super Sententiis, a Tho. Penketh, Anglico, emendatum, 4\.o. fine copy, h. b. neat, \l. Is. Venet, j)cr Jo. de Colonia, et Nichol. Jemon, MCCCCLXXXI. 2274 Duns Scotus. — Questio valde notabilis nusquam tot retro seculis visa, de ratione subjecti primi scientiae secundum Joannem Scotum an ad entia rationis extendatur, cum diia- bus ad viros divinos elegantissimis Epistolis, 4to. fine copy, scarce, (^s. - - Venetiis, MCCCCC. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 215 22^75 Duns Scoti Formalitates de inente necnon Stephani Burlifer cum novis additionibus et concordantiis Magistri Mauricii Hibernici in margine decorate, 4to. fine copy, in the original vellum wrapper, rare, 18s. - Venet. 1501 2276 Duns Scoti Tractatus Formalitatum, edita ab Anthon. Trom- beta, Urbinati Episcopo. — Mauiitii de Portu, Hibernatis, Tuamensis Archiepiscopi, in ejusd. Formalitates Epitomata, folio, clean sound copy, 1/. 11*. 6rf. Venet. 1516 *,* For an account of the author of the latter piece, Maurice O'Fihelly, or de Portu, Archbishop of Tuam, see Ware's Account of the Irish Writers. 2277 Duns Scotus. — Flores Panegyrici collecti ex Vita et Doctrina Jo. Duns Scoti, opera Fr. Ant. Wissingh. Poemata, 8vo. vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Col. Agrip. 1707 2278 Dnnlon's (John) True Journal! of the Sally Fleet, with the Proceedings of the Voyage, with list of the Sally Captaines names, and the places vvhere they dwell, and a description of the Three Towns in a Map, 4to. very neat, scarce, 11. Is, 1637 %* The author was commander of the ship Leopard, in this expedition against the Turkish and Sally pirates. Sold in Mr. Jadis's sale for 1/. l.5s. 2279 Dunton's (John) Cat may look on a Queen, or a Satire upon her present Majesty ; to which is added a distinct Account of the several Jewels in the Crown of England, 12mo. sewed, scarce, Ss. 6d. - - - 1701 22S0 Dunton's Bull Baiting, or Sacheverell dressed up in Fire Works, lately brought from the Bear Garden in Southwark, and exposed for the diversion of the Citizens of London, 8vo. sewed, 3s. - - - 1702 2281 Dunton's Hazard of a Death-Bed Repentance fairly argued, from the Remorse of the Duke of Devonshire, also the dying remonstrances of other Persons, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 1708 2282 Dunton's Neck or Nothing, with Secret History of the pre- sent Ministry, 8vo. uncut, 3s. - - 1713 2283 Duppa's ( R.) Account of the Subversion of the Papal Govern- ment in 1798, nilh the nine curious plates, the third edition, royal 8vo. bds. 4*. - - - 1807 *•* This interesting volume is classed in the following order : Death of General Duphot, the religious procession of the relics, arrival of the French army, the tree of liberty erected ou the Capitol, dethroning and dismission of the Pope, sacking of the Vatican Palace, funeral fete in honour of General Duphot, and the mutiny among the French army : insurrection of the Trasteverino, abolition of the monas- teries, and imprisonment of the Cardinals in the Convertite ; the federation ; the Jacobin Ckib, held in the hall of the Duke de Altemps' palace ; alteration of the dress and manners of the Romans after the change of the Government; the cause of the destruction of public credit, confiscations, and contributions; the dignity of the Consuls, with some remarks upon their conduct, and a summary view of the conduct of the French in Rome. One of the plates is a medal of Cardinal York, which he struck after hi? brother's death, on assuming the title of Henry IX. King of England. The volume contains also the letters which passed between him and Sir John Coxe Hippesley, on his distress, which renders it of interest to the English collector and medallist. 516 THOMAS Thorpe's 2284 Duppa's Illustrations of the Lotus of Antiquity, with Extracts from Herodotus, Theophrastus, Polybius. Dioscorides, Pliny, Strabo, and Homer, with Translations and Notes ; also five large Engravings, the size of the book, representing the Tamara in hloom, and with seed, the blue Lotus of the Nile, the Citamhel of India, the Lotus Major, and the Lybian Lotus, beautifully coloured after nature, royal 4to. uncut, PRiVATiiLY printed, rare, ll. ]ls. 6d. - - 1813 *»* " The Lotus of antiquity having given rise to many interesting inquiries, the present extracts are printed to present them in one view to the scholar. Plants of very different kinds were known to the ancients under the name of Lotus ; but as botany, by the early writers, was not reduced to any settled principles, their descriptions are often obscure or unintelligible.*' 2285 Duppa's Address to the Parliament of Great Britain, on the Claims of Authors to their own Copy-Right, the fourth edition, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - - 1813 2886 Durell. — Bonasus Vapulans ; or some Castigations given to John Diirell, for folding himself and others in his English and Latin Book, autograph of Tho. Gataker, who is alluded to at p. 149, 12mo. clean copy, 7s. - 1673 2287 D'Urfey's (T.) Funeral Pindariqtie Poem, sacred to the Me- mory of Queen Mary, 4to. sewed, 2s. - 1696 2288 D'Urfey's Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy ; a Collection of the best merry Ballads, set to Music, 6 vols. 12mo. portrait, calfneat, 4/. 4s. - 1719 2289 Durfey's (Young) Ways to Kill Care, a Collection of Original Songs, chiefly Comic, portrait, 12rao. neat, scarce, 7s. 6d. 1761 2290 Durham. — Four beautiful Drawings of Ancient Seals, of Durham Priory, Gateshead St. Mary, and Neesham Nun- nery, executed rvith great care and veracity, by Howlett, mounted on drawing paper, \l. lis. Qd. %* A pleasing article to the county collector. 2291 Durham. — A Collection of Piuvately Printed Tracts, il- lustrative of the History and ANTiauiTiEs of Durham, the productions of the private press of George Allan, Esq. of Darlington, and of which very few copies -were taken off, in 1 vol. 4to. h. b. uncut, \5l. 1 5s. Darlington, 1769, &c. *^* A similar collection sold in Mr. Brockett's sale for 52Z. 10*. 2292 Dury (John) Interest of England in the Protestant Cause, 4to. served, 2s. - - - 1650 2293 Duten's Journal of Travels through the Principal Cities of Europe, with the time employed in going from post to post marked, and the distance in English miles ; Account of the People, Remarkable Curiosities, &c. ; also the best Inns, &c. by J. Highmore, 1782. — Account of the Fall of the Republic of Venice, with the True Character of Buonaparte, by J. Hinckley, 1804. — Wright's Memoirs of the Mosquito Territory, 1808, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 217 2294 Dutcns (Rev. L.) Catalofjiie of the Library of, interleaved with prices and names, 8vo. h. h. neat, 5s. - 1813 Z295 Dyer (George) on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence, 1795. — Letter to Archdeacon Paley, from a Poor Labourer, in answer to his reason for Contentment, 1793. — Wakefield's Spirit of Cljristianity compared with the Spirit of the Times in Great Britain, 1794'. — Dr. R. Price on the Love of our Country, 1790. — Two Sermons preached on the PubHc Fasts by the Rev. J. H. Wilhams, of Wellsbourn, Warwick- shire, 1794. — Sermon by Jeremiah Joyce, twenty-three weeks a close Prisoner in the Tower of London, 1794, in 1 vol. Svo. very neat, 5s. 2296 Eachard's (Dr. John) Works, viz. Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion enquired into : Observations on an Answer to ditto ; Mr. Hobbs' State of Nature Considered, with Five Letters, &c. Svo. very neat, eleventh edition, 5s. - - 1705 2297 Earle's Microcosmography: or a piece of the world discovered, in Essays and Characters, 12mo. neat, scarce, 4s. 6d. 1732 2298 Earthquake at Mount iEtna, Relation of, in a Letter to his Majesty from the Earl of Winchelsea, at Naples, plate, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - - 16G9 2299 Earthquake. — Relation of the most dreadful Earthquake which happened in the City of Naples, and several parts of that Kingdom, nearly Destroying forty Cities and Villages, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - - 1688 2300 Earthquake in Sicily, Account of, 4to. sewed, 2s. 1693 2301 East India. — The Effects to be expected from the East India Bill, upon the Constitution of Great Britain, by W. Pulteney, 1783. — Report of the Debates on the Articles of Peace, 1783.— Dean Tucker's Four Letters on Important National Subjects, addressed to the Earl of Shelburne, 1783. — The Conduct of Ministers considered, as it affected the East India Company, and Governor Hastings, by Major John Scott, 1784, in 1 vol. Svo. h. h. neat, from Lord Cremorne's col- lection, 4*. 6c?. 2302 East India Company. — Letter on the Carnatic Question, sup- posed to be by Mr. Stuart Hall, 1806. — Tolfrey's Answer to R. Twining's Speech on a Motion that no Director be al- lowed to Trade with India, 1794. — Narrative of the Mar- ratta War, and also the late Rohilla War, 1781. — Major Scott's Speech on Mr. Pitt's East India Bill, 1784.— View of the Origin and Progress of the present Disputes in the East India Company, Ediiiburgh, 1777. — Debate in the House of Commons on the Bill for the renewal of the East India Company's Charter, 1793. — Report from the Com- mittee of the House of Commons in relation to their pro- ceeding on the Trial of Warren Hastings, 1794, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, 6s. 2F 216 THOMAS THORPE S 2303 East Intlia Questions. — Refutation of the Charge against the Marquis WcUcsley, on Account of his Conduct to the Nabob of Oude, by J. Brand, 1807. — The Carnatic Ques- tion stated, 1808. — Letter from Mr. Paull to Samuel Whit- bread, Esq. M.P. 1808, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 4s. 6rf. 2304 Eccardi (Jo. Georgii) Historia Studii Etyraologici Linguae Germanicae, 12mo. vellum, Ss. 6d. Hanoverce, 1711 2305 Ecclesiae Orientalis Antiquitates, euro J. Morini Vita, 12mo. ^ne copy, vellum, 5s. 6d. - Londini, 1682 2306 Echard's (Laurence) Description of Ireland, Chronologically Surveying all its Provinces and Countries, maps, 12mo. scarce, 8s. 6d. - - - 1G91 2307 Eckhardi (Chr. Henr.) Introductio in Rem Diplomaticam, 4to. ,/ine copy, very neat, 7s. 6d. - Jena?, 1742 2308 Eckhardi (Tobiae) Vita Alberti Stadensis Abbatis Chronici Auctoris, etc. 4to. uncut, 3s. 6d. - Goslarice, 1726 2309 Eckii (Joannis) Orationes IV. de Diva Catherina et Artibus lib. Friburgi. De Arte Medica Auripoli. De Sacerrimn Theologia Auripoli. Funebris in Exequiis G. de Nuthofen, 4to. Ss. 6d. - - Augustce, 1513 2310 Eckii Elementarius Dialecticae, 4to. ^ne copy, neat, 10s. Qd. Aug. Vindel. 1518 2311 Eckii Epistola ad Jacobum Hoogstratensem, 4to. scarce, 3s. Lipsice, 1520 2312 Eckii Dialogi, Decoctio et Eckius Monachus, 4:io. fine copy, scarce, 4s. - - - sine ulld notd 2313 Eckii de non tollendis Christi et Sanctorum Imaginibus', Tractatus, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. Ingolstadii, 1523 2314 Eckii Sperandam esse in Brevi Victoriam ad versus Turcam, Homiliae V. ex Byblia desumptee, ad Card, ac Episc. Tri- dentinum, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. - ■^^g' Vind. 1532 2315 Eckius. — Tres Orationes Funebres in Exequiis Jo. Eckii Theologi, cum Epitaphiis aliquot in obitum ejusdem, car- mine, 8vo. fine copy, 2s. 6d. - Ingolstadii, 1543 2316 Eckiana Bibliotheca, continens libros Juridicos, Philologicos, Historicos, etc. Jac. Eckii, 1758. — Librorum W. van Lill, 1765. -P. Alberthomjp, 1761.— G. Venemee, 1762, alt priced, 8vo. vellum, 3s. 6d. 2317 Eclogffi Vergilii, Calphurnii, Nemesiani, Petrarchae, Boccaccii, Bapt. Mantuani, et Pomponii Gaurici, 8vo. neat, very rare, 10s. Cd. - Florentice, Philippus de Giunta, 1504 •^* Sold in Dr. Askew's sale for 31. 5s. 2318 Ecosseuses (Les)ou les CEufs de Vasques, frontispiece, 12mo, neat, scarce, 4s. 6d. - - Troyes, 1 745 2319 Edmondson's Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, plates, 8vo. neat, 10s. Cc/. - 1766 2320 Edward III. — The Raigne of King Edward the Third, as it hath been sundry times played about the Citie of London, cut copy, 4to. very rare, \l. lis. Qd. - 1599 %* Sold at Sotheby's, in 1821, for 5/. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 219 2321 Edward III. — The Raigne of King Edward the Third, first EDITION, two last leaves manuscript, 4to. h. b. russia, extremely rare, 21. 12*. 6d. - - - 1596 •»* This jilay, which is taken from our English chronicles, has great merit ; it was attributed by Capel, in his Prolusions, to Shakespeare. i.'322 Edward HI. — Rationis et adpetitus Pugna, hoc est de Amore Edvardi III. Regis Anglite ct Elipsioe Comitissae Sah'sberi- censis Historia quam ad fama; fanum adjecit TEschacius Major, \ 2mo. Jine copy, elegantly bound in morocco, with joints, gilt edges, and satin Jly-leaves, \l. \0s. Ilalis Saxonum, 1G12 *»• A curious and interesting little volume of extreme rarity. This edition is apparently unknown to bibliographers. 2323 Edward VI. — iEpini (Joannis) Liber de Purgatorio, satis- factionibus, remissione culpaj et pcEiis, etc. etc. with a long and very interesting dedication, consisting of thirty-three pages, to King Edjvard the Sixth, 4to. scarce, 15s. - 1548 2324 Edwards's Gangraena. — T. Alle's Narrative of the truth of some particulars in the said book, concerning one Nichols, an Anabaptist, some opinions he maintained to Master Greenhill, a discourse that passed between Greenhill and Burroughs, upon those opinions, &c. 4to. scarce, Ss. 1646 2325 Edwards. — Catalogue of the Library of James Edwards, Esq. 8vo. russia elegant, 45. Qd. - - 1815 2326 Edwards. — Catalogue of the valuable Library of James Ed- wards, Esq. 8vo. large paper, neatly priced, with pur- chasers' names, uncut, Ss. - - 1815 *** A most splendid collection of early printed books, manuscripts, &c. cbietly upon vellum. 2327 Edwards. — Catalogue of the splendid Library of Thomas Ed- wards, printed on pink paper, with the prices and purchasers names, 8vo. uncut, rare, I2s. - - 1828 *0* Only twelve copies were printed on this paper. 2328 Egidio Caccia Bellissima, con i dilettevoli amori di M. Giro- lamo Benivieni, et cinque Capituli del' S. Conte Matteo Maria Boiardo, sopra el Timore, Zelosia, Bellezza, Speranza, Amore et un Trionfo del Mondo, 12mo. vellum, 15s. Vinegia, 1537 •^* The above copy was purchased in Mr. Roscoe's sale for 21. 2s. Appa- rently unknown to Brunet and other bibliographers. 2329 Egnatius de Exemplis illustrium Virorum Venetae civitatis, atque aliarum Gentium, 12mo. vellum, 10s. Qd. Paris, ap. Bern. Turrisanum, in Aldind Bibliothecd, 1554 *#* The works published by Bern. Turri^anns arc all neatly printed, and have the titles decorated with the Aldine device, and his office is designated " sub Aldind Bibliothecii," or " sub Ol/ichm Aldi." All the volumes published by him are of considerable rarity, and arc indispensable in an Aldine series. This esti- mable work, says Renoiuird, has obtained for its author the surnunic of the Venetian Valerius Maximus. It is the iirst work mentioned by him as issuing es et Hcspublicas pro Britannico hello indicendo, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare. Si. \3s. 6d. Romce, ex Typographia Fincentt Accolti, 1588 %* This is a most ciirious and interesting tract relating to the Spanish ar- mada. Every argument that could animate or inflame the feelings of the Catho- lics of all Europe in favour of the armada is adduced. The sufferings of the English Catholics arc worse than those endured in the Brazen Lull of Phalaris, &c. and all these emanate from a woman, 'in Christiano olim regno, enutrita,' who DOW exceeds in tyranny and oppression, Mezentius, Procrustes, Nero, or Tiberius. Much reliance is placed on the influeace of Cardinal Allen, and the bravery of the Duke of Parma. 2357 Ellis's (Clem.) Gentile Sinner, or England's brave Gentleman, 12mo. clean copy, in the original binding, 7s. 6d. Oxford, 1672 •»* Dedicated to Sir Philip Musgrave, Bart. 2358 Ellis's (George) Specimens of the Early English Poets, Jirst edilimi, Svo. neat, 10s. 6d. - - 1790 2359 Ellis's (Hon. G. Agar) Historical Inquiries respecting the Character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chan- cellor of England, 8vo. bds. 3s. 6d. - 1827 2360 Elogium faraosissimi Viri Neminis Morthani, Terrae filii, Noctis et Cocy ti fratris, etc. a Joanne Cellario Gnostopolitano, concinnatum, qui interim Nullum agit, 4to. scarce, 4*. Ltpsiee, 1519 2361 Elohim and Berith ; Two Dissertations concerning the Ety- mology and Scripture Meaning of those Hebrew Words, by Dr. T. Sharp, 1751. — Evidence for Christianity contained in the Hebrew words, Aleim and Oerit, stated and defended, against the repeated Rabbinical Attempts to invalidate and destroy it, in Answer to Dr. Sharp, by J. Moody, 1752. — B. Holloway's Remarks on Dr. Sharp's Pieces on the words Elohim and Berith, Oxford, 1751. — Dr. Thomas Sharp's Review and Defence of two Dissertations concerning the Etymology and Scripture-meaning of the Hebrew words Elohim and Berith, 1754, in 1 vol. Svo. /*. b. 7s. 6d. 2362 Elstob's (Eliz.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, first given in English : with an Apology for the study of Northern Antiquities, being very useful towards the understanding of our Ancient English Poets, and other writers, large paper, 4to. in the original binding, gilt edges, scarce, 125. - - - 1715 2363 Elucidarius Scripturarum, btack letter, printed in double columns, large folio, fine clean and sound copy, elegantly bound in mo^ rocco, gilt edges, tooled on the sides, 4/. 45. Nuremberg, per F. Creusner, MCCCCLXXVI. *»* This is a fine specimen of a printer, on whom all bibliographers unite in bestowing their prai.ses. In the Spencer catalogue will be found many warm and just eulogiums on the productions of his press. This book is not contained there, but there are four other works printed by him, which are there described, and only one dated before the above splendid production. Independent of its being desirable as a fine monument of ancient typography, it presents us with one of the earliest Dictionaries adapted to the Latin Bible ; the arrangement of it is strictly alphabetical, from A to Z. A copy sold in 1825, for \2l. 12s. 224 THOMAS Thorpe's 2S64 Elyot's (Sir Tlio.) Dictionary, Latin and English, folio, fine copy, russia, gill edges, 81. 13s. Gd. - Berthelet, 1538 *,* First Latin and English Dictionary published in England. It is a work of considerable ability, and deservedly held in high estimation, as one of the earliest and best attempts in the promotion of lexicographical literature. 2365 Emblemes d'AIciat, a series of beautiful wood-cut emblematical Engravings, within curious engraved borders, with descriptions in Latin and French, 8vo. h. b. russia, 6s. 6d. 1549 2366 Emblems. — Cervus, hoc est, quae per Cervum Significata fuere Sacris iEgyptiorum Literis, a series of Emblematical Engravings, with descriptions in Latin and Dutch verse, 4to. h.b. morocco, ll.ls. - - /Augsburg, 1602 2367 Emblemata Politica, in Aula Magna Curiae Noribergensis de- picta, a series of thirty-two beautiful and curious emblematical Engravings, by Petrus Iselburg, with descriptions in Latin and German verse, 4to. h. b. neat, very scarce^ ll. \s. 1617 2368 Emblematical and other Early Humorous Engravings.— One hundred and forty, by various Dutch Artists, principally Em- blematical, and Representative of the various Amusements and Avocations of the Natives of Holland, very fine impres- sions, mounted upon drawing paper, in one vol. 4to. h. b. russia, collected by the late Lord Mark Kerr, \l. 11*. 6d. 1635, &c. 2369 Emblems. — Guil. Hesi Emblemata Sacra de Fide, Spe, Cha- ritate, with many wood-cuts, 12mo. h. b. neat, 5s. 6d. Antv. Planlin, 1636 2370 Emblems.— Epitome Vitoe et Miraculorum S. Francisci, with beautiful emblematical engravings, brilliant impressions, 8vo. vellum, scarce, 15*. - - Antv. 1653 2371 Emblems.— A series of fifty curious Emblematical Engravings, fine impressions, mounted upon drawing paper, in one vol. oblong 12mo. h. b. morocco, from Lord Mark Kerr's Library, 10*. 6d. 2372 Embleraa de Fortuna, ad Serenissimum Principem Joannem Austriacum, Belgii et Burgundies Gubernatorem, curious emblematical engraving, 4:10. fine copy, sewed, 4*. Bruxella;, 1656 2373 Emblemes par le P. C. F. Menestrier, a series of 500 emble- matical wood-cut Engravings, with descriptions in French, 8vo. neat, lOs. 6d. - - Paris, 1684> 2374 Emmerton's Marriage with Mrs. Bridget Hyde considered, wherein is discoursed the Rights and Nature of Marriage, 4to. sewed, a curious and interesting legal tract, 6s. 1682 2375 Enchiridion novus Algorismi summopere visas de Integris, Minutiis vulgaribus Projectilibus et regulis mercatorum sine figurarum, (more Ytalorum) deletione procommode tractans, cura studioque Jo, Huswirt Sanensis, 4to. fine large copy, with rough edges, very rare, 15*. - Colon. Quenteli, 1501 2376 Enen (Joannis) Epitome, alias Medulla Gestorum Trevirorum, in Latinum versa a Joanne Scheckmenno, wood-cut title, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. - - Metis, 1517 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 225 2377 Endymion ; or, Universal Satyrist, 8vo. 25. 2S78 English History. — Klagbrieffoder Supplication der armen duriftigen in Engenlandt an den konig daselb gestellet widdcr die reychen geystliclien bettler, 4to. scarce, 3s. - 1529 2379 English History. — Illustria Ecclesiee Catholicae Trophoea, ex recentibus Anglicorum Martyrum, Scoticce proditionis, Gal- licorumque furorum rebus gestis graviss. virorum fide nota- tis, 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, a very scarce and interesting volume, 1/. Is. - - Monachii, 1573 *»• Sold at Sotheby's in 1821 for 3/. lis. 2380 English History. — Descriptiones qusedam, illius inhumana2 et multiplicis Persecutionis quam in Anglia propter fidem susti- nent Catholice Christiani, plates of the cruelties, <^'c. folio, EXTREMELY RARE, 4/. 4*. %* " This siugularly curious and rare work consists of six leaves; five of them contain plates, occupying nearly the half of each ; they are well executed, and judging from their general appearance and the time when the work was published, were most probably engraven by Thomas de Lew." 2381 English History. — De Persecutione Anglicana Libellus, a R. Parsons, Svo. Jine copy, with the six plates of the Execu-^ tions and other Punishments of various Catholics in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, rare, 21. 2s. - Romce, 1582 %* Sold in the Bindley sale for 6L 16s. M. 2382 English History. — Commentariolus de Persecutione Anglicana a Collegio Romano Anglicano cum Litcris Gregorii Papai Xin. hortatoriis ad subveniendum Anglis, &c. pro fide Catholicfi dispersis, 12mo._^«c copy, vellum, \5s. Ingolstadii, 1 5 82 *»* At the end of this rare volume are some Hexameter verses addressed to the following martyrs, Campion, Sherwin, Bryan, Hanse, Nelson, Sherwood, and Cuthbert Mayue ; an Epigram of the Author, and a Poem to the English College at Rhemes. 2383 English History. — Epistre de la Persecution en Angleterre contra I'eglise Chrestienne Catholique et Apostolique, et Fideles membres d'icelle, ou sont declarez les tres grandes afflictions, miseres et calamitez, les tourmens tres cruelz et martyres admirables, que tres fideles Chrestiens Anglois soufFrent pour leur foy et religion, Svo. vellum, rare, M. \s. Paris, 1582 %* Sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for 21. 3j. 2384 English History. — Historia del Glorioso Martirio di Sedici Sacerdoti Martirizati in Inghilterra per la Confessione et difesa della fede Catolica, I'Anno 1581, 1582, et 1583, 8vo. very scarce, 18*. - - Milano, 1584 *^* The above volume contains a narrative of the Life and Death of Edmund Campian, Ralph Shervrin, Alexander Bryant, Thomas Ford, Robert Johnson, William Filbey, J. Payne, E. Hance, T. Sherwood, J. Nelson, W. Harte, and others. 2G 226 THOMAS Thorpe's 2385 English History. — Crudelitatis Calvinianae Exempla duo re- centissima ex Anglia, quorum primum continet barbarum ac ssevum Calvinianorum edictum recenter editum contra Catholicos : alterum vero exhibet indignissimam mortem illustrissimi viri Henrici Percy Comitis Northumbriae in Castro Londinensi occisi, 1585. — Martyrium Edmundi Cam- piani qui cum duobus aliis Presbyteris Radulpho Sherwino et Alexandre Briano in Anglia propter constantem Romanae et Catholicaj fidei confessionem, mortis supplicio afFectus est, per G. Estium, Lovanii, 1582, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, very rare, 21. 2s. *.^* The first is a most interesting historical volume, and highly important, as attempting to prove that Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, who had been confined in the Tower, on suspicion of being concerned in Throckmorton's con- spiracy, did not shoot himself, as generally accredited, but was murdered by others. That part also which relates to the edict of Q. Elizabeth against the Popish priests, expelling them the kingdom, is very curious and valuable. At the end is a long letter from England, containing all the news of the day. Particulars of Sir Francis Drake, the * pirate.' Death of W. Parry, also of At- field, for distributing Cardinal Allen's book, in answer to the Justitia Britannica. Notices of Walsiugham, Cecil and Leicester, ascendancy of the great bear, in allusion to Lord Leicester's armorial bearings, and his influence with the queen, &c. &c. 2386 English History. — Response d'un Gentilhomme Francois a I'Advertissement des Catholiques Anglois, en laquelle il traite la question, si pour chasser I'heresie il faut tuer les Heretic- ques, et leur faire la guerre, Svo. vellum, scarce, 10s. Gd. 1587 2387 English History. — Various Relations and Papers in Spanish, relating to English Affairs, promulgated in Spain, from the Presses of Seville, Madrid, Valladolid, &c. from 1598 to 1660, very curious and rare, in 1 vol. folio, morocco, gilt edges, Si. 8s. - - 1598-1660 2388 English History. — Apologia pro Hierarchia Ecclesiastica a Ciemente P. VIII. his annis apud Anglos instituta, cum Appendice ad eandem Apologiara, 2 vols. Svo. vellum, scarce, ll.ls. - - - 1601-2 %* A most interesting historical work, containing much information respecting Cardinal Allen and others. The Appendix is very rarely found with the book. 2389 English History. — Copie of a Letter sent out of England to an Ambassadour in France, for the King of Spain, declaring the State of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Ber- nardin and all his partizans, Spaniards and others, whereunto are adjoyned certain Advertisements, concerning the losses and distresses of the Spanish Navy, as well in fight with the English Navy in the Narrow Seas of England, as also by Tempests and contrary winds upon the West and North Coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the Northern Isles beyond Scotland, 4to. sewed, scarce, 15s. - 1641 *^* An interesting tract relating to the complete overthrow of the Spanish Armada, which attempted to invade England in 1588 ; it contains also some curious notices of the more important persons connected with the government of the country at that period, aud other matters. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 227 2390 English History. — Premier et Second Advertissemens dcs Catholiques Anglois aux Francois Catlioliques, ct a la No- blesse qui suit ii present le Roy de Navarre, 8vo. neat, venj scarce, \0s. 6d. - - Paris, 1590 2391 English History. — Advertencias que los Catolicos de Ingla- terra escrivieron a los Catolicos de Francia, tocantes a las presentes reboluciones, y cerco de Paris, por Antonio de Herrera, 8vo. vellum, venj rare, 21. I2s. 6d. Carago^a, 1592 2392 England's Safety in Navie and Fortifications ; the common interest both of King and People, conteininw necessary observations concerning Dover and other Sea Towns, 4to. seti'ed, 4-s. 6d. - - _ 1642 2393 English History. — A Collection of Records of the great mis- fortunes that hath hapned unto Kings that have joyned them- selves in a near allyance with Foreign Princes, with the happy success of those that have only held Correspondence at Home, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1642 2394 England's Faithful! Reprover and Monitour, 12mo. very neat, scarce, lOs. 6d. - _ _ 1653 2395 England's Confusion, or a True and Impartial Relation of the late Traverses of State in England, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. 1659 2396 English Wars. — Description des Guerres entre le Roy d'An- gleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies des Pays-bas, et I'Evesque de Munster, avec une Introduc- tion preliminaire, contenant 1' Exile, et la Restitution du Charles II. with Jine impressions of the many plates, one of which represents the great fire of London, with Old London Bridge, 4to. russia, gilt edges, los. - Amst. 1668 2397 English Succession. — History of the Succession of the Crown of England, and more particularly from the time of King Egbert till Henry VIII. 4to. very neat, \0s. 6d. 1G90 2398 English and French Grammar, with curious Dialogues, French and English, composed for the use of the Princess, dedicated to Henrietta Maria, Queen of King Charles I. 12mo. fine copy, vellum, scarce, 10s. Gd. - Rouen, 1639 2399 Engravers. — Repertorium Sculptile Typicum ; or a com- plete Collection and Explanation of the several Marks and Cyphers, by which the Prints of the best Engravers are distinguished, scarce, 1730. — Notices of the most remarkable Fires in Edinburgh, from 1385 to 1824. — Laconics, or the best Words of the best Authors, 1826, in one vol. 12mo. h. h. neat, 6s. 6d. 2400 Engravings. — Twelve very early Wood-cuts and Copper- plate Engravings, including a most curious Apocalyptical Representation ; St. Francis, St. Anthony, St. Ann, Ecce Homo, &c. &c. \l. 8s. 2401 Engravings. — Histoire des Actions de Samson, represented in thirty-eight Engravings by various Artists, after F. Verdier, oblong folio, /i. 6. 105. 6c/. - - 1698 228 THOMAS Thorpe's 2402 Engravings. — Upwards of Three Hundred curious early Enjrravings by Tortorel and Perissim, representing the Wars in France, Belgium, Holland, &c. during the sixteenth cen- tury, with Views of the Towns, Sieges, Battles by Sea and Land, Massacre of the Protestants at Paris, and other Towns of France, Struggle in the Low Countries in the Cause of Religion, Processions, including the Funeral of the Prince of Orange, his Assassination, Trial and Execution of his Mur- derer, Views of Palaces, exteriors and interiors. Councils of State, Tournaments, including the one in which Henry H. of France was killed by Montgomery, and various other inter- esting subjects, with portraits of the principal characters, oblong folio, very rare, from Lord Mark Kerr^s collection, 47. 145. 6d - - 1510 to 1603 *#* One hundred and sixty-two only of the above engravings sold in the Duke of Noailles' sale for 18Z. 16s. 2403 Engravings. —A volume of early Engravings, commencing with seven by Callot, Visiting the Sick, &c. thirty-six Views of Ruins of Castles, &c. in Holland, ten of various Cos- tumes. — Portraits of William the Conqueror, William IL John, Edward L, IL, IIL, IV., and V., Henry II., IIL, IV., v., VI., VIL, and VIIL, Richard I., IL, and IIL, Queen Mary and Elizabeth, by Elstrack and Passe, nine Scripture Subjects, by Lansvelt, in all eighty-one, mounted upon blue 2}aper, oblong 4to. collected by the late Lord Mark Kerr, 2l. 2s. 2404 Engravings. — Les Miseres et les Malheurs de la Guerre par J. Callot, seventeen plates and title, fine impressions, Paris, 1C33. — Four others, by Callot, upon a larger scale, six by Delia Bella, illustrative of War ; eight Engravings o^ Bears, by Nic. Visscher, 1664. — Four Engravings of Hunting Wild Beasts, by M. de Bye, after Paul Potter, fine. — Four of Anirhals, by C. de Jonghe. — The Four Seasons, repre- sented by four Ladies in the Costume of each Season, by Hollar. — Five by J. G. Frost, &c. Varie Figure di Jacopo Callot, sixteen plates, in all sixty-five, mounted upon blue •paper, oblong 4to. h. b. neat, collected by the late Lord Mark Kerr, 11. lis. 6d. 2405 Engravings. — Twenty-nine by Melchior Kusell, illustrative of the Life of Christ, with Descriptions under each in German verse, oblong folio, h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. 2406 Enquiry into the melancholy circumstances of Great Britain, more particularly in regard to Q^conomy, Svo. 2*. 2407 Eparchi (Antonii)in Eversionem GrseciaeDeploratio; Ejusdem Epistolae, quiDedam Spectantes ad Concordiam Reipublicse Christianae ; Ejusdem Epitaphium in Card. Contarenum, prsestantissimi consilii virum, Graece, 4to. very fine copy, in old calf gilt, 21. 12s. 6d. Venetiis, (Manutius,) 1544 *»* This precious volume, says Rcuouard, is very rare. It was unknown to him until he published the new sdition of his Anuales des Aide. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 229 2408 Ens (Gasp.) Magnae Britannoe Delicioc, seu Iiisularum nt Reg- noriim qua^ MagnuD Britanniac nomine et Regis Jacobi, etc. imperio hodie comprehenduntur, Descriptio, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 1/. 1 5s, - Colonice, 1613 *«• This interesting description of England, Scotland, and Ireland, is of great rarity ; it is dedicated to the Duke of Lenox. 240y Ephelia. — Female Poems on several Occasions, by Ephelia, dedicated to the Princess Mary, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox, Svo. Jine copy, in the original binding, scarce, \l.lls.6d. - . - 1682 *»* The above scarce volume of poems and songs, contains an Elegy on Arch- bishop Sheldon, Acrostics on Anne Bury, Venetia Cooke, Anne Gilbert ; several pooras to Mr. J. G. probably the Archbishop's son, to whom the writer appears to have been attached, and by him slighted ; there are also many songs and other poems on Love, Wine, and various other subjects. g'ilO Epictetus. — Simplicii Commentarius in Epicteti Enchiridion, cum ipso Epicteti textu, Graece, 4to. Jine copy, neat, scarce, 10s. 6d. Venetiis, per Jo. Ant. et Fratres de Sahio, 1528 *#* « Premiere edition, rare." — Brunei. Sold in Caillard's sale for 18 francs. 2411 Epicteti Enchiridion, Lat. abAngelo Politiano, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, 7s. - - Paris. 1545 2412 Epicteti Enchiridion, cum Indice copiosissimo, Graece, Svo. vellum, very scarce, 7s. 6d. - Salmanticce, 1555 2413 Epicteti Enchiridion, Gr. et Lat. a Politiano, fine copy, 4to. vellum, 5s. - - - Paris. 1567 *«* " Extremely rare." — Manuscript Note. 2414 Epifania degli Dei appo gli antichi Lettere del Cav. Arditi, 4to. hoards, 45. Qd. - Napoli, 1819 2415 Epigrammata Hieronymi Balbi Poetse Oratorisque celeberri- mi, 4to. fine copy., scarce, 3s. Gd. - sine ulld notd* 2416 Epigrammatum Elegiarumque libellus Dartholomei Crotti ac- cedit Matthei Marie Boiardi Bucolicon Carmen, 4to. scarce, 5s. 6d. - - Regit, MCCCCC. *»* Sold in the Pinelli sale for 12s. 2417 Epigrammatum lib. II. Euricii Cordi, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. 6d. - - Erfibrdice, 1517 2418 Epigrammata Graeca veterum elegantissima, eademque Latina ab utriusque Linguae viris doctissimis versa, per Jo. Soterem collecta, 1 2mo. fine copy, very neat, in french calf , gilt edges, scarce, \0s. 6d. - Colonics, 1528 2419 Epigrammatum Flores ex optimis quibusque Authoribus ex- cerpti per Leod. a Quercu, 2 vols. 12mo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. - Lutetice, 1555-60 2420 Epigrammatum Sacrorum hb. XII. a Pantaleone Candido, Svo. 4*. - - 1589 2421 Epigrammata et Poemata Varia a Petro Pithoeo edita, 12mo. jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 11. 5s. Paris. 1590 *,* See an account of this rare and beautiful volume in Brunet's Manual. Col. Stanley's copy sold for 2/, 125. 6d., and Bcauclcrk's for 3/. loj. 230 THOMAS Thorpe's ' 2422 Epigrammi tradotti dal Latino e dal Francisco da Antonio T. Fieri, Lat. Gall, et Ital. 8vo. 5s. - Corfu. 1799 •»• The first work noticed by Dr. Cotton as being printed in the island of Corfu, was executed in 1817, 18 years after the date of the present. 2423 Epistelen ende Evangelien, mitten Sermonem vanden ghehelen jare die een na den anderen volghende ende oec mede die prophecien ghenomen der bibelen volmaectelic end gherec- telic ouer glieset wt den latine in goeden duytsche ghe- likeerwijs alsmen houdende is inder heyligher, Kercken, curious wood-cuts, 4to. very rare, 21. 2s. Veldener, MCCCCLXXXI. %* Fine copy, very rare, see Maittaire, Panzer, &c. 2424 Epistolae Magni Turci, a very fine, large, sound, and clean copy, 15s. - circa MCCCCLXXIV. *«• This edition is without date, place, or the name of the printer, and was probably printed as early as 1474. There are neither signatures, numerals, nor catchwords. These Epistles of the Great Turk (Mahomet II.) to the different potentates of Europe and other places, and their answers, are very curious. The letter and reply between Mahomet and the Pope are perfectly characteristic of the respective writers; the interchange of abuse between them is quite amusing. 2425 Epistola de Miseria Curatorum seu Plebanorum, curious wood-' cut, 4to. very scarce, lOs. 6c?. - MCCCCLXXXIX. *«* " This is a very singular, amusing, and droll piece, describing the nine devils who vex the curate, all at the same time represented in the wood-cut," 2426 Epistola quam scripsit Magister Samuel Israhelita oriundus de civitate Regis Morochiani ad Rabi Ysaac Magistrum sinagoge quse est in subjulmeta in regno predicto, etiam Epistola Portii Pilati Tiberio Imperatori Romano, 4to. fine copy of a very scarce edition, \Qs, 6d. sine ulld notd, sed Tarvisii Ger. Fladrin. circa MCCCCXC. 2427 Epistolae illustrium virorura, sc. Aldi Manutii Romani, Inno- centii VIII., Pauli Cortesii, Joannis Regis Portugalliae, Laurentii Medices, Ludovici Marias Sforcise Ducis, Petri Criniti, et variorum, folio, very neat, rare, \l. \s. In officind Nic. Wolf. Lutrien. MCCCCXCIX. 2428 Epistola cujusdam Puellae Romanae ad araatorem suum, in VERSE, 4to. very scarce. Is. 6d. - 1513 2429 Epistolae Doctissimse Illustrium Virorum, Paris. Gourmont. 1513. — Bebeliana Opuscula Nova et florulenta necnon et adolescentiae labores librique facetiarum, ib. 1516, in one vol. 4to. in the original binding, \0s. 6d. •»• The last book sold in Mr. Hibbert's sale for 1/. 2430 Epistolae illustrium Virorum, Hebr. Gr. et Lat. ad Jo. Reuch- linum, Alio, fine copy^ very scarce, \2s. Haganoce, 1519 2431 Epistolaj P. Melancthonis, Mart. Lutheri, P. Mosellani, etc. ad Eobanum Hessum, de non contemnendis Studiis huma- nioribus, etc. 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. Erphurdice, 1523 2432 Epistola Apologetica, ad Urbis Agrippinse Romanorum Se- natum contra insaniam Conradi Colin, H. C. Agrippae, 8vo. scarce, 3s. {)d. - - Argent. 1555 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 231 2433 Epistola Christiana admoduin ab annis quatuor ad qucndam, apud quem omne judicium Sacrae Scripturee fuit, ex Bathavis missa, sed spreta, longe aliter tractans Coenam Dominicara quam hactenus tractata ut ad calcem quibusdam adjectis Christiano homini pernecessariis, prsesertim his periculosis temporibus, 12mo. sewed, 3s. 6d. - c. 1530 2434 Epistola de morte Pauli III. Pont. Max. deque iis quae ei post mortem ejus acciderunt, 8vo. ^ne copy, scarce, 3s. 6d. Placent'icB, 1549 2435 EpistolcC Clarorum Virorum Selectae de quamplurimis opti- mee, 1 2mo. original binding, 7s. 6d. Paris, ap, B. Turrisanum, 1556 **• A reprint of the Aldiue edition, with the device on the title. Sold in the Lucca sale for 21. 2436 Epistola ad Fiancisc. Lotaringum Ducem Guisianum, in verse, 4to. Jine copy, 3s. Hd. - Paris. 1558 2437 Epistolae Principum, Rerumpublicarum, ac Sapientum Viro- rum, ex antiquis et recentioribus Annalibus collecta, 8vo. very scarce, ISs. - Venet. ap. Jord. Zilletum, 1574 *»* A highly interesting volume ; there are letters between James IV. King of Scotland, and Henry the Eighth of England; Godfrey of Bulloigne, &c. j and an Oration in praise of the King of England, by Guarinus Veronensis. 2438 Epistolae, Dialogi breves, Oratiunculae, Poematia, Gr. et Lat. Zvo.Jine copy, very neat, in old calf gilt, 5s. H. Stephanus, 1577 2439 Epistolae de Rebus Japonicis Indicis et Peruanis, in unum librum coacervatae a Jo. Hayo, Scoto, pp. 1000, Svo. vellum, lOs. 6d. - - Anlv. 1605 2440 Epistola de Conventu Caesaris Ferdinandi cum quibusdam Imperii Electoribus Ratisbonaj celebrato, 4to. fine copy, 3s. Londini, 1631 2441 Epistolae selectee, Insignium Virorum quae nunc primum pro- deunt ex Bibliotheca Jani Gulielmi Meelii, 8vo. Jine copy, very neat, in calf gilt, 5s. - Amst. 1701 2442 Epitaphia quaedam mirae vetustatis : quae viri boni ac eruditi et antiquitatis amatores posteaquam in sancta et religiosa pro litteris peregrinatione statuas monumenta ac urnas ado- raverunt in quibus erant inscripta inde fideliter coUegerunt, et ad amicos miserunt, nood-cuts, 4to. fine copy of an ex- iremely rare and curious tract, printed in red and black, 10s. Qd. Erphordice, in cedibus Marscalci s. a. circa MCCCCC. 2443 Epitaphia duorum fratrum, Ducum Saxonise, 4to. scarce, 3s. 1532 2444 Epitaphium D. Henrici, Baronis in Wildefels, 4to. scarce, 36. 6d. - - JVittebergce, 1559 2445 Epitapliius in Alexandrum Farnesium Parmae et Placentise Ducem, port, and plate of his lying habited in the order which he professed, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, 9s. Col. Agr. 1598 2446 Epithalamion scriptum M. Johanni Macholt, ab Andrea a Berg, 4to. scarce, 3s. Gd, - Vitebergce, 1549 232 THOMAS Thorpe's 2447 Epithalamion docti viri Christ. Trutenbuel, et virginis Clarat filiae Consulis Marci MuUeri a T. Bussiano, 4to. fine copy, 3s. 6d. - - Witlemhergce, 1544 2448 Epithalamion scripttim Micaelo Bartolomeo et ejus sponsse pudicissimse Annoe, autore Gallo Doblero, 4to. fine copy, 45. 6rf. - - - Lips. 1553 2449 Epithalamion scriptum in Nuptiis Laurentii Rulichii et Do- rothoae, Wolphgangni Pfentneri Viduae, 4to. 3*. 6d. Lips. 1560 2450 Epithalamia secundis Nuptiis Nic. HefFrichii Lipsensis Sponsi et honestissimae, pudicissimaeque virginis Clarse, Pauli Furle- geri filiae, Sponsae, wood-cut, 4to. h. b. morocco, very scarce, 7s. 6d. - - - Lips. 1597 2451 Epithalamium Nuptiarum sollennibus sacrum H. Thibautii, et Anthonise Pecquiae Sponsae, 4to. 3s. Middelburgi Zelandice, 1G38 2452 Epodon, Hymni, et alia Carmina ad divam Helisabet emi- nentissimam Hispaniarum Reginam, 4to. very fine copy of this rare poetical tract, 1 8s. sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXX. *#• This copy was purchased iu 1827 for 3/. 35. 2453 Erasmi Concio de Puero Jesu, cum carminibus in fine de eodem, 4to. neai, very scarce, I/. Is. sine ulld notd. *JK* This is probably the first edition of this excellent composition of Eras- mus, who was a great friend of Dean Colet's, and assisted him much in the estab- lishment of his school. '* Among other things he wrote au excellent composition, for the use of the Paul's scholars, which was an oration in praise of the child Jesus (which was spoken publicly in the school by one of the scholars at the solemn time of visiting the school), in an admirable strain of Christian eloquence, recommend- ing the example of Jesus in his childhood, and exhorting the school-fellows to follow his steps in all piety and virtue.'' At the end of the volume are also the verses, which were set up in the school-room at Dr. Colet's desire. 2454 Erasmi ParabolcB sive Similia, Lovan. 1515. — Erasmi Apo- logies Duae, ih. 1519. — Collectanea Adagiorum Veterum Erasmi, Argent. 1510. — Morise Encomium, Erasmi De- clamatio, dedicated to Sir Thomas More, Antv. 1512. — Ali- quot Declamatiunculae, Gr. et Lat. per Erasmum, Lovan. 1519. — Apologia Erasmi qua respondet duabus Invectivis Edv. Lei, Ant. 15^0. — Recriminatio Jo. Gertophii adversus furiosissimum Sycophantam Ed. Leum, Anglum, Basil, 1520. — In omnes Erasmi Adagiorum Chiliadas Epitome per Hadr. Barlandum, Lovanii, 1521. — Elisii Calentii et Phalaridis Epistol^, Paris. 1521.^ — Exordiorum in omni genere Ora- tionis sumendorum Familiares formulae per Theodoricum Morellum Campanum, sine ulld notd. — Familiarium Collo- quiorum formulae auctae ab Erasmo, Paris, impensis Egidil Gourmontii, 1521. — Theodorici Morelli Campani Enchyri- diumOratorium in sinonimos flosculos adagialesque formulas digestum, ib. id. s. a. in one vol. 4to. neat, a very rare and curious collection, some of the tracts being prohibited, II. lis. Gd. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 233 '2455 Erasmi de duplici copia rerum ac verborum Commentaiii duo, numerous Maunscript Notes, 4 to. towut, 2s. Ardent. \5\3 2456 Erasmi Stelloc Libonothani dc Borussisa Antiqiiitatibus libri II. wood-cut border, 4to. scarce, 4s, Gd. Basilea?, 1518 2457 Erasmi de duplici Copia Rerum ct Verborum Commentarii duo de Ratione Studii, De Fiiero Jesu Concio Scholastica et qua2dam carmina ad eandem rem pertinentia, Paris, s. a. — Familiarum Colloquiorum Formulae, per Erasmum, Ant. 1519, in 1 vol. 4to. Ss. 6d. *»* The '• Concio de Puero Jesu,'' mentioned in the first tract in this volume, was delivered in St. Paul's school, which had just been founded by Dean Colct. 2458 Erasmus. — Epistolae aliquot Selectae ex Erasmicis per Hadri- anum Barlandum, 4to. served, 3s. 6d. Lovanii, 1520 2459 Erasmi Brevissima maximeque compendiaria conficiendarum Epistolarum Formula, 4to. very neat and scarce, 9s. Colonice, 1521 5460 Erasmi Moriae Encomium, cum Commentariis Ger. Listrii, 8vo, scarce, 4s. Q>d. - - Basil. 1521 2461 Erasmus. — Precatio Dominica, in'septem Partitiones distributa per D. Erasmum Roterodamum, 12mo. sewed, 2s. Basil. Froben. 1523 2462 Erasmi Commentarius in Nucem Ovidii, ad Jo. Morum, T. Mori filium, et Commentarius in duos Hymnos Prudentii, ad Margaretum Roperam T. Mori filiam, 8vo. scarce, 3s. Basilece, 1524 2463 Erasmi Parabolse sive Similia, adjectis aliquot vocularum ob- scurarum interpretationibus, 8vo. h. b. neat, 2s. Argent. 1525 2464 Erasmi Agricote et Melancthonis de formando studio rationed, 12mo. neat, 8s. 6c?. - - Anlv. 1532 2465 Erasmus de Octo Orationis partium Constructione, Scholiis H. Primeei apud Monasterienses Gymnasiarchae illustratus, 12mo. neat, 8s. _ _ _ Atitv. 153G 2466 Erasmus de Complexione, et cseteris Argumentationum Ora- toriarum generibus, 8vo. 2s. 6d. - Parisiis, 1543 2467 Erasmi et Gilberti Cognati Nozereni Effigies una cum eorum Symbolis, et Nozeretho Cognati patria, accesserunt et doc- torum aliquot virorum in Erasmi et Gilberti Cognati laudem, Carmina, with curious wood-cuts, ^to. fine copy, uncut, vellum, rare, 11. Is. - - Basil. Oporinus, 1553 %* Purchased at Mr. Evans's, in 1832, for 21. lis. 2468 Erasmi liber utilissimus de conscribendis Epistolis, continens artificium et prjecepta in earum compositione observanda, 12mo. in rich old red morocco, gilt edges, 5s. Amst, 1629 2469 Erasmi StultititB Laus, cum commentariis Listrii, with cuts by Holbein, Svo. neat, 10s. 66?. - Basilece, 1676 2470 Erasmi CoUoquia, cum Notis Variorum accurante Schrevelio, 8\o.Jine copy, very neat, gill edges, 12s. - Amst. 1693 2471 Erasme, Eloge de la Folie, traduit par M. dela Veaux, large THICK PAPER, with curious wood-cuts, ujtcr designs by Holbein, Hvo.Jine copy,Jrcnch calf, gilt leaves, lOs. Gd. Basle, 1780 2 11 > 234 THOMAS Thorpe's 2472 Erasmi Apophthegmata, 8vo. 2*. - Antv. Plantin. 1564 2473 Ercilla Zuniga (Don Alonso de) Araucana, 12tno. very neat, gilt edges, \0s. 6d. - - - 1597 *.* A rare edition of this poem, so highly praised by Cervantes in his Don Quixote. 2474 Erizzo (Sebastiano) Espositione nelle tre Canzoni di M. Francesco Petrarca chiamate le tre Sorelle, nuovamente mandata in luce da M. Lodovico Dolce, Ato. fine copy, scarce. Is. 6d. - - - Venetia, 1562 2475 Erizzo (Sebastiano) Sei Giornate, mandate in luce da M. Lodovico T)o\ce, first edition, 4to. vellum, rare, \Ss. Venetia, 1567 *»* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 4i. 5s., in Goldsmid's for 21. 19s., and in Count Borromeo's for 21. 18s. 2476 Erondell's (Peter") French Garden, for English Ladyes and Gentlemen to walk in, or a Summer Daye's Labour, being instruction for the attayning the French Tongue, with Dia- logues in verse and prose, French and English, 8vo. very fine copy in the original vellum wrapper, rare, 1/. \\s. 6d. 1605 *^* Dedicated to Lady Elizabeth Barkley, only daughter of Lord Hunsdon, wi^A poems in praise of the book by Samuel Daniel, William Harbert, and Nicholas Breton, which render it an interesting volume to the poetical collector. 2477 EsPEJo DE Principes y Cavalleros. —En el qual se cuenton los immortales hechos del Cavallero del Febo, y de su her- mano Kosicler, hijos del grande Emperador Trebacio. Con las altas Cavallerias y muy estranos amores de la muy her- mosa y estremada princesa Claridiana y de otros altos Prin- cipes, y Cavalleros, por Diego Ortuiiez de Calahorra, Zara- goza, 1617. — Segunda parte de Espejo de Principes y Ca- valleros. donde se tratan los altos hechos del Emperador Trebacio y de sus caros hijos, el gran Alphebo e inclito Ro- sicler y del muy excelente Claridiano hijo del Cavallero del Phebo y de la Imperatriz Claridiana, y de otros muy altos Principes, por Pedro la Sierra Lifan9on, Zaragoza, 1617. — Espejo de Principes y Cavalleros tercera y quarta parte, por el Licenciado Marcos Martinez, Zaragoza, 1623, in 2 vols, folio, ^ric copy, morocco, gilt edges, 14/. 14s. *.^* The only complete edition of this rare and excellent Romance. It is indis- pensable to a Don Quixote library. " Don Quixote often debated with the curate of the village, a man of learning, and a graduate of Siguenza, which of the two was the belter knight, Palmerin of England, or Amadis de Gaul; but master Nicholas, barber-surgeon of the same place, declared, that none ever came up to the Knight of the Sun." The first part is ascribed, by Antonio, to Don Hurtado dc Mendoza. In the second part will be found many poetical pieces. This copy sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 38/. 17s. 2478 Essays. — Satyrae Series ; or the Secrets of things ; written in Morall and Politicke Observations, 1640. — Joluison's Es- sayes; Expressed in sundry Exquisite Fancies, 1638, in one vol. 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, rare, \l. \s. *^* Two scarce little volumes of essays on ceremonies, compliments, wit, fortune, mullipliciiy of books, wisdome of speech, jests, love, deceits, content, friendship, travell, discretion, reputation, &.c. &c. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 235 2479 Essays. — Choice Collection of Original Essays on various and entertaining subjects, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. scarce, 7s. 6d. 1748 2480 Essay on Political Lying, 1757. — On the necessity of main- taining a large Regular Land Force in this Island, 1755. — Considerations on the present German War, 17C0. — Letters of Governor Hutchinson and Lieut. Governor Oliver, printed at Boston, and remarks thereon, 1774, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. 4*. Gd. 2481 Essays on various Subjects of Taste and Criticism, 1780. — Rules for Drawing Caricaturas ; with Essay on Comic Painting, curious 'plates, 1788, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 5s. 2482 Essai sur le Commerce General des Nations de I'Europe : avec un aper^u sur le Commerce de la Sicile en particulier, par X. Scrafani, 1801. — Commentaire Historique sur les ffiuvres de I'Auteur de la Henriade, 177G. — Essai sur la Bibliographie, et sur les talens du Bibliothecaire. — Oraison Funebre de tres venerable H. Essex Fdt»evvorth de Firmont, 1807. — De la Tydologie, ou de la Science des Marees, par T. H. C. Greville, 1810, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 5s. Gd. 2483 Essex. — Forty-three most beautiful and elaborate Drawings of Ancient Seals, illustrative of this County, taken from Charters and other early Deeds, relative to St. John's Abbey, Colcliester, Hatfield Regis Priory, Lighes Priory, Plecy College, Prittlewell Priory, St. Osilh Abbey, Strattord, Latigthorne Abbey, Thoby Priory, Tiltey Priory, Tiptree Priory, Walden Abbey, Waltham Abbey, Blackmore Priory, Coggeshall Abbey, St. Botolph Priory, Dunmovv Priory, Colne Priory, Berden Priory, Berking Nunnery, Meldon Abbey, Bileigh Abbey, Wykes Nunnery, &c. together rvith the Seals of the Abbots, Priors, t^-c. of the same, mounted upon drawing paper, in two vols. 4to. elegantly bound in mo- rocco, gilt edges, richly tooled, 21/; *^* Nothing can exceed the beauty and veracity displayed by Hewlett in the above drawings, which were made with a view to publication, and are truly worthy the object : their value is much enhanced to the historian, county col- lector, or antiquary, by each drawing containing a description of the nature of the ancient document to which the seal is attached from which they were taken, its date and notice of the archives in which it is to be found, also the date when the religious house to which it relates was founded. 2484 Essex. — Thirteen interesting Tracts and Private Acts illus- trative of the County of Essex, from 1G42 to 1726, detailing the Proceedings during the Civil Wars, at Colchester, during its Defence by the Loyalists, Sir George Lysle and Sir Charles Lucas, proceedings of the Gentry, Clergy, &c. &c. Private Acts, relative to. the Woodford Hall Estate; also the Manors of Walden, empowering the Hon. C. Howard to raise Money for the Payment of the Earl of Suffolk and Bindon ; also one for Sir J. Lumley's Estate at Bardfield, &c. &c. in 1 vol. 4to. morocco elegant, 3l. 3s. 1642-1726 2485 Essex (Earl of). — An Elegy and Epitaph upon the unhappy losse of the Earl of Essex, 4to. served, Is. Gd. 1646 235 THOMAS Thorpe's 2486 Essex. — Relation of the Siege of Colchester, in 1648; the Heroic Actions and Character of Sir C. Lucas and Sir G. Lisle, its brave Defenders, who were executed five hours after its Surrender, 12nio. sened, 2s- Colchester, 179f) 2487 Essex (Earl of). — Declaration of tlie Practices and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earl of Es.sex and his complices against her Majesty and her Kingdoms, and of the proceedings, arraignments, and convictions of the said Earl and his adherents, together with their Confessions, Evidences, &c. 4to. 5s. - - 1601 2488 Etat present de la Republique des Lettres en France, 1749.— Le Pauvre Diable, Paris, 1758. — Relation de la Maladie, de la Confession, de la Fin de M. Voltaire, Geneve, 1701. — Relation de la Maladie, de la confession, de la mort et de I'apparition du Jesuite Bertier, in 1 vol. 12tno. ncal, 4s, Gd. 2489 Etherington's (John) Defence against Steven Denison and his Witnesses, their Accusations and Depositions, wherein their whole proceedings and ground whereupon he was censured and committed to prison, 4to. sewed, 5s. 6d. 1641 2490 Ethiopia. — Wansleben's Rebellion and Bloodshed occasioned by the Anti-Christian practices of the Jesuits in Ethiopia, 1679. — Jobi Ludolphi Sciagraphia Historiae iEthiopicae, sive Regni Abessinorum, quod vulgo perperam Presbyteri Joannis vocatur, Jence, 1676. — Jos. Abudacni Historia Jacobitarum seu Coptorum, Oxon. 1675. — Vindicise Judaeorum, by Rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel, 1656, in 1 vol. 4to. h. h. neat, \5s. 2491 Etymologjcum Magnum Grsecum, cum prefatione Marci Musuri, Greece, folio, fine large and sound copy, in rich old French morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, 2l. 12s. 6d. Veneliis, opera Zacharice Calliergi, MCCCCXCIX. '*.^* " Tres belle edition, rare et recherchee." — Brunei. The Duke of Rox- turghe's copy of this splendid specimen of Greek typography was sold for 18i. lOsv 2i92 Etymologicum Magnum Grsecae Linguae, ioWo, fine copy, vel- lum, 21. 2s. Venet. ap. Feder. Turrisanum, 1549 %* Sir Mark Masterman Sykes's copy sold for 11. 10s. " Ce volume est rare, et plus ample que la precieuse edition de Callierge de 1499.'' — Renouard and Briinet. Although this book bears the name of Frederick Turrisauus only, it was, undoubtedly, says Renouard, printed by Paul Manutius. The preface of Turrisanus, in which he announces his intention to engage seriously in publishing Greek books, and to preserve the splendid reputation of the Aldiue press, is extremely interesting. 2493 Eugubini (August.) Recognitio Veteris Testamenti ad He- braicam Veritatem, collata etiam editionc Septuaginta inter- prete cum ipsa Veritate Hebraica, nostraque translatione, cum Expositione HebrtEorum ac Graocorum, qui passim toto opere citantur, ^to. fine copy, rare, 2l. 2s. Va\et. Aldus, 1529 %* This volume, sa)'s Renouard, is very rare; it contains 21 1 leaves, 'imprimis avec un petit caracl^re Romain, niele de Grec, et, ce qui est a remarquer, d'He- breu ixits beau.' Sold in W. Taylor's sale for 4/. 5s., and at Paris for 168 francs. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 237 2494 Eugubini (Julii Gabr.) Orationum et Epistolarum lib. II, Epistola de Rebus Indicis, etc. iio. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 75. 6d. - - - Fenel. 15G9 *^* Printed by Ziletti, with Aldine type. 2495 Eucharist. — Ma<);num et universale Concilium Ecclesiae mili- tantis, super veritate divinissimi Eucharistiae Sacramenti, cum Bessarionis Oratione de Eucharistia, 12mo. neat, from Thuanus's Collection, with his arms on the sides, scarce, 8s. Colonics, 1561 2496 Eugenia, a Tragedy, by S. Hayes and Robert Carr, privately printed, 8vo. very neat, 6s. 6rf. - 1766 2497 Euripidis Tragoediae Septendecim, Greece, first edition, 2 vols. 8vo. short copy, stained, 10s. Qd. Aldus, 1503 2498 Euripidis Tragoediae XVII. Graece, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. fine copy, russia, gilt edges, very scarce edition, \l. Is. Basil. 1537 %* " Edition rare." — Brunei. 2499 Euripidis Tragoediae XIX. Gr. opera Canteri, \2vao. fine copy, very neat, 12s. Antv. ap. Chr. Plantinum, 1571 %• " The merits of this edition are considerable; the errors of Oporinus and others are corrected, and the short critical notes and 'ratio carminum,' of Can- ter, are excellent of their kind, as is also the preface or prolegomena." Dr. Heath's copy sold for 5/. 15s. &d. 2500 Euripidis quae extant omnia : Tragoediae nempe XX. praeter ultimam, omnes completae ; item Fragmenta aliarum plus- quam LX. Tragcediarum ; et Epistolce V. nunc primum et ipsse hue adjectae, etc. opera et studio Josuae Barnes, with both portraits, {oho. fine clean copy, neat, 18s. Cantab. 1694 2501 Euripidis Tragoediae, Fragmenta, et Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. cum notis variorum, cura Beck, 3 vols. 4to. h. b. russia, 11. 15s. - - - Lips. 1778 %* Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 51. 18s., and in Hunter's for 8/. 2502 Euripidis Tragoediae et Fragmenta, recensuit, interpretationem Latinam correxit, Scholia Gr^ca e Codicibus Manuscriptis, partim supplevit partim emendavit Augustus Matthise, 8 vols. 8vo. russia elegant, marbled edges, 51. 5s. Lipsice, 1813 %* " An edition which will be exceeded by none in accuracy, erudition, and critical apparatus.'" — Dibdin. Sold in Williams's sale for SI. 12s. 2503 Euripidis Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide, Tragoediae in Lati- num Translatae Erasmo interprete. Ejusdem Ode de Laudi- bus BritannicE, Regisque Henrici VII. ac regiorum liberorum ejus. Ejusdem Ode de Senectutis Incommodis, Svo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, extremely rare, 3/. 3s. Venetiis, in cedib. Aldi, 1507 " Volume tr^s rare et peu connu.''^ Renouard. It has a long dedication of Erasmus to William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sold in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 10/. 1.3s. 2504 Euripidis Medea, Gr. et Lat. 4to. h. b. 11. 5s. Londini, 1734 *«* With very numerous manuscript additions by Dr. Raine. 238 THOMAS thokpe's ^505 Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes, Phcenissae et Alcestes, Gr. et Lat. cura T. Morell, 2 vols. 8vo. fine clean copy, neat, 8s. 6d. Londini, 1748 *,* Sold in the Rev. T. Williams's sale for 1/. 19s. 2506 Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes, et Phcenissae, cum Notis, cura Porsoni, 3 vols. Svo. hoards, \5s. 1797, 8, and 9 %* With mauuscript note, in one play, by the learned Professor Porson. 2507 Euripidis Hecuba, Tragcedia, Graece ad fidem Manuscripto- rum, emendata, et Notis Emendationum potissimum Rati- ones reddentibus instructa, edidit Ricardus Porson, large paper .f Svo. hoards, uncut, scarce, \5s. Cantahrigice, 1802 *'^* Only twelve copies are said to have been printed on large paper. 2508 Euripidis Medea Graece cura Versione et Notis S. Musgrave, accessere Notae et Animadversiones Brunckii, E tones, 1792. — Euripidis Hippolytus Graece, Notis J. Markland, ih. 1792, in 1 vol. Svo. h. b. uncut, \2s. %* Interleaved with very numerous manuscript notes and corrections by Dr. Raine. 2509 Euripidis Medea et Hecuba, Graece, ad Fidem Manuscripto- rum emendata, cum Notis Porsoni, large paper, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 21. 12s. 6d. - Cantab. lSOl-2 *^* Only twelve copies printed on large paper for presents. On the fly leaf of the Medea is an autograph note by Professor Porson, containing corrections in his beautifully neat hand. 2510 Euripidis Orestes ex I'ecensione Barnesii, varietate lectionis et animadversionibus J. F. Facii cura Heynii, Svo. russia ele- gant, marbled edges, 7s. - Coburgi, 1778 2511 Euripidis Orestes, Grsece, cum Notis Porsoni, Svo. boards, uncut, 8s. - - - Lond. 1798 *j^* On the fly-leaf is a MS. note by the editor, Professor Porson. 2512 Euripides. — Scholia in septem Euripidis Tragoedias ab Ar- senic edita, Greece, 8\o. fine copy, h. h. neat, 10s. Qd. Basdece, 1544 2513 Euripides. — Specimen Observationum Criticarum in Euripi- dis Fabulam quae inscribitur Hyppolytus, 4to. sewed, uncut, 3s. ' - - Lips. 1775 2514 Euripides. — In Euripidis Hecubam Londini nuper Publicatam Diatribe Extemporalis, composuit Gilbertus Wakefield, Svo. sewed, 5s. - - - 1797 *jif* With numerous MS. notes by Dr. Raine. 2515 Euripides. — Disputatio de Naturae Simplicitate, in Euripidis Oreste, a Casp. Bax, Svo. boards, uncut, 2s. 6d. Traj. ad Rhen, 1816 2516 Euripides. — Specimen Literarium exhibens Collectanea Euri- pidea ; defendet Corn. Jo. vander Palm, Svo. seived, 2s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1817 2517 Euripides. — Specimen Literarium Inaugurale, exhibens Col- lectanea Euripidea, Argumenti Moralis ct Politici. per Cor- ntlium van der Palm, 4to. sewed, 3s. Lugd. Bat. 1817 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 239 2518 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica per Rufinum de Graeco in La- tinum tiaducta, folio, splendidly hound in morocco, inlaid with di(ferent colours, silk insides, gilt e^/xjes, very rare, 4/. 4s. Mantuce\jo.Schallus, MCCCCLXXIX. %* For an account of this rare volume see the Spencer Catalogue, where Dr. Dibdin states, " The printer of this work was a physician. The volumes which issued from his press are of equal beauty and rarity ; and it is seldom that we be- hold a more elegant specimen of ancient typography than that which is now be- fore us. The types are a mixture of those used at the early Milan and Parma presses, being, however, taller and more beautiful than either of them.'' 2519 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica, et Ecclesiastica Historia gentis Anglorum venerabilis Bedae, cum utrarumque Historiarum per singulos libros recollecta capitulorum annotatione, folio, 7ieat, a very scarce edition, ll. lis. 6d. Urgent. 1514 2520 Eusebii Epistola ad Damasum et Tlieodosium de Morte glo- riosi confessoris Hieronymi Doctoris eximii, 4to. fine copy, ruled rvith red lines, in old morocco, gilt edges, rare, 1 1, lis. 6d. (Colon. Udalr. Z ell,) circa MCCCCLXX. 2521 Eusebii Polychronii, Pselli in Canticum Canticorum, Exposi- tiones, Graece, a Meursio, 4to. neat, 10s. 6c?. Lugd. Bat. Eh. 1617 2522 Eustathio, Amori d'Ismenio, di Greco tradotti per M. Lelio Carani, Svo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 1 1, lis. 6d. Venet. Guerra, 1560 ♦,• Printed with Aldine type. " Edition belle et rare." — Brunei. 2523 Eutropii Breviarium Historia; Romanae cum Pseanii Meta- phrasi Graeca ; Messala Corvinus de Augusti Progenie ; Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis ; etc. large paper, Svo. Jine copy, neat, lOs. Gd. - - Oxonii, 1703 %• A valuable edition, composed from an investigation of seven MSS., pub- lished by the celebrated Thomas Hearne. Sold in Caillard's sale for 45 francs, and in the Mac Carthy for 76 francs. 2524 Evangelical Worship Spiritual Worship, discussed before the Lord Mayor by iVIalthew Poole, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. 1660 2525 Evans's English and Welsh Dictionary, Svo. neat, 10s. 6d. Carmarthen, 1771 25^6 Evelyn's (John) Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress, containing Account of Traffic in general, its Benefits, of Discoveries from the Original of Navigation to this day, l2mo. seived, 3v. - - 1674 2527 Evelyn's French Gardiner ; instructing how to cultivate all sorts of Fruit Trees, Herbes, &c. plates, 12mo. 2s. Gd. 1691 2528 Evelyn's Sculptura ; or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving in Copper, with enumeration of the most re- nowned Masters and their Works, with new manner of En- graving in Mezzotiiito, portrait and plates, Svo. neat, 7s. Gd. 1769 2529 Evelyn's Acetaria, a Discourse of Sallets, 12mo. nt. 4s. 1699 2530 Everardi (Jo.) Britanno-Komanus, sive in Angligenarum in Collcgio Romano vitae Ratio, Svo. very scarce, 5s. Londini, 1611 240 THOMAS Thorpe's 2531 Everard's (Dr.) Wonderfull Vertues of Tobacco, portrait, 8vo. neat, scarce, I5s. . _ - 1659 2532 Everie Woman in her Humour, Comedy, 4to. vellum, wants sheet E, VERY rare, 21. 2s. - - 1609 \* Original edition, not in the British Museum Catalogue. Sold at Sotheby's, in 1823, for 61. 8s. 6d. 2533 Examination for the tyme of a certaine Declaration lately put in Print, in the Name and Defence of certaine Ministers of London, refusing to weare the Apparell prescribed by the Lawes and Orders of the Realme, to which is added the Judgment of two Notable learned Fathers, Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr, sometime in eyther Universities here in England, the Kynges Readers and Professours of Divinitie on this Controversie, of the Bishop of London and Bishop Hooper, &c. 4to. very scarce, 15s. R. Jugge, 1566 2534 Exchange Ware at the Second Hand, viz. Band, Ruffe, and Cuffe, lately out, and now newly darned up ; or Dialogue acted in a Show at Cambridge, 4to. vellum, scarce, 18s. 1615 *^* Purchased from the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica for 51. 5s. 2535 Excommunication, a Discourse concerning, as executed by Officials, and concerning the Common Law Writs, De Ex- communicato capiendo, and De Cautione admittenda ; for the Punishment of Persons, and their DeHverance, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. Gd. _ _ _ 1680 2536 Exercitationes Academicae, de Linguae Saxoniae Inferioris neglectu atque contemtu injusto. — Schediasma ex Historia Patriae congestum de Mecklenburgensium a Gentilismo ad Christianismum conversione. — Theses Morales Theologica? et Philosophicas, in 1 vol. 4to. 9s. - Rostochii, s. a. 2537 Exercitationum Amstelaedamensium Specimen Primum, a Petro Bosscha, 4to. sewed, 2s. Gd. - Amst. 1810 2538 Exercitationum Amstelaedamensium Specimen Secundum ab Henr. Arentio Hamaker, 4to. sewed, 2s. Gd. Amst. 1810 2539 Exhortatio de Celebratione Missae per modum Dialogi ; Ger- soni Tractatus de Pollutionibus nocturnis ; Regulae ad cog- noscendnm difFerenciam inter peccatum mortale et veniale ab Henr. de Hassia, in 1 vol. 4to. Jine copies, h. h. neat, very rare, 2l. 2s. Esslingce per Conradum Fyner, MCCCCLXXIII. *^* Very rare ; see Spencer Catalogue. It is one of the earliest specimens of typography at Esslingeu, a town of Suabia, in the duchy of Wirtemburg. 2540 Expeditio Asiatica adversus Turcas et Saracenos Imperatoris Friderici \. Csesaris Augusti, ex Suevia oriundi. — Ejusdem Epistola ad Liupaldum ducem Austriae ; Sibyllie Reginae Hie- rosolymorum Epistola, ad Imp. Fredericum L Theodovaldae Episcopi Bathavensis Epistola, ad Austriacura Ducem Liupal- dum, ^rsf edition of this interesting narrative, ^to. fine copy, very scarce, \ 8s. - - 1522 *j,f* On the title of this curious volume is the following note : — " Tageno De- canus, Bathavensis, qui huie Expeditioni interfuit, scrijisit, Joannes Aventinus Richobergomi (monasterium Boiariic est) iuveuit, ct publicaudum curavit." CATALOGUE OF ROOKS. 241 2541 Expeditions. — Report of the General Officers appointed to inquire into the Causes of the failure of the late Expedition to the Coasts of France, 1758. — Candid Reflections on the Report, 175S. — Expedition against Rochfort, fully stated and considered, in a Letter to the Author of the Candid Reflections, &c. 1758. — Considerations on the Proceedings of a General Court Martial, upon the Trial of Lieutenant- General Sir John Mordaunt, with an Answer to the Expe- dition to Rochfort, fairly stated, 1758. — Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the late Expedition set in a true light, 1758. — Account of the Siege and Surrender of St. Philip's Fort, in the Island of Minorca, 1757. — Letter to Lord Blakeney, being an Inquiry into the Merit of his Defence of Minorca, 1757. — Answer to an Infamous Lihel, intitled, a Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Blakeney, vnlh plan of Fort St. Philip's, 1757, in one vol. 8vo. very neat, 7s. (id. 2542 Explicatio Quaestionis controverste de abrogatione legum Mosis judicialium, quam prefixit Commentario suo in Exo- dum Jo. Piscator Theologize professor in Schola Herbornensi, an unpublished work, with Manuscript Dedication by John Shaw to Lord Chancellor Ellesmcre, 8vo. in gilt vellum, from the Bridgewater Collection, 105. Qd. - 1605 2543 Expositio de Induciis Nurembergae inter Cses. Majest. Ora- torem, ac Legatos Ducis Clevensis, 4to. fine copy, elegantly hound, gilt edges, 8s. - Anlverp. 1543 *^* The binding alone cost 16s. 2544 Extensio, Ampliatio, Nova Concessio, et Confirmatio Privile- giorum Pii V. Pont. Max. ; in Sacros Ordines, et Congrega- tiones Claustrales ; Pro Canonicis Regularibus Ordinis S. Augustini Congregationis Domini Salvatoris, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, by De Rome, 51. 5s. Romce, apud Hceredes Antonii Bladi, 1567 %* Printed vpon vellum, and a fine specimen of Bladus's type. Only two copies are known. This copy is authenticated with the signature of the Apostolic Notary, and a Cardinal. 2545 Ezour Vedam, ou Ancien Commentaire du Vedam, conte- nant I'exposition des opinions religieuses et philosophiques des Indiens, 2 vols. JxJmo. very neat, Qs. 6d. Yvcrdon, 1778 2546 Fables of .5isop, and other Authors, done into English, by Edmund Arwaker, Rector of Donoughmore, and Chaplain to the Duke of Ormond, 8vo. 3s. - 1708 2547 Fabri (Francisci) Silesii, Sylva, cui titulus Bohemia ; de infe- licitate Poetarum nostri Seculi Querela, Carmen ; etiam ad Henr. Stromerum, Carmen, 4:to.fne copy, scarce, 6s. Lipsice, 1520 2548 Fabri (Jacobi) Ars Moralis in Magna Moralia Aristotelis Introductoria, 4to._/ne copy, scarce, 5s. 6d. Paris. MCCCCXCIX. 2549 Fabri (Jacobi) de Tribus et Unica Magdalena, Disceptatio secunda, ^\o. fine copy, 4.s. • Parisiis, If. Stephanus, 1519 242 TJioMAs tiiorpk's 2550 Fabri (Jacohi) Brevis Poctarutn Sententiae quibus additse sunt alia" morales secundum duodecim Virtutcs morales, 12mo. scarce, 5s. - - - Anlv. 1522 2551 Fnhri (Joannis) Oratio Funebris in dcpositione Imp. Cses. Maximiliani Aug. in oppido Vueiss Austriae; G, Sauro- manni, ad Carolum Hispaniarum Kegem, etc. post obitum avi Oratio, Threnodia, seu Lamentatio Petri CEgidii in obitum, etc. cum variis Epitaphiis, with two beautiful wood- cut borders, cuts of arms, Sfc. 4to. fine copy, scarce, 8s. 6d. Aug. Find. 1519 2552 Fabri (Jo.) Oratio de Origine, Potentia, ac Tyrannide Thur- corum, 8vo. neat, rare, 11. Is. - Londini, 1528 %* Dedicated to King Henry VIII. 2553 Fabricii (Jo. Alb.) Bibliotheca Graeca, sive notitia Scriptorum Veteriim Graecorum quorumcunque montimcnta integra, aut fragmenta edita extant : turn plerorumque e Manuscriptis ac deperditis, accessit Empedoclis Spheera, et Marceili SidetiE Carmen de medicamcntis e Piscibus. Gr. et Lat. cum brevi- bus notis, 14 vols. 4to. very neat, 31. \3s. 6d. Hamburgi, 1705-54 *^» II Travail important. On trouve dans cette ancienne edition de la Biblio- theque Grecque, difl'erens opuscules et fragmens inedits d'auteurs giecs, dont plusieurs n'ont point ete reimprimes ailleurs, et ne sont pas inseres dans la uouvelle edition.'' — Brunet. 2554 Fabricii (J. Alb.) Bibliotheca Latina sive Notitia Auctorum Veterum Latinorum, 3 vols, \2mo.neat, 7s. Cd. Hamb. 1721 2555 Fabriciana Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum Francisci Fabricii, priced, Svo. half bound, neat, scarce, Gs. Lugd. Bat. 1738 2556 Fabritii (Jul. Pauli) Historia de Divo Abrahamo mactaturo ex jussu Dei filium Isaac, elegiaco Carmine, ^lo. fne copy, very scarce, 4s. Gd. - - Norimb. 1549 2557 Fabularum Collectio, Gul. Goudani, Barlandi, Erasmi, Gellii, Politiani, etc. cum ^Esopi Vita, 4to. a scarce edition, 7s. Gd. Argent. 15 IG 2558 Fabularum Collectio, Goudani, Barlandi, Erasmi, Auli Gellii, Politiani, Criniti et aliorum, cum ^sopi Vita, 4to. 5s. Argent. 1517 2559 Fabularum Collectio, sc. Gul. Goudani, Hadr. Barlandi, Erasmi Roterodami, Auli Gellii, Angeli Politiani, Petri Criniti, Jo. Antonii Campani, PliniiSecundi, etc. 4io. fine copy, neat, \2s. Argent. 1519 25G0 Facetiae. — The Devil in Petti-coates, being a strange Relation of two unhappy Gentlemen who lately Pickt up the Devil in the shape of a Young Beautiful Lady, in the Piazza Walks, in Covent Garden, folio, single sheet, 3s. - 1697 2561 Facetiae. — Metamorphoses of the Town ; or a View of the i^resent Fashions, a Tale, after the manner of Fontaine, to which is added, the Journal of a Modern Lady, 8vo. served, Ss. ~ ... 1731 CATALOGUE OF nOOKS. 243 2562 Facetia?. — Reformer exposing the Vices of tli6 Age, in several Characters ; the Vicious Courtier, Debauclud Parson, Fac- tious Hypocrite, Precise Quaker, Covetous Miser, Prodigal Son, City Letcher, Insatiate Wife, Amorous Maid, Beau Apprentice, Country Squire, &c. l2tno. Jine copy, very neat, \Os.Gd. - - - 1700 25G3 Faceiias. — Pretty Doings in a Protestant Nation, being a View of the present State of Fornication, Whorecraft, and Adultery, in Great Britain, inscribed to the Bona-Robas in the several Chaces, Parks, and Warrens, near Covent Garden, and to the Band of Petticoat Pensioners, &c. 8vo. served, scarce and curious, 5s. 6d. - - . 1734 2564 Facetiai. — Tom King's, or the Paphian Grove, with the Hu- mours of Covent Garden, the Theatre, Gaming Table, &c. plate of the nightly rows, Sj-c. 8vo. uncut, 3s. - 1741 2565 Facetiae. — Merry Mountebank, or Humourous Quack-Doctor, being a certain cure for that Heart-breaking Distemper, Hypochondriac-Melancholy, containing various never-failing Receipts against Spleen and Ill-Nature, in a choice Collection of old Songs, by T. Tulip, of Fidler's Hall, in Cuckoldshire, Esq. with music, 1732. — Village Opera, with music, 1729.—' Rev. Mr. Talbot's Narrative of the whole of his Proceedings relative to Jonathan Britain, Bristol, 1771. — Journey from Aleppo to Damascus, with Description of those Cities, and the neighbouring parts of Syria, 1736. — Surprising Adven- tures of Mostafa, a Turk, 173G. — Epistle to G. E. Howard, Esq. with Notes, Critical and Historical, by G. Faulkner, Esq. Alderman of Dublin, 1771, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, a scarce collection, 1 Os. 6d. *^* From the Earl of Clanricarde's collection. 2566 Faction Detected, by the Evidence of Facts, containing an Impartial View of Parties at Home and Affairs Abroad, the sixth edition, 1743. — Defence of the People, in a Confutation of the Above, 1744, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. uncut, from the late Duke of Bedford's library, 3s. 6d. 2567 Faerni (Gabr.) Centum Fabulae ex Antiquis Auctoribus de- lectae, plates, after designs by Titian, 4to. fine large copy, morocco, gilt edges, \l, \5s. - Romce, 1563 *** '' Edition originale recherchee et peu commune." — Brunei. 2568 Faerni Centum FabulfE ex antiquis auctoribus delectse et car- minibus explicatae, wood-cuts, l6mo. vellum, 7s. 6d. Anv. Plantin, 1600 2569 Fagan, Rendez-vous, (Le) Comedie en vers, La Pupile, Co- medie, L'Amitie Rivale, Comedie, par M. Fagan, in one vol. Svo. neat, 2s. - - Paris, 1733-6 2570 Fairfax (Thomas Lord) .Memorials, written by himself, portrait inserted, I'imo. clean copy, 10s. 6c/. - 1699 2571 Fair Shell, but a Rotten Kernel ; or a Bitter Nut for a Fac- tious Monkey. 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1705 244 THOMAS Thorpe's 2572 Falcandi (Hugonis) Historia de Rebus gestis in Sicilise regno, cum Encomio per Gervasium Tornaceeum, 4to. scarce, 4s. Grf. Paris. Morel. 1550 2573 Falconar's (David) Journey from Joppa to Jerusalem, in May 1751, with Notes, 8vo. sewerf, 25. - 175S 2574 Falconer's (John) Art of Secret Information Disclosed, in rules for Decyphering all manner of Secret Writing, without a Key, Secret Signs, &c. 8vo. h. b. neat, 6s. - 1683 2575 Falconer's (W.) Miscellaneous Tracts and Collections, relating to Natural History, Selected from the principal Writers of Antiquity, with Table of Plants, 4to. sewed, 5s. - 1793 2576 Falconis (Vencesilai) Farrago Epigrammatum, 8vo. scarce, 5s. Pragce, (1612) 2577 Faleti (Hieron.) de Bello Sicambrico, lib. IV. et ejusdem alia Poemata, lib. VIII. the first leaf slightly damaged, olherrvtse a fine copy, 4to. in old red morocco, gilt leaves, 18*. Venet. Aldus, 1557 *j^* ' Ce volume est beau et rare.' — Renonard. 2578 Fallopii (Gabr.) Observationes Anatomica?, 8vo. vellum, 18*. Paris, ap. Bern. Turrisanum, in Aldina Bibl. 1562 *»* " All the works published by Bern. Turrisanus are of cousiderable rarity, and are iudispensable to an Aldine series." The above has the anchor in the title. Sold at Sotheby's in 1826, for \l. 1 is.M. ^57d False Prophets Discovered, being a true Story of the Lives and Deaths of two Weavers, late of Colchester, viz. Richard Farnham and John Bull, who affirmed themselves the two great Prophets in the End of the World, with their Strange Prophecies and Blasphemies, their Proselytes, &c. 4to. sewed, 5s. > _ . 1642 2580 Familiarium Colloquiorum Formulae, Gr. et Lat. Cebetis Tabula, Gr. et Lat. Homeri Batrachomyomachia, Gr. et Lat. Galeomyomachia, hoc est, Felium ac Murium pugna, Tragoedia, Gr. et Lat. Guarnse Bellum Gramraaticale, etc. Svo.fine copy, h. h. morocco, 7s. - Antverpice, 1547 2581 Fanatick History, or an Exact Relation and Account of the old Anabaptists and new Quakers, portrait of Charles the Second, 16C0. — J. C. Heynii Tentamen Chirurgico-Medicum de Praecipuis Ossium Morbis, cuts, Amst. 1705. — Lapis Materise Medicas Lydius seu accuratum Medicamentorum Simplicium Examen ab Hermanno, Lugd. Bat. 1704, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, \2s. 2582 Fannii (Cn.) Netardi Vetus Fabula versibus conscripta, 4to. Ss. - - - - 1560 2583 Farfan (Francisco) Tres Libros contra el peccado de la simple Ibrnicacion : donde se avergua, que la torpcza entre solteros cs })eccado mortal, segun ley divina, natural y humana : y se responde a los enganos de los que dizen que no es peccado, 8vo. beautifully bound in marbled calf, gilt edges, very scarce, 1/. Is. - . - Salamanca, 1585 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 245 2584 Farces. — A Collection of the most esteemed Farces and Entertainments, 6 vols. 12mo. neat, scarce, I8s. Edinburgh, 1792 2585 Farfalla, Comedia de la Stechito de la Congrega de Rozi da Siena, wood-cut, Svo. scarce, \Os.&d. - Siena, 1550 2586 Farley (Robt.) Light's Morall Emblems, nilh 58 curious mood- cuts, with descriptions in English and Latin verse, frontispiece with poetical description, dedicated to the Earl and Countess of Ancram, and introductory poems by Beedome, Coleman, Christopher Drayton, W. Povey, John Hooper, ^c. 1638. — The Kalender of Man's Life, in English and Latin verse, by R. Farley, with emblematical wood-cuts, and beautifully en- graved title by Glover, representing the four seasons, 8fc., with the description in verse, 1638, fine copies, quite complete, Svo. very neat, gilt edges, 41. 4s. *»• A head in the frontispiece to the Kalender of Man's Life by Glover, is considered by collectors to be a portrait of the author ; it is not mentioned by Granger, nor was in Sir W. Musgrave's collection. A much inferior copy of the above two volumes has sold for 1 5^. 1 55. 2587 Farmeriana Bibliotheca ; a catalogue of the curious and valuable Library, in Print and Manuscript, of the Rev. Dr. Farmer, particularly rich in early English Poetry, Plays, Chronicles, English History, Topography, &c. &c. large PAPER, only 12 copies printed, with prices, and purchasers* names, royal 8vo. h. b. russia, uncut, \l. 8s. - 1798 *,* Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 2/. 4s., and in Watson Taylor's for 21. .Ss. 2588 Farquhar's (George) Barcelona, a Poem, or the Spanish Ex- pedition under the Earl of Peterborough, until the Reduction of Barcelona to the Obedience of Charles III. King of Spain, Uo. sewed, 2s. e>d. - - - 1710 2589 Farra (Alessandro) Tre Discorso, de Miracoli d'Amore, della Divinita dell' Huomo, e dell' Ufficio del Capitano, 12mo. vellum, 4s. 6c?. _ _ _ Pavia, 1564 2590 Farrago Symbolica Sententiosa perpetuis Distichis explicata et in quinque centurias tributa a G. Carolide a Carlsperga, 8vo. scarce, 5s. - - - Pragce, 1597 2591 Fasciculus Temporum, continens succincte progressum patrum ab initio mundi usque ad hoc tempus, cum actis notabiliori- bus eorundem, wood-cuts, folio, very neat, a rare edition, M. 5s. - - - - s. a. %* An interesting and very scarce volume, containing much curious matter, relative to early history, printing, &c. Sold in Prince Talleyrand's sale for 21. Us. 6d. 2592 Faulkner's (G.) Epistle to Gorges Edmond Howard, with Notes, Explanatory, Critical, and Historical, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - - Dublin, 177 1 2593 Fausti (Publii) Andrelini Elegia, ito. fine copy, scarce, 10s. 6d. Paris. MCCCCXCVL *,* Prefixed to these Elegies is a letter from the author, " ad litteratissimum Thomam custodiam serenissimi Anglici Regis oratorera bene merentem." 246 THOMAS thokpe's 2594 Fausti (Publii) Andrelini de. Captivitate Ludovici Sphorciae Triumphus, 4:to.Jine copy^ scarce, &s. sine uUd notd. 2595 Faustus (Dr.) De Historic van Dr. Johannes Faustus, die een uytnemende grooten Tovenaer ende swerte Constenaer was, with extremely curious wood-cuts, 4to. very scarce, \0s. 6d. 1677 2596 Favine's Theater of Honour and Knight-hood, or Compen- dious Chronicle and Historic of the whole Christian World, the first Institution of Armes, Emblazons, Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants of Armes, Joustes, Tournaments, Orders, Ceremonies, &c. &c. jylates of arms, ^c. folio, 18s. 1623 2597 Fawconer's (S.) Essay on Modern Luxury, or an Attempt to Delineate its Nature, Causes, and Effects, 8vo. h. b. neat, 2s. 1765 2598 Fazakerly Poemata Varia, 8vo. neat, \5s. Lond. 1781 *^* This collection of poems was privately printed for presents, and few copies only circulated, when it was rigidly suppressed, to prevent prosecution, which ac- counts for its extreme rarity. 2599 Feliciani Tractatus de Divina Predestinatione, curious wood- cut title, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. sine ulld notd. 2600 Felleri (Joach.) Oratio de Bibliotheca Academiae Lipsiensis Paulina, cum Catalogo Manuscriptorum Membranaceorum, et Chartaceonim in eadem Bibliotheca extantium, 4to. very scarce, 8*. - - Lips. 1G76 2G01 Female Husband; or Surprising History of Mrs. Mary, alias Mr. George Hamilton, convicted of marrying a young woman of Wells, in Somersetshire, and living with her as her Hus-^ band, 8vo. sewed, 5s. - - 1746 2602 Fenemae (Gisberti) Specimen Academicum Inaugurale de locis nonnullis Literarum Graecarum, 4to. sewed, 3s. Lugd. Bat. 1818 2603 Fennor's (VV.) Descriptions, or a True Relation of Certain and Divers Speeches, spoken before the King and Queen, the Prince, and Lady Elizabeth, in verse, 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - - 1616 *,f* The above rare poetical volume is dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke, and contains poems entitled the description of a poet, description of the Pals- grave's country, with an addition on the marriage of the Prince and Princess Elizabeth, Cupid's journey to Germany, the originall of the order of the garter, the deciding of the difference betwixt Oxford and Cambridge about the king's entertainment, the Cowrie and gunpowder treason, and a parliament of gods in a pastorall song. 2604 Fennor's (W.) Compters Common-wealth, or a Voyage made to an Infernall Island long since discovered by many Cap- taines, Gentlemen, Merchants and other Tradesmen, but the Conditions, Qualities, &c. of the People there Inhabiting, and those that Trafficke with them, were never so fully ex- pressed, 4to. very neat, scarce, 21. 2s. - 1617 *,* A curious collection of Characters of the City Serjeants, Jailors, Uncon- scionable Citizens, Brokers, Spent Gallants, Macemongers, Constables, Beadles, Watchmen, inmates of the Compter, in which the author was a prisoner for debt. CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 247 2C05 Fens. — D. Cappin's Proposals for Drawing all the Levels contiguous to tlie River Withani, from Lincoln to Chappie Hill, to restore the almost lost Navigation, &:c. 4to. sewed, 4*. - - 1745 2606 Fens.— Labelye (C.) Result of a View of the Great Level of the Fens, taken at the Desire of his Grace the Duke of Bed- ford, &c. Governor, and the Gentlemen of the Corporation of the Fens, 4to. served, 4s. - 1745 2607 Fenton's (Roger) Answer to William Alabaster, his Motives, on Faith, Reformation of Religion, S:c. 4to. uncut, 5s. 1599 2608 Ferdinand. — Les Graves et sainctes Remonstrances de I'Em- pereur Ferdinand a N. S. P. le J^ape Pie IV. sur le faict du Cone, de Trente, avec une brieve Exhortation au Cardi-^ nal de Lorraine, et une longue epistre, envoyee a. la Reine Elizabeth d'Angleterre, etc. 8vo. neal, rare, 15s. Paris, 15G3 2609 Fern (Dr. H.) Resolving of Conscience upon this Question, whether, upon sucIj a Supposition or Case as is now usually made, the King will not discharge his trust ; but is bent or seduced to subvert Religion, Laws, and Liberties, Subjects may take up arms imd resist, and whether that Case be now resolved, 1642. — Answer to misled Dr. Fern, 1642, ttvo tracts, 4to. sened, 4*. Gd. 2610 Feme's (Sir John) Blazon of Gentrie, divided into two parts, entitled the Glorie of Gcnerositie and Lacy's Nobility, Heraldic cuts, 4to. neat, \l. \s. - 15S6 *^* "The most complete epitome extant." 2611 Ferrera (Hyeronymo da) Predica dell' arte del bene morire, with singularly curious nood-cuts, 4to. very scarce, \8s. MCCCCXCVL 2612 Ferrara (Flier, da) Tractato circa el Reggimento et Governo della Citta di Firenze, 4to. 45. 6d. - Scnza nota. 2613 Ferrarii (Hieron.) Emend, in Phiiippicas Oral. Ciceronis, 8vo. morocco, vellum, Jly-leaves, gilt edges, \os. Venet. Aldus, 1542 %* Sir IM. Sykes's copy sold for 21. 12s. 6d. 2614 Ferrarii (Octaviani) Mediolanensis de Sermonibus Exotericis liber, 4to.Jine copy.) rare, IBs. Venetiis, ap. Aldum, 1575 2615 Ferreti (Nicol.) de Structura seu Ordine et Junctura Compo- sitionis Ornatse ad componendas Epistolas liber, wood-cuts, 4to. rare, \0s. 6d. - Forlivii, MCCCCXCV. ♦^* The first book printed at Forli, an ancient town in Italy. 2616 Ferriby's Lawfull Preacher; or Discourse, showing that they only ought to Preach who are ordained Ministers, with Ap- pendix, called the Pulpit Guard Routed, 4to. fine copy, very neat, 10s. 6d. - - 1652 2617 Fichardi (Joannis) Vitae Virorum qui Superiori Nostroque Seculo Eruditione et doctrina illustrcs atque memorabiles fuerunt, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. - Franco/. 1536 *.* Contains the lives of Sir Thomas More, Dean Colet, and others. 248 THOMAS Thorpe's 2G18 Ficliardi (Joaniiis) Vita; Reccntiornm Jiirisconsultoniin cum Opusculo de Viiis Illustribus, a M. Mantua, ko. fine copy, 3s. - - Patavii, 1565 2619 Ferritti (Marc Antonio) Miranda, Favola Pastorale, plates, 4to. veltnvi, scarce, 7s. Gd. • Venetia, 1613 2620 Ficinus (Marcilius) Florentinus de Triplici Vita, ito. fine copy, 3s. Gd. - - - 1506 2621 Fielding's Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews, in which the notorious Falsehoods in Pamela are exposed and refuted, curious, 8vo. sewed, 3s. - 17 4 1 2622 Fiellstrom (P.) Dictionarium Sueco-Lapponicum, 8vo. fi.ne copy, h. h. russia, very rare, \l. \s. Stockholm, 1738 2623 Figueroa (Don Bartolome Cayrasco de) Templo Militante, Flos Sanctorum ; y Triomphos de sus Virtudes, the whole in verse, and printed in double columns, 4 vols, in 2, folio, fine copy, neat, very rare, 21. \2s. 6d. Lisboa y Madrid, 1609-15 *»* The above work appears to have escaped the notice of Brunet and other bibliographers. This copy was purchased in 1825 for 10/. 10s. 2624 Figuli (Caroli) Mustella, curious wood-cut border, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. - - Colonice, 1540 2625 Filheul, Catalogue des Livres Rares et Singuliers de son Ca- binet, priced, Svo. vellum, 5s. - Paris, 1779 2626 Fillingham. — Catalogue of the curious Library of W. Filling- ham, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, with pur- chasers' names, Svo. half bound, russia, lOs. Qd. 1805 *^j* Rich in old plays, poetry, &c. 2627 Fills's (Robert) Laws and Statutes of Geneva, as well con- cerning Ecclesiasticall Discipline as Civil Regiment, original edition, 12mo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, a very scarce and curious volume, 2l. 2s. - 1562 *,* A curious little volume, see Strype; it is dedicated " to the Rt. Hon. Lord Robert Duddeley, Knt. of the noble Order of the Garter," &c. 2628 Finance. — The regulating Silver Coin made practicable and easie, to the Government and Subject, Svo. bds. 4s. 1696 2629 Finance. — Money answers All Things; or, an Essay to make Money sufficiently plentiful amongst all ranks of people, by J. V'anderlint, Svo. boards, 4s. 6d. - 1734 2630 Finance. — Thoughts on Money and Calculations, Svo. vo title, 2s. 2631 Finance. — Thoughts on the Interest of Money in general, and particularly in the Public Funds, Svo. boards, 4*. (1734) 2632 Finance. — Essay on the Governing Causes or the Natural Rate of Interest, wherein the Sentiments of Sir W. Petty and Mr. Locke are considered, Svo. boards, 5s. 1750 2633 Finance. — Appeal to the Nobility and Gentry in regard to the Use of Gold and Silver Lace, &c. Svo. bds, 4s. 1755 2634 Finance. — Essay on Paper Circulation, and a Scheme proposed for supplying the Government with twenty millions, without Loan or New Tax, Svo. boards, 4s. - 1764 CATALOliUi: OF HOOKS. 249 ^GS5 Finance, &:c. — Considerations on the Trade and Finances of this Kingdom, and of tlie Measures of Administration, Dub- lin, 1769. — State of the Nation, ib- 17G9. — Observations on ditto, lb. 17C9. — Reply to ditto, ii. 17C9. — Considerations on the Dependencies of Great Britain, ib. 1769, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 4*. Gd. 2636 Finance. — Thoughts upon a New Coinage of Silver, by a Banker, 8vo. boards, 4s. - - 1798 2637 Finance. — La Banque D'Hambourg rendu facile aux Negoci- ans de L'Etranger, par M. J. G. Busch, 8vo. boards, As. Hambourg, 1800 2638 Finance. — Lord King's Thoughts on the Restriction of Pay- ments in Specie at the Bank, 8vo. boards, 3s. 1803 2639 Financial and Political Tracts of the Eighteenth and present Century, by J. M* Arthur, fourth edition, 8vo. bds. 5s. 1803 2640 Finance. — Remarks on Currency and Commerce, by J. Vfheathy, Svo. boards, 4:s. - - 1803 2641 Finance. — J. L. Foster's Essay on the Principle of Commer- cial Exchanges, vyith Inquiry on the Restrictions of Cash Payments, 8vo. boards, 3s. - - 1804 2642 Finance, &c. — Attempt to ascertain a Theory for Determining the Value of Funded Property, 1809. — VV. Boyd's Letter to Pitt on the Influence of the Stoppage of Issues in Specie, on the Prices of Provisions, 1801. — Observations on the Sink- ing Fund, 1810, in 1 vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, 5s. 2643 Finance. — D. Ricardo on the High Price of Bullion, and De- preciation of Bank Notes, 8vo. boards, 3s. 1810 2644 Finance. — Bosanquet's Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, 1810, — D. Ricardo's Reply to ditto, 1811, in 1 vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, 4*. 2645 Finance, &c. — W. Huskisson on the Currency Question, 1810. — The Question re-stated in Reply to ditto, 1812. — Reflec- tions on the Abundance of Paper in Circulation, and Scarcity of Specie, by Sir P. Francis, 1810. — Observations on the Establishment of the Bank of England, and on tlie Paper Circulation of the Country, by Sir Francis Baring, 1797, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, very neat, 7s. 2646 Finance. — A Chart exhibiting the Relation between the Amount of Bank of England Notes and Foreign Exchanges, Prices of Gold, Silver, and Wheat, by S. T. Gatton, 8vo. boards, 3s. - - - 1813 2647 Fines. — Vindication of the Case relating to the Green-Wax- Fines, 4to. sewed, scarce, 4s. - - 1683 2648 Finett's (Sir John) Observations touching the Reception and Precedence, the Treatment and Audience, and the Punctilios and Contests of Foreign Ambassadors in England, 8vo. very neat, gilt edges, I2s. - - 1656 "^* See an account of this valuable and very interesting work in Oldys' British Librarian. Sold in Mr. Jadis' sale for 1/. Is. 2 K 250 THOMAS Thorpe's 2fi49 Fiortifiocca (Tomao) Vita di Cola di Renzo Trlbuno del Po- polo Romano, 12mo. vellum, 4*. Bracciano, iG24 2650 Firmin's Separation Examined; or a Treatise wherein the Grounds for Separation from the Ministry and Churches of England are Weij^hed and found too Light ; that Church Reformation cannot go forward so long as such Separation is tolerated, &c. 4to. fine copy, very neat, 10s. Gd. 1652 2651 Fischer (Gotthelf) Beschriebung, einiger Typogrephischen Seltenheiten nebst Beytragen zer Eafindungsgeschicte der Buckdruckerkunst, plates, fine paper, 5 vols, in 1, 8vo. russia elegant, gilt edges, ISs. Mainz 8^ Number g, 1800-4 2652 Fisheri (Joannis) RofFensis in Anglia Episcopi, necnon Can- tabrigiensis Academiee Cancellarii, de unica Magdalena, lib. III. Badius Ascensius, 1519. — Jacobi Fabri de Maria Mag- dalena et triduo Christi Disceptatio, Paris. H. Stephanus, 1517. — Clichtovei Disceptationis de Magdalena Defensio : Apologise Marei Grandivallis illam improbare nitentis, ex adverso respondens, ib. id. 1519, in 1 vol. 4to. fine copies, very neat, hare, 2/. 2*. *#* This volume, formerly in the Baron Meerman's library, was sold in 1825, For 12/. 12s. 2653 Fisher's (Bishop) Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, Mother to King Henry VII. and Foundress of Christ's and St. John's College, Cambridge, with Accoutit of her Charities, Catalogue of her Professors and Preachers, mth plates of her monument and arms, 8vo. neat, 7s. 6rf. - - - 1708 2654 Fisher (Payne) Irenodia Gratulatoria, siv^ Illustrissimi am- plissimique Viri Oliveri Cromwelli, &c. Epinicion, dedicated to President Bradsharv, with introductory poems by Gardiner, Needham, Denham, 1652. — The Report of the Commission- ers on the Forfeited Estates of Ireland, 1700. — Letter to a Friend on ditto, in 1 vol. 4to. half bound, 12s. 2655 Fisher's Inauguratio Oliveriana, sive pro Preefectura Protec- toris Olivari, Carmen Votivum, 4to. very fine copy, uncut, rare, IZ. Is. - - - 1654 2656 Fisheri Armachanus Redivivus, vel in Aprilis 17 diem nuperi Funeris Jacobi Usserii Hiberniae Primatis Oratio Anniver- saria habita Oxoniae, folio, very scarce, \l. Is. 1658 2657 Fisheries. — The Herring Busse Trade ; expressed in sundry particulars, both for building of Busses, making Nets, curing the Herrings, &c. with sundry Orders for the Government of the Royal Fishings, &c. by Simon Smith, 1641. — Narra- tive of the Koyal Fishings of Great Britain and Ireland, with Busses for Pickled Herrings and Barrel'd Cod, 1661. — The Trade and Fishing of Great Britain displayed, with descrip- tion of the Oikney and Shetland Islands, by Captain John Smith, 1662.— The Royal Fishing Revived, 1670.— The Royal Trade of Fishing, discovering the inestimable profit CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 261' tlie Hollanilers have made thereof, 16G2. — Discourse of the. Fishery, on its Advantages, Necessity, Sire, by U. L'Estrange, 1674. — Plea for the bringing in of Irish Cattle, and keeping out Fish caiif^ht by Foreigners, by John Collins, 1G80. — Salt Fishery, a Discourse thereof, by J. Collins, 1G82, a most in- terest'ing and scarce collection, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, \l. \s. 2G58 F'itz-Geffrie's Curse of Come Holders, with the blessing of Seasonable Selling, in three Sermons at the Sessions for Cornwall, held at Bodmyn and continued at Fowy, curious ivood-cut, 4to. scarce, 15s. - » 1631 2659 Fitz Simon (Hen.) Dubliniensis, Britannomachia Ministrorum, in plerisque et fiJei fundamentis et fidei articulis dissidentium, 4to. vellum, an extremely rare and interesting historical volume, 2l. I2s. Gd. - - Duaci, 1614 2G60 Fivizanii (August.) De Ritu sanctissimae Crucis Romano Pontifici praeferendas, Commentarius ad Clementem VIII. Pont. Max. Ato.Jine copy, vellum, very scarce, \os. Romce, ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 159^ %* Printed with Aldine type ; not mentioned by Renouard. 2661 Flacci Illyrici duo Scripta duorum doctorum ac piorum viro- rurn Lipsiae, adiaphoricis corruptelis opposita, item Epistolae aliquot ejusdem argumenti, 8vo. in old red morocco, gilt edges, 10s. 6 rf. - - Magdeburgce, 1550 *,* Sold in the La Valliere sale for 19 francs. 2662 Flacci Illyrici Sylva Carminum, 2 vols. Svo. fine copy, in ol({ red morocco, scarce, 11. Is. - - 1553 %* " A series of severe satires on the clergy." 2663 Flacci Illyrici, de Voce et Re fidei, contra Pharisaicum Hypo- critarum fermentum, liber ; ejusdem de Justicia Christiana, sive Justificatione, et nova obedientia, Disputatio; item de velamine Mosis ejusque detractione, de vestigiis veri usus Legis et de Nomine Jehova, 4lo. scarce, 5s. 6d, 1563 2C64 Flaminii Paraphrasis in duodecimum Aristotelis librum d^, prima Philosophia, Svo. fine copy, very neat, 7s. 6d. Paris. Le Rich, 1 547 *,* With the double anchor on the title. 2GG5 Flammce (Gabr.) Veneti de optimi Pastoris Munere, Oratio, 4to. y/ne copy, h. b. morocco, very scarce, \l. Is. Venetiis ap. Aidum, 1578 *,* On the title is a portrait of Aldus. 26G6 Flaxman. — Catalogue of the Library {chiefly historical and topographical) of W. Flaxman, Esq. with prices and pur- chasers' names, neatly written, Svo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1S09 2667 Fleetwood's (Lord General) Answer to the humble represen- tation of Col. Morley, wherein he declares his judgment and conscience what is the Good Old Cause, and lor a free Par- liament, 4to. 3s. - - - 1659 g668 Fleetwood's (VV.) Inscriptionum Antiquarum Sylloge, Svo. neaty 2s. 6d. ... I(j91 \/ 252 THOMAS THORPE'Sl 2G69 rieetwoocVs Account of English Gold and Silver Money, the Trice of Corn and other Commodities, and of Stipends, Salaries, Wages, Jointures, Portions, Day-labour, &c. in England, for Six Hundred years last past, shewing the De- crease and Increase of Value, plates, best edition, 8vo. neat, \5s. - - - - 1745, 2G70 Fleetwood. — Catalogue of the extraordinary Collection of rare Books, Tracts, and Manuscripts, including the ancient Con- ventual Library of Missenden Abbey, in Buckinghamshire, with some choice Remains of VV. Fleetwood, Esq. Recorder of London, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 8vo. title dirty, 10*. 6d. - - - - 1774 *.^* An exceeding curious aud valuable sale of eighteen days, by Paterson. 2G71 Flemish War. — Life and Negociations of the Marshal Belisle, 1745.- — Review of the Case of Marshal Belisle, 1745. — Dutch Reasoner : a Letter from the Hague on the Earl of Chesterfield's Embassy and Success, 1745. — Enquiry into the Probability of the Success of the British Arms on the Continent next campaign, 1745. — The Present Ruinous hard War proved to be a Hanover War, 1745. — Epistle to the Welch Knight on the late Revolution in Politics, 1745. — Journal of the Siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, 1747. — Dialogue between Thomas Jones, a Life-guard man, and John Smith, Serjeant in the Foot Guards, just returned from Flanders, 1749, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 2672 Fletcher (Giles) of the Russe Common Wealth, or Manner of Government by the Emperor, commonly called the Emperor of Moskovia, with the Manners and Fashions of the People of that Countrey, their Liturgy, Marriage, and other Cere- monies in Church and State, &c. dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, \2mo.fne copy, neat, rare, ll. 5s. - 1591 *:^* A copy of this curious book sold in Mr. Hanrott's sale for 2/. 10s. The Author was employed in the Embassy of Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor. 2673 Fletcher's (Giles) History of Russia, or the Government of the Emperor of Muscovia, with the Manners'and Fashions of the People of that Country, frontispiece by Marshall, 12mo. neat, i^ilt edges, scarce, 18s. - - 1643 *** " This interesting little volume was suppressed, lest it should give offeuce to a prince in amity with England." 2674 Fletcher's (John) Elder Brother, a Comedy, 4to. h. b. mo- rocco, is. 6d. - - - 1637 2675 Fletcher's (Phineas) Sicelides, a Piscatory Drama, 4to. scarce^ 18s. - . - . 1631 2676 Flisci (Stephani) de Soncino Synonyma, seu Variationes Sen- tentiarum, 4to. vellum, 1/. Is. - sine ulld notd. *»* A very rare edition, unknown to bibliographers. 2677 Flisci Libellus Compositionis preceptorum commode elocu- tionis, Aio.Jinc copy, very scarce, 10s. Qd. Paris. 1502 2678 Flodcri (Jo.) Opuscula Oratoria ct Poetica, 8vo. very neat, scarce, \0s. 6d. - - Upsalice, 1791 CATALOGUE Of BOOKS. 253 2679 Floranda and Clarastella. — Historia Bellissima, m verse, nith wood-cut, 4to. scarce, 4*. - Venezia, s. a. 2G80 Florebelli (Ant.) ad Philippum et Mariam Reges de Keslituta in Anglia Religione, Oratio, 4to. neat, scarce, \L \s. Lovanii, 1555 2681 Florence Miscellany; a Collection of Poems by Mrs. Piozzi, Bertie Greathced, R. Merry, W. Parsons, and others, 8vo. Jine clean copy, very scarce, 21. 2s. - Florence, 1785 %* Privately printed. A copy having fallen into the hands of W. Gifford, gave rise to his admirable satire of the Baviad and Maviad. Sold in Roscoe's sale for 41. 16s. 2682 Florentinii (Hier.) Disputatio de Ministrando Baptismo Hu- manis Foetibus Abortivorum, 12mo. neat, rare, 1 5s. Lugd. 1658 2683 Flores de Gr^ce, Histoire du tres Vaillant et redoute Dora Flores de Grece, surnomme le Chevalier des Cignes, second fils d'Esplandian, 8vo. neat, I5s. - Paris. 1573 2684 Flores sive Elegantiae ex diversis Libris Hochstrati per Nico- laum Quadum Saxonem collectae, cum Epistola de Memora- bilibus Predicatorum et Carmelitarum, etc. 4to. uncut, 2s. 6rf. sine anno. 2685 Floretus Theologicus, carmine descriptus, continens, de fide Catholica et credendis, de preceptis decern tabularum Moysi, de peccatoriim discrimine et eisdem vitandis, de sacramentis Ecclesise Christi, etc. 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. Argent. Knobloiich, 1510 2686 Florian's XJ. B.) Essay on an Analytical Course of Studies, containing a complete System of Human Knowledge, 1796. — Addenda to Anecdotes, &c., by J. P. Andrews, 1790. — Force of Conscience, a poem, by Arthur Murphy, 1799. — Abbey of Kilkhampton, a collection of Satirical Epitaphs, Poems, &c., on various popular Persons of the day, scarce, 1788. — Rawlinson's New Method of Brewing, 1806, in one vol. 8vo. scarce, ?ieat, 6s. 2687 Florilegium ex diversis Opusculis atque tractatibus fratrum Patrum et Magistrorum nostrorum, sc. Isidorus ad Branli- onem. Am. de Tongeri sacre pagine professoris alphabetum in maledicos Judeos ac Thalmud. In memoriam beati Bru- nonis Carmina, B. de Bustis Pater Noster et credo, ra^trice, etc. 4to. very neat, scarce, 125. - - 1520 2688 Florimi (Matteo) Descrittione della Giostra a campo aperto, fatta alia Real presenza de Serenissimi di Toscana, 4to. ^ne copy, rare, {see Moreni,) 5s. - Sienna, 1602 2689 Flori (Lucii Annsei) Epitomatum in Titura Livium libri, folio, Jine clean copy, morocco, very rare, 2l. 2s. sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXII, *,* This edition, which sold in the Pinelli sale for 221. Is., was bj Panzer, Branet, Laire, and other bibliographers, considered the first impression of the author, but is now satisfactorily proved to be the second : it is ''of equal, if not superior rarity to the first, so much so that, with the exception of Lord Spencer's, J know not where to mention another.^' — Dibdin. 254 THOMAS thokpe's 2G90 Flori Historia Romana, folio, fine clean copy, very rarCt It. lis. Gd. sine ulld nold, circa MCCCCLXXV. *»* " This impression, which has the singularity of having Gothic capitals occa-i sionally prefixed to the commencement of sections, seems to have escaped the notice of most bibliographers ; it being obviously different from either of those dateless editions, in the Roman character, noticed by Panzer.'' — Dibdin. S0I4, in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 5/. 12j. 6d. 2G91 Florus, 12nio. in rich old French morocco, gill edges, 7s. 6d. Amst. 178G 2692 Florus's History of the Romans, translated into English, with Notes by Casaubon, 12mo. clean copy, original binding, 5s. 1658 2693 Florio (M. A.) Historia de la Vita e de la Morte de I'lllust. Signora Giovanna Graia, gia Regina eletta e publicata d'lng- hilterra : e de le cose accadute in quel Regno dopo la morte del Re Edoardo VI, con I'aggiunta d'una dottiss. disputa Theologica fatta in Oxonia, I'anno 1554, Svo. morocco ele- gant, gilt edges, 11. lis. 6c?. - - 1607 *,* A most interesting volume, replete in ever}' part with curious and valuable matter illustrative of English history. It contains the letters of this unfortunate princess to Thomas Harding, and her sister Catherine Grey, also her conversation with Dr. Fecknam before her execution, and an account of that mournful cere- mony. Then follows a report of the council held at Oxford, April 17th, 1554, between Ridley, Smith, Weston, Watson, Seton, Ward, Cole, Oglethorpe, Harding, Courthorpe, Fecknam, and Tresham. In the volume are also parti- culars of Wyat's Rebellion, Bishop Gardiner, Lord Guildford (Lady Jane's hus- band). Earl of Huntingdon, Dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, Bishop Bon- ner, &c. &c. Sold in Cough's sale for 31. 3s., and in Bindley's for 3L 19s. 2694 Flyting betwixt Polwart and Montgomery, in verse, 8vo. scarce, 7s. 6d. - - - 1688 2695 Fcedus Pactumque Solenne pro Reformatione et Propugna- tione Religionis, Regis Honore et Felicitate, Paceque ac Incolumitate Triura Regnorum Angliae, Scotise, et Hiberniae, 4to. 3s. - - - Lond. 1644 2696 Folengo (Teofilo) Chaos del Tri per Uno, uno Dialogo da la tre etadi, Svo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, ex-, iremely rare^ \L \\s. 6d. - Vinegia, 1527 *^* First and most esteemed edition of this rare and singular book. Sold in Mr. Singer's sale for 5/. 7s. Gd. 2697 Folengo, Chaos del Tri per Uno, wood-cuts, Svo. scarce, 8s. Qd. - - Vinegia, Sahio, 1546 2698 Folengii Dialogi, quos Pomiliones vocat ; Theoph. Folengii Anachoritee varium Poema et Janus, Svo. fine large copy, vellum, scarce, 10s. Qd. in Promontorio Minervce, 1533 *,* Apparently unknown to Brunet and others. 2699 Folengo, Vita di Christo, many spirited wood-cuts, Svo. Ss. 6d. Venetia, Guerra, 1578 *,,• A very rare Italian poem, printed with Aldine type. 2700 Foglietta (Uberto) della Republica di Genova, lib. II. Svo. neat, 10s. Q,d. - - Roma, Blado, 1559 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 255 2701 Folietac Clarorum Ligurum Elogia, Opuscula Nonnulla, 4to. fine cojnj, vellum, rare, 21. \2s. Gd. Romce, Bladiis, 1573 %* Sold in Lord Guildford's sale for 8/. Si. " It contains the introductory epistle of Paul Manutius, not printed elsewhere, and much curious matter con- nected with the various correctors of the Aldine press.'' At p. 25 is Elogia Christ. Columbi. " Recueil rare, et qui m^rite d'etre recherchee."— Brune/. 2702 Folietae ex universa Historia Rerum Europjc suorum tem- porum : conjuratio Jo. Lud. Flisci, Tumultus Neapolitan!, Caedes P. Lud. Farnesii Placentiae Ducis, 4to. fine copy, very neat, rare, 145. - - Genuce, 1587 2703 Folkes (Martin) Catalogue of his Collection of Prints and Drawings, sold by Langford, interleaved, 8vo. //. b. neat, scarce, 3s. 6d. _ _ . 1756 2704 Folkes, Catalogue of his Valuable Library, sold by S. Baker, Svo. rough calf, very scarce, 7s. Gd. - 1756 2705 Fonseca (Chr. di) Trattato dell' Amore di Dio, con altro Cose piu Notabili, Svo. vellum, \l. Is. Brescia, Marchetti, 1602 *»* With the Aldine device on the title. 2706 Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, Jtne impressions of the cuts, by Romain de Hooge, 2 vols in 1, 12mo. in rich old red morocco, gilt edges, bound by De Rome, 21. 2s. Amst. 1685 2707 Fontani (Jacobi) De Bello Khodio, libri TIL cum Epistola exhortatoria Philippi Melancthonis non modo de bello Tur- cico, sed etiam, de sanandis Ecclesiasticis dissensionibus, ad Albertum Cardinalem, 4to. 4s. Gd. Haganoce, 1527 2708 Fooles (The) of Fate, or the unravelling of the Parliament Army, m verse and prose., 4to.fine copy, 7s. Gd. 1648 2709 Foote's (Sam.) Dramatic Works, 3 vols. 12mo. neat, \2s. Dublin, 177Si 2710 Foote's Works, with Remarks, and Essay on his Life, by J. Bee, 3 vols. 12mo. bds. 14s. - 1830 2711 Foote's Taste, a Comedy, rvith the curious frontispiece by Hogarth, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - - 1752 2712 Ford's (John) Dramatic Works, with Introduction and Ex- planatory Notes by Henry Weber, 2 vols. Svo. large paper, half bound, neat, 14s. - - Edinb. 1811 2713 Ford's (John) Fame's Memorial, an Elegy upon the Earl of Devonshire, ob. Apr. 3, 1606, Svo. russia ele^ 18s. - - . Lee Priory, *,* The above was the editor's own copy. 2714 Forbesii (Joannis) Irenicum Amatoribus Veritatis et Pacis in Ecclesia Scoticana, 4to. vellum, \Os.Gd. Aberdonice, 1629 2715 Forbes (Patrick). — Funerals of the Right Reverend Father in God, Patrick Forbes, of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene, with the rare portrait, 4to. very neat, gilt leaves, 2l. 2s. Aberdene, 1635 %* The above scarce volume contains poems by Lindsay, Gordon, Lesley, Jonstone, Campbell, Watson, Wedderburn, Wallis, Downs, Armour, Ray, Hamil- ton, Lauder, Jamison, Kempe, Keyth, Robertson, Cummin, Haitian, Wishart, Michell, Garden, Raban, and other learned Scotchmen of the day ; also one by John Taylor, the Water Poet. ipon the Earl of \/ fgant, gilt edges, A ,ee Priory, 1819 \ 256 tllOMAS THORPfe's 2716 Forbes. — Funerals of Patrick Forbes, of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene, in verse and prose, no portrait, 4to. large copy, in the original bindiniT, II. Ss. - Aberdene, 1635 •»* The Gordonstoun copy, with the portrait, sold for 71. 5s. 2717 Forbes's (Dr. Patrick) Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Flizabeth ; or, a Particular Account of all the Memorable Affairs of that Reign, 2 vols, folio, large paper, fine copy, very neat, 4tL 4s. - 1 740 2718 Foreign Affairs. — Enquiry into the present state of Foreign Affairs, 1742. — Thoughts on Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 1742. — Apology for the Conduct of the present Administra- tion, 1744. — Letter from Hanover, showing the Cause of the present broils of Germany, and confusions of Europe, 1744. — Operations of the British and Allied Arms, 1744. — • Free and Impartial Examiner, 1745. — Dutch Faith, 1745. — Dutch Reasoner, 1745. — Enquiry into the Cause of the present troubles of Germany, 1745, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 2719 Fornerii (Anthonii) Dyalogus de Peccato original! et concep- tione Intemeratae Virginis Mariae, Svo. fine copy, in old red morocco, gilt edges, 1 /. 5s. Rothomagi, R. Guallier, s, a. *,* From the Meerman collection. " Ce petit volume est d'une grande rarete." 2720 Forster. — Catalogue of the curious Library of Richard Forster, consisting of rare old English Literature, sold by King and Lochee, large paper, with the prices and purchasers^ names, Svo. boards, 10s. 6rf. - - 1806 •#• Only six copies printed on this paper. Sold in Uphill's sale for \l. Is. 2721 Forster (Richard) Catalogue of his Curious Library of Old Plays, Poetry, Romances, &c. Svo. h. b. neat, Ss. 1806 2722 Forthergill's (J.) Rules for the Preservation of Health, 12mo. served, 2s. - - /. Pridden, no date. 2723 Fortis Discorsodella cultura del Castagno du Introdursi nella Dalmazia Marittima, e Mediterranea, 1780. — Jos. Torelli Demonstratio antiqui theorematis de motuum commixtione, 1774. — Osservazioni sopra la Coltivazione de gli agrumi del Territorio Pisano, 1767. — Delia Necessita di accrescere I'AgricoUura in Toscana. — Ricerche Fisiche sopra il Veleno della Vipera, Lucca, 1767. — Osservazioni sopra la Ruggine del Grano, ib. 1767, in one vol. Svo. neat, 5s. 2724 Fortiscue. — Feriae Academicse, auctore Georgio de Forti Scuto Nobili Anglo, 12mo. fine clean copy, vellum, very scarce, 12s. Duaci, 1630 2725 Fortune's Bounty ; or an Everlasting Purse for the Greatest Cuckold in the Kingdom, in Verse, 4to. sewed, 4s. 6rf. n. d. 2726 Fortunio (Francesco) Regole Grammaticali della Volgar Lin- gua, nuovamente reviste et con somnia diligentia corrette, 12mo. y?ne copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, 18s. Vinegia, Aldo, 1541 *,* " This," says Renouard, " is the first work ever published ou the rules of the Italian language." It is a very uncommon volume. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 257 2727 Fortunatiana Rhetorica ; Dialrctica Chirii consult! Fortuna- tiani : Computus ejusdem : Putcolnni Epistola afl Jacohum Amiquarium, etc. 4to. vellum, 7s. Gd. circa MCCCCLXXX. *»• " Edition fort rare."— Br««e<. Sold in the Lucca sale for 1/. 14s. 2728 Foster's (George) Sounding of the last Trumpet, or scverall Visions, declaring the Universal! Overturning of all Earthly Powers in England, 4to. sewed, 4^. - 1G50 2729 Foster's (Ric.) Appeal to the present Rulers in England's Israel, touching impious Blasphemy against Jesus Christ, in the Scribblings of W. Farmer, 4to. saved, 2s. Gd. 1650 2730 Foulis's (Robert) Catalogue of Paintings by the most admired masters of the various Schools, 3 vols. 12mo. h. h. neat, 10s. Gd. - - 1776 2731 Foundling Hospital, &c. — Royal Charter, Establishing an Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Children, 1740. — Historical Account of the Hos- pital for the Reception of Exposed and Deserted Children, representing the present plan productive of many Evils, with proposals for a New Design, 1759. — Rules and Orders of the General Infirmary at Leeds, Leeds, 1767. — Diplomata et Statuta Regalis Societatis Londini pro scientia Naturali pro- movenda, Latin and English, 1752. — Complaints of the Manufacturers, relating to the Abuses in Marking Sheep and Winding Wool, 1752. — Reflections on the Expediency of opening the Trade to Turkey, 1753. — General Contents of the British Museum, with Remarks, 1761, in one vol. 8vo. neat, Gs. Gd. 2732 Foxi (Joannis) Christus Triumphans, Comoedia Apocalyptica, nunc denuo edita a T. C. Sidn. Coll. A.M. 8vo. original binding, scarce, 7s. Gd. • Loud. 1072 2733 Fox (Henry) New French and English Dictionary, containing all the Words with their different Acceptations, 8vo. morocco^ gilt edges, \0s. Gd. - - 1769 2734 Fox's (Rt. Hon. Charles James) Speech at a meeting of the Westminster Electors, portrait, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1782 2735 Fox's (C. J.) Speech at the opening of Parliament, 1792. — Fox's Speech on the War with France, 1792. — Paine's Letter to Mr, H. Dundas, in answer to his Speech on the Proclamation, containing a Letter to Lord Onslow, 1792. — Fox's Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793. — Yorke's Reason urged against Precedent, in a Letter to the People of Derby, 1793. — King's Speech at Egham, with T. Paine's Letter to him on it, and Mr. King's Reply, 1793. — King's Third Letter to T. Paine, 1793. — Address to the Dissenters of Birmingham, Birmingham, 1792. — Letters on the Leading Characters and Events of the present Day, 1793. — Treason Triumphant over Law and Constitution, 1795. — Aimes' Nar- rative of the Deportation to Cayenne, and Shipwreck on the Coast of Scotland, 1800, in one vol. 8vo, ver7j neat, \2s. 2 L 258 THOMAS Thorpe's 2736 Fox's (C. J.) Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793. — Proceedings between C. J. Fox and Home Tooke, for costs in resisting a frivolous Petition of the latter, 1792. — T. Erskine's View of the Causes and Consequences of the pre- sent War with France, 1797. — Trial of Home Tooke for Ili.L'h Treason, 1794, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 5s. 2737 Fox's (C. J.) Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793. — Home Tooke's Letter to Dunning, (the original publication on the Origin of certain farts of Speech, which he afterwards discussed more at large in the Diversions of Purley) this letter is said to contain almost all that is really valuable in that Work, 1 778. — Vindication of the Claims of the 42d Regiment to the Honour of having captured the Invincible Standard of the French, at the Battle of Alexandria ; — General Vallan- cey's Essay towards illustrating the Ancient History of the Britannic Isles, intended as a Preface to a Vindication of the Ancient History of Ireland, 17S6. — W. Hunter's Considera- tions on the Causes and Effects of the present War, 1794. — W. Hunter's View of the Political Situation of the Northern Powers, 1801. — W. Hunter's Vindication of the Cause of Great Britain, 1803. — Postscript to Ditto, by the same, 1803. — Reasons why we go to War, Rejoinder to Ditto, 1803. — View of the Relative Situations of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Addington, 1804. — Thoughts on National Insanity, 1797. — Causes and Remedies of the Impotence of the States at present United against France, 1795. — Rt. Hon. Hen. Dun- das's Letter to the Directors of the East-India Company, on their Debt, 1801, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. Fox (Hon. Henry) See Charles II. 2738 Foxcroft's (Alex.) Letter to R. Denison, Worsted Spinner, of Arnold Mill, Nottingham, with Reply, Notts. 1803.— Obser- vations on the Correspondence between Mr. Adams and Mr. Bowles, with the Correspondence, relating to the Parish of Woburn, in Bedfordshire, and the Russell Family, 1804. — Letter to the Society for the Suppression of Vice, 1805. — Another Letter to Ditto, in which its Principles and Pro- ceedings are Examined and Condemned, 1805. — Hear Both Sides; or, Defence of the Society,^ 1805. — Nath. Ilighmore's Letter on the Constitution of the Higli Court of Admiralty, 1808. — N. Highmore's Two Letters to the Vicar-general of the Province of Canterbury, on Church Government, 1808. — Third Letter to Ditto, with Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on Ditto, 1808. — Fourth Letter from Ditto to Sir VV. Scott, on Ditto, 1809. — Mrs. Galindo's Letter to Mrs. Siddons, being a Detail of Mrs. Siddons's Life, 1809. — Letter to the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, on a Bill for the Prevention and Punishment of Adultery, 1810. — State- ment of a Conference with the Archbishop of Canterbury, by N. Ilighmore, 1811, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. Gd. 2739 Fracastorii Siphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus, Carmen, first edition, 4to. rare, I8s. - Verona, 1530 CATALOG UK Ol' BOOKS. 359 2710 Fracci (Ambr. Novidii) Sacrorum Fastoriim lib. XII. cum Komanis Consuetudinibus per totiim Annum, &c. ^io.Jine large copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 2l. 2s. Roma', ap. Antomum Bladum, 1547 *,* The whole of this very rare voluuie is in verse, with a portrait of the author, and several wood-cuts. The present copy is apparently struck otfuPON THICK I'APER. This volumc is unnoticed by many bibliographers, but Fraccus is mentioned as a poet with great praise by Turselliuus, in his II istoriaLauretata. 2741 Fraiser (J.) Account of the late Siege and Surrender of the City of Mons, 4to. sewed, 2s. - 1091 2742 France. — Tableaux des Troubles de France, a series of thirty- four very curious Engravings, illustrative of the troubles of France, representing the Tournament at which Henry II. King of France was mortally wounded, the Massacre of the Protestants on St. Bartholomew's Eve, Burning of Anna du Bourg, &c. &c. oblong folio, elegantly bound in russia, gilt edges, EXTREMELY RARE, 4^. 4s. - 15C9-73 2743 France. —Discourse upon the present Estate of France, to- gether with a Copy of the King's Letters Patent, declaring his mind after his Departure out of Paris, with Two Letters written by the Duke of Guise, 4to. scarce, 5s. 1588 2744 France. — View o( Fraunce, 4:to. sewed, 3s. - 1G04 2745 France. — Civil Wars of France during the Bloody Reign of Charles IX. curious folded plate, 12mo. _/?He clean copy, 5s. Qd. - - 1655 2746 Franchini (Francisci) Concentini Poetse Elegantissimi, Poe- mata, 12mo. in old morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 7s. Gd. Basilece, 1558 *,* These poems have been pronounced, by a competent judge, to be some of the most beautiful in the Latin language ; they are addressed to the most illus» trious persons of various countries. 2747 Franco (Nic.) Philena, Historia Araorosa ultimamente com- posta, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, 18s. Mantova, 1547 %* * Romanzo stucchevole, e prolisso da fer veuir I'anua, e I'ambascia, e fatto, a imitazioue della Fiammetta.' — Haym. 2748 Franco (Nic.) de le Lettere, scritte a Prencipi Signori, e ad altri Personnaggi e suoi Amici, libri III. ne le quali si scu- opre I'arte del polito, e del terso scrivere, Svo. Jine copy^ vellum, very rare, ll. lis. Gd. Vicenza, 1604 %* Decorated with the Aldine device on the title. 2749 Fransi (Abrahami)Insigniura Armorum, Emblematum, Hiero- glyphicorum, et Symbolorum, quae ab Italis Impresse nomi- nantur, explicatio, qua? Symbolica; Philosophise postrema pars est, 4to. very fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 12a-. 6d. - - - Loud. 1588 *,* A very scarce and interesting volume, in verse and prose, dedicated to Robert Sydney. 2750 Frarin's ^.) Oration against the Unlavvfull Insurrection of the Protestants of our Time, under Pretence to Reforme Reli- gion, 1 2 mo. fine co2>y, neat, 7s. Gd. - (15CG) 260 THOMAS Thorpe's 275 1 Franklin (R.) Tractatus de Tonis in Lingua Graecanica, 1 2mo. neal, scarce, 4s. 6d. - - Lond. 1C33 2752 Fraser's (James) Answer to the Charges made against him by Robert Stewart, Esq. on his Canvass for a Directorship of the East India House, with Appendix of Letters of the highest Cliaracter, from Officers and Gentlemen who had known him in India, &c. 4to. privately printed, 10s. C)d. 1787 2753 Frasso (Antonio de lo) los diez Libros de Fortuna de Amor, portrait and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. 7ieat, \l. 5s. Lond. 1740 *„* " This," said the barber, opening another, " is the Ten Books of the For- tune of Love, composed by Antonio de lo Frasso, a Sardinian poet." " By the holy orders I have received !'' said the priest, " since Apollo was Apollo, the muses muses, and the poets poets, so humorous and so whimsical a book as this was never written ; it is the best, and most extraordinary of the kind, that ever ap- peared in the world : and he who has not read it, may be assured that he has never read any thing of taste : give it me here, neighbour, for I am better pleased at finding it, than if I had been presented with a cassock of Florence satin." — Colonel Stanley's copy sold for 3/. 13s. 6d. 2754 Free's (J.) Poems on several occasions, 12mo. neat, 4s. 1757 2755 Free (Dr. John). — Petition to the Parliament, relative to the Conduct of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, con- cerning the Publication of his History of the Bible, Svo. served, 2s. Gd. - - - 1763 275G Free's (Dr. John) Essay towards an History of the English Tongue, Svo. sewed, Ss. - 1773 2757 Free Thoughts upon the present Crisis, in which are stated the Fundamental Principles upon which alone Ireland can or ought to agree to any Final Settlement with Great Britain, Dublin, 1785. — F. Baring's Principles of the Commutation- Act established by Facts, 1786. — Present State of the Manufacture of Salt explained ; and a New Mode suggested of Refining British Salt, to render it etjual or Superior to the finest Foreign Salt, by the Earl of Dundonald, 1785, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 2758 Freedom of Speech and Writing upon Public Affairs con- sidered, with an Historical View, 4to. served, 3s. 6d. 1766 2759 Freeman's (Dr.) Discourse concerning Invocations of Saints, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - 1684 2760 Fregoso (Antonio Phileremo) Cerva Biancha, Svo. vellum^ scarce, 10s. 6rf. - - Milano, 1517 *** This edition is not mentioned by Brunei. 2761 Fregoso, Opera Nova. — Antonio Phileremo Lamento d'Araore Mendicante. — Dialogo de Musica. — Pergoletta de le laudi d'amore. — Discorsi Cottidiani, non vulgari. — De lo Instinto Naturale. — De la Probita, 4to.^nc copy, in old french mo- rocco, gilt edges, very rare, 31. 3s. - Milano, 1525 *,* Purchased in Mr. Hcaihcote's sale foi 51. 2s. 6d, 2762 Fregoso, Opera Nova, Lamento d'Amore mendicante, Dialogo de Musica, Pergoletta dc le laudi d'Amore, Discorsi Cotti- diani non volgavi, De I'instinto naturale, Dc la probita, De i tre peregiini, 8vo. vellum, I2s. - Vitiegia, 1528 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 261 2763 Freheri Formulae Foederis Ludovici Germaniao et Karoli Galliae regum apud Argent. Anno 842 percussi, a curious tract, 4to. 3s. 6d. - - - 1611 2764 Freigii Historia de Bello Africano; in quo Sebastianus Rex Portugallise periit, rvith folded plale, Norih. 1580. — Scipionis Gentilis Orationes Ilectorales, pro Cagsare, de Re Militari Romana et Turcica, De Lege Regia, ib, 1600, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, 7s. 6d. 2765 Freinshemii (J.) Supplementorum Livianorum ad Christinam Reginam Dicas, 12mo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. - - Holmice, 1649 2766 Freitas (Seraphinus de) de Justo Imperio Lusitanorum Asiatico, 4to. neat, rare, 12*. - - Vallisoleti, 1625 *•* Cost its late possessor 1/. 16*. 2767 French (Nicholas) Titular Bishop of Ferns. — Narrative of the Earl of Clarendon's Settlement and Sale of Ireland, whereby the Just English Adventurer is much prejudiced, the Ancient Proprietor Destroyed, and the Public Faith Violated; to the great discredit of the English Church and Government, if not recalled and made void as being against the Principles of Christianity and true Protestancy, by N. N. 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, very rare, 51. 5s. - Lovain, 1668 *^* The above work was written during French's exile, as were also the Un- kinde Deserter, and the bleeding Iphigenia, which caused Lord Clarendon to write the History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars of Ireland, in vindication of the Duke of Ormond and his party from the attacks of French, although it was not published until some time after his death, though extensively circulated iu manuscript. Peter Walsh was supposed to have assisted iu Clarendon's History. 2768 French Revolution, Considerations on the Nature of, and on the Causes which prolong its Duration, 1773. — Priestley's Letters to Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolutions in France, 1791. — Remarks on Lord Sheffield's Observations on the Commerce of the American States, 1 784. — Disquisitions of the Principles and Practices of the Society of Free Masons, by W. Calcutt, 1769, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, 5s. 2769 French Revolution. — Memoire en denonciation d'Abus d'Au- torite et de Mepris des Loix exerces contre moi Roland, 1784. — Observations sur I'Histoire de la Revolution par A. F. Bertrand de Moleville. — Seconde Lettre a Louis XVIIL sur le Salut de la Monarchic Fran^aise, 1798. — Examen de la Constitution de France de 1799, 1800. — Anecdotes Se- cretes sur la Revolution, et nouveaux Memoires des Deportes a la Guiane, 1799, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 2770 French Revolution. — Lettres aquelques Proprietaires en Pro- vence. — Lettre d'un ami a son ami, I'ami du peuple. — Tem- pus Loquendi, Eccles. iii. 7 ; avec une lettre de I'Auteur, 1789. — Lettre a M. le Comte d'A * * * depute de la No- blesse aux Etats Generaux, 17S9. — Lettre d'un Citoyen a un Depute, 1789. — Confession dc M. de * * *.— Lettre d'un 262 THOMAS THORPE 8 membre des Etats d'Artois. — Lettre a cliacun de MM. les Uepiuds coinposant les Etats Generaux. — Lettres de Kobin I. Roi des Isles St. Marguerite, Petites Maisons, et Mers adjacentes, 1789. — Fragment d'une lettre ecrite a M. Pitt, par un Anglais, 1789. — Lettre d'un Bas Normand. — La Voix d'un Citoyen. — Lettre d'Armand de Cliapt. de Ras- tignac a MM. du tiers Etat, 1789, and other tracts on the same subjects, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 6d. 2771 French Affairs. — Memorial of M. le Brun on the Situation of Affairs between Great Britain and France, 1792. — Speech of Kersaint to the French National Convention, with the Resolutions of that body respecting a War with England, 1793. — Speech of C. J. Fox, containing the Declaration of his Principles respecting the present Crisis of Public Affairs, and a Reform in the Representation of the People, 1792.— Speech of C. J. Fox in Answer to the King's Speech, 1792. — Speech of Fox on a War with France, 1792. — Speech of Fox on the Alien Bill, 1793. — Speech of Hon. T. Erskine on the Liberty of the Press, 1792. — Proceedings of the Asso- ciation for preserving Liberty and Property against Repub- licans and Levellers, with the various tracts published by them. — Protest against Paine's Rights of Man, 1792. — Dis- course Addressed to the People of Great Britain, by Dr. W. Vincent, 1792. — Equality consistent with the British Constitution, 1792. — Word in Season to the Traders and Manufacturers of Great Britain, 1792. — Reasons for Con- tentment, by W. Paley, 1793, in 1 vol. Svo. 7s. 6d. 3772 French Revolution. — Proces de Marie Antoinette, portrait, 1793. — Defense de Louis, prononce a la barre de la Con- vention Nationale, par Deseze, 1793. — La Constitution Fran- ?aise, presente au Roi par I'Assemblee Nationale, 3 Sep. 1791. — Nouveau Plan de la Constitution Fran^aise, 1793. — Constitution de la Republique Frangaise proposee au peuple Fran^ais par la Convention Nationale, 1795. — On the Situa- tion of the National Convention, &c. by J. P. Brissot, 1791, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 4s. 6d. 2773 French Revolution. — Journal de ce qui s'est passe a la Tour du Temple pendant la Captivite de Louis XVL Roi de France, 1798. — Memoire Justificatif pour Louis XVL ci- devant Roi des Fran^ais, 1793. — La Vie et le Martyre de Louis XVL immole le 20 Janvier, 1793, in one vol. Svo. neat, 4s. 6d. 2774 Freytag, Adparatus Litterarius ubi libri partim antiqui partim rari recensentur, 2 vols. Svo. vellum, 12s. Lipsice, 1752 2775 Frezzi Quatriregio del decorso della Vita Humana in quattro libri ; nel primo si tracta del regno dello Dio Cupido ; nel se- cundo del Regno di Sathan ; nel terzo del regno delli vitii : nel ciuarto del regno della Dea Minerva, folio, vellum, a very scarce and curious poetical volume, 1 1. 5s. Venet. 1511 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 2G3 2776 Friderici Impcratoris Mapni liujus nominis primi Duels Sne- voriim et I'arentelac suae Ilystoria, Editio Princeps, folio, Jine copy, extremely rare, 9,1. 12.9. 6rf. sine nolo, sed Augusta;, in Monasterio SS. Ulrici et Afrce, circa MCCCCLXX. *,* " The author of this valuable and interesting chronicle is unknown. He speaks of the relics preserved ' in Monasterio Loricensis Ordinis S. Bcnedicti, quas oculis nostris perspeximus.' The history commences in 1138, and concludes ia 1229. It contains many curious anecdotes relative to the state of Euippe during that period, the conquests of the two Fredericks Barbarossa in Italy, and their expedition to the Holy Land. The following notice occurs of Richard I. — ' Fuit autem Richardus Rex Angliae Leone ferocissimus, favorabilis, gloria cupidus, pecuniaa liberalis, quocunque ipsum trahebat sequens impetus, et quern ipsi Sar- raceni et populus Christianus et alii timueruut.'" 2777 Fries (Montz Grave von) Catalogus ejus Bibliothecae, inter- leaved with prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. h, b. neat, 4*. Amst. 1824. *^* "A very fine collection of books of prints.'' 2778 Frischlini (Nicodemi) De Nuptiis Illustrissimi Principis ac Domini D. Ludovici Ducis Wirtembergici et Tercii, cum illustrissima Principe ac Domina D. Dorothea Ursula, Mar- chionissa Badenii, etc. Stuccardiae celebrantis ; continens non modo Principum, Coraitum, etc. qui Nuptiis interfuerunt, itemque Consiliariorum, quorum nomina autori innotuerunt Elogise, etc beautiful copy, 4to. original binding, gilt leaves, tooled, scarce, \0s. 6d. - Tuhingce, 1577 *^* Presentation copy from Frischlinus to the Duke of Wirtemberg, with armorial insignia on the sides. 2779 Frischlini Poppysmi Grammatici Dialogus tertius, contra Antistrigilim M. Crusii, et Moropolitarum Tubingae bacchan- tium, Svo.french morocco, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. - 159G 2780 Frischlini Operum, Pars Paraphrastica, qua continentur Vir- gilii Bucolica, ex Plauto et Terentio, Georgica, ex Catone, etc. iEneidos lib. II. ex Livio, Cesare et Cicerone; Horatii Epistolarum lib. duo ; turn Persii Satyree Sex, 8vo. nissia, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. - - Francof. 1G02 2781 Froberville, Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque, 8vo. very neat, 5s. - - Orleans, s. d. 2782 Frobisher. — De Martini Forbisseri Angli Navigatione in Re- giones Occidentis et Septentrionis, Narratio historica, translata per J. T. Freigium, Svo. Jine large copy, with the folded wood- cut, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. 6d. Noribergce, 1580 •,* Sold in the Celotti sale for 21. 18s. 2783 Frobisher. — Historia Navigationis Martini Forbisseri Angli prsetoris sive Capitanei jussu Reginse Elizabethan, ex Anglia, in Septentrionis et Occidentis tractum anno 1557 susceptae, ephemeridis sive diarii more conscripta et stilo, with the curious plate, representing Frobisher in his canoe, ^'C. and at the corner a small map of Frobisher s strait, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gill edges, rare, 21. \2s. 6d. Hamburgi, 1G75 264 THOMAS Thorpe's 2784 Frors (Lndovici) Japania? InsuI.iD Descriptlo, ac rcrurn qua- rundam in ca mirabilium, a Patrihus Soc. Jesu, nuper ges- tarum, succincta narratio, 8vo. vellum, 5s. Col. /I grip. 1582 27S5 Froissart, Chronique, all ever published, folio, sewed, uncut, extremely rare, 3l. 3s. Paris, {Imprimerie Royale) vers 1788 *.^* Nearly all the copies of this impression were unhappily destroyed in the revolution of 1789, for it is said, by M. JJiunet and others, that two or three copies were at most all that were saved. The work was edited by M. Dacier, and promi^d to be au edition of the greatest value. See Bruuet's Nouvelles Recherches Bibliographiques. The present is believed to be the only copy in this country. 2786 Frontino de los en exemplos consejose avisos de la guerra en Romance Castellano, J)lac5 letter, 4to. rare, 10s. 6d. Salamanca, 1516 2787 Frusii (And.) Epigrammata in Haereticos, de Mart. Lutheri Vita et Morte ; Elogium Mart. Lutheri ex ipsius nomine et Cognomine, etc. 12mo. vellum, lOs. 6d. - Duaci, 1596 2788 Frusii Epigraramata in Haereticos, 12mo. neat, 5s. ib. 1606 •^* A volume of malevolent and vindictive verses against Luther and the reformers of his day. A highly abusive tirade is constructed against Luther, under the head of Eulogy, by five columns of acrostics, which form his name. There are verses against Bucer, BuUinger, Calvin, Melancthon, Erasmus, Peter Martyr, &c. " In Mortem Buceri Horribilem," and " iu Uxorem Buceri, de ejus Morte," &c. 2789 Fry's (J.) Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other Ancient Poems, now first published from MSS. of the XVIth century ^ rvith Introduction and Notes, large paper, 4to. bds. \0s. 6d. 1810 2790 Fry's Pieces of Ancient Poetry, from Unpublished Manuscripts and Scarce Books, 4to. bds. \0s. Gd. - Bristol, 1814 *»* Only 100 copies printed at one guinea each to subscribers only. 2791 Frydsams (Ain) unnd Christlichs Gesprech, ains Evange- lischen, auffainer, und ains Wider teuffers, aufF der andern seyten, &c. 4to. scarce, 3s. - Augspurg, 1533 2792 Fryth's (John) Boke, answerynge unto M. More's Letters, against J. Fryth's Fyrste Treatyse, concernynge the Sacra- mente of the Body and Bloude of Christe, unto which are added the Artycles of his Examenacyon ; for whyche J. Frythe was condemned and after burnt in Smythefelde wythout Newgate, black IctUr, 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 21. I2s. 6d. - Imprynted by Jugge, 1548 2793 Fulgosi (Baptistae C.) Anteros, sive de Amore, Italice, curious wood-cuts, 4to. k. b. morocco, 11. Is. Mediolani, MCCCCXCVL •^* " Ce livre rare renferme deux Dialogues contre I'amour, ecrit en Italicn m^le de passages latins." — Brunet. Sold in the La Valliere sale for 41 fraucs. 2794 Fulgosi de Dictis Factisque Memorabilibus, a rerum humana- rum primordio usque in presens tempus, Collectanea a Camillo Gilino Latine facta, first edition, folio, fine copy, neat, 11. lis. Gd. - - Mediolani, 1509 %* " Ouvrage estim6 ct pen commun de cette edition, qui est I'originale."— Brunet. CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 265 ^795 Fulke. — De Successione Ecclesiastica et Latente ab Anti- christi Tyrannide Ecclesia, Liber contra Thomas Staplctoni Principioriim Fidei Doctrinalium libnim XIII. a Gulielmo Tulcone, S\o. Jine copy, very ncal, rare, 18s. Lond. ISSt 2790 Fullarton's (Col.) Refutation of the Pamphlet which Col. Picton lately addressed to Lord Hobart, 410. sewed, uncut, 2s. - - - - 1805 2797 Fuller's (W.) Life, the Notorious Imposture and late Pre- tended Evidence, now Prisoner in the King's Bench, with all his Pranks and Villainies, &c. 4to. sewed, 5s. 1693 2798 Fuller. — Last Will and Testament of the Pretended Hum- phrey Wickham, Esq. alias W. Morrell, alias W. Bowyer, with Account of his notorious Cheats and Impositions, who died at Mr. Colhns's house, in the Strand, 4to.srf.25. 6c?. 1692 "2799 Fuller once more FuUerised ; or, the Coney Wool-Cutter's two-and-twenty new Depositions, Impudent Dedication taken to pieces ; in relation to Mrs. Gray being the mother of the Pretender, Svo, sewed, 2s. 6d. - - 1702 2800 Fulvii (Andreae) Antiquaria Urbis Romse, Poema, 4to. russia extra, gilt edges, scarce, \5s. - Romce, 1513 2801 Funebri Poesie di Alcuni Pellegrini ingegni dedicate al sepol- cro del Conte Selio Avogadro, accioche la di lui Memoria tra Honorati Cavalieri perpetuamente Viva, 4to. I8s. Brescia, 1576 *,* Beautiful copy, quite uncut, of an extremely rare collection of Latin and Italian poems. On the title is the device of the anchor and dolphin. 2802 Funeral (Select) Memorials, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, 4to. fine clean copy, \5s. Lee Priory private press, 1818 *^* Only 1 00 copies of this interesting volume printed. It contains poems to the memory of Robert Rich, Earl of ^^'arwick, Lady Rich, Lord Hastings, the "Countess of Huntingdon, Mary, Countess of Warwick, and Henry, Prince of Wales. 2803 Gabiani (V.) I Gelosi Comedia, 12mo. vellum, 2s. Ven. 1560 2804 Gabriel (Leon.) Nova Spagna d'Amor et Morte de i Paladini, 4to.^ne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, Si. \Ss. 6d. Vinegia, 1550 *»* This very rare romance poem does not appear to have been seen by Brunet, as he states it to be an Svo. 2805 Gadbury's (Jo.) Discourse of the Natures and Effects of Comets, with Account of the three late Comets, 4to. sd. 4*. 1665 2806 Gaguini (Roberti) Epistolae, 4to. scarce, 5s. Parisiis, MCCCCXCVIII. 2807 Gaguini (Roberti) de variis vitae humanae incommodis Elegia, 4to. 3s. - - - - 5. a» 2808 Gainsford's Glory of England, or a True Description of many excellent Prerogatives and Remarkable Blessings, Sec. 4to. vellum, scarce, 1 5s. - - 1618 2809 Gallegos (Manuel de) Gigantomachia, Poema, a Don Antonio de Menezes, 4to. very rare, 2/. 12^-. 6d. Linboa, 16^S *j^* Unknown to bibliographers. 2 M 266 THOMAS Thorpe's 2810 Gallerisis Summa Coilaiionum, ad omne gcniis liominum, 4 to. morocco elegant, gill edges, very rare, \t. 11 5. 6(1. hjp. 'Utr. Zell. c. MCCCCLXXX. *»* For an account of this " unccimmon collection of tracts," see the Biblio- theca Spcnccriaua, vol. iv. p. 230. Av. inferior coj)_v, damaged by a worm, sold iu Sir M. Sykes's sale for 4/. 4s. 2811 Galletti (Pierluigi) Gabio, Antica Citta di Sabina, scoperta ove e'ora Toiri ouvero le Giotte di Torri, discorso, n\ap, 4to. vellum, 7s. 6d. - - Roma, 1757 2812 Gallii (Jo.) Erphordiani, Intimationum liber, additae sunt Ele- gise, Carminum, libri II. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. half bound, neal, scarce, Qs. • - Erj)hord\ce, 1571 *,* Contains Epitaphium Melancthonis, De Camerario, CEconomia Lutheri, Epitaphium D. Pauli Eberi, etc. etc. 2813 Gallopper (The) or Needs must when the Devil drives, a Poem against the Whigs, 4to. sewed, 2s. - 1710 2814 Galtheri Poetse Virgiliani Carminis non infimi scrutatoris ac bonae poeseos amatoris et imitatoris, Alexandreis sive Gesta Alexandri Magni, 4to. large copy, vellum, very rare, \l. l\s. Gd. - - sine ulld notd, *jjs* Probably the first edition of this celebrated poetical work. 2815 Galtheri (Phil.) Alexandreidos lib. X. 8vo. neal, rare, \l. 5s. Ingolstadii, 1541 *** Sold in Mr. Bindley 's sale for 3/. 13s. 6rf. 28 IC Galtheri Alexandreidos lib. X. nunc primum in Gallia Galli- cisque characteribus editi, printed in cursive type, 4to. Jine copy, morocco, gilt edges, \L lis. 6c?. Liigd. 1558 *^* " Cette edition executee en caracteres cursifs, dits decivilile, est pen com- mune et assez recherchee." — Brunei. This poetical romance contains the well- known trite verse : — " Incidis in Scyllam, cupiens vitare Charybdim." Oaleottiis Martins, who died in 1476, was the first to discover the author of the line in question, see Menagiana, edit. 1729, vol. i. p. 173. Erasmus was ignorant of this author, although we learn from Henricus Gandavensis de Scriptoribus Ec- clesiasticis, that the Alexandreis had been read in the schools. Barthius also, iu his notes to Claudian, has words to the same effect. Freinsheim, however, in his Comment on Quintus Curtius, confesses that he had never seen the work of C.'anltitr. Shakspeare, who caught the ray of eveiy gem, has embodied this line in his Merchant of Venice, Act 111. Scene 5. See Stevens's Shakspeare, edit. 1793, vol. V. p|). 490-2. Sold in Marsh's sale for 2/. 6s., iu Watson Taylor's for 3/. 5s., in Mr. Dent's, wautbuj the title and first leaf, for 2/. lis., and in the White Knights for 21. is. 2817 Galvano's (Ant.) Discoveries of the World from their first ori- ginal! imto 1555, corrected, and now published in English, by Richard Hakluyt, Student of Christ Church in Oxford, blacfe letter, 4to. morocco elegant, 31. 3s. - 1601 *^* Sold iu Mr. Jadis's sale for 8/. 2818 Gamaches (Cyprien de) Exercises d'une Ame Royal, ou les Devoirs les plus importans du Chrestien, recueillis des Escri- lures sainctes, et des sainttz Peres de I'Eglise, enseignez a son Altesse Royale Madame Henriette Anne, Princesse de la Grande Bretagne, portrait of the Princess, 2 vols. Svo. the dedication copy, in old morocco, gill edges, the sides stamped with the initials H. A, rare, \l. Ss. Paris, 1655 CATALClGl'iE OF UOUKS. 267 2S19 Ganiba (Bart.) Seric de i Testi tli liinyua It.iliana e (ii nltra Kscmplari del bene scribere, Opera nuovamente rifatta, 4to. hei^t edition, rusxia, 1/. 05. - Venczia, 18i28 2820 Gambarae (Laur.) Poemata, Ro7)ice, ap. Doricns Frotres:, 1551. Ganibarae Cliorineus, ib. 1552. — Gambaroc Poemata nunc piinuim impressa, ib, ap. Ant. liladum, 1555, in one vol. 4to. beautifulhj clean copies, uncut, vellum, very rare, 2l. 2s. *^* " l^aurentius Gambara, one of the best poets of the l(jth century, was born in 149G. He studied at Rome, and wrote some eclogues, and other amatory poems, which, on taking priest's orders, (about 155G,) he suppressed and burnt." 2821 Gambarae Rerum Sacrarum, lib. III. et Idyllia Sacra, 16mo. vellum, \5s. - Romce, ap. hccredes A. Bladii, 1577 2822 Gambarse de Navigatione Cliristophori Columbi, lib. IV. Romce, Zannettus, 1581. — Ejusd. Expositi, Poema, lib. IV. ib. 1581. — Ejusd. Venetise Aliaque Poemata, ib. 1581, in one vol. Svo.Jine copies, vellum, rare, 2l. 2s. 2823 Game. — Act for the Preservation of Game, Fishings, &c. 23 Caroli II. folio, 2s. 6d. 2824 Games. — Aquilae (Joannis) Enchiridion de omni ludorum genere, 4to. Ji?ie copy, very neat, scarce and curious, 10s. 6d. - - - JViteberfTce, 1602 2972 Gisborne's (Thomas) Principles of Moral Philosopl)y inves- tigated, with remarks on the principle assumed by Mr. Paley as the basis of all n)oral conclusions, &c. Svo. sewed, uncut, 2s. 6d. _ - _ 1781) 2973 Giuntini (Francesco) Discorso sopra il Tempo dello Innamo- ramento del Petrarca, Lione, 15G7. — Lettera del Dubioso Academico a Giuntini, 5. a. in 1 vol. Svo. in old morocco, scarce, 7s. 6d. 2974 Giustiniano (Gironimo) Jephte, Tragedia, Svo. vellum, Is. (5d. Parma, Viotto, 1583 2975 Glanius's Relation of an Unfortunate Voyage to the Kingdom of Bengala, plates, 12mo. clean copy, 5s. - 1682 *»* Sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for IGs. 2976 Glareani (Henr.) Helvetii de Geographia liber, nood-culs, Svo. ^ne copy, uncut, vellum, scarce, lOs. 6d. Venetiis, Sabio, s. a. 27 7 Glaseri (Philippi) Syngra mma Kistoriciim : in quo contiiien- tur Prolegomena de Historia, Dissertatiuncula de praestantia cognitionis Historiarum, etc. etc. 4to. vellum, frotn Thuanus's collection, 4s. 6c?. - - Argent. 1621) 2978 Glaucii (Geo. Agricolas) Libellus de prima ac simplici Institu- tione Grammatica, 4to. scarce, 3s. - Lips. 1520 2979 Glosa de Esperan^a mira por quien fecha, por Gon^ala da Montalvan, estante en las quadrillas del Seiior Pero Lopez Zagal, wood-cut, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, 1/. lis. 6d. about 1535 2980 Glosas nuevamente hechasyglosadas por Francisco Marquina. Las quales son las siguites ; Una glosa de Tiempo bueno y otra de Obelerma ; otra de un Romance que dize Descubrase mi pensamiento, y otra glosa de Acordaos de quien se oluida, y un Romance que dize Pues de amor fuystes dotada, del mismo auctor agora nuevamente liechas, wood-cut, 4 to. Jine copy, viorocco, gilt edges, 2/. 2s. - about 1535 2981 Gloucester (Henry Duke of). — Threnodia, on the Death of the high-born Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, by Arthur Brett, Student of Christ Church College, Oxford, 4to. fiiw large copy, scncd, lOs. 6d. - Oxford, 1660 20 282 THOMAS Thorpe's 2982 Gloucester (William Duke of). — Account of the Dissection of [lis Highness William Duke of Gloucester, by Doctor H. 4to. sewed, 3s. . - - 1700 2983 Gloucestershire. — Famous Victory obtained by Sir W. Waller, against Lord Herbert and the Welsh Cavaliers in the Forest of Deane, in the County of Gloucester, where Six Hundred of the Welshmen were slaine, and One Thousand taken prisoners, the said Lord Herbert, General of South Wales, being slain; also Sir W. Waller's proceedings in that County, his facing Cicester, &c. with Col. Massey, the Governor of Gloucester, 4to. 1643. — Case of William Cook, Esq. concerning his Election for the City of Gloucester, in the room of Sir Edward Massye, deceased, against Col. Norwood, folio, 1G75. — Discourse of Offences, delivered in Two Sermons, Aug. 19, and Sept. 2, 1683, in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, by Dr. Edward Fowler, published by Reason of the heinous Offence that was taken at the former of these Sermons, by some of that City, 4to. 1683. — The Dean of Gloucester's Speech in the Lower House of Con- vocation, against the late Riots, 4to. 1715.— Private Act to enable Kinard de la Bcre, Committee of the Estate of Thomas Ridler, of Edgevvorth, a Lunatic, to sell part of the personal Estate of the said Lunatic, folio, 1729. — Reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's Promotion to the See of Gloucester, seriously considered, Svo. 1734. — Case of Dr. Rundle's Promotion impartially considered, or Remarks on the Preceding Pamphlet, 8vo. 1 734. — Act for Repairing and Widening the several Roads from Tewksbury, to various places in Gloucestershire, and into Worcestershire, also from Cheltenham to different places named, Svo. 1756, an inleresU ing and curious collection to the county collector, \l. \\s. 6d. 2984 Gloucestershire. — Appeal to the Freeholders of England on behalf of themselves against the unwarrantable proceedings of Sir Samuel Eckly, late High Sheriff" of the County of Gloucester, 4to. Ss, 6d. - - 1705 2985 Gloucestershire. — Account of the Occasion, Process, and Issue of a Trial at Gloucester, between some people called Methodists and certain persons of the town of Minchin Hampton, Svo. saved, 5s. - - 1744 2986 Gloucestershire. — Speeches of Queen Elizabeth on her Visit to Giles Brydges, Lord Chandos, at Sudeley Castle, in Gloucestershire, «;?//< por/rai^ of Lord Chandos, 'ito.Jine clean copy, \l. Is. Privately printed at Lee Priory, 1813 *#* Only 100 copies printed. 2987 Gobii (J. F.) Dissertatio Philologica, continens Mirabilia qusedam ex Antiquitate descenta, 4:io. sewed, 3s. Troj. ad Rhen. 1760 2988 Godfrey of Boulogne. — Gulielmi de Waha Melreusii Labores Herculis Christiani Godefredi Bullionii, 12mo. neat, very scarce, 10*. 6(/. - - Insults Flandrorum, 1673 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 283 2989 Godfrey. — Mrs. Ikhn's Poem, relating to the Death of Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, 4to. sewcrf, 2s. - 1688 2990 Goes (Damiani a) Commentarii return Gestariim in India citra Gangem a Lusitanis, first edition, 4:10. fine copy, Is. Qd. Lovanii, 1539 %• Sold in the Lucca sale for 2/. 2s. iJ991 Goes (Damiani a) Fides, Rehgio, Moresque yEtliiopum sub Imperio Preciosi Joannis (quern vulgo Presbyterum Joannem vocant) degentium, una cum enarratione confederationis ac amicitiae, inter ipsos Imperatores iEthiopise, et Reges Lusi- taniae initae, A^io. Jirst edition, 10s. dd. Lovanii, 1540 •^* " The present edition is extremely rare, unknown to Clement and Machado." 2902 Goes (Damiani a) Fides, Religio, Moresque iEthiopum sub Imperio Presbyteri Joannis degentium, una cum enarratione confcederationis ac amicitiae inter ipsos .illthiopum Impera- tores et Reges Lusitaniae initae, cum Epistohs variis, etc. 12mo. very neat, scarce, and interesting, 15s. Paris. Wechel. 1541 *,* This edition has escaped the notice of Brunet. Clement, also, who devotes a long space in his work to a description of the productions of Goes, makes no mention of this particular edition. 2993 Goes (Damiani a) Hispania, 4to. Jine copy, very scarce and interesting, 10s. Grf. - Lovan. Rescius, 1542 2994 Goes (Damiani a) Aliquot Opuscula, sc. Fides, Religio, mo- resque iEthiopum, Epistolaa aliquot Preciosi Joannis Deplo- ratio Lappianae gentis, Lappiae Descriptio, Bellurn Cambai- cum, de Rebus et Imperio Lusitanorum ad Paulum Jovium disceptatiuncula, Hispaniae ubertas et potentia, pro Hispania adversus Munsterum defensio, item aliquot Epistolae Sadoleti Bembi et aliorum clarissimorum virorum, cum Farragine Carminum ad Damianum, Lovanii, 1544. — Ejusdem Urbis Lovaniensis Obsidio, Olissipone, 1546, in 1 vol. 4to. fine copies, very scarce, \l. lis. Crf. *♦* Clement, in his Bibl. Curieuse, has given a long, spirited, and most in- teresting account of Damiau da Goes, who was one of the greatest geniuses that Portugal ever produced. He has cited an edition of the above works relating to the East of 1611, and entitles it ^^ Rarissima,'' but has not noticed the above. The description of the siege of Lovaine in the volume is interesting, as the author was an eye-witness of it, and it relates some personal history that is curious. 2995 Goes. — Legalio Magni Imp. Indorum Presbyterii Joannis, interp. Dam.de Goes, Dordraci, l(il8. — JEha. Laelia Crispis, Epitaphium Antiquum, a Richardo Fito Basinstochio expWca- tum, cum Bernardi Commentario, ib. 1618. — Res Neapoli- tanae, i. e. Historiae Pandulphi Collenutii, Ic. Pisaurensis et Jo. Pontani, ib. 1618, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, 7s. 6d. 2996 Gomecii (Alvari) Publica Lseiitia. qua Dominus Joannes iMartinus Silicseus Archiepiscopus Toletanus a Schola Com- plutensi susceptus est, nilh twenty-four extremely curious emblematical wood-cuts, 4to. vellum, very rare, \l, 5s. CoMPLUTi, IJrocarius, 1546 284 TfioMAs Thorpe's 2997 Golilsmith's Knquiry into the present State of polite Learning in Europe, ISmo. rery neat, 2s. Gd. - 1759 2998 Gomersall's (Robt.) Poems, Tragedy of Sforza, and tlie Le- vite's Revenge, nith both plates by Cecill, ISnio. very neat, gitt edges, \0s. 6d. - - 1633 •#* Sold in Isaac Reed's sale for 1/. Qi. 2999 Gomez (Juan) de Mora, Relacion de Juramento que Hizieron los Heinos de Castilla, engraved title and plate of arms, 4to. Ji7ie copy, scarce, 1/. Is. - Madrid, 1632 *^* From the Earl of No7-thu7nberland''s library', with his arms on the sides. 3000 Gonsalvi (Regin.) De Inquisitione Hispanica Oratiunculse VII. 8vo. rare and curious, 7s. 6d. Heidelbergce, 1603 3001 Gooch (Mrs.) the Wife of William Gooch. Esq. Appeal to the Public, on her Conduct, written bv herself, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. Cd. - ' - 1788 3002 Goodman (John) Discourse concerning Auricular Confession, as it is prescribed by the Council of Trent, and practised in the Church of Rome, 4to. sewed, 4s. - 1684 3003 Goodwin's (Tho.) Discourse of the True Nature of the Gospel, demonstrating that it is no New Law, but a pure Doctrine of Grace, 4to. sewed, Ss. 6d. - 1695 3004 Goosecappe (Sir Gyles) a Comedy, 4to. sewed, 10s. 6d. for Hugh Perry, n, d. 300i5 Gorcomiensium Martyrum Historiee, qui pro fide Catholica a perduellibus interfecti sunt anno 1572, lib. IV. authore Gul. Estio Hesselio, quibus subjuncta est, appendix de martyrio Gul. Gaudani, etc. with fine impressions of the nineteen por- traits and plates, 12mo. very neat, from the Fonthill collection, rare, 18s. - - Duaci, 1603 3006 Gordonstoun Library. — Catalogue of this singular and curious collection, priced.^ 8vo. sewed, 5s. - 1816 3007 Gore's (T.) Catalogue of Books on Heraldry, in the English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German Languages, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. - - Oxon. 1674 3008 Gordonio (Bernard! de) Tractatus de Urinis, cum Tractatu de pulsibus, folio, ^?2e (^opy^ ^^^y rare, 18s. Ferrarice, per And. Galium, MCCCCLXXXVIL 3009 Gordoni (Jacobi) Lcsmorei Scoti, Opus Chronologicum anno- rum seriem, regnorunti mutationes, et rerum toto orbe gesta- rum memorabilium sedem annumque, a Mundi exordio ad nostra usque tempora, complectens, 2 vols, in one, folio, fne copy, ill the original binding, very scarce, 1/. lis. Qd. Col. A grip. 1614 5010 Gordonii (Joannis) Salisburiensis Decani, Orthodoxo-Jacobus ct Pa})apostaticus, sive Theses confirmataj Testimoniis Grse- corum ft Latinorum Patruni ; cpiibus probatur Regem Mag- naj BritaiuiiaB esse Cathohca; fidci, vernm dcfensorem et Propugnatorem, 'iio.finc copy, vclluvi, rare, 15s. Lond. 1611 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 285 3011 Gordonil (Jo.) Scoto-britanni, Anti-helbirmino-tortor, sivc, Tortus retortus et Juliano-papismus et Theses Confirmatae (loctrina aniiquorum Symbolorum, et Patriim Graecorum et Latinorum testimoniis, etc. contra Laico-Cardinalis Bellar- mini mendacem, blasphemam et malignam comparationem Regiec Majcstatis ciim Juliano Apostata, 7vith poetical dedi- cation to Prince Henry, 4 to. Jine clean copy, very scarce, 10s. Gd. - - Lond. 1612 ^012 Goretii (Leonard!) Oratio de Matrimonio Pliilippi et Marise, Regis et Reginae Anglic, Hispanise, Hibernice, etc. ^io, jine copy of \ VOLUME OF EXCESSIVELY RARE OCCURRENCE, mOrOCCO elegant, gilt edges, 31. 135. 6d. Lond. Powell. 1554 3013 Gorlaei (Abr.) Dactyliotheca seu Annulorum Sigillarium quo- rum apud priscos tarn Graecos quam Romanos usus Promp- tuarium, etc. numerous plates and Jine portrait, beautifully engraved, 4to. ^ne copy, scarce, \8s. - 1601 3014 Gossett. — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Isaac Gossett, THICK PAPER, with the purchasers' names and prices in vianu' script, 8vo. h. b. russia, 18s. - - 1813 3015 Gossip (The); a Series of Original Essays and Letters, Lite- rary, Historical, and Critical, Descriptive Sketches, Anec- dotes, and Original Poetry, 8vo. bds. 2s. 6d. 1821 3016 Gosson's (Stephen) Trumpet of Warre, a Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, 12mo. very neat, 1/. 5s. - 1598 *^* The Trumpet of Warre, like most of this author's pieces, is of very rare occurrence. It is replete with curious allusions, and ludicrous imagery. In re- ference to his employment in the ministry, Oosson, in the dedication to Richard Eancroft, Bp. of London, states, that he had brought in those labours to the church, fitted to the times, and that honourable assembly to which he spoke, seeing that God in his goodnesse had made him a little naile in his temple, to hang some part of his service upon. SO 17 Gothofredus (J.) History of the United Provinces of Achaia, by Hen. Stubbe, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6rf, - 1673 3018 Goudoever (Ant. Van) Disputatio Philologica de Historicis Polybii Laudibus, presentation copy, 8vo. bds. uncut, 2s. Gd. Traj. ad Rhen. 1809 3019 Gough's (J.) Strange Discovery, Tragi-Comedy, 4to. fne copy, 7s. 6rf. - - 1640 3020 Gough (R.) — Estienne Perlin, Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse, en 1558, Histoire de I'Entree de la Reine Mere dans la Grande Bretagne, par P. de la Serre, en 1639, with all the plates, and illustrated with English notes, by Gough, i^to. fine copy, uncut, 18s. 1775 *»' The large folding view of the procession in Cbeapside is frequently wanting, :j021 Gough's account of the celebrated Richly Illuminated Missal, executed for John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, under Henry VI, formerly in the Portland Museum, now in the collection of Sir John Tobin, Bart, of Liverpool, ivith fac- simile C7igravings of some of the illuminations, 4to, sewed, 18s. 1794 286 THOMAS T1K)HPk's 3022 Gowry Conspiracy. — A Form of Prayer, with Thanksgiving, to be used by all the King's loving Subjects on the Fifth of August, being the day of his Highness happy deliverance from the traiterous and bloody attempt of the Earl of Gowry, his brother, and their adherents, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1G23 3023 Grabii (J. E.) Epistola ad J. Millium, qua ostenditur, libri Judicum Genuinam LXX. Interpretum Versionem earn esse, quam MS. Codex Alexandrinus exhibet, Gr. et Lat. 4to. sewed, 3s. - - Oxon. 1705 3024 Graevii (J. G.) Oratio de auspicatissima Expeditione Britan- nica, cum Gulielmus Arausionensis Princeps, Angliae Rex inaugurareter, etc. 4to. 3s. - Lond. 1689 3025 Grahame's Anatomie of Humors, and the Passionate Sparke of a relenting Minde, 4to. hoards, 21. \2s. 6d. Edinh. 1830 *j^* Privately printed for the members of the Bannatyne club. S02G Grammatice Rudimenta, ad Pueros, de Remigio, Donato, Alexandroque studiosissime lecta, with curious wood-cut in the tide, 4to. very neat, rare, \2s. per Kreusner, s. a. 3027 Grammaticale Exercitium Puerorum, in Dietas distributum, nuper per delegentem in multis castigationum denovo recog- nitum : non sine plusculorum quam pueris profore visa sunt, additione necessaria, 4to. very neat, scarce, 18s, Mogunt. Schoeffer, 1506 3028 Grammaticarum Institutionum Enchiridion Partium Orationis Syntaxim : cum Elegantiarum flosculis ac terminorum pro- prietatibus adaraussim revisum brevibus complectens, 4to. jfine copy, scarce, 5s. - Colonics, 1516 3029 Grammars. — Alphabetum Grsecum et Lat. Lutetice, Stephanus, 1550 — Institutiones Linguae Grsecae a Nicolao Clenardo, ib. id. 1551. — Meditationes Grsecanicae in Artem Grammati- cam, a N. Clenardo, ib. 1544. — Isaaci Casauboni de Satyrica Grascorum Poesi et Romanorum Satira, libri II. ib. 1605. — Cyclops, Euripides Latinitate donata a Q. Septimo, in one vol. 8vo. Jine copies, in the original morocco binding, gilt edges, from the Escurial collection, \l. \s. 3030 Grammatical Tracts. ^ — Introduction of Grammar generally to be used. Comb. 1640. — Ratio Grammatices cognoscendap, Lond. 1634. — Lilie's Rules construed, with Robinson's Latine Syntaxis, &:c. 1640. — Treatise of the Figures at the end of the Rules of Construction in the Latine Grammar construed, by John Stockwood, 1628. — Prosodia construed, by Barn. Hampton, 1640. — Praxis Grammatica: Verum et Genuinum Declinationum et Conjugationum usum liquido indicans, 1623. — Praxis of the whole Latin Syntaxe in English, 1629. — Enuclearie, or Alphabet of Verbs, Neuters, &c. by W. Darbishire, 1624, in 1 vol. 12mo. neat, a very scarce collec- tion, 18s. 3031 Grammaire Italienne, augmentee de Dialogues, Discours, et d'un recueil des plus beaux endroits de Poetes, 12mo. neat, 2s. 6d. - - Paris, 169G CATAI.O(iUE OF BOOKS. 287 3032 Grammaire Generale et Ra'isoni^ec, fronlispiece, Svo, sd. 2s. Amst. 1703 8033 Grammatici (Alex.) Doctrinale cum Commento, mood-cut. 4to. scarce, 4s. - Venet. Alex, de Bindonisj 1519 3034 Gram's (Jas.) Essays on the Origin of Society, Language, Property, Government, Jurisdiction, Contracts, Marriages, and interspersed with Illustrations from the Greek and Gaelic Languages, ^io. fine copy, very neat, \2s. 1785 3035 Grapaldi (F. Marii) Parmensis Onomasticon, variarum pro- pria Nomina, explicationeniqtie ex optimis quibusque tam Graecas quam Latinae Linguae Auctoribus petitam, Svo. very neat, 6s. - - Dordrechti, 1618 3036 Graphei (Corn.) Pacis inter Carolum V. Imp. Caes. Aug. et Franciscum I. Galliarum Regem, ad aquas mortiius in agro Narbonis initse, Descriptio, 1538. — Divo Carolo V. ex His- paniis per medias Gallas in Patriam Reduci Aggratulatio per Grapheum, Antv. 1540, in 1 vol. 12mo. fine copies, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 1 /. 1 1 s. 6c?. 3037 Gratiani (Girolamo) Conquisto di Granata, Poema Fleroico, con gli Argomenti del Signor Flaminio Calvi, frontispiece, first edition, 4to. h. b. vellum, scarce, 10s. 6d. Modena, 1615 3038 Grattan's (Hen.) Observations on the Mutiny Bill ; with Strictures on Lord Buckinghamshire's Administration in Ireland, 1781. — Cofisiderations submitted to the People of Ireland, on their present Condition with regard to Trade and Constitution, in Answer to Grattan, 1781. — Letters to Lord Mansfield, from Andrew Stuart, Esq. Dublin, 1775. — Four Letters to the Earl of Carlisle, from VV. Eden, Esq. on Party Spirit, Parties, &c. 1779, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 6d. S039 Graunt's (John) Right Use made at the Disputations between Mr, Goodwin and Mr. Symson, concerning Redemption, 4to. served, 2s. . _ . 1649 3040 Gravesand (G. J.) Philosophise Newtonianae Institutiones, in usus Academicos, 2 vols. 12mo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Leidcc, 1766 3041 Gray's Odes, 4to. h. b. 5s. 6d. Strawberry Hill, 1757 3042 Gray's Poems, printed with a beautiful large type, with a view to remove the reproaches which Ireland had long laboured under for bad printing, by T. Ening, see Preface, 4to. h. b. neat, 5s. - _ . Dublin, 1771 3043 Gray's Poems, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Mason, portrait, 4to. very neat, 7s. 6d. - 1775 3044 Grazzini (Ant. Fr.^ detto il Lasca, la Seconda Cena, the counterfeit edition, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s. Stambul, dell' Egira, 122 3045 Great Britain's Union, and the Security of the Hanover Suc- cession considered, in a Letter from Windsor, by a Person of Quality, 4to. sened, 2s. 6d. - - 1705 3046 Grebner's Visions and Prophecies concerning England, Scot- land, and Ireland, in proseand verse, l2mo.$carce, 7s. 6d. 1661 2S8 THOMAS Thorpe's S047 Greek Vases. — Cataloijue of a magnificent Collection of Greek Vases, sold by King and Locliee, neatly priced, 8vo. served, 5s. - - - 1815 '3048 Greene's (Robt.) Honourable History of Friar Bacon, and Fnar Buugay, Tvith tvood- cut, 4^10. It. 1 5s. - 1630 *#* Sold in Mr. Heber'ssale for 21. 14s. 3049 Greene's Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bun- gay, curious cut, 4to.Jine copy, scarce, 1 1. 5s. Jean Bell, n.d. 3050 Greene's Groats worth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentance, poems, with Preface, Critical and Biographical, by Sir Egerton Brydges, 4to. hds. fine clean copy, \0s. Gd. Lee Priory private press, 1813 **♦ Only 100 copies printed. 3051 Gregentii Archiep. Tephrensis Disputatio cum Herbano Judaeo, Gr. et Lat. Svo.Jine copy, vellum, 5s. Lutet. Morel I. 1586 3052 Gregorii Dialogi. — Hie facht an das buch das der lieylig vatt, und bapst Sanctus Gregorius selbs gernacht hat von den heyligen die bey seynen zeyten, ^c. ivood-cut. — Das puch der pein der selen und von den freuden d'Erwelten, und ist zu latein genant Visio Tundali, zu teutsch die gesicht Tundali. — Von einem BischofF Forsee genant ist ein gross vvundcrzaiclien zu mercken. — Speculum Mundi, ein Spiegel de Welt Buch oder 'J'ractat, und das wurtz zu latein genant Ars Moriendi, das ist von der kunste des Sterbens. — Tractat zu latein genant Tractatus quatuor novissimorum, in 1 vol. folio, all very fine sound copies, 41. 14s. 6d. Augusta;, MCCCCLXXIII. *«* These six tracts, "in den Kloster St. Dlrich gedrukt, 1473,'' bear the same degree of rarity as our books printed at St. Albans. It is one of the very rare productions of the press established by the Prior Melchior de Stamham, in the monastery of St. Ulrich and Afra at Augsburgh, and is minutely described by Panzer. 3053 Gregorii Nazianzeni Tragcedia, Christus Patiens, Paris. 1 544. — Luciani Tragopodagra, Epigrammata, etc. ih, 1530. — Epi- tome AgricoleB de Inventione Dialectica, ib. 1539. — Metho- dus Instituendorum puerorum a R. Brilanno, ib. 1547. — Passeratii Prefatiuncula, ib. 1593, in 1 vol. 8vo. 10*. Gd. 3054 Gregorii Nazianzeni Tetrasticha in Linguam Graecam Hodi- ernam, conversa a Niceta et Davide, portrait, 4to. neat, very scarce, 1/. Is. - Venet. ap. F. Zanettum, 1563 3055 Gregorio Nazanzeno Due Orationi, in una de le qiiali, si tratta quel die sia Vescovado, et quali debbiano essere i Vescovi ne 1' altra, de I'ainor verso i Poueri, et il Primo Sermone di S. Cipriano sopra I'Elemosina, fatta in Lingua Toscana da Annibal Caro, 4to. a remarkably fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, \l. Is. ycnet. Aldo Manutio, 1569 305G Gregorii Episcopi Cypvensis Laus Maris, Greece, 8vo. very neat, 5s. - - Lugd. Bat. 1591 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 289 S057 Gregorii Papaj XIII. Confirmatio Omnium Privilegiorum fratrum minorum de observantia, quos vocant, monialiiimque sanctse Claras, necnon de pcenitentia nuncupatorum ordinibus, per summos Pontifices concessornm, 4to. fine copy, very scarce, 65. Gd. - Jionice, Ant. liladus, 1575 3058 Giellmann's (H. M. G.) Dissertation on the Gipseys, their manner of Life, Religion, Manners, Customs, &c. with His- torical Enquiry into their Oricrin, 8vo. h. h. neat, 7s. 1807 3059 Grenville. — Verses by the University of Oxtoid, on the Death of the Most Noble and Right Valiant Sir Bevill Grenville, alias Granville, who was slain by the Rebells at the Battle on Lansdown Hill, near Bath, July 5th, 1643, 7viih the rare portrait, 4to. fne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 31. 13s. 6d. - - 1684 ♦«* This edition contains copies of King Charles II. letters and grants, &,c. in favour of the Earl of Bath, for the services of the noble family of Gren- ville, down to the Restoration ; also a report of the engagement betwixt the Revenge, commanded by Sir Richard Grenville, and the Armada of the King of Spain, in August, 1591. 3060 Gresemundi (Theodorici) de Furore Germaiiico diebus geni- alibus, Carnisprivii DiaIogus,y?rs< edition, 4:10. Jine copy, very neat, scarce, lOs. 6d. - Moguncice, MCCCCXCV. 5061 Greseri (Hieron.) Epithalamion Thoma3 Vinitori et Annae Wendelers Sponsae ipsius, 4:to.Jine copy, 3s. 6d. ff'itleb. 1556 3062 Greslon Histoire de la Chine sous la Dominacion des Tartares, 8vo. Jine clean copy, vellum, scarce, 7s, Paris, 1671 3063 Greswell's (W. P.) Annals of Parisian Typography, 8vo. boards, 3s. - - - 1818 3064 Greswell's (W. P.) View of the Early Parisian Greek Press; including the Lives of the Stephani, Notices of other con« temporary Greek Printers of Paris, and various particulars of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of their times, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth boards, lO.v. 6c/. 0.rford, 1833 3065 Greville (Fulke) Lord Brook's Tragedy of Mustapha, 4to, very rare, 31. 3s. - - 160? 3066 Grevill's (Fulke) Life of the renowned Sir Philip Sydney, with the true interest of England, 1652. — History of the revolutions in Naples, 1650. — Edward Leigh's Observations on the XII. Csesars, 1047, in 1 vol. 12mo. h. b. russia, 15s. *,* The life of Sir P. Sydney sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 3^. 3067 Gribaldi (Matthaei) Epistola de Tremendo divini judicii ex- emplo super eum, qui hominum metu pulsus, Christum et cognitam ventatem abnegat, 8vo. scarce, 2s. 6d. 1549 3068 Grindalli (Edmundi) Concio Fu»iebris in obittim Ferdinand! Caesaris recens defuncti, in celeberrimo procerum ac magna- tum conventu Londini in Eccl. Cath. de Pauii habita ex An- glico per Jo. Foxum conversa, 4to. very tall copy, half bound, morocco, 18s. - Londini, per J. Dayurn, 15()4- *»* The only cqpy referred to in the Bibliographer's Manual is in the British Museum. 2 V 290 THOMAS Thorpe's 3069 Grisons. — The Proceedings of the Grisons, in 1GI8, wherein are truly and clearly laid open the Lawful p.nd Urgent Causes of calling an Assembly of the Commons, and of their due Proceeding .nnd Honourable Prosecution of Justice which they were enforced to use against some false and perfidious Patriots, in a full Congregation and with absolute power met together at Tosana, 4to. served, 4s. - 161 9^ S070 Groans of Germany, or the Inquiry of a Protestant German into the original Cause of the present Distractions of the Empire,. 1741, — Review of the Politics and Conduct of the Court of Great Britain with regard to France, 1742. — On the Necessity of Maintaining a Regular Land Force in this Lsland, 174'^', — Answer to Ditto, 1742. — Forman's Letter to W. Pulteney, Esq. shewing how pernicious the Imperia? Company of Commerce and Navigation, lately established in the Austrian Netherlands, is likely to prove to Great Britain, as well as to Holland, 1725. — View of the State of Affairs for Four Years past, 17^0. — Case of the Hessian Forces in the Pay ot Great Britain, 1731. — History of Prin e Ministers in Great Britain, in 1 vol. Svo. half bound, 6s. 6d. .3071 Giroe (J. H. van der) Catalogus ejus Bibliolhecse, some prices^ Svo. half hound, neat, "s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1811) 3072 Grossen Trias Projjositionum Theologicarum, Graecum textum et stylum Novi Testamenti a barbaris criminationibus vindi- cantium, Jence, 1640. — Alia Editio, cum Observationibus Apologeticis, Hamburgi, 1640. — Innocentia Hellenistarum a Triade Propositionum Theologicarum, s. o. — Defensiones Triadis, ib. 1641-2. — Musaji Vindiciee pro disquisitione de Stylo N. T. adversus Grossen, Jence, 1642, in 1 vol. 12mo. all the farts complete, vellum, 1 0*. 6d. *«* Purchased in Dr. Gossett's sale for 2/". 3073 Grotius (Hugo) Beuys van den waren Godsdienst in ses Boecken ghestelt, 4to. 2s. - - 1622 3074 Grottaglie (Antonio dalle) L'Arcangelo Capuccino Scozeze detto I'Alessio, 12mo. vellum, a curious and very scarce volume. Is. 6d. - - Napnli, 1G5G 3075 Grudii (Nic. Nic.) Apotheosis Maximiliani ab i5Cgmonda, Comitis Burani, cum Epitaphio, 12mo. scarce, 3s. 6d. Lova7iii, 1549 3076 Grudtlicher und V/arhaffter bericht Was sich uoder der bele- gerung (!er Stat VVien Newlich, curious wood-cui, 4to. very scarce, 3s. 6d. . . - 152!^ 3077 Grunpeckh (Joannis) Speculum naturalis, ccelestis et pro- pheticas visionis, omnium calamitatum, tribulationum, et anx- ietatum, quoe super omnes status, stirpes et nationes Christi- anae reipublicse, presertim quse cancro ct septimo climati subjectae sunt, proximis temporibus venturae sunt, with tivelve extremely curious and highly spirited nood-cuts, folio, very neat, 2l. 2s. - - Nurenbergce, 1508 *»* This is a very singular volnme, and of extreme rarity, unknown to most bibliographers. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 291 S078 Grymston's Speech in Parliament upon the Accusation and Impeachment of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, for Treason, declaring his wicked proceedings and exorbi- tant power, both in Church and Commonwealth, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. - - - 1641 3079 Gualdo (Conte Galeazzo) Historia di Christina Alessandra Regina di Suetia, &c. portrait, 4to. veil. 4s. 6d. Roma, 1656 3080 Gualengui (Galeatii) ad Academicos suos in Studiorum, re- staurationem Parseneticum Carmen, Aio. fine copy, 4*. 6rf. Ferrarice, 1587 3081 Gualterotti (Raffaello) Rime, with fine wood-cut capital letters, 4to, vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. - Fiorenza, 1581 3082 Guarini Erotemata, Greece, cum multis additamentis et cum Commentariis Latinis Pontici Virunnii, edente J. M. Tri- csdHo, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. Ferrarice, Mazochns, 1509 *** " Edition tres rare, et rendue celebre dans la Repiiblique des Lettres fiar la quantite de Dissertations qu'elle a occasionnees, et qui onl ete failes par dif- fiirens Bibliographes. La rarete de ce Livre engageameme M. de la Monnoye ^ en publier une Dissertation particuliere; dans laquelle, uon content de faire I'apologie de cctte pretiense edition, il pretend encore qu'ou doit regarder cowww unique dans Paris, I'exemplaiie qni en existe a la Bibliotheqne Mazarine. Plu- sienrs Bibliographes Strangers, qui ont ecrit apres liii, senibleiit confirmer son sentiment, et regardent comme un Livre des plus rares cette edition de la Grani- maire de Chrysoloras.'' — See De Bure, who cotild refer to only one other copy, which was in the Gaignat collection, and produced 129 francs ; Erunet also is very minute in his description of it. 5083 Guarini (And.) Origine e Fondatione di tutte le Religion!, e Militie di Cavallieri, con le Croci, e Segni usati da quelle, etc. Vicenza, Dom. Amadio, 1614. — L'Origine et Fonda- tione dell' Ordine de' Crociferi da Bened. Leoni, Venet. 1599. — Origine del Sacro Ordine Cisterciense, et suoi Progressi, Decreti, Statuti, Privilegii, etc. da Don Rob. Rusca, Milano, 1598, in 1 vol, ito.fine copies,neat, from Colbert's collection, 105. Qd. *#* On the title of the first is the Aldine device. 3084 Guarinus (Baptista) de mode et ordine docendi ac discendi, 4to. scarce, 45. - - Argent. 1514 3085 Guarini, Pastor Fido, Tragicommedia Pastorale, con un com- pendio di Poesia, tratto da i duo Verati, fine impressions of the portrait and plates, 4to. vellum, scarce, \2s. renet. 160^ *^* " Edition estimee et peu commune.'' — Brunei. 3086 Guarini, Pastor Fido, Tragicomedia Pastorale, nelle Reali Nozze di sua Altezza D. Carlo Emanuele Duca di Sauoio, etc. con la Seren. Infante D. Caterina d'Austria, wood-cuts, Aldine device in title, 16mo. morocco, Aldine device on the sides, gilt edges, rare, 1/. Is. - Vicenza, 1615 3087 Guarini, Pastor Fido, or the Faithfull Shepheard, translated into English by Sir Edward Dymock, Champion to her Ma- jesty, with Sonnet and Introductory Poems by S. Daniell and S. VVaterson, 4to. rare, \l. lis. 6d. - 1602 *»* A copy of this very rare play sold at Mr. Evans's sale, in Jan. 1825, for 12/. 292 THOMAS Thorpe's 3088 Guarnce (And.) Salernitani Grammaticale Bellum Nominis et verb! Regiim de Principalitate Orationis inter se conten- dentium, 4to. 5s. - - Lips. 1512 3089 Guarnae Grammaticale Bellum, 4to. Jine copy, 5s. Urgent. 1516 3090 Guastivini (Giulio) Risposta all' infarinato Academico della Criisca intorno alia Gierusalemme Liberata del Torquato Tasso, Svo. vellum, scarce, 5s. - Bergamo, 1588 3091 Guazzi (Marco di) Mantuano, Belisardo, fratello de Conte Orlando, a romance poem, 4to. very neat, gilt edges, scarce, II. \]s.6d. - - yenetia, 1533 *^* " Edition rare, et la meilleure de ce Poeme." — Brunei. Sold in the Rox- burghe sale for 3L 4s. 3092 Guazzo (Steph.) Civile Conversatione, lib. IV. 16mo. h. b. neat, \8s. - - Venet. 1581 *i»* This curious volume contains some very interesting notes by Gabriel Harvey. 3093 Guenebaidd (Jean de) Reveil de Chyndonax Prince des vacies Driiydes Celtiques Dii mois, avec la Saintete, religion et diversite des Ceremonies Observees aux Anciennes Se- pultures, 4:\.o.Jine copy, with the plates, neat, \2s. Dijon, 1621 3094 Guerino ditto Meschino : Hystoria breve del Re Karlo Im- peratore, &c., wants the table and the title, and one leaf supplied in Manuscript^ (olio, tall copy, excessively rare, 21. I2s. 6d. Venex. Ger. de Flandria, MCCCCLXXVII. %* The White Knights copy, with the table and first leaf manuscript, sold for i3Z. 13s. Mr. Hibbert's copy sold for 2ol. \4s. 3095 Guerino Mescbino. — In questo libro vulgarmente setrata alchuna Ysto-ria breve del Re Karlo Imperatore, poi del nascimento e opere di qnelo magnifico Cavalier nominate Guerino, e prenominato Meschino, folio, large sound copy, but wanting three leaves, neat, extremely rare, Si. Ss. Venetia, per Nicolo Girardengho, MCCCCLXXXII. *,(• Such is the extreme rarity of this edition, that it had escaped the researches of Brunei, until the publication of his Nouvelles Recherches-, where he slightly mentions it on the information of Count Melzi, whose only authority was the Catalogo di AdolJ'o Cesare, Yenezia, 18G9. 3096 Guerino, Libro chiamato Meschino, 4to. in rich old red morocco, gilt edges, bound by De Rome, 2l. 2s. Milano, 1520 *** A very rare edition, having escaped the researches of Panzer and others. 3097 Guerino detto il Meschino, nel quale si^tratta come trouo suo Padre, et sua Madre in la Citiadi Durazzo in Prigione ; et Diverse Vittorie contra Turcbi, ]2mo. neat, gilt edges, 105. Qd. - - - Venet. 1635 *»* A scarce edition of this popular romance. 3098 Guevara (Ant. de) Obras, folio, fine copy, vellum, very scarce, \L 5s. - - . 1545 *,* The works of this celebrated bishop are considered as forming part of Don Quixote's library. See Cervantes's own preface to the first part of Don Quixote, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 293 3099 Guevara (Don Antonio de) Menosprecio de Corte y Alabanza de Aldea dirigido al Rey de Portugal Don Juan Tercero, Svo. Jit} e copy, neat, very rare, 18s. Anvers, 1540 *,* Probably the first edition, and apparently unknown to Antonio, Brunei, and other bibliographers. 3100 Guibae (Robert!) Brilanni, Episcopi Trecorensis ad Innocen- tium VIII. legati, Francisci Duels Britanniae, Oratio, in Obedientia prsestanda, 4to. Jine copy, Ss. (MCCCCLXXXV.) 3101 Guicciardini (Francisci) Loci duo, ex ipsius Historiarum libris III. et IV. detract!, in exemplaribus hactenus impressis non leguntur, nunc tandem ab interitu vindicati, et Latine, Italice, Galliceque edit! ; seorsim accesserunt Petrarcliae Epistolae XVI. item dementis VIII. Ferrariam petentis et ingredientis apparatus et pompa, rare, 1602. — Portraict de la Vie du Maresclial d'Ancre avec un abrege deplorable de la mort des deux Roys Henry III. et IV. par N. V. 1635, in 1 vol. 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, ISs. %• The first book in this volume was privately printed. It supplies the hiatus or castration of the third and fourth books of Guicciardin's History, and the six Letters of Petrarch, oflensive to the Popes and Church of Rome, and suppressed by their authority. 3102 Guicciardini's Account of the Ancient Flemish School of Painting, translated from the Italian, printed in 1567, with Preface, and Index of Nanies of Artists arranged according to the times in which they lived, 4to. sened, 5s. 1795 3103 Guichenonii (S.) Bibliotheca Sebusiana sive variarum Charta- rum, Diplomatum, Fundationum, Privilegiorum, Donationum, et immunitatum Miscella? Centuriae II. 4io. Jine copy, vellum, rare, 1 1. Is. - - - Lugd. 1660 3104 Guichenonii (S.) Bibliotheca Sebusiana, seu variarum Charta- rum, Diplomatum, Fundationum, Privilegiorum, Donationum, et immunitatum a Summis Pontificibus, Imperatoribus, Re- gibus, Ducibus, &c. et Proceribus, Ecclesiis, Monasteriis, et aliis locis aut Personis concessarum nusquam antca Editarum Miscellae Centurice II. ex Archivis Regiis, Monasteriorum Tabuiariis, et Codicibus MS. ad Historiac lucem collectae, et Locorum explicationem et Familiarum illustrium cognitionem notis illustrata?, best edition, folio, very Jine copy., in beautiful old morocco, gilt edges, 2/. 2s. - Taurini, 1780 3105 Guidonis de Columna Historia Destructionis Trojae, folio, y?ne copy, very neat, rare, 1 1, lis. 6c?. - sine ulld notd *,* This work is the original of Caxtou's well-known history of the destruction of Troy, and is the source from whence Lydgate and our other early English poets drew their accounts of that event. 3106 Guidonis de Columna Historia Destructionis Trojas, folio, neat, a very scarce edition, \l. Ms. 6d. Argent. MCCCCLXXXVI. *,* Not in the Spencer Catalogue. 294 THOMAS Thorpe's 3107 Guidonis de Columna Historia Destructionis Trojae, folio, neat, a very scarce edition, 11. lis. 6d. Urgent. MCCCCLXXXIX. %* Another edition of this celebrated history, not in the Spencer catalogue. 3108 Guinney. — The Golden Coast, or a Description of Guinney, its Situation, Commodities, Laws, Customes, Religion, Man- ners, in Four Rich Voyages, with Relation of such Persons as got wonderful Estates by their Trade tliither, 4to. fine copy, neat, scarce, 1/. Is. - - 1665 3109 Guise. — Le Tres Excellent Enterrement du treshault et tres illustre Prince Claude de Lorraine, Due de Guise, auquel sont declares toutes les ceremonies de la chambre d'honneur du transport du corps : avec I'oraison Funebre declarative des gestes, moeurs, vie et trespas du meme Due de Guise, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, very scarce, lOs. 6d. Paris, 1551 3110 Gulielmi Neubrigensis Rerum Anglicarum, lib. V. cum Indice, Svo. first editio7i, scarce, 7s. 6d. Antverpice, 1567 3111 Gulliver Decypher'd, or Remarks on a late Book, intitled, Travels into several remote Nations, Svo. neat, 3s. n. d. 3112 Gulston, Catalogue of his very valuable Collection of Prints, sold by Greenwood, rvith prices and purchasers' names, Svo. k. h, neat, very rare, 15s. - - 1786 3113 Gundelii (Philippi) Apollonodia et Callianera, .S^glogae, 4to. Jine copy, scarce, 3s. 6d. - Fiennce Austrice, 1518 3114 Gunpowder Plot. — His Majestie's Speech in Parliament, with the Manner of the Discovery of this intended Treason, also the Examination of Guy Fawkes, and other Prisoners, 4to. served, scarce, Ss. 6d. - - 1605 3115 Gunpowder Treason, History of the, collected from approved Authors, as well Popish as Protestant, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1679 311(5 Gunpowder Plot. — De Conspiratione Pulveraria in Anglia quondam agitata, a Gothofredo Steinbrechern, 4to. a scarce and very interesting historical tract, 10s. Cid. 1687 3117 Gunter. — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Gunter, sold by Millington, 4to.^He copy, served, scarce, 10s. 6d. 1614 3118 Gurthie's (J.) Life and Heroick Actions of the Eighth Champion of Christendom, frontispiece of the Knt.'s adven- ture with his Taylor, Svo. 2s. 6d. - 1739 3119 Guthrie's (M.) Tour through the Taurida, or Crimea, the Antient Kingdom of Bosphorus, and all other Countries on the North Shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy, maps and plates, 4to. very neat, 10s. Qd. - . - 1802 3120 Guiierres de Torres (Alvaro dc) Sumario de las Maravillosas y espantables cosas que en el mundo han acontescido, 4to. fine copy, russia extra, bound by the late Charles Lewis, very rare, 21. 12s. Qd. - - Toledo, 1524 *,* This copy was purchased in the Conde sale, before it was bound, for 3i. 3s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 295 31^1 Giistavus III. — Y7ro/Li«'?;/xa Parmense in adventu Gustavi III. Sueciae Regis, beautifully punted, 4to. vellum, 5s. Parmce, 1784 3122 Gwinne Verturonus, sive Annus recuriens Oxonii coram Jacobo Rege et Henrico Principe, Proceribus a Joannensibus in Scena recitatus ab iino scriptus, Plirasi Comica prope 'i'ragicis senariis, 4to. vellum, scarce, Is. 6d. 1607 %* Sold in Mr. Reed's sale for 1/. 12s. 3123 Gwyn's (J.) Essay on Design, with Proposals for erecting a Public Acadt'iTiy for Educating the British Youth in Draw- ing, &c. 8vo. clean copy, uncut, 2s. 6d. Brindley, 1749 3124 GyUii de Constantinopoleos Topograpiiia lib. IV. 12mo. vel- lum, 3s. {cost the late Bishop of Lichfield 125.) Elzevir, 1632 3125 Gymnasiad, or Boxing Match, a very curious Epic Poem, with Notae Variorum, 4to. served, 2s. 6d. - 1744 3126 Habesci (Elias) State of the Ottoman Empire, Account of their Religion, Government, Manners, Customs, Amuse- ments, &c. with particular description of the Seraglio of the Grand Signer, 8vo. very neat, 6s. - 1784 3127 Habington (William) Castara, a Collection of Poems in Three Varts, frontispiece by Marshall, 12mo. very fine copy, in the original binding, 1/. lis. 6d. - - 1640 •^* The author entitled this interesting volume Castara, in compliment to Mistress Lucia, the daughter of Lord Powis, who became his wife, to whom many poems are addressed. There are also verses addressed to Lord and Lady Powis, on the funeral of George Talbot, by whom there are some introductory poems, others to Lady Cat. Talbot, Endymion Porter, the Earl of Shrewsbury, and upon his death, William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, the Hon. Hen. Campbell, son to the Earl of Argyle, Lord Windsor, Lord Kintyre, aud others. 3128 Haddoni (W.) Poematum Lib. 11. 12mo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, VERY rare, 5/. 3s. - - Land. 1576 *jit* This interesting volume contains poems upon Edward VI., Princess Eli- zabeth, Brandon, Duke of Sutfolk, who married the Princess Mary, Widow of Louis XI. of France. On the Rebellion in Norfolk. On Sir Edraond Brudenelle, (son of Sir Thomas, by Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, of Malton, in Northamptonshire,) whose only child Ethelred, married Sir Basil Brooke, of Madeley, in Staffordshire. Roger Ascham, T. Norton, of Bristol. W. Mildmay. Ou the Reign of Queen Mary. On the atBicted Affairs of the Princess Elizabeth. Ou the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. On the Restoration of Westminster College. On Archbishop Cranmer ; Robert Dudley, Earl of Lei- cester. On the Nuptials of Thomas Cecil. Ou Archbishop Parker. On the Deaths of Charles and Henry Brandon, Dukes of Suffolk. John Dudley, Earl of Warwick. Sir John Cheek. Lady Jane Somerset. Elizabeth, Marchioness of Northampton. Lord W. Paget. On the Three Wives of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, buried in one tomb, and many other most interesting poems on various persons. 3129 Hadrava, Ragguagli di varii scari e Scoverte di Antichita fatte nell' Isola di Capri, plates of coins, antiquities, ^c. 4to. boards, 5s. - - - Dresdce, 1796 3)30 Hsec et Hie ; or the Feminine Gender more worthy than the Masculine, being a Vindication of that ingenious and inno- cent Sex from the biting Sarcasms, wherewith they are daily aspersed by the Virulent Tongues and Pens of malevolent Men, \2mo. fine clean copy, scarce, \2s. - 1683 296 THOMAS Thorpe's 3131 Haedus de mundanorum hominum temeritate atque stultitiS, 4to. very rare, 10s. Gd. - - Venet. 1502 3132 Haex (Davidis) Dictionarium Malaico-Latinum et Latino-Ma- laicum ; adjunctae sunt Lusitanicee et aliquot Tarnatanicae Dictiones, quae valde sunt communes et vocabulis Malaicis in Insulis Amboyna, Banda, Java, et Moluccis intermiscentur ; item aliquot loquendi modi valde necessarii iis qui Linguam Malaicam addiscere volunt, etc. 4to. vellum, very scarce, 18s. Romce, 1631 *»* " Volume peu commun." — Brunei. Sold in Mr. Nicol's sale for \l. 5s., and in Pi'ince Soubise's for 36 francs. 3133 Hager. — De Natura Pelagi, Dissertatio per J. H. Hager, 4to. 3s. - - - Upsalice, 1757 3134 Hailes (David Dalrymple, Lord). — Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in tiie Reign of James the First, published Irom the original, 12mo. neat, 7s. 6d. Glasgow, 1762 3135 Hailes. — Memorials and Letters relating to tlie History of Britain in the Reign of Charles the First, published from the originals, 12mo. boards, 5s. - Glasgow, 1766 3136 Hailes. — Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James VL King of Scotland, now first published, 12mo. neat, 7s. Gd. - ■ - Edinb. 1766 3137 Hailes. — Canons of the Church of Scotland, drawn up in the Provincial Council, held at Perth, A.D. 1242, and A.D. 1269, edited by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, Edinb. 1769. — Sir D. Dalrymple's Historical Memorials concerning the Provincial Councils of the Scotish Clergy, to the iEra of the Reformation, ib. 1769. — Examination of the Arguments for the Antiquity of Regiam Majestatem, and an Inquiry ;. into the Authenticity of ilie Leges Malcolmi, ib. 1769. — Bp. Atterbury's Private Correspondence in 17 ii5, edited by Sir David Dalrymple, privately printed, 1768. — Catalogue of the Lords of Session, from 1532, wiili Historical Notes. — Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates, from 1532 to 1688, Edinb. 1798, in 1 vol. 4to. il. 2s. *^* A scarce collection, formed by Isaac Reed, Commentator upon Sliakspeare. 3138 Hailes. — Remarks on the History of Scotland, \2mo. neat, 10s. 6d. - - - Edinb. 1773 3139 Hailes. — Letter to Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, on his Remarks on the History ol Scotland, l2mo. boards, 4s. Edinb. 1773 3140 Hailes. — Account of the Martyrs at Smyrna and Lyons, in the Second Century, with Explanatory Notes, 12mo. boards, uncut, OS. 6d. - - - Edinb. 1776 3141 Hailes. — Octavius, a Dialogue by Marcus Minucius Felix, \2mo. boards, uncut, 'is. - - Edinb. 1781 *„♦ The above woiks, edited by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, are uni- formly printed. ( ATAi.O(;UK OV HOOKS. 297 3142 Ilainauh. — Panegirici Genealogiariim Illiistrium Principum Dominorum tie Anliolt, wood-cut of the arms, Aio.fine copj/^ very scarce, Gs. Q>d. - - - 1519 3143 Haines' (R.) Prevention of Poverty, or a Discourse of the Causes of the Decay of Trade, Fall of Lands, want of Money, &c. with Proposals of Uemcdy, 4to. 3s. Gd. - 1074 3144 Haines' Breviat of some Proposals Prepared to be ofierod to the King and Parliament, for the Speedy Restoring the Woollen Manufacture, by a Mctliod practised in other Na- tions, 4to. served, 2>s. 6d. - - 1G79 3145 Hakewill's (Geo.) Discourse on the Lord's Day, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - - - 1641 3146 Hakewill's (W.) Liberty of the Subject against the pretended Power of Impositions, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1G41 3147 Hale's (Sir Matthew) Difficiles Nuga; ; or Observations touch- ing the Torricellian Experiment, and the various Solutions of the same, portrait, 12mo. 7}eat, very scarce, 10s. Gd. 1G74 3148 Hale (Sir Matthew) Just and Pious Scorpionist, or the Na- tivity of that thrice excellent Man, by John Gadbury, Stu- dent in Astrology, 4to. sewed, 4s. Gd. - 1G77 3149 Hales (Sir Ed w.) and Sir W. Wroth's Speeches in Parliament concerning his Majestie's Letter to the Commons, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - - - 1G41 3150 Hales (Sir Edw.). — Account of the Authorities in Law, upon which Judgment was given in Sir E. Hales' Case, written by Sir Edw. Herbert, in Vindication of himself, 4to. seivcd, 3s. 1688 3151 Hales and Herbert. — Account of the Authorities in Law, upon which Judgment was given in Sir Edward Hales' Case, written by Sir Edw. Herbert, in vindication of himself, 16S8. — Sir Robt. Atkyn's Enquiry into the Power of Dispensing with Penal Statutes, with some Animadversions upon the above book of Sir E. Herbert, relating to Sir Edward Hales' Case, 1689. — Collections out of the late Lord Chief Justice Hale's Pomponius Atticus, in reference to Factions that arise in a State or Kingdom ; and the Mischievous Consequences thereof, \GS9,Jine copies, 16s. 3152 Hales (John). — Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of the ever-memorable Mr. John Hales, 8vo. sewed, 4s. - - - - 1719 3153 Halford's (Sir Henry) Account of the Opening the Coffin of King Charles 1. in St. George's Chapel at Windsor, 4to. 3s. 1813 3154 Halifax's (Marquis of) Cautions to those who choose Mem- bers of Parliament, 4to. served, 2s. Gd. - 1708 3155 Hall's (James) Tour through Ireland, 2 vols, in one, 8vo. 4s. 1813 3156 Hall's (Joseph) Righteous Mammon, A Hospitall Sermon, at the Solenine Assembly of the City on Easter Monday, 1618, 12mo. stained, uncut, 2s, Gd - 1618 2Q 298 THOMAS Thorpe's 3157 Hall's (Bisliop) Works, with Account of his Life and Suffer- ings, written by himself, revised and corrected, l)y the I\ev. Peter Hall, jior trait, 12 vols. Svo. bds. 51. 15s. 6d. Oxford, 1S37 3158 Hall's Humble Remonstrance to the High Court of Parlia- ment, 4to. served, 4s. - . 1C40 3159 Hall. — Irenaei Philadelphi Epistola, ad Renatum Veridaeum, in qua aperitur Mysterium Iniquitatis Novissime in Anglia redivivum, et excutitur liber Joscphi Halli, quo asseritur Episcopatum esse juris divini, 4to. very rare, 7*. 6d. Eleutheropoli, 1641 3160 Hall's Satires, 12mo. neat, 4s. 6c?. - Oxford, 1753 3161 Hall's (Robert) Modern Infidelity considered with respect to its influence on Society, 1802. — Reflections at the Conclusion of t1ie War, by John Bowles, 1802. —Thoughts on the late General Election, as demonstrative of the Progress of Ja- cobinism, by John Bowles, 1802, in one vol. Svo. h- h. 3s. Gd. 3162 Hamaker (H. A.) Oratio de Religione Mohammedica, magno Virtutis Bellicae apud Orientales incitamento, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - Lvgd. Bat. 1818 3163 Hamaxurgi (Sebastiani) Epitome Stirpis sive Genealogiae Marchionum Brandenburgensium, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. 1539 3164 Hamilton (Duke of). — God's Justice upon Treachery and Treason exemplified in the Life and Death of the late James, Duke of Hamilton, being an exact Relation of his Traitorous Practices since the year 1630, with Discovery of his last Engagement for the Destruction of the King, &c. with his epitaph, 4:10. fine copy, very neat, \ 5s. - 1649 *^* Written by Marchamont Nedham. 3165 Hamilton (Duke of) Lord Douglas Hamilton, Sir Hew Dal- rymple, Archibald Stewart, Esq., now calling himself Archi- bald Douglas, Esq., and his Tutors, Case relating to the Estates of the Earls of Douglas and Angus, the Baronies of Bothwell and Wandell, &c. with Appendix, folio, 5s. 1764 3166 Hamilton's (Dr. John) Facile Treatise, contenand first; ane infallible Reul to discerne Trew from Fals Religion ; next a Declaration of the Nature, Number, Vertew, and Effects of the Sacraments ; togidder with Certain Prayers of Deuotion, 12mo. vellum, rare, 2l. 2s. - Lovain, 1600 *5K* An interesting volume, comprising nearly 400 pages, dedicated to King James VI. Lord Hailes notices it as one of the most curious volumes of its kind, and has given extracts from it in his life of the author. 3167 Hamilton's (Will.) Poems on several occasions, and Transla- tions, 12mo. neat, 4s. - Edinb. 1760 3168 Hamilton. — Rehberg's (Fred.) Drawings faithfully copied from Nature at Naples, and dedicated to Sir W. Hamilton, folio, very scaree, 1/. lis. 6d. - 1794 *o»* Lady Hamilton's attitudes. Privately printei). CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 299 3169 Hamilton's (Wil.) of Wishaw, Description of the SlicrifTdoiiis of Lanark and Renfrew, with Illustrative Notes and Appen- dixes, 4to. bds. ^l. 2$. - Glasgoir, lUlil •„• Privately printed for the members of the Maitland Club. SI70 Hammond's (H.) Continuation of the Defence of Grotius, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1G57 3171 Hammond's Grounds of Uniformity Vindicated from Mr. Jeane's Exceptions, 4to. sewed, 2s. - 1657 3172 Hampole (Richard! Rolle Heremitas) Explanationes notabiles super lectiones illas hcati Job, quae solent in exequiis de- lunctorum legi, cum Sermone Beati Augustini de Misericor- dia et pia Oratione pro defunctis, scarce, Parisiis, 1510. — Aureai Epistolae Joannis Pici Mirandula;, ib. MCCCCC. — Thobias, cum commento, sine ullci notd. — Augustinus de Virtute Psalmorum, P. Pigouchet, s. a. — Prologi S. Hiero- nymi in Bibliam, Paris'iis, MCCCCXCV. — Tractatus Felici- ani de divina predestinatione, ih. 1508. — Disputatio inter Clericum et Militem super potestate prelatis Ecclesiae atque principibus terrarum commissa, cum compendio de Vita Antichristi, ih. MCCCCXCVIII. in one vol. 4:to. frie copies, neat, rare, 2 1. 2s. 3173 Hannonis Carthaginiensium Ducis Navigatio, qua maximam Lybicae Orae Partem ultra HercuHs Columnas lustravit, &c. Jjrst edition, Svo. very scarce., 5s. 6d. Tiguri, 1559 3174 Hanover, Characters of the Court of, Svo. sewed, 2s. 1714 3175 Hanover. — Historical Account of the Advantages that have accrued to England by the Accession of the House of Hano- ver, Svo. served, 2s. Gd. - - 1722 3176 Hanrott. — Catalogue of the very splendid Library of P. A. Hanrott, Esq. including many most rare and valuable articles in various Languages and Classes of Literature, forty^seven days' sale, by Mr. Evans, Svo. 5 parts complete, upon large thick paper, extra boards, uncut, 1/. Is. - 1833 *^* Few copies of this valuable Catalogue were printed upon large paper; it forms a splendid volume. 3 1 77 Hanway's Account of the Marine Society, its Rules and Forms, list of Subscribers, &c., plates, Svo. very neat, from the Lir brary of the late Duke of Bedford, 3s. - 1759 3178 Harbie (Thos.) Arminian Priests' last Petition for their formei Formalitie, and Ancient Innovation, both in Church and Common-weale, returned from all Parts, in verse, with curious emblematical plate, representing the bishops supporting the Church against the Parliament, S^c. by Marshall, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, 21. I2s. Gd. 1642 3179 Hardy's (Nath.) Choicest Fruit of Peace Gathered from the Tree of Life, in a Sermon before the Peers, 30 April, 1660, being the day of their Solemn Humiliation, 4to. sewed, os. 1660 300 THOMAS Thorpe's i>180 Hardy's (F.) Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of James Caiilficld, Earl of Charlemont, portrait, 4to. calf, marbled edges, \0s. 6d. - - 1810 3181 IJariot (T.) Admiranda Narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum Ritibiis Virginice, nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui a Richardo Greinvile in Coloniam, anno 1585, deducti sunt inventor, sumtus faciente W. Raleigh, inth all the plates, folio, Viorocco, gilt edges, a rare and interesting volume, 21. 12s. 6d. Franco/. T. de Bry, 1590 3182 Harival. — Censure par la Faculte de Theologie de Nantes Contre les Propositions du Pere Harival, 4to. 2*. Nantes, 1722 3183 Harley, Earl of Oxford. — Remarks on the Latin of the Pre- amble to the Patent of Robert TIarley, lately made Baron of Wigmore, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, Lord High Trea- surer of Great Britain, 4to. sewed, scarce, 2s. 6d. 1711 3184 Harmony of Divinity and Law, in a Discourse about not Re- sisting of Sovereign Princes, 4to. sewed, 2s. Gd. 1684 3185 Harold. — Beati Thuribi Alphonsi Mogroven Archiepiscopi Limensis Vita exemplaris, per Fr. Franciscum Haroldum Ord. Minor, Hihernum Limericensem conscripta, 4to. fine copy, vellum, ivith portrait of the Archbp. \l. \\s. Gd. Romce, 1680 *#* Such is the extreme rarity of the above volume, that the author (au liishmau) appears to have been unkuown to all bibliographers. 3186 Harrington's (James) Discourse, shewing that the spirit of Parliaments, with a Council in the intervals, is not to be trusted for a Settlement, lest it introduce Monarchy, and Persecution for Conscience, 4to. sewed, 4s. - 1659 3187 Harrington's (J.) Political Aphorisms, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1659 3188 Harrington's (J.) Censure of the Rota upon Mr. Milton's book, entituled. The Ready and Easie Way to establish a Free Commonwealth, 4to. sewed, fine coj)y, scarce, 5s. Gd. 1660 3181) Harris (Bernardi) Carmen Heroicum in laudem Laurentii Dempsy, privately printed,4:io. piresenlation copy to Sir Robert Southwell, 5s. Gd. - - - s. a. 3190 Harris's (C.) Scriptural Chronicle of Satan's Incendiaries, with their Work, Wages, and Ends, 4to. 2s. - 1670 3191 Harris's (Walter) Fiction Unmasked; or an Answer to a Dialogue lately published by a Popish Physician, and pre- tended to have passed between a Dissenter and a Member of the Church of Ireland; wherein the Causes, Motives, and Mischiefs of the Irish Rebellion and Massacres in 1641, are laid thick uj)on the Protestants, with some Strictures on the Impartial Examiner, published by the Rev. John Jones, a Romish Priest, in 1747, during the Rebellion in Scotland, and when the Flame was cx|)ccted to break out in Ireland, fine copy, 8vo. morocco, very rare, \l. lis. Gd. Dublin, 1757 \,* A moi-t intc-rcstins ami scarce volume of Irish llistorv- CATALOGUE OF nOOKS. 301 3192 Harrison. — Christian Hospitalitie liandled common- place wise in the Chappels of Trinity College, in Camhridge ; wherc- unto is added, a short but honourable Narration of the Life and Death of Mr. Harrison, the late Hospital Vice-Master of that royal and magnificent Society, by Caleb Dalechamp, Master of Arts in the said University, 4to. fine copy, very neat, scarce, \5s. - - Cambridge, 1G32 3193 Hartley. — Librorum Rarissimorum Catalogus Universalis, compilavit J. Hartley, 2 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 10s. Gd. Loud. 1701 319t Hartlib's (Samuel) True and Readie Way to Learne the . Latine Tongue, attested by three excellent learned and approved Authors, of three nations, Lubinus, a German, Mr. Richard Carew, of Antony in Cornwall, and the French Lord of Montague, 4to. fine copy, served, scarce, 5s. 1654; *«* Presentation copy from the author, Milton's most intimate friend. 3195 Hartlib's (Sam.) Legacy of Husbandry, wherein are be- queathed to the Commonwealth of England, not only Bra- band and Flanders, but also many more Outlandish and Domestick Experiments and Secrets of Gabriel Plats and others in Universal Husbandry, Management of Orchards, Gardens, &c. 4to. 10s. 6(i. - - 1655 3196 Hartlieb (Jac.) de Fide meretricum in suos Amatores, wood- cut, 'ito. fine copy, very rare and cur mis, \8s. 1505 3107 Hartungi (Jo.) Locorum quorundam memorabilium exoptimis quibusque authoribus cum Grsecis tum Latinis excerptorum Decuriae tres, Basilece, 1563-5. — Canteri Novarum Lectio- num lib. V'H. in quibus, praeter variorum autorum, tarn Graecorum quam Latinorum, explicationes et emendationes : Athens!, Agellii, et aliorum fragmenta quaedam in lucem proferuntur, ib. 1566, in one vol. Svo. bound in velvet, 7s. 6d. 3198 Harveii (Gabrielis) Rhetor, vel Duorum Dierum Oratio de Natura, Arte et Exercitatione Riietorica, 4to. fitie copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. Qd. Londini, 1577 3199 Harveii Smithus ; vel Musarum Lachrymge, pro obitu Ho- noratissimi viri Thomae Smithi, with portrait of Sir Thomas Smith, Lond. 1578. — Harveii Gratulationum Valdinensium libri IV. ad Elizabetham Anglic Reginam Audleianis vEdibus regifice exceptam, Lond. 1578, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, very scarce, 21. 12s. 6d. '»* The first work in this volume is addressed to Sir Walter Mildmay. It contains references to many illustrious characters, Ronsard, Dolce, Bembo, Sir J. Cheke, SirT. More, Bing, Carr, the Earl of Surrey, Gascoiguc, Burghley, Iladdon, Ascham, Earl of Somerset, F, Rous, Provost of Eton, Bonner, Sir P. Bacon, Earl of Leicester, Duke of Bedford, Earls of Sussex, Huntingdon, Hertford and Pem- broke, &c. &c. There are also some verses " in Effigiem Illustrissimaj Rcgina;, et Dominae Russellae." Sir M. M. Sykes's copy sold for 4/. 4s., and Mr. Nassau's for 3/. 7s. The various parts of the last work are addressed to Queen Elizabeth, Dudley \:m\ of Leicester, Cecil Lord Burlitigh, Sir Christopher Hatton, and Sir Philip Sidney ; the poems are by W. Iladdon, Abraham Hartwoll, Peter Uizzarus, (Jeo. liuchauan, Harvey, and other?. 302 THOMAS Thorpe's 3200 Harveii Ciceronianus, vel Oratio post Reditum, habita Canta- brigiae ad suos Auditores, 4to.^ne copy, morocco elcf^ant, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. Gd. - Londmi, 1577 3201 Harvey. — In veram Jurisprudentiam Isagoges ad filium lib. VIII. a D. J. Hoppero, 8vo. original binding, I85. ColonicE, 1580 *♦* The above volume contains very copious manuscript notes throughout, in the autoyraphofthe celebrated Gabriel Harvey, the antagonist of Tom Nash. 3202 Harvey's (Rich.) Astrological Discourse upon the great and noble Conjunction of the two superior planets, Saturne and Jupiter, Svo. neat, very rake, 1/. 11*. 6rf. - 1583 **• Addressed to the author's brother, Gabriel Harvey. This astrological dis- course supplied the germ of that bitter pen conflict between Gabriel Harvey, the author's brother, and Tom Nash, the lampooner. It had the efleet of throwing the whole kingdom into the most violent consternation. " It appears to have subjected the writer to a censure from the Privy Council, in consequence of some political predictions, and the prognosticated death of some mighty and renowned magistrate, which was supposed to designate Queen Elizabeth. " The Earl of Northumberland's Defepsative against the poison of supposed Prophecies, published in 1583, has an evident glance at this tract in the title- page, when his lordship speaks of ' the late oflfeuce, which grew by most palpable and gross errors in Astrologie.' " 3203 Harvey (Gideon), Case of a Nobleman Deceased, with the Art of Curing the most dangerous of Wounds, by the first intention, with the Description of the Remedies, 12mo.^ne clean copy, hi the original binding, 7s. 6d. - 1678 *^* A most extraordinary narrative ; the nobleman was wounded in a duel by a sword, and the case written by the king's command. 3204) Harward's Discourse of the several Kinds and Causes of Lightning, written by occasion of a fearful lightning, which, on the 17th of November last, burned the spire steeple of Blechingley, in Surrey, and melted the bells in the steeple, 4to. h. b. russia, scarce and curious, 10s. Qd. - 1607 *^* The above copy sold in the Towneley sale for \l. \s. 3205 Harwood's(Dr. Edvv.) theSocinianScheme, Svo. sen'cc?, 2s. 1719 3206 Hasaeanae Bibliothecas Catalogus, sive Collectionis exquisitae librorum variae Eruditionis, Theod. Has«ei, pp. 848, 8vo. h. b. neat, scarce, 5s. - - Bremce, 1 732 3207 Hasell (Rudberti) Littera, concedens Indulgentias ad Joannem Preiss et Cristinam ejus consortem, printed on vellum, 8s. 6d. - - - Wience, 1512 3208 Hastings (Henry Lord). — Lachryme Musarurn ; The Tears of the Muses, exprest in Elegies by divers Persons of Nobility and Worth, upon the death of the most hopefull Henry Lord Hastings, onely Son of the Earl of Huntingdon, Heir of George Duke of Clarence, Brother to King Edward IV. frontispiece, 8vo. very neat, rare, 2l. 2s. - 1650 *,* This interesting volume contains the first production of Dryden, when a Boy at Westminster School, other Poems by the Earl of Westmorland, Lord Falk- land, Sir Aston Cokaine, Sir Arthur Gorges, C. Cotton, G. Fairfax, F. and E. Standish, 8. Bold, Herrick, Bishoj) Hall, Ben. Jouson, Bancroft, Brome, Campion, Montague, iic. CATALOGUE OF COOKS. 303 3209 Hastings's (Warren) Speech at the close of the Proceedings on the Impeachment on the part of the Prosecution, Sec, 1791. Earl Cornwallis's Answer to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative respecting the Campaign in North America, 1783. — Eternity of the World, by G. H. Toulmin, 1785.— Camille Jordan's Address to his Constituents on the Revolution of Sept. 4th, 1797, with preface and notes, by J. Gifford, 1798, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, Gs. 3210 Haughton's (W.) English Men for my Money, or a Pleasant Comedy, called, A Woman will have her Will, rvood-cut, FIRST EDITION, 4to. half bouTicl, morocco, rare, 4/. 4s. 1G16 *»* This first edition sold in the Roxburghe sale for 71. 3211 Haughton's English Men for my Money, or a Woman will have her VVill, second edition, 4to. h. b. morocco, \l. 5s. 1626 3212 Hausted's (Peter) Rivall Friends, Comedy, 4to. sd. 5s. 1632 3213 Havensii (Arnoldi) Historica Relatio XH. Martyrum Cartu- sianorum, qui Riirocmundae in Ducatu Geldrise, Anno 1572, agonem suum feliciter coraplevenmt, 4to.Jine copy, 4s. 6d. Permissu Superiorum, 1608 *«* Containing an account of several who suflFered in England. 3214 Haverius, seu Instituendorum puerorum Ratio ab Haverlo, curious rvood-cut title, 4to. neat, rare, 12s. /^ug. Vind. 151G 3215 Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages for making the Dis- coveries in the Southern Hemisphere, successively performed by Commodore Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook, plates and maps, 3 vols, 4to. very fine copy, in old calf gilt, by Johnson, 2/. 12s. Gd. - 1773 3216 Hawking, Hunting, Fishing, &c. — Juliana Berners's Book of St. Albans, containing the Treatises of these sports and Coat Armour, Biasing of Arms, &c. with Biographical Pro- legomena, Index, &c. by Joseph Haslewood, interleaved, and illustrated with much additional matter, engraved, printed, and manuscript, by the editor, in 2 vols, folio, morocco ele- gant, gilt edges, unique, 18/. 18s. Westminster, by Wynkyn de IVorde, 1496, RepriJited 1811 *,* This copy is rendered completely unique by the editor, who has illustrated it with the engravings in many states, tracings from various early editions, the autograph correspondence of various antiquarians and other collectors during its progress through the press, also some hundred engravings which can in any way elucidate its pages, or add splendour in eftect, regardless of expence, from many costly works. No cost or outlay could form another similar copy, from the ad- vantages the editor possessed during its progress of obtaining proofs, &c. which could not now be obtained. To any ardent lover of field sports, or collector of books upon these subjects, it cannot fail of proving the highest gratification. Since the editor's death, two interesting long letters to the Lord Deputy Lieute- nant of Ireland, with autographs of Kiiiy Charles I. directing some hawks to be taken in that kingdom, and forwarded for his Majesty's sport, have been in- serted. 3217 Hawkins (Francis) Scliola Urbanitatis sive de Elegantia Morum et civili conversatione inter homines, jiorlrait, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 18s. Lond. 1652 304 THOMAS Thorpe's 3218 Hawkins. — Corolla varia contexta per Gul. Haukinum Scho- larchani Hadleianum in agro Suflblciensi, frontispiece and engraved plate of seals, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - - Cantab. 1634 *^* A scarce volume of Latin poetry; prefixed to which are some poems by J. Biaumont, G. Nash, J. Grey, G. Carter, A. Sandcrland, a Scotchman, Alex. Gil, Milton's schoolmaster, T. Rowe, and others. Sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for 5i. 10s. 3219 Hawthorn's (John) Poems, 4to, sewed, 3s. Gd. 1779 »«* The author was a light dragoon in the Inniskilling regiment. Ritsou's copy. 3f:i20 Hay's (W.) Deformity, an Essay, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1755 3221 Hayley. — Catalogue of the vahiable and extensive Library of W. Hayley, the Poet, sold by Mr. Evans, neatly priced, 8vo. half bound, russia, 7s. 6d. - 1821 3222 Haywarde's (J.) Life and Raigne of King Henry IHI. 4to. sewed, 7s. - - - 1599 3223 Head's English Rogue, described in the Life of Meriton La- troon, a Witty Extravagant, comprehending the most eminent Cheats of both Sexes, p)ortrait and curious plates, 4 vols, in 2, Svo. neat, 31. 3s. - - 1666 *,* Sold in the Towneley sale for fi/. 10s., Mr. Nassau's 61. 10s., White Knights G;. IGs. 6, Jurium, Philosophorum et Poetarum sententiis, His- toriis et Facetiis refertissimus; Ejusdem de Svvitcnsium ortu, nomine, confederatione, moribus et quibusdam gestis ; Ejus- dem Processus Judiciarius inter Nobiles et Thuricenses ex una, et Switenses partibus ex altera, etc. folio, nz rich old red morocco, gilt edges, with the autograph of Steph. Baluzius on the title, very scarce, \l. Is. sine ulld notd, sed Argent, circa MCCCCXCIV. %* "Ouvrage singnlieret tres rare, n'ayant pas ete reimprime.'' — Brunei. 3252 Henderson's (And.) Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson, on liis Journey to the Western Isles, n. d. — Account of Commodore Anson's Expedition, containing all that was Remarkable, Curious, and Entertaining, during that Long and Dangerous Voyage, 1744, in 1 vol. 8vo. //. b. 5s, 3253 Henderson (John) Catalogue of his Curious Library, sold by Kgerton, prices, 8vo. very neat, 10s. 6d. - 1786 3254 Hengel (VVetselii Alberti van) Oratio de Religionis Christianse Disciplina verse ac natives Eloquentiae uberrima nutrice, 4to. boards. As. 6d. - - Amst. 1818 3255 Hengel (W. A. van) Oratio de singulari Religionis Christianse vi atque efficacitate ad piam et honestam puerorum educa- tionem, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - Groningce, 1818 3256 Henley's (John, commonly called Orator) compleat Linguist, or an Universal Grammar of all the Considerable Tongues in Being, four numbers containing Greek, Italian, French, and Spanish, 8vo. with autograph of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, 4*. - - 1719 3257 Henley. — Catalogue of the Original MSS. and Manuscript Collections of Orator Henley, sold by Paterson, interleaved, Svo. h. b. morocco, 7s. 6d. - - 1759 3258 Henrichmanni (Jac.) Grammaticse Institutiones castigatae denuo atque diligcnter elaborate, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. Phorce, 1508 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 307 3259 Hcnrichmanni, Alia Editio, 4to. scarce, 7s. Gd. Argent. 1501) 3260 Ilenrichmanni, Alia Editio, 4to. very iient, scarce, 7s. 6d. L'lplzk. Melch. Loiter, 1510 32GI Henrichmanni, Alia Editio, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. Haganoce, 1520 S2C2 Henrichmanni, Alia Editio, 4to. very neat and scarce, 7s. 6d. Colon. Quentell, 1520 3263 Henrici (Martini) in Conjugiunn G. Gilneri et Barbarse, G, Hempeli filiae, Epithalamium, 4to. Jine copy, 3s. Gd. Wilteh. 1556 3264 Henriquez (Clirysostomi) Phoenix Reviviscens sive Ordinis Cisterciensis Scriptorum Angliae et Hispaniaj series, libri II. ito.Jifie copy, vellum, 21. 2s. - liruxellce, IG2G *n* A VOLUME OF GREAT RARITY, and contajuiiig much curious matter relating to English ecclesiastical history. 3265 Henry III. — A Short View of the long Life and Raigne of Henry III. and presented to King James, 4to. sd. 3s. 1627 3266 Henry III. — Troublesome Life and Raigne of King Henry III. wherein fine Distempers and Maladies are set forth, the Pope and Chiirchmens Extortions, Patents, and Monopolies for Private Favourites, Needless Expenses, and Pawning Jewels, Factious Lords, and Ambitious Peeres, &c. 4to. 3s. Gd. - - - 1642 3267 Henry III. — Survey of the Life and Reign of Henry III. King of England, 4to. served, scarce, 5s. - 1680 3268 Henry VII. — Animadversions upon the modern Explanation of II. Hen. 7, cap. 1 ; or, A King de Facto, 4to. sewed, 2s. 1688 3269 Henry VII. 's Will, with Appendix and Notes of the Charities, Funeral, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1775 3270 Henry VIII. — Copia Originalis Litterse Serenissimi Regis Angliae ad Leonem Papam X. de pace ac fcedere per eum et Christianissimum Francorum Regem noviter inita, 4to. ^ne copy ^morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare,2l. 2s. 1514 *»* This epistle was written when King Henry VIII., elated with his trifling successes, after having lavished away the greater part of the immense wealth his father had left him, in the useless siege of Tournay and some other towns, and which bad only served to retard the great object, the conquest of France, resolved to transport his army back to England, where flattery was put to the torture, to make him happy in the glory of his ridiculous expedition. 3271 Henry VIII. — Leonis X. Breve ad Erasmum Roterodamum : ejusdem ad Henricum Anglise Regem, alterum Breve com- mendatitium pro Erasmo, 7vith wood-cut border, by Hans Holbein, 4to. neat, very scarce, \l. \s. Basil. 1516 3272 Henry VIII. — De Penitentia et Confessione sccreta semper in Ecclesia Dei observata contra Ludderum, lib. II. Jo. Eckio autore ; asseritur Invictissimi Angliae Regis liber de Sacra- mentis, a calumniiset impietatibus Ludderi a Jo. Eckio, 4to. Jine copy, very neat, a hare and interesting volume, 21. \2s. Gd. - - Romce, 1523 308 THOMAS Thorpe's 3273 Henrici VIII. Serenissimi ac potentissimi Regis Anglias ad Saxoniae Principes, de coercenda abigendaque Lutherana factione et Luthero ipso Epistola cum Responsione, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 2l. 2s. Lipsice, 1523 3274 Henry VIII. — Epistola Mart. Lutheri ad Henricum VIII. Anglise ac Francise Regem, in qua veniam petit eorum quse prius stultus ac praeceps in eundem regem efFuderit, ofFerens palinodiam se cantaturum, cum Responsione dicti Regis ad singula prsefatse Epistolse Capita, 8\o. fne copy, very rare, ll.ns.6d. - - - 1527 3275 Henry VIII. — Exemplar Litterarum Apostolicarum Clementis Papae VII, in favorem Catherinae Angliae Reginae, contra Henricum VIII. Anglise Regem, ac quandam Annam dictam de Boland, etc. cum insinuatione seu notificatione iliarum, et in eis contentorum, eisdem Regi, Annae, et certis aliis in illis contentis et comprehensis per eedicturn facta, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 3l. 13s. 6d. - 1533 %* One of the rarest of all the interesting volumes relating to the divorce of Henry Vlll. from Catherine of Arragon, aud^his marriage with Anna Bullen : unknown to most bibliographers. 3276 Henrici VIII. Illustrissimi ac Potentissimi Regis, Senatus, Populique Angliee Sententia, et de eo Concilio, quod Paulus Episcopus Romanus Mantuae facturum simulavit, et de ea bulla, quse ad Calendas Novembres id prorogarit, 12mo. very neat, scarce, 18s. - Vitemhergce, 1537 3277 Henry VIII. — Epistel und Sendbrief Henrici des VIII. Kunege von Engelland und Frankreich des obersten baupts, nach Christo, der Engellandishen Kirchen an Kaisir Carolum, mehrer des Reichs, und andere der Christentrait obersts Potentaten unde alia Christen daren der Kunig grundtlich ursach unzaight, warum bernit aufFdas Concilium zu Vicentz, falschlich Generale oder ain gemain Concilium genundt, Komen werde, und wie gefurlich es underen sey, so die waren leev Christi bekennen, wa sy sich dahin wolten ver- fugen, Aio. fine copy, very neat, rare, 1/. Is. 1538 3278 Henry VIII, — Supplycacion to our Moost Soveraigne Lord Kinge Henry the Eyghte, Kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and of Irelande, and most ernest Defender of Christes Gospell, supreme head under God here in Earthe, next and imme- dyatly of his Churches of Englande and Ireland, with Prayer for the Kynge, black Utter, 12mo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - - 1544 3279 Henry VIII.— Order of the Hospitalls of King Henry VIII. and Edward VI. blacfe IttttV, 12mo. scarce, 10s. 6d. 1557 repr. 3280 Henry VIII. — History of the Divorce from Katharine of Arragon, with Defence of Sanders, Refutation of Burnet's Reformation, with the Bishop's Vindication, 4to. sewed, 4^. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 309 3281 Henry HI. of France. — De Justa Abdicatione Henrici III. e Francorum Regno lib. IV. 8vo. Jine copy, morocco elegant^ gilt edges, rare, lOs. 6d. - - Lugd. 1591 *^* This interesting volume contains sonae curious particulars relative to Eng- land and Scotland, and is regarded as the severest satire that was published against Henry III. of France. It was ordered to be burnt. An account of its rarity may be seen in De Bure and Peiguot. 3282 Henry IV. of France. — Verses supposed to be uttered by the Shade of the Fair Gabrielle, Mistress of Henry IV. on her Visit to the World from the Infernal Regions, in which she is made to confess her Crimes, &c. 8vo. curious, 5s. no date. 3283 Henry (Prince). — Sylvester's Lachrimse Lachrimarum, or the Distillation of Tears shed for the untimely Death of the in- comparable Prince Panaretiis, a Funeral Elegie upon the Death of Prince Henry, and Epitaph by Walter Quin, printed with nood-cut viourning borders, and black on the reverse of each page, with the Prince s arms, 4to. sewed, scarce, \0s. 6d. (1613) 3284 Henry (Prince). — John Taylor's, the Water Poet, Great Bri- taine all in Blacke, a Short Elegie written in the manner of ^Equivoques, in a sad and dutiful remembrance of the Royall Prince Henry, broadside, (1612). — Lamentations for the Death of Prince Henry, by D. Price, 1613. — Great Britain's Salomon, a Sermon preached at the Funerall of King James, by J. Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, 1625, in one vol. 4to. h. h. neat, 18*. %* The second book sold in the Towneley sale for \l. 5s., and the last in Mr. Bindley's for IZ. Is. 3285 Henrysonis (Edvardi) pro Eg. Barone adversus A. Goveanum de Jurisdictione Libri II. 12mo. Jijie copy, in the original binding, very rare, II. lis. Gd. Parisiis, 1555 *^* The author, a Scotchman, studied the law under Eguinaire Baron, a French lawyer, in whose defence he wrote the above work, against Ant. Goveanus. 3286 Henschenii (Godef.) De Tribus Dagobertis Francorum Regi- bus Diatriba, in qua horum Regum ac successorum, genus, tempus, acta indicantur, etc. 4to. vellum, 5s. Antv. 1655 3287 Henshall's (Sam.) Saxon and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other, the Impracticability of acquiring an accurate Knowledge of Saxon Literature, through the Me- dium of Latin Phraseology, exemplified in the Errors of Hickes, Wilkins, Gibson, and others, and a Mode Suggested, 4to. scarce, 7s. 6d. - - 1798 3288 Hentzner's (Paul) Journey into England in 1598, English and Latin, 8vo. neat, scarce, 18s. Strarvberry Hill, 1757 3289 Hephsestionis Enchiridion ad MSS. fidem recensitum cum notis variorum curante Thoma Gaisford, A.M. accedit Pro- di Chrestomathia Grammatica, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco ele- gant, gilt edges, scarce, ll. l\s. 6d. Oxonii, 1810 *^* A most excellent and valuable editiou. Sold in Rev. T. Williams's sale for 2/. 1 5s. 310 THOMAS Thorpe's 3290 Hepliacstionis Enchiridion de Metris et Poennatibus, cum Scholiis, Graece, 4:to. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, lOs. Gd. Paris. 1554 %• Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for [7s. 3201 Heraldi Adversaria quibus adjunctus est Animadversionum ejusdem in librura lamblichi de Vita Pythagorae liber, 8vo. vellum, gilt edges, 4;s. 6d. - Parisiis, 1599 3292 Heraldry. — Nobiliario copilado por el onrrado Cavailero Fe- rantd Mexia de Jahen, curious cuts of arms, folio, Jine copy, very rare, 2l. 3s. - Sevilla, MCCCCXCII. *,* "Edition ties rare d'un ouvrage estime. A la fin se voieut differentes armoiries graves en bois et tires avec le texte." — Brunei. Nic. Antonio and Meudez speak highly of the merits of this work, and the latter has given an ample description of it. This copy was purchased in 1825, for 61. 16s. 6d. 3293 Heraldry. — Essais sur la Noblesse de France, contenans une Dissertation sur son origine et abaissement par M. ie C. de Boullainvilliers, 12mo. served, uncut, 4s. Avist. 1732 3294 Heraldry. — Precis Historique, Moral et Politique sur la No- blesse Fran9oise, 12 mo. sewed, uncut, 4s. Amst. 1777 3295 Heraldry. — Catalogue of the Herald's Visitations, with refer- ence to many other valuable Genealogical and Topographical Manuscripts in the British Museum, 8vo. bds. 5s. 1825 3296 Herbert de Cherbury (Edouardus Baro) De Veritate, prout distinguitur a Revelatione, a verisimili, a possibili et a falso. Item duo alii tractatus, De causis errorum, De Religione Laici, 4to. a beautiful copy, in rich old morocco, marbled and gilt edges, 18s. - - Londini,\64'5 3297 Herbert's (Lord) Life and Raigne of King Henry VIIL por- trait by Cecill, folio, neat, 10s. 6d. - 1649 3298 Herbert. — Catalogue of the Curious Library of W. Herbert, Editor of Ames's Typographical Antiquities, &c. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. k. b. russia, scarce., 10s. 6rf. 1795-6 3299 Herbert (Gul.) Rhenus Poema Prsemio Solenni donatum, et Theatro Oxoniensi Recitatum, A.D. 1797, et Carmina Qua- dragesimalia, 8vo. served, 2s. 3300 Hereford. — A Glossary of Provincial Words used in Hereford- shire and some adjoining Counties, 12mo. bds. 3s. 1839 3301 Heresbachius (Conr.) de educandis, erudiendisque Principura Liberis, Reipublica? gubernandse destinatis, deque Republica Christiana administranda, Francof. 1570. — Livini de Meyer, de Institutione Principis lib. lU. Bruxellis, 1716, in one vol. 4to. very neat, 5s. 3302 Heringae (Adriani) Observationum criticarum liber, in quo passim Auctores, Grseci maxime, emendantur, 8vo. h. b, vellum, 3s. 6d. - - Leovardice, 1749 3303 Heringae (Jodoci) Oratio de Auditorio Academiae Rheno- Trajectinae, variam olim fortunam experto, nunc prsesenti ejus conditioni adaptato, Svo. bds. uncut, 5s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1826 CATAIOGUR OF ROOKS. 311 SSO-i Hermogenis ad Artem Oratoriam procexercitamenta, Svo.Jine copy, scarce, 5s. - Paris. Colinceus, 1535 5305 Herodoti Historiaium lib. IX. Greece, Textus VVesselingianus passim refictiis ; argumentorumqiic ac temporiim Notatio, Opera F. V. Reizii, interleaved with writing paper, in 2 vols. 4to. h. h. neat, 3l. 3s. - Oxon. 1809 *,* This copy is enriched with numerous Mauusciipt Notes by Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Oxford, many of them of elaborate composition. It was purchased in the bishop's sale for 6/. 3306 Heros de la Ligue, oii La Procession Mona^ale, conduite par Louis XIV. pour la Conversion des Protestans de son Roy- aume, a series of the most curious satirical engravings ever published, fine impressions, original edition, 4to. very neat, ]l. \5s. - - - Paris. 1691 *j^* " Ouvrage satyrique et grotesque en viug-quatre figures gravees en ma- ui&re noire. II aete sevferementdefendu en France, et le ministere a fait faire les perquisitions les plus exactes pour le supprimer. On y depeint, sous la repre- sentation la plus grotesque, differens personuages des plus qualifies de France, jouant en role particulierdans les troubles de religion, qui agiterent la monarchic sous le r^gne de Louis XIV. a Toccasion de la revocation de I'edit de Nantes." Sold at Sotheby's, May 18th, 1817, for bl. 5s., M. d'O.'s for 90 francs, and the Duke de la Valliere's for 88 francs. 3307 Hertfordshire. — Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Hertford, to his Majesty for Peace, with his Majesty's Answer, Oxford, 1642. — Proclamation of his Majesty's Grace, Favour and Pardon to the Inhabitants of the County of Hertford, for assisting the Parliament against his Majesty, Oxford, 1642. — A Spurre to the Associators : or a friendly and seasonable Advice to the well-affected of the Kingdom, especially to those of the Counties of Hertford and Essex, &c. 1642. — Ordinance of the Parliament concerning the As- sociating of the County of Hertford with the City of Lon- don, 1643. — A Den of Theeves discovered, or certaine Errours and false Doctrines, delivered in a Sermon at a Visitation holden at Baldocke, in the County of Hertford, by Henry Denne, Curate at Pyrton, confuted by T. A. Ro- therham. Vicar of Ickleford, 1643. — Plain Dealing; or the Countryman's doleful Complaint and faithful Watchword, to the Statesmen of the Times, by Edward Harrison, of Keens- worth, in Hertfordshire, 1642, in one vol. ^io.fne copies, very neat, an interesting collection, \l. 5s. 3308 Hertfordshire. — Mowing Devil ; or Strange Newes out of Hartfordshire, 4to. curious cut, sewed, 3s. 1678, reprint. 3309 Hertford. — Trial of Spencer Covvper, Esq. a Barrister, John Mason, Ellis Stevens, and W. Rogers, Gentlemen, for the Murder of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker, at Hertford, of which they were acquitted, with the Opinions of the Eminent Phy- sicians and Chyrurgeons concerning Drowned Bodies, several Letters, &c. folio, sewed. Is. 6d. - 1699 *#* A singularly curious circumstance. 312 THOMAS Thorpe's 3310 Hervcy's (Rev. J.) Remarks on Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and use of History, so far as relates to the Old Testament; and especially to llie case of Noah de- nouncing a Curse upon Canaan, 8vo. 3s. - 1752 3311 Hervey's Meditations, 1791. — Voltaire's Ignorant Philoso- pher, by the Rev. D. William, 1779. — Commentary on the Marquis Becaria's Treatise on Crimes and Punishments, from Voltaire, by ditto, 1779. — London Museum of Politics, Miscellanies, and Literature, 1770. — An Unfortunate Mo- ther's (Mrs. Pennington) Advice to her Daughter, 17C1. — Dr. C. Syrnmons' Fast Sermon at Richmond, 1806, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 5s. 3312 Hervey and Hanraer. — Letter from the Hon. Thomas Hervey to Sir Thomas Hanmer, 1741. — A Letter from the Hon. T. Hervey to the late King, with one from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, 1763. — Complaint on the part of the Hon. T. Hervey, concerning an undue Proceeding against him at Court, set forth in Two Letters to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Brunswick, 17C6, three tracts, Svo. sd. scarce, 5s. 3313 Hervey. — Proper Reply to a late very Extraordinary Letter from the Hon. T. Hervey to Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bt. by a Lady, Svo. saved, scarce, 4s. - - 1742 3314 Hesiodi Opera et Dies Georgicon Liber, Nic. de Valle e Grseco conversa. — Hesiodi Theogonia per Boninum Mom- britium traducta, 4to. very fine copy, tvith uncut leaves, a rare edition, 10*. 6c?. sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXX. %* This copy was purchased, in 1827, for \L 5s. 3315 Hesiodi Opera et Dies, Grajce, a Francisco Tissardo, 4to.Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 2l. 2s. Paris. Gourniontius^ 1507 %* Fine copy of this rare and beautiful edition. It is one of the earliest Greek books printed in Paris. 3316 Hesiodi Opera, Grsece, Flor. in 1. ds. 1608 •** This edition is twenty-two years earlier than any copy known to the editors of the Biographia Dramatica, who state that they do not know in what j-ear the first edition appeared. It is presumed to be wanting in all collections. There is a curious passage in the preface by the author respecting the spurious publication of some of his other plays, which induced him to lurnish this in its native habit. This copy sold in Nassau's sale for 18/. Is.Qd. 3340 Heywood's Rape of Lucrece, a Tragedy, with the several Songs in their apt places, by Valerius, the Merry Lord among the Roman Peeres, revised and sundry Songs before omitted, now inserted, ^io. fine copy, li, b. russia, 10s. Cd, CATALOGUE OT BOOKS. 315 3341 Hey wood's Rape of Lucrece, a Tragedie, one leaf manuscript, 4to. rare, 15s. - - - 1G09 3342 Heywood's Funerall Elegie upon the Death of the late most hopefull Prince Henry, 4to. neat, 11. \s. - 1613 3343 Heywood's Silver Age, inchiding the Love of Jupiter to Alcmena, the Birth of Hercules, and the Rape of Proserpine, •ito.Jine copy, ll. 8s. - - 1613 3344 Heywood's Four Prentices of London, with the Conquest of Jerusalem, wood'CUts, 4to, Jirsl edition, vellum, \5s. 1615 %• Sold in Rhodes's sale for 3/. 4s., and the editiou of 1632, in the White Knights, for 21. 14s. 3345 Heywood's Fayre Maide of the Exchange; together with the Merry Humours and Pleasant Passages of the Cripple of Fanchurch, furnished with a variety of delectable Mirth, 4to. fine copy, scarce, \l. lis. 6c?. - - 1625 3346 Heywood's Fayre Maide of the Exchange, a Comedy, 4to. very Jine copy, uncut, 2l. 2s. - - 1634 3347 Heywood's Iron Age; containing the Rape of Helen, the Siege of Troy, the Combat betwixt Hector and Ajax, Hector and Troilus Slayne by Achilles, Achilles Slayne by Paris, Ajax and Ulisses contend for the Armour of Achilles, the Death of Ajax, &c, mood-cut, 1632. — The Second Part of the Iron Age, which contayneth the Death of Penthesilea, Paris, Priam, and Hecuba, the Burning of Troy, the Deaths of Agamemnon, Menelaus, &c. &c. nood-cut, 1632, 4to. 1/. Is. - - - 1632 3348 Heywood's Challenge for Beauty, 4to. 5s. . - 1634 3349 Heywood's Loves Mistresse, or the Queen's Masque, as it was three times presented before their Majesties and the Forraigne Ambassadors, publikely acted by the Queen's Comcedians at the Phcenix in Drury Lane, 4to. Jirst edition, beautiful copy, quite uncut, and as fresh as the day it was ininted, 21. 2s. _ - - 1636 *^* Sold in Mr. Inglis's sale for 31. 6s. 3350 Heywood's Loves Mistresse ; or the Queen's Masque, 4to. wants last leaf, I0s,6d. - - 1636 %* This copy was purchased at Sotheby's, in 1821, foi 21. 2s. 3351 Hibbert. — Catalogue of the extensive, valuable, and curious Library of George Hibbert, Esq. forty-two days' sale, sold by Evans, cuts, ruled, but not priced, 8vo. bds. Gs. 1829 3352 Hihernia. Magazine, portraits, 8vo. 4s. 6d. - 1810 3353 Hiberniad, a Poem, with Notes, by P. H. cuts, an interesting and scarce Historical Poem, 4to. sewed, 5s. Dublin, 1754 S354 Hickeringill's (Edm.) Modest Inquiries proposed to the Con- vention of Estates, assembled at Westminster, concerning Bigotism, or Religious Madness, Tests, Penal Laws, neces- sity of Changing and Recanting our Opinions in Religion, Restraint of the Press, &c. 4to. sewed, 4s. - 1689 316 THOMAS Thorpe's 3355 Hickeringill's Ceremony Monger, his Character in five chap- ters, concerning Bowing to the Altar, to the East, of Im- ph'cite Faith, the Reading Dons of the Pulpit, Bowing at the Nameof Jesu, Organs, Church Musick, antl other Popish- like and Foppish Ceremonies, 4to. served, Ss. 6d. 1689 oS56 Hickesii (G.) Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae, et Mceso-Gothicae, 4to. neat, I5s. - Oxon. 1682 *** At the end of the Saxon grammar is a grammar and dictionary of the Ice- landic language ; also Catalogus veterum Librorum Septentrionalium, et Edwardi Bernardi Etymologicon Britauuicum. 3357 Hickes'(G.) Discourses on the Observance of Ash- Wednesday, in Defence of those who keep Lent, 1708. — The Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man, by Dr. Stanley, 1727. — Two Sermons by Dr. Zachary Cradock, Provost of Eaton, before King Charles II. in 1678, 1742. - Dr. StapyU ton's Two Sermons in Worcester Cathedral, 1737. — G. Lavington's Sermon on the Influence of Church Music, 1725, in one vol. 12mo. 5s. 6d. 3358 Hielii (Levini) Urbano VIII. Pont. Max. in II. Pontificatus annum, Panegyricus, thick paper, 4to. Jine copy, gilt edges, very scarce, lOs. 6d. - Romce^ Zanettus, 1624 3359 Hieroclis Philosophi, in Aureos Versus Pythagorse, Opus- culum Latine, Jo. Aurispa interprete, 4 to. jfine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 2l. 2s. Patavii, MCCCCLXXIV. *^* Editio princeps : particularly noticed as being amongst the most rare of the volumes in the Bodleian and Spencer libraries. Sold in the Mac Carthy sale for 80 francs, and in the Duke of Grafton's for 9/. 3360 Hieron's (Sam.) Ansvvere to a Popish Ryme, lately scattered abroad in the West parts, and much relyed upon by some simply seduced, a poem, with notes, black letter, 4to. stained, 10s. 6c?. . - - . 1608 3361 Hieronymus. — Aureola ex Suavissimis Salutiferisque Floribus gloriosi confessoris atque Doctoris Ecclesie beati Jeronymi ad fabre contexta. — Jo. de Turrecremata Contemplaciones devotissimee in parietibus circuitus Marie Minerve ne dum litterarum caracteribus verum eciam ymaginum figuris orna- tissime descripte atque depicte. — Exposicio Ven. Magistri Heinrici de Hassia super Dominicam orationem, in 1 vol. Mio, fne copies, 11. Us. 6d. - MCCCCLXXII. *^* There can be little question that these three early specimens of typogra- ])hy were printed with the same letter, and have issued from the same press. Panzer ascribes them to some unknown printer at Spires. The second book in the volume (Contemplaciones, &c.) is very rare, and remarkable for being the first book, in all probability, in which typographical signatures were used ; at all events, if not the first, the second. — See long Note. 3362 Ilieronymi Epistolae et Libri contra Haereticos, ex antiquissi- mis exemplaribus, nunc primum opera ac studio Mariani Victorii Reatini emendati, ejusdemque argumentis, et scholiis illustrati, 4 vols. 8vo. very Jine large copy, with rough edges, rare, 2/. 12s. Gd. Ronttv, P. Manutius, 1566 *** Sir M. M, Sykcs's copy sold for 11. 's. CATALOGUE Ol" U00K3. 317 3363 Higdcn's Polychronicon, translated by John de Trevisa, folio, imperfect, 10/. lO*. - Caxlon, MCCCCLXXXIl. *«• Au interesting specimen of the father of the English press, and one of the greatest rarity. SSG-lf Higden's (Will.) Case of the Admission of Dissenters to the Holy Communion, before they renounce their Schism, 4to. served, 5s. - - - 1715 3365 Higgins's (W.) American, 2 vols. 12mo. sewed, 3s. 1803 3360 Higgons's Perspective of the Naval Triumph of the Venetians over the Turks, addressed to Sig. P. Liberi, the famous Painter, by G. F. Busenello, in verse, Svo.^ne copy, h. b. 7s. 1658 *^* Sold in the Bindley sale for II. lOs. See also the Bibliothcca Anglo- Poetica. 3367 High German Doctor, concluded with a lively representation of our present Distempers, the several Symptoms explained, and proper Cure recommended, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1715 3368 High Road to Parnassus, with the Flogger Flogged ; or the Pedagogue lashed in his turn, with curious satirical frontis- piece, 4to. sewed, scarce, 7s. Gd. - 1730 3369 Highwaymen. — History of J. Maclean, the Gentleman High- wayman, who was executed at Tyburn ; his Life, Account of his Robberies, with his Companion Plunket, their Fortune- Hunting Schemes, &c. /jor^raif, 8vo. 2s. 6rf. - 1750 3370 Hildebrandus (Joachimus) de Iramortalitate Animae Rationalis ex solo lumine Naturae Apodicticis et topicis rationibus liquido ostensa, et ab Adversariorum Objectionibus ex eodem nationis lumine vindicata, 4to. scarce, 4s. 6c?. Cellis, 1680 3371 Hildebrandi (Valentini) et Otth. Reinholdi Epicedia Carmina duo de morte Hieron. Heroldi et Annae Mecelina; filiae ipsius, Aio. fine copy, 5s. - Norimh. 1567 3372 Hill's (J.) Valerian ; or the Virtues of that Root in Nervous Disorders, and the Characters which distinguish the true from the false, plates, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1758 3373 Hill's (J.) Method of Producing Double Flowers from Single, plates, 1758. — J. Mills's Essay on the Management of Bees, plates, 1766. — Warren Hastings's Means of Guarding Dwelling Houses from Fire, 1816. — Treatise on the Culture of Peach Trees, 176S.-Tour in Zealand in 1802, with Sketch of the Battle of Copenhagen, 1805, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 3374 Hill's (Lady) Address to the Public, setting forth the con- sequences of the late Sir John Hill's acquaintance with the Earl of Bute, 4to. sewed, 4s. - - 1788 3375 Hill's (T.) Good Old Way, God's Way, to Soule Refreshing Rest discovered, in a Sermon before the Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of London, to whom it is dedicated, 4to. 2s. 6d. 1644 3376 Hill's (T.) Truth and Love happily Married in the Saints, and in the Churches of Christ, in a Spittle Sermon, 4to. served, 2s. 6d, - - - 1048 318 THOMAS Thorpe's 3377 Hinton. — Catalogue of the Books, Prints, &c. of Mr. H. Ilinton, of Oxford, 8vo. Ids. prices, 45. - 1816 3378 Hints to Dairy Farmers, being an Account of the Food and Produce of a Cow, 8vo. neat, 2s. - 1811 3379 Hipparchi Bithyni in Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena, lib. III. ; Ejusdem Liber Asterismorum Achillis Statii in Arati PhaRno- mena, &c. Graece, folio, vellum, 7s. 6d. Florent. Juntce, 1567 *»• Sold in the Soubise sale for 24 francs, and the Crevenna for 20 francs. 3380 Hippocrates. — B. Paz Methodus in Septem Aphorismorum Libris ab Hippocrate observata, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 2 1. 2s. Venet. ap. Aldi Filios, 1550 3381 Hippocrates. — In Ilippocratis Aphorismum Secundae Sec- tionis vicesimum quartum Commentarius, Marsilii Cognati Veronensis, 4to. scarce, 45. 6c/. - Rojnce, 1591 3382 Hippolyto e Lionora, Novella, 8vo, bds. 7s. 6d. Lond. 1813 %* Only 50 copies printed. Edited by S. W. Singer, Esq. 3383 Hispani (Andreae) Megarensis Episcopi, Modus Confitendi, \2mo. fine copy, very rare, 10s. 6cf. MCCCCLXXIX. *,* Unknown to Bibliographers. 3384 Histoires Tragiques, Extraictes des CEuvres Italiennes de Bandel, et mise en Langue Francjoise, par Pierre Boisteau et Francois de Belle-Forest, 7 vols. 12mo. fine copy, very neat, in French calf, marbled and gilt edges, scarce, 21. 2s. Rouen, 1603, &c. *:,* This copy was purchased by the Duke of Roxburghe in Stevens's sale for "71, 7s. and in the Roxburghe sale it was purchased for 71. 10s. 3385 Histoire du Grand Royaume de la Chine, contenant la situa- tion, antiquite, fertiUte, religion, ceremonies, sacrifices, rois, etc. Svo. scarce, \0s. 6d. - Lyon, 1609 •»* Sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 3/. is. 3386 Histoire de la Mission des Peres Capucins de la Province de Toureine, au Royaume de Maroque en Afrique, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, lOs. 6d. - Nyort, 1644 3387 Historia horrenda terribilisque nimis de quodam Magdebur- gensis Ecclesise Archiepiscopo Udone, 4to. vellum, very rare, ll. Is. - - - sine ulld notd. %* For an account of this volume, see Panzer, who rightly styles it, " liber rarissimus." Purchased by its recent possessor for 21. 18s. 3388 Historia perjucunda sanctissimae matris Annae per Rodolphum Agricolam, carmine heroico, 4to. scarce, 5s. Lips. 1507 3389 Historia de Natali Jesu Christi ab Andr. Bergnero, Carmine, 4to. fine copy, 3s. 6d. - Lipsice, 1556 3890 Historia Academiae Upsaliensis, S parts, 4to. scarce, 45. 6d. Holmice, 1752-5 3391 Historia dell' Impressa di Tripoli di Barberia, della presa del Pegnon di Velez, della Gomera in Africa, et del successo della potentissimi Arniata Turchesca venute sopra I'lsola di Malta, &c. 4to. i;t7/ww, 5carcx', 45. 6c?. - 1566 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 319 SS92 Historia de tutte le Guerre falte, e del fatto d'Arme fatto in Geradada, in verse, nood'Ciit, 4to. 4s. Bassano, s. a. 3393 Historia General del Reyno Balearico, Mallorca^ 1632. — Historia del Reyno de Mallorca, curious maps, ib. 1650, 2 vols, (oho, Jirst edition, very fine copy, in vellum, extremely RARE, 4/. 4s. *,* No other copy complete of the above valuable history, has, I believe, occurred for sale in this country. 3394 Historiae August£e Scriptores, Svo. tall copy, vellum, scarce, (is, - - Venet. m cedibus Aldi, 1519 *,* Sold in Sir IM. Sykes's sale for 3/. 3s. 3395 Historiae Augustas Scriptores, sc. J. B. Egnatii de Caesaribus, lib. III. iElius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, Lampridius, etc. Svo. vellum, scarce, 1 Os. (id. Florent. hcer. P. Juntce, 1519 *,* " Habet textum a J. B. Egnatio emendatum cum ejusdem notis, sequitur- que adeo Aldinam editionem. Rarum est exemplum." — Venis. 3396 History of the Principal! Passages of the Christian Countries, Political and Polemicall, particularly in Germany, Picardie, &c. 4to. sewed, is. - - 1637 3397 History of the Wars in Ireland, 12mo. 45. 6d. 1691 S398 History of Standing Armies in England, 4to. served, 2s. 1698 3399 Historical Tracts. — Account of a Roman Pavement lately found at Stunsfield in Oxfordshire, 1400 years old, plate, 1713. — Account of the Establishment for relieving poor Proselytes, 1720. — Hibernise Notitia, or List of the present Officers in Church and State, &c. with Payments for Civil and Military Affairs for the Kingdom of Ireland, 1723. — Discourse concerning the Laws Ecclesiastical and Civil made against Hereticks, 1723. — Philips's Account of the Peers and Peeresses created by King George, and of the Bishops, Knights, &c. 1724. — Present State of Virginia and the Col- lege, with the Charter for erecting the said College, scarce, 1727, in one vol. Svo. fine copies, very neat, \0s. 6d. 3400 History. — Dr. E. Calamy's Letter to Archdeacon Echard on his History of England, in defence of the Revolution, &c. 171 8. — Collection of very valuable and scarce Pieces relating to the Plague in 1665, &c. 1721. — Character of Queen Caroline, n. d. — Sketch of the Reign of George III. from 1780 to 1790. — Portraits of Sir Isaac Newton, Ariosto, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Christopher Wren, Alexander Pope, J. B. Rousseau, with short Biographical Notices of each, on single leaves, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 105. 6d. 3401 Historical Tracts. — Trial of Captain John Porteus, for firing his own piece, and ordering the men under his command to fire amongst the spectators, at the Execution of And. Wilson, in the Grass Market of Edinburgh, by which six persons were killed and eleven wounded, his conviction, sentence of death, and acceunt of the mob breaking open the goal (on learning he was pardoned) and executing him, 1 736. — Golden 320 THOMAS Thorpe's Fleece, or the Trade of Great Britain considered, 1737. — View of the Conduct of the English Clergy, so far as relates to civil affairs, from the Conquest to the Revolution, 1737. Account of many Prosecutions of the Quakers, in the Ex- chequer, Ecclesiastical, and other Courts, for the Recovery of Tithes, Church Rates, &c. 1736. — Vindication of ditto, shewing the fallacy and injustice of the calculations and re- marks in a late examination of the above, 1737. — Remarks on the Defence of the Examination of the Book, entitled, Account of many of the Prosecutions of the Quakers, &c. 1738. — Milton's Manifesto of the Lord Protector, translated into English, to which is added Britannia, a Poem, by Thomson, 1 738. — Letter on the British and Irish manufacture of Linen, Threads, and Tapes, 1738. — Reasons against low- ering the Interest of the National Debt, 1737. — View of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, especially in the Prerogative Office, shewing how those sacred records may be better preserved, &c. 1737. — Remarks on a late Political Farce, 1736. — Remarks upon the Act for laying Duty upon Spirits, 1736, in one thick vol. 8vo. a very interesting collection, 1 5s. 3402 History of the Rise, Progress, and Extinction of the Rebellion, and of the Proceedings against the Principal Persons, por- trait of the Pretender and plan of the Battle of Culloden, Dublin, 1747. — Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, ib. 1739. — Memoirs of the Queen of Hun- gary, ib. 1742. — Letter from Hon. Thomas Hervey to Sir Thomas Hanmer, ib. 1 743. —Algernon Sydney's Letters to the Hon. Hen. Saville, ib. 1742. — Account of the Merchants of London's Application to Parliament on the neglect of their Trade, ib. 1742. — Report of the Committee of Secresy on the conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford, ib. 1742. — Further Report on ditto, 1742. — Review of the Opposition and Con- duct of the late Minister since his Secession, ib. 1742. — Letter on the War with Spain, with Observations on the Hanover Neutrality, ib. 1742. — Letter from a By-stander on tlie Necessity of a large Land Force, ib. 1742. — Thistle and the Rose, 1747. — ^Eneas and his two Sons, a true Portrait, 1747, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. uncut, 10s. 6d. 5403 Historical Account of the Discovery of the Island of Madeira, 1750. — Rev. Simon Ford's Account of the Man whose Hands and Legs rotted off, in the Parish of Kings Swingford in Staffordshire, reprinted from the edition of 1678, with additions. — The Expedition against Rochefort, 1758. — Re- flections on ditto, 1758. — Remarkable Facts discovered re- lating to the Conduct of the Jesuits with regard to Mr. Bower, 1758. — One very Remarkable Fact more relating to the Conduct of the Jesuits, by Mr. Bower, author of tlie Lives of the Popes, 1758, in one vol. 8vo, 5s. 3404 History of the Island of Madeira, under the title of the Affect- ing Story of Lionel and Arabella, who first discovered it and CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 321 Perished there, with the Voyage of Juan Gonsalvo Zarco, who completed tfie discovery, 17o6. — Voyage up the Thames, 173S. — Remarks upon Hooke's Account of" the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough, 1742. — Review of ditto, 1742, — The Tuner, 1754. — A Minor's Case stated by T. James, P/j/moulh. — A Brief and Merry History of Great Britain, by Ali Mohammed Hadgi, Englished by Ant. Hilliar, portrait, in one vol. Svo. 7ieat, \0s. Gd. 34-05 Historical Tracts. — Neill's Tour through some of the Orkney and Shetland Islands, Edinburgh, 1806. — Memorials of the Family of Tufton Earls oi"rhanet, plates, Grnresend, 1800. — History of the Life and Actions of Gustavus Vasa, 1739.— Miscellaneous Remarks on the Enquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, 1784. — Litter to John Dun- ning, Barrister-at-Law, on the Trial of the llev. H. Bate, upon the Information of the Duke of Richmond, for Libel, 1780, in one vol, 8vo. 7ieat, 10s. Gd. S406 History of the Island of Jersey, by T. Lyte, 1 808.— A. Young on the Husbandly of three celebrated Farmers, Messrs. Bakevvell, Arbuthnot, and Ducket, 1811. — The Alien, or Answer to Mr. Greville's Statement with respect to Mr. Naldi's Action for Arrears of Salary, including a short His- tory of the Argyle Theatre, by G. Naldi, 1811. — T. Paine's Age of Reason, Part III. 1811.— J. Moore's Letter to Dr. Jones on the Composition of the Eau Medicinale d'Husson, 1811, in one vol. Svo. h. b. 4*. 6c?. 3407 Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland, Svo. 5s. 1807 3408 Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Classical Tour in Italy and Sicily, 2 vols. Svo. neat, 7s. 6d. - - 1819 3409 Hobbes's(Thos.) Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil, i'o\\o,Jineeopy, in the original morocco binding, gill leaves, from the Earl of JS'orthumber land's library, with the arms on the sides, 11. lis. (5d. 1651 3410 Hobbesii (T.) Vita, in verse, 4to. served, 3s. Gd. - 1679 3411 Hobhouse's (J. C.) Letter to Lord Castlereagh, relative to Seditious Meetings, &c. Svo. served, 2s. - 1819 3412 Hodge's (R.) Special Help to Orthographie, or the True Writing of English, consisting of such words as are alike in sound, and unlike both in their signification and writing, also of such words as are so near alike in sound that they are sometimes taken one for another, whereunto are added divers Orthographical Observations, very needful to be known, 4to. served, 5s. - - - 1643 3413 Hodges' (Dr. Walter) Christian Plan, Exhibited in the Inter- pretation of Elohim, with observations upon other Matters, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - Oxford, 1 752 3414 Hodoeporicon Itineris Constantinopolitani, cum Epigrammate Philippi Melancthonis, in verse, 4to. fine copy, rare, 10*. Gd. Wittembergce, 1544 2T 322 THOMAS thobpe's Sili Hodeporicon: id est Itinerarium D. Mathci Sancti Angeli Cardinalis Gurcensis coadjutoris Saltzbiirgensis Generalisque imperii locumtenentis, quse que in conventu Maximiliani Ceesaris Aug., Regumque Vladislai, Sigismundi, ac Ludo- vici, memoratu digna gesta sunt, rvood-cut tide, 4to. Jine copy, very scarce, 7s. 6d. - Viennce, 1515 3416 Hodson's (F.) Essay on the Influence of Education and Go- vernment on National Character, 4to. sewed, 7s. 6d. 1792 *^* Aa interesting tract by the Principal of Brazen-Nose College, Oxford. Privately printed. 3417 Hoeschelii (Dav.) Catalogus Grsecorum Codicnm qui sunt in Bibliotheca Reip. Augustas Vindelic, 4to. vellum, scarce, 8s. 6d. - - -Aug. Vind. 1595 3418 Hoffmanni (Friderici) Poeticum cum Musis Colludium : sive Lusuum Epigrammaticorum Centurise VIII. etiam Epigram- matum seriorum Series, ^ne impression of the engraved title, 12mo. clean copy, h. h. neat, scarce, 5s. 6d. Amst. 1663 3419 Hoffmanni Umbra in Luce : sive Consensus et Dissensus Re- ligionum Profanarum, with curious plate of a Chinese Idol, 4to. scarce, As - - Jence, 1680 3420 Hoffmanni (J. G.) Vita, quam una cum ejusdem Panegyricis et Orationibus praemissa Commentatione de Ictorum et Poh'ticarum in Scripturam Sacram meriiis Critico-Exegeticis recensuit G. F. Gudius, portrait and facsimile of antient MS. 4to. very scarce, 105. Qd. - Lipsice, 1742 *^* This volume also contains a " Sylloge Orationum," and *' Hector Tragoedia." 3421 Hofmanni (Martini) et Hieron. Rhenandri Dtiae Elegiae in tumulum Bakh. Neandri, 4to.fnecopy, 5s. Vratislavice, 1568 3422 Hofsted.— Catalogus librorum Petri Hofstede, Theol. Doc- toris ct Hist. Professoris, priced, 8vo. neat, 4*. Rotterodami, 1804 *jis* A very fine theological library.'' 3423 Hog-faced Gentlewoman (Relation of,) wood-cut, 4to. served, 3s. - - - 1640 reprint. 3424 Holbein. — The Images of the Old Testament expressed, set forth in Ynglishe and Frenche, with a playn and brief Expo- sition, 4to. nea<, 2/. 2s. - - Lyons, 154:9 *»* " The engravings in this volume are from the designs of Holbein ; this first edition is so scarce that the compiler of the Bibliographer's Manual was only able to refer to the copy in the British Museum.'' 3425 Holinshed's Chronicles of Englande, Scotlande, and Ireland, falacfe letter, with numerous very interesting wood-cuts, first EDITION, 2 vols, folio, neat old calf , from Sir Philip Main- waring' s library. Secretary to the unfortunate Earl of Strafford, very scarce, 10/. 10*. - _ 1577 %* This first edition is generally called the Shakspeare edition. It is seldom found so perfect and beautifully clean as the present copy, which is complete, except two leaves in the Table of Ireland, and a small corner of page 291-2, in vol. ii. Mr. bteevens' copy sold for 22/., and Mr. Nassau's for \5l. \6s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 323 3426 Hollandiae Gueldriseque Bellum a Wilhelmo Hermanno Olan- do, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 12s. 6d. - - Amsterdamis, s. a. •»* A curious volume respecting the war between Holland and Guelder Land) divided into the following chapters : — De (ialeata. De Expeditione in Agrum Dordracenum. De Edicto Hagensi. De expeditione Hyberna {very curious.) De Obsidione Arcis Puerorum. De Oppugnatione Oudewatera. De Proditione Scoenhovie. De Solutione Obsidionis arcis Puerorum. De Iterata Obsidione. De Discordia urbinm Olandicarum. De Muden et arce ejus. De Muden. De Concordia Olaudorum. De Nardenis. Wesopum. De Oppugnatione Wesopi. De Trepidatione Amsterdamensi. De Iperfloto. De Oppugnatione valli. De Francis. De Periculo Enchusen. De Waterlandis Frisiis Friscabonibus. De Waterlandia. De Obsidione. De Imp. Maximiliano. De Fame. De Inunda- tioue. De Proditione. De Arkelens. Elogia in qua loquitur fortuua Wesopica, &c. &c. This volume is also curious in being perhaps the first book printed at Am- sterdam. 5427 Holland. — Bref Recueil de I'Assasinat, commis en la personne dii Prince d'Orange par Jean Jauregui, Anvers, Plantin, 1582. — Lettres interceptes du Cardinal de Granvelle et ^ autres, ib. id. 1582. — Discours sur la blessure du Prince d'Orange, 1582, in 1 vol. 4to. vellum, \0s. 6d. *#* Three very scarce and interesting tracts. 3428 Holland. — The Sweets of Dutch Liberty, or the first fruits of French Fraternity in Holland, a curious Poem, with singular cuts, 4to. 4s. 6d. - - Leominster, 1795 3429 Holland's (Hen. Earle of) Declaration made to the Kingdome, with nood-cut equestrian portrait, 4to. sewed, 5s. 1643 3430 Hollar. — Catalogue of the Collection of Engravings, Etch- ings, and Original Drawings, Books of Prints, &c. of Christian Josi, Esq. Deceased, both parts, sold by Christie, 4to. sewed, 4s. 6d. - - - 1829 *^* The works of Hollar in this collection, were 2500 pieces ; the most com- plete ever formed. 3431 Hollebeekii (Ewaldi) Oratio Inauguralis de Damnis, quae pra^jiidicia in Rem Theologicam inferunt, deque optimo iis occurrendi Methodo, 4to. sewed, 3s. - Groningee, 1752 3432 Hollis's (Denzil Lord) Grand Question concerning the Judica- ture of the House of Peers, stated and argued, and the Case of Thomas Skinner, Merchant, complaining of the East India Company, with the proceedings thereupon, which gave occa- sion to the Question, faithfully related, Svo. neat, scarce, Ss. 1699 3433 Hollis's Letter, shewing that the Bishops are not to be Judges in Parliament in Cases Capital, 1679. — Rights of the Bishops to judge in Capital Cases in Parliament Cleared, by Bishop Barlow, 1680. — T. Hunt's Postscript for rectifying some mistakes in some of the inferiour Clergy, mischievous to our Government and Religion, with two Discourses about the Succession and Bill of Exclusion, 1682, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, 7s. 3434 Hollyband's French Littleton, 12mo. vellum, I5s. 1607 %* A scarce and beautifully printed little volume. The edition of 1625 sold in Mr. Nassau's sale for 1/. 135. 324 THOMAS Thorpe's 3435 Hollyband's (Claudius) Frenche Littleton ; a most easie, per- fect, and absolute way to learne the Frenche Tongue, 12mo. neat, scarce, \2s, - - - 1566 *** With Commendatorj Verses by George Gascoigne. 3436 Hollyband's Frenche Littleton, with introductory jtoemsy by George Gascoigne, 1581. — Le Jardin de Vertu et Bonnes Mocurs plains de plusieurs belles fleurs, et riches sentences, par J. Bellot, 1581, in 1 vol. 12mo. Jine copies, very neat, scarce, \0s. 6d. *^* The last piece in this volume is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and is of very uucommon occurrence, being unnoticed by Ames and other bibliographers. 3437 Hollyband's Prettie and Wittie Historic of Arnalt and Lucenda, dedicated unto Sir Hierom Bowes, Knight, Engl, and Ital. 12mo. neat, 15s. _ . - 1575 *»* Sold in Mr. Inglis's sale for 31. 3438 Hollyband's Flourie Field of foure Languages, 12mo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very scarce, \8s. - 1,583 *)if* Dedicated to " IMistris Luce Harrington," afterwards Countess of Bedford. 3439 Hollyband's Italian Schoole-niaster, with familiar Speeches, and certain Phrases out of the best Italian authors, and a Historic called Arnalt and Lucenda, with poems, 12mo. very neat, scarce, 10s. 6d. - - 1597 3440 Holmes's (George) Sketches in the Southern Counties of Ireland, 8vo. 3s. - - - 1801 3441 Holonii (G.) Lambertias, Tragcedia de oppressione B. Lam- bcrti, Episcopi et Martyris, Antv. 1556. — Ejusdem Lauren- tias, Tragcedia de Martyrio Levitse D. Laurcntii, ih. 1556. — Ejusdem Catharina, Tragcedia de fortissimo S. Catharinae Certaminc, ib. 1556, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. 3442 Holonii Catharina, Tragcedia de fortissimo S. Catharinae Vir- ginis, Doctoris et Martyris certamine, 8vo. half bound, mo- rocco, gilt edges, 5s. - Antverjiice, 1556 3443 Holtii (Adr. Cath.) Oratio de Jure Prstorio cum apud Ro- manes tum apud Anglos, ad jus civile supplendum et emen- dandum aptissimo, 8vo. seived, nncut, 2s. Groningce, 1822 3444 Holwel's (J.) Appendix, being an Astrological Discourse of the Rise, Growth, and Continuation of the Othoman family, 4to, 3s. - - - 1683 3445 Homeri Ilias, Grasce, Venetiis, Aldus, 1524. — Horaeri Odys- sea, Batrachomyomachia, et Hymni, Greece, ib. id. 1517, 2 vols. 8vo, very neat, scarce, 10s. 6rf. 3446 Homeri Ilias, Ulyssea, Batrachomyomachia et Hymni, Graece, 2 vols. 4to. good sound copy, in old calf, il. lis. Qd. Lovanii, Rescius, 1535 3447 Homeri Ilias Graece recensione F. Aug. Wolfii, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. vellum paper, boards^ \l. 5s. - Lipsice, 1804 *»* Presentation copy from the editor to the learned Professor Porsou j in whose sale it was purchased for 1^ 13s, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 325 3448 Homeri Opera Greece, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. fine copy, eleganthj bound in morocco, bij Roger Payne, rare, 21. 12a. Gd. Lovanii, Rescius, 1535 •»• These two volumes were published separate!)', aud are very seldom found united. Brunet particularly remarks this, and that it is an "edition assez rare, et reputee correcte." The above copy was purchased in Mr. Hibbert's sale for 51. 5s, 3449 Homeri Opera, Gr. a Bernardino Feliciano, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. morocco elegant, gill edges, \l. lis. Gd. Venet. Sabio^ 1551 *,* See Dibdin's Bihlioyr. Decam. for some notice of this very rare edition. Both the editions of 1547 and 1551 may be pronounced to be of extreme rarity. They were wholly overlooked by INIaittaire; and this of 1551 was but slightly known to Harles. — Dibdin. Sold at Dr. Askew's sale for 3^. 3s. 3450 Homeri Ilias Graece, 4to. good sound copy, vellum, scarce, 11. Is. - \ Lovanii, ap. Theod. Martinum, 1523 *«.* With the device of the double anchor. 3451 Homeri Ilias, cum Aiictoris Vita Greece, Svo. fine copy, ori. ginal morocco binding, scarce edition, I2s. Venet. 1542 3452 Homeri Ilias, id est, de Rebus ad Troiam gestis, Greece, Svo. fine copy, very neat, in french calf., gilt edges, scarce, 10s. Qd. Paris. Turnebus, 1554 3453 Homeri Ilias, hoc est, de Rebus ad Troiam gestis Descriptio, Latino Carmine reddita, Helio Eobano Hesso Interp. 12mo. very neat, gill edges, 10s. Gd. Paris, ap. Morelium, 1550 *** Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 21. 2s. 3454 Homeri Iliados liber primus, Graece, Lovanii, s. a. — Varennii Syntaxis Linguas Graece, ea potissimum complectens quse a Latinis dissentiunt, ib. Rulg. Rescius, 1532, in one vol. 4to. fine copies, half bound, neat, scarce, 1 8s. 3455 Homeri Yliadum Opus per Pindarum Thebanum traductum, Aio.fne large copy, very rare, 10s. Qd. Liptzk, 1507 3456 Homeri Yliadum Opus per Pindarum Thebanum traductum, 4to. very fine copy, uncut, 15s. - Liptzk, 1515 3457 Homer. — 11 Primo libro de la Iliade d'Homero, tradotti di Greco in Volgare per M. F. Gussano, 12mo. fine copy, very neat, gill edges, 5s. - - Venetia, \5'C^ 3458 Homeri Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni XXXII. cum Plutarchi, Herodoti et Dionis Vitis Homeri, Grsce, Svo. fine copy, in old red morocco, rare, 12s. Venet. Junta, 1537 *,* " Edition importante." Cost 21. Is. in the Duke of Grafton's sale. 3459 Homeri Batrachomyomachia, hoc est Ranarum et Murium Pugna, Gr. et Lat. ; Musaeus de Erone et Leandro, Gr. et Lat. ; Agapetus de Officio Regis, Gr. et Lat. ; Galeomyo- machia, hoc est Filium et Murium Pugna, Tragcedia Grtaeca, 4to. fine copy, in russia, bound by Roger Payne, very rare, 11. Is. - - - Basil. 1518 *,* Sold in Villoison's sale for 54 francs. 3460 Homeri Sententiae, Graece, collectas per Boetium Rordahusa- rum, iio.fi.ne copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. Lovanii, 1555 326 THOMAS Thorpe's 3461 Homeri Batrachomyomachia per Karolum Aretinum traducta, cum Epistola Aretini ad Marassium Siculum, 4to. neat, very rare, 1/. 11$. 6flf. - . sine loco aut anno. *»* " Edition assez rare." — De Bute, No. 2510. 3462 Homeri Batrachomyomachia Joanne Caprione Phorcensi Me- taphraste, 4to. Jine large copy, rvith rough leaves, very neat, extremely rare, \l. lis. 6d. - sine ulld notd. 3463 Homerus de Bello Ranarum et Murium quem Karolus Areti- nus Latinitate donavit, ^to.Jine copy, very neat, scarce, 12s. Pisauri, per Hieronymum Soncinum, 1509 %* This edition is apparently unknown to Brunet. 3464 Homeri Batrachomyomachia, Graece, cum Metaphrasi Prosaica Graeca, interlineari, 4to. sewed, 4s. Florentice, 1 804 *♦* A beautifully printed volume, being printed in fine large red ink capitals, and the paraphrase running between each line in black. 3465 Homeri Hymnus in Cererem, Gr. et Lat. a Ruhnkenio, Svo. served, uncut, 2s. - - Lugd, Bat. 1781 3466 Homeri Interpres pervetustus, sen Scholia Graeca in Iliadem, in integrum restituta, edita jussu Leonis X. Pont. Max. foUo, fine, large, sound, and perfect copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, VERY RARE, AI. 4s. - - RomcB, 1517 •«* " Edition recherchee, et rare.'' — Brunet. Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 71. 10s. 3467 Homeri Interpres pervetustus, seu Scholia Graeca in Iliadem, in integrum restituta, edita jussu Leonis X. Pont. Max, foho, tall copy, neat, scarce, \l. 5s. - Romce, 1517 *** This copy is particularly interesting, as having the title supplied in the beautiful autoyraph of Professor Porson. There are also numerous references in the volume by him. 3468 Homerus. — Didymi Interpretatio in Homeri Odysseam, Graece, Svo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 11. Is. Venet. Aldus, 1528 *»* Sold in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 51. 12s. 6d. 3469 Homerocentra, quae et Centones, item Probae Falconiae Cen- tones, item Nonni Paraphrasis in Evangehum secundum Jo- hannem, Gr. et Lat. cum Vita Probse Falconiae ex editione Aldina, Svo. scarce, 5s. - Franco/. 1541 3470 Homeri Interpres (sive Scholia in Opera Homeri) cum In- dice locupletissimo, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. fine sound copy, origi- nal binding, scarce, 7s. - Argentorati, 1589 *^* Sold in Dr. Heath's sale for 21. 2s. 3471 Homek's Whole Works, translated into English Verse BY George Chapman, a remarkably fine large copy, quite perfect, with the engraved title, portrait of the author, monu- mental plate to Prince Henry, and the engraved title to the Odysses, which is generally wanting, folio, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 8l. 18s. 6d. - for N. Butter •*• '' A daring fiery spirit animates this translation, which is sometimes like what cue might imagine Homer himself would have v/ rote. "•—Pope. CATALOGUE OF UOOKS. 327 34-72 Homerica initia : sive excerpta ex Iliade Homeri cum loco- rum omnium Grseca metaphrasi, ed. T. Burgess, 8vo. sewed, uncut, 2s. ' - - Oxonii, 1788 3473 Homer. — Prolegomena Joannis Hartungi in tres Priores Odys- seae Ilomeri Rapsodias, 12mo. sewed, scarce, 7s. dd. Franco/. 1539 3474 Homer. — Rev. R. Fiddes's Prefatory Epistle concerning some Remarks to be published on Homer's Iliad, occasioned by the Proposals of Mr, Pope, towards a new English Version, 12mo. sewed, scarce, Ss. Gd. - - 1714 3475 Homer. — Apology for Homer ; wherein the true Nature and Design of the Iliad are explained, and New System of his Theomythology proposed, by F. Hardouin, 8vo. sened, 2s. 1717 3476 Homiliae quaedam Sacrae Basilii, Greg. Nysseni, Nazianzeni, etc. Graece, studio Davidis Hoeskelii, Aurrustrs, 1587. — Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri de Providentia Sermones X. Greece, J?r5^ edition, Romce, 1545, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, 15s. 3477 Honest Briton's Address on the present Fashionable Vices, 8vo. 2s. Qd. ... 1748 3478 Hontheis (Jo. Nic. ab) Historia Trevirensis Diplomatica, et Pragmatica inde a translata Treveri praefectura prseterea Galliarum, ad haec usque tempora deducta, cum Prodromo, portrait and plates of coins, seals, 8^'C. 5 vols, folio, beautiful copy, very neat, calf gilt, rare, 4/. 4s. Aug. Vind. 1750-7 *%* The fifth volume is wanting in most copies. — See Briinet. 3479 Hoogvliet (Jani Marii) Specimen Philosopho-Criticum conti- nens Diatriben de Bione Borysthenita, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6c?. Lugd. Bat. 1821 3480 Hook's (Major) Defence, to the Action of Criminal Conver- sation, brought against him by Capt. E. Campbell, 8vo. sewed, 3s. - - - - 1793 3481 Hooper's (George) Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thanksgiving Sermon for the Peace, 1713. — Extract of several Letters relating to the great usefulness of Printing the Arabick Testament and Psalter, 1725. — Letter from Fort St. George concerning the Protestant Mission, 1721. — Propagation of the Gospel in the East, 1714. — Another Extract from several Letters touching the Arabick Testament and Psalter, 1721, — Letter to the Rev. G. Lewis, giving Account of the Charity Schools in Tranquebar, 1715. — Several Letters re- lating to the Danish Mission at Tranquebar, 1720. — The Heidelberg Catechism, 1720. — Two Speeches of Mr. Nicols and Barth. Zeigenbalg, on Account of the Mission to the East Indies, 1716. — Carey's Hanging and Marriage, a Farce, 1722. — Speech against Sir R. Walpole's Proposal for in- creasing the Civil List Revenue, 1727. — Slare's Account of the Nature of the Pyrmont Waters, 1717. — Lists of the two last Parliaments, 1715, in 1 vol. 8vo. very neat, in old calf, gill, a curious collection, 18s. 328 THOMAS Thorpe's 3482 Hondii (Petri) Dapes inemptse of de Moufeschans, dat is, de soicticheydt des Buyten-Levens, vergoesclchapt met de Boucken, with Manuscript note in the autograph of Daniel Heinsitis, 8vo, //. b. vellum, 12s. - Leyden, 1621 3483 Hope's (T.) Observations on the Plans and Elevations de- signed by J. Wyatt, Architect, for Downing College, Cam- bridge, 4to. served^ 2s. (id. - - 1804 3484 Horae in Laudem B. Virginis Mariae, secundum Consuetu- dinem Romanee Ecclesia?, Greece, 12mo. uncut., rare, 185. Paris. JVechel, 1538 3485 Horatii Poemata, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely RARE, 4/. 4s, - - 1511 *5H* This is a counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1509. See Renouard's An- nales, whose copy sold for 5/. 2s. 6d. 3486 Horatii Poemata, nuper quam accuratissime castigata et in quibus multa sunt Jiddita ad eorum declarationem spectantia; Ejusdem omnia metrorum genera ; Adnotationes Matthaei Bonfinis, etc. 8vo. Jlne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, VERY RARE, 51. 5s. Lugd. Sumptibus Bartholomei Trot, 1518 *«* This extremely rare Lyonese counterfeit sold in Renouard's sale for \Ql. 10s. 3487 Horatius, Centimetrum Servii, Annotationes Aldi Manutii, Ratio Mensium, &c. 8vo. excessively rare, 31. 3s. sine notd {Lugduni.) %* One of the rare counterfeits of the Aldine edition, of which Sir Mark Sykes's copy sold for 5/. 13s. S488 Horatius, Aldus, 1527. — Juvenalis et Persius, Aldus, 1535, in one vol. Svo. neat, \l. lis. 6d. 8489 Horatii Opera ad opt. edit, coliata prsemittitur Notitia Lit- teraria Studiis Soc. Bipont. et Index Editionum Horatii, 7viih the editions in Mr. Hebefs possession marked by him, Svo. neat, 'I 8s. - - Biponti, \7 S3 3490 Horatii Epistolae, 4:to.Jine copy, in old red morocco, 21. 2s. sine ulld nota. %* An edition of gkeat rarity, undescribed by Brunet, De Bure, and other bibliographers. 3491 Horatii Carmen Seculare, 4to. /<, b. neat, very scarce, 10s. Qd. Lipcsk, per Jacobum Thanner, MCCCCXCVIII. *^* No specimen of this printer occurs iu the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 3492 Horatii Morales Epistolse cum Argumentis, etc. cura Joh. Cesarii, Aio. Jine copy, 18s. Daventrice, Pqffroet, 1504 *^* It is remarked, with reference to an edition of " Berthorii Reductorium Morale," described in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, vol. iv. p. 578, that it is " esti- mable, as being the only book in the library to which the name of Paffroet is subjoined as the printer." 3493 Horatii Odae fideliter emendatse, 4to. scarce, 8s. 6d. Paris. 1507 3494 Horatii Epistolarum liber, 4to. scarce edition, 5s. 6d. Liptz, s. a. S495 Horatii Institutiones Poetarum ad Pisones, 4to. scarce edition, 5s. 6d. - - _ sine ulld notd. CAtALOGUE OF BOOKS. 329 349G Horatii dc Arte Poctica Opusculiim Aurciim, a Badio As- censio, Paris. 1508. — Ejusdem Epistoloc, ab Ascensio cum Beroaldi ac Politiani Annotationibus, ib. 1507. — StatiJ Acliilleidos lib. V. ib. s. a. — De Contcmptu Mundi cum Commento, ib. s. a. — Carmen lugubre P. Beroaldi de Do- niinicoe Passioiiis Die, ib. s. a. — Bapt. Mantuani Aureum contra impudice Scribentes opusculum, ib. mccccxcix., in I vol. 4to. fitie copies, neat, gilt edges, a very rare and curious collection, 11. lis. Gd. 3497 Horatii Ars Poetica, Lipczk. 1516. — Satyrce, ib. 1515. — Epistolarum, lib. II. Erffurdice, 1517. — Persii Satyrsc, M. Latter, 1516, in one vol. 4to. fine copies, very rare, \l. \\s. 6d. 3498 Horatii Odarum sive Carminum libri IV. fideliter emendate per Job. Chapperis, wormed, 4to. very rare, \l. Is. Argent. Schurer, 1516 3499 Horatii Epodon liber, De Arte Poetica. Epistolarum lib. II. cum Vita Auct. per Petrum Crinitum, 4to. rare, 10s. 6d. Argent. 1520 3500 Horatius. — In Q. Horatium Henrici Glareani Helvetii Anno- tationes, 12mo. sewed, 3s. - Friburgi, 1533 3501 Horatius. — Bernardini Parthenii Spilinbergii in Horatii Car- mina atque Epodos Commentarii quibus Poetae artificium et via ad imitationem atque ad Poetice Scribendum, aperitur, Venet. apud Dom. Nicolinum, 1584. — Horatii Sermonum, lib. IV., seu Satyrarum, lib. II., et Epistolarum, lib. II., cum argumentis ad lectoris majorem facilitatem, ib. id. 1584, in 1 vol. 4:10. Jine copies, in old morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, \l. lis. 6d. *»* '' This Commentary is not only valued on account of its singular utility and excellence, but on account of its great scarcity ; Morhof states that he be- lieved only a few copies were printed, as he had not been able to find it in any of the Public Libraries." 3502 Horatius. — Catalogus Editionum Quinti Horatii Flacci, ab ann. 1476 ad ann. 1739 in Bibliotheca Jacobi Douglas, 4to. served, 3s. - - - Londini, 1739 3503 Horatius. — Disputatio Philologico-Critica de Horatii Epistola ad Pisones, a Jac. Hen. van Reenen, 4to. sewed, 3s. Gd. Amst. 1806 3504 Horatius his Art of Poetry, Englished by Ben Jonson, witli other Works of the Author never before T^r'mied, frontispiece by Marshall^ 12mo.Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 14s. 1640 *#* Sold in Mr. Lloyd's sale for \l. I85. and in Mr. Towneley's for 1/. 15i. 3505 Horace's Six Satires, in a Style between free imitation and literal version, with the original text, by W. Clubbe, 4to. sewed, 3s. • - - Ipsivich, 1795 3506 Horatio, Metamorfosi Lirica, parafrasato e Moralizato, da Loreto Mattei, Svo. vellum, scarce, 4s. 6d. Itieti, 1679 3507 Horologium in Lingua Graico-Hodierna, Svo. russia extra, gilt edges, very scarce, 10s. Gd. Fenet, Zanclti^ 1535 2 U 330 THOMAS Thorpe's 3508 Horologium, quo horae ilinrna? ct officia continentur, ad iisiim cleri ecclesiae Graecco, Grtrcc, Veneliis, Rahanus ct Socii, 1532. — Menologium, sivc Calcndarium, Grtece, ib. 1532, in one vol. 12mo. Jine copies, in the original impressed binding, 18s. %* A beautiful specimen of Greek typography, in red and black ink. 3509 Horologium GiKcum, IGmo. vcrtj scarce, in lite original bind. ing, 7s. 6d. - - Venet. 1 035 3510 Home's (Bishop) Theology and Philosophy in Cicero's Som- nium Scipionis explained, or brief attempt to demonstrate that the Newtonian System is perfectly agreeable to the notions of the wisest ancients, and that Mathematical Prin- ciples are the only sure ones, extremely rare, 1751. — Considerations concerning the expediency of a general Na- turalization of Foreign Protestants, 1747. — True State of the Case of Naturalization of the Jews, by Carte, the Histo- rian, 1753. — Dean Tucker's Letter on Naturalizations, 1753. — Reflections upon Naturalization of Jews, by Weston, 1754. — Remarks upon some Passages in Bishop Warburton's Dedication to the Jews, by Weston, 1759. — Julius Hate's Hebrew Grammar, 1751. — John Mason's Essay on Elocu- tion, 1751. — Defence of Mr. Hutchinson's Plan, 1748. — J. Mackmath's Considerations on the Duties upon Tea, 1744. — Proceedings of the Freeholders' Society, Dublin, 1757. — Symbolum Hutchinsonianum, 1750. — Letter to John Trot- plaid, Esq. concerning Mr. Carte's History of England, by Duncan Mac Carte, a Highlander, 1748, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. 185. *jf* The first article in the above volume was the first production of Bishop llorne, who used every means to suppress its circulation. 3511 Horse-Houghing Husbandry, or an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation, 4to. sewed, Ss- 17.'; I 3512 Hough (Bishop). — An Impartial Relation of the whole Proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen College, in Oxford, containing only Matters of Fact as they occurred, 4to. sewed, 6s. - • - - 1G88 ♦js* One of the most interesting articles or forerunners of the Revolution, relating to the proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners against the Fellows for electing Dr. Hough {afterwards Bishop of Worcester) President of their Col- lege, in opposition to the mandate of King James, to elect Anthony Farmer : it contains all the letters which passed on the occasion between the Fellows and the Commissioners, &c. the King's numdale. Dr. Hough's deprivation, the suspension of Dr. Fairfax, Dr. Aldworth, the King's inhibition to the college, his Majesty's mandate to them to elect the Bisho[) of Oxford, their refusal and interview with the King at Christchurch College, various letters from Lord Sunderland, the Hisliop of Oxford, Bishop of V\inchesier, Duke of Ormond, and many othei's; also Dr. Hough's protestation. Dr. Fairfax's case, plea, expulsion, Slc. ; also the expulsion of Dr. Aldworth, and twenty-four other Fellows, and other important particulars. 3513 Hospitalii (Mich.) de Pace Carmen, 4to. fine copy, 3s. Paris. 1558 CATALOGS li Ol BOOKS. 331 3514 Hospitalii lie Caleti ct Guinaj, oppidorum proximo hoc bello taptorum, cxpiignationc, Carmen, ito.Jinc copy, 4s. Paris. 1558 3515 Hospitalii Carmen, in Francisci Francise Delphini et Marice Scolurum Rcgincv Nupiias, scarce, Paris. 15G0. — De Meti Urbe capta et ab Hostium ingenti obsidione liberata, ejusdem Carmen, ib. LOGO. — Ad Galliarum Reginam, de iiativitate filial Catbolici Hispaniarum Regis, Carmen, ib. 15GG. — Discours au Roy contcnant une Instruction pour bicn et lieureusemcnt regner, en Vers Francois, par J. Du (jcilay, ib. 1566. — De Sacra Francisci 11. Initiatione, Reg- iiique ipsius administrandi providentia, M. Hospitalii Sermo, ib. 15G0. — In J. Bellaium Doctorum Virorum Carmina et 'i'umuli, ib. 1560. — Joach. Bellaii Poematum lib. IV. ib. 155S. — NonnuUa clarorum Virorum Apoplitliegmata, Car- mina, ib. 1565. — Syntra Aloisise Sygeae Toletanaj, aliaque ejusdem, ac nonnullorum praeterea doctorum virorum ad candeni Epigrammata, ib. 15C6. — Ad omnes Parisiensis Academiaj Philomusos pro Remigialibus Ode dicolos te- trastophos per F. le Picard, ib. 15GG. — Klegia de Ratione Studendi a Petro Truaeo, ib. 15G6, in one vol. 4to. Jine copies, very neat, in calf extra, marbled edges, a scarce collection, 1 1. 8s. 3516 Hotham (C.) Liberties of Corporations Vindicated, a Dis- course proving that the Chief Officer's assuming to himself the power of caUing or dissolving Meetings, &c. is of right to be abolished, as it hath been by the Common Council of the City of London, &c. 12mo. scarce, 7s. 6d. 1651 3517 Hotoman's (Francis) Franco-Galha, or an Account of the ancient free state of France, 8vo. neat, 2s. Gd. 1721 3518 Houghton's (Thomas) Book of Funds; or, some Reasonable projections and proposals for raising Three Millions of Money per annum, for Supplies to be granted to His Majesty, 4to. sewed, 3s. Printed for the Author, 1696 3519 Household Books. — Collection of Ordinances and Regula- tions for the Government of the Royal Household, made in divers Reigns, from King Edward III. to King William and Queen Mary, also Receipts in Ancient Cookery, ^io. fine copy, rnssia, marbled edges, IBs. - - 1790 3520 Howard's (Hon. Edvv.) Poems and Essays, with a Paraphrase on Cicero's Laelius, or of Friendship, in Heroick verse, 8vo. neat, Gs. - - - - 1673 3521 Howard. — Laws and Ordinances of Warre, for the better government of his Majesties Army Royal, in the Expedition for the Northern Parts, and Safety of the Kingdome, under the Command of Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 4to. sewed, 4s. Gd. . _ _ 1639 3522 Howard's (W.) Patterne of Christian Loyaltie, with many interesting MS. notes in a contemporary hand, 4to. sened^ 4i. G(i. - - - - 1634 332 THOMAS Thorpe's 3523 Howard (Edward) Earl of Suffolk's Musarum Deliciac, con- taining Essays upon Pastoral Ideas, in verse and prose, 1728, — Health, a Poem, by Dr. Baynard, 1736. — Pteryplegia, or the Art of Shooting Flying, a Poem, by Markland, 1735, in one vol. 8vo. 7s. Gd. *^* The Earl of Suffolk's poems were nearly all destroyed by his executors. See Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors. 3524 Howell's (James) England's Tears for the present Wars, which, for the nalnre of the quarrell, tlie quality of the strength, the diversity of battailes, skirmishes, encounters, and sieges, in so short a time, cannot be paralleled by any preceding age, 4to. sened, 3s. 6d. ' - 164t 3525 Howell's St. Paul's late Progress upon Earth, about a Di- vorce 'twixt Christ and the Church of Rome, by reason of her Dissoluteness and Excesses, 12mo. /<• b. russia, from T. Hearne and J. B'indley''s collections, wilh both their autographs, rare, \5s. - - 16441 *0* " A most severe Satire on Pope (Barberini) Urban VIII. and his family, and generally on the abuses of the Church of Rome.'' — 3fS. note by J. Bindley. '' The author of this book was first hauged for it, and then burned.'' — MS. note by Thos. Hearne. 3526 Howell's Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, consisting of a Mask and a Comedy, or the Great Royal Ball, acted lately in Paris six times, by the King, the Duke of Anjou, Duke of York, with divers other Nobles, Princesses, Ladies, &c. 4to. sewed, scarce, \0s. 6d. - 1654 3527 Howel's (Thomas) Journal of the Passage from India through Armenia and Natolia, or Asia Minor, ivith Instructions for travellers, map, 8vo. bds. 3s. - - 1789 3528 Howel's Journal of the Passage from India, through Armenia and Natolia, or Asia Minor, with Instructions for Travellers, map, 1790. — History of Scotland, Book the First, from the Earliest Times to the Accession of King Malcolm Canmore, with Notes, Edinb. 1793, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 6s. ^ 3529 Hoyland's (John) Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and present state of the Gypsies, designed to develope the Origin of this Singular People, 8vo. neat, Ss. Gd. York, 1816 3530 Hoyle's Essay towards making the Doctrine of Chances easy, with some useful Tables on Annuities for Lives, &c. 8vo. sewed, 2s. Gd. - - - 1764 3531 Huber (M.) et C. C. H. Rost Manuel des curieux et des Amateurs de I'Art, contenant nne notice des principaux Gra- veurs, et un Catalogue Raisonne de leurs meilleurs ouvrages ; depuis le commencement de la gravure jusques a nos jours, les artistes ranges par ordre chronologique et divises par Ecole, 8 vols, in 4, 8vo. h. b. neat, \l. lis. Gd. Zurich, 1797-1804 *»* A very useful work to the collector of early engravings. 3532 Hudibras Rcdivivus ; or, a Burlesque Poem on the Times, Part Sixth, Ito. sewed, 3s. - - 1706 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 333 3533 Hubert's (Sir Francis) Deplorable Life and Death of Edward II. King of England, with the downfall of the two unfortu- nate Favourites, Gavestone and Spencer, storied in an ex- cellent poem, portrait, first edition, 8vo. fine copy, scarce, \L Ws.ed. - - - 1628 3534 Hubert's Life and Death of Edward II. a poem, portrait, 1631. — Egypt's Favourite, the Historic of Joseph, a poem, divided into four parts, 1631, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. fine copies, scarce, 31. 3s. - ... 1631 *,* The above two scarce poetical volumes sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for 11. Is. 3535 Iluddesford's Catalogue of Anth. Wood's Manuscript Collec- tions in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1761. — Gregory Sharpe on the Origin and Structure of the Greek Tongue, 1767. — Weston's New Dialogues of the Dead, 1762, in one vol. Svo. half bound, vellum, 9s. 3536 Hudson's (Mich.) Divine Right of Government, Natural and Politique, more particularly of Monarchie, &c. 4to. served, 3s. 6d. - - - ' 1647 •,* Written during his imprisonment in the Tower of London. 3537 Hudson's (Sam.) Essence and Unitie of the Church Catholike visible, and the Prioritie thereof in regard to particular Churches discussed, 4to. sewed, scarce, 4s. - 1643 3538 Hughes' (J. T.) Reflections on the Politics of France and England, 1797. — Bishop Watson's Address to the People of Great Britain, 1798. — Substance of Mr. Canning's Speech respecting Continental Alliances, 1799. — Cursory Remarks upon the State of Parties during the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Addington, 1803. — Brief Answer to Ditto, 1803. — Answer to Mr. Pitt's Attack upon Earl St. Vincent and the Admiralty, in his Enquiry into the State of the Naval Defence of the Country, an interesting tract at the jnesent period, 1804. — Attempt to explain the late Myste- rious Conduct of Mr. Pitt, 1 805. — The Arcanum of National Defence, 1808, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, Qs. 3539 Hugonis (Domini) primi Cardinalis Ordinis Predicatorum, Tractatus amantissimus qui speculum Ecclesiae inscribitur, etiam Speculum Sacerdotum volentium celebrare Missam, cum jucundissimo Epigrammate Domini Petri Helenensis Episcopi, 4to. fine copy, morocco, gilt edges, rare, 18s. sine ulld notd, circa MCCCCLXXX. 3510 Hugualdi (Udal.) Durgei adolescentis Dialogus, studiorum suorura prooemium, et Militiae Initium, 4:to. fine copy, 2s. 6d. 1520 3541 Hulsii (Levini) XII. Primorum Csesarum et LXIV. ipsorum uxorum et Parentum ex antiquis numismatibus in aere incisie, effigies, atque eorundem earundemque Vitae et Res Gestae, many beautiful engravings, 4to. fine copy, in old morocco, rare, 185. - - Spires, impensis Authoris, 1599 3542 Hume's History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Cajsar to the Revolution in 1688, portrait, 8 vols. Svo. neat, M.Ws.Qd. - - - 1778 334 THOMAS tiiorpb's SSiS Hume and Kousseau, Account of their Dispute, with the LetJ teis which passed between them ; also Letters of the lion. Mr. Walpole, and Mr. D'Alembert, relative to this Extraor- dinary Affair, 8vo. sewed, 3s. - - 17G6 354:4! Hume. — Davidis Humii de Familia Humii Wedderburnensi Liber, with Prefatory Notice, privately printed for the Ab- holsford Club, 4to. bds. 2l. \2s. 6d. Edinb. 1839 3545 Humfredi (Laurentii) Oratio ad Reginam Elizabetham in aula Woodstochiensi habita, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. 6d. Lond.H. Binneman, 1575 *** The only copy mcutioned in the Bibliographer's Manual is that in the IJritish Museum. 'I'he present copy was purchased, in 1827, for 4Z. 14s. 6d. '. — Charter-party, or Articles of Agreonient of the Concordia CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 351 Annuity Company of Dublin, ib. 17fi3. — Rules, Orders, and By-laws, made by the Governors of the Foundlinjj Hospital and Workhouse in Dublin, ih. ITZ-t. — Observations on the Parochial Charity Schools in the City of Dublin, ib. 1763. — By-laws, Rules, and Orders for the Regulating of Hackney Coaches, and other Conveyances in Dublin, ib. 1749. — By- laws for Regulating of Rates or Fares of Carriages in Dub- lin, ib. 1772. — Narrative of the Conduct of B. Houghton, Freeman of Dublin, and one of the Commons, on the late Risings and Tumults in the said City, ib. 1764. — Questions upon the Legislative Constitution of Ireland, ib. 1770. — Authentick Papers in rejiard to the late Prorogation, ib. 1770. — Answer to the Counter Address of a Pretended Free Citizen, ib. 1766. — Alarm Bell, addressed to the Citizens of Dublin, ib. n. d. — Philo-Hibernicus, his Letter of Advice to the Freemen and Freeholders of Dublin, with a word to the Five Candidates, ib. 1 748. — Free Briton's Advice to the Free Citizens of Dublin, 1748. — Dialogue between Mr. Demagogue and a Sober Citizen, ib. 1766.— Mill Cushion's Address to the Fools of every Rank and Denomination in Dublin, ib. 1748. — Letter to the Voters of Dublin, ib. 1748. — Letter to the Commons of Dublin, ib. 1743. — Second Letter to ditto, ib, 1743. — Freeman, 1748. — Address from a Noble Lord to the People of Ireland, 1770. — A Citizen's First Letter to the Commons of Dublin, ib. 1755. — Letter from Amminidib at Venice to his brother Shilock, in Dublin, ib. 1764. — Letter from some of the principal Citizens to the Aldermen of Dublin, ib. 1760.— Counter Address of a True Citizen, ib. 1 766. — Remonstrance of the Citizens of Dublin, {ib. 1766.) — Enquiry into the Legality of Pensions, on the Irish Establishment, 1763.— Address to the Mayor and Citizens of Dublin, ib. 1766.— Second Letter to the Citizens of Dublin, by J. Forde, ib. 1749. — The Farmer's Sixth Letter to the Protestants of Ireland, n. d. — The Grazier's Occasional Letter, n. d. — Goldsmith's Traveller, Dublin, 1767. — H. Jones's Lines on the Death of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, ih. 1757. — The Marrow of the Tickler's Works, 1748, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, a scarce and curious collection, M. Is. 3670 Ireland. — Twenty Addresses to the Free Citizens and Free- holders of the City of Dublin, by Alderman Lucas, Dublin, 1748 to 1749. — Cork Surgeon's Antidote against the Dublin Apothecary's Poyson, for the Citizens of Dublin, by Anthony Litten, seven numbers, 1749. — Mirrour for the Miror ; or an Antidote Extraordinary, by Dick Litten, brother to Sir Anthony, so created by his highness Charles Lucas, J.,ord Protector of Independency, 1749, in one vol. Svo. half bound, neat, a curious, interesting, and scarce historical volume to the Irish collector, \0s. Gd. - - 1748-9 352 THOMAS Thorpe's .S671 Ireland. — Letter to tlie Citizens of Dublin, Dublin, 1749. — Second Letter to ditto, to which is prefixed a Letter to a Member of Farlianient, ib. 1749. — Fragment of the Japanese History, translated from the High Dutch of Mr. Van Loon, with Notes, ib. 1749. — Apology for the Conduct and Writ- ings of Mr. Charles Lucas, Apothecary, wherein the seeming oddity of his recommending himself to the Citizens of Dub- lin, as the only fit person to represent them in Parliament, is clearly accounted for, &c. ib. 1749. — Account of the woeful and wonderful Apparition of Hurloe Harrington {Earl of Harrington,) late Prompter to the Theatre Royal in Dublin, who, by the instigation of some evil spirits, threw himself down a considerable precipice, by which he destroyed his in- tellectuals, and soon after departed this life, to the great grief of his Majesty's company of Comedians of Ireland, male as female, 1750. — Patriot's Letter to the Duke of Dorset, with a Dedication to the Cork Surgeon, Dub. 1749. — Observations on the State of Ireland, particularly in rela- tion to the Woollen Manufacture, ib. 1731, — Letter from a Member of the Commons to a chief Magistrate of a Borough, 1749. — Critical Review of the Liberties of British Subjects, with Comparative View of the Proceedings of the House of Commons of Ireland, 1750. — La Touche's Address to his Grace the Duke of Dorset, Dub. 1752. — Appeal to the Commons and Citizens of London, by C. Lucas, the Last Free Citizen of Dublin, ib. 1756. — Letter from a Layman to the Clergy of Ireland, ib. 1749. — Second Letter from ditto to ditto, ib. 1749. — State of the Affair betwixt the Bishop of Cork and Ross and the Rev. Marmaduke Dallas, ib. 1749. — Letter from a Gentleman in Cork to a Noble Lord in Dub- lin, about a sentence of degradation, ib. 1749. — Answer to ditto, 1749. — Conduct of the Dean of Cork and other cler- gymen, in relation to the suit carried on against Mr. Dallas, 1750. — Letter from a Clergyman of the diocese of Cork, re- lating to the conduct of the Bishop of Corke, in the degra- dation of Mr. Dallas, ib. 1749. — Appendix to ditto, ib. 1750, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, neat^a scarce and intereating col- lection, 15 s. 3672 Ireland. — Harris's Fiction Unmasked, a most interesting volume on the affairs of Ireland, very rare, 1752. — Harris's Histori- cal Memoirs of the Irish Rebellion, 1758. — Accounts from tlie Protestant Writers of the Irish Rebellion, in 1641, in 1 vol. 8vo. a most interesting and scarce collection, 1/. lis. 6d. 3673 Ireland. — Considerations on the late Bill for the Payment of the National Debt, Dublin, 1754. — Proceedings of the Honourable House of Commons of Ireland, in rejecting the altered Money Bill, vindicated, ib. 1754. — Uemarks on the above considerations, four parts and supplement, ib. 1754. — Answer to the above proceedings, &c. ib. 1754. — Letter to the Publick on the present Posture of Affairs, with some CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 353 Queries, ib. 1754. — Second Letter to ditto, ib. 1754. — Me- morial by the Earl of Kildare to his Majesty, on the discon- tents, &c. with the Earl of Holderness's Letter to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, in Answer, 1753. — Observations on the Bill for Payinsr oflfthe National Debt of Ireland, ib. 1754. Answer to the Proceedings of the Commons of Ireland, in rejecting the altered Money Bill, ib. 1754. — Common Sense, in a Letter to a Friend, ib. 1754. — Letter to the Tradesmen, Farmers, and other good people of Ireland, by L. B. ib. 1754. — Second Letter to ditto, ib. 1754. — Letter from Dionysius to the renowned Triumvirate, ib. 1754, in 1 vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, lOs. 6d. 3674 Ireland. — Truth against Craft, in answer to a Pamphlet en- titled, The Case fairly stated, Dublin, 1754.— Property Vin- dicated, or Remarks upon a Pamphlet entitled, Property Inviolable, by S. Blacker, ib. 1739. - Expedition against Rochefort fully stated, ib. 1758. — T. Sheridan's Oration, pronounced before a numerous body of the Nobility and Gentry at the Musick Hall, ib. 1757. — Letter to the People of Ireland on Tythes, ib. 1758. — Candid Reflections on the Report of the General Officers, i6. 1758. — Secret History and Memoirs of the Barracks of Ireland, 1747. — Case of the Lord Mayor of Dublin, relative to the restoring Dr. C. Lucas to his Freedom of the City, Dublin, 1761. — Danger of Popery to the present Government examined, ib. 17(31. — Observations on the Bill for Paying off the National Debt of Ireland, ib. 1754.— Tryal of Sir C. Ogle for an Assault on Governor Trelawney, ib. 1752, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, a scarce and curious collection, \l. Is. 3675 Ireland. — Dr. John Brett's Letters to the Lord Primate of all Ireland, containing a Vindication of the Doctrine and Cha- racter of St. Paul, in Answer to Bolingbroke, Dublin, 1755. — Brett's Sermon on Easter Day, ib. 1755. — Brett's Dis- course on Conjugal Love and Duty, rvith dedication to Ladij Caroline Russell, ib. 1757. — Another Edition, 1757. — Dean Tucker's Instructions for Travellers, ib. 1758. — T. Sheri- dan's Oration to the Nobility and Gentry, at the Musick Hall, in Fishamble Street, ib. 1757. — Case of the Stage in Ireland, containing Reasons for and against a Bill for limit- ing the number of Theatres in Dublin, wherein the Qualifi- cations, Duty, and Importance of a Manager are considered, and the Conduct of the Manager of the Theatre in Smock Alley reviewed and examined, &c. ib. 1758. — Enquiry into the Plan and Pretensions of Mr. Sheridan, ib. 1758.— Thoughts on the General Improvement of Ireland, with a Scheme of a Society for carrying on all improvements, ib. 1758. — Report of the General Officers, on the Cause of the Failure of the Expedition to the Coasts of France, ib. 1758, in one vol. Svo. half bound, neat, 10s. 6d. 2Z 354 THOMAS thorpr's 567G Ireland. — Thoughts on the Expediency of continiiinjr the Irish Woollen Warehouse as a Hetail Shop, 1779.- — Conside- rations on the Advantages to Ireland arising from its Distil- leries, privately printed, 17S3.— State of the Linen Markets of the Province of Ulster, 1784. — Observations of K. Ste- phenson distinguishing the State of the Spinning and Weav- ing in Ireland, 1762. — Evidence taken before the House of Commons relating to the Adjustment of the Commercial Intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland, 1785. — Evi- dence of the Manufacturers against the Irish Propositions, 1785. — Tucker's Reflections on the Disputes between Great Britain and Ireland, 1785. — Speech of Rt. Hon. T. Orde on the Bill for a Commercial Adjustment between Great Britain and Ireland, 1785. — Fox's Reply to Pitt on the Irish System, 1785. — Proposed System of Trade with Ire- land Explained, 1785. — Lord Mountmorris' Reflections upon the Question for Equalizing the Duties upon the Trade between England and Ireland, 1785. — Letter from an Irish Gentleman on the Proposed System of Commerce, 1785. — Earl of Bellamont's Address to the King and People of Ireland, 1785. — On the Removal of the Custom House, 1781. — On the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland, by Sir Lucius O'Brien, 1785. — Lord Sheffield on the Manufactures and Trade of Ireland, 1785. — Thoughts on the Sugar Duties, by J. Beresford, 1781. — On the Establishment of New Manufactures in Ireland, with an Account of the Manchester Manufactory established in Kildare, 1783. — On the Eflfects of Protecting Duties, 1783. — Mirror for British Monopolists and Irish Financiers, 1786. — On the VVoollen Manufactory of Ireland, 1785. — Letter to the Linen Manu- facturers of Ireland on the Protecting Duties, 1784. — Remarks on the Linen Trade of Ireland, by J. Nevill, 1783, and other Tracts on the same subject, all printed at Dublin, in 4 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, \l. Is. 3677 Ireland. — Report of the Lords of the Committee on the Re- duction of Duties on Irish Manufactures, itc. Dublin, 1785. — Orde's Sj)eech on the Commercial Adjustment between Great Britain and Ireland, ib. 1785. — Review of Mr. Pitt's 'J'wtnty Resolutions addressed to the People of Ireland, ib. 1785. — Tucker's Reflections on the present Disputes be- tween Gt. Britain and Ireland, ib. 1785. — Enquiry into the Restrictions upon tlie Tr.ide of Ireland, &c. ib. 1779. — Alarm, or the Irish Spy, ib. 1779. — History of the Opposi- tion, ib. 1779. — Opposition Mornings, with Betty's Re- marks, ib. 1779. — Letter to the Earl of Carlisle, from VV^. Eden, on the Representations of Ireland respecting a Free Trade, ib. 1779. — Three Letters to the Earl of Carlisle, from W. Eden, ib. 1779. — Letter to the Earl of Carlisle, from W. Eden, on the subject of the late arrangement, ib. 1786, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, \0s. Gd. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 355 3678 Ireland. — Birch's Inquiry into the Share wliich King Charles I. had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, after- wards Marquis of Worcester, for bringing over a body of Irish Rebels to assist that King in 1645 and 1646, 8vo. best edition, very neat, 6s. - - 1756 3679 Ireland. — Letters which passed in Great Britain relative to the Absentee Tax, Dublin, 1773. — Letter upon the Subject of Taxing the Estates of Absentees, ib. 1773. — Thouglits on the Present State of the College of Dublin, ib. 1782. — Address to the Nobility and Gentry of the Church of Ireland, explaining the Real Causes of the Commotions and Insurrections in the Southern parts of this Kingdom, re- specting Tithes, ib. 1786. — Congratulatory Address to his Majesty from the Peasantry of Ireland, ib. 1786. — Impartial Discussion of the Subject of Tithes, ib. 1786. —Project for a better Regulation in Collecting the Income of the Clergy, ib. 1786. — Vindication of the Doctrine and present Appro- priation of Tithes, ib. 1787. — O'Leary's Defence, containing a Vindication of his Conduct and Writings, &c. ib. 1787. — Vindication of the Principles and Character of the Presby- terians of Ireland, by Dr. W.Campbell, ib. 1787, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, \0s. 6d. 3680 Ireland, &c. — Observations on the Importance of the Revo- lution which has established the Independence of the United States of America, by Rev. Dr. Price, 1785. — Sir W. Me- redyth's Political Letters, 1785. — Lord Sheffield's Observa- tions on the Manufactures, Trade, and State of Ireland, 1 785. — Hon. Mr. Grey's Plan for Settling the Government of Ireland, and on the chief Cause of the Unprosperous State of that Country, 1785. — Soame Jenyns's Every Man his own Law-Maker, or the Englishman's complete Guide to a Parliamentary Reform, 1785. — Emperor's Claims, being a Description of the City of Antwerp and the River Scheldt, with History of the Austrian Netherlands, 1785. — Defence of Opposition with respect to their Conduct on Irish Affairs, 1785. — Commercial Resolutions of the Irish I'arliarnent Vindicated, 1785. — Proposed System of Trade with Ireland Explained, 1785. — Reply to the above, 17 85. — Answer to Ditto, 1785, in 2 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 12s. 3681 Ireland. — Debates in the Irish House of Commons on Orde's Motion for a Bill to carry into effect his Propositions relative to the Trade between Great Britain and Ireland, by W. Wood fall, with a Copy of the Bill, and various Propositions, 1785. — Pitt's Speech on submitting his Resolutions lor an Union between Great Britain and Ireland, 1799. — Dun- das's Speech on the subject of the Union with Ireland, 1799. — Addington's Speech on the same, 1799. — Lord Auckland's Speech on the same, 1799. — Lord Minto's Speech on the same, 1799. — Lord Sheffield's Speech on the same, 1799. — Foster's Speech on the same, 1799. — Union or Sej)aration, 356 THOMAS Thorpe's by Dean Tucker, with further Strictures on the same sub- ject, with reference to the Objections urged by the Irish Bar, by Rev. Dr. Clarke, 1799, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 7s. 6d. 8G82 Ireland. — Sketch of Macnaughten's Speech on the Union, 1788. — VV. Johnson's Letter to J. Spencer on the Union, 1788.— Utility of the Union Considered, 1788.— Report of the Committee of Secrecy on the Treasonable Papers, 1797. — Probability, Causes, and Consequences of an Union, by the Rev. Denis Taaffe, Dublin, 1798. — Reasons against a Union, ih. 1798. — Observations on ditto, by J. H. C. ib. 1798. — No Union, being an Appeal to Irishmen, by M. Weld, ib. 1798. — Union neither Necessary nor Expedient, by C. Ball, ib. 1798. — Sir J. W. Jervis on the Inexpediency of a Federal Union, ib. 1798. — J. Spencer's Thoughts on an Union, ib. 1798. — Cease your Funning, or the Rebel De- tected, Dublin, 1798. — Strictures on the Union, ib. 1798. — Speech of the Rt. Hon. J. Foster, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, ib. 1799. — Review of Ditto, by W, Smith, 1799. — Dean Tucker's Argument for the Union, published by the Rev. Dr. Clarke, ib. 1799. — Constitutional Objections to the Union, by T. M'Kenna, ib. 1799.— Argu- ments for and against the Union Considered, ib. 1799. — Case of Ireland Re-considered in Answer to ditto, ib. 1799. — J. Gerahty on the Present State of Ireland, ib. 1799. — J. CoUis's Address to the People of Ireland, ib. 1799. — Address to the People of Ireland against the Union, ib. 1799. — Necessity of an Incorporate Union, ib. 1799 — Con- sequences of the Proposed Union, 1709. — R. Jebb's Reply to the Arguments for and against the Union, 1799. — Sub- stance of Lord Auckland's Speech on the Union, 1799. — Speech of the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt on Ditto, 1799. — Political, Commercial, and Civil State of Ireland, by the Rev. Dr. Clarke, being an Appendix to Union or Separation, ib. 1799. — William Drenman's Letter to Pitt, 1799. — Sir Robert Peel's Speech on the Union, 1799. — Speeches of the Right Hon. W. Pitt on Ditto, 1799.— Speech of the Rt. Hon. H. Dundas on ditto, 1799. — Legal Arguments on ditto, 1799. — Speech of the Right Hon. H. Addington, 1799. — W. Hughes's Letter to Sir John Newport, 1799. — Letters on the Subject of Union, 1799. — G. Smith's Letter on ditto, 1799. — Reasons for an Union, 1799. — M'Kenna's Constitu- tional Objections to Ditto, 1799. — The Probable Conse- quences of Ditto, 1799. — A Few Thoughts on ditto, 1799. — P. Rudd's Answer to the Arguments for and against an Union, 1799. — Competency of the Parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland to incorporate their Legislatures, 1799. —Necessity of an Incorporate Union, 1799. — Union or Separation, by Dr. Clarke, 1799. A most important and valuable collection of forty-six tracts on this important subject, many of which arc very scarce, all clean and uncut, Svo. 31. ISs. 6d. CATALOGUE OV BOOKS. 357 3683 Ireland. — Shamrock, or Hibernia Cresses, a Collection of Poems, the Production of Ireland, 12mo. h. b. neat, 45. 6 J. 1773 S68t Ireland. — Parsons's (Sir Lawrence) Observations on the Be- quest of Henry Flood, Esq. to Trinity College, Dublin, with a Defence of the Ancient History of Ireland, Svo. bds. uncut, very scarce, 7s. - - Dublin, 1795 *»* Only 100 copies printed. 3C85 Ireland. — Report of the Proceedings in cases of High Treason in Dublin, by Special Commission, 1798. — Report of the Enquiry into the Conduct of his Majesty's Government in Ireland, relative to the Insurrection, 1804. — Inquiry into the Causes of Popular Discontents in Ireland, 1804. — Considera- tions on the Situation to which Ireland is Reduced by the Government of Lord Camden, 1798. — Conduct of the Ad- miralty in the late Expedition of the Enemy to the Coast of Ireland, 1797, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. russia, 7s. 6d. 3686 Ireland. — Narrative of the Sufferings and Providential Escape of C. Jackson, of Wexford, including an Account of the Cruelties committed by the Rebels in that Town, while in their possession, 12mo. h- b. neat, 3s. 6d. 1798 3687 Ireland. — Speech of the Bishop of Landaff, on the Union with Ireland, 1803. — Address to the People of Great Britain, by ditto, 1798. — Address to the People of the British Empire, with Appendix, in Defence of the Fourth Volume of the Reign of George III., by R. Macfarlan, 1797. — Grattan's Speech on Tithes, 1788. —Speech of the Earl of Clare, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords there, 1800. — Grattan's Answer to the Earl of Clare's Speech on the Union, 1800. — Grattan's Speech on the Union, 1800. — Review of the Rt. Hon. J. Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, with Letter to W. Smith, M.P., 1799. — Lord Castlereagh's Speech on the Union, 1800. — P. Dui- genan's Representation of the Political State of Ireland, 1799. — Speech of the Rt. Hon. Sylvester Douglas on the Union, 1799, in 1 vol. Svo. h. b. neat, 7s. 3688 Ireland. — City Candidates; or, a Plumper for Sir Claudius Beresford, Dublin, 1802. — Letter to the Independent Citi- zens of Dublin, ib. 1802. — J. Roche's Observations on In- oculation and the Cow Pox, i6. 1802. — Arthur O'Connor's Letter to Lord Castlereagh, Kilmainham Prison, 1799. — Letter to Napoleon Buonaparte, styling himself Governor of France and the Envoy of God, exhibiting a complete View of his Moral and Political Conduct, with Notes and Sketch of his Life, by Chevalier Tinseau, 1803. — Last Speech and Dying Words of Martin M'Loughlin, taken Prisoner after the Defeat of the French and Irish Rebels, at the Battle of Ballinamuck, in the County of Longford, wherein is re- counted the manner in wiiich he and others were Inlistcd, how poor Billy Rourkc was Shot by a French Officer for 358 THOMAS Thorpe's Mutiny, how the Irish Recruits were Harnessed like Horses, to draw the French Cannon from Balh'na to Castlebar, over the Barnagee Mountains ; how poor Judy Dunn, and her Sister-in-Law, were Ravished by a Negro Officer in the French Army, with true Account of the Battles of Castlebar, Coloony, and Ballinamuck, and the Merry Adventure of Capt. Tom Packenham, or the Sailor on Horseback, &c. verTj curious and scarce, Cork, n, d, — History of the Origin of the Irish Yeomanry, with Deposition of Generall Knox, for the Defence of the Country, &c. by Dr. W. Richardson, Dublin, 1801, in 1 vol. 8vo. h, b. neat, \2s. 3G89 Ireland. — Letter to Sir John Newport on the Embarrassing Situation and Prospects of the Ministry, with Reflections on the Distressed State of Ireland, Dublin, 1806. — Report of the Trial of Brabazon Morris, Esq. Magistrate of the County of Meath, for Defamation against James Tandy, Esq. ib. 1807. — Trial of Sir John Piers, lor Crim. Con. with Lady Cloncurry, ib. 1807. — Strictures on the Army, with Interest- ing Anecdotes and illustrative Facts, ib. 1809, in one vol. Svo. h. b. neat, Qs. 3G90 Ireland. — Proceedings of the R. C. Bishops of Connaught, regarding the assumed right of the Rev. Oliver Kelly to the Vicar Capitularship of Tuam, &c. Dublin, 1810. — Trial of Edward Sheridan, for his conduct in proposing an Aggregate Meeting of the Roman Catholics in Ireland, ib. 1811. — Fingall's Address to the Catholics of Ireland, ib. 1810. — Rights of Man to Civil and Religious Liberty, asserted against the Replyer to the Arguments for Catholic Emanci- pation, ib. 1809. — Milner's Instructions to the Catholics, ib. 1811. — Three Letters on Irish Catholic Affairs, ib. 1809.— Address of the Roman Catholic Prelates to the Clergy and Laity of the Roman Catholic Churches in Ireland, ib. 1812. — Ditto, ib. 1810. — Letter to the Dublin Society from the [" Bp. of Cloyne and Ross, occasioned by certain Observations and Mis-statements of Rev. H. Townsend in his Statistical Survey of the County of Cork, Cork, 1811. — Letter to the Earl of Fingal, by a Catholic Citizen, Dublin, 1808, — Case of Peter Finnerty, 1811, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. 3691 Ireland. — Milner's Letters to a R. C. Prelate of Ireland, in refutation of Counsellor C. Butler's Letter, with Postscript containing a Review of Dr. O'Connor's Columbanus ad Hi- bernos on the Liberty of the Irish Church, Dublin, 1811. — O'Connor's State of Ireland, 1798. — Burke's Speech upon certain points relative to his Parliamentary Conduct, Dublin, 1780. — Alban Butler's Remarks on Bower's Lives of the Popes, ib. 1778, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 7s. 6d. 3692 Ireland. — Utopia Found; being an Apology for Irish Ab- sentees, curious plate, 8vo. boards, 2s. Gd. Bath, 1813 3693 Ireland. — Thoughts and Suggestions on the Education of the Peasantry of Ireland, Svo. 2,v. - - 1820 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 369 S69i Ireland. — Trial of Mr. Justice Johnson for a Libel on the Irish Administration, Dublin, 1805. — Letter to Dr. Troy, Titular Archbishop of Dublin, on the Coronation of Buona- parte, by Pope Pius VII. ib. 1805. — Additional Papers re- lative to the Discussion with Spain, 1805, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, Gs. SG95 Ireland. — Report of the Proceedings at the Trials of the Counties of Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Longford, and Cavan, 8vo. boards, 3s. 6d. - - - 1807 3696 Ireland. — Discussion of the Propriety of Arresting the Catho- lic Delegates, Dublin, 1811 .^^Sir Harcourt Lees' Fifth Letter to the People of England, on the Bill of Pains and I'enalties, on the Enquiry relating to Queen Caroline, &c. 1821. — Milesian Magazine, or Irish Monthly Gleaner, p/a/e, 1812. — E. Fitzsimons's New Year's Gift to the True Orangemen of Ireland, ib. 1823. — Letter to the Ultra Puritans on the Profanation of the Sabbath, with Defence of Traders and Publicans of Dublin, 1818. — Trials of J. Dunn and Patrick Carty for conspiring to murder the Earl of Carhampton, Dublin, 1797. — Hon. Sir W. Smith's Letter on the Catholick Claims to E. Burke, ib. 1808. — Letter to Randall M'Donnell, Esq. on the Proceedings of the Catholic Committee, and Secretary Pole's Letter to the Magistrates of Ireland, j6. 1811, — Declaration of the Catholic Bishops, the Vicars Apostolic, and their Coadjutors in Great Britain, ib. 1826. — Plain Truth addressed to the People of Ireland, ib. 1779. — Plan for Finally Settling the Government of Ireland, n. d. — Aggregate Meeting of Dublin Dusts, with curious cut, ib. 1821. — Williamite Scrap-Book, or Chronicle of the Times, and Magazine, ib. 1823. — Present State of Ireland, vvith Ob- servations on Peel's Acts, ib. 1814. — List of the Catholic Committee, ib. 1811, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 7s. 3697 Ireland. — Catalogue of the Subjects of Natural History in the Museum of the Dublin Society, also the Antiquities, 8vo. boards, 2s. - _ - Dublin, 1813 3698 Ireland. — Proceedings of the Irish Society for the new Planta- tions of Ulster, PRIVATELY PRINTED, SvO. VERY RARE, 2/. 2*. 1822 3699 Ireland. —Hints to Irish Landlords to Improve their Estates, obtain their Rents, &c., 8vo. sewed, 2s. - 1824 3700 Ireland. — Royal Charter of the Dublin Society, with their By- Laws and Ordinances, 8vo. boards, 2s. (ki. Dublin, 1825 3701 Ireland. — Tables for Converting Irish Currency into British, 12mo. boards, 2s. - - Dublin, 1825 3702 Ireland. — Reports on the Estates of the Drapers' Company in Ireland, 2 vols. 4to. privately printed for the use of the Members, 21. 2s. - - - 1829-33 3703 Irvini (Alexandri) De Jure Regni Diascepsis, dedicated to King Charles, with his portrait, 16mo. very scarce, 7s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1627 360 THOMAS Thorpe's 3704 Irvini (Christophori) Historiae Scoticae Nomenclatura Latino Vernacula : multis flosculis, ex antiquis Albinorum Morui- mentis et Lingua Galeciorum prisca decerptis adspersa, Svo. scarce, 8s. - - Edinhurchii, 1682 3705 Ironside's (Col. Gilb.) Metrical Prolusions, privately printed, Svo. half bound, morocco, \0s. 6d. - 1801 *,* The present volume, consisting of two parts, was evidently printed at Calcutta in Bengal, where the poems appear to have been chiefly written. In the first part are the prologue and epilogue on the opening the new theatre at Calcutta. The writer has addressed some highly encomiastic verses to Mrs. Jor- dan, the celebrated actress. In the second part is a Latin epitaph on the author's mother, "added to that on the tablet of my father, upon the east wall of the church of S. Edmund the King, in Lombard Street, London, 1790." Verses to John Philip Kemble, with Bodoni's edition of Anacreon, 1798. " To Dr. Drury, with a fine edition of the Greek poets, 1801." Translation of verses, by Dr. Parr, on Belleudenus. Parody on Sir William Jones's hymn to Camdeoj epigram on Mr. Shore's (after- wards Lord Teignmouth) assumption of the government of Bengal, &c. 370G Isagoge ad Scansionem Carminum, Sententise Sev. Boetii Martialis, Jo. Cantalycii, Ovidii, etc. 4to. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. - - Taurini, 1518 3707 Isidori (Sancti) Hispalensis Episcopi Libellus Soliloquiorum de angustia et miseria hominis, 4to. scarce, 3s. Halberstadice, 1522 3708 Isidorus (C. Peruschus) Episcopus Alaetrinatium de Divitiia et Paupertate, 4io._/?ne copy, half bound morocco, rare, 15s. Romce, ap. Antonium Bladum, 1556 *„• Printed with Aldine type. 3709 Isle (L') Taciturne et I'lsle enjouee, ou Voyage du Genie Alaciel dans ces deux Isles, 12mo. neat, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1759 3710 Isle of Man. — Case of John, Duke of x\thol, his claim to the Isle of Man, &c. 4to. served, scarce, 7s. 6d. *#* An interesting tract. 3711 Isocratis Orationes Omnes, Graece, Svo. original impressed vellum binding, scarce, I2s. - Francof. 1540 *** With numerous MS. notes, by Wolfius, the learned classical editor. 3712 Isocratis Orationes, Graece, nunc demum multo quam antea eraendationes excw^ise, fine clean copy, Svo. vellum, 10*. Q>d. Basil, per Jo. Oporinum, 154G *,;* Purchased in the Celotti sale for II. 2s. 3713 Isocratis Orationes et Epistolas, Greece, Svo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, '21. 2s. Venetiis, sumptu M. Sessce, 1549 *ji,* " Recherche comme presque toutes les productions Grecques des presses de cet imprimeur."— i?n/«e<, Nouvelles Recherc/ies Bibliographiqnes. 3714 Isocratis Orationes, Graece, recens. Phil. Fletcher, large paper, Svo. russia, gilt edges, ISs. - Oxon. 1726 *♦• Sold in Williams's sale for \l. 10s. 3715 Isocratis Paraenesis ad Demonicum ejusdem Oratio de guber- nando regno ad Nicoclem, Gr. et Lat. 4to. fine copy, 45. Argent. 1515 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 361 3716 Isocratis ad Denionicum Paroenesis ; Oratio de gubernando Regno ad Nicoclem> Aristidis Romas Encomium, Greece, 8vo. icnrce, 3s. Gd. - - f'^eneliis, 1519 3717 Isocratis Orationes tres, Graece, cum interpretatione latina nunc primum ad verbum facta, ad disccntium utilitatcm, Svo. neat, 7s. 6d. Venet. ap. P. Ravanuvi et Socios, 1.'549 3718 Isocratis Orationes tres, Gr. et Lat. Svo. ^ne copy, scarce, 4s. Gd. - - - Venet. 1555 3719 Isocratis Orationes tres, Gr. et Lat. Svo. vellum, 10*. Gd. Venet. ap. Variscuvi et Socios, 1567 *** An edition of considerable rarity. 3720 Isocratis Helenas Encomium, Gr. et Lat. Wolfii, 4to. Jine large copy, 7s. Gd. - - Venet. 1556 3721 Isocratis Sententiae, Graeco-Latinse, Svo. fine copy, in the ori- ginal vellum binding, 10s. Gd. - Basil. 1572 3722 Isocratis Praecepta, per eruditissimum virum Rudolphum Agricolam e Grceco in Latinum traducta, Axo.Jine copy, with very curious wood-cut, a rare edition, lOs. Gd. sine utld notd. 3723 Isocratis Praecepta. — Another Edition, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 5s. _ _ _ sine ulld notd. 3724 Isocratis De Regno Gubernando ad Nicoclem liber a Martino Philetico interprete, Quinti Hsemiliani Epiccedion in Friiier. III. Imp. Marliani Epistola elegantissima qua calamitosa Philippi Hispaniae Regis, in Hispaniam navigatio graphice describitur, etc. 4to. scarce, 5s. Gd. Viennce Austrice, 1514 3725 Isocratis Atheniensis, Oratio gravissima de bello fugiendo, et pace servanda, ad populum Atheniensem, Petro Mosellano interprete, 4to, with fine wood-cut border, 3s. Basilece, Frohenius, 1519 3726 Isocrates. — Specimem Academicum Inaugurale, exhibens Iso- cratis Areopagiticum instructum lectionis varietate et Anno- tatione, per Jo. T. Bergman, 4to. sd. 4s. Lugd. Bat. 1819 3727 Isola (D. lacinto) Cavallero en la nobilisima Republica de Genoba, y Ministro del Santo Oficio le la Inquisicion, Obras Poeticas, de las a la estampa el Doctor Juan Antonio de la Peiia, 8vo. very scarce, Ss. Gd. - Madrid, 1G34 3728 Italy. — Guerre Horrende de Italia. Tutte le Guerre de Italia; comenzando de la Venuta di Re Carlo del 1494 ; fin al giorno presente, en ottava rima, wood-cuts, 4to. neat, ex- tremely EARE, 2/. 2s. - Vinegia, 1534 *,* This is most probably the first edition. The present copy was purchased in Koscoe's sale for 11. 2s. 6(/. 3729 Italy. — Scoto (Andrea) Itinerario, overo nova Descrittione de Viaggi Principali d'ltalia, 3 parts in 1 vol. Svo. vellum, 3s. Vicenza, 1622 3730 Itineraire Instructif de Rome et ses Environs, avec une de- scription generale de tous ses Monumens Anciens, les Meil- leures Peintures ; Sculptures, et Architectures, Jine impres- sions of the numerous plates, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. half bound, Gs. Rome, 1802 3 A 362 THOMAS Thorpe's 3731 Itincrnrium Mathei Sancti Angeli Cardinalis Gurcensis quse- (jue in conventu Maximiliani Cffis. Aug. et Regutn Vladislai, Sigismundi, ac Ludovici memoratu digna gesta sunt per R. Bartholinum Perusinumedita, ito.fne copij, very scarce, \8s. Viennce, 1515 3732 Ives (Jeremiah) On the Lawfulness of Preaching without Or- dination, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1658 3733 Ives on the Lawfulness of Swearing, 4to. sewed, 2s. 1660 3734- Izacke's (Ric.) Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, the Laws and Customs of the place, Privileges, &c. with Catalogue of the Bishops, Mayors, Sheriffs, &c. from 1049, enlarged and continued by S. Izacke, Chamberlain, plates and cuts of arms, 8vo. in old morocco, gilt edges, IO5. i5d. 1724 3735 Jackson's (Rev. Mr.) Thoughts on the Causes of the Delay of the Westminster Scrutiny, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1784 373G Jackson's History of the City and Cathedral of Lichfield, plates, 8vo. Ii. b. neat, 2s. Qtd. - 1 805 3737 Jacobi, Nobilis Dani, Hodceporicon Ruthenicum, in quo de Moscovitarum Regione, Moribus, Religione, Gubernalione, et aula Imperatoria quo potuit compendio et eleganter exe- quitur, plates, 4to. fine copy, very rare, 1/. 11*. 6rf. Francofurti, typis T. De Bry, 1608 *^* A voyage of the greatest rarity, unmentioued by bibliographers. 373S Jacobi Romani Equitis Brixiensis pro patria ad Illust. Nico- laum Tronum Ducem Venetum Congratulatio, Ato. Jine clean copy, 12s. per Florentium de jirgentina, MCCCCLXXII. *:is* " Libellus elegautissimus atque eximiffi raritatis.'' — Pinclli Cat. 3739 Jacombe's (S.) Funeral Sermon of Mr. Edward Bright, Fel- low of Emanuel College, Cambridge, with Elegies, 4to. sewed, 7s. 6d. - - 1657 *^* The above volume contains poems by W. Coone, J. Illingworth, R. Perrott, Joseph Hall, VV. Leigh, R. Kidder, J. Reyner, and G. Bright, friends of the deceased. 3740 Jacomelli (Jacobi) In novam quandam Antonii Mirandulani de Pra?dicamentis Opinionem Responsio, 4tc. fine copy, in old morocco, rare, 1/. 5s. RomcE, apud Antonium Bladum, 1542 *.^* Bladns having been furnished with type by Paul Manntius, has rendered all his productions indispensable in ;in Aldiue series ; they are all as distinguished for their beauty and correctness as for their intrinsic merit. — See Rcnoiuird, An- uales des Aide. 3741 Jahn's (John) History of the Hebrew Commonwealth, from the earliest times to the Destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 72, translated from the German, with a continuation to the time of Adrian, Third Edition, revised throughout, Svo. new, in cloth boards, 12s. - - Oxford, 1840 3742 Jacobs (F.) Lectiones Stobenses sive Supplementa Lectionum ad T. Gaisfordi viri clarissimi Editionem Florilegii Ethici, Svo. uncut, 5s. - - Jcnce, 1827 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 363 3743 Jacobs (F.) Additamenta Animadversionum in Alhenaei Deip- iwsophislas, Jine paper, 8vo. bds. uncut, Ss. JencB, 1809 374»1' James 1., King of Scotland, his Poetical Remains, with Life by Tytler, Svo. bds. Gs. - Edinhurnh, 1783 3745 Jacob! VI. Scotoriim Regis, in Apocalypsim D. Joliannis Commentatio, first edition, 12mo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, RARE, 1/. \ls. Gd. - Basil. 1596 3746 James I. — Boo-iXttoj' Awpoj' : or, his Majesties Instructions to his Sonne, Henry the Frince, 12mo. scarce, 4*, Gd. 1603 3747 James I. — His Majesties Lepanto, or, Heroical Song, being part of liis Poetical Exercises at Vacant Houres, a scarce poetical volume, damaged b;/ danij), 4to. \Qs. Gd. 1603 3748 James I. — Apologia Jacobi Regis Angliae pro Juramento Fide- litatis, advcrsus duo Brevia P. P. Pauli V. et Epistolara Card. Bellarmini ad G. Blackvellum Archipresbyterum nuper scriptam, Svo. ftne copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, rare, \8s. - - Hag. Com. 1609 3749 James I. — Fourteen Books and Tracts by and relating to King James I. and his Reign, from 1611 to 1642, in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, gill leaves, rvith portrait, 31. 3s. *#* The foUoicing is a brief List of the Titles : The duty of a King in his royal ofiice, by King James, portrait - 1642 King James, his judgment of a King and a Tyrant - - 1642 Wittie observatious gathered from King James in his discourse His Majesty's commission touching the Creation of Baronets - 1611 His Majesty's Edict against pri%'ate Combats - . _ 1613 Remonstrance of King James for the right of Kings - - 1616 Three patents concerning the dignitie of Baronets - - 1617 Declaration of his Majesty in matter of bountie - - 1619 Oration of Lord Ossolinski, Ambassador to King James - - 1620 Speech of Sir E. Cecill in defence of the Protestant religion, &c. - 1621 Petition to King James . - . _ - 1622 Desires and wishes of England - . . - 1624 Reasons why the King should enter into warre with Spayne - 1624 Supplication of ail the Papists of England to King James - 1642 3750 James I. — Declaration dii Roy de la Grande Bretaigne sur ses Actions devers les Estats Generaux. des Pais Bas Unis touchant le faict de Conradus Vorstius, 4to. Jine copy, in old calf, tooled, gill edges, scarce, 15*. Lond. 1612 3751 James I. — His Majesty's Speech in the Starre Chamber, on the Laws of the Country, the Fashions of Living in London and leaving the Country Desolate, 4to. served,, 4*. Gd. 1616 3752 James I. — Court of the most illustrious and magnificent James the First, King of Great Britaine, with divers Rules, most pure Precepts, and selected Definitions, lively delineated, 4:\.o. very neat, \l. lis. Gd. - 1620 •«* An interesting and scarce volume, dedicated to the Marquis of Bucking- ham, with verses. 3753 James I. — Declaration du Roy d'Angleterre, contra les Rc- belles de France, 8vo. scarce, os, - Paris, 1622 364 THOMAS Thorpe's 5755 James (King) his Judgement of a King and of a Tyrant, 4to. served, 2s. - - 1642 3756 James II. — Letter concerning the Bill for Disabling the Duke of York to inherit the Imperial Crown of this Realm, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1680 3757 James II. — Ramsay (Thomse) Climax Panegyrica Vitoe Ser. ac celsissimi Princ. Jacobi Eboraci et Albaniae Ducis, 4to. Jine copy, served, 7s. 6d. - Londini, 1682 3758 James II. — Declarations and Depositions made in Council on Monday, 22 Oct. 1688, concerning the Birth of the Prince of Wales, 8vo. 5*. - - 1688 *^* A very curious tract. Among the personages examined were the Lady Powis, the Countesses of Sunderland, Peterborough, Arran, and Roscommon, Lady Bellasise, Duchess of Richmond, Lord Arundel, Earls of Mulgrave and J'aversham, Sir Stephen Fox, &c. &c. 3759 James II. — Royal Tracts containing Select Speeches, Declara- tions, Messages, Letters, &c. of his Majesty, upon Extra- ordinary Occasions. Also Imago Regis, or Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings during his Retirement in France, jiortrait, 12mo. 4*. Gd. Paris, 1692 *4^* Privately printed in London, and circulated among the adherents of King James. 3760 James II. — Bibliotheca Politica ; or, a Discourse by way of Dialogue, shewing the Arraigning and Murder of King Charles I. can by no means be Justified by the Proceed- ings of the Convention Parliament against King James II. upon his Abdication, proved by an exact Relation of the Beginning, Progress, and Issue of the Civil War, 4to. served, presented to the Rev. Dr. Green, As, 6d. - 1 702 37G1 James II. (Life of) King of England, with account of the various Struggles made for his Restoration, with Original Papers, Letters, &c. portrait, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1703 3762 James (R.) Method of Preventing and Curing the Madness caused by the Bite of a Mad Dog, 4to. served, 3s. 1741 3763 James (Captaine Thomas) Strange and Dangerous Voyage in Discovery of the North-west Passage into the South Sea, wherein the Miseries indured both Going, Wintering, and Returning, and Account of the Rarities, are related in this Journal of it, published by his Majesties Command, no map, 4to. scarce, \l. Ms. 6d. - 1633 *^*' Captain James was a native of Bristol, and undertook this voyage at the solicitation and expense of the merchants of the said city, sanctioned by his Majesty. 3764 James's (Capt. Thos.) Dangerous Voyage from Bristol in 1631, for the Discovery of the North-west Passage into the South Sea, the Miseries the Crew endured, their Discoveries, &c. map, second edition, corrected and amended, Svo. 4:s. 1740 3765 James's (W.) Reply to a Brief Statement on his Naval His- tory, 1824. — G. Iligyins's Address to the Houses of Lords CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 365 and Commons in Defence of the Corn Laws, 1826. — Quakers and Cock-Robins ; or, Hypocrisy Unmasked, with curious Dialogue between Mr. Noodle and Mr. Downright, by Lieutenant Col. S. Dales, 18'28. —Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, President of the Society of Antiquaries, on the Expediency of attaching a Museum of Antiquities to that Institution, 1828, in 1 vol. 8vo. //. h. neat, 4s. Qd. 37GG Jameson (Gul.) Spicilegia Antiquitatum Jigypti, 8vo. neat, scarce, Ss. 6d. - - Glasguce, 1720 3767 Janotii de Manectis de Dignitate et Excellentia Hominis, lib. IV. Basil. 1532.— Hen. Corn. Agrippa de Nobilitate et Praeexcellentia Foeminei Sexiis, etc. Colon. 1532. — Fr. Bar- bari de Re Uxoria lib. II. Antverp. s. a. — Gerocomice, hoc est, Senes, rite educandi modus et ratio, Gil. Philareto autore, Coloii'us, 1545. — De Homine Jo. Pici Mirandulae, ubi sublimiora et Sacrae et Humanse Philosophise Mysteria explicantur, etc. Basil. 1530, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, gilt edges, 185. 8768 Janssenii (Nicolai) Animadversiones et Scholia in Apologiam nuper editam de Vita et Morte Joannis Duns Scoti, 8vo. very neat, gilt edges, I8s. - Colonics Agrippince, 1622 3769 Jantzen (Nic. Jo.) Dissertatio Literaria de Equestri Ordine apud Romanes, 4to. sewed, iis. Gd. - Lugd. Bat. 1744 5770 Japanicaj Epistolae de Multorum Gentilium in variis Insulis ad Christi Fidem per Societatis nominis Jesu Theologos Conversione : in quibus etiam Mores, Leges, Locorumque Situs, luculenter describuntur, 2 vols. 8vo. morocco, rare, I8s. Lovanii, 1569 %* These letters from Japan, Brazil, the Molucca Isles, and various parts of Asia, comprise ample details of the manners and customs of the people, their laws and religious creed, from 1542 to the date of publication. 3771 Japan. — Frois (Ludov.) Historica Relatio de Rebus Japonicis eaque Triplex, de Gloriosa Morte 26 Crucifixorum ; de Legatione Regis Chinensium ad Regem Japonise, etc. 12mo. neat, marbled edges, 18s. - Moguntice, 1599 3772 Japoniensis Imperii admirabilis commutatio exposita Litteris ad P. Claudiam Aquaviva, quas ex Italis latinas fecit Jo. Hayus Dalgattiensis Scotus, 8vo. very scarce, 5s. Antverpice, 1604 3773 Japan. — Litterse Japonicae annorum 1609 et 1610, Antverpice, 1615. — Litteree Sinenses, 1610 et 1611, ib. 1615, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, 6s. *,* These letters of the missionaries detail many curious particulars of the history of the couutries through which they travelled. 3774 Japanese. — Supplement a la Graramaire Japonaise, du P. Rodriguez, ou Remarques additionelles sur qiielques points du Systeme Grammatical des Japonaise, tirees de la Gram- maire composees en Espagnol par le P. Oyanguren, et tra- duits par M. C. Landresse, par M. le Baron G. de Hum- boldt, 8vo. sencd, 4s. - - Paris, 1826 366 THOMAS thori'e's 3775 Jarric (Pierre du) Histoiredes Glioses plus Memorables Adve- nues tant ez Indes Orientales que autres Pais de la Descou- verte des Portugais, 3 vols. 4to. neat, \eky rare, 4/. 14s. 6d. Bourdeaux, 1608-1614 *jjt* Only two other complete copies of this interesting, elaborate, and valu- able work, appear lo have occurred for sale, one of which was in the curious collection of the late Robert Lang, Esq. who had written iu it, " The third volume of this work is very scarce, and although the first two volumes are found amongst collections of scarce voyages, I never saw but one other copy of the third volume, and that is in the library of Lord Bute at Luton." Mr. Lang's copy sold for SI. 8s. 3776 Jarrici (Petri) Historia Rerum Memorabilium qnse tarn in India Orientali quatn aliis Regionibus quas Lusitani detexere turn in ortu, turn incremento fidei Christianoc contigerunt, ac prsesertim eorum quae Soc. Jesu Religiosi banc ob causam et egerunt et passi sunt, 3 vols, complete, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 3l. 3s. Col. Agrip. 1615-16 *if ♦ Very rare, and one of the most interesting accounts of India, &c. 3777 Jeffreys. — Life and Cbaracter of the late Lord Chancellor Jefferys, Svo. sewed, scarce, 4*. Gc/. - 1725 3778 Jeffries (Dav.) On Diamonds and Pearls, with particular Account of the King of France's large brilliant Diamond, formerly Governor Pitt's, with plate of it, 8vo. sewed, 3s, n. d. 3779 Jenkins' (Judge) Prisoner in the Tower of London, Scourge for the Directorie and the Revoking Synod, which hath sitten this five years, more for four shillings a day than for conscience' sake, 1647. — Several Papers lately written and published by Judge Jenkins, viz. his Vindication, the Armies Indempnity, with a Declaration shewing how every Subject ought to be tried for all Capital Crimes ; Lex Terrae ; Cordial for the Good People of London ; Inconveniences of a Long Parliament ; Apologie for the Army, 1647, 4to. an interest- ing collection, 15s. 3780 Jenkyns' (Will.) Stil- Destroyer, or Self-seeking discovered, together with the Curse it brings, and the Cure it requires, a Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, &c. of London, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1645 3781 Jenkyns' (W.) Blind Guide, or the Doting Doctor, by way of Reply to John Goodwin's Treatise, entitled the Youngling Elder, 4to. seived, 3s. Gd. - - 1 648 3782 Jennyns' (J. Clayton) Observations on the Conduct of the Commissioners for Dutch Prizes, ISIO. — Syphax's Letters on the Trial by Jury, illustrated in the Case of Alexander Davison, Esq. Contractor for Supplies to the Array, 1809. — Mr. Perceval's Speech in the Debate on the Inquiry into the Conduct of the Duke of York, 1809, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, 3s. 6d. 3783 Jervis's (Sir J. J. White) View of the Past and Present State of Ireland, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - 1813 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 367 37S4 Jests. -Peel's (George) Merrie Conceited Jests, wherein is showed the Course of his Life, how he lived ; a Man well- known in the City of London, and elsewhere, blach Itttfl", 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 4/. As. 1(557 S785 Jests by F. Killigrew, verij scarce, 12mo. 10s. Qd. 1754 3786 Jests, Tales, &c. — The Laugher, or the Art of Jesting, shewing Every Man in his Humour from the Throne to the Cottage, jiortrait, very scarce, 1754. — The Widow of the Wood, a curious Staffordshire Tale, 1755. — A Voyage to Cacklogallinia, by Capt. S. Brunt, 1727, in one vol. 12mo. neat, 185. 3787 Jests. — Joe Miller's Jests ; or the Wit's Vade Mecum, being a Collection of the most brilliant Jests, excellent Bon Mots, with considerable additions, Witty and Moral Sentences, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. portrait, 8vo. served, scarce, 7s. 6d. 3788 Jests. — Yorick's Jests; or Wit's Common Place- Book, to which is added a choice Selection of Toasts and Sentiments, Sec. frontispiece, 8vo. 8s. 6d. - 1783 5789 Jests, &c. — Life and Death of Will Summers, curious plates, 1794. — Scoggin's Jests ; full of Witty Mirth and Pleasant Shifts ; done by him in France and other places, 1796. — Life of Thomas Parr, the old, old, very old man, by John Taylor, tlie Water Poet, duplicate set of 'plates, one coloured, 1794, in one vol. 8vo. neat, scarce, 15s. 3790 Jests.— The Nut Cracker, by Timothy Tickle, 12mo. 3s. 1804 3791 Jesu (Dan a) Apologia Sanctae Sedis Apostolicas quoadmoduni procedendi circa Regimen Catholicorum Anglise tempore Persecutionis; cum Defensione Religiosi Status, 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, rare, ll. lis. Cid. Audomaropoli, 1G31 *^» Oue of the scarcest volumes relating to this period of English history. 379.2 JESUITS. — A most extraordinary Assemblage of Works BY AND relating TO THE SoClETY OF JeSUITS, INCLUDING MANY Articles of the Greatest Rarity, collected by Monsieur Renouard, during many years' research ; the nhole are very fine choice copies, and this is presumed to be the most extensive scries ever formed, in all] OS vols. 601. 1 558-1 824 *^* The followiug is a brief list of the titles of the different works iu this ex- traordinary collection : — Constitiitiones Societafis Jesu, original edition, cxlremelij rare, 8vo. vellum RomcE, 1.558 Histoire des Persecutions ct Guerres faites depuis I'aii l5.Jo jusques en I'aa 1561, coutre les Vaudois, 8vo. vei'ii rare - Paris, 1.562 Litterffi Apostolica;, quibus lustitutio, Confirmatio, et varia Privilegia, Soc. Jesu continentur, 8vo. Roma:, 1568 " Cet exemplaire est revetu de la sig Pii Papaj V. 1571. — Facultas qua prior geueralis Ord. Eremitarum S. August, potest, coucedere licentiam vendendi, &c. bona Monasteriorum, 1572, 8vo. vellum. " Et onze autres brefs et lettres apos- toliques en faveur des Jesuites. Chacun de ces quatorze pieces est revetue du sceau ct de la legislation d'un notaire apostolique." — Renouard. Constitutiones Soc. Jesu, 8vo. vellum, "A la finune bulled Litterae Apostolicae, ib. 1568.— Littera; feuillets nou chiftVes." nature et authentication d'uue notaire ^ Roma 1570 apostolique."— /een(Tua»-^. | » ^^^ ^5,^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ j.57, ^ ^^ [^^^^^^^ 368 THOMAS TIIonPF, S Alia editio, cum earum Declamationi- bus, 8vo. - Roma, 1570 Constitutiones Examinis Geueralis Soc. Jesu, 8vo. - ib. 1570 Cauoues trium Congreg. Generalium Soc. Jesu, 8vo. very rare ib. 1573 Fides Jesu et Jesuitarum, hoc est Col- latio DoctrinJE Domini et Salvatoris nostri cum Doctrina Jesuitarum, 8vo. Argent. 1573 Regula; Soc. Jesu, Venet. 1580. — Reg. Provincialis Soc. Jesu, ib. 1580. — Reg. Praepositi Domus, ib. 1580. — Reg. Rectoris Collcgii, ib. 1580. — Reg. Magistri Novitiorum, i6. 1,580. — Reg. Cousultorum, et admonitoris, cum formula Scribendi, ib. 1580. — Reg. Ministri et submiuistri, ii. 1580. — Reg. Procuratoris Coll. et Domus Probationis, ib. 1580, iu 2 vols. 8vo. very rare. " Huit pieces fort rares et qui doi- vent etre reunies." Rerum a Soc. Jesu in Oriente gestarum volumen, 8vo. vellum, Colon. 1574 Doctrina Jesuitarum, 8vo. vellum, 1580 Canones Congreg. Gener. Soc. Jesu, first edition, 8vo. Romx, 1581 Reg. Soc. Jesu, original edition, extremely rare, Bvo. morocco, gilt leaves, Roma:, 1582 " Reliure magnifique. Vim des plus belles de Derome le jcune." — Renouard. Mr. Hanrott's copy of this volumo sold for 61. 16s. 6d, Reg. Soc. Jesu, 12mo. vellum ib. 1582 " Compendium de 90 pages, tres cher autrefois." — Renouard. Regole della Compagnia di lesu, 12mo. vellum, rare - ib. 1582 " Edition je croix originale en Italien.'' —MS. Note. Constit. Soc. Jesu, 8vo. ib. 1583 " Edition plus ample que les prece- dentes." — Renouard. Compendium Privilegiorum et Gratia- rum Soc. Jesa,Ji)'st edition, 8vo. rare, ib. 1584 " Get exemplaire a a la fin, Gregorii XIII. Constitutio de Nova lustituti So- ciet. Jesu coufirmatioue.'' Constitutione di Gregorio Papa XIII. della Confirmatione dell' Instituto della Compagnia di Giesu, 8vo. Venet. Giolito, 1584 Litterae Soc. Jesu, anui 1582, 8vo. Romcc, 1584 '' On y trouve biea de details curieux et instructifs." — Renouard. Vita Ignatii Loiolae qui Soc. Jesu fuu- davit, 8vo. vellum Venet. 1585 Compendium Privilegiorum, et Gratia- rum Soc. Jesu, 12mo. Romas, 158fl " Crevenna n'avoit que la reimpres" sion de 1606.'' — Renouard. Littera; Apostolica3, quibus Institutio, Confirmatio, et varia Privilegia Soc. Jesu, 8vo. rc//u?n - i6. 1587 Regulse Societatis Jesu, Bvo. ib. 1590 Directorium Exercitiorum Spiritualium P.N. Ignatii, 8vo. - ii, 1591 Ratio et Institutio Studiorum Soc. Jesu, 8vo. rare - ib. 1591 " Edition recommandable et precieuse aux yeux des curieux, &c." — De Burc. Constitutiones Examinis Generalis So- cietatis Jesu, 8vo.nea< ib. 1591 " Point chez Crevenna.'' — Renouard, Gregorii XIV. Constitutio ib. 1591 Ordinationes Prajpositorum Generalium communes, toti Socielati,8vo, vellum, rare - - ib. 1595 " Point chez Crevenna." — Renouard. Aliud Exemplar, 8vo, ib. 1595 " Dans celui-ci les pages 4, 5, 35 a 38 ont ete biffees, et ensuite couvertes de papier blanc pour empecher la lecture de leur contenu. Dans le premier ex- emplaire on aperfoit les traces de la coUe qui avoit autrefois reuni ces feuillets pour le meme motif, &c. &c. Et bien que ces articles ne reparoissent plus dans les reimpressions suivantes de Na- ples, Anvers, etc." — Renouard. Regies de la Compagniede Jesus, 12mo. vellum . Tournon, 1.596 "N'est point dans Crevenna." — Re- nouard. LitterfE Apostolicaj, 8vo. Ncapoli, 1598 Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum, 8vo. vellum - ib. 1598 " Troisieme edition dece livre si long- temps fameux.'' — Renouard. Regula; Societatis Jesu, 12mo. ib. 1599 "Ce volume manquoit a la collection de Crevenna." — Renouard. Aquavivse Propositi Generalis Indus- triae pro superioribus Societatis Jesu, ad curandos animse morbos, 12mo. vellum - Fhrent. 1600 Le Franc et Veritable Discours au Roy, sur le restablishment qui luy est de- maude pour les Jesuites, par M. Ar- naud, 8vo. - . j. (/_ " Ce livre est rare."— M5. Note. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 369 Ordiuationes Praepositorum Generalium Instructioues et Formulaj Communes toti Societati, 8vo. Neap. Ifi03 Lettere de' Prepositi Geuerali, 8vo. vellum, - Roma, 1600 Compendium Privilegioium et Gratia- lum, etc. 8vo. -' ib. 1606 Litterae Apostolicaj, etc. 8vo. ih. 1606 Ordiuationes PrJepositorum Genera- lium, Instructione;;, etc. 8vo. <7y. 1606 Ratio atque Institutio StudiorumSocie- tatis Jesu, 8vo. i^ellum ib. 1606 Bulla; Apostol. qua* iis qui in prima Probatioue, caHerisque Novitiis, See. Jesu ostendi solent, 8vo. Roma:, 1606 Constitutiones Examinis Gen. Societatis Jesu, 8vo. - ib. 1606 Constitutiones See. Jesu cum earum Declarationibus, 8vo. ib. 1606 Aquaviva; lustructio pro superioribus ad augendum conservandumque, spiri- tum in Societate, 8vo. - ib, 1606 " Ad augendum spiritum, uon pas TEsprit saint, mais cet esprit de corps, cette perseverance, a la quelle les Je- suites durent leur influence prodigi- euse." — Renouard. Aquaviva; Indnstriae pro superioribus, etc. 8vo. vellum • ib. 1606 Directorium in Exercitia Spiritualia Ig- natii Loiolae, 8vo. - ib. 1606 Exercitia SpiritualiaLoyola>,8vo./i. 1606 Alia editio, 8vo. - ib. s. a. " Cette edition aussiimprimeeaRome, paroit avoir ete faite a I'usage des laics, car on n'y trouve pas une partie iuti- tulee Regulw ad pleniorem spirituum dis- crelionem qui est plutot de discipline que de devotion ; et elle est ornee de 25 bonnes rjravures en taille-douce. Point dans Creveuna." — Renouard. Canon es Congregationum generalium Societatis Jesu, 8vo. Roma, 1606 Regiilae Societatis Jesu, 8vo. ib. 1607 Regulae Societatis Jesu, 12mo. vellum. Liifjduni, 1607 Instructiones et Ordiuationes toti So- cietati Communes, ad Provinciales et Superiores ejusdem, ete. 8vo. 1609 D. Leidhresseri super Doctrina; capiti- bus inter Academiam Parisiensem, et Societatis Jesu Patres controversis, Dissertatio Politica, 8vo. Colon. 1612 Catalogus Scriptorum Religionis Socie- tatis Jesu a Petro Ribudeneira, 8vo. vellum - Antverp. 1613 At the end is Centuria Alartynim So- cietatis Jesu, including Edm. Campiau, Thomas Cotham, Alex. Brian, Henry Walpole, John Cornelius, of Dorchester, Robert Southwell, H. Garnet, T. Garnet, and numerous other Englishmen. Compendium Privilegiorum et Gratia- rnm Societatis Jesu, 8vo. Roms, 1615 Biblioth^qiie Imaginaire de Livrets, Lettres, et Discours imaginaires, 8vo. rare - (Paris) 1615 I.itteras Apostolicac, Svo. Romte, 1615 Aquavivae Industria*, etc. Svo. ib. 1615 Constit. Soc. Jesu cum Declarationibus, Svo. vellum - ib. 1615 Decreta Congreg. Gen. Soc. Jesu, first EDIT. Svo. vellum, rare ib. 1615 Epistola Praepositorum Gen. ad Patres et Fratres Soc. Jesu, Svo. ib. 161.5 Directorium in Exercitia Spiritualia B. P. N. Ignatii, Svo. ib. 1615 AquavivaB Instructio pro Superioribus ad augendum, conservandumque spi- ritum in Societate, Svo. ib. 161.5 Reg. Soc. Jesu, Svo. reZ/wm ib. 1616 Ordiuationes Praepositorum Generalium Svo. vellum - ib. 1616 Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum Socie- tatis Jesu, Svo. - ib. 1616 Instructiones ad Provinciales et Supe- riores Societatis, Svo, ib. 1616 Canones Congreg. Gen. Soc. Jesu cum formulis congregationum, Svo. 1616 Contrepoids aux Jesuites, et auxMiuis- tres de la Religion pretendue Re- formee, Svo. rare - 1617 Disceptatio de Secretis Soc. Jesu inter D. Joannem Canon. Vratisl. D. Lu- dov. Jurisc. Bradenb. et P. Adamum Coutzeu Soc. Jesu, habita, 12mo. vellum - Liigd. 1617 OrdinationesPraepositorum Generalium, &c. Svo. - RomcE, 1617 Reg. Soc. Jesu, 16mo. neat 1619 Relatio facta in Consistorio Secreto coram Gregorio Papa XV. a Fran- cisco Maria Episcopo Porticensi super vita, sanctitate, actis Canonizationis, et miraculisB. Ignatii, Svo. weai 1622 Index Generalis in omnes Libros Insti- tuti Soc. Jesu, 12mo. Antv. 1626 La Sybille Francois qui sous la com- paraison de la Cabale de Loyola au Chevalier d'Epeus, Remontre a la France la resemblance qu'il y a de son estat present, a celuy d'llion,peu auparavant la ruiue de I'empire Troyen, Svo. - 1626 " Piece rarissime contre les Jesuites." Regula: Studiorum Inferiorum Soc. Jesu, 12mo. we/Zuw - 1628 Compendiolum Historiae Trium Mar- tyrum e Societate Jesu, in .laponia crucifixorum, cum aliis vigintibus, 12mo. vellum - Colon. 1628 Litterae iEthiopicaj scripta; a Patriarcha ^Ethiopia; Alph. Meudez, Svo. 7-are Mechlinia;, 1628 P) 370 THOMAS THORPE S Litterae Apostolica; quibus Institutio, Coufinnatio, et varia Privilegia con- tiijontur, 8vo. - Aiilv. 1()35 Ratio atque Institutio Studioium Soc. Jl'su, auctoiitate Septima; Congrega- tionis geueralis aucta, 12mo. velhtrn, scarce - - ib, 1635 Rcgula; Societatis, 8vo. vellum ib. 1635 Compendium Privilegiorum et Gratia- ruin Soc. Jesu, 12mo. I't'/. Anlv.lG'i.^ Formula? Congregationum in quarta generali Congregatione confectae et approbatiE, 8vo. - ib. 1635 Epistolffi Propositorum Generalium ad Patres et Fratres Societatis Jesu, 8vo. vellum - - ib. 1635 Instructiones ad Provinciales et Supe- riores Societatis, 8v'o. ;/;, 1635 Decreta Congregationum Generalium Soc. Jesu, 12mo. vellum ib. 1635 Canones Congregationum Generalium Societatis Jesu, Svo. ib. 1635 Ordinationes Pisepositorum Genera- lium, &c. Svo. - ib. 1635 Index geueralis in Libros Soc. Jesu, H\o. vellum - ib. 1635 Aquavivai lustructio pro Superioribus, Svo. - - ib. 1635 AquavivfE ludustriffi pro superioribus Societatis Jesu ad curaudos aniniaj morbos, Svo. - ib. 1635 Reg. Professorum Classium Inferiorura Soc. Jesu, Svo. vellum, ib. 163S Littera del Mutio Vitelleschi a' Padri e Fratelli della Compagnia, Svo. 1639 Jubileum sive Speculum Jesuiticum, ex- hibens praBcipua scelera, molitiones, fraudes, imposturas, &c. contra sta- tum Ecclesiasticum, Politicumque, in et extra Eurojiseum orbem, &c. 12mo. in rick old morocco, rare Anno 1643 Les Jesuites mis sur I'Eschafaut pour ])lusieurs crimes capitaux par eux commis dans la Province de Guienne avec le Response aux calomnies de Jaques Beaufe, par Pierre Jarrige, Svo. vellum, rare {Hollandc), 1649 Secreta Monita, ou Advis Secrets de la Societe de Jesus, Svo. Padeihome, 1661 France au Parlement, Poeme, Svo. vncut - - ib. 1661 Alph. de Vargas Relatio ad Reges et Principes Christianos de Stratagema- tis et Sophismatis Politicis Societatis Jesu, 4to. - Anno 1665 Les Jesuites mis sur I'Eschafaut, &c. Svo. itncut - Paris, 1677 Les Enlumiuures du fameux Almanach des PP. Jesuites intitule la deroute et la Confusion des Jausenistes, ou Triomphe de Molina Jesuite snr S. Augustin, avec I'Onguant pour la Brulure ou le secret d'empescher aux Jesuites de Brnler des Livres, plates, 12mo. neat, rare Liege, 16S.3 La Vie de Saint Ignace, par le P. Bou- hours, l2mo. uncut Lyon, 16S8 Epitome instituti Societatis Jesu, pp. 760, Svo. vellum Romce, 16S9 Corpus Institutorum Societatis Jesu, 4 vols. 4to. very neat, from the Soubisc collection - Antv. 1702 Magistris Scholarum Societatis Jesu, de latione Discendi et Docendi a Jos. Juventio, Svo. Florent. 1703 Regole della Compagnia di Giesii, 12mo. vellum - Roma, 1716 La Republique des Jesuites au Para- guay renversee, ou Relation de la Guerre que ces religieux out ose sou- teuir contre les monarques d'Es- pague et de Portugal en Amerique, Svo. imcut a la Haye, 1758 Memoire sur les Demaudes formees contre le general et la societe des Je- suites, au snjet des engagemens, qu'elle a contracte par le ministere d» Pere de la Valette, 4to. neat, marbled leaves - Paris, 1161 Nouvelles Observations sur les Juge- meiis rendus contre les Jesuites, Svo. uncut - Bourdeaux, 1763 Le Drapeau Pris relative aux Jesuites, Catboliques, &.c. 12mo. uncut Paris, Renouard, 1824 " Cette fameuse societe, qui a fait taut de bien aux sciences el aux lettres, et tant de mal en politique, ne pcrdoit jamais de vue qu'elle ctoit une puissance sur la terre ; aussi mettoit elle beaucoup d'importauce a ses loix et r^glements, bien difi'ereute en cela des autrcs ordres religieux, pour la plupart desquels leurs status n'etoient qu'un lien, une gene plus ou moins desagreable aux individus, selon le degre de leur piete ou de leur relachement. Pour les Jesuites, au con- traire, ces rcglements etoient un corps d'instruction qui leur etoit cher, et dont I'observance assuroit peut-etre encore plus leurs succes dans le monde, que leur avancement dans la perfection chretienne. Ces ecrites, qui sont assez nombreux, etoient recherches avec avidite par les curieux, auxquels ils etoient le plus souvent souistraits par les Jesuites, qui n'aimoient pas a les voir dans les mains des pro- fanes. La collectiou est celle que possedoit le fameux Cardinal de Brienne, de qui je I'ai acquiseavant sa mort. Je I'ai depuis augmentee de plusieurs des plus rarcs volumes. Les volumes en sout tons dan.? le meilleur etat de couserva- ti#n.'' — Kenoi'ARD. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 371 8793 Jesuits. — Mantissa Ant- Anatomise Jesuiticae, opposita famosis quibusdam contra Societatem Jesii sparsis libellis, qiiornm tituli sunt ; Mysteria Patriim Soc. Jesu ; Consultatio Fr. Juniperi de Ancona Minoritae; Lud. Soterii Relatio, de Ecclesiae Japonicae statu, auctoie Laurentio Forero, 4to. vellum, scarce, 7s. Gd. - (Eniponle, 1635 3794 Jesuits. — Works of Darkness brought to Light, or a Glance on the Mystery of Iniquity, carried on in these Nations by the Jesuits, by S. W. 4to. served, 2s. - 1G59 3795 Jesuits Unmasked ; or Politick Observations upon the Am- bitious Pretentions and Subtle Intreagues of that Cunning Society, 4to. served, 3s. - - 1C79 3796 Jesuits. — Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity, as it is now in Practice amongst the Jesuits and their Emissaries ; with a particular Account of their Antichristian and Devilish Policy, Published by Titus Gates, D.D. 4to. served, 3s. 1679 3797 Jesuits. — Si.\ Letters from A d B r to Father Sheldon, Provincial of the Jesuits in England, illustrated, 8vo. served, 2s. 6d. - . - - 1756 3798 Jetzer.^— The Tragical History of Jetzer ; or, Narrative of Feigned Visions, Counterfeit Revelations, and False Mi- racles of the Dominican Fathers of the Convent of Berne, to Propagate their Superstitions, for which Horrid Impieties, the Prior, Sub-Prior, Lecturer and Receiver were burnt at a Stake, in 1509, Collected from the Records of the said City by W. Waller, Published for the Inforiuation of the English Protestants, with Reflections upon the Dying Speeches of the Jesuits lately executed at Tyburn, folio, scarce, \0s. 6d. - - - 1080 3799 Jewelli (Jo.) Episcopi Sarisberiensis, Apologia Ecclesisc Angli- canse, IGmo. neat, 6s. - - Londini, 1599 3800 Jews. — Decree against certain Jews in Worms for Contumacy, with Sentence of Excommunication, Interdiction, &c. and a long recital about the validity of certain jurisdictions, with the causes tried therein, &c. a curious single sheet, in Latin, about three feet in length, circa MCCCCLXXX, with trvo other broadsides, in German, 1534 and 1543, 10s. 6d. 3801 Jews. — Apology for the Honorable Nation of the Jews, and all the Sons of Israel, by Edw. Nicholas, 164S. — Conference betwixt a Papist and a Jew, 1678. — Conversion and Perse- cutions of Eve Cohan, now called Elizabeth Verboon, a person of Quality of the Jewish Religion, who was baptized the 10th October, 1680, at St. Martins-in-the-Fields, by the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, 1680. — Question whether a Jew born within the British Dominions, was, before the making the late Act of Parliament, capable by Law, to pur- chase and hold Lands to him and his heirs, fairly stated and considered, nith facsimile of trvo ancient Charters, and Ex' tracts from various others relating to the Jens, from the earliest j)eriod, including Magna Charia, ^'C. 1753, 4to. scarce, \2s. ^dZ THOMAS THORPE S 3802 Jews. — Case of Henry Simons, the Polish Jew Merchant, His Tryal at Chelmsford, and his Appeal to the Public, 1753. — Case and Appeal of James Ashley, of Bread Street, London, with the Trials and whole case relating to Simons the Polish Jew, n'llh his portrait, two tracts, 8vo. 6s. - 1753 3S03 Joannis Chrysostomi Dialogi VI. Graece, 4to. Jine copy, vellum, scarce, \Os.Qd. - Lovanii, Rescius, 1529 3804 Joannis Chrysostomi de Virginitate Liber, a Julio Pogiano conversus,4to.^ne CO/)?/, h.h. neat, 5s. Romce,P.Manutius,l562 3805 Joannis Damasceni Liber Barlaam et Josaphat Indise regis, fine copy of a very early, if not the first edition, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 41. 4s. - sine loco aut anno. *** This rare edition is evidently printed by Eggestein. 3806 Joannis Damasceni Liber Barlaam et Josaphat, {oWo, fine sound copy, elegantly bound in morocco^ gilt edges, extremely RARE, 3/. 13s. Qd. - - sine ulld nold. 3807 Joannis Damasceni Liber Barlaam et Josaphat, Germanice, nith MANY VERY SPIRITED WOOD-CUTS, folio, fine sound copy, mO' Tocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 5L 5s. sine ulld notd. *^* " A very curious and amusing romance." 3808 Joannis Damasceni Vita a Joanne Patriarcha Hierosolymitano conscripta, nuperque ab CEcolampadio in Latinum versa, 4to. fine copy, Ss. 6d. - - Jug. Find. 1522 3809 Joannis Damasceni Editio Orthodoxae Fidei ; ejusdem de iis, qui in fide dormierunt, Greece, 4to. fine copy, h. h. vellum, scarce, 10s. 6c?. - - Veronce., 1531 3810 Joannis Damasceni Orationes IIL Apologetici de Sacris Ima- ginibus, Vita Patris Osii, etc. Grasce, 8vo. very scarce, 7s. 6d. Romce, ap. Steph. Nicolinum, 1553 3811 Joannis Damasceni adversus Sanctorum Imaginum Oppugna- tores Orationes HI. Petro Zino interprete, Venet. Aldus, 1554. — D. Gregorii Nyssie Doctissimus in Hexameron Commentarius, Petro Zino interprete, ib. id, 1553, in 1 vol. Svo. fine copies, vellum, 1/. Is. *»* The last book in the volume is thus noticed by Renouard. " Ce volume, pen commun, contenant outre le Commentaire in Hexameron, divers discours et autres Opuscules de Gregoire de Nysse, un de Gregoire de Nazianze, et un d'un autre Gregoire (Theodore), a ete plusieurs fois anuonce de fafon a faire croire qu'il existoit deux editions a cette date. Ce qui est tres-positif, c'est que cette edition Aldine est la seule.'' — Renouard. 3812 Joannis Grammatici in Posteriora resolutoria Aristotelis Com- roentaria Greece, folio, good sound copy, neat, very scarce, IZ. Is. - - Venet. Aldus, \ 504- *^* Sold in the Piuelli sale for 4/. 18s., and in Dr. Heath's sale, with the fol- lowing book, for 11. 17s. 6d. 3813 Joannes Grammaticus in Libros de Generatione, et Interitii, Alexander Aphrodisiensis in Meteorologica. Idem de Mix- tione, Grrece, folio, ^ne copy, h. b. neat, ISs. Venet. Aldus, 1572 %♦ Sold in Sir M. Sykcs's sale for 3/. Is. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 373 38 14 Joannis Grammatici Commentaria, in libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis, ex colloquiis Ammonii Hermeae pro- priisque ejus considerationibus congesta, H, Bagolino inter- prete, folio, ^ne copy^ neat, rare, \Ss. Venet. ap. Hieron. Scotum, 1540 •«* This copy sold at Sotheby's, in 1820, for \l. 19j. 3815 Joannis Metropolitani Euchaitensis Versus lambici in princi- palium festorum pictas in tabulis historias atque alia varia compositi, dedicated to the Archbishop of Canterbury., 4to. fine copy, very 7ieat, os. - Etonce, 1610 3816 Johansen's (And.) Geographical and Historical Account of the Island of Bulama, map, 8vo. calf gilt, by Kalthoeber, 7 s. 1794 *** This copy sold in the Fouthill sale for 19s. 3817 Johansson Dissertatio Philologica Parallelismum inter Lin- guam Hebrseam et Suio-Gothicam sistens, 4to. uncut, 2s. Upsal. 1767 3818 John Bull's Last Will and Testament, as it was drawn by a Welch Attorney, with a Preface to the Archbishop of Can- terbury, 8vo. uncut, Ss. - - 1713 3819 John Bull (Postscript to) containing the History of the Crown Inn, with the Death of the Widow, and what happened thereon, four parts, with MS. Key, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1714 3820 Johnsoni (Jacobi) Schediasmata Poetica, sive Epigrammatum Libellus, 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 21. 2s. 1615 *** This interesting little volume contains poems on W. Cavendish, Baron of Hardwick, King James, Charlesl. when Prince of Wales, Death of Prince Henry, Marriage of the Princess Elizabeth, R. Carr, Earl of Somerset, Sir R. Musgrave, Jane Shore, the unfortunate mistress of King Edward IV., Gamaliel Ratsey (metitioned by BenJonson), and many others. Sold in Bindley's sale for lOZ. 10s. 3821 Johnson. — Catalogue of the Library of Mordaunt Johnson, Esq. rich in early topography, MSS. c^-c. sold by Mr. Evans, LARGE PAPER, very neatly priced, with purchasers' names, 8vo. h. b. neat, uncut, IDs. 6c?. - - 1817 3822 Johnson's (Nath.) Epistle to one of the Princes of Germany on the four Monarchies, Calling of the Jews, Rebuilding of Jerusalem and Canaan, Ruine of Babylon, Extirpation of the Great Beast, Glorious Reigne of Christ, the last Judgement and New Jerusalem, 4to. se?i'erf, 4*. - 1C51 3823 Johnson's (Ralph) Scholar's Guide from the Accidence to the University, or Short, Plain, and Easie Rules for performing all manner of Exercise in the Grammar School, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6c?. - - - - 1665 3824 Johnson's Scholar's Guide from the Accidence to the Univer- sity, Svo. sewed, 2s. - - 1679 3825 Johnson (Ric.) Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus, Quadraginta sex Bentleii Errores super Q. Horatii Flacci Odarum libro primo Spissos NonnuUos et Erubescendos, ostendens, Svo. neat, 3s. (id. - - Nottinghamice, 1717 374 THOMAS Thorpe's 3826 Johnson's (Sam.) Argument provinfr that the Abrogation of King James by the People of England from the Regal Throne, and the Promotion of the Prince of Orange to the Throne, was according to the Constitution of the English Government, 1G92. — Reflections on the History of Passive Obedience, by S. Johnson, 1692, 4to. sewed, 4s. 3827 Johnson's (Sam.) Notes upon the Phoenix Edition of the Pastoral Letter, 4to. sewed, 2s. - - 1694 3828 Johnson (T.) New Booke of New Conceits, with a number of Novelties annexed thereunto, whereof some be profitable, some necessary, some strange, none hurtful, and all delecta- ble, 12rao. black letter, curious and rare, 18s. - 1630 3829 Johnston (Arthur). — Poetarum Scotorum Musee Sacrse : sive quatuor sacri codicis Scriptorum, Davidis et Solomonis, Jobi et Jeremise, Poetici Libri, per totidem Scotos, Arct. Jonsto- nura, et Jo. Kerrum, P. Adamsonum et G. Hogaeum, latino carmine redditi, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. clean copy, neat, 10s. 6d. - - - Edinb. 1739 3830 Johnston. — Inscriptiones HistoricsR Regum Scotorum, conti- nuata Annorum serie a Fergusio primo Regni Conditore ad nostra tempora ; J. Jonstono Abredonense Scoto, cum de Gentis Origine Fragmento And. Melvini, with portraits, Amst. 1602. — Heroes ex Omni Historia Scotica Lectissimi, a J. Jonstono Abredonense Scoto, Lngd. Bat. 1603, 2 vols. 4to. beautifully hound in morocco, gilt edges, very rare, 6^. 6*. *^* Sold in the Roxburghe sale for I.3Z. 13s. 3831 Johnston's (Dr. Nath.) Assurance of Abbey and other Church Lands in England to the Possessors, 1.2mo. 5s. 6d. 1687 *^* Written to quiet the alarm excited by King James's proceedings in favour of Roman Catholics. 3832 Johnston's (R.) Historic of Scotland, during the Minority of King James, translated by T. M[iddleton], 12mo. very neat, 6s. Gd. - - - - 1646 *^* Sold in Mr. Lloyd's sale for 19s. 3833 Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's Islands, 8vo. sejved, 2s. - 1771 3834 Johnson (Dr.) — Catalogue of the valuable Library of Books, of the late learned Samuel Johnson, LL.D,, sold by auction by Mr. Christie, very scarce, 1785. — England's Present Interest considered, with Honour to the Prince and Safety to the People, 1698. — Explanation of the Medals engraved by John Dassier and his Son, Birmingham. — Cooper's Letters on the Slave Trade, 1781. — J. Witherspoon's Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Stage, Glasgow. — Supplement to Dr. Arbuthnot's Works, ib. 1751. — The Satellite, or Re- pository of Literature, Carlisle, 1798. — Address to all who irequent Places of Diversion and Gaming, n. d. — The Hus- bandman's Manual, 1799, in one vol. 12mo. h. h. 15s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 375 3835 Johnson's Dictionary, English and Dutch, 2 vols. 8vo. h. b, neat, \2s. - - Leipzig, 1783-96 8836 Johnson's Life with Remarks, Copy of his Will and Catalogue of his Works, portrait, 8vo. neat, 3s. 6d. - 1785 3837 Johnson's Sermon for the Funeral of his Wife, published by the Rev. S. Hayes, 8vo. seived, 2s. 6d. - 1788 3838 Jonas I'ropheta, heroico Carmine descriptus, item Vita Joannis Baptistoe Graeco Carmine heroico r eddha, 4:to. Jine copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. - - Basdecc, 1 545 3839 Jones's (Basset) of Lammihangel in Glamorganshire, to the Protector, against Col. Johnes, in behalf of his oppressed Father, a curious and scarce tract, relative to the Manor of Wrinston, and other forfeited estates of the Earl of Worcester^ 4to. 10.9. Qd. - - - 1654 3840 Jones' (David) Sermon of the absolute necessity of Family Duties, preached in Lombard Street, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. 1692 3841 Jones's (Dr. Hen.) Remonstrance of divers remarkable Pas- sages concerning the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, re- commended by Letters from the Lords Justices, and Counsell of Ireland, a curious and most interesting historical account of the affairs of Ireland, 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - - - 1642 3842 Jones's (J.) Bathes, of Bathes Ayde, with the antiquitie, com- moditie, propertie, knowledge, &c. dedicated to Heriry Earl of Pembroke, Lord Herbert of Kayerdid, with Introductory Poems by T. Churchyard, T. Lupton, and genealogy of the Founder, and origin of Bath, <5'C. blacS letter, 1572. — Benefit of the Auncient Bathes of Bucksione, which cureth most greevous Sicknesses, &c. by J. Jones, dedicated to the Earl of Shrewsbury, with his Arms, ilacfe letter, 1572. — J. Jones's Discourse of the Natural Beginning of all Growing and Living Things, heate, generation, effects of the spirits, ne- cessary for all desirous of long life, with the order and com- position of a most heavenly water, for the preservation of man's life, with an account of the nature, propertie, and effects of all the Bathes in England, as well the Bathes of the City of Bathe, as the Bathes or Wells at Buckstone, in Derbyshire, black letter, dedicated to the Earl of Shrewsbury, 1574, in 1 vol. 4to.fne copies, russia, \l. lis. Gd. 3843 Jones's Arte and Science of Preserving Bodie and Soule in Healthe, Wisdome, and Catholike Religion, right profitable for all Persons, but chiefly from Princes, Rulers, Nobles, Byshopes, Preachers, Parents, and them of the Parliament House, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, 4to. sewed, scarce. Is. 6d. - - - - 1579 3844 Jones's (Mary) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, lar^e paper, S\o. Jine copy, in the original morocco binding, gilt edges, 12s. Oxford, 1750 %* From Rear- Admiral Lord iNIark Kerr's I^ibrarj', with his Lordshij)'s name writteu in it, but presumed not to be Autograph. It contains a list of upwards of Sixteen Hundubd Sibscribeks. 376 THOMAS Thorpe's 3845 Jones's (Rev. W.) Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity, proved by Holy Scripture, 1767. — Letter to a Young Gentleman at Oxford intended for Holy Orders, 1769.^ — Disquisitions on some select subjects of the Scripture, 1773. — Dissertation on the Offering up of Isaac by Abraham, 1772. — On the Temptation of Jesus Christ in the Wilderness, 1772. — Three Dissertations on Life and Death, 1771. — Reflections, Moral and Critical, on the Life, Death, and Burial of the Patriarchs, 1772.' — Disquisition concerning the Metaphorical Usage and Application of Sleep in the Scriptures, 1772. — Free Enquiry into the Sense and Signification of the Spring, as described in the Song of Solomon, 1772. — Essay on Con- firmation, 1773. — Full Answer to an Essay on Spirit, 1770. — Remarks on the Confessional, 1770, in 3 vols. 8vo. very neat, \2s. *,* The author was Rector of Pluckley ia Kent. 384G Jones' (W.) Muse Recalled, Poems on the Nuptials of Lord Viscount Althorp and Miss Lavinia Bingham, eldest Daughter of Lord Lucan, 4to. uncut, jynvately prinled, scarce, 10s. 6d. Strawberry Hill, 1781 3847 Jones (Sir W.) Discourse on the Institution of a Society for Enquiring into the History, Civil and Natural, the Anti- quities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia, delivered at Calcutta, in 1784. — A Charge to the Grand Jury at Cal- cutta, 1783, and a Hymn to Camdeo from the Hinduu, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. _ _ _ 1784 3848 Jonson's (Ben.) Volpone or the Fox, Jirst edition, 4to. ^ne copy, 1/. 11*. 6d. - - - 1607 3849 Jonson's Catiline his Conspiracy, acted by his Majestie's Servants, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1635 3850 Jonson, Fletcher and Middleton's Widow, Comedy, 4to. sewed, 5s. - . - - 1652 *^^* Sold in the White Knights sale for 9s. 3851 Jordan's (Thos.) Rules to Know a Royal King from a Dis- loyall Subject, with an exact Account of the Jewells of the Crowne of England, whereunto is added a Touchstone for a Traitor, with Poem, Ato.Jtne copy, 10s. Qd. - 1642 3852 Jordan's Money is an Asse, a Comedy, 4:io. fine copy, 7s. Gd. 1688 3853 Jordan! (Leelii) Tractatus de Majoribus, Rerumque Capitalium Episcoporum causis ad Papam deferendis et Uomanae Sedis origine, atqiie authoritate, Veuet. ap. Dominicum Nicolinum, 1572. — Lud. Rodolfini de Sabloneta, Opera Diversa, f^enet. ap. Juntas, 1G06. — De Jure Saculari Romanorum Pontifi- cum M. Ant. Marcelli Liber, Franco/. 1627.— De la Puis- sance Royalle et Sacerdotale par Fr, Grimaudet, s, d. — De Suprema Potestate Regia Exercitationes contra Rob. Bellar- minum et Fr. Suarez, autore Rob. Abbot, Lond. 1619, in 1 vol. A\.o.Jine copies, very neat, a scarce collection, \l. \s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 377 3854 Jordani Osnaburgensis Canonici, Tractatus de Romano Im- perio, 4to. nt. 15s. {Roma;, Lupus Gallus, MCCCCLXXIV.) %* '' Editioa fort rare; les caract^res sont ceux emjiloyes par Lupus Gallus dans le Psalteriuni, Jo. de Turrecremata." — Santander. 3855 Jordensii (G. D.) Josephus, carmine heroico celebratus, 8vo. half bound, vellum, 3s. 6d. - Daventrice, 1795 3856 Jortin (Dr. J.J Lusus Poetici, Poems Latin and English, third edition, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. - - 1748 3857 Joubert, Science des Medailles Antiques et Modernes, pour I'instruction des Personnes qui s'appliquent a les Connoitre, plates, 2 vols. 12mo. 7ieat, \0s. 6d. - Paris, 1715 3858 Journal of all the Proceedings between the Jansenists and the Jesuists, from the first coming of the Provincial Letters, 4to. very neat, 8s. Qid. _ _ - 1650 3859 Journal of the Campaign on the Coast of France, 1758. — An Impartial Narrative of the last Expedition to the Coast of France, 1758. — Letter to a Noble Lord on ditto, 1758. — Letter to Lieut, -General Bligh on ditto, 1758. — Examination of ditto, 1758. — The Duke de Belleisle's Letters to Marechal de Contades, 1759. — Hints for Ordering the Militia Forces in England, 1759. — Old and New Interest, or a Sequel to the Oxfordshire Contest, being a complete collection in prose and verse, of all the Election Squibs at the County Election, between Lord Parker and Sir Edward Turner, with Key of Names in MS. and Notes, in a contemporary hand, 1753.— Reasons for continuing the present Parliament, 1733, in one vol. Svo. neat, 7s. 6d. 3860 Journal of Travels through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, the Route of Sir Gore Ouseley's Diplomatic Mission from England to the Court of Persia; with a Dissertation upon the Antiquities of Persepolis, illustrated by nearly eighty Viervs of Places, Monuments, Inscriptions, ^'c. second edition, 2 vols, in 1, oblong folio, boards, 2l. 2s. - 1832 *,* The purchase of the entire property of Mr. Price's works, since his la- mented decease, enables the publisher to reduce the publication price of this highly esteemed work to two guineas. The illustrations, which are very numerous, are many of them admirable for their spirit and effect, and exhibit much that has hitherto been unattainable by any European traveller. The second volume comprises the Journal of the route of a portion of the embassy back to Constantinople and Smyrna, and the voyage hence to England. 3861 Jovian. — Letter of Remarks upon Jovian, by a Person of Quality, 4to. served, 2s. - - 1683 3862 Jovii (Pauli) Turcicarum Rerum Commentarii, etc. cum prae- fatione P. Melancthonis, Svo. 2s. Gd. Vitebergcc, 1537 3863 Jovii Descriptio Larii Lacus, map, 4to. fine copy, scarce, printed with Aldine type, 7s. Gd. Venet. Zilettus, 1559 Joye (George). — See Osiander. 3864 Judith, Drama Comico-Tragicum Specimen continens firmis- simi Civitatis praesidii, a Betuleio, 12mo. vellum, gilt leaves, 4s. - - - Lavingce, 1611 3C 378 THOMAS Thorpe's 3865 Juelli Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 12mo. neat, 3s. 6d. Cantabrigice, 1683 3866 Juliani Imp, de Csesaribus Sermo, Gr. et Lat. Paris. 1577. — Salamonii de Principatu, lib. VI. ib. 1578. — Peplus Italiee, J. M.Toscani opus,i6. 1578. — Rueus de Gemmis, ?7>, 1547. — Hieron. Hangestus de Libero Arbitrio et ejus coefficientia in Luiherum, Paris. J, Petit, s. a. in 1 vol. 8vo. Jine copies, neat, 7s. 6d. 3867 Julii II. Litterae Apostolicae Institutionis Collegii Scriptorum Archivi Ro. Curias; et Excrcitu, ac Privilegiorum eorundem, Romce, 1507. — Julii II. Monitorium contra Jo. Bentivolum et ei adherentes, in Italian, Forli, 1506. — Monitorium con- tra Venetos, Romce, JMazochius, 1509. — Bulla Julii II. super privatione Alphonsi Ducis Ferrarite, Bononice, 1510. — Bulla Declarationis Incursus Censurarum et Penarum contentarum in Bulla Privationis Alphonsi Estensis tunc Ducis Ferrariae, contra Carolnm de Ambosia, etc. ib. 1510. — Oratio Ant. Geleacii Bentivoli, nomine Bononiensium, habita apud Alex- andrum VI. in 1 vol. 4to. Jine copies, half bound, vellum, scarce collection, 8s. 6d. 3868 Julius II. — Publicatio Sanctissimi Foederis inter Julium Secun- dum Pont. Max. et Maximilianum Electum Imp. nuper initi, in Italian, 4to. very scarce, 7s. 6d. - 1512 %* At the eud is au order that no one should print it without license of the Secretary, under a penalty of 100 gold ducats. 3S69 Julius II. — Dialogus viri cujuspiam eruditissimi, festivus sane ac elegans, quomodo Julius II. post mortem coeli fores pul- sando, ab janitore illo D. Petro, intromitti nequiverit, etc. Svo. Jine copy, very scarce, 8s. Gd. sine ulld notd. 3870 Julius Secundus, Dialogus, Interlocutores Julius, Genius, D. Petrus, 12mo. fine copy, half bound, nt. 8s. 6d. Oxonice, 1669 *5(5* See an account of this curious book and its editor, T. Gilbert, in Wood's Atheuffi. 3871 Julius Secundus, Dialogus, Interlocutores Julius, Genius, et S. Petrus. Ejusdem accessit Euclides Catholicus, Rom. Ecclesiae Fidem non minus lepide Demonstrans, quam Mores Artesque Rom. Pontificum graphice depinxit Erasmus, 8vo. scarce and curious, 5s. - Oxonice, 1680 3872 Julius II. — Vie du Pape Jules II. Grand Ennemy du Bon Roy Louys XII. Roy de France, et de Francois gens des bien tant Ecclesiastiques qu'Autres, 8vo. Jine copy, in old french morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, 1 /. I *. - 1615 3873 Julii III. Bulla, qua Concilium, ad Kal. Maii rursus fuit con- vocatum Tridentinum, cum Commentariolo D. Vidse, 12mo. 3s. ' - - Magdeburgi, 1551 3874 Jurieu, Prejugez Legitimes contre le Papisme, 2 vols. 4to. neat, \0s. lid. - - /^tnst. 1685 *jif* " Ouvrage ou Ton cousidere I'Eglise Romaine dans tons ses dehors, et ou I'on fait voir par I'histoire de sa conduite qu'elle ue peut etre la veritable Eglise, a I'exclusion de toutes les autres communions du Christianisme, comme elle pre- tend." CATALOGUE OF «O0KS. 379 SS75 Jurieu's Accomplishment of tlie Scripture Prophecies, espe- cially those of St. John, in reference to the French Revolu- tion, 1793. — On the several Estates of Man, in Earth, Heaven, and Hell, 1775. — History of Modern Entliusiasm, from the Reformation to the present time, 1757. — Letter to Dr. Hawkesworih for the perusal of the very learned Deists, 1773, in one vol. 8vo. veat, 7s. 6d. 3S76 Junii (Hadriani) Jo. Sambuci et Andreae Alciati Emblemata, cum Enigmatibus, etc. tvood-culs, in 1 vol. 12mo. vellum, 6s. Antverpice, Plantin. 1585 3877 Junii (Stephani) Vindicite contra Tyrannos : sive, De Princi- pis in Populum, populique in Principem legitima potestate, with autograph of C. Layer, 8vo. vellum, rare, 15s. 1580 *^* "This book belong-ed once to Counsellor l,ayer, who was executed for high treason, in the beginning of the reigu of George the First. A curious cir- cumstance this, that a treatise written expressly against tjrauts and arbitrary power, should have been in the library of a man who was employed in the ser- vice, and was active in the restoration to power of a family who had lost their inheritance to the crown of these kingdoms by their violent and arbitrary pro- ceedings against both the civil and religious rights of the people of Great Bri- tain !'' — Manuscript Note by J. Bindley, in whose sale it was purchased for 1/. 8s. S878 Justi (P. P.) Specimen Observationum Criticarum, in quibus varia veterum Scriptorum, nee non Juris Romani loca expli- cantur aut emendantur, 4to. h. b. veil. 45. (Sd, Viennce, 1765 3879 Justini Martyris Eversio falsorum Aristotelis Dogmatum, Gul. Postello interprete, 12mo._y??2e copy, in rich old morocco, gilt edges, scarce, Ss. 6d. - - Varisiis, 1552 *^* Sold in the Roxburghe sale for \l. Is. 3880 Justiniani Imp. Autenticse De Rebus Sacris per Compendium a J. Cochlseo commemorate, 12mo. very neat and scarce, 8s. Lipsice, 1529 %* Dedicated to Nicholas West, Bishop of Ely. 3881 Justini Historici Clarissimi, in Trogi Pompeii Historias Exor- dium, folio, ^ne clean copy, morocco, with joints, gilt edges, VERY RARE, 21. I2s. 6d. Ant. Zarotus, MCCCCLXXIV. *«* A copy sold, in 1827, for 11. 10s., the Pinelli copy for 4i. 10s., a,nd the La Valliere for 90 francs. 3882 Justini in Trogi Pompeii Historias Opus, folio, fine sound copy, in oldfrench morocco, very rare, 2l. 2s. Venet. per Ph. Condam Petri, MCCCCLXXIX. *^* " A curious and valuable book.'' Not in Earl Spencer's catalogue. Sold in the La Valliere sale for 81 francs. 3883 Justinus Historicus et L. Florus a Ph. Beroaldo correctus, 8vo. in old red morocco, 10s. 6d. Florentice, P. Junta, 1510 3884 Justini Historiae, cum Imperatorum Vitis ab iEmilio Probo, 8vo. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 2l. 2s. sine ulld notd. *^* A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1 J22. — See Renouard, No. 8 of his List of Aldine imitations. 3885 Justini Historiae Philippicae, 12mo. in rich oldfrench morocco, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. - - Amst. 1 722 380 THOMAS Thorpe's 3886 Justino, Historia General de Trogo Pompeyo, nood-cut title, folio, rare, 85. Qd. - cicala de Henares, 1540 3887 Justiniani (Joannis) Brevis Commentariolus Memorabilis facti, Principis Maximiliani Boheinise Regis, ^io. Jine copy, scarce, 3s. 6d. - - - Patavii, 1550 3888 Juvenalis Satyrae, cum Commentario Domitii Calderini, folio, half bound, neat, very rare, 2l. \2s. 6d. Venetiis, -per Jacobum de Rubeis, MCCCCLXXV. *«* "A rare and valuable edition, as it presents us, for the first time, with the Commentaries of Calderinus in union with the text of the poet." Sold in the La Valliere sale for 100 francs, and in the Crevenna for 92 francs. 3889 Juvenalis Satyrse XVI. folio, with manuscript notes, a rare edition, 7s. 6d. - - Lips. 1502 3890 Juvenalis et Persius, tall copy, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt leaves, extremely rare, 41. is. Barth. Trot. 1515 %* Sold in Renouard's sale for 10/. 10s. See No. 47 of his List of Ljoncse counterfeits. 3891 Juvenalis et Persius, 12mo. uncut, morocco elegant, with joints, top edges gilt, ll. lis. Gd. Jmst. Elzevir, 1671 3S92 Juvenalis et Persius, ed. Hawkey, prize copy, 8vo. in old red morocco, gilt edges, 7s. 6d. - Dublinii, 1746 3893 Juvencius (Josephus) Magistris Scholarum Inferiorum Socie- tatis Jesu, de Ratione discendi et docendi ex decreto Con- greg. Gen. XIV. 8vo. neat, scarce, 10s. Gd. Parisiis, 1711 •jif* " Ce livre du P. Juvency est un des meilleurs qu'on ait de ce genre, et des EHoins connus." 3894 Juvencus Presbyter, immensam Evangelicae Legis majestatem heroicis versibus concludens a Jodoco Badio paucis elucida- tus, 4to. scarce, 5s. Gd. - Paris. 1506 3895 Kalmar (Georgii) Prjecepta Grammatica atque Specimina Linguae Philosophicae sive Universalis ad omne vitae genus accommodatae, curious plates, 4to. vellum, Gs. Berolini, 1772 3896 Keach's (B.) War with the Devil; or the Young Man's Con- flict with the Powers of Darkness, in verse, with wood-cuts, l2mo. clean copy, 2s. - - 1776 3897 Keessel (Godefridi van den) Oratio de Advocate Christiano, 4to. sewed, uncut, 2s. Gd. - Lugd. Bat. 179)2 3898 Kelneri (Clementis) Carmen Grsecumde Angelis, 4to. presenta- tion copy from the author to Sagittarius, 3s. Gd. Witleb. 1556 3899 Kelsall's (Rev. C.) Letter to the Society of the Dilettanti, on the Works in Progress at Windsor, 12mo. boards, uncut, with three large folding plates, privately printed, 6s. 1827 *^* An attack upon the alterations then proceeding at the Castle. On the title are the following lines : — " At Windsor Castle let us pass a day, Where all cry out ' What sums are thrown away I' So proud, so grand ; of that stupendous air, Soft and agreeable came never there. Greatness with Wyatt dwells in such a draught. As brings all Brobdignag before your thought. To compass this his building is a town ; The ^^'indsor towers eye not with a frown, Grandeur like his demands a mural crowu." CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 381 3900 Kemble (J. M.) Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, Collec- tion of Anglo-Saxon Charters, edited by J. M. Kemble, Esq. with plates, 2 vols. 8vo. new, in bds. ll. is. Londini, 1839-40 *,* The above is a most valuable work, published at the expense of the Eng- lish Historical Society. 3901 Kemble's (John Philip) Fugitive Pieces, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, very rare, 31. 3s. - York, 1780 *»* Copies of the above poems have produced from 10/. to 15Z. The author bought them up at any price, and destroyed nearly the whole impression. 3902 Kemp's ( W.) Treatise of the Nature, Causes, Signs, Preserva- tion from, and Cure of the Pestilence, 4to. sewed, scarce, 4s. 6d. - - - 1665 3903 Kemper (Jo. Melch.) Oratio de ^tatis Nostras fatis, exemplo gentibus ac prajsertim Belgis, nunquam negligendo, 8vo. sewed, 2s. - - Lugd. Bat. 1816 3904 Kennedy ( B. H.) Carmen Graecum et Latinum Numismate Annuo dignatum, et in curia Cantabrigiensi recitatum, Co- mitiis Maximis, etc. Svo. 3s. - 1824 3905 Kennedy's (J.) New Description of the Pictures, Statues, Bustos, Basso-Relievos, and other Curiosities at Wilton, the Seat of the Earl of Pembroke, Svo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Salisbury, 1774 3906 Kennedy. — Letters from the Lady Margaret Kennedy to John Duke of Lauderdale, portrait and facsimiles, 4to. bds. 21. 2s. Edinb. 1828 *** A most interesting and curious historical volume, privately printed for the Pannatync Club. Lady Margaret Kennedy afterwards married Bishop Burnet. 3907 Kennedy's (Matthew) Chronological, Genealogical and Histo- rical Dissertation of the Royal Family of the Stuarts, begin- ning with Milesius, the stock of those they call Milesian Irish, and of the old Scottish Race, and ending with his pre- sent Majesty King James IIL of England and Ireland, and VIII. of Scotland, Svo. very neat and scarce, \l. \\s. 6d. Paris, 1705 3908 Kennedy. — A private Bill for sale of the Estate of Sir Richd. Kennedy, Bt. deceased, in Ireland, forfeited during the Life of Sir William Kennedy, his great Uncle, Sir W. Dudley's Case, with Mr. Jones's Remarks relating to the said Estates, folio, sewed, 3s. - . - (1720) 3909 Kennicotti (Benj.) Epistola ad J. D. Michaelis de censura primi Tomi Bibliorum Hebraicorum, Svo. uncut, 2s. Oxonii, 1777 3910 Kennet's (White) Parochial Antiquities, attempted in a His- tory of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks, with Index and Glossary of obsolete words and phrases, 2ilates, 4to. neat, 21. 2s. Oxford, 1695 *»* "'i'his laborious compilation will be duly valued, as long as ecclesiastical history bears any repute amongst us." — Bishop Nicolwn. Mr. Willet's copy sold for 11/, lis. and Mr. Brockett's for 8/. \os. 382 THOMAS THORPE S 3910*Kennet's Complete History of England, with tlie Lives of tlie Kings and Queens thereof from the earliest account, portraits, 3 vols, folio, fine copy, in the original binding, neat, 21. 125. 6d. - - - 1706 3911 Kent's (Nath.) Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property, 8vo. very neat, 4s. 6d. _ . - 1793 3912 Kent. — Collection of Tracts illustrative of the His- tory OF this County, in 1 vol. 4to. very neat, 21. V2s. 6d. 1640-1778 The Jbllomng is a brief List of the Titles: Grant of the benevolence or contribu- tion to his Majestic by the Clergie of the province of Cauterburie 1640 Sermon and prophecie of James Hunt of the county of Kent, who professeth himself a prophet, curious wood-cut of Hunt preaching in a tub 1641 Pym's speech to the Lords concerning the petition of the knights and gentry of the county of Kent 1641 Petition of the commons of Kent, with certaine instructions from them to Mr. A. Skinner, with his Majesty's answer to the petition 1642 His Majesty's proclamation to his county of Kent - - 1642 Declaration of the knights, gentry, and trained bands of Kent, wherein they declare to march against the king's army, and to rescue his Majesty out of the cavaleers' hands, with the par- liament's answer - 1642 Declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the better securing and settling of the peace of the county of Kent, and for enabling them to associate with the city of London, or other counties, and to raise forces, and give battle to all forces raised without the consent of parliament, &c. ; likewise instructions for the lord lieutenant, deputies, and other officers in the county of Kent 1643 Watch-word for Kent, by \V. Jemmat, ordered by Parliament to be preacher at Faversham - 1643 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons concerning the late rebellious insur- rectiou in the county of Kent, ap- pointing a committee to seize upon all armes and horses, and imprison all who have assisted in the said rebellion, or relieved any of the re- bels, &c. - 1643 Archbishop of Canterbury's speech ; or, his funerall sermon on the scaffold : also his prayers used before his exe- cution on Tower-hill 1644 Order of the commissioners for seques- tered estates to levy a tax of sixty pounds sixteen shillings per annum upon Dr. W. Stede of Harietsham, in the county of Kent, a delinquent possessed of four hundred and eight pounds per annum, besides 3000/. personal estate, and in case of re- fusal his estates to be sequestered, the original document filled up and addressed to the doctor, signed by J. Thatcher - 1656 Animadversions upon the Lord Protec- tor's declaration, with a seasonable caution against the Kentish anabap- tists - - 1659 Advice to the freeholders of Kent, a ballad - - n. d. Subject's right of petitioning set forth, occasioned by the case of the Kentish petitioners, with some thoughts of the reasons which induced those gen- tlemen to petition, and the commons* right of imprisoning 1701 Pleasures of Tunbridge, a poem 1705 Case of Sir R. Austen and Sir R. Fur- nese, petitioners for New Romney, in the county of Kent 1727 Duncombe's (John) elegy, written in Canterbury cathedral 1728 3913 Kent. — Animadverter Animadverted, or Observations on Animadversions, published by Thomas Harlackenden, Esq. on several Material Passages in Sir Nathaniel Powel, Bart., relative to the Levels and Sewers in Kent and Sussex, with the Proceedings held at the Sessions at Lenham, Tenterden, Newenden, Cranbrook, Sandhurst in Kent, and Roberts- bridge in Sussex, 4to. sewed, a scarce and interesting tract to (he County collector, \0s. 6d. - 1663 CATALOIJUE OF «OOKS. 383 S914 Kent. — Commission for building Greenwich Hospital, with description of ditto, and the names of the Commissioners appointed, and nominating John Evelyn, Treasurer, at a salary of 200/. per annum, &c. 1695. — Another Edition, enlarged, containing eight more pages, 1695. — Preamble to the Subscriptions to Greenwich Hospital for Seamen, with the Names of the Lords and other Commissioners for the said Hospital, 1695. — True State of Facts relating to Ramsgate ^ Harbour, with flan, 1755. — J. Smeaton's Historical Report on Ramsgate Harbour, by Order of the Trustees, with plans, 1791. — Act for Vesting part of the Settled Estates, in Kent, of the late Sir E. Brydges, and Elizabeth Byrche his Wife, in Trustees, to sell or exchange for the purchase of others to be settled to the same uses, 1795. — Act for Effectuating an Exchange of certain Lands in Ickham and St. Margaret's, between the Guardians of the Poor of Canterbury and T. Barrett of Lee, Kent, 1796. — Act for enabling the Surviving Trustee of the Estates of Sir E. Brydges to Sell or Exchange the same, &c. 1814-15 — Act for Vesting part of the Estates of T. Barrett, Esq. deceased, in Kent and Surrey, in Trustees, to be Sold, and the Money to Purchase other Estates, under the direction of the Court of Chancery, 1822, an interesting collection in one vol. folio, very neat, \l. \\s. 6d. 3915 Kent. — Five Sonnets, addressed to Wootton, the Spot of the Author's Nativity, ito.Jine clean cop7j, 7s. 6d. Lee Priory Private Press, 1819 *** Few copies only printed for private distribution. S916 Keogh's (Jo.) Zoologia Medicinalis Hibernica, or a Treatise of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, or Insects which are known in Ireland, their Medicinal Virtues and names in English, Irish, and Latin, 8vo. scarce.. Is. - Dublin, 1 739 3917 Kerrich's (Thos.) Catalogue of the Prints engraved after Heemskerck, portrait, 8vo. cloth hds. 4*. Cambridge, 1829 3918 Kew Gardens. — The Petition of an Englishman, with plate of the Croix de St. Pillory, and plan of Kew Green, 4to. scarce, 7s. - - - . 1765 *♦* A severe attack upon Lord Bute, which was rigidly suppressed. 3919 Khevenhuller. — L'Histoire et les Actions Heroiques de feu Louis Andre de Khevenhuller, Comte du Saint Empire Romain, Chevalier de la Toison d'Or, &c. with portrait, plate, and genealogical table, Utrecht, 1744. — Lettres Sup- primees, a la Haye, 1751, in 1 vol. 12mo. neat, 3s. 6d. 3920 Kiffin. — Life and Approaching Death of William Kiffin, ex- tracted out of the Visitation Book by a Church Member, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - - 1659 3921 Killigrew's (Hen.) Conspiracy, a Tragedy, 4to. fine copy, h. b. morocco, scarce, 15*. - - - 1638 *»♦ The above play was written for the marriage of Lord Charles Herbert, eldest son of the Earl of Pembroke, and the Lady Villiers, only daughter of the Duke of Buckingham, but his Lordship died before consummation. 384 THOMAS Thorpe's 3922 Kiliani (Corn.) Etymologicum Teutonicae LingutB, sive Dic- tionarium Teutonico-ljatinum prsecipuas Teutonicse Linguse Dictiones et Phrases Latine interpretatas et cum aliis non- nullis Unguis collatas complectens, 8vo, h. b. neat, scarce^ \0s. 6d. - - Antv. Plantin, 1599 3923 Kiliani Etymologicum Teutonicae Linguae sive Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum, prsecipuas Teutonicse Lingnaa Dictiones et Phrases latine redditas, et cum aliis nonnullis Unguis obiter collatas complectens, cura D. Ludolphi Potteri, interleaved with a vast mass of additional matter, preparatory to a new edition, in 2 thick vols. 4to. 5l. lbs. 6d. Ultrajecti, 1632 3924 Kimber and Johnson's Baronetage of England, plates cf arms, 3 vols. 8vo. very neat, 1 1. 5s. - • 1771 *jif* The above copy possesses many interesting MS. Notes by Sir Egerion Brydges, but it is imperfect. 3925 Kimchi (Mosche) Rudimenta Hebraica a Jo. Boschenstain diligent! studio revisa, 4to. Jine copy, very neat and scarce, 18s. - - - Aug. Vind. 1520 3926 King's Household. — Copy of a MS. entitled a true Collection of all the King's Offices, Fees of Court, and his Majesty's Household, &c. 4to. sewed, Ss. - - 1606 3927 King (Jo.) Cenotaphium Jacobi, sive Laudatio Funebris Piae et Felici Memoriae Jacobi Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hibernise Monarchae dedicata, 4to. very neat and scarce, 10s. 6rf. - - - Oxon. 1625 3928 King (John Glen) Some Observations on the Climate of Russia, and of the Northern Countries, with View of the Flying Mountains at Zarsko Sello, near S. Petersbourg, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - - 1778 3929 King's(W.) State of the Protestants of Ireland under James II. 1691. — C. Leslie's Answer to ditto, very kare, 1692, in one vol. 4to. neat, 31. 3s. %* " Mr. Lesley is unhappily misled in his politicks; but he has given the world such a proof of his soundness in religion, as many a Bishop ought to be proud of. I never saw the gentleman in my life : 1 know him to be the son of a great and excellent prelate, who on several accounts, was one of the most extraor- dinary men of his age. I verily believe, that he acted from a mistaken conscience, in refusing to swear allegiance to King William, and therefore I distinguish be- tween the principles and the person. However, it is some mortification to me, when I see an avowed non-juror contribute more to the confounding of Popery, than could ever be done by a hundred thousand such introductions." — See Bishop Burners Introduction to the History of the Reformation. 3930 Kirke's (J.) Seven Champions of Christendom, acted at the Cock-pit and Red Bull, in St. John's Streete, 4to. fine copy, 12s. .... 1638 3931 Klaproth (J.) Dernier Mot sur le Dictionnaire Chinois du Dr. Robert Morrison, Paris, 1830. — Meprises Singulieres de queiques Sinologues par W. Lauterbach, ib. 1827, Svo. sewed, 4s. 6rf. 3932 Knell's (Paul) Israel and England Paralleled, in a Sermon before Grayes Inn Society, 4to. sewed, 2s. 6d. - 1648 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 385 S9S3 Knights Templar.— Account of the Knights Templar, by Father Hay, irom the original MS. in the Advocates' Library, 4to. sewed, few copies, privately printed, \0s. iid. 8934 Knowles (Dr. T.) Primitive Christianity, or Testimonies from the Writers of the first four Centuries, Svo. sewed, 2s. 6d. 1789 3935 Knox's (John) Historic of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland, with his Life, Letters, Appellation, and Sermon, folio, LARGE PAPER, neat, 31. 3s. - 1644 3936 Knox. — Life and Death of John Knox, with an Acrosticlc on his Name, and Epitaph by J. L. 4to. 3*. 3937 Konitz (Greg. Breytkopff de) Sapphicum Carmen ad Sanctum Joannem Baptistam, 4to. scarce, 2s. 6d. Liptzk. 1503 3938 Konitz. — Compendium sive Parvulus Antiquorum totam pene complectens Logicen, cum commentatione pro novitiorum instructione, per Greg. Breytkopff de Konitz, 4:io. fine copy, uncut, OS. - - Liptzk. 1513 3939 Kraus(Alberti)InstitutionesLogice, 4to.4s. 6(?. Liptzk. 1517 3940 Kuhlmanni (Quirini) Epistolarum Londinensium Catholica alias nona, ad Wiclefio-W^aldenses, Hussitas, Zwinglianos, Lutheranos, Calvinianos, 12mo. Jine copy of a scarce and in- teresting volume, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 18*. Roterodami, 1679 3941 Kurz (Heinrich) Uber Einige der Neuesten Leisturgen in der Chinesischen Litteratur sendschreiben a Harm Professor Ewald, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - Paris, 1830 *jit* Presentation copy to Klaproth. 3942 Kyd's (Thomas) Spanish Tragedie, or Hieronimo is Mad againe, wood-cut, 4to. sewed, 7s. 6d. - 1633 *»* Sold in Mr. Rhodes's sale for 12s., and Mr. Bindley'sfor 15s. 3943 Kyrbiczer (Joannis) Emblematum Alciati monostichis com- prehensa, Iconibusque alligata indigitatio, Svo. scarce, 5s. Pragce, 1607 S944 Kyriaci Strozae libri duo de Republica, illis octo additi quos scriptos reliquit Aristoteles, cum Dedicatione ad Cosmum Medicem Fl. et Senarum Ducem, Graece, 4to. remarkably fine copy, uncut, vellum, \5s. Flor. ap. Juntas, 1562 %* A beautiful specimen of Greek typography. 3945 Labelye's (Charles) Description of Westminster Bridge, 1751. — Letters Relating to the Scheme for the Repair and Pre- servation of Clay-Roads, 1755. — Clare's Sketch of Book- Keeping, per double entry in the Italian manner, 1755. — Calculation of Taxes, 1756. — Ayscough's Account of the Eye, and Nature of Vision, plate, 1752. — Dr. Huxham's Observations upon Antimony, 1756. — Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, 1747, in one vol. 8vo. 6s. 3946 Laboureur, Tombeaux dcs Personnes Illustres, plates, folio, neat, \5s. - - Paris, 1642 3D 386 THOMAS Thorpe's 3947 Labiissii (Sam.) Ccnturise Duae Epigrammatum ad Maecenatps et Amicos Scriptorum, 8vo. scarce, 5s. Pragce, 1610 3048 LacliiymcB Benacensiiim ob Octaviani Valerii profectionem, Aio.Jine copy, 3s. 6d. - Brixice, 1579 r>949 La Croix du Maine, et du Verdicr, Bibliotlieques Francoises, corrigees et augmentces par M. Rigoley de Juvigny, large PAPER, 6 vols. 4to. Jinc copy, very neat, in french calf, ffilt edges, 21. } 2s. 6d. - - Pam, 1772-3 *^* Best edition of this highlj' valuable and important work, see Brunet. Sold in Talleyrand's sale for 5/. 15s. 6d. 3f).G0 Lactantii Opera, folio, very Jine copy, Jirst leaf illuminated, in t/ie original binding, rare, 2l. 12s. Gd. Venet. per Find, de Spira, MCCCCLXXII. *ijt* " A beautifully printed volume." — Dibdin. " Tres belle edition." — Brunei. .Sold in the La Valliere sale for 92 francs. 3951 Lactantii de Opifico Dei, vel formalione hominis, liber, 4to. scarce, 4.9. - - Lipsice, 1517 3952 Lacy (John) Wyl Bucke, his Testament, edited by J. Hasle- wood, by whom forty copies only were printed for presents, 12mo. scarce, I5s. - - 1827 *»* The testament of Wyl Bucke, an animal so called, consists of ten stanzas; the remainder of the book consists of culinary receipts for the dressing various joints, and making savoury courses of a buck or doe. 3953 Ladies. — Newes from the New Exchange, or the Common- wealth of Ladies, drawn to the Life, in their several Charac- ters, 4to. sewed, scarce, \l. lis. Qd. - 1650 *^* A curious but very severe satire upon several ladies of title at this period, displaying their amours with various persons named, &c. A copy sold in Sir F. Freeling's sale for 31. 3954 Lady's Present to the Fair Sex, shewing the whole Duty of a Woman, 1 757. — Ingram's Essay on the Gout, Heading, 1743. — Ingram's Essay on the Nature of Dysenteries, in a Letter to Dr. Henry Warren, of Barbadoes, Barbadoes for TV. Beeby, 174i. — Proposal to prevent the Smuggling of Wool, 1732. — Letter from a Noble Lord in DubHn to a Gentleman in the Country, Dublin, 1740. — Account of the Proceedings of the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for erecting and promoting English Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1735. — Address tf» the People on the Subject of Popery and the Pretender, 1745 — Narrative of the Sufferings of Robert Barker, in a Voyage to the Coast of Guinea and Antigua, both parts, cuts, 1 763-5. — Cation's Poems on several Occasions, 1763. — Catalogue of the Rarities at Don Saltero's CofFee-House in Chelsea, n. d. — Discourse preached at Berkley Chapel on the day of the General Fast, by John Kidgell, 1761, in one vol. Svo. h. b. a curious collection, 12s. 3955 Ladvocat's Historical and Biographical Dictionary, by C. Coi- lignon, 4 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 18s. Camb. 1799-1801 *»* Sold iu Rev. T. Williams's sale for 3/. 45. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 387 39.56 La Harpe, Coriolan, Tragedie, Paris, 1784'. — La Guerre Civile (le Geneve, ou les Amours de Robert (^ovelle, Poeme Heroique, Bezancon, 17C9. — Catalogue Kaisonne dcs Esprits forts depuis le cure Rabelais, jusqu'au cure Jean Meslicr, Londres, 17C8. — Original Pieces concerning the Trial and Execution of Mr. John Calas, Merchant at Toulouse, who was broke on the wheel in that city, for the supposed murder of his eldest son, to prevent his turning Roman Catholick, with Preface and Remarks, by M. de Voltaire, English and French, 1762. — De la Litterature Allcmande; des defauts qu'on pent lui reprocher, &c. par le Roi de Prusse, Uerl'nt, 1780. — Gui du Faur de Pibrac, Chancelier de la Heine de Navarre et d'Henri IlL Roi de Pologne, par M. Mayer, l.ondrcs, 1778. — Idee sommaire ou vue generale du syst^me Physique et Metaphysique de M. Needham sur la generation des Corps Organises, Bruxclles, 1781. — Epitre au Comte de Tressan sur ces pestes publiques qu'on appelle Philo- sophes, par le Chevalier de Morton, Genece, 1775. — Lettre sur les droits de I'Homme, Zo«(i/e5, 1793, in one vol. 8vo. Ileal, 7s. Old. 3957 Laingaei de Vita et Moribus Theodori Bezae, omnium Haereti- corum nostri temporis facile principis et aliorum Haeretico- rum brevis recitatio, cui adjectus est libellus, de Morte Ed- mundi de Campionis et aliorum quorundam Catholicorum qui in Anglia pro fide Catholica interfecti fuerunt, 8vo. fine copij, neat, scarce, 1 Ss. - Parisiis, 1585 S958 Laire Index Librorum ab Inventa Typographia ad Annum 1500, Chronologice Dispositus cum notis Historian! Typo- graphico-litterariam illustrantibus, nith 'prices, 2 vols. 8vo. served, 5s. - - Senonis, 1791 3959 Lambacheri (Phil. Jac.) Dissertatio Historico-Juridica de Imp. Albert! I. Expeditione in HoUandiam, suscepta ad tuenda jura imperii, 4to. served, uncut, 3s. 6d. Ratisbon. 1758 39G0 Lambe (Dr. John) Description of his notorious Life, with his Ignominious Death, wood-cut, ^to. sened, 3s. Reprint, 1628 3961 Lambert (Francis) His Mind and Judgement of the Wyll of Man, declarynge and provynge hovve and after what sorte it is Captyve and bonde, and not free, taken out of his Com- mentaries upon Osee the Prophete, Englished by Nicholas Jjcsse, nith dedication to Ladye Anne Duchessc of Somerset, black letter, VZmo. scarce, 10s. Gd. London hij John Daye, 1548 3962 Lamberto (Don Juan) or Comical History of the late Times, curious frontispiece, 4to. h. b. neat, scarce, \5s. 1661 *»* " In this satirical work are several stories respecting the principal persons concerned in the rebellion, not to be met with elsewhere. In the frontispiece is a portrait of Richard Cromwell, with Desborough and Lambert leading him by the arms." Sold in the White Knights sale for \l. 14s. 3963 Lamentationes Obscurorum Virorum, Epistola D. Erasmi, quid de obscuris sentiat, cum caeteris quibusdam, 12nio. ^«e copy^ very neat, scarce, 7s. ijd. - Colonuc, lo4!J 388 THOMAS Thorpe's 3964 Lamento de Italia morale et scntentiose tracfando di tucta le guerre state dalla edificatione fino al di presente, in verse, with curious nood-cut, 4to. very scarce, 10s. 6d. senza nolo. ."965 Lancaster's (Dr. N.) Plan of an Essay upon Delicacy, in two Dialogues, Svo. served, 3s. - - 1748 S966 Lancashire. — Ordinance of the Parliament for the dividing of the Church of Holland, in the County of Lancaster, with the Precincts thereof, from the rest of the Parish of Wigan, and making it a distinct Church and Parish of itself, 4to. neat, scarce, 15s. - - 1646 *^* An interesting tract to the county collector, showing the division of the said parish, the inhabitants of each farm at this period, and to which minister iu future the tithes were to be paid by them. ^967 Lancashire. — Discovery of the Cause of the Ebbing and Flowing of the Main Sea, by Ellis Bradshawe, of Boulton, in Lancashire, 4to. 1649. — Evan Price's Eye-Salve for England, or the grand Trappan detected, in a Narrative of the horrid and unheard-of designs of the Justices and Deputy-Lieutenants of Lancashire, ensnareing the Lives and Estates of many Persons of Quality in that County, 4to. 1667. — Lord Delamere's Letter to his Tenants at Warring- ton answered, by one of his Tenants, folio, 1688. — Letter from Manchester, concerning a notorious Blasphemer who died in despair, &c. folio, 1694. — Invention for Drying Malt, &c. upon Tyles, by C. Roby, of Upholland, folio, (1710). — Private Act to enable Thomas Brown, Gent, to grant Build- ing Leases of his Estate in the Town of Manchester, folio, 1720. — Bill to enable his Majesty to grant the Inheritance of the Scite of the Dissolved Monastry of Furneis, in Trust, for Sir Thomas Lowther, Bart., under such a consideration as shall be just and reasonable, formerly the Estates of Sir Thomas Preston, a Papist, who, dying without Issue, King Charles II. granted a Lease to T. Preston, Esq. Grandfather to Sir Thomas Lowther, &c. folio, 1 720. — Case of the Petitioners against Penvvortham Bridge, near Preston, folio, (1740). — Reasons against the same, folio, (1740). — Bill for Repairing and Widening the Road from Rochdale to Burn- ley, folio, 1755. — Bill for Widening and Repairing the Road from Colne, in Lancaster, to Long Preston, in York, and thence through Horton, Camin, &c. to the Road leading from Lancaster to Richmond, folio, 1755. — Bill for tlie Amend- ing, Widening, and Repairing the Roads from Leeds to Otiey, Skipton, Colne, Burkley, Blackburn, Burscough Bridge, Walton, Gisburn, Clitheroe, Preston, &c. in Lanca- shire, folio, 1755, an interesting collection to the county col- lector, II. 8s. 3968 Lancashire. — Review of the Political Events at Manchester, during the last Five Years, being a Sequel to the Trial of l'\ Walker and others, for conspiring to overtlirow the Govern- ment, .Ic. 8vo. It. b. neat, 7s. Cd. - 1794 CATALOGUE OI' HOOKS. 389 3969 Lancashire. — Political Mountebank, in which Cobbett's Claims to a Seat in Parliament are submitted to the Electors of Preston, 10 Numbers complete, 3s. 3970 Lancini Curtii Sylvarum lib. X. folio, fine copy, h. b. russia, marbled edges, \l. Is. - Afediolani, 1521 3971 Landed Property of England, on raising the Rental of, by a Scotch Farmer, 1808. — Method of Improving Estates 30 per cent, per annum, 1744. -Facts and Observations relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen, by John Lord Somerville, 1803. — On the Cause and Progress of the Scarcity and Dearness of Cattle, Swine, Cheese, &c. &c. by J. Matthews, 1797.— Grazier's Ready Reckoner. — Art of Improving the Breeds of Domestic Animals, by Sir J. S. Sebright, 1809.^ Account of Mr. Thomas Johnston's Improvement of the Live Stock of the Kingdom of Ireland, Dublin, 1777, in one vol. 8vo. neal, 7s. 6d, 3972 Landini (Chr.) Quaestiones seu Disputationes Camaldulenses, FIRST EDITION, sine loco aul anno, circa MCCCCLXXII. — M. A. Sabellici Annotationes Veteres et Recentes, ex pluri- bus Authoribus, Venet. per Jo. Tacuinum de Tridino, 1508, folio, vellum, 185. *,* Bandino supposes the first work, which was written by Landino, in 1468, to have been printed in 1472. — Sp. Lilt. Flor. vol. ii. pp. 3, 192. He was unable to find the Vatican copy, although it appeared in the catalogue of that library. The Disputationes Camaldulenses, while they depict the means of instruction adopted by Landino in the education of his pupils, afford, at the same time, the fairest evidence of their proficiency. This volume was purchased in Marsh's ^ale for 1/. 10s., and the first book sold in the Creveuna sale for 35 francs. 3973 Lando (Rocco) Favola della Rosa, Finegia, 1548.— Centoni del Petrarcha di M. Giulio Bidelli Senese, rare, 1551.— Lamento Doloroso dell' Italia, Vinegia per Mattheo Pagano, 1557, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. morocco, \0s. 6d. 3974 Landt (Jacobi) Dissertatio de iEtate Puerili, 4to. h. b. neat, 3s. 6d. - - Lugd. Bat. 1819 3975 Lane's (Col. Edw.) Image of our Reforming Times, or Jehu in his proper Colours, displayed in some Exercitations, 4to. sewed, 4s. _ _ _ 1654 3976 Langbaine's (Ger.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, with Observations and Remarks on their Lives and Writings, Oxford, 1691. — Lives and Characters of the English Dra- matick Poets, also an exact Account of all the Plays that were ever yet printed, begun by Langbaine, and continued to the present time, 1698, 2 vols, \2mo.h. b. russia, 10s. Gd. 3977 Langii (Jo.) Apologia pro M. liarptolomeo Prseposito qui Uxorem in Sacerdotio duxit, 4to. very scarce, 5s. Erphurdice, 1521 3978 Langi Elegia pro Christianis contra Turcas, 8vo. very neat, gilt edges, 7s. Gd. - - Antv. 1540 3979 Langi Oratio Danielis, Priesentibus Reipublicae Christiana; Temporibus accominodata, in verse, 12mo. sewed, 2s. Fralislavice, 1548 390 THOMAS THORPE S 3980 Langlcs (L. M.) Catalogue des Livres imprimc-s et Manu- scrits composant sa Bibliotheque, neatly 'priced, a viagnificent collection, 8vo. h. h. neat, 12s. - Paris, 1825 S98I Langley's History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Des- borough and Deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire, including the Towns of Wycombe and Marlow, and sixteen Parishes, p/a/ei', 4to. h. h. neat, \l. \\s. Gd. - 1797 *»* Au interesting copy, with manuscript notes by the author and the late J. Caley, Esq. Keeper of the Records. Sold iu Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 41. 4s. 3982 Language. — Ground Work, or Foundation laid, or so in- tended, for the framing of a new perfect Language, and an universall or common Writing, 4to. sewed, 5s. 1652 3983 Languages. — Treatise concerning Tongues, appertaining to Learning the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Chaldean, Syrian, and Arabian, by Ed. Reeves, 4to. served, 3s. - (1652) 398'1' Lansdowne. — Catalogue of the entire Library of the Marquis of Lansdowne, also the Maps, &c. three parts, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, 8vo. h. b. rtissia, 10s. 6c?. 1806 3985 Lapini (Euphrosyni) Institutiones Graeca^ ad Machiavellium, Jirst edition, 4to. neat, 7s. 6d. Florent. Torrentinus, 1560 3986 Lascaris (Constantini) Institutiones Universaa, Cebetis Tabula, rhilolai Crotoniatae Carmina Aurea, Si.c. Gr. et Lat. ex in- terpretatione et notis J. M. Tricaelii, ito.Jitie copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. Ferrarice per J. Maciochum, 1510 *#* " Cette edition, fort estimee des savans, est encore recherchee par les curieux, et les exemplaires en sont fares; elle renferme plusieurs pieces qui ne sont point dans les precedentes. II est a remarquer que dans cette edition les Carmina Aurea attribu6s jusqu'a present a Pythagore, sont donnes a un autre auteur : Question singuliere, qui peut avoir cependant des sectateurs, et iut6- resser la literature.'' — De Bure. Sold iu Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 3Z. 3987 Lascaris Compendium octo Orationis Partium et aliorum quorundara necessariorum, Gr. et. Lat. 4to. neat, \l. Is. Venet. Aldus, 1512 *,* Sold iu Sir M. Sykes's sale for 41. 4s. 3988 Lascaris de Octo Partibus Orationis, de Constructione, et de nomine et verbo lib. IH. et de pronomine secundum omnem linguam et poeticum usum Opusculum, Gr. et Lat. 4to. /(. b. neat, a rare edition, 18s. Lovanii, Th. Martinus, s. a. *^* This copy was purchased, in 1825, for 3/. 3s. 3989 Lascaris de Octo Partibus Orationis, Graece, 8vo. vellum, 8s. 6d. - RomcE ap. Barth. Zannettum, 1608 3990 Lascaris Epigrammata, Gr. et Lat. 4to. neat, scarce., 7s. 6d. Paris. 1544 3991 Last East Indian Voyage, containing much variety of the state of the several Kingdoms where they have traded ; with Let- ters from three several! Kings to the King's Majestie of England, 4to. morocco, gilt edges, 2/. 2s. - 1606 *»* One of the scarcest and most iuti icsling of all the early voyages to India. 8old in Sir P. 'Ihompsou's sale for 3/. IGs. CATALOGUE OF KOOKS. 391 3992 Lasius's(G. S. O.) Catalogue of a Collection of Fossils, from the Hartz Mountains, 8vo. sewed, Is. (Jd. Dublin, 1805 3993 Latinii (Latini) Epistolae, Conjecturae, et Observationes, sacra profanaque eruditione ornatse, ex Bibliotheca Cathedralis Ecclesiae Viterbiensis a Dominico Magro collectae, 4to.^«e copy, neat, marbled edges, scarce, 18*. - Romce, 1G59 3994 Latomi (Jacobi) de trium Linguarum et studii Theologici Ratione Dialogus, 4:to. Jine copy, 4*. - sine ulld nold. 3995 Laudatio in Funere dementis XIII. Pont. Max. large paper, royal 4to. served, 3s. 6d. - Venetiis, 1769 3996 Lauderdale (Earl of) Thoughts on Finance, 4to. sewed, last leaf torn, but not imperfect, Ss. 6d. - 1797 3997 Lavizari (Pet. Angelo) Memorie fstoriche della Valtellina, 4to. vellum, 4s. (id. - - Coira, 1716 3998 Law. — Proposals of Divers Attorneys of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, for regulating the Proceedings, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1650 3999 Law. — Rules and Orders for the Court of Common Pleas, at Westminster, 4to. sewerf, 3s. - - 1654 4000 Law. — England's Law Judge and Lawyer, by G. C. Cooke, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1656 4001 Law. — Thoughts concerning the Study of the Laws of Eng- land in the Two Universities, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1708 4002 Law. — Discourse on the Study of the Law, being an Intro- ductory Lecture, read in the Public Schools, by W. Black- stone, Esq. published by the direction of the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Houses and Proctors of the University of Oxford, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - Oxford, 1758 4003 Law and Divinity United to destroy the Honest and Indus- trious detected and exposed, in a Trial between Miss C. M. Hulse, Sister to Sir Edward and General Hulse, recom- mended by the Bishop of Durham to become an Inmate in the House of T. Clunes, Wine Merchant, Welbeck Street, with Letters, (a curious case of a wrong-headed but injured man) 1808. — View of the Political Situation of the Province of Upper Canada, by J. Mills Jackson, 1809. — Vindication of the Hindoos, part II., by Col. C. Stewart, 1808. — Pro- ceedings of a General Court Martial in 1792, for the Trial of Capt. Powell, and other officers of the 54th foot, on Charges preferred by W. Cobbett, with several curious Letters, 1809. — Batta Tables, for Bengal Real and Imagin- ary Money, with Tables of Exchange, 1776, in 1 vol. 8vo. very neat, 7s. 6d. 4004 Law's (VV.) Reply to Bishop Hoadly's Answer to the Convo- cation, 17) 9. — Leslie's Letter on the New Separation, 1719. — Account of the late Proceedings in the University of Cambridge, against Dr. Bentley, 1719. — Second Part of ditto, 1719. — Remarks upon a Pamphlet, entitled the Case of Dr. Bentley farther Stated and Vindicated, 1719. — Ac- count of the State of I'rinity College, in Cambridge, under 392 THOMAS Thorpe's the Oppressive Covcrnmcnt of Dr. Bentley, 1720. — Church and the Dissenters compared as to Persecution, by Dr. E. Calamy, 1719, collected by the Rev. T. Baker, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, one of the Ejected Ministers, in 1 vol. 8vo. veat, Q>s. 6d. 4005 Lawrence's (R.) Interest of England in the Irish Transplanta- tion stated, wherein is held forth to all concerned in Ireland's good settlement, in Answer to a scandalous pamphlet, enti- tled the Great Case of Transplantation in Ireland discussed, composed, and published at the request of several Persons in eminent place in Ireland, to the end that all who desire may have a true Account of the proceeding there in the business of Transplantation, both as to the rise, progress, and end thereof, Ato. fine copy, very scarce, \l. \\s. 6d. 1655 4006 Lawrence's Interest of Ireland in the Trade and Wealth Stated, with Reflections on Principles of Religion, &c. 12mo. h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. - - 1682 4007 Lawson's (John) Gleanings and Expositions of some of the more difficult places of Scripture, 4to. sewed, 2s. 1646 4008 Lawson's (John) Lectures concerning Oratory, ^vo. fine copy, in rich old calf gilt, by Johnson, 8s. - 1759 4009 Layng's (Henry) Rod, a poem, in three cantos, frontispiece, 4to. uncut, 2s. - - Oxford, 1754 4010 Lazarillo. — Hurtado de Mendo^a Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidados, 12mo. fne copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 31. 3s. Anvers, 1555 *^* " Hurtado de Mendofa was one of the greatest writers and poets that Spain produced, in her golden age of literature." The above edition is of extraordinary rarity, and is only one year later than the first, which produced, at Col. Stanley's sale, thirty guineas. Jiccordiug to Brunei also, " toutes les ancienues editions de ce roman conservent de la valeur.'' 4011 Lazarillo de Tormes, Vida, }2tr\o.Jine copy, very rare, \l. Is. Madrid, 1599 *^* The Burgos edition of this curious Novel, printed in 1554, sold in Col. Stanley's sale for 31/. 10s. 4012 Lazarillo de Tormes' Pleasant Adventures ; his Arch Tricks, dining with Duke Humphrey, turning hermit, &c. with the Life and Death of Young hazariWo, frontispiece, i2mo. neat, very scarce, 10s. 6d. . _ _ 1688 4013 Leao (Duarte Nunez do) Descrip^ao do Reino de Portugal, 4to. 5s. 6d. _ . - Lisboa, 1610 4014 Leapor's (Mrs. of Brackley, in Northamptonshire) Poems, 8vo. bds. uncut, 3s, (id. - - 1748 4015 Le Brun, Ecclesiastes Salomonis Paraphrasi Poetica explica- tus, 12mo. old morocco, gilt leaves, 7s. Qd. Rothom. 1650 4016 liC Brun's Conference upon Expression General and Parti- cular, in Painting and Sculpture, transl. by J. Smith, plates, fne impressions, 12mo. neat, 5s. Gd, - 1701 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 393 4017 Lectii (Jac.) de Vita ^^milii Papiniani et scriptis seu de Officio Prudentum Oratio, 1594. — G. Crittonii Professoris Regii de dicendi cliaractere vere regio, Parisiis, apttd C. Mo- rellum, 1599. — Ejusdem Oratio de Apollinis Oraculis et de sacro Principis Oraculo, ib. Steph. Prevosteau, 1596. — Pa- negyricus seu llelatio, pro Schola Juris Parisiensi, ib. 1600. — Adriani Behotii Orationes adversariae, de Sermonis perspi- cuitate, ib. 1605. — Telemachus, sive de Profectu in Virtute et Sapientia, ib. 1609, in 1 vol. 8vo. vellum, a scarce collec- tion, 1/. 1*. "iOlS Lectii Poemata, insertas sunt Clar. Viroruni quibus ipse aiit qui ipsi responderunt, veluti Genimse : Liber Solomonis qui inscribitur Ecclesiastes Heroico Carmine redditus, 8vo. neat, lOs.ed. - - - [Genevce'] 1595 *«* In this very scarce volntne are several poems, addressed to Queeu Eliza- beth, Archbishop Whitgift, Daniel Rogers, and Isaac Casaubon. There are highly laudatory verses " de Episcopi Angli Martyrio." Theodore Beza and Lectins speak of each other as intimate associates and friends. 4019 Lectii Poemata Varia, nempe Sylvae, Elegiae, Epigrammata, Epicedia, Ecclesiastes, etc. 8vo. 10s. Gd. - 1609 *,* With the Aldine anchor on the title. 4020 Lee's (Harriet) Canterbury Tales, 3 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. 1799 4021 Lee's (Samuel) Reply to the Serjeant-Surgeons' Defence of their Conduct at Chelsea Hospital, 8vo. sewed, 2s. 1754 4022 Lees' (Sir Harcourt) Compendium of his Anti-Popish Works, containing Antidote, I'Abeja, Cursory View of Ireland, Crisis, Nineteen Pages of Advice, Rehearsal, Mystery, Letter to Wilberforce, Answer to the Mayor and Corporation of Dublin, Address to the King's Friends, Strictures on Rev. Lt. Stennett's Works, with Sir H. Lees' Comments, 8vo. h. b. neat, 5s. - - Dublin, 1821 4023 Leech (David) Scoti, Poemata, Erotica Idyllia et Epigram- mata, 12mo. vellum, very rare, ll. lis. 6d. Loud. 1620 *^* A copy of this very rare and interesting volume of poems and epigrams sold in Mr. Nassau's sale for 3i. 18s. Some of the poems are addressed to James 1. ; Charles I. when Prince of Wales ; W. Herbert, Earl of Pembroke ; Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; Percy, Earl of Northumberland ; the Marquis of Mon- trose ; R. Ayton, T. Dempster, Alexander Earl of Stirling, Drummond of Haw- thornden, A. Johnston, Sir David Lindsay, Buchanan, And. Melvin, Ad. King, J. Maxwell, and many other Scotish poets, nobles, and other illustrious person- ages of the period. 4024 Legal Tracts. — A most interesting and valuable Series OF Thirty-two Tracts, relative to the Privileges of various Courts, Fees, Letters Patent, Prerogative of the Court of Chancery, Registry of Lands, Fee Farm Rents, Inheritance, Use of the Frencli Language in our Antient Laws, Abuses of the Law, and various other subjects, by Lord Chancellors Bacon and Elsmere, Hale, Herbert, Brook, and other eminent Lawyers, in 3 vols. 4to.^?2e copies, new in calf, very «ert/, 4^. 4s. - - - 1009.1813 3 E 394 THOMAS Thorpe's 4025 Lefebure (Nic.) in Solemnes M. Ant. Biirghesii, et Camilla; Ursinse Principum Sulmonis Hymenseos, Poema, printed within borders, 4to. scarce, 3s. - Roncilioni, 1620 402G Legatio ad Csesarem Divum Carolum semper Augustum et Regem Hispaniarum Catholicum, a Principibus sacri Romani Imperii Electoribus, qua functus est princeps Fredericus Comes Palatinus, etc. in Molendino regio, cum Epistola Maximiliani Transylvani, Joanni Alemanno, Burgundioni, nith wood-cut in the title, ^\.o.Jine copy, very scarce, 105. Qd. 1519 4027 Legatio David iEthiopia; Regis ad Clementem Papam VII. Ejusd. David Legatio ad Emanuelem Portugalliae Regem. Item ad Joannem Portug. Regem. De Regno iEthiopiae, ac populo, deque moribus ejusdem populi, nonnulla, 4to. half bound, morocco, \l. lis. 6d. - Bononice, 15 38 *,* A curious, scarce, and interesting volume. Brunei mentions it iu his 'Nmivelles Recherches, from Croft's catalogue, and calls it " fort rare.'' 4028 Legenda Sanctissimi Servacii Tungrensis Ecclesiae praesulis, 4:to.Jine copy, half bound, neat, very rare, \l. lis. 6d. Colonice, per Arnoldum Ther Hoyrnen, MCCCCLXXII. ♦jji* Sold in the La Valliere sale for 72 francs. 4029 Legenda ac Vita Sancti Maximiliani Archiepiscopi Laureacen- sis Ecclesia;, ac patroni nostri Ecclesiae Pataviensis, 4to.^ne copy, very scarce, 7s. 6d. - sine ulld notd. 4030 Legends? Catholicse, a Lytle Boke of Seyntlie Gestes, square octavo, in boards, only forty copies privately printed FOR presents, 1/. lis. Gd. Imprinted at Edinburgh, 1840 *«* The above beautiful little volume contains the Legends of Pope Gregory, Seynt Mergrete, Joachim and Aune, Seynt Katerine, and Marie Maudelein, se- lected from the Auchinleck Manuscript preserved in the Advocates'^ Library. 4031 Legname (Antonio) Astolfo inamorato, Poema d'arme, et d'amore, (Canti XI, in ottava rima,) first edition, ito.Jine copy, half bound vellum, very scarce, 1 1. Is. l^inegia, 1532 *j^* " Volume rare." — Brunei. Sold iu Mr. Hibbert's sale for 21. 2s. 4032 Le Grand (Ant.) Dissertatio de Carentia Sensus et Cognitio- nis in Brutis, 12mo. neat, lOs. 6d. - Land. 1675 *«* With J. Evelyn's autograph thus: — "Ex dono J. M[artyn] R[egalis] S[ocietatis] Typographi, Catalog© J. Evelyn inscriptus. Meliora Retinete.'' 4033 Leicester (Earl of). — Copie of a Letter to the Earl of Leicester, Lt. -General of her Majesties Forces in the Low Countries, written before but delivered at his return, with Report of cer- tain Petitions to the Queen, and other matters relative to his Government, &c. 4to. fne copy, 10s. 6^?. 1586 4034 Leicester's Commonwealth, a bitter invective against Dudley, Earl of Leicester, with many curious and interesting Notices illustrative of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, and many noble families, said to be written by Parsons, the Jesuit, 4to. scarce, 10s. 6d. - - - 1641 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 395 40H5 Leicester's Ghost, in verse, 4to. 5s. - 1641 4036 Leicester's (Earl of) Secret Memoirs, containing an Instruct- ive Account of his Ambition, Designes, Intrigues, Excessive Power, his Engrossing the Queen, with the Dangerous Con- sequence of that Practice, S:c. written during his Life, and pubHsIjed from an old Manuscript, never before printed, with preface by Drake, 8vo. neat, 65. - 1706 4037 Leicestershire. — Nineteen most beautiful Drawings of Ancient Seals, illustrative of this County, relative to Crox- ton Abbey, Gerondon Priory, Grace Dieu Nunnery, Burton Lazars Hospital, Kirby Belere Priory, Langley Nunnery, Lannde Priory, Hospital of St. John, Hospital of St. Leo- nard, Leicester College, Newark College, Osulverston Ab- bey, Uivescroft Priory, Bredon Priory, and (he Abbots, Priors, &c. of the said Religious Houses, very neatly mounted on drawing paper, in one vol. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, richly tooled, Si. ISs. 6d. *^* Nothiug can exceed the beauty and veracitj' displayed by Hewlett, iu his delineation of the above drawings, which were made with a view to publication, and are truly worthy that object. Their value is equal to medals, fixing disputed dates, &c. and it is much enhanced to the historian, county collector, or anti- quary, by each drawing having underneath a description of the nature of the ancient document to which the seal is attached, and from which the drawing was taken : also the date and notice of the archives in which it is to be found, and the date when the religious houses to which they relate were founded. 4038 Leicestershire. — King Charles the First's Speech at Leicester to the Gentlemen Freeholders and Inhabitants of that County, July 20th, a curious broadside, 3s. - 1642 4039 Leichii (J. Henr.) De Origine et Incrementis Typographiae Lipsiensis liber, ubi varia de Litterariis urbis Studiis et Viris doctis, qui in ea claruerunt, inseruntur, ace. Librorum Saec. XV. excusorum ad Maittairii Annales Supplementum, 4to. half bound, neat, is. 6d. - Lipsice, 1740 4040 Leigh's Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak of Derbyshire, numerous plates, and portrait by Faith- orne,fine impressions, folio, neat, \l. \\s, ijd. Oxford, 1700 4041 Leighton's (Sir William) Teares or Lamentations of a sorrow- full soule, 4to. morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 51. 5s. - • - - 1613 *«*j,A poetical volume of extremely rare occurrence. The only other copy that 1 can trace as having occurred, sold in Mr. Bindley's sale for 71. 7s. 4042 Leith's (Sir George) Account of the Settlement, Produce, and Commerce of Prince of Wales Island, in the Straits of Ma- lacca, 1805. — H. White's Calm Appeal to the Consciences of the Directors of the Bank, 1805. — Attempt to explain tiie late Mysterious Conduct of the Rt. Hon, W. Pitt, with Ob- servations on some late Political Events, 1805. — Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, for January, 1 805. — Remarks on Barker's Panorama View of Gibraltar, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, 5s. 396 THOMAS Thorpe's 4043 Lelandi (Joannis) Assertio inclytissimi Arturii Regis Britan- nite, Lond. 1544. — Commentarii in Cygneam Cantionem In- dices Britannicse Antiquitatis locupletissimi, ab eodem, s. a. — F. Barbari de Re Uxoria, lib. II. Paris. 1513. — Omnium Csesarum Gesta, cum plerisque tam Graecis quam Latinis Historiis, in Bellovisu, 1512, in 1 vol. 4to. half bound russia, a scarce collection, 1/. 1*. 4044 Lelandi Cygnea Cantio, cum Commentariis. — Lelandi Lauda- tio Pacis, 4to. neat, rare, 1 5s. - - 1546 4045 Leland's (Dr. John) Second Letter on Christianity not founded on Argument, 1744. — Dr. T. Burnet's Two Conferences on Christianity as old as the Creation, 1730-1. — Letter on Christianity not founded on Argument, 1743. — Laurence on Estates upon Lives and Years, whether in Lay or Church Hands, 1730, in one vol. 8vo. half bound, neat, 5s. 6d. 4046 Leland's (Dr. Thomas) Dissertation on the Principles of Human Eloquence, with particular regard to the Style and Composition of the New Testament, 4to. sewed, 3s. 1764 4047 Leland (Dr. T.) Answer to a Letter, containing an Examina- tion of the Criticism on a late Dissertation on the Principles of Eloquence, in which is particularly shown that Bishop Warburton's Idea of the Character of an Inspired Language, in his Doctrine of Grace, is indefensible, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1765 4048 Lelyveld (P. J. van) Gratulatoria Poemata Gulielmo Frederico Carolo Principi Arausiaco, 8vo. sewed, 2s. Lugd. Bat. 1814 4049 Lelyveld (P. J. van) Franco-Gallus, exsule Gulielmo V. Pos- tremo Gubernalore receptus, etc. Poema, 4to. half bound, vellum, 4s. 6d. - - Lugd. Bat. 1816 4050 Lemery's (L.) Treatise of Foods in General, Choice, Good and 111 Effects, with Remarks, &c. 8vo. neat, 5s. 1704 4051 Lemniscus Historiarum, Narrationum, Fabularum, ex Cice- rone, et aliis probatis auctoribus collectus, 8vo. fine copy, 4s. Delphis, 1598 4052 Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, being Inscriptions on the Monuments of Eminent Persons deceased, from 1600 to 1715, 5 vols, in 4, 8 vo. wea/, 1/. 5s. - 1711-19 4053 Le Neve's Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton, Svo. boards, uncut, 8s. 1 789 *^* Au interesting privately printed volume. Sold iu Mr. Perry's sale for 1/. 13s. 4054 Lenicaeri (Alberti) Elegia in Sacro Nuptiali Henr. Paxmanni et Margaritse filiae Hieron. Krappen, 4:to.Jine copy, uncut, 4:s. IVitteb. 1555 4055 Lennep (J. D. a) in Analogiam Linguae Graecae, cui praemissa ejusdem Oratio de Linguarum Analogia, 12mo. neat, 7s. Ultraj. ad R hen. 1779 *^* On the fly leaf, " e Libris R. Heber — ex dono Viri admodum Reverendi Martini Routh, D.D.'' 4056 Lenton's Inncs of Court Anagrammatist ; or, the Masquers masked in Anagrammes, expressed in Epigrammique lines, upon their several names, 4to. kark, 1/. Us. Gd. 1634 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 397 4057 Leon (J. J.) Portraict du Temple de Salomon, les Vases et Utensils d'Iceluy, etc. 4to. served, 5s. - Amst. 1643 4058 Leon's (J. J.) Relation of the most memorable Things in the Tabernacle of Moses, and the Temple of Solomon, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - - Amst. 1675 4059 Leone, Dialogi d' Amore, 4to. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 2l. 2s. - - Roma, Blado, 1535 *^* First edition, and of extreme rarity. 4060 Leone, Dialogi di Amore, Svo.^ne copy, vellum, 8s. Vinegia,Jiglivoli di Aldo, 1541 4061 Leoniceni (Nicolai) de Epidemia quam Itali morbum Gallicum (Galli vero Neapolitanum) vocant, liber, 4to. scarce, Qs. 6d. Mediol. MCCCCXCVIL 4062 Leonis (Ambrosii) Opusculura de Urbe Nola, folio, remarkably fine copy, quite uncut, 2l. 2s. - Venet. 1514 *„* This very rare volume is illustrated by four very curious copper-plate t;iigravings, one of which is worked in blue ink, representing the topographical situation of Nola, a city in Campania, where Hannibal was defeated by Marcellus, A.C. 214 ; its principal buildings, and a full plan of the city, with its fortifications. Sold in Mr. Monck Mason's sale for 3/. Q>s., and in the Lucca sale for 3/. 7s. 4063 Leonis (Duardi Nonii) de Vera Regum Portugalliee Genea- logia Liber ad Principera Albertum Archiducem Austriae, 4to. fine copy, vellum, gilt leaves, very scarce, 7s. 6d. Oiissipone, 1585 4064 Leonis Imperatoris de Bellico Apparatu Liber, Jo. Checo Cantabrigiensi interprete, l2mo. Jine copy, vellum, gilt edges, rare, \Ss. ~ - - Basil. 1554 *„* A beautiful little volume, containing a long and interesting dedication to King Henry VIII. 4065 Leonis Imp. Tactica : sive de Re Militari liber Gr. et Lat. cum notis Meursii, 4to. vellum, 7s. Lugd. Bat, Elz. 1612 4066 Lerii Historia Navigationis in Braziliam, quae et America dici- tur, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges, scarce, \l. Is. GenevcBy 1586 4067 Le Roy. — Luigi Regio della Vicissitudine o' mutabile Varieta delle Cose nell' universo, lib. XIL tradotti da Hercole Cato, 4to. neat, very scarce^ \5s. - Fenetia, Aldo, 159^ *♦* Prefixed is the catalogue of the Aldine publications then on sale at Venice. 4068 Le Roy (L.) Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the worlde, and the concurrence of Arms and Learning through the first and famousest Nations, translated by Robert Ashley, folio, fine clean copy, h. b. neat, scarce, \l. Is. - - - - 1594 *^* " This worke is a comparison of this later age with all antiquity, in armes, in learning, and all other excellency. There was never any mighty empire or monarchic, kingdom or commonwealth, but is here represented ; no famous founder or governor of state, no learned law-maker or worthy warriour, but is here mentioned ; and each of them to the other in all conveniences and contra- rieties compared : which being done by a man of great learning and judgment, to men of such business and employment, who have no time to fetch every thing from the fountaine, search all antiquitic. and read the histories of all nations, must needs be much available, and the pleasure thereof to all sorts of men accordingly answerable." 398 THOMAS Thorpe's 4069 Leslcei (Jo.) Piae Afflicti Animi Consolationes ; et Anim. Tranquilli munimentum, ad D. Mariam Scotorum Reginam, l)is adj. ejusd. Principis Epistola ad Rossensem Episcopum, et Versus Item Gallici Latino Carmine translati, 8vo. very fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 2/. 2*. Paris. 1574 4070 Leslaei de Origine, Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorum libri X. ace. nova et accurata Regionum et Insularum Scotine cum vera ejusdem tabula Geographica, Descriptio, 4:io.Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 21. 2s. - Romce, 1578 *5S* " A very valuable and interesting work." 4071 Lesley. — Congratulatio Serenissimo Principi et illustrissimo Cardinali Alberto Arcbiduci Austriae, &c. de fausto ac felici ejus Adventu ad Regimen Provinciarum inferioris Germanise, per R. in Christo P. Joan. Leslaeum Episcopum Rossensem Scotum. Item Series Continua vitee et Actionum Ejusdem Rev. Episcopi per attestationem complurium Prselatorum, Nobilium et aliorum, 12mo. fine copy, morocco, gilt edges, 31. 35. - - . Bruxel. 1596 *** This is one of the scarcest of this author's productions ; and the second part, which contains a full account of his life, is particularly valuable and inte- resting, as it comprises curious remarks on the priucipal affairs of the time, the death of the Queen of Scots, &c. &c. 4072 Lesleo, (G. L.) Vita di Santa Margherita Regina di Scozia, \2mo. scarce, \Os.Gd. - - Roma,l675 4073 Lesley. — The Case Reviewed ; or, an Answer to the Case Stated, by Mr. Lesley, in which it is clearly shewed, that he has Stated the Case wrong between the Church of Rome and the Church of England, 8vo. very scarce, 12s. - 1717 4074 Leslie (Walterus Comes de) Csesarea Legatio ad Portam Otto- mannicam, succincta Narratione Exposita, portrait of Leslie, Fien7ice, 1C72. — Jo, Ad. Schall, Historica Relatio de Ortu et Progressu Fidei Orthodoxas in Regno Chinensi per Mis- sionarios Soc. Jesu ab anno 1581 ad annum 1669, portrait of Schall, Ratisb. 1672, in 1 vol. 8vo. fitie copies, vellum, both scarce, I2s. *#* The first book sold in Mr. Inglis's sale for 21. 4075 Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim) Hamburgische Dramaturgie, 2 vols. 12rao. h. b. very neat, 4i. 6d. - Berlin, 1805 4076 Lessing (Jo. Theoph.) Observationes in Vaticinia Jonae et Naliumi, 8vo, uncut, 3s. - Chemnicii, 1780 1077 Lestevenon (Matth.) Catalogue de sa Bibliotheque Magnifique, 8vo. h. b. vellum, 3s. 6d. - a la Haye, 1798 *,* A most superb collection : the historical portion is of the highest value. 4078 Leti (Greg.) Historia e Memorie supra la Vita di Oliviero Cromuele, j)ortrails and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy, very neat, scarce, \l.\s. - - Amst. 1092 *»* Sold in the Fonthill sale for 21. '2s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 399 4079 Letter to Sir J. Packinton, Bt. M.P. relating to the Union of England and Scotland, 4to. 2s. 4080 Letters from a Young Painter Abroad, to his Friends in England, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. large paper, fine copy, old russia, marbled edges, 18s. - - . 1750 *#• Sold in the Fonthill sale for 21. 9s. 4081 Letters from Zilia to Aza, dedicated to the Duchess of Dorset, 4lo. sewed, 2s. (id. - - Dublin, 1753 4082 Letter to two Great Men, on the Prospect of Peace, 1 760. — A Letter to the Great Man, occasioned by the above Letter, 1760. — Answer to the Letter to two Great Men, 1760. — Comments on the Proposed War with France, the State of Parties, and New Act respecting Aliens, 1793. — Political Memoirs, 1793. — Copies of the Articles of Peace, 1793. — Candid Discussion of the Policy of Peace, 1794, in one vol. 8vo. neat, 6s. 4083 Letters between the Hon. And. Erskine and James Boswell, Esq. 8vo. neat, 10s. 6d. - - 1763 *^* An interesting volume of literary correspondence. 4084 Letter from Hon. T. Hervey to the late King, and his Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, 1763. — Proceedings of a Court Martial at Fort Royal, upon the Trial of Major Colin Camp- bell, 1763. — Ditto at the Horse Guards on 'Major General Monckton, on Charges preferred by Major Colin Campbell, 1764. — Thoughts on the State of Literary Property, 1764. — Proposals for Restraining the Abuse of Paper Credit in Scot- land, 1765. — Harrison on the Longitude at Sea, 1765. — Kearsley's Gentleman's Remembrancer ; or. Catalogue of all the English books Published for these sixty years past, with prices, also Plays and Farces, n. d. — Catalogue of all Books Published for ten years past, with their Characters in the Monthly Review, 1760, in one vol. 8vo. 6s, 4085 Letter to the Kt. Hon. George Grenville on the publication of His Speech on the Motion for Expelling Mr. Wilkes, with Letter on Wilkes's Conduct, 1769. — The Rev. David Wil- liams's Letter to Sir George Savile, on the Nature and Extent of Intellectual Liberty, 1779. — Common Place Argu- ments against Administration, 1780. — Four Letters from the Country Gentleman on the Subject of the Petitions, 1780. — Reflections on State Parties, &c. 1746, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. OS. 6d, 4086 Letters on the Principles and Conduct of the Rockingham Party, 1786. — Genuine Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Address, by Fox, Burke, Pitt, Addington, Surrey, Francis, Dundas, Scott, &c. 1786. — Fox against Fox, or Political Blossoms of C. J. Fox, curious cuts, 1788. — Exa- mination of Mr. Pitt's Plan for Diminishing the Public Debts, 1787. — Solemn Appeal to the Citizens of Great Britain and Ireland, 1788. — Major Cartwright's Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, 1792, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 4s. 6rf. 400 THOMAS Thorpe's 4087 Letter to Lord North on his Re-election to the House of Commons, 1780. — Letter to the Bishop of St. David's on his Charge, by a VVelsIi Freeholder, 1790. — Answer to ditto, 1790. — Account of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo, 1792. — W. Knox's Letter to the People of Ireland, on the Emancipation of the Catholics, 1792. — Letter to C. J. Fox on his Parliamentary Conduct, 1793. — W. Play- fair's View of the Actual Force and Resources of France, 1793, in one vol. 8vo. h. h. neat, 5s. 4088 Letter to C. Grey, Esq. on his Parliamentary Conduct, re- specting the Prince of Wales, with Remarks on a Letter to the Prince on his Second Application to Parliament, 1795. — Archdeacon Coxe's Letter to Rev. R. Price, upon his Dis- course on the Love of our Country, 1790. — T. Cooper's Reply to Mr. Burke's Invective against Mr. Cooper and Mr, Watt, Manchester, 1792.— C. J. Fox's Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793. — J. Adam's Answer to Paine's Rights of Man, 1793 — Authentic State Papers which passed be- tween Monsieur Chanvelin, the French Minister, and Lord Grenville, 1793.— British Constitution compared with that of a Democratic Republic, by Sir W. Young, 1793. — J. Whitaker's Real Origin of Government, 1795. — Sir John Sinclair's Thoughts on the Naval Strength of the British Government, 1795, in 1 vol. Svo. neat, \0s. 6c/. 4089 Letters of Madame du Montier, collected by Mad. de Beau- mont, and translated by Miss Newman, 3 vols. 12mo. verij neat, 6s. - - - - 1798 4090 Lettera scritta dalla Corte del Re Christianissimo, nella quale si raconto il successo della Giornata seguita a 13 di Marzo tra i Catolici e gli Ugonotti, 4to. scarce, 5s. 6d. Vcnetia, Dom. Farri, (typis Ald'mis) 1569 4091 Lettera di Fra Guidone, Zoccolante a Frate Zaccaria Gesuii nella quale si dimostra chi sieno que' Religiosi, che debboni- chiamar Frati, MS. 1751. — Lettera del Padre Erman Do- menico Christianopulo al Signer Conte N. N. sopra alcuno Lettere di un Socio dell' Accaderaiad'Osino intomo al primo Articolo dell'Essemeri de letterarie di Roma, 1772. — Nuovo Invenzione di una Macchina Maritima per trovar I'Angoln di deriva publicata da Lorenzo Micheli Bolognese, Bologna, 1776. — Nuovo Metodo a leggere ed a pronunziare in po- chissimo tempo il Vago Idioma Francese, Venezia, 1755. — Delia maniera di ben condurre I'lmmaginazione nelle bella Arti Discorso da R. Sinopeo, Roma, 1774. — Gl' Angure del Geni, 1749. — C. Menchy de Sacramenti Matrimonii Administratione Sacerdolibus tantum adjudicanda Disser- tatio, Crcmonce, 1776, in one vol. 8vo. a curious coUeclwn, 105. 6rf. 4092 Lettres Cabalistiques, ou Correspondence Philosophique, His- torique, et Critique, 7 vols. 12mo. very neat, 15s. Haye, 1754 *»* From his late Majesty's library. Sold in the Merly sale for 1/. 10a-. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 401 4093 Lettsom's (J. C.) History of some of the Effects of Hard Drinking, 4to. sened, 2s. 6d. - - 1789 4094 Lettsom. — Catalogue of the entire Museum of Dr. J. C. Lettsom, prices and names, 8vo. k. b. neat, 3s. 1816 •»• A curious collection, consisting of prints, drawings, coins, fossils, shells, minerals, curiosities, and antiquities. 4095 Lcnpoldi ducatus AnstrifE filii, Conipilatio de Astrorutn Scien- tia, decern contincns tractalus, curious nood-cuts, 4to. rare, 10*. erf. Aug. Vind. llaldoU, MCCCCLXXXIX. *«* *' Edition rare." — Brunet. Not in the Spencer Catalogue. 4096 Lensdeni (J.) Connpendiunfi Graecum Novi Testamenli, Gr. et Lat. li^mo. neat, 7s. 6d. - Ultrajecti, 1677 *«* An interesting copy, with copious MS. notes, in a beautifully neat hand, by H. Grove. 4097 Levant. — Histoire veritable, de refTroiable et prodigieuse tempeste et naufrage de mer, faits tant en Tripoly de Sirye qu'es autres ports des mers du Levant, par Daniel Brone, Paris, s, d. — Veritable Narre de la conference entre Du Moulin et Gontier, seconde par Mad. la Baronne de Sa- lignac, 1609. — Reponse de Du Moulin aux lettres du Sieur Gontier, 1609, in 1 vol. 12mo. neat, \Qs. 6d. 4098 Levi (David) Defence of the Old 'Jestament, in a Series of Letters to T. Paine, 1797. — D. Levi's Letters to N. Brassey Haihed, M.F. in Answer to his Testimony of the Authenti- city of the Prophecies of Ric. Brothers, 1795, in 1 vol. 8vo. h, b- neat, 4s. Gd. 4099 Levini Apollonii, Gandobrugani, Mittelburgensis, Peruviae Regionis, inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberrimte, Inven- tione, et rebus in eadem Gestis, Libri V. nith the map, 8vo. a curious and scarce work, vellum, 10s. 6c/. Antverpice, 1567 4100 Lewis (Edvv.) Private Vices the occasion of Publick Cala- mities, 8vo. 2s. - - - 1747 4101 Lewis's (John) Dissertation on the Antiquity and Use of Seals in England, plates, scarce, 1 740. — Account of the Glaciers or Ice Alps in Savoy, map and plates, 1744. — J. Glen King's Observations on the Climate of Russia and the Northern Countries, with view of the Flying Mountains, and means oj travelling over them, 1778, in 1 vol. 4to. h. b. neat, 15s. 4102 Lex Forcia ; being an Address to the Parliament for an Act to Remedy the Foul Abuse of Children at Schools, especially in the great Schools of this Nation, 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1698 4103 Leycester's (Sir Peter) History and Antiquities of Cheshire, plates, folio, neat, M. lis. 6d. - - 1673 4104 Libanii Oratoris Atheniensis, Declamatio de Uxore loquace, 4to. scarce, 3s. - Lips, per Melch. Latter, 1511 4105 Libanii Sophistse Prseludia Oratoria, Declamationes et Disser- tationes, Greece, editio princeps, 4to. fine copy, neat, very rare, \l. Us. Gd, Ferrarice, Macciochus Bondenus, 1517 *,* Sold in the Roxburghe sale for 6/. 6s. 3F 402 THOMAS Thorpe's 4106 Libellus Catonis de Moribus, 4to. 3s. Gasp. Philippe, s. a. 4107 Libellus de Conscribcndis Epistolis, in quo breviter et erudite singula Epistolarum Genera describuntur, et exemplis illus- trantur, Gr. et. Lat. l^mo. sewed, 'is. Parisiis, Morel. 1549 4108 Liberty of Conscience, tenderly stated, modestly asserted, and mildly vindicated, 4to. 5s. - - 1G45 4109 Liberty of Conscience asserted, or Persecution for Religion condemned by the Laws of God, Nature, and Reason, 4to. very neat, Gs. - - - 1649 4110 Librairie, Discours Impartial sur les affaires actuelles de la, 8vo. served, 2s. 6d. - - - 1777 4111 Libro del Juego de las Suertes, an exceedingly curious volume, illustrated with numerous singular wood-cuts, folio, 7?"^ copy, VERY RARE, 3/. £s. - - Volentia, 1528 4112 Liburnio (N.) Occorrenze Humani, 8vo. neat, \5s. Venetia, Aldo, 1546 *** Contains some very curious particulars, especially relating to the literary history, libraries, and learned men of the time, and is now become rare. — Renonard. Sold in Earl Spencer's sale for li. 5s. 4113 Liceti (Fortunii) Encydopcedia ad Aram Pytliiam Publicii Optatiani Porphyrii, Palavii, 1630. — Ejusdem Encyclopaedia ad Aram Mysticam NonariiTerriginae Anonymi vetustissimi, ib. 1G30, in 1 vol. Ato. Jine copies, very neat, from Thuanus's collection, with his arms on the sides, and beautiful specimen of his autograph on the title, 1 Ss. 4114 Life of Tamerlane the Great, who flourished Anno Christi 1400, 4to. no title, 2s. 6d. 4115 Life and Raigne of Henry the Third, King of England, pre- sented to King James, 4to. sewed, 3s. - 1627 4116 Life of ^lius Sejanus, by P. M. 4to. fine large copy, is. 6d. Paris, 1628 *^* " This tract is supposed to be a satire against the Duke of Buckingham j it has been ascribed to P. Mathieu and Philip Massinger." 4117 Life and Services of Monsieur V^illeroy, with Observations upon the fall of Sejanus, translated by Sir T. H. 4to. sewed, 4«. 6rf. - - - 16S8 4118 Life of Tafiletta, the Great Conqueror and Emperor of Bar- bary, 4to. sened, 2s. 6d. - - 1669 4119 Life and Conversation of Richard Bentley, delivered in his own Words, for the most part from his own Writings, English and Latin, a Satire upon the Doctor, very scarce, 1712. — Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty, 1717. — Dialogues of the Dead, relating to the present Con- troversy concerning the Epistles of Phalaris, 1699. — Account of the Origin and Formation of Fossil Shells, 1 705. — Maxims and Discourses, Moral and Divine, 1719. — Reflections upon Reason, 1722. — H. Grove's Essay towards a Demonstration of the Soul's Imm;»teriality, 1718, in one vol. 8vo. 12*. 4120 Life of Aristides, the Atlienian, who was decreed to be banished for his Justice, 8vo. 3s. - Dublin, 1714 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 403 4121 Life of Herod the Great, wherein his Inhumane Cruelties are briefly but accurately related, with an Account of his fatal and miserable end, 4 to. served, 3s. - - 1677 4122 Life, Trial, &c. of Charles John Drew, an Attorney at Long- Melford, Suffolk, executed for the Murder of his Father, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. - - 1740 4123 Life of Henry Simms, alias Young Gentleman Harry, from his Birth to his Death at Tyburn, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1747 4124 Life of Richard Piiiljips, the Baptist Preacher, convicted at Ryegate for Blasphemy, &c. Svo. sewed, 4s. 1750 4125 Lives. — Account of the Life, and Poems of Mr. Blacklock, of Edinburgh, by Spence, 1754. — Life of T. Parnell, Arch- deacon of Clogher, by Goldsmith, 1770. — Anecdotes of the Life of Mr. John Hoole, 1803, in one vol. Svo. 3s. 4126 Lives of S. M'Daniel, J. Berry, J. Egan, and J. Salmon, Thief Takers, convicted of Villainy scarcely to be paralleled in History, in Convicting Innocent Persons, &c. 8vo. 4*. 1755 4127 Life and Actions of Frederick, the Victorious King of Prussia, portrait, plates, and maps, 8vo. very neat, from the late Duke of Bedford's library, 3s. - - 1758 4128 Life of Richard (commonly called Beau) Nash, late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath, por/razV, 1762. — Adventures of Shelim O'Blunder, Esq. the Irish Beau, who within a very few years has passed through many surprising vicissitudes, and remarkable scenes of Life, with Reflections on the com- mon Ingredients of a Teague-land Beau, or Fortune Hunter, n. d. — Account of the Transactions between Capt. Roche and Lieut. Ferguson, from their first Meeting to the Death of the latter, with Trial and Acquittal of the Captain at the Cape of Good Hope; his Second Apprehension and Trial at Bombay, &c. 1775. — History of Theodore, King of Corsica, 1743, in one vol. 8vo. Ii- b. russia, a curious collection, 10s. 6d. 4129 Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood; with Account of their Writings and Publications, by W. Huddesford, laj-ge paper, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. very neat, ISs. • 1772 4130 Lives of Ashmole and Lilly, Lilly's Life of Charles I. &c. ports. 8vo. neat, 'is. Qd. - - 1774 4131 Life and Political Opinions of the late Samuel House, a great supporter of C. J. Fox, interspersed with curious Anecdotes and Amorous Intrigues of this singular distinguished cha- racter, Svo. sewed, 3s. - • 1784 4132 Life of Robert Lord Clive, Baron Plassey, his Military Talents in the Field, Government in India, with Anecdotes of Private Life, &c. portrait, 4 vols. Svo. fine copy, calf gi It, very neat, scarce, 1 /. 5s. - - n. d. 4133 Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake, by Charles Fitz-geflTrey in verse, Svo.fne clean copy, 7s. 6d. Lee Priory Private Press, 1819 *«* Eighty copies only piiutcd. 404 THOMAS Thorpe's 4134 Life of Thomas Gent, Printer and Antiquary, of York, written by himself, and now first printed from the Autograph Manuscript, portrait, 8vo. cloth boards. Is. Qd. 1832 4135 Life of Thomas Gent, printed on writing paper, with proof impression of the portrait on India paper, 8vo. cloth boards, only 25 copies printed, 1/. 1*. - - 1832 %* The author of this curious and hitherto unpublished piece of autobiography is well kuown by the several works of which he was the author, as well as printer. The narrative is full, written in an easy and unaffected style, interspersed with several pieces of poetry, and, Jroni the number of adventures he went through in early life, and the characters and stories incidentally introduced, is extremely amusing. His occupation as a printer necessarily introduced him to the acquaintance of viany literary men, and his book abounds with notices of authors, printers, &,c. of the times in which he lived ; among others occur the names of Bishop Atterbury, with whom he relates a singular interview, Browne Willis, and Dr. Drake, the historian of York. 4136 Lightfoot's (John) Flora Scotica, or a Systematic Arrange- ment of the Native Plants of Scotland and the Hebrides, many plates, 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy, calf gilt, by Kalthoeher, \os.Qd. - - - nn 4137 Lightfoot's (VV.) Complaint of England, wherein is clearly prooved that the Practices of Traitrous Papists against the State of this Kealme, and the Person of her Majesty, are unlawful!, &c. blacfe letter, with verses, dedicated to Sir G. Barne, Kt, Lord Mayor of London, 4to. rare, 21. 2s. 1587 *»* An interesting and rare volume, relating to the cruelties of the Spaniards in India, their exactions upon the Neapolitans. It contains also many curious historical notices of the fall of Richard III. in Bosivorth Field, the treachery of Banister in betraying the Duke of Bitckinyham, his master, the murder of the young princes, by Sir James Tirrell, the original of the royal families of Guelfes and Gibellines, and other curious notices. 4138 Lignamine (J. P. de) Discrimen inter Doctores Ecclesiasticos, De Sibillis, Probe Centone Carmina, seu Excerptum e Maronis Carminibus ad testimonium Vet. Novique Testa- menti Opusculum, De Simbolis Fidei Donatus Theologicus, etc. curious wood-cuts, 4to. fine copy, with rough edges, very neat, rare, \l. \s. - Romce, MCCCCLXXXI. *^* Apparently unknown to Brunet. 4139 Lignieres (Caroli de) Alexius, Tragcedia nuper acta, l2mo. h. b. morocco, 5s. - - Paris. 1665 4140 LiLBURNE (Lt.-Col. John) W. Walwyn, Overton, and Hugh Peters. — Seventy most interesting Tracts, by and relative to these popular Actors, during the Civil Wars, illustrative of that eventful period of English History, written principally during their Imprisonment in the Tower of Lon- don, from 1645 to 1653, ivith portrait, all fine copies, pro- bably the most complete collection known, formed by the late Serjeant Heywood, elegantly bound in 3 vols. 4to. morocco elegant, gilt leaves. Si. 8s. - 1645-1653 •^* The above valuable collection must be seen to be appreciated ; a brief list of the titles may be had lor inspection. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 405 4141 Lilly's (W.) Astrological Prediction of the Occurrences in England, in 1648, 1649, and 1650, concerning the Civil Wars, Lord Fairfax, and the Parliament Army, the Duke of Hamilton and the Scots Army, the Three Suns in Lancashire, seen by many, on Feb. 28 last, &c. 4to. sewed, 4s. 1648 4142 Lilly's Nativity of Carolus Gustavus, King of Sweden, Astro- logically handled, and published for the honour of Art, and better information of Mr. W. Lilly, 4to. served, 3s. 1659 4143 Lilly's Strange News from the East, or Account of the Comet or Blazing Star, seen several mornings of late, &c. wood-cut, 4to. sewed, 3s. - - 1677 4144 Lilly's History of his Life and Times, from 1602 to 1681, VFritten by himself to his worthy Friend, Elias Ashmole, Esq. 12mo. 4s. . - 1715 4145 Limborchiana Bibliotheca, sive Catalogus Librorum Fr. van Limborch, 8vo. h. b. vellum, 45. Qd. Hag. Com. 1766 •,* A valuable library, containing many curious old French romances, &c. 4146 Lincolnshire. — Eighty-eight most beautiful and elabo- rate Drawings of Ancient Seals, illustrative of this County, relative to Lincoln Cathedral, Markeby Priory, Newhouse Abbey, Ancolme Priory, Newstedjuxta Stamford Priory, Nocton Priory, Noncotum Nunnery, Ormesley Pri- ory, Kevesley Abbey, Tattershall College, Thorneton Abbey, Thornholme Abbey, Torkesey Priory, Tupholme Abbey, Vauder Abbey, Stamford Nunnery, All Saints' Hospital, Stamford, St. Thomas's Hospital, Stamford, Stanfield Nun- nery, Stixvvould Nunnery, Sempringham Priory, Sixhill Pri- ory, Spalding Priory, Crowland Abbey, Elisham Priory, Fosse Nunnery, Wellow alias Grimsby Abbey, Austin Friars, Grimsby, Grey Friars, Grimsby, Haverholme Priory, Hey- ning Nunnery, Humberston Abbey, Infurth Nunnery, Kyme Priory, Barligs Abbey, Belvoir Priory, BuUington Priory, Burne Monastery, Catteley Priory, Covenham Priory, Kirk- sted Abbey, Lekeburn Nunnery, St. Catharine's Priory, Lincoln, Louth Park Abbey, Neubo Abbey, Epworth in Axholm Priory, Hyrst Priory, in the Isle of Axholm, Bard- ney Abbey, Alvingham Priory, also Seals of the various Deans, Abbots, Priors, and Abbesses, of the said Houses, very neatly mounted upon drawing paper, in 3 vols. 4to. eleganthj bound in morocco, gilt edges, richly tooled, 42/. *^* Nothing can exceed the beauty and fidelity displayed by Hovrlett in his> delineation of the above truly exquisite drawings, which were made with a view to publication, and are truly worthy that object; their value is equal to medals, fixing disputed dates, &c., and it is much enhanced to the historian, county col- lector, or antiquary, by each drawing having underneath a description of the na- ture of the ancient document to which the seal is attached, and from which the drawing was taken, also the date and notices of the archives in which it is to be found, and the date when the religious house to which it relates was founded. 4147 Lincolnshire. — Scheme for Restoring and making Perfect the Navigation of the River Witham, from Boston to Lincoln, by John Grundy, 8vo. sewed, 2s. Qd. . 1744 406 THOMAS Thorpe's 4148 Lincolnshire. — Particulars of the Carrs and Low Grounds, within the level of Ancholme, surveyed in 1767 and 8, com- piled by W. Hesleden, 4to. sewed, 45. Hull, 1790 4149 Lincoln's Inn. — EyK-vcXoxope/a, or Universal Motion ; being part of that Magnificent Entertainment by the Noble Prince de la Grange, Lord Lieutenant of Lincoln's Inn, presented to King Charles II. Jan. 1662, 4to. h. h. morocco, gilt edges, rare, 21. 2s. - - 1662 *^* Printed at the expense of the author. Sold in Rhodes' sale for 41. I4s. 6d. 4150 Linacri (Thomae) de Emendata Structura Latini Sermonis, lib. VI. cum Praefatione Philippi Melancthonis et Indice, 8vo. vellum, 5s. • - Viierhergce, 1532 4151 Linacri de Emendata Structura Latini Sermonis lib. VI. 8vo. vellum, fine copy, \2s. - Venet, Aldus, 1557 *,,* Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for 21. \0s. 4152 Linaker (R.) Comfortable Treatise for the Reliefe of such as are afflicted in Conscience, with Addition of sundrie Testi- monies of Holy Scripture, 12mo. neat, Is. 6d. 1607 4153 Lindelbacher (M.) Precepta Latinitatis ex divcrsis ora- torum atque Poetarum codicibus tractata, Tiihingce, MCCCCLXXXVL— Epistolare Marii Philelphi elegantissi- mum, Basilece, MCCCCLXXXVL — in one vol. 4to. in the original binding, 1 8s. 4154 Linden (Jo. van der) Oratio ad celebrandam Memoriam actus solemnis, quo quinquaginta abhinc annis adeptus fuit, 8vo. served, uncut, 2s. - - Amst. 1824 4155 Lingard's (R.) Letter of Advice to a young Gentleman leaving the University, concerning his Behaviour and Conversation in the World, 12mo. ?^efl^ 6s. - 1671 4156 Linschoten's (J. H.) Voyages into the East and West Indies, blacfe letter, rvith all the folding maps, folio, neat, 31. 13s. 6d. John Wolfe, 1598 4157 Lippeloo (Zach.) Vitae Sanctorum ex selectiss. et probatiss. Orthodoxis Patribus, cura R. P. Ribadeneirje, frontispiece, 4 vols. 8vo. fine copy, vellum, rare, II. lis. 6d. Col. Agr. 1616 4158 List of the Lords and Commons, Summoned to Meet at Westminster, 1723. — State of England, List of the Privy Council, &c., the King's Household, of the Household of the Prince of Wales, the Princesses Anne, Carolina, and Amelia, &c., 1726. — List of the Parliament for 1728. — State of the Court of Great Britain, 1728. — Lists of the Parliament for 1729, in one vol. 8vo. very neat, 4s. 6d, 4159 Lists of both Houses of Parliament, 1741. — Congreve's Love for Love, 1736. — Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty, 1717. — Remarques Ilistoriques et Critiques sur I'Histoire de Charles XII. Roi de Suede, port, in one vol. 8vo. h.b. uncut, 4s. 6d. - - 1732 4160 Listrii Commentarioli in Dialecticon, with wood-cut border, 4to. scarce, 3s. - - 1520 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 407 4161 Literariae Rixse. — F. Dermasii Epistola de intolerabili fastu Criticorum quorundam, Lipsice, 1687. — Jo. Jensii justissima ad publicum Querela de injuriosa prorsus ratione, qua secum egit P. Francius, etc. Dordrechii, 1696. — Ejusdem de into- lerabili Petri Francii impudentia Expostulatio, et ad ejusdem Misellas Vindicias Responsio, ib. 1696. — Bellum Literarium, in verse, s. a. — In Scurram Literarium Poema P. Francii, s. a. — C. Valerii Accincti Epistola ad P. Francium de Novis- simo ejus Carmine in Scurram Literarium, s. a. — P. Francii Epistola Prima ad Accinctum vero Nomine Jac. Perizonium, qua vera causa obortae nuper inter illos inimicitise, et nuda ac simplex fact! narratio continetur, Amst. 1696. — Accincti ad Francii Epistolam primam Responsio, in qua Origo et Historia Inimicitiae et liujus Jurgii varius enarratur, Lugd. Bat. 1696. — Accincti Demonstratio Francianae Barbariei et Inscitiae per omnes Philologiae Partes, et ad secundam ejus Epistolam Responsio, ib. 1696. — Ejusdem ed Francii Episto- lam tertiam Responsio, ib. 1696. — Ger. Havercampii Epis- tola ad Rutgerum Hermannidem Juris utriusque Doctorem, s. a. — Philobaptes, Carmen ad Jacobum Perizonium, s. a. — In Novam Editionem Pomp. Melae a Gronovio procuratam Carmen Rutg. Hermannidis, s. a. — In Rutgerum Herman- nidem Jac. Gronovii Laudatorem Carmen Erasmi Regii, s. a. — In Novam Editionem Actii Synceri Sannazarii, Car- men, s. a. — In Cerberum Forensem, Carmen, s, a. — In Jacobum Gronovium Carmen, s. a. in one vol. 4to. a very scarce and valuable collection^ neat, from D'Orville's collection, 11. Is. 4162 Literarium Bellum inter Francium et Perizonium, sc. Accincti Epistola ad F. Barbarum de ejus Carmine in Scurram Lite- rarium : Francii Epist. ad Accinctum, vero nomine Jacobum Perizonium : Accincti Responsio : Francii Epistola II. : Jensii Defensio Accincti Francii Epistola III. : Ejusdem Vindiciae Censurae Graecanicas in nuperum Carmen Graecum : Havercampi Epistola ad Rutgerum Hermannidem : Ac- cinctus lectori : Jensii de intolerabili P. Francii impudentia Expostulatio : Hermannidse ad publicum Querela : etc. etc. in 1 vol. 4to. h. b. vellum, 18s. - 1696 *JK* A very interesting collection of tracts. There are some short poems and poetical squibs which are not mentioned in the above list. 4163 Lithgovv's (William) Discourse upon tlie Victorious Siege of Breda, with the Antiquity and Annexing of it to the House of Nassau, and the many alterations it hath suffered by Armes, Jine copy, 4to. sened, 7s. 6d. - 1637 *,♦ The author was a Scotchman. Prefixed are some verses by Alexander Grabame and James Arthur: the work is also interspersed with poetry. 4164 Littleton's (Adam) Funeral Sermon and Elegy on the Right Hon. the Lady Jane, eldest Daughter to his Grace, William Duke of Newcastle, and Wife to the Hon. Charles Cheyne, 4:10. fne copy, 8s. _ . _ ]669 408 THOMAS Thorpe's 4165 Littleton's Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul, 8vo. sewed, uncut, 2s. - 1747 4166 Lithography, or the Art of Making Drawings on Stone, 1813. — Rights of God and Ceesar, 1821. — Dr. Adam Clarke on the Origin and End of Civil Government, 1822. — Letters on the New Political Economy, 1822. — Letter to a Legisla- tor upon the Aspect of our Country in a time of Peace, 1822, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. neat, 4>s. 6d. 4167 Liturgy. — Abolishing of the Book of Common Prayer, by reason of above fifty grosse Corruptions in it, 4to. sewed, 4s. 6d. - - - - 1641 4168 Liturgy. — Defensive Vindication of the Liturgy, Established Ceremonies, and Settled Patrimony of the Church of Eng- land, 4to. sewed, 4*. - - 1641 4169 Liturgy, — Messe of Pottage, very well seasoned and crumb'd with Bread of Life, and easie to be digested, against the contumelious slanderers of the Divine Service, terming it Pottage, set forth by Gyles Calfine, 1642. — Answer to lame Giles Calfine's Messe of Pottage, proving that the Service Booke is no better than Pottage, in comparison of divers weeds which are chopt into it to poyson the taste of the children of grace, by the advice of the Whore of Babylon's instruments and cooks, 1642. — Answer, in defence of a Messe of Pottage, well seasoned and crumb'd against the last, which falsely sayes the Common Prayers are unlawful! and no better than the Pope's Porrage, 1642. — Fresh Bit of Mutton for those fleshly-minded Cannibals that cannot endure Pottage ; or a Defence of Giles Calfine's Messe of Pottage, against the idle yet insolent exceptions of his monstrous adversary, 1642, in 1 vol. 4to. neat, a most singu- larly curious collection, \l. \s. 4170 Liturgy. — Petition for the Vindication of the Publique Use of the Book of Common Prayer from some foul undeserved aspersions cast upon it, and for asserting the Publique Use of set forms of Prayer, and dispensing the Holy Sacraments, &c. by Lionel Gatford, 4to. sewed, 5s. Gd. - 1655 4171 Liturgy. — Bishop of Armaghes Direction concerning the Liturgy and Episcopall Government, 4to. sewed, 4s. 1660 4172 Liverpool's (Earl of) Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, 4to. privately printed, neat, very scarce, 21. 2s. Oxford, 1805 *^* The late Bishop of St. David's copy, his lordship's nephew. 4173 Livii Kistorise cum Epitome, Lucius Florus, et Polybii His- toriee, etc. Nic. Perotto interprete, 4 vols. 8vo. in the original binding, 1/. lis. Gd. Fen. ap. Aldum, 1518-19-20 and 21 ♦^* Sold in Sir M. Sykes's sale for 8i. 8s. 4174 Livius. — Fragmentum ex Lib. XCL Historiarum Livii, nunc primum emit ex Codice MS- Vaticano, folio, uncut, 5s. Hamburgi, 1773 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. 409 4175 Livii Historiae, folio, sound copy, in old russia, from the Har- leian collection, 11. \s. - Tarvisii, MCCCCLXXXII. *,* This editiou had escaped the researches of Brunct, when he published his Manual, and it is only slightly meutioned in the Supplement. 4176 Lloyd's (Rev. D.) Legend of Captaine Jones, relating his Engagements and Adventures by Sea and Land, in verse, ii'ith curious frontispiece, by Marshall, 8vo. scarce, 10s. 6d. 1656 4177 Lloyd's (David) Portraiture of his sacred Majesty, Charles IL from his Birth to the present time, wherein is interwove a conipleat History of the Dukes of York and Gloucester, 8vo. fne clean copy, in the original bindiyig, with fne impres- sions of the portraits, 10s. Qd. - - 1660 4178 Lloyd (Edw.) Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia, sive Lapidum aliorumque Fossilium Britannicorum Descriptio, many plates of fossils, 8vo. neat, scarce, lOs. 6d. 1699 4179 Lloyd's (Lodovvicke) Pilgrimage of Princes, dedicated to Sir Christopher Hatton, with an acrostic upon his name, and introductory poems by Churchyard, t)Iac5 letter, 4to. fne large copy, neat, 1/. Is. - - John Wolfe, 1586 4180 Lloyd's Triplicitie of Triumphs of the Pomp and Solemnitie of Triumphes, Games, and Plaies in Natalitia upon the Nativities of Emperors, Kings, and Princes throughout the World, in prose and verse, 4to. very rare, wants title, 10s. Qd. 1610 *#* Sold at Jones, the Welsh bard's sale, for .5/. 4181 Lloyd's Marrow of History, or the Pilgrimage of Kings and Princes, truly representing the variety of dangers inhoerent to their Crowns, the lamentable Deaths of many, &c. shew- ing not only the Tragedies of Princes, corrected and revived by R. Codrington, filacfe letter, 4to. fne copy, h. b. morocco, 15s. - . - - 1653 4182 Lloyd's (T.) Essay on the Literary Beauties of the Scriptures, 4to, sewed, 3s. - - Cambridge, 1784 4183 Loazes (Ferd. de) Solennis atque elegans Traclatus in causa Matrimonii Serenissimorum Dominorum Henrici et Catherince Anglice Regum contra Hereticam et Apostaticam pravitatem Inquisitorem Apostolicum, folio, ^ne coj)y, morocco elegant, gilt edges. Si. 13s. Qd. - Barchinone, 1531 *«* This extremely rare and interesting volume against the divorce of Henry the Eighth and Catherine of Arragon, is not meutioned by Bp. Burnet, in the notice which he has given of the opinions on this question. " Ce livre est rare, et il a quelque importance pour !es collections d'ouvrages relatifs a I'histoire d'Angleterre.''— Br««e^ Sold in 1S27 for 10/. 10s. 4184 Lobera de Avila (Doctor Luys) Vergel de Sanidad : que por otre nombre se llamava Banquete Cavalleros, y orden de bivir : Libro de Pestilcncia curativo y preservative, &c. Re- medio de Cuerpos Humanos y Silva de Experiencias y otras cosas utilissimas, folio, ^«eco;j?/, vellum, very rare, \l. lis. 6d. Alcala de Ilenares, 154ii *»* This edition has escaped the researches of nearly all bibliographers, 3G 410 THOMAS THORPE'S 4185 Locati (Omberto) Cronica dell' Origine di Piacenza,7?«e copy, 4to. neat, scarce, 10s. 6c?. - Cremona, 1564 4186 Locheri (Jacobi) Panegyric! ad Principem Maximilianum ilo- manuin Regem Gratiarum actionem continentes ; Spectacu- luni de Thurcorum Rege, et Suldona liege Babiloniae more tragico effigiatum in llomani Regis honorem ; et Dyalogus de beresibus et quibusdam heresiarchis, rvith very curious and spirited noodculs, 4to. Jitte copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, extremely rare, 2l. 2s. Argent. Gruninger, MCCCCXCVII. 4187 Locheri Oratio de studio humanarum disciplinarum et laude extemporalis, 4to. scarce, 3s. 6d. - sine anno 4188 Locheri Nenia de Obitu et Laude III. Principis Sigismundi Archiducis Austrie, ^io.Jine copy, scarce, 7s. c. MCCCCC. 4189 Locheri Mulae ad Musam Comparatio, Currus Triumphalis S. Theologie, Elogia IV. cum Epigrammatibus, with singu- larly curious and spirited wood-cuts, 4^to. 15s. Norimb. 1506 4190 Locheri Compendium Rhetorices, ex TuUiano thesauro deduc- tum ac concionatum, cum syntaxi de componendo Oratione funebri, 4to. scarce, 3s. - - Argent. 1518 4191 Locke's (John) Works, portrait, 3 vols, folio, ^ne copy, in the original bindings very neat, 2l. 2s. - 1722 4192 Locke and Paley. — Syllabus of Locke on the Human Under- standing, Cambridge, 1802. — Analysis of Paley 's Moral and Political Philosophy, ib. 1802. — Analysis of Paley on tlie Evidences of Christianity, ii. 1797, in 1 vol. 8vo. h. b. nt. 3s. 4193 Lockhart Papers, published from the Original Manuscript, by Aufrere, 2 vols. 4to. boards, 1/. 1*. - 1817 4194 Lockman's (John) Poems, viz: Ode to Cardinal de Fleury, Paris, 1741. — Verses to the Duchess of Buckingham, 1741. — Pastoral Stanzas on the Marriage of C. Phipps, Esq. with Miss Lepel Hervey, 1743. — Ode on the crushing of the Rebellion, 1746. -^Epistle to the first Promoter of the Cam- brick and Tea-Bills, 1746. — Shetland Herring and Peruvian Gold Mine, a Fable, 1751. — Ode to the Earl of Middlesex, 1751. — Occasional Verses to the Earl and Countess of Mid- dlesex, 1753, in 1 vol. 4to. boards, 7s. 6d. *** "With the author's autograph presentation to V. Cornewall, Esq. 4195 Lodge on the Usage of Holding Parliaments in Ireland, Svo. 5s. - - - - 1770 4196 Lodge's Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Man- ners, in the Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary, Ehzabeth, and James I. a series of Original Papers, selected from the Manuscripts of the noble families of Howard, Tal- bot, and Cecil, containing among a variety of Pieces, a great part of the Correspondence of Queen Elizabeth and her Ministers, particularly during the Fifteen Years in which Mary Queen of Scots remained in Custody, &c. portraits, and facsimiles of the aulograjohs, 3 vols. 4to. h. b. russia, 21. 2s. - - - - 1791 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 411 4197 Lodovici (F.) Triomphi di Carlo, 4to. vellum, \l. 11 5. Cd. Venezia, 1535 ♦,♦ A poetical volume of rare occurrence. See Quadrio, Haym, Crescinibeui, &c. 41 98 Lodouick (Prince Cliarles) Manifest concerning the Right of his Succession to the Palatinate, 4to. served, Qs. 1637 4199 Loftusii (Dudleii) Oratio Fnnebris habita post Exuvias niiperi Jo. Archiepiscopi Armachani terras mandatas 11 Julii, 1663, in EcclesiaCathedrali Dublin. 4to. h. b. morocco, very scarce, ISs. - - - Dublinii, 1663 *»* All account of Loftus, ancestor of the Marquis of Ely, with a list of his works, will be found in Wood's Athenas Oxouienses. 4200 Loggan's Oxonia Illustrata, a Collection of Views of the Col- leges, Halls, and other Public Buildings in Oxford, with the plate of the Dresses of the various Degrees of the Members of the University, also Views of the surrounding Neighbour^ hood at this period, ^ne impressions, folio, neat, 21. 2s. Oxford, 1675 •,* Formerly Dr. Ducarel's copy, and recently from the library of Dr. Good- all, Provost of Eton. The plate of the habits is frequently wanting. 4201 LoMBARDi (Petri) Hib. Archiep. Armachani, de Regno Hi- BERNI.E Sanctorum Insulae Commentarius, 4to. frw copy, vellum, 71. Is. - - Lovanii, 1632 *^* Excessively kare : the author was ordered to be prosecuted, and the volume rigidly suppressed, by the Earl of Strafford, Lord Deputy of Ireland, a the instance of King Charles the First. 4202 Lomenie (M.) Index Librorum ab inventa Typographia ad annum 1500, avec le Catalogue des Livres de sa Biblio- theque, prices, 3 vols. 8vo. h. b. neat, 15s. Paris, 1791-2 4203 London. — Discourse of the Laudable Custoraes of London, 12mo. good copy, very scarce, \2s. - 1584 4204 London. — King Charles his Entertainment, and London's Loyaltie, being a true relation and description of the manner of the Citie's welcome, and expression of the subject's love to his royal Majestic, at his return from Scotland ; likewise the time and place where the Lord Mayor {Sir Richard Gurney,) and his brethren the Aldermen, and Compinies, met and conducted his Majesty to the Guildhall, to a stately Feast, and afterwards to his Palace at Westminster, with the Verses, by J. H. wood-cuts, 4to. very rare, \l. \\s. 6d. 1641 *,* Clarendon states " Sir Richard Gurney to have been a man of tvisdom and courage.'" He was one of the first to feel the revenge of the regicides for his loyalty, by the seizure of his property, &c. His house in Cheapside was converted into a rendezvous for the Commissioners of F'.states. 4205 London. — City Law, or the course and practice in all manner of juridicall proceedings in Guildhall, London, Englished from an ancient French manuscript, with list of all the offices Tvithin the gift oj the Lord Mayors, 4:10. fine copy, 5s. 1647 4206 London. — Petition and Representation of several Churches of God in London, commonly, though falsely called Ana- B.iptists, 4lo. very neat, dis. - - J 649 412 THOMAS Thorpe's 4207 London. — Vintner's Answer to some scandalous Pamphlets, published by Richard Kilvert, and abetted in some points by his brother Roger, and Alderman Abel, wherein tlie Vintners vindicate their owne Reputations to the World, for Satisfaction of such as know not the said Kilvert's wretched and lewd Conversation, or have credited their Defamations, ^to. fine copy, very scarce, 125. 1642 *** A very curious aud interesting treatise, relating to the farmers of the wine duties in London, and the vintners' company. 4208 London. — Army's Martyr, or Relation of the barbarous and illegal Proceedings of the Court Martial upon Mr. Robert Lockier, who was shot in St. Paul's Church Yard, with Petition in his behalf from various well-afFected Persons, 4 to. served, 3s. - - - 1649 4209 London's New Wonder ; or the Great Sleeper ; being a strange but true Relation of the first, second, and third Trance of a Young Man at Mr. Kate's house, a Sugar- baker in Water Lane, with the Manner how he was brought from Henley-on-Thames, in Oxfordshire, by the Art of Spirits, his laying nine or ten days in sleep, and other won- ders in various parts, 4to. sewed, scarce, 4*. - 1659 4210 London, — Petition of the Common Council of the City of London, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - 1659 *.3t* An interesting tract, remonstrating with the Parliament for their infringe- ment upon the city rights, by voting that John Iretou do continue Lord Mayor of the said city the succeeding year. 4211 London. — Sheriffs' Case for 1682. — Enquiry concerning the Election of the Sheriffs of London, 16S2. — The Jjord Mayor's Vindication, 1682. — Reflection on the City Charter, and Writ of Quo Warranto, 1682. — Popish Fables, Pro- testant Truths, 1682. —Discovery of the Sham Plot, 1681. — No Protestant Plot, 1681. — Second Part of No Protestant Plot, 1682. — Third Part of Ditto, with case of the Earl of Argyle, 1682.— A Tory Plot, both parts, 1682.— Charge of a Tory Plot maintained, 1682, in 1 vol. 4to. h. h. neat, \5s. 4212 London. — Voyage up the Thames, " Who can her Beauties tell?" 1738. — Perjured Freemason detected, and yet the Honour and Antiquity of Freemasons preserved and de- fended, 1730. — View of the Town ; or Memoirs of London, 1731. — Metamorphosis of the Town, or a View of the present Fashions ; to which is added the Journal of a Mo- dern Lady, by Dr. Swift, 1730. — Rake's Adventure, or a Trip through the Bills of Mortality, n. d. — Plain Reasons for the Growth of Sodomy in England ; to which is added, the Petit Maitre, in the Trolly-Lolly Style, no date. — New Miscellany, containing various Poems, Burlesques, &c. 1730. — Ramble through London ; containing many curious Re- marks, diverting Tales, and merry Joaks, in one vol. 8vo. h. b. rtissia, a curious aiid scarce collection, \l. Is. CATALOGUE OF IJOOKS. 413 4213 London.— Vindication of the Right Hon. John Warner, Lord Mayor of the City of London, concerning the justness of his Actions upon Christmas Day, by G. S. Gent, 4to. sewed, 5s. - - - • 1647 •,* Atx interesting tract, detailing the means his lordship took to suppress the riot on Cornhill, Leadeuhall Street, &c. 4214 London. — Devil of a Story, with Preface, relating the Odd Manner of its coming to the Author's Knowledge, 1740. — Devil in the Swine ; or, the Republican Herd chok'd, by T. Hogg, 1740. — Account of Mandrakes, both Male and Fe- male, with a particular Account of those which Rachel Longed for, 1741. — S. Webber's Account of a Scheme for preventing the Exportation of our Wool, 1740. — Review of the Motion for an Address to his Majesty against a certain great Minister, 1741. — Sense of the Nation in Regard to Ditto, 1741. — View of the Principles, Characters, Persons, &c. of the Political Writers in Great Britain, 1740. — Essay on the hard Case of the Retail-Traders of the City of Lon- don, in regard to their Trade, as invaded by Hawkers and Pedlars, 1 740, in one vol. 8vo. neat, an interesting collection, 105. 6d. *tf* From the collection of J. LethieuUier, Esq. remembrancer of the city of Loudon. 4215 London. — Letter to Harley, Lord Mayor, on the conduct to Wilkes during the Election, 8vo. neat, 3s. 1763 London. — See Middlesex. 42 IG Long's (Thos.) Exercitation concerning the frequent use of Our Lord's Prayer in the Publick Worship of God, and a View of Dr. Owen's Writings on the subject, 12mo. 3s. 1658 4217 Longolii Epistolarum libri IV. TuUianas scilicet Eloquentiae ad unquam expressum imaginem, item P. IBembi Jac. Sado- leti, Gul. Budoei, et Erasmi ad eundem Longolium Epistolse, 8vo. very neat, 6s. - Basilece, 1333 4218 Longi Pastoralium, de Daphnide et Chloe, lib. IV. first edition, Ato.Jine copy, vellum, 7s. 6d. Juntce, 1598 *^* Sold in Caillard's sale for 27 francs. 4219 Longus, Amours Pastorales de Daphnis ex. Ch\oe,mith fine im- pressions of all the plates, by Audran, after the designs of the Duke of Orleans, 8vo. in beautiful rich old morocco, gilt edges, bound by De Rome, 21. 2s. - 1745 4220 Loniceri (Joannis) Librorum Aristotelis de Physica Ausculta- tione, generatione et corruptione, longitudine et brevitate Vitae, Vita et morte animalium, et de Anima, Compendium, 4to. Ss. - - Marpurgi, 1540 4221 Lopez (K.ui) Giuoco degli Scacchi trad, da M. Gio. Dom. Tarsia, 4to. very fine copy, russia elegant, gilt edges, rare, \l. lis. 6d. - - Venetia, 1584 *,* This treatise on the Game of Chess is highly esteemed. 414 THOMAS Thorpe's 4222 Lopez (Francisco) Versos Devotos en loor de nuestra Senora, wood-cuts, 4to. vellum, 18*. - Lixboa, 1573 *,* *' Very rare." — Salva, who values it at 21. 4223 Lopez (Don Thomas) Descripcion de la Provincia de Madrid, nith folded map of Madrid, 12mo. vellum, 4s. 6(/. Madrid, Ibarra, 1763 4224 Lorenzonii (Maphei) Hastiludi Theatrales magna rerum pompa Veronoe exhibiti Carmine, 4-to. fine copy, very scarce, lOs. 6d. Veronce, 1622 4225 Lort. — Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of Dr. Lort, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, neatly priced, with pur- chasers' names, 8vo. h. b. neat, 10*. 6c?. - 1791 *„* A very curious and extensive collection. 4226 Loscheri (Abr.) Epicedion et Narratio Funebris in mortem Math. Zeellii, Carmine, 12mo. scarce, 3s. 6d. s. a. 4227 Los Rios (Francois de) Bibliographie Instructive, ou Notice de quelques Livres rares, avec des Notes Historiques, &c. Avignon el Lyon, 1777. — Catalogue des Livres de la Biblio- theque des ci-devant soi-disans Jesuites, du College de Cler- mont, Paris, 1764, in one vol. Svo. very neat^ 10s. 6d. 4228 Lotharii postea Pape Innocencii tercii Liber de Miseria Hu- mane Condicionis. — Vita Udonis Episcopi, blac5 lettct, 4to. fine copy, rare, \5s. Without signatures, numerals, catchrvord, place, or date, (but printed at Cologne.) *^* A fac-simile of this very rare edition will be found in Schelhornii Diatribe ad Cnrdin, Quirini, lihr. de Opt. Script, edit. p. 8. Of both these works, Schel- hornius says, " inter piimos libros, qui sculptis typis mobilibus excusi sunt, et extrC' mam redolent antiquitatem.'' 4229 Lotichii (Clir.) Poemata, cum Vita ejusdem, 12mo.^7ie copy, neat, 6s. 6d. - Marpurgi Hessorum, 1641 4230 Lottini (Gio. Angelo) Niobe, Tragedia, novamente data in luce, Svo. morocco elegant, gilt leaves, extremely rare, 1/. Is. Vicenza, 1595 *#* This very scarce and curious little volume is decorated with the Aldine device. 4231 Lovaniensis Academia. — Censurae Facultatum Sacrse Theolo- giae Lovaniensis ac Duacensis super quibusdam Articulis de Sacra Scriptura, gratia et prsedestinatione anno 1586, Lo- vanii scripto traditis, Paris. 1641. — Memoriale exhibitum Sanctissimo D. N. pro parte Acad. Lovaniensis per deputa- tos Ejusd. Acad. Illust. Ordinibus Ducatus Brabantia?, 1644. — Response a un Escrit qui a pour titre Extrait de quelques propositions de Jansenius et de ses Sectateurs condamnes par Concile de Trente et par les Papes Pie V. et Gregoire Xin. 1644. — Justificatio seu Defensio Censurte Facultatis, S. Tlieol. Acad. Lovaniensi, de Sciiptura Sacra, Praedesti- natione, etc. 1641. — Manifeste Apologetique pour la Doc- trine des Jesuites, a7id other tracts on the same subject, in 1 vol. 4to. vellum, \6s. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 415 4232 Love (Christopher). — Animadversions on Mr. Del's Sermon before the Parliament, setting forth the dangerous and de- structive assertions therein both to Church and State, the Covenant, Reformation, &c. with Answer to a Pamphlet entituled, a Reply to Master Love's Contradictions, by C. Love, 1646. — Love's Case, wherein is published his Petitions to Parliament, his Narrative of the late dangerous design against the State, his Meetings and Secret Actings, and his Speech on the Scaffold before his Execution, 1651. — Vindi- cation of the Principles and Practices of Christopher Love, whereby it is manifested that a close Prison, long Sword, bloody Scaffold, have not altered his Judgement, his grounds for giving his Narrative, Declaration concerning Cromwell's unlawful Invasion of Scotland, &c. 1651. — Copie of Love's Speech and Prayer immediately before Death, 1651. — Tra- gedy of Christopher Love at Tower Hill, 1651. — Trial of Christopher Love before the pretended High Court of Justice, containing the Charge, Depositions of Witnesses, his Defence, Serjeant Hale's Charge and Sentence, 1660. — Love's Name Lives, or divers Petitions presented by Mrs. Love to the Parliament, in behalf of her Husband, with Letters which passed between them, 1663, in one vol. 4to. neat, \l. 5s. 4253 Love's Case, his several Petitions, Narrative of the Dangerous Design against the State, Secret Meetings, his Speech on the Scaffold, &c. 4to. 4s. - - 1651 4234 Love. — Just Balance, or Querees about Mr. Love's Case, Tryal and Sentence, &c. 4to. sewed, 3s. - 1651 4235 Love. — Wounds of a Friend; or a Letter mentioned by Mr. Love upon the Scaffold, published by John Price, 4to. sewed, 3s. 4236 Lower's (Sir W.) Phoenix in her Flames, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed, 45. - - - 1639 4237 Lower's Horatius; a Roman Tragedie, 4to. sewed, scarce, 5s. 1656 4238 Lowth's (Bp, ) Letter to Bishop Warburton, in Answer to the Appendix to the Fifth Volume of that Work ; with an Appendix, containing a former Literary Correspondence, 8vo. uncut, 3s. - _ _ 1766 4239 Lowth (Bp.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, portrait, Svo. sewed, 2s. 6d. - - - 1787 4240 Loyal Satyrist, or Hudibras in Prose, a curious and scarce tract, 4to. sewed, is. 6d. - - 1682 4241 Loysi (Geo.) Methodus Apodemica, seu Peregrinandi Perlus- trandique Regiones, Urbes et Arces, B. Ratio, una cum per- vigilio mercurii, ]6mo. vellum, scarce, 7s. 6d. Argent. 1608 4242 Lucani Pharsalia, folio, in old red morocco, marbled edges, VERY RARK, 2l. 2s. ( Veneliis, per Juv. Guerinum,) MCCCCLXXVII. *,* Sold iu Sir Mark Sykes's sale for \0l., and in the Duke of Roxburghe's for C/. 25. 6rf. 416 THOMAS Thorpe's 4243 Lucani Pharsalia, folio, very large copy, ruled with red lines, morocco, gilt edges, of excessive rarity, 4/. 4s. sine ullci tiotd, circa MCCCCLXX. %* A long description of THIS copy (which rcnfurlunalely wants four preliminary leaves) is in the Catalogue of Earl Spencer's Library, vol. ii. pp. 139, Sec. &c. it is an edition of extraordinary rarity, unknown to Fabricius, Maittaire, De Bure, and other bibliographers. It is printed with the same type as the first edition of Horace. The present copy was purchased by the late Earl Spencer in the Pinelli sale for 17/. 17s. 4244 Lucanus, 8vo. Jine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, rvith the Aldine anchor on the sides, 1/. 5s. Veneliis, Aldus, 1502 4245 Lucanus, 8vo. Jine large copy, neat, very rare, 21. 12s. 6d. sine loco ct anno. •»* This is the first Lyonese counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502. See No. 3 of Renouard's list. 4246 Lucanus, 8vo. fine large copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, VERY RARE, Si. 3s. - - Sine ulld notd. •»* This is the second Lyonese counterfeit of the Aldine edition. — See Renouard. 4247 Lucani Pharsalia, cum Familiari atque perlucida Annotatione Petri de Ponte coeci Brugensis qua singularium lectionuui sen- tentise, vel minimis historiographiae ac poetices tyrunculis facile enotescunt, Svo. Jine copy, neat, 2l. 2s. Paris, per Gul. le Rouge, 1512 *jis* An extremely rare edition. Dr. Dibdin says, " This is a very curious edi- tion ; except the one in the Cracherode collection, I never saw or heard of a copy." Moss devotes two entire pages to an account of it, and the only copy which he refers to as having been sold produced 5/. 16s. 4248 Lucani Bellum Civile Pharsalicum, cum Sulpicii Verulani Argumentis, etc. wood-cuts, 8vo. Jine copy, very neat, gill edges, 8s. 6rf. - - Lugduni, 1517 4249 Lucanus, 8vo. neat, 7s. 6d, Argent. Knohlouch, 1520 *#* An extremely scarce edition, not mentioned by Brunet. 4250 Lucani Poema nuperrime impressum atque adamussim casti- gatum, 8vo. morocco elegant, gilt edges., very rare, 21. 12s. Gd. ' Lugduni in ojjicina Gulielmi Huyon, 1521 *«* " C'est a ce rare volume, acquis en 1788, que je dois les premieres notions sur cette suite d'editions Lyonnoises, ainsi que la possibilite d'eu tracer a peu- pres I'histoire." — Renouard, iu whose sale a copy sold for 71. 4251 Lucani Bellum Civile Pharsalicum cum annotatiunculis, wood- cuts, 8vo. Jine copy of a scarce edition, unknown to Panzer and the Bipont editors, neat, 8s. Gd. - Lugd. 1 526 4252 Lucani Piiarsalia, cum Nolis Farnabii, with the beautifully engraved folding map, 12mo. vellum, 15s. Londini, 1618 4253 Lucas's (Chas.) Political Constitutions of Great Britain and Ireland, Asserted and Vindicated, the Connection and Com- mon Interest of both Kingdoms demonstrated, and the Grievances of each, particularly Ireland, set forth, in several Letters and Addresses, &c. to the Citizens of Dublin, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. neat, a scarce and interesting article to the collector of Irish history, ]0s. Gd. - - 1751 CATALOGUE Ol- BOOKS. 417 4254 Lucianus de Vcris Narrationibus et Diodorus Siculus, folio, Jiue copy, uncut, h. h. neat, 1 85. Veneliis^ MCCCCXCIII. 4255 Liiciani Dialog!, Graece, Florcntice, MCCCCXCVI. — Icones I'hilostiati, ejusdem Heioica, Descriptiones Callistrati, cjus- dein v'naa sophistariim, ib. Junta, 1517, in 1 vol. folio, ^ne copies, very neat, 4/. 14s. Gd. *•* Edith princeps. " There are few volumes.'' says Dr. Dibdin, " of ancient classical literature more precious to the scholar, or more interesting to the biblio- grapher, than the present one." For a detailed and interesting account of it, see the Bibliothcca Spenceriana, vol. ii, pp. M4-8. Sold in the La Valliere sale for 720 francs, in Sir M. M. Sykes's for 15i. 15s., Mr. G. Mason's for \%l. 18s., Mr. Daly's for 17/., and Lord Thurlow's for 2H., without the Philostratus. 4256 Luciani Opera, Greece, folio, very Jine sound copy, in the original bijiding, 3l. 3s. - Venet. ap. Aldum, 1503 *•* " Edition rare et recherchee." See Dibdin and Reuouard. It is a most beautifully printed volume, probably one of the finest specimens of Aldus's Greek typography. Sold in Count Mac Carthy's sale for 262 francs, Le Seigneur's for 165 francs, and the Piuelli for 5/^ 1.5s. 6rf. 4:257 Luciani Dialogi et alia multa Opera. Imagines Philostrati, etc. Graece, folio, remarkably fine copy, in the original binding, gilt edges, rare, Hi. 3s. - Ven. Aldus, 1522 *#* " A valuable edition, and which has served as the basis of many subsequent ones." This copy contains the suppressed leaves in fine and beautiful condition. Sold in the Duke of Grafton's sale for 8/. IBs. 6d. 4258 Luciani Opuscula Varia, Des. Erasnio Rot. et Thoma Moro interp. Svo. Jine copy, very neat, 2/. 2s. Fenet. Aldus, 1516 *,* " Ce volume est fort rare." — Renovard. See also Brunet. Erasmus's first ■dedication after the title, to Richard Bp. of Winchester, is dated from London, Jan. 1506. In this copy the leaves 2.35 and 236 are rightly numbered; and not, as in some copies, which, says Renouard, are of a different and faulty impression, 135 and 6. 4259 Luciani Piscator, sen Reviviscentes, Bilibaldo Pirckheymero interprete, et Epistola Apologetica, ^io. fine copy, .is. 1511 4260 Luciani Dialogi, Scipio, Scaphidium, Palinurus, Hercules, et Virtus, 4to. fine copy, scarce, 3s. Lipsice, hotter, 1513 4261 Luciani Deorum Dialogi LXX. Gr. et Lat. 4to. fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt edges, 18s. Argent. Schottus, 1515 *♦* Very rare : See Briinet. Sold iu Mr. G. Mason's sale for 11. 4262 Luciani complurts Dialogi Lat. ab Erasmo conversi, 4to. fine copy, rare edition. Is. 6d. Lovan. Thcud. Martinus, 1515 4263 Lucianus de ratione conscribendse Historian, a Bilib. Pirckhey- mero traductus, 4-\.o. fine copy, with beautifiul wood-cut border, 3s. ad. - - - Nuremb. 1515 4264 Luciani Somnium ; Nigrinus, boni veri similachrum com- plcctitur, et mundi huju.s vanitatem ; Caucasus, acerrimam in Jovem ct Ethnicorum Deos accusationem continet, 4to. fine copy, 3s. 6rf. - Argent. Knoblauch, 1517 4265 Luciani Piscator seu Reviviscentes, Bilib. Pirckheymero in- terp. et Epistola Apologetica, beautiful rroodcut border, 4to. fine copy, 3s. - - Nuremb. 1517 3H 418 THOMAS Thorpe's 42GG Lnciani Fugitivi, a Bilibaldo Pirckheymero in Latinum versus, beautiful wood-cut capitals, 4:to.Jine copy, very neat and scarce, 12s. - - - Haganoce, 1520 4267 Luciani Rhetor, a Bilibaldo Pircklieymero in Latinum versus, with mood-cut border, 4to. fine copy, very neat, \Qs. 6d. Haganoce, 1520 42(38 Luciani Jupiter Tragoedus Dialogus, quo Deorum Concilium de contempta Religione describitur Gasp. Heldelino interp. ISrtio. morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 10s. Q)d. Basil. 1532 4269 Luciani Toxaris, sive de Amicitia, Griece, 4to. scarce, Ss. Antverpi