LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY HI N GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY OFFICERS OF THE EXECUTIVE DE PARTMENTS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, MEMBERS OF THE CON FEDERATE CONGRESS BY STATES COMPILED AND PREPARED BY GENERAL MARCUS J. WRIGHT NEW YORK THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1911 ,tfl Copyright, 1911, by The Neale Publishing Company CONTENTS GENERAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE PRESI DENT IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. GENERALS REGULAR 9 GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY 12 GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY, WITH TEMPO RARY BANK 13 LIEUTENANT GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY . 14 LIEUTENANT GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY, WITH TEMPORARY RANK 19 MAJOR GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY ... 21 MAJOR GENERALS FOR SERVICE WITH VOLUN TEER TROOPS, WITH TEMPORARY RANK . 42 MAJOR GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY, WITH TEMPORARY RANK 43 BRIGADIER GENERALS CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY REGULAR 46 BRIGADIER GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY . . 48 BRIGADIER GENERALS FOR SERVICE WITH VOL UNTEER TROOPS, WITH TEMPORARY RANK 129 BRIGADIER GENERALS OF ARTILLERY - - PRO VISIONAL ARMY 131 BRIGADIER GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY . . 133 BRIGADIER GENERALS PROVISIONAL ARMY . . 134 BRIGADIER GENERALS SPECIAL, PROVISIONAL ARMY 135 BRIGADIER GENERALS WITH TEMPORARY RANK, PROVISIONAL ARMY 141 OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO DUTY AS GENERAL OFFI CERS WHO WERE NOT APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT. LIST OF OFFICERS 149 235611 EXECUTIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES 151 CONGRESSES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES . . 155 MEMBERS OF THE PROVISIONAL CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES,, FROM FEBRUARY 4, 1861, TO FEBRUARY 17, 1862 157 SENATORS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES, FROM FEBRUARY 18, 1862, TO FEBRUARY 17, 1864 164 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CONFED ERATE STATES, FROM FEBRUARY 18, 1862, TO FEBRUARY 17, 1864 .167 SENATORS OF THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES, FROM MAY 2, 1864, TO MARCH 18, 1865, DATE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THE SECOND SESSION 174 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDER ATE STATES, FROM MAY 2, 1864, TO MARCH 15, 1865, DATE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THE SECOND SESSION 177 FLAGS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY AND NAVY. THE STARS AND BARS 184 THE BATTLE FLAG 185 THE NATIONAL FLAG 185, 186 THE FLAGS FLOWN BY THE NAVY. THE STARS AND BARS 187 THE NEW ENSIGN 187 THE PENNANT 187 THE JACK 188 NOTE All of the matter contained in this work is taken from the official records, except dates of births and deaths of general officers, since the close of the war, which are from a necrology kept by the compiler for the past thirty years. GENERAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865 GENERALS* (Regular) SAMUEL COOPEK. Born in Hackensack, N. J., June 12, 1798. Appointed from Virginia, Au gust 31, 1861, to rank from May 16, 1861 ; con firmed August 31, 1861, and April 23, 1863; Adjutant and Inspector General; paroled at Charlotte, N. C., May 3, 1865. Died in Alexan dria County, Virginia, December 3, 1876. ALBERT S. JOHNSTON. Born in Mason County, Kentucky, February 3, 1803. Appointed from Texas, August 31, 1861, to rank from May 30, 1861 ; confirmed August 31, 1861. Killed in ac tion at Shiloli, Tenn., April 6, 1862. *Authorized by Act of Congress approved May 1C, 1861, as follows : "Section 2. That the five general officers provided by existing laws for the Confederate States shall have the rank and denomination of general, instead of brigadier-general, which shall be the highest military grade known to the Con federate States. . . ." C9] 10 GENERAL OFFICERS OF ROBERT E. LEE. Born in Stratford, West moreland County, Virginia, January 19, 1807. Appointed from Virginia, August 31, 1861, to rank from June 14, 1861 ; confirmed August 31, 1861, and April 23, 1863 ; confirmed General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States, January 31, 1865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Lexington, Va., October 12, 1870. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. Born in Cherry Grove, near Farmville, Va., February 3, 1807. Ap pointed from Virginia, August 31, 1861, to rank from July 4, 1861; confirmed August 31, 1861, and April 23, 1863; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 2, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., March 21, 1891. PETER G. T. BEAUREGARD. Born near New Or leans, La., May 28, 1818. Appointed from Louisiana, August 31, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861; confirmed August 31, 3861, and April 23, 1863; the Journal of the Provisional Con gress also shows this officer confirmed as Gen eral, Confederate States Army, July 30, 1861, to date from July 21, 1861 ; paroled at Greens boro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at New Orleans, La., February 20, 1893. BRAXTOX BRAGG. Born in Warren County, THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 11 North Carolina, March 22, 1817. Appointed from Louisiana, April 12, 1862, to date from April 6, 1862; confirmed April 12, 1862; from February 24, 1864, to January 31, 1865, was charged, under the direction of the President, "with the conduct of the military operations in the armies of the Confederacy "; paroled near Concord, Ga., May 10, 1865. Died at Galveston, Tex., September 27, 1876. 12 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF GENERAL* (Provisional Army) E. KIRBY SMITH. Born in St. Augustine, Fla v May 16, 1824. Appointed from Florida, Febru ary 19, 1864, to date from February 19, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864; on June 2, 1865, at Gal- veston Harbor, General Smith approved the terms of the convention of May 26, 1865, for the surrender of his troops in the Trans-Mississippi Department ; nothing has been found of record to show that he gave an individual parole at that time. On June 15, 1866, General Smith advised General U. S. Grant that he (Smith) had always regarded his signature ratifying the articles of convention surrendering his troops as a parole. He died at Sewanee, Tenn., March 28, 1893. *Authorized by Act of Congress approved February 17, 1864, as follows : "That the President may appoint one general in the pro visional army of the Confederate States, when, in his dis cretion, it shall be deemed necessary and proper, for the command of the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." THE CONFEDEKATE ARMY 13 GENERAL* (Provisional Army, with Temporary Rank) JOHN B. HOOD. Born in Owenville, Ky., June 1, 1831. Appointed from Texas, July 18, 1864, to date from July 18, 1864 ; reverted to rank of Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, January 23, 1865; on March 16, 1865, the following reso lution was adopted by the Senate: "Resolved, That General J. B. Hood, having been appointed General, with temporary rank and command, and having been relieved from duty as Com mander of the Army of Tennessee, and not hav ing been reappointed to any other command appropriate to the rank of General, he has lost the rank of General, and therefore cannot be confirmed as such." General Hood died in New Orleans, La., August 30, 1879. *Authorized by Act of Congress approved May 31, 1864, as follows : "That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint temporary officers of the rank of brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general, or general for the provisional army, and assign them to any appropriate command. "Section 2. That the said officers, so appointed, shall only hold their said rank and their said command for such time as the temporary exigency may require, at the expiration of which time they shajl resume their previous permanent rack iLDd command." 14 GENERAL OFFICEES OF LIEUTENANT GENERALS* (Provisional Army) JAMES LONGSTKEET. Born in Edgefield Dis trict, South Carolina, January 8, 1821. Ap pointed from Alabama, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 9, 1862; confirmed October 11, 1862 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Charlottesville, Va,, April, 1891. * Authorized by Acts of Congress approved September 18, 1862, and February 17, 1864, as follows: (September 18, 1862.) "That the sixth section of the act to provide for the pub lic defense, approved on the sixth of March, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, be amended by adding, after the words Brigades into divisions, the words and divisions into army corps, and each army corps shall be commanded by a lieu tenant general, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. . . ." (February 17, 1864.) "Section 2. That the President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint lieutenant gen erals in the provisional army of the Confederate States when, in his discretion, it shall be deemed necessary for the command of any one of the military departments. "Section 3. That the officers appointed under the pro visions of this act shall continue to hold the rank herein provided so long as they shall efficiently discharge the duties in command of said several departments, and no longer, but will resume thereafter their former rank in the service." THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 15 E. KIRBY SMITH. Born in St. Augustine, Fla., May 16, 1824. Appointed from Florida, October 11/1862, to rank from October 9, 1862; con firmed October 11, 1862; promoted to be Gen eral, Provisional Army, February 19, 1864. Died at Sewanee, Tenn., March 28, 1893. LEONIDAS POLK. Born in Raleigh, N. C., April 10. 1806. Appointed from Lousiana, October 11^ 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862; con firmed October 11, 1862. Killed in action on Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Ga., June 14, 1864. WILLIAM J. HAEDEE. Born in Savannah, Ga., 1817. Appointed from Georgia, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862 ; confirmed October 11, 1862 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Wytheville, Va., Novem ber 6, 1873. THOMAS J. JACKSON. Born in Clarksburg, Va. (now W. Va.), January 21, 1824. Appointed from Virginia and confirmed October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died May 10, 1863, from wounds received at Chancellor sville, Virginia. THEOPHILUS H. HOLMES. Born in Sampson County, North Carolina, 1804. Appointed from 16 GENERAL OFFICEES OF North Carolina, October 13, 1862, and confirmed the same day, to take rank from October 10, 1862; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died June 20, 1880. JOHN C. PEMBEETON. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1814. Appointed from Virginia, October 13, 1862, to take rank from October 10, 1862; confirmed October 13, 1862; resigned May 18, 1864. Died at Penllyn, Pa., July 13, 1881. EICHAKD S. EWELL. Born in Georgetown, D.C., February 8, 1817. Appointed from Virginia, May 23, 1863, to take rank from same date ; con firmed February 2, 1864; captured at Sailor s Creek, Virginia, April 6, 1865; released on parole from Fort Warren, Mass., July 19, 1865. Died at Spring Hill, Tenn., January 25, 1872. I AMBEOSE P. HILL. Born in Culpeper County, Virginia, November 9, 1825. Appointed from Virginia, May 23, 1863, to take rank from May 24, 1863; confirmed January 15, 1864. Killed in action at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. DANIEL H. HILL. Born at Hill s Iron Works, York District, South Carolina, July 12, 1821. Appointed from North Carolina, July 11, 1863, to take rank from same date ; President declined to nominate ; from July 19, 1863, to October 15, THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 17 1863, lie exercised command as a Lieutenant General; during that period Congress was not in session and he was never nominated for con firmation in that grade ; he reverted to the rank of Major General and was paroled as such May 1, 1865. Died September 25, 1889. JOHN B. HOOD. Born in Owensville, Ky., June 1, 1831. Appointed from Texas, February 1, 1864, to take rank from September 20, 1863; confirmed February 4, 1864; held temporary rank of General from July 18, 1864, to January 23, 1865, on which date he reverted to the rank of Lieutenant General; paroled at Natchez, Miss., May 31, 1865. Died at New Orleans, La., August 30, 1879. EICHAKD TAYLOR. Born in New Orleans, Jan uary 27, 1826. Appointed from Louisiana, May 16, 1864, to take rank from April 8, 1864 ; con firmed May 16, 1864 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Died at New York city, April 12, 1879. STEPHEN D. LEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1833. Appointed from South Carolina, June 23, 1864, to take rank from same date ; confirmed February 14, 1865; confirmation reconsidered February 16, 1865; appointed Lieutenant Gen eral, with temporary rank, March 16, 1865, to 18 GENEEAL OFPICEES OF date from June 23, 1864 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., May 28, 1908. SIMON B. BUCKNEK. Born in Kentucky, 1823. Appointed from Kentucky, September 20, 1864, to take rank from same date; confirmed Janu ary 17, 1865; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 9, 1865. WADE HAMPTON. Born in Columbia, S. C., 1818. Appointed from South Carolina, Febru ary 15, 1865, to take rank from February 14, 1865; confirmed February 15, 1865; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Columbia, S. C., April 11, 1902. NATHAN B. FOBEEST. Born in Bedford County, Tennessee, July 13, 1821. Appointed from Ten nessee, March 2, 1865, to take rank from Febru ary 28, 1865 ; appointed March 2, 1865 ; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Died at Memphis, Tenn., October 29, 1877. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 19 LIEUTENANT GENERALS* (Provisional Army, with Temporary Rank) JUBAL A. EAKLY. Born in Franklin County, Virginia, November 3, 1816. Appointed from Virginia, May 31, 1864, to take rank from same date; confirmed May 31, 1864; no record has been found of his final capture or parole ; unoffi cial sources of information show that he escaped from the United States through Mexico. He died at Lynchburg, Va., March 2, 1894. v RICHARD H. ANDERSON. Born in South Caro lina, 1816. Appointed from South Carolina, June 1, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; con firmed June 1, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died June 26, 1879. ALEXANDER P. STEWART. Born in Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tenn., October 2, 1821. Ap pointed from Tennessee, June 23, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Biloxi, Miss., August 30, 1908. *Autliorized by Act of Congress approved May 31, 1864. 20 GENERAL OFFICERS OF STEPHEN D. LEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1833. Appointed from South Carolina, March 16, 1865, to rank from June 23, 1864; confirmed March 16, 1865; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., May 28, 1908. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 21 MAJOR GENERALS* (Provisional Army) DAVID E. TWIGGS. Born in Richmond County, Georgia, 1790. Appointed from Georgia, May 22, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 23, 1861. Died at Augusta, Ga., July 15, 1862. LEOSTIDAS POLK. Born in Raleigh, N. C., April 10, 1806. Appointed from Louisiana, June 25, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Killed in action on Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Ga., June 14, 1864. BKAXTON BKAGG. Born in Warren County, North Carolina, March 22, 1817. Appointed from Louisiana, September 12, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; Authorized by Act of Congress approved February 28, 1861, as follows: "Section 4. That such forces (provisional forces for the Confederate States of America.) may be received . . . ; and the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of Congress, such general officer or officers for said forces as may be necessary for the service." 22 GENERAL OFFICERS OF promoted to be General, Confederate States Army (regular), April 12, 1862, to rank from April 6, 1862. Died at Galveston, Tex., Septem ber 27, 1876. EAKL VAN DOKN. Born near Port Gibson, Miss., September 17, 1820. Appointed from Mississippi, September 19, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861. Killed by Dr. Peters at Spring Hill, Tenn., May 8, 1863. GUSTAVUS W. SMITH. Born in Georgetown, Ky., January 1, 1822. Appointed from Ken tucky, September 19, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; resigned February 17, 1863. Died at New York city, June 24, 1896. THEOPHILUS H. HOLMES. Born in Sampson County, North Carolina. 1804. Appointed from North Carolina, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; pro moted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, October 13, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died June 20, 1880. WILLIAM J. HARDEE. Born in Savannah, Ga., 1817. Appointed from Georgia, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Lieutenant General, THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 23 Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died at Wytheville, Va., November 6, 1873. BENJAMIN HUGEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1806. Appointed from South Carolina, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed De cember 13, 1861; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 12, 1865. Died December 7, 1877. JAMES LONGSTBEET. Born in Edgefield Dis trict, South Carolina, January 8, 1821. Ap pointed from Alabama, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861 ; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 9, 1862. Died at Charlottesville, Va., April, 1891. JOHN B. MAGEUDEE. Appointed from Vir ginia, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Died February 19, 1871. MANSFIELD LOVELL. Born in Washington, D. C., October 20, 1822. Appointed from Mary land, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; included in the 24 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at New York city, June 10, 1884. THOMAS J. ("STONEWALL") JACKSON. Born in Clarksburg, Va. (now W. Va.), January 21, 1824. Appointed from Virginia, October 7, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Decem ber 13, 1861; promoted to be Lieutenant Gen eral, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died from wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 10, 1863. E. KIKBY SMITH. Born in St. Augustine, Fla., May 16, 1824. Appointed from Florida, Octo ber 11, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 9, 1862. Died at Sewanee, Tenn., March 28, 1893. GEORGE B. CBITTENDEN. Born in Eussellville, Logan County, Ky., March 20, 1812. Appointed from Kentucky, November 9, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed February 17, 1862; re signed October 23, 1862. Died at Danville, Ky., November 27, 1880. EICHAED S. EWELL. Born in Georgetown, D. C., February 8, 1817. Appointed from Virginia, January 24, 1862, to rank from same date ; con- THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 25 firmed same day; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, May 23, 1863. Died at Spring Hill, Tenn., January 25, 1872. JOHN C. PEMBERTON. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1814, Appointed from Virginia, February 13, 1862, to rank from January 14, 1862; confirmed gobfiiagy, 1862; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, Octo ber 13, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died at Penllyn, Pa., July 13, 1881. WILLIAM W. LOEING. Born in Wilmington, N. C., December 14, 1818. Appointed from Florida, February 15, 1862, to rank from Febru ary 17, 1862; confirmed February 17, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at New York city, December 31, 1886. STERLING PRICE. Born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, September 14, 1809. Ap pointed from Missouri, March 6, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed same day; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his per sonal parole. Died at St. Louis, Mo., September 29, 1867. BENJAMIN F. CHEATHAM. Born in Nashville, Tenn., October 20, 1820. Appointed from Ten- 26 GENEEAL OFFICEKS OF nessee, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Nash ville, Tenn., September 4, 1886. SAMUEL JONES. Appointed from Virginia, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862 ; confirmed March 18, 1862; paroled at Talla hassee, Fla., May 12, 1865. Died at Washing ton, D. C., August 1, 1887. JOHN P. McCowN. Born in Tennessee, 1815. Appointed from Tennessee, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862 ; confirmed March 18, 1862; paroled at Salisbury, N. C., May 12, 1865. Died January 22, 1879. DANIEL H. HILL. Born at Hill s Iron Works, York District, South Carolina, August 12, 1821. Appointed from North Carolina, March 26, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed same day; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Pro visional Army, July 11, 1863 ; paroled at Greens boro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died September 25, 1889. THOMAS C. HINDMAN. Born in Tennessee, November, 1818. Appointed from Arkansas, April 18, 1862, to- rank from April 14, 1862 ; con firmed April 18, 1862 ; no record of final capture THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 27 or parole has been found; the records indicate that he went to Mexico at the close of the war. Died (by assassination) at Helena, Ark., Sep tember 28, 1868. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE. Born near Lexington, Ky., January, 1821. Appointed from Kentucky, April 18, 1862, to rank from April 14, 1862 ; con firmed April 18, 1862 ; held the office of Secre tary of War from February 6, 1865 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found; the records indicate that he left the country at the close of the war. Died at Lexington, Ky., May 17, 1875. LAFAYETTE McLAWS. Born in Augusta, Ga., January 15, 1821. Appointed from Georgia, May 23, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 27, 1862; included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Savannah, Ga., July 22, 1897. AMBROSE P. HILL. Born in Culpeper County, Virginia, November 9, 1825. Appointed from Virginia, May 26, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 27, 1862; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, May 23, 1863, to rank from May 24, 1863. Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. 28 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF EICHARD H. ANDERSON. Born in South Caro lina, 1816. Appointed from South Carolina, July 14, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 27, 1862 ; appointed Lieutenant Gen eral, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, June 1, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864. Died June 26, 1879. JAMES E. B. STUART. Born in Patrick County, Virginia, February 6, 1833. Appointed from Virginia, July 25, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 27, 1862. Died at Eich- mond, Va., May 12, 1864, of wounds received in action at Yellow Tavern, Va. EICHARD TAYLOR. Born in New Orleans, La., January 27, 1826. Appointed from Louisiana, July 28, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed September 27, 1862 ; promoted to be Lieu tenant General, Provisional Army, May 16, 1864, to rank from April 8, 1864. Died at New York city, April 12, 1879. SIMON B. BUCKNER. Born in Kentucky, 1823. Appointed from Kentucky, August 16, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 27, 1862; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Pro visional Army, September 20, 1864. JONES M. WITHERS. Born in Madison County, THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 29 Alabama, January 12, 1814. Appointed from Alabama, August 16, 1862, to rank from April 6, 1862 ; confirmed September 27, 1862 ; resigned July 16, 1863 ; restored July 21, 1863 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Died May 13, 1890. SAMUEL Gr. FKENCH. Born in New Jersey, November 22, 1818. Appointed from Missis sippi, October 22, 1862, to rank from August 31, 1862 ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. JOHN H. FORNEY. Born in Lincolnton, Lin coln County, N. C., August 12, 1829. Appointed from Alabama, October 27, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Galveston, Tex., June 20, 1865. Died at Jack sonville, Ala., September 13, 1902. CARTER L. STEVENSON. Born near Fredericks- burg, Va., September 21, 1817. Appointed from Virginia, October 13, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862; confirmed October 13, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died August 15, 1888. I GEORGE E. PICKETT. Born in Richmond, Va., January 28, 1825. Appointed from Virginia, October 11, 1862, and confirmed the same day, 30 GENERAL OFFICERS OF to rank from October 10, 1862; paroled at Ap- pomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Norfolk, Va., July 30, 1875. JOHN B. HOOD. Born in Owensville, Ky., June 1, 1831. Appointed from Texas, October 11, 1862, and confirmed same day, to rank from October 10, 1862; promoted to be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, February 11, 1864, to rank from September 20, 1863. Died at New Orleans, La., August 30, 1879. DAVID R. JONES. Born in South Carolina, 1825. Appointed from Georgia, October 11, 1862, to rank from same date ; according to the Journal of the Confederate Senate, this officer was appointed as Major General, Provisional Army, March 11, 1862, to date from March 10, 1862; nomination rejected September 24, 1862; action reconsidered September 25, 1862, and nomination confirmed October 11, 1862. Died at Richmond, Va., January 17, 1863. >. DABNEY H. MAUKY. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., May 20, 1822. Appointed from Virginia, November 4, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Died at Peoria, 111., Janu ary 11, 1900. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 31 MARTIN L. SMITH. Born in New York city, 1819. Appointed from Florida, November 4, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 30, 1863; paroled at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, 1865. Died July 29, 1866. JOHN G. WALKER. Born in Cole County, Mis souri, July 22, 1822. Appointed from Missouri, November 8, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Died at Washington, D. C., July 20, 1893. ARNOLD ELZEY. Born in Elmwood, Somerset County, Md., December 18, 1816. Appointed from Maryland, December 4, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died at Balti more, Md., February 21, 1871. FRANKLIN GARDNER. Born in New York, 1823. Appointed from Louisiana, December 20, 1862, to rank from December 13, 1862 ; confirmed June 10, 1864; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Died at Vermillionville, La., April 29, 1863. PATRICK E. CLEBURNE. Born in Cork County, Ireland, March 17, 1828. Appointed from Ar- 32 GENEKAL OFFICERS OF kansas, December 20, 1862, to rank from Decem ber 13, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. ISAAC E. TKIMBLE. Born in Culpeper County, Va., May 15, 1802. Appointed from Maryland, April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863 ; confirmed April 23, 1863 ; paroled at Lynchburg, Va., April 16, 1865. Died at Baltimore, Md., January 2, 1888. DANIEL S. DONELSON. Born in Tennessee, 1802. Appointed from Tennessee, April 22, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863 ; confirmed April 22, 1863. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. JUBAL A. EAKLY. Born in Franklin County, Virginia, November 3, 1816. Appointed from Virginia, April 23, 1863, and confirmed same day, to rank from January 17, 1863 ; appointed Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, May 31, 1864. Died at Lynch burg, Va., March 2, 1894. WILLIAM H. C. WHITING. Born in Mississippi, 1825. Appointed from Mississippi, April 22, 1863, and confirmed same day, to rank from February 28, 1863. Died at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, March 10, 1865. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 33 EDWAKD JOHNSON. Born in Kentucky, April 16, 1816. Appointed from Virginia, April 22, 1863, to rank from February 28, 1863 ; confirmed April 22, 1863; captured at Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 1864; released from Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., July 22, 1865. Died February 22, 1873. EGBERT E. EODES. Born at Lynchburg, Va., March 29, 1829. Appointed from Alabama, May 7, 1863, to rank from May 2, 1863; con firmed January 25, 1864. Killed in action at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. HENRY HETH. Born in Chesterfield County, Virginia, December 16, 1825. Appointed from Virginia, October 10, 1862, to rank from same date; Senate refused to confirm October 11, 1862; reappointed May 23, 1863, to rank from May 24, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864. Died at Washington, D. C., September 26, 1899. EGBERT EANSOM, JR. Born at Bridle Creek, Warren County, N. C., February 12, 1828. Ap pointed from North Carolina, May 27, 1863, to rank from May 26, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Warrenton, N. C., May 2, 1865. Died at New Berne, N. C., January 14, 1892. 34 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF WILLIAM D. PENDEE. Born in Edgecomb County, North Carolina, February 6, 1834. Ap pointed from North Carolina, May 27, 1863, to rank from same date. Died at Staunton, Va., July 18, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. JOHN S. BOWEN. Born in Georgia, 1829. Ap pointed from Missouri, May 29, 1863, to rank from May 25, 1863. Died at Raymond, Miss., July 16, 1863. ALEXANDEK P. STEWABT. Born in Eogersville, Hawkins County, Tenn., October 2, 1821. Ap pointed from Tennessee, June 5, 1863, to rank from June 2, 1863 ; confirmed January 25, 1864 ; appointed as Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, June 23, 1864. Died at Biloxi, Miss., August 30, 1908. WILLIAM H. T. WALKEE. Born in Georgia, 1816. Appointed from Georgia, June 27, 1863, to rank from May 23, 1863 ; confirmed January 25, 1864. Killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. STEPHEN D. LEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1833. Appointed from South Carolina, August 3, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed Feb ruary 17, 1864; appointed Lieutenant General, THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 35 Provisional Army, June 23, 1864. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., May 28, 1908. WILLIAM SMITH. Born in King George County, Virginia, September 6, 1796. Appointed from Virginia, August 13, 1863, to rank from August 12, 1863; proflaeted Major General, Pro visional Army, August 13? 1863; resigned De cember 31, 1863. Died at Warrenton, Va., May 18, 1887. CADMUS M. WILCOX. Born in Wayne County, North Carolina, May 29, 1826. Appointed from Tennessee, August 13, 1863, to rank from Au gust 3, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; pa roled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., December 2, 1890. WADE HAMPTON. Born in South Carolina, 1818. Appointed from South Carolina, Septem ber 3, 1863, to rank from August 3, 1863 ; con firmed January 25, 1864; promoted to be Lieu tenant General, Provisional Army, February 15, 1865, to rank from February 14, 1865. Died at Columbia, S. C., April 11, 1902. FITZHUGH LEE. Born in Clermont, . Fairfax County, Va., November 19, 1835. Appointed from Virginia, September 3, 1863, to rank from 36 GENERAL OFFICERS OF August 3, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., April 28, 1905. HOWELL COBB. Born at Cherry Hill, Jefferson County, Ga., September 7, 1815. Appointed from Georgia, September 19, 1863, to rank from September 9, 1863 ; confirmed January 25, 1864 ; captured at Macon, Ga., April 20, 1865 ; paroled at Macon, Ga,, May 18, 1865. Died at New York city, October 9, 1868. JOHN A. WHAKTON. Born in Texas, Septem ber 3, 1831. Appointed from Texas, November 12, 1863, to rank from November 10, 1863 ; con firmed January 25, 1864. Killed in a personal encounter at Houston, Tex., April 6, 1865. WILL T. MAKTIN. Appointed from Missis sippi, November 12, 1863, to rank from Novem ber 10, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; pa roled at Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Died near Natchez, Miss., March 16, 1910. NATHAN B. FOEKEST. Born in Bedford County, Tennessee, July 13, 1821. Appointed from Ten nessee, December 4, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed January 25, 1864 ; promoted to THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 37 be Lieutenant General, Provisional Army, March 2, 1865, to rank from February 28, 1865. Died at Memphis, Tenn., October 29, 1877. JOSEPH WHEELER. Born in Augusta, Ga., Sep tember 10, 1836. Appointed from Georgia, Feb ruary 4, 1864, to rank from January 20, 1861; confirmed February 4, 1864; captured at Con- yers Station, Ga., May 9, 1865; released from Fort Delaware, Del., June 8, 1865. Died at Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., January 25, 1906. CHARLES W. FIELD. Born in Woodf ord County, Kentucky, 1818. Appointed from Kentucky, February 12, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment ; paroled at Ap- pomattox Court House, Va,, April 9, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., April 9, 1892, J. PATTON ANDERSON. Born in Tennessee, 1820. Appointed from Florida, February 17, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Memphis, Tenn., 1873. WILLIAM B. BATE. Born near Castillion Springs, Sumner County, Tenn., 1830. Ap pointed from Tennessee, March 5, 1864, to rank 38 GENERAL OFFICEES OF from February 23, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. 0., May 1, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., March 9, 1905. EOBEKT F. HOKE. Born in Lincolnton, N. C., May 27, 1837. Appointed from North Carolina, April 23, 1864, to rank from April 20, 1864; con firmed May 11, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. : WILLIAM H. F. LEE. Born in Arlington, Va,, May 31, 1837. Appointed from Virginia, April 23, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed June 9, 1864; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Ravens- worth, Fairfax County, Va., October 15, 1891. JOHN B. GOKDON. Born in Upson County, Georgia, February 6, 1832. Appointed from Alabama, May 14, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Miami, Fla., January 9, 1904. BUSHKOD R. JOHNSON. Born in Ohio, 1817. Appointed from Tennessee, May 26, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from May 21, 1864 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Miles Station, 111., September 10, 1880. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 39 JOSEPH B. KERSHAW. Born in Camden, S. C., January 5, 1822. Appointed from South Caro lina, June 2, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from May 18, 1864; captured at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Camden, S. C., April 13, 1894. CAMILLUS J. POLIGNAC. Born in France, Feb ruary 6, 1832. Appointed from France, June 13, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from April 8, 1864 ; was in Europe on leave of absence when hostilities ceased. JAMES F. FAGAN. Born in Louisville, Ky., 1827. Appointed from Arkansas, June 13, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from April 25, 1864 ; paroled in Arkansas on or about June 20, 1865. Died at Little Bock, Ark., September 1, 1893. WILLIAM MAHONE. Born in Monroe, South ampton County, Va., December 1, 1826. Ap pointed from Virginia, August 3, 1864, to rank from July 30, 1864 ; confirmed January 17, 1865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., October 9, 1895. JAMES L. KEMPEE. Born in Madison County, Virginia, June 11, 1823. Appointed from Vir- 40 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF ginia, September 19, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled at Danville, Va., May 2, 1865. Died in Orange County, Virginia, April 17, 1895. MATTHEW C. BUTLER. Born near Greenville, S. C., March 6, 1836. Appointed from South Carolina, December 7, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from September 19, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Columbia, S. C., April 14, 1909. G. W. CUSTIS LEE. Born in Arlington, Va., September 16, 1832. Appointed from Virginia, February 7, 1865, to rank from October 20, 1864; confirmed February, 1865; captured at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; paroled for ten days at City Point, Va., April 12, 1865; parole extended until further orders, April 23, 1865 ; no later record found regarding parole. BRYAN GRIMES. Born in Grimesland, Pitt County, N. C., November 2, 1828. Appointed from North Carolina, February 23, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from February 15, 1865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died August 14, 1880. i THOMAS J. CHURCHILL. Born near Louisville, Ky., March 10, 1824. Appointed from Arkansas, THE CONFEDEKATE ARMY 41 March 18, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from March 17, 1865 ; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Died at Little Rock, Ark., May 15, 1905. JOHN S. MAKMADUKE. Born near Arrow Rock, Mo., March 14, 1833. Appointed from Missouri, March 18, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from March 17, 1865; captured in action on Little Osage River, Kan., October 25, 1864; re leased from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. 42 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF MAJOE GENEEALS* (For Service with Volunteer Troops, ivith Temporary Rank) JOSEPH WHEELER. Born in Augusta, Ga., September 10, 1836. Appointed January 20, 1863; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, February 4, 1864, to rank from January 20, 1863. Died at Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., Jan uary 25, 1906. JEKEMY F. GILMEK. Born in Guilford County, North Carolina, February 25, 1818. Appointed August 25, 1863; paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died December 1, 1883. *Authorized by Act of Congress of May 21, 1861, as follows : "That the President shall be authorized to confer tem porary rank and command, for service with volunteer troops, on officers of the Confederate Army; the same to be held without prejudice to their positions in said army, and to have effect only to the extent and according to the assign ment made in general order." THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 43 MAJOR GENERALS* (Provisional Army, with Temporary Rank) STEPHEN D. RAMSEUE. Born in Lincolnton, N. C., May 31, 1837. Appointed from North Carolina, June 1, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment. Died Octo ber 20, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. WILLIAM MAHONE. Born in Monroe, South ampton County, Va., December 1, 1826. Ap pointed from Virginia, June 1, 1864, and con firmed same day, to rank from date of appoint ment; declined appointment June 7, 1864; ap pointed Major General, Provisional Army, August 3, 1864, to rank from July 30, 1864. Died at Washington, D. C., October 9, 1895. EDWARD C. WALTHALL. Born in Richmond, Va., April 4, 1831. Appointed from Mississippi, June 10, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from Jud 6, 1864 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., April 21, "1898. *Authorized by Act of Congress approved May 31, 1864, before cited. 44 GENERAL OFFICERS OF HENKY D. CLAYTON. Born in Pulaski County, Georgia, March 7, 1827. Appointed from Ala bama, July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864; confirmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Greens boro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 13, 1889. JOHN C. BROWN. Born in Giles County, Ten nessee, January 6, 1827. Appointed from Tennessee, August 4, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed February 20, 1865; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. LUNSFOED L. LOMAX. Born in Newport, R. I. Appointed from Virginia, August 10, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. G. W. CUSTIS LEE. Born in Arlington, Va., September 16, 1832. Appointed from Virginia, October 20, 1864, to rank from same date; ap pointed Major General, Provisional Army, Feb ruary 7, 1865, to rank from October 20, 1864. THOMAS L. ROSSER. Born in Campbell County, Virginia, October, 1836. Appointed from Texas, November 4, 1864, to rank from November 1, 1864; confirmed February 20, 1865; the War Department has in its possession a parole ap pearing to have been signed by General Rosser at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865, THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 45 whereas from other records it appears that this officer escaped from Lee s army on the day of its surrender, and that on May 4, 1865, he sur rendered himself to the United States authori ties at Bichmond, Va., where he evidently sub scribed to the parole above referred to. Died near Charlottesville, Va., May 29, 1910. AMBROSE E. WEIGHT. Born in Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga., April, 1826. Appointed from Georgia, November 30, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from November 26, 1864 ; in cluded in the Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died December 21, 1872. PIERCE M. B. YOUNG. Born in Spartanburg, S. C., November 15, 1839. Appointed from Georgia, January 28, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from December 30, 1864; included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at New York city, July 6, 1896. WILLIAM W. ALLEN. Born in Montgomery, Ala., 1835. Appointed from Alabama to rank from March 4, 1865; paroled as a Brigadier General at Charlotte, N. C., May 3, 1865; he probably had not received notice of his promo tion. Died at Sheffield, Ala., November 21, 1894. 46 GENERAL OFFICERS OF BRIGADIER GENERALS, CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY* (Regular) SAMUEL COOPEE. Born in Hackensack, N. J., June 12, 1798. Appointed from Virginia, March 16, 1861, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment; promoted to be General, Confederate States Army (regular), August 31, 1861, to rank from May 16, 1861. Died at Alex andria, Va., December 3, 1876. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. Born at Cherry Grove, near Farmville, Va., February 3, 1807. Ap pointed from Virginia May 14, 1861, and con firmed same day, to rank from date of appoint- *Authorized by Acts of Congress approved March 6, 1861, and March 14, 1861, as follows: (March 6, 1861.) "Sec. 8. There shall be four brigadier generals, who shall be assigned to such commands and duties as the President may specially direct. . . ." (March 14, 1861.) "Sec. 2. That there shall be added one brigadier general to those heretofore authorized by law, and that any one of the brigadier generals of the army of the Confederate States may be assigned to the duty of adjutant and inspector gen eral, at the discretion of the President." THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 47 ment; promoted to be General, Confederate States Army (regular), August 31, 1861, to rank from July 4, 1861. Died at Washington, D. C., March 21, 1891. ROBEKT E. LEE. Born in Stratford, West moreland County, Va., January 19, 1807. Ap pointed from Virginia May 14, 1861, and con firmed same day, to rank from date of appoint ment; promoted to be General, Confederate States Armyfregular), August 31, 1861, to rank from June 14, 1861. Died at Lexington, Va., Oc tober 12, 1870. 48 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF BEIGADIEE GENEEALS.* (Provisional Army.) PETEE G. T. BEAUREGARD. Born near New Or leans, La., May 28, 1818. Appointed from Lou isiana March 1, 1861, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment ; promoted to be General, Confederate States Army (regu lar), August 31, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861. Died at New Orleans, La., February 20, 1893. BRAXTON BRAGG. Born in Warren County, North Carolina, May 22, 1817. Appointed from Louisiana March 7, 1861, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment. Pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, September 12, 1861. Died at Galveston, Tex., September 27, 1876. ALEXANDER E. LAWTON. Born in St. Peter s *Authorized by Act of Congress approved February 28, 1861, as follows : "Sec. 4. That such forces (provisional forces for the Confederate States of America) may be received . . . ; and the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of Congress, such general officer or officers for said forces as may be necessary for the service." THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 49 Parish, South Carolina, November 4, 1818. Ap pointed from Georgia April 13, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861 ; ap pointed Quartermaster General, Provisional Army, February 17, 1864 ; paroled at Washing ton, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died at Clifton Springs, N. Y., July 2, 1896. MILLEDGE L. BONHAM. Born near Bed Bank, Edgefield District, South Carolina, December 22, 1813. Appointed from South Carolina April 23, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Au gust 28, 1861 ; resigned January 29, 1862 : reap- pointed February 20, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from February 9, 1865 ; included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at White Sulphur Springs, N. C., August 27, 1890. BEN McCuLLOCH. Born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, November 11, 1811. Ap pointed from Texas May 11, 1861, and con firmed same day, to rank from date of appoint ment. Killed in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7, 1862. WILLIAM W. LOEING. Born in Wilmington, N. C., December 4, 1818. Appointed from Flor ida May 20, 1861, to rank from same date ; con- 50 GENERAL OFFICERS OF firmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, February 15, 1862, to rank from February 17, 1862. Died at New York city December 31, 1886. CHARLES CLARK. Appointed from Mississippi May 22, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 28, 1861; resigned October 31, 1863. Died in Bolivar County, Mississippi, De cember, 1879. JOHN B. FLOYD. Born in Blacksburg, Pulaski County, Virginia, June 1, 1801. Appointed from Virginia May 23, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; relieved from com mand by the President March 11, 1862 ; appoint ed Major General, Virginia State Line, May 17, 1862. Died at Abingdon, Va., August 26, 1863. WILLIAM H. T. WALKER. Born in Decatur, Ga., 1861. Appointed from Georgia May 25, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861 ; resigned October 29, 1861 ; reappointed March 2, 1863, to rank from February 9, 1863 ; confirmed March 2, 1863 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, June 27, 1863, to rank from May 23, 1863. Killed near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. HENRY R. JACKSON. Born in Savannah, Ga., THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 51 June 24, 1820. Appointed from Georgia June 4, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Au gust 28, 1861 ; resigned December 2, 1861 ; reap- pointed September 23, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; captured in action at Nashville, Tenn., December 16, 1864; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 8, 1865. Died at Savannah, Ga., May 23, 1898. THEOPHILUS H. HOLMES. Born in Sampson County, North Carolina, 1804. Appointed from North Carolina June 5, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 7, 1861. Died June 20, 1880. HENRY A. WISE. Born in Drummondtown, Accomac County, Virginia, December 3, 1806. Appointed from Virginia June 5, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Richmond, Va., September 10, 1876. EARL VAN DORN. Born near Port Gibson, Miss., September 17, 1820. Appointed from Mississippi June 5, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, Septem ber 19, 1861. Killed by Dr. Peters at Spring Hill, Tenn., May 8, 1863* 52 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF EGBERT S. GARNETT. Born in Essex County, Virginia, December 16, 1819. Appointed from Virginia June 6, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861. Killed in action at Carrick s Ford, Va., July 13, 1861. WILLIAM J. HARDEE. Born in Savannah, Ga., 1817. Appointed from Georgia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, October 7, 1861. Died at Wythe- ville, Va,, November 6, 1863. EICHARD S. EWELL. Born in Georgetown, D.C., February 8, 1817. Appointed from Virginia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed ggteairey , i&4; captured at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 ; released and paroled August 19, 1865. Died at Spring Hill, Tenn., January 25, 1872. DAVID E. JONES. Appointed from Georgia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General Provisional Army, October 11, 1862. Died at Eichmond, Va., January 19, 1863. BARNARD E. BEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1835. Appointed from South Carolina June 17, 1861, to rank from same date. Killed in action at Bull Bun, Va., July 21, 1861. THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 53 BENJAMIN HUGEK. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1806. Appointed from South Carolina June 17, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, October 7, 1861. Died December 7, 1877. JOHN B. MAGRUDEB. Born in Winchester, Va., August 15, 1810. Appointed from Virginia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 28, 1861. Died February 19, 1871. JAMES LONGSTREET. Born in Edgefield Dis trict, South Carolina, January 8, 1821. Ap pointed from Alabama June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861. Died at Charlottesville, Va., April, 1891. E. KIRBY SMITH. Born in St. Augustine Fla., May 16, 1824. Appointed from Florida June 17, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, October 11, 1861. Died at Sewa- nee, Tenn., March 28, 1893. JOHN C. PEMBERTON. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1814. Appointed from Virginia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major 54 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF General, Provisional Army, February 13, 1862, to rank from January 14, 1862. Died at Pen- llyn, Pa., July 13, 1881. THOMAS J. JACKSON. Born in Clarksburg, Va. (now W. Va.) January 21, 1824. Appointed from Virginia June 17, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 7, 1861. Died May 10, 1863, from wounds received at Chancellorsville. HENKY H. SIBLEY. Born in Natchitoches, La., May 25, 1816. Appointed from Louisiana June 17, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Au gust 28, 1861, and June 10, 1864; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Died at Fred- ericksburg, Va., August 23, 1886. JOHN H. WINDEK. Born in Maryland, 1800. Appointed from Maryland June 21, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861, and June 10, 1864. Died at Florence, S. C., February 7, 1885. DANIEL S. DONELSON. Born in Tennessee, 1802. Appointed from Tennessee July 9, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, April 22, 1863, to rank from Janu ary 17, 1863. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 55 SAMUEL R. ANDERSON. Appointed from Ten nessee, July 9, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; resigned May 10, 1862; reappointed November 19, 1864, to rank from November 7, 1864; confirmed November 19, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Nashville, Tenn., Janu ary 2, 1883. GIDEON J. PILLOW. Born in Williamson County, Tennessee, June 8, 1806. Appointed from Tennessee July 9, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861, and February 17, 1864; paroled at Montgomery, Ala., May 5, 1865. Died in Lee County, Arkansas, October 8, 1878. BENJAMIN F. CHEATHAM. Born in Nashville, Tenn., October 20, 1820. Appointed from Ten nessee July 9, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862. Died at Nashville, Tenn., September 4, 1886. FELIX K. ZOLLICOFFEK. Born in Maury County, Tennessee, May 19, 1812. Appointed from Ten nessee July 9, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861. Killed in action at Logan s Cross Roads, Ky., January 19, 1862. 56 GENERAL OFFICERS OF DANIEL H. HILL. Born at Hill s Iron Works, York District, South Carolina, July 12, 1821. Appointed from North Carolina July 10, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, March 26, 1862. Died September 25, 1889. JONES M. WITHERS. Born in Madison County, Wisconsin, January 12, 1814. Appointed from Alabama July 10, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, August 16, 1862, to rank from April 6, 1862. Died March 13, 1890. RICHARD H.ANDERSON. Appointed from South Carolina July 19, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, July 14, 1863. Died June 26, 1879. EGBERT TOOMBS. Born in Wilkes County, Georgia, July 2, 1810. Appointed from Georgia July 19, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 28, 1861 ; resigned March 4, 1863. Died at Washington, Ga., December 15, 1885. ISAAC R. TRIMBLE. Born in Culpeper County, Virginia, May 15, 1802. Appointed from Mary- THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 57 land August 9, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 9, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863. Died at Balti more, Md., January 2, 1888. DANIEL EUGGLES. Born in Massachusetts, January 31, 1810. Appointed from Virginia August 9, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed August 9, 1861, and February 17, 1864; paroled at Augusta, Ga., on or about May 9, 1865. Died at Fredericksburg, Va., June 1, 1897. GEORGE B. CKITTENDEN. Born in Eussellville, Logan County, Ky., March 20, 1812. Appointed from Kentucky August 15, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed August 16, 1861 ; promoted to be Major-General, Provisional Army, Novem ber 9, 1861. Died in Danville, Ky., November 21, 1880. JOHN B. GRASON. Born in Kentucky, 1807. Appointed from Louisiana August 15, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 16, 1861. Died in Tallahassee, Fla., October 21, 1861. EOSWELL S. EIPLEY. Born at Worthington, 0., March 14, 1823. Appointed from South 58 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF Carolina August 15, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 16, 1861; confirmed again on June 10, 1864; included in the Sher man-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died in New York city, March 29, 1887. ALBERT PIKE. Born in Boston, Mass., Decem ber 29, 1809. Appointed from Arkansas August 15, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 16, 1861; resigned November 11, 1862. Died at Washington, D. C., April, 1891. RICHARD O. GATLIST. Born in Lenoir County, North Carolina, January 18, 1809. Appointed from North Carolina August 15, 1861, to rank from July 8, 1861 ; confirmed August 16, 1861 ; resigned September 8, 1862. Died at Mount Nelso, Ark., September 9, 1896. PAUL 0. HERBERT. Born in Iberville Parish, Louisiana, December 12, 1818. Appointed from Louisiana August 17, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed August 17, 1861; paroled at Houston, Tex., June 23, 1865. Died at New Orleans, La., August 30, 1880. ARNOLD ELZEY. Born in Elmwood, Md., De cember 18, 1816. Appointed from Maryland August 28, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861 ; con- THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 59 firmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, December 4, 1862. Died at Baltimore, Md., February 21, 1871. SAMUEL JONES. Born in Virginia, 1820. Ap pointed from Virginia August 28, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861 ; confirmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862. Died at Washington City, August 1, 1887. WILLIAM H. C. WHITING. Born in Mississippi, 1825. Appointed from Mississippi August 28, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861; confirmed August 28, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 22, 1863, to rank from February 28, 1863. Died at Governor s Island, New York, March 10, 1865. JUBAL A. EARLY. Born in Franklin County, Virginia, November 3, 1816. Appointed from Virginia August 28, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861; confirmed August 28, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863. Died at Lynchburg, Va., March 2, 1894. JOSEPH E. ANDERSON. Born at Walnut Hill, Va., February 6, 1813. Appointed from Vir- 60 GENERAL OFPICEES OF ginia September 3, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861 ; resigned July 19, 1862. Died at Isle of Shoals, New Hampshire, September 7, 1892. SIMON B. BUCKNEE. Born in Kentucky, 1823. Appointed from Kentucky September 14, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Pro visional Army, August 16, 1862. LEKOY P. WALKER. Born near Huntsville, Ala., July 28, 1817. Appointed from Alabama September 17, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; resigned March 31, 1862. Died at Huntsville, Ala., August 22, 1884. ALBERT G. BLANCHARD. Born in Charlestown, Mass., 1810. Appointed from Louisiana Sep tember 21, 1861, to rank from same date ; con firmed December 13, 1861; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at New Orleans, La., January 25, 1891. GABRIEL J. KAINS. Born in Craven County, North Carolina, June 4, 1803. Appointed from North Carolina September 23, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861. Died at Aiken, S. C., September 7, 1881. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 61 JAMES E. B. STUART. Born in Patrick County, Virginia, February 6, 1833. Appointed from Virginia September 24, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, July 25, 1862. Died of wounds received at Yellow Tavern, Va., May 12, 1864. LAFAYETTE McL/Aws. Born in Augusta, Ga., January 15, 1821. Appointed from Georgii September 25, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 23, 1862. Died at Savannah, Ga., July 22, 1897. THOMAS F. DEAYTON. Born in South Carolina, 1807. Appointed from South Carolina Septem ber 25, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Florence, S. C., February 18, 1891. THOMAS C. HINDMAN. Born in Tennessee, November, 1818. Appointed from Arkansas September 28, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major Genera], Provisional Army, April 18, 1862, to rank from April 14, 1862. Died (by assassination) at Helena, Ark., September 28, 1868. 62 GENERAL OFFICERS OF ADLEY H. GLADDEN. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from Louisiana September 30, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861. Mortally wounded in action at Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862. JOHN McCowN. Born in Tennessee, 1815. Appointed from Tennessee October 12, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862. Died January 22, 1879. LLOYD TILGHMAN. Born in Talbot County, Maryland, 1816. Appointed from Kentucky October 18, 1861, to rank from same date ; con firmed December 13, 1861. Killed in action at Baker s Creek, Miss., May 16, 1863. NATHAN G. EVANS. Born in Marion County, South Carolina, February 6, 1824. Appointed from South Carolina October 21, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 19, 1861, and June 10, 1864; included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died March 30, 1868. CADMUS M. WILCOX. Born in Wayne County, North Carolina, May 29, 1826. Appointed from THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 63 Tennessee October 21, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, August 13, 1863, to rank from August 3, 1863. Died at Washington, D. C., December 2, 1890. PHILIP ST. GEORGE COCKE. Born in Virginia, 1808. Appointed from Virginia October 21, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Decem ber 13, 1861. Died in Powhatan County, Vir ginia, December 26, 1861. EGBERT E. EODES. Born in Lynchburg, Va., March 29, 1829. Appointed from Alabama October ,21, 1861, to rank from same date; con firmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 7, 1863, to rank from May 2, 1863. Killed at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. EICHARD TAYLOR. Born in New Orleans, La., January 27, 1826. Appointed from Louisiana October 21, 1861, to rank from same date ; con firmed December 13, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, July 28, 1862. Died at New York city, April 12, 1879. Louis T. WIGFALL. Born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, April 21, 1816. Appointed from Texas October 21, 1861, to rank from same date ; 64 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF confirmed December 20, 1861; resigned Febru ary 20, 1862. Died February 21, 1874. JAMES H. TRAPIER. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina October 21, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Decem ber 13, 1861 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died January 2, 1866. SAMUEL G. FRENCH. Born in New Jersey, November 22, 1818. Appointed from Missis sippi October 23, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 22, 1862, to rank from August 31, 1862. WILLIAM H. CARROLL. Born in 1820. Ap pointed from Tennessee October 26, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 20, 3861; resigned February 1, 1863. Died in Canada. HUGH W. MERCER. Born in Virginia, 1808. Appointed from Georgia October 29, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 20, and June 10, 1864; captured at Macon, Ga., April 20, 1865 ; paroled at Macon, Ga., May 13, 1865. Died in Baden Baden, Germany, June 9, 1877. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 65 HUMPHEEY MARSHALL. Born in Frankfort, Ky., January 13, 1812. Appointed from Ken tucky October 30, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861 ; resigned June 16, 1862 ; reappointed June 20, 1862, to rank from October 30, 1861; resigned June 17, 1863. Died March 28, 1872. C. BRECKINRIDGE. Born near Lexington, Ky., January, 1821. Appointed from Kentucky November 2, 1861, to rank from same date ; con firmed December 13, 1861 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 18, 1862, to rank from April 14, 1862. Died at Lexington, Ky., May 17, 1875. EICHARD GRIFFITH. Appointed from Missis sippi, November 2, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 13, 1861. Died June 30, 1862, of wounds received in action at Savage Station, Va., June 29, 1862. ALEXANDER P. STEWART. Born in Eogersville, Hawkins County, Tenn., October 8, 1821. Ap pointed from Tennessee November 8, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, June 5, 1863, to rank from June 2, 1863. Died at Biloxi, Miss., August 30, 1908. 66 GENERAL OFFICEES OF WILLIAM M. GAKDNEK. Born in Georgia. Ap pointed from Georgia November 14, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861, and June 10, 1864; included in the Sher man-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Memphis, Tenn., June 16, 1901. EICHAKD B. GARNETT. Born in Virginia. Ap pointed from Virginia November 14, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. WILLIAM MAHONE. Born in Monroe, South ampton County, Va., December 1, 1826. Ap pointed from Virginia November 16, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 13, 1861, and February 17, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, August 3, 1864, to rank from July 30, 1864. Died in Wash ington, D. C., October 9, 1895. LAWKENCE 0. B. BKANCH. Born in Halifax County, North Carolina, November 28, 1820. Appointed from North Carolina November 16, 1861, to rank from same date ; confirmed Decem ber 13, 1861. Killed in action at Sharpsburg, Md., September 17, 1862. EDWABD JOHNSON, Born in Chesterfield THE CONFEDERATE ARMF 67 County, Virginia, April 16, 1816. Appointed from Kentucky December 13, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 24, 1861; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 22, 1863, to rank from February 28, 1863. Died February 22, 1873. MAXCY GREGG. Born in Columbia, S. C. Ap pointed from South Carolina December 14, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed Decem ber 24, 1861. Killed in action at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. HENRY C. WAYNE. Born in Savannah, Ga., September 9, 1815. Appointed from Georgia December 16, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 24, 1861 ; declined appoint ment January 11, 1862. Died March 15, 1883. RALEIGH E. COLSTON. Born in Paris, France (of Virginia parentage), October 31, 1825. Ap pointed from Virginia December 24, 1861, to rank from same date; confirmed December 24, 1861, and February 17, 1864; paroled at Lynch- burg, Va., May 22, 1865. Died at Richmond, Va., July 29, 1896. HENRY HETH. Born in Chesterfield County, Virginia, December 16, 1825. Appointed from Virginia January 6, 1862, to rank from same 68 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF date ; confirmed January 14, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 23, 1863, to rank from May 24, 1863. Died at Wash ington, D. C., September 26, 1899. STEELING A. M. WOOD. Appointed from Ala bama January 7, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed January 14, 1862; resigned October 17,1863. Died . JOHNSON K. DUNCAN. Born at York, Pa., March 19, 1827. Appointed from Louisiana January 7, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed January 14, 1862. Died at Knoxville, Tenn., December 18, 1862. JOHN G. WALKEK. Born in Cole County, Mis souri, July 22, 1822. Appointed from Missouri January 9, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed January 9, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, November 8, 1862. Died at Washington, D. C., July 20, 1893. BUSHKOD E. JOHNSON. Born in Ohio, 1817. Appointed from Tennessee January 24, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed January 24, 1862, and February 17, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 26, 1864, to rank from May 21, 1864. Died at Miles Sta tion, 111., September 10, 1880. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 69 JAMES MC!NTOSH. Born at Tampa Bay, Fla., 1828. Appointed from Florida January 24, 1 862, to rank from same date ; confirmed Janu ary 24, 1862. Killed in action at Pea Eidge, Ark., March 7, 1862. J. PATTON ANDEKSON. Born in Tennessee, 1820. Appointed from Florida February 10, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed Feb ruary 10, 1862, and February 17, 1864; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, February 17, 1864. Died at Memphis, Tenn., 1873. JOHN K. JACKSON. Born in Augusta, Ga., February 8, 1828. Appointed from Georgia February 13, 1862, to rank from January 14, 1862 ; confirmed January 14, 1862, and February 17, 1864; paroled at Augusta, Ga., May 17, 1865. Died at Milledgeville, Ga., February 27, 1866. GEOKGE E. PICKETT. Born in Eichmond, Va., January 25, 1825. Appointed from Virginia February 13, 1862, to rank from January 14, 1862; confirmed January 14, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died at Norfolk, Va., July 30, 1875. JAMES E. CHALMEKS. Born in Halifax County, 70 GENEBAL OFFICERS OF Virginia, January 11, 1831. Appointed from Misissippi February 13, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed February 17, 1862, and Febru ary 17, 1864; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Died at Memphis, Term., April 9, 1898. HOWELL COBB. Born at Cherry Hill, Jeffer son County, Ga., September 7, 1815. Appointed from Georgia February 13, 1862, to rank from February 12, 1862; confirmed February 12, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, September 19, 1863, to rank from September 9, 1863. Died at New York city, October 9, 1868. GEORGE W. RANDOLPH. Born in Monticello, Va. Appointed from Virginia February 13, 1862, to rank from February 12, 1862; con firmed February 12, 1862; Secretary of War from March 18, 1862, to November 17, 1862 ; re signed December 18, 1864. Died 18. JOSEPH L. HOGG. Appointed from Texas Feb ruary 14, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed February 14, 1862. Died May 16, 1862. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW. Born in Camden, S. C., January 5, 1822. Appointed from South Caro lina February 15, 1862, to rank from February 13, 1862; confirmed February 13, 1862, and Feb- THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 71 ruary 17, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 18, 1864. Died at Camden, S. C., April 13, 1894. AMBKOSE P. HILL. Born in Culpeper County, Virginia, November 9, 1825. Appointed from Virginia February 26, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed February 26, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 26, 1862. Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. JAMES J. PETTIGREW. Born in Tyrrell County, North Carolina, July 4, 1828. Appointed from North Carolina February 26, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 26, 1862. Died at Bunker Hill, W. Va., July 17, 1863, of wounds received in action at Falling Waters, Md., July 14, 1863. WINFIELD S. FEATHEBSTON. Born in Ruther ford County, Tennessee, August 5, 1821. Ap pointed from Mississippi March 6, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862 ; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Holly Springs, Miss., May 28, 1891. THOMAS J. CHURCHILL. Born near Louisville, Ky., 1844. Appointed from Arkansas March 6, 72 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865. *Died at Little Eock, Ark., May 15, 1905. WILLIAM B. TALIAFERRO. Born in Belleville? Gloucester County, Va., December 28, 1822. Ap pointed from Virginia March 6, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862; confirmed March 6, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 2, 1865, as a Major General, but no record of his appoint ment or confirmation as such has been found. Died in Gloucester County, Virginia, February 27, 1898. ALBERT EUST. Appointed from Arkansas March 6, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862 ; con firmed March 6, 1862; paroled at Austin, Tex., July 27, 1865. Died 18 . PATRICK E. CLEBURNE. Born in Cork County, Ireland, March 17, 1828. Appointed from Ar kansas March 6, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862 ; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, December 20, 1862, to rank from December 13, 1862. Killed at Battle of Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. HAMILTON P. BEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 73 July 22, 1822. Appointed from Texas March 6, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862 ; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; paroled at Columbus, Tex., June 26, 1865, as a Major General, but no record of his appointment or confirmation as such has been found. Died at San Antonio, Tex., Octo ber 3, 1897. CAKTEB L. STEVENSON. Born near Fredericks- burg, Va., September 21, 1817. Appointed from Virginia March 6, 1862, to rank from February 27, 1862; confirmed March 6, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 13, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died August 15, 1888. DANVILLE LEADBETTEK. Born in Maine, 1811. Appointed from Alabama March 6, 1862, to rank from February 27, 1862; confirmed March 6, 1862; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died . WILLIAM W. MACKALL. Born in Cecil County, Maryland. Appointed from Maryland March 6, 1862, to rank from February 27, 1862; con firmed March 6, 1862; captured at Macon, Ga., April 20, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Langley, Fair fax County, Va., August 19, 1891. EGBERT RANSOM, JR. Born at Bridle Creek, 74 GENERAL OFFICEES OF Warren County, N. C., February 12, 1828. Ap pointed from North Carolina March 6, 1862, to rank from March 1, 1862; confirmed March 6, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, May 27, 1863, to rank from May 26, 1863. Died at New Berne, N. C., January 14, 1892. JOHN B. HOOD. Born in Owenville, Bath County, Ky., June 1, 1831. Appointed from Texas March 6, 1862, to rank from March 3, 1862 ; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 11, 1862, to rank from October 10, 1862. Died in New Orleans, La., August 30, 1879. SAMUEL B. MAXEY. Born in Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Ky., March 30, 1825. Ap pointed from Texas March 7, 1862, to rank from March 4, 1862 ; confirmed March 6, 1862 ; no rec ord of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Eureka Springs, Ark., August 16, 1895. CHAKLES S. WINDEK. Born in Maryland, 1829. Appointed from Maryland March 7, 1862, to rank from March 1, 1862; confirmed March 7, 1862. Killed in action at Cedar Mountain, Ya., August 9, 1862. JAMES M. HAWES. Born in Kentucky. Ap- THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 75 pointed from Kentucky March 14, 1862, to rank from March 5, 1862 ; confirmed March 13, 1862, and March 18, 1862; paroled at San Antonio, Tex., August 24, 1865. Died November 2, 1889. WILLIAM D. SMITH. Born in Georgia, 1826. Appointed from Georgia March 14, 1862, to rank from March 7, 1862 ; confirmed March 13, 1862, and March 18, 1862. Died at Charleston, S. C., October 4, 1862. CHARLES W. FIELD. Born in Woodford County, Kentucky, 1818. Appointed from Kentucky March 14, 1862, to rank from March 9, 1862 ; confirmed March 13, 1862, and March 18, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Pro visional Army, February 12, 1864. Died at Washington City, April 9, 1892. JOHN H. FORNEY. Born in Lincolnton, Lin coln County, N. C., August 12, 1829. Appointed from Alabama March 14, 1862, to rank from March 10, 1862 ; confirmed March 13, 1862, and March 18, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, October 27, 1862. Died at Jacksonville, Fla., September 13, 1902. SETH M. BARTON. Appointed from Virginia March 18, 1862, to rank from March 11, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862; captured at Sailor s 76 GENEKAL OFFICERS OF Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Fred- ericksburg, Va., April 11, 1900. DABNEY H. MAURY. Born at Fredericksburg, Va., May 20, 1822. Appointed from Virginia March 18, 1862, to rank from March 12, 1862 ; confirmed March 18, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, November 4, 1862. Died at Peoria, 111., January 11, 1900. B. VILLEPIQUE. Born in Camden, S. C., July 2, 1830. Appointed from South Carolina March 18, 1862, to rank from March 13, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862. Died at Port Hud son, La., November 9, 1862. JOHN S. BOWEN. Born in Georgia, 1829. Ap pointed from Missouri March 18, 1862, to rank from March 14 ; confirmed March 18, 1862 ; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, May 29, 1863, to rank from May 25, 1863. Died January 16, 1863. BENJAMIN H. HELM. Born in Elizabethtown, Ky., 1830. Appointed from Kentucky March 18, 1862, to rank from March 14, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862 ; mortally wounded in action at Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863. Died at Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863. THE CONFEDEBATE AEMY 77 HENRY E. McCuLLOCH. Born in Butherford County, Tennessee. Appointed from Texas March 18, 1862, to rank from March 14, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862; paroled at San An tonio, Tex., August 19, 1865. Died March 12, 1895. GEORGE H. STEUART. Born in Baltimore, Md., August 24, 1828. Appointed from Maryland March 18, 1862, to rank from March 6, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862 ; paroled at Appomat- tox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died . JAMES E. SLAUGHTER. Born in Virginia. Ap pointed from Virginia March 18, 1862, to rank from March 8, 1862; confirmed March 18, 1862; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Died in the City of Mexico, January 1, 1901. PAUL J. SEMMES. Appointed from Georgia March 18, 1862, to rank from March 11, 1862 ; confirmed March 18, 1862; mortally wounded in action at Gettysburg, Pa,, July 2, 1863. Died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. JOHN S. BOANE. Born in Wilson County, Ar kansas, 1817. Appointed from Arkansas March 20, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed 78 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF March 20, 1862; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 11, 1865. Died at Pine Bluff, Ark., April 7, 1867. STATES E. GIST. Appointed from South Caro lina March 20, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed March 20, 1862. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. WILLIAM N. PENDLETON. Born in Lexington, Va., December 23, 1809. Appointed from Vir ginia March 26, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed March 26, 1862; paroled at Appo- mattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Lexington, Va., January 15, 1883. LEWIS A. AKMISTEAD. Born in New Berne, N. C., February 18, 1817. Appointed from Vir ginia April 1, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 1, 1862; mortally wounded in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. JOSEPH FINEGAN. Appointed from Florida April 5, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed April 5, 1862 ; paroled at Madison, Fla., May 20, 1865. Died at Sanford, Fla., October 29, 1885. MAKTIN L. SMITH. Born in New York city, THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 79 1819. Appointed from Florida April 11, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 11, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, November 4, 1862. Died July 29, 1866. Lucius M. WALKEK. Born in Tennessee, 1829. Appointed from Tennessee April 11, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 11, 1862. Killed in duel with General J. S. Marmaduke, September 6, 1863. EOGEE A. PKYOK. Born near Petersburg, Va., July 19, 1828. Appointed from Virginia April 16, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 16, 1862 ; resigned August 18, 1863. HENKY LITTLE. Appointed from Missouri April 16, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed April 16, 1862. Killed in action at luka, Miss., September 19, 1862. WILLIAM N. E. BEALL. Born in Kentucky, 1825. Appointed from Arkansas April 17, 1862, to rank from April 11, 1862 ; confirmed April 17, 1862; captured at Port Hudson, La., July 8, 1863 ; released at New York city, August 2, 1865. Died at MacMinnville, Tenn., July 25, 1883. WILLIAM Y. SLACK. Appointed from Missouri 80 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF April 17, 1862, to rank from April 12, 1862 ; con firmed April 17, 1862. Killed in action at Pea Eidge, Ark., March 7, 1862. WILLIAM PKESTON. Born near Louisville, Ky., October 16, 1806. Appointed from Kentucky April 18, 1862, to rank from April 14, 1862 ; con firmed April 18, 1862; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Lexington, Ky., September 21, 1887. JULIUS A. DE LAGNEL. Appointed from Vir ginia April 18, 1862, to rank from April 15, 1862 ; confirmed April 18, 1862 ; declined appointment July 31, 1862. JOHN ECHOLS. Born in Lynchburg, Va., March 20, 1823. Appointed from Virginia April 18, 1862, to rank from April 16, 1862; confirmed April 18, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Staunton, Va., May 24, 1898. GEOEGE MANEY. Born in Tennessee. Ap pointed from Tennessee April 18, 1862, to rank from April 16, 1862 ; confirmed April 18, 1862 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died in Washington, D. C., February 9, 1901. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 81 ALFRED MOUTON. Born in Opelousas, La., February 18, 1829. Appointed from Louisiana April 18, 1862, to rank from April 16, 1862 ; con firmed April 18, 1862. Killed in action at Mans field, La., April 8, 1864. JOHN S. WILLIAMS. Born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, 1820. Appointed from Ken tucky April 18, 1862, to rank from April 16, 3862; confirmed April 18, 1862; paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died near Mt. Sterling, Ky., July 17, 1898. FRANKLIN GARDNER. Born in New York, 1823. Appointed from Louisiana April 19, 1862, to rank from April 11, 1862; confirmed April 19, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provi sional Army, December 20, 1862, to rank from December 13, 1862. Died at Vermillionville, La., April 29, 1863. JAMES G. MARTIN. Born in Elizabeth City, N. C., February 14, 1819. Appointed from North Carolina May 17, 1862, to rank from May 15, 1862; resigned July 25, 1862; reappointed August 11, 1862, to rank from May 15, 1862; confirmed September 30, 1862; surrendered at A sheville, N. C., May 3, 1865. Died at Asheville, N. C., October 4, 1878. 82 GENERAL OFFICERS OF THOMAS L. CLINGHAM. Born in Huntsville, N. C., July 22, 1812. Appointed from North Carolina May 17, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died in Mor- gantown, N. C., November 3, 1897. SAMUEL GAKLAND, JR. Born in Lynchburg, Va., December 16, 1830. Appointed from Vir ginia May 23, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at South Mountain, Md., September 14, 1862. WADE HAMPTON. Born in Columbia, S. C., 1818. Appointed from South Carolina May 23, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed Sep tember 30, 1862 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, September 3, 1863, to rank from August 3, 1863. Died at Columbia, S. C., April 11, 1902. EOBEET HATTON. Born in Sumner County, Tennessee, 1827. Appointed from Tennessee May 23, 1862, to rank from same date. Killed in action at Seven Pines, Va., May 31, 1862. DANIEL W. ADAMS. Appointed from Loui siana May 23, 1862, to rank from same date : con firmed September 30, 1862 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 9, 1865. Died at New Orleans, La., June 14, 1872. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 83 TURNER ASHBY. Born in Fauquier County, Virginia, 1824. Appointed from Virginia May 23, 1862, to rank from same date. Killed in ac tion near Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Louis HERBERT. Born in Louisiana. Ap pointed from Louisiana May 26, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died in St. Martin s Parish, Louisiana, July 20, 1901. JOHN C. MOORE. Born near Knoxville, Tenn., February 28, 1824. Appointed from Texas May 26, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 11, 1863 ; resigned February 3, 1864. Died at Osage, Tex., December 31, 1910. AMBROSE E. WRIGHT. Born in Louisville, Jef ferson County, Ga., April, 1826. Appointed from Georgia June 3, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862 ; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, with tem porary rank, November 30, 1864, to rank from November 26, 1864. Died December 21, 1872. JAMES L. KEMPER. Born in Madison County, Virginia, June 11, 1823. Appointed from Vir ginia June 3, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed September 30, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, September 84 GENERAL OFFICERS OF 19, 1864. Died in Orange County, Virginia, April 7, 1895. JAMES J. ARCHER. Born in Harford County, Md. Appointed from Maryland June 3, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 30, 1862. Died October 24, 1864. GEORGE B. ANDERSON. Born near Hillsboro, Orange County, N. C., April, 1831. Appointed from North Carolina June 9, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Died October 16, 1862, of wounds received in action at Sharpsburg, Md., September 7, 1862. BEVERLY H. EOBERTSON. Born at The Oaks, Amelia County, Va., 1826. Appointed from Vir ginia June 9, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed September 30, 1862 ; paroled at Augusta, Ga., May 19, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., November 12, 1910. JOHN E. JONES. Appointed from Virginia June 25, 1862, to rank from June 23, 1862 ; ap pointment "not acted on by the Senate for two sessions." He was captured at Smithburg, Tenn., July 4, 1863, and released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Har- risonburg, Va., April 1, 1901. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 85 ST. JOHN E. LIDDELL. Appointed from Loui siana July 17, 1862, to rank from July 12, 1862 ; confirmed September 30, 1862 ; captured at Fort Blakely, Ala., April 9, 1865 ; was held as a pris oner of war at Fort Gaines, Ala., as late as May 13, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at New Orleans, La., 18 . NATHAN B. FORREST. Born in Bedford County, Tennessee, July 13, 1821. Appointed from Tennessee July 21, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 30, 1862; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, December 4, 1863. Died at Memphis, Tenn., October 29, 1877. JOHNSON HAGOOD. Born in Barnwell County, South Carolina, February 21, 1829. Appointed from South Carolina July 21, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 30, 1862; in cluded in the Sherman-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal pa role has been found. Died at Barnwell, S. C., January 4, 1898. WILLIAM D. FENDER. Born in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, February 6, 1834. Ap pointed from North Carolina July 22, 1862, to rank from June 3, 1862; confirmed September 86 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF 30, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Pro visional Army, May 27, 1863. Died of wounds, at Gettysburg, July 13, 1863. MICAH JENKINS. Born on Edisto Island, South Carolina, 1839. Appointed from South Carolina July 22, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at the Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864. MARTIN E. GREEN. Born in Lewis County, Missouri, 1825. Appointed from Missouri July 23, 1862, to rank from July 21, 1862; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at Vicks- burg, Miss., June 27, 1863. FITZHUGH LEE. Born at Clermont, Fairfax County, Va., November 19, 1835. Appointed from Virginia July 25, 1862, to rank from July 24, 1862; confirmed September 30, 1862; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, September 3, 1863, to rank from August 3, 1863. Died at Washington, D. C., April 28, 1905. HARRY T. HAYS. Born in Wilkinson County, Mississippi, April 14, 1820. Appointed from Louisiana July 25, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed September 30, 1862; paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865, as a Major Gen eral, but no record of his appointment or con- THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 87 firmation as such lias been found ; under date of May 10, 1865, he was, however, announced in orders from Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department as promoted to be Major General, to take effect from that date. Died at New Orleans, La., August 21, 1876. ALBERT G. JENKINS. Appointed from Virginia August 5, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed September 30, 1862. Mortally wounded in action at Cloyd s Farm, Va., May 9, 1864. WILLIAM E. STARKE. Appointed from Loui siana August 6, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at Sharpsburg, Md., September 17, 1862. WILLIAM BARKSDALE. Born in Eutherford County, Tennessee. Appointed from Missis sippi August 12, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. EDWARD D. TRACY. Born in Macon, Ga., 1833. Appointed from Alabama August 16, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Killed in action at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863. THOMAS JORDAN. Born in Luray Valley, Va., 88 GENERAL OFFICERS OF September 30, 1819. Appointed from Virginia September 26, 1862, to rank from April 14, 1862 ; confirmed September 26, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at New York city, November 27, 1895. WILLIAM E. SCUEEY. Appointed from Texas September 26, 1862, to rank from September 12, 1862; confirmed September 26, 1862. Mortally wounded at Jenkins Ferry, Ark., April 30, 1864. ALLISON NELSON. Appointed from Texas September 26, 1862, to rank from September 12, 1862; confirmed September 26, 1862. Died near Austin, Tex., October 7, 1862. MATTHEW D. ECTOK. Appointed from Texas September 27, 1862, to rank from August 23, 1862; confirmed September 27, 1862; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Died at Tyler, Tex., October 29, 1879. JOHN GEEGG. Appointed from Texas Septem ber 27, 1862, to rank from August 29, 1862 ; con firmed September 27, 1862. Killed in action in front of Richmond. Va., October 7, 1864. EDWAED A. PEEEY. Born in Richmond, Berk shire County, Mass., March 15, 1833. Appointed from Florida September 30, 1862, to rank from THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 89 August 28, 1862 ; confirmed September 30, 1862; paroled at Montgomery, Ala., June 6, 1865. Died at Knoxville, Tenn., October 15, 1889. JOHN C. BROWN. Born in Giles County, Ten nessee, January 6, 1827. Appointed from Ten nessee September 30, 1862, to rank from August 30, 1862; confirmed September 30, 1862; ap pointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, August 4, 1864. Died at Red Boiling Springs, Tenn., August 17, 1889. ALFRED H. COLQUITT. Born in Walton County, Georgia, April 20, 1824. Appointed from Geor gia September 30, 1862, to rank from September 1, 1862 ; confirmed September 30, 1862 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., March 26, 1894. JUNIUS DANIEL. Born in Halifax, N. C., June 27, 1828. Appointed from North Carolina Sep tember 30, 1862, to rank from September 1, 1862 ; confirmed September 30, 1862. Died May 13, 1864, of wounds received in action, at Spott- sylvania Court House, Va., May 12, 1864. EVANDER M. LAW. Born at Darlington, S. C., 1836. Appointed from Alabama October 3, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed October 3, 1862; paroled at Charlotte, N. C., May 25, 1865. 90 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF WILLIAM B. BATE. Born at Castillion Springs, Tenn., 1830. Appointed from Tennessee Octo ber 3, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed October 3, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, March 5, 1864, to rank from February 23, 1864. Died at Washington, D. C., March 9, 1905. WILLIAM H. F. LEE. Born in Arlington, Va., May 31, 1837. Appointed from Virginia Octo ber 3, 1862, to rank from September 15, 1862 ; confirmed October 3, 1862 ; promoted to be Major Genera], Provisional Army, April 23, 1864. Died at Eavensworth, Fairfax County, Va., October 15, 1891. WILLIAM E. JONES. Born near Glade Spring, Washington County, Va., May, 1824. Appointed from Virginia October 3, 1862, to rank from September 19, 1862 ; confirmed October 3, 1862. Killed in action at Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864. WILLIAM E. BALDWIN. Appointed from Mis sissippi October 3, 1862, to rank from September 19, 1862 ; confirmed October 3, 1862. Died Feb ruary 19, 1864. JOHN C. VAUGHN. Born in Grayson County, Virginia, February 24, 1824. Appointed from Tennessee October 3, 1862, to rank from Sep- THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 91 tember 22, 1862; confirmed October 3, 1862; paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died at Thomasville, Ga., September 10, 1875. WILLIAM STEELE. Born at Albany, N. Y., 1819. Appointed from Texas October 3, 1862, to rank from September 12, 1862 ; confirmed October 3, 1862; paroled at San Antonio, Tex., August 4, 1865. Died at San Antonio, Tex., January 12, 1885. JAMES F. FAGAN. Born in Louisville, Ky., 1827. Appointed from Arkansas October 3, 1862, to rank from September 12, 1862; con firmed October 3, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, June 13, 1864, to rank from April 25, 1864. Died at Little Eock, Ark., September 1, 1893. ELKANAH GREEK. Born in Mississippi. Ap pointed from Texas October 8, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed October 8, 1862 ; in cluded in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Duvalls Bluff, Ark., March 25, 1877. JOSEPH E. DAVIS. Born in Mississippi. Ap pointed from Mississippi October 8, 1862, to rank from September 15, 1862 ; confirmed Octo- 92 GENEEAL OFFICEKS OF her 8, 1862; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Biloxi, Miss., September 15, 1896. DANIEL M. FROST. Born in New York. Ap pointed from Mississippi October 10, 1862, to rank from March 3, 1862 ; confirmed October 10, 1862; dropped December 9, 1863. Died at St. Louis, Mo., October 30, 1900. FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS. Born at Donaldson- ville, Ascension Parish, La., August 20, 1834. Appointed from Louisiana October 14, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 18, 1865. PRESTON SMITH. Born in Giles County, Ten nessee, December 25, 1823. Appointed from Tennessee October 27, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863. Killed in action at Chickamauga, Ga., September 19, 1863. ALFRED CUMMING. Born in Augusta, Ga. Appointed from Georgia October 29, 1862, to rank from same date : confirmed April 22, 1863 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Eome, Ga., December 5, 1910. ALFRED E. JACKSON. Appointed from Ten nessee October 29, 1862, to rank from same date ; THE CONFEDEBATE ARMY 93 appointment canceled; reappointed April 22, 1863, to rank from February 9, 1863 ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Lynchburg, Va., June 1, 1865. Died at Jonesboro, Tenn., October 30, 1889. WILLIAM S. WALKER. Appointed from Florida October 30, 1863, to rank from same date; con firmed April 22, 1862; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Atlanta, Ga., June 7, 1899. JOSEPH WHEELER. Born in Augusta, Ga., September 10, 1836. Appointed from Georgia October 30, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863 ; appointed Major General, with temporary rank, for service with volunteer troops, January 20, 1863. Died at Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., January 25, 1906. GEORGE DOLES. Born in Milledgeville, Ga., March 14, 1830. Appointed from Georgia No vember 1, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed April 22, 1863. Killed in action at Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, 1864. MONTGOMERY D. CORSE. Born at Alexandria, Va., March 14, 1816. Appointed from Virginia November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863; captured at Sailor s 94 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Alex andria, Va., February 11, 1895. GEOKGE T. ANDERSON. Born in Georgia. Ap pointed from Georgia November 1, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 22, 1863; pa roled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Anniston, Ala., April 4, 1901. THOMAS E. E. COBB. Born at Cherry Hill, Jefferson County, Ga., April 10, 1823. Ap pointed from Georgia November 1, 1862, to rank from same date. Killed in action at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. ALFRED IVERSON. Born in Burke County, Georgia, December 3, 1798. Appointed from North Carolina November 1, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed June 10, 1864; captured and paroled near Lawrenceville, Ga., May, 1865. Died March 4, 1873. JAMES H. LANE. Born at Matthews Court House, Va. Appointed from North Carolina November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 23, 1863; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Au burn, Ala., September, 1907. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 95 EDWAKD L. THOMAS. Born in Clark County, Georgia. Appointed from Georgia November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died in Oklahoma, March 8, 1898. STEPHEN D. RAMSEUE. Born in Lincolnton, N. C., May 31, 1837. Appointed from North Carolina November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, June 1, 1864. Killed at Winchester, Va., October 19, 1864. JOHN R. COOKE. Born at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1833. Appointed from North Carolina November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died in Richmond, Va,, April 9, 1891. JOHN B. GORDON. Born in Upson County, Georgia, February 6, 1822. Appointed from Alabama November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; not confirmed ; reappointed May 11, 1863, to rank from May 7, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Pro visional Army, May 14, 1864. Died at Miami, Fla., January 9, 1904. 96 GENERAL OFFICEES OF JEKOME B. EOBEKTSOIST. Born in Woodford County, Kentucky. Appointed from Texas November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of Ms personal parole has been found. Died ELISHA F. PAXTON. Born in Eockbridge County, Virginia, March 4, 1828. Appointed from Virginia November 1, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863. Killed in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. JAMES E. EAINS. Born in Nashville, Tenn., April, 1833. Appointed from Tennessee, No vember 4, 1862, to rank from same date. Killed in action at Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 31, 1862. EVANDEB McNAiB. Appointed from Arkansas November 4, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found; applied for amnesty at Washington, Ark., August 7, 1865. Died at Hattiesburg, Miss., November 13, 1902. THOMAS H. TAYLOK. Appointed from Ken- THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 97 tucky November 4, 1862, to rank from same date; President declined to nominate. Died at Louisville, Ky., April 12, 1901. WILLIAM G. M. DAVIS. Appointed from Flor ida November 4, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; resigned May 6, 1863. AKCHIBALD GRACIE, JR. Born in New York, December 1, 1833. Appointed from Alabama November 4, 1863, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863. Killed at Petersburg, Va., December 2, 1864. WILLIAM E. BOGGS. Born in Augusta, Ga., March 18, 1829. Appointed from Georgia No vember 4, 1862, to rank from same date; con firmed April 22, 1863; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 9, 1865. JAMES C. TAPPAN. Born in Williamson County, Tennessee. Appointed from Arkansas November 5, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 22, 1863; paroled at Shreve port, La., June 8, 1865. DANDBIDGE McEAE. Appointed from Arkan sas November 5, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; resigned, 1864. MOSBY M. PAESONS. Born in Virginia, 1819. 98 GENERAL OFFICEES OF Appointed from Missouri November 5, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 30, 1863 ; paroled at Shreveport, La. ? June 8, 1865, as a Major General, but no record of his appoint ment or confirmation as such has been found; under date of May 13, 1864, he was, however, announced in orders from Headquarters Trans- Mississippi Department as promoted to be Major General, to take effect from April 30, 1864. Killed in action at Camargo, Mexico, August 17, 1865. STEPHEN D. LEE. Born in Charleston, S. C., 1833. Appointed from South Carolina Novem ber 6, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, August 3, 1863. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., *May 28, 1908. JOHN PEGRAM. Born in Virginia, January 24, 1832. Appointed from Virginia November 10, 1862, to rank from November 7, 1862 ; confirmed April 25, 1863. Killed in action at Hatcher s Eun, Va., February 6, 1865. JOHN A. WHARTON. Born in Texas. Ap pointed from Texas November 18, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 22, 1863; pro moted to be Major General, Provisional Army, November 12, 1863, to rank from November 10, THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 99 1863. Killed in private feud by Colonel George Baylor at Houston, Tex., April 6, 1865. ABRAHAM BUFORD. Born in Kentucky, 1820. Appointed from Kentucky November 29, 1862, to rank from September 2, 1862 ; confirmed April 22, 1862; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Committed suicide June 9, 1884. WILL T. MARTIN. Appointed from Missis sippi December 2, 1862, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, November 12, 1863, to rank from November 10, 1863. Died near Natchez, Miss., March 16, 1910. JOHN H. MORGAN. Born in Huntsville, Ala., June 1, 1826. Appointed from Tennessee De cember 11, 1862, to rank from same date ; con firmed April 22, 1863. Killed at Greenville, Tenn., September 4, 1864. MARCUS J. WRIGHT. Born in Purdy, McNairy County, Tenn., June 5, 1831. Appointed from Tennessee December 20, 1862, to rank from De cember 13, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863; pa roled at Grenada, Miss., May 19, 1865. ZACHARIAH C. DBAS. Born in Camden, S. C., October 25, 1819. Appointed from Alabama 100 GENEEAL OFFICEKS OF December 20, 1862, to rank from December 13, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12, 1865. Died in New York city, March, 1882. EOGER W. HANSON. Born in Clark County, Kentucky, August 27, 1827. Appointed from Kentucky December 20, 1862, to rank from De cember 13, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863. Killed in action at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Janu ary 22, 1863. Lucius E. POLK. Born in Salisbury N. C., July 10, 1833. Appointed from Arkansas De cember 20, 1862, to rank from December 13, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died near Columbus, Tenn., December 5, 1892. JAMES CANTEY. Born in Kershaw District, South Carolina, December 30, 1818. Appointed from Alabama January 8, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died . JOHN ADAMS. Born in Nashville, Tenn., July 1, 1825. Appointed from Tennessee January 9, 1863, to rank from December 29, 1862; not confirmed; reappointed. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. THE CONFEDEKATE AEMY 101 WILLIAM H. JACKSON. Born in Paris, Tenn., October 7, 1835. Appointed from Tennessee January, 1863, to rank from December 29, 1862; confirmed April 22, 1863 ; paroled at Columbus, Miss., May 18, 1865. Died near Nashville, Tenn., April 30, 1903. CAMILLUS J. POLIGNAC. Born in France, Feb ruary 6, 1832. Appointed from France January 10, 1863, to rank from same date; confirmed April 23, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, June 13, 1864, to rank from April 8, 1864. FRANCIS A. SHOUP. Born at Laurel, Franklin County, Ind., March 22, 1834. Appointed from Florida April 11, 1863, to rank from September 12, 1862 ; confirmed April 11, 1863 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Columbus, Tenn., September 2, 1896. EDWARD C. WALTHALL. Born in Eichmond, Va., April 4, 1831. Appointed from Mississippi April 23, 1863, to rank from December 13, 1862 ; confirmed April 23, 1863; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, June 10, 1864, to rank from June 6, 1864. Died at Washington, D. C., April 21, 1898. EGBERT F. HOKE. Born in Lincolnton, N. C., 102 GENERAL OFFICEES OF May 27, 1837. Appointed from North Carolina April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863 ; confirmed April 23, 1863 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, April 23, 1864, to rank from April 20, 1864. HENRY L. BENNING. Born in Columbia County, Georgia, April 2, 1814. Appointed from Georgia April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died . WILLIAM T. WOFFORD. Appointed from Geor gia April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863; paroled at Kesaca, Ga., May, 1865. SAMUEL McGowAN. Born in Laurens County, South Carolina, October 19, 1819. Appointed from South Carolina April 23, 1863, to rank from January 17, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Abbeville, S. C., August 9, 1897. MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Born in Sparta, Ga., September 18, 1818. Appointed from Georgia April 29, 1863, to rank from same date; con firmed April 23, 1863; paroled May 9, 1865. Died at Augusta, Ga., August 7, 1895. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 103 GEOKGE B. COSBY. Born in Kentucky. Ap pointed from Kentucky April 23, 1863, to rank from January 20, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Oakland, Cal., June 29, 1909. FRANK C. ARMSTRONG. Appointed from Ar kansas April 23, 1863, to rank from ^pto 20, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863; paroled at Co lumbus, Miss., May 15, 1865. Died . WILLIAM LEWIS CABELL. Born in Danville, Va., January 1, 1827. Appointed from Arkan sas April 23, 1863, to rank from January 20, 1863 ; confirmed April 23, 1863 ; captured in ac tion at Little Osage River, Kan., October 25, 1864; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Dallas, Tex., February 22, 1911. WILLIAM SMITH. Appointed from Virginia April 23, 1863, to rank from January 31, 1863 ; confirmed April 23, 1863 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, August 13, 1863, to rank from August 12, 1863. Died at Warren- ton, Va., May 18, 1887. ROBERT B. VANCE. Born in Buncombe County, North Carolina, April 28, 1828. Appointed from 104 GENERAL OFFICERS OF North Carolina April 23, 1863, to rank from March 4, 1863; confirmed April 23, 1863; cap tured at Cosby Creek, Tenn., January 14, 1864 ; released for exchange from Fort Delaware, Del., March 10, 1865; no further record has been found. Died near Asheville, N. C., November 28, 1899. HENKY D. CLAYTON. Born in Pulaski County, Georgia, March 7, 1827. Appointed from Ala bama April 25, 1863, to rank from April 22, 1863 ; confirmed April 25, 1863 ; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864. Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 13, 1889. AKTHUK M. MANIGAULT. Born at Charleston, S. C., 1824. Appointed from South Carolina April 30, 1863, to rank from April 26, 1863; confirmed April 30, 1863 ; no record of final cap ture or parole has been found. Died August 6, 1886. JOHN W. WHITFIELD. Appointed from Texas May 9, 1863, to rank from same date; con firmed January 25, 1864; paroled at Columbus, Tex., June 29, 1865, Died . JAMES A. WALKEK. Born in Augusta County, Virginia, August 27, 1832. Appointed from THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 105 Virginia May 16, 1863, to rank from May 15, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. pied . JOHN M. JONES. Born in Charlottesville, Va., July 26, 1820. Appointed from Virginia May 16, 1863, to rank from May 15, 1863 ; confirmed February 17, 1864. Killed in action at the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. JOHN W. FRAZER. Appointed from Mississippi May 19, 1863, to rank from same date ; nomina tion rejected by the Senate, February 16, 1864. Died in New York city, March 31, 1906. THOMAS GREEN. Born in Amelia County, Vir ginia, June 8, 1814. Appointed from Texas May 23, 1863, to rank from May 20, 1863 ; con firmed January 25, 1864. Killed in action at Blair s Landing, La,, April 12, 1864. JOHN S. MARMADUKE. Born at Arrow Eock, Mo., March 14, 1833. Appointed from Missouri May 25, 1863, to rank from November 15, 1862 ; confirmed February 17, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865* ISHAM W. GARROTT. Born in North Carolina, 106 GENERAL OFFICERS OF 1816. Appointed from Alabama May 29, 1863, to rank from May 28, 1863. Killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., June 17, 1863. EDWARD A. ? NEAL. Born in Madison County, Ala., 1818. Appointed from Alabama June 6, 1863, to rank from same date ; canceled by order of the President. Died at Florence, Ala., No vember 5, 1890. JOHN T. MORGAN. Born in Athens, Tenn,, June 24, 1824. Appointed from Alabama June 6, 1863, to rank from same date; declined ap pointment July 14, 1863 ; reappointed November 17, 1863, to rank from November 16, 1863 ; con firmed February 17, 1864 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., June 11, 1907. MATT W. RANSOM. Born in Warren County, North Carolina, 1826. Appointed from North Carolina June 15, 1863, to rank from June 13, 1863; confirmed February 16, 1864; paroled at Appornattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died in North Carolina, October 8, 1904. ALFRED M. SCALES. Born in Rockingham County, North Carolina, November 26, 1827. Appointed from North Carolina June 15, 1863, to rank from June 13, 1863 ; confirmed February THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 107 16, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Applied for amnesty at Raleigh, N. C., June 22, 1866. Died February 9, 1892. DOUGLAS H. COOPEK. Appointed from Mis sissippi June 23, 1863, to rank from May 2, 1863 ; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died in Indian Territory in 1867. HENKY H. WALKER. Appointed from Virginia July 1, 1863, to rank from same date; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Richmond, Va., May 7, 1865. FRANCIS M. COCKRELL. Born in Johnson County, Missouri, October 1, 1834. Appointed from Missouri July 23, 1863, to rank from July 18, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; cap tured at Fort Blakely, Ala., April 9, 1865 ; pa roled at Fort Gaines, Ala., May 14, 1865. JAMES P. MAJOR. Appointed from Louisiana July 23, 1863, to rank from July 21, 1863; con firmed February 17, 1864; paroled at New Iberia, La., June 11, 1865. Died May 8, 1877. OTHO F. STRAHL. Born in Ohio. Appointed from Tennessee July 28, 1863, to rank from 108 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF same date ; confirmed January 25, 1864. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. JAMES DESHLEK. Born in Tuscumbia, Ala., February 18, 1833. Appointed from Alabama July 28, 1863, to rank from same date. Killed in action at Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863. SAMUEL W. FERGUSON. Appointed from Mis sissippi July 28, 1863, to rank from July 23, 1863 ; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. LUNSFORD L. LOMAX. Born in Newport, E. I. Appointed from Virginia July 30, 1863, to rank from July 23, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; appointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, August 10, 1864. LAWRENCE S. BAKER. Born in Gates County, North Carolina, May, 1830. Appointed from North Carolina July 30, 1863, to rank from July 23, 1863 ; confirmed February 16, 1864 ; paroled at Ealeigh, N. C., May 8, 1865. Died at Suffolk, Va., April 10, 1907. PHILIP D. EODDY. Born in Moulton, Lawrence County, Ala., 1820. Appointed from Alabama August 3, 1863, to rank from same date; con- THE CONFEDEKATE AEMY 109 firmed January 25, 1864 ; paroled at Courtland, Ala., on or about May 17, 1865. Died in London, England, August, 1897. THOMAS P. DOCKEKY. Appointed from Ar kansas August 10, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed June 10, 1864; paroled in Arkansas June, 1865. Died at New York city, February 26, 1898. EPPA HUNTON. Born in Fauquier County, Virginia, September 23, 1823. Appointed from Virginia August 12, 1863, to rank from August 9, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; captured in action at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died at Eichmond, Va., October 11, 1908. BENJAMIN G. HUMPHKEYS. Born in Claiborne County, Mississippi, 1808. Appointed from Mississippi August 14, 1863, to rank from August 12, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; paroled at Jackson, Miss., May 15, 1865. Died in Leflore County, Mississippi, December 22, 1882. HENKY B. DAVIDSON. Born in Tennessee. Ap pointed from Tennessee August 18, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. 110 GENERAL OFFICEES OF HENEY W. ALLEN. Born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, April 29, 1820. Appointed from Louisiana August 19, 1863, to rank from same date; confirmed January 25, 1864; re signed January 10, 1864. Died at Sheffield, Ala., November 1, 1894. CULLEST A. BATTLE. Born in Powelton, Ga., June 1, 1829. Appointed from Alabama August 25, 1863, to rank from August 20, 1863; con firmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Mont gomery, Ala., May 16, 1865. Died at Greens boro, N. C., April 8, 1905. WILLIAM W. KIBKLAND. Appointed from North Carolina August 31, 1863, to rank from August 29, 1863; confirmed February 16, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. GOODE BEYAN. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia August 31, 1863, to rank from August 29, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; resigned September 20, 1864. Died . MATTHEW C. BUTLEE. Born near Greenville, S. C., March 6, 1836. Appointed from South Carolina September 2, 1863, to rank from Sep tember 1, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, December 7, 1864, to rank from Septem- THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 111 ber 17, 1864. Died at Columbia, S. C., April 14, 1909. WILLIAMS C. WICKHAM. Born in Richmond, Va., September 21, 1820. Appointed from Vir ginia September 2, 1863, to rank from Septem ber 1, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; re signed November 9, 1864. Died at Richmond, Va., July 23, 1888. ROBEKT D. JOHNSTON. Appointed from North Carolina September 2, 1863, to rank from Sep tember 1, 1863; confirmed February 16, 1864; paroled at Charlotte, N. C., May 13, 1865. WILLIAM A. QUARLES. Appointed from Ten nessee September 5, 1863, to rank from August 25, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; wounded in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864, and subsequently captured; paroled at Nash ville, Tenn., on or about May 25, 1865. Died in Montgomery County, Tennessee, January, 1894. ALEXANDER W. REYNOLDS. Born in Clarke County, Virginia, August, 1817. Appointed from Virginia September 17, 1863, to rank from September 14, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, 1865. Died May 26, 1876. ABNER PERRIN. Born in Edgefield District, 112 GENERAL OFFICERS OF South Carolina, 1827. Appointed from South Carolina September 17, 1863, to rank from Sep tember 10, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864. Killed in action at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. THOMAS N. WAUL. Born in Sumter District, South Carolina, January, 1815. Appointed from Texas September 19, 1863, to rank from Sep tember 18, 1863; confirmed June 10, 1864; in cluded in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Greenville, Tex., July, 1903. EDMUND W. PETTUS. Born in Limestone County, Alabama, July 6, 1821. Appointed from Alabama September 19, 1863, to rank from September 18, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Salisbury, N. C., May 2, 1865. Died at Hot Springs, Ark., July 27, 1907. GABEIEL C. WHARTON. Appointed from Vir ginia September 25, 1863, to rank from July 8, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Lynchburg, Va., June 21, 1865. Died at Rad- ford, Va., May 11, 1906. WIRT ADAMS. Appointed from Mississippi September 28, 1863, to rank from September THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 113 25, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Killed at Jackson, Miss., by John H. Martin, May 1, 1888. JAMES B. GORDON. Born in Wilkesboro, N. C., November 2, 1822. Appointed from North Carolina September 28, 1863, to rank from same date; confirmed February 17, 1864. Mortally wounded in action at Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, 1864. JAMES A. SMITH. Appointed from Tennessee October 1, 1863, to rank from September 30, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Jack son, Miss., December 6, 1901. JOSEPH H. LEWIS. Born in Glasgow, Barren County, Ky. Appointed from Kentucky Octo ber 1, 1863, to rank from September 30, 1863 ; confirmed January 25, 1864; paroled at Wash ington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died at Frankfort, Ky., July 6, 1904. MARK P. LOWREY. Appointed from Missis sippi October 6, 1863, to rank from October 4, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; resigned March 14, 1865. Died at Middleton, Tenn., February 27, 1885. LEROY A. STAFFORD. Appointed from Loui- 114 GENERAL OFFICERS OF siana October 8, 1863, to rank from same date ; confirmed January 25, 1864. Mortally wounded in action at the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. THOMAS L. ROSSER. Born in Campbell County, Virginia, October 15, 1836. Appointed from Texas October 10, 1863, to rank from September 28, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; ap pointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, November 4, 1864, to rank from November 1, 1864. Died near Charlottesville, Va., March 29, 1910. PIERCE M. B. YOUNG. Born at Spartanburg, S. C., November 15, 1839. Appointed from Georgia October 10, 1863, to rank from Septem ber 28, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; ap pointed Major General, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, January 28, 1865, to rank from December 30, 1864. Died in New York city, July 6, 1896. EDWARD HIGGINS. Appointed from Louisiana November 2, 1863, to rank from October 29, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died JOHN H. KELLY. Born at Carrollton, Pickens County, Ala., March 31, 1840. Appointed from THE CONFEDEKATE AEMY 115 Alabama November 17, 1863, to rank from No vember 16, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864. Killed in action near Franklin, Tenn., August 20, 1864. WILLIAM Y. C. HUMES. Appointed from Ten nessee November 17, 1863, to rank from Novem ber 16, 1863; confirmed January 25, 1864; in cluded in the Sherman-Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. CLAUDIUS C. WILSON. Appointed from Geor gia November 18, 1863, to rank from November 16, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864. Died November 24, 1863. JESSE J. FINLEY. Born in Wilson County, Tenn., November 18, 1812. Appointed from Florida November 18, 1863, to rank from No vember 16, 1863 ; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; paroled at Quincy, Fla,, May 23, 1865. Died at Lake City, Fla., May 6, 1904. JAMES H. CLANTON. Born in Columbia County, Georgia, January 8, 1827. Appointed from Alabama November 18, 1863, to rank from November 16, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Mobile, Ala., May 25, 1865. Killed at Knoxville, Tenn., in private feud, Sep tember 27, 1871. 116 GENERAL OFFICEES OF ALFEED J. VAUGHAN, JK. Born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, May 10, 1830. Appointed from Tennessee November 21, 1863, to rank from November 18, 1863; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Died in Indianapolis, Ind., October 1, 1899. GEOKGE B. HODGE. Born in Fleming County, Kentucky, April, 1828. Appointed from Ken tucky November 21, 1863, to rank from Novem ber 20, 1863 ; Senate refused to confirm Febru ary 17, 1864 ; reappointed August 4, 1864, under act of October 13, 1862. Died in Florida. EGBERT V. RICHARDSON. Appointed from Ten nessee December 3, 1863, to rank from Decem ber 1, 1863; nomination returned by the Senate to the President, February 9, 1864. Died - -. CLEMENT H. STEVENS. Born in Norwich, Conn., August 14, 1821. Appointed from South Carolina February 1, 1864, to rank from Janu ary 20, 1864. Killed in action at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. LAWRENCE S. Ross. Born in Brentonsport, la., September 27, 1838. Appointed from Texas February 5, 1864, to rank from December 21, 1863 ; confirmed February 5, 1864 ; no record of THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 117 final capture or parole has been found ; applied for amnesty at Austin, Tex., August 4, 1865. Died at College Station, Tex., January 3, 1898. DANIEL C. GOVAN. Appointed from Arkansas February 5, 1864, to rank from December 29, 1863; confirmed February 5, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. V JOSEPH 0. SHELBY. Born in Lexington, Ky., 1831. Appointed from Missouri February 5, 1864, to rank from December 15, 1863; con firmed February 5,- 1864; included in the Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Died near Kansas City, Mo., February 13, 1897. NATHANIEL H. HAKKIS. Appointed from Mis sissippi February 17, 1864, to rank from Janu ary 20, 1864; confirmed February 17, 1864; pa roled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Worcester, England, August 22, 1900. ALLEN THOMAS. Appointed from Louisiana February 17, 1864, to rank from February 4, 1864; confirmed February 17, 1864; paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865. Died at Wave- land, Miss., December 4, 1907. ALEXANDEK T. HAWTHOKN. Appointed from 118 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF Arkansas February 23, 1864, to rank from Feb ruary 18, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864; in cluded in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Dallas, Tex., May 31, 1899. EGBERT C. TYLEK. Born in Baltimore, Md. Appointed from Tennessee March 5, 1864, to rank from February 23, 1864; confirmed June 9, 1864. Killed in action at West Point, Ga., April 16, 1865. CLAUDIUS W. SEARS. Appointed from Missis sippi March 7, 1864, to rank from March 1, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864; captured near Pulaski, Tenn., December 21, 1864; paroled at Nashville, Tenn., June 23, 1865. Died at Oxford, Miss., February 15, 1891. WILLIAM F. TUCKER. Appointed from Missis sippi March 7, 1864, to rank from March 1, 1864 ; confirmed May 11, 1864; paroled at Jackson, Miss., May 15, 1865. Assassinated at Okolono, Miss., September 15, 1881. ALPHEUS BAKER. Born at Clover Hill, Abbe ville District, S. C., May 28, 1828. Appointed from Alabama March 7, 1864, to rank from March 5, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864; no rec- THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 119 ord of final capture or parole has been found. Died- -. JOHN B. CLAKK, JK. Born in Fayette, Mo., January 14, 1831. Appointed from Missouri March 12, 1864, to rank from March 6, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864; paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Died in Washington, D. C., September 7, 1903. JAMES CHESNUT, JK. Born in Camden, S. C., 1815. Appointed from South Carolina April 23, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed June 9, 1864; included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died Feb ruary 12, 1865. STAND WATIE. Born in Cherokee (now Rome, Ga.), 1815. Appointed from Indian Territory May 10, 1864, to rank from May 6, 1864; in cluded in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died August, 1867. CLEMENT A. EVANS. Appointed from Georgia May 20, 1864, to rank from May 19, 1864; con firmed May 20, 1864; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at At lanta, Ga., July 2, 1911. 120 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF JOHN McCAusLAND. Born in St. Louis, Mo., September 13, 1837. Appointed from Virginia May 24, 1864, to rank from May 18, 1864 f con firmed May 24, 1864 ; paroled at Charleston, W. Va., May 22, 1865. THOMAS M. SCOTT. Appointed from Loui siana May 24, 1864, to rank from May 10, 1864 ; confirmed May 24, 1864 ; no record of final cap ture or parole has been found. Died - . SAMUEL J. GHOLSON. Born in Madison County, Kentucky, May 19, 1808. Appointed from Mississippi June 1, 1864, to rank from May 6, 1864 ; confirmed June 1, 1864 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Died in Aber deen, Miss. BRYAN GRIMES. Born at Grimesland, Pitt County, N. C., November 2, 1828. Appointed from North Carolina June 1, 1864, to rank from May 19, 1864 ; confirmed June 1, 1864 ; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, Febru ary 23, 1865, to rank from February 15, 1865. Died at Charlotte, N. C., February 3, 1895. RUFUS BARRINGER. Born in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, December 2, 1821. Appointed from North Carolina June 1, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed June 1, 1864; captured THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 121 at Namozine Church, Va., April 3, 1865; re leased from Fort Delaware, Del., July 24, 1865. Died at Charlotte, N. C., February 3, 1895. JOHN BRATTON. Born at Winnsborough, S. C., March 7, 1831. Appointed from South Caro lina June 9, 1864, to rank from May 6, 1864; confirmed June 9, 1864 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Winns borough, S. C., February, 1898. MARTIN W. GARY. Born at Cokesbury, Abbe ville County, S. C., 1831. Appointed from South Carolina June 14, 1864, to rank from May 19, 1864; confirmed June 14, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died April, 1881. HYLAN B. LYON. Born in Kentucky, 1836. Appointed from Kentucky June 14, 1864, to rank from same date, as was also confirmation ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Eddyville, Ky., April 25, 1907. WILLIAM L. BRANDON. Appointed from Mis sissippi June 18, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled at Meri dian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Died in Wilkerson County, Mississippi, January 8, 1890. PHILIP COOK. Born in Twiggs County, Geor- 122 GENEKAL OFFICERS OF gia, July 30, 1817. Appointed from Georgia August 8, 1864, to rank from August 5, 1864; confirmed February 3, 1865 ; wounded in assault on Fort Stedman, Va., March 25, 1865 ; captured in hospital at Petersburg, Va., April 3, 1865; paroled at Petersburg, Va., on or about July 30, 1865. Died at Atlanta, Ga. ARCHIBALD C. GODWIN. Born in Norfolk County, Virginia. Appointed from North Caro lina August 9, 1864, to rank from August 5, 1864. Killed in action at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Lucius J. GARTRELL. Born in Wilkes County, Georgia, January 7, 1821. Appointed from Georgia August 23, 1864, to rank from August 22, 1864; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled at Atlanta, Ga., May 8, 1865. Died at Atlanta, Ga., April 7, 1891. BASIL W. DUKE. Appointed from Kentucky September 19, 1864, to rank from September 15, 1864 ; confirmed January 17, 1865 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. PATRICK T. MOORE. Born in Galway, Ireland, September 22, 1821. Appointed from Virginia September 23, 1864, to rank from September 20, 1864; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled THE CONPEDEEATE ARMY 123 at Manchester, Va., April 30, 1865. Died Feb ruary 20, 1883. EDWIN G. LEE. Born in Leeland, Va., May 25, 1835. Appointed from Virginia September 23, 1864, to rank from September 20, 1864; nomination rejected by the Senate February 24, 1865. Died - -. DAVID A. WEISIGEE. Appointed from Virginia November 1, 1864, to rank from July 30, 1864; confirmed February 3, 1865; paroled at Appo- mattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Richmond, Va., February 23, 1899. PETEB B. STAEKE. Appointed from Missis sippi December 26, 1864, to rank from November 4, 1864; confirmed December 26, 1864; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Died at Brunswick, Va., 1888. JAMES E. HARRISON. Appointed from Texas January 16, 1865. to rank from December 22, 1864; confirmed January 6, 1865; paroled at Houston, Tex., June 28, 1865. Died . WILLIAM A. JACKSON. Appointed from Vir ginia January 12, 1865, to rank from December 19, 1864; confirmed January 12, 1865; paroled at Brownsville, Tex., July 26, 1865. Died . 124 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF RICHARD L. T. BEALE. Born at Hickory Hill, Westmoreland County, Va., May 22, 1819. Ap pointed from Virginia January 13, 1865, to rank from January 6, 1865 ; confirmed January 13, 1865 ; paroled at Ashland, Va., April 27, 1865. Died in Westmoreland County, Virginia, April 19, 1893. GEORGE G. DIBRELL. Born in White County, Tennessee, April 12, 1822. Appointed from Tennessee January 28, 1865, to rank from July 26, 1864; confirmed January 28, 1865; paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 1865. Died at Sparta, Tenn., May 9, 1888. WILLIAM McCoMB. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Tennessee February 13, 1865, to rank from January 20, 1865 ; confirmed Feb ruary 13, 1865; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. ROBERT LOWRY. Born in South Carolina. Ap pointed from Mississippi February 13, 1865, to rank from February 4, 1865 ; confirmed Febru ary 13, 1865 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. JAMES P. SIMMS. Appointed from Georgia February 18, 1865, to rank from December 8, 1864; confirmed February 18, 1865; captured THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 125 in action at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. WILLIAM E. PECK. Appointed from Loui siana February 22, 1865, to rank from February 18, 1865 ; confirmed February 22, 1865 ; paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., June 6, 1865. Died . WILLIAM H. FOENEY. Born at Lincolnton, N. C., November 9, 1823. Appointed from Ala bama February 23, 1865, to rank from February 15, 1865 ; confirmed February 23, 1865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Jacksonville, Ala., January 16, 1894. THOMAS M. LOGAN. Born at Charleston, S. C., November 3, 1840. Appointed from South Carolina February 23, 1865, to rank from Feb ruary 15, 1865; confirmed February 23, 1865; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. WILLIAM P. EOBEKTS. Born in Gates County, North Carolina, July 11, 1841. Appointed from North Carolina February 23, 1865, to rank from February 21, 1865; confirmed February 23, 3 865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Norfolk, Va., March 28, 1910. TYREE H. BELL. Appointed from Tennessee 126 GENERAL OFFICERS OF March 2, 1865, to rank from February 28, 1865 ; confirmed March 2, 1866 ; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Died at New Orleans, La., August 31, 1902. ALEXANDER W. CAMPBELL. Appointed from Tennessee March 2, 1865, to rank from March 1, 1865; confirmed March 2, 1865; paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 11, 1865. Died at Jack son, Tenn., June 14. 1893. ELLISON CAPERS. Born at Charleston, S. C., October 14, 1837. Appointed from South Caro lina March 2, 1865, to rank from March 1, 1865 ; confirmed March 2, 1865 ; no record of final cap ture or parole has been found. Died at Colum bia, S. C., April 22, 1908. YOUNG M. MOODY. Born in Chesterfield County, Virginia, June 23, 1822. Appointed from Alabama March 13, 1865, to rank from March 4, 1865 ; confirmed March 13, 1865 ; pa roled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. WILLIAM F. PERRY. Born in Jackson County, Georgia, 1823. Appointed from Alabama March 16, 1865, to rank from February 21, 1865 ; con firmed March 16, 1865 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va,, April 9, 1865. Died at Bowl ing Green, Ky., December 18, 1901. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 127 WALTER P. LANE. Appointed from Texas March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865 ; confirmed March 18, 1865 ; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died . WILLIAM P. HARDEMAN. Appointed from Texas March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865 ; confirmed March 18, 1865 ; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Austin, Tex., April 8, 1898. RICHARD WATERHOUSE. Appointed from Texas March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865; confirmed March 18, 1865; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Waco, Tex., 1876. RICHARD M. GANO. Appointed from Texas March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865 ; confirmed March 18, 1865; included in the Canby-Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. HENRY GRAY. Appointed from Louisiana March 18, 1865, to rank from March 17, 1865 ; confirmed March 18, 1865; included in the 128 GENERAL OFFICERS OF Canby- Smith convention of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died . THEODOKE W. BKEVAED. Appointed from Florida March 28, 1865, to rank from March 22, 1865; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Tallahassee, Fla., June 20, 1882. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 129 BRIGADIER GENERALS* (For Service with Volunteer Troops, with Temporary Rank) WILLIAM D. PENDER. Born in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, February 6, 1834. Ap pointed Brigadier General, from North Caro lina, Provisional Army, July 22, 1862, to rank from June 3, 1862. Died July 18, 1863, from wounds received at Gettysburg. (*v emoted 2.7, GEOEGE B. COSBY. Born in Kentucky. Ap pointed from Kentucky, to be Brigadier Gen eral, Provisional Army, April 23, 1863, to rank from January 20, 1863. Died at Oakland, Gal., June 29, 1909. FRANK C. ARMSTRONG. Appointed from Ar kansas, Brigadier General, Provisional Army, - to3)~ *Authorized by Act of Congress approved May 21, 1861, as follows : "That the President shall be authorized to confer tem porary rank and command, for service with volunteer troops, on officers of the Confederate Army; the same to be held without prejudice to their positions in said army, and to have effect only to the extent and according to the assign ment made in general order." 130 GENERAL OFFICERS OF April 23, 1863, to rank from January 20, 1863. GEOKGE W. CUSTIS LEE. Born at Arlington, Va. Appointed from Virginia, (Major Gen eral, Provisional Army, with temporary rank, October 20, 1864,)to rank from June 25, 1863. HENRY H. WALKEK. Appointed from Vir ginia, Brigadier General, Provisional Army, July 1, 1863, to rank from date of appointment. (See P. 107) JAMES DEARING. Appointed Brigadier Gen eral, Provisional Army, April 29, 1864, to rank from date of appointment; paroled at Lynch- burg, Va., April 14 or 15, 1865; wounded at High Bridge. BRYAN M. THOMAS. Born in Georgia. Ap pointed from Georgia, Brigadier General, Pro visional Army, August 4, 1864, to rank from date of appointment ; captured in action at Fort Blakely, Ala., April 9, 1865; no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Dai- ton, Ga., July 16, 1905. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 131 BRIGADIER GENERALS OF ARTILLERY* (Provisional Army) AKMISTEAD L. LONG. Born in Campbell County, Virginia, September 13, 1837. Ap pointed from Virginia September 21, 1863, to rank from same date; confirmed February 17, 1864 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Charlottesville, Va., April, 1891. EDWAKD P. ALEXANDEB. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia March 1, 1864, to rank from February 26, 1864; confirmed May 28, 1864 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Savannah, Ga., April 26, 1910. R. LINDSAY WALKEE. Born in Albemarle *Authorized by Act of Congress approved January 22, as follows : "That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint by and with the advice and consent of Congress, in the provisional army, and in the volunteer corps, officers of artillery, above the rank of captain, without reference to the number of batteries under the actual command of the officers so appointed, not to exceed in number, however, one brigadier general for over eighty guns." 132 GENERAL OFFICERS OF County, Virginia, May 29, 1827. Appointed from Virginia March l r 1865, to rank from Feb ruary 18, 1865; confirmed March 1, 1865; pa roled at Eichmond, Va., May 8, 1865. Died in Fluvanna County, Virginia, June 7, 1890. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 133 BRIGADIER GENERALS* (Provisional Army) JOHN D. IMBODEN. Appointed from Virginia April 13, 1863, to rank from January 28, 1863 ; confirmed April 13, 1863 ; no record of final cap ture or parole has been found. Died at Abing- don, Va., August 15, 1895. ADAM R. JOHNSON. Appointed from Ken tucky September 6, 1864, to rank from June 1, 3864; retired from active service March 23, 1865; applied for amnesty and took oath of allegiance to United States at Henderson, Ky., July 28, 1865. Died from wounds in Trigg County, Kentucky. *Authorized by Act of Congress approved October 11, 1862, as follows : "Sec. 2. That the President may, in cases when in his opinion the public interest requires that he should do so, appoint major and brigadier generals with their appropriate staff, and also the field, company, and staff officers to regi ments, fields, and battalions, companies or squadrons, before the same are organized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and if said regiments, battalions, companies or squadrons are not reported as complete within a reason able time, the President may, in his discretion, vacate the commissions of said officers." 134 GENERAL OFFICERS OF BRIGADIER GENERAL* (Provisional Army) ISAAC M. ST. JOHN. Appointed from Georgia February 16, 1865, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died April 7, 1880. * Authorized by Act of Congress approved February 11, 1865, as follows: "That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the consent of the Senate, a com missary general, with the rank, pay and allowances of a brigadier general in the provisional army." THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 135 BRIGADIER GENERALS* (Special, Provisional Army} CARNOT POSEY. Born in Wilkinson County, Mississippi, August, 1813. Appointed from Mississippi November 1, 1862, to rank from same date; confirmed April 22, 1863. Died at Charlottesville, Va., November 13, 1863, of wounds received in action at Bristoe Station, Va., October 14, 1863. Lucius B. NOKTHKOP. Born at Charleston, S. C., September 8, 1811. Appointed from South Carolina, to rank from November 26, 1864, Com missary General of Subsistence; arrested at Raleigh, N. C., June 30, 1865, by order of U. S. authorities; released on conditional parole at Richmond, Va., under War Department order of October 31, 1865. Died at Baltimore, Md., February 9, 1894. JAMES M. GOGGIN. Appointed from Virginia, * Authorized by Act of Congress approved October 13, 1862, as follows: "That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint twenty general officers in the provisional army, and to assign them to such appropriate duties as he may deem expedient." 136 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF to rank from December 4, 1864; appointment canceled. EOBEET H. CHILTON. Appointed from Vir ginia October 20, 1862, to rank from same date ; nomination rejected by the Senate, April 11, 1863; reappointed. Died at Columbus, Ga., February 18, 1879. JOHN E. CHAMBLISS, JE. Born in Hicksford, Greenville County, Va., January 23, 183 . Ap pointed from Virginia January 27, 1864, to rank from December 19, 1863 ; confirmed January 27, 1864. Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va., August 16, 1864. EANDALL L. GIBSON. Born in Spring Hill, Ky., September 10, 1832. Appointed from Louisiana February 1, 1864, to rank from January 11, 1864; confirmed February 1, 1864; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Died at Hot Springs, Ark., December 15, 1892. WILLIAM W. ALLEN. Born at Montgomery, Ala., 1835. Appointed from Alabama March 1, 1864, to rank from February 26, 1864 ; confirmed June 9, 1864; paroled at Charlotte, N. C., May 3, 1865. Died at Sheffield, Ala., November 21, 1894. & et? P- **") HIEAM B. GEANBEBEY. Appointed from Texas THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 137 March 5, 1864, to rank from February 29, 1864; confirmed May 11, 1864. Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. EICHAKD L. PAGE. Born in Clarke County, Virginia, 1807. Appointed from Virginia March 7, 1864, to rank from March 1, 1864 ; con firmed June 9, 1864; captured at Fort Morgan, Ala., August 23, 1864; released from Fort Dela ware, Del., July 24, 1865. Died at Hagerstown, Md., August 9, 1901. DANIEL H. REYNOLDS. Born in Centerburg, Knox County, 0., December 24, 1826. Appointed from Arkansas March 12, 1864, to rank from March 5, 1864; confirmed May 16, 1864; paroled at Charlottesville, Va., May 29, 1865. Died at Lake Village, Ark., March 14, 1902. WILLIAM TERRY. Born in Amherst County, Virginia, August 14, 1824. Appointed from Virginia May 20, 1864, to rank from May 19, 1864; confirmed May 20, 1864; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died near Wytheville, Va., September 12, 1888. BIRKETT D. FRY. Born in Virginia, June 24, 3822. Appointed from Alabama May 24, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment ; included in the Sherman- Johnston 138 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Rich mond, Ya., February 5, 1891. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, JK. Born in Beaufort, S.C., 1832. Appointed from South Carolina May 28, 1864, to rank from May 24, 1864; confirmed May 28, 1864; included in the Sherman- John ston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died of wounds received in front of Petersburg, Va. JAMES CONNOK. Born in Charleston, S. C. Appointed from South Carolina June 1, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment; included in the Sherman- John ston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Richmond, Va., January 26, 1883. JOHN S. PKESTON. Born near Abingdon, Va., April 20, 1809. Appointed from South Carolina June 10, 1864, and confirmed same day, to rank from date of appointment; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died May 1, 1881. SAMUEL BENTON. Appointed from Mississippi July 26, 1864, to rank from same date. Mortally wounded in action at Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 1864. THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 139 GEOEGE B. HODGE. Born in Fleming County, Kentucky, April, 1828. Appointed from Ken tucky August 4, 1864, to rank from August 2, 1864; nomination rejected by the Senate, Feb ruary 8, 1865; paroled as a Brigadier General at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Died in Florida. WALTER H. STEVENS. Born in Penn Yan, N. Y., August 24, 1827. Appointed from Texas September 2, 1864, to rank from August 28, 1864; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Vera Cruz, Mexico, November 12, 1867. WILLIAM H. PAYNE. Born in Clifton, Va., January 27, 1830. Appointed from Virginia November 5, 1864, to rank from November 1, 1864 ; confirmed January 17, 1865 ; captured at Warrenton Ford, Va., April 15, 1865; released from Johnson s Island, 0., May 29, 1865. Died at Washington, D. C., May 29, 1904. WILLIAM McEAE. Born in Wilmington, N. C., September 9, 1834. Appointed from North Carolina November 5, 1864, to rank from No vember 4, 1864; confirmed January 17, 1865; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9,1865. (Seep- t*3) 140 GENERAL OFFICERS OF JOSIAH GOKGAS. Born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1818. Appointed from Alabama November 19, 1864, to rank from No vember 10, 1864 ; confirmed November 19, 1864 ; Chief of Ordnance; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., May 15, 1883. COLLETT LEVENTHOKPE. Born in Exmouth, Devonshire, England, May 15, 1815. Appointed from North Carolina February 18, 1865, to rank from February 3, 1865 ; confirmed Febru ary 18, 1865; declined appointment March 6, 1865. Died December 1, 1889. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 141 BRIGADIER GENERALS* (With Temporary Rank, Provisional Army) JAMES B. TEKKILL. Born at Warm Springs, Bath County, Va., February 20, 1838. Ap pointed from Virginia June 1, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; confirmed May 31, 1864. Killed in action near Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 1864. WILLIAM R. Cox. Born at Scotland Neck, Halifax County, N. C., March 11, 1832. Ap pointed from North Carolina June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864 ; confirmed June 2, 1864 ; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. THOMAS F. TOON. Appointed from North *Authorized by Act of Congress approved May 31, 1864, as follows : "That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint temporary officers of the rank of brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general, or general of the provisional army, and assign them to any appropriate command. "Sec. 2. That the said officers, so appointed, shall hold only their said rank and their said command for such time as the temporary exigency may require, at the expiration of which time they shall resume their previous permanent rank and command." 142 GENERAL OFFICEES OF Carolina June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; confirmed June 2, 1864; reverted to rank of Colonel, 20th N. C. Infantry, August, 1864. Died at Raleigh, N. C., July 19, 1902. WILLIAM Gr. LEWIS. Appointed from North Carolina June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864 ; confirmed June 2, 1864 ; wounded and cap tured in action at Farmville, Va., April 7, 1865, and paroled at Farmville, Va., between April 11 and 21, 1865. Died at Goldsboro, N. C., January 8, 1901. ZEBULON YOEK. Appointed from Louisiana June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; con firmed June 2, 1864 ; paroled May 6, 1865. Died at Natchez, Miss., August 5, 1900. ROBEKT D. LILLEY. Appointed from Virginia June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864 ; con firmed June 2, 1864; paroled at Staunton, Va., May 23, 1865. Died at Staunton, Va., November 12, 1886. DAVID A. WEISIGEK. Born in Virginia. Ap pointed from Virginia June 7, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864 ; confirmed June 7, 1864 ; canceled ; no vacancy. Died at Richmond, Va., February 23, 1899. (See P. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 143 JOHN C. C. SANDERS. Born in Charleston, S.C. Appointed from Alabama June 7, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; confirmed June 7, 1864. Killed in action at the Weldon Eailroad, Va., August 21, 1864. WILLIAM R. TERRY. Born in Amherst County, Virginia, August 14, 1824. Appointed from Vir ginia June 10, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864 ; confirmed June 10, 1864; disabled in action at Dinwiddie Court House, Va., March 31, 1865 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Richmond, Va., March 28, 1897. WILLIAM McRAE. Born at Wilmington, N. C., September 9, 1834. Appointed from North Carolina June 23, 1864, to rank from June 22, 1864; appointed Brigadier General (special 20), Provisional Army, November 5, 1864, to rank from November 4, 1864. Died . (See P 39J BRADLEY T. JOHNSON. Born in Frederick City, Md., September 29, 1829. Appointed from Maryland June 28, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed February 20, 1865; paroled at Salisbury, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died in Gooch- land County, Virginia, October 1, 1903. JOHN C. CARTER. Appointed from Tennessee 144 GENERAL OFFICEES OF July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864; con firmed February 20, 1865. Mortally wounded in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. JAMES T. HOLTZCLAW. Born in McDonough, Henry County, Ga., December 17, 1833. Ap pointed from Alabama July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864 ; confirmed February 21, 1865 ; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Died at Montgomery, Ala., July 19, 1893. WILLIAM F. BRANTLY. Appointed from Mis sissippi July 26, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 21, 1865 ; paroled at Greens boro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Winona, Miss., November 2, 1870. EOBEKT H. ANDERSON. Born in Savannah, Ga., October 1, 1835. Appointed from Georgia July 26, 1864, to rank from same date; con firmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Hillsboro, N. C., May 3, 1865. Died February 8, 1888. FELIX H. ROBERTSON. Appointed from Texas July 26, 1864, to rank from same date ; nomina tion rejected by the Senate February 22, 1865 ; surrendered as a Brigadier General at Macon, Ga., April 20, 1865. JACOB H. SHARP. Appointed from Mississippi THE CONFEDEBATE AEMY 145 July 26, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed February 21, 1865; included in the Sherman- Johnston convention of April 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Died at Columbus, Miss., September, 1907. GEORGE D. JOHNSON. Appointed from Missis sippi July 26, 1864, to rank from same date; confirmed February 21, 1865 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. Died at Tus- caloosa, Ala., December 8, 1910. THOMAS B. SMITH. Born in Tennessee. Ap pointed from Tennessee August 2, 1864, to rank from July 29, 1864; confirmed February 20, 1865; captured in action at Nashville, Tenn., December, 1864; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. VICTOR J. B. GIRARDEY. Born in Georgia. Ap pointed from Georgia August 3, 1864, to rank from July 30, 1864. Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va., August 16, 1864. WILLIAM MILLER. Appointed from Florida August 5, 1864, to rank from August 2, 1864; confirmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Talla hassee, Fla., May 21, 1865. JOHN D. BARRY. Appointed from North 146 GENERAL OFFICEES OF Carolina August 8, 1864, to rank from August 3, 1864; appointment canceled. Died . WILLIAM H. YOUNG. Born in Booneville, Mo., January 1, 1838. Appointed from Texas August 16, 1864, to rank from August 15, 1864; con firmed February 20, 1865; wounded and cap tured in action at Allatoona, Ga., October 5, 1864; released from Johnson s Island, 0., July 24, 1865. Died at San Antonio, Tex., November 28, 1901. GEOKGE W. GORDON. Born in Giles County, Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee August 16, 1864, to rank from August 15, 1864; con firmed February 20, 1865 ; captured in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. JOHN DUNNOVANT. Appointed from South Carolina August 22, 1864, to rank from same date. Killed in action on the Vaughan Eoad, Va., October 1, 1864. WILLIAM H. WALLACE. Born in Laurens County, South Carolina, March 24, 1827. Ap pointed from South Carolina September 20, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed Febru ary 21, 1865; paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Died at Union, S. C., March 21, 1905. THE CONFEDEBATE AEMY 147 CHABLES M. SHELLEY. Born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, December 28, 1833. Ap pointed from Alabama September 23, 1864, to rank from September 17, 1864 ; confirmed Feb ruary 21, 1865; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Birmingham, Ala., Janu ary 20, 1907. G. MOXLEY SOBBEL. Born in Georgia. Ap pointed from Georgia October 31, 1864, to rank from October 27, 1864; confirmed February 20, 1865 ; paroled at Lynchburg, Va., May 20, 1865. Died near Eoanoke, Va., August 10, 1901. BENJAMIN J. HILL. Appointed from Tennes see November 30, 1864, to rank from same date ; confirmed December 5, 1864 ; paroled at Chatta nooga, Tenn., May 16, 1865. Died at MacMinn- ville, Tenn., January 5, 1880. DUDLEY M. DUBOSE. Born in Memphis, Tenn., November, 1834. Appointed from Georgia De cember 5, 1864, to rank from November 16, 1864 ; confirmed December 5, 1864 ; captured in action at Sailor s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Died 1883. JOSEPH B. PALMEB. Appointed from Tennes- 148 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF see December 7, 1864, to rank from November 15, 1864; confirmed December 7, 1864; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Mur- freesboro, Tenn., November 4, 1890. EOBEKT BULLOCK. Appointed from Florida January 17, 1865, to rank from November 29, 1864 ; confirmed January 17, 1865 ; no record of final capture or parole has been found. JOHN D. KENNEDY. Born in Camden, S. C., January 5, 1840. Appointed from South Caro lina February 8, 1865, to rank from December 22, 1864 ; confirmed February 8, 1865 ; paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Died at Cam- den, S. C., April 14, 1896. THOMAS HAKEISON. Appointed from Texas February 18, 1865, to rank from January 14, 1865; confirmed February 18, 1865; paroled at Macon, Miss., May 31, 1865. Died at Waco, Tex., July 14, 1891. WILLIAM M. BKOWNE. Born in England. Ap pointed from Georgia, to rank from November 11, 1864; Senate refused to confirm February 18, 1865; paroled as Brigadier General at Athens, Ga., on or about May 8, 1865. Died at Athens, Ga., 1884. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 149 OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO DUTY AS GENERAL OFFICERS WHO WERE NOT APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT The following named officers were assigned to duty as general officers by General E. Kirby Smith, commanding the Trans-Mississippi De partment, and served as such, although not ap pointed by the President or confirmed by the Senate : B. FRANK. Colonel 5th Missouri Cavalry; assigned as Brigadier General, May 16, 1865. GREEN, CCLLBN. Colonel 3d Missouri Cav alry; assigned to duty as Brigadier General, 186. Died at Memphis, Tenn. HARRISON, GEORGE P. J. Colonel 32d Georgia Infantry; assigned to duty as Brigadier Gen eral, May 16, 1865. JACKMAN-, SIDNEY D. Colonel 7th Missouri Infantry; assigned to duty as Brigadier Gen eral, May 16, 1865. 150 GENERAL OFFICEES OF LEWIS, LEVEN M. Colonel 3d Missouri In fantry; assigned to duty as Brigadier General, May 16, 1865. MACLAY, EGBERT P. Major of Artillery; as signed to duty as Brigadier General, April 30, 1864. PEARCE, N. B. Assigned to duty as Brigadier General. RANDALL, HORACE. Colonel 28th Texas Dis mounted Cavalry ; assigned to duty as Brigadier General. TERRELL, ALEX. W. Colonel 34th Texas Cav alry; assigned to duty as Brigadier General, May 16, 1865. MUNFORD, THOMAS T. Born in Richmond, Va., 1831. Colonel 2d Regiment Virginia Cavalry; assigned to duty as Brigadier General by Major General Fitzhugh Lee, and served as such, though not appointed by the President or con firmed by the Senate. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 151 EXECUTIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF THE CONFED ERATE STATES, 1861-1865 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES PRESIDENT JEFFERSON DAVIS. February 18, 1861, and February 22, 1862. Born in Christian (now Todd) County, Kentucky, June 3, 1808. Died in New Orleans, La., December 6, 1889. VICE-PRESIDENT ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. February 18, 1861, and February 22, 1862. Born in Crawfords- ville, Wilkes County, Ga., February 11, 1812. Died at Atlanta, Ga., March 4, 1883. SECRETARY OF STATE ROBERT TOOMBS. February 21, 1861. Born in Washington County, Georgia, February 2, 1810. Died at Washington, Ga., December 15, 1885. ROBERT M. T. HUNTER. July 26, 1861, to Feb- 152 GENERAL OFFICERS OF ruary 17, 1862. Born in Essex County, Virginia, April 21, 1809. Died in Essex County, Virginia, July 18, 1887. WILLIAM M. BROWNE (ad interim). Born in England. JUDAH P. BENJAMIN. March 18, 1862. Born at St. Croix, Danish West Indies, August 11, 1811. Died in England, May 8, 1884. ATTOKNEY GENERAL JUDAH P. BENJAMIN. February 25, 1861. Died in England, . THOMAS BRAGG. November 21, 1861. WADE KEYS (ad interim). GEORGE DAVIS. January 2, 1864. Born in New Hanover County, North Carolina, March 1, 1820. Died at Wilmington, N. C., February 23, 1896. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY CHARLES G. MEMMINGER. February 21, 1861. Born in Wurtemburg, Germany, January 7, 1803. Died at Charleston, S. C., March 7, 1888. GEORGE A. TRENHOLM. July 18, 1864. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 153 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY STEPHEN R. MALLORY. March 4, 1861. Born in British West Indies, 1812. Died at Pensacola, Fla., November 9, 1873. POSTMASTER GENERAL, HENRY T. ELLET. February 25, 1861. De clined appointment. JOHN H. REAGAN. March 6, 1861. Born in Sevier County, Tennessee, October 8, 1818. Died at Palestine, Tex., March 6, 1905. SECRETARY OP WAR LEROY P. WALKER. February 21, 1861, to September 16, 1861. Born in Huntsville, Ala., February 7, 1817. Died at Huntsville, Ala., August 23, 1884. JUDAH P. BENJAMIN. November 21, 1861. Was also acting from September 17, 1861, to November 21, 1861, and from March 18, 1862, to March 23, 1862. (See ante.) BRIGADIER GENERAL GEORGE W. RANDOLPH. March 18, 1862. Born in Monticello, Va., March 10, 1818. Died at Charlottesviile, Va., April 10, 1867. 154 GENERAL OFFICEES OF MAJOB GENEKAL GUSTAVUS W. SMITH. As signed temporarily, November 17, 1862. Born in Scott County, Kentucky, January 1, 1822. Died in New York city, June 20, 1896. JAMES A. SEDDON. November 21, 1862. Born in Falmouth, Va., July 30, 1815. Died in Gooch- land County, Virginia, August 19, 1880. MAJOK GENERAL JOHN C. BKECKINKIDGE. Feb ruary 6, 1865. Born in Lexington, Ky., January 16, 1821. Died in Lexington, Ky., May 17, 1875. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 155 CONGEESSES OF THE CONFEDEEATE STATES PROVISIONAL CONGRESS First Session. Assembled at Montgomery, Ala., February 4, 1861. Adjourned March 16, 1861, to meet second Monday in May. Second Session (Called). Met at Montgom ery, Ala., April 29, 1861. Adjourned May 21, 1861. Third -Session. Met at Eichmond, Va., July 20, 1861. Adjourned August 31, 1861. Fourth Session (Called). Met at Eichmond, Va., September 3, 1861. Adjourned same day. Fifth Session. Met at Eichmond, Va., No vember 18, 1861. Adjourned February 17, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS First Session. Met at Eichmond, Va., Febru ary 18, 1862. Adjourned April 21, 1862. Second Session. Met at Eichmond, Va., August 18, 1862. Adjourned October 13, 1862. 156 GENERAL OFFICERS OF Third Session. Met at Richmond, Va., Janu ary 12, 1863. Adjourned May 1, 1863. Fourth Session. Met at Richmond, Va., De cember 7, 1863. Adjourned February 17, 1864. SECOND CONGKESS First Session. Met at Richmond, Va., May 2, 1864. Adjourned June 14, 1864. Second Session. Met at Richmond, Va., No vember 7, 1864. Adjourned March 18, 1865. THE CONFEDEKATE AEMY 157 MEMBEES OF THE PBOVISIONAL CON- GEESS OF THE CONFEDEEATE STATES, FEOM FEBEUAEY 4, 1861, TO FEBEUAEY 17, 1862 ALABAMA EICHARD W. WALKER. Died at Huntsville, Ala., June 16, 1874. EGBERT H. SMITH. Died at Mobile, Ala., March 13, 1878. JABEZ L. M. CURRY. Died at Washington, D. C., February 12, 1903. WILLIAM P. CHILTON. Died at Montgomery, Ala., January 20, 1871. STEPHEN F. HALE. Died at Eichmond, Va., July 18, 1862. COLIN J. McEAE. Died in British Honduras, February, 1877. JOHN GILL SHORTER. Died at Eufaula, Ala., May 29, 1872. THOMAS FEARN. Eesigned April 29, 1861. Died 1864. DAVID P. LEWIS. Died at Huntsville, Ala., July 3, 1884. 158 GENERAL OFFICERS OF NICHOLAS DAVIS. Died at Huntsville, Ala., November 3, 1875. H. C. JONES. CORNELIUS ROBINSON. Resigned January 24, 1862. Died at Church Hill, Ala,, July 31, 1867. AEKANSAS ROBEKT W. JOHNSON. Died in Arkansas, 1879. ALBEKT RUST. Died . HUGH F. THOMASON. W. W. WATKINS. Died in Harrison County, Arkansas, January 15, 1898. AUGUSTUS H. GAKLAND. Died at Washington, D. C., June 26, 1899. FLOKIDA J. PATTON ANDERSON. Resigned May 3, 1861. Died at Memphis, Tenn., 1876. JAMES B. OWENS. JACKSON MORTON. GEORGE T. WARD. Resigned February 5, 1862. JOHN P. SANDERSON. GEORGIA ROBERT TOOMBS. Died at Washington, Ga., December 15, 1885. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 159 Ho WELL COBB. Died in New York city, Octo ber 9, 1868. FRANCIS S. BAETOW. Killed at Manassas, July 21, 1861. MAETIN J. CEAWFOED. Died . EUGENIUS A. NlSBET. BENJAMIN H. HILL. Died August 16, 1882. AUGUSTUS E. WEIGHT. Died . THOMAS E. E. COBB. Killed at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. AUGUSTUS H. KENAN. ALEXANDEE H. STEPHENS. Died at Atlanta, Ga., November 4, 1882. THOMAS M. FOEEMAN. NATHAN BASS. KENTUCKY THOMAS MONEOE. Died . HENEY C. BUENETT. Died . THOMAS JOHNSON. Died . JOHN J. THOMAS. Died . THEODOEE L. BUENETT. DANIEL P. WHITE. Died at Louisville, Ky., March, 1889. L. H. FOED. GEOEGE B. HODGE. Died . JOHN M. ELLIOTT. Died . GEOEGE W. EWING. Died . 160 GENEKAL OFFICEES OF LOUISIANA JOHN PERKINS, JR. Died - . ALEXANDER D. CLOUET. Died . DUNCAN F. KENNER. Died - . HENRY MARSHALL. Died - . CHARLES M. CONRAD. Died . MISSISSIPPI WILEY P. HARRIS. Died at Jackson, Miss., December 3, 1891. WALKER BROOKE. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., February 19, 1869. WILLIAM S. WILSON. Eesigned April 29, 1861. WILLIAM S. BARRY. Died at Columbus, Miss., January 29, 1868. JAMES T. HARRISON. Died at Columbus, Miss., May 22, 1879. ALEXANDER M. CLAYTON. Eesigned May 11, 1861. Died - -. J. A. P. CAMPBELL. JOHN A. ORR. ALEXANDER B. BRADFORD. Died July 9, 1873. MISSOURI GEORGE G. VEST. Died . CASPER W. BELL. AARON H. CONROW. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 161 THOMAS A. HAKKIS. JOHN B. CLAEK. Died in Washington, D. C. EGBERT L. Y. PEYTON. NORTH CAROLINA GEORGE DAVIS. Died at Wilmington, N. C., February 23, 1896. W. W. AVERT. Died- -. W. N. H. SMITH. Died at Ealeigh, N. C., No vember 14, 1889. THOMAS D. McDowELL. A. W. VENABLE. JOHN P. MOREHEAD. Died - . E. C. PURYEAR. Died in Gadskin County, North Carolina, January 30, 1867. A. T. DAVIDSON. BURTON CRAIGE. Died - . THOMAS EUFFIN. Died . SOUTH CAROLINA \ E. BARNWELL EHETT, SR. Died EGBERT W. BARNWELL. Died at Columbia, S. C., November 25, 1882. LAWRENCE M. KEITT. Died . JAMES CHESNUT, JR. Died - . CHARLES G. MEMMINGER. Died at Charleston, S. C., March 7, 1888. W. PORCHER MILES. Died . 162 GENERAL OFFICERS OF THOMAS J. WITHERS. Died WILLIAM W. BOYCE. Died JAMES L. ORE. Died . TENNESSEE EGBERT L. CARUTHERS. Died . THOMAS M. JONES. Died J.H.THOMAS. Died . JOHN F. HOUSE. Died at Clarksville, Term.. June 29, 1904. JOHN D. C. ATKINS. Died . DAVID M. CURRIN. Died . W. H. DEWITT. TEXAS JOHN GREGG. THOMAS N. WAUL. Died . WILLIAM B. OCHILTREE. Died JOHN H. REAGAN. Died in Palestine, Tex., March 6, 1905. WILLIAMSON S. OLDHAM. Died . JOHN HEMPHILL. Died . Louis T. WIGFALL. Died at Galveston, Tex., February 18, 1874. VIRGINIA JOHN W. BROCKENBROUGH. Died . WALLER R. STAPLES. Died . THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 163 EGBERT M. T. HUNTER. Died in Essex County, Virginia, July 18, 1887. WILLIAM C. EIVES. Died . JAMES A. SEDDON. Died in Goochland County, Virginia, August 19, 1880. WILLIAM B. PRESTON. Died . W. H. MACFARLAND. Died - . CHARLES W. EUSSELL. Died . EGBERT JOHNSON. Died . EGBERT E. SCOTT. Died . WALTER PRESTON. Died . THOMAS S. BOCOCK. Died . JAMES M. MASON. Died . EOGER A. PRYOR. ALEXANDER E. BOTELER. Died . JOHN TYLER. Died January 18, 1862. 164 GENERAL OFFICERS OF SENATORS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, FROM FEBRUARY 18, 1862, TO FEBRUARY 17, 1864. ALABAMA CLEMENT C. CLAY, JE. Died at Huntsville, Ala., January 3, 1882. WILLIAM L. YANCEY. Died at Montgomery, Ala., January 28, 1863. ROBEKT JEMISON JB. Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 17, 1871. AEKANSAS ROBEBT W. JOHNSON. Died in Arkansas, 1879. CHABLES B. MITCHELL. Died . FLOBIDA AUGUSTUS E. MAXWELL. Died . JAMES M. BAKEE. Died . GEORGIA BENJAMIN H. HILL. Died August 16, 1882. JOHN W. LEWIS. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 165 HEKSCHEL V. JOHNSON. Died in Jefferson County, Georgia, August 16, 1880. KENTUCKY WILLIAM E. SIMMS. Died . HENRY C. BURNETT. Died . LOUISIANA EDWARD SPARROW. Died - . THOMAS J. SEMMES. Died . MISSISSIPPI ALBERT G. BROWN. Died at Terry, Miss., June 12, 1880. JAMES PHELAN. Died at Memphis, Tenn., May 11, 1873. MISSOURI JOHN B. CLARK. Died at Fayette, Mo., Octo ber 29, 1885. EGBERT L. Y. PEYTON. Died December 19, 1863. WALDO P. JOHNSON. Died at Osceola, Mo., August 14, 1885. NORTH CAROLINA GEORGE DAVIS. Eesigned January 22, 1864. Died . 166 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF WILLIAM T. DOBTCH. Died November 21, 1889. EDWIN G. READE. Died in Raleigh, N. C., October 18, 1894. SOUTH CAROLINA ROBEET W. BABNWELL. Died at Columbia, S. C., November 25, 1882. JAMES L. OEE. Died at St. Petersburg, Rus sia, May 5, 1893. TENNESSEE LANDON C. HAYNES. Died . GUSTAVUS A. HENEY. Died in Clarksville, Tenn., September 11, 1880. TEXAS WILLIAM S. OLDHAM. Died . Louis T. WIGFALL. Died at Galveston, Tex., February 18, 1874. VlEGINIA ROBEET M. T. HUNTEE. Died in Essex County, Virginia, July 18, 1887. WILLIAM B. PEESTON. Died January 15, 1863. ALLEN T. CAPEETON. Died at Washington, D. C., July 26, 1876. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 167 MEMBEES OP THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES OF THE FIRST CON GRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, FROM FEBRUARY 18, 1862, TO FEBRUARY 17, 1864. ALABAMA E. S. DABGAN. Died at Mobile, Ala., Novem ber 22, 1879. WILLIAM P. CHILTON. Died at Montgomery, Ala., January 20, 1871. JAMES L. PUGH. Died at Washington, D. C., March 9, 1907. JABEZ L. M. CUBBY. Died at Washington, D. C., February 12, 1903. JOHN P. RALLS. Died at Gadsden, Ala., No vember 23, 1904. DAVID CLOPTON. Died at Montgomery, Ala., February 5, 1892. FBANCIS S. LYON. Died at Demopolis, Ala., December 31, 1882. THOMAS J. FOSTEB. Died at Lawrence, Ala., February 12, 1887. WILLIAM R. SMITH. Died at Washington, D. C., February 26, 1896. 168 GENERAL OFFICEES OF ARKANSAS FELIX I. BATSON. Died . GRANDISON D. ROYSTON. Died AUGUSTUS H. GARLAND. Died at Washington, D. C., June 26, 1899. THOMAS B. HANLY. Died . FLORIDA JAMES B. DAWKINS. Resigned September 8, 1862. ROBERT B. HILTON. JOHN M. MARTIN. GEORGIA AUGUSTA H. KENAN. HINES HOLT. Resigned January 12, 1864. AUGUSTUS R. WRIGHT. Died . Lucius J. GARTRELL. Died . WILLIAM W. CLARK. ROBERT P. TRIPPE. DAVID W. LEWIS. HARDY STRICKLAND. CHARLES J. MUNNERLYN. JULIAN HARTRIDGE. Died . PORTER INGRAM. KENTUCKY WILLIS B. MACHEN. Died . THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 169 JOHN W. CKOCKETT. Died HENRY E. BEAD. Died - GEOKGE W. EWING. Died - HOEATIO W. BKUCE. Died . JAMES W. MOORE. Died - . EOBEET J. BRECKENRIDGE, JR. JOHN M. ELLIOTT. Died - . THEODORE L. BURNETT. JAMES S. CHRISMAN. Died ELY M. BRUCE. Died . GEORGE B. HODGE. Died . LOUISIANA DUNCAN F. KENNER. Died - CHARLES J. VEILLERE. Died JOHN PERKINS, JR. Died - CHARLES M. CONRAD. Died - HENRY MARSHALL. Died - LUCIEN J. DUPRE. Died MISSISSIPPI ETHELBERT BARKSDALE. Died at Jackson, Miss., February 17, 1893. JOHN J. McEAE. Died May 31, 1868. J. W. CLAPP. Died September 5, 1898. ISRAEL WELCH. OTHO E. SINGLETON. Died at Canton, Miss., 1899. 170 GENERAL OFFICERS OF REUBEN DAVIS. Died October 14, 1890. HENRY C. CHAMBEKS. WILLIAM D. HOLDEK. Died at Jackson, Miss., April 26, 1900. MlSSOUEI CASPER W. BELL. GEOKGE G. VEST. Died 1894. AAEON H. CONROW. Died . WILLIAM M. COOK. THOMAS W. FREEMAN. THOMAS A. HARRIS. Died . NORTH CAROLINA ROBERT R. BRIDGERS. OWEN R. KENAN. Died at Kenansville, N. C., March 3, 1887. THOMAS D. MCDOWELL. THOMAS S. ASHE. Died at Wadesboro, N. C., February 4, 1887. J. R. McL/EAN. WILLIAM LANDER. Died in Lincolnton, N. C., January 8, 1868. BURGESS S. GAITHER. A. T. DAVIDSON. W. N. H. SMITH. Died at Raleigh, N. C., Octo ber 18, 1894. ARCHIBALD H. ARRINGTON. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 171 SOUTH CAROLINA WILLIAM W. BOYCE. Died . WILLIAM POKCHEK MILES. Died - . MILLEDGE L. BONHAM. Resigned January 1 1863. Died . JOHN McQuEEN. Died - . JAMES FARROW. Died . LEWIS M. AYER. Died . WILLIAM D. SIMPSON. Died TENNESSEE DAVID M. CURRIN. Died - HENRY S. FOOTE. Died - THOMAS MENEES. Died - GEORGE W. JONES. WILLIAM G. SWAN. Died WILLIAM H. TIBBS. E. L. GARDENHIER. JOHN V. WRIGHT. Died at Washington, D. C., June, 1909. JOSEPH B. HEISKELL. JOHN D. C. ATKINS. Died . MEREDITH P. GENTRY. Died . TEXAS JOHN A. WILCOX. Died February 7, 1864. PETER W. GRAY. 172 GENEKAL OFFICEES OF CALEB C. HEKBEET. WILLIAM B. WEIGHT. M. D. GKAHAM. FEANK B. SEXTON. VIRGINIA JOHN E. CHAMBLISS. Died JAMES LYONS. Died . EOGEE A. PEYOE. THOMAS S. BOCOCK. Died JOHN GOODE, JE. Died DANIEL C. DE JAENETTE. Died WILLIAM SMITH. Eesigned September 6, 1863. Died . ALEXANDEE E. BOTELEE. Died - . WALLEE E. STAPLES. Died . WALTEE PEESTON. Died . ALBEET G. JENKINS. Eesigned August 5, 1863. Died . EOBEET JOHNSON. Died . CHAELES W. EUSSELL. Died . JAMES P. HOLCOMBE. Died . JOHN B. BALDWIN. Died . CHAELES F. COLLIEE. Died . SAMUEL A. MILLEE. Died . DAVID FUNSTEN. Died . MUSCOE E. H. GAENETT. Died THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 173 TERRITORIES ARIZONA MARCUS H. MAC WILLIE. CHOCTAW NATION. ROBERT M. JONES. CHEBOKEE NATION ELIAS C. BOUDINOT. Died . 174 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF SENATORS OF THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, FROM MAY 2, 1864, TO MARCH 18, 1865, DATE OF ADJOURN MENT OF THE SECOND SESSION. ALABAMA ROBERT JEMISON JR. Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 17, 1871. RICHAED W. WALKER. Died at Huntsville, Ala., June 16, 1874. ARKANSAS CHARLES B. MITCHELL. Died 1864. ROBERT W. JOHNSON. Died in Arkansas, 1879. AUGUSTUS II. GARLAND. Died at Washington, D. C., June 26, 1899. FLORIDA AUGUSTUS E. MAXWELL. Died . JAMES E. BAKER. GEORGIA BENJAMIN H. HILL. Died August 16, 1882. THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 175 HEKSCHEL V. JOHNSON. Died in Jefferson County, Georgia, August 16, 1880. KENTUCKY HENRY C. BURNETT. Died - . WILLIAM E. SIMMS. Died . LOUISIANA THOMAS J. SEMMES. Died - . EDWARD SPARROW. Died - . MISSISSIPPI ALBERT G. BROWN. Died June 12, 1880. JOHN W. C. WATSON. Died at Holly Springs, Miss., September 24, 1900. MISSOURI WALDO P. JOHNSON. Died at Osceola, Mo., August 14, 1885. GEORGE G. VEST. Died 1894. NORTH CAROLINA WILLIAM T. DORTCH. Died November 21, 1889. WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. Died at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 11, 1875. 176 GENEEAL OFFICERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA JAMES L. ORE. Died at St. Petersburg, Rus sia, May 5, 1873. ROBERT "W. BARNWELL. Died at Columbia, S. C., November 25, 1882. TENNESSEE LANDON C. HAYNES. Died - . GUSTAVUS A. HENRY. Died in Clarksville, Term., September 11, 1880. TEXAS WILLIAM S. OLDHAM. Died . Louis T. WIGFALL. Died at Galveston, Tex., February 18, 1874. VIRGINIA ROBERT M. T. HUNTER. Died in Essex County, Virginia, July 18, 1887. ALLEN T. CAPERTON. Died at Washington, D. C., July 26, 1876. THE CONFEDEEATE ARMY 177 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES OF THE SECOND CON GRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, FROM MAY 2, 1864, TO MARCH 18, 1865, DATE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THE SECOND SESSION. ALABAMA M. H. CRUIKSHANK. Died at Talladega, Ala., October 10, 1881. WILLIAM P. CHILTON. Died at Montgomery, Ala., June 20, 1871. DAVID CLOPTON. Died at Montgomery, Ala., February 5, 1892. JAMES L. PUGH. Died at Washington, D. C., March 9, 1907. JAMES S. DICKINSON. Died at Grove Hill, Ala., July 23, 1882. FKANCIS S. LYON. Died at Demopolis, Ala., February 12, 1887. THOMAS J. FOSTER. Died at Lawrence, Ala., February 12, 1887. WILLIAM R. SMITH. Died at Washington, D. C., February 26, 1896. 178 GENERAL OFFICERS OF AEKANSAS AUGUSTUS H. GARLAND. Died at Washington, D. C., June 26, 1899. THOMAS B. HANLY. Died . RUFUS K. GARLAND. Died . FELIX I. BATSON. Died . DAVID W. CARROLL. Died . FLORIDA ROBERT B. HILTON. Died S. ST. GEORGE ROGERS. Died GEORGIA JULIAN HARTRIDGE. Died WILLIAM E. SMITH. Died - MARK H. BLANDFORD. Died CLIFFORD ANDERSON. Died - JOHN T. SHEWMAKE. Died - JOSEPH H. ECHOLS. Died JAMES M. SMITH. GEORGE N. LESTER. HIRAM P. BELL. WARREN AKIN. Died . KENTUCKY WILLIS B. MACHEN. Died - THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 179 HENRY E. READ. Died . JAMES S. CHRISMAN. Died . THEODORE L. BURNETT. HORATIO W. BRUCE. Died . HUMPHREY MARSHALL. Died ELY M. BRUCE. Died - . JAMES W. MOORE. Died - . BENJAMIN F. BRADLEY. Died GEORGE W. TRIPLETT. Died - GEORGE W. EWING. Died JOHN M. ELLIOTT. Died LOUISIANA CHARLES J. VILLERE. Died CHARLES M. CONRAD. Died LUCIEN J. DUPRE. Died JOHN PERKINS, JR. Died BENJAMIN L. HODGE. Died DUNCAN F. KENNER. Died HENRY GRAY. Died . MISSISSIPPI JOHN A. ORR. ISRAEL WELSH. Died HENRY C. CHAMBERS. ETHELBERT BARKSDALE. Died at Jackson, Miss., July 17, 1893. JOHN T. LAMPKIN. Died . 180 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF WILLIAM D. HOLDER. Died at Jackson, Miss., April 26, 1900. OTHO E. SINGLETON. Died at Canton, Miss., 1889. MlSSOUEI JOHN B. CLAEK. Died at Fayette, Mo., Octo ber 29, 1885. THOMAS L. SNEAD. Died - . AAEON H. CONEOW. Died - . GEOEGE G. VEST. Died 1894. EOBEET A. HATCHES. Died - . PETEE S. WILKES. Died - . E. L. NOETON. NOETH CAEOLINA W. N. H. SMITH. Died at Ealeigh, N. C., No vember 14, 1889. JAMES T. LEACH. JOSIAH TUENEE, JE. JOHN A. GILMEE. JAMES M. LEACH. BUEGESS S. GAITHEE. GEOEGE W. LOGAN. JAMES G. EAMSEY. THOMAS C. FULLEE. EOBEET E. BEIDGEES. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 181 SOUTH CAROLINA WILLIAM PORCHER MILES. Died WILLIAM D. SIMPSON. JAMES FARROW. WILLIAM W. BOYCE. Died - . LEWIS M. AYER. JAMES H. WITHERSPOON. TENNESSEE JOSEPH B. HEISKELL. WILLIAM G. SWAN. Died - ARTHUR S. COLYAR. Died - JOHN P. MURRAY. Died - HENRY S. FOOTE. Died - EDWIN A. KEEBLE. Died - THOMAS MENEES. Died JOHN D. C. ATKINS. Died - . JOHN V. WRIGHT. Died in Washington, D. C., June, 1909. JAMES MCCALLUM. Died . MICHAEL W. CLUSKEY. Died . DAVID M. CURRIN. Died . TEXAS A. M. BRANCH. FRANK B. SEXTON. 182 GENERAL OFFICEES OF SIMPSON H. MORGAN. JOHN E. BAYLOB. STEPHEN H. DARDEN. CALEB C. HERBERT. VIRGINIA EGBERT L. MONTAGUE. Died . EGBERT L. WHITFIELD. THOMAS S. GHOLSON. THOMAS S. BOCOCK. Died . JOHN GOODE, JR. Died . WILLIAM C. EIVES. Eesigned March 1, 1865. Died . DANIEL C. DE JARNETTE. Died . JOHN B. BALDWIN. Died . WALLER E. STAPLES. Died . FAYETTE McMuLLEN. Died . EGBERT JOHNSTON. Died . CHARLES W. EUSSELL. Died . DAVID FUNSTON. Died . SAMUEL A. MILLER. Died . FREDERICK W. M. HOLLIDAY. Died WILLIAM C. WICKHAM. Died . TEEEITOEIES. ARIZONA MARCUS H. MAC WILLIE. * THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 183 CHEROKEE NATION ELIAS C. BOUDINOT. Died . CHOCTAW NATION EGBERT M. JONES. CREEK AND SEMINOLE NATIONS S. B. CALLAHAN. 184 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF FLAGS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY AND NAVY* 1. THE STABS AND BARS The flag recommended by the " Committee on a Proper Flag for the Confederate States of America," appointed by the Provisional Con gress, in its report of March 4, 1861, is as fol lows: "That the flag of the Confederate States of America shall consist of a red field with a white space extending horizontally through the center, and equal in width to one-third the width of the flag. The red space above and below to be of the same width as the white. The union blue extend ing down through the white space and stopping at the lower red space. In the center of the union a circle of white stars, corresponding in number with the States in the Confederacy. "NOTE. The union is square; the stars five- pointed. The length of the flag one and a half times the width." *This description of the flags of the Confederate Govern ment was prepared and kindly furnished by Dr. Samuel E. Lewis of Washington, D. C. THE CONFEDEEATE AEMY 185 2. THE BATTLE FLAG The Battle Flag is square, having a Greek Cross (saltier) of blue and white, with thirteen equal white five-pointed stars ; upon a red field ; the whole bordered with white. There are three sizes : Infantry, 48 inches square ; Artillery, 36 inches square; Cavalry, 30 inches square. The proportions for an Infantry Flag are : 48 inches by 48 inches (exclusive of the border) ; the blue arms of the cross, 7% inches wide; the white edging to the cross, % inch wide ; the white bor der around the flag proper, 1% inches wide. Total outside measurement, 51 inches. The stars are five-pointed, inscribed within a circle of 6 inches diameter, and are of uniform size. There should be five eyelet holes in the hoist, next the pole. The Artillery and Cavalry flags are corre spondingly reduced in all proportions. 3. THE NATIONAL FLAG established by Congress May 1, 1863, is as fol lows: "The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Flag of the Confed erate States shall be as follows : The field to be white, the length double the width of the flag, with the union (now used as the Battle Flag) to be a square of -two-thirds the width of the flag, 186 GENEEAL OFFICEES OF having the ground red ; thereon a broad saltier of blue, bordered with white, and emblazoned with white mullets or five-pointed stars, corre sponding in number to that of the Confederate States." 4. THE NATIONAL FLAG established by Congress March 4, 1865, is as fol lows: "The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Flag of the Confed erate States of America shall be as follows : The width, two-thirds of its length, with the union now used as the Battle Flag, to be in width three- fifths of the width of the flag, and so propor tioned as to leave the length of the field on the side of the union twice the width of the field be low it ; to have the ground red and a broad blue saltier thereon, bordered with white and em blazoned with mullets or five-pointed stars, cor responding in number to that of the Confederate States ; the field to be white except the outer half from the union to be a red bar extending the width of the flag. THE CONFEDERATE AEMY 187 THE FLAGS FLOWN BY THE NAVY THE STAES AND BAES This flag has been previously described. THE NEW ENSIGN The new Ensign, Pennant, and Jack, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, May 26, 1863, as follows : "The New Ensign will be made according to the following directions, viz.: The field to be white, the length one and a half times the width of the flag, with the union (now used as the Bat tle Flag, having the ground red, thereon a broad saltier of blue, to the union as 14%, bordered with white, to the union as 1 : 22, and emblazoned with white mullets, or five-pointed stars, diam eter of stars to union as 1 : 6%, corresponding in number to that of the Confederate States. THE PENNANT "A white ground, its size to be as 1 : 72, or its length seventy-two times its width at the head, and tapering to a point. 188 THE CONPEDEEATE ARMY The union of the Pennant to be as follows : All red from the head for three times its width, with white border equal to half its width, then all blue in length equal to twelve times its width, to be emblazoned with stars, in numbers equal to those in the Ensign, with a white border equal to half the width, and then red three times the width, with the fly all white. " THE JACK * * To be the same as the union for the Ensign, except its length shall be one and a half times its width." 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days priod to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. - rec d circ. 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