I LIBRARY ) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO j 3L, I ASA G. \SHELDONt WILMINGTON FAEMEE, IN TWO ARRANGEMENTS. WO BURN: : . 1. XOODY, PRINTER, JOURNAL PfiiiS^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1662, by ASA GOODELL SHELDON, IB the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PEEFAOE, To gratify the wishes of numerous friends, to indulge in living the past over again, to give what I may of encouragement to the temperate and diligent, to cheer the disheartened, amid the common trials of life, to give my voice of warning to the selfish and vicious, and to add a mite of ex- perimental knowledge to this age of improvement, this unpretending auto- biography is sent forth, hoping it may meet with the same kindly reception from friends and the community at large, as, for so many years, has its AUTHOR. if* of FIKST AKKANGEMENT. FIRST LINK IK THE CHAIN OF LIFE, I was born in Lynnfield, Mass., Oct, "24th, 1788. My first recollections are of the domestic circle, in connection with parents, brothers and sisters. My father, Jeremiah Sheldon, was son of Skelton Sheldon, and he a son of Godfrey Sheldon, the first on record in this country. He was a man of nniform cheerfulness, and sweet, even temper. I do not remember his ever speaking a cross word to me. In writ- ing, he possessed an uncommon tact y and in the capacity of clerk attended Judge Houghton several years in Con- gress, then sitting in Philadelphia. My mother's name was Elizabeth Goodell, of English extract on the ma- 4 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : temal side, whose parent emigrated from the Isle of Barbadoes with seven- teen slaves. On her father's side she was direct descendant from General Putnam, who commanded in the mem- orable battle of Bunker Hill, on June 17, 1775, where brave Warren fell. Like her world-renowned ancestor, she possessed indomitable energy and per- severance. The plan once formed, like Putnam when he shot the " Wolf in his den," was carried out with a deter- mination of purpose that brings an un- failing reward. Their children were ELBRIDGE, born Nov.- 18th, 1781, married Eleanor Harding. LUCINDA, born Aug. 7, 1783, married John Howard. SAMUEL HOUGHTON, born Dec. 26, 1786, married Sally French. ASA GOODELL, born Oct. 24, 1788, married Clarissa Eames. HARRIET, born Aug. 5, 1791. BETSEY, born Dec. 16, 1795. JEREMIAH, born Jan. 26, 1798, married an English lady in South America. SOPHIA, born Aug. 24, 1801, married Jo- seph R. Hathaway. WILMINGTON FARMER. 5 In my mother was strikingly exem- plified King Solomon's wise woman, who " seeketh wool and flax, and work- eth willingly with her hands." For many years she entered largely into the domestic manufacture of blue and white striped woollen Frocking, then generally used by farmers, team- sters and butchers ; and so slow were the inroads made by time on her vigor- ous constitution, that she was able to follow that business until within four years of her death, which occurred at the advanced age of 94 years and 41 days. When in her 90th year she pre- pared a web with her own hands, for which she realized a premium from the Agricultural Society, at the Cattle Show at Concord, Mass. When 88 years of age, she expressed a desire to have four apple trees set for her. To com- ply with her request, I selected those that promised to bear young, and sent a man to set them. Previous to his coming she had driven four stakes in 6 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : the four corners of her garden and marked the circumference of the holes she wished made. This made ready, she held the tree and gave directions for placing the roots and had all done to her approval. She lived to eat fruit from two of them. Let no aged per- son be discouraged about setting fruit trees. Set the tree if you have oppor- tunity, and if you never eat its fruit, let the deed be ascribed to disinterested benevolence. As wave chases ware o'er the ocean's dark breast, So the races of men pass on to their rest ; Be this our endeavor, with purpose sublime, Some footprints to leave on the quicksands of time. Well do I remember, in the days of my childhood, the first copper ever earned with my own hands. It was by opening a gate for Mrs. Sherman, a lady on horseback, a very common mode of riding in those days. She told me to keep it, and she would give me a box to keep it in. The next day I received a tin box with the promise WILMINGTON FARMER. 7 of a copper every time I would open the gate for her or her husband, when they were on horsehack~ which prom- ise was faithfully kept, and oftentimes to my great joy two coppers jingled into the box instead of one. At that time coppers were the only copper cur- rency extant, 108 of them making '$1, and our cents took their place. The possession of the tin box created a strong desire to have it filled. Some, on seeing the box and contents, would drop in one or two coppers, while others needed urging to do so ; and with pleasure I saw rt filling up more rapidly than I had anticipated. It was soon found to contain money enough to buy me a pewter porringer out of which -to eat bread and milk in the Bummer, and broth and bean porridge in the whiter season ; and a primer to study .the Assembly'^ Catechism in. The arrangement being made by my mother, I went to pedlar John Parker's, .about a half mile distant, to make the fc LIFE OF ASA G. S&ELB6N : purchase, my sister Liicinda accord panying me. This was the first time I had ever made so large a purchase, and the honest pedlar, seeing he had taken my last copper 1 , gave me a tin whistle. Like Dr. Franklin, when a child, " I went home whistling." I would here say to boys, be careful of noisy amuse- ments within doors ; you little know how much it annoys parents and sen- iors, whose heads are filled to overflow- ing with the cares and perplexities of life. Well do I remember how much my mother was tried with my whistle. I was proud enough of my shining porringer, and the possession of such a treasure gave more satisfaction than many dollars ift after life. When between three and four years of age Miss Sherman came into our house and said to mother, " Why they do say Daniel Hart is courting Patty Tapley/' I was very anxious for her departure, wishing to know what Dan- iel Hart was doing to Patty Tapley, WILMlNtfTON FARMEft. 9 " Mother," said I, as soon as Miss Sherman was gone^ " what is Daniel Hart doing to Patty Tapley/' " What do you mean," said mother* " Why, Miss Sherman said he was courting her." " Oh, he is coaxing her to be his wife," said mother. Anon this couple were married, she still living at her father's, and in April, 1793, Mr. Hart was presented with a son. I was much at home at neighbor Tapley's, and was soon asked to see the baby. " W^here did you get that baby," said I. " The Doctor brought it," said she. "What did you give for it?" was the next question. " If I like it well enough to keep it I shall give $5," was the answer. " Why do you lie there in bed?" " To keep it warm," said she. Daniel Hart and Patty Tapley raised 10 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : up six sons, David, Daniel, Aaron, Elijah, William and Tapley. These six sons have all been in my employ, five of them at one time, when the Boston and Lowell Railroad ^was in process of construction. It has become a proverb, that " all Hart's ,boys were born with a whip in their : hand." Certainly I should not know where to find six men, possessed of so good faculties to manage oxen and ihorses, as those six brothers. And it -appears this faculty has not passed away yet, for the last time I was going to Boston, I met four beautiful horses with a large load of manure, driven by Charles C. Hart, son of D. D. Hart, and great grandson to Daniel Hart and Patty Tapley. It seemed to be moving along with as much ease and comfort as a lady at work sitting in her parlor rocking-chair. This brings to mind six generations of that race of people, since I came upon the stage of action. Gilbert Tap- WILMINGTON FARMER. 11 ley of Danvers ; Joseph Tapley of Lynn- field ; Patty Tapley, daughter of Joseph Tapley ; David Hart, son of Daniel Hart and Patty Tapley; David Dexter Hart, of Woburn, and Charles Choate Hart, his son. I would say to the sixth generation, that it is my hope to live to see the seventh. Being now in my fifth year, and hav- ing often heard rivers spoken of, my young heart was filled with curiosity to see such a flow of water. So one day, having obtained leave of mother, bro^ ther Samuel who was two or three years older than myself and I started for Ipswich River, about a mile and a half distant. On the way we stopped at a house, where we were joined by three other boys, strangers to me. The two eldest were Samuel and Os- good Flint, the youngest was Samuel Gilford, who was about my own age. We arrived at the River at the spot where it divides Lynnfield from North Reading and where a bridge has since 12 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : been built, about fifty rods from the East School-house. The oldest boys then went in swimming, while Gilford and myself amused ourselves by mud- dying our feet and legs and then sitting on a shelving place on the bank and washing them. This was done several times, but now the sport assumed a more serious character, for as I was sitting unconscious of danger, Gilford run up behind and pushed me into the River, where the water was over my head. Just at this critical moment the other boys looking round, saw Gilford running toward home, and the Flints, knowing him to be a bad boy, cried out, " Asa is in the River," and came with all possible haste to my rescue, and with great exertion soon laid me on dry land, safe and sound. All the boys in the neighborhood despised Sam Gilford for that trick until the family moved away, and a good riddance it was. What became of him, I know not. I wish my young readers, both WILMINGTON FARMER, 13 male and female, to take warning by this vicious boy, who was hated by all who knew him, and not indulge in any sport that may lead to the disadvantage or unhappiness of others. No doubt, in this case, the evil may be traced back to parents and grand-parents, whose vicious indulgence served to en- courage rather than to amend wrong propensities. My first contract made for a day's work, was with Mr. William Flint of North Reading, for the sum of 6i cts., and I received the cash at night, return- ing home highly pleased with so much money ; besides much praise was given me by Mr. Flint, who said I had thrown half as many stones into the cart as he had, the stones being small. In justice to Mr. Joseph Tapley, I must say, my first instructions in farm- ing and teaming came through his dis- cipline. Sometimes he would give me a copper for cleaning out his cattle, and sometimes two for helping fill a 14 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : load of manure, or riding horse to plow, or driving oxen, which suited me best of all work. He employed me in spreading, turn- ing and raking hay, hoeing corn and potatoes, &c.; in short he was always ready to let jobs at from one copper to 6J cts., and we always agreed upon the price before commencing the job, a rule that should always be practiced whether dealing with men or boys. My mother was always satisfied with the price paid. All the neighboring boys liked to work for him. He was a jovial man, and now, in after life, I look back upon him as a great benefit to boys in that vicinity. One morning he said, " go and ask your mother if you may go to Lynn with me ; tell her Jerre is going." Mother gave her con- sent, and we started with a yoke of oxen and span of horses. We went two miles, where we loaded the wood, we boys handing it up to him. As we passed through Lynn woods WILMINGTON FARMER. 15 We saw three persons cross the road' ahead completely dressed in white. We boys were somewhat alarmed, and inquiringly asked who they were? 1 Mr. T. saw our surprise, and answered that they might be white Indians, but if we would be good boys they would not hurt us. I am sorry I cannot in- form my readers who they were, but I never saw their like before or since. As Mr. Tapley turned round, after de- livering the wood, the forward whe.els dropped into the gutter breaking the bolt. " Now boys," said Mr. Tapley r with affected surprise, " how can you ride home V This was a sad question to us boys,- and we began to cry, for we were tired and had never been half as far from home before. " Now boys," said he, " stop crying and behave like men, and take hold and help, and I will see if I can fix things so as you may ride." We were soon on the way home, and called at a 16 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : tavern about half a mile below where Lynnfield Hotel now stands, and he bought four coppers worth of ginger- bread, which was the first food I had ever eaten in a tavern. This occurred between the age of 6 and 7. Mr. Tap- ley, as will be inferred, was a man full of jokes and fun, yet a man of active mind and a benefactor of his race. It was his delight to set boys to work and teach them how to do it. He was great grandfather to David D. Hart, of Wo- burn. When 7 years of age, I made a con^ tract with Clark & Epps, of Lyndboro', N. H., and Col. Flint, of North Read, ing, drovers, to drive their cattle and sheep from our house to Jerre Upton's tavern, two miles distant, that they might ride ahead and take breakfast while the drove came on, for four cop- pers each trip, which occurred weekly. Boys, the price may appear small, but in those days it was a good income. This was continued for two successive WILMINGTON FARMER. 17 .summers, the last of which 1 commenc- ed going to school. Miss Hannah Sherman, relative of the lady who gave me the tin box, was' teacher. She had her scholars seated on three wooden benches, so arranged that she could reach each one with her long willow stick without rising from her chair. Jerre Tapley was the best scholar in school. I had commenced reading in the New Testament, and the old lady was very urgent that I should read with him. This suited me well, and the teacher, to bring it about, agreed that Jerre and I should occupy the same seat in one corner of the room, and to me was granted the privi- lege of whispering to Jerre to inquire out the hard words. We both studied hard, each trying to excel the other. ^Sometimes we would commit our whole lesson to memory. When mother would question me at home, I could .sometimes relate all I had read during the day, and would ask her, " Has God 1 8 LIFE OF ASA fi. SHELDON : all power in heaven and earth and hell?" She answered, "He has." Said I, "did he always possess if?" She said, " he did." That night I slept but little, and the morning found my pillow wet with tears. Distress of mind followed me, and the talk soon became current that I was growing poor and should be kept from school. The lady who gave me the tin box came to our house and advised to that course, saying, " he is killing himself with study," she being highly interested in my case. I told them it would do no good to stay from school, but wished I could go to meeting, which was soon granted, and terrible appeared the ser- mon when the preacher gave it as his opinion that only one in ten were saved. I now felt worse than before, and thought it would have been better had I been born a calf, or lamb, or almost any other kind of beast, rather than a human being. My suffering was great, an awful week to me. Kverv one WILMINGTON FARMER. 19 appeared to think that I was about to die, but they knew not the cause of my trouble. It originated in reading the life and death of Jesus Christ, for I could not see the reason why God gave his Son to suffer and die for man, when he had all power in heaven and earth, and always had possessed that power. The next Sabbath another minister preached, who quoted the opinion of an eminent divine, " that not more than one in a hundred would be saved." The fact which was here made appar- ent, that ministers disagreed upon the all-important subject, lightened my bur- den and made me feel more at ease. In conclusion, I would add, that it is my firm belief that God is holy, just and wise ; that he possesses all power in heaven earth and hell ; that no one ever interrupted his plans, or ever can. In the Spring of 1796, I was em- ployed by the farmers to drive oxen to plough, a work that always pleased 20 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : me, at a shilling per day, which sup- plied me with books and some clothing with which to attend school in summer and winter. The winter previous I boarded with grandmother Sheldon, in Danvers, and attended a school kept by a Mr. Felton in a private house near Rope's Mill, now known as Phelp's Mill. I here formed an acquaintance with three no- ble brothers, Ralph, Samuel and Lemuel Crane, the last named was near my age, and many a good piece of pie I received on his account. Ralph died on the loth of November, 1808, of nervous fever. Lemuel turn- ed his attention to the sea, and on the 16th of February, 1808, he fell from the masthead of the ship Belisarius, of ;Salem, commanded by Capt. Benjamin Lovctt, and was killed. Samuel be- came a highly respectable man, and now resides in South Danvers. My father, owning but few acres of land, worked much of the time stoning WILMINGTON FARMER. 21 % wells and cellars, and consequently was with his family but little. Gener- ally working in Salem, we saw but little of him, except on the Sabbath, yet I can distinctly remember his good-natur- ed manners. I never knew him to speak unkindly to me, and very seldom to any one. In December, 1796, my father pur- chased a lot of standing wood in North Heading, and being then in my ninth year, I was employed, in connection with a man, to drive a team with a very large yoke of cattle in dragging oif the wood, the man driving another team. Being very small for my age, it at- tracted some attention to see so small a boy beside a loaded team. It was the heighth of my ambition to become a teamster. Sometimes we turned our teams across the side of Putnam's Mill- pond, for the pleasure of driving on the glare ice. This made fun for the school children, who could then get a ride without paying fare. The method was 22 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : for one or two boys to take hold of the hind end of the load, then a girl took hold of his clothes, and another hold of hers, and so on, till a long string was made out, oftentimes two strings, as the case might be. At one time, my com- panion laughingly said to me, " You load the oxen too heavy ;" seeing a beautiful little girl behind, I said, " No, no, I will not leave the hind end. WILMINGTON FARMER. 23 SECOND LINK. We now come to an important period in the history of a youth, I refer to leaving home. What a privilege to parents it is, to be able to employ their children at home, and thus keep them around them under their careful scru- tiny ; and what a blessed privilege to children to live under the care and guidance of discreet parents. On April 14th, 1797, being still in my ninth year, Mr. Daniel Parker came to my father's house to get a boy to live with him. Mother said he might take his choice, Samuel or Asa. " I will take Asa," he said, " because he is the youngest." Accordingly, my father went over with me. It was a fine, sunny day, but 24: LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : there was snow enough on the ground to make good sleighing. We stopped on our way at Putnam's saw mill, where, although so late in the Spring, I saw more oxen and men engaged in draw- ing lumber than I ever saw there before or since, at one time. I commenced my servitude here with out time or remuneration being stated, which, as I before said, is a circum- stance liable to produce difficulty. I found the family to consist of Mr. Parker, who was about 40 years of age, and wife, of nearly the same age ; Da- vid, about 18, and two daughters, Patty and Sally, who were a few years young- er. Mrs. Parker told me to call her "mother," and certainly she acted the part of a mother to me- She fed me when hungry ; dried my clothes when wet ; cared for my every want ; and when troubles assailed, that she could not alleviate, pitied and sympathised with me. In short, she was as kind as my own mother. WILMINGTON FAHMER. 25 On first entering the house, [ found no one at home but Mrs. Parker and her two daughters, David being absent at school. After sitting a few minutes, she said, 4< You may go to the barn and see the calves." There were six of them, and I employed the forenoon in cleaning the stalls and clearing up. After dinner I went with Mr. Parker to split oak butts into wheel spokes. Thus ended my first day's servitude. Mr. Parker's parents were then liv- ing. Hk mother, by age or infirmity, had lost her reason, or, as it is com- monly expressed, was crazy. They told me that she would not harm me, so I need not be afraid of her. I well remember her saying one day, "Asa, the Devil is in me," Well," said I, " if he is, route him out," at the same time seizing the fire shovel. She blowed and coughed till tired, and seeing me not frightened, stopped, saying, i; F can't blow him out." She reported, that she never saw .a. bov of such deter* 26 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : mined courage ; " he was not afraid of the Devil himself, but stood ready to beat his brains out with the fire-shovel." Our Spring ploughing that year was done by four oxen and a horse, and it was my constant business to drive them. In hoeing, the plan was for me to take every alternate hill and follow back on the same row, thus keeping alongside the men.. The Summer passed pleas- antly away, my young head filled with a lively interest in everything that transpired on the farm. I had become quite attached to my new* mother and Mr. Parker seemed quite a middling man to get along with. I had the privilege of attending whi- ter school, and as is common for youth, formed a lasting attachment to a school- mate Daniel Putnam, a boy nearly my size and age, but of whom it might be said, as of Nathaniel of old, "an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." We occupied the same seat, and one day the teacher detected Daniel whis- WILMINGTON FARMER. 27 Bering to me, contrary to known laws. Of course Dan was called to the floor, and seeing the teacher about to ferule him, I sprang from my seat, hastened forward, and holding out my hand, cried out, " punish me, I am more to blame than he ; I whispered first." " Was you ever punished at school V said the teacher. " No, sir," I answered. " Was you ever, Daniel?" " Xo, sir." " Then," said he, in an authoritative? tone, "go to your seats." The second year, in hoeing time, I was able to keep up with the hands,, anless the ground was very tough- This pleased Mr. Parker as there was> much hoeing to be done, and the crops, were extensive. My father needing a cow, he agreed with Mr. P. to take one for $22, and I was to work for him another year, or till the next May, to pay for her, and I was to have winter schooling. '28 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Mr. P. appears to have been exceed- ingly miserly, and was unwilling to let me slide on the ice, because it wore my shoes out; but thanks to mother Parker's adroit management, I found frequent opportunities to enjoy an hour of glee on the ponds. For that and many other secret favors, I have reason to respect her memory. At the commencement of my third year, Mr. P. frequently urged that I should be bound to him, telling my father that he would give him $20 in cash, and me $100 on becoming twen- ty-one. To this my 'father agreed, and the necessary documents were signed without mother's knowledge. Great was her anguish on learning that her son was a " bond slave," as she was pleased to call it. Oh, fathers, never be guilty of such a rash act. Never bind your children to service of any kind, and above all without the consent of her who would willingly labor day and night ; yea, and WILMINGTON FARMER. 29 suffer many privations to benefit her offspring. I am glad that this inhuman practice has passed away. Depend upon it, this generation is not good enough to deal in such a relic of barbarism. I now come to speak of my fourth year of service. There was 110 snow for sledding till February or March, when a nice fall of snow coming, creat- ed an ambition in me to drive a load of wood to Salem town and sell it. I had frequently driven wood to market in company Avith Mr. Parker, each of us driving a load. Mr. P., 'Dave and my- self, were engaged at Putnam's Mill all day. It was late at night when they retired. In my thirteenth year, full of ambi- tion, I unloaded a sled-load of boards. -they were heavT, hard pine boards, 22 feet in length, and re-loaded it with pine wood. It was now midnight, and I sought my accustomed couch, but tied my shoes so tight as to prevent 30 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: quiet rest, and after an hour and a half's repose I rose and fed the team. Then going to Mr. P. the following dialogue took place : " Can I take a load of wood to Salem to-day ?" " Asa, it seems as if you would tease the life out of me ; did I not tell you there was none loaded." " But there is a load loaded." "Who loaded it?" " I loaded it," said I. " Yes, you may go if you have got the wood loaded. You may unload it at Johnson's, where we get store goods, I have promised it to him." A dash of disappointment flashed over me, for I longed to dispose of the wood myself. A pleasant trip brought me into Salem at 8 o'clock. I found Mr. Johnson absent, and his clerk would do nothing about it. Much pleased was I at this overture, which gave me an opportunity to try my luck at marketing. I was to get from John- WILMINGTON FARMER. 31 son $4 for the load, but had the good luck to sell it to a man for $4 and one shilling. On reaching home, Mr. Par- ker gave me the shilling, the greatest present he had ever made me. My spending money had before been con- fined to 6i cents per year. That was awarded to me at our State Election. The last year of my living with him he gave me 1*2 cents. The man who bought the wood was a baker by trade, and proved a good customer for years afterwards when marketing wood for myself. The very boards which I that night unloaded solely myself, may now be found on the roof of Thomas Ray- nor's house, in North Reading. When at Salem a baker agreed with me for a load of faggots, or twigs bound in bundles, for heating ovns. AVith the hope that Mr. Parker would give me all the money if I could con- trive to make them without taking his time, I kept my hatchet in the cow pasture, and when I found the cows 32 Lin: OF ASA o. SHELBON : liuudily I could make eight or ten bun- dles and then run and catch up with them. If I did not find them readily, I made less, and so on. AY hen the load was nearly complete, Mr. Parker discovered them, and asked, " Who made those faggots J " " I made them," said I. " When did you make them," said he, "and what are you going to do with them." " Sell them," said I, " they will bring as much as a load of wood." " You can't sell them for anything." " Yes. I can, they are promised now." "Well," said he, "finish out the load, now you have begun." The day we finished haying, Mr. Parker said, " if you are going down with that load of faggots, you had bet- ter do it before we take the hay rigging off." Mother P. had told me, that when- ever I sold them, if he offered me less than a dollar, not to take it. I drove \VII.MINI;TOX PARMKR. 33 the load to Salem, and brought home $5.80, and gave it to Mr. Parker, and he was niggar&y enough to offer me cents for all my labor, hurry and toil. Mother P., seeing me about to take it. gave a stamp with her foot, when the ninepencc dropped on. the floor, and I hastened out of the house. Soon after. Mother P. went to Salem herself and brought home a nice hat for me. that cost $3. There was but one other hat worn in town that was so nice, and that was owned by George, now Esquire. Flint, of North Reading. On presenting it she said, " There, Asa. that will do you more good than nincpeiicc." Polly Parker had been married to Thomas llaynor, and resided one year at South Reading. They then remov- ed to our house to share in the profits of the farm, -Mr. Parker cultivating both his own and his father's farm. It appears from circumstances that Mr, Parker, at the time of his marriage. 34 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : thought Tom Raynor was heir to an estate ; but such not being the case, he Deemed to look indignantly upon his *on-in-law, and nothing suited that he laid his hands upon. We all lived in one family, the men jointly sharing the profits of the farms. Mr. Parker had 0ne half, Dave and Tom each one fourth. I have known them to divide $1200 at the end of the year. The first time I ever came to Wil- mington, was with a team loaded with hops, which I sold to Colonel William Blanchard for 42 cents per lb., amount- ing to $800. Now commenced my fifth year. In passing down one side the hay-field, one day, where Parker and Raynor were turning hay, I heard Parker shout to Raynor, " Why don't you turn that hay with the head of your rake ? " Parker, receiving no answer or not be- ing heard, shouted again in an angry tone, " if you can't turn the hay as I WILMINGTON FARMER. 35 want you to, go home to dinner, and I will turn it ? " Raynor still not ap- pearing to hear, and continuing to ply the stale of his rake, the old fellow ran upon him with his rake, and levelling a blow on his temple brought him to the ground. He fell as quick as ever an ox fell in a slaughter house. I was frightened almost out of my senses, and ran toward them as fast as my legs would carry me. However, Raynor sprang up, and with rake in. hand, exclaimed, "Stand off; I was never made to fear a fall of clay." They both appeared at the dinner table that day and ate without exchanging a, word. From that time till the close of the year, they never spoke a word to each other, except when so filled with anger that they could not help spitting it out, yet they constantly ate and work- ed together- Parker always called Ray- nor a bad tempered man ; but I knew them both well, and Raynor had not half so bad a temper as Parker himself. .'{G LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON .' Strange as it may seem, I was daily called to act as interpreter between them. Oftentimes when sitting by the fire, Parker would tell me what to say to llaynor, and he in return would tell me what to answer back. Sometimes the case would require quite a number of messages, and all this while they were sitting nearer to each other than I was to either of them. This curious telegraphing was sometimes carried on at table, especially Avhen farm opera- tions required each to know the other's mind. At such times one would not notice what the other said until I re- peated it. To my readers this may appear very strange and almost beyond credence, but it is a simple fact ; and certain am I, that if I had not personally known the man, I could never have believed the one half I now know to be true: He was a man whose iron will com- pletely blockaded every port of his en- joyment. WILMINGTON FARMER. 37 In the Spring of the year, it was Mr. Parker's practice to give me a stint stripping hop poles. Hop raisers, and perhaps others, will understand that process. This, he said, was to give me a chance to supply myself with spending money. I was grateful for the benefit, and am bound to say in his praise that he never gave a hard stint. At evening I was sometimes aided by neighboring boys, when a bonfire of the dried vines w r ould increase the hilarity. Once upon a time in April, the snow falling fast, Mr. Parker came to me and said, " if you will leave vine stripping and go and get the sheep up. I will pay you for it." I did, and found a wee little lamb dropped in the snow. Tak- ing off my frock I wrapped it up and conveyed it home. t; Now Asa," said Mr. Parker, " if you will make that lamb live, you may have it to pay for going after the sheep, and all the ewe lambs she has I will keep for you for their wool, and the male lambs vou imiv 38 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: sell to the butchers." All night I watched the wee bit and in the morn- ing it was able to draw its own "rations" from its dam. The coming season I exchanged my lamb for an older sheep, which brought me the next spring two fine ram lambs that were destined to the slaughter. However, my stock of sheep increased to five before I left the place, which I sold, receiving $10 for them. It is but just to say in this place, that I made Mr. Parker my Savings Bank, putting all my little overplus in his keeping, and he giving me a new note every year, carefully reckoning com- pound interest. When I left he was owing me $3-0- saved in this manner. It was not till years afterwards that I demanded and received it. Boys, here is an incentive to lay by your little savings. They will amount to something at a time when you need them. WILMINGTON FARMER. THIRD LINK. Early in the autumn, the Frigate- Essex was to be launched. All the boys in the neighborhood were going. I wanted to go, but Mr. Parker said no.- And it was not till several boys hade interceded with him that he gave his- consent. " Well," said he, " if your do go, I will not give you one cent of money to spend, for there is no need of going." The boys said I should fare as well as they did. We started at midnight, eighteen in- all, and walked to Salem, saw the Es- sex leave " the home of her birth," and slide gently down the greased ways, with her precious cargo of curi- ous mortals, anxious to catch the first ride in her as she bathed herself for. the first time in the briny deep. 40 LIFE OF ASA . SHELDON: Afterwards we walked about town to see the " elephant," ate gingerbread and pies, and toward night set our faces toward home. It was a most formidable journey for boys of our age, and before we reached home our fa- tigue was such that we lay down on the ground to rest every half mile. Boys, when distant from home, be cautious not to take too much labor upon yourselves. Remember you have got to travel home into the bargain. Such almost killing fatigue mars the pleasure of the otherwise satisfactory excursion. In the following story, I have to ac- knowledge the first and only time I ever tried to plague Mr. Parker, and then I tried with a right-good will, for I was as mad as a honey bee. He had fallen in the barn and hurt himself considerably, and had kept in the house for four days. I was going to Salem with a load of wood, and had mv team all hitrhed WILMINGTON FARMER, 41 and ready, when he called to me to get Rayiior up for the purpose of going a piece with me, as the snow was deep and drifted. " I do not want him," said I. " Go along and call him quick." The mandate was obeyed. " Do you want me," said Raynor. " No," said I. " Then I shall not get up." " Is he going to get up," said Parker. " He said not" " Then go and tell him I say he shall get up and go with you." Again I ran and told him what Par- ker said. He asked me, " Do you want me to go? if you do, I will, but if you do not, I shall not get up." This message was delivered verbatim to Parker, when he answered, " Did you tell him that you wanted he should go ? " " No, sir." "Why didn't you?" " Because if I did it would be a lie ; 42 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : and you always told me if I told a lie you would whip me, and I do not want him or any body else to go." " Then," shouted he, " run quick to the other barn and get the white horse and I will go myself." And he did go. Although he had required waiting upon for four days, he was up and dressed and mounted upon Old White, that cold night, for no other purpose than to carry out his iron will, formed to discomfort Raynor and get him out of bed that bitter night, he so hated him, and in effect he imitated the vex- ed rattlesnake, who Missing his foe, with fiendish spite, Coils up his folds, and hiw own self will bite. To be sure I was any thing but good natured, scampering away to the other barn for Old White, whose contrary habits were well known, sincerely hop- ing she would manifest something of the kind that night and plunge her rid- er in the snow. But I was not to be WILMINGTON FARMER. 43 gratified in that respect. Old White was saddled, taken home, and a chair brought out for him to mount with, so lame was he from his hurt. He tried to ride ahead, but could not get on fast enough, for when he told me to drive slower in the drifts, I would use the brad unsparingly, making the team, which was a good one, rave and spring, but could not get him unhorsed with all the trick and tact I was master of. " You act so much like the devil," said he, " I'll go no further," and turned toward home. In the course of my sixth year Mr. Parker began making preparations for building a new house. One morn- ing Dave and myself started early for the team, for the purpose of drawing two loads of lumber from Andover. All being found except one horse, I drove them home while Dave searched for the missing horse. Seeing one horse gone and Dave too, Mr. Parker cried out in his accustomed hoarse, 44 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDOX : angry tone, " Where is the horse ? Where is Dave ? Go and find Dave. Go get the horse. Go bait the oxen. Why don't you run ? " " I don't know what you mean," said I, " I never saw a man act as you do in my life." Having the cart-whip in his hand he gave me a heavy cut around my legs, the knot in the end of the lash coming inside the knee hurt me considerably, We started off together toward the ;the pasture. " Why don't you run," said he. "If I go as fast as you do it is fast enough, I shall go no faster," said I. So we walked on silently together. The next morning found the whip .chopped into inch pieces, beside the hog-sty. " Who did that ? " said Parker, " I did it," said I ; "it was my own whip, and shall not keep a whip to whip myself with." This was the first and onlv time he WILMINGTON FAHMKIJ. 45 ever struck me while I lived with him. His course was decidedly a grief to Mrs. Parker, but it was out of her pow- er to prevent it. In haying time, that well known time of hurry and bustle, as we came home late for dinner one day, we found the women had eaten and nothing remained but some boiled Indian pudding and five ears of boiled corn. There were more ears of green corn in the pot boil- ing. We soon cleared away the pud- ding, and Mr. Parker taking three ears and Raynor two, started for the further barn to throw off a load of hay, saying to me, " Come along and take away that hay." " Let him stop till the corn is done," said Mrs. Parker. " No come right along now," said he, and on he pushed, eating as he went, which was his common practice. I soon took two ears of hot corn alter- nating them from hand to hand and 46 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : run after Raynor and overtook him gnawing his corn, and ran ahead. Mr. Parker called out from the yard, " Get quick up on to the mow and take away the hay." I scrambled up, as the corn was get- ting just cool enough to eat. " Lay down your corn," said he, "if you can't eat your dinner while I eat mine and feed the hogs, you may go without. You thought because that lazy curse," meaning Raynor, " stayed behind you might." I laid the corn on the plate under the eaves and it lays there now for aught I know. " I will have what I want to eat for time to come," said I, " and if you will not let me have it, I will go where I can get it." " Where will you go ? " said he. " I will go to Ohio," said I, " before I will live with you another year, if you don't treat me better." "What is that you say?" said he. It was repeated. WII.MIXGTOX FARMER. 47 " Come right down to me and I will whip you for that." I was on the load by him as soon as my weight w r ould fetch me there. He seized my arm and taking an alder stick from the hay, said, " Shall I strike you or not ? " " Just as you have a mind to," said I. " Will you ever say it again ? " " I can't help thinking so, and I may as well say it as think it." ' ; If you do think it, you shan't say it in my hearing." Here he stuck the pitchfork into the mow and I clambered on to the top again, and Raynor who had listened to the whole came forward to help me. If he had struck me, it was my determination to slip off the hind end of the load and never work for him again. The writer would fain hope that few men, \vho have the care of youth, man- ifest so much indifference to their com- fort as not to allow them time to well masticate their food. 48 . LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : A word here on diet. In the sum- mer season, brown bread and milk was the constant food, for the whole family, morning and night. By brown bread is meant, bread made of rye and indian meal raised and baked in large loaves and in a brick oven, in those days. Supper for Saturday was uniformly roast potatoes and salt ; no butter was used. The whiter rations were beef- broth, with brown bread crumbled in, and for change, bean porridge. This porridge was made by boiling a piece of pork, with a handful of beans, till they had become soft and smashed, then dipped into dishes with bread crumbled in. Our Sunday dinner was invariably baked beans with salt pork, and a bak- ed indian pudding. A little butter was allowed for the pudding. Thanksgiving festival was indeed a luxury. We commonly had fowls and roasted pork, or spare-rib, and plum puddings, with as many as three kinds WILMINGTON FARMER. 49 of pies, mince, apple and pumpkin. We had as nice a treat at Thanksgiv- ing then, as they scare np now, and ate it with a greater zest. It should be remembered that the time of which I have been speaking was more than half a century ago. Great changes have since taken place, as might be expected, both in food and dress. My clothes in summer were straw hat, tow shirt and tow trowsers. When the mornings were cool, I put on my vest such as it was, and my frock if required. I had no shoes until the ground began to freeze. Winter habiliments were striped blue and white woollen trowsers, fulled cloth vest and jacket. They were com- monly made of Parker's or Dave's old cast-off ones, which good mother Par- ker took care to have well mended, much to my comfort. I was never al- lowed an overcoat while I lived there, or a pair of boots. I was allowed but 50 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : one pair of shoes for two years. Par- ker used to tell me, when going to get my foot measured, to put on two pair of stockings, and tell the shoemaker to be sure and make them large enough to last two years. The first year I put old flannel, or baize -as- it was then called, around my feet to keep the shoes from slipping and wearing out my stockings. When they needed repairs, Mr. Parker would, as he kept shoemaking, tools on hand, tap them with old upper stuff and fill them full of nails to make them last well ; and mother Parker would make me leggings from his old stocking legs. At length Mr. Parker's father passed off the stage ; the new house was fin- ished ; Dave was married and moved into it, but Raynor lived with us still. Now the battle raged wilder and hotter between Parker and Raynor, till at length they needed no interpreter, but were ready on all occasions to vociferate hard words at each other. WILMINGTON FARMER. 51 Catching a wild goose by hands must be considered note-worthy. One day as Raynor and myself were going to our labor we espied two wild geese in a lit- tle pond near by. We went toward the pond wanting to catch them, but hardly expecting such an event, as we had no firearms. Away they flew and we stood gazing after them. They soon wheeled and came back, but did not drop fast enough to hit the water, but passed over and alighted in thick bushes close beside where we stood y each secreted behind a tree. As they could not arise for entanglement, we sprang upon them simultaneously, each catching one by the neck and saving it. We tied their legs with some string, which we had in our pockets, when luckily a man named Angier came along and took them to his house near by for safe keeping, Raynor paying him 50 cents for doing it. At night we laid them upon hay on the top of our load of wood and carried them home and 52 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON .' put them in a pen in the hophouse. From discontent, or some other cause, not one mouthful would they eat, and we were obliged to cram them with corn to keep them alive. However, Raynor soon sold them to a man in South Reading for $5. The year the new house was built, all was hurry and drive, every nerve must be strained for labor. For in- stance, Parker would carry feed to his hogs with part of his dinner in his hand. He made calculation to start for work with as much in his hands as he could dispose of before he reached the field. A neighbor, whose field he often crossed, smilingly observed, " I must prosecute Parker for throwing his bones into my grass." To accelerate business and encour- age me, Mr. Parker said, that if I would keep the hops, corn, and pota- toes well tended, after the first hoeing, all the season, he would give me twen- ty-five Ibs. of hops, and I should have WILMINGTON FARMER. 53 the steers to help me, and might plow as well as I pleased. The steers were a fine pair, three years old, of my own training, and were 'ox-handy. One day, in Parker's absence, as I was plowing the potatoe patch both ways, Dave observed me, and halloing forbade the cross-plowing. As I paid no attention to what he said, he ran to- ward the field, which was in island form, then surrounded by mud. He had been unwell, and on that account wore stockings and shoes. While di- vesting his feet of their incumbrance in order to plunge through the mud, I hastened the steers at a rapid rate, plowing only one furrow in a row. Of course he took the team away from me, which greatly impeded that day's work. On Mr. Parker's return he discounten- anced Dave's proceedings, and said he should help me as much as he had hindered. I told him my determina- tion to hoe every hill myself. On ex- amination he greatly approved my plan 54: LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : of cross-plowing, as the ground was of a clammy nature ; indeed the crops bore unmistakable testimony to the utility of the procedure. Seven acres of corn, potatoes and hops, were plowed and hoed twice that season solely by me and the steers. Many times, in the gray dawn of the morning, we might be seen in the field at work, to evade the heat of the day. This practice of early rising, in hot weather especially, I wish to recom- mend as the secret of realizing a good day's work. WILMINGTON FARMER. 55 FOURTH LINK. Hop picking came on, that season of hilarity in which boys and girls all par- ticipate. We were stripping them off full of glee, not one reaching out his hand in vain. Mr. Parker rode to '"Wil- mington to inquire the prospects of the hop market, and on his return said Col. Blanchard offered him 25 cents per Ib. " Why didn't you take it," said I. " Will you take that for yours ? " " Yes." The money was counted out straight- way, which was more than I had ever been the owner of before. This was done at the hop bin. He cheerily said, " now we shall see which has the best luck selling hops, you or I." He kept his till the following Spring, in hope 56 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : of obtaining a higher price, and then sold them for 11 cents per Ib. Such I have often observed to be the case when a fair price is refused. Mr. Parker's extreme fretfulness may be seen in the following story. It was mid-winter, and new snow had fallen to a considerable depth. In the morning he said, " When you have fed the cattle, go to shoveling paths." I did shovel all the paths we usually shoveled after a snow storm. I then inquired where he was. The women said he had gone in the direction of the watering place, about half a mile distant. I followed, and when I came up with him, he said, " Why didn't you come along to shoveling here ? " " I didn't know there was anything to be done here ; we never shoveled here before." " You might know the snow would drift in here, now the trees are cut away," said he. After a few minutes' work, he said, WILMINGTON FARMER. 57 " Go let out the cattle, and drive them down to drink ; start on the cows first." I knew this order to be wrong, but it was implicitly obeyed, and when they came into deep snow, the oxen pressed on to the annoyance of the cows, which made him exclaim, in wrath, " run ahead and stop that ox." I had just exchanged my whip for his shovel, so I ran, shovel in hand, and called "whoa" to the ox, who was wont to stop at my bidding. "What do you say 'whoa' to that. ox for ? " was his tart response. " What a plague ; can I say anything but ' whoa ' to an ox when I want to stop him ? " " You shant say ' plague ' to me," said he, and ran at me with all his might, whip in hand. I could not make much headway for the deep snow, and so turning round said, *' Don't break the whip-stick ; I paid eleven cents for it ; " when he de- sisted. 58 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELD'ON : Before we reached the house he met a neighbor, to whom he said, "Asa cares more for his whip than for his back, for when I was going to strike him, he said, ' Don't break the whip,' and I could not help laughing." It was my aim, when he was in a pet, to make him laugh, if he had not got beyond the bounds of forbearance. This Spring, -Raynor left and hired out to a man who tilled the farm lying between Mr. Parker's two farms. I was commanded not to speak to him, which command I did not fully obey, as I was a staunch American, and un- willing to give up the right of free speech. Dave and his father still worked together. Now as Dave and Raynor were gone, I was left alone to stand all the shots, rifle, canister, grape and shell ; and they fell thick and fast. Sometimes I thought it impossible to stay longer with him. But good mother Parker's sympathy and kind words did much to WILMINGTON FARMER. 59 soften and heal the wounds, and I would conclude to await another broad- side. Soon after Raynor left, a traveller came along, and Dave took him in. He was a man of middle age. We never knew where he canie from; if asked the question, he would not ans- wer, but change the topic of conversa- tion. He was no epicure, but would eat whatever was set before him. He slept in an attic chamber, with his door fastened. He was deranged in mind, and like other maniacs, when most crazy, would manifest a terrible tem- per. His name was Jeremiah Powers, and he could do a great amount of work, such as forking manure, hoeing, pitching hay, grain, &c ; in doing any of these things, no man could beat him. He was exceedingly withy and spry. I have seen him stand with both feet together, and jump twelve #eet ahead at a leap. Few men can do that. 60 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : In his worst spells, he would receive no directions about the work from any one except me, and would frequently urge me to join him to kill Parker and Dave, for he had a lunatic idea that if they were killed we could do as we pleased with the farm and stock. Once on going into Dave's house, I found him sitting on a block in the corner, pale with terror, while Powers was standing over him, axe in hand, telling him if he moved he would split his brains out. And I believe he would have done so. " Captain," said I, for we were used to calling him by that title, " what are you going to do with Dave \ " " Kill this old d d regular," said he, " and take off his scalp." " What are you going to do with it ? " " Sell it," said he. " You can't get one cent for it ; be- sides we want him to help get our hay in ; he is a good mower you know." He turned away with a demoniac WILMINGTON FARMER. 61 laugh, and Dave was relieved from his terror-stricken embarrassment. I must confess I was frightened myself, but I made shift not to let Powers know it. " Asa," said he, " you are always right ; I will let him go now." He had a notion if any one hawked or spit, &c., they were mocking him. If a cock crowed within his reach, he would cut his head off if he could. Often while we were hoeing, the fowls would come round picking up worms, and he killed several in that way, when I would carry them into the house and have them cooked. As he was one day pitching hay, the horse, which was tied by a rope at the door, snuffed. Powers told her if she did it again he would let her guts out. The snuffing was immediately repeated, \vhen Pow- ers sprang to the ground, pitchfork in hand. I screamed out, " don't kill her, we want her to go fishing with, we can't go on foot." He stopped short, saying, 62 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : " You are always right ; I will let her live." Another time he insisted that we must have our stints. Accordingly Parker gave us a certain amount of plowing and hoeing for that and the following day. The plowing was done in the afternoon, which was followed by a bright, moonlight night. Powers hoed alone all night, and the morning found the work completed. " Now," said he, " you are my man to-day ;, you shall do nothing for anybody else." He soon decided to go fishing. We had two hooks, and I bated them with angle-worms while he fished. It was a day of great sport to him, and I en- joyed seeing his cup of happiness so full. We carried home a mess of fish to cook. Powers was uniformly good to me, but in no wise would I suffer a son of mine to work with such an unfortunate. I believe it may always be found true, that lunatics have some one to doat WILMINGTON FARMER. 63' upon. It is unquestionably better for them to be constantly employed in out- door labor; still they should be care- fully watched, for there is no telling the moment when they may commit depre- dations. Parker grew more and more unrea- sonable, but mother Parker's faculty of smoothing over things seemed to in- crease. Baynor l s wife and children lived in our family, and he came home at night, which enraged Parker, especially if he found we spoke together. One morn- ing, as I entered the house with a hand- ful of wood, I met liaynor at the door ;, we stopped and spoke. As Parker was coming out, he no doubt heard it. We soon went to unloading wood at the door ; he was full of spite and many angry words found utterance. I told him at length I would leave him.. He then caught a sled-stake and ran at me, but being smarter than he I ran out of his way. Mother Parker from the win- 64 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : dow, seeing him seize the stake, was struck with consternation lest he would injure me. However I stopped at speaking distance, and he told me to go to cutting brush, and said I should not drive the team any more, he would drive it himself. This was done with a view to plague me, because I loved teaming so well. I did not go to cutting brush as he said, but walked over to Dave's, musing as I went on what I had best do. I told him my purpose of going away. He said, " you had better go to cut- ting fagots," which I did. I would here say, my operation of cutting fagots, to procure a little pocket- money, proved a rod for my own back. All my spare hours, rainy days, &c., were necessarily filled up with fagot- making. The last three months I lived with him, I carried home to him $72 taken for fagots, all of my own making. I soon stopped my work and return- ed to the house. I told Mrs. Parker I AVILMYXGTO& FARMER. G"5 was going to leave. She wept and said, " No, you must not go, I will try and get him to treat you better." "It is of no use," said I, " l^mve tried that long enough. I don't want to stay here to have my forains^beat out." "I do not blame yoV' -said she, but had rather yo-u would not take your clothes. You shall eventually have them, but as he -said you should not take them, I had rather you would not take them now." " Goed-bye, " good-bye," was al- ternated, and I was off on the road to- ward my own mother's. I -should have mentioned in connec- tion with Parker's threatening with a sted-stake, that when I told him I would go away he said, " you cannot go ; you are bound to me, aoad can't get away." " No,~" said I, " not so. I have been informed that, as father, who bound me here, is dead, you cannot hold ; me now I am fifteen." " Who told you that," said he. I did 66 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : not answer that question. He had evi- dently been more tyrannical since I was bound. This story shows what a prominent part a woman can take in smoothing her rough-hewn husband's path. A good wife like a good missionary, is self-sacrificing, always intent on the welfare of others. Not more than three days had elapsed before Parker came to mother's for me to go back, stop a few weeks and then tell people that we had come to an agreement to dissolve, saying that then I should have my clothes and my sheep. He was good-natured, for he had been to a lawyer and found he could not hold me, as I said. I was then fifteen years and five months old. I went back with him and whenever an opportunity offered he would urge me to agree to stay three years with him ; promising to find all my clothes, let me go to school one month each winter, and at the expira- WILMINGTON FARMER. 67 tion of the time to give me $200. " No," said I, " I will agree to stop only on this condition, that I will go any time I wish, and you shall pay me accordingly." To this he agreed and mother Parker witnessed the contract. I felt then it was as safe as if put in black arid white, and a justice had signed the acknowledgment. This oc- curred in the spring of 1804, and we set about raising eight calves, to pay my wages when the three years were out, as Parker said. Soon, however, his accustomed fretfulness got hold of him with renewed vigor and he dis- dained to give explicit orders, but want- ed explicit compliance with all his de- sires. Our State Election, that holiday for boys, when they generally had two days given them for their pleasure, occurred on the last Wednesday in May. As I had but half a day, I chose to take the last half of the second day. After putting the cows in pasture, 68 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON ! mother said, " Asa, I wish you would hoe in the garden for me this morning." I complied. When Mr. Parker came from the field his anger could not be restrained because I had not been in the field at work. " Eat your break- fast in one minute," said he. I swal- lowed the bread and milk unceremo- niously, till the minute was out, and then set the bowl down. Mother then brought her foot to the floor in her ex- pressive manner, saying, " Eat your breakfast, if you can't have time to eat your breakfast Election morning I will leave the house." So I finished it. I should have stated before that our State Elections in Massachusetts were held as festivals from time immemorial. At Mr. Parker's we always dined on roasted veal and plenty of raised sweet cake, called Election cake. Elections, like Thanksgivings, were days much calculated upon. To my story again. We worked along as well as could be expected, WILMINGTON FARMER. 69 " bearing and forbearing," till July, when it was found out the calves were lousey and must be washed in tobacco wash to cleanse them. Toward night I arranged to drive them up, but it was foggy and they hid in the bushes and vayily did I try to collect them. Re- turning, I found all in bed, ate my spoon-victuals and retired. Early the following morning, the bushes wet as rain, I was out in search of them, in hopes to get them home before Parker was up, but failed in that endeavor. He was fiendish, cross and surly, I saw at once. " Eat your breakfast," said he, " and wash the calves, by the time I get mine done." My bowl of breakfast was soon dis- patched, and one calf was finished ere he came out. " Turnout the calves," said he, "and go right to mowing." " Why, that would be a pity," said I, " as the wash is all ready and they are here." 70 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : " Then do it quick," said he, " if you do it at all." The eight calves were quickly and faithfully washed, and when they were turned into the street to be driven to pasture, he cried out, " Let the calves alone, let them go where they please, and you shall pay for them if they are lost." " It will take but a few moments and it is a pity to have them stray away," said I. The calves were put in the pasture and I hastened to the mow- field where he was mowing, but found him cross as a bear. The grass was furze and hard to cut ; soon he stopped to whet his scythe, and when done, reached out his hand for mine. I gave it. " Why don't you take my scythe and mow in my swath while I whet yours," said he. " Because it is as much as I can do to keep up with you, as fast as you mow this morning." This was my first year of mowing, and I was not 16 years old. WILMINGTON FARMER. 71 " You lazy dog, you have not earned your salt this fortnight," grated in my cars. " Tis a new thing to be called lazy," said I, " and if I have not earned my salt, you shall not find it any longer. I shall leave at once, and would like to have you pay me for the time I have worked for you, according to agree- ment." " No," said he, " you will probably choose a guardian and I will settle with him. You may take your clothes." When at a little distance he called saying, " you shan't have your clothes." I proceeded to the house, sat down on the door-sill, talked with Mrs. Parker, and heartily wished, as I had many times before, that circumstances were such that I could consistently stay ; as at that time it was deemed disreputable for a boy to change places often. And besides I had no expectation of getting so high wages any where . else, being only 15 years and 9 months of age, 72 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : having lived with him 7 years, 8 months, and 10 days. Tears fell. Soon Parker came and seeing me, said, " If you are going to go, go I don't want you sit- ting on my door-sill." I was off. The next day the man who owned the farm that lay between Mr. Parker's two, seeing me, offered me good wages to work for him, if Parker would not be mad about it. " You had better go and see him," said I. He went. Par- ker said he did not want me to be idle, and I might as we'll work for him as anybody. The next Saturday afternoon as Par- ker crossed our field he said, " H you will bring them back at night, you may have your clothes to go to meeting to- morrow." The offer was accepted, and the clothes returned according to order. Thus things continued, always taking my clothes back to Parker's every Sab- bath night and locking them up, till my three months' engagement to Mr. Stone was out. Parker then gave me WILMINGTON FARMER. 73 my clothes, the sheep I had prev- iously sold, but would not pay the money. His excuse was, that it was a damage to him to have me go away, as he could not get as much labor done so cheaply in any other way, and so he would not pay it. I did not consider it best to com- mence a prosecution for so small a sum as $20. It is an old maxim, notwith- standing a good one, " Keep out of the law." Subsequently, consulting Capt. Dan- iel King, of Danvers, in respect to be- ing my guardian, he said, " you can take care of yourself ; I will give you such advice as you may need, and when you have any money to spare, bring it to me, I will keep it for you, and that will do as well as a legalized guardian." I followed his directions, and from time to time put small sums of money into his hands. 74 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDOX : You next find me in a gentleman's family rn Salem, as their waiting man, at $12 per month. The gentleman was sick up stairs, but his wife was one* of the umvfferabhs. She never al- lowed her maid to enter the dining room where she and' hei? son took their meals. I laid the table and cleared k again, and waited on them while eating*. The last thing set on the table was a bell beside her plate. When eating, I must sit in the adjoining room near the door, to await the ringing of the bell. " Ting, ting, ting ; bring a bottle of wine from the cup-board." Done, and I just seated. WILMINGTON FARMER. 75 " Ting, ting, ding," again ; " pour out a glass of wine for me." Done. " Ting, ting-a-ling ding ; pour out a glass for Edward." Done. " Ting, ting, ting," again ; " fill up Edward's glass full." And so it was from morn till night. It seemed to be her steadfast plan to keep me always running ; and in order to fulfill her purpose, she would not suffer me to bring more than one thing at a time, when it could be done just as well as not. For instance : She wanted a half-peck of rye meal, and sent me three-fourths of a mile to buy it. When done she asked the price and gave me the change all to one cent. " It wants one cent more," said I, "that piece will go for only five cents." " Do you think I don't know money," said she. " Yes, and so do I too." The money was carried, when the man observed, " There is one cent lack- ing, but no matter." 76 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : " What did the man say to the mon- ey," said she, when I returned. " He said, ' it lacked one cent, but no matter.' ' " Here, go carry the cent ; I will owe nobody." So here was three times the travel necessary, and more too, for there was plenty of rye meal for sale, of the same quality, the next door to hers. These people had a garden of vege- tables near Beverly Bridge one mile from home. She one day sent me for three kinds of vegetables, telling me to go three times ; and also which to bring first, which second, and which last. I had learned a little about favoring my- self, and brought them all at once, leav- ing two kinds with a wood-sawyer I was acquainted with, while I carried one kind home. I then returned, stop- ped awhile, and carried another kind home, and lastly the other kind. This was satisfactory, because it was not known but that I went to the garden WILMINGTON FARMER. 77 for the three kinds at different times. This kind of treatment too, was far from agreeable ; I hardly expected to like it when I commenced. The man appeared well, as far as he appeared at all ; but that heartless woman, oh ! that heartless woman ! how many times I wished that she might become poor, and be obliged to wait on herself. She did die poor. I gave notice that I must leave in three weeks from commencing. The man urged me to stay, but I was decided. " If you cannot be contented here," said the woman, " you would not be in heaven." " That depends on the company," said I, and cleared for deeper water. After the gentleman's recovery he made an attempt to hire me again into his family. I told him the work did not suit me, and besides I would not live with his wife at any price. I would rather dig ditches for a living than work for her. 78 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : I now steered back to my old neigh- borhood in North Reading, and let myself to Parson Stone through haying and harvesting, and worked for board in the winter and attended school. On vacant school days, I sometimes would drive a load of wood to Salem for the Parson, for 25 cents. I well remember buying cotton cloth for shirts for myself, at 30 cents per yard, five cents more for one yard than I had for a day's work ; and it was called very cheap, much cheaper than it had been. This should put those to the blush who now complain of the present prices, which are not half so high. I used to think at that time if there was as much difference between hea- ven and hell as between Mr. Parker's and Parson Stone's, there was differ- ence enough. It was my good fortune, through the influence of Capt. King, my adviser, to hire out to bachelor Jonathan King of Banvers. A neice of his kept his WILMINGTON FARMER. 79 house. They were good people to live with, and had one other hired hand named Clark. Clark was a man of intemperate habits, and when half drunk was bad to get along with. Once when plow- ing, because he could not keep the plow in the furrow, he insisted on driv- ing the cattle, but made out no better. He shifted the oxen from nigh to off, and off to nigh sides alternately, but to no purpose, and forced the steers so hard they split the yoke. King being informed of the case by his neice, said, "Asa, you had bad work with the steers, did you ? " " I was not teamster to-day, sir." " Did I not give you the care of the team ] " " Yes, sir, but a stronger man than I took it from me." " Well, you take charge of the team now, and never give it up for any one." I drove it ever afterwards while I lived with him. 80 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: I will here mention a narrow escape which I had, the effect of inebriation. A little party of us went out in a boat fishing. Toward night a fog arose that wholly obscured the horizon, and when it came time to row homeward, all but me were turned round and were for going out to sea. I told them the opposite direction was homeward, but they would not believe me. They had carried New England rum with them, of which all drank but me. Clark, not a little tipsy, caught me up and would have thrown me overboard had not a a friend seized him, and with assistance threw him down on the bottom of the boat and held him there. We then rowed on with all our might, and when some became disheartened I told them if we did not hear a rapping on the ship that was building at the shore within half an hour, I would give up my say. In less than twenty minutes we heard the taps, and soon gained the shore in safety. WILMINGTON FARMER. 81 Beware, oh ! beware, of intemperate companions, but more especially be- ware of the intoxicating cup. Too much caution cannot be used in the se- lection of associates. They should be none but those of thorough-going tem- perance principles. The young are little aware of the influence of com- panionships to lead insensibly to vice of any and every kind. Strong drink, as a beverage, should be held in per- fect abhorrence. " Touch not, taste not, handle not," is the only safe ground to stand upon. My time being expired at King's, I was hired by Jesse Upton of North Danvers, tavern-keeper, for $13 per month for one year. King hired another hand in my stead, who was unwilling to work with Clark, still he was preferred and Clark paid off. Clark came to Upton's to get me to persuade him to hire him, which I refused on account of his love of strong drink. 82 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : Mr. Upton had been a prosperous man in life, and had now married a second wife, who I thought very com- plete and handsome. The men would reply to me, with a significant shake of the head, when I spoke of her, " You do not know her." Light on that sub- ject soon began to develope, when one day we hesitated about starting off to Salem with w r ood, fearing rain. On my observing that I would venture my- self if he would the team, it was con- cluded to go. Rain soon began to fall, and increased to a gale before I reach- ed home at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Four carriages drove into the yard for shelter at the same time that I did, al- though not far from their homes. Mrs. Upton called from, the house, " Asa, let your team stand, and unharness and take care of those horses." Not hav- ing eaten a mouthful since breakfast, and being completely drenched with rain, I obeyed the summons, sheltered my team, and made shift to get on dry WILMINGTON FARMER. 83 clothes as soon as possible. Immed- iately two other carriages drove up, whom Hutchinson, the waiting man, proceeded to wait upon. Mrs. Upton seeing this, told him to call me to un- harness. There were six men in the barn husking corn, and I had joined them, and when he gave me the order I told him the horses might stand there, for I should not expose myself again to rain that night. So much tavern company to eat first, made it past 7 o'clock, before I had a mouthful to eat. She informed Mr. Upton in my hearing of these facts, when he said, " Asa, you did wrong in one thing, you ought not to have un- harnessed the horses." One circumstance will serve to show the care practised at that early time in life to secrete money. I was sent, in company with another hand, to Char- lestown with two loads of hay. I took the pay for both loads, it was in bills, and amounted to $100. There had 84 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : recently been a robbery perpetrated in Lynn Woods, through which we passed. On our way home, I must say that I felt a little anxiety on that account and kept a sharp look-out. Observing a man coming up to the hind team, I took the money from my pocket and put it in the near ox's ear and stopped the team, standing close beside him. The man came up, and proved to be a neighbor there, exchanged a few words of civility and passed on. I then took the money from its safe depository, say- ing to the hand that, " I had stopped to let the oxen breathe," and started on. Being 17 years of age, I was en- trusted by Mr. Upton to go on mone- tary business from town to town, with orders to put up for the night, if I pleased, much to his apparent satisfac- tion. He left home one day, giving me orders to meet him in Boston with a load of hay, and to bring fifteen kegs of pickles. I brought the kegs from WILMINGTON FARMER. 85 the cellar and asked Hutchinson to hand them up to me to place on the load. Just then Mrs. Upton said, " Can't you load those pickles alone t" " Not very well," said I. " Then you need not carry them ;" and the pickles were not taken. I then opened my provision box, saw nothing there that I could eat, and left it and started. I drove all day and all night ; ate but little ; reached home between daylight and sunrise ; fed the team, and turned into bed. The next day, said Mrs. Upton, " Mr. Upton, if our hired men can't eat as we do, when they go on the road, I think it is fine times." " Where is that box of provision ? " said Mr. Upton, " call Betty." " Where is the box of provision put up for Sheldon, Betty ; bring it here?" " I can't do it," said she, " I threw it into the hog-pail ; it was not fit for anybody to eat." " Mrs. Upton how much do your 86 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : men usually spend on a day's teaming ; if I have spent more I will pay it back." "I do not know how much they spend," said she, " but I know how much they ought to spend." She then took a slate and carefully marked down what the reasonable ex- penses of a day would be, allowing 25 cents for dinner, &c. y and the amount swelled to 20 cents more than I laid out. Upton, who was a whole-souled man, pulled out his purse quickly and handed me the 20 cents saying, " I will pay that if I never have another cent." The following story will serve to show how the faithful are regarded by their employers, and also how a vixen of a wife can mar and blast the happiness and prosperity of her husband. Business called Mr. Upton away to be gone several weeks. He directed me to take the team to Londonderry and buy and bring home two barrels of sour cider for vinegar making. I was to carry up a load of household goods WILMINGTON FARMER. 87 from Salem. It was in the month of April, the distance was 50 miles, and road new to me and muddy. Nothing' note- worthy occurred until I reached Derry and came to a tremendous hill, as it then appeared to me. I stopped at its base and fed the cattle ; while they were eating I walked up the hill to see what the prospect was of getting up alone. A couple of boys were plow- ing with four oxen near by. I inquired if they would help me up the hill. They said the team belonged to Gen. Reed. I must go and ask him y he lived ahead. I went. " Cant your team take the load up," said he. " Yes, n said I, " btit I do not want to put them to the utmost of their power." " You may take them," said he, " for I see you are careful of your cattle." I took them along as far as I wished. When against his house, I stopped the team and he came out with a white mug of cider. 88 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : " Have you cider to sell," said I. " Yes, come down into my cellar and see." I went and beheld 200 barrels in one cellar, the greatest amount I ever saw, before or since. I soon agreed with him for 10 barrels at $'2 per bar- rel, with the barrels, they being new. I went and unloaded the goods and re- turned and stopped over night with the General, the next day I set forward, and had a prosperous journey home. I was only 17 years, 6 months old. Sold one barrel in North Reading on my way home for $4, a nice profit. Shortly after, with Mrs. Upton's con- sent, I took the team and went again for 10 barrels more of cider, for which I had previously agreed, if I wished to come for it. At this time the old General observ- ed, " I see you are very careful of your team, and very cautious too in buying for your employer, and I should like to hire you to live with me." WILMINGTON FARMER. 89 w I am engaged for a year," said I, *' Then," said he, "if you ever come this way, I should like to have you call and .see me." A few years afterwards I heard of his death. On reaching home I found that Mrs. Upton had hired two men, one large man for $11 per month, and another small one for $19 per month. " Asa," said she, " how much do you have per month ? " I replied, " $13." " Oh, fie, I can hire men big enough to eat you up at two meals, for $11 ; so I will pay you off." I took the money and repaired im- mediately to good old Parson Stone's. Soon after Mr. Upton came, and to in- duce me to return, offered $15 per month for a year. " I would not live with yosiir wife at any price," was the decided answer. A narrow escape occurred while liv- ing with Parson Stone, which gratitude forbids I should omit; showing the 90 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : benefit of bleeding after a fall. Ed- ward Stone and myself were threshing rye in the barn. I went on to the high scaffold for purpose of throwing down the bundles ; they were piled up near to the ridge-pole. While standing on one bundle the band gave way and I found myself sliding rapidly down, and must be precipitated to the barn floor. In falling I called to Edd to catch me, but a glance showed him running away. It is certainly astonishing how swiftly thoughts will run at such a moment as this. I thought if he would just catch hold of a shoulder or any other part it would ease the fall, and I felt sorry to see him run away. As I slid from the broken bundle I came feet foremost ; but in the descent, as kind Providence order- ed, one foot touched the edge of the scaffold and tipped me broadside, thus breaking the force of the fall, and I came plump on my side upon the barn floor, my head resting on a flat stone used for laying on a corner of the win- WILMINGTON FARMER. 91 nowing sheet. I jumped up feeling no pain, sprang to the barn-door and fell. My eyesight left me, which caus- ed an alarm that I should never see again. Edd took me on his shoulder and conveyed me to the house. "What is the matter with Asa?" said the Parson. " He fell from the top of the rye to the barn-floor," said Edd. " Carry him in and take care of him, and I will go for the doctor." When he arrived, he bled me in the arm, and as soon. as the blood touched the bowl my sight returned. The first object that greeted my joyful eyes was good Madam Stone holding the bowl. All the while I had sense enough to know what was going on, but could neither see nor speak. 92 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : SIXTH LINK. I remained with Parson Stone till the death of his son in September, when, by his request, I was hired by his son's Administrator to take charge of affairs there, with orders to cut and carry to market wood enough to supply the fam- ily's wants and pay my wages. At first I boarded with the widow, till in a few months she married ; then I boarded with his first wife's mother, and a bet- ter woman to take care of everything and everybody could not be found. In April following, I let myself to Capt. Daniel Graves, Mr. Stone's farm being let and the personal property sold at auction. Here I had full charge of WILMINGTON FARMER. 93 the farm concern, Mr. Graves' son working at brick-laying in Boston. If ever my ambition was raised, it was then. When the moon favored me with her light, my scythe was frequent- ly running in the grass by 3 o'clock in the morning. Capt. Graves' father, who was near 80 years of age, lived with him. When he hired me, he said he hoped I would try and please his father, for the hired hands were inclined to differ with him. I determined to keep the right side of him, if possible ; so when a piece of work was to be done, I would say to him, "Hadn't we better do it in this way ? " He almost invariably answer- ed, " Yes ; " and so well did I succeed in my attempt to please the good old gentleman, that the summer passed without a discordant word. Indeed, so interested did he become in all the con- cerns, and so much assistance did he afford, that I frequently pitied his fa- tigued state. The family were pleasant 94 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : and kind, and I enjoyed life well this season. In 1807, I was hired by Major Aaron Pearson, and came to Wilmington, where I soon made the acquaintance of Mr. Jabez Go wing's family. There I fonnd congenial friends. I must say they seemed more like relatives than any other family known. Mr. Gpw- ing's family name was Jaques, and like others of that name, was always able to impart information to every listener. Mr. Pearson owned a saw mill in company with two others, and much of my business was lumbering, a kind of work that suited me. When about twenty years of age, I bought the said mill in company with John Nelson. Nelson was anxious to build a grist mill, and as I refused to go him company in it, he set it up him- self. At length finding himself in em- barrassed circumstances he sold me the whole concern, both saw and grist mill. This was merely a winter mill, as no WILMINGTON FARMER. 95 right was given to plow the land in summer. I vividly remember the grist mill was raised on the day I was 21. Shortly after, on Nov. 13, 1809, at 25 minutes past 10 o'clock in the morn- ing, by Nelson's watch, an event oc- curred which I shall never forget ; for I shall carry indubitable proofs of it to 'my grave. While engaged in moving a loaded wagon, I fell under it, one wheel passing over my hat, and another over my left leg, not only breaking, but smashing it. Under the misguided judgment of the oldest man in the company, this sad affair took place. The bone was well set by Frank Kit- tridge of this town. The fact that drinking alcoholic spirits was universally practised at this time, should be kept in mind. This custom will be better understood by reading the following poetry. 96 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : *' How different some customs are, With mortals here below, From what they were when I was young:, Some tilty years ago. One could not have a ' raising; ' then, Without a keg of rum, ''Twere of :.<; use to ask the men, For sure they would not come. The Doctor would not ride & mile, To save a man from dying, Until he had a glass of sling, And then he'd be for trying. The Lawyer could not plead a case, For plaintiff or defendant, Until he took a glass of gin, And then there 'd be no end on't. The Minister, he could not preach, Extempore or by note, Unless he had a glass of wine ')'> guzzle down his throat. fj.ae could not go to market thca, However near or handy, Without he had, to help along;, .Some good old Cognac brandy. -One could not mourn e'en for a Jriend, A friend however near, Unless he had a cordial glass, To prove himself sincere. The Sailor couldn't sing a song, The Yankee couldn't whittle, With any kind of grace at all, Unless he had a little," Bard of Souhegan, Amherst, N. H. WILMINGTON FARMER. 97 According to custom I prepared my- self with liquor to treat all who favored me with their company, and many other- wise lonesome hours were beguiled with friendly chat. A week or ten days after the acci- dent, as Dr. Kittridge was dressing the wound, I raised myself upon my elbow and saw that he was cutting out a bit of flesh the size of a quarter of a dollar. " What are you doing, doctor ? " said I. He then run in his probe, the marrow spouting up like water, and said, " does that hurt you \ " " No ; if I did not see you, I should not know you touched it." " O, I had rather heard you scream like murder," said he. He then bound up the leg, went and sat down by the fire with elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands for several minutes. With a sad countenance he approach- ed the bed saying, " Asa, I must tell you one thing." Sf8 LIFE OP ASA f. SHELDON: " Let me hear it," said I. " You must have your leg* cut off, or lose your life within forty-eight hours, because mortification has set in and it can't be stopped." He then left, was absent about two hours, anoT returned with four other" doctors, one being his father. They examined the leg and said it" had got so bad I could not live over thirty-six hours, unless it was amputat- ed^ I told them-- I would not have if taken it off. If I dicd^ I would die altogether. They paid no attention whatever to what I said, but went to work and spread out their instruments- on the table. The sight of them struck ine with horror indescribable. I felt as though they meant to dissect me. . " Mary," said I, " give me a little of that rum and molasses." "Shall I, doctor?" said" she. " Give him a little," said the doctor. "Shall I give him that," said she r showing the glass. WILMINGTON FARMER. 99 ** Yes," said he, " that will not hurt liim." I drank it and said, " Frank, come fcere." He came to my bedside, when I said, " No man shall cut my leg off while I kave my senses. If I lose my senses- and it is cut off, and I can find out who did it, I will shoot him, let him be who- he may." " You are good pluck," said he, " I'll cure you if I can." I assure you that they put up their tools in " short meter," bound up the* wound and all left but the old doctor, who like a faithful friend, as he was, stuck by me day and night. He was an old gentleman and very lame ; he could not walk a step without crutches, He sat in an arm chair by the bed, with two young women to wait upon him by turns, six hours each by rotation, His order to them was, if he was asleep to wake him every fifteen minutes y when he would apply something to the 100 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Wound. I often asked how the case came on, but he always answered evas- ively. When the clock struck at the end of thirty-six hours, he suddenly started hi his chair and said, " you've beat them. The thirty-six hours are out and your leg is better than two wooden legs." He staid two days long- er, but did not dress the limb quite so often. From that time I never failed to give the old man a quarter whenever I met him. He would say, " Hey ! boy, you remember that leg." My mother, hearing of my misfor- tune and that it was expected I should lose my limb or my life, came to see me with a view to stop and take care of me. I thanked her, but said, " Mother, I do not want you ; I had rather have the prettiest girl I ever saw, than such a long face." At the expiration of seventeen weari- some days and nights, I was helped off my bed, but in less than ten minutes I was glad to be helped back, where I WILMINGTON FARMER. 101 lay seventeen days more, much against my will. Being partially recovered, on Jan. 18, I rode horseback to Danvers, where my brother Elbridge lived. I stopped with him a short time and returned Ijpme- ward to Capt. Howard's, who married sister Lucinda. The day was very un- usually warm for winter, and I am sure I never saw more cattle on the road, in one day, with their tongues out, in my life. The next morning brought a great change. It was the memorable Janu- ary 19th, 1810, or "Cold Friday." The cold was intense. In several in- stances within my knowledge, people perished. It was noted for half a cen- tury by almanac makers. Since my remembrance, I have never known so sudden a change as we experienced at this time, although people are often saying, " The weather changes oftener than it used to." In this connection a few observations 102 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON-: on the weather may not be unimpor- tant. You will find that these signs rarely fail. If rain commences between daylight and sunrise, there will be but little rain. Start on your journey if you are inclin- ed. If rain commences between 12 and 1 o'clock, or at mid-day or midnight, there will be six hours of rain, more or less. Where the wind is at sunset Candle- mas day, or February 2d, there will be its home for two months. It will never be away from home more than forty- eight hours at a time. Should it be North or North-west, look out for cold weather. Note the day the first snow falls and to that add the age of the moon the day that it fulls, and the product will be the number of snows to come that year. For example, if the first snow falls the tenth day of the month and the moon is fifteen days old, add ten to fif- WILMINGTON FARMER. 1 03 teen, and you have the number of snow -storms for that year. When a halo, or circle, around the moon is seen, if one bright stars ap- pears in the circle there will be one .fair day and then rain. If two bright stars appear there will be two fair days and then rain. But if no stars are with- in the circle the following day will be vrainy. There are more exceptions to this rule than any of the others. If the sun cast a red reflection on the clouds in the morning, rain will follow -that day. If the sun cast a red reflection at -night, any night in the week except, Thursday, it will be fair the next day. If the sun set in a cloud Thursday night, there will be rain within forty- 'eight hours. In regard to the Candlemas sign, I would say, that I never, in fifty years, knew it to fail but once. To farmers, I wish te say. that if the months of April and May are dry, and 104 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : there follow three weeks of wet wea- ther in June, first or last, you may reckon on a fair crop of English hay. About forty years ago, passing by 'Squire Adams' hay-field in Medford, aboujt the 10th of June, I saw several hands mowing, while he was spreading swaths. "'Squire," said I, "I hope that that hay will all rot before you can get it into the barn." " What have I ever done to you, that you should wish such a wish on me," said he, wonderingly and laughingly. Three weeks from that day, as I pass- ed that way, I saw the same hands opening the same hay for the first time, and in fact it was rotten. " Well," said the 'Squire, " you have your wish, the hay is rotten and I am glad of it." I must add, the hay was opened on to a fine crop of rowen, that had grown since mowing, and which would have greatly enhanced the value of the crop had he waited four weeks longer. Now to my story again. In the WILMINGTON FARMER. 105 morning, cold as it was, I was deter- mined to make the attempt to get home, in spite of the remonstrances of friends. Being well wrapped up and shielded from the cold, brother Howard brought me home in his chaise with my horse tied behind, and staid over night. Two men in Woburn went into a lot to chop wood that day, and both perished. Their death may partially be attributed to their having New England rum with them. Another instance will suffice to show the intensity of the cold. A stage dri- ver, seated on his box, was frozen stiff, with the reins for four horses clenched with a death grasp. The horses turn- ed up to their accustomed hotel, when the driver retained his seat, much to the astonishment of the passengers, who were fastened in. The fact was soon developed, that the driver was frozen to death. In sympathy with my misfortune, the citizens generally offered to give each a 106 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: day's work, cutting or drawing lumber, if I would purchase it. Accordingly an acre of standing wood and timber was bought of Wm. Blanchard, Esq., for $100. It was situated about forty rods west of Maj. Pearson's, my board- ing place. A day was set, and notice given that I would find a warm dinner, but they must bring forage for the teams. I bought one barrel of cider ; the butcher made a generous consideration on the beef, and on applying to Capt. -Joseph Bond, the first, and extensively known, cracker baker in Wilmington, for bread, he magnanimously gave all the crackers wanted and several pans -f gingerbread. Mrs. Pearson and her daughter Mary did the cooking gratis. As many took their grub in the house as could be convened, others took theirs at the door by means of barrels cover- ed with boards. They had plenty of roast beef, good boiled potatoes, crack- WILMINGTON FARMER. 107 ers and cider. This last article was finished that night. Some backed up their gift by coming the next day, when the lot was cleared and the logs drawn ashore, but not all drawn to the mill. On the first day there were 45 men and 20 yoke of oxen. Although lame, I procured a handy yoke of cattle and managed to draw -the remaining logs to mill, about one .and one-third jniles, that whiter.. 108 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : SEVENTH LINK. The next spring, being unable to work on a farm, I let myself to brother Elbridge to drive a market cart, at low wages. I next hired out to Capt. Stephen Abbott of Andover. When arranging the bargain, he said, " I want you to try if possible to please my father. If you cannot please him and me too, be sure and please him." I thought better of him for that, and was certain he would be a good man to work for. To spurn the wishes of the aged, I am sorry to say, is too pre- valent, but nevertheless indicates great lack of sensibility. Who are the party to be pleased, but the original owners ? WILMINGTON FARMER. 109 And I advise them never to give up their ownership as long as life lasts. In looking back upon the summer spent in Mr. Abbott's family, I reckon it as one s of the green spots in life ; an oasis never to be forgotten. The old gentleman was so completely ingratiat- ed into my favor, that nothing I did was amiss. Phebe, his daughter was a fine girl, good in every sense of the word. Capt. Stephen and wife were christ- ians, possessing " pure and undefiled religion," if we may be allowed to judge from the Scripture rule, " by their works ye shall know them." It was customary in those days to buy cattle by the pound, to be weighed after dressing. I knew his integrity to be such that he would not cheat a man out of a pound in weight, or an ounce of tallow. With regret I left that family in ear- ly winter, as my mill-pond had filled up and I6*gs were in waiting. I took 110 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON .' lodgings again at Major Pearson's and tended the mill. I stuck close and worked hard day and night. At one time, I kept the saw running five days and five nights all myself, excepting: five hours. I then said that I would never work so hard again, even if it was to keep out of the poor-house. Spring opening, I set up b atchering in company with James Dean, and' Boarded with him. I found, in this family, a similarity to Mr. Parker and his wife, ' a woman amiable and gen- tle yoked with a tiger. Times being dull, a new idea came" Tip. I thought to take a two-horse load of groceries, and go back into the country to trade. I took tea, coffee, ehocolate, tobacco and some rice. At Mt. Vernon traded a chest of tea for a fat cow ; I left her to be sent to Dean's in Wilmington, in Flint's drove, and went on. I put up at Gibson's tavern, Francistown, over the Sabbath, and started early Monday, crosseti. Concord WILMINGTON FARMER. Ill River at Windsor bridge, and soon saw the sign, " Allen Hayse." I offered a barter trade with him, when he handed- me a piece of paper, saying, " Put down* every article and your price, and if I trade I shall pay in?, butter at 8 cents- per pound/' When done, he sai$, "All but the rice I will take ; you must take 75 cts. 0ff that, and I will take the whole." It was agreed upon, and the butter proving good, I started back the same' night; carried the load to Salem and; sold it for 12 cts. per lb,, making a good profit. The cow was bought by friend Ab- bott, the butcher, before I reached; home ; he said- he would give me $2 more than I gave for it, which allowed $1 profit and $1 for drift. Another journey similar to that was- made, with less profit, as butter had risen, making it uncertain, business. The next autumn, for the advantage of being nearer the mill, I boarded at 112 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Joshua Harnden's tavern, and attended to lumbering the next winter. My plan was to buy a wood-lot, top and bottom ; to hire the wood chopped by the cord, the lumber by the thousand, and to draw it into the mill myself, a man being hired to tend the mill. Let me here tell a fox story. As I was returning from Salem, in company with Capt. Ezra Kendall, of Wilming- ton, and when between my mill and boarding house, we espied a fox run across the road. " Run," said I to Kendall, " and head him, and I will stand and give him a cut if he comes back on the same track." He did so. " He is coming," said Kendall. I stood ready, keeping an eye on him. He looked back several times to make sure he was safe from his driver, but did not notice me, as he always turned his head the other way. When with- in reach of the whip, I gave him a cut and he fell to the ground with a scream, apparently dead. I took him up by the WILMINGTON FARMER, nape of the neck ; he was limpsy as a .rag, but as I carried him along he gave another childlike scream, with a des- perate struggle, which so startled me that I came near dropping him. How- ever, I held en till the house was gam- ed, and gave him to two boys., who made a little pen of boards, covering rt al Meetings at the State House, but what I have had applications for an overseer on a farm, where he could ob- tain $500 per year, and have been really sorry when casting an eye back on the men I have employed to find " unblemished timber" so scarce. One other hand, whose faithful services I must not overlook, was Isaac Damon, who worked for me more than two years, and such was my confidence in his integrity, that I would willingly trust him with "untold gold." I sometimes hear young men say that they can get nothing to do. If 226 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON: you cannot get the price you want, you had better work for smaller wages than cultivate idleness. If those who have work to do will not employ you, be as- sured that there is a " leak in the buck- et," and you must search out the leak and stop it up, and thus make your services acceptable. When I had decided on one of those reliable men, and applied to him, I gen- erally found him so engaged that he did not wish to leave. Let it not be inferred from what has been said, that I have not had many good men, yes, very good, in my em- ploy not named ; but before I can re- commend a man to take charge of a farm, " I must summer and winter him ; " I must know his habits of tend- ing stock as well as his skill in cultivat- ing land. It is my wish that young men would hereby be encouraged to be faithful to their employers. When that fact is fully established, it is a firm stepping- WILMINGTON FARMER. 227 stone to prosperity. Faithfulness to trust is pecuniarily as well as morally the best policy. Before closing I must mention the pleasant winters I have enjoyed in the Legislature of my native State, listen- ing to speeches and debates clothed with the wisdom and experience of the honorable of our times. The winters of 1841 and of 1857, were spent in that agreeable, and I trust profitable situation. If ever I benefited the Common- wealth, in which it is my privilege to dwell, it was during my second term as Representative. A bill was pending before the House, called the " Usury Bill ; " this bill I considered unjust, and labored with all the honest inge- nuity and skill I was master of to bring about its defeat. I endeavored to state facts before the House, showing that the passage of this bill would bring ruin on many of the most enterprising farmers in Massachusetts, and I have 228 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : the consolation of knowing that it was defeated. After the adjournment, many of the members came to me, saying that they were heartily glad to hear my speech, for it had brought many things to their minds of which they never thought before, and that they certainly should have voted for the bill had it not been for the ideas gained from it. Reader, the same spirit that prompts men to say, " Slavery is a blessing," will always be trying to get such bills passed, and I wish you to take into serious consideration the effect this bill would have upon the community. First It would open the door for the capitalist to take more advantage than he ever yet had in his power ; and we know from experience that this power is always exercised under the pressure of the hardest times. The greater the cry that money is scarce, the more there is lying idle. We have seen enough of human nature to know that man will take all the interest he WILMINGTON FARMER. 229 can get under cover of law. Remove this law and what disastrous conse- quences follow. How many enterpris- ing young men there are in this State, that have bought farms, paid half the purchase money and given a mortgage on the farm for security for the remain- der, honestly expecting to pay but six per cent, interest. How long would it be before they must pay twelve per cent., if such a bill passed ? Then how long would it be before real es- tate would fall one-half in value \ And then what an amount of farms would fall into the hands of land-sharks. Take another illustration. A mer- chant has goods in his store to the amount of from one thousand to five thousand dollars, on which he wishes to make an honest living and interest on his money, and this is right. Now this must come out of the consumer, and generally out of that valuable class of citizens who work for their daily bread. I know that there are many 230 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : who say if there were no bounds to in- terest, money would be easier and plentier. Of course I do not believe them ; they are the very class who wish to let money. In short, to increase the per cent, of interest, serves to make rich men rich- er, and poor men poorer ; and whoever brings it about, brings a curse upon the community. Farmers and mechanics God has put it in your power to prevent usury ever running higher than six per cent. Look to it that you use that power. Never, never, cast your vote for a man who would oppress the poor to fill the coffers of the rich. At another time when a bill for a horse railroad was before the House, and much opposition raised on account of obstructing the streets, I pondered the subject and was determined to col- lect facts that would show how horse cars would compare with omnibuses, and horses and chaises. WILMINGTON FARMER. 231 I found an omnibus to average twelve to the load. I then stood on Cam- bridge bridge till sixteen chaises passed and found they averaged one and one- half, making in all twenty-four. I then went to several Conductors of horse cars and ascertained their average to be twenty-four each way for a month. By this I found that eight horses with two omnibuses had to pass through the streets to convey the same number of passengers that two horses and one car would carry, and sixteen horses and sixteen chaises to carry the same num- ber. These facts I stated. And further stated, that when the grant was made to the public from the land-owners, it was not specified what they should travel upon, whether gravel or stone, wood or iron. Therefore the public have a right to take their choice and travel how, or in what vehicles they please. I know the rails are some inconven- 232 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : ience to travelers, but reader when you can find a safer or better way than horse cars, then you may go against them. The bill passed the House. One word on choosing Representa- tives for Town or State, as the trust is of vast importance. Make choice of men possessed of good natural sense, in the common ac- ceptation of the term, but who have been for the most part employed in agriculture ; or more properly in the business the all-wise Creator first de- signed for man " To dress the garden and keep it." No occupation is so well calculated to improve the mind and morals, as farming. Not an hour pass- es while cultivating the soil, but one is reminded of his dependence on our beneficent Creator, and our obligations to imitate Him " who maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Men whose profession it is to make a WILMINGTON FARMER. 233 lie appear like the truth, and who like Southern slaveholders, have been bred to the degrading idea that it is right to oppress the poor to help the rich, should be avoided, as we would avoid enlist- ing under a task-master for life. Laboring men, farmers and mechan- ics are the men to make laws for them- selves. For certainly they compose the greater part of our population. Then choose your officers for Town and County from that class, and be ac- tive to bring about such a choice. If we mean to maintain a Free Govern- ment and avoid in future the horrors of civil war, we must elect men to rule us who are determined to discharge their duty to God and their country without fear of men or devils. While serving in the capacity of Representative, I was introduced to the Agricultural Meetings at the State House. They are generally held week- ly when the Legislature is in session, when different topics of agriculture are 234: LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : discussed, and it has been my privilege to attend them occasionally for twenty- one years, much to my satisfaction. I have often heard the remark by men who never attended one of these meet- ings in their lives, that they are good for nothing. To those I would say, if you cannot profit by hearing such men as Marshall P. Wilder, Dr. Loring, Sanford Howard, Leander Witherell, John W. Procter, Josiah Quincy, Jr., Elijah Wood, Jr., John Brooks, Wm. Buckminster and Simon Brown, and many more I could mention, relate their knowledge and experience in cat- tle, horses, hogs and sheep, on culti- vating the soil with everything it pro- duces, on fruit trees of all kinds, farm- ing implements, manure, and every- thing appertaining to agriculture, you may set it down that you are a dull scholar, and had better never try to get your living by farming. For my own part, I feel under obligations to those Hon. gentlemen, for the instructions WILMINGTON FARMER. 235 received from them, and for the last ten years I have turned my attention more particularly to farming, dairy- work and stock-raising. SECOND AKEANGEMENT, STONE WORK. In the year 1809, passing through 'Squire William Blanchard's farm, I ob- served his three men laying stone wall, Charles Burt being foreman. I no- ticed he tried a stone several ways, and then about to throw it aside in a pet, said, " It wont lay no way." " Hold on, Burt," said I, " There is one way that stone will lay and make good work." " I should like to know which way?" Putting my hand to the stone, I said, " make that the bed and lay it over the joint of those two." He did so, and it made solid work without a pinner. The 'Squire stood by, puffing a cigar, and said, " Young man what shall I give you to work for 238 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : me three hours ? " This was the first time I had ever spoken with him. " One shilling per hour," said I, having no idea he would give it, eight cents being the common price. " Now," said he, "I want you to pick out every stone and direct how it shall be laid, and I will give you your price." An hour or so afterwards, the 'Squire appeared again with something to cheer the hands and quench thirst. " Burt, how do you get along ? " said he. " Faster than we have done, and easier too," said Burt. Again the 'Squire came, saying, "Young man, your three hours are out; walk up to the house and I will pay you ; but you must stop and take a cup of tea with me and my wife first." At that time I should rather " take a licking," as boys say, than sit down to tea with them ; but I soon found myself introduced to the most amiable and social of women. And since that time I never regretted my acquaintance with the Blanchard family. To this time, whenever opportunity offers, I WILMINGTON FARMER. 239 can spend an hour very agreeably with any of the descendants of that couple, After this occurrence whenever there was a culvert to be built in the high- way, Sheldon was called on to take charge of it. The first year of my residence on the Flint farm built a stone wall around his family graveyard, near his house. He wished a permanent wall, that would stand the lapse of centuries, as he might leave his farm. I made in- quiries in that respect a few days since, and was informed that not a stone had fallen from its place, neither from the graveyard or hog-sty wall that I built. People had told him, no man could lay a wall that hogs would not throw down. So well pleased was he that no other man was employed to lay stone for him while I occupied his farm, a period of thirteen years. During the first year of my railroad experience, when Dea. Addison Flint had charge of the stone work, and I of the earth, as I chanced to be looking at the stone layers, they turned an un- couth stone weighing more than three tons round and round, and were about 240 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON t casting it aside when I ventured to say, " Hold on, I can see a way for it." " How is that 1 " said the foreman. I told them, and the trial satisfied all parties. John Haggins, Dept. En- gineer, being present, soon brought about an exchange. Flint was put on the earth, and I upon the stone-work. I wish to avoid the imputation of egotism in saying that my abutments of bridges stood so well that I have since been employed to rebuild abutments to bridges built by others, on the Boston and Lowell Railroad, to the number of fourteen. 1. Where the cars run under the road leading from Medford to East Cambridge. 2. The arched bridge at Somerville Station. 3. The next bridge North of that. 4. The Willow bridge, where the cattle are now taken off. 5. The arched bridge under the rail- road over Medford river, spanning about fifty feet. 6. The bridge under the road lead- ing from Symmes' Corner to Winchester West side. WILMINGTON FARMER. 241 7. The bridge at the river near the same place. 8. Under the railroad in Parker's Mill-pond. 9. The bridge near East Woburn and Stoneham Station. 10. The Boutelle bridge so-called. 11. The Saw-pit Woods bridge. 12. Kendall bridge in Billerica. 13. Tufts bridge in Billerica. 14. Bridge over the road leading from Billerica to Tewksbury. During all this reconstruction of bridges, the business was so managed that the cars were never delayed one moment, much to the gratification of the Agents. For Patrick T. Jackson, Charles S. Storrow, Waldo Higginson, William Parker, Agents, and Benj. F. Baldwin, Engineer, I have done work to the amount of over $100,000. And all this without any written contract, nei- ther of us being bound by writing, and I ever found their memorandum of the agreement proved as strong as any bond could make it. I thank God that he has raised up these honest, fair- dealing, upright men. But to my sor- 242 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : row, on one other railroad I found both Engineer and Agents to be men of a very different character. I was once invited to take the job of constructing several miles of railroad in company with two others. I had about concluded to engage, when one of them said to me, " If you do take the stone work, I don't want you should do it as you did the Boston and Lowell, to stand forever , but get it done as cheap as we can and get it accepted, and se- cure our pay for it, and then I don't care if it all goes to destruction the next day." " Then I will have nothing to do with it," said I, " for I have never yet laid a stone on the railroad that I thought likely to endanger any man's life and I never mean to." The road was built, and soon after I heard of the stone-work giving way, the engine falling through, bringing one man to a most excruciating death. In the year 1839, I was employed in making an abutment for the Boston and Maine road, at the bridge over the Merrimac river on the Bradford side. I likewise teamed rails and ties for nine WILMINGTON FARMER. 243 miles of road, of which a man named Clark was agent. He told me in the commencement that they, the Company, had no right to the land ; I must beg my way along as well as I could. And sure I did have to beg my way. One amusing circumstance I will relate. As we approached land belonging to a middle-aged widow, in depositing our rails, the neighbors mustered their heavy teams and built a wall across the track completely blocking up our way. I informed Clark of the circum- stance when he gave orders to have the wall taken out of the way. Jacob Morey's team was the first to start on to forbidden ground. Just as he start- ed I espied a woman hurrying across the field toward us, who proved to be the rightful owner of the land. Some hundreds had collected to see the " fight," as they termed it. To Morey I said, "Don't stop for any man, but be sure not drive over a woman.'" She did not happen to be quick enough to get ahead of the oxen, and so ran in between the off ox and the load. This chanced to be the worst ox to kick I ever owned; I should not 244 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : have dared to stand there myself. I hastened to the spot with all eagerness and warned the woman of her danger, but I presume she did not believe one word I told her. That he did not kick was truly a wonder, but he stood pas- sive as a lamb. On looking round I saw that her son had placed a long wagon crosswise ahead of the oth- er teams and blockaded them. A hand was dispatched to get some hay for Morey's team, with orders for the other teamsters to do the same, " for if we must stand here, they must have something to eat," I said. It being the month of March, it was all mud and water where she stood. I then brought a plank and -laid it care- fully in for her to stand upon, saying, " If you will stand there, I will make you as comfortable as I can." I was just as sociable as lay in my power, but not a word could I get out of her, or a smile from her lips until 'Squire Tilton from Exeter, then treasurer of the rail- road, said, " Sheldon, I have always heard that you were a smart man ; I am surprised that you let one woman stop all this WILMINGTON FARMER. 245 work. Why don't you drive over herr " 'Squire," said I, " for more than twenty years I have not been in the habit of driving more than half way over so handsome a woman as that." This brought a smile to her face and loosened her tongue. " How long are you going to keep your oxen here ? " asked she. "If I can't go ahead I shall keep my cattle here till twelve o'clock Satur- day night, and bring them back Sunday night at twelve o'clock ; and as I have not engaged board anywhere, should like to board with you. Now if you will go up and get supper I will come and help you eat it. What time do you have supper 1 " " We eat our supper at six o'clock," said she. She then stepped out, and I helped her up the bank with what politeness I was master of, and for once I must say I was glad to see one of the fair sex walking from me. She had stood there at least half an hour. When six o'clock came, I made my way up to the house, entered without 246 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : rapping as if it had been my boarding- house. I found all seated at table but one who waited and was detained. I took the chair appropriated to her, and said, " I suppose this chair is reserved for me." " If you are determined you will eat supper with us, you may sit in that chair." " Madam, I am not only determined to eat supper with you, but I am deter- mined to board with you while my work continues in this neighborhood." While eating she asked, " Do you intend to keep those teams where my son is, as long as you proposed to keep the other team ?\ " Yes, certainly I do." " Then I will send for him to drive his team home." We grew quite sociable before sup- per was finished, and could talk about the railroad pleasantly. She asked me, " Was that a real kicking ox of yours, or did you say so to frighten and drive me away ? " " Oh, it was a real kicking ox ; and it is an astonishment to me that he did not kick you under the wheels." WILMINGTON FARMER. 247 I boarded with her as long as I pleas ed, and found it a good boarding place After the consummation of this job the same company advertised for pro posals for laying nine miles of rails, and eight miles of stone-work. I, with five others, carried in proposals for the rail-work, and I by myself carried in proposals for the stone-work. The Di rectors voted to accept of both, and we met to make the contracts. The con tract for the rail-work was made, but Bailey's name stood first, although mine was first on the proposal. This done, 'Squire Clark, the agent, wished to see me alone. When by ourselves, he said, " I wish to say to you in confidence, 1 don't know how far we shall go with our road, or when we shall be obliged to stop. I don't want to make any con- tract for the stone-work, but I want you to go there and work when I say so, and do as I say, and I will see you well paid for it." After a while, Haywood, the Engi- neer, came and said to me, " How soon can you be at Exeter, ready to work at Capt. Fernald's bridge I " 248 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : " How soon do you want me if I could be there]" " I want you to be there very much to-morrow morning at eight o'clock." " I think I can be there at that time," I replied. We loaded our stone tools and set out at midnight ; travelled fourteen miles before sunrise ; stopped and breakfasted at Dodge's tavern, and proceeded to the ground and were ready there at eight o'clock. While waiting, I put up four stakes at the four corners where I judged the bridge ought to be. At nine o'clock, Haywood and Clark arrived. " Mr. Haywood, where shall I put in this bridge V' I asked. " Where do you think it best to put it in ? " said he. " Where those four stakes stand." " Then put it there," said he. " I don't know whether you will or not," said an unknown gentleman. "Is this Capt. FernaldT' said Mr. Haywood. " Fernald is my name," he answered. " I am very happy to see you, Capt. Fernald," said Haywood. WILMINGTON FARMER. 249 The parties, after talking together a few minutes, told me that I might go to work. A number of walls meeting here, just where I wanted to work, I asked, " "Who owns these walls ? " " I own them," said F. " These walls will serve for backers, I would like to buy them. What will you take for them ? " " Thirty dollars," said the Captain. " Captain Fernald, they are not worth $10 for you to move away." He started quick, a characteristic of a sea captain. "It is nothing to you what they are worth to me ; if I sell them to you I want what they are worth to you." " Capt. Fernald, if you will allow me to make remarks five minutes, I will then hear you an hour if you wish me to. We will suppose these stones to be worth $30 to me, but only $10 to you, would it not be more just to divide and call it $20, giving me $10 and you $10, than it would be to take either extreme 1 " " You have convinced me ; you shall have them for $20. You and I are 250 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : friends now." And pointing to two lots of land, lie said, " I own that land and if you want any stone there, you are welcome to get them." This bridge was finished without any special trouble, and about ten rods fur- ther up we put in an abutment on Fer- nald's land, close to the line, intending to build another on the other side, own- ed by a man named Swasey, to accom- modate both in their farm operations. I had no acquaintance with Swasey but hoped to get along without difficulty. The morning came and we started as usual to commence our work. I saw a man coming across the field with a gun in his hand, and when he came up, he said, " What are you going to do here?" " I am going to dig away and put in an abutment on this side for a bridge to accommodate Capt. Fernald and Mr. Swasey." " I will put a ball through the heart of the first man who takes a stone from this wall." I saw there was a dead set, and turn- ing to the stone layers, said, " Go up into Judge Smith's pasture to splitting stone ; I have bought the privilege of WILMINGTON FARMER. 251 taking out all the stone I wished. And you teamsters, go and draw them and lay them on the highway, handy to be used, if we are ever allowed to do the work." My boarding place was Dodge's tav- ern, where Swasey made his appear- ance every evening and held converse with me. It soon become apparent that he was smoothing down, and in about a week he said to me, " Mr. Sheldon, we think about here that you know more concerning railroads than we do, and some think that you will say just what you think about it. Now tell me, had I better let the road pass through my land or not." " Certainly, you had," said I. " You told me the other night that you had three thousand cords of standing wood, and as soon as the railroad is in opera- tion, every cord of that wood will be worth fifty cents more than it now is. They are now buying wood at Wil- ming for $3 per cord, to run their en- gine to East Kingston ; and as soon as the cars run wood will be worth as much here as it is in Wilmington. The cut is already made through your farm, 252 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : and if you could stop the work from going further, you could never get one cent of damages ; and I advise you to take stock in the road for damages." " When do you want to go to work on that abutment, if I would let you 1 " " To-morrow morning at sunrise," said I. " Then you may go on," he replied. We were on the work at sunrise, and soon Mr. Swasey made his appear- ance with his team. His first question was, " Where shall I begin to work 1 " I told him, and he worked all day like a hero, as he was, and at night he pull- ed oif his hat and, bowing low, said, " You are welcome to this day's work, because you would not be mad even though I threatened your life. Sheldon, when I came out here with my gun, it was loaded with two balls, and I certainly should have put them through your heart had you attempted to move a stone." Pretty much after this fashion we worked our way along through all this section. Sometimes we were not able to lay a stone for a week, being obliged to move back and forth and work a few WILMINGTON FARMER. 253 days in a place when and where we could get a chance. When we could get no opportunity to lay stone we em- ployed ourselves in getting them out and drawing them near where we hop- ed to lay them. These delays certainly impeded the work more than thirty- three per cent., or nearly one-half; and besides the workmen began to grow un- easy and fretful at moving about so much and not being able to show more for their work. One day I met the agent and engi- neer in a sleigh on Kingston plain. " Clark," said I, " hadn't we better leave the work and go home, for cer- tainly some days we do not earn twen- ty-five cents where we spend a dollar." " Havn't I said to you times enough, stay there and do what I want you to, and I will see you well paid. Don't say anything more to me about leaving unless I tell you to." So poor was the credit of the cor- poration at that time, that not a stick of timber could be bought for a temporary bridge, unless Edward Crane or I would promise to see it paid for. Crane was on the earth and I on the stone-work ; 254 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : we were the only two undertakers on the ground. As a palliation for the seeming in- sanity that prevailed among the land owners, I would say that there was a prevailing belief that the road would never be finished. The stock was as low as sixty per cent., and they feared they would not get damages. When the work was all completed, they owed me $8,500 as honestly as ever one man owed another. I sent an order to the Treasurer for $45 and he refused to pay it, saying he owed me nothing. When it was announced that the Corporation " owed me nothing," there were forty writs levied upon my pro- perty within twenty-fours, for the an- nouncement was made in the long entry of the largest hotel in Exeter. In this situation, the reader can well judge what a waste was made of my proper- ty. One instance I will here mention. About a fortnight prior to this there was a large sale of chestnut timber in New Hampshire, at auction. I attend- ed and bought $1650 worth ; paid $150 cash and gave three notes of WILMINGTON FARMER. 255 $500 each, one to be paid in six months, one in one year and one in eighteen months. In a few days a large timber dealer offered me $500 for the bargain. Knowing it was the best bargain of timber I ever bought in my life, and wanting winter work for my oxen and men, I thought it not wise to accept the offer, not doubting but that I should receive my pay for that job and could handle it to my liking and turn it at last to more ad- vantage. The money being withheld, and all my property attached, I lost not only the bargain but the $150 prev- iously paid. The man who offered me $500 for the bargain, afterwards bought the lot, and I have been informed by good authority that he cleared $3,000 on the bargain. Great numbers of chestnut ties, from this lot, were car- ried on the railroad to Boston and then shipped to Russia. Hon. Thomas West succeeded Mr Clark in office, and became agent of the road. I made him the offer to leave the case to three men, who were directors of the road when the work was done. This was not accepted. I 256 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : then offered to leave it to Patrick T. Jackson, James F. Baldwin and Chas. S. Storrow. This offer did not meet their approbation. I then commenced a suit against them. After several months I received a communication by letter to meet the Directors at Dover on a specified day. On arriving at Andover, I was introduced to one of the Directors by the name of Weld. On the way, we talked over the matter, and he said he had understood that I had once offered to le^ye it to three men who were directors on the road when the work was done. " I did," said I. "Will you renew that offer"?" he asked. * " I willj' was my answer. When we arrived at Haverhill, Mr. West came into the cars, and Mr. Weld related the conversation that had taken place between us on the road, and ex- pressed his surprise that the corpora- tion should suffer themselves to be sued when I had made them so fair an offer. " I don't know," said Mr. West, " but he has made them an offer that they would rather accept of than that. I WILMINGTON FABMER. 257 believe he has offered to leave it to Jackson, Baldwin and Storrow." " I did make that offer." " Will you renew it 1 " said Mr. Weld. " I will renew both offers, and you may take your choice." " It shall be done ; it shall be set- tled without going further in court." On going into the room with the Di- rectors, they said that there was nothing in the way of settlement; if I would retire, Mr. West and I could talk it over in the cars on our way home. When the subject was introduced, Mr. West said, " The Directors all meet at Boston to-morrow. If you will come and bring in your bill, and we do not pay it, Jackson, Baldwin and Storrow shall settle it." To Boston I went, and met West in State street, when he accosted me thus, " Sheldon, they will not have Jackson on this reference at any rate." " You have already agreed to have him," said I. " Well go in and see what they say." When in, it was soon announced that Mr. Jackson could not be allowed to serve as referee. 258 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : " Gentlemen," I said, " if you will give me any reason why Mr. Jackson cannot be admitted to serve, I will be content with another man." " Sheldon," said Mr. Weld, " we find, here in Boston, that you have done so much work for Mr. Jackson, and have been with him so much that he will believe every word you say, and we may as well leave the case to him." My answer was, "It is no disgrace to me after being with him, and do- ing as much for him as I have done, to have him believe all I say." The chairman then said, " Name a man living somewhere between Boston and Dover, within three miles of our road." I then named twenty men, all of whom were rejected as soon as named. " Gentlemen," said I, " it is of no use for me to pick out a man; name one yourselves." " Col. Duncan, of Haverhill," said Mr. Weld. " I do not want a better man," said I, " he is one of the first three that I of- fered to leave it to." WILMINGTON FARMER. 259 As the cars were about to leave, they decided that John Flint, of Andover, should write notices to the several gen- tlemen, and I should see that they had them. So early was I up the next morning that I travelled eight miles before John Flint was out of bed. He wrote the notices and I flew up and down on the railroad and carried them to the re- spective gentlemen that same day. But strange to believe, before the specified day came, I received a letter from Dun- can that they would have neither of the Boston gentlemen at any rate to sit on the case between me and the Cor- poration. Here the case hung until Col. Dun- can was appointed Auditor by the Court. He appointed a meeting at Andover, to which the several parties repaired. After Mr. Haywood's testimony, Mr. West advanced a proposal lo give me $7000 if I would take $1000 in their railroad stock. After a little delibera- tion I decided to accept it, for this rea- son. The bargain was made privately between me and Mr. Clark, on that ac- count I had no evidence of it and Mr. 260 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Haywood said on the stand, he could not recollect the conversation between Clark and me on Kingston Plain. Fur- thermore, the same gentleman came to me and said the stone work referred to as a sample for me was not good enough but was failing, and asked what way it could be made better. I informed him by splitting out the stone with wedges instead of powder, but it would cost more. He asked, " How much more 1 " " One dollar per yard," was the an- swer. " Well," said he, " get them out with wedges." On the stand he acknowledged the work was $1 per yard better, but he could not recollect ever giving any or- ders for that course. About three years after commencing my suit, when I received from the Cor- poration $7000, I made the best set- tlement with creditors circumstances would permit, and began life again with only $75. I would like to say distinctly to every Stockholder of the Boston and Maine Road, that when your Corporation was in a sinking condition I did what I could WILMINGTON FARMER. 261 to further on the work, day and night, some nights going without any sleep. And now knowing how I have been treated, are there not some lovers of justice among you who are willing to make some recompense in view of the faithfulness with which I have served you. Some may say, why did you risk so much without a written contract? I would state in reply, I had done more than $ 100,000 worth of work for men who were agents, and always found their word to be good as their bond ; this gave me too much confidence in men. To Mr. West I would say, you have had a long time to reflect, that you once agreed to let Jackson, Baldwin and Storrow settle the case between me and your Corporation. Then you refused to let Mr. Jackson act, and Col. Dun- can's name was substituted in his stead. The next thing, you refused to let Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Storrow act. By so doing I consider you rubied a man who had served your Corporation faithfully. After so long a time if you have repent- ed of what I consider a great sin, I trust you will set about making some 262 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: recompense. But if your heart is yet hardened, I pray God, when your eyes are closed in death, to have mercy on your soul. A job of stone-work at Nashua, N. H., next claims attention. I was called by the Directors of the Nashua and Lowell Road to look at a piece of work considered difficult to do, and keep the cars running. Here the cars ran across Indian Head canal and then followed its bank, partly over the water, about five hundred feet. It was supported by piles nineteen feet above the bottom of the canal. These had begun to de- cay and it was found necessary to re- construct the road. The first thing was to build two abutments near the depot, fifty-five feet long and nineteen feet high, with a pier in the centre of the same length; then a wall three hundred feet long of the same height, five feet below the surface of the water, Then there were four arches to turn. Around these we built a coffer dam, that we might prosecute the work with- out water. They spanned twenty feet each, making eighty feet. They were to carry off surplus water in case of a WILMINGTON FARMEB. 263 freshet. The piles and wood-work were all taken away, and this large job of stone-work done without hindering the cars one minute. Gratitude forbids that I should pass unnoticed a narrow escape there. One of the workmen desired a. staging built outside the wall over the canal. " Build it so strong," said I, " that two men can stand upon it and lift with all their strength with a crow-bar." It was used in that way two days. On the third morning the applicant desired me to go on to the staging to look at a large stone laid the night be- fore. I descended with great caution, I hardly know why, keeping hold of the stones all the time, but alas, the in- stant I let go, and stood on the staging, down came the whole concern and I was precipitated backwards into the canal, which that day received the whole water of Nashua river, for the purpose of having a dam repaired, and making the current in the canal very swift. This occurred near the guard- gates, through which I knew I must go, and feared I should lodge on some timber, but thanks to Morey I went 264 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : through safe. One of my men, Har- vey Putnam, hearing the crash of the staging, run to the place, and saw noth- ing but the broken staging in the canal and my hat on the top of the water. He then ran below the gates and could discern a shirt sleeve in the foam. De- termined to help what he could, he descended the wall, laid in steps, and hanging on by the stones with his hand, stretched his legs into the water, calling out, " Get hold of my legs." I was tumbling over in the dashing water, but heard him distinctly, and reaching about with all my might, luckily caught hold of a boot and held on until helped out of the water. I repaired to the scene of danger as soon as the case would permit, and found that a small strip of cast iron had taken the place of an iron crow-bar that supported the staging. Feeling confident that the whole affair was designed, I took the small piece remaining in the wall, where it had been broken off, my work- men being gathered around, and step- ped toward the suspected man, hold- ing the iron directly before his face, neither of us speaking a word. His WILMINGTON FARMER. 265 countenance turned very pale, and strange as the fact may seem, within an hour proposed to leave the work. I am fully satisfied from circumstances, that the man who kept the Time Book, hired him to do the trick, by ordering $15 to be paid him out of the Corpor- ation's money. That they designed to take my life, I have no doubt ; and if, while I live, that man should be sick and likely to die, I will go to him, if I can, and ask him if the time-keeper hired him to exchange the crowbar for that piece of cast iron, and get me on the stage for the purpose of destroying my life. In the beginning, I was cau- tioned by a man intimately acquainted with this time-keeper, to look out for him, stating that he was an artful man, and that when the job was well under way it would be like him to take hold of it himself, if he could by any means get rid of me, and then say, " Sheldon began the job but could not finish it." I have had the superintendence of building or re-building the abutments of eighteen bridges on the Boston and Lowell road, and many culverts. And on the Boston and Maine road I have 266 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : built abutments for eight bridges, be- sides numerous culverts and cow-guards. On the South Reading Branch I have likewise laid abutments to eight bridges and turned an arch over the river that divides Essex from Middlesex County, together with many cow-guards and culverts on the same road, and also at Bradford, at Ward Hill, where the road runs near Merrimac river. Slocum, of Haverhill, and myself had been engaged in a winter's work of drawing lumber to Maine railroad in Kingston. We then hired an en- gine, engineer, train of cars and fire- man, to take it down to Andover Saw Mills. I was conductor and espied a crack running lengthwise of the ties, about the middle of the road fifty-five feet in length. This was in the beginn- ing of Spring. I made signal to stop when fairly over it, and in less than five minutes it all slid down into the river. As we stood gazing, the road-master came up, and in surprise and almost crazed, freshets were rising so fast, said, " Sheldon, you can think faster than I can, for heaven's sake tell me what to do ? " WILMINGTON FARMER. 267 " Send a man," said I, " as fast as he can go to North Andover, to tell the conductor to turn his engine behind and back up here ; and you must have my engine to bring the passengers from Haverhill up, and they must walk over and change cars." He then remarked, " You must mend up this place as soon as possible, for I have as much as I can attend to else- where ; our road is going to pieces." The fourteen men with me, were speedily set to work throwing stones into the hole, for there were lots of them near by on the opposite side. I then sent a man with the engine down to Haverhill to tell Slocum to send dinner for fourteen men, and all the men he could raise. They brought dinner and a passenger train together, and by mustering neighbors we swell- ed our force to forty-three men and six oxen. At that time, as good luck would have it, the moon's clear light enabled us to continue our work through the night. Burrill, the Agent for running the cars, came up with the supper, looked on, and said, " Sheldon, how 268 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : many days before the cars can run here?" " I want you to bring up a good second supper for twenty-three hungry men," said I, " and then I can tell you better about it. Bring it as late as you like to sit up to accommodate us." The supper came about 11 o'clock, and it was as good a supper as men ever need to eat. It may be called second supper, or night dinner, for well do I know from experience that a man while laboring needs food as much at night as in day. Six hours labor is quite enough for any man between meals. The embankment that gave way was fifty-five feet in length and fifteen feet below the rail, but the ties kept their place, being frozen in on the opposite side, only half the track going down. When supper came, Burrill asked me, " Can you tell now how many days it will be before the cars can run 1 " " If you don't hear from me before the sun rises, you may start your cars along as though nothing had occurred." "Sheldon, are you crazy?" said he. " No, I hope not ; but you may start WILMINGTON FARMER. 269 on the cars, telling them to proceed with caution when they approach this place." The cars did come at the usual time, and I stopped to see them safely over and then went back to Haverhill to breakfast. The secret of accomplishing this great work in so short a time, was just this : we threw the stones in and al- lowed them to find their own bed, and when they had gone as far as they could, they would lay there till moved by other power. There were plenty of stones here that had been taken from the ledge that we wanted to get off the line of the railroad. When we had filled up within six feet of the rails, we placed the stones in a wall directly under them, throwing others down both sides, thus making the work substantial. After this job was completed and the road had been used some days, Charles Storrow, then a director on the road, said, " Had that happened on the Boston and Lowell road and been re- paired in the usual way, it would have cost the corporation more than $1000," 270 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON: but the whole expense here was only $53. Another witness. Onslow Stearns, agent for building the Northern road, once said to me, " Sheldon, your filling up that hole at Ward Hill, as you did, has saved the Northern Railroad Co. many thousand dollars, through their adopting the same plan." Were this mode of building embank- ments adopted, where stone is plenty, it would be found a labor-saving opera- tion above the old fashioned, perpen- dicular wall, where sometimes many feet must be laid in mud and water, a most repulsive work. Reader, remember this night's work was done for the corporation whose agent afterwards ruined me. I went to Brookline to build a Coun- ty road over half a mile of marsh and another half a mile through orchards, gardens and strawberry beds, and then through a piece of reclaimed swamp where English grass was mowed. The road was an expensive one, and the greatest saving in calculation, in the whole job, was in laying a strip of marsh grass each side of the road and WILMINGTON FARMER. 271 raking it in for the horses to travel on while carting on the first gravel. After the road was completed over the re- claimed swamp, and we had passed over it with heavy loads for several days, down went about ten rods of it out of sight, and at once water flowed over to the depth of thirty-five feet. To buy the gravel and fill up this enor- mous mouth was quite an expense, but as I took the job by the yard it only made more work for us. Whenever I think of the committee who engaged me to do this work, it brings to mind what Christ said to his disciples, " Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil." I firmly believe the treasurer and com- mittee, save one, to be true, Christian men, and likewise, judging from the Scripture, " A tree is known by its fruits," many of the neighbors to whom I was sometimes indebted. In the month of February, 1856, I was visited with the severest fit of sick- ness I ever suffered. I was first at- tacked with pleurisy ; that increased so fast that my family, anxious for my 272 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : safety, sent the next day for Dr. Ed- mund F. Kittredge, of New Ipswich, N. H., now of Lowell, Mass. He pro- nounced the disease Typhoid Pneu- monia of a malignant type. The fever run high ; my pulse for several days ranged as high as a hundred and thirty and a hundred and forty. I lost all consciousness from the first, but my faithful family and friends were unre- mitting in their attention. Nathaniel Parker mentioned in a former page as among the friends in need was sure that I could not get well ; it would be as great a miracle as any performed in Scripture times. The next week as my wife was watching me and the fam- ily were eating dinner, a sudden change, she said, come over my countenance. All left the table in anxious surprise. " Oh," said Parker, with uplifted hands, "he is gone ; I told you how it would be." The doctor, who was present, re- plied, " He may live to lay cents on your eyes. Rub his extremities quick- ly, and wet a cloth in hot vinegar and lay it on his stomach as soon as possi- ble." This was at once done, and the WILMINGTON FARMER. 273 breathing improved and the symptoms became better. He administered some reviving spirit and continued to feed with the same. He remained with me three successive days and nights and soon consciousness began to return. He did not blister or bleed ; gave no emetic or physic, yet he carried me through as I believe few others could. With heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Kitt- redge I must say, " Under God, to him I owe my life." It was a wonderful mercy in kind Providence that brought him here at my time of greatest need. " He could not have lived without extra effort," said the doctor. Then never give up friends sick with fever as long as life lasts ; no, not even when life is apparently gone. Many, doubt- less, pass out of the world that an ex- tra effort would have restored and brought back to life and health again. Mr. Parker died two years ago. This Dr. Kittredge is grandson of him who so faithfully watched by me while laid up with the broken leg. 274 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : HINTS TO STONE LAYERS. After having so much experience in stone-laying, and after the many tests my work has undergone, I feel confi- dent that no work of mine will fail, unless by some great convulsion of na- ture, or removal by designing hands ; and for the benefit of the rising gener- ation, I propose to give some directions to stone-workers. FIRST To SIGNERS OF WELLS. Never, on any account, lay the largest end of the stone in toward the well. To FARMERS. Never destroy any part of the strength of your wall for the sake of making it look handsome on a farm. In reality those farm walls always look handsomest that stand best. There has been no better way found to lay farm walls than on large foundation stones, placed on cobbles. In laying a wall on low, frosty ground, where it is necessary to trench, I would recom- mend to fill the trench with that kind of dry gravel before mentioned for railroad trenches, walks, &c., if it can be had conveniently, or with sand if WILMINGTON FARMER. 275 that cannot be procured. Either of these are better than small stones for two reasons. First, mud will work in among small stones, freeze and heave the wall. Second, it will give more en- couragement to the growth of briars and brush than gravel will. LAYING CULVERTS. Always make the up-stream end of the culvert nar- rower than any other part; this will prevent anything entering it that cannot go through. Always lay the biggest side of the covering stones downward ; this will make the joints widest on the top, they will thereby receive a wedge that will not go through. CELLAR WALL. In laying them al- ways build them plumb. Then the building resting on the top will be in no danger of falling in. To make a good cellar wall a stone should have three good sides, bed, build and face. Back and ends have not much to do either with strength or beauty. BANK WALL. It is necessary to have one course of stones below the surface, on the base of the wall, then have the front of the wall placed on the centre of them. Those stones that are placed 276 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : below the surface need not of necessity, be very large, and it is immaterial of what shape. What is termed cobble stones, the size of a peck measure, will answer a good purpose. If you want to build your wall five feet high, and have it stand centimes, as I am sure you do, then make the base half the thickness of the height, and barter it on front at least one and one-half inch to the foot. Mind and never put so small stones on the top that a dog running over them will l^nock them off. If the soil be clay, take it out a few inches wider than the wall and fill in back with good gravel stones, otherwise the clay will run in among the stones, freeze, and heave them, and thus injure the wall. MILCH COWS. m Until recently I have never realized the value of tnilch cows, and believe but few do rJtlize it as yet. Milk, but- ter and che& are not all the benefits we derive from the cow. Every crea- ture that is slaughtered in Eastern mar- WILMINGTON FARMER. 277 kets, gained the first $3 worth on an average from milk. In New York and Massachusetts, there are not less than ten thousand cattle and calves slaugh- tered, on an average, every week ; allowing $3 to each one, (which is a low estimate), the amount is $1,560,000 in one year for these two States alone. How many varieties can be realized from milk. Nearly all our calf-skin leather is produced from milk. Im- mense quantities of milk are used for food for children, with great economy and propriety. Besides the immense amount of milk, butter and cheese con- sumed by the human family, not less than fifty pounds of pork can be reckon- ed on, by good management, from each cow, arising from sour milk, butter- milk, whey, &c. Now is it not of the utmost importance that we select the very best cows ? POINTS OF A GOOD MILCH Cow. A bright, hazel eye ; long, lean face ; wide between the eyes ; flat horns, not very large at the base ; pretty large sack, with room for her own dinner ; thin hides ; small leg bones ; large cavity on the front of the shoulder 278 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : joint ; large milk veins, and milk holes if you can find forked milk veins, with two holes on each side, it is an extra mark, seldom found ; well spread bag, running well forwards ; yellow skin ; four good sized teats, standing well apart ; two small ones behind call- ed false teats ; slim tail ; and as good a sign as any to be found is, open ribs, with space wide enough between the two last to admit of three fingers laid in. If the cow is wanted for butter exclusively, the horn should be trans- parent. This mark I first received from Mrs. Dea. Parker. Hearing I had an extraordinary heifer, the good old lady came over to see it. While walking in front of the stall, she exclaimed, " Here is a heifer that will make a good cow, I care nothing about your father's great heifers." "Why," said son Horace, who was showing her round, " what do you see in that heifer, Mrs. Parker, to admire?" " Why her horns are all butter," said she. " I have taken care of a dairy more than fifty years, and I never knew it to fail." In fact that was the very heifer she WILMINGTON FARMER. 279 came to see. I have noted it ever since and found it so. Mrs. Parker was con- sidered an extraordinary dairy woman ; her butter, as well as that of her daugh- ter Buck's, always commanding the highest market price. To purchasers I would say, when- ever you find these marks, you need not inquire what breed she is of; you will be sure to get a good cow. With regard to color, I prefer light red or brindle, because they descended from the Black Spanish, and Denmark cattle, imported into Dover nearly two hundred years ago . From them I think sprang the best race of dairy stock this country has ever been in possession of. to. I would not reject a cow on ac- count of color, if she possessed the marks before mentioned. From experience I feel safe in saying that a woman who is a good manager would, from the products of two good cows well kept, maintain the year round, a family of four, say herself, husband, and two children, and pay a reasonable tax on the cows, pasture and home-lot. If her husband pay the expense of keeping the cows, it would be all re- 280 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : quired for the maintenance of his fam- ily. This will apply to any location within fifteen miles of Boston. In looking over the utility of animals, I am constrained to say, if we could have but one kind of animals, cow, horse, sheep or hog, the cow must be preferred. OXEN. SIGNS OF A GOOD WORKING Ox. Bright hazel eye, which denotes intel- lect, or a disposition to receive instruc- tion, and a readiness to obey it ; lean, long head ; broad between the eyes ; wide, open nostrils ; horns not more than medium size at the base these show an ox keen to pull and one that can endure the heat of the day ; straight knees ; toes pointing straight forward these show that the ox can travel on pavement, or hard, frozen ground ; full bosom ; round in the chest ; last ribs projecting out as large as the hip bones; straight on the back ; small tail ; wide across the gambrel ; large cord at the gambrel these last mentioned marks WILMINGTON FARMER. 281 denote strength and constitution ; when he stands his hind feet should be well in under him this shows his limbs were made to carry his body, and will carry it easily. Short heads will start quick at the whip but soon forget it generally eye servants ; horns large at the base, with small nostrils, is not likely to work well in a hot day; black eyes and black nose, inclined to both kick and run away; picked toes and turning out, crooked knees and turning together, cannot travel on hard roads ; the toes turning out brings the strain upon the inside claws, which long continued, produces lameness at the joint between the hoof and hair, or what is called ring-bone ; if his hind legs are too far behind him, it denotes laziness ; if the ribs drop down flat, not being so wide through the ribs as through the hip bones, he has no great constitution. It is said, " There are exceptions to general rules," but these signs may generally be relied upon. While walking near Quincy Market, Boston, one day, I met a man who in- vited me to go with him, which I did. 282 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : He purchased a nice turkey and pre- sented it to me, saying, "Accept this as a token of gratitude for the benefits I have derived from practicing your directions for selecting good working oxen. I have practiced them since I first had occasion to buy oxen." Be- fore I could ascertain his name he had disappeared in the crowd. SHOEING OXEN. The shoe should be broad on the foot, and be set back at the heel about Ijalf an inch further than what the /oot touches. At the toe, it should not come quite to the end of it. If the toe is very picked, it should not come nearer than about an inch of the end. If the toe be short and broad it should come almost to the end of the toe. POINTS OF AN Ox FOR TENDER BEEF. Smoky color; long, coarse hair; thin hide, this may be told by pinching it up between the thumb and finger ; flat ribs ; wide hip bones, quite hollow un- derneath ; then if he be only fat you need not fear, even though he is the worst looking animal you ever put your eye on. These points apply to all horn- ed creatures. WILMINGTON FARMER. 283 HOW TO SALT BEEF TO KEEP A YEAR. Take four quarts of coarse fine salt, four pounds of brown sugar, one ounce saltpetre, mix well together, to one hundred pounds of beef, packed as solid as it can be ; put a board on top of the meat in the barrel, and a stand- ard to reach from this board to a tim- ber in the floor overhead; drive in a wedge to keep the standard tight, and the meat will settle for two or three days. To prevent the bottom head from bursting out, a small bit of board should be placed under the barrel with- in the chines, before the meat is salted, which should be done soon after the animal heat is out. No water should be used, as it takes out the juice of the meat and turns it green and makes it hard. When a piece is taken out, and the brine will not cover, put in 'a, small stone and cover the board on again. EAISING BULLS. e be sure RAISING BULLS. If the object is to raise dairy stock, 3 sure your bull calf is from your best *. 284 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : dairy cow, and the color of the skin about the bag should be the same as of a good cow yellow. A four teated bull is preferable, but this is rare. My plan is to raise two bull calves together and break them to yoke quite small; and I have found that they were worth more than oxen to plow in my reclaim- ed swamp when two years old, as they were light of their strength and could go where heavy oxen could not. I have likewise found them very useful in carting hay from miry meadows. If a bull will be worth anything to work, he can be bandied easier than a steer. Some are so stubborn one should never try to handy them. To put on a light yoke, if you have a good, clear pasture, and let them run in it when six months old, is a good plan. I once owned a pair that led on a load of wood for four miles and drew finely, quite as much as I wanted them to, when only ten months old. I have one of them now. I be- lieve that a pair of one-year-old bulls will draw as much as a pair of two- year-old steers. To take a loaded wag- on to Concord Cattle Show, I once put a pair of eighteen months old bulls to WILMINGTON FARMER, 285 lead, and the teamster thought that they helped as much as a horse. They certainly do more work according to their keeping, than steers or oxen. I should not like to keep one older than three years, lest he become cross. RAISING HEIFER CALVES. It is highly important that heifer calves should be selected from the best cows, but more important is it that their sire should be from the best cow. Do not attempt to raise a heifer calf with- out first examining her teats. When they are about forty hours old, you may satisfy yourself about their good points, quite as well as at any time before they are two years old, as many of them are about the same as the cows, espec- ially the bag and teats. Do not keep your calves too high on milk the first summer, because they should be kept up to that standard through the winter. This I deem of great importance and applicable to all kinds of calves ; indeed all growing animals should be kept on the advance. 286 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : I once took a number of heifer calves, I think ten, to Concord Cattle Show. After the show, Mr. Buckminster, edi- tor of the Massachusetts Ploughman, said in his paper, that he saw a pen of calves labelled, " Native breed; A. G. Sheldon, Wilmington." He observed that the spectators said, " Those calves looked as though the very skimmed milk they were raised on was watered." The spectators were men of excellent judgment, for they were raised on that very article skimmed milk, indian meal and water. I sold one of these calves, when two years old, for $50, and have frequently heard her owner say that he would not take $100 for her. Some of them that I now know of, cannot be bought for less than $100 each. Seldom does a heifer that is doated upon and fed very high on milk, fully answer the expectation of the owner. " The size of a bullock depends on the first year." This is an adage that is nearly true. I am fully of opinion that more depends on the first winter than on any other period of the same length in his history. They should WILMINGTON FARMER. 287 have tender hay, some roots, rutabagas or carrots, and oatmeal, which is pre- ferable to any other. Early calves are preferable for rais- ing to late ones. March calves are decidedly best, yet April will do, but I would not raise one that come in May, unless it was something extraordinary ; for this reason, it could not be turned to grass until the feed was tough, and in consequence would not do so well. ON FEEDING STOCK. It is a great piece of economy in feeding cattle in the barn, to cut all their hay, except the last feeding at night, which should be whole hay. If there be any left in the moniing that is fit to eat, I should put it in the cutter and give it to them again. Chopped feed should always be wet, and with hot water if circumstances will permit. Corn stalks are excellent for milch cows whether top stalks or husks ; also, ru- tabagas, carrots and parsnips are all good, but I have never been able to determine which is best according to 288 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : the cost. I think best to sow all of these roots, so that if one kind should not succeed the others might. The more experience I have of pumpkins, the more I am in favor of them ; they certainly add to the quantity and to the quality of the butter. My experience in molasses is, that one half pint given to a good cow will give you four ounces of butter. It should be given in chopped feed by sweetening the water. This is design- ed solely for chopped feed ; when a cow grazes she has no need of it, or anything else, if she has plenty of good grass. Where molasses is used with chopped feed, a little salt should be added. I endorse the opinion of Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., that " a cow is a machine; you can get nothing out of her but what you put into her ; but let us re- member, the better the machine and the better order it is kept in, the bet- ter pay we shall get for running it." A few sweet apples given occasion- ally to cows, horses or hogs, are excel- lent to keep them in a healthy condition. I think a horse would never have botts WILMINGTON FARMER. 289 if he had half a peck of sweet apples once in ten days. Regularity, as it respects time and quantity, is of great importance in feeding all kinds of stock. Occasional messes to milch cows not only do them no good, but sometimes are decidedly injurious. In the month of June, I once had a bushel of good French turnips chopped and given to five cows that were grazing. The next morning their milk had shrunk down to one half. Surprised at the result, I cast about to understand it. I found the secret in the fact, that the turnips took away their appetite for grass and caused them to wait around for more. In case of short grazing, cow-corn, as it is commonly called, is very eco- nomical, but it should always be given them at night and in the bam, as their appetite will then be good for feed in the morning. To put them in the barn may be thought too much trouble, but I think from experience a cow's extra mess is lost if given anywhere else. It may seem simple, but try the experi- ment and you will know for yourselves. Common corn is as much better than Virginia corn, as English hay is better 290 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : than Meadow hay, and sweet com is better than either. The foregoing hints on calf feeding are designed for locations where milk is worth three cents per quart or more. Those who live far back from the sea- board, where milk is worth but little, are better judges in their own cases than I am. To PURCHASERS OF Cows. There may be good cows in every breed among us. Although I am much in favor of native breed, still I would not advise the rejection of a cow on ac- count of her breed if she carries good marks, or give a large price for one on account of her breed without those marks. TRAINING OXEN AND STEERS. Every steer should have a name. If he has none be sure to give him one the first tune he is yoked. Be sure and make each one understand . his own name and know when you speak to him ; and when you do speak, say just what y t ou mean. Be just as par- WILMINGTON FARMER. 291 ticular in your language with them as you would be with children. When you tell them to haw-to, or gee-off, be sure to make them mind you. Let the word " whoa," or any other word you may choose to substitute, denote "stop," and always make them stop at that, and never use it at any other time. If used at other times they will not know when to stop. A team should stop short at the word "whoa;" and they will, if they never hear it at any other time. Bad results may follow their not being accustomed to do so. If too lazy or too tired to walk be- side your team, never whip them while riding, this will make them haul apart. When your team is moving just as you want to have them, be sure to keep your whip and your tongue perfectly still. When I see a man doing this I know he is more than a middling team- ster. Oxen or steers, when going per- fectly right, should never be meddled with, any more than boys should be muttered at when they are doing per- fectly right. Always have some particular word to start your team with. Sly starting 292 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : word is " come." I always give them notice, and when up to the bow and ready, I speak the word " come," and if either ox does not attend to his busi- ness at that word, he is sure to feel the whip. I once knew a man, a good man, and a good farmer, and I pre- sume that he thought he knew how to drive a team as well as any body, but he never handied his off ox. He drove the nigh ox and let the off one go as he pleased. When driving in hay, and when near to the barn-yard, he would begin to cry " whoa," " whoa," about as fast as he could speak. I once had the curiosity to count how many times he said it after he arrived at the barn- yard bars, and it amounted to one hun- dred and thirteen times. Still the oxen increased their speed until they got into the barn and were prevented from going further. Doubtless they would have gone in as well if he had not said one word, and stopped as well, because they could not help it. How can an officer command men unless he has a particu- lar word for a particular movement? and how, I wish to know, can we expect oxen to understand better than men ? WILMINGTON FARMER. 293 Steers should never be made to draw a load from home first. If they are to be put in with other cattle, which I like best, let them go from home empty and draw a load toward home first. George Blanchard, of this town, who has been successful in training steers, has used bits like a horse's, and by this means he has them completely un- der his command, and can plow be- tween corn and potatoes with either nigh or oif ox. It is quite convenient to have cattle that will back well. This, like every- thing else, should be learned young. The best way I ever found, was to go ' directly in front of them and slap each at the same time on the nose, with the open palm of the hand, and both will fly back together. Cattle that are well trained, I am satisfied can back more than they can possibly draw. By hitch- ing their heads next the stone they can lift a larger stone out of a hole than they can draw out, because the chain will draw against the bank the first way. This is convenient in loading stone upon a drag and in laying stone wall. Let me give an illustration. Once two el- 294 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : derly gentlemen, working on the high- way, each with a yoke of oxen, made a vain attempt to draw a huge stone out of a hole. They then invited Isaac Damon, my hired hand, to put on my cattle and help them. Damon said, " I will not put my team on with yours, but take yours off and I will get the stone out." They made another trial and gave out, the oldest man saying, " Let the fool try once." While Da- mon was hitching the chain into the ring, with the cattle's heads next the the stone, the men standing by eyeing Mm, he said, " Go along to work, I want you to earn ninepence while I draw out this stone." These oxen had been so trained to the business, that they would actually hold down their heads for the chain to be fastened. So when he was all ready, with their heads as low as would give them a good footing on the bank, he pronounced an emphatical " back," and out came the stone, much to their as- tonishment. " There boys," said Da- mon, " the stone is out." " I would not have believed it," said one of the farmers, " if I had not seen it myself." WILMINGTON FARMER. 295 I have on a former page recommend- ed bulls in preference to steers, yet large, well trained oxen, to do heavy work on a farm, are decidedly prefer- able to small ones. There is not so much difference in keeping as is gen- erally supposed. To prove the differ- ence in the work of large and small cattle, I introduce another illustration. When acting in the capacity of As- sessor in this town, I took special notice of the different management of farms, and found the two greatest extremes that came under my eye, lay close to- gether. A youth of fifteen, with a large, handy pair of oxen and good plough, was turning the furrows over straight and clean, on May 1st. Near by was a man, with a grown son, using a poor plough, with a yoke of cattle and a horse. I noticed that the boy went three rounds to their two, they having frequently to stop and turn the mislaid furrows over with their hands. Here popped into my mind what Frank- lin said in the eighteenth century " The man that by the plough would thrive, Himself must either hold or drive." This man, thought I, was acting up to 296 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Franklin's rule, but he was one century behind the times, for we live in a day of great improvements, and the time has already come when " He that by the plough would thrive, Will find he must both hold and drive." Still another illustration. My team of six oxen was driven by my son Horace to plough some hard and rather rocky pasture land, all day, before he was five years of age ; and he manag- ed the team as well as a man could have managed it. Here are two con- siderations, Horace was a natural teamster, and the team was well train- ed. I would here add, than an ox that cannot be brought to obedience with fair means, at least without beating and banging, had better be saved the abuse and taken to the slaughter house at once. In short, be kind and gentle to all, yes, all animals. Was not the farmer and son above referred to, carrying out the theory, " There is no profit in farming," while the youth was as strongly maintaining the position, "There is profit in farm- ing?" I once knew a man to hire of his WILMINGTON FARMER. 297 neighbor a pair of noble oxen, and a smooth running plough to plough pas- ture land with some kill-lamb. After using the team and plough a day, he took them home on account of the high price, $1.50 per day. While using this team his son alone ploughed one acre per day, and did the work well. He then hired a smaller pair at 75 cts. per day, and added his horse to make out a team, and went driver himself, the same son holding the plough, and ploughed one-half acre per day, accom- plishing in two days more than his son performed in one. Thus it cost the same amount of money for oxen to plough one acre that it cost with the first team, and making an entire loss of two days of his own labor, two days of his horse, and one day of his son's, be- sides their board. Didn't he try a two- fold experiment, and prove in strong terms both theories before alluded to'? The first stages of education in all animals is highly important. Impress- ions first given are more enduring and easier made before they come in con- tact with long established habits. It is fondly hoped that these few 298 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : suggestions respecting gentleness and tact in the education of our beasts, will be duly appreciated, pondered and put in practice. To BREAK A COLT TO CARRIAGE, WHO IS ALREADY HARNESS-BROKEN. Put a horse in the carriage that the colt is acquainted with, and ride two or three miles from home. Then change and put the colt in the thills and let another person ride the horse back forward of the carriage and he will be likely to travel homewards after the horse with- out urging. How many times people harness a colt in their own yard and beat him to drive him away from home against his will, when he knows no more what he is whipped for than a child in the cradle. All young creatures on their first trial, should have some inducement to urge them on the way you wish them to go. If beaten to make them go against their will, it increases their stubbornness and serves to create a bad disposition. Be careful friends, that you never let your own bad temper serve to create the same bad temper in your animals. How many of the best, WILMINGTON FARMER. 299 noble-spirited horses are ruined through the impatience and indiscretion of their first trainers. I once bought a horse that had been sold at auction for 015.25. At the time he was sold, he was considered worthless on account of his contrary disposition. He was five years old. I called him "Flying Jib." When 1 first harnessed him, I treated him very gently, patted his neck and shoulders, breathed in his nostrils, thus making him think he had one friend in the world. I then jumped into the car- riage and away he flew. I owned that beast more than one year, and never struck him a blow with a whip or a stick. To pat him. with the hand I found much better, and he always start- ed and stopped at bidding, except in one instance, when I was met on the road by a man who had charge of him before I owned him. After speaking a few minutes I told the horse to go, but he refused. I then sat still, the man still continuing talking, and said, " Don't you intend to try to start ] " " Are you willing to go along ; if you will, I think my horse will start LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : along too." He then went on mutter- ing in disaffection. When fairly out of hearing, I said, " Come," and he manifested his usual kindness. Who will say that this horse did not possess a good memory and an inveterate enmity to that man"? He never needed a whit of urging to carry me to or from Medford, ten miles, in one hour. This was his natural gait, ten miles per hour. To drive cattle he was the very best. If an ox turned away or stopped to feed, he would turn out after him as quick as a dog, and take hold of the high bunch top of the rump with his teeth. Cattle would soon learn to get out of his way. Al- though high-spirited, courageous and noble, he was perfectly safe to drive day or night, and if I had him now and knew he was as good as he was when I bought him, I would not take $200 for him. OMNIBUS STORY. One evening I took a seat in an omnibus at the Cattle Fair Hotel in Cambridge, to ride into Bos- ton. The driver, to admit two ladies, went into the gutter, but the horses re- fused to take him out. After repeated WILMINGTON FARMER. 301 trials a man came up to tender assist- ance. The driver became angry and answered tartly. The women were frightened and one insisted on getting out. " If you will keep still," said I, " I will get out and that will lighten the carnage more than two of you, and start the horses if the driver is willing. I accordingly descended, and when the intruder, so considered, had gone away I said to the driver, " May I start your horses and not strike them a blow ? " " Yes, if you can," was the answer. " Then you shall hold the reins, and when I say ' Come,' run them into the road, but be sure to stop them, and let me get in." Now that the driver was willing I had to make the horses willing too. I patted their necks, stroked their faces and breathed in their nostrils. Though utter strangers, I found them the most docile and willing of beasts. Soon each would put his nose on my cheek, our three faces coming in direct con- tact. I then stepped a little forward, directly in front, looked them in the face, beckoned with both hands and said distinctly, " Come," when they 302 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : started so quick I was obliged to spring out of the way. " It took you a great while," said one of the ladies. " Yes, for I first had to mesmerise the driver, and make him willing." One of the ladies then asked if I should return that evening. " I have not fully determined," said I. " Then I will not go back, if you don't go, although I very much wish to." "If it would be an accommodation to you to go home, I will return in the 9 o'clock omnibus on these conditions: That you will allow me the pleasure of sitting next to you." This was agreed upon, to the merriment of the com- pany. We met at the hour appointed, and I never saw her before or since, but one thing I am sure of, she felt safer, as any reasonable woman would, in com- pany with a man who coaxed horses, rather than beat them. When the driver came for his fare, I offered mine, but he said, " Uncle Asa, I shan't take any pay of you to- night." WILMINGTON FARMER. 303 " You appear to know me," said I, " but I don't know you." " Oh, I have known you ever since I was a little boy." " Then tell me who you are, and per- haps I shall know your father." When he told his name, " Oh," said I, "I knew your father, and grand- father and great-grandfather, Captain John Harnden, the very man who used to come when I had a broken leg and tell me pleasing stories." To the young I would say, when you come in contact with old people, if possible make yourself known to them, especially if you have reason to think they have been acquainted with your parents. It is a satisfaction to see the children of their former associates, and if you would introduce yourselves, it would afford them much pleasure. You may sometimes wonder old people do not recognize you, but when you be- come old yourselves, you can better realize the effect of dim vision and crowded intellect on the mind of the aged. 304 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : LICE ON CATTLE. It is vain to expect your stock to thrive while infected with lice. The most simple and effective remedy for them is hog's lard. This should be rubbed or put around the horns, around the ears, between the eyes and nose, the whole length of the back, around the butt of the tail and on the dew-lap, and a little in the hollow back of the shoulders, and then let the creature stand in the sun. This should be done once a week, or oftener if you please, as long as a louse can be found. My idea is that they eat so much they split open, for skins can be found two hours after the application. If you have a pen of calves and will let a cosset sheep be put with them and allowed to sleep in the pen, they will have no lice. The lice will leave for warmer lodgings on the sheep and never quit till they have eaten so much of her grease as to kill them. Next to lard I would recom- mend tobacco wash, which is more trouble and likely to expose the ani- mal to take cold. Never use unguin- WILMINGTON FARMER. 305 turn on any account. So much for cure. One tablespoonful sulphur in a quart of meal, given once in two weeks, is a sure preventative to lice. It is good for cattle, horses or hogs. DAIRY WORK. Where a number of cows are kept, it is necessary to set each cow's milk by itself, skim and churn it by itself to ascertain what kind of butter she makes and how long it is in coming. This is important to determine what heifers to keep for milch cows. I once had fifteen heifers who " came in" so near together that their calves were all taken from them in one day. When they had fairly outgrown their weaning, each one's milk was set sep- arate and the cream churned separate. The result was, one heifer's cream came to butter in about three minutes, eleven of them in ten minutes, and three of them from one and a half to two hours. The first twelve had butter of a nice quality ; the last three gave more milk by measure than any of them, but the 306 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : butter was soft and white. Those I sold to a milk-man. Had I kept them with the rest and their cream been churned together, it is my opinion the other heifer's cream would have come to butter, and theirs not at all, but pass off in the buttermilk. One of my neighbors, famed for good butter and high prices, found one spring that his customers shunned him. On inquiring the cause he was told his butter would not keep well, after three days it could not be eaten. He then tried his cows separately, and found one cow produced butter that smelt badly when first made and when forty- eight hours old could not be endured on the table. He had expected that same cow to be his best dairy cow that season. One day's cream is a sufficient test, and can be easily stirred to butter in a bowl. MILKING Cows. Cows should be milked regularly ; that is at the same time in the day, every day. This should be done as fast as possible till the last stream is pressed from the udder. To have all kinds of stock tame, I WILMINGTON FABMEK. 307 deem important ; more especially milch cows. For this purpose children should be encouraged to feed and play with, and lead them when calves. BUTTER-MAKING. All butter utensils should be kept perfectly sweet and dry, that is, pails, pans, and churns should be dried before being packed away. The milk strainer whether of cloth or wire should be dried as soon as possible. It should be strained in pans about two inches thick as soon as milked and if- rich froth remain in the pail a half cup of cold water will settle it, which you may strain into the milk. Twenty- four hours in the hottest weather is long enough to let cream remain on the milk. If it does not keep sweet one day, unless there is thunder, the dishes are not sweet. Cream should always be stirred daily, but in hot weather twice a day, with a stick kept in the creampot, and taken off with as little milk as possible. Forty-eight hours is long enough in any weather for cream to stand on the milk, and thirty-six generally. Wind should not blow hard on milk while setting cream, but a draught of air over it greatly facili- 308 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : tates the rising and helps the quality. I should prefer a milk-room with two windows, one north, and one west ; this last in hot, sunny days I would shade with an awning to keep out the sun and not obstruct the air. Keep cream covered close, I deem stone pots preferable, and churned twice a week in summer. When taken from the churn, no water should be added but the buttermilk worked out, and salted to liking. After standing till it is cool or till the next morning, it must be again wrought and a half ounce of fine white sugar added to every pound ; then weigh and shape for market. The su- gar is a preservative and adds to the flavor. GRAZING. I wish to make a few statements showing the benefits of giv- ing cows good grazing during summer. As I have before said, nothing is so good for making butter as good grass. A few words to illustrate the difference between good and short pasturage. Rid- ing one day with a dairy farmer, I said to him, " A good cow kept in a first rate pasture will be worth $10 more than the same cow kept in a meagre WILMINGTON FARMER. 309 pasture, that is, one had better pay for a good pasture than accept a poor one as a gift." " Sheldon, I know there is great dif- ference, but I think you are rather wild," said he. By this time we were passing an ex- cellent pasture on our right, in which two cows were feeding, and a very poor one on the left where three cows were trying to feed. "Will not those cows make fifty pounds of butter each in a season more than either of the three others 1 " said I. " I think they will," said he. " Will not each cow carry into the barn-yard $3 worth more than the others, and wont they on account of their flesh be worth $5 more in the fall?" "Yes, I think they will," said he, " you have made out your case and more too." Have we not reason to suppose the owner of the two cows made a profit by farming, while the owner of the three could make no profit ? 310 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : SHEEP. A few sheep may be profitable to farmers in this section of country if they have a snug pasture, where they will not trouble their neighbors. But back in New Hampshire and Vermont, where butter and milk are less valuable than here, they must be quite profit- able. In rearing lambs it should be kept in mind that if a lamb does not get hold of his mother's teat and help himself to what nature has prepared for him, quickly after he is dropped, his life will be short. When sheep or lambs are poisoned with kill-lamb, so common in New Eng- land pastures, a drop or two of warm chamber-lye is certain cure. If the old dam be so unnatural, as sometimes is the case, as to disown her offspring, tie her and take the lamb away and carry it at stated times to suck, holding her the while. Should she still refuse, cuff her ears and she will soon choose to let him suck and have you keep away. For ticks in sheep, I prefer Jaques' sheep-wash, or extract of tobacco, to WILMINGTON FARMER. 311 anything else. I have tried it on my sheep two different seasons and found that it worked admirably, killing all the vermin, and the sheep thrived after- wards finely. HOGS. Hogs with proper attention, where manure is valuable, may be made the most profitable of any stock a man can keep on his farm ; but if neglected they will run him in debt as fast. The right kind of hogs properly tended, will pro- duce ten pounds pork from one bushel of corn meal, while they may be so neglected and scantily kept that they consume a bushel of meal and not gain a pound. No man can ever get rich by buying a creature and starving it. Hogs are a kind of stock that will not do for a farmer to say he will keep a certain number, let circumstances be as they will. Whenever it is evident from frost or other reasons that corn will be high, say $2 per barrel, he had better get rid of his hogs, for he never can sell 312 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : pork high, enough to pay the feeding at that price. To make them profitable be sure and keep the best breed, and in a warm pen, with windows to the south, and access to the horse manure for bed, then they will not need bedd- ing every stormy night. At the time little pigs come, I prac*- tice throwing the sow a bit of salt pork ; if she eats it readily give her another, and so on till she appears sat- isfied. To prevent pigs getting squeezed to death behind the sow, nail a bit of plank, six inches wide, eight inches from the floor of the pen on the side the sow is most likely to lay. This gives room for the pigs to run behind her back and not get squeezed. HENS. The following article on hens is by Mrs. E. Carter, of Amherst, N. H. " When living in Wilmington, I thought to get a little pocket money from five hens. I set them on thirteen eggs apiece, and they brought out on WILMINGTON FARMER. 313 an average twelve chickens ; many died but what lived were tended regularly, generally fed before the sun was up, oftentimes as soon as out of their coops in the gray of the morning. This fact of an early breakfast, is of great im- portance to the chicks, as they are faint in the morning and liable to drabble out. I fed them with moist dough twice a day ; in the forenoon at twelve o'clock, and in the afternoon at three. I did not scald the meal, but have since found it a great improvement. I kept them on Southern corn-meal at fifty- eight cents per bushel, and sold them oif before July ended, leaving a net profit of $11.55 beside the pleasure of tending them. I would strongly rec- commend a coop for every hen, when her brood is young. They should face the sun, and be built so tall as not to rumple her feathers. This is impor- tant. A hen cannot take comfort if anything obstructs her plumage ; and for mercy's sake, do not keep them con- fined day after day, unless in stormy weather. They love liberty, and de- light to bask and roll in the sun. Some convenient place should always be pro- 314 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : vidcd for them, with ashes to mix with the dirt ; it is better for lice than mere- ly dry dirt. If there is nothing of that kind, little ones are apt to die of lice. If the hen and brood are let out the second afternoon of their confinement, they will not be apt to stray far, and return, or be driven to the coop at night, and gladly make that their home. Some boiled potatoes mixed with chickens' dough, I have found many times more profitable than all meal. I have many times parted the feath- ers and cut a slit in the crop of a sickly chicken and taken out bad substances, once a hard, black bag, sewed it up again and the chicken would do well, and when picked no trace of stitches could be discovered. To fatten hens or chickens, they should be shut in a dry pen with a good perch, and fed with new-made corn-meal dough, rather moist, twice per day. After eating the dough, corn should be added, and other grain for change. To add potatoes to the dough for change is beneficial, as they tire of one kind. Some sweeten with molas- ses, but I never found any profit by it, WILMINGTON FARMER. 315 Nine days is quite long enough to keep them shut up before killing. No water should be used as drink. Where milk is not more than three cents per quart, you will find your account in wetting the dough with new milk every alter- nate day. The more variations of wholesome food for fattening chickens the better. In preparing for market, to save tearing the skin, begin to pick as soon as killed, before motion wholly ceases. It is well known that running fowls lay more eggs in summer than in win- ter. This I consider owing partly to a lack of meat or meaty substances, which in summer they can help thern- selves to, in shape of grasshoppers, crickets, bugs, &c. Now, if this lack be supplied by meat orts, from the ta- ble or otherwise, and they have a warm house to perch in, and burnt bone or lime constantly by them, with fair wa- ter for drink, with some kind of grain, either corn, oats, barley, rye, wheat, or buckwheat, we may expect, when they have rested through the month of De- cember, they will give us very near as many eggs in winter as in summer. In 316 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : severe cold weather, carry out hot wa- ter for them, they will pay back for the delicacy in eggs. A box of ashes to roll in should not be omitted. I have found it difficult to keep lice out of a hen-house that had been long used for that purpose ; but found I could save the chickens by moving the hen and eggs as soon as she wants to set, to some other good place and make a nice nest of straw or meadow hay, either of which are preferable to Eng- lish hay. Lice will accumulate if she sits in the house, and annoy her so that she often leaves her eggs ; should she hatch them they would be likely to die of lice. For this reason coops are re- commended as soon as they hatch. We should be as careful to keep our chick- ens out of the hen-pen as to keep our children out of bad company. A shal- low, wooden trough is good for the little ones to drink out of in summer. From my limited experience in dif- ferent breeds, I have found the Black Spanish the best layers, and Yellow Pennsylvanias' the best for market and table purposes. Some may object to moving a hen WILMINGTON FARMER. 317 lest being disturbed she refuse to set. But if it be done on the first evening, taking her up carefully to avoid rump- ling her feathers, and holding her gen- tly on her eggs till she recognizes them, there will be no difficulty in her being satisfied with her new home. Those who keep their hens shut up on account of the depredations they commit on the garden, or other places, would do well to let them out every afternoon at five o'clock, as they will not then be inclined to scratch on ac- count of their desire to catch insects. To keep them shut up in the forenoon will secure their eggs, as they usually lay before noon. Since penning the above I have re- ceived from Henry Sheldon, the fol- lowing safe and tested remedy for lice : One table-spoonful of sulphur to one dozen fowls, mixed with their dough. Repeat the dose on three alternate days. Practice this every two months and your fowls will be healthy, and no lice will trouble them." 31 8 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : CURE FOR HORN AIL, &c. Make a bag long enough to reach from one horn to the other, and wide enough to reach round the horn, with a string at every corner. Fill it with soft soap and salt mixed, and tie it around the horns. When the bag is in its proper place it will lay partly for- ward and partly back of the top of the head. You need not stop to ascertain whether the disease be horn-ail or not; if your cattle are dumpish or unhealthy put it on and it will generally bring them to appetite, and surely will do no harm. I have frequently tried it, and always w T ith good effect. I once owned an ox that I kept several years, and some years had to apply it two or three times. I always let it remain until I thought the cure was effected. I have noticed the first symptoms of this dis- ease to be an inclination to hold the head down and a desire to put the nose against something. I cannot say which has the most salutary effect, the medi- cine penetrating through the skin, or melting and running down to be licked WILMINGTON FARMER. 319 off the nose and thus taken into the stomach. It matters not which makes the cure, but in my opinion both act together. I consider it a very good preventative if applied to a healthy creature. If you wish your cows to do well at the time of coming in, give them a mess of oats or rye meal every day, awhile beforehand. Creatures sometimes swell up. I have had oxen that were troubled in this way. One ox that was particular- ly addicted to it, was so swollen at one time, that a straight stick laying on him would not touch his back. My remedy is Half a teacup full of ground mus- tard, half a pint of molasses, half a pint hog's lard and a little water, about milk-warm, will stir red together, put in a glass bottle and turn down the throat. Everything given to cattle as a medicine should bo milk-warm. Ca- ses of obstructions sometimes occur when injections become necessary to save life. I have had one of this kind used with good success : Take half a pint of lard, two table-spoonfuls ground mustard, and as much gunpowder, warm 320 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : and mix well, and add two quarts warm water. If the udder of a cow be swollen or inflamed at time of coming in, put a table-spoonful of saleratus in a quart of warm water, and bathe it therewith. It works to a charm. For scratches in horses, bathe in blubber oil every alternate day, till a cure is effected. PLOUGHS AND PLOUGHING. In my humble opinion there has been no radical improvement in ploughs for the last thirty years. Far be it from me to discourage improvements, but al- though I see alterations they do not ap- pear to be beneficial. Between the year 1800 and 1830, there were great improvements in ploughs. . The best plough that I ever used was built by Dea. Benj. Foster, of this town, in the year 1816. This plough was a perfect machine in every respect. If it laid on the wing when you started the team, the first motion would cause it to come up square on its bottom. In common WILMINGTON FARMER. 321 grass ground it would turn a furrow sixteen inches wide and lay it over so neatly that if a man could see neither centre nor outside, it would trouble him to tell which way the furrows were turned. Where there were neither roots nor stones, it would run the whole length of the furrow without holding. Put it into an old corn field, and walk beside your team, and it would run from side to side, splitting the hills without your touching it, as well as any plough could possibly do it by being guided. Out of $300 worth of ploughs that I have owned since, this was the only one that I ever found that would do it. I do not know the weight of this plough, but wish I did. Of one thing I am certain, it was not more than half as heavy as the ploughs we now use, that will turn a furrow of the same width. The next best plough I ever owned was made by Warren, of North Dan- vers. This had a rolling cutter and run easy for the team, being a light plough in proportion to the furrow it cut. The great error plough makers have fallen into within the last thirty 322 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON ! years, is by increasing the weight so much it over balances every other im- provement. It is worth one mill for a team to carry one pound a day. Now if a plough be fifty pounds heavier than need be, there is five cents loss every day in carrying that weight, be- sides the ploughman's extra labor in throwing it round at every corner, and have thought ever since my leg was broken, that was worth ten cents extra. If plough builders would give us any improvement in ploughs, I beg them to make them lighter. Cutters to all ploughs should be so made as to cut a little under on the land side. By that means the furrows can be dropped in flat. I would not have a man plow grass land and lap the furrows, if he would do it for noth- ing. The disadvantage of tilling that year would more than over-balance the cost of plowing. Depth of plowing should vary ac- cording to circumstances. Land should never be plowed very deep the first time. Land five inches below the sur- tace on virgin soil is softer and lighter than ever afterwards. I learned this WILMINGTON FARMER. 323 when a boy, by observing when break- ing new land the oxerfs feet who trod in the furrow would settle in deeper than in an old field. If you have but little manure be sure and not plow too deep, from five to seven inches; but if manure is abun- dant you may plow from eight to nine inches with profit. SWALE LAND. There is a kind of swale land gener- ally covered with alders, which is ex- cellent for grass if rightly managed. Frequently on examination, white sand may be found within two inches of the surface. If so, never plough it. Cut the alders close to the ground and burn them in the month of August ; sow on grass seed ; spread on plenty of compost manure, a great part of which may be dirt ; use a brush-harrow un- sparingly, and next July you may ex- pect a noble crop of herd's grass and red-top, taking it for granted you sowed that kind of seed. In haying time there will most probably be some alder 324 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : sprouts that the scythe will readily take off, and the stoclf the next winter will not object to them at all, and likely they will be the last that will spring up. This land will ask for a little grass-seed about every five years, and top dressing at the same time. I have no doubt one-half the manure made from this grass will, by composting, keep the land highly dressed, giving you the privilege of selling one-half the crop. I have no doubt but that in this way your land will yield a good crop more years in succession than I have lived. This is the most profitable way of raising English grass I have ever found. EECLAIMING SWAMP LAND. The first object is to drain it. Dig a central ditch, and one on each side. At the down-stream end, dig a ditch from the side ones into the central one. After draining, the main surface will settle, the old harrock grass will die, and in about one year it will be in a fit condition to clear the wood and WILMINGTON FARMER. 325 bushes away, which should be done by cutting the roots as tkey become prom- inent. It is not profitable to do this till one year after drainage. Don't be too particular about getting all the old settlers out, but plant with potatoes without manure ; they will thrive well among the roots in close proximity to a stump, which time will loosen with each revolving year. Avoid cross dit- ches, they are troublesome in plowing. If the swamp land is good it will bear better potatoes two years without than with manure. The farmer can judge when the land wants manure, by the length of the potatoe vines. If they are six or seven feet long, there is no need of manure ; if only four feet, put some manure in the hill. In tilling this virgin soil, it will be discovered that the surface is the best. My manner of planting is to deposit the seed on the top and hoe dirt upon them. As I continue to till, I go deep- er in order to bring up new soil. I sometimes plant several years before I plough a furrow. I cannot say how long it will hold out, but I have a 326 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : piece which I planted eight years that yields a satisfactory crop. This kind of land will bear good herd's grass, &c., four years, after that wild grasses come in plentifully. Po- tatoes grow here of good quality, but grass, although very handsome, has not the sweetness of upland hay. It ought then to be ploughed, and grass seed sown again, or potatoes planted, and at every ploughing I would attempt to strike a little deeper than before. Mud from ditches, such as mention- ed above, is superb to spread on the land among young apple trees in the fall, and plow in, in the spring. RAISING CORN, POTATOES AND GRASS. These three articles are classed to- gether because the good farmer's ob- ject is, while he raises the two first to produce the third. Let us suppose an acre of ground, well adapted to all these, but has been in grass so long that it produces only from ten to fifteen hundred weight to the acre. I would WILMINGTON FARMER. 327 plough the land in August, if the soil be suitable, eight or nine inches deep. If you intend to lay it down after the first crop of corn is taken off, put on all the manure it will need for seven years, and spread on the ground. Then run a light plow lengthwise of the furrows, as deep as you can and not disturb the sod. This work should be finished in September, and the land rest through the winter. In the spring you may harrow, or cross-plough as you choose ; then mark the land in rows both ways three and a half feet apart for corn- planting four kernels to the hill is suificient. Corn should always be hoed three times and more rather than let it get weedy. The weeds should be kept down at any rate, and if this is done the plough or cultivator will do most of the work ; the hoeing labor is but light. I can testify from experience that no man can make a profit by raising weeds. Be sure and plant early corn, and if you are going to sow down, cut up the corn, stalks and all, as soon as it is fairly out of the milk. Shock it in the field, taking up as little ground as you can. Then plow, but without disturb- 328 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : ing the old sods ; they have a duty to do to the coming grass crop, where they are. When ready sow one peck of herd's grass and one bushel red-top to the acre. You will be under the necessity of leaving narrow strips where the shocks are, but these you must pre- pare and sow as soon as you can. Now if you have put fifteen cords of manure to the acre and followed these directions, you may expect from seventy to one hundred bushels of corn to the acre, and a noble lot of corn-fodder ; and an average of two tons of hay to the acre for the first four years ; one and a half tons for the next two years, and if not convenient to plough again then, you need not be afraid of its being poorer than when first ploughed for three years more. ANOTHER WAY OF RAISING CORN AND POTATOES. Let the cornhills remain till spring. Drop potatoes on to the ground directly between the hills, then throw manure on to them ; take a pair of oxen or a horse and split the hills, two furrows in a row, throwing the dirt on to the potatoes. A man should walk over the ground and re-cover if WILMINGTON FARMER. 329 necessary, or hoe off if a surplus re- mains. A few days before they show themselves above ground, drag a brush harrow crosswise over the ground; this will disturb the weeds and give the pota- toes a chance to get ahead of these dwellers on the sod. When ready to hoe, plough crosswise the furrows and then follow with the hoe. Twice tend- ing is all that is generally needed, for it is always injurious to work among them after the vines spread. In this way you will be likely to get from two to three hundred bushels to the acre. This mode I learned from a man in Connecticut, when I was teaming hops to New York. It may be thought by some a slovenly way, but my word for it, it is the cheapest, easiest and most profitable way that I ever knew potatoes raised on upland. After the crop is taken off the land will be ready to sow with grass. A DAY'S WORK. When I arose in the morning the manure was in the barn-yard, the potatoes lay in the bam uncut, and the ground lay in Indian hills just as the corn was taken from it the fall before. I commenced opera- 330 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : tions with. Daniel Eames, who loaded and teamed out all the manure, laying it in heaps ; while I with three small children, (the youngest not five years old), dropped the potatoes, laid on the manure, and covered by splitting the hills. From that day's work I realized over five hundred bushels of potatoes. I have ever been in favor of this mode of raising potatoes, no matter how hard the ground is under them. Two farmers, well known to me, and to each other, planted each a patch of corn on land much infested by witch- grass. One plowed his ground just before planting, then gathered up what grass was handy into bunches and burned it. As soon as the corn was out of the ground and would possibly admit of hoeing it was ploughed and hoed. And this process was continued every week for seven successive weeks. I have heard the owner say that when hoeing it passers-by would say, " what are you hoeing that corn for, it don't need it?" His answer, was, " I don't mean it shall this summer." In con- sequence of stirring the ground so often and keeping the grass in subjec- WILMINGTON FARMER. 331 tioii the crop came forward and matured early, and was a most beautiful crop of sound corn. The other man cleared off the witch grass after ploughing as did the former, and treated it in other respects equal till the corn was planted. The first hoeing was put off till the grass cov- ered all the surface as high as the corn, and hoed but twice in the season. He observed to me that he thought it cost him as much labor to hoe his twice as it did his neighbor to hoe his seven times, but not so much to plough it. In September it was thought that this field was about two weeks behind the other, and an early frost coming, there was not much sound corn; mostly hog-corn. If you want a good crop of corn, stir the ground often till the weeds have done coming up. A moment's reflection will show the difference in tending an acre where the weeds are ten inches high, and where they are just peeping from the ground. In some sections tending only twice is practiced ; and those who practice it generally hoe late, after the weeds are grown, and with as much labor as would 332 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : tend the same ground three times in the proper season, and secure a better crop. In this case the old maxim is verified : " A stitch in time saves nine." KAISING ROOTS. Old pasture land is preferable for nearly all kinds of roots. It should be ploughed the previous August, and will not be so subject to weeds or worms as old fields. Many times half the labor is thus saved. For rutabagas no matter how sandy the land is. The best crop I ever raised was on blowing sand. I furrowed quite deep and applied the rawest manure from the barn cellar. After it was placed in the bottom of the furrows, a light sprinkling of sand was hauled over it ; I then sowed the seed with a machine, about the last of Jnne, and realized the best crop of bagas I ever raised or ever saw. I had eighty-two barrels on one-fourth of an acre. Sold them to one man for sixty-seven cents per barrel. Rutabagas depend almost entirely on the manure. As to soil, WILMINGTON FARMER. 333 there was none there, but the heavens gave water that kept them well sprink- led and the manure well soaked. Parsnips and carrots require a good loamy soil, with old rotten manure well sprinkled and the manure well mixed with the soil. I think they grow larger and longer on ridges, than on level sur- face. FOREST TREES. To make an oak growth profitable, it should be cut once in twenty-five years. If the owner be paying inter- est money and wood turns well, he had better not let it stand over twenty-two years. For the benefit of the sprouts that come after, it should be cut some time when the days are shorter than the nights. The stumps should be cut very close to the ground for several reasons : 1st. Because you get more wood. 2d. It is much better getting over the land with sled or wagon. Last, but not least by any means, sprouts coming from a stump near the 334 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : ground, thrive much better than those starting from a stump six inches above the ground. If you cannot bend your own back, nor persuade your chopper to do so, you had better cut your trees in early fall so that the stump may dry by the sun and die on the top, and the sprouts start out near the ground. I once sold a lot of standing oak wood at auction. Aged men that were there said it was so thrifty that it was a sin to cut it. It amounted to $75 per acre. The whole growth was taken away before the first day of April. No cattle were allowed on it for four years. I would rather a man would drive hungry cattle through my mow- land, than to drive the same number through my sprout-land. Twenty-two years from the time of the auction, in looking over the lot, I made up my mind that it would fetch $50 per acre, if put up at auction. It was sold at $65 per acre. This was three and a half years ago, and there is now as fine a growth of sprouts on it as I ever saw on any land. Beckoning $75 for twenty-five and WILMINGTON FARMER. 335 a half years, at six per cent., compound interest, amounts to 340.45 ; and $65 for three and a half years, at same rate, amounts to $79.25 ; making a total of $419.70 per acre. Drawing conclu- sions from a lot that stood near by, and larger than mine at the time of the first auction, mine would at this time be worth not more than $125 per acre had the first growth stood. I would particularly say here, that sprouts com- ing from a young growth are worth more in twenty years than those com- ing from an old growth are in forty. A lot of wood is now standing with- in my knowledge, that I recollect a man offered $200 per acre for the top in 1812. I have often passed that lot and never noticed a tree cut from it from that day to this. Had this offer been taken and the money put at com- pound interest at this time, it would amount to the amazing sum of $3817 per acre, and another growth would have sprung up fifty years old, proba- bly worth $83 per acre, swelling the sum to $3,900 per acre. Last week I looked over the same lot, and cannot call it worth more than 336 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : $300 per acre, showing a dead loss of $3,600 per acre. I have been told that there are ten acres in the lot, and if so there is $36,000 loss to the owner by not turning his property. Young men, don't be alarmed at this statement ; figures do not lie. When cutting off an oak lot, if you wish to clear the land for pasturing, let the brush lay on the ground until July, then burn it as it lays. If any sprouts or bushes remain after the fire, cut them all; rake everything into piles and burn them. Sow one bushel of rye to the acre, one peck of herd's grass seed, one bushel red top, and a few pounds of white clover. Harrow in well, and be sure that this operation is performed by the first of August. Winter rye should be on the ground nearly one year, I know from experi- ence, and the grass will do much bet- ter. By this method you may expect a good crop of grain, and the straw is no small item, selling for about three- fourths the price of English hay, which has been the case for several years. If the land is strong, you will proba- bly choose to mow two or three years WILMINGTON FARMER. 337 before pasturing it. This I like, be- cause the scythe will cut off the young sprouts at the very time they ought to be cut. Whenever a pine lot is cut off, and another growth is desired, be sure to have some of the largest trees on the highest ground to seed the land. A pine growth will follow a pine growth quicker if you burn the boughs and sow rye first, without grass. The seed of the pitch-pine matures the first year ; white-pine seed does not till the second this I am certain of, and if a man should tell me that it did not till the third, I would not dispute him. An abundance of them start but few come to maturity. To save pine seed pick the cones from the tree immediately after the first hard frost, put them in a cask and set them under cover. The seed is about as big as an apple seed, each having two wings. And if the cones remain on the tree, as fast as they open the wind will waft them away. A growth of pitch-pine should be cut off between twenty-five and thirty years. White-pine will make beauti- 338 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : ful timber in about fifty years. The value of white-pine timber is increased by cutting at the last of August or the first of September, and pealing the bark off. Then no worm will ever touch it. If I were building a house, I would not take the gift of timber cut in June ; it will powder post, depend upon it. It sometimes occurs that land, where you would like to have pines come in, is swarded over with grass so as to pre- vent the seed from germinating. This can be remedied by going over it with a plough, and turning it a little to the left a narrow strip may be cut out that will answer all purposes. A man owning several acres of pine wood-land, in anticipation of cutting off a piece at a time would do well to run a plough wherever he expects to need a partition fence, and the seed will come in rapidly. Should nature leave gaps in her sowing, the defect may be easily remedied by small pines. A reliable friend who owned several hundred acres pine land assured me he had seven miles of this fence, what he called " living pine." He said it cost WILMINGTON FARMER. 339 him but little pains and care, and he would not exchange it for the hest rail fence, or pine plain, that could be found. KING TREE. At one time I bought a quantity of standing wood on Tay's East Mountain, the top of which is crowned with a bason of water, never d r y ? of Loammi Baldwin, Esq., with a specified time, to clear it off. At the time of cutting and clearing he was absent in one of the Carolinas, engi- neering a dry dock. Knowing the Baldwins to be men of curious mind, very fond of landmarks, I thought, while lying in bed, that if Mr. Bald- win were at home he would redeem a prominent white-pine tree which stood on the brow of the hill. I came to the conclusion that the tree should not be cut till he returned. The first time I saw him, he said, " Sheldon, I have been past the mountain lot and noticed one tree standing there ; why didn't you take that away? In every other particular you have cleared the lot ac- cording to agreement." I told him the fact, that in my night-musings I had thought he might value that tree stand- 340 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : ing, more than its real worth in dollars and cents. "How much is that tree worth?" said he. " Five dollars," I replied. Whereupon he took from his pocket $25 and gave it to me, saying, " That is to pay you for thinking for me when I don't think for myself. Last winter, when at the South, I awoke one night and thought of that King tree. I wish- ed that I had reserved it, and would gladly have given twice its value, but never expected to see it again. Now I would not take a hundred dollars for it, not that it will be worth that in cash, but because it will afford me pleasure in riding over the neighboring towns, to see that landmark and recall the pleasant thoughts associated with it." No man can calculate the cords of wood that will grow from the seed of that tree, standing as it does on an ele- vation where the wind fans it from all directions. I would here intimate to the young, never to be in haste to fell a tree that you have reason to believe another per- son would take comfort in having stand. WILMINGTON FARMER. 341 When once down it cannot be replaced again. I have known lasting ani- mosities created between families and friends by the simple but significant fact of cutting a favorite tree. Sure I am there is not a prominent tree in the country but that some one would not like to see it fall. On the day that I was seventy years of age, I set an elm tree, and the day that I was seventy-one I set fifteen, all of which are alive and doing well. I make it a rule, not to be broken, to set one or more trees on every birth-day, which occurs at the very best season to transplant trees. Walnut trees are the most difficult to transplant and make live, by reason of the tap-root running down like a parsnip. If you can select one grow- ing on a ledge where there is no length of tap-root, it can be transplanted with- out trouble, but be sure and place the same side to the South that stood there in its natural state. White-pine trees can be safely trans- planted the first days hi June. My friend, Dea. Levi Parker, assured me that he set one hundred some years 342 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON ! since, and only three died ; ninety-seven are thriving. APPLE TREES. Nurseries should be planted on high land, free from stone. In the fall is the best time for planting them. I like to have the rows so far apart as to have a row of roots grow between them. The land should not be very highly manured ; if it is, the trees will not acquire as many roots as they need after transplanting. If they grow on land free from stone they can be taken up much easier, and without bruising the roots so badly. As soon as the trees are big enough, bud them in the month of August. After one year's growth from the bud, the old stock should be cut off in the follow- ing spring. Two years after budding, either fall or spring, is the right time to transplant the tree. Three years will answer, but I had rather have it one year than four. Before you take up the tree, tie a string to a limb that projects toward WILMINGTON FARMER. the South, and he sure you set it in the same direction in transplanting. Many a tree has heen nearly ruined by having its North side exposed to the hot rays of the sun in July. I had rather have five trees set as they grew in the nursery, than six turned round. If you set an orchard, be sure that your land is suitable for it. Hilly land with loamy surface and clayish-gravel sub-soil is best. Land where walnut grows is sure to favor apple trees, and you need not be at all afraid to set them where barberries grow. In early pruning, be sure to leave branches where you want them ; if one is nothing but a bud it will be a branch if the others are cut away. When I first commenced rearing an orchard, I was advised to leave three branches only to form the tree. Experience has taught me that five is much better, for with only three branches the wind has often an opportunity to strike sidewise of a branch, sometimes to the injury of the tree. A forked tree you had better cut ott and graft anew or throw away, as it is not worth raising. The wind will split 344 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : it and cause you to lose your labor. I am not fond of setting trees so far apart as many farmers are. Thirty feet is quite enough. I would rather have them only twenty-five than to have them thirty-five. Wind has more pow- er where trees are set a long distance apart, than where nearer together. The limbs of trees in an orchard will gen- erally meet even where the trees are set forty feet apart; and a bushel of apples on a limb twenty feet from the trunk of the tree will strain it more than the same number would at fifteen feet. When the orchard is first set, it is a good thing to mulch them with straw or poor meadow hay, laying on some stones to keep it from blowing away. This is quite indispensable if the season be dry. TRIMMING TREES. The very best time to trim a tree is the day the blos- soms begin to open. But this lasts only a few days, and in a busy season, and if put off until it is a little too late will prove an injury, therefore I cannot recommend it. The best time that I can recommend is near the time when the sun crosses the line, either in March WILMINGTON FARMER. 345 or September. Sometimes the Spring is so very forward there is danger of trimming in the last days of March. In proof of this let me say, that I have one orchard which I have allowed to be trimmed in the month of March only, and must say I know of no health- ier trees in the County of Middlesex. In cutting off the limb, you should be careful not to cut the seam that joins the limb to the tree, as this course will make a larger wound and will require a longer time to heal. I would advise every young farmer to select a tree and cut off a limb every month in the year, and thus he will find by experiment how the sap works and which time is best. This should be noted in a book to avoid mistake. Young trees should be washed with a corn broom, with strong soap suds and ashes, to prevent the first start of moss, as soon as the frost is out of the ground in the Spring, and again in October. This will prevent lice and help to keep out borers. They should be carefully looked over before the leaves start, to take off every caterpil- lar's egg. 346 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : After an orchard is set, I like to plant corn. Care should be taken to row both ways, and every tree take the place of a hill that they may not ob- struct ploughing. In a few years I like to plant squashes between them. Should you choose to lay down to grass, do not let it remain so more than three years lest the trees become stunted. Black, swamp mud, spread on an orchard in the Fall and ploughed in and mixed with the soil in the spring, is excellent for the trees. In gathering apples, place the thumb against the stem so as to break it at the first joint. A good faithful boy is bet- ter to pick apples than a man. The lighter he is the better, if he under- stands his business. Shoes or boots with nails in the heels, should not be used. Apples should be gathered be- fore the ground freezes at night ; pack- ed in a cask ; set in a cool place, and kept from air as much as possible. The most profitable apple to raise in large quantities, is the Baldwin. They are a sure bearer once in two years, and always sell for ready cash at mar- ket price. They ripen so that all can WILMINGTON FARMER. 347 De gathered at once, and as soon as they are ready for market, the market is generally ready for them; and the farmer will receive more net profit from a Baldwin tree than from any other, compared with the expense. The origin of the Baldwin apple has been mnch disputed. Many are will- ing to claim it, but from authentic sour- ces, I have gained the information that it was a wild tree taken from the woods in the South part of Wilmington, on what is called Wood-hill, by William Butters, and transplanted and set about fourteen rods from his back door. From that tree Colonel Loammi Baldwin cut scions for his own orchard, from which originated the name. On that point there was so much dispute, I felt an interest in knowing, if possible, where it was first produced. The first evi- dence was gained from James Butters, who lived on Wood-hill. He informed me that the tree was taken from land of his, and frequently urged me to go and see the hole where it was taken out of ; and the last time I well remem- ber his words, " You will be sorry if you don't." His words proved true. 348 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON ! I once heard that the tree was claim- ed in North Tewksbury, and made a journey up there to see what proof could be afforded of it. I was show- ed a tree they called a Baldwin, but it bore little resemblance to the Baldwin trees of Wilmington. I know of no better way to describe it, than by call- ing it a two-story tree. I did not see any of the fruit, nor could I find a man in the neighborhood that was able to give any information as to where the tree came from. Simeon Butters, son of James before mentioned, showed me, as near as he could recollect, where the tree stood when it bore fruit ; and at another time Walter Butters showed me the same, and they did not vary four feet. Likewise the widow of Loammi Butters identified the same spot. I asked all three of the last mentioned persons what became of that tree. The first said, " The tree was thrifty when I went to live in Lynn eight years ago, but when I came back I never noticed it afterward." The second could tell nothing about it. I then repaired to the woman and asked her, " Can you tell me what became WILMINGTON FARMER. 349 of that tree r' "I guess I can," she replied. " The day that I was married there came up a shower just before twelve o'clock, and lightning tore that tree all to pieces." The Red Astrican grows very hand- some and thrifty ; the apple is first ripe about the tenth of August, and is con- tinually ripening for five weeks. They require picking as often as once in two days. This apple is not suitable for eating but for about four days, conse- quently it must be carried to market often. At the present time they bring a good price on account of the scarcity. The Gravenstein is an excellent ap- ple for eating ; everybody likes the fla- vor of it. It is scarce in market and commands a high price. The Hubbardston-Nonesuch is a very good apple ; some prefer it to the Bald- win, but it will not keep as long. The Blue Pearmain grows large, but is not a good winter apple, and is not so profitable to raise as the Baldwin. The Maiden's Blush is a great bear- er and grows fair. It is a first rate pie apple. . The Early Sweetbow grows lair and 350 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON t large, and is a first rate eating apple. The Orange Sweet grows in clusters of four and six, touching each other. The tree is rather small in size, with upright branches, and bears largely. They ripen the last of August. The Striped Sweet is first rate for eating or baking, and sell high. The Green Win tei -Sweet is an ex- cellent bearer ; very fair ; small core ; good for use all winter ; keep till June, and the worms never trouble them. Wine apple ; tree handsome ; thrifty grower ; upright branches ; fruit small in size, but fair, and red from skin to core. Iron apple ; small in size ; very hard ; never fit to eat raw ; good for pies and sauce when one year old, and will keep till September. The best time to cut scions is the day you want to set them. But this is not always convenient; in that case they should be buried in a box of loam. The first new moon in May is the best time for grafting. If you hire grafting done, be sure to employ an honest man. I once employed men who set by the scion, and when I was absent they were WILMINGTON FARMER. 351 seen to cut scions from the same tree and set them. When the trees bore . fruit, the truth was told. CRANBERRIES. Incidental experience has shown me that cranberries can be cultivated to good advantage. In several places where sand-hills have been removed for the purpose of making embank- ments on railroads, the sand was taken down as low as could be for water, and afterwards freshets had washed cran- berries on from the meadows above. In three years they begun to bear, and I know that, one year, the crop was worth $100 per acre on the vines. If one wishes to cultivate cranberries, the surest way would be to select a spot on a brook that never fails, and have it graded as level as a salt marsh. Then make a dam above and one below to let on water and take it off at pleasure. This process will sometimes be needed in a cold night in June, and a dry time in July or August to soak the ground and give growth to the berry and des- 352 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: troy worms, and in cold nights in Sep- tember to keep off frost, that they may ripen on the vines. In these circum- stances, I think a man may be as snre of a crop of cranberries as of a crop of corn. A brook privilege being se- cured, the best location is where a sandy plain joins a meadow, and in lowering one you raise the other. Sand is the best manure for Cranberries. The vines should be covered with two feet of water through the winter sea- son to prevent the iT5e from adhering to the ground and taking it up. CONCLUSION. Before I bring this volume to a close let me say a word or two upon a sub- ject which has for many years engaged my attention. I do not intend to bore my readers with anything lengthy ; I merely wish to give them my opinions upon a subject which interests us all. The motives which lead me to do this, need not necessarily be given, therefore I will proceed. WILMINGTON FARMER. 353 The doctrine of "total depravity" has been preached and expatiated upon for generations and generations, when it had nothing, to my mind, for a foun- dation. I cannot so far forget my ob- ligations to God as to suppose for a moment that he is the author of a to- tally depraved being. Men may sm, and to human eyes appear totally de- praved, but to the all-seeing eye of God I cannot think they so appear. I be- lieve God to be the creator and father of all mankind ; I believe him to be holy, just, wise and pure, perfect m everything ; I believe he created man after his own image and in his own likeness ; but I cannot believe that God has created a world full of children without one particle of goodness in any of them. If you were digging for gold and had taken a handful of earth, expecting by washing it to find gold, but which did not contain any,- you might wash it all away and you would find no gold. Now if man is totally depraved there can be nothing in him worth saving. This I do not, I cannot, I will not believe. We are God's re- bellious children, yet he knows how to 354 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : separate the gold from the dross. What proportion of us will come forth as gold, God only knows. Do right and trust the event. Forget not that Christ said, " By their works ye shall know them." In the Bible we read, " And the books were opened ; and another book was opened, which is the book of life ; and the dead were judged out of those things that were written in the books, according to their works." Here, cer- tainly, we find great encouragement to live a good, moral life. How shall we do this ? My friends, young and old, if you have not already done it, adopt the rule to-day, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Follow this rule, and you will soon love God, and he will be sure to love you. It may not make you rich, but my word for it, it will make you happy. Some may say, that there are none that do as they would be done by, but this I will not admit. I have been acquainted with mankind more than seventy years, and have come to this conclusion, that the best of men do in their daily walk live near to God, and that there are ^grades all the way down until the worst WILMINGTON FARMER. 355 come so near the devil that it is hard to discriminate between them. I have been, for a certain reason, watching the conduct of men for more than thir- ty years in order to find as many as I could that lived up to this rule, and I feel it my duty to set before my readers the names of some of them, that others may be encouraged to do likewise. Accordingly I publish a list of the names of men who I defy mankind to prove by truth-telling witnesses, before a righteous jury, that they ever used another man worse than they would, be willing to be used in exchange of con- ditions : Ephraim Hastings, died at Nashua, N. H. ; Lambert Hastings, St. Johns- bury, Vt. ; Cyrus Skinner, Lyrne, N. H. ; Dexter Fay, Southborough, Amos Hill, Jr., Belmont, John Buckman, Stoneham, Charles Goddard, Win- chester, Isaac Flint, North Reading, Ebenezer D. Batchelder, North Read- ing, Jonathan Batchelder, North Read- ing, Marshall Symmes, Winchester, Charles S. Storrow, Lawrence, Eben King, Eben Upton, South Danvers, Edward Parker, Reading, Capt. David 356 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : Graves, North Reading, Patrick T. Jackson, Boston, Dea. Henry Putnam, Joseph Batchelder, John Batchelder, of North Reading, Col. Benj. Jenkins, Capt. Benj. Jenkins, Samuel Jenkins, Capt. Stephen Abbott, of Andover, Dea. John Symmes, Winchester. The thirteen last named persons are dead. All these men I have known for many years, and think there are thousands of other good men of my acquantance whom I have not proved through pros- perity and adversity. Those that I have named I have proved, and can bear testimony that they are not depraved men. What a blessed world this would be to live in, if every one would do as he would be done by. Now reader, do not fall into the error of believing that you cannot do right because others do not. If a right state of feeling is ever brought about, it will be by each and every one minding his own busi- ness. I hope that you and I shall try it, that others may follow. WILMINGTON FARMER. 357 LECTURE. In the month of February, 1859, I was invited by the officers of the " Farmer's Club," of North Reading, to address them on the subject of Farming. I accepted, and delivered the following Address, with which I close this volume, before the Club, in the Town Hall, at that place. MR. PRESIDENT, GENTLEMEN AND LA- DIES : I have no apology to offer, for appearing before you this evening. I will only say, that any common man ought to feel proud of the privilege of standing before the combined wisdom and intelligence of the Farmers of North Reading, and addressing them on a subject of more importance to the world than all others. When I say farmers, I mean fathers, mothers, sons and daughters ; for as 358 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : no house can stand when divided against itself, so no man can farm suc- cessfully if his family are not content with that occupation. The few re- marks that I shall make this evening, are not to tell you how to farm, but 1st. To prove to you that farming, with equal system, is the most profita- ble occupation pursued within the Uni- ted States. 2d It is the most independent. 3d It is the most healthy, 4th It is the most honorable. First Farming, with equal system, is the most profitable occupation within the United States. This you may think, is a bold declaration, but if you will have patience/ 1 will give you the proofs. If the country merchant fails in his business, he generally owes some of the most fore-handed farmers in his neighborhood, money that he borrow- ed to establish him in his business. If the butcher fails, he owes one farmer for a pair of fat oxen, another for a cow, and still another for a hog. So, if the tanner fails, he is indebted to one farmer for a load of bark, another for WILMINGTON FARMER. 359 hides, and a third for calf-skins. If the carpenter fails, he is indebted to one farmer for timber and a second for boards. If the shoe manufacturer fails, he owes one farmer for a load of wood, another for a load of hay, and almost every farmer's daughter in the parish for binding shoes. Yet with all these losses, the farmer still lives; and why ? because there is profit in his occupa- tion. Now, gentlemen, show me a man sixty years of age, of good health, good habits, and good common sense, who has never followed any business but that of farming, and I will show you a man that the world has never lost one cent by. Mr. President, I have already stated that unless the farmer has the hearty co-operation of his family he cannot succeed in his business. These ladies may inquire how can we increase the profits of farming'? To this inquiry, I would answer, Ethan Allen understood how you could do this. When taken a prisoner to England, the nobility there, finding that he was a man of good sense and information, had him taken 360 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : into the presence of the ladies that they might question him concerning the habits of the Americans. Among the many questions asked him was this: "What time do the ladies of America walk out for pleasure ?" His answer was, "Anytime when the hens, turkeys, geese or ducks need feeding." " Do the ladies of America stoop to feeding poultry?" they inquired. He answered, " The ladies of America know how to turn every duty into a pleasure." This was the case with the ladies at the time of the Revolution, and I know from my own observation that there are some of the same stamp yet. A few years ago I noticed in the pa- pers an advertisement of a large farm, with a heavy growth of wood and tim- ber on it, for sale in New Hampshire. Thinking that it might be bought at a bargain, I went to look at it. A young lady answered my knock at the door, and informed me that her father was absent with the team and would not return until evening, " but," said she, " if you will state your business, per- haps I can assist you." On learning WILMINGTON FARMER. 361 that I wished to go over the farm, tell- ing me to wait one moment, she went into the house, but soon returned, dressed in hat, frock, and boots, and we started on our walk. After point- ing out three of the boundaries of the farm, she told me where I could easily find the fourth, " but," said she, " I must now go, and tie up the cattle." After walking about the farm as long as I wished, I met her at the barn. She had just finished tying up the cat- tle, and invited me to look at the corn. This I did, and my guide informed me that it had all been measured in the ear, and estimated to be four hundred bushels shelled corn, and that she and her father planted it all, she dropping and her father covering. From the corn barn we proceeded to the house, where it was arranged that I should stop over night to see the owner of the farm. Our heroine now laid aside her farm dress, appearing as neatly dressed as any young lady could wish to be, and assisted her mother in preparing supper. As soon as the team was .heard approaching, she again put on her frock, and lighting a lantern, went 362 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : to the barn and helped her father put up the team. This done, we all eat supper. After clearing away the tea- things, my young friend again pre- pared to go out, and in answer to her father's inquiry where she was going, replied, " to feed the oxen." " No, no," said he, " I'll go." " No, father," she instantly replied, " you are tired, you sit still and rest, and let me go," and go she did, after which she seated herself at her piano and entertained us for a while with music. Mr. President, if I could mention a thousand young women like this in- stead of one, which I sincerely wish I could, I presume we should not hear of one of them being troubled with dys- pepsia. But there is still another profit in farming, that cannot be estimated by dollars and cents. It is better calcu- lated to improve the mind and morals of man than any other occupation. The reflecting farmer must see that he is a co-worker with God and Nature. While he is cultivating his crops, and they are growing in the fields, he can- not help observing this. When the WILMINGTON FARMER. 363 grass is grown, and man cuts it, nature cures it, and God sustains them both. Second. Farming is the most inde- pendent occupation. No other occu- pation can live without it. No ship can be laden without the aid of the farmer. No cultivated food can be raised for man or beast, without his labor. Why, ladies, the very silks you wear were once the habitation of worms, those worms fed on mulberry leaves, and the mulberry trees raised by the farmer. Not one particle of food or raiment can be produced with- out his aid. It has been said by many that the Irish have performed the labor of building our railroads. But, Mr. Pres- ident, allow me to tell you that more than one-half the money the Irish have received for labor on railroads has been spent for their living, while doing that very work, and this living, was pro- duced by the farmer. This shows us that the farmer has not been backward in doing his share toward building all the railroads in the United States. And who is it, I ask, that now furnish- es these railroads with employment? 364 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : Who produces the horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, wheat, rye, barley, oats, potatoes, apples, cotton, wool, and almost every article that can be mentioned, that are daily transported on our railroads ? It is the farmer. If the farmer should cease to produce cotton, wool, flax and hemp, what would become of our fac- tories ? If a new country is to be settled, who is the pioneer? Is it the minis- ter? No, for he would starve while studying his first sermon. Is it the doc- tor? No, for there is no one there with whom he could exchange his medicine for a dinner. Is it the law- yer? No, for he would perish amid his law-books. Who, then, is it? It is the farmer, who feeds all, and gives employment to all. Farmers have it in their own power to render them- selves happier and more independent than they now are. In order to do this, they must raise their standard to its proper place. The farmers of Massachusetts can outvote all other ocupations by a large majority. They possess the power toelect any man, from any occupation, to any office they please. WILMINGTON FARMER. 365 I would not ask them to be domineer- ing over any other class of people. I am willing that all other classes shall have their full share of representation in every department of government. But have the farmers, in times past, looked out to have their share 1 Have we not sent to General Court and to Congress, too many professional men ? Has not this led ministers, doctors and lawyers to look down upon the farmer, when in reality, if the farmer would but assert his rights, they would all be obliged to look up to him. I could say much more, under this head, but enough has already been said, I think, to prove that the farmer furn- ishes all other classes with food and employment. Mr. President, when I think of the farmer's position, and compare it with all others, it reminds me of a story I heard when a boy. Three men, travelling together in a wild country, became very thirsty, but travelled a long time without finding any water. At length, however, they came to a river, the banks of which were composed of a perpendicular ledge of stone. Not seeing any way of de- 366 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : scent, they travelled on until they dis- covered a tree growing from a seam in the ledge, whose branches extended over the water, but were several feet above it. After a hasty consultation, they came to this conclusion. The stoutest man of the three was to climb the tree, and taking hold of a branch, hang down ; the next stoutest to hang by the feet of the first, while the third, the lightest of the whole, was to hang by the feet of the second, and fill a leather bag with water from the stream, and bring it up for them to drink. While he was filling the bag, the upper one, growing tired, says to his comrades, " you hold fast, while I let go and spit on my hands." Now. Mr. President, this shows what would be the condition of all occupa- tions, if the farmer should cease his operations. All would sink together. Third. Farming is the most healthy occupation. This fact is so well known that I need say but a few words under this head. The report of deaths in this country for past years, speaks more plainly than any words of mine can do. Yet 1 will give what I think are a WILMINGTON FARMER. 367 * few of the reasons why this is so. One is, the farmer eats the fruit of his own hands ; he knows that what- ever food he produces is pure and un- adulterated. The children of the farm- er drink the pure milk from the farm- er's cow. Another is, he follows in the fresh furrow of his plow. And how often do physicians prescribe for their patients this smell of the fresh earth. But the farmer's occupation supplies him with this. This, how- ever, only applies to the male portion. Now I will prove that it is the most healthy for females. How often we find the daughters of professional men and mechanics, who would disdain to milk a cow, skim a pan of milk, or prepare a churning of butter for market, out of health, and on consulting a physi- cian, are told that they must go on a journey to the springs, ride on horse- back, or take other out-door exercise ; while the farmer's daughter, who cheerfully assists her mother in the kitchen, the dairy, and tending the- poultry, never knows the need of such exercise. Mr. President, allow me to relate ar* 368 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON : anecdote, which may be of service to some of the rising generation. It will show the young ladies how to reject one man and accept another. The heroine of this anecdote was a respect- able farmer's daughter. A young man of her acquaintance called on her one evening, and made proposals of mar- riage. She told him that she wished until the next evening to decide. The following afternoon she told her father that she wanted the horse to go about two miles. At the appointed time the horse was saddled, and she mounted and rode off. On arriving at the place where she intended to stop, she saw that the great barn-doors were open, and the old gentleman was pitching off a load of hay which stood on the barn floor. She rode up and inquired of him, " where is your son Samuel V " He is up on the mow, taking away the hay," was his answer. " I want to speak with him," said she. Sam then jumped from the mow on to the load of hay, by the side of his father. " You need not come any further," said she, "I can say what I wish here; I have nothing private." She then told "WILMINGTON FARMER. 369 him that she had received proposals of marriage from a certain young man. " But," she said, " I have never seen any one 1 love as I do you, and the last time we stood side by side and read in the old school-house, I made up my mind that I never would give my heart and hand to any one until I knew you would not accept them. Now," said she, " I want to know whether you will marry me or not." The old gentleman, unable to keep silent any longer, called out, " take her Sam, take her, she'll make you a good one." The young people exchanged a few words, when the old farmer, in joy cried out, " its a bargain, and I'm a happy witness. God bless you, my children." The next evening, when the young man came for his answer, she told him his offer was an honora- able one, and she thanked him for it ; that she should always respect him, and speak well of him to her female acquaintances ; but duty required her to give a negative answer. Now, this was a real farmers' courtship, and if there were more like it, there would be fewer unhappy marriages. 370 LIFE OF ASA G. SHELDON: Since railroads have become so com- mon and convenient, I have noticed that some young ladies spend a great deal of their time riding in the cars. Now, I know not what their business is, neither do I expect to ; but one thing I am quite sure of, they are not like this young woman, in pursuit of a farmer's son for a husband, and I have come to this conclusion, that if they would spend less of their time in this way, and more of it in assisting their mothers in that portion of farm work belonging to the female sex, they would be healthier, happier, and in the married life more contented with their husbands. But the last and most important reason why farming is healthy, per- haps, is his spending so great a pro- portion of his time at work in the open air, which gives him a good relish for his food, and strengthens his whole body. Fourth. Farming is the most hon- orable occupation. God himself is the author of it. We read in the Holy Scriptures, that " the Lord God plant- ed a garden eastward in Eden," and WILMINGTON FARMER. 371 " the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden to dress it and to keep it." Now, will any one be so impious as to say that an occupation is disrespectful that God himself is the author of? Will any mother teach her children that the first duty that God ever pointed out for man to perform was not honorable ? Shall an occupa- tion which feeds the whole world, and has, from the foundation of the world up to the present time, fed all the human race shall such an occupa- tion be called disrespectful? Not even the gospel of Jesus Christ could be preached among us without it. Is there any father, mother, son, or daughter, who would dare to stand up in this assembly and say that farming is dishonorable ? Friends, let us for a moment com- pare the employment of the farmer with that of the broker, who shaves notes in State street. We well know that a year or more past has been a busy time for this class of men. Sup- pose a broker executes his cunning faculties to their utmost ability, and shaves notes at an enormous interest. 372 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : He feels that he has added greatly to his fortune ; but when night comes, as he lays his head on his pillow, con- science asks him, What have you done to-day for the benefit of the hu- man race ? He is troubled for an an- swer, and turns over. But conscience again interrogates him Have you done anything to relieve the wants of the suffering ? Have you done any- thing toward feeding the fowls of the air, or the beasts of the fields ? Have you done anything productive of man's happiness ? Have you done anything for which the rising generation will rise up and call you blessed ] In answer to all these inquiries, con- science compels him to answer, " No," and he turns himself in bed, in hopes of going to sleep, but his dreams are troublesome. Mr. President, we here see" that for all this man's great day's work, the world is not one cent better off. Let us now turn our attention to the farmer for a moment. Suppose he applies his wisdom, skill and strength to carry on his occupation. Where the brush was growing, the last time WILMINGTON FARMER. 373' we saw the spot, to-day we see beau- tiful fields of grass and grain, growing for man and beast all for the benefit of the whole human family. The farmer, also lays his head on the pil- low at night, and in his mind reviews the labors of the day. His conscience approves every act, and says to him, " The earth rejoices in being able to produce food for man, where nothing but briars grew before. Nature smiles and man is blessed with the harvest ; God is glorified in seeing man perform the first duty he assigned him, and by his blessing sanctions the declaration, that God, Nature and Man are co- workers in producing food and happi- ness for the whole family of man. Mr. President, in conclusion, I would say, that at the beginning of farming God would not have planted a garden in Eden and put man in it, to dress and keep it, if He, in His infinite wisdom, had not foreseen that it would be a profitable, independent, healthy, honor- able and happy employment for the human race. If my hearers are not already tired, 374 LIFE OP ASA G. SHELDON : I would like to close with the follow- ing sentiment : WOMAN We honor her, because she is a free gift from God to man ; we love her, because God, in all His work of creation, never has created a being more worthy of man's love. EEEATA, In the beginning of this volume, mistakes occur in several different names, in various places. Wherever the name " Patty Tapley " occurs, it should be "Polly Tapley;" "Daniel Parker" should be "David Parker;" " Jerre Tapley" should be "Jesse Tapley," and "Patty Parker" should be " Polly Parker." - . 25832 IA, SUUmtMN HtljIUNAL LIHHAHY hAULITY A 000 677 870 8