OLIVER MADOX BROWN. OLIVER MADOX BROWN. Sketch. 18551874. BY JOHN H. INGRAM. 1 Follow out the happiest siftr^ It close*' Joith a to-mb.' EMIiU EB,CNT. LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTEK ROW, E.G. 1883. TO HIS PAEENTS THESE MEMORIALS OF OLIVER MADOX BROWN ABE INSCBIBED BY THEIR COLLECTOR. INTRODUCTION, ' ~T~ AM sure that no memoir will ever do Oliver justice,' wrote Mr. Richard Garnett to the youth's father some months ago : ' The wonderful precocity of his genius may be set forth, but the peculiar charm of his character, its sweetness and manliness, its alliance of the most daring origin- ality to the most exquisite ingenuousness, can never be adequately represented, even by those who knew him most intimately. It was some- thing unique and indescribable, and the objective and purely imaginative character of his writings renders even them very inadequate exponents of his mind and heart. I should despair of com- municating any just conception of him to one viii INTRODUCTION. who never knew him, and can only say that I should expect anything sooner than to meet with another Oliver Madox Brown/ Confronted by this opinion, and by the fact that, personally, Oliver Madox Brown was unknown to me, my attempt to compile a short biography of him will appear to savour of rash- ness. I was, however, prompted to the undertak- ing, not only by admiration for his genius, but by the circumstance that whilst every year lessened the material for a faithful record, no effort appeared to be made by any of his personal friends to produce one ; and that no fuller Memoir existed of him than the few pages pre- fixed to his Literary Remains; to which, to Mr. P. B. Marston's article on ' Oliver Madox Brown ' in Senbner's Magazine, and to an appreciative, able critique on the Literary Remains in the Examiner, I am indebted for various items of value. My researches have been so warmly and generously aided by the friends and relatives of the talented youth, and so many interesting data have been forthcoming, that I am not altogether hopeless of having obtained a sufficiency and INTRODUCTION. ix excellency of material to attract even those who, like myself, were personally unacquainted with Oliver Madox Brown. Indeed, whatever interest appertains to this monograph is due to the kind assistance afforded me by those who knew and loved the youthful author : I am little more than the compiler and editor of their communications. To Mr. Ford Madox Brown my warmest thanks are due for kind permission to make full use of his son's correspondence and poems (published and unpub- lished), as also for information and corrections in matters of fact, and, above all, for the use of the illustrations to this volume ; to Mrs. William M. Rossetti I am under deep obligation for valuable assistance ; to Mr. William M. Rossetti I am much beholden for the use of Dante Rossetti's correspondence with Oliver, and to Mr. Philip B. Marston I am greatly indebted for his kindness in placing at my disposal some most interesting correspondence with his deceased friend, and for various items of information. My thanks are also tendered to Mrs. Robertson for the use of the letters addressed by Oliver to x INTRODUCTION. her father, the late Mr. W. Smith Williams, and to Mr. W. Theodore Watts, Mr. John Payne, Dr. T. Gordon Hake, Miss Mathilde Blind, Mr. E. E. Hughes, Mons'eur Y. Barthe, and all others who have generously aided my work by the presentation of original poems ; the use of correspondence; personal information; and similar assistance. JOHN H. INGRAM. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE L CHILDHOOD , 1 II. DAWNINGS OF GENIUS - 21 III. THE BLACK SWAN - 45 IV. GABRIEL DENVER - - 67 V. FRIENDSHIP - 93 VI. LIFE IN LONDON AND LECHLADE - 123 VII. THE DWALE BLUTH - 167 vin. DEATH'S FINAL CONQUEST - - - 217 CHILDHOOD. OLIVEE MADOX BEOWK BOKN 1855. DIED 1874. Upon the landscape of his coming life A youth high-gifted gazed, and found it fair : The height of work, the floods of praise, were there. What friendships, what desires, what love, what wife ? All things to come. The fanned springtide was rife With imminent solstice ; and the ardent air Had summer sweets and autumn fires to bear ; Heart's ease full-pulsed with perfect strength for strife. A mist has risen : we see the youth no more : Does he see on and strive on ? And may we Late-tottering world worn hence, find his to be The young strong hand which helps us up that shore ? Or, echoing the No More with Nevermore, Must Night be ours and his ? We hope : and he ? DANTE GABRIEL EOSSETTI. CHAPTER I. CHILDHOOD. A DVOCATES of the theory that genius is -j~ hereditary are justified in referring to the ancestry of Oliver Madox Brown. His great-grandfather, founder of the ' Brunonian system,' was scarcely more celebrated in later life for his medical skill than in his youth he was noted for his scholastic precocity. Dr. John Brown left offspring who, if they did not rival their parent in genius, certainly up- held the family reputation for talent. One son, the editor of his father's works and the author of his biography, was Dr. William Cullen Brown, President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, and a distinguished scholar, whilst another son, Mr. Ford Brown, a Com- 12 4 OLIVER MADOX BROWN. missary in the Navy, was richly endowed with natural gifts. Mr. Ford Madox Brown, the well-known and most original artist, is son of the latter, and father of Oliver Madox Brown. Oliver was born at Finchley on the 20th of January, 1855. More fortunate in his lot than the children of genius usually are, his lines were cast in pleasant places. From his birth he was surrounded by friends and relatives capable of both fostering and comprehending any traces of talent he might exhibit, so it is not surprising to discover that his earliest manifestations of precocity were thoroughly appreciated and lovingly treasured up in the memories of those about him. When but two years of age he made his first acquaintance with death ; and the loss of a baby-brother whom his elder sister found him weeping and lamenting in the nursery, crying out in the bitterness of his own baby heart, ' Arthur ! Arthur ! shall I never see you again ?' seems to have left an indelible impres- sion upon his mind, as towards the close of his own brief career he spoke of it as the earliest recollection of his child-life. Reared in so rare a forcing -ground as was his parents' home, little Oliver speedily displayed signs of hereditary genius, and many are the significant anecdotes and remarks related by his OLIVER MADOX BROWN. AT THE AGE OF FIVE, FROM A PICTURE CALLED THE ENGLISH BOY, BY F, MADOX BROWN. ' THE ENGLISH BOY: 5 relatives in proof of his innate cleverness. For instance, it is recollected how one day, before he had completed his fourth year, he gave to a friend of the family so shrewd and critical a description of a landscape of ' Walton-on-the- Naze ' painted by his father, that the visitor declared he felt as astounded as if ' the cat had taken to speaking.' Amongst other interesting items told of his early childhood is that, whilst still in his fifth year, Oliver ' would cover the white marble mantel-shelves, and any other available spaces, with designs of hunts, battles, or subjects of that sort/ The same authority informs us that between the age of five and six the little lad stubbornly resisted being taught to read, 'yet set himself most sedulously to acquire any other knowledge that apparently did not concern him, but especially facts relating to natural history.' It was at this point of his brief career that his portrait as The English Boy was painted in oils by his father. Oliver, or ' Nolly ' as he was always termed in his own circle, is portrayed with such characteristic emblems of childhood in his hands as whipping-top and whip, but, inten- tionally or not, so earnest and deep-thoughted an expression has been given to the beautiful face, that the toys seem less appropriate as play- 6 OLIVER MADOX BROWN. things than as artistic accessories. The steady gazing eyes see something beyond the ken of conventional children, whilst the shapely nose and decided oval of the face give the countenance a definiteness of expression rarely beheld in one so young, and clearly foreshadow the future, but scarcely more set, features of the youth. Only in the delicate curves of the lips is beheld the one trait that grows less definite in after life. Under his father's careful instruction, and im- pelled by the artistic incentives by which he was environed, Oliver continued to make good pro- gress in painting, and by the age of eight had completed his first picture in water-colours. For ordinary routine study he does not appear to have exhibited much inclination, not, indeed, that any particular pressure was put upon him. At this period he was quite known in the neigh- bourhood for his extraordinary success in obtain- ing possession of small field animals, especially mice : these he usually kept in the lining of his jacket, through which they used to eat their way, to the annoyance' and despair of his mother. Even as a child he was deemed an acute physio- gnomist, and a very early instance of his shrewd- ness in this respect is remembered. When he was A ROUGH VOYAGE. 7 between seven and eight years of age his mother was needing a cook : young Oliver availed himself of an opportunity to inspect the candidates, and looked hard in the face of one of them for so long a time that at last she said to him, { Well, master, what do you think of me ?' ' You will stop here seven years/ he answered. And so she did. The child's remark evidently impressed her, for at the expiration of the first seven years she remembered it, and said to him, ' Master Nolly, you said I should stay seven years, and here I am ; what next ? 'Now you may stop another seven/ was the lad's rejoinder. And she is still with Oliver's parents, after a period of nearly thrice seven years' service. In September, 1863, Oliver had his first genuine experience of the sea. He had been staying with his mother at Tynemouth, near Newcastle- on -Tyne, and it was arranged for them to return to London by steamboat. The windows of the house where they were staying overlooked the German Ocean, and enabled the inmates to discern the ominous appearance of the weather. Mrs. Madox Brown, however, determined to undertake the journey, although implored up to the very last moment not to risk 8 OLIVER MADOX BROWN. a voyage with the child in such weather. About five o'clock in the evening the steamer crossed the bar of the Tyne, when the full fury of the storm at once broke around her ; the wind blew a hurricane, the rain poured in torrents, the thunder roared overhead, whilst as the gloom increased the lightning grew vivid and con- tinuous. Swept by spray and rain, the deck was neither comfortable nor safe, and all the pas- sengers went below save Mrs. Madox Brown and her son. Cradled in a coil of rope on the fore- castle, for a long time the little fellow remained intently absorbed in the grandeur of the scene, too interested in it to feel afraid. Succumbing at last to sea-sickness, he was persuaded by the sailors to be carried down to his berth. The next day the storm continued, and all the follow- ing night the vessel had to lie-to in the wash of the Humber, afraid to steam ahead, it even being doubtful where they were, nothing being dis- cernible in the gloom but the white- crested mountainous black waves. The engines got out of order, rockets were fired, and altogether matters seemed to have reached a dangerous pass. Eventually, however, the state of affairs improved, and after all the steamer reached the Thames in safety. Mr. Madox Brown waited vainly for many hours at St. Katherine's Wharf HIS CHIEF DISTINCTION. in a state of anxiety that may well be imagined ; but it was not until long past midnight of the third night that the weary travellers reached their home in the Highgate Koad, having dis- embarked at Tilbury, and finished their journey by train. The wind was still howling round the house, and still furiously tossing the trees in the Grove. The influence of this voyage on the imaginative temperament of such a child as Oliver would be intense and lasting, providing him in after life with valuable material for his literary productions. In due course of time, Oliver entered the junior classes of University College, and is said to have been chiefly distinguished among his schoolfellows for his idleness. One day his father called on the late Eev. Mr. Case, then head master of the junior boys, respecting his son's laziness. Mr. Case expressed regret at the fact, remarking that Oliver was as gentlemanly and nice a boy as could be desired, and always gave very clever answers. He added that the boy would be better away from the school, and if carefully looked after he believed he would grow up to distinguish himself. A characteristic scene now took place. Oliver was sent for and lectured kindly and seriously by the master for his idleness and untidiness. 10 OLIVER MADOX BROWN. 6 You cannot deny,' said Mr. Case, * that the visitors at their last inspection described you as the dirtiest boy in the school. What a disgrace that was for you.' 'Yes, sir,' replied Oliver; ' but just before the inspection some big boys had thrown me down in a puddle, so that I was splashed all over/ 1 Ah, that is just you,' was the master's rejoinder ; ' always such capital answers ; but don't you see, my boy, you would not be known for your excellent excuses, were it not for you so constantly doing things that require excusing. There, you may go now.' In the December of 1865, Mr. Madox Brown removed with his family to 37, Fitzroy Square, and in that house Oliver spent nearly the whole remainder of his short life. At this time his father took him from University College and provided instruction for him at home. As yet it was only in painting that he made any considerable pro- gress, his first production of any note after leaving school being a water-colour of Queen Margaret and the Robbers. The subject, which had been selected for him by his father as a task, was thoroughly appropriate for so juvenile an artist ; but Oliver's treatment of it, so far from being weak or puerile, was strikingly original 1 MARGARET AND THE ROBBERS: 11 and vigorous. The scene is depicted as taking place in the skirts of a forest, where, behind the thickly tangled boughs and bosky stems of great trees, the sun is setting with an angry glare. This little work, say the authors of the intro- ductory memoir to Oliver's Literary Remains, 1 which was executed almost entirely without Nature, but with great pains and study, exhibits choice colour and dramatic vitality in the heads, which, when examined minutely, for they are not half the size of a thumb-nail, are really sur- prising, compacted as they are of childish naivete and vivid characterization; the young prince's head is, indeed, as unexceptionable as anything the painter might afterwards have achieved. 1 To this analysis may be added that the mingled expressions of princely pride, boyish courage, and struggle to suppress fear, are portrayed with a power of introspection that shows something more matured than mere promise. This water- colour, which became the property of Dante Eossetti, elicited flattering notice from the acute, kind-hearted painter-poet. There are in exist- ence still earlier paintings by Oliver, notably one of Centaurs Hunting, executed before the artist was eleven years old ; but naturally they are of inferior merit to that which invoked the appre- ciative criticism of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 12 OLIVER MADOX BROWN. When about twelve years of age Oliver was taken to Southend, and whilst there beheld for the first time, as the rain swept across the smooth water of the Thames estuary, that phos- phorescent glow of the sea which he afterwards made such effective use of in his initial romance of The Black Swan : it was one of those weird phenomena of nature so calculated to deeply impress a child of his excitable temperament and vivid imagination. A typical incident is related in connection with this sea-side visit. One night Oliver greatly alarmed his mother and sister by prolonging his boyish rambles until past eleven. He returned home with his clothes torn and dirty, but with a collection of glow- worms carefully tied up in his handkerchief. These insects were speedily transferred to a box, which was placed in their captor's room ; but in the night they contrived to escape, and penetrated under the door into his mother's bedroom, much to her dismay, and to the no slight disgust of the landlady, whose proclivities towards natural history were not very strong. The next morning Oliver managed to recapture his entomological pets, and insisted upon re- taining them until the evening, when, after dark, he deposited them upon a bush growing in the front-garden, where they formed a brilliant illu- NAUTICAL ADVENTURES. 13 ruination, to the astonishment of the visitors and his own exceeding delight. In The Dwale Bluth Oliver made most effective use of this episode of his boyhood, as, indeed, he did of so many others, apparently basing all leading in- cidents of his works on the personal experiences of himself or of his friends. Another picturesque, but somewhat hazardous, adventure appertains to the same year. A friend of Mr. Madox Brown gave a picnic on the Thames, in a flat-bottomed' boat especially pre- pared for the occasion. About thirty guests, including Oliver, were invited and assembled at Southend, whence they sailed to the Nore and about the mouth of the river. The entertain- ment proved a complete success, and the whole party was very joyous. At sunset most of the company were sent home by way of Southend, but a few sailed back to Gravesend and spent the night there. The following day was passed on the water, and the night on shore at Herne Bay. The next morning all, including young Oliver, had to be on board by four o'clock in order to catch the tide ; and a wonderful sail they had back to Southend. The breeze being brisk, and, in nautical phraseology 'full in their teeth/ they had to tack about to reach the estuary of the Thames. The wind having veered round in U OLIVER MADOX BROWN. the night, hundreds of colliers that had been wind-bound for days met them on their journey, and in accordance with the rule of the sea had, each of them, to lie-to to let the barge pass ; for a barge having only a captain and one boy for crew was literally helpless in such a crisis, and but for such a rule, might have been run into at any moment. The scene, with the bright morning sun level with the horizon, was magnificent, and with the spice of danger thrown in was quite exciting. The wind continued to blow fresh, and the barge, all open as had been arranged for the picnic, heeled over somewhat more than was desirable, but eventually made Southend and anchored in safety. Oliver and his host went on shore in the small boat to procure some milk for breakfast, but in rowing back to the barge the wind caught them and carried them out to sea. During their desperate efforts to row back, one of the rowlock-pins broke, and had they not been overtaken and rescued by a large cutter sent in pursuit of them, they must have drifted out helplessly to sea. It was in such stirring incidents as these that Oliver found material out of which to fashion, in after years, the realistic scenes of nautical life with which The Black Swan abounds. Returned to Fitzroy Square, he resumed the JUVENILE ART. 15 even tenor of his way, nothing more exciting happening, so far as our researches show, than the thinking out of poems and the working out ideas on canvas. Writing to his sister on the 26th of July, 1868, he said,