UC-NRLF SB THE YOUNG \ * SEIGNEUR BY WILFRID CHATE/IUCLAIR. YOUNG SEIGNEUR; OR, NATION-MAKING. BY WILFRID CHATEAUCLAIR MONTREAL : WM. DKYSDALE & Co., PUBLISHERS, 232 ST. JAMES STUEET, 1888. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, l>y WM. DBYSDALK & Co., in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. PREFACE. The chief aim of this book is the perhaps too bold one to map out a future for the Canadian nation, which has been hitherto drifting without any plan. A lesser purpose of it is to make some of the atmosphere of French Canada understood by those who speak English. The writer hopes to have done some service to these brothers of ours in using as his hero one of those lofty characters which their circle has produced more than once. The book is not a political work. It must by no means be taken for a Grit diatribe. The writer is an old-fashioned Tory and an old- fashioned Liberal : all his parties are dead, and he is at present in a universal Opposition. The party names he uses are, therefore, in any present-day application, simply typical, and the work is not a poli- tical one in any current sense. There are those who will say his characters are untrue and impos- sible. To these he would answer : Everything here, apart from a few little inaccuracies, is studied from the life, and you can find item, man and date for the essential particulars. A charge of Metaphysics will be advanced also, by a generation not too willing to think. Mon ami, what we give you of that is not very 828 iv PREFACE. ' hard. If you cannot understand it, leave it out or study Emerson. The main subject of the book cannot be treated otherwise than with an attempt to ground it deeply. If Bigotry may not impossibly be laid to the author by some, because he has drawn two or three of the characters from unusual quarters and described them freely ; the many who know him will limit any phrases to the several characters as individuals. Lastly, the book is not a novel. It consequently escapes the awful charge of being ' a novel with a purpose.' None can feel more con- scious of its imperfections than the writer, or will regret more if it treads on any sensitive toes. WILFRID CHATEAUCLAIR. Dormilliere, March, 1888. TABLE OF CONTENTS. BOOK I. CHAPTER PAGE I. THE MANOIR OF DOKMILLIERK 1 II. THE YOUNG SEIGNEUK 4 III. HAVILAND'S IDEA 7 IV. THE MANUSCRIPT 13 V. CONFRERIE 1 . . . . , 16 VI. ALEXANDRA . . ' 20 VII. QUINET ...... 22 VIII. THE TOBOGGAN SLIDE 25 IX. ASSORTED ENTHUSIASMS 29 X. THE ENTHUSIASM OF SOCIAL PLEASURE .... 33 XI. THE CAVE 43 XII. LA MERE PATRIE 48 XIII. SOMETHING MORE OF QUINET ....... 52 XIV. THE ENTHUSIASM OF LEADERSHIP ..... 54 XV. THE LIFE OF LEADERSHIP . . . 57 BOOK II. XVI. A POLITICAL SERMON 67 XVII. ZOTIQUE'S RECEPTION 72 XVIII. THE AMERICAN FRANCE 79 XVIII. A DISAPPEARING ORDER 86 XIX. HUMAN NATURE 88 XX. CHEZ-NOUS 91 XXI. DELIVER us FROM THE EVIL ONE 100 XXII. THE MANUFACTORY OF REFLECTIONS 104 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIII. THE STATESMAN'S DREAM . XXIV. THE INSTITUTE XXV. THE CAMPAIGN PLAN . XXV. THE LOW-COUNTRY SUNRISE . XXVI. THE IDEAL STATE XXVII. JOSEPHTE .... XXVIII. GRANDMOULIN .... XXIX. CHAMILLY .... XXX. AN ORATION UNDER DIFFICULTIES XXXI. LlBERGENT .... XXXII. MISERICORDS .... XXXIII. BLEUS XXXIV. THE FREEMASON XXXV. THE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE . XXXVI. ZOTIQUE'S MISGIVINGS XXXVII. A CRIME! .... XXXVIII. THE PASSING OF THE HOST XXXIX. THE ELECTION XL. HAVILAND REFUSES . XLI. FIAT JUSTITIA BOOK III. XLII. QUINET'S CONTRIBUTION XLIII. HAVILAND'S PRINCIPLE . XLIV. DAUGHTER OF THE GODS XLV. NOT THE END PAGE; 106 109 111 120 126 134 139 145 149 151 153 156 158 162 168 170 173 175 178 180 187 191 194 199 BOOK I. THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. CHAPTER I. THE MANOIR OF DORMILLI&RE. In the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy odd, about six years after the confederation of the Provinces into the Dominion of Canada, an Ontarian went down into Quebec, an event then almost as rare as a Quebecker entering Ontario. " It's a queer old Province, and romantic to me," said the Mont- realer with whom old Mr. Chrysler (the Ontarian) fell in on the steamer descending to Sorel, and who had been giving him the names of the villages they passed in the broad and verdant panorama of the shores of the St. Lawrence. In truth, it is a queer, romantic Province, that ancient Province of Quebec, ancient in store of heroic and picturesque memories, though the three centuries of its history would look foreshortened to people of Europe, and Canada herself is not yet alive to the far-reaching import of each deed and journey of the chevaliers of its early days. Here, a hundred and thirty years after the Conquest, a million and a half of Normans and Bretons, speaking the language of France and preserving her institutions, still people the shores of the River and the Gulf. Their white cottages dot the banks like an endless string of THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. pearls, their willows shade the hamlets and lean over the courses of brooks, their tapering parish spires nestle in the landscape of their new-world patrie. "What is that?" exclaimed the Ontarian, suddenly, lifting his hand, his eyes brightening with an interest unwonted for a man beyond middle age. The steamer was passing close to the shore, making for a pier some distance ahead ; and, surmounting the high bank, a majestic scene arose, facing them like an apparition. It was a grey Tudor mansion of weather-stained stone, with churchy pinnacles, a strange-looking bright tin roof, and, towering around the sides and back of its grounds a lofty walk of pine trees, marshalled in dark, square, overshadowing array, out of which, as if surrounded by a guard of powerful forest spirits, the mansion looked forth like a resuscitated Elizabethan reality. Its mien seemed to say : " I am not of yesterday, and shall pass tranquilly on into the centuries to come : old traditions cluster quietly about my gables ; and rest is here." "That is the Manoir of Dormilliere," replied the Montrealer, as the steamer, whose paddles had stopped their roar, glided silently by. Impressive was the Manoir, with its cool shades and air of erect lordliness, its solemn grey walls arid pinnacled gables, the beautiful depressed arch of its front door; and its dream-like foreground of river mirroring its majestic guard of pines. "I knew," said Chrysler, "that you had your seigniories in Que- bec, and some sort of a feudal history, far back, but I never dreamed of such seats." " 0, the Seigneurs * have not yet altogether disappeared," returned the Montrealer. " Twenty years ago their position was feudal enough to be considered oppressive ; and here and there still, over the Pro- vince, in some grove of pines or elms, or at some picturesque bend of The old French gentry or noblesse. THE MANOIR OF DORMILLIERE. 3 a river, or in the shelter of some wooded hill beside the sea, the old- fashioned residence is to be descried, seated in its broad demesne with trees, gardens and capacious buildings about it, and at no great distance an old round windmill." " Who lives in this one T " The Havilands. An English name but considered French ; grandfather an officer, an English captain, who married the heiress of the old D'Argentenayes, of this place." "Mr. Haviland is the name of the person I am going to visit." "The M. P.r "Yes, he is an M. P." " A fine young fellow, then. His first name is Chamilly. His father was a queer man the Honorable Chateauguay perhaps you've heard of him ? Ho was of a sort of an antiquarian and genea- logical turn, you know, and made a hobby of preserving old civilities and traditions, so that Dormilliere is said to be somewhat of a rum place." The Ontarian thanked his acquaintance and got ready for landing at the pier. THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. CHAPTER II. THE YOUNG SBIGNEUE. A young man stepped forward and greeted him heartily. It was the " Chanrilly " Haviland of whom they had been speaking. Mr. Chrysler and he were members together of the Dominion Parliament and the present visit was the outcome of a special purpose. "It is a pity the rest of the country does not know my people more closely," Haviland wrote in his invitation : " If you will do my house the honor of your presence, I am sure there is much of their life to which we could introduce you." " I am delighted you arrive at this time ; " he exclaimed. " My election is coming." And he talked cheerfully and busied himself making the visitor comfortable in his drag. As luck will have it, the enactment of one of the old local customs occurs as they sit waiting for room to drive off the pier. The rustic gathering of Lower-Canadian habitants who are crowding it with their native ponies and hay-carts and their stuff-coated, deliberate persons, is beginning to break apart as the steamer swings heavily away. The pedestrians are already stringing off along the road and each jaunty Telesphore and Jacques, the driver of a horse, leaps jovially into his cart ; but all the carts are halting a moment by some curious common accord. Why is this ? Suddenly a loud voice shouts : " MALBROUCK is DEAD ! " A pause follows. THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. 5 "It is not true," one forcibly contradicts. " Yes, he is dead ! " reiterates the first. " It is not true ! " insists the other. " He is dead and in his bier ! " The second is incredulous : " You but tell me that to jeer 1 " But the crowd who have been smiling gleefully over the proceed- ings, affect to resign themselves to the bad news of Malbrouck's death, and all altogether groan in hoarse bass mockery : " A VA MA-A-A-L ! !" * Every one immediately dashes off in all haste, whips crack, wheels fly, and shouting, racing and singing along all the roads, the country- folk rattle away to their homes. Our two turn their wheels towards the Manor-house, gleefully amused. " Who is Malbrouck 1 " Chrysler enquired. " Marlborough. That must have been originally enacted in the French camps that fought him in Flanders. I fancy the soldiers of Montcalm shouting it at night among their tents here as they held the country against the English." They drove along looking about the country and conversing. Chrysler breathed in the fresh draughts which swept across the wide stretches of river- view that lay open in bird-like perspective from the crest of the terraces on which the Dormilliere cote, or countryside, was perched, and along which the road ran. " Come up, my little buds ! " the young man cried in French, to a pair of baby girls who, holding each others' hands, were crowding on the edge of the ditch-weeds, out of the wheels' way. " Houp-la ! " he cried, helping the laughing little things up one after the other by their hands, and then whipping forward. " How * That is bad ! 6 THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. much are you going to give me for this 1 Do you think we drive people for nothing, eh ? " The children nestled themselves down with beaming faces. " Tell me, bidoux," * he laughed again, " What are you going to give me *? " Both hung their heads. One of them quickly threw her arms up around his neck and, kissing him, said, " I will pay you this way," and the other began to follow suit. " Stop, stop, my dears. You must not stifle your seigneur," he cried in the highest glee, returning their embraces. One of our poets claims that there is something of earthliness in the kisses of all but children : " But in a little child's warm kiss Is naught but heaven above, So sweet it is, so pure it is, So full of faith and love." So it seemed to Chrysler as he saw this first of the relations between the young Seigneur and his people. * Bidoux is a term of endearment for children. HAVILAND'S IDEA. CHAPTEE III. HAVILAND'S IDEA. " GRAND MASTER. O, if you knew what our astrologers say of the coming age and of our age, that lias in it more history within a hundred years than all the world had in four thou- sand years before." CAMPANELLA The City of the Sun. When they arrived before the Manor House front, Mr. Chrysler could almost believe himself in some ancestral place in Europe, the pinnacles clustered with such a tranquil grace and the walk of pines surrounding the place seemed to frown with such cool, dark shades. Within, he found it a comfortable mingling of ancient family por- traits and hanging swords strung around the walls, elaborate, ornate old mantel ornaments, an immense carved fireplace, and such modern conveniences as Eastlake Cabinets, student's lamps and electric bell. In a distant corner of the large united dining and drawing-room, the evidently favorite object was a full-size cast of the Apollo Belvedere. Chamilly introduced him respectfully to his grandmother, Madame Bois-Hebert, an aged, quiet lady, with dark eyes. In the expressive face of the young man could be traced a resem- blance to hers, and the grace of form and movement which his firmer limbs and greater activity gave him, were evidently something like what the dignity of mien and carriage that were still left her by age had once been. He was tall and had a handsome make, and kindly, generous face. The features of his countenance were marked ones, denoting clear intelligent opinions ; and his hair, moustache and young beard, 8 THE YOUNG SEIGNEUR. all of jet black, contrasted well with the color which enriched his brunet cheek. Whether it was due to a happy chance or to the surroundings of his life, or whether descent from superior races has something in it, existence had been generous to him in attractions. When Madame withdrew, after the tea, he gave Mr. Chrysler a chair by the fireplace in the drawing-room end of the apartment, for it was a cool evening, and saying : " Do you mind this *? It is a liking of mine," stepped over to the lamps and turned them down, throwing the light of the burning wood upon the pictures and objets d'art which adorned the apartment. The great cast of Apollo, though in shadow, stood out against a back-ground of deep red hangings in its corner and attracted the older gentleman's remarks. " I have arranged the surroundings to recall my first impression of him in the Vatican Galleries," said the other. " I was wandering among that riches of fine statues and had begun to feel it an embarras, as our own phrase goes, when I came into a chamber and saw in the midst of it this most beautiful of the deities rising lightly before me, looking ahead after the arrow he has shot."