PS 2377 M8 B5. THE BIiflCK DEVILS -NRLF *B flD3 TflES POEflS -fr ' 'T ' ^fr ' T "ifv etlii* H. ea LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Hfa The Black Devils And Other Poems BY STERLING M. MEANS, Author of "The Deserted Cabin and Other Poems'" "The German War Lord ' and The British Lion" PENTECOSTAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS COPYRIGHT, 1919 BY STERLING M. MEANS. To the Nine Hundred Thousand Black Troops who fought in France and Flanders this little Volume is re spectfully DEDICATED. CONTENTS. The Black Devils 5 Booker T. Washington's Prayer. . 7 Honey Chile, I saw Um Pass 8 Hab You Seed Phil Brown? 10 The Little Cabin near the Pines. .12 The Kid from Chateau-Thierry . . 14 The Slacker 17 Christmas Times in South Carolina 19 The Ghost of East St. Louis 22 The Soldiers and Sailors Monu ment 25 When de Watch am Rio Gran* ... 28 The Soldier's Farewell to his Wife 31 A Night in Flanders 33 The Angel of Easter and Ethopia 36 The Georgia Pines 38 To the Illfated Tuscania 39 "The End of the Trail" 42 Africa and the Dawn 47 The German African Colonies ... 50 The Song of the King's Riflemen . . 52 The Black Troop at the Battle of Marne . . . 54 THE BLACK DEVILS. You have read of the French Blue Devils, How they climb'd the Alpine Peak ; How they fought in France and Flan ders, And their deeds like thunder speak ; For they fought with Spartan valor, As all history will record, But they failed to check the Teutons, And their raging drunk War Lord ; America calls her Black Devils, And lets them loose in the awful fray, They have certainly gone in action, They will find 'em hell to play. They were the first to bear Old Glory, To the hell-swept Western Front, Amid the whiz of shells and shrap nels, But they bravely bore the blunt. Big Bertha then was shelling Paris, Sending forth her projectiles, 5 6 The Black Devils Playing havoc and destruction, Throwing her shells a hundred miles, Von Hindenberg's victorious legions, Held the Anglo-French at bay, The Black Devils stormed the center, The Germans found 'em hell to play. From the heights of Boston Commons, From the battle of New Orleans, From the stormy days of Richmond, To the far off Philippines ; They have fought and fought like de mons, For they always win the game; They have won their country's lau-. rels, From a hundred fields of fame ; As their fathers did yesterday, They will do the same today, They have certainly gone in action, They will find 'em hell to play. And Other Poems 1 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON'S PRAYER. Lay me down 'beneath the shadows of the long leaf Southern pine, Beside the noisy brook and gliding stream, Where the wild honey suckle vine, Shall around my Tomb entwine, And the nights are balmy and fill ed with pleasant dreams. Lay me down where the S'wanee Riv er waters flow, Where the Moon pours its silver rays of light, When I cross the other shore, In the mystic world I soar, Let my parting words to thee, be just "Good night." Lay me down in Dixie where the skies are ever blue, Let me slumber where the sweet mag nolias bloom; Where the little violets too, As they drink the morning dew, And shed their evening fragrance over my Tomb. The Black Devils (Written in honor of the Colored Draftees of Indianapolis, who have gone to the 'Colors.) HONEY CHILE, I SAW 'UM PASS. Did you see our boys a-leavin', Ez de bans begin ter play; An* such a-stepin' to de music, Ez dey did on yesterday. You had to shuv yo' way to see 'um, Ez dey marched on to de train, An' Old Glory she wuz wavin', Wid de sound of music strain. Did you hear de noise an' shoutin', Ez dey wuz markin' step by step, Tho untrained in soldier drillin', But wuz flirtin' time wid hep. Dey stop de cars and blocked de traf fic, An' de crowds wuz in a mass, How did dey look ? I can't describe it, But Honey Chile, I saw 'um pass. And Other Poems 9 An* de folks wuz all a-wavin', An* little banners filled de air, Sad "Good byes" and "God be with you," While you 'er fightin' "over there " Dey forgot discriminations, Dey forgot dat dey wuz black, Fur de fires of patriotism, Burns in white an' black alike. Dey will do the deeds of Wagner, An' repeat Fort Pillow too, Where de fathers fought for Free dom, In de days of Sixty Two. But it hab anuther title, It iz now Democracy, Which will mean a higher Freedom, When dey fight beyond de sea. When dey reach de plains of Flanders, Dey will face de Germans gas, An' Brur Kaiser he will tell you, Honey Chile, I saw 'um pass. 10 The Black Devils HAB YOU SEED PHIL BROWN? Chile, Ise been to Louisville, Sent dar ez Delegate, To 'tend to big Convention, Ob old Kentucky State; Ise a big Republican, Knows all erbout politics, Knows all erbout de Party, An* all de cuis tries. I went to de Pethiam Buildin', Soon ez I got in Town, Some Negroes come an* ax me, Why hab you seed Phil Brown? Great Scots? Who iz dat Negro? Iz he a greater man den me? Hab you heard ob Thacker Lightfoot, Ise de second Booker T. I 'tends all de conventions, Ise one ob de leadin' men, Ise de man you want to see, Ef you want your tries to win. We went to Seelbach Hotel, De Biggest House in Town, When I got dar dey ax me, Why hab you seed Phil Brown? And Other Poems 11 We lef ' de Seelbach Hotel, And went to Phoenix hill, An* when dey all had got dar, De Negroes wuz axin, still. De Ban* played, good ole "Dixie," An' "My Ole Kentucky Home," But Phil was still de center, An* lightning uv de storm. Soon ez de Ban* had ceased to play, An* all had quieted down, You could hear dem Negroes whis pering Why hab you seed Phil Brown? Phil wuz sent to Chicago, Sent dar ez delegate. An' who will be next President, We all will hab to wait. An' erbout de War wid Germans, I do not fess to know, An' cannot tell what happen, In years ob long ago. But a thing Ise most nigh certain, Will be ax'd in Chicago Town, Good Morning, Mr. Tedy, Why hab you seed Phil Brown? 12 The Black Devils Should dem Negroes get to heaven, An' view de great White Throne, An* see all de friends an' kinfolks, Who now iz dead an* gone. An* when dey cross de riber, Some den would stand an' wait, To ax de great Saint Peter, De keeper at de Gate, When de Lord sez "Come ye blessed To git your starry crown," Some Negroes den would ax Him, I wonder where iz Phil Brown ? THE LITTLE CABIN NEAR THE PINES. Tho far from home I've wandered, Gone are the distant years, And the childhood days I squandered, Gone are the simple cares ; But they have left an after longing, That evoked these measured lines, Of my Boyhood recollections, The little Cabin near the pines. And Other Poems 13 I have seen many a mansion, With ascending frescoed walls, With their porch of much expansion, And their lavish gilded halls ; But they claim no admiration, Where the noblest grandeur shines, As the spot on the Old Plantation, The little 'Cabin near the pines. I could hear the watch dog howl, Thru the stillness of the nights, And then the noisy owl, Would excite my childish frights, The whippoorwill sung the whole night long, And would repeat his measured lines, And I still can hear the echo of his song, As I listen in the Cabin near the pines. 14 The Black Devils THE KID FROM CHATEAU- THIERRY. The war sho' made a man o' him, He was but a slender lad, When he was called to the colors, It left us feeling sad. But the Kid is now a soldier, He has served his country true, His uniform is the khaki, His grand-dad wore the blue. In the Sixties he was summoned, And sent to Harpers' Ferry ; Grand-dad came home from Rich mond, But the Kid, from Chateau-Thier ry. Little did we think when the war broke out, That the kid would have to go ; And fight four thousand miles away, Against a German foe. And the day he said to us "good-bye," It filled my heart with grief, Till the tidings came from o'er the sea, That brought to us relief. And Oteh Poems 15 Gone are long and lonesome nights, Gone, are the hours dreary, The boy has come ; my heart delights, He hails from Chateau-Thierry. He wears the "Croix de Guerre," For being a gallant lad ; It makes his mother proud o' him, And how it pleases dad. He tells us of his soldier dreams, And of the Trench warfare, And what they meant by "over the top," While fighting "over there," He is home with us tymight once more, And let us all make merry, For the Victor and the Conquered foe, For the kid from Chateau-Thier ry. The day he wrote that he would sail, I gave his cause to God, And prayed that he would soon re turn, With victory as reward. 16 The Black Devils The Prodigal son on his return From a country far away, Tho left the paths of righteousness, His footsteps went astray. But his father killed the fatted calf, To make the Prodigal merry, Why, I should shout, rejoice and laugh, My kid from Chateau-Thierry. Thank God the war is ended, The task we hope is done, May the fields grow green with clover Where Flanders Rivers run ; Our boys have done their duty, They were black but valiant men, And proved as much a soldier, As those of fairer skin; Let America now receive them, And her Jim Crowism bury, For the sake of those who fought with him, Who hails from Chateau-Thierry. And Other Poems 17 THE SLACKER,* We have a slacker in our town, He is always on his beat; You will often find him somewhere round, The corner of West North Street. I have never seen him in a store, Nor in a Barber shop, I have never seen him in a row, Nor running from a cop. 1 have never seen him in a Church, Nor at the Y. M. C. A. 1 have never heard him sing a song, I have never heard him pray. If you wish to know Brur Josh, He has a bread box for his seat, He sits beside the Market store, The corner of West North Street. I have never seen him in a Park, I could not say he shirks, I have never seen him on a Job, I donna where he works. I have never seen him take a dram, I could not say he drinks, 18 The Black Devils I have never heard him talk enough, ^0 find out what he thinks. His height is far from being tall, He is not so very low, He reminds you of someone you have seen, In the Southland years ago. His color is not a sooty black, He is far from being brown, And then he is not what you might call, The blackest man in town. Should 'Gabtfiel blow the {Trumpet now, He would find a lots in France; He would find some at the picture show, He would find some at a dance, But if he then would find Brur Josh, To summon to the Judgment Seat, He would take the Indiana or River- Side Car, And stop at West North Street. * A scene in Indianapolis, suggested the Poem. And Other Poems 19 CHRISTMAS TIMES IN SOUTH QAR'LINIA. I told Sallie to milk de cow, While de boys fed de mules; I recollect twuz Christmas, But didn't furget my rules. My wife Lucy had cooked de cakes, An' made some 'lases bread, I had sold my cotton an* bought my gin, No need ob actin' dead. Fur I wuz 'spectin' cumpany, From ten miles around dat day. I had planned to hab sum music, To dance de times eway. Ise uster liberly Christmas, An' liberly ain't no sin, Fur I knowed dey couldn't church me, Fur drinkin' a little gin. It was jest erbout nine o'clock, De cumpany wuz gettin' in, Elder Thacker, my bruder an' hiz foks, Elder Johnson an' Deacon Wynn. 20 The Black Devils Well, I met de Elders an* de deacon, Told to make demselves at home. An* dont feel no ways lonesome, So we put 'urn in anuther room. Johnny Jenkins comes in wid de ban jo, Some one rushed an' told him Dat de elders an* deacon wuz here, Johnny said he had hope to shun them But Christmas comes but once a year. We served de elders and de Deacon 'lases cakes, An* some good ol' possum meat; An' dey thanked us very much, Fur such a Christmas treat; Den dey ask dat dey might go, In de Room wid de yudder fokst, Dat dey may hear some moments, Ob funny tales and jokes An* dey said, "'Legion neber wuz de sign To make yo' pleasures less, An' dat wuz de reason dey wouldn't be odd, F'om de yudder ob de guest." And Other Poems 21 Let me tell you Honey Chile, Some good lookin' gals uz dar; Some velvet 'blacks, an' very high browns, Den some wuz mighty fair. Well, dey line up fur de music, Johnny Jenkins touch de strings, An* hit seem dat de music went all through you, De way he made de banjo ring. De youngsters begin to cut de capers, Begin a-stepin' soft an' slow, Tell he begin playin' "Down where de palmettos grow." Den ole Ant Lizier goes fur 'lig- ious, Took both hands an' closed her ears, But her body wuz in motion, An* her eyes wuz leakin' tears. Elder Johnson got so nervous, Till hiz knee bones gib erway, He sed ef "you don't stop dat mu sic, Dat his feet would go astray. Ef you don't stop dat dancin', 22 The Black Devils I will lay my 'legion down, Christmas time in South Carolina, Will make me lose my starry crown. I like to forgot Ant Dinah, But evahbody knows her, When Christmas times in South Car- 'lina. THE GHOSTS OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Last night as I lay slumbering upon my little couch, I was questioned, "why Democracy" had failed our cause to vouch. The old Tom Cat was quiet and had ceased to chase the mouse ; And a sad majestic silence prevailed throughout the house. The winds were blowing mournfully, The skies were black with cloud ; And nothing broke the stillness save a dog was barking loud. As I was somewhat nodding and doz ing in a trance, And Other Poems 23 Dreaming of our soldiers somewhere on the fronts in France. A host of spirits came to me and one gave me a gentle touch, That aroused me in my slumbers and disturbed we very much. The souls of the defenceless, whose lives had been robbed ; For they were the helpless victims of the East St. Louis Mob. There were innocent little children, mothers, and men giant mould. They were common rustic toilers , whose hearts were pu;re as gold. And they told their solemn mission for they had one common plea. "Will you ask my Country to ex plain Democracy?" Why, I said that I will tell you or will try the best I can. That true Democracy is the Freedom and equal rights of every man. Then they were more persistent than they really were before. 24 The Black Devils "Please tell us why they mobbed us, we would certainly like to know?" "And the murderers go unpunished and little is done or said, When we were simply toiling to earn our children's bread." Then I commence a-weeping as they told their Tale of woe, To think when we are mistreated that we had nowhere to go. All sudden in appearance, came a Man of ungainly mould, "Father Abraham Lincoln with the Flag with rippling fold. He gave fond consolation to the spir its and to me. He said : "I am the Father and Mar tyr of true, Democracy ; I set the ripple upon the wave and it shall break beyond the sea." And Other Poems 25 THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' MONUMENT INDIANAPOLIS. Ye Soldiers and Sailors' Monument, The splendid shaft from whence it rose, Statues adorned, war implement, What deeds of valor they disclose. Ye Hoosiers' son of rustic toil, Thy forms are with the fleeting years, Thy bodies hallowed then the soil, In Freedom's cause ye were the peers. Who rent the lightning from the cloud, And struck with might thy Coun try's Foe, And tore amid the regal shroud, And set the stars of freedom's glow. No polished shaft nor sculptured stone, Nor epic sung by ancient Bard, 26 The Black Devils Would now portray what valor won, Or bequeath to thee some fond re ward. Ye were the first to see the light, Of liberty's celestial flame, And taught the world that right was might, Enshrined it in the halls of fame. Sleep on, the whole world knows thy deeds, Lest they forget, we tell the truth, Thy fame is without minstrel needs, It stands a sentinel to the youth. Ye stalwart, brave heroic men, Who came at freedom's high behest, And thru the shouting and the din, Found an Empire in the West. 5fe drove the pirates from the seas, And put Embargo on thy trade, Then with thy stern arid firm de crees, Broke the world's first Blockade. Ye Soldiers and Sailors' Monument, The common heritage of Mankind, With reverent head and fond content, We bow before thy sacred shrine. And Other Poems 27 Ye broke the Southern bondsmen Yoke, That made the helpless Black Men free; And thru the flame and battle smoke, Ye marched with Sherman to the sea. Ye fought the proud Castilian Foe, And broke his scepter in the West, And drove the tyrant from our door, His Empire fell at thy behest. Ye fought for true Democracy ; When Freedom's light was like the dawn, And struck to make the helpless free, Ere Joffre fought along the Marne. The unborn youth in after years, Shall look to thee with martial pride, To those who bore their Country's cares, And on the fields of glory died. No nobler deeds than thine are wrought, Accept our tribute to thy cause ; The lesson which thy chivalry taught 28 The Black Devils For nature has no higher laws. Then thy birthright was divine, Some battling Seraph led thy way, And hovered over thy far flung line, That bore to us this brighter Day. WHEN DE WATCH AM RIO GRAN' Dedicated to the Tenth Cavalry at the Battle of Carrizal. When their captains gave the orders For the gallant Tenth to go ; For their troops to cross the River, To invade old Mexico; Then I thought about the Germans, And their great embattled line, When their soldiers went through Belgium, That they sung: "Die wacht am Rhine." At the Battle of Carrizal, With Boyd and Morey in Comman', Then my muse inspired the lyric, That "De watch am Rio Gran." And Other Poems 29 If some bard should sing the story, And would weave a posy spell, Of the gallant Negro soldier, He would have this tale to tell : That his deeds illumed the pages, Of the Golden Book of fame, Should you read unbiased history, You would surely find his name. He's like Kipling's "Tommy Atkins," "He is a first class fighting man," When his captain orders "Forward," And "De watch am Rio Gran." And they went to death a-smiling, With their banner flaunting high, And they fell but left Old Glory, In the breeze of Freedom's sky ; And the ground forever sacred, Where the dusky warriors sleep, And glory is their sentinel, While fame their vigils keep. For the Pass was like Thermopyle, But a small heroic Ban', When they fell at Carrizal, When "De watch am Rio Gran." 30 The Black Devils What's the use of watchful waiting, When the awful die is cast, And the Flag has been insulted, And she shudders on her mast, Listen to the mobilizing, Listen to the tramping feet, Hip-ho ray as now they step it, They will never brook defeat, Listen to the drums a-beating, To the music and the Ban', For the gallant Tenth has told you, That "De watch am Rio Gran* " Tomy Atkins "Tiperary," And the Germans: "Wacht am Rhine," Will not stir a Negro soldier, When he is on the firing line. When he hears the "S'wanee River," And "My Old Kentucky Home," Tho his skin be black as ebon, But he is lightning in the storm; He forgets the cruel treatment Of his Race in Dixie Lan' When its trouble 'long the Border. And "De watch am Rio Gran." And Other Poems 31 THE SOLDIER FAREWELL TO HIS WIFE. Come kiss me "Good bye/' Annie, It is time for us to leave, I have enjoyed your coming, We have spent a pleasant Eve. The transport now is waiting, The men are going aboard, The Captain sends the orders, For all we boys to load. Take good care of the Baby, And the other children too, And may God be with you, And you to me be true. "Keep the home fires burning," And beware of flirts, Remember a woman's honor, Is not in silken skirts. You must be as true now, As you were in maiden life, Your Husband is now in khaki, And you are a soldier's Wife. Should the little kids annoy you, To ask where I am gone, 32 The Black Devils You must let your face be smiling, And do not seem forlorn : Just sing to them, "America," "My country 'tis of thee," The cause for which their father fights, In lands beyond the sea. Then you must be a soldier. To be a soldier's wife, To fight on the fronts of honor, For a pure and noble life. The world may not salute you, For the victory you may gain, With the bag pipe and the bugle, With the isounds of martial strains. But the noblest of all the heroes, In heaven's high esteem, Are those who win in battle, What the sword could not redeem. Come kiss me, "Good bye," Annie, "Blest be the tie that binds," And may our hearts still beat as one, When I'm on the firing line. We'll hold the line along the Marne, As the Greeks did Scamander's, You need not write me darling Wife, Till you hear from me in Flanders. And Other Poems 33 A NIGHT IN FLANDERS. It was a dark, long lonesome night, While we were in the trenches; We were afraid to use the light, Lest we informed the Boches. I thought of -Christ who died for me, And spent the Night in Gethse- mane. The shells were bursting thru the air, The whole night long, I thought of Mother's prayer, And her old familiar song : ''Dark was the night and cold the ground," On which the Lord was found. Jesus went to Gethsemane, To bring Salvation full and free ; I have spent many nights in Flanders, For the world's Democracy. There with the Stars and Stripes un furled, I pawned my life to save a world. 34 The Black Devils I was a sentinel many nights, Stood as the Nations guard, And fought on Armageddon heights, For victory and reward. At Dead Man's Hill I took my stand, And unfurled the Flag in "No Man's Land'' The price I ask for reward, Justice and Liberty; When we conquer the Grejat War Lord, Will you remember me; Will you not my cause despise, When you reach Peace-Paradise? When the Huns within your doors, Were but serpents in your breast, Proved to be your bitter foes, But we have stood the test. We heeded not his propagandas, For we fought your foes in Flan ders. Alll we ask of thee a chance, All we ask is a "Square deal" And Other Poems 35 While we hold the fronts in France. Where mighty empires rock and reel. Kill the disfranchising Clause, And give us justice in your Law. Give us Justice at the Bar, Will you slay the Serpent Lynch; And remove the Jim Crow Car? While we fight in Flanders trench. For we are your truest friends, We will fight with you till all of it ends. 36 The Black Devils THE ANGEL OF EASTER AND ETHIOPIA. Angel of Easter, we hail the crimson dawn, The flowers smile with gladness along the dewy lawn ; The little feathered songsters are full of joy and glee, The signs of thy presence are seen on every tree. Angel of Easter, Ethiopia prays to thee, That thou mayest bring the tidings of true Democracy ; She long has borne the Burden and groaned beneath the load ; How long heavenly Messenger, shall she totter on the road? Like the meek and humble Savior, her sons are crucified; In this fair Land of Freedom, their rights have been denied. And Other Poems 37 Those in the courts of Justice, like Pilate, have washed their hands. While cruel mobs flayed its victims with torch and fire brands. Angel of Easter, abide with us today, When trials entomb us to roll the stone away, may we now entreat thee to tarry with us here, To lift the heavy Burden and to rid us of our care. Thus like the Sainted Jacob, we cling now to thy side, That thou mayest with us linger, and still with us abide; Lo the dark Night is passing; we see the light of Dawn, The resurrected Promise for those who fell at Marne. 38 The Black Devils THE GEORGIA PINE. Ise longin,' longin' fur de Georgia Pine, An fur dat melon on de melon vine; An' fur dat sweet brown skin Gal o' mine, An' fur de piney hill, Where de solumn whipperwill, Breaks de silence when all iz still, Save de runnin' brook, An' de kisses dat I took, F'om Matilda against her will. Ise been longin' longin' all de day, Fur de cotton fields far, far away, Whur all de good time darkies uster stay; Whur de heart beats ever true, An' de skies iz always blue, An' de violets drinks de mornin' dew, Whur de sweet magnolias bloom, Fill de air wid its perfume, Dixie iz Eden made over new. And Other Poems 39 TO THE ILLFATED TUSCANIA. "That from these honored dead we take increase devotion." Lincoln. We take increase devotion, For the cause for which we fight, For the cause of every nation, Against the German's might ; We stand at Armageddon, For the cause which Lincoln stood, And around the Forts of Verdun, Our men have spilt their blood. We take increase devotion, Our Sword shall not return, Till Freedoms' great salvation, On every Altar burn. Till the rights of every nation, Shall be a cause sublime, Freedom on every ocean, In every land and clime. We take increase devotion. And deplore Tuscania's fate, That sank beneath the ocean, To save our Ship of State; 40 The Black Devils Our noble men who perished, Beneath the briny main, Their memory we shall cherish, They have not died in vain. And when the years are hoary, Their deeds, we shall rehearse, Shall live in song and story A Tale of Epic verse ; We take increase devotion, For true Democracy, And we shall do our portion, For world wide Liberty. Behold the Bear of Russia, Paralyzed and in the dust, Struck by the Sword of Prussia, A victim of her lust ; Behold the Throne of Belgium, They swept her from the earth, Its nation brought to Serfdom, By men of "Kultur" birth. With the British Lion roaring, And almost in his lair, And Other Poems 41 While France was white from bleed ing, And trembling in despair; Her men which they were routing, In trenches filled with gore, We heard the din and shouting, And haste to meet the Foe. We'll face the Kaiser's mighty guns, And hold the Western Line, And will advance until the Huns, Have fled beyond the Rhine. We take increase devotion, As we did on yesterday, And may the spirit of Lincoln, Still lead us on the way. We have a courage never daunts, Nor dreads the Zeplin's notions, Nor care what submarine that haunts, The North Atlantic Ocean. We will fight the Germans anywhere, On the land or in the air, This nation has one constant prayer, We take increase devotion. 42 TVte Black Devils "THE END OF THE TRAIL." To Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Dead. I heard the News Boy on the street, The words distinctly said, Crying, "Extra' and then repeat, That "Roosevelt is dead;" The great Man of the "Strenuous Life." Our most illustrious Star, Had fled this world of war and strife, And crossed the mystic bar. The shocking news which made me sad, I thought my heart would fail, The Cartoon which the paper had, "It's the end now of the trail." No more the brave Rough Riders charge, To advance upon the foe, Whose fame is with the world at large, The din and shout are o'er; And Other Poems 43 The famous Ninth and gallant Tenth, Who cut the tangle wire, With him displayed their fighting strength, Beneath a rain of fire. From thence he rose with sudden glare, The whole world learnt his name, He rose like Meteor of the air, The foremost Son of Fame. He seeks no more the woolly West, To chase the Grizzly Bear; No more he stirs the eagle's nest, Nor the lion in his lair ; No more he lassos on the plains, To test the Cow Boys' brand, With fleeting steed and flowing mane, Along the Rio Grande. No more his touring car shall sweep, Along the Western Rail, The Red man and his tribe shall weep, "Its the end now of the trail." Their "Great White Chief" is laid to rest, He's laid aside his bow, 44 The Black Devils He is gone to be the Wigwam's guest, Acrost the other shore. The Black man with his night of care, Beneath the chast'ning rod, Would style the great American Peer, To be "a Chile o f God." He preached Democracy at home, That Justice would prevail, But he has crossed the surging foam, "It's the end now of the trail." The greatest Man that the world has seen, Since the days of Christ and Paul, The man of strong, majestic mien, Has heard the solemn call; The Sage and Prince of Oyster Bay, The first Citizen of the world, Lies a lifeless lump of clay, The flag half mast, unfurl'd. The nations of the earth shall mourn, Ethiopia's sons shall wail, Their truest Friend from earth has flown, "Its the end now of the trail." And Other Poems 45 He cut aloose twin Continents, To build the great Canal, The rock-ribbed earth's impediments, And all her barriers fell. He roamed the dark Brazilian wilds, And found the River of Doubt, And the ruins along the banks of Nile's, He firmly searched them out. He was the Nimrod of his day, The Naturalist and then, He was the Daniel too to stay, In Africa's Lion's den. He drove his thunderous Car through Rome, This great American, Like lightning in the awful storm, He shook the Vatican ; When Germany swung her awful Sword, That caused the dire alarms, He preached "Preparedness" as code, And America rushed to arms. This mighty Nation heard his voice, Was why she did not fail, 46 The Black Devils He who would've been the Nation's choice, "It's the end now of the trail." When Japan with her armies proud, Defeat to Russia dealt, That Rainbow in the Battle cloud, Was Theodore Roosevelt; In Homeland or 'neath alien skies, His name is everywhere, The mother stills her babe who cries, With the name of Teddy Bear. His pen bereft of artful touch, He leaves unfinished scroll, His many books of great research. But now we read his soul. And Other Poems 47 AFRICA AND THE DAWN. Africa's "Dark land," "Thou ancient of days," Ethiopia's sons stretch forth their hands, For the Star of Freedom sends forth its rays, Through the wild jungle, crost the desert's sands ; Thy dark hued children shall now re joice, As they hail the dawn of a new born world, They shall shout and sing with jubi lant voice, For the flag of Democracy is at last unfurled. Thou ancient mother of science and arts, Whose civilization with the ages flown, Gone, gone are thy cities of opulent marts, Thy Rameses the Great, has left his throne, 48 The Black Devils Thy fallen temples and shattered ruins, The pride and the glory that once was thine, Thy rock-hewn chambers and storied urns, Are more ancient than those of Palestine. Thy history is written in blood and tears, Two thousand years under Euro pean sway, Long centuries gray with unending cares, Now break with the dawn of a brighter day. When the war clouds swung like a sable pall, And Europe sounded her dire alarms, You heard the thunder and the bu gle's call, And sent thy black warriors ar rayed in arms. They forgot the wrongs which were done their race, And Other Poems 49 With a forgiving heart and defiant sword, And defiant flash from each ebon face, They fought the armies of a drunk War Lord. Germany has reaped what she has sown; And the hoarded wealth from Con go's swamps, Like the chaff of wheat with the winds have flown, Have all been exhausted in fields and camps. The great God alone the Sentinel keeps, Lest they forget the deeds which they have wrought, Europe in tears her grim harvest reaps, Its food at the World's Peace Ta ble for thought. 50 The Black Devils THE GERMAN AFRICAN COLONIES. The Slogan, "Africa cannot govern herself," Protect her then with "Interna tional Law," Take her lambs from the prey of the wolf, Take her doves from the vulture's claw. 'Tis better to leave them with their heathen god, With whom they have lived three thousand years, Than to give them "Kultur" with a bondman's rod, And fill their lands with blood and tears. Give them more Christ, less rum and creed, The glory of the Cross and not the flag, And Other Poems 51 The real Democracy is the thing they need, From her darkest jungle to her highest crag. Give her cause to the League of Na tions, You will see the fruits of her civili zations. Ye Allied nations with your flags un furled, Will you sign the Magna Charter of the world? 52 The Black Devils *THE SONG OF THE KING'S RIFLEMEN. We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, We gwine ter win, De Germans habe a warrior Chief, Dun fill de world wid woe an' grief; His home iz far away Berlin, His heart is full ob hate an* sin ; We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, We gwine ter win, We er de King's Riflemen, Riflemen, Riflemen. We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, We gwine ter win. England knows whut we kin do, She knows we er soldiers tried an' true, She knows her Zulu warrior will do his share, Fur once we broke de British Square. We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, And Other Poems 53 We gwine ter win, We er de King's Riflemen, Riflemen, Riflemen. We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, We gwine ter win, De fightin' Zulu will neber yield, Ef we fall on de battlefield; De white man's God will save us when we die, He lives way up in de sky ; He will open his door an* let us in, When we tell 'em, we er de King's Riflemen. We er de King's Riflemen, We fight in de war, We gwine ter win, We er de King's Riflemen, Riflemen, Riflemen. Sterling M. Means. *The King's Riflemen of British Army in South Africa, were mostly native troops, some white officers. 54 The Black Devils THE BLACK TROOPS AT THE BATTLE OF MARNE.* Ethiopia sends her sons from afar, With her rude war song and the lance, To give their lives for the cause which they love, To die for the freedom of France; They love her because her freedom is real, And scorns not the dye of their skin ; Their rights are not barred by the code of her laws, They are treated like citizens and men. The country that treats its subjects alike, Regardless of color or birth, Shall live while others shall crumble to naught, And be swept from the face of the earth. And Other Poems 55 May the future poets and bards of thy land, Come yet with their tributes of thanks, And sing of their valor that the world may know, That they fought and fell in thy ranks. The world remembers the fight at the Marne, That foe they help to repel ; Joffre relates as he orders their charge, That they rushed like the demons from hell. Von Kluck retreated, his legions fell back, Before their daring career, The Crown Prince fainted, was re lieved of command, And was borne by his men to the rear. When the powers of might and the mail fist shall die, That treated the helpless unjust, 56 The Black Devils Their pride shall perish, their king doms shall fall, Their scepter shall lie in the dust. When the Teuton is driven beyond their confines, And broken his scepter and lance, The world shall hail thee, Mother of Arts, With the chorus, "Viva la France." Sterling M. Means. The French African troops at the Battle of the Marne helped to turn the tide of battle ; they went into "action" with their rude war songs and savage yells; their charge was so exciting that it unnerved the Crown Prince, and he was borne by his men to the rear. 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