PALMER & KEY'S NEW SPECIMEN BOOK SECOND COMPACT EDITION. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: FOUNDRY AND WAREROOMS, 405-7 SANSOME STREET. 1884. EXPLANATION OF THE Aliquot or Interchangeable System of Bodies. For Types, Rules and Leads. American. (1) This is the unit of measurement, and is one-twelfth of Pica, or one- seventy-second of an inch. It is, of course, too small for a type body, but is used in leads and rules. Some series of letter require the American lead in lining the faces, where two or more sizes are used together in the same line ; although its double, the Saxon lead, will accomplish this in most cases. German (1) 2 ) is % of Pica, and % of Nonpareil. Saxon (2) is l /f> of Pica, and % of Nonpareil. It is the most useful of the lead and rule bodies. Four Saxons are equal to a Brevier ; five are equal to a Long Primer ; six are equal to a Pica. Norse (2)<) is % of Long Primer. Brilliant (.'>) is ^ of Pica, and 1 . 2 of Nonpareil. Ruby (3 l o) is /4 f Minion, and ^ of English. Excelsior (4) is * of Pica, and }.< of Brevier. Diamond (4 1 .,) is *o of Bourgeois, and ^ of Great Primer. Pearl (5) is }o of Long Primer, and % of Paragon. Agate (o 1 ^) is 1 . 2 of Small Pica. Nonpariel (6) is % of Pica, and % of Great Primer. Twelve Nonpareils make one inch exactly. Minion (7) is }., of English. Brevier (8) is >o of Columbian, and % of Pica. Bourgeois (9) is )> of Great Primer, and % of Pica. It is exactly % of an inch. Long Primer (10) is )^ of Paragon. Small Pica (11) is %, of Double Small Pica. PICA (12) is l /6 of an inch. English (14) is 2-lines Minion ; a Nonpareil and a Brevier; an Excelsior and a Long Primer. A Pica and a Saxon lead justify with it. Columbian (16) is 2-lines Brevier ; a Nonpareil and a Long Primer; an Excelsior and a Pica; etc. Great Primer (18) is 2-lines Bourgeois ; 3-lines Nonpareil ; a Brevier and a Long Primer. A Great Primer 3-em space is the same as a Nonpareil 3-em quad. Great Primer is exactly % of an inch. Paragon (20) is 2-lines Long Primer; a Brevier and a Pica; a Nonpareil and an English; etc. Double Small Pica (22) is 2-lines Small Pica; a Long Primer and a Pica ; a Non- pareil and a Columbian. A Great Primer and two Saxon leads justify with it. Double Pica (24) is 2-lines Pica; 4-lines Nonpareil; 3-lines Brevier ; a Nonpareil and a Great Primer ; a Long Primer and an English ; etc. It is exactly )^ of an inch. Double English (28) is 2-lines English ; a Long Primer and a Great Primer ; a Pica and a Columbian ; etc. Double Columbian (32) is 2-lines Columbian; an English and a Great Primer ; a Brevier and a Double Pica ; etc. Double Great Primer (36) is 2-lines Great Primer ; 3-lines Pica ; 6-lines Nonpareil ; 4-lines Bourgeois ; etc. It is exactly y 2 an inch. Double Paragon (401 is 2-lines Paragon; 4-lines Long Primer; 5-lincs Brevier; 8-lines Pearl ; etc. Canon (44) is 2-lines Double Small Pica ; 4-lines Small Pica ; etc. Four-line Pica (48) is 4-lines Pica ; 2-lines Double Pica : 3-lines Columbian ; 6-lines Brevier; 8-lines Nonpareil ; etc. It is exactly % of an inch. BUSINESS T/tLK. E following pages contain more elaborate answers to questions often asked than we can conveniently write to each correspondent. It is intended to be an assist- ant and improvement to that part of our daily business. ACCOUNTS. We do not wish to open accounts for small purchases. If a man rarely orders goods of us, has no account with us, no matter how responsible or well known he is, he should send the money with the order. If the nature of the case is such that he cannot tell the exact price, let him guess at it. If he sends too much money, the change will be returned with the article. The cases are very numerous where persons order by telegraph or postal card, " Send by mail, cut so and so." It seems trifling to refuse, yet our books are full of such charges. The postage and book-keeping cost as much as the goods, and well, some very good men never pay small bills. If the money is sent, a little order will have as prompt and careful attention as if it were a thousand times as large ; if you do not send the money, you may be asked to do so before the article is sent, and lose time, if not your job. BARTER. From the generality of letters which come to us asking trade for old material, it looks as though we were expected to fix value without regard to size, make, age, dam- age, or previous condition. To do yourself justice, give a fair description of the article you want to trade us a description which will be borne out by the article itself when we get it. If an old press is found on its arrival here to be damaged when it was said to be perfect, parts missing when it was said to be complete, of smaller size than it was described to us, we will surely go back on the trade. It must also be borne in mind that the trade offers made by us on old goods are not standing offers, but must be accepted at once to hold us, for they are made in view of present demand and cir- cumstances. CASH. The definition of cash is money here with the order or on shipment, so that the goods can be charged directly to cash. If you want our price for goods sent C. O. D., or at thirty days, so state in your application. C. O. D. To all parties not having an open account with us, small orders are sent by express, with bill collectable on delivery, unless otherwise agreed. Parties unknown to us, to secure prompt attention to their orders and avoid delays, should send a remittance with the order to cover express charges both ways. It should not be thought to reflect on a man's credit to have goods sent him C. O. D. It is simply one of the cheapest and safest ways of doing business. CORRESPONDENCE. Attention cannot be called too often to the habit of many patrons to seek general where they want special information. A great deal of delay would be avoided if they wrote to the point. Do not ask for our list of second-hand goods, but write what you want to buy. Do not ask what discount we will make for cash, but state the goods wanted, and ask cash price for them. Do not ask on what general terms we will sell, but state what you want to buy and the terms you want. If you ask more than we can give, we can, at least, tell what modification of your offer we will accept. If you are a stranger to us, do not say, "If you want references, we can furnish them," but send them right along first thing. Come right to the point, and you will be apt to get prompt satisfaction. CREDIT. There ife probably no subject on which so much has been written in our constant correspondence as credit. Men write hourly to ask if we will sell on time, without say- ing what they want to buy, or what are their references, or on what security, or how much time they want. To the established printer, who owns his office and has a reputation for prompt pay at home, there is usually no difficulty, on making proper representations, in obtaining as much business accommodation for his wants as can be had by men similarly situated in any other profession. Credit will not be given to men of whom we know nothing. We must be assured, from some source, that a name is credit-worthy before we enter it on our books. When we agree to give over thirty days, we always understand we are to have notes, not be- cause they are more safe than open accounts, but because they require less attention. Our account book has to take its monthly racing, and he who has an open account with us is always subject to a sight draft. COMPLAINTS. We earnestly request our patrons to report to us at the earliest moment all cases of dissatisfaction, either regarding the quality of articles sold them, the charges for same, or the manner in which they are served. It is impossible, in a business as ex- tensive as ours, for the proprietors to attend personally to every minute detail. Many abuses may creep in and remain unknown to us, unless promptly reported by the abused. Where a cause of complaint exists, be it ever so small, we are anxious to heal and cure it. DAMAGED GOODS. When goods reach you in a damaged condition, your true course is to refuse to touch them ; you should make the road or boat return them, and make good the dam- age. When you receive them you release the house that sent them, and you must take the consequences. ESTIMATES. The printed estimates for offices sent out by type founders are usually fair selec- tions, but are only intended as general guides. You are expected to look through the specimens and re-select the details according to your own taste. It is especially diffi- cult to select a job office to suit the tastes of different printers, and it is best that the man who is to manage the office have a hand in the seclection. Still, we are often called on to do it, and can come as near selecting the best office for the least money as anyone else. It is a good idea, when asking an estimate, to tell the amount of money the selection is to be limited to, and let us name the best outfit for the price. LONG TIME. We constantly receive applications for office outfits, or parts of same, from persons who have little or no money, but expect us to fit them out and take pay in small install- ments, as they can make it convenient. A general fast-and-loose, free-and-easy ar- rangement is wanted. If we should open the door to this sort of credit, we could sell out our whole stock and retire from business in thirty days. It is only necessary to say here that nothing of the kind can be done with us. ORDERS. Do not understand us as objecting to orders in any shape, but a hint to some cor- respondents may save them many errors and disappointments. Do not mutilate this book. Order by name and number. When ordering Book or Newspaper type, state whether or not Italic or Leaders are wanted. When ordering Sorts, state number of face as well as body, or send a cap H and lower case m, as little used as you have. When ordering Job type, such as Titles, Gothics, Antiques, etc., state whether or not Quads and Spaces are wanted. They are not sent if not specially named in order, and charged extra when sent. When giving measure for leads or slugs by ems without specifying body, Pica ems are always understood. When ordering Brass Rules to be mitered, state whether the size given is to be inside or outside of miters. When orders for mitered Double Rules are received, it is always understood that the heavy line is to be on the outside, unless otherwise stated. When ordering Chases, send a diagram with the correct inside and outside meas- ures marked. When ordering material from a specimen book not our own, state name of Founder from whose book selections are made. When writing an order, put each item on a line by itself, and do not mix things up ; show plainly whether the quantity that follows or precedes an article is the nmount wanted. Always indicate the way of shipping, whether by railroad, steamboat or express. When shipping old type, mark your own name on every package. In ordering printing ink, state the quantity and price per pound or ounce of each kind you wish ; also the name of the manufacturer, if you have any preference. OLD MATERIAL. In buying a bill of goods, where you desire to turn in old material, always mention that fact in the beginning ; then ship the old material at the earliest possible moment ; box it well unboxed goods go only at owner's risk ; take regular bill of lading with weights mentioned ; mark it with oitr name and your own, that there may be no mis- take in making credit. REMITTANCES. For large amounts, drafts on San Francisco are the standard thing, though any way that brings the money is acceptable to us. The express companies bring money packages very satisfactorily. Registered letters with cash enclosures always come safely, but should never be used where postal money orders can be had, as the latter are the safest and handiest things in the world, nor can they get put to wrong account, so that a tracer will not at once turn them up. REFERENCES. Many men seem to think that the mere mention of another man's name is sufficient reference. For instance, Jones, of Oregon, writes to us to send him instanter a bill of goods, for which he will remit in thirty days. If we want references, he names his friend Smith, also of Oregon. Now, these men are both strangers to us. Jones is in a hurry for his goods. By the time we write somebody to find out who Smith is, and write Smith to find out what he thinks of Jones, Jones will have gotten over his hurry, and we will have lost a sale we might have been very glad to make. Another man writes, asking whether we will sell him certain goods on sixty days, with satisfactory security. We probably hasten to say yes ; and, after considerable cor- respondence, in which all details in relation to the goods to be purchased are settled, the order comes to hand in haste to be shipped, and we discover the security he offers, though entirely satisfactory to him, is far from being so to us. These common instances illustrate the importance of an early settlement of all questions of responsibility. If you wish to have us open an account with you, or to buy a bill of goods on time, and are unknown to us, assure us of your business character as the very first step, for we like to be sure we are right, then go ahead. A very good way of sending references is to ask your banker, who is usually known to some one in our city, to write a letter in- dorsing you, and send it to us. This usually enables us to come to the point at once. SECURITY. The laws of California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona make Leases on presses, material and type about the best security that can be given. Chattel mortgages are 8 also good security in Washington Territory and British Columbia. When purchasers therefore pay us half cash value on presses, we give long time on the balance, with security as above stated. Type is so ephemeral in its nature, that we require more than half cash in cases where long time is required on balance. SECOND-HAND PRESSES Of standard kinds are not drugs in the market, as many of our correspondents seem to imagine. They sell lower than new ones, of course, but the supply is so much smaller than the demand, that they readily bring fair values in CASH. It is by no means un- common to receive several orders with the money enclosed for the same press. Of course, the first comer gets it, and unless we can find duplicates of the press, we are left in a rather unpleasant attitude toward those who are disappointed. We mention this matter to show the importance of closing with an offer of this kind at once, if you want it. Delays are dangerous. TO ESTIMATE WEIGHT OF BODY LETTER. To ascertain the quantity of body letter required for a newspaper or magazine, or any other work, find the number of square inches and divide the same by four, the quotient will be the approximate weight of matter in pounds ; but as it is impossible to set the cases entirely clear it is necessary to add 25 per cent, to large founts, and 33 per cent, to small founts to allow for dead letter. WORN-OUT TYPE AND MATERIAL Received in exchange for new, at the following rates : Old Type, 8 cents per pound ; Stereotype Plates, 5 cents; Electrotype Plates, Leads, Slugs, etc., 4 cents. In all cases delivered at our foundry free of expense to us. Boxes should be marked plainly to our address, and should also have the name of the shipper marked thereon, and notification of shipment sent in advance. NEWSPAPER ESTIMATES. Prices net cash in San Francisco, and subject to constant changes. ARTICLES. 6 col. Folio. Size of Paper, 22x30. 7-col. Folio. Size of Paper, 24 x 36. 8-col. Folio. Size of Paper, 26x40. 9-col. Folio. Size of Paper, 30x44. 4-col. Quarto. Size of Paper, 24x36. 5-col. Quarto. Size of Paper 26X40 $240 00 .... $250 00 22 50 12 00 3 80 3 00 (6) 12 00 (4) 3 00 (5) 10 00 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 1 00 2 50 9 30 (75) 3 00 (20) 1 40 (75) 3 75 30 Ibs. 6 00 (4) 1 00 175 Ibs. 77 00 75 Ibs. 39 00 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 6 60 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 4 00 .... $275 00 .... 25 00 14 00 4 50 3 50 (S) 16 00 (5) 3 75 (6) 12 00 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 1 00 2 50 11 30 (100) 4 00 (20) 1 40 (100) 5 00 40 Ibs. 8 00 (4) 1 00 200 Ibs. 88 00 100 tbs. 52 00 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50; (1) 4 75 (1) 6 60 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 4 00 .... $325 00 .... 27 50 16 00 4 75 4 00 (10) 20 00 (6) 4 50 (7) 14 00 (14) 21 00 (4) 28 00 2 50 1 00 2 50 14 30 (125) 5 00 (20) 1 40 (125) 6 25 50 Ibs. 10 00 (5) 1 25 225 Ibs. 99 00 125 Ibs. 65 00 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 6 60 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 4 00 .... $250 OC .... 22 5C 14 00 4 75 2 50 (4) 8 00 (4) 3 00 (4) 8 00 (10) 15 00 (2) 15 00 2 50 1 00 2 50 10 30 (75) 3 00 (15) 1 05 (75) 3 75 25 tbs. 5 00 (3) 75 150 tbs. 66 00 50 Ibs. 26 00 3 50 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 55 .... $275 00 .... 25 00 15 00 5 70 3 50 (8) 16 00 (6) 4 50 (6) 12 00 (14) 21 00 (3) 21 50 2 50 1 00 2 50 .... 12 90 (100) 4 00 (20) 1 40 (100) 5 00 40 tbs. 8 00 (4) 1 00 200 tbs. 88 00 100 tbs. 52 00 3 50 (2) 8 00 (2) 7 10 (1) 3 85 (1) 3 55 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 4 75 (1) 6 60 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 4 00 12 00 .... 22 50 11 00 3 50 2 50 Single Brass Galleys (4) 8 00 (4) 3 00 (4) 8 00 (10) 15 00 (2) 15 00 2 50 1 00 Pairs of Cases Stands with Racks (1 Job) Mallet, Planer, Sh'ng Stick, Quoins. Ley Brush, Spring Bodkins 2 50 Column and Head Rules, one side. 8 00 (75) 3 00 (15) 1 05 (50) 2 50 251bg. 5 00 (3) 75 150 Itis. 66 00 50 Ibs. 26 00 3 50 Paragraph Rules Single Dash Rules Leads and Slugs 'Bourgeois *Minion Minion Title (1) 4 00 (1) 3 55 Brevier Aldine Brevier Gothic No. 2 Bourgeois Italic Title No 2 Brevier Antique Extended No. 3 . . Two-line Minion No. 7 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1) 5 50 (1) 2 75 (1) 2 75 (1) 3 60 (1) 4 00 (1) 3 00 (1) 4 00 (1 5 50 Great Primer Condensed No. 4 .... Great Primer Aldine Pica Gothic Condensed No. 3 . Great Primer Gothic Cond. No. 3. . Two-line Eng. Gothic Cond. No. 3. Dbl. Paragon Gothic Cond. No. 3. . Dbl. Paragon Skeleton Ant. No. 2. Long Primer Ionic (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 2 50 (1) 2 50 (1) 3 50 2 50 10 00 Long Primer Clarendon Extended. 10 00 10 00 .... 1200 .... 1200 TOTAL ON AUXILIARY PLAN $501 95 4 00 $588 20 $657 90 4. fin 5 so $757 90 7 00 (50) 2 00 100 Ibs. 44 00 50 Ibs. 26 00 (3) 6 00 $519 75 2 50 (25) 1 00 50 Ibs. 22 00 25 Ibs. 13 00 (1) 2 00 $662 45 3 00 (50) 2 00 100 Ibs. 44 00 50 tbs. 26 00 (3) 6 00 To print entire Paper, add : Col. and Head Rules for one page. Advertisement Rules 4 (25) 1 00 (50) 2 00 50 tbs. 22 00 50 ibs. 22 00 25 tbs. 13 00 25 tbs. 13 00 (1) 2 00 (2) 4 00 (50) 2 00 75 Ibs. 33 00 50 Ibs. 26 00 1 (2) 4 00 Bourgeois Minion Pairs of Cases TOTAL TO PRINT WHOLE PAPER $543 95 $633 80 $728 40 $842 90 $660 25 $743 45 * In case type of different sizes is used, the price only needs to be changed, the quantity remains the same. Above Esti- mate is for American type; if Scotch type is wanted, the price will have to be changed, as per Price List. Price List of Roman Type. AMERICAN AND SCOTCH. A B C D SIZES. SCOTCH ROMANS Founts of Founts AND OLD STYLES. 25 tbs. and of less than SORTS. In any quantity. over. 25 ibs. Pearl $1 20 $1 08 $1 80 $1 40 Agate 76 68 1 44 90 Nonpareil 66 58 1 16 76 Minion 58 52 1 00 68 Brevier 55 48 90 64 Bourgeois 52 44 80 60 Long Primer 50 42 74 56 Small Pica 48 40 70 54 Pica 46 38 66 52 English 46 38 62 52 Columbian 46 38 60 52 Great Primer 46 38 60 52 Paragon 46 38 60 52 Double Small Pica 45 38 56 50 Double Pica 45 38 56 50 Double English 45 38 56 50 Double Columbian 45 38 56 50 Double Great Primer 45 38 56 50 Double Paragon 43 38 54 50 Canon 43 38 54 48 Four-line Pica 43 38 54 48 Five-line Pica 43 38 54 48 tST Customers will please be particular to designate, in ordering body letter, whether "Scotch" or "American" type is wanted. Also to state if any Accents, Italic or extra Sorts are required. S3T When ordered at the same time with Roman founts, Italic, Accents and sorts will be furnished at same rate as the fount. If ordered separately, Italic and Accents are charged at the C rate, and Sorts at the D rate. KS" All Scotch body letter is sold at the rate given, whether founts or sorts. But Italic and Accents, when ordered separately from founts of Roman, are sold at the American C rate. Price List of Brass Rules. PLAIN RULES, Or Straight faces are sold at the following uniform rate per foot, in strips of two feet each. Extra lengths made to order. ORNAMENTAL RULES, Such as Waved, Scolloped, Shaded, etc., are rated higher, the price varying according to the work on them. We sell the faces shown in this book as follows : American, or 12-to-pica 06 Saxon, or 6-to-pica, Nos. 71, 137 and 72 10 German, Saxon, Brilliant, Excelsior, Pearl 22 Agate Nonpareil 28 Minion 30 Brevier 34 Bourgeois 38 Long Primer 40 Small Pica 45 Pica . . . 06 06 5 " " 73, 74, 75, 77 and 166 "86 12 14 08 Excelsior, "3 " " 18 HO 10 Pearl . . " 14 ?> 14 " 102, 105 and 144 ill 18 " 14, 15 and 16 SO 22 ' 142 and 108. 34 24 ' 14 34 28 ' 146 36 30 ' 14 is 34 ' 143 and 147 40 38 ' 14 15 and 16 45 40 Long Primer 14 50 45 < o Pica... 14. 15. 16 and 17. . . 63 We can furnish, on special order, any face of Rule not shown in this Book, at price quoted by the foundry making it. MATERIAL), CONSISTING OF Metal Furniture, Leads, Slugs and Brass Rule. JVIETAb fURNITUF^E. This is put up in 25, 50 and 100-lb. founts, and is dressed with perfect accu- racy to Pica sizes, in sections varying from 4 to 50 ems in length, and from 2 to 10 ems in width. Price, 25 cents per pound. The 25-lb. founts contain pieces up to 25 ems in length. Quotations, or Metal Furniture 3x4 ems Pica, furnished at 30 cents per pound. bE/VDS. The usual thickness is Saxon, or 6-to-pica. Founts of 25 pounds or over, cut from 4 ems to 10 ems by ens, and from 10 ems to 25 ems by ems, furnished at 25 cents per pound. Extra lengths cut to order; also founts of any weight or scheme. SLUGS. Nonpareil or Pica Slugs accurately cut on same scale as Leads, or 011 special order, for 25 cents per pound. Founts of 25 pounds on hand. BRASS F^UbE. We can make to order any plain-faced Rule into labor-saving founts of any size, required, the price varying according to the thickness of body, as given below, We show the faces of Rule most called for, and which we keep always on hand, put up in founts of 3 pounds each. Pieces range from 1 em Pica to 25 ems, va- rying by ens up to 10 ems, and by ems to 25 ems. Each piece is stamped. Mi- tred pieces to all labor-saving founts except the dotted. Saxon No. 1. Excelsior No. 8. Saxon No. 71. Nonpareil No. 4. Excelsior No. 2. Nonpareil No. 6. Excelsior No. 4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Excelsior No. 6. Nonpareil No. 8. PRICES : Saxon Rule, 2 00 per pound. Founts of 3 pounds,- $6 00. Excelsior n 1 60 per pound. Founts of 3 pounds, 4 80. Nonpareil n 1 50 per pound. Founts of 3 pounds, ' 4 50. BR/rSS See another page of this book. STYbES. NONPAREIL. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum loc s, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? pa- teretua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbi- traris? O tempera ! O mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit public! consilii particeps: notat et designat oculis ad ca:dem un mquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublica; videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catilina, duci jussu con sulis, jampridem opportebat in te conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir am- plissimus Publius Scipio, pontifex maximus, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum reipublicse, pri- DCDUFGHijKMNOQRT ADFHIMOPQRWX 1234567890 Quausgue tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilcr., nihil timor populi. MINION. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum prassidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia, non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O temporal O mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedem unumquemque nostrum, Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublicae videmur si istius furorum ac tela Vitemus. Ad mortem te Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum pnzsiJii/m palatii, >ii/iil urbis vigilce, BREVIER. A Fount of Type is an assortment of letters and characters, of the same style and body. A fount may be large or small ; and it may contain more or less kinds of characters. A complete fount of Roman letter is composed of the following sorts : CAPITALS, SMALL CAPITALS, lower- case, figures, fractions, points, commercial marks, references, accented letters, quads and spaces. Other sorts may be added, when required, according to the nature of the work : as, for instance, mathematical and medical signs. Roman, or Body Letter, as founders call it, is cast and put up to schemes prepared for the purpose, which represent the proper proportions for usual require- ments. Job letter founts vary in proportion, according to size, style and special use. Italic is put up in smaller proportionate founts to Roman than was customary fifty years ago. The old rule was one-tenth; while a five-pound fount is nmv considered sufficient for 200 pounds BOURGEOIS. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum prae- sidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil hora ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjura- tionem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore, nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora ! O mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturmim prce- STYL>ES. LONG PRIMER. Quousque tanned 'em at a bootery on Catalina islands, patiently, with no straw. Came through in time, fur off, testing our noses ; well, you bet ! When he had finished, he says he never met a jack rabbit out of Asia. Now hear me ! for I'll knock 'em and turn 'em previous end upwards on a platter, annihilate herbs and vials, and tie 'em over a poplar pole. And I'll continue to curse and throw bones over 'em, dammum; and I'll take all the money there is, for I must have a ben- der. Send some low cuss who will haul 'em over a vault, squeal and move out. But here is to considerable silly nonsense. O Tomfoolery ! O Moses ! Send us that intelligent consul vidette, and let him rip it ! SMALL PICA. But know, your sweetest strains are discords all, compared with child- hood's happy laugh the laugh that fills the eyes with light and every heart with joy. O rippling river of laughter, thou art the blessed bound- ary line between the beasts and men ; and every wayward wave of thine doth drown some fretful fiend of care. O Laughter, rose-lipped daughter of Joy, there are dimples enough in thy cheeks to catch and hold and glorify all the tears of grief. // is a piece of extravagance and wastefulness to put off distributing forms tn a printing office. They will be sure to be picked, if not pied, while the time PICA. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum praesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil hora ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides ? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris Quousqne tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad Jinem sese effrenata jac- PEARL ROMAS, No. 7. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuns nos eludet? quem ad flnem sese effrenata jacta- bit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium pa'.atii, nihil urbis vigilse, iiihil timor populi, nihil concursus bouornm omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia nou seutis? constrictam jam horum om- nium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid cousilii ceperis, quem nostrum iguorare arbitraris? O temporal O mores! Senatus hiec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad csedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes satisfacere reipublicoe videmur, si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catiliua duci jussu consulis jampridein op- portebat in conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimus Publius Scipio, pontifex maxi- mus, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactaiitem statum reipublid-e, privatus interfecit: Catilinuin, orliem terrarem cajde atque in- ceudiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus? Nam ilia uimis antiqua pratereo, quod Caius Servilius Ahala, Sp. Melium, novis rebus studentem, manu sua occidit. Fuit, fuit, ista quondam, in hac reipublica, virtus, ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perni- eiosum, quam acerbissimum hostem coercerent. Habemus eiiim senatus consultum in te, Catilina, vehemens et grave : lion deest reipub- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOIMRbTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Qiwu&juc tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nogtra! juamdiu etiam furor iste tuutnos eludet) quem ad finem sese e.ffrenata jactabit audacia ! nihilne te nocturnum prietidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilte, nihil timor populi, nihil concurtut bonorum omnium, nihil hie mu- RUBY NONPAREIL, No. 17. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effreaata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigila;, nihil timor populi, nihil con- cursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid prox- ima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O temppra ! O mores ! Senatus ha;c intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad cajdem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfa- cere reipublic;u videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catilina, duci jussu consulis, jainpridem op- portebat ; in te conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimus Publius Scipio, pontifex maximus, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactaiitem statum reipublicse, privatus interfecit : Catilinam, orbem terrarum csede atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus? Nam ilia uimis antiqua. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXyZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta moslra ? quamdiu etiam furor i&te, tuus non eladet 2 quem ad flnem sese effrenala jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum pramidium palatii, nihil urbis viyilue, nihil timor populi, nihil concur- NONPAREIL, NO. 12. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor pop- uli, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O tempora ! O mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : flt public! consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedam unum- quemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere rdpubaon videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catilina, duci jussu consulis, jainpridem opportebat in te conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir amplissimis Publius Scipio, pontifex maximus, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFOHUKLMSOPIJRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum prcesdium palatii, nihil urbu vigiUe, nihil timor MIMOX, No. 19. WE feel it to be important to draw your attention to the difference in quality of type that is cast of the ordinary type metal and that which is cast of our extra hard metal, inasmuch as the real value of a fount depends equally on its durability and its price. The respective strength of the two qualities may be ascertained by rubbing a type of each, face to face ; or, what is better, the edge of one against the edge of the other, proving which sustains the least injury by the friction, and the types may then be broken so as to test their relative resistance, and to discover the density and tenacity of the metal, which, if good, will be whitish like cast steel, but if poor, will be blue and dull, like lead. It may be safely affirmed, from experience, that a fount of the best metal will work sharp and fresh fully twice as long as the common quality ; it is therefore desirable, whatever prices Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quem ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis viyilw, ni ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTrVWXYZ $ 1234567890 SeorcjH BREVIER, No. 23. Quousque tandem abutere, Catiliiia, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese eifrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te iiocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora viiltusque moverunt? patere tua consilia 11011 sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjuration em tuam noii vides? quid prox- ima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis quern nos- trum ignorare arbitraris. O tempora ! mores ! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps : notat et desig- iiat oculis ad csedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes, satisfacere reipublicse ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil ur- BOUROEOIS, No. 19. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum prsesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora! O mores ! Sena- tus hsec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caedem unumquemque ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Qoueque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos elu- det? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palati LONG PRIMER, No. 17. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet 1 quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te noctur- num presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bono- rum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua consilia, non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quern nos- trum ignorare arbitraris? O temporal O mores! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad caadem unumquemque nostrum. Nos ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihilne te nocturnum f^OMAJMS. SMALL PICA, No. 17. WE feel it to be important to draw your attention to the difference in quality between type that is cast of the ordinary type metal and that which is cast of our extra-hard metal, inasmuch as the real value of a fount depends equally on its durability and its price. The respective strength of the two qualities may be ascertained by rubbing a type of each, face to face; or, what is better, the edge of one against the edge of the other, proving which sustains least injury by the friction ; and the types may then be broken so as to test their relative resistance, and to discover the density and tenacity of the metal, which, if good, will ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Gatilina, patienta nostra? quamdiu eti am fu- ror iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? PICA, No. 17. THE Republicans of the United States want a man who knows that this government should protect every citizen, at home and abroad ; who knows that any government that will not defend its defenders and protect its protectors, is a disgrace to the map of the world. They demand a man who believes in the eternal separation and divorcement of church and school. They de- mand a man whose political reputation is spotless as a star; but they do not demand that their candidate shall have a ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patienta nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern ad finem sese effrenata jac- ROMAN FACES. NONPAREIL No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing good system of academical education. However important the information we receive from any author may be, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicating it by a minute examination, it should be observed that those methods embrace the means, and not the ultimate objects of our education. They tend to abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvvvxyzabcdefghijklmno MINION No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information derived from some authors might be, and whatever improvements may he made in the method of communicating it by an examination, it abcdefghijklmnopqrstuTWiyzabcdefghijklre BREVIER No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds in constructing a good system of academical education. However important might be the informations received from particular authors, and whatever improvements are made in the method of communicating it abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk BOURGEOIS No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of a knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. However important the informations we receive from particular authors might be, and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh LONG PRIMER No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However important the informations received from particular authors may be, and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef SMALL PICA No. 14. Solid. THE mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of academical education However important might be the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc PICA No. 14. Solid. THE mere communications of a knowledge are not the only objects to keep in our mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However abcdefgh i j kl m n opqrstu vwxy z NONPAREIL No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in minds in constructing good system of academical education. However important the information we receive from any author may be, and whatever improvements are made in the methods of communicating it by a minute examination, it should be observed that those methods embrace the means, and not the MINION No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of a knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing systems of academic education However important the information derived from some authors might be, and whatever improvements may be made in the method of communicating it by an examination, it BREVIER No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of knowledge is not the only object to be kept in minds in constructing a good system of academical education. However important might be the information received from particular authors, and whatever improvements are made in the method of communicating it BOURGEOIS No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of a knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind when constructing systems of good academical education. How r ever important the informations we receive from particular authors might be, and LONG PRIMER No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of knowl- edge is not the only object to be kept in mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However important the informations received from particular authors may be, and SMALL PICA No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communication of our knowledge is not the only object to keep in our minds in constructing a system of academical education However important might be the PICA No. 14. Leaded. THE mere communications of a knowledge are not the only objects to keep in our mind in constructing a system of good academic education. However Palmer & Hey, Sun Frunciffu r^OMAJM fAGES. NONPAREIL No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra ? quamdiu ctiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum prsesidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus hab endi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? con strictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri coujurationem tuani non vides ? quid proxima quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris? O temporal O mores! Senatus hsec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit Vivit! immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit publici consilii particeps: notat et designat oculis ad caedem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem yeri fortes, satisfacere reipublicse videmur, si is tius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catilina duci jussu consulis jampridem opportebat in conferri pestem istam, quam tu in nos omnes jamdiu machinaris. An vero vir ampiissimus Publius Scipio, ppntifex maximus, Tiberium Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum reip ublicae, privatus interfecit: Catilinam, orbem terrarum cjede atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus ? Nam ilia nimis antiqua prretereo, quod Caius Servilius Ahahi, Spuri ABODE FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTTVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis viguseni MINION No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigiloe, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusqiic moverunt? patere tua consilia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjuratio nem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris, ubi fueris, quos con vocaveris, quid consilii ceperis quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris. O tempora ! mores ! Senatus ha?c intelligit consul yidet hie tamen vivit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit: fit publici consilii particeps : notat et designat oculis ad ca?dem unumquemque nostrum. Nos autem viri fortes satisfacere reipublicse videmur si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te Catilina, duci jussu consulis. jampridem opportebat: in te con A BC.DE FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCnEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY/ 123457890 Quoiisque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactahlt innlnrin .' iiihilm- // ii<>rtiiniinn pru^idiinn palatii, nihil BREVIER No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tu us nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnu presidium, palatii, nihil urbis vigike, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum omnium consci entia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte eg eris, ubi fueris, quos convocaveris, quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare ar bitraris ? O tempora ! O mores ! Senatus hjec intelligit, consul videt, hie tamen vi vit. Vivit ! immo vero etiam in senatum venit : fit publici consilii particeps ; nota ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihilne te nocturnum prses BOURGEOIS No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia, non sentis ? con strictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vi des ? quid proxima, quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris, quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis, quern nostrum ignorare arbitraris ? O tempora ! O more ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia f nihilne te noc Palmer i Key, San Francisco and Portland. f^OMAN fAGES. LONG PRIMER No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere Catalina, patientia nostra? quamdiu etiam fu ror iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese efFrenata jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum, presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus haben di senatum locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt? patere tua con silia non sentis? constrictam jam horum omnium conscientia teneri con jurationem tuam non vides? quid proxima, quid superiore, nocte egeris ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere Catalina, patientia nostra f quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audacia ? nihiln SMALL PICA No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu et iam furor iste tuus nos eludet ? quern ad finem sese effrenata jacta bit audacia ? nihilne te nocturnum, presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilrc, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum locus, nihil hora ora vultusque moverunt ? patere tua consilia non sentis ? constrictam jam horum ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Quousque tandem abutere, Catalina, patientia nostra ? quamdiu etiam ufror iste tuus nos eludet 1 quern ad finem sese effrenata jactabit audaci PICA No. 14. Quousque tandem abutere Catalina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quern ad finem sese ef frenatia jactabit audacia? nihilne te nocturnum presidium palatii, nihil urbis vigilse, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hie munitissimus habendi senatum ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Quousque tandem abutere Catalina patientia nostra f quamdiu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet f quern ad finem sese effrenata & Key, San Francisco and Portland. LIGHT-FACE ROMANS. ENGLISH No. 2. GREAT PRIMER No. 4. IRON FOUNDER EXCURSIONS First Annual Convention The Grand Reunion. DECEMBER 9, 1882 SOLDIERS 32 GREAT PRIMER No. 5. EUROPEAN INVENTIONS French and German Academies of Design Practical Engineers 37 PARAGON SMALL PICA No. 2. PRINTING HOUSES Lithographers and Engravers DOUBLE ENGLISH No. 3. DEPARTMENT American Manufacturers IRON MINERS DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER No. 3. MOUNTAIN Cumberland Range FOUR LINE PICA No. 3. MOUNDS Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland. HEAVY POSTER ROMANS. GREAT PRIMER No. 3. FOREIOUT NATIONS Government of Great Britain. French Republic DOUBLE PICA. FOREST HOME; North American Indiana Hunting Grounds DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER No. 2. MORNINGS Summer Resorts. Excursion DOUBLE PARAGON*. THRONES Ancient Ruins Monarch FOUR-LINE PICA. NOTICE Continental Palmer & Key. San francltco and Portland. TlTbES. TITLE NO. 1. AGATE TITLE No. 1. TO A, 60 a. |2.75 THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Temperance and Social Improvement Society NONPAREIL TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.50 PRODUCE AND PROVISION STORE Liberal Advances on Consignments MINION TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $4.00 MOUNTAINOUS COUNTRIES. Enchanting Scenes in America, BREVIER TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 U HOI I > \ I I. PAPER STORE Paper, ^Memorandums, Pencils BOURGEOIS TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 BROWN COUNTY DEMOCRAT Interesting Democratic Journal LONG PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 30 A, 50 a. $4.70 MENTAL, PHILOSOPHY. Ancient and Modern Idea SMALL PICA TITLE No. 1. 20 A, 30 a. $2.80 FIELDS AND GARDENS The Farmer's Companion TITLE NO. PICA TITLE No. 1. 15 A, 30 a. $3.80 DOMESTIC BREED Animal Mechanism GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 10 A, 20 a. $4.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. PARAGON TITLE No. 1. 10 A, 20 a. $4.50 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. DOUBLE PICA TITLE No. 1. 8 A, 16 a. $5.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. AGATE TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.75 EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM Advertisements Inserted at Lowest Rates NONPAREIL TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.85 OFFICE OF THE LEBANON TRIBUNE Every Description of Fine Job Printing. MINION TITLE. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.30 LETTER OF PERMANENT VALUE And of Long Established Reputation BREVIER TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.85 GLENN'S FAMILY JOURNAL Great Inducements to Farmers. BOURGEOIS TITLE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $3.40 RUSTIC AND GILT FRAMES American, French, and German LONG PRIMER TITLE No. 4. 30 A, .50 a. $3.90 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Medicines and Perfumery. PICA TITLE No 4. J-J A. :!2a. $3.85 BALTIMORE TIMES. Independent Journal TITLE NO. 3. GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $3.25 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Model Establishment PARAGON TITLE No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $5.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Grand Selection DOUBLE ENGLISH TITLE No. 3. 8 A, 16 a, $6.80 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. Manuscripts DHL. GREAT PRIMER TITLE No. 3. 4 A, 8 a. $6.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. ~im M"~ 1 Pine Timber Mountain DOUBLE GT. PRIMER TITLE No. 1. 4 A, 8 a. $6.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. FOUR-LINE PICA TITLE No. 3. 4 A, 4 a. $7.00 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. 50 Ibs. at 38 cts. per Ib. ! ^ -t Romans Ko U 1 1 ( I S Palmer * Key, San Francisco and Portland. eONDEJNSED AND |T/cLI6 TITLES. TITLE ITALIC NO. 2. NONPAHEIL TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 30 A, 60a. $2.85 CHROMATIC CYLINDER PRINTING. Various Colors Printed at one Impression BREVIER TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 30 A, 60 a. $3.55 MILNER'S PRICE CURRENT Authentic Reports of Inventions. BOURGEOIS TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $3.55 LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Foreign and Domestic Exchange Lo. PRIMER TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $2.70 WESTERN FINANCIER National and County Bonds PICA TITLE ITALIC No. 2. 15 A, 30 a. $3.05 R TILING MA CHINE Pencil Manufacturer *GREAT PRIMER TITLE ITALIC. 10 A, 20 a. $2.80 GOLD BRONZES. CONDENSED NO. 1. TWO-LINE ENGLISH COND. No. 1. 6 A. $2.50 REPUBLIC TWO-LINE GT. PRIMER COND. No. 1. 6 A. $3.65 MITRES TWO-LINE PARAGON COND. No. 1. 4 A. $3.00 ROMAN FOUR-LINE PICA COND. No. 1. 4 A. $3.95 TIMES EXTRA CONDENSED. TWO-LINE BREVIER EXTRA COND. 15 A. $1.10 GOVERNMENT PRINTING HOUSE GREAT PRIMER EXTRA COND. 15 A. $1.50 Superior Colored Inks AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE *PARAOON TITLE ITALIC. 8 A, 16 a. $3.00 REFERENCE Patent Medicine *DBL. ENGLISH TITLE ITALIC. 7 A, 12 a. $5.10 BELMONT Amusements *DDL. GT. PRIMER TITLE ITALIC. 4 A, 8 a. $4.25 MODEL Ornament TWO-LINE PICA EXTRA COND. 15 A. $2.00 2-LiNE GREAT PRIM. EXTRA COND. 10 A. $2.85 111 CANON EXTRA COND. 8 A. $4.00 FOUR-LINE PICA EXTRA COND. 6 A. $2.65 Palmer A Key, San Francitco and Portland. 6OJSJDENSEE). NONPAREIL CONDENSED No. 4. 30A, 60 a. $2.40 NONPAREIL CONDENSED No. 5. 36 A. $1.75 UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT EMINENT MECHANICS OF GREAT BRITAIN Merchants and Manufacturers^ Life Insurance BIOGRAPHIES OF DISTINGUISHED POETS BREVIER CONDENSED No. 4. 30 A. 60 a. $3.00 STANDARD HISTORY OF GERMANY BREVIER CONDENSED N - 5 - ^ A - > Select Readings from Standard Works THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY IMPROVED PRINTING MACHINES LG. PRIMER CONDENSED No. 4. ISA. 40 a. $2.50 THE PRINTERS INSTRUCTOR TWO-LINE PEARL CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $1.50 Productions of Modern Genius 2 GEORGIA MONTHLY RECORD PICA CONDENSED NO. 4. is A, ao a. $2.50 DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE THE FREMONT REGISTER i i -n i * i TWO-LINE AGATE CONDENSED No. 5. 24 A. $2.00 Herald Publishing Company HUNTINGTQN SENTINEL .NGLIS. CONDENSED Na , 15 A 30 , $3.0 Q F SCIENCE _ MORNING CHRONICLE Devoted to General News TWO ' LINE NONP - CONDENSED Na5 - ** *' 2 - 40 TREMOUNT REGISTER GT. PRIMER CONDENSED No. 4. 12 A, 24 a. $3.60 HANDSOME DESIGNS MORNING EDITIONS Numerous Delineations. TWO LINE BREMER co ND No . 5 ISA $220 PARAGON CONDENSED No. 4. 12 A, 24 a. $4.00 COMMEIiLlAL N E \ T b MORNING EDITION American Revolution FOREIGN ITEMS TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS COND. No. 5. 16 A. $2.20 DEL. ENGLISH COND. No. 4. 10 A, 16 a. $5.00 TWO-LINE Loso PRIMER COSD. No. 5. 12 A. $2.50 HURON TIMES Latest Specimen DEL. GT. PRIMER COND. No. 4. 8 A, 12 a. $7.00 TWO-LINE ENGLISH COND. No. 5. 10 A. $3.20 MECHANICS OEDINANCE _LXX1 |Jw J_ LClLAO-ll^ TWO-LINE GT. PRIMER COND. No. 5. 6 A. $3.00 FOUR-LINE PICA COND. No. 4 5 A, 8 a. $8.00 VJ I) L'l ' I I/I L' \ TMBUIE SPECI TWO-LINE PARAGON COND. No. 5. 5 A. $3.50 Insurance TEMPEST I'almer & Key, San Francisco and PorlJuml. AND EXTF^A 6ONDENSED J^O. 6. Nonpareil and Pearl Aldines line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. HISTORICAL EVENTS OK THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. XAKRATIVE OF PERSONAL ADVENTURES AND TRAVELS Southern Commission anil Forwarding Merchants' Exchange PEARL ALDINE on Nonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. |2.00 AUTHENTIC BIOGRAPHIES OF EMINENT FRENCH WRITERS Extensive Assortment of Handsome Combination Borders $4.50 NONPAREIL ALDINE. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Memoirs of American and European Mechanics 5 BREVIER ALDINE. 30 A, 60 a. $3.55 CENTRAL STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Publishers of Journals and Periodicals LONG PRIMER ALDINE. 18 A, 40 a. $2.45 SPECIMENS AND ESTIMATES North American Trade Reporter PICA EXTRA CONDENSED No. 3. 16 A, 32 a. $3.05 OUTLINES AND SKELETONS Longshanks Spindlefellow, Editor and Publisher ENGLISH EXTRA COND. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.25 SOCIETY OF EXGLOSIVES Autumnal Reception at Delacreme Mansion GT. PRIM. EXTRA COND. No. 3. 12 A, 24 a. $3.85 Warrant and Certificate of Indebtedness PARAGON EXTRA COND. No. 3. 10 A, 20 a. $4.35 MTV \ i \i i 11 111 U i PICA ALIUXE. l.> A, 30 a. $2.8.5 MADISON REPUBLICAN Best Advertising Medium DEL. PICA EXTRA COND. No. 3. 8 A, 16 a. $4.80 JAIT( GREAT PRIMER ALDINE. 12 A, 24 a. $4.00 IRON MERCHANTS Insurance Companies DBL. GT. PRIM. Ex. COND. No. 3. 5 A, 12 a. $6.35 PARAGON ALDINE. 12 A, 24 a. $4.60 MONROE TIMES Printer's Manual. DBL. ENGLISH ALDINE. 10 A, 16 a. $7.00 DBL. PARAGON Ex. COND. No. 3. 5 A, 10 a. $5.70 Improvement DBL. GREAT PRIMER ALDINE. 8 A, 12 a. $9.00 Mountains DOI-BLB PARAGON ALDINE. 6 A, lOa. *8.30 FoUK-L. PICA Ex. COND. No. 3. 4 A, 8 a. $6.56 Company FOUR-LINE PICA ALDINE. 6 A, 10 a. $11.50 Eastern TWO-LIJslE JSIO. 5. TWO-LINE DIAMOND No. 5. 20 A. $1.20 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS TWO-LINE PEARL No. 5. 20 A. $1.30 AMERICAN INSTITUTES TWO-LINE BREVIER No. 5. ISA. $2.65 MERTON TIMES TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS No. 5. 15 A. $2.65 TWO-LINE AGATE No. 5. 20 A. $1.30 j SIDNEY INDEPENDENT ! TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER No. 5. 10 A. $2.40 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 5. 20 A. $1.6.5 | \_7 f\ 1 1 1\ IVI iiJ l\ _1_ |O WESTERN FARMER TWO-LINE SMALL PICA No. 5. 10 A. $2.30 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 6. 20 A. $1.80 i FIKESIDE FRIEND TWO-LINE PICA No. 5. 8 A. $2.:JO TWO-LINE MINION No. 5. 20 A. $2.2.5 -a-^v _ _ - -_--. ^-^ .- -. s^. ---^ MOUNT VERNON DIRECTOR 8 A. TWO-LIXK N\-. fl. s:i.lo 3 EEMINISCENCE 5 6 A. TWO-LINE GREAT I'KI.MKK No. 5. $3.80 9 HISTORICAL 8 5 A. Two-LiXK I'A'iAdox No. 5. 84.65 3 MODEEN 2 5 A. FOI-R-LIXE PICA No. 5. *5.50 8 MIDGET 3 TWO-lf>INE JSIO. 7. TWO-LINE PEARL No. 7. 24 A. $2.2,5 | TWO-LINE MINION No. 7. ISA. $2.7.5 MERCURY ...140 MILES HQME REC ORD TWO-LINE AGATE No. 7. 20 A. $2.20 WESTERN SCENES TWO-LINE BREVIER No. 7. ISA. $2.8.5 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL No. 7. 20 A. $2.20 ROMAN EMPIRE TRANSCRIPT Palmer & Key, Snn Francisco and Portland. EXTENDED LIGHTFACE EXTENDED. TITLE EXTENDED NO. 3. AGATE LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 30 A, 60 a. $3.40 MERCANTILE JOB IPRIHSTTINO Cards, Programmes, and. Invitations NONP. LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 30 A, 60 a. $3.75 TYPE inOTJJSTDRY OFFICE Estimates sent on Application BREVIER LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. 24 A, 30 A. $3.30 PRODUCTS Immense Transportation LG. PRIM. LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. ISA, 24 a. $3.30 NONP. TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 35 A, 40 a. $3.65 CO3IBIIVA.TION BORDER, Improved Printing Material BREVIER TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 30 A, 30 a. $3.60 IIVSTJRAIVOE AG-EJNTS Consulting; 33epartmeni:s LG. PRIM. TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 24 A, 24 a. $3.60 E1VGM1VES Latest Improvernent PICA TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 18 A, 20 a. $3.70 POEMS Commercial Monitor PICA LIGHT-FACE EXTEND. 12 A, 18 a. $3.30 jVXO UT^^ r " r J_ 1 _A_I^^'S GT. PRIM. TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 9A,14a. $3.50 Finest Selection PARAGON LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 8 A, 12 a. $4.65 f~\, |l A C / C y f\ I y DBL. SM. PICA TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 8 A, 12 a. $5.10 ^jmer ic ans DBL. ENGLISH LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 5 A, 8a. $5.50 CRIME ]Vf aimed DBL. PARAGON LIGHT-FACE EXTENDED. 4A, 6a. 88.75 DBL. ENGLISH TITLE EXTENDED No. 3. 5A, 8a. $5.15 DBL. GT. PRIMER TITLE EXTEND. No. 3. 4A, 6a. $7.50 MIRE Palmer & lt?y, San Francitm aiid Portland. ANTIQUE EXTEJMDEO JNO. 3. Nonpareil and Pearl Antique Extended line, and 2-LiNE BREVIER ANT. EXTEN. No. 3. 10 A. $2.50 can be used as Caps and Small Caps. PEARL ANTIQUE EXTEND. No. 3, on Nonp. body. 35 A. $2.75 ID-A-II/ST NONPAREIL ANTIQUE EXTEN. No. 3. 35 A. $2.65 SELECT BREVIER ANTIQUE EXTEN. No. 3. 25 A. $2.75 OO^HSTIEIR, ZPIIEOIES LG. PRIMER ANTIQUE EXTEN. No. 3. 24 A. $2.85 PICA ANTIQUE EXTEN. No. 3. 15 A. $2.6-5 2-LiNE LG. PRIM. ANT. EXTEN. No. 3. 10 A. $3.60 ZROTJUSTIID 2-LiNE PICA ANTIQUE EXTEN. No. 3. 6 A. $3.30 2-LiNE ENGLISH ANT. EXTEN. No. 3. 5 A. $4.40 3VCITE /rNTIQUE AND <5LAF^ENEK)N, EXTENDED. AGATE ANT. EXTEN. No. 1. 40 A. $3.40 i LG. PRIMER CLAREN. EXTEND. 10 A, 16 a. $3.50 NONPAREIL ANT. EXTEN. No. 1. 15A,:aia. $3.30 UVEodex-XX Ox-U.cixuexi.tis PICA CLAKEN. KXTKM SA, 12 a. $:',.S5 BREVIER ANT. EXTEN. No. 1. 15A, :)a. *:;.s LG. PRIM. ANT. EXTEN. No. 1. 12 A. is a. $3.85 PARAGON CLARES. EXTEND. 6 A, 8 a. ?l.l() GrOT7-erra.mon.-t PICA ANT. EXTEN. No. 1. 10 A, 12 a. $1.40 DBL. ENGLISH CLAREN. EXTEND. 6 A, 8a. $7.50 /rNTIQUE. NONPAREIL LATIN ANTIQUE. 24 A, 50 a. $2.95 FOREIGN PRODUCE MERCHANT Foreign and Domestic Productions LG. PRIMER LATIN ANTIQUE. 18 A, 36 a. $2.95 NEAT COMBINATIONS Handsome Selection. 25 GREAT PRIMER LATIN ANTIQUE. 12 A, 18a. $3.80 UNION LINES. Passenger Train BREVIER LATIN ANTIQUE. 24 A, 50 a. $2.05 SPECIMEN AND ESTIMATE Plain and Ornamental Letters PICA LATIN ANTIQUE. ISA, 30 a. $2.95 BANKING HOUSES. Government Security. PARAGON LATIX ANTIQUE. 8 A, 14 a. $4.70 SPECIMEN Fine Series. Palmer Jt Key, San Frnm-itm nml I'nrtl.iml. CONDENSED ANTIQUES. NONPAREIL ANT. COND. No. 2. 30 A. 60 a. $2.35 MODERN INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GUITAR Manufacturer and Importer of Pianos and Organs BREVIER ANT. COND. No. 2. 30 A. 60 a. $3.30 INDEPENDENCE FEINTING WOKKS North American Journal of Horticulture LG. PRIMER ANT. COND. No. 2. 24 A, 50 a. $3.30 IMPOETED WEITING FLUIDS Standing Committee on Commerce PICA ANT. COND. No. 2. 20 A. -18 a. $3.55 PATENT STEAM ENGINE Continental Fire Department GT. PRIMER ANT. COND. No. 2. 15 A. 24 a. $3.85 TRENCH CHROMOS Extensive Assortment PARAGON ANTWK COND. No. 2. 18 A, 24 a. $5.30 MODERN DESIGN Morning Chronicle DEL. ENGLISH ANT. <'<>NI>. No. _'. TJA.isa. $6.20 HOME RECORD Printing House DEL. GT. PR"IM. ANT. CON. No. 2. 8 A, 11 A. $r..:!5 PRESIDENTS Commanders CANON ANT. COND. No. 2. 5 A. 8 a. $7.70 Inventions 4-LiNE PICA ANT. COND. No. 2. 5 A. 8 a. $8.50 Nonpareil Antiques line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. THE CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY, 201 VINE STREET PRINTING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. $73 IMPROVED STANDARD NONPAREIL PRESSES NONPAREIL ANTIQUE No. 5. 30 A. 60 a. $2.10 IMPORTERS OF THERMOMETERS AND MICROSCOPES Standard Mathematical and Astronomical Instruments NONPAREIL ANTIQUE No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.10 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF BLOOMINGTON The Southern Merchants Banking Association 54 NONPAREIL ANTIQUE No. 6. 30 A, 60 a. $2.50 ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN Reproductions from Distinguished Authors MINION ANTIQUE No. 6. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 MERCHANTS' UNION EXPRESS COMPANIES The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad BREVIER ANTIQUE No. 0. 30 A, 60 a. $3.20 FINE BLACK AND COLORED INK Plain and Ornamental Type and Rules LONG PRIMER ANTIQUE No. 6. 24 A, 50 a. $2.85 BERLIN FEMALE SEMINARY Modern Educational Institutions PICA ANTIQUE No. 6. 20 A, 38 a. $3.50 ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS Dramatical Entertainments. GREAT PRIMER ANTIQUE No. 6. 15 A. 24 a. $3.85 FOREIGN NATION. Farming Implements DEL. PICA ANTIQUE No. 6. 10 A, 16 a. $5.50 GpLD MINES Mining District DEL. GT. PRIM. ANTIQUE No. 6. 7 A, 12 a. $7.40 CISTERN Americans Palmer ,fr ROIJ. San Francisco ami Portland. ANTIQUE, SKELETOJM AND SKELETON ANTIQUE. BREVIER SKEL. ANTIQUE No. 2. 36 A, 70 a. $2.50 PICTURESQUE AND ANIMATED DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA Most Admirable Collection of Anecdotes and Illustrations LG. PRIMER SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 30 A, 60 a. $3.30 LITERATUEE AND GENERAL INFORMATION Beautiful Productions of Distinguished Artists PICA SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 20 A. 40 a. $2.50 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES German Porcelain aol Eiiamelei Ware GT. PRIMER SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 1.">A, 30 a. $3.00 PARISIAN PAPER HANGINGS Combining Colours lit! Elepce PARAGON SKELETON- ANTIQUE No. 2. 15 A, 30 a. $5.50 ANTIQUE COND. NO. 4. BREVIER ANT. COND. No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.40 MANUFACTURE OF PRINTING MACHINES Cylinder Distribution Nonpareil Presses LONG PRIMER ANT. COND. No. 4. 24 A, 50 a. $2.60 MEMOIRS OF EMINENT ARTISTS Narrative of Personal Adventures PICA AST. COND. No. 4. 20 A, 23 a. *2.75 IMPORTERS AND EXPORTER Foreign and Domestic Liqnors ENGLISH ANT. COND. No. 4. 18A, 36a. *3.00 UNION COUNTY TRIBUNAL Washington Correspondence GT. PRIMER ANT. <'(>M>. \o. 4. 15 A, 24 a. 3.60 INSURANCE AGENCIES Home Mutual Insurance PARAGON ANT. COND. No. 4. li-A, 18a. >*3.30 TRADE REPORTER American Grocers DEL. PARAGON SKEL. AXT. No. 2. SA.lGa. $6.60 ; DBL. ENG. ANT. C,,N,, No. 4. lOA, I6a. MJO DHL. ENGLISH SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 12 A, 24 a. $5.25 IRON FOUNDER Fine Specimens GRECIAN. 4- LINE PICA SKEL. ANT. No. 2. 6 A. 12 a. $6.85 TWO-LINE PICA GRECIAN. *ForR-LiNE PICA GRECIAN. *A. $1.30 4 A. $3.00 GRECIAN I'nlinrr i Kry, San Praneitco ami /'urtlnnil. GLAREJMDON. NONPAREIL CLARENDON. 24 A, 48 a. $2.95 GREAT PRIMER CLARENDON. 10 A, 20 a. $4.55 COMPARE OUK PKICE LIST WITH OTHERS "C*T> T7TP* TTT 1 And You will Find Value for the Time Spent. ' **'J-'A\jH Railroad Companies PARAGON CLARENDON. 8 A, 16 a. $4.65 INDUCEMENTS MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Southern Trader Commercial Correspondent 5 BREVIER CLARENDON. 24 A, 48 a. $3.45 CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION Published from Ancient Documents. LONG PRIMER CLARENDON. 1A. 30a. $2.00 GREAT PRIMER ARABESQUE. 10 A, 20 a. $2.40 20 A, 40 a. PICA ARABESQUE. $5.00 icloi^i Field Sooii of Ifye k W$ Relics of fi)e h Palmer * Key, San Francisco and Portland. AJMD ANTIQUE p>OIJMTED. DORIC. ANTIQUE POINTED. PEARL DORIC, on Nonp. body. 30 A, (>l) a. $3.10 PICA AXTIHI-K POINTED. 10 A, iO a. *3. ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS JULES VE]R.I\IE*S American, French and German Design _ _ __ m Long Bow Series. NONPAREIL DORIC. :!OA, r>0a. $3.30 LATEST IMPROVED MACHINES GREAT PRIMER ANTIQUE POINTED. 8 A, 16 a. *5.80 Manufacturers of Sewing Machines COMPANY Encyclopedia Ten til Annual Statement. DOI-BLK SMALL PICA ANT. POINTED. 6 A, 12 a. $;.SO LONG PRIMER DORIC. 20 A, 30 a. $3.30 i TT ^J^^T^^1 > * ^ CHOICE SELECTION Domestic Productions. PICA DORIC. 18A,[20.a. $3.30 -m-r /X/lj t^1'*"l ^>^i DHL. GKKAT I'HI.MKR AxTiyrE POINTED. 4A,8a. ^8.15 PARAGON DORIC. IOA, 12a. $5.00 K ' M ffl ^^ A ^^^^^ TRIBUNAL Calcedonian. DBL. GREAT PRIMER DORIC. C.A.lOa. $6.30 DOUBLE PARAGON ANTWE POINTED. 3 A, 6a. #8.90 Premises JQHN DBL. PARAGON DORIC. <>A, lOa. $7.70 ^^^^ Medium Smith FOUR-LINE PICA DORIC. 4A, 6a. $9.00 FOUR-LINE PICA ANTIQUE POINTED. 3A,6a. s-ill.10 Recent FIVE-LINE PICA DORIC. 4 A, 6 a. $10.00 Tame Barn ONDENSEE) OCTOQOJM. 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMER COXD. OCTAGON-. $3 05 15A, 25a. PICA COND. OCTAGON. $2.55 ILLUSTRATED MANUAL GOSPEL TRUTH How to Make Paper Locomotives Tattler > s Scandalous Club 1234567890 1234567890 10A, 15a. DHL. SM. PICA COND. OCTAGON. 15A, 20a. GREAT PRIMER COND. OCTAGON. $3.50 PACIFIC DAMASCUS Slope Pioneers 1 The Palestine Dude 2 8A, 15a. DOUBLE ENGLISH CONDENSED OCTAGON. $5.50 QUITE AT HOME Old Cobwebs in the Cellar 4 8A, 12a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED OCTAGON. $7.25 CRANK HILL Lunar Observations 3 5A, 8a. DOUBLE PARAGON CONDENSED OCTAGON. $7.70 MOTHER'S Commandments 2 5A, 8a. FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED OCTAGON. $9.20 GREAT 1 Illustrations 7 l liter * Key, San Francisco and Portland. IOJMICS. NONPAREIL IONIC. 30 A, 60 a. $3.30 MAGNIFICENT WOOD ENGRAVING Superior Productions of Eminent Artists BREVIER IONIC. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY San Francisco and Australian Lines. LONG PRIMER IONIC 20 A, 38 a. $2.50 STEAM ENGINE BUILDER Safe, Durable and Economical PICA IONIC. 20 A, 38 a. $3.50 PRINTING- MACHINES Design and Arrangement ENGLISH IONIC. 15 A, 20 a. $2.8-5 SOUTHERN TRADE Democratic Meetings GREAT PRIMER IONIC. 10 A, 16 a. $3.30 CAMDEN TIMES Liberal Principles. PARAGON IONIC. 10 A, 16 a. $4.10 FORMATIONS Moderate Terms DOUBLE PICA IONIC. 10 A, 12 a. $o.50 ARGUMENT French. China DEL. GREAT PRIMER IONIC. 6 A, 8 a. $6.60 CHIMES Garment CANON IONIC. 6 A, 8 a. $10.00 SHINE Frames PEARL IONIC No. 2, on Nonp. body. 24 A, 48 n. $3.10 NATIONAL, STEAM PRINTING COMPANY. Engraving-, Lithographing 1 , and Steam Printing NONPAREIL IONIC No. 2. 24 A, 48 a. $3.10 IMPROVED NONPAREIL JOB PRESS Excellent Machines for Color Printing 1 . BREVIER IONIC No. 2. 24 A, 48 a. $3.40 UNITED STATES PATENT LAWS The Protection of American Citizens. LoNfi PRIMER IONIC No. 2. 18 A, 36 a. $3.00 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Regular Candidates for Office PICA IONIC No. 2. 16 A, 32 a. $3.20 LUMBER MERCHANT Fine Building Material GREAT PRIMER IONIC No. 2. 10A, 2(a. $4.40 SPRING ROSES Foreign Products PARAGON IONIC No. 2. in A. 2d a. $5.75 CONTINENT Hudson Bank DEL. Kxcii.isH IONIC No. 2. 6 A. 12 a. $6.00 HUNTERS Companion DEL. GT. PRIMER IONIC No. 2. 4 A, 8 a. $6.25 PLANTS Summers FOUR-LINE PICA IONIC. 4 A, 6 a. $9.50 REN Dime Palmer 4 R?y. San Francisco and Portlnml. FRENCH IONIC. LONG PRIMER FRENCH IONIC. 20 A, 40 a. $2 75 PICA FRENCH IONIC. 20 A, 38 a. $3 65 FIRE INSURANCE FRENCH POEM American National Banks. Second Grand Concert. Government Bond Entertainment 10 A, 20 a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA FRENCH IONIC. $4 75 FREIGHT AGENT Michigan Central Railroad Direct Route 5 ENGLISH FRENCH IONIC. 15 A, 20 a. $3 25 SPRING TIME GREAT PRIMER FRENCH IONIC. 10 A, 16 a. $3 25 MOUNTAIN Foreign Commerce. Lumber Regions. Manufacture Premium 6 A, 12 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH FRENCH IONIC. $6 30 CA, 10 a. DOUBLE PARAGON FRENCH IONIC. $9 65 PRINTING North. American 4 A, 6 a. FOUR-LINE PICA FRENCH IONIC. f!2 .50 MINER Commander Palmer ie Key, San Franciifo and Portland. fRENGH ANTIQUE AND fRENCJH 6LAF^ENE)OJM. BREVIER FRENCH ANTIQUE. 30 A, 60 a. $3.00 NONP. FRENCH CLARENDON. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 GERMAN CHUOMO-LITHOGFwAPH. ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATICS FOB YOUNG PEOPLE. Landscapes, Portraits, and Diplomas Brown's Elementary Practical and Commercial Arithmetic Lo. PRIMER FRENCH ANTIQUE. 20 A, 38a. $2.75 BREVIER FRENCH CLARENDON. 30 A, 60a. $2.80 FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS DEALERS IN OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Bohemian Enameled Glassware. Manufacture of Astronomical Instruments PICA FRENCH ANTIQUE, 20 A, 38 a. $3.55 Lo. PRIM. FRENCH CLARENDON. 30 A, 50 a. SCIENTIFIC RECORD. BRASS AND IRON FURNITURE. Department Of Literature Magnificent Specimens of Designs GT. PRIMER FRENCH ANTIQUE. 10A, 16 a. $3.00 ^^ PICA FRENCH CLARENDON. 20 A, 30 a. $3.00 GARDEN SCENE THE MARION SENTINEL Fragrant Geranium Journal of Madison County PARAGON FRENCH ANTIQUE. 10 A, 16 a. $4.30 GT. PRIM. FRENCH CLARENDON. 18A,24a. $3.30 PERFECTIONS ELEGANT MONUMENTS Mountain Range Bronze Mantle Ornaments. DBI, ENGLISH FRENCH ANTIQUE. 6 A, 8 a. $5.00 j DEL. PICA FRENCH CLAR. 12 A, 18* $4.80 FOUNDER CUSTOM HOUSE Inducement French Trimnili e DBL. ENG. FRENCH CLAR. 10 A, 16 a. *">.7o DHL. GT. PRIM. FRENCH ANTIQUE. 4 A, 6 a. $6.00 _ m*Lm* i M A IT . First Premium Premium CANON FRENCH ANTIQUE. 4 A, 5 a. $8.50 DBL. GREAT PRIMER FRENCH CLARENDON. 8 A, 12 a. $7.00 Prominent ^MM m ^^^^ |^^ .^k^k ^^ ^^i FOUR-LINE PICA FRENCH CLAR. 6 A, 8 a. $9.00 Cnrnies HQNEST FOUR-LINE PICA FRENCH ANT. 3 A, 4 a. $8.50 ^JF 1 MM 1^9 Brand Romance Palmer & R?y, San Prum-isco and Portland. EQYfTIAJM EXTf^A 6ONDEJNSEG). PICA EGYPTIAN EXTRA COND. 15 A, 24 a. $2.50 ! FOUR-LINE PICA EGYPT. Ex. CON. 6 A, 8 a. $5.75 CHOICE PRODUCTIONS OF MODERN POETS j Summer Rambles through Celebrated Flues, OT. PRIMER EGYPT. Ex. COND. 15 A, 24 a. $2.20 | | I SFEQBIS or em wnmm pmiir MfiPCMIlt Ihnnu Gratuitous Recommendations 3 * * yk " *"** W4W *" FIVE-LINE PICA EGYPT. Ex. CON. 5 A, 8 a. $8.00 DEL. PICA EGYPT. Ex. COND. 12 A, 18 a. $2.20 fine ttient of Euiled Paper DEL. GT. PRIM. EGYPT. Ex. CON. 8 A. 12 a. $3.75 Monumental SIX-LINE PICA EGYPT. Ex. CON. 4 A, 6 a. $9.00 DEL. PARAGON EGYPT. Ex. COND. 8 A, 12 a. $4.40 Promenade fRENCBJH L/cRENIDOfJ EXTENDED. Nonpareil and Pearl French Clarendon Extended line, and can be used as Caps and Small Caps. BO1TIDS. PEARL FRENCH CLAREN. EXTEN. on Nonp. body. 30 A, 42 a. $2.00 PICA FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 16 A, 20 a. $4.00 GT. PRIM. FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 12 A, 14 a. $5.50 NONPAREIL FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 30 A, 42 a. $3.75 Em.pori-u.3ao. for Practical BREVIER FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 20 A, 36 a. $3.30 3Decora,tion LG. PRIM. FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 22 A, 32 a. $3.75 of PARAGON FRENCH CLAR. EXT. 7 A, 10 a. $5.70 DEL. SM. PICA FCH. CLAR. EXT. 5 A, 7 a. $5.70 Palmer 4 Hey, San Francisco and Portland. (aOTHIC JMO. 2. PEARL GOTH. No. 2 (Nonp. body). 30 A, 60a. $3.10 ] NONPAREIL GOTHIC No. 2. 30 A, 60a. $3.10 CYLINDER PRINTING MACHINES HANDSOME ENGRAVINGS Improved Nonpareil Job Printing Presses. Attractive and Valuable Premiums Patent Receding Bed, $225. Choice Selection. SI.5O Pearl and Nonpareil Gothics line, and can be used as caps and small caps. SELECT EDITIONS FOR ENGINEERS AND MECHANICS PERSONAL HISTORY AND EXPERIENCE OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS. PRACTICAL GUIDE BOOK, 1725 PACES. BREVIER GOTHIC No. 2. MA, 20 a. -1-.~' OPERA COMPANIES Dramatical Entertainment. Admission $I.5O COLUMBIAN GOTHIC No. 2. 1.">A, 20 a. $3.2-") MERCHANT American Grocer Produce 2 J,ONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 2. 20 A, 30 a. $3.25 HURON TRIBUNE Farmers Home Journal $2 per Annum I'II-A GOTHIC Xo. 2. 15 A, 20 a. $3.00 MONUMENTS Granite and Marble Cemetery 52 8 A, 12 a. PARAGON GOTHIC No. 2. $3.55 MOUNTAIN REGION Mineral and Timber Sections Fine Material 43 8 A, 12 a. DOUBLE PICA GOTHIC No. 2. $5.05 DIRECT ROUTE Creat Eastern Railroad Train No. 38 Kf/t. San Franciaeo and Portland. GOTHIC No. 2. 6 A, 8 DOUBLE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 2. $ 6.20 COMMERCE European Countries Government 6 5 A, 8 a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 2. $8 25 MOUNDS North American Homes 28 5 A, 6 a. DOUBLE PARAGON GOTHIC No. 2. $8.80 THRONE Ancient Ruins German 6 4 A, 6 a. FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC No. 2. $ 11 50 BENCH Commands /Winer * A'ey, S Francisco and Portland. UNITED STATES BANK IJMTEF^NjOrL F^EVEJNUE /r@EJNT JVIONUMENT $25 LONG PRIMER GOTHIC No. 10. 18 A, 18 A. $3.25 TYPE FOUNDER JSIONPAREIL 16 PICA GOTHIC No. 10. 15 A, 15 A. $3.50' MERCHANTS JHOJV1E JMORTHERN 3 TWO-LINE BREV. GOTHIC No. 10. 12 A, 12 A. $3.75 PRODUCER fOF^EIGJM fr^UIT. ^VMERIGAN GREAT PRIMER GOTHIC No. 10. 10 A, 10 A. $4.00 MODERN JMO 2-LiNE SMALL PICA GOTHIC No. 10. 8A, 8A. $4.25 USEFUL fr^lJMTIJMSS 2-LiNE ENGLISH GOTHIC No. 10. 5 A, 5 A. $4.75 TORN J-IOJVII^Y Palmer * Key. San framitso and Portland. AJ^D CONCAVE, CONDENSED. GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 6. CONDENSED CONCAVE. LG. PRIMER GOTH. COND. No. 6. 30 A, 50^a. $3.00 Two-LiNE NONP. COND. CONCAVE. 24 A $2.00 THE CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILROADS. 3STOCK*BROKER'S*IiAMENT Large Transportations to Southern Towns TWO-LINE BREVIER COND. CONCAVE. 24 A. $2.45 PICA GOTH. COSD. No. 6. 24A,36a. 3.25 DJITIDFP A T I FV flf 1 HAIi'IJNE. 32A. TWO-LINE BRILLIANT OLD STVLE TWO-LINE. $1.80 ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. 24A. TWO-LINE EXCELSIOR OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. $2.15 THE ENTRANCING SCENES OF THE YOSEMITE VALLEY. ISA. TWO-LINE PEARL OLD STYLE TWO-LINK. 1.90 BLOWER'S TRIP FROM PORTLAND TO BUMTOWN 16 A. TWO-LINE NONPAREIL OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. $2.00 WOODWARD'S GARDENS MARINE AQUARIUM 12A. TWO-LINE MINION OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. 8110 RAMBLES IN GOLDEN GATE PARK 7 10 A. TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. s-2.70 SEAL ROCK VOWEL SOUND 4 8 A. TWO-LINE SMALL PICA OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. $3.55 6 A. Two-LiNE ENOLISII OLD STYLE TWO-LINE. sl.-2.~> THE CAMPBELLS OLD STYLE @ONDEjNSE9. TWO-LINE PEARL OLD STYLE CONDENSED. TWO-LINK .SMALL PICA OLD STYLE COND. 24 A. $1.80 10 A. $2.70 SUDDENLY COLLAPSED IN 79 pTTPMfQUTMr 7 TWO-LINE NONPAREIL OLD STYLE COND. 18 A. f 1.80 rr>OT*TT r\l TO T>r\T T/^A^ o TWO-LINE ENGLISH OLD STYLE COND. 'ESTiFEROUS POLlti 3 A. $3.> STREET MANNERED 2 HUMPING 8 TWO-LINE BREVIER OLD STYLE COND. 16 A. $2.00 TWO-LINE GT. PRIMER OLD STYLE COND. 6 A. $3.60 TWO-LINE BOURGEOIS OLD STYLE COND. 16 A. s>2.80 T^Yf"'^ T~ T" "T" ~\ T /^\ ~~* ARABIAN KNIGHT rloHllNVJ D Palmer & Key Sun Fntneitm and /'urtlnml eazceedinqlii handy tittle &clifit /M&> been welt n it ^vill leceiv-e foloftet, l&c&pnition il&m t/ie a v-e1!>ati>le letted ab the . it i& de-i-ttnect to- ivea/1; j etna/ it ib aA- ectA-ili bet and clibtlibtitecl ok Sctw Italic. 8 A, 46 a. GREAT PRIMER UTILITY SCRIPT. $5.75 SffbOMafo t^ie MMb o ^od (frliMsd bloutly, yet a/li/nd eweeedima ffle btandb all. Palmer A Key. San Francitco and Portland. COPPERPLATE |T/vbie. 30 A, 60 a. LONG PRIMER COPPERPLATE ITALIC. 13.00 MAPDEW! WITH THE MEEK, BROWN EYES, In whose Orbs a Shadow lies, Like the ^iislc in Evening Skies! Thou whose Locks outshine the Sun, Golden Tresses wreathed in one, rts the Braided Streamlets run! Standing, with reluctant feel, Where the Brook and (River meet, Womanhood a?ttf Childhood fled ! Brass Leaders, $1 .50 per Ib. 15 A, 42 a. PICA COPPERPLATE ITALIC. $3.20 SPEtiR! STEdK! THOU FErtftFUL GUEST! Who, with thy hollow breast, Still in rude armor dressed, Comest to daunt me! Wrapt not in Eastern balms, But with thy fleshless palms Stretched as if asking alms, Why dost Ihou haunt me? Brasss Leaders, $1 .40 per tb. 12 A, 60 a. GREAT PRIMER COPPERPLATE ITALIC. $5.50 THE 0 a. PARAGON COPPERPLATE ITALIC. $6.25 - ____ PEARL-NONPAREIL GOTHIC COXD. No. 7. 56 A. 1.60 PEARL-NONPAREIL GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 56 A. $1.85 AS YOU PENETRATE INTO THE LABYRINTHIAN RECESSES OF SOME OUR LITTLE POLLY 'S DEAD, AND THE FEATHERS ON HER NONPAREIL GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 43 A. 81.60 NONPARML GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 48 A. 2.00 FOSSILIZED PRINTING OFFICES NOT SITUATED IN SOUTHERN HEAD WILL NEVER FLUTTER UP ABOVE THE DOOR. BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 42 A. $1.90 BREVIER GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 42 A. S2.20 AFRICA, NO WHITEWASH BUSINESS OF ANY KIND FOR THE BLACK HEN BELTED HER WITH TWO-LINE PEARL GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 36 A. $2.10 TWO-LINE PEARL GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 36A. $2.25 LIGHTENS THE SCENE, BUT THE MIDNIGHT HER LITTLE CROOKED SPUR, & POLL TWO-LINE NONP. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 32 A. %>2.70 TWO-LINE Noxi>. GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 32 A. s::.mi FEATURES OF THE OFFICE TOWEL WANTS A CRACKER NO MORE TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 24 A. $2.75 TWO-LINE BREVIER GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 24 A. s-j.'.o SIERRA MADRE MOUNTAINS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. TWO-LINE Bot'HG. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. ISA. $2.85 TWO-LINK BontGKois GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 18 A. s:;.i,n EL MONTE LIME HEDGES OLD OCEAN'S PEARLS TWO-LINE LONG PR. GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 16 A. $2.85 TWO-LINE LONG PR. GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 16 A. -SV.-0 SULTANA SEEDLESS! ROLLING STONES TWO-LINE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 12 A. $3.00 Two-LixE PICA GOTHIC COXD. Xo. 8. 12 A. s:5..T> GRAPE CUTTINGS! CATCH NO MOSS TWO-LINE ENGLISH GOTHIC COXD. No. 7. 10 A. $3.30 Two-LixE ENGLISH GOTHIC COND. No. 8. K) A. *:;.!>;, BUDDED FRUITS GOLUM6IADS TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 8 A. $3.80 TWO-LINK COLCMBIAN GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 8 A. *4.60 ORANGE TREE TASTELESS TWO-LINE PARAGON GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 5 A. $3.70 ' TWO-LINE PARAGON GOTHIC COND. No. 8. 5 A. si.M BEKCAMOT! SMEARED ForR-LiNE PICA GOTHIC COND. No. 7. 4 A. $3.55 FOUR-LINE PICA GOTHIC COXD. No. 8. 4 A. S4.-J) MISSIONS BANANA Palmer i Key, San Francisco and Portland. ITALIC, CONGAVE AND GOTHIC ITALIC. Pearl and Nonpareil Gothic Italic No. k line, and ' can be used as Caps and Small Caps. THE FRENCH AND GERMAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED STATESMEN. PEARL GOTHIC ITALIC No. 4 on Nonp. body. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Personal Narrative and Results of Travels Through Europe NONP. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 4. 30 A, 60 a. $2.20 MERCHANTS AND TRADERS BANKING ASSOCIATION Authentic Biographies of Eminent American Writers NONP. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 30 A, 60 a. $2.65 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL NEWS LETTERS The Cincinnati Type Foundry, 201 Vine Street BREVIER GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 36 A, 52 a. $2.85 AUTHENTIC REPORT OF NEW INVENTIONS Manufacturer of Latest Improved Machinery LG. PRIM. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 30 A, 42 a. $2.85 WINE-GROWING CENTER OF EUROPE Imported French Wines and Brandies PICA GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 22 A, 38 a. $2.75 SOUTHERN PRINTING COMPANY Programmes, Statements, Posters GT. PRIM. GOTHIC ITALIC No. 3. 18 A. 25 a. $3.10 DAYTON TRADE JOURNAL Printers' International Union PARAGON GOTHIC ITAL. No. 3. ISA, 24 a. $4.00 FLOUR MERCHANTS National Government. DEL. ENG. GOTH. ITAL. No. 3. 10 A, 14 a. $5.00 CORNER PIECE Card Ornaments CONCAVE, NONPAREIL CONCAVE. 30 A. $1.30 SEA BREEZES FROM THE ATLANTIC. LONG PRIMER CONCAVE. 22 A. $1.50 SHADOWS AND SUNSHINE PICA CONCAVE. is A. $1.85 STEEPLE BUILDER GREAT PRIMER CONCAVE. 14 A. $2.50 RIVER SCENE 2-LiNE LONG PRIMER CONCAVE. 12 A $3 10 THUNDERS 2-LiNE PICA CONCAVE. 10 A. $3 50 MORNING 2-LiNE ENGLISH CONCAVE. 8 A. $3.80 STUMPS TWO-LINE COLUMBIAN CONCAVE. 6 A. $3 95 MOUND - . Q|^ LIGHT CELTIC. NONPAREIL LIGHT CELTIC. 36 A, 70 a. $3.50 ENGRAVER AND LITHOGRAPHER French and German Translations. Q BREVIER LIGHT CELTIC. 36 A, 52 a. $3.85 TYPE FOUNDRY COMPANY Specimen of Elegant Printing LONG PRIMER LIGHT CELTIC. 25 A, 42 a. $3.60 MORNING CHRONICLE Journal of Current Events PICA LIGHT CELTIC. 25 A, 32 a. $4.20 Printer and Publisher. GREAT PRIMER LIGHT CELTIC. 14 A, 20 a. $4.50 Eminent Artists. PARAGON LIGHT CELTIC. 10 A, 14 a. $4.85 Inducement Palmer Jt Key, San Francisco and Portland. OCTIC SERIES. 'Patent Pending.; NONPAREIL OCTIC. 30 A. $1.65 GORGEOUS SPRING DOORS MOROCCO BOUND ORDER BOOKS BREVIER OCTIC. ROSSBURG COURIER OUR SUSPENSION BRIDGE POISONOUS DRUGS, $93.58 DISCOURSER S539O 15 A. TWO-LINE BREVIER OCTIC. $2.20 SPURIOUS COUPONS NUMEROUS CORRUPT BOARDS QUORUMS $58,602 LONG PRIMER OCTIC. 20 A. $1.60 PICA OCTIC. 20 A. $2.20 CROCUS SHRUBS CURIOUS ROSE BUDS. DRUM CORPS COURSE BORDER. BOUQUETS, $2.50 $352,680 8 A. TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER OCTIC. $2.50 JURIES' REPORTS SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE RECORDS $352 8 A. TWO-LINE PICA OCTIC. $3.30 SUCCESSORS SUPERB BOURBON LIQUORS 28 1'nlmtr & /ley, San Francisco and Portland. OCTIC SERIES. (Patent pending.) 6 A. DEL. ENGLISH OCTIC. $3.30 PRODUCERS ROUGH GROUNDS BIRDS $63 5 A. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER OCTIC. f4.85 GROCERS ROOS & BROS. $25,068 4 A. TWO-LINE PARAGON OCTIC. $4.85 COURSE SOUR DROP $68930 4 A. FOUR-LINE PICA OCTIC. $7.00 SUBURBS $36.25 Palmer t l!"y. Han Franclso and Portland. JSIO. 4. NONPAREIL CELTIC No. 2. 35 A. $1.65 GRAND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS GIVEN BY THE HARMONIC SOCIETY. MINION CELTIC No. 4. 20 A, 20 A. $1.90 ELEGANT STEEL ENGRAVING SOUTHERN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BREVIER CELTIC No. 4. 20 A, 20 A. $2.30 UNITED STATES COURT SUPREME COURT REPORTS LONG PRIMER CELTIC No. 4. ISA, ISA. $2.40 INSURANCE AGENCY RICH MINING REGION GREAT PRIMER CELTIC No. 4. 10 A, 10 A. $3.30 DOUBLE PICA CELTIC No. 4. 8 A, 8 A. $5.00 PICA CELTIC No. 4. 14 A, 14 A. $2.40 GRAND EDITION TREMONT COURIER REPORTS MONUMENT DOUBLE ENGLISH CELTIC No. 4. 6 A, 6 A. $5.80 ROUND ]MPIRES 5 A. Two-LixE GREAT PRIMER CELTIC No. 2. $3.75 8 ENGLAND 6 4 A. TWO-LINE PARAGON CELTIC No. 2. $4.60 1 NATION 4 JMORJVIAN LONG PRIMER NORMAN COND. 20 A, 32 A. $3.00 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS GREAT PRIMER NORMAN COND. 10 A, 16 A. $3.40 FOREIGN JOURNAL MANCHESTER TRIBUNE DEL. GT. PRIMER NORMAN COND. 4 A. 6 A. $5.00 TFl^TS VjJ_jIV 1 LJ XPOSITION PICA NORMAN COND. 12 A, 20 A. $3.20 UNITED STATES MINTS GOLD AND SILVER DOLLARS PARAGON NORMAN COND. 8 A, 12 A. $4.00 H J)BL. PICA NORMAN COND. 5 A, 8 A. $4.25 MERCHANTS IRON FOUNDER Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland. INCLINED BOLDFACE AND INCLINED ANTIQUE. 30A, 50a. NONPAREIL INCLINED BOLDFACK. $2.60 I TjAY ME DOWN JiUT CANNOT SLEEP; My Thoughts Unwilling Vigils knrp: I Turn in Weariness and Pain, and lo ! I Hear the Sentry's Strain: Twelve and all is Well! 30A, 50a. BREVIER INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.45 THE AIR WITH NOISE NO LONGER STIRS; Still as the Place of Sepulchres the Sleeping City is, save when the Sentry's Voice is hearil Attain: "One, and all is Well!" 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMER INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.45 WE BORE HIM TO THE GRA VE While yet 'twas Morn, the Winter Sunlight Shining on his Coffin : The Weight of Grief was Heavy to be Borne, 20A, 30a. PICA INCLINED BOLDFACE. $3.95 AND THE SALT TEARS Rose in our Eyelids Often. We Slowly Walked In Mutely Sad Procession; 30A, 50a. NONPAREIL INCLINED ANTIQUE. $3.00 THE PITYING PEOPLE FREELY MADE US WAY; And the Blest Child, yet Guileless of Transgression, we Softly placed Bet-ween the Walls of Clay. We Sang a HymnWe Bowed our Heads to Pray. 30A, 50a. BREVIER INCLINED ANTIQUE $3.45 AND GOD WHO HAD OUR BITTER Grief Appointed, Sent also Strengthening: Grace by Lips Anointed, Ere we Sore Him to the Grave. 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMER INCLINED ANTIQUE. $3.70 THE OLD CLOCK IN THE HALL Is Slowly Ticking; and Hour by Hour it Tolls a Fu- neral Chime: Its Ever- going 20A, 30 a. PICA INCLINED ANTIQUE. $3.85 AND UNHURRIED CLICKING Denotes the Speed of the old Traveler Time. It is a Solemn Voice. Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland. CONDENSED ALDINE. 4nA, 50a. NONPAREIL CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.20 I KHOW, I MOW WHERE BLOSSOMS BLOW THE EARLIEST OF THE YEAR ; Where the Passion -Flower, with a Mystic Power, its Thorny Crown doth Rear Where Crocus Breathes, and Fragrant Wreaths, Like a Censer Fill the Gale Where Cowslips Burst to Beauty First, and the l.ih of the Vale ; 40A, 50a. BREVIER CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.50 \Mi SNOWDROPS WHITE, AND PANSIE8 BRIGHT As Joseph's Colored Vest; and Laurel-Tod from the Woods of God, where the Wild Bird Builds her Nest. I Know, I know where Blossoms Blow the Earliest of the Year. 40A, 50a. BOURGEOIS CONDENSED ALDIXE. $2.65 THEY TELL OF A BOATMAN, COLD AND PALE, WHO WAITS ON THE SHORE Of a Fathomless River, with a Noiseless Oar and a White- Winged Sail, and He W r afts the Soul to the Dim Forever. Oh ! where is the Boatman Pallid and Slow, 30A, 40a. LONG PRIMER CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.45 AND WHERE DOES THE WHITE-WIMED VESSEL GO? We have Named Him Death, who with Ruthless Grasp each Tie of our Hearts will Snap And Sever, but whence is the Source of His Icy Clasp, 30A, 40a. PICA CONDENSED ALDINE. $3.10 AND WHERE IS THE DISTANT, DIM FOREVER? When the Pulse is Stilled and the Eyes are Dim, where goeth the Soul that goes Out with Him the Boatman Cold and Pale? 20A, 30a. ENGLISH CONDENSED ALDINE. $2.55 SHOE THE HORSE AND SHOE THE MARE ; Sever let the Hoof go bare: Trotting over Flinty Stones Wears away The Hardest Bones. 20A, 25a GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED ALDINE. $3.30 LIFE HAS MAM A STONY STREET Even to the Toughest Feet : Men the Sturdiest Find it So Ere through Half of Life they go. Shoe the Horse. raltner & Key. San Francisco and Portland. CONDENSED ALDIM 15A, 20a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA CONDENSED ALDINK. $265 SPLITTICi THE DIFFERENCE ! Levying Half and Half on Producer and Consumer Middlemen's Exchange. 10A, 15 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH CONDENSED ALDINE. I4.3C OBJECTS OF INTEREST Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear ! Our Exhausted Pocketbook. 10A, 15 a. DOUBLE PARAGON CONDENSED ALDINE. $6.60 45 RICH DEVELOPIEITS 78 Lesson on Elementary Ore Ining FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED ALDINE. $6.10 inn Books l'nlm<:r * /ley San Francisco aiul Portland. GLAREJNDON GOM PRESSED. 30A, 20A, 50a. NONPAREIL CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $2.60 'TWAS FUN TO SEE OUR DEVIL RUSH LIKE A SCHOOL BOY OUT OF SCHOOL, And Lather Himself with the old Ley Brush, and Shave with a Column Rule. With an Unctions Grin He Scrapes His CHIK, FOE IT TICKLES THE LITTLE FOOL. 30A, 20A, 50a. BREVIER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.00 THY NEIGHBOR? IT IS HE WHOM THOU Hast Power to Aid and Bless ; Whose Aching Heart or Burning Brow Thy Soothing Hand May PRESS. THY NEIGHBOR ? 'Tis THE FAINTING POOR, WHOSE 25A, 15A, 40a. LONG PRIMER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.35 EYE WITH WANT IS DIM, WHOM HUNGER Sends from Door to Door : Go Thou and Succour Him ! Thy Neighbor ? 'Tis THAT WEARY MAN, WHOSE YEARS ARE AT THEIR BRIM, 15A, 10A, 25a. PICA CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $2.80 BENT LOW WITH SICKNESS, Care and Pain: Go Thou and Comfort Him! Thy Neighbor? 'Tis THE HEART BEREFT OP EVERY EARTHLY GEM ; 15A, 25a. (iRKAT PRIMER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $3.bO WIDOW AND ORPHAN, HELPLESS Left: Go Thou and Shelter Them! Thy Neighbor? luA, 20a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $8.<*> YONDER TOILING SLAVE, Fettered in Thought and Limb, Whose 8A, 15a. DOUBLE ENGLISH CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $4.70 Palmer * Key, San Francisco and I'ortland. OMfRESSED. 8 A, 15 a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $7.30 Inexhaustable America's Golden Wealth 38 CALIFORNIA 47 8 A, 12 a. DOUBLE PARAGON CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $8.90 Good Old Days Memoirs and Letters 4 FORTY-NINE 9 6 A, 10 a. FOUR-LINE PICA CLARENDON COMPRESSED. $10.15 Richness Mountlovers Mine 2 GOLD ORE 3 Palmer i- Key, San Francisco and Portland. MANHATTAN AND CURVED ANTIQUE. IDA, 15a. GREAT PRIMER MANHATTAN. $2.75 8A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA MANHATTAN. $3.86 Political Sweeping Assertions! n Terrified OrOWIl Heads! ? NIHILISM RAMPANT DDST FOR THS PUBLIC 6A, lOa. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER MANHATTAN. $5.15 Limitsd Premium Corset Pressure 2 NARROW CONTRACTION 3 10A, 15a. GREAT PRIMER CURVED ANTIQUE. $3.50 Continuous Steel-Rail Line to all Points in the East 18 CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. 71 8A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA CUPVED ANTIQUE. $4.75 Bobby Link X Jay Bird, Concerteers ! 3 GROVE LANE, CHERRY VALE 6A, lOa. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CURVED ANTIQUE. $6.20 Ancient Moorish Architecture 4 CURVED CORNICES S 4A, 6a. FOUR-LINE PICA CURVED ANTIQUE. $7.75 The Merrie Maskers 3 BALLROOM 5 Palmer Ic Key, San Praiicitco and Portland. LATIN ITALIC. 30A, 50a, NONPAREIL LATIN ITALIC. $2.60 THERE WAS AN OLD FELLOW, WHOSE NAME WAS DICK, Used to Come into the Office and Pick up a Stick, and Swear any Comp. in the place he could Lick At Setting Type he could make 'em Sick, with his Clickety, Clickety, Bobbing and Bobbing, 30A, 50a. BREVIER LATIN ITALIC. $2.75 HE COULD SET UP A THOUSAND AN HOUR. In Appearance this Chap was not Genteel. He'd a large red Nose and was out at the Heel His Face seemed to say he could go a Square Meal. From his general Style 25A, 40a. LONG PRIMER LATIN ITALIC. $2.6. r > YOU WOULD HARDLY FEEL, WITH HIS CLICKETY, Clickety, Bobbing and Bobbing, He could Set up a Thousand an Hour. This Tramp would Sail in and Fill up his Case 20A 30a. PICA LATIN ITALIC. WITH SUCH WOND'ROUS SPEED, HE ALWAYS Would Race, that You'd fancy the Matter Ejected from Space, The Type dropped so Fast, each in its Place, ISA, 20a. GREAT PRIMER LATIN ITALIC. $3.45 WITH HIS CLICKETY, CLICKETY, Bobbing and Bobbing, He Distributed a Thousand An Hour; yes, he Did! 10A, 15a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA LATIN ITALIC. $3.60 MORAL: SO ALL YOUNG MEN | Both Great and Small when Setting Type Don't Bob at all. Nor Click I'aJmer ic Key, San Fran'tem and Portland. ATHENIAN. 25A, 30a. NONPAREIL, ATHENIAN. $3.00' UNQUESTIONABLE ANTIMONIACAL PROPOSITIONS. Ornamental Type, like Bonbons and Ginberbread, may Occasionally Serve a Good Pur- pose ; but a Neat Plain Letter is as Welcome as Bread and Butter. 25A, 30a. BREVIER ATHENIAN. $3.80 THIS IS A SELF-EVIDENT PROPOSITION To all Who are Gifted with that Admirable Felicity of Taste which Discovers Beauty in Simplicty. 20A, 26a. I,ON PRIMER ATHENIAN. $3.90 DECIDEDLY NEAT BUT MOT GAUDY As the Darwinian Progenitor of the Genus Homo remarked After Decorating his Narrative 15A, 20a. PICA ATHENIAN. $4.10 STRAIGHT THE PATH OF DUTY Curved the Lane of Beauty : Follow the First and The Other will Follow Thee. 10A, 15a. GREAT PRIMER ATHENIAN. $4.50 ATHENIAN BEAUTY'S Robust Slenderness Ensures Her Grecian Lover's Tenderness. 8A, 12a. DOUBLE SMALL, PICA ATHENIAN. $5.40 STOLEN KISSES Compressed Tunnel Sweetness ! Railroad Sparks. Palmer Ic Key, San Francisco and Portland. COIDEISED ATHENIAN. 30A. 50a. NONPAREIL CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $2.75 THE SUH HAD PUT IHS BIGHT-CAP 01, AID COVERED O'ER HIS HEAD, When Countless Stars Appears! Ami! the Curtains rouni Ms Bel Tee Koca Arose, most Motherly, to take a gniet Peep tow all The Stars Behave! while he her Sovereign was Asleep. 30A, 20A, 50a. BREVIER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. 4.40 SHE SAW THEM WINK THEIR SILVERY EYES, AS IP IN ROGUISH PLAY ; Though Silent all, to her they Seemed as if they'd much to Say. So, Lest their Frolics Should DISTURB THE SLEEFIK KIHG OF LIGHT, 25A, ISA, 40 a. LONG PRIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $4.65 SHE ROSE SO HIGH THAT HER MILD EYE Gould Keep tliem all in Sight The Stars, Abash'd, Stole Softly Back, and Looked DEMURE AND PRIM; UNTIL THE MOON BEGAN TO HOD, 10A, 10A, 20a. PICA CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $3.50 HER EYES BECOMIM DIM. THE! SLEEPILY She Sought her Home, that's Somewhere: Who Knows WHERE? BUT AS SHE WENT, THE PLAYFUL STARS A, SA, 15a. GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $4.50 COMMENCED THEIR TWfflKLIIG ; Glare. And when the Moon was fairly Gone, THE IMPS WITH SILYERY EYES 6A, 0A, lOa. DOUBLE PICA CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $5.S5 HAD SO MUCH FM - It Woke the Sun, and he Began To RISE. HE ROSE in GLORY I ) 4A, 4A, 8a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED ATHENIAN. $7.00 FROM HIS EYES f Sprang Forth a lew- Born LAY; BEFORE WHOS: Palmer 4 Key, San Francitco and Portland. BOLDfACBE ELTIC. 30A, 50a. NONP. BOLDFACE CELTIC. 3.00 30 A, 50 a. BREV. BOLDFACE CELTIC. 19 TOURIST ROUTES 2O 13 DIPLOMACY 54 Travellers' Guide and Reference. General Sherman's Charge 25 A, 40 a. LONG PR. BOLDFACE CELTIC. $3.75 ISA, 25a. PICA BOLDFACE CELTIC. $3.05 18 COMMON 7S 13 POEMS 75 French Commentaries Nubjg and 8 A, 12a. DOUBLE PICA BOLDFACE CELTIC. $4.35 X-^^y ~R JTT^fT^ "1 id Portland. 10 A, 15 a. 8A, 12a. GREAT PRIMER RENAISSANCE. ift DOUBLE SMALL PICA RENAISSANCE. $4.00 $5.20 6A, 10 a. DOUBLE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. $6.45 5 A, 8 a. DOUBLE PARAGON EUufAUTANCB. ss.Ol Dome 8 A, 12 a. 6 A, 10 a. 5 A, 8 a. GREAT PRIMER DORIC SHADED. DOUBLE PICA DORIC SHADED. 1? M DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER DORIC SHADED. Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland. $6.50 $9.00 4 SCRIPT. 10A, 25a. PICA AMALGAMATED SCRIPT. $3.60 Jmniense ^rodwsbs of klie ffleskern ^and of ^old and <. 105. lOe. 03. KK-. 7:?. lOc. 11. I'll. -J.V. 76. Ilk-. 12. 10f. 2. lOc. 216. 2.V. 220. 40c. -^ Series O. Pica No. o. Series 1. Pica, No. i. Series 2. Pica, No. 2. Long Primer No. o. Long Primer, No. i. Long Primer, No. 2. HHHHIBIMI^HBHI Brevier, No. o. Brevier, No. I. Brevier, No. 2. Hi^H^HBB^MMBB^HBBHH Minion, No. o. Minion, No. i. Mir.ion, No. 2. Nonpareil No. o. Nonpareil, No. i. Nonpareil, No. 2. Pearl, No. o. Pearl, No. i. Pearl, No. 2. 3 to Pica, No. o. 3 to Pica, No. i. 3 to Pica, No. 2. 4 ro Pica, No. o. 4 to Pica, No. i. 4 to Pica, No. 2. 5 to Pica, No. o. 5 to Pica, No. i. 5 to Pica, No. 2. 6 to Pica, No. o. 6 to Pica, No. i. 6 to Pica, No. 2. 8 to Pica, No. o. 8 to Pica, No. i. 8 to Pica, No. 2. 10 to Pica. No. o. 10 to Pica, No. i. 10 to Pica, No. 2. Series 3. Pica, No. 3. Series -4. Pica, No. 4. Series 5. Pica, No. 5. Long Primer No. 3. Long Primer, No. 4. Long Primer, No. 5. Brevier, No. 3. Brevier, No. 4. Brevier No. 5. Minion, No. 3. Minion, No. 4. MMion, No. 5. Nonpareil, No. 3. Nonpareil, No. 4. Nonpareil, No. 5. Pearl, No. 3. Pearl, No. 4. Pearl, No. 5. 3 to Pica, No. 3. 3 to Pica, No. 4. 3 to Pica, No. 5. 4 to Pica, No. 3. 4 to Pica, No. 4. 4 to Pica, No. 5. Series IS. Pica, No. 16. Pica, No. 17. 3iviscella,neo-a.s. Pearl, No. iO2-f- Nonpareil and one-half No. 16. Nonpareil and one-half, No. i5. Nonpareil, No. 1427 Nonpareil, No. 16. Nonpareil No. i5. Brevier, No. I43T Series . Pica, No. 6. Series 7". Pica, No. 7. Series S. Pica, No. 8. Long Primer, No. 6. Long Primer, No. 7. Long Primer, No. 8. Brevier, No. 6. Brevier, No. 7. Brevier, No. 8. Minion, No. 6. Minion, No. 7. Minion, No. 8. Nonpareil, No. 6. Nonpareil, No. 7. Nonpareil, No. 8. Pearl, No. 6. Pearl, No. 7. Pearl, No. 8. 3 to Pica, No. 6. 3 to Pica, No. 7. 3 to Pica, No. 8. 4 to Pica, No. 6. 4 to Pica, No. 7. 4 to Pica, No. 8. Series 2. Pica, No. 12. Series 13. Pica, No. 13. Series 1-4. Pica, N.o 14. Long Primer, No. 12. Long Primer, No. 13. Long Primer, No. 14. Brevier, No. 12. Brevier, No. 13. Nonpareil and one-half, No. 14. Minion, No. 12. Minion, No. 13. Brevier, No. 14. Nonpareil, No. 12. Nonpareil, No. 13. Minion, No. 14. Pearl, No. 12. Pearl, No. 13. Nonpareil, No. 14. 3 to Pica, No. 12. 3 to Pica, No. 13. Pearl, No, 14. 4 to Pica, No. 12. 4 to Pica, No. 13. 3 to Pica, No. 18. 6 to Pica, No. 168 Hivdliscellsineo-a.s I^-va-les 6 to Pica, No. 71. 6 to Pica, No. 1667 6 to Pica, No. 169 6 to Pica, No. 137. Pearl, No. io5f 6 to Pica, No. i58 6 to Pica, No. 72-p Minion, No. 146-]- 6 to Pica, No. i5g 6 to Pica, No. 737 Pearl, No. 144^ 6 to Pica, No. 5. 6 to Pica, No. 74f 6 to Pica No. 7. Brevier, No. 147^ ^xxv^jLC^NXN^J^xvx^v^ 1 1 1 PI' All Rules except those thus (f) designated can be made in labor-saving fonts to order. Waved and Scolloped Rules have been imitated in Borders, for which see another page. BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. Fonts of 17O Pieces. $8.OO. ^n,,, l?l:-! ' :;;: 00?; We here exhibit the complete construction of a form containing straight and bent lines. It is intended to illustrate the use of our NEW IMPROVED PATENT BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. They are indicated by hyphen rule, and are made to hold lines of any shape and body firmly. The Clamps match nonpareil, brevier, long primer, pica, great primer, double small pica, double english, double great primer, and four-line pica, and are marked to designate bod}'. All inter- mediate sizes, for instance, bourgeois can be clamped with long primer clamps in connection with a thin lead in order to make up for smaller body. They can be used in connection with (i-to-pica leads, enabling the printer to produce every possible variation of straight or curved lines. Lines clamped in this way, occupy scarcely any additional space, can never be thrown off their feet, and save a great amount of justification. All the reglets and quads required to lock up those ten lines in our little job are shown in print in order to prove these facts. Price per pound. 6 to pica $2 00 3 to pica 1 75 Nonpareil 1 00 Price per pound. Brevier $1 60 LoniT Primer 1 W Pica . 1 50 A very important item in blank work, having the face of fine dotted rule on bodies from six- to-pica upward. They are made to line with any face, and are cut in labor-saving lengths from one to eighteen ems pica. TYPOGRAPHY FLOURISHES 19 oo 27 47 32 lit .".7 Price, $3.50. 56 20 18 28 34 88 15 25 E-llY"**^ nil ~=r^ FOREST AVENUE ROCHESTER R. MELDRUty, Pres't. ~ Established 1820. . MELDRUM W. H. GR^HAHJ, Sec'y. 8 GENERAL MACHINE-WORKS 95 94 S3 Series 34. Single Letter, 20 cents; per set of 25 Letters, $1.00. w . "M Series Single Letter, 25 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $1.25. cQ^< "t ; .-\ * ^ ^ A JP ^ k m i JK M J% ^ Series Single Letter, :>0 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $2.00. ff m Series Single Letter, 25 cents; per set of 20 Letters, $1.25. Series 33. Single Letter, 40 cents ; per set of 25 Letters, $4.00. Series 33. Single Letter, 50 cents ; per set of 20 Letters, $5.00. ORIGINAL BORDERS. Fonts of 10 feet each. HALF XONP. BOR. No. 1. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. Xo. 2. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 7. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 8. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 18. $2.25. II II n ii ii I! n ii II n II n n II n mi n ii ii i; ;i r i! ii ii n ii a a ii n n ii B ii i! i! "i a n B HALF NONP. BOR. No. 10. $2.25. fXCTCXHTCTPrX'ffXWPCogrr^rv^ *.-. < HALF NONP. BOR. No. 15. $2.2-"). HALF NONP. BOR. No. 4. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 23. $2.25. f" -~~ HALF NONP. BOR. No. 13. $2.2.' HALF NONP. BOR. No. 32. $2.25. * HALF NONP. BOK. No. 33. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 19. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 31. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 20. $2.25. JIM II I HIM II III Ml II HIM Illl Mill Itlllimilllllll II IHI- 11 A 1,1 NONP. BOR. No. 26. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. !. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 11. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 12. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 17. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 22. $2.25. iiiimiiiminmmimiiiiMiHiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimiiitiiMi 'iiri'iiiiiiiiiiiiii HALF NONP. BOR. No. 30. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 25. $2.25. =-. ----3-C- HALF NONP. Bon. No. 3. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 1C>. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 34. $2.25. i^LLLLf HALF NONP. BOR. No. 28. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 21. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 27. $2.25. E5B5E5B5a5HSBSH5H5HSHSH5H5H5HSa525H5H5H5E5H525ES HALF NONP. BOR. No. 6. $2.25. HALF NONP. BOR. No. 24. $2.25. ORIGINAL BORDERS. Fonts of 10 feet each. XOXP. BOK. No. 223. $2.00. XONP. BOR. Xo. 20fi. $2.00. Jijiawii XOXP. BOR. Xo. 221. $2.60. ?!i!lli!il!lffl!!!MIIIII XONP. BOR. Xo. 201. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 210. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 219. $2.00. XOXP. Bolt. Xo. 2(C!. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 1212. $2.00. QJTJTJTTUTJTJTJTJTJIJTJTJIJTJTJTJT^^ XOXP. Bolt. Xo. 218. $2.00. XOXP. BOK. Xo. 228. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 22-4. $2.00. ^J I ' XOXP. BOR. Xo. 205. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 208. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 222. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 207. $2.60. ilffllilillllllllllll XOXP. BOR. Xo. 215. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 204. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 230. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 217. $2.00. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 211. $2.. $2.00. [Sjl^sng^^I^CmlEiplPiplCipJPmli'inJi'ip. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 229. $2.00. r XOXP. BOR. Xo. 220. $2.00. XONP. BOR. Xo. 213. $2.00. f%. al!!!k -Jim. y&t. A rJtk. afitac. jnllir mifliiir. iir. XOXP. BOR. Xo. 209. $2.00. uimmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiii XoXP. JioR. Xo. 220. $2.00. 'Xoxp. BOR. Xo. 214. $2.C,0. NONP. AND ONE-HALF BOK. No. 1. |:!.(X). (|^@/@/4/@/@/@/@//^//^ (i) (S) PICA BOK. No. 20.3. |:;.oo. ORIGINAL BORDERS. Fonts of 10 feet each. NONP. AND ONE-HALF B()K. No. 2. .|:!.(H). PICA Bou. No. 202. *:;.00. PICA BOR. No. 212. $:5.00. mil PICA BOK. No. 21:!. $:!.00. PICA BOK. No. 201. $:i.OO. PICA BOR. No. 201). $.'!.00. ri C J NONP. AND ONE-HALF BOK. No. I!. $:!.(K). ij'/Sjf/oiJ'/ PICA BOR. No. 2U. |:!.(HI. PICA BOK. No. 21.">. $5.00. PICA ]{OK. No. 211. |::.(K). PICA BOK. No. 2W. f i.txi. PICA Bou. No. 207. $::.oo. PICA BOK. No. 208. |:',.(Ki. PICA Bon. No. 20:!. *:!.(KI. ra THRKE LINK NONPAREIL BOK. No. 1. fl.!>."> Two LINK PICA BOR. No. 200. $.~>.. THREK LINK PICA BOR. No. 100. $8.00. m CARD ORNAMENTS SERIES 1. CARD ORNAMENTS SERIES 2. 11 12 8 1 9 2 5 6 3 7 10 13 Palmer & Rey, Type Founders, San Francisco, Cal. Carb Ornaments, Series 3. Characters cast on Nonpareil and Pica Bodies. 1 RIGHT 1 AND i MIGHfT HNsHK 1 q RESSJANDISWOI 17 16 21 CHARACTERS. 3456 9 10 11 12 I 15 i .;.- 23 2: 13 14 18 19 20 1 24 29 30 22 27 26 28 31 * Jv J 34 32 P/ca anrf Nonpareil Bodies. Price per Fount, $6.00. SCOTTISH-AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDRY, SA.V Fit A \CJSCO, CAL, OFFICE AND FOUNDRY, 405-407 SANSOME STREET. GORDON & GOTCH, . . AGENTS. Presses Cutters [ WOOD I TYPE 4 /?K FOUNDERS Characters cast 01 Pica and Nonpareil Bodies. 2 3 vs Price per Fount, $10.50. Campbell Press Manufg C C. B. Cottrell i Co. Globe Manufacturing Co. Peerless, Clipper, and Jewel Presiei and Peerless Paper Cutters. . P. Donnell A Co' Book-binder's Machinery Howard Iron Workt'f Buffalo) tiem and Diamond Paper Cutters. aCOMBLNAI IOIS Characters cast on Nonpareil and Pica Bodies. 11 12 Price per Fount, *6. 25. COMBINATION ORIENT BORDER iic Price per Fount, $7.25. Cfiozoctctj cast on StoviparcvC cmb 2vca Price per Fount, $4.50. Fonts, 3% pounds. 1 2 To PATENTED. Price, $3.75. 1 405 & 407 Sansome St. XS San Francisco, Cal. TYPOGRAPHY FLOURISHES PATENTED. 14 Series 12 Price, .f:i.50. 57 22 27 47 17 18 56 20 oo 28 MANUFACTURER OF SS BUST1G AVENUE ROCHESTER R. MELDRUH/I, Pres'l. 1820. W. H. GRAHAM, Sec'y. GENERAL MACHINE-WORKS 83 M Whole font, $8.00. PATENTED. Half font, $5.00. PRINTING MACHINERY SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIMENS, SHOWING OUR Patrons will avoid Errors, and possibly save themselves from unnecessary Delays, Annoyance and Expense, by observing the following Information : THE styles of Type shown in this Supplementary portion of the Book will be kept on hand, as regular stock, only as long as they remain popular, and are sustained by reasonable demand. fflf" As they are selected from various Eastern foundries, and therefore not in harmony, altogether, as to body, we place them in a separate division of the Book, for the purpose of avoiding misunderstanding and confusion with our own bodies, which are on the fractional or aliquot system. Founts marked a will justify with ours. Founts marked t will justify with the Scotch bodies. Orders for all type shown in this Book filled promptly. Any type not in this Book will be furnished in from four to five weeks. ffl^F' Please preserve all future specimens we may send you, as Supplements to this Book. NEVER cut a book, or sheet. Order by name and number. IsATIJM 6ONDEJNSE9. 30 A, 50 a. D PICA LATIN CONDENSED. $3.30 PEN, INK AND PAPER, IN TRADE'S PEACEFUL STRIFE, The Strongest Spokes in the Great Wheel of Life, Have Sown the Seeds of Truth Throughout the World; 24 A, 36 a. t GREAT PRIMER LATIN CONDENSED. $4.45 'GAINST FOULEST WRONGS THE KEENEST SHAFTS Have Hurled, Yet these three Champions, ever Prone to Change, Are known as Stationery : Truth is Strange, ISA, 24 a. D DOUBLE PICA LATIN CONDENSED. 84.95 BUGOLOGY RAMPANT. Contributions to the Natural History of America The Great Acrobat Beetle of Bolinas. 10 A, 14 a. t DOUBLE GREAT PRIMEK LATIN CONDENSED. $5.50 PUGET SOUNDINGS. The Royal Giraffe Clam of Olympia 6 A, lOa. D FOUR-LINE PICA LATIN CONDENSED. 87.00 TWELFTH EDITION Hewitt's Chinook Melodies. Palmer t Key. San Francisco and Portland 8A, 24a. H PICA OLD BLACK. $3.55 a Sons to tbe press, tbe printing press, of tbe (Boob Ib^fasbionefc Ifcinb, ire tbe (Biant flDacbine, Mitb its pulse of Steam, Elbows it out of 1ln 2)a^0 of JJ)ore ur jfatbere 6 A, 16 a. t GREAT PRIMER OLD BLACK. $4.00 tabor's Breab is Sweet to Eat, Hno Uootbsome is tbe toiler's ^Ifteat. 1barb to Beat. 5 A, 12 a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA OLD BLACK. $4.50 Hn Ibonest 16 Jface, {Though it be UMain, Hbmiration'! will (3ain. TEbEPJHONE OTHie. ISA. D PICA TELEPHONE GOTHIC. $1.65 STRENGTH AND DIGNITY OF THE OUDEN TIME. 2 12 A. t GREAT PRIMER TELEPHONE GOTHIC. $2.10 IMPREGNA0UE PIN FORTRESS, 54 8 A. O TWO-LINE PICA TELEPHONE GOTHIC. $2.65 OUR MEMORIAU TABUETS, JVIAP SHADE. 15 A. BREVIER MAP SHADE. $3.00 12 A. LONG PRIMER MAP SHADE. $3.00 THE SCEWIC KOUTEo R A MIO GKAiXBE MAIL WAY OF THE ROCKIES* 10 A. D PICA MAP SHADE. $3.00 5TURESQUE MOIHSTAIS r Bp HTK.IKAMH FORESTS OIF AMEK 6 A. RAVENS' SH/e9E. D PICA GRAVERS' SHADE. 81.80 6 A. t GREAT PRIMER GRAVERS' SHADE. rnr *2.80 4 A. D Two-LiSE PICA GRAVERS' SHADE. $3.20 4 A. t Two-LiNE GREAT PRIMER GRAVERS' SHADE. r IT $5.50 Palmer & Rey, Sau Francisco and Portland. fRANKLIN f^AY SHADED. 4A, 8 a. k % *t GREAT PRIMER FRANKLIN RAY SHADED. I R B S I D $3.50 3A,8a. *D DOUBLE PICA FRANKLIN RAY SHADED. $4.75 OLD SHADEB IT/VLI ONDEJMSED. 6 A, 12 a. D PICA OLD SHADED ITALIC CONDENSED. $3.60 SOCIXfY XVMIinF INI WASKO3I m ***Uettesb 4A, 8 a. t GREAT PRIMER OLD SHADED ITALIC CONDENSED. $3.80 4A, 8 a. D DOUBLE PICA OLD SHADED ITALIC CONDENSED. $5.30 Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland. J^AYSOfJ SCRIPT. 3A, 12a. & t GREAT PRIMER PAYSON SCRIPT. if . tWKZ 3A, 12a. , D DOUBLE PICA PAYBOX SCRIPT. / rt / -tz^uz. ^t'Ow^d- izstMi r. 4 A, 8 a. t DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER PAYSOX SCRIPT. #5.50 3 A, 8 a. DOUBLE PARAOOX PAYBOX SCRIPT. e an 86.00 OPPERfLATE TEXT. 6A, 12a. O PICA COPPERPLATE TEXT. 2.60 4A, 8 a. t GREAT PRIMER COPPERPLATE TEXT. S2.85 6 A, 10 a. DOUBLE SMALL PICA COPPERPLATE TEXT. 84.75 DOUBLE ENGLISH COPPERPLATE TEXT. < '4 ^ i^- Palmer AKESI9E SCRIPT, 8 A, 40 a. PICA LAKESIDE SCRIPT. $5.25 6A, 30a. GREAT PRIMER LAKESIDE SCRIPT. , {r[<^. I 23*f- AjUl^^t^e-^ CA-f 10A, 40a. GREAT PRIMER MANUSCRIPT No. 2. $6.00 ijKses 6 A, 24 a. DOUBLE PICA MANUSCRIPT No. 1. $7.00 'I/L^G" 4- c_y u^i^e^. UA.^ fa . A. > ft - 6 A, 22 a DOUBLE PICA MASUSCRIPT No. 2. $7.00 J n/ (? / j yL/- cy t/L/CLsU 2^ 'G-^L/Q'l/Ls'QsC'L/ \~SyLst. Palmer i Key, San Francisco ami Portland. EASTLAKE. 30A. NONPAREIL EASTLAKB. DEFAULTER'S ROUTE BOOK OF FOREIGN EXCURSIONS ^WRITTEN BY flN ABSENTEE, SHOWING HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY RNV 23 HEVflDE + PURSUING * OFFICERS^ 46 $1.90 20 A. BREVIER EASTLAKE. $2.00 -4 PATENT * AUTOMATIC $ ELECTORAL + COUNTERS I- 4 HONEST I OFFICIALS t CONSTRUCTED l ACCORDING * TO I CIRCUMSTANCES !- H UNIVERSAL * SUFFRAGE * SUPERSEDED *- 22A. LONG PRIMER EASTLAKE. H WONDERFUL + REPEATING + APPARATUS $2.20 -f OMNIPOTENCE I OF I MONEY-BAGS K- 16A. PICA EASTLAKE. $2.20 4 MIDNIGHT + TO + MORNING > LSRGE * MINORITIES * MSDE * SMALL * MAJORITIES H GLORIOUS I BALLOT K 10A. GREAT PRIMER EASTLAKE. FROLICSOME + KILKENNY i FELINES H + H BOOTJACK I EXERCISE K- T h- 7A. TWO-LIXE PICA EASTLAKE. I .80 CARVERS^ 5A. TWO-LINE GREAT PPIMER EASTLAKE. mrv Palmer i Key, San Francisco and Portland. JVIEZZOTIJMTS. (i A, $5.25 7= eXs ^ t DOUBLE PICA MEZZOTINT. 3A, $2.75 6 A, 88.00 12A. fDouBLK GRFAT PRIMER MEZZOTINT. t*GREAT PRIMER MEZZOTINT CONDENSED. 3 A, $4.50 $3.50 8 A. 6 A. t*DouBLE PICA MEZZOTINT CONDENSED. t* DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER MEZZOTINT CONDENSED. c%^ 4.50 Palmer A Key, San Francisco and Portland. ELLIPSE SHADED. 10 A. ECLIPSE SHADED. 8 A. 5 A. t GREAT PRIMER ECLIPSE SHADED. n tTwo-LiNE PICA ECLIPSE SHADED. HJffiM STEELfLATE. $3.25 $3.50 $4.50 12 A. 10 A. < jfe f> t PICA STEELPLATE. t GREAT PRI.MKR STEELPLATE. t TWO-LINE PICA STEELPLATE. $3.20 ^te^ $4.00 c & $5.10 STEELfLATE TEXT. C A, 14 a. t GREAT PRIMER STEELPLATE TEXT. 5 A, 10 a. t DOUBLE PICA STEELPLATE TEXT. $4.25 4 A, 8 a. t DOUBLE ENGLISH STEKLPLATE TEXT. I- $4.75 Palmer i /ley, San Francitco and Portland. OXONIAN. 14A, 20A. NONPAREIL OXONIAN. $2.15 FIGMENTS on ^EAOIHEN fflYWHOLosv. BLISSFUL fflEANDEi^iNGS OH UNNING ^^ Palmer Jt Key. San Franciico and Portland. OBELISK. IDA, 14a. TWO-LINE BREVIER OBELISK. $2.50 dOp$TK)]l Leaded Digcoui 1 ^ on tfolcaqic pjJMecIjnicg and J^uiwa Borealig Lightning Ffea^ and Electrical tfagarie? $ 1234567890 i 8A, lOa. TWO-LINE PICA OBELISK. $3.20 E(|YpTIAM Dapght VieW^ of Ruined Templeg and Fifteen pouf^ at tje $ 1234567890 S 6A, 7a. THREE-LINK PICA OBELISK. $5.15 Aigong Grunibliqg of pineVE $ 12345B7890 S Palmer i Key, San Francaco and Portland. UATINT. 14A, 20a. PICA AQUATINT. $3.70 fggM@@)li tt 4M1 If Sllfll) s il Lessons in Carriage and Sidewalk Management. Promenade Leadin IDA, 14 a. GREAT PRIMER AQUATINT. $4.25 f Pantomime Amusements of Oldtime Barons Hmiiiarian Ynletide Eyjoynieiijt^ 7A, lOa. TWO-LINE PICA AQUATINT. $5.55 Knoekinii Out in Four Rounds. One ens bury Rules. *,' -- - - - -- "->_: 5A, 5a. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER AQt'ATINT. $7.20 Ll4illl!i Treasura Efreightcd Palmer * Key, San Francisco and Portland TYPE WRITER. 108 a 20A. PICA TYPE WRITER. $7.50 The majority of Business Letters being pro- duced by means of the Type-Writer, has induced the cutting of this Face as an imitation of the Characters peculiar to that Instrument. When printed with Purple Ink, a Circular set in this FacePica "Type-Wri ter"--will readily mislead ***dr- the Recipient into the Belief that he has received an important Business Communication. EOMETRI OTJHie. 30a, 20A. PICA GEOMETRIC GOTHIC. $3.25 NATURAL PHENOMENA INVESTIGATED Causes and Effects the Subjects nf Intense Study 25 20a, 16A. GREAT PRIMER GEOMETRIC GOTHIC. $3.75 PRDFE55DRS DP WRESTLING Money Earned in Contests nf Strength 15a, 10A. DOUBLE PICA GEOMETRIC GOTHIC. $4.00 MERRIEST SPDRT Christmas Festival Enjoyed 15 8a, 5A. DOI-BLE GBEAT PRIMER GEOMETRIC GOTHIC. $5.00 RURAL SCENES Finest Views Praised Palmer * Key, San Francisco and Portland. RAPHAEL. 10A, 15a. t GREAT PRIMER RAPHAEL. $3.25 6A, 8a. DOUBLE PICA RAPHAEL. *4 .00 4A, 6a. t DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER RAPHAEL. .?">. fill f 1 JHOSARTH. 6 A, 8 a. DOUBLE PICA HOGARTH. $4.60 Travels H^njERICpI^f tlfall^er 4 A, 6 a. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER HOGARTH. $5.50 JJ nci e nt *t- Learning -t* 4 A, 4 a. CANON HOGARTH. $7.50 Chinese^DeVcrHon 4 A, 4 a. SIX-LINE PICA HOGARTH. $16.50 Joss UfoFship Palmer & A'ey, San Francisco and Portland. EOMETRI6 ITALI6. 16A,50a. NONPAREIL GEOMETRIC ITALIC. $2.75 THE BEAUTY ACROSS THE WAY. She lived upon the shady side of that old-fashioned country street: a spreading Chestnut greenly tried to screen the door of her retreat; a tiny garden, trim and square, a snowy Bight of steps above, <** sweet suggestions in the air of the flowers the poets love. 13A, 40a. LONG PRIMER GEOMETRIC ITALIC $3.50 DELIGHTFUL UISWN, In Memory's Enchanted land I SEE the laughing maiden yet, with watETing-pnt in mitt en ed hand, gaze prnudly at her mignonette, 16A,46a. BREVIER GEOMETRIC ITALIC. 33.50 FURTHER DESCRIPTION. Two branching Rpple trees o'erspead a rickety old garden seat; no Apples were e'er so red, or since have tasted half so sweet Earliest Thoughts of Love, 12A, 34a. PICA GEOMETRIC ITALIC. SIGHING LGI7ER The fleeting hours which n' ET return again leave only weary days of pain 3E5 10A, 24a. GREAT PRIMER GEOMETRIC ITALIC. $4.50 DRERMS OF HAPPINESS Youthful Illusions Dispelled by Experience Demolishing Castles in the Rir 19 10A, 15a. DOUBLE PICA GEOMETRIC ITALIC. $5.00 'S PLEASING SCENE. Taking Retrospective Glances Past Days 3D eONDENSED EOMETRI6. GT. PRIMER COND. GEOMETRIC. 22 A. 30 a. $4.25 I PICA CONDENSED GEOMETRIC. 22 A, 30 a. $3.75 Earthly ftars 54*- DEL. PICA COND. GEOMETRIC. 12 A, 16 a. $4.00 ->;BATTLE^FIELESi<- -* Little I(radDms Beyond the Seas 123* DEL. err PRIM. COND. GEOMETRIC. 9 A, 12 a. $5.45 eath Scene Palmer t Key, San Francisco cnld Portland. JHARPER. 8A, 16a. IGREAT PRIMER HARPER. $3.75 8A, 16a. DOUBLE PICA HARPER. $5.00 of J 5 f Wecome. 4A. RIMMED INITIALS. SI. 00. 4A. RIMMED INITIALS. $1.50. 5A, lOa tDouBLE GREAT PRIMER HARPER. G in Vel\/ e t, 4A. RIMMED INITIALS. $2.25. JVIORNING LORY. 12 A, 32 a. GREAT PRIMER MORNING GLORY. in 2 Wf&Wn rlcivcns So^n n^s junk rne Golden D^y &nd Suns4 flu 2 s ^nd Tmls hw e DIG) in (Ld^ Aw^y 2^70 12 A, 20 a. fifi T DOUBLE PICA MORNING GLORY. Disp &ys ln e G All is PICTUI^O in &> L ov .\, 50a. PEAKL GEOMKTBIC, ox NONPAREIL BODY. ^S.50 BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS APPEARING TO RN ENRAPTURES DESER1TER DF NATURK NOU7 THE HUSH DF TWILIGHT FALLS GENTLY DN THE GREEN AND SLOPING MEADOWS All TrEmulcus :hs AKPEHE Stand by the Waywcrn Zephyrs Fanned 15Q Great Charr-is of Evening DEPARTURE DF THE SUNLIGHT Splendors uf a Dying Day 16A, iiOa. NONPAREIL GEOMETRIC. $2.75 RESULT OF THE HFFLIC.H.TICN DF A NEW PRINCIPLE IN TYPE DESIGNING Handsome Ssries for Neat, Tasty and Elegant Printing Extremely Useful in JLlmost Every Style of Artistic Typography 345 16A, 4Ca. IJUKVIKR (iKOMETBIC. $3.50 GRACEFUL FORMS DF SQUARES ANU PARALLELOGRAMS Letters Cnrapased of Straight Lines and Angles BD Beautiful Effect Produced Without Using the Line nf Beauty ISA. 40il. JjOX(S ]'1 STYLE EXT. 24A, 30a, $2.75 , BREVIEK OLD STYLK EXT. 20A, 16A, 30;i, $4.00 Concert IProgreimmes Complete Arrangement LONG PKIMER OLD STYLE EXT. 16A, 16A, 22a, $4.25 POPULAR AIRS OAKLAND OK SONG Transcriptions 93 GT. PKIMKK OLD STYLE EXT. 9A, A, 12a, $5.50 ANTHEM TUNE BOOK GENTLE MELODY DANCES OK STRAUSS 12 Pretty Variations PICA OLD STYLE EXT. 14A, 14A, 22a, $5.00 NE\V OPERA CONCKRT IPiano Sonatas DOUBLE PICA OLD STYLE EXT. 6A, 6A, Kta, $7.00 UNITING Quartette 4 Oratorio I A. 4A. 6*. DOITJLE GREAT PKIMEK OLD STYLE EXTENDED. 5O SHEBTS $8.50 MUSIC FOLIO Harmony 8 4A, 4A, 6a. I C.VNON OLD STYLK EXTENDED. $17.75 v SE Cliarm 6 SECTIONAL FACES. Paragon Sectional Gothics Xos. 1 and 2 in combination. , riiimiiip nr flimyp IKnnn ^j CLKARIXG-HOUSE: BALAXCES I uiiuniu u 1 unmuj 6 A. PARAGON SECTIONAL GOTHIC No. 1. $3.50 BJIIIPIP rnn nuiiin mm LIST OF CHOICEST GEMS BY EMINENT COMPOSERS * ii/iuuiu i uu i mmu nmu unumv PAKAGOX SECTION AL GOTHIC No. 2. $2.60 nmniii min PHIITII miirniPiiM IXTER-COXTIXEyTAI^ KAIL.HOAD SURVEYS nun i u nnu uuuin mviLiiiumii DOUBLE ENGLISH SECTIONAL GOTHIC. $1.60 lunrmnrn 8 LIQHTNINEyS ^ PUPILS e INSTRUCTED >a LLLUIIIIU II1UIIIUILU 4 A. PICA SECTIONAL GRAPHIC. $3.00 GENTLEST WINDS FROIvI \VESTERN CLIVEES 5 A. GREAT PRIMER SECTIONAL GRAPHIC. $4.60 ADMIRATION EXPRESSED BY /ESTHETIC INDIVIDUALS 9 Each section of a letter is nicked, and stamped with the letter of which It is a part. Palmer & Keg^ San Francisco and PcT'.'.and, TOCSIJM. 8 A, 16 a. PICA TOCSIN. 4.15 Ti\e BYfctfiklifc TyfD^gi-ap^id^l g&oiely <*>f 1&&S. 6 A, 12 a. GREAT PRIMER TOCSIN. '& Meefctfcgg 4 A, 8 a. DOUBLE PICA TOCSIN. s4.9f> TOCSIN JMo. 2. 12 A, 6 A. PICA TOCSIN, No. 2. gUFF^NDBR OF LORD GORNWAL^I^LS MARCH 10 A, 5 A. GREAT PRIMER Toc.six, No. 2. s-i.40 GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY 8 A, 4 A. DOUBLE PICA TOCSIN, No. 2. WASHINGTON VICTORIOUS TOCSIJM ONDEJMSED. 8 A, 20 A. PICA TOCSIN C'o.NDEXsKi) >:'._() 1883 MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS OF AI.I, NEW STYI^RS OF TYPE 12^4 6 A, 12 A. GREAT PRIMER TOCSI.N CONDENSED. 3.65 BRIGHTON CADETS ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER DOUBLE HANDSOME) A, 8 A. DOUBLE PICA TOCHIN CONDENSED. $).25 5 A, 6 A. DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER TOCSIN CONDENSED. 6.3,~> }^y Palmer Jt Key, San Francisco and Portland. JVIOR/WIAJvl 12 A. LONG PRIMER MORAVIAN. $2.50 PICA MORAVIAN. 8 A. GREAT PRIMER MORAVIAN. $4.40 6 A DOUBLE PICA MORAVIAN. 85.70 p>ARISIAJM. 15 A, 50 a. take -a-teat fl tPiat oviA efoit6. ^v-a-v^e PICA PARISIAN. $5.80 vn- ja/le&entt-nq. to t^te (Slaft tfatA rveui <|S^ ^auti/fuC I * 1 I i/nq ku-cfr/ -a fctteV fo-A, ntce tuoilv ka6- Co-'Kvq, uen- d I d otd-eAo- ixie &^vaW A-e-cetAJ-e ixie &^iatt 6-c con/urnce-d. Card Founts, 8 A, 16 a, $3.85 GREAT PRIMER PARISIAN. Circular Founts, - Cups, 15 A, $4.10 " Lower Case, 50 a, $4.70 Card Founts, 5A, 12a, .$5.80. DOUBLE PICA PARISIAN. Circular Founts, Caps, 10 A, $4.10 Lower Case, 40 a, $7.70 3 ujtitf 7 !/ tko -C'Va/t to^A/ n-t-c-9 /tli/ Palmer & Key, San Francttvo and Portland. OLD STYLE ONDEJ^SED, J\|o. 3. 20 A, 30 a. GREAT PRIMER OLD STYLE CONDENSED, No. 3. S3.20 Festive Roumanian Brigands Encamped in Mountainous Retreats 24 TRAVELLERS' PERILOUS POSITION 35 15 A, 20 a. DOUBLE PICA OLD STVLE CONDENSED, No. 3. $4.20 10 A, 15 a. 24 WORLD'S CATTLE COUNTRY 13 DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER OLD STYLE CONDENSED, No. 3. $5.00 Convention of Some American Novelists 13 AMERICAN LITERATURE 72 11 A, 15 a. A, 11 a. 5 A, 7 a. 4 A, SERIES. DofBLE PlCA RUBENS. BmatGiirs Records 35 miles DOUBLE GREAT PRIMER RUBENS $4.65 85.50 CANON RUBENS. 86.60 FIVE LINE PICA RUBENS. Palmer & Key, San Francisco and Portland Architectural Combination. % Price, including Brass Rule, $5.85. 1234 5 6 7 8 I fl 9 li 21 22 23 U y u The San Francisco Newspaper Union. 4- J J Palmer < Key, San Francisco and Portland. WOf^D ORNAJVIENTS. ASSORTMENT No. 1. COMPLETE FONT, $3 TWO-LINE BREVIER TWO-LINE LONG PRIMER v/-,\fSj l^/iv?- 10 11 12 13 14 TWO-LINE ENGLISH 12 345 TWO-LINE PICA 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ASSORTMENT No. 2. COMPLETE FONT, $2 TWO-LINE SMALL PICA PICA GREAT PRJMER 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ASSORTMENT No. 3. COMPLETE FONT, $2.50 PICA LONG PRIMER BREVIER GREAT PRIMER 1234 BREVIER 5678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TWO-LINE PICA x'x TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER 17 18 98 Jl 23 24 ASSORTMENT No. 4. COMPLETE FONT, $2 PICA LONG PRIMER GREAT PRIMER 234 TWO-LINE PICA 5678 9 10 11 12 TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ASSORTMENT No. 5. COMPLETE FONT, $2 PICA LONG PRIMER BREVIER NONPAREIL GREAT PRIMER >3 V - &- -48 * * 8- ""* * ''" ^~ ->3 # * 3<- ~*^5 4 1234 5678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 TWO-LINE SMALL PICA TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER 21 22 23 24 25 23 27 28 Palmer * fl#, Sni Francisco and Porttund. NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. TWO-LINE GREAT PRIMER CONDENSED No. 1. DAILY EXCHANGE TWO-LINE PARAGON CONDENSED No. 4. AUBUM REFORMER FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED No. 4. TRUE DEMOCRAT TWO-LINE PARAGON CONDENSED No. 1. HAMDEN LEDGER FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED LIGHT-FACE No. 1. HOME RECORD FOUR-LINE PICA CONDENSED LIGHT-FACE No. 2. I) ALTON NEWS SIX-LINE PICA CONDENSED LIGHT-FACE No. 4. r THE KECORD The average price of Electrotyped Heads in any Specimen Book is |;!.0(). Special Engraved Heads made to order at prices according to style and size, from $15.00 to $100.00. NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. Foi'H-LiNE PICA No. :>. FULTON POST KOCH-LINK PICA LIGHT-FACE No. >. ERIE TIMES KIVK-LINE PICA No. 1. SENTINEL SIX-LINK I'ICA LIC.HT-FACE No. 2. TRIBUNE six -LINE PICA No. 1. ARGUS SIX-LINK PICA ITALIC HOME The average price of Electrotyped Heads from any type in any Specimen Book is fS.OO. Special Engraved Heads made to order at prices according to style and size, from $15.00 to $100.00. NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. Foru-LiNE PICA OLD STYLE. THE MONITOR FOUH-LINE PICA OLD STYLE with FIVE-LINE INITIALS. HURON NEWS FIVE-LINE PICA OLD STYLE. REPORTER Home Journal FIVE-LINE PICA OLD STYLE with SIX-LIXK INITIALS. MORNING SIX-LINE PICA OLD STYLE. EDITION Peoria Item The average price of Electrotyped Heads' in any Specimen Book is $3.00. Special Engraved Heads made to order nt prices according to style and size, from $15.00 to 1100.00. NEWSPAPER HEAD-LINES. SIX-LINE PICA SLOPING BLACK. Also EIGHT-LINE PICA SLOPINC BLACK. FIVE-LINE PICA BLACK ORXA. SIX-LINE PICA BLACK CONDENSED No. 3. SEVEN LINE PICA MODERN TEXT DOfBl.K SHADED. Also EIGHT and TEN-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT DOUBLE SHADED. SEVEN-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT ORNA. No. 1. Also EIGHT and TEN-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT ORNA. No. 1. EKiHT-LINE PICA MODERN TEXT. liichmimd Also TEN-LINE PICA MODKIIN TEXT. >c< $ >o< >o< H r-r- -^ i < ^fi^ ^ i^ ^ I 11 m4 Manufactured by The Win. H. Page Wood Type Co., Norwich, Conn. PALMER 3s RET Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. WOOD RULE, 12 cents per yard, 15 cents per foot on end wood. No. 31. 35 40 43 47 S3 Border No. 195 40 cents per foot. Manufactured by The Win. H. Page Wood Type Co., Norwich, Conn. PALMER & REY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco. WOOD RULE, 12 cents per yard, 15 cents per foot on end wood. No. 36. 39 42 H 45 48 54 57 60 Border No. 249 40 cents per foot. v P Cl Jij Manufactured by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co., Norwich, Conn. PALMER & EE7 Agents, 105 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. Eight Line Corners. Cut from 6 to 30 Lines Pica. 16 39 5 Ornamental Rule No. 7. $3,00 per Set. 6 feet of Rule on end wood and 1 6 Corners complete a Set. Ornamental Rule No. 4. $4,00 per Set. 9 feet of Rule, 8 Corners and 4 Center pieces complete a Set. Two Line Combination Dashes. Cut any size desired. 5 cents each. 234 5 6 7 One Line. Extension Lines 1 5 cents per foot. Three Line Four Line. Border No. 196. 40 cents per foot. \VOOD TYFK. Made any size desired. PALMER it EEY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Manufactured by The Wm. H. Page Wood Type Co., Norwich, Conn Eight Line Corners. Cut from 6 to 30 Lines Pica. J 7 13 H 1 9 V IIIIB lC*^^^^j';^^^:*A^^J*^^^7%Mk^*4^Mt4M^^4^^^7'lA^Mk^MMk!^^Mk < WOOD TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMEE & ELY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. STAR RULE, 20 cents per foot, Corners 25 cents per set. No. 10 * * Five Line CATCH WORDS. 15 cents each. No. 4 15 5 13 18 BORDER No. 173. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. IQIOIOIQ1OIOIOIQIOIOIOIQIQIOIOIOIQIOI ^VOOI3 TYFE. M acle any size desired. PALMEK & EEY, Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Four Line No. IfiO. 5 cents per Letter. Mgtttal Park Six Line No. 160. 5 cents per Letter. FRIENDS Five Line No. 142. 5 cents per Letter. Eight Line No. 142. 7 cents per Letter. Ten Line No. 142. 9 cents per Letter. BORDER No. 193. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. lOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIGIOIOIOiOIOI WOOD TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMEE & EEY Agents, 405 &407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Five Line No. 143. 5 cents per Letter Ten Line No. 143. 9 cents per Letter. Fifteen Line No. 143. 12 cents per Letter. BORDER No. 191. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. WOOD TYIrMS. Made any size desired. PALMER & EEY Agents, 405 &407 Sansom St., San Francisco, Gal. Eight Line STARS. No. 1 . 8 cts. 16 cts. No. 7. 1 8 cts. No. 9. 18 cts. No. 4. 18 cts. No. 6. 18 cts. BORDER No. 209. 40 cents per foot. Made only as shown. 1 I I I WOOD TYJPEJ. Made any size desired PALMEE & EEY, Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Six Line Antique Tuscan XX Cond. No. 1. 7 cents per Letter. Steamers 30 Twelve Line Antique Tuscan XX Cond. No. 1, 13 cents per Letter. Six Line Egyptian Ornamented. 7 cents per Letter. BOEDER No 276. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. IV I WOOD TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMER & BEY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Four Line French Clarendon. 5 cents per Letter. Mercantile Association Six Line French Clarendon. 5 cents per Letter. Ten Line French Clarendon. 9 cents per Letter. Twelve Line French Clarendon. 10 cents per Letter. BORDER No. 277i. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. ! ! V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.*' g 3 -r\ 3 ^ X X "WOOD T^VfE. M!ade any size desired PALMEE & KEY, Aeents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal, Three Line Antique Tuscan Extended. 6 cents per Letter. Four Line Antique Tuscan. 6 cents per Letter. Load 28 Five Line Antique Tuscan Condensed. (5 cents per Letter. V: DRIVES Eight Line Antique Tuscan XX Condensed. 9 cents per Letter. Panto 58 Eight Line Gothic Tuscan Extra Condensed. 9 cents per Letter. GRAPES BORDER No. 208. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. X X J& rl% i ! \VOOJ3 T^VTIPE. M!ade any size desired. PALMEK & KEY, Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal 6 Line No. 157. 5 cents per letter. 10 Line No. 157. 9 cents per letter. 6 Line No. 158. 5 cents per letter. 10 Line No 158. 9 cents per letter. BORDER No 262f . 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. ft ft ft WO< >J3 TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMEE & ELY, Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Gal. _ Four Line No. 164. 6 cents per Letter. Haetioc 94 Six Line No. 164. 7 cents per Letter. Eight Line No. 164. 9 cents per Letter. Four Line No. 156. 6 cent* per Letter. Eight Line No. 156. 9 cente'per Letter. BORDER No. 168. 50 cents per foot. Made only as thown. T"VrrK. IVIade any size desired. PALMEE & EEY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Six Line Antique Tuscan Extra Condensed. 7 cents per Letter. DENVER Eight Line Antique Tuscan Extra Condensed. 9 cents per Letter. SHOPS Four Line Columbian. 5 cents per Letter. Hives 73 Six Line Columbian. 6 cents per Letter. , Eight Line Columbian. 8 cents per Letter. BORDER No. 18.5 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. lojgigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigioi 101 101 101 101 101 101 igi igi igi igi 101 igi igi igi igi igi igi 101 igi igi igi 101 igi igi igi igi 10! igi igi igi igi 101 WOOJD TYJPK. oMade any size desired PALMEE & EET, Aeents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal, Four Line No. 131. 5 cents per Letter. Mark 21 6 Line No. 131. 6 cents per letter. TRIP 10 Line No. 131. 10 cents per letter. IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI 2 Line No. 153. 6 cents per letter. |l%| IOI 4 Line No 153. 6 cents per letter. lx*r | IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI IOI Eight Line No. 114. 9 cents per Letter. RIBE IOI BORDER No. 292. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. \O\ IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI I g WOOD TYJPE. Made any size desired. PALMEK & KEY, Aerents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Four Line Gothic. 5 cents per Letter. Charts 8 Four Line Gothic Condensed No. '2. 5 cents per Letter. Muster 56 Five Line Gothic Condensed No. 3. 5 cents per Letter. Blanks 85 Four Line Gothic Condensed No. 4. 5 cents per Letter. Norwich 75 Four Line Gothic Condensed. 5 cents per Letter. Great Eastern Four Line Gothic Extra Condensed. 5 cents per Letter. Steamboat Lost 71 BORDER No. 169. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. WOOD TY!*:E. Made any size desired. PALMER & EEY Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Five Line No. 155. 5 cents per Letter. Page Improved MTERS Eight Line No. 155. 7 cents per Letter. Four Line No. 152. 5 cents per Letter. Photographic EXCITE MEN Six Line No. 152. 5 cents per Letter. BANKER BORDER No. 174. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. !>^ x >^^.^^S!!>^* x >*^>!l!!>*.y x ! >;*.] I ' * WOOD TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMEE & EET, Agents, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Four Line No. 130. 5 cents per Letter. Furnish 4 Five Line No. 130. 5 cents per Letter. SOUNDS Eight Line No. 130. 8 cents per Letter. BITE Four Line Clarendon Italian. 5 cents per Letter. Francisco 32 Five Line Clarendon Italian. 5 cents per Letter. WRESTLE Seven Line Clarendon Italian. 6 cents per Letter. NARE BORDER No. 184. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. tVxVxVxVxVxVxVxxV WOOD TYFEJ. Made any size desired. PALMER & KEY Agent*, 405 & 407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. Four Line No. 129. 5 cents per Letter. Favorite Excursion Eight Line No. 129. 7 cents per Letter. WILL BE Six Line No. 154. 5 cents per Letter Ten Line No. 154. 9 cents per Letter. BORDER No. 277. 50 cents per foot. Made only as shown. WOOD TYPE. Made any size desired. PALMES, & KEY Agents, 405 &407 Sansome St., San Francisco, Oal. BORDERS shown on this page made only in sizes shown. No. 240. $1.00 per foot. No 274. 75 cents. *^^^^^^^^ ^^^^f^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^fe. 4^^^E^^. J^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ No. 280. 75 cents. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii No. 281. 75 cents. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiimiK No. 282. 75 cents. No. 283. $1.00. No. 262i. 50 cents. f